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The Integral Being
Andrea Victoria Cano
The Integral Being
Andrea Victoria Cano
The Integral Being
Title of the original: "THE INTEGRAL BEING" First Edition 1998 - Ecuador IETI - 030180 ISBN 978-9942-02-150-2 Author: Andrea Victoria Cano. Art and Design: Jaime Pesantes Second Edition February 2017, La Paz - Bolivia. Editorial Casa de Tharsis. The deposit established by law 11.723 has been made. Bolivian Edition Book.
E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://editorialdelacasadetharsis.blogspot.com/
Andrea Victoria Cano
The Integral Being
Andrea Victoria Cano
The Integral Being
Table of contents. PROLOGUE. ........................................................................................................13 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................15 CHAPTER ONE ......................................................................................17 Cultural and Historical Revisionism .....................................................17 Disproving the Theory of Evolution ..................................................17 Dr. Lloyd Pye's Thesis. ....................................................................19 The Falsehood of History.................................................................24 The Discovery of America................................................................26 Conspiracy Theory...........................................................................32 CHAPTER TWO .....................................................................................37 The Human Being as a Bioenergetic Entity ............................................37 Conventional theory of Being or Ontology...........................................37 The Human Being according to materialistic psychology. ...................39 The Incredible Dr. Alberto Martí Boch .................................................48 CHAPTER THREE..................................................................................53 Everything we are not taught ..................................................................53 Complexion of the Human Being for Gnosis. ......................................53 Metaphysical part of the Human Being (Soul or Psyche)....................58 CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................63 10
Andrea Victoria Cano The Alien Factor......................................................................................63 The Alien Factor. .................................................................................63 Human Being Complexion after Hybridization.....................................70 Strategic Confusion of the Non-Integrated Self ...................................72 CHAPTER 5............................................................................................77 Metaphysical Engine ...............................................................................77 Metaphysical Motor of the Integrated Being: .......................................77 CHAPTER 6............................................................................................81 How to Reach Self Integration ................................................................81 Exoplanetary Wisdom..........................................................................81 Historical Revisionism .........................................................................83 Metapolitics..........................................................................................85 Warrior Styria.......................................................................................87 CHAPTER 7............................................................................................90 Principles of the Integral Self ..................................................................90 Honor...................................................................................................90 Charisma .............................................................................................91 Will.......................................................................................................93 Job.......................................................................................................94 Principle Entity.....................................................................................96 CHAPTER 8 ..........................................................................................101 11
The Integral BeingSuper Man .....................................................................................101 The The Super Man..................................................................................101 Vegan Society ...................................................................................102 National Socialism .............................................................................104 Orientation Ritual ...............................................................................107 CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................................111 BIBLIOGRAPHY....................................................................................113
Andrea Victoria Cano
The Integral Being
PROLOGUE. The publication of this book is of vital importance for all those who do not know all the subtle aspects of energy, which manifests itself on a large scale, constantly and drastically; we have forgotten who we are and what it means to be whole. The system influences to keep us asleep on a daily basis and, thus forgetting the meaning of all things, anesthetizing us with banal and irrelevant entertainment, falsified and distorted information, levels of daily lies tolerated no matter how lacerating and obscene, we perceive only a minimal part of reality although we are inserted in a colossal material structure, converted into a simple game piece, which an elite or a hierarchy controls at will, manipulating and disorienting us. What is the purpose? To prevent us from transcending from this sphere of consciousness to other purer and more original planes, where we could remember who we really are and finally free ourselves from this prison we call the world. Personally, it sickens me to know the direction that humanity is heading, because there are multiple paths that man takes to go astray that favor the plans of the enemy. People who do not question anything, who accept a whole stormy reality as a vital part of their existence, people submerged in an illusory "comfort" where they are not part of anything, nor are they anyone, worried about such ephemeral things as a "respectable" social position, a job with good dividends, a profession that gives them "stability", fun, parties, drugs, and a family that they do not value and mistreat, further increasing the rates of pain on which this "beautiful creation" is so dependent; in either case, failure is neither tolerable nor acceptable....
Andrea Victoria Cano But I do not blame them, a few years ago I could clearly identify with them, although I felt that the world was not right, something prevented me from leaving the established concepts, but on the other hand an incredible force, which I could not identify, pushed me to leave all that behind and to find my true essence. Thanks to Luis Felipe Moyano author of Belicena Villca's book and the Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom, I was able to know that it was that force, called Spirit, and that this spirit was our alien heritage, our legacy out of this world, hostile to everything material and to this imperfect creation. A whole conspiracy that someone or "something" had already premeditatedly planned, so that we continue to make sense of a lie, and of a life as fallacious as our own existence, but has anyone ever wondered about their own spirituality? Answer: Very few! It is something not to worry about, since it is not palpable, nor visible, and no one imagines the metaphysical connotations it entails. But if we could reintegrate all those possibilities and understand how important is a metaphysical restructuring, which does not come from a conventional vision, and which breaks with every rationalist concept we have been used to, we would reach unimaginable spiritual levels, and we w o u l d r e a l i z e perfectly our condition in this universe, and what we could become: men and women with a will of fire, far from the materialization and stupid entelechy of the plans of an intelligence that is the ruler of this universe and many more.
The Integral Being
INTRODUCTION The inexistence of a vision that generates an integrated contextualization of other planes of existence makes it impossible to have an integrated vision of ourselves. We want to seek integral development in personal achievements, material things that annul the perceptive sense of spirituality. An integrality is something that is not taught in schools, or in the family nucleus, because this knowledge has been relegated by the rationalist patterns. The system makes us believe that a human being is integrated by aspects, religious, artistic, cognitive, emotional, political...etc. But this only gives us an idea that the human being is being teledirected by a power alien to his will that deliberately uses him towards an inconsequence that leads him nowhere, there is nothing behind all his basic behaviors of life. How can we explain then the existence of certain manifestations that do not fit the model that has been implemented? How can we explain that even after reaching the "achievements" or "goals" that we have set for ourselves, we still feel empty and incomplete? The models or patterns for interpreting the world and everything that inhabits it, is set in a linear temporality, which is outside of everything that is original and orienting, dissolving the subtlety of the symbolic and significant perceptions of other planes of existence. The cognitive process of being, propitiates a partial vision of what we must learn and what we must do, but nevertheless in our interior there is an intense range of manifestations of a whole universe that we do not know, and other sensations that we cannot conceptualize in rationality, calling us with their own language,
Andrea Victoria Cano waiting for us to decide to march towards what is not established and break with that cultural scheme that keeps us prisoners in ourselves. The human being is very complex and is totally unaware of everything he represents, we are composed of soul, psyche, spirit, apart from this biological body, where some give preponderance to certain aspects relegating other important ones, for lack of knowledge of themselves, of their plexus. We cannot speak then of an integrality when each aspect is dispersed and we do not understand its functionality. In this book I will try to explain why the human being is not integrated, and how this integration can be achieved in the light of the hyperborean wisdom, starting with the knowledge of oneself to reach a unity, a rapport of all the aspects that make the human being a multidimensional, sensory and spiritual being. We will then reveal in the following chapters what it would mean to drop the veil of illusion that prevents us from remembering the "true sensory world" to which we belong. We hope that this information can clarify in a positive or negative way all the questions you have been asking yourself: who am I, where do I come from, where am I going, where am I going?
Be brave and face action as the only alternative of volitional action.
The Integral Being
CHAPTER ONE. Cultural and Historical Revisionism. Disproving the Theory of Evolution. Darwinism raises many questions about the theory of evolution, which due to superstitions, prejudices, religious dogmas and the various theories that were ventured, because it is more than strange that we are only an evolved monkey, it is more than evident the impossibility of proving it not only due to the scarce knowledge of those times, if not to the excessive zeal of its mentors, who arbitrarily imposed it with the more than suspicious complicity of the scientific community and the system. Indeed, we all sense that the Theory of Evolution, apart from being fanciful, is totally unrealistic. With reliable criteria that start from the Hyperborean Wisdom The Alien Factor Until we have scientific knowledge, we will provide enough evidence to prove the true origin of mankind. Would evolution then be an extraterrestrial genetic manipulation? We will start with Luis Felipe Moyano, who assures that we are part of an alien hybridization, by means of a hominid female and an extraterrestrial being, who genetically influenced such "evolution", let's see: On earth inhabited an extremely primitive hominid (Pasu) such hominid was called to fulfill the mission entrusted by the demiurge, to be postor of sense in its creation.
Andrea Victoria Cano This hominid (Pasu) had failed as a species in the fulfillment of its purpose, and its destiny would be extinction. What miracle saved it from disappearing? The genetic contribution of an extraterrestrial race. If we analyze the semantics concretely we can discover its valuable content, if we speak of a creator god that is out of this world, we come to the conclusion that he does not belong to this world, and that necessarily makes him an extraterrestrial being or extrauniverse, which reveals his true origin. But let's see how it happened: The first Archon called Samael (Jehovah) made a pact with 200 treacherous angels, (this first betrayal w a s called white betrayal) whose leaders were 20, we can say those who fell into the deception. Their names were: Rameel, Kokabiel, Arakiba, Tamiel, Semjaza, Danel, Ezeqeel, Baraqijal, Azazel, Armaros, Batarel, Ananel, Zaqiel, Shamsiel, Satarel, Turel, Tomjael, Sariel, Ramiel and Samiazaz who descended to earth and clothed themselves in the appearance of men in order to lie with the women of the earth. While these dwelt in the house of men they taught them the arts of magic. Azazel was chief among the masters, though the tenth among the leaders. He taught the arts of smelting metals and polishing gems, and the manufacture of weapons of war, and of dyes and tinctures and ornaments used by harlots to arouse lust. Semjaza the chief among the leaders taught the uses of herbs and the singing of songs of power. Armaros taught the art of constructing amulets of protection and finding poisons. Baraqijal gave instruction in reading signs in the heavens. Kokabiel taught the names and powers of all the stars and their constellations. 19
The Integral Being Ezekiel taught the signs of the weather on land and sea, and the way to calm storms and call the winds and summon the rains. Arakiba gave instruction in the geomantic arts and in the growth of crops. Shamsiel taught about the seasons of the sun and the measurement of days. Sariel taught about the lunar seasons and all their secret powers. From that union the daughters of men on earth had giants, and those giants used the forbidden arts. These angels were punished for having defiled themselves with the women of the earth and the punishment was inflicted by the Angel Michael, being then betrayed and chained to matter by their own race. The pact with the creator had been consummated and there would take place an alien hybridization that would allow this new man to make sense of his creation, recognizing him as the only father and god. Although religions, due to their gnoseological blindness, insist on affirming that God cannot be extraterrestrial, it is a fact that opens the way to a spiritual vision that is difficult to overlook.
Dr. Lloyd Pye's Thesis. Lloyd Pye states that there are at least twelve ways in which humans are NOT primates: the bones of humans are thinner and lighter, the muscles are five to ten times weaker ounce for ounce, the skin is not well adapted to direct sunlight, the adipose tissue contains five times more fat under the skin, (because if there is a deep and severe cut it opens up, due to the fat, which causes it not to heal and need s t i t c h e s , otherwise it would become infected, and 20
Andrea Victoria Cano we could die. If there is a cut on a primate severe enough, they are so strong that they have the ability to heal themselves). Humans do not have much body hair relative to primates, the pattern is completely reversed, as primates are very hairy on their backs, and less hairy in front, and in humans we are hairy on the back, and in humans we are hairy on the back, and less hairy on the front. What selective progress is there in that? In humans, the hair on the head and the nails have to be
trimmed, what's the advantage in that? It was definitely not a good move of nature. Skulls and brains don't have the same approximation, locomotion is the most obvious difference, in the 21
The Integral Being primates we must remember, that "Speech" is completely re-designed, sex does not possess any signs of typical cycles. Human genetic disorders are more than four thousand, (which does not make sense for a species of only 200,000 thousand years old), in primates there are only a few, nature therefore when there is an irregularity gets rid of the defective copies. Most things grow very authentic in nature, plants, animals; you do not find for example albinism (depigmentation of the skin due to lack of melanin) in gorillas or alligators, although this is not something that kills you, it does not stop you from reproducing.
If these genetic disorders are not passed through sexual transmission, how did they get into our bodies? There shouldn't be a single one of them, yet these genetic disorders can kill you before you reach puberty. They are in our body due to Genetic Manipulation. And in that genetic manipulation, mistakes were made, and those 4000 genetic disorders were left there, because whoever was doing the manipulations didn't care about getting it right, they were just in a hurry to finish the job. They were making sentient beings
Andrea Victoria Cano They did it for a reason and they didn't do it for our benefit, they did it for their own benefit. Someone came into this world and designed this planet to suit them, and we are a product of that program, whatever that program was. Conventionalism tells us that primate DNA is so similar to human DNA, that there is only one step between them and us, and that no doubt we "evolved from them", but we can also be so similar to a rabbit and a mouse, but there is a difference, they all have 48 chromosomes, and we have 46, we have lost two chromosomes somehow, some way. But the truth that they don't tell us is that you can't lose two whole chromosomes, but someone fused them together. Somebody took number two and number three in primates, and in us they fused the two together, why would they want to do that? To keep the whole bundle of chromosomes there, to make two into one, why? To reduce from 48 to 46 chromosomes without losing any DNA. All this is nothing more than, genetic engineering by the Anunnaki, they were the creators of mankind, and they manipulated human genetics for their convenience, they were basically making slaves, a story that Female Anunnaki with her first fits perfectly. Lulu. with the approach of Luis Felipe Moyano, because we must remember that the god of the bible, Jehovah, belongs to the Anunnaki alien race.
