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CYCLOPEDIA OF AMEEICAN" BIOGRAPHY. BUTLER, David, first state governor of Nebraska (1807-70), was born near Linton, Green Co., He received a limited disInd., Dec. 15, 1829. died trict school education, and his father having before he had attained his majority, the care of the large family early devolved upon him. He engaged in farming, mercantile busi-
successively ness and cattle dealing, and acquired a considerHe able fortune, but lost it in the panic of 1857. removed to Pawnee City, Neb., in 1859, and after to the bar in 1861. studying law, was admitted Beside practicing his prpfession, he continued to do mere-untile busings. He was elected a member of the Nebraska territorial legislature in 1861, and of the territorial senate in 1863. On Mar. 1, the Union, and 1867, Nebraska was admitted to he was elected its first state governor by a majorof 145 votes over J. S. Morton, his Democratic ity
re-elected by a much larger majority in and while serving his second term he was
He was Sergeant's Bluff on the Missouri river. one of the first settlers in Dakota county, Neb. In the fall of 1870 he was elected secretary of the state on the Republican ticket, and by virtue of this office became governor of Nebraska upon the impeachment of Gov. Butler Mar. 4, 1871. The legislature convening but once every two years he delivered his only message Jan. 10, 1873, and three days after was superseded by Gov. Furnas.
FTJRNAS, Robert Wilkinson,
third governor 1873-74) was born in Miami county, O., May 5, 1824, a twin son of William and Martha (Jenkins) Furnas, of Quaker descent. His parents died of cholera when he was eight years old and thereafter he was mainly dependent on his own exertions for a livelihood. While attending school he was employed on farms, in stores and as an and then by a apprentice, first by a tinsmith Upon completing his apprenticeship in printer. 1844 he managed a printing concern at Cincinnati, of
an unsuccessful candidate for the U. S. senate. He was again re-elected governor in 1870, and durmade against ing this, his third term, charges were him of irregularities in administering the school " which he managed until the braska Advertiser fund of the state. He was accordingly impeached of representatives in March, outbreak of the civil war. house Nebraska the by misdemeanor in In 1861 he was commis1871, and being found guilty of a sioned by Pres. Lincoln a office on one of the eleven articles of impeachcolonel in the regular army ment, he was removed from the executive chair, of and organized and comhis third term being filled by the secretary manded three regiments of state. William H. James, who became acting governor under the constitution. Six years later the Cherokee, Creek. Seminole, from Chickasaw and Choctaw Inlegislature rescinded the verdict of removal The years of Gov. dians, having for guide the office, expunging the record. Indian chief Opothleoholo, Butler's administration were marked by an unand of who had been the leading precedented growth of material prosperity creative period of spirit in the Florida war of population, and constitute the the state. During his incumbency the state cap- 1834. He subsequently held a commission as colonel of ital was removed from Omaha to Lincoln, then After ten years' the 2d Nebraska cavalry, just founded, December, 1867. retirement from active political life, he was served in the war against elected to the state senate as an independent in the Sioux Indians, and was appointed agent for the 1882, and in 1888 he was the unsuccessful candidate of the Union Labor party for,governor. Gov. Omaha, Ponca and WinneFor four Butler died near Pawnee City, Neb., May 25, 1891. bago Indians. terJAMES, William Hartford, second governor years he served in the ritorial legislature, framed the first educational of Nebraska (1871-72). was born in Marion county, His father was a native of law of Nebraska, organized and became presiO., Oct. 15, 1831. of agriculture, was president Maryland, but emigrated to Ohio in 1820. where dent of the board he followed the trade of tanner, and after 1842 of the first territorial educational convention and was engaged in merchandizing. He served with dis- is said to have built the first schoolhouse in the He was elected governor of Nebraska tinction in the war of 1812 and subsequently settling territory. in Ohio, was a member of the state legislature and in 1872^ as a Republican and served during 1873died there in 1868. The son removed to Des 74. In the latter year the state was visited by an Moines, la., in 1853 where he read law and after unusually long drought and a severe grasshopper to relieve which a being admitted to the bar began his practice at plague caused great suffering,
of state society was organized nnd $50,000 worth He was bonds' sold by tin' legislature of 187f). State' secretary and'tlic president of the Nebraska Horticultural Society, president of the State Sol dicrs' I'nioii and the State Historical Society, and For thirty-six conrecent of the State I niversity. in large fair lie engaged actively and during that time was eho-eii the S. commissioner to Philadelphia, New Orleans and Chicago expositions. In 1800 he retired to the life of a farmer and stock raiser and
secutive years
enterprises I
conducting one of the largest fruit (!ov. Fnrnas uf the \Yc-t.
hum- and vineyards
of fourteen volumes of Nebraska is the author He was agricultural and horticultural reports. married at Cincinnati, O., Oct. 211, 1S4.">, to Mary F.., daughter of Daniel McComas, who died in 1S!>7, and in 11)01 was married to Mrs. Susannah (Eims\viler)
Silas, fourth governor of Nebraska (187f)-7S), was born in Logan county, O., Sept. 21, At the age of seventeen he removed to 1833.
Nebraska delegation. In 1878 he was elected governor of Nebraska by a large majority and served two years, after which he retired from political activity and engaged as a banker and broker in lie was married Sept. lid, 1H75, to Chicago, 111. Sarah, daughter of Kgbcrt and Mary White, of Farragut. la. DAWES, James William, sixth governor of Nebraska ISSii-.Stii. was born at McConnellsvillc. Morgan co.. ()., .Ian. (i, 1S45. son of Dr. F.dward M. and Caroline (Dana) Danes. When eleven years of age he removed with his parents to Newport, Wis.. where for several years he worked on his father's farm, attending the common school in He subsequently studied two terms in winter. the preparatory department of Western Reserve College and took a six months' course in a busilie was a merchant's ness college in Milwaukee, clerk at Kilbourn City. Wis., 1S(>4-(>S. and then entered the law office of John II. Dawes, at Fox I
In Clayton county, la., and engaged in farming. the" civil war he joined the Federal army and served with distinction throughout the conllict, first in the 3d Missouri regiment and then in the 27th Iowa infantry, attaining the rank of capFor four years after the war he was in tain. California, and hi May, 1870, he settled in WebTwo years later he laid out ster county. Neb. the town of Red Cloud, which became the county seat, and he was made the first probate. He also represented Webster. Nuckolls judge. and .lell'erson counties in the legislature, and served as register of the United States land office at Lincoln in 1873-74. In the latter year he was elected governor of Nebraska, and was re-elected iii His administration was marked by a 1876. general advance in the condition of the state finances and by progress in the educational insti tutions. During his first term a constitutional convention was held in Lincoln, June, 1875, and the new state constitution framed bv that body was adopted by a popular vote on October 10th following. After retiring from office Gov. Garber engaged in raising live stock.
Albinus, fifth governor of Nebraska was born at Lafayette, 111., Mar. 3, 1848, son of Dr. Hiram and Sarah (Smith) Nance, and grandson of William and Nancy (Smith) (1879-82),
Nance. His ancestors were French Huguenots, who emigrated to the new world and settled in North Carolina. He was educated in the schools of Lafayette and Kewanee, 111., and at the age of sixteen years enlisted as a private in the !)th Illinois He served until cavalry. the close of the civil war, and then matriculated at Knox College, Galesburg. but left after a year III., and began the study of law. He was admitted to the bar in
and removing to
the following year, located at Osceola, Polk co., where he soon established a lucrative law In 1874 he was practice. elected a representative in the Nebraska legislature.
being re-elected two was later. made years He speaker of the house. was a delegate to the Republican national convention at Cincinnati in 1876. and was chairman of the
f~ S/Jl / f ^^i^UA^f i^T^u^/
anc '
Lake, Wis., and upon being admitted to the bar in January. 1871, located at Crete, Saline co., Neb., where he has since resided. He was engaged first in mercantile pursuits, and in 1877 took up the practice of law. Mr. Dawes was a member of the state constitutional convention of 1875, and in 1876 was a state senator from Saline county. He was chairman of the Republican state central committee for six years, and for four years following 1880 was a member of the Republican national committee, having been a delegate to the He was elected convention of 1880 in Chicago. governor of Nebraska in 1882, and was re-elected Gov. Dawes aided in establishing Doane in 1884. College at Crete in 1875, and has since been a trustee and secretary of that institution.
Milton, seventh governor of
(1887-1)0), was born at Mass., ,1an. 24, 1820, son of Eliaa and
Ruth Thayer.
received an excellent preparatory education, and after graduating at Brown University in 1841 he studied law and was admitted to the bar.
Subsequently he went. West, stopping for a short time in Ohio, and settling in Omaha. Neb., shortly " Kansas-Nebraska act." after the passage of the He at once engaged in the practice of law and began taking an active interest in politics. He was originally a Democrat, but joined the Republican party in 1857. He was appointed brigadier-general of the territory and proved to be an excellent
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. In 1855 he was elected majorIndian fighter. (it the territorial forces by the legislature, and continued to hold that position until the commencement of the civil war. In July, 1859, he conducted the Pawnee war, in which the entire tribe was captured and put upon a reservation, and a year later he was chosen a member of the
fighting experience proved of great value during the
civil He was comwar. missioned colonel by the war
department and took command of the first regiment that left Nebraska for the field.
bravery at Fort Donaldson and Shiloh, was appointed brigadier-general of volunservices," Oct. 4, 1862, rnd was placid in command of five Iowa regiments and a part of the 3d Illinois cavalry, with which he assisted General Sherman in the operations teers
for distinguished
He was breveted majoragainst Yicksburg. general of volunteers, Mar. 13, 1865, and resigning on July 19 following, returned to Nebraska. He was pruininent in organizing the territory of Nebraska into a state, and was elected one of the first two United States senators from the new He then destate, serving until Mar. 3, 1871. voted himself to his private business, retaining, however, his interest in politics. In 1875 he was
appointed governor of Wyoming territory, and served four years. In 1886 he was elected governor of Nebraska, and was re-elected in 18S8, his second term expiring in January, 1891, but on account of a contest pending against his successor he was allowed to hold over till February, 1892. After retiring from office he resumed the practice of law at Lincoln, Neb. Gov. Thayer was department commander of the G. A. R. in the state of Nebraska in 1886 fc He was married in 1843 to Mary Torrey, daughter of Rev. John Allen, a Baptist clergyman of Massachusetts.
BOYD, James E., eighth governor of Nebraska (1891-92), was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, Sept. it, 1834, son of Joseph and Margaret Boyd. When he was ten years of age his parents came to America and located in Belmont, 0., but moved to Zanesville in 1847. In August, 1856, he accompanied his brother to Omaha, where he found employment as a carpenter and joiner. years later he married H. Henry, a native of
a partner in the commission firm of Boyd, Paxton & Boyd of Chicago in 1886. He was a' member of the Chicago Board of Trade and of the New York stock exchange, was the owner of an extensive cattle ranch near Fort Fetterman, Wyo., and of the Boyd opera house, Omaha. He was clerk of Douglas county in 1857, and later of Buffalo county; was a member of the first statelegislature in 1866 and of both Nebraska state constitutional conventions of 1871 and 1875. He was regarded as one of the most public spirited citizens of Omaha, and during the two terms he was mayor, 1881-83 and 1885-87, he inaugurated of the improvements that have elevated the many
He was a delegate city to its present dignity. to the Democratic national conventions of 1884, 1888 and 1892, and a member of the national Democratic committee. In 1890 h:> was elected gov-
ernor by the Democratic party, but party spirit ran high, and a charge of ineligibility was brought against him to the effect that his father had never properly completed his naturalization, and the son was, therefore an alien and could not legally hold the office. Gov. Thayer at first refused to vacate the office, but finally did so under protest on Jan. 15, 1891. The state court took this view, and Gov. Boyd was removed from office May 5, 1891, but the case was carried to the United States supreme court, and ih^February, 1892, he was declared a citizen and was reinstated as governor. He served until Jan. 1, 1893, when he resumed the business of a grain commission merchant.
CROTTNSE, Lorenzo, ninth governor of Nebraska (1893-94), was born at Sharon, Sehoharie co., N. Y., Jan. 27, 1834, son of John and Margaret (Van Aernam) Crounse. His paternal grandparents came from Wittenberg, Germany, and settled in Albany, N. Y. He received his education in tha common schools and in the New York Conference Seminary, Charlotteville. When a boy lie worked in his father's tannery and later on he taught a district school to obtain the means to pursue his studies. He removed to Fort Plain, N. Y., in 1855 and there began the study of law in the office of Jacob Wendell two years later he was admitted* to the bar and beginning practice at Fort Plain continued there until 1861. On the outbreak of the civil war he raised a battery of was musartillery which tered into service as battery K, 1st New Y'ork light artillery, with himself as cap;
He was present at the battle of Cedar Mountain and other important conflicts and was wounded at Beverley's Ford on the Raptain.
pahannock. The injuries received on the latter occa-
Anna Ham-
him that he was obliged to
ilton, Madison co., N. Y., and about the same time established a stock farm near In 1866 he Gibbon, Neb. obtained a grading contract on the Union Pacific railroad, and on his return to
Dm. ilia lie invested in the City Gas Works Co., of which he was manager in 1868 and 1869. TI.e following winter he organized and was first of the Omaha and Northwestern railpresident road. He was also largely interested in the cattle and pork packing business. He was president of the Omaha Board of Trade, 1881-83, and became
resign after little over one In 1864 he year's service. removed to Nebraska and entered actively into politics as
a Republican, speedily gaining a leading po-
sition in public affairs. In 1865 he was elected to the territorial legislature, and was a member of the commission on Indian affairs and of that appointed In to draft a constitution for the proposed state. 1866 he was elected a justice of the supreme court by a large majority and on admission of the state Mar. 1, 1867, was duly inducted into office. On the expiration of his term on the bench in 1872, he was elected representative to the 43rd congress.
4 tl
44th and did notable
member of the commit t and militia. Be declined a sumed the practice ot law vice a- a
.'^^"^.pVes Hayes
the American Order of Propreme commander of
honorary degree of I.L.I). Gov. rrieT at Eureka, 111., Oct. 12, Joseph B. 1809. to Maria, daughter of Rev. and Cynthia McCorkle. I
Charles Henry, twelfth governor 1901), was born at Aurora. 111., Nov. Caro2G, 1853, son of John Leonard and Frederika
of ill 18.)He resigned from the treasury department state as chief examt on bein- elected served the close of his ecutive during 1S93- !T). At the 1
um did not a"ain appear in a public capacity a state senNovember 1000. when he was elected lie was warned at ator fro,,,' the Tenth district, E. Griffiths. Fort Plain, N. Y., in 1 Stilt, to Mary lit.
Silas Alexander, tenth governor in Gibson Nebraska (1805-08), was born of John C. and countv Ind.. Aug. 25, 1858, son He received Lucimla Keavis Tskeltpn) Holcomb. at the age a common school education, and the seventeen he began to teach at school and fitting taking a course in the normal The death of his father himself for college. and 1878 however, left him head of the family In 18(9, with his cut short his college career. t mother and the younger children, he removed a Hamilton county, Neb., where he farmed^for the study of law. lie was year, and then began 13th of admitted to the bar in 1882. On April Bnnson the same year he was married to Alice and began the practice of law at Broken Bow, Neb where he soon became one of the leading
In 1891 he lawyers of that portion of the state. was nominated by the Populists for district judge, and was elected for a term of four years over the a majority of less than Republican incumbent by one hundred. Two years later he was the nominee of his party for judge of the supreme court. ran nearly Although defeated for this office, he ten thousand votes ahead of his ticket and made such a favorable impression that the next year The cam(1894) he was nominated for governor. of the most exciting paign that followed was one
in the history of the state and resulted in Judge Holcomb's election, although the remainder of the party's ticket was defeated by pluralities ranging from ten thousand up. He was re-elected in 1896, and in 1898 was elected justice of the state supreme court for a term of six years.
POYNTER, William Amos,
eleventh governor born at Eureka, 111.,
of Nebraska ( 1899-1900) , was May 29, 1848, son of William Chapman
and Huldah Jane (Watkins) Poynter, and grandson of John and Martha Poynter. His father was a minister one of the pioneer settlers of by profession and Gov. Poynter was graduated at Eureka Illinois. College at the age of nineteen and followed the occupation of school teacher in Illinois until 1878. He then removed to Boone county, Neb., and purchasing a farm on Plumb Creek valley engaged in agriculture and stock raising. He soon became prominent in local politics and in 1884 was elected He was to represent his county in the legislature. a member of the Nebraska state senate in 1891 serving as president pro tern. He was vice-president of the Nebraska state board of agriculture for a number of years and was one of the members and vice-president of the state commission for the Trans-Mississippi exposition held at Omaha in The following year he was nominated and 1897. elected by the Fusion forces governor of Nebraska and served in this capacity from January, 1899, till January, 1901. In 1901 he was elected su-
His Dietrich. forced to flee from his native country on account of his esof liberty in 1848 and his wife pousal of the cause and seven children followed him to America a year The son atlater, landing at New Orleans, La. tended the public schools of Aurora, 111. until twelve years of age after which he worked among the farmers for four years. At the age of sixteen he entered the employ of the Wyeth Hardware Co.,
father, a
German shoe manufacturer, was
After folat St. Joseph, Mo., sen-ing three years. the same line in Chicago until 1873 he
decided to settle in Arkansas, but was robbed and almost killed by highwaymen before reaching his to S'ix months later he returned destination. Aurora, spent the winter of 1875-70 in the Black Hills of South Dakota and in 1877 he assisted in locating the Aurora mine, which was sold to a syndicate in the following year for a considerable sum. In 1878 he established a mercantile business at Hastings, Neb., and conducted it with success He was president of several stock for many years. in 1887 has companies and since its foundation been president of the German National Bank of was elected governor of Hastings. In 1900 he Nebraska and was inaugurated Jan. 3, 1901. On to accept a seat May 1st he resigned this position been in the United States senate, to which he had His senatorial term will exelected on Mar. 28th. He was married at Aurora, 111., pire Mar. 3, 1905. Adam May 4, 1878, to Elizabeth, daughter of Slaker, and has one daughter.
SAVAGE, Ezra Nebraska Apr.
Perin, thirteenth governor of
was born at Connorsville, Benjamin Warren and Savage, and grandson of Samuel was lie Savage. (Campbell)
(1901-02), 3,
1842, son of
and Margaret brought up on a farm and was educated public schools of Davenport and at Iowa College, remaining at the latter until it
in the
served as a soldier and scout during the civil war under
Grant and Sherman, and in 1866 engaged in stock, grain and implement business at Lyons,
In 1873 he be-
cattle raising in
ford county, la., moving his ranch to Custer county,
In Neb., six years later. 1SS3 he laid out the town and having of Sargent, then engaged in business in South Omaha. Neb., became first mayor of that city. 1886-88. He was a member of the Nebraska 'legislature in 1883-84, and in November. 1900, was elected on the Republican ticket lieutenant-governor of the state, with On the hitter's C. H. Dietrich for governor. election to the United States senate in March,
Mr. Savage became governor, and served Jan. 1, 1903, when he was succeeded by John H. Mickey. Gov. Savage was married: first, Oct. 11, 1866, to Anna C., daughter of Charles 1901, until
died Aug. 25, 1883; second, daughter of Daniel Hess, She died Mar. 1. 1899.
Rich, of Chicago,
1896, to Elvira,
Lyons, la.
MICKEY, John Hopwood,
fourteenth governor
was born near Burlington, la., Sept. 30, 1845, son of Oliver Perry and Betsey Ann (Davison) Mickey. His father was a pioneer of
Nebraska (1903
Iowa, who located there in 1836, and in 1847 the family removed to Louisa county, where in the common schools young Mickey received his earlv education. In 1803 he enlisted as a private in the 8th Iowa cavalry and served until the close of the war, taking' part in Sherman's camand in the paign until the surrender of Atlanta, in
Tennessee campaign under Hood and Thomas. On returning to Iowa he studied at Wesleyan Coland lege, Mount Pleasant, la., for two years, then engaged in school teaching, devoting himIn self to farming during the vacation periods. 1868 he took up a homestead claim in Polk county, Neb., but having been elected the first county treasurer, he .removed to Osceola, the new county seat, which consisted of but a court house and a small store. In 1880 he was elected a member of the legislature. He founded the Osceola Bank in May, 1879, with a capital stock of $5,000, and
through his careful management it became one of the most successful institutions of its kind in the etate. Mr. Mickey from his earliest manhood has been a Republican, though his father was a Stephen A. Douglas Democrat. His first vote was cast for Lincoln in 1864, when he was nineteen years of age, the state of Iowa having passed a special act enabling all soldiers to vote irrespective of age. In 1902 he was elected by his party governor of Nebraska, and was inaugurated Jan. 8, 1903. Gov. Mickey is a member of the Methodist Church at Osceola, toward whose erection fund Within the last dozen he contributed $5,000.
years (1904) he has contributed more than $11,000 to the Wesleyan University at Lincoln, and there is hardly a state enterprise of his church in Nebraska toward which he has not given liberally, including a subscription of $500 to assist in the erection of the Methodist Hospital at Omaha. .For some years he has been president of the board of trustees of the Nebraska Wesleyan University. Gov. Mickey was married Sept. 10, 1867, to Morinda McCray, of Des Moines county, la., who died Dec. 23, 1886, leaving five children, and as married Dee. 8, 1887, to Flora C. Campbell lie of Norden, Neb., who is the mother of four of his children. OOSBY, William, colonial governor of New York, was born about 1695. He was a colonel in the British army, and after serving as governor of Minorca and of the Leeward islands, he was made governor of New York in 1731, succeeding Rip Van Dam ( 1062 T 1740?), who was a member of the council for nearly thirty years. When Gov. Cosby exhibited an order for an equal division of the salary, emoluments, and perquisites. Van Dam refused to pay over any part of this money he had received unless Cosby divided the larger sum that he had obtained in England for pretended expenses in the colony.
They each brought
but these were finally dropped without a settlement, after arousing intense
between the aristocratic friends of the governor and the popular party, whieli supported Van Dam. Van Dam absented himself from the meetings of the council, and Gov.
Cosby, on his deathbed, secretly suspended him oflice, in order to prevent his succeeding again to the head of the government. Being of an arbitrary and haughty disposition, Gov. Cosby ignored the elective franchise, continued the same assembly six years, without permitting its dissoOn Jan. 2, lution, and became very unpopular. 1734, he received from George II, a grant of 22,000
which was known as Cosby 's Manor. On account of default of the payment of quitrents it passed into the hands of Philip Schuyler and a few others in 1772. The place was originally called Old Fort Schuyler from a fort which had been erected here during the French and Indian war, and this name was retained until its incorporation as a village, in 1798, when it was, given acres,
name of Utica. after He was married
the ancient city jn to Grace Montague,
sister of George, earl of Halifax, and had one son and two daughters. He held the office of governor until his death, which occurred Mar. 10.
Brock, lawyer and author, was born at Hanover, N. H., Mar. 6, 1830, son of Jonathan and Ruth (Carter) Proctor, and descendant of Jonathan Proctor, an Englishman who settled at Salem, Mass., and fell a victim to the witchcraft delusion in 1692. His father removed from Hanover, where he had manufactured cutlery, to Auburn, N. Y., in 1834. The son was educated at an academy at Auburn and at Oxford, Chenango co. entered the senior class of Hamilton College but did not graduate with his class because of the partial failure of his eyesight; but later the college gave him his degree. He then studied law, and after being admitted to the bar in 1852, he practiced at Port Byron, settling in Dansville two In 1863 his years later. health broke down from overwork, and giving up practice he devoted himself ;
to literary work, contribut" ing to the Albany Law
" Atlantic
and other periMonthly odicals, and beginning a revision and annotation of
Political Hisof New series of (1887).
tory of the State
biographies contributed to the "Union and Advertiser" was republished in book form in 1870 (2 vols.) as " the Bench and Bar of the State of New York," and was republished in " Lives of the ChancelGermany. Then followed " " lors of the State of New York Life and (1875) :
Times of Thomas Addis Emmet " (1876) " Bench and Bar of King's County, Including the Legal History of Brooklyn" (1883). In 1884 Mr. Proc ;
tor settled in Albany, N. Y. "
also published
History of Albany and Schenectady Counties" (1884); "Early History of the Board of Regents and University of the State of New York " (1886), and a number of addresses. He helped to organize the Livingston County HisLegal
and was secretary of the State Bar Association for thirteen years. Mr. Proctor was one of the founders of the Republican party in his state, and was a delegate to the convention that nominated John C. Fremont for the presidency. He was married, at Auburn, N. Y., to Araminta D. Whitney, who bore him a son, Whitney C., who became a physician, and a torical Society in 1874,
i>f Kev. William and second, ill IS'.I'J. to Margant Me died in Albany. X. V., Apr. 1,
daughter. Sarah Gertrude, wife V^.
Boott 1
Richard, clergyman, was born
Conn.. Oct. 1. 1721). >"ii of .lona than and Sarah Ailing .Mansfield, and a descendant of Kit-hard Mansiicld. \vlio came from Exeter, " in guinDevonshire, F.ng.. in Hi:i. and settled one of the tirst settlers of New nipiac." becoming deacon was a Jonathan Manslield llineii. Conn. nniiii-LMtional church, and he very early in the He \\aput his scu'i to the -liuly of language-. titled tn enlcr college when only eleven years of Ill until lie was fourteen. age, but, did not enter 1711, lie was graduated at Vale, and afterward remained there for two year- as a resident gradunte. During this period lie renounced the Con under which he had been edugri-L'at ional system In 1744. he cated, and liecame an Kpi-copalian. took charge of the Hopkins (Grammar School, in New in
New Haven.
continued his with it three In Tear*. 174S. he sailed for England, and on Aug. 7th of that year was ordained in London by the archbishop of Canterbury. Having received an appointment from the Venerable
Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, he returned to his native coun-
try the following year, and became rector of Derby, Conn., in connection with
West Haven. Waterbury, and Xorthbury (now Plymouth). About 1755, he rehis signed charge in the three last-named churches, and from that time till his death he remained rector of those at Dei by and Oxford. During the revolution. Mr. .Manslield remained loyal to the mother and he thus country, brought great hardships '
family. Having addressed a letter to in which he expressed the belief that, in case the king's troops were sent to protect the loyalists, several thousand men in the three westiijion
Gov. Tryon
ern counties of the colony of Connecticut would join them, and the contents of the letter having been communicated to the committee of inquiry, they gave directions for his apprehension: but being appri/cd of the order by his friends, he escaped to Long Island, then in possession of the l!riti-li. After the war he returned to his church, and his opposition to the cause of liberty in the colonies seems to have been soon forgotten. Mr. .Manslield was obliged to cease preaching some twenty years before his death, on account of the failure of his voice, but continued to exert a great influence out of the pulpit among his parishioners. He was a fine classical scholar, an eloquent preacher, and a man of exceeding hospitality and He published several sermons, a'nd in politeness. 1702. lie received the degree of D.D. from his alma mater. He was married. Oct. 10. 1751. to Anna, daughter of Joseph Hull, and he died in Derby, Conn Apr. 12. 1S20. .
ROOSEVEI/T, James Henry, philanthropist, was born in New York city, Nov. 10. 1800. son of
C. and ( atharine" (Byvanek) Roosevelt, and a cousin of Cornelius Van Sehaik Roosevelt. He was educated at Columbia College, where he was graduated at the age of nineteen, and then studied law. Permanent lameness, which resulted from a severe attack of rheumatism in parly life, prevented him from practicing his profession. He
never married, and engaged in real estate investment, by which, as well as by a simple mode of lite and frugality, he largely increased his small inFrom early manhood he conherited competence. templated the establishment of some benevolent institution, and by the terms of his will left the principal part of his large estate "for the reception and relief of sick and diseased persons." In conformity ytith this stipulation, Roosevelt Hospital, It was incorin New York city, was founded. porated in 1N04. and formally opened on Nov. 2, The property left by him for the erectioi 1871. of the hospital was originallv valued at about $1.000,000, but during the Interval between bis death and the opening of the institution the estate had beei: so wisely administered by the trustees that in 1SSH, with (lie buildings, it had increased lo nearly $2.00(1.11(111. Assuming the object of the bequest to be mainly for the relief of the poor, reserved a fund sufficient to support the trustees in the hospital such persons, as will occupy at least one-half of the hospital, there being, iiow e\er. no limit, except in the extent of the funds. He died in his native city. Nov. 30. ISIi:t. BACHELLER, Addison Irving, author, was born at Pierrepont, St. Lawrence co.. X. Y.. Sept. 26, 1859, in a house on Waterman hill overlooking Paradise valley, the spot chosen by Mr. Bacheller for the opening scenes of his novel. "Elien llolden,' son of Sanford Paul and Achsah A. (Buckland) liacheller, and a descendant of Joshua Batchcllcr 1
(b. 1608). who came from Kent, England, about lli> son John 1636, settling at Ipswich, Mas-. -eived as selectman of Reading, Mass., during 1651-64. From John and his wife Rebecca t Inline runs through a second John and his wife. Sarah: Samuel and his wife, Mary, to Henry and his wife. Sarah Johnson. Their son. Rupee Mach-
joined the Continental troops from Rhode HeIsland and served in the revolutionary war. was married to Sarah Parsons and had a son.
Samuel, who married Sally Sanford. becoming the grandfather of Addison Irving Bacheller. At the age of thirteen Irving became a clerk in a country store. During the next few years he was at various times a telegraph operator, a post-office clerk and a bookkeeper. In 1872 he removed to Canton, N. Y., where his father had
purchased some property and at the Canton academy :
he received his preparation for college. In 1878 he entered the St. Lawrence University,
graduated degree later
in 1882
with the
of B.Sc.. obtaining those of M.S. (1801)
While founded the Alpha Omicron chapter of the Alpha Tan Omega, now one of the most prosperous chapters of that In August, 1882, he went to New fraternity. T Y ork city, and for one year was engaged on the "Daily Hotel Reporter," and then became a reporter on the Brooklyn "Daily Times." During the political campaign of 1884 he underwent the same experience that befell Bill Brower in " Kbcn Holden," being mistaken for Gen. Geo. S. Hatchfiler. Toward the close of 1884 Mr. Bachelor " " Times and es', abresigned his position with the lished the Bacheller newspaper syndicate, which was. from the first, a gratifying success, vevoluat
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. This synthe Sunday newspaper. lionizing dicate was designed for the purpose of supplying the best literature to the large Sunday newspapers in the great cities of the United States. Eudyard Kipling, Jamea Russell Lowell, R. D. Blaekmore, Wilkie Collins, Stanley J. Weyman, Wilkins, A. C'onan Doyle, Sarah Orne Jewett, Stephen Crane and others quite as famous became its contributors. From August, 1898, to December. 1809, Mr. Bacheller served as Sunday " World." He is a memeditor of the New York ber of the Lotos and Authors' elubs, the Phi Beta Kappa, the Alpha Tau Omega and the Kane lodge He has written the "Master of" of Free .Masons. Silence" (1802), the "Still House of O'Darrow
"Eben Holden " (1900), " D'ri and I" "Darrel of the Blessed Isles" (1903) and many poems. His talent is equally apparent in the description of peace and of war; in painting the rich golden glow of Indian summer, in describing eloquently the poetical loneliness of a night scene on the St. Lawrence, and yet, also, in bringing home to the reader with startling force the horrors exhibited in a crippled ship swept by The London " Saturday ReBritish broadsides. " The springs of health in American view " said Eben Holden.' " He was life are to be found in (1895), (1901).
married in Brooklyn. N. Y.. Dec. 13. 1883. to Anna Detmar, daughter of John G. Schultz of that place.
McCLINTOCK, Oliver, merchant, was born in Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 20, 1839, son of Washington and Eliza (Thompson) McClintock. His earliest American ancestor was William McClintock of East Nottingham township, Chester co., Pa., whose wife was Phoebe McDowell. Their son Alexander (father of Washington), was born May 10, 1776, while the father was serving as militiaman, in which capacity he fought at the battles of
Whitemarsh Church and Germantown. He was grad-
uated at Yale College in 1861, and received the degree of A.M. in 1864. In 1861 he entered the carpet business under his father, and, associated with Ilia brothers, built up a mercantile house in Pittsburg that has become famous throughout the neighboring states. Upon the incorporation of the concern in January, 1897, he was elected president of the company, and since that time has remained in the Mr. Mcexecutive chair. Clintock takes a deep interest in the educational, religious and civic organizations For a number of his city. of years he has devoted much thought and personal effort to the betterment of municipal politics in his native city, and to aiding every
rising movement whose object was the overthrow of boss rule and machine gov-
He was a memernment. ber of a committee of five of the Citizens' Municipal League which turned city politics
paved the way for the overthrow of the machine government which had held the city in its grasp for more In 1002 were achieved two great local victories at the polls, when good men, representing the principles of good government without regard to party, triumphed over partisan candidates representing machine government under the colors of a national party, and this in the face of the latter's former large majorities. He is an
than twentv vears.
active member of the executive committee of the National Municipal League, and has been annually re-elected for several years. In an article entitled A City Ashamed," which appeared in "Pittsburg: " McClure's Magazine " of May, 1003, Lincoln " Steffens wrote as follows If the official contractor had done his work well and at reasonable prices, the city would not have suffered directly; but his methods were so oppressive upon property holders that they caused a scandal. No action was taken, however, till Oliver McClintock, a merchant, in rare civic wrath, contested the contracts and fought them through the courts. This single citizen's long, brave fight is one of the finest stories in the history of municipal government. The frowns and warnings of cowardly fellow-citizens did not move him, nor the boycott of political :
partisans, the threats of the ring and the ridicule of ring organs." He was president of the Pittsburg Y. M. C. A. (1866-70), is a trustee of the Western Theological Seminary (Presbyterian), and of the Pennsylvania College for Women since 1870; with his brother-in-law Albert H. associated Childs, he founded the Shady Side Academy in 1883. He has contributed to the local papers and in official reports articles upon municipal reform and kindred topics. He is a member of the Duquesne Club of Pittsburg, and the University clubs of both Pittsburg and New York, and a director of the Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce. On June 9, 1866, he was married to Clara Courtney, daughter of Harvey Childs of Pittsburg, and has six children: Norman, associated with his father's business; Walter, general manager of the Opalite Tile
Co., of Pittsburg; Emma, wife of Thomas Darling of Wilkesbarre, Pa.; Harvey Child's, Elsie and
lawyer, 'was
Southborough, Worcester co., Mass., July 1, 1840, son of Jacob and Harriet (Tewksbury) Cummings and grandson of Solomon and Alary
(Graham) Cummings, whose ancestors landed in When a child his Salem, Mass., prior to 1640. he parents removed to Hillsborough, N. H., where He studied at received his primary education. and was gradPhillips Academy, Exeter, N. H., uated at Dartmouth in the class of 1862. He then studied law under Charles H. Bell, afterward governor of the state, completing his studies at the Albany (N. Y.) Law School, and was admitted to the bar in New York in 1863 and in New
Hampshire cepted an
in 1864.
the civil service in the United States office in
treasury department. Washington,' D. C., in 1865, holding the position until 1873, when he resigned to commence the practice of law in the national capital, diliis attention to recting the prosecution of matters and the government against has represented many large
and important interests before congress and the variHe maintained ous government departments, his legal and political residence in New Hampshire, and was secretary of the state senate during 1863-67 and a member of the house of representatives of New Hampshire in 187677. In the District of Columbia Mr. Cummings became interested in the financial and business enterprises that promised to help the advancement of the
He was the first president and one of the promoters and incorporators of the National Capital Telephone Co., afterward the Chesapeake anil Potomac Telephone Co., of which he is viceHe was president of the Equitable Inpresident. dustrial Life Insurance Co. of Washington, is Trust \icc-prcsident of the Washington Loan and l'i>.. and an ollicer or stockholder in various other He was corporations and business enterprises. district.
Mellen, of Ohio, Kentucky and Flushing, L. I., one of Sec. Chase's assistant solicitors of the treasury during and after the civil war, and has three children. Klsie. Dorothy and Marjory.
James, mining engineer, was born Quebec, Canada, Nov. 4, ls:i7. son of James and Klixabeth (Ferguson) Douglas. He was graduated at Queen's College. Kingston, Canada, in married in 1874 to Jcannette, daughter of James IS">S and continued his studies at the University For several years he served as of Edinburgh. Irvin. of Pittsburg, Pa. professor of chemistry at Morrin College, Quebec, PALMER, William Jackson, railroad presi- and iii 1804 became managing director of the dent, was born in Kent county. Del., Sept. 18, Harvey Hill Copper Co., taking charge of their of He re(Jackson) Palmer. mines in the province ls:iii. BOD of John and Matilda Quebec. His paternal ancestor emigrated from England tained this connection until 1875, when he rewith William Penn. settling on the Delaware river moved to the United States to take charge of the copper works at Phoenixville, Pa. There at the time of the colonization of Pennsylvania. William .1. Palmer received his education in Phil- for eight years lie was connected with the Chemical Copper Co., and since 1882 he has been adelphia at a private Quaker school, at the Zane street grammar school and at the Philadelphia actively associated with many important mining In 1851 he became a commercial enterprises of Arizona and Mexico. As president high school. and general manager of -the Copper Queen Conclerk, and in 185.3 was appointed rodman under Charles Ellet, chief engineer of the Hempfield rail- solidated Mining Co., the Detroit Copper Mining road, in western Pennsylvania to the position of Co.. the United Globe Mining Co. and the Nacotiansitinan he was advanced in the following year, zari mines in Sonora, Mexico, he has been inlluential in the development of a number of large after a year spent abroad in studying railways and mines and works as well as in the erection and mines in England; in l.Soli operation of over 400 mile, of standard gauge he became secretary and railroad. He was president of the Commercial treasurer of the Westmore- Mining Co., the Moctezuma Mining Co., the Kl Paso and Southwestern railroad, the Nacozari land Coal Co., and in 1857 was appointed private sec- railroad and the Morenci Southern railroad. He has made original experiments along the lines of retary to John Edgar Thomson, president of the Pennmetallurgy and metallurgical chemistry. With T. Sterry Hunt he was associated in many experisylvania railroad, serving ments in the hvdrometallurgy of coppers and deuntil the outbreak of the civil war. In the autumn vised what is known as the Hunt-Douglas process for extracting copper from its ores. He is the o(f 1861 he organized the Anderson troop and served inventor of a furnace for calcining ores (1884), with it under Gen. Buell in a process of extracting copper from its ores (1887), a furnace for calcining ores (1891), procthe army of the Cumberland until in 1862 lie organ- ess for extracting copper from cupriferous nickel ore (1892), for separating and roasting ized the Anderson (loth copper (1893), for extracting copper (1896), a smelting Pa. cavalry) regiment. He served throughout the war in furnace (1897) and a process of extracting copper command of that regiment (1900). He is the author of "Canadian Independ" 1894) and as brevet brigadier-gen- ence, Imperial Federation or Annexation and many articles in the periodical press and varieral in command of a brigade and division of cavous learned societies. He was president of the alry during the last year of the war. On the conAmerican Institute of Mining Kngineers 1899 clusion of the war he became secretary and treasurer of the Kansas Pacific railway, acting later 1900 and again 1900-01, and is still connected with the organization. He has been president of the ns manager of its construction from Sheridan. Kan., to Denver, Colo., to which city it was com- Quebec Literary and Historical Society, a member of the Society of Arts of London, the Institute pleted on Aug. 15, 1870. During 1867-68 he was of Mining and Metallurgy of London, the Amerialso manager of surveys to the Pacific ocean for the same line, then called the Union Pacific railway', can Geographical Society, the American Philoeastern division. In 1870 he was elected president sophical Society, the American Academy of Political and Social Science, the Iron and Steel Institute of the Denver and Rio Grande railway, and in 1880 of the Mexican National railway, most of of London, the American Museum of Natural Hiswhich he completed within the following three tory, the Aew York Historical and Zoological the Century Association, the Engineers' Since 1880 he has served as years. president of societies, the Mexican National Construction Co. He was Club and the Country Club. The honorary degree the chief founder of the Colorado of LL.D. was conferred upon him by McGill UniSprings Co. and of the city of that name, for which he formed the While in versity, Montreal, Canada, in 1899. Frankfort, Germany, in 1860, he was married to plans, the first stake on its township having been driven on July 31, 1871. Naomi Douglas, daughter of Walter Douglas, of In 1881 he was elected president of the Rio Grande Western Railway Co. Scotland, and he has two sons and four daughters. and continued to administer its affairs until April. 1901, when he resigned after BETHUNE, Robert Armour, architect, was t reconsolidating that line with the Denver and Rio Grande born at Bowmansville, Out.. Can., June 7, 1S55, railway by a sale of its stock. He is a member of the Denver son of Donald and Mary Telfer (Gay) Bethune. Club. of the El Paso and Country clubs of Colorado He received his education in the Detroit public Springs, and of the Metropolitan and the City Midschools, and in 1873, he entered the employ day clubs of New York city. Gen. Palmer was of G. W. Lloyd, an architect of Detroit: and married in November. 1870. to Mary Lincoln Melin 1876, of L. A. Pratt, at Bay Citv. Mich. ' len ("Queen Mellen"l. daughter of William Proctor During 1877-78, he was with R. A. Waite, of in
and after spending a short time
bridge contractors to the service of Mr. and eii"ineers. he returned T He thus obaite in 1880. tained a thorough knowledge of the architectural
1881. be-
business for himself, and formed the partnership of R. A. & L. Bethune, and continued under that firm name from 1881-90. In the latter year an additional
Fuchs. was taken in. since v.hich the title has been Bethune, Bethune & Fuchs. Among the more important buildings designed by Mr. BHhune and his firm are Hotel Lathe following: fayetle, Old Seventy-Fourth
Regiment Armory, and East ExStock Live change, of Buffalo: Lockport High School, and eighteen other schools in western New Y'ork. He is a member of the American Institute of ArchiHe was tects, and active in its Buffalo chapter. married, Dec. 10, 1881. to Louise, daughter of Da son Wallace Blanchard. of Buffalo, N. Y., and has one son, Charles Williams Bethune. Buffalo
Louise (Blanchard),
architect, 21, 1856,
was born at Waterloo, X'. Y., July daughter of Dalson Wallace and Emma Melona Her father (1823-91), (Williams) Blanchard. was a mathematical instructor, noted for his mental She agility and accuracy. was educated at home until eleven years of age, acquiring habits of study and selfreliance that led her to disregard the usual class limitations in later years. After being graduated in 1874, at the Buffalo High School, she spent two years teaching, traveling, and studying, and in 1876, she received an offer of an office in
with an architect, Richard A. Waite. of BufFrom that time until falo. 1881, she continued as a student and assistant, a portion of that period being While with R. A. spent with F. W. Caulking. Waite. she met Robert A. Bethune, a fellow student, with whom she formed a business partnci-liip in October, 1881. and they were married She on the 10th of .the following December. has made a special study of school buildings, but has never confined herself to that branch alone, position
believing that women who are pioneers in any profession should be proficient in every departShe was the first woman to enter the ment. architectural profession, and was the first woman member of the American Institute of Architects. In 1885. she was elected a member of the Western Association of Architects, and served as viceShe is a member of the president for one 'year. Buffalo Historical Society, and registrar of the In 1886, she inBuffalo Genealogical Society. augurated the Buffalo Society of Architects, which developed into the Western New York Association of Architects.
ATKINSON, Henry M., lawyer, was born in Wheeling, \V. Va., Sept. 9, 1838. He removed to Ohio in 1846, where he was educated at the DenIn 1857 he removed to Neison University. He was admitted to braska, settling in Omaha. and entered upon the practice of bar in the 1861, He was adjutant of his profession in Omaha. cavalry, and in 1864 provost marshal for southern Nebraska. He was register of the land office in Nebraska. 1867-71, and was commissioner of penIn 1873 he was a sions in Washington. 1875-76. special commissioner to Mexico. FRANCIS, David Rowland, merchant, and president of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co., was born at Richmond, Madison co., Ky.. Oct. 1850, son of John B. and Eliza Caldwell 1, His father was descended (Rowland) Francis. from the early Kentucky settlers: and his mother, from David Irvine, one of the Scotch colonists of His grandfather, Thomas Francis, was Virginia. a soldier in the war of 1812. He received his early education in the Richmond Academy, and after removing to St. Louis, Mo., in I860, entered Washington University, where he was graduated He entered commercial life as a clerk in 1870.
commission and wholesale grocery house of Shryock & Rowland, the junior partner being his uncle, and gradually ascended until he was given an interest in the business. In 1877, he established an independent commission business, and seven years later founded the well-known firm of in the
D. R. Francis & Brother, entering into the exportation of grain, an enterprise which has engaged a large portion of his attention np to the present time (1904). Though one of the youngest members of the St. Louis Merchants' Exchange, Mr. Francis obtained prompt and decided recognition for his business sagacity, success in operations,
and prudent
He was made
was president of that body in 1883, and in 1884, given its presidency. He is identified with many of the most important business institutions of St. Louis, being a director of the Mississippi Valley Trust Co.. vice-president of the Merchants' Laclede National Bank, and a large stockholder in the St. With many Louis and Colorado Railway Co. organized charities he is also closely identified. In 1885, Mr. Francis was the Democratic candidate for mayor of St. Louis, and in spite of an adverse majority of 14.000, at the preceding election, he was successfully seated by a majority of His administratfon was a purely business 1,200. one, and judging from results, eminently successful. He brought about the reduction of interest on the municipal indebtedness from 6 and 7, to 3.65 and 4 per cent.; enforced the payment of a judgment of $1,000,000 against the Pacific Railway Co. instituted reform in the departments of the city government; forced the price of gas down ;
from $2.50 to $1.25 per thousand
and was
instrumental in extending the city's water supply. His vigorous and successful advocacy of street reconstruction placed the city of St. Louis in the ranks of the best paved cities of the country. In 1888, he was elected by tne Democratic, party as governor ^f Missouri. His administration was clean, broad, economical without parsimony, paHe prompted the cause triotic, and progressive. of public education, particularly aiding the State and its University, and elevating its standard of Retiring from office at the close reputation. his gubernatorial term in 1893, he resumed his business affairs with his former enterprise and In 1890. he, was called to the cabinet of success. Pres. Cleveland, as secretary of the interior, and with the discharged the duties of that position same energy and thoughtfulness previously dis-
Few men of his age are possessed of as played. maiiy and varied accomplishments, for, in spite of a huy life, he lias found time, not only to solve the himproblems of government, but also to educate self
ait.' literature,
attractive personality,
possesses a charming a purely democratic When the St. Louis taste. world's fair was first cond'ov. Francis \\a-.idcred. called hy coinnion consent and absolute nnaniniily to head this gigantic cnler
-pcaker. displays
pon-ei ivecame the Washington correspondent uf hi- paper, serving seventeen years, and coming His signature into touch with many public men. ii lie mil uf an article t
regarded as absolute guarantee the matter was tbat both readable, and reTwo important liable. trips were made by him wliii-h were the outcome [a rue to be
" The " tls!l!(). Ozark fplift " " and Through Texas
of book- entitled
war with Spain. Mr. Stevens went to C'tlba ami investigated condithe
tions in four of the six
and of the horrors of reooncentration. Among n s other important se'
articles in
George Washington, lawyer and
president, was born in Springfield. 111.. 12. ls:{ii. son of Leonard ISuford and Eliza-An},'. beth (Fairleigh/ Parker, and grandson of Abraham Parker, a revolutionary soldier. His father served under ("Jen. .laekson in the war of 1812; was his stall' officer at the battle of New- Orleans, and quartermaster of Col. Alexander's regiment in the Black Hawk war; subsequently was sheriff of Hardin county, Ky.; one of the first settlers of Paris,
in 1835,
removed to
Springfield. After his death in his widow re1841,
Ky.. where the son attended the common schools and the
Elizabethtown Seminary. Four years were spent in the
recreation at Carlsbad. Austria, and in European After the sale of the St. Louis. Alton & travel. Terre Haute road in ISilti. he made a tour around He was vice-president of the Mediterranean. the out ineutal National hank, and is ollicially connected with scxcral bank- in Illinois. For a lie Second National time he was pre-ident of lie is a director of the hank at Charleston. (
l.oui-iana Purchase Exposition Co.. and a member of its committees on transportation and legislation and chairman of its committee on manufacHe wa- married. Oct. 20. ture- and liberal art-. Aaron Fergu|si;:i. to Aronella. daughter of Dr. of Charleston. III. -oii. They have had three Clarence F. Parker, (laughters and two son-: gnu ral agent of the Illinois Central Railroad Co., and Charles M. Parker, vice-president and seere tary of the St. Louis Radiator Manufacturing Co.
the South." Convict Cam]** in the South," "Among the Mormon-." " Leadville Stories," "The New States." Missouri Mineral," " Washington Top" " ic-." In a Silver Country." and Signs of the Times." In 1SH5. Mr. Stevens was elected president of tli Gridiron Club of Washington, with which he has been connected from 1885.
vice-president, and in 1870, its general In the latter year he removed to St. hi l,sS7-!Mi. lie was president of the same l.oui-. company, and under his administration the main line was sold to the ( leveland. ( incinnati, Chicago He was cV St. Louis Railway Co. for sin. Dim. (Mil). al-o lii-st president of the I'nion Trust Co.. but resigned that position in 1S!H. to seek rest and 18(17,
of the Elizabeth-
town- "Register,"
learning the printer's trade; then he studied for a time at the Hewitt Seminary. Later he published the Elizabethtown " "
for two Intelligencer " Free Press," years, and the at Glasgow. Ky.. for one,
them both
to good selling advantage. He then studied law with his cousin. Col. Thomas 1!. Fairleigh. at Brandenburg. Ky., for two years, at the end of which he entered the law department of the University of Louisville, where he was graduated with cla-s honors in 1861. Coing to Charleston. III., he began, to practice with his cousin. .Irdge Eli Wiley, with whom he built up an extensive practice iii central Illinois. Mr. Parker -er\ed a- mayor of Charleston, and in iMi!' 70. wa- a member of the Illinois legislature. In 18li5. he was appointed general counsel of the St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute Railroad Co.. in
Frederick G., manufacand congressman, was born in Luebbecke, After reWestphalia. Germany, Get 31. 1837. ceiving a common-school education he was placed his father's and learned in glazing, painting, shop and the tinner's trade. In 185"). lie immigrated to the 1'nited States, going to St. Louis, where he began work at the tinner's turer
bench. Of ceived each
week he saved His brother William $1.50. joined him six months later, and after working together at the bench for two years, they started a business of their own, which was a suc-
from the first. In 1862, they began the stamping of In their tinware. 1866, cess
business was incorporated as the St. Louis Stamping Co.. of
which Mr. Niedringhaus
has since been president. In 1874, they invented what is known as "granite ironware." while in 1881, they, built extensive rolling mills,' establishing
whose manufactures are distributed through a large territory. Later they consolidated with the National Enameling and Stamping Co., with $25,000,000 capital and employing about 10,000 people, of which he became president. Mr. Niedringhaus is a Republican, and as such was elected a representative to the 51st congress, receiving 14.210 votes, against 13.020, for all other candidates together, lie made an enviable record as a sensible and practical legi.-lator, a champion of the protective tarill'. and a very c'e\cr orator. From (lie .-tart he has taken a great interest in the world's fair at St. Louis, and is a director of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co.. also serving on the committee on legislation.
WERTHEIMER, Jacob J., shoe manufacturer, was born at Troy. Miami Co.. O., June 12, 1852, son of Joseph and Jeanette (Barnett) Wertheimer. His father was a successful merchant of high standing in his community. The son attended tho public, grammar and high schools of his native
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Later he studied for two years at DartCollege, where he was a member of the class of 1S75. In 1872 he became secretary in the Dr. Harter Machine Co., of St. Louis. Mo., and gradually rose to the position of genIn 1882 he eral manager. was elected [(resident of the
Northern Central railway, purchasing about the same time a controlling interest in the Cass Avenue Railway
a director
in the Merchants-Laclede National Bank of St. Louis and a director of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co., being vice chairman of its concessions committee and a member of its police committee. Mr. Wertheimer is popular in social life, and holds membership in the Noonday, Commercial, Columbian and St. Louis clubs. He was married, in Cincinnati, O., Apr. 2, 1879, to Millie, daughter of Joseph L. Swarts. of that city, and has six children, Louis, Joseph, Charles, Dora, Alfred and Jeanne. He is
of accuracy, conscientiousness and uprightall his work and relations. Possessing a
strong public spirit and a generous nature, he has identified himself with many of St. Louis' most prominent
movements and
merchant and director of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co., nent citizen of
a promi-
and president of the Carleton Dry Goods Co., which was formerly Wear, Boog-
her & Co. He was one of the organizers of the Title Guaranty Trust Co., and is a director of the Louisiana purchase exposition held in the city of St. Louis in 1904, and he served as a member of the executive committee.
Julius Sylvester, financier, was born Mo., Dec. 1, 1842, son of Edward and Isabelle (de Man) Walsh. He was educated at St. Louis University, and at St. Joseph's College, Bardsto\vn, Ky., being graduated at the latter in lsb'1. Returning to St. Louis, he studied law under the Hon. John M. Kruin. and later matriculated in the law department of Columbia College, New York city. There he was graduated in 1864. In the same year he was admitted to the bar of New York state, and. in 1865, St. Louis University conferred upon him the honorary degree of A.M. in recognition of his scholarly attainments. He devoted a large share of his attention to the important business interests of his father; and upon the death of the latter, in 1866, he was made administrator of the estate. Taking his father's in St. Louis,
place as a
Railway Co., and about the same time became president also of the Suburban Railway Co. He
pacity of 7,000 pairs of shoes per day. The original capacity was COO pairs per The firm employs day. about 750 people, and the total number of salesmen now in the territory covered by the firm is between fifty
ness in
of the Citizens'
was made president of the Union Railway Co. in 1873. In 1877 he became president of the People's Railway Co., and also of the Tower Grove and Lafayette Railway Co.,
banking, railroad, and street railway corporations, he soon became a potent factor in controlling the affairs of the corporations with which he was connected. In 1870, Mr. Walsh was made president
Wertheimer-Swarts Shoe which he had organized, in 1881, with G. W. Milius, C. L. Swar.ts and J. The WertheiH. Schafer. mer-Swarts Shoe Co. has three factories, w th a caCo..
of the directorates of various
He became
president of
each of the companies owning and operating these of railway, and some seventy-five miles of street railroad were thus placed under his direction. He has in been interested the improvement of the Mississippi river, and especially in the plan for deepening the channel at its mouth by means of a system of jetties. He was chosen president of the South Pass Jetty Co., and acted in that capacity until the desired results had been obtained in the creation of a channel thirty-two feet deep. In 1875-90 he was president of the St. Louis Bridge Co. and in 1889 was elected to the presidency of the Municipal Electric Light Co. In 1895 he was made vicepresident of the St. Louis 'lerminal Association and in. 1896 president of this corporation, which controls the terminals of twenty-two railroads now entering St. Louis, besides owning property worth $80,000,000. Mr. Walsh has also been offilines
cially connected with the Third National Bank, the Laclede National Bank, the Merchants-Laclede Bank, the North Missouri Railroad Co., tho St. Louis, Kansas City and Northern Railroad Co., the Wabash and Western, the Ohio and Mississippi, the Baltimore, Ohio and Southwestern, and the Kansas City Southern systems. In 1874-78 he was president of the St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanical Fair Association. He inaugurated tho project of making the fair grounds an attractive place of resort at all seasons of the year, instead of merely during the week of the fair; and under his supervision the grounds were beautified and improved; an art gallery was built and a zoological garden installed with some of the rarest specimens of the animal kingdom. He also erected a natural history building. In 1890 he organized the Mississippi Valley Trust Co., and became its president, which office he still (1903) retains. Trust companies were then comparatively unknown in the West, but Mr. Walsh's connection with this enterprise inspired confidence and quickly brought it a large patronage. It has become famous throughout the region in which it operates, controls vast interests, and wields large influence in the financial affairs of the city and surrounding section. The corporation has a capi-
tal of $3,000.000,
surplus and profits ag-
gregated $4.643,941.47 at the issue of the quarterly statement on Sept. 30, 1902. Mr. Walsh is a prominent director of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition and is chairman of the transportation committee. In 1901 he was elected president of the Mississippi Glass Co. and in 1902 became president of the Union Electric Light and Power
In March. I'.lO.'i. li,. left the presidency of the Co. Terminal railroad to become chairman of its llr is a director of the Lacof directors, Icdc (las Co.. the Continental Trust Co. of Baltimore and of the Mississippi Wire (.lass Co. He lioaril
president of the Columbia Association of St. Louis and a
of the St.
Louis, I'niversity. .Noonday and Country clubs of Louis, and of the I'nion Chili of .Now York lie was married in St. Louis, Jan. 11, 1870, city, to Josephine, daughter of the late Chas. K. Dickson; they have seven children. St.
liowman (Henry) Wells. His mother was the dauifhter of lohn and Isabella Wilson llenrv. His lather, (1822 93; sec vol. V, p. 438), a skillful and siirce-sl'ul capitalist, was the only son of Otis Wells, and a descendant of Hugh Welles, who emigrated from Essex county, Enghe! hi
Rolla 1.V.IO. land, in his education ceived
Diversity. Ill 1877, he began his active career as superintendent of t
president of the Lincoln Trust Co. s( Louis, Mo., was born in St. Louis. Oct. 24. isiil. son of Jobst
the Missouri Railroad Co., the president, of which was his father; and ill the service of this corporation he
Henry and Anna
Arthur M.
U'oerlieide. His llarford. Westphalia, in 1851, settling in St. Louis. Mo., where the senior Wocrheide engaged in the planing mill business.
parents emigrated from
The son was educated
in the public and high schools of his native city. In 1SSO he found employment in the ollice of August Cchner as exnrniner of titles, and there remained until Alar. 1, 1888, at which time lie started a business of ex-
A year
formed a partnership with Juliu". Garrell. under the firm name of he
Woerheide & ilic
this partnership the Lincoln Trust Co. of St. Louis was LS94. organized in April. Shortly after its incorporation it absorbed the private business of Woerheide & Garrcll. and Mr. Wocrheide
became secretary and treasthe new company. At this time the capital was $500.000 and with the growurer of
in.;,' prosperity of the concern the capital stock was increased to $1,000,000 in December, and 1899, to in $2.000,000 November, 1901. In September, 1900, Mr. Case, the first president of the Lincoln Trust Co., died, and .Mr. Woerheide was elected to the presidency. He is one of the youngest men in the I'n ted States holding so important a position and it largely due to his efforts that the Lincoln Irust Co. has attained prominence. Upon the formation of the Title Guarantee and Trust Co. the title plant of the Lincoln Trust Co. was abi
sorbed by
Mr. Woerheide becoming
vice-president. During the formation of the uilding and loan associations in St. Louis in 1886 and 1887, he became extremely active in their
and occupied executive positions
many "'them.
a director in the International Rank of St. Louis, the St. Louis and Cane licit railway, and the Lake Side Suar ReC and wns a!so one ot the ?'?{? :., ^corporators the Iitle Guarantee and Trust Co He is a member of the Mercantile and the clubs of St. Louis, beside other socialContemporary and literary rgamzations, and was appointed a director of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co., servin" on its committees of education, anthropology and ethnology. He was married. June 2f>. 1890, to Ida M., daughter of Henry Zelle, and has one son and two daughters. WELLS, Rolla, manufacturer, was born in fet Louis. Mo., June 1, 1850, son of Erastus and Isais
until 1S83. In 1*92. he participated in the
organization of the American Steel Foundry Co.. 000. Mr. Thompson is still the and it is to his wise direcpresident of the bank, tion and careful management that this wonderful success and expansion are due. He is also identified as stockholder with many other financial insti-
tutions and corporations, and in all matters perand taining to finance he is a recognized authority, no Western banker enjoys to a greater extent the When the the esteem and confidence of public. movement to hold a world's fair in St. Louis was set on foot, Mr. Thompson became a leading spirit He is a director in financiering that enterprise. of the exposition company and its treasurer, is vice-chairman of the executive committee, and chairman of the committee on grounds and buildof the committee on ings, and also a member finance.
COYLE, James Frank, Koxbury. Mass., June
merchant, was born at
20, 1846, son of Patrick
In the civil war. he Kli/abeth (Baden) Coyle. enlisted in Co. K, 20th Illinois infantry, and took part in the battles of Fort Donaldson, Co-
rinth. Memphis. Holly Springs. Champion Hill, and Vicksburg, Kesaca. Stone Mountain, Atlanta, Savannah. He was taken prisoner in Atlanta and confined in Andersonville prison for three months. On Sept. 28, 1865 he was honorably discharged with the rank of first lieutenant. After Douglas attending University, Chicago, three a position years, he secured with Leonard & Lockhart, silk manufacturers of Chicago, in 1868, and remained with them until Nov. 1, 1873, when he entered the employ of Belding Bros. & jM|
in the same industry. In 1874 he settled in St. Louis, Mo., as their reprehe sentative, and in 1886 formed the firm of Coyle & Sargent, which conducted a
business for many years. He is a member of the St. Louis Mercantile Club, the Glen Echo Country Club, Latin American Club, the Merchants' Exchange, the Business Men's League, the Fine Arts Society, the Missouri Historical Society, director of the Missouri Trust Co.. vice-president of the Olive St. Bank, and president In 19112 of the H. E. Lindsey Electric Supply C'o. -03, he was vice-president of the Interstate Merchants' Association, and in 18!!2. was president of the Western Commercial Travelers' Association. Mr. Coyle was married in Xew York city. Dec. 17, 1901, to Elizabeth Ttice Chatelain, daughter of Judge Byron Rice, of Des Moines. la., and has one daughter, Marguerite Camille Coyle.
David, manufacturer, was Charles county. Mo., Aug. 25. 1846, son of Capt. James and Mary Ann Dudgeon) He went to St. Louis 'in I860, and after Dozier. attending the Washington public school, was graduated at the Bryant & Stratton Commercial ColHe then became a silent, partner lege, of that city. in the bakery business established by his father and Joseph Garneau, in 1867, under the firm name
DOZTER.. Lewis
born in
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. of J. Garneau & Dozier. This partnership expired Jan. 1, 1872, and in April he became a partner in the Dozier- \ > eyl Cracker Co., his father being At the death of the latter, this senior member. partnership was succeeded by a corporation bearing the name of the Dozier-Weyl Cracker Co., of which John T. Dozier, a brother of Lewis I). Tn 1SSS Mr. L. D. Dozier Do/.ier. 1-ci-ame president. purcha-ed the interest of Mr. Weyl and conducted the business under the name of the Dozier Cracker Co., which, in 1890, was merged into Biscuit American the and Manufacturing Co. In February, 1808, this
was purcorporation chased by the National Biscuit
Dozier stockholder
was of
Manufacturers' sociation, and he
Bank. Mercantile Trust Mercantile Library, and a member of the St. Louis Commercial Club, of the Missouri Historical Society, and a life member of the board of trusWhen the entees of the Bellefontaine Cemetery. terprise took definite form, Mr. Dozier was made a director and a member of the executive committee He has of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co. been a generous friend and patron of the Young Men's Christian Association, in the completion of who~c building he was actively interested: of the Provident Association, and is a director and active worker in St. Luke's Hospital, and other institutions for the betterment of the city. lie is a member of the Episcopal church. With other leading citi/ens of St. Louis, he has contributed liberally to the founding of Washington University nii'l Marv Institute, and in 1887-01 he was a member of the St. Louis school board. He has been president of the Noonday Club, is vice-president of the St. Louis Clul', also vice-president of the Country Club; a member of the University Club; of the St. Louis Gun Club, of which he was for a number of years president, and of the King's Lake Shooting Club, while he has also been president of the Missouri State Sportsmen's Association. A life-long Democrat, he is in thorough sympathy with the "gold standard'' division of that party. His fraternal affiliations are with the Masonic Order and ti.e Order of Elks. In 1886 Mr. Dozier was married to Rebecca E., daughter of the late Benjamin W. and Eleanor (Turner) Lewis, of Mr. Lewis was an early settler of (jl:isi;o\v. Mo. Missouri, and for many years one of the leading merchants of the state. Mrs. Dozier endowed a
Martha Parsons Hospital, and a liberal benefactress of the Episcopal Orphan's Home and the Church of the Redeemer. She died, Jan. 5, ]8so. His children are Lewis and Eleanor Dozier.
BLANKE, Cyrus Frederick, merchant, was born at Marine. Madison co.. 111., Oct. 24, 18G1, son of Frederick G. and Carolina (Ortgies) Blanke. of German descent. His boyhood was in his native town, where he remained until spent he was sixteen years old. attending the public school and clerking in his father's general store.
house in the West was founded by him in November, 1888,' under the firm
name all
Blanke & Co., whose members had
of C. F.
salesmen for the old Steinwender, Stoff-
In 1892, the regan & Co. business was incorporated under the state laws of Missouri, with an authorized capital of $100.000; two years later this was in-. creased to in $200.000; 1002, this was made $300.000; and in 1903 it A\as increased again. The company's trade extends over all parts of the United States. Besides coffee, the manufacture of cereal food has been added, and their Blanco Cero bids fair to become a factor as a breakfast food throughout the country. Their Faust Blend coffee has been extensively advertised, has come to be recognized as standard, and is sold in foreign countries as well as in all parts of the United States. The St. Louis plant is said to be the most complete coffee establishment in the world; and branch houses
lied in
large a di-
of the Merdirector chant s-Laclcde National I
from a minor place to the position of traveling salesman. In 1888, he went into business for himself. What is now the advancing
In 1877, he went to St. Louis, Mo., where he entered a grocery store as clerk and served in that position two years. In 1879, he began work in a wholesale tea and colfee house, and he labored faithfully for nearly ten years,,
rector. He is also ager of the Dozier ery, in St. Louis. several years he first
Kansas City, Mo., Chicago. 111., York, N. Y. Teas, coffees, and spices are imported from foreign countries and distributed under private brands to merchants in every part of the United States. Mr. Blanke is not only president of this concern, but is a director of the are maintained in
of St. Louis, and of the Germania that city. Mr. Blanke was married at Clinton. Mo., Dec/26, 1889, to Eugenia, daughHe ter of A. P. Frowein, and has two children.
Trust Co
is a member of and director in several clubs, is an ex-president of the Union Club, and was a
director of the St. Louis exposition of 1904. On this occasion he purchased the original log-cabin built and occupied by Gen. U. S. Grant and removed it, from its position in the suburbs of St. Louis to the exposition grounds (see illustration).
Alansotx David, manufacturer and in Granville, Washington co., N. Y., Mar. 21. 1847. son of David and Malinda O. Brown. He attended school at Slyborough and at financier,
was born
in September, the North Cranville Academy, and Commercial College. Rut1864, entered Lunsley's and drug lie tnen entered a grocery land land, Vt he served as a clerk for about two lV licrc (iranville. Kim-aid, at North 11 ve-ir- for .1 Brown. his uncle. Charles W. ,L111.-. -Hl\,, June. ISIKi. imColumbu - Miss., visited (iranville. and, beingbusiAlanson's pressed with ness ability, he persuaded him to return with him to After working (he South. in his uncle's store for three he was taken into year-*, the. partnership, continuing relation for two years more. Meantime he had accumu'
lated some little money, and being ambitious to locate in some large city, sold his interest in the firm, and left for St. Louis, where he arrived in April. 1S72. Shortly afterward he met J. M.
Hamilton, an experienced boot and shoe salesman, with whom lie formed a business partnership, under
Hamilton & Brown. Although starting $23,000, the firm met with
remarkabllie success,
amounting to $225,000. In 1883 the HamiltonBrown Shoe Co. was formed, succeeding the partshoes on their nership, and began manufacturing
and, although the venture was by eastern manufacturers as visionary, the change proved a wise one. Beginning with less than 100 hands, the present large factories contain over 5,000, and the (five in number) weekly pay-roll amounts to $53,000 (1904). Sevwho enty-five traveling salesmen are employed, traverse the entire country west of Pennsylvania Of 'the 125 stockholders, and also Mexico. nearly all are employees of the company, it having been Mr. Brown's plan to secure the interest of an efficient employee or salesman by allowing him to
own account; criticised
Most of the in the business. other stockholders began as employees years ago, on small salaries. Mr. Brown's business cares and responsibilities did not prevent him from taking an active interest in church and charitable work. He is a deacon in the Third Baptist Church, of which he has been one of the most valued members for more than twenty-five years. He was also a founder of the Missouri Baptist Sanitarium, one of the great, charities of Missouri. He is president of this institution, and contributes largely to its maintenance. In politics Mr. Brown is a Democrat, though not a partisan. His high regard the for constitutional right of American citizens to exercise free suffrage was demonstrated during the memorable presidential campaign of 1896. " sound money " man and Although a strong thoroughly opposed to the claims of advocates ot free silver, he did not at any time assume to dictate to his employees how they should vote. Mr. Brown was a director of the St. Louis exposition of 1904. He was married. Jan. 17, 1877. to Ella G.. daughter of Charles C. Bills, for many years a prominent shoe manufacturer of Boston. They
purchase an interest
daughters. Estella G.. Jennie M., Helene C.. Vesta R. and Ruth Brown. Air. Brown's residence on Lindell Boulevard is one of the handsomest in St. Louis.
WALBRIDGE, Cyrus Packard, merchant, was born at Madrid. \. Y., July 20. 1849. son of Orlo Judson and Althea Maria" (Packard) Wai-
American ancestor on his first was Henry Walbridge, who emigrated from England about '1G80, settling at Norwich, Conn.: while the first on liis mother's aide was Wilbridge. His father's side
liam Hyde,
who emigrated
about 1635, settling at Hartford, Conn.
from England
Cyrus was educated in the common schools and at C'arleton College, Minnesota. He was graduated in the law department of the University of Michigan at Ann
Arbor, in 1874. and began practicing at Minneapolis. Minn., during the same year. He removed to St. Louis, In 1S7S he Mo., in 1870. became the legal adviser of Jacob S. Merrell. a leading drug merchant of St. Louis, and after the death of that
man in 1885. was the of elected president J. S. Merrell Drug Co., a position he prominent
At various times he has been president
the Western Wholesale Druggists' Association; the National Wholesale Druggists' Association; the Congregational Club, of St. Louis, and a director of the Mercantile Club. He is now president of the New England Society; president of the Business Men's League; a director of the Colonial Trust Co., and fourth vice-president of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co. In 18S1 he was elected a member of the house of delegates in the city of bt. Louis and served two years. In 1889 he was elected president of the city council, and after serving four years, was elected mayor of St. Louis in 1893, occupying the executive chair He is a Republican in politics and a until 1897. Congregationalist in religion. He is progressive, At St. Louis, Mo., energetic, and conservative. on Oct. 9, 1879, he was married to Lizzie, daughter of Jacob S. Merrell. and they have one son.
Combining his legal abilities with a high degree of commercial tact, he has piloted successfully his
many important
George Lane, broker, and
Louisiana Purchase Exposition born at Kirkwood. Mo., Sept. 7, 18G9, son of Albert
of the
Gallatin and Mary Ewing He was (Jenks) Edwards. educated at the Kjrkwood public schools, and going to Louis in 1885 comSt. menced his business career. He was clerk in the Laclede National Bank and also the Mechanics' National Bank. He is president and senior member of the brokerage firm of A. G. Edwards' Sons. He was a former president of the St. Louis Stock Exchange, and is a director of the St. Louis Transit Co. and the St. Louis exposition, of which he served as chairman of the committee on concessions. He is also president of the bank of Kirkwood. Mo. He was married. Sept. 7. 1892. to Florence Noble, daughter of C. O. Evans, of Kirkwood, Mo., and has ,
one son, George L. Edwards, Jr.
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Pierre, merchant, was born in Louis, Mo., July HO, 1849, son of Charles Pierre and Julia Auguste (Gratiot) Chouteau. and a descendant of Pierre Chouteau, one of the founders of St. Louis. His maternal grandfather was Gen. Charles Gratiot. After receiving a thorough education in St. Louis, he went
.. dealers, ill
started, associated with Baer. L. Baer. and J. A. Aaron Fuller, who remained at Fort Smith managing the Boston store in that In an incredibly short time the business city. became one of the largest retail dry goods and department stores \\est of the Mississippi river.
Mr. Stix was married in St. Louis, May 14, 1890, to Sadie, daughter of Moses Fraley, and has a daughter, Winifred F.
After an apprenSept. 4. 1853. fresco painter, he sailed for America in the spring of 1870, and in 1871, he enlisted in in
ticeship as
ing that position, embarked upon the publication of
The dium."
The Labor
This paper Comp, mlium." became the ollicial organ of 1
the Building Trades' Council, and it is now the leading periodical of its kind in In Dethe United States. cember. 18117. he organized the National Building Trades' Council of America. international which embraces in its jurisdiction unions. 78 local building trades' council-, and the individual unions of -e\ cut \ -eight separate cities, including nearly 400.000 mechanics on the mem Mr. Steinbiss published in "The ber-hip 'list. Labor Compendium" of Jan. 30. 1898. the first organized effort in behalf of the Louisiana purch'a-e exposition, and continued the agitation in his columns until the organization of a committee lie M for the purpose took tangible shape. member of the first committee of fifteen, which met in 1898 for the purpose of organizing the movement: and he has been one of the nio-t He is the author of active directors of the fair. of the Louisiana Purchase F.xposia "History " He is a member of the Legion tion (1902). the Misof Honor, the National Union, and ~i
souri Historical Society.
Julius John, merchant, was born
Louis, Mo., July !l. 185S. son of William He was educated -it St. Mary'- School Schoitcn. i\nd the St. Louis UniAt the age of versity. tinhe entered fifteen employ of the Iron Mountain Bank of St. Louis. Two as bookkeeper. years later his father died, and he became connected with the tea and in
coffee hi-
house founded by
which his elder brother. Hubcrtus Schotten. wamanager. and from lS7."i. they were associated toin
until his brother died in and he then beIs'.is. came manager and sole
He was
pointed one of the origiof the nal directors Louisiana Purchase F.xCo.,
then active
STEINBISS, Herman William,
a in
very its
on the supply committee and on the committee on state and territorial exhibits. On Nov. !). 1SS1. he was married to Pauline (".. daughter of John M. Feldman, of St. Louis, and
affairs, serving
two children:
and Zoe Louise
Martha Kinsman (Goold) at Wooster University
He was graduated
John, journalist, was born at Germany, in 1858. His early edulie eame ,;!i re-engaged to preside over the desof the paper to which he had given so of his life, and became both advertising and
business manager, a position he now holds (1904). Mr. Steigers is one of the successful newspaper business managers of the United States, and is constantly on the alert for the instalment of new methods that serve to keep the paper constantly ahead of its many competitors. He is a member of the St. Louis Club, the Mercantile Club, Business Men's League, Glen Echo Club, and others of social and progressive nature. He was a consistent supporter of the Democratic platform up to but since that time has voted independIS'.lii, lie was married, Sept. (i. 1890. to Helen, ently, ('laughter of Chester Charles Wadsworth, of Syra-
N. Y., and a grandniece of Gen. James Wadsworth, for whom Fort Wads-
worth, N. Y., was named.
of the Louisiana Purchase Ex-
position Co.,
a prominent
He was citizen of St. Louis. the founder of the J. A. Holmes Lumber Co., of which his sons are president and treasurer. He took an active interest in the St. Louis exposition, as a member of the committee on grounds and buildings.
city to Jacksonville, Tenn.,
and lay three months
in the
hospital in that He on his return. city afterward returned to St. Louis, and was finally mustered out on account of condisability, physical tracted in the army, on In April, Oct. 22, 1863.
1808, he made his first entrance into the newspaper world, becoming associated with the business department of the St. Louis
Evening Dispatch." Starting as collector, he was soon promoted to a position in the advertising department, later assuming charge. He retained (his position when the paper changed hand- in 1*71. resigning in 1872. to become adVertising manager of the St. Louis "Times." now he resumed his connection with as advertising manager, continuing there for four years, when he engaged with the "Evening Post" as advertising manager. The change was followed. December, 1878. by a coiiMiiidation of the "Post" and "Dispatch," miller the name of the St. Louis ''Post-Dispatch" with Mr. Steigpr* at the head of the advertising This association continued until department. when ls!i.~>. II. Jones, who obtained temporary cunt ml df the "Post-Dispatch." released him, owing to his support, of the Pulitzer interests in the I'ulit/cr- Jones suit for the possession of the extinct. "
In 1S74, "
He (if
accepted the position of advertising
New York "World'' which he
maintained until January. 1807. Jn March, 1897, lie opened negotiations with Col. ('. II. Jones to pnrchii-'p his interest in the "Post-Dispatch" and their termination in August, 1897, resulted in (lie
transfer of Col. Jones' interest to Mr. Pulit-
DKTJMMOND, Harrison Irwin, financier, was born at Alton, Madison CO., 111., Dec. 14, 1808, son of James Thomas and Bethia (Handle) Drummond, and a descendant of James Drummond who emigrated from Scotland about 1770, and settled in He acquired his early education at the Yirginia. Cheshire Academy in Connecticut, after which he entered Yale University, being graduated in 1890. He then went to St. Louis, Mo., and became identified with the Drummond Tobacco Co., of which he was elected vice-president three In this office years later. he served four years, and in 1897, was advanced to the
Two years later, however, he resigned in orpresidency.
der to accept the vice-presidency of the Continental
and with
corporation he was affiliated until his retirement in 1900.
a is still the Mississippi Valley Trust Co., and the Merchants' Laclede National Bank, both of St. Louis, He is Mo., his home city. a member of the Univer-
director of
sity and New York Yacht Clubs, of New York city; and of the University and St. Louis Clubs, On Nov. 21, 1903, he was marof "St. Louis. ried at Edwardsville. 111., to Mary \Vcst, daughter of William R. Prickett. of that' place; and they
have two children, Harrison and Georgiana.
man who
possesses a faculty for persistent and indefatigable application. The intrinsic worth and force of his character impress themselves upon his associates, and his advice and co-operation are highly valued by all who come in contact with him upon' intimate commercial relations. Since organis
THK NATIONAL CYCLOPAEDIA of the Nation. 1001. lie has served as a director Loui-iana purchase exposition.
and WOODWARD, William Henry, printer Doc 11, WM Lorn at Hereford. Eng and Elizabeth
pul.li-.lu-r. son 0< ls:i4
William Hawki-n
His father (1804-58), a Concame to this country in clcrtryman, gregational who re1842 .MI (he invitation of P.ishop Doane. church at Burlingceived him into the Episcopal Hi- was rector ton. X. '. (llili)
Pa.; Philadelphia'. I'ontiac. Mich.;
Madison. Grace the
and \Vis.. l.ouis. Church in St. Mo., where he died. The Bon became a printer's apprentice
"Wisconsin Statesman." at Madison, in 1S4'.I. and in 1852 entered the employ of Messrs. Chambers & Knapn, pro"
of the
Missouri prietors of the Republican," in St. Louis.
In 1864 he purchased the printing plant of George H. Hanson; in 1868 he
admitted James Tiernan to partnership, and in 1872 W. B. Hale acquired an interest, but retired ten years later. In 1886 a building was erected for the firm, and on Sept. 10th of that year the
junior partner died. Mr. Woodward immediately purchased the interest of Mr. Tiernan's estate and incorporated the Woodward & Tiernan Printing In Co., of which he was president and treasurer. 1889 an annex was erected, and in 1898 an additional building of 64 by 107 feet was erected on adjoining property, giving the plant a total of IS.OOO square feet. The plant is run by 700 hands, under the supervision of Mr. Woodward, assisted by his three sons, Edgar B., Walter B. and l.ouis B. J. H. Hawes is vice-president, Robert Buchanan secretary, Walter B. Woodward business manager and' Edgar B. Woodward superintendent. Mr. Woodward is founder and president of the St. Louis typothetae; at Toronto, in 1892, was president of the international body, and preHe 'i.led over its World's Fair meeting in 1803. is a member of the Merchants' Exchange, the Business Men's League, the Manufacturers' Association, and the Spanish-American, Office Men's, Mercantile and St. Louis Fair clubs. He was a member of the committee of 200 in charge of for the Louisiana Purchase preparations Exposition and a director of the company. He is a prominent Masun and Odd Fellow, and since ISO" has been president of the Odd Fellows Home, Liberty, Mo. During the civil war he was a member of the Missouri Home Guards, and for six weeks served as 3d sergeant of company K, 1st regiment, which took the field under Gen. E. C. Pike to aid in repelling tne invasion of Gen. Sterling Price in 1804. In 1870-78 he was a Democratic member of the St. Louis city council. He was married in 1859, to Maria K., daughter of Richard Knight, and on Feb. 8, 1809, to Laura Maria, daughter of Joseph J. Bingham, and has eight children. 1
Elias. merchant, was born at Ma\aria. Sept. 2S. IS.'il. son of Simon and Sarah (Ottenheimer) Mi.-hael. who came to this After attending the public country in ISC.O. of Memphis. Tc-nn., he entered the employ
he advan.-ed of the (inu of Rice. Stix & Co.. where to thai Of buyer from, the position of .-tockl.oy i,i
In 1879 the firm
the notion department. Mo., and St. I.oui-.
was made
the hosiery, notion, furnishing-goods. and whitegoods departments, which
'jradiially expanded under his management until it
was found neees-ary to -eparaie them under different
was admitted
1SSI to
the business; was made a full partner in 1885. and when the business was incorporated in 1S99 he became secre in
He was president tary. of the Mercantile Club of Louis in 1P02. and St. the
of its bonded indebtedness; he was chairman of
the committee on terminal facilities that inve-li gated the conditions affecting St. Louis coinineive in 1003. and in January, 1004, be was appointed a director of the Louisiana purchase exposition, to fill the place made vacant by the death of Jonathan Rice. He is a director of the Commonwealth Trust Co.; and a member of the finance committee of the board of education, the advisory committee of the Individual Underwriters, the executive board of the Hospital Saturday and Sunday Association, the P.usincss Men's League, and the St. Mr. Michael Louis Manufacturers' Association. an active supporter is a member of Temple Israel of the United Jewish Charitable and .Educational Union; was a prime mover in the erection of the Jewish Hospital and the Jewish Charitable and Educational Institution. He was married in to Rachel, daughter of Aaron Stix. of Cincinnati, O.. and niece of William Stix and Henry Rice, of Rice. Stix & Co. ;
director of the Louisiana is a prominent eiti/.en
Purchase Exposition Co., of
Louis. He is a of the MercanTrust Co. of St.
director tile
the president, a stockholder,
and also and he is vice-president of
Manufacturing Co., of which S. M. Dodd is This company was organized in 1891. and has become one of the most prominent in-
dustrial establishments in
The superior quality of its products has gained them a worldwide fame. Mr. Campbell is taking a prominent part in the St. Louis exposition of 11MI4. serving on the executive committee as well as the committee on legislation.
KING, Goodman, been
. he was also presiretained until 1S!> Iss:;
dent of the Is'.il
'. Elrotl.
after the
New York
('.'litre uatcd :il College. After teaching at Lawrencea for year, he burg, Ky., benaii reading law in 1877 under Col. Tli'os. P. Hill, at Stanford, and was admitted to the bar in 1878. Settling St. Louis, Mo., in the in fall of 1878, he entered the St. Louis Law School, and at the same time connected himself with the law firm In 1879 of Lee & Adams. he attended the summer law school of the University of Virginia, and then e-tuhlished a general practice, lie was a member of the Missouri legislature in 1883and in 1888-90 was 88;
in reoganizing the Decatur Land Improvement and Furnace Co., the largest corporation of northern Alabama. Having placed the affairs of that company in the hands of a New York syndicate composed mainly of railroad directors, he became one of the founders of the Missiscounsippi Valley Tmst Co., was its secretary and He has taken a prominent sel and vice-president. part in the development and expansion of this, one of the leading financial institutions of the West. Mr. Jones was one of the first supporters of the movement for a Louisiana purchase exposition, served on the organization committee ot fifteen, was one of the three who secured the president's endorsement, served on the presidential dinner committee of five, was elected vicechairman of the finance committee, and was made chairman of the sub-committee to report on plans
for raising the $5,000,000 local subscription. He was also a director of the exposition. He was married, in 1885, to Frances Miller Reid, and has five children.
LEHMANN, Frederick William, lawyer, was born in Prussia, Feb. 28, 1853. He came to the United States with his parents during early childhood, and received liis education in Ohio,
and where in graduated Iowa,
at Tabor College,
He was admitted to the bar a few months after leaving college, and 1873.
at Nebraska practiced 1876, City, Neb., until when he removed to Des In 1890 he Moines, la.
the wider field offered at St. Louis. Mo., as the general attorney of the Wabash Railway Co., and in 1895 he resigned to join the law firm
Boyle. Priest & In the presi-
Lehmann. dential
of 1896 he
campaign supported Palmer and Blickner, gold-standard Democrats. and his speeches, which were widely published, attracted much attention. He was one of the directors of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition (1902-4). He was
married at Des Moines,
Dec. 23, 1879, to
Stark, and has three sons.
MEYER, Christian Frederick Godlove, merchant and manufacturer, \\as horn at Haldem, Germany. Dec. 9, IS.'iO. With his brother William, he sailed lor New Orleans in lS4(i. after a tedious voyage of nearly eight weeks, made his way, first to incinnati, O., and then to Fort Wayne. Ind. Near the latter place, he resided in the family of a married sister, assisting in the general work of a frontier farm, until in February, 1848. he obtained employment at Fort Wayne, with the Before the end of privilege of attending school. the year lie had quite mastered the Knglish Ian guage being able to converse quite without an accent and then, fee ling that lie was fitted to begin the battle of life, he apprenticed himself to an apothecary of Fort Wayne. In this business he made (
remarkably rapid progress, ma-tcrinj* every detail as he progressed, and in less
two years was head
having charge of the business at times, and going to Cincinnati to buy clerk,
than a
year of entering the business, during the cholera epidemic of 1849, the illness of his employer left him in entire charge, and, although
scarcely qualified, he was obliged to mix prescriptions and fill all orders for drugs and medicines. In August, 1852, he
ship with
formed a partnerWatson Wall, a well-known druggist
Fort Wayne, investing S.'iOO. for a half share in the business, which increased so rapidly that at the end of five years he purchased his partner's In 18f>7, he gave his interest for about $10.000. brother, J. F. W. Meyer, a share in the business. thereupon forming the firm of Meyer & Brother. The years of the civil war saw the prosperity of the house constantly maintained, until IsiJ.'i. when their store was almost entirely destroyed by fire. This calamity in no way discouraged Mr. Meyer. who with characteristic enterprise and prompt! tude rented another building across the street while the fire was still burning, and starting for New York city next day. purchased a complete stock of goods, enabling the business to resume within an amazingly short time. The retail business of this house gradually became the largest in the state of Indiana, and a considerable jobbing trade was also conducted. However. Mr. Meyer's ambition was as boundless as his energy, and. in 1865. a branch store was opened in St. Louis. Mo. Although there were already twelve wholesale drug houses in the city, with the inevitable result of
low prices and close competition, enterprise won " the day. and the " branch presently outgrew the parent store and became the largest of its line in
the incorporation of Meyer Brothers Co. in 1889. he has been its president and it is considered the largest jobbing drug concern in the United States. Of his original twelve competiMr. tors all but one have retired from business. Meyer's phenomenal success is due. not only to his great business abilities and unfailing attention to details, but also to his persistent policy of supplying on all occasions only the highest Lrraile of goods known to the trade. In 1S77. he started a monthly trade journal. Meyer Brothers' Drug-
St. Louis. Since
of its character issued gist," the first publication
Jacob Van Riper and Euphemia (]>ixon) Van Blarcom, and a descendant of John Van Blarcorn. who came from Amsterdam, Holland, and settled in Bergen county, N. ,1., in 1021. He was educated
of his ceaseless business ing store fixtures. In spite activity. Mr. Meyer has, in the past, found time for recreation. In 1854 he purchased a small place,
in the public schools of Paterson, N. J., and in Rutgers College, but did In 1806, not graduate. he secured a position as salesman for the firm of Hanthorn & Peterson, Co., of St. Louis, Mo.,
by a jobbing house, and himself edited it for many Meyer Brothers Drug Co., have their own years. printing oflice, and a cabinet shop for manufactur-
" Glemlale," in the neighborhood of Fort Wayne, and bi-fcan a systematic cultivation of rare trees and flowering plants. He was the first to import
the begonia rex, now so popular, and he also introduced several new varieties of shade trees into His interest in these subjects took exIndiana. pression in a number of articles in the horticul-
Mr. Meyer is an tural magazines of the day. earnest and consistent member of the Lutheran church, of which he is a generous supporter. His " life's motto has been, Honesty, Industry, Economy. Sobriety." He was married at Fort Wayne, Ind., in 1854, to Francises, daughter of Conrad Schmidt, and a native of Strassburg, Alsace. They have hail nine children, of whom five sons and Four of his sons are asone daughter survive. sociated with him in business, the eldest being now in
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer both in America and
have traveled a great deal, Europe.
HILL, Walker, financier, was born at Richmond, Va., May 27, 1855, son of Lewis and Mary He was educated at a private E. (Maury) Hill. school in Richmond, and at the age of sixteen he obtained employment as messenger in the He was made assistPlanters' National Bank. ant teller the following year, and he performed his duties so acceptably that at eighteen became teller.
served in this capacity for eight years, and then accepted the position of cashier of the City
Bank Dec.
of 3,
and in 1870, became chief accountant in the Bank of Commerce, with which (he subsequent years of his life have been identified. He was appointed cashier in 1877, and vicepresident in 1899, an office
holds (1904). of the
Union Club and Holland Society
and of the St. Louis Club and the Noonday Club of St. Louis. He city
a man of alert mind, earnest admirable judgment, and disposition, prompt action; and as a banker may be described as an efficient force impelled by a progressive spirit and guided by conservative ideas. He possesses a is
vigorous intellect, grasping large questions quickly and thoroughly, and is a firm believer in system, the compact organization of the St. Louis Bank of Commerce being representative of his methods.
ALLEN, Andrew A., railroad manager, was On born on a farm near Monmouth, Warren co., 111., in 1855. He was educated in the public schools, and in
1887, he resigned to
accept a similar position American the Exchange Bank of St. Louis, Mo.
Mr. Hill was elected president of the bank in May, 1894, and for nearly ten years he has ably discharged the duties of his office. When he first became identified with the American Exchange Bank, it had a capital of $200,000, a surplus of $70,740.71, and deposits of $203,717.52;
while, in 1904,' the capital sur p] U9 the i9 $ q 0> and undivided profits over Mr. Hill $050.000. and the deposits $6,000,000. has held many other important positions in the financial world, having been president of the American Bankers' Association, in 1899-1900, a director of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition,
in 1869 entered the railway service as messenger in the telegraph office of the Chicago. Burlington
and Quincy railroad at Sagetown, 111. Later he became assistant operator and served in that capacity and as clerk until 1872, when he entered the employ of the Toledo, Peoria and Warsaw railway he served it for one year as ticket agent and operator at Burlington, la. one year as assistant train dispatcher, and seven yea'rs as train dispatcher at Peoria, 111. In 1880-82 he was city ticket agent, acting northern passenger agent and trainmaster of the Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific railway. From January to June, 1882, he was trainmaster of the same road with headquarters ;
at Peoria, 111. Lhiring 1882-89 he was successively assistant superintendent, superintendent, general superintendent and assistant general manager of the Wisconsin Central railway. In 1892-93 he was superintendent of construction of the Everett and Monte Cristo ra.lway, and since the latter year he has been in the service of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Co., being general superincomand on its ethnology serving anthropology tendent, later assistant general manager and now mittee and its committee of finance. He was one. (1903) its vice-president and general manager/ at the organizers of the Business Men's League Mr. Allen's long experience in conducting railway of St. Louis, and has been treasurer of the league affairs has made him one of the most capable and from its inception; is treasurer of the Hospital best known of Western railway men. He is one Saturday and Sunday Association; treasurer of of the directors 01 the Louisiana Purchase Exposithe Humane Society; vice-president and treas- tion Co. and is a member of its committee on urer of the Round Table: a member of the St. transportation and that on electricity and electriLouis. Country. Commercial, and L^niversity Clubs. cal appliances. Mr. Kill was married Oct. 14, 1885, to Jeanie MORTON, Isaac Wyman, merchant, was born Mnrrison. daughter of Capt. Richard J. Lockwood, May 4, 1847, at Quincy. 111., son of Charles and of St. Louis, Mo., and has three sons. He comes of New Rebecca (Wyman) Morton. England stock, tracing his ancestry to several of BLABCOM, Jacob Craig, financier, was the Mayflower colonists. The first paternal anborn in Bergen county, N. J., June 1, 1849, son of cestor in America was George Morton, of England,
32 who landed
at Plymouth, Mass., from
the ship
the direct line Angii-t, I tiki, and from him runs as follows: John. ,lohn. F.bene/er. Nathaniel, and N:ith;mi.-l. grandfather (if Isaac \\'. Morton.
of the most prominent of the early members of this family was Nathaniel, son of (Jeorge: he \\n- secretaryand hi-iorianof the Plymouth colony. Mr. Morton's father was born in Halifax. Mass., and lii- mot licr raa a native of Charlestown, Mas-;. s .">l. and hi-* widow took her lather diid in |-|i,. The son attended ehildrni to St. Louis in IS.'iti. school at the \Vynian Institute and at Washington leaving school I'nivcrsity. when seventeen years of age. he entered the service National Second of the Hank as messenger and col-
Busines- application
and energv soon advanced him to the po-t of bookkeeper and afterward to In 1805, he that of teller. severed his banking connection in spite of the induce-
by his employers, who wished him to rem.iin. and entered the employ of Waters, Simmons & hardware wholesale Co.,
In order to learn
thoroughly, he began with a subordinate clerkship, and after filling several positions in the line of promoHe tion, went on the road as traveling salesman. in this field, and in 1872, as partner, succeeded Waters, Simmons & Co., the firm name being E. C. Simmons & Co. Mr. Morton took charge of the buying department, which position he held continuously in connection witli other duties until 1898. During
was unusually successful with
this period he introduced operative
methods which
earned him the respect and confidence of his as(.ociates and competitors, his good judgment, conservatism, and absolute fairness being recognized far and wide'. When the Simmons Hardware Co. wa- incorporated in 1874. K. ('. Simmons became prc-idcnt. and Mr. Morton, vice-president; the-e held for twenty-four year-, during offices they which time the business grew to be the largest of its kind in the country. In 1808. both Mr. Simmons and Mr. Morton felt that they could safely consign the more active conduct of the affairs of this great corporation to younger heads and secure for themselves rest and recreation, with more time for matters of a semi-public nature. They resigned their official positions but still kept their fingers on the pulse of the business, in the capacity of advisory directors. Mr. Morton always upheld the principles of the Democratic party, usually support ing the regular organization, but maintaining an independent stand when his judgment dictated. He was a regular attendant of the Ethical Society, a member of the board of trustees of the Self-Culture Hall Association, and chairman of its finance committee. Mr. Morton was a director of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co.. chairman of its committee on art. and a member of its reception committee. He was one of the leading advocates of a permanent art build-
ing, and he edifice made
accomplished his aim to have this a suitable legacy to In posterity. business and in good citizenship he always stood for what is right and best. On June 19/1877, hs was married to Jeannette. daughter of O. D. Filley, at one time mayor of St. Louis. They had
three children: Alice, Jeannette. and Helen MorHe died in St. Louis in ll)o:i. ton.
WENNEKER., Charles Frederick, merchant, was born in St. Louis. Mo.. Oct. 10. 185.'i. son of Clemens and Henrietta (Blanke) Wenneker. of German
descent. After pas-ing through the public, schools of St. Louis, he pursued a Inisine-- course in the Bryant & Stratton College of St. l.oui-. and was graduated in June. 1868. In 1869, he secured employment as errand boy for the house of Blanke Hi,
candy manufacturers, which his uncle was the and remained proprietor, I'.ro..
twenty-three years. \Vhen he ie-igned he was -erving as principal credit man. and a director of tincorporation. In H91 he or ganized the \Veiincker-Morris Candy Co., of which he is still Begin president. ning with a capital of $30,it 0110. and 40 employee-, capital in 1904 was $150,000, and there were 225 people .
on the pay-roll. Mr. Wen neker was U. S. collector
revenue at St. Louis under Pres. Har(1S89-92I; was city collector of St. Louis He is a 32nd degree Mason, mi Odd (1897-1901). Fellow, a member of the Legion of Honor, the Ancient Order United Workmen, the Mercantile and Union Clubs, the Business Men's League, the Merchants' Exchange, and the executive committee of the Manufacturers' Association. He is also a direcHe was tor of the Louisiana purchase exposition. of internal
18, 1876, to Johanna, daughter of Frederick Heidbreder, of St. Louis, and has one
married on June daughter, Miss
Ada Wenneker.
Joseph Joehua, physician, Edgecomhe county, N. ('.. Jan. 2S. 1836.
is of revolutionary ancestry on both the paterHis fourth removed panal and maternal side-. ternal grandfather was born in England, of AngloNorman descent, and emigrated to America in 1642. The son of this ancester was Frank Lawrence, a noted Indian fighter during colonial times; his son was Lieut. Lawrence of the -Ith North
Carolina regiment in the continental Washington. His son was Joshua Lawrence, an eminent Baptist mini-ter and author, who was the father of Bennett Harrow Lawrence, a prominent cotton planter, the father of Dr. ,1. ,T. Lawrence. The mother was the daughter of Judge ,l..e Cooper Knight, who was a descendant of ('apt. a Viileneuve. captain of French troops, killed while fighting
army under
cause in 1781. Dr. Lawrence after receiving a university and medical education assumed the editorship " " of the Daily Rough Notes at Goldsboro. N. C. At the commencement of the civil war between the states, he entered the Confederate army as captain of Confederate troops. After the close of the war, he practiced medicine in his native state for a short time, and then moved to St. Louis, Mo. In
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. founded a medical monthly called "The which has now the largest circulation, and i.s financially the most prosperous medical publication in the world. Dr. Lawrence is a 1S7.'!.
great believer in the great future of St. Louis, as attested by his ownership of several valuable
He is noted for pieces of St. Louis real estate. his hopeful view of things, his universal good humor, and his practical business ability, qualities On May 3, rarely combined in the same person. 185!), Dr. Lawrence was married at Wilson, N. C., to Josephine, daughter of Col. Benjamin F. Edwr.rds, of Greene county, N. C., and had four children. Although Dr. Lawrence's legal home and business interests are in the city of St. Louis, he also owns a residence on Fifth avenue, New York.
MILLER. Harry Irving, railroad official, was born at Cleveland, 0., Jan. 12, 1802, Bon of John Ford and Almira (Grizzell) Miller. His father was born at Ithaea. N. Y., July 1C, 1830, and entered railway service in 1851, becoming vicepresident of the Cleveland, Akron & Columbus railway, one of the Pennsylvania lines; and was one of the national commissioners of the Louisiana purchase exposition. The son was educated at Russell's Collegiate School of New Haven, Conn., at Mt. St. Mary's School, Emmettsburg, Md., and at Cornell University. In 1880, he left college and entered the employ of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Co., at Richmond, Ind. There he
served as clerk in the the superintendent, from Sept. 1st of that year
office of
when he
was promoted to be
clerk under the superintendent of the Indianapolis & Vincennes division, at In-
dianapolis. In March, 1882, he was transferred in the same capacity to the office the superintendent at of and in the following October, 1
Richmond, was made
inspector of masonry between Indianapolis and Columbus, and between Richmond and Loi'p.nsport. Later he became assistant engineer of the same divisions, and in October, 1885, was appointed engineer. In April, 1888, he was assigned to the special duty of completing the construction of the Cincinnati & Richmond road. On Sept. 7th of that year, he was appointed division superintendent at Richmond, Ind., and on Mar. 15, 1890, was given the same position with the Pennsylvania lines at Louisville, Ky.. where he reOn Apr. 15, 1894, he mained for four yeai's. went to the Terre Haute & Indianapolis railroad (Vandalia line), as division superintendent, and on June 10, 1901, was selected as general manager of (lie Vandalia line, headquarters at St. Louis, an office he holds in 1904.
SCTJLLIN, John, contractor, was born in St. Lawrence county. X. Y.. Aug. 17, 183(5, son of Nieholls and Mary (Kenney) Scullin. He was educated in the common schools and at the Potsdam (X. Y. He began his career Academy. in the construction department of the Grand Trunk railway, in Canada, and in 1863 establish*?.! )
himself as a railroad contractor at Ft. SneHing, In the following year he went to Virginia City, Nev., with a party of gold-seekers, but in I860 re-entered the railway construction business, Vol.. XII. 3.
and took a contract to construct a portion of the central branch of the Union Pacific railroad, now part of the Missouri Pacific system. He also built the Missouri Valley road from Savannah to Marys ville, Mo., and the Rock Island road from PlattsHe built two burg, Mo., to Leavenworth, Kan. thirds of the Missouri, Kansas
and Texas
constructed portions of the Galveston, Harrisburg and San Antonio and the Denison and Southeastern. In 1882 he was made general manager of the Mexican National railroad, with headquarters in the city of Mexbut in the following ico; year returned to St. Louis, Mo., where he had interests, in street railway enterprises. He aided in the construction of the Union depot, Mound City and Jefferson Avenue lines, and in 1882 was elected president of the Wiggins
Mr. Scullin is as an owner and operator of street railways, having established the Union depot system, one of the most extensive in the United States. He was a director of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition and a member of a Ferry Co. best
of its committees. He was married in 1859 to Hannah Perry, of Montreal, Canada, and has five children.
WELLS, William was born
Barton, real estate broker, in Cincinnati. O., Oct. 22, 1847, son of
William Barton and Charlotte Ann (Soards) Wells. His father was president of the Cincinnati Type Foundry Co. William received his early education from the public schools of his native town, and at the age of sixteen entered the employ of the wholepale notion house of J. E. Wynne & Co., where he remained until 1874. He was appointed traveling salesman for Samuel Cupples" Woodenware Co. in 1877, and was associated with it for a period of thirteen years. Upon sevhis connection with this concern he spent eighteen months in Europe, trav-
eling extensively and equipping himself for a successful career. It was at this time that he decided to settle
permanently in St. Louis and following his inclinahe entered the real estate business in 1893, which he has transacted since that time in a most successful and satisfactory manner un- ra der the firm name of W. B. Wells & Co. He was one of the incorporators of the Lincoln Real Estate & Building Co. in 1899, first tion,
when a combination was made of the oflices. vice-president and general later,
manager, which position he occupies at tne present time (1903). In addition, Mr. Wells is vice-president of the Chemical Building Co., one of the directors of the Lincoln Trust Co., and a director and vice-president of the Third National Bank, all of St. Louis. By reason of his good judgment, Mr. Wells has frequently been selected for political office, which honor he has steadily- declined, but he
t serve parly ulway- hold- himself in readitiewithout honorably and energetically
ostentation. :>ml with tin- same effective methods He career. ha\c characterized hi-* imsim ti..t Louisiana Purcbaae i, mi.- .if tin- director- of tin' Co.. to which ho \vii- elected at tin- be-
(lit- roiiiinil lee- of conce*eto&l ginniii"- MTvinir on and tha4 of building and grounds. These committed .in- vrry itii|iortant 11- tlicy liavc to do not ith thV coti-triietion of tin- opposition build.
Mr. Wells he renting of -.pace. makes friendships tlininirli His genial characterisbecause of his intrinsic ties null retains them He lias engineered MHIIO important real worth. .--talc deals anil linaiicial trail-actions in St. Loin-. ings
and a
methods are iiniiiipeachalilc and fair. He memlier of the Mercantile Cluli. and of the
Paul, manufacturer and philanthroKldorudo. 1'iiion CO., Ark.. Aug. 1S4S. son of \\'arner Brown, a native of Meoklit). Icnl.ui" county, \'a. Mo was one of the founder- of the Methodist Church at Kldora.lo in 1S47. and the church owes its present beautiful and favorIn November. able location to his goncro-ity. 1S47. he deeded to the church the block upon which the first church was built in the following
Iporn at
About 1870. it was torn down to give place year. in u larger and better building, and in 1902. a handsome, commodious, and modern
erected there, and in the east side a beautiful window was placed as a tribute to Warner Brown by his son. The latter after his father's death in 1854 was reared upon a farm near St.
When twentythree years of age. he engaged in the general merchandise business for sevCharles, Mo.
years, and then began the manufacture of tobacco, which he has continued to the present time. As president of the Brown Tobacco eral
he succeeded in building up an enormous busine--. also having the supervision of the Brown branch of the Continental Tobacco Co., as resident director, and transacting other important business of the comMr. Brown is also a large owner of real pany. estate in -Missouri. He has acquired his wealth honorably through his industry and business talent. He has a genius for detail, and no part of his business is trivial enough to be ignored by him, while he is most thorough in all his methods; at the same time he is possessed of a comprehensive gra-p of affairs which aids him in the succo-sful conduct of large industries and establishments. Keen, careful, and observant, he is posso--od of broad and courageous executive ability. He is public spirited and enterprising, and has taken groat interest in the promotion of the Louisiana purchase exposition. Believing in the future of St. l.ouis, and the great advantages of the world's fair to the people of the Mississippi valley, he is devoting to it much personal effort. He i- a director of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co.. and chairman of the committee of agriculture, which has in charge the exhibit of manufactured food products and live stock. Mr. Co.,
of line social qualities,
charactir and liked among business
in St. Louis.
merchant, was born
in St.
In Is7(i. he took the position Louis. Mo., in ISIiO. of clerk and* paymaster for a contractor who was a constructing portion of the present Wabasli railroad. In 1S77. lie became clerk in the city office of the St. Louis Fair As-oeiation. and in 1SS.'!. his successful conduct of its business affairs received recognition by his appointment as secretary of the
as-oeiation. though he was not yet twenty-four years lie held this po-iage. lion until Dec. 31. issii. when he resigned it for the secretaryship of the August Cast Bank-Note & Litho-
graph there
years, but had. organized,
L. E. Anderson, the real e-tate firm of L. E. An--
dcrson & Co., which was succeeded in July. Is.ss. b\ the corporation known as
Anderson- Wade liealty which he was president. At this time Mr. the-
Co., of
resigned his position
with the Bank-Note Co., and since then has devoted all his attention to the real estate business. Since 1900, he has been the prime mover in enterprises that have resulted in the erection of more than fifty buildings in St. l.ouis. He led in organizing the Mercantile Trust Co.. which was incorporated in 1899. was elected its president, and still (1904). holds that positipn. This has become one of the largest, strongest, and most conservative institutions in the United States, having now a combined capital and surplus of $9,500.000. Mr. Wade is one of the board of directors of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co.. and is chairman of the ways and means committee.
BUTLER, James at
Gay, manufacturer, was born
Saugatuck, Mich.. Jan.
23, 1840.
son of William
He was edu(iay and Eliza (McKcnnan) Butler. caled in the Preparatory School of Suflield. Conn., and at. the University of Michigan, but left before graduating, to enter the Union army. He was a member of the 3rd regiment of Michigan volunteer cavalry,
in 18B2,
he was appointed second
lieutenant in the 2nd cavalry, and was mustered out of the service
on Mar. 12, 1866. He is a past supreme chancellor of the Legion of
Honor, and of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion: a past comof Ransom Post, A. R., and was, from colonel com1877-90, manding the 1st and 3rd regiments of the Missouri national guard. At the close of the civil war, he entered into a copartnership with John A. and Alex-
mander ft.
ander J. Leggat under the firm name of Leggat Bros. & Butler, in July,
I860; and in Ibis connection he was enin the tobacco business for many years.
In 1883, he became sole owner and president of the James G. Butler Tobacco Co., and remained
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. such until 1895. when he sold out to the American Tobacco Co., of New York. He was elected a director in this corporation, serving as resident manager of the St. Louis branch. He is a director of the Mercantile Trust Co. of St. Louis. vice-president and director of the Merchants' Insurance Company. He is a director of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co. Mr. Butler is an enthu.-iastic yachtsman, and is a member of several prominent yacht clubs, including the New York, the Larchmont, the Columbia, and the Manhassett. He was married at Grand Haven, Mich.. Oct. 15, 1808, to Margaret, daughter of William Leggat, of Albany, N. Y.
Louis, Mercantile and Noonday clubs, He is farvice-president of the latter. Mr. Huttig's sighted, shrewd, cordial and kind. democratic personality is one of his principal characteristics. On Apr. 13, 1892, he was married, at Muscatine, la., to Annie E., daughter of Peter Musser, of that city, and has one son, Charles Musser,
Purchase Exposition Co., a prominent citizen of St. Louis. He was born
with a capital of $40.000.
kind in the United States. Mr. Huttig is still its president. In 1897 he its
Third National Bank, which
had a capital
of $1.000.000
and, a surplus of $300,000, less with than deposits The capital has $3.000.000. since been increased to $2,000.000, with $1,500,000 surplus and undivided profdeposits $22.000,000, the inn-case being considered by expert financiers one of the most remarkable in the history of financial institutions. The stock rose from $SO' a share in 1896 to $330 The bank was organized in 1857
George Morrison, merchant, and
it has steadily increased financial worth and importance until it is now one of the largest concerns of
and one daughter, Jeanette Huttig.
director of the Louisiana
Charles H., banker, was born at Muscatine. la., son of Fred and Sophia (Schnell) He was educated in the local schools Huttig. and received his early business training in the hanking house of Cook, Musser & Co. there. In lssf> he removed to St. Louis, Mo., where he established the llu'tig Sash and Door Co. Organized in
Y'ork city, Fe'b. son of John and
12, 1844,
Margaret (Finnic). His father, a native of Scotland, was by trade a stone cutter. The son
was educated in the pubschools and Washingof
Louis. He is secretary and treasurer of the Wil-
liam Barr Dry Goods Co., which was incorporated in 1870, and of which WilT liam Barr, of New Y ork, is the president, and Joseph Franklin vice-presi-
As a director of dent. the St. Louis exposition, Mr. Wright has taken an active interest in the mammoth undertaking, and has served as a member of the committee on fish and fisheries. He was married Jan. 20. 1874, to Sarah' S.. daughter of William A. Sterrett, of Philadelphia, and has four daughters.
BOYLE, Wilbur F., lawyer, was born in Brooke county, Va. (now West Virginia), Aug. 20, 1840. son of Joseph and Emeline (Gist) Boyle. He
obtained his education in the public schools of his native state, and in Asbury University at He then Greencastle, Ind.
per share in 1903. under the name of the Southern Bank, and in 1803 was converted into a national bank under its pres-
read law at St. Louis, under Hon. Edward Bates, and was admitted to the bar in 1868.
name. It is the second largest bank in St. Louis, while its connections are international, having correspondence in all parts of the world. Mr. Huttig is a director of the Mississippi Valley Trust Co., a corporation of $8,000,000 capital and surplus and $25.000,000 of deposits; a director of the Ameri-
Settling for the practice of profession in St. Louis, he there rapidly advanced to a position of eminence at that bar. In 1885 the firm of Boyle, Adams &
can Central Insurance Co., which has a capital and surplus of $3.000.000 and $200,000,000 of fire risks in force; a director in the Laelede Gas Light Co., whose securities are selling for $21,000.000 on the market: a director in the St. Louis and Suburban Railway Co., which controls 100 miles of street railway in St. Louis; and a director in the InterState Trust & Banking Co., of New Orleans, which has He is also 2.0(10.000 capital and surplus. interested in several important timber and lumber investments. He has been identified with the growth and development of St. Louis from the time of his arrival there. In 1891-95 he was a member of the board of directors of the public school-, having been elected to that position by the biggest vote ever cast. He has been tendered
honors of importance, but has uniformly He is a director of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co. and chairman of the committee on state and territorial exhibits of the World's Fair: a member of the executive committee of the Businessmen's League, and vice-president of tht Merchants' Exchange, and a member of political
McKeigham was
and since
has of the
been senior law firm of
Boyle, Priest & Lehmann. During 1876-83, Mr. Boyle was judge of the St. Louis He was marcircuit court. in 1864 to Fannie ried L., daughter of Alexander
Orleans. La., and has one daugha director of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co., and a member of the executive committee and the committee on foreign relations. He is president of the St. Louis Country Club and a member of several social organizations.
Brother, of ter.
WHTTAKEB,, Edwards, Louis, Mo., Apr. 29, and Letitia (Edwards) cated in the grammar Louis, and at the age of St.
financier, 1848, son of
was born
William A.
Whitaker. He was eduand high schools of St. sixteen secured a position
36 under
the quartermaster's
lie served as army. clerk during tin- tiual year oi the civil war. and tlirii entered
departm ent
siib-t reas-
as cli'rk under the iirv a--i-1ant I'. S. treasurer, Gen. Albert G. Edwards.
He followed tien. Edward-- into the banking business. and upon the of the latter let ireinent in IS74 beeaine a partner under tin name of Mat1
& Whitaker.
fourteen years Mr. Matliews retired. and. with harlellodgman. Mr. \Vliitaker formed the tirni of U'hilaker A llodgman, one of the most widely (
tions in the West.
BROWN, at.
George Warren, manufacturer, was >ranville, Washington co., N. Y., Mar. 21,
son of David and Malinda (Koblee) liro\vn. lie was brought up on a farm and received a common-school education, supplemented by a course at Bryant & St rat ton's liusiness College, Troy, I8."i:i.
\. Y..
received his diploma in 1872. On he stnrlrd W< -t lo seek his fortune, objective point being St. Louis, Mo. Here he obtained a position as
Apr. his
IS7. !,
shipping clerk with a wholesale shoe house. His faithfulness and energy were such that he was given a territory 1S74.
and started. Mar. as
traveling salesman. As this was just following the panic of 1873, the conditions were most discouraging, but he soon was the leading shoe salesman in his territory. After traveling for four years and eight months, he had to his credit with his thill K
house some-
which had been saved from his
earnings: and. believing in the' future of shoe he resigned his posiLouis, manufacturing tion to c-tahlish a shoe factory in that In city. November. 1S7S. he formed a partnership w'ith A. L. liryan and .1. V>. Desnoyers. under the tirm name of I'.ryan. I'.rown & Co., and in 1SS1. the business was incorporated, being the lir-t wholesale shoe In 1S8r>. Mr. P.ryan recorporation in St. l.oui-. tired: in sir.:. Mr. Dc-novers retired, and the corporation became the Hrown Shoe Co. Mr. Krown has been president of the corporation since its I'nder his leadership has organization in 1881. grown o'lc of the greatest shoe concerns of the United States, now represented by seventy salesmen. It was the first successful 'shoe factory of in
has since become
shoe market
lirown's greati st satisfaction
young men who have
in i-
the grcate-f the world. Mr. in the number of
up strong personal characters ill the business atmosphere of ins mercantile house, as upright business principles are. the platform upon which his company ha- built its trade. He has always been interested in the welfare of boys and young men. and the work of the Young Men's Christian Association for a number of years past, in its city, state, national, and foreign branches, has received financial support from him while at the present time, he is president of the general board of directors of the Sf. Louis Association. Mr. Brown is one of the executive committee of the St. Louis Busincs- Men's League, director in the Mercantile Trust Co., Third National Hank, and Louisiana Purchase Exposi;
and is also connected with other organizations which are working for the upbuilding of his adopted city. tion Co., all of St. Louis,
also president of the Lindell Railway Co., vicepresident of the lioatnien's Bank, director of the Hell Telephone Co. and the Miouri Electric LightHe has conducted many important financial Co. the that transaction*, including negotiations secured for the Chicago, Hurlington and Quincy Hailroad Co. its tenninal property in St. Louis. He was a director of the Louisiana Purchase Exlie was married, in 1874. to Sophia, position. daughter of Thomas M. Taylor, of St. Louis.
LEMP, William
J., was born in Germany in His father. Adam l.emp, immigrated to'this in 18.'i8, settled in St. Louis, IS.'iti, and in country where two years later he started a small brewery. The son spent his early childhood in Germany, and in 1S4S. was brought to St. Louis. There lie attended school, (hushing his education at the St. Louis University. He enIK.'ili.
tered his nesa and
a thorough knowledge of its affair- a- foreman and later as manager. At the
outbreak id' lie civil war he joined the 3rd regiment. United States ret
serve corps, and was mustered out of service a-
company in the 1861. At his
of father's fall
in 1S62, he a. iimcd control of the rapidly increasing business, and full
by his enterprise and
gacity lias made it one of the most extensive in the country. Xew ground
was purchased and
brewery removed thither, the plant being enlarged from time to time, until now the buildings cover five blocks and 701) emplovee- a re needed. Its product- are -hipped to all parts of the United States. Mexico. Central and Ninth America, Hawaii, and Australia. In 18!)'2. the concern was incorporated as the William .1. l.emp Brewing Co., with Mr. Lemp as president, and his two sons, William J. l.emp. Jr., and Louis F. Lemp, as vice-president and superintendent re-peeBeside his brewing interests in St. Louis. tivelv. Mr. Lemp is a stockholder in breweries located in Texas, and is identified with a number of iceHe is a plants scattered through the country. member of the Merchants' Kxchange. which he has served as vice-president:
board of dirrtors of the
National I'ank. and Savings Institution
in the German as well as in various other business corporations. He is a director of the Louisiana Purchase K\po-i tion Co., and a member of its committees on history and agriculture. Much of his time has been
a stockholder
spent in European travel, and a portion of it devoted to visiting Alaska. He was married. 1'cc. 3, 1801. to Julia Feickert. They have five sons and three daughters.
KNAPP, born in Col.
Charles Welbourne, journalist, was
St. Louis,
Jan. 23, 1848, eldest son
John and Virginia (Wright) Knapp.
received his early education in the public schools of his native city, and was graduated at the St. Louis University in 1805, with the .degree of A.B. After two years' study in the law schools of Columbia College (X. Y.) and the University of Kentucky, he received the degree of LL.B. from the latter in March, 1807, and that of A.M. from St. Louis University in the following June. Upon secur-
ing his legal degree he entered the journalistic field as a member of the staff of his father's paper, serving in various capacities in both business and editorial
departments, including the bureau at the national capital, of which lie had charge for a number of years. In 1887, he became president of the "Republic" Co.; and as general manager assumed charge of all
departments, being both
and publisher of the He has been a dipaper. rector of the Associated Press since 1891, and during 1895-99, was president of the American Newspaper Publishers' Association. During three years (1896-99), he served on the board of directors of the St. Louis public library. He was appointed a director of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co.. and has been an enthusiastic and indefatigable worker for the St. Louis world's He fair, since the inception of that enterprise. is a member of the executive committee, and of editor
committee on press and publicity.
Charles Guille, railroad official, was born at Zanesville. O., Dec. 26, 1844, non of Daniel and Juliet H. (Buekmaster) Warner. He v as educated in the public schools of Ohio and the Washington Academy of Kentucky. At the of he lifteen age began business life as' a clerk in n drygoods store of Alton, III., and at eighteen entered the Federal army as a member of the 23d regiment. Missouri volunteer
He was
mustered out at the close of the civil war with the rank of captain, and for three years' thereafter devoted himself to agricultural pursuits in Jefferson county. Mo. In 1868 he accepted the position of delivery clerk on the Ohio and Mississippi railroad, and in 1809 entered the employ of the Missouri Pacific Railway Co. ns clerk in one of its St. Louis offices. After passing through the traffic
and accounting departments he becamo genera] auditor (1877-93). and as such he audited and pi>-cd upon Recounts amounting to more than .S'lniM e>
(,\. isss. to Minn, daughter of Cincinnati. .. and has two children Alexander Wesscl and .lane Shapleigh. I
Harvard College
Norris Bradford, manufacturer, was son of Wil1,0111 in St. l.ouis. Mi... Nov. s. ls:,ii. liam Henry and Orian (Thompson) Gregg, and a
descendant of
.lames Gregg, of Scotch-Irish
descent, who came to this country in 1718, and Another ancestor. settled at Londonderry. N. II. Mai. Samuel Gregg, served in the colonial and took revolutionary wars, and with his command His father, a Hill. part in the 'battle of Bunker \. V., settled in St. Louis. native of
academic study. His first employment was White Southern with the
Lead works, serving
in vari-
ous capacities as clerk, superintendent of the works. and traveling salesman. As superintendent he made a
number the
of improvements in manufacture of white
lead, red lead,
Tn November,
litharge. 1880, he re-
signed his position and with two others organized the Mound City Paint and
This office Color Co.. being made its secretary. he held until November. 1887, when he became he has president of the company, which position Starting with a deoccupied since that time. termination to build up a reputation for fair busiii, '-s dealing and absolute purity in goods, the company is to-day one of the largest and best known paint manufacturing concerns of the country, while its trade-mark is guarantee of a high Mr. (iregg's courage and standard in quality. integrity have greatly contributed to the success of the business, and hisi judgment is not only recognized as exceptional by his associates, but his counsel is often sought by his competitors. When the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co. \\as organized, Mr. Gregg was elected a director
tion to
appointed chairman ot purchases and supplies, and
chief of the division of eon-
and admissions, giving his entire atten(lie
when he
entered the insur-
ance agency under the direcIn 1902,
tion of his father.
He began in 1891. his business career in 1SS1.
of the Mercantile Trust Co., of St. Louis, and during 1900-02, he was president of the National Associa-
Washington rniversity, where he completed the
was afterward made
University. St. Louis. Mo.. and obtained the degree of
of that company, the committe; on
the law de-
he organized upon his own plans the association of Individual Fire Underwriters of St. l.ouis. which he now
1840. became a merchant there, and in ISt>7--S9. was president of the Southern The son White Lead Co.
George Dickson, underwriter,
New Haven.
Conn.. July 25, 1S59. son William Harris and M-irg:irel Melinda (Dicksoni Markham. His father (1826-1901), was a merchant and manufacturer, and founded the Soulard Market Mission Sunday School, which developed into the Markham Memorial Presbyterian Church of St. Louis. Mo.: and a descendant of John Markham, of Yorkshire. Fngland. who came over in 1725, and settled in Chesterfield county. Ya.. and Their son Bernard married Catherine Mathews. married Mary Harris, and married their son George Frances Garland, and was of Mr. the grandfather Markham. He was gradu-
was born
latter service,
of the
Louis, University. Noonday, and St. Louis Country Clubs, of the Chicago Club of Chicago, St..
and of the Merchants' Exchange. St. Louis. Mr. Gregg was married. Nov. 2fi. 1884. to May Hawley, and has one son, Norns Bradford Gregg, Jr.
a director
He is a ire Insurance Agents. tion of Local director of the University Club of St. Louis, president of the Mercantile 'library, vice-president of the Harvard Club of St. Louis, and ill 1SS9. was I'
of Harvice-president of the Western Association He was married. Feb. 5. 1902, to vard Clubs.
Mary MeKittrick, daughter of St. Louis,
Hugh McKittriek
Unionville, Mo.. July
E., banker, was born at 1800. son of Hugh D.
lie was and Martha J. (Marshall) Marshall. reared on a farm, attended the district schools. and completed his education at the Missouri State he was made University. At the age of eighteen, cashier of his father's banking institution, nowknown as the Marshall Na-
of Unionville, 1SS7. he was appointed chief of the division of examiner's reports of the
national banks, in the olliee of the U. S. comptroller of currency at Washington. D.
under W. L. Trenholm. C'., This position he ably filled, and at the end of a year was made national bank examiner of Missouri and Kansas. In 1890, he was again
advanced iner
as special examthe large cities
throughout the country but in 1892, he resigned this
'\m '
accept the vicepresidency of the National Bank of office
Kansas City, Mo.
he became
cashier of the Continental National Bank of St. Louis, and filled the position with notable ability until his ascendency to the presidency of the inOn June 1. 1902. the stitution. March. 1902.
Continental National Bank business with the National
consolidated their of Commerce
Louis, and Mr. Marshall
was chosen
He is president, which position he now holds. a director of the Louisiana purchase exposition, and has spent every effort toward its success. He was married at Unionville. Mo., Mar. 17, 1881, to Miss Fannie Noggle, daughter of R. I. and Sylvia Noggle, and has two sons.
DODD, Samuel
capitalist, was born in 1832, son of Stephen and Mary (Condit) Dodd, and a descendant of Daniel Dodcl. who settled at Branford, Conn, in Ki4!). He attended the public schools, and was afterward a student at the Bloomfield Academy, X. J., but at the age of fourteen he was compelled to face the problems of life. For two years thereafter he was a clerk in a country store, but in 1848 he se-
Orange. X.
cured a position in a wholesale hat and cap house, Three years located in Pearl street, New York. Inter he removed to St. Louis, and was employed and fur house of in the hat, cap, Baldwin, Randell & Co. Five years afterward he was made junior member of the firm, and in 1803, he bought out his partners and continued the business under his own name until 1800, when he wound up his affairs and became one of the organi/crs and senior member of the wholesale
dry goods house of Dodd,
Brown &
known and
throughout the respected Mississippi valley. In 1885 Mr. Dodd retired from mereantile life and turned his attention to varied enterBefore retiring from prises. business, however, his firm originated and inaugurated a movement which changed entirely the location of the
wholesale business of St. Louis to the immense advantage of the city and wholesale interests. Within the past few years Mr. Dodd has developed capabilities and resources unlocked for even in a man who had achieved distinguished Multitudes of men acquire a competence success. by plodding industry, and late in life become identified and grow rich with corporations already (Mablishcd, but Mr. Dodd's business genius is of the creative kind. While yet a merchant he was prr-ident of the Broadway Real Estate Co., as well as of the American Brake Co. Retaining his official connection with these corporations, he originated and became president of the Missouri Electric Light and Power Co., president of the Kdison Illuminating Co., president of the Wagner Electric Manufacturing Co., vice-president of the American Central Insurance Co.. second vice-president of the National Bank of Commerce, and holds directorships in several other large corporations. He is a director of the Louisiana" Purchase Exposition Co., and a member of its committees on art and electricity. Mr. Dodd is an art connoisseur, not as an affectation, but from an inborn love for and appreciation of that which is beautiHe is eminently kindly and social in his disful. position, and, as remarked by an acquaintance, " there is no man in the city of St. Louis more highly respected, or who can count more personal friends than Samuel M. Dodd."
of Papin and Choutcau, an ancestry which runs back to the beginning of St. Louis. His father, a man of culture and independent means, came to America in 1840, from Rhenish Bavaria, and settled in St. Louis, where he became prominent in social and business circles. The son was educated at Washington University, and in 1875, engaged in the fire
insurance business by purchasing an interest in an established firm. Some years later, with his brother, Louis Hirschberg (since deceased), and Christopher J. Kehoe, he formed the firm of F. D. Hirschberg & Bro., which is among the leading representatives
Francis D., broker, was born Louis, Mo.. Sept. 10, 1854. son of Louis Charles and Lucille (Chauvin) Hirschberg. Through his mother he is descended from the
ance interests.
This agency
represents the Scottish Union and National Insurance Co. nf Edinburgh; the Lion Fire Co. of London; the British America Co. of Toronto, and the Fireman's Fund of
San Francisco, and
is associated with the St. Louis Board of Fire Underwriters. The firm also represents the Employers' Mr. Liability Assurance Corporation of London. Hirschberg is one of the chief representatives of the transatlantic steamship business in St. Louis, being general agent for the International Navigation Co. He is a director of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co.; a member of the Merchants Exchange, of the St. Louis Club, the Florissant Valley Club, and the Noonday Club, and has served as a member of the boards of directors and governors of all these clubs. He was married to a daughter of Gen. D. M. Frost.
HART, Augustus liorn
Brewster, Mar. 15,
financier, was 1840, son of
Armstrong and Mary E. (Hull) Hart, and a descendant of Stephen Hart, who settled at Newton (now Cambridge). Mass., in 1(532, and married Margaret Smith. Their son John married Sarah: their son John married Mary Moore; their son John married EsOliver
ther Gridley; their son Judah married Anna Norton their son Judah married Sarah North and their son Eliphaz, who married Eliza became the Armstrong, of grandfather Augustus Brewster Hart. His father (1814-98), was president of the St. Louis Gas Co., and the Kansas City Gas Co., besides being prominently connected with various other corporations, and was iistinguished for his pronounced ability and abso;
honesty. Augustus was sent to the best schools
of his native city, and his education was completed there, in Washington UniIn 1802 he was appointed clerk in the versity. Mechanics' Bank of St. Louis, where he remained for nine years, when he established the firm of
Augustus B. Hart &
Co., bankers and brokers. the death of his father in 1808, he was appointed trustee of the vast estate left by that able man. and he has managed it with consummate skill and profit. Mr. Hart was married. Nov. 26, 187.3, to Clara, daughter of William Ballentine,
THE NATIONAL CYCLOPAEDIA He is a nf st. Louis. Mo., and ha- four children. director of the Louisiana I'urchaso Exposition Co., and a member of the historical and forestry committees.
Carlow. Ireland. June Kin!, 1S411. son of Patrick and Ellen (Keating) Hi- hither was a prominent architect, and sella. educated hi- -on at St. Patrick's College, Carlow. a Upon leaving school young Kiiisella was given house of A. F. Mcposition in the wholesale Donald & Co., Dublin. Ireland, one of the largest At the commercial establishments in that city. and age of nineteen he came to New York city, sousht employment with A. T. Stewart, but not his abilities, (ind'iiiir vacant a position suitable to he took what was olTercd. and began wrapping a up parcels, and shortly afterward he obtained better position with Hamilton. Kastcr & Sons, of In 1S70. Baltimore. Md. his with in company Kinbrother, Edward J.
manufacturer, was burn
who had
in this country, he established himself in the grocery business in Cleveland,
This venture not proving successful, Mr. Kinsella went to St. Louis in 1874, and entered the employ of Porter, Worthington & Co. O.
His energy gained for him the reputation of an able business man, and he was offered the position of business manager of the St. Louis office of the Kingsford Oswego Starch Co. In *
capacity his reputation
successful methods attracted the attention of the Thompson-Taylor Spice Co. of Chicago, which, in 1ST!*, placed him in charge of their St. Louis branch. At the expiration of two years he purchased this and in 1881, established the firm of business. Win. J. Kinsella & Co.. which, under his skillful management, grew into an immense business. In 1880, the firm was incorporated under the name of the Hanley & Kinsella Coffee & Spice Co., with a capital stock of $250.000, and with these officers: Mr. Kinsella. president and treasurer; John H. Hanley. vice-president: W. J. H. Bown, >ecrctnry. and F. X. Madden, assistant treasurer. The firm's two large factories cover an entire block on Spruce street, St. Louis, and contain floor space of 120.000 square feet. The annual business amounts to $1,500,000, extending throughout the entire West and Southwest, as a for
direct result of which St. Louis is to-day one of the leading spice markets in the world, and one of the largest inland coffee markets in the world. The growth and success of this jjigantic enterprise is due to the indefatigable energy and businc-s sagacity of Mr. Kinsella, its executive head. as well as a public-spirited citizen, courteous gentleman, he has been identified with all the movements designed to advance the interests of the community. He has served as president and vice-president of the Western Com-
mercial Travelers' Association, belongs to the Associated Wholesale Grocers and Business Men's League: is a member of the Mercantile. Noonday, and St. Louis clubs, Royal Arcanum, and Knights of St. Patrick, and is vice-president of the Latin-American Club, director of the Mechanics' National Bank and Mercantile Trust Co. Upon the inauguration of the Louisiana Purchase
he became a director, and was apexposition pointed chairman of the committee on mines and metallurgy, and a member of the ways and means Mr. Kinsella has marked personal committee. characteristics which command the respect of his With a dignified manner he comfellow-men. bines a simplicity and personal magnetism which have won him a large circle of friends. In 1880, lie was married to Nellie. M., daughter of Lawrence Hanley. of New York city, and has three William J., Jr., Dalton L., and Ella children: Marie.
was born
Boystown, David
Coleraine, Ireland, in October, 1835, son of Kanken. His father came to the United States in early
and engaged in business Philadelphia, where he amassed a large fortune in The son was the tea trade. educated at Belfast Academy. He emigrated to the United States in 1862, and settled in St. Louis, Mo., life,
which became his permanent home. He early engaged in the real estate business, in
which he was successful from the start. He is a director of the Pacific Railroad Co., the St. Louis Gas Co., and in 1903-04 was a director of the Louisiana purchase exposition. He is a member of the Reform Club of New York, and the University Club and the Business Mens' League of St. Louis.
Charles Hunt, merchant and capi\vas born in St. Louis. Mo., in December, 1849, son of Henry S. and Julia M. (Hunt) Turner. His father, a native of Virginia, was a. of West was assistant U. treasS. Pbint, graduate urer in St. Louis, and president of the Union National and the Lucas Bank. The son was educated in the St. Louis schools and Seton Hall College. Xcw Jersey. He began his business career at the age of twenty in the real estate business, under the name of Charles H. Turner talist,
and met with imme-
diate and continuous success.
merged in the Commonwealth Trust Co. in 1901, he was its president until he resigned in February. 1903. He was appointed financial agent of the Prudential Insurance Co., a position he held for eight years, and on the reorganization of the St. Louis and Suburban railway he became its president and held the office twelve years, during which the policy of the company expanded and the service to the traveling public was greatly improved. He devoted very close attention the development of its property, and at the time of his resignation the road was paying a substantial dividend, and had a standing as one of the bc-l equipped and best managed in the West. He Is also a member of the board of directors of many of the leading institutions of St. Louis, among which are the Mississippi Valley Trust Co. and Mechanics' National Bank, and he was a director of the St. Louis exposition, in which he served as
V ,y
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. a member of the committee on transportation and as vice-chairman of the committee on police. He is a member of the St. Louis, the University, and Noonday clubs. He was married in 1STO, to Margaret K.. daughter of Stephen D. Barlow, of St. Louis, Jin., and has two sons. Hunt and Douglass Turner, and one daughter, the wife of Duncan Joy. BIXBY, William Keeney, was born at Adrian, Mich., Jan. 2, 1857, son of Alon/o Foster and Ernma Louisa (Keeney) Bixby, grandson of David and Laura (Foster) Bixby, great-grandson of Samuel and Rebecca (Bartlctt) Bixby, great-great-
grandson of Benjamin and JIary Bixby. and great,great great-grandson of Joseph' and Sarah Wyatt (Hind) Bixby, who came
from SufEngland. Bixby was ed-
to this country folk county.
ucated in the grammar and high schools of Adrian. In 1S74 he entered the employ of the International &. Great Northern railroad in Texas, and served on that line for seven years MS station and train baggage mas-
conductor and U. S. mail agent, and finally as general baggage agent. Tn the latter part of 1881 lie became station agent of the Missouri Pacific In 1885 he at St. Louis. Mo. position of secretary of the Jlister,
souri Car & railroad cars; president,
Co.. later lie
Foundry a
of elected vice-
was was made vice-president
general manager. Upon the organization of the American Car & Foundry Co. in 1889, he was elected president, and upon the death of William McMillan in 1901. he was chosen chairman of the board of directors. This company was
separate manufactories and is the largest car building concern in the world. The total is of which $60,000,000, capitalization
formed from
worth of transacted yearly, and passenger and
working capital
busine-s is freight, cars arc shipped to all parts of the world; shops are maintained in Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois. Jlicliigan, Jlissouri. Indiana. West Virginia, and Delaware, and about 25.000 hands are employed. The executive headquarters arc located ill St. Jlr. Bixby is a director of the Louis, Jlo. Missouri Pacific. St. Louis & Sun Francisco, Pere Marquette. and El Paso & Northeastern railroads; the Interstate Car Transfer Co.. the St. Louis I'uion Trust Co.. Boatmen's Bank of St. Louis. State Savings Bank of Detroit, Mich., the Museum of Fine Arts. Jlanual Training School. and public library of St. Louis. He is a trustee of the McMillan estate: vice-president of the Commercial Club, and a member of (he St. Louis, Noonday, and Country clubs, and was a director of the Louisiana Purchase ex|xisition. lie was married at San Antonio Tex.. June l.'f. 1SS1, to Lillian, daughter of Sidney and Sarah Tuttle, of Bolton, N. Y., and has seven children. FELTON, Samuel Morse, railroad president, was born in Philadelphia. Pa.. Feb. 3. 1853, son of .Samuel JL, and Maria (Low) Felton. and a descendant in the eighth generation of Lieut. Nathaniel Felton, who came to Salem, Mass.. in from England. On his mother's side he is ll'i'!!!. a descendant of John Lippitt, one of the early settlers of Rhode Island, and also of Roger Williams, the founder of Providence, R. I. His
brother, Cornelius Conway Felton, was president of Harvard College in 1800-02, while his father was president of the Philadelphia, father's
Wilmington & Baltimore railroad.
He attended 1
local private schools, and began his railroad service as rodman on the Chester Creek railroad, and in 1870, he was appointed leveler and assistant
In the folengineer on the Lancaster railroad. lowing year he entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, at Boston, and was graduated in In that year he was made chief engineer 1873. of the Chester & Delaware River railroad, and in August, 1874. was appointed general superintendent of the Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis railroad hy Col. Thomas A. Scott. During the railroad riots at Pittsburg, in July, 1877, Mr. Felton was in personal charge of the Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis railroad, and by his coolness, daring, and promptitude, saved a large amount of property. After removing the office records and all other movable property, he organized a guard to protect the remainder, and by his display of personal bravery and cool judgment inspired the majority of his men with loyalty, and succeeded in restoring order at Pittsburg; the influence of this was immediately felt in other
He held the position of general superintendent of this road until 1882, and during this period the Cincinnati & Muskingum Valley, and the Little Miami railroads were added to his The great improvements in the physical charge. condition and in the results of the operation of these roads was largely due to his intelligent and efficient work. In 1SS-2, he became general manager of the New York & New England railroad soon after was made assistant to the president of the New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad Co., with special charge of the New York, IViui-ylvania & Ohio railroad, and in 1884 was chosen general manager of the latter. -On Jan. 15, 1885 he directions.
was elected vice-president of New York, Lake Erie & Western railroad, and the
placed in charge of the traffic of the Erie lines, and on was Oct. 15th following,
first vice-president of the entire system. During his administration the traffic has largely increased, and it is now one of the best equipped and best managed roads in the country. In November, 1890 he severed his connection with the Erie railroad to accept the presidency of the East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia railway. He is a man of great personal popularity, beloved equally by his associates and subordinates from the highest to the lowest. Mr. Felton was married, Oct. 21, 1880, to Dora, daughter of George P. Hamilton, who was a prominent member of the Pittsburg bar. In 1891-93 he was president of the Louisville Southern railway; of the Alabama Great Southern railroad; vice-president of the Memphis & Charleston railroad; and of the Mobile & Birmingham railway. He was vice-president of the Knoxville & Ohio railroad in 1891-92; president and receiver of the Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific railroad in 1890-99; receiver of the Columbus, Sandusky & Hocking railroad in 1897-99, and receiver of the Kentucky & Indiana Bridge Co., in 1893-1900.
RIFLEY, Christopher Gore, chief justice of Minnesota, was born at Waltham, Mass., Sept. 6, IS22, son of Rev. Samuel and Sarah Alden (Brad-
and .I'dm Alden, -t.uditd
a nf
descendant of (lov. the
Plymouth colony, nf
Franklin Dexter, at
was admitted In tlie liar ill 1S44. Hi' removed tn Minnesota ill IS.Vi. residing tir-t at hatlield. where lie lived Hrownsville and later at until |S71. In isro lie was elected chief justice of tlie supreme court, lint resigned ill 1874 on account uf ill-lipaltli. \vliieli alllieled liim during I'.o-ton. :ind
years on the belied so that his active legal He returned to his \va> seriously retarded. Mas-acliuscU- home and on a journey for his health died at. Ni-w London, Conn., ill ISS1. FARGO, William George, founder of the hi-
American K.xprcss ('(impany, was horn at Pompey. Onondaga eo., X. Y.. May 20, 1818, eldest son of \\ illiam ('. and Taey (Strong) Fargo, grandson of William and Mary /?*f*
founded "The Wheelman " in connection with that house. In December. 1883, Mr. McClure connected himself with the De Vinne Press, but left it in April, 1884, to take a " position on the Century This he held Magazine." until the following SeptemIn November. 1884, he ber. started McClure's Syndicate, the first newspaper syndicate in the United States. Before that time the great fiction writers had thought it beneath them to write for newspapers, but the prices were so good and so many well-known authors gave their
attached to newspaper work was
to the syndicate
stigma lost.
formerly In 1803 the
McClure Co. was formed by Mr. McClure, S. Phillips and A. B. Brady, and the publi" of cation McClure's Maga/ine " was begun. S.
Transylvania University, Lexington, Ky., where he was graduated in 1S44. He removed to Missouri and entered upon the practice of his profession in Boonville. He formed a partnership with J. Brown Hovey, of Independence, Mo. He brought strong Democratic ideas from Kentucky, and soon became one of the leaders of that party in Boonville. He was appointed district judge by Gov. Ilardin
in 1872, and was twice elected to the same office. In 1876 he was elevated to the supreme court bench, on which he served for twelve years, being chief justice of his state during 1885-87. In 1888 he returned to Independence, and in the following year was appointed to a division of the circuit court by Gov. Francis, which was his last His decisions are to be found in judicial office. twenty volumes of the supreme court reports of Missouri, beginning with the sixty-fourth. He served as state superintendent of schools for Missouri in 1854. He was married in 1849 to Maria R. Williams, of Fayette, Mo., and he died at Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 12, 1902. O'HARA, William, first R. C. bishop of Scranwas burn in Limavady, County Deny, ton, Ireland, in 1817. At the age of four he came to America with his parents, who settled in PhiladelHe received his elementary education in phia. a private school in that city, later attended Georgetown College, and in 1833 was sent to Rome, Italy, where he studied theology and philosophy in the Urban College of the Propaganda. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1842. and on his return to America was appointed assistant II.' pastor in St. Patrick's Church, Philadelphia. was made its pastor in 1857. and in I860 became
vicar-general of the diocese of Philadelphia. He was appointed superior of the Seminary of St. Charles Borromeo in 1S53. and for a time also occupied the chair of theology in that institution. On March 3. 1808, the diocese of Scranton was formed out of that of Philadelphia, and Rev. Wm. 0'IIara was nominated its first bishop and was consecrated in the cathedral at Philadelphia, July 12, 1808. Beginning with a diocese containing but
churches and twenty-eight priests, Bishop O'Hara administered the territory under his jurisdiction with such success that the churches under him have quadrupled in number, and other institutions under Catholic control have proportionately fifty
interest ing
founded the College of
years of association with authors, material had accumulated, and the magazine immediately took its place as a periodical in which to record important events, numbering the best writers among its contribuIn four months it had 30,000 subscribers, tors. and in November, 1805, with the beginning of the " Life of Lincoln," 40,000 subscribers were added within ten days. In 1807, with Frank N. Doubleday, Mr. McClure founded the Doubleday-McClure Co. for publishing books. Two years later this was dissolved and Mr. McClure became the head of McClure, Phillips & Co., book publishers. In 1809 the MeC'lure-Tissot Co. was founded, its object be" " and Life of Christ ing to handle the Tissot kindred works, while in June, 1899, an alliance between the house of S. S. McClnre & Co. and that Since 1804 of Harper & Brothers was formed. he has been a trustee of Knox College, which conHe ferred on him the degree of A.M: in 1897. was married. Sept 4. 1883, to Harriet, daughter of I'ruf. Albert Hun!, of Knox College. They have had four children: Eleanor, Elizabeth, Robert and Mary McClure. HENRY, John Williams, jurist, was born at Cyntliiana. Harrison co., Ky., Jan. 27, 1825, soi: of Jesse Henry. He was educated in the common schools of Kentucky and in the law department of .
St. Cecilia's
Thomas Aquinas and
Academy, for young
and was
instrumental in establishing many other Catholic schools throughout the diocese in which more than 10,000 pupils annually receive training. Among the charitable institutions which owe their origin to his activity St. Patrick's Orphanage, St. Joseph's Foundling Home and The House of the Good Shepherd in Scranton, Pa., are the most important. Bishop O'Hara died in Scranton, Pa., Feb. 3, 1899.
Michael John, second Roman Cathobishop of Scranton, was born at Waterloo, N. J., June 0, 1853, son of Patrick and Bridget Agnes (Hennigan) Hoban. He obtained his elementary education at a private school in Hawley,. Pa., and at the age of fourteen entered St. Francis
Xavier College, New York, where he remained about a year. During 1868-71 he attended the Holy Cross College at Worcester, Mass., after which he passed two and a half years at home in mercantile business. He then studied for a time at St. John's College. Fordham, N. Y., and at the Seminary of St. Charles Borromeo, Overbrook. Pa., and in October, 1875, was chosen by Bishop O'Hara to be sent to Rome, Italy, where he spent five years as a student at the American College,
lie v>alie College t by Cardinal Monaco La Valctla. mi May -2-2. ISSO. Bad returning the -ame year to the I'nileil States, was appointed assistant pa-tor at the Clitireh of St-. 1'eter and Paul in Towamla. 'a. In IsSJ he wa- transferred to Pittston. and three and a half years later was made pastor of He was stationed in No a chnreli at Troy! 1'a. vcinlier. ls.s7. at Ashley. I'M., where he organised the Catiiolie coiiMrcgalion, and erected a church, and on !'(!>. 1. Is'.lti. wa> appointed liy papal brief coadjutor to l',isho|i O'llara. with the title of He was consecrated by Cardinal liishop of Alalis. Satolli. (in Mar. 22nd, following, and on the death of the lit. liev. William O'llara. succeeded him in the bishopric of Scranton. I'.islmp Mohan's dioC8M now ll'IOtl contains ISO churches, with 192 college for boys. 4 female academies, 38 pric-t-. parochial school-, and a Catholic population of I
about 200,000.
AGASSIZ, Elizabeth Cabot
(Gary), educator, Host on. Mass., Dee. 5, 1822, daughter She received a classical of Thomas (ireaves Cary. education, and in 18f>ll was married to Prof. Louis Agassi/. During the early years of her married life she conducted a school for young ladies in her own home, partly that her husband might continue his scientific work with less anxiety about their income. For years she devoted herself with unwearying industry to assisting him in his investigations, and she was associated with him in many of his writings. She accompanied him to
was born
Brazil in
also on
the Hassler expedition to the Pacific coast in 1871. A
volume entitled "A Journey " in Bra/il
was published
1868, their joint production,
subject-matter being suggested by him and the (imposition being hers, while she wrote an account of the Hassler expedition for the " Atlantic Monthly." Prof. Agassi/ died in 1873. Upon' the establishment of the Harvard University annex for women students in 1879 Mrs. Agassi/ became its president,
was largely
due to her efforts that Harvard made this addition to its educational work. when the annex became Radcliffe College, Later, she continued to be its president until 1899, when she resigned, and was made honorary president. Although continuing to direct its work, she was relieved of many of the active duties by Miss Agnes Irwin, dean "of the college. Radcliffe has been called the American Girton. There were 443 students in 1903. On June 12. 1J103. Mrs. Agassi/ resigned the honorary presidency, and Le Ba'i-on Russell Origgs, dean of the faculty of arts and sciences at Harvard, was elected p'resident. She
Lesson in Natural History" (1859); edited the "Life and Correspondence of Louis Agassi/" (2 vols.. 1885) edited " Oeological Studies" (1886), and collaborated with her step" son, Alexander Agassi/, on Seaside Studies in Natural History" (1865) and "Marine Animals of Massachusetts Bay." She resides in Cambridge, Mass. SANDERSON, Silas W., jurist, was a native of Vermont, where he was born in 1824. He was graduated at Amherst College, and after studying law with liis brother in Florida was admitted to the bar. He removed to California in 1850, First
settling at Plaeerville, and in 18(J1 he was elected to the .-tale assembly. He was the author of " He was chief justice Specific Contract Law." of the state. 1SII4 65 and was thereafter associate He justice until his resignation in January, 1870. was counselor for the Central Pacific Kailroad Co. at the time of his death, which occurred in San Francisco, June 24, 1886. ELIOT, Thomas Dawes, cmiLirc man. was horn in I'.oMmi. Ma--.. Mar. I'll. 1808, -on of William (ireenleaf and Margaret iDamesi Kliot. and a descendant, of Andrew F.liot of Snuier-cUhire. Kngland. who came to America in Kills, and settled at Beverly. From him the line runs through his son Andrew, who married Mercy Shaltiick. their son Andrew, who married Huth Symoiiil-. their .-on Kev. Andrew, who married Elizabeth and their son who Samuel, married F.li/Langdon. abeth (ireenleaf and was Mr. Eliot's grandfather. He was graduated at Columbian College. Wa-hini; ton. I). C.. in 1S25. and after studying law both in Washington and at Xe\v Bedford, Mass., was admitted to the bar in 1829. He served in both houses of the state legislature, and \vas elected .
to congress as a of Zeno Scudder.
Whig to fill the unexpired term He attracted attention by an
eloquent speech on the Kansas-Nebraska which was published in Washington in 1854. term expired in 1855, and he returned to
to practice his profession, lie active among the founders of the Republican declined a nomination for attorney -general party; in 1857, but Subsequently was returned' to conand served for five successive terms. Soil-til). gress He was president of the American Unitarian Assocation during 1867-70. Mr. Eliot was married. Nov. 2. 18.'i4. to Frances I... daughter of John Brock, of Nantucket. Mass., and had eight children. He died in New Bedford. Mass.. June 14. 1S70.
Bedford, Mass.,
Cornelius, physician, was Philadelphia, Pa.. Mar. 25, 1S47. son of Dr. Ellwood and Hannah Paul (Shallcio Wil-
obtained his preliminary education at Friend's Central School, Philadelphia, and at Phillips Exeter Academy, and was graduated at Princeton College, at the age of twenty, with the degree of A.B. He studied medicine at Jefferson Medison.
College. Philadelphia, for two years, anil in 1876 became attending physician of 'the Philadel phia Hospital, which post lie held till 1890. In IKfll he accepted the chair of the practice of medicine and of clinical medicine at Jefferson Medical College; was medical director of ;'ie ho-pital of that institution during 1894-96, and has been attending physician of the Pennsylvania Hospital since ls'.i;>. and physician-in-chief of the Philadelphia (ierinan Hospital since 1898. Prof. Wilson was president of the Philadelphia County Medical Society in 1895-96, of the American Academy of Medicine in and of the Association of American Phy1896-97, sicians in 1901-02. In addition to many disinii-i tions contributed to medical periodicals, notably on enteric fever, he published the following work-": cal
"The Summer
Treatise on the Continued Fevers" (1SS1) "FeverN'nrsing" (1888): and "Wilson's Pocket Visiting List" (18!)4). Tie also edited the "American :
Text-Books of Applied Therapeutics." He was married in 1870. to Adele Beatrice (Jroshol/.
ELIOT, Samuel Atkins, in
Cambridge, Mass.. Aug.
clergyman, was born
24. 1862, only surviving Eliot, president of Harvard
child of Charles W. University, by his first wife. Ellen Derby, daughter of Ephraim and Mary ,T. (D-rliy) 'Peabody. He was named for his grandfather. Samuel Atkins Eliot (q. v.), a prominent merchant of Boston and
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. mayor during 1837-40. His father was married again in 1877 to Grace Mellen. daughter of Thomas and Corinna A. (Prentiss) llopkinson, of Cambridge. Mass. The son received a classical education and was graduated al Harvard College in the class
He continued his studies for three years longer, in 1889 went to Denver, Colo., to be minister of the Unity Church, and four years later he was called to the Church of the Savior (First of 1884.
Unitarian), Brooklyn, N. Y. In 1898 he resigned his pastorate and removed to Boston, where he has since resided. He was secretary of the American Unitarian Association during 1808-1900 and was elected president in 1900 as the successor of Carroll Davidson Wright, who had been president durHe received the degree of A.M. ing 1897-1900. from Harvard University in 1889 and that of D.D. from liowdnin College in 1900. He was married, Oct. 22. 1889, to Frances S., daughter of John P. llopkinson, of Cambridge, Mass., and has six children.
CULBERTSON, James lisher,
was born
Coe, editor and pubthe Culbertson Mills. Miami
Dec. 19, 1840, son of William and Mary (Coe) Culbertson, of Scotch ancestry. His father removed from Westmoreland county, Pa., to Ohio in 1835 and was perhaps the largest contractor upon the Miami canal. He subsequently built large flouring mills and engaged in extensive railroad operations. The son received his academic education in local schools, at Monroe Academy and at Jefferson College, where he entered the junior class, but was not graduated. In 1860(il he studied medicine with Dr. John Davis and attended lectures. On Apr. 19, 1801, he volunteered as a private in Co. D, 5th Ohio volunteer was detailed infantry as clerk at Gen. Bates's co.,
and in headquarters, July went with his regi-
ment to West Virginia and thence to French Creek as medical officer of a detachment. Subsequently he was hospital steward at Romney; took charge, of medical stores at Cumberland, Md. ; was assigned to duty at Sprigg
House Wheeling,
was Cum-
executive officer at berland and depot in Claryville hospital 1862-63 was executive oflicer at the Emory general hospital, Washduring the winter of 1863 (H ington, D. C. served at the Marine hospital, Cincinnati, and also attended lectures at the Ohio Medical College, and finally was assistant surgeon of the 137t'i Ohio volunteer infantry. After being mustered out of service with his regiment he entered Bellevue Hospital Medical College, in New York. 1S(!4. and in October became assistant physieian in the after city lunatic asylum, Blackwcll's Island, and Dr. Uanney's death its acting superintendent. In March, 1865, he received his medical degree from Bellevue. In April he resigned his superintendeney and returned to Cincinnati, where he has In 1873 he purchased since practiced medicine. " the Cincinnati Lancet and Observer," and in 1875 " the Indiana Journal of Medicine," consolidating " The the two. In 1878 he obtained possession of " The Lancet Clinic." which he consolidated with " " and Observer under the title of The Cincinnati ;
Lancet and Clinic." Under his management this weekly journal has become a leading periodical of its class, having subscribers in nearly every part of the world. Since 1881 he has been proprietor and editor also of "The Obstetric Gazette." In 1882 he was one of the incorporators of the Southern Ohio Brick and Tile Manufacturing Co., of which he is vice-president and one of the largest stockholders. With his brother-in-law, W. A. Eudaly, lie has invented and patented furnaces which reduce the cost of burning cheap fuels; and Dr. Culbertson alone has patented a furnace which consumes its own smoke and gas. In 1884-88 he was a member of the Cincinnati board of aldermen; in 1891-93 was editor of "The Journal of the American Medical Association;" has been professor of the principles and practice of medicine in the Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery since 1893; lias served on the board of education since May, 1896, and was medical director of the citizens' committee, 32d national encampment, G. A. R., in 1898. He was married: first, Apr. 10, 1873. to Sarah Pogue, of Cincinnati, who died in 1884; second. June 15, 1887, to Sophie Brown, of Ripley, 0. He has two sons, Rev. Henry Coe and James Clark Culbertson, and one daughter, Margaret Elizabeth.
CLINTON, Robert Hall, soldier, was born in Loudoun county, Va., in 1817. He was graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1837, when he was made a second lieutenant 'in the 1st dragoons. He served on frontier duty in Kansas and Idaho till the beginning of the Mexican war and was promoted first lieutenant, Feb. 21, 1842, and captain, Oct. 6, 1846. .In the battle of Buena Vista, Feb. 22-23,
1847, he distinguished himself
by carrying from the field Col. Jefferson Davis, who had fallen severely wounded, and received for his gallant conduct the brevet of major. After the close of the war he served again on frontier duty till July 25, 1854, when he received a staff appointment with the rank of major, in the pay department in Washington, D. C., and afterward served in the same capacity in New York city, Detroit, Mich., and in San Antonio, Tex. He re-
signed from the service, Apr. 29, 1861, and espoused the Confederate cause, being commissioned lieutenant-colonel and assigned to the adjutant-general's department of the Confederate States army. He was promoted colonel, Oct. 13, 1862, and brigadier-general, October 20th of the same year, but the senate refused to confirm the latter appointment. On Feb. 16, 1864, he was reappointed brigadier-general, and was confirmed by the senate to take the rank from Dec. 21, 1863. He served as chief of staff to Gen. Robert E. Lee and as inspector-general of the army of northern Virginia. He resigned from the Confederate army, Apr. 1, 1864, and went to Columbus, Ga., where he subsequently established the Columbus Manufacturing Co., of which he was president from 1869 until his death, at Columbus, Ga., Feb. 18, 1879.
Willis, jurist, was born 17, 1859, son of Isaac and Violetto Maria (Spencer) Van DevanHe was educated in the ter, of Dutch descent. public schools of his native place; at Indiana AsDe Pauw) University; and in the law bury (now school of the Cincinnati College. He received the Enterdegree of LL.B. from the latter in 1881. ing at once upon the practice of his profession at Marion, he remained there for three years, but removed to Cheyenne. Wyo., in 1884. There he was soon appointed city attorney, and in 1886 was chosen to a seat in the lower branch of the where he officiated as territorial legislature, at Marion,
Ind., Apr.
chairman of the judiciary committee. the he was a commissioner to revise
under the state govcoming the lir-t chief justice he served something Under this election ernment when he resigned to resume 1,!'
year, practice
of his Herman V. S.
4 until 1815, originally gro France ing out of tin- declaration of war lict\vcen aiid Great Britain in 170.". when each government oiden d the -ei/uiv of neutral vessels bound for This caused great excitethe port of the oilier. ment in the United States, and the first embargo was laid. Mar. 2ii. 17!)4. to continue for thirty days and afterward prolonged to sixty. On Dec. 22, isi 'i. congress, at the- instance of I'res. Jefferson,
the sailing of pa I'd an embargo act. prohibiting any merchant vi el from any .American port, save As it failed to stop the depredations of coa-lers. either England or France upon the neutral commerce of the United States, and besides indicted exgreat injury on our shipping interest and our port trade* it was repealed on Feb. 28, 1SOO, being replaced by a non-intercourse law, which forbade British or French vessels to enter American ports. The last embargo act was passed during the war with Great Britain, on Dec. 17, 1813, and was recopealed in April, 1814. Josiah Masters was a operator and adviser of De Witt Clinton in the cyst em of internal improvements the latter introduced in New York, and he numbered among his personal friends, Jefferson, Madison. Clay, and other distinguished statesmen of the period. died at Schaghticoke, N. Y., June 30, 1822.
BRIGGS, William Thompson, surgeon, was horn at Bowling Green, Ky., Dec. 4, 1829, son of Dr. John MePherson and Harriet (Morehead) Briggs, and nephew of Gov. Charles S. Morehead, of Kentucky. His paternal ancestors were Scotch. After completing an academic course at Bowling Green and Lexington, he studied medicine under his father, and in the Transylvania University, where be was graduated in 1850. He practiced with his father for a year, and after a period as demonstrator of anatomy at the University of Xashville. Tenn., he resumed practice in partnership with the professor of obstetrics. Dr. John M. Watson, which lasted until the tatter's death in 1866. In 1850 Dr. Briggs became adjunct professor of anatomy, was elected full professor in 1865, and was transferred to the chair of obstetrics in the following In 1868 he was also year. made professor of surgery; and from 1875 until his death he held this chair in the combined Universities of Xashville and Vanderbilt.
known throughout the
country, and was called to parts of the United States to perform operations. He had extraordinary success in performing operations that were successful with no one else. Some of his
most noteworthy operations were: Removal of jaw for gunshot injury, (1863); removal of lower jaw for the same wound. (1863); entire upper ligation
of the internal
carotid artery for trau-
matic aneurism. (1871): and a hip-joint amputation in a case of elephantiasis arabum, where the
He perweighed eighty pounds, (1875). formed the operation for stone 254 times, losing
only six cases; of trephining, seventy-live times, losing only live cases; and removed over 300 ovarian tumors, ligating all the principal arterlie made a number of valuable contributions ies, to medical literature, and published separately "Antiseptic Treatment of Wounds," (1SS1); and He (1884). "Surgical Treatment of Epilepsy. was a member of the Tennessee State Medical Society, and its president in 1886; the Mississippi Valley Medical Association: the American Medical A-soeiation. being president in 1890. its delegate to the international medical congress of London. Eng.. in issl, and one of its judicial council; a founder of the American Surgical Association, and its president in 1SS5: a member of the Southern Surgical and Gynecological Association, and president of the section of general surgery at the international medical congress of Washington, D. C., in 1887. He had the finest library on medicine and surgery in the South. Dr. Briggs was married at Bowling Green. Ky.. Mav '25. 1851, 1
Stubbing, and and three sons,
father's profession. June 13, 1894.
Samuel and was survived
died at
let tie
Xnshville. Tenn.,
Charles, jurist, was born at Hartford. Oneida CO.. 'X. Y.. May '27. 1827, son of George'and Polly (Walker) Andrews, and a descendant of John and Mary Andrews who came, from England about 1640 and settled near Farming! on. Conn. He attended the public school and the Oneida Conference Seminary. Ca/enovia. N". Y., subsequently studied law in the office of Scdgwick & Cutwater. Syracuse, and was admitted to the bar in 1S4!>. After practicing alone for a short time in Syracuse, he formed with Charles B. Sedgwick the firm of Sedgwick & Andrews, of which George D. Kennedy became a member in 1855. Early identifying himself with the Republican party, he became one of its most prominent men in that part of the state. In l^iil. 1802. and in 1868, he was elected mayor of Syracuse, while in 1867, he was one of the delegat es-at-large to the constitutional convention of the state of New York also to the convention which nominated Gen. Grant for the In May, 1870, he was elected an presidency. associate judge of the court of appeals of the. state of New York, in which court he remained for twenty-seven years. In 1881, when Charles J. Folger resigned the office of chief judge, Judge Andrews was appointed as his successor. He was re-elected as associate judge for a term of fourteen years, having been nominated by both political parties, and in 1895 he was elected chief judge of the court on a like nomination. In December, 1897, he was retired by the age limit of seventy The honorary degree of LL.D. has been years. conferred on him by Hamilton, Columbia, and Yale. He was married, May 17, 1855. to Marcia A., daughter of Judge Skankland of Cortland, N. Y. They have two sons, William S. Andrews, now a judge of the supreme court of the state of New York, and Charles W. Andrews, a lawyer, and member of the firm of Goodale. Nottingham Bros. & Andrews, of Syracuse. X. Y.
HOLLISTER, Gideon Hiram,
born at Washington, Conn., Dec. 14. 1S18. son Gideon and Harriet (Jackson) Ilollister. and a descendant of John Hollister, who came to America from England about 1G42. The line of descent runs through his son Stephen, who married Abigail Treat; through their son Gideon,
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. who married Rebecca Sherman; through their sou Gideon, who married Patience Hurd, and through their son Gideon and his wife, C'urrencc Hickock, who were Mr. Hollister's grandparents. He was graduated at Yale College in 1840. While, student he was president of the Lineman Soand editor of the " Yale Literary Magazine," and he was class poet. After graduation he studVd law under the direction of Judge Seymour, at Litchlield, Conn., and being admitted to the bar in 1842, practiced for a short time in Woodburv. In 1843 he was appointed clerk of the courts at with Litchfield, Conn., a position which he held a
an interregnum of one year
tinuing meanwhile in the active practice of his He acquired great political influence profession. in the western part of the state, and in 1850 was elected to the state senate. In 1808 he was sent as minister to Hayti, by Pres. Grant, and on his return practiced for a short time at Bridgeport, but in 1870 returned to Litchfield, and represented that town in the state legislature in 1880. As a lawyer his strength lay in the trial of matters of fact before a jury. In crossexamination he was wonderfully adroit; and he had in a remarkable degree the advocate's power of portraying parties and witnesses with such a subtle coloring of apt words as impressed his own bias upon juries without their being at all aware of the effect his art produced. As a writer " he is chiefly known for his History of Connecti" cut (1855), which passed through many editions, and is an authoritative work. He published a " Law of Eminent valuable treatise on the Domain," and at the close of his life was enHe was gaged in writing a history of Hayti. married, June 3, 1847, to Mary S. Brisbane, of "Mount South Carolina. He also published: r ampanoags; an Hope; or, Philip, King of the Historical Romance" (1851); "Thomas a Becket, " a Tragedy," and other poems (I860); Kinley Hollow; a Novel," published in 1882, after his death. He died at Litchfield, Conn.. Mar. 24, 1881.
Turner, journalist,
was born at Lewistown, Pa., Sept. 6, 1824. In 1841 lie went to Ohio and connected himself
" In 1854-50 he with the Cincinnati Gazette." " The of the West," and during Genius published At the beginning 1850-02, was state librarian. of the civil war he was appointed on the staff of Gov. Dennison with the rank of colonel. He was detailed to secret service in Virginia and other places, and the exposure weakened his lungs until In 1802 the ultimate result was consumption. he bought the " Springfield Republic," but sold " it in 1805, and took charge of the Ohio State In January, 1800, he Journal " at Columbus. served on the staff of Gov. Cox, and in June, he was appointed U. S. minister to Ecuador. It was hoped that the air of Quito might restore his His daughter, Jessie, accomdeclining health. panied her father as secretary of legation and had charge of the office for four months after his death. He published "Signs of the Times" (1851); "Easy Warren, and his Contempora" ries" (1854); Oakshaw. or the Victim of Avarice" (1855); "The Newspaper Record: Containing a Complete List of Newspapers and Periodicals " in the United States. Canada, and Great Britain (ISoO); "Home Hits and Hints" (1859); "Poets and Poetry of the West" (1800); "Stories of Frontier Adventure" (1803): " Ohio's Prosperity, Social and Material" (1803); "The Journeys of Abraham Lincoln as President-Elect, and as PresiHe also contributed dent Martyred" (1805). He died in Quito, larirely to periodical literature.
Ecuador, Aug.
2, 1807.
BARD, Thomas Robert, senator, was born at Chambersburg, Franklin co., Pa., Dec. 8, 1841, son of Robert McFarland and Elizabeth S. (Little) His first American Kurd, of Scotch-Irish descent. ancestor was Archibald Bard, whose son Richard, with his wife. Catherine Poe, was captured by
the Indians county, Pa.
at their home in Adams son Thomas married Jane was the senator's grandfather.