The Integral Being What were the Anunnaki facing when they wanted to create a creature in their image? Not being adapted to survive on earth, and this is known because the Sumerian writings show those gods, completely covered up to their heads, humans then, would be better adapted to the planet than they were and, already knowing that they had some genes from the creatures of the earth, using them as models, they began to design their genetic assembly plan. In the Sumerian accounts, we can see how Enki's proposal to create a primitive slave, was the solution to his problems, as much as Enlil was opposed to the project, it was Anu (Jehovah) the king of Nibiru (Chan Shambalah) who really had the power to decide what choice to make. And he ordered Enki: "Survival is in danger if you have to get "gold" to be elaborated into being, create a Lulu and let it suffer the yoke of the Anunnaki". The human creation project went through the In Vitro phase, the Anunnakis took a female Homo erectus (Neanderthal) and extracted an egg, fertilized it with the sperm of a young astronaut and once fertilized, re-implanted it in the uterus of a female monkey. But with each birth deformed beings appeared, and with diverse defects. The babies were born covered with hair, wild, they did not know how to speak, they only grunted and emitted guttural sounds, and when they were adults they did not know how to obey orders, they did not know how to use the tools to work. Enki wanted to stop the project, he was disappointed with the results: "we did not get the primitive worker", Enki finally stopped the experiment and reflected: "of all that we have tried and changed, there is one thing that we have not altered, we have always inserted the fertilized ovule, in the womb of a terrestrial female".
Andrea Victoria Cano That meant the attempt to fertilize the eggs of the female monkeys, to reimplant them in the uterus of Anunnaki females, with all the risks that this entailed for them, even so they did it. This time the prototype meets the necessary conditions to turn him into a slave, Enki takes him and observes that at the end of his penis, a skin is hanging; Enki exclaims: "unlike the manhood of the Anunnaki that the terrestrial is distinguished from us the Anunnaki by this skin". The word Lulu means primitive slave, they baptized the first Lulu as Adamu (he who is like clay of the earth).
The Falsehood of History. We have seen how the history we know is totally distorted and falsified, it is all a lie, we will cite some examples of how we are deceived, but in honor of brevity we will refer the reader to deepen the investigation in some books that we will cite later, so that they can expand the information. We have already seen the first great deception with the theory of evolution, but that is not the end of it, but rather the beginning of it all: The Ages of the World: "Age" is to be understood as a macrostructure, and this is the concrete manifestation of the evolutionary process of man. Therefore, in the Age, progress is made towards a perfection, the ultimate concretion of which is the full reality reached by an individual; the realization of the plan. But this perfection is, for the spirit, a catastrophe. No one can integrate without a correct knowledge of history. We have been led to believe that human civilization has at its maximum 6,000 years old, which is false, let's see why. The "official" history tells us that there are four Ages in the whole history of mankind, the Golden Age, the Silver Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age which is the present Age, or the Age of the Kaly Yuga. What we must keep in mind, is that history has not developed on the basis of such "Ages", nor the events that determine the 25
The Integral Being The events of each Age are real historical milestones, more important than other events that occurred before or after them. Atlantis has been considered the mother of civilizations, for being the oldest and most advanced civilization in the world, whose period spanned from 150,000 years B.C. to 10,000 years B.C. A civilization that acquired a degree of technology, far above what science admits there was in the past. Many of the traditions of the past tell us about the existence of this continent. Some roads, columns, structures, statues (on the Portuguese continental shelf), which allude to an ancient civilization, have been found at the bottom of the sea. Many archaeological remains in the world of Atlantean origin, the myth holds keys to know our past and the future of our future. The myth that surprisingly has survived the relentless passage of time, as well as many others that are preserved in the collective mind of peoples and civilizations today. 99% of archaeologists consider the idea ridiculous, but what is really ridiculous is that today we are so far behind in comparison with the ancient civilization of Atlantis. In the Hindu world, in the Babylonian world, in the preColumbian world, in the preColumbian world, as well as in
Andrea Victoria Cano But where did all the knowledge possessed by the Atlanteans come from? The contacts with entities alien to this planet, is a very easy hypothesis to conceive, and these would have been responsible for such advances, gods that have always come from the stars, as the Vedas texts tell with the vimanas (flying chariots that came from the sky), descriptions of a destructive ray, similar to a nuclear bomb, countless archaeological remains, with drawings with beings from space very similar to an astronaut, who make contact with humans. It could be said that the Atlanteans did not belong to this world, that race of extraordinary demi-gods that gave rise to the Golden Age, to which all the peoples of the earth refer, are worthy of all our attention. I recommend the reader to refer to the book "Secrets of the Lost Atlantis" by Robert Scrutton, "The Answer of the Gods" by Erick Von Daniken, or "The Footprints of the Gods" by Graham Hanckok for further information.
The Discovery of America Discovery is not really an accurate word, let's say then of the colonization of Europe in America through a supposed discoverer. In fact, everyone knew of the existence of America before Columbus, everyone went to America before Columbus, but at that time, the Gildas of merchants from all over the world were not aware of the existence of America. nationalities arriving in America were very careful to reveal the place where they were going to look for extremely strange merchandise;
The Integral Being They swore oaths with their sailors not to reveal the goal of these voyages. Not to mention the arrival of the Vikings in 1100 A.D. and the Trojans in 1200 B.C., not to mention the Goths who arrived in the 6th century A.D. (from the Goths comes the word God or gods). The important thing here is to know that in Europe before 1492 the existence of the continent that shortly after would be called America w a s already known. Christopher Columbus also known as Quiblon, Scolnus, Scolvus, Scolvo, Kolonus, Scolom, Skolum, Colum, Colombo; was a converted Jew from Galicia, who in the Middle Ages were called Ginoveses. He was secretly educated as a rabbi and kabbalist. In order to favor his High Mission, an apocryphal history was then invented, obscuring all the data that would allow to know his origin and erasing the clues of his steps. Columbus' mission was to erase all traces of hyperborean heritage that had passed through America, colonizing through a priestly or Judeo-Christian caste an entire civilization, for the sake of plans for the future.
Analysis of Colon's signature according to Simon Wiesenthal Zionists or Synarchists. 28
Andrea Victoria Cano I recommend the reader to refer to the book "The Viking Empire of Tiahuanacu" by Jacques de Mahieu and "The Mystery of Belicena Villca" by Nimrod de Rosario. THE ROMANS. The "official" history tells us
that the Roman Empire, apart from being tyrannical, bloodthirsty, anti-Semitic and with a rather marked fascist tinge, disappeared due to conflicts as a consequence of its successive wars, which made the maintenance of the army more expensive, which in the long run produced a high degree of indebtedness to maintain it, which at the end of the day led to a high level of debt. in turn led to the impoverishment of the population and the loss of its identity and values. One aspect of their loss of identity was the religious crisis, due to the invasion of new oriental religions. A complete fallacy. The persecution of the Christians by Diocletian, also called the "Great Persecution", was nothing more than an attempt to eliminate terrorist fanatics, who were the first "Judeo-Christian" zealots that the empire had to face. The Judeo-Christians were the "ISIS" of their time. We have also been told that Julius Caesar had plans of conquest, and that is why he went into convulsion with the Gallic peoples, which is also false. It is the Gauls who threaten the frontier of Rome, spurred on by a priestly caste. called the Druids, the true fathers of the church (whose mission was to neutralize the lithic instruments that thousands of years ago the CroMagnon men, Atlantean survivors, had built all over the world). They are the ones who infiltrated the Catholic Church in large numbers, founding 29
The Integral the Beingwestern monasticism.
Andrea Victoria Cano
For that reason Julius Caesar chases them to Scotland, and for that reason the Romans invade Great Britain, they chased the Druids. The Druids would later take refuge in the nascent Catholic Church, that is what is hidden from us. We know from Robert Ambelain that it is false that the Romans were intolerant of other cults, therefore hostile to Christians just because they were Christians, it is false that Nero and Caligula had that degree of madness that the rigged history blames on them. Everything has been distorted by this priestly caste golen or druid that infiltrates the Catholic Church and rewrites history with thousands of copyist monks who interpolate and extrapolate it to their own liking. The true story is that the Christians were a zealot guerrilla sect, proZionist, who wanted to destabilize the foundations of the Roman Empire, and that is why they were persecuted, they were responsible for the burning of Rome, it was a terrorist attack, one of the first terrorist attacks in history. They are the creators of extremist terrorist and radical groups everywhere and everywhere they were fought just for that; later they would learn to use finance and usury to gain power, as a reference we have the Catholic Monarchs who expelled the Jews from Spain just for that reason, they did not expel them for being the "chosen people" or for being "good guys", but for being a band of thieves, thieves and stateless. "The Mystery of Belicena Villca" explains in detail all this conspiracy golen.
The Holocaust A topic that definitely causes susceptibility in all social classes, cultures, ages and sexes, thanks to the masterful synarchic strategy that surrounds the biggest and best paid lie in history; all this is aimed at deploying a huge curtain of
The Integral Being compassion towards the Jews, to cover up the political motives of their international bosses and their aberrant crimes against humanity. The most serious charge that was made to the Nazi leaders was that of having committed "crimes against humanity" or what is the same thing the "execution of six million Jews", however it turns out that before the war there were only 600,000 thousand Jews in Germany, and little more than 3 million in all Europe. Where do they get then the figure of six million...? if once the war was over there were so many Jews in Germany that they were able to assume innumerable public positions, set up "denazification" tribunals, and occupy managerial positions in commerce, industry, banking, in general, in all public activities. After the war, the news agency "France Press" reported how thousands of Jews attended, in Munich, the funeral of Philip Auerbach (anti-Nazi Jew). And in all the press (including the Israeli press) it was also published how in a small village of Bielfeld, a crowd of Jews opposed the showing of a film starring Weit Harlam, because years before he had filmed an anti-Jewish film. As you can see, there were still thousands of Jews, Didn't they exterminate them all?
Cynics, plaque changed in Auschwitz, but the lie of the 6 million continues to spread.
It was also common knowledge that as soon as Dr. Eberhard Stern formed a party in Berlin National Socialist, thousands of Jews sprouted up everywhere to assault their
Andrea Victoria Cano
home and protest against it. All this without counting the tens of thousands of Israelis who before and after the end of the war emigrated from Germany to Palestine, the United States and many other countries, including Mexico. The myth of the six million Jews began to be fabricated by the Israelite Poliakov, starting from the declarations of Dr. Wilhem Hoettl and Dieter Wisliceny, who gave reports on evacuations, emigrations, decrease of the European Judaism, etc. Poliakov shuffled these terms and gave them all the meaning of "liquidation", and when the rumor had spread, all the others added dramatic touches. The Soviet Jewish commissars captured the Auschwitz camp and spoke of six million "gassed" Jews, the figure has been lowered over time to four and then to one and a half million, (but incredibly the figure of six million remains to this day). This was denied by the International Red Cross, which months earlier had visited the concentration camps and declared that there were no gas chambers. But the hoax was spread worldwide by the international press agencies (controlled by Judaism), and chorused by filmed movies, doctored documentaries, pamphlets, books, etc. Israel relies on this story, to charge Germany (very important thing) compensation that has been demanding until today, only until 1998 these amount to more than 100,000 billion euros, ie, 3000 euros per month per Jew, including Jews who never set foot in a concentration camp. A lie that is convenient for them to continue to maintain. I will refer the reader to Jürgen Graf's "Holocaust Under the Magnifying Glass" for further information.
The Integral Being
Conspiracy Theory. A conspiracy theory can be defined as an attempt to explain an event or chain of events, whether perceived or real, of political, social, economic or historical importance, which drastically influences the functional order of the environment or the individual. There are plenty of examples, but we will refer to the main metaphysical engine that pulls all the strings of the various conspiracies, which surprisingly influences us all metaphysically at unthinkable levels. In order to assimilate this complex metaphysical subject and to be able to understand the normal changes that every person goes through in the search for their respective identity, it is necessary to raise the influence of the soul in all this framework, "The plan of the Design" that leads us to an equality of species and that has captured us, each design is the part of a plan conceived by a being called Demiurge (ONE) and so man knows and admires this plan, his plan, which makes us relegate our own spirituality, that is, our own plans, the only thing that motivate our existence, the fundamental and essential content of our being.
Andrea Victoria Cano
human, our divine connection and exoplanetary legacy that connects us with an Original spiritual Homeland, totally different and alien to this imperfect, material and extremely painful world. That part of us that wants to do its will and shape its own plans has been demonized by the adepts of the creator demiurge as "selfishness", or "ego", relegated, thus preventing us from having an integrality in us. This entity creates an illusion of stability, which demands obedience and permanence of reason, we belong to a large functional matrix that develops a process of precise identification without chance of error. It belongs to different planes of existence that trigger both on the physical and astral planes. To come to create an acceptance as a natural process of "free will" is a blind freedom, a belief that ignorance of the determinations that influence our daily living translates into a "natural" state, which is in contrast to Gnostic freedom, which is obtained by the knowledge of truth, where truth has remained outside the spirit due to a chaining and a reversion of the spirit by being chained to matter. Difficult to understand? Not at all, let's see how the demiurge, also known as Jehovah-Satan, or world computer of matter, unfolds and, through world control, manages to dominate us without us even being aware of it. Synarchy: the Ordainer of Matter has his motives here on earth and one of those motives is synarchy (government by secret societies), which aim to valorize the future and obscure the past, this objective, which in many cases is represented in vain and superficial attitudes, also links love, hate, reason and any feeling or emotion that is linked to the soul.
The Integral Being The materialists, atheists, scientismists present a happy image of the future, they show us a perfect society, without hunger, without diseases, where a dehumanized man reigns happily over legions of androids. The theologian assures that after a future judgment, the good will be opened to the good ones the gates of paradise, the Rosicrucians, Freemasons and other theosophists place the future at the moment when, with the evolution of the soul partially concluded, man identifies himself with his creator, that is, with his own divine archetype, and is incorporated into the cosmic hierarchies dependent on the demiurge. But the truth is that this whole world is constructed with a single The purpose is to be a postor of meaning to the material, and that is why the human being has dedicated himself to consumerism, to waste, to the superficial, which leads to the disintegration of the spiritual, of course a synarchic plan. The demiurge constantly keeps man in an eternal lethargy that increasingly envelops him in a comfort of passivity, neutrality, in a permanent opium, unwilling to fight, doing trivial things, admiring his "perfect creation", bowing the knee to it. We see then how the synarchic plan infiltrates through the media, weakening the mind of humanity in general, inciting t h r o u g h advertising campaigns to degeneration, to alcoholism, to entertainment, they are exposed to historical manipulation, to the acceptance of aberrant things that distort man and woman.
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In conclusion, man is lost, wandering in a sea of uncertainty, lies, superficiality, immersed in his own little world, falling more and more asleep instead of waking up. Without values, without integrity, without honor, without commitment, without word, unpunctual, disloyal, traitor, in short; a puppet of the system that accepts everything they are told, does not question anything, is not informed, rather uninformed, does not read, engrossed in soap operas, electronic games, or reality shows of people with a precarious IQ. In general terms, the average human being thinks that everything is perfect, according to the will of god, (and in that they are right, because that is what the demiurge wants, to ensure that no one rebels against his purposes and that he is not identified as the true enemy of humanity) while the world is a chaos and its slavery will be eternal, and this my dear reader, is part of the synarchic plan! The whole synarchic plan begins with the Druids, as I mentioned before, who infiltrate the Benedictine order from the 4th century, and then from the Cistercian and Cluny: (orders through which they infiltrate the Catholic Church) they launch the Order of the Temple in the first and most terrible offensive destined to establish the World Government of the synarchy. For this purpose the Druids counted on the Acoustic Kabbalah, in which they were masters, and on the Numerical Kabbalah, which they gladly 37
The Integral put Beingat the disposal of the Druids.
Andrea Victoria Cano Combining this formidable knowledge, they developed a technique of psychosocial control based on the archetypal resonance of enormous stone structures, such as the cathedrals, these cathedrals are machines to program the population both psychically and genetically, with the purpose of conforming a Jewish human type, which act on the genetic inheritance by the transmission of induced symbolic characters. It is clear that this machine crosses millennia and is contemplated by beings who ignore its Functional Objective. Such is the direct reaction of the demiurge, who chooses from among a handful of humanity the most miserable people, and after making a pact with them, makes them "grow" in the shadow of powerful kingdoms, Israel has since become a "people of contact", and hence the preponderance that this "chosen race" has in the world, it can be said that the demiurge has incarnated in this people, to mobilize easily among us and bring to perfection his diabolical plan.
The Integral Being
CHAPTER TWO. The Human Being as a Bioenergetic Entity. Conventional theory of Being or Ontology. Let us examine the basic principle of ontology, that which studies being as being. Conventionalism affirms that the interest in studying the being originates from the need to give rational, non-mythological explanations to the phenomena of the physical world, to search for a valid knowledge of all phenomena, and in the deficiencies of the concepts initially developed, to be put into practice in physical or social phenomena. It is for this reason that many thinkers dedicated themselves to reflect on what could be the foundation of the physical world. This assertion, as we can already intuit, is out of all context, because to glimpse something purely physical or material without a part metaphysical or spiritual is impossible. But let us continue, properties are those intelligible characteristics or aspects that we can apply to everything that is by the simple fact of being, that is to say, these characteristics are deduced from our intelligence by comparing the being with its aspects. From these characteristics, we derive the principles that are a judgment or affirmation, which therefore serve as an instrument to know what we 40
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know and what we do not know.
The Integral Being which is less clear. Moreover, the principles are absolute, necessary and universal. Science ambiguously wants to unify all aspects of being, it speaks that being is one, but it does not affirm that being is unique. For example: each person has unity, is one, but is not unique; because there are many persons. The same is true of being, within his inner nature he is one (a dangerous concept, given the metaphysical connotation of the One), man then as a human being is: distinct or determined, one, identical to himself, similar, intelligible or true, and kind or good, where good and kind are about being, about inner nature, about the very essence of life, not about man within his human conduct. The word to be on the one hand means to exist, to be there, and on the other hand to consist, to be this or that. Therefore to exist does not consist of anything, since experience cannot be defined. Generally the term is used to refer to those things which were created, and which are endowed with life. For when we speak of being we immediately know that we are speaking of something that is, that has life and an existence of its own. But if we go deeper into the thought of those great philosophers such as Aristotle or Plato we find certain contradictions regarding the concept of being, for example: for Plato being is the idea, and for Aristotle being is the most intimate of all that is or exists, because not everything is the same way. On the one hand there is the univocal conception of being: which holds that being is the most general characteristic of different things, that is, all particular considerations are eliminated, and the fact that they are, that it corresponds to them to be, remains and matters. And on the other hand there is the analogical conception of being: it holds that being is that which can be attributed to everything that is, but in different ways, being is that in which the different objects and things are distinguished, but also coincide. For it, the opposite of the concept of being is nothingness. Concepts that give us to understand that we have no spiritual 42
Andrea Victoria Cano functionality, we are only an object occupying a space in the world.
The Integral Being matter, where characteristics are influenced by overwhelming rationality, indeterminate and volatile concepts.
The Human Being according to materialistic psychology. The power of the archetype: (an original model that serves as a guideline to imitate, reproduce or copy it, prototype of something that serves as an example of perfection of something) does not only lie in the emotion, but in the fact that it expresses at the same time a biological and spiritual instinct (revealed in the symbol). Hence its link with the imagination and its capacity to abduct the will. The human tendency to form archetypes is as natural as that of birds to build nests. Archetypes are not taught in schools, but we come with CARL JUNG them into the world, the old theme of the innatism: (unlearned characteristics, skills, behaviors or knowledge). They are the instinctive expression of the species. Their forms and shapes are endless, we will never fully understand them and, even if we were to identify them, we would not exhaust their meanings. They are found in ancient mythologies, tales and legends, but also in today's fantasies. They impress and fascinate because they belong to the inherited structure of the psyche and because, at the level 44
Andrea Victoria Cano The deeper organs of psychic perception are essential for spiritual development. According to Carl Jung, wisdom consists in harmonizing the conscious and the unconscious. This is the transcendent mission of the psyche, the ultimate goal of the individual: the overcoming of the self and the conquest of the self or Selbst, that is, the totality of man, the ultimate goal of the individuation process. A reconciliation of opposites that finds symbolic expression in the Child, the Circle or the Mandala. The Symbols Luis Felipe Moyano is very clear in affirming that: "every symbol that emerges in the sphere of light (consciousness) acts, before the subject, as the representative of an archetype, that is to say that the archetype unfolds in an evolutionary process that tends towards a final perfection or entelechy; during this process the symbol alienates the subject's attention. The danger of the sacred symbol lies in the fact that its process of perfection unfolds over the conscious subject, trying to take over his will and take control of the environment.
The Integral Being We will raise three concise examples, regarding the power of symbols in the conscious subject, in order to make it clearer. The military that do not obey a spiritual leadership, organized in "Armed Forces" without mysticism, do not belong to a "Warrior Caste", but to a sacralizing subtype (devotion or consecration). The military attributes a superlative value to the formal: patriotic symbols, standards, uniforms, maps, codes, among others, without ever crossing the veil of appearance, without transcending towards the essences that sustain those forms that attract and hypnotize him, without understanding them at all. But no matter what the degree of intensity that the symbol exerts on the Ego of the military subtype, affirming the form over the essence, the latter will then end up under the formal spell, with the will anesthetized and the soul absorbed by the "homeland", the "flag" idolizing and kneeling down to the great and wonderful archetype. In the second example we have the priest subtype, which in front of the sacred symbol affirms the essence over the form, it is effectively verified that behind the form of these sacred symbols: cross, heart, serpent, circle, spiral, among others, the priest always sees a "mystery" or in the worst case, a transcendent or metaphysical meaning. Other symbols that serve as paradigmatic models are: Marxists to Marx, Lenin, Fidel, Castro, Che Guevara...etc; Buddhists to Buddha, Muslims to Mohammed, Judeo-Christians to Jesus Christ. And even the capitalist directors of large corporations, through their foundations, political control, advertising, press, among others", to money. They try to measure or condition the common citizen to stay within the limits of the "liberal model" and practice consumption, "democracy" and market competition. In short, the pretension of contributing to concrete processes, leading to a utilitarian, normative purpose that aims at influencing the features and
Andrea Victoria Cano individual provisions, adapting each one according to the simplified model, in order to achieve in the end a "common good", a "more perfect justice". And this pretension of modeling man in terms of everything they manage to legislate, they insert them in the organized structure of society, aiming at a single purpose: the "moral rules", which are then transformed into compulsory norms, which come from "culture", a culture tamed by the synarchy. The Mandalas: In Sanskrit Mandala means magic circle, but in a broader sense it represents aids to concentration and meditation, built from circles and forms derived from the circle, in a proper sense they are spiritual reproductions of the order of the world. The mandala is the paradigm of cosmic evolution and involution in its return to the center of the universe, but it also symbolizes the The flowing back of the experience of the psyche, in search of the unity of consciousness in order to discover the ideal principle of things. It represents the scheme of the disintegration of the One in the multiple, and the reintegration of the multiple in the One, in the absolute, whole and luminous consciousness, which will have to shine in the depths of our being. When the painter from India or Tibet draws a mandala, he observes that there are subtle changes in personal growth, it is as if he were harmonizing around a nucleus, but he continues investigating and painting mandalas and discovers that those drawings are daily reports about the internal work that this central point was doing. 47
The Integral Being in him. He understood that the goal of the development of the individual in his being, was evolution and not linear but in spiral, which is getting closer to the center and apex of that spiral. The purpose of these mandalas is to present a contradiction in being and ego, because of the unlimited wealth of symbols they contain, the process of individuation can never abstain from symbols. The symbol is on the one hand, the primitive expression of the unconscious, and on the other hand, an idea corresponding to the highest degree of intuition that can be given to the consciousness. The Labyrinth: The spiral, as a structure, symbolizes both the evolutionary path in its sense of necessarily gradual development and the door to other dimensions, as it constitutes the archetypal form par excellence capable of intersecting linear time and the ordinary vision of things. Through the spiral we can either rise or sink, ascend or be sucked up, die or be born to a new life, because the spiral, unlike the still circle, has a meaning. Both the evolution of the species and the evolution of the soul is a spiral journey. In which the lost self wanders, or should we say, in the form of a labyrinth. The labyrinth as an image reminds us in a certain way of mandalas, although in the latter the individual is centered while he builds it, and in the labyrinth, while he goes through what has already been built. An example of a labyrinth is our daily life, when we wander in hundreds of fruitless things, always looking to reach a center, or in 48
Andrea Victoria Cano In this case a goal, but we do not go beyond that, because there is no possible way out of the crossroads, since modern man has left aside the metaphysical balance of his reality, in order to adhere completely to the world and accept it as it is. Culture is a conventionalism of generally accepted meanings, which has become his only axiological and ontological referent. Completely submerged in its colorblindness that gives it a sense of a falsified time in its cognitive and sensitive sphere. Man has been truncated from his vector of transcendent existential search, by an inseparable cultural transposition. The cultural vision of history that degrades symbols, in a rationalist analysis. Rationalism breaks down the general elements to try to understand them, finding only a series of insurmountable impulses that involve us in a constant drama, we cannot see due to the gnoseological blindness that distorts the essence of being itself, a problem that lies especially in the ignorance of the spirit and its functionality. And the fascination of always wanting to remain in the labyrinth is always latent.
Anomalies and Paranormality. Paranormal events cannot be explained in the theories of biology, medicine or physics; therefore, they are considered as phenomena out of the ordinary, since their acceptance as real would force to modify and update the theories of these sciences.
The Integral Being Phenomena that are not compatible with the norm of perceptions, beliefs, and expectations regarding reality. Among them we have: Telepathy: consists in the direct communication of thoughts (words, numbers, figures, etc.), between one mind and another without the use of sensorial means and regardless of the distance that may exist between sender and receiver, and of the material obstacles (walls, mountains, etc.) that may be between them. Telepathy is linked to the functioning of certain chakras, directly connected to the solar plexus, an area that is in direct contact with the astral body, which is derived in two branches: The instinctive: it is based on the energy impacts coming from the etheric body that are connected to the etheric substances of the planet. And the intuitive: which requires a certain degree of "spiritual evolution" and training in meditation, directly connected to the crown chakra or the third eye, which connects with the whole, the famous "unified field" that can produce physical phenomena. Levitation: human beings or objects, without the use of technical supports, can rise from the ground and float in the air, where they reach certain states of mind impossible to explain rationally. Since ancient times, this action has been reported in different cultures. Also attributed to psychokinesis, in trances that are spiritual. It is not Telekinesis It is not about electric charges or gravitational force, as might have been suggested, but about what experts call Casimir force, a phenomenon of quantum mechanics, inside matter: fluctuations in the energy fields of microparticles cause
Andrea Victoria Cano frictions that affect the empty spaces between objects, obviously reached between two dimensions that can converge at some given point; we also speak of the "unified field", that is, the inevitable interference of the Demiurge. Clairvoyance: man possesses an ability to grasp extrasensory information about past, present or future events, with the use of his mind. A phenomenon that is attributed to parapsychology as Natural Clairvoyance. Clairvoyance is so important that it has been used as a tool in a great number of agencies of federal investigation, who have made use of psychics, who often intervene in different cases to get answers and clues that are impossible to solve by traditional means. It is said that clairvoyance is a gift that is dormant within us, and therefore this is susceptible to be awakened, in order to awaken this gift has been created cartomancy (card reading) and palmistry (palm reading) among others. Spontaneous combustion: a phenomenon by which people can go up in flames for no apparent reason, being reduced to ashes and unable to extinguish the fire that has originated inside their bodies. Although there have been many cases recorded in the fairly recent history of mankind, all of them well "documented" in the details of the combustion process and the apparent reasons and evidence supporting the phenomenon.