McFarland, and
He attended the Chambersburg Academy, and at the age of seventeen began the study of law in the office of Hon. George Chambers. In 1859 he joined an engineering corps, but in I860 he becaiue a bookkeener in Hagerstown, Md., where he rendered valuable aid during the civil war in upholding the Federal sentiment in Maryland. In 1805 he took charge
of Col. Thomas A. Scott's land interests in California, was superintendent of the California Petroleum Co., and became intimately identified with the industrial development of southern California, extending its settlement by the most liberal of land leases, encouraging its commerce by the erection of wharves, and increasing its fertility by the inauguration of irHe was, president of the rigating canals, etc. Union Oil Co. of California, and organized the Simi Land and Water Co., and Las Posas Land and Water Co., together owning 132,000 acres la Ventura county. He was a member of the board of supervisors of Santa Barbara county (1808-73), and was secretary of the commission which inaugurated the government of Ventura county in He was a delegate-at-large to the Republi1873. can national convention which nominated James G. Blaine in 1884, and in 1902 he was elected to the U. S. senate over Col. Daniel Burns, taking his seat Feb. 7, 1902, for the term ending in 1905. He has advocated the anti-saloon league of southern California, though his views differ from those of the Prohibition party in that he prefers the local option solution. Senator Bard is extremely fond of floriculture, and possesses an interesting botanical garden at his home near Hueneme. And. being a close student of literature, he has gathered together one of the finest private libraries of CaliHe is a member of the Scotch-Irish sociefornia. ties of Pennsylvania and America; of the Union League Club, San Francisco; the California Club, Los Angeles, and was president of the Ventura County Pioneer Society. He was married at San Francisco, Apr. 17, 1870, to Mary B., daughter of Christian O. Gerberding, one of the founders of the San Francisco " Evening Bulletin. They have three sons and four daughters.
FULLERTON, George Stuart, educator and author, was born at Fatehgarh, northern India, Aug. 18, 1859, son of Robert Stewart and Martha (White) Fullerton. His father, a native of Bloomingburg, 0., was a missionary of the Presbyterian church, almost from the time he entered the ministry until his death. He was graduated at the University of Pennsylvania in 1879. and while there was a member of the Philomathcan Society, secured the junior philosophy prize, and was the poet of his class. He studied at the Presbyterian Theological Seminary at Princeton, N. J., in 1879 and at the Yale Divinity School during 1880-83,
degree of H.D. from Yale ill 1883. to the priesthood of the Protestant Epi-copal church ill ISSli. Returning to his alma mater liy served as instructor ill philosophy ill lss:i. becoming assistant professor of philosophy t\vo years later and professor in 1SS7, and lie was made dean of the still' holds thai chair, Ilir
receiving lie
was ordained
faculty college
and dean of the
viee pnuo-t of the university in 1894, lie is a holding the latter position until IS'.IS. nifinlicr of the American I'hilosophical Society, the
American I'svchological Association, of which \vas
i" IS'.Hl.
Society, and Prof. FulPhiladelphia.
Phi Heta
the I'niver-ity Clnli of lerton was secretary of the commission appointed by the I'nivcrsity of Pennsylvania in 1884 to
modern spiritualism, and published, Preliminary Report of Scybert Commission on Spiritualism" (in collaboration with other meminvestigate
a No
"The Conception of Plain Argument for
(1887); "On Sameness and Identity" (1889); (1890); "On the Perception of Small Differences in Sensation" (with Prof. Cnttell. 1892); "The
Philosophy of Spinoza"
and made a number of contributions to philosophical and scientific reviews. He received the honorary degrees of Ph.D. and LL.D. from Muhlenberg College in 1892 and 1900. He was married in 1884 to Rebekah Daingerfield, daughter of David Boyd Smith, of Alexandria, Va. She died in 1S92. and he was married in 1897 to Julia Winslow. daughter of John S. Dickerson, of
Xew York
born in Xew York city. Nov. 22. 1815, son of Gerard and Catharine (Sanders) Beekman. His earliest American ancestor was William Beekman, an officer of the Dutch West India Company, who came to America in 1647, in company with Pi'trr Stiiyvcsant in the ship Princess, and located on Manhattan island. He received a patent for land beyond the fresh water, or Collect pond. June 20. 1655, and built a fine residence
and CliJT and where was Chapel
streets intersect, St.
aiterward erected.
maycr the'
He was
Xew York
under British
'His property was divided into city lots, and so sold in 1717, shortly after his death, which occurred in 1707. James William Beekman received his preparatory instruction undcr a private tutor, and \vas graduated at Columbia College in 1834, with honors. lie studied law with John L. Mason, at the time one of the foremost members of the bar Oxfe..,.. of New York city, but did not apply for admission to the bar. as the death of his father in 1833, followed shortly by the death of his uncle, James Beekman, placed him in possession of an ample fortune, including the family estate on the Kast river, on which the Beekman mansion, made historic by the events of the revoMr. Beekman upon lutionary war. was located. coming into the estates indulged a taste for travel, and visited most of the countries of the civilized world, making a careful study of the different in
forms of European government as affecting the welfare of the people governed. In 1850 he was state senator, re-elected in 1HG2. He was a mem her of the St. Nicholas Society, and its president, a member of the Xew York' Historical Society. vice-president of the New York Hospital, president of the Woman's Hospital, and a director of the Xew Yoik Dispensary. He read numerous papers before the New York Historical Society, notably on " The Founders of New York," published in Is7l>. In 187(i he published an interesting and uni'iue report on a village of hospitals. Mr. Beekman was married in 1840 to Abian S., daughter of Rev. Philip Millcdoler. Their son, James W., Jr., born in 1851, is a lawyer, and trustee of his father's estate and was president of the Holland Society in 1893. Mr. Beekman, Sr., died in Xew York city,
Jefferson, merchant and was born in I'o-ton. Mass.. Aug. 26, 1831, son of Joseph and Kllcn Wayles (Randolph) Coolidge, and a descendant of John Cpolidge, who came to this country from England in 1030. and He received his settled in Watertown, Mass. early education in Geneva and Dresden, and after his return from Europe entered Harvard College, where he was graduated at the age of nineteen. He then became clerk in a. store, and in 1853 began biisine-s as an East India merchant in partnership with J. P. Gardner; subsequently he was largely interested in New England cotton mills, and was connected with banking, manufacturing, and transportation enterprises. He was treasurer of the Amoskeag Manufacturing Co.. and director of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincv Railroad Co., of which he was also president for a time. Mr. Coolidge was park commissioner of Boston in 1875-7t>, an overseer of Harvard in 1886 and 1891, and a delegate to the Pan-American congress in 1889. He was appointed U. S. minister to France on Apr. 28, 1892, and served until the diplomatist,
close Pres.
McKinley appointed him
of the joint high commission to adjust the disputes between this country and Canada. He donated a library building costing $40,000, to Manchesterhy-the-Sea, and the Jefferson , physical research laboratory costing $115.000 to his alma mater, lie was married in 1S.V2, to Ilettie S.. daughter o* a.
William Appleton.
Sprague, jurist and Washington county, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1792, son of' Joseph and Anne Through his father he was (Sprague) Cowen. of Scotch-Irish descent. He was reared on a farm, and self-educated; he taught school for a time, and served as a soldier in the war of 1812. In 1825 he removed to Ohio, and settled at Moorefield, where he studied medicine, and later prac-
was born
ticed as a physician. Discovering a preference for the law, he began its study with Channcey Dewey, of Cadiz, and was admitted to the bar in 1830, and shortly after was appointed prosecutor for Monroe county. In 1832 he removed to
and entered into practice with Hubbard. In 1836 he became editor " of the Belriont Chronicle," of which he was St.
proprietor until 1852,
when he
He was a delegate to the Benjamin. Harrisburg convention in 1S39. and was elected a his
representative in congress in 1840, serving as chairman of the committee on claims, and was the mover of the one hour rule. In is 14 he was elected to the lower house of the state legislature, where he was a leader of the Whig party; he served as chairman of the committee on and in company with Alfred Kelly, finance,
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. drafted the Ohio State Banking Law, which was used to some extent in founding the present national banking system. In 1847 he was elected presiding judge of the court of common pleas, and remained on the bench until 1853. In 1850 he was a delegate to the Pittsburg convention; during the civil war he was a member of a special judicial committee appointed by Pres. Lincoln to investigate charges of treasonable acts pending against persons in Missouri. He was also active in raising men and money to support the For many years he was president government. of a local Bible society. He was married in 1822, to Anne, daughter of Judge Wood, of WashHis son, Gen. Benjamin ington county, X. Y. Rush Cowen, was assistant secretary of the interior department in 1873; the other son, Daniel
Duane Tompkins C'owen, is a lawyer and jurist; and the eminent jurist and author, Ksek Cowen, was his brother. He died at St. Clairsville, O., Sept. 27. 1800.
EAEL, Robert, jurist, was born at Herkimer, X. Y.. Sept. 10, 1824, son of John and Margaret S. (Petry) Earl, and a descendant of Ralph Earl, who came from England
Rhode Island
in 1034.
line of descent runs through his son William, his son John, who married Mary Wait, their
son William, who married Mary Lawton, their son Paul, who married Hannah Hicks, who were He was eduthe grandparents of Judge Earl. cated at Herkimer Academy, and at Union College, where he was graduated in 1845, at the of his class. He was principal of Herkimer Academy for two years, meantime studying law with Hon. Charles Gray, and with his brother,
Samuel Earl, with
he formed the law firm
after he was admitted to the bar in January, 1848. In the spring of 1849 he " The Herkibegan the editing and publishing of mer Democrat." which he continued for about five years. In 1840, and again in 18(iO. he was supervisor of Herkimer. and during 1850-00 county He was elected on the judge and surrogate. Democratic ticket a judge of the court of appeals He served as chief judge until July 1, in 1800. 1870, when the court ceased to exist by a constitutional amendment, and he became a commissioner of appeals, serving as such until July 1, In November of the latter year he was 1875.
R. Earl
appointed by Gov. Tilden to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Judge Grover of the court of appeals. In 1870 he was elected to the same position for the full term of fourteen years, and in 1800 was re-elected, having been nominated by both Democratic and Republican parties. In January. 1892, he was appointed by Gov. Flower as "chief judge of the court, to succeed In the fall of 1892 Judge Ruger. deceased.
Judge Andrews was elected Judge Earl resumed his seat
chief judge, and as associate judge:,
remaining as such until Jan. 1, 1895, when, having reached the age of seventy, he was retired under the constitution. With Mrs. Earl he founded the Herkimer free library in 1895, and gave to it property valued at $30,000. He was also a founder of the Herkimer Historical Society, was its president, and contributed to it many historical papers: he was one of the founders of the Herkimer Bank, was its vice-president for several years, and always a director. He was married in October. 1852, to Juliet 7... daughter of Henry J. Wilkinson, of Richfield Springs, N. Y., and died without issue, at Herkimer, N. Y., Dec.
Strode, congressman, was horn in Culpeper county, Va.. Aug. 8, 1790. son of Mordccai Barbour, a revolutionary officer. He
studied at William and Mary College in 1808 and 1800, and later studied law with a relative, the
Hon. James Barbour, governor
of Virginia. During the war of 1812 lie enlisted as a private, and soon rose to the position of aide to Gen. Madison. He was a member of the state legislature shortly afterward, and for his services as chairman of the committee on courts and justice received the uiiusual honor of a vote of thanks. In 1823 he was elected to the United States house of representatives, which position he held by re-election for ten In Congress he was an able debater, and years. though a states' rights advocate, defended the proposition to elect the president by districts. He was a member of the Virginia constitutional convention (1829-30), defending freehold suffrage. From early youth until his death he was engaged in politics, and he exercised a considerable influence upon the public affairs of his native state and of the country. After retiring from congress he was again prominent in the state legislature (1833-34), and took part in the nomination of Pres. Pierce in 1852. He died in his native county,
Strode, statesman, was born in Culpeper county, Va., Dec. 29, 1820, son of John Strode Barbour, the congressman, who enlisted in the war of 1812, advancing soon afterward to the position of aide to Gen. Madison. He pursued a course of study at the University of Virginia
graduating at the law school in 1842, and began practice in his native county. In 1847 he was 'elected to the legislature of Virginia from Culpeper county, and was reelected for four sessions.
consecutive able
He was an
debater. Mr. Barbour elected of president
was the
Orange & Alexandria Railroad Co., in 1852, and served in that position until the corporation was merged into the Virginia Midland Railroad Co.. of which he was president until he reIn 1880 ho was elected to consigned in 1883. He gress, and was re-elected in 1882 and 1884. was chairman of the Virginia Democratic committee for several years, during which time the overthrow of the readjuster party was effected. In 1888 he was elected U. S. senator to succeed Harrison Hall Riddleberger, serving from Mar. 4, 1889, until his death. He was a man of great energy 'and an able political manager. He died in Culpeper county, Va., May 14, 1892. ANDERSON, Walker, jurist, was born at Petersburg, Dinwiddie co., Va., July 18, 1801, of Scotch ancestry. He studied law under his uncle, Judge Duncan Cameron of Raleigh, N. C., but did not practice consecutively, being for a short time,1831-32. professor of history and English literature in the University of North Carolina. In 1835 he removed to Pensacola, Fla.; soon rose to eminence at the bar, and was a member of the convention that framed the first constitution of the state. Subsequently, and by appointment of Pres. Polk, he was naval agent of the port of Pensacola for four years. In 1851 he was appointed chief justice, being the second to hold office, and served with great acceptance until May, 1853, when he resigned and returned to private. practice. Judge Anderson died at Pensacola, Jan. 9, 1857. ALCOTT, William Alexander, educator and author, was born at Wolcott, Conn., Aug. 0, 1798.
father's farm, iittendtin- winter, later when he began the study Vale College, and was licensed 10 lie introduced many novel ideas
w*t bn.u^hl up
the district .-dmol school until is-.! I.
of medicine at .,.,..ice 111 pract committee. in medical science, -crvcd on the school established a lihrai-y. and 4. and during ni 1851-58 he was 'president of the American In 1852 the degree of D.D. tarian Association. was conferred upon him by Harvard, and in 1885 lie was the author that of LL.D. by Hamilton, " " in Life "of Rev. Samuel Kirkland of the " a and 'American History >parks' Biography." Dr. Lothrop was a of Brattle Square Church." member of the Massachusetts Historical Society. He died in Boston, Mass.. June 12, 1880. I/TJDLOW, "Roger, jurist, born in March, 1590, a. son of Thomas Ludlow, of Dinton. BayclilFe. and Maiden Bradley. Wiltshire, and Jane' Pylc, his He was educated at Balliol College, Oxford, wife. lish
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. and in 1612 was admitted to the Inner Temple, London, registering as from Warminster, Wiltshire. Having become a stockholder in the Massachusetts Bay Co., in Februarv. 1030 he was appointed an assistant to Gov.' Winthrop, and in March sailed for New England with his wife Mary, Gov. Endicotfs sister. He at once took a leading part in founding Dorchester, where he held various offices, such as land commissioner and justice of the peace. He served on a military commission, superintended the building of the fortifications on Castle island, Boston harbor, and made the first treaty with the Pequots, holding the rank of colonel ex officio. In 1634 he was elected Ludlow was disappointed in deputy governor. not being elected governor and being anxious to remove from the Bay colony, he joined in planting another on the banks of the Connecticut river (VVindsor), and was placed at the head of a commission to make laws for its well-ordering." In March, 1636, Hartford, Windsor and Wethersfield were set apart as a colony, and Ludlow became the head of a provisional government to serve for one year. He presided at the first court of magistrates convened at Hartford, Apr. 26, 1636, and in the same year was elected deputy governor, and was reeleeted several times. Upon the reorganization of the government in May, 1637, he was chosen a magistrate, and in lfi.38"was reguelected. He favored war against the larly Pequots, and in July, 1637, accompanied the Connecticut troops as adviser. He was one of those who carried the scalps of Sassaens and other sachems to Host on. and while there he attended the synod called to consider the antinomian movement. In January. 1039, Connecticut being now admitted to be out of the jurisdiction of Massachusetts. Ludlow was chosen to draft a constitution for the colony. Of this paper, called the fundamental Orders," Leonard Bacon said, "it is the first example in history of a written constitutiona distinct organic law and defining its powUnder this document, according to the historian Johnston, " Connecticut was as absolutely a state in 1039 as in 1770," and it formed the basis of the charter of 1662. which continued in force until 1818. The election to th* governorship of " evil genius," to use his own Haynes. Ludlow's words, appears to have been the excuse for the latter's removal with a few families to Unquon, '
winch was renamed Fairfield; and for "undue haste" in taking up lands there he was obliged
to apologize to the assembly. In 1640 he purchased from the Indians the eastern part of what is now Norwalk. As one of Connecticut's commissioners in 1043 he took part in the negotiations which led to the confederation of the New England colonies. In 1040 the requested him to frame a body of lawsassembly for Connecticut, and by adding fourteen articles from the Massachusetts Body of Liberties" (1041) to sixty-three that were new and distinct, he produced what is still known as " Ludlow's code." It was established in 1050, was printed at Cambridge, Mass., in 1672 and has given its compiler the title of the father Connecticut i llris P rud ne). lie died at Old Orchard, Me., Aug. 10, HITZ, John, was born at Davos, Switzerland, ;
1828. son of .lolin and Anna (Kohler) He was educated in the schools of MaryHe taught school for a land and Pennsylvania. time, and was identified with the American Friibel In-n.-icty, the Kindergarten Association, and the dustrial Home School. During "the civil war he Soldiers' Relief was president of the German Society," of the Public Labor Exchange, and other Sept, Hit/.
He succeeded his father charity organizations. Swi-s consul In the I'nited States in ISIi-t a and during the seventeen years in which he occupied this position he suggested the idea of the Rigi Mountain railway in Switzerland urged the utilization of the mountain streams ;
generating electric power; and was instrumental in putting into operation the first international postal money order exchange between this country and Switzerland. When the Volta
Rureau was organized Washington in 1890, Mr. Hitz became its in
superintendent, a posihe still occupies. This bureau was founded tion
by Alexander Graham and diffusion of knowledge relating to the deaf, a subject to which he had devoted much of his time. Having been awarded the Volta pri/e by the French government in recogniHell, for the increase
tion of his telephone invention, he set aside the ($10,000), and by careful management A portion of this $100,000 increased it ten-fold. is now being used to encourage the promotion of the teaching of speech to the deaf, and is called the Bell-Volta fund: but the first and thus far most important outcome of the original $10.000 is the Volta Bureau, which collects all kinds of valuable information with reference to deaf-mutes as a class, and individually. A complete system of press clippings relating to the subject is maintained, and the names of over 30.000 deaf, with the particulars respecting their history, may be found. Here aNo are the complete records of 4.471 marriages among the deaf, and diagrams illustrating their family trees, and there is a library of 10,000 volumes and pamphlets. The amount of printed material distributed gratuitously, either directly or through the Smithsonian Institution and the United States bureau of education, apHe is proximates 5,000 publications annually. an honorary member of the Schweizerische Forstverein and Xaturforschende Gesellschaft of Graubunden: a member of the Anthropological Society, the National Geographic Society, the American National Red Cross Society, the American Ascociation to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf, the Society for Philosophical Inquiry, the Swiss Benevolent Society, the Gructli-Vere'in Society of American Florists, the American For-
estry Association, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the National Educational Association. He has made many contributions to educational periodicals and has edited various publications relating to the deaf, including
"Helen Keller Souvenir Nos. 1 and 2." In lsf>t; he was married to Jane C., daughter of Michael Shanks, of Washington, D. C'. There is one son surviving, and four daughters have died, one of whom, Gertrude, was the first teacher in Mr. Hell's experimental school for deaf children, was the author of " The Story of a Fern," and married Prof. E. A. Burton, of Boston. LINTON, Laura Alberta, chemist and physician, was born near Alliance, 0., Apr. 8, 1853, daughter of Joseph W. and Christiana Craven Beans) Linton, and a descendant of John and Jane Linton, Quakers, who emigrated from England with William Penn. Her early years were spent in the country in Ohio, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and she was educated at the Winona Normal School, Minnesota, and the State University of Minnesota, where she was graduated in 1879. She in post graduate work at the Massaspent one year chusetts Institute of Technology and a year at the University of Michigan. While in all this academical and professional training she has made chemistry and other branches of science the especial object of her effort, she has manifested remark(
ment, often excelling in literary and philosophical purHer unusual skill as suits. a manipulator met the early appreciation of her teachers, who before graduation entrusted her with the analysis of a new variety of the " mineral Thomsonite " discovered on the north shore of Lake Superior, which was named "Lintonite" after her. After graduation in 1S79, she taught two years in the high school at Lake She then spent two years at ProviCity, Minn. dence, R. I., assisting Prof. S. F. Peckham in the " " of his preparation Report on Petroleum for the 10th census of the United States, to the success of which her versatile accomplishments in translation and illustration contributed a liberal share. Following her work at the Institute of Technology, she was called to fill the chair of chemistry and c
physics at Lombard University, Galesburgli, 111., and during 1884-05 she taught 'in the Central High School in Minneapolis. Minn. She was an assistant in physiology and physiological chemistry in the University of Minnesota. ISO.VIOOO. and at tinsame time pursued a course in medicine in tlie medical department of the university. She was appointed enrly in 1900 assistant physician in the State Hospital for the Insane at Rochester, Minn. During a visit to southern California in 1S94 she investigated the methods in use for the. technical analysis of asphaltum, and she prepared a paper on that subject that wns read before the
American Chemical Society and published
journal. Later she made an extensive examination of a series of specimens of Trinidad pitch, the results of which, with her evidence, formed an important part of the expert testimony in a noted law suit and were published in the "American Journal of Science." These papers were widely in European journals and gave their author a prominent position as an investigator in this
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. department of technology. Miss Linton's work as a manipulator has been characterized by that persistent and delicate attention to details essential to accuracy, and as an investigator she has exhibited that logical command of relation that has rendered her interpretations clear and her results of permanent value.
GOFER, Martin Hardin, jurist, was born in Hardin county, Ky., Apr. 1, 1832. His early life was spent on a farm and his educational advantages were limited, but he improved them to such an extent that he began teaching in the -county schools at the age of twenty, and while thus employed studied law. He spent three years in Illinois where he was admitted to the bar in 1856. Returning home he opened a law office in Elizabethtown, and speedily built up an extensive and lucrative practice. In 1860 he became editor of the "Democrat'' and published it for a year or two. In 1861 he was a candidate for the general assembly on the States' Rights ticket, but was defeated: in the same year he enlisted in the Confederate army, was made lieutenant-colonel of the 6th Kentucky regiment, was wounded at the battle of Shiloh,
and was promoted
He was
colonel, Sept.
provost-marshal of the army of the Tennessee before the battle of Jonesboro, and in this difficult position displayed great skill. He resumed the practice of law in January, 1870, and in the following month he was appointed by Gov. Stevenson circuit judge, and was elected to that position in August of the same year. In 1874 he was made associate judge of the court of appeals from the 3rd appellate district, and became chief justice in 1881. Judge Cofer was a man of great ability and untiring energy, impartial, and uniformly courteous and even tempered. It was thought by many that his health was undermined by his "devotion to his work. He was the author of the Kentucky Digest." a standard authority. He was married in 1853 to Mary E. Bush. He died while'serving as chief justice, Mar. 22, 1881. HUDSON, Silas A., diplomat, was born in Mason county, Ky., Dec. 13, 1815, son of Bailey Washington and Susan A. (Grant) Hudson, cousin of Ulysses S. Grant, and grandson of Noah Grant, Jr., who was one of the famous Boston tea party. He was educated at Maysville Academy, Kentucky, and subsequently removed to St. Louis, where he engaged in business in 1837. He settled at Burlington. la., in 1839; was clerk of the territorial was chief legislature and in 1846-47 clerk of the house of representatives of the general assembly of Iowa. For fourteen years he was a member of the Burlington city council was mayor in 1855-50, and a member of the board of education in 1803-04. In 1803 he was with Gen. Grant at Vicksburg, Miss. In March, 1869, he was appointed U. S. minister to Guatemala, and held that position until 1872. He was twice married; first, in 1844, to Ann Caldwell. by whom he had one daughter. Virginia; and in 1853, to Serena, daughter of William Griffey of Morgantown. Ky.. who bore him two children. Marietta and Walter Warder Hudson. He died in Burling30, 1803.
ton, la.. Dec.
chief justice, was born in 10, 1839. son of John and Eliza (Hallidnyt Martin. His father, a native of London. England, was brought to the United States in his youth, and went from New York city to Clark county, O., in 1837. The son received a good education, and determining to enter the legal profession he became a student in the law office of J. Warren Keifor. of Springfield. O.. and was admitted to the bar in 1800. In May, 1867, he
Clark county,
O.. Oct.
opened a law
office at Atchison, Kan., and it was not long before he took rank among the leading He was elected lawyers of his adopted city. of the 2nd district in judge judicial 1880, and He resigned again in 1884 without opposition. in 1887, and resumed the practice of law, but in 1895 was appointed to the office of chief justice to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Chief Justice Albert H. Horton. In the following fall he was elected on the Republican ticket by a majority of over 82.000, and he served in this, the highest judicial office in the state, until January, 4897. Jle took -to- the- ben*h-a -mind well stored with legal lore, and a large experience gathered from years of extensive and important On the expiration of his term he repractice. moved his law office to Topeka, Kan., retaining his residence in Atchison. Judge Martin was married, Jan. 5, 1882. to Lissa, daughter of Col. William B. Kipp, of Atchison, Kan., and a member of the noted Kipp family of New York. He died in Topeka. Kan., Mar.' 2, 1901.
CLINCH, Duncan Lament, soldier and congressman, was born at Ard-Lamont, Edgecombe co., N. C., Apr. 6, 1787, son of Joseph and Mary (Lamont) Clinch. Both his father and grandfather served in the revolutionary war, the former becomlieutenant. Apr. 22. 1776, and was called terror of the Tories." He was appointed first lieutenant in the newly organized 3rd infantry, U. S. A., July 1, 1808: served with his company at New Orleans. 1809-10, and at Baton Rouge. 1811-13, after promotion to captain. Dec. 31, 1810; was appointed lieutenant-colonel, 43rd infantry, Aug. 4, 1813; transferred to the 10th
ing "
0, 1.814: commanded six companies regiment at Chainplain on the northern
infantry. Apr. of
frontier; later the first brifirst division, northern army, at camp Lake Erie near Buffalo; was transferred to the 4th infantry, May 17. 1815. and served in
North Carolina and Georgia promoted colonel, Apr. 20, ;
1819; commanded the eastern section of the 7th military department, division of the South, at Fernandina, Fla., and later at St. Mary's. Ga. transferred to the 4th infantry. Aug. 16, 1821. and commanded it at various ports and stations ;
to Florida, January, 1832; on court-martial duty at Baton Rouge. La., and Jefferson Mo. Barracks, ;
commanded regiment and La., and Setninole
Mobile Point.
in Florida
post Ala.
Baton Rouge, first During the "
he destroyed the negro death 270 Indians and negro He commanded the operations in 1835refugees. " 36. during the second or seven years war " with the Seminole Indians, and at the battle of Ouithlacoochee. Fla., Dec. 31. 1835, with only 200 regulars and 400 volunteers, he routed the enemy after an action lasting an hour, losing four killed and Col. Clinch was brevetted fifty-nine wounded. fort."
brigadier-general for ten years' faithful service one grade, Apr. 20, 1829. He resigned in Sep-
tember, 1836. and engaged in planting near St. Mary's, Ga. served in congress from Georgia. Feb. 15, 1844. He was married in 1819, to Eliza Bayard, ;
John Houston Mackintosh, by whom he had five sons and three daughters. Their daughter Eliza Bayard became the wife of Gen. daughter of
civil war famo: Catherine Maim, tlic \\itV nf llarnwell Hcyward, who-c son lincli Heywanl was governor of South Duncan Mrs. Clinch died in Is:',:,, and he was Carolina.
Robert Anderson, of (
married t,> her cousin. Elizabeth Houston, and Gen. third to Mrs. Sophie II. (Gibbsi Coiipcr. Clinch died at Macon. Ca.. (M. 2S. 1S4!). FRY, Joseph, naval ollicer. was born in LouisiAt the age of thirteen he enana, about 1S-JS. and tered the tinted siatc- navy as
IS47. was promoted passed midshipman. In that year he fought a duel with Midshipman Brown.' of Mississippi, near Washington. lie rcC., in which, after his antagonist's lire,
mi Aug.
On Sept. 14. IS.Vi. he was fiued to return it. was appointed muster, and on the following day After the secession of promoted lieutenant. Louisiana from the Union, he resigned his commission in the 1'cdci'al navy. h'cb. 1. ISCil. and the Confederate army, with which he joined served throughout the civil war. He subsequently removed to Albany. X. Y., but in 1873 assumed command of the filibustering steamer Yirgimus. This vessel was captured by a Spanish man-ofwar on Oct. 31st. and having false papers the United Slates government did not interfere. a pi. 1'ry and the crew to the number of thirty were shot as filibusters, at Santiago de Cuba, Considerable excitement in the Nov. 7, 1873. United States followed, and for a time a break in our friendly relations with Spain was threatened, which was ended by the payment of $80.000 to the families of the men executed. (
born in Easton, Bristol eo.. Mass.. Feb. C, 1790, 17 ">5- ISO!)), who was son of Rev. William lieed pastor of the Congregational Church, at Easton, from He 1784 until his death. was educated at Brown University, and upon graduation in 1810, was placed at the head of the Bridgewater Academy. He then studied (
theology, and in 1814 was licensed to preach as a Unitarian clergyman. After preaching in various parts
of !
New England
years, on Apr. 20. 1821, he established in Boston the " Christian Register," which
he conducted tor forty
years. Being assisted by many of the ablest writers of the Unitarian denomination, he exerted a powerful influence upon the public mind. He was one of the founders of the American AntiSlaverv Society in 1828. and one of the first members of the New England Historical and Genealogical Society, lie died in Boston. Mass., June 7. 1870. Francis Joseph, a dwarf, was born in New York tate, Oct. 2. 1804. He was ex-
name. Gen.
New York and Mite,
elsewhere under
in company with a as " The Midgets."
Mexican dwarf, Lucia Xarate.
Feb. 20, 1879, both dwarfs were examined by a do/en physicians at the Ashland House, New York city, and some measurements of the cranhims were taken. Gen. Mite's height in his phoes was twenty-seven inches, and his weight was nine pounds. Lucia Zarate's height was twenty-six inches. A physician declared that there was no explanation of the diminutive size of the little people.
The boy's head was then
(in 1879) ex-
actly the normal size of an infant's at birth: the head was about two-thirds as large as a
She only weighed three-quarters
pound when she was born. In 1SSO Flyiiu went to London and was exhibited at Piccadilly and elsewhere. lie was married. .May is. 1SK4. In Milly Edwards, of Manchester. England, another dwarf, whose weight was said to be only seven of a
TAYLOR, William ('ration.
and Anna Maria
was born
son of William Darling) Taylor. The 1S.~>4,
family came of typical New England stock, his ancestors
on his mother's, side having been prominent actors in the war of the revolution. He was educated in the best schools of his native state, and took up the study of art at the Art Student's
New York
city in
In 1885early days. 86, he studied with Boulanger and Let'ebvre in Paris. f He traveled extensively inj Kngland, and on the con-" its
studying particularmedieval architecture, and customs. In 1888 he revisited Europe ly
and spent a summer in outof-door work in the south of England. Upon his return he settled in Boston, and became chielly known as an illustrator and water color painter. was married
in 1888. to Mary Alice, daughter of Norfolk. Va. In 1891 ill health necessitated a year's sojourn in Colorado, which resulted in several paintings of the liocky He, of
however, chielly scenery and subjects, the more recent of these being selections from Longfellow's poems, and a series of pictures Mr. illustrating the Century in New England. Taylor's home is at Wellesley. a suburb of Boston, where he alo has his studio. of
New England and
diplomat, was born in son of Dr. Charles and Mary (Clapham) Jarvis. and grandson of Col. Leonard and Sarah (Church) Jarvis. His father (1748-1807) was a prominent physician of Host on: a delegate to the constitutional convention of 1788, a member of the state legislature, and -nr geon of the marine hospital in Chelsea. After a preliminary education at Latin schools in Boston he entered Bordentown N. J. Academy at the age of fourteen, and a year later took a course
JARVIS, William,
Boston. Mass.. Feb.
in mathematics under William Waring, of PhilaHe then began a mercantile career, lirst delphia. in Norfolk, Va., and in 1791 in Boston. Mass. The failure of a friend for whom he had indorsed compelled him to relinquish his position in Boston. The following five years he spent as supercargo captain and eventually part owner of the brig Mary. Giving to successful trading on his
own account during
this period he accumulated a considerable fortune, which enabled him to free himself from pecuniary embarrassment. The experience he acquired in mercantile and maritime affairs led to his appointment by I'res. .leli'erson as consul-general and chartre d'affaires at Lisbon on Feb. 4. 1802. He held this post till October. 1810, establishing a reputation as a diplomatist by his dexterous management of difficult negotiations
with the Portuguese government, then with Gen. Junot. the commander of the French forces at Lisbon in 1807-08. and after that with the British government. By his energetic remonstrance he sue-
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. ceeded in slopping the impressment of American seamen by the British, in securing the admission of Hour at a low tariff, and in changing the quarantine regulation for American ships from six weeks' detention to three days. When the revolution iu Spain began, the celebrated Spanish flocks of merino sheep, formerly held by the grandees, were offered for sale. Mr. Jarvis took advantage of the opportunity, and at different times sent to this country 3,500 of these sheep, which were disOn his return tributed from Maine to Virginia. lie went to Washington, but finding the national treasury almost bankrupt and the country on the eve of war with Great Britain, refused any compensation for his eight years' service. About 1812 he settled at Weathersn'eld, Windsor co., Vt., where he bought a tract of land and engaged in agriculture. Jn his early life he was a Jeffersonian Democrat, but later became an ardent supporter of Henry Clay's policy, and a member of the Whig party. Through the press and otherwise he took an active part in national politics, but persistently declined otlice. Notwithstanding his protectionist He principles he never advocated a duty on wool. was twice married, and died at Weathersn'eld, Vt., Oct. 21, 1859. BEX, George, jurist, was born at Canton, O.,
Jacob and Catherine Rex, to Canton, in 1815. After acquiring a common-school educahe attended the Lutheran tion Seminary at Canton, for a year and a half, and when that institution was moved to Columbus, O., and July
1817, son
who emigrated from
Carlisle, Pa.,
named the Capital University, he followed it there and remained two years more. After teaching in the public schools of Canton three years, he began the study of law in the office of Hon. John Harris, and was admitted to the bar in 1842. Removing to Wooster in 1843, while engaged in the practice of law, he continued to devote himself to the study of its intricacies and In 1847, he was elected prosecuting technicalities. attorney of Wayne county, and was re-elected in In October, 1851. he was 1849, 1859, and" 1801. elected to the state senate, and as president pro ternjmre he soon achieved success as a superior presiding officer, and became known as one of the best parliamentarians of the state At the August term, 18(54, he was appointed prosecutor of the county to fill a vacancy, and in 1867, he was again elected to the state senate. He was appointed to the supreme court of the state to fill a vacancy caused by the retirement of Judge Stone in 1874. and served the remainder of the On account of ill health term, retiring in 1877. he declined re-election to the bench. He was a student from the time of entering college to the close of his life, was always determined to attain a high degree of proficiency in scholarship, was a successful teacher, and a lawyer far above the average in ability. He was married. May 24, 1853, to Ella J. McCurdy, daughter of William McCurdy, He long a prominent citizen of Wayne county. died in Canton, O., in 1879. JESTJP, Thomas Sidney,
was born
He entered the United States Virginia in 1788. army as a lieutenant in 1808. and at the beginning of the war of 1812 served as adjutant to Cen. William Hull. In January, 1813, he was promoted captain; and on Apr. 6, 1813, he was made a major. He received the brevet of lieutenant-colonel for bravery at the battle of Chippewa, July 5, 1814; and that of colonel in the same month, for services at the battle of Niagara, where- he was severely wounded. On Apr. 30, 1817, he
was commissioned lieutenant-colonel: on was appointed an adjutant-general,
27. 1818.
with the rank of colonel; and on May 8, 1818, i|iiarlermaster-general, with the rank of brigadierHe was brevetted major-general, May 8, general. He was in 1828, for ten years' faithful service. in Florida the beginning of the Seminole war, and succei'ded (Jen. Richard K. Call in command of the army of Florida, Dec. 8, 1830. This war was the most bloody and stubborn of all those It originated in the reagainst Indian tribes. fusal of a part of the tribe to cede their Florida lands and remove to the Indian territory, acOsceola cording to a treaty ratified in 1834. (q. v.) was the Seminole leader, and the war was conducted with varying success under Gens. Scott, Call, Jesup, Taylor, and others, until the subjugation of the Indians in 1842. Gen. Jesup negotiated another treaty for their removal. Mar. 6, 1837, but after he had gathered them together in readiness for leaving they suddenly broke camp and slunk away. Early in October, 1837, he began a general campaign; he captured Osceola and others by violating a flag of truce, October 23rd, and in the spring of 1838, he reported the surrender of nearly 2,400 Indians and negroes, including about 700 warriors. He thus broke the power of the Seminoles to meet the army in a line of battle. After being wounded in action at Jupiter Inlet, Jan. 24, 1838, he turned over the active command to Col. Zachary Taylor. Gen. Jesup died in Washington, D. C.. June 10. 1800.
Isaac Henry, artist, was born at Mar. 24, 1857, son of Joseph and
German He was educated
Caroline Stiefel of descent.
public schools of New city and Cleveland, O. After a brief clerical career he began to study for his
in the
chosen profession, and continued his studies in Munich, Bavaria, during 1879 83. On his return to Boston in 1883 he latinized the name of
opened a studio in Boston. Mass., where he has since resided.
" important paintings are A Flaw in the Title" (1883), " Fleur de Lis " (1884), " Pu"Nepenthe" (1884), (1891), "The Guardrity '
(1901) and portraits of Gov. Rice, Chief Justice Parmenter, Dr. William G. Weld and others. In 1893 he was married to Phoebe Johnston Woodman of Danvers, Mass., and has two sons.
G., jurist,
was a native
where he was born in 1791. He had a common-school education, and after being admitted to the bar rose to prominence in law and in politics. He removed to New York, and was inspector of state prisons, county judge, circuit judge, a member of the assembly of New York in 1826-27, and was a representative to In 1846, he became judge congress in 1831-33. of the supreme court of New York, and in 1847 of Connecticut,
was made the
first chief justice of the court of chosen under the new Constitution of 1846. He served three years, and in 1856 resigned from the bench. His decisions are said to be
especially lucid, and are dents in other code states.
often cited He died in
New York
city in 1858.
McCLOSKEY, William George, fourth Roman Catholic bishop of Louisville, was born at Brook-
CO lyn.
was educated
Knimit tsburg, Md., hi- cour-e there commenced the study of law in New York city: but subseto the minoiiently determining to devote himself istrv. lie gave it up. and entered St. Mary's Theowhere for six years he studied
Mount St. Mary'and upon completing at
and theology. philosophy After graduation, he v.as ordained a priest, Oct. (i. iS.">2. and was appointed aa sistaiit to his brother George, then rector of the Church of the Xativity. At the expiration of a year he was called to become professor of Latin and Sacred Scriptures in St. Mary's College, and on May 3. 1S57, was elected director of the theological seminary. His brilliant talents evinced especially while holding this post soon won for him a rep-
utation as an accomplished scholar and teacher, and when Pope Pius IX established the American College in Rome, he appointed Dr. McCloskcy its lirst president, Dec. 8, 1859. For the subsequent eight years he prosecuted the work with pronounced success, and brought the institution to a most flourishing condition. In ISti."), he visited America in the interests of the college, called on every bishop in the United States, and was rewarded for his labor by securing a permanent endowment for the institution. Upon the death of Bishop Lavialle, Dr. McCloskey was preci mixed by the pope to succeed to the vacant see of
24, 18(18, in the chapel of the American College, by Cardinal Reisach. lie thereupon reto America turned to assume charge of his new duties. He found his diocese encumbered by debt,
bishop on
but by careful and thorough business management, lie not only succeeded in raising it. but has also acquired much valuable church property entirely unincumliercd. and has made it a rule of the diocese that no debts shall be contracted in church building before the liquidate them.
necessary funds are collected to has built a number of churches,
educational and religious institutions throughout the diocese, and introduced various religious orders.
territory under his jurisdiction
American ancestors, who came from Scotland. Dr. Gordon was educated at the public schools and the Fryeburg Academy, and studied medicine at the Dartmouth and Bowdoin Medical Schools, being graduated M.D. at the latter in 1855. He began the practice of his profession at Gorham, Me., but on the outbreak of the civil war entered the Union army, and became assistant surgeon of the 13th Maine volunteer infantry (December, He was appointed surgeon of the 1st 18(il).
Louisiana volunteer infantry on Oct. 17, 1803. After serving for about a year in the department of the Gulf, he was promoted surgeon in charge of the General Hospital at Natehex. Mi-s.. and in the winter of 1SI14. he was urid" surgeon-in-charge of the district of La Fourche, After the war he La., on Gen. Cameron's staff. settled in Portland, Me., where he has since pracDr. Gordon made a specialty of gynecology, ticed. and has contributed disquisitions on that subject He has been lecturer on to medical periodicals. diseases of women in the Portland School for Medical Instruction. He was president of the Maine Academy of Medicine, and of the American Gynecological Society, and he was a fellow of the British Gynecological Society, and the Detroit Academy of Medicines; was president of the Portland Army and Navy Union, and served as member of the common council and of the school comHe was also an associate mittee of that city. corporator of the Maine General Hospital, where he served as attending surgeon (1874-99).
born in
naval Bainbridge, 7 Brooklyn. N. Y ., Oct. 11, 1816. At an early age he entered the United States navy, being appointed midshipman on Dec. 22, He became passed-niidshipman six years 1831. later, when he was attached to the North Carolina, at the New York navy yard. On Sept. 8, 1841, he was promoted to a lieutenancy, and on Apr. 20, 18(11, he was made commander, and ordered to the ordnance bureau, at Washington, on special service. He was next transferred to the command of the U. S. steamer West field, under Adm. Farragut, and on July 15, 1802. took an active part in the engagement at Yicksburg. He was then placed in command of the gunboats blockading Galvcston, which place he captured without a conflict on Oct. 10. 1802. The city and island were held as a landing place for future operations by the gunboats alone for two months, until in the latter part of December. 1802, Col. Burrell arrived with 260 men. At daybreak on Jan. 1, 1863, Gen.
was born
town, During the action, the West field got hopelessly aground, and having a large supply of ammunition and two niagaxiiie- of powder on board. Comr. Kenshaw determined to destroy her rather than let her fall into the hands of the enemy. After his men had been placed in the boats, he remained behind to light the fuse, but the vessel blew up prematuiclv. and Ken-haw, together with tho-c in the small boats awaiting him, were killed by the explosion, Jan. 1, 1803. The senior ollicer immediately steamed away with the rest of the Hot ilia, and the blockade of Galveston was raised. GORDON, Seth Chase, physician. \\as born at Fryeburg, Me., Aug. 17, 18:!0. son of Stephen and Lydia IS. ((base) Gordon, grandson of Henry and Martha (Farrington) Gordon, and great-grandson of Henry and (Walker) Cordon, the first
contains more than 109 priests, 133 churches, 3 colleges, 20 academies, 58 parochial schools, and numerous charitable institutions. The Catholic population of the diocese of Louisville aggregates
Magruder. commanding the Confederate Texas, made a vigorous attack on the which was soon surrendered by Burrell.
BRODHEAD, John Romeyn,
Jan. 2, 1814, son of Jacob Philadelphia, Pa., Brodhead. grandson of (Bleecker) Charles W. Brodhead, a captain in the revolutionary war, and a descendant of Capt. Daniel Brodhead, of Yorkshire, England, who settled in His father (1782-1855) Esopus, N. Y.. in 1005. was a tutor in Union College for two years after his graduation in 1801; became pastor of the -
Reformed Dutch church in Rhinebeek in 1S04, was pastor of the Collegiate Church, New York, 180913. the other pastor being John Schureman (180911) ;. established the First Reformed Dutch Church in Philadelphia in 1813; took charge of a chlirch in New York in 1826, and from 1841 till his retirement in 1847 was pastor of a church in John R. Brodhead was graduated at Brooklyn. Rutgers College in 1831, studied Ian- in the office of Hugh Maxwell, and was admitted to the bar in
18.'?5. After, two years of practice in New York he retired to Saugertics and devoted himself to In 1839 he went to Holland literary pursuits. and was attached to the American legation, of which his relative, Harmanus Bleecker, was charge
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Tie spent three years d'affaires. archives of Holland, England ami
examining the France, searching for material for a history of New York, and procured many valuable documents relating to the In 1846 he was apearly history of the state. pointed secretary of legation in England, when He returned to (Jeorge Bancroft was minister. the United States in 1849, and was a naval officer of the port of New York during Pierce's administration. Fur many years he continued his researches relating to the rule of the Dutch, and the knowledge thus acquired was embodied in his "History of the State of New York" (1853-71). He died 'in Xcw York, May 6, 18T3. CHANLER, John Winthrop, lawyer and congressman, was born in New York citv in 1827.
-tale until the out break of the civil war. He went to the front as colonel Wisconsin volun-t of the that
regiment. May. 1801, and fought in the battles of Falling waters and Kdward'- ferry in July, 1861, Perryville. Isy.. Stone river, Tenn. Murfree-boio. and teer
He was June.
Tennessee until when he was
promoted brigadier-general and commanded divisions in of the Ohio and lie army I
the army lie berland,
was wounded
at the battle of Chickamauga, and did service in the engagements around Chattanooga and Mission commander at several >II!L!'-. Tcnn.. and was post and Alabama until mustered points in Tennessee out of service. May 11, 1865. He served in the
court martial that' tried Surgeon-Oen. Hammond. After the war be engaged in farming in Wisconsin, and -erved his state in various positions of trust and honor. He was married ill 1851 to Louisa A., daughter of William Paxson Hallett, of New York He subsequently removed to Washington, city. D.V., and was admitted to the bar there to practice in the U. S. courts, and prosecuted a general law and pension business until his death, which occurred in that city Nov. 15, 1890. BARTLETT, Elisha, physician, was born in Smithtield. R. I.. Oct. 0. 1804, son of Otis and YV'aite Bartlett, who were members of the Society of Friends. He was educated at the Friends' Institu-
New York, under Jacob Willett, and after attending medical lectures in Boston and Providence, he was graduated M.D. at Brown UniverHe spent another year of study sity in 1820. under distinguished professors in Paris, France, and in Italy, and began his practice at Lowell, Mass. He was professor of pathological anatomy in the Berkshire Institute. Pittsfield. Mass.. 1S3238, and for one year in the medical department of Dartmouth College; professor of the theory and practice of medicine at the University of Maryland, and in the medical department of Transylvania University. 1842-49: professor of the institutes of medicine in the University of the City of New York. ls.10-52. and on the death of Dr. Beck, was made professor of materia medica and medical jurisprudence in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York. Compelled by ill-health to resign his position ill New York, he retired to his paternal acres in Smithfield to die of a lingering di-ca-e can-cd by lead-poisoned water. His " ess-i\ Aii Inquiry into the Degree of Certainty in Medicine" ilS48i. attracted considerable attention, but bis greatest work was " Treatise on tion in
the Fevers of the United State-" |1S42). Besides Discourse on the Life and thc-e lie wrote: Discourse on the 1841H l.ahoi- of Dr. Wells" Times. Character and Works of Hippocrates" (1852), and he was editor of the "Monthly Journal of Medical Literature." published in Lowell, llanllv any American physician was more widely known to his countrymen or more favorably considered abroad where his writings had carried his name. In 1830 he was the first mayor of Lowell, Ma-s., iind in 1840 he was a representative to the He died at Smithtield, R. ]., slate le"i-lature. July lit. 1855.
MILLER, William Edward, jurist, was born near Mt. Pleasant, Pa.. Oct. IS, 1823, the son of Samuel Miller. Si., who was born in Somerset For more than a quarter of a century county. he wa's a prominent ligiire in Iowa polities, (ioing West when he was a lad he grew up with the young state and was closely associated with its He entered the army in 1802 as development. colonel of the 28th Iowa infant rv volunteers, but was compelled by ill health to resign the following In S04 he prepared a treatise on "Plead year. ing and Practice in Actions and Special ProceedRevision of ings at Law and Kqiiity Under the " Revised C'ode 1800," which was followed by the of 1873." a work on "Highways" and numerous other legal articles and treatises. In 1S5S he was elected judge of the eighth judicial district of Iowa, serving a four year term. He was re-elected to the district bench in 180S. and in the following year was appointed to fill a vacancy on the supreme court bench, caused by the resignation of Judge Elias H. Williams. lie served as supremo judge until 1876, being chief justice in 1874 and For several years Judge Miller was an in187"). structor in the law department of the Iowa Statn University, located at Iowa City, which was his home, until 1873, \vhen he settled in Des Moines, where he lived until his death, Nov. 7, 1890. 1
jurist, was born Sheiiandoah county. Va.. April 8, 1822, son of James and Rebecca (Wilkins) Seevers. He was taken to Iowa by his parents in 1S43. the family He began the study settling in Mahaska county. of law in Oskaloosa, and was admitted to the bar was in 1846. He prosecuting attorney two years IIS48 501. was a judge on the district court bench (1852-50). and in 1857 was elected to the Iowa legislature. This was not only the first legislature which met at Des Moines, then the new capital of the state, but it was the first held after the adoption of the constitution of 1857. which radi It rally changed the organic law of the state. became necessary to reorganize the entire system of state government and provide a new code of The legislature concivil and criminal practice. tained a distinguished body of lowans. among
SEEVERS, William Henry,
them George W. McCrary
W. Belknap
(afterwards cabinet ministers), and William P. Hepburn, subsequently congressman. Judge Seevers was made chairman of the bouse judiciary committee, to which all important bills were submitted for rigid examination, and he gave every bill submitted to the committee his close personal attention. To him and to James F. Wilson, of Fail-field, is due a large measure of the credit for the enduring work of the Iowa house of 1858, in the seventh general assembly, and the laws which stood the test of time in lo'wa for a quarter of a When century, until a new code was adopted. Judge '('. C. Cole resigned from the supreme court in 1876 Judge Seevers was appointed to fill the vacancy and was elected by the people at the nexl He was chief election, serving twelve years. While the state justice in 1S76, 1882 and '1888.
OF AMEKICAN BIOGRAPHY. remembers Judge Sepvprs' best work as his excellent decisions while in the supreme court, it is with hia legislative work tlmt he did the most his conscientious 'care and legal for the state; acumen giving Iowa an excellent system of codilie died fied laws, at Oskaloosa, Ift., Mar. 24, 18!)."). HOFFMAN, Wickham, lawyer and diplomat, was born in New York city. Apr. 2. 1821, son of (For Murray and Frances (liurrall) Hoffman. lie was graduated ancestry see vol. XI. p. 84.) at Harvard College, in 1842. He was admitted to the bar and practiced law till the breaking out of the civil war. when he was appointed aide-de-camp to Gov. Morgan and was sent to inspect the New York troops at Fortress Monroe. In March, 1862, he entered the United States volunteer service assistant adjutant-
pointed on the staff of Brig.-Gen. Thomas Williams. He was at the capture of New Orleans, and in the expedition to Vicksburg and Baton Rouge. After the death of Gen. Williams at the battle of Baton
appointed assistant adjutant-general of the staff of Gen. Sherman. In 1803 he served with Gen. W. B. Franklin in the expedition to Texas, Opelousas, and in the Red River campaign. In 1804 he was appointed by Gen. Butler assistant adjutant-general of the district of Eastern ^ irginia and North Carolina, and in March, 1865, upon the application of Gen. Sherman, was appointed to duty in New Orleans, and later in the same year was appointed adjutantgeneral and chief of staff to Maj.-Gen. Canby, commanding the department of Louisiana andTexas. In 1806 Col. Hoffman resigned his military position and was appointed assistant secretary of in Paris. In 1867 he was appointed first legation i-HTPtary of legation and filled that position for nine years, being in Paris during the siege of 1870 and during the commune. He was transferred to London in 1875 and in 1877 to St. Petersburg, where for almost six years he acted as charge d'affaires. He was appointed by Pres. Arthur IT. S. minister to Denmark in 1884 and after resigning in 1888 retired to private life. He was the author of "Camp, Court and Siege" (1880) and "Leisure Hours in Russia" (1883). He was married, in Boston, Mass., May 14, 1844, to Elizabeth, daughter of Fdmund Baylies of Taunton, Mass., and a granddaughter of Elijah Baylies, an officer in the Continental army, and had one son, Franeis Burrall Hoffman. He died in Atlantic City, N. J., May 21. 1000.
KIDDER, Henry in
Purkitt, financier, was born
Boston, Mass., Jan. 18.
1823, son of
and Clarissa (Purkitt) Kiclder. He was educated in the Boston public schools, and graduated at the Hgh school. He began his business career in the auction store of dry goods Coolidge & Haskell in 1838. After a short period in the office of the Bcston and Worcester railroad, he entered the banking house of John E. Thayer & Brother, and was made a partner in the business in 1858. Upon the reorganization of the firm of Kidder, Peabody & Co., in 1865, he was made senior partner, and continued at the head of the house until his death. He was interested in many charities; served on
many boards
of administration, and was president American Unitarian Association, 1876-86. He was married Dec. 14, 1847, to Caroline W., daughter of Geo. Archbald, of Hopkinton, Mass. Mrs. Kidder died in 1881, and Mr. Kidder was again married June 21, 1883, to Miss Elizabeth of the
Hindehoper, of Meadville, Pa.
died in Boston,
Mass., Jan. 28. 1886.
MILLS, Hiram
Francis, civil engineer, was born in Bangor, Me.. Nov. 1, 1836, son of Preserved and Jane Brayton (Lunt) Mills. After attending the public schools of Bangor, he entered the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y., and was graduated C.E. in 1856. For ten years thereafter he was associated with James P. Kirkwood, William E. Worthen, James B. Francis, and Charles S. Storrow, who rank among the ablest engineers in the country. He designed and constructed the state dam on the Deerfield river in 1863; designed a stone dam for the Penobscot river at Bangor in 1866, and one for the Merrimac river In 1809 he was apat_Sewall's falls, in 18S2. pointed engineer of the Essex Co., and since that time has taken charge of that company's affairs at Lawrence, including the laying out "and management of the lands, and the distribution of the water power of the Merrimac river. He has made and recorded extensive experiments upon the flow of water in pipes, conduits, canals and rivers, and in the discharge of water wheels. In 1893 he became consulting engineer of the proprietors of locks and canals on the Merrimac river at Lowell. Since 1886 he has been a member of the Massachusetts s^ate board of health and chairman of its committee on water supply and sewage, and in that capacity he carried on the investigation and prepared the report in accordance with which the Metropolitan sewage system was constructed. He also designed the Lawrence experiment station pf the board, and directed its experiments upon the purification of sewage and of water. The filterbed which purifies the drinking water of Lawrence was designed by him and constructed under his direction. He has been a member of the corpora.tion of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology since 1885, and was for several years chairman of its committee on mechanical engineering and applied mechanics. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; a member of the visiting committee of the Lawrence Scientific School a director of the Essex Savings Bank, president of the Lawrence Line Co., and a director of the Theological School of the New Jerusalem Church. In 1889 Harvard College conferre'l upon him the honorary degree of A.M. Mr. Mills has published many professional papers and essays. ;
WADE, Deeius S., jurist, was born at Andover, Ashtabula co., 0., Jan. 23, 1835, son of Charles H. and Juliet (Spear) Wade, grandson of James Wade, a revolutionary soldipr, and a descendant of Maj. Jonathan Wade, who emigrated from Norfolk county, England, in 1634. settling first at Ipswich and later at Medford, Mass. He was educated in the district schools, and while teaching school continued his studies at Kingsville Academy, O. He read law under his uncles, Sen. Benjamin F. Wade and Congressman Edward Wadp, and in 1857 was admitted to the bar at Jefferson, In 1860 he was O., where he commenced practice. elected probate judge of Ashtabula county, and in 1869 he was elected to the Ohio senate, where he served two sessions and made speeches upon the minority representation and the 15th amendment that were commented upon throughout the state. On Mar. 17, 1871, Pres. Grant appointed him chief justice of
THE NATIONAL CYCLOPAEDIA Miccccding Henri I., UaiTeii. and hr served until Ui opinion! fill more than liulf of the M;i\, IssT. sj\
volumes and verv
supreme mini
few of his decisions were ever
I'nited Mates supreme court. A ft IT retiring Ircnn the bench ho practiced at Hr enlisted in tin- civ il war ami Helena. Mmil. was elected first lieutenant of hi* company, which
di-handcd however because
hr required 75,000 Cincinnati was menaced hv Kirliv Smith he became one of the f.inious "Squirrel Hunters.' who went to the deHe was married in ]8t>3. to fcn-e of their stati'. v\aw.is
, i
Ire. nlv
Galpin of AndoviT. I. M.U \\'ade.
and has one daugh-
(la re
Henry, lir-t and fourth territorial of Wiscon-in ils:i(i41: 1S454SK was goveiborn at \'incennes. Iml.. Oct. 12, 1782. son of Israel Amu- Nancy
Dodge, grandson of Dodge, great -grandson if l-'aci podge, ami of '\'\i~ great-great-grandson tram Pudge, who emigrated from Kngland to Block Island in Kill], His father, a revolutionary ollicer of Cunnecticut. settled in Kentucky in 1784. At, an early age Henry Dodge removed to Missouri, where he commanded a mounted company of volunteer riflemen in August and September, '1S12. lohn and
was made major ft a
Missouri regiment in 1813. inanded a Imttalion of Missouri mounted infantry,
. where he was successful in' making unteers
peace with the frontier Indians. c was unsurpassed as an Indian figl.ter, and a sword, with the thanks ,,f the nation, was voted him by congress. 9 he was appointed by Pres. Jackson superintendent of Indian affairs' and of the
isconsin territory, which had been organized May 19, out of the Northwest territory, and which included the Dakotas. originally He resigned from the army July 4, 1836. In the former capoe-
he concluded a treaty with the Menomonie y wWch th '''If'l to the United States I'ononoo , *7 ,000 acres of land in Michigan and Wisconsin He wai reappointed governor of Wisconsin by res \ nBuren in 1839. but in 1841 was removed 1 res Tyler, and was immediately elected territorial delegate to congress as a Democrat, and rved o terms. In 1845 he was again appointed TOOT of \\ isconsin by Pres. Polk. On the ad ...on of Wisconsin as a state, he was elected the United lmt e. June 23. 1848 and '
being iv elected iii 18.VJ. served till March :!, 18.17. Gov. Dodge was married in 1800 to Christiana Mi-Donald, lie died in Burlington, la., June 19 1867.
DOTY, James Duane,
second territorial govWisconsin (1841-44). was burn in Salem. Washington oo.. X. Y., in 1709. .After studying law. he removed to Detroit, Mich., at the age of nineteen, where he was soon admitted to the liar. and in 1819 was appointed secretary of the legislative council and clerk of the court of the tc'rri lory. Although young, he had already attracted the attention of Gov. Lewis Cass, and the follovving year joined his celebrated expedition organ i/.ed to explore the upper lakes in canoes. ^He traveled with it 4,000 miles in command of one of the five canoes and as secretary of the expedition, assisting in negotiating important treaties with the Indians of that region. In the winter of 1821 he was at Washington. D. C.. where he was admitted as attorney in the U. S. supreme court, and two years later was appointed U. S. judge for northern Michigan. He held bis lir-t court at Prairie du Chien, then a military outpost, and having organized the judiciary of his dish ic! filled this post till 1832. In 1830 he was appointed by congress one of the two commissioners to surand locate a vey military road from Green Bay through Chiean-o to Prairie du Chien. in which work he \vas engaged for about two years, and in 1834-3.") he was a member of the legislative council of Michigan. Here be was the first to agitate the question of dividing Michigan, which finally led ernor
to the creation of
Wisconsin and Iowa territories. from the legislature, he became an active operator in the public land sales, which were opened at Green Bay in 1835-36. and preempted several tracts of government land at preReturning
sumably desirable spots in the wilderness for future towns and cities. One of these traits, situated on an undulating isthmus between four lakes, was laid out in 1837 and named Madison after the fourth U. S. president, and this beimr Ins favorite claimant, he selected that locality as the site for the capital of the new territory.' He succeeded in having the seat of government located there in 1836, and was himself a member of the commission to erect a capital building: but the town was not laid out before February of the following year. On Sept. 10. 1838. he was elected delegate to congress from the territory, and beii..' re-elected Aug. 5, 1840. served till March 3. 1841. He was appointed governor of the territory if Wisconsin Oct. fl. 1841. serving till Sept. 10. 1844, when he was removed and succeeded by Nathaniel
P. Tallmadge, but in 1845 Doty was reappointed and served till May 13. 1845. His administration was marked by bitter contentions and a collision with the legislature. After his removal from office he was appointed by the war department a commissioner to treat with the Indians of the
northwest. He was a delegate to the first constitutional convention at Madison. Oct. n. 1840. and on the admission of Wisconsin to the Union in 1848, was elected a representative in congress. serving two terms, during 1840-53. He was made superintendent of Indian affairs in 1861 with headquarters at Salt Lake City. Utah. sinV sequently became treasurer of Utah, and in 1804 was appointed by Pres. Lincoln governor of that territory, which post he held at' the time of his death. Gov. Doty was married in 18-^3 to S-rah daughter of Gen. Collins, of New Hartford. Oneida He die. and being elected ill the latter year governor of Wisconsin by the Republican party, served in this olliociet\ in
Arkansas in 1S4.~>. Dr. Diliwas married to Ann Klixa. the daughter of Col. Nicholas 1'ryor. of NashShe died in 1854, leaving three sons and ville. two daughters, and he was married in 1855 to her sister, .lane F.mily I'ryor. who bore him two sons and two daughters. He died at his home in Van rcll
Umen. Feb. 23, 1897. RICE. George Staples,
was born
Boston, Mass.. Feb. 28, 1849, son of Reuben and Harriet Tyler (Kettelle) Rice, and a descendant of Edmund Rice, who emigrated from England to America in Ki.'is. and was prominent in the settle ment 'of Marlboro, Mass. After attending public schools in Boston, he entered Harvard University, and was graduated S.B. in 1870. During the summer of 1869 he was employed in the engineering department of the Boston water works, on the construction of Chestnut hill reservoir; in 18711 77 in
he was assistant, engineer of the Lowell, Mass., water
works, and assistant and division engineer of the Boston water works. In 187780 he was assistant engineer of the Boston main drainage works, and for a short time in 18S7 was the principal assistant engineer in charge
them. These water and main drainage works were the most important enterprises for the sanitary improvement of Bo'ston undertaken in the history of that During 1880 S7 Mr. city. Rice was engaged in mining in Arizona and Colorado,
/ ';-
was deputy
chief engi-
neer of the aqueduct commi>-ion. New York city, in Soon after ap1887-01. pointment he found that a large part of the work already accomplished was defective in construction, and was active in exposing the frauds connected with it. In 1891-02 he was chief engineer of the rapid transit commission of Boston, and his investigation into the problem of vapid transit were embodied in the commission's report, which suggested and recommended most of the changes in transportation facilities made in that city in the latter years of the 10th century. This investigation led the way to his appointment, in New York city (1900; as deputy chief engineer of the rapid transit railroad commissioners, a work in-
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. volving the expenditure of over $50,000,000 and necessitating the use of the latest improvements in methods of transportation of passengers. It was one of the largest enterprises of its kind ever For eight years before his engageinitiated. ment on this work Mr. Kiee was in the general practice of civil engineering, having an office in Boston, Mass., under the firm name of George He was secreRice and George 10. Evans. S. tary of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers, 1873-80, and was a member of the Newton water board 1894-98. During 1893-1000 he was instructor in sanitary engineering at Harvard University, at the same time conducting a private engineering He is a member of the American Socipractice. ety of Civil Engineers, Boston Society of Civil Engineers, American Institute of Mining Engireers, New England Water Works Association, Massachusetts Branch of the Society of Colonial Wars, University, Arkwright and Heights clubs of Xew York city and the Union and St. liotolph clubs of Boston. He was married, at Yonkcrs, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1889, to Rose, daughter of Jules and Elise M. Breuchaud, and has one son, Albert Ftcley Rice. Angus, senator, was born at Caledonia, Livingston co., N. Y., July 4, 1824, son of
Duncan Angus and Sarah (McCall) Cameron, both
natives of Scotland. After completing a public fchool education, he spent three years at the (ienesee Wesleyan Seminary, Lima, N. Y., and one year at the Geneseo Academy. He taught Fchool for seven years and in 1850 he became a student in the law office of Wadsworth & Cameron, at Buffalo, X. Y., being graduated at the National Law School, Ballston Spa,
He was
campaigns with Hooker, Kearney, Stoneman and other distinguished ordered
He was
Washington in 1801, promoted surgeon, with the rank of major, and was attached to Gen. Buell's command in Kentucky. He reorganized and took 'charge the general hospital at Louisville and soon after was placed at the head of of
the medical purveying deat and partment Cairo, finally was medical director of the district. After the war Dr. Edgar was ordered to California, and made his home in Los Angeles. He was identified with the County Medical Society, the Southern California Historical Society, the Library Association, and the Agricultural Association.
CLARKE, Richard Floyd, lawyer and author, was born at Columbia, S. C., Oct. 14, 1859, son of Lemuel C. and Caroline B. (Clarkson) Clarke, and
he resided until his death. In 1861 he formed a partwith Joseph W. nership Loscy, which was not dissolved until he retired from active practice in 1886. He was a member of the state senate in 1863, 1864, 1871, and 1872; and of the house of representatives in 1866 and 1867, serving in the last lie year as its speaker. was sent as a delegate to the national Republican convention at Baltimore in 1864. He was elected to the U. S. senate by the combined votes of Democrats, Republicans and Liberals, serving from Mar. 4, 1875, to Mar. 3, 1881, and upon the' death of Sen. Matthew H. Carpenter he was again elected, filling out the latter's term from Mar. 10, He was not conspicuous as 1881, to Mar. 3, 1885.
:i ^peaker, but few members acquired more influence as a worker, and he was placed on many important committees. lie assisted in the investigation of the South Carolina elections of 1876, nnd as chairman of the committee for this purpose returned an able and exhaustive report. Sen. Cameron was married. Feb. 21, 1856, to Mary, daughter of William Baker, of Urbana, N. Y. He
Crosse. Wis.. Mar. 30, 1897.
EDGAR, William II.
when, with Frederick Wing, he founded the banking house of Camenui &. Wing, In 1857 he settled in La Crosse, Wis.. where
& Cameron as a partner, and the firm lasted until
the family removed to St. Joseph, Ky., where he entered a drug shop to prepare for the medical profession, and he was graduated at the medical department of the University of Louisville in 1845. In the spring of 1849 he was appointed assistant surgeon in the United States army and stationed at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., subsequently being ordered to the
a descendant of Joseph Clarke, who emigrated from Bedfordshire, England, to Rhode Island, in 1694. He was graduated at the College of the City of New York in 1880 and at the Columbia College Law School in 1882, receiving from the latter the degree of LL.B., cum laude, and winning
X. Y., in 1853. He returned to the office of Wadsworth
died at
Francis, surgeon, was born Jessamine county, Ky.. in 1823, son of William Edgar, a soldier in the
of 1812.
In 1827
the first prize in He was municipal law. admitted to the bar in 1882, and since that time has practiced his profession
New York
as managing clerk in the office of Old-
Mestre & Gonzales. In 1886 he formed a partnership with Frederic F. Culver, under the firm name of Clarke & Culver. The firm dissolved in 1903
and Mr. Clarke continued the business alone. He has been or is counsel for
many corporations, including the New York New Jersey Bridge Co., of New Jersey, the and
Co., the George A. Fuller Co., the Robert Dunlap estate, the National Salt Co., the International Salt Co., the Unadilla Valley Railway, Co., Enoch
Morgan's Sons Co., the Alcock Porous Plaster Co., the Brandreth Co., the United States and Venezuela Co., and the McGivney & Rokeby Construction Co. He is a member of the Bar Association of the City of New York, the New York State Bar Association, the New York Southern Society, and the Atlantic Yacht Club, the New York Yacht Club, the University Club, and of the Colonial Order of the Acorn. He is the author of "The Science of Law and Law-making" (1898). which work is devoted chiefly to the question of
HIK NATIONAL CVCLOl'AKIHA ...i 1ms been BXtewivelj reviewed ha- been n,,,ved and bo Mr. take ,,,-.-, with favor i.v tli,- legal i"'. \.M. fr"i ">* C lle c off l,,,l\.'d the degree ol
,,,,l,,u,.n. ,,,,lili,,ui,.n.
si,! ..... f tlu- Atlantic.
New York
thrown upon
l.angnau. Swit/.erland.
Guggenheim. He was early own resources, and when nineteen
with his toe he emigrated to America He settled in Philadelfather and" four siftten. lie liciran his bu-ine-s career by phia Pa., where Later he engaged handling vari.,u- line- of goods. in sellii'i" stove polish, and tliis proving successful, after learnI,,, began making Stove p.di-h himself, of the in" from a friendly chemist the composition ,,,,,.,
that he won his success, greatest mercantile 'lleing a hard and intelligent worker, he learned all the detail- of the Swi-- embroidery business, and in 1S|2 formed a partnership with M. 11. Pula-ki under the name of Guggenheim & PuThis iirin was disla-ki. solved in 1SS1. whereupon his four oldest sons joined their father in forming the broideries
firm of M. Guggenheim's Sou-, which still continues, three which into and younger sons subsequently entered a- full partners.
When firm
M. Guggenheim's began operations in
confining their attention excluand handling a very cxtensively to embroideries, -.i\.' trade in Swiss importations. They built up a business during the next nine years, but prosperous in the meantime Mr. Guggenheim had Itooomo interested in silver mining operations in Colorado, which had irraduiilly grown to such proportions that he decided to relinquish the embroidery business and Smeltengage exclusively in mining and smelting. Colorado and Mexico, ing works were erected in
New York
secBind milling interests were acquired in different tions of the United States. Mexico and South America, which eventually placed the firm In the front rank of the world's producers of precious v metals. v\Ur*,hc works were admirably equipped kind ma^fred. tie best scientific methods and im< being employed in their operation. American Smelting and Refining Co., \Vlion tjho
Smelter Trust, was formed. M. Guggenheim's Sons maintained for a time their independence, but on Jan. 1, 1001, they joined To pay for the it and are to-day its leaders. .rust practically doubled its capital plants, th. stock. Throughout his long business career, now otherwtte
Isaac, capitalist, was born in
Meyer, merchant and manu-
facturer, vat bom at Simon 1. ISUH. son of
family, few women were more constantly engaged she and her husband were ill private charities, and ever conspicuous in Philadelphia as a most generous and charitable couple.
(I'.Kil) approaching three score years, Mr. Guggenheim has never suffered a single interruption in his remarkable series of successes. Beginning at the
very liottom of the ladder of business life he. through the exercise of foresight, integrity and keen into human nature, became the in-ight founder of a firm which is now recognized as a factor in the metallurgical industries of the leading Me was married in Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. world. Itarbara Myers, whom he first met on 1S.~>.'1. to .1, the vessel that brought him to America. They had se\en sons mentioned below, and one who died in boyhood, and three daughters. Despite the exacting demands of her duties in rearing a large
eldest son of Meu-r Philadelphia, Pa., June 7, 1S54, and Itarbara Myers Guggenheim. He received a common school education ill the city of liis birth, and at the age of seventeen entered the employ of M. .Mvcrs & Co.. wholesale grocers. Philadelphia, as For three years he was a commercial errand boy. a \clcr for various lines of merchandise, and in 187C engaged in the export of petroleum under the name i
Guggenheim & Co., and was interested in a number
of of
18S1 with his three younger brothels he joined his father in forming the linn of .\I. Guggenheim s Son-, which continued the embroidery business founded The new by the father. firm began operations in
(ana. la.
New York city, and handled an extensive trade in Swiss importations. A prosperous business was built up during the following nine yea vs. but his father had 'meanwhile become interested in silver mines in Colorado, and the four older sonremained in New York to wind up their embroidery business while the others went West in the interIsaac Guggenheim beests of the new venture. came treasurer and a director of the American
He is a diSmelting and Refining Co., in 1W)1. rector in the National Park Bank. I'laxa Hank and the International Banking Corporation, and is identified with prominent charity organizations in Now York city. Isaac Guggenheim was married, Nov. 1"), 1S7I1,' to Carrie, daughter of Jonas Sonneborn of New York, and has three daughters. Daniel, capitalist, was born 9, IS.lfl. second son of Meyer and Barbara (Myers) Guggenheim. Ho was He early showed a educated in Philadelphia. marked talent for business, and at the age of seven-
Philadelphia, Pa., July
teen went to Switzerland, where he conducted the manufacturing of embroideries and where he remained for eleven years, visiting the at frequent lie is a member intervals, of the firm of M. Guggen-
United States
heim's Sons which occupies so prominent a position in the milling and smelting industry. In I'.IOl their smelting and refining interests were merged with those of the American Smelting and l?ofining
and Daniel became chair-
man of the executive committee and a member of the board of directors of that,, company.
ber of the mittee and
a mem-
executive coma director of the National
York, and president of the Guggenheim Exploration Co. He is on the executive
OF AMERICAN BIOGBAPHY. committee of the Jewish Theological Seminary and a trustee of the Temple Emanu-El. He was married.
, I
capitalist, was born Aug. 12, 1858, third of the seven sons of Meyer and Barbara (Myers) Guggenheim, lie was educated in the public schools
in Philadelphia,
his brothers. Isaac, Daniel and Solomon he joined his father in forming the linn of M. Guggenheim's Sons, in 1881. Its exin
tensive smelting and mining interests which have been developed since 1888 have in the world's producers of precious metals, giving it special prominence in metallurgical and allied industries and equal rank with the Belmonts, Se'igmans and Rothschilds. Their
placed the front rank
company of
operations never have been of the nature of speculations or the manipulation of prices, but always with a view to developing safe and conservative business on permanent foundations. On Jan. 1, 1901, the firm merged the smelting and refining branch of the business with the American
Smelting and Refining Co., of which Mr. heim is one of the directors. He was Mar. 15, 1887, to Leonie, daughter of Bernheim of Mulhouse, and has one son daughter.
Philadelphia, Pa., Feb.
Guggenmarried, Jacques and one
B., capitalist, was 2, 18(51, fourth son
Meyer and Barbara (Myers) Guggenheim. After a common school education in Philadelphia, he of
continued his studies in Zurich, Switzerland. became a member of
of M. Guggenheim's Sons that was organized in 1881. After establishing their smelting plant in Puethe firm purblo, Colo., chased several silver mines in Mexico, and their interests so increased there that in 1890 with his brother William he went to Monterey, Mexico, and built the silver-lead first complete smelting works ever constructed in that country, having a capacity of 50.000 tons per month. In addition they built residences for the employees, a modern a recreation and store, building equipped with a library, reading room, billiard and bowling table, Besides a director in the American alley. being and Mr. Smelting Refining Co., Guggenheim is president of the American Smelters Steamship Co., chairman of the board of the United Lead Co., and a director in the Metropolitan Securities Co. All the members of (lie family are distinguished by their liberal contribution to charitable work. They have contributed nearly $250.000 for the construction of a private hospital, non-sectarian, connected with Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, and a similar amount for a private hospital in connection with the Jewish hospital in Philadelphia. They
have built a pavilion or annex to the National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives at Denver, Colo., and they are generous supporters of the United Hebrew Charities, the Brightside Day Nursery (of which Mrs. Solomon J{. Guggenheim is president), and the Montefiore Home of New York city. He was married. Apr. 1895, to Irene M., daughter of V. Henry Rothschild, and has two daughters. .'!.
capitalist, 26, 1865,
was fifth
son of Meyer and Barbara (Myers) Guggenheim. He was educated in the public schools of Philadelphia, anil entered Columbia University with the class of 1887, but did not complete the course. In 1884 he went to Colorado with his father and remained there for some years in connection with his father's important mining interests. Foreseeing the great importance of the smelting industry in its relation to their mining enterprises, he then served an apprenticeship with one
of the large smelting plants in Denver and acquired a thorough knowledge of the business. This prepared the way naturally to the entrance of the Guggenheims
into smelting. He induced his father and his brother Daniel to make a minute investigation,, and their first smelting plant was erected at Pueblo in 1888. Simon
joined their brother Benjamin in the management of the business and the plant obtained facilities rapidly for treating 15,000 tons of ore per month. It cost $1,250,000 and employs 1,500 men. It was the nucleus from which grew the various smelting and refining establishments controlled by the Guggenheims in various parts of the United States and Mexico. Benjamin and Simon Guggenheim remained in charge of the works at Pueblo, which were subsequently greatly enlarged. In 1892-93 the firm built another large plant at Aguascalientes, Mexico, which in addition to its lead-smelting plant is equipped with a most efficient plant for the treatment of copper-bearing ores, and contains two of the largest copper converters in operation anywhere in the world. Benjamin Guggenheim returned East in 1890, making his headquarters since that time in New York city. He was married, Oct. 24, 1894, to Florette, daughter of
James York.
Seligman of New and has three
was born Pa.,
30, 1867, sixth son of Meyer and Barbara (Myers) Gug-
After attending the public schools in his native city, he spent two years in Europe in the study of languages. He became a member of the firm of M. Guggenheim's Sons, and in January, 1889 went
the operation of their smelting works at Pueblo. He remained in Colorado about twelve years looking after the operation of
the a-c ol twenty-nine yeais. of l.cutcnant.govcrnor of of the **L"*" Colorado, but not being >wi the ticket withdrew hi, name no,,, dee lin. but tor gwernor, later, he wai no,nina.e,l of hi, pros,,,- buMiios ,, ,-1 cc to, he was a McKinlcy prcs.dcnt.al ,, Simon At the proent t,me M,. fro,,, Colorado. the director and a member of I
^W lo
and in 181, he was nominated bishop tin- ollicc, preferring to Georgia, lint he declined devote Tiinisclf to the cause of education. When, a however, two years later he was elected by unanimous vote coadjutor bishop of Tennessee, he consecrated on July 25th. He accepted, and was -ur.ceded to the bishopric of Tennessee on the death of Bishop Quintard, February, Ks'.IS. Bishop
well as the mining and f their Pueblo plant as Vv linn throughout the the of ,.,,,, interesto he V..1*
!;',;;, i,,!,,h,r,,nice
Smelting and executive eomnnttee of the American the Hetmmg Co., with which corporal,,,,,,,, s .uj-cr,He were merge* ,. Belting Intererti ana other various mining in director a a l-o is who-c Interest, are closely .
with thoee of the Am.'' u a " ''t'sT'!'; Oh]'' Nov. Z4.ll. ulga Giigireiiheim was married, '
New \ork
of daughter of Henry Hir-h.
born capitalist, was Nov. 6, 1869, youngest son of His Mever and Barbara (Myers) Guggenheim. a course in early education was supplemented by in the tnivermining, metallurgy and chemistry, of 1880, which sitv ): as rector of St. James', West Hart'
and Grace Church, Xewington (1875-77); as
victor of Christ Churoh, Hartford [1S77-S7), and of St. James' Church, Philadelphia, 1'a. (1887-90). During 1884-87, he was professor of church hisIn 1884, tory at the Berkeley Divinity School. us a member of the Connecticut delegation to the Seabury centenary at Aberdeen, Scotland, he presented the memorial paten and chalice to the Scottish church in behalf of the clergy and laity of Connecticut. He was elected coadjutor bishop of the diocese of Ohio in 1888, but declined. He, however, in 1890, accepted election to the same office in the diocese of California, being consecrated on June 24th, in St. James' Church, Philadelphia, Pa. Bishop Kip, having relinquished the administration of the diocese to his assistant upon his consecration in 18!)0. after Bishop Kip's death in 1803, he became diocesan. He founded, in 1893, the Church Divinity School of the Pacific at San Mateo, of which he has since been dean. The degree of D.D. was conferred on him by Kenyon
College in 1888, and by Trinity in 1888. Bishop Nichols was married in 187fi, to Clara, daughter of Edward A. Quintard, of New York.
P. E. bishop, was born at Fayette, Mo., June 20, 1848, son of Abiel and Jeanette (Reeves) Leonard, grandson of Capt. Nathaniel Leonard who served in the war of 1812,
und with
his small
command was captured by the
British forces at Fort Niagara, great-grandson of Abiel Leonard, D.D., pastor of the Congregational
Church at Woodstock, Conn., in 1774, who was appointed by Washington chaplain of his army, and served in that capacity until his death, and a descendant of James Leonard, a native of England, who settled at Taunton, Mass., in 1052, and is supposed to have been the first to engage in the manufacture of iron in this country. His father (1797-18G3), a native of Windsor, Vt., was one of the most distinguished members of the Missouri bar, and served for a term upon the supreme bench. The bishop was educated in the
department of Washington University, St. Louis, and was graduated at Dartmouth College in 1870; and at the General preparatory
Theological Seminary, New He was ordered deacon by York, in 1873. Bishop Robertson of Missouri, and returning to his native state, he took charge of Calvary Church, On Nov. 4, 1873, he was ordained Sedalia, Mo. priest at Fayette, Mo., and after eight years of service in the diocese of Missouri, he became rector of Trinity .Church, Atchison. Kan., where he re-
elevation to the episcopate
While residing in Kansas he had a place upon nearly every important committee in the diocese and was dean of the eastern convocation and deputy to the general convention. He was 1888.
consecrated "
bishop of the missionary district of
Nevada and Utah, Jan. 25, 1888, Bishop Vail of Kansas presiding. In 1894 he received the degree from the General Theological Seminary. At the general convention of 1895 his already large field of labor was increased by the addition of the of S.T.D.
missionary district of western Colorado but at the general convention of 1898 the area of his jurisdiction was lessened, his title becoming the bishop
Bishop Leonard was married Oct. to Flora Terry, daughter of Alexander H. Thompson of Sedalia, Mo., and he has five children, Ada Cameron, Sallie Thompson, Robert Leverett, Dorothy, and Margaret. of Salt Lake. 1875,
ATWILL, Edward of
Robert, first P. E. bishop Western Missouri, was born at Red Hook,
Dutchess co.. N. Y., Feb. 18, 1840, son of Robert Edward and Margaret E. Atwill. He received his education at Columbia College, where he was graduated in 1802. In 1864 he was graduated at the General Theological Seminary, He was ordained a deacon in Calvary Church, New York', on July 3, 1864, and in 1865 was advanced to the priesthood in St. Luke's Church by Bishop Horatio Potter. While still a deacon he was assistant curate at St. Luke's. He was made rector of St. Saul's, Williamsburg, Long Island, and
afterward was appointed curate to the bishop of Vermont, at St. Paul's, BurHere he succeeded lington. to the rectorship in 1867. In 1882 he became rector of Trinity Church, Toledo. O., where he remained until he was consecrated bishop of Western Missouri, in Trinity Church. Toledo, on Oct. 14, 1890. He was made doctor of divinity by the University of Vermont in 1882. Bishop Atwill is a cultured and scholarly divine and a sound administrator, and in an episcopate marked by financial reverses and disappointments he has done great things in advancing the work of the church in his diocese. He married Mary Whiting. A tract -on confirmation, sermons and addresses are among his published works.
ADAMS, William
Forbes, first P. E. bishop of Mexico, was born in EnniskilWhen he was eight len, Ireland, Jan. 2, 1833. years of age his parents emigrated to this country and settled in Kentucky. He was fitted for Yale College, but on account of reverse circumstances was obliged to abandon the plan of obArizona and
taining a collegiate education, and became engaged in mercantile business. In his leisure hours he studied law, and in 1854 was admitted to the Mississippi bar. Soon afterward he went to Tennessee and studied theology, but before graduation returned to Mississippi, and on Dec. 15, 1859, was
ordained deacon in St. Andrew's Church, Jackson, Miss. On July 29th of the following year he was admitted to the priesthood, and was in charge of St. Paul's Church, Woodville, Miss., till 1806. He then became rector of St. Peter's, New Orleans, and a year later of St. Paul's in the same city. He was nominated in the house of bishops on Nov. 2, 1874, and on Jan. 17, 1875, was consecrated in St. Paul's Church, New Orleans, as first missionary bishop of New Mexico and Arizona. For two years he zealously pursued his missionary labors, but fatigue, and exposure having undermined his shattered health, he tendered his resigHe nation, which was accepted Oct. 15, 1877. then became rector of Holy Trinity, Vicksburg, Miss., and held this charge till 1887, when he was again elected to the episcopate as second bishop of Easton. The University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., conferred on him the degree of D.C.L. in 1871.
NATIONAL CYCI.OPA I-.D1A the civil war he enlisted in ihc Confederate armv and scr\cd during Gen. l.ce's campaign: at'lerwaid in the 2d brigade of "Stonewall" Jackson's di-
George Kelly, second P. K. bishop New Mexico and Ari-
of the mi-sioiiaiy diocese ol
zona, was horn
county Tyrone. Ireland. Nov.
He wa- educated ill the Royal College of Diiagannor and at Queens University, Calw.iy.
vision participated in all the battles of the valle\
campaign: was promoted successively to sergeant second lieutenant: commanded pany at Winchester May 24, 1S02. and From pointed adjutant on May 28th. 1802. lie served during the remainder of
to the Cnited States. where he was ordained a deacon in 1S54 and a he was appriest in Is.'n;. and in the latter year pointed rector of Christ Church. Lexington, Mo., and in Isti.i rector of I. rare Church. Kirkwood, Miss. During his deaeonale he had labored as missionary at M. ( harles. Mo., and achic\cd so great a .success thai the general convention of Issii Appointed him missionary bishop of New In IS52 he
the litter.
Mexico and Arizona,
was consecrated
sion-house until
when he was ordained
priest on
lie became Paul's Church, Baltimore, .'ll.th. at SI. curate of the latter, being also appointed chaplain to the diocesan order of deaconesses. Cuing to Kngland in 1S0.5, he assisted the Revs. S. W. O'Ncil and R. M. Benson in organizing at Oxford the monastic order of the Society of St. John the Evangelist, known as the Cowley Brotherhood. The chief work of its members is that of missionIn 1872-88. Father Grafton, as ary preachers. he was called, was rector of the Church of the Advent. Boston. During this period a new parish church was erected at a cost of $300.000; while he established there in 1888. an afliliated house of the English sisterhood of St. Margaret, and founded the sisterhood of the Holy Nativity. He resigned his rectorship to establish the mother house of the On Apr. 2.5. ISS'.I, hitter order in Providence, R. I. he was consecrated bishop at the cathedral. Fond du Lac. Wis. Bishop Grafton was instrumental in organizing Grafton Hall, a seminary for young ladies at Fond du Lac. which is conducted under the auspices of the diocese, and he also founded the Cathedral Choir School. His labors in the diocese have been exceedingly progressive and beneficial.' He is the author of " Vocation, or the Call of the Divine Master to a Sister's Life" (1889). and " Plain Suggestions for a Reverent Celebration of the Holy Communion" (1805). lie is one of the leaders of the ritualistic school.
BROWN", John Henry Hobart, Protestant Episcopal bishop, was born in New York city. Dec. 1, 1831, son of James C. and Matilda (Many) Brown. He was educated at Trinity School, N. Y., and was graduated at the General Theological Seminary in the notable class of 1854. He was ordained deacon in Trinity Church. New York, and the same year became assistant minister in Grace Church. Brooklyn. N. Y. Soon afterward he organized there the Church of the Good Angela of which he was appointed (now Emanuel), rector in 1855. He was admitted to the priesthood on Dec. 1, 1855. and the following year was made rector of the Church of the Holy Evangelists, worshipping in old St. George's, Beekman street. New York city; held this charge till 1863. and was actively engaged during this period in tin He was then missionary work of the parish. called to the rectorship of St. John's Church at Cohoes. N. Y., and while in this office aided in organizing the diocese of Albany, and effectively promoted the missionary work of the northern part of the diocese of New York, and of the new diocese. He served as secretary to the diocesan convention of Albany, 1808, and in 1870 was made archdeacon of the Albany convocation. Five years later he was elected first bishop of Fond du Lac, Wis., bring consecrated at Cohoes, Dec. 15, 1875. In 1850, he was married to Anna Coombs, 1
daughter of Richard Upjohn, architect. College, Wis., conferred upon S.T.D. in 1874. He was the
him the degree
author of several sermons, addresses, and pamphlets. Bishop Brown died in Fond du Lac, Wis.. May 2. 18S8. and was buried under the shadow of tlie cathedral which has become his monument.
was born
at Eagles-.
Episcopal bishop of Indiana,
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Penn., Apr. G, 18C2, the son of C'harlotte Augusta (Marshall) Francis. His earliest American ancestor was William Marshall, \vlio came to America between 17(iO-70. and was pastor of the old Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia, where, during the revolu-
mere, Sullivan
James Itooth and
he frequently entertained Washington and Bishop Francis was educated at the at Racine Episcopal Academy of Philadelphia; of Oxford. He was College; and at the University c lirst normal schools in In IST.'t In- became assistant attorney tin- Ml at !. of tlii' St. I.oui-. Kansas City and NortluTii Kailway Co., and in IS74 was appointed its general became a porattorney. When in 1ST!I tliatroad its tion of 'tin- Wabash system, lie was appointed in general sdlicitdr. and 'upon tlie reorganization lsst in- was elected general solicitor of the new i-dinpanv, a position he still occupies.
ROGERS, John Rankin,
fourth state governor
was Imrn at lirunswieU, Washington ISllti-'.IS Cumberland eu.. Me., Sept. 4. 1S:!.S, son of .lohn He is deand Margaret Anne i(ireen) Rogers. fended from revolutionary stock, his great-grandfat lier. Cant. John Rogers, having commanded a letprivateer (luring the famous struggle, holding ters of marque and reprisal granted by the Conof
He acquired a common school tinental congress. education and spent four years in learning the redrug business in Boston, Mass. In 1856 he moved to Jackson, Miss., and although only eighteen years of age took charge of a drug store. He afterward removed
he taught school, subsequently buying a farm which he cultivated for ten yoars.
Kansas fourteen years, engaged in farming as well as in promoting the Farmers' Alliance and holding several minor offices, In 1890 he removed to the state of Washington, and in
resided in
1892 he published
which and a sensation made brought him prominently Conflict,"
adopted to
the state
was legis-
lature in 1894 and took a warm interest in the legislation pertaining to education, coal mining With the warmest vigor he championed the cause of the coal miners, who desired the passage of a proper mine ventilation bill. He was the author of the measure known as the barefoot schoolboy law, requiring a tax which shall produce a sum amounting to six dollars for each child of school age, and it was due to his energetic efforts that the bill became a law after a memorable contest. In 1896 he was elected governor by a large majority after a closely contested campaign, and was re-elected in 1900. When he took orticc lie found an expensive foundation for a new The legislature had passed a bill Capitol building. carrying a large appropriation to complete the but there building, being no available funds he vetoed it. In his second inaugural address he recommended to the legislature that they buy the
and taxation.
to build an addition which would give ample room to accommodate all the state officials. This recommendation was accepted and the new building was completed in 1903. Gov. Rogers was the author of a number of books and pamphlets on sociological topics, and one novel "Looking Forward: or the Story of an American Farm" Gov. (189S). Rogers was married in 1861 to Sarah L. Greene of Illinois, and has two daughters and three sons, the dhliM of whom is assistant professor of physics in Stanford University. He died during the first year of his second term at Olympia, Wash., Dec. 26, 1901. .:sr>u.n(m
LINK, Theodore
C., architect,
was born near
Heidelberg, Germany, Mar. 17, 1850. He was educated in schools at Heidelberg and London, and studied architecture and engineering at the Ecole des Arts et Metiers, Paris. In 1870 he came to the I'nited States and, after spending a year each in New York, Philadelphia and. Texas, he located in St. Louis, Mo., where he made his permanent home and engaged in the practice of his profession. in Texas he executed some important commissions for the Texas and Pacific railroad at
Sherman. Houston and JefHis first work in Louis was in the bridge. and building departments of the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Co. After a short term as assistant chief engineer at Forest Park, he was appointed superintendent of public parks for the ferson.
Louis. During four years he filled various professional commissions in Pittsburg, Philadelphia and New York, but in 1883 returned to St. He designed the Louis. city
unique and picturesque entrances
Portland places, the Monticellb Seminary near Alton. 111., St. Mark's Episcopal Church, St. Louis; the Alton (111.) public library, the East St. Louis Ice and Cold Storage building, and residences of John Tracy, E. H. Warner, J. W. Buel and L. B. Tebbetts. His masterpiece is probably the Union Station in St. Louis, the largest railroad depot in the world. He was one of the ten architects who submitted designs for the structure to the board of experts in 1891, and his plans were approved and the work of superintending the con-
struction of the building was committed to his The corner stone was laid July 8, 1893, and in September of the following year the building was completed and opened to the public. He is a member of the American Institute of Architects, the Architectural. League of New York, and the Missouri State Association of Architects, of which he was president. He was married, Sept. 22, 1875, to Annie, daughter of Lyman Fuller, of Detroit, and has four sons and one daughter.
charge in 1892.
S., lawyer, was born in Todd March, 1823, son of a cotton who emigrated to Texas before the acquisition of that country by the United States. He served in the Texan war against Mexico, and after the declaration of Texan independence read law, and was admitted to practice at Houston. He was also in the Mexican war. In 1849 he led a company of veteran Texan rangers to California, and after a short experience as a miner in Calaveras county began the practice of law in Stockton. In 1855 he was elected a justice of the California supreme court by the Know-Nothing party, and on the death of Hon. Hugh C. Murray, in September, 1857, he became chief justice of the state. He strongly opposed the methods of the vigilance committee, and during the exciting scenes of June, 1856, he nearly fatally stabbed Sterling A. Hopkins, one of its sergeants. In 1859 Judge Terry resigned his seat on the supreme bench, and on Sept. 13th of the same year he mortally wounded Sen. David C. lirodcrick in a duel over (q. v.) political differences and personal abuse in public In 1862 he joined the Confederate speeches.
TERRY, David
county, planter
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. army, and after serving on the staff of Gen. Bragg he organized a regiment in Texas, which he com-
manded in several battles. At the close of the war he engaged in cotton-raising for two years in Mexico, but with no success, and returning to California, he resumed the practice of his profesHe was a member of the Calision in Stockton. fornia constitutional convention of 1878, serving as chairman of the committee of the legislative department and as a member of the committee on judiciary, and in this capacity originated the clause declaring the responsibility of bank directors to depositors. He was counsel for Sarah Althea Hill in her notorious contest to establish her claim to be the wife of Sen. William Sharon, which she had instituted in 1883. Sen. Sharon dying in November, 1885, Judge Terry and his client
were married Jan. 7th following.
meantime the United States
In the
circuit court decided
that the alleged marriage contract was a forgery, and the case was appealed, but without success. On Sept. 3, 1888, the matter was brought before Justice Stephen J. Field of the United States supreme court, as a bill of revision, when the decision of the lower court was affirmed. Mrs. Terry arose in court and charged Justice Field with venality, and when he ordered her removal from the room for contempt of court Terry made a murderous attack on the court officers. He was committed for sixty days and his wife for thirty. On Aug. 14, 1889, he made a personal attack on Justice Field, who with U. S. Marshal David Nagle, were dining in a hotel at Lathrop, C'al., and the latter shot him dead. During the trial of Marshal Nagle for murder it was shown that he was detailed Federal authorities to the* by specially protect Justice Field at all hazards from an anticipated attack by Terry, and he was acquitted.
MITCHELL, Philip Sidney, physician and surgeon, was born near Salem, Livingston eo., Ky., Feb. 7, 1854, son of James and Nancy Ann (Hutson) Mitchell, and grandson of William Mitchell, who came to this country from Scotland about He was educated in the public schools, the 1770. Salem Academy and the Livingston county normal school. He taught school for ten years, meantime taking up the study of medicine and completing a course of reading. He was graduated at the Kentucky School of Medicine in 1881, and during the following years he practiced his at Carsville, resided in
He Ky. Cummings, 1882-87,
and thereafter in Atchison, where he has since engaged
in practice.
was a U.
pension examiner for Atchison 188597, and since 1886 he has been medical examiner for the Mutual (New York) In Life Insurance Co. 1896 he was house surgeon in the Kentucky School of Medicine hospital.
the principal hospitals of Eur0 p c an d paine.l an extended knowledge of the methods pursued abroad, and upon his return he established a private in infirmary Atchison, where the most ihodern methods of medical treatment are followed. He was among the first to use the X-ray in sur1897,
gery, and he ranks among the leading physicians For four years he was a member of in Kansas. the city council of Atchison, and served as its is medical examiner for the ModHe president. ern Woodmen of America and other fraternal in-
surance societies, and is a member ot the Atchison Medical Society, Kansas State Medical Society, United States Medical Association, the Northeastern Kansas Medical Society and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Dr. Mitchell was married in 1875 to Samaria M., daughter of Thomas Ramage of Salem, Ky., and has two sons and four daughters.
PAINTEB, Gamaliel, jurist, was born in New Haven, Conn., May 22, 1743. He received only a common-school education, but his sound judgment and common sense made him a leading factor in his native place, with whose early history he was
He was among the earliest of Middlebury, Vt., in 1773. Col. John is to be the first pioneer setChipman supposed tler of the town in 1760. Benjamin Smalley, from Salisbury, Conn., built the first house, and Abisha Washburn built the first sawmill in 1775. In 1784 Washburn and Painter rebuilt the mill, the latter purchasing the property and fifty acres of land adjoining, which was afterward laid into " " father streets, and the latter is known as the of the town. It was incorporated by the legislature in 1816 as the borough of Middlebury, so named because it was the central of three towns surveyed simultaneously. The act of incorporation was revised by the legislature in 1832, the name being changed to the village of Middlebury. During the war of the revolution he served as captain and
intimately associated. settlers
quartermaster was a member of the convention at Dorset, in September, 1776, at which measures were adopted to make a declaration of independ'ence, and also a member of the convention held at Windsor, July 2, 1777, which framed the first Alter the town of Middlebury was constitution. organized, in 1788, he was chosen its first representative in the state legislature, being annually re-elected for four succeeding years and at several subsequent elections, until 1810, after which he was for several years a member of the old council. In 1785 he was elected one of the first judges of the county court, later served as sheriff, and during 1787-1804 again held the office of judge. He was a very active promoter of literary institutions, was a trustee of the Addison County Grammar School, which became Middlebury College in 1800, and was appointed by the corporation to superintend the erection of the new building. He left a bequest to the college, from which it realized about $13,000. Judge Painter's wife was a sister of Col. Chipman mentioned above. He died at Middle:
bury. Vt..
21. 1819.
Jeremiah, clergyman and first Middlebury College, Vt. (1800-9), New Haven, Conn., Dec. 27, 1773, son of Jeremiah and Lois (Hurd) Atwater. He was graduated at Yale College in 1793, the youngest in his class, and distinguished himself by his scholarly attainments. He was tutor at Yale during 179599, when on the recommendation of Pres. Dwight he was appointed principal of the Addison county grammar school, Middlebury, Vt. This was the beginning of Middlebury College, the charter for which was granted Nov. 1, 1800. He was appointed president but continued to act as president
was born
of in
He principal of the grammar school until 1805. resigned in 1809 to become president of Dickinson until held College at Carlisle, Pa., a position he 1815 and the rest of his life was spent in New Haven. He received the degree of S.T.D. from
Dickinson Coll.-,' tl,,-
Kcv. Lica/.cr
ism and
D.D from He was
to Clarissa. daughter of of Sandistield, Mass., and had His second wife was mill four sons. 7.
daughter Morris an
married Dec.
New Haven, Conn., July 29,1868. DAVIS, Henry, second Colpresident of Middleliury xi in 17), iru also seclege
president (Sec College. -HI.").
Hamilton vol.
BATES, Joshua,
third Colpresident of Middlebury 1S|S :I!l). was horn at lege i
Cohassct. son 177(i. X.elo-i
Ma.. of
and Abigail
Bates. and a descendant of who emiHates, ('lenient
land. in ll>35. and settled at Hhighain, Mass.. in that
" 1 "'""' 'a", and was president of the college from IS.'iti until He served as secretary of the Central April. !S:i7. American Education Society at New \ ork city, and
on Oct. 1, 1S40. became president of Middleliury llis administration was enerCollege. Vermont, Many scholarships getic and able throughout. and an addition of JfSO, 000 to the general fund were among the financial truits of his labor. new dormitory, Starr Jlall, was built in 1861 and promptly rebuilt after a tire on Christmas night, lie commanded the esteem of his pupils 1864. for the thoroughness of his instruction, the firmness of his government and his paternal care for He resigned in 18(ili, but. lectured their welfare.
at the college on moral pnilosophy and interHe held the lectureship of national law 1S74. moral philosophy and international law at Dartmouth College, 1871-76. He received the degree of D.D. from the University of Vermont in 1S41 and LL.l). from Dartmouth College in 1864. He was married: first, Sent. 29, 1831, to Eliza P.,
daughter of Joseph and Lydia (Merriam) ('a pen His son of Dorchester, Mass., and had two sons.
Benjamin was bom in Columbia, Tenn.. Mar. 21, He was graduated at Andover Theological Seminary in 1859, and went to Persia as a missionary, being connected with the mission at Oroomiah until 1891. lie returned to New- York to personally supervise Jie printing of a new edition of the Bible in Syrian which had been prepared under his sunervision. Pres. Labaree was again married Oct. 25, 1836, to Mrs. Susan (Freeman) Fairbnnk, daughter of Elijah and Susannah (Weeks) Freeman of Oakham, Mass. He was acting pastor at South Weymouth, Mass., in 1869, and resided at West Roxbury, Mass., ami later at Charlestown, N. H., and finally at Walpole, N. H., where lie died Nov. 15, 1883. KITCHEL, Harvey Denison, educator, and fifth president of Middlebury College llSUO-74). was born at Whitehall, N. Y!, Feb. 3. 1S12. son of Jonathan and Caroline (Ilolley) Kitchell. He was graduated at Middlebury College in 1835, and after 1834.
teaching school lor a short time he entered the Andover Theological Seminary and finished his theological studies at the Yale Seminary, where he was graduated in 1838. He was pastor of the Congregational church in Thomaston, Conn.. lS:>p,-48. and in Detroit, Mich., for the following sixteen He succeeded Benjamin Labaree as presiyears. dent of Middlebury College in 1866, and for seven years administered the alTairs of the college with
sound judgment and thorough efficiency. He resigned in 1873 and retired from active life, tliough he continued to preach in answer to special calls. He received the degree of D.D. from his alma mater in 1858 and A.M. from Yale College in 1865. He was married, Aug. 20, 1838, to Ann S. Sheldon of Rupert, Vt.. and had six sons and one daughter; on June 25, 18C3, he was married to Ophelia G. (Kimberly) Sayre, by whom he had one daughter, and on June 20. I860, be was married to Harriet (Tyrell) Smith. He died at Dansville, N. Y.. Sept.' 11. 1895. HULBERT, Calvin Butler, sixth president of Middlebury College (1875-80). was born at East Sheldon, Vt., Oct. 18, 1827, son of Chauncey and Charlotte (Munsell) Hulbert. grandson of Samuel Hulbert and great-grandson of Elisha Hulbert of Canaan, Conn., the first of the familv in America.
OF AMERICAN BIOGEAPHY. at the academies of Bakersfield, under the instruction of 1'rof. Jacob S. Spauld\indcr Principal Hiram ing. and of Thetford. Vt.. Orcutt, and he was graduated at Dartmouth Col-
He was educated Vt.,
After teaching school for three lege in 185:?. years, in 18,56 he entered the Andover Theological Seminary and \vas graduated in 1850. In October of that year he was ordained and installed pastor .of the Congregational church in New Haven, Vt., and in 1S70 he became pastor of a church in NewIn May, 1872, he returned to Vermont ark, N. J. as pastor of the Congregational church in Bennington. -Having been trustee of Middlebury College for a number of years, he was elected its president in 1875 and served live years. Dr. Hulbert preached in Vermont and Connecticut until 1890, when
he removed to Ohio and held pastorates at Adams He contributed largely to Mills and in Koine. serreligious papers and published a number of mons and lectures, chiefly upon topics connected with theology and education: He was married Aug. 28, 1854, to Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Rev.
Henry Woodward, and has
six children.
ceived the degree of D.D. from in
Dartmouth College
HAMLIN, Cyrus, seventh president of Middlebury College (1880-85) and first president of Robert 'College
(see vol. X. p. 495).
Ezra, educator, and eighth president of Middlebury College (1885-- ), was born at St. Albans, Vt., Dee. 17, 1844, son of Lawrence Robbins and Catherine (Wood) Brainerd. "His father, a prominent merchant of St. Albans, died in 1863. The earliest American ancestor \vns Daniel Brainerd, who was a member of the Hartford (Conn.) Ezra Brainerd was graduated colony in 1635. at Middlebury College in 1864, and was tutor there He was graduated at Andover during 18.04-66. Theological Seminary in 1808, and was at once appointed to the chair' of rhetoric and English literature at Middlebury College to succeed Prof. Brainerd Kellogg, who had been called to the Brooklyn In 1880 he was made proPolytechnic Institute. in fessor of physics and applied mathematics 1885 was appointed temporary president, and in 1886 was elected the eighth president of the colThere are two courses of study at Middlelege. The bury, the classical and the Latin-scientific. management of the institution is in the hands of a self-perpetuating board of trustees, the details of their work being for the most part directed by a
of finance. prudential committee and committee While unsectarian by charter and choice the college from its founding has been under the auspices There are thorof the Congregational church. oughly equipped chemical and biological laboraThe Egbert Starr Library tories, a museum, etc. was dedicated July 3, 1000, with appropriate ceremonies, while Ezra J. Warner of Chicago gave ^:;. four more added in 1!K). About well a-
Tenn., Oct. 25, 1828.
of the Civil
WEIGHT, Ambrose Hansom,
soldier, lawyer in Louisville, Jefferson and Sarah co., (.la.., April 26, 182G, son of Ambrose (Hammond} Wright. He attended school until when he began the study of law his fifteenth
was born
year, of Ex-Gov.
Herschel V. Johnson. not quite seventeen he was married to Mary, daughter of William Savage, of Augusta, and a half sister of Anne Polk, wife of Gov. Johnson. She died in 1854. He purchased a small tract of land, living in a rude cabin with his voting wife, and often following the plow, and at night studied law by light of a pine knot. His indomitable energy gave him a comfortable living, and on his admission to the bar. he removed to Dooly county, in western Georgia. His father died in 1850, leaving him a competence, and he began a lucrative in
the Automobile Club Engineers' Club of Cleveland, Automobile Club of Cleveland, an member of the Automobile Club of
of America, the
Chica-'o and a of Commerce.
member of the Cleveland Chamber He was married in .New York
of Jan. 18, 1883, to Jeanie Muir, daughter McGlashan of Glasgow, Scotland. She died in 1903. leaving six children, Helen, James, and Alexander Winton. Agnes. Jeanie, Catherine
practice in Louisville, where he ran for the legislature as a Democrat, being defeated by only seventeen Later he joined the votes.
Laurlts Solmer, diplomat, was Sweden, Nioollet co., Minn., June 12, Baekkestad) SwenM.n f Swen and Klisti ISIiii His father was brought son, natives of Norway. became a to America by his parents in 1857 and member of the Minnesota legislature. The son was educated at St. Olaf School (now College) at Northfield, Minn., and at Luther College, Decorah, was graduated in 188(3. After a la., where he Johns Hopkins Univerpost-graduate course at of Luther Academy at sity he became principal Albert Lea, Minn., and in 1895 a member of the Minnesota board of regents. In 1897 he was appointed 'by Pres. McKmley envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Denmark. He is now (1904) dean of the diplomatic corps at CopenMinnesota hagen. Mr. Swensen has been active in served as delegate to politics since 1890, and has manv county, congressional and state conventions. He has taught, lectured and read papers before several of large bodies of trained teachers, and his papers have been published in pamphlet form. The degree of A.M. was conferred upon him by Luther College in 1890. He was ma-rried at Norseland, Minn., in 1887, to Ingeborg, daughter of Johannes- Odegaard, and has two daughters.
born at
American party. In 1856 he was elector-at-large on the Fillmore ticket, and in this campaign developed great In 18o8 he ran for conpower as an orator. grr" against J. J. Jones, the Democratic candidate, being defeated only after a most brilliant contest. He removed to Richmond county, in 1859, and began a partnership with Judge William
Gibson. When the ordinance of secession was passed, be was appointed commissioner to Maryland. In April, jHo'l, he enlisted as a private in the 3d Georgia infantry, being at once ordered to Portsmouth, Va., where he was chosen colonel and shortly after commissioned brigadier-general for gallant and meritorious services. At the battle of Sharpsbnrg he was desperately wounded in the breast, and at Chaneellorsville he was again wounded, in the knee, by a piece of shrapnel. He was elected state senator in the fall of 18l!3, being also chosen president of the senate, but when the legislature adjourned, he resumed command of his George Thomas, chemist and physi- brigade. In 1804 he was 'made a major-general and scut to command the division in Savannah cian, was born in Providence, R. I., Mar. 19, 1803, ton of Dr. Ephraim Bowen. He was graduated at under Lieut. -Gen. Hardee. He followed Geu. JohnYale College in 1822 and was eleeted professor of son into North Carolina, and returned to Augusta chemistry in the University of Nashville in 1825. in time to assist in saving the city from destruction by needy paroled soldiers, making a power>iirh was his devotion to chemistry that while .in Undergraduate he was permitted, contrary to ful speech to a wild mob. After the war he labored for a while on his farm, and early in 1866 all precedent in those days, to devote all the time he could spare from other studies to laboratory reopened his law ofliee in Augusta. In the same work, under the instruction of Prof. Benjamin year be became the editor of the AuguMa "ChroniHere he made original observations cle and Sentinel," making an able campaign in Silliinaii. Sr. "On the Electro-magnetic Effects of Hare's reconstruction days, and in 1871 he ran unsuccessCalorimeter" and "On a Mode of Preserving in fully for the TJ. S. senate. lie was a delegate-ata Permanent Form the Coloring Matter of the large to the Baltimore national convention in 1872; in the Georgia state convention in the same year Purple Cabi>a;:e 8 a Tc-t for Arid- and Alkalies. Hi- has left analyses and descriptions of several was chairman of the committee of resolutions, minerals, e. .. the sehulite of Lam's mine; of and later was put in nomination for congress from bis district. sillimanite, which lie proposed as a new species; Gen. Wright was for many of the silicate of copper from New Jersey; of a years a controlling spirit in the state of Georgia,
of strong convictions, great force of large versatility of talent, and an acknowledged leader in his profession and in pubHe was an extraordinary orator, lie matters. with a marvelous power both in the court room and in political discussions, and remarkable power of wit and argument. He was married a second time, hi 1857, to Carrie, daughter of Robert Hazlehurst, of Brunswick, Ga. Among his children was Capt. William A. Wright, who was compof the state of troller-general Georgia.
being a
POLLARD, Richard, diplomatist, was born in King and Queen county, Va., in 1790. He was graduated at William and Mary College at the age of twenty-one, and entering the army was apcaptain, 20th infantry, United States army, Apr. 14, 1812. He fought at Craney Island, was promoted major of the 21st infantry, Dec. 14, 1813, and resigned in the following year. He engaged in business in Lynchburg, Va., but met with heavy losses by depreciation of real estate, and turning to law, he practiced this profession In that year he was appointed charge until 1834. d'affaires to the republic of Chili and held thispost The remainder of his life was spent until 1842. " in Albemarlc county, at his home "Alta Vista Va., where he dispensed a generous hospitality. married in He was March, 1814, to Paulina Cabell " Rives, distinguished in her youth for her matchless beauty and in later years for her highly cultured intellect and all the virtues which made He died in Washington, home loved and happy." "
Feb. 10, 1851.
A., soldier and manufacturer, His Chicago, 111., Jan. 5, 1844. parents removed to Chicago from Rochester, At the first call for in 1834. N. Y., in the civil war he enlisted as volunteers a private, ai.il three months later he re-enlisted in the 51st regiment, Illinois infantry, and was made sergeant. In June, 1862, he was transferred to the 67th Illinois infantry and was commissioned first lieutenant, becoming captain of company D, 72d Illinois, in the following August. He commanded the regiment at the battles of Columbia, Duck River, Spring Hill, Franklin and Nashville and throughout the Nashville campaign. In 1865 he was assigned to duty on the staff of Maj.-Gen. A. J. Smith with whom he served during the remainder of the war. He was wounded at the capture of the Spanish fort at Mobile, Apr. 8, 1865, his left leg being struck below the knee and broken by a piece of shell. At the close of the war he was commissioned first lieutenant in the regular army but resigned to engage in cotton raising in Alabama. In 1867 he returned to Chicago where he founded the firm of J. A. & T. S. Sexton, which was changed in 1872 to that of Cribben, Sexton & Co. Soon afterward the livm purchased the McArthur iron works and began the manufacture of In April, stoves and gray enamel hollow ware.
1889, Pres. Harrison appointed him postmaster of Chicago and during his term of service he inaugurated several important reforms. He was elected Commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, Sept. 8, 1898, and Che same year was apof the war pointed by Pres. McKinley a member inquiry commission of nine persons to investigate
of the quartermasters, subsistence
and medical bureaus during the Spanish-American war. Ho died in Washington, D. C., Feb. 5, 1890. CURTIS. Mattoon Monroe, educator, was born at Rome, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1858, son of William Fletcher and Harriet Elizabeth (Royce) Curtis, and a descendent of Richard Curtis, wjio settled at Salem, Mass., in 1636.
He was
a student at
Whitestown Seminary in 1876 and was graduated A.Ii. at Hamilton College in 1880, having also, during two years, attended the law school there. In 1883 he completed his course at Union Theological Seminary, receiving the degree of B.D"., while in 1800 the degree of Ph.D. was conferred upon him by the University
He Leipzig, Germany. was pastor of the Reformed Dutch Church at Hastings on the Hudson in 1883-85 of
of the Beckwith Memorial Presbyterian Church at Cleveland,' 0., in 1885-88. In 1888-91 he traveled and studied in and Europe, while still in Europe was called to the chair of philosophy at Western Reserve University, which position he has held since 1891. Prof. Curtis is president of the Cleveland Council of Sociology, director of the University Club, of the Cleveland Associated Charities and of the Western Reserve Chapter of the Sou 4 of the American Revolution, of which organization he waa president in 1900; a member of the executive committee of the Municipal Association, of the American Philosophical Society, of the American Anthropological Society, of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, of the American Psychological Association, of the educational committee of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, and of the Union, University and Euclid clubs. He is also a trustee of the Central Y. M. C. A. His published works are Locke's "Ethical Philosophy" Science" (1889), "Philosophy and Psychical (1891), and "Philosophy in America" (1896). He has contributed to the "Andover Review," " " Mind," Philosophical Review," and to German works on the history of philosophy. He was married, at Hastings on the Hudson, Oct. 23, 1884, to Emily, daughter of William F. Chrystie. They have "two sons, Nicholson Few and Monroe Curtis.
born in Wcstchester county, N. Y., July 27, 1840, son of Comr. Alexander S. Mackenzie, United States navy, and the grandson of John Slidell. He was appointed a cadet to the United States Military Academy, July 1, 1858, and was graduated in 1862, at the head of his class. He was assigned to the engineer corps as a second lieutenant, and served as assistant engineer of the 9th army corps in the northern Virginia campaign, being engaged in the action at Kelly's Ford, Aug. 20, 1862, and in the second battle of He was breBull Run, where he was wounded. vetted first lieutenant for his gallantry, Aug. 29, 1862, and on Mar. 3, 1863, received his commission as first lieutenant in the corps of engineers. attached to the engineer battalion of the army of the Potomac, and in the Maryland campaign he was employed in constructing, repairing, and guarding bridges; during the Rappahannock campaign, he participated in the battles of Fredericksburg. Dec. 13, 1862, and ChancellorsHe was in command of an ville, May 2-4, 1863.
He was
and took part ceived
in -the
Pennsylvania campaign,
the battle of Gettysburg; of captain for gallantry
and major for his conduct at From August, 1863, to May, 1864, Gettysburg. he served in the Rapidan campaign, being enin repairing and guarding bridges; in Chancellorsvillc,
rille bridges, and He reconnoUiances, comNov. ti. ISO:!, and
wa- promoted captain.
manded an cnu'inecr company ill tlic tl. WilderBMS and ai Spottsylvani*. MM. inland self
where he ti-ii.uit
was appointed roiom-1 hca\v aitillery. and \\a~
regiment, he dutiflgUUhed of Petersburg, .him' HI --. iso-i, wounded, and was brevetted lieu-
of the
2nd Connecticut
the defense a brigade
He oommanded
G. Wright's eorps in the Shenandoah -encd with great distinction in the battles of Opcqiian. Fisher's Hill, and Cedar ( ieek. where he wa- again wounded. In the final of I'eter-hnrg he was in command of a sici,. I'.HIM Ky., and he died in STITES, Henry J., jurist, was born in Scott county, Ky., in 1810, son of Abram Stites, and grandson of Dr. John Stites. After a common-
army he
school education he entered mercantile life, but being dissatisfied with business pursuits, he studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1S41. In 1848 he was nominated as presidential elector for Cass and Butler, and canvassed the district in favor of this ticket, which was his only appearance in politics. In 1850, on the adoption of the Constitution of 1849, he was elected judge of the 2nd judicial district, and in 1854 was elected on the Know-Nothing ticket, but without any strict. party vote, to the bench of the appellate court. by a majority of 5,283, over John II. McHenry. He served as chief justice during the early years of the civil war. 1861-62. Being a State Rights Democrat, and at the same time opposed to secession, and harassed by the difficulty of reconciling the two principles, he -ought peace in exile, and removed with his wife to Canada, where he remained until after the war, when he returned to Louisville and became a partner of Judge J. F. Bullitt. The resignation of Judge Mnir left a vacancy in the office of judge of the court of common pleas, and at the recommendation of the whole bar of Louisville. Gov. Stephenson aplie pointed him to that office in October. 1867. was elected to the same office by the people in 1868, 1874, and 1880, the last term expiring in
OF AMERICAN BHHiHAl'llV. During his career subsequent to the war, he united with Judge Hullitt and others in the advocacy of liberal laws toward" the colored Civil Rights" people, in opposition to the Federal His service on the bench extended over a Act. period of more than thirty years, and he was regarded as one of the greatest jurists of the state. .He \v;is gifted with solid judgment, and was honest and fearless in the discharge of his duties. He was twice married; first, in 1841, to Mary Jane Sharp, daughter of Dr. Sharp, and niece of Solomon P. Sharp, a noted lawyer; second, in 1807, to Mrs. Caroline M. (Sharp) Barker, his deceased wife's sister. He died at Louisville, Ky., 1S91. Apr. 1886.
Monroe Leland,
born at Willsboro. X. Y., Dec. 22, 1840, son of William Joseph and Betsey Seaman (Leland) Hayward, grandson of David and Lucretia (Chapman) Hayward, and great-grandson of Ephraim Hayward, a revolutionary soldier who fought throughout the entire war. He was educated in the public schools and at Fort Edward He Coilegiate Institute, Fort Edward," N. Y. enlisted in the civil war, participated in the battle of Winchester and the Banks campaign through the Shcnandoah valley, and was honorably discharged on a surgeon's certificate in the fall of 1802. He then studied law at Whitewater, Wis., and was admitted to the bar in 1867. settling for the practice of his profession at Nebraska City.
In 1873 he was made a member of the state constitutional convention; and in 1886 he served for a short period oil the judicial bench, filling an uncompleted term by appointment from the He was elected to the United States governor. senate for the term beginning Mar. 4, 1899. but died before the opening of congress, and Sen. William V. Allen was appointed to take his place. He WMS married, June 14, 1870. to Jennie, daughter of Edwin A. Pelton. of Cold Springs, N. Y., and had two sons and one daughter. Edwin P. is a surgeon in the United States army, and William H. was a captain in the war with Spain. Sen. llavward died at Nebraska Citv, Neb., Dec. 5, 1809.
he removed with his father to Vermont, and was graduated at Middlebiiry College in 1805. He then studied law with Horatio Seymour at Middlebury, with Robert Temple at Rutland, Vt., and in 1806 became preceptor of the academy at Castleton; but in 1807 he was admitted to the bar, and practiced in the latter town until 1818, when he removed to Poultney, Vt. He acted as secretary to the governor and his council in 1807, 1809-12, and 1815-19; and held the otlice of state's attorney for Rutland county during 1811-13, and 1815-10. life
As a candidate for the national legislature he successfully contested the election of Orasmus C. Merand represented Vermont in congress in rill, 1820-31, taking an active part, as chairman of an important committee, to commerce.
in all
matters appertaining
was a leader
of the protection-
of the committee on manufactures, reported the tariff of 1828, which led to
and while chairman
South Carolina's Act of Nullification, and Pros.
He Jackson's energetic measure for the Union. was also prominent in the fight over the Missouri Compromise, and opposed the admission of that state with a slave constitution. Mr. Mallary was held in the highest estimation both for his public He died in Baltimore, acts and private virtues. His brother was the Rev. Md., Apr. 1C, 1831. Chas. D. Mallary, D.D.. a Baptist clergyman who founded the Mercer University in Georgia. ROE, George Mortimer, journalist, was born at Clyde, Wayne co., N. Y., Oct. 30, 1848, son of Austin Mariniis and Polly C. (Seelye) Roe, seventh in descent from John Roe. who came from England previous to 1680 and settled at Port Jefferson, L. I. His great-grandfather, Daniel Roe, commanded a company in the 2d N. Y. regiment during the revoluHe was edutionary war. cated at Falley Seminary, Fulton, N. Y., and at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., in the class of He
left college in his He began year. teaching as early as I860 in
Milton, author, was born at Cayuga county, N. Y. In Mass., Dec. 19, 1813, son of Dr. Peter 1872 he became a reporter " Mackie; grandson of Dr. Andrew Mackie of Ware- nn the Cincinnati Gazette." ham, and great-grandson of Dr. John Mackie, who He was city editor of the came from Dundee, Scotland, and settled at Cincinnati " Enquirer " durSouthampton, N. Y. He was educated at Brown ing the years 1881-86, and University, where he was graduated in 1832; he was subsequently associate was a tutor at that institution in 1834-38, and in editor on that paper and as" 1845 lie issued a Life of Godfrey William Von sociate and managing editor " Leibnitz." followed in 1848 by" the "Life of SamTimesof the Cincinnati " uel Gorton," which formed one volume of Sparks' He is the author of A History of the Star." " " American Biographies." His Cosas de Espana; ^Cincinnati Police" (1890), and a "History of Cinor Going to Madrid via Barcelona" (1848), was cinnati" (1895). During 1895-98 he was a memthe fruit of a European tour, meritorious for the ber of the Cincinnati board of supervisors; he humor and descriptive skill with which they are was also a member of the Cincinnati Literary He written. Other works are: "Life of Schamyl, Club and the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity. and a Narrative of the Circassian War of Indepen- was married in 1874 to Emma A., daughter of dence against Russia" (1856): "Life of Tai-Ping- Lewis E. Loomis of Fulton, N. Y. They had two Wang, Chief of the Chinese Insurrection"" (1857); daughters and one son, of whom a daughter only " From Cape Cod to Dixie and the Tropics (1864). is living. Mr. Mackie also contributed largely to the reviews HALL, Mary (Dame), president of Sorosis, on important topics which indicate patient research was born at Falmouth, Cumberland CO., Me., and wide reading, especially in German history and Oct. 6, 1848, daughter of Rev. Charles and Nancy literature. lie contributed a series of articles to Jcnness (Page) Dame. She was educated at the "Putman's Magazine" in 1854. During the later Exeter High School, and at Mt. Holyoke College, part of his life Mr. Mackie resided at Great Bar- where she was graduated in 1870, the first of her She taught school at Sharon, Pa., three rington, Mass., where he engaged in farming and class. was as successful in agriculture as he had pre- years, and in 1876 went to the Hawaiian Islands. In 1878 she was married to the Hon. E. 0. 'Hall, viously been in literature. He died in 1894. Rollin Carolus, statesman, was of Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, a man greatly born in Cheshire, Conn., May 27, 1784. In early distinguished in the religious, educational, politi-
and social history of Hawaii. He served in the cabinet of King f.nnalilo. and was one of his trustees; wa- also in the cabinet of Kalakaua, was a member of the privy council of state, a trustee of Oalin College, a member of the board of education, and "as a No a leader in the reliKs:i. gion- all.iii- of the island-. He died. Sept. IS. After hi- death Mr-. Hall spent much time abroad she became a prominent advocate of in -tndy. the general interests of her sex, and took part in the organization and promotion of various important -ocieties. She was president of Sorosis from larch. 1S97. to October. 1SIIS: was pre-ident of the Michigan Mt. Holyoke Alumni Association during her residence in that state, and pre-iddit of the National Society of New England \\onien iii New York. She is a member of the New York city chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Michigan Colonial Dames of America, and the American Authors' oil.
HICKS, Josiah Duane,
congressman, was born Chester county. Pa.. Aug. 1, 1844, son of John and liarbara iKynonl Hicks, natives of Wales, who came to America about 1840. He removed to Blair county in 1847 and to Altoona in 1861. He enlisted in the 12.")th Pennsylvania volunteers in the civil war. and took part in the second battle of Hull Run, and the battles of Antietam and Chancelin
He subsequently entered the employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. at Altoona. and was promoted chief clerk of the Tyrone division. In 1873 he removed to Tyrone, engaged in the insurance business and studied law in the office of Alexander & Herr, being admitted to the bar in 1875. Returning to Altoona in 1SS3, he formed a partnership with Hon. D. J. Neff, his former preceptor. In 1892 he was elected to congress, served on the committee of public buildings and grounds and the committee on patents. In the debates of the 53d congress he firmly championed the cause of the union veterans against the strictures of the president, advocated the repeal of the purchasing clause of the Sherman Silver Law. and strenuously opposed the repeal of the McKinley act, as a menace to American homes and industries. He was returned to congress in 1894, by an overwhelming majority. Mr. Hicks' first wife died in 1875, and in 1876 he was married to Josephine F. Barrick of Maryland. lorsville.
editor and publisher,
was born June 20, 1816. His parents Louis in 1820, but his childhood s passed on a farm near BlufTdale, 111 his iither having died in 1823. After his return to Louis in 1834, he was interested for a time in the wholesale grocery business, but in 1S54 purchased an interest in the " Missouri " Republican the
removed to
new-paper west of the Mississippi river of his life was devoted to the insts ot that paper, which, in companv with his brother. ( ol. George Knapp. he developed into the influential and powerful journal of the
The remainder
Southwest. For many years },c W!ls president of tto corporation owning and conducting the '-Re" now the publican, Republic." Though he never
sought political preferment he was
and enterprise,
of public
lie served in the militia in grades; volunteered in the Mexican war, and went to Mexico as captain of the St. Louis Legion; was twice commissioned colonel of Missouri regiments during the civil war; held the rank of lieutenant-colonel at the time of the capture of Camp Jack-on, and subsequently (1S114) served in the state forces. In the business management of a great periodical, he was energetic and progressive, making it a most valuable i>nd remunerative Col. Knapp was piece of newspaper property. married. Apr. 22, KS44, to 'Virginia Wright, of St. Li-nis. and had three sons and three daugh11 is ters. son Charles Welbourne succeeded his father as president and general manager of the St. Louis ''Republic." Col. Knapp died in St Louis. Mo.. Nov. 12, 1888. HUBD, Henry Mills, physician, was born at Union City. Mich.. May 3. 1843, son of Theodore C. and Eleanor Eunice (Hammond) Kurd. During 1858-60 he was a student at Knox College. The following year he devoted to teaching, and in 1861 he entered the junior class at the University of Michigan, where he was graduated in 1863. After medicine with his studying stepfather, he attended lectures at the Rush Medical College, and at the of University Michigan, being graduated at the latter with the degree of M.D. in 1866. The folhe lowing year spent in New York in studv and work. to he hospital Removing Chicago, engaged in dispensary and general practice for two years. In 1870 he became assistant physician to the Michigan A-ylum for the In-anc 'at Kalaiua/.oo. occupying that position for eight years, when he became assistant superintendent. On the opening of the Eastern Michigan Asylum. Pontiac. in IsTS. he was appointed medical superintendent, which In the latter year he position lie held till 1889. became professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins and has since also filled the office of superintendent of Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore. Md. Dr. Hurd is editor of Johns Hopkins " Hospital Bul" letin and of Johns Hopkins ''Hospital Reports'" since 1890. He became editor of the " American Journal of Insanity" in 1897, and has edited three volumes of the proceedings of the American Medico-Psychological Association, which body he served as secretary in 1892-97. and as president in 1898-99. He succeeded Dr. J. M. Gaston of Atlanta, Ga.-, as president of the American Acadof Medicine in 1895-96. With Dr. John ^. emy" Hints to HospiHillings, he is joint author of tal Visitors" (1895), and of "Hospitals. Dispensaries, and Nursing" He received the (1893). degree of A.M. in 1871, and that of LL.D. in 1893. He was married in 1874 to Marv. daughter of Charles H. Doolittle, of I'tiea. N." Y. spirit
HOPKINS, Hoses Aaron,
educator, was born in Montgomery county, Va.. Dec. 25, 1846, of slave parents. When the civil war began he obtained employment as a cook in the camps of the national army, and undertook to educate himself. He was totally untaught and learned his alphabet in his twentieth year (1866) but such was his talent and perseverance, that he acquired a classical education, first attending ;
Lincoln University where he was graduated the valedictorian of his class in 1874. lie then studied theology at Auburn Seminary, N. Y.. and was the first colored person graduated at that institution (1877). He was ordained to the ministry at Baltimore. Md., in 1877, and settled as pastor of a church at Franklin, N. C. Both as minister and educator he did good work for the colored race
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. and wielded a powerful influence over those in He was independent as to his his pastoral care. political opinions and in 1885 was appointed U. S. minister resident and consul-general to Liberia, and died at Monrovia, Liberia, Aug. 3. 1886. He was succeeded by Charles H. J. Taylor, who held the position for three years. Joel, jurist, was born at Jaffrey, N. H., Jan. 25, 1795, 'son of Hon. Abel and Edith He was graduated at Dart(Jewett) Parker. mouth College in 1811, and in September, 1815, entered upon the practice of law at Keene, N. H. During 1824-26 lie was a member of the New Hampshire legislature; became associate justice of the supreme court of that state, Jan. 8, 1833: was
appointed chiei justice, June 25, 1838, and in November, 1840, was made chairman of the committee to revise the state laws of New Hampshire. During 1847-57 he occupied the chair of medical jurisprudence at Dartmouth College, and from Nov. 6, 1847. until his death, he was Royall professor of law at Harvard University. Judge Parker was the author of many valuable works on legal and political topics and of numerous volumes of law reports. The most important of his publications include: "Daniel Webster as a Jurist," an address to the Harvard Law School (1853); "A Charge to the Grand Jury on the Uncertainty of Law" (1854); "The Non-Extension of Slavery" (1856); "Personal Liberty Laws and Slavery in the Territories" (1801); ""The Right of Secession" (1861); "Constitutional Law" (1862); " " " Habeas The (1862) Corpus and Martial Law War Powers of Congress and the President " (1863); "Revolution and Construction" (1866); 'The Three Powers of Government" (1869); and "Conflict of Decisions" (1875). Judge Parker received the degree of LL.D. from Dartmouth
Journal of Physiology." He was associated with " Practical Huxley " in the preparation of his (1876). and was the author of "The Itiologv Human Body " 1881 ) " Hand Book of Verte" brate Dissection William A. Moale, (with 1881-84); "Variations of Temperature and the Heat of a Dog's Heart" (1884); and "Observations in Regard to the Supposed Suction-Pump Action of the Mammalian Heart" (1887). He died at Bin-ley. England, Oct. 27, 1806. THOMPSON, William Oxley, Presbyterian clergyman and president of Ohio State University, was born at Cambridge, Guernsey CO., O., Nov. 5, 1855, son of David Glenn and Agnes Miranda (Oxley) Thompson, grandson of David and Sarah (Gordon) Thompson and great-grandson of Jeremiah Oxley, who came from England, settled in Smithfield, Jefferson co., O., and died soon after (
of 1812. He was graduated at MuskinCollege. New Concord, O., in 1878, received the degree of M.A. in course in 1881 and was
graduated at the Western Theological Seminary, Allegheny, Pa., in 1882. He was ordained to the
and from Harvard
He was
married, Jan. 20, 1848, to Mary Morse, daughter of Elijah Parker of Keene, N. H. He died in Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 17, 1875.
Newell, biologist, was born in Ncwry, Ireland, July 1, 1848. He studied at University College in London, and received the degrees of B.S. in 1870; M.B. in 1871, and D.Sc. in 1872, from the University of London, being appointed university scholar in zoology and phy-
He took the B.A. degree at Christ ColCambridge, in 1874; became a fellow of his and was also lecturer on natural history. college, When the Johns Hopkins University was established in 1876. he was invited to become its professor of biology, which chair he occupied, with
siology. lego,
that of physiology, in 1883-03. when he retired, having been also director of the biological laboraHis original researches included experitory. ments on " The Normal Respiratory Movements of a Frog, and the Influence Upon Its Respira" tory Center of Stimulation of the Optic Lobes (1878); "On the Influence of Stimulation of the Mid- Bra in Upon the Respiratory Rhythm of the Mammal " (1878): and "On the Respiratory Function of the Internal Intercostal Muscles " (1870). He was the first to demonstrate that the heart of a warm-blooded animal can be kept alive and beating normally for hours after the death of the animal. He was appointed Croonian lecturer of the Tioyal Society of London for the He was president of the American year 1883. Society of Naturalists in 1800. a member of various scientific societies, and a fellow of the In 1881 the honorRoyal Society of London. ary degree of M.D. was conferred on him by the University of Georgia. He was editor of " Studies from the Biological Laboratory " of " Johns and associate editor
Hopkins, VOL. XII.
ministry of the Presbyterian church at Fort Dodge, la., in July of that year, and served 33 pastor of churches at Odebolt, la., in 1882-85, and Longmont, Colo., in 1885-01. He then became president of Miami University, Oxford, O., which position he held until 1800, when he was elected president of Ohio State University, Columbus, O., where he still remains (1004). The Ohio State University has now sixteen buildings devoted to instruction, two dormitories, six residences, farm buildings, etc., costing altogether in construction about $800,000. The equipment and apparatus amount to about $170,000, while the land now occupied as a site, with the farm, is valued at The university is divided into six $1.500,000. colleges, each under the direction of its own faculty. Pres. Thompson received the degree of D.D. from Muskingum College in 1801 and that of LL.D. from the Western University of Pennsylvania in 1897. He was married, Sep't. 21, 1882, to Rebecca Jane, daughter of Samuel A. Allison of Indiana, Pa.,
died Aug. 15, 1886.
Oct. 5,
was married to Helen Starr, daughter of William W. Brown of Longmont, Colo., who died Dec. 27, 1800; and on June 28, 1894, he was mar1887, he
ried to Estelle Godfrey, daughter of Charles H. Clark of Cleveland, O. He has three children,
Bessie Agnes, Lorin and Roger
Brown Thompson.
Bobert M.,
was born
at Eaton- Rapids, Eaton co., Mich., May 12, 1849, son of Johnson and Elvine (Dudley) MontgomIn 1836 his parents removed to Michigan ery.
York state. The son was educated in the public and high schools, and at an early age engaged in teaching. In August, 1864, though but fifteen years of age, he enlisted in the 7th from
Michian cavalry. Imt three months later was disseen no char.'cd on account of ill health, having At nineteen In- entered upon the active -.'luce. of Hart, stu.lv of law under .Judge F. J. Kussell LS TI was admitted to the bar. Mich., and in IVntwiiter. at Shortly after beginning ]iraetiee he was appointed assistant assessor na county, 'revenue
Oeeana and two other counties, and served until when he was elected prosecuting attorney, 1S7:I In 1877 he removed to being re-elected in 1S7.V Craiid Itapids, whore lie formed the law partnership of
cry. ;uul in the same U. S. district at-
& Montg
year was appointed assistant In 1S81 he was torney for western Michigan. elected circuit judge frt.in a Democratic circuit, all K h a Republican, and ill ISSti was re-elected. with increased majority, for the term of six years. In Align-.!. ISSS. however, he resigned and reI
sumed practice at Grand Rapids as a member of (lie linn of Montgomery i Hundy. which soon had
a large and increasing" practice. In 1890 he was called to the supreme court of Michigan as one of the associate justices for the term expiring in
was re-elected
the largest plufor the office. .fudge Montgomery's opinions are valuable for their lucid comprehension of all the points at issue in a ease and for their clearness and brevity. He was married, in 1S73, to Theo, daughter of J. \V. \Vad"Worth of Pent water, and has two I!KK),
sons. soldier, was 1807, son of William Dray ton (1776-1846), a soldier in the war of 1812.
South Carolina
He was graduated
at the United States Military
Academy at West Point in 1828, and served in garrison in Jefferson Barracks, Mo., and Newport, He was Ky. (1828-32). then on topographical duty, and resigned from the army in 183(1, eivil
Ky., and Cincinnati, 0. He owned a plantation in St. Luke's parish, S. C., and served in the state senate, At the beginning 1853-56. of the eivil war he entered the Confederate army and
was commissioned
brigadierIn the Port Royal he was in comexpedition mand of the troops on Hil-
where his Percival
Drayton, commanded one of the vessels of the Federal fleet. After the war he purchased a farm in Georgia, but in 1878 removed to Charlotte, N. C., and died there in 1885. JANES, Lewis George, author and lecturer. was horn in Providence, R. I.. Feb. lit. 1844. son of Alphonso Richards and Sophia (Taft) Janes, and a descendant of William Janes, who came to New England with John Davenport in 1637, and was au original settler of New Haven colony. He was graduated at the Providence high school in 1862. and was fitted for Brown University, which, although ill-health prevented his being graduated, subsequently conferred on him the degree of A.M. As a preparation for teaching physical culture he studied medicine in New York city, but never practiced it, and he soon turned his attention to ethical,
as for the application of ethical principles to the During Isii:; !M, practical problems of sociology. Dr. Janes was lecturer on sociology and civics in the school of political science connected with the JJrooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, while in 1804-95 he was instructor in history in Adclphi College, and for several years vice-president of the Brooklyn Institute department of archaeology. From 1890 until his death lie was director of the Cambridge conference, Cambridge, Mass.. devoted to the comparative study of ethics, philosophy, sociology and religion, and director also of the Monsalvat School of Comparative Religion, which he founded, and before which he delivered courses " " of lectures on ChrisEarly Religious History," iin Origins," "The Relation of Science to Keligious Thought" and "Social Science and Applied In 1898-09 he organized a course of .Religion." lectures in co-operation with a committee of the (Jniversity of Vermont, before wliich he lectured. He also lectured before the Ohio State University, and various religious and ethical societies. In June, 1899, he was elected president of the Free Religious Association of America, succeeding Col. Thomas \Ventworth Higginson. He was the author of "A (1880), "EvoluStudy of Primitive Christianity" " " ISS'.i tion of Morals Scope and Principles of the Evolution Philosophy" (1890), "Life as a " " Fine Art Problem of City Government " ( 1891 ) , " " (1892) and " War and Progress (1893). Other works are Cosmic Evolution as Related to ;
historical anil philosophical studies, and to literary work. During 1SS5-90 lip was president of the Brooklyn Ethical Association, which
Ethics" (1895). "Samuel Gorton. First Settler of Warwick, R. I." (18.96), Social Ideals and " " Health and a " Social Progress (1899) and Day (1901), while occasionally he contributed to the " " "
Index and to Gertrude, Abington. Ma--..
other reviews. He was married: daughter of Elias Pool of East
when he became a by whom he had two
engineer, practicing in
became known as the exponent and defender of evolutionary views, especially of Herbert Spencer's system of philosophy, ethics and sociology, as well
sons, one of
died in
which year Mrs. Janes died; second, to Helen Hall Rawson, a descendant of Edward Rawson, colonial secretary of Massachusetts bay. By his second marriage he had two daughters. He 1875, in
died at Eliot, Me.. .Sept.
FREAR, Walter
jurist, was born at Grass Valley, Nevada CO., Cal., Oct. 29, 1863, son of Walter and Fannie E. (Foster) Frear, and a descendant of Hugo Frear (Hugues Frere) who emigrated from Flanders, France, about 1(1(10, and was one of twelve who purchased a tract of land from the Indians and founded the town of New His son Simon removed Paltx, Ulster co., X. Y. across the Hudson river to Poughkeepsie; and Simon's son John, who was a colonel in the revolution, had a grandson named Baltus. who resided in Ithaca. Tompkins co., N. Y.. and was the His father was a grandfather of Judge Frear. Congregational clergyman, who removed from New York to California in 1855. He was graduated at Yale University in 1885. ranking among the honor students of his class. After studying six months at the Hastings College of Law. San Francisco, he went to Honolulu. Hawaii, with his parents, and for two years taught Greek, mathematics,
economy, at Oahu College. Meancontinued his law studies independently, and was graduated at the Yale Law School in 1890, with the degree of LL.B.. mrtiina 7S 7il 'was professor of chemistry in Starling Reside various educational and Medical College. scientific papers, he is the author of several textbooks widely used in high schools and colleges: "Natural Philosophy" (1875), "Inorganic Chemand "Organic ,.878) (1878), "Physics" istry" He also edited Weld & Chemistry" (1884).
sumed the 'professorship
Quackenbos' "English Grammar" (1863). Prof. Norton received the degree of M.D. from Miami Medical College in 18C9. He received the same degree, honoris causa, from Western Reserve Colin the same year; that of Ph.D. from Kenyon College in 1S78 and LL.D. from Wooster University in 1881, and from Union College in 1899. Prof. Norton wa> married first in 1864, to Sarah
of Cleveland, O., who died in isiis. leaving one son. Sidney; and second, in 1876. to Jessie, daughter of Dr. Francis Carter of J.
Columbus, O., hy whom he had two sons and two daughters. COFFIN, Levi, philanthropist, was born near New Garden, Guilford co., N. C., Oct. 28, 1798, son of Levi and Prudence (Williams) Coffin, and a descendant of Tristram Coffin of Devon, who came to America in 1042. settling England, first at Salisbury, Mass., and in 1000 on the island of one-fourth of which he had purchased. Kantucket, William Coffin, the grandfather of Levi, removed in 1773 to Guilford county, N. C. Though the latter's educational opportunities were limited he taught school during 1822-26. In 1826 he went to Newport, Wayne co., Ind., and became a mer-
chant, eventually establishing branch stores in other towns and engaging extensively in manufacturing and pork curing. His linseed oil plant, built in 1836, was also profitable. For many years he was a director in the old state bank of Indi-
When only fifteen years of age he began helpslaves to escape. Later ing he became universally known as the president of ana.
underground railroad,"
an association of anti-slavery sympathizers scattered across the country, each being ready to conceal an escaped slave during the day 111111 nvey him safely to the home of the next member at night. Mr. Coffin aided 3.200 slaves to reach Canada, one being the famous " Eliza *
whose Might across the
ice is described in
"Uncle Tom's Cabin." Mr. Coffin and his wife were the "Simeon" and "Rachel Halliday" of Mrs. stowe's novel. During his life-time Mr. Coffin gave
In 1854 he nearly $50.000 to aid the negro race. founded the Colored Orphan's Asylum of Cincinhe had removed in 1847 to establish nati, whither a " free labor goods " store. In 1803 he was a founder of the freednieu's bureau and in S4 and again in 1807 he went to Europe as an officer of tlie western freedmen's convention. Like the rest of his family, Mr. C'ollin was a Quaker. He was married, Oct. 28, 1824, to Catherine, daughter of Stanton White, and had four sons and two daughters. His death occurred at Avondale near CinOn May 30. 1902, a cinnati, 0., Sept. 16, 1877. monument was unveiled in Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati, which had been erected to the memory of Levi and Catherine Coffin by the race for whom they made such sacrifices. WATSON, William, civil engineer and educator, was born in Nantucket, Mass.. Jan. 19, 1834, son of William and Mary (Macy) Watson. His mother was a descendant of Thomas Macy. the 1
hero of Whittier's poem "The Exiles." lie was educated at the NantueJ lie moved to Spokane, Wash., where he resumed the practice of law, lr.it in IS.S7 he abandoned law for banking, being compelled to give his personal attention to several of his investments that were rapidly growHe accumulated a large fortune, ing in value. but lost practically everything in the fin-incial He became identified with many panic of 1802-!):!. public movements connected with the development of the state of Washington and the city of In .Spokane. politics he has been steadfastly Retaken publican, having pnrt on the stump in every national campaign since 1880. He was a to territorial and state convention delegate every during his residence in Washington, and was a continuous member of the state central committee. In 188S he was elected a delegate to the Republican national convention, and in 1800 was a delega.te-at-large to the St. Louis convention that nominated Pres. McKinley, afterward serving on the committee that gave the official notification. He was appointed by Pres. McKinley envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to represent the United States at the capitol of Chili, in 1897, which position he still holds. He was married Oct. 23, 1883, to Alice, daughter of John H. Vajen, of Indianapolis, Ind. They have three sons.
clergyman and author, was born at Norway, Herkimcr co., N. Y., Feb.
He studied theology, in 1835 entered the 11, 1811. Methodist ministry and commenced preaching in the limits of the Black River conference. In 1841 he became agent of the American Bible Society for the state of New Jersey, but resumed pastoral work in the next year, and held charges successively in Watertonn and Rome, N. Y. For a number of years he filled the chair of mathematics and physics in the Black River Institute, but gave up teaching in 1850 and was assigned to a prominent Methodist church in New York city. In 1856 he was pastor of churches in Adams and Syracuse, N. Y., and took an active part in the antislavery agitation. In 1859 he succeeded in obtaining, through correspondence with British Methodists, the names of about 85,000 petitioners to the general conference of I860 requesting the extirpation of slavery from the Methodist Episcopal church; also a petition from 45,000 people of central New York to the same effect. In November, 1861, he withdrew from the Methodist Episcopal church and became pastor of St. John'a independent Methodist church in New York city, where he remained until after the quadrennial conference of 1864, when he returned to his former connection. In 1805 he was assigned to the charge of the Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church in Jersey City. He filled this office for two years, during which period he entered into a violent controversy with the Roman Catholics. In 1807 he accepted the position of district secretary of the American and Foreign Christian Union. He was very fond of astronomy, and was largely employed in the preparation of works and lecturing on this subject during 1S40-00. He was a forcible writer and ready debater and contributed numerous articles nn questions of theology, ethics and reform to various periodicals, more especially to the "National Magazine," published by the Methodist Book Concern. His larger works inThe Trinity and Modern Arianism " Tracts for the Times" (1843); "Ele-
Astronomy, Accompanied by Maps Burritt's 'Geography of the 'Heavens,'
Revised " (1853);
1850) High School" Spirit-Rapping Unveiled (
"Sacred Melodies" (1850); "Impending " (1850); "Immortality of the Soul "Resurrection of the Body" (18(i6); U800) Defense of American Methodism" (18G(i), and "Popular Amusements'' (1807). He died in Jersey City. \. ,L, Nov. 24. 1808. RYAN, Thomas, legislator and diplomat, was born at Oxford, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1837. His parents removed to Towanda, Pa., when he was a child, and he received an academic education in that place. Subsequently he studied law and was ad(185-4);
mitted to the bar in 1801. He entered the Fedarmy in 1802 and served until the fall of 1804, being promoted to the rank of captain for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness. He settled in Kansas in 1865, and for eight years was prosecuting attorney of Shawnee county, and in 1873-77 was assistant U. S. He was attorney. elected to congress as a Republican in 1870 and served by re-election until 1888, sitting in the committee on appropriations. In March, 1880 he reeral
his seat
in congress to signed accept the appointment of U. S. minister to Mexico, which position he held for four yars. In 1807 he became first
assistant secretary of the interior. and is a resident of Topeka, Kan.
BANKS, David, publisher, was born in New lork city in 1827, son of David and Harriet Brenecke (Lloyd) Banks. His father was the founder of the famous law (1780-1871) publishing firm of Banks & Gould, and a prominent figure in .New York of his day. An Demouncompromising was a favorite prominent statesmen them
crat and active in politics, his office resort for many of the most
among Van Buren and jurists,
Morgan, Lewis and Marcy and Chans. Waiworth, Kent and McCown. The son was educated in his native city, and at the age of twenty entered his son,
father's firm. Since his father's death, in 1871, the entire management of the
business has devolved upon him, and in its upbuilding and extension he has shown the sanie ability as organizer and executive that has
his career in his valuable public activities. Like that of his father his interest in politics
keen and his patriotism strong, although he has steadily refused the many offers of public office which have been tendered him. He was, however a member of the governing council of the University of the City of New York, and of its exv nd llbrar y committees, and chairman ot fu" ^.?. the ibuilding committee. He was a director of the old East River National Bank, of which his father was first president, and he is a member of the Sons of the Revolution, the Sons of Veterans of 112, the order of Free Masons, Knights Templar and the St. Nicholas Society, of which he was He was married, Apr. 22, 1869 to president. Lucilla Graham Plum, of Troy, N. Y., and has one son and one daughter. is
KOOSEVEI/T, Nicholas, inventor, was born in New York city, Dec. 27, 1707, son of Jacobus and Annatje (Bogaert) Roosevelt, and a great-greatgrandson of Claas Martensen Van Roosevelt, of
with Ain-icrdani. Holland, who came to America Nicholas KoOMVell wile. Jamictje. ill Hi.-.l. evinced the 1,-ccncil a .-a ivful education, and early \Vliile reading >it BwpUB, N. X.,
nu Mtive family.
time 8. during the DouglasLincoln campaign, in support of Mr. Lincoln, with whom he had become well acquainted. In ISOi) he was elected city attorney, and upon lie expiration of his term of odicc in the spring of 18(il he succeeded Lincoln (who had been elected pre-i dent) in the law firm of Lincoln & Ilerndoii. the new firm name being Herndon & Zane. In 1805 he was again elected city attorney of Springfield, and in the following year was appointed county attorney of Sangamon county. In 1808 the partnership t
with Mr. Herndon was
dissolved and Mr. Zane practiced alone for two years, meantime becoming In 1870 register of the land office at Springfield. he became a member of the law firm of Cullom & Marcy. with which he continued until 1873, when he was elected circuit judge for the term of six years. He was re-elected in 1879. In 1884 he waa appointed by Pres. Arthur chief justice of the territory of Utah, and in consequence he removed to Salt Lake City. After serving the full term he was succeeded in 1888 by Judge Sandford, but the latter's mild policy in dealing with polygamy did not suit Pres. Harrison's administration, and he was removed, Judge Zane being reappointed in his From the first Judge Zane had maintained place. the law against polygamy, dealing severely with those who disobeyed it, and he also rendered important decisions in a number of civil cases, llis term of office expiring in 1894, he formed a law partnership with his son, John M. Zane. Judge Zane was married at Springfield. 111., in 1859. to Margaret D. Maxcy, of Kentucky and Virginia ancestry, and has three sons and three daughter-.
McINTIKE, Charles, physician, was born in Philadelphia, Pa.. Aug. 30. ']S47. son of Charles and Eliza (Cook) Mclntire of Scotch-Irish origin. After a preliminary course at the Easton high school, he entered Lafayette College, and was graduated with honor in 1868. He received his M.D. degree at the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania in 1873. meantime being assistant in chemistry at Lafayette in 1808-70, and in 1870-74 adjunct professor of chemistry there. In 1875 he established himself in general
practice at Eaton, giving, however, especial attenSince 1880 ho tion to diseases of tlie eye and ear. lias been lecturer on sanitary science at Lafayette, hi 1!>02 Dr. Mclntire was elected president of the American Academy of Medicine, of which he was secretary. 1890-1002. and he is a member of the American Institute of Mining Engineers; of the
State and the Liquor Traffic" (1881), "Principles of Hygiene: Together with the Essentials of Anat-
American Chemical Association, and of the county and state medical societies. In 1871 the degree of A.M. was conferred upon him by Lafayette. He was married at Easton, I'a., May 19, 1881, to Ella, daughter of Traill Green, M.D., LL.D.
born in Baltimore, Md., Oct. 10, 1844, son of Henry He obtained his literary and classical Tifl'iuiy. education at Cambridge, England, where he was graudated in I860. Returning to America he studied medicine at the University of Maryland. received his medical degree in 1808, and settled in Baltimore, where he has practiced since that time. He was dispensary physician, demonstrator of anatomy, professor of operative surgery and until 1903 professor of surgery at the University of Maryland. lie has also been resident physician at the Baltimore almshouse, professor of anatomy at the Maryland Dental College, visiting medical ollicer to the Baltimore city almshouse, and surgeon Dr. Tiffany was presito the Baltimore infirmary. dent of the Baltimore Clinical Society in 1870, and vice-president in 1877; was president of the American Surgical Association in 1895; president' of the Baltimore Medical Association, and is a member of various medical and other societies.
HUNT, was born
Ezra Mundy, physician and author, at
Metnchen, Middlesex
Holloway and Henrietta Mundy, or Munday) Hunt, grandson of Augustine aiid Lydia (Holloway) Hunt, great-grandson of Thomas and Elizabeth" (Gardner) Hunt, greatpreat-grandson of Thomas and Elizabeth (Jessop) Hunt, and great-great-great-grandson of Thomas and Cicely Pasley Hunt, who came from England early in the seventeenth century. He was gradu4.
ated at Princeton College in 1849, pursued his medical course at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, and was graduated M.D. in He settled in the practice of his profession 1852. at Mctuclien, N. J. In 185-i he was appointed lecturer on materia medica at the Vermont Medical College. In 18G2 he was appointed assistant surgeon of the 29th New Jersey regiment and in 1863 was surgeon in charge of the Calvert Street Hospital at Baltimore. He was a fellow of the Nc\v Jersey State Medical Association and its president in 1864, vice-president of the American Public Health Association, member of the New Jersey State Board of Health and from 1876 its secretary, honorary member of the New York State Medical Association, the Boston Gynecological Society and the Baltimore Medical Association. He was a to the International Medical Congress, delegate
He London. 1SS1. and to Copenhagen in 1884. in 1853 to Emma, daughter of Ezra Hayes, nf liahway. N. J., and in 1870 to a daughter of Josiah Reeve, of Alloway. N. J. Princeton was married
College conferred upon him the degree of Sc.D. in 1883. lie published "The Patient's and Physician's Aid: or, How to Preserve Health," etc. (1859), "A Physician's Counsels to His Professional Brethren'' (1859). "The War and Its Lessons" (1862), "About the War; Plain Words to Plain People, by a Plain Hand" (1863), "Grace-Culture; or Thoughts on Grace, Growth and Glory" (1864), "Hible Notes for Daily Readers" (2 vols., 1870), "Alcohol, as a Food and Medicine" (1877), "The Vol.. XII. 9.
omy and Physiology"
PETTIT, Thomas McKean, in Philadelphia, Pa.,
and -
lawyer, was born Dec. 26, 1797, son of Andrew
(McLean) Pettit, and grandson of Pettit, of the quartermaster's dein the continental army and a member
of the continental congress. He was graduated at the University of Pennsylvania in 1815 and after being admitted to tho bar practiced law He was city solicitor in 1820 in his native city. and subsequently was deputy attorney -general of the state. He was a member of the state legislature, 183031, and judge of the district court, 1832-45. He was active in the service of the Democratic party. In association with Thomas Sergeant he prepared "The Common Law Reports of England" (1822). He was a vice-president of the Pennsylvania Historical Society, and delivered a number of addresses before that body. He was appointed by Pres. Polk U. S. attorney for the eastern district of Pennsylvania in 1850 and on Apr. 4, 1853, was appointed by Pres. Pierce director of the United States mint, to succeed Dr. George N. Eckert, who had served in that capacity from July
few months after this new appointment
died in Philadelphia,
30, 1853.
Kobinson, engineer and manufacturer, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 28, 1844,-sen of John Henry and Maria R. (Tevis) Towne. His earliest American ancestor was Edmund Towne, a native of England, who was
TOWNE, Henry
brought to this Country by his father. William Towne, early in the seventeenth century. His wife was Mary Browning, and the line of descent runs through their son Joseph, who married Amy Smith; through their son Nathan; through his son Nathan, who married Mary Poole; through their son Benjamin, who married Mehitable Chandler, and through their son John, who married Sarah Robinson, who were the grandparents of Mr. Towne. John Henry Towne (1818-73), the eldest son of this John Towne. studied engineering, and about 1840 entered into partnership with S. V. Merrick, under the name of Merrick & Towne, which operated the Southwark foundry in Philadel-
He was phia until 1848. then engaged in erecting gas works in various cities, and before the civil war he became junior partner of the P. I. Co. .He was also actively interested in scientific pursuits of all
Towne &
kinds, particularly in those connected with his profession, and much of his time and means was given to the advancement of the Univerof sity Pennsylvania, to
which he bequeathed nearly $1.000.000 scientific
as the School.
now Sci-
His son, Henry Robinson Towne, was educated at private entifie
schools and at the University of Pennsylvania, of 1865. He left college before graduation to enter business, but in 1887 received the honorary degree of M.A. He was first employed as a mechanical draughtsman in the. Port Richmond Iron Works, Philadelphia, with which his father was connected, and was engaged in general class
gener of the site for the erection
of n suitable factory
Stamford, ronn. iwo ,,,,., was purchased at the iTla.er Mr. Vale died suddenly, caving fownc and n the hands of Mr.
v n
incumbent either before or
'JONES, Thomas ap Catsby, naval
was mar-
Her. 2, 1818, to Mary Ann. daughter of WilHe died in Washington, 1). ('.. July li. Page.
officer. \\a*
and Virginia in 1789. son of Maj. Catsby His brother, Lett ice Corbin -(Tnrberville) Jones. of the United Roger Jones, was adjutant-general He entered the navy in 1805, beStates in
came lieutenant
in 1812,
He was engaged in suppressing captain in 1S29. slave-trade in the niracv smuggling, and the small With Oulf of Mexico from 1808-12. a British squadron flotilla he attempted to intercept Lake Borgne of forty vessels, upon its entrance to >
and comAlthough he was wounded
his conduct was much praised. pelled to surrender, While commanding a squadron on the Pacific he b took possession of Monterey upon
temporary misinformed that war existed between the United States and Mexico, lie was married. July
1823, to
In 1869 B. Yale, a son of Linus Yale, Jr. Mr. Towne succeeded to the presidency of the coman active member of the pany. He has been American Society of Mechanical Engineers almost from its foundation, a member of its council, and wasdiosen u in 1888-89. In 1 wa, its pr* chairman of a joint party of some 300 engineers which visited Engcivil, mechanical, and mining of the Institution of land and France as the
Civil ivil Engineers, of London, and of the Society des In 1868 he was mariigenieurs C'ivils, of Paris. to'Cora" E.,' daughter of John P. White, of member Philadelphia, and has two sons. He is a
of the Ccnturv. I'niversily. Engineers', and Hardware clubs of New York city, where he has resided
G., educator, was born in New After being graduated at Hamilton ( ollege in 1846 he studied law, but did not follow (he profession and became a teacher in Buffalo. He subsequently taught at Gowanda, was prin. ss
Baltimore, m l For four years he was vice
tant at Trinity Church, Xew Haven, Conn. For ten years he was missionary at Walla Walla, Wash., nnd surrounding country, and established St. Paul's School. After residing at the East for eighteen months, he. in 1882. became rector of St. Luke's Church. Tacoma. and afterward built Trinity Church and became its rector. In October, 1802, the general convention of the Protestant ;i
Episcopal church at Baltimore elected him missionary bishop of Spokane, which at first embraced eastern Washington, and afterward also northern He was consecrated at Trinity Church, Idaho. New Haven, Conn., Dec. 16, 1892. In 1892, while rector at Tacoma, he was honored by Hobart ColHe was married, lege with the degree of D.D. June 17, 1880. at Walla Walla, to Henrietta B., daughter of William Garretson, of Tioga, Pa.
Milton, agent of the Methowas born in Montgomery county, Ky., Mar. 26, 1820, son of William Phillips, a Methodist clergyman and assistant editor of the " Western Christian Advocate." He was educated in the public schools and in 1834 went to Cincinnati, O., where he was given a position in the western Methodist book concern, remaindist
ing in the business depart-
house until 1872, when he was elected one of the book agents of the Methodist book concern in New York city. During his residence in Cincinnati he was for four years president of a insurance company and afterward president of a life insurance company for the same length of time. In 1ST2 he was elected a lay delegate to the general conference by the Cincinnati fire
lay electoral conference, and subsequently was elected one of the general conference secretaries. being the first layman ever appointed to that office. He was unanimously re-elected as book agent in He was a manager in 1876, 1880, 1884, and 1888. several church boards and succeeded Dr. Xelson as treasurer of the Missionary Society. He died in Cincinnati, O., Jan. 15, 1889.
Daniel Rogers,
born at Connellsville, Pa., Jan. 12, 1820, second son of William and Sarah (Rogers) Davidson. His father (1783-1867), was manager of the Laurel furnace, ironmaster at Break Xeck a representative of the state legislature; speaker of same 1818, and a member of the state senate later. The son began active life as a fanner in 1850. In 1865 he entered the coke industry, and became a prime factor in the development ;
famous Connellsville With John F. Dravo, Alexander Bradley, James M. Bailey and others he built the Davidson Coke Works in 1865, at Davidson Station, Pa., a mile from Connellsville, and for many years this concern ranked as the most important in the of the
coke region. interested
He was. also many other
coking plants, besides owning large tracts of undeHe veloped coking coal. was the organizer and promoter of the first two railroads of the section: the
1855. and the Southwest Pennsylvania in 1875. He was president of the Shoe & Leather Bank of Pittsburgh during 1874-82, and nellsville
aided in organi/ing both the Pittsburgh National of Commerce and the Commercial National II. ink Hank, of I'illsburg. At the. time of his death he on ned near Baton Konge. La., one of the largest i-otton plantations of the South, beiidei having
and gold and silver mining interests in Colorado \,,ith Carolina, and many eastern invest incut s. married at ( 'oiniellsville. Pa., July 2. 1840, lie to Margaret Clark, daughter of Alexander JohnHe died at Hot had ciL'ht children. .iin
Springs. Ark.. Mai.
Jose Serra, missionary,
via- born in the- island of Majorca. No\. 21. 1713. He as a chorister in the convent of San Bernardino, and at the age of sixteen became a memlie subsequently ber of the order of St. l-'rancis.
obtained the degree of doctor of theology, and taught in one of the colleges of his order, but abandoned his professorship ill 1740 to devote his life to missionary work. Leaving Cadiz in that vear with a band of missionaries, he arrived in the city of Mexico Jan. 1. 7">0, and after a short stay there went to labor among the wandering tribes of the Sierra Gorda, where he remained nineteen years. In 1700 he placed at the head of a band of priests that were sent to take charge of the missions in lower California. He- founded the first mission in upper California, at 1
San Diego. July 16, 1769, and taught the Indians to cultivate the land, to bake, to weave, to yoke oxen, and to prepare leather from hides. When sickness broke
out among the settlers an order was issued to abandon the mission and Junipero sailed northward and rediscovered the harbor of Monterey, June 3, 1770, it having been lirst visited by Don Sebastii.n Vizcaino a's early
and named
by him in honor of Count de Monterey, the then viceroy of Mexico. Junipero established there the mission of Sin Carlos, thus laying the foundation for the lily which afterward "became the capital of California. In the following year he established the missions of San Antonio and San Gabriel, twelve miles away. The soldiers from the latter mission founded the pueblo of A'cus/ra in Hi-inn ili- I.IIK Amjrles (Our Lady the Queen
of the Angels) in 1781, now the city of Los The establishment of other" missions Angeles. followed under the same auspices, giving rise to settlements, many of which subsequently developed into thriving pueblos and cities. On June 27, 1770. a company of friars, soldiers and families, with stock and seeds, arrived on the San Francisco peninsula, and built there a temporary shelter, and on Sept. 17 solemn possession was taken of the place in the name of mission was Spain. erected there some time later, and on Oct. 9, the day of Saint Francis, it was dedicated under the name of Doloret, ill commemoration of the sufferings ,,f the Virgin. This was the beginning of what is n, m San Kranciseo. although this name was not used until 1847. Father Junipero was tiot only ih,. guiding spirit in all these undertakbut was himself the hardest worker, ings, laboring with untiring zeal, and often traveling on foot hundreds of miles in spite of his physical infirmities. He attracted the Indians by" his just and
kindly treatment, and is said to have baptized over a thousand with his own hand. He constantly exerted himself in behalf of their temporal as well as spiritual welfare, and the thousands of converts, living in villages around the missions; were industrious, well-clothed, well-fed, possessing tlocks, herds, gardens, orchards, vineyard* and He made several journeys to lields of wheat. Mexieo, and in 1783 visited for the last time the missions in California, traveling in accordance, with his custom, from one to another on foot. The remainder of his life \va- spent in Monterey, Cal., where he died Aug. 28, 1784. SHAUCK. John Allen, jurist, was born in Morrow county. 0., Mar. 20'. 1841. son of Elah and Barbara (Allen) Shauck. of German de scent. He was educated in the public schools of Johnsville, O., and was graduated at Otterhcin lie studied I'nivcrsity. \\csterville, O., in 1800. law at the Unversit.v of Michigan, and was graduated in 1867, and then entered upon the general practice of law at Dayton. In 1884 he was elected upon the Republican ticket to the second circuit court, and was re-elected in 1889. In 18!)4 he was elected judge of the supreme court.' and served as the successor of Joseph P. Bradbury as chief He was re-elected in I'.HIO for justice in 1000-01. the full term of six years. He received the degree of LL.D. from Otterbein University in 1804. On June 1. 1870. he was married to Ada May. daughter of Charles H. Phillips, and he "has one
KOENIG, Adolph,
physician, was born at WigCanton of Bern. Switzerland, Oct. 30. *.">.). son of Christian and Magdalena (I.seli) Koenig. His parents came to the United States in is.'iii. and settled near Tarentum, Allegheny co.. Pa. The son was educated in the public schools of Fawn town ship. Pa., and in the Tarentum Academy, and in giswyl,
1876, he began the study of medicine under Dr. of Pittsburgh, who was in his time one of the foremost surgeons of western Pennsylvania. Later he studied in the medical department of the University of Louisville, Ky., and the Bellevue
James McCann,
Hospital Medical College, X. Y.. where he obtained his M.D. degree in 1879. The honorary degree of doctor of pharmacy was conferred upon him by the Western University of Pennsylvania in 1807. From April, 1879, to April, 1880, he served as resident physician in the Western Pennsylvania Hospital, at Pittsburgh, and during June and July, 1880, practiced in
San Francisco,
turned to Pittsburgh, where he is still engaged. In December, 1886, he aided in " the Pittsestablishing burgh Medical Review." and for a period of five years was one of several editors associated in the publication of that journal. In 1X9-2 he became sole editor and publisher, and in 1904 he continues to hold that
though the periodical was transformed in June, 1897. into the "Pennoffice,
sylvania Medical Journal," the official organ of the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania. Since 1885, Dr. Koenig has been professor of materia medica and botany in the Pittsburg College of Pharmacy, which* now constitutes the pharmaceutical department of the Western University of
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Pennsylvania. He was one of the visiting physicians of the Pittsburgh Free Dispensary (188095). and since 1893, he has been a director of that He is also visiting physician to institution. Roselia Maternity Hospital and Foundling Asylum, and in 1897, was president of the Allegheny
County Medical Society
of Pennsylvania.