The Integral Being Thermal phenomena are those that are related to the emission and absorption of heat, these phenomena can be found in every activity that man performs daily in the cooking of food. During the combustion of bodies, heat is given off in different ways, according to the physical and chemical characteristics of the body in question, which is related to the specific heat of combustion, defined as the amount of heat given off by the unit of mass of the body when it burns completely and depends on the type of fuel. It seems to us possible that behind this phenomenon there are ulterior motives of the "unified field", i.e. the Demiurge. Telekinesis: phenomenon that consists of moving objects with the power of the mind, that is to say, without touching them and without appealing to a physical cause. It is held that a person can make use of his psychic apparatus to affect the physical world. There are those who attribute telekinesis to energy through certain kinds of entities, to a type of possession or energetic manipulation. Bedroom visitors: The appearance of strange beings during the night, when the person is lying down before sleeping or just awake, is a timeless phenomenon, while suffering from what is known as sleep paralysis, these cases are not uncommon and happen with increasing frequency to ordinary individuals, these manifestations are attributed to the gray aliens or Sheidim and is a proof of the fact that the person has a sleep paralysis.
Andrea Victoria Cano irrefutable of the transit of entities through parallel spaces or dimensions. In many cases the presence of light is reported and after a few figures, the person feels confused and calm, while others panic. In this phase of sleep the musculature relaxes, and no movement is possible, hallucinations, anxiety and terrifying fear may occur. The postevent experiences are really real and people remember them quite clearly. As we can see, the part, let's call it "irrational" of the human being, which modern science cannot even glimpse, and which the average man overlooks given his impotence to cognize it, makes him irremediably disintegrated.
The Incredible Dr. Alberto Martí Boch. Alberto Martí Boch has a degree in surgery and medicine from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He worked for many years with children as a pediatric oncologist until, given the poor results obtained with conventional treatments and, above all, seeing day by day the enormous suffering caused by them, he definitively abandoned his practice. Today, twenty years later and after extensive training in disciplines that are not taught in medical schools, he approaches cancer in a holistic way, keeping in mind first and foremost the Hippocratic principle of "First, do no harm". Treatment that takes into account the psychological and emotional aspects as well as the physical aspect, an area in which to detoxify, resolve possible deficiencies
The Integral Being vitamins, minerals, orthomolecules, enzymes and hormones to boost the immune system and balance the body bioenergetically are always useful and necessary steps. Let's see what his research consists of: Most diseases start not in the cells but around the cells, in the interstitial space, due to kidney failure, liver failure, lung failure or all at once called multi-systemic failure. The lung, liver and kidney are filters, (they filter metabolic waste from the cellular system) and as such work 24 hours a day, from the time we are born until the time we die. A person's heart At rest it moves five liters of blood per minute, then at least five liters of blood pass through each of these filters every minute to be filtered. The arterial blood is the one that carries oxygen, sugars, fats, vitamins, minerals to nourish the cellular system, so that the cell is nourished, oxygenated and lives. But this cell every time it breathes, every time it receives oxygen it generates a metabolic residue or waste, that is to say, if fat is sent to the cell it uses it and metabolizes it, and when this fat is degraded the cell discards it, which is what we call cholesterol, if proteins are sent to the cell the cell returns uric acid, and so on generating several pathologies. What happens if a cell dies? It has two options, without oxygen it dies chemically burned by the free radicals accumulated around it, or it defends itself to survive. For example: if the brain cells die (Alzheimer's), if the cells of the base of the brain die (Alzheimer's), if the cells of the brain die (Alzheimer's), if the brain cells die (Alzheimer's), if the brain 54
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cells die.
The Integral Being If the lung cells die (Pulmonary Fibrosis), if the liver cells die (Hepatic Fibrosis), if the kidney cells die (Renal Fibrosis), in other words, these organs are receiving more garbage than they can eliminate. What happens if the cell reveals itself and decides to fight, the cell wraps itself in water, and the other cells begin to copy the pattern, as a result we have a person who begins to put on weight and does not know why, and there is no diet that can help them. to be effective. Second option Buffering, convert the acid into a salt, when a vital tissue is compromised, the body sacrifices a structure to keep alive another, then the cell begins to steal nutrients and minerals from other organs to feed or compensate for what it lacks, for example: if it lacks calcium carbonate and sodium, the cell will steal it from the bones, triggering osteoporosis, arthritis. Third option Drainage, the cell begins to take out acids through the skin, its residues, example: dermatitis, psoriasis, if the cell drains towards the interior or towards the mucous membranes, then we would have sores in the mouth or stomach sores (ulcers). If we understand the disease, the disease can be resolved. Option four Mutate, the healthy cell lives in an alkaline environment, with oxygen, but mutates because its environment has become acidic, and as the cleaning filters of its aqueous environment are atrophied, the cell has nowhere to eliminate its excrements (because the cell defecates) and mutates among its own excrements, this is what we know as cancer.
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What does academic medicine propose to us in a tumor situation? We have to decapitate the tumor by surgery, burn the tumor with radiotherapy, poison the tumor with chemotherapy; these options make us think that we are still anchored in the 12th century (decapitation, burning and poisoning), there are no other options for medicine than expensive chemical treatments, knowing that by simply cleaning the filters of the organism, we prevent and eradicate any disease. But why don't they hide this from us? Because there is a conspiracy behind the pharmaceutical companies, who are motivated by the desire to profit, who distort such a simple principle as that food is your medicine and your medicine is your food, or who break with the same Hippocratic oath created by Hippocrates that says: I will go for the benefit of the sick, abstaining from all voluntary error and corruption. O Why not mention Claudius Galen with his 400 literary works dating from the preparations and simple remedies? All this gives us an idea of all that is hidden from us for the convenience of the great magnates of the industries, obviously here we can find the synarchic influence that pulls the strings of the pharmaceutical companies.
The Integral Being How does this lucrative strategy work then, based on "perverse incentives", each pharmaceutical industry must invest millions of dollars in researching new and potentially "beneficial" products, and test them on people (guinea pigs) before offering them to the public, 10% of the research ends up generating a drug that can be sold, and that drug, whatever it cures, has to pay for the other ten researches that did not work, or else the company would r i s k bankruptcy. Another very clear example of misinformation is the anti-smoking campaign, with the slogan "Smoking gives you cancer", we already know that cancer is not caused by cigarette smoke or nicotine, but by the mutation of cells in their own waste. What are they hiding from us? Smoking reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease (it deactivates free radicals around the cell and cellular oxidative damage), reduces the risk of obesity (nicotine receptors in the brain help control appetite). A surprising study at the University of Adelaide (Australia) showed that smokers have a lower rate of ever needing total knee replacement surgery than non-smokers, as nicotine prevents cartilage wear. Smoking controls asthma (nicotine works as an antistaminic, and corticosteroid, a chemical found in the same inhalers that doctors, at high prices, prescribe to their patients), reduces asthma symptoms, and reduces the risk of asthma.
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risk of certain heart attacks and potentiates the effects of coronary medications. Nicotine is an alkaloid that can be found in potatoes, tomatoes and green pepper, is a stimulant of the blood circulatory system, increases the function of Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase-67 (GAD67) in patients with Schizophrenia, prevents Tourette's syndrome (nervous tips) and Alzheimer's disease. Believe it or not, by Ripley!!!!
Everything we are not taught. Complexion of the Human Being for Gnosis. What culture normally tells us is that man is a trio of body, soul and spirit; he is of divine and human nature. Spirit and Matter. The physical body by its density serves as a vehicle for the soul for its evolution in the world of matter. The Soul is not the Spirit nor the Spirit is the Soul, but there is still much to be revealed, and it is that in reality man is sevenfold in his internal constitution. These seven bodies meet at the same time, they interpenetrate each other completely without becoming confused.
The Integral Being Physical Body: it is the body of flesh and bone that we know, it forms what we call our outer world or earth, it is in the three-dimensional world, it is related to the earth element. It is the densest body of the human being and the only one known. Etheric Body: It is the body that gives life to the physical body, constituted by four ethers, chemical, luminic, reflector and of life, it is found where the ether of nature exists, it is the prolongation of the threedimensional physical body. Its physical seat is the sacrum bone. Astral Body: It is the body in which we see ourselves during dreams. In the astral world we can fly and float through the air, because it is a more subtle world than the physical world. It is in the fifth dimension, a dimension in which humanity is completely asleep, so it is a victim of its own passions, it works with emotional energy, at the level of the solar plexus. Mental Body (Manas): It is the body of our mind, which manifests in us through the brain, which acts as its transmitting instrument. The mental world is more subtle than the astral, less mechanistic, and of ineffable bliss. It is in the fifth dimension. Buddhic Body (Buddhi). It is of magnetic nature, it is the first emanation, the monad (principle of imitation of the creator/ONE in its own image and likeness) where the purpose is to create consciousness, it is formed by reasonable patterns, it can be said that it is our soul and it is in the sixth dimension. Atman or Innermost Body: it is also called the body of the will, it has a luminous or photonic nature, it comes from the world of anti-matter, it is the "I", it is a divine spiritual characteristic of the cosmic powers, our legacy outside this world. It is outside of any dimension, because it is in an unknowable world.
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Multidimensional Being.
With this introduction it is necessary to argue that the individual, given his or her biological and genetic characteristics, and others by divine power, has diverse contexts, which must be supplied, these aspects then become "dimensions" of being, it is for this reason that men and women are multidimensional. The concepts of multidimensional awareness and alternate realities may seem frightening to some, but for others it must be a "relief" to know that there are other realities, beyond the perceptible, and that their manifestations are becoming more and more prevalent, these events are actually serving a purpose and preparing our Higher Self for the eventual and permanent design. What is a dimension? First of all, the name dimension is misused by all, the theories mentioned by the New Age or the white fraternity, about the 11 dimensions, are biased, they do not serve to explain the phenomenal world of matter, but to confuse. These poor people have not even studied the complexion of the demiurge, this organizer of the matter or One, who can explain to us how many
The Integral Being possible worlds exist, and those possible worlds are contained within it. The Rimmon Tree: Pomegranate tree of the Jewish Kabbalah, from where these ten Sepiroth sprout, explains in the same way that they are the ten Sepiroth of the Demiurge, we are not talking about dimensions, we are seeing 10 macrocontexts, each Sepiroth can contain diverse macrocontexts, it is there where we talk about 600 thousand worlds of illusion; created by the demiurge. Moreover, we live in a "four-dimensional" world, taking into account that time is a dimension; it is where Albert Einstein is wrong along with the New Age, when he says that the consciousness of the demiurge is a simple dimension, that is to say that time is the consciousness of the demiurge. of the demiurge, they are not two separate things, nor different, it is possible to transit in time, yes, but another kind of technology is needed. All the time we are transiting in macro contexts, within our earthly world, without even realizing it, we are transiting through multiple spheres, that is, the world of the demiurge is multidimensional and we are also multidimensional, and in the astral worlds the mind is also autonomous and involuntarily transits through those context worlds. The ancients were much better placed, because they considered that the world was composed of spheres, and they called those spheres planets, which are macrocontexts, having nothing to do with the 62
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We, for example, would be in the tenth Sepiroth: Malkhouth, which means the realm of Adonai Melekh, the Lord King of Creation, and within Malkhouth, there are multiple spaces that we transit all the time, where the dimensions, concretely speaking, would be macro contexts that have many cultural contexts. These Sepiroths are the link between the unity of Yaveth and the plurality of entities, for Yaveth they are identical, and one with the One; for the world the Sepiroth are distinct and give existence to the manifold that constitutes reality. Let us then see what are the fruits of the Tree Rimmon: Kether: the essential aspect of Yaveth, under Kether is the throne of God, and only Metatron reaches it, who sometimes descends to men, as he spoke with Moses on Sinai and leads them before the elder of God, he is the one who said to Moses "I am who I am" (Ehyeh), the power of Ehyeh extends directly over the Seraphim or seraphim (angels builders of the universe). Hokhmah: the wisdom of Yaveth, the father god. The Hokhmah is the divine thought of all entities; who introduces men to the sphere of the father. Binah: is the great universal mother, through her the wisdom of the father produces the fruit of the worlds and of the content of the worlds, transmits to the worlds the intelligence of Yaveth, Elohim is the third aspect of the One.
The Integral Being Hoesed: the grace of Elohai, his mercy and pity. The right hand of Yaveth. Din/Geburah: the rigor of Elohim. From this fruit comes the law of God, and the grains are the sentences of his tribunal: every human act, and every entity of creation, must submit to his judgment. Tiphereth: is the heart of Yaveth, in Tiphereth, the forms acquire the archetypal perfection of supreme beauty, the acts of men inspired in this sphere, can only be acts of love, another part of the message of the One of the love of Yaveth towards the animic man (soul), when the terrestrial man harbors the hot fire of the animal passion. Netsah: reveals the victory of Yaveth. The god of the heavenly armies. Hod: the glory of Elohim. Yesod: the foundation of the creation of Yaveth, the Almighty. It is the reproductive organ of Yaveth. Its power encompasses the cherubic angels.
Metaphysical part of the Human Being (Soul or Psyche). The Hebrew term soul can literally mean "breathing creature", and the Greek term usually conveys the idea of "living being", "person, individual". Therefore, it can be said that the soul refers to the being itself, the creature or person as a whole; not to something we have within us. The essence of the psyche is simple, incorporeal, immortal and invisible. The psyche is linked to a kind of energy of the human being which is associated with the earthly body and which, after death, is separated from it. From this idea, the psyche began to be represented as something autonomous from the person. When the Greeks thought of the psyche, as that element that separated from the physical body at death, as the soul, they identified it in a different way. 64
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very clearly. It was associated with a winged figure, anthropomorphic in appearance and that ended up going to Hades, where he remained forever adopting a ghostly form. We should know that Hades "the abode of the dead" is not hell as the Judeo-Christian religion makes us think. But what has replaced the old Psyche in Psychology? Mind, Consciousness, Behavior, Action and Cognition, the parts of the psyche and especially the longing (desire, illusion) often tend towards the passionate, (pathological) part, that is, they are the forces easily inclined to become a channel, which can lead man to become easy prey to negative and self-destructive forces. The rational logical part is generally linked to the psyche, although continually subordinated by the emotions and sufferings of an inexplicable influence. Men have a psyche with essence and energy through which logos transits, understanding logos as the demiurge's shaping power, which grants real existence to the macrostructure, which has been maintained since the beginning of creation in absolute transcendence, by means of logos, entities are designated and individual existence is granted to them. We are fallen reflections, projections of spirits reverted and chained to animated substance by souls, and these are sustained by the will of an animalistic spirit, directed towards its vision of perfection. There are several types of environment surrounding our psyche: the Static and Random Environment (calm-rutinous), Static and Segmented Environment, Perturbed and Reactive Environment and 65
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Andrea Victoria Cano Turbulent Fields Environment, each of these environments invariably redound in our relationship with what surrounds us. This relationship is our link with the really material reality, which manifests itself before us as: Life. Let us remember that reality belongs to itself, we do not own it, not even ourselves.
Igneous Energies. These igneous energies or fire energies are concentrated in all our astral part, which contrasts perfectly with the energies that move in the universe, always related to the vivifying fire of the sun, representing in such power, a supreme god that manifests itself through it, among these energies we have: The Chakras: chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel or vortex, and refers to the seven energy centers that make up our consciousness, and our nervous system. These wheels are not located on the physical plane, but on the astral plane. The chakras are described as aligned in an ascending column from the base of the spine, towards the top of the head. They are an electro magnetic capacity where the evolutionary registers of organs and micro cosmic personalities are contained, whose experiences have been registered and kept by the transmigrating soul in its transit through the material world, using the astral body to actualize another existence, which modulates according to those registers, being in charge of regulating the Kundalini logos.
The Integral Being Logos Kundalini: It is a microcosmic control s y s t e m . It is not a capricious energy susceptible to manipulation, a big mistake made by the unwary who practice the famous "Tantra", which is very dangerous (it consists in the retention of the seminal fluid in the man, during the sexual act or Maituna), whose purpose is to free the Logos Kundalini from its envelope in the Globe of Akasa or Primordial Egg, where the Logos Aspect of the demiurge is contained, whose analogy refers to a serpent that moves through the Elix channel (spinal column) so that the soul subject identifies with the cosmic ONE, making the transmutation effective, the definitive alteration of the microcosmic organism. Thanks Nimrod from Rosario, now we know that in the practice of Kundalini, the psychic subject of the average man can be at the level o f the four superior glandular Chakras: (Anahata: Heart, Vishuda: Thyroid, Ajna: hypophysis, or on the Brahmachakra: Crown), at any of these levels the Logos Kundalini absorbs the soul subject and recasts it in its cosmic essence, the soul subject (conscious subject), has the impression that its sensitive field expands towards all directions of the universe, thus the higher states of consciousness" or Nirvanas are achieved. Such states are the most superior on the soul level of the average man, and the most inferior on the spiritual level of man. 68
Andrea Victoria Cano When awake, these nirvanic states indicate that the soul subject has identified with the ONE. The subject, driven by the Logos Kundalini, has taken the "Great Leap" and has placed himself on a macrocosmic level of consciousness, that "Great Leap" means that the subject has crossed the metaphysical bridge that leads to the archetypal plane, and there he has expanded on the cosmic planes by diffusion in the "Beauty" or "Active Intelligence" Aspect of the demiurge. When this occurs, there can no longer be any spiritual intervention in the subject, i.e., when the "Great Leap" is achieved, the mission of spiritual enchainment is accomplished, the subject is now a Sinarca Initiate, integrated into the White Hierarchy of Chan Shambala; and his hyperborean heritage, the Symbol of Origin, has since been definitively neutralized. D u r i n g transmutation, the Logos Kundalini, with its plasmatic power, stabilizes all the evolutionary processes of the archetypal memory, reaching its maximum perfection (entelechy). Many people are unable to understand in totality that it is Kundalini, but physically it can be verified, with an internal pressure at the level of the sacrum bone (coccyx), it is located there from the moment we are born, this energy is wound in three and a half turns, which gives its Sanskrit name, of the kundal root. Jinas States: The disappearance or appearance of a body in the three-dimensional objective space, or the passage of a person through a wall, or of 69
The Integral Being Anything that can overcome the gravity and spacetime of the demiurge is called the Jinas State. It is also said that this state can be reached by the consumption of certain psychotropic plants such as Peyote, Datura Inoxia known as the devil's weed and a kind of mushroom called Psilocybe, reaching a state of non-ordinary reality through the consumption of these substances. What is the most striking aspect of this paranormal event? The gravis archetype is related to the SPACE ORDER OF MATTER. That is why the gravis, which are the last of the scale, are also the first that the demiurge precipitates when he prepares to "organize" a physical plane. Without gravis, no other Archetype could evolve in matter. The time consciousness of the demiurge (Chronos), is diffused through an indiscernible point, which science has begun to glimpse as Higgs Boson; then the functionality of the Gravis archetype is annulled, chronos is annulled, and the dimensional transit takes place in its own time, it is the beginning of the UFO technology.
CHAPTER FOUR The Alien Factor. The Alien Factor. The relationship between the innate and the acquired, is a constant polemic in our way of seeing our own existence, in the innate the genes are the biological unit creator of codified and predetermined message routes, while in the acquired, it is postulated existence of cultural units as support of our beliefs, that
Andrea Victoria Cano determine why we believe what we believe, but that's not really what it's about, being a believer, it's about knowing. And it is here where the alien factor that we all possess, and that is in the blood, arises. The association that exists between Gene and Memory is called Memes; when these Memes reach the brain they form patterns, relate to others, combine, and leave, repeating the circuit in other minds. These Memes are activated and energized according to the attention given to them. And Genes are the characters that are transmitted by replication units, which have the ability to duplicate themselves and pass from generation to generation in almost identical form. The proposal of the Memes is an extension of evolution by natural selection to human culture If genetic traits are transmitted by replication of genes, and cultural traits are transmitted by replication of Memes or Units of cultural information, by analogy with the grouping of genes in chromosomes, it would also be considered that memes are grouped in cultural dimensions, the fact would be that by generations (replicas) we humans transmit biological information and "something else", that we cannot see to our descendants through a microscope, then will these Memes be units of memory? And are these interdimensional ones carried by blood and therefore invisible? The Memory of Water: Scientists who are not experts on the subject of water tend to have a naive view of it: a liquid composed of more or less isolated H2O molecules in motion. In fact, water is something much more complex, with individual molecules that
The Integral Being temporarily bind together to form a network. That these molecules could interact in such a way as to produce a mechanism that allows memory in water would not be inconceivable. Dr. Robert Fisher of the London Royal Homeopathic, argues that: "the microstructure of water retains information regarding the substances with which it has come into contact, and even increasing the therapeutic level of these". The researcher Masaru Emoto, Japanese researcher has managed to photograph the water molecules and see their surprising behavior before certain stimuli such as music or violence, moreover, he found that when water is mixed with the essence of a flower, the water captures the image of the flower with whose essence it has come into contact, Surprising isn't it? Yes, water can be influenced by words, thoughts, emotions and our body is made up of 70% water, constituted mainly by blood, in addition to fulfilling its biological function. Could it also be an ancestral memory, which functions as a link for the body with the divine and the extraterrestrial? Alien Memories There are two types of alien memories, we have the MAP or Passive Alien Memory, latent or dormant, which corresponds to an alien in a higher sphere, which leads us to think that it parasitizes human contact, first by a hybridization and second by a memory that has been grafted outside its environment, in a world that is completely alien to it.
Andrea Victoria Cano In this case it would be the Sauroids or Reptilians. These memories would be randomly activated in the abductees for some purpose. Doctor Corrado Malanga affirms that we would find ourselves with a case of alien soul parasitization, since the dominion of the human soul is fundamental for the extraterrestrials. Corrado Malanga exposes that the soul is a differentiated identity of the human, and very appreciated for being an energetic substrate that allows some kind of aliens to manifest in lower dimensions. For example, the Sauroid uses the abductee's optic nerve as a "transmission cavity" to introduce data in the form of something that looks like the abductee himself, during optical reconstructions, as a series of electrical stimuli that take the form of images and colors. We also have the MAA or Active Alien Memory. The MAA is the sum of the mind and spirit of an alien, but not of its body, very common in cases of possession. The consciousness of the future abductee says that "those beings" must program him: the programming consists in the intrusion of the brain of the unborn, in an area of denied access, of the so-called MAA. This type of programming uses different techniques, depending on the alien who performs it. The abductee is programmed with the immission (concentration of diluted pollutants that exists in the environment around you. Pollution by extension) of an Active alien Memory and in the meantime he is temporarily deprived of his soul component.
The Integral Being The soul is part of a regeneration cycle in which the alien's body, which possesses its mind and spirit (MAA), enters and regenerates everything to ensure physical survival. The alien undergoes a dismemberment: the physical body in "refrigerator" if one can say so, but in the most serious cases it could have already passed away and the corresponding MAA is parked in the body of the abductee until the moment when, for the same MAA, no other systematization is found, in a new alien body just born. The soul, therefore, will stay for a few seconds in the assembled alien, but then it must be absolutely reintroduced into the body of the abductee, the only one in which it can remain stable and permanent. With this operation, which is repeated at least twice a year, the soul regenerates the alien, which, in this way, will not die neither in the body nor in the body of the abductee. spirit and mind. This cycle of regeneration is performed, regardless of the presence of the MAA, o n b e h a l f o f all aliens in need. The LUX, in fact, parasitizes the abductee practically continuously and has an optimal mental control of the abductee, while he/she is comfortably locked in his home, in his dimension, probably in front of a console of any communication device with the abductee.
Andrea Victoria Cano The Swastika: apart from the demonization that this symbol has suffered by the synarchy and Zionist propaganda, we must take into account that it is a symbol that is embodied in some multidimensional plane of the human being, we could say in the consciousness. Embodied in the blood memory of the common man, i.e. the Swastika is derived from the Symbol of Origin, it does not represent a "solar sign", despite having been One of the oldest known rationalized as such by decadent Swastika, the Tiahuanacota. priests, who also identified with "life", "movement", "reincarnation", "the pole", among others. The Swastika is a hyperborean symbol of Fire and Blood, both substances are the same thing, fire should not be confused with combustion, the optical illusion of a chemical process, of change of state of matter, nor blood only as a plasmatic liquid. That is why with the projection of this symbol, many peoples who have used it throughout history, had an advantage over other peoples already synarchized. Swastika appears in the same places where the lithic weapons were erected, the key is in the Acoustic Kabbalah, (it is based on the principle that every form is supported by a word, which is also an archetype, which allows to adapt the environment to serve the purposes of a Hyperborean Strategy, reducing the satanic pressure, the illusion of the real); which includes the use of lithic resonators, ( menhirs and dolmens), as well as of Devices
The Integral Being Formal (profiles of large rocks or mountains, caverns), which work descriptively on the Psychoid archetypes. There is a lost knowledge about Swastika, which only the Aryans of India, the Germanic people of Frisia and Saxony, and perhaps the Maya of Yucatan, have preserved in a distorted form until modern times. These deformations correspond to a chain of causes and effects that lead to: Deformation of the Archemona Odal (for to form a central temple, such as the action of the Mandalas).
A synthesis of the two opposing swastika runes, the Odal Rune eliminates the possibility of strategic confusion.
Archemona deformation Odal in temple, causes the decomposition in two swastika Inverted Runes, consequently no one can orient himself spiritually, nor reach the Origin with only one swastika, nor with the opposite pair: (Runic Inversion). This Runic Inversion is a representation of the Kalachakra Key. Therefore the synarchic strategy, tries to demonize this symbol, so that no one is oriented and discover the true spiritual meaning of the Swastika and its purpose.
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Complexion of the Human Being after Hybridization.
Let us remember that hybridization is the genetic manipulation of an extraterrestrial race with the first hominid on the planet. After this hybridization, our psyche was exposed to a number of factors, which we believe are part of our personality, and not part of an alien interference, a guiding intelligence that has accommodated all our environment in its favor. But this process requires a great mastery of the psychological spheres on the part of the individual, who must prepare his rational sphere to gain access to oblique and incomprehensible meanings of sense for reason. We will then analyze how the rational subject operates, the cultural structure, the superstructure, as the purpose of the collective subject in its entelechial deployment or perfection of the final causes. That is why when we speak of man today, we will speak of globalized man, with a global democratic culture. Man lives immersed in unimportant realities, as well as his dependence on physical stimulus to know, the rest does not exist as it is not palpable.
The Integral Being The soul then manifests itself through us, dosing the tension in a collective environment. Man, being unconscious of his own soul condition, feeds the macrostructure, which makes us manipulable subjects by the techniques of social control, one of them the Judeo-Christian influence that has made us weak subjects, ruled by fear and a perception of constant punishment, creating a collective Judaic mind to feed the myth of a monotheistic god, (rector of this insane universe). Thus untying any ancestral divine legacy that we possess, making this a purely Shambalic strategy, believing us inferior beings and bidders of meaning to all the "wonders" created by that god. The system teaches us to reason, traumatize, feel and accumulate respectively a number of emotions that deny the spiritual part in all of us, thus preventing us from manifesting an attitude of constant defiance towards the system. How does this manipulation happen? With an excessive fascination towards materialism, today you are worth for what you have, but you are not worth for what you are. The achievements of an individual are always focused on lucrative "success", having properties, cars, houses, jewelry, credit cards, having at your feet a world of infinite economic possibilities, having enough money to spend it on the most trivial and superficial things, and if you do not possess it, it will be a persistent yearning, a goal to be fought for, even if you have to lose your dignity for it. We are composed of five spheres: the rational sphere which are conceptual registers, the affective sphere which are traumas, disturbances, emotions, the conscious sphere a representative memory; the physical counterparts of each memory make up the totality of the sensory sphere and the fifth sphere which is the volitional sphere which is the manifestation of the Egoic Will. Understanding by Ego not a trait of the psychological personality, which is associated with 78
Andrea Victoria Cano haughtiness and arrogance, but as the will that is strictly linked to the Self, to the uncreated spirit. The problem of hybridization, apart from being slaves, full of incongruities and weaknesses, which we feed based on our pain and fear of a negative energy, making us forget our spiritual part and be only soul, among many other things, has been to unlink the egoic part of our complexion, to turn us into subjects without will, and based on smear campaigns make us believe that the ego is something bad, which must be eradicated. As a well-known biblical passage says: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5:3). Everything that has to do with the spirit will be frowned upon and degraded for a reason, isn't it?