He was
married Apr. 15, 1S8!). at, Saratoga, N. Y'., to Fannie McFarlane, daughter of Thomas Low, of CharlShe died in 1890, and he was married 1on, N. Y. Feb. 2. 1895. to Mary Beatrice, daughter of John of England. Six children have been .leM'eoat, born of this marriage, as follows: Adolphus, Eugene JefTcoat, Rhoda Victoria. Beatrice Iseli, Olivia ami Frances Mary.
SHELBY, William
Bead, railroad president, in Lincoln county, Ky., Dec. 4, 1842, eldest son of John Warren and Mary II. (Knight) Shelby, and a descendant of Evan Shelby, who
was born
came from Cameron, Wales,
about 1730, and settled near Hagerstown. Mil. Evan, son of Evan Shelby, was appointed brigadier-general by the state of Virginia, in 1779, for services rendered in Indian warfare. His son, Isaac Shelby, was the first governor of Kentucky. William Read Shelby acquired his education in the preparatory schools and at Centre College, Danville, Ky., his studies being cut short by the civil war. and subsequent and Conoccupation of Kentucky by the Federal federate troops. As a member of the " Kentucky Home Guard," he enrolled and recruited men for the Federal army. In 1863-5 he supplied wood to steamers on the Mississippi river at Island No. 37, From then being protected by U. S. gunboats. unt'l 1869, he was employed by the Adams Express Co., at Louisville, Ky., removing to Pittsburg to become secretary of the Continental Im-
provement Co.
undertakings was the contract to build the Grand Rapids and Indiana railn ad in Michigan and Indiana. Mr. Shelby took charge of a branch office at Grand Rapids, Mich., in 1871, having in the year previous been elected secretary and treasurer of the Grand Rapids & Indiana and the Michigan & Lake Shore railroad companies. On Jan. 1, 1892, he was made first vice-president of the former company,
of education, and chairman of its committee on grounds; in 1888-93 he was. a member and part of the time president of the board of public works. is a Democrat, and it was on his motion sound money conference in Chicago that the
Mr. Shelby in the
"Indianapolis convention" was held in 1896, causing the defeat of the Chicago platform and Bryan. He was chairman of the sound money Democratic organization in Michiga-,, which conducted so vigorous a campaign against 'Free Silver and 16 to 1." Mr. Shelby was married, June 16, 1869, at Sewickley, Pa., to Mary C., daughter of Gen. George W. C'ass, the issue being five sons and two daughters. WICKER, Cassius Milton, railroad president, was born at North Ferrisburg, Yt., Aug. 25, 1846", son of Cyrus Washburn and Maria Delight (Halladayi Wicker and a descendant of William Wicker, a Scotch-Irish Protestant, who was forced out of Roxbury by the Puritan council in 1720 and settled
William's son Jaco*> married Abial Washburn, a sister of Col. Seth Washburn,
and by this marriage Mr. Wicker is a lineal of Marv the first Chilton, woman to set foot on/ Plymouth Rock. He, has two other May(lower ancestors, William Latham and Elder Brewster. He was educated at the " little red school"
house in North Ferrisburg and the academies at Williston and Middlebury, When twentyVt. one years of age he ,
railroad career as check clerk
of the Star Union line at East St. Louis.
During the next three years was cashier of the People's Dispatch fast freight line and Chinese emigrant agent of the North Missouri railway. He was assistant freight agent of the North Missouri railway 1869-71 and was assistant general freight agent of the Chicago and Northwestern railway 1871-76, with the additional duty of settling the claims for losses reDuring sulting from the Chicago fire in 1871. retaining the positions of 1876-80 he was successively general agent, assisttreasurer and purchasing ant general freight agent and traffic manager of In June. 1896. the the Baltimore and Ohio railway's trans-Ohio agent. Grand Rapids & Indiana divisions. He was in charge of mining property Railroad Co. was sold out under foreclosure pro- in northern Michigan 188083 and later general ceedings; a new company, witn the same name, manager of coal mines at Springfield. Braidwood was organized, and Mr. Shelby elected vice-presi- and Tracy operated by the Central Illinois Coal dent, treasurer and purchasing agent. In 187073 Co. He was commissioner of the Chicago freight he held also the office of secretary and treasurer of bureau 1883-87, with full charge of the transthe Southern Railway Security Co. On Oct. 16, portation interests of the wholesale merchants lie was elected president of the Muskegon, Isfl'.i. and manufacturers of Chicago, the stock yards, Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad Co. and presi- the lumber interests and the Chicago board of dent of the Big Rapids & Western Railroad Co., trade. Subsequently he became vice-president of and on Oct. 24, 1899, he was elected president of the Colorado Eastern railway and took up his the Cincinnati. Richmond & Fort Wayne Railroad residence in New York city. Mr. Wicker then Co. Mr. Shelby has been extensively interested in successively filled the following offices: from 1889 the development of farming interests in various sect ins nf the country. He is a member of the board of directors of the First National Bank, later known as the " Old National Bank," of Grand Rapids, and a stockholder in various manufacturing and mercantile concerns; a member of the board i,
until the/spring of 1902, vice-president of the Fort Worth and Rio Grande railway; from November. 1893, to December. 1897, vice-president and general manager of the Brooklyn, Queens County and Suburban railroad: from January, 1S94, 'up to
president of
'.. \\hieh owned all I lie stock (if l.sim .iii.l llosioti railrouil and the controlling interest in dllii-i- properties. .Mr. \\ ieker was married June 5. IS72. at Lebanon. 111., to Augusta (aiii.ll. daughter of .\ugn-iu- C. rrench. governor nf Illinois. She died in issn. leaving three
Shore Trartinn
Henry llalladay. Lucy Bouthwofth and
French Wicker.
ineinher of the
Lawyers', ChUTch, Atlantic Yacht and St. Andrews Coif clubs of New York city and lie I'nion League of ChiHe is a No a member of the Metro]iolitan Viiion League. Lotos,
he 3rd artillery, stationed at Fort Melienry, Md. He served under the inbrevet
and aligned
Rpector-general the department of the coast survey until the
war with Mexico, when, his received having commission as first lieuwas in he 1S40. tenant appointed aide-de-camp
and acting assistant adjutant-general to Brig.He held (ien. Shields. this position until
1848; took part in of Vera battles ru/. Coahuila, Tarnpico, Contrcras, and was lirevetted captain. Apr. 8. 1847. for gallant and meritorious conduct in the liaitle of Cerro Gordo. For gallantry at the battles of Churuliuscd and Contreras, he was brevetted After the fall of the City of Mexico he major. was appointed -ecretary of the city government and acting judge advocate, and subsequently was engaged in eoa-l survey duly in California until he rc-igueil. May 26, 1851. He immediately opened an office as counselor-at-law and land agent, at Stockton, Cal., and during 1851-52, in 20,
conjunction with ('apt. Webber, laid out the city of Stockton. In 18.V2 he was elected speaker of the California house of representatives, and was collector of customs at the port of San Francisco. 18.").'i ,V). For six years lie engaged in farming near st(,.-kton, and' during 1861-66 he turned his attention to mining in California. Nevada, and Arizona. In isiil he was president of the Democratic state convention, lie was general superintendent, of the San Francisco and San Jose railroad, s4, daughter of Harrison Hays of Tennessee, and had seven children. He died in San Cal
ism. Zachariah, jurist, was born in Bourbon county. Ky.. July 26, 1806, son of Zachariah and Elizabeth (Kennedy) Wheat, who emigrated from Virginia to Kentucky at an In early date his youth he learned the saddler's trade, and in 28.
was appointed commonwealth attorney by (lov. Thos. Mctcalf, and held the ollice for several years, when he resigned; he was again appointed by Uov. In 1848 he was appointed judge of LinLetcber. coln circuit court by Gov. John J. Crittcnden, and served until the adoption of the constitution of 1849, when he was re-elected. On June 15. 1,857. he was elected judge of the court of appeals to till the vacancy caused by the death of Judge ]!. M. Cren.shaw, defeating J. F. P.nllitt by a majority of thirty-seven votes, but being again a candidate in 1858 he was defeated by Judge Henry C. Wood. He resumed his practice at Columbia, where be remained until 1861, when be removed to Shelbyville and continued to practice his profession, lie was a man of very tine appearance, over six feet tall and very erect, and was a fine speaker, though not posing as an orator.
1828 he began the study of law with Cyrus Walker Columbia. Ky.. was admitted to the bar and He practiced in Adair and adjacent counties. of
PETEBS, Belvart January,
jurist, was born Kauquicr county, Va., Nov. :!. 1805, son of William Peters and grandson of John Peters, who emigrated from Scotland to Virginia in early colonial days. His father in 1809 removed his young family to a farm in Woodford county. Ky.. inherited from his maternal .grandfather, C'apt. John Ashley, a gentleman of English ancestry who located there in The son attended the famous "Duck Pond 1774. Academy" of Dr. Lewis Marshall, and was graduated at Transylvania University in 1825. He read law- with Chief Justice Boj'le, and was admitted to the bar in 1827, remained seven years in Ovvingsville and then removed to Mt. Sterling. In 1829 he was elected county attorney for Bath county, in
and in 18.'i:i was elected to the same ollice in Montgomery county. In 1845 he was elected as a Democrat from Montgomery county to the general assembly, and was chairman of the committee on morals, serving also on other important committees. Preferring the practice of his profession to the pursuit of politics, he refused rcnoniination. He served four years as clerk of the circuit court of Montgomery county, and then resumed his private practice. In 1851 he was an independent candidate for circuit judge, but was defeated. In I860 lie was eleted as a Democrat judge of the court of appeals for the first district, by a majority of 1,186 over Judge James Simpson, was ic-clected Aug. 3, 1868, and remained on the bench until He then 1876, serving two years as chief justice. retired from public life, but continued to practice to a very advanced age, his last appearance at tinbar being in 1894 at the urgent request of a client. Judge Peters was a man of high character, gentle
and winning in his manner, and was loved and esteemed by the whole community. Jlc was married, in 1831, to Elizabeth, daughter of Kena/ Farrow, a lawyer and judge in Montgomery county.
Charles, lawyer, was born at WhitesUneida co.. N. Y!. Feb. 10, 1810. son of William Gedney and Rachel (Unntington) Tracy. He was educated at Partridge's Military Academy and was graduated at Yale College in 1832. He then studied law under Henry R. Storrs and Henry A. Foster, and after being admitted to the bar practiced his profession in Utica, N. Y. He removed to New York city in 1849, and continued activeHe first formed a practice there until his death. partnership with Edwin C. Litchiield. and .subsequently with W. H. Wait and Dwight H. Olm-tead and his brother William. With great capacity and ability for work he early achieved prominence at the bar, especially in corporation business and town,
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. a3 counsel for railroad companies. He was attorney for the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific raillie was road, the Union Pacific and many others, regarded as one of the ablest members of the bar. He was president of the New York Association of Yale Alumni during 1879-82, and took an active part in the conventions of the Protestant EpiscoHe was one of the founders of the pal church. New York Bar Association, and was the second the New York Law Institute. of president The Law Institute was intended originally to be much of the character of the present bar association, founded to guard the purity of the profession and hold a check upon the members through inIt being vestigation and the power of expulsion. found impossible to carry out such views, they were abandoned, and all the energies of the members were turned toward establishing a library which should contain the law of the largest part of the civil i/cd world. This object has been attained in the highest and broadest sense, and the library is now the best one of its kind in the country, with over 20,000 volumes, including complete sets of reports of all the states and a fine collection of the literature of the law, memoirs and biographies. He was married in 1835 to Louisa, daughter of Gen. Joseph Kirkland of Utica, N. Y., and his daughter, Frances Louise, became the wife of J. Pierpont Morgan of New York. He died in New York city,
was born near Thurles, county He was Jan. 1847. 29, Ireland, the United States in infancy by his
bishop of Lincoln,
Tipperary, brought to
parents, who settled in St. Louis, Mo., where he After finishing his received his early education. theological course at the College of St. Vincent, Cape (iirardeau. Mo., he visited Germany, and attended lectures on theology, church history, and canon law under' Dr. Hergenrother and Dr. Hettinger, at the University of Wiirzburg. Upon his return to St. Louis he was ordained at the
Church of St. Mary, June 18, 1870, and entered upon his labors in the various missions assigned
in the diocese of St. Louis. In 1881 he ft'as appointed pastor of the Church of the Holy Name of Jc^us in that city. In 1884 he accompanied Archbishop Kenrick as theologian to the third plenary council of Baltimore, where In- Mas unanimously named as bishop of the new diocese ot Belleville. The choice of the plenary council did not however receive the sanction of Itoni'! until some years afterward, and he was appointed instead to the new see of Lincoln. It was created by an apostolic brief on Aug. 9, 1887, and embraces all that portion of Nebraska lying south of the Platte river. Bishop Bonacum was consecrated by Archbishop Kenrick, Nov. 30, 1887, and took formal possession of his new charge on December 21st of the same year. His attention has been devoted to the building of schools and . ls.~>8. son of Johnson Wells and Cornelia Perkins (Hebbard) Knight, of New England descent. He was graduated at tho University of Michigan, in 1878, and at once took up his life work, becoming principal of the Lansing (Mich.) high school, and in 1893 instructor of history in the Ann Arbor (Mich.) high school. Two years later he became professor of history ami He political science at the Ohio State University. held this position until 1898, when he was appointed to the chair of American history anil poliin
tical science there.
He was managing
editor of
Ohio Archaeological and Historical QuarMcCASH, Isaac Newton, clergyman, was horn terly," 1887-89. He is a member of the American at Hazel Dell, Cumberland co., III.. June 5, 1801, Historical Association, the American Economic. son of Isaac- Sparks and Martha Ann (Van Association, of which he was vice-president in Xandt McCash, grandson of James and Elizabeth 1S!I5. the American Academy of Political Science. (Sparks) McCash, and great-grandson of David the American Statistical Society, ami the Sons of L. McCash, who came from American Revolution. He is the author of Glasgow, Scotland, and the " sell led at what is now Cincinnati, In History of Land Grants for Education in the ()., in 1785. 1874 the fathe. removed Jiis "History of Higher family to a farm in Northwest Territory" (1885) 1'olk county, Tennessee. The boy was sent to Education in Ohio" (jointly with John R. Com" Sumach Seminary, Murray mons, 1892) Government of the People of Ohio" (1895), and editor of a revised and annotated edico., Ga.. and later to the " Guizot's History of Civilization " National Normal University tion of 1890). lie is a contributor to various educational and hisof Ohio, where he completed three courses in 1882, re- torical journals. Prof. Knight was married, Jan. ceiving the degree of B.S^ 12, 1882, to Mariette Amanda, daughter of Orlando Mack Meantime he had been payBarnes, of Lansing, Mich., and has two He received the deirive of A.M. from ing his way by teaching at daughters. his alma mater in 1883. and that of Ph.D. in 18X4. various places. During the two years' following his MATTESON, Thompkins Harrison, artist graduation lie was principal was born at Peterborough. Madison co.. N. Y .. of Kwington Academy, Ohio; and ill 1884-90 was May 9, 1813. His father was for a time deputysuperinsherifF of Morrisville, and he allowed the tendent of schools at boy free, Lyons, Kan. In 1890-93 he was access to the cell of an incarcerated Indian, whose' and of the pastor were famous in the carvings all Christian drawings Church at Maryville, Mo., country round. lie thus learned the rudiment and in the latter year was of his future profession. Later he beca a " called to the ., S C University tailor's apprentice, served as a clerk in a drug " '"'I'f'li of Des /? Moines, store, and had to contend against all sorts of /TffGt+S "'' '"< Present C, charge. This difficulties and hardships until he made his way church is connected with to New York, where he opened a studio and bc-raii akc Diversity, being the outgrowth of a SunIn 1839 he returned to western New painting. school conducted in day the college ^ ork. and for three chapel. Under years was lucratively the
MoCaah (MM) t
the permanent lS!Ci
2.2 Hi
mcinl)crship increased I'.HI.'i, making it the the Mississippi, and a in
members have actually united with the church. Scholarly and eloquent, Dr. M.-Cash is recognized a- a speaker and writer of power He in constant demand at conventions and assembhes. Alive to the responsibilities of American or
occupied painting portraits. On a subsequent visit to the " his of metropolis Spirit 70," won the attention of Edmonds, the genre painter, who secured its purchase by the American Art Union. He then settled in New York city, and became a student of the of which elected him an Academy Design, associate in 1847. In 1&51 he removed to Shcrburne, N. Y., where he resided until his death.
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. was elected a member of the state and in 1SO"> was made president of the Chenango Agricultural Society. Matteson's works are chiefly of an historical and patriotic character, such as '"The First Sabbath of the Pilgrims," In
Eliot Preaching Perils of the Early Colonists," " First Prayer in Congress." and to the Indians," other similar productions. They were very popular in his time. Among his more important genre ''The Rustic Courtship," "The paintings, are: " " Morning Meal," The First Ride." also " Rip Van ExaminaWinkle's Return from the Mountains," " " A Justice's tion of a Witch." Hop Yard," " Foddering Cattle." Court," "At the Stile." and The latter two were exhibited in 1809, at the National Academy of Design. Mr. Matteson died at Sherburne. X. Y., Feb. 2, 1884. HALL, Isaac Hollister, Oriental scholar, was born at Norwalk, Conn., Dec. 12, 1837, son of Edwin Hall, who occupied the chair of theology
He was years. a graduated at Hamilton College in 1859 and was tutor there in 1801-63. In 1864 he removed to New York city, was graduated at the Columbia law school in 1865 and began the practice of law. He went to Beirut, Syria, in 1875 and was a professor in the Syrian Protestant College until 1877, when he returned and associated himself with the " Sunday School Times," published in Philadelphia. Research" He established the column of "Biblical " " From in 1875. in the New York Independent 1884 until his death he was curator of the Metlecturer ropolitan Museum of Art and was also on New Testament Greek at Johns Hopkins Unientire an Dr. Hall was the first to read vci-Mty. Auburn Seminary
{ascription in Cypriote, and he published an important series of articles on that language and He was an authority on Greek, its inscriptions.
Phoenician, Himyaric and other Oriental manuscripts and inscriptions, and in 1876 he discovered in Beirut a Syriac manuscript of the Gospels, the Acts and most of the Epistles, an account of which with fac-simile pages he published in 1884. The date of this manuscript is between 700 and 800 A. D. He was a member of various biblical and archaeological societies in this country and abroad and was president of the American PhiloHe was the author of .\--cM-intion. liigica!
Greek Bibliography of the " as Published in America (1884). Vernon, N. Y., July 2, 1896. (
New He
Testament, died at Mt.
Luther F., clergyman and legislator, was born in Licking county. 0., Apr. 25, 1841. His youth was spent on his father's farm and in attendance at the common school. From 1801 till 1863 he served as sergeant in the 1st Ohio cavalry, being discharged in the latter year because of disabilities incurred. In 1805 he removed to Iowa, where he taught school for two
years and prepared for college. He entered St. Lawrence University, N. Y., in 1807 and was graduated with honors in 1870. He was then ordained a minister and thereafter filled pastorates in .Maine and New Hampshire. He soon gained an extruded reputation as an eloquent and pleasing orator, and in 1886 he was elected to congress by the Democrats of the first New Hampshire district. He was defeated at the election in 1888, but was re-elected in 1890. In 1894 he was appointed U. S. minister to Colombia and served there four years, being succeeded by Charles B. II "I He ha- since resided in Bridgeton, Me.
tended the Rochester (Mass.) Academy, and when the war broke out in 1801, was a student in Columbian University. In ISO"), he was graduated at the Georgetown University Medical College, and in 1807, at the Bellevue Hospital Medical College. He was professor of obstetrics in Howard University, 1868-
and becoming acting asUnited States army, was assigned to duty in the Freedmen's He went abroad Hospital. 72,
sistant surgeon in the
in 1870, spending much of his time in the hospitals of
Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Berlin, Paris, and Vienna, and receiving a diploma for in proficiency sperations from
the Univer-
of Vienna, in 1871. Since then Dr. Johnson has practiced his profession in
Washington, D.
making and
a speciality of obstetrics
gynecology. During 1869-72, he was obstetrical physician to the Freedmen's Hospital; in 1869-70, physician to the Colored Orphan's Home; in 1871, became physician to the St. John's Sisterhood Hospital for Children; and has been gynecologist to the Providence and Columbia Hospitals; consulting gynecologist to the Emergency Hospital, and Central Dispensary, and He is now president of the Woman's Hospital. (1904), president of the board of administration and gynecologist to the Georgetown University Hospital, and surgeon in charge of his own private for gynecology and abdominal surgery. hospital Besides his professional duties he has been connected with the Georgetown University since 1874, when he was made lecturer; he became pro-
fessor of obstetrics and diseases of women and children in 1870, and he is now professor of gynecology and abdominal surgery, and president of the medical department of the university. Dr. Johnson was president of the American Gynecological Society, the Southern Surgical and Gynecological Association, the Medical Society of the District of Columbia, and the Washington Obstetrical and Gynecological Society, and a member of the societies of the Sons of the Revolution, and Descendants of the. Mayflower, and of the Philosophical and Anthropological Society. He is the author of " American System of Surgery," part of Dennis' and Reed's "Gynecology," and of many papers
and reports of important eases. The honorary degree of A.M. was conferred on him by Columbian University in 1809, and that of Ph.D. by Georgetown University in 1890. He was married in May, 1873, to Edith Maud, daughter of Prof. William F. Bascom. of Washington, D. C., and has seven children.
WESTON, Henry Griggs, clergyman, was born at Lynn, Mass., Sept. 11, 1820. son of John Equality and Hetty (Bacheller) Weston, and a descendant of Stephen Bachiler of London, Eng., who was pastor of the first church of Lynn, Mass., in 1632. His father (1796-1831) was" a. Baptist and at one time publisher of the clergyman " Christian Watchman," Boston, Mass. The son was graduated at Brown University in 1840 and at Newton Theological Seminary in 1843. After JOHNSON, Joseph Tabor, physician, was born being ordained at Frankfort. Ky., in 1843, he at Lowell. Mass., June 30, 1845, son of Lorenzo as a missionary in Tazewell, Woodford Dow and Mary (Burges) Johnson, and a descend- preached and McLean counties in 1843-46; was pastor of ant of John Alden, of Mayflower fame. He at- the Baptist church, Peoria, 111., in 1846-59, and
of the Oliver Street Church. New S ork -me,- ISliS he ha- been president I''*,
was pastor in
Theological Semijiary. Pennsylvania. editor of the "Baptist Quarterly." and was pre-idenl of the \mericaii Baptist Missionary He ha- pulili-hcd a valuable 1'nion in 1S7'-' 71. the four gospels. The degree of A.M. treHtis H.I- conferred on him bv Shurtleff College in 1848
He ua-
of D.I), bv the Cniveisity of Rochester of LL.D. has been bestowed on him by Broun. Bin-knell. Dciiisoii and Southwestern universities. He was married in 1845 to l-'nd.i. daughter of Abraham Van Alder, and again in IB58, to \larv I... daughter of Onslow Peter,
and that in
The degree
nf Peoria,
He had two sons and two daugh-
HEISLEB, na- born ls.-,7.
Iti. I
M iner-ville,
Seminary Career
Washington, Schuylkill
educator, I'a..
Washington L. and Sarah H. He was educated in the Pennand the Lutheran Theological Pa.
of (iett \-lmrg.
After a mercantile
two y/ars he began
teaching school, meaiiH hile preparing for college. lie was graduated at Pennsylvania College with the valedictory in IssO and was at once elected tutor in the preparatory department, where he served two years while
studying theology. Leaving seminary he entered upon his first pastorate at the
Belleville, Pa., in 1883. and served there until 1886, when he was called to Los Cal. He was Angeles, ap-
pointed missionary to Colorado Springs in 1892, but after a few months was called to St. Paul's Lutheran Church of Denver, where he served six years. In 1898 he was elected" head of the reform forces in Denwas president of the quehanna University. Se,
iinsgrove. Pa.. 1899-191)'] and -ince then has been pastor of the First Lutheran of Albany. \. V. He is the author of iiiiny articles emit ributed to the religious and .
press translated Cerhard's "Sacred Meditations" from the Latin 1S9I1I. J)r. lleisler is in great demand as a lecturer upon educational and religious topics. lie was superintendent of normal Bible instruct ion at the Rocky Mountain Chautauqua of Colorado for live years and at the Rock River Assembly of Illinois for five years. Pennsylvania College gave him A.M. in 1883 and Wittenberg College the honorary 1XD. in 1900. He was mar(
ried at Smithsburg. Aid.. Aug. 13, 1884. to Anna, daughter of Alliert Bingham, Fsq., of Maryland, and has 1 wo children. Anna Alarguerite and Charles .
Lawrence, first Roman Catholic Lake. Ha- born in countv Tipperarv -J9. Sept, 1843, -on of Patrick and Catiienne (Ryan) Scanlan. His education wa- received in biiiles. and at the College of All Hallows, where he was graduated in 18(18. Shortly tftcr his ordination to the priesthood. June lii-hop o|
rreland 'I
-'. (-Mine to America, and was at1868, lie tached to the archdiocese of San Francisco, Cal II" Has connected with the mi-ionarv work of t.
.,,, (1
uy and chanty endeared himself to all In 1870-71 he wa- a-i-tant at St. Cathedral. In Mary's WH, l.i-hop (iConnol of the diocese of MarvsI
a-kcd his metropolitan for a priest to aid advancement of the church in a mining camp. At 1'ioche, and Father Scanlan was -ele.-tcd. Nev.. olio miles away from any railroad, and removed from the society of brother priests, he devoted himself to building up the material and In the sumspiritual interests of the church. mer of 1873. he was recalled to the archdiocese of San Francisco, anil wa- appointed pa-tor of Petaluma, but an energetic and consecrated man Ha- needed in I 'tab. then attached to San Franville
to look after the few Catholics scattered over the territory, and Father Scanlan was secisco.
leeted iii IS7:!. by Arel'bi-ho|> Alemany. to lireside over this parish, which was larger in area than the archdioceses of Baltimore. Boston. Chi-
cago. Cincinnati. Xew York. Philadelphia. St. Paul, and San Francisco together, with the dio-e-cs of Albany and Brooklyn added. In the discharge of his duties he traveled all through the state of Utah in stage and on horseback, making a continuous journey of l.ooo miles on horseback in 1877. In 1878, he was appointed vicar foreign of the archdiocese of San Francisco, and in 18S(i, by the Holy See. vicar apostolic of I'tah i
and bishop of Laranda. When C'ity was raised to, the dignity
1S91. Salt Lake of a diocese, with the ea-tern part of Nevada included in its jurisdiction, making the largest diocese in America, and perhaps in the world, Bi-hop Scanlan was, in
His works are la-tits first bishop. ing monument!) of apostolic zeal, energy, and deIn this new votion. country and amid unfavorable surroundings, ten churches, five schools, three appointed
hospitals, two academies, one college, and an orphan asylum, were erected and paid for within twenty years. Bishop Scanlan is not only a pro-
found scholar, but a business man in a preeminent degree. With a keen perception of the future needs of the church, he has secured in Salt Lake, Ogden, and other parts of the great desirable and choice state, some of the most sites for church, school, and hospital buildings, in thosu cities. When he as-umed charge in 1873, the only church property in Utah was a small lot, -to 'by 100 feet, purchased in 1867. by Rev. K. F. Kelly, the Catholic pioneer mission, T. His manly character, charitable disposition, and fearless defense of truth have won the esteem of all
The Mormons, in irrespective of creed. 1878, as an expression of their admiration for his sincerity and honesty of character, invited him to hold services in the St. George Tabernacle, a favor extended to no other non- Mormon clergyman in Utah. classes,
naturalist, was born 1871. son of Dr. descent. He was eduJoseph M. cated in the public schools and F.astbnrn Academy, Philadelphia. He early acquired a knowledge of botany and ornithology by his own elTorts. In 1889 he began the s.inly of medicine in the Hahnemann Medical College, of Philadelphia, and was graduated M. D. in 1892. since which he has practiced his profession in N'arberth. Pa. In 1895 ho was appointed lecturer on botany and zoology in the
B.OTZELL, Willett Enos,
Pa.. Rotzell. of
June Dutch
Hahnemann Medical
College, of Philadelphia, which In 1903 he founded and position he still occupies. became editor of "The Atlantic Slope Naturalist." He is a member of the Amerie n Association for the Advancement of Science. American Society of Naturalists, the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, the American Ornithologists' Union,
Delaware Valley Ornitholoaical Club, the American Anthropological Association, the International Congress of Americanists, and several
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. medical societies. He is the author of a number of articles on natural science, and a text book, entitled "Man: An Introduction to Anthropology.' S., jurist, was born in what now Kundolph county, W. Ya., Sept. 14. 1833, Min of Rhoadham and Nancy Bonniiield. who removed in is:ili to Iowa, where the son was brought
Immediately after his graduation Allegheny College. Meadville, Pa., in 1855, he
up on a farm. ni
was elected president of Richmond College, in In 1850. however, he resigned and removed Ohio. to Kansas, where lie was elected a state senator from Douglas county during the memorable con" the test over Lecompton constitution." His name had been proposed by Gen. James H. Lane, In 1858 he releader of the Free State party. uirncd In Ottmmva, la.; in 1801 went to California,
He served
Humboldt county, Nevada senate in 1869-71,
settled in
a presidential elector on the Silver ticket He was a justice of the supreme court in 1892. of Nevada, 1895-1900, serving as chief justice during 18!!!)- 1900.
and was
jurist, was born at N. H., Oct. 9, 1798, son of Samuel Bell, who was governor of New Hampshire 1819-23. After being graduated at Harvard College in 1 810 he read law. with George Sullivan of Exeter and began In 1820 he removed to Chespractice in Meredith. ter. N. II.. and about five years later was elected to the. legislature, which he also served for sevHe was solicitor for Rockingeral years as clerk. ham county 1823-28, cashier of the Kxeter bank 1830-30 and nine years later settled in Manchester, where he spent the remainder of his life. He was one of the commissioners appointed to revise the .-tate statutes in 1830, 1842 and 1807, was commissioned a judge of the court of common pleas in 1848 and i'n 1849 was made a justice of the suwhich he held perior court of New Hampshire, in the position of chief justice during 1859-64. Judge Bell was instrumental in the establishment of the Manchester public library, was one of the early members and at one time president of the New Hampshire Historical Society and being deeply interested in historical studies, contributed some valuable papers on the early persons and events
BELL, Samuel Dana,
of New Hampshire and collected considerable material for a work upon the history of the courts and bar of the province and state. In 1854 Dartmouth College bestowed upon him the degree of I.L.I). He died in Manchester. July 31, 1808. SARGENT, Jonathan Everett", jurist, was born in New London. N. H., Oct. 23, 1810, son He of Ebenezer and Prudence (Chase) Sargent. was graduated at Dartmouth College in 1840 and two years later was admitted to the bar. In 1843 he settled in Wentworth, became colonel in the New Hampshire militia and was solicitor for Grafton county during 1844-54. He was a representative in the state legislature 1851-53, being speaker of the house during the session of 1852-53 and servd :is president of the state senate in 1854. In (lie following year he was made a justice of the court of common pleas, in 1859 was transferred to the supreme judicial court of New Hampshire, served on that bench until 1874 and was chief justice of the state daring the last year of his term. Judge Sargent was vicepresident and in 1887 president of the New Hampshire Historical Society, president of the New Hampshire Centennial Home for the Aged, president of the Loan and Trust Savings Bank, a director of the National State Capital Bank and was prominent in other financial corporations. In 1809 he received the degree of LL.D. from his alma VOL. XII. 10.
mater. He was married Nov. 29, 1843, to Maria Cordelia Jones of Enfield and after her death was married Sept. 5, 1853, to Louise Jennie, daughter of Col. James K. Paige of Wentworth, N. II. He died in Concord, N. H., Jan. 0, 1890. was born in BIDDLE, Thomas, Philadelphia, Pa,, a nephew of Nicholas liiddle. Having much in British India, in Cuba, diplomatic experience and in South America, he was appointed in 1857 a commissioner to adjust the claims of the United States upon the states of Columbia. In 1801 he was made secretary of legation to Brazil and acted there as charge d'affaires. In 1871 he became minister resident to Salvador, where he remained until 1873, and in 1875 he was appointed minister resident to Ecuador. He held the rank of colonel in the army and served his country abroad for more than twenty years. His death occurred at Guayaquil. May 7, 1875, while on his
to his post.
Christian, artist and inventor, was born at Hanover, Pa.. Dec. 25, 1784, son of Rev. John Christopher and Elizabeth (Sands) Gobrecht. His father, a minister of the German Reformed Church, was a native of Angerstein, Ger-
many, who emigrated to Philadelphia in 1755. The son developed a striking taste for art at an early age. and having been apprenticed to a clockmaker at Manheim, Pa., taught himself engraving and die In conjunction with William H. Freeman he established himself in business in Baltimore as an engraver, and while there invented a medal-ruling masinking.
chine, in
which the ruler is and the board
which carries the plate to be ruled
movable. At
lines were straight only ruled, but later improve-
lines to
curved and be executed.
In 1811 he removed to Philadelphia. He was engaged by Murray. Draper. Fairman & Co., the banknote engravers of Philadelphia, in 1816, and during (he next fifteen years the best specimens of American die sinking were executed by him, among which are the seal of St. Peter'.s Church, the award medal of the Franklin Institute, the Carroll medal, the Charles Wilson Peale medal, the award medal of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics' Society and the award medal of the New England Society for the Promotion of Manufactures and the Mechanic Arts, of which he was himself the first recipient, "for the genius, taste and skill which he evinced in executing the dies therefor." In 1830 he was appointed assistant engraver and die sinker to the United States mint in Philadelphia, and on the death of Mr. Kneas, the principal engraver, in 1839 he was appointed by the president as engraver to the mint, a position he occuIn 1830 he designed what is pied until his death. known as the Gobrecht dollar, having the sitting goddess of liberty on the obverse and a flying The obverse design was eagle on the reverse. adopted for all the silver currency and was used on the dollar until 1871 and on the minor silver The flying eagle was subsecoins until 1891. quently used on a nickel cent. He also invented and manufactured a reed organ consisting of metallic
tongues and case, operated by a bellows and
The first of these instruments was sold to keys. a resident of Lancaster, Pa., about 1821. Another one made in 1832 is still in possession of the in-
146 This instrument
vcntor'.- family.
mdodeon, now
Thomas Hamilton and widow had tuo
the original
He was
of .Mary, dan-liter of Daniel Hcwes and He died in
and two dftHghten. I'.i.,
was D., lawyer and senator, IM.MI in Pcmis.ilvania. on the Monongahela river, lliirdiii of HtWM.I,,,,,. -\ 1780,800 of Col. .lohn Hi- fathT (17.->3-!>2) was a soldier, not iii.ce.-trv. the -,,,ut in 'Lord DniiiiK.re's expedition against ., 8 Indians in 1774. and a lieutenant in Gn. Morgan Alacelebrated retrimcnt of rillcineii. IttbeequenUj the Indian wars, and finally tin-'iiisliing himself in vietim to treacherous wvages while a fallin.' Harnatii.ir a treaty under a Hag of truce.
He his memory. Ky.. perpetuates Kentucky when his son Martin Vas at Transix years old, and the" latter was educated lie was adn-Hted to the bar, svh'ania Academy, and practiced his profession in Franklin county. He scncd in the state legislature, and ill 1812 became iln- secretary of the state of Kentucky. At ut break of the war of 1812 with Great Britain ti he joined the northwestern division of the army, scn'in" with distinction as a major under HarIn 1810 he was appointed by the governor rison. and later elected by the legislature, as U. S. senator from Kentucky, filling the vacancy caused by the resignation of Sen. William T. Barry, and He posin 1817. serving until the end of the term se~- cd a sii]K"rior mind, and as a lawyer was diii
eminently successful, acquiring distinction for his He was the author legal knowledge" and ability. of a volume of Reports of Cases in the Kentucky His wife was a Court o-f Appeals* (1810). jftides made from celluloid, written numerous articles on municipal governi
such as piano keys, combs, dental plates, collars and and a method of applying veneers and inlaid work in celluloid. In 1881-82 he perfected a svs|,.n, of purifying water fordomestic use. which was far in advance of all other methods of filtering, and which has since been put into practical operation in various parts of the United States. In 1900 he invented a scwihg machine capable of tewing fifty rows of lock stitches at once. It is mainly intended for making machine belting, and is now being successfully employed for that purpose by a leading manufacturer. In 1901 he invented a machine for cold rolling and straightening Hie round rods used in machinery shafting, etc.. and the work is accomplished both better and quicker than by previous methods. Between 1891 and 11101 much of his time was devoted to perfecting a machine for extracting the juice from sugarcane. and a part of (lie apparatus is now in suc-
cuffs, etc..
--fill use in Louisiana. The Celluloid Co the Embossing Co.. the Hyatt Roller-Rearing Co the Hyatt Ililliard Rail Co.. the New Jersey Wick Co. and several other large concerns are based upon his inventions, each requiring from one to seventy of his patents for processes and machinery Jlp '" I"' ...... ''! of an unusual amount of natural mechanical and scientific ability and adaptability He is one of those self-made men who have been '
ment for the annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, of which he was elected president in 1902, and for the "Forum."
"North American Review" and other
a member of the International LawAssociation, the American Economic Association and is correspondent of the SocietS d'AnthropolHe is unmarried. ogie, Paris. cals.
SLATER, John Fox,
manufacturer and philan-
thropist, was born in Slatersville, R. I.. Mar. 4, 1815, son of John Slater and a nephew of Samuel " father of American manufactures." Slater, the After receiving an academical education lie was entrusted at the age of seventeen with the management of one of his father's mills. He developed tare business aptitude and. coining in possession of the mill which he in
1872, he greatly enlarged his plant. He also became identified with other large manufacturing
corporations as shareholder and director, and his wise investments ultimately brought him a large fortune, from which he contributed liberally to educational and other philanthropic objects.' He was chiefly instrumental in the establishment of the free academy at Norwich. Conn., and two years after his death a memorial building costing $150.000 Slater.
was erected by his The crownincr 'work
son. William Albert of Mr. Slater's life.
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. was the creation
of the fund for industrial education among the froedmen when, in April, 1882, he placed in the hands of trustees the sum of This has since been known as the $1,000,000. John F. Slater fund. The original trustees of the
Rutherford 13. Hayes, Morrison R. fund were: Waite. William E. Dodge, Phillips Brooks, Daniel C. Gilnuin,
John A. Stewart, Alfred
Morris K. Jesup, James P. Boyee, and William A. Slater. Mr. Slater died at Norwich, Conn., May 1884.
Louis, educator and electrical engineer, was born in Washington, 1). C., Mar. 25, 1802, son of Thomas and Maria (Morris) Duncan. He was educated at the United States Naval Academy, at the age of eighteen, and during being graduated the following two years cruised in the South Pacific station, visiting the ports of South America, Pacific islands, Japan, Alaska, Mexico, Chili and
In 1882 he cruised on the North Atlantic served in 1883 on special duty at the Johns Hopkins University and in the summer of the same year was on duty at the United States Torpedo School at Newport, R. I. During 1883-84 he was again active at Johns Hopkins University, assisting in the work of determining the unit of electrical resistance for the United States government and was stationed during the summer of the latter year at the International Electric Exhibition at Philadelphia, Pa. He was a member of the
board of judges and afterward its chairman. The following year he was ordered to sea on the U. S. steamship Brooklyn, which was assigned to he North Atlantic station. In 1887 he resigned t
from the navy to become associate professor of electricity at Johns Hopkins University, which had conferred upon him the degree of Ph.D. in 1886. He resigned from Johns Hopkins University in 1899 and since 1902 he has been head of the department of electrical engineering at the Massachusetts He published numerous Institute of Technology. papers on topics pertaining to his specialty in electrical periodicals and was the author of the article on electric traction in the Encyclopedia Britannica. vices
took out several patents for demachines and secondary batassociated with many European and
organizations, was elected an of the Franklin Institute, fellow of the American Philosophical Society, member of the Socirti' Mathemati. TRENT, William, colonist, was born in Scotland about 1655. He emigrated to Philadelphia about 1682 and settled on what was once the estate of William Penn, with whom he was associated as a ship owner, lie engaged in business with the Quakers there and being a man of excellent judgment and good sound common sense, l>ecar. a successful merchant. He was a member of the provincial council of Pennsylvania during 1703-21 and was a member of the assembly in 1710, 1715 and 1719, serving during the \\\-.\ term as speaker of the house. In all these positions he enjoyed an enviable reputation and although not a lawyer by profession, was raised to a judge-ship in the supreme court of Pennsylvania. As early as 1714 he bought several hundred acres of land upon which the capital of New Jersey now stands. He settled there seven years later and the place was named for him Trent's Town, which was subIt was then nothsequently changed to Trenton. ing but a hamlet, there being only two or three and Trent is houses, justly regarded as the founder of Trenton. He represented Uurlington county in the assembly and was made speaker in September, 1723. Soon afterward he was appointed chief justice of the and held this office until his colony death which occurred in Trenton, Dec. 25, 1724. .1
Sir John, colonial governor,
England, probably about 1G10. lie served in the army, attaining the rank of colonel, and about IGoO, emigrated to Barbadoes, We>t Indies, and engaged in pfanting. He appears to have become very influential in local political affairs, and in July, 1000, served on the council of that colony. In 1003, a number of planters in llarbadoes made arrangements with the proprietors of Carolina for establishing a colony at Cape Yeainans was appointed governor of the Fear. new colony, Jan. 11, 1005, with a jurisdiction extending from Cape Fear to San Mateo, and the country was called Clarendon. In January, 1005, lie Bailed with three vessels from Barbadoes, and after a stormy voyage reached Cape Fear, but the settlement did not survive, and the colonists In 1009, the lords proreturned to Barbadoes. prietors, with a view of planting another settlement, sent out three shiploads of emigrants from England in charge of Joseph West. In October, they reached Barbadoes, where Yeamans took charge of the expedition, but withdrew from its born
management when
it arrived at Bermuda, and, under authority given by the commissioners, appointed William Sayle governor. Under his com-
they reached Port Royal, Carolina, in 1670, a permanent settlement at Albemarle Point, which they called Charles Town (now Charleston. S. C.), in honor of King Charles II; and which became the nucleus of the province of It was removed to its present South. Carolina. William Sayle. its first governor. site in 1080. was a prominent political leader in the Bermudas, where he had held the governorship several times, and had made himself obnoxious to all parties by intrigues, and by embroiling himself A contemporary writer, successively with "each. describes him as a Puritan and Nonconformist,
and founded
religious bigotry, advanced age. and failing health promised badly for the discharge of the task before him." Yet the settlement flour-
and the following year it was increased by Dutch emigrants from New York, and from Holland, and by the arrival of Yeamans from Barbaished,
does, with about 200 African slaves, the first that were landed on this continent. Gov. Sayle soon sank under the climate and hardships to which
the settlers were exposed, and died, Mar. 4, 1071, nominating, with the approval of the colonists,
Joseph West as his successor. The proprietors, however, appointed Yeamans, Aug. 21, 1071, and he was proclaimed governor at Charles Town, Apr. The colony during his administration 10. 1072. suffered from internal dissensions, and was. threatened both by the Spaniards and Indians. He seems to have conducted affairs solely for his own advantage and profit, and in April. 1074, he was removed from office in favor of his predecessor. He thereupon returned to Barbadoes, where he. died in August of the same year. WEST, Joseph, colonial governor, was a native of England,, and was probably attached to the service of one of the eight proprietors of Carolina. On July 27. 1009, he was given the command of a small fleet of three ships loaded with emigrants and stores, and ordered by the proprietors to sail from London for Port Royal, Carolina, by way of Barbadoes, and to settle there a new plantation (South Carolina) under constitutions drawn up by the celebrated English philosopher, John Locke, then secretary of the proprietors. West sailed from the Downs in the Carolina," Aug. 17, 1009, and the following March the expedition reached Port Royal. A few months later they sailed up Charleston harbor, landing three miles above the mouth of the Ashley river, where they founded '
which was removed to Oyster Point ten years later. West took from the first a leading part in the conduct of affairs as deputy to the governor, William Sayle. and unon the latter's death. Mar. 4. 1671, he was unanimously chosen governor by the colonial council. His selection, however, was not con-
-1)011 afterward liy Iluproprietor-, who sir .)oii)i .lohn cil man-, u atL of .-11 ia\O) 01 HUM III in favor superseded |HT-eiIeU him ycaman-. " llu- SHIM- time appointing West register of all vviiting-. anil documents." lint Ycamans. who on Hcciniiit Hi hi-- a\.n ice and indifference In hi- public diilii-- proved popular neither with the settlers nor with iiir p MJII id -. \\:i- removed from oMice
tinned -II
in 1074. and eoiinni ioncd
isth of that
governor and made" a landgrave. His administration \va- marked liy eare. lidclity and lie obtained deed- of lran.-1'cr of lands prudciic (." from Indian chiefs, made regulations respecting the militia, road-, the -t:itns of servants and for suppressing idleness, slaves, and pa--ed ac-ts I'ndrr him was also dninkcnnc-s, ami profanity. cniiimcneci! the building of the Knglish ehureh in .
rhi-e of
Ki82, We-t was removed from the governorship, lint this action being -mill regret led. he was reap|>inted in Septemlier. Ills). In the summer of the following year he re-JL-ned his p,,-t for private reasons, the colony. Of hi- subsequent career, iiinl left nothing definite is known. Joseph, colonial governor, was a native of Kngland. About 1080. he emigrated to South < anilina with a company of dissenters and -el led al Kdisto. Having in a single month induced some ."i(K) persons to settle there, he was reu a riled by the proprietors with the title of landgrave, (in May 18, 1082, he was commissioned governor of South Carolina, but. his administration was of short duration. Although a man of
. ami ii|iuii hi> arrival at ( 'harl"-l.ni. early in His ad\l'.\l. was jo\ fully riTi'ivi'd by thr jicople. ministration was marked by the issuance of several act- regarding tin- granting of land to new -et
ami l>\ a protracted boundary dispute with Vulli Carolina, tlie two colonies being fur the first time constituted entirely separate prnvinees. lie
inlet lior|ie in the settlement providing I'm id and escort to his during his term the settlement of I'm rysliiirg wa- made by tlie Swiss under Jean 1'ierre 1'iirrv. (!ov. Johnson endeared himself to the |H'n|ile by his high-minded eharaeter. which nou for him the title of the " good governor." He remained in otlice till liis death, which took In the place in Charleston. S. ('.. May :!. 17::.">. same year the general assembly erected a monuniileil
nf (Georgia by e.dnnists. and
ment to his memory in St. Philip's Church, where it remained until the ediliee was burned in 1835. MOORE, James, colonial governor of South Carolina, was the son of James Moore, governor of the colony in 1700-02, from whom he inherited a rebellious spirit and military courage. Having larly acquired renown as an Indian tighter, in a joint expedition was sent 17I.'(. when by the Carolina* against, the Tusearoras, who had ravaged the lands of tlie northern settlers, Gov. Craven placed him in charge of the South Carolina forces. He completely routed the savages, a part of whom lied the country, and ascending the Uoanoke. finally joined the Five Nations of the in New York, thenceforth Froquoil making the sixth. Two years afterward, when the province was again in danger from Indian depredations, Moore was made Commander-in-chief of the colonial militia, with the title of lieutenant-general. lint he was subsequently removed from this post for his active opposition to the authority of the On Dec. 21, 1710, the proprietary proprietors. government was overthrown, and the assembly chos,. Moore governor in the name of the king, lie continued in this office till the arrival of Sir Francis Nicholson, commissioned as royal governor in 1721, when lie was elected speaker of the assembly, lie died in Charleston S C 1'Vh.
NICHOLSON, Sir Francis, colonial statesman and provisional governor. After the charter of the proprietors of South Carolina had been declared forfeited by the crown, he was selected to inaugurate the era of royal government in that province, and Sept. 20. 1720. was commissioned laional governor of South Carolina On arriving 11, harlcston. May 1. 1721, he devoted (
which subsequently became the basis of instructions to all his successors under the royal authorThis scheme retained the essential forms oi ity. government as it existed under the proprietor-. with some important modifications and provision-. which widened the scope of the crown's pieroLi ativcs and abridged certain rights and privilegeof the colonists, which they had
previously enjoyed at home. These afterward became the source of contenprovisions tions, but Nicholson had no trouble in administering them, yet by his wi-e conduct -ncceeded in He apingratiating himself with the colonists. plied himself with zeal to u settlement of the frontiers, established a fort, on the Altamaha as a protection against the Spaniards. French, ami Indians, and concluded treaties of friendship and alliance with the Chcrokecs and Creeks, whom he had entirely conciliated by protecting their lands from the encroachments of the colonists, lie was an active promoter of the religious ami educational interests of the colony, and is said to have spent his salary ill order that churches and public schools might be built and endowed in Charleston and other parishes. During his administration Charleston was incorporated as a citv i.iune 2.'!, 1722). and a municipal government constituted. He remained in oflice till April. 172."). when he returned to Kngland, but retained the nominal go\ ernorship of the colony until his dea.h. Mar. Z, I72S. (For his career as governor of Maryland, Virginia, etc.. see vol. VII. p. MIDDLETON, Arthur, colonial governor of South Carolina, was born in South Carolina in 1(181. son of Edward Middleton. Hi- tat her was a native of England, where he inherited a considerable property, but removed to Harbadoes. and thence; with his brother Arthur, in li'.TS. to Carolina, where they received large grants of laud in Berkeley county, and settled important plantations; be took an active part in public all'airs. was made lords proprietors' deputy in 1078, was appointed assistant justice of the province in Jannary, 1083, and he died in Charleston, S. C.. in 1085. Arthur Middleton was probably educated in England;
common with Englishmen
he inherited large estates in Carolina, Barbadoes, and in In 1704, he was England. a member of the commons house of assembly, voted for the act the establishing Church of England in the colony, and was one of the commissioners appointed to
carry out
also served as commissioner of Indian affairs, of banks, free schools, public library,
and other internal all'an's. was appointed Lord Carteret's deputy and naval ollieer for South Carolina in 1711, and from that year till 1717 was a member of the
ince r
and afterward speaker
of the
he was sent to solicit the aid of Virginia in the Indian war. and having been successful in his mission received the thanks of the province. 171. >.
himself to settling the disturbed state of the col"y. which under the feeble rule of the proprihad wcl mgh drifted into He anarchy. "'ought with him a new plan of government in form of instructions given him in
He was a leader in the movement for the royal government, and in 1719 was president of the convention which overthrew the proprietors' auFrom 1721 until his death, he was presithority. dent of the council, and as such administered the province during the absence of Oov. Nicholson, in 1725-29. His administration was distracted
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. commotions and contentions between the and the commons over the currency, but lie upheld the royal authority and restrained disHe held the alTection with tact and firmness. }>y civil
boundaries of the province against (lie Spanish, broke the power of the Indians by a bold attack, and checked the encroachments of the French in Louisiana. He encouraged trade and agriculture, and schools, and being established chapels " equally careful to promote loyalty to the king as the freedom and safety of his fellow-subjects," the province enjoyed great prosperity under his rule, notwithstanding the fact that he was not very popular personally. Gov. Middleton was married in 1707, to Sarah, daughter of Jonathan Amory, speaker of the commons: and on Aug. 3, 1723, "to Sarah Wilkinson, widow of Joseph MorHe died in Charleston, P. C.. Sept. 7, 1737. ton. BROUGHTON, Thomas, colonial governor of South Carolina, became a resident of Charleston as early as lti!)0, was on the list of proprietors' deputies as the representative of Lord Carteret in 1702, and was colonel of one of the royal regiments in 1704. He was married to a daughter of Sir Nathaniel Johnson, and during the latter's administration was a member of his council, in which capacity he signed the Church act of May 4, 1704, requiring that the members of the commons licmse of assembly conform to the worship In 1700, he was made of the Church of England. one of the free school commissioners, and in the same year entered upon a violent contest over the governorship, which he claimed was wrested from him by Oibbes through bribery. The controversy ended in riot, but was ultimately settled In 1710, Broughton was in favor of his rival. chosen speaker of the assembly, and in 1710, was commissioned as an assistant to the judge of He again admiralty to try a band of pirates. served on the council, 1717-19. and in the latter year was appointed a commissioner to regulate the Indian trade. In 1729, he was made lieutenant-governor of South Carolina, simultaneously with the appointment of Robert Johnson as governor, and upon the latter's death in 1735, the administration of the province devolved upon him. The brief period of his rule was chiefly remarkable for the beginning of the constitutional Druggies between the assembly and the representatives of the crown, especially over the right to originate grants of money. Gov. Broughton was a plain, honest gentleman, but little distinguished for qualities suited to his exalted position. Being unsuspicious, he was easily accessible to the influence of unscrupulous men. who persuaded him to grant them warrants for lands thov desired. He died in Charleston, S. C., Nov. 22. '17:57.
colonial governor, was born Ashley Hall, S. C.. in April, 1083, son of His father was Lord Ashley's Stephen Bull. deputy, and came from England on the Carolina He obtained large grants of land there, in 100!). and in 1071, assisted in selecting the site of As one of the five original proprieCharleston. tors' deputies, he exercised great influence in the
BULL, William,
several times member of the provinand fdled other positions, both military and civil. Being a successful trader and explorer, in 1(590 he was appointed by Oov. Archdale to treat with the Indians of the North Carolina coast. He died at his seat on Ashley river about 170fi. His son. William, was a member of the commons house of South Carolina during 1700-19, and proprietor*' deputy in 1719. Though loyal to the proprietors, he was on the change of government appointed a member of the king's coun-
colony, cial
South Carolina, sen-ing as such during He was in the Tuscarora and Vemassee wars, and was commissioner of Indian affairs in 1721. When Oglethorpe arrived to settle Georgia, in 1733, he was appointed to assist him in the work of colonization, and on Feb. 9, 1733, " Mr. Oglethorpe and Col. Bull marked out the town " of Savannah. Upon the death of Gov. cil
Middleton. Sept. 7, 1737, Col. Bull became president of the council, and on Gov. Broughton's death, Nov. 22nd, the government devolved upon him, a regular governor not having been appointed by the crown, since the death or Gov. In 1738, a commission was issued to Johnson. Col. Samuel Horsey, but shortly afterward he died suddenly without leaving England. On June 3rd of the same year Bull was appointed lieutenant-governor, and as such administered the province with ability, tact, and courage, till 1743, when a new governor arrived. In his time the province suffered from a series of disasters, such as. yellow fever, smallpox, destructive fires, and crop-destroying droughts, but despite these he made his administration one of the most successful and popular in the history of the province. In 1739, occurred the first insurrection of negro slaves, who already outnumbered the whites; but it was suppressed before it assumed large proportions. Gov. Bull aided Oglethorpe with supplies and reinforcements for the latter's expedition to Florida in 1741, and by his influence kept the Indians quiet. Beside the estates received from his father, he obtained large grants in the provHe was ince, and settled the fine Sheldon estate. married to Mary, daughter of Richard Quintyne, and had five children, of whom his second son, William Bull, subsequently administered the province for many years. He continued as lieutenant-governor till his death, which took place at Sheldon. S. C., Mar. 21, 1755. GLEN, James, colonial governor of South Carolina, was born at Linlithgow, Scotland, in He was educated at the University of Ley1701. den, and on returning home, held several political In December, 1738, he was commissioned offices. governor of South Carolina, but holding at that time the post of inspector of seigniories in Scotland, did not arrive in the province till Dec. 19, 1743. He was a man of considerable knowledge and ability, courteous and polite, and exceedingly fond of military parade and ostentation. He entertained friendly relations with the Cherokee Indians, and in the fall of 1753 visited their country and concluded a treaty by which an immense extent of their territory was ceded to the king. Fort Prince George was erected at Keowee on the newly acquired tract, and from that time the. English began to settle the upper part of South Carolina, inaugurating a new era of prosperity for the province and largely contributing to its interest and safety. During his administration the principles of constitutional government were advanced by drawing the line more sharply between legislative, executive, and judicial branches, and by formally separating and defining the reA spective functions and limitations of each.
notable event was the introduction of indigo culture by Eliza Luoas. afterward the wife of Chief Justice Charles Pinckney. About 1744, she received some indigo seeds from her father and Gov. Glen successfully experimented with them. administered the colony till June, 1750. when he was superseded by W. H. Lyttleton. In 1701. he " A Description of South published in London, Carolina." LYTTLETON, William Henry, colonial governor of South Carolina, was born in England,
158 Dee. 2).
son of Sir
. He was one of the ablest and most popular administrators the province ever had. and took a leading part in the stirring until
events that preceded the revolution. A staunch supporter of the royal authority, his position was most difficult in those troublesome times, but he adhered to the line of duty so strictly that he was honored and loved by all classes, 'llis name was excluded from the Confiscation act, and the influence he had exerted was so great that it has been said that he might have prevented the revolution in South Carolina, had the British government given him full commission with plenary powers. Although unmolested by the revolutionary authorities, he left the province for England in 17S2,
mainder worthy extreme
of his life in fact,
in 1,4;>
commissioner under the. Church act brigadier-general of the provincial forces 17:51s appointed a member of the council for South Carolina, Dec. 15. 1740, and on May ?0 I was made commissioner to treat with the I;. -Nations. Having considerable knowledge of i
he strongly advised Gov.
war with the Cherokees, butLyttleton accom him on the expedition. In 1750. he was JOlnted lieutenant-governor, which office he
for sixteen
consecutive years.
Lyttletons departure he assumed the government of tho province.
ized forces
and bavin.',.,! cheeked the incursions of the Chero1,1.
kees and forced their submission.
He was
that by his will, political opponents, executed in London in 170(1. Christopher Gadsden and Kawlins I.owndes wen? appointed executors of his estate. Gov. Bull was married, A 112. 17. 1740. to Hannah, daughter of Othneal Beal. 'They
had no
died in London. July
Thomas, was appointed
to succeed W. II^Lyttleton as governor of South Carolina, but did not come to America, the affairs of the colony being conducted in his absence by Lieut.-Gov. William Bull. (For biography -.-,vol.
VII, p. 375.)
BOONE, Thomas,
Jersey and South Carolina.
governor of New-
He was
South Carolina, and owned an estate in that province, but little is definitely known of his hisof
tory, outside of his gubernatorial career.
In K.V.i. he was appointed governor of New Jersey, and arrived there on May 10. 1700, but was' transferred as governor of South Carolina in April of the following year. He seems to have made warm friends during his brief career in many NewJersey, rather from his genial manners and apof parent honesty purpose than his bearing and as a chief His reputation ability magistrate. preceeding him, he was received with honors on his arrival in Charleston. S. C., Dec. 22. 17(11. Hut he was soon considered " arbitrary and im" and gained the iil will of the colonists perious by "taking upon himself to be the sole jud-e of elections." He claimed exclusive right to administer the oath, and assumed the power to reject members whom the house had declared to be regularly elected. the members of Thereupon the commons, led by Laurens. Gadsden. Lynch Pinckney, and the Riitledges. refused to hold any intercourse with him. This painful controversy over the elective franchise was not settled when
sailed for
British troops, spending the revoluntary exile. prai-e illustrating his relations with his the,
and the
devolved upon Lieut. -Gov. Bull. Notwithstanding the time waited in dispute-, the colony during his government received a hti",addition to its population. The peace with the French and Spanish, secured by the treaty of Paris, in November. 1702, made the upper conn try purchased by Glen from the Cherokees safe for settlement, and immigrants began to pour in from Pennsylvania. Virginia, and even Europe. MONTAGU, Lord Charles Greville, royal of governor South Carolina, was born in England May 20. 1741. the second son of Robert, "third duke of Manchester. He was a knight of the shire of Huntingdon, and was at one time governor of Jamaica. In 1700. he was appointed "ovemor of South Carolina, and arriving there on June 17th, was received by the people with demonstrations of loyalty, the obnoxious Stamp Act having just been repealed. The cordiality of tlieir
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. relations was not much disturbed during the earlier part of his administration. On May 23, 1708, the go\ ernor embarked on a trip for the North and visited Philadelphia and Boston, the affairs of the colony being in the meantime conducted by Lieut. -Gov. William Bull. Having returned to his post, Oct. 30, 1708, he devoted his attention to the disturbed condition of the newly settled upper of regular country, where, owing to the absence " " courts of justice, an association of regulators was formed by the inhabitants with the object of An effort was summarily dealing with offenders. made to suppress the " regulators," and ultiwas mately a circuit court law passed and courts of justice established at Ninety-six. Orangeburg,
and Camden. On July 29, 1709, Montagu embarked for England to recover his shattered health, and the government of the province again devolved upon Bull. He returned to the colony, Sept. 15, 1771, and immediately became embroiled in disputes with the commons over the non-importation
and other questions which agitated the minds of the American colonists during the antetroops,
revolutionary period. Finally worn out with the hopeless st niggle with the representatives of the people, who lirmly resisted all attempts at infringement upon what they regarded as their constitutional rights and privileges, the governor resigned his office, and sailed for England, Mar. 11, 177.'!, the administration for the fifth time devolving upon William Bull. In 1780, Lord Montagu entered the service of the British army in America, where he obtained leave to raise a regiment from rebels taken prisoners. He died in England, in
January, 1784.
Lord William,
last royal gover-
nor of South Carolina, was the third brother of the duke of Argyll. Having entered the British navy he became a captain, Aug. 20, 1762. Two years later he was elected a member of parliament, and during 1700-73, was governor of Nova Scotia. In 1774, he was commissioned to succeed Lord Montagu as governor of South Carolina and arriving there, June 18, 1775, at once entered upon his
He was no
stranger in the province,
having been married, in 1703, to Sarah Zard, a young lady from one of the oldest and richest families in South Carolina. He professed great attachment for the people, and was received with due courtesy, although at the time of his arrival the royal government had already been virtually superseded by the provincial congress. It was soon discovered however that he maintained a correspondence with friends in the back country ntid the border settlements with a view to fomenting insurrectionary movements against the popular cause. This aroused the indignation of the patriots, whose attitude became more and more threatening, and the military stores being secured by them, Gov. Campbell, in September, 1775, found himself compelled to take refuge on board the British sloop of war " Tamaro." He threatened Charleston with this vessel until forced by the guns of Fort Johnson to retreat. He then sailed for Jamaica, and in the following year joined Sir Peter Parker in the latter's attempt to subjugate the southern provinces. He was given command of the lower deck of Parker's flagship, the " Bristol," and during the attack on Fort Moultrie, June 28. 1770, received a wound in his side, which was riot at first reported as serious, but from the effects of which he ultimately died, Sept 5. 177S.
RTJTLEDGE, John, first
governor (1770-82) Carolina. See vol. I, p.
president (1770-78) and of the state of South 21.
15 9 and presiwas born at
dent of South Carolina
St. Kitts, British West Indies, in January, 1721, son of Charles and Ruth (Rawlins) Lowndes. His parents having settled in Charleston, S. C., in 1730, he was educated there, and at the age of fourteen began reading law with Provost-Marshal Robert Hall. In 1742, he was appointed provost-marshal to succeed Mr. Hall, who had died two years previously, and fdled this office till 1752, when he commenced the practice of law in Charleston. Soon afterward he was elected a member of the South Carolina legislature, and subsequently became speaker of the house and justice of the quorum. Karly in 1766, he was appointed by the crown as associate judge. He delivered the opinion of the majority of the court in favor of the legality of public proceedings without the employment of stamped paper, and refused to enforce its use in his court. He was the author of the resolution passed the same year in the South Carolina assembly, for the erection in Charleston of a statue of William Pitt, in acknowledgment of the services he rendered the colonies by sustaining their constitutional rights, and especially by causing the repeal of the Stamp Act. On the outbreak of the revolution, although opposed to aggressive measures, he joined
the patriotic party. elected a member
He was of
provincial congress of South Carolina, of the committee of safety appointed in 1775, and also of the committee of eleven which drafted a Constitution for the province in 1776. The provincial congress of South Carolina passed a declaration of independence of the British
Mar. 26, 1776, and Lowndes became a member
the legislative council created by the new Constitution. In February, 1778, he was chosen to succeed John Rutledge as president of the state, and continued of
when he tion
March, 1779, an elec-
as governor.
He was
subsequently a member of the South Carolina senate, and upon the declaration of peace in 1783, was elected to the assembly, serving until the seat of government was removed from Charleston to Columbiain!790. He strenuously opposed the United States' Constitution, when submitted to the states for adoption in January, 1788, objecting chiefly to the restrictions on slavery, to the clause giving congress power to regulate commerce, and to the centralization of power in the Federal government. He contended that these provisions would give a dangerous superiority to the North, and would prove fatal to the liberties of the states by reducing them to the condition of mere corporations. Lowndes was married first, Aug. 15, 1748, to Amarinthia Elliott, of Rantoules, Stone River: second, Dec. 23, 1751, to Mary Cartwright, of Charleston, S. C.; and third, about 1780, to Sarah Jones, of Georgia. His son Thomas, by his second wife, was a prominent merchant and a member of the 7th and Sth congresses. Another son, William, by his third wife, served five times in conPres. gress, and became a renowned statesman. Lowndes died at his home in Charleston, S. C..
John, statesman, jurist, ami MCgovernor of Smitli Carolina (1782 S:i was l).irn ill South Carolina ill I7H. He passed tin- Middle Temple as a banister in I7(!4: returned to Smith Carolina and wa- elected to the commons house of assembly in March. 177- \vns an
olid state
leader of the icvoltit ionary party in South Mratin*, and nru appointed liy the convention of tuber of the "general BOOUnittee" .lime. 177). a of ninety-nine, which was praetieally the governing power in South Carolina t'n-iii June, 1774, to He was a member of the lir-t pro.liini'. I77">. vincial congress of Smith Carolina, which met ill .liiiinary. 177."i, ami al-o of the second provincial ac-ti\((
congress, which met Nov. 1, 177">, and when the latter eongrecs, on Mar. 2(>. 177(i. declared South Carolina froo and Independent of Great Britain
up an
elected one of the three a-i>tant judges of the court of general se-sions and common pleas; was ted a nieinU-r of the house of representatives established under the new Constitution, in October, 1770, and when the house met in December following lie was chosen speaker. He was re-elected iu November, 1778, and was chosen by the legislature, on Feb. 20, I77!l. one of the five delegates to the continental congress. He was re-elected to riinuie-s. Feb. 1, 17MJ, and after the defeat of Gates in South Carolina in that year, when it was proposed to purchase peace and independence by
the Carolinas and Georgia, Mathews so vehemently opposed the suggestion as to defeat it before it took shape in congress. In January, 1782, he was elected governor of South Carolina to succeed .lohn Rutledge, and filled the executive chair till February, 1783. Soon after entering: upon his duties he was involved in a conwith Gen. Greene, caused by the detroversy plorable condition of the American soldiery at the end of the war. The southern army, thrown for its support entirely upon South Carolina, soon exhausted the resources of the province, and being unable to obtain further supplies, proceeded to collect food at the point of the bayonet. Being resisted 1\- the inhabitants, the troop.-i nearly mutinied, leaving the state defenseless," but the danger was averted by the firm conduct of Gov. Mathews. During his term the assembh proceeded to re-establish all the branches of civil government, while laws were passed for the confiscation of the estates of tories and for banishing those who were active friends of the British. But these tringent enactments were afterward modified or repealed by the terms of the British evacuation of Charleston, which took place on Dec. 14, 17S2. t'pon retiring from the gubernatorial chair. Gov. Mathews was elected to the privy council and filled this position until he resigned in May, 1784, being succeeded by Thomas Gadsden. He was elected bv the legislature in March, 1784. one of the three Judge* of the court of chancery; was returned to the house of representatives 'in November, 1784: was made one of the three judges of the court of equity upon the reorganization of the judiciary system of South Carolina in Feb rnary, 1791. and resigned in November 1797 He sacrificing
Oct. 20,
third governor of His grandfather. John t.iierard, was a French Huguenot of noble extraction, who. in 108.-). after the repeal of the Edict f Nantes, went to London and thence to Charleston. S. C.. where he settled and became a merchant. His son John, the father of Benian-in wa, married to a daughter of Chief Justice Charles Benjamin Guerard obtained a commission o practice law at the South Carolina bar. Jan 9
GyERARD, nth Carolina
On the outbreak of the revolutionary war, 17(11. he identified himself with the patriots, and soon rose to prominence in their counsel!!. After the capture of Charleston by the British, he was made a prisoner and taken to Philadelphia. Many of his comrades were destitute, not a few actually
wanting bread, and in this plight Gucrard displayed a generosity which was ne\ er forgotten by his fellow-prisoners. Possessing extensive property, he otlered to pledge it as security for to be a sum exclusively appropriated to their maintenance. Although failing in this undertakconduct contributed to the success of his subsequent public career. lie was chosen a member of the privy council under Gov. Mathews, and, with Edward Rutledge acted as commissioner to negotiate, with the British an agreement to pre\eiit, plunder at their evacuation of Charleston. On Feb. 4, 1783, he was elected governor of the state, continuing in the oli'ce till ]7S">. During his administration Charlestown was incorporated ing, his
tinder its present
(Charleston), the town of
Stateburg was founded by Gen. Sumter. and cotton was first cultivated in the state for export though on a limited scale. Gov. Guerard was married
of Col.
170G, to Sarah, daughter (Bull) Middleton: and
Thomas and Mary
to a Miss Kenyon. granddaughter of Benjamin Godin. He died in Charleston, S. in January. 17S9. MOULTBIE, William, fourth and eighth governor of South Carolina (1785-87. 1794-90). See secondly,
< '.,
vol. I, p. 90.
PINCKNEY, Thomas, fifth governor of South Carolina (I7S,-S9), was born in Charleston. S. C., Oct. 23, 17SO, son of Charles and Elizabeth (Lucas) Pinckney, and grandson of Thomas I'inckney, the founder of the family in America, who emigrated from Lincolnshire, Eng., to Charleston in 1(592. His father was a lawyer, and served as chief justice of the colony.
In 1744. he
was married to Elizabeth, daughter of George Lucas. in the lieutenant-colonel English army, and governor the island of Antigua.
marriage, she her father's estate near Charleston, and introduced indigo from the
had charge
which soon remunerative
crop; this was the first successfully raised in America, and the cultivation was encouraged by the English
She was said government. to be clever, energetic, and well educated. After her marriage, she imported coand succeeded in coons, raising
to England in 1753, with her husband, she carried a quantity of the silk, which she had woven into brocade: it was pronounced by the weavers "equal !o the best Lyons silk." Her descendants still possess a dress made from a piece of it. Thomas I'inck-
ney accompanied his parents to England, and was educated at Westminster and Oxford. He also studied law in the Inner Temple, was admitted as a barrister, and returning to f 'baric-ton was admitted to the bar in 1774. On June 7. 1775. he was made first lieutenant of one of the regiments raised in South Carolina, and later rose to the rank of major. He became aid to Gen. Lincoln when he took command of the Southern
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. army, Dec. 7, 1778; acted in that capacity to Count D'Estaing at the siege of Savannah, arid was the only oflicer who brought off his command He was intrusted with the in order, Oct. 9, 1779. most exposed parts of the works in the defense of Charleston; was aid to Gates at the battle of Camden, Aug. 10, 1780: was there wounded and left for dead on the field; was captured and sent as a prisoner of war to Philadelphia. He was elected governor of the state by the legislature on Feb. 20, 1787, served for two years, and engaged in restoring South Carolina after the ravages of war. During his administration, the Installment Law was passed, and the last installment was made payable. Mar. 25, 1703; this was the final on the part of the state to interfere between debtor and creditor. In 1789, he declined the office of U. 8. district judge for South effort
a member of the legislature of 1791, and drew the act to establish a court of equity. On Jan. 16, 1792, he was appointed by Washington minister to Kngliind. While abroad he was employed on a special mission in Spain and negotiated the treaty of San Lorenzo (signed Oct. 27, 1795), by which the free navigation of the Mississippi was obtained, and the demarcation line of 31 N. established as the boundary between the Spanish possessions in North AmerHe was recalled at ica and the United States. his own request, and returned to Charleston in He 17!Hi, after declining the mission to France. served in the Gth congress, 1799-1801. but when the Federalist party lost power retired to private life. When the war of 1812 broke out he was appointed a major-general and given charge of the (ith military district, which extended from Virto Louisiana. He was a trained soldier, finia aving spent a year in the study of military science in Caen, France, besides having an experience of eight years in the continental army. There was, however, little opportunity for Gen. PinckiK-y to distinguish himself. While he was in the field, Jackson defeated the Creeks, and under Gen. Pinckney's advice, the department was divided and Jackson put in command of the southwest division. After the war he resigned his commission and retired to private life. He succeeded his brother, Charles Cotesworth, as fourth president-general of the Cincinnati. He was marCarolina.
first, to Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob Motte and Rebecca Brewton, celebrated for their patriotism during the revolution. She bore him two sons and two daughters; second, to Mrs. Middleton (nee Motte). Gen. Pinckney died in Charleston, S. C., Nov. 2. 1828. PINCKNEY, Charles, sixth, ninth, and four-
teenth governor of South Carolina (1789-92; 1796-98; 1806-08), was born in Charleston, S. C., in 1758, son of Charles and Frances (Brewton) Pinckney, and second cousin of Thomas Pinckney, who preceded him in the gubernatorial chair. His father was a lawyer and one of the most prominent patriots in South Carolina during the revolution he was president of the South Carolina convention of January, 1775; president of the senate in 1779. and of the council in 1780. The son was educated in Charleston under Dr. Oliphant, became highly accomplished as a classical scholar, and studied law with his father. He entered with zeal into the cause of the patriots; became a member of the legislature in 1779: was captured on the fall of Charleston on May 12. 17SO, and went a prisoner to St. Augustine. Here he, was detained with others on board the prison ship, and with Gen. John P.arnwcll was appointed by bis fellow-sufIn 1785, ferers to protest against this action. he became a member of the continental congress. VOL. XII. 11. ;
In 1786, he joined Monroe in that body in opposing the rclinqiiishment of the Mississippi, and was also appointed by congress a member of the committee sent to New Jersey to urge the legislature of that state to comply with the requisitions of congress which she had refused to do. Pinckney made the address to the legislature, and the committee accomplished its purpose. He was a member of the convention of 1787, and presented to that body on May 29th a plan for a constitution drawn by himself, of which no authentic record remains, for the paper furnished by Mr. Pinckney
" later in life and printed in Elliot's Debates," is in no sense a copy of the instrument laid before the convention, but is, as internal evidence and " Madison's Notes " prove, a copy, with slight alterations, from the report of the committee to
In 1788, he was a the South Carolina convention, by which the Federal Constitution was ratified. He became governor in 1789; was president of the convention of 1790, which adopted a new Constitution for the state, and was re-elected governor in Dur1791, without opposition, serving until 1792. ing his administration, the public records were removed from Charleston to Columbia, the new capital the first session of the assembly met there in January, 1790, and on June 3rd of the same year the new Constitution of the state was ratified. This period was also marked by a rapid increase in the population of the state, especially in the upper country, new settlers coming from Pennsylvania, Virginia, and North Carodraft a Federal Constitution.
and many of the Brittraders and banished Tories returning to reoccupy their old places. In 1790, when the census of the United States was taken, the population of South Carolina was nearly 250,000, of whom 140,178 were whites. In 1795, Pinckney
ling, ish
In treaty, elected governor for the third time, defeating Gen. Andrew Pickens. He served until 1798, and in that year was elected to the U. S. senate, again defeating Gen. Pickens, and serving from Dec. 4. 1798, until his resignation in In 1800. he was an active promoter of the 1801. election of Jefferson, publishing a series of ad" dresses in his favor under the signature of opposed 1796,
Republican," and another series denouncing the Alien and Sedition Laws. In this campaign he was opposed to his cousin, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, who was a candidate for vice-president on the ticket with Adams. In 1802, he became U. S. minister to Spain, and negotiated the treaty by which Spain released all claim to Louisiana, which France had transferred to the United States. On his return in 1806, he was elected to the state legislature, and by that body was again elected goverifor. He served until 1808, and during this term the right of suffrage was accorded by the legislature to all white citizens, without requiring a property qualification. He was elected to the legislature in 1810 and 1812; retired from political life in 1814. but was again elected to congress from the Charleston district in spite of Federalist sentiment, and served through the 15th congress (1817-19). In 1820, he made an able speech against the Missouri Compromise. This was the
He published about last act of his public life. this time a pamphlet in which he advocated the
election of Monroe again-) Crawford, and also an e\teii-ive account of hi- travel- through Fiance, Italy,
s.p.iin. a
n 1820, but was defeated. He then served as a member of the state senate, 1827-34, and joining the Democratic party was elected in the latter year as a Union Democrat to congress, where he served vtntil his death, being succeeded by his brother-in-law, John Peter Richardson. He was married at Hickory hill, Clarendon co., S. C.. to Elizabeth Peyre, daughter of John Peter Richardson, by whom he had five sons and four daughters. The eldest son, John Laurence, was governor of the state in Ifl;j2-"i4. Gov. Manning died in Philadelphia, Pa., May 1, 1S30.
TAYLOR, John, twenty-fourth governor of South Carolina (1820-28), was born on his father's plantation, near where Columbia, S. C., now stands. -May 4, 1770, son of Thomas and Anne (Wyche) Taylor, and descendant of Jtimes Taylor, of Carlisle, England, who emigrated to Virginia about 1000. His father was a colonel of Gen. Smnter's brigade in the revolutionary war and had a share in the defeat of Maj. Wemyss at Fish Dam, Nov. Col. Taylor, who lived to be called "the 8, 1780. patriarch of Columbia,'' dying in 1833, at the age of ninety, was at all times a leader in his section, and was noted for his benevolence and strict sense of justice. His wife who died in 1834, at the age of eighty-five, was a native of Mecklenburg county, Va. James Madison, whose mother was also a Taylor, was a warm personal and political friend as well as kinsman of John Taylor. Zachary Taylor was also a friend, and a relative by blood. John Taylor was educated at Columbia, S. C., at Mount Xion College, Winnsboro, then in charge of Rev. Thomas H. McCall, and at Princeton College, where he was graduated in 1790. dividing the first honor with William Johnson of Charleston, S. C., later a judge of the United States supreme court. He studied law with Gen. Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, was admitted to the bar, June 1, 1793, and practiced for a few years at Columbia, but devoted himself more particularly to planting. He served for several years as representative and senator in the state legislature; was presidental
The. Old
Powder Magazine.
elector in 1797; a representative in congress, 1807 -09 and 1817-21: and on Dec. 19, 1810, was chosen a U. S. senator to supply the vacancy left by the resignation of Thomas Sumter, and served until his resignation in 1810. He was again chosen a member of the senate of South Carolina in 1822, and was renominated in 1820, but was defeated by Col. Wade In December, 1820. he was chosen Hampton. governor by the legislature and served for two
years. He was a strict constructionist ; was opposed to internal improvements and similar measures, and during his administration encouraged the hostility of South Carolina to the tariff laws, which were denounced as usurpations of the rights of the state by the legislature in resolutions adopted Dec. 12, 1827. During the same period the commissioners of free schools reported the establishment of 802 schools within the state, in which about 9.000 pupils received free instruction. Gov. Taylor was a tmstee of South Carolina College in 1806. 1809, 1813-17 and 1821, an elder in the Presbyterian church, a director of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary at Columbia, S. C., and was the first intendant (mayor) of Columbia. At one time he was a receiver of public moneys for the state of Mississippi. Gov. Taylor was married at f'anHlen, S. C., Mar. 17. 1703. to Sarah Cantey, daughter of John and Sarah (Cantey) Chesnut. Nine children lived to maturity. James Hunt,
Ann. Thomas, John Chesnut, Harriet William Jesse, Ccorge, Sarah ( antev.and Alexander Koss. lie died at Columbia. S. C.. Apr. Rebecca
White) M'iller. His ancestors were and had been stanch Whigs in 4 he He began his classical studies under revolution. Kcv. Mr. Conser, and was graduated at South
tch Irish
He studied law in the College iii 1SOS. of .lohn S. Itlchardson in Sumter and was admitted to the bar in Columbia in 1811. He be:irolina
gan practice in Sumter district, succeeded to the work of his former preceptor, and in 181i,, also succeeded him in congress, us Judge Richardson then Miller served through the declined that oflice. Kith congress, and while there became the friend and follower of William II. Crawford and opposed Mr. Calhoun's doctrines on states' rights, lie then resumed the practice of law in Sumter, Kershaw. and Lancaster districts; became a state senator from Sumter in 1S22, served for tliree terms, and as chairman of the judiciary committee originated important changes, especially in the criminal law of the state; in 1828, was elected governor, and in this capacity aided in arousing the people on the subject of nullification so that on Dec. 111. 1828, .the legislature [inssed further resolutions against the tariff laws and entered a protest. In ls:i(). Miller was elected to
of the
States senate, 'where
he opposed measures of Pres. Jackson, but ill
him to resign his seat in the senate after two years. IK. was a member of the nullification convention of 1832, and also of the special session called to rescind the ordinance in 1833. In the latter body arose the. contest over health forced
ture for several terms, and was a member of conHe began his political life as gress in 1822-2!). a warm supporter of Gen. Jackson, became the earnest advocate of states' rights and free trade, and took active steps to organize the nullification party in the state. He originated the nullification clubs which were established in every district, and which carried the elections in" twothirds of them. Calhoun was the. author of nullification in South Carolina, but Hamilton made it a success. He declined Jackson's otter of the war portfolio, and also the appointment as minister to Mexico. He became governor of the state in 1830, and as such, the official head of the nullification party. He favored resistance to the tariff acts, and in consideration of the action of con gress on July 14. 1832, on the tariff, Hamilton called the legislature in extra session on Oct 22nd. On Oct. 20th. it passed a bill to call a convention to consider the state of affairs. In accord with this act the nullification convention met in Columbia. Nov. HI. ]s:i2, and remained in session until the 24th; it had 1(12 members of
13f whom became the wife of Sen. James Chestnut of the Southern Quarterly Review." and of the vi.,. GOT. Miller removed to Mississipp Hank of Charleston. He took much interest in lth hl "' * 1ar " e "nber of slaves t, internal !,",:'??- u_, in the builditi" of railn. He died in Raymond roads, andimprovements, in
twenty-sixth gov-
18oi. latte
omas Lynch a signer of the Declaration of Independence The V< a ib al 1 ^died law. and '"i 'I setV7' 'c, !
enlisted for service '
"d -" """ " " """'" r v his regiment to service on the Cinadc n frontier. He returned to law practice- aft {he war was '
was mayor
-presented the Charleston
of Charleston ]*>> 04 district in the legist
manufactures. A county in Texas are named in 'his honor off the Texan coast on Nov. U. a collision between the Oalveston and steamsh 'I 1s 1>ein ? a pnssenger on the
county seat
He was drowned
w-enty-seventh governor of South Carolina HS32was born in St. Paul's parish, Colleton dis^4) trict, S. C.. Xov. 10, 1701. II,. was a rct
prison at To the"' Massachusetts' state for sw.ndthree years lestown for a term of b\ HP wis however, pardoned in 1887 he had on the representation that
^entcn'ced (-1-
was was
He immediately
of his brigade, and accomIn in his march to the sea. to report December, 1865, Col. Scott was ordered reto Gen Howard for duty, and on Jan. 2, 18(>b, Gen. ceived from that officer instructions to relieve the of Rufus Saxton. then assistant commissioner Previous to fieldman's bureau in South Carolina. was brehis assignment to duty in that state, he an vetted major-general for good conduct as He arrived in Charleston on Jan. 19th, officer. and found that almost the entire population was in a state of destitution. Through his tenacity and executive skill, order was re-established. In
sumed the command panied Cen. Sherman
March, 18C8, he was nominated by the Republican He formally party of South Carolina as governor. declined but being pressed by his friends was elected by a majority of 4fl,000. In 1870, he was He enre-elected by a majority of 34,000 votes. tered upon his duties under circumstances which required the exercise of profound judgment, and although conpatience, and moral courage,
tending against great odds, gradually succeeded in establishing a policy which was recognized and supported by the best citizens of the state. In 1H71, with other state officials, he was charged with a fraudulent overissue of state bonds but justified his course in a message to the legislature and thus defeated a resolution of impeachment. About the same time" much excitement was caused the " Ku Klux liV outrages, but COY. Scott promptly suppressed them with the aid of United States troops. From 1872-77, he was in the realestate business in Columbia. S. C., and afterward
Chamberlain, Billerica,
His early
Mass., life
settled in
was passed
op. in
work on his fathers farm and in attendance in the schools of his native In 1849-50, he spent a few months at the acadand emy at Amherst, Mass.,of a in 1854, passed part year at Phillips Academy. Andover, Mass., teaching school each winter during He then entered 1852-56. the High School in Worcesin 1857, ter, Mass., where, he completed his preparation for college; but being without the money to go on, he remained a year as entered teacher in the same school, and 1859, later Yale College, being graduated three years with the highest honors in oratory and Enslia of his college composition. Upon the completion but course he entered the Harvard Law School, remained there only till the fall of 1863, when the he could no longer resist the duty of entering He received a lieutenant's commission u armv the '5th Massachusetts cavalry, a regiment ot colored volunteers, and served until the close the civil war. In the fall of 1867, he was chosen
common town.
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. a member of the constitutional convention called under the Reconstruction Acts, and took his' seat in that body in January. 1SUS. He was a member of its judiciary committee and an influential member in all its deliberations. He so acquitted himself
these duties that
office of attorney -general, being in the line of his chosen profession, was the only, one lie would consent to take, and to this he was chosen, holdin" for four years continuously. He was elected of South Carolina, and served from. Dec governor U" Apnl 1S7 "' In the election of 1870 ui he had been ardently although supported by the Democratic party of the state from the moment of advent as governor, the same party on the alged ground of his obnoxious associates and sup,
bitterly and violently his re-elecon. Ihe result of the electionopposed was contested and GOT. Chamberlain held his office until a month
after the inauguration of Pres. Hayes, whereupon after the removal of the troops which had been stationed at Columbia for the support of the eov ernor, he withdrew and abandoned the office Re moving to New York city, Gov. Chamberlain resumed the practice of his profession until 1899 On the foundation of the law school of Cornell' University he became nonresident professor of srican constitutional law. He has been a fre quent contributor to leading periodicals, such as le " North American
Yale Review,
services at the battle of Seven Pines, where his 1,. gion suflcred severely and he himself wan wounded he was raised to the rank
SC'&VA8 *"-^
Review." Harvard Law Journal." New Fnglander,"
"American Law Review," and
American Historical Review." His miscellaneous writings and addresses include " Relation of Federal and State ~"" ""m Judiciary," J Constitutional vivrxmi .lAlflCUl ti V History as been in American Tariff Law," with f
on of Aaron and Lydia KiohanUonj Mendi nhall. and de-rcmlant of a family which came from Lngland with William Penn in HiS:>. After receiving near his early education in a country school Heaver, J'a., he began the study of medicine with Jn Is.'i.'i lie Dr. Benjamin Stanton of Salem, O. wa^ graduated at tho medical department of the University of Pennsylvania i'.nd cettled at ( loveland, O., but removed to Cincinnati, in 1S44. where tic made ho soon gained an extensive practice, at Sharon,
senator, was born at Westboio. Woree-tor BO., Mass., Oct. 8, 1789, son of l-aac and llcpsibcth (1'arker) Ruggles, and a descendant. of George Rugglos. who emigrated from l-'.ugland lo P.o-ton. Mass., in 1632, but sublie was sequently removed to liraintrcc. Mass. graduated at l!ro\vn I "ni\ ersity in 1813, read law under Kstes Howe, of Sutton. and Levi Lincoln, of Worcester, and oonimeneed his practice at Sknwhcgan. Me.. in 1815. In 1817, he removed to Thomaston, Me., where lie became eminent for
In 1823, he was his legal aeiimon and ability. elected a representative to the state legislature, and served by re-election
seven years. lie was speaker of the house from 182529.
and again in 1831,
re-inning to accept an appointment as justice of the
1SM4, however, he resigned his seat on the bench In
become U.
On Dec. 31, 1835, he submitted a motion for the appointment of a committee to take into consideration the state and condition of the patent office," etc. and on Apr. 28th, in his '
rapacity as chairman, reIt passed ported the bill. the senate June 20th, and the house July 2nd, finally receiving the signature of the president, July 4, 1836. This was the origin of the present patent bureau, with its commissioner and its provisions for the technical examination of applications for United States patents. He was called "the father of the patent office;'' and his wisdom has received tribute from foreign nations by their adoption of similar laws. lie was in the senate from January, 1835, to March, 1841, and at the end of his term he resumed the practice of .his profi --ion, which he continued until his seventylie was always much interested seM-iilli \ear. in mechanical science, to which his mind was naturally inclined. On May 22, 1837, he received
a patent for an improved form of railway rail. lie was married at Thomaston, Me., in 1824, to 'Margaret, daughter of John George, a captain of Hie revolutionary army, and a resident of Watertown. Mass., and had one son and three daughters. Sen. I'ugglos died at Thomaston. Me.. June 20. 1874. RYAN, Edward George, jurist, was born in County Mcath, Ireland, Nov. 13. 1810. He began the study of law before coming to the United States in ls:!0. and continued it in Xcw York while teaching school, and was admitted to the har in ]83I>. lie was an editor on the Chicago " Tribune," 1839-41, and then removed to Wis-
and was protestor of that During the cholera epidemic in C incinnati in 1847. he was prominent in adopting sanitary measures to arrot the disease, and in working at the bedside of the a specialty of obstetrics
branch in the -Miami Medical College.
pon tho organization of tho United States sanitary commission at the beginning the civil war. he was made an associate, and was president of the Cincinnati branch of the commission, rendering it valuable service, assisted by hi-t wife, who not only spent money freely for the soldiers, but nursed them herself at the Cincinnati Hospital. He was president of the American Medical Association, 18lii)-70. He spent a year in Europe (1872-73) where he was cordially received by the medical profession to which he was known by reputation, and in 1873 he was made a member of the Royal Obstetrical Society of London. In 1854, with other physicians, he established the. "Cincinnati Observer," and he also contributed to other medical journals. He was the author of "The Medical Students' Vade Mecum " (Is.l2i. Dr. Mendenhall was married, Oct. 5, 1838. to Elizabeth S. Maule of Philadelphia, Pa., by whom he had three children: Charles, Emma, and Laurence Mendenhall. He died in Cincinnati, 0., June sufferer*.
4, 1874.
GARNET!, Alexander
Yelverton Peyton, was born in Essex county. Va.. Sept. 20. 1820, son of Muscoe and Maria Willis (15atGarnett. He was educated by private taile) tutors, and was graduated at the University of Pennsylvania in 1841. He then became assistant, physician,
surgeon in the United States navy, and
in 1S4S to surgeon, resigning Oct. 21. Is.'iO. to accept the chair of clinical medicine in tinNational Medical College, Washington. D. C'. In 1801 lie became a. member of the examining board of surgeons for the Confederate army, and subsequently was surgeon in charge of the two military Dr. Garnett was the hospitals in Richmond, Va. family physician of Jefferson Davis, of all the members of the Confederate cabinet, and of Gen. Lee and family. Returning to Washington he resumed the practice of his profession, again serving as professor of clinical medicine in the National Medical College. 1807-70. Upon his resignation
was promoted
he was made emeritus professor, lie was a member of the board of directors of the Children's Hospital, and St. Ann's Asylum for Foundlings, and one of the board of advisory and consulting surgeons and physicians to the Columbia Hospital
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Women. He was vice-president of the American Medical Association in 1885, and in 1887 its to medical Among his contributions (.resident. " science are the following papers: Refuting the Claims of Condurango as a Cure for Cancer;'' ''The Potomac Marshes and Their Influence as a Pathogenic" Agent;" "Epidemic Jaundice among Children: Vulgare or Broom-Corn Seed Sorghum " in Cystitus:" " Nelaton's Probe in Gunshot A\ 'omuls;'' and Coloproctitus Treated by HotWater Douche and Dilation or Division of the He was married June 13, 1848, to Sphincters/' Mary K.. daughter of Hon. Henry A. Wise, and died at Rehoboth Beach, Del., July 11, 1888. ALVEY, Kichard Henry, jurist, was born in St. Mary's county. Md., Mar. 0, 1820, son of George and Harriet (Wicklin) Alvey, and a descendant of John Alvey, a revolutionary soldier. He was educated at the school of his native county, taught by his father, and at the age of entered the clerk's office of Charles eight en county. Md.. where he was a deputy clerk till 1S5I). Meanwhile he studied law, and.' after being admitted to the bar in 1849, removed to western Maryland, and began his legal practice in Hagerstown. During the earlier years of his professional career he, diligently and systematically studied with a view to supplementing his previous education, and soon attained a place in the front rank of his profession in the state. In 1852 he was a Pierce and King presidential elector, and was a delegate to the convention which framed the new ((institution of Maryland in 1867, acting as chairman of the committee on representation. The same year lie became chief judge of the 4th judicial circuit and judge of the court of appeals of Maryland. He held these positions till Nov. 13, 1883, when he was made chref justice of the Maryland court of appeals. He has been chief justice of the court of appeals of the District of Columbia since April, 1803, and in January, 1896, was appointed by Pres. Cleveland a member of the Venezuela boundary commission. Judge Alvey was married, first, in 1856, to Mary Wharton, who died in 1860, and in the fall of 1862 he was married to Julia I., daughter of Dr. Joseph C. Hays, for
born in Boston, Mass., June 17, 1847, son of Francis Henry and Georgiana Crowninshield (Silsbee) Appleton, and grandson of William Appeton (1786-1862). a member of congress (185054 and president of the Boston branch of the United States bank. His maternal grandfather, Nathaniel Silsbee, was an East India merchant, and a U. S. senator, 1826-35. Young Appleton was educated a't St. Paul's School, Concord, X. H., and was graduated at Harvard College in 1869. He subsequently studied for a short time at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but deciding to devote himself to agriculture in 1871 entered upon a full course of instruction at the Agricultural Department of Harvard, and afterward engaged in extensive farming on his estate at Peaboily. Mass. In 1873 he attended the Vienna . and was at the surrender of !en. I.ee at pre-ent AppomatIOK Court House. On Aug. 1. 1804. he wa- lucid ted major-general of volunteers for eonspieu
. during the war. and he was promoted in the regular -er\ ice, assistant, quartermaster-general, lie was with the rank of colonel. July 2!l. ISiiil. mustered out of the volunteer service. Sept. 1, 18110. lie was chief quarte! nia-ter of the division of the Atlantic, 1807-7.V. of the Pacific, 1S7J-7S; and of the division of the Missouri, 1878-81. and on Feb. 23. 1SS2. he was made qiiartennastcrgeijeral of the army, with the rank of brigadiergeneral, being retired, July 1. ISS:l. at hi- own After residing in Oregon eight yeais, request. he removed to New York city, and died there. Jan. I.'),
TROTT, in ](Mi3.
Nicholas, became
jurist, was born in F.ngland a distinguished lawyer, but
definitely known of his early said by some historians to ha\e of the Bahama Islands. prior to his coming to South Carolina, but. tins is incorrect, the error arising from the fact that the governor in question happened to be both his nainesake and contemporary see Mc( raih's " History of South Carolina under the IJoyal In lt>07, be was Government ." ISIMI, p. 403).
nothing more career.
been governor of one
commissioned by the proprietors first attorney general of South Carolina, and. arriving in ( bar le-town on Feb. "i, KiOS, is supposed to have been the first professional lawyer in the province. He was soon afterward made advocate-general of admiralty and naval officer, and in 1702. was appointed chief justice of South Carolina, tilling this office till 1709, and serving again during 1713-19. In 1700, he was speaker of the commons of ihe assembly, and afterward member of the council of Sir Nathaniel Johnson, in which capacity he signed the famous Church act. of May li. Possessed of great abilities and unbounded 17114. ambition, from the start of his public career, Trott took a decided lead of affairs in South arolina. rapidly rising to the position of the nio-t influential man in the province, under the proprietary government. At tirst he took an active part against the proprietors in the lattcr's disputes with '.lie assembly, but after being appointed a member of the governor's council changed his course, and henceforth was a great. favorite with them. They conferred upon him many ollices. and clothed him with extraordinary powers, but he was deprived of both by the revolution of 17D). A man of profound scholar-hip, and extensive erudition, deeply versed in Latin. Creek and Hebrew languages, and of abilities which "would have raised him to distinction in all times and under every constitution." h" was unscrupulous as a politician, and corrupt and tyrannical as a judge, and by his con-taut in ovei trigues largely contributed toward the throwal of the proprietary regime, and. thereby. also the. downfall of his own power. While chief justice, he prepared and revised the first codification of the laws of the province, a \\ork which was to be the basis of most subsequent, legislation of the state, and which is regarded as a monument, to the legal talent and assiduity of its author. About 1720, he went to F.ngland. and remained there for about ten years, endeavoring to have liis codification published, and at the same time intriguing to be restored to his ollice as chief justice. Failing in this undertaking, he returned to Charleston, and spent, the remainder of his life in retirement, devoted to writing an "Explication of the Hebrew Text of the old
> He was graduated at the United Mates is-'7 was as.Inly 1, 1840, and Academy. Military
the topographical engineers as brevet He was engaged in determinsecond lieutenant. between Iowa and Minneing the boundary line of the Little sota, 1840-50: and in the surveys Colorado river, and for the Pacific railroad, from lie was chief astronomer and surveyor 1851-5t>. bein determining and marking the boundary tween the United States and British America, from 1857 till the beginning of the civil war. He was promoted second lieutenant. Apr. 18, 1854; 1, lieutenant, first July IS5G; and captain of topographical engineers, Sept. si"iicd 'to
On Nov.
23, 1861,
he was commissioned brigaof volunteers, assigned to the command of a brigade in Gen. Burnside's expedition North Carolina, 1801to
He was
the capture of Fort Macon, and received the brevet of lieutenant-colonel, Apr. 26, 1862, for his services.
was promoted major-general of volunteers, .July 18, 1862, and in the Maryland camthe paign of the army of
Potomac, he served as chief of staff of the 9th corps, being engaged at the battles of South Mountain. Sept. 14, and Antietam, in the pursuit of the ConSept. 17, 1862, and When Gen. Burnfederates to Warrenton, Va. side succeeded to the command of the army of the Potomac, Gen. Parke was retained as his chief of staff, and he took part in the battle He was in of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. command of the 9th corps on the march to at the surrender of that was
Vicksburg; place, July
and was temporarily in comwing of Gen. Sherman's army in the reoccupation of Jackson, Miss.. July 16, He was engaged in all the operations in 1863.
of the left
the Tennessee campaign, including the siege of of Knoxville, and in the Richmond campaign 1864, he participated in the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania, in command of a division. He was again in command of the 9th corps before Petersburg, and in all the subsequent operations of the army of the Potomac, tip to and including the surrender of Gen. Lee at Appomattox Court House. He received the brevet of colonel. July of 12, 1863, for gallant conduct at the capture Jackson. Miss., and was promoted major in the
On Mar. 13, 1864. corps of engineers. June 17. isii.i. lie received the brevet of brigadier-general, T"nitcd States army, for his part in the defense of Knoxville, Temi., and that of major-general. United States army, for his successful repulse of the attack on Fort Steedman. Va. Tie was mustered out of the volunteer service. Jan. 15. 1806, and resumed his duties as chief astronomer and Tie besurveyor on the northwestern boundary. came lieutenant-colonel of the corps of engineers. Mar.
Mipcrintcmlcnl of the Military
1887-80, and was retired. July 2, own request, lie was the author of " for a Railroad Route Explorations and Surveys from the Mississippi River to the Pacitie Ocean" of Laws of the United (1855); "Compilation to Public Works for the Improve-
Point, ISMl. at his
States, Relating " ment of Rivers and Harbors" (1877), and Laws of Bridge's over Navruction Const the to Relating Gen. Parke died in Waters" (1SS2). i.rahle Washington, 1). C., Dec. 10, 1000.
PHIL-BRICK, John Dudley,
After born in Deerlield. X. II., May 27. ISIS. in 1842. being graduated at Dartmouth College, two School he taught in the Roxbury Latin three years, and the Knglish High School. Boston, In the latter he introduced >onic new years. methods of instruction, which proved much more efficient than the prevailing system, and won the In 1S47. he oreducators. approbation of leading the Quincy Cramganized, on plans of his own,
of the new School, which became the oasis In 1852. he school system throughout Boston. was appointed principal of the Connecticut State Normal School, but resigned this position the following year to become state superintendent of schools,' of Connecticut, an office he filled for
He was superintendent of public four years. instruction in Boston (1857-74). and again in He was a member of the Massachu1876-78. setts state board of education for ten years, and served on the government of the Massachusetts He was president of Institute of Technology. the Teachers' Association of Massachusetts and Connecticut; of the American Institute of Instruction, and of the National Education Association (1803), in the last, succeeding J. W. He was educational commissioner of Buckley. Massachusetts to the Vienna exposition in 1873, and United States commissioner of education, and member of the international jury to the universal the decoraexposition at Paris in 1878, receiving tions of the cross of the Legion of Honor, and the gold palm of the University of France. He received the decree of Ph.D. from Dartmouth Bates College, and that College, of LL.D. from of D.C.L. from the University of St. Andrews, a number of valuEdinburgh, Scotland. Beside " School Tabable text-books, such as Primary " " American Union Speaker" (1865); lets (1860): "Primary Union Speaker" (1866), etc.. he published two series of lectures delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, and entitled: "School Government" (1848), and "Characteristics of the True Teacher" (1850); a comprehen" sive and valuable study on the City School and about, States" in United the (1885); Systems lie of great value. public school reports " Massachusetts Teacher."" editor of the " Connecticut Common School Journal. lie died in Danvers. Mass., Feb. 2. 1886. PAUL, Ga.briel Rene, soldier, was born in His father and St. Louis, Mo., Mar. 22, 1813. grandfather were natives of France, and served as He was graduated at officers under Napoleon I. the United States Military Academy. July 1. !S34. being assigned to the 7th infantry. He served on frontier duty in Idaho. 1834-38, and took part in the war against the Seminole Indians in Florida 18.".0-42. He was promoted second lieutenant. Dec. 4. 1834: first lieutenant. Oct. 20, 1836: was eommissionert captain. Apr. Ifl. 1840. In the Mexican war. he was engaged at Monterey. Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo (where he was wounded). Contreras,
was also and the
liiirubnsco, Molino del Key, and at, Chapultepec, where he led the storming party that captured the enemy's flag. He received the brevet of major (
and early manhood,
^?7 and
band of desperadoes? and in 1858 I)tU ed a cal "P of ia ttri T ,T A Utah. On Apr. 22, 1801 he was Fork, promoted major of the 8th infantry, and was com' Io his
all d
4th x Me * ! voTunservedr-in command of various posts and districts in Xew till the summer of ]Sl!2. when he was ordered t join the army of the Potomac, in the meantime himnjr been promoted lieutenant-colonel in the regular service He was made brigadier-general of volunteers, Sept. 5, 1862, and in the R ap hannock campaign was engaged in the battles of ftederieksbnrg and Chancellorsville He also part in the battle of Gettysburg on July 1 1863 where he lost the sight of both eyes He was" n adier eral United 8t *telTar my ^r gallant or"!, ant and , 1 -f "meritorious services at Gettysburg and was promoted colonel in the regular Lrvlcf' He served as deputy governor of the Soldiert near Home, Washington, D. C., till June 1805 and was ,n charge of the military asylum at Harrodsburg, Ky., till December. 1866 . '''"' 1 3 eergj
7sn JM.I.
H He
volunteers, in
recognition his "gallantry and--.y he was retired from Sctive service, uith thT rank and pay of a brigadier-general, by a special
y al S ei ing Greek" t and mathematics eeK, 'and"" and spending the winters '
ion in Latin
Unfortupreaching. nately he was attacked with an affection of the vocal
chronic and which prevented him for several years
public, and compelled him to give up all hopes of becoming
a clergyman. He was appointed to the chair of rhetoric and continued to discharge his duties for more than seven years, during which time he was also in charge of instruction in
modern history. He became a member of the Eth-
0), was -the son of the "Quaker preacher, and a lawyer in New Jersey, who served in the New Jersey assembly and was speaker of that body, but subsequently resided in Philadelphia, and served in the Pennsylvania assembly unHe was attorney-general of the protil his death. vince, 1738-41, and was chief justice, 1743-50. The son followed his father's profession, practicing both in the courts of Pennsylvania and New He was elected to the continental conJersey. gress in 1774, but resigned shortly afterward, and was chief justiee of New Jersey in 1780, until his death. He received the degree of LL.D. from Princeton College in 1790. He died in Burlington,
LAY, George Washington, lawyer and diplomat, was a native of New York, where he received a classical education, studied law. and was admitted to the bar. He was a representative in congress from 1833-37, and a member of the New York assembly from Genesee county in 1840. Removing from Batavia, N. Y., he continued his and in 1842 was appointed charged practice, d'affaires to Sweden by Pies. Tvler. He died at Batavia, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1860, "and left a son of the >ame name, LEACH, Abby, educator, was' born in Brockton. Mass.. May 28, 1855, daughter of Marcus and Eliza (Bourne) Leach, and a granddaughter of Oliver and Mercy (Stetson) Leach. She was educated at Brockton public and high schools, and at the Oread Institute, Worcester, Mass., at Radcliffe College, and finally at the University of Leipsic. Upon her ict urn in 1886, she became professor of the Greek language at Vassar College, Poughkocp-ic. N*. Y.. which position she has since held. Prof, l.each is the author of numerous contributions to the " American Journal of Philology," and other journals, and has given public addresses at graduations, woman's clubs, etc. She is a member of the managing committee of the American school at Athens, Greece, a member of the Archaeological Society, president of the Collegiate Alumnae Association, and was president of the American Vassar Philological Association in 1809-1000. College conferred upon her the degree of A.M.
was born in When a young man,
Plymouth. Mas-;., in I751. he made several whaling voyages, and subsequently he owned a farm in Wyoming, N. Y. He was under arms at the time of the massacre, though not on the field of action. After losing his house in the great Susquehannah ice freshet of 1784, a controversy arose with the Susquehannah Comwhich settled pany, originally Wyoming, over the VOL. XII. 17.
title to his land, and Leonard decided to find another home. In 1787, with a young wife and two children, he located within the present limits of Binghamton, N. Y., there becoming the first permanent white settler and founder of that city. With Amos Draper, an Indian trader, he leased from the Indians for a term of ninety-nine years one mile square on which to lay out a town, but a law having been passed prohibiting the lease or purchase of Indian lands by private individuals, the title was invalidated 'by the state legislature. Nevertheless, the settlement continued to grow, and in 1800, it was surveyed and laid out into town lots under the agency of Gen.
Joshua Whitney. The new village, first called Chenango Point, was subsequently renamed Binghamton, as a mark of gratitude to William Bingham, a U. S. senator, and its patentee and benefactor. He died in Binghamton, N. Y., in December, 1842. WOOD, Charles, clergyman and author, was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., June 3, 1851, son of John J. and Mary (Lynn) Wood, and a descendant of Jonas Wood, who came from Halifax, Eng., in
settled in
Mass. He was appointed the commissioner of the Connecticut colony to divide Long Island with the Dutch, which he did, and then settled there. His grandson. Jonas Wood, settled in Westchester county, N. Y., in 1735, where the family have since resided. Charles Wood was graduated at Haverford College, Pennsylvania, in 1870, and at Princeton Theological
afterward studied at Berlin, where he became thoroughly acquainted with the various schools of religious In thought in Germany. 1879, he traveled through India, China, and Japan, devoting special attention to the study of the non( hiistian religious systems of those countries, as well as to the work of Christian missions. His sketch of the life and work of the great modern
Hindu reformer, Keshub Chunder
Sen, published Atlantic Monthly," is a thoughtful consideration of that religious body in Hindustan, known as the Brahmo Somaj. During 1885-97, Dr. Wood was settled over the First Presbyterian Church of Germantown, Pa., until in the latter year he was called to the Second Presbyterian in the
Church of Philadelphia. The congregation, which first formed this church, was gathered by the great English evangelist, George Wliitefield, in the year 1743. During his brief period of work
in this field, he has made his church in PhiladelBesides phia a center of evangelistic agencies. ministering to one of the most influential congregations in the city, he has addressed large audiences of men in a mammoth tent in the summer, and in the great auditorium of the Y'oung Men's Christian Association in the winter. number of his addresses have been collected and published " Friends and Foes of in one volume entitled, Youth" (1898), and his other publications are: "Life of John "Sauntering in Europe" (1882): C. Lord, D.D." (1878) and " Beginning Life " The degree of D.D. was conferred upon (1889). him by Princeton University in 1887. He was married. Sept. 6, 1883. to Mary H. Morris, who died June 25, 1891, leaving two children.
THE NATIONAL CYCLOPAEDIA Charles Arnette, senator, was born Oakland county, Mi.-h.. Nov. 21, 1858, son of Charles .Iml-on and Laura (Kargo) Towne, and descendant iif .Inliii William Towne, who fame from the' \\e-t of England and landed at Salem, Tin- boy Mass.. in 1030. was brought up on his father's farm, and attended
in ii
public school* until he sixteen years of age.
Ann Arbor
graduated decree of
Unibeing with the 1S81, after
he secured
as chief clerk in the department of public in-
struction at Lansing, and the same time studied a law. He was admitted to I
the bar of the supreme court of Michigan in 1885, and in the following year established himself in pracIn 1890 tice at Marquette. to removed he Duluth, Minn., and formed a law partnership with Samuel H. Moer and Luther C. Harris, which continued until Mr. Moer's election to the bench, when he was replaced by H. H.
The latter subsequently withdrew, and Phclps. In 1894 Mr. the firm became Towne and Harris. Towne was elected to congress by the Republican district of Minnesota, p.irly of the Oth congressional und became prominent as an advocate of bimetallism. He delivered a speech Feb. 8, 1896, entitled: "The Restoration of Silver the Duty of the Republican Party." which was recognized by the upholders of silver as the strongest ever made on their side, and, printed in pamphlet form, it became one of the most widely circulated writAfter June, 1896, ings of the campaign of 1890. he withdrew from the Republican party, on account of its action on the money question at the St. Louis Republican convention, and identified himself with the free silver movement. He was endorsed for congress in 1890 by the Democratic and Populist parties, after announcing himself as an independent candidate, but although ho ran more than 3.500 votes ahead of his ticket, he was defeated. He was chairman of the National Silver Republican party in 1897. In May. 1900 ho was nominated for vice-president of the United States, on the ticket with Mr. Bryan, by the Populist national convention. In July he was tendered a similar nomination by> the Silver Republican national convention at St. Louis. Both these nominations were declined. He was also a prominent candidate for the vice-presidential nomination before the Democratic national convention, at Kansas City, Mo., the same year. In December, 1900, he was appointed U. S. senator by Oov. Lind, to fill the place of Senator C. K. Davis, but the appointment was not confirmed by the state legislature and he only served two months. His speech in the senate. Jan. 28, 1901. in favor of Philippine independence attracted wide attention. Mr. Towne was married in 1887 to Maude Irene, daughter of Washington G. Wiley, of Lansing. Mich. He is now president of Charles A. Towne & Co., of New York.
Canvass, civil engineer and promoter, at Whitestown, X. Y., Sept. 8, 1790. the son of a farmer, but delicate health preventing him from engaging in the severe labors of farm life, he passed his earlier years as clerk in a country store. In 1811 he was compelled was horn
He was
on account of poor health to take a sea voyage from which he returned the following year. He then entered the army with the rank of lieutenant. and saw some months of active service. At the close of the war he again served for awhile as clerk, then studied at Fail-field and Clinton, N. Y., being engaged ill the latter place for a time in chemical manufacturing, and in 1816, he joined the corps nf engineers for the' Kric canal under Benjamin Wright, whose intimate friend and associate he soon became. Becoming acquainted with (Jov. DeWitt Clinton, he went at the lattcr's solicitation in the autumn of 1817 to England to examine the English canal system, and on returning brought with him drawings of the most important structures, and the model of the first boat which was built for the Erie canal. About the same time he invented a process for manufacturing an hydraulic cement for use in the construction of locks of the canal which was adopted by the commissioners, and on which he obtained a patent in 1820. Upon the completion of this great work, in which his share was second only to that of Benjamin Wright, he turned his attention to the eligibility of the locality around Cohoes Falls as the site for a great manufacturing He succeeded in interesting a number of town. capitalists in the development of the remarkable water power of the place, and as a result the Cohoes Company was incorporated. Mar. 2s. I,s2ii. Canvass White becoming its first president. This enterprise virtually originated the city of Cohoes, although several farms and squatter settlements In 1830 the place had existed there previously. contained some twenty houses, and by 1848 it, giew to such proportions, that the inhabitants thought it expedient to incorporate Cohoes as a In 1809 the thriving settlement received village a city charter. Mr. White managed the afl'airs of the Cohoes Company till the end of his life with unvarying success, at the same time being constantly employed in different pan- of the country in important public works. During these years he planned or superintended the Sus. he began the geological survey of coal and iron formations of Pennsylvania, and a year later he conducted the department of magnetism, electricity, and astronomy of the United States exploring expedition. He was professor of physics and chemistry in the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania from 1830-43; congressional expert, to determine and report upon the relative value of different varieties of coal for
OF AMERICAN BIOGKAPHY. commercial uses in 1843-44; scientific expert for tht- naviil department in 1844; and expert on water supply for the city of Boston in 1845. In 1848, 1'rol. Johnson was appointed chemist at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, and in he represented the United States at the I.Sol, London, England, world's fair. He was instrumental in founding the Association of American Geologists and Naturalists, and was chosen first secretary of 'the American Association for the Aihancenu'iit of Science, when this body was organized in 1848 in place of the former. He is the author of "Natural Philosophy" (1835); 'Chemistry" (1835): "Notes on the Use of Anthracite Coal in the Manufactures" (1841); " Chemical Technology " translations of Knapp's and Weisbach's "Mechanics" (1849); (1S48). and of ''Coal Trade of British America" (1850). He died in Washington, D. C., Apr. 26, 1852.
David Spangler,
lawyer, was Springs, Cumberland CO., Pa., De?. 18. 1813. of Hebrew extraction. After graduating at. Princeton College, in 1833. he removed to Natchez. Miss., and read law in the office of Gen. Quitman. In 1835, he began to practice his profession at Natchitoches, La., and two years
afterward emigrated to Nacogdoehes, Tex. He served as a volunteer against the Indians, was elected, in 1838, a representative of the Texan congress, and being twice re-elected and twice chosen In the speaker of the house, served till 1843. latter year he was elected to the Texan senate, and from the committee on foreign relations, in 1844, presented a report in favor of annexation to the United States, and was active in having the bill adopted. In 1845, he was appointed charged d'affaires to this government, but that office was superseded by the net admitting Texas to the He was elected one of the first repreUnion. sentatives from the state in the 29th congress, and being' re-elected from Sabinetown to the 30th congress, and from Brazoria to the 31st congress, served from 1846 until his death, which occurred in Washington. D. C., Jan. 13, 1851.
Joseph Brevard,
born at Camden. S. C., Jan. 5, 1822. He received an academic education; studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1843, beginning the practice of his profession at Camden, S. C. In 1851, he, was elected to the state senate, and by reelections continued a member of that body till 1857. He was chosen a delegate to the secession convention at Charleston, S. C., in 1860, and in April, 1861, he entered the Confederate army as colonel of the 2nd South Carolina Volunteers, which he had recruited. He took part in the battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861, and was 1862, 13, brigadier-general, Feb. being assigned to the command of a brigade in (ien. Mel.aw's division of Gen. Longstreet's corps, first
of northern Virginia. He took a prominent part in the operations in Virginia and Maryland in 1862, and was at the battles of Fair engaged Oaks. Savage Station, Malvern Hill, second Bull l!nn. Smith Mountain, and Antieta'm. He also served with distinction at the battle of Fredericksburg. Dec. 13, 1862, where his brigade was em-
ployed in holding the sunken road under Marye's Heights. He participated in the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, and he was then transferred with his brigade to the west, where he distinguished himself at the battle of Chickamaiiga. and in the siege of Knoxville, Tenn. After the abandonment of the campaign against Knoxville. he was again ordered to the army of northern Virginia, and on May IS. 1864. was promoted major-general, and assigned to the com-
mand of a division composed of the 2nd Texas brigade, and the brigade of the late Gen. Mouton. He took part in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, and all the subsequent battles of the army of northern Virginia, being present at the closing scenes at Appomattox C. H. After his release from Fort Warren, Boston harbor, where he was a prisoner for several months, he returned to Camden, S. C. resumed the practice of law, and became actively in the politics of his state. In 1865, he engaged was again elected to the state senate, and was of the 5th circuit court of South Carolina, judge from 1877-93, when he was appointed postmaster of Camden. Gen. Kershaw died at Camden, S. C., ;
13, 1894.
TRTJAX, Charles Henry,
jurist, was born in N. Y., Oct. 31, 1846, son of Henry Philip, and Sarah Ann (Shaffer) Truax.
Durhamville, Oneida
He is of Dutch descent, his first American ancestor being Philippo Du Trieux, one of the Walloons who came to New Amsterdam in 1623. He received his early education at Vernon Academy and the Oneida Seminary. He matriculated at Hamilton College in the class of 1867, but left in his junior year, and removing to New York city, studied law in the office of his uncle,
He was admitted in 1868, and tice of law
but in the opened an
own name,
to the bar
began the pracwith hjs uncle, following year office under his and was soon in a solid law
established business. He was elected judge of the superior court 'in 1880, and held the office' for the full term of four-
teen years. Judge Truax, though firm and dignified on the bench, is always conciliatory and is highly esteemed by his associates and constituency. He is said to be remarkable for three quali" ties rarely found in the same individual, a deep knowledge of good law, good literature, and good living." Judge Truax is a lover of rare books, and his greatest pleasure is in their collection and in travel. He has spent much time abroad in his favorite pursuit, and his library contains thousands of valuable books, including old and rare editions, reprints, and illustrated manuscripts of the old masters of book-making. He presented to Hamilton College a library of 1.500 volumes, known as the Truax Classical Library. In 1876, Hamilton conferred on him the degree of A.M., and in 1890, that of LL.D. He was a member of the constitutional convention of 1894, and in the following year was elected justice of the supreme court of New York for the term of fourteen years. He is active in
affairs and athletic games. He is president of the Manhattan Club, a past president of the Holland Society (1896), a member of the St. Nicholas Society, and of the New York Athletic Club, and a trustee of the Mott Memorial Library. On Feb. 9, 1871, he was married to Nannie ("?., daughter of Thomas Stone, and had two sons and two daughters. social
LANE, William
Coolidg-e, librarian,
was born
Newton, Mass.. July 29, 1859, son of William Homer and Caroline M. (Coolidge) Lane. He was educated in the Newton schools, and removed to Cambridge in 1877, where he entered Harvard in
and was graduated in the class of 1881. found immediate employment in the college
librarian. 1S87-93, and after librarian of the llo-ton Athcmcum for live vcais. he succeeded .lustin \\'iiisor as head librarian of Harvard, a position he still holds.
was assistant
ser\iiig as
is engaged in biblical work ill connection with He was president of the American the library. been Library Association in 18!tS -!)!l, ami- has treasurer of its publishing section since its establishment in lS8(i. He was married. May 12, 1903, to liertha, daughter of Jacob P. Palmer, of New York. BURDICK, Francis Marion, educator, was born at DC Kuyter. N. Y.. Aug 1, 1845, son of Wheeler) Burdick. Albert G. and Eunetia Yale His father, a farmer by occupation, was a captain of artillery in the state militia, and his earliest American ancestor was Robert Burdick, who was admitted a freeman
He was one of the
Newport, of
now Westerly. and
town the
several terms in colonial assembly.
Young educated
w \s at the De Institute and
Ruyter theCazenovia Seminary, and was graduated at
continued his studies in the Hamilton Law School, and College was graduated LL.B., in 1872. In 1870, be be1869.
. when he became a justice of the Nevada supreme court for a term of six years; and during the last two years of this term (1879-80), was chief justice. In' 1881 he returned to the practice of law at Sacramento, Cal. Upon the death of Chief Justice Morrison, in March, 1887, Judge Beatty was elected to take his place, filling out the unexpired term to January, 1801, when he was re-elected for the full term of twelve years, and was again elected to the position in 1902. Judge Beatty is president of the California Water and Forest Association. He was married on June 17. 1874. at Hamilton, Nev.. to Elizabeth McKay, daughter of Robert Carter Love, of Salisbury. N. C.. and has two children, Henrv Oscar and Alice Margaret, wife of Brooke
M. Wriht.
DORSEY, Thomas Beale, who had been appointed an associate judge of the court of appeals in 1824. to supply the vacancy caused by the resignation of Jeremiah Townley Chase, was commissioned chief judpe. July 3. 1848, upon the death of the Hon. Stevenson Archer. Judge
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Dorsey served only three years, and gave place to John Carroll LeGrand. who was one of the most remarkable men that ever sat upon the bench of the Maryland court of appeals.
was borri at Apr. 25, 1830, son of George and Martha (Olcott) Paine, grandson of Judge Elijah Paine of Vermont, and in the eighth generation from Stephen Paine who came from England, and settled at Hinghnm. Mass., in 1038. lie was educated at a Roman Catholic college in Montreal. Can., and at the age of fourteen he was employed in a woolen mill at Xorthfield, Vt., owned' l>y his uncle, Gov. ( liarles Paine. In 1845 he entered the service of the Vermont Central railroad as rodman in a surveying part}-, completing his work as division engineer in charge of construction in 1849. Subsequently, he was division engineer on the Vermont & Canada railroad, and on the Champlain & St. Lawrence railroad was engineer and manager for the contractor on the He reconstruction and extension of that line. was chief engineer of various railroad projects in was Wisconsin during 1850-58; superintendent of the western division of the Michigan Southern & Xorthern Indiana railroad, 1858-04; was chief engineer on the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern railroad, 1804-72: was its general superintendent, 1872-81. and was general ^lanager of the Xew York, West Shore & Buffalo railroad, 1881-84. The year 1SS4 was spent in travel in Europe. In 1885 he became general superintendent of the Xew York. Pennsylvania & Ohio railroad and vice-president of the Erie railroad: in 1880-01 he had charge of various industries at Pittsburg, Pa. Since 1891 he has been engaged in private practice as a consulting engineer in Xew York city, having his residence at Tenatly, X. J. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, of which he was president. 1883-84. Mr. Paine was married
TIaverhill. (irafton Co.,
at Chelsea, Vt., May 13. 1851, to Olivia Bloggett, daughter of Hon. William and Elizabeth Stockwell (Brown) Hebard, and has four sons.
Luke, lawyer, was born near Huntsville, Madison co., Ala., July 5, 1820, son of Luke and Ann Batlc (Lane) Pryor. At an early age he removed with his father to Limestone county, where he attended the common schools and was sent to college at Washington. Miss. Afterward he read law under the Hon. Daniel Coleman, and was admitted to the bar in 1841. lie began practice at Athens, and in 1855-56 represented his county in the Alabama legislature, to which be was elc-cted against his inclinations. In 1879 he was appointed by the governor of Alabama. U. S. senator, to fill the unexpired term of George S. Houston, deceased, and took his seat. Jan. 15, 1880. He was afterward elected to the office for Ihe full t-nii. but declined the honor. In 1882 he was elected a representative in congress, and served oil'.- term. He was married to Isabella Virginia, daughter of Capt. John H. and Frances (Rowzee) Harris, of Virginia. Aug. 5. 1900.
died at Athens,
Elizabeth Whitfleld, author. Ciidsden county. Fla.. Apr. 17. 1837, daughter of William Whitfleld and Julia (Stephens) ("room. Her parents were natives of Xewbern. X. ('., but removed to Florida. She received her education in Xew York city, at the Spingler Institute, under the direction of the Rev. Gorham D, Abbott. Since the death of her husband in 1803. who was a surgeon, serving with the Confederate army. Mrs. Bellamy has res-ided in MoHer first attempt at authorship was bile. Ala.
was born
Four Oaks," in 1807, when she published under the pseudonym "KambaThorp." She retained
her pen
years, writing short stories,
which appeared
in Applcton's
1870, published "
"Journal." and novel,
Old Man Gilbert," a negro dialect story, Joanna." " Uncle pronounced by Southern critics equal to Tom's Cabin," was published in 1888, with her " proper name, as was also Benny Lancaster," in 1890. Since the latter date she has published connothing in book "form, but has frequently' " Atlantic Monthly," Youth's tributed to the
The major ajid other periodicals. portion of her life has been devoted to teaching, having at present (1904), charge of classes in the study of literature and historical subjects, at She was married in 1858, to Dr. Mobile, Ala. Charles E. Bellamy, a Xorth Carolinian by birth, and a Floridian by adoption. Companion,"
was born
Philadelphia. Pa.. May 10, 1806, son of Thomas and Mary (Biddle) Cadwalader, and grandson of Gen.
John and Williaminia (Bond) Cadwalader. His grandfather was a famous brigadier-general in the revolutionary war, and his father was born in Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 29, 1779, and served as lieutenant-colonel of cavalry in the war of 1812, afterward becoming major-general of the Penn-" sylvania
He was
married June 25, 1804, to Mary, daughter of Col. Cle-
Biddle, of PhiladelPa., and he died in Philadelphia. Pa., Oct. 31, 1841. George Cadwalader was educated in the schools of Philadelphia, Pa., where phia,
he studied law, was admitted to the bar, and engaged in the practice of his profession until the outbreak of the war with Mexico, when he volunteered in the
He United States army. was commissioned brigadiergeneral of volunteers, Mar. 3, 1847, and was engaged at Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Churubusco, (
hapultepec. and in the assault and capture of At the battle of Chapulte-
the City of Mexico.
1847, he commanded a brigade, Sept. 13 under Gen. Pillow, and when that general fell pee,
gagement, the command of the division devolved upon Gen. Cadwalader, who rendered such valiant service, that he was brevetted major-general for He was honorgallant and meritorious conduct. ably discharged, July 20, 1848, and he returned to his home, where he resumed his law practice. He offered his services at the opening of the civil war, and was appointed by Gov. Curtin. majorgeneral of Pennsylvania volunteers, Apr. 19. 1861, being placed in command at Baltimore. Md. In the expedition against Winchester, led by Gen. Patterson in June. 1801, Gen. Cadwalader was second in command, and he participated in the first battle of Bull Run. He was commissioned major-general of United Slates volunteers, Apr. 25, 1802. and was assigned as a member of the board to revise the military laws and regulations of the United States, resigning July 5, 1805. He was the author of " Services in the Mexican Campaign of 1847" (1848), and he died in Philadelphia, Pa., Feb.
artist, was born in London, England, about 1779, son of William Birch (1700-
BIRCH, Thomas,
engraver, chiefly remembered for a engraved folio \iews (if Philadelphia. In 17'.M lie emigrated with his father to this conntrv. and -ix \cai- al'tcr\var(l settled ill Philahis father in delphia. Pa., where lie !ir-t a--Mcd the execution of plate-, tint subsequently tinned A visit to the his attention to portrait painting. devote .apes of Delaware in 1S07 induced him to himself to marine painting, in which branch of art he achieved an eminent reputation. During the war of 1S12 he executed a series of paintings, 1834).
naval victories of the I'nited Stale-, of which the fight between the frigates Con-tit nt ion and (iuerriere. and that between the United State- and the Macedonian, now in the Harrison collection in Philadelphia, are fine specimens and of rare historical value. The t'rc-li represent
and clearly painted waves features of his marine paintings. Birch was also highly successful in landHe died in c-pci ially of snow scenes. atmosphere
Thomas scape-,
Jan. 14, Philadelphia, Pa.,
Amiceto Garcia,
was born at Havana, Cuba, Sept. 1, 1830, son of Gabriel Menocal, a Cuban planter of high local In
came to the United and was graduated
Polytechnic Institute. Troy. N. Y.. in 1802. Returning to Cuba, he became sub-chief engineer on l!cn--elacr
Havana vater works in and in 1870 he was
appointed engineer in the department of public works. Xew York city, where he In remained two years. he entered the service United States government as civil engineer in the navy department, and he has acted as chief engineer on all the government surveys for establishing the practicability of a ship canal at 1872
of the
Panama and Nicaragua. He was
Maritime Canal Company, of Nicaragua, and in 1887 prepared plans and estimates of cost for a ship canal through Nicaragua. Pres. Hayes appointed him a delegate to the Paris canal He was member of a board congress of 1870. sent to the Philippine Islands to prepare plans the principal naval station in those islands (1000): and in 1002 he was one of a commission to select a site, draw plans, and prepare estimates for a coaling station on the coast of Liberia. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and in 1870 was decorated a chevalier of the Legion of Honor. He was married in 1866 to Elvira, daughter of Francisco Martin, of uba. and has three sons.
was born at N. J., in 1770. He received a school studied education: public medicine, and achieved prominence in the profession. For many years he was a member of the New Jersey legislature, and from 1815-23 was a representative in congress, serving on the committee on the post-office and accounts. He was olliciatiii!.' as president of the council of the state legislature at the time of his election to the United States -mate, and he cast the daeiding vote that defeated his opponent, Theodwc Frelinghuyseti: but a committee of the sem.te reCedarville,
ported the action as entirely legal, and he served from Nov. 10, 182(i. to January, IS2II. In the senate he was a member of the committees on His son, Dr. agriculture and enrolled bills.
was a prominent N. J., for sixty yeai-. and was the father of Robert Moni-'in and Ephraim Bateman, both prominent physicians of Benjamin
of his birth, Jan. 21,
INGE, Samuel Williams, Warren county.
died, in
1S20. ('..
Feb. 22.
taken to Greene county. Ala., by
He was 1817. his father, a
planter, when ten years of age, and there re-. ccivcd a good education, attending for a time the Alabama State University. Afterward he read law at Erie, and on being admitted to the bar located at Kilt aw in IS30, but a year later settled In 1S44-45. he represented in Livingston county. Snmter in the state legislature, and ill 1S47 was as a Democrat. He was re elected to congress elected for a second term, and served as repre In 1850, he had a ho-lile sentative till 1851.
correspondence with Edward Stanley, of North Carolina, growing out of remarks on the Hour of congress, and a duel was fought in Bladensburg. near Washington, D. ('. It had. however, no serious consequences, and the difference! were then In 1S53. Mr. Inge was adjusted on the ground. appointed by Pres. "Pierce I". S. attorney for California,
then contracted for the survey of Sonora. Mexico, in which he expended his fortune. He spent the remainder of his life in law-
practice at San Francisco, and in.
was born
He was graduated at the United gia in 1820. States Military Academy in 1853. and served at the cavalry school for practice at Carlisle. Pa. He was promoted to second lieutenant of mounted July 20, 1854, and was assigned to duty on the frontier, at Fort McTntosh, Tex., where he remained till May 1. 1856, when he resigned from the army. He took up the profession of architecture in Savannah, Ga. About a \ear later he removed to Missouri, opening an office in St. Louis, in 1857. At the beginning of the civil war he entered the Confederate service, and was appointed chief of staff to Gen. Daniel M. Kro-t. lie was taken prisoner May 10. 18(11. upon the capture of Camp Jackson. Mo., by Gen. l.yon. but was afterward exchanged and organi/cd the 1st Missouri infantry, of which he was made colonel. On Mar. 18, 18(12. lie was commissioned a brigadier-general, and was assigned to the command of a brigade composed of the 14th. Kith. 17th. and 18th Arkansas regiments, which he led in the battle of Shiloh. where he was -cverely wounded. He was made a major-general. May 25. 1863, and was placed in command of the " Missouri division," comprising the brigades of He took part in all Gens. Cockrell and Green. the engagements around Vicksburg. and became a prisoner of war. upon the surrender of that, place. July 4, 1863. During the long siege of Vicksburg. Gen. Bowen had contracted a di-ea-e. which ended his life at Raymond, Miss.. July l(i. riflemen.
BACON, John Edmund,
lawyer and
was born at Edgefield Courthouse.
June 27. 1830. son of Edmund Speed and Sarah Agnes (Bacon) I'acou. hi- parents being cousins, and grandson of Edmund Burke Bacon (1775-182(1 1. a distinguished lawyer and the original of "Ned " Brace.
S. C..
Gen. Longstreet's " Georgia Scenes." at South Carolina College in
He was graduated
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. 1850, continuing his studies at Leipsic, Germany, and read law under J. 1'. Carroll, a man of great, ability. Having finished his law course at Edgefield, "S. .
United States Military Academy
and was assigned to the mounted ritlemen as brevet second lieutenant. He was on duty at
in 1853,
the cavalry school for practice till Mar. 4. 1854, when he resigned from the army to engage in agricultural pursuits, becoming a planter at Hicksford, Va. He received an appointment on the staff of Gov. Henry A. Wise, with the rank of major in 1850, and was colonel in the Virginia militia in 1858. On the outbreak of the civil war he espoused the Confederate cause and was Carlisle, Pa., in
colonel of a Virginia infantry regiment. He colonel of the 13th Virginia cavalry in isiiii, joined the army of northern Virginia, and participated in all the operations of that army, being on several occasions in command of a brigade and
made was
He was commissioned serving with gallantry. brigadier-general, Jan. 20, 1863, and was assigned to the command of a cavalry brigade in Gen. W. H. F. Lee's division. He served with distinction in the battles of Cliancellorsville, Gettysburg, Spottsylvania, and Cold Harbor. In the action at Deep Bottom, Va., while leading his brigade in a cavalry charge, he was killed, Aug. 10, 1SH4.
HAMILTON, Philip, statesman, was born in New York city. Jan. 2'2. ITS:", the son of Alex ander Hamilton and his wife, Kli/abeth Schuylcr. He was graduated at Columbia College in 1800, and during his course of study evinced considerable ability and showed much promise. Mis career, however, was soon cut short owing to a quarrel in which he became involved with George L. Eackcr, a young New York lawyer, who, as a partisan of Aaron Burr, was naturally a political antagonist of the Hamilton family. On Nov. 20, 1801, Philip Hamilton, while occupying a box in the Park theatre in company with a young friend named Price, indulged in ironical remarks about. the oration delivered on the preceding 4th of July by Eacker, who was seated with a few friends in an adjoining box. The latter, observing himself the subject of ridicule, stepped out in great agitation to demand an explanation. Some high words passed between the antagonists, and Hamilton sent a challenge to Eackcr. In the duel which followed on Nov. 23. 1801. Philip Hamilton was mortally wounded, and he died in New York The encounter took place city the next morning. at Wcehawken. on the same spot where his father fell three years later.
BLAIR, Jacob B., Parkersburg. Wood
representative, co., Va., Apr.
unsuccessful attempt to raise silk
he removed to Madison, Ind., where he was a merchant, manufacturer, director of a bank, and captain of militia, and he had a wider field of service as associate justice of the circuit court. In 1822 he was admitted to the bar of the supreme court of Indiana. In 1826 he went to St. Augustine, Fla., and in 1829 he was appointed U. S. attorney for the eastern district of Florida, and though a Whig was retained in office by Pres. Jackson, who refused a request for his dismissal, declaring that Douglas knew more about Spanish land claims than any other man in the United States. After holding this office through the administrations of five presidents, he resigned, Oct. 8, 1845, having been appointed judge of the circuit court for the eastern circuit of Florida. By subsequent election and appointment he continued upon the circuit bench until 1853, when he was elected a justice of the reorganized supreme court, and held the position until his death. Judge Douglass was deeply read in every
studied law, and on being admitted to the bar, became prosecuting attorney for Ritchie county, and served as such for several years. In 18U1 he was elected to the 37th congress from Virginia, serving on the committee on public He was elected to the buildings and grounds. 38th congress from West Virginia in 1863, and during this term was a member of the committees on public expenditures and on public buildings and grounds. In 1868 Mr. Blair was appointed U. S. minister to Costa Rica, and held the position until 1873.
John, lawyer and diplomatist, at Beverly, Essex CO., Mass., Feb. 11, lie was graduated at Bowdoin College, at 1815. the age of nineteen, studied law, and in 1837 was admitted to the bar at Portland, Me. In the fol'' Eastern lowing year he became editor of the a Democratic newspaper of Portland, Argus,'' and acted in this capacity for four or five years, during a part of this time serving also as register of probate for Cumberland county. In 1845 he
was born
was appointed by Mr. Bancroft, then
of the navy, chief clerk of the navy department; lie subsequent!}' became chief clerk of the state
department, which was then presided over by Buchanan. On Mar. 30, 1848, Pres. Polk sent him to Bolivia as charge d'affaires of the United States, which position he filled until May 4, 1849, resigning after the election of Gen. Taylor. Upon returning to Portland, he resumed the practice of law in partnership with Nathan C'liiFord. He was elected in 1850 to the 32d congress, as a Democrat, and served from Dec. 1, 1851, to Mar. 3, 1853. Five years later he went to London, England, as secretary of the United States legation, and filled this office from Feb. 19, 1855, to Nov. 16, 1855, when he returned home to take part in the He was invited presidential campaign of 1856. " in 1857 to become editor of the Washington Union,'' which position he declined owing to ill health. He became assistant secretary of state under Pres. Buchanan, and served as such from Apr. 4, 1857, to June 8, 1800, when he was apHe held this compointed minister to Russia. mission till June 7, 1861. He died in Portland, Me., Aug. 22, 1864.
ERVING, George
born in Boston, Mass., in 1771, son of George His grandfather, John Erving, a native Erving. of the Orkney Islands, Scotland, was one of the wealthiest merchants of Boston, and for twenty years a member of the council of Massachusetts. Being a loyalist, he retired from public service at the beginning of the revolution. George Erving, during the war for independence, went to Halifax, and thence to London, with his The son was educated at Oxfamily, in 1770. ford, England, and after returning to his native
made consul to London by JefferHe was appointed secretary of legation to
country, was son.
In 1811 he was commissioned Spain in 1804. minister to Denmark, and charged with negotiations in connection with acts of pillaging, committed under the Danish flag, on the commerce of the United States. He was appointed minister to Spain in 1814, and held that position for four years. His deatli occurred in New York special
city in July, 1850.
Thomas, first chief justice of Florida, was born at Wallingford. Conn., Apr. 27, 1790. son of John Ballard and Lois (Thorpe) Douglas, and grandson of Nathaniel and Hannah After an (Lewis) Douglas, of Scotch descent.
in St.
tine, Fla.,
department of
and did
his full of his His practical basis.
share toward giving to the
common law
state a scientific form and decisions are to be found in the first five volumes " of Florida Reports.'' He was married June 22, 1814, to Hannah Sanford, and had one son. William Wirt, and two daughters. He died at his home in Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. 11, 1855.
Rocellus Sheridan, lawyer and
author, was born at Westford, Otsego co." N. Y., Apr. 10, 1836, son of Richard and Orillia (De Les Dernier) Guernsey, and descendant in the eighth generation, of Joseph Guernsie or Garnsey, one of the founders of Milford, Conn., in 1639, and of Rev. Jeremiah Peck, of the New Haven colony. He was educated in the public school and by private instruction, and at the age " " of sixteen he entered the Otsego Republican He began to study office, at Cooperstown, N. Y. law outside of working hours, when he was seventeen, which he continued in Buffalo in 1857-58, meanwhile working as a journeyman printer at Utica and Rochester. Removing to New York city in 1859, he was admitted to the bar and began the practice of his profession. In 1863 he was admitted to the bar of the United States supreme court. lie was attorney for the Western Union Telegraph Co. for three years (1880-83), and from 1873-83 he was literary editor of the New York " " as the Daily Register present official law journal
was then
called for which he wrote over 400 reviews cf law books, published during that time. During 1886-94 he was attorney and counsel for the Postal TelegraphCable Co., and had charge of every case in every state where it was a party. Resigning in June, 1894, he resumed private practice with
attention to public matters. Among the important cases with which he was connected was that of the state of Delaware and Delaware Postal TelegraphCable Co. v. The Delaware and Atlantic Telegraph and Telephone Co., in the United States circuit court, in the Delaware district in 1891. Since the trial of the case, telephone privileges had not been regarded as a monopoly of the Western Union
of a method which has sine,, been widely developed. He is a director of the American Society of Civil Engineers; past, president of the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education; member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; Society of Engineers of Hanover. Germany: American Society of Mechanical Kngineers; Boston Society of Civil Engineers: .National Geographical Society; New England Railroad Club: New England \\atcr Works Association; Massachusetts Highway Association, and other professional association.-;
that company is regarded as incapable to any pering exclusive telephone priv ilegcs a-c~ i" behall of the Postal run nr corporation, to. \\eic instituted liy him in tin' state mints of New York, Mississippi, ;jnd in Alabama, about (
|. for \vhieli the oily eommon council ga\o him a vote of thanks: '.Mechanics' Lien Laws" il.s7.'!>: "Key to Story's Ki|iiily Juris" (1875); has contributed many articles jii'tidem -e
related to the eon-t
to journals ujion literary
it lit
subjects, of
number have heen
reprinted in ])amphlet form: "Municipal Law and Its Relation to the Constitution of Man;" "The
Examination of Titles to Land
Alexander Dunlop, of Ontario, Can., and has one daughter. SWAIN, George Fillmore, civil engineer, was born in San Francisco, Cal., Mar. 2. 1857, son of Kobert Hunker and Clara Ann (Fillmore) Swain. He was educated in public and private schools in San Francisco, and after graduating at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1877, he studied three years in the Royal Polytechnic School, Berlin, Germany. On 'his return to America in 1880, he was employed as an expert on the 10th census of the United States, and submitted reports on the water power of the various of
into the published in volumes 17 and 18 of the reHe ports of that census. was appointed professor of civil at the engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1887, and has occupied that chair since that date. During the same period he has been engineer of the Massachusetts railroad commissioners, having charge of the examination of railroad bridges in since 1894
and Commer-
England and
the I'nited States:" "Law Reform in Plead" ings; "Suicide, History of the Penal Laws Relating to It:" "Utilitarian Principles of Taxation and Their Relation to Altruism," a serial in twelve numbers in the "Sanitarian" (1901-02); "Ecclesiastical Law in Hamlet." "Taxation and Its Relations to Capital and Labor" (1897); "Tax" ation of Water," and Religious Liberty in Colonial New York." He is chairman of the New York State Taxpayers' Protective Association, which he organized in 1894, and is active in movements to reform national, state, and municipal t;i \ation. He was one of the promoters of the New York State Franchise Tax Law of 1S99. He was married Jan. 2, 1877, to Elizabeth, daughter
ALDEN, Timothy,
of the si. liololph. 'Icchnoiogy,
Clubs of Boston. He was married at Waterbury, Conn., in July, 1891, to Katharine Kendrick, daughter of Frederick G. Wheeler, of NewYork, and has one child. cial
he has been a member of the Boston Transit Commission. This commission constructed the well-known subway and the Charlestown bridge, and is now engaged in constructing a tunnel under the harbor connectHe has done a ing Boston with East Boston. large amount of professional work, and has publi-lied many papers on engineering subjects in the transactions of various societies. His paper published in 1882 in the journal of the Franklin In" The Application of the Principle stitute, on of Virtual Velocities to the Deflection and Stresses ill Frames," was the first presentation to the
inventor, was born at Barnthe seventh
He was stable, Mass., Feb. 3, 1823. in direct descent from the Puritan,
John Alden,
made memorable by Longfellow's poem. \\ an early age he was apprenticed to his brother, Henry W. Alden, a printer, and when about seventeen conceived the idea of a machine for setting type. After five years of patient, labor he produced the "Alden Printing .Machine," in which the type is arrayed in cells around the circumference of a horizontal wheel. As the wheel revolves, the receivers pick up the type as directed by the operator. Some improvements have been subsequently added to it by his brother, and the machine became the pioneer typesetting machine, hut it did not come into extensive practical n-r. He died in New York city, Dec. 4, 1858.
and distributing
Nelson, author and
was born in Philadelphia, Pa., June 17, 17.S4. -on of John Barker (1746-1818), who attained the rank of brigadier-general in the revolutionary war. sheriff of Philadelphia during 1794-97. and 1803-07, alderman in 1800. and mayor in ISlls d'.i. and 1812. The son served on the Canada frontier
war of 1812, and participated in several important engagements. In 1814. he was appointed assistant adjutant-general of the fourth military district; and it was in this year that he fought a duel with Maj. Wade, Hampton, father of the Confederate general, by whom he was severely wounded. Afterward they grew to be warm perse nal friends. He resigned his military commisin the
sion in
1817. and was elected alderman of Philaof which city he became mayor three
A thorough Democrat, he earne-tly years later. supported the administration of Madison during the war, and aided in the election of Andrew Jackson, who appointed him collector of customs for the port of Philadelphia in 1829. He served as such for nine years, and in 1838 became comptroller of the I'nited States treasury, a position he held until his death. He remained in olliee thro tilth the Whig administrations of Harrison and Tyler. As a literary man he attracted wide attention by his poems and dramatic works. His. best known poems are: "Little Red Riding Hood." published in Griswold's "Poets and Poetry of America." and "The Sisters." His first play, a comedy entitled " Tears and Smiles," was produced at the Chestnut Street Theater, Philadelphia, in 1807: and in the same year an operatic " The Travellers," was successfully play called out. He also wrote the " Embargo," or brought " Whafs News?" (1808), a comedy: "The Indian Princess" (1808). a drama: "Marmion" (1813). romance: "The Armorer's Escape" (1817). a melodrama, and "Superstition"' (1824), a tragIn 1811 he was married to Mary Rogers, edy. and died in Washington. D. C.. Mar. 9, 1868. a
BATJMEISTER, John, merchant and builder, was born at Louisville, Ky., Nov. 21, 1849, son of Herman and Johanna Frieda (Von Volthaus) liaumeister. They came to America, settling in Louisville
After completing his early education in the Louisville public schools, he became a carpenter; and in 1800 he went into business for himself. In 1883 he associated with him a brother, Henry, and the firm thus formed rapidly took front rank in line of business. In its 1889 he engaged in the
manufacture and sale of lumber on a large scale, owning and operating his own mills, some of which were special plants devoted He was to veneering, etc. president of the Louisville Saw Mill Co., and the Fall City Lumber Co. (incorporated Feb. 18, 1889), of
which he became complete owner in 1895. He was one of the foremost builders in He built the South.
Southern Exposition buildings, and the principal public and private buildings in Louisville. At the time of his death he was a director in the German Insurance Hank, the German Insurance Co., and the Standard National Savings & Loan Association
of Louisville; president of the P'all City Lumber Co., and the Louisville Saw Mill Co. He was married at Floydsburg, Ky., Nov. 21, 1878, to Anna Eliza, daughter of Dr. John Romulus Timberlake, of that place, and was survived by three sons. He died at Pensacola, Fla., Feb. 3, 1900.
Letson, mine operator, was born co., la., May 17, 1873, son of Stephen Ferguson and Helen Maria (Letson) Ballict. His father was judge of the 9th judicial district of Iowa, and never had a decision
at Nevada, Story
the supreme court. He received his early education in the schools of Des Moines, and was graduated at Drake University in 1894, with the degree of C.E. He was chief engineer of the Des Moines Union railway during 189495; and professor of chemistry and engineering at the Arkansas Methodist University durIn the latter ing 1895-90. year he went west, becoming chief engineer of the reversed
Mining and he held the same
Co., posi-
with the Alder Creek Mining Co., during 1897-99. tion
From time
to time he
interests, and in isii'.i organized the White Swan Mines Co., Limited, of which he was general manager and secretary until 1902, when he was elected president,
shrewd investments
while retaining the position of general manager.
and versatility. 28. 1901, city, to Florence Estelle, daughter of Alfred Kells, of and first secreN. Y. He was lirooklyn. organizer tary of. and a member of the Des Moines Academy of Sciences, which lie served as secretary in 1804. is
He was
of remarkable energy
married in
New York
Ben Mills, jurist, was a resident of Barren countj', Ky., which he represented in the state house of representatives during 1840-42, and in the state senate during 1844-48. While in the senate he was a member of the committee that reported adversely to the confirmation of George 15. Kinkead as secretary of state to succeed Ben Hardin, who had been removed by Gov. Owsley. In 1844 he was presidential elector for the 1st district of Kentucky, casting his vote for Henry Clay. He was elected judge of the court of appeals for the 3rd district, May 12, 1851, at the first election held under the new constitution, and served as chief justice from August, 1856, until his death, which occurred in Lexington, Ky., May 5, 1857.
SELLERS, John, Jr., manufacturer, was born at Upper Darby, Delaware co., Pa., July 27, 1820, son of John and Elizabeth (Poole) Sellers, and a brother of William Sellers (q. v.). He was educated in the common schools, and at an early age engaged in the milling business on the site of the present Millbourne mills, which business he pursued for a number of years, in association with his father. In 1848 he was seized with the spirit of travel and adventure, and started on a trip across the continent. At Cincinnati he entered the employ of a prominent milloperator, and later of the Bank, but in Lafayette 1849 he returned to Phila-
delphia and established an
In foundry there. 1853 he became one of the firm of Bancroft & Sellers, consisting of his brother, William, and his brother-inlaw. Edward Bancroft. He aided in building up an exbusiness in tensive the
manufacture of machine tools, and when the new of William Sellers company
Co., Inc., was established 1886, he became vice-
president and treasurer. In 1885 he became president of the Millbourne Mills Co.
(incorporated in that year),
an enterprise originated in 1757, then known and for many years thereafter as Sellers' mill. He had charge of its affairs until 1902, when he resigned. He was one of the incorporators of the Edge Moor Iron Co., in 1809. and served as
its vice-president until his resignation, He is one of the few surviving orOct. 2, 1901. ganizers of the Union League of Philadelphia, and as such was chosen to prepare a portion of the sketch included in a history of the League, published in 1902; is a prominent member of the Franklin Institute, and was also largely instrumental in founding and establishing the " Nation," in New York city; he has in his library a complete set bound since its establishment in 1865. He was married in Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 0, 1853, to Ann Caroline, daughter of Joseph Swift Keen, of that city, and has had one son and four daughters. Mr. Sellers is possessed of an artistic temperament that has led him to surround himself with the treasures of the world; " and his fine home Millbourne/' founded on the historic ground of William Penn, is filled with masterpieces of ancient and modern art. Though lacking in those doubtful qualities which make a man unduly popular in a large society of superficial acquaintances, he is the idol of those
ith him by ties of blood must d,,,ely associated \ curious artlessness of disposition has or ,i,,u a cordiality he does to it
feign impossible combined not feel, vet this very simplicity, won him a host a stroii" personal magnetism, has Hi- abounding benevolence is devoid of friend-. ostentation or display. of '
HUSTON, Felix, soldier, was born and reared Licensed in the Green river country of Kentucky. served as a lawyer, he settled in Nate-hex. Mi-s.. Texas in in the' legislature and ill 1836 went to rummaiid'of a company soon after the' battle' of San For a short 'time in 18311. he was in com,l:i, int.*. mand of lie army then encamped on the Lavaca river in which post he succeeded Gen. Husk. Soon afterward Albert Sydney Johnston was appointed him. and this proby 1'ic--. Houston to supersede duced a personal controversy between the two As a result a duel was fought, Feb. 7, "encrals. Gen. Johnston l-i:;7. on the Lavaca river, in which wounded and for some time disabled. waI
Later explanations were
made and they became
(Jen. Huston in 18:19 was elected majorfriends. to be on general of the militJa. and happening the ground was invited by the citizens' volunteers to command them at the battle of Plum (reek, Aug. 12, 1840187 Texans and 13 Tanchua Indians against 1.000 Comanches and other InHis management did not give satisfaction dians. to the old Indian fighters on the field, thousih his
courage was unquestioned. A victory was won. but not so great as would have been gained had one of the veterans, like Burleson or Caldwell, been in chief command. This was the only engagement in Soon which (Jen. Huston participated in Texas. afterward he returned to his plantations near Natche/.. where he died 'in 1857. 1
Martin, merchant and manuwas born at Bolton. Conn.. Apr. 28, 1850, son of Arba Harrison and Harriet (Dart) He was educated in the public schools Brown. and at the age of Bolton and Rockville, Conn.
BROWN, Henry
entered the dry goods house of E. Stevens Henry, of Rockville. with whom he formed the partof
nership of Henry & Brown This firm was dis1871. solved in 1887, and on the first of the following year he formed a new partnership with the Hon. Daniel Kiissell Rrown, his brother, and Charles II. Child, conducting an extensive busi-
ness in mill supplies, under name of Brown Bros. & ( 'o. In 1899 he resigned from this firm to become
treasurer and general manof the U. S. Bobbin and Shuttle Co. of Providence, a position he still lie is a director occupies, in the National Ring Traveler Co., the Kquitable Fire A: Marine Insurance Co.. the Industrial Trust Co., the Mechanics' National Bank, the' NarraganFieri He .-ett o.. the Mechanics' Savings .igliting Hank of Providence, and in other banking and manufacturing concerns. Mr. Brown has always He exhibited a keen interest in public affairs. served as a member of the Providence' city council as ntloncl and ehief-of-staff and acted in 18!Mi; when his brother was governor eif Rhode Island (1892 95). He was elected to the general assembly in 1899-1901, and rendered creditable service
member of its judiciary committee. He- was married in 1875. t-o Annie Weed, daughter of G. North, of Rockville, Conn., and has two L.
as a
CORBIN, Henry Clarke, soldier, was born in CTermont county, O., Sept. 15, 1842. son of Shadrach and Mary Anne (Clarke) Corbin. His great-
served in the' revolugrandfather, John Corbin. tion as a sergeant of Virginia volunteers, and received for his service the farm upon whicli Gen. Corbin was born and reared. The latter was educated at Parker's Academy near Cincinnati, and after teaching school one year enlisted in the He was made second lieutenant of volcivil war. unteers on July 28. 18(12: first lieutenant. May 11, ]8(i:(; major of the 14th United States coloie-d troops, Nov. 14, 1863, lieutenant-colonel, He was Sept. 23, 1865.
eral for meritorious ser-
Mar. 13, 1865; vices. and was raised to the rank of colonel, Sept.
He fought at 1865. i:',. Pulaski. Tenn., Dalton, Ga..l)ecatur, Ala.. NashTenn.. and parville.
ticipated in the pursuit
Gen. Hood's army. For gallantry at Decatur he was breveted
major, and at Nashville, was breveted lieutenant-colonel. In the winter of 1863-64, he com-
an expedition the Seejiialehie valley against the Confederate guerrilla, Hughes, driving him from that country and bringing back a large' number of colored men who afterward comprised the' 44th He was honorably United States regiment. mustered out of the volunteer service on Mar. 26, 1866, and on May llth. was appointed a second lieutenant in the 17th regiment of the to
He regular army. assistant 1811(1.
was promoted
July with the j rank of major, June 16, 1880, and h. utenantcolonel, June 7, 1889. He became a colonel on May
1896, and a brigadier-general, Feb. 25, 1898. After 1867 he was engaged in the West against the Indians, and later participated in the Texas border troubles. In 1877 he served as secretary of the Sitting Bull commission, and was a witne-s before the house military committee upon the matter. He accompanied Pres. Carfield to F.land was special beron, N. J., in September, 1881 aid to Gen. Hancock, acting as master of ceremo26,
and secretary
Yorktown centennial
AS ascommission, in October of the same' year. sistant adjutant-general, he was attached to the department of the South in 1882-83, and to tin' Gen. Corbin division of the Missouri in 1883-91. participated in the Sioux campaign of Jamiarv. 1891. From March. 1891 te> DC mber, 1892. ho was attached to the department of Arizona, and took the fie'ld in the disturbances at the Moe|iii Indian villages, in the summer of 1891. Continuing tei serve as assistant adjutant-general, he was attached to the main office in Washington during 1892-93. and in November of the lad IT year was He was recorder appointed principal assistant. of the military prison board. 1893 95, and em Oct. 1(1. 1895. was appointed adjutant -general of the department of the East, serving until Sept.
He was principal assistant in the office of the U. S. adjutant-general, Washington, from 22. 1897.
OF AMERICAN BIOGKAPHY. 2.'), 1898, since which he has been adjutant-general of the United States anny. In 1903 he was assigned to the department of the Ea.-t with headquarters at Governor's Island, New .York. Gen. Corbin was married, Sept. 6, 1805, to Frances, daughter of Abram Strickle, of Wilming-
Sept. 23, 1897, to Feb.
ton, O.,
died in 1893, leaving three children, 1901, to Kdythe
was again married, Nov. 0, Agnes, daughter of John Patten,
of California.
New York city for many years, and he died at Bridgeport, Conn., Feb. 25, 1895. of
born at Clarksfield, Huron CO., O., Aug. 31, 1842, son of Hiram W. and Eunice (Brown) Cunningham. He attended the common schools and worked on his father's farm until the age of seventeen, when he entered Oberlin College, and in the spring of 1860, Bald-
Horace Leet, banker and
operator, was born
Allegany county, N. Y., July 10, 1837, son of Samuel and Betsey Elizabeth He was educated in the public (Leet) Chapman. schools of his native state, and at the age of seventeen went to Portsmouth, O., with his uncle Horace Leet, becoming two years later his partin
ner in the lumber business. In 1801 he disposed of his interest therein and began the study of law in the office
He was admitted in
to the bar
but never entered
practice of his In 1863 he profession. bought an interest in a
private banking firm, which
became Kinney & Chapman. 1865 In he removed to Jackson, O., where he established another bankinghouse, which five years later became the First National of which he was elected president, a position he still l\olds (1902). While a resident of Portsmouth he was twice elected city treasurer, and was for twelve years a member of' the town council and school board of
He was connected with the organizaand building of two railroads in Jackson county, one from Dayton and the other from Springfield, being a director of both and vicepresident of one. For twenty-five years he has been extensively engaged in the coal and iron business of Jackson county. He was a district delegate to the Democratic national convention at St. Louis, when Samuel J. Tilden was nominated and at Chicago, when Grover Cleveland was nominated. He was the Democratic nominee for governor in 1897, and in 1900 was one of the delegates-at-large from Ohio to the Kansas City convention. He has a residence in Jackson and Columbus, and a summer home in northern PennHe is a member of the Columbus and sylvania. Country Clubs of Columbus, O. He was married, Jackson. tion
24, 1808, to Frances E. Benton, of Port Alleghany, Pa., and has two children, F. B. and
HOUSE, Royal
was born
Earl, electrician and inventor,
Rockingham, Vt., Sept.
9, 1814.
ing an aptitude for mechanics he made a careful study of chemistry and magnetism, and in 1844 he invented a keyboard for transmitting and printing messages in Roman characters. His invention
was exhibited in New York city, and following upon the completion of the first telegraph line attracted wide attention. The validity of the patent was attacked by Morse and his business a-Miriatps but after a long and costly litigation Mr. House's rights were confirmed by the courts. Since that time he has made numerous inventions and improvements in the field of telegraphy, some of them of great importance. He was a resident closely
University, Berea, O. In the civil war he joined the 101st Ohio infantry, and served till December,
He then resumed
and at versity, College, Michigan,
where he
graduated law
1866. his
brother, J. O. Cunningham, at Urbana, 111., returning to Ohio to become principal of the schools of Milan and
In 1869 he was Urbana. admitted to the bar of the supreme court of Illinois, and removed to Emporia, Kan. He was probate judge of Lyon county, Kan., for three terms, and acquired a high reputation as an In January, able and conscientious practitioner. 1901, he was appointed a justice of the supreme court of Kansas, and was elected to that office in the fall of 1902. He has a large library, and is well informed on both general and professional topics; he takes a deep interest in national and state politics; he is a member of the Masonic order; and is prominently connected with the Methodist Episcopal church, having served for thirty-four years as superintendent of the Sunday school of the First Mr. Methodist Episcopal Church of Emporia. Cunningham was married, Mar. 12, 1867, to Debbie, daughter of Ezra and Catharine (Doren) Rowland, of Clarksfield, 0. They have five children: Maude, wife of H. S. Cunningham of Buffalo, N. Y. Mabel, wife of M. S. Dudgeon of Madison, Wis.; Ella, Ralph, and Wilbur. :
Walter, lawyer, was born in John Ben-
Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 5, 1859, son of jamin and Harriet Porter He was (Rorer) Douglass. educated in public and private schools, and in 1875 entered the Pierce College of Business,
where he was in
studied law under Henry Baldwin, Jr.. of Philadelphia, a widely known patHe has been ent lawyer. actively engaged as an at-
torney in patent matters and patent causes since 1885, succeeding to the prac-
He of his preceptor. also attorney for several large corporate interests in Philadelphia and elsewhere. He is, at this time, president of a number of industrial organizations. He is also a member of the Union League, Franklin Institute, Academy of Fine Arts, Historical Society, and Masonic fraternity.
tice is
FRY, Henry president,
was born
manufacturer and bank Lexington, Fayette CO.,
Ky.. Sept. 17. ism. son of Thomas Cousins and Charlotte Fry. :iml grandson of .lolui Kry, who emigrated I'IMMI Ireland to Wilkc- Uarre. 1'a.. rcinou'd to 1*IU and about Lexington. Ky.,
farming ami Mock raising. descendants still hold hr hoincMcad near old Lexington, llcnry ( lay Fry received his early education His t
shipping clerk
a as Hie glass
then I1HI2
he was chosen a
Chamber the New active in
by courtesy. of the
New York
Commerce, and in IIHU president of He is als.> York Historical Society. all church movements of any magnitude, of
since 1002 has serveil on the Assyrian Mission He is a trustee and member of tincommittee. standing committee of the General Theological Seminary, secretary of the General Society of
Colonial \Yais. member of the Century Association, the Grolier Club, the University Club, the New York Athletic Club, and the St. Nicholas
establishmanufacturing niciil of William Phillips & In 1862 Co. in Pittsburg. lie
enlisted in
loth regi-
Pennsylvania cav-
until the alry, and close of the civil war. After his honorable discharge
from the army, he became a member of the glass manufacturing linn of Lip-
Fry & Co., in PittsThe Mylc of the firm was changed later to Fry, Mr. Semple & Reynolds. Fry and others established, pincott.
in the spring of 1872, the Rochester Tumbler Co., building extensive structures upon ten acres of land purchased at RochesTo meet a rapidly increasing demand for ter; Pa. pressed and blown glass tumblers the company lias largely increased its plants in the past few years, and its establishment is now the largest of its kind in the country, its products going to all civilized Its employees parts of the world. number over 1.200, and all appliances needed for
the manufacture of glass are made upon its In 1HO-J he organized the II. C. Fry premise! Cla-s Co., with $600,000 capital, to develop a newly patented process of producing fine cut glassware, which seems deMined to revolutionize the business of glass cutting in this country. He is president of this company, having resigned the presidency of the National Glass Co. in 1900, one year after its organization, to develop this new Mr. Fry has been president of the First industry. Hank of Rochester, Pa., since its organNationa| i/.ation in June, 1883. He has been superintendent of the Kaptist Sunday school in Rochester. Pa., for twenty-eight years. He was married in August, 1862, to Emma, 'daughter of James and
Minerva Scott Malhews, of Pittsburg. have two sons and three daughters. Harry i
C., Jr.,
Gertrude. Clara. .1. Howard, and Mabel Fry. His wife died in 1884. lie was married to Belle of McCIintock, Meadville, Pa., in November. 1889.
Samuel Verplanck, was born
Brooklyn, X. Y.. May 12. I860, son of Eugene \HUUMIIS and MaryYrooke Elmendorf Hoffman. His father was the famous divine who died. while the head of the General Theological Semi-, at_ The lirM American ancestor was Herman nary. Hoffman, a native of Kevel, on the Gulf of Finland, who settle.! at New Amsterdam with his son Martinua, in Kion. The line of descent is through Martinus' son Nicholas, his son Martinua, his son Hermanns, his son Samuel V., Mr. Hoffinan's grandfather, for whom he was named. He was educated at Berkeley School. \ew York, and at, Stevens Institute. Hoboken. N. J.. where he was graduated M.K. in 1SSS. He then pursued I
special studies at
Columbia University, and Johns Hopkins University, becoming student, assistant,
New York
Society of New York; a member of the Morristown (X. J.) Club, and the Robin's Island Club: treasurer of the St. Regis Yacht Club, and a member of the University Club of Baltimore: a member of the Delta Phi Fraternity, the Columbia I'niversity Club, the 7th Regiment Veterans' Association, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is a director of the North River Fire Insurance Co., and since his, father's death has been an executor of the vast Hoffman estate, managing its affairs with much skill and sagacity. He is a man of great mental capacity and moral outlook, active in every bene-
and socially. ficial move, politically, religiously, Mr. Hoffman was married in New York city. Apr. 17, 18!lo, to Louisa Norwood, daughter of Lewis Louisa Bayard Smith, and has three children: Verplanck. Margaret Elmendorf. and Eugene Augustus Hoffman. INGEBSOLL, Henry Hulbert, lawyer, was born in Oberlin, O., Jan. 20, 1844, son of William
and Samantha Basset t) Ingersoll. The first of the family in America were two brothers. Richard and John Ingersoll. who settled at Salem. Ma-s.. in 1629, and from John and his wife. Mary limit. the descent runs through their son Thomas, who (
married Sarah Ashley; their son David, Lydia Child: their son William, who married Lydia their son David Ingersoll and his wife, Sarah Parsons, the grandparents of On Henry H. Ingersoll. the outbreak of the civil war, although but seven'teen years of age, he en-
who mar-
in the 7th Ohio infantry, and served through the West, camVirginia listed
paign under Gen. McCIellan he was discharged in November. 1801. In December he entered Yale 'ollege. where he was graduated in :
the class of 1803. Immediately he began his active career as superintendent of the public schools of KenMeanwhile he beton, O.
gan the study of law with Col. A. S. Ramsey, and after his admission to the bar in lS(i.">, he removed to Greeneville, Tenn., where he began practice with James Uritton. then an attorney-general of the state, and Herbert L. Terrell, one of his .lassmates in Yale. This firm was dissolved in 1869.