Strategic Confusion of the Unintegrated Self. The demiurge has constructed the universe by imitating a clumsy and deformed image of the true worlds, and has ordered it with the purpose of "copying" (his main characteristic, imitation), the weak reflection he once received from the uncreated spheres, and added to these evils, must be considered the perverse intention of pretending to reign as the god of the work, in the likeness of the true GOD, the UNKNOWN. The result is obvious, an evil and imperfect hell. In this aspect lies the beginning of the strategic confusion, since we do not know who we are, where we come from, much less where we are going, and not to mention the purpose we fulfill in this world.
The Integral Being We also do not know how to differentiate between soul and spirit, due to the lack of interest in research and the precarious intellectual development, we live wrapped up in absurd sentimentalism, unnecessary dramas, and we have lost our discernment and intuition, not to mention semantics, we do not care whether we believe or have faith. With this I want to say that they have tried by all means to erase our hyperborean legacy, to erase the past, disconnecting us from our divine roots, they have managed to create a metaphysical fracture between man and his divine ancestors in such a way that at present, an abyss separates us from our primordial memories, an abyss that has a name: confusion. At the same time, with such a sinister purpose, man has been projected into the future, an allusion used to qualify the ILLUSION OF PROGRESS suffered by those who belong to modern civilizations. Such illusion is propitiated culturally by powerful "force ideas" contained in scientific progress, education, civilization, the progress of history, among others, skillfully employed as a strategic weapon. In the future are the entelechies of all archetypes, and thus the "human perfection" in pursuit of a demiurgic evolution. A mission carried out from the origin of humanity to the present day by the "sacred Hebrew race", which is the representation of the
Andrea Victoria Cano demiurge on earth, which will never allow man to stop suffering, because pain is directed towards the demiurge, which nourishes and strengthens it; an essential reference for the dynamics of the horrifying material universe. Men conditioned by these in this way, believe blindly in the future, look only to it, and the past in any case is a motive of indifference in general. This fact is an important triumph for the sinarchy, whose strategy is to obscure the past, the memory of the Divine Origin. To remember our Divine Origin will be, from now on, a terrible sin and it will be these jailers, who will be in charge of collecting the punishment with pain and suffering. Only possibility to do something: Reintegrate.
The Integral Being
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The Integral Being
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Metaphysical Engine Metaphysical Motor of the Integrated Being: We have already seen in previous chapters, that the non-integrated Being needs a metaphysical motor as a sacred symbol, be it Jesus, God, children, wife, work, good luck, etc., to reach perfection of its purpose. Etc, in order to reach the perfection of its purpose. For example, the Sacred Symbol of Jesus Christ, has driven the military campaigns summoned by the Pope, with the purpose of reestablish Christianity on the "Holy Land", called Crusades, being victims of the faith about five million people. Similarly we have Isis, which is a Sunni faction of 'The Sharia" of Allah, which represents a Sacred Law of Islam, which encompasses a body of law and a code of conduct, which does not consider piety, backed by a religious fanaticism, to fulfill a purpose of permanent punishment, pain and death, in the same way in the name of a god whatever his name is. The calculation of the victims under Isis cannot be totaled, only in two years of war, in May and October 2015 are 3,855, 3.2 million displaced, and 7,056 wounded, and we see how this phenomenon continues to convulse the world to this day. Humanity has always gone towards a controlled evolution, from a center of power, managed by secret societies. The non-integrated being has a preset truth with some religious fanaticism, because he needs a 85
The Integral fabricated truth. Being
Andrea Victoria Cano The constant of a non-integrated being is corruption, triggered by social inequality, objective violence, inefficiency in education, perversion of authority. Another constant in the non-integrated Self is the volitional laxity, the constant relaxation of people where their Self is doped, which leads to impotence, anxiety, emotional conflicts, unnecessary haste, mental rumination, sense of guilt, anger, unnecessary or exaggerated regrets, various frustrations, fear, disorder, and laziness, which rob the volitional self of its energy. On the other hand, the metaphysical engine of an integrated Being, does not need a sacred symbol that drives it towards something, we can say that an Integrated Being does not move in the same way as a nonintegrated being, since the dynamics of the integrated Being is the search for the Origin, this integrated being has found anomalies in the world, and knows that it must find the truth, and that is the constant of its existence, since its metaphysical engine, is its Self as Self-will. There are three fundamental characteristics of the Ego, The Primitive Ego (synonymous with unconscious) which constitutes the deepest, most primitive, disorganized and innate part of the individual. It represents our most elementary impulses, desires and needs, fed by the libido. Always justified under the excuse: "I am like this and I am not going to change". The Volitional Self: (synonymous with conscious), all actions performed, come from a greater energy, which is independent of the psyche, is detached from all cultural and moral concepts, seeks an integrity that is constantly threatened by the primitive Self.
The Integral Being The infinite Self: (synonymous with transformation), which never says "I Am", has the essential certainty that the entity itself is something unique, indestructible, inimitable, and not created by the demiurge. The sensation of the "I" is a manifestation of the chained spirit. Classification of the Integration of the Self: In order to make it easier to understand, we will begin by categorizing the state of the Self according to the consciousness it has of its plexus: body, soul (psyche) and spirit. Being Non-Integrated exalts a global democratic society, the disorientation of self is total. Body this average man is only semi-conscious of his body, of supplying his physiological needs, such as eating, sleeping, satiating his sexual instincts, he depends on physical stimuli to give meaning to his existence, (he has no possibility of identifying the cause of the stimulus), he is full of fear, therefore he takes refuge in religious doctrines to justify his failures and not to do anything that goes against the commandments of "god", he is totally unaware of how his organism works, he frequently resorts to doctors because he suffers from everything and he cannot explain why (physical and mental weakness), he is a good Marxist, a good capitalist, a good LGTV, a good democrat. All his stimuli come from the external, his body is a semi-conscious reality. Psyche or soul: is unconscious of his soul, that is, although he perceives it, he does not recognize it, because he thinks that everything is a metaphysical speculation, he thinks that his own subtle manifestations are due to dreams or bad energies, lacking intuition, metaphysically castrated, he does not know that his tension is a reflection of his soul (subconscious functionality of his soul), he is absorbed by sentimentalisms, low passions, dramas, he thinks that his only way to subsist in the macrostructure is by wasting his money in material things (he persistently feeds the superstructure), he flees from stress in 88
Andrea Victoria Cano bars, parties, consumes drugs or alcohol to escape from his reality. He lives totally disoriented from historical events, he believes that the Nazis are monsters, because of the Zionist bombing in all the media. He thinks that all is well in the world, and that his function is to be born, reproduce and die. Spirit: totally unaware that he has a spirit (unconscious functionality), does not know it exists or what it is for. No integrated capacity. The Semi-Integrated Being are a small minority, nationalists, third position entities, very educated and cultured people: Body: It can become more aware of its pathologies, of how its organism works, it is more resistant to diseases, t o suggestion, it does not have mental weakness. Psyche or soul: This individual, by a foreign influence, has dissociated himself from his gods, and a purely Jewish theological principle (semiconscious functionality) has been implanted in him, but the difference is that he realizes that he has a psyche, he can become interested in metaphysical and esoteric subjects. The synarchy works to influence these individuals, but as they are hard to crack, democracy, the dollar, the free market are imposed on them; today, they have been stripped of their national pride to impose a globalist culture, of their individuality to impose communism, and as if that were not enough they have been stripped of their fighting spirit, to impose on them a poverty of spirit based on the "moral" obligation to express tolerant love. Spirit: semi-conscious of his spiritual plexus, i.e., he can exercise his willpower, he is willful, and although he senses that something is not right and will somehow seek to reach a truth, a fullness, he has not yet achieved the individuation of his volitional principle. Integrated capacity: Semi-conscious.
The Integral Being The Integrated Self can be attained by only a few individuals, at most one or two out of a billion. It is assumed as a model recovered from the original ancestor. Body: his body takes a back seat, he does not consider it important, because he has undergone a transformation that inhibits him from any disease, weakness, he is strong and decisive, he has a total knowledge of his physiological functioning, he is brave, hostile, and fuses his body with his mind. (Semi-conscious / conscious functionality). Psyche or soul: he perceives his psyche and is aware that his soul is very different from his spirit. He fully intuits that his state of mind is linked to the soul and avoids interference from it, he is not influenced by any external agent. Spirit: it has the faculty to be conscious of its volitional agent, making it the center of its microcosm, that is to say, it has an all-powerful willpower of its own. Therefore, from that center he can glimpse the pure, allembracing possibility, which disrupts his entire reality, which at this moment transcends, by its capacity for mutation or transformation, altering the understanding and vision of the macrocosm. He has glimpsed the possibility of becoming a Super Man. Integrated capacity: Totally Integrated.
How to Reach Self Integration Exoplanetary Wisdom First of all, to reintegrate, one must reach the Hyperborean Wisdom, which we call exoplanetary.
Andrea Victoria Cano None of us, spoke of conventional men and women in the standard degree of confusion, had the possibility of orientation and awakening; neither I, nor others who are now engaged in this knowledge, had it not been for the Hyperborean Wisdom. Evidently the information we have received in the course of our lives, has been made for the convenience of a synarchic world, in its purpose of perfection, of the creation of a new world order, but fortunately for many, all is not lost and every time true concepts come to light that break the distorted paradigm to which we have been accustomed. This Exoplanetary Wisdom is the only one that allows us to know the alien phenomenon in us, that allows us to integrate with our true extraterrestrial origin, thus distorting an infinity of incongruities, supported by the system, Zionism and the synarchic conspiracy. If we do not wake up from the great deception by the demiurge, of which we are captives, the goal of the infamous conspiracy of the White Fraternity, whose consequence will be the most intense materialization in man, and his collective moral degradation.
Luis Felipe Moyano
Luis Felipe Moyano, of Argentine nationality, has been the key to unite the pieces in this great puzzle called world, because he, in a colossal work, which took him twenty years, was able to capture in the Book of The Mystery of Belicena Villca, as in Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom, the message that the "extras" have left for the
The Integral Being This Exoplanetary Wisdom, which does not glimpse any earthly influence, is a contact protocol, the only material proof of an alien contact with a being, who is not fully human either, Nimrod de Rosario, as Moyano is also known, the product of an alien hybridization, and the guidelines to reach a complexion out of this material world, are very clear in his two works. The most important thing is to recognize thanks to Moyano, our own alien hybridization, A LARGE PART OF HUMANITY IS HYBRID, like him, therefore has the possibility to awaken these amazing capabilities. There are multiple paths that the misguided man can take, usually these paths favor the plans of the enemy and are jealously guarded to prevent such plans from being harmed. The individual, therefore, exhibits unmistakable signs of who he is, if he is semi-integrated, he will not be afraid to face the challenge of studying the Hyperborean Wisdom, if he is disintegrated, he will show on the contrary, a submissive and disoriented attitude. Fundamentally, it is a matter of recognizing two inheritances: a genetic one (memory of the Origin), and a spiritual one (volitional character of the Ego). Reaching the Hyperborean Wisdom does not come from a rational personal decision taken in the course of life, the decision was not taken by the individual in this life, but in another plane of existence, not spatial, not temporal, where the hyperborean spirit resides in chains.
Historical Revisionism In order to integrate, the mutation aspirant, must review history. Let's see: The main variables in history are controlled by the enemy, as we have been mentioning before, we see that history covers a ridiculously short period, seven or eight thousand years, in relation to the antiquity of humanity, of millions of years that it presents on earth.
Andrea Victoria Cano The history we possess is in no way objective or descriptive of the reality of the facts, since historians of all times have been victims of their own disorientation, attributing to concrete reality qualities that were only in their imagination, that is to say, projecting on the world cultural qualities that concrete entities did not possess. That is why history is vitiated by unreality, irregularities and anomalies. Every cultural fact represents the manifestation of a psychoid archetype (myth), by means of a superstructure, whose members, names, and cultural objects evolve as a whole towards perfection. The inadequacy of modern rationalist methods, applied to the interpretation of a historical fact, falls into error, by wanting to disintegrate it analytically and reintegrate it by rational synthesis. The central axis of operations, from which the system's guidelines emanate, is the individual himself, and his ignorance and disinterest in the historical context, which makes possible the distortion through his psychological type, subtracting his discernment at the moment of critical and reflective analysis. This "rational analysis" consists in decomposing phenomena into eminent aspects, in order to "understand" them in a theory. The foundation of all historical revisionism is the anomaly, the tangible proof of the imperfection of the system. There are four spheres in which culture operates, in order to distort the sign, the symbol and the cultural fact: Interpolation: it modifies the truth of the entity by means of cover-signs (masks). Example, the thumb up or down, the culture attributes it to the Roman Caesars, they pardoned or condemned to death the gladiator, and that today means this "all good" or this "all bad", is in fact a deformation of a right angle (Bala Mudra) that
The Integral Being meant Freedom for the Brave. Extrapolation: remove the reader's vision, values, determining signs, key elements for the correct valuation of the entity, sign, symbol or cultural fact. It removes the values or key elements, inconvenient for the "official" history. Semiotic or Cultural Inversion: changes the meaning of the entity, object, sign, symbol or cultural fact, example: The Edge (The V of Victory, V-value. V-will, became a hippie symbol of "peace and love").