OF AMERICAN BIOGKAPHY. Ingersoll next formed an association with Felix \V. Earnest, which lasted four years (1871 In 1878 he located at Knoxville and as-74). siKiiutcd in practice with Col. John 31. Fleming. During 1879-80 he was judge of the supreme court commission at Knoxville, under appointment of Gov. Mark* having meantime for several months in 1878, been special judge of the supreme court at Knoxville, a position to which he
and Mr.
was again appointed by Gov. Bate
1884. During the intermediate years (1881-87) his practice had so enlarged throughout east Ten-
nessee that he was obliged to form no less than four contemporaneous firms; Ingersoll & Dosser at Jonesborough, Ingersoll & Shoun at Greenville, Ingersoll & Cocke at Knoxville, and Ingersoll &
During 1806-67 he was
at Dandridgt.
for the 1st state circuit, "the last five years of Pres. Andrew Johnson's life was his attorney and counsel. He was trustee of Emory and Henry College, Va. (1884-92), president of the board of education of Knoxville (1887-88): since 1891 has been dean o'f the law department of the University of Tennessee, and since ISflS a trustee of the University of the He has been a delegate to .South, Sewanee. Tenn. nearly every state convention since 1867, and was elector for the 1st. Tennessee district in 1876. The degree of A.M. was conferred on him by Yale College in 1866, and LL.D by Washington College, Tennessee, in 1889. Judge Ingersoll was
and during
married. Apr. 11, 1864, to Emily G., daughter of Everett Rogers, of Kenton, O., and has one daughter. Mabel Rogers, wife of Oliver Weeks Ingersoll, of Brooklyn, N. Y.
James Newson,
editor and Bungay, Suffolk, England, Nov. 21, 1828, son of Edward a "d Harriet (XewHis father was a journeyman son) Matthews. compositor employed by a large firm of London. Before he was eighteen years of age he went to Buffalo, X. Y., and became foreman in the job " office of the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser." In printer,
was born
1851 he was a partner in the firm of Clapp, Matthews & Co., "proprietors" of the Buffalo Express job office,
partner in the firm, and James D. Warren, he bought the newspaper and printing " Complant of the Buffalo mercial Advertiser." Mr. Wheeler soon retired, and for some seventeen years' until the autumn of 1877 the firm of Matthews & Warren carried on the business. Their imprint was
all over the United States in connection with railroad printing, especially fine color work, and their newspaper became a notable factor in the politics of New York state, Mr. Matthews being one of the dclegates-at-large to the Republican national conventions in 1872 and 1876. The firm built the Washington block in Buffalo, and owned the controlling interest in the large lithographic plant of Clay. Cosack & Co. It was with the " Commercial " that J. V. Matthews made his first reputation as a writer and editor. Xot long after the formation of the firm of Matthews & Warren, both of its partners became dissatisfied with the editorial conduct of the newspaper, and Mr.
active charge of that work, and the most regular of editorial writers. With some few exceptions, he wrote for publication every day during the remainder of his life. In 1877, the firm of Matthews & Warren was
Matthews took became
dissolved; Mr. " Commercial " "
Warren became sole owner of the and Mr. Matthews bought the
Express;" and in connection with some other associates, including his son and William P. Xorth-
and engraving establishment which became The Matthews-Northrup Co. " " The Buffalo became a prosperous and Express influential newspaper under his management, and the printing done by the Matthews-Xorthrup works won a national reputation. He was marrup, founded the printing
ried at Westfield, N. Y., July 23, 1851, to Harriet, daughter of Austin L. Wells, and was sur-
tived by one son, George Edward, and a daughter, Frances Amy, wife of E. G. Boon. He died in Buffalo, X. Y., Dec. 20, 1888.
George Edward, editor and was born at Westfield, near Buffalo, X. Y., Mar. 17, 18i)5, son of James X'. and Harriet He was graduated at Yale (Wells) Matthews. College in 1877. Having had some experience in printer,
editorial writing in 1872, under the tutelage of " his father, who was editing both the Commer" cial Advertiser and the " Express," he at once the became associated with his father in conduct " Exof the newspaper business of the Buffalo " The and the business of Matthewapress printing
Northrup works. For eleven years he was financial manager of both these institu-
though much of his time was spent in writing for various departments of After the the newspaper. death of his father in 1888, he became the head of the two concerns, the newspaper being carried on as a tions,
copartnership, consisting of himself, Charles E. Austin,
and James W. Greene. The printing business was incorporated as The
MatthewsNorthrup Co. in 1890, with Mr. Matthews as president and Wm. P. Xorthrup as vice-president.
In the edi-
conduct of the "Express," Mr. Matthews has succeeded in carrying out many of the ideals of his father, and has demonstrated that an independent, outspoken newspaper can continue strong and popular without descending to sensationalism. In 1901, Mr. Austin retired, his interest was sold torial
to others in the employ of the establishment, and both the Matthews-Xorthrup Co. and the Buffalo " " Express passed into the ownership of the J. N.
had established both. William P. Xorthrup and James W. Greene, editor of the " Express," were made vice-presidents, and Mr. Matthews, president. The corporation is notable in that every one of the twenty or more stock-
He actively engaged in the business. to the Republican national convention of 1S96. He has contributed a considerable number of papers on technical questions 10 trade journals, and in 1901. was ejected president of the United Typothetre of America, the national organization of employing printers. He was married at Buffalo. July' 12. 1SS7. to Mary Elizabeth, daughter of George Hunt Burrows, and has three children. holders
was a delegate
BAILEY, James Edmund,
senator, was born
Molll'jomciy comity. Tellll.. Ally:. !.">. 1S22. scill Hi- grandof Charles ana Mary il>r\an> l(aile\. father, a native of Scotland, emigrated to North Carolina: and hi- father \\as liorn ill Sini])son comity, lie received hi- early education at Clarksville Academy, and the I'liivcrsity of Nashville. Ucfore the ai^c of twenty one lie was admitted to the liar. I'nrmiiig a partnership with George C. and -iil>-ci|ucnt iy. at dill'crent times, he lioyd was in jiartnerslii|i with C'ol. Alfred Kobb. Hon. Horace II. I. nrton. and lion. Charles (i. Smith. During the ["residential campaign of lS4li. lie canva--eii Tennessee in the interest of the Democratic party and acquired an enviable reputation as a lie wa- a nn'inbcr of the -late public speaker. legislature in is:;:!, and was known as an ardent Whig. At the opening of the civil war he raised a company of which lie was elected captain, and when his company was united with the 4!Hh regiment of Tennessee infantry he was elected colonel. He \\as captured and imprisoned at Fort Warren until September, 1SC2. when he was exchanged; and. re-nininir command of liis regiment, took On account part in the Vick-burg campaign. of failing health, he' resigned at Port Hudson, in and was at once assigned to duty as a 1S(>:!. member of the military court of Hardee's corps. continuing in this service until the close of the war. He then returned to C'larksville. and resumed the practice of law. In 1877 ho was elected to the I. ^. senate, to fill the unexpired term of Andrew Johnson, and at once took rank among its ablest lawyer- and His strongest debaters. speeches on the Thurman Pacific railroad bill, on the currency question, and on the contested election ease of Spoll'ord against Kellogg, made his reputation national. lie served in the senate from Jan. 20. 1S77. to Mar. 3. 1881, being defeated for re-election. In 1S4!I he was married to Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Lusk. of Nashville. Tenn.. and died at Clarksville. Tenn., Dec. 29, 1885, leaving ill
five children.
H., manufacturer, was born 2. 1837. son of Hugh and Jane- (McCully) MeKelvy, and a descendant of Hugh McKelvy. who emigrated from Ireland to He was Pittsburg in 1790. settling on a farm. educated in the public schools of Pittsburg, and at the age of sixteen asin
Pittsburg. Pa., Aug.
sumed a
position under his
William Mcgrandunclc, Cully, a well-known glass manufacturer. Gradually rising through the various grades of service, he became a member of the firm in 1X02. which was then William McCiilly & Co. This connection continued until 1874, when he engaged in the white lead business as the firm of ArmHis strong & McKelvy. firm united with the Na-
one of
Lead the
organization of that corporation in 1890, and Mr. McKelvy was made president of the Pennsylvania branch and a member of the national board of director-, lie was also interested in many other important business enterprises, and served as president, of the Liberty National Hank: vice-president of the Tir-t National [lank of Pittsburg: president of the ClieNea China Co.: president of the Hidalgo Mining Co. of Mexico: as woll as in
He was averse to pubother prominent positions. lie life, but for some years served as a member of the select council of Pittsburg. In 1805 he was married to Jane Hays, daughter of John 11. Ualston. of Pittsburg, and he died in Pittsburg,
legislator, was born in Kingston, .Mass., Apr. 16, Ii94, son of Heinan and Mercy (Bass) Holme.-, and a descendant of William Holmes, who came
from England, and settled first at Scituate about 1041, became a freeman of Plymouth colony in. I0."is. and in 1001 removed to Marshlield, Mass. He was one of the Couihasset Planters, a company of twenty-six colonists, who in 1040 purchased "
a tract of land in Scituate. extending three miles into the woods from the highc-t water mark.'' They conducted their all'airs after the manner of a
regularly incorporated company, employing surveyors, agents, and clerks, and building their own mads. Their records still preserved at Sciluate I!ev. give the date of their last meeting as 1707. John Holmes, son of William and probably a native of England, was graduated at Harvard College in 1058, and in 1059, ordained second pastor of the church at Duxbury. His son, Joseph Holmes (b. 1605), removed to the vicinity of Jones river
pond, in Kingston, and began the manufacture of iron, founding a business that, was continued by his descendants for six generations. Heinan Holmes, the father of George B. Holmes, had an interest in the old forge, and also carried on a shop
of anchors iron work for At the age of fourships. teen he was apprenticed to his uncle, Charles Holmes, an iron manufacturer, and at that time superintendent for
the Holmes forge. For years, after completing his term of apprenticeship, he had charge of the canting-room, and afterward of the weavingroom of the Kingston Cotton factory in which his uncle was a stockholder. During the next five years he was employed in the iron works connected with the forge at Kingston, in the manufacture of nails and similar articles. lie purchased an interest in the forge in 1S22. and was its superintendent for two years, then taking charge of the Providence Iron foundry in Providence, R. I., which under his direction earned In large profits during the next three years. 1S27. the company erected a large mill for the manufacture of cotton goods, which was the first cotton mill operated by steam in New England, and perhaps in America. In 1830, in association with John Mackie. John II. Clark. Charles Dyer, Paris Dyer. Cornelius S. Tompkins. and Waldo Ames, he organized the Phoenix Iron Foundry Co., of which he was sole business manager for a number of year.-, ruder bis supervision the business increased in -teadily prosperity, the original capital of $14,000 being augmented ten fold. In the foundry were produced all kinds of gear wheel-; and gear patterns; in the machine shop, a great variety of machines, many of them verv large, for d\ e works, paint works and bleacheries. The principal establishments using these classes of machinery in Rhode Island and the adjoining parts of Massachusetts and Connecticut were furnished throughout by the Phoenix Iron foundry. of
1880, leaving
Harper's Ferry, Philadelphia, and other places, gaining a precarious subsistence by writing lor ..he In IS28 he was for a time principal at the press. Newtown Academy, near Philadelphia. In 1832 he returned to New York, and the following year he began the publication of the " North American Magazine," in Philadelphia. He continued to edit it for five years, when, the enterprise proving unproductive, he disposed of the property to Rev. Nathan C. Brooks, of Baltimore. The poet became disheartened, his health was shattered, and in the fall of 1843, he left Philadelphia for New Orleans, but failed to recuperate, and died there,
Holmes died
of devices for which patents were to be sought also entered largely into the operaFor nearly fifty years tions of tlm machine shop. his life was devoted to the interests of this concern. He resigned the office of agent in 18(18, but He retained that of treasurer until his death. was elected a representative from Providence to the general assembly in 1845-46, and again in lS.
the in
of various posts and districts; being made colonel of the 21st infantry, Aug. 16, 1871, and he was retired upon his own request. Jan. 1. 1873. Gen. Granger died in Washington, D. C., Apr. 23, 1894.
LEGARE, James Matthews,
was born
in Charles-
ton, S. C., Nov. 26. 1823, a relation of Hugh Swinton
He patented sevLegaro. eral inventions which failing health prevented him from He pubfully developing. " lished and Orta-Undis, Other Poems"
contributed from time to time poems and prose articles to several magazines. Three of Lcgare's poems " are in Stedpublished
man's American Anthology" (1900). They are marked by a delicacy of sentiment and a certain scholastic re-
finemcnt. S.
died in Aiken,
n sJjLtj-^W'-c 1
FULLER, John Wallace, soldier, was born in Cambridge, England, July 28, 1827. His father, a Baptist clergyman, came to the United States in 1832, locating first at Petersborough, N. Y., and then at Florence, N. Y., where the son attended school. He secured a position as clerk in a book store in Utica, N. Y., in 1840; became a partner
and subsequently established the book publishing house of John W. Fuller & Co. He was twice elected treasurer of I'tiea, serving in the business
during 1852-34. Removing to Toledo. O.. in 1858. he formed the firm of Anderson & Co.. making it a branch house of the I'tica concern. On the outbreak of the civil war, he was appointed chief of staff to Gen. Charles W. Hill and was engaged in drilling and organizing the volunteers, for the Federal army, in western Virginia, lie was afterward ordered to Columbus. O.. where he organized the 27th Ohio volunteers of which he was made colonel. Aug. 18, 1801. and in October of that year joined Gen. Fremont's command at Springfield. Mo. In 1862. he served in the army of the Mississippi, participating in the capture of NewMadrid, Mar. 14th. and Island No. 10, Apr. 8th. At the battle of luka, Sept. 19, 1862, he was in
command of the Ohio brigade," which checked a Confederate charge; and in the battle of Corinth, Oct. 3-4, 1862, lie rendered gallant service, receivHe ing the personal thanks of Gen. Kosecrans. defeated Gen. Forrest at Parker's Cross Roads, Her. ;!1. 1SIJ2. and captured seven pieces of artillery and nearly 400 prisoners, including two staff He was then ordered to Memphis, Tenn., dllirers. and was employed in guarding that city till Ortnbcr, 18IJ3, when lie accompanied Gen. Sherman's army on the march to Chattanooga. He received his commission as brigadier-general of volunteers. Jan. .3. ]S(i4. and early in March, he crossed the Tennessee river in pontoons during the
On May 1 night and captured Decatur, Ala. 1SIJ4 he was assigned to the command of the 1h>t brigade, fourth division, 10th corps, and in July succeeded to the command of the fourth division He was which opened the battle of Atlanta. afterward placed in command of the first division, 17th corps which he led in the march to the sea, and through the Carolinas: he distinguished himself at the crossing of the Salkahatchie river, at the crossing of the Edisto river, and at Cheraw, where he captured a large quantity of Confederate stores: and was present at the surrender of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston. On Mar. 13, 1865 he was hre\ cited major-general of volunteers for gallant and meritorious services during the war, and reGen. signed his commission. Aug. 15, 1865. Fuller was collector of the port of Toledo, O., during 1874-81, and died there. Mar. 12. 1891. DUELL, Rodolphus Holland, lawyer, was born in Warren, X. Y., Dec. 20, 1824, son of Joseph and Phoebe (Potter) Duell. He attended the diswas trict school and the Syracuse Academy; admitted to the bar at the age of twenty-one, and commenced the practice of his profession at Fabius,
N. Y. In 1848 he removed to Cortland, N. Y., where for forty years he was one of the foremost lawyers of central New York. In 1850 he was elected district attorney for Cortland county and was re-elected in 1853, for five filling the office years. He was elected county judge (1855-59), and served the national congress, in 1859-63. He was assessor of internal revenue (186971),
was again
elected to congress, serving
While in during * 1871-75. congr ss he was a member the committee on revision of the laws of the I niteii Slates; expenditures on public buildings, and foreigri affairs. In 1875 he was appointed commissioner of patents, and held this office for about one year and a half. Originally, he was a Whig in politics, but early identified himself \vith the Republican party. He was a delegate to the national conventions which nominated Fremont and Grant, and for years attended as a delegate the state conventions. For many years he was chairman of the Republican county committee of his county. For many years he was trustee of the Cortlandville Academy; president nt the local hoard of the Cortland State Normal School; of the Cortland Savings Bank; the Franklin-Hatch Library Association, and the Cortland & Homer Street Railway Co. He was married in i.S40, to Mary Ledyard Cuyler. and had four children: Louis C., Charles H., Kate L. and Richard C. Duell.
Charles Holland, lawyer, was born
at Cortland. X. Y., Apr. 13, 1850, son of R. Holland and Mary Ledyard (Cuyler) Duell, and a great-grandson of Maj. Benjamin Ledyard of revolutionary fame. He was educated at the Cortlandville Academy and at Hamilton College, being graduated at the latter in 1871. He was admitted to the bar in 1872, and in the fall of that year removed to New York city, continuing his studies in the office of Hon. Elihu
Root until 1873, when he became a member of the firm of Tompkins & Duell. From boyhood he took an active interest in public afand in the national campaign of 1872 he earnestly advocated the election
of Grant and Wilson. his removal to
New York
he at once became actively interested in the local organization of the Republican party, serving as secretary of the county committee and as a delegate to state and local conventions. He was chosen in 1878 and again in 1880 to represent the 13th district of that state in the state assembly. At the close of his legislative term he resumed the practice of his profession at Syracuse, devoting most of his time to the law of patents. In 1890 he advocated the
nomination of William McKinley, and to assist in bringing about that result he organized the McKinley league of the county of Onondaga, In January, 1898 he of which he was president. was appointed by Pres. McKinley commissioner
of patents, a position his father had also held. He resigned Apr. 1, 1901, and returned to New York city, where he established the law firm He was married of Duell, Megrath & Warfield. Nov. 20, 1879, to Harriet M., daughter of Hon. William A. Sackett, of Saratoga Springs, N. Y., and has four children: Holland S., William Sackett, Mary L., and Charles H., Jr.
SULLY, phia.
Alfred, in
soldier, was born in Philadelson of Thomas Sully, the
He was graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1841, and was assigned to the 2d infantry as a second lieutenant. He served in the Florida 'war, 1841-42, taking part in the attack on Ha we Creek camp, Jan. 25, 1842; was on garrison duty at Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., till the beginning of the, Mexican war, when he accompanied his regiment to Mexico, and particiHe was propated in the siege of Vera Cruz. moted first lieutenant, Mar. 11, 1847; captain, Feb. 23, 1852; and served in the West on frontier duty, being engaged in the expedition against the Rogue River Indians in 1853, and in the operaIn tions against the Cheyenne Indians, 186061. the civil war ho served in northern Missouri till November, 1801, and in the defenses of Washington, D. C., till March, 1862; he was commissioned colonel of the 1st Minnesota volunteers, Feb. 22, 1862, and was promoted major in the regular serHe took a convice, Mar. 15th of that year. spicuous part in the Peninsula campaign of 1862, and he was engaged at Yorktown, West Point. Fair Oaks, Peach Orchard, Savage Station, Glendale, and Malvern Hill. For his gallantry at Fair Oaks he was brevetted lieutenant-colonel, and for his conduct at Malvern Hill he received the brevet of colonel. At the battle of Chantilly, Sept. 1, 1862, noted painter.
lie Ir.l a brigade and commanded the roar guard ( lie distinon Ilic retreat to Washington. guished himself ut the battles of South Mountain and .\iitietain, and was commissioned brigadierI
Kappahannoek campaign he was engaged
the in the
and 1S(>2, battle* of Frcderickshurg. Doe. I:!. He was then Chanecllorsvillc. .May -J 1. Isti.'i. iirdered to the Northwest to keep the Indians in subject inn. and was a."igncd to the command of While there he led sevthe di-Mii't of Dakota. hostile the eral Indians, expeditions against at White Stone Hill. Dak.. Sept. 3-5, when :MI Indians were killed and :MI capHe 1 n red. and he hi-! :!(( killed and .'iS wounded. was breveted major-general of volunteers, and brigadier -genera], United States army, for gallant and meritorious o. burg, where he engaged in various enterimportant With Thomas A. prises. Scott and Nathaniel Holmes he operated an omnibus line which transferred passen-
and from the
to and railroad
and he obtained
a Citizens'
charter for the Street railway Passenger (1859), operating it successbefore street raila fully way was known in that
He was prominent locality. in the organization of the
Pittsburg Forge & Iron Co., the other members of the
board of directors being J. H. McCullough, George W. Cass. Springer Harbaugh, and William P. Porter. Despite his energetic interest in public matters, he persistently declined to hold office, consenting only once, to serve as representative of the fourth ward in the city council. He died in Pittsburg, Aug. S, 1901, survived by two sons and two daughters. first
A., railway operator, was Oct. 17. 18.V2. son of James and Anna Montgomery (Murray) Verner. He received his education in bis native city, and in 1874 he was appointed clerk in the receiver'-* office of the Citizens' Passenger railway two years later becoming superintendent of the line, lie retained this office until 1890, when he resigned in order to accept an appointment as general manager of the Pittsburg and Birmingham Traction Company. While the Birmingham line was being altered to a traction road, Mr. Verner acted as general manager for the Rochester (X. V.) Street Railway syndicate and as
manager and vice-president of the Buffalo Street Railway system. Upon the completion of the Birmingham Traction road in 18 he was elected ii- iir-t president, and has served in that office up to the present time (1904). Mr. Verner exercises a wide influence in
and has mentioned mayoralty of Pittsburg. though invariably declining the honor. He is an active member of the Republican party. He was married to Barbara, daughter of C/P. Bailey, of Pittsburg, and has had four children.
municipal frequently for the
BROOKS, Charles, clergyman and author, was born in Mcdlord, Mass.. Oct. 30, 1795. He was educated in the common schools of his native town, and entering Harvard College was graduated with honors in IS Hi. Subsequently he became hsyreader in the Protestant Episcopal church, but resigned to become pastor of the Third Congregational Church of Hingham, Mass., where he officiated eighteen
He was an ardent years. of Peace advocate the Cause; a vice-president of
the American Colonization Society; an advocate of the Prussian educational system; instrumental in founding normal schools, a work
continued by Horace Mann, and an exponent of temperance reform. In 1838 he
of professor natural history in the University of New York, and spent four years abroad in the study of ornithology. He was a member of the Natural Historical Society of Massachusetts. He also became interested in the American Statistical Association, and as a member, published
on the sanitary
state. He was the author " of biographies; the History of "
survey of
ten "
Daily Monitor;" the ''Family Prayer-Book;" "Elements of Ornithology;" "Introduction to Ornithology;" an article on the State Sanitary Survey; a report on the desolating tornado that visited Middlesex county and Hancock county, " a Treatise on Peace, Labor, Me.. Aug. 19, 1851 and Education in Europe," besides pamphlets and sermons. He also contributed to periodicals. He was married in 1827 to Cecelia, daughter of Roger Wolcott Williams, of Connecticut, who died in He was 1837, leaving one son and a daughter. again married .to Mrs. _Cbarlottc A. H. Lord, ;
daughter of Dr. Nathan Appleton Haven, of Portsmouth, N. H. He died in New York, July 7, 1872.
John, educator, was born at Eng., Oct. 8. 1811, and at nine years uf age he was brought to this country. He was graduated at Yale College, in 1835, and after a year spent in teaching, and two years devoted to the study of law, he accepted an appointment as tutor in mathematics at Yale. Two years later he was admitted to the bar, and in Is-" he entered upon the practice of the law in In 1842 he relinquished the Hartford. Conn. legal profession for the chair of mathematics and natural philosophy, at Trinity College. Hartford, Conn., which he occupied with distinguished In 1873 he was ability for over thirty years. appointed professor of astronomy and natural philosophy in the same institution, and was made He was also acting professor emeritus in 1882. (president of the college in ISfiO, 1864, 18(iti-07. and 1874. In the hours free from educational duties, T'rof. Brocklcsby was constantly engaged in the pursuit of scientific investigations pertaining to his favorite subjects, especially in the lines of meteand he contributed various orology and microscopy, " American Journal of Science," and essays to the other journals. Tie read many papers before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, of which he was one of the first elected fellows. Hobart College conferred upon him the degree of LL.D., in 18(18. His larger published works
West Broimvich,
" " " are; Elements of Meteorology Views (1848) of the Microscopic World" (1850); "Elements of ;
(1855); "The Amateur Microscop(1858); and "Elements of Physical Geography" (1808). Prof. Brocklesby died in Hartford, Conn.. June 21. 1889.
Astronomy" "
HEINTZELMAN, Samuel born at Manheim, Lancaster
Peter, soldier, was co.,
Through the influence of James Buchanan, he was appointed to the West Point Military Academy, where he was graduated in 1820. For seven years he was on garrison duty at variousmilitary posts in the West, and during 1832-34, he was engaged in surveying the Tennessee river. He saw considerable service in the Indian wars in Florida, and served in 1805.
the quartermaster's department. He was commissioned captain, Nov. 4, 1838. He organized troops for the
Mexican war at Louisville, Ky., was actively engaged in the battles of Paso las Ovejas and Huamantla, and the ^action of Atixco. He was" commissioned major, " Oct. 19,
for gallant
and meritorious conduct." and after the war. he was stationed at Fort Hamilton,
York harbor. In 1850-51, he led an expedition against the Y'uma Indians, California, which terminated hostilities there, and established Fort Yuma,
at the junction of the Gila rivers. At the outbreak of the war, he assisted Gen. Scott in the defense and. was in command of the inWashington, vasion of Virginia under Gen. Mansfield, having been commissioned brigadier-general of volunHe led his division in the teers. May 17, 1801. first battle of Bull run, when he was wounded in the arm. Upon the organization of the army of the Potomac. Heintzelman was assigned to the command of the 3d corps, and was in the siege of Yorktown and the battles of WilliamsHe was breburg, Seven Pines, and Fair Oaks. veted major-general for his gallantry at WilliamsAfter the battle of Manassas he was asburg. signed to the command of the northern department, with headquarters at Columbus, O., and in the uprising of 1864, he aided in organizing, arming, and sending off 40.000 Ohio militia in two weeks' time. lie was relieved, Oct. 1st, and during the remainder of the war was waiting orders, or on court-martial duty. He was mustered out of the volunteer service, Aug. 24, 1865; resumed the command of his regiment at Hart's island. New York harbor, and after various routine duties he was retired with the rank of colonel, Feb. 22, 1869, which became major-general by special act of congress. He died May 1, 1880. ROSE, Benjamin, capitalist, was born in Warwickshire county, England, Mar. 13, 1828, son
and Colorado civil
of George and Mary (Browning) Rose. He came to America in 1848. locating first in Buffalo. N. Y., and later in Cincinnati, where he entered the employ of a wholesale provision merchant. From there he went to Cleveland in 1851, and
formed a partnership with his brother George, in the provision business, under the style of Rose & Brother. Mr. Rose bought out his brother's interest the following year, associating with him his brother Edward, and under the same name conducted the business until 1854. They then 1
witli .Inlin
\,a- dis-olvcd
Outhwaite. which
succeeded ill till' -line \ear by another: lie with a--oeiated U'came
hauncy Prentiss, under tlu> (inn na'inr of Kose & Prcn-
anil during the tour teen Veals' partner-hip till' business grew to iniincii-e Mr. l'renti--'s proportions. intcn-l was severed in 1ST."), anil Mr. Hose then organleveland Provision Ini/i-d li--.
In lii Ic wapresident. to ship nii-at from ( leveland to Liverpool, en irely by a line of \\ ftter, c-tahli-hing -(earners to Montreal, which 1
connected with oeean steamlie also organized a. ers, of live stock rial line refrigerator ears for the general carrying In 1ST'.' he the product of the company. introduced the lirst ice machine to be used in of a. packing-houses, and he is the inventor sinjjeinii machine to remove the hair from the Mr. Rose \vas an orhog. in-lead of scalding. Euclid Avenue ganizer and director of the National Hank, also a director of the Citi/cns* Savings and Loan \--oeial ion. and of the CleveHe is a land Terminal and Valley railroad. member of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce;
and of
~_ ;
formation of the Republican party at Jack-on, Mich. He was elected to the stale senate in 1849, and served until Is."i2. when he became a Free In 1850 he was t Soil candidate for governor. delegate to the lirst national convention of the llcpuhlican party, held at Philadelphia: and soon afterward he purchased the Monroe "CommerIn 1857 he was cial." which he personally edited. unsuccessful as a candidate for the United States senate, but was elected a judge of the Michigan supreme court and served for eighteen years. He was re-elected without opposition in 18|>5 and in and was chosen chief justice in January, IS7.'!: 1872. serving as such two years. His judicial which arc found iu the 'Michigan Reopinions co\er the be-t. ports," volumes live to thirty-one work of his life. By a combination of Democrats and dissiit istied Republicans, he was elected to the United States senate in l.sT"). succeeding Xachariali Chandler on Mar. 4th. He sprang at once into prominence, delivering an important speech on the election cases of Louisiana: and another on the, lie, right of the senate to impeach Sec. Bclknap. wa- a member of the judiciary committee, where he became a leader: and in general legal work he wag associated with such eminent men as Kdmunds, Thurman. Oliver P. Morton, and Timotlu O. Howe. Poor health suggested a change of climate, and after having been tendered by the president missions to Germany. Japan, and Peru, he accepted an appointment as minister to the last country in February. 1S7I). and resigned his seat in the senate, remaining in Peru two yearsr. Upon returning to this country lie resumed leyal practice at Lansing. Mich. Judge Christ iancv was twice married, his second wife being Lilly Lugenbeel, niece of Col. Pinkney Lugcnhccl. I". S. A. By his first wife he had a daughter and six sons; Henry C. became a deputy collector of customs at Detroit. Mich., and George Armstrong Cu-ter became assistant attorney in the post-otlicc department of Washington.'!). C. Judge Christ iancv died at Lansing. Mich.. Sept. 8, 1890. James Daniel, senator, was born in Logan county. Ky.. Dec. 1:1, 1830. lie received his early education in private schools, and in 1847 removed to Arkansas, where he studied at the Ozark Institute. After studying law. he was admitted to the bar in 185O. and commenced practice at Fnyetteville. Ark. He enlisted in the Confederate army, and fought during the civil war as a colonel: but after the c-falilishinent of peace resumed the practice of law in Arkansas. He served as solicitor-general of the state for a time, and in 1870 was appointed a presidential elector on the ticket with Tilden and Hendricks. In 187!) he was elected to a. -cat in the United States senate, where Inrepresented Arkansas from Mar. 4th of that vear until Mar. 3, 1885. He then resumed the practice of his profession in Fayetteville, Ark. ;
an incorporator of the Case School of Applied Science; one of the thirty citizens of the United States field
who contributed
$1,000 each to the Garof the Rose
Memorial Fund, and proprietor
He is also a member and In vestryman of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. 1855 lie was married to Julia, daughter of Charles of Still, (leveland, and had two children, both Mercantile Building.
senator, was born at
Isaac Peckham, jurist and Johnstown (now Bleecker),
Mar. 12. 1812. His early education was obtained in the academies of Kingsborough and Ovid. \. Y., and after teaching a school he studied law. In ls:n; he removed to Monroe. Mich., where lie completed his legal studies and practiced his profession from 1S3S-57 in partnership with Robert Mc( lelland, the secretary of interior under Pierce. During !SI1 4(1 he was prosecuting attorney for Monroe county. He was always a strong abolitionist, and in 1848 was a prominent, delegate to the national Free Soil convention at Buffalo, N. Y. It was due solely to his efforts that the fusion of the Free Soil and Whiff took place in parties Michigan in 1854; and this fusion resulted in the N.
CONANT, Thomas
born in Brandon. At.. Dee. 13. 1802. lie graduated at Middlcbnry College in 1823, made a special study of Hebrew. German, Greek classics. He was tutor in Columbian
was was and and Col-
Washington. D. C. (1825-27): professor of Greek. Latin, and German at Waterville (Me.) College (1827-33). and professor of languages and lege,
biblical literature at Madison University ils:',5 50). In 1851 he took the chair of Hebrew and biblical exegesis in Rochester Semi-
Theological nary, from which he resigned in 1857. He devoted many years to a new translation of the scriptures. and was a recognized authority on Hebrew and the Old Testament. He published a translation of the
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. llth edition of the Hebrew grammar of Gesenius (1839), and a translation of Dr. Rodiger's 17th edition of that work (1877); this latter became a standard text-book in England and America. He also published
The Book
Matthew" (1800); "The New Testament" (1806); "The Book of Genesis" (1808); " The Book of Proverbs," and " The Book of Gospel by
Psalms" (1872); "Prophecies of Isaiah" (1874), and " Historical Books of the Old Testament "
He received the degree of D.D. from Mid(1884). dlebury College in 1844. in 1830 he was married to Hannah O'Brien (1809-05), who was a daughter of Rev. Jeremiah Chaplin,
and who was also prothe
Oriental helped her
of his
erary work. She was a frequent contributor to literary
and religious papers, " editor of the Mother's " in 1838. Monthly Journal She was the author of a life of Adoniram Judson, enti" tled The Earnest Man " (1855); a "Popular History of English Bible Transla" " tion The History (1850) ; of the English Bible" (1859), and several translations from the German. Their son, and
was an author and journalist of note, and served as " Harper's Weekly from 1869-
" managing editor of 85, when he mysteriously disappeared. \va-
His wife Helen Stevens Conant, a native of Methuen,
articles to the
wrote "The Butterfly Hunters" (1808), an introductory book on entomology for children, and made many translations from the German. French, and Spanish. Thomas J. Conant died in Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr. 30, 1891. azines,
author, 1809.
George Wilkins,
was born at Amherst,
He had few
journalist N. H., Aug.
and 22,
advantages, and was
early apprenticed to a printing office in BurlingHe was employed as a printer by Gates ton, Vt. & Seaton, of the " National Intelligencer," in D. C. ; Duff Green, of the WashingWashington, " ton and Horace Greeley, of the Telegraph." " New York Tribune." In 1843 he went south to escape an epidemic of yellow fever in New York city. For some time he was employed in the office of the Mobile, Ala., " Register." At the age of twenty-five he reached New Orleans, La., and went to work in an office owned by John Gibson. In 1830 or 1837 he associated himself with Francis A. Lumsden, a brother printer, whose acquaintance he had formed while in Washington
and New Y'-rk, and they opened a printing ollice, from which appeared the first number of the New Orleans Picayune," on Jan. 25. 1837. The paper was originally a four-page folio, and was pub'
lished at five cents a copy, a price exactly half of that at which the other New Orleans papers then sold. This, together with the bright and witty character of its contents, made the newjournal an immediate success. Mr. Kendall's contributions to the "Picayune" soon gave him a national reputation as a humorist. He was virtually in charge of the editorial direction of the " Picayune," Mr. Lumsden being at the head of the business department, but each of the proprietors exchanged their functions as the need of the moment required. In 1841 he joined the Santa VOL. XII. 19.
F6 trading expedition, which after undergoing many hardships was captured by the Mexicans and the members thrown into prison, from which they were released after two years' confinement. Mr. Kendall prepared a narrative of his experiences and it was published by Harper's after his return to the United States, under the title, " Narrative of the Santa Fe Expedition." When the Mexican war he joined the staff of beg^an, Gen. Taylor on the Rio Grande. He accompanied the American armyj throughout the campaigns in Mexico, particularly distinguishing himself in a raid into the interior with Gen. McCullogh's rangers, and personally captured a cavalry flag at Saltillo. Mr. Kendall furnished a regular corre" " spondence to the Picayune throughout this thus him to the credit of originatentitling period,
art of war correspondence. The " Picaing the " yune obtained information of battles and marches by means of a special pony express across the plains, and often anticipated the arrival of the Mr. government dispatches by several days. Lumsden equipped a steamer with type cases and met the dispatches at some point on the Missis-
sippi or the gulf coast adjacent to Orleans, and by putting the news in type on the way to New Orleans, was able to rush out an extra edition of the " Picayune " long in advance of his rivals. At the close of hostilities Mr. Kendall
returned to the United States and devoted himself to the compilation of his " War between the United States and Mexico" (1851). After visiting Europe he purchased large tracts of land in western Texas, in what is now called Kendall count}', in his memory, and made a large fortune in sheepraising.
died at
Spring, Tex., Oct. 24, 1807.
born at Stonington, Conn., May 10, 1822, son of Benjamin Franklin and Maria (Eells) Babcock. He was educated in Connecticut and at the FlushHe then entered the mering (L. I.) Institute. cantile house of P. & J. S. Crary, in New York city, and from this beginning rose rapidly to positions of responsibility
and prominence
in the world. At about nineteen years
of age he obtained
a with Peabody, Riggs & Co., a Baltimore firm. George Peabody, the clerkship
was philanthropist, senior partner, and had just opened the New York branch. the
In 1844, Mr. Babcock went to England on business for the firm, and there met Mr. Peabody for the first time. As a result he was made a junior partner, Jan. 1, 1845. In 1853 he organized the banking firms of Babcock Bros. & Co. of New York, and B. F. Babcock & Co. of Liverpool, Eng.. with which he continued to be associated until the fall of 1878, when he nominally retired; nevertheless, he died in his harness, for he generously gave a large part of his time to many prominent institutions of a financial, commercial, and philanthropic character, in New York city. He was one of the founders of the Central Trust Co., and? for seven years president of the New York Chamber of Commerce; president of the International Bell Telephone Co., and of the City and Suburban Homes, Central, Manhattan, Colonial, and New York Real Estate As-
treasurer of the Improved Dwellings railroad \~ociaiion. and a director of numerous ,ii,,n-:
IM was financial inrtituUOM. ol Deliberal supporter of the National Aoademy Museum of Art. the Amerisi.-n. Hi.' companies ami
Metropolitan o can Kim- \rH Society, the American Museum Vitural History, ami tlie American Geographical Mr. Society in all of which he held membership. Klizabeth Babebck WM married. De,'. 2. 1840. to I rary C.aiv daii"hter of Kichard I., and I'.yelcna and l-Yankliu and left one son. Henry D. BabCOCk, lie died Sept. 14, 1902, at Lenox, six daughters,
MAM. BIRGE, Edward Asahel,
teacher and zoolo \. Y.. Sept. 7. 1*51. sun gist was l>oin at Troy. a of Edward White and Anna (Stevens) Bilge, and of Richard Birge, the first American ,!, -eend.iiil ancestor, who was one of the origins] settlers of Windsor, Conn.,' through his son John, who married
Hannah Watson; their who married John,
Abigail Marshall: their son, John, who married Experienee Stebbins; their son, Asahel, who married Clarinda King; and their son, Asahel, who married Betsy Bliss, who were the grandparents of Edward A. Birge. He was educated in the and public schools of Troy, was graduated A.B. at Williams College in 1873 and A.M. in 1870. He studied for nearly three years in the
Comparative Harvard Uni-
versity, receiving the degree The honof Ph.D. in 1878. orary degree of B.Se. was conferred on him by the 'Western University of Pennsylvania in 1897. He began teaching in 1875, as instructor in natural history in the University of
He was made
professor of zoology there
dean of the College of Letters and Science and lias been acting president of the uni\ersit.v >im-e 1IKIO. In 1880-81 he studied physiology and histology at Leipzig, and there wrote a paper on the motor cells of the spinal cord. He has been a director of the Madison free library since 1890 and president of the library board since 1893; member of the Wisconsin board of fish commissioners since 1895, and director of the Wisconsin geological and natural history survey since 1897. He has had full charge of this purvey, which in five years has issued ten bulletins on various branches of the geology and natural history of Wisconsin. Dr. Birge was president of the Wis-
in 1870: in IS'.ll,
of Sciences, Arts, and Letters in of the American Microscopical SoHe edited the revision of Prof. 1902-03.
189091. and ciety,
Janies Orton's "Comparative Zoology" (18821. wrote the article on F.ntomostraca in the " Stand" ard Natural History (1884), and published numerous articles on cladocera and on plankton in the Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences.
He was married July
1880, to
daughter of Peter flrant of Troy, and has one son and one daughter.
FLAD, Henry, Heidelberg.
Germany, July
was born near 1824.
He was
graduated at the rnivcrsity of Munich in 1840. He took an active part in the efforts to form a united govcriiuivnt for the many petty states into which (iermany was then divided, and was one of the leaders of the parliamentary army sentenced to death, but he escaped to America in the
lie was an assistant engineer of of 18-"!). Ohio the New York ,t Krie railroad and of the & Mississippi Railway Co.. then building a road from Cincinnati to St. Louis, and in 1854 he went on the Iron to Missouri as assistant engineer He enlisted in the civil Mountain railroad.
war and was captain of a company engaged upon the construction of fortifications at Cape, He was mustered out as colonel of (lirardeau. the
of Missouri volun-
November. and rcsuniid
teers in 1801.
practice of h!s St. in profession II Mo. Louis, was the principal assistant engineer to James P. Kirktlie
wood on the
sign and construction of a new sys-
tem works
of for
Louis, and was a the board of water commissioners during 1807-75. He was also the chief assistant engineer to Capt. James P. Eads on the construction of the famous St. Louis bridge, some of the boldest features of which were designed by him. During 1875-77 he was consulting engineer in various works in conjunction with Charles PfeilFer, Thomas J. Whitman, and Prof. Charles A. Smith. He was president of the board of public improvements in St. Louis for nearly fourteen years, resigning in April, 1890. to become a member of the Mississippi river commission, on which lie served until his death. He was a member of the
American Society of Civil Engineers and its president, 1886-87, and was a charter member of the Engineers' Club of St. Louis and its president, 1868-80. Col. Flad invented an air brake, a rheohydraulic elevator, a velocimeter, and a bathometer, for taking deep sea soundings, and several other devices, but he paid no attention to their general utilization and commercial introducmarked characteristic of Col. Flad was tion. the rapidity with which he grasped the salient features of every new problem presented to him and framed plans for its solution by new and better methods than had previously been attempted.
His designs were bold and original, and generally embraced various practicable methods. The best of these he would select and promptly dismiss the subject from his mind, passing to the consideration of other matters. He was married in 184!) to Helen, daughter of Bernhard Reichard, of Buffalo, JT. Y.. and in 1855 he was married to her sister Caroline Reichard. Two daughters and a son survived his death, which occurred in Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 20, 1898.
GASTON, James McFadden,
born near Chester. S. C.. Dec. 27, 1824, son of John Brown and Polly (McFadden) Gaston. and a descendant of William Gaston who came to America from Ireland previous to the revolutionary war. He was educated at South Carolina College, graduating in 1843. and after studying medicine received the degree of M.D. from the same institution in 1846. He then practiced his profession in Chester. S. C.. in 1840 5-2. and at Columbia. S. C., in 1852-01. when he became surgeon and medical director of the South Carolina army. He retained this office till the end of the civil war, and two years later removed to Brazil, where lie practiced in the province of Sao Paulo in 1807In the latter 73, and in Campinas in 1874-83.
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. year lie returned to the United States and settled in Atlanta, Ga., where lie resided until his death. Dr. Gaston was appointed to the chair of principles and practice of surgery at Southern Medical College, Atlanta, in 1888, which post he held until 1903. He was associate editor of the "An" and of nual of the University Medical Sciences Sajous' "Annual and Analytical Cyclopaedia of Practical Medicine." He contributed several ar" ticles to the Reference Hand-Hook of the Medical " .Sciences," is the author of a treatise on Hydrophobia," in the supplement of the International " SurEncyclopedia of Surgery, of a treatise on of other gery of the Gall, Bladder and Ducts," and " similar works. Besides he published Hunting a Home in Brazil " (1865). He was a member of the American Medical Association, and was chairman of its surgical section in 1891-92; was vice-president (181)0) and president (1891) of the Southern Surgical and Gynecological Association; was vicepresident of the American Surgical Association in 1897. and was president of the American Academy The University of Brazil of Medicine in 1894-05. conferred upon him the degree of M.D. ad eimdem in 1854. He was married Nov. 4, 1852, to Susan G., daughter of Richard T. Brumby, and had five He died in Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 15, children. 1903.
WELCH, born
Adonijah Strong,
his father's farm until his sixteenth year, he went to Michigan to seek his fortune.
He taught
school three years, and having saved money, entered the University of Micfiigan, and was graduated with its first class. He studied law in the office of Judge Lothrop, of Detroit, was admitted to the bar, and went to California witli a company from Michigan, in search of gold, but the rough life and associations were distasteful to him and he returned to He was for twenty years thereafter Michigan. prominently identified with the educational insufficient
terests of the state. He organized the first graded school at Jonesville. Mich.; was principal
of the State Normal School at Ypsilanti for fifteen years; was a member of the board of trustees of the Agricultural College at Lansing, and as first president of the first state board of education, he rendered services of the highest value in the general upbuilding of the educational system of Michigan. He removed to Florida in 18(i.i. owing to failing health, and in 1808 was fleeted from that state to the United States senate, serving until Mar. 3. 1869. Meanwhile he accepted the presidency of the Iowa State Agricultural College. .Air.es. then recently founded by the stale legislature. The project started in 1858 by a stale appropriation of $10.000, to which was added the national land grant in 1862. Sen. Welch went to Iowa in 1808, devised a course of study, made suggestions as to the first building and its equipments, and organized a preliminary term to prepare prospective freshmen for
He was inaugurated Mar. 17, year. During his fourteen years' service here his ellorls were crowned with marked success. The. campus, and indeed the college as a whole, is said to be his truest monument. To him are attributed the college fields, walks, buildings, and artistir ornamentation.' The course of study was his thought also, and it has been claimed that " no one ever changed but to mar it." He resigned in 1S83. and was succeeded by Dr. S. A. Knapp. fine year: Leigh Hunt, until 1880. and the
In 1884 Chamberlain, until 1890. government sent him to Germany. Kngland. Belgium to investigate the organization I.
of their agricultural schools, and his return he resigned the presidency, serving as professor of history of civilization and practical psychology in the same institution until his death. He was the author of " Analysis of "
management upon
the English Language," Object Lessons^" and " The Teacher's Psychology." Prof. Welch was twice married; first to Eunice P., daughter of Gen. C. P. Buckingham, of Ohio; and second in. 1800, to Mrs. Mary B. Dudley, daughter of Dr. A. L. Beaumont, of Jonesville, Mich. He died at Pasadena, Cal.. Mar. 14. 1889. BEARDSHEAR. William Miller, third president of the Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts (1891-1902), was born near Dayton, O., Nov. 7, 1850, son of John and Elizabeth (Coleman) Beardshear, and grandson of George Beardshear, a native of Pennsylvania, who removed to a farm in Ohio in 1802. He worked upon, his father's farm and attended the district schools until he was fourteen years of age, when, in January, 1805, he enlisted and served with the army of the Cumberland until the close of the civil war. In 1809 he entered the preparatory department of Otterbein in University, Ohio, and was graduated at the head of a large class in 1875, receiving the degree of A.B. During his college course he became a member of the United Brethren church, and upon his graduation was called to the pastorate of the church of that
denomination in O.,
where he
Arcanum, two
The years 1878-80 were spent mostly in the Yale Theological Seminary, and during part of that time years.
he supplied the pulpit of the Congregational Church at In 1881 he was Bethany. called to the Summit Street Church, Dayton, 0.. but resigned in July of that year, to accept the presidency of Western College, Toledo, la. During his incumbency the enrollment was more than quadrupled, three large buildings were erected, and over $200,000 was added to the college funds. In the fall of 1889 he became superintendent of the West Des Moines public schools, and in 1891 accepted the presidency of the Iowa. State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, over the affairs of which he officiated ably until his death. He received the? degrees of A.M. and LL.D. from Otterbjin. and in 1885 he received his degree of D.D. from Lebanon Valley College, Pennsylvania. He was president of the Iowa State Teachers' Association, 1892; served a term on its executive committee was director of the National Educational Association from Iowa for a number of years; was president (1901-02); president of the Iowa State Improved Stock Breeders' Association (1899), and a member of the United States Indian commission from 1897 until death. He was married at Brookville, O., Mar. 27, 1873, to Jo;
sephine, daughter of
Henry and Mary Ann Mund-
henk, and had two sons and three daughters: Hazel L. (Mrs. L. M. Chambers), Metta G., William Mundhenk. Charles Le Vega, Constance E.
in Buffalo, N. Y..
1, 1857. son of Theodore (Cole) Knight, of New Eng-
Columbus and Sarah
He was
educated in the Buffalo business college, and was employed in the wholesale house of Bell Bros.,
land ancestry.
and and
public first
Erastus Cole, merchant, was born
later produce commission merchants of Buffalo; the \\:lappointed traveling salesman fill'
business of
Knight. Lennox & Co., in partnership with William (.'. Me ftmtimiftl in Lennox. wholesale commission the IHIMIIC-S at tli!>.
S'ATTERTHWAITE, Thomas Edward, phyYork N. Mar.
was born in Xew Y., 26, city. son of Thomas Wilkinson and Ann Fisher He was graduated at (Sheafe) Satterthwaite. Yale College in ISlit, studied comparative anatomy
sician, IS-t:!.
Harvard in 1804-65 under Prof. Jeffries \Vyman and was graduated M.D. at the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Xew York, in 1SIJ7. After serving as interne at the Xew York hospital he went abroad in 1869 and at
continued his studies in Vienna eliielly under Profs. Schn'itter. llebra. IZraun and In 1S70 he uaStrieker. appointed assistant contract in the German surgeon
advanced the same year to full surgeon with the rank of captain and served through the FrancoPrussian war. He was sta-
tioned at Berlin, and in Toul. France, in stationary field hospitals of the 3d
corps, of
which he had where he re-
mained until after the close of hostilities in 1871. For his services in Toul Emperor William I sent him the iron cross in 1S72. After studying pathological anatomy for a time at Wurzburg under Prof. Reekinghausen he returned to New York and established himself in private practice, making a specialty of di-ca-e- uf tinHe was pathologist to St. Luke'* II"heart. pital, 1872-82, pathologist to the Presbylci ian 1873-88, and in 1873 was appointed assistant to Prof. Willard Parker of In the College of Physicians and .Surgeons. 1873 he originated what was probably the tir-t private laboratory for instruction in normal and pathological histology in this country and gave instructions in these 'branches until 1890. He was one of the founders of the Xew York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital of which he wasecretary for two years, professor of pathological anatomy for one year and of general medicine for seven vears, resigning in 1800. He is the author of a "'Manual of Histology" (1881), "Practical Hospital.
Bacteriology" (1887). and numerous articles in medical magazines. He is now professor of medicine and consulting physician to the Now York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital of which he was vice-president in 1000, to the Orthopedic Hospital, the Babies' Hospital of which he was president in 1894-99 and to the Northeastern Dispensary. In 1880-81 he was president of the Xew York Pathological Society and in 1902-03 of the American Therapeutic Society, of both of which be is still a member. He is also a memlier of the New York State Medical Society, the N'ew York County Medical Society, the Xew YorK Academy of Medicine, the Medical Society of Greater New York, the Physicians' Mutual Aid Association, the Century and City clubs, and the Vereinigung Alter Deutscher Studenten in Amerika. He was married Nov. 13, 1884. to Isabella, daughter of Dr.
James Lenox Banks
Xew York
ODELL, Willis Patterson, clergyman, was born at Laconia. Belknap to., X. H., Dec. 14, (Swain) 1855, son of Joseph Low and Abbie The founders of tlie Udell family in AmerOdell. ica were two brothers, who settled in New York and Massachusetts, Dr. Odell being a descendant He was educated at Tilton Semiof the latter. nary, Laconia. and in 1880 was graduated at Boston University, with the degree of A.B. He studied at the Boston Theological Seminary for one year. For a considerable part of two years he was a student in the School of Expression, under Prof. S. S. Curry. Beginning to preach in 1880, he held pastorates at Cliftondale (1880831: Salem (1883-86), and Maiden, Mass. (1886-90);
suburbs of Boston. In he was sent to the Delaware Avenue Methodist Church of Buffalo, N. Y., all
to the
Church; in the same city, where he preached three While in charge of years. the last-named church, he succeeded in erecting a fine new stone edifice. In 1898, he took the place of Dr. Ensign Mc-( hrsney, as pastor of Calvary MethodNew' York city. This organization ist (.'hurcli. was founded in lss:i. with fifty-seven members, service being held in a rented hall; its first and it now has a membership of 1,771, and a magnificent edifice containing a seating capacThe industrial bureau connected ity of 2.200. with his church provided 1,500 persons with jjo-itions during one year; and the medical Dr. dispensary has treated over 5,000 cases. Odell is not only a good preacher, but one who possesses a profound personal power, combined with a high sense of humor and human sympalie is a close student, hard worker, and thy, cogent reasoner: and has received numerous scholastic honors. The degrees of A.M. and i'!i. I), were conferred by Boston University in 1S90 and 1890, for work done in the School of All Sciences; and Allegheny College gave him the honorary degree of D.D.. in 1895. He was married at Sandown, X. H., .Tune 30, 1881, to ilary Frances, daughter of William French.
engineer, was born in New York city, X. Y., June 3, 1824, and entered the United States navy as a midshipman in 1S41. He was with the Gulf
M|iiudron during the Mexican war. Becoming interested in the science of engineering he resigned from the service in 1S48. and returned to Xe\v York, where ho applied himself to the study of civil engineering. He also studied law in the office of his brothers, and was licensed to practice in but his inclinations were for engineering, ls.").">. and he finally adopted that profession. In 1857 he was appointed constructing engineer of the
he superintended Brooklyn navy yard, the building of the dry-dock and landing-ways.
On the outbreak
of the civil war he volunteered Federal army, and with several hundred men. who had been in his employ at the navy yard, formed what was afterward known as the I-'.M I'Uior Brigade." of which he became major. His command was ordered to join the army of the Potomac, and he took part in the operations
in the
of that army in 1862, being commissioned colonel of the 74th" infantry, He led his 26, 1S02. regiment at the battle of Fair Oaks, where he
experienced severe fighting, holding the lines along the Williamsburg road, and was in command of a brigade of the 5th corps under Fitz John Porter, at the battles of Glendale and Malvern Hill. Oa Xov. 29, 1862 he was promoted brigadier-general of volunteers, and was assigned to the command of a brigade in the 3rd corps, army of the Potomac. He took part in the battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862, and in the battle of Chancellorsville, May 2-3, 1863, he commanded a brigade in Gen." D. B. Birney's division of Gen.
W. Whipple's corps, and was in temporary command of that division. He distinguished himA.
at the battle of Gettysburg, where he was wounded while leading his brigade, and was taken prisoner. After several months' detention, he was exchanged and was ordered to report to Gen. Butler, commanding the army of the James, by whom he was assigned to the command of the gunboat flotilla. He was the first to carry the national colors up the James river, and he made captures of several posts; he also participated in the attack on Fort Fisher. self
He was
Mar. 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious conduct during the war, and was honorably musfered out of the service, Aug. 24, 1865. He then resumed the practice of his professio'h in New York city, and was chief engineer of the Xew York dock department, 1873-75; surveyor of the port of Xew York, 1878-83; and naval officer 1883-85. At the time of his death he was engineer of the Xew Y'ork board of commissioners for the Gettysburg monuments. Gen. Graham died at Lakewood, X. J., Apr. 15, 1889. John COOPER, Fawcett, physician, was born at East Liverpool, Columbiana co., O., Sept. 25, son of and Elizabeth Hamilton Cooper. 1822, Philip His boyhood was spent in East Liverpool, and his early manhood in Beaver county, Pa., where his father had purchased a farm. His early education was obtained in the schools of East Liverpool and in the Beaver (Pa.) Academy. While he was pursuing his studies, and afterward, he taught in the district schools of Beaver county, and also conducted classes in singing. He was graduated at the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Pa., in 1853, and soon afterward settled in Allegheny City. Pa., where he practiced medicine until his death. He was a frequent and valued contributor to medical publications, and his oral utterances were listened to with great respect by members of the medical profession. He had a large practice in Allegheny City, and was ever ready to aid the younger members of the medical profession. Her was a member of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, and the Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania, a trustee of the Cleveland (Ohio) Homoeopathic Medical College, a founder of the Homoeopathic Medical Hospital and Dispensary. Pittsburg. Pa., and incorporator of the Anatomical Club and Homoeopathic Medical So-
He was president riety of Allegheny county. Pa. of the Homoeopathic Medical Society of Pennsylvania in 1873. and was its treasurer for over a quarter of a century (1873, until his death, 1899), and he was several times president of the County-Society, 1867, 1872, 1882, and 1888. He was a member of the state board of medical examiners from its incorporation in 1895 till his death, He was married. Apr. 3, 1844, to Sarah 1899. Johnson, daughter of John and Margaret (Davis) Johnson, of Beaver county, Pa. They had six sons
300 mid
MALCOLM, Howard, hurg Univcr-ity phia.
ils.">l 111.
lirst president of Lewis-
was horn
descendant of
I;.. licit-. distinguished Welsh Friend preacher. In 1813 he was placed at school in Burlington, Vt., and in tin- following year rnlcrcd Dickinson ColIn April. 1SI5 a serious difference between lege. the students and the professors resulted in the clo-ing of the college and Malcolm entered a countIn ISIS he was licensed to preach in ing IHMI-C.
the Baptist church and soon afterward he entered Princeton Seminary, where he remained until 1820, being ordained in April of that year. In May he became pastor of the Itaptist church at Hudson, N. Y., which position he filled until 1826, when he became first general agent of the American SunIn November, 1827 he was day School Union. called to the pulpit of the Federal Street Church, Boston. In 1828 he published his "Bible Dictionary," which reached a sale of over 200,000 copies and is selling yet. In 1835, on account of the failure of his voice, he was obliged to resign his pastorate, and being selected by the triennial convention of Boston to visit foreign missionary
he sailed for Burmah. He remained abroad two years and a half. In 1840 he was simultaneously elected pre.-idi'nt of Shurtlell' College, 111., and of Georgetown College, Ky.; he accepted the latter position, which he resigned in stations,
During 1849-51 he was pastor of the Sansom Church in Philadelphia. In 1851 he was
appointed president of the University at Lewisburg. I'a.. where he remained until 1857. During his presidency the main college building was completed; this consisted of a building eighty feet square, containing recitation rooms, chapel, society
halls, library, cabinet, and commencement hall, betwo wings each of four stories for study rooms and dormitories. In 1852 the sum of was donated $45,000 by a few friends, and $20,000 was received from lands sold off the
leaving about twenty-six acres in the university grounds. After a successful term of six years in the president's chair, Dr. Malcolm resigned to complete his "Index to Religious Literature," which was published in 1869. Most of the remaining years of his life were devoted to the American Baptist Historical'Society, of which he was for many years president, as well as of the American Peace Society. He was senior vicepresident of the Pennsylvania Colonization and one of the founders of the AmericanSociety Tract In 1842 he received the Society. of A from Dickinson College and at the degree same time the degree of D.D. from the University of Vermont and Lmon College. New York. He also published iturc and Kxtcnt of the Atonement" (18'9) Rule of Marriage" (1830), "Travels in ;Christian Southeastern Asia" (2 vols. 1839), and edited Hymns for the Conference" (1822) and various itandard religious works. He was married, first May 1, 1820, to Lydia Shields: she died in 1833
was married
in 1838 he Boston. Mass.
to Anne R. Dyer of died in Philadelphia Pa Mar
25, 1879.
LOOMIS, Justin, educator, second president of Buckncll University (IS.~>7 -79), was born in BenHe was educated at nington, Vt., Aug. 21, 1810. Hamilton Literary Institute and Brown University, where he was graduated in 1835. Shortly afterward he was elected professor of natural science in Waterville College, now Colby University. In order to thoroughly inform himself upon subjects pertaining to his particular
Held of science, he spent a in scientific explorations through Bolivia, Chili
and Peru, and elected to the
in 1854 was same chair in
the University of Lewisburg. In 1S58 he succeeded Dr. Malcolm as president of that institution. Fortwentyfive years he devoted the best energies of his life to building up this college. In 1863. when Gen. Lee's army invaded Pennsylvania, the college was closed during a,
("/ '
campaign of six weeks, and the students united in forming Company A of the 28th regiment of Pennsylvania volunteers. A memorial tablet was erected in Commencement Hall to commemorate the names of those who fell in the war for the Union. In 1864 President Loomis collected $100,000 in subscriptions to increase the university funds. He resigned the presidency in 1879, but left a. stamp upon the permanent history of the university to which he had contributed so much to make it the best in the state and an ornament to the Baptist church. His son Freeman Loomis is at present a professor there. Dr. Loomis prepared several standard works: " Prin" " and "Anatomy," ciples of Geology," Physiology besides publishing various essays, lectures, pamphlets and sermons, which showed talent of a high order. He died in Lewisburg. Pa., .lime '2'2. 1888. HILL, David J., third president of Bucknell University (1879-88), and president of Roche-tcr University (see p. 244, this volume). HARRIS, John Howard, fourth president of Bucknell University (1889), was born at Buffington, Pa., Apr. 24, 1847, son of Reese Harris, a farmer. His preliminary education was obtained in the academy at Mechanicsville, Pa., but in 18C:! lie left, school to enlist in the 206th I'cnnsvlva nia re^i ment he served for one year as sergeant of Company H. and re-enli-tintr after his discharge, served until the close of the war. In 1865 he entered Lewisburg (now Bucknell) University, where he ;
was graduated
Having chosen the
profession of a teacher, he immediately established the Keystone Academy at Factoryville, near Scranton, Pa. To this he devoted twenty years
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. of earnest effort, and left it in 1889 with a propof erty valued at $100.000, a yearly attendance over 200 students and a net income of $12,000. Ordained to the ministry in 1872, he was for nine years pastor of the Baptist church at FacSince his accession to the presidency torvvule. of Bucknell, in 1889, the work of the institution has been improved in many essential particulars. The attendance lias been more than doubled, while large additions have been made to the real estate and to the endowment. Prcs. Harris is very popular both with the students and friends of the uniinstituversity, and all look to him to guide the tion prosperously through the future. The degree of A.M. was conferred on him by his alma mater in 1872, of Ph.D. by Lafayette College in 1883, and that of I.L.D. by Dickinson College and He was married: Colgate University in 1891. first, June 22, 1872'. to .Mary K. Mace; second, July 20, 1881, to Lucy A. Bailey.
GROFF, George G., physician, author and educator, was born in Tredyffrin township, Chester 5, 1851, son of John and Susan co., Pa., Apr. (Beaver) GrorT, and a descendant of Jacob Graf, pioneer of this branch of the family, who is supposed to have been born in Holland in 1715, and who settled in Upper Salford, Montgomery co., in 1769. George G. Groff was educated in the academies at Phoenixville and Xorristown, and in the West Chester state noqnal school, the Michigan University. Long Island College Hospital and the University of Leipzig. Germany. In 1879 he was appointed professor of organic sciences in Bucknell He was acting president of the uniUniversity. versity in 1887-88, and was instrumental in increasing the attendance to a great degree. His enthusiasm as a teacher inspired pupils to diligent In public life he has been and accurate work. school director, coroner, assistant surgeon in the National Guard of Pennsylvania, and a member of the state board of agriculture and the state board of health lor many years. He organized a large portion of the work of the state board of health and wrote most of its health circulars, which 'are said to be the best issued by any state He had charge of the sanitation at in the Union. Johnstown after the great Hood of 1889. In the Spanish- American war, Dr. Groff was commissioned major and brigade surgeon and served in Porto Rico for two years, his service being invaluable as sanitary inspector and director of vaccination. He has lectured on health and scientific subjects at teachers' and farmers' institutes for many years, and he is the author of numerous pamphlets, charts, maps and diagrams to assist science teachers, a series of school physiologies, farm and village hygiene, school hygiene, dairy hygiene and a text book on mineralogy. He is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, of the Pennsylvania German Society and of the Welsh Society of Philadelphia. He was married in 1880 to Margaret Marshall of
West Chester, Pa., and has five children, William Marshall, John Charles, Margaret Beaver, James Andrews and Frances Lloyd
territorial govBenjamin, ernor of Missouri (1812-13), was born in Virginia in 17(i(). son of John Howard, a revolutionary soldier and one of the first settlers at Boonesboro, Ky. The son entered public life in his early manhood, serving in the Kentucky legislature, and in 1807 he represented Kentucky in the national conHe resigned his seat in 1810 to become gress. tin' governor of Upper Louisiana territory. Soon after the province of Louisiana was transferred to the United States congress passed an act, Mar. 26, 1804, dividing it into two parts, that part first
south of the thirty-third parallel of latitude being given a territorial form of government and named Orleans and the part north was called the District of Louisiana and was attached to the territory of Indiana. By act of congress of Mar. 3, 1805, the district of Louisiana was segregated from Indiana and erected into the territory of Louisiana (of which Missouri formed a part), to be governed by a governor and two judges who acted together as a legislative body. Gen. James Wilkinson was appointed governor by Pres. Jefferson. When the territory of Orleans became the state of Louisiana, in 1812, what had been the territory of Louisiana became the territory of Missouri, with St. Louis its capital, and congress authorized the people to choose a house of representatives, reserving to the president the appointment of governor, judges and other executive officers. Gov. Howard was thus the first governor of Missouri territory, and held this office until 1813, when he was appointed brigadier-general in the U. S. army, and resigned. He was assigned to the command of the 8th military department, which included the territory west of the MissisHe was in active military service at sippi river. the time of his death, which occurred in St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 18, 1814. CLARK, William, soldier, explorer, and second territorial governor of Missouri (181320), was born in Caroline county, Va., Aug. 1, 1770, son of John and Ann (Rogers) Clark, and grandson of 7 Jonathan and Elizabeth (Wilson) Clark. hen he was fourteen years of age his family removed to the falls of the Ohio, Kentucky, settling on the site of the present city of Louisville, where his brother, George Rogers Clark, erected a fort, in 1777. Surrounded by hostile tribes, this place at the time was the scene of frequent Indian raids, and under such circumstances the young William grew up with a vast experience of the methods of Indian warfare and an intimate knowledge of their habits. At the age of nineteen he participated in Col. John Hardin's expedition against the Indians across the Ohio, was made an ensign in 1791, served under Scott and Wilkinson against the Indians on the Wabash, was commissioned lieutenant of infantry, Mar. 7, 1792, and in December of the latter year was assigned to the 4th
pointed adjutant and quarin termaster, September, 1793, served again against the Indians and under Gen.
Wayne, and in July, 1796, resigned from the army, He owing to ill health. subsequently regained his health by turning trapper and hunter. About 1804 William Clark removed to St. Louis. Mo., and in March of that year Pres. Jefferson commissioned him 2d lieutenant of artillery, ordering him to join Capt. Meri-
wether Lewis in an exploring expedition from St. Louis across the Rocky mountains to the mouth of Columbia river. This expedition, which lasted
two years, was the
across the continent
foundation of the historysof the great northwest and the Missouri valley. The success of the explorations, that were attended by incredible privations and hardships in the vast wilderness, among hostile savages, where no white man ever set his foot before, was in large measure due to Capt. Clark's knowledge of Indian to the Pacific coast,
laid the
502 character and habits. director
appointed governor of the newly formed Aug. 10, 1821. He subsequently held an important Missouri office in the Indian department, and he died in St. Missouri territory. by I'rcs. Madison. Louis, Mo., Mar. IS. 1S2H. into the union ap| lied to congren for admission A controversy over the question whether BATES, Frederick, second governor of Mis in ISIS. souri (1824-25). was born at lielmont, Gooehland it should be a free or slave state followed, and On CO., Va., June 28, 1777, brother of L'dward Hates, intense feeling was displayed on both sides. the introduction of the enabling act. an amend- attorney-general under Lincoln. His parents wenment was offered by Mr. Tallmadge, of New York, Quakers and of limited means, and the son had of a liberal education. At the forbidding slavery or involuntary servitude, except not the advantages for crime. It passed the lower house of congress, age of twenty he went to Detroit. Mich., where but was defeated in the senate. At the following he engaged in mercantile pursuits, subsequently serving as postmaster of that place. Here he acsession, Missouri again pressed her claim, and Maine also applied to be a state, but the house quired a knowledge of the French language and a passed the Maine bill and rejected Missouri. The senate then combined the two measures, but the house refused to agree to the combination, and a (tpilo/ Finally, long, acrimonious discussion followed. j'ff"J through the efforts of Henry Clay, a compromise
which wa- subsequently published by order T.
18ti4, which ended his active to this he had career""For some time previous the n.nv-mmdcd for the McmphU "Appeal over surof "Harvey," and after the /./ n in journalisin render h,- regularly engaged was on the staff of the old Memphis. In ISC.T he later was with the I.oui.'ville "Courier;" a year " became editor Memphis A\al:inche." and in 1869 as of the Memphis "Public Ledger," remaining two such for over twenty years. He also served various terms in the state legislature, attended travstate and national Democratic conventions, eled abroad several times, once as commissioner to the appointed by Cov. Marks, of Tennessee, on the Paris exposition in 1878; was elector other Cleveland and Hendricks ticket and filled In 1902 he published positions of honor and trust. a life of Gen. Forrest. He was married, Dec. I, of Col. 1868, to Mildred Spottswood, daughter had five Benjamin Cash, of North Carolina, and Benchildren, Mildred Overtoil, Lee Dandndge, jamin Cash, James Harvey, Talbot Spottswood. .
died in Riverside, Cal., Dec. 11, 1902. P., diplomatist, was born in Adams county, Miss., the son of Ayres P. Merwho for a time rill, a native of Massachusetts, served as surgeon in the Mexican war. The son was educated at Harvard College, after which he He studied law and practiced for a short time. afterward turned his attention to planting, and was also in business in New York city as a
commission merchant. He was appointed U. S. minister to Belgium in 1876, by Pres. Orant. He was married to Jane Surget, and died in his native country in 1882.
LANGFORD, William Christie, jurist, was born at Alabama, Sept. 3. 1826, son of Jarvis and He received his Mary (Christie) Langford. after early education in the county schools, and studying law in Arkansas, was admitted to the bar in 1860. At the outbreak of the civil war he enlisted in the Confederate army and served to the close of the struggle, when he resumed his legal In 1873 he was practice. \,
appointed prosecuting attorney of what was then the 9th judicial district of Arkansas, holding the office for two terms, and in 1882, was elected to
/the Arkansas legislature, serving two terms. As a legislator, he aimed to advance the welfare of his state; and as a judge, was ever anxious to do justice to all. He was a prominent Mason, served two terms as district deputy grand master, and at his death held the oflice of worshipful master in the El Dorado lodge. Subsequent to 1875 he was an earnest member of the Baptist church, and aided its various He was materially enterprises. married in 1851, to Martha Louise, daughter of James Witherington, of Champoynalle. Ark. She died in 1X62. and he was again married in 1800, to Martha C. Cliandler. Judge Langford died at El Dorado. Ark.. Jan. 17. 1802. leaving three sons and a daughter, the children of his first wife.
LANGFORD, William Henry, banker, was born at Champagnolle. T'nion eo.. Ark., June 6, son of William Christie and Martha Lnui>a s.")(i. I
(Witherington) Langford. His great-grandfather, Frank Langford, ..erved under (leu. Washington throughout the revolutionary war, and his grand-
father. Jarvis Langford, was a soldier in the war His father, a native of Dallas county, of 1812. Ala., went to' Champagnolle, Ark., in 1841, and to Eldorado in 1867; was county judge for four years, prosecuting attorney for his judicial district
and a
of the state legisDurlature in 1883-85.
ing .the civil war he was a captain in the 19th Arkansas infantry, Burts Confederate brigade. army. The son was graduated at the University Arkansas in 1SSO; of taught for a time, read law in the office of Judge M. Rose at Little I'. Rock, and in 1882 was admitted to the bar of the Federal court, Little Rock, and the circuit and supreme state courts. In 1883 he was chosen adjutant-general on the staff of Gpv. James H. Berry, serving as the governor's private secretary, and in 1885, he was apof state under Jacob pointed deputy secretary Frolich, who was then secretary of state, and his successor, E. B. Moore. For the past fifteen years Mr. Langford has been and is now a trustee of the He is president of the I'niversity of Arkansas. Citizens' Bank of Pine Bluff, the leading financial institution of that city; the People's Savings Bank and Trust Co., and the Jefferson County a director of the Exchange Savings Bank National Bank at Little Rock, and president of the Pine Bluff Arkansas River railway. Mr. Langford has been successful in his business ;
enterprises, state.
and the
a .man of prominence
member of the Knights of Pythias Royal Arcanum fraternal organizations,
life their liberal and progresHe was married. Nov. 25, 1886. sive principles. to Ida, daughter of Maj. John Boyd Speers. of Pine Bluff, Ark., and had two sons. William Henry, Jr., who died in 1893. and. John Speers Langford. The Speers-Langford Military Institute at Sarey, Ark., was named for Maj. Speers and in memory of William Henry Langford. Jr.
carrying out in his
banker and merchant, born at Ballimony, Ireland. Antrim, county June "24, 1830, son of John
SPEERS, John Boyd,
He and Hannah Speers. came to America when eighteen years old and located at El Dorado, Ark. He taught school "in what was known as the Moro Settlement," in Calhoun county, He formed for ten years.
a business partnership withjjj
tinued until the beginning of the civil war. He served in the 3rd Arkansas infantry, under Col. Albert Rust. whose regiment became a part of the army of northern Virginia. 'During most of the time Maj. Speers was ordnance sergeant of his regiment.
Returning to El Dorado, Ark., he began merchandising and rapidly advanced to the position of leading merchant in that section of the country. In 1881 he removed to Pine Bluff, Ark., where he resided until his death, actively engaged in banking and merchandising, and participating brigade.
numerous enterprizes
of industrial development. the Citizens' Bank, also the large house of J. B. Speers Grocery Co., and was president of both institutions. He became one of the wealthiest citizens of his state, and was regarded He was married Jan. 2, as a leading financier. in
He organized
1865, to Mary E., daughter of Henry Byrd, of El Dorado, who was a noted artist of the South,
and had two sons, John B. and Henry B. Speers, and one daughter, Mrs. W. H. Langford. Maj. Speers died at Little Rock. Ark., Sept. 7, 1895. GREGG, Alexander, first P. E. bishop of Texas, was born at Society Hill, Darlington district, S. C., Oct. 8, 1819. He was graduated at South Carolina College in 1838 with the highest honors, and afterward studied law. He was admitted to the bar and practiced at Cheraw. S. C., but gave up that profession for the church, becoming a candidate He was ordained deacon by for holy orders. Bishop Gadsden, June 10. 184C, and was ordained priest in St. Philip's Church, Charleston, by the same bishop, Dec. 19, 1847. In 1846 he became rector of St. David's parish, Cheraw, where he remained until he was elected bishop of Texas, in He was consecrated in the Monumental 1859. Church, Richmond, Va., on Oct. 13th, and entered upon his extensive field of labor at once, presiding over the church throughout the state until 1874, when his diocese was divided, two missionary jurisdictions being set off for northern and western Texas, while he was assigned to the southern part of the state. He removed to Galveston, where he resided until his death. He was " the author of a Hisiory of Old Cheraw," describing the Indian tribes in the valley of the Pedee, South Carolina, the first white settlements, the organization of St. David's parish and the revolutionary history of that region (1867); and a " Brief Sketch of the Church in Texas," in the " " for 1884, beside making Church Encyclopedia various contributions to church literature. The degree of D.D. was conferred on him by South Carolina College in 1859. His death occurred at Galveston, Tex., July 11, 1893. KINSOLVING, George Herbert, second Protestant Episcopal bishop of Texas, was born in Bedford county, Va., Apr. 24, 1849. He was educated at the University of Virginia and was graduated at the Theological Seminary of Virginia in 1873. He received deacon's orders on June 26, 1874, and was made a priest the following year by Bishop Whittingham. During the term of his deaoonate he served as assistant at Christ Church, Baltimore, Md. He was made rector of St. Mark's Church, Baltimore. From thence he removed to St. John's, Cincinnati, and to the Church of the Epiphany, Philadelphia. He was elected coadjutor to the venerable Bishop Gregg of Texas on May 19, 1892, and his consecration took place in his parish church, Philadelphia, on Oct. 12, 1892. Bishop Gregg died on July 11, 1893, and Bishop Dr. Kinsolving was Kinaolving succeeded him. a member of the standing committee in Pennsylvania and a delegate to the general convention. He also acted as overseer of the divinity
of Pennsylvania and was exchaplain for the bishop in addition to
He received holding other important positions. his degree of D.D. from Griswold College and also from the University of the South. He was married
in Cincinnati, O., to the sister of Bishop Jagger of Southern Ohio. He has published Episcopal
His brother, addresses and occasional sermons. Lucien Lee (born may 14, 1862) has been Protestant Episcopal bishop of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, since 1898. jurist, was born at Great Newcastle, N. H., Nov. 22, 1682, son of George Jaffrey, an early counselor of New HampHe was educated at Harvard College, and shire. after graduation, in 1702, studied law and was admitted to the bar. He took up his residence in Portsmouth, N. H., from which town he was sent to the provincial assembly in 1710. In 1716 he became a member of the council, was associate justice of the supreme court 1717-26, and chief justice 1726-32, when he resigned, and that office
JAFFBilY, George,
by Henry Sherburne of Portsmouth Jaffrey was then reappointed chief
and served until his death. From 1726 he was also treasurer of the province. He was married, Jan. 10, 1710, to Sarah, daughter of David Jeffries of Boston, Mass., and after her death, Jan. 12, 1734, he was married, Mar. 9, 1738, to Mrs. Sarah McPhedris, a daughter of Lieut.-Gov. John Wentworth. He died in Portsmouth, N. H., May 8, 1749, and a town in that state perpetuates justice,
RODD, Thomas,
civil engineer, was born in London, England, June 13, 1849, son of Horatio and Anne (Theobald) Rodd. His family emigrated from England to Philadelphia, Pa., in 1856, and in October, 1862, at the age of thirteen years, he entered the U. S. navy and served continuously and with credit until the close of the civil war.
rose rapidly to be ship's writer, acting mate,
and captain's clerk; his
last service was on board the U. S. steamer Galena, under Capt. Francis Wells, who recommended his" appointment to the U. S. Naval Academy. He became a cadet midshipman at Annapolis in 1865, and passed all the examinations there except the final one, which occurred after his resignation. In the course of his studies he had resolved upon an engineering career; and, finding that graduation would involve the delay of an extended cruise, he resigned in February, 1869, without waiting for the final .exanimation. Soon afterward he was employed by Jesse Lightfoot, engineer and sur'
veyor of Germantown, Pa., .
as a rodman. In the same year he obtained a position with the city of Philadelphia under Strickland Kneass, chief engineer and surveyor, remaining until 1872;
then entering the
service of the Pennsylvania Company and rising in that service to be chief engineer. He was prominently connected with the rebuilding of the Pennsylvania Railroad after the Johnstown flood, in 1889. In January, 1901, he was made chief engineer of all Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg.
While thus employed on the Pennsylvania system Mr. Rodd had at the same time a large and lucrative practice as a private engineer, being probably the only chief engineer of a large system of railroads permitted to carry on an individual practice. As engineer and architect, he designed and constructed lor the Indianapolis Union Rail-
w-av Co. (1887) the Union station, in Indianapolis; and (18StiV-H01) lie thus designed and directed the constiucti'ui of works aggregating in value some JKMNXUHK). Among the hitter are the Westing-
and Manufact uring Company I Klcctric house work-. and the West ingliousc Machine Company's works, at Ku-t Pittshurg. 1'a.; the Union Switch and Signal Company's works at Swissvale, Pa.; and the work- of he liritish Wegtinghouge Electric and Manufacturing Company, at Trafford Park, Manchester. England. He was married, at I
to Mary Watson, Allegheny, Pa.. Oct. -23, 1ST it, the distindaughter" of Dr. William M. Ilerron, and has two guished astronomer and physicist, sons. William llcrron and Thomas, and one daughter.
MUNSEX.L, Albert Henry,
was born
-.m of Luke and Marand a descendant garet Ann (Johnston) Mnnsell. He was of the old English family of Maunselle. educated in the Boston public schools and in the State Normal Art School. After being graduated at the latter in 1880, he was appointed an instructor and has never severed his connection with While on leave of absence, he the institution. traveled in Spain, Northern Africa. Italy, Germany, England, and the
Netherlands, and spent three in
Paris, at L'Ecole des
Beaux Arts, where he medals and received special honors in anatand perspective He excomposition. hibited in the salons of 1886, 1887 and 1888, and upon his return to the
Massachusetts Normal Art School in 1888 was advanced to the station of
instructor in
He exhibited Boston, New York,
painting. in
Pittsburg and Chicago, where he was highly praised in reports on the Columbian exposition. His specialty is figure and subjects portraits, among the former being such works as "Danger Ahead" (1888), exhibited at the Paris salon of that year and the Chicago exposition of 1803: and "Chloris Calls" The portraits are in private collections (1885). of Boston and New York. In 1889 he invented an improvement in artists' easels, and in 1000 obtained a patent on "The Color-sphere and Mount," an early model of which is preserved in the physical laboratory of Columbia University. This de-
vice and a luminometer, patented in 1901. have facilitated the teaching of color values by furnishing a practical basis for the denomination and measurement of color. He was president of the Massachusetts Industrial Art Teachers' Association and a director of the Architectural Club, of Most on; i- a member of the Twentieth Century Club f Boston, the Chestnut Hill Club, and tlie National Arts Club, of New York He was city. married to Juliet Ketor. Nov. 28, 1894, 'daughter of \lc\ander K. Orr of New York, and has one son and three daughters,
William Travis, physician, was born in Cumberland countv, Va.. Jan. 12, 1821 Ron of William A. and Rebecca Elizabeth Travis' (Anderson) Howard. His father was a native of Virginia and a noted architect. He was educated at Hamden, Sidney and Randolph-Macon colleges,
and studied medicine under Dr. John Peter Metauer, an eminent surgeon, of Prince Edward county, Va., and at Jefl'erson Medical College, where lie was graduated M.D. in 1844. He practiced first in Warren county, N. C., arid removed to Baltimore, Mil., in 18(if>, where he was at once appointed adjunct professor of physiology in the Jn 1807 he was elected University of Maryland. to the of newly created chair gynecology and diseases of children, which he occupied for His class-room lectures nearly thirty years. were reported and printed in book form, but were revised and enlarged by him each year, until they were made up almost exclusively of his own large Dr. Howard was the author of many experience. articles in the medical journals, and invented many gynecological instruments of a useful and In association with Dr. H. P. practical character. C. Wilson he founded the Hospital .for the Women of Maryland in 1875. He was one of the founders of the Baltimore Gynecological and Obstetrical Society (1878). which he served as president in 1881, and of the American Gynecological Society, He was conof which he was president in 1885. sulting gynecologist to the Union Protestant Infirmary, to the Hebrew Hospital and Asylum Association of Baltimore and to the Johns Hopkins Hospital, an honorary member of the Obstetrical and Gynecological Society of Washington, a corresponding member of the Gynecological Society of Boston and an honorary member of the State Medical Society of North Carolina. Dr. Howard has been married three times: first, to Mrs. Lucy M. (Davis) Fitts of Virginia; second, to Miss Annis L. Waddill of North Carolina; and third, to Miss Rebecca N. Williams of Baltimore.
EMERSON, Benjamin Kendall, geologist and educator, was born in Nashua, N. H., Dec. 20, 1843, son of Benjamin Frothingham and Elizabeth (Kendall)
He was graduated
torian at Amherst College with the class of 1865, took Ph.D. at Gottingen 18C9, and studied in BerHe was assistant on the German geolin 1869. logical survey 1869, and made geological studies in Switzerland, Saxony, Bohemia and Norway. He was appointed professor of geology and zoology at Amherst on his return to America in
Mr. Emerson is author of many scientific " Geology of Old Hampshire County, or Franklin, Hampshire and Hampden Counties, Mass.;" of bulletin No. 126, U. S. geological survey "A Mineral Lexicon of Franklin, Hampshire and Mass.;" of U. S. geological Hampden Counties, " The Geology of Southwestern survey bulletin Berkshire;" of the U. S. geological survey folios which contain " Geological Maps and Descriptions of Eastern Berkshire, Franklin, Hampshire. Hampden and Worcester Counties, Mass," and many 1870.
articles in scientific journals. He is a member of the German Geological Society, of the Appalachian Club, the American Philosophical Society. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Society of Naturalists of Eastern United States and the National Geographical Society. He was vice-president of the geological congress at St. Petersburg in 1897 and was made president of the Geolie uas marlogical Society of America in IM'9. ried Apr. 2. 1873, to Mary Annette, daughter of Hon.
Erastus Hopkins of Northampton. Mass., and had two sons and four daughters. He was married again to Anna H., daughter of Julius H. Seelye, a president of Amherst College, and she is the mother of
one daughter.
TII/LMAN, James Davidson,
diplomat, was
born in Bedford county, Tcnn.. 1841, eldest son of Lewis and Mary Catnarine (Davidson) Tillman,
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. grandson of John Tillmnn, and great-grandson of Lewis and Mary (Huff) Tillman. He was graduated at the University of Tennessee, in 1859, and was attending the law school of Cumberland University when the civil war began. He at once entered the Confederate army and was elected a lieutenant in Capt. Roone's company, raised in He was taken prisoner at Ft. DonelShelbyville. son, and from February until September, 1862, was held a prisoner. Upon the reorganization of the 41st Tennessee infantry he was made lieutenant-colonel and commanded his regiment at the battle of Chickamauga, where he was severely wounded, and subsequently was commissioned After the establishment of peace he colonel. opened a law office at Fayetteville, Tenn., and continued in active practice until 1895, when Pres. Cleveland appointed him U.S. minister to Ecuador. Since his return from South America in 1897 he has resided upon his farm in Lincoln county, Tenn. Mr. Tillman was elected to the state house of representatives in 1871, and to ihe state senate in
and 1903. Through every period of his he has been an earnest advocate of public education, a strong upholder of state credit, and a " " sound money principles. He was supporter of married Feb. 28. 18G6. to Mary Frances, daughter of William Bonner, of Fayetteville, Tenn. 1873. 1893
KTJYPERS, Gerardus Arentse,
in Curacoa, West Indies, Dec. 16, 1766, son of Warmulder Kuypers (1732-97), a clergyman who settled in New York in 1709, preached for two years at Rhinebeck Flats, Upper Red Hook and
was born
Hackensack, N. J.
The son was educated at Hacken-
sack, and studied theology first under the direction of his father, and subsequently under the Rev.
Hcrmanus Meyer and the Rev. Dirck Romeyn. He was licensed to preach in 1787, and was ordained
15, 1788, by the classis of Hackensack as colleague pastor at Paramus, N. J. In 1789 he was called to the Collegiate Reformed (Dutch) Church,
in Garden street in New York city, where he remained till his death, which occurred June 28, His successor was John N. Abeel, who was 1833. senior pastor during 1795-1812, and during whose administration, in 1803, preaching in the Dutch language was discontinued. He was appointed a
teacher of
1799. received the degree of
M.A. from Princeton in 1791 and that of D.D. from Rutgers in 1810. He died in New York June " Discourses on the 28, 1833, and left unfinished Heidelberg Catechism."
Johannes, clergyman, was born in He arrived in New York pend-
Holland in 1710.
ing the negotiations for a coetus in connection with the Reformed (Dutch) Church of New York, and was a prominent member in all the meetings of that He was senior minister of the Reformed body. (Dutch) Church of Xew Y'ork city, and frequently preached at Harlem, I'liilipsburg, Fordham, and Cortlandt. N. Y'., during 1744-84. and his colleague and successor was Lambertus De Ronde (1764 lie was one of the original trustees of King's 79). now Columbia) College, and a disagreement between him and other members of the coetus regarding a professorship there and other matters led to his withdrawal from that He died in Kinbody. derhook. X. Y.. in 17'.>~>.
KUSSELL, man, was born
Charles Taze, author and clergy-
in Allegheny, Pa., Feb. 16, 1852, son nf Joseph Lytle and Ann F.li/.a iliirney) Russell, both of Scotch-Irish stock. In early" life he was associated with his father in merchandizing, and he was thus hindered from completing a college course: but his studies were continued under private tutors with remarkable success. During
his youth he became interested in theology, and in 18li9, was distressed at the doctrine of eternal torment but on becoming a still closer student of the Bible decided that the doctrine was the result of a misinterpretation of figurative pasIt is according to sages. his belief, that the theological disputes of the world ;
were based upon a misconthat the Bible ception; teaches that utter destruction is the penalty of Adam's that "the transgression; man Christ Jesus " ran-
all of
posterity his
his of that his
being; resurrection to the divine plane of being by the Father, and his investiture with divine power, means the blessing of all of Adam's race with an opportunity for knowledge and obedience
everlasting, in an " in due paradise, during the millen-
earthly time,"
nium; but that meantime, during the Jewish and Gospel ages, special elections prevail, under severe " testings, developing some to be joint-heirs with Christ" in his Kingdom a "little flock." the " Seed of Abraham," under Christ their head. He concluded that Christians have divided the Bible among them, instead of uniting on a complete thus teaching only partial truths, conBible; The results of veying the impression of error. these personal investigations were epitomized in "The Divine Plan of the Ages" (1886). a book approved by many of all denominations, though From 1873 bitterly opposed by the majority. onward, he devoted all his time and money toward the promulgation of his Bible-harmonies, though continuing his commercial interests for about ten years longer, under the care of assistants. In 1879, he started the semi-monthly " Zion's Watch Tower," of which he journal, is still the editor. In 1881, the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society was organized for the promulgation of his writings; he became its president, and placed his entire fortune at its command. He is the pastor of a congregation of about 500, meeting every Sunday at the Bible House, Allegheny, but devotes alternate Sundays to preaching in the principal cities of the United States. "The Divine Plan of the Ages" (188G); "The
Hand " (1889) " Thy Kingdom Come " "The Day of Vengeance" (1897): "The At-One-Ment Between God and Man" (1899), and "The New Creation" (1903), constitute the first
Millennial Dawn Series "volumes of his seven volumes completing the entire set. Some of these have been republished in Germa'n, French. Swedish, Danish, and in raised text for the blind. The first-named volume is six
edition and several of his have reached circulations of about 1.000.000: a few of these are "Our Lord's in
brochures "
Return," Why "Evil was Permitted," The Bible vs. Evolution," What Say the Scriptures About " Tabernacle Hell," "A Reply to Robert Ingersoll," Shadows of Better Sacrifices." Those who accept
Mr. Russell's expositions ignore all sectarianism, repudiate all denominational names, and hence are not mentioned in census reports. While his followers probably number less than 50,000, the influence of his teachings is believed to have been felt
some degree
in every
congregation through-
lie holds that ( hiistcndom. the Scripture- teach, thai liy lit IT), llic Millennial a period of unpreage will lie ushered in by lie was married cedented trouble ami anardiy.
out English-speaking
in Maria
daughter of Mahlen and
Salena Acklcy.
CKIDLER. Thomas Wilbur, secretary nf slate, was horn at \V.
Harper's Ferry,
He was educated
native state and in the city of Washington. D. C. On July 1, 187~>. he intend the department of state as clerk, and passed through the various clerical trades until he attained his present position, to which he was appointed on Apr. 8, 1897. He has made several trips to Europe on government business, acting as special disbursing agent of the department of state at the Brussels, Belgium, monetary conference. Nov. 22. 18112, and being present in Paris at the signing of the HispanoAmerican peace protocol in 1898. In 1900 Mr. Cridler was appointed special commissioner of the United States to the International Paris Exposition, on which he then reported to congress. The French government made him an officer of the
Honor. He is now a commissioner for Europe of the Louisiana purchase exposition. I.cgiun
Carroll, diplomat,
was born at Clare
Mont, near Baltimore, Md., Feb. 22, 1818, son of Clare (Carroll) ('apt. Robert Trail and Mary Spence, and grandson of Keith and Mary (Trail) His father entered the (1788-1826) United States navy in 1800, advanced to the rank of captain in 1815 and distinguished himself under Decatur in the war with Tripoli. The son was educated at St. Mary College and Dickinson ColSpence.
He was
elected to the
Maryland legislature
soon after beginning the practice of law. In 1853 he was appointed U. S. minister to Turkey by Pres. Pierce, and served until 1858. He concluded the first treaty ever made between the United States and Persia, compelled Turkey to rescind her harsh measures against the Greeks during the war between Turkey and Russia, and obtained a marked concession from Turkey in behalf of the Christians, including the return of exiles. The king of Greece tendered him a decoration, which he declined. He also induced the Turkish government to send two of its principal naval officers to purchase a steam line in the United battleship States. He remained in Constantinople until December, 1857. The honorary degrees of A.M. and LL.D. were conferred upon him by St. Mary's College. He was married to his cousin Rebecca, daughter of Charles Ridgely Carroll, and had ason and two daughters. He died in Baltimore. Md., Aug. 9, 1896. SMITH, Eobert, first P. E. bishop of South Carolina (1795-1801 ), was Born in Norfolk county England. June 25, 1732. He was educated at Gonville and Cains College, Cambridge, where he was graduated in 1753. Being elected to a fellowship he remained there and was admitted to the order of deacons by the Bishop of Ely, Mar. 7. who ordained him as priest on Dec. 21. 1750.1756, In 1757 he came to this country through the recominrinlatii.ii of William Mason'. M.P.. to become assistant in St. Philip's Church, Charleston S C and was elected rector in 1759. In 1708 his arduous duties had so impaired his health that he spent two years in England, returning to his pastoral duties with renewed vigor. Though he adhered to the crown early in the revolution he subsequently became an ardent patriot and enlisted in the ranks of the Continental army as a When the British captured Charleston in private. 1780 he was banished from South Carolina on ac-
count of his first
revolutionary principles. He went to Philadelphia but afterward had cha_ arge of Paul's Church. Queen Anne county, Md. Re
turning to Charleston
in .May.
he opened an
academy which was chartered in 17S(i as Smith Carolina College, ,of which he was president until His
led to the organization of the dioCarolina and he took an active In the part in the conventions of r78(i and 1789. latter year he was elected to be the first bishop of South Carolina and was consecrated in Chri.-t Church, Philadelphia, Sept. 14, 1795. Bishop Smith was one of the earliest members of the Society of the Cincinnati. He died in Charleston, 17!is.
Oct. 28.
Theodore, second P. E. South Carolina (1812-17), was born
in Boston, classical edu-
He received a .Mass., Dec. 8, 1776. cation at Harvard College, where he was grail noted in 1795 with honors. He studied theology under the Rev. Dr. Parker, rector of Trinity Church, Boston, and officiated during that time as lay reader at Cambridge and at Newport, R. I.
He was
ordained deacon at Newhuryport. Dec. 24, by Bishop Bass, and early in January. 1798, entered upon the duties of rector of Trinity Church, Newport. His health becoming impaired, he visited the South in 1S02 3. and after his return home received urgent invitations from wo churches in Charleston, S. C., which he at first 1797,
declined, but in 1809 he accepted the rectorship of St. Michael's Church, Charleston, and in 1810 removed thither. In February, 1812, he was elected bishop of the diocese, and was consecrated on Oct. 15th. He attended the general convention held in Philadelphia in May, 1814, and also that held in New York in May, 1817. On his return to Charleston from the "latter he was
with yellow fever, which proved fatal. His remains rest in the chancel of St. Mich Church. Bishop Dehon published a number of sermons, and after bis death a selection from his discourses was published, which met with a large sale (London, 1821 and 1823: New York. 1857 1. stricken
died in Charleston, S. C., Aug. 6, 1817. Nathaniel, third P. E. bishop of South Carolina (1818-39), was born in Boston. Mass., June 29, 1779. In 1787 his father removed to South Carolina and died there not long afterward. Dr. Robert Smith (first president of South Carolina College and later bishop of South Cam lina) cared for the boy's education and lie \\agraduated at Charleston in 1794. He tutored in the college until 171)9. when he went to Boston to study under Rev. Dr. Parker isuli
of the sequently bishop eastern diocese), and he was ordained deacon June 3. 1800. For two years he was occupied in transient labors chiefly in St. John's
Church. He waProvidence. R. I. ordained priest by Bishop Bass in October, 1802, and returning to Charleston be-
came assistant
MichIn December, in St.
rfK^??* V 11 Wj?\" \ Ai
Church. he became rector of that church, and remained there until 1809. when he was chosen rector of (Irace Church. New York He was highly appreciated in that imcity. portant parish and discharged its ollices with
lie was elected bishop of great, acceptance. South Carolina in 1818 as successor to Bishop Dehon, and for the second time became rector
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. of St. Michael's Church. His untiring fidelity to his work and his personality made him greatly
beloved by the clergy and
was married
who knew
Margaret Blake of Charleston,
S. C. Bishop Bowen published occasional sermons, addresses, etc., together with six sermons on " Christian Consolation" (1831). After his death,
Aug. 25, 1839, two octavo volumes of his sermons were published. GADSDEN, Christopher Edwards, fourth P. E. bishop of South Carolina (1840-52), was, born in ..Charleston, S. C., Nov. 25, 1785, son of (Edwards) Gadsden, and Pliilip and Catharine grandson of Christopher Gadsden, a brigadiergeneral in the revolutionary war and lieutenantgovernor of South Carolina. After obtaining his Charlesearly education in the Associate Academy, ton, he entered the junior class in Yale College,
and was graduated with honor in 1804. John C. Calhoun was his classmate, and the friendship beHe was tween them continued through life. ordained deacon by Bishop Benjamin Moore in. St. Paul's chapel, New York city, July 25, 1807, and priest by Bishop Madison at Williamsburg, Va., Apr. 14," 1810. In January, 1808, he took charge of the parish of Berkeley, S. C., and" in February, 1810, he became assistant at St. Philip's Church, Charleston. On the death of the rector, in 1814, In 1815 l\Ir. Gadsden was elected his successor. he received the degree of D.D. from South Carolina College. After the death of Bishop Bowen, in
Dr. Gadsden was elected bishop, and was consecrated in Trinity Church, Boston, Mass., June He was a devoted friend of the colored 21, 1840. He was the race, for whom he labored much. founder of the Protestant Episcopal Society; and " for several " he edited the Gospel Messenger years, published occasional sermons, a tract on " The Prayer Book as It Is," three valuable charges to the clergy, and an essay on the life of Bishop Dehon (1833). His episcopate of twelve years was marked by great devotion and energy, and his noble qualities endeared him to both He died in Charleston, S. C., clergy and laity. June" 24, 1852. DAVIS, Thomas Frederick, fifth P. E. bishop of South Carolina (1853-71), was born in Wilmington. N. C., Feb. 8, 1804, son of Thomas F. nnd Sarah Isabella (Eagles) Davis, and a brother of Hon. George Davis, attorney-general of the Confederate states. He was graduated at the University of North Carolina in 1822, and practiced law for a time until he took up the study of 183(1,
He was ordained deacon in Wilmington, by Bishop Ives, Nov. 27, 1831, and priest in Pittsl'x>ro, Dec. 16, 1832. After officiating at theologv.
the latter place while in deacon's orders he served as rector of St. James' Church, Wilmington, and St. Luke's Church, Salisbury, N. C. In November, 1846, he removed to South Carolina, where he became rector of Grace Church, Caimlen. In 1853 lie was elected bishop of the diocese of South Carolina and was consecrated in St. John's Chapel, New York city, on Oct. 17th. He received the degree of D.D. "from the University of North Carolina 1853.
and from Columbia College, New York, in Although he suffered the loss of eyesight
he served
congregations faithfully until his S. C Dec. 2, 1871. HOWE, William Bell White, sixth P. E. bishop of South Carolina (1871-93), was born at laremont, Sullivan co., N. IL, Mar. 31, 1823. He was graduated at the University of Vermont in 1S44. was admitted to the diaconate of the Protestotant Episcopal church, on Apr. 9, 1847, at St. Philip's Church. Charleston, S. C., and was advanced to the priesthood at St. Stephen's Chapel, death, at
on- anil a daughter. i~ a man of vigorous mental procc>-es. grasping tlif ino-t ab-trusc |irolili'in- and reducing them to
to Eli/ahcth
degree of A.M. was conferred on him in 1811 and that of D.D. in 1828 by Brown University, while Harvard gave him the degree of D.D. fn 1843. He died in Baltimore, Md., Apr. '2:!. is:,:!.
at Woodhull, Steubcn
co., X. lari.-sa
was born 24,
Itansom and Jane (Adams) Man-ail, and a descendant of Dorman Marean. who is believed to have been born in Xonuandy. France. of Huguenot stock. Dorimin's son William married Eli/aheth Clark: their son Thomas married Margaret Hammond: their son Thomas married Esther Patter-on: and their son Lewis, the grandfather of Willis A. Marean. married Patience, daughter of Edmund Kittle, Mill
soldier of the. revolution.
a ha-is of simplicity. Many of the most remarkable difficulties have been surmounted by his resolute self-reliance and indefatigable energy.
BUBNAM, Anthony
Rollins, jurist, was born Richmond, Ky., Oct. 10, 1846, son of Curtis Field and Sarah H. (Rollins) Burnam. His father was a distinguished member of the Madison county bar. His early education was derived from private lessons, supplemented later by a course of study in Asbury University. Indiana. He studied law and after being admitted to the bar in 1869 he began to practice in his native city. He was in
a partner of his father for twenty-five years. He was at one time mayor of Richmond, Ky. He a Republican, and was appointed by Pres. Harrison collector of internal revenue for the eighth district. In November, 1S!M>, he \vas elected a member of the Kentucky court of appeals, defeating Judge William S. Pryor, a most prominent and popular lawyer, and he is now chief justice of the court of appeals. He was delegate-at-large to the national Republican convention of 1896. He is a man interested in everything pertaining to the improvement and development of his state. He was president of the Madison National Bank of Richmond and trustee of Madison Female Acar emy. He was married in November, 1874, to Margaret Summers of Quincy, III., and has eight children, five sons and three'daughters.
Daniel, clergyman, was born in Hud-
dersfield, England, Dec. 25, 1783. this country in 1805 as of
He was
sent to a large firm in
agent Yorkshire, but soon after reaching New York city abandoned business to study for the ministry. He was ordained May 17, 1809. as pastor of the Baptist church in Newark. X. J. From April, 1812, until his death he was pastor of the Charles Street Church, Host on. Ma., while for a number of years he was editor of the "American He was president of the actingBaptist Maga/.ine." board of
Baptist general convention in 1846, was of the American Baptist Missionary was Union, president of the board of trustees of Newton Theological Seminary for eighteen years, president
a founder of the Northern Baptist Educational an overseer of Harvard. He was the Society and author of " The Recognition of Friends in Heaven," and of numerous discourses and sermons. The
was educated in the Middle-bury Academy. Wyoming. N. Y.. and the State Normal School at (Jcncscn. In early life he N. Y. learned the trade of a carand penter joiner, and during 1873-74. \\;>.s engaged in contracting and building at Oeneseo, N. Y., after v\ hieh he studied architecture under A. Colon, in New York In 1877. he entered city. the office of Josiah Putnam, an architect, of Rochester. N. Y., and in the spring of 1S80, went to Denver. Col., where he served under F. E.
In January. 1881, he Edbrooke, architect. formed a partnership with Mr. Edbrooke. continuing thus until ]S!I5. when he became associated with A. J. Norton, architect, a partnerMr. Marean has ship which still exists in 1!KI4. designed many important building- throughout the Rocky mountain district, and is recogni/ed as
the leading architect in that section. The more noteworthy structures are, the i'ir-i hapiist Church of Denver (1S82): the Brown Palace Hotel (1888): the Ernest & Cranmer building (1890); the Continental building (1890) the Cooper building (1891); the Sisters of Loret to Academy 1S!>0) the Masonic Temple (1891): the Oxford Hotel (1891): the Central Pic-bvti rian Church (1892); the West Denver High School ds92i the Central Christian Church (1901). and the Chcesman and Dodge buildings in 1902-3. He was married at. Denver, Col., Dec. 19. 1891. to Charlotte T. Hemeranger. daughter of Charles Heine-ranger, of Prairie Du Chien. Wis. ;
CONE, Spencer Houghton, clergyman, was born at Princeton. N. J.. Apr. 30, 17S."). At twelve years of age he entered Princeton, but his father's '
illness obliged
to relinquish his studies two
After serving as teacher of Latin in Princeton Academy and as master of a school at Burlington, he assex-iated himself with Dr. Ahererombie. principal of an academy in Philadelphia, He studied law for a short time and then turned to the stage, appearing as Achmet in the tragedy of "Mahomet" in 1805 and acting with success in Philadelphia. Baltimore and Alexandria. This was never congenial to him anil he left profession t in 1812 to become treasurer and bookkeeper of the Baltimore "American.'' Shortly afterward he and his brother-in-law purchased and published " the Baltimore Whig." In 1814 he obtained a clerkship in the treasury department at. Washington, removed there and soon began preaching with remarkable success in the little Baptist church at the navy yard. He procured a license and in 1815-16 was chaplain of the house of representaye-ars later.
After laboring for seven years in a church at Alexandria, Va., he was pastor of the Oliver Street Baptist Church, New York city, for eighteen years and of the First Baptist Church during the remainder of his life. He was president of the American Baptist Missionary Union 1832-41, of
He was (1840-55), he returned to St. Louis. married in 1819 to Ann Bellin, at Philadelphia, and had two daughters. A street in St. Louis and a village in Michigan were named in his honor.
the American and
ufacturer, was born at Clarksville, Clinton eo., O., Jan. 17, 1830. son of James and Angeline (RobinHe was cashier of the bankingson) Jeffrey. house of Rickly & Bro., Columbus, O., 1858-66, partner in the firm of Rickly, Howell & Co., wholesale and retail carpets and house furnishings, Cincinnati, 0., 1866-09, and cashier and one-third owner of the Commercial Bank, Columbus, O., 1869-83. He founded the business of the Jeffrey Manufacturing Co. at Columbus in 1878, and has been its president and general manager from that time to the present (1904). He was a partner in the
Foreign Bible Union 1837-50,
of the American Bible Union from its foundation The last named was organized until his death. in New York, June 10, 1850, "to procure and circulate the most faithful versions of the sacred
Scriptures in all languages throughout the world,'' and was the result of a dispute over the Bengalee and Burmese translations made by Baptist misScholars of nine different denominasionaries. tions were engaged in the revision at a cost of 170.823.86 and covering a period of over fourteen yea is. In 1832 the degree of D.D. was conferred
upon him by Princeton University. He was married in 1813 to Sally Wallace of Philadelphia, and died in New Y'ork city Aug. 28, 1855. JOHNSON, William Bullien, clergyman, was born on St. John's Island, S. C., June 13, 1782. He was ordained pastor of the Baptist church at Eutali, officiated at Columbia, S. C., and Savannah
William, merchant, was born
Elizabeth Alvord.
son of William and He was educated at the 1850 he moved to New-
Albany Academy, and in York and engaged in the hardware business. In 1853 he went to California and established his business at Marysville. subsequently removing to San Francisco, where he began a wholesale hardware importing business. He built up an extensive trade, and close application injured his health so that he was finally obliged to sell out to his partner, Mr. Richard Patrick. He went to Europe for his health, and on his return in 1871 was nominated for mayor of the city by the Republicans and elected by a handsome'majority. He afterward came east and purchased machinery for the Pacific rolling mills, of which he was one' of the projectors and subsequently became president. He was also connected with the Risdom iron and locomotive works. When the Bank of California became involved he helped to re-establish it and since 1878 has been its president. The bank is one of the chief centers of exchange betwen European money markets and those of China and Japan. He is a member of a large number of benevolent, religions and literary associations and has done much to foster intellectual and moral culture. He was president of the American Forestry Association, 1890-91, was mayor, park commissioner and police commissioner of San Francisco, president of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1897, and of the California
of Sciences.
DENT, George, congressman, was born in Maryland about 1760. He was a lawyer by profession and acquired a large practice. He represented his state in the national congress 1793-1801, and during the illness of Speaker Dayton he was elected temporary speaker of the house. In 1801 Pres. Jefferson appointed him U. S. marshal for the Potomac
in the St. Johnsbury Academy in Vermont, where he was graduated in 1844, and at Williams College, where he was graduated in the class of 1849 He studied law at Hath. X. H.. and beiran
practice there in 1S.1.-J. forming a partnership with the Hon. Ira Goodall. his father-in-law. Building tip an extensive practice throughout his state, he sained considerable note in that locality, and was elected
Grafton county
held this
was appointed
Xew Hampshire, and
graduated at Dartmouth College in 1877. Hfl studied law at Bath, X. H.. and after being admitted to the bar in 1880, practiced in partnership with his father until the latter was appointed justice in 1881. Removing to Lancaster, X. H., he became a member of the firm of Drew, Jordan & Carpenter, and in 188o he went to Xew York citv, where he has since been successfully engaged in Before leaving Xew practice. Hampshire he served as judge-advocate general on the staff of Gov. Moody Currier, and attained some prominence as an active member of the Republican party. In New York city he has acquired an ex-
tensive practice in corporation law. He is a member of the city and state bar associations and of the Union League, Colonial. Republican, National Arts and Hardware clubs, and the New England Society of New York city. He was married at West Winsted, Conn., in September, 1880. to Fanny Hallock Rouse, a descendant in the ninth generation from John and Priscilla Alden, and a cousin once removed of William Cullcn Bryant.
WOOD, Waters born
Dewees, manufacturer, was
Philadelphia. Pa.. Apr.
1820, son of
Alan and Ann Hunter (Dewees) Wood; grandson of James and Tacey (Thomas) Wood: greatgrandson of John and Catherine (Davis) Wood, and great-great-grandson of James Wood, a na-
tive of England'. His father (1800-81), was one of the first to manufacture sheet-iron in America. He was. educated in the Quaker schools of Philadelphia, and in 1846, he became associated with his
Alonzo Philetus, jurist, was born at West Waterford. Vt.. Jan. 28, 1829, son of Isaiah and Caroline (Bugbee) Carpenter, and a descendant of \\ illiam Carpenter, of Wherwell, England, who came from Southampton, England! in 1038 and Mass. His son settled in Weymonth. " William married Miriam Searles, and their son Noah married Sarah Johnson, their son Isaiah married AJathea Titus, and their son Jonah married Xerniali Whitmore and was Judn-e Carpenter's grandfather. He obtained his education
In 1881 he
was chosen chief justice in 18!lti. Judge Carpenter was noted for his thorough knowledge of the law, for his broad scholarship, and for his varied The degree of LL.D. w a literary attainments. conferred upon him by Williams College in 1SS7 and Dartmouth College in 18!)0. lie was married, Nov. 2, 1853, to Julia Kosanna, daughter of Ira (oodall, of Bath, and had six children, Lilian, Francis Henry, Arthur llutchins. Kdith and I'lii'.ip. He died at Concord, X. II., May 9, 1898. Helen. CARPENTER, Philip, lawyer, was born at Bath, Grafton co.. X. II.. Mai. !l. lsr>(>, son of Judge Alonzo Philetus and Julia K. (Goodall) Carpenter, iiis maternal grandfather. Ira Goodall, was for many years the leading lawyer in northern New Hampshire, and his uncle. Jonathan Koss, was a justice of the supreme court of Vermont for twenty years and for five year's chief Mr. Carpenter was prepared for college justice. at the St. Johnsbury (Vt.) Academy, and was
Albany. N.
supreme court of
father in the Delaware Iron works at Wilmington, where
he remained until 1851. He was the inventor of the what is process of making " "
called and in
Russian 1851.
he associated
with him Richard B. Gilpin, and founded the McKeesport Iron works to manufacture the sheet -iron by his patented process. The latter retired in 1855. but
company was continued under the name of Wood, Moorhead & Co. In January. 1859. Mr. Wood leased the works to M. K. Moorhead and George F. Mclea.np. who had been his partners, and resumed the
of his father's mill at Wilming-
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. ton, Del. Upon the expiration of the lease in 1801, lie took up liis own business with Alan \V. Lukens, a cousin, under the name of Wood & In 1871. Mr. Lukens retired, and the Lukens. firm of W. D. Wood & Co., was formed, the partners" being his three sons, Alan W., Richard G., and Tlumms ]).. and in 1858. the W. Dewees
born in
was incorporated, with Jlr. Wood, president; Richard G. Wood, vice-president and general manager; Alan W. Wood, secretary and treasurer, and Thomas D. Wood, superintendent. The annual capacity of this company is now Co.
about 5,000 tons of patent planished sheet-iron, which has a world- wide reputation, and which lias almost entirely displaced the Russia iron in America. Other products of these works amount
to 25,000 tons additional per annum; 1,200 men Mr. Wood also owned the Wellsare employed, ville, O.. i'hite and Sheet Iron Co., of which his son-in-law, Persifor F. Smith, is president, and he built the McKeesport Illuminating Gas works, which he sold to the United Gas Improvement Co., in 1897. He was married in 1847, to Rosalind Howell, daughter of Richard B. Gilpin. of Wilmington, Del., who died in 1883; and he was again married in 1889, to Gertrude, daughter of Xewton St. John, of New York city. He died in Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 2. }899. survived by his wife, four sons and four daughters. John William, author, was born in Fredericksburg. Va., Apr. 26, 1819. His father was a soldier in the life guards of Jerome
Bonaparte, king of Westphalia. He was educated in Xew York city, completing his studies at the Columbia College grammar school. After teaching school in Ohio, he entered upon a business career in Xo\v York and made a large collection of butterflies and discovered several important species, among which was the Limenitis Weidemeyerii of the Adirondack mountains, and his collection was sold to the museum in Ratisbon, Gera number of miscellaneous many. He contributed " " and the articles to the Christian Inquirer " Atlantic Monthly." In 1841 he wrote a play " The Vagabonds," which was produced in entitled Xew York city and in Philadelphia. He is also '" Real and Ideal" (1865), "Themes the author of and Translations" (1867). "American Fish, and How to Catch Them" (1885) and "From Alpha to
Henricus, clergyman, was born in Amsterdam, Holland, in 1636." He was educated for the ministry, and in 1660 was sent to America by the classis of Amsterdam to become pastor of the Reformed Dutch Church of Breukelen (Brook-
lyn), being installed Sept. 7th of that year. To supplement his salary, he was also permitted to officiate on Sunday afternoons at Peter Stuyvesant's farm, Bouwerie (now Bowery), New
York, where he taught negroes and the poor whites. He returned to Holland in 1664, but in 1682 accepted a call from the First Reformed Dutch Church of Xew York city, of which he was pastor until his death. He was on intimate terms with the most eminent men of his day, and was tlic chief of
the early ministers to enlarge the usefulness of his church and to secure for it an inde-
and permanent foundation under the English government. He was instrumental in obtaining the first church charter that was issued in the colony, in May, 1696. He collected all the records of the Xew York Reformed Dutch church to the date of his own ministry in a volume that is still extant in the records of the Reformed Dutch church of New York city. His only pub" lications are Poems," translated into English by pc'iident
327 "
Murphy and
in his printed Anthology " in the collections of New York Historical Society, and a Latin poem (1687) prefixed to some editions of Cotton Mather's " Magnalia." He died in New York in of the
FREEMAN, James Xew York
and Mary
Edward, clergyman, was
city July 24, 1866, son of
received his schools. During
education in the public 1880-82 he was employed in the law department of the Long Island Railroad Co. and during 188294 in the accounting department of the Xew York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. In 1888 he represented the railroad men on the executive committee of the Harrison & Morton Business Men's Club and took a conspicuous part in organizing the transportation men for political work. His ability as a speaker attracted the attention of Bishop Potter and other eminent clergymen who urged him to study for the ministry, and he did so under Rev. E. Walpole Warren and Rev. Alexander B. Carver, D.D., meantime discharging the duties early
of his railroad position.
was ordained deacon May
20, 1894,
and priest Apr.
He became
assistant jfu
minister to St. John's Church, Yonkers, N. Y., in 1894 and was given charge of the mission of St. An-
in his
care the latter grew into a self-
rapidly sustaining
parish, and in 1895, he was elected its rector. The chapel was in 1895 a replaced by
fine granite church which was enlarged in 1900. Mr. Freeman's efforts in behalf of working men through the Hollywood Inn are especially worthy of note. Beginning in 1893 with an occasional gathering of men in an upper room, this movement, has which been kept purely secular, increased so rapidly that William F. Cochran, a wealthy manufacturer of Yonkers, built for it in 1896-97 the Hollywood Inn costing $150,000, to which he added
in 1901 a similar building adjoining the first. The two buildings with their furnishings and endowment Freeman $375,000. Mr. approximated planned and prosecuted the work, giving it the closest supervision and with no precedent to guide It contains a library of 6,000 volumes, commodious reading rooms, an assembly hall, gymnasium and swimming pool, beside rooms for billiards, cards and other indoor games and for meetings, classes, literary exercises, lectures and It for music, dancing and social entertainments. is managed with courtesy and business precision, while an air of cordial welcome pervades the place. The membership numbers over 1,000 men from " Its every walk of life. Bishop Potter once said: founder has done more to furnish a sensible and our most perplexing efficient solution to many of questions than can be found elsewhere." Personcombines a Mr. Freeman strong personality, ally great administrative ability and eloquence, with and lovable sturdy manliness. He very qualities has published: "If not the Saloon What ?" O902), and "Men and Mechanisms" (1903), be-
He was side contributions to the periodical press. married in New York city Apr. 16, 1890, to Ella, daughter of William Vige'lius of that city, and has three children. His brother, the Rev. Henry R.
is :iNn a clergyman, being the rector of John's Church, Troy, N. Y.
Freeman, St.
Mary Traill Spence (Lowell), author, was lioni in Uo-ton. Ma~-.. Dec. 3, 1810, daughter of Rev. Charles Lowell and the elder Her fatlier was (i.-tcr of James Russell Lowell. settled over a I'nitarian church in Boston from Her mother, a si-tei Isuii until his death in 1*61. of
Kol.ci't Traill
Spence. was a highly gifted
imagination was Bequeathed to her children. From her the daughter also inherited an unusual aptitude for acquiring Ianbeing able to converse readily in French, fuagcs, lalian. (Jennaii, Polish, Sweilish anil Hungarian. She was familiar with twenty modern dialects, beand side the Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Persian Arabic languages. Her controversy with Francis Ilowen. editor of the "North American Review," respecting the war in Hungary first brought her name prominently before the public. Mr. Bowen attacked the Hungarian revolutionists, whom she upheld. His articles on this subject are said to have caused his rejection as professor of history Mrs. Putnam made the first translaat Harvard. tion from the Swedish into Knglish of Frederika Bremer's novel "The Handmaid" (1844). The
woman, whose
translation by Mary Howitt in 1842 was made from the German. Mrs. Putnam contributed to the "North American Review" articles on Polish and Hungarian literature (1848-50), and to the "Christian Kxaminer'' on the history of Hungary (1850-51), and published anonymously "Records of an Obscure Man" (1861), "The Tragedy of lirrors" (1862) and "The Tragedy of Success" These three volumes, of which the last (1862). two are dramatic poems, describe the condition of the southern states under slavery. She also wrote "Fifteen Days" (1866) and a "Memoir of Charles Lowell'' (1SS5). She was married, in 1832, to Samuel R. Putnam of Boston, where she resided except for several years spent abroad. Her son, William Lowell I'utnam (b. July 9, 1840; d. Oct. 21, 1861), was educated in France and at Harvard, where he studied mental science and law. He entered the 20th Massachusetts regiment in 1861 and was mortally wounded at the battle of Ball's Bluff, while leading his battalion to the rescue of
a wounded soldier. At the hospital tent he refused the services of the surgeon, bidding him go to those who could be helped, since his own life could not be saved. His mother published a "Memoir of William Lowell Putnam" in 1862. She died in Boston, Mass., in June, 1898.
COX, Edward Travers,
geologist, was born in Culpeper county, Va., Apr. 21, 1821. His father Robert Owen's joined Community, at New Harmony, Ind. He studied geology and chemistry under Dr. David Dale Owen. Subsequently he be-
came an assistant to his distinguished instructor upon the geological surveys of Kentucky and Arkansas, in both field work and laboratory, until the death of Dr. Owen, in 1859. In 1864 "he was sent to New Mexico to examine mining properties. During this trip he investigated the coals of that
including those of the Spanish peak and the Raton mountain. He also examined the hot springs of the Ojo Caliente, the water of which he quantitatively analyzed on the spot. He also examined the mines of copper and the deposits of magnetic iron ore at the headwaters of the Gila river. A full report of this expedition was published by the United States government in 1865. At the rct|iicst of A. H. Worthin. stale geologist of Illinois, he made an examination of the coal measures of Gallatin county, 111., in 1865, and established their order region,
in the geological series of that state. Later he made a similar examination of the coal measures of southern Illinois, and a report of his results \\as published in the sixth volume of the " Reports of the Geological Survey of Illinois," In 1868 he was made state geologist of 1875. Indiana, remaining in that office until 1880. His reports of this work were published in eight annual reports of the geological survey of Indi-
He was
determine correctly the sequence in the geological series and the proper relation of the coal nu-aures of Indiana, southern Illinois and western Kentucky. By virtue of his office as state geologist, he filled the chair of geology in the UniverAfter his sity of Indiana during these years. resignation as state geologist of Indiana lie spent some years on the Pacific coast, in California and Mexico, in the examination, as an expert, of gold, He was a fresilver, copper and antimony mines. quent contributor to scientific journals and was
an active member and fellow of several learned societies. During the later years of his life he
New York
Alfred Valentine Demetrius,
lawyer, was born in Blairsville. 1'a.. Oct. 4, 1855, eon of John Sylvester and Sarah (McAfee) Watterson. His paternal great-grandfather, John, came to America from the Isle of Man, F.ngland, and settled near Abbotstown, York co. ; Pa., whence he enlisted in the 'ontinental army. He was educated at Mount Saint EmmitsMary's College, burg, Md., of which his brother, John A. Walterafterward bishop of son, Columbus, was president. After graduating in 1875, he entered upon the study of law in the office of Maj. A. M. Brown, of Pittsburg, Pa;, and was admitted to the bar in 1878. He built up a large and lucrative 1892 he practice, and in formed a law partnership with Ambrose B. Reid. Mr. Watterson was one of the projectors of the Columbus Club, the foremost Catholic organization of Pittsburg. and has been
he resigned and returned to Philadelphia to resume the practise of medicine. He made a spe cialty of the diseases of the eye, and in 1873 the University of Pennsylvania appointed him clinical professor of diseases of the eye. In 1888 he became honorary professor of ophthalmology and in 1891 full professor. He was surgeon of the Will's F.ye Hospital and a fellow of the College of Physicians, Philadelphia, a member of the Pathological Society of Philadelphia and its vicepresident, the Academy of Natural Science, the American Ophthalmological Society, of which he was president during 1S85-80. He was the author in collaboration with Charles A. Oliver. M.D., of " A Text-Book of Ophthalmology " and of several other text-books on his specialty in collaboration with distinguished American and forHe contributed frequently to eign authorities. the medical journals and to the "Transactions"
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. of the societies of which lie was a member. He was one of the editors of "A System of Diseases of the Eye by American, Dutch British,
and Spanish Authors " (7 vols.). Prof. Norris was married to K. C., daughter of Hieronymus Buckmann of Philadelphia, and he died in Philaphia Nov.
18, 1'JOl.
was born at Jan. 29, 1868, son of John Cason and Lucy Ann (Hamlet) Hester. He was educated at the Homer school of his native town, the University of North Carolina, where be was graduated in 1888, the New York University and the General Theological Seminary. In September, 1890, he was appointed assistant professor of English literature in the University of North Carolina, and in 1893 was called to the Church of the Messiah, Brooklyn, N. Y., as assistant rector. He was rector of St. George's Glair, clergyman,
Oxford, Granville
Church. Brooklyn, 1895-98, then succeeded Dr. Charles R. Baker as rector in the former His parish. power of oratory is unusual in so young a preacher, and the way he handles his sub-
Baker of Brooklyn, N. two daughters.
and has one son and
m FREEMAN, New Brunswick,
James Edward,
painter, was born N. J., in 1808, son of Joshua Iwards and Eliza (Morgan) Freeman, and a descendant of Samuel Freeman, who emigrated to fhw country from England in 1630, and settled in VVatertown, Mass. In his youth his parents removed to Otsego. X. Y., and after manv hardships he succeeded in getting access to the Na= tional Academy of Design. There he soon gained n Illembe '-ship, being elected an asso\ ciate in io^ 1831. and a full, academician two years Ot then spent several years in the western -
part of the state, and in 1836, removed to Rome taly. where he resided the rest of his life His nncipal works were genre and portrait paintings. and this department of art Freeman vinced remarkable powers of expression. An ist both from native endowment and educahe achieved rare excellence in his produehv eans >' clows application and ."? "f * udv the pnneiples of art, than ad; of his natural
'' '
translation "of Semc-
(IS(iti). l.aryngo-ccipv and I'hinoscopy various COBtribUtioiU tn medical journals, to Annie, daughter of LSI!.-) lie was married in Provilit' died in An-tiii Baldwin of New York,
Icdcr's and of
clergyman, 1S.">7, son
at Stone Ridge. N. Y.. .Ian. 12,
he M. (Hoyce) Brandof Kcv. Abraham and I'l and a descendant of Robert Royce. who emigrated from England to lioslon. Mass.. in Hi.'il. lie Km graduated at Wcslevan I'ni\ei>itv. MiddleAfter tuwii". Conn., in 1880. teaching at the Troy Con-
Academy, Poultney, for two years, he beeame pastor of the Methodist church at Ames, N. Y. Yt.,
His subsequent charges were Slingerlands, 1883-86; Gloversville.
1886-89; Amster1889-93, and Church, Albany. Having been led
Dudley, and Wilson, he organized the
and hardships. Winthrop's ship, originally called "The Eagle." was named "The AraHe died in Bo-lon. Sept. 30, bella." in her honor. 1030. "leaving some part of his substance to the colony."
HOLBBOOK, Martin Luther, physician and author, was born at .Mantua. Portage Co.. ()., 1'Vb. (Laird) llol3, 1831, son of Ralph and Margaret brook, the former a native of Tolland, Conn., and He was brought up on his of English descent. father's farm, and at the age of eighteen he contracted a fever which robbed him of ten years of active life at a time when he should have been in college. In 1859-60. he was a student in the Ohio
Trinity 1893-95.
and philosophical studies to change his views he theological withdrew from the Methodhis scientific
the spring of a Unitaestablished the
He became and
Unitarian Society of Albany, X. Y., over which he has since presided. In establishing in Albany a strong religious society that is based not upon uniformity of belief, but upon the sharing of a common religious spirit and practical aim. Dr. Brundage has contributed not a little to the solution of the problem of the future church. He believes that the time has come when the church must guarantee to every individual perfect liberty of thought on all religious questions, and throw wide open its doors to all who share a common religious spirit, whether they be reverent agnostics or devout theists. In his church both these classes work together harmoniously toward one common end, the spiritual quickening of all. The national conference of Unitarian churches recognized the value of his work, and in 1903 he was elected a member of the executive council of that body. He has published " Some " Things for Which the Unitarian Church Stands and many .sermons in pamphlet form, and has contributed many articles to newspapers and other The degree of A.M. was conferred by periodicals. \Ycslcyan University in 1882 and that of Ph.D. Or. linimla^e is by Hostel. Utlivernitv in ISSO. a member of the Psi Upsilon and Phi Beta Kappa He was married on Au7. McDONALD, Alexander, senator, wrs born at Farrandsville, Clinton co., Pa., son of John and Deborah (Reader) McDonald. His father, a native of Ayrshire, Scotland, came to this country in 1827 and was one of the first to discover and develop bituminous con! mines on the west branch of the Susqtiehanna river in Pennsylvania. The son was educated at Dickinson Seminary and Lewisburg In 1S5:{ he University. engaged in business at Lock Haven, Pa. In 1857 he removed to Kansas, where he amassed a considerable fortune. During the civil war he was indefatigable in raising troops for the Federal army, and for some time supported three regiments at his own expense. In 1863 he removed his busine-to Arkansas. He founded and became president of the first national bank at Fort Smith in 1806, and he was also president of the Merchants' National bank of Little Rock. He was a delegate to both conventions nominating Gen.
Grant for president, and was a delegate to the Chicago Republican convention in 1888. On the readmission of Arkansas into the Union he was elected U. S. senator, and served from .Tune 23, 1868, to March 3, 1871; he was a member of the committees on the post-office, terIn 1885 he went to ritories, and manufactures. Fort Scott, Kan., and was commissioned by Pres. Arthur to examine two divisions of the Northern Pacific railroad. While in Arkansas he took an active part in the early development of railroads was president of the Memphis & Little Rock railroad a director and acting president of the Little Rock & Fort Smith railroad; and president of the Chicago & Illinois river railroad when it was In merged into the Chicago & Alton railroad. 1900 he removed t New York city. He was married at Lock Haven. Pa., Oct. 22, 1853. to Charlotte Emeline. daughter of James Allison Craw;
ford. He died at the residence- of his daughter, Mrs. William D. Harper, in Norwood Park N J 13.
Harvey, chief justice, was born in Milroy. Pa., June 1, 1829. His family moved to Ohio in 1838, clearing a little farm in the forest and commencing the battle with the frontier. At the age of eighteen he attended the academy at New Richmond, preparatory to enter-
ing Franklin University at
worked his way through by choring,
left in his
junior year, in 1852, to study law. to the bar in 1854 and at once entered upon active practice. After serving one term as prosecuting attorney of Highland county, he went to Iowa, settling then' in Isiin. at Tiptou, Cedar co. The autumn after his arrival he was elected to the Iowa legislature, as a member of the house, and although in his first term, he was selected speaker /ir/t Inn. in place of Ku-h Clark. He also serve;! in the extra session of the legislature called that year (1861) by Iowa's war governor. Samuel J. Kirkwood, and voted and worked for the state's active participation in the war of the rebellion. He was lieut. -colonel of the 35th Iowa infantry and led his regiment in that historic, but disastrous charge at Vicksburg that was so fatal to the northern soldiery.
He was admitted
DE BUTTS. Henry, soldier, was horn in Baltilie serveil in the war of the revolution, more, Md. and afterward was lieutenant in leather's hat" lie was wounded in the levies of IT'.U." tali. in. liallle under (Jen. Arthur St. (lair \\ith the Miami Indian-. Nov. 4. 1791; on Mar. Kith of the following year was commissioned lieutenant of He' was appointed adjutant-general of infantry. the United States army. .Mar. 10, 171)2, and held that position until the following February. He was appointed captain in the 4th sub-legion in December. 17H:2. and two years later served as first aide de camp to Maj.-Gen. Wayne, distinguishing himself in the latter's victory on the Maumee on Aug. 20. 1794. He was transferred to the 4th
lated there he
His skill and bravery won him high honors and an enviable military career seemed about opening before -him when he was laid low by typhoid fever and was obliged to return home. lie again entered upon the practice of law, forming a partnership with Judge \V. P. Wolf. He was elected to the district court bench in 1866, serving for nine years. He was appointed to the supreme court, entering upon his term there in February, 1876, and served continuously by re-election, for twenty veins. During this tenure he was chief justice four times: in 1878, 1884, 1890 and 1896. After a continuous service on the bench of thirty years he retired and spent the remainder of his life at home dying in Cedar Rapids, la., Jan. 14, 1899. MILLS, John, soldier, was a native of Massachusetts, from which state he enlisted in the revolutionary army. On Mar. 4. 17!U. he was commissioned captain of the 2d infantry-; was transferred to the 2d sub-legion in December, 1792: was promoted major on Feb. 19th following, and distinguished himself under Maj.-Gen. AYayne in his victory over the Miami Indians, Aug. 20. 1794. He was appointed acting adjutant-general and inspector of the army May 13, 1794, and held this office
Feb. 27, 1796,
when he was succeeded
by Maj. Jonathan Haskell. The latter was made a captain of the 2d infantry Mar. 4, 1791. \\as transferred to the 2d sub-legion in December. 17!2. but resigned a year later. Again entering t hearmy, he was appointed major of the 4th sublegion Mar. 20, 1794. and served until it was disbanded. Nov. 1, 1790. He died July S. 1796. BBOMLEY, Isaac Hill, journalist, was born at Norwich. Conn., Mar. 6. 1833. sun of Isaac and Mary (Hill) Bromley. He entered Vale University in 1849, with the famous class of 185:), but left the institution at the beginning of the junior Later he studied law, and was admitted year. to the bar in 1854. He became clerk of the Connecticut house of representatives in 1856, acted in that capacity during the following year, and in 1858 was made clerk of the state senate. In
December of the latter year he established the Norwich " Morning Bulletin," and conducted that paper until the spring of 1868. when he resigned to become editor and part owner of the la ri ford " Evening Post." In 1872 he sold his interest in the latter paper, and served for a short time on the editorial staff of the New York "Sun;" but in February, 1873, changed to the "Tribune,'' with which paper he remained ten years. In 1883 he Ix-came editor of the " Commercial Advertiser," but having been appointed a government director of the Union Pacific railroad, he was obliged to in 1S84. he relinquish editorial work. " " Resuming I
conducted the Rochester through Post-Express the presidential campaign of that year and then
became assistant to the president
"of the
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. In October, 1891, he Pacific Railroad Company. " Tribune," and remained rejoined the staff of the there until June, 1898. He served as captain of the 18th Connecticut; volunteers in 1862, and for two years held the office of provost-marshal, and was a member of the Connecticut legislature in He was a prominent member of the Union 1866.
of New York; of Sedwick Post No. G. A. R., and of the Loyal Legion. The Hon. intimately for Chauncey M. Depew, who knew him " He was a most over a quarter of a century, said: conscientious journalist, and no personal relations interfered with what he felt was a public duty." He was married Dec. 25, 1855, to Adelaide E., daughter of Jabez and Clarissa Roath, of Norwich, and had one child. He died in the town of his birth,
League Club 1,
11, 1808.
WILLIAMSON, in Elizabeth, N. J.,
Anne Crossdale (Jouet) father was chancellor of New
was born son of Isaac His Williamson. Jersey and goverjurist,
16, 1808,
He was graduated at of the state, 1817-29. Princeton College in 1827, was admitted to the bar in 1830, and was made a counselor three He soon won recognition for legal years later. ability, and in 1848 was appointed prosecutor of the pleas in Essex county. He held this office till 1852, when Gov. Fort appointed him chancellor of the state. At the expiration of his seven years' term he resumed the practice of law. He was for many years chief counsel for the Central railroad and for the Lchigh Valley railroad, and was identified with various other financial institutions and He was delegate at large to the corporations. Charleston Democratic convention of 1860, a delegate to the peace congress in 1861, and in 1863 Tacked but a few votes of being elected U. S. As a constitutional and corporation senator. lawyer Mr. Williamson had no superior in New was married to Elizabeth, daughter of He Jersey. Rev. Frederick Beasley, provost of the University of Pennsylvania, and a sister of Chief Justice Mercer Beasley. His son, Benjamin Williamson (1840-1900), was a noted lawyer of Elizabeth, N. J. He died in Elizabeth, N. J., Dec. 2, 1892. HARRINGTON, George, diplomatist, was born in Boston, Mass., in 1815. He removed to Georgia, and during Pres. Polk's administration was appointed a clerk in the United States treasury department. He continued in that department through several changes of administration, subsequently becoming chief clerk under his personal friend," Salmon P. Chase, and in 1861 he was apHe pointed assistant secretary of the treasury. \\;\s U. S. minister to Switzerland during 1865-69, and after his retirement from office engaged in literary work and was for a time president of a telegraph company in \ew York city. Mr. Harrington was the author of a treatise on the financial policy of the United States during the civil war. Ho' died at sea. Dec. 5, 1892. 'SULLIVAN, John Louis, diplomatist, was born on a British man-of-war in the bay of GibHis father was I'. S. raltar, in November, 1813. consul to the Barbary states, at the time of his birth and his parents were residing at the garrison, but on the outbreak of the plague the British admiral invited them to his ship. The son was educated at the military school of Lorize, France, and at the Westminster school. London, where he received a gold medal for proficiency in Greek, He then entered Columbia College, New York city, and after graduation in 1831. was tutor then for two In 1S41-42 he was a member of the New years. York state assembly, where he distinguished himself by earnest effort to secure the passage of a bill abolishing capital punishment. He was a VOL. XII. 22. nor
regent of the University of the State of New York, during 1840-54, and being commissioned in the latter year U. S. minister to Portugal, held this post tiil 1858. Mr. O'Sullivan was for some yars associated with the magazine literature of the country, and was especially noted as a linguist, having perfect mastery of both the ancient and modern languages. At the unveiling of Bartholdi's statue of liberty in New York harbor, Oct. 28, 1886, he delivered an address to the French He died visitors, which was highly commended. in New York city, March 24, 1895.
BRENT, Thomas Ludwell
Lee, was born in
1784, son of Col. Daniel Carroll and Ann Fenton (Lee) Brent. On May 8, 1822, he was appointed secretary of legation to Portugal, acted as charge d'affaires ad 'interim from June 3d, 1824, until he was appointed as such, June 24, 1825, and he filled this post until Nov. 25, 1834, when, at his request, he received his passports and returned to the United States.
Virginia, Aug.
McCARTY, John Charles, merchant, was born Thomas and Rosanna (Emus) McCarty. He was educated in the public schools of Brooklyn, and entered the hardware business of Wright & in Brooklyn. N. Y., Nov. 7, 1840, son of
Mace, ber,
York, in OctoThis firm failed
on account of the civil war and he identified himself with Durrie & Rusher, the pioneer hardware commission merchants of New York. This firm was organized in 1858 by Horace Durrie and George Rusher, the latter being succeeded by Mr. McCarty in 1875, and the firm of Durrie & MeCarty endured until 1881,' when Mr. Durrie died and
, '
firm of J. C. Co. was organized, the junior members being Mr. McCarty's sons, George B. and Edward W. Selling agencies are maintained in Buffalo, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Louisville, Denver and San Francisco and representatives constantly canvass the jobbing trade in the interests of some twentyeight manufacturing firms. Fourteen salesmen are employed in the United States and Canada, and through export houses the firm's business operations extend to Europe, Great Britain, Australia, Mr. -McCarty was South Africa and the Orient. married at Brooklyn, Sept. 14, 1870, to Sarah, daughter of George Berry, and has four sons. He is a member of the Hardware Club and Columbia Club, of Brooklyn.
McCarty &
BENCHER, Abraham,
diplomatist, was born county, N. C., Aug. 12, 1798, son of John Grant and Ann (Nelson) Rencher. His father was a native of Ireland, and after emigrating to America, settled in Wake county, of which he was for many years high sheriff; on his mother's side he was related to Lord Nelson. He was educated at the University of North Carolina, and after being graduated in 1822, read law, and engaged in practice at Pittsboro, in partnership He soon rose to with Francis Lister Hawks. in
and was elected to congress serving by re-election five terms. He was again elected to the house of representatives in 1841, and on Sept. 22, 1843, was commissioned by Pres. Tyler U. S. charge d'affaires to Portugal, wliich office he held till Nov. 18, 1847. He was a presidential elector on the Pierce and political prominence, as a Whig in 1829,
King ticket in 1852, and being appointed by Pros. Huchanan governor of New Mexico live years later, Ho was martilled this position during 1S57 til. ried
1830 to Louisa Mary, daughter of Col. Jones. He died Mallett
Kdward and Klizabeth at
Hill. X. C.. July Norton, artist,
was born
in Rochester.
He studied art in his native New York in 1851, became a
Y., Feb. 22, 1834.
ami going to The greater part of F. Cropsey. piii'pil of Jasper ho Pacific coast, whither hi ..is life has been spent on In that year he visited South he went in 1853. America for the tirst time,' and he has devoted himself since then chiefly to painting tropical In 1808 he opened scenery. city,
a studio in San Francisco. and during the same year xisitcd the Isthmus of Panama, where he obtained the material for the series of
he painted
for the late William C. Ralston, and which now hang on the xvalls of the Sharon residence at Belmont, Cal. In 1875 the artist, after four years spent in New York '(1809-73), again visited Panama and extended his journey to Ecuador and Peru, and made sketches of Mount ( himbora/.o. While in Peru
he crossed the Andes txvice, drawing the famous volcano El Miste, Mount Meiggs, and other interestHe has been a frequent contributor ing scenes. to the exhibitions held in San Erancisco, and at the state fairs in Sacramento, receiving four gold medals as first premiums from the State
He was elected a member Agricultural Society. the San Francisco Art Association in 1874, and a director in 1878. Among his xvorks are: " " " of
Lake Nicaragua," " and
liner Sin Juan. Nicaragua." Mount Chimborazo," " Volcano El Miste," "Mount Meiggs, Andes of Peru," " Western Slope of Cordilleras," and " Corderillas of Ecuador." of the Sierras
Samuel, jurist, was born at Lodi, N. Y., May 20, 1825. He received a common school education and afterwards studied under private tutors. When eighteen years of age. he removed to Michigan, and remained there about eleven years, teaching school and following agricultural pursuits, lie then went to Nebraska, where he preempted and improved 160 acres of government land, near Plattsmoiith. In 1858 he rented his farm and returning to Michigan, read law and was admitted to the bar a year later. Soon afterwards he permanently settled in Nebraska, locating first at Plattsmoutli, Cass co., and in 1872 removlie was a delegate ing to Fremont, Dodge co. to the first Republican territorial convention, a member of the territorial legislature during IsiiO 65, member of the state constitutional conventions in 1804, 1871 and 1875, and a representative in the state legislature in 1806. He was also a member of several state commissions, and in 1872 he was elected .judge of the supreme court of Nebraska, holding this position by re-elections for
twenty-two years and presiding over the court In 1897 during 1878-82, 1880-88 and 1892 '.it.
Judge Maxwell was elected as a Fusionist to conwhore he served one term and was prominent as a free-coinage advocate. He was the author of several works on jurisprudence, among which "Maxwell's Pleading and Practice" is often cited as an authority in the western courts. He died in Fremont, Neb., in 1901. gross,
CUBBY, Henry
was born
of George and Elizabeth (Lehmer) Curry, gmndson of William and Rachel (Parks) Curry and great-grandson of John and Mary Curry, who
immigrated from Ireland in 1775 and settled on the banks of the Brandywino near Dowingtown, Pa., removing to Ligonier valley, Westmoreland co.. Pa., in 1780. He was educated in the public schools of Allegheny and Pittsburg and being ambitious to become self-supporting, at the early age of twelve years he secured employment as pa'ckage boy from the late Joseph Home. In the civil war 'he enlisted as a private in Company F. I.Vith Pennsylvania volunteers, and he took part in the twentyeight battles of the Army of the Potomac, being
diplomatist, was born in Charleston, S. C., in 1758. At the age of twelve he was taken to Europe, and was educated in England and in Switzerland. After completing a course of laxv in the Middle Temple, he returned to his natix-e city in 1783. He was txvice a representative in the legislature, and became a member of the governor's council. Five years later he was elected to the first congress, and his seat xvas contested by Dr. David Ramsay, the historian, but Mr. Smith was sustained, only one vote being cast against him. This was the first contested election case before congress. In the house of representatives he advocated a commercial treaty with England instead of France, and for his active support of Jay's treaty, he was burned in effigy in Charleston. In 17!>7 he resigned from congress and was appointed charge" d'atl'aires to Portugal, retaining this post till Sept. 9, 1801. He was a staunch .derail-! and he bitterly attacked Jefferson for to the aspiring presidency. His published works '' s are -lies iii the House of Representatives of the I nited States" (1794) "Address to Constituents" (1794); "Fourth of July Oration" (1790); "Comparative Viexv of the Constitution of the Stales" and "American I
(|7!Mi), Argufor lirilish Rights," and several other political essays, which appeared over the signature of Phocion." He died in Charleston, S. C., in 1812
at the battle of Five forks. Apr. After the war he secured employment as clerk with Bryan & Caughey, commission merchants, with whom he secured the thorough and practical knowledge of the iron business that was
SMITH, William Loughton,
Milo, soldier, manufacturer, in Wilkinsburg, Pa.. Jan. 30, 1847, son
the ground work of his successful career. Ho remained with Bryan & Caughey until 1871, when, having made the acquaintance of Mr. Henry Phipps, Jr., he secured through him a situation with Carnc'gie Bros. & Co. After a short term of service at the Thirty-third street mills in 1S72. he was transferred to the Lucy Furnace No. 1, which had just boon put in blast, the first furnace of modern style constructed in this section. A few months experience as clerk brought out such a capacity for the business that he was placed in charge of the plant as manager, Furnace No. 2 being constructed under his direction. In 1882, he was transferred to the city office and made manager of the ore department and in 1SS3 he was made a member of the firm. When the firm of Carnegie, Phipps & Co. was formed, Jan. 1, 188G, he was made vice-chairman, and on the consolidation and reorganization of all the Carnegie interests into the Carnegie Steel Co., Limited. in 1802, ho was elected a member of the board of managers and treasurer of the company. He \\as also director and treasurer of the II. C. Frick Coke Co., treasurer of the Oliver Iron Mining Co.. and a director of the Pittsburg Limestone Co. and
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. the Pittsburg, Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad Co. Throughout his long and active business career Mr. Curry devoted little time to rest and recreation, so that owing to failing health in December, 1899, he was compelled to withdraw from all active business. He still retained his interests, however, and was one of the large stockholders in the new Carnegie company. Mr. Curry was a member of the Pittsburg Club, Duquesne Club, the Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania, the American Institute of Mining Engineers and the Engineers' Club of New York. He was married, Feb. 24, 1874, to Harriet Verginia, daughter of Thomas Girty, a mechanical engineer He died in Atlantic City, N. J., of Allegheny. May 5, 1900, survived by his wife and seven children, Laura J., Margaret, William L., Albert, diaries H., U. S. Grant and Henry M., Jr. KLEPPER, Max Francis, artrst, was born at Zcitz, Germany. Mar. 1, 1861, son of Francis and Mathilda (Bocklisch) Klcppcr. In 1876 he emigrated to the United States with his parents, setHis father began lecturing on tling in Toledo, 0. astronomy, making tours through the country accompanied by his son, and while on one of these tours the latter was apprenticed to a lithographic firm in Chicago,
where he remained two years. He studied painting a year and a half at Logansport, Ind., under the direction of Robert Swaim, and at the age of nineteen he removed to New York city, where he worked for two years in
lithographic establish-
ment, afterward opening an independent office for exetrade work. He cuting
went to Europe in 1887 and studied at the Royal Academy at Munich and
made several pedestrian tours to study the scenery of the Rhine and the Tyrol. Returning
New York
two years time, he commenced to draw illus-
for such papers trations Colliers Weekly," " Harper's " and the " CenLater he turned his attention to painttury." ing, and having studied equine anatomy at the veterinary school of Munich, he naturally made 11 One of his best "known .-pecialty of the horse. as
works of this character is "The Coach 'GoodTimes' Leaving tl.e Waldorf-Astoria," which hangs in a corridor of the Waldorf-Astoria hotel. New York eity. He was married at St. John's Church, Brooklyn, May 28, 1883, to Amelia von Rhein, daughter of Robert and Bertha (Engelhard) von .Rhein, of
TORRANCE, David, jurist, was born in Edinburgh. Scotland, Mar. 3, '1840, son of Walter and Ann (Sharp) Toirance. who emigrated to the United States in 1849. The son attended the public schools of Norwich, Conn., and began a business career as a paper maker. In the civil war he enlisted in company A, 18th regiment, Connecticut volunteers, and in 1863 he was captured and held in and at lielle island. In prisoner Libby prison July, 1864, he was appointed captain of company A, 29th Connecticut colored regiment, and in November of the same year was promoted to lieutenant-colonel. He was mustered out of service Brownsville. Texas, in October. 1865. and then returned to Derby. New Haven eo.. where he took up the study of law. He was admitted to the
bar in 1868, served in the lower bouse of the state 1871-72, was secretary of state in 1879-80, and in 1881 he was appointed judge of the court of common pleas of New Haven county. In 1885 he was elected judge of the superior court, and in 1890 was elevated to the bench of the supreme court of the state, becoming chief justice in 1901. He is a member of the Army and Navy Club of Connecticut, and is closely associated with the Grand Army of the Republic. Judge Torrance was married Feb. 11, 1864, to Annie, daughter of James and Margaret France, and has three children. legislature in
jurist, was born in Galena, son of Moses and Eunice Hallett. He was educated at Rock River Seminary and at Beloit College, and after studying law in the office of E. S. Williams, of Chicago, 111., he was admitted to the bar in 1858. Two years later he removed to Colorado, and at first engaged in mining in Gilpin and Clear Creek counties. Becoming wearied with much hard labor and no returns in tills occupation, he settled in Denver, and entered into a law partnership with Hon. H. P. Bennett, which lasted until 1866. He was appointed a member of the territorial council of Colorado in 1863, and held the office two years. He was chief justice of the territorial supreme court from 1866 until the organization of the state, when Pres. Grant appointed him judge of the district court. He was appointed United States district judge for the district of Colorado, Jan. 12, 1877, a position he still holds. He is dean of the law school and pro-
16, 1834,
American constitutional law and federal jurisprudence in the University of Colorado. Judge Hallett was married Feb. 9, 1882, to Katherine Felt. He is noted for the depth and thoroughness fessor of
of his legal opinions.
SILL, Napoleon, capitalist, was born at Columbia, Maury co., Tenn., Oct. 25, 1830, son of Dr. Duncan and Olivia Lilias (Bills) Hill. His father was a physician of prominence. After having completed a course at a country school he began clerking for an John H. Bills, at Bolivar, Tenn. In uncle, 1849 he went to California and after a seven years' stay on the Pacific coast returned to Tennessee with about $10.000 and established at Memphis a cotton business in partnerwith Charles H. Doship rian, which continued until the civil war. In 1864 he resumed business in part-
nership with
S. B.
son, under the liamson Hill
name of Wil& Co. The
association was dissolved in 1868 by the death of the senior partner. Mr. Hill
reorgani/ed the business, however, under the title of Hill, Fontaine & Co., and the firm still
and ranks among
the oldest and mission houses
busiphis, whose annual ness has amounted as high as $5.500.000. He was president of the Memphis Chamber of Commerce in 1860 and the Memphis Cotton Exchange in 1880-81. He was one of the founders of the Union and Planters' Bank and for a number of years was president of this institution, one of
the largest of
He was married
kind in the state of Tennessee. at Bolivar, Tenn., July 18, 1858,
phy-ician to the Sisters of Charity Hospital in BufIn 1SS7 he invented an apparatus to induce falo. forced artificial respiration, which has achieved wonderful results in saving life by mechanical breathing in cases of drowning, asphyxiation, etc. By the Fell method, as it is known, he himself lias saved over fifty lives that otherwise would have been lost. In one case the patient was saved
to Marv Morton, daughter of William 11. Wood, (irosand had tour children. Olivia. wife of C. -V idow of Watkins Overton; Napovcnor; Marv. leon L. and Frank F. Hill.
ami comno-er was liorn at Kigaud. near Montreal, Canada. -Mar. I. 1S-I4. sun of Ignace and Marie
Antoineiie Kournier l)u Monehel. He was gradHis musical uated at liigand College ill 1859. education was obtained at Leipzig, Vionna, and Prof. studied piano under lie Ignaz Paris. Mo-elicle>: organ under Dr. Benj. K. Papperita and Robert Hopncr; harmony and composition under Ernst F. Richtcr and Dr. Oscar Paid: and instrumentation under Dr. Louis Maas and Karl Reineeke. His first position as organist was at Brockville. On-
when no other method would have succeeded. He was an early advocate of electrical execution, made many experiments upon animals, which were reported to the state legi-Ialurc. and he invented the chair first used in electrical executions, called the Kemmler chair, from its first subject, William Kemmler, Auburn, X. Y., 1890. Dr.
was chairman
Junta, at Buffalo, in 1897-98, and worked in direct connection with Estrada Palina of the New York Junta in furthering the cause of free Cuba. He
tario, and after studying abroad he served for three years at the St. Paul's Church at Oswego, N. Y. In 1S7G he accepted a call to the Albany Cathedral of
an active member of the American MicroscopiSociety, of which he was president in 1SSO, and a member of the Royal Microscopical Society of London; the Buffalo Academy of Medicine: the New York State Medical Association: the American Medical Association: the Erie County Medical the Immaculate Conception, Society, and the Buffalo Medical Union Club. He where he still remains. With was married in Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 15. 1872. to the exception of a few Annie Argo. daughter of James Duthie, of that hours daily devoted to the city, and has two daughters. instruction of advanced students, his whole time is DEBS, Eugene Victor, labor leader, was given to the cathedral, and born in Terre Haute, Ind., Nov. 5, 185.'), son of to composition of music. Daniel and Marguerite -(Bettrich) Debs, both Under his direction are four natives of Colmar, Alsace. France, from which they (, a separate choirs, each with emigrated to the Unite! States, making Terre from a single set of Haute their permanent residence. Debs was eduseparate organ, all operated manuals. Dr. DuMouehel presented the echo organ. cated at the public schools, and later attended a In 1870 he His most important compositions are a grand mass commercial college in the evening. in D, a short mass in F major, a complete vespers, commenced working in the Vandalia railway paint of Host and three offertories, many organ pieces. shop, and in 1S71. secured a these have been written solely for his own use and position as locomotive fireare still in manuscript; but some six or seven man on the Terre Haute & in have been published. The late Myron A. Cooney Indianapolis railroad, said of him: "His unselfish devotion to the exwhich capacity he remained musical until 1874, and became a acting duties of his position, his rare member of the International talent, which might be termed genius at times from the marvelous results it produces, his un- Brotherhood of Locomotive of Firemen the United tiring industry and profound religious spirit, have given an exceptionally attractive character States and Canada. He The touch of a was employed in a wholeto the music of the cathedral. master hand is felt in the magic tones of the sale grocery establishment is
organ, revealing the rich treasures of harmony and tone color; in the perfect training of the choir, and in the finish of every detail of the grand musical service of the Catholic church." FELL, George Edward, physician, was born at Chippewa, Ontario, Can., July 12, 1850, son of James Wilkins and Ann Elizabeth (Hoffman) Fell, and is a descendant of Joseph Fell, who came from Keswiek, Cumberland co., England, in In 1865 he 1704, settling in Bucks county, Pa. began studying civil engineering at Buffalo, N. Y. In 1809 he was acting U. S. assistant engineer on the construction of harbor works from Buffalo to Cleveland on the Lake Erie coast, and while thus engaged invented the United States steam sounding boat employed in determining the character of the lake bottom. He had charge of locating and placing the first crib of the great Buffalo^breakwater. Later he took up tho study of medicine, and was graduated at the University of Buffalo in 1882, 1
at Niagara University in 1886, receiving an ml I'liniliiiii degree. lie was professor of physiology and microscopy in Niagara University (1885-95), and at the same time he served as
when he was
(1874-79), elected city
on the Democratic and in 1881 was reelected bv an increased vote.
Previously (1877) the convention of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen had elected him associate editor of their magazine, and three years later (1880) he was made its general sen. tary and treasurer, and editor and manager of
the "Locomotive Firemen's Magazine." the official He filled these offices for organ of the order. more than twelve consecutive years (until SeptemWhen he took charge of the office. 111 ber, 1892). July, 1880. the order was composed of sixty lodges and was $6,000 in debt; a short time later the brotherhood was out of debt, and there were 28fi lodges in good working order a phenomenal record of organization. In 1884 he was elected to the Indiana legislature, and gained a wide reputation as a speaker, a ready debater, and sturdy champion of labor measures. When his term in
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. he refused to the legislature liad expired (1880 accept further political honors, preferring to give Ids time to the task of organizing the working people. On Juno 20, 1893, tae American Railway 1
was founded and
elected president.
one year the union won one of the greatest railway strikes in American labor history the strike on the Great Northern railway. 'On .May 11, 1894, the operatives at Pullman struck, the employees being largely members of the organization. While managing this strike he was charged with conspiracy, but acquitted; then he was charged with violation of an injunction and sent to jail for six months for contempt of In
is a member of the Berlin Chemical Society, the American Chemical Society and of the Berkeley Club. He was married in 1872 to Sarah Frances, daughter of Hon. Asa T. Lawrence, of Groton, Mass.
May-November, 1895).
he issued an address to the members of the A. R. U. " Present Conditions and Future Duties," entitled When in which he came out boldly for socialism. the American Railway Union met in national convention in Chicago, June, 1897, that body was merged into the Social Democracy of America, with Debs as chairman of the national executive Board. During the coal-miners' strike of 1897 he neglected the work of the recently organized Social Democracy to do signal service for the success of the strike. At the second convention of the Social Democracy (1898) that order was reorganized into the Social Democratic party, to which he has since been devoting his energy. In 1900 he was nominated for president of the United States by the Social Democratic party, and he polled about 97,000 votes. In the fiercest heat of persecution the integrity of his character remained unstained and was never questioned even by " Hoosier opponents. James Whitcomb Riley, the " of him in his said Poet," Regardin' poem, "
Terry Hut: " And there's Gene Debs a man 'at stands And just holds out In his two hands As warm a heart as ever beat Betwixt here and the Jedgment seat."
The poet is an ardent friend of Debs and dedicated his poem, " Them Flowers," to him. Eugene Field was another warm friend, and said of him: " Gene Debs is the most lovable man I ever knew. Debs is sincere. His heart is as gentle as a woman's and as fresh a's a mountain brook. If Debs were a priest, the world would listen to his eloquence, and that gentle, musical voice and sad, sweet smile of his would soften the hardest heart." He was married June 9, 1885, in Terre Haute, to Kathcrini daughter of August Metzel. 1
BISING, Willard Bradley,
chemist, was born Mecklenburg, N.Y., Sept. 26. 1839, son of Apollos and Harriet (Stewart) Rising. He was educated at Ovid Academy and the N. Y. State Agricultural College, and wa's graduated at Hamilton College in 1864. He received the post graduate degree of mining engineer from the University of Michigan in 1807, and of Ph.D. from Heidelberg, Germany, in 1871. He commenced teaching in Seneca, N. Y. he then became a teacher in the Rural High School, Clinton, N. Y. From 1805 to 1867 he was assistant in the chemical laboratory of the University of Michigan, on leaving which he went ' to Europe. Returning he was appointed in 1872 professor of chemistry in the University of CaliProf. Rising fornia, which position he now fills. is consulting chemist for several of the largest chemical manufacturers on the Pacific coast, being in
especially consulted in reference to explosives, and is adviser and chemist of the state board of viticulture and board of health. His specialty is thermal chemistry, in which he has made a number of discoveries. He was a member of the important
jury on chemical industry at the Columbian Exposition at Chicago in 1893, and at Paris in 1900.
DWIGHT, Edmund,
merchant, was born in son of Jonathan and Margaret (Ashley) Dwight and a descendant of John and Hannah Dwight, immigrants of Dedham, Mass., in 1634. After graduation at Yale at the age of nineteen, he read law with Fisher Ames, but never practiced. In 1815 he became a member of the firm of William II. & J. W. Dwight, which founded the manufacturing villages of Chicopee Falls in 1822, and of Chicopee in 1831. In 1848, with Thomas II. Perkins and George W. Lyman. he organized the Hadley Falls Co., which led to the incorporation of Holyoke, Mass., as a town. The place, first settled about 1730, was formerly known as "Ireland Parish" (in West Springfield). On Mar. 14, 1850, the town was incorporated and named in honor of Elizur Holyoke, a distinguished pioneer of the Connecticut valley. Edmund Dwight took an active part in the construction of the Western railroad from Worcester to Albany, was one of its directors for many years, and its president in the year of his death. He was a munificent promoter of public education, and in 1838 contributed $10,000 toward the establishment of a normal school system in Massachusetts. He served a number of terms in the state legislature, and in 1812 he helped to found the American Antiquarian Society. His He son, Edmund, was a merchant in Boston. died in Boston, Mass., Apr. 1, 1849. DE WITT, George Gosman, lawyer, was born at Callicoon, N. Y., Apr. 9, 1845, the son of George Gosman De Witt, of Dutch descent. The first of the name to settle in New Amsterdam was Tjerck Claessen De Witt, who arrived in America prior to 1656, and settled at Wiltwyck, now Kingston, N. Y. Peter De Witt, Mr. De Witt's grandfather, was a celebrated lawyer Springfield, Mass.,
28, 1780,
during 1804-51, who founded the firm of which Mr. De Witt is a member and was first to start the his practice of giving an " abstract of title." The subof this sketch ject was prepared for college at the Columbia Grammar School, and was graduated at Columbia College in 1867.
subsequently rethe degree of and that of LL.li.
from the law school. In 1868 he went into the law office of C. J. & E. De Witt, and afterward became senior partner under the present firm name of De Witt, Lockman & De Witt. Mr. De Witt has followed the example of his predecessors and has devoted his attention to equity cases, trusts, real estate, and the administration of estates and wills. He was leading counsel in a number of important will contests, all of which have been sustained after long litigation. He is a trustee of Columbia University, a governor of New York Hospital, trustee of Roosevelt Hospi" tal and of the Children's Society;" governor of the Union and Metropolitan clubs; member of
and New York t'nivcr-ity. I'nion League, Vai-hl cliil^. tirsl vice president of the St. Nicholas and trustee of the Holland c\
president Society, Societv iiieinlier of the Society of Colonial Wars, director of the Chemical Hank, trustee of the New York Life Ins. & Trust Co.. the Heal K-tale and the Newport Trust Co. Tru-t Co.,
Joseph, chief justice, was born Dec. 8, llunlington, Westmoreland co., Pa., home ISitl. Tiring of farm life he ran away from
ami joined
In traveled for several months. "I was taken by a distinlater life he said: a company guished citi/.cn of my native state from with'
traveling mountebanks and made a After a meare country school training he decided He was admitted to practice in to ~tii.lv law. was engaged at Elollidaysburg, Pa., in 1830, and his life work when he was appointed by Pres. Van Biiren, associate justice of the supreme court of the territory of Iowa in 1838. lie journeyed overland by stage to Iowa, his family following him a year later, and became a member of the first supreme court of the territory, Charles Mason of
being chief justice, and Williams and
Wilson associate justices. The first supreme court session in Iowa was at Burlington, and the first case decided by this court was one dealing with slave rights in Iowa, decided in July, 1839. Ralph, the alleged fugitive slave in the case, had been owned by one Montgomery, of Missouri, who had permitted his slave to go into the territory of Iowa, but afterwards sought to assert his rights as owner and recover his "property." Securing Ralph's arrest by the sheriff of Dubuque county he started with him down the river on a steamboat, when a writ of habeas corpus was secured for the slave. The supreme court freed Ralph, holding: "The master who subsequent to that act (the act of 1820 admitting Missouri as a slave state) permits his slave to become a resident of here, cannot afterward exercise any acts ownership over him within this territory. The law does not take away his property in express terms, but declares it no longer to be property at all. Of course those legal remedies, which 'can only be resorted to upon the presumption of a still subsisting ownership in the master, become alto-
When Iowa became a state and Justice Mason resigned, Gov. Briggs appointed Justice Williams to be chief justice. Two years later he retired from the bench. He was appointed district judge for the territory of Kansas, the southern district in 1857, and subsequently judge
get tier annihilated."
of the circuit court in Tennessee. After the civil war he returned to the North, and went to Kansas, where he died in March, 1871. COLLETT, Joshua, jurist, was born in Berkeley county. Va., Nov. 20, 1781, second son of Daniel and Mary (Haines) Collett, grandson of Moses and Elizabeth (Armstrong) Collett, natives of England. After a
obtaining good Engeducation he studied law at Martinsburg in about 1802 removed to the at locating temporarily Cincinnati. While he was residing here the first constitution of Ohio was adopted, and Warren created one of the first counties in the state, " lth ''' -eat of justice at Lebanon. In June, 03, he removed to Lebanon, and was the first resident lawyer in the His knowledge of place. the law and his unusually sound judgment rendered him one of the most incceMfnJ practitioners of his day. Fie was appointed prosecuting attorfor the 1st judicial circuit, in ney 1807, a position which he held until 1S17: waprc-idcnt lish
his native county, and Northwest territory,
of the
and was elected by the state legislature a judge of the supreme court of the state, in 1S-JII. ||c was chief justice during 1S33--35, and in ISISti he retired to his farm near Lebanon. ().. where he In ]H.'i(i and continued to reside until his death. in 1840 he was a presidential elector, each time voting for his friend. William Henry Harrison, and for seventeen years lie was a trustee of Miami University. He was married in ISItH to Eliza Van Home, and their only child, William R. Collett, was the leading spirit in the organization of the Warren County Agricultural Society. Judge Collett was an able lawyer, and an upright judge, noted for his scrupulous honesty and the spotless purity of character,
farm at Lebanon.'
lie died 23, 1855.
on his
Lyrnan, senator, was born at Colchester, Conn., Oct. 12. 1813, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Mather) Trumlmll, and grandson of Benjamin Trumbull, D.D., the historian, lie exhibited unusual intellectual capacity in his youth, engaged in teaching at the age of sixteen, and at twenty was at the head of an academy in Georgia. While occupying this position he studied law witli Hiram Warner, was admitted to the bar in 1837, and settled at Belleville, 111., where he practiced in partnership with his brother C,eorge. In 1840 he became a member of the Illinois legilature, and in 1841 was made secretary of shite. serving until 1843. He served as a justice of the supreme court of Illinois during 1848-53. In ]S.")4 he was elected to congress, but before the beginning of his term he was chosen by the state legislature to represent Illinois in the U. S. senate, where he served from
4. 1855, to Mar. 3. 1S73. Though a Demohe crat, opposed his part \
on the " popular
of questions " sovereignty
and slavery, and in I860 was brought forward by many Republicans as a candidate for the presidency, though he himself labored earnestly for Abraham Lincoln. Being re-elected to the senate in 1861 as a Republican, he rendered valuable service to the national cause, and was among the first to propose a constitutional amendment for the abolition of slavery. As chairman of the judiciary committee he reported the 13th amendment, and he inspired and supported both the freedmen's bureau and civil rights acts. He was one of the five Republican senators who voted for the acquittal of Pres. Andrew Johnson. Subsequently he reunited with the Democratic party, and was nominated by acclamation in 1880, as the Democratic candidate for governor of Illinois. For many years he conducted a lucrative law practice in Chicago. The degree of D.D. was conferred by both McKendrce College and Yale He was married in June, 1843, to University. Julia Marie, daughter of Dr. Gersham Jayne. of Springfield. 111., and on Nov. 3, 1877. at Saybrook, Conn., to Mary J., daughter of John D. Ingraham. He had six sons and two daughters. He died in Chicago. 111., in 18!tf>.
Charles Henry, geologist, was
born at Amherst, Mass., Aug. 23, 183(>. son of Edward and Orra (White) Hitchcock, and a descendant of Luke Hitchcock, who emigrated from England to New Haven, Conn., about 1040, where
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. he served as a selectman of the town and a captain in the army. His son Luke married Sarah Burt, their son Luke married Jlartha Colton, their son Luke married Lucy Merrick, and their son Justin, who married Mercy Hoyt, was the grandfather of Charles H. Hitchcock. His father (17931804) was a president of Amlierst College. He was graduated at Amlierst College in 1856; he then attended the Yale theological school for a year and Andover Theological Seminary 185961. He was licensed to preach by the Xorfolk association in 1861. In 1857 he was appointed assistant geologist of Vermont, and aided in pre" " the paring Report on the Geology of Vermont He then became director "of the geologi(1861). " cal survey of Maine, and published two Reports on the Natural History and Geology of the State " of Maine (1861-62). Meanwhile, during 1858-64, he lectured on zoology in Ainherst College^ and after a year of study at the Royal School of Mines,
London, England, he was nonresident
professor of geology and mineralogy at Lafayette College, 1866-70, and professor of geology and mineralogy in Dartmouth He was College. state geologist of New Hampshire ten years. During the winter of 1870-71 he established a
meteorological observatory on Mt. Washington, which has since been occupied by the United States signal service officials. He published several valuable memoirs upon the fossil tracks in the Connecticut valley, a subject he has carefully studied. Dr. Hitchcock is a member of the American Philosophical Society, and in 1883 was vicepresident of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He prepared a geological map of the United States which has been adopted by geologists throughout the world, and was published both in the United States census reports and in Dr. Rossiter W. Raymond's " Resources of the United States" (1873). In 1881 he issued an improved map based on the edition of the official map of the United States land office. He has been a large contributor to scientific literature and stands in the foremost rank of American geoloIn addition to the gists. reports mentioned, he " has published, with his father, Elementary Geol" '
(1860) and Mount Washington in Winter" 18/1), besides various cyclopedic articles He re-
ceived the degrees of Ph.D. from Lafayette College in 1870 and LL.D. from Amlierst in 1896. He was married June 19, 1862, to Martha Bliss, daughter of Prof. E. P. Barrows, of Andover, Mass., and on Sept. 4, 1894, to Charlotte Malvina Barrows, sister of his first wife. He has two sons and three daughters.
MORGAN, Thomas
born in Lexington. Ky., Sept. 25, 1866, son of Charlton Hunt and Ellen Key (Howard) Morgan and a descendant of Col. John Eager Howard, of fame. Another ancestor was revolutionary Francis Soott Key, author of " The Star Spangled Banner." He was graduated at the State College of Kentucky, with the degree of B.Sc., in 1S86,
became associate professor of biolCollege, where he has occu-
pied the chair of biology since 1894. He is the author of "The Development of the Frog's Egg" (1887); "Regeneration" (1901), "Evolution and 11903), and of some seventy-five The degree of Ph.D. was conoriginal papers. ferred upon him Johns in
Hopkins 1890. He is a member of the SocietyUniversity of American Naturalists, and of the American Society of Morphologists. being president of the latter association in 1900. His original work has been mainly in experimental embryology and regenera-
He has taken part in the modern movement in favor of the employment of experimental methods in biology and his own work has been tion.
largely along these lines.
Edward, soldier, was born at BanHe was graduated at Me., Dec. 22, 1832. the Norwich (Vt), Military Academy in 1852. and soon afterward removed to Iowa. In April, 1861, he was one of the first to volunteer for the defense of Washington, D. C., and upon his arrival at that place he was stationed on duty at the gor,
He was ordered soon afterward take charge of the camp of instruction at Davenport, la. On Aug. 12, 1861, he was commissioned captain in the 2nd Iowa cavalry, which he had assisted in he was made raising; major on Sept. 5th, lieutenantWhite House. to
colonel. Sept. llth, and colJune 13, 1862. He
was engaged
at the captures of New Madrid and Island No. 10, and in the battles of luka and Corinth and he was in command of the cavalry raid through central Mississippi, ;
which was devised in order withdraw the attention of the Confederates from to
the movements of the Federal army about Vicksburg. He participated in the actions at Thompson's station a ld atchie, and in the subsequent operations j den. Grant's Mississippi campaign, being in command of a He was cavalry brigade. then assigned to the command of a cavalry division in the army of the Tennessee, and took part in the actions of Salisbury, Colliersville,
La Grange, Palo where
Alto, Birmingham, Jackson, was severely wounded
DeOn Apr. 27, 1864, he was comcember, 1863. missioned brigadier-general of volunteers, and commanded a cavalry division in Gen. Andrew Smith's campaign, being engaged in the actions '
led his division at the battle of Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 30, 1864, and for his gallant
conduct was brevetted brigadier-general.
He also distinguished himself in the battle of Nashville Dec. 15-16, 1864, and in the pursuit of Gen' Hoods army: receiving the brevets of majorof general volunteers, and major-general, United States army. He was mustered out of the volunteer service. Jan. 15, 1866, and on July 28th of that year he was commissioned colonel of the 9th cavalry, which command he held for twentythree years. Upon the death of Gen. Gordon in 1876. Gen. Granger Hatch was assigned to the command of the military department of Arizona, which included New Mexico. In 1880 he was appointed a member of the Ute investigating commission, of which he was president, and after making a treaty with that tribe, he went to Xew Mexico, and took the field against Victorio, the Apache chief, whom he defeated. He died at Fort Robinson, Neb., Apr. 11, 1889.
Ezekiel, machinist and
was born in Norridgewock, Me., Nov. He was educated at schools in Bangor,
ventor, 1823.
where he remained during 1820-39, working there for
A part of his he spent in farming and working in saw mills; in 1850 he removed to Lewiston. Me., establishing there a factory for making wood-workseveral years as a carpenter.
machinery, lie was thus e-ngagcd in hti-ine-ss two years, ami during this period invented a fur hen-ing, inaeliiiie turning, and cutting tlie heads DM the spoe.ls eir heilihins that are used in This was his first invention and rut tun la.-turie's. ilid the we irk of three machines that were used ill};
Harriet Perry Clark.
t.ir |
the -ame- pnrpu-eCalifornia, as a
establishing (hat state. riil.ii
e-ngage-el in
saw-mill entcrpri-e-..
and subsequently
superintendent, similar
parts in-erted tooth
cirHere he invented and hand saws, and for several years was
In occupied ill the introduction of these devices. ls.")!l he returned to the eastern states, and began in Trenton, X. J. manufacturing edge tools, During the civil war he received from the government large contracts for swords and sabres. Later, when the American Saw Company was organi/e-. Guinea in IH'JIi 27. The Reformed church America (Dutch) is an offshoot of the same in
church in Holland, there (irst known as "the churches under the cross." The Dutch West India Co. always sent with emigrants a pious schoolmaster called x.iekent rooster or "comforter of hesick," whose duties also consisted in sexton service, hearing the state cushion before the director or governor, presiding at religious meetings, leading the singing, reading the sermons in the absence of the regular pastor, catechising, etc. When 1
fMinuit arrived on Manhattan Island in two y.iekentroosters were chosen. Sebastian Jansen Krol and Jan Huyck. Jonas Michaelius was sent in 1628, arriving April 7th with his famHe was the first ily, two daughters and one son. minister in Xew Amsterdam. He established the form of a church, two elders were chosen, and at the first communion there were fifty members, Dutch and Walloon and French, to whom the Peter 1620,
pastor administered the rite in their own language. He returned to Holland in a few years, probably before the arrival of his successor. Rev. Everardus His wife couhl not endure llogardus, in 1633. the hardships of the long voyage, and the privations in the new settlement, and died shortly after her arrival. The classis of Amsterdam wished to send Michaelius back to this country in 1(!37, but he did not return. It was long supposed that Bogardus was the first Reformed church clergyman in this country, but the precedence of Michaelius was established by a letter from him to Rev. Adrain Smoutius. dated Xt-w Amsterdam, Aug. 11. 1628, which was recently found in the Dutch archives at the Hague. In this letter hedescribes the degraded state e>f the natives, ami proposes to educate their children without trying to redeem the parents. Michaelius's letter is " Hisprinted in an appendix to Marv L. Booth's Rev. tory of the City of Xew York" (1859). Michaelins elicel in Holland after 103S. BENT, Silas, jurist, was born in Massachusetts in 1768. He received a thorough education, and in 1788 removed to Ohio and afterward to Virwhere he was marricel to Martha Kerr. In ginia, 1804, after holding various offices, he was appointed chief deputy surveyor for Upper Louisiana, and this took him to St. Louis. He was made first judge of the court of common pleas in 1807, and the following year became auditor of In 1809 he became presiding public accounts. judge of the St. Louis court, and in that capacity In 1811 he was signed the first town charter. again public auditor, and two years thereafter was appointed supreme judge of the territory of Missouri, a position he held until Missouri was admitted to the Union in 1821. From that period until his death he was clerk of the St. Louis His son, county court. He had ten children. Silas 'Bent, Jr. (1820-87), served in 'the United States navy in the Seminole and Mexican wars, and was subsequently an active citizen of St. Louis; another son, Charles Bent, was the first
territorial governor of Mexico (1850), and his daughter Julia became the wife of Gov. L. W.
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. His name was given to a wellfrontier post and military fort. He died in in 1827. St. Louis, Mo., Richard, missionary to the Ameris ican Indians, supposed to have come from Devon-
Boggs of Missouri.
His name appears on the list of freemen of the colony, dated Mar. 7. 1030-37. and he represented the town of Sandwich, Mass., at the general court during 1039-45, and again in 1052, 1004-37, and 1070. In 1(158 he was appointed one of four referees to settle a disputed boundary between Yarmouth and Barnstable, and the line established by him and his associates has remained as the modern division. Nearly all the purchases of land from the Indians about Sandwich were referred to him, a fact which shows that both Indians and white men had confidence in his His missionary labors were begun integrity. about 1058. He gradually created a community of Christian Indians in a parish that extended 100 miles from Provincetown to Middleboro, and in 1004, he organized them under a form of life.
self-government, with a board of management and a constable, though he himself continued to supervise their affairs. At his solicitation, the tract known as the plantation of Marshpee, embracing 10,500 acres, was reserved by grant dated Dec. 11, ]0(i5, from the colony to the South Sea Indians,
among whom he was
after he
created a Christian congregation, he was ordained as its pastor by John Eliot, and held services regularly at twenty-two different places. In 1074 the whole number of Christian Indians was 497, of whom 142 could read the Indian language, seventy-two could read and write it, and nine could read English, while by 1085 the whole number had increased to 1,014. The fruits of his long years of labor were seen at the outbreak of King Philip's war in 1070, when he had made friends of a sufficient number of Indians, naturally hostile to the English, to save Plymouth colony from extinction at a critical moment. It is said that lie did more, by the moral power he exerted, than did Bradford at the head of the army. Mr. Bourne was a member of the local councils of war in 1007, His first wife, the mother of his four children, was
probably Bathsheba. daughter of Andrew Hallet. Sr., and his second wife was Ruth, widow of Jonathan YVinslow and daughter of William Sargcant. of Barnstable. to whom he was married in 1077.
died in 1082.
Shearjashub, jurist, was born at Sandwich, Mass., in 1720, son of Ezra and Martha (Prince) Bourne; grandson of Shearjashub and liathsheba (Skiff) Bourne; and great-grandson of Richard Bourne, missionary to the American Indians. His grandfather (1044-1719) was a man of reputation, who was much employed in public business, was often a representative to the general
court at Plymouth and Boston, presided over the Indians of Marshpee. and conducted an extensive trade between them and the whites. His father (1070-1704), one of the most distinguished and influential men of his day, served as chief justice of the courts of sessions and common pleas, and presided over the friendly Indians of Marshpee, up to the day of his death. The son, Shearjashub. was graduated at Harvard College in 1743, and soon afterward settled at Bristol, R. I., as a teacher. He gained high respect as a lawyer, and was elevated to the supreme bench of Rhode Island. HP was associate justice of the state supreme court from August. 1770, to May, 1778, and served as chief justice from the latter date till his death. He was married at Bristol. R. I.,
Church and daughter of Benjamin Bosworth, and had three children; Martha, Shearjashub, and The surname was originally spelled Benjamin. with the final "e," though some of the descendants have dropped that letter; "Shearjashub" means the remnant shall return,'' and its use by the early settlers indicates, perhaps, their hope of returning to the mother country. He died at '
Bristol, Feb. 9, 1781. jurist, was born at Bris1755, son of Shearjashub and lie was graduated at Harvard College in 1775, and studied law in the office of Gen. James M. Varnum, one of the most able advocates of his time. In August, 1770, just after the disastrous battle of Long Island, he was appointed ensign of a company, in the 2nd Rhode Is-
Ruth (Bosworth) Bourne,
regiment, and soon became regimental quarter master, serving until the northern army was disbanded. He then resumed his professional career at Providence, where he rapidly established an enviable reputation for probity and talent. In 1779-80 he was a member of the Rhode Island general assembly; in September, 1779, was one of a committee of four to revise the militia laws of the state; and during 1785-89, was a justice of the peace. In 1789, in company with the Rev.
James Manning, president he was chosen to present
of Brown University, to congress a petition setting forth the distressed condition of Rhode Island, and praying that her commerce might be exempted from foreign duties in the ports of the Union. At the age of thirty-four, he was elected a member of congress, and served as the first representative from Rhode Island under the United States Constitution in 1796, resigning to succeed
Henry Marchant in the United States district court of Rhode Island. In 1801, the United States courts were reorganized, and he was appointed one of the judges of the eastern circuit, composed of Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island; but on the repeal of the act creating this intermediate court, he returned to the practice of law. On becoming a judge, he removed to Bristol. In politics Judge Bourne was a decided Federalist, standing high among the illustrious leaders of that party, and maintaining an intimate correspondence with such men as Hamilton, PickHe was married ering, Sedgwick. and Ames. to Hope, daughter of Cromwell Child, of Warren, R. I., and he had one son and three daughters. The degrees of A.B. and A.M. were conferred upon
him by Harvard College in 1775 and 1778, and LL.n. in 1801, by Brown University. He died at Bristol.
was bom
Lewis, soldier and diplomat, in Providence. R. I., Mar. 12, 1824, son
Samuel Nightingale and Amey (Martin) Richmond, and a descendant of John Richmond, who arrived at Taunton, Mass., in 1037. from whom the line runs through Edward. Sylvester, Sylvester, and a third Sylvester, who 'married Abigail Nightingale, and was the grandfather of Lewis Richmond. After being graduated at Brown University, he became associated with his brothers, George and Nightingale, in the manufacture of In April. 1801, he enlisted as a print goods. private in the 1st Rhode Island regiment, and served through the civil war. He was at the of
34G lii -I
Bull Run, served in the North BuniMilc expedition, ami in Februwas prc-cnt at the naval battle at of
lull lie
was army adjutant general of the Potomac, at Newport News; and upon the was organization of the 9th corps, July '!-, 1802, Koanoke.
.Inly (i to Sept. 4, IStii. of reinforcements for the
anil lieutenant-colonel appointed of the army adjutant-general of the right wing of the Potomac, serving a> such at South Mounfrom tain. Sept. Uth. and Antietam, Sept. 17th.
November, lsO:i. until .Tan. 10, 18(i3, he was adjutant -ficni'nil of the entire army of the Potomac, and took part in the battle of Frcderieksburg, He was adjutant-general of Dec. l:i 1(1. lS(i2. the department of Ohio from Mar. 23 to Dec. 12, 1803; aided in the pursuit of Morgan's raiders during the summer of that year, and was engaged in the occupation of eastern Tennessee, (he capture of Cumberland Gap, and the action From Nov. 17 at Blue Springs, during the fall. to Dee. 10. 1863, he took part in the siege and defense of Knoxville. including the repulse of He saw service at the I.onsstreet on Dec. 1st. battles of the Wilderness. May 0. 1804; Spottsylvania, May 0-12, and Cold Harbor, June 13-17, and the siege of Petersburg, and took part in both the siege and the assault. He was U. S. consul at Queenstown, Ireland, 1875-80; consul at Belfast, 1880-81; consul-general at Rome, in 1881, and became secretary of legation and charged d'affaires in 1882. In 1884 he left this post to become U. S. minister to Portugal, where he re-
mained until April, 1885. Gen. Richmond was married on. June 23. 184fi, to Magdelane, daughter of Joshua Mauran. of Providence, R. I., and had three sons and a daughter. He died in Providence. R.
was born at New Haven, Conn., Mar. 15, 1831, son of George and Ruth Caroline (Attwater) Rowland, and a descendant of Henry H. Rowland, who emigrated from Essex county, England, and settled at Fairlield, Conn., about 1649. The line runs through his son, Joseph,
who married Sarah
between Hartford and
commenced work
in a
New York. In 1851 he New York engine-building
establishment, where he became general machinist and a designer and builder of marine and other machinery. During 1851-53 he was a draughtsman of the Allaire works, New York city, and from 1853 to 1857 he was general superintendent of the Atlantic- Dock iron works in Brooklyn. In l.s.V.( he established a business of his own, located at Greenpoint, Brooklyn, N. Y., which subsequently became the Continental works. Among his more important achievements was the construction of a quarter of a mile of wrought iron tube, 7'Xi feet in diameter, which was placed on the top of High Bridge, to tarry the water from the Croton aqueduct to the new reservoir in Central park. Four hundred and fifty tons of wrought iron plates, half an inch thick, and 400 tons of castings were used in this work. At the outbreak of the civil war he constructed the gun carriages and mortar beds for the navy department, and fitted out some of the steamers purchased from the merchant service which took part in the capture of Port Royal, and all the vessels composing the Porter mortar fleet. In October, 1801, he contracted with John Ericsson and associates to build an iron floating battery in accordance with Ericsson's plans, and this vessel was launched Jan. 30, 1802. In 1887 the business was incorporated under the name of The Continental iron works, of which Mr. Rowland was president and general manager. The plant now covers about seven acres of ground, and employs from 300 to 400 hands. Mr. Rowland was granted over fifty patents for machinery for his own factory. He was a member of a numof engineering societies, the New York chamber of commerce, and was vice-president of the American Society of Civil Engineers in 1880-87. He was married, Oct. 17, 1855, to Mary Eliza, daughter of Charles Bradley, of New Haven, Conn., and has three sons, Thomas Fitch, Jr., Charles Bradley and George.
George Williams,
born at Albany, N. Y., Mar. 23. 1S45, son of George
son; son, Capt. Rowland, who Williams and Mary Perry (Watson) Peckham, and married Esther Smedley; their son, Samuel, who a descendant of John Peckham, who settled in Newmarried Abigail Sijuier; their son, Andrew, who port, R. I., in 1638. The line runs through his son, John, his son, Benjamin, who married Mary Carr, their son, Benjajnin, who married Mary Hazard, and their son, Peleg, who married Desire Watson, and was the grandfather of Mr. Peckham. He was educated at Antioch College, the Albany Law their
and the University of Michigan, where he was graduated in 1873. He began teaching biologv in the Milwaukee high school in 1874; later he became principal of the East Side high school, and School,
then superintendent of the public schools of Milwaukee. He is now (1004) librarian of the public In the civil war he enlisted library of that city. in the 1st Wisconsin heavy artillery. He and his wife have won world-wide reputations as students of the habits of insects, particularly As an authority on the habits of spiders. insects he is probably without a rival. With many short papers on kindred subjects published in the annals of learned societies, both in the United States and Europe, he has published "Menial Powers of Spiders" (1887), "Sexual Selection in Spiders" (1889), and numerous studies, fifty or more, in archeology, 1880-92. He has also pub'" Instincts and lished, in association with his wife. Habits of the Solitary Wasps" (1900). He has been president of the Wisconsin Academy of Arts, Sciences and Letters. He was married at Hart land, Wis., Sept. 10, 1880. to Elizabeth Maria. daughter of Charles and Mary Caroline (Child) i
married Elizabeth Fitch, and their son, Samuel, married barah Maltbie, and who was Mr. Rowland's grandfather. He was educated at Level's Lancasterian school, and at the school at collegiate preparatory New Haven, Conn. He worked on the New Haven & Farmington railroad and New York & New Haven railroad, as engineer and fireman during ]S48-f>0, and subsequently he took a position as second assistant engineer on the steamboat Connecticut, plying
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. and lias three children: Mary George Williams and Harold GiiFord. GilTord,
tling in
Robert Hallowell, metallurgist,
was born at Gardiner, Me., Aug. 26, 1844, son of Francis and Anne Hallowell (Gardiner) Richards. He was graduated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1808 and immediately became an assistant professor of chemistry, remaining until 1871 when he was elected to the chair of mineralHe has been for a number of years professor ogy. 01 mining and metallurgy and under his direction the laboratory for mining engineering and metallurgy was developed. His professional work has been devoted mainly to the introduction of laboratory methods into" the teaching of mining and metallurgy. As an inventor he has perfected a jet aspirator "for use in chemical and physical laboratories, 1874, an ore separator for the Lake Superior copper reduction mills, 1881, and a prism for In 1886 he vyas presistadia surveying in 1890. dent of the "American Institute of Mining EngiHe is also a member of several other scienneers. He has paid much attention to the tific societies. improvement of ore dressing processes, particularly those employed in the concentration of copper, in which he is a recognized authority. His papers on chemistry which were his early publications, appeared in the "American Journal of Science," those on metallurgical subjects have been published " The Transactions of the American Institute in " Ore of Mining Engineers," and he published married Prof. Richards was Dressing' (1903). in Boston, June 6, 1875, to Ellen Henrietta, daughter of Prof. Peter Swallow of Worcester.
O'FARREIX, Michael
Catholic bishop of Trenton, was born in Limerick, After studying for some Ireland, Dec. 2. 1832. time in All-Hallows College, Dublin, he entered the of St. Sulpice, Paris, where he finished his course. Upon returning to Ireland, he was ordained priest, Aug. 18, 1855. Joining the St. Sulpitian order, he entered the novitiate in Paris, and eventually became professor of dogmatic theology in the college of that order. In 1855
he went to Canada where he was appointed professor of theology in the Grand Seminary in Montreal, and pastor of St. Patrick's Church. In 1869 he came to the United States, was alliliated with the archdiocese of New York, and became assistant pastor at St. Peter's Church, the oldest in New York city. In 1872 he was made pastor of St. Mary's Church, Rondout. After he returned to St. Peter's, where he succeeded Rev. William Quinn as pastor, he devoted special attention to education, and founded a school that became one of the best in the city. When the diocese of Trenton was taken from that of Newark in 1881, he was made bishop of the Trenton diocese, and was consecrated in the cathedra) of New York, by Cardinal McCloskey. At Trenton he immediately began the erection of new churches, and founded charitable and educational His diocese contained institutions. eighty-four churches, four convents, one seminary, seven academies, an orphan asylum, and twenty-four parochial schools. Bishop O'Farrell by his gentle manner and generous nature won the esteem of all classes and creeds. He was widely known as one of the most learned men in the Roman Catholic church, as well as a fine He died in Trenton, Apr. 2, 1894. pulpit orator.
McFATIL, James Augustine, second Roman Catholic bishop of Trenton, was born in Larne. county Antrim. Ireland. June 6. 1850, son of James and Mary (Hefferman) McFauI.
to America
His parents came
when he was but
New York
six months old, setwhere they remained for They then removed to Bound
about four years. Brook, N. J., where their son attended the district school when not assisting his father on the farm. Having acquired a fair knowledge of bookkeeping, at the age of fifteen he secured employment as clerk in a store near Bound Brook. In 1867, with the intention of becoming a lawyer, he went to St. Vincent's College, Westmoreland county, Pa. After re-
maining there for four years, he entered St. Francis Xa-
York vier's College, city, where he completed his classical course. His theostudies were taken Seton Hall Seminary, South Orange, N. J., where he was graduated in the
class of
He was
dained to the priesthood by Bishop Corrigan, May 26, 1877; was first appointed an assistant at St. Patrick's Church, Jersey City, and
from there was sent to the cathedral at Newark. In 1878 he was made assistto Smith ant Rev. Anthony at Trenton. Upon the division of the diocese, Bishop O'Farrell
him charge
position of
appointed held in
Union. He also for three years edited St. Mary's Messenger," an annual paper published in the interest of the union. In May, 1883, Father McFaul was appointed pastor of the Church Star of the Sea at Long Branch, N. J., and while there liquidated the debt on his church and built St. In 1890 he was Michael's Church at Elberon. recalled to Trenton, and was made rector of the cathedral, and chancellor of the diocese. During 1892-94 he was vicar-general, and in 1894 he was appointed bishop of Trenton to succeed the late Bishop O'Farrell, being consecrated October 18th, at Trenton, by Archbishop Corrigan. Bishop McFaul takes a special interest in young men's societies, and was one of the principal organizers He has of the Young Men's Diocetan Union. written some notable articles and addresses on "American Citizenship," while his. name has became familiar in connection with his work of reorganizing the Ancjent Order of Hibernians. He of the is respected and beloved by the priests diocese, over which he presides with grace and dignity, and he is also distinguished as a pulpit orator.
TUCKER, Samuel, naval officer, was born in Marblehead, Mass., Nov. 1, 1747, son of Andrew and Mary (Belcher) Tucker. At the age of eleven he ran away from home and shipped in the English sloop-of-war Royal George. He advanced rapidly, became commander of a merchantman when only twenty-one years old, and served as a captain prior to the revolution. When the outbreak came, he narrowly escaped compulsory service in the British navy, and returned to America, taking charge of the ship of which he was a passenger during a storm. This led to his introduction to Gen. Washington by Robert Morris, the owner of the vessel, and he was commissioned captain in the navy, Jan. 2O, 1776, and assigned to the command of the armed schooner Franklin. The vessel had to be fitted out. and Tucker meanwhile commanded a small schooner, with which he soon captured a British transport with troops and This exploit procured him the thanks of stores.
THE NATIONAL CYCLOPAEDIA and the army, and in March, 177G, the schooner Hancock. captured limn- than thirty vessels during that n
inadi- riiiiiiiiiiinliT of
vcar. tin- prize- including three English brigs, the and >cvcral armed ship IVggy, tlic brig Lively, Mar. ]~i. 177T. he was transferred v ,..,,,.|v. ('in to the command of the frigate Boston, in which he took out John Adams as minister to France in TneUer eaptured live pri/.es on February. I77S. his return voyage, and in June of the following year, \\hile convoying a fleet of merchantmen loaded with CiOthing for the American army, from ihe West Indies to Philadelphia, captured the British frigate 1'ole. which gave chase after him, without firing a gun. He afterwards cruised with the Confederacy, also under his command, capturing several British privateers, and in August, J771I. jointly with Samuel Nicholson of the Deane he captured several other prizes, the Boston alone taking the sloop-of-war Thorn. He then joined A. Whipple in the defence of Charleston, S. C., and
Charles Benjamin, chemist, was
born at Oxford, X.
14, IS42,
son of Daniel
and Maranda (Bemi.s) Dudley. His father (180984) was a carriage builder by occupation and pos-cs-.ed
character of high integrity.
civil war and was severely wounded at the battle of Winchester, Va., in 1Husley) Phelps, and grandson of Seth Phelps, who was a distinguished soldier of the revolution, and who about 1790 laid out the town of Aurora on a tract of land which he purchased in Cayuga county, N. Y.. His father served in the war of 1812, was wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of Queenstown, and after the war settled in Ohio, where he practiced law. served in the legislature, and was a judge of the probate court. Seth Ledyard Phelps entered the service of the United States navy as midshipman in 1841; was promoted to passed midshipman in 1847; master in 1855: lieutenant in 1S55.
to Barclay, the financial agent of the I'nited States
vindicate himself from the charge of dishonesty, lir that might obtain release and return to At length his France to linish liis business. patience', as well a.- his purse, was exhausted, und on Dei'. 17 rs. he published ill the Philadel" " I'ai-ket an " Address to the Free and phia Virtuou* ( itizens of the United States," complaining of the ingratitude of congress, and .").
a"acking Arthur. William, and Kichard Henry I.ee.
These seemed tu
Kurope. Embittered by his treatment at home, and by the loss of property, which was Sold to pay his debts when, as he claimed, congress owed him over $12,000 for personal outlay in its behalf, he eventually took a despairing' view of the political situation in America, and in letters to various friends expressed his conviction that the Declaration of Independence was a mistake, and that a reunion with Great Britain was desirable, that nation being a sincerer friend than France, which had changed her policy toward the I'nited States, now "mortgaged to her." Pome of these letters were intercepted by the British and were in the government, New York published "Royal Gazette" in the same year (1781), and " republislied in a volume in March. 1782. as Paris Papers, or Mr. Silas Deane's Late Intercepted Letters to his Brothers and Other Intimate Friends in America.'' His countrymen denounced him as a traitor; he was also obnoxious to the French ministry, and in the fall of 1781 he was compelled to retire to Ghent, where he became a naturalized citizen in order to carry on private trade to better advantage. In April," 1783, he rein
and his last years were spent harassed by creditors. He wrote an Address to the Free and Independent Citizens of the United States of North America," defending himself against the charges of fraud and peculation, and endeavoring to explain his letters, which appeared in print in London in 1784, and in New London and Hartford. Conn. Illness was added to Ins misfortunes in 1788, and while helpless he was robbed of many of his papers, which were sold to Jefferson, at that time minister to France. pon recovery, Doane became interested in a plan for connecting the St. Lawrence river and Lake Uiamplam by a ship canal, and his prospects were so that lie determined to return to encouraging America. Before leaving he appealed to Washinf ton to have his conduct examined, and his accounts settled, congress having ignored numerous he -ent to that body. But not a reply, he embarked at Gravesend for receiving Quebec Canada, on Sept. 23. 17SO; almost immediately! however, he was stricken with paralysis and died four hours later. He was buried' at Deal. His only child. Jesse (the issue of England. the first marriage), became a merchant in Hartlord. In 1842, congress, after an examination to London,
in poverty,
lieutenant-commander He took part in the naval astronomical expedition to Chile, and when the civil war broke out was in command of the gunboat Conestoga. He gained in
laurels for his skillful management in the capture of Fort Henry: made some noted reconnoissances up the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers; and afterward commanded the Benton at Island No. 10, and Fort
Pillow on the Mississippi. This vessel became RearAdm. Davis's flagship, and took a prominent part in the naval fight at Memphis, which came so near breaking up the Confederate naval force on the Later Mississippi river. he was placed in command of three gunboats which pushed up the Tennessee river as far as Florence, Ala., his command extending thence down stream to Fort Henry. He chose this district in order to attend to the reconstruction of the Ka-t port, a vessel captured by him on the Tennessee river after the fall of Fort Henry. This vessel, which the Confederates were converting into an ironclad ram, subsequently did good Federal service. Lieut.-Comr. Phelps was very active in breakthe ing up depots from which 'the Confederates were drawing their food supplies, and on the river he destroyed everything that could be of service to the enemy. He crushed out Confederate conscription by leaving his gunboats, surprising the enemy at daybreak, and on one occasion capturing six officers and forty privates, with fifty horses, In June, 18(i2, with 1.500 wagons, arms. etc. cavalry, he made a forced inarch on Floren., Ala., taking the place after a sharp engagement. Nearly $200,000 worth of property waa secured or destroyed, while sixty prisoners were captured. In the spring of 1864 he commanded the Ka-i port in Porter's flotilla up the Red river. After the war he became agent of the United Stales Mail Steamship Co.. to China and Japan, and being made vice-president of the company, his duties took him to South America. Kurope. and Asia, repeatedly. Subsequently he left the service .
company and was appointed by
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Grant one of the commissioners of the District of Columbia. In 1883 he was sent by Pres. Arthur as U. S. minister to Peru, where he remained until Mr. Phelps was married, July 1, 1853, his death, to Klizabeth, daughter of Capt. Maynoden, of the He ordnance department, Washington, D. C. died in Peru about 1S85. DRUM, Richard Coulter, soldier, was born at Greensburg, Westmoreland co., Pa., May 25, 1825, son of Simon and Agnes (l.ang) Drum, and grandson of Simon Drum, who emigrated to America in He was educated at the county academy, 1732. and at Jefl'erson College, and on Dec. 8, 1846, he entered the United States army as a private in
He served 1st Pennsylvania volunteers. throughout the Mexican war and was promoted second lieutenant of the 9th United States inFor gallantry at Chapulfantry, Feb. 18, 1847. tepee and at the capture of the City of Mexico, was breveted first lieutenant, and in February, he 1848, was transferred to the 4th United States
In 1856 he served as aide-de-camp to Gen. Harvey in the Sioux expedition: and during the trouble in Kansas was on the staff of Gen. Persifor F. Smith was assistant adjutant-general at the headquarters of the department of the West for two years, and was adjutant of the artillery At the outschool at Fortress Monroe, 185G-GO. break of the civil war he was appointed assistant adjutant-general of the United States army, and was assigned to the Pacific division under Gens. Sumner and Wright, remaining until I860, when he was transferred to the division of the Atlantic under Gen. George Meade. During the war he artillery.
successively promoted captain (May 14, 1861), major (Aug. 3, 1861), lieutenant-colonel (July 17, 1862), and colonel by brevet (Sept. 24, 1864). On Mar. 13. 1805. he .was breveted brigadier-general for faithful and meritorious services in the adjuHe afterward contant-general's department.
tinued service in the same department, being stationed at Philadelphia during 1866-68, and at On Feb. 22, 1869, he was Atlanta in 1868-69. promoted colonel, and in 1873 was assigned to the division of the Missouri under Gen. Sheridan. During the absence of Sheridan in 1877 he was in full charge of the division, and so ably handled the railroad riots in Ft. Wayne and Chicago, that he received the personal thanks of the secretary of war. He was senior assistant adjutant-general on duty in the war department, Washington, 1878-80; was acting chief of the weather bureau, 1880, and on June 15, 1880, he was appointed adjutant-general of the United States army, with the rank of brigadier-general, serving until his
He was married in retirement. May 28. 1889. 1850, to Lavinia, daughter of Judge Thomas Gibbes Morgan, of New Orleans, La., and had two daughters. WISTAR, Isaac Jones, soldier and lawyer, vras born in Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 14, 1827, son of Dr. Caspar and Lydia (Jones) Wistar, and a
descendant of Caspar Wistar, who came from Heidelberg in 1717 and settled in Philadelphia; he acquired large bodies of land in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Caspar Wistar built the first glass factory in America near Alloway town, a few miles east of Salem, N. J. He imported four expert glass makers from Rotterdam in 1738, and agreed to furnish the buildings, capital and mawhile the experts undertook to make terials, glass, and to instruct him and his son, Richard The manufacture was carried on for a Caspar. good many years by both father and son. and all kinds of glass were made. Isaac Jones Wistar was educated at Westtown and Haverford, and in 1849 traveled to California across the plains with
a small party from Georgia.
After a period of adventurous life in California and on the Pacific, he spent several years in the service of the Hudeon Bay Co. in the far northwest. All except two of his party were killed during a night attack by the Indians, but he escaped seriously wounded, with the loss of his animals and outfit. Returning to California he studied law in San Francisco with Gwyn Page and with Joseph B. Crocket, later chief
and established a
In 1861, with Edward D. Baker, his former law partthen U. S. senator ner, from Oregon, he raised under a personal order from Pres. Lincoln a regiment of sixteen companies, known as the California regiment. After severe losses in battle, this regiment became the 71st Pennsylvania. At the battle of Ball's Bluff, Va., Oct. 21, 1861, Baker was
and Wistar was reand severely wounded. After his re-
covery the latter succeeded colonel. At the battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862, in a desperate attempt to cover the retreat of its division the regiment was nearly cut to pieces. Col. Wistar was left for dead upon the field but was brought off under cover of night. For his gallantry on this occasion the citizens of Philadelphia presented him with a sword, and he was appointed brigadier-general. After commanding the eastern district of Virginia he took charge of several brigades and bodies of troops of all armies, and eventually the 2d division of the 18th army corps. This division was commended by the secretary of war to congress, Dec. 5, 1863. After the war Gen. Wistar declined appointment in the regular army, and returning to Philadelphia, became president of the Union, later of the Pennsylvania Canal Co., and finally of all the canal and coal, companies under the Pennsylvania Railroad Co., employing several thousand officers and men. He was president of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences for four terms, and the American Philosophical Society. He was the author of various scientific papers, and he wrote extensively on penology, in respect of which he filled several honorary positions at home and abroad. In 1892 he donated the fine building for the anatomical
Baker as
museum (first established in 1808 by his collateral ancestor, Prof. Caspar Wistar), secured a corporate charter, and settled a liberal permanent endowment upon the "Wistar Institute of Anatomy and This, by far the most comprehensive Biology.'' anatomical collection in America, is an important adjunct to the University of Pennsylvania. Gen. Wistar was married, in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1862, to Sarah, daughter of Robert Toland of Philadelphia. She died in 1895, leaving no issue surviving.
HILL, Walter Nickerson,
was born
Boston, Mass., Apr. 15, 1846, son of Albert Blake and Elvira Nickerson Hill, and a descendant of Moses Hill of Medway, Mass., whose ancestors served in the colonial and revolutionary wars. He was educated in Chauneey Hall School, Boston, and the Lawrence scientific school of Harvard University, where he was graduated in 1865 with the degree of Sc.B. magna cum laude. He became private assistant to Dr. Wolcott Gibbs, then professor of chemistry in the Lawrence scientific
and subsequently assistant to Dr. J. Lawwas rence Smith at Louisville, Ky. In 186!) he States torpedo appointed chemist at the United became station at Newport, K. L, and in 1881 he chemist :;t the Itepauuo Chemical Works. Glbbatown, N. J., and later superintendent. While attached to the torpedo station he published a number of papers that gave him a reputation as an an equal in the expert on explosives without United States and with but few peers in Europe. He was the author of "Liquid Carbonic Acid" (1875), "Notes on Certain Explosive Agents" edition of the (1875), a revised and enlarged Their latter, entitled "Notes on Explosives and " Electroto Torpedo Warfare," Application Dynamometer for .Measuring Large Currents" in Iron and (1880), and "On the Heat Produced Steel by Reversals of Magnetism" (in association with Prof. John Trowbridge, 1883). He was the school,
inventor of an improvement in mechanics for makin blasting liquid carbonic acid, an improvement in ing compounds or dynamites, improvements methods for heating gas for motive power, also the process and apparatus for the production ot nitroglycerine, and an apparatus and method of demagnetising, which had for its object the production of heat without the use of fire, in order to heat gaseous matter to be employed in motors. He was a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a member of the
American Chemical Society. He was married in Newport, R. I., Dec. 26. 1877. to Katharine L., daughter of Augustus W. Smith. They had three children, Perry Childs, Walter Nickerson and Katharine Ledyard. Mr. Hill was killed by an explosion of nitroglycerine at the Repauno Chemical Works, Mar. 29', 1884. artist, was born in the Emigen, near Reutlingen, Wiirtemberg, May 24, 18K!. He was brought to the United States at an early age, by his parents, who first settled in Philadelphia, Pa., but afterward in Fredericksburg, Va. While attending his father during a prolonged sickness, the son amused himself with drawing. His talent met with encouragement, and under the instruction of a competent master he soon attained such a degree of skill that a publisher engaged him to paint the heads of eminent American statesmen to be engraved for a national work. For this purpose he visited Washington, but the pro-
U2TJTZE, Emanuel,
village of
and he was return to VirThere he gave himginia. self to diligent study, and about 1840 produced " An Indian Gazing at the SetThe merits of ting Sun." this painting procured him sufficient orders to visit Europe, and in 1841 he went to Germany and entered the Diisseldorf Academy as ject
> -^
/ \\ilVs creek, Drury's bluff. Bermuda Hun dred. Cold harbor and the siege of Petersburg. :it
bullet shattered Gen. Stannard's right arm, For his gallantry on necessitating amputation. occasion lie was breveted major-general. this After his recovery he commanded the northern frontier of Vermont until June 27, 1SC>0. when he was assigned to service in the Freedmen's bureau, Later he became collector of cusBaltimore, Md. toms for the district of Vermont and held this ollice until 1872. He died in Washington, D. C..
He \\a- t'oivcd to resign hi- commission. July 14. 1864, because of continued illness resulting from
Trost, artist, was born 14, 1833, son of Benfarm at (Trost) Richards. During the of his earlier career he received some in1870. years STANNARD, George Jerrison, soldier, was struction from Paul Weber, and at the age of born at Georgia, Franklin co., Vt., Oct. 20, 1820. twenty-one painted a view of Mount Vernon for He received an academic education, worked on his the Art Union of Philadelphia. In 1855 he went father's farm, taught in winter, and in 1845 took a to Europe, and remained there for about a year, visiting Florence, Paris, Diisseldorf and the Tusposition as clerk in a foundry, of which he became joint proprietor in 1800. When the civil war can Appenines. He began his proper -Indies three began lie was a colonel of militia, and he was tin- years later, and being in theory a pre-Raphaelite, devoted himself to a painstaking and protracted first man in Vermont to offer his services when the He was mustered study of nature in order to carrv out his views president called for volunteers. in practice. He painted in 185!) his '"tulip Trees," into service. June 21, 1861, as lieutenant-colonel of the 2d Vermont infantry and served in the in 1861 a "Wood Scene" and Midsummer," in " 1864 June Woods," and afterward " The Forest " Peninsular campaign, tak" and The Wissahickon." The last two works are ing part in the first battle of Bull run. July 21. 1801. among his most important landscapes and represent at best his pre-Raphaelistic methods, showDuring the following autumn he was stationed near ing a masterly treatment of detail. In later the chain bridge, and in years he gave more attention to marine paintand created some remarkable and elaborate May, 1802, was commis- ing sioned colonel of the 9th reproductions of surf, breaker, wave and sand. In Vermont infantry, which he 1866 he went to Europe again with the object of had been called to Vermont perfecting himself in the execution of coast scenes, to organize. He commanded and spent some time in Paris, studying canvases at the exhibition of 1867. The following year this regiment at Wincheshe returned home, and during 1870-78 devoted ter and at Harper's Ferry, Va., where his troops, with every summer to sketching by the sea. He then others under the command had for two years a studio iii London and exhibited at the Royal Academy and the Grosvenor of Col. Dixon S. Miles, were surrendered. On being pa- gallery. For many years he has been a regular roled he went into camp at contributor to the National Academy exhibition In 1860 he retired to a lluntsville. Ala., where he died July 19,
wounds and exposure.
Chicago, III. guished valor
at Harper's Ferry he was commissioned brigadier-general, and a igned to the 2d Vermont brigade, then on duty at Fairfax court house, Va. At Gettysburg he
tire 3d brigade. 3d division, 1st army and on the second day held the left slope of Cemetery hill till late in the afternoon, when he was ordered farther left to oppose Gen. Long-
His brigade closed the gap. saved another and captured two Confederate guns. On the following day he distinguished himself and his brigade by an attack on Pickett's flank, opposing a solid' front to the enemy's division, and by a steady fire throwing the assailants into confusion. Gen. Stannard was severely wounded, and could not return to the field until May. 1804, being assigned to command of New York harbor defences in the meantime. He took charge of a brigade in the 10th corps and later of the 1st brigade, 2d division, 18th army At Cold harbor he was struck by a rille'corps. ball, but brought off the remnant of his command. On June llth he led the advance at lYlershuri:. where he was ordered to the command of the -I division, ISth corps, his line being within 100 of the enemy's yard-, fortifications. He was severely wounded and was compelled to leave the field, but was able to lead the advance of the 10th and ISth corps upon the defences of Richmond, north of James river. On Sept. 29, 1864, he captured h'ort Harrison, which Gen. Lee as-aiiltcd on the following day without heinir able to di-lod:_'e Btannard'a division. Near the close of the attack street's assault.
batteries, retook
jamin and Anna
New York and also to the American Water Color Society, of which he is an honorary member. In the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, there are forty-seven of his landscape and marine views in water colors. The best of his works of this kind are "Cedars on the Seashore" (1873), "Paradise, Newport" (1875), "Sand Hills, Coast, N. J." (1876), "King Arthur's Castle, Tintagel, Cornwall" (1879), "Mullion Gull Rock" (1882), "The Unresting Sea" (18S4). "Cliffs of Mosher, Ireland" (1885), "A Summer Afternoon" (1886), in
Cornwall " and " A Break Richards was awarded a medal at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelin 1876, and by the Pennsylvania Academy of phia Fine Arts the Temple silver iuedal in 1885. He is an associate of the Pennsylvania Academy and an honorary member of the National Academy. His works in oil, except those already mentioned. include "Mid-Ocean" (1869), "Sea and Sky" (1875), "Land's End" (1880), "Old Ocean's Gray and .Melancholy Waste" (1S85). " February" and "Summer Sea'" (1887). His "On the Coast of New Jersey" (1883) is in the Corcoran gallery, Washington, D. C.. and "At Atlantic City" was exhibited in the Paris Salon in 1873. He was married June 30, 1856, to Anna, daughter of Dr. Charles and Sarah (Maule) Matlack. and lias eight children, Archer, Charles Matlaek. Eleanor F., Josephine A., Theodore William, Anna M., Herbert Maule and Mildred. Cliffs of St. Colomb, in the Storm" (1887).
RICHARDS, Theodore
William, chemist and
educator, was born in the Germantown district of Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 31, 1868, son of William
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Trost and Anna (Matlaek) Richards. His childhood was partly spent in London, England, where
had a studio, and until 1882 his educaconducted by his mother. He entered Haverford (Pa.) College in 1882, and after
his father
receiving his decree of B.S. in 1885 he entered the senior class at Harvard University, where he was in graduated A.13. in 188G with highest honors chemistry. He spent two more years at Harvard and as Morgan fellow of the graduate school
worked under Prof. Josiah Parsons Cooke upon the atomic weight of oxygen. He received the degrees of A.M. and Ph.D. from Harvard in 1888. He then went to Germany as Parker non-resident fellow of Harvard and studied in the winter of 1888-89 at Gottingen and Dresden under Profs. Victor Meyer and \Valther Hempel. He returned to Cambridge, Mass., in 1889, having been aphis pointed assistant in chemistry, and continued studies at Harvard. In 1892 he was made a member of the Harvard faculty in the chemical department, and in 1894 he became assistant professor In the summer of 1895 he studied physical chemistry at Leipzig, Germany, under Prof. Wilhelm Ostwald, and at Gb'ttingen under Prof. Walther Nernst. Prof. Richards published eighty-three scientific papers during 1880-1903, nearly one-half of which relate to the fundamental combining proportions of the elements; his values for the atomic weights of copper (188791), barium (1893), strontium (1894), zinc (1895), magnesium (1896), nickel (1897-99), cobalt (189799), iron (1898-99). uranium (1897-1901), and calcium (1901-03), accepted. being generally Part of this work was done by graduate students The other his direction. under papers pertain The majority of these to physical chemistry. " in the Proceedings of the Amerpapers appeared ican Academy of Sciences." the "Chemical News" (London), and the "American Chemical JourSeveral of his papers apnal" (Baltimore). peared originally in German scientific publications, and most of them have been translated into German. The titles of some of his papers " On the Constancy in the Heat Produced by are the Reaction of Argentic Nitrate on Solutions of " Metallic Chlorides (1886), "A Method of Vapour Density Determination" (1889), "On the Occlusion of Gases by the Oxides of Metals" (with Elliot F. Rogers, 1893), "The Composition of Athenian Pottery" (1895), "The Spectra of Argon" (with Prof. John Trowbridgc, 1897), "The Temperature and Ohmic Resistance of Gases During the Oscillatory Electric Discharge" (with Prof. J. Trowbridge, 1897), "The Relation of the " Taste of Acids to their Degree of Dissociation a and Gas Generator "A Convenient (1898), Device for Dissolving Solids" (1898), "The Newly Discovered Gases" (1898). "A New Fixed Point " in Thermometry (1898), "Note on the Spectra of chemistry.
Table of Atomic Drying Oven" (1899), "The Electro-Chemical Equivalents of Copper and Silver" (with Messrs. E. Collins and "A Study of the Growth" G. \V. Heimrod. 1899) of Crystals bv Instantaneous Photo-Micrography of
Hydrogen" (1899), Weights" (1899), "An
(with E. 11. 'Archibald, 1901). and "The Significance of Changing Atomic Volume: A New Atomic Hypothesis" (1901-03). Prof. Richards is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a member of the International Committee on Atomic Weights. He was married May 28, 1896,
to Miriam, daughter of Prof. Joseph Henry and Martha Caldwoll (Davis) Thayer, of Cambridge, Mass., and has two children, Grace Thayer and William Theodore Richards.
was born at Sandy Springs, Adams co., O., Aug. 26, 1827, daughter of John G. Turner. She received a good education and in 1847 was married to William Wittenmyer, a merchant of JacksonIn 1850 they removed to Keokuk, la., ville, O. where she engaged in church and charitable work and opened a free school at her own expense. At the outbreak of the civil war she left home to nurse the sick and wounded soldiers, and in the spring of 1802, while at the front, she was appointed by the Iowa legisthropist,
lature, state sanitary agent. She soon received a pass" from Sec. Stanton. admit-
her and her supplies the army lines, while the officers were instructed to assist her in her Over $150,undertakings. 000 in cash and supplies from Iowa alone passed This / through her hands. she resigned to position enter the service of the Christian commission, having charge of the special diet kitchen system, which brought about a complete change in the hospital cooking of the army and raised it to a grade of hygienic excellence far above anything known previously in military life. The first kitchen was opened at Nashville, Tenn., where proper food was prepared In this work for 1,800 sick and wounded soldiers. she received the hearty support and encouragement of Pres. Lincoln, Sec. Stanton and Surg.-Gen. Barnes, and also of Gen. and Mrs. Grant, who were her warm personal friends. Until the winter of 1865 she constantly ministered to the sick and ting
and hospital. She was under fire landing, and during the siege of Vicksburg. In 1863 the Soldiers' Orphans' Home at Davenport, la., the first of its kind in the United States, was established through her influence. Mrs. Wittenmyer next originated the plan of the Woman's Home Missionary Society of the Methodist church, in which she was assisted by Bishop Simpson. When this organization became the General Conference Society in 1871 she was elected its she recorresponding secretary. About this time " moved to Philadelphia and established The Christian Woman," of which she was editor for eleven
in field
at Pittsburgh
the National
Temperance Union was organized in Cleveland, O., The in 1874, she was made its first president. " to unify throughobject of this society was out the world the work of women in temperance (total abstinence from use of fermented or spirituous liquors) and social reform, and to circulate a petition addressed to all the governments of the world for the overthrow of the alcohol and opium trades," and the methods of the union are described as
preventive, educational, evangelistic, She remained at its head until Subsequently she was associate editor of Home and Country," a magazine published in New York, edited a column in the New York " Tribune," and was a frequent contributor Weekly " to the National Tribune " and other periodicals. She was the author of " History of the Woman's Temperance Crusade" (1882), "Women of the Reformation," and of numerous hymns published in collections. She was successively national chaplain, national president and national counselor of the relief corps, compiled the " Red Book," the associal 1879. "
soeintion's code of laws, and was chairman of the board of directors of the National Relief Corps
The Kentucky Soldiers' at .Madison, O. was established largely through her efforts, while she secured the passage of a law by the 52d .As an orator congress to pension army nurses. she was very popular, and lectured at hundreds of camp fires on her personal experience in the war, which she told with pathos and fire. She was the mother of five children, only one of whom survived infamy, she died at Sana'toga. 1'a.. Feb. 2. 1900. EWING, Ephraim M., chief justice of Kentucky, was born in Davidson county, Tenn,, in December, 17S9, son of (Jen. Robert E. Ewing, who distinguished himself as a soldier during the revo-
Home Home
He received the best education his native lution. Btate afforded, studied law at the Transylvania University, and began practicing at Russellville, Ky., where he quickly obtained a high place at the For many year's he was prosecuting attorney bar. under Judge Broadnax. and for a number of terms he was elected to the Kentucky legislature, where he served with great credit. In 1835 he was appointed an associate justice of the court of appeals, and served as chief from April, 1843, until April, 1847, when he resigned and returned to private practice at Russellville. In 1850 Gov. Crittenden appointed him one of the commissioners to codify the statutes, and he served as a presidential elector in 1821 and 1833. As a lawyer he gained wide popularity and accumulated a large fortune. He was married to Jane Mclntyre, and had two sons, Presley and Quincy Ewing. He died at Russellville, Ky., June 11, 1860, leaving generous bequests to Bethel College and Cumberland University. His noble ^sentiments and great liberality, combined with conscientious scruples regarding slavery, led him to free all his slaves and give
them a good
start in
He was
one of the most just of men, an able and learned lawyer, possessing a finely balanced mind, solid judgment and a faculty for persistent application in the midst of confusion.
McGILL, Alexander Taggart,
clergyman, was born in Canonsburg, Pa.. Feb. 24, 1807, son of John and Mary (Taggart) McGill. He was graduated at Jefferson College in 182(5, and after acting as tutor there for a short time, removed to Georgia, where he studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1830. Returning to Canonsburg, he studied for the ministry in the Associate Presbyterian Seminary, and was licensed to preach in 1834. The following year he was ordained and installed as pastor of three small churches at In 1838, he connected himself with Carlisle. Pa. the Old School Presbyterian Church, and became of the Second Presbyterian Church of Carpastor lisle. He was elected professor of church history in the Western Theological Seminary, Allegheny, Pa., in 1842. and ten years later accepted a call to the seminary at Columbia, S. C. he was then transferred to the seminary at Princeton, N. J., -where he held the chair of ecclesiastical, homiletic, and pastoral theology; and when he resigned that ;
He was moderator
was made professor emeritus.
of the general assembly of the Presbyterian church in 1848. permanent clerk during 1850-62. and stated clerk during 1862-70. The decree of D.D was conferred upon him by Marshall College in 1842, and that of LL.D. by Princeton in 18(i8. He was a fremient contributor to " reviews: wns the author of Church Government" and published many of his sermons and (1888) lie was married. May 15. 1837, to ipeechei. Ellen Acheson. daughter of George McCulloch, and had four :-on: George McCulloch. Alexander John Dale, and Samuel Hepburn McGill Taggart, ;
John Dale McGill
is a prominent surgeon of Jersey City, born in Allegheny City, Pa,, Dec. 23, 1840. He was graduated at Princeton University in ISII7. ind at the medical department of the UniHe is medical versity of Pennsylvania in 1S70. director of St. Francis' Hospital, and surgeon to
Jersey City Hospital and various railroads and corporations. He is a member of the American Medical Association, and the New Jersey Medical Society. In 1901, he became president of the Hudson County National Hank. Dr. Alexander Taggart McGill died at Princeton, N. ,1., the
Jan. 13, 1889.
McGILL, Alexander Taggart,
jurist, was born Allegheny City. Pa., Oct. 20. si:), son of Alexander Taggart and Ellen A. McCulloch] MeGill. After graduating at Princeton College in 18(14. he studied law at Columbia University, and was graduated there in 1806. Continuing his lc,ua studies in the office of Hon. Edward W. S< udder, of Trenton, N. J., he was admitted to the bar a-
attorney in 1867, and as counselor in 1870. After remaining in Trenton a few months, a--o.-ial rd with his preceptor, he removed to Jersey City, and
home. During 1870-76, he practiced in partnership with Atty.Gen. Robert Gilchrist in 1874 and again in ;
1875, he was elected as a Democrat member of assembly. He
was appointed cutor
proselor pleas
1878, and in April, April, 1883, was made
law judge
the same
In March, territory. 1887, he was appointed chancellor of the state of Jersey,
by Gov. Green, and upon the expiration of his term in 1894, was re-appointed by Gov. Werts. During his term as chancellor, the famous coal combine bill brought him into much prominence. The measure was passed by the legislature. but did not receive the signature' of Gov. Abbett. the railroad Nevertheless, companies in the combination proceeded to act as though protected by existing laws; and the attorney -general brought suit against the combination in the court of Chancellor McGill rendered a decision chancery. laying down the relation of corporations to the state, and dealing a powerful blow to all the monopoly combinations of the coal-trust class. The clearness and fairness of the decision rendered In September, placed his ruling beyond attack. 1895, he was nominated by the Democratic party as its candidate for governor. Chancellor McGill in the campaign that ensued refused to take part. remaining on the bench and attending strictly to his official duties. He was defeated in the' ReAs a citi/en publican landslide that followed. and lawyer, he was universally respected and cs teemed and as a judge, he was one of the most popular that ever presided over the courts of chancery or of errors and appeals. The degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him by both Prince ton and Rutgers Colleges. He was married at Princeton, N. J., on June 10. 1875. to Caroline S., daughter of George T. Olmsted. He died in Jersey City, Apr. 21. 1000. :
McGILL, George McCulloch,
born at Hannah Furnace, Centre
surgeon, was Apr. 20,
co., Pa.,
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. son of Rev. Alexander Taggart and Ellen (McCulloch) McGill. He was graduated at Princeton College in 1858, and in the medical department of Ihe University of Pennsylvania in 1801. In the civil war he served on hospital duty at Washington, D. C., until 1803, when he was attached to the 1st United States cavalry, army of the Potomac. In June, 1808, he was promoted medical inspector of the cavalry corps, and became medical inspector of the army of the Potomac. He was executive officer in charge of the hospital at Baltimore, Md., from December, 1804, to July, 180(1, when he went to Hart's island, New York, where cholera had broken out and for his efficient and distinguished services at that time he received the brevet rank of lieutenant-colonel. He was also at David's island, New York harbor, and at Fort I,eavenworth. Kansas. He received the bre1838,
vet rank of colonel in the United States army for faithful service during an outbreak of cholera near Fort Harker, Kansas, and died of that disease while en route to New Mexico, July 20, 1807.
ROBERTS, George Evan,
was born
at Colesburg, Delaware co., la., Aug. 19, 1857, son of David and Mary (Harney) Roberts, and grandson of Kvan Roberts, who emigrated from Wales to Utit-a, N. Y. He was educated in the common schools, entered the office of the Fort " " Dodge Messenger at the age of sixteen, was admitted to partnership at twenty-one, and a year later was sole proprietor of the paper. In 1881 he was elected state printer by the joint ballot of the Iowa general assembly, and held this office for three terms of two years each. Hon. Lyman J. Cage, secretary of the treasury, was attracted by his able financial writings and speeches and recommended him to Pres. McKinley for appointment as director of the mint. This office he has He is the author of held since Jan. 24, 1898. " Coin at School in Finance," written in reply to the free-silver document, "Coin's Financial School"
'Money, Wages and Prices" (1895), and Silver Question" (1890). These pamphlets were circulated widely by the National Sound Money League, and they exercised a large influence on the campaign of 1896. Mr. Roberts delivered notable speeches on finance before a meeting of bankers at Rolfe, la., Jan. 20, 1898, and before the Crant Club, Des Moines, la., Dec. He was married, Nov. 10, 1885, to 1897. 2, Georgena Kirkup, of Fort Dodge, la. (1894);
"Iowa and the
guage and Verse of Homer" (1885); "Homer's books I-VI (1887-90); "Introduction Iliad," and Vocabulary to School Odyssey," eight books, "Homeric Vocabulary * (1889); and (1897); "School Iliad." books I-VI (1889, revised ed. 1901). His editions of the Iliad, the Odyssey, and the Odes of Pindar, are extensively used in schools and colleges throughout the country. He is an occasional contributor to magazines and reviews. During 1887-1901 he was chairman of the managing committee of the American School of and since Classical Studies, at Athens, Greece 1889 he has been an associate editor of the " Classical Review." In 1889 he was president of the American Philological Association, was vicepresident of the Archaeological Institute of AmerHe is an ica, 1897-1903, and president in 1903. honorary member of the Archaeological Society of Athens, and an associate fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him by the Western Reserve University in 1894, and by the University of Glasgow (Scotland), in 1901. Dr. Seymour was married at Michigan City, Ind., July 2, 1874, to Sarah M., daughter of Henry L. Hitchcock, president of the Western Reserve College; and has one son and two daughters. ;
WlnOCEB, Sebastian, civil engineer, was born at Thamassing, near Ratisbon, Bavaria, Jan. 5, 1831, son of George and Theresia (Hahn) Wimmer. His father was a hotel proprietor at Thalmassing, but removed to Munich in 1833, where the son was graduated at the Technical and Polytechnic schools, and pursued an engineering course at the latter in 1850-51. On June 2, 1851, he arrived in New York
with his uncle, and went to Pitts-
burg, Pa., where he was graduated in bookkeeping and business methods, at the Iron City College He first began the practice of his proin 1860. fession in the United States, with the engineering He was firm of Hastings & Preisser, Pittsburg. assistant engineer on the Allegheny Valley railroad, in 1853-57, and in 1858-59 served in the same capacity on the
Minneapolis and Cedar Farirailroad. Valley bault division, after lofrom the line cating
Minneapolis to Mendota In Ft. Snelling.
Day, educator and SEYMOUR, editor, was born at Hudson. ().. Apr. 1, 1848, son of Nathan Perkins and Elizabeth (Day) Seymour, and a descendant of Richard Seymour, of at who settled Hartford, Berry Pomcroy. England, Conn., in 1039. His father was a professor in the Western Reserve College for more than half a century; and the son was graduated there in 1870, and in the same year received from Yale UniverThe next sity the degree of A.B.. ad eundem. two years were spent in the study of classical
philology at the Universities of Leipzig and Berlin, Germany, supplemented by travel and study in Italy and Greece. Upon his return he the Western Reserve College taught Greek during 1872-80. when he was appointed professor of the Greek language and literature in Yale University. He has been Hillhouse professor of Greek since 1884. Associated with
Prof. John Williams White of Harvard, he has edited the college series of Greek authors since 1884, and has himself prepared several editions of works of Greek authors, or auxiliaries for these " Select Odes of Pindar, editions, among them. with Notes" (1882); "Introduction to the Lan-
Seabrook, he made the survey from Garland to
and from Titusnorthward and in 1863-65 took charge of
Oil City, ville
the building of the Philadelphia and Erie rail-
road from Lock Haven In 1865 ha was engaged in building the Cumbres de Maltrata division of the Imperial and Mexico Citv railroad, between Orizaba and Boca del Monte, for an English company, sent there by the Pennsylvania Railroad Co.' In 1868-74 he built the low grade division of the Allegheny Valley railroad, between Driftwood and Dubois. Pa. In 1874 he was elected to represent Elk county in the state legislature. There he served for two seasons, was chairman of the railroad co.nmittee, secretary of the committee on counties and townships, and a member of the centennial committee. In 1877-79 he was chief engineer of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad to Warren.
in 1870-82 was locnto.l in New York the chief engineer of the New
city a*
ami Northern building the line from High Bridge Railroad Co 1882, he was to BrOTrtteri X. Y., ami in August. for the eent to Mexico l.y a New VorU syndicate Mexican Central railway. purpose of examining the on the Durinfl ISS:! S4 he was the chief engineer railroad from construction of iheEri* and WVoming He then and Scranton to Hawley. 1'itt-t.m built the Yonkers return,-,! t,- New VorU, and on the line beRapid Transit raihvay; reported tween Turners, on the Krio road, and Danbury, Ct., and l,.cate,l lines in Klk and Clearlicld counties, for the Pittshurg. Sluiwinut and Northern 1'a Railroad Co. Mr. Winuner is now the associate chief engineer of the Wabash railway, comprising from the Pittsburg, Carnegie and Western railway, the Pittsburg, Toledo Pittsburg to the Ohio river; conthe to and Western railway, from the Ohio in nection of the Wheeling and Toledo railway Harrison county, Ohio. This was one of the most States, difficult railroads to build in the United in length having seventeen tunnels; varying from 200 to 4,700 feet; and many iron bridges, ,
two exceptionally long ones over the Mar. 2, Monongahela and Ohio rivers. Since American of the 1881, he has been a member He was married at Society of Civil Engineers. including
Lavinia H., daughPittsburg, Pa., Feb. 12, 1857, to ter of James Blakely, of that city.
DOUGLAS, George William, clergyman, wafl born in New York city. July 8. 1850, son of William Bradley and Charlotte Cornelia Dickinson descendant of Deacon Wil(Ferris) Douglas, and a liam and Ann (Mattle) Douglas, who, with two children, emigrated from Ringstead, Northamptonshire England, and landed at Cape Ann, removing to Xew London, Conn., in 1640. His father (1818Mercantile National 98) was first president of the at Trinity Bank, New York. He was graduated as College, Hartford, Conn., valedictorian of his class, in
and of various occasional sermons, addresses and magazine articles. He was married, Sept. ,i, 1HS4. to Cornelia de Koven, daughter of Hon. Hugh T. Dickey, of Xew York lished by request,
GATJL, William Gilbert, artist, was born in son of George Jersey City, N". )., Mar. 31, 1855, and Cornelia (Gilbert) Gaul, grandson of William and Almira (McKoun) Gaul, great-grandson of Richard isnd Rebecca (Young) Gaul, and greatwho was a resident great-grandson of Jacob Gaul, of Ghent. N". Y.. in 1750 and who served in the revolutionary war. He was educated in the local schools of Newark and at the Claverack Military Academy, and began the study of art in New York At night he studied at city with J. (!. Brown. the academy school under Prof. L. E. Wilmarth, and upon the organization of the Art Students' League became a student there. In 1872 his first the Academy of Design. picture was exhibited at In 1877 he opened a studio in New Y'ork city, where he soon established a reputation for hisWhile Mr. Gaul has torical and genre pictures. treated other subjects with sympathy and charm, it is as a painter of battles and soldier life that he is most widely known. He has made a close study of all that pertains to a military career, and his feeling for dramatic composition, his sound training and his skill in depicting stirring scenes of action have each contributed to his success. Many of his paintings represent the picturesque features of army life on the plains He has illustrated a number of the far West. of books, and his work in black and white has The picin all the leading magazines. appeared " " ture Holding the Line at All Hazards received
a gold medal from the American Art Association " in 1881, while for the spirited painting Charging the Battery" he was elected a national academician in 1883 and was awarded a gold medal at the Paris exposition of 1889. At the World's Columbian Exposition in 1893 a medal was given him for his illustrations. Among the more im-
ISn, and at the General Theological Seminary,
York, in 1874, when he was ordered deacon by Bishop He continued his Potter. studies at Oxford, England,
and at Bonn University, Germany, 1874-76. He was ordained priest in 1878, and in 1879 he became an assistant minister of Trinity parish, in parochial charge of Trinity Church, under the Rev. Morgan Dix. In 1886 he resigned on account of ill health, and after two years in Europe he was called to the rectorship of St. John's Church. Washington, D. C. While in Washington Dr. Douglas was one of tho Caoriginal trustees of the Protestant Episcopal thedral Foundation of St. Peter and St. Paul. In 1892 he again visited Europe, and two years later he became rector of Trinity Church, New Haven, Conn. In 1885 he received the degree of S.T.D. from Hobart College, and in 1896 that of D.D. from his alma mater and in 1898 from In this year the University of the South. he removed to New York city to be select preacher at Grace Church. He is also lecturer on apologetics in the University of the South, examining chaplain to the bishop of New York and an instructor in the New York Training School He is the author of "Sermons for Deaconesses. Preached in St. John's Church, Washington," pub-
Cold Comfort Silenced (1883), (1883), "On the Lookout" " " Raid a (1885), Guerillas Returning from (1885), in "Those Dreary Days" (1887), "Battery Advanc"The Action" (1888), Road," Heavy " " With Fate Against Them ing Skirmishers," and of the of Society (1887). Mr. Gaul is a member American Artists, the Century Association and the Salmagundi Club. He was married: first. June 1 30, 1880, to Susie A., daughter of William Murray; second, in 1808, to Marion, daughter of Vice-Adm. Halsted of the English navy.
Home" on
was born
Bridgewater, Susquehanna co., Pa., Sept. 28, 1832, son of James and Polly (Brewster) McCollum. He attended a district school and worked on a farm until he was seventeen, when he became a student at Harford Academy. Subsequently he entered the state normal law school, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., read law with R. B. Little, and in 1S53 was admitted to the bar. After a year spent, in a Ianoffice in Illinois, he returned to Mont rose in 18f>6, and in company with A. J. Oerritson purchased the Montrose "'Democrat." He sold his share in the paper to Mr. Garritson in 1858, and for two years practiced law in partnership with Nahum Newton, and subsequently with Daniel W. Searle, with Albert Chamberlain, and with bis brother, A. II. McCollum. In 1878 he was elected presiding was judge of Susquehanna county. Although he
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. the Democratic nominee in a county strongly Republican, lie received over 1,200 majority. In 1888 he was elected to the supreme court for a twentyone years' term, and in 1900 succeeded Henry Green as chief justice of Pennsylvania, holding the priority rank. Judge McColluni knew the law and administered it without fear or favor, winning the approval of bench, bar and the people whom he served. He was married Dec. 9, 18C2, to Mary Jane Searle, of Montrose, Pa., and of their two He died at Montrose, sons, one, Searle, survives. Pa., Oct. 3, 1903.
MILES, Richard
Catholic Prince George bishop 1791. His county, Md., May 17, parents removed to Kentucky when he was live years of age, and Richard, subsequently deciding to become a priest, entered the Dominican order, Oct. 10, 1806. He was ordained in September, 1810, and for the next twenty-two years he devoted himself to the missions in Ohio and Kentucky. He established for the Dominican nuns the convent of St. Magdeline, now known as St. Catherine of Sienna, near Springfield, Ky., and also an academy, and a day school which were conducted by the Sisters of Charity. In 1837, when the council which assembled at Baltimore erected the new see of Nashville for the state of Tennessee, Father Miles was nominated its first bishop. He was consecrated in the Bardstown cathedral by Bishop Rosati. Sept. 16, 1838, and at once assumed charge of his diocese which was probably the most destitute that had yet been created in this country. Without a priest to assist him, Bishop Miles began to organize his of
Nashville, was born
and unaided commenced
his visitations in
search of the few Catholics scattered through his He traveled on horseback throughout territory. the state, and preached in courthouses and such other places as were offered. In 1845, he went abroad, visiting Rome and different parts of Europe on business connected with the diocese. Bishop Miles took part in the councils that assembled at Baltimore in 1840, 1843. 1846, and 1849. and in the first national council assembled there in 1852. In 1847 he dedicated the Church of St. Peter at Memphis, and in 1848 the cathedral at Nashville. He also built an episcopal residence there, established a theological seminary, and founded several schools for the education of Catholic children, as well as various charitable institutions. The Catholic population increased under his administration to 12,000, and at his death he left 13 priests to minister to the wants of the diocese which then contained 14 churches, 6 chapels, and 13 mission stations. Bishop Miles died at Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 21, 1800. James, second Roman Catholic bishop of Nashville, was born in Kilkenny, Ireland,
Dec. ,S. 1823. He came with his parents to New York, when ten or twelve years of age, and by his intellectual brightness and promise soon attracted Hie attention of Rev. Andrew Byrne, afterward bishop, who took him under his protection and cared for his education in classics and mathematics. In 1839 he entered the Dominican novitiate at Springfield, Ky., and after prosecuting his collegi-
ate studies for three years, made his profession and took the usual vows. He was thereupon sent to St. Joseph's Dominican convent at Somerset, O., where he remained until 1846. studying philosophy and theology. He was ordained a priest. Aug. 2, 1846. and for the following eight years was engaged in missionary work in Somerset and vicinity. He was president of St. Joseph's College, Perry county. O.. during 1852-54. when he was fleeted by the chapter of the Dominican Order the superior of the province, which included all the
United States, except the Pacific slope. While holding this charge, he was chosen coadjutor to the Rt. Rev. Dr. Miles, bishop of Nashbishop ville, and was consecrated by Archbishop Kenrick in the cathedral of St. Louis, May 8, 1859, under the title of bishop of Marcopolis in partibus infldcUum. He became bishop of Nashville after the death of Bishop Miles and at once began to enlarge the cathedral, introduced the Sisters of St. Dominick into the diocese, and placed under their care the academy and boarding school
of St. Cecilia and St. Mary's Orphan Asylum, which institutions he had founded. Unfortunately, the civil war with which his administration coincided, and the border position of his diocese between the opposing armies, made his position a On one occasion he was pervery trying one. mitted to pass through the lines of both armies to visit Bishop Spalding, at Louisville, and on his return was accused of making remarks in the National lines which the Southerners thought had influenced the movements of the Federal army. These allegations, made in spite of his avowed with the Confederate cause, together sympathy with the distressed state of affairs which he was to powerless remedy, affected his mind, and he
resigned his
see in
passed the
remainder of his life in retirement at St. Thomas's Church and parochial residence at Zanesville, O., occupying his time in study and writing. In 1871 he published a memorial of the papal jubilee under the title of "Catena Aurea," which is an exhaustive treatise in support of the doctrine of papal infallibility, and is regarded by Catholic theologians as one of the most profound and learned works on the subject. Bishop Whelan died at .
Zanesville, O., Feb. 18, 1878. Patrick A., third Roman Catholic bishop of Nashville, and first archbishop of Chi(See vol. IX. p. 80.) cago.
RADEMACHER, Joseph, fourth Roman Catho-
bishop of Nashville, and third bishop of Fort Ind., was born at Westphalia. Clinton co., Mich., Dec. 3, 1840. After completing a course of study at St. Vincent's College, Westmoreland co., Pa., he entered St. Michael's Seminary, Pittsburg, where he was graduated in 1863. Being ordained priest on Aug. 2d of that year, he was stationed at Attica, Ind., where he was engaged lic
in missionary work until 1869. The following eight years he was pastor of the Church of St. Paul of the Cross in Columbia City, Ind., and in 1877 was placed in charge of the Church of St. Mary, Fort Wayne, being shortly afterward also appointed chancellor of the diocese. He was thence transferred to the rectorof St. Mary's Church, ship
Lafayette, Ind., where he remained until he was nominated to succeed P. A. Feehan as bishop of Nashville, Tenn. He was consecrated by .his predecessor on June 24, 1883, and for ten years worked earnestly and successfully for the advancement of his diocese. Upon the" death of Bishop of Fort Wayne, he was transferred to the latter diocese by pontifical letters dated July 14, 1893, and administered the affairs of his see until his death, which occurred on Jan. 1900.
BYRNE, Thomas Sebastian, fifth Roman'cathohc bishop of Nashville, was bom at Hamilton, O., July 19, 1841, son of Eugene and Mary Anne (Rey-
3C8 nolil-1
Byrne. iii
He obtained his preliminary educommon schools of his native
and at an early age resolved to consecrate himself tn the service of the Catholic church, but father ha\ing died when he was only nine liis months old, voung Byrne was obliged to go to work at the ;'ige of eleven. He became an expert machinist, and in the course of several years .-a ved money enough to enable him to put into execution his original design of studying for the priesthood. He accordingly entered the preparatory seminary of St. place,
at Bardstown, Ky., iu 1859, and several years later Mt. St. Mary's of the West, Cincinnati, where he was graduated in 1864. He
was then sent by Archj. r bishop Purcell to Rome to complete his studies in the American College, and after spent in that institution he returned to
three years
United States. ordained priest in
He was Cincin-
(luring the following eight years was engaged in teaching in Mt. St. Mary's Seminary of the West. He was then placed in charge of the parish of St. Vincent de Paul at Sedansville, and in 1879 was resident chaplain of the Sisters of
appointed Charity at Mt. St. Joseph, Delhi, which position he retained until made pastor of St. Peter's Cathedral in Cincinnati, 1886. In 1887 Father Byrne was appointed rector of Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, discharging the duties of this office until May the see 10, 1894. when he was nominated for of Nashville. He was consecrated bishop of Nashville by Archbishop Elder on July 25th following, and has since administered the affairs of the His diocese in bishopric with zeal and ability. 1902 contained thirty-seven churches, forty-two priests, one college for boys and four academies for young ladies, eighteen parochial schools and a Catholic population aggregating 29,000. Bishop Byrne has translated from the "German, jointly with Dr. F. J. Pabisch, J. Alzog's Manual of Universal Church History" (3 vols., 1874-78), and is the author of " Man from a Catholic Point of View " (read at the Parliament of Religions) and several other papers.
SMITH, Charles Forster, philologist and educator, was born in Abbeville county, S. C., June 30. 1852, son of James Francis and'julianna His great-grandfather, William (Forster) Smith. Smith, removed from Culpeper county. Va.. to Abbeville District, S. C., after 1786. 'His father was a Methodist minister, and a teacher, later a The son was a student at Cokesbury planter. and at Wofford College, being (S. C.) Academy graduated at the latter in 1872. He continued his studies at Harvard in 1874, and in 1874-75, and in IS79 -81 attended the University of Leipzig, from which he received the degree of Ph.D., in the latter year. In 1875-79, he was professor of Greek and German at Wofford College; 1881-82, assistant professor of ancient languages at Williams Colle-e: 1882-83. professor of modern languages at Vanderbilt University, and professor of Greek at the same institution during 1883-94, when he became professor of Greek and classical philology and head of the Greek department in the of Wisconsin. He was vice-president of University the American Philological Association in 1900-02,
its president in 1902; was viceDialect Society (1891); president of the American " Kound Table," Nashville, former member of the Tcnn.: and is a member of the Archaeological Institute .,f America, and of the "Town and Wis. In 1892. he was a memGown," Madison, " " Greek Conference ber of the appointed by the " Committee of Ten," and during 1895-1900, a committee of twelve, appointed by member of the the American Philological Association. The chief these committees was to secure of both of object,
and was elected
more uniform and thorough preparation
for colSince lege in public as well as private schools. 1895, he has been chairman of the committee on graduate studies and head of the graduate deHe partment of the University of Wisconsin. was the editor of Thucydides VII (1886), and III " Anabasis." and (1894) ; an edition of Xenophon's is under contract to do Thucydides II and IV and Herodotus VII. He translated Hertzberg's " Ges" "
chichte Griechenlands
Artaxerxes in 1881) in the " zine,"
(1902); wrote
(his doe/tor's dissertation at Leipzig is also the author of various articles
Atlantic Monthly," Century MagaSewanee Review," etc., and in the Transactions of the American Philological Association. As professor of Greek he devotes himself mainly to the subject of Greek literature, with advanced and graduate classes, his special author being Prof. Smith was married at AbingThucydides. don, Va., Aug. 21, 1879, to Anna Leland, daughter of Warren Du Pre of that place, and lias live children:
Warren Du
Charles Smith. Bell,
Pr6, Julia Forster, Jr.,
and Daniel Du
Anna Pre
Bead, physician, was
Boston, Mass., Nov. 2, ls-14. son of Christopher Champlin and Louisa (Read) Chadwick. He was educated at E. S. Dixwell's School in Boston, and at Harvard College, was graduated A.B. in 1865, and during the two years following traveled in Europe. On his return home he entered the Harvard Medical School, and also became house surgeon at the Carney and Massachusetts General Hospital, receiving his degrees of A.M. and M.D, in 1871. Two years more were spent in Europe studying medicine and his In 1873 he was appointed specialty, gynecology. lecturer at the Harvard Medical School, and he began to practice medicine in Boston, opening a free dispensary for women, and becoming connected with the City Hospital. In 1875 he was one of the six founders of the Boston Medical Library Association, of which he became perpetual librarian. In 187(i he founded the American Gynecological Society; in 1870-82 was its secretary, and in 1897, its president. He was also founder of the Harvard Medical Alumni Association, and in 1891-94, its first president. Since 1894, he has been president of the Massachusetts Cremation Society lie has been a member of the committee on the condition of the public library; an official of the Society of Decorative Art; of the American Public Health Association; the Phi Beta Kappa, the American Statistical Association: the committee for the purchase of the Morse collection for the Fine Arts Museum, and of the Harvard Graduates' Magazine Association. Dr. Chadwick was married in 1871, to Catherine Maria, daughter of George H. Lyman, and great-granddaughter of Elbridge Gerry, once vice-president of the United States." She died in 1889. They had four children.
CABB, Henry James, librarian, was born in Pembroke. N. H., Aug. 16, 1849. son of James Webster and Jane D. (Goodhue) Carr. He was educated in the public schools of Manchester, and
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. of Grand Rapids, Mich., and in connection with a varied business experience, studied law at the University of Michigan and was admitted to the bar in 1879, but did not enter into regular In 1880, he became librarian of the practice. Gr&nd Rapids public library; in 1890 organized the free public library of St. Joseph, Mo., and in 1891 became librarian of the Scranton public library, Scranton, Pa., a position he still occupies. He is a member of the American Library Association, and has served in turn as its treasurer, recorder, vice-president, secretary, and president. He has been vice-president and president of the Pennsylvania Library Club, and has contributed papers on technical subjects to various library and other periodicals. lie was married in 1886 to
D. Edith Wallbridge, of Springfield,
was born
in Alexandria, Egypt, Aug. 5, 1858, of English His father was an expert on the subject parents. of explosives. In 1809 he was taken to North Adams. Mass.. where he was educated at the Drury Academy. He received, through a competition examination, an appointment to the United States Military Academy in 1875, but after remaining there less than a year, he entered his uncle's busiIn 1879, following a prefness, that of chemist. erence for art, he went to Paris and entered the school of Leon Bonnat, where he remained for about three years, afterward occupying himself with genre subjects, of which the .best known is " Aladdin." He settled in New York city perhaps In the same year he was made a member in 1885. of the Society of American Artists, and began a series of genre pictures, whose subjects were taken chiefly from the "Arabian Nights," and he also produced several important mural paintings for Since 1886 he has been an private residences. instructor in the Art Students' League, and he has given much attention to the teaching of art. In 1888 he was made an associate of the Academy of Design, and received the Clarke prize for his ideal
"The Evening Breeze;" he was academician in 1891. In many of his
figure composition,
made a
works Mr. Movvbray gives pictorial form to the romantic daj s of Florentine chateau life during -
the renaissance; in others he has chosen oriental subjects, protraying lithe J'oung women in the picturesque setting of dimly lighted eastern palaces. Other paintings are purely fanciful of these an excellent example is found in " Floreal," with its graceful maidens treading a measure to the sound of pipe and tambourine. Mr. Mowbray paints cabinet portraits of women with sympathetic interpretation and exquisite technique. Of late years he has given much of his time to mural painting and among his more recent achievements in this " branch of art is ;
bis In-autiful frieze, The Transmission of the Law," in the new appellate court building in Madison square, New York city: one in the board rooms of the Prudential Life Insurance Co.. Newark. X. .!.. while others are in pri\ate houses in. and about New York city. In all his compositions he brings to bear a profound knowledge of the human figure, fine technique, and a delicate sense of color. His paintings include "The Alchemist" (1884), " Lalla Rookh " (1885), "Rose Harvest" (1887), "Arcadia" (1888), and "Idle Hours" (1896). Mr. Mowbray received a gold medal at the Pan-American Exposition in
Charles (or Christopher)
governor of Nevada, was born in Ontario In his fourth year his county, X. Y., in 1826. parents removed to Canada and after a few years to .Michigan. In 1859 be joined a party bound for VOL. XII. 24. fifth
Pike's Peak, but on account of discouraging reports decided to go to Nevada. He located at Gold Hill, which at that time contained but one log house and two miners' cabins, and after mining there for a while with fair success, in 1861 purchased a half interest in the first quartz mill erected in Nevada. He identified himself with the Republican party, and speedily acquiring political influence, became one of its leaders in the the state. He was a member of the state senate in 1867 and again in 1869 and 1873, and in 1872 was elected a delegate to the national convention at PhiladelHe served in the same capacity at the phia. national convention in Chicago in 1884, being appointed chairman, and the following year was chairman of the Nevada silver convention, held at Carson City. In 1886 he was elected governor of the state. Having been a member of the board of regents of the state university since 1875, he now exerted his efforts as chief executive to solid foundation. place that institution on a his instrumentality an appropriation of $20,000 was secured for the proper representation of the state at the Centennial Exhibition, and as chairman of the board and superintendent of the department he gave his services free of charge, returning to the state treasury $1,000 of the approGov. Stevenson held for several years priation. the office of president of the State Agricultural Society, and devoted much of his time and means to the farming and stock-raising interests of Nevada, introducing at his own expense the best grades of, blooded Jersey cattle. He died in Carson City,
Nev., Sept. 21, 1890.
WILLIS, Albert S., congressman, was born in' Shelby county, Ky., Jan. 22, 1843. He -received a common school education and after teaching school for four years he studied law at the LouisHe ville Law School, and was graduated in 1866. entered upon the practice of his profession in Louisville, and was elected county attorney in 1870, serving by re-election until 1875, when he elected representative from his state to conHe served in the 45th, 46th, 47th, 48th and 49th congresses, and pursued the practice of his profession in Louisville until his death. In 1894 he was appointed United States minister to the Hawaiian Islands, and served for three years. He died in Honolulu, Jan. 6, 1897.
TITCK, Somerville Pinkney, lawyer, was born
son of William H. and Margaret S. (Bowie) Tuck. His father was a member and speaker of the lower branch of the Maryland legislature, state senator and judge of the court of appeals of the state. His mother was the daughter of Philemon Lloyd Chew and granddaughter of Maj. Benjamin Brookes of the 3d Maryland in the revolutionary army. He was educated at the home of his father until he was admitted as a pupil at St. John's College, AnnapHe afterward entered the University of olis. Virginia, and was graduated with honor in He then studied law in his father's 1869. office and was admitted to the bar in 1871 and in the New York supreme court in 1872. He established himself with the law firm of Gray & Davenport in New York city in 1873, remaining with them until 1879. At this time his relation as in Annapolis, Md., Sept. 24, 1848,
counsel for the receiver of the Memphis, El Paso and Pacific railroad and managing director and counsel of the Franco-Texan Land Co. led him to reside for some years in Paris and for a time .in Texas. He was one of the commissioners appointed to take testimony of claimants for damages inflicted by the Alabama (1882-85), and in 1885 Sec. Bayard made him a special agent to obtain evidence in England, France, Spain, Bel-
West Indies ill relation to the tlic His reports printed by spoliation claims. order of congress show dial he had secured proofs of the capture and condemnation by the 1'rcnch :uul
'rciich fium
Km- these .-erviees Si. over 1..VIU \cssrls. John's College. Annapolis, gave Ililll the honorIll ISSS Mr. (lew-land \.M. decree "i him assistant commissioner-general appointed I'aris to the Imposition, and he spent eighteen months in this work, as member of the international jury for social economy, vice-president of the jury on education, instruction and liberal arls. and' member of the superior jury of eight v and of the sub-commission of twenty-five to revise the 30,000 awards of the exposition. At the close of the exposition he was made an officer of the Legion of Honor by the Flench government. At the World's Columbian Exposicounsel tion at Chicago in 1893 he was advisory to the executive committee on awards. Mr. Tuck ia a member of the Maryland branch of the Socictv of the Cincinnati, of the Metropolitan Club of Washington. IX ('.. and the University Club of New York city. In 1S!(4 lie was appointed by the khedive of Fgypt a judge of the international court of Kgypt. and he is now one of the presiding justices of that court. He received the degree of LL.IX from St. John's College in 1894, and in I'.ltlO was nuuie a commander of the Legion of Honor. He was married in 1885 to Emily R., daughter of Charles Marshall of Baltimore, Md.. and has one daughter and three sons. of ;l
CRAVEN, Thomas Tingey, naval officer, was born in Washington, D. C.. Dec. 30, 1808, the eldest son of Tunis and Hannah (Tingey) Craven. Roth his father and maternal grandfather were In May, 1822, he distinguished naval officers. was appointed a midshipman from New Hampshire, and until 1828, was attached to the Pacific squadron. In 1828, he was promoted to be past midshipman, in May, 1830, became a lieutenant, and in December. 1852, was commissioned commander. He served in the Wilkes' Antarctic
and fhrapncl
passed over her bulwarks, cutting nettings, and the boats all to pieces. The following is IMS report of this en " In consequence of the darkness of gagement: the night and the blinding smoke, 1 lost sight of your ship, and when following in the line of
the rigging,
what supposed to lie your lire, 1 suddenly found the Brooklyn running over one of the hulks and rafts which sustained the chain barricade of the 'or a few moments 1 was entangled and river. fell athwart the stream, our bow gra/.ing the shore on the left bank of the river. While in this situation 1 received a pretty severe fire from Fort St. Philip. Immediately after extricating my ship from the rafts, her head was turned up stream, and a few minutes thereafter she was feebly butted by the celebrated ram Manassas. which first fired from her when within about trap-door, ten feet of the ship, directly toward our smokeI
stack, her shot entering about five feet above the and lodging in the sand-bags which protected our steam-drum. few moments thereafter, being all the time under a raking fire from Fort Jackson, I was attacked by a large rebel steamer. Our port broadside-, at the short distune, of only fifty or sixty yards, completely finished it, setting it on fire almost instantane\\iitir-line
the black cloud of
my way
in the dark, or
smoke from the
suddenly found myself abreast of St. Philip, and so close that the leadsman in the starboard chains thirteen feet, sir.' As we gave the soundings could bring all our guns to bear for a few brief we in and canister, and moments, poured grape had the satisfaction of completely silencing that work before I left it. After passing the forts we engaged several of the enemy's gunboats; ami being at short range generally from (iO to 100 yards the effect of our broadsides must have been terrific. This ship was under fire about one hour and a half. We lost 8 men killed, and had 20 wounded, and our damages from the enemy's shot and shell are '
Com. Craven participated in the subsequent operations along the Mississippi, including those around Yickshurg. He was commissioned as commodore, July 10, 1862, and until ISiir, commanded the steamer Niagara on special service in European waters. On Oct. 10, lS(i(i. he was created rear-admiral; was commandant of the Mare island navy yard in 18G7-C8, and in 186!). commanded the North Pacific squadron. His final service was performed as port admiral at San Francisco. In 1870, he was placed on the retired list and spent his last years at Kittery Point, Me. lie died in Boston, Mass., Aug. 23. 1887. CRAVEN, Charles Henderson, naval officer, was born at Portland, Me., Nov. 30. Is4:i. son of Thomas Tingey Craven. He was appointed to Annapolis, Sept. 20, 1860, and was graduated in 1863, being promoted ensign on May 28th. He was exploring expedition in 1840; was on duty at commissioned lieutenant, Nov. 10, lS(i(i. and lieuthe naval academy during 1851-55, and comtenant-commander. Mar. 12. 1SH8. During the civil manded the Potomac flotilla after the death of war he. served with the South Atlantic blockading James 11. Ward. He was made captain on June squadron, 18G3-65, took part in the occtipa 7. IStil. and assigned 1o the command of the tion of Morris island in a commanded " 1803. July. Brooklyn," with which he participated in the division at the assault on Fort Sumter by Com. of Forts Jackson and St. Philip. Having Thomas H. passage Stevens, and was in various attacks on come upo n Admiral Farragut's flagship the "HartConfederate batteries in Stone river in 18(14. He ford hard aground, and exposed to a terrible fire participated in the joint expedition of naval and from both Fort Jackson and Fort St. he military forces to cut the Charleston & Savannah "I'hilip. " stopped the engines of the llrooklvn and de- railroad in 1864; and while commanding a launch liberately kept her alongside of bis commanding from the Housatonic stationed inside Morris ish.nd officer to divert the lire of the until Far- to prevent Confederate communication, enemy captured ragut could be extricated from his perilous posi- Ma j. Walley, a surgeon, and a boat crew. He served t">"Had the Confederates not fired so high in the attack on Forts (iregg and Wagner, and at they would have blown the "Brooklyn" out of the evacuation of Morris island captured three the water; as it was, a storm of boats with eighty men and officers. steady shot, shell, He was at'
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. tached to the Housatonie until she was blown up, Feb. 17, 1804. After the war he served on board the steam frigate Colorado in European waters during 1805-07. He was lieutenant-commander of the steam sloop Wampanoag in 1808, of the Powhatan, Paeilic squadron, in 1808-09, of the store ship, Onward, South Pacific squadron, in 1809, of the Xyack, Pacific fleet, in 1870-71, of the Independence in 187:2, and of the Kearsarge, Asiatic station, 1872-75. During 1870-78, he was stationed at the -Warn island navy yard, and in 1881, he was placed upon the retired list on account of failing health.
born in Bound Brook, X. J., Oct. 14. 1840, son of Kear-Adm. Thomas Tingey Craven, lie completed his education at Hobart College, served in the Union army during the civil war. and during IstiO -09, acted as secretary to his father. During 1872 -79. he was a civil engineer in San Francisco. In the year last named he was appointed a civil engineer in the navy, and prior to 1883, was on duty successively at Chester, Pa.. League island, Portsmouth, and the Coaster's island training station. During 1883-80. on le.ave of absence, he superintended the construction of the new Croton aqueduct in New York. He was then assigned to duty at the Boston navy yard, and later at the He invented in 1876, an Brooklyn navy yard. automatic trip for mining buckets, and in 1883, a tunneling machine. Hobart College gave him the degree of B.Sc. in 1878. He is a member of the
American Society of
Civil Engineers. 7, 1889.
died in
Brooklyn, X. Y., Dec.
CRAVEN, naval 11,
Tunis Augustus McDonough, was born in Portsmouth, X. H., Jan. son of Tunis and Hannah (Tingey) He entered the navy as midshipman in
cruised with" different squadrons subsequently until 1841, when he was com missioned as lieutenant, and was attached to the coast survey. During 1846-49, as an officer of the Dale, he took p"art in the After another period conquest of California. of service with the coast survey, he commanded the Atrato surveying expedition which left Xew York for Columbia in 1857, for the purpose of surveying the Isthmus of Darien for a canal route. As commander of the Mohawk, he was engaged in the suppression of the slave trade on the Cuban coast. In April. 1861, he was promoted to be commander and assigned to the command of the Tuscarora, which, with the Ino and Kearsarge, blockaded the Confederate cruiser Sumter at Gibraltar until she was deserted by her comI'Vhriiary. 1829; until 1S37. and
mander Raphael Semmes and
home, Craven was transferred to the monitor Tccuniseh; served with her in the James river flotilla,
with Farragut's squadron before Mobile. In the battle of Mobile kiy. tin- Tecumseh held the post of honor, and lie tiring. opened Desiring to engage with the formidable Tennessee (Adm. Buchanan), the Tei-umselfs guns were loaded with the heaviest I'linrgc and steel shot, and Craven took his place 1S04.
" to Tecumseh, and after admonishing his men whip and sink the Yankees or light until you sink yourselves, but do not surrender," steamed Craven slowly out to meet his antagonist. had been warned to look out for torpedoes the " don't care a pinch day before, and replied of snuff for them." The vessels slowly approached each other and when less than 100 yards apart, a torpedo exploded under the Tecumseh, and she sank bow-foremost to the bottom, carrying down with her 93 men out of a crew of 1 14. Both Craven and his pilot rushed instinctively for the opening to the pilot-house at the same instant, but only one man could pass at a time. A delay of a few seconds meant death to both; with the self-sacrificing courage of a true and noble hero he stepped " aside saying, You first, sir,'' and while the pilot escaped Craven went down with his vessel, Aug. A buoy now marks the spot of Com. 5, 1864. Craven's bravery, and of his death. He was a man of chivalrous character and varied accom1
" Sidplishments, and has often been styled the of the American navy." BAILEY, Mark, educator, was born at Petaluma, Sonoma co., Cal.. Aug. 19, 1867, son of Mark and Lizzette (Perkins) Bailey, and grandson of Benjamin Bailey, who served in the revolutionary war. His father was professor of Latin at Granville College (1849-52): president of Franklin College (1853-00) professor in Chicago University of mathematics in the (1863-60); professor State University of Oregon (1876-95) and has been professor emeritus since 1895. His uncle, Dr. Silas Bailey, was one of the founders and the first principal of Worcester Academy, at Worcester, Mass., and one of the first presidents of Granville College, now Denison University. Mark Bailey's parents removed to Oregon in his seventh year. He was graduated at the University of Oregon as valedictorian in 1888, and at Harvard University, with the degree of A.B., in
1890, after which he remained for one year engaged in postgraduate work. The degree of A.M. was received in 1891. His special line of study was Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and Sanskrit; and in August, 1891, he was elected to the chair of ancient languages in the State University of Washington, Seattle, which position he retained for seven years. He then spent a year in linguistic research among the Indians on the Pacific coast and in Alaska, and upon his return in 1899 was elected
to the chair of ancient languages, in
Northwest Philological Association; and in 1897 was elected to membership in the American PhiloHe has written various magazine logical Society. " articles upon Ancient Languages," " Education," " is the author of a book called etc. The Latin Verb (on the Synthetic System) and Its Uses" ;
(1895); another entitled "The Latin Prepositions the Principles of Their Usage " (1903) and now has in preparation a text-book on " The Tragedies " of Seneca as well as a " Greek Beginner's Book.'' Prof. Bailey was married at Seattle. Wash., Nov. 20. 1891, to Edith, daughter of William Howe, of Medford, Mass., and has one daughter, Edith ;
Bailey, born in 1893.
SHIPLEY, William,
College, Tacoma, Wash., which he still occupies. Prof. Bailey has attained considerable honor among educators. In 1891, owing to the work he accomplished at Harvard in Sanskrit, he was elected to membership in the American Oriental Society, upon the recommendation of his professor; in 1893 he was instrumental in organizing the
the pilot in the pilot-house. also anxious to try conclusions
was born in was well member of the
in 10fl3. Eng., early became a
372 Society of Friend-. ira
NATIONAL CYCLOPAEDIA cessful attack upon Fort Fisher, Jan. 15, 1805, he led his brigade with great gulhuitry, receiving .severe wounds which confined him to the hospital until April, IStiti, when he resigned, being mean-
In 172,~> he emigrated to Ainerand three children, landing in st.on after purchased a Iran,
Philadelphia, iind land in Hidley
town-hip, a short distance southwest of Iliat city. In 17^7 lie lost his wife, and iv, n \ear> lalrr was married to Elizabeth Lewis, a diitinguished preacher of his own cert, ml in many rc-|>erts a remarkable woman. she saw in a vision a goodly It i-i related that oi
while (Feb. 18, 18U5) appointed brigadier-general He was awarded a congressional of volunteers. medal of honor for bravery in battle and Was four limes breveted: brigadier-general of I'mied st.uevolunteers, Jan. 15," 1865; major-general of volunteers. Mar. l:i. ISI'M brigadier-general, United states
and traversed by dashing, the other army. Mar. 2, 1S(>7, and major-general. United sluggi-h ami -er|ientim'. and when she visited the States army, Mar. 2, 1807, for gallant and meri(Jen. Pennyregion of the Swedish settlement on the Chris- torious services during the war. tian;! some yars later, she reeogni/.ed the scene packcr was the youngest general officer in the In of her dream, ami became convinced that the civil war, being only twenty-one at its close. At her July, IStiti, he was appointed colonel of the 34th spot was distilled for their settlement. U. S. and in 180'!) was transferred A., her hnshand visited the in suggestion 1735, Infantry, place and being favorably impressed by its situation to the 10th regiment. He commanded his regiand beauty, purchased large tracts of land to ment on garrison and frontier duty until lss;(, which he moved in the fall of the same year. when he was retired for disability resulting from He is unIt was called Willingtown at that time, having wounds received in the line of duty. been laid out by Thomas Willing in or about married and resides in Philadelphia, Pa. 1731. lieing a man of wealth, enterprise, and -.vide inllnencc over the members of his Blanche, actress, was born in New religions York city. Jan. 4, 1S73, daughter of Thorna- Power persuasion. Shipley's presence so powerfully stimuShe made her first lated emigration to the new settlement, that Walsh, a native of Ireland. within four years after his arrival the inhabitants public appearance in the part of Desdc'imma at a benefit performance in the Windsor Theatre in numbered GOO. Tn 1740 it received a borough Her first professional engagement was charter from Penn. and soon afterward its name June 1SS7. was changed to Wilmington, in honor of Lord with Thomas McDonough in a minor part in the " Siberia," but her debut strictly speaking William Shipley was the leading drama Wilmington. was in Marie Waimvright's company as Olivia in He spirit in the young Quaker community. Twelfth Night." She remained with Miss Wainerected the first brick building and a market" The house, and laid out the town a second time on wright for three seasons, playing Xamoia in a more liberal pi.in. In 1740 he was elected the Honeymoon," Madeleine in "Frederic Lemaitre," Grace in "London Assurance" and lir-t chief burgher of the town, and he snbseIlarkaway ouentlv tilled other responsible positions. He Queen Elizabeth in "Amy Robsart." She next, a under Charles Frohman's mandi"d there. joined company part of Diana Stockton in ACKER, Galusha, soldier, was born agement and acted the " Branson Howard's in Chester county, Pa., June 1, 1844, son of Aristocracy," produced at Joseph Palmer's theatre, New York, in September, !*!i2. J. and Tamson Amelia (Workizcr) Pennypacker. He was educated at the Classical Institute, She remained with this company for two seasons Phirnixville, Pa., and in April, 1801, entered the playing the same part as far West as San FranFederal army as a non-commissioned staff officer cisco. She next appeared as Kate Kennion in of the !Mh Pennsylvania volunteers for three "The Girl I Left Behind .Me." On Jan. 1. ls5. months' service. He served in the Shenandoah Miss Walsh joined Nat Goodwin's company, playvalley. Va., and on Aug. 22d, he enlisted for the ing Margaret in "A Gilded Fool," Ada Ingot in war, being commissioned captain of the 97th Penn- "David Garrick," Kate in "In Mizzoura." Annie sylvania infantry. He was promoted to major Harrington in "The Nominee." the Hon. Mrs. Oct. 7, 1861, and during 1862-63 served in the 10th Meredith in "The Gold Mine" and Mrs. Major " Lend Me Five Shillings." During a corps, department of the Phobbs in South, participating in the summer engagement in Washington she had the " Pink Dominoes," " My Awful engagements at Forts Wag- leading parts in ner and Gregg, at James' Dad," " My Wife's Mother" and "American AssurIsland, the siege of Charles- ance," and also took the part of the hero in E. A. ton, capture of Fort Pulaski Lancaster's one-act play " Romeo's First Love." and taking of Fernandina \\hile under A. M. Palmer's management she acted and Jacksonville. Fla. Tn the part of the adventuress. Mrs. Bnlford. in the " Great Diamond Robbery " at the American April. 1S(14, he joined the army of the Jameg in Vir- theatre, New York, in September, 1895. In Novemginia, and on Apr. 3d was ber of that year and at a few moments notice promoted to lieutenant-col- she took the part of Trilby at the Garden theatre onel. On May Oth he was and made such a hit that she continued in the in command at Swift creek She repart for the remainder of the season. on May Kith participated joined Goodwin's company in a tour of Australia in the attack on Drury's when she added to her previous repertoire Louise BlufT, being thrice wounded, in "Gringoire" and Lydia Languish in "The Rival-." and was engaged at On her return to the United States in October, he> ler's station ChiMay Isth. and ISiHi she opened the Great Northern theatre, " " at Green Heartsease and she plains' May 20th. cago, as Margaret Neville in He was promoted to colonel appeared at the Academy of Music, New York city, June 23, 1S(U. In Sep- in the dual role of brother and sister. Harold and tember he assigned to the command of the Clara Nugent in "Straight from the Heart." brigade, 2d division, 10th and com- Later in the winter of 1800-07 she was summoned manded a brigade in the assaultcorps, and capture of to Boston to take the part of Edith Yarney in Fort Harrison, where he was wounded, and at the Gillette's "Secret Service" which was being "proaction of Darbytown road. In the final and sucduced at the Boston Museum. After acting in the land lying
the foot of a wild and
Now York city. commissioner of patents in 1893, and served four "A Bach- years, since which he has been engaged in the Garden theatre. In Jan- practice of law in New York city. He was mar"
same play at the Empire
Miss Walsh joined Sol Smith Russell in " elor's
at the
The ried to Clara E., daughter of Charles Olmstead played Jeanne Marie in Empire, theatre; in the of Norwalk, Conn. same year she became a late spring member of the Herald Square Theatre and played LADD, Scott M., jurist, was born at Sharon, and VVis., June 22, 1S55, son of John and Sarah M. Countess Zicka in Sardou's "Diplomacy " The Ragged Regiment," a Cuban (\\ilmarth) Ladd, of English descent. He was Felicia in drama. Joining the Melbourne Mac Dowell com- educated at Beloit College, Wisconsin, and at pany in September, 1898, she played throughout Carthage College, Illinois. He was graduated at the season the roles of Cleopatra, La Tosca and the latter in 1879, receiving subsequently the deFedora. " There are very few young women," grees of M.S. and LL.D. He studied law at the " " observed the Brooklyn Daily Eagle," who could State University of Iowa, and after graduating have stepped into Fanny Davenport's shoes with there in 1881 began the practice of his profession even tolerable elliciency. Miss Walsh does more at Sheldon, la. He was elected district judge of than that. .She rises to the opportunity like a vet- the fourth judicial district of Iowa, and served eran of training and power." During the season ten years, 1887-97. He became a justice of the of 1899-1900 she added the role of Gismonda to her supreme court of Iowa, Jan. 1, 1897, and chief At Montreal after a performance of justice in 1902, when he was re-elected for a term repertoire. Fedora, a part first played by her in that city, of six years. He was married in 1881 to Emma she was presented with a silver wreath as a J. Cromer. memento and her carriage was drawn from the DOWNS, Solomon W., senator, was born in Tennessee in 1801. He emigrated to Louisiana theatre to her hotel by a throng of her admirers. " " " In 1900 she produced Marcelle and More when a boy. but returned to his native state to than Queen," besides some of her earlier successes. complete his studies, and then entered the UniverMiss Walsh is the leader of the National liberal sity of Transylvania, at Lexington, Ky., and was theatre movement, the object of which is a theatre graduated at that institution with high honors. where plays shall be rendered by the best English He adopted law as a profession and was admitted to speaking artists at prices within the means of the the bar in 1825. Returning poor. during the ROBINSON, Gifford Simeon, juris't, was 'born to Louisiana political canvass of 1828, he in Tremont, Tazewell co.. 111., May 28, 1843, son became prominent as an adof Israel W. and Cornelia (Leonard) Robinson, and a descendant of William Robinson, who is sup- vocate of Jeffersonian prinHis popularity and posed to have arrived in Boston in 1635 in the ciples. influence increasing, he was company led by Rev. Richard Mather. He was chosen a presidential elector brought up on a farm near Delavan, 111., and in 1802 he enlisted in company H, 115th Illinois vol- in 1844, and in 1845 was, unteer infantry, and served with his regiment in appointed U. S. district atand held the office Kentucky and later in the army of the Cumber- torney He was land until Sept. 20, 1803. He was wounded in the for three years. battle of Chiclcamauga and was incapacitated for then appointed collector of further service. He entered the Illinois State the port of New Orleans, Normal University at Normal, and during 1867-69 and in 1846 was unanihe taught in the preparatory department of Wash- mously nominated by the ington University, St. Louis, at the same time democracy and was sent to the U. S. senate, where he served his full term, studying law. He was graduated in 1809 and was admitted to the bar. In 1870 he located in the from Mar. 4, 1847, to Mar. 3, 1853. He defended neu town of Storm Lake, la., and' practiced for the war policy with Mexico, advocated the anHe represented his district in nexation of Texas, as he had at an earlier period eighteen years. tli,' sixteenth general assembly (1876-77), was a in his life, and the annexation of California, and member of the first board of directors of the in 1850 was a member of the celebrated comState Normal School at Cedar Falls (1876-82), promise committee of thirteen, of which Henry and was active in organizing and promoting that Clay was chairman. Mr. Downs is described as institution. In 1882 he became a member of the tall in stature, clear and argumentative when state senate, and was reelected in 1885. In 1887 speaking in public, and vehement and impressive he was elected judge of the supreme court of his in his manner. He died at Orchard Springs, Ky., nary,
1898, " she
tin at of the
state, and was reelected in 1893, serving as chief Since 1890 he has lectured in justice until 1899. the law department of the Iowa State University. He was married Apr. 10, 1872, to Mrs. Janette E. Gorham, formerly preceptress of the Kansas State Normal School at Emporia, who died in November, 1893. The degree of LL.D. was conferred
upon him
in 1895
by the State University.
John Sammis, lawyer, was born at Whitney's Point, X. Y., Sept. 28, 1848, son of
George W. and Mary (Freeman) Seymour. He was educated at the Whitney's Point Academy and at Yale University, where he was graduated in 1875. He was admitted to the bar in 1870, and entered upon the practice of his profession in New
city as senior
of the firm of Sey-
mour, Seymour & Harmon, making a specialty of corporation and patent laws. He was appointed
Joseph us Nelson, editor, librarian, and author, was born at Chatham, Ont., May 11, 1836, son of Henry Sherwood and Mary Ann (Nelson) Lamed, and ninth in descent from William Larned, who emigrated from Bermondsey, His Surrey. England, to America about 1632. parents removed from Canada to Buffalo. N. Y., in 1848, and there he was educated in the common schools. During 1854-57 he was employed the
of a lake transportation company in in 1858 he became a member of the staff of the Buffalo " Republic." He was " associate editor of the Buffalo " Express during 1859-6S. and became a part owner of that paper in 1866. In 180S-72 Mr. Larned was the editor " of the Buffalo He disposed of his Express." in the paper in 1872, and in the same interest year he was elected superintendent of education in
held 'hi- ""'"''' '">' '"" yoars, !!< he was appointed iuperintendent of the Itnlfalo lihrarv, which portion lie held until Mr. Lamed is a member of the American 1S1I7. ho was president in Library A--oeiation. of which Association, l>!i|. and of tin' American Historical
for tiniiml in
lie received the honorary degree of A.M. from is the Dartmouth College in IS'.t.l. .Mr. Lamed " anil. or of "Talks alioiit Labor" (ISTli). History " a Is'.M !i:. KclVr.-noe for Keady cyclopedic work in six volumes; "Ili-tory of England" for I
"A Primer of Kight and Wrong" and "Ili-tory of the United States" for .Mr. T-arncd was marsecondary schools (1903). school-
Chatham, Out.. Can.. Apr. 29. IStil. to Anne Komblc. daughter of Walter and Anne Murray McCroa. They have one son and two daughter*, Sherwood .1., Mary, and Anne M. Lamed. BBOPHY, Truman W., physician, was born in Will county. III.. Apr. 12, 1848. Ho was educated in the common schools of liis native town and at the academy in Elgin, 111., and in 18(!(i entered upon the study of dentistry. Later he took the ried
course at the' Philadelphia College of Surgery, being graduated in 1872, and thereafter spent several years in study and observation in eastern He began practice in Chicago and from hospitals. the start achieved remarkable skill
success, his eminent and thorough training
causing many dillicult cases to be placed under his care. This fact caused him to feel the need of a more extended knowledge of medicine and surgery, and in 1878 he began a regular course of study at liusli Medical College, where he was graduated M.D. in 1880. On receiving his degree, he was immediately elected to the chair of dental pathology and surgery. He has also been clinical lecturer at the Central Free Dispensary, and in 1883 was largely instrumental in the organization of the Chicago Colof Dental lege Surgery, of which he was dean. He has been a constant writer for medical and dental periodicals, and is recognized as one of the leaders of his profession in Chicago. He is an honorary member of many state dental associations, and lias been president of the Odontological Society of Chicago, and the Chicago Dental Society. He enjoys a wide social popularity, and is a member of the Union League Club. In 1883, he was
married to of Chicago,
daughter of Carlisle Mason,
STEVENSON, John, pioneer and merchant. Scarcely anything is known about his early life, except that ho was a native of Ireland, where he followed the medical profession. In 1754 he arrived in Baltimore. Md., intending to settle there in
profes-ioiial capacity, but perceiving the peculiar advantages of the place with respect to trade, conceived the project of rendering this port the grand emporium of Maryland's commcire. an undertaking in which he succeeded to a
wonderful degree. The town had been laid out as raih I'.'IO. by an act of the legislature, and mu Incorporated a- Baltimore fifteen years later, named in honor of the being proprietary's family! lint it remained a poor, insignificant hamlet until jthe advent of Dr. John Stevenson, who is regarded
as the actual founder of the Monumental City. He powerfully stimulated the growth of the settlement by opening a tratlic in grain with the adjacent states and by contracting for large quantities of wheat, which he shipped to Scotland so profitably that general attention was attracted to the development of a more extended tratlic, and Baltimore speedily became the wealthiest and most populous town of the province. When, many years
afterward Sir William Draper visited Maryland, he contemplated the origin of Baltimore and its rapid progress with astonishment, and when introduced by Gov. Eden to John Stevenson, as the " American founder. Sir William called him the Komulus," a name by which he was ever after known. His brother, Dr. Henry Stevenson, who accompanied him to the new settlement, became a notable figure in the early history of Baltimore, of which he was one of the pioneer physicians. He built a house, which was called "Stevenson's Folly." because of the contrast between its elegance and the simplicity of the surrounding dwellThis, however, did not prevent him from ings. transforming it into a hospital for inoculation against the smallpox during an epidemic, and maintaining it practically at his own expense. At the close of the eighteenth century he became one of the founders of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland. TREAT, Samuel Hubbel, jurist, was born at He was brought Plainfield, N. Y.. June 21, 1811. up on his father's farm, studied law in Richfield, and after being admitted to the bar, removed to Springfield, 111., in 1834, where he practiced his profession. In K.39 he was appointed judge of the state circuit court, and in 1841 was transferred to the supreme bench. He was chief justice of the state in 1848, succeeding William Wilson. In IS.").) he was appointed by Pros. Pierce U. S. judge for the southern district of Illinois, and held that With lion. Walter B. his death. office until Scates and Robert S. Blackwell he compiled the in lie died Law Statutes" in 1S57. "Illinois Sprinsrtield.
educator, was son of Daniel Slater and Ella Elizabeth (England) Lindsay. He was educated at the Wharton School of Keonomy and Finance, University of Pennsylvania, and was graduated with the degree of Ph.B. in 1889. During 1889-94 he took post-graduate courses at the universities of Pennsylvania, Hallo (Ph.D.,
LINDSAY, Samuel McCune,
born at Pittsburg.
10, 18li!>,
He began 1892), Berlin, Vienna, Rome and Paris. teaching in George F. Martin's school for boys, Philadelphia, in 18110-91. and in 1S!I4 he was appointed instructor of sociology at the University of Pennsylvania, where he has occupied the (hair of sociology since 1895. In 1892 he was special agent of the U. S. senate finance committee to report on the history of wholesale prices in Europe, and in 1898-!)!) was expert agent of the U. S. industrial commission to report on railroad labor. He has written frequently upon industrial and business subjects, having devoted himProf. self to economic research here and abroad. Lindsay was chairman of the college branch of the Young Men's Christian Association in 1891 and a delegate to the Association's international conference at the Hague in 1891, and in London in 1894. He is a member of the Philomathean Society, and acted as chairman of its seventy-fifth anniversary committee, a member of the American and Britisli Economic Associations, of tl n American Social Science Association, the National Conference of Charities and Correction and the American Academy of Political and Social Science, of which he was vice-president, acting president
OF AMERICAN BIOGEAPHY. He has successfully organized its work, greatly increasing its output of published material, doubling its effective membership and
and president.
Normal School in 1864, and at the law department of the University of Michigan in 1868. with the He practiced law at Romeo, degree of LL.B.
invested funds, and securing a long list of life Mich., Memphis, Tenn., Ludington, Mich., and " is the author of The Silver Chicago, III., and was elected probate judge for " The Eleventh Census," in Con- Mason county, Mich., in 1874. In 1877 he became "(Social Work at the professor of common law in Union College of Law, rad's Jahrbiicher (1892); Krupp Fouuderies," Annals (1893); "Die Preis- Chicago. He resigned in 1892 and organized the bewegung der Edelmetalle," Jena (1893); "Social Kent College of Law, of Aspects of Philadelphia" Relief Work" (1890); which he was president for articles in Palgrave's In 1900 the Dictionary of Political eight years. Lot Cultivation," two institutions were conEconomy" (1890-97); "Vacant " of and Charities Review (1898) solidated as the ChicagoStudy Teaching Sociology," Annals (1898); "Statistics of Pauper- Kent College of Law, and ism and Benevolence," publications of American became the law department Economic Association (1899); "The Unit of In- of Lake Forest University, (November, where Dr. Ewell holds the vestigation in Sociology," Annals 1899, and January, 1900), and "Sociological chair of elementary common Prof. Lindsay was law and medical Notes," Annals (1896-1900). jurispru" The Pennsylvania!!, Uni- dence. In 1881 he began managing editor of versity of Pennsylvania; editor of department of the study of medicine, and sociological notes, Annals of the Academy of received his degree of M.D. Political and Social Science (1895-1901), and asso- at the Chicago Medical Col" ciate editor of Annals." He was married in For one year lege in 1884. RobertPhiladelphia, Pa., Apr. 9, 1896, to Anna he lectured on medical jurisD.D. of Rev. Y. William Brown, son, daughter prudence at Cornell UniverThey have two children, Flora Robertson and sity, and for five years at Daniel England Lindsay. the University of Michigan. He has always been a deep and auLLOYD, Henry Demarest, journalist student of microscopy, and was born in Xew son York 1, 1847, thor, city. May for many years has been regarded as one of the of Aaron and Maria Christie (Demarest) Lloyd, foremost experts in the country, being called to of John and Anna C. (Stanclift) Lloyd, grandson testify as such in the famous cases of Dr. Cronin g. grandson of Aaron and Margaret (Leinsey) in Chicago and of Roland B. Molineux in New Lloyd, and g. g. grandson of John and Rebecca York, and from material collected in the former His case he (Ball) Lloyd, his first American ancestors. prepared a valuable contribution to grandfather, John C. Lloyd, was a soldier in the knowledge: "Metric Study of 4,000 war of 1812, postmaster at Belleville, N. J., justice microscopical Red Blood Corpuscles in Health and Disease " of the peace, county coroner and judge of the Essex In 1891, when the American Society of (1894). county, (N. J.) court. His father was a clergyman in the Reformed church in America (Dutch). Microscopists was incorporated as the American Society, Dr. Ewell was elected He was educated in the Columbia Grammar School Microscopical of the organization, and served during and Columbia College, New York city, receiving president 1892. Since 1886 he has been a fellow of the Royal the degree of A.B. in 1867. He then studied in and he is an honthe Columbia Law School, where he was graduated Microscopical Society, London, fellow of the Chicago Academy of Medicine in 1S69 and was licensed as nn attorney. Mr. orary and the New York Medico-Legal Society. He is Lloyd received the degree of A.M. from Columbia a member of the American Philosophical Society After leaving college he was assistUniversity. ant secretary of the American Free Trade League, of Philadelphia, and other learned organizations. and he delivered a course of lectures on political Over 150 articles have been published by him, and many "important separate works, among" the lateconomy in one of the public schools of New York ter: Treatise on the Law of Fixtures (1876) He removed to Chicago, 111., in 1872, and " city. Leading Cases on Infancy, Coverture, and Other became a member of the editorial staff of the " Disabilities" "Essentials of the Law" (1876); Tribune," which position he held until Chicago (1882), and "Manual of Medical Jurisprudence" 1885, when he retired partly on account of ill" Blackwell on Tax Titles;" (1887). He has edited health and partly on account of his radical views " Evans on Agency." and " Lindley on Partnerand devoted his time to writing. He was an active " promoter of social reforms and a helper of the ship," and has published in three volumes " Eleand unfortunate and the oppressed. He was the author ments of Pleading. Contracts, and Equity " Essentials of the Law," which is a practical reof " A Strike of Millionaires against Miners " view of Blackstone. He received the degrees of (1890) "Wealth against Commonwealth" (1894) " The New Conscience and the Lords of Industry;" A.M. from the Northwestern University in 1879, "Labor Copartnership" (1898); Country Pd.M. from the Michigan State Normal School in Without Strikes" (1900); "Newest England 1893, and LL.D. from the University of Michigan and Notes of a Democratic Traveler in New Zea- in 1879. Dr. Ewell was married in 1870. to Abbie land " (1900). His views are perhaps nearer to Louise, daughter of Richard Walker, and has two those of Mnzzini than any other reformer, though daughters: Rose, wife of John E. Lawson, of he holds rather to the religious spirit than the Colorado, and Marion, wife of Ernest L. Pratt, of formal religious belief of that leader. His thought Chicago. is intensely moral and he wielded a wide influence Nathan, inventor, was born at with those of wealth as well as with those Dec. 25, 1819, op- Careytown (now Wilkesbarre), Pa., pressed. He was married Dec. 25, 1873, to Jessie son of Nathan and Hannah (Carey) Barney and a B., daughter of Lieut. -Oov. William Bross, of descendant of William Barney, a native of Chicago 111. He died in Chicago, Sept. 28, 1903. England, who settled in Baltimore, Md. His son EWELL, Marshall Davis, lawyer, physician, AVilliam married Frances Holland Watts, and educator, was horn at Oxford. Oakland co.l Mich.. their son was the famous Com. Joshua Barney, of Aug. 18. 1844. son of Edmund Cole and Frances the United States navy. He married Ann. daughE. (Davis) Ewell. He was graduated at the State ter of Judge Gunning Bedford, of Philadelphia, ajid its
members. He " and Question
On the tlic L'randlathcr of Nathan Barney. maternal side IIP is descended from John Carey, eolat: Englishman who emigrated to Plymouth Another ancestor removed from M'.:!l. i.in about to l.u/.cine county. I'll., about 1769. ,,'nnei ticiit In 1772 IIP was followed iind founded Carcvtown. -"ii-. .lohii.' Nathan. Saniupl. Benjamin and iy liiand from the'.-p pioneer- air descended '..inl'ort He was educated all the Careys of Pennsylvania. -'rim,. in Bloomingtbn, 111. -.ili-it Returning at In \Vilkc-hairc. li. "cut iino the coal mining and was the New York transportation business. He for iinciit t"!' the I.eliigh Coal and Navigation Co. For 13 years he resided at Bayonne 16 vears. initv, N. J., where he perfected his principal \eiition. an automatic dumping boat, capable of discharging 700 tons in 60 seconds, which he patIt is manufactured by the Barney ented in isso. Pumping Boat Co.. of which Mr. Barney was the tirst president; and it is used by the city of New wu-
I (
to sea. He also inYork for carrying garbage " for holding the ends of car vented the "fail-tail rails together (1840, not patented), and a coal car These door (1895) under the floor of the car. are manufactured by the Automatic Coal Car Door Co., of New York, of which Mr. Barney was in president until his death. He was married 1856 to Elizabeth, daughter of James Wotherspoon, of New York, who bore him one son, James \V. Barney, cashier of the Merchants' National Bank, Kansas City, Mo. His wife died in 1857, and he was marrie'd in 1864 to Mary, daughter of George Deverell. of Jamaica, West Indies, who has three sons and one daughter living, George D., Nathan C., Walter S. and Mary Weed Barney. He died in Brooklyn. X. Y., Mar. 31, 1902. BARNEY, George Deverell, physician and surgeon, was born at Darien. Conn., Oct. 19, 1865, son of Nathan and Mary A. (Dcverell) Barney. He was educated at the Jefferson Academy, Elizabeth, N. .)., and was graduated at the Long Island College Hospital in 1881), president of his class. He began a general practice in Brooklyn, was appointed surgeon to the outdoor department of St. John's Hospital, 1889-94, and was also ambulance surgeon for the eastern district of Brooklyn. In 18U3 he was appointed on the visiting staff of Kings County Hospital and in 1895 he became surgeon of the 1st battalion of New York naval reserve. interested
deeply the subject of tuberculosis, he went to Asheville, N. C., in 1894, to study the disease, and devoted a year to research, working in the laboratory of Prof. Edwin Klebs, an in
eminent bacteriologist. investigations ments resulted
in the discovery of a new treatment for consumption, by which he is able to cure 98 per cent, of the cases in the firs) stage of the disease. This treatment consists of the inhalation of an anti-
septic vapor that is four times as strong as carbolic acid, and that destroy- the consumption germs without the slighte-t injury to the lung tissue or to the physical condition of the patient. He returned to Brooklyn in 1895 and resumed hie practice, making a specialty of tuberculosis. At the London medical congress of 1901 the celebrated Prof. Robert Koch advanced a theory that bovine tuberculosis
was not communicable to human beings. Dr. Barney combated thi- theory and proved its falinoculated a cow with tuberculosis lie sity, germs, and after the animal had contracted the disease inoculated a human patient with germs from the cow. Being assured of the presence of tuberculosis, he proceeded to cure the disease by his own discovery, and within two months his patient was pronounced entirely cured by Dr. Austin Flint. Medical and health authorities all over the world are now accepting the truth of Dr. liarncy has been a liberal his demonstration. contributor to the leading medical journals of the United States and his articles have been widely quoted and copied throughout the world. He has been a member of the Kings County Medical Association and of the Kings County Medical Society, was president of the Lincoln Literary Society in 1S1I4 and has attained prominence in the Masonic order, being a 32(1 degree Mason and a member of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine.
Nicholas, naturalist, was Mar. 21.1837, son of James and Elizabeth (Vosburgh) Gill. His Darrell grandfather, Nicholas, was a grandson of Nicholas (Jill, proprietor of the manor of Yetson. Devonshire, England, who went to Newfoundland in 1722, having received the appointment of admiralty He was educated in private schools and judge. under special tutors in his native city, and in Brooklyn and Greenville, N. Y. He early developed a. taste for natural science, especially conchology and ichthyology, and made a trip to the West Indies for collecting in 1858. At the age of twentythree he finally settled in Washington, D. C'., where he attached himself to the Smithsonian Institution. Studying and classifying the material collected under the auspices of this institution, he gave special attention to fishes and later to mammals, in which department he attained high eminence and became a recognized authority. In the Smithsonian Institution he was librarian, 1863-67,
GILL, Theodore
born in
Y'ork city.
the library of the institution was transto the library of congress he became a junior and finally senior assistant to the librarian of congress, resigning the latter office in 1875. He was adjunct professor of physics and natural at the Columbian history University, 1860-01 and lecturer on natural history during 1873-84. Since that time he has been head of the department of The university conferred on him the dezoology. grees of A.M. in 1865. M.D. in 1866, Ph.D. in 1870 and LL.D. in 1895. He was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1873, became a vice-presider.t of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1896 and president in 1897. He is also a member of over fifty other American and foreign learned societies, to whose publications he has contributed several hundred separate papers on scientific subjects. He prepared the " Reports on Zoology " for the annual voiumes of the Smith sonian Institution during 1879-86. wrote most of the ichthyology of the "Standard (or Riverside) Natural History" (1885), and has contributed articles on natural history to "Johnson's New Universal Cyclopedia," " Century Dictionary " and " Standard Dictionary," of which publications he was an associate editor. Dr. Gill is the author of (1861), "Synopsis of Fresh Water Fishes" " "Arrangement of the Families of Mollu-ks Mamof of Families the (1871), "Arrangement mals" (1872), "Arrangement of the Families of Fishes" (1872), "Catalogue of Fishes of the East Coast of North America" (1875), "Bibliography of the Fishes of the Pacific of the United States to the End of 1879" (1882), "Principles of Zoogferred
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. " (1884), "A Comparison of Antipodal Faunas" (1894) including a comparison of the
fish-fauna of and Britain
Zealand with that of Great Families and Sub-families of Fishes" (1894). lie has also edited and repubHshetl (1808) in a small edition an extremely rare " tract by Samuel L. Mitehill entitled Report in Part on the Fishes of New York (1814)," and has " American revised a, second edition of CJoode's Fishes" (1903), to which he added elaborate "
Isaac N., jurist, was born at Mar. 6, 1838, son of Caleb and Charlotte (Piper) Blodgett, and a descendant of Thomas and Susan Blodgett, who sailed from England for America in 1035 and settled in Cambridge, lie received an academic education, and Ma-*. afterward read law and was admitted to the bar The following seven years he practiced in 1860. in his native town and removing then to Franklin, N. H., thereafter made that his residence. He was
Canaan. X.
a representative in the legislature in 1871. 1^73. 1874 and 1878 and was a member of the state senate in 1870-80. In the latter year he was made associate justice of the supreme court of New Hampshire, remaining in this position for eighteen years, and in 1808 he was elevated to the chief justiceship which ollice he held for four years. Judge Blodgett was a member of the state constitutional conventions of 1876 and 1889, and in 1903 was elected mayor of Franklin, N. H. He was married, May 24, 1861, to Sarah A., daughter of Gerould of Rev. Moses and Cynthia (Locke) Canaan, N. H.
SMYTH, chief
justice of
tinued chief
justice of
appointed 1764 and conuntil 1776, being the last the colony before the revolu-
At the beginning of his term of office the Stamp Act was passed and it was charged that he had been a candidate for the position of He stamp distributor, but he exonerated himself. was a decided loyalist and never refrained from tion.
fairly and openly defining his position, but he was honest in his opposition to what he deemed treasonable attempts against the regularly constituted authorities. When in 1772 the British schooner
Mri I)
Md'herson. She died Oct. married again in 189."> to of Joseph illadgley) Alden. daughter Me has "lie daughof A'lba'nv. N. V.
of Robert
AHce Washington, wife
was horn
BISHOP, Charles Alvord, jurist, Wankesha eounty. \Vis.. May 22, 1S54, Mattlie
and'ltoxanna (Alvord)
in of
schools of his home of Binghftm comity and studied law in the oiliee & Read, at ralmyrn, \Vis.. and under J. II. Page, Me was admitted to the bar df Whitewater, \\ is. in 18T.">. and licL'an the practice of law at Laporte as City, la., where he stayed eight years, serving mayor for two years, 'lie resided in Minneapolis for' a short period and then settled in DOS Moines, home, lie entered the law firm la., his present of liaker & Cavanaugh, and became assistant
was educated
in the
attorney general to Baker, who was then attorneyHe was a member of the general of the state. Iowa legislature in 1881 and in 1889 he was elected to the district court of Polk county, serving four years, when lit again resumed private practice. Me was elected to the district bench again, and in 1902 he was appointed to the supreme court, to succeed Judge Charles M. Waterman, resigned. He served his first term as chief justice in 1903. Judge Bishop had active charge of the legal department of the state in putting into enforcement the laws relating to railroad taxation and is best known for that work.
"Money in Politics" (1887). He subsequently made the original drafts of a number of the presballot reform laws of the several states. During his term as chamberlain Mr. Ivins took an active part in assisting a number of legislative committees in municipal investigations and conducted the trial of the police commissioners before the mayor in 1881 for malfeasance and
In 1889 he reneglect in cleaning the streets. signed from the chamberlainship to resume the of law. Subsequently he conducted the practice investigation by the senate committee of 1891 which had been appointed for the purpose of investigating the government of cities in the state of
New York bu.t more particularly He prepared the most city.
its kind upon the subject of municipal in the United States, and particu" of the state of New York, for the Fassett larly committee," as it was popularly called. During this time he was retained by the government of Brazil in the matter of the Missiones case, which was finally decided by Mr. Cleveland as arbitrator, and by the government of Pres. Balmaceda, against which the Chilean navy had at that time revolted. Since 1892 he has devoted himself to his profession. He was married in February, 1879, to L., daughter of James S. and A. C. (Swift) Yard of Freehold, N. J. They have two
port of
sons and
at 22,
1851, son of Augustus and Sarah (Mills) Ivins, and a descendant of Isaac Ivins, an Englishman,
settled at Mansfield, Burlington co., N. J., in The family removed to Kings county, N. Y., vhen the son was a few months old and he has ever since been a resident of either Brooklyn or Manhattan. He was graduated at Adelphi Academy (now Adelphi College) of Brooklyn and took the degree, of LL.B. at Columbia in the class of He was admitted to the bar and at once 1873. became a member of the firm of Bergen & Ivins, subsequently Bergen, Ivins & Bergen, practicing 1711.
Brooklyn, where they were principally employed
as counsel
for the surface railroads. In 1876 he was one of the organizers of the
was one
the against " and he ring
of the original executive committee of the State Bar Association. He
was major and judge-advogcate of the 5th brigade 1876:
79 and subsequently lieutenant-colonel and judge-advocate of the 2d division of the N. G. S. N. Y. On Jan. 1. he was appointed 1885, of judgc-advocate-general the state. In 1883 he was appointed one of the school
commissioners of the city of New York and in 1885 chamberlain of the city, which ollice he held until 1889. During this time he made a special study of the conditions of municipal governments throughout the United States and in Europe. He was one of the organizers of the Reform Club and also of the Commonwealth Club, and through the latter began the agitation in this country for the adoption of the Australian ballot, and in advocacy thereof published a volume entitled
two daughters.
senator, was born at ColumTenn., Aug. 22, 1827, son of Matthew D. anil Mary (Frierson) Cooper, and brother of Judge William F. Cooper, of Nashville, He was graduated at Jackson College, Terin. Columbia, Tenn., in 1847, studied law at Shelbyville and being admitted to the bar in 1850, commenced to practice in partnership with an elder In 1853 he was brother, Hon. Edmund Cooper. elected to the state legislature and again in 1857. 1'pon the election of Lincoln to the presidency, he was one of the few men in Tennessee who refused to join the Confederate party, but during the strife that followed the secession of his state, he was in no sense a partisan. In April, 1862. he was appointed judge of the 7th judicial circuit of Tennessee, and held this office until 1866, when he accepted a professorship in the law school at Lebanon, Tenn. He continued there until 1867; not long after he moved to Nashville and resumed the practice of law, taking his brother, William F. In 1869-70 he represented Cooper, as partner. Davidson county in the state legislature, and in 1870 was chosen as a Democrat to the U. S. senate, serving from Mar. 4, 1871, till Mar. 3, 1877. In 1878 he settled at Columbia, where he again practiced law. He had three daughters and two sons. While returning from a silver mine in the mountains of Mexico, he was killed by robbers, near Culicau. Feb. 4. 1884.
COOPER, Henry,
IVINS, William Mills, lawyer, was born Upper Freehold, Monmouth co., N. J., April
that of New elaborate re-
Justin Edwards, physician, was
born at Waialua. Hawaiian Islands. Aug. 11. 1841, son of Rev. John S. and Ursula Sophia (Newell) Emerson, and a descendant of Michael Emerson who came from England and settled in Haverhill, Mass., in 1655. His father (1800-07) was a Congregational clergyman and missionary, and the son was educated at the Oahu College. Honolulu, and at Williams College. Mass., being graduated He studied medicine at at the latter in 1865. Ware, Mass.. under Dr. David W. Miner, and then attended two courses of lectures at the medical school of Harvard University. Boston. Mass., and one course at Long Island College Hospital. Brooklyn. N. Y. He was graduated M.D. at the former in 1868, receiving in the same year the degree of
Dr. Emerson practiced his profession, first, at West Warren, Mass., removing to Kalamazoo, Mich., in 1880, where he was assistant physician to the Michigan Asylum for the Insane, from March, 1870. to December, 1877. The following year he spent in study abroad, and during the winter of 1879-80, took special courses in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. In October, 1880. he removed to Detroit, Mich., where he has since resided. He has been neurologist to Harper Hospital, Detroit, since to St. 1885; attending physician Joseph's Retreat, Dearborn, Mich., since 1888; neurologist to the Children's Free Hospital since 1892, and clinical professor of nervous diseases in the Detroit ColHe is a member of lege of Medicine since 1894.
medical and other scientific organizations, of the American Academy of Medicine in 1892-93, vice-president of the Detroit Association of Charities in 1894, and is connected with the American Archeological Association. He is an alienist of renown, and is the author of treatises on the " Imperative Impulses in Mental Diseases " " Transactions of the Michigan State Medical (in " The Supreme Court of MichSociety," 1887), and " igan on the Evidences of Insanity (in "American Dr. Emerson was married, Dec. Lancet," 1892).
was president
26, 1877, to Wilimena H., daughter of William H. Eliot, Jr., of Haven, and has three sons.
FITZ GERALD, James Newbury, Methodist Episcopal bishop, was born at Newark, N. J., July 27, 1837, son of John Driscoll and Osee Malinda (Boylan) Fitz Gerald; grandson of John and Man' (Newbury) Fitz Gerald, and g.-grandson of William Fitz Gerald, of Kills-the-Four-Castles, Ireland, who came to America in 1760, settled in Orange county, N. Y., and married Hannah Driscoll. The maternal a New Jersey law\cr, grandfather, Aaron Boylan, served as captain of a " light horse " troop in the war of 1812, and the maternal great-grandfather, James Boylan, was a surgeon in the revolutionary war. His father (1813-92) was a manufacturer of varnishes who invented various improved processes in connection with his art. Bishop Fitz Gerald obtained his early education in the public schools of Newark, and in 185(1 he became a student in the law office of the Hon. Frederick T. Frelinghuysen. He finished his law studies in the Princeton Law School, and was admitted to the bar of New Jersey in 1858. In 1861 he became associated with Chancellor Theodore Rnnyon, an eminent lawyer of that time; but a year later he gave up his practice in order to enter the active ministry of the Methodist Episcopal church. Until 1888 his entire ministry was confined within the bounds of the Newark conference. His first appointment was in East Newark, where he served one year. He then preached a year in the Mecham Street Church, Elizabeth, and for five years labored at Hudson City. During the next three years he was at Newton, and for tnree years more he served at Paterson, Elizabeth and Jersey City. In 1880 he was appointed recording secretary of the Methodist Missionary Society, and held that office eight years, or until consecrated bishop of his church in 1888. Several minor offices have also been held by him, such as the presiding eldership of the Newton and Newark districts, and the assistant secretaryship of the general conferences of 1876 and 1880. He was also a member of the Methodist general conferences in 1S84 and 1888, and for eleven years was secretary of the Newark conference. His thorough study of the law in early life has undoubtedly affected favonablv the depth and comprelicnsivoness of his mental processes. Grave in manner, and somewhat reticent, he has withal a fine llou of
and when aroused is a most effective and convincing speaker. A certain deliberateness of style, not unaccompanied by vivacity, is characteristic of all his discourses, and a general air of sound practical sense pervades all his speeches. The degree of D.D. was conferred upon him by Wesleyan University in 1880. and that of LL.D. was received from Hamlin University in 1889. Bishop Fitz Gerald was married Jan. 14, 1864, to Mary Eliza, daughter of Jonathan Dickinson Annin, M.D., of Newark, N. J. He has five children, the eldest of whom, Paul, is a practicing physician of Newark. CBANE, Benjamin E., merchant, was born in Athens, Ga., Dec. 12, 1835, son of Ross Crane, a leading citizen of Georgia. He was graduated at the University of Georgia in 1854 and then studied civil engineering at Troy, N. Y. He entered the war as a private in the Troup artillery; in 1862 became quartermaster of Cobbs' legion; in 1863 brigade quartermaster with rank of major, and was assigned to duty in Georgia the last year of the war. In 1867 h.e was married to Sarah, daughter of wit,
Judge W. W. Clayton, of Atlanta. He went into busi-
ness in Lexington, Ga., in copartnership with a Mr. Langston before the war, and reopened business after its close in Atlanta under the firm
Langston & Crane, which upon the withdrawal of Mr. Hammock, became Williams, Langston & Crane.
This firm was one of the strongest business houses of
the for synonym strength and integrity. He was one of the organizers of the chamber of commerce, and its president from its organization to his death. In 1872 he was president of the national commercial convention in St. Louis; in 1877 was member of the Georgia state constitutional convention; was appointed a member of the capitol commission of Georgia, and at the time of his death was a member of the board of Atlanta He died in Atlanta, Ga., police commissioners. Jan. 15, 1885.
FLETCHER, William Isaac, librarian, was born at Burlington, Vt., Apr. 28, 1844, son of
Stillman and Elizabeth (Severance) Fletcher. He received a common-school education at Winchester, Mass., and at the age of seventeen entered upon library work in the Boston Athenaeum, under the charge of Dr. W. F. Poole. After faithful service for five years in that institution he was librarian successively at Waterbury, Conn., Lawrence, Mass., Hartford, Conn., and in 1883 was called to his present position as librarian at Amherst College. Mr. Fletcher has been a constant contributor to the " Library Journal," and has written frequently for other periodicals and newsHis chief literary work, however, has papers. been as an indexer. He" collaborated with Dr. Poole in the enlarged edition of the latter's " Index to Periodical Literature" (1882), and supplemental volumes. He also edited the " A. L. A. Index to General Literature" (1893), which serves for other classes of books, as Poole's serves for periodicals, the material having been produced by the collaboration of some seventy librarians. Since 1892 he has edited the "Annual Literary Index," " Poole '' and the "A. L. A. supplementing both
380 '
in the civil
ml, ,
term of Uchusc.t- '-5. 45 receipts from concessions total receipts of the exposition from all sources si. !iil 1.077. (ill. a financial result which is unparal-
$:tilli.:iti.->.45. ,lil :{..")(),
leled in the history of expositions. identified with the Rochester Loan
Banking Co., of Rochester, N. H., which was organized by him in
1885 with a capital of $100,000. It now has (1904) surplus of $150.000 and deposits aggregating over one million, lie is connected with the Omaha :i
Street Railway Co. He is a stockholder and director in several street railway companies. In July, 1900. he was elected president of the Omaha, CounHe is cil Bluffs & Suburban Street Railway Co. a member of All Saints Church and is a vestryman of that body. Mr. Wattles was married Oct. 20, 1881, to Jennie, daughter of A. N. Leete, of Clarksville, la.
DANNAT, Hempstead, L.
William I.,
T., 9,
was born at
1853, son of
Haviland" (1886); "Woman in Red is now which was at the exposition of 1889 and " Femmes in the Luxembourg Museum at Paris;
"Femmes Kspa'moles et Contrebandier" (1891); much attenEspagnoles" (1892), which attracted
tion and was shown in all the great. European " DanWorld's Fair: capitals and at the Chicago of senses Espagnoles" (1893). and a "Portrait the Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwenn to In the latter year Mr. Dannat was promoted tB be commander of the Legion of Honor, being to the present tune. who. artist American up only is tinhas attained this grade of the order. lie
medals and diplomas. ,recipient of numerous member of artistic societies of Paris, and holds of the Society of American the office of president Painters in Paris.
born David, rabbi and scholar, was A son of 1809. Dispeck, Bavaria, Nov. 10, wealthy parents, he received a careful elementary ot education from private tutors, and at the age nine became a pupil of the famous Talinudic rabbinical school scholar, Wolf Hamburger, at the Here he displayed suet of Fuerth, Germany. was conbrilliant abilities that the title of rabbi ferred on him in his sixteenth year. Subsequen he attended the universities of Erlangen, \\ nrzin burs.
cratic leader of the day. In ISM he was elected a member of the board of eduIn 1853 he became cation. assi-lant postmaster of
and William, upon Rhode Island he returned to Boston toward the close of his life but made his home in both Boston and Taunt on, where, he had houses, being a man of wealth for that time. He, with Ralph Russell and
ork city, and instituted a series of reforms in the delivery and collecting syslie was elected distem-, trict attorney of New York
others, built the third tinent in Taunton, now
furnace on the conMass., known as
the Taunton forge and put in operation in 1656. Its site is on the main ro'.d from Titieut to Taun1on and it was in operation during the nineThis iron business was cared for by in IS5S, and by his quick- teenth century. In the I'.ostoii recness of perception, firmness, his sons, Joseph and Shadraek. and re- ords we find for 1055 that Samuel Wilbore, Sen., conscientiousness markable memory achieved and his son. Samuel, are retained as freemen of Bos-
miu-ual success.
When Fort
On Jan.
20. 165T,
Quassaquanch, Kachanaqiiant
upon in April, 1861, Judge Waterbury was selected by the New York Democratic com-
and Quequaquenuet. chief sachems of the Narragansetts, sold to Samuel Wilbor, John Hull of Boston, goldsmith, John Porter, Samuel Wilson and Thomas Mumford, a large tract of land on the
mit tee to draft an expression of its sentiments, and his clear, strong, patriotic resolutions inwith courage spired the upholders of the Union and hope. In 1802 he was nominated for congress, but, though his election seemed certain, he withdrew in favor of Hon. James Brooks. Later he was appointed judge-advocate-general on the staff of Gov. Horatio Seymour, and in May, 1862, was elected grand sachem, or presiding officer, of the Tammany Society. At the end of one year he
west side of Xarragan.sett bay. including a considerable part of what is now Washington county, which was known as the Pcttaquamscot purchase. Samuel Wilbur's son Samuel, who.se wife was Hannah, a daughter of John Porter, succeeded to his This company father's interests in this purchase. afterward bought other tracts in association with William Brenton and Benedict Arnold, both of whom became governors of Rhode Island. Samuel Wilbur was also a signer of the petition presented to Charles II by the Rhode Island colonists and his name occurs in t\je list of those mentioned in the charter of 1663 secured by John C'lark. Samuel Wilbur was a, man of enterprise and good standing. His son. Samuel, who inherited the propcalled to erty in Portsmouth was also frequently important offices. Many of his descendants became Quakers, among them (iov. Wilbur of Rhode Island and John Wilbur who wis the founder of the He was married: first, to Ann, Wilburites. daughter of Thomas Bradford of Doncaster, England, and a cousin of Gov. William Bradford; second, to Elizabeth, widow of Thomas Leehford. He died in Boston, Mass., Sept. (or Nov.) 29,
Sumter was
withdrew from Tammany and afterward opposed In its domination over the New York Democracy. 1871 Gov. Hoffman appointed Judge Waterbury to revise the statutes one of three commissioners of the state, but he resigned the office after a futile attempt to reconcile conflicting elements in
the commission.
(or WILDBORE), Samuel, colonist of unknown origin and parentage, first appeared in Boston. Mas-., in 1033. With his wife, Ann. he was admitted into the first church at Boston, Dec. In 1634 he became a freeman of Boston 1, 1633. nnd assessor of taxes. Soon after he bought lands in" Taunton. Mass.. and while living there he embraced " the doctrines of Cotton and Wheel-
Mrs. Ann Hutchinson." On Nov. he and fifty-six others were dis1637. 20, armed in Boston and given license to depart from the colony of Massachusetts Bay. With eighteen others, their wives and children, including Mrs. Hutchinson, he fled to Providence and by the advice of Roger William-- purchased from the In-
dians the
island of Aquidneck or Rhode Island. after established on the upper end of the island the town of Portsmouth after having signed what is known as the Portsmouth covenant, as follows: "The seventh day of the first month March 10US. we. whose names are underwritten, do here solemnly in the presence of Jehovah. Incorporate our-elves into a bodie Poliwill submit our tic, and as lie -hall help Ihcs and estates unto our Lord Jesus i.s. Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and 1o all those pei feel a nd most absolute laws of his given us in his holy word of truth, to be Exod. 24, 3-4; 2 guided and judged thereby.
They soon
inissionarv, was borrt at North Attleboro. Mass., May 4, 1840, son of Alpheus Nelson and Charlotte Everett (Foster) dishing, and a descendant of Mathew dishing, who came from Boston, Lincolnand landed at Hull, Mass., in 1042. shire,
at Pierce Academy. Middleboro. Mass., under Dr. J. W. P. Jenk-. and at Brown in 1SOJ, University, where he was graduated A.B. and A.M.' in ISO!). Entering the Newton Theo-
He was educated
ordained in
Hebrew, and the American
was graduated in 18ti.">, was and became tutor year, 1S05 he was appointed
Missionary I'niou Baptist the Burmese Shans. Reaching India in 1867, he immediately entered upon a work of the greatest literary and executive activity which has made him one of the leaders in religious and educational movements among the Shans. The dry seasons of the first ten or eleven years of hiresidence in Biirmah were spent in long and often perilous upper Burmah, and journeys into
by a
mi. sionary
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. especially the Shan states tributary to the king of Burmah, for the purpose of becoming familiar with the country with reference to future occupation by missionary workers. For many years he was the only white man who had visited these regions and the knowledge thus gained was subsequently of great value to the British government. In 1876 "he founded the Baptist mission at Bahmo. He thus became very proficient in the Shan languages and as a consequence since 1876 he has been translator of all documents for the local government into the Shan language, and has been the examiner of all candidates for passing on that language. He has also translated into Shan for the local government a volume on "Diseases of
Domestic Animals," and one on "Veterinary Materia Medica." In 1887 he was made a member of the Burmese government text-book committee. In 1888, by government appointment, he
He attended' the (Taylor) Turner. schools of Missouri, and, studying telegraphy, became a military operator, in which capacity he served throughout the civil war at Lebanon, Springfield, and Roland, Mo. He studied law in the office of his brother at Mobile, Ala., and was admitted to the bar in 1870. He practiced at Mobile and Montgomery, Ala., until 1876, when Pres. Grant appointed him U. S., marshal for the southern and middle districts of and Maria
of Burmah In dent.
A Grammar Dr. dishing has published, in 1871, " Handbook of the Shan Language; in 1880, of the Shan Language, with English and Shan Vocabulary:" in 1891 a Shan hymn book of 360 hymns; several religious tracts " in the Shan The Vision of language, and an English sermon, the Redeemer." He has also reduced the Kachin language to writing, collected a vocabulary of nearly 2,000 words, and prepared an outline of
These works in manuscript grammar. proved of great value to the first Kachin missionary. Dr. dishing has been an extensive traveler, having visited all the countries of Europe except
Japan and several other countries of Asia, northern Africa and Australia. He has been a member of the Royal Asiatic Society of London, He is also a member of the England, since 1891. historic "First Baptist Church" of Providence, R. I. Dr. dishing married at Kingston, Muss., Aug. 29, 1866, Mrs. Ellen Howard (Winsor) Fairfield, daughter of Peter Winsor, of Boston, Mass. They have one son, Dr. Herbert Howard dishing, lecturer on histology in the Woman's Medical College and Jefferson Medical College, of Philadel-
phia, Pa.
GTJILFORD, Nathan, educator, was born the state of Ohio in 1786. He was educated
in at
Yale College and after graduating there in 1812, became head of a classical school in Worcester, Mass. Later he read law, was admitted to the bar, and in 1810 opened an office in Cincinnati, O. He was a zealous advocate of a liberal system of common schools and he is credited with having been the founder of the school system of Ohio, for which he started an agitation by corresponding with prominent men throughout the state. For seven " Solomon's Thrifty Almanac years he issued with something on every page about free education. In 1824 he was elected to the Ohio state senate, where he succeeded in securing the passage without amendment of a bill he had prepared for a school tax. The next year he entered upon the publishing and bookselling business, in which he continued till 1843, and in 1848 he started a newspaper. He was city superintendent of schools in Cincinnati from 1849 to 1852, when he became a local magistrate. Nathan Guilford was the author of an arithmetic and of a revised edition of Webster's Speller. He died in Cincinnati, 0., in '
George, senator, was born at Edina, Mo.. Feb. 25. 1850. son of Granville D., VOL. XII. 25.
occupied this
signed in February, 1888, to
He then
Rangoon Baptist College. In 1881 Brown University gave him the degree of D.D., and in 1898, Ph.D. Besides numerous magazine and newspaper articles
and in 1884 was appointed an associate of the justice supreme court for Washington territory, from which position he reoffice until 1880,
was made a member
of the educational syndicate and in February. 1897, its vice-presi1892 he was made president of the
his legal practice. settled at Spokane, and served several
years as president and manager of the Le Roi mine, of which he was one of the developers. In 1889 he was a member of the convention which framed the constitution of the state of Washington. Although he had previously been a regular Republican in politics, during the campaign of 189(5 he supported W. J. Bryan for the presidency, and assisted as a silver Republican, in organizing the Democrats, Populists, and Silver Republicans for the purpose of opposing the Republican party. These elements, thus united, carried the state of Washington for Bryan, elected a majority of the legislature and placed Mr. Turner in the U. S. senate. In that body he took his seat on Mar. 4, 1897, and served until Mar. 3, 1903. He was a member of the committees on judiciary, commerce, pensions, immigration, and inter-oceanic canals. Sen. Turner was married June 4, 1878. to Bertha, daughter of George Dreher, of Montgomery. Ala.
LOCHREN, William, jurist, was born in county Tyrone, Ireland, Apr. 3, 1832. His father died the following year, and in 1834 his mother emigrated to Franklin county, Vt. Here the son lived until
attending the
and being engaged in farm labor. He studied law, and after being admitted to the bar in 1856 went west and began the practice of law at the Falls of St. Anthony, in what is now the city of MinneAt the outbreak of the civil war he enapolis. listed as a private in
Company E
of the 1st regi-
ment, Minnesota volunteers, into which he was mustered at its formation, Apr. 29, 1861, and with participated in all the battles of the army of the Potomac during the first three years of the war. He became sergeant May 1, 1861, second lieutenant Sept. 22, 1862, following the battle of Antietam, and first lieutenant July 3, 1863, at the battle of Gettysburg. In the last named engagement he participated in the memorable charge made by eight companies of his regiment, numbering 262 men, whereby they broke through the center of two Confederate brigades and saved an important position, though losing in killed and wounded 215 men. On Dec. 30, 1863, on account of acute bronchitis, contracted in the service, he resigned, and returning to Minneapolis, resumed the practice of law. In 1865 he was the Democratic candidate for attorney-general, and was a member of the state senate, 1869-70. In 1874 he was Democratic candidate for judge of the supreme court, and in 1875 was the caucus nominee of the same party for U. S. senator. In
and 1877-78 he was city attorney of Minneapolis, hi- state of the durinir 1872 SO the" member from On Nov. 21, national Democratic committee-. fourth judilie was appointed judge of the ISS] and cial di-lrict. of Minnesota by Cov. Pillsbury. wa- thereafter twice elected for terms of six and held
rears, without opposition, commisuntil April. 1893. when he was appointed sioner of pension- by Prcs. Cleveland, and held He was appointed judge that otliee three x ears. of the t'nited State! district court of Minnesota Mav - 189(>, a po-ition he still holds (1904). He
wa- married died in to
1871 to
Martha A. Demmon, who
and he was again married Abbott.
1879, 'E.
Clay, author, was born at Point Center, X. Y., Sept. 3, 1844, son of He attended the disJ u dire Daniel W. Bascom. trict school, and for a time studied iu his father's
was completed at the Fort
and after tutoring for a year he was employed as accountant and correspondent in the Vedder Pattern Works. Troy. X. Y.. becoming partner in 1879. and tute,
sole proprietor in 1884.
widely known as a vigorous newspaper writer and as a speaker at temperance and reform meetings. In 1884 and in 1888 he was a delegate to the national Prohibition party conventions, and for several years represented New York on
the Prohibition national committee. He was the Prohibition candidate for of New- York in 1885. He was the author governor " of Requited, or a Knight in Livery," an epic poem, of which Francis E. Willard said: "It is unique; sonorous in rhythm, musical in rhyme, He was married lofty in purpose and teaching." in 1874 to a daughter of Judge R. J. Saxe, of Vermont, and again in 1886, to Ellen L. Forbes.
He died at Ocola, Fla., Dec. 22, 1896. JONES, Alfred, artist, was born
in Lirerpool, Eng., Apr. 7, 1819. son of Samuel and Mary (Britten) Jones. In 1834 he came to the United States and was apprenticed to a bank-note engraver; but found time to study at the National Academy of Design, and in 1839, received the first prize awarded by that institution for a drawing from
the subject being Thorwaldsen's " Merfirst became prominent by an engrav" The Proposal," published in ing after Durand's 'Graham's Magazine" and did other work for that periodical and for " Godey's Magazine." Later he engraved the following plates for the American Art Union, the Philadelphia Art Union and the Western Art, Union: "The Image
Breaker" after Leutze; "Farmers' Nooning" after Mount; "Capture of Maj. Andre" after Asher B. Durand: "Patrick Henry Delivering His (Vh'lirated Speech to the House of Burgesses, Vir" after ginia Rothermel; "Poor Relations " after James H. Beard: "Mexican News" after R. C. Woodville: "Life's Happy Hours" after Lily M. Spencer: "The New Scholar" and "Courting" after F. W. Edmonds: and portraits of William Cullen Bryant. Asher B. Durand. and Adoniram Judon. In I8t(! Mr. Jones went to Europe for purposes of study and spent a year in Paris. From 1848-95, when he retired from business, he was
engaged almost exclusively ing
and most
bank-note engrav-
work was executed during Noteworthy are the 2-cent, 30-cent, of
and $5.00 postage stamps in the Columbian series for the American I'.ank Note Co. After his retirement he engraved two heads of Carlyle for the Grolier Club, and a large head of $4.00
Washington, the latter a labor of love, undertaken to execute his ideal after a careful study of all Mr. Jones was the accessible portraits and busts. a -Uilll'ul painter in oil and water colors; was elected an as-ociate of the National Academy in 1841, and an academician in 1851, and for many years was its secretary and treasurer. lie was a member of the Artists' Fund Society, and the American Water Color Society, and was vicepresident of the former for several years; and was one of the earliest members of the Century Aslie was a very sociation, being elected in 1847. modest man with regard to his attainments; a most genial companion, especially in rambles in the country. He was married to Louisa, daughter of Richard Major, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and had
three daughters. He died in New York city in consequence, of an accident, Apr. 28, 1900. BUBT, Charles, engraver, was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, Nov. 8, 1823, son of Charles and Jessie (Kennedy) Burt. lie was a natural artist. He selected his calling at the early age of twelve, and was then sent to a night school, where he studied drawing after poring over the ordinary branches of learning during the day. When he was about seventeen his class was required to draw from a verbal description the Eddystone lighthis work not won the house, and only prize but was so highly regarded as to retain a place on the walls of the Edinburgh high school for some years. In 1842 he came to America and entered the employ of A. L. Dick, proprietor of an engraving establishment in New
York city, and subsequently he was engaged with Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson, which became afterward the American Bank Note Co.; here he served sixteen years. To the work of Charles Burt and Alfred Jones is due the fame of this house. He was chief engraver for the I'nited States treasury department for twenty years, and he also engraved postage stamp plates for Italy, Russia, Brazil, Chili, Canada and other foreign countries. Beside engraving nineteen presidents of the I'nited States, he made portraits of Queen
Victoria and her consort, Prince Albert; the Prince now King Edward VII Victor Emmanuel, King of Italy; Frederick the Great, and the czar of Russia. His best known pictures are "The Last Supper" (his most important engrav" " Sir Walter Raleigh Parting with his Wife ing), (1840), "Queen Mary Signing the Death Warrant of Lady Jane Grey "*( 1848) "Anne Page. Slender and Shallow" for the American Art Union (1850), "The Card Players" (1850), " Marion and His Men Crossing the Pedee " (1850), "Duck Shooting," "Bargaining for a Horse" (1851), "Ever "An Let Love and Truth Prevail" (1885), He was mar(1888). Appreciate Audience" ried at Rockaway, N. J., June 3, 1844, to Margaret, daughter of Thomas Sargeant of Parsippany. N. J., and had one son and seven daughters. He 'died in Brooklyn, N. Y., which had been his of Wales,
many years, Mar. 25, Bastus Seneca,
lawyer, was born Mt, Hawley. 111.. Mar. 31. 1839. son of Reuben Harris and Nancy C. (Virgil) Ransom, and grandson of Robert and Lucy (Stacy) Ransom, of New England descent, although both parents were natives at.
of New York state. Thrown upon his own resources at eleven years of age, he obtained an education
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. through his personal efforts in the district schools and at Elmira Free Academy, and at seventeen began teaching school. In 1800 lie began the study of law with Judge Theodore North of Elmira, but enlisted in May, 1801, as lieutenant in the 50th New York volunteers, and served with the army of the Potomac throughout the peninsular camHaving contracted fever he was sent home paign. and resumed his law studies, being admitted to the bar in 1863. Almost from the first he held a high place at the bar, and in 1807 was made city attorney of Elmira. He served for two terms, and in 1870 removed to Xew \ork city, where he became managing clerk for Chester A. Arthur. When Mr. Arthur became collector of the port of Xew York city, the firm of Arthur, Phelps & Knevals was 'formed with Mr. Ransom as junior partner, but upon Arthur's accession to the presidency the style became Knevals & Ransom. In 1885 he was nominated for judge of the superior court on the Democratic ticket, and, although failing of an election then, was in 1887 nominated and elected surrogate by a plurality of over 50,000. He served until Jan. 31, 1893, and proved himself one of the ablest men who ever occupied the surrogate's bench. Surrogate Ransom was at one time adjutant of the 110th regiment, N. G. S. X. Y. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Loyal Legion, Masonic fraternity, Xew England Society and Manhattan Club, and is president of the Society of American Authors. He has been twice married: first, Jan, 1, 1802, to Sarah Elizabeth Morgan of Elmira, N. Y. second, Jan. 14, 1885, to Caroline Bowne, daughter of Charles H. Edwards of Brooklyn, X. Y., one of the founders of the New York Life Insurance Co. He has five children. ;
born near Canandaigua, Ontario co., X. Y., Jan. 2, 1830, son of a Presbyterian clergyman. In 1847 he went to Bellevue, 6., and subsequently to Cleveland. 0., where he began his business career as a He grain and produce commission merchant. joined in the formation of the firm of Rockefeller, Andrews & Flagler, Feb. 28, 1867, which was incorporated as the Standard Oil Company in 1870. Mr. Flagler became interested in the development of Florida in the winter of 1885-86. In 1888 he purchased the Jacksonville & St. Augustine railroad, and in the following year entered upon the construction of the great Ponce de Leon hotel at St. Augustine, which was the first step in a series of lavish expenditures for the development of tourist travel on the east c(ia of the peninsula. He purchased a number of railroad properties in the state and by the building of magnificent hotels and the construction f ether improvements costing several millions of dollars, he created almost the entire passenger traffic on the southern extension of the Florida East Coast railroad, and greatly increased it on the northern portion. Among Mr. Flagler's elaborate hotels are the Ponce de Leon, the Alcazar, and the Cordova, at St. Augustine, famous throughout the world as pioneers in their class; the Ormond. on the Halifax river; the Royal Ponciana and the Breakers at Palm Beach; the Royal Palm at Miami, and the Royal Victoria and Colonial at Xassau. Bahamas. These are equipped for winter tourists alone: but in 1001 he opened on Atlantic Beach twenty-five miles from Jackson-it.
summer guests, called the Continental. In all ten hotels, served by six hundred miles of railroad, are the realization of his efforts to develop that state. Though not a politician, Mr. Flagler is more powerful in the politics
ville a similar hotel for
and legislation of Florida than any other one man. He is a director of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railway, the Minnesota Iron Co., the Duhitli & Iron Range railroad, the Western Union Telegraph Co., the International Bank Xote Co., the Standard Oil Co., and many other corporations. He is a man of vigorous mental processes, grasping the most abstruse problems and reducing them to a basis of Many of the most dissimplicity. couraging difficulties have been surmounted by his and indefati'giblo determination, self-reliance, energy. He was married in 1847 to a daughter of Dr. Lanion G. Harkness of Bellevue, O., who bore him two daughters, both deceased; second, June 5, 1883, to Ida A. Shourds, daughter of an Episcopalian clergyman, from whom he was divorced Aug. 14, 1001, under a newly passed Florida law which made insanity a legal cause for separation and on Aug. 24, 1901. he was married to Mary Lily, daughter of William R. Kenan, of Wilmington, X. C.
SULLIVAN, William Van Amberg,
was born near Winona, Carroll co., Miss., Dec. 18. 1857. He was educated at the University of Mississippi, and was graduated at Vanderbilt University, Xashville, Tenn., in 1875. Having completed a two years' course in law, while pursuing his regular university studies, he began practice
graduation, though only eighteen years of age. He established himself at Austin, Tunica co., Miss., where he continued his profession until in
March, 1877,
he removed to Oxford, and in the latter place he has pursued his law practice up to the present time (1904). He was a trustee of the Oxford schools, and a member of the board of aldermen. In 1892 he became a member of the national Democratic convention, and in 1800 was elected to represent Mississippi on the national Democratic executive committee, Alserving several years. though not a candidate, he was nominated for the 55th congress, on account of a long deadlock among the aspirants, and he was successfully elected, serving as a representa.
until his appointment as senator. Upon the death of Sen. Edward C. Walthall, Mr. Sullivan was selected by the governor to fill the vacancy thus formed, and he took his seat in the senate May 31, 1898, serving by regular election until Mar. 3, 1901. Sen. Sullivan was married in Washington, D. C., Dec. 18, 1900, to Marie Xcwman Atkins.
CHACE, Jonathan, senator, was born at Fall River, Mass., July 22, 1829, son of Harvey and Hannah (Wood) Chace, and a descendant of William Chase, who emigrated from England in 1030, settling at Roxbury, Mass., and in 1637 going to Yarmouth, Mass/ The line runs through
his son William, who was the first to join the Society of Friends; his son Joseph, who removed to a part of Swansey which is now Somerset, Mass.; his son Job, his son Jonathan, his son Oliver (1709-1852), who built a cotton factory at Swansey in 1806, successfully operating it at that place until 1813, when he removed to Fall River, and with others erected the Troy mill, the first
cotton manufactory on that river.
He was promi-
and pro-penty ncntly connected \vitli the growth of the town, which ut the time was called Troy. was a man of remarkable directOMI (it pur!! and possessed great pose and integrity of conduct, Oliver was hod\ strength of intellect as well a.iiiM Io spell the name ('hace, instead of llic Chase. In I7!>ti lie was married to Susannali Buftin.'lon. and their tirst cliild was the father of .
The fill her. Harvey (hace 1707 --I882 hace. Sen. as a prciminent Rhode Island manufacturer, a im-orporator of the Kail River inoiniitcr and l;cscr\oir Co.. one of the founders of the Fall I
Ki\er Savings Bank, a pioneer director in the Worcester railroad, and president of the MassaIn chusetts & Rhode Island Railroad Co. 1843 he removed to Valley Falls, R. I., and the son Jonathan, after serving an apprenticeship in his factory, was taken into partnership and was made treasurer of the company. He became one of the founders of the Republican party in Rhode Island, and in 1876 was elected a member of the
He was elected state senate, serving two terms. to represent the 2nd district of Rhode Island in the 47th congress (1881-83), and was re-elected In 1885 he was to the 48th congress (1883-85). elected a U. S. senator, filling the vacancy caused by the death of Henry B. Anthony, temporarily P. Sheffield. Taking an active part in filled by \\ the proceedings of the senate until 188!), he was then regularly elected to a full term, but resigned on April 9th of that year, and returned to private .
at Cumberland, Allegany
L., senator,
was born
Md., Jan. 28, 1852.