The Authentic Sign (Bala Mudra)
Teleological Morality: imitates and restricts on a psychological level the observation, understanding, and manipulation of certain signs, symbols, entities, objects and cultural facts, for their assimilation by the revisionist, example: the Swastika (which long before the irruption of Nazism, was considered of good fortune throughout the planet, was converted into a perverse and evil symbol).
Metapolitics Well, the Hyperborean Wisdom and the historical Revisionism are not enough to reintegrate the Being, they are NOT ENOUGH, we emphasize. In this sense, it is necessary to give functionality to the Hyperborean Wisdom and to the rediscovered True History, with the STRATEGIC ACT, which must necessarily be META-POLITICAL, that is to say, transcendent. Meta-politics is situated outside and above politicking, which has become fallacious, banal, demagogic and corrupt, so that it ceased to be true politics, now it is only charlatanism. The metapolitical strategy aims to disseminate a conception of the world in such a way that the values rescued from our hyperborean heritage, 94
Andrea Victoria Cano prevail in history, regaining power and power in the long run. This strategy is incompatible with bourgeois ambitions to obtain "power", to be in power in the short term. Meta-politics must be addressed to decision-makers, mediators, disseminators of all currents of thought, who will not necessarily be aware of the depth of political, or rather meta-political, discourse. Metapolitics expresses a sensibility as well as a doctrine; it becomes culturally and ideologically according to circumstances: elongated horizons, flexibility, practical efficacy and hardness of the "internal discourse". In a first meaning, it means the task of demystifying the dominant culture whose natural consequence is to take away sustenance from political power, in order to finally replace it, and for the latter one must make politics. A second significance of the concept lies in the recovery of history, concepts that are carried out through reflection on language with the rescue of the true "context", indispensable to understand the concepts that have been rigged by the system. A third meaning of metapolitics is given by what is called traditionalism, a philosophical current that deals with the study of a primordial knowledge common to all civilizations and very particular according to the geo-chronic context. That is to say, mystical, mythical and ancestral knowledge that must be recovered and preserved. Metaethics, being a derivation of metapolitics, (a philosophical discipline, as opposed to normative ethics, which investigates only moral language and is neutral with respect to the different moral positions) transcends, in the sense that it seeks its ultimate raison d'être, the non-political foundation of politics. It is a discipline that has a double representation, both philosophical: (it deals with the non-political foundations of politics) and political: (it deals with the social-political projection of these foundations) at the same time.
The Integral Being Metaethics also constitutes a register to initiate a process of psychological mutation, that is to say, to create awareness of the need to face a personal and collective restoration, which will allow us to have a highly significant role in the reconstruction of our country NOW, present, nothing in the future. The proposal of Metaethics is to collectively enlighten ALL members of a State, with the facts, values and history recovered from our ancestral and millenary past and thus contribute to the spiritual improvement of its inhabitants. The psychosocial proposal of Metaethics is the ontological selfknowledge of the Self, the pure Ego, the differential content that makes us unique in diversity. Only in this context of individual transcendence can we find unity in the collective in pursuit of happiness, satisfaction and abundance through dignified work. National aggrandizement with the participation of ALL.
Warrior Styria The reintegration of the Self can only be achieved with hard work, discipline, courage and perseverance, that is, a military or rather, a warrior ethic. The Integrated Self reflects the spirit of the warrior, recalling the legacy of ancestral heroes, those who inspire to keep the flame of victory always burning, allowing ideals to prevail from generation to generation.
Andrea Victoria Cano History with all its controversies has shown that only the strong have left indelible traces, the idea of fighting is always the virtue of the best soldiers of a people: Romans, Spartans, Germans, Aborigines, Americans, Japanese, Celts, Iberians, Norse, among others, have demonstrated in addition to their physical performance a high spiritual level, impossible to glimpse in our times: discipline, effort, will, courage, commitment, loyalty, fidelity.
World War II was the most tangible example of the kind of men a nation should have, men who defended their country to the death, being loyal and unconditional, driven by an unbridled nationalism, with a great sense of honor. There is a great need for a pre-military culture in young people, not being this a military profession, it would be a preparation in the canons of order, efficiency, work, discipline and camaraderie.
The Integral Being By means of this discipline we achieve a responsibility of ourselves, we decontaminate ourselves from the deviant anarchist mass communism, from an unnecessary chaos that does not allow us to orient ourselves, making u s g o around in the psychological personality without vocation of service, personalistic, debased, that can manifest itself in different forms, but definitely irrelevant at the time of assuming commitments and responsibilities, which is the spiritual part of the individual, that must condition his actions, because his Will is everything, and that will makes of those men warriors, exalted beings, that project integrity at all times. Projecting an attitude of constant defiance in the face of the captivity in which we find ourselves, being possessors of the essential hostility towards this world of illusion, which controls us through fear and docility, will finally drive us to be that Super Man; who does not conceive surrender under any parameter; an old Chinese proverb says: "that the brave is not he who does not fear, but he who has conquered his fear", Genghis Khan stopped being afraid of lightning, when he realized that there was nowhere to hide. In conclusion, we must awaken that memory of blood, that pure and uncreated manifestation, whose action is in accordance with our virtues, in accordance with our volitional Ego, leaving aside the animic, laxity, conformity, mediocrity. All young people will feel this call and will strengthen both their body and their mind, to face with HONOR the end of the approaching history.
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Principles of the Integral Being Honor When honor is expressed, this corresponds to the will manifested by the Self, and this attitude must be permanent, which is totally independent of any "act" or cultural fact. We have the only definition of Honor thanks to Nimrod of Rosario, who tells us that it is "THE ACT OF GRACIOUS WILL". Honor is the integrated being. That is to say, honor is a value that can only be expressed by an agent who has achieved absolute reintegration, who values himself. The moral value of psychological ethics depends on the relations between the "I" and the symbols among themselves, because of this relative character of moral value, it is evidently logical and admits the well-known reductions to normative and legal forms. Contrary to the psychological value, the moral-noological value does not depend on any logical form, in any case honor constitutes its own law, which is expressed independently of any context and, therefore, lacks contextual meaning; it is neither logical nor psychological, neither rational nor irrational, but it is indeed the ultimate reflection of the uncreated. Honor is the greatest Virtue that individuals can exhibit, for its presence is unmistakable proof of the presence of the spirit, the honor that is the exclusive property of the HYPERBORNE SPIRIT, reveals the original character of the eternal and infinite race. The only morality of an integral being is Honor. To explain it in simpler words, honor is that which drives us to overcome all our existential limitations such as fear, lowliness, idleness, envy, weakness, cowardice; its voice warns us unequivocally of error, any error, and to 99
The Integral Being RECTIFY, urging us to STAND UP FOR OURSELVES and our fellow men. Let this be well understood, similar to me in greatness and ideals, not only for belonging to the human race, as the culture of the system induces us to believe, an abject and decadent democracy where we must identify ourselves with the baseness of the vicious, the pervert, the crook and disloyal, NO. Because he who expresses baseness and wickedness is not my fellow man. It is my fellow man who has the same or greater degree of HONOR than I do. Who is as much or more integrated, who, in short, is better than I am. Only the presence of HONOR exalts, divinizes, and immortalizes, if not, ask Alexander the Great, Leonidas, Genghis, Hitler, all of them immortal. Who will remember in a few more years the imbeciles and dishonorable Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill? Who will remember the rogues Rockefeller, Rothschild, Soros and other masters of usury, speculation and dishonor?
Charisma Charisma is the direct result of the integration of the Self. It is the transcendent contact that individuals make with each other, through a mystique within the collective, that is to say, within a strategy, understanding as mystique the union of man with the divine, as a form, it is sustained by the Symbol of Origin, present in the pure blood, and is sustained in the same way by the Integrated Being. This means speaking of an absolutely transcendent and individual/collective experience that coincides synchronistically in time and space. It is the reunion of similarities, as we saw in the previous section. Charisma cannot be known with reason or with any psychic subject, that is to say, not with the soul, not with the heart, but with the blood. On the other hand, mysticism is truly and absolutely transcendent to the archetypal forms, which it is impossible for a sleeping individual to intuit, even if he reaches the Hyperborean Wisdom, since the memory and the 100
Andrea Victoria Cano intuition is purely sanguine, his purity of blood will lead him to the unpredictable and unknowable. The individual is an essentially dual being, in his being coexists, together with his soul nature, the transcendent manifestation of the spirit, that is to say, in the individual coexists an animal nature and a hyperborean inheritance. When he "awakens", when the charismatic linkage (Golden Cord) puts him in contact with the Liberating Gods or with a leader, it is then when the infinite Self manifests itself in the Symbol of Origin, the nostalgia, the memory of plenitude are actualized, it is the Hitler phenomenon, let us just see and feel the effervescence of his unprecedented speech and its impact on the people, it is the charismatic linkage.
So, within a mystique, there is a charismatic, synchronistic and acausal linkage, which directly relates each one to his leader, it is necessary to 101
The Integral know Being that with a charismatic leader,
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awakened and transmuted, who puts himself at the head of a community and decides to guide all the individuals who belong to it, together, it is possible to reach Origin. The charismatic leader, radiates with his own light in any strategy of liberation that he decides to carry out, raising the Total War against the demonic forces of the synarchy, but especially he will exert his maximum pressure on "The Sacred Race", since it represents the enemy, that is to say, the captivating demiurge.
Will Willpower is an integralist foundation, and because of its extrapsychological nature, i.e., Infinite, it is not a measurable magnitude, as the modern positivist psychology of the West pretends. The psychological subject, the majority of men and women, follows the guidelines of the planetary collective subject, that is, "god"; but the individuated subject, who has differentiated his spiritual and soul nature, is capable of doing his own Will, has concretized the Integral Being, we will say. Only a will affirmed in the Origin that is the Uncreated Spirit will be able to consolidate the meanings, assigning cardinal values, there, where there is spiritual atrophy, this twisted world, which is the decadent cultural horizon of these times, and which nests in the psychosphere infested by the baseness of The One. In other words, he will have the capacity to express the symbol of collective mutation through all the tools at his disposal but above all through the arts and politics. Then, the greater the willpower, the greater the reintegration. The more poverty of spirit, that is to say, of self-will, the lesser the integration, or if one prefers, disintegration, dissolution of the Self.
The Integral Being
An old but very accurate phrase says the following: "work dignifies man", this adage is totally true because by doing a job we can develop our physical and mental integrity. By practicing an activity that requires our effort, we are helping ourselves to be better and feel good and very happy for what we have done, feel the satisfaction of fulfilled duty. Through work we can express our ideas, we develop our creativity and the knowledge we have, and we become more and more responsible human beings with our family, so we are able to work more and more with our family. as well as for the society i n which we live. Work is a means for man to achieve his personal development, it is a basic right of the human being, which allows him to grow with dignity, without any kind of corruptible influence that can divert him from his honesty and self-respect. We have seen how bankers get rich without any kind of effort or dignity, because they live off others, exploiting them, bleeding them with loans and high interest, stealing and getting rich without lifting a finger. Healthy competition in the economic and labor field prevents corrupt practices from taking root; corruption eats away at the most recondite sectors of the nationality of all countries. Corruption becomes more intense and widespread when it is generated in the heart of a parasitic society with an unproductive economy, where any
Andrea Victoria Cano
individuals seek political office, only with the intention of illicitly enriching themselves, but not moved by noble interests in pursuit of their people and nation. Work well done, conscientiously, with the best possible human demands, with a sense of responsibility and perseverance, without abandonment or lightness, with commitment and constancy, with rigor, with human quality and putting all the necessary effort, is the first step for a change at individual and collective levels. The good worker is diligent and does not rush. He who is industrious makes the most of his time, which is short, does what he must and is in what he does, not by routine, nor to occupy the hours, but as the fruit of an attentive and pondered reflection. Never put off what is hard to do, or give priority to things that are more enjoyable or require less effort. Work should not be left for tomorrow, if it can be done today. One should not let oneself be carried away by the false excuse of comfort, being satisfied with what is enough to do, to get by, letting oneself be dragged along by reasoned unreasons, to be hand in glove. Then we should not be surprised if we are called lazy, informal, frivolous, disorderly, lazy or useless. The virtue and human value of work, lies in the excellence of our 105
The Integral performance. Being
Andrea Victoria Cano It is not enough to want to do it well, you have to know how to do it well.
Principle Entity We have been talking repeatedly about Origin, but we will now unravel what it basically consists of. The Origin is our starting point and our point of arrival, we already know that this universe was created by an impostor, who was based on an "original model" to capture it in this world, that is to say, he made a blurred and poor quality copy of the The White Betrayal, which consisted in the enchainment of the hyperborean spirits on the material plane, was also realized. The Origin is where these pure spirits reside, in the Einsof, a world of darkness for the soul but of light for the spirit. From that true and original world, uncreated symbolisms emerge, which have not been contaminated by the demiurge, as for example the Runes. The Runes are living beings, embodied in the archetypal plane, sustained by the Loyal Shiddas, they are uncreated signs, therefore there is no significant context, there is no possible relationship to describe them. These Runes are outside the psychological scope, that is to say, they cannot b e apprehended or related to the psychic.