At the age of twelve he began work in a canal store at Cumberland, and at eighteen was apto a clerkship in the Second National of that city, where he afterward served as teller. He was treasurer of Allegany county in 1882-88, and again in 1890. He was
sent as a delegate to the national Republican conventions of 1884 and 1888. and in 1889 was the Republican nominee for comptroller of Maryland, losing the canvass only after polling the largest vote ever cast for a
Republican in Maryland. Tn July, 1890, he was appointed by Pres. Harrison, assistant treasurer of the United He States, at Baltimore.
and was re-elected in On Mar. 4, 18117. he took his seat in the U. S. senate, having been elected for the term ending Mar. 3, 1903. His election to the senate was 1S92. 1894.
one of the hardest fought contests in the history of the party, on account of an old state law of ISdit, which limited to the eastern shore, all nominations for the senate. He was compelled to override this statute and light a strong factional sentiment as well.
Stuart, senator, was born
Ky., in 1820. His educawas obtained in the Miami I'niversity, at Oxford, O., where he was graduated in 1838, and after studying law. he was admitted to the bar and practiced at Paris, Ky. He fought in the Mexican war. serving first as captain and afterward as colonel. He took an active interest in was frequently elected as a politics as a Whig;
Montgomery county,
delegate to national conventions,
was chosen as a
presidential elector, and several times served in the Kentucky legislature. He opposed the secession of the state, but after the act had been passed he raised a brigade for the Confederate army, receiving a commission as brigadier-general in 1862, and in that capacity he served throughout the war, being on duty under Gen. Joseph E. Johnston at the time of the surrender. In 1S7II he was elected as a Democrat to the I S. senate, serving from Mar. 4th of that year until Mar. 3, 1885. He hail for many years been interested in agriculture and the breeding of fine stock, and after his retirement from the senate engaged extensively in this occupation, spending much elTort in the improvement of lands in southern Florida. The promotion of railways in the mineral regions of Kentucky a No occupied his attention. .
Francis Elias, financier, was born German Flats, Herkimer CO., X. Y., now Mohawk. Jan. 21. 180-'. son of John Peter ".l Mary Magdalena Fidelia (Breumcnt) Spinner. He
received most of his instruction from his father, a highly educated German clergyman, who was born in Werbach. Baden, and came to the United States in 1801. He was apprenticed first to a confectioner in Albany, and later to a saddler in
Amsterdam, N. Y.
In 1884 he engaged in trade at Herkimer, N. Y., and in 1829 was made deputy sheriff of the county. For twenty years he wa's the executive officer rf the Mohawk Valley Bank. He held all the commissions, from a lieutenant to a major-general, in the state artillery, which rank he reached in 1834. He was county sheriff in 1835-37, and commissioner for building the state lunatic asylum in 1838-39. Tn 1845-49 he was auditor in the naval office at New York and in 1854 was elected a representative from New York to the
34th congress as an anti-slavery Democrat. He served on the committee on privileges and elections, and on the special committee to investigate the assault made by Preston Brooks on Charles Sumner, and on the conference committee of both houses on the army appropriation bill, which the senate had rejected on account of a clause that forbade the use of the military against Kansas settlers; was re-elected to the 35th congress, and served as a member of the committee on accounts. He was re-elected to the 36th congress, serving an chairman of the committee on accounts. Tn 1861 he was appointed, by Pres. Lincoln, U. S. treasurer, and continued in the position until 1875, when he It was through Gen. Spinner's sugresigned. gestion to Sec. Chase that women were first emin ployed government offices, to supply the places made vacant by clerks who enlisted in the army His signature on the difduring the war. ferent series of paper money was equally difficult to decipher or counterfeit. He was married in 1827. to Caroline, daughter of William Caswell, His of Herkimer, N. Y., and had three daughters. death occurred at Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 31, IS'io. COHN, Adolphe, educator, was born in Paris. France, May 29, 1851, son of Albert and Malhilde (Lowengard) Cohn. His father through his ptVorls on behalf of the Jewish race, especially in eastern Europe, Asia and northern Africa, was one of the in best known men of his religion I'.urope. The son was educated in the Lyci'e Bonaparte (now the Lj'cee Condorcet), Paris, where he was graduated iri 1868. He then entered the School of Laws and the ficole Nationale des Chartes, studying at the same time history and philology in the ficole Pratique dcs Halites Etudes. His studies were interrupted for a time by the part he took in the Franco-German war. 1870-71. In France he was a member of the Republican organizations
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. during the reign of Napoleon
assisting in the
which established the He came to the United States in 1875, republic. a member of the editorial staff time and was for a " of the New York Messenger Franco- Aim'rieain." revolution of Sept.
-also served as the regular New York corre" ROpublique Francaiso," Paris. spondent of the and later of the Paris " Temps." His original intention, however, was to follow the profession of teaching, and having taught in private families and private schools in New York city for a number of years, in 1882 he was called to a tutorship in French at Columbia College, becoming an instructor a few months later. In 1884 he entered Harvard University in the same capacity, and was made assistant "professor in 1885. In 1891 he, was called to Columbia University as professor of romance languages and literatures, a position he still holds. Prof. Cohn has taken great interest r in the French colony in New Y ork, delivering beIn fore its members many speeches and lectures. association with Prof. Lutz, of Albion College, he served two years as principal of the Oswego Summer School of Languages. He is a member of the Modern Language Association of America, the American Historical Association, honorary president of the Alliance Franchise, of New York, and a Knight of the Crown of Italy; he was decorated chevalier of the Legion of Honor in 1900. Prof. Cohn has written many articles on the subject of literature in "The Bookman," "Atlantic Monthly," " The Outlook," and has published with Dr. B. D. Woodward "Voltaire's Prose" (1897), and with R. Sanderson Le Sage's ''Gil Bias" (1899). He was married in April, 1887, to Marian L. Wright, a promising artist of Cambridge, Mass. She (lied in 1888, leaving one son.
SCOTT, John, senator, was born at Alexandria, Huntingdon co., Pa., July 14, 1824, son of John Scott, a manufacturer and land-owner of Huntingdon county, which he represented in congress during 1829-31. The son was educated in the common schools, and under private tutors, after which T
he studied law at Chambersburg. L pon his admission to the bar in 1846, he began practicing in his native county, and served as prosecuting attorney from 1846 to 1849. In 1851 he was appointed on the board of revenue commissioners, in 1862 was elected to the state legislature, and in 1867
presided at the state convention held at WilliamsIn the U. S. senate he represented Pennsylport.
vania from Mar. 4, 1869, to Mar. 3, 1875, acting on the committees on naval affairs and the Pacific railroad, besides serving as chairman of the committee on claims. On May 17, 1872, he made a " enforcement speech moving the adoption of the bill," which authorized the president to suspend the habeas corpus act in any state where " Kluklux " outrages should occur. At the end of his term he removed to Pittsburg, where he became general counsel for the Pennsylvania Company, and subsequently was made general solicitor of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, in Philadelphia, a position he occupied ten years.
PEASE, Henry Roberts, senator, was born in Connecticut, Feb. 19, 1835. lie received a thorough education and followed the profession of teaching for eleven years. He studied law, however, and was admitted to the bar in 1859, but in 1861 he enlisted in the Union army, advancing from private to captain, and serving much of the time on staff duty. In 1865 he was appointed superintendent of education for the state of Louisiana, which was still under military rule, and in 1867 he became superintendent of the education of
freedmen in Mississippi, taking an effective part in the reconstruction of that state. He published " and edited Mississippi Educational Journal,"
kind in the south, and in 1869 was appointed state superintendent of education. When Adelbert Ames resigned from the U. S. senate in 1874, Mr. Pease was elected as a Republican, to the
lirst of its
the vacancy thus formed, and he represented Mississippi in the upper house from Jan. 23rd of that year, until Mar. 3, 1875, acting on the committee on enrolled bills, as well as that on education and labor. Soon after the end of his term in the senate, he was appointed postmaster at
Vicksburg, but was removed by politics, in November, 1875.
William Henry, U. S. senator, at Boston Corners, Columbia co., N. Y., Sept. 17, 1818, son of Milo and Laura (Tibbetts) Barnum. After receiving a common school education, at the age of eighteen he engaged in mercantile pursuits, and for many years he conducted an iron at Lime Rock, foundry, ore Conn., smelting the was born
wheels. He served in the state legislature (1852), and as a delegate to the Union national convention of Phila-
delphia (1866). He was then elected to the 40th congress (1867-69) as a Democratic representative,
acted on the committee on roads and canals, and that on manufactures. Being reelected to the 41st, 42nd, 43rd, and 44th congresses, he served on many important
committees until May, 1876, when he was elected to the U. S. senate, filling the vacancy created by the death of Orris S. Ferry, the term ending in March, 1879. Mr. Bar-
died at
Ror-k, Conn., Apr. 30, 1889.
Barclay, senator, was born
at Cranbury, Middlesex
He was graduated M.D.
co., N. J., Sept. 23, 1840. at the University of Nash-
He was then appointed an ville, (Tenn.) in 1864. assistant surgeon in the Army of the Cumberland, and was stationed at Nashville; but in 1866 he was ordered to Lake City, Fla., shortly after which he was appointed state treasurer by Gov. Reed, and resigned his commission. In 1868 he served in the state constitutional convention, as well as in the national Republican convention at Chicago, and was made a member of the national committee of (he Republican party. He held the latter connection four years, and also served on the state executive Republican committee. His term as treasurer expired in 1873, and he was then elected to represent the county of Leon in the state legislature, where he was chosen speaker of the lower house. Becoming a member of the U. S. senate, lie represented Florida in that body from Mar. 4, 1873. to Mar. 3, 1879, acting on the committees on naval affairs, revolutionary claims, and transportation. Though retiring to the private practice of medicine, he was made a candidate for governor of Florida in 1880.
Inscho, senator, was born Tioga county, Pa., July 28, 1838. After completing a common-school education, he studied from 1857. to 1859 in the University of Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, after which he took up teaching. Later he enlisted in the Union arjny as a member of the 136th Pennsylvania regiment, and rose to the rank of captain. He was admitted to the bar in
in 1804, ami served as district attorney of Tmga " I lie ...imtv .ItiriiiL' ISliM 71. and ill 1870 he edited was elected lie 1872 In v Count Airitator." Tio"a In !! lower noilM of the stale legislature, serving until ISTIi. ami acting as cliainiian of the eominillees on
judiciary and ways and represented Pennsylvania
the iiiih congreuee MS77 *li. and was then ,111,1 i.-,tl, i-lcrled In tlie I". S. senate, serving frinn Mar. 4. Me was tlie presiding judge 1SSI. IIP Mar. :!, 1S87. he court of coininon plea-, of I'ennsylvaTiia, i.f Isss XI. and in I'llltl Was eleeteil to tlie .supreme Ipendi ,.l the slate for a term of ten years.
Republican ha
COYLE, Robert F., clergyman, was horn at Roseneath. Northuinherland cix. Ontario. Canada. who July 2S. IS.'iO. sou of .(nines and A-III 'oyle, emigrated to Canada ill ISM. In 180.1 they crossed the horder into Michigan, where the son continued (
\\'ahnsh Coland after 1ST",
Me was graduated lege
leaching for a year entered Auburn Theological SemiIn 1879 nary. Auburn. X. Y. he assumed charge of the First Presbyterian Church, Ft. Dodge, la.; in 1885 was called to the Fullerton A\-
Presbyterian Church. Chicago, and in 18!U went to Oakland. Cal.. as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. From there he was called to his present charge, the Central Presbyterian Church. Denver, Col., in 1900.
He was moderator
the general assembly of the Presbyterian church in the United States. 1903-04. and chairman of the commission to raise $12,000,000 for education. In 1887 he pub" lished Foundation Stones." a volume on the evidences of Christianity; in 1892. "The Christianity " of Christ." and in IMHi. Workingmcn and the Church." which was re-issued in 1903. The degree of D.D. was conferred upon him in 1890, by
\Vahash College, and of LL.D. by Westminster College. Missouri, in 1903. Dr. Coyle was married at Ft. Dodge, la., June 4, 1885, to Joanna Adella, daughter of David A. Haviland. and has two sons and three daughters. He is a man of sociability, affability, loyalty, and staunch Christian friendin any ship; a man who makes himself
popular gathering, and one who has those gifts that gather in the together harmony warring factions of a disrupted congregation. He is a popular preacher, an able writer, and a sympathetic friend.
legislator, was born on Block Island, R. I., Aug. 30, 181!. sou of George G. and Eliza (Paine) Sheffield. After studying at various educational institutions
of Rhode Island, he entered public life at an early age by attending as a delegate the convention which framed the constitution for the state, known as the Landholder's Constitution in 1841. In the following year he was returned to the state legislature, and was also a member of the convention which framed the state constitution. He studied law Harvard 'niver-ily in 1S4I! 44. and at the same time represented Xew Shorchani in the Rhode I-lanil general assembly. In 1844 he was admitted to the bar and entered at once upon the practice of his profession at Newport, which was his permanent residence, lie served for more than thirty in the Rhode Island years legislature, and during l
a considerable portion of that period was chairman of its leaning committee. In 1872 he wa.chairman of the comiuissii ners who revised and' reported alterations in and amendments of the lie is said to have done statutes of the state. more to shape the statutes of Rhode Island than other He also served lihode Island any person. as its representative in the .'!7lh congrc.". and upon the decease of Henry I!. Anthony, in 1SS4. wa- appointed by the governor a member of the I'. S. senate, serving from Nov. 10, 1884, to Jan. He was actively interested in Inany pub20. 1880. lic movements for the benefit of the state. He was connected for many years with the management of the Newport Hospital and the Children's Home " of Newport, lie was the author of an Historical Sketch of Khode Island" (187C); monograph on the "History of Block Island" (187til; "The
an "Address on the Inauguration of the Statue of Oliver H. Perry;" Ann The Trials of Hutchinson and Mary Dyer." and " Random Notes on the Government of Rhode Island." and other addresses, speeches and pamphlie was married in 1847 to Lillias White, lets, daughter of Samuel Sanford, of Boston. Mass.
Rhode Island Privateers;"
KEBR, Joseph, senator, was born of Irish parentage, about 1770, and settled at Chillieothe, O., in early life. He took a prominent part in local was a, laborious and painstaking polities, and member of the state legislature. He was a pioneer of Adams county, and was prominently identified with its early political history until his removal SOL' to Chillieothe, Ross county, about 1800. In he was appointed surveyor. lie entered the state in the senate during legislature in 1804. serving the 3rd and 4th general assemblies, and in the house during the 7th and 8th. At the session of In 1814 .1804-05, he act, ,1 as speaker pr tempore. he was elected to the V. S. senate from Ohio as a Democrat, taking the place made vacant by the resignation of Thomas Worthington. who had been elected governor of Ohio, and he remained a member of the upper house from Dec. 10, 1814. until the end of the term. Mar. 3. 181.1. He was a strong advocate of the early organization of Ohio state Sen. Kerr was one of the leading government. and most valuable citizens in building up and developing Ross county and the lower Scioto He died at a little more than seventy Valley. years of age, respected alike by associates and antagonists. 1
FOSTER, Addison Gardner, senator, was born When he at Belehertown. Mass., Jan. 28, 1837. was still a child his parents removed to Oswego, 111., and there the son attended the public schools. Subsequently he removed to Minnesota, where he abash* was at one time auditor and surveyor of county, and where he taught school until 1859, when he established a business for the sale of grain and real estate, in which he continued until 1875. Becoming interested in the lumber trade, he removed to St. Paul. There he invested largely in timber land: but in 1899 removed to Tacoina. Wash., where, beside carrying on the lumber business, he took an active interest in developing coal
He was vicemines and in building railways. president of the St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co. Although he had never been active in politics, and had held but one public office, he was' elected on His the Republican ticket to the I". S. senate. term began Mar. 4, 1899, and will expire Mar. :;. 1905.
John, senator, was born at I'rsino, J.. Dec. 4. 1852. son of John and Lucy Kean. His early education was received in a private school, and at Yale University, where he
OF AMEEICAK BIOGRAPHY. was a member of the class of 1876, but was not Leaving his college course to study graduated. law, lie entered the Columbia Law School, and was graduated there in 1875. He was admitted to the bar of Xew Jersey in 1877, but never engaged in practice. During the 48th and 50th congresses he served as a representative from New Jersey, and in 1891-92 officiated as chairman of the Republican In 1892 lie was the Republican state committee. candidate for governor of Xew Jersey; later he served on the committee to revise the state judiciAfter nomination by acclamation at the ary. Republican caucus, he was elected to the U. S. senate, Jan. 25, 1899, succeeding James Smith, Jr., Democrat, and took his seat on Mar. 4th, for the term ending Mar. 3, 1905. Sen. Kean is president of the of the Xational State Rank, of Elizabeth Elizabethtown Water Co., and of the Elizabethtown Gas Co. vice-president of the Manhattan Trust Co., and is interested in many other corpora;
SMITH, James, Jr., senator, was born in Newark, X. J., June 12, 1851. He was educated in the public schools and early in life was thrown on his own resources. Choosing a business career, he mastered the details of manufacturing patent and enameled leathers and he now conducts the largest manufactory of such goods in the United States. His enterprise and public spirit, together with his generous treatment of his employees, have made him very popular and some years ago, although a Democrat, he was elected by a large majority to the city council in a strong Republican district. Later he was nominated for mayor, but declined the honor. Despite his unwillingness to accept office, however, he has been for years a Democratic leader in Essex county, which he has frequently represented in state conventions. He has also been a delegate to a number of national conventions. He was chosen a U. S. senator, serving from Mar. 4, 1893, to Mar. 3, 1899. During the long struggle for the repeal of the silver purchase clause of the Sherman law, he stood unflinchingly by the administration, while in the tariff fight he strongly opposed the income tax and delivered a forcible speech against that measure. He served as chairman of the committee on the organization of the executive departments and as a member of those on coast defenses, Indian affairs, District of Colum-' bia and manufactures.
fession with Col. L. D. McKissick, in Memphis, and by the association of Sen. Isham G. Harris in 1876, the firm became Harris, McKissick & Turley, and when Col. McKissick removed to California in 1879, it became Harris & Turley, and remained unchanged for many vears. In 1880 Mr. Turley and Gen. Luke E. Wright formed a partnership, which still continues, their two sons being now members of the firm. He was appointed U. S. senator July 20, 1897, to succeed his former partner, I. O. Harris, deceased, and served by subsequent election until Mar. 3, 1901. Sen. Turley is a quiet, unostentatious man of very youthful appearance and genial manners. He is noted for firmness and integrity of character, and great He has always ability and learning as a lawyer.
been a Democrat and in the presidential campaign of 1896 he ably supported Mr. Bryan, the nominee of the Chicago convention, making one most notable speech in reply to Mr. Bourke Cochran, of New York. He was married in 1870 to Irene, daughter of Eli Rayner, of North Carolina, and has five children. surgeon, was born at June 14, 1859, son of William Bennett and Martha Electa (Hay wood) Davis, and grandson of Silas A. and Phoebe He was graduated at the Davis. (Eaton) Nebraska State University in 1882 and at the Minnesota College Hospital in 1884. He began his practice in June, 1885, at McCook, Neb., where he remained until 1893.
DAVIS, Byron Bennett,
Fayette, Lafayette
and a half at the Uniof
many, and 1894
Neb., sides.
Berlin, Gerin the fall of
where he now reHe has been chief
Immanuel to surgeon 1894; surHospital since T
W ise
geon to
Hospital since 1901, and professor of the principies of surgery and clinical surgery at the College of Medicine, UniverDr. sity of Nebraska. Davis is the author of
Battle, senator, was born in Memphis, Tenn., Apr. 5, 1845, only child of Thomas J. and Ora (Battle) Turley. His father, whose parents went from Virginia to western Kentucky, thence to the neighborhood of Xashville, was a brother of Judge William B. Turley, of the supreme bench of Tennessee, and at the time of his death was a law partner of Judge Archibald Wright. In the latter part of 1861 the son entered the Confederate army and became a member of the Maynard rifles of Memphis, commanded by Capt. E. A. Cole. This company joined the 154th senior Tennessee regiment, and served with it in the Army of Tennessee until the termination of the war. He was wounded at Shiloh. When the three years time of enlistment expired his company was about tne first to enlist for the rest of the war, young Turley taking active part in the movement. He was again wounded at Peach Tree creek, near Atlanta, Oa.. July 20, 1864; was captured in the battle of Nashville, in December, 1864, and carried to Camp Chase, Ohio, where he
remained until exchanged in March, 1865.
then returned South. After the war he attended the University of Virginia, and was graduated B.L. in 18G7. He began the practice of his pro-
sixty important papers on abdominal surgery. of the
Medical Society, the Nebraska State Medical Association,
the Medical Society of the Missouri Valley, the Western Surand the Omaha Medigical Gynecological Society, cal Society, the American Medical Association, the Knight Templars, the Omaha Club, and the Omaha Field Club, and he was a regent of the state university, 1887-93. He was married at Beatrice, Neb., "June 7, 1887, to Sophia, daughter of
Myers, and has one son, Herbert
John, lawyer and senator, was born 1850. son of John and Catherine (Ennis) Patton, and a descendant of Col. John Patton, who emigrated from Sligo, Ireland, about 1765, and settled in Philadelphia, His father was a banker by occupation, Pa. was twice a member of congress, and was distinguished for his philanthropy. The son received his early education at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., and at Yale University, Where he was gradat Curwensville, Pa., Oct. 30,
uated in
1875. He then took a course in the School, was graduated there in 1877
himself to be a teacher. With the money in teaching be Has enabled to enter Lawrence University, at Appleton, Wis. lie taught (luring a part of his course and was graduated with honors in )874. He studied law at Mil wankec. and was admitted to the bar of Wisconsin in LS7.">. Locating at Yankton, S. Dak., he formed a partnership with his brother, John R. Gamble, in January. lS,li. which continued until the death of the latter, in August, 1891. John R. (iambic was elected a member of the 52nd congress, but JOHNSON, Waldo Porter, senator, was born died before taking his seat in that body. Robert J. Gamble has continued to in Ilarri-ini county, Va.. Sept. Hi. ISI7. son of practice law when he William and Olive (Waldo) Johnson, and a nephew has not held official positions. Since 1SS9 has After been a member of the board of trustees of Yankof Joseph Johnson, governor of Virginia. He. was district attornev for the graduating at Rector College he studied law. was ton College. admitted to the bar in 1842, and in the following second judicial district of the territory in 1880, year e-tablishcd his practice at Oseeola. St. Clair city attorney of Yankton for two terms.' and state co.. Mo. In 1840 he enlisted for the Mexican war, senator in 188.'). under the constitution adopted as a private soldier, and while serving on the plains in that year, before the pas-age by congress of was honorably discharged, because he had been the enabling act under which the -late sought elected a member of the Missouri legislature. He admission into the Union. He represented his was successively made prosecuting attorney, and state as congressman-at-Iarge in the 54th and 5.1th a judge of the circuit court. He was elected to congresses, and was the unanimous nominee ,,f the U. S. senate and occupied his seat during his party for election to the 55th congress in ISIM!, the session that convened July 4, 1861. He but was defeated by a plnralitv of 182 votes out of special sent in his resignation, but it was not considered a total vote of 83,000. Mr. Gamble has been an and he was expelled from the senate Jan. 10, 1862. active member of the organization of Republican He recruited the 4th Missouri regiment for the his state for a number of years. He was elected Confederate army, and participated in the battle to the U. S. senate for the term beginning Mar. 4, of I'ea Kidge, in which he was twice wounded. 1901, and ending Mar. 3, 1907. In 1884 he was While in charge of recruiting service, he was ap- married to Carrie S. Oshorne. daughter of George pointed by Oov. Reynolds to fill a vacancy in the Osborne, of Portage, Wis., and has one child. Confederate senate and served until the close of the war. After the surrender of Lee, he left the PIERCE, Heman Winthrop, artist, was born country, and made his home at Hamilton, Canada, at Boston, Mass., Nov. 25, 1850, of New England until 18 iii the present time (1!I04). "pon the death of Sen. Stoekhridgc. lie was appointed to the vacancy ihn- made: and In- served a- a till member (if the I'. S. senate from Hay 5, 1804, to Jan. l."i. 1S95, when a successor was regularly dec-ted, lie was married at Grand Ka]iids, Midi.. Oi-t. 1. ISS.'i. id !' ranee- Steven-, daughter of Hon. \\'. I). Foster, and has four sons.
numerous encounters with the lawless and turbulent element of that period. Subsequently he was tax collector. At the expiration of his term he removed to San Francisco, and became a successful operator in stocks and one of the founders of the Spring Valley Water Co., which supplies water to the city. Having acquired a fortune of several million he retired from dollars, active business. He was assistant treasurer of the United States and treasurer of the mint at San Francisco for six and served years, three terms in the
was admitted to the firm, which became Fiss, Banes, Erben & Co., and in 1883, Erben, Search & Co. In January, 1892, he became treasurer and managing director of the John B. Stetson Co., continuing his connection with Erben, Search & Co., until June, 1894, and in 1900 he also retired from the former. For over twenty years he has been a director of the Bank of North America. He is also president of the Cold Spring Bleaching and Works. He was of the Finisiiing vice-president National Association of Manufacturers, and its For many years he wT as a president, 189C-1902. vice-president of the National Association of Wool Manufacturers. He is a member of the Home Market Club, of Boston, and National Association of Cotton Manufacturers. In 1883 he founded a
legislature of Califor-
for textile education, Thomas Dolan and William Arrott afterward sharing the expenses, and this school is still in existence as the Philadelphia Textile School, being a part of the Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art, Philadelphia, the greatest institution in the United
He was
chosen to represent the fifth nia.
district in congress in and was re1884, elected in 1886. but in 1888 declined a renomination. While in
congress he served on the committee on
merchant marine and fisheries and mileage. After a protracted and
elected U. S. senator
contest in
he was legislature California in 1891, to of George Hearst, de-
out the unexpired term ceased. Mr. Felton's principal competitor was Morris M. Estee, and it was charged that the Southern Pacific Railroad Co., of which Mr. Felton is president, made unlawful use of money in the contest, but he was acquitted and served from Mar. 1, 1891, to Mar. 3, 1893. fill
was born at Andover, descendant of Henry Adams, who came to America from Essex, England, in 16.'!2, settling at Braintree, Mass., and was the The ancestor of the Adamses of Massachusetts. line runs through his son Joseph, his son Samuel, and through three intervening generations to Jonas Adams, the grandfather of Austin Adams. The latter was educated at Ludlow Academy, an '-;ideiny at Townsend, Vt., and Dartmouth College, where he was graduated in 1848. He accepted a position as principal of an academy at West Randolph, and after studying law at the Hartford Law School, he commenced the practice of law in Woodstock, Vt., in 1854. In the same year he removed to Dubuque, la., and the following year he entered the law firm & Adams. He pi Cooley, Blatchley campaigned vigorously for John C. Fremont in 1856 and took an active part in the political affairs of his new home. He was elected to the Iowa supreme court from Dubuque county in 1875; was re-elected in 1881 and retired in 1887, having served as chief justice in 1880, 1881, 1886 and 1887. After retiring from the bench he formed a law partnership with County Attorney Alphons Matthews. Dartmouth College conferred the degree of LL.D. upon him in 1883. He died at Dubuque, la., Oct. 17, 1890. SEAttCH, Theodore Corson, manufacturer, was born at Southampton, Bucks co., Pa., Mar. 20, 1841, son of Jacob Miles and Nancy Marple (CorHe was educated at the Pennsylson) Search. vania State Normal School and the Chester Normal and High School (now Crozier Theological Seminary), after which he taught for seven years. In 1868 he entered the employ of Davis, Fiss &Banes, Philadelphia wool merchants, and in 1872 Vt.,
24, 1826, a
States for practical instruction in textile processes and the applied fine arts. Mr. Search was a president and is chairman of the instruction committee. For his services in behalf of education Brown University conferred upon him the honorary degree of A.M. in 1895. He is a trustee of the American Baptist Publication Society. He was married Dec. 25, 1862, to Anna L., daughter of Ephraim A. White, of Southampton, Pa., and has one daughter, Ida May, wife of George H.
Sidney, soldier, was born at SouthAfter receiving a bridge, Mass., Oct. 16, 1831. common school education, in 1854 he became editor and publisher of the Southbridge " Press." He was attracted to Kansas by the political excitement of the times and settled in Lawrence in 1859, where he at once took a prominent stand in the and discussions, political was elected to the state He enlegislature in 1861. listed in the volunteer service in the civil war, and in
1863 was appointed assistant adjutant-general by Pres.
Lincoln. He was assistant provost-marshal-general for Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado
and Dakota until 1864, when he was elected as a representative from Kansas to the 36th congress. He served on the committee on the Pacific railroad, and on Indian affairs, and on the death of Pres. Lincoln, he was one of the national committee appointed to accompany the remains of Mr. Lincoln to Illinois. In 1866 he was a delegate to the Philadelphia
convenLoyalist the 40th and 41st In 1878 he was elected to the congresses. again Kansas legislature and was made speaker of the house of representatives. He was a prominent advocate of the opening of Oklahoma to white settlement, and after that result was accomplished by act of congress in 1889, he removed to Oklahoma City. At the statehood convention in 1891 he was made chairman of the statehood executive committee, and he was elected to the territorial legislature in 1898 and re-elected in 1900. tion.
He was
HAMILTON, Morgan Calvin, senator, was born near Huntsville, Ala., Feb. 25, 1809, a brother
\inlivu Jackson Hamilton, provisional governor Texas, llr received his early education in the count rv school^, and \\as brought up to niercanIll IS.'iT hi- emigrated to the Kepublile pin-nil-.. lie nl Tcxa.s, where he >crved as a clerk in the war a-, secredepartment during IS.'iS-l.'i, acting also lary oi war I'm a purl ion of that time. After the admiuioa i Tcxa* a-- a -late, he was still prominent in local affairs, receiving: an appointment as comptroller ill the state treasury ill September, ISii7. and serving as a delegate to the eonslituLater he was elected liunal convention of 1SOS. as a Itepuhlican to the U. S. senate, of whieli he a member remained by re-election, from Mar. 30, 1S7H. in Mar. :!. 1S77', acting on the committees mi pensions and railroads. i.i
OSBORN, Thomas W.,
was born at
X. ,(., Mar. !), 1836. In I.i42 his father removed to \Vilna, Jefferson CO., N. V, where the sun secured a common school
Scotch Plains. I'nion
education while working on a farm. After being graduated at Madison University in 1860 he studied law; was admitted to the bar in 1861, but at once enlisted as lieutenant of artillery in the Union army. As captain he took part in the battles of Willianwburg and Fair Oaks, and as chief of
the subsequent battles of the peninsula. During a. portion of the si niggle he was connected with the army of Tennesnearly
and saw service
capacity through the entire war. With the rank of colonel he acted as assistant commissioner of the bureau of refugees and freedmen for Florida (1865-66). He was three times wounded in battle, and in a railway accident received a fracture to both arm and shoulder. He practiced law in Tallahassee, and later removed to Pensacola. In 1867 he was appointed a registrar in bankruptcy, and to the state constitutional convention he was sent as a delegate, drafting the revised document and voting for its adoption. He served the upper branch of the state legislature, and was elected by that body to the U. S. senate. The latter office he held from June 25, 1868, to Mar. 3, 73. acting on the patent and public lands committees. He was the leader of that faction of the which Republican party endeavored to impeach c chief clerk duly 10, ISTti. lie was made. elcpiily commissioner .Inly 1, 1881, and commi-sioncr Nov. l."i, ISS4, and resigned Mar. 16,
Me died
Fel>. 4. 1SSS.
Potter, physician, was born in Wilmington, Del., Oct. lit. is'l2, son of David and Martha I'otteri I'.u-h. and a descendant of ChrisPrince of topher I'ush, who accompanied William, He was educated in WilOrange, to England. mington, at I.atta's Academy, Chester county, Pa., and was graduated at Jefferson College with the Three years afterward decree of A.li. in 1S:)2. he wai graduated M.D. in the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania. After serving for sixteen months as interne at Blockley almshonse, Philadelphia, he settled in his native city " Yellow for practice. Dr. Bush was the author of " Fever on the Brandywine in 1845," Typhoid Fever and its Diagnosis from Typhus Fever," Typhoid F.pidemic in Wilmington in 1847-1848" of 1849," Report on Climatology and Epidemics " Delaware during Seventy-five Years," Report on the Health of Wilmington," and other medical He was president of the papers, reports, etc. State Medical Society of Delaware in 1885, of the American Academy of Medicine in 1886, and of the hoard of managers of Delaware College in 1888. He was married in 1839 to Maria Jones, of
BUSH, Lewis
lawyer, was born at Bridgton, Cumberland co., 'Me.', May 26, 1840, son of William and Charlotte Bennett. He was educated in the district school of Sweden. Me., the Bridgton Academy, the Boston Latin School and Bowdoin College. He studied law under Asa Cottrell, of Boston, was admitted to the Massachusetts bar in 18(>6, to the circuit court bar in 1868, and to the U. S. supreme court in 1882. Since 1806 he has practiced law in Boston, where he was a trial justice of Middlesex county at the time of the
annexation of Brighton, and special municipal court justice for the Brighton district He was a memthereafter. ber of the state house of representatives in 1880, the state senate, 1881-82, and again in 1801-92. He was a leader in the senate, serving as chairman of the com-
mittees on taxation, election laws, congressional districts, railroads, rules and orders, and constitutional amendments, and as a member of those on judiciary, and probate and chain-cry, he al-o -ci veil a- a member of the H-liool
committees of Brighton and Boston.
ahsorlition into the Brighton branch of the lio-ton public library he served as a trustee ot
the Holton library. In 1893 he was prominently mentioned for attorney-general nominee on the Republican ticket. Mr. Bennett was married in Bos-
was born
near Hiidderslield.
Yorkshire, England, Apr. !', 18(i4, son of John and Emma (Jaggcr) Kitson, and a descendant of Thomas Kitson, who was knighted by George 111. Several members of the family have displayed marked ability in literature, paintWhen only eight years of age ing and sculpture. Henry used the stone carving tools of his brother with so much enthusiasm that his mother sent him to the Mechanics' Institute in lluddersfield. Before he was twelve he had taken several prizes and had won the first prize at the Yorkshire Mechanics' School of Design. In the following year he emigrated to
Wilmington, Del. BENNETT, Joseph,
to Elizabeth R., daughter (Harding) Lafavour, and has
KITSON, Henry Hudson,
Because of
WAS discharged
-cued as BnJ lieutenant and captain in the 18th from which he regiment, \eteran rc-cnc corps, was mii-tcrcd out of the service Nov. 20, ISut!.
ton. Mass.. Apr. :>>. of John and Mary t hrcc children.
New York
brother, who was a stone had established a carver, shop. Here he began work, helping to carve the Astor
memorial for Trinity Church and modeling panels and friezes
the Vanderbilts.
he went to Paris, where he entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, and in 1883 exhibited his first bust, that of Angelo Schiitze. In the same year he executed "Armour," the bust of a sweet faced child. His statue " Music of the Sea " attracted much favorable attention in the Salon of 1884 and won a gold medal at the Prize Fund In
exhibition in New York city in 188."). al-i a ^ohl medal at the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic-' Association in Boston. It is now owned by the Boston Art Museum. A bust. " The Fisherman's Wife," was also exhibited at the Salon of 1884. of that year he During the summer " modeled " The
Singing Girl
and a
bust" of Mr. to NewYork city, where he executed the bust of John In the Paris Exposition of Iss'.t McCullough. he was awarded the only medal received by an American sculptor. In 1888 the queen of Ron-
Sturdee. and in the
autumn he returned
mania gave
him many sittings in the royal palace at Bucharest for a portrait bust, which has since been put into marble: it was shown at the Paris Exposition of 1900 and received an honorable mention. Mr. Kitson was decorated by the king of Roumania. made commander of Unroyal order of Bene Merenti, and the queen's medal was bestowed upon him. In 1SK1 he modeled a figure of Christ on the cross for the Drexel family; this and "The Stone Age." a figure for the Dver memorial at Providence, won medals at the Columbian Exposition. In 1S97 he received from Francis Brown Hayes a commission for a bronze statue of Capt. John Parker, leader of the minute men in the battle of Lexington. This monument was unveiled Apr. 19. 1900, on Lexington common. The figure is of heroic size and stands, gun in hand, gazing down the road toward Boston, a thoroughly artistic work, possessing both strength and repose.
Mr. Kitson
statue which stands in Marine park, Boston, and among his portraits of prominent people are the busts of John Gregory Smith, war governor of
Vermont, and Prof. George Martin Lane of Harvard also a statue of Mayor Doyle of Providence and an exquisite bas-relief of Queen Wilhelinina. :
He is a member He was married
of the National Sculpture Society. in 1893 to Theo. Alice Ruggles.
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. POOL, John, senator, was born in Pasquotank After being gradcounty, N. C., June 16, 1820. uated at the University of North Carolina in 1847, he was admitted to the bar in the same year. He was elected to the state senate in 1856 and in 1858, and in 1860 became the Whig candidate for governor of North Carolina. In 1864 he was returned to the state senate as a peace advocate, and again in 1865, in which year lie was a member of the At the close of state constitutional convention. the civil war he was elected to the IT. S. senate, but, with the other senators from the seceding In 1868, states, was not allowed to take his seat. he was re-elected, and served from June 25th of comon the that year, to liar. 3, 1873, acting mittees on revolutionary claims, revision of the He was a firm U. S. laws, and Indian affairs. advocate of union, and that section of the state about his home, Elizabeth City, strongly partook of his sentiments. Sen. Pool died in Washington, His daughter, Mrs. S. F. D. C., Aug. 18, 1884. Sessford, became somewhat noted as a puzzle " G. Race." writer, under the name of
Wilson, clergyman, was born
at Tuskegee, Ala.. July 1!), 1856, son of Gen. Cullen A. and Georgia Florida (Williams) Battle. He was educated in Mercer University, and after studying law with his uncle, ex-Gov. John Gill Shorter, at Eufaula, Ala., he was admitted to practice by special act of the legislature in 1875. Preferring the ministry to the law he entered the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Louisville,
Ky., and his the First
first call
Baptist Miss. Columbus. Church, After three years of successful work here, his health
compelled a more invigorating climate and he went successively
New Berne and
Wilson, N. C. At each place he was instrumental in vastly increasing church membership and in *4*v-r' promoting every good cause. In April, 1892, he accepted a unanimous call to the First Baptist Church of Petersburg. Va., and here he won recognition as a stimulating preacher and promoter of high social and religious interests. In IS!). ? the degree of D.D. was conferred on him by Wake Forest College, N. C. He is president of the Baptist Sunday School and Bible Board of Virginia. He was married June 11, 1880, to Margaret, daughter of Rev. J. L. Stewart, of Clinton, N. C. 1
JEWETT, Daniel Tarbox, senator, was born at Pittston, Kennebec co., Me., Sept. 14, 1807, son of Daniel and Betsey (Tarbox) Jewett, grandson of John Jewett of Hopkinton, N. H., and a descendant of Joseph Jewett, who came to America from England in 1638, settling first at Dorchester and then at Rowley. Joseph was accompanied by a brother, Maximilian, and from these two all the Jewetts of America are believed to be descended. Sen. Jewett worked on his father's farm and attended the common schoqls until seventeen years of age. In 1826 he entered Waterville College,
now Colby University, and in 1828 accompanied the head professor to Columbian College, WashingFor ton, D. C., where he was graduated in 1830. a year he taught the Latin, Greek, and algebra students of a large private school in Virginia and for two years had charge of a smaller private
He continued his law school while studying law. studies at Cambridge, Mass., and Bangor, Me., and was admitted to the bar in 1834. He operated a steamboat on the Chagres river, Panama, for two years, was two years in California engaged in practicing and mining, and after traveling throughout the West, in 1857 settled in St. Louis, Mo., where he enjoyed a large practice for many years and was called by local historians the Nestor of the St. Louis bar. During 1860-72 he was in
He served partnership with Britton A. Hill. the Missouri legislature as a. Republican state of the 1867-68 and was a member In December, Republican convention of 1870. 1870, when Pres. Grant appointed Sen. Charles D. Drake chief justice of the Washington court of claims, Gov. McClurg appointed Mr. Jewett to the vacancy in the senate and he served until the legislature elected Frank Blair to the position in June, 1871. He was married in 1848 to Sarah, daughter of John Wilson (1777-1848), an eminent lawyer of Belfast, Me., and a representative in congress from Massachusetts (1813-15 and 1817Sen. Jewett had one son and one daughter. 19). in
ROYLE, Vernon, inventor and manufacturer, was born at Paterson, N. J., June 9, 1846, son of John and Agnes (Houston) Royle, of English and Scotch birth. He was educated in the common schools, learned machine construction from his father, who was a skilled mechanic, served an apprenticeship at mechanical pattern-making and worked in various machine shops, eventually acquiring a thorough knowledge of applied mechanics. In 1867-70 he was empoyed by Vanderburgh, Co., New York city, manufacturers of and engravers' supplies, having charge of an important branch of the business. After an
of impaired
secretary to the Paterson board of education until 1877, when he assumed the management cf a shop established by his father, John Royle, for the
manufacture of machinery. Beside equipping his factory with the best modern tools, he set himself to work to invent new qnes and perfect old machines. His first important patent covered improvements in the routing machine. Other inventions are a spinning flier, patented in 1883; a machine for repeating the Jacquard cards used in weaving, a very complex piece of machinery, but so perfectly adjusted that a boy can run it automatically: a dobby or small machine used in weaving simple designs, patented in 1884; eight patents on machines for the manufacture ,of rubber tubing and for covering wires and cables with plastic
compounds; an improved warper
ing the warps used in silk looms, 1887 the quiller, a machine which winds the silk on a small quill used for making the filling or transverse threads in weaving, 1888; a flushing valve for closets, 1887; an automatic lacing machine, which feeds, punches and laces the cards of the Jacquard loom at one operation, 1896; lining beveler used by photoengravers for lining and beveling plates. 1896; machine for cutting patterns in Jacquara cards, 1897, rotary edgers and shoot boards for squaring engravers' blocks, 1899-1900; a machine for repeating Jacquard cards, 1900; an insulating machine for electric wire, 1901 hand-lacing machine ;
for .Ian|iiaril card-. 1002: a cylinder routing machine. 1'.NI2: an electric switch, 1903. and an antdniaiic release for lacintr and repeating niacliincs. In all he has obtained fifty-six patents. Mr. 100:!. camera shutter permitl!oyle ha-i aNo invented a
and stereoscopic work and time and ting single-lens instantaneous exposures. Aside from their origithe Royle nality and their minimizing of labor, niacliincs have always been conspicuous for their finish. They are all perfection of detail and designed and built in Paterson, N*. .!., under Mr. He was married in 1872 to Kovle's control. Jcannic. daughter of Joseph Malcolm, of Glasgow, Scotland, and has
clergyman and author, was born in St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 19, 1854, son of George Otis and Julia Olds (Whitney) Allen, and a descendant of John Whitney, who emigrated from England in 1C35. He was graduated at the Washington University, St. Louis, in 1878. The degree of A.M. was received from the same institution in 1881, and that of D.D. from the University of Wooster in 1807. After a two years' post-graduate course at Princeton niversity with the class of 1881 and after
ALLEN, Lyman Whitney,
studying "theology at Princeton Theological Semihe was ordained by the Presbytery nary, of St. Louis in 1882, being immediately apIn 1885 he was pointed to a suburban parish. called to the Carondelet St. Church, Presbyterian Louis, and four years later accepted a call to the South Park Presbyterian Church of Newark, N. J., where he has preached to the present time (1904). He has made his church one of the largest
and most flourishing
in the Passaic valley. Dr. Allen is the author of several books, miscellaneous and poems
prose articles published in the periodical press. Ifis works include "The Coming of His Feet, and Other "
tenant of 3d infantry July 1, 1845. During the Mexican war he participated in numerous engagements from Palo Alto to the final surrender of the lily of Mexico, and he was breveted first lieutenant and later captain for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battles of Contreras, Churubusco and Chapultepec. lie was employed from the close of the Mexican to the opening of the civil war in garrison and frontier duty and in numerous expeditions against the hostile Indians, lie was promoted to a captaincy in I860, and in 1801 was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers and commanded a cavalry brigade under (Jen. King. He distinguished himself by several daring
reconnoissances in the vicinity of Gordonsville, the Rapidan and the Rappahannock. He commanded the cavalry of -the 5th corps in the Shenandoah In July, 1802 he valley and northern Virginia. was transferred to the infantry division, and Gen. disabled sickness he' commanded King being by his division. He was wounded at the second battle of Bull run, participated in that at Chantilly, and was again severely wounded at the battle of South mountain, where he commanded a diHe commanded various vision, Sept. 14, 1802. divisions in the South, and was appointed major of the 4th cavalry Oct. 27, 1863. He had command of the forces operating on John's island, S. C., July 1-10, 1864, and of the coast division department of the South Nov. 29, 1864, to Feb. 26, 1805, also at the attack on Honey hill, S. C., Nov. 30th and that at Tullafumy river Dec. 3, 1864. He then co-operated with Gen. Sherman in his advance up the coast and participated in various skirmishes. He was breveted from major to major-general for his gallantry during the war, notably at Manassas and South mountain, and for his services throughout the war was breveted In 1881 brigadier-general, United States army. he was promoted colonel of the 2d cavalry, and was retired by the operation of the law in 188(5. He was married Jan. 14, 1851, to Adelaide Goldsmith, daughter of Christian J. Burchle of Oswego, N. Y., and had two children, Mark B. and Harriet Hatch. He died in New York citv, Apr. 12,
was born
Abraham Lin- in Kentucky Dec. 6, 1848, son of George and Kli/.a" coln, the Star of Sangamon beth (Greene) Hazelrigg. He attended the district "The Coming of schools, and when war broke out joined the Con(1895). " His Feet attained wide federate army as a private in company D, ('apt. He served throughout the popularity at the time it first Bedford's command. New York "Independent," and has war, and in 1867 entered Kentucky University, Poems." and
appeared in the since been incorporated in a number of church hymnals. "Abraham Lincoln, the Star of Sangamon," is an epic poem which won a $1,000 prize from the New York "Herald," in 1895, appearing over the author's pseudonym, "Sangamon." He is a director of the Presbyterian Board of Home Missions in New York city, a member of the New of the Son's of the American RevoJersey Society lution, a member of the Princeton clubs of New York and New Jersey, and a member of the Society of American Authors, New York citv. He was married, Sept. 5, 1880. to Myra. daughter of Archbald Steele Irwin. of St. Louis, Mo., and has four children. June Thornton. Mildred Steele, Thornton Whitney, and Marguerite Irwin. Mrs! Allen died on Mar. 2!t. 1900.
Porter, soldier, was born at Oawego, X. Y.. Jan. 9. 1822, son of Moses Porter and Hannah (Reed) Hatch, grandson of Timothy and Abigail (Porter) Hatch and a descendant of
Thomas Hatch, who came from England
He was
in 1633.
graduated at the United States Military
Academy and was appointed brevet second
Lexington, where he was graduated in 1871. He read law with Messrs. Apperson & Reid, and was admitted to the bar in 1873. He was elected city attorney of Mount Sterling in 1874, and in 1882 he was elected county judge for a four years' term. In 1892 he was nominated for judge of the court of appeals and defeated ex-Chief Justice Holt. On the bench he displayed ability, learning and industry, winning general esteem by his tact and courtesy. He was married in 1872 to Mattie, daughter" of James H. Landeman, of Lexington, and had four daughters and one son, Mary H., wife of Courtland C'henault, of Montgomery county, Ky.; Elizabeth G., Emily D., Dyke L. and Hattie A., the latter dying in infancy.
DONAHUE, Patrick James, Roman Catholic bishop of Wheeling, was born at Malvern, Worcestershire, England, Apr. 15, 1849. At the age of fourteen, he became a student at St. Michael's Priory, Hereford, and two years later entered St. Gregory's College near Bath, where he completed his classical course in 1869. Subsequently he taught English and mathematics in England.
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. In 1873. he came to America and settled in Washington, D. C., where he studied law. was admitted In the to the bar, and practiced in 1876-83. latter year he entered St. Mary's Seminary as a theological student. On Dec. 19, 1885, he was ordained to the priesthood at Baltimore by Cardinal Gibbons (then archbishop,). During the first year he was assistant, at St. John's Church, Baltimore: in 1880-01, was chancellor of the archdiocese, and in 1891-04, was rector of the catheIn 1SSO. he was one of the delegatten to dral. Satolli when he came to this country to participate in the centenary of the establishment of the Catholic hierarchy, and again in 1892, when he returned, invested with the order In April, 1894, he was conof apostolic delegate. The diocese inserrated bishop of Wheeling. cludes sixty-four churches, eight chapels, four convents, and fourteen parochial schools. Bishop Donahue is a man of unusual force of character has his administration and and executive skill, been marked by energy, wisdom, and discretion.
welcome Archbishop
Charles Edward, R.
C. bishop
was born in New York city. Feb. lie was educated at De LaSalle Institute 1. ls.54. and St. Francis Xavier College, New York city, completing his study of theology in the American Before his reCollege at Rome, Italy, 1872-78. turn to America the degree of D.D. was conferred upon him. and he was ordained a priest by Bishop of Brooklyn,
His subsequent train-
ing in canon law and church ceremonial was obtained in Hie households of Cardinal McCloskey and was Archbishop Corrigan, for the latter of whom he acting as private secretary at the time of his appointment to the vacant see of Long Island. During 1878 he was assistant in St.
Mary's Church, New York and in the following year was transferred to St.
York. served
During 1879-84 he master of cere-
monies in the New York cathedral and in 1890 was appointed spiritual director to the Catholic Club. After the death of the Rt. Rev. John Loughlin in 1891 he as Appointed, bishop of Brooklyn, and was consecrated by Archbishop CorHis first official act was the
rigan. Apr. 25, 1892. dedication of the new St. Augustine Church, on May 15, 1892, and on the Wednesday following he administered the sacrament of confirmation to COO persons at the Church of the Sacred Heart, in Clermont avenue. Brooklyn. Under his administration
many new
churches have been founded. In 1896 he invited the Benedictine fathers of the Bahama islands to establish themselves in the diocese of Long Island, and a band of this order under the Rev. Gerard Spielmann settled at Farmingdale and secured a mansion with four acres of land in the heart of the village for their monastery, church
and school, which was dedicated July 4, 1898, by Bishop McDonnell. The diocese has grown perceptibly under his direction, and now includes (1904) 3 colleges for boys, 15 academies and select schools, 145 churches, and a population of about 500.000 Cat holio. Dr. McDonnell has greatly encouraged the religions order of the Redemptorists, and under liis patronage the Brooklyn foundation of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer was VOL. XII.
formally established on Apr. 2, 1893. He is a man of simple tastes and quiet demeanor. ODIN, John M., first Roman Catholic bishop of Galveston, see Vol. Ill, p. 102. DTJBUIS, Claude Marie, second R. C. bishop of Galveston. Tex., was born in France about 1817. He studied for the priesthood, and after his ordination was invited to Texas by Bishop Odin. He came to the United States in 1847, and was placed in charge of a mission at Castrovillc, Tex., where he built a pastoral residence and a schoolhouse with his own hands. He was stationed at San Antonio in 1850 as pastor of the Church of San Ferdinand, and while there he aided the Ursuline Sisters in establishing a school and a convent. After Bishop Odin's transfer to New Orleans he was promoted to the bishopric of Galveston, Tex., being consecrated, Nov. 23, 1802. The progress of the diocese was greatly retarded by the civil war, but after the cessation of hostilities he built many new churches, introduced priests and succeeded in In 1878 restoring his see to a state of prosperity. he was given a coadjutor in the person of Rt. Rev. P. Dufal, who since Nov. 25, 1860, has been bishop of Delcon and vicar-apostolic of eastern Bengal. His assistant, however, resigned two years later and went to Paris, France, where he died in 1889. In 1881 Biship Dubuis also went to France to recruit his failing health and there resigned his see, but remained titular bishop of Galveston till 1893, when he was promoted to an archbishopric in partibus infidelium. He died at Vernaison, France,
21, 1895.
Nicholas Aloysius, third R.
C. bishop of Galveston, Tex., was born at Temperanceville, Belmont co., O., Feb. 19, 1846, son of John and Mary Ann (Erin-
ton) Gallagher. At the age sixteen he entered Mt. St. Mary's Seminary of the West at Cincinnati. O., where
he was graduated in 1868. He was ordained priest on Dec. 25th of the same year, being appointed assistant of Patrick's St. pastor Church, at Columbus, O., remained in this charge till 1871, attending at the same^ time the chapel of St. Joseph's Cathedral. He was then appointed superior of St.
Seminary, Columbus, and five years later was assigned to the pastorate of St. Patrick's Church in that city. He was administrator of the diocese of Columbus from 1878-80, and upon Hie installation of Bishop J. A. Watterson was appointed by the latter prelate vicar-general. He held this position until Apr. 30, 1882, when he
was consecrated titular bishop of Canopus and
made administrator
of the diocese of Galveston, to succeed Rt. Rev. Dubuis, who resigned the previous year, nominally, however, retaining the bishopric. On Dec. 16, 1892, Father Gallagher was promoted regular bishop of Galveston, Tex., over which see he has since presided. The territory under his jurisdiction now (1904) contains 67 churches, 70 priests, 38 stations and chapels, 4 colleges for boys, 7 academies for young ladies and 30 parish schools. The Catholic population includes about 40,000 souls, but it constantly increases by immigration, and Bishop Gallagher's prudence and tact always enable him to meet successfully the difficulties of a position which require both qualities in an
eminent degree.
McMTTLLEN, Davenport, was |),mii.
born Mar.
Ireland. l-'ii/.Mmmon-i
Ballinahinch. County \*:\'2. son of James and
Ills McMnllcn. parents Canada the follow ing year, anil in farm near Ogdenshiirg. N. \. "ii a
removed In l.oi-kfiird. III., lull finally March. 1S44. The son was edutin- Lake, and ;ii tli,Cofiege of St. Mary of al'ii-r graduation uas received into the Seminary of M. 'Mary of the Lake, \vhero lie studied philosIn IS.V; he was tlien sent to and theology. 2. His first charges were in Old Mines ,,,,! I'ntosi. Mo., and in Is.ri4 he was transferred to St. Louis to organize the parish of
lie built a church which was then Michael. This considered one of the finest in the city. work done, l.e asked for missionary work in a him sent into Kendrick new field and Archbishop northwest Missouri, a Held in which there was Here he met neither church, parish, or mission. a herculean task with a light heart, brave spirit, and willing hands. He had a people to educate before he could hope to found a church or estabThese formed themselves into lish a mission. mis-ions and by these missions, churches were erected and the' condition of the Catholic church in that region stands thirty years afterward a monument to Vat her Ilogan's zealous missionary work. He then turned his attention to southern Missouri, and made a valiant attempt to found n Catholic, settlement, in that part of the state. The settlers then did not respond as did the people from the north and the progress was slow. He labored on, however, until after the civil war when the new diocese of St. Joseph was erected St.
Father Hogan was selected 3, ISliS, and He was consecrated bishop in the as its head. lie found Cathedral of St. Louis. Sept. 13, IStiS. himself with nine priests and eleven churches in a territory embracing that part of the state
located between the Missouri and Chariton rivers.
He founded
the Benedictine
ception, and introduced the Sisters of St. Joseph, the Sisters of Charity, the Sisters of St. Mary, and the Benedictine Sisters. In September. 1880, the new diocese of Kansas City was created, and
Bishop Hogan was appointed its first bishop, still retaining, however, the charge of St. Joseph as He transferred his residence to administrator. Kansas City, Mo., where he built the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception which he completed in a few years and which marks an epoch of Catholicity in this part of the in the history " The diocese of Kansas City has 90 West. 170 churches, 9 chapels, the Benedictine New Englebury, several charitable institutions under charge of the order, the novitiate and college of the Redemptorist Fathers at Kansas City, and a Catholic population of about 45,000. Bishop Hogan is well known and loved in the West, and the occasion of his episcopal silver jubilee in 1893 marked an outpouring of the people of all religious sects anxious to testify the regard with which they held the prelate. priests,
BURKE, Maurice
of St. Joseph, was born in Ireland, His parents emigrated to this coun5, 1845. try in 1849 and settled in Chicago, where the son
acquired his secular education. Having adopted the priestly calling, he became a student in the seminary of St. Mary's of the Lake, in Chicago, In 1866 he was sent to the American in 1863. College at Rome, where for nine years he studied theology. He was ordained by Cardinal 1'atrizi on May 22, 1875, and was a'ppointed assistant pastor of St. Mary's Church, Chicago, where ha 1S75-78, served with ability and zeal from when he was appointed pastor of St. Mary's the parof Church at Joliet, 111. He took charge ish Apr. 24, 1878, and was eminent for his energy, activity and enterprise. He built the Church of St. Mary's, one of the finest churches in the countwo try; founded and built the fine convent and parish schools and placed them under the care of the Ladies of Loretto. He purchased and laid out a new cemetery and introduced other judicious and successful enterprises, the success of which show his zeal and ability in the church and among the people. On Aug. 9, 18S7. he was appointed by the holy see as the first bishop of the new
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. diocese of Cheyenne, Wyo., and as
funned and organized
had to be
new and remote
work fell to an able workman. Of was said at the time, " He is regarded by the people of Joliet, irrespective of creed, as a region, the
public benefactor and is in daily receipt of expressions of their esteem and regret that the city should lose so progressive and able a citizen." Accepting a vast territory as his special domain, in which the entire Catholic population numbered only 4,500, and in which there were but eight priests laboring, was a courageous act which indicated both the necessity and the willingness of the new bishop to organize and, as it were, create a new diocese. Its remoteness and the scattered condition of Catholics and missions made the task difficult. In this new and arduous mission he labored fathfully and zealously for nearly six years. In 1893, June 19th, he was transferred to the see of St. Joseph, Mo., where the rapid progress of his work and the love of his priests and people attest the high esteem in which he is held. Beside Knglish, he speaks fluently Italian, Latin, French, German and Spanish.
LENIHAN, Thomas Mathias, second R. C. bishop of Cheyenne, Wyo.; was born in Ireland, May 12, 1845. He was educated in the schools of his native place until the age of twelve, when he was sent to Bardstown, Ky. He then attended the ecclesiastical seminary at Cape Girardeau, Mo., and St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, Wis. On being ordained priest Nov. 19, 1867, he was appointed pastor of St. Benedict's Church in Decorah, la., and three years later took charge of Corpus Christ! Church, Fort Dodge, la., and adjacent misWhile there he established many new parsions. ishes, erected churches and laid the foundation of a large academy. He was made dean and irremovable rector of Corpus Chnsti Church, in which position he remained until 1897, when he succeeded Rt. Rev. Burke as bishop of Cheyenne, Wyo. He was consecrated in St. Raphael's Cathedral, DuImque, Feb. 24, 1897, and administered the affairs of the diocese until his death, which occurred at the episcopal residence, Dec. 15, 1901. At the time of his death the diocese of Cheyenne contained 20 churches and 17 priests, ministering to a Catholic population of about 7,000. In 1903 the pope appointed Rt. Rev. James J. Keane to succeed Bishop Lenihan in the see of Cheyenne, Wyo. HAID, I*eo, R. C. bishop, was born at Latrobe, Westmoreland eo., Pa., July 15, 1849. At the age of twelve he entered St. Vincent's College in the vicinity of his home, and was graduated in the classical course in 1807. He next went to the novitiate at St. Vincent's, where he took his course in philosophy aifd theology, and on Dec. He was 15, 1872, was elevated to the priesthood. at once appointed to the chair of rhetoric and elocution in the college and was subsequently chosen secretary and chaplain of St. Vincent's Ahhey. He held both these positions when he was elected abbot of Mary Help Abbey, the new Benedictine establishment in North Carolina. Later he was elected president of the American Casmise Congregation of Benedictines. He was appointed vicar-apostolic of North Carolina in 1887 and received his episcoptal consecration as titular bishop of Messenia from Cardinal Gibbons in Baltimore, July 1, 1888. Bishop Haid has attained a reputation as a speaker and has composed two " " " very successful dramas Major Andre and St. Hermenegild." He is a genial, scholarly prelate, who is loved and respected by his pupils and confreres. His chief efforts are devoted to the spread of religion among the people of his vicari-
ate, which now (1904) includes 31 churches, 27 priests, 48 stations and chapels, 3 schools for the higher education of Catholic children and 8 parochial schools. The number of Catholics in
North Carolina
is 4,000.
Joseph, Roman Catholic
Wichita, was born at Ladysbridge, County Cork, Ireland, July 19, 1847, son of Michael and Ellen (Cronin) His Hennessy. parents came to this country when he was but two years of age, and settled in St. Louis, Mo. He received his early training at the local Cathedral School and at the College of the Christian He Brothers, where he was graduated in 1802. then studied theology at the Salesianum, Milwaukee, Wis., and philosophy at St. Vincent's College, Cape Giradeau, Mo., and on Nov. 28. 1809, he was ordained priest, a papal dispensation having been necessary for this purpose, as he was then under the canonical age. He was appointed pastor of Iron Mountain, Mo., Mar. 6, 1870, with a parish extending south a hundred miles to Arkansas. During ten years of active missionary labor in southeast Missouri, he organized the first total abstinence society in that part of the state, and the Catholic. Railroad Men's Benevolent Society, bishop
built six churches, was instrumental in the founding of a flourishing convent at
articles to the press. In 1878, his superiors, recognizing his executive and financial abilities, gave him charge of the Catholic Protectorate for Boys at Glencoe, Mo. For threeyears he labored faithfully for this institution, partially paid off its large debt, and introduced
In 1880, he succeeded Archbishop Ryan, as rector of St. John's Church, one of the largest and most important parishes in St. Louis, and the same year became editor of " St. Louis Youth's Magazine," which he conducted for six years. On Aug. 2, 1887, the new episcopal see of Wichita, in the state of Kansas, was erected, and the Rt. Rev. James O'Reilly (1850-87), then pastor at Topeka, was appointed by the pope to be its first bishop, but he died before the bulls of consecration reached him. John Joseph Hennessy was then appointed in his place, being consecrated on Nov. 30, 1888, by Archbishop P. K. Kenrick. of St. Louis. The diocese, which embraces the southwestern part of the state of Kansas, with 'Wichita as the episcopal city, has since made material advances in arousing religious interest, and strengthIt controls ening the Roman Catholic church. numerous charitable and educational institutions, has an academy, ninety-nine churches, five chapels, and sixty-six priests to minister to a Catholic population of about 22,000. Bishop Hennessy is a magnetic and impressive speaker, a fluent writer, a good linguist, an accomplished musician, a liberal patron of the arts, and an indefatigable worker in the cause of education.
many improvements.
MOHE1TO, Francis Garcia Drigo
S., first R. bishop of both Californias, 1840, was born toward the close of the eighteenth century, at Lagos, state of Jalisco, Mexico. He came of a highly respectable family and was graduated with distinction in the classical course of the Seminary
He was elected president their former prosperity. and visitor of the college at Zacatecas in 1S39, missions and was about to revisit the California when he received news of his appointment as H,.
oordained a
Californias. haung been elected was consistory. Aoril 27. 1840. He consecrated on Oct. 4th of that year, but did not assume charge of the see until Dee. 11, 1841. Ill
Our Udj
84, " of
'^;r cogent.
o *e mi.dons for II, appointed prefed California in 1832. conversion of the Indians in t these missions time thai ai twenty There were fathers two n, care conducted l>v the Franciscan The Indians ,,f California we.e mission. (lf ,,,,.|, in Christian communities, lot-mto.'ether inthered in of. prayer and industry, a commonwealth ini; the school and the mission house the
Which chapel, were tin- .vntral points
of civilization.
was devoted to the cultivation of the
Iheir time
raising and fine cotton; of cattle and (lie weaving of cloth God and sancti labors mingled with devotion to One of the fathers fied by dedication to His honor. attended to the spiritual, the other to the temporal labor with his affairs of the colony, joining in the own hands. The life of both the Indians and the The products of priests was simple and frugal. and their labor was shipped to convenient ports There the most enlightened enterprise prevailed. was a Catholic population of 30.650 in these head of twenty missions. They owned 424,000 their and 321,500 sheep, horses, 62,500 cattle, of wheat was 122.500 bushels. annual soil,
the sale of their products clothes, tobacco, and other articles were agricultural implements and with the surplus, the for Indians; purchased necessaries for the mission, furniture for the, churches and Indian dwellings was bought, and the food and clothing of the missionaries was all Father Garcia received from the common fund. arrived at the missions on Jan. 15, 1833, at a criti-
cal period of their existence. Echrandea, the first governor of California, appointed by the Mexican had broken up these peaceful settle-
Republic, ments, plundered the Indians and expelled the missionaries, who were the only friends of the Indians and their only protectors against such wrongs. The hand of missionaries had been so reduced by these troubles that Father Garcia was obliged to
carry new recruits with him when he assumed the duties of prefect of the missions. These he judiciously distributed and was unremitting in the zealous discharge of his duties at the missions of Santa Clara and San Jose, while his solicitude and care extended to all the missions both in Upper and Lower California. In 1837 the work of secularization of the missions, which had long been pending, actually went into effect and the property was given over to political authority and the missionaries were deprived both of civil and religious Father Garcia personally appealed to authority. the supreme government and the congress of Mexico, and through his earnest, eloquence succeeded in securing a repeal of the decree of secularization and the issue of an order for the restoration of the missions to the church, but the change of policy was too late to restore the missions to
the face of almost insurmountable difficulties and the obstacles in the brief time of his episcopate,
was wonderful. Among good that lie accomplished Santa other works, he founded a seminary at Sne\ that ill a short time was well filled with students and he was untiring in bis efforts in behalf of the Indians, whom he always made the His health solicitude. object of his most tender of 1S45. and he beiran to fail toward the close retired to Santa. Barbara, Cal., where he died, April
AMAT. Thaddeus. second Unman Catholic was born at. bishop of Monterey and Los Angeles, He was educated liareelona. Spain. Dec. 31, 1811. and in the diocesan seminary of his native- place, of at the age of twenty entered the Congregation " Lazariata. the Mission, commonly called the the revolution of 1835, he Driven from Spain
in Paris, where he completed his studies, and in 1838 was ordained In August of the same year he was sent
took refuge
eeelesiastieal priest.
on bv his superiors to the American mission, and arrivin" at New Orleans on Oct. litth following was stationed at the Church of the Assumption in In 1841 he was appointed master of that city. was novices 'at Cape Girardeau. and a year later made superior of the Theological Seminary of the S Lazarists, which had just been transferred to He remained at the head of that institution Louis. for five years, and was then made rector of the Seminary of St. Charles Borromes, remaining in this Father Amat attended the Bret position till 1851. and on that occasion plenary council of Baltimore, was nominated to fill the see of Monterey. Cal., made vacant by the translation of Dr. Alemany to the newly created archdiocese of San Francisco. He was preconized as bishop of Monterey on Juno where be made 29, 1853, and after a visit to Rome, a vain attempt to be released from the mitre, was consecrated there in the Church of the College of the Propaganda, on Mar. 12, 1854, by Cardinal Fransoni. While in Europe, Bishop Amat collected alms and procured students and priests tor his diocese, of which he took charge immediately upon returning to the United States in November, He founded schools and orphan asylums in 1855. Los Angeles, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara and San S Juan; established the Collegiate Institute (now Vincent's College) in Los Angeles; introduced the of S Lazarists, the Brothers of the Third Order of Francis, the Sisters of Charity and the Sisters the Immaculate Heart of Mary, placing them in institucharge of the educational and charitable tions of the diocese; and erected the Cathedral of St. Bibiana in Los Angeles, whither the episcopal I'.ishop Amat see was removed from Monterey. held three diocesan synods during his episcopate, attended the second plenary council of Baltimore
and the first provincial council of San Francisco, and was present at the council of the Vatican. He died in Los Angeles, Cal., May 12, 1878.
Francis, third Roman Catholic bishop Monterey and Los Angeles, was born near Vich, Owprovince of Barcelona, Spain, Nov. 25, 1827. ing to the poverty of his parents, lie. was obliged to work hard for the means to pursue his education. which he completed at the seminary of his na-
tive city in 18)4. licv.
He then attached
himself In
Thaddeus Amat, and accompanying him to
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. in November. IS").'), he became busily engaged in mission work throughout the diocese.
He was ordained to the priesthood at Santa Bar-
bara, Mar. 19, 1856, being at once appointed rector at Monterey, and, shortly afterward, of San Juan Bautista. In 1861 he was transferred to
San Luis Obispo, and in February, 1863, was called to Los Angeles and appointed rector of the proC'athedra! of Our of Angels. Father
Lady Mora
was appointed
vicar-genthe diocese in 1864, and nine years later, on May 20, 1873, he was
preconized bishop of Mossinopolis in partifnu and
coadjutor to Bishop Aug. 3d following.
Amat, being consecrated on
succeeded to the see of
Monterey and Los Angeles on the death of the latter prelate, May 12, 1878, and during his long administration has done much to extend the influence of the Catholic church in Lower California. Bishop Mora instituted many litigations to defend the disputed rights of the church and to recover much of its property that had been wrongfully appropriated. His contentions were so well taken as to be always sustained by the courts. In 1893, being in delicate health, he offered his resignation to the pope, but was prevailed on to accept a coadjutor, in the person of Rt. Rev. George Montgomery. Finally, however, he obtained his release, and on May 6, 1896, was transferred to the titular see of Hicropolis in Phrygia. He soon afterward transferred his residence to his native country, where he spent the remainder of his life. Oeorg-6, fourth R. C. bishop of Monterey and Los Angeles, was born in Daviess county, Ky., Dec. 30, 1847, son of Pius and Harriet Montgomery. After attending the
schools and Cecilian Academy in his native state, he went to St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md., where he pursued his studies, with the view of entering St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore. He was graduated at the latter institution in 1879, and on being ordained to the priesthood in December of that year he went to San Francisco, Cal., where for nearly fifteen years he served as secretary of the archbishop and as chancellor of the see. During his sojourn in San Francisco
Montgomery was movement having for its Father
object the temporal or spiritual welfare of the people, and it was largely due to his efforts that the Citizens' League was formed to give work to the unemployed. He also organized the League of the Cross for the promotion of temperance and total abstinence. In 1894 he was appointed coadjutor bishop to Rt. Rev. Francis Mora, and was consecrated April 8 under the title of bishop of Tmui, and on the retirement of that prelate succeeded him as bishop of Monterey and Los Angeles, May 6, 1896. In 1904 his diocese contained 74 churches, 28 stations, 1 seminary, 2 male and 19 female academies, 19 parochial schools, and a Catholic population of r>7.000, ministered to by 98 priests. In 1902 Bishop Mont-
gomery was appointed by Pope Leo XIII coadjutor archbishop of San Francisco.
CONATY, Thomas of
Ireland, Aug.
James, fifth R. and Los Angeles, was
1847, son of Patrick
C. bishop born in
and Alice
(Lynch) Conaty. In ISoO he emigrated with his parents to America and located in Taunton, Mass. He received his preliminary education in the common schools of that city, and in December, 1863, entered the College of St. Sulpice in .Montreal,
he remained until 1867, completing his humanities. The next two years were spent at the Jesuit College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass., where he was graduated in 1869. Returning to the Seminary of St. Sulpice in Montreal, he was ordained to the priesthood, Dec. 21, 1872, and was assigned as assistant to Rt. Rev. Thomas Griffin, of St. John's parish, Worcester, remaining there until Jan. 4, 1880. He was next appointed first pastor of the Church of the Sacred Heart in the same city and was in charge of this parish when he was made rector of the Catholic University. Mgr. Conaty always gave marked attention to church and educational work, and was instrumental in the development of the parochial schools of St. John's parish, over which he acted for many years as director. In 1877 he associated himself with the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America, being active in forming the Springfield Diocesan Temperance Union, of which he was elected its first president. At the national convention in New Haven in 1885 he was elected national vice-president and became president in 1887, serving in that capacity for two years. After Parnell's visit to America in 1879 he joined the Irish national movement, and at the Land League convention in Buffalo in 1880 was elected chairman of the committee of resolutions, a position which he also held in the National League convention in Chicago in 1881. He was treasurer of the Parnell fund, and for many years state treasurer of the He was Irish National League of Massachusetts. elected in 1873 a member of the Worcester school board, serving continuously for fourteen years, and was also for twelve years a trustee of the Worcester free public library. In 1892 he took a leading part in the establishment of the Catholic summer
now located at Plattsburg, N. Y., and was president of this institution until Oct. 22, 1896, when he was unanimously chosen rector of the Catholic University by the board of trustees, their choice being approved by Pope Leo XIII. In March, 1892 he started an educational monthly known as the " Catholic Home and School Magazine," which he school
conducted for five years. Mgr. Conaty has been chosen on many important occasions to voice the sentiments of his church on religion, education, contributing among patriotism and temperance, " The Relations of the Catholic others a paper on Church to Temperance," wnich was read at the conference of the Unitarian church in 1894, and an address read before the Pan-American congress " The Roman Catholic at Toronto in 1895 on Church and the Educational Movement." He has also identified himself with the work of public charities in Worcester and in the organization of the conferences of St. Vincent de Paul, and is a member of the Sociological Congress of Fifty, which has for its object the study of the social conditions of the people. In June, 1897 he was named by the pope a domestic prelate, and was invested with the insignia of this dignity on Oct. 19th following. He was appointed to succeed Rt. Rev. George Montgomery as bishop of Monterey and Los Angeles, Mar. 27, '1903, and was consecrated at Baltimore by Cardinal Gibbons on Nov. 24, 1903. " " Bible Studies Bishop Conaty is the author of (1898), which is extensively used as a handbook in Catholic colleges and schools, and of numerous valuable articles on education, temperance and social questions contributed to various magazines. He received the title of D.D. from Georgetown Uni-
4. was of novices in the latter place, to the Church of Mlaiaigned ai autatant pastor for in |;,,,,,e. where lie continued in Office 1841, he volunteered for the ,,1,0,11 two ,
American minion, and having emigrated to that ill missionary work in. Nasheoiiiitry. wa- engaged he was ville and Memphis. Tcnn.. until 1847. when made provincial of the Dominicans in the state of
Thr, e \ears later he attended the general and while there was chapter of hU order in Italy, and was consecrated appointed hi-hop of Monti-rev, in the ( Imivli of NIII Carlo, by Cardinal Franzoni, He immediately returned, to June :!)>. ls;,0.
Amciica to take charge of his diocese, and brought with him some Dominican monks and nuns, who were -iib-ci|i,ci,tlv placed in charge of the several In 1853, schools which he' founded in California. the archdiocese of San Francisco having been mated. Aleniany was appointed its first archHe held this post hi-hop ,, .Inly 2S.
K,, in. in
voL V,
VM Jlis
Marvland ami settled on emigrated Ii Wlicn quite young near Hard-town. Kv. St. Thomas, IK- entered tin- Dioi-i-an Seminary of inn ill IM!. was traii-forrcd to SI. Mary's Seminarv. iialtiinorc. where lie completed hi- ihcohigi pare-illa larm
cal "course iimlcr tlic care of the
at Balti:!1, ls-j:!. he was ordained a priest more hy Archlii-hop Mareehal. ami returning at as appointed a professor in once to Kentucky M. .lo-eph - College. Hard-town, of which he- was made president in 1S-7. He was a. good financier and relieved the college from dc'nt hill e.-igned the presidency in IS3II to become pastor of the He was untiring in his Bard-lown cathedral. ministration-' to the \idimsof the cholera epidemic
(In (id.
during which he not only devoted himself of the sick, but brought Sisters of Charily from a di-tancc to till the place-* of those in
Is.'!:!. I
who had
In 1834, lie was died of the disease. of the only Roman Catholic ehureh
made pastor
Louisville, where lie remained six years, foundIn 1840 ing an orphanage and parochial schools. II. lu- \isiud Kiirupe and upon his return was iippointeil vicar-general of the diocese of Louisville, Ky. He continued in this oflice until 1844, when lie was appointed bishop of Charleston to succeed in
the illustrious liishop Kngland. The consecration took place on Mar. 19th of that year in the cathedral of Cincinnati: Archbishop I'nrcell officiating in the ceremony. Bishop Reynolds understood. the people over whom he was called to preside, and with wonderful tact and prudence continued the work begun by Bishop England. He found his diocese iiicnmbcred by a debt of $14.000, and one of $34,000 annual pensions, and without property or income for his support or that of his
The Catholics, few in numwere mostly poor and scattered over a ter-
ecclesiastical students. l
ritory of (>3,000 square miles.
was not long before Bishop Reynolds had reduced the debt left by his predecessor to $5,000. In 1st."., he visited Europe in the interests of his diocese, and in May, 1850, he laid the corner-stone of the Cathedral of St. Finbor, which was comIn conpleted and consecrated on Apr. 6, 1864. nection with Dr. Lynch, he edited the works of Bishop England (5 vols., 1870). Bishop Reynolds took part in the sixth and seventh councils of Baltimore in lS4ti and 1S4!I. and in the first plenary council in 1852. He attained a high reputation for eloquence and learning, and (luring the it
eleven years" of his episcopate exerted a powerful and beneficial influence on the deliberations of the bodies in whoso councils ho participated. Bishop Reynolds was atllicted with an incurable disease from which lie ultimately died in Charleston S C Mar. !l. IS.Vi.
LYNCH,' Patrick
Niesen, third Roman Cathowas born at Clones CO.. Monaghan. Ireland. Mar. 10. 1817. son of Conlan Peter and Eleanor MeMahon (Xoillson) Lynch. his parents emigrated to il!l. America and of
d at heraw. S. C.. being among the earliest Catholic -otllei- in the state. 1'atrick was educated in tlic seminary of St. .John the Baptist at Charleston, and gave- evidence of such promise that l:i-!i,,|, Kngland sent him to the College of the Propaganda in Home, where he became one of the bed students. He was graduated from that instil ut i, ,n with the liiirlie-f honors, winnino the degree of D.ll. by a public thesis. He was ordained in and 1840. at once priest returned to the United (
lie attached himself to the diocese of Male.-. Charleston, and was appointed assistant priest ill the Cathedral of Si. l-inbar. remaining in this charge until 1S14. Soon alter ,1. A. Reynolds \\as installed as bishop of baric-ton, he appointed Dr. (
Lynch pa-tor of St. .Mary's Chinch, ami in 1S47 do him principal of the Collcgiale In-tituto, subsequently promoting him to the ollicc of vicargeneral of the diocese. He was for a number of
" \. a r.- editor of the I niled States Catholic Miscellany," and became well known through its columns for his learned articles on history, theology, and general science. Upon the death of Hi-hop Reynolds in 1S55, Dr. Lynch was appointed adminof the istrator diocese, and discharged these duties until IS.'iS, when he was nominated bishop of Charle-ton, being con-eeraled on Mar. 14th of that year. The Bahama Islands were soon afterward al-o
placed under his jurisdiction, and his episcopacy opened mo-t .auspiciously. I'liforlunatelv the civil war which then broke out exhausted the rc-ouivc-t of the country for the support of the Confederate In ISlil. a cause, and that of religion suffered. disastrous fire devastated the 1110-1 populous part "f Charleston, destroying also the cathedral, the episcopal residence, and other church properly in one night. Sherman's march to the sea next' followed, and left further devastation in its wake, the city of Columbia having been burned with its college, church, and convent, and the once flourishing diocese was then converted into a desolate waste. Though not a partisan, Bishop Lynch'* sympathies were strongly with bis countrymen, ami during the war he accepted a commission from the Confederate government to go to Kranec on a mission of peace. On his return, lie found nothing but desolation and financial ruin in his diocese, with only a dispirited and impoverished people to a-si-t him in his efforts to raise it. At the close of the war, the debt of the diocese of Charleston, was $220,000; $100,000 of the amount being deposits of the poor who had intrusted him with their savings. For the following seventeen years Bishop Lynch devoted his life to the payment of this debt,
and the restoration of
his diocese to its
former prosperity, and he eventually succeeded in accomplishing this work in a very large measure. The cathedral,
orphan asylum, and churches were rebuilt, and the entire indebtedness
with the exception of $15,000 liquifour-fifths of the dated,
amount having been
by his individual exertions outside of South Carolina. During the yellow fever epidemic which in raged Charleston in 1848, he assumed personal charge of one of the hospitals, and again in 1871, upon the outbreak of the same disease, though himself broken in health, he returned to his diocese, and without hesitation exposed himself to all the dangers of the epidemic in nursing and administering to the spiritual wants of the afflicted members of his flock. I n his 1877, powerful constitution began to give way under the many strains to which it had been suband his health jected, gradually declined, leading to a premature end. Bishop Lynch was a forceful a orator, cogent dogmatic controversialist, and a profound scientist. He attended all the councils of Baltimore, both provincial and plenary, from the time he first returned from Rome to America. He died in Charleston, S. C., Feb. 20, 1882.
NORTHROP, Henry Pinckney, fourth Roman Catholic bishop of Charleston, was born in Charleston, S. C., May 5. 1S42. In 1853 ho entered Georgetown College," and after studying there the classics for three years he went to Mt. St. Mary's ('cillefre. Emmitslmrg. Md.. where he was graduated in I860. Entering the seminary there and having finished the course in 1864, he went to Rome to the American College, where he was ordained June On his return to 26, 1865. the United States he was attached for several months to the Church of the Nativity in
1866" was of
York, and in
in Charleston, S. C.
In 1868 he went to NewN. C., and for four years was engaged in missionary labors in North bern,
He was
pastor of the pro-cathedral in Charleston and pastor of Sullivan's island from 187278, and was then stationed for one year as pastor of St. Patrick's Church in the same city. He was consecrated titular bishop of Rosalia and vicarapostolic of North Carolina, Jar 8, 1882, but upon the death of Bishop Lynch was transferred by a papal brief of Jan. 27, 1883, to the see of Charleston, S. C., retaining the administration of the Carolina. The diocese of vicariate of North
harleston now (1004) contains 18 secular priests, 9 churches with resident priests, 15 missions with churches. 81 stations and chapels, several charitable and educational institutions and a Catholic (
population of about 8,500 souls.
HEISS, Michael, first Roman Catholic bishop the diocese of La Crosse, and second arch-
bishop of Milwaukee, was born at Pfahldorf, He was gradBavaria. German}', Apr. 12, 1818. uated at the Gymnasium of Newburg in 1835, and then entered the University of Munich, where he studied till 1839, first in the faculty of law and afterward in that of theology. He finished his theological course at the seminary at Eichstadt, and was ordained to the priesthood by Mgr. Charles Aug. Reisach afterward cardinal at Nymphrenburg, Bavaria, Oct. 18, 1840. In December, 1842, he came to the United States, where he became pastor of the Church of the Mother of God at Covington, Ky. On the consecration of Bishop Henni, of Milwaukee, he was appointed his secretary and also had pastoral care of a church in Milwaukee. In 1840, he founded St. Mary's Church at Milwaukee, the first German Roman Catholic church in that city. In 1850, he went to for his health, and spent two years there. his return he conducted for a time an ecclesiastical school in his own house, and in 1856, was appointed the first rector of the Seminary of St. Francis de Sales, Mt. Salcsianum. the territory north and west of Wisconsin river and extending as far as the Mississippi was set off from
Milwaukee as the new diocese of La Crosse. he was consecrated its first bishop in the cathedral at Milwaukee. Sept. 6. 1868, Bishop Hcnni officiatHis administration of the new diocese was ing. wi-e and effective. Under his auspices the Sisters of St. Francis were settled at La Crosse. The
Sisters of Notre Dame established themselves in various parts of the diocese, while the Christian Brothers founded the College of St. John at
Prairie Du Chien. During the same period a cathedral was erected, numerous churches were built, their number increasing from forty to eighty-six; priests were provided tor the spiritual care of a steadily increasing Roman Catholic population, and twenty-five parochial schools and two asylums were opened. In 1880, he was transferred to Milwaukee as coadjutor to Archbishop Henni, with the right of succession, and on Mar. 14th of that year was created titular archbishop of Adrianople. On the death of the venerable Archfine
bishop Henni in September, 1881, he succeeded him as archbishop of Milwaukee, and received the He took an active part pallium, Apr. 23, 1882. as theologian in the Baltimore council of 1840, in that of St. Louis in 1855, and in the plenary council of Baltimore of 1866. He was a leading member of the Vatican council of 1869-70, and also a member of one of the four great commissions, each of which consisted of twelve bishops, who represented all parts of the world. He wrote
much on
ecclesiastical subjects, publishing among " Ueber die vier Evangelien," die Ehe." Archbishop Heiss died at Crosse, Wis., Mar. 26, 1890.
PLASCH, Kilian Caspar, second Roman Catholic bishop of La Crosse, was born near Wiirzburg, Germany, July 16, 1831; son of Andrew and Margaretha (Gussuebel) Flasch. His father emigrated to America with his family in 1847, and settled in Wisconsin, where he purchased a tract of government land, and engaged in farming. Young Flashch early showed a vocation for the priesthood, and after completing his course at the parish schools near his home, at the age of twelve, endeavored to persuade his father to send him to Wiirzburg to prepare for tho ministry in the Roman Catholic church. Being the only boy in the family, his father refused his consent. After coming to America, he remained for several years with his parents, attending the neighboring country schools in winter, and assisting his father in work on the farm during the summer. But the desire to become a priest continued to fill the lad's mind with even more importunity than it had hitherto done. He first wrote, and then visited Bishop Henni, of Milwaukee, who advised him to follow up what he thought was his vocation. After some difficulty he finally obtained the consent of his parents, and entered the College (now of Notre Dame, at South Bend, university) he commenced his classical course. entered upon the study of theology, at the seminary of Milwaukee, whence, two years later, he went to the Seminary of St. Francis De Sales, being one of its earliest He was ordained a priest, Dec. 16, students. 1859, and was then appointed pastor of St. Stephen's Church, five miles distant from his alma mater, but ten months later was called to become master of discipline and instructor in the classics and catechism in the salesranum. Resigning in 1867, on account of impaired health, he took charge of a small congregation and orphan asylum, near Milwaukee, but was recalled in Ind., where In 1854, he
1875, to St. Francis Seminary, where he was made spiritual director and professor of moral theology. In 1879, he was promoted rector of the seminary, and he remained in this position until 1881, when
he was appointed to succeed Michael Heiss, as bishop of La Crosse, Wis. Bishop .Flasch was consecrated by his predecessor on August 24, and on Sept. 1, 1881, he took possession of his see, which he administered until the end of his life with zeal and ability. He died at La Crosse, Wis., Aug.
',,'!,. NteholM
15 !
"1 ^
He >
and at th, ( ollege educated under priraU tutors, Mickirch. where In- remained two years, ,,f HMO came to th.- rnitcd State* and near is,; afterward entered 8t. Kranc.s Seminary, "' Milwaukee. Wta., where l.,- studied theoloo i
"as called
Karly in ISti-.L 1.."'"I "" llll v - 4th by Ki-hop Hci-s. tn assist at IM' thai vear was ordained deacon M .,rv s church there, lie \vas ordained pnest, si 1ST", a 11,1 being then appointed pastor Hi ,1, church tilled 111'- charge lor twenty-two ,,f thai ot During til,' last ten rears consecutive years. Inalso held the post of vicarhie patorat also that of admingcncral and for several years of the diocese of l.a Crosse. Upon the philosophy! (r,i--e.
death of
Kather Sehwebach
was on
successor, and being consecrated the affairs isii-j. has since administered Fell ".-> Hi- diocese now (1904), contains of the see. a -culinary, 2-27 churches. 29 chapels. 14f> ]iriests. high a college, an academy for young ladies, and -e\eral other educational instituM-hool-
The Catholic population, including Indians,
about 102,000 souls. On Jan. 8, 1901, was appointed by Pope Leo Bishop SehwcLaeh " assistant at the papal throne." XIII an
a. '.aerates
MIXCHER., Joseph, first R. C. bishop of Green Hay. \Vis.. was born in Vienna. Austria, Mar. IS. 1S07. When he was seven years of age his where he was parents moved to Moilena, Italy, educated for the priesthood. He obtained the decree of D.I), in !*:). and on March 27th of that After a six months' year \\iis ordained priest. returned in 1831 to sojourn in his native city he Modcna. where he became chaplain in the ducal court for the Germans attending the Chapel ot St Margaret, and was for the following ten years connected with the diocese About 1S41 he of Modena. conceived the desire of devoting himself to missionary work in some foreign land, and on meeting soon afterward Bishop Rotati, of
St. Louis, who was then visiting Rome to report the result of his mission in behalf of the holy see to Hayti, he resolved to accompany the latter prelate Arto the United Stales. riving in St. Louis in 1843, he was stationed for a vear at Little Rock, Ark., and from 1844-46 was pastor at
ice Creek, St. Louis Mo. lie was then sent to Rome by Bishop Kenrick on business for the interests of the diocese, and on his return, in 1847, was appointed pastor of St. Mary's Church, St. Louis, which charge he held for twenty-one years, lie aL'ain \i-itcd Kurope to procure priests and students in IS.").! and in 18C4, both times discharging himself of his mission to the entire satisfaction CO.,
of his superior. lie was in the meantime appointed vicar general for the German Catholics of the diocese, and in 1SI13 was elected first president of (lie newly organized Sodality of the Priests of St. l.nui-. On Mar. Isiis. the lee of Green Bay, comprising that (part of Wisconsin which extends frimi the ca-t bank of Wisconsin river to Lake Michigan and running north from the Fox and .'!.
Manitowoc rivers, was established, and Father Mclchcr was consecrated its lirst. bishop on July 12th of that year. He at once entered upon the his see. whose clerical force work of
organizing then consisted of sixteen priests ministering to a Catholic population of 60,000, and was BO successful in his administration that at his death the diocCM contained fifty-six priests, ninety churches and the Catholic population increased chapels, while' to upwards of 00.000. He introduced the Si-tcrs Serviles of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Kranciscan and Dominican Sisters, built a iiim at a cost of $16.000, and began cpiscipal residence of the the prcparatiirv work toward the erection new cathedral.' lii-hop Melcher died at Green Hay. Wis.. Dec. 20. 1873.
Lorn near Li-hop of Green Bay. was 1824. Karly Bruck, Bavaria, Germany, Jan. 12, his parents feeling himself called to the ministry, sent him to the seminary at Ratisbon in his thirteenth year, and after finishing his classical course In 1S40 he entered the, I'niversit.y of Munich. commenced his course "of theology in the Gcorgiiinum in Munich, but transferred himself to the diocesan seminary in Ratisbon two years later, and on July 16, 1850, was ordained priest. He determined to devote himself to American misarrived in sions, and in October of the same year in the United States. After a short residence of Buffalo he was sent for a time to the parish of f Eden, and in 1851 was stationed as pastor he Peter's Church at Rochester, N. Y., where established a school for boys and girls, placing the latter in charge of the School Sisters of Notre K.
He was
vicarappointed by Bishop Timon
and on two ocgeneral for the German Catholics, casions when the bishop was absent on visits to Rome he administered the affairs of the di. of Buffalo. In 1859 Father Krautbauer went to Milwaukee to become the spiritual director of the School Sisters of Notre Dame in that city, frein the cathedral quently preaching and officiating and other churches of Milwaukee, as well as of
and neighboring cities, during his long stay there, also supervising the erection of the sisterhood's mother-house. In 1873 he came near losing his " Ironsides," on which he was life, the steamer Lake Michigan on a trip to Buffalo, havcrossing to ing been wrecked and the passengers obliged take to the lifeboats. In 1875 he was appointed bishop of Green Bay, and was consecrated by MilArchbishop Henni at St. John's Cathedral. waukee, June 29, 1875. He found in his diocese
92 churches with 63 priests and a population comGerman-, Catholics, English-speaking prising Frenchmen, Hollanders, Bohemians, Wallsons, and races of Poles and Indians. Such a mixture diocese languages made the administration of the himvery difficult, but Bishop Krautbauer proved self equal to the task, displaying rare judgment and tact in dealing with the wants and requirements of his miscellaneous flock. lie erected the Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier, established several orphan asylums, increased the number of churches to 126 and that of priests to 90. and advanespecially exerted himself to extend the tages of Catholic education by founding numerous
in parochial and other schools. He visited Koine 1877, and in 1884 attended the third plenary counHis health steadily declined cil of Baltimore. after his return, and he died at Green Bay, Wis., Dec. 17, 1885. KATZEB, Frederick Xavier, third Roman Catholic bishop of the diocese of Green Bay
first archbishop of Milwaukee, was born at Ebcnscc. Austria. Feb. 7, 1844, son of Charles After and Barbara (Reinhartsgruber) Katzer.
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. attending school at Gruiindin, Austria, to which place his parents had removed, he began his classical studies in 1857. at the Jesuit College, He was graduated there in 1804, Linn, Austria.
and coming to America of the
May ied
year, studat the Semi-
theology of St. Francis de Sales,
near Milwaukee, Wis., where he completed his studies and was ordained a priest, Dec. 21, 1800. He remained at St. Francis as professor of
nominated bishop
theology, and philosophy, until July, 1875, when he accepted the position of secretary to Bishop Krautbauer, of Green Bay, Wis. He was at the same time rector of the cathedral, in 1879, becoming vicar-general of the diocese. Upon the death of Bishop KrautDec. he bebauer, 17, 1885, came administrator, and was of
Green Bay,
1880, receiving the episcopal consecration on Sept. 21, 1S80. On Jan. 30, 1891, he was transferred to Milwaukee and raised to the archiepiscopal dignity. Archbishop Katxer was distinguished in the so-called German movement in the Catholic 31,
church and as a determined upholder and promoter of Catholic parochial schools and education. The archdiocese under his jurisdiction in 1902 contained 317 churches, 36 chapels, 4 seminaries, 6 schools for the higher education of boys, 7 academies for young ladies, 144 parochial schools, various asylums and hospitals, and had a Catholic population of about 245.000, and 312 priests. He died at Fond du Lac, Wis., July 20, 1903. MESSMER, Sebastian Gebhard, fourth Roman Catholic bishop of Green Bay, was born at Goldach, Switzerland, Aug. 29, 1847, son of Sebastian and Rosa (Baumgartner) Messmer. Having passed three years at the high school at Rorschach, he studied the classics at St. George College, St. Gall, Switzerland, during 1801-00, and in the latter year entered the University of Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria, where he pursued philo-
and theological studies for five years. ordained a priest July 23, 1871, and comto the United States in the same year took ing a chair in Seton Hall College, South Orange, N. J., as professor of theology. He was one of the secretaries of the plenary council of Baltimore and editor of its acts and decrees (1884) received the degree of doctor of divinity (1885) from Pope Leo XIII in 1880. In 1889 he went to Rome, where he got the degree of doctor of canon law; from there he went to the Catholic University of Washington, D. C., as professor of canon law, which po>t he retained till 1892., when he was sophical
He was
He was appointed bishop of Green Bay, Wis. consecrated at Newark, N. J., Mar. 27, 1892, by Bishop /ardetti, of St. Cloud, Minn., and has since successfully administered the ecclesiastical affairs of the territory under his jurisdiction. The diocese of Green Bay at present (1904) contains -iM church, 23 and 77 stations, chapels parochial sd Is and several other educational as well as charitable institutions. Its Catholic population comprises 125.000 souls, attended to by 157 priests. " Praxis Bishop Messmer is the author of Synodalis" (1883) and editor of "Canonical Pro" cedure." (1880), Spirago's Method of Christian Doctrine" (1901) and " Deirviers, Christian Apol-
" (1903). ogchy Bishop Messmer is a life member of the Wisconsin State Historical Society and the Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, Pa.
Simon Gabriel, first Roman Catholic Vincennes (now diocese of Indianapolis), was born in Rennes, France, Mar. 2, 1779. His father, who was superintendent of the royal !,
in considerable Brittany, possessed wealth, but on account of some unfortunate business transactions left his family at his death in embarrassed circumstances. His widow was a woman of energy and ability, and by sacrificing her personal property managed to liquidate her husband's indebtedness. Simon Gabriel passed through the different Catholic schools of his native town, and entered college to prepare himself for the polytechnic school, when his career was the terrors of the French revoluinterrupted by tion. Many priests found a refuge from persecution in his brother's house, and he would visit them in their prisons and hiding places. These associations, coupled with his natural inclinations, early led him to desire to
adopt an ecclesiastical life, but that career being then closed to him, he resolved to take up medicine. He .
studied for three years at the medical college of Dr. Dreval at Rennes, and in 1799, went to complete his professional studies in Paris, where he was graduated with the highest honors in 1803, winning the first prize among 120 comfirst
petitors, lected as
who had been the best
1,100 students.
out of
He was
once appointed physician to the First Dispensary at Paris, but declined the position, being now at liberty to follow his chosen vocation. In November, 1803, he began his theological studies at the Seminary of St. Sulpice in Paris, and in 1808, was ordained a He priest. was then offered the position of chaplain to the a canonicate in the cathedral Emperor Napoleon, at Rennes, and several other places, but preferto teach in a ring seminary he declined them all and accepted an appointment as professor of theology in the Sulpitian Seminary at Rennes. He remained there until 1810, when, meeting Bishop Flaget, he resolved to accompany him to America, and to devote himself to missionary work there. He arrived in Baltimore on Aug. 10, 1810, and was at once appointed professor of philosophy in St. Mary's College. In 1812, he was called to Emmettsburg to assist Father Dribors, and was for tiie following twenty years the spiritual director of the Sisters of Charity, contributing largely to the development and prosperity of the institution they had founded. He went to France in 1815, in the interests of the American missions, and for the purpose of bringing his library of 5,000 volumes to the United States. This valuable collection of choice books he donated to St. of which he was made president Mary's College, soon after his return. At the expiration of tw he this years resigned post and resumed his pastoral duties at Emmettsburg, where he at the same time filled the chair of theology and moral philosophy, and lectured on sacred scriptures in the ecclesiastical seminary. In 1833, when the see of Vincennes, comprising all of Indiana and a part of Illinois, was created, Brute was nomi-
eonaeerated i>y Cathedral on Oct. alumni Is;: I, and immediately _'-. charge of his He fiiuiiil in it Imt three priest,. a lew diocc-c. churches. mill II" religious order-. seminary, or scl ..... I,. Feeling keenly tin' necessity for lundtir-t
hi-hop. the >t.
thorough visitation of his ill (lie hope nf obtainKm ope piie-ts ami money In enable him in M mi hi, \\ork. In this undertaking lie Mas \oiy -ucccs,fiil. ami returned with buth misThe jirie>l>. twenty in niimsionaries' ami mean,. iier. ere U1 trading post estab:ni activity to the Ann. Fur Co. between 1'ointe lished bv the American lie here cneoun'and Keweenan 1'oint. iiiaiiii"e 1
irrcd' dillicullics that hose lie of r,.p,.tilim,
respects a
met with at Grand Mver, the conversion f some ot the iiitiian I
but thri>ii"h me,, ,,,,.,11,1,,,.
a foothold was laboring in lie built a church and a Christian .settlement, land upon which parsonage, purchased a tract of
savages, and by
be ereete.1 thirty houses for the converted Indians, and -i> imp.v-.-ed were, the latter with his work to the thai many from distant points flocked While in Kurupe in 1837 he published inUsioii. demand his various Indian books in Paris, and the afterfor tin-in in the United State's and Canada ward bee-iime so great that they returned him a imfurther re\e..n.r \\he-rehy he was enabled to Ann. In 1845 his labors prove the settlement at were increased by an influx into the country of a large population from all parts of the world who were attraeted there by the discovery of the celebrated copper mines of the upper Peninsula The greater proportion of them of Michigan. were Catholics, and Father Baraga took it upon himself to administer to their spiritual wants. There numbers, however, soon became so large that lie found it imperative to secure the services For this purpose and in order of more priests. to attend the publication of his books, in 1853 he visited Cincinnati, where he lectured on the mineral wealth of the Lake Superior region and the fruitful field that was open to the missionary. Oil Nov. 1. IS.Vi. Father Haraga was consecrated inirliliiiK and made vicarhi-hop of Amy/onia apostolic of upper Michigan. The following year to Europe to secure more priests, and hi' went returned with twelve fathers who had volunteered lie introduced the Brothers and for the missions, si-ters of the Third Order of St. Francis, and found them invaluable assistants in his work In 1S.~>(> the vicariate was aiming the Indians. erected into the diocese of Sault Ste. Marie and he was appointed first bishop of the new see. Despite his failing health he continued his former life of labor, hardship and exposure, always sleeping on the floor or. a bench and often walking i
forty miles a day on snowshoes when making his visitations, hi 1SO."> the episcopal see was transferred to Marqnette, and on Oct. 15th of that year Itt. l!i v. liaraga was created bishop of Marquette and Sault Ste. Marie. He was stricken with apoplexy while attending the patroal council in Baltimore October, 18G6, but he returned to his diocese as soon as he was sufliciently improved. He attended to his duties until a short time before his death, which occurred at Marquette, Mich., Jan. 19, 1808.
Ignatius, second 11. C. bishop of Marquelte. was born at Hotoula. Carniola, Austria, Oct. II!. ISlli. After completing his theological studies, he was ordained priest in 1SI!7. and for the following eight years served as parish In 1845 he came to priest in his naiixe country. the Tinted states, and spent ten years as misnorthern Michigan, laboring among the al Arbre Croche, Mani-tce. I. a Cn,i\. Middlcton and Castor island. From IS.V) ill) he was stationed at Eagle Town, on Grand Traverse bay, at the same time attendsionary
Ottawa and (hippcwa Indians
which he had
founded, and was then appointed vicar-general lo Upon the death of the latter Bishop Maraga. was nominated for the ~eo prelate. Father Mrak of Marquette and Sault Ste. Marie, and was conno secrated by Archbishop Purecll. Feb. 7, ISIi'.l. presided over the bishopric till 1S7S. when he was on of to account health. resign failing compelled In 1881 he was created titular bishop of Antinoe. He spent the remaining years of his life in retirement, and died in Marquette, \.ich., Jan. 2, 11)01. VERTIN, John, third R. C. bishop of Marwas born at Rudolphswerth, Mich., quette, When nineteen, Carniola, Austria. July 17, 1844. vcars of age he came with his father to the United States and entered the Theological Seminary of St. Francis. Milwaukee. Wis. On Aug. :)1. ISlili. he was elevated to the priest-
hood by Bishop Baraga, and was then stationed as
pastor at Iloughton, Mich., in which charge he remained for five years. He served in the same
Mid... from 1871-70, and on Sept. 14th of the latter year was consecrated bishop of Marquette, succeeding Rt. Rev. Ignatius Mrak who had resigned 1878. the bishopric in Bishop Vertin's administration of the diocese was signalized by considerable progress of Catholicism, new churches having been built, convents established, and schools founded ami placed in charge of the various religious lie died at the episcopal residence, .Marorders, His successor, lit. quette, Mich., Feb. 26, 1899. Rev. Frederick Eis, was administrator of the lee until he was regularly consecrated bishop of MarHis diocese now (1904) quette, Aug. 24, 1899. contains 80 churches, 68 priests, 20 parochial schools, and a Catholic population aggregating about 70,000. MARTY, Martin, first Roman Catholic bishop of Sioux Falls, and second bishop of St. Cloud, Ind., was born at Schevyz, Switzerland, Jan. 12, In early youth he entered the Benedictine 1834. Abbey of Finsicdlen, and pursuing the study of theology with great zeal and talent, he made his
profession on
20, ]8.V>.
September of
the following year was ordained into the Mcnedictine order. In 1800, he was sent to America, to join a colony of monks from Kinsiedlcn, who had founded the "Benedictine settlement of St. Meinrad in Indiana in 1854. lie soon became a leading was spirit in the community, and when a priory established there in 1865, Uom. Marty was made its fir-l superior. Under his zealous administration the labors of the fathers rapidly extended their influence, a large number of postulants were received and persevered in their vows, ami the misIn 1870, Pope Pius consion work increased. verted St. Meiurad's into an abbey, constituting Ilelvctothe fathers connected with it into the American Congregation." and Right Rev. Martin Marty was made mitred abbot. The corner-stone of the new monastery was laid May 22, Is, 2. '
Abbot Marty presided" for several years, perfecting the institution under his care, extending its missions, erecting churches, and fostering education in connection with the Roman Catholic church. Ill spite of the zeal and energy with which he de-
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. voted himself to these duties, he had always fostered a wish to labor amongst the Indians, and finally obtaining permission from his superiors, he went with some of the fathers on a mission to Dakota. There he found the work so promising, and so full of interest for him, that he resigned the dignity of abbot, in order to devote himself to it, and for some time he labored as an humble In 187'J, the terrifather amongst the Indians. tory of Dakota was formed into a vicariate-apostolie, and confided to the care of the zealous Benedictine,
who was
consecrated bishop of Ti-
Under his administration the Catholic church made such progress in the vicariberias, Feb.
ate that after four years it contained 90 churches priests, with 7 Indian missions attended by his clergy, Benedictine, Ursuline, and Presentation nuns, with Sisters of the Holy Cross, and Jonville Sisters of Charity to aid in the diocesan work. In 1889, the diocese of Sioux Falls, comprising the state of South Dakota, was established, and the learned
and 50
vicar-apostolic was appointed its first bishop. His labors on behalf of religion earned for him the " The Angel of the West," and estabsobriquet of lished the Roman Catholic church strongly in Dakota. His health, however, gave way under the strain of his arduous duties, and it became necesIn sary for him to resign his laborious office. 1894. he was prevailed upon by his friends to accept the less onerous charge of the diocese of St. Cloud, Minn., and he administered it until his death, whieh occurred at the episcopal residence, Sent. in.
TROBEC, James, Cloud,
was born
in 1838.
bishop of St. Carniola, Aus-
After completing his classiLaibach, Austria, he entered the ecclesiastical seminary of that city, where he studied theology and philosophy. In the year 18G4 he emigrated to the United States and continued the theological studies in St. Vincent's College, Pennsylvania. He was ordained priest at St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 8, 1865, and in October following was stationed as missionary at Belleprairie, Morrison CO., Minn., where he remained one year. He was next assigned to St. Felix Church at Wabasha, Minn., and after a pastorate of twenty-one years, was entrusted, in 1887, with the organization of St. Agnes parish in St. Paul, Minn. He remained in this charge for ten years, and on Sept. 21, 1897, was consecrated bishop of the diocese of St. Cloud, Minn., succeeding the Rt. Rev. Martin Marty. The diocese of Bishop Trobec, comprising sixteen counties of the state of Minnesota, at present (1004) contains 94 churches, 12 chapels, 1 university, 1 seminary and 1 college for boys, 2 female academies, 22 parochial schools, several hospitals and asylums, and a Catholic population of 42,000, who are attended by 106 priests. tria, July 10, cal course in
chial schools, 6 Indian schools and a Catholic population of 55,000. Bishop O'Gorman is a man of
winning personality and imposing appearance. He has acquired an enviable reputation for accuracy
and resarch, especially on difficult historical suband is the author of a " History of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States." He was a member of the commission sent by Pres.
Rome in 1902 to confer with the Vatican authorities on certain Philippine questions in which Washington and Rome were both Roosevelt to
VAIL, Stephen, manufacturer, was born at Malapardis. near Morristown, N. J., June 28, 1780, son of Davis and Hannah (Moore) Vail, grandson of Thomas and Sarah (Davis) Vail and greatgrandson of John and Martha (Fitz Randolph) He was educated in the common schools of Vail. the neighborhood. In 1804 he became owner of the Speedwell Iron Works, near Morristown, which have be-
come famous as the building where his son Alfred (q. v.) carried on his electrical experiments with the Morse telegraph, and where also the engine for the steamer Savannah, the first steamship to cross the ocean, was He contributed thi
funds necessary for his son to carry on his experiments. He also made the screw docks for Baltimore, Md., and Charleston, S. C. He had two sons, Alfred and The latter (1809George. was associated with 75) his father in the factory,
represented his state at the world's fair
don in 1851 and served in the national congress as a Democrat from Dee. 5, 1853, to Mar. 3, 1857, and was U. S. consul at Glasgow, Scotland, during 1858-61. Stephen Vail was one of the lay judges that were required on the local bench in New Jersey, and thus acquired the title of judge, and was president of the Morris i;nd Essex Railroad Co. and the Central Railroad Co. of New Jersey. He died in Morristown, N. J., June 12, 1864. L'HOMMEDIEU, Ezra, legislator, was born at Southold, L. I., Aug. 30, 1734, son of Benjamin and Martha (Bourne) L'Hommedieu, and grandson of Benjamin L'Hommedieu, a Huguenot of La Rochelle who fled to Holland, and thence to New York in 1686. He was graduated at Yale College in 1754; became a lawyer practicing in New York; was a member of all the provincial congresses of New York including the fourth at Kingston, which formed the first state Constitution in 1801, was a member of the convention called to interpret some parts of the Constitution and determine how many members each house should have; wab a member of the state assembly, 1777-83; was state senator during 1784-1809, one year cxcepted (1792-93); chairman of the judiciary committee, and of the committees to which educational bills were referred, and framer of many^ of the laws enacted was repeatedly on the council of appointment. For twenty-six years he was clerk of Suffolk county; he did much to promote agriculture, and contributed papers to the proceed.
O'GORMAN, Thomas,
second R. C. bishop of Sioux Falls, was born in Boston, Mass., May 1, He was educated in Chicago and St. Paul 1843. in 1850-53 and in France in 1853-05. He was pastor at Rochester, Minn., in 1867-78, a member of the Paulist
New York
city in
1878-82 and pastor at Fanbault, Minn., in 1882-85. He then became first president of the College of St. Thomas, Merriam park, St. Paul, where he also filled the chair of dogmatic theology for four years. He was professor of modern church history at the Catholic University, Washington, D.C., from 1890-96, and on Apr. 19th of the latter year he was consecrated by Cardinal Satolli bishop of Sioux Falls in St. Patrick's Church, Washington. The diocese over which he has since presided now (1904) contains 134 churches, 88 priests, 28 paroVOL. XII. 27.
ings of the first New York agricultural society. During 1779-83, he sat in congress and in 1878-88. In politics, he was a Federalist. From 1787 until his death, Mr. L'Hommedieu was a regent of the state university, and to him and not to Alex-
andcr Hamilton is due the credit of founding the M-teni of higher ediiciition in the state. He was of married, Dee. 21. 17:.!i. to Charity, daughter sister of Nil oil Klovd, of Brookhaven, N. IT., and
William Floxd: and again. June 15, 1783, to of Shelter daughter of Nicoll Havens, and. hv trhom he had a daughter who became
Catherii! ...erine.
'of Samuel S. Cardineir. He died at Soiithhold. I..
the wife bar.
of the
New York
Sept. 28, 1811.
born Joseph, manufacturer, was Westmoreland county. 1'a.. Mar. 24, 182ti, son His of Samuel and Sarah (Mansfield) Walton. ej-andunrle. Ceorge Walton, was one of the signHis er- of the Declaration of Independence. father, a native of Philadelphia, was a prominent millwright and hridgebuilder. who constructed the first bridge over the Allegheny river, and
erected the first mill on that stream, now known After having learned something ns Hills Mill. of his father's trade. Joseph Walton went to
and began carpentering work, iiicinnali. O., mastering his trade before reaching the age of He associated himself with a fierman nineteen. builder and was very successful as a millwright. (
Removing to Pittsburg, in
erected and several saw-mills.
While employed
James Wood.
ing-mill of a
at Tempcranceville, Pa., he
out by Judge
Heath, who was operating a saw-mill at that place; and his rise to a prominent position was largely due to the influence of that gentleman. After working for Judge Heath for a time, Mr. Walton was made a partner with him, and given full charge over his lumber interests.
gaged in the coal business and built up a prosperous trade, filling extensive contracts for the government during the civil war. One of these was sai4 to have been the largest handled by any one firm up to that time; and the two branches of his business, coal and lumber, assumed mammoth proportions before his death. Heing at that time the owner of three coal works and eight steamboats, he had established branches of his coal business in Cincinnati, Louisville, and New Orleans, and at one ti|ne owned and operated a large sugar plantation in Louisiana, beMilcs being the owner of several large farms in In 1870 he was elected to the Pennsylvania. on Pennsylvania the legislature Republican ticket, serving one term; and for seventeen years he was ii member of the Allegheny school board much time to the furtherance of the devoting cans,. ,,f education. He was president of the (Mass Co.; and for four years one of Key-tone the principal members of the firm of Chess, Smith o.. manufacturer! of nails and tacks, lie was (lie original of the First organizer National Hank. of Birmingham: was of the Farmers' president Deposit National Hank from 1880 until he died; and for many years was director of several banks and insurance companies of Pittsburg and Allegheny. Of the Pittsburg. Virginia & Charleston Railroad Co., he was a. founder, and served on board of directors from its inception. About 1866 he established a Sunday school in Rirmin"
3. he was captured, being probably the last fugitive slave captured in Missouri under the old state' laws. On the same day. however, he was restored to freedom by Dr. Eliot, with the aid of military law administered through Pres. Lincoln's provostmarshal. On the spot where he was captured as
chosen by the people to the same position the same year. When the supreme court was increased in number from three to five he waa elected one of the additional judges, and began work Jan. 1, 188!); on the death of Chief Justice Merrimon he was appointed his successor, Nov. His opinions begin in the N. C. Reports, 16, 1892. Vol. 102. He was defeated for re-election along with other, members of the Democratic party in 1894. He received the degree LL.U. from the University of North Carolina in 1889, and since 1891 has been associated with the Hon. John Manning (q. v.) as professor of law in that institution.
a fugitive slave, a stone commemorating the event had been afterward raised. Archer Alexander served the sculptor Thomas Ball as the model for " the frccdniiin in his famous bronze group Freedom's Memorial Statue." erected in Lincoln square, \\ 'ashington, which was unveiled by Pres. Grant. Apr. in
duplicate of the group, situated
Park square, Boston, was unveiled, Dec.
He died in St. Louis, Dec. 8, 1879. GTJNN, Moses, physician, was born
at East
Bloomficld, Ontario co., X. Y., Apr. 20, 1822, son of Linus and Esther (Bronson) Gunn. He received a thorough academic education, was graduated at Geneva Medical College in 1846, and settled for the practice of his profession at Ann Arbor, Mich., Joseph Reid, soldier and manuwhere he also instituted a course of anatomical facturer, was born at Walnut Hill, near Fincastle, Botetourt co., Va., Feb. 6, 1813, son of Col. Willectures (the first given in that state), which was attended by a large class of students and prac- liam and Anna (Thomas) Anderson, grandson titioners. This was repeated until 1850, when the of Robert and Margaret Anderson, and greatmedical department of the University of Michigan grandson of Robert Anderson, of County Donwas organized, and Dr. Gunn was appointed to the egal, Ireland. He was graduated at the chair of anatomy and surgery. Subsequently he United States Military Academy in 1836, fourth was relieved from the former, but filled the chair in a class of forty-nine, and was assigned to of surgery for. nearly fifteen years. In 1851-52 he the 3rd artillery as second lieutenant. He made a series of dissections and experiments to served in the engineer bureau at Washington, determine what particular tissue opposes the effort I). C., and was assistant engineer in building Fort to reduce dislocations, particularly of the hip and 1'ulaski, on Cockspur island, Georgia, 1836-37. On shoulder joints; the results were embodied in a July 1, 1837, he was transferred to the engineer paper read before the Detroit Medical Society in corps; but resigned from 1853, and also published in the "Peninsular Medithe service on Sept. 30th cal Journal." In 1853 he removed to Detroit, but of that year to accept the visited Ann Arbor twice a week to deliver his position of assistant lectures. He became senior editor of the "Medical neer of the state of engiVirIndependent" in 1S57. In September, 1861, he en- ginia. He was chief engitered the medical department of the army, and neer of the Valley Turnpike saw much active service through the peninsular Co., 1838-41, when he becampaign with Gen. McClellan. In 1867 he was came superintendent of the called to fill the chair of surgery at the Rush Iron works of Medical College, vacated by the death of Dr. Daniel Tredegar Richmond, Va., and subseBrainard, and this position he occupied until his quently purchased the endeath, at the same time being surgeon to Cook tire plant. Nearly all the County Hospital, to St. Joseph's Hospital, and machinery used in the sugar consulting surgeon to St. Luke's Hospital. He mills of the South was was president of the American Surgical Association in 1885, and was a member of the American manufactured by him, and Medical Association and of the city and state he also made ordnance, promedical associations. The degree of LL.D. was jectiles, and cable iron for conferred upon him in 1877 by the University of the United States governHe was married, in 1848, to Jane ment. On the outbreak of the civil war he joined Chicago. Augusta, daughter of Dr. J. M. Terry. Three the Confederate army, was commissioned brigadierchildren survived him. He died at Ann Arbor, general, Sept. 3, 1801, and assigned to the command of a brigade, in the army of northern Virginia, Mich., Nov. 4, 1887. STRONG, Paschal Neilson, clergyman, was which was composed of the 14th, 35th, 45th, and born in Setauket, Suffolk co., N. Y., Feb. 16, 1793. 49th Georgia regiments and the 3rd Louisiana He was graduated at Columbia College in 1810, battalion. He had been recalled from the field on the first in his class, and after studying theology severed occasions to superintend the manufacture under Dr. John M. Mason he was ordained as one of material for the Confederate government, and of the pastors of the Collegiate Reformed Church perceiving that he would have to give his undivided (Dutch) in New York in 1816. His career was cut attention to this work, he resigned his commission, short by a pulmonary affection, but during his July 19, 1802. After the war the works were short pastorate he obtained a reputation as a pulseized by the Federal government but were soon " He was the author of The Pestilence released, and in 1867, a new company was organpit orator. a Punishment for Public Sins" (1822), which ized with Gen. Anderson as its president. In 1876, attracted considerable attention. He died in St. the company met with financial losses, and he was appointed receiver. The business and plant Croix, West Indies, Apr. 7, 1825. James Edward, jurist, was born were restored to the original company, and Gen. in Xanscmond county, Va., July 26, 1846, son of Anderson remained at the head of its management Thomas and Anne E. (Bronne) Shepherd. He re- until his death: He was several times a member ceived a common school education, and during the of the state legislature, and was president of the civil war was a military telegraph operator in Richmond city council and chamber of commerce. western Virginia. He continued his studies after He was married first, in 1837, to Sallie, daughter the war while working as telegraph operator at of Dr. Robert Archer, and in 1884, to Mary, daughWilson, N. C., then studied law under Judge Batter of Gen. James Pegram. He died on 'the Isles tle at the University of North Carolina, and was of Shoals. N. H., Sept. 7, 1892. admitted to the bar in 1869. He was the youngest DT7 BOIS, Gualterus, clergyman, was born in member of the constitutional convention" of 1875, Streefkerk, Holland, in 1666. 'son of Rev. Peter but exerted much influence -there; was of Amsterdam. appointed Du Bois, a He was a judge of the superior court in 1882 and was called to the clergyman Reformed Church in New Collegiate
in 1C.U9 as a colleague of Rev. Henry Selyns, he sin-ceedcd ill 17H1 as senior pastor and lield the position until 17M. Contemporary with J)u Hois was Uciiriciis Jioel (1713-54) who was l)n I'.iiis was a man of quirt and liis successor.
the committee which drew up the rules of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers for the standardization of electrical apparatus. These two codes have been of great benefit in securing uniformity, interchangeability and similar advan-
and consistent, peaceful spirit, prudent, judicious so universally respected that he is said to have lieen more like a iii-lmp among the Mutch churches of the day than a pastor of a single He died in New York city in OctotirL'ani/ation.
tages characteristic of American progress. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a foreign member of the British Institution of Electrical Kngineers. and a. member of the American Physical and the American Electro-Chemical Societies. DRISITJS, Samuel, was born in Germany about 1602. He was pastor of the Dutch church 'in London until 1652, when he was appointed by the West India Co. minister of the Dutch church in New Amsterdam, and he had charge of this (which stood within the fort at the I'atlcrvi until His appointment was made on account of 1673. his ability to preach in Dutch, French and English, and because of his knowledge of English he was sent as envoy to the governor of Virginia to negotiate a treaty. He was often called to preach to the French and English, and for a while did so once a month to the Huguenot and Yaudois settlers on Staten Island. He died in Newr Amster-
Francis Bacon,
electrical engineer,
educator and inventor, was born in New York H. and Mary A. city. .Inly 4. 1801, son of Henry of Deacon (Eldridge) Crocker and a descendant William Crocker, who came from England in 1630 and settled first in Scituate, Mass., and later in He was educated privately, and Barnstable. was graduated in the school of mines of Columbia College in 1882. receiving the degree of Ph.D. in lS9."i.' While pursuing his studies he devoted electrical science and its apspecial attention to plications. In 1881, while still an undergraduate, lie invented a telephone call system, which he sold to the Bell Telephone Co. The following year, jointly with Messrs. C. G. Curtis and S. S. Wheeler, he made several inventions relating to elec-
dam about
Charles, financier, was born at Homer, Cortland co., N. Y., Jan. 24, 1824, son of Lewis Baldwin and Lucina (Hoar) Parsons. His father was the founder of Parsons College at FairThe sou was educated at Cortfield, la., in 1875. land Academy and was first employed in his father's store. After a clerkship in a commission
tric railways, which were adopted by the Sprague and the Dalf Electric Railway companies of New York house in Buffalo he entered the Bank of Attica in In 1883, in co-opera- Buffalo, and in 1851 he established a bank of his city. own in Keokuk, la. He enlisted in the civil war tion with Mr. Charles S. he invented an and had charge of army transportation at St. Bradley, Louis as assistant quartermaster with the rank of electric smelting process, afterward used the captain. He resigned in 1864 to become cashier by Cowles Electric Smelting Co. of the State Savings Association of St. Louis, now His most important inven- the State National Bank, of which he was elected tions were the electric mopresident in 1870. He was president of the St. tors upon which the ., c & Louis Clearing House 1873-94, president of the American Bankers Association 1888-99 and presiC." (Curtis and Crocker) and the Crocker-Wheeler Co. were based, two dent of the congress of bankers held at the Columimportant manufacturing corporations which he bian Exposition, Chicago, in 1893. He was treasurer of the city of St. Louis in 1S!)2. Col. Parsons was prominent in founding and developing. When a course in electrical engineering was endowed the Martha Parsons Hospital for Children, St. Louis, in 1889, and has endowed established at Columbia University in 1889 Mr. professorships in Parsons College, Iowa. He was married .June Crocker was placed in charge of the new department, which has since become one of the most 11, 1857, to Martha, daughter of William G. prominent and successful electrical schools in the Pettus, the first secretary of the state of Missouri. country. He has written several papers on electrical subjects which have attracted MAGIE, William Jay, jurist, was born in widespread attention and is the author of "The Practical Elizabeth, N. J., Dec. 9, 1832, son of Rev. David " and Ann M. (Wilson) Magie, and a descendant of Management of Dynamos and Motors and Electric Lighting." He was one of the founders John MacGhie, who came from Galloway, Scotland, to Elizabeth, N. J., in 1685. He entered Princeton of the American Institute of Electrical and was its vice-president in 1890 and Engineers, College at the age of seventeen, graduating in president in 1897. 1852, studied law with Francis B. Chetwood of During 1892-95 he was of the New York Electrical Society. Atpresident his suggestion' Elizabeth, and was licensed as an attorney in " " the name of has been adopted for the 1856, and as a counselor, three years afterward. henry unit of electric inductance in l-'or six years he was associated in practice with recognition of the contributions to electric science made by the dis- his preceptor, Mr. Chetwood, and there formed a tinguuhed Joseph Henry, all other electrical connection with Joseph O-oss, which continued un" lts lii'vmg n given the names of Europeans. til 1880. He was prosecutor of pleas for Union rof. Crocker was elected permanent secretary of county, X. J., during 1860-71, and in 1S75 was the international electrical congress held at elected to the state senate as a Republican, from Chicago in 1893, at which the final values for the his county for a term of three He was years. alt, ohm and other electrical units were adopted associate justice of the supreme court of New all the by important countries. As chairman of Jersey during 1880-97, became its chief justice in the committee that formulated the "National 1897, and three years later was made chancellor Electrical Code " of insurance rules covering the of the state, nis commission dating from May 2, Jonstruetion and operation of electrical 1900. This post, Judge Magie has since held, plants throughout the United States and Canada he did lie was also connected with the banks of Eli/amuch in preparing and securing the general adop- bet h, and has acted as counsel for tion of the code. He served also as many corporachairman of tions and railroad companies. He is a trustee 1
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. of Princeton University. He was married in 1857 to Sarah Frances, daughter of Jediali and Abby (Johnston) Baldwin, and had a son, William Francis, professor of physics at Princeton University since 1885. The degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him in 1891 by Princeton University.
MAGIE, William Francis, educator, was born in Elizabeth, X. J., Dec. 14, 1858, son of William Jay and Sarah Francis (Baldwin) Magie, and a descendant of John MacGhie (or Magie) who came from Galloway, Scotland, in 1085, and settled at Elizabethtown. N. J. He was prepared for college at the school of Dr. John F. Pingry. Elizawas graduated at Princeton in 1870, and lii-tli: in the same year became assistant to Prof. BrackIn 1884 ett in the department of physics there. lie went abroad to continue his studies at the University of Berlin, where he received the degree of Ph.D. in 1885. At Princeton he was successively advanced to instructor in 1882, assistant professor in 1885. and professor of physics in 1890: he still (1903) occupies that chair. Prof. Magie has served on the Princeton board of health, and on the borough council is a member of the ( liosopliic. and the American Philosophical Societies, and of the Nassau Club of Princeton. :
has published papers on "
The Measurement
of Surface Tensions."
Atmospheric Electricity," "The Rontgen Radiance" (1896), a revision "of " Text-Book of Physics " Anthony S. Bracketts' (1896): a translation of Christiansen's "Theoretical Physics" (189G); and the volume on "The " in Harpers .Second Law of Thermodynamics He was married, June Scientific Series (1898). 7, 1894. to Mary Blanchard, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Caspar Wistar Hodge, of Princeton, N. J.
the Confederate forts, receiving answers of passed " " all right in reply to the signal which he gave to Fort Sumter, displayed a white flag as he neared the Federal fleet off the bar, and safely delivered the Planter to Capt. Nichols, of the United States ship Newark. For this exploit Smalls received $1,500, as his share of the prize money, or salvage, and the others on the Planter, $400 apiece. It was estimated that the cargo of the Planter, incuding guns, ammunition, and other material, was worth at least $60,000. Smalls was appointed pilot in the United States navy, and served as Federal pilot in the succeeding operations about Charleston. He proved himself of great value to the Federal forces, as he knew where the Confederate torpedoes were sunk in the harbor, having helped to place many of them. In 1863, while the Planter was sailing through Folly Island creek, the Confederate batteries at Secessionville opened such a hot fire on her that the captain deserted his post and took shelter in the coal bunker. Smalls entered the pilot house, took command of the boat, and carried her safely out of reach of the enemy's guns. For this courageous act he was made captain of the Planter, and served as such until September, 1866, when he was honorably disIn 1868 Smalls was a member of the charged. South Carolina constitutional convention, and of its house of representatives in 1868-70. In 1870-72 he served in the South Carolina senate; during 1875-87, was a member of congress from that In 1895 he was a member of the South state. Carolina constitutional convention. In 1865-77 he served in the United States militia, first as colonel, and finally as major-general. In 1879 he organized the Beaufort light infantry, and was its captain. In 1889-94 he was collector of the port of Beaufort. Gen. Smalls has been a delegate to every Republican national convention, except two. since Since 1898 he has been collector reconstruction. He was married in of customs at Beaufort, S. C. 1856, to Hannah, daughter of Simon Mattis, who died in 1883. and in 1890 he was married to-
SMALLS, Robert, soldier and congressman, was born at Beaufort, S. C., Apr. 5, 1839, and was the colored slave of John H. McKee, who had been mused by Smalls' mother. In 1851 Mr. McKee removed to Charleston, S. C., and Smalls was a waiter at one of the hotels, afterward a driver, and Annie E. Wigg. then worked for seven years as a rigging captain. In 18(10 he became the property of his master's THOMSON, Alexander, jurist, was born in widow, and in 1801 he was placed on board the Franklin couny, Pa., Jan. 12, 1788, son of ArchiConfederate steamer Planter, soon becoming virtu-_ bald Thomson, a revolutionary soldier, of Scotch Being lett an orphan at an early age, ancestry. ally her pilot. In this vessel a survey was made of he was apprenticed to his uncle, Andrew Thomson, all the bays on the coast of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. In 1862 the Confederate commander, Gen. Ripley, commanded the Planter as his dispatch boat and flagship, and as she moved up and the narrow pas-
sages among the islands south of Charleston, Smalls and his slave comrades matured their plans for leaving the Confederacy, and taking refuge on the " Lincoln gunboats," as the Federal ships off the harbor were called. On the night of the 12th of May, the Planter having been for
two weeks engaged in removing guns from, one island to another around Charleston, all her officers were on shore asleep, with their families, and at 3.25 A. M., May 13th, Smalls took command, and with eight men, five women (one of them Smalls' wife), and three children (two being Smalls), started down the bay,
a sickle-maker, at the age of fifteen years, but he devoted some time to private study and at the expiration of his apprenticeship he possessed a fair knowledge of Latin, Greek and English literature. He tutored in the family of Rev. Isaac Grier, father of Justice Robert C. Grier, for three years. He then taught school at Bedford, meanwhile studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1815. rose rapidly in his profession, was elected to the lower house of the Pennsylvania legislature and later to congress, where he represented his native state (1825-26), and while in Washington he gave great attention to the welfare of the DisHe was appointed city judge trict of Columbia. of Lancaster, after his retirement from congress, and later became president-judge of the 10th judicial district, retaining the office until 1838. He was also professor of law at Marshall College, Lancaster. Pa. Judge Thomson's wne was Jane Graham, by whom he had three sons. He died at
Chambersburg, Pa., Aug.
Frederick, clergyman
and author, was born at Albion, Edwards co.. 111., Sept. 23, 1842, son of Hugh Lockett and Emma (Flower) Pentecost. His father, who served as a colonel of militia in the war with Mexico, was the owner of a fleet of Mississippi river steam-
in boat-, and in consequence of their destruction a disastrous Iliinil. the- .-(in was taken I'riini school to a printer ii!. the ai;e of twelve, and apprenticed After his fatlicr's death he at Kvan-villc. linl. worked at. liis trade at Laurence. Kan., and at was then the capital of I.eeomploii. Kan., which the ten-it or\. and there became private secret a ry to tlie governor, assistant clerk of the supreme I'oiirl. and clei'k of tlic t'nite.
;, Swa. appointed a^ate^.Nc amp
the supreme judicial court "Inch position he remained in 1874 action of the ti ,. t
"* until
he state
UM-48, rolfcitor for Roekingham county when he returned to Holderness, and in the folof the superior lowing vear was made a justice
this posicourt of New Hampshire. He retained tion until ISlti. presiding as chief justice during nominated as a presidential lie was III ISO! and in elector on the .lohn Adams ticket in 1800, serv1ST, was elected as a Democrat to congress, I
-Mar. 3, 1821. court for Grafton
He was
county in judge of the probate 1822-23 was again a representative in congress
and becoming 1, 1823, till .Mar. 3, 1825, comchief justice of the New Hampshire court of mon pleas in the latter year, filled this office till as a man of 1S32. .ludge Livermore is described from Deo.
keen wit and quick temper, who took little pains to ingratiate himself with the people, but was honest and able in the discharge of his oflicial duHe was married to Louise Bliss of Haverhill, ties. lie died at Campton, X. H., July 1, 1853. Mass, WORTHINGTON, H. O., congressman and Feb. 9, diplomat, was born in Cumberland, Md., He received an academic education; studied 1828. law. and was admitted to the bar in 1851. In that year he removed to California, and settled in the jiraclicc of
Tuolumne county,
where he remained until 1856.
sonic time in Central America and Mexico, and then resumed his profession in California. In isiil he was elected to the state legislature from the eh v and county of San Francisco. In 1862 he removed to the territory of Nevada, and settled in Austin. On the admission of Nevada as a state,
he was elected the first representative therefrom, taking his seat during the second session of the 38th congress. In 1868 lie was appointed minister to Vruguay and held that post one year.
WRIGHT, Benjamin
D., jurist,
was born
educated and Removing to Pcnsacola, Fla., he was and later, I". district in 1824. S. attorney appointed judge of the superior court for the western district. He was a member of the legislative council Wilkesharrc, studied law.
where he
met at Tallahassee
provide a
code of
In justice. chief justice
in November. 1824. to and criminal laws and January, 1857. he was
Judge Wright died at
Charles Henry, jurist, was bora July 11. 1S2!>, son of Charles His father S and Elizabeth (Hoss) Simonton. was a well-known merchant i is::si. ITS'.) who Charleston, and grandson of John Simonton. was one of the Scotch-Irish colony ill Pennsyllievania and after the defeat of Gen. I'.raddocU. came a planter in South Carolina. The - yiviiig llu sta "' tw>) ('"'"" our for the state house- an.l one for tlir pemtciiown their at expense, lllr\ aurecd to elect tiill-v ami such othrr buildings us the t ho-,, in
a total cost, direct, not to exceed t. 1812. llir U-gi-lature paued Mate at e-lahli-hiii!.' thr rapilal of the
of $50,000.
Tlir r'itv
le.-i-latmv. war of 1SI2
name by
act of
During the following. rontraclrd largely for supplies 21st
for tin- Northwestern anny. Ik- was onrof tlir origiof the nal proprietor- of a considerable portion where lie continued to reside city of ( olumlni-. He endowed the Starling Medical until his dratli. ISIT. whirh lias hccome a most valu( ..lie..-,iii elieel in Columbus, O., Nov. !!< able institution. Jl.
Charles Henry, ironmaster, was born in Pennsylvania. Apr. Hi. ISoli. and was eduKarly in life cated at the-' e-oinmon se-lieie>]s. he displayed a talent for mechanics and marhinrry a'nd at the age of twenty-three year* became connected with the Jackson & \Voodin Manufacturing Co., of Berwick, Pa. He gradufrom a subordinate posially rose, by hard work, tion, through the offices of secretary, superin-
manager, '--,
vice-president and until he became
He resigned in president. 1896 to become president of the Dickson .Manufacturing Co., which was one of the largest
kind in Pennsylvania.
locomotives, mining stationary engines and other machinery, and had two large factories at Scranton and one at Wilkesbarre. The business of the Dickson Manufacturing Co. was sold out to the American Locomotive Co. and the Allis-Chalmers Co.
Mr. Zehnder
ing from the management at that time. He has since organized the Alleghany Ore and Iron Co., of Virginia, and operates four blast furnaces at Goshen, Iron Gate and Shennndoali. making foundry and basic iron, with iron ore mines at Oriskany. McDowell and Goshen, producing all his own ore and selling to other furnace companies. The iron ore mine at Oriskany is the largest producer of brown ore in the South, lie is also vice-president and director of the Kmpire Steel and Iron Co. and director of the Crane Iron Works, the Victoria Coal and Coke Co. of WcH Virginia, and the Scranton Bolt and Nut Co.. ;:f which his brother William D. Zehnder is president, and manager of the Philadelphia branch of lingers. P.rown & Co., iron and coke commission merchants. Mr was married in 1880, to Uo-alie (I. Hicks. Pennsylvania, and he has two daughters. He is a member of the American Institute of Mining Engineers and the American Society of Mechanical Kngineers.
Charles, negro comedian, was born \. V.. in 1831. His parents who removed from Rochester to Cleveland. O., in 1S42, were in comfortable circumstances, and gave their son an excellent, education. In 1852, he emigrated to California where he failed as a tradesman; but in 18.V1. he organized the Backus minstrels, which performed for several years in San Francisco, and in
visited Australia with his company, and there was warmly received. The troupe returned to Sail Francisco in 18f>8. remained thrre for two years, and
Australia revisited then Thence they continued westvan!, appearing in < V\ Ion, Xubia. Bombay, the principal e-itii's of Kgypt. Malta, and Gibraltar. They reached
London in 1801. and disbanded in that city. Backus to
and after appearing
New York
proceeded to where InFrancisco, formed a partnership with in
Wambold. performed
Birch and l)a\ id with whom he in the
William Beonard having been admitted to the firm, the San Francisco minstrels were organized, and commenced performances in New York. May 8. 1865. They appeared at first at No. 585 Broadway, in 1872. removed to St. .Fames hall, and on Sept. 3, 1874. opened Hie Sail Francisco opera house, where they remained until This troupe was long a leading metropolitan 187!t. attraction, and earned fortunes for the several Backus possessed a rich fund of uncpartners. tuous and laughter-compelling humor, which though broad was never coarse or vulgar; and lie became His sallies of wit were often a universal favorite. 18C5.
impromptu, and surprised and amazed Ins a-- lie was also a ciatcs as well as his audiences, clever imitator, and his impersonations of leading actors afforded much amusement. In private life he was reserved, quiet, and domestic in his ta-les, but warm-hearted, genial and generous, for which he was deeply loved by his friends. He was three His second wife, Kate Newton, times married. a well-known actress, died in 187.3. His third wife, Fli/abeth Mason, to whom he was married in 1870, survived his death. He was one of the most gifted negro comedians who have appeared on the American stage, and though his last years were a constant struggle against ill'health, lie labored bravely and cheerfully until a few days before his death, which occurred in his native city in July, 1880.
KIRK, Robert
statesman, was born at Mt.
He atPleasant. Jefferson co., O., Feb. 26, 1821. tended the district school and afterward entered Franklin College, Athens. ().. where he received his classical education. After leaving college he studied medicine at the Philadelphia I'uiver-ity, and in 1841, began to practice in Fulton county, 111., but at the end of two years abandoned his profession and returned to Ohio, wheiy from 1844 .~>7, he engaged in mercantile pursuits at Mt. Vernoii. In 1856, he was elected as a Republican to the state senate,, and in 1850. became lieutenant-governor of Ohio, serving until 1801 with Gov. Dennison. In 18C.2. lie was appointed by Pres. Lincoln I". S. minister to the Ariirnli'ie lie-public, and during his residence in Buenos Ayres. he succeeded in settling all the claims due American citixens. aggregating Tnore than .*4.000.000. He re-signed thiposition in 1860 and returned to Ohio, but in 1869 he was re-appointed and also acere-elited 1" Uruguay. In 1871. he resigned again find was su-ceeded by Hon. Dexter E. Clapp. Oov. Noyes, in 1873. appointed him a commissioner to represent the state at the international exposition. Vienna. Austria, but he was compelled by circumstances
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. In February, 1875, he reto decline this honor. ceived from Pres. Grant the appointment as collector of internal revenues of the 13th Ohio district. Mr. Kirk was married. Dec. 11, 1843, to Eleanor, daughter of John Hogg.
HASELTINE, William Stanley, artist, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 11, 1835, brother of James Henry Haseltine, the noted sculptor. After being graduated at Harvard College at the age of nineteen, he began ihe study of art under Weber in his native city. Later, he went to Dusseldorf, Germany, where he devoted himself to landscape painting. Subsequently he resided in Venice and Rome, Italy. In 1801 he was elected a member of the National Academy of Design, New York. Us is particularly" successful in his delineation of rocks, whose form, superficial traits and precise tone are given with remarkable His pencil identifies coast scenery accuracy." with emphatic beauty, and in delineating Italian and Normandy scenes he is at his best. His " include: Indian Rock, Nahant," productions " Castle Sea, Mentone," Rock, Nahant," "A Calm " " " " of Naples,'' Ostia," Ischia," Spezzia," " Bay " " Seconet Point," Pontine Marshes," Venice," " " " Ruins Natural Arch at Capri," and Amalfi," The last two of a Roman Theatre, Sicily." paintings he sent to the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition of 1876. Mr. Haseltine rarely exhibits in the National Academy.
popular clamor that charged back the benefits from the fraud to the newspaper he owned. Investigation refuted the calumny, and the legislature spread upon the minutes of the house his full vindication. Always opposed to dueling, when Capt. Dawson was challenged by M. C.
of a
Butler in 1870, he refused the challenge, following it up by vigorous articles against the crime, that resulted finally in the passage of a state law making dueling in South Carolina a felony. For this crusade in a state noted for ceremonious murders under the code duello. Pope Leo XIII conferred on him the cross of the Order of St. Gregory the Great. In 1884, he was the first, and for some time, the only Southern advocate of the nomination of Grover Cleveland to the presidency ; he was a member of the national Democratic committee, and won over the unanimous vote of South AVhen the Charleston earthquake ocCarolina. curred (1880), he narrowly escaped death, and bleeding from contusions, he made his way through tottering and wrecked houses, helping the feeble and reassuring the appalled. Almost singlehanded he issued the "News and Courier" the next morning, and gave to the world the terrible story of The second night witnessed the rethat night. turn of the shocks and additional ruin, but Capt. Dawson printed off the entire edition of the second
He organized a relief committee day's issue. which rendered most timely services to the distracted city, and it was largely through his inwas averted. He Charleston, Mar. 12, 1889.
fluence that a panic
Francis Warrington, journalist, was born in London, England, May 17, 1840, and was self educated, having received but scanty elementary instruction in the local schools. At the outbreak of the civil war in America he was appointed midshipman, and won his promo-
tion to lieutenant by swimming the James river and taking the place of a gunner in Purcell's batHis promotion to tery, who had been shot down.
He served for some as chief ordnance officer under Gen. LongBtreet in the Tennessee campaign. Being transferred to the same position on the staff of Gen. a captaincy soon followed.
Fitzhugh Lee, at that cer's
sprung up between the two
men which lasted through life. At the close of the war, Capt. Dawson drifted into
Va., where he reuntil November, I860, when he removed to Charleston, S. C., and became managing editor of the " Mercury." year later he took editorial charge of
mond, mained
the "News," a small sheet which he .soon after purchased.' and which absorbed the " Courier," becoming the "
News and
this period the educated _ classes had returned to deso-
lated homes, while political adventurers overran the state, misusing the confidence of the freedmen, and establishing a disastrous rule. Capt. Dawson boldly told the people how they could reconstruct the government, by making the freedman an ally rather than an enemy, and though opposed at first he soon commanded the attention of the warring elements. The exposure of printing frauds which robbed the state of hundreds of thousands of dollars was due to his unselfish and persistent work, and in the face
William. Andrew, lawyer,
was born at Hopewell, Ontario co., N. Y., May 30, 1849, son of Rev. Andrew and Mary (McLean) Sutherland, and a descendant of John Sutherland, who came, from Scotland shortly before the revoHe was educated at the Genesee Wealution. leyan Seminary and the Genesee College, Lima, N. Y., and after reading law in the office of Hon. Edwin A. Nash was admitted to partnership with his preceptor in 1874. In 1876 he removed to Mount Morris, and from there he went to Rochester, N. Y., in 1884, forming a partnership with Hon. W. Dean Stuart, who for sixteen years was surrogate of Monroe county. After his partner's death in 1900 Mr. Sutherland practiced alone until Jan. 1, 1902, when he entered upon his duties as corporation counsel of Rochester, an still holds at office he present
mencing with the presidential campaign of 1876 he has taken a prominent part in platform work, speaking at Cooper Union and Carnegie Hall in New York city and in many other places of the United States. He was the grand master of Masons in New York, 1897-99. The grand
of New York lodge passed a resolution that his written addresses should be published in book form and distributed throughout the order. In 1898 the grand lodge of Oklahoma directed that the edict he had issued regarding the apostacy of the grand lodge of Peru be printed in full in their own proceedings; and in the same year the grand lodge of Mexico directed that it be distributed in the English and Spanish tongues throughout its lodges. He was a member of the Republican na-
committee in 1S92-90, a delegate to the ill ISilli, a delegate Republican national convention -New I,, even Republican siate convention held in \iiik since lss| ami cluiinnan of that of 1892. He a> counsel for llu- Republican parly in the senational
as in the re\\as
counsel to the Le\ow eoininittee of 18!)4. lie was, the Republican nominee for New York stale attorin 1S9S was president of ney -L'cncral ill 1*01. anil He is also a dithe Koeliesler I'.ar Association. rector of the Central Bank of Rochester. He is a nieinlier of the Lotos and Craftsmen clubs of Mew York eitv, the l!o< hc-!er innl Gcnesce \Vhist clubs of Rochester, the Acacia Club of Buffalo and for a nnnibpr of years was a inember of the Albany He was married Mar. 0, Y. Club of Albany, 1878, to Inez I... daughter of Spencer Jackson, of Cedar Rapids, la., and lias one son, Carroll Arthur Nitheiland.
JOHNSON, Edward,
England. In 1884, he States, and in 1890 became librarian of the free public library in Topeka, Kan. A year later he was called to the Howard Science. Neweastle-on-Tync.
came to the
Memorial library, New Orleans. La., then neulv founded by Miss' A. T. Howard, with 15.000 books, and in 1SH7. he took charge of the Fisk free and public library, formed by the combination of the h'isk and Lyceum libraries of New Orleans. Unis institution now has about 55,000 books, with a circulation of over 120,000 yearly. Since IS!) 7 Mr. lieer has ably managed both these libraries, conducting them on a basis of the best professional methods. He is a i',an of close application, and displays a large degree of executive ability. He is a men her 'A the Grolier Club; the American Historical Society; the Louisiana Historical Society; the 1'olk Lore Society; the Ajnerican Library Association, and many other organizations of like prominence.
lie was county. Ya.. Apr. 16. 1SIO. graduated at the United States Military Academy. in 1838. and was assigned to the Gth infantry as a second lieutenant. He participated in the war against the Seminole Indians, 1838-41, and was promoted first lieutenant, Oct. 9, 1839. He i\a- on frontier duty, 1842-40, and in the Mexican \var engaged at Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo, Ania/.o.pie. luirubuseo, Chapultepec, Molino del Key, and in the assault and capture of the City of Mexico. He received the brevet of captain, Sept. 8, 1847, for his gallantry at
Molino del Rey, and that of major, Sept. 13, 1847. for conduct at Chapultepec: he was also presented with swords of honor by his na-
and county for services during the war. He was on sick leave. 1848-50, and on Apr. 15, 1851, he was promoted He served on froncaptain. tier duty in Kansas and Dakota. 18.11 .V>. and was engaged in quelling the distive state his gallant
turbances in Kansas. 1S.10 He took part in the Utah expedition and in the march to the Pacific coast in 1S5S. At the beginning of the civil war he was in garrison at Fort Columbus, ,. \ .. and resigned. June 10. 1801, to enter the Confederate army. He was appointed colonel of the 12th Georgia regiment, July, 1861, and he was eomnusuoned brigadier-general, Dec. 13. 1801, bein:, Lafavette in 191. to Franqina E., daughter of Hon. I
born at Pictou. Nova Scotia, Nov. 8, 1S4S. BOB He reof John and Lilia (McKenzie) liayliss. Is. ceived his early education at the Pictou scl and at the age of eighteen was placed in an archia few months later he tect's office,
a helper
in his father's carpenter shop.
He mas
tered his trade, studied architectural drawing at sucnight, and became cessful, both as a jour-
neyman and an employer, conducting an independent business from 1874-81. In March of the latter to year he was appointed a position in the war department at Washington, D.
as superindesignated tendent of hospital conthe office of in struction of the surgeon-general
the army, an office he has held for over twenty-one
became a Masonic
fraternity in 1870, attained the 33rd degree and is now (1904), sovereign grand commander of the supreme councils of sovereign grand in-
33rd and last degree of the Accepted Scottish Rite of Free In Masonry for the United States of America. subor1893, he organized in Washington, D. C., dinate, bodies of the Scottish rite, under this supreme council, with a republican form of government as opposed to the monarchical system, which is the only ancient and accepted Scottish Mr. Bayliss rite of this character in the world. was married Dec. 18, 1872, in Providence, R. I.. to Marion F., daughter of William A. Ray, of Washington, D. C., and has two children.
EHETT, Robert Barnwell, physician and surgeon, was born at Bellevue. near Huiitsville. Ala.. He Oct. 17. 18.">4. son of Robert Barnwell Rhett. removed with his father to Charleston, S. ('.. and was graduated at the Holy Communion Church Institute, now Porter Military Academy in 1S71. In 1877, he entered the South Carolina Medical first College, where he was graduated in 1879 with honors. While a student he served as house surgeon to the Charleston Hospital, and within a month of graduation was elected by the city council as dispensary physician, a position he held until In 1880.' he was appointed assistant demon1883. strator in the South Carolina Medical College, and later was advanced to the position of demonstrator,
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. He made a specialty of abserving until 1887. dominal and gynecological surgery, and was one of the first advocates of Alexander's operation, though later preferring ventral fixation. During the war with Spain he had charge of the Charleston Hospital, where he treated a large number of
for typhoid fever, and secured a successrecovery in 95 per cent, of his cases. One of his inventions was an obstetrical forceps At the time of his for posterior presentations. death he was president of the Medical Society of .South Carolina and dean of the Charleston Medical School, with whose organization he was most prominently connected; a member of the South Carolina Medical Association, the Southern Surthe American gical and Gynecological Association, Medical Association, the Tri-State Medical Society soldit'i's
of Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, and the Association of Railroad Surgeons. He died at Charleston, S. C., Aug. 8, 1901.
JACKSON, Francis Aristide, educator, was born at Northumberland, Pa., Mar. 20, 1830. He entered the University of Pennsylvania in 1844 and was graduated with the class of 1848, receiving the degree of A.M. in 1851. He was a member In 1855 he was apof the Zeolosophie Society. pointed assistant professor of the Greek and Latin languages and continued to teach in that capacity
In the latter year he was appointed Latin language and literature and He published held that position until his death. privately for the use of his classes a number of treatises on Latin syntax and prosody and Horatian un>tre, besides emendations of the texts of a number of Latin authors. He was married to Mary, daughter of William Fishbourn Griffitts, of Philadelphia, and he died at his home, Overbrook, Pa., Apr. 4, 1901.
full professor of
born in Roxbury, Mass., Feb. 22, 1851, son of John and Margaret (Kilduff) Carberry. He was educated in the public schools of Boston, and after learning he trades of iron-moulder and machinist in nil their branches, he began business for himself in the same lines in 1880, in which he was sucHe was made a deputy '--tul fur many years. superintendent of bridges of the city of Boston in 1887, and he still holds that position (1904).
from drowning, receiving two medals from He was Massachusetts Humane Society. married in 188G to Sarah A. Crosby.
MASON, William
Ernest, senator, was born 7, 1850, son of Lewis When eight F. and Nancy (Winslow) Mason. years of age he removed with his parents to Iowa. He was in his second year at Birmingham College when his father died in 1805, and thus, at fifteen years of age, he was thrown upon his own reat Franklinville, N. Y., July
sources. During the four years following he taught
the study of law, settling in Chicago in 1871, to practice. In 1877, he entered into partnership with Judge M. R. M. Wallace, and later formed the firm of Mason, Ennis & Bates, of which he is still (1904), a member.
He in
early became interested and before he
was thirty years of age was a member of the general assembly of Illinois. In 1882, he was elected to the state senate.
In his career in the
legislature he won a reputation for ability and good judgment, confirmed by his subsequent career in He was elected to the latter body in congress. 1888, and re-elected in 1890. He soon became one of the most prominent members of the house, owing to his excellence as a speaker and debater, and was especially noted for his ready wit. He was elected as a Republican to the United States senate for the term beginning Mar. 4, 1897, and ending Mar. 3, 1903.
WALCOTT, Henry Pickering, physician, was born at Hopkinton, Mass., Dec. 23, 1838, son of Samuel Baker and Martha (Pickman) Walcott, and a descendant of William Walcott, who came from Lincolnshire, England, prior to 1034 and settled in Salem, Mass. His father was a lawyer, noted for his learning and high character. The He was elected as a repre- son was prepared at the Salem Latin School and sentative in the Massachu- was graduated at Harvard College in 1858. In setts legislature in 1877, and 1861 he received his medical degree at Bowdoin was twice re-elected, serving College, and afterward spent two years in study for three consecutive years. abroad. In 1802 he began the practice of He was a member ot thestate his profession in Cambridge, Mass., where he has senate in 1890-92, serving since resided. Dr. Walcott has been a member of on the committees on banks the state board of health since 1881, and its chairand banking, roads and man since 1886. He is a member of the Massachudrainage, and fish and game, setts board of commissioners of metropolitan water and taking an active part and sewerage, and has written various public rein the effort to abolish railports upon the water supply and drainage of the road grade crossings in the state, beside portions of the reports of the state Roxbury district of Boston. health board since 1882. In 1900-01 he was actMr. Carberry has made sev- ing president of Harvard University, of which he eral inventions, perhaps the has been one of the overseers he is also a memmost important and useful ber of the university board of president and felbasin catch He was of lows. the American Public one being a president sewer trap, which has been Health Association in 1886, succeeding Dr. James adopted in Boston and many E. Reeves; was president of the Massachusetts other cities and towns. He Medical Society, and is now (1904) president of is a trustee of several es- the Massachusetts Horticultural Society and of tates and the guardian of a the Massachusetts Forestry Association, is chairnumber of children. He is a member of the man of the trustees of the Massachusetts General Royal Arcanum, the United Order of American Hospital, and is a member of the Thursday Evening Workmen, the New England Order of Protection, and Union clubs of Boston, the American Acadand the Pilgrim Fathers. His favorite pursuits emy of Arts and Sciences and of the Massachusetts are athletics, fishing, hunting, and swimming. He Historical Society. Dr. Walcott was married, ia an expert swimmer and has saved several peoMay 31, 1865, to 'Charlotte Elizabeth, daughter of I
li i.f the st.ite he began the study of law In" a. at
was in his father's oilier at s.~>7 Burlington: in admitted to praciice in all the courts of the state and later in the I'nitcd Stales supreme court. He as city soliritor for Burlington. lS."i!l-71. He \\;is chosen a member of the lower house of the 1
state legislature in 1S71 and assisted ill revising the stale code, was elected to the state senate ill lss| and to congress in 1SS4. In SS7 he was appointed commissioner of patents by 1'res. Cleveland and during his term of olliee he rendered Unimportant decision in the Bell Telephone appeal, which at that time was attracting international interest. In 1SS9 Mr. Hall retired from public life and opened ollices in Chicago for the exclusive practice of patent law, but failing health compelled him to withdraw and he returned to his 1
He was
at Burlington.
married, Apr.
to Louise, daughter of David Webb of l.al'avlie died at Burlington, la.. Jan. ."i. 1894. ette. Ind. 18,Vi',
CULVER, William
manufacturer, was born in Franklin county, O., July 30, 1835, of Scotch ancestry. Ins father was a farmer, stock dealer and railroad contractor. The sou was edu-
cated in the district school, learned the carpenters' trade and for several years traveled as a salesman central and northern Illinois. During he sold stoves for John McCreery of Plainin 1800 removing to Chicago where field, 111., lie also took a. course at the Bryant & Stratton Commercial College. In 18~61 be established himself as a traveling stove merchant at Connersville, Ind.. two years later removhis ing headquarters to
through is:,;,
Shawm-clown, 111., where with his two brothers he founded an extensive stove under the firm business n: if Culver Bros. Their business was carried into Iowa, Missouri and Kentucky, and the prejudice against them on account of heir being " northerners " I
overcome by having manufactured Ky. After a
their stoves at Covington,
year spent in Kansas city
tucky, in 1873, the brothers St. Loins, Mo., where they have since WMded. In I8SO the Wrought Iron Range Co. of -mils was incorporated with a capital stock of >30,000 and a factory was built. The capital stock was increased *] .01)0.000, the entire block was ' the purchased,
removed to
Amelia Scott of Bowling (Ireen, 7 xy.. by whom he had four children, three of whom survive: second, Sept. 2:i, 1878, to Caroline Louise Cleveland of Plymouth, Ind.
Sterling Robertson, jurist, was Tenn.. Sept. 2ti, 1S47, son of Robertson and Ann (McDonald) CockSterling His father was a lawyer and extensive cotrill. ton planter in Alabama and Arkansas. He was educated in the public schools of his native city and the (ieorgia Military Institute at Marietta. At the age of sixteen lie enlisted in the Confederate army in the civil war. and served under Johnston and Hood. lie completed his education at Washington College (now Washington and Lee I'niverAfter graduating in IStiS. he took up the sityi. study of law at Cumberland I'niversity. In 1S70 lie removed to Little Rock, which became his permanent residence, and four years later entered into partnership with A. II. (iarland, who was governor, I. S. senator and attorney -general. In 1884 he born
elected chief justice of the
supreme court,
English, who had been chief and again during 1874 s|. justice during Justice Cockrill was re-elected in 1S88, iuid served until May. IS'.i:!. when he resigned to resume the
ceeding Hon. E.
practice of his profession.
He was noted
great learning, industry and ability displayed while on the bench, an well as the courtesy, impartiality and even-handed justice that marked all his oflicial acts. He was married soon after removing to Arkansas to Mary Ashley, granddaughter of (ieorge W. Freeman, second P. E. He died in Little Rock, bishop of Arkansas. Ark., Jan. 12. 1901, leaving one son. Ashley.
WOLCOTT, James L., jurist, was born' near Harrington, Kent co., Del., Feb. 4, 1842, son of Josiah and Elizabeth (Dorman) Wolcott. He received his education in the county schools, in which he afterward taught. In 1803 he entered upon tha study of law with the Hon. Kli Saulsbury, and was admitted to the bar in 1806. He soon rose to prominence in his profession, and becoming actively interested in politics, he was elected clerk of the senate of Delaware in 1867. He was chosen counsel for the levy court, February, 1871. and continued in this position until January, 1879, when Gov. John W. Hall appointed him secretary of state for the term ending in January. 1883' In 1892 Mr. Wolcott succeeded Willard Saulshury as chancellor of Delaware, remaining in this position until 189.5. when he He died in resigned. Dover. Del., Mar. 31, 1898 TROWBRIDGE, Alvah, hanker, was born in South East, Putnam co.. N. Y., June 8. IS.'!.',, son of William Crane and Mary E. A. (Hobby) T rowbridge, and a descendant of Thomas Trowbridge of Devonshire. Eng., who came to America in 1634, and settled in Dorchester. Mass. He was educated in the local public schools, and at the of age eighteen entered the Bank of Pawling, Dntchess eo.. X. Y.. as n clerk. He became payteller of the National Bank of North ing XVw Ynrlr in ififift ->-i s appointed p--America, 1
American is
This concern manufactures pipe and boiler coverings, asbesto* cements and asbestos sundries beHdes conducting a jobbing business in roofing mineral wool, hair felt, Mr Culver graphite, etc. has traveled extensively in the Tnited States and >roaU. He was married: first in 1869 to \nne
Bank: treasurer and director
of the
New York
he has been president of the Registration u. Trust Co., New York. He is a member of the American Bankers' Association, was chairman of s executive council in in 1890. and 1900. He was married in Milwaukee,president Wis., Oct. 18, 1859, to Ada Oreene, daughter of Theodore Smith, a native of Maine, and has two daughters.
RAYMOND, Benjamin Wright, merchant, was born at Rome, Oneida co., X. V., Oct. 23, 1801, son of Benjamin and Hannah (Wright) Raymond. His father (17741824), a native of Massachusetts and a descendant of dipt. William Raymond, who was in Beverley, Mass., in 1652, \vas engaged in sur\ eying the_northern counties of New York state (1798-1808). He surveyed the site of Potsdam. St. Lawrence co. (1803), erected the first building, a .sawmill, was its first supervisor and was county judge many years. He died in 1824, while engaged as an engineer on the Delaware and Chesapeake canal. The son was educated at St.
Lawrence Academy, Potsdam, and
in a school
Montreal, Canada. After a short career as a merchant in East Bloomfield, N. Y., he decided at
liis fortunes in a new field, and in 1830 settled in Chicago, having authority to draw upon his friend Simon ,Newton Ucxter (1785-18152) of Oneida
to try
county to the amount of $10,000 for a joint investment in real estate. His mercantile business met with varying fortune, until 1843, when he sold his stock of goods, and with the proceeds purchased of James T. Gifford, who, with his brother Hezekiah, founded Elgin, 111., in 1835, onehalf of his interest, and established a store in that In the following year Mr. Raymond built village. in Elgin for his partner" Mr. Dexter, the first woolen factory in the state. Mr. Dexter had been interested in manufactures in New York, being agent of the Oriskany Manufacturing Co. and head of the Dexter Co., founded by his father, Andrew Dexter. He built a section of the Erie canal in 1817 and a part of the Chesapeake and Delaware canal, 1824-29. He was a trustee of Hamilton College, and for several years supported a professorship, giving the college in all about In 1839 Mr. Raymond was elected third $32,000. mayor of Chicago on the Whig ticket, and was re-elected in 1842. It was during the first year of his term that the sale of Fort Dearborn reservation occurred, and through his personal efforts he secured for Chicago the tracts of land now known as Dearborn park and the Lake front, as well as the old Dearborn cemetery, which subsequently became the nucleus of Lincoln park. He was interested in the Chicago and Galena railroad, the first in the state; was one of its first board of directors, and he was president of the Fox River railroad, running from Elgin, 111., to Geneva Lake, Wis., and of the Wisconsin Central. He was one of the originators of the city of Lake Forest, and secured the charter for Lake Forest University, acting as president of its board of trustees until his death. He was also a trustee of Beloit College, Rockford Female College and Bell's Commercial College, and was president of the Chicago Board of Trade. In 1804 he was instrumental in urbanizing the Elgin National Watch Co., with a capital stock of $100,600. The idea of establishing a watch factory in the West resulted from a vi-it to Chicago by Messrs. Bartlett and Blake, both connected with the American Watch Co. of Massachusetts. Elgin was selected as a suitable location, provided the citizens would donate sufficient land for the factory and subscribe $25,000 of the capital stock, which was accomplished through Mr. Raymond's efforts. One hundred and seventy-one acres were purchased from the heirs of Mr. Dexter, mentioned above, and Mr. Raymond was made the lir-1 president, being succeeded in 1807 by Thomas M. Avery. A wooden factory was at once erected, three stories high, size 35 by P. Ricketts Columbia University, who was succeeded by Dr. L'edoux's brother Augustus in 1885, the firm becoming Ledoux & Co. The firm has of
very complete chemical for research laboratory work, and he acts as expert consultant in chemistry and engineering to a number of corporations. Perhaps the chief service Dr. Ledoux has performed for the American metal industry has .been in revolutionizing methods of settlement for ore and bullion sold. Before his laboratory was opened there were only one or two smelting and refining works on the Atlantic seaboard, and few in the West that refined copper matter or bars containing gold and silver. These products were sent to Europe for treatment. Settlements were made on the landing weights and on tests of the Cornish assayers, whose
methods had undergone little change for 150 years, and resulted in considerable loss to the sellers. Dr. Ledoux and his associates persuaded one or two European buyers to accept the returns of his laboratory, settle for their purchases on New York weights and assays, and pay for the metals in .New^Y'ork at the time of export. The other
attack on Little Round top. Writing of date of Sept. 10, 1902, (Jen. Gettysburg, under " My dear Gen. Sickles, Longstreet said: on that field you mc7 lit), lie was one of the organizers of the Chicago College of Pharmacy in 1850, and filled the chair of materia mediea and medical botany. He was assistant medical director of the army of Virginia in the civil
war, and upon returning to Chicago he as-
sisted in reorganizing the health service, and was of superintendent of the newly created board He was the first president of the Illinois health. state board of health, and president of the Ameri-
can Public Health Association in 1877, succeeding Dr. Edwin M. Snow. During the yellow fever counepidemic of 1878-70, he formed the sanitary
of the Mississippi valley, and established the, river inspection service of the national board of health. He died in Chicago, 111., Mar. 24, 1S04. cil
CABELL, James Laurence,
born in Nelson county, Va., Aug. 20. 1*1.1. son of Dr. George Cabell, Jr., and great-grandson of Dr. William Cabell, a surgeon in the English navy, who emigrated to Virginia from England in 17-!D. He was educated in private schools in Richmond, and at the University of Virginia, where he was graduated in 1833. He was graduated M.D. at the lie
University of Maryland in the following year, was professor of anatomy and surgery in the medical department of the University of Virginia from 1837 until his death. He was a member of the American Medical Association and the American Public Health Association, of which he was president in 1870. He was the author of "Unity of Mankind" (1858). He received the degree of LL.D. from Hampden-Sidney College in 1873.
WOODS, Thomas Hall, jurist, was born hi Arkansas, Mar. 17, 1830, son of Rev. Hervey and His early ancesCecilia Malinda (Hall) Woods. tors, who were Scotch-Irish Presbyterians, settled He was educated in the first in North Carolina. Mississippi public schools and at Williams ColSubselege, Mass., where he spent two years. quently he studied law and was admitted to the bar in September, 1859, at DeKalb, Miss. Since that time he has been actively engaged in practice except for the periods spent on the bench and as a He served as a soldier in the Confederate army. captain for four years and was severely wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., in May, 1803. In January, 1801. he was a member of the secession convention He was four times elected district of Mississippi. attorney of the 3d district of Mississippi, but resigned that office in 1870 to give his whole time to general practice at Meridian, Miss. In 188283 he was a member of the legislature but declined to become a candidate for re-election. In 1889 he was appointed a judge of the supreme court, and on taking his seat became chief justice. He served until 1900, when he resigned to re-engage in practice at Meridian, declining another reappointment for the term of nine years. His opinions are contained in the Mississippi reports of supreme court
He is now coundecisions, vols. 6776 inclusive. sel for the Queen and Crescent system of railroads; The degree of LL.D. was conferred on him in 1894 by the University of Mississippi. He was married rirst, in 1863, to Judith M., daughter of Capt. Henry Jones of Wahalak, Miss.; second, in 1893, to Minnie A., daughter of James Marks of South Carolina; third, in 1897, to Alice M., daughter of llarcellus Bartlett of Dallas, Tex. He has had eleven children. HINES, Thomas Henry, jurist, was born in Butler county, Ky., Oct. 9, 1838, son of Judge :
Warren W.
and Sarah (Carson) Hines. His English and Scotch, were among the early settlers of Kentucky, and were noted for their sturdy independence and love of liberty. He was educated principally by private study, and in 1859 taught in the Masonic University of Lagrange until the breaking out of the war, when he resigned to volunteer in the Confederate army. He entered the service as lieutenant in a company raised at Bowling Green. After the battle of Shiloh. he joined Morgan's cavalry and organi/ed a company, of which he was chosen captain. Ho was noted for his daring and alertness, and was so skillful that he was sometimes in command of a brigade. He became famous during the war for his ingenuity in accomplishing the escape of Gen. Morgan, with himself and several other prisoners, from the Ohio penitentiary, Nov. 27, He cut through the stone floor of his cell ,1803. with knives secured from the prison table, tunjii-led through the prison walls, and with ropes made of bed clothes scaled the outer wall. They boarded a train for Cincinnati, and when near that city jumped off and made their way to the Ohio river. Morgan went free; Hines was captured again, Dec. 1.3th, but was again free in five days. His daring and thrilling adventures at this time read like a chapter from a romance. After the war Capt. Hines studied law with Gen. J. C. Breckenridge in Canada, compVlrd his studies in Memphis while editing the " Daily Appeal," and was admitted to the bar. In 1867 he removed to Bowling Green, where he In 1870 he was elected practiced successfully. judge of Warren county court, but resigned in 1872 for private practice. In 1878 he was elected judge of the court of appeals, and presided as chief justice in 1884-85. Later he practiced in ancestors,
Frankfort, and was known as one of the foremost He was learned, patient, lawyers of the state. and impartial, and his opinions are noted for their solidity and exhaustiveness. He died, Jan. 23. 1898.
Clifton Sidney, physician and surgeon,
was born at Sedalia, Mo., Jan. 2, 1849, son of Hampton Pierce and Amanda (Snell) Gray. His father was long a prominent attorney of Missouri,
and at one time judge of the state circuit court. He was educated at Westminster College, Fulton, Mo., and the University of Missouri. After two years of study in the medical department of the University of Louisville he entered the Medical College, where he was graduated M.D. in 1872. The greater part of the following year was spent in Bellevue
York, and he began practice at Fayetteville, Ark., in 1874. He was successful
from the
start, and to keep abreast of the times he made it a regular practice to go to New York every two years for study in the hos-
He devoted special attention to surgery of the eye, car, nose and throat,
concluding to adopt branch as a specialty removed to Little Rock and He is opened an office. oculist to the Arkansas Blind Asylum, aurist to the Arkansas Deaf-Mute Asylum, and since 1894 has been professor of ophthalmology and otology in the medical department of the ArkanIn addition he comsas Industrial University.
mands an enormous private practice and is well known to the profession through his many able contributions to medical journals. He is a memof the American Medical Association, the Arkansas State Medical Society and the Medical Society of Pulaski county. Dr. Gray was married in 1886 to Fannie A., daughter of Gen. William E.
Ashley, of Little Rock.
William Young,
born in Nashville, Tenn., June 1, 1842, son of William and Martha (Brooks) Pemberton. He was educated at Masonic College, Lexington, Mo., and studied law at Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn. After being admitted to the bar he removed to Montana, and entered upon the practice of his He served as district attorprofession at Bvitte. He was chief justice of ney and district judge. the state, 1893-98, succeeding Henry N. Blake, who was chief justice, 1889-92.
NICHOLSON, John Reed, jurist, was born in Dover, Del., May 19, 1849, son of John Anthony and Angelina K." (Reed) Nicholson. He was graduated at Yale University in 1870. He was a member of Prof. Marsh's expedition to explore the western plains and the Rocky mountains in 1870,and on his return entered the Columbia law school, New York city, where he was graduated in 1873. He practiced his profession in New York city for three years, and in 1876 returned to Dover, Del., which became his permanent home. He was solicitor of Dover, 1880-85; attorney for Kent county, 188592, and attorney-general of the state, 1892-95. In November of the latter year he resigned his position to succeed Hon. James L. Wolcott, chancellor He of the state, which position he still holds. was married, June 3, 1884, to Isabella H. Hager of Lancaster, Pa.
William, cmi^Te-man. was born
He received a is-.'l. CariUl., Pa.. -May 11, law was classical education, ami after studying lie removed to Indiana in ailniittiMl to the bar. Mirer of Kosciusko earlv life, and became trea In istilt he was chosen director com'iU in 1S.-.0. and in 1SW5 of the northern Indiana .state prison, of was commissioned by the governor coinniandant with the rank of colonel. In 1804 he C'..m|. \llen. in the United States aiMMHiited
was paymaster urm\ ami alter ihe war was elected representative from Indiana to the tilth congress, serving on the committees on the District of Columbia, the exand education penditures in the war department, He was re-elected to in the Di.-triet of Columbia. the three following congresses, and served on variola committees. In 18S2 he was appointed charge d'affaires to Paraguay and Uruguay, and held the He died at Warsaw, Ind., Apr. oilice ihree years. 22, ISiHi.
Joseph, pioneer, was born at Paris, N. Y., June 27, 1791. He removed to X. Y.. in 1S1G. and subsequently to
PLUMB, Oneida
Ithaca and GfeBCVa. He finally settled in Gowanda, \. Y.. on the border of the Cattaraugus reservation of the Seneca Indians, and upon this land he founded the town of Cattaraugus, and sold the lots on condition that no intoxicating liquors should be sold. The legality of this condition was tested in the courts, and after years of litigation a decision in his favor was rendered by the court of was active in benevolent and educaappeals. He tional enterprises in behalf of the native Indians, and he organized the first school and church in
Cattai angus. His son Edward Lee Plumb (1827Slit was secretary of legation and charge d'affaires in Mexico in 1867, and subsequently consul-general at Havana. Joseph Plumb died at Cattaraugus, X. Y.. Slay 25, 1870.
LTJTZ, Frank Joseph, physician, was born in Louis. Mo., May 24, 1855, son of John T. and Bosina (Miller) Lutz. He was educated in 'the public schools of his native city and in the St. Louis University, where he was graduated in St.
studied medicine
St. Louis Medical College and received the deof M.D. in 1876, and gree immediately thereafter entered upon the practice of his profession. He has been connected with the Alexian
Brothers' Hospital for many years, and was largely in-
strumental in improving character and extending facilities
the care and
treatment of patients. His particular work has been in the field of surgery. He wa- a member of the state board of health during 1893-97, and is professor of the principles and practice of surgery and clinical surgery at the Beaumont HosMcdical College, and is also dean of the college faculty. He was president of the Missouri State Medical Association in 1888, the St. Louis Medical Society in 1889 and the Southwestern Uwociation of Railway Sin-neons in IS'.Ki H, is chief surgeon of the St. Louis and San Francisco I. ail way ( o. Dr. Lutz was married in 1883 to Mav Silver of Maryland.
GTTF.FY, Bayless Leander Durant, jurist, was born in Muhlenberg county, Ky., Dec. 24, 1832,
son of James and Malinda (Jameson) Guffy, and grandson of Alexander Guffy of Scotch-Irish descent and a revolutionary soldier. He completed his classical course at Urana College, Glasgow. Ky., in 1855, and for a while taught school in Butfer county, meantime reading law. Finally he entered the law office of Judge J. J. Harrison, Hartford, and was admitted to In Ky., practice in 1856. 1857 he settled at Morgantown, and soon became a leading member of the bar at that place. In 1858 he was assistant assessor of Butler county, and in the same year was elected police judge of Morgantown. In 1860 he was assistant marshal for the purpose of taking the entire census of Butler county for that year. At the commencement of the war in 1861, he rendered much aid to the Federal cause, but did not join the army. In 1S62 he was elected county judge of Butler county as a Union Democrat, and in 1866 was re-elected as a Union man. In 1864 he was a delegate from the 2d congressional district to the Democratic convention at Chicago, and supported McClellan in the campaign, but in 1865 when there was a new alignment of parties on the basis of supporting or opposing the thirteenth amendment, abolishing slavery, Judge Guffy supported the amendment, and tiius became separated from the Democratic In 1868, as a Republican nominee for party. elector, he made many speeches for Grant and Colfax which wr ere complimented by the press. In 1872 he was a delegate to the Liberal Republican convention in Cincinnati and helped to nominate In 1875-76 he was a founder of the Greeley. Greenback party; in 1876 was sole delegate from Kentucky to the Indianapolis convention, and as the Greenback candidate for congress in the 3d congressional district, was defeated: in 1878 was elected county judge of Butler county, and in !sv_! was re-elected. In 1891 he was one of the principal promoters of the People's party in Kentucky was a delegate to the Cincinnati convention in" 1891, and was nominated by the state convention for atHe was an torney-general, but was defeated. earnest advocate of free coinage during 1801-93, but after the repeal of the purchasing clause of the Sherman law and the election of November, 1893, returned to the Republican party. In 1S94 he was elected by that party judge of the court cf appeals (the court of last resort in Kentucky). His services upon the bench during his eight years' term redounded greatly to his credit and that of his party. His opinions were prized by bench and bar on account of their terseness, perspicuity and sound common scense. Judge Gufl'y became' chief justice of the court of appeals, Jan. 1, 1902. and was unanimously nominated for re-election, but was defeated by his Democratic opponent, as were all of the Republican nominees. His term expired in January, 1903. Judge Guffy is regarded as veryable in logic or argument, and has always been fearless in the advocacy of such principles as commended themselves to his conscience. He was married, May 28, 1857, to Mahala A. Monroe. :
COMSTOCK, George Gary, astronomer, was born at Madison. Wis., Feb. 12, 1S.V>. son of Charles Henry and Mercy (Bronson) C'omstock and a descendant of Christopher Comstock, a native of Wales who settled in Xorwalk. Conn., in 1637. From him the line of descent runs through his son Moses, who married Abigail Brinsmaid;their son Abijah. through his son Thomas, who married Phoebe Sellick, and their son Abijah. who married Esther Frost and was the grandfather of Prof. Comstock. After receiving a preparatory education in the public schools he entered the University of Michigan and while there studied
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. astronomy under the late Prof. James C. Watson. He was graduated in 1877 and for the following t\vo years he occupied himself with geodetic work under the United States corps of engineers as recorder and assistant on the United States survey In 1879 of the Great lakes and Mississippi river. his former preceptor, Prof. Watson, was appointed
resident of the
American Bar Association.
E as taken an active interest in educational matters and has lectured for years before classes of business men at the Young Mens' Christian Association. He has also delivered a special course His opinions aa in the Kansas City Law School. judge and chief justice of the supreme court are recorded in the Missouri reports, vols. 97-146. first director of the Washburn observatory at the accom- The degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him in University of Wisconsin and Mr. Comstock He was maras his assistant. 1897 by the University of Missouri. panied him to that institution ried in St. Louis, ^Io., June 11, 1873, to Katie, During 1885-87 he filled the chair of mathematics nnd astronomy in the Ohio State University and daughter of Hon. Charles B. Anderson. in 1887 he was appointed associate director and three years later director of the atorv.'a position he still holds.
the author
"Method of Least Squares" (1890), "Text Book " " Field Astronomy for En1900) Astronomy " 1902) and in his official capacity he has gineers of of
issued five volumes of publications of Washburn Under his administration the work observatory. of the observatory has been mainly devoted to precise observation in the astronomy of position, including observations of double stars, a determination of the constant of aberration, distances of the fixed stars, etc. His labors for the advance-
of astronomical knowledge have gained him " of election to the "Astronomische Gesellschaft " de Societe' Astronomique Germany and the France." He is also a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a member of the National Academy of Sciences. He received the degree of LL.B. from the UniHe was married, versity of Wisconsin in 1883. June ']2, 1894, to Esther Cecile, daughter of Ben-
F. Everett of
Madison, Wis., and has two
was born
in St.
descended from settlers, his maternal grandfatlie'r, Captain Elihu H. Shepard, having removed from western New York to St. Louis in 1823 where he established nnd conducted a private school for many years. He encouraged the founding of a free public system and gave to the school board the lot on which now stands the Shepard School. During the Mexican war he was captain of the St. Louis volunteers under Col. Sterling Price and was afterward captain of the volunteer central It was under his direction fire engine company. that the grandson obtained his early education, He was graduated at especially in the classics. the St. Louis University in 1867 and received the degree of B.L. from the University of Virginia in 1869, also being graduated in the School of Medical Jurisprudence. After studying for several years at the universities of Paris and Berlin he returned to St. Louis in 1872 and formed a law partnership with Hon. William C. Marshall (now a member of the supreme court of Missouri) which continued until the election of Mr. Barclay to the circuit bench in 1882. On the expiration of his term in 1888 he was elected a justice of the supreme court of the state for a term of ten years. He removed to Jefferson City, Mo., in 1889 and in 1897 was chosen chief justice of Missouri by his associates, which office he resigned in 1898 returning to private practice in St. Louis. In 1901 he was appointed by Gov. Dockery to the bench of the St. Louis court of appeals to fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of Judge Henry W. Bond, and he served in that court until December, 1902, when he resiimed the practice of law in St. Louis in association witli Thomas T. Fauntleroy, having previously declined a renomination. Judge Barclay was for many years secretary of the Missouri Louis, Mo., Nov. pioneer Missouri
Historical Society, was for fifteen years secretary of the Missouri conference of judges and was vice-
WILLEY, Waitman Thomas,
Monongalia county, W. Ya., Oct. 18, 1811, son of William and Sarah (Barnes) Willey, and grandson of William Willey, who removed from. Delaware to Monongalia county, Va., about 1782. He was graduated at Madison College at the head of his class in 1831, and during the last year of his course he taught Latin and Greek to the junior class. He studied law and after being admitted to the bar in 1833, he formed a partnership with the Hon. E. C. Wilson, at Morgantown. Two years later he established an inand dependent practice, rapidly built up a moderately lucrative business. In
1840 the held at
Whig convention Richmond
him on the Harrison and ticket, and in 1841 he was elected clerk of the county court of Mo-
nongalia county, and clerk of the circuit superior court of law and chancery, holding both offices until a
change 1852.
Constitution, in a delegate
He was
the convention which remodeled the state Constitution in 1850; delegate to the Whig national convention of Baltimore, which nominated Bell and Everett in 1860, and delegate to the Richmond convention, where he strenuously opposed secession in 1861. After the passage of the ordinance, he refused to participate further in the convention, and returned home amid many indignities. At the mass convention to
May 13th, 5,000 loyal citizens from to the twenty-five counties pledged their support Union, and he co-operated with Gov. Pierpont in illepreventing them from forming a new state a Unionist legisgally. Upon the establishment of lature at Wheeling, he was elected U. S. senator, July 9, 1861. On May 29, 1862, he presented the Constitution of the proposed state of West Virthe general ginia, accompanied with the act of assembly assenting to the formation of the same, and the memorial requesting its admission. After " the insertion of the Willey amendment," regarding slavery, the Constitution was accepted by the senate, July 14, 1862; and in February, 1863, the Wheeling convention accepted the amendment, the people ratifying it by popular vote, and the state being regularly admitted on June 20th. Sen. Willey's term as senator from Virginia expired on Mar. 3, 1863, and on August 4th, he was elected one of the first senators from West Virginia, serving by re-election until Mar. 3, 1871. He delivered a speech in favor of the United States constituin Wheeling,
amendment abolishing slavery. Mar. 22, 1864; and upon the introduction of a bill to give suffrage to negroes in the District of Columbia, June 27, 1866. he offered an amendment requiring In 1870 he favored ability to read and write. the compensation of Southern loyalists, and tional
brought forward a
for dividing the proceeds several states for lie liuring his service in the
fiom public land- among educational purposes,
at Williams College in After receiving the degree of A.M. in 1808. serving us assistant principal of Mexico (X. Y.) ]S(i.~> ti7. he spent one in the mediAcademy. year cal department of the University of Michigan, attention to work in the devoting especial practical chemical and anatomical laboratories and two full in the of and years College Physicians Surgeons of New York city where he was graduated in 1870. He removed to Detroit, Mich., in 1871, to teach chemistry and conduct the laboratory of the De-
committee- on
naval all'airs, of Columbia, Di-triet rlaim-. and for several years chairman of the committee on patent- and the patent ollice. In .Inly. 1N7I. he wa- elected to represent his county in the coincntion to amend the state Constitution. He declined a nominal ion to eongrc-s in 1874, and
FUNK, "Wilhelm Heinrich, portrait painter, was born in Hanover, Jan. 14, 1800. son of Louis and Anna (Xoll) Funk, of Dutch descent. In childhood he developed a decided talent for art.
and while apprenticed to a bookbinder he studied
in a Sunday art America, learned
In IS84 he came the trade of house and Kign iiainting. and for a year not only supported himself but sent regular remittances to his w idowed mother, at the same time studying in the New York Art Students' League at night. After a second trip abroad, he traveled in the southern states, painting portraits for an art dealer under a contract
which lasted several years.
892 he returned to Xew city, and he achieved his first notable success by means of a pen-portrait of Edwin Booth, which became widely known through its " Rereproduction in the Tn
Century." of the
was one
and "Truth." He draw in pen-and-ink for
"Judge." first
and granddaughter of Queen Victoria (1897)' C,Minte-s
Aberdeen, vice-regent of Canada Mrs. .lames Brown Potter (1899)- Gen .'. Miles iinOO); Mr. Arthur J. Balfonr and of the Countess of Warwick (1901) ,,f
N.-1-on fl
to a
technique, he
degree of versatility, a rare gift in painters.
high "
Medicine, president of the American Academy of Medicine, 1888-89; vice-president of the American Medical Association, 1882-83; chairman of the Ophthalmic section of the American Medical Association, 1890-91; trustee of the journal of the American Medical Association, 1883-89; president of the American Medical Editors' Ass'ici;>tion in 1884; president of the Michigan State Medical Association, 1901-02, and chairman of the council of the Michigan State Medical Society in 19U2 IP:;. He was married, Aug. 10, 1870, to Anna A. Dame of Exeter, N. H.
mist, I
sociated also with Frederick Leypoldt of the " Publishers' Weekly," of which he has since been proand editor. With Mr. Leypoldt and prietor " Melvil Dewey he founded the " Journal Library and the American Library Association. For some years he was honorary secretary of the American Free Trade League and has identified himself with
In 1879 he headed politically reform generally. the independent Republican movement and at the Republican convention of 1880 in Chicago as one of the independent committee drafted the original of the civil service reform plank in its platform. During 1880-^82 he was the London representative of Harper & Bros, and started the English edition of Harper's Magazine." In 18S4 he was one of the national committee of independent Republicans and produced much of the presidential campaign literature, including the anfi-Blaine supplement to " " and the second address of the Harper's Weekly independents. He founded in 1880 the Society for '
j., n , Ppldenham, Orange co., i,
in ISTi'i, served as chairman of the West Virginia delegation at the national Republican convention in Cincinnati. I'pon the death of (apt. William MIL lie was appointed clerk of the county court, of Monongalia county, in 1SS2. and held the lie wa- a frequent contribposition main \ear-. utor to public journals and reviews, and deIhcred many important lectures before colleges and learned -ovieties throughout the countrv. lie was married, Oct. 9. 1834, to Elizabeth E.. daughter of Patrick Hay. and had three sons and four daughters. The honorary degree of A.M. wa- conferred upon him by Augusta College and that of I.L.I), by Allegheny College. He died at :ito\vn. W'. Va.. May >. Idol.
emy and was graduated
Education and he has published in
"Economic Tracts: Work and Wealth,'' "
"A Primer
of Political Education," Civil Service Examinations" and "Electoral Reform,'' besides " with the Reader's Guide in editing George lies, Economic, Political and Social Science." With two others he was instrumental in obtaining the passage of the New York state civil service reform law in 1884 and was one of the early promoters of ballot reform, making a special study of English methods in the parliamentary elections of 1886. He was a member of the executive comWith mittee of the American Copyright League.
Frederick Leypoldt he co-operated in planning the original "American Catalogue" of 1876 and he has since edited the supplementary volumes as well as the successive "Annual American Catalogues." Other of his books are " Copyright, Its Law and " The Economic Fact-Book and Its Literature," Free-Trader's Guide" (1885), "Economics for the People" (1886), the Harper's series on " "Great American Industries," "The Arts of Life (1900), and its separate parts "of Education," "of Busi" " of Politics," and of Literature." He has ness," also written more or less verse, was at one time connected with the literary department of the New York " Tribune," and was the first president of the New York Library Club. He was president of the Associate Alumni of the College of the City of New York in 1889 and during 1890-99 was vice-president of the Edison Electric Illuminating Co. of New York. Mr. Bowker was married at Brookline, Mass., Jan. 1, 1902, to Alice, daughter of Prof. Edward C. Mitchell. :
FTJRCHES, David Moffat, jurist, was born in Davis county. N. C.. Apr. 21, 1832, son of Stephen Lewis and Mary (Howell) Furelies, of French descent. He was educated in the common schools and at Union Academy, read law with Chief Justice Pearson and was admitted to the bar of North Carolina in 1857. He began to practice at Mocksville in 1858 and in 1859 was elected county solicitor of Davis county, which position he held by successive elections until 1868. He was a member of the constitutional convention of 1865. He was a judge of the superior court during 1875-78, was elected in November, 1894, on a Fusion ticket an :i"uciate justice of the state supreme court and served until 1900, when Me was appointed by Gov. Russell chief justice of the supreme court of North Carolina. His term expired in 1902. Chief Justice Furchc-i. who is a Republican, and Judge R. M. Douglas (son of Stephen A. Douglas), were impeached by a legislature which was more than two-thirds Democratic, on a partisan charge, but they were acquitted. The degree of LL.D. was conferred on him by the University of North Carolina in 1895. He was married: first at Mocksville, N. ('.. Nov. 22. 1859. to Eliza, daughter of Lemuel Hingham; second. Dec. 5, 1893. to Lulu, daughter of Dr. T. J. Carpening of Statesville, N. C.
RUSSELL, Frank, anthropologist, was born in Fort Dodge, la.. Aug. 26, 1868, son of David Chandler and Elizabeth (Carleton) Russell, and grandson of David Russell, who emigrated from England in 1820 and settled in Pennsylvania. After spending two and a half years in explorations in the northern part of America, he entered the University of Iowa, where he was graduated in 1892, and received the degree of M.S. in 1895. He at once became assistant in zoology at the University of Iowa, and four years later was called to Harvard as assistant in anthropology and was made instructor in anthropology in 1897. He is the author of " Explorations iii the Far North " (1898)
and numerous
"American Naturaland he was a member of the American Folk-Lore Society, of which lie was president in 1901, the American Society of Naturalists, and a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the American Geographical Society. Harvard University conferred upon him the degree of A. 13. in 189C, A.M. in 1897 and Ph.D. in 1898. He died at Kingman, Arizona, Nov. 7, 1903. GRANT, Claudius Buchanan, jurist, was born at Lebanon, York co., Me., Oct. 25, 1835, son of Joseph and Mary (Merrill) Grant. He was educated at the Lebanon Academy and at the University of Michigan, where he was graduated in 1859. During 1859-02 he was at first teacher of classics and then principal of the Ann Arbor high
came " ist
associate editor of the
in 1897
On July 29, 1862, he entered the army as captain of company D, 20th Michigan infantry, and was subsequently promoted to major, lieutenantschool.
He was
present at Fredericksburg served in the army of the ;
1863; fought at Vicksburg; took part in the Tennessee
campaign under Sherman, and under served Gen. in Grant the campaign against Gen. Lee.
On the surrender
ha resigned his commission, and returning to the University of Michigan entered its law department. He was admitted to the bar in 1866, and at once became a law partner of ex-Gov. Alphdis Felch of Ann Arbor,
In 1866 he was in 1867 was aprecorder of the city pointed postmaster; during 1870-74 was a member of the state legislature (being speaker pro tern.) and during 1872-80 was a regent of the University of Michigan. In 1873 he removed to Houghton, Mich., where he was prosecuting attorney of Hoi'.ghton county in 1876. In 18sl he was elected judge of the 25th judicial circuit, and in 1887 was re-elected. He was elected justice of the supreme court of Michigan in 1889 for the term of ten elected
years and was re-elected in 1899. He was chief He was married in justice of the state, 1898-99. 1863 to a daughter of his law partner, Alpheus Felch of Ann Arbor, Mich.
was born
When about sixteen county, Pa., Dec. 31, 1826. years of age he went to Missouri, settling in Lewis He studied at Masonic College, Marion county. county, in 1845-46, and shortly afterward commenced reading law with Judge James Ellison, at Monticello. He was admitted to the bar in the spring of 1849, and during the following thirteen years was engaged in the practice of his profession. In 1862 he was elected state senator, and served till 1864, when he was elected judge for the fourth judicial circuit of Missouri. The following year he was appointed to the supreme bench of the state, and was re-elected in 186S and again in 1870.
During 1865-76 he was
chief justice.
1868 Judge Wagner compiled and edited the statutes of the state, a work that came into general use immediately, and superseded all others. His opinions are held in high estimation and are often quoted as authority, not only by the bar and bench of Missouri, but also by the legal profession His second wife was throughout the country.
NATIONAL CYCLOPAEDIA and farm implements at Leavenworth, Kansas Manufacturing pn-ident of the he was elected president Company, 1877-OT, when First National Bank of Leavenworth. 9
of the
the Maine Wesleyan SeminaryM,. Am, completing and Maine State College. a public chod ^studies, he became a tutor in
as a member of the Webster, serving one year and bu, ding II.rtiuliea atpentry board. Uool ,
career "> an architect in 18iJ,
of Stnrgis & Binghain. architects, Boston, as
employ a
draughtsman, with
be remained until they dissolved partnership in 1880. During tltis period he had of the erection of
several important buildings,
amongst which were the ommoawealth building for i
the state of Massachusetts, and the Massachusetts Life Co.'s Insurance building, Boston. In 1887 he formed a partnership with Willard M. Bacon, under the tirm
of Spofford
this dissolved
and with Mr. Charles Brig-
ham, the firm of Brigham They erected the exSpofford was formed. the tension to the Massachusetts State House, the addition to the Maine State House, Augusta ; rox\-\luni for Inebriates and Dipsomaniacs, Bank building, boro, Mass. ; Rogers's tomb, Savings town hall, WatcrtosMi. Ma-s. public library and the Kail-haven. Mass.: Memorial hall, Belfast, Me.; (itv Hall, Lewiston, Me.; Glendale, Warren and Window school buildings, Presbyterian church, residences. This Koxlmry, Mass.. and many private lour years: during 1892-98 partnership existed he conducted the business alone, and during that tiu- sa
where he engaged in a posi successful that he soon found himself for a tion to realize his long cherished aspiration After a period of close and perseverlegal career. adant application to the study of law lie was Ins mitted to the bar. He -rapidly advanced in
chosen profession, and attaining political promindisence was elected county assessor in IStiS. was of trict attorney during 1872-78, and in November the latter year was elected on the Republicar He served ticket attorney-general of Nevada. that position until he was elected to the supreme He was bench. He was chief justice in 1893-94.
of married, Sept, 22, 1859, to Matilda J. Myers
Red BUnT, Tehama
Livingston, anthropologist, was Newark, N. J., June 14, 1807, son of Samuel Ashbel and Louise (Wilson) Farrand, and a descendant of Nathaniel Farrand, who came from England and settled in Milford, Conn., in 1M->. He was educated at the Newark Academy and Princeton University, where he was graduated in in is'.H. 1888, and received the degree of A.M.
born in
continued his studies at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, receiving the degree of M.D. in 189 at Cambridge, England, and Berlin, Germany. Rewas instructor turning to the United States he in psychology in Columbia University, 1893-1901, since' which time he has been adjunct professor, and in 1903 became professor of anthropology. He Assois a member of the American Psychological Society, the ciation, the American Ethnological So\\ ashington Academy of Sciences, the American Association for ciety of Naturalists, the American the "Advancement of Science, the American FolkLore Society, of which he was president in 1 the American Oriental Society, and a fellow of the New York Academy of Sciences. He was married, Feb. 1, 1901, to Margaret K. Carleton of New York city.
in LEONARD, Orville R., jurist, was bornl.oiPomfret, Vt., Nov. 13, 1834, son of John and White) Leonard. He was reared on his fathers farm and when sixteen years old, he commenced (
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. teaching school in the winter and attending the Randolph Academy during the summer. He also attended Dartmouth College, but left for California before graduation, and was admitted to the The following May he went to bar in 1863. Nevada, and entered upon the practice of his profession at Star City. Humboldt CO., becoming one Within a of that locality. of the pioneers few months after his arrival he was elected district attorney, and held that position by re-election He then practiced law at Unionfor five years. In ville, in "partnership with Judge E. F. Dunn. 1872 he was made judge of the fourth judicial district, and in 1870 he was elected to the supreme bench of Nevada. He was a delegate to the Republican national convention held in Chicago in 1868, and filled the office of chief justice of Nevada He was an in 1881-82 and again in 1887-88. " one of the fairestable and erudite jurist and
minded and purest lawyers of Nevada." He was married, June 25, 1868, to Eliza B., daughter of Samuel Sylvester of West Newbury, Mass. singer, was born Brooklyn, N. Y., Mar. 16, 1873, daughter of Peter and Elizabeth Blauvelt. At an early age she evinced a decided talent for music when five " solfeggio" and years old she began the study of at seven the violin, which was prosecuted under the best masters: at eight she made her first appra ranee in public at Steinway Hall, New York. Her vocal training was under the instruction of M. Jacques Bouhy, and after his return to Paris she studied with him for several years. She then accepted an offer from the Theatre de la Monnaie, Brussels, as premiere soprano legere, and made her debut in opera, " in Mireille," with such suc-
BLATJVEI/T, Lillian Evans,
that she was encourto learn other roles (Juliette. Margherita, Mignon, etc.), all of which were given: but her health failing, she was compelled to cancel her contract and returned to her native land, where after some months of rest she again appeared in cess
public, with
New York
Seidl. in
During the following years she sang in hundreds of concerts and city.
oratorio recitals in the leading cities of the United States and Canada. In 1898 she went to Italy to study the language, and while in Rome heard that the soprano who was engaged to sing in the Manzoni Requiem (Verdi) had been taken ill, and volunteering, learned the part in Latin in four days and acquitted herself with such success that she attracted the attention of Queen Margherita. who commanded her to sing at the Quirinal. During the autumn of 1898 she made debuts in Munich and London, after which followed a successful tour through Germany. England, Austria, Hungary, Holland and Switzerland. In February, 1800 she was married, in Rome. Italy, to William F. Pendleton, an American. From '1808 to 1004 Mine. Blauvelt made annual tours through Europe and America, singing with the sjreat orchestral and oratorio societies, and in addition had the distinction nf singing before many royal personages in Europe, among the most prominent having been the late Queen Victoria, at Windsor Castle; H. M. King Edward VII, at Buckingham Palace;
H. M. Queen Alexandra, Princess Victoria, Princess Beatrice, Prince and Princess of Wales, Princess Schleswig-Holstein, the dowager Queen of Italy, Margherita, at the Quirinal, Rome; the late King Umbcrto, the King and Queen of Italy, and from several of these she has received recognition in the shape of jewelled decorations. Perhaps the greatest honor ever conferred upon any singer was bestowed xipon Mine. Blauvelt in Rome, on Apr. 7, 1001
Order of
presented by the oldest musical society in the world, the Royal Acad-
of St. Cecilia, which was in 1585. The order is
and in the history of the academy but seven others have been awarded the decoration, Mme. Blauvelt reShe is the ceiving the eighth. only English speaking person and the only woman who has ever been so honored in the 316 years of its history, and her name is carved on a marble tablet on a wall of the academy, a fitting tribute to her marvelous talents. Mme. Blauvelt's voice of very pure timbre and drais a high soprano, matic in quality; with this is united a musical intelligence which enables her to impart to the work its true interpretation; the range is from G to D. nearly three octaves. ADEE, Alvey Augustus, second assistant secretary of state, was born at Astoria, L.'L, Nov. 27, 1842, son of Augustus Alvey and Amelia Kinnaird (Graham) Adee, grandson of William and Clarissa (Townsend) Adee, great-grandson of Daniel and Jemima (Hobby) Adee. and great-greatgrandson of John and Charlotte (Park or Parcque) Adee. The first of the family in America was one Aidee, who settled in Providence Plantations prior to 1630. Augustus Alvey Adee (1802-44) was fleet surgeon in the United States navy. The son was educated privately as a civil engineer and practiced in New York with Gen. Charles K. Graham for two years (1868-70). In 1870 he was appointed secretary of legation at the court of Spain, becoming charge d'affaires in 1873 and again after Minister dishing resigned in 1877. He was transferred to the department of state at Washington, D. C.. July 9, 1877, and was chief of the diplomatic bureau until July 18, 1882, third assistant secretary of state until Aug. he became second assistant secre3, 1886, when tary of state, a position he still holds. He has served with Secretaries Evarts. Frelinghuysen, Blaine. Bayard, Foster, Gresham, Olney, Sherand He was man, Day Hay. acting secretary during a critical period of the Chinese Mr. troubles, August and September, 1900. Adee is an accomplished scholar in French, German and Spanish literature. He has wide acquaintance both as a diplomatist and a Shakesperian scholar, and his home and ample library in Washington are a favorite center for students. Yale College conferred the honorary degree of A.M. upon him in 1888. He is unmarried. a limited one,
Frederick Augustus, lawyer, was
born at Norwood Park, Cook co., 111., Feb.'ll, 1844, son of Israel G. and Susan (Pennoyer) Smith. He was educated in the Chicago public schools and the old Chicago University, which he left to enlist in the 134th regiment of Illinois volunteer infantry.
and Missouri campaigns.
in the Kentucky studied law at the
in the office "f Bajps & to the l>ar in ISO,, lie with Christian (. Kohi-
Law and Ton-lev, and wa- admitted I'nion Coll
would bo in continual danAt a lorn-. treachery or open
lives, I.ut
Sachem's Plain, Norwich, Mian-
in tonotnoh was put "to death liy I ncas's brother, That the Indians might know, September Hii:i that the Knglish a granite obelisk was erected to the memory of I'ncas at Norwich, the foundation-stone being laid by Gen. Andrew Jackson. Uncas died at his settlement in 1682. in
Dustin, was born at Worces-
ter. Ma-s.. Mar. '!, 1830. son of Charles Augustus and Caroline Dustin (Pritchard) Mirick, and a descendant of .lohn Mirick, who emigrated from Wales to Charlestown, Mass., in 1636. From him the line of descent runs through his son John; his son John: his son James, who was married to Mary \\nol-ton: their son Elisha, of Holden, Mass., a revolutionary soldier, who was married to Persis Moore, and their son Silas, of Rutland, Mass., who was married to
Lydia Henry, and was Mr. Mirick 's grandfather. The son was educated in the schools of Greenfield, Mass., and at Williston
Seminary, Easthampton, Mass. He first engaged in business in 1857 with his father, who was a
and printer publisher at
Greenfield, and continued in this occupation until 1862. Going to Cincinnati, O., in 1802, he entered the mercantile business there
and was afterward a merchant in Des Moines, la. Subsequently he was engaged in building and operating railroads in Minuri. Kansas. Indian Territory, and Texas, and
those states.
various important enterprises in In 1886 he removed to Washington
He has been di(1!)04) resides. and tica-urer of the Washington Traction and its subsidiary- companies. Mr. Mirick is now vice-president of the First National Hank of Parsons, Kan., and a director in the Washington Loan & Trust Co. and the West End National Bank of Washington, D. C. Owing to II health, he has given up other business connectiotis. He was married first, Oct. 23 1874 to Harriet S. Brown, daughter of John Brown', of Athens, O., who died Dec. 23, 1875, leaving one lie
Electric Cn.
son, Henry Brown Mirick; second, July 23, 187!), to Charlotte E., daughter of Henry T. Brown, of Athens, 0. They have one son, Carlos Brown
Dr., founder of the communistic societies Bethel, Mo., and Aurora, Ore., was born in Prussia in 1811. He was a milliner, but becoming a mystic began dealing in magnetism, which he used as a curative agent for diseases. After living for some time in New York, he went to Pittsburgh, Pa., where he gave himself out as a physician, professing to be the owner of a mysterious volume. written with human blood, and containing receipts for medicines. After various adventures he formed a following among simple-minded Germans, and about 1844 founded with them a religious communistic colony i-n Bethel, Shelby Co., Mo., somewhat " upon the plan of Rapp's Economy," but with the In the seventies the celibate principles left out.
colony had over four hundred communicants who were in a prosperous state. In 1855 an offshoot of the Bethel community was formed under the leadership of Kcil at Aurora, a village situated twentynine miles south of Portland, on the Oregon and California railroad. This settlement was founded on the same religious and social principles as
Bethel, and both of them were conducted by Keil, who was their temporal and spiritual head. They were remarkable chiefly for their simplicity, held that all government should be parental, 33 is the government of God, maintained a strict
and regarded the fundamental truth " Love one another." Both
of Christianity to be
communities enjoyed prosperity for a long period. I/IDDON, Benjamin Sullivan, jurist, was born in Jackson county, Fla., Sept. 7. 1853, son of Benjamin G. and Susan (Sullivan) Liddon. His father was a newspaper writer, who was killed at the explosion of the crater before Petersburg. Va., He was educated at Madison, in the civil war. Ga., and studied law in the office of Hon. Allen H. Bush, compiler of Bush's "Digest Laws of Florida." He was admitted to the bar in 1ST."), and immediately entered upon the practice of his proTwo years later he entered into partnerfession. ship with Judge W. D. Barnes, and in 1SS-2 became associated with Judge Francis Carter. In 1894 he \vas appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Chief Justice Raney of the supremecourt, and in November of the same year he wa elected to that tribunal for a term of six years. He served as chief justice for a little less than a year, and in 1897 resigned from the bench and retired to private life. Removing to Pensacola. Fla., he fonned a partnership with John Eagan. but in 1901 returned to Marianna. He was the special counsel for the railroad commission of the state of Florida. He was chairman of the Florida delegation to the National Democratic convention at Kansas City in 1900. He was married. Apr. 0, 1880, to Virginia, daughter of William Harvey, of Jackson county, and has six sons and three
PARRY, David McLean, born at Ridgeville, Pa., Mar.
manufacturer, was 26,
son of
Thomas and Lydia (McLean) Parry, natives of Pennsylvania, and grandson of Henry Parry, a proficient, civil engineer and a man of uncommon His father, a farmer and merchant, refarm in Franklin county, Ind., in 18."i3, where the son was reared and received a common ability.
to a
school education. He obtained a clerkship in a country store at ten dollars per month and later in a dry goods store at Lawrenceburg. Ind. After three years in New York city he returned to Indiana in 1873, and opened a hardware store at Connersville, as a member of the firm of T. J. Parry & Son, which
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. soon grew to be the largest in that part of the state. In 1878 he sold his share of the business for $15,000 for the benefit of his father, and became a traveling salesman for the Pappenheimer, Ludlow Hardware Within a year he had saved Co., of Cincinnati. enough to open a hardware store of his own at Rushvillc, Ind.. and this he controlled until the sold out and became a spring of 1882, when he member of the C. Spring Cart Co., of Kushville. In 1886 he reorganized the company, admitting his brother, Thomas H., and moving the establishment to Indianapolis. The Parry Manufacturbe by ing Co., as it is now called, has grown to far the largest concern in the world manufacturThe factory covers ing carriages exclusively. Mr. twenty-two acres and employs 2,800 men. Parry is a thirty-second degree Mason, a Knight Templar and Mystic Shriner, and since 1902 has been president "of the National Association of He was married in Brooklyn, Manufacturers. N. Y., Oct. 13, 1875, to Cora, daughter of Thomas Harbottle. She died in 1882, leaving two children, Helen and Cora, and he was married Oct. 3, 1883, to Hessie, daughter of John M. Maxwell, a prominent merchant of Indianapolis, by whom he has had seven children Lydia, Maxwell, Addison, Isabella, Ruth, Jeanette, and David Parry. :
NOKTHRtTP, George Washington, educator, was born at Antwerp, Jefferson co., N. Y.. Oct. 15, 1820, sou of William and Anna (Williams) Northrup, grandson of Remington and Amy (Knowles) Northr'ip, and a descendant of Stephen Northrup. who came to the country in 1645.
taught for several years, and by close application, under the tuition of A. C. Beach (afterward lieutenant-governor of New York), he was prepared to enter the sophomore class at Williams College, where he was graduated with honors in 1854. He was graduated at the Rochester Theological Seminary in 1857; was ordained in Rochester, N. Y., in the same year, and was professor of church history at the Rochester In this Theological Seminary during 1857-C7. partly
period Dr. Northrup also won distinction as a preacher. He was acting professor of mental and moral philosophy in the (old) University of Chicago in 1807-69, and president and professor of systematic theology at the Baptist Union Theological Seminary in 1867-92. Since the latter year he has been professor and head of the department of systematic theology. The degree of D.D. \v:is conferred on him by Rochester University in !S(i4, and that of LL.D. by Kalamazoo College in 1879. He was twice married, his second wife being Naomi Sayles, of Chicago. He died in Chicago, 111.. Dec. 30, 1900.
Herbert W. C., chemist, was born at Liverpool, England, in 1832. He studied medicine, but made chemistry a specialty from 1849. During 1S51-52, he was assistant to his father who conducted a large establishment near Liverpool for refining various oils and the manufacture of soap, and surphuric and other acids. There he studied the chemistry of gas and coal oils, and after coming to the United States in 1853, he instructed manufacturers in the chemistry of refining oils, snap-, fats, etc., in New York and Providence until 1856. In 1850-57 he was engaged in refining cottonseed-oil in Providence and St. Louis, and was the first to bleach cottonseed-oil white. In 1857 ho became manager of the large cottonseed-oil works in St. Louis, for Wyman, Grant & Co. In 1858 he conducted at New Orleans a series of costly experiments for a Mr. Peet, the object of which was to make burning and lubricating oils from
rosin oil. He deodorized it and removed the color, but the desired properties were lacking, but in 1859 he mixed the distillates of petroleum with rosin oil, improving the burning and lubricating He had meantime put in properties of the latter. operation the Louisiana Oil Works, where rosin In 1860 he oil was distilled on a very large scale. constructed in New Orleans the Pelican Chemical Works and put them in partial operation, but his health failed and he left that city in 1861 intending to return to Europe. Stopping in Pittsburg on his way to New York, he became engaged in introducing his methods of distillation into Pittsburg petroleum refineries. On July 4, 1862, he planned the Standard Oil Works in Pittsburg, and he superintended their construction and operation until December, 1866. Early in 1869 he began to construct the Eclipse Oil Works where he manufactured the distillates of petroleum. After this refinery was struck by lightning and burned in June, 1870, he reconstructed it at Aladdin in Armstrong Dr. Tweddle claimed to be the originator county. of distillation with superheated steam in vacuo, and he took out numerous patents for distilling petroleum with diminished pressure, with and without direct heat and superheated steam. The oils which he produced were of very superior quality and were largely used by tanners and curriers as well as for lubrication. About 1886 Dr. Tweddle went to the Russian petroleum fields and remained their for several years. Subsequently he spent a number of years in Peru.
SNYDER, Thomas
C., manufacturer, was born Trumbull co., O., Mar.' 19, 1843, son of John and Anna Crow Snyder, of German extraction. He received a common school and academic education. In August, 1801, he enlisted in the civil war, and served throughout the four years' struggle. Returning home, he engaged in vari-
ous pursuits until 1872, when he removed to Waynesburg, 0., and took charge of the coal mines at Mineral Point, O. He subsequently became owner of these mines, and disposed of them in 1876, and in 1887 purchased a half interest in the patent iron roofing business, and started the manufacture of these roofs at Waynesburg in a small way under the firm name of T. C. Snyder & Co. In 1880 he removed to Canton, 0., and was the first to introduce soft steel plates as a roofing material. He subsequently became the leader and in the manufacture development of the metallic roofing business in America. His business was incorporated in 1888 as the Canton Steel Roofing Co., with a capital of $100,000, Mr. Snyder being president and principal owner. In 1879 he was elected by the Republicans to the Ohio legislature, and in In 1887 he was elected state sen1881, re-elected. ator of the 21st seratorial district, and as such
on various important committees, being of the inauguration committee for the inauguration of Gov. Foraker. He is a Mason in the 32d degree, an Odd Fellow and an active
made chairman
1886, to
of the G. A. R.
He was
Edith, daughter of G. prominent citizen of Ohio.
married, June 19, W. Holbrook, a
Dec. 12, 1876, to Ida Warner, daughter of Joseph Warner and Caroline A. (Bordeni Erwin, and has six children, Marie Louise, Alice Therese, John Henry, Caroline Borden, Josephine Lalor and Warner Erwin.
Diament, senator, was -on of AkJtMldrfa, \ a.. May 10. lsOJ._ i^n Junta Diamcnt Wc-trott. in- tathcr (1715 served as secretary of slate ill New Jersey during an rally age lie was taken liy BIS \i .:. his education was father to \e Jersey and there After studying law he was admitted to received. until th.- bar in isiM. and practiced hi- profession II, -rr\cd lor a .-hoit time as clerk in the \Va-hconsular bureau of (lie -late department at and during IMio :il secretary of the
territory of Florida
appointment of Prea. Jack
While holding the latter ollire hi- occasion duties of governor of Florida ally performed the lie ollieial. during the teui|iorary a!>-rnrr of that MIII.
of the territorial legislature ls:U was appointed U. S. district attoine\ for the mid. lie distriet of Florida, act in-,' that' otliee until 183C. ill Serving again in the conlegislature, he ua- a member of the state stitutional convention of 1838-39. Upon the adwas he nii--ion of Florida to the Union in 1845, Reeled a- a Democrat to the U. S. senate, and ir|,n-rntcd his state from July 1, 1845, to Mar. 1849. Retiring from the senate in the latter year, lie d. -voted himself to his profession in New York city, where he practiced until 1862. He then removed to Canada, and died in Montreal His son. also named James 1S80. Jan. 1-. Diament. was horn at Tallahassee, Fla., June 18, |s:;n. His early education was received in his native place am. after studying law he was admitted to the liar. Kntcring the Confederate army nt the outhreak of the civil war he attained the
served as
rank of major. In 18S.1 he was made attorneygeneral of Florida, and a year later was appointed judge of the supreme court.
Joseph Ingersoll, lawyer, was born
1844, son of Joseph 17, Luker (Callahan) Doran. and
of Michael
Doran, a merchant,
grated from Ireland to Philadelphia in 1795. His father (1800-59) was an eminent lawyer and a judge of the court of general sessions (1840-43). He received his early education in private schools, and was prepared for college by John W. Faircs. He entried the office of John C. Bullitt as clerk, where he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1865, and two yoars later to the supreme court of Pennsylvania. He at once became associated with his preceptor,
Mr. Bnllitt, and Samuel
Dickson. He has been consult inj; counsel of many corporations, was general solicitor of the. Norfolk and Western railroad from its organization, and when it was reorganized in 1S!>(> under the name of the Norfolk and Western Railway Co. '
was still retained in this capacity. Since 1880 he ha- been actively identified with the development of the coal and iron districts of the VirAt, the American Social ginia*. Science conven" tion of 1876 he read a on Buildiii"paper Isso, lations." which attracted attention, and in he published a pamphlet on "Our Fishery Right! in the North Atlantic." which 1he i-
described as -oiu> of the .atigfaetory contributions to the literature ut the 11. was married in fishery controversy."
diplomat '27,
ami 1833,
son'of John Marshall and Harriet (Kimball) \\ashburn, and a descendant of John \\ashlmru, an early settler of the Plymouth colony. In 1S38
John Davis,
lawyer, was born in Boston. Mass.. Mar.
his parents removed to Lancaster, where lie reHe was graduated at ceived his early education. Harvard University in 1S.~>:! and at the Harvard Law School in 1850. After being admitted to the bar of Worcester county in the same year, lie entered into practice in partnership with Hon.. Henry In IStiti he succeeded Alexander HamilC. Rice. ton Bullock (who had been elected governor) as attorney and agent for several large insurance companies. He served as chief of Gov. Bullock's staff in 1866-69, being given the rank of colonel. In 1876-79 lie was a member (Republican) of the lower branch of the state legislature, where he
served on the judiciary and public charitable inIn 1884 he was elected stitutions committees. state senator from the \\orcc.-ter city district, and served as chairman of the committee on probate and chancery, and that on public expenditures, and as a member of the insurance committee. In 1889 he was appointed by Pres. Harrison U. S. minister to Switzerland was later made envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, and filled the position most acceptably until his resignation in 1892, when he returned to private life. ;
Washburn has occupied many positions of In 1871-81 he was a trustee of the Worcester Lunatic Hospital, and 1875-85 of the
public trust.
Massachusetts School for the Feeble-blinded. In 1862 he became a director of the Merchants' and Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co.. and in 1883 its president; during 1866-70 he was director of the Citizens' National Bank, and for eighteen years served on the board of investment of the Worcester County Savings Bank, of which he was made vicepresident in 1889; he was councilor and recording secretary of the American Antiquarian Society, councilor of the Massachusetts Historical Society, and original member of the American Historical Association, an overseer of Harvard University and a director of the Harvard Alumni Association. Col. Washburn was married, June 5, 1860, to Mary F., daughter of Charles L. Putnam of Worcester, His deatli Mass., and bad one daughter. Edith. occurred at Worcester in April, 1903.
Ebenezer, clergyman and manu-
facturer, was iHirn at Stafford, Tolland co., Conn., Aug. 31, 1798, of German ancestry on bis father's side. He worked on his father's "farm with little schooling until be was eighteen, when be went to New Haven to earn his living, and while there he identified himself with the Baptist church and
organized a Sunday school. His education was acquired at Amherst Academy, at Columbian College, Washington, 1). C., and at Brown University, where he was graduated in 1827. In 182S he accepted a call to the pastorate of the First Baptist Church, Portland, Me., and was ordained there on Dee. 8th, but resigned in 1830 on account of illness in the family and failure of his voice. This was his only pastorate. He was corresponding secretary of the Northern Baptist Education Society, 1830-4o, and in its interests traveled through the country forming branch societies. In IS.'U he became editor ot the " Christian Watchman," though bis nar.ie did not appear as editor until ISlid, when he purchased the paper from William Nichols. He
OP AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. raised $20,000 for founding fwo professorships for Newton Theological Seminary, and in 1843 became In 1845, his health treasurer of that institution. having become seriously impaired, he removed to Dayton, ()., and taught in the local theological semiIn 1850 in nary, and also engaged in business. company with Eliani E. Barney he established the Dayton car works, which later became the largest concern of the kind in the country. In 1854 lie was succeeded in the firm by C. Parker, and in 1858 he started a varnish manufactory in which he was interested until 1874. He was of great service to the Baptist church in Ohio. The college at Granville, the state convention and the educational society shared in his bounty, while his counThe honorsel was sought throughout the state. ary degree of LL.D. was conferred on him by Denison University, of which he was a trustee from He was married in New York city, Sept. 13, 1857. 1827, to Elizabeth Tenner, of Canterbury, Eng., who died in 1860, leaving two sons and three daughters, and he was married in 1801 to Martha,
of the Rev. Frederick
He died in Dayton, BOGGS, Carroll
Jan. 12, 1886. Curtis, jurist, was O.,
born at Fail-field, Wayne CO., 111., Oct. 19, 1843, son of Richard L. and Sarah A. (Wright) Boggs. After a public school education, he spent one year in the literary department of Michigan University, one year in the law department, and three months in MeKendree College, Lebanon, 111. He was admitted to the bar in 1867, and established his practice in his native town. He was state's attorney for Wayne county, 1873-77, county judge, 1877-85, and judge of the 2d judicial circuit of Illinois during 1885-97. For two years he served in the 3d appellate district of Illinois, and in June, 1897, was chosen one of the associate justices in the Illinois supreme court, where from June, 1900. to June, 1901, he served as the chief. Judge Boggs is a Democrat. He was married, at Fairfield, Octi 31, 1870, to Sarah A., daughter of Wm. Shaeffer, and has five children. His reasoning is logical and profound, and the succession of his ideas lated
and controlled by a cultivated and accurate
GREEN, Henry,
was born
county, X. Y., Aug. 29, 1828, son of Enoch Green,
merchant and manufacturer.
He was graduated
at Lafayette College in 1842, entered the law school of Judge Washington McCartney at Easton, was admitted to the bar in 1847, and at once commenced to practice. In 1851 he entered the office of Andrew H. Reeder and assumed the latter's business when he went to Kansas to be governor. On his return the firm of Reeder & Green was formed and continued Until the death of the senior partner in July, 1864. Mr. Green then practiced alone until September, 1879, when he was appointed to the bench of the supreme court to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Judge Warren J. Woodward. In the following year he was elected by popular vote to the same "office, a He was chief justice of position lie still fills.
in 1899.
COMLY, James
M., journalist and diplomat,
was born in Perry county, 0.. Mar. 6, 1832, son of Bezaleet Welles and Margaret Jane (Stewart) Comly, and a descendant of Henry Comly, who oainr. t.> Philadelphia with William Penn in 1682. lie was educated chiefly in the public schools of Columbus, and studied' law with Christopher P. WoleoH, attorney-general. In 1859, he was admitted to the bar of the supreme court. He practiced his profession successfully until June. 1861, when he enlisted as a private and was elected lieuVOL. XII. 30.
tenant of his company. In August, desiring to see active service in the field he was appointed major of the 23d Ohio volunteers, and he remained in command of this regiment until the close of the war, participating in a number of engagements. In October, 1865, he became editor and proprietor " of the Ohio State Journal," with which he earnestly supported the Republican party through one of the most difficult periods in the history of the country. The issues arising out of the war had to be met, and the press had much to do with " " State Journal molding public sentiment. The maintained itself creditably during this time of anxiety, and gained additional power and influence as the central organ of the Republican party in Ohio. In 1870, Gen. Comly was appointed by Pres.
Grant portmaster
O., to
meantime retaining position he was reappointed, " " the editorship of the State Journal until Pres. T him L S. minister to the Hawaiian made Hayes Islands in 1877. He succeeded Henry A. Pierce. During Gen. Comly's five years' service as minister resident at Honolulu, he shaped the policy of his government in such a manner as to gain the good will of the Hawaiian court, while his measures for the protection of American interests were especially commended by the home government. On his return to Columbus, with his former partner, A. W. Francisco, and A. E. Lee, ex-consul-general at Frankfort-on-the-Main, he purchased the Toledo .
Commercial." of which he became the editor. He was married in 1863, to Elizabeth Marion, daughter of Dr. Samuel M. Smith, consul-general during the war. Of their five children, three survive.
TALCOTT, John Butler, manufacturer, was born at Thompsonville, Conn., Sept. 14, 1824, son of Seth and Charlotte S. (Butler) Talcott, and a descendant of John Talcott, a native of Braintree, Essex co., England, who accompanied Hookto Boston, Mass.. in 1632, and built frame house in Hartford in 1636. The line of descent runs through his son Samuel, who married Hannah Holyoke; their son Benjamin, who married Sarah Hollister; their son Samuel, who married Hannah Moseley; their son Samuel, er's
who married Mary Smith, and their son Samuel, who
married Abigail P. Hooker and was the grandfather of
He was
graduated at Yale Univerin 1846. He then sity studied law in Hartford and was admitted to the bar in In the following year 1848. he
A.M. from Yale University. While studying law- he served both as clerk of the Hartford probate court and Latin teacher of the Hartford Female Seminary. He was tutor in Middlebury College, Vermont, in 1848. and at Yale during 1849-51. In 1851 he joined the firm of North & Stanley, manufacturers of knit goods, and has remained in that business for over fifty years. During 1853-68 he was secretary and treasurer of the New Britain Knitting Co., and since 1883 has been its president. In 1868 he organized the American Hosiery Co.. of which he is president and treasurer. It produces a complete line in the high grades of knit goods, and its factory in New Britain employs 500 hands. The company has received the highest awards at every exposition as
Hi' is a IS'li. ill Corbin Lurk Co.. the CorI.ck Co.. tin- Savings Hank of New l.in Cabinet Hritain and tin- Connecticut General Life Insurance 1,1. aihl is president of the Mechanics' Nfttioiial Hank. the New Hritain Institute, and was the lirst president of the Xe\v Hritain C'luli. serv-
since the Centennial e\|>osition ilirn-l..i-
of tlic
ing from 1SS2
He was
chemistry (185" 04). combining also the chair of mathematics during 1802-04. In preparation for In 1804-65, leaching, he studied abroad, 1858-00. the College of SI. James was closed, and lie accepted the chaplaincy of llobart College, but resigned this ollice on returning from Europe in the spring of is(i,'i, and became vice-rector of St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., a position he held until 1895, when he became rector of the school, succeeding the Rev. Henry Augustus Coit, and he has continued at the head of this institution up to the Dr. Coit has published nupresent time (1!)04). merous short articles, sermons, memorials of St. Paul's School; and was a contributor to the " Life of Bishop Kerfoot.'' by Hall Harrison, D.D. He received the degrees of A.M. from (1890). in St. James' College 1854. S.T.D. from Hobart College in 1888, and LL.D. from Dartmouth College in 1897.
SMITH, Hamilton Lamphere,
He was married
Britain. 1SSO SI.
West Hart-
Jane Croswell, daughShe died in 1878, and on Mar. 18, 1880, he was married to Fannie Hall, daughter of James A. Hazen, of Williamstown, Mass. He has three children, George Sherman, Florence Hazen and Helen Hooker. ford, Conn., Sept. 13, 1848, to ter of Thomas O. Goodwin.
SUTTON, Rhoades
Stansbury, physician, was
born at Indiana, Pa., July 8, 1841, son of James and Sarah (Stansbury) Sutton. His father was a manufacturer and president of the First National Bank of Indiana. He was educated at Klders Ridge Academy, at Tnscarora Academy, and at Jefferson College, where he was graduated in 1862. Having studied medicine in his senior year he continued his medical studies at the Jefferson Medical College and privately under Dr. D. Hayes Agnew. After one year as assistant surin the United States army, he was graduated feon I.D. at the I'niversity of Pennsylvania, in 1865. He was house physician in the Blockley hospital one year, and then entered upon the practice of his profession in Pittsburg, which became his permanent residence. In his later years he limited his practice to the diseases of women. He has contributed to the leading medical journals and to the Transactions of the American Gynecological Society." He was a founder of the American '
and served as its president a member of the American Gynecological Society, the International Gynecological Society, and is a fellow of the British Gynecological Society. He received the degree of from Washington and Jefferson College in 1865, and LL.D. from Wooster University in 1884 He is the author of " Personal Experiences in Feme Abdominal Surgery." He was married Apr. 17, IS07, to Josephine, of James McCuldaughter lough of Canonsburg, Pa.
Academy in
of Medicine,
COIT, Joseph Howland, clergyman and eduwas horn at Wilmington, Del., Sept 11 son of Joseph Howland and Harriet Jane (Hard) Coit, and a descendant of John Howland came over in the Mayflower in 1020 His father was a clergyman of the Protestant Episcochurch, and was widely known as a successpal ful and beloved missionary in northern New York To was graduated at the College of St James' Hagcrstown. Md. in 1851; was ordered deacon' June 11, 1864, and was advanced to the priesthood s,.,,1. &, is;,;, After his graduation h'e was "'"'" """'''' as ins tctor and MS'-, --'? ilor. ,
as assistant professor of math-
ematics (1857-59), and as professor of physics and
educator, was born in New London, Conn., Nov. 5, 1818, son of Anson and Amy C. (Beckwith) Smith. He was educated at Union school in his native While a student he place, and at Yale College. constructed what was then the largest telescope in this country, and after being graduated in 1839 began an extended series of observations in various nebulae in connection with Ebenezer P. Mason. The results of these labors were published in the proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences for 1844. In 1840 he became a member of Phi Beta Kappa (Alpha of Ohio), and in 1849 was appointed to the chair of natural philosophy and astronomy at Kenyon College, Gambler, 6. In 1867 he became professor of the same subjects- at Hobart College, and remained in the latter institution until 1900, when he was retired. He was acting Prof. Smith president of the college in 1883-84. is a member of several scientific societies. He was president of the American Microscopical Society in 1880, being succeeded by J. D. Hyatt, and again 1885. He was editor of Cleveland " Annuls of " Science 1842-44, contributed numerous during " Silliman's Journal," "American Jourpapers to nal of Microscopy," " Boston Lyceum Natural His-
tory," etc., writing chiefly on diatomaceae and marine algae and is the author of " Natural Philos" (1847), "First Lessons in Astronomy and ophy (1848), "Species Typicae DiatomaceGeology" "
(1885-87), and addresses before the American Microscopical Society. He received the degrees of A.M. from Y'alc College, LL.D. from Trinity (1871) and that of L.H.D. from Hobart He was married in Cleveland, 0., to College. Julia Buttles in 1847.
CRESSON, John Chapman,
civil engineer,
born in Philadelphia, Pa., Alar. 16, 1806, son of Joseph and Mercy (Chapman) Cresson. and a descendant of Solomon and Anna (Watson) Cresson, who early in the seventeenth century emigrated from France to America. On his mother's side he was descended from John Chapman, who settled in Pennsylvania in 1684 and became a surveyor in the employ of William Penn. He was educated at the Friends' Academy and at the University of Pennsylvania. He conducted a farm in Cheltenham. Pa., until 1834, when he engaged in business in Philadelphia and two years later was made superintendent and engineer of the Philadelphia gas works, a position he held for twenty-eight He filled the chair of mechanics and natyears. ural philosophy in the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, from 1837 till 1S55, when he became president of the institute, serving until 1803. For two years he also taught mechanics and natural philos-
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. He was for of the vice-presidents of the Pennsylvania institution for the Blind, a trustee of the University of Pennsylvania, 185276, and was identified with many other educational and charitable institutions. He was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society in 183!', was its vice-president from 1857-76 and in 1840 received the degree of Ph. I), from the UniHe was president of the versity of Lewisburg. Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven railroad from He was also one of the 1847 until his death. original commissioners and later chief engineer of Fairmount park. Mr. Cresson was married in May, 1827, to Letitia Louisa, daughter of Charles Massey. He died in Philadelphia, Jan. 27, 1876. BTJRTON, George Dexter, inventor, was born at Temple, Hillsboro co., N. H., Oct. 26, 1855, son of Dexter Lionell and Emily F. (Ward) Burton, and a descendant of John Burton, a tanner, who worked at his trade in Salem, Mass., as early as 1626. The son was educated in the common ophy
in the Philadelphia
high school.
many years a manager and one
Appleton Academy, New Ipswich, N. H., and Comer's Commercial College, Boston, Mass. In 1871-73 he was employed in his father's store, New Ipswich, and in 1873-78, he published in the same town the " New England Star." Meanwhile he had given considerable time to invention, and in 1874 had obtained letters patent for schools, at
which had as its principal feature the feeding and watering of the animals in the car while in
transit was patented in 1882. It was his first important invention, and removing to Boston in 1882, he formed the Burton Stock Co. for its manufacture, and served as its treasurer, while carrying forward various supplementary inventions for which about sixty United States letters patent were issued subsequent to 1882. The company's factory was afterward removed to Chicago, where it covers about five acres of land; about 4,000 of its cars are
in use,
them being used by the government railways of Australia. The field of electricity attracting him, in this
he soon gained a conspicuous place, his
main achievement being an electric system of heating and welding metals. On May 6, 1890, he obtained a patent for a method of, and apparatus for, making rolled forgings by electricity, which was the first patent issued to him in connection with this system. In 1893 he received the first patent for his electric liquid system of heating iiii'tals and ores, and during the following years about twenty more patents were issued to him, covering his processes and apparatus connected with the working of metals and ores. This is done by taking an alternating current of great force and small amperage, and transforming or converting it into a heating current of low electromotive force and greater amperage. This current is applied to the ends of a bar or piece to be heated, and accomplishes the result in a minute or two. Two metal clamps attached to the transformer hold the piece to be heated. The inventions of Thomson and of others before him, which lacked adaptability to the various operations required to be performed in the forge or shop, were brought to He improved the methods of applyperfection. ing electric heat to them, rendering it available through wide ranges of temperature, and upon He also suclong and large masses of metal. ceeded in welding and working the metal without fusing it at the point of junction, as Thomson did. By the simple movement of a lever, a bar of metal may be brought to any desired degree of heat, and held there at the pleasure of the
467 "
The danger of overheating or burnoperator. " is entirely eliminated. Further, an altering nating, intermittent current of high potential and low amperage is converted, without appreciable loss, into one of low potential and high amperage, thus gaining great heating powers. The process is economical as to space, fuel, time, labor, and material, and there is scarcely an article manufactured, which requires the heating of metal, where it may not be used in many ways. The discovery of the process made an epoch in the history of 'the handling of metals, and in 1892 Mr. Burton was awarded the John Scott medal of the Institute of Philadelphia, which had been conferred upon only twenty-eight individuals in eighteen years. In 1896 the American Electric Forge Co. of Boston was organized, with Mr. Burton as president, and this now controls a large number of patents, many of which have been issued to him individually, those for heaters and forging machines being especially noteworthy. Mr. Burton has received over 160 United States letters patent for various inventions, since 1874, and has been awarded more than a dozen gold and silver medals. He is connected with other industrial corporations as president and treasurer; is a member of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia, and of other organizations of similar character, and has delivered lectures before a number of learned scientific bodies, including the Society of Arts of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. QUEEN, Emmet, capitalist, was born at
Queenstown, Armstrong co., Pa., July 12, 1854, son of John and Mary (Evans) Queen. The son obtained his early education in the public schools. In 1875 he embarked in the oil business, and by industry and economy worked out a large measure of success. In 1884 he
founded the firm of Guffey Queen, which is one of the prominent oil companies of Pittsburg at the present day (1904). His ability for organization and execution
into other fields, 1902 he was elected president of the Great Lakes Coal Co., a position he still holds. Since 1902 he has also been president of the Western Allegheny Railroad Co. not Though greatly given to social life, he is a member of the Duquesne and Country clubs of Pittsburg, where he is popular for his intrinsic
Mr. Queen was mar-
Pittsburg, Oct. 23, Susan M.. daughter of
1889, to
James Morley,
Johnstown, Pa., and has two children, James Morley and Mary Philippa.
MAKKBBEIT, Leopold, diplomat, was born in Vienna, Austria, Mar. 13, 1842, son of Leopold and Jane (Abele) Markbreit, who came to the United States in 1848 and went to Cincinnati, O. He was educated in the public schools of Cincinnati, Sandusky and Philadelphia, and read law with his half brother, Hon Frederick Hassaurek. After being admitted to the bar he entered into partnership with Rutherford B. Hayes. At the outbreak of the civil war both partners enlisted and he became sergeant-major of the 28th Ohio infantry, being promoted to captain and serving under Gens.
Crook. Rolierts, Cox and Avercll. In December, ISli:;, lif was captured, ami was conlim-d in l.ibby anil Salisbury pri-ons until l-'cb. 5, 1S6.~>. most of tin- turn- a- I'nii- of I'm ir special hostages in a subI terranean dungeon. poll returning; to Cincinnati
to a responsible city ollice,
and Hayes
In April. ISO!). Pres. with tin- rank of i-olom-l. (Jrant appoinii-il liini I'. S. minister to Bolivia, to \\ MH-i-i-i-il .(olin Calilwi-11 of Ohio, who held the During a revolution in 1871, he po.-t oin- year. saM-d In- life of Mariano Donato Mnnoz. the prime niini.-ti-r of the deposed government. He was recalled in is;;!, but returned as the representative of an Aineriran steamship and railroad coni]>any, in In-half of which he made successful .
negotiations. After spending some time in travel he returned to Cincinnati, and became secretary and business manager of the Volksblatt Company, of which he a- elei-ted president in 1880. He was also a din-etor of the Associated Press. During 1882-80 he was I. S. treasurer at Cincinnati, and in 1898
wa- a eommuuoner to expend some $0.000,000 on new waterworks for that city. Col. Markbreit is a member of the Loyal Legion and the G. A. R. He was married, July 19, 1887, to Bertha Fiebach.
HUGHES. Marc Bay,
physician, was born
Louis, Mo., Feb. 15, 1878, son of Dr. Charles
Hamilton and .Martha Dyer (Lawther)
Hughes. His earliest American ancestor was Richard Hughes, who settled near Harrisburg, Penn., about 1700. and the line of descent runs through his son Richard, and his son
grandfather of Dr. Hughes. The latter was educated at Rugby Academy, at Washington Uniand at Kent versity (now Law Benton) School, all in St. Louis, after which he took
medicine and was graduated M.D. at Barnes Medical College in 1898. He continued his studies in and also Europe, e a psychological study of the Penitentes of Mid New Mexico, concerning whom he has mtributed much to both scientific and fictional it nre. In mental and neurological subjects
became a consultant in progressed rapidly MM branches to various hospitals In 1901 he .s
appointed adjunct professor of neurology and r-ychofogy at the Barnes Medical College, and at end ,,f that year was called upon to take the full professorship at the head of that
th- youngest professor of neurology in ".ted States, he has advanced some proJlund theories in the specialty, and these have heel, by several of the most eminent 9 1 been Delate editor it ... o T'-V. of I he Yr Anen.st? and ""igli
Neurologist," founded by hi. father In 1903 he went profes1. Japan, and thereby made one of the
TT,practice. ,''M" I
rips in
Hnghc- s >">,s upon medico-legal subjects ,
Is ened to
WADDELL, neer,
hi3tor y of
T." a very youmr man llr Though eonsidcred an authority, and T,kop?n P
John Alexander
Low, civil engiwas born at Port Hope, Ontario, Canada.
Jan. 15, 1854, son of Robert Needham and Angelina Esther (Jones) Waddell. At the age of sixteen he took a year's trip in a sailing vessel from New
York to ( hina. lie entered the Keiisselacr Polytechnic Institute at Troy, N. Y., where he was graduated in 1875. In 1875-76 he was employed as draughtsman in the marine department of "the Dominion of Canada, at Ottawa; in 1870-77 was engaged ill location and construction of the Canadian Pacific railway between Port Arthur and English river. After doing additional work on the same road as contractors' engineer, working in minor capacities elsewhere, and as principal engineer of a coal mine near Coalburg, \V. Va.. lie was assistant professor at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute during 1878-80. In 1881-82 he was principal engineer to Raymond & Campbell, bridge In 1882 he received builders, of Conm-i] HI nil's, la. from McGill University, Montreal, the ml riindi'in gradum degree of bachelor of applied science and Ma.E. In 1882-80 Mr. Waddell was professor oi civil engineering in the Imof perial University Tokio, Japan, and in 1885, at the of the request university "
tem of Iron Railroad Bridges for Japan," which was published by the Japanese government, and for which the
mikado conferred upon him the Order of the Rising Sun, with the rank of knight
spent the the
half of 1886 at office of the Phoenix
Co., Phcpnixville, Pa.,
1887 he
opened an
in in
Mo., as both bridge engineer and western representative of the Phoenix Bridge Co. City,
me racme
Short Line Bridge Co.'s bridge across the Missouri river at Sioux City, la., and train sheds for Lmon depots at Portland, Ore., and Sioux Citv the la
He also practically rebuilt the superstructure of the combined railway and wagon bridge over the Missouri at Fort Leavenworth, Kans. As representative of the Phoenix Bridge C'o. he made in Competition many designs for bridges built by them, among which may be mentioned the Red Rock cantilever, containing then the longest span of its type in America, 600 feet; the Merchants' Bridge and Terminal Railway Co.'s double-track viadnct, more than one mile and a half in length, at St. Louis, Mo.; the Twelfth street cable railway viaduct at Kansas City and several span- tor X ' Can National Construction Co. In ^ono ,he June, >J2, resigned, and has since devoted hitention to the practice of consulting engineer, making a specialty of bridges, elevated railroads Jther structural metal work. A number of important works have been designed and carried through since that time, viz.. the Omaha Bridge ami Jermmal Railway Co.'s bridge over the Missouri at Jiast Omaha, Neb., having a draw span of r>20 the feet, longest in the world, resting on a pivot )rty feet in diameter and extending to bed .2 feet belowextreme low water; 'the Halsted street lift-bridge, Chicago, with a moving span 130 feet long and 60 feet wide- the Northwestern elevated railroad of the same My; a highway bridge over the Missouri at Jefferson City; the Union Loop Elevated rail-
and an arch bridge for the Esquimalt and Xanaimo Railway Co. of British Columbia, and a number of structures for the Nippon In January, 1899, Mr. Kaihvay Co. of Japan. trestles
Waddell's principal assistant engineer, Ira G. Hedrick, became his partner under the name of \Vaddell & Hedrick, since which time important bridges have been designed and built in the United States. Mexico. Cuba, and British Columbia. Mr. Waddell's chief works, other than contributions " to technical journals, are The Designing of Ordi" De Pontinary Iron Highway Bridges'" (1884), bus: A Pocket Book for Bridge Engineers " (1898)
for Steel Bridges" (1900). He a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education. La SocietC des Ingenieurs Civils de France, and the Rensselaer Society of Engineers.
commercial paper and other subjects, and he was later chairman of the conference of the state commission on this subject, appointed from some twenty states, and meeting once a year. In 1804 he was elected to the bench of the superior court of New York city. He was at that time also counsel for the rapid transit commission and legal advisor of the Chamber of Commerce commission, while his private practice was very large. Upon the abolition of the court, Dec. 31, 1895, according to the provision of the revised New York constitution of 1894, he became one of the justices of the supreme court. He was prominent in the social life of New York city, and was a member of the Cen-
Reform and was married to Isabella, daughter of Richard Lawrence of New York city. They had two sons and two daughters.
and "Specifications
tury, Union, Manhattan, Democratic,
also a
of the Institution of Civil
Engineers of Great Britain and honorary member of the Kogaku-Kyokai, or National Engineering He was married at Council Society of Japan. Bluffs, la., July 13, 1882, to Ada, daughter of Horace Everett, and has two sons and one daughter. BEEKMAN, Henry Rutgers, jurist, was born in New York city, Dee. 8, 1845, son of William F. and Catherine A. (Neilson) Beekman, and a descendant of Gerardus Beekman, president of the council of New York in 1710. In 1801 he entered Columbia College, where he was graduated in 1805.
studied law in Columbia College Law School; was admitted to the bar in 1867, and entered upon practice. In 1884 he was school trustee for the In 1885 Eighteenth ward.
Mayor Grace appointed him park commissioner to fill the term of the late William M. Oliffe. and in the following year he was reappointed for a term of five years and
made president of the board. As park commissioner, Mr: Beekman formulated extensive
establishing as breathing places for the tenement districts, furnished with public baths, to be warmed in winter time. He also proposed buildings where the children of the poor could play and their mothers sit on rainy days, and where public concerts, lectures and other entertainments could be provided on winter evenIn 1886 he accepted ings, at municipal expense. the United Democratic nomination for president of the board of aldermen, and was elected, resigning from the park board, Dec. 31, 1886. In 1887 he drew and secured the passage of a bill providing for the extension of the people's parks in consequence of which the Mulberry Street park, the East River park extension and tne Corlear's Hook park and others, were pushed toward completion. In January, 1888, lie was appointed corporation counsel by Mayor Hewett. On behalf of the citv, he drew two bills, one for the designing and construction of all roads at the public expense, and the other for the creation of a franchise, under the supervision of the sinking fund commission. Mr. Boekman also drew the Chamber of Commerce bill under which the present commission acts. In 1890 (!ov. Hill appointed him a member of the commission for the promotion of uniform laws throughout all the states in regard to marriage, divorce,
died in New York city, Dec. 17, 1900. FINNEY, Charles Emery, manufacturer, was
born at Cambridge City, Wayne co., Ind., Feb. 27, 1860, son of Jaspar and Sarah (Crane) Finney. His great-great-grandfather. Ebenezer Ward Finney, served in the revolution and the war of 1812, and his great-grandfather, John Finney, served in the latter. In 1814 these two men founded Finneytown, O. He was graduated at De Pauw Universitv in 1881, and obtained the A.M. degree there in 1884. In 1882-88 he was employed in railroad offices and then organized the freight department of the Kansas City Smelting and Refining Co., serving as purchasing agent, traffic
and man-
1898, when this was sold to the
ager, until
American Smelting and Refining Co., of which he was at once appointed manager.
Mr. Finney made a close study of the problem of separating zinc from the com-
plex iron and lead ores of the western states and for a number of years he was actively at work in association with eminent electrical
accomengineers, finally plishing the separation economically by means of electricity, and forming the Blake Mining and Milling Co. to put the At the head of this process into operation. corporation is the famous Prof. Lucien I. Blake, of Kansas University. Mr. Finney is also managing director of the Gold Exploration Co., director of the Kansas City Manufacturers' Association, a founder of the United Zinc and Chemical Co., of Kansas City, Mo., with plants at Argentine and lola, Kan., president of the General Metals Co.,
of York and Colorado, and principal organizer of the Kansas City Chamber of Commerce. He
is a member of the Lawyers', Reform, and Transportation clubs, of New York city, the American Institute of Mining Engineers, the Denver Club of Colorado, the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, and the Canoe Brook Country. Monday Night Literary,
and Highland married,
He was clubs, of Summit, N. J. 1889, to Alice Carey, daughter Jones, of Connersville, Ind., and has
of Henry Lee three sons and
two daughters. Nicholas Richard,
was born
at High Forest, Olmsted CO.. Minn., June 11, 1857, son of Peter and Mary A. ( Russell ) Brewer. His father, an architect, was a native of Cologne, Germany. At the age of ten he began to manifest
In 1874 he became connected with the famous Calumet and Hecla copper mine, and four years later was made consulting engineer of the comami 'lee.. rating; ;iml at He was also consulting engineer to the up era von portraiture as a profession. pany. to went cities of Boston and Louisville, and to the pumplie ISS.-. In New York eity and building firm of Henry R. Worthington of New He was a member of many national engistudied under I). W. York. Charles N. neering associations of America and Great Britain, Tnmi. H. a life member of the British Association for the and A. Flagg l.r\ and made his Advancement of Science, of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and president of the Ameri\\\>\ exhibition at the In 1884 National Aeadeiny of can Society of Mechanical Engineers. In Stevens Institute of Technology of Hoboken, N. J., Design in 1885. 1891 lie was chosen a conferred upon him the honorary degree of doctor member of the Chi- of engineering. Mr. Leavitt was married, June 5, to Annie Elizabeth, daughter of William cago Society of Art- 1807, and since then 1'ettit of Philadelphia, who was a pioneer in ists, his pictures have fre- locomotive building in the United States, and long with the Baldwin Locomotive Works. appeared at connected
a -irong natural preference for the fine arts; himself by .-.event ecu. lie started to
one tonk
house the age of twenty-
quently exhibivarious the He has painted tions. the portraits of many Ameridistinguished
born at Bray, Cumberland co., Me., Sept. 21, 1862, son of William Warren and Elizabeth (Lawrence) Greene. His father (1831-81) was a prominent cans, yet, owing to his retiringdisposrition, surgeon of Massachusetts and Maine; he was promuch of his work has fessor of surgery in the University of Michigan, not been seen except Bowdoin College) Long Island College Hospital and the Berkshire Medical College; was the author of by his patrons and " Greene's Questions in SurIn his portraits he is most happy in friends. gery," and he was the first catching the more subtle shades of character, and hi- likenesses are especially interesting because of their dignity and refinement. Among his portraits are Sen. Ciishman K. Davis, Gov. William Sprague, of Rhode Island ; Rev. Thomas J. Ducey,
Wooodson, of Missouri; Minnesota; Miss Ellen Beach Yaw, and Miss Margaret Anglin. He was married. May 20, 1879, to Rose M., daughter of Henry Joseph Koempel, a portrait painter of St. Paul, Minn., and he has six sons: Angelo Francis, Edward Henry, Ruben Joseph, William Wallace, Adrian Louis Gabriel, and Clarence Arthur .1.
(Jm. .lohn
I'illsbury, of
LEAVITT, Erasmus Darwin,
mechanical engi-
was born in Lowell, Mass., Oct. 27, 1836, son of Erasmus Darwin and Almira (Fay) Leavitt. At the age of sixteen he entered the machine shop of the Lowell Manufacturing Co., and after completing a three years' apprenticeship, he worked neer,
for a year with Corliss & Nightingale of Providence. H. I. During 1856-58, he was engaged in some inventions in steam developing engineering for which a patent had been to him in 1855.
granted In 1858-59 he was as-
sistant foreman at the City
Point Works, South Boston, where he superintended the building of the engine for the flagship Hartford, and the following two years he
Thurston. Gardner & Co.. of Providence, R. I. In 1861 he entered the U. S. navy as third assistant engineer,
and served throughout the civil
and made
war, being for a time instructor in steam engineerat the U. S. Naval Acading emy. Annapolis, Md. He resigned from the government service in 18S7 to resume the practice of mechanical a specialty of
piunpin" and ng machinery. In IS72 he designed" and I'atcnt.-.! a novel pumping engine, which soon became celebrated both in this country and abroad.
America to operate sucupon goitre. The
schools of Portland, Me., and in the University of Michigan in the class of 1885. He studied medicine at the uniof Michigan and Minnesota, and was graduated M.D. at the latter in 1890. After a course of post-graduate study in Europe he was appointed first assistant city physician of St. Paul, Minn., in 1891. versities
European hospiand attended lectures Harvard and Johns Hopkins universities, and \yas appointed instructor in applied anatomy and clinical professor of medicine tals
at the University of Minnesota. In June, 1903, lie became professor of the theory and practice of medicine. He is also attending physician to the City Hospital, St. Luke's Hospital and the St. Paul Free Dispensary. He is a member of the Association of American Physicians, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Medical Association, the Minnesota Academy of Medicine, medical director of the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Co. and president of the National Association of Life Insurance Examiners and the Minnesota State Medical " Society. Beside his monographs on Extreme Dilatation of the Heart " and " Medical Examination for Life Insurance" (1900), he has written
much upon from
and many
pen have" appeared in such well-known periodicals as the British Medical Journal." the " New York Medical Journal." etc. Dr. Greena was married on Oct. 6, 1886, to Jessie, daughter of Justus B. Rice of St. Paul, and has two chilhis
John, revolutionary soldier, was born in Hartford, Conn., Oct. 12, 1753, son of Xachariah and Abigail (Cook) Pratt and a descendant of John Pratt, who emigrated from Hertfordshire, England, to Newtown (Cambridge), Mass., in 1632,
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. of Rev. Thomas Hooker's party which He was a carsettled Hartford, Conn., in 1030. was prominent in the affaira penter by trade and of the town, where he owned a tract of land and
graduated in 1853.
of College Physicians and Surgeons, New York, and the SemiReformed the of nary
Church, New Brunswick, N. After receiving his M.D. 187X), he served as professor of pyschological medi-
J. in
and raedica f jurispru
New York
Free Medical College for Women. He was graduated at the Theological Seminary in 1877 and ordained to the ministry He held pastorates at Middletown, in 1879. N. Y., until 1883, Portland, Ore., 1883-86, and Great Barrington, Mass., 1887-95. For several years he traveled and studied in Europe, returning to settle at Albany, N. Y., in 1900, and though not now in charge of any church, he is in constant demand as pulpit supply in Presbyterian and Congregational churches of Albany and neighborthe ing cities. Apart from pulpit work he has led life of a scholar and author, his principal books " "Dream Music" (poems, 1870), Epibeing (1 inic Delusions" (a study in pyschological mediof cine 1875), "Last Words Distinguished Men " and Women " 1890) " Christ Among the Cattle Lands" from of "Flowers Many (1899), Song (l'J02|, and "Consecrated Womanhood" (1903). His books are characterized by a clear and attract(
ive style
and great precision and correctness of
American Authors and the
Orange Club
pathic Medical College of Pennsylvania, where he was
N. Y., Union and Lafayette
dence in the
New York
daughter of
duchy of Brunswick, in Germany, about 1750. He was the first professor of the German language and literature in the University of Pennsylvania, and wrote a history of the Germans in America. He was also a poet of some note, and many him during revopatriotic verses were published by Dr. Helmuth was educated at lutionary times. St. Timothy College, Catonsville, Md., and in 1850 he commenced the study of medicine with his of uncle, Dr. William S. Helmuth, then professor the theory and practice of medicine in the Homoeo-
Frederic Rowland, clergyman and author, was born in Troy, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1847, son of Uriah and Margaret Jane (Stevens) Marvin, and a descendant of Reinold Marvin, who was born in England and died at Lyme, Conn. The line of descent runs through his son Lieut. Reinold Marvin, who represented Lyme in the general court in 1070 and 1072-76; his son John, who married Sarah Graham; their son Benjamin, who married Deborah Mather; their son married who Benjamin, Phebe Rowland", and their son Uilah, who married Olive Ingraham, and was the grandfather of Frederic He was eduR. Marvin. cated at the Alexander In-
William Tod, physician and surgeon, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 30, 1833, son of John Henry and Jeanette (Tod) Helmuth, Members and grandson of" Christian Helmuth. of the family for several generations have been learned prodistinguished followers of the various His great-grandfather, Rev. Hans Chrisfe'ssions. tian Helmuth, came to this country from the
28, 1795, to Elizabeth, daughter of Lamberton Cooper. He died in Middletown, Dec. 27, 1824.
Persis Anne, Rowell of Lancaster, N. H. 28,
He served as lieufilled several oih'cial positions. tenant during the war of the revolution, and in 1779 he was assistant commissary general under Afterward, under Gens. Gen. James Clinton. St. Clair and Wayne, he served through the Indian war, which raged in Ohio and other western localithe office of adjutant ties, and in 1790-91 he filled In March of the latter to the United States army. " nominated, and with the year Pres. Washington advice and consent of the senate appointed him a in the service of the captain in the 1st regiment United States," and a few weeks later the secreto commence tary of war, Gen. Knox, ordered him the recruiting service in Connecticut. After seventeen years of service, he resigned from the army, Dec. 5, 1793, and settled on a farm near MiddleIn 1812 he removed to that city, town, Conn. served as its magistrate and as a representative in the legislature. He was an early member of the Feb. Society of the Cincinnati. He was married,
He was married
and was one
of of
the early years of his practice he conceived that taste
which later surgery fame and him brought In 1854 he was ashonor. sistant dispensary physician to the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania and for
James Dr. to prosector Beakley. In 1885 he became professor of anatomy, and in the same year published " and its Surgery
tion to Homoeopathic Practice."
His great work,
of apSurgery," peared in 1873, and has remained an authority to this
In 1858 he day (1904). removed to St. Louis, Mo., where he shortly afterward became one of the founders of the Homoeopathic Medical College of Missouri, in which he held the chair of anatomy, and became surgeon to the Good Samaritan Hospital, a posiIn tion he held until his removal to New York. 1868 he studied the recent improvements in surgery in Europe, and in 1869 he organized the St. Louis College of Homoeopathic Physicians and Surgeons, being its dean and professor of surgery. In 1870 he received an urgent call to the chair of surgery in the New York Homoeopathic Medical College, which he accepted and shortly thereafter was appointed surgeon to the Hahnemann and New York Surgical Hospitals. Dr. Helmuth was Homoeopresident of the American Institute of pathy in 18C7, and president of the New York County and New York State Medical Societies. He was an honorary member of the Homoeopathic Societies of Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island, and of La Societo Homoeopathique de In 1886, finding his surgical practice largely increasing, he opened a private hospital, which was known as Helmuth House, where he. was ably assisted by his son, Dr. W. T. Helmuth, Jr., and a corps of proficient nurses. Dr. He)nuth was not only a prolific writer on surgical subjects of his school, in which he stood at the head, but he also succeeded in pure literary work. During the Sanitary Fair in St. Louis, held during the " Arts in St. Louis." civil war, he issued a work on " The Doctor In verse he shortly after published
THE NATIONAL CYCLOPAEDIA " Steamer Book, or Aikon Mart. His " Scratcho of a Burgeon; Sea;" -\\it1i ilif POH--C Cat".-;" "Optimiitic and PewaHie Yellowstone Park mi-tic \ic- i'f Japan: il IfM Named." and in 11101, "Various iin.l II. Ver-c-." have all been well received and most was married Feb. 10, II.' f.iu.rahly crilici-ed. Pntchi'l-'annie l.la. daughter (if .l.ihn N. is.vi Louis. Mo., and had two children, ai,|. of Si. William T(.d llclmulh and Fannic Ida. wife of Col \\ri.dll Kdgarton. lie died in New YoOt
citv mi
; ,
Fannie Ida,
New York
city, .iune
Amelia James (Stubbs) after his removal to St.
Nicholas and
of .Tolin
philanthropist, 17, 1S38, daughter
Louis in ISIS, was president of the Lumbermen's and Mechanics' Fire Insurance Company of that the 1st regiment of Mis city, and was colonel of Her maternal grandfather, James souri militia. Stubbs, served in the war of 1812, being killed in the engagement with I.andrake. in which he commanded the ship Siren. Mrs. Helniuth attended the French primary schools of St. Louis, completFemale Acading her education at Sirs. Blake's emy. She was married in lS."i! to William Tod Helmuth, the physician and surgeon, and soon after -he began to take an active part in philanthropic and hospital work, partly in connection with he Good Samaritan Hospital. Upon her removal to New York city in 1870, her activity and /eal on these lines led to the movement which resulted in the establishment of the Flower HosShe was the founder and for many years pital. the president of the Woman's Guild of the New York Homoeopathic and Medical College and HosShe became a member of Sorosis in 1876, pital. soon taking a prominent part in its work and deliberations, and in 1S04 succeeded Mrs. .Jennie de la M. Lozier as president, a position she held She was also president of the for three year-. Xew York Federation of Women's Clubs, and was the leader of the movement for the establishment of industrial training schools for girls, under the I
William Tod,
Louis, Mo., Feb. 24, 1862, son of
was born William
Tod and Fannie
I. (Pritchard) Helmuth. He was educated at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H.; Princeton University, and the New York Homoeopathic Medical College, being graduated at the last in 1887. He continued Iris surgical studies for a year in London, Paris, Vienna and Berlin, and in l.SSfl lie was made house surgeon at Helmuth House, the Laura Franklin Hospital and the Flower Hospital, New York He became city. lecturer on minor surgery at the New York Homeopathic Medical College in 1890; clinical assistant to the chair of surgery in 1896; and professor of surgery and head of the department '02. He has been consulting surgeon at St. Mary's Hospital, Passaic. N. J.. since 1899, and surgeon to the Hahneman Hospital since 1902 Dr Helmuth was married Apr. 17, 1895, to Belle B. Lock man.
LEITER Levi Zeigler, financier, was born at Leiterbur-. \\a-hington eo.. Md. His family is of h extraction and early settled in Washington
'ac.iv" v
^^ M *"
d B
one vear he was " l,,v v P . Murray, a ,,r,,,,,'i,,...., .!.... .I....! ;':? ".' ^ '''I prominent merchant of that place. In ]"s.-,5 he removed I,, 1 ,
Chicago, in
house of
, 1
disposed of this interest to John V. Fill-well and with Potter Palmer formed the linn of Field, Palmer & Leiter, which two years later became Field, Leiter
Co., and until Jan.
so con1,
withdrawal from this firm, Mr. Leiter closed his career as a merchant, and thereafter devoted his attenhis
tion to his large real estate
and interests, corporate which have since multiplied and greatly augmented his fortune. After the great fire in 1871 he was one of the first to inaugurate systematic relief for the sufferers, and persuaded several large fire insurance companies to resume their Chicago agencies.
years he
was a director of the Chicago Relief and Aid Society, and gave much time and patient study to wise methods for the distribution of charity. The American Sunday School Union has always been one of his favorite objects, and he has been personally active in founding and maintaining Sunday school work and missions in Chicago. He has traveled extensively in nearly every piyt of the world, and everywhere has sought tor additions to his valuable library and his collection of art and He is an activ ember of the objects of vertu. Chicago Historical Society, whose work has been facilitated greatly enlarged and through his generosity in contributing 'funds for the present He was the first president of the Combuilding. mercial Club of Chicago, and has for many years been a leading member of the Iroquois. Chicago,
Union, Washington Park and Union On May 27, League clubs of the same city. 1880, he was elected president of the Chicago Art Institute, succeeding George Armour, who was its first executive; and on April 27, 1882, he was himself succeeded by Charles L. Hutchinson, who was still president in 1895. The institute was incorporated, May 24, 1879, for the purpose of maintaining a museum and school of art. He was instrumental in establishing the Chicago Public Library, in 1872; and in 1893 contributed $100,000 toward the establishment of a national muspum at Chicago. He has a residence in Chicago, and another in Washington, D. C., which has been the
scene of
He was
married, in 1866, to Mary Theresa, daughter of Benjamin Carver of Chicago, and has one son and three daughters.' Their eldest daughter, Mary Victoria, is the wife of George, Lord Curzon of Kedleston, now viceroy of India.
FABNTJM, Welcome,
manufacturer, was born
at Uxbridge, Worcester co., Mass., Dec. 18, 179f>,
son of Moses and Sarah (Comstock) Farnum. lie was reared on his father's farm and was educated
with which he remained until Jan. 1. 18G5. Meantime with Marshall Field, who had been a fellow employee of the firm, he secured an interest in the business, and on severing their connection they
i^^ ^i^""^^. ^^^^ ^^
*' L tO OVerS6e Olle Set f A1 " ult Card 1819 he and his brother Darius, assisted by their Woonsoc ket R T - one run by power, and put in hand looms, they hired room and power in the new '
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. mill of the Oliver Ballou Co.. in Woonsocket, and started therein two sets of woolen cards with a complement of looms, all operated by water power, for the ma/nufacture of satinets. Owing
to good management the business was profitable, anoT in 1824, having cleared $10,000 they purchased an estate on the Blackstone river at Mendon, developed the water power, named their new place Waterford, and started in business under the firm name of W. & D. D. Farnum, afterward widely known and celebrated for the fine satinets, broadcloths and eassimeres woven in their mills. Their first mill, a frame building, known as the old red mill, was started in 1826. They weathered the business depression of 1828, and in 1832 laid the foundation for an immense building, which was completed in 1837, and which was then the largest of its kind in America. It contained twenty-two sets of the best machinery of that day, was run by three water wheels, and consumed 1,000,000 Ibs. of wool annually, which was woven into the finest fabrics produced in this country. At industrial fairs they repeatedly received first D. D. Farnum prizes of gold and silver medals. died in Havana, Cuba, in 1840, but W. Farnum continued the business under the same firm name. In 1845 he bought the entire water power and manufacturing property of Millville on the Blackstone river, including woolen mills, a grist mill, scythe factory and saw mill. He raised the dam, doubling the water power, and ran thirteen sets of woolen machinery in one mill and two in another, beside operating the other mills. In 1847, becoming interested in the Air Line railroad from Boston to Xew York, he gave up manufacturing, after having amassed $1,000,000, gold value. He built the Norfolk County railroad and the Southbridge extension, and at his own expense had a line surveyed through to the Hudson river for the purpose of bringing coal from the Pennsylvania mines to New England by rail, but certain frauds making railroad enterprises unpopular, this project was. abandoned. In 1854-58 he was president of the Providence and Worcester Railroad Co. and on that road burned coal in locomotives for the first time in this country. Mr. Farnum was a man of advanced ideas for developing the resources of the country, and possessed a keen estimate of human nature. One of his favorite sayings was, "Build a man up; never pull him down." During his long career he never had a labor strike. He was married: first, to Lydia J., daughter of George Harris, of Smithfield, R. I., by whom he had eight children; second, to Lucretia, daughter of the Rev. Aaron Bancroft, and a sister of the historian, George Bancroft. Mr. Farnum died on Prudence island, Narragansett bay, R. I., May 10, 1874.
William Owen,
born in Montgomery county, Ala., Aug. 9, 1818, son of William and Celia (Fitzpatrick) Baldwin, and nephew of Benjamin Fitzpatrick, a governor of Alabama. After receiving a good collegiate education he studied medicine with Dr. McLeod of Montgomery, and then entered Transylvania University, Lexington, Ky., where he was graduated M.D. in 1837. Returning to Montgomery he associated himself in practice with Dr. William M. In the meantime he visited Boiling until 1848. Europe and spent a year there in study in the leading medical schools and hospitals. Dr. Baldwin was president ot the American Medical Association in 1868-60, in which capacity he did much to bring the members of the profession in the South into cordial relations with the national association after the civil war. He was also a member and president of the Alabama Medical Association, an associate fellow
of the College of Physicians, Philadelphia, and a member of the Medical and Surgical Society of
He made numerous important contributions to the "American Journal of Medical Science " and other scientific publications, and his address before the American Medical Association in 1869 was published in the transactions of that society. Dr. Baldwin was married in December, 1843, to Mary Jane, daughter of Judge A brain Martin. He spent his entire professional life in Montgomery, Ala., where he died May 30, Montgomery County.
HERBERT, Victor, violincellist and composer, was born in Dublin, Ireland, Feb. 1, 1859, son of Edward and Fanny (Lover) Herbert, and grandson of the famous Irish romance-writer, Samuel Lover. At the age of seven he was sent to Germany to begin his musical education, and he has since devoted himself to gaining a thorough knowledge of that most difficult art in all its branches. His first prominent position was that of solo 'cellist in the court orchestra at Stuttgart. After playing in concerts successfully throughout Europe, he accepted in 1880 an engagement as solo 'cellist in the Metropolitan opera house
under Anton Seidl. Subsequently he was first 'cellist with Theodore Thomas' orchestra, and with Anton Seidl, with whom hecity
also assistant conductor. In 1890 he conducted for the Indianapolis musical festival, and for several years was assistant conductor of the Worcester musical festival. where his oratorio for mixed voices and orchestra " The Captive," was received with much approbation. In 1893 he was elected musical director of the famous Gilmore 22d regiment band, and from 1898 to 1904 he was conductor of the Pittsburg orchestra at Pittsburg, Pa. In 1904 he went to New York to take charge of a permanent orchestra of his own. Mr. Herbert is a composer of great merit. He has written a violincello concerto which is in the repertoire of every solo 'cellist and orchestra, beside a number of songs and detached works for orchestra and quartet players. Among his more recent works are "Suite Romantique," opus 31 (1900), "Hero and Leander," a symphonic poem (1901), suite, "Woodland Fancies" (1901), and a suite, "Columbus" (1903). In the field of opera " " The Prince Ananias," comique he has written Wizard of the Nile," " The Serenade," " The For" " tune Teller," The Singing Girl," Cyrano de Ameer," "The Viceroy," "The Bergerac," "The " Idol's Eye," Babette," and an extravaganza, " Babes in Toyland." He has adapted and orchestrated Mendelssohn's "Midsummer Nights' Dream." Mr. Herbert was selected by the New York Philharmonic Society to conduct its concerts of Jan. 29 and 30. 1904. each series being in charge of a different conductor. He was married at Vienna, Austria, Aug. 14, 1880, to Therese Foerster, a prima donna, and has one son Clifford Victor, and one daughter Ella Victoria Herbert.
Danforth, lawyer, was
born in Cleveland, O., Mar. 7, 1853, son of ChrisHe topher D. and Barbara (Freeland) Goulder. was graduated at the Cleveland high school in 1809 and immediately became a sailor before the mast
eral conference of the Methodist church in Canada. He was elected a reserve delegate to the general
under his father, who was for many years master He was admitted to the bar in lake and was associated 1S75,
conference of 1S7G, and a delegate to each general conference since that date, namely: 1880, 1884,
He was presiding 1888, 1802, 1H!)G and 1000. elder of the Albany district and of the Cambridge He was district, serving a full term in each. pastor of many of the most prominent churches of his conference, and has been long recognized as a leader among his ministerial brethren. In 1878 he received the degree of D.D. from Syracuse UniHe was a delegate to the Methodist ecuversity. menical conference held in London in 1881, and to the second conference held in London in 1901. He was elected agent of the Methodist Book Concern,
which he devoted
lime, after
to adinsurance In law.
corporation 1S!)3 he formed a partnerand ship with S. II. Holding in
Masten bewhich
partner, since has firm the
been Holding and Mas-
He is recognized as ten. one of the leading admiralty lawyers in the United States and his advice is constantly sought in all projects tor the improvement of harbors and the promotion of shipping interests. He is counsel for the Lake Carriers' Association and many large companies connected with lake navigation, and frequently appears before congressional committees advantage of transHe was prominent in the esportation by water. tablishment' of a twenty-foot channel through the lak.s and into the principal harbors, permitting the construction of vessels of great size and materiin
to measures
He is ally reducing the cost of transportation. well known to the heads of all government depart-
ments connected with navigation. Mr. Goulder is member of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce and was its president in 1902. He was married, Nov. 11, 1878, to Mary F. daughter of Rev. Jeremiah E. Rankin, D.D., late president of Howard University, Washington, D. C.
1880, and still holds that position. During the fifteen years that he has been in the management of the New York Book Concern the sales of that institution have amounted to $14,000,000, and the net He has been treasurer of profits to $1,500,000. the Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal church since 18!I6. Dr. Eaton was married, Apr. 28, 1858, to Hannah, daughter of Jacob Saxe of Sheldon, Vt.
MAIN'S, George Preston, clergyman, was born Herkimer co., N. Y., Aug. 7, 1844, son William D. Preston and Charlotte (Brown) Mains. He studied at Falley Seminary, Fulton, N. Y., and at Mexico (N. Y.) Academy during 18G1-C4. after which he served for one year in the U. S. navy, North Atlantic squadron, under Adin. Porter, being surgeon's steward on the river boat Valley City, and participating in several engagements on the Roanoke. He was graduated at Wesleyan University, Connecticut, in 1870, and was admitted to the New York East conference of the Methodist Episcopal church at Newport, of
He April of that year. studied theology in New York city, and lias held the in
clergyman, was born at Enosburgh, Franklin co., Vt., Nov. 16, 1834, son of Bennett and Betsy Maria (Webster) Eaton, and a descendant of Francis Eaton, who came from England to this country with his wife. Christiana 1'enn. on the first voyage of the "Mayflower." The line of descent runs through their son Benjamin, and his wife Sarah Hoskins their son Benjamin, and his wife Mary Combs; their son Francis, and his wife Lydia Fuller; their son John, and his wife Patience Shelley; their son Jairus, and his wife Lucy Bennett, who were Dr. Eaton's grandHis father was a cousin of Dr. Horace parents. Eaton, governor of Vermont, and attained high rank, both as a Methodist clergyman and a legislator. The son was educated at Bakersfield
EATON, Homer,
Academy, Vermont, and the
Theological Seminary at Concord,
N. H., where he was graduated in 185?. In 1857 he was admitted to the Troy annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, his first pastorate being in Troy, N. Y., and in 1801 he was chosen first assistant secretary of his conference; he was secretary
during 1870--77. He was a member of the general
Brooklyn, May. 1S72. and by that body was appointed one of the fraternal delegates to the gen-
positions of presiding elder, superintendent of the Seney
1 '
Brooklyn. N. Y.; ,' superintendent of the Brooklyn Church Society, secretary of his conference lor eight years, and has been four times elected to the general conference of the church. He has served also as a member of the board of managers of the Methodist Episcopal Missionary Society; as treasurer of the fund and of the Episcopal Tract Society; as trustee of the Syracuse University, and as president of the New York Wesleyan University Club and the New York preachers' meeting. Since 1896 he has been publishing agent in charge of the Methodist Book Concern in New York city. He has conHospital,
degree of D.D. was conferred upon him by Wesleyan University and Syracuse University in 1884. He was married at Mexico, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1870, to Mary Amelia, daughter of Harlow Curtiss, and has had four children.
Thaddeus Asbury,
was w
born in Frederick county. Va., April 28, 1S29, st son of Jacob A. and Mary W. (Bonifield) lieamy. He studied medicine at Medical College, Starling "linnbus, O., where he was graduated M.D. .in 1854. He was professor of materia mediea and therapeutics in the Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery, 1858-60. He was a member of the _
Wm Wm-
Ihs second wife d
St.u-kt. in Keed.
the old code by 1903 unanimously revoked " statement of ethical adopti,," a gre.illy modified Dr. Reed is a member of the Ameriprinciples." can \ssociation of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, resi, at the meeting of La/arist deputies in Paris, it was decided to make the American mission a province of the order, and Father Timon was elected its first visitor. He restored harmony among di-affected members, induced others who had left, (lie community to return, freed the order from financial embarrassment, and acquired valuable property in St, Louis and other cities. In 1838 he took charge of the missions in Texas. He
and erected the offered the first mass in Galveston In 1839 ho was appointed tir-t altar in Houston. his petieoadjntor bishop of St. Louis, but upon to decline, the tioning the court for permission was sepanomination was cancelled. When Texas rated ttom tliu -Mexican diocese of Monterey, Father Timon was appointed prefect apostolic of Die about tho restoration of republic, where he, brought
the church property that had been confiscated by to Pans the Mexican government. In 1841 he went this country, in the interests of the Lazarists of whihi he made many long and difficult journeys was throu-di the western 'and southern states. He and was conappointed bishop of Buffalo in 1847, at secrated by Bishop Hughes in the cathedral New York on Oct. 17, 1847. The beginning of his administration was disturbed by the trustees of conSt. Louis's parish, Buffalo, who insisted upon Bishi p of the parish. trolling the temporalities Timon excommunicated the trustees and placed the church under an interdict. After being discussed in tho legislature, the dispute was settled in 1855 Timon by the submission of tho trustees. Bishop introduced the Sisters of Charity in 1848, founded St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum in 1851, the Foundling other chariAsylum in 1853, and established many institutions as the ties, beside such educational and seminary at Suspension Bridge, the college convent of the Franciscan Fathers, the College of St. Joseph, the Convent of St. Mary, and several orders. Among the numerous acts of courage which marked his career was the rescue of the Sisters of the Visitation from a flood in Kaskaskia. His successor as bishop of Buffalo was Father Bishop Timon died in Stephen Vincent Ryan. Buffalo, N. Y., April 16, 1867.
Catholic bishop of Buffalo, was born near Almonte, Lanark co., Ontario, Can., Jan. 1, 1825, son of His Martin and Catherine (McCarthy) Ryan. ot the Shan parents came from the Clare shores When he non, six miles from Limerick, Ire. was three years old the family removed to educated at Schuylkill county, Pa., and he was In 1844 he became the Philadelphia Seminary. a member of the Lazarist" order, and after studywas ing in St. Mary's Seminary, at Barrens, Mo,, ordained priest, June 24, 1849, in St. Louis. He was soon" afterward appointed professor in St. Mary's Seminary, and the College of St. Vincent, at Cape Girardeau; and in 1851, became a prefect of St.'Vincent's College, being appointed president In 1857 he was of that institution "in 1853. summoned to Paris, and appointed head of the Vincentians community in the United States; and in the same year he was elected a visitor of He the Lazarist order throughout this country. established the mother-house and novitiate at Germantown, Pa. He was consecrated bishop of the diocese of Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1868, succeeding Rt. Rev. John Timon, the first bishop, who The was appointed to the new see in 1847. priests of his diocese presented him with $20,000, in 1887, and with this and other funds he built In a splendid episcopal mansion in Buffalo. spite of continued poor health, he attended taxstrictly to his duties, which were necessarily the ing on account of the 170,000 members of denomination in his diocese, lie wrote a number of books and pamphlets on theology, the most important beinir. "The Claims of a Protestant Succession, and Fpiscopal Bishop to Apostolical Valid Orders Disproved." '' Early Lazarist Missions,"
and ''The Validity of Anglican Orders DisHe died in Buffalo, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1896.
QTJIGLEY, James Edward, third Roman Catholic bishop of Buffalo, and second archbishop
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. of Chicago, was born at Oshawa, Ont., Can., Oct. 1;"). 1854, son of James and Mary (Lacy) Quigley. His father, a native of Carrigatoher, Tipper-
ary, Ire., civil
was a noncommissioned ollicer in the He moved his family to Lima, Livingin 1859,
and to Rochester, X. Y., three mother, a woman of great
piety, consecrated her son to the service of the church, and all his training was conducted with that end in \ iew. He was educated at St. Joseph's College, Buffalo, N. Y., was graduated at the head of his class in 1872, and he also won a competitive examination for entrance to the West Point Military Academy. He did not go to West Point, however, but entered the Vincentian Seminary of Our Lady of Angels, now Niagara University, at " Niagara Falls, N. Y., where he won the premium of excellence," at the end of the first scholastic He continued his studies at the University year. of Innsbruck, in the Austrian Tyrol, and the Propaganda College of Rome, Italy, receiving the degree of S.T.D. in 1879. Returning to the United States he was assigned to the rectorship of the parish of Attica, Wyoming co., N. Y., where he remained five years. In 1884 he succeeded Rev. Edward Kelly as rector of St. Joseph's CatheThere he labored with redral, Buffalo, N. Y. markable success for twelve years, and upon the death of Mgr. Gleeson, he was transferred to the rectorship of St. Bridget's Church at his own request in January, 1890. When the episcopal see of Buffalo fell vacant in April, 1897, at the death of Bishop S. V. Ryan, Dr. Quigley was placed first on the list of eligibles sent to Rome, and his selection was promptly approved by Pope Leo XIII. He was appointed archbishop of Chicago. Jan. 8, This 1903, as the successor of Archbishop Feehan. important archdiocese contains a Catholic population of 800,000, with 540 priests, 250 churches, and 28 colleges and academies. As a preacher Archbishop Quigley ranks among the first class of modern speakers. He speaks with a very quiet and subdued voice, that is nevertheless remarkably clear and distinct. He is rarely gifted as a linguist, being a thorough master of the German, Italian, French, and Spanish languages.
Charles Henry, fourth Roman Catholic bishop of Buffalo, was born in New York city, Oct. 15. 1848. son of Patrick S. and Teresa A. (Mullen) Colton. He received his preliminary education in the public schools of New York city, and when about fourteen years of age took a clerical position in a dry goods house, and while thus engaged studied at night preparing himself for his future vocation. He attended for a while the Latin school established in the rectory of St. Stephen's by L)r. Edward McGlynn, and in 1869 entered upon his theological course at St. Francis Xavier College. Three years later he entered St. Joseph's Diocesan Seminary at Troy, and there organized among the students a branch of the League of the Sacred Heart. Having been graduated in 1870. he was ordained priest on June 10th of the same year, was appointed assistant pastor at St. Stephen's, and in 1886 was transferred to the pastorate of the Church of Our Lady of Mercy, at Port Chester, N. Y. At the same time he filled the position of chaplain at Bellevue hospital, but in January, 1887, was called back to St. Stephen's to assist Rev. Arthur J. Donnelly, who had been in charge of the church About that temporarily. time there came tne unfortunate culmination of the troubles of the former rector McGlynn, and St. Stephen's parish was in a turmoil over the re-
moval and excommunication of its old pastor. Father Donnelly having failed to quiet matters,
withdrew, and Father Colton was appointed administrator, and some months later rector of church. When he resumed charge of the parish he found the congregation scattered; there were no schools, the church was badly in need of repair and burdened with the debt of more than Father Colton built a ne\y school house, $130,000. and in a comparatively short time not only straightened out the financial tangles, but cleared the church entirely from debt and had it consecrated on Dec. 30, 1894. This was regarded as a
great accomplishment in ecclesiastical circles, and on May 2, 1894, he was made irremovable rector, and two years later was appointed by Archbishop Corrigan chancellor of the diocese. During his pastorate he has organized a number of church sodalities,
parishes, including the Children of
Mary, the Holy Name Society, and the Chateaubriand. His services to the church recommended him for promotion, and he was chosen by the holy see to succeed Rt. Rev. J. E. Quigley as bishop of Buffalo, and on Aug. 24, 1903, he was consecrated in St. PatricK s Cathedral, New York city, by
Archbishop Farley.
FIELD, James Gaven, lawyer, was born at Walnut, Culpepper co., Va., Feb. 24, 1826, sou of Judge Lewis Yancy and Maria (Duncan) Field, and a descendant of Sir John Field, of England. After attending a classical school, he engaged in mercantile pursuits at Fairfax, Va., and subsequently he taught school. In 1848 he accompanied Maj. Hill, paymaster in the U. S. army, to California as clerk, and became engaged in the pay department of the U. S. amy. He was chosen a secretary of the convention that framed the constitution of the state California in 1850, and October of the same year returned to Virginia, where he studied law with his
of in
uncle, Field,
Judge Richard Hi and was admitted to
the bar in 1852. He was the commonwealth's attorney of his native county during 1859-61. In the civil war he served on the staff of Gen, A. P. Hill, with the rank of major; was wounded at Cold harbor and lost a leg at the battle of Slaughter's mountain (Cedar creek), Aug. 9, 1862. He became attorney -general of Virginia in 1877, and after serving five years in this capacity retired to a farm in Albernarle In 1892 he was the county, Va. People's Party candidate for vice-president of the United States on the ticket with James B. Weaver for president, and received twenty-two electoral and 1,041,028 popular votes. He was married, first, in 1854, to a Miss Cowherd, and, second, in 1882, to Miss Logwood. His last years were spent in Gordonsville, Va.. and he died there, Oct. 12. 1901.
BOYNTON, Washington
born at Russia, Lorain co., O., Jan. 27, 1833, son of Lewis D. Boynton, who was a brigadier-general of militia and took an active interest in public affairs, and a descendant of Sir Matthew Boyn" ton, a member of parliament in the reign of
Charles 1., who sided with the Republican party the civil war. Sir Matthew's second son
Matthew came Maryland.
to America in 1632, settling in Judge Boynton was educated in the
After teaching for a number of public schools. years, he opened a select school at South Amherst, O.,
and about that time began the study
of law.
486 |
W* admitted
attorney in is:,!', he !!. and thru residue,!. in.r
legislature in
to the bar.
U) Elyria ami en. Sheldon.
began practice, in Elected prosccitt-
two terms
ollicc lor
elected to the lower
ISO."), and in -uking ..m
constitution, wnicn was Lives apCov. I'U'OO majority. bl him jii'l-c of the eourt of common pleas point,, he fourth 'jndieial district. Ill 1876 he took his f succeeded -e.it ,ni the supreme beneh, and ill 1881 Mellvaine as chief justice, but Il,,n. (icorgc \V. soon after resigned on account of ill health and Hon. the meagre aalary, and removed to Cleveland. ,Fohn ('. Hale now became his partner, and many of Hie most important cases in Cuyahoga county In 1888 Mr. Hale was weic entrtuted to him. ele.tr! 1,, the circuit court bench and the firm be-
while" from the
enmc Kuynton & Horr. ried in
Judge Boynton was mar-
to Betsey A. Terrell, of Ridgeville, O.
Joseph, physician, was born
Isaac and Sept. 2, 1779, son of \litehclli Parrish. and a dcsreiulanl of Sarah Parish of Yorkshire, England, who (.'apt. Edward was captain of a vessel trading between England took up 3,000 acres of land and the
Chesapeake, where Baltimore now stands and became surveyorHis uncle. John Pargeneral of Maryland. rish (1729-1807), was a minister of Baltimore, Md., a member of the Society cf Friends and a follower of Anthony Benezet in befriending the " Remarks on the African race. He
published Dr. Parrish, also Slavery of the Black People." a member of the Society of Friends, learned the trade of a hatter from his fathe, who bought the beaver skins from the neighboring Indians. At the age of twenty-one he began the study of medicine under Dr. Caspar Wistar. and entering of Pennsylvania, was graduated the University " M.D. in 1805. In the latter part of that year he was appointed resident physician to the yellow fever hospital in Philadelphia, and during 1806-12 was one of the physicians to the Philadelphia disAfter his resignation as physician he pensary. was elected as a manager of that excellent institution, and in 1835 became one of the consulting physicians, which position he retained till his death. He also served as surgeon of the Philadelphia almshouse (1806-22) and of the Pennsylvania Hospital (1816-29). In the year 1808 he delivered a popular course of lectures on chemistry. This, it is believed, was the first of the kind ever delivered in that city. They gave great satisfaction and were well attended. He was one of the founders of that more thorough scheme of private medical tuition which is a distinguish ing professional feature in Philadelphia.
same vear (1S08) he was married to Susanna. daughter of John and Ann (Dillwyn) Cox of Burlington, N. J. They had eight sons and three daughters. Isaac (1811-52) and Joseph (1818-91) were physicians. Dr. Parrish achieved a wide reputation by his scientific studies. He was connected with the Wills Hospital from its beginning until his death, a hospital founded for the treatment of the diseases of the eye. He was also an active member of the College of Physicians and of the Medical Society of Philadelphia. Dr. Charles \V. Dulles of Philadelphia says: "The greatest praise should be to Dr. given Joseph Parrish of hiladelphia. who in the typhus fever epidemic of I boldly broke away from the practice of s predecessors and totally abandoned bleeding in his treatment, demonstrating by his success that this severe treatment was An injurious.
in Philadelphia when, epidemic of cholera appeared on account of advancing years, he had retired from some of the active duties of his profession. He again put forth his energies with the force of youth and himself took charge of a large hosWhile yet a boy he associated himself pital. with others in conducting the lirst evening school
for colored persons, established in Willing's alley. long a member and ultimately president of the old Pennsylvania Abolition Society, in which office he had'been preceded by Dr. Franklin. "For he was indeed the friend and benefactor
He was
all, the high, the humble; the rich, the poor; the free and the bond in a word, he was the friend of man." He was one of the editors of the " " North American Medical and Surgical Journal and was the author of "Practical Observations " on Strangulated Hernia (1836). He edited Law" " and a collection of Treatise on Hernia rence's " Memoirs." Parrish died in Dr. professional
Philadelphia. Pa.. Mar. IS. 1840. PAKRISH, Isaac, physician, was born in Philadelphia. Pa.. Mar. 19. 1811. son of Joseph and He was educated in Susanna (Cox) Parrish. the Friends' Classical Academy and the private boarding school of John tiummere, Burlington, N. J., began the study of medicine with his father in 1829 and was graduated M.D. at the University of Pennsylvania 1S32. in "
last year of his pupilage he spent in the Block-
The cholera Hospital. reached Philadelphia in 1832 and he was appointed assistant to his father, who had been made chief physician of the cholera hospital. In 1834 he was elected one of the surgeons of Wills Hospital, where he served during the remainder of his life. He gave there the first regular course on ophthalmic surgery in 1839, continuing the instruction in succeeding years. As a lecturer he was instructive and ley
He was
uous in the work of the Philadelphia College of Physicians and wrote a number of papers, beside five "Annual Reports on the Progress of Surgery," all of which are published in the college transactions. He was twice vice-president of the County Medical Society, was an active member of the State Medical Society, the American Medical Association, the Society for the Abolition of Slavery, the Prison Discipline Society, and other professional and His philanthropic^] associations. private practice was very large. Many reforms in the management of prisons were due to his efforts an,} he devoted much attention to the cause of negro education. He was among the firM t advocate the use of ether and chloroform. He also wrote largely for medical journals and contributed to the transactions of medical societies. especially on the subjects of hygiene and sanitation. Dr. Parrish was married" in 1835 to Sarah R., daughter of Samuel Longstreth. a merchant of Philadelphia. His death occurred in that city
Joseph, physician, was born in Nov. 11, 1818, son of Dr. Joseph and Susanna (Cox) Parrish. and a brother
Edward Parrish, pharmacist. He was educated under private tutors and in a private acadin emy Burlington. N. J. He studied medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and was graduated
of Dr.
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. in 1844. He first practiced his profession Burlington, but removed to Philadelphia in 185U to take the chair of obstetrics in the Philadelphia Medical College. Owing to failing health he soon after made a visit to Europe, and noticing while visiting in Rome the imperfect management of the insane hospital of that city he obtained an interview with Cardinal Antonelli and addressed the pope on the subject, resulting in a correction in the abuse and the thanks of the pope tendered to him through ex-Pres. Fillmore. In 1857 upon his return to the United States he was called to reorganize and place on a permanent footing the Pennsylvania Training (School for FeebleMinded Children, and under his administration large grants were obtained from the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and from the During the civil war he city of Philadelphia. served on the sanitary commission and acted as He was sent by this commishospital inspector. sion to visit the legislatures of several western states to explain its \vorkandurgetheir co-operation which was given freely with excellent results. He also had charge of the sanitary posts of White House and City Point. After the war he established the Pennsylvania sanitarium for the treatment of drunkards, which he conducted for seven years, and in 1870 lie originated the American Association for the Cure of Inebriates, of which he was president for four years. In 1872 Dr. Parrish was sent for by the British parliament to give evidence in London as to the work of inebriate asylums in America and as to the effect of prohibitory and local option and license laws in the United States. His advice and recommendations were approved and adopte'd bv a committee, and were made the basis of the law now in existence in England. In 1875 Dr. Parrisli returned to Burlington, N. J., which contmued to be his home until his death. He was vice-president of the international congress on inebriety in England in 1882, and was a delegate to the international medical congress in Washington in 1887. He was a member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Philadelphia, the State Medical Society of Pennsylvania, the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland, tne Medical Association of Baltimore, the American Medical Association, the New Jersey Academy of Medicine, and the New Medical Society. In 1848 he estabJersey State " New Jersey Medical and Surgical Relished, the issued from Philaporter," which was afterward " delphia, and he edited the Sanitary Commission Bulletin," beside writing many papers and addresses on his specialty. In February, 1840, he was married to Lydia, daughter of Caleb and Elizabeth Gaskill of Burlington, N. J., and they had one son and two daughters. He died in Burlington, N. J., Jan. 15, 1891.
M.D. in
Maxfield, artist and illustrator, July 25, 1870, son of Stephen and Elizabeth (Bancroft) Parrish, and great-grandson of Joseph Parrish. He inherits his love of art from his father, who is both an etcher and painter, exhibiting not only in this country but in Munich, Dresden. Paris, London and other European art centers. The son attended school in Philadelphia until he was twelve years of age, when being taken abroad by his father his education was continued in England and France. After his return to America in 1880 he entered Haverford College with the class of 1892 and remained until the close of his junior year. Subsequently he studied for three years at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, where his water-color "Old King Cole" was shown in the exhibition of 1894 and purchased by the association. He afterward
was born
in Philadelphia, Pa.,
made a mural decoration from the same study for the Mask and Wig Club of Philadelphia. In 1894 he was elected a member of the Society of Ameri-
can artists for his pictures, " The Sandman " and " The Bulletin Board." Mr. Parrish's work, however, has been chiefly illustrating, in which his fine tonal qualities and delicacy of line, combined with an odd charm of individuality, have won for him deserved recognition. In 1899 an exhibition of his " decorative drawings and his illustrations for The Golden Age," by Kenneth Grahame, and for Irv" Knickerbocker's History of New York," ing's together with a number of poster and cover designs loaned by Harper & Bros., Charles Scribner'a Sons and the Century Co., was held at Keppel's gallery
and attracted favorable attention. Mr. is a member of the Phi Sigma Kappa
In 1902 he visited the southcollege fraternity. west to illustrate Ray Stannard Baker's articles on the Great Northwest for the Century Co., and in 1903 he went to Italy to make a series of illus" trations for Edith Wharton's Italian Villas and their Gardens." He was married June 1. 1895. to Lydia, daughter of Henry Austin of Woodstown, N. J. Since 1898 their home has been at Windsor, Vt.
BOYNTON, Nathaniel Augustus, inventor and manufacturer, was born in Mason, N. H., July 12, 1823, son of Nathaniel and Eliza (Lawrence) Boynton, and a descendant of John Boynton, who, with his brother William, immigrated from Yorkshire. England, in 1038 and settled at Rowley, Mass. He was educated in the schools of Shirley, Mass., and at Lawrence Academy. Groton, where In 1843 he estabhe was graduated in 1840. lished himself in the stove and tinware business at Clinton, Mass., and after four years in Boston, in 1850 he removed to New York and opened a furnace and stove store at 370 Broadway. The disastrous panic of 1857 caught him in its whirlpool. He was obliged to fail with an indebtedness of $10,000 above his
assets. In 1858 he formed a partnership under the name of Richardson. Boynton & Co., which continued for many years.
Mr. Boynton was probably the foremost man in his line of trade in the
United States.
As an
ventor of improvements in furnaces and heating apparatus he had the satisfaction of seeing that the worth of his inventive genius was recognized far and near. The value of his inventions has not yet been superseded, as is shown by the large sale of many of his patented The record of the patent office indicates articles. that Mr. Boynton took out upwards of forty In 1884 he assisted in organizing and patents. incorporating the Boynton Furnace Co., of which corporation he was the president. Under his management his company became one of the largest and most prosperous in the trade, embracing the
manufacture and sale of Boynton furnaces, steam and hot water heaters and ranges the success and increasing iprosperity of the. corporation being due largely to his talents and efforts. The reputation of the Boynton heaters has carried them to all parts of the world, upwards of 150,000 of them being now in use. Mr. Boynton was a man of ;
broad cultured mind and exceedingly genial manlit- was a keen, intelligent observer of tilings ners, u nd persons, enriched by tlic experiences of Ins
tnucU and
possessed of rare executive
Hoynton was married in 1845 to .Wnatli Kli--. i'f Brimfleld, Mass.. by whom lie had three son*, and in IS.Vi he was married to Prudence \VilluT. daughter of .Io-cph and Delight 'liani|ilin, He died ill lie had tine.' daiiL'hlers. liv \\li.ini abilities.
Insley, merchant,
Soon after viewing the situation of affairs he visited Ireland to procure priests, nuns and eateeliists for his barren !See, and in 1840, after attending the sixth provincial council, which convened at Kallimore in May of that year, he again went, abroad in search of more recruits. On this trip he secured a colony of Sisters of Mercy from Dublin, who established St. Mary's Academy at Little Kork. Their numbers increased so rapidly that in a short lime they founded institutions of their order in other parts of the diocese. From the time he assumed charge of his diocese until his death. Bishop Byrne was indefatigable in his labors for the advancement and prosperity of his see. When he began his episcopate there were but four churches in the whole diocese, four priests and no religious institutions. He left seventeen
was limn in Klmde Island in 1783, son of James and Kvpericnce Kitz-Kamlolph Coddington. grandson of John and Margaret (Edgar) Coddington, and a descendant of Hon. William Coddington, who emigrated from Lincolnshire, England; settled al Salem, Mass., in 1030; was a distinguished jurist and eventually became governor of Rhode churches, with fifty stations, twenty-four priests, Island. Ilis father was six ecclesiastical students, four religious institua distinguished officer in tions, twelve schools and seminaries for both sexes, the revolutionary war. and the Catholic population had increased from The son, during the war 5,000 to over 50,000. His intelligent efforts to of 1812, was a chaplain promote immigration to the diocese subsequently I
in the 10th New York regiment, and a member
proved of inestimable value to the Southwest. died at Little Rock, Ark., in 1862.
of Gov.
second Roman Cathbishop of Little Rock, was born in Limerick, Ireland, Oct. 28, 1833. son of James and Joanna His family emigrated to (Pratt) Fitzgerald. America in 1848 and settled at Cincinnati, O. Edward Fitzgerald entered in 1850 the Seminary of the Barrens in Perry county, Mo., and two years later transferred himself to Mt. St. Mary's of the West, at Cincinnati, where he remained
In 1827 he was a member of the New York assembly, and in 18,'ifl was appointed by Pres. Jackson postmaster of New York city. Mr. Coddington was active in politics
and was a representative Jacksonian Democrat, considering the tendency to expand the paper currency a dangerous one. He was a warm personal friend of Pres. Jackson and Van Buren. In 1843 he was the Democratic candidate for mayor of New York, but was defeated by James Harper, the Native American candidate. The nomination for governor of New York state was tendered him in 1856, but owing to failing health he was unable to accept the honor. He was married in 1816 to Matilda Eliza, daughter of
William Palmer, an English gentleman, and was the father of eleven sons afcd three daughters. Gilbert Smith Coddington is the only surviving son.
died in
New York
BYRNE, Andrew,
city in December, 1856. first
Catholic bishop
of Little Rock, was born at Navan, Ireland, Dec. 5. 1802. He was studying at the Diocesan Seminary of Navan when Bishop England visited Ireland in 1820, seeking priests for his diocese, and he volunteered to accompany him to America.
He was
ordained a priest Apr. 11, 1827, at Charlesby Bishop England, and was first sent active upon missionary work throughout North and South Carolina. In 1830 he was appointed of St. pastor Mary's Church at and was for several years vicar-generalCharleston, of the diocese ton, S. C.,
He removed
New York
city in 1836,
time stationed at the cathedral and later was pastor of St. James' Church. In 1841 Bishop Hughes sent him to Ireland to induce the Christian brothera to come to America and enter his diocese His sion was at the time the comunsuccessful, lot llavin K tne men to lty for the new spare "V5 TT He was subsequently pastor of the Church Of the Nativity, and St. Andrew's Church, in New Vork city. In 1844 he was promoted to the episcoand made pate bishop of the new diocese of Little Kock, which had just been created and embraced the state of Arkansas and the Cherokee and Choctaw nations in the Indian Father Territory. Byrne was consecrated at St. Patrick's Cathedral, New \ork city, Mar. 10, 1844, by Bishop Hughes
inary his
He then attended Mt. St. Mary's SemEmmitsburg. Md., and on completing
Aug. 22, 1857. He was assigned to a church at Columbus, O., and at this station he remained until 1867, when he was consecrated bishop on Feb. 3d of that year and assigned to the diocese of Little Rock made vacant by the death of Bishop Andrew Byrne in 1862, and which had remained so on account of the disruptions caused by the civil war. On reaching Little Rock, on Mar." 17th following, Bishop Fitzgerald found his diocese in great destitution, with a meager membership of a little more than a thousand, scattered over a large and almost inaccessible territory on what was then considered the border of American civilization, with only five priests and orders
three religious institutions. With great earne-t ness and devotion he began the work of building the waste of his church, and by his wise up places
administration and systematic and persistent effort succeeded in restoring to his diocese the position of wealth and importance it had occupied previous to the fratricidal war. He established a house of the Fathers of the Holy Ghost at Marienstadt, introduced the monks and nuns of the Benedictine order and founded asylums and schools which he placed in charge of the Sisters of Charity and the Sisters of St. Joseph. The diocese of Little Rock now (1902) contains 51 churches, 43 priests, 1 seminary, 5 academies, 37 parochial schools and a Catholic population of about 10,000. Bishop Fitzgerald attended the Vatican council at Rome and the third plenary council held in Baltimore, in 1884.
McCOMAS, Louis Emory, senator, was born in Washington county, Md., Oct. 28, 1840, son of Frederick C. and" Catherine (Angle) McComas. After studying at St. James College, Maryland, he entered Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa., and was
graduated in the class of I860. He then studied law, was admitted to the bar at Hagerstown, Md.,
AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. He was in 1808, and practiced there until 1892. the Republican candidate for the 45tli congress. and was elected to the 48th, 49th, 50th and 51st He was decongresses, serving during 188391, In 1892 feated for election to the 52d congress. was a delegate-at-large to the Republican lie national convention, and during the presidential campaign of that year was the secretary of the Republican national committee. On Nov. IT, 1802, he was appointed associate justice of the supreme court of the District of Columbia; lie served as such until 1890, when he was elected U. S. senator, to succeed Arthur 1*. Gorman, for the term expiring Mar. 9, 1905. For several years he was professor of international law at Georgetown University Law School. In the house of representatives he served on the appropriations committee and the committee on coinage, weights and measures. In the senate he served on the judiciary committee, the committee on privileges and elections, on Porto Rico and on the Philippines and other important committees. The degree of LL.D. was conferred on him by Dickinson College in 1898, and by Georgetown University in 1901. He was married Sept. 23. 1875, to Leah M., daughter of Charles W. Humrichouse.
They have one daughter.
born in Cheshire county, N. H., Mar. 28, 1861. He obtained his early education in the public schools, and was graduated at Yale University in 1882. He then studied law at the law school of that institution, and immediately after being graduated in 1885 was admitted to the bar, establishing his practice at Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Subsequently he became a member of the law firm of Kittredge, Winans & Scott. He was a state senator from South Dakota during 18.S9-93, and was a member of the national Republican committee in 1892 and 1890. On July 11, 1901, he was appointed to the U. S. senate, to succeed the Hon. James H. Kyle, deceased, and took his seat Dec. 2, 1901. He was re-elected in 1903 for the term expiring in 1909. Sen. Kittredge fs local attorney for the Great Northern, and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroads.
FISKE, Thomas New York
mathematician, was 12, 1865, son of Thomas Scott and Clara (Pittman) Fiske. The first of the family in America settled in Massachusetts in 1031. He was prepared for college at the Pingry School. Elizabeth, N. J., and was graduated at Columbia College in 1885, receiving a He continued his fellowship in mathematics. studies for a time at the University of Cambridge, England, and obtained the degree of Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1888. He was tutor in mathematics at Columbia University during 188891, instructor until 1894, and adjunct professor until 1897, when he was promoted to a full professorship, a position he still holds. During 1889^95 he was in charge of the instruction in mathematics at Barnard College, and in 1899 was dean of that institution. He is author of: acting " Theory of Functions of a Complex "Variable," contained in Mcrriam and Woodward's Course of Higher Mathematics," and of numerous scientific papers contributed to mathematical journals. He was one of the founders of the New York Mathematical Society in 1888, which in 1894 became the American Mathematical Society was its secretary from its organization until 1895, and wa;i its born in
president, 1902-04.
also a
member the
of the
Association for the Advancement of Science, and the New York Academy of Sciences. He is unmarried.
Bancroft, naval officer, was born Jackson, La., Nov. 10, 1832, son of William 11. and Eleanor (Bancroft) Gherardi, and a nephew of George Bancroft, the historian. His family is of Italian origin, but has been settled in the United States since the middle of the eighteenth century. While still young he removed with his parents to Massachusetts, where he completed his education and whence he received his appointment as midshipman, June 29, 1846. He was attached to the frigate Ohio, of the Pacific squadron, 184650; saw active service during the Mexican war, and was on the steam sloop Saranac, of the Home squadron in 185051. In 1852 he entered the
Naval Academy, and on June 8th following was promoted passed midshipman. He was attached to the sloop-of-war St. Louis, Mediterranean squadron, during 1853-55, and was promoted master and lieutenant in 1855. He served on the sloop Saratoga, of the home squadron (1856-57), and at the beginning of the civil war was with the steam sloop Lancaster, of the Pa-*cific squadron, but after his , .g to lieutenant (******?* promotion conjmander, on July 16, he was assigned to the South Atlantic 1862, blockading fleet and participated in the engagement at Fort Macon. In 1863 he performed special service on the steam sloop Mohican, and commanded the steam gunboat Chocorua, during 1863-04. As commander of the steamer Port Royal, West gulf blockading squadron, he engaged in the battle of Mobile bay, Aug. 5, 1864, and under orders from Capt. Thornton A. Jenkins, of the Richmond, to which vessel the Port Royal was lashed, Lieut. -Com. Gherardi cast off, and joined in the chase of the Confederate gunboats, Morgan, Gaines and Selma, which resulted in the sinking or disabling of all three. Capt. Jenkins commended him officially for his cool ana gallant conduct. In 1864-65 he commanded the Pequot, of
the North Atlantic blockading squadron ; was commissioned commander July 25, 1806, and served during 1866-70 at the Philadelphia navy yard. He commanded the Jamestow n, of the Pacific fleet, in the receiving-ship Independence, 1872-73, 1871 and being promoted captain, Nov. 9, 1874, was in 1875-77 commander of the Pensacola, flagship of the North Pacific station. From 1877 to 1889, he commanded the receiving-ship Colorado, and from 1881 to 1883, the flagship Lancaster. He received a con. nodore's commission in November, 1884; served on the board of examiners for the promotion of officers in 1885, became rear-admiral r
in August, 1887, was commandant of Brooklyn navy yard, 18S7-89. and was appointed flag-officer of North Atlantic station in 1889. When war with Chile was threatened, Adm. Gherardi (then at Barbados with his flagship, the Philadelphia, and the gunboat, Concord was instructed to assemble the vessels of his command at Montevideo, where he held them in readiness until the war cloud had passed. When the visiting squadron from foreign powers assembled in Hampton Roads, Va., in April, 1893, just before the opening of the Columbian exposition at Chicago, Rear-Adm. Gherardi, by )
virtue of his official position, supervised the reception arrangements and escorted the fleet to New York, where he organized and directed the imposing naval review and demonstration in the harbor on
April 27th. Tli ing event, ulii.
sides, and rat almost
especially fron entirely due to his remarkable tact, forethought and skill. Kcar-. \ilin. (.'acranli was placed on the retired list, according to law, on .Nov. 10, 1S!)4. He uas vice-commander for Xew \ ork of the Military liis son, Lieut. Walter Order ot' foreign Wars, Gherardi. navy, is stationeil ill Washington, liis After ('. retirement he resided at StratI). ford. Conn., \vhrre his death occurred, Dec. 10,
He \\alrs. Kri,. ,. () .. X. V., Oct. 22, 1S22. \vas educated at the University of Michigan, where he was graduated in 1S4II, and received his medilie cal decree at Rush Medical College in lSf>2. began the practice of his profession in Chicago, 111. He was professor in the Hush Medical College during IS.Vi .V.I. and held the same chair in the ChiHe was cago Medical College for many years. a member of the local, State and American Medical associations, and of the Chicago board of lie was medical ollicer of the health, 1807-73. Relief Aid Society after the fire of 1871, and was president of the American Public Health Association in ISSIl. lie was married to Margaret Scward, and had two children, lie died in Chicago; 111., in 1891. horn
Philip, lawyer, was born 8, 1862, son of Edward llar.ford and Louisa 11. (Ware) Greeley, and a descendant of Andrew Greeley, who emigrated from England to Salisbury, Mass., prior to 1042. Andrew Greeley married Mary Goldmeyer, their son I'hilip married Sarah lllsley; their son Jonathan married Jane Walker: their son Jonathan married Martha French; their son. an otlicer in the colonial army, married DoUy Tilton, and their son Edward, grandfather of Arthur P. Greeley, married Hannah Eaton. He was graduated at Concord (N". H.) High School in at Met linen.
Mass.. Apr.
and at Dartmouth 1876, College in 1883. He entered the law department of the Columbian I niversity, Washington, obtaining the degree of LL.B. in 1886 and that of LL.M. in 1887. In the latter year he was admitted to the bar of the District of Columbia, but did not enter the profession. After becoming a fourth assistant examiner in the U. S. patent office in 1884, he advanced the successive through grades of third, second and first assistant examiner to that of principal examiner in 1891. In 189f>-97 he was examiner-in-chief by appointment of Pres. Cleveland, and during 1S97-1900 was assistant commissioner of patents by appointment of Pres. McKinley, who also appointed him a member of the commission to revise the patent and trade mark laws under act of June 8, 1S98. As an assistant examiner he served in the division of metal working and electricity, and as principal examiner was assigned to the division of packing and storing vessels, advertising, etc., though transferred to the division of instruments of precision where he acted as examiner of trade marks as well. In 1*91 he was one of the committee in charge of the patent office exhibit for the Columbian exposition, and in ISIlt served on that in charge of the Atlanta exhibit. During the long illness of '.!:!
lintiei woiil,,
of patent olh'ee a;i. In I'.'uo li< and embarked upon the iee of law, making a specialty of pat enl and t'iadc mark cases. He was admitted to the bar of the 1
A standard work .supreme court ill 19(11. Foreign Patent and Trade Mark Laws," was published by him ill 1S98. Mr. Greelev is a member of the Cosmos Club of Washington, the University Club of Xew York, the American Bar Association, and secretary of the Patent Law Association of Washington.' He was married Nov. 10, 1SM2. to Heleiie H. M.. daughter of Capt. Chas. lleiv.og, of the U. S. signal service, and has two I".
Frank A., jurist, was born in Hartford, Conn.. Jail. 16, 1844, son of James Scdgwick and Camilla (Porter) Hooker, and seventh in descent from Rev. Samuel Hooker, of West Hartford, who married a daughter of Thomas \\illet,
both natives of England. He was educated in the public schools of Connecticut, and later studied law in the I 'niversity of Michigan, and was graduated in 1805, being admitted to the bar on the same day. After practicing law for a year in Bryan, O., he removed to Charlotte, Mich.', where he served as superintendent of schools for Eaton county, 1807-09; justice of the peace, 1809-72. and prosc'-utiug attorney for two terms, 1872-70. In 1878 he was appointed judge of the fifth judicial which is the circuit, largest in the state, and was continued on the bench by election, resigning in 1892 to become chief justice of the supreme court, where he served for eleven years, being again chief In 1903 he wax justice in the last two years. re-elected for a term of ten years. He was married Aug. 5, 1H08, to Emma E. Carter, of Defiance. (1. ;,:;d has two sons, Harry E., a lawyer, and Charles E. Hooker, n physician. DODGE, James Mapes, engineer, was born at Waverly, N. J., June 30, 1852, son of William and Mary (Mapes) Dodge. His father was a prominent member of the New York bar. and his mother is well known as an author and as the editor of " St. Nicholas." He was educated at the Newark (N. J.) Academy, at Cornell University and RutHe served an apprenticeship with gers College. John Roach & Sons, shipbuilders, of Xcw York and and Chester, Pa., in 1876 entered into partnership with E. T. Copeland. of Xew York, in the manufacture of mining machinery. Two vears later when this firm dissolved he became identified with the Ewart Manufacturing Co., of Chicago, and for two years he was superintendent of the Indianapolis Malleable Iron Co., developing the manufacture of Ewart link-belting. In 1SS4 the firm of Burr & Dodge, of Philadelphia, was formed, which was subsequently merged into the Link-Belt Engineering Co., with factories at Nicetown, and ollicesat Philadelphia, and he has been president of this company since its organization. lie invented what is known as the Dodge system of coal storage, and he has given special attention to the improvement and manufacture of conveying machinery. Besides the above-mentioned companies, Mr. Dodge is presi dent of the Dodge Coal Storage Co., and the Stair Lift Co., of Philadelphia. He is a member of the Franklin Institute, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, of which he was the president in 1902-03. and the Union League Club, of Philadelphia. He was married Sept. 10, 1879, to Josephine Kern of Chicago, 111.
STEELE, Daniel, clergyman and author, was born at Windhain. N. Y.. Oct. 5, 1824. son of Parez and Clarisa (Brainerd) Steele, and fifth in descent from Rev. Stephen Steele (Yale, 1718), first minis-
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. lie was prepared ter in Tolland, Mass., ir. 1720. foi college at Wilbrahani, Mass., and was graduated at Wesleyan University in 1848. During 1S4S .~>0 he was a till or in the university, and in 1849 he joined the New England conference of the 1
He was pastor at Fitchburg. Mass.. in 1H50; Leoniinster, 1851-52; Lynn. 1853-54: Dorchester, 1855; Hedding Church, Boston, 1850-57; Maiden, 1858-59; Springfield,
Methodist Episcopal church.
He was proISHI 61, and at [lolliston in 1802. fessor of ancient languages at Genesee College during !S(i2-(i!), and for two years following he was In 1871 he was elected viceits acting president. and served as actpresident of Syracuse University, chancellor of the same at the commencement ing He was pastor of the of the following year. Tromont Street Methodist Church, Boston, in 1872; of a church at Auburndale, 1873-74; at Lynn, 1875-77: at Salem. 1S78-70. and at Peabody. 1880In 1SS4 he was appointed professor of doc81. trinal theology in Boston University, which position he held until 1893, when he retired from He was a frequent conresponsibilities. " " Methodist Quarterly Review and tributor to the other religious periodicals, and is the author of: "
"Commentary on Joshua" (1873); Binney's Compend Improved" (1874); "Love
Enthroned'' (1875) "Milestone Papers" (1878) uminentary on Leviticus and Numbers" (1891) "Half Hours with St. Paul" (1895); ".Defense of Christian Perfection" (1890) "Gospel of the " Jesus Exultant " (1899); Comforter" (1897); " A Substitute for Holiness, or Antinomianisra Revived'' (189!)). and "Half Hours with St. John's Epistles " (1901). The degree of D.D. was conferred on him by Wcsleyan University in 1808. He was married Aug. 8, 1850, to Harriet, daughter of Rev. Amos Binney, of \\ilbraham, Mass., author " of the Theological Compend." They have had five children, of whom four survive: Wilbur F., professor of Hebrew. Denver University; Charles B., of the Detroit Conference; Caroline Binney and ;
sun 93).
cation was such as the country schools and the neighborhood academies of that time afforded. At the age of twenty his love of adventure asserted itself, and in October, 1858. he went to the mining districts of California, the El Dorado of the
near I'ntc Flat, in Placer county, where he followed mining a- an occupation with the period.
usual successes and reverses incident to that mode of 1864 he removed to Idaho, where new
brother in the publication of the " Caldwell Tribune." The paper was very successful and soon took an advanced position in Idaho journalism In 1889 he was a member of the Idaho constitutional convention which framed the present state constitution and prepared Idaho tor statehood without the previous passage of an act. In 1890 he was elected to the lower enabling house of hestate legislature, and he also served several years as chairman of the Caldwell town council He was married in 1885 to Miss Belle Keppel of Keokuk, la. They have had four children, three of whom are now living. He was elected governor in 1896, and served four years. During the last of his term he was a candidate for the United year States senate, but was defeated in his on n party convention. His term of service as governor was on chiefly conspicuous account of the Coeurd Alene riots. He took a firm stand in these matters, exercised the power of the state, and called upon the federal authorities for the protection of property and to aid in the punishment of ttenders. I his action resulted in a congressional investigation which attracted widespread attention at the time on account of charges mad. various labor organizations against his administration during the suppression of the Coeurt
of adventure and exploration were being opened and for over thirty years he lived at Warrens, Idaho eo. His active participation in public life commenced with his election to the house of representatives of the seventh session of the territorial legislature. 1872-73. He also held numerous county otlices and was again elected a member the council of the tenth session, in 1878-79 He was chosen president of that body, somewhat memorable in the political annals of Idaho as the Brat legislative assembly where a vigorous stand is made against the Mormon control of the terri- d Alenc trouble. l01 After the admission of Idaho as a state ?" 1890, he was elected lieutenant-governor HUNT, Frank fifth governor of the upon Republican ticket. The governd'-elect, Idaho (1901-03). wasWilliams, born at Newport, Ky.. Dee Shoup, being chosen to the U. S. senate lb, 1861, son of Thomas Benjamin and Eugenia \ t le nv entlol > which met in December, 1890 A? 1 (Montmolin) Hunt. His father was a captain in the tinted States army. The son was educated in the common schools, removed to Idaho in Isss' and rose early to prominence, being a state senator in 1893-94. During the Spanish-American war, in 1898-99, he served as first lieutenant, and subsequently ns captain in the 1st Idaho volunteer infantry, and took part in the battle of Manila. n ' third or Aug. 13, 1S98; the battle of f Idaho Topote bridge. June 13. (1893 %i. was born at Commerce Oak1899, and minor engagements around Manila. land co., Mich., On Sept. 18, 1839, son of James and Jan. 7, 1901, he was inaugurated governor of Idaho, onM ". emirants" "om the his term Jan. 1903. 5. Hunt Oov. expiring probably did more to bring about a condition of lasting prosperity in Idaho than any of his pred. sors. From the very first he 'took the deepest personal interest in the upbuilding of commerce vered, and in the a Hr-e and following sprin agriculture in his state, one of his objects immigration poured into that ttVriW lie e7> being the establishment of a perfect irrigation gaged ,n farming there. After varied 7xperiences To that end he worked unceasingly to system. diirimr the period of the civil war. he returned to interest eastern capital, and the Cahforma and engaged in the completion of cattle b" ness for his plans will increase immeasurably the value of fields
fi^'^3^y-tcin of Diseases of
was married at Albany, May 10. iss,. daughter of Joel Mniiscll. the iiubli-her. and has two children. Cyrus I.ec and Mary.
to .le-sic.
Joseph, second K. C. bishop of was horn in (Queens county, Ireland, Alter st inlying under the .Sulpieiana at
CONROY, John Albanv. N. IS10.
> '..
Montreal, he completed his theological course in Mount St. Marv's. ami was ordained in 1842. In ISC! he was appointed vice-president of St. John's College at l-'ordhani, and soon after became president In 1^1 he was transferred to the pastorate of St. Joseph's chinch. Albany, where lie established St. Vincent's Orphan \s\lum, built a con\eiit for the Sisters of Chirity. and rebuilt St. lie became vicar-general of the Jo-eph's Church, diocese of Albany in lS."i7, and during the absence When of the bishop, administered its affairs. Ui-lmp MeClosky was promoted to the see of of New York he was made bishop Albany. During his administration the number of priests and increased. was churches Among the instigreatly tutions that he founded are an industrial school, t
\gnes's IMiral Cemetery, St. Peter's Hospital, He of the Little Sisters of the Poor. attended the first and second councils at Baltimore, and participated in the sessions of the Vatican council. In 18(!9 he convoked a synod of his diocese, and made important regulations for its future government. At his request a coadjutor was appointed in 1870, and in 1874 he resigned, being then appointed bishop of Curium in partibus. lie afterward resided ill New York city, where he died Nov. -JO, 1805. William Wirt, was born at Gorham. Cumberland co., Me., Oct. 26, 1836, son of St.
and a house
William 11. and Hannah (March) Peabody. He educated at the Maine State University and in Is", emigrated to Ohio and found employment in the laying out of the Marietta railroad. Soon afterward he was appointed secretary to Noah L. Wilson, first president of the Marietta Railroad Co, He was appointed paymaster of the road two years later; master of transxvas
portation in 1870, and feneral superintendent in 1S7'2. Soon after the extended strike of 1877 he was ap-
pointed general superintendent of the Ohio & Mississip])' railroad, and he served in the capacity of. general
manager was
when he
In 1886 general manager. he resigned and became general manager of the transOhio division of the Baltimore & Ohio system, with headquarters at "Chicago. III. I 'pi n the reorganization
under the name of Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern the Cincinnati, Washington A Baltimore which had sneceedcd the .Marietta & Cincinnati Company, he was elected vice-president and general manager Of the new corporation, and when the Baltimore & hio absorbed the Ohio A Mississippi, his jurisdiction \iee president and general manager was ot
attended over the lines of the former. He served this oil,,.,, until 1807, when he retired from business, and at the present time (1004) he livinn at Madiuonville, one of Cincinnati's subhs. During the civil war he served in the 149th
Ohio regiment, and raised a company for the 64th, in the Shenandoah Valley participating actively campaign, lie is a knight Templar, a :i2d degree He was director and president of the Mason. Young Men's Mercantile Library, Cincinnati; a member of the Cincinnati exposition commission. and president of the commission for the 10th and In 1893 he was president of the llth expositions. board of managers of the Columbian exposition from the state of Ohio. For four years he was president of the Lincoln Club, of Cincinnati, and for two terms president of the Cincinnati ChamHe was married July 2, 18111, ber of Commerce. to Sarah F,., daughter of Rev. John Ferree, a Methodist minister of Chillicothe, )., and has had (
four children.
ROESCHLATJB, Robert Sawers,
Munich, Havana, July 6, 1843, son of Dr. .Michael Joseph Hoesehlaub, who emigrated to America in 1845, settling in Quincy, 111. lie served in the 84th regiment of Illinois volunteers throughout the civil war. and was wounded at Stone river and C'hickamauga; was commissioned second lieuin
lieutenant Mar. 13, 1865, and Recaptain June 6, 1865. turning to Quincy he studied architecture with Robert Bnnce, and in 1873 he entered upon a general architectural practice in Denver, Colo.
designed many houses, private dwellings and churches, including the principal school business
Chamberlain Ob-
servatory of the University of Denver, the Deaf and Blind Colorado School, Springs; the State Normal School at Greeley, the Presbyterian Church of Colorado Springs, and the Stone l'iv~-
bytenan and Trinity M. E. churches of Denver. 'lie was supervising architect of school district Xo. 1, 1874-1001. lie is a fellow of the American lusti tute of Architects, member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, and of the Grand Army of the Republic. He was married Sept. 20, 180S. to Annie Mary, daughter of James Fisher, of Quincy, His 111., and has two daughters and five sons. third son, Frank Sidney, is a graduate of the architectural school of the University of Pennsylvania, and became a partner in his father's business in 1902. TRACEY, Charles, congressman, was born at Albany, X. V., May 27, 1847, sou of John *und Maria (McCarthy) Tracey, who came from Canada in 1837. He was graduated at the Albany Academy in 18C6, after which he spent four years abroad, visiting Europe, Egypt and the Holy Land, and serving in the T'apal /onnvos under Pius IX. who gave him the rank of chevalier of the Order of St. Gregory the Great. Upon returning to the United States in 1870 he was made a member of the firm of John Tracey & Co. He was appointed aid-de-camp to Gov. Tilden in 1875, and was commissary-general of subsist ance under Gov. Robinson, 1877-70. lie was appointed manager of the Xew York Stale House of llefuge by Gov. Cleveland, and re-appointed by Govs. Hill', Flower, and Morton. During 1SS7 O.S he was a representative ill Congress from New York state; served on the committee on coinage, weights and measures; obtained the deepening of the Hudson, the erection of Albany into a port of immediate transportation.
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. and the alteration of the coinage designs. He was a delegate to the Chicago convention of 1806 that nominated Bryan, but withdrew and became a delegate-at-large to the Indianapolis convention He is a that nominated Palmer and Buckner. member of the Ft. Orange, Albany, and Press clubs
had been built anywhere." This machine secured for his firm, which now ineluded Thos. \Vinans, of Philadelphia, a contract from the Russian government, to build the locomotives and rolling stock for the St. Petersburg & Moscow railroad, and he went to reside in Russia. The work was so well done that Mr. Harrison was presented with a gold medal and the ribbon of the Order of St. Ann. His first contract was followed by a series of others up to 1852, when he retired from business. He built a splendid mansion in Philadelphia and collected the paintings and works of art known as the Harrison gallery. In 1800 he perfected and placed upon the market a sectional safety boiler, which marked a distinct era in the construction of boilers, and after three years spent in Europe he erected a factory for its manufacture. He was awarded the Rumford gold and silver Arts medals by the American Academy of and Sciences for his improvements insuring safety freight purposes that
in steam boilers, May 30, 1871. He was married Dec. 15, 1836, to Sarah Poulterer, of New York, and had seven children, William, Henry, Annie,
of Albany, and the Manhattan, Reform, and Democratic clubs of New York; a trustee of St. Peter's Hospital, a director "of the Commercial and Albany Savings banks, and vice-president of the Consohd;ih'd Car-Heating Co. He -was married in 1883, to Hermine,' daughter of Col. Philip Duehesnay, of Montreal, Canada, and has four children.
BAKER, Lucien, senator, was born in Fulton comity, O., in 184G, son of Elisha A. and Mary L. At an early age he was taken by his Baker. parents to Michigan, and in 1869 he removed from that state to Lcavenworth, Kan., where he became one of the most successful lawyers in the city. Though a member of the Republican party, he would not be bound by party ties on the subject of prohibition, and in 1890 canvassed the state of Kansas in the interest of the Democratic nominees. In 1892 he nearly secured the nomination for congressman-at-large, instead of Edmund N. Morrill, and on Jan. 23, 1895, was elected as a Republican to the U. S. senate, by a large majority, sucHe served through his ceeding John Martin. entire term, from Mar. 4, 1895, to Mar. 3, 1901, and was succeeded by Joseph R. Burton. Sen. Baker was married at Leavenworth, Kan., Nov. 28, 1872, to Mary V., daughter of A. A. Higinbotham, and has one son and one daughter. His brother, John H., was .judge of the U. S. district court of Indiana, 1892-1902, and represented the Goshen district in congress, 1875-77. HARRISON, Joseph, inventor, was born at Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 20, 1810, son of Joseph and Mary (Crawford) Harrison, and grandson of William Harrison, a large landholder of New Jersey, who lost his property during the Revolutionary war. Joseph Harrison, Jr., was apprenticed to the steam engineering business and in 1825 proved himself a proficient and valuable workman. On the termination of his apprenticeship he entered the employ of a manufacturer of " small lathes and presses for bank-note engravers, and the like." In 1834 he was employed by William Xnrris to construct locomotives from the design of Col. Long, and in 1835 he became foreman for (Jurrett & Eastwick, and designed a locomotive called the Samuel D. Ingham. In 1837 he was made a partner and in 1839 on Mr. Garrett's retirement the firm was changed to Eastwick & Harrison. In 1840 Mr. Harrison designed for the Reading railroad a powerful freight engine called the Gowan & Marx, which for its weight of eleven " the most efficient locomotive for tons, was
Alice McNeil, Marie Olga, Theodore Leland, and " Clara Elizabeth. He published An Essay on the Steam Boiler" (1867); "The Iron Worker and King Solomon: with a Memoir and an Appendix" (2d ed. 1869, printed for private circula" tion The Locomotive Engine, and Philadelphia's Share in Its Early Improvements" (1872), and various papers on subjects relating to his He died in Philadelphia, Mar. 27. 1874. specialty. Wilson Henry, was born at Warren, Mass., Apr. 3, 1836, son of Asahel and Mary A. (Chapin) Fiiirbank, and a descendant of Jonathan Fayerbanke, who came from Lowerby, Yorkshire, England, in 1633, and settled at Dedham, where he built the noted Fairbanks Home, still standing. He married Grace Smith, and the line runs through their son Jonas, who married Lydia Prescott; their son Jabez, who married Mary Wilder; their son :
Thomas, who married Doro-
thy Carter; their son Jonathan, who married Ruth
Asahel, grandfather of W'ilson Henry, who married Diadema Gleason. When seventeen years old he left school in order to assist his father, and in 1856 he took his first telegraph contract, furnishing over 9,000 poles for the American Telegraph From that time onCo. ward he made telegraph line He building his business. was appointed superintendent of construction for the
in S. Telegraph Co. 1860; with A. J. Baldwin as a partner, he built a telegraph line from New York to Washington in 1864; organized the Monongahela Valley Telegraph Co. in 1805, and aided in organizing the Pacific & Atlantic Telegraph Co. in Pittsburg in 1866, building and extending a number of important lines. In 1877 he had charge of all construction and disbursements under E. Middleton & Co. He built thousands of miles for the American Union Telegraph Co., at one time running successHe was fully twenty-one different gangs of men. general superintendent of construction and repairs for the Mutual Union Telegraph Co. in 1881-82; the United Telegraph Co. in 1883-84, and for the American Telegraph & Telephone Co. during 1885-91, when failing health compelled his retire-
a RepubIn N.,vember, 1805, he was elected the Massachusetts i,.gi-representative in was elected to the latuic. and in the fall of 1S-.7 in nearly II.- is personally interested slate senate, He Js cveiv industry in the town ot Warren.
ment lic
memtin- Warren Steam Pump Co., a Warren Saving liank Association, presithe warren Public Library, vice-presidenl
he i
member of the uual.oai: Historical Society, and a of the Orange and Farmers' club, the Republican Market Club, the club of Massachusetts, the Home Middlesex Club, and the Masonic and Odd Fellows Mr. Fail-bank was married at Warren,
Sept. 27, IM;:>, to Sibley.
\l -.-s..
Elizabeth, daughter
John Morgan, M.
E. bishop,
born at Lebanon, Warren co., 0., Feb. 11, 1831, son Thrown of .l,-.e and Matilda (Morgan) Wuldcn. (in hi- own resources at the age of fourteen, his support was gained by peddling, farming, carpentering, and clerking in a store. He was graduated at Farmer*! (now Belmont) College, O., in 1852. While an undergraduate, he had written for newstwo years papers. :md in is.", I, after having served as principal of the preparatory department of Fanner's Co!lc.,,>, he took up journalism, reviving " at Fairfield, 111., the Independent Press." His advocacy of temperance, and his opposition to the Kansa- Nebraska bill made the journal unpopular
and imperiled its financial support. Returning to " Cincinnati, he was connected with the Daily Com" as reporter and correspondent nearly two mercial This included the political campaign of years. 1856, during which he traveled over Ohio and Indiana, reporting speeches and was himself occaIn 1857 he sionally called to take the stump. aided in establishing at Quindaro, Kansas, a news" the paper called \\ yandotte for
which is the advocated radical free state measures; exerted
considerable influence, and gave its editor a prominent place among the free state leaders. He was a member '' of the historic Topeka In legislature." March, 1858, he was elected to the Leavenworth constitutional convention, in which he was chairman of the committee on education, and as chairman of the committee on address, he was the author " of the Address of the Convention to the American People." Under the Leavenworth constitution, he was elected state superintendent of public instruction, and in the same year, having severed his connection with the "Chindowan," he canvassed the territory in to the Lecompton (pro-slavery) "conoppo-ition stitution. Victory for the free-soilers having been VMM. lie guarantee of a free state, Mr. Walden, the patli to political advancement seemed I, re him, returned to Ohio and entered the minist iv in the 'incinnati conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, in September, 1858, being appointed junior preacher on the North Bend circuit. Two years later he was appointed pastor of York street Church in Cincinnati, anil in isii-j, superintendent of the Ladies' Home Mission Society for two years, part of this -in ttoe also ing as corresponding secretary of the Western Fieedmeii's Aid Commission, which office he held until 1866. He had part with the i
citizens of Cincinnati in the patriotic movements He was the chief mover in during the civil war. the ortrani/.alidii of the Freedmen's Aid Society of
church in 1806, and was its first corresponding In 1867 he was elected to the general conference, and in the same year was appointed East Cincinnati district. presiding elder of the In 1808 the general conference assigned him to the Western Methodist Hook Concern, and be was continued as ore of its publishing agents through four He was returned by the Cincinterms, 1808-84. nati conference to five general conferences, 1868, At the general conference of "72, '76, '80, '84. 1872 he received the highest number of votes (160) Twelve years for bishop of any one not elected. later (1884) he was elected bishop. He has taken and a prominent part in temperance Sunday school work, served on the board of education of Cincinhis
nati, and as chairman of its library committee was influential in securing to the free public library
legal provisions through which it receives lie annually $17,000 for the purchase of books. was active in the first ecumenical conference in London in 1881. The church is familiar with
and able discussion of practical civil. He has been religious movements. connected with the helpful work in behalf
his timely social and officially
of the freed people ever since their emancipation and president of the Methodist Freedmen's Aid
and Southern Education Society since 1885. As bishop he has had the annual presidency and administration of each conference and mission in the United States at least once of some of them two or three times and also has visited the missions havin Mexico, South America, Europe and Asia ing made three annual visits to those in Europe. Bishop Walden was married at Cheviot, 0., July 3, 1859, to Martha, daughter of E. P. Young, of Knox county, O., and has two sons and three daughters.
TEFFT, Benjamin Franklin,
born near Utica. N. Y.. Aug. 20, 1813. He was graduated at Wesleyan University in 183."). and immediately became a teacher in the Maine Wi-leyan Seminary. During 1830-41 he was pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church at Bangor, Me.; in 1841 was principal of Providence Conference Seminary and in 1842 was pastor of the Odeon Church in Boston. In 1843 he was called to the chair of Greek and Hebrew in Indiana Asbnry University, where he remained until 1S40. when he became editor of the " Ladies' Repository,'' retaining that position until 1852. In June, 1851, he was elected first president of the recently organized Cienesee College. He resigned that position in December, 1853, after a prosperous administration. During 1856-60 he was again pastor of the church at Bangor, Me., and in 1861-G2 served as chaplain of the 1st Maine cavalry. In 1802 he was appointed U. S. consul at Stockholm and acting minister to Sweden, which post he held until 1864, then becoming commissioner of immigration
from the North of Europe of the state of .Maine. In 1806 he became pastor of the Central Methodist Episcopal " Church at Portland, Me. Dr. Tell't was editor of The Northern Border," at Bangor. Me.. during 1873-78, while he was the author of "The Shoulder Knot" (1850); "Hungary and Kos"
suth (1851); "Memorials of Prison Life;" "Webster and His Masterpieces" (18541 "Method" ;
ism Successful (I860) ; "Our Political Parties" and " Evolution and Christianity " 188:, ( 1880) ,
contributions to periodical literature. The degree of A.M. was conferred on him by Wcsleyan University in 1838; that of D.D. bv Ohio Wesleyan University in 1846, and of LL.D. by Madison University in 1852. He was married
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. July 26, 1835, to Sarah Ann Dunn, of East Poland, Mr. They had five sons and three daughters. Dr. Ti'tl't died in Bangor, Me., Sept. 16, 1885. MUNSON, James Eugene, phonographer and author, was born in Paris, Oneida CO., N. Y., May He received his education at Cazenovia 12, 1835. Seminary, and afterwards entered Amherst ColHe then studied lege, but was not graduated. short hand and soon became an expert stenographer. Early in 1857 he settled in New Y'ork city, and took his first verbatim report on the occasion of the Harvey Burdell murder trial, which occurred ten days after his arrival. Subsequently he also reported" the Beecher-Tilton trial for the New York Sun without assistance, during the six months About 1863 he became court of its continuance. stenographer in New York city, and has since acted Soon after he settled in Now in this capacity. "
Munson began
York, Mr.
fying existing systems of shorthand, and after about ten years of labor and practice he published his "Complete Phonographer" (1866), presenting " the finally shaped Munson System." He invented and about 1888 perfected a process of setting and means justifying type automatically, operated by has invented of a prepared ribbon of paper; machines by which the ribbon is prepared, and has assisted in inventing a machine for operating typewriting machines by telegraph. He patented a " Selecting Device," on which these inventions are based. James Eugene Munson is president and director of the Munson Phonographic Publishing Co., and has published, besides the work mentioned " above: Dictionary of Practical Phonography " The Phrase-Book of Practical Phonog(1884) '
raphy (1896)
" ;
Shorter Course in Munson Phonog(1901), and other works of a similar
DERRICK, W. B., clergyman, was born on the Island of Antigua, West Indies, about 1840, and was educated there in one of the English training schools. After traveling abroad he entered the service of the U. S. government, and participated in combat between the the Merrimac and the Monitor. At the termination of the civil war, he went South, where he took an active part in reconstruction measures, and at the same time taught the children of freedmen. In 1865 he became a missionary agent, and in 1867 entered the African Methodist Episcopal ministry, although he had been reared a high church EpiscoHe has since filled palian. some of the most important offices in the gift of the church. For twelve years he served as presiding elder ;
was elected chairman of his delegation to four consecutive conferences, while at the session in 1888 he received seventy-votes for the bishopric. In the same year he was chosen a delegate to the world's missionary conference at London, and while there delivered several speeches in
(1904) the missionary E. church throughout the United States, Canada, West Indies and Africa. hall.
secretary of the A.
McCALL, Edward Kutley,
1790. He entered the navy as midshipman Jan. 1, 1808. While serving on the brig Enterprise, sixteen guns, under
born in Charleston, S.
command of Lieut. Johnston Blakeley, he was promoted lieutenant, Mar. 11, 1813. The command of the enterprise was transferred to Lieut. William Burrows, in August, 1813, and she sailed from Portsmouth, Sept. 1. On Sept. 5th \yas fought the battle with the Boxer, a British brig of fourteen At the first broadside, while Lieut. Burguns. rows was assisting in running out a carronade he was mortally wounded by a musket
but he
refused to be carried below, requesting that the Lieut. McCall flag should not be struck, and assumed charge of the vessel. After a spirited engagement of forty minutes the enemy called for quarter, and the British commander's sword was placed in the dying Burrows' hands, whose last words were " I am satisfied, I die content." Lieut. McCall was awarded a gold medal by congress, Jan. 6, 1814, for his conduct in this engagement.
He was promoted
to master commandant, Mar. 3, and to captain in 1835. He died at BordenN. town, J., July 31, 1853. GREGORY, John Milton, first president of the University of Illinois (1867-80), was born at Sand Lake, Rensselaer co., N. Y., July 6, 1822, son of Hon. Joseph and Rachel (Bullock) Gregory. His
preparatory education was received in the public schools and at the Dutchess County Academy, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., while he was graduated A.B. at Union College in 1846. After studying law for two years in the office of Messrs. Paige & Potter, Schenectady, he turned his attention to theology and entered the Baptist ministry. In 1852, having held a brief pastorate in the East, he became principal of a classical school at Detroit. Mich.; and in 1854, with Prof. A. J. Welch and Dr. E. O. Havens, he established the Michigan " Journal of Education," of which he had full editorial charge during 1855-70. In 1858 he was elected superintendent of public instruction for Michigan, and was twice re-elected to that office, serving until 1865, when he became president of Kalamazoo Col-
Under his management this institution became one of the most prominent in the state. In. 1867 Dr. Gregory was elected first president of the Illinois Industrial University (now the University of Illinois) at Urbana, Champaign co. In FebruIllinois had for the 1807, ary, provided incorporation of this institution which was organized under lege.
the act of congress granting public land for agricultural and industrial education. Its apportionment of land was 480,000 acres, all of which, except 25,000 acres in Nebraska and Minnesota, were sold and the proceeds put into bonds. Champaign
county gave grounds, buildings, and farms valued at $450,000. The university was opened Mar. 2, 1868, and steadily increased in growth and prosperIn 1871 women were admitted as students. ity. Dr. Gregory visited Europe in 1869 for the purpose of inspecting polytechnic and industrial schools, and subsequently he made two other trips, one to purchase the material for an art gallery in the institution. The university was divided into the following departments: college of agriculture and horticulture; college of civil, mechanical, and mining engineering, and architecture; college of natural sciences, chemistry, and natural history; college of literature and art; school of commerce; school of military science, and school of domestic science. During Dr. Gregory's administration the In 1878 regular income reached about $40,000. the university, under a state law, began conferring degrees. In 1880 he resigned the position in order to devote himself to literary work, being succeeded as president by Dr. Selim H. Peabody. Dr. Greg" ory is the author of a Handbook of History and (1867); "A New Political Economy" Chronology" " The Seven Laws of Teaching" (1886), (1883), and
498 of
.,,,u, ,,",
,. .
was prc~,dent
theNa Educational Association (thencalled lYache,V A ...... UHion) in na l.y Madi || 1). was conferred upon I"- Oct. I!.' died at Champaign. in I860. ,,,
W"*W? -
I .
Sloan, third president of
,,ne,s'it'v of
11104 t.
\V,"ford.b,segoco.,N. Y,Junc-Jl. svlvester
of of the Chicago Historical Society and He has made the Wisconsin Historical Society. in practically addresses on educational subjects His publications are every state in the union. " 1I"W _to Improve numerous, among them " being: Schoo Administration in ,!. Country Schools," " Powers and Obligations ot reachar.'e Cities," " History of the New York Common School era" Indian Problem in the State of Svstem," "The " Status of the Public Schools,'
addlWMM on cducat
was born
a ami Jane (Sloan) Draper, and
,|,.,,vndant of .lames Draper, c his wife. Miriam Stanstield, who at 1.. _. 'Inrk-iiiic, Kngland. and Battled In 1 "'> his parents moved to in K147. -
and X Y where he attended the public schools in 1 graduated at the Albany Academy he While teaching during the next four years .he Albany Law read law and was graduated at with the degree of LL.B., and was admitt at Albany, in to ill,- bar in 1871. He practiced law Chester until 188(. partnership with Mr. Alden He was a member of the .1
Mate legislature in 1881, chairman of the Albany county Republican committee,
of the
committee, 1882-85; delegate to the Republican state
convention, 1884, of the execucommittee of the Re-
3S& and chairman
Legal American Schools and American Citizenship,
Science and the "The Spirit of the Teacher." and Their Elementary Schools," "The Pilgrims Share in the National Life," "American UmverIllinois Life -ilics and the National Life," "The " The Rescue of of Lincoln," and the Presidency " " " John Hankers and the Community Life. 'uba the of Constitution," March the and Marshall " " Co-educaMcKinley," .Memorial of President " The Personal Equation in the tion in America," "The Authority of the "State Medical Profession," " The A Teaching Profession," in Education," " The University's Return Recovery of the Law," the in to the State," "The Element of Inspiration " " Educational Tendencies, Desirable and Schools the Otherwise," "University Questions Concerning Common Schools," "The Organization and Administration of the American Educational System Prcs. (Silver Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900). Abbie Louise Lyon, Draper was married in 1872, to of New Britain, Conn., and they have two children, Charlotte Leland and Edwin Lyon. Thomas Jonathan, naturalist, was (
born of
New York,"
1848, son
John and Mary (Francis)
presidential through State Normal Univergraduated at the Illinois campaign which followed, acbecame professor of botany and sity in 1865, and on Blaine Mr. companying horticulture in the University of Illinois at Urhis two famous journeys a position which he still holds. He 1884 bana in 1868, In state. the through of the department of natural science dean was he was appointed by Pres. din-in" 1877-84, and has been vice-president of the Arthur one of the judges of since 1882. He was a member of Maj. university the United States court of first Rocky mountain expedition. Powell's W. J. Alabama claims. Always inthe United 1867, and traveled through much of crested in education, he was a member of the board States and Central America in the interest of 1890-92. of education in Albany, 1878-81, and again botanical research; he has given special attention He was a member of the board in charge of t he state to the pear plant diseases. Having investigated normal school at Albany in 1882, and immediately tree he ascribed that and other (1878-80), blight site and buildnew for a M'ciircd
In 1886 he was elected institution. ings for the of public by the legislature, state superintendent During instruction, and was re-elected in 1889. Iss'i Hi ],,. was president of the National Associa-
School Superintendents; was superinthe Cleveland, O., public schools, ISM-J ii|. ainl oruani/cd the system on wholly new He resigned this position to accept the lines. which he pr.-sidencv of the University of Illinois, p At the time Pres. Draper went held until 11104. h to the University of Illinois the institution had five buildings, a faculty of ninety, and a student Now it has body of seven hundred and fifty. twenty-sue buildings, with four hundred and twenty in the faculties, and a student body of quite four thousand. It consists of seven colleges, and half .ore of other schools, with a complete and symThe university metrical university organization. standing as high as fifth in point of numbers among (lie uni\ er-il ies of the I'nitcd Slates. In lss;i I,,, received the degree of LL.D. from Colgate University, and in 1003 the same from Columbia I'niversity. In 1902 he was made a member of tlie 1'nited Slates board of Indian comnii--ioncrs by Pres. l!oo>cvclt in 11103 was chosen prcM.lcnt of the \orth Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, and in 11)04 he elected commissioner of education of
an honorary
ailments to bacteria, a conclusion since fully jusHe was president of the Illinois Horticultified. tural Society (1883-84), vice-president of the section of biology of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and president of the American Microscopical Society in 188(1. He edited the biennial reports of the University of Illinois in 1874-76, and has published many scien" " " UrediBacteria as the (1882) and tific papers,
He Fungi of Illinois" (1885). was married in 1868 to Sarah Helen, daughter of and Ephraim Alexander of Seneca Falls, N. Y., has two children. WILLIAMS, William, pioneer, was born at neas, or Parasitic
Huntington, Pa., Dec. 6, 1796. His father dying when he was a mere boy, the care of the family devolved upon him, so his schooling was meagre. He manufactured salt on the Kiskiminila- river for a time, going from there to Pittsburg, where he was connected with the Exchange Bank, and later was cashier of the branch bank at HollidaysMuscat inc, la. burg. In March, 1849, he went to When the order was made that year for the establishment of a military post on the borders of the then uninhabited region known as Northwestern the Iowa, Williams, who had been connected with Pennsylvania militia and was interested 'in milisutler, sut tary matters, obtained the appointment of He joined the troops after they had removed the
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Sac and Fox Indians from the Iowa lands to their reservation in the Indian Territory and went to the place designated, known thereafter as Fort Dodge, where they arrived Aug. 23, 1850. By a treaty with the Sioux in 1851, the government bought the Sioux lands in Minnesota and Iowa, and a fort farther to the North was ordered and was established at the junction of the Rock and Minnesota rivers, known as Fort Ridgely. When the troops abandoned Fort Dodge for Fort Ridgely in July, 1853, Maj. Williams, his son and three discharged soldiers were all who were left at the old fort. Improvements to the value of $80,000 were thus abandoned by the government on valuable lands which Williams decided to enter for himHe laid plans for the location of a town on self. the original site of the military post and in March, 1854, completed the original survey of the present Fort Dodge. Indian depredations 'in northwestern Iowa continued spasmodically, and culminated in the Spirit Lake massacre, Mar. 8, 1857, when one half the people at that settlement were killed. He led an expedition against the red men, but was unsuccessful and the remainder of his life was spent in building up the settlement he had estabWhen Fort Dodge was incorporated as lished. a city he was elected the first mayor. He died at Fort'Dodge, la., Feb. 26, 1874. BUCK, Samuel Henry, merchant, was born in Kentucky, Oct. 9, 1841, son of Thomas Mountjoy and Catherine (Watkins) Buck, both natives of He was educated at Bethel College and Virginia. Union University, but left the latter institution to enter the Confederate army, in April. 1801, becoming a member of Company A, 1st Kentucky cavalry, commanded by his kinsman, Col. Benjamin Harding Helm. He served throughout the war. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Arkansas Post, and participated in more than twentyfive battles during the war. In July. 1865, he settled at New Orleans, La., resuming the study of law, but soon
abandoned this profession to embark in commerce as a
cotton firm
of Morrison, Buck & Co. He of the charter members of the New Orleans
was one 1
Cotton Exchange, and during his business career has also been a member of the
New York Cotton Exchange, the New York Coffee Exthe Chicago Board Trade tne st Louis MerExchange, and after ,^sz&7%&e?'z^~~~~^ chants his removal to New York in 1894 was an equal partner in the stock exchange house of C. L. Rath-
^zs sz
borne & Co. He is now the senior member of the cotton firm of Buck & Pratt, in New York. During his long residence in New Orleans he was postmaster of the city under Pres. Cleveland in 1887. was a member of the Louisiana legislature in 1876-78, and was director-general of the World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition of New Orleans, in 1884-85. It was in October, 1882, that the National Cotton Planters' Association first suggested a special cotton exposition to celebrate the centennial of the industry, the first record of cotton as an industrial product for export from America being the shipment of six bags (about one bale) from Charleston, S. C., to England in 1784. The plan was soon extended to miscellaneous industries, and on Feb. 10, 1883, con-
gress passed an act creating the World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition. The first board of managers was composed of Frank C. Morehead, of Mississippi; Gov. Robert M. Patton, of Alabama, and Albert Baldwin, G. A. Breauz, Duncan
Kenner, John V. Moore, Simon Hernsheim, Richardson, Edward M. Hudson. W. B. Schmidt, Thomas Hardeman and Samuel H. Buck. The president was at first Edmund Richardson and the director -general E. A. Burke, but the latter was superseded by Mr. Buck, February, The main building was larger than any 1884. previously projected, either in this country or F.
Europe. "Mr. Buck is a member of the executive committee of the Southern Society of New York. He was married, at Natchez, Miss., Oct. 11, 1870, to Annie, daughter of John Fleming, and has one eon and a daughter.
KESSLER, Harry Clay, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., Mar. 18, 1844, son of John and Sophia K. Steever Kessler, grandson of John Kessler, and g. grandson of John Kessler, who served in the revolutionary war as first officer on the privateer (
Delaware, was captured and imprisoned in Kingston, Jamaica, escaped to the L'nited States and took service as a midshipman on board the frigate Alliance under Com. John Barry. In 1861 young Kessler enlisted in the
war and was commissioned a second lieutenant in comG, 104th regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers. In March, 1862, he went with his regiment to Fortress Monroe, and was present at the siege of Yorktown. He served through the Penin-
and was wounded at Fair He was afterward
Oaks. detached from his regiment and served as an acting
commissary in the
of subsistence of the Cumber-
land, during the Gettysburg He was procampaign. moted first lieutenant, but owing to physical disability was honorably discharged from the service the latter part of 1863. After the war he was in the lithographic business in Philadelphia until 1874, when owing to continued ill-health he went to Montana and engaged In 1877 he served with the Montana in mining. volunteers in the campaign against the Nez Perce Indians, and during 1887-98 he took an active part in the National Guard of the state. He was; first a captain, then lieutenant-colonel and colonel In 1898 the regiof the first Montana infantry. ment was mustered into the 'service of the United States, and was sent to the Philippines with Col. Kessler in command. He participated in the battles of San Lazero Cemetery, La Loma Church, Caloocan. Toulihan river, Polo. Murilao, Boriire. Bigaa, Guiguinto, Santa Isabel, Mololos, Santo
Tomas, Bacaloor, San Fernando and other engagements north of Manila. For distinguished service in action he was appointed a brigadier general by brevet Mar. 31, 1899. Returning to Montana Gen. Kessler resumed his connection with the mining He served one term as interests of that state. county commissioner and four terms as treasurer of
of the
bons of the American Revolution, Militarv Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Military Order of Foreign Wars, Society of the Army of the Potomac, Grand Army of the Republic, holding the
500 of
of that junior vice-commander-in-chief I'HI'l
*' ''
the Art
New York, and
He was married
Philadelphia. Nov. 8, 1876, t,. Josephine Alden, daugh and U'.lliani Dihvorth. ..f I'itlshurg. Pa, ,,.,.",;. L. two children, Josephine D. and Harry f
, p,
MAYFIELD. William a
,,, ,d
Henderson, physician Patton, Mo.. Jan.
son of Qeorge W. and Polly (Cheek) Mayis ,.,;!-. a revoand -.and-.m of Stephen Mayheld lield education II.- received his early lutionary soldier. tcachim.' school ,1 Carleton Institute, and began i. He studied medicine under Dr. H. J. |s,,;.| later at Smith, at SedgewiekviHe. Mo, 1874 and he graduated the St Louis Medical College, where at After practicing medicine for a year in 1883 M iviicld. Mo, he removed to St. Louis to take
the chair of materia medica. of therapeutics and diseases children in the College of and Surgeons. Physicians conceived the idea
of founding a sanitarium for the many nonresident patients who went to St. Louis to be treated, he threw open his home to them, and in
founded the Missouri
under his management, became one of the largest and best equipped hospitals in the West, with property valued at $125,000.
He was
superintendent and surgeoninstitution in-chief of the until 1890, when he built the sanitarium model private which bears his name. Dr. Mayfield is recognized as one of the leading surgeons of St. Louis and has achieved special distinction in gynecological
and abdominal
ideal originated what is considered an He was operation of laceration of the perineum. a charter member of the Hospital Saturday and Snndav Association, a member of the Mississippi member Valley' Medical Association, an honorary of the Illinois Medical Society, and the Tri-State Medical Society, and a member of the American Medical Association. He has been for many years one of deeply interested in religious .work and
his earliest efforts for Christian education was the establishment of the Mayfield-Smith Academy, Marble Hill, Mo, now named Will Mayfield He was College, in honor of his deceased son. married in 1S74 to Ellen (.'.. daughter of John F. Sit/es. of Marqiiaml, Mo, under whose supervision the Mayfield Sanitarium was planned and built, her aid being given to the architect, while she superintended the financial part of the enterprise.
Jerome, inventor, was born Fairfax. Me.. Oct. 16, 1807, son of Solomon and Hannah (Donnell) Metealf and a descendant of Michael Metealf. a Puritan, who came to Massachusetts from England in 1(537. He received his early education in the academy of Monmouth, Me. In early and middle life he' conducted a small manufactory in lioston. and during bis last years owned and managed several mills in Maine. He invented a method of producing letter stencils by means nf dies, which he was the first to practice and bring into use. All stencils had previously at
with chisels, but this invention made of smaller stencils than possible the manufacture could be cut with chisels, and wonderfully reduced He also devised a fence that could the expense. of be made at a verv small cost from the refuse been cut
saw mills, slabs'and kindred material. It was the introduction of wire extensively used before in the fencin;.'. and may still be seen occasionally West. He also "invented a fan wheel for ventilation
and experimented much with machines for and contrivances for breaking
flying, rotary plows, up ice fields, all of
them involving the use of a. fan-wheel or propeller. His air machines were withHis plow was out the aid of gas or aeroplanes. but puldesigned not only to turn up the ground, verize it by mea'ns of the revolving cylinder and curved teeth. For opening ice tracts, he employed
a method of exploding gunpowder. He never patented any of his inventions, but gave them generwas married at ously to the public. Mr. Metealf Monmouth, Me, in 1835, to Hannah Elizabeth, bad daugnter of John and Rosalinda Welch, and one son, Lorettus Sutton, prominent as managing
editor of the "North American Review," and editor of the "Forum." and one daughter, Mai ilia Antoinette. He died at Monmouth, Me, July 23, 1883.
Frederic Webster, diplomat and
Hyde Park, Mass, May !>. London and Lydia Mehitahle On the paternal side he (Chandler) Coding.
ventor, was born at 1858, son of Alphonso
comes of a family of physicians and clergymen,
ancestors being Dr. Aha (ioding, of Dr. W. W. Coding, who was superintendent of the U. S. Government Hospital for the Insane, in Washington, D. C, and served as government expert at the trial of Guiteau, Pres-. Garfield's assassin. Ancestry of Frederic Webster from the Pilgrim (ioding, on both sides, dates fathers. Maternal ancestors and relatives include and ('apt. John Chandler, of revolutionary times, one of the organizers of government in Xcw Hampshire; Abiel' Chandler, founder of Dartmouth Colthe lege; Hon. Zachariah Chandler, secretary of interior, in Grant's cabinet, and U. S. senator from Michigan; Hon. Salmon P. Chase, secretary of the treasury in Lincoln's
New Hampshire, and
and chief justice of supreme court of the United States; Bishop Chandler, of Ohio, and Hon. Win. E. Chandler, secretary of the. navy in Garfield's
Histories of the cabinet. eastern states state that the
were always on hand whenever the country was involved in war, from the earliest times. The pa-
Normandy, where the name was spelled "Godin;" and the
corded in history went over to England with William the Conqueror, as one of his
generals. From England Adam Coding emigrated to the United States in 1637, and the subsequent ancestrv. arranged by generations, is as follows:
Henry, William, William, Jonathan Cooledge, Jonathan Jonas, Alfonso Landon, Fretb v ic Webster. Mr. Coding acquiring his early education in the public schools of Chicago, where the family had located when he was but five years old: and later he entered the medical department of the Northwestern University, where he earned the degree of M.D. in 1882. having previously taught in
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. the public schools of Illinois. HP practiced medicine until 1S!)8. He was a delegate to the Republican state conventions of Illinois when Govs. Fifer and Tanner were nominated (1886, 1896), besides frequently serving as delegate to various county and congressional conventions. He was mayor ol Rutland, 111., for nearly ten years (1887-97). During 1S8.~>-8G he filled the chair of natural science in the Loudon (Tenn.) College. He was assistant to the state entomologist of Illinois in 1884-9,"). and held a similar position in Tennessee while connected with Loudon College. It was on Feb. 11, 1898, that he was appointed consul to the northern half of Xew South Wales and Queensland. Australia, which position he still fills (1904). He was appointed consul to represent Cuba in Australia in 1902. Since taking up his residence in Australia he has written many valuable reports upon the commerce and industry of that continent, which have been instrumental in largely increasing the trade between that country and the United " States. He has also published Corporation Ordinances of Rutland, 111." (1887) many papers on biology and entomology (1877-1903), and is considered the authority on the difficult family membracidiB. Some of his papers are " A Descriptive Catalogue of the Membracidne of North America (1894), published by the State Laboratory of ;
Natural History of Illinois; "A Monograph on the Membracidae of Australia (1903), and "A
of the Homoptera of Australia " " (1904), also a Geneology of the Coding Family" In 1896 he discovered the secret of tem(190-1). pering copper, and in the course of experiment became satisfied as to its being identical with the method used by the ancients. In 1897 he also devised a means for welding copper to iron or steel, and this method will undoubtedly revolutionize modern It is now being ship building. thoroughly tested by the U. S. government. Dr.
more than ordinary
he works, whether in diplomatic service or in scientific and mechanical He was married at Kaneville. 111., researches.. June 8, 1880, to F.lla Blanche, daughter of P. M. Phelps, and they have two children. displays
it in
seventh in descent from Rev. David Clarkson of Bradford, Yorkshire, England. In 1848 his father removed to Maryland, where the son was graduated at St. James College, near Hagcrstown, in 1857. On Apr. 16, 1861, he enlisted as a private in battery A, 1st Illinois artillery for three months; but
July for
1861, re-enlisted
same company. commissioned
He was Decem-
lieutenant and adjutant of the 13th Illinois cavalry, and in March, 1863, was assigned to the command of battery K, 2d Missouri arber,
tillery, by Brig.-Gen. John W. Davidson, on whose staff he was then
In September, 1863, he was commissioned as major of the 3d Arkansas cavalry, and continued to' serve until December, 1864, when he resigned on account of illness. In March, 1866, with his eldest brother, Robert H. Clarkson, first P. E. bishop of Nebraska, he removed to Omaha, Neb. In 1875, while temporarily residing in South Dakota, he was elected to the In October, 1890, he legislature of that territory. was appointed postmaster of Omaha, Neb., serving as such until March, 1895, and in the former year serving in Missouri.
commander of the department of G. A. R. In 1891 he was elected commander of the military order of the Loyal At the Legion for the state of Nebraska. national encampment of the G. A. R., held at St. Paul, Minn., in 1896, he was unanimously elected commander in chief of that organization, serving the usual term of one year. He was selected by the executive committee of the board of directors, as general manager of the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition held at Omaha, Neb., from June to November, 1898, one of the most successful exnositions ever held in America. He was married on Nov. 11, 1862, to Mary B., eldest daughter of Joseph Matteson, one of the pioneer settlers of Chicago, and has one son and four daughters. elected
CARL. Ludwig Leland, musician, was born in Dresden, Germany, July 16, 1876, son of Otto and Sophie ( Limber t) Carl. He was educated in the Wettiner College and the TechCLABKSON, Bobert Harper, first P. E. bishop nical College of Dresden, and of Nebraska, was born at Gettysburg, Pa., Nov. 19, the Conservatory of Music. 1826, son of Michael Coak and Louise (Harper) At the last he received the Clarkson, and brother of Gen. Thaddeus S. Clarkhighest honors for composi- son. He received a classical education, and was tion and piano, and was graduated at Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, graduated in 1900. He was Pa., in 1844. He studied theology at St. James' of in Dresprofessor piano College, Hagerstown, Md., and was ordained deaden Conservatory for one con by Bishop Whittingham in June, 1848. He bewhen he came to the year, came rector of St. James" Church, Chicago, the folUnited States, settling in lowing year, and held the position for fifteen years. Here he soon He was made Belleville, 111. He was a deputy priest in 1851. acquired a reputation as one from the diocese of Illinois to the general convenof the leading pianists of the tion these and was assistant secreduring years, country.. He was director tary of the house of clerical and lay deputies when of the Liederkranz. 1901-02, he was elected He became missionary bishop. and has directed the Belle- bishop of Nebraska and Dakota in 1865, and three ville Choral Symphony Soyears later, when Nebraska was organized as a his diocese, he was elected its first Among ciety since 1902. He died in bishop. " Poems Omaha, Neb., Mar. 10, 1884. compositions is one for orchestra entitled of Symphony," first produced at Dresden in 1901. WOBTHINGTON, George, second P. E. bishop He has written many songs and lyrics. of Nebraska, was born in Lenox, Mass., Oct. 14, 1840. He was graduated at Hobart College in the CLABKSON, Thaddeus Stevens, soldier, was class of 1860. He studied for the ministry in the born at Gettysburg, Pa., Apr. 26, 1840, son of General Theological Seminary, New York, and was Michael Cook and Louisa (Harper) Clarkson, and graduated there in 1863. He was ordered deacon
502 June
and ordained priest in the was lir-t a istaiil at St. Paul's Y.. and then became rector of
of that
ChOTCh, Troy, N. hri-t Church, Itallston Spa. N. Y.
lie soon after \\ard icnioxetl to Detroit. Mich., to become rector hureh. in ISliS, and held that pasof St. John's lie wis for several years presitotate until ISS.'i. dent of the diocesan standing committee, and was e\amiring chaplain and deputy to the general In ISS.'i he was elected by the house OOnvcnticn. of bi-hops to be missionary bishop of Shanghai. China, hut he declined, and upon the death of ( lark-on in 1SS4 he was chosen bishop of (
Nebraska, J4.
lie \\a-
consecrated to that
jutor bishop of Nebraska, and I!l4th bishop in order of the American succession, was born at Owen Nuiiid. Ontario. Canada. Jan. :iil. |s.">(i. s,m of Richard .lone- and Kli/abeth (Johnston) Williams. His father ilsnii >2i \\a- a clergyman of the Preslie was educated at the byterian denomination, high school of Shullslnirg, Wis.. the Greenwich Academy of Rhode Island, and the Western Thehtjical Seminary of Chicago, at which he was graduated in 1S88. His first charge was St. James (hureh. Meeker. Colo., where he served from 1888 to 1SIIII; from Meeker he went to Denver as rector of St. Paul's Church: ill IS'.I-J he was called to Christ Church. Chicago, which he served seven and one-half years. On St. Luke's day. Oct. 18, 18!)!). Dr. Williams was consecrated bishop coadjutor of Nebraska, where he is laboring at the present time The degree of D.D. was conferred upon il'.MU). him by the We-tern Theological Seminary, Jan. 17. lie was married in Boston, Mass.. Oct. is. IdOO. |s:sii. to Adelaide I... daughter of Salmon Makint
of Middletown. Conn.
architect, was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, June 1, 1846, son of H. C. Baerresen, a prominent naval archiHe was educated in private schools in his tect. native city and studied architecture and shipbuilding under his father. In the war between
Denmark, Germany and Austria he was drafted for the navy, and served until the close of the war. He participated in the naval en-
Helgoland, the battle in which vessels were In 1865 he re-
only engaged. turned to
civil life, and two years in his shipyard, and in ISi',7
uncle's sailed on his uncle's ship to Sout h America. Upon his return to Antwerp he took 1
as carpenter on a bound to the United
pa--age vessel
wrecked, and the crew was a passing picked up by -learner and landed in New
York city. work as a
He ship
and also studied architect ure under a private instructor. In 1871 he removed Loni-ville. Kv.. where he established himself as n architect, and was married to R ((s M daii'jh Andrew and Mary Kern. In 1878 he rcnoved to Denver. Colo., where he has since foled his profession. He has designed and erected over three hundred buildings in that citv. including churches, business blocks and residences He is a member of the American Institute '
of Archi-
of Commerce. He served as Danish viceconsul for two years, resigning on account of pressure of private business, in which he is largely interested in partnership with his brother Yigo K.
and son Albert A. Baerresen.
LORING, Charles Harding, born
engineer, 1828.
William Trice and Kli/a He Harding) Loring. \\as educated in the schools of his native city, and I
(in Keli. 2(i. IS.'il. entered the navy as third assistant engineer. He stood lirst in a competitive examination, and by improving every opportunity secured rapid promotion. During the earlv part of the civil war he served as licet engineer of the North Atlantic squadron, took part in the capture
of Foils llattcras and lark, and was present at the battle between the Monitor and Merrimac. Later he was detached from sea service, and sent to Cincinnati, 0., for the purpose of supervising the construction of several light-draft ironclad (
vessels of the Monitor type. After the close of the war. ho became senior member of the board for disposing of
superfluous marine previously ordered
government, and of the
by the
for a 'study
compound marine
gine then coming into use. which resulted in its introduction into the navy. As the representative of the
Harald William,
he and Dr. Charles E. Emery made tests of the machinery of four revenue vessels to 'determine the relative economy of the simple and compound engine. Thenreport was republished all over the world, and is still quoted in all text-books on the steam engine. In 1881- he was a member of the first naval board that dealt with the advisory initiatory problems of the new navy. In 18S4 he was appointed by Pres. Arthur" as engineer-in-chief of the United States navy, and chief of the bureau of steam engineering, from which ollices he retired in 1SS7. His last service was as senior member of the experimental board at the New York navy yard, on which he served until 1800. when 1m retired from active service, for age. with the rank of captain. He is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and during 1891-02, was its president; of the American Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers the United States Naval Institute; the American Society of Naval Engineers; the New England Society of Naval Engineers, and the Army and Navy, and Engineers' Clubs, of New York. He was married to Ruth Malbon of Hingham. Mass., in 1852, and had one daughter who died in 1887. ;
9HMANN-DTJMESNIL, Amant Henry, sician,
was born
at Diibiique, la.. Sept. 30.
son of Francis Louis Ohmann and Marie Celestine Caroline Dumesnil, both natives of France, who emigrated to this country in 1852. In 1808 he. entered the preparatory department of Christ ia-i Hi-others' College, St. Louis, Mo., and was graduated in 1874. Three years later fie college con-
ferred on him the degree of A.M.. after he had earned the degree of M.E. in the Missouri State University. He did not enter upon an engineering career, however, but immediately commenced a
OF AMEEICAN BIOGRAPHY. in medicine at Washington University, where he was graduated M.D. in 1880. Establish-
ing a general practice in St. Louis, lie continued it for seven years, but finally began to specialize on dermatology, allowing his general practice to fall away, and in his specialty he has acquired a
national reputation.
He was appointed professor
and syphilology in the St. Louis College for Medical Practitioners in 1881, and was given the same ch'air in the St. Louis College of Thereafter, Physicians and Surgeons in 1882. until 1900. he lectured upon these topics in the Marion-Sims College of Medicine, but since 1900 has lectured only in hospitals. He is consulting of dermatology
dermatologist of the St. Louis City Hospital, the Louis Female Hospital, the Pius Hospital, the Alexian Brothers' Hospital, and the St. Louis Polyclinic and Emergency Hospital. He has written numerous articles embodying original investigations of the highest value." In 1880 he was assoMedical and Surgical ciate editor of the St. Louis Journal;" in 1897 became owner and editor of this paper: and during the year 1892 was editor of the " Weekly Medical Review." He had editorial " " Quarterly Atlas of Dermatology charge of the He is the author of "A Critical during 1899-1901. Translation of Buret's Work" (1890), in three volumes; History of Syphilis in Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and Modern Times " (1891); articles on " Dermatology " in the " American Cyclopedia of Medicine and Surgery" (1901); "Electricity " Cohen's and Skin Diseases," in Volume II. of Physiologic Therapeutics," and a very large number of monographs, including a series of clinjcal " " International Clinics lectures, published in All of during 1891-1902. have contributions these been marked by originality of research and rarity of diseases described, and the topics are treated in an efficient and novel manner. He is also a frequent contributor to the foreign medical press. He has treated St.
cases of leprosy from Mexico
South American and has become
as a leprolo-
and teratologist. Many rare and curious diseases have been the skin of In 1887 treated by him. he treated a case of double
being the formaa double blackhead with a canal between, and in 1897 , handled a patient with horns growing from the finger-nails. A description of this case was published in the " International Clinics," witli photographs, which were enlarged and hung upon the walls of the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, in EngIt was the first and only case ever seen, land. being absolutely unique in the annals of medicine.
tion of
also treated the first known case of spoon-nails, a disease in which the nails take a hollow form, and will actually hold water. He has reported some 300 cases never previously described throughout the annals of medicine, and many of these are included in a standard work by George W. Gould, entitled, "Curiosities of
Medicine and Surgery"
(1900). Since 1880 he has been a member of the St. Louis Medical Society, of which he was secretary in 1880-83; a member of the Missouri State Medical Society since 1881, and its secretary in 1883; a member of the Mississippi Valley Medical Association since 1880, anu its treasurer in 1887
88; a member of the 9th International Medical Congress, and first vice-president of its section of dermatology a member of the International Congress of Dermatologists since its inception in 1887 ; a member of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States, being a charter member and incorporator; a member of the St. Louis Academy of Medical and Surgical Sciences, of which he was president in 1899: a member of the American Medical Association, in which he was president of the section of dermatology in 1900; a member of the first Pan-American Congress, where he was also president of the dermatological section in 1897; a member of the Trio-State Medical Society, embracing Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri; and an honorary member of many county medical societies in Illinois and Missouri. On Oct. 8, 1891, he was married to Lillian Pauline, daughter of John House Baldwin, of St. Louis. She died on Dec. 3, 1901, leaving no children. ;
WILEY, William
Halsted, publisher, was born July 10, 1842, son of John and Elizabeth B. (Osgood) Wiley. The family comes from the banks of the Wye, from which the name, originally spelled Wyelie, is derived. The first American ancestor was John Wiley, who married Mary Tillinghast, and the line runs through their son John Wiley, who married Phcebee Tlalsted, and their son Charles, who married Lydia Osborn and was the grandfather of Mr. Wiley. The latter was gradu-
New York
ated at the College of the City of New York in 1861, and in the following year he entered the Federal army as a first lieutenant, and served throughout the civil war. He then entered the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. < Y., and completed the four years' course in two years. / He continued his studies at the school of .mines, Columbia New University, York, and after following the engineering profession for ten years, he .entered upon his life work as a member of the publishing firm of John Wiley & Sons. This business had been founded by his grandfather, Charles Wiley, in 1800, and continued by his father John WiT ley, under the name of iley & Putnam, the junior member being the father of the heads of G. P. Putnam's Sons. John AViley entered the employ of his father at the age of sixteen, and two years later stepped into his father's place and to him belongs the credit of making the business one of magnitude and success. Until the admission to partnership of William H. Wiley, however, no specializing had been done, their books being of a miscellaneous character, but thereafter much attention was given to scientific works, especially those dealing with engineering topics. Mr. Wiley was well prepared to do this by his ample technical training and by his individual study. Since 1885 he has acted as the New York correspondent of "Engineering," published in London, England, and some of his papers were afterward collected and printed in book form under the title "Yo-
Alaska and Yellowstone Park" (1892).
a member of the American Societies of Civil, Mechanical, Aiining and Electrical Engineers, the Association for the Advancement of Science, the National Geographical Society of Washington, D. C., the St. Andrews Society of New York, the is
Burn- Socictv. the Loyal Legion, the Metropolitan Club Mn-enin of Art, New York, the Republican Ka-t Orange and the EMU county Country ,,f Mr. Wiley has never lost, his interest in Club. served as a member of military matters, and hasince the 7th regiment of New York state militia
On June 1. 1S7(>. at ZaneeVUle, 0., he was isr.i married to .loannu K. Clarke, daughter of Klisha They have one child. Sara Clarke oi Michigan. writer of great King Wiley, a prose and poetic of "Cromwell" (1903) She i- the author promi-e. " 1903), and Dorothy Fairfax i
WOOD. Bradford Ripley, lawyer and diplomat, wa- horn at We-tport, Conn., Sept. 30, 1800, son Lvon Wood. His grand,.f Samuel and Kebeeea father. K, v. Samuel Wood (1724-77), was a Con)
served as chaplain of gregational clergyman, who the 5th Connecticut regiment in the revolution, was taken prisoner at the capture of Ft. Washington, Nov. 16, 1776, and died on the British prison Hi- greatgrandfather. David Wood, ship Asia. was the son of Daniel Wood, a farmer. Bradford R. Wood was t,rra,luated at Union College in 1824. He taught school, lectured
on temperance, education and patriotism; studied law under Robert Lansing, of Watertown, N. Y".. and Harmaniis Bleecker, of Albany, and was admitted to the bar
At various times 1827. he was in partnership with J. V. N. Yates, Arthur Southwick, Jacob I. Werner, and Clinton De Forest. He was president of the Albany in
Temperance 'Society in 1832, and of the Albany City Temperance So-
was made a
he of
tion, and in 1850 was one of the founders of the First Congregational Church, of Albany, of which he wa- a trustee for many years. During 1863-83 he was vice-president of the American Home He was a member of the Missionary Society.
29th congress (1845-47). as a Democrat, when he opposed the annexation of Texas as a slave stale. In 18(11 he became U. S. minister to Denmark and established a warm friendship between Denmark and the Federal government during the four years he held the office. Upon hi- return to the United States he was made a commissioner to deepen New York harbor. He wa- a member of the American Geographical and Statistical Society, honorary president of the African Institute of Paris, and he received the of LL.D. from Williams College in honorary degree 1870. Though a Democrat for many years, he was to ulway- oppo-ed slavery, and in 1866 became one of the founders of the party in
New York
He was married Aug. T
24, 1834,
widow of Joseph \Y Clark and daughter .mas Could, of Albany, and had six sons and two daughters. He died n Albany N Y
to Kliza. of
soldier, was born in PittenScotland, in 1710. second son of Forlies, Hie proprietor of the historical '-late of for the preservation of I'illeiierieff, which Andrew Carnegie gave to Dnnfermline MMIO. He prepared himself for the medical ion. but in 1745 entered the British army. became a lieutenant-colonel of the Scots Grays, rien".
America as adjutantthe expedition against of the following Loiiishnrg. and in the autumn Fort Duyear commanded the expedition against where Pittsburg, Pa., now stands. iliiesue, situated This fort was built by C'apt. William Trent, in The settlers were driven away by the 1754. and
was sent He took part
who completed it and named it Duquesne, honor of the governor of Canada, and two attempts to restore the disputed territory to EngL'li-h rule were unsuccessful, the second resulting in liraddock's terrible defeat; but with the accession of William Pitt to power a determined was made by the British government to ,11, Hi France and the Inprotect the colonies against dians, and John Forbes was ordered to conduct His the military operations of the campaign. forces numbered about 1,400 Highlanders, 400 French, in
American and 5,000
about 2,000 Virginians, under the command of Washington. In September, 1758, Forbes arrived with his army at Raystown. Pa., and, although prostrated by the illness that afterward caused his death, he retained personal command of the expedition. On Nov. 5th the army reached Loyalh.mria. where it was decided to pass the winter, but news of the weakness of the fort induced him to push forward. On Nov. 24th the works were blown up and abandoned by the French, and the following day the English took possession of the Gen. Forbes renamed it Fort Pitt place. (now Pittsburg), in honor of William Pitt, and, having concluded treaties with the Indian tribes on the Ohio, returned to Philadelphia, where he, He was noted for his obstindied Mar. 11, 1759. acy and strength of character, traits which suggested the sobriquet of
"The Head
of Iron."
Joshua, pioneer and clergyman, was born in Germany about 1609. Nothing is known of his earlier life. He became pastor of a small community of Lutherans in the Palatinate of the Rhine, and about 1707 emigrated with his flock to England in order to avoid the relentless persecutions to which Protestants were subjected by the cruel policy of Louis XIV of France. At that time the English government was inviting
the victims
settle in America, and Kockerthal tion to be sent to the plantations
intolerance to
with his band.
The request was soon granted, and an order issued by Queen Anne provided for their transportation and maintenance in America at her own expen-e. Reaching New York in the winter of 1709, the Palatines with their minister were transferred to the district then known as " Quassaick creek and Thauskamir," where they were granted a tract of several hundred acres. This was the first settlement on the site of the present city of Xewburg. Kockerthal appeared to have remained at the head of the little colony till the end of his life, although he was an actual resident of Newburg but a short time. His missionary labors extended over both sides of the Hudson river. He is said to have devoted the last years of his life almost wholly to the Palatines in the present county of Columbia, where they settled in 1710. He died in 1710 and was buried at Saugerties, Ulster co., N. Y.
Beverly Thomas,
born at Millersburg. Callaway co.. Mo., Oct. 16, 1863, son of Robert McCauley and Jane (Met ray) Galloway, and a descendant of James Galloway, who emigrated from Scotland in 17f>0. He WM graduated at the agricultural college of the Missouri State University, in 1884. He had begun active life in the drug business, but failing health demanded an outdoor oecunation. and so he took up horticultural work on the farm of the agricul-
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. tural college. It was while thus employed that he decided to become a student. Upon graduation he was made superintendent of the greenhouses and gardens, and in 1883 he was connected with the horticultural work of the Xew Orleans exIn 1887 he obtained an appointment at position. Washington, D. C., as assistant in the section of mycology, department of agriculture; was made chief of his section in the following year, and in 1S!I(), when his section was enlarged into a division, he became chief of the division. For ten years he labored as chief of the division of vegetable physiology and pathology, and thereafter all the plant work of the United States department of agriculture was brought together in a 'ingle bureau, that of plant industry, and Mr. Galloway was appointed chief, an office he still holds. He is the author of " Grape Diseases and Their Treatment" (1888); "The Treatment of Nursery Stock Diseases" (1889): "Green House Crops and Their Diseases" (1895); "Commercial Violet Culture" (1900). In 1899 he was chosen a fellow of the American Association for the Ad-
vancement of Science, was vice-president of its section G, in 1901, and in 1902 was elected president of the American Botanical Society. The honorary degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him the Missouri State University in 1902. He was by married Sept. 5, 1887, to Agnes Stewart, daughter of James Kankin, of Kansas City, Mo., and has three sons: Robert R., Alexander G., and Beverlv
BRITTON, Nathaniel Lord, botanist, was born at New Dorp,
Staten island, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1859, son of Alexander Hamilton and Harriet (Lord) Britton. His family has lived on Staten island ever since the beginning of the seventeenth century. At the age of twenty years he was graduated at the Columbia College school of mines with the degree of M.E. and two years later he received the degree of Ph.D. from the same institution. He began the study of botany while in college and w'th a classmate, Arthur " The Flora of Hollick, he compiled and published Richmond County " in 1879. His abilities as a scientific student led to his appointment as assistant in geology to Prof. Newberry, who was lecturing on geology and botany in Columbia College, and in 1887 he became instructor in botany. Three years later he was adjunct professor and in 1891 professor of botany. He rearranged and classified the herbarium and botanical library of the college. Books of great value and rare specimens which had been stored away for years were brought to light and made accessible to students. In 1878 Prof. Britton joined the Torrev Botanical Club and later became editor of the bulletin which it published. He resigned the chair of botany at Columbia in 189(i to accept the position of dirnctor-in-chief of the New York botanical garden and the trustees of the university elected trim professor emeritus. Dr. Britton has traveled widely in his studies of plants both in Europe and America and many of the collections of the New York botanical garden have thus been obtained by him. He is one of the scientific advisors f the Carnegie Institution of Washington. He " the author of the
Catafollowing papers: logue of Plants Found in New Jersey," "A Revision of the North American Species of the Genus Selena," " Enumeration of the Plants Col" lected by Dr. H. H. in South Rusby America," New Species of Rhexia from the Pine Barrens of " New Jersey," List of State and Local Flora of he United States and British America," "A De-
posit .
Containing several
upon "The Crystalline
Rocks of Northern
Flora of the Northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions," three royal octavo volumes with 4.102 illustrations prepared in co-opera" tion with Judge Addison Brown A (1896-99) and Manual of the Flora of the Northern States and
(1901), beside many articles in scienProf. Britton is vice-president publications. and a member of the council of the New York Academy of Sciences, ex-president of the Natural Science Association of Staten Island, was secretary of the biological section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1887, president of the Botanical Club of the same association in 1890 and president of the Botanical Society of America in 1898. He was married in 1885 to Elizabeth Gertrude, daughter of James of New York city. His wife has made Knight a specialty of the study of mosses, on which she tific
a recognized authority in America.
WEEKS, Edwin
was born
Boston, Mass., in 1849. In his boyhood he went to Paris, and studied under Gerome in L'Ecole des Beaux-Arts, at the same time working in the atelier of Bonnat afternoons and evenings. Feeling that his field lay in the rendering of eastern life, he spent two seasons in Palestine studying the manners' of the people, their architecture and the scenery, and filling his sketch-books with artistic memoranda. After his return to atelier life in Paris, he exhibited in Boston. He then painted in Morocco for several years, producing the canvases which brought his first success in the Paris Salon. Subsequent. to that time he had his studio in
and he made
visits to Cairo, Jeru-
and other eastern cities, besides traveling extensively in India. With Theodore Child Asia,
he journeyed across through Persia, and
of the Persian gulf to India. Mr. Weeks' notes of the journey appeared in
by way "
Harper's Magazine," and eventually in a book, "From the Black Sea through Persia and India." About the same period he wrote and illustrated
climbing in the higher Alps. He received honorable mention at the Paris Salon in 1885, and a medal in 1889; medals of the first class at the Universal Exposition in Paris, 1889; London, 1896; Dresden, 1897, and Munich, 1897; a gold medal from the Philadelphia Art Club, 1891 a grand diploma of honor at Berlin, 1891 medals at Atlanta and Boston, and a special medal and prize at the Empire of India exhibition, London, 1896. In the latter year he was made a chevalier of the Legion of Honor of France, and in 1898 an officer of the Order of St. Michael of Bavaria. His pictures are notable for their rendering of sunlight effects, fine color and artistic truth. He was a member of the Paris Society of American Painters; of the Boston Art Club; corresponding member " of the Secession," Munich a member of the Paris advisory committee for the World's Columbian Exposition, and of the committee of direction for the annual exposition of the Princess of Monaco. Among his paintings are: "A Cup of Coffee in the Desert; " A Scene in Tangiers-," " Pilgrimage to the Jordan;" "Jerusalem from the Bethany Road;" "Alhambra Windows;" "They Toil Not, ;
as far as a mile from the subway, but he succee/ded so well in overcoming the dilliculties encountered that he was ollicially complimented by the chief
" A Neither do they Spin;" Prayer in the Desert; \ Klacksmiih's Simp in Tangier*;" "An "Arab DeA Moorish Camel-Driver;" si,, iv Teller;" '
paitun "Tli ice
Corcoran Voyage;"
Calvin Wheeler,
I'adncali. Ky.. .lime '21. 1SIJ5. son of Caliin Styles and Klixalieth Winston (Campbell) llriidriek. grandson of John Thilinan and Jane
was Imni
llendrick, and great-grandson lend rid;, \vlio n| 1,,-epli \\vatt and Mary Dn-uclli settle, in Man, ,\er county. Va.. early in 1020. At (lie aue of sixteen he was obliged to leave school to U'L'in tlic support of his widowed mother, and he joined an engineering corps engaged in constructing a railroad in the South. Having chosen the engineering profession as his life work, he secured his education enKli'_'al,lh lUiu'clowl
Y'ork city.
lie Chesapeake, Ohio under Southwestern, Collis P. Hnntington, and w;: one of the last engineers retained after the road was Completed. He was then enraged in the engineering department of the city of
He held this chair until 1890, when he was made professor of medicine in the same 'institution and served professor of physical diagnosis.
years. Since 1898 he has been professor of medicine and dean of the faculty in Rush Medical Col-
llendriek. as consulting engineers. On this occasion he had the distinction of receiving a petition from the citizens of Macon, requesting him to remain, saying that considering what he had done for the city and his standing as a man. his leaving would IK- a loss to the city. In 1899 he became of the manager milling property of Samuel B. SehieMtcin and soM it for Mr. Scheifflein in the
When the preliminary work for following year. the New York underground railway began in 1895, Mr. llendriek was chosen by Mr. Parsons engineerin chief to assist him in making surveys and sewer studies, and when the engineer stall' was organized in 1900, he was appointed engineer in charge of sewer construction. AS (],,. underground railway extends over the burroughs of Manhattan Brooklyn ,! Bronx, it meant the rearrangement of the lewer systems of these three borousrhs. In some places it uas necessary to rebuild the sewer
tuck lecturer before the Massachusetts State MedHe is also a member of the Association of American Physicians, the Association of American Pathologist*, the Illinois State Medical Society, the Chicago Pathological Society and the Chicago Academy of Sciences. He was married in Washington, 1). ('., in 1887 to Dane Ford, daughter of Daniel Brawley, of La Fayette, Ind. She died Oct. 2, 1896, leaving one daughter, Margaret. COREY, Giles, colonist, settled at Salem. Mass., about 1649. The historian Upliain describes him as a man of rough character in early life and one who .e habits scandalized the community. Reforming, he became a member of the Salem church, and was in " good and regular standing." until the witchcraft frenzy (1692). took possession of the town, at which time he was about eighty years of age. His wife Martha, a woman of" strong -'use, refused to believe in the existence of witches and pronounced the utterances of the children who tortured" by them the ravings professed to be of distracted persons. Corey, on the other band, was completely duped and not only was incensed against his wife but made intemperate remarks concerning her, and was drawn into a deposition which, though it did not accuse the poor woman of complicity with the powers of darkness, was so construed. Mrs. Corey, on being summoned to ical Society in 1902.
was born at
Ky. (1883), and
in 188"), engineering work ? being very dull, he secured a commercial !: position with the Chess Carley Oil Co., Louisville. Ky.. which covered a large territory. Resigning in 1886, he was appointed principal assistant to the chief engineer on the construction of the Georgia Southern and Florida railroad, with headquarters at Macon, Ga.. and while there he was elected city engineer Here he was also 1888-1)3) director and secretary of the St. Augustine and Vorth ISeach railroad director of the Macon Construction Co., builders of the Georgia Southern and Florida railroad and engineer for the city street railway. In 1888 he was appointed a receiver of a railroad property, and declined a second similar appointment. In 1803 he declined renomiiiation as city engineer and formed a partnership with his former chief, William Henry Wells, in New ^ ork city, under the firm name of Wells &
Iowa co., Wis., in 1855, son of Henry Mortimer and Ann (Bray) Billings. His father, a fanner and mine operator, was descended from William Billings of Taiuiton, England, who emigrated to America in 10.~>4. settling at Lancaster, Mass., and removing in l(if>7 to Stonington. Conn. William Billings married .Mary Athcrton and the line of descent runs through their son William, his son Joseph, his son Samuel, his son John and his son John, who was the grandfather of Dr. He was educated in the I'lattcville Wis.) Billings. normal school and was graduated M.I), at the Northwestern University medical school, Chicago, ia 1881. Upon graduation he established himself in the practice of medicine in Chicago, where lie also served as house officer of Cook county during He continued his professional studies at 1881-82. the University of Vienna, and upon bis return to Chicago he was appointed demonstrator of anatomy in the Northwestern University medical school, where subsequently lie was lecturer and C'obb,
He tirely by night study. r"iitinunl with this coin pa
He represented the rapid transit combreaking ground for the subway to
Brooklyn. Mr. llendriek is the youngest division engineer in the rapid transit commission, a fact indicating that he has made good use of his faculties since he left school, at the age of sixteen. He was married at New York city. Nov. 27, 1H92, to Sarah Rebecca, daughter of William F. Herring, and has two sons. Calvin Wheeler. Jr., and Herring de la Porte. lie is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Southern Society of New York. Society of the Colonial Wars, governor of the Y". M. C. A., and an elder of the First Presbyterian Church, Fifth avenue. New
"Indian Harlicrs;"
'ordova :"
" A liajah of Jodhporc." Packing the Caravun:" "The of Gerniiiny: pnrehMea for tlic Krnperor " Porter of llagdad." and Steps of (In- MOSIJIIC-. Mr. \\ecks died in Paris. I^'rance, Nov. Lahore."
directly accused by one Mary 12th, was lodged in the
and on April
Warren, jail
Boston. Her excommunication by the church followed. On April 18th, Corey himself was arrested, notorious Ann I'utnam being his chief accuser; and was committed to jail. Remorse now overwhelmed him and it became his concern to make atonement for his folly. He had four sons-in-law, tin
two of whom. William Cleves. of Beverly, and John Moulton, of Salem, had taken the part of Mrs. Corey the others sided with her persecutors he accordingly made a written assignment to Cleves and Moulton. of his property. To prevent the confiscation of this property, however, it was necessary for him to avoid being brought to trial, and in answer to an indictment by the grand jury, he would neither plead guilty or not guilty but stood mute. According to English usage the penalty for such obduracy (after a third attempt to induce the accused to plead), was the punishment called iiriiif forte ft dure, which consisted in laying on the prisoner's breast weights of iron not quite heavy enough to crush him, and giving him a merely nominal quantity of bread and water. It was the first and last time that this punishment was indicted in New England. Tradition says that the heroic old man, as if tauntingly, asked to have heavier weights applied. He died, without trial, Sept. 19. I(i02, and four days, later his wife, protesting her innocence to the last, was In 1703, the Salem church revoked the hanged. sentence of excommunication passed upon Martha Corey, and in 1712. somewhat unwillingly, the sentence passed upon her husband; still later the general court paid a small amount of money to their heirs. Longfellow has made this episode the subject of one of his "New England Tragedies." ;
Elbert Hartwell,
jurist, was co.. Ala.,
near Capshaw's mountain. Madison
6, 1S10, son of James and Nancy (McCracken) English, and grandson of an Englishman who settled in Virginia prior to the revolution, where he married a descendant of a Pennsylvania settler named Swope. James English was a farmer and a soldier in the war of 1812. The son attended the country schools and finished his education in the academy at Athens. He began the study of law in 18.'!7 in the olfice of George H. Houston, afterwards governor and 1 T S. senator; was admitted to the bar in 183!), and practiced law at Athens until 1844. While a student he was elected to the He removed legislature, and served two terms. to Little Rock, Ark., in 1844, where he was enin the active practice of the law for ten gaged This required him to traverse nearly the years. whole state upon horseback twice each year, and brought him into intimate relations with the greater lawyers of the commonwealth. Ambitious, aggressive and of strong personality, he made warm friends as well as bitter enemies; his antagonisms, however, were not from the bar, but .
from political and social classes, whose supremacy he disturbed at times, and destroyed at others. In the bitter contest of 1846 between Archibald Vi II and Chester Ashley he was an earnest supporter of Veil, and in the greater contest of 1848 between Col. A. II. Sevier and Dr. Solon Borland, the sin-cess of the latter was largely due to the work of English. He was appointed supreme court reporter in 1844, was made digester of the statutes in 18-16, was elected chief justice of the supreme court in 1854, to fill the unexpired term of George C. \\iitkiiis, and was re-elected for the full term of eight years in 1800. The secession of the state carried it into the Southern Confederacy, but the otlicial rosier remained unchanged, and he served as chief justice until the end of the war, when he
resumed the practice of law
in Little Rock. Upon the adoption of the constitution of 1874 he was elected chief justice, and in the allotment for classification, drew the six years' term, being reelected for the full term' in 1880, during which his death occurred. His genius was varied, manifesting itself in legislation, in making constitutions, in expounding law and in administrating justice, and is impressed upon the jurisprudence of Arkansas more than that of any other lawyer. Poetic and imaginative, yet slow and plodding, his mind attained the highest legal results under the dominant passion of his life, the love of labor. He joined the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in Alabama, and was a consistent member thereof throughout his life; he was a firm believer in the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, and inclined to their literal rather than a figurative interpretation. He was a prominent Free Mason. He was twice married; first, Sept. 30, 1840, to Julia A. Fisher, of Athens, Ala., who bore him three children: Peyton D., clerk of the supreme court of Arkansas; Elberta and Macklin, who died in His second wife was Mrs. Susan A. infancy. Wheless. who survived him without issue. He died at Asheville, N. C., Sept. 1, 1884. DOW, Maud M. (Jones), musician, was born at Evanston, 111., Oct. 14, 1865, daughter of Joseph Blackburne and Maria M. (Smith) Jones. Her father served in the civil war, commanding the 66th regiment of U. S. troops, and was mustered out with the brevet rank of major-general of volunteers. He practiced law for many years, and attained marked distinction at the bar of New York, Chicago and St. Louis. He was a descendant of David Jones, T
W ales
who came from
the latter part of the seventeenth century, and settled in Delaware, the line being through his son William, his son William, who served in the American revolution;
his son
G., his
father of Gen. Jones. Mrs. Dow was educated in private schools and at the Northwestern University. Beginning the study of music abroad, she continued it in St. Louis, and was graduated at the Conservatory of Music there in 1890. She made another trip to Europe, studying under Moszkowski and Earth, at Berlin. She began giving instruction in Chicago in 1894. Removing to St. Louis in 1890 she has since conducted a studio for piano study there, where her success as a teacher along the lines of high ideals P.,
She firmly established. Homer E. Dow.
was married Apr.
1884, to
RONALDSON, in Scotland
James, typefounder, was born
about 1780.
Emigrating to Pennsyl-
Philadelphia, and became identified with the industrial and educational inHe was one of the largest terests of that city. type-founders in the country and also an extensive He materially aided Samuel horticulturist. Vanghan Merrick in his project for founding an institution for the promotion of the mechanical arts, and on Feb. 5, 1824, he presided over the meeting in Philadelphia at which Franklin Institute of the state of Pennsylvania was organized. Mr. Ronaldson was chosen its first president and held the office until January, 1842. Soon after its formation, a
508 regular system
ated f or con . ls; Kress |,y H,,,,,,, Pnoe, but in 1881 was elected and rvcd four years. His principal work in congress was he promotion of the Hennepin canal scheme for the success of uhich he worked with Ml. As a result he secured the necessaryuntirW appro" Pnation t.. the canal connect inlake oonatrucj Michigan and the river. Dvi,,,, t Misaiwippi \\ a, Inn-ton. I). C.. Dec. 11. 1893. he lived to see (
DAY, James Gamble, jurist, was born in Jefferson county. ().. June 28, 1832. of English parentHe early evinced a liking for the law and age. \\as graduated in the law school at Cincinnati in ls.~>7. going immediately to Iowa and locating in Afton. I'ninn co., in the southern part of the state. His home town
but a short distance from
\Ii--ouri line, and at the out break of the civil war the feeling in Afton was intense. Young Day promptly offered his services and was commis-
lieutenant of company F, 15th Iowa inFor bravery and distinctive services he was promoted to the captaincy of company I, in the same regiment. Wounded at the battle of Shiloh, Day was obliged to leave the service and he returned to Iowa. In 1S(!2 he was elected judge, sioned
of the third judicial district of Iowa, retaining the, position by subsequent elections until 1870, when he resigned to succeed Judge George G. Wright
on the supreme court bench. He served on this bench for thirteen years, retiring the last of DecemHe was chief justice three times: in ber, 1893. 1871, 1877 and 1883. Judge Day was recognized as one of the deepest thinkers and most logical men that had ever sat on the Iowa supreme court bench. He was married in Steubenville, O., Dec. 1, 1857, to Minerva C. Manly, who was a prominent society woman and club worker. He died suddenly, in DCS Moines, May I, 1898. FRIEND, Em'anuel Michael, lawyer, was born in New York city, Dec. 1, 1853" son of Leopold and Betty (Musliner) Friend, natives of Bavaria. His father was a dealer in leather. He was educated in New York: was graduated at the University of the City of New York in 1H79, and after reading law in the office of Brown & Calvin, was admitted to the bar in 1879. For a number of years he was counsel to the Liquor Dealers Excise Association of Xew York county. He was one of the counsel in the defense of "Frenchy," also known as "Ben AH" and "Jack the RippeY," who was charged with the killing of "Shakespeare" in the East River Hotel in New York city; in the" case of Marie Barberi, charged with killing her lover, Dominico Cataldo; in the case of Dr. Kennedy, charged with the killing of Dolly Reynolds: one of the counsel to the police department in the famous
Inspector William W. Mcl.aughlin. who was tried for bribery in New York county as a result of the
Lexow investigation. He was counsel for Augusta Nack,
was indicted for the murder of William Gul-
densuppe, and for Michael Sliney, charged with killing Bob Lyons. For many years he has been the counsel for the various sporting clubs of
York, and tried
the test case which settled the right of boxertogive exhibitions without the necessity of a license from the police department. Under this decision the present condition of boxing affairs exists. He was counsel for Jeffries and Sharkey, the pugilists, in their action against Huber. in which case the question as to the right to use animated pictures
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. without the consent of the originals was settled by the appellate division of the supreme court.
also counsel for the New York "Journal the prosecution of William F. Miller, of Franklin syndicate fame. He makes a specialty of theatrical matters and is one of the most successful practitioners in that branch in the country. He includes in his clientele nearly every theatriHe belongs to the cal manager in New York. Masonic order, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Elks, Bnai Berith, Free Sons of Israel, Royal Maccabees, is a member of the Jefferson, Sagamore, Petroleum, Democratic, and Cherokee clubs, the Long Island Trotting Association and Pavonia Yacht Club. He is a Democrat and a member of the committee on organization of Tammany Hall. He was married, in 1881, to Pauline, daughter of Isaac Mayer, of New York city, and has four 1
He was
DOESEY, Kufus Thomas,
lawyer and
was born at Fayetteville, Ga., Oct. 2, 1848, son of Solomon Dawson and Sarah (Glass) Dorsey, and grandson of John Dorsey, who removed to Georgia early in the 19th century and enIn revolutionary records are gaged in planting. found thenamesof Richard Dorsey, captain of artilothers lery, John Dorsey, a surgeon, and many of the same name, soldiers and officers in the Maryland line, and in the organization known as " The Flying Camp." He was educated in the schools of his native town and at the academy of Prof.
Andrews at Campbellton.
for service at the
He was
beginning of the
war, but joined a body composed of boys, old men, and disabled soldiers, organized for guard duty. He was captured at Macon when that city fell, but esafterward. shortly caped On completing his schooling in 1868, he began the study of law in the office of Huie
and Connor
in Fayetteville. In 1870 he formed a partwith Col. John nership
Huie, which continued for
two ticed
He then pracyears. for ten years in the
which was
widely famed for the number of illustrious lawyers
mentioned in the court recIn 1880 he removed ords. to Atlanta, where he formed a partnership with William Wright and John S. Bigby, both ex-judges of the Coweta circuit, and after the dissolution of this firm formed that of Dorsey, Brewster & Ho well, with Hon. Albert Howell, Jr.. and Col. P. H. Brewster. This association is now well known throughout the South and is reputed one of the strongest and ablest firms in It is the legal representative of the Southern Railroad Co., the Georgia Central, the Atlanta & West Point, the Queen & Crescent system, the Western Union Telegraph Co., the Southern Express Co., the Pullman Palace Car
the state.
the " Constitution " Co., and several other corporations. Judge Dorsey enjoys a unique position at the bar of Georgia both on account of his splendid professional equipment and his rare oratorical power. He has had a broad experience in both civil and criminal law, and has a ready command of a large fund of principles and precedents of law. He was first Democratic member of the legislature from his county after the war (1873-74), and a member of the general Co.,
and appropriation committee. During he was an influential factor in restoring the state laws to their original purity after the reign of ignorance and misrule following the war. He was appointed judge of the city court of Atlanta in 1882, and held the office with credit until 1884, when increasing business compelled his resignation. He has also been a member of the city council of Atlanta, and of the board of aldermen and board of health. He has received judiciary
his terra,
unanimous elections lature, and in the fight
to all offices except the legislatter case he made a noble
Judge Dorsey is a deep student and wide reader on a large range of topics. He was married in 1870, to Sarah, daughter of Cornelius E. Bennett, of Fayetteville, and has four sons and two daughters; Hugh M. Dorsey, a prominent attorney of
Atlanta, Dr. Rufus T. Dorsey, a physician, Faith, wife of Dr. S. B. Yow, and three younger children.
Herman Lewis, surgeon, was born at Edwardsville, 111., Feb. 22, 1866, son of He Frederic and Minnie (Schlueter) Nietert. was educated at Shurtleff College, which he left in 1886 to study medicine at the St. Louis, Mo., Medical College, and after being graduated in 1889 he took a course in surgery at Heidelberg Returning to the United States in University. 1892, he began the practice of his profession at St. Louis. He held surgical clinics in the St. Louis Medical College during NIETER.T,
he was
In the latter year
made superintendent
of the St. Louis City Hospiwhere" his reputation as a skillful surgeon rapidly increased. Dr. Nietert was the first in America to perform the operation of suturtal,
ing the
heart injured
by stab wounds, on Apr. 20, 1901. The knife inflicting the wound had a narrow and blade penetrated into the cavity of the left ventricle. No bleeding to the exterior was noticed, but blood was forced into the pericardium, distending and compressing the heart so that its action was not audible and no pulse could The patient be detected. was insensible. After Dr. removed Nietert the blood, thus relieving the heart, the organ again beat strongly and consciousness returned. The stitches in the heart, three in number, were made while the patient was conscious. During the four years of service at the St. Louis City Hospital he operated on over 2,000 cases, doing special work in abdominal surgery, particularly gunshot wounds. In 1903 he resigned and took up the private practice of his profession. He was married, Nov. 29, 1902, to Katherine, daughter of Henry Ziegenhein, who was mayor of St. Louis during 1896-1900. He is a Knight Templar and is a member of the Liederkranz Society, the St. Louis Medical Society, State Medical Society and the St. Louis Hospital Alumni Association.
DUBOIS, Frederick T., senator, was born at Palestine, Crawford co., 111., May 29, 1851, son of Jesse K. and Adelia Dubois, and a descendant of Touissaint Dubois, who emigrated from France and settled in Indiana. He was graduated at Yale College in 1872, with the degree of A.B., and from that
time until 1ST.', lie was engaged in private studies. nf the hoard During l*7.~> 7l! lie served as secretary of railway and warehouse commissioners of Illinois and in issil he removed to Idaho territory, ss -. "iitil Se]>t. 1, ISSti, he was l-'roin All!.'. -.->. lie was elected tn the fiOtli and I". S. mar-hal. f>]si congresses as a Republican, being the lad dele was a prominent gate from that territory, and factor in securing the admission of Idaho to the Me was chairman of the I'nion. .Inly :!. KOO, Idaho to the tirst delegation from the state of held at MinneRepublican national convention >
apolis, Minn., in .lime. 1S!>2.
was elected
Dcccmlicr, 1S!IO. and took his seat. Mar. the term ending .Mar. :i. 1897. lie was chairman of the state delegation to the national convention at St. Louis in 1800, but l;e|iiililican left the convention and the party when they deelareil for the single gold standard/ Later in the same >car he became a senatorial candidate of the silver Republicans, and was defeated after four weeks of balloting, by the combined votes of the
joined the
as a lieutenant of the
signal corps and served throughout the remainder of the war. After a two years' residence in South America, he returned to Xew York and began his actuarial studies in the office of D. Parks Fackler. In 1872 he was appointed actuary of the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, which Mr. Ireland was one position he has since held. of the founders of the Actuarial Society of America, served as its treasurer for several years, and during 1901-03 filled the office of president of that
He was married Dec. 11, 1877, at SpringMass., to Jeannie, daughter of Solomon Jones Gordon, and has one son, Gordon Ireland. body. field.
4, 1S!U. for
Democrats. I'opnlists and Republicans, receiving thirty votes against forty for Henry Ileitfeld. At the state convention of 1900, he was nominated for senator by the Democrats, Populists and silver Republicans, being classed as a silver Republican but after his election he declared himself a DemoHis crat, and has so served since Mar. 4, 1901. term of service will expire Mar. 3, 1907. Sen. Dubois was married at Chicago. III., Jan. 11, 1899, to Edna, daughter of William Whitod, and has two ;
STOVER, Martin Luther, jurist, was born at Waterloo, X. V.. Oct. 10. 1845, son of Martin J. and Lydia (Hartman) Stover. He was educated in
the public
Wittenberg College, Springfield, 0., but before finishing his first year, at the age of sixteen, he enlisted in the 86th regiment of the Ohio infantry. From 1863 he served in the 17th Ohio battery until the of the war. He rehis college studies in 1865, and after graduation he taught school in Amsterclose
dam. Montgomery co., N. Y.,and devoted all his spare time to the study of law.
He made
excellent progress
and in 1869 he entered the law office of George Smith, of Amsterdam, was admitted to the bar in 1870, and immediately began the practice of law. in Amsterdam, where he has since resided. He was elected by the Republicans of Montgomery county in 1873 to the. assembly, and in 1891 he was elected justice of the supreme court for the 4th district. He has been ssigncd to work in New York city and is now a member of the appellate division of the 4th deHe ranks high in the estimation of partment. the legal fraternity because of his rulings and deisions. He is regarded as the leader of the bar in his section; a brilliant lawyer and a man of enterprising public spirit. He was married in 1874 to Helen E. Staler, of Amsterdam, and has four children.
IRELAND, Oscar Brown, actuary, was born in New nty, Oct. 28, 1840, son of George and Anna (Brown) Ireland, lie was educated at the
College of the City of New York, and after gradualon in I8o9, went into a mercantile house. In
RIDGE, Isaac M., physician and surgeon, was born in Adair county, Ky., July 9, 1825. In 1834 his parents removed to Missouri, where his boyhood was passed on a farm and in the blacksmith's He attended a private school six months shop. of every year, and after studying medicine with Dr. I. S. Warren, of that place, he entered the medical department of Transylvania University, where he was graduated in 1*848. He settled in practice in Kansas City, and as the country became more settled he gained an extensive practice. Through the friendship of William
Walker, first provisional governor of Kansas, who, although of Indian descent, was a man of education and refinement, he gained a powerful influence among the Wyandottes, who bestowed upon him the name of " Little Thunder." In 1860, through his instrumentality, the governor of Kansas, Charles Robinson, was saved from a band of marauders who would have hanged him had not Dr. Ridge hastened to his rescue. A debt of gratitude was thus paid, for in 1849 Robinson, then a physician, had saved the life of Dr. Ridge when the latter was attacked by cholera. Although he served for several years as councilman and was for ten years city physician, he avoided the cares of pol'itical office, preferring to devote himself to his profession. In 1S75 he retired from active practice and devoted himself chiefly to increasing financial interests and to an exclusive office Dr. practice. Ridge was married: first, in 1850, to Eliza A. Smart, of Kansas City; and second, in 1882, to May D., daughter of Bartley Campbell, of Cincinnati, O.
Jasper, first president of Hobart Col(1826), was born at Medway, Norfolk co., Mass., Aug. 27, 1793. He was graduated at lirown University in 1815, and at Andover Theological In the latter year he was Seminary in 1819. ordained to the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal church, and was also elected professor of mathematics and natural philosophy at Brown University, where he remained Until 1824, when he was called to the presidency of the College of Charleston, (S. C.). He found it without funds, suitable buildings or apparent prospects, and made every effort to put it on a substantial footing. He heard recitations, managed the general affairs and canvassed for subscriptions. Meeting with much opposition from the trustees, who were not willing to have new buildings erected, he resigned and went to Geneva, N. Y., where he became the first president of Geneva (now Hobart) College (1826). He lege
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. carried into his work there the same earnest spirit which hail characterized his efforts in the South, but had been there only about eighteen months, when lie was recalled to Charleston College with the privilege of naming his own terms. Under his administration the latter college was reorganized, and his management of the business placed its affairs on a basis of security, all expenses being paid by the tuition fees, which at one time reached a surplus of $5,000. He found the institution little better than a grammar school, and he left it with an advanced collegiate branch. The number of pupils was nearly doubled, and $25,000 had been spent on buildings and other improvements. Prof. Adams resigned in 1836 and for a time devoted himself to literary work. In 1838-40 he was chaplain and professor of ethics, geography and history at the West Point Military Academy. Upon leaving this position he returned to South Carolina and settled at Pendleton, where he established a private seminary for the higher education of young men. He published various sermons and addresses, and a volume "The Elements of Moral Philosophy" His death occurred at Pendleton, S. C., (1838). Oct. 25, 1841. BLAKE, George Fordyce, inventor and manufacturer, was born at Farmington Falls, Me., May 20, 1819, son of Dr. Thomas Dawes and Martha (Norton) Blake, and a descendant of William Blake, who emigrated from Essex county, England, in 1035, and settled first at Dorchester, Mass., and was associated with Wm. Pynchon in the establishing of a settlement on the Connecticut river at what is now Springfield. He was married to Agnes Bond, and the line runs through their son James, his son James, his son Increase, and his son Increase, grandfather of George F. Blake. The latter was a carpenter by trade, and his inventive talent soon gained him a local reputation so that whenever new machinery was being installed his services and advice were in demand. In 1846 he was engaged by a brick manufacturer of Cambridge and Medford as a mechanical engineer, taking general charge of the works. In 1860 the peculiar Medford clay refused to work properly in the machinery usually used for the purpose, and he constructed a special machine capable of pulverizing clay of any consistency, which he patented in 1861. His principal inventions, however, were a water meter patented in 1852 and a steam pvimp patented in 1864. The brick business having passed into other hands, Mr. Blake, while retaining the position f directing engineer, became associated with Peter Hubbell and Job A. Turner, under the firm name of George F. Blake & Co., in 1864, in the
manufacture of water meters and steam pumps, in Boston, Mass. Since the issue of his first patent on a steam pump his attention has been directed to further improvements for which numerous patents have been granted him. The pumps are adopted to the pumping of liquids, from the lightest to the heaviest gravity.
In 1874 the Geo. F. Blake Manufacturing Co. was incorporated with Geo. F. Blake, president Job A. Turner, treasurer, and Thos. D. Blake and E. C. Turner among the ;
1879 the Knowles Pump Works directors; of Warren, Mass., were purchased from L. J. Knowles, and an extensive business was built up, in
with agencies in all the principal cities of the country, the head office being in New York. In 1890 the company's factory was removed to East Cambridge, Mass., where the plant covers more than eight acres, and in 1876 a manufactory was established in London, England, in order to adequately and expeditiously supply the foreign trade. While in the height of its prosperity, the entire business was sold, in 1890, to a syndicate of English capitalists, and in 1899 it was merged with the International Pump Co. He was married,
July 1, 1845, to Sarah Silver, daughter of William Skinner of Lynnfield, Mass. She died in 1856, and he was married, Dec. 24, 1857, to Martha J. (sister of his first wife), who died in 1897. He has two sons, Thomas Dawes, connected with the George F. Blake Manufacturing Co., and George F., Jr., who is in business at Worcester, Mass.
author, was born at Hopedale, Mass., July 14, 1867, son of William Franklin and Lydia Warren (Joy) Draper, and a descendant of James Draper, the first American ancestor, who came from England about 1648 and served as captain in King From him the descent runs Phillip's war of 1675. through his son James, who married Abigail Whitney, their son Abijah, who married Alice Eaton, their son Ira who married Abigail Richards, and their son George, who married Hannah Thwing, and was the grandfather of George 0. Draper. He was educated at public and private schools, and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he completed a four years' course in 1887. Upon leaving that famous school he began working through various machine-shop grades, thus learning the practical application of mechanical In January, theories. 1889, he bought a small interest in the partnership of George Draper & Sons, of which his father was president; he later acquired a larger interest by in-
vestment of earnings, and is now one of the largest
the the
stockholders in
manufaclargest turers of cotton machinery in this country, and since then has been associated with the man-
agement of numerous machine shops, textile industries,
mines, etc. His success as a specialist in patent development and other branches of manufacture has rarely been duplicated at an equal age. During the various absences of his father, Gen. Draper, at Washington and in Europe, the direction of the inventors and inventions which have made the Draper company famous has been under his personal charge. He is personally responsible for the consolidation of quarry interests in the neighboring town of Milford, and heads the Milford Pink Granite Co., in which he is largest owner. His originality of thought has found expression in over eighty patents, the most valuable of which are associated with the Northrop loom, the most wonderful labor-saving textile invention since the cotton gin. Nine foreign countries pay royalty control for use of Mr. Draper's inventions, as they a field of application with the Northrop loom in
THE NATIONAL, CYCLOPAEDIA which foreign inaniifaot uvcrs tnkr special interest, " Mr. Draper i- the author of Searching for Truth" IIMI-JI. a unique criticism of the Christian religion that lias provoked considerable discussion, lie i- cosmopolitan in every sense, widely -traveled, extensively :ici|iiainteil. .md so made up as to conhtitutc a tvpe of American energy and force both lie was married, in thought and in application, Apr. 28, 1892, at Lexington, Ky., to Lily, daughter of Henry T. Duncan, and has two sons and one daughter. HARVEY, Eli. sculptor and painter, was born near Ugdcn. Cliiiti.n CO., ).. N'pt. >:;. 1800, son of \\ 'illiam IVnn and Nancy (.\loore) Harvey, of (.inakcr ancestry, and a descendant of William Harvey, a native of Worcester. Kngland, who emigrated to Pcnnsbiirg township. Pa., in 1712. His son Isaac removed to North Carolina and had a son William, who married Elizabeth Carter, and their son William had a son Kli. the grandfather of the sculptor. As a boy he loved the woods and fields, and all the natural beauties of urn! lite; he was something of a draughtsman, and gradually developed an ambition to become 184, he entered the McMicken University of Cincinnati, taking the fine arts course, Most of the remaining there five years. money needed tor tuition and board was earned the summer months; by painting portraits during and one of Ins first orders
of tigers, thirty-eight heads of earnivora on tlie cornice, and a number of terra cotta entablatares for the interior. A partial list of his works in sculpture is as follows: "Orpheus" (1800); "Has Relief of Lioness" (IS'Mi); "Lion with Rabbit" (1807); "Family of Playing Leopards" " Lion Cubs'" (1898): " Rampant Jaguar *' (1SOS); " " (1SOS); "Prometheus Hound Lion with (ISO!)); Skull" (1800); ' Lioness and Cub" (1890); "Lion " " with Pigeon Koa ring Lion " (1000). (1809); and He made the sculptural decorations for the main entrance to the palace of agriculture at the St. Louis exposition of 1904. Though he docs exeellent work as a painter of animals, he is better known as a sculptor, and is ranked as one of the best and truest animalists that America has given to the world. He was married at Glen loch Chester co.. Pa., June 13, 1893, to Jiarv Vnna daughter of Washington Recce Baker, 'of that
came from an old Quaker,
who gave him
sheep for two life-size pictores. At Cincinnati he studied under Profs. Lentz, Xohle. and Rcbisso. In 1889, lie went to Paris. France, where he studied painting and sculpt uro in the Acad-
OLIVER, James, inventor, was born in Roxburgh, Liddesdale, Scotland, Aug. 28, 1823 son of George and Elizabeth (Irving) Oliver. His father was a shepherd; his mother was a woman of o- rea t energy, and she proposed, in 1835. that the family ahould emigrate to better its circumstances Several of the children were already settled in New York state, and in April the others followed, goin" to " Geneva, X. Y., where James became " chore bov on a farm. During the next year he worked 'on the farms of his brother and father, who had leased some land near Alloway; in the fall he accompanied his parents to La Grange county, Ind.,
and later to Mishawaka. St. Joseph co. In 1840 he obtained employment in a grist mill and still house, and shortly after took the position of" cooper with the .lulien. under Tx-febvre. same firm, becoming an exgnie and perieneed workman and aclienjamin Constant, Doucet; at the Academic enough money IV ccleusc under Delance cumulating to warrant his going into Allot: and Ann with \viHi Eman TTinin. v... ..:_.. s iV * and Callot; business for himself In uel FremietattheJardindes l8.->5 he removed to South Plantes for animal sculpRend. Ind.. and in a small 'or two years he wav began the manufacture drew and painted wild ani- o f His capital was plows. (
,n the Jardm des lautes and in the private
ne " ag
2 he was II, c "Ua-hington Union," and in CWO elected printer for the I'niled States -eiiale. in later he removed to Mi-.mri and be died ,,.,-t
two yean, until
(tepubl UT .il.lic ,
IS.'. I.
Vike count\. Mar.
EGAN, Thomas Ireland
1S47. to the
1864. P., manufacturer,
was horn n his
and settled in The son was graduated at Hamilton. Ontario. inthe hinh -chool there, and having a decided clination for mechanic-, determined to enter that He was and removed to Cincinnati. liehl. tweUe \e.ir- in the employ of the machine!) linn Mel-'arlan A Co., "here he learned the ,.| St.-p'toe, eal part of the machinery hu-inc-s at the pr.ict Mis talents were quickly recognized, and bench. Dice of the firm, and he wa- taken into tl In ward- traveled for them on the road. a ft. i-inisir.iled
( >.
the he started is; for business himself, and with two partners I
manufacturing wood work ing machin-
began ery
Through the great improvement- both in deand mechanical sign advantages made by Mr. I'^an, the business
grew to such an extent that
the firm
was incorporated as The Egan Co.. of which he was elected president and
general manager. 1893 his business joined forces with the old linn of J. A. Fay & Co., which was the most extensive in the In
me line in the United States. It was incorporated under the name of J. A. Fay & Egan to., with Thomas P. Egan as president and manager, and has become the largest individual firm in the world for making woodworking maThe company has won the highest honchinery. ors wherever its machines have been exhibited, from the Crystal Palace in London in 1851 to the Paris exposition in 1000, where it was awarded the "Grand Prix." In consideration of his exhibit there Mr. Egan was created a chevalier of the Lejjion of Honor in 1001. As a mechanical expert he is perfectly conversant with every detail -a
He also has a thorough knowledge of trade and commerce, both at home and abroad, and a number of bis articles written upon current business conditions have had a wide circulation. He was the organizer and the first president of the National Association of Manufacturers of the United States, which was formed convention of several hundred representative manufacturers at Cincinnati, Jan. 22, 1S05. He i- al-o a number of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Commercial Club,' and the Manufacturers Club of Cincinnati, the Queen Citv riiib. Country Club, and the Optimist Club. of his business.
P. Egan is a Republican in politics, at the 1000 election was a presidential elector,
ca-t the vote Roonerelt.
THAYER, William
and and McKinlev and
Roscoe, ("Paul Hermes")
irai born in P.o-li.n, Mass.. Jan. 16, 1859 *cm O f Frederick \V. and Maria Wilder Thayer He was a student at St. Paul's (Phelps) Concord' School,
B., 1871 74; was fitted for college by a tutor while traveling in Europe during 1874-77 and was
at Harvard University in 1881. In he was assistant editor of the Philadelphia In 1885-80 he studied at K\cning Bulletin." Harvard, receiving the degree of A.M. in the latter and the vear: in Issti S7 he traveled in Europe I" Levant, and in l-vs >:i was assi.-tant instructor Since it was founded in in English at Harvard. 1802, he has been editor of "The Harvard Graduates' Magazine." He has devoted himself to literature, and is the author of three volumes of poetry: "The Confessions of Hermes, and Other Poems"
graduated iss-j "
188-1 ]; Hesper, a Dramatic Poem" (1888), and " Poems, New and Old" (1805). His prose works are: "The Best Elizabethan Plays" (1800) ; "The Dawn of Italian Independence: Italy from 1814 to 184!)" (2 vols., 1803), for which he was made a Knight of the Crown of Italy by King " (
Italy in 1003:
History ;:nd
Customs of Harvard University" (1898); and a volume of essays, "Throne-Makers" (1809). He was the official delegate of the United States and of Harvard University at the International Historical Congress, Rome, 1003. Mr. Thayer has contributed political and historical essays to the "Atlantic Monthly," "Century," "Forum," "Review of Reviews," and other 'leading periodicals. He was married Nov. 24, 1893, to Elizabeth Hastings, daughter of Henry Ware, of Cambridge, Mass. They reside at Cambridge, Mass.
Billings, lawyer, was born
at Potsdam, St. Lawrence co., X. Y., Dec. 22, 1856, son of Asa Farnsworth and Abigail (Billings)
His earliest American ancestor was Kellogg. Lieut. Joseph Kellogg, of Great Leighs, England, who was a resident of Farmington, Conn., as early as 1651. Their son, Ensign Stephen, married Lydia Belden; their son, Stephen, married Abigail their Loomis; son, Deacon William, who served at the siege of Louisburg married Keziah (1746), Dewey; their son, Elijah. who served in the revolution, married Mary Karner; and their son, William, married Rhoda Farnsworth. and was the grandfather of Frank B. Kellogg. Mr. Kellogg studied law at Rochester, Minn., and he was admitted to the bar in 1877. He was a member of the firm of Kellogg & Eaton, in Rochester, for about ten years; then formed a partnership with Senator C. K. Davis and Cordenio A. Severance, under the firm name
of Davis. Kellogi; & Severance, which lasted until the senator's death in 1000. Since that time he has continued the firm
with Mr. Severance, in St. Paul, where he has built up an extensive legal practice. He is general counsel of the
Chicago Great Western Rail-
road Co. and the United States Steel Co.'s western properties, special counsel of the Northern Pacific Railroad Co., president of the Wisconsin. Minnesota, and Pacific Railroad Co., and director of various other corporations. During 1800 03 he was professor of equity at the Minnesota State University. He was married at Rochester, Minn., Tune 16. 1886. to Clara M., daughter of George Clinton Cook. GORHAM, George Elmer, physician, was born at Le Raysville, Bradford CO.. Pa., Nov. 8. 1850, son of George Sylvester and Lucy (Corbin) Gorham. His earliest American ancestor was Capt. John Gorham, of Benefield, England, who emi-
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. grated to Plymouth in 1035. He married Desire lowland, and the line of descent runs through their son Jabe/., who married Hannah Gray; their son Joseph, who married 1
Deborah Barlow; their son who married Abigail Wakeman. and their son Joseph, who married Lucy Beecher, and was the grandfather of Dr. Gorham. He studied medicine under Dr. John L. Corbin, of Athens. 1'a.. and at the Hahnemann John,
-Medical College, of Chicago,
where he was graduated 1874.
He was
associated in practice with Dr. Corbin, at Athens, for two years, and in 1877 removed* to Cheyenne, Wyo. Returning East in 1878, he settled in Albany, N. Y., where he has since He became a practiced. member of the Albany
County Homeopathic
ical Society in 1878: was elected delegate to the State Homeopathic Medical Society in 1880, 1882 and 18S3: was secretary of the former in 1882, and re-elected in 1883 and '1884, and became president, in 1887. He is a member of the Xew York State Homeopathic Medical Society, the American Institute of Homeopathy, the Northern New York Homeopathic Medical Society, and since 1878 he lias been on the staff of the" Albany Homeopathic Dr. Gorham was appointed a member of Hospital. the board of managers of Craig Colony for Epileptics in 18!)9, and by the board of regents a member of the Homeopathic board of state medical examiners in 1891, positions which he still holds. The Gorham adjustable bedstead, the Gorham folding operating table and the Gorham extension Apparatus are original inventions which have been adopted throughout the medical world. He is " the author of " The Physiological Effect of Faith SS9 He was married in 1882 to Jane, daughter of Lemuel J. Hopkins, of Albany, X. Y. (
and Sarah Jane (Wadleigh) Gove, and a descendant of John Gove, who emigrated from England to Cambridge, Mass., in 1082. The line of descent inns through his son John, his son Edward, who married Hannah Titcomb; their son Ebeiiezer, who married .Judith Sanborn; their son Joseph, his son Jeremiah, who married Mary Morrill, and their son Aaron Morrill. who married Sarah Becket-Hilton and was Aaron Gove's grandfather. The latter was educated at the Dwight School, Boston and was graduated at the Illinois State Normal School in 1800. In the following year he entered the Federal army as adjutant of the 33d Illinois infanand was mustered out in 1804 with the brevet try of major. He commenced school teaching in 1855 in Illinois, was superintendent of schools at Rutland 1800-07 and at Normal, 111., 1808-74. In the latter year he was appointed superintendent of schools in Denver, Colo., and still holds that He was president of the Naposition (11104). tional Educational Association in 1888 and has always been one of its most trusted leaders. While in Illinois he owned and edited " The Illinois Schoolmaster " and he is the author of valuable papers on educational topics: "City School " " Systems" 1884), Supply of Teachers (1894) 'Tests of Work" (1895), "Business Side of City Schools" (1895), "Education in the Colonies" (1900), and "The Trail of the City Superintendent" (1900). He was married in 1865 to Caroline Coggeshall, daughter of Farnham Spofford of Andover, Mass., and has two sons and two daughters. He received the degrees of A.M. from Dartmouth College in 1878 and LL.D. from the University of Colorado in 1888. (
GOVE, Aaron M., hind.
architect, was born at RutLasalle co., 111.. July 12, 1807, son of and Caroline C. (Spofford) Gove. His father was a prominent educator. When he was seven years old his parents removed to Colorado, where he was educated in the Denver public schools, the Colorado State School of Mines. and the Illinois State UniIn 1S92 he began versity. the practice of architecture and in 1894 he became associated with Thomas F. Walsh under the name of Gove & Walsh, at Denver.
The most important buildings designed by them are: the Agnes Memorial Sanitarium, Mt. St. Vincent's Orphanage, the Young WoChristian Association building, two buildings of the State Insane Asylum at' Pueblo, Colo., liyers Public School, Denver, the Stratton business block, etc. He was married at Denver, Colo., June 20, 1895, to Elizabeth M., daughter of C. M. Farrar.
GOVE, Aaron, educator, was born at Hampton nlla, N. H., Sept. 26, 1839, son of John Francis
WALSH, Thomas F., architect, was born in Chicago, 111., Aug. 5, 1800, son of John and Alice His early education was ob(Bailey) Walsh. tained in the Holy Family Parochial School of his native city. In April, 1880 he entered the office of Treat & Foltz, architects, as
office boy and student; he remained" there for about a year, then accepted a position with Edbrooke & rturnham. After spending six years in their employ, he went to Colorado, where he spent one year with R. S. Roeschlaub, architect. Upon returning to Chicago he accepted a position with Holabird & Roche, by whom he was employed for six years as head and designer
During this
period he assisted in designing and planning some prominent office buildings; among them the Monadnock, Old Colony and Marquette, beside many other important and beautiful structures. In April, 1894 he resigned his position
with Aaron M. Love in partnership r,.,,.aiii,-.l Biace thai ., .', Colo.,where he has ke i>a member of the ^erican Inrtitute toe and riving ,,f Architeeta, the Gentlemen'. Uidn^ ..ml tli,- Colorado Kennel Club. t,,
n.arri.M in l*dl to IH..HS,
daughter of
Louissoldier, was Lorn in vears later his parents removed
Bb 0.,
which became his permanent He was educated residence. and high in the public In
schools there.
war he served
the civil
in ('apt.
Vmitscv's company, but in February, 1S64, he eniii li-te.l company A, 4th Ohio volunteer cavalry, and served until the end of the war. He became lieutenant ami adjutant of the Ohio He is Guard. National Co.. pre-ident of the Baldwin lie Baldwin Piano Co.. the Ellington Piano Co., and the (
Hamilton Organ
Central vice-president of the
Trust and Safe Deposit Co., all
of Cincinnati.
He was
a chevalier of the of Honor by the
Legion French government in 1901, in consideration of the exhibit he made at the Paris exposition of 1900. He is also a member of the Queen City Club, the Art Club, the Municipal Art Association, of Cincinnati, and the National Arts Club, of New
COULT, Joseph,
lawyer, was born at Papakat-
ing, Sussex co., N. J.,
25, 1834.
is de-
n-ended from an old Connecticut family, which settled in Sussex county in the middle of the He received his education seventeenth century. in the common and classical schools, but after a careful, preparation a collegiate course was abandoned, much against his hopes and ambitions. Refusing all inducements to enter mercantile life, he began the study of the law in the office of the late Thomas \. McCarter. Subsequently he was graduated at the Albany Law School, and was admitted to the bar in 1858, when he began practicing in New York city. In 1861 he was admitted to the New Jersey bar, and opened an office
and ha- two -on- and our daughter.
inna in 1S4.V Cincinnati,
from great embarrassment, and some from Mr. Coult has always been a Republican, and represented his party in several important conventions, both state and national. He was a delegate to the Baltimore convention at which Lincoln for the second time was nominated lieved
Newton, where he
practiced for thirteen years. In 18T4 Mr. Cou'.t moved to Newark, where he has since resided, and where for a
time he was a partner with preceptor, Thomas N. McCarter. Later he formed a partnership with James E. Howell, and the firm of Coult & Howell was organized. Mr. Coult served as prosecutor of pleas for Sushis
sex county for several years, and was from 1885 to 1894 cniinsel for the city of Newark. Mainly and by his indomitable efforts personal direction the law known as the " Martin Act" was passed, under the provisions of which lany of the cities of the state, burdened by injMedneu incurred for improvements during a period of inflation and extravagance, were re-
which nominated Gen. Grant for that oln.ee, ami to the Cincinnati convention which gave the presidential nomination to Hayes. He is a man of rare legal attainments, courteous, dignified, with great force of character, and unerring grasp of fundamental principles, which make him a powerful advocate. In 1859 he was married to Frances A., Osborne, and has four children. William Henry, banker, was born in Philadelphia. Pa., Sept. 12. 1832, son of George W. and Jane (Shelmerdine) Khawn. He received a common school education and took special c.mr-cs in bookkeeping, for which he manifested a predilection and aptitude. He was first employed in a country store, and later became bookkeeper and
cashier for the American Baptist Publication Society. In 1857 he entered the Philadelphia Bank, where he served nearly seven years in almost every capacity. In 1863 he organized the Second National Bank at
Frankford, Philadelphia, and became Later he assisted in orthe Central ganizing National Bank (1864), and was chosen its first cashier. In August, ISliti,
he retired
the Central Bank to assume the presidency of the National Bank ot the Republic, Philadelphia, a position he held until the time of his death. In 1858 Mr.
Rhawn the
participated in of the
clearing Philadelphia house, making the first exchange for the Philadelphia Bank, and as chief accountant of his bank he originated, in " runners' ex1863, the change," a supplementary daily exchange peculiar to the Philadelphia clearing house, which is He was vice-president of still in active use. the National Exchange Bank, and consolidated it with the National Bank of the Republic in 1870, and was secretary of the Clearing House Association from January. 1867, until his death. He was an active member of the American Hankers' Association from the time of its organization in 1876, serving as chairman of its executive council for a number of years, and as its president in 1802-93. While a member of the council he started a movement for the establishment of schools of finance and economy in connection with the universities and colleges of the country for the special education and training of youth as business men. taking as a model the Wharton School of Finance and Economy of the University of Pennsylvania. He took a leading part in the formation of the Pennsylvania Bankers' Association in 18!).i as chairman of the committee on organization. He was also vice-president of the Fame Fire Insurance Co.; founder and first president of the Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Co.: trustee of the Fenn Mutual Life Insurance Co. a member of the Union League of Philadelphia, and he was actively interested in He was improving the condition of the roads. married, Dec. 22, 1852, to Hettie E., daughter of ;
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Jesse and Elizabeth K. Brown, and had two sons and two daughters. He died in Philadelphia. Pa.,
Earl, Methodist Episcopal bishop,
was born at Athens, O., June 27, 1840, son of Earl and Jane (Montgomery) Cranston, of ScotchEnglish ancestry through the old Rhode Island family of Cranstons. 11 is father having died prior to his birth, the training of the lad devolved upon
mother and step-father, Hon. J. W. Longbon, of Jackson, O., who assumed the education of the his
step-son as one of the chief satisfactions of his life. After a common school course in which he
became thoroughly
young Cranston was
sent to the Ohio University in his native town, and he was graduated in the classical course in 1861. He received his A.M. degree in 1866. He enlisted under the first call of Pres. Lincoln, leaving the formalities of graduating honors, and was appointed first sergeant, then first lieutenant of C, 3d Ohio volunteer infantry. He was subsequently commissioned adjutant, 1st battalion, 2d \Vest Virginia cavalry, and finally captain, 60th Ohio volunteer infantry, participated in McClellan's, Fremont's and Cox's campaigns in West Virginia, and in Grant's campaign with the army of the Potomac through the wilderness, and at fSpottsylvania Court House, and on down to the investment of Petersburg!), where on account of broken health he left the service. Regaining his health lie began the study of law, but yielding at last to the persistent conviction of duty, he entered the ministry in 1807 by uniting with the Ohio conference of the Methodist He Episcopal Church. was successful in pulpit and executive work, serving charges in Marietta, Portsmouth, Columbus
and Cincinnati, O.
Winona. Minn. Jacksonville, Evanaville, Ind.. and Denver, Colo. He was four years presiding elder in the Rocky Mountain country, and was one of the founders and promoters of the Denver University. He was elected one of the managers of the Western Methodist Book Concern in 1884, and re-elected in 1888 and 1892; was treasurer and member of the managing hoard of the Freedmen's Aid and Southern Education Society; treasurer trustees of M. E. Church (at large), and trustee of the Ohio University. He spent two years in Episcopal visitation in China Japan and Corea, 1898-1000, and in 1903 he was given charge of the missions -of his church in Mexico. He resides in Portland, Ore. The honorary degree of D.D. was conferred upon him in 1883 by Allegheny College, Pennsylvania, and Cornell College, Iowa, and LL.D. in 1890, by Ohio He was elected University. bishop of the "Methodist Episcopal Church the by general conference at Cleveland, in May, 1896. Dr. Cranston was married, first, at Oct. 7, 1861, to O., Middleport, Martha Behan, and two years after her decease in 1872, to Laura A. Martin, at Jacksonville, 111 Hon. E. M. Cranston, of Denver, Colo., i, his son! ;
BECK, Joseph Marcus, jurist, was born at Clermont, O., Apr. 2, 1823, son of Samuel and Hannah (Morris) Beck. At the age of twentyfour he migrated to Iowa, and settled in Fort Madison. Here he studied law and was admitted to practice. In 1867 he was elected a supreme court judge and retained that position for four terms, serving as chief justice in 1872, 1873, 1870, 385 and 1891. His decisions extend through forty-seven volumes of the Iowa reports.
one of the ablest and most popular judges Iowa ver
bad, was MII all-round scholar, was an enthusiastic friend of library development and the growth the library movement in Iowa is largely due to his contributions and assistance. He retired from
the bench, after twenty-four years of service, and resided at his home in Fort Madison, where he died suddenly May 'JO, 1893.
GIBBS, Frederick Seymour,
senator, was born 22, 1845, son of Wilson ) Gibbs. His paternal ancestors lived in Connecticut for over one hundred years, and his great-grandfather, Spencer the patriot service durGibbs, was a sergeant the revolution. In 1862 he enlisted in ing Co. A, 148th N. Y. Volunteers, and served with his regiment until the close of the civil war. He was first lieutenant "for and meribreyetted gallant torious services." He received a severe gun-shot wound in the face during the battle of Cold harbor, June 3, 1864, and before Petersburg, April 2, 1865, was again wounded by a piece of shell which struck him in the leg; yet he remained with his regiment and witnessed the surrender of Lee at Appomattox court house. He returned to Seneca Falls, after being mustered out of service, but in 1869, removed to Xew York city as manager of a pump manufacin Seneca Falls, N. Y.,
and Jane
He continued with tory. this firm until Jan. 1, when he became 1875, manager of the New York city business of the Goulds' Co.,
also of Seneca Falls.
remained at the head of this
business until the formation of the Metro-
which corporation he then became the managing d rector. Mr. Gibbs wa one of the leaders of the Republican party in the city and state of New York. From 1882 he was a delegate to all the New York state and New
lork county conventions, as well as of the first (1897) of "Greater" New York, and from 1883 he was a member of the Republican committee from his assembly district. He county was a delegate to the national Republican conventions of 1888, 1892, and 1896; and was the Repubcity convention
committeeman for the state of New York from 1896 till his death. Not less notable
lican national
than his services to the Republican party were his services to the general public as a legislator. Elected to the state senate from the 8th New York district in 1883, during the session of 1884 and 1885 he was chairman of the senate committee of affairs of cities, and a member of the committee on grievances. He served in the state assembly in 1889 and 1890. He introduced bills making the offices of comptroller of New York city and president of the board of aldermen elective, the creation of the original commission to inquire respecting the practicability of the creation of "Greater" New York; and the measure providing for the investigation of the departments of the city government of New York by members of the senate. Of the committee created under the measure last mentioned Mr. Gibbs was chairman, as he was also of a committee created to investigate the department of public works; and from the findings of these committees he prepared, introduced and secured the passage of the numerous remedial bills to abolish abuses and supply deficiencies in connection with the several departments of the city government. He was a member
of the l.n.lc
legion bocker
Republican Club of
Xew York
M.. the l!o\al Arcanum, the AnOrder of 1'nited \\'orkmen, the American York and Knieker of lloiioi. the New 1
\lhlelic Clubs, the Metropolitan Museum a fellow of the American Geographas married at Seneca Kails. X. Hi' ical who with his family was burned to death by Indians, with the exception of a son John (who was absent from home), who married Moore Mary ;
through their 'son Deacon
who married Esther
through their son who married Experience Cole and their sen who married PhiloBlias, mela Burnham, and was the grandfather of E. Burtc:i d'ridley
Hart. The latter received a common school education, and after teaching a district school he became principal and proprietor of a boarding school for boys, known as the West Cornwall Institute (1857-63). In recognition of his educational abilities, Norwich University conferred upon him the degree of A.B. in 1857 and that of A.M. honoris causa in 1860. In 1862 he engaged in a mercantile business with his younger brother, George Spencer Hart, contributing generously of the capital needed in the commission house of George S. Hart & Co., of New York. In order to give closer attention to this and other enterprises, he discontinued the school, which for many years he had carried on most sucHe was a member of the state legislacessfully. ture in 1865, and in 1879 moved his residence to New York city, where he became interested in flre insurance, trust companies and banks, and by degrees he acquired large holdings in New York city street railroads. He is a member of the New York Produce, Cotton and Consolidated exchanges, a director of the Westchester Fire Insurance Co., a pewholder in the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, a member of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, a life member of the New England Society, and is largely interested in the building and operHe was married, in ating of electric railways. 1857, to Harriet A., daughter of Lee Canfield of She died in 1800, leaving four Salisbury, Conn. children. His second wife was Annie E.. daughter of Hamilton Blydenburgh of died in 1898.
York, who
George Spencer, merchant and railwas born at Cornwall. TJtchConn., Feb. 11, 1837, son of Julius and Rhoda (Rogers) Hart. He was brought up on his father's farm and had all the educational adOn vantages the town and vicinity afforded. road
field co.,
account of
he spent the winter of 1859-60
538 i,,
South, and
,akinL' M|>
t |, (
a fcw
feet .1
which he
Stw yo*. a*dhirda :,
,i,., -,. f
1'rodure Exchange, together 1-. behind H.f .ii
^i ni'n
Hran.-h hoii-es hiivf been established si. vet.
New York; Sheboygan,
tt is.,
Liverpool, England, |s; l he obtained an important interest in the Ci'i.tr;.!
ieetor~. d'.rinir
the original diand wa> president .>f
al-u president uf tin- Si'cund
was I' and director Rai!Avenue
SS T i'li. and secuntrol of the Chris Truth Street luphrr and i
Co.. which came under his management, and remained so until the three railroads were consolidated with the Metropolitan Trac-
Besides being president of the corporation of (ieui-gc S. Hart & Co., he is a director of the National I'ark Hank, his long term of service placing him third in point of seniority; a director of the Mount Morris Bank, and of the Consolidated National Hank, and a trustee of the a member of the I'ldifd States Savings Hank; New York Produce Exchange, the New Y'ork Cotton Exchange, and the Consolidated Stock Exchange. He is also a member of the Republican Club, of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and of the New England Society. He has been actively connected with the Collegiate Church since 1879. Mr. Hart was married in Jvew York city, Feb. 23, 1871, to Anna, daughter of Charles H. and Anna Eliza (Fairchild) Dudley. She died in 1893, leaving two daughters, Anna Dudley, and Rhoda, who died in 1871 and 1877. and he was married in New York city in 1894, to Frances, daughter of Her George Miner Wheeler, of Scarsdale. N. Y. mother was Maria Bailey Lang, of Boston. tion Co.
DAVIS, Perry, manufacturer, was born at Dartmouth. Mass., July 7, 1791, son of Edmund and Sarah Davis. He was reared at Westport, Mass., and at the age of fourteen received a injury to one of his hips, crippling him and rendering him a great sufferer through many He learned the shoemaker's trade, and y.-ars. devoted much time to devising new machinery for various purposes. He removed to Taunton, Mass.. in 18;!8, and in an effort to get relief from his pain, he discovered the compound which he named I'ain Killer in 1839. After three years in Fall River, Mass., he established a factory in Providence, K. 1., where his Pain Killer is made. Mr. Davis was a liirn-cd preacher, and in i8.">-J he built a Baptist church in Providence. He was known and universally beloved for his benevolent s.-vore
diameter. All his chief interests were religious, and he was a philanthropist of the only true Whenever he gave material assistance he type. it with his always accompanied profound sympathy and a subtle kindness. When he gave to the Baptist Society the large church on Stewart
he made the remark that if his church one soul lie would consider himself well His frankness, sinrepaid for his investment. won for him universal cerity and uprightness nature and benevorespect, and his sympathetic him into intimate relations lent spirit brought with his fellow-men, and endeared him to a host of In the midst of his business activity hi> friends. and prosperity he was specially active and effiHe cient in promoting the cause of temperance. embraced Christianity at an early age, and in Kin united with the First I'.aptist Church uf Tiverton, R. I. Upon his removal to Providence he united with the Fifth Baptist Church, to the support of which he was a generous contributor, and when an enlargement of the church edifice he.eame necessary he built and finished a temporary chapel, which was .'edicated Dec. -2"). 1848. the dedicatory sermon being preached by Mr. Davi--. In this chapel a church was formed Feb. 3. 1S5T, and was known as the High Street Baptist Church, of which Mr. Davis became a member. Later, at an expense of $36.000. he bought a lot at the corner of Stewart and Pond streets ami erected thereon a substantial house of worship, which was dedicated Jan. 11, 1S.">:{. and occupied by the High Street Baptist Church. He not only allowed he use of this costly property, but took an active interest in all the details of church work. He was married Oct. 8. 1813, to Ruth, daughter of Pardon and Priscilla Davol, of Tiverton. R. I., and was survived by one son and a daughter. He continued in active business until hi- death. which occurred at Providence. May 2. 1802. DAVIS, Edmund, manufacturer, was born at Fall River, Mass.. Jan. 24, 1824, son of Perry and Ruth Davol) Davis. He received a public school education and became a partner of his father under the name of Perry Davis & Son. in the manufacture of Pain Killer, and he continued all his life developing the business from a small beginning to one of the most important in New The fame of the compound went all England. over the world, impelled by his energy and executive ability, and the Christian missionaries carrying it to heathen sufferers, were admitted to sacred places where outsiders had never before India ignorant In some sections of entered. natives even paid homage to the bottles containMore is probably due to the ing the compound. efforts of F.dmund Davis than to any other single cause bearing upon the great expansion of this industry. He had a genius for finance, knew instinctively just how to handle money to the best advantage, and by concentrating his talents toward the one end, accomplished the building up of a vast enterprise based upon the valuable street, -ave.l
invention of his father, which is still known in He was married in every pa.rt of the world. 1849' to Maria Louise, daughter of Harl.-y Ida Louise, Phillips, and had three children: wife of Horace S. Bloodgood; Edmund W., who married Maria Hunter Steuart, and Eva Kingsley, wife of John E. McGowan. Edmund Davis died at Providence, R. I., Oct. 23, 1880. Richard Holland, senator, was born in Sussex county, Del., Sept. 9, IS.'iO, son of Samuel and Hettie (Short) Kenney. The son was brought up on his father's farm and received his education at the Laurel Classical Institution, where he was graduated in 1874. He was admitted to the bar in 1881, and established his practice in Dover. Del. He served as state librarian from 1879 to 1884, and in 1887 was appointed adjutant-general of Delaware, acting in that office until 1891. In 1806 he was chosen as a member of the national Demo-
cratic committee,
which position he
OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. in the following year was elected to the U. S. senate, where he served from Feb. 5, 1897, to Mar. In 1881 Sen. Kenney was married to 3, 1901. Harriet C'., daughter of John C. Pennewill, of
Dover, Del., and has two sons and one daughter.
RYAN, Michael, merchant and politician, was born at Johnstown, County Kilkenny, Ireland. Oct. 8, 1845, son of Kiehard and Margaret (Laughman) The family emigrated and settled at CinI'yan. He was educated at St. cinnati, U.j in 1853. Vavier's School and St. Paul's German School, Cincinnati, and in 1800 entered the butcher business of his The father and brothers. firm of Kyan Bros, was
years it carried on an extensive pork-packing business. In 1888 one of the partners, John Ryan, died, and in 1893 the others. Mai hew. Richard and Michael organized the Cincinnati Abattoir Co., of which Michael was elected pre~ident. In 1882 he was elected vice-president of the Cin-
Chamber of Com1894 was unani-
mously elected president, the
first instance of the kind 111 the history of the organization, and in 1900 an honorary member, one of the highest distinctions in the commercial circles of Cincinnati. He is a director of the Union Trust Co. In 1878 he was elected a Democratic alderman of Cincinnati, and in 1882 was re-elected and chosen president of the board. As a commissioner, he made the Cincinnati exposition of 1882 the most successful in many years. He was an active member of the flood commissions of 1883 and 1884, and during 189498 he served as assistant U. S,. treasurer at Cincinnati. He was married Sept. 21; 1876, to Margaret, daughter of Alexander McCabe, a Cincinnati tanner and leather merchant, and has
Clarke, manufacturer, was born Savannah, Ga., Sept. 20, 1830, son of Gen. Charles Spencer and Sarah Lovekin Merchant and grandson of George Merchant, who served in the in
war of 1812, was treasurer York and mayor of Albany.
of the state of New His father was one
of the first cadets admitted to West Point, being graduated in 1814. serving with marked gallantry in the army until August, 1863, when he retired with the rank of brigadier-general. The son entered the United States
and was graduated as a midshipman in cadet, 1857.
cruise in .,!!.
capacity was on Gersloop-of-war mantown. to the East Indies, China and Japan. He was executive officer on the steamer ToeyWan. chartered by the government to carry U. S. Minister John E. Ward to Pekin. When the civil war broke out he was promoted lieutenant and ordered to the Pensaeola, and was afterward flag lieutenant and ord-
that tho
under Adm. of the Pa-
Co., New York At the end of four years he was admitted to
a partnership in the firm
born at Kingston, X. Y., Mar. 29, 1842, son of William and Margaret (Neville) Sullivan. He was educated at the public schools and academy of his native town, and at the age of nineteen began his active career as clerk in the produce commission house of Rich, Snell
sucsubsequently ceeded to the entire busiHe early became a ness. member of the produce
exchange and for years was one of
active spirits. Pres. Cleve-
land appointed
lector of internal revenue of the second district, and in 1893 he was reappointed to the same office.
he was of
Catholic Columbian
ade in New York which was one of
of the City Trust Safe Deposit and Surety Co. of Philadelphia, a director of the Seventh National Bank and treasurer of St. Patrick's Cathedral. He was a member of the Catholic Club of New York, of which he was president, of the Lawyers' Club, the Democratic Club and Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick and the ChamIn 1872 he was married to Annie, plain Club. daughter of James Tone, of Rochester, N. Y"., and a descendant of the Irish patriot, Wolf Tone. lie died in Atlantic City, N. J., Mar. 18, 1902.
In August 1860 he resigned from cific squadron. the navy to go into business, and founded the house of Merchant & Co., one of the largest importers and manufacturers of tin plate, copper and architectural metals in the United States. The trade at first was principally in sheathing metal, to which was soon added sheet copper and in 1878 tin plate. The house was the first to guarantee the brands of tin plate, stamping and grading the size and Merchant & Co. %ave weight on the plates. houses in New York, Brooklyn and Chicago, each under the management of a resident agent. The Philapresent large building at 517 Arch street,
five children.
the parcity,
brilliant of recent years. In addition to his extensive financial interests, he was vice-president
for their
strengthened to bear the great weight of brass, tin plate, iron and other metals which make up He was senior vice-comthe stock of the firm. mander of the Pennsylvania branch of the order of the Loval Legion, a member of the U"'on Lcasue, PhilaPhiladelphia Club and University Club of of New delphia, and also the Army and Navy Club York, beside filling many civic honorary positions. He was married in 1863 to Sarah S., daughter of Henry M. Watts, minister to Austria during the administration of Gen. Grant.
CARTER, Walter
Steuben, lawyer, was born
at Barkhamsted, Conn., Feb. 24, 1833, son of Evits and (Taylor) Carter, and descendant of Robert Carter, of Bristol, England, who settled at Guilford, Conn., about 1700. William Carter, son of the ancestor, married Ann Yale, a lineal descendant of David Yale, one of the founders of
anil father of Klihu Yale. who founded Vale rni\cr-ity. and through lii- wife. Ann Morton of Thomas Morton, bishop of Chester lUil.'i). Thaddeus, LicMicld illilSi and Durham (Hi.'i'J). sun of William and Ann (.Morton] Carter, a soldier in the French and Indian war (1758-60), was mar-
teet historic sites, to erect tablets and monuments. ." He was one of the incorporators and is a life member of the Brooklyn Institute, and was
NTH Haven,
ried in I. uey Andrews, and their son, Noah Andrew-, of Bristol, to 1. vdia Caylmd. a descendant. >f Deacon William Gaylord. one of the settlers of Mr. Carter'* mother was the grandWindsor. daughter of William Taylor (1722-77). of Simslimy. \\ho-c -eeond wife' was linth (Rich) Iliggins. lit'tli in de-cent from Kldcr Brcwstcr. gf the MaUlowcr. and daughter of William Tavlor, Jr. (1757 ls:t."ii. of Barkhamstcd. who served through Mr. Carter was brought the revolutionary war. on a farm, receiving his early education in a
He commenced studying law
district school.
1850, taught -diool winters, and the bar at Middletown in 1855.
was admitted to During his resi-
was elected to the board of educai * Jl. 1 1 _ i_ _!_!_. _ tion. was nominated for the legislature, and also engaged in journalism. Removing to Milwaukee, denco there
1858, he was a of the firms of
(artcr & Whipple, and Carter. Pitkin & Davis (1800t>9), and was a U. S. commissioner and master in of the federal chancery court for several years. A in
the campaign . which resulted in the first election of Matthew H. CarS. senate, penter to the Ho compiled the Wisconsin code of procedure (1859). and was one of the trustees
He was a member (1865). of the Christian commission of which Morris K. Jcsup, of New York; Jay Cooke, of Philadelphia; John \. Farwell. of Chicago, and himself, the sole survivors. He was one of the national committee to promote lay representation in the ethodist Episcopal church (1863-69), of which Judge Reynolds, of Brooklyn; Col. John \\ Ray,
the civil war;
Indianapolis, and himself, are the only living members. In 1869 he removed to Chicago, 111., and founded the firm of Carter, Becker & Dale, but re:
to New York in 1872, as the representative the Chicago creditors of the insurance companies that had failed because of the Until great fire. 'O.i. when the firm of Carter, Hughes, Rounds & fccnurman. was formed, he was associated with
uu, ui ooutn Carolina, has always been noted for his skill in the se*-*-lection oi his assistants, B
Delta Phi. " Sotfir,
Mr. rv
* mlpr i
of f
To stlmulat ?
1,7, iMoncal,
fraternity of Phi the order of'
genealogical, research, to publish
and records, to '
in 1899, the
collect colo-
iTSid 1 -
k patriotic natrS graves, \to focate and pronaik ,
eight years president of its department of music. is a member of the Lawyers'. National Arts. and G roller clubs, and the Union League and Republican clubs of Brooklyn. He is also a member of the Xew York Genealogical and limgraphical. New York Historical and Long Island Historical societies. American Historical Association. American Biographical, National Sculpture. New York Zoological, New York Botanical Gardens, American
Museum Museum
of Natural History, and Metropolitan of Art; also of the New England Societv. Founders nd Patriots of America, Society of Mayflower Descendants, Society of Colonial Wars, Descendants of Colonial Governors, Sons of the Revolution, and Sons of the American Revolution. He is vice-president of the board of trustees of the Xcw
York Ave. Methodist Church, Brooklyn,
to which, in 1890, he presented an organ of sixty speakiii" *" TT _ : _ -I f , . He is also a trustee of the Methodist stops. Church in Pleasant Valley, Conn., and of Syraeu-c University, to both of which he has been a gencr" '
ous annual contributor. Mr. Carter was married Smith, of New Hartford. who him two sons and two dnughlcr-. She died in 1865. In 1867 he married Mary Boyd Jones, of Frederick. Md.. who died in ISfiO. and in 1870 he was married to Harriet Cook, of Chicago, who died in 1000. and by whom he has two sons, the elder of whom is the noted Yale athlete. Mr. Carter is a man of remarkable geniality and cordiality of manner, whose personality makes a lasting inn sion. His benevolence is abounding, yet tot ally lacking in ostentation or display. A vein of phi'lanthropic zeal animates his every action, and his life is constantly devoted to the service of his fellow men. A man of wide information, his companionship is an education, and his friendship a in 1855 to Antoinette
veritable inspiration.
NATT, Phebe
Davis, artist, was born at BelieNov. 23, 1848, daughter of George Washington and Sarah Frances (Hopkins) Nat! Her grandfather. Thomas Natt. was born in Kivland, and emigrated to Philadelphia toward th close of the 18th century. She was educated at home, chiefly though she attended Mian well-known school in Hoopes' Philadelphia for some time. Her first instruction in art was refonte, Pa.,
ceived at the Philadelphia School of Design under the
charge of Mr. Braidwood with whom she studied for several Afterward years she went to Florence. Jn.lv, where she worked under
nan. in
Mie passed some time Rome, fainting in the
went abroad
several years After several' Aiier several other otner to trips Europe she returned to America, and opened a studio in New York city in 1896, where she mel with remarkable success. While her original paintings and sketches in oil. water color, and pastel reaelled * hi S" standard of excellence, some of her best work was found in her copies of old Italian later. 'aier.
OF AMERICAN BIOGEAPHY. masters. She was twice represented in the Paris Salon, and her pictures were frequently shown in exhibitions held in New York, Philadelphia, BosMiss Natt was ton, and in the western cities. highly educated, had great musical and literary was a delightful conversationalist, and gifts,
wrote charming and witty letters. A number of her stories, articles, and sketches of travel were published in the leading magazines, and at the time of her death she had a historical work in preparation.
She died
Philadelphia, Pa., July
JEWETT, Henry born
Buffalo, X. Y., Dee. 6, 1840, son of Sher-
man Ho
Skinner and Deborah (Dusenberry) Jewett. as educated in the Buffalo schools, and at the age of sixteen entered the employ of Jewett
& Root ber)
(of which his father was the senior memto learn the stove manufacturing business.
After six years, during which he learned every detail of the business, he spent two years in Europe. On arriving home in 18C4 he engaged in the tanning and manufacturing of sole leather. He drew the plans from which the mammoth tannery at Port Allegany (at that time the largest tannery in the world) was built. In 1878 he disposed of his tanning interests, and returning to Buffalo, became a member of the firm of S. S. Jewett & Co., which succeeded the firm of Jewett & Root. For five years he took full charge of the manufacturing part of the plant, and during a portion of the time of the entire business.
Mr. Jewett in 1878 purchased land at East Aurora, N. Y., where he established
ways fond
of horses,
a farm for the breeding fast The horses. Jewett Stock Farm became famous for the production of trotters descended from the celebrated trotting stallion George Wilkes. In 1883 he paid $25,000 for the trotting stallion Jerome Eddy, with a record of 2. 16^. This farm, which is one of the largest establishments of its kind in the country, contains some of the finest and most of
from the farm have grown vip. In 1896 Mr. Jewett closed out his breeding interests, the that he conducted having during eighteen years the farm bred over seventy trotters or pacers with records of 2.30 to 2.09%; but the portion of the farm containing the track, stables and residence is still owned by him. He is a member of the Buffalo Club and a founder of the Buffalo Driving Park Association. He was married: first, to Louise Eugenia Theodora, daughter of F. E. Walther; second, to Marianna Augusta Emma, daughter of August Schmidt. FX/EMING, William, jurist, was born at Mt. Pleasant, Powhatan co., Va., July 6, 1730, son of fast horses
John and Mary (Boiling) Fleming, and grandson of Charles and Susanna Fleming, natives of Scotland, who settled in Virginia. He was educated at William and Mary College, and entered upon the practice of law in which he met with much success. He was an ardent friend of the colonies in their struggle with the mother country. He was a member of the house of burgesses, 177375, and in 1775 was elected to the state convention and served on the committee on independence. He was chosen delegate to the constitutional convention of 177981. In the former year he was made judge of the general court, and had the honor of being a member of the first court of appeals, created in In 17S9, when the new court of appeals was 1778. organized, he was appointed president, a position he held during thd remainder of his life. In 1804, when the court was engaged jn the celebrated glebe case, Judge Fleming refused to preside, assigning as a reason that he was personally interested in them. He was known as a man of excellent judgment, sterling integrity, and conscientious convictions. His decisions were broad and designed to do full justice to the contestants, without favor or partiality. He was married Oct. 5, 17(i. to Elizabeth, daughter of Col. John Champe, and died Feb. 15, 1824, leaving several daughters. Potter, capitalist, was born in Albany county, N. Y., May 20, 1826, son of Benjamin and Rebecca (Potter) Palmer, and a descendant of Walter Palmer, who was a companion (1629) of John Endicott, the colonial governor of Massachusetts, and who later settled at Wequetequock,Conn., near Stonington, where the Palmer family reunions are held to this day. Mr. Palmer's ancestors established themselves at an early day in New Bedford, Mass., and were among its most notable citizens. They felt the charm of the sea, and were engaged in foreign commerce; but the loss of several of the family in one year at sea so shocked them that one branch decided to remove far from its influence, and early in the nineteenth century went to Al-
bany county, N. Y., where they became prominent members of a prosperous community. Here, later, Benjamin Palmer owned four stock farms, and here he married Rebecca, daughter of Samuel and Deborah (Ricketson) Potter, of an equally well-known colonial ancestry. of this marriage, Catskills until he
Potter Palmer, the fourth son
grew up in the shadow of the was seventeen years of age, when, having acquired a good education, he left home to
extensive buildings and has the only mile covered track in the world. In order to increase the facilities for raising young horses and getting them ready for the trainer, a ranch has been purchased in Cheney county, Kan., and there many of the
learn to be a merchant, his father promising that when he had gained experience he would give him capital with which to start in business. His first start was as clerk in the country store, post-office and bank at Durham, N. Y. Here his extraordinary abilities were so quickly demonstrated that in two years he was placed in charge of the estabHe was soon enabled to start a drylishment. goods store in Oneida, N. Y., which later he disposed of, to open a larger one in Lockport but he ;
with the stagnancy of small towns,
and -ought larger oppor11 he-it. iied
unit ie- tor
his credit, until their own resources enabled them to control the bn-.ine. After two or three vears of rc-t and travel. Mr. Palmer returned to
and the great
leu o\
oun^ anu
decided to locate there, and, in l.ockjiort. he pmcha-i -elliiiL' hiLionels in New York, and reinforcing ,,i^ oun capital by the addition thereto given him by hie,tabli-hcd the dry-goods business I'ath.r. through \\hich the name of Potter Palmer became all o\er known the Nortliwe-t. as its credit was all o\er the Ka,t. and the business has ever since retained the leading posit ion in which, at the \erv beginning, he placed it. His establishment I. .ike -trect. then the principal business city. he bi,,iiie-,
of the city. The by this brilliant young
new methods inaugurated merchant were destined to completely revolutioni/e retail trade the world over. They included extensive advertising and attractive display of goods, and a hitherto unheardof liberality and courtesy toward the public, which altogether removed the then mistrustful feeling between merchant and customer. From the first street
under-tood that the name of Potter Palmer stood for fair and generous dealing: he desired that his customers should be satisfied, and should get full value for their money. What has nOM become the Usage of all the M-orld wa, evolved from this vigorous young i-hed
that Potter Palmer origf-
nated the idea, and was the first retail merchant in the world to make a practice of permitting a customer to return a purchase and receive in exchange other goods, or the money itself, at the
customer's option; was the first to send goods, subject to approval, to the homes of customers, and was the first to dis|day particular lines of goods on a particular day, and to establish the largam sale. Tliou-rh welcomed by the public them method, were opposed by his business eomtitors. who were, however, all forced to follow itt ''
with renewed strength. Debarred by his health from one field of activity, hi speedily" became preeminent in another less exacting but more important direction, for he now decided to invest in real estate the millions of which he was then posscsscd. These investments led in the end to his becoming the' most forceful, formative influence, and the greatest leader in the |,j. upbuilding of |,,. cago of to-day. His principal achievement at this time was changing the entire channel of the retail bu-iness of the city from Lake street, which ran east and west, to State street, running north and south. Such an enterprise had never before been and carried out. in attempted any large city by one man. State street was then a narrow. uj/Iy route, ill-paved, ill-drajned. and bordered by unsightly, irregular structures; but he purchased about a mile of frontage on it, and in less than four years, after incredible difficulties with less liberal and unenlightened property owners and the citv council, he had accomplished bis State street object. i
was widened twenty
feet for its entire
li>nAMS, Austin,
W.. educator 297
jurist, 393.
pioneer and promoter, 431 Car'or, statistician, 219.
Jami's Hopkins, governor, 172. AI'A.MS, Jasper, educator, 320. Itohi-rt. Jr., congressman, 219 William !'., P. E. bishop 87 tAIJEE. Alvcy A., diplomat, 45!). I AGASSIZ. Elizabeth C., educator, 46. IAIKEX. William, governor, 170. ALCOTT, Wm., educator aud author, 59 ALDEX, Timothy, inventor, 276
ALDKRSOX. Victor educator, 537. ALDRICK, J. T., lawyer and poet, 138. ALDRICH. Orlando W., educator. 312 ALEMANY. Jos. S.. H. C. liishcip. 4RS lALEXAXDER, Archer, negro slave. 422 1.LEXANDER, Eljeu, diplomat and odu(.'.,
f dier. editor. 091. ALLEN", A. A., railroad manager,
1. 1.
31. P., philologist. 223.
EX. Lyjnan W., clergyman and au-
thor. 400.
W.. governor, 172.
AI.STOX, Joseph, governor, -163. AI.VKV, Richard II., jurist, 231.
ALVOHD. William, merchant, 326. AMAT. Thnddeus, K. C. bishop, 406. AMORY, Arthur, merchant, 431 AM'KKSiiX,
and mfr..
I" 423.
ANDERSON, Martin B., educator. kAXDERSON, Thomas H., diplomat, .ANDERSON. Walker, jurist, 59. AXl'ItEWS. Charles,
243. 324.
ANDREWS. E. G., M. E. bishop, ANDREWS. Win. II.. politician, AXTHON. John, jurist, 548.
130. 566.
Tin. mas G., clergyman, 444. (',., clprgyman. 444. iFPLETOX. F. H.. agriculturist, 231. AI'I'EI..
BAKER, David Jewett, jurist, 351. BLAKE, Joseph, col. governor, 153. BAKER, Henry B., physician, 136. BLANKE. Cyrus F.. merchant. 17 BAKER, Jehu, diplomat, 427. BLAUVELT. Lillian Evans, singer, 459 BAKER. Lucieu, senator, 493 BLODGETT, Isaac N., jurist, 377. BALDWIN, Chris. C., capitalist, 94. BLODGETT. Welis H., lawyer, 103. BALDWIN, William O., physician, 473. Ldss. William C.. abolitionist. 517 I
BALL, George W., genealogist, 576. BALLIET, Letson, mine operator 277 BALTES, Peter J., R. C. bishop. 479
BALTZELL, Thomas, jurist. 332. BANKS. David, publisher, 127 BAUAGA, Frederic, It. C. bishop. 415.
S., S.,
congressman, 59. statesman, 59.
BATTLE, C. A., lawyer and soldier. 331 BATTLE. Henry W.. clergyman, 572 BAUMEISTER. John, merchant. 277
BAYLISS. Major Wm., BAZIX, John S., R. C.
architect. 444. bishop, 414.
P.EARDSHEAR. Wm. M., educator, BEATTY, Henry O.. jurist, 268.
iKATTY. William Henry, jurist. 268. HECK. Joseph Marcus, jurist. 533
ATW1I.L, Edward Beuj.,
R., P. E. bishop. 87. political writer, 429.
clergyman. 576.
BARCOCK, Havilah, manufacturer. 149 BAHCdCK. Samuel D., financier. 289 BAi'IIELDER. John,
inventor, 549. Addison I., author. 6. diaries, clergyman and edu-
1 ontor. 429.
Charles, comedian, 440. '"X, Augustus O.. senator. 527
E.. lawyer and soldier. 270 Leonard W., clergyman, 193.
sculptor, 98 W.. architect, 502 Victor, organist, 214.
BAIT.EV. James E.. senator 282 BAII.KV. Mark, educator. 371 BAIIiD. Absalom, soldier. 187.
BOAS, Franz,
G. D., clergyman. 479. anthropologist, 509
BOGGS, Carroll Curtis, jurist, 46."> BOGQS, Lilburu W., governor. 303. BOGY, Lewis Vital, senator. 422
Thomas, R.
BOND, Edward A., BOND, Holdsworth
C. bishop. 141 engineer, 395.
W., physician and
BARCLAY. Shepard, jurist, 453. surgeon, 186 BARD, Thomas It., senator, 57. BOXHAM, L., governor, 173. BARKER, J. N., author and soldier, 276. BONNELL, Milledge John II., manufacturer, 561. BARXARD. Win. S., naturalist, 434. BOXXER, John, editor, 24(i BAP.XES, O. W., civil engineer, 546. BOXXEVILLE, B. L. E., explorer, 234. BARNEY, George D., physician. 376. BONNIFIELD, M. S., jurist. 145. BARXEY. Nathan, inventor, 375. BOONE, Thomas, col. governor 158 BARNI'M, Wm. Henry, senator. 389. BORDEN, James W'allace, jurist. LH.I2 KAKRELL. Harry F., lawyer, 596. BOREMAN, Arthur L, governor, 430. BARKY. John, R. C. bishop, 534. BOURGADE, Peter, archbishop, 50. BARSTOW. William A., governor. 74. BOURXE, Benjamin, jurist. 345 BARTLETT. Elisha, physician, 70. BOURNE, Richard, missionary, 343. BARTLETT. Paul W., sculptor 553. BOURNE, Shearjashub, jurist, 345. BASCOM. Henry Clay, author,' 386. BOWDITCH. Henry P.. phv.= ician. 2.12. BASHFORD. Coles, governor, 74 BOWEN, George T., chemist and physiBATEMAN, Ephralm, senator, 270 cian. 108. BATES, Barton, jurist, 93 BOWEX, John S.. soldier '70 BATES, Frederick, governor. 302 BOWEX, Xathaniel, P. E. bishop. 31S. BATES. Joshua, educator, inn BOWEX. Thomas M.. senator, 560 BATTERSHALL, Walton W., clergy- BOWERS, A. B., civil engineer. 527.
BECKER, Max J., civil engineer. 231 AI'I'I.ETOX. John, lawyer, 275 ARCHDALK. John, col. governor, 153. BECKER. Thomas A., R. C bishop. 535. BEEBEE, Isaac H. B.. soldier. 559. IARTTIUR. Alfred, composer. 273. !EKMAN, Henry Rutgers, jurist. 469 ARTHUR. Joseph C., botanist, 350. ATKIXSOX, Ceorge W.. governor, 432. BEEKMAN, James W., capitalist, 58. BEER. William, librarian. 442 .ATKINSON". Henry M., lawyer, 9 ATTILA. Louis, physical cultnrist, 580 RELKXAP. Charles H., jurist.' 470 ELL, Nicholas M., merchant. 22. (ATTWOOD, William, jurist. 271. ATWATEU, Jeremiah, clergyman and BELL, Samuel Dana, jurist 145 !ELL. William Allen, educator. 183 educator. 105 ATWATER. Lyman H., clergyman and BELLAMY. Elizabeth W.. author, 269. BELLOWS. Henry Adams, jurist, 433. educator, 429. AUSTIN,
Merrlck, phvsician, 95
BENEDICT, James H., banker. 581. BENEDICT, Le Grand L., banker, 581. BENNETT. Caswell, jurist, 442. BENNETT, Joseph, lawyer, 398. BENNETT, Thomas, governor, 164. BEXT. Silas, jurist. 344 BERGEN. Tunis G.. lawyer, 238 BETHTTNE, Louise B., architect, 9 BETHT'NE, Robert
A., architect. Victor, engineer, 197
PIDDLE. Thomas, diplomat. 1 to BILL. Edward Lyman, journalist BILLINGS, Frank, physician. BIRCH. Thomas, artist. 269 BIRGE. Edward A., zoologist.
BIRKINBINE, John, engineer. 199. BIRNEY, James, diplomat, 224 BISHOP. Charles Alvord. '"r| s 378 BIXBY. Wm. K., manufacturer. 43. BLACK, J. C., soldier and lawyer, 101. 't
BLAIR. Jacob
B.. representative. 275. F., Inventor. 521.
BLAKE, George
Richard Rogers, author and
economist, 456.
William K., phvsician.
William, lawyer, 475.
BOYD, James E., governor, 3. BOYD. Sempronius H., diplomat. 139. BOYLE, Jeremiah T., soldier. 220 BOYLE. Wilbur F., lawyer, 35.
BOYNTON, Nathaniel A., Inventor. 487. BOYNTOX. Washington W.. jurist, 485. BRACE, Jonathan, jurist, 532. BRADLEY, Denis M., R. C. Bishop. 404. BRADY. John Green, governor. 356. BRAIXERD, Ezra, educator, 107. BRANTLY. Theodore, jurist, 190. BRATTON. Theodore Du B., P. E. bishop, 89.
BRENT, Thomas
L. L., diplomat. 337.
BREWER. Nicholas R.. artist. 469. BREWSTER. Wm., ornithologist. 139 BRIGGS,
geon. 126.
BRIGGS. William T., surgeon, 56. BRITTOX. Nathaniel L.. scien'ist H05
BROCKLESBY. John, educator, 2S7 BRODHEAD. John R., historian. 66 BRODIE, William, physician, 224. BROMLEY. Isaac HIM. Journalist, 336. '
clergyman and an-
thur, 287.
BROOKS. William T. H., soldier 361 BROPHY. Truman W.. physician. 374. ^ROUOHTOX, Thos., col. governor. 157. SHOWN, Alanson D.. manufacturer. 17.
ROWX, Benj. Gratz, governor. 306. BBOWN; George W., manufacturer. 36. BROWX. Henry" C.. pioneer. 50S. BROWN, Henry Martin, merchant 278. BROWN, J. J., lawyer, 596 BROWN. James H.. lawyer. 598. 1ROWX. John H. H., P. E. bishop, 90. BROWN, Obadlah B.. composer. 256. BROWN". Paul, manufacturer, 34 BROWXE. George W.. author, 92 BRT'CI. W.
manufacturer. 599. M., clergyman, 334.
F.llUNXKit. Join.
inventor. 352. shipb'lder. :;:,::.
John J., lawyer. 571. William, editor. 574.
physician. 236
C. F.. shipbuilder.
clecFn and author. 349.
surgeon, 472.
UK PltriJN, W. P., congressman soldier. 390. HERBERT. Victor, composer, 473. HEREFORD. Frank, senator. 252.
197 sonntor. N., inventor and mfr.. 120. L.,
T.. Jr..
HURD. Henry Mills, pliysician 1" HUSTON. Felix, soldier.' 27s HI I'TIC. Charles H.. haulier 33 HYATT, John Wesley, inventor. Us HYDE, Edwin Francis, lawyer HYMAN. William liryali. jurist, HYPES, Benjamin M., physician.
soldier. 287. and jonrn.. 247.
HENNESSY. John J.. R. HENRY. John Williams,
JIAlS. JaCOn, cnnstal'le ITAYT. Cliarlcs Doiiison,
cator, 112.
Harold, physician, 293
vnn Monroe
HAnVEY. I.onls I'., governor, 74. HARVEY. Tliomas W.. Inyentor. 418 Willlnn, S.. artist 44L TjASEVriXE. HATCH. F.dward. soldier 343 HATCH. .|o|ln p. soldier. 4ml
HAWI.KY. ThoniMs
P.. author HEISI.Ei;. Charles W.. educator. 111. I1FISS. Michael. R. C. bishop. 411. IIEI.MI TIL F. L. philanthropist. 472. IlELMI'TH. William Tod. surgeon. 471.
Allen, physician, 561. scull, tor.
l.'ich-ird. artis.t. .",7s. I.I.I"!"!'. Moses. jurist. :i:;:i
capitalist. IIP. s,,Micr. -.'7::. IIAiiOdD, .Iiiliiisnu. snl. and guv.... ITS. 11 MI>. I ..... li ('. bishop. 4H5. HAIL. \.\IIIF.KI:. cci,.stinc u. L. ishop. 87. Joseph, pioneer. 257. J.,
Willis Benson, senator, 395. Donald. S., clergyman. 4si'.
S., manufacturer, John XL, author, 111. Samuel, senator. 211.
Charles W.. editor. 574.
XIAES, Camillus P., R. C. bishop, 51. MAGEE, R., lawyer and editor, 263. MAGIE, William F., educator, 4U5. MAGIE, William Jay. jurist. 424.
G., governor,
XIAGRUDER, Benjamin D., jurist, 2(i3. MAINS, George P., clergyman. 474. XIAKUEX. George H.. physician, 352. MALCOX1, Howard,
educator, 300.
MALLARY, Rollin C.. statesman. 111. R., senator, 132. MANLY, Basil, educator, 293.
politician, 577.
MANNERS, Edwin, lawyer, 577. XIAXXIXU, John L., governor, 171. MANNING, XIary "XI. 335. MANNING, Richard L, governor, 165. MANSFIELD, Richard, clergyman, 6. MAREAN. Willis Adams, architect, 322. MARKBREIT, Leopold, diplomat, 467 ,
XIARKHAXI. George D., insurance, XIARXIADUKE, J. S., soldier and
ernor, 308.
governor, 303. missionary and
explorer. 220.
Finnls E., banker. 40.
XIARSHALL, Thomas, soldier, MARTIN, David, jurist. 63.
XIARTIN. George, jurist, 334. XIARTIN, Henry N., biologist. 113 MARTIN. Ruins W.. banker. 313.
Sadie, actress, 556
XIARTY. Martin, R. C. bishop, 416. XIARVIN, F. R.. clergyman and author, 471.
musi'n and composer,
J. J.,
XIASON, John Sanford, soldier, XIASON, Richard S., clergyman,
262. 516.
MASON, William Ernest, senator, 445. MASTERS, Josiah, jurist, 55. MATHES, J. H., soldier and journ., 313.
XL, governor, 431.
XIATHEWS, John, statesman, 160. MATTESON, Antoinette, physician, MATTESON, Charles, jurist, 202
IBAREE, Benjamin, educator. U'OCK. Ira J., lawyer, 211.
governor, 302.
McNAUGHT, F. H., physician, 529. McyUAID, B. J., R. C. bishop, 141. McSWEENEY, Xliles It., governor. 182. McWORTER, George G., jurist, 210. XlaeCORKLE, W. A., governor, 432 MACFARLAXE, G. W., financier, 554. MACHEBOEUF, J. P., R. C. bishop,
McDONALD, James W., merchant, r,9. MCDONNELL, c. E., R. c. bishop, 401. McDT P"FIE, George, governor, 167. McFAUL. James A., R. C. bishop, 347. MiGEOCH, Peter, merchant, 597. McGHEE, C. McC., R. R. prest., 198. T
McGILL, Alexander T., clergyman, 364. McGILL, Alexander T., Jurist, 364. McGILL, George XIcC., surgeon, 364. XIcGIRK, Matthias, Jurist, 227. McGRAW, John H., governor, 207. XIcGUIRE, Francis
clergyman, 590. W., Jurist, 210.
XIclNTIRE, Charles, physician, 128. XIcKELVY. .T. II.. manufacturer, 282.
L. F.,
lawyer, 577.
clergyman and
lator, 143.
merchant. 38. B.. soldier, 557. William H., merchant. 569. John, R. C. bishop, 402. William, chemist, 206.
H., artist, 142 G. E., editor and printer,
281. J.
N., editor
and printer,
XIATTISON, Hiram, clergyman.
Nicholas C., R. C. bishop, 409. Samuel, jurist, 338 MAYFIELD, William H., phys'n and
surg'n, 500.
XIEANS, John H., governor, 171. XIEARS, D. O., clergyman and author, 116.
artist, 52.
clergyman, 420.
XIELCHER, Joseph, R. C. bishop, 412. MENDENHALL. G., physician, 230. MENOCAL, A. G., civil engineer. 27C. MERCER, A. C., pbys'n and surg'n, 211. XIERCER, Lewis
P., clergyman, 82. manufacturer. 53!>. David, senator, 210 MERRILL, Ayres P.. diplomat, :;1-I XIERRILL, George W., diplomat, 273.
R. C. bishop, 413. XIason J.. inventor, 500. S.
METCALF, XIETCALF, W., manufacturer, 232. MEYER, Christian F. G.. merchant, MICHAEL. Ellas, merchant, 26. XIICHAELIUS, Jonas, clergyman, XIICHELSON. Albert A., physicist.
INDEX. MICKEY. John H.. governor. MIDDLKTOX. Aril, 111. statesman. MIDDLKTON. Ili'liry. statesman. HP::. UILBUKN, Frunl r., architect.307. .".
ir.ll. 10."..
MILKS. Richard
Mil. I. Kit,
C. blahop,
1'.. It.
MILLS, Hiram !., i-ivii MILLS, .i.'iin. s,.idii r,
7". 71.
Mvriilln. 1
K. bishop, 89. educator. 1*5. W.. clergyman. 186.
M IMHt, Robert Craiinell. arllsl. ".51. MI NOT, F.. pl.jVn ami educator. 211. M1NSIIAI.L.
TIlinliliMls A., lurlst, -1'.',. L'IIS. I-., pioneer and col. gm"r. ll.Miry Iiiislln. promoti'r. till'.
MITrllKI.L. John Inscho, senator.
.M'l.NTAGF. Lord c.
. C. bishop, 185. C. bishop. In.'.. oDKI.L, Willis p.. clergyman, 299. o-FAIlltKI.L. M. J., It. C. bishop, 347. O'GORMAX. T.. It. C. bishop. 417. O'HAItA. William, It. C. bishop, 45. IP
sician, 502.
H.. biologist, 343.
Robert. Jurist, 484. Robert II.. stati-sman. 483. Moltltisox. .lolin T.. Kovernor, 493. MOKRISOX, Robert F.. lawyer, 125. MOUSE, Allen I!., jurist. 42D. MORSE. John Torrey, Jr., author. 438. MoRToN. Isaac \V.. merchant, 81.
colonial gov'r. 152.
MiPSKS. Franklin Mi
governor, 176. physician. 229. 369.
MOWRRAY. Henry S., artist, MOWER. Joseph A., soldier. MRAK.
Mri.HOI.LAXr>. John,
bishop. 410. financier. 581.
physician. 272. MI'XSEI.L. Albert Henry, artist. 316. I'nul
MUNSON, James E., phonographer, 497. MURPHY. Jeremliili. lawyer, 518. MFIU'HY. Michael A.. Jurist. 458. MURRAY. Grace phvsleian, 360. I'.,
MrilHAY. Hugh Campliell. lawyer, Ml RRAY. Log. in C., banker. 227.
Philip author, 149.
Xcss, educator and
NAKGKLK. Charles F.. artist, NANCE, Albinus, governor, 2. N.U'TO.N. William
jurist. 201. artist. 540. NKKI.Y. Henry A., P. E. bishop, 266. NKI.DKN. Andrew Linn, surgeon, 590.
XF.LSOX, Richard M.. banker. 325. NT WHERRY. John S., mfr., 554. XEWKLL. MeF. A., educator. 512. M:\VII.L. Artliur
educator. 597.
NICHOLS. \V. F.. I', E. bishop, NICHOLSON. Sir F.. prov. gov'r, Mi HOI.SON. John Heed. Jurist.
NoliLK. Frederick XOP.I.K. Patrick,
N01.KER. William F.. mfr.. 37. XOHRIS. Moses, senator. 394. XORRIS. William F.. oculist, 332. XORTIIROP, II. P.. It. C, bishop, 411.
Charles, civil engineer. 269. PAIXTKll. Hamallel, jurist. 105. PALMER, Innis Newton, soldier, 246. PALMER. Potter, capitalist, 541. PALMER. Win. J., It. H. president, 8.
PARK, John Duan jurist. 311. PAUKK. John Grubb, engineer, 242. PARKER. CortlaniU, lawyer, 268. PARKER, George W., lawyer and It. president, 12. PARKFR. Joel, jurist. 113.
PARKER, Julia A., PARKER, Thomas,
Trusten. governor. 3114. POLLARD. Richard, diplomat.
Sayre, tiuaneier.
POTTS, Jonathan, surg
125. PKAP.ODY. Elizabeth P., educator. 350. Robert S., architect. 200. W. W., R. R. mgr., 494. PEARCE, D. J., congressman, 553. PEASE, Henry R., senator, 389. PKCK, George "W., governor. 79. PECK, Henry E., clergyman, 115. PECK, Tracy, educator, 214. George W., biologist. 346.
H., jurist.
PECKHAM, PEET, H. P.. educator and author, 550 PEMBERTON, William Y., Jurist, 453 PENDLETON. John S. diplomat, 323. I'l.NXYPACKER. Galusha. F..
soldier. 372.
clergyman, 425. 435.
PERRIN, Bernadotte, educator, 243. PKRRY, Benjamin F., governor, 174. PKRSICO, Ignatius, R. C. bishop, 535. G. W., P. E. bishop, 88.
PFFIFER. Charles, merchant, 568. PHELPS. A. M., phys'n and surg'n, PHELPS, Ansou Greene, merchant. PHELPS, J. S.. soldier and gov'r,
lawyer and
Jos., R. C. bislio,
RAFTER, Geo. W.. civil engineer. 211;. RALSTON, Alexander, survey, RAMSEY. Jos., Jr., railroad' mgr., 27. RANDALL, Edwin M.. Jurist. 215. RANEY, George Pettus. jurist. 215. RAXKEX. David, Jr.. merchant. 12. RANSOM. Rastus Seneca, lawyer. :,si;. RANKINE, James, educator, 551. RAPAI.I.o. Charles A., lawyer. 552. RAUCH, John Henry, physician. 452. RAVOGLI. Augustus, physician and sti
QUEEN, Emmet, capitalist. 4T7. QUIGLEY, Isaac MOOI-C.. jurist. 321. QUIGLEY, James E., R. C. bish.
PATTERSON', Thomas M.. senator, 555. PATTON, John, senator, 391. PAUL, Gabriel Rene, soldier, 242. PAXTON, W. M., clergyman and edu-
Isaac, physician, 486. physician, 486.
POWELL. Unwell Aubrcv. lawver POWELL, William F., diplomat, 1115. POWERS. James Knox. ,-ducalor. 2! 17 POYXTER, Willlnm A., governor,
PARTRIDGE, W. G., clergyman, 255. PATTERSON, David T., senator, 217. PATTERSON, John J., senator, 395. PATTERSOX, Robert W., journ., 53.
senator, 69.
POMEROY, Theo. M.. congressman. 25: POOL, John, senator. 898 POPE. Charles A., surgeon. 21 1. PORTER. Robert P.. statistician. 21H.
I'AURISII, Joseph,
PARRISH. M.. artist and illust'r, 487. PARRY, David McL., mfr., 462. PARSOXS, Charles, financier, 424. PARSOXS, W. It., civil engineer, 548. PARSOXS. William H., mfr., 560.
H., educator. 214.
Charles S.. geologisi, 544. PRYOIl. Luke, lawyer. 2il(i. I'P.YOR. William S., jurist. 100, PI'DDEFOOT, Win. G.. clergyman. 4:;-
clergyman, 249. Henry A., merchant, 536.
Pl.AT/EK, M. Warley, lawyer, Pl.l MB, Joseph, pioneer. 454.
Louis T.. physician.
John, rev. s.ddier, 47n. PRICF, Sterling, governor. :;u| PRICE. Thomas R.. educator. 2 Is
PETERS, Belvart J., jurist, 140. PETERS, Julius, dental surgeon. 571. PETERS. Richard. Jurist. 2.".5. PETTIT. Thomas MoK.. lawyer. 129. PETTFS, E. W., soldier and senator,
and author, 460. clergyman, 48.
Po.MKROY. Samuel
PIXCKXEY, Charles, slatesinan. 161. PINCKXEY, Thomas, statesman. 160. PITCHER, Z., pliys'u and surg'n. 214.
PICKARD, Josiah L., educator. 512. PICKEXS, Andrew, governor, liil. PICKEXS, Frauds W.. governor, 173. PICKETT. Josiah, soldi, .r. 22!i. PIERCE, Heman W., artist. 3!P2. PIERCE, Henry Clay, capitalist, 15.
jurist, 201. OLIYER. James, inventor. 522. C. S.. P. E. bishop. 88. O'XKIL. William W.. financier, 312. oPIK. Thomas, physician, 188. OKi'ltoNAFX. John, lawyer. 331. OKIi, James I... statesman, 175. OSP.ORX. Thomas W.. senator. 394. OSI1ORXE. Louis S.. clergyman. 577. OSLF/It. William, physician, 201. o SI 1. 1. IVAN. John I... diplomat, 337. OTIS. H. G.. soldier and journ., 187. James, congressman, 547.
156. 453.
xiEDitiNGiiAus. F. G., mfr., 12. XIKTKIIT. Herman I... surgeon, 519. Ml.KS. William II.. educator. 481.
OKKY. John Waterman,
MultGAN, Thomas
A., kwyer, 230. D., educator. 2J2. J., jurist, 184.
RAYMOND, Benj. W.. merchant. READ. Charles, jurist, 263. REAMY, Thad. Asbury, physician.
Charles A. L.. surgeon. 47s. David, clergyman ai.d editor. 6 Joseph Rea. jurist. 517. Rich. C. S.. M. I)., educator, 4T RENCHER, Abraham, diplomat. 337 RENSHAW, Win. B.. naval otlie ]. REX. George, jurist. c,5. l\>
REYNOLDS, I. A.. R. C. bishop. 410. REYNOLDS, John P., physician. 216 REYNOLDS. Robert M.. diplomat. l.VI. REYNOLDS, Thomas, governor. RIIAWN. William II.. banker. .v:2. RHEES. Rush, educator, 245. UHEES, Win. J., bibliographer. 104 RHETT. It. B.. physician and sur.. :;i.:i.
Augustus I... Jurist. 97. Benjamin F.. senator. i. 82. George S.. civil digit Henry Mower, senator. 21.". J. B., clergyman and author Jonathan, merchant. :;s
editor. 2ip".. IJ1CE, William North, scientist. Rol.t. II inotalluiL RICHARDS.
233. 491.
PHEI.PS, S. I,., naval officer. 358. PHEI.PS. William F., educator, 480.
RICHARDS, Theo. W.. chemist. 302 RICHARDS. William T.. artist. '2 RICHARDSON, A. F.. Journnlis'. 572 RICHARDSON. Edmund F.. la" RICHARDSON. Israel B.. soldier. 22C .".-
governor, 1G3. governor, lliS. 1'., governor, 180.
John John John
H. C. bishop, 403.
RR'KKH, Geo. A., civil engineer, 271. K1CKSKCKER, Theo., merchant, 564. RIDGE. Isaac M., phys'n and sur., 520. RloHDAN, P. W., R. C. bishop, 408. RII'LEY, Christopher G., Jurist, 43. RISING, Willard B., chemist, 341. RISLEY, John E\viug, lawyer, 284. KIT/KMA, Johannes, clergyman, 317. ROBBINS, Jerome W., lawyer, 580. financier, 365. K< HERTS, George ROBERTSON, Thomas J., senator, 203. KOHIDOUX, Joseph, pioneer, 215. E..
ROBINSON, Benjamin
botanist and
educator, 138.
117. Gilford S., jurist, 373. KOI il). Thomas, civil engineer, 315. ROE, Francis A., naval officer, 547. K(ii:. Georsre M., journalist, 111. It. S., architect, 494. John It., governor, 104. James, typefounder, 507. RouSE. George H., physician, 568.
lOESCHLAUB, WOOERS, RONALDSON, BOOSEVELT, J. H., philanthropist, 6. ROOSEVELT, Nicholas, inventor, 127. ROOSEVELT, Sam. M., merchant, 128. ROSE, Benjamin, capitalist, BOSS, Betsey, 438.
John, senator, 389.
John M.,
jurist, 123. Josiah, jurist, 222.
Robert K., governor,
William, jurist, 188. Richard M., merchant, 14. SCULLIN, John, contractor, 33. SEABKOOK, W. B., governor, 170. SEAMAN. Louis L., physician and sur-
mat. 345.
KBICHTEIt, Henry i
juris., 213. and diplo-
jurist, 33fi. naturalist, 144.
Itol /.ELL, \Villett Enos. Richard H., It'll SSEAU,
lawyer and
diplomat, 185. Stanton, educator, 148:
T. F., manufacturer, 346. Vernon, inventor, 399.
SEARCH, T. C., manufacturer, 393. SEATON, Chas. W., statistician, 217. SEEVERS, William H., jurist, 70. SEIBELS,
J. J.,
diplomat and It.,
R. C. bteuup.
SELLERS, John, Jr., manufacturer, 277. SELYNS, Henrlcus, clergyman, 327. SEMPLE, Robert B., clergyman, 483. SETTLE, T.. jurist and dip,-iiuat, 199. SEVVALL, Harold SEWALL, Jotham
M., diplomat, 193. o.. educator, 259.
SEWELL, WIlliaD' J., senator, 217. soldier and manuSEXTON, James facturer, 109. SEYMOUR, John Simmis, lawyer, 373. SEYMOUR, Thomas D., educator and editor, 365. SHANNON, R. C., congressman. 361. SHAPLEIGH, Alfred L., merchant, 39. SHARKEY, William L., jurist. 193. SHARP, Daniel, clergyman, 322. SHATTUCK, Fred. C., physician, 272. SHATTUCK, George C., physician. 197. SHAUCK, John Allen, jurist, 134. SHAW, Wilson A., banker, 192. SHAYNE, C. C., manufacturer, 559. SHEAKLEY, James, governor, 356. SHEFFIELD, William P., lawyer, 390. SHELBY. W. R., railroad pres., 135. SHEPARD, Edward M., geologist, 395. SHEPHERD, Jas. Edward, jurist, 423. SHEPPARD, John C., governor, 180. Jt., t
SPENCE, Carroll, diplomat. 318. SPENCER, Corwiu II., capitalist, 10. SPENCER, Daniel C., merchant, 507. SPENCER, Samuel, railroad pres.. in. SPINNER. Francis Ellas, financier. :!s.s.
C., architect, 458.
SQUIERS, Herbert SQUIRE, Mary L.
G., diplomatist, 333. C., singer, 224.
STAFFORD, Denis J., clergyman, 437. STAHR, John Summers, educator. 444. STANNAKD. George J.. soldier, 302.
STARLING, Lyne, merchant, 4311. STEBBINS, Rufus I'., clergyman. 249. STEELE, Daniel, clergyman and author,
STEELE, Isaac Nevett, dinlomat, 429. STEIGERS, Wm. C., journalist, 25. STEINBISS, Herman W., editor, 20. STEPHENS, Lon V., governor, 30U.
Frank, governor, 402.
STEVENS, Isaac I., sol. and gov., 137. STEVENS, John H., pioneer, 301. STEVENS, Walter I?., journalist. 11. STEVENS, Walter Husted, soldier and engineer, 258.
C. C.,
governor, 369.
James, ethnologist. John, pioneer and
STEVENSON, Thomas G., soldier. 265. STEVENSON, William E., gov.. 430. STEWART, Robert M., governor, 305. STEWART, Thomas J., soldier. 529. STILES. William H.. congressman. STINESS. John Henry, jurist. 248. STITES, Henry J., jurist, 110. STIX.' Charles
STOCKTON, Richard, jurist. 218. STOCKTON, Robert H., mfr.. 24. STOKES, James, banker. 2:i!l.
STONE, William Joel, governor, 308. STOREY, M., lawyer and author. 21S. Wallace Fisher, editor, 324. STOVALL, DOLPH, STOVER, James Harney, lawyer. 536. BUFFNER, William H., geologist and Martin STOVER, Luther, jurist. 520. educator, 526. STOW, Alexander W.. jurist. 513. SHURTLEFF, Benj., physician, 567. RUGGLES, George D., soldier, oo9. Hobart soldier and H.. merchant, 516. Daniel STOW, Edgar, SICKLES, RUGGLES, John, senator, 230. STROBEL, Edward Henry, jurist, 324. lawyer, 450. RI'SSELL, Charles Taze, author and 551. STRONG, Augustus H.. educator, 514. SILSBEE. Nathaniel, senator, clergyman, 317. STRONG, Paschal N., clergyman, 423. SIMMONS, Furnifold McL., sen., 517. RUSSELL. Frank, anthropologist, 457. 434. and STUART, Granville, pioneer, 123. rnfr., RUSSELL, Geo. H., banker and mer- SIMMS, E. F., geologist SIMONTON. Charles Henry, jurist, 430. SULLIVAN. Dennis, capitalist. 44fi. chant. 212. SULLIVAN, John A., financier. 539. SIMPSON, James, jurist, 4S. RUTLEDGE. Edward, governor, 162. SULLIVAN. Wm. Van A., senator, 387. SIMPSON, W. D. Jurist and gov.. 178. RYAN, Edward George, Jurist. 230. 3IMS, Alexander I)., congressman, 558. SULLY, Alfred, soldier, 285. RYAN. James. R. C. bishop, 479. 57;'. eduHorace manufacturer, SULLY, Daniel, actor, 110. and M., SINGER, RYAN. Michael, merchant SUMMERS. Williamson S.. lawyer, 598. SITTIG, Lena W., philanthropist, 252. cator. 539. 29. 484. Frederick SUTHERLAND, Wm. A. lawyer, 441. J. V., SKIFF, RYAN, Stephen V., R. C. bishop, 148. Rhoades S.. physician, 406. SUTTON, John and Fox, diplophilanthropist, SLATER, Thomas, legislator RYAN, SMALLS, Robert, soldier and congress SWAIN, George F., civil engineer. 276. mat, 127. Robert B.. merchant, 237. SWAIN, 421. 425. man, Charles clergyman, J., RYDER, SWEENY, Chas., miner and banker. :",. SMIDT, Allan Lee. lawyer, 589. SWENSON, Laurits S., diplomat. 10.S. SMITH, Albert Holmes, physician, 421.
Rt'DD. William
Platt, lawyer, 478. Michael, soldier, 335.
M., R. C. bishop, 414. governor. 75.
SALOMON, Edward, I H
jurist, 526.
Ezra Perin. governor, 4. \\VIX. Theophilus I', clergyman, 580.
SAWYER, Edward,
clan, 298.
civil engineer, 320.
SCANLAN. Lawrence, scMM'.oKuUGII. W. SCATKS. Walter P..,
H. C. bishop, 144. S..
philologist, 55.
jurist, 209. E.. physician. 528. SCilAI' FER, F. F., manufacturer, 572. sc no'I TEN, Julius J., merchant, 20. ilHOKItS. John, journalist, 21. JH'HULTZ, Jackson 3., rcerchant, 139. SCIIWEBACII. Jas., R. C. bishop, 412. Kdward. governor, 80. Lev I T.. architect, sculp-
SWENSON. Svante M.. banker. SWINEFORD, A. P., governor,
231. 355.
SMITH, Ira B., merchant, 223. SMITH, James, Jr., senator, 391. SMITH, James Elwood, merchant, 24. SMITH, John Eugene, soldier, 248. SMITH, John S., politician. 188. SMITH, Oberlin, mech. engineer, 461. SMITH, Robert. P. E. bishop. 318. SMITH, Truman, senator, 220. SMITH, William, jurist, 252. SMITH, William E., governor, 78. SMITH, William L., diplomat. 338. SMITH, William R., educator, 294. SMOI.NIKAR, A. I?., religionist, 202.
> 1
SAM'.OKN, Walter Henry,
SMITH, Carlos Green, educator, 295. SMITH, Charles F., philologist and eduSMITH, Frederick SMITH, Hamilton
R., jurist, 251.
SHIPLEY, William, colonist, 371. SHOPE, Simeon P., jurist, 69. SHOUP, George Laird, governor, 491.
SALPOINTE, Jeau B., archbishop, 50. SAMPSON, C. H., manufacturer, 27. SAMPSON. William, jurist, 101.
INLANDERS, John C., physician. 320. IPSANDEIISON. Silas W., jurist, 46. SAM'oltD, Edmund C.. educator, 272. SARGENT. Jonathan E., "Jurist. 145. SATTEKLEE. Walter, artist, 379. I
lawyer, 459.
L., scientist
SMYTH, Clement, R. C. bishop, 408. SMYTH, Frederick, jurist, 377. SMYTH, John Henry, lawyer. 526. SNEE. John
and edu-
merchant. 5S6. LaF., jurist. 331. Arch. L., diplomat, 119. Thos. C.. manufacturer, 463. Frank i.,ouls, educator, 516. A.,
SNYDER, SOLDAN, SCOFIELD, SOMMERVILLE, M., glyptoiogist, 251. SCOFIELD. SOPER. Arthur W., railroad mgr., 189. tur. and engineer, 321. SCOTT. Charles L.. congressman and SOTHELL. Seth, col. governor, 152. SPEAR, William T., jurist. 116. diplomat. 210. BPEERS, John Boyd, banker, 314 SCOTT. Elinon, jurist. 203.
B., manufacturer. 4ti:i. N. P.. governor, 73 George Judil, merchant, 23. Fred. D., financier, 450. Isaac S.. architect. 23. John, governor, 165. Robert F., jurist, 213. William La'dd. artist. 64. William R.. governor. 77.
TANSEY, TAPPEN, TAYLOR, TAYLOR, TAYLOR, TAYLOR, TAYLOR! TEN EYCK. Anthonv. lawyer. 259. TERRELL, Joseph M.. governor. 396. TERRY', Charles T.. lawyer. 534. TERRY', David S., lawyer. 104.
TESSIER. Eugenie,
singer. 589.
THATCHER, Henry Calvin, jurist, 513. THAYER, John M., governor. 2. TIIAYER. Samuel R.. lawyer, 123. THAYER. William R.. author. 530. TIIOMAN, Leroy D., lawyer. 131. E. bishop, 89. THOMAS. Elislia S.. THOMAS. Henry G.. soldier. 249. THOMPSON. Hugh S.. governor. 179. THOMPSON, John B.. senator. 226. THOMPSON. Wm., manufacturer. 588. THOMPSON. Wm. H., financier, 16. THOMPSON. William O.. educator, 113. THOMSON, Alexander, jurist, 425. I'.
THOMSON. John K.. sciialoi. 212. THRESHER. El.cllcX.er. clergyman maliiifactnrcr.
TiiT'ANV Louis M.-I... physician. ii': Til. 1..MAN. Benjamin It.. governor, ISO. >.
Til. I. .MAN,
diploma;, oil!. it., MBEKI.AKE. physician, 2111. Tl.Vi i.\. John. K. C. liishii|i. IM. TirinN. Tli. .Til. is \V.. lawyer. 22C.. i..
TIIEKKE. A. M.. Tul .|:I:KT. John
889. lawver and Ml., A senator, 25s.
Tl iRKAXCI-:. Ell, TI :\\ M:. Charles
WAI. Ki:it. Ivan
ins, .n.
engineer and
Illanehe. actress, :i72. Julius S.. financier, 13. 'fli. .mas K., architect. 531. WAl.To.X. Joseph, inannfaciurcr, 41s. David, slirvcvor. 5sti.
WAKE. Lewis Sharpe. beet -sugar. 473. WAKXEK. rhas. li.. railroad olliccr.
Henry, soldier and
Kit z
\\AKKKX. Minion, cciiicator. WAIIKKX. Winslow. lawyer.
TKIINT. Tl:li;ilS
Hub hoi, .'..I.
TKoiiKC. lames, it. c. bishop, 41". TltoTT. Nicholas, jurist. 24n. TI;OTTI:K. .lain.'- FUher, jurist. 331.
TKoU T.KlMi.i:.
Alvah. banker.
Tin \\. liarlea Henry, juris!, 2c.i. TIM .Mi-.ri.l.. i.yiuati. senator, ::t2. '
TI'CK. Somervllle Tl
r.. lawyer. "i;(i. KICK. Samuel, naval otticcr. 847. KKKMAX. Samuel I ., organist. 2C,ci. 1
TI'KCHIX. .Inlin Basil, s. .Idler. 241. Tl RLEY. Tlniiiias Rattle, senator.
Tl 'RXUri.L. William, engineer. 314. TI KXKK. Cliarlrs II.. capitalist, 42. Tl KNKK. Geo rge, senator. ."s5. TritXKR .I..IMI W.. sc. Idler. 559,
rhe'llist. 4113.
TWoMI'.I.Y. .lull" Hanson, clergyman and .dii. Mt..r. 147. TVS. iX. John It., jurist, 130. i
U. nil.. l-Mwiii Fuller, diplomat, 517. rXCAS. Indian chief. 401. \l'i:i:\Vni ili. I.. M.. botanist. 23S. rxDI. l:\vcn Hi. Hs.-ar \\".. cong-essitian. I
ITIIAM. William
governor. 79.
IT'TiiX. William W.. jurist. ri'T'iX. Winslow. asirnu.iuier.
FTI.EY. Henry M..
It. 2::.s.
M l'. .!i.
VAIL. Sieplipn. manufacturer. 417. VAIL. Th.imas H.. I'. E. bishop, 89.
VAN RLARCOM. J. C., flnaneier. 81. VAN DEI! DOXCK. A., colonist, 203. VAXlH:i;HKYIii:X.
liirk. colonist, 204. A., governor. 102. Willis, jurist. 47.
VAXI iKKIlnlisT.
VAX IlKVAXTKK. VAX UK WAKKKlt. IJl-.vard E. nhyslc-ian. is; VAX XIi:rwKXIIi:YSKX. Wlllielmua, 'l.'i-i:\ man. VArciIAN.
Victor C.. physician. 207.
C:irl. e.imp.iser. 4:.l'. \ i:i:Ni:u. .Tani.-s. capitalist. INC,.
.Mnrrv A., railroad operator,
bishop. 535. bishop. 41G.
VI:UY. I'lank W., astronomer,
A. L.. civil eng.. 463. Decl'.is S.. jurist. 71. IVsius .1.. ni. reliant. "4.
R. C. bishop. 30
David, jurist, 437. \V\1T. oven J., clergyman and educator.
l-yrns. n,f r .. 123.
merchant. 18
manufacturer. ll".l. Lawrence, diplomat, ">i. i\\ \SI:NII. TRAI'EY. Charles, congressman, 4!M. Tit M'Y. t'liai-lcs. lawver. 1 III. TI
Sainin-1 \VMIIatu,
WAl.KKlt. .lames II.. senator. 288. WA1.KE1S. Win. !>., P. E. bishop. 91.
i:.. i.
WAliD. John, clergyman.
Nelson J.. jurist. :!S.S. educator. 5S2. civil engineer and
WA'ISOX. w;..iam. cilucalor,