The Integral Being Only the Self, reflection of the eternal spirit, in its essential infinite instance, can coincide gnostically with the uncreated Runes. And herein lies the mystery of the Origin: If the Self perceives the uncreated Runes, it perceives itself, because the Runes participate in the actual infinite. The Runes do not require anything external and their meanings are existent by themselves and nothing can affect them, in that sense the Runes are symbolic weapons, with which one can resign oneself to the designs and become independent of the determinations of the demiurge. Right Angle (The Edge) Geometrically, the line resulting from the crossing of two surfaces or planes is called an edge, which would mean metaphysically that this right angle breaks the quadrality of the demiurgic world. These edges are basically decomposed from the Rune Odal (which is structurally conformed by edges), as a result the "V" is an uncreated weapon that resigns negative aspects such as: vice, psychological and emotional violence, vanity, shame, vulgarity, vagrancy. Replacing them by: courage: (expresses the complete submission of fear), will: (look of the spirit, which is above all reason, above all animism), truth: (enunciates the real meanings of any entity and of any fact), virtue: (attribute of the virginal, it is not illusory, it does not make sense of the illusory world) virility: (memory of the original couple, comes from Vrill, inexhaustible energy), vehemence: (verb resignatory of any design, rooted to the submissive soul), life: (is above any animism, coldness to the world of matter), virginity: (agglutinates all the virtues of the spirit mentioned above, refers to the Virgin of Agartha, nostalgia for the Fertile Valley or Vega). It is the Vegan mystique.
Andrea Victoria Cano Funny Luciferic: It is based on Courage. We must distinguish the vulgar concept of courage, which alludes to an external danger, courage in fact, is opposed to fear, but both acts are referred to danger: one fears danger, courage is not to fear danger. But in the vulgar meaning "danger" is always external or objective, which is why courage is defined as a behavioral characteristic, a trait of circumstantial behavior. In its Latin root, VALEO means to be strong, robust...etc. The Hyperborean Wisdom states that: The "danger" that threatens the Self, the psychic suction, comes from an emerging sacred symbol and cannot be compared to the dangers of the external world. Consequently, the courage necessary to face such a danger cannot be derived from the The external nature of the behavior without being able to be precisely and carefully defined in the very field of its generation. This attitude of courage is characteristic of every hyperborean lineage, but this attitude cannot be acquired if the subject has not awakened from the demiurgic delusion, it is achieved by isolating the ego, by superimposing the uncreated spirit of the original homeland on the created soul. The Gracious Luciferic type is the only one who recognizes that between the sacred symbol and the lost self a tension has been created, and that such tension has dramatic significance. In what does 109
The Integral Being
this drama consist:
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Dramatic Tension: It tends to immobilize the lost self, creating a feeling of distress in its environment. This dramatic tension is an energy applied against the self, but an energy that grows according to the evolutionary process of the archetype. The suspension of dramatic tension comes not only from opposition, "brute force", but from a magical contribution of energy. Where the will rises powerfully to a higher level, distancing itself from the Dramatic Tension sacred symbol, leaving the dramatic tension relegated to a negligible degree and unable to continue acting. Graceful Luciferic Attitude: suspends the dramatic tension, that is, applies its will and stops the phenomenon, interrupts the archetypal process, without altering itself in any way, without the oriented Self being affected; that is, the Self captures the sacred symbol. And this spiritual attitude laughs at the danger. When the dramatic tension is suspended, a comical, funny but notoriously false situation is perceived. Before the Luciferian gaze, the dramatic circumstance loses its tragic or distressing atmosphere and becomes contrived and fictitious. That is why it is said that the Luciferian gaze 111
Luciferic Gracious Attitude
The Integral Being is laughing, that laughter "shines in the eyes"; gaze
Andrea Victoria Cano which the demons and some mockers find offensive but in front of which deception is hopelessly present. Marching towards the Origin implies a terrible confrontation from which only the victor can emerge driven by unreserved courage, irrepressible daring, brilliant audacity, enlightened fearlessness, liberating daring, in short, by an irresistible courage that is pure fire because it comes from pure blood. A-men Nimrod from Rosario.
The Integral Being
The Super Man The Super Man Quite the opposite of what the cultural system claims of a Super Man, describing him as: Caucasian, imposing, authoritarian, racist, and with an infinite hatred for everything that does not represent him, we see the falsehood in the superficial and ill-intentioned content, the system wants us to be inferior beings, without self-esteem, ignorant, submissive, to make manipulation easier, and that at no time the spiritual part in us, which represents our legacy out of this world, is imposed. A superman is a creator of values, an active example of "master ethic" reflecting the strength and independence of one who is emancipated from the bonds of the human "debased" by religious docility. Nietzsche argued that every human act or project is motivated by the "will to power". The will to power is not only power over others, but power over oneself, something that is necessary for creativity. Such a capacity manifests itself in the autonomy of the superman, in his creativity and courage. He is a man who represents a type of optimum condition, in contrast to modern men, to "good" men, man must overcome himself, develop his nobility, his courage and above all his individuation. Carl Jung's psychology tells us that individuation consists in the reintegration of the conscious and unconscious spheres, since the natural man is a particle of mass, a 114
Andrea Victoria Cano collective entity that is not even sure of its Self, in need of the mysteries of transformation, of being turned into something, of being torn out of the collective psyche.
Vegan Society The word Veganist derives from the ancestral myth of the ten cities of the Vega, of the Virgin of the Vega, patron saint of the Iberian farmers until today, that is, it is the Iberian Pachamama, whose image is inspired by the Virgin of the Grotto of the Lords of Tharsis, ancient Iberian lineage that worshipped the goddess Pyrena, the Virgin of Agartha of the hyperborean tradition. Therefore this Veganism is Original, and its recovery to spread it in the collective imaginary constitutes by antonomasia a Strategic Act, which is beyond simple metaphysical speculation. It is not a philosophical movement, but it is based on the Origin of all philosophical speculation. It is not a religion but revolves around the symbolic myth of the Virgin. Today's societies have lost the sense of honor, of courage, proper to the legacy of blood, gentility, replacing them with meekness, abnegation, passive tolerance, servility, weakness and fascination proper to poverty of spirit, hidden and disguised as "socialism", "democracy", "human rights", "universal love", existing only in sermons, propaganda, politics and the media. Governments do not improve, on the contrary, there is more and more corruption and dishonor. The truth does not prevail, lies are free and tolerated, which makes us liars, conformists, indifferent to the moral or moral fact.
The Integral Being immoral, what difference does it make, all we care about is our own poor personalism. People do not change, they are stuck in their psychological molds. We continue to be betrayed and we continue to betray, before the disloyalties we follow the example, before the loss of all civility, we follow the materialistic path of globalization and money, the comfort of a stupid and meaningless life, becoming more and more inert, mediocrely democratized. In the face of adversity we suffer, we cry, in the face of ephemeral happiness we sketch an illusionary smile, living, enduring existence in dishonor, asleep before the reality of a totally decadent and unjust world. That is the path of the soul, to love one day, to hate the other until we become indifferent to the world, affirming it, accepting it because we can no longer conceive full life and happiness. The manifesto of a veganist society encompasses an Integral Instruction of the masses, affirming the psychosocial function towards our main objective: The Collective Awakening, that people become informed, deepening the psychic reintegration of the individual, raising a cultural war against the culture of the system that is the direct cause of our abhorrence. A Veganist society is a true nationalism, but also the only true socialism; which expresses the Symbol of Origin and the Virginal Symbol, which restores the sense of Polis (hostility embodied in strategic act to the superstructures that the global system imposes), this sense of Polis must be sustained by a charismatic leadership, concretely embodying a walled square, whose space is proper for mutation and return to the Origin. This Veganist society is the Triumph of the Will that sustains its deployment, recovering the ancestral legacy through the art of working, or working the art, propitiating the restoration of the Royal Function, where each individual must recover his own truth, revolving around the Edge, realizing the Strategic Opposition against the 116
Andrea Victoria Cano synarchic enemy, and thus realize a STATE OF PERSONAL AND COLLECTIVE FULFILLMENT.
National Socialism
Terrorism is the guiding principle of the Old Testament, the beheaders of ISIS are infants next to the god of Israel. True terrorism is a spring of social control through the culture of fear, fear that has been instilled in societies that dare to contradict the biblical mandates where the only nationalism that can be exalted is the Jewish one, all others are an affront to that jealous god. Nationalism has been a political ideology based on the principle that each nation has the right to form its own state governed by its own principles, in order to realize the social, economic and cultural objectives or aspirations of a people, especially the achievement of statehood. 117
The Integral Being independent. It seeks a struggle for social, political and economic autonomy, the latter consisting in becoming economically independent from the International Bank, precisely ruled by Jews, that is to say, by the cursed god of the Old Testament. Nationalism attributes its own entity, differentiated to a territory, to its citizens, advocates as values the welfare, the preservation of identity features, independence, freedom, emancipation, glory and loyalty to the one considered as its own nation. The demonization of Nationalism is the result of people stigmatized by media information, justly spread by the agents of the global system, the superstructure is in charge of branding you, filtering you and making you feel ashamed for desiring a nation where order, art, family, values, abundance reign, in exchange we are offered a perverted and false globalization. This great human pyramidal base is manipulated, through a supercapitalist psychosocial strategy, making us accept Marxism and anarchy as magnificent examples of social and individual stability, thus making us lose our true identity. Both Marxism and capitalism are two sides of the same coin, used by this world government to subjugate all the peoples of the world, except the Jews, of course. This synarchic strategy consists of trying to corrupt any national sense, for which Marxist dogma and historical materialism have been conceived. These dogmas have never solved social conflicts, but rather have caused the impoverishment and death of hundreds of millions of people in the last two centuries. Restoring a nationality with a true identity then becomes a priority in an urgent but very dangerous character, if not, let's ask the Iraqis, the Libyans, the Syrians; a nationalism that eradicates any synarchic current, that makes us 118
Andrea Victoria Cano I ask, then, will the sinarchy fight back with blood and fire to awaken from the globalizing deception of consumerism and banality, where the fighting spirit is ready to fight against the international enemy and recover the stolen values and ancestral legacy, then, I ask. Are people really prepared to pose this noble and honorable challenge to the Hebrew god and all his infernal hosts?
Integral Veganism Let's be honest and objective, the world is going through a crisis of values, we can see daily in our environment, the way women dress totally insinuating, as if offering themselves to the highest bidder, the music has lost sensitivity and purity to vulgarize in public sexual simulations, in view of parents and spectators who encourage in their young people, the culture of degeneracy and vice. We are really in a period of intrascendence, or what is worse the kali yuga: (the darkest and most destructive age of humanity, under the influence of the demons of the White Brotherhood) that has overshadowed everything, because our past civilizations were more cultured, wise, modest, educated, with knights and ladies in every sense, the influence of the Grail was much more tangible. In this sense, Vegan Integrality is the only path towards the reunion between man and his sense of honor capable of overcoming the cultural pact of the synarchy; it is the only strategy that can give us back the indispensable and constant state of alertness that allows us to become independent from the harmful influences of a totally corrupted world. This vegan integrality assumes the principle of commitment as something unwavering in its cosmovision of life, which disseminates and socializes collective strategies of restoration of values and truths that have been distorted by the prevailing system, accessing the gradual mutation, purification or enlightenment of the being as a managing entity and
The Integral Being promoter of liberation, with action and struggle being the only sources from which our purpose to confront, to fight against the metaphysical engine that chained us to this world of pain and death: that which sleeping men call "god", will be nourished. The Veganist Integrity rejects the falsity of any world context, expresses the Self through heroic acts, expresses the virginal symbol, sustained by a mysticism contained in the memory of blood, that is to say, our symbols. Its most reliable path is that of the spirit, that of the will, and it does not envision any other possibility than its return to the Origin.
Orientation Ritual This ritual that I am pleased to share with you, has an infinite symbolic value, because it is the situation in which many of us find ourselves due to the deception and the spiritual chaining that we have suffered by the demiurge, resulting in: Disorientation, and we want to find the answers and the means to orient ourselves and free ourselves from the chains that anchor us in this illusory world. But it is not easy, because there are mutated sentinels, loyal Shidhas, who will see to it that this liberation is successful, and that the sleeping man who has awakened is fully willing to reach the Origin, and is worthy of entering a liberated square. The lost man or Virya: (the name given in the Hyperborean Wisdom to the sleeping man) then arrives at the threshold of the wall, where the guardian of the liberated square and the sentinels are located, and the event unfolds as follows: Virya Perdido: (Hits the wall) Guardian: Who are you? Why have you come? Virya Perdido: I am a wanderer, a son of Cain; searching for my origin, my happiness and my destiny... 120
Andrea Victoria Cano Guardian: What you seek is not of this world. Do you know that only that which is lost is sought, do you know that this is the Abyss of disillusionment? Those of us who are here before you have already abandoned the illusion. ¡¡¡¡ Sentinels of the eight Aristas!!!!... Tell the wanderer what you see! 1st Cent. I see all mankind chasing after the illusion of happiness. It is like a mirage, when one is about to reach it, it vanishes...and resurfaces in the future. 2nd Cent.: I see men in the world striving day and night to have wealth, but only a few obtain it. 3rd Cent: I see Corruption reigning in the Nations. It is she who snatches the wealth from the labor of the wanderers and serves it to the corrupt. 4th Cent.: I see the corrupt taking over the Nations.... 5th Cent: I see corrupt nations seizing the wealth of other nations by treachery, deceit and lies.... 6th Cent.: I see the corrupt preparing the Throne of Gold on which they will seat the Son of Corruption.... 7th Cent: I see the Traitor Shidhas loosening the bonds of the Dragon of Sodom, and they are anxious to descend once again to copulate with the women of the earth... 8th Century: The Catastrophe!...I see all corrupted mankind turned into meek sheep marching to the slaughter... And I see the Dragon of Sodom flying over them pouring out his pink breath... And from on high is heard the cry of the Traitors saying: Holocaust!!!! Guardian: Sentinel facing North!!!!...what do your hopeful eyes see? Cent to the North: I see Serfdom, disease and death... The Catastrophe!!!! 121
The Integral Being Guardian: Sentinel facing the East!!!!...what do your hopeful eyes see? Cent. East: I see servitude, disease and death...The Catastrophe!!!! Guardian: Sentinel facing West!!!!...what do your hopeful eyes see? Cent. To the West: I see servitude, sickness and death...The Catastrophe!!!!! Guardian: Sentinel facing south!!!!...what do your hopeful eyes see? Cent. To the South: ¡¡¡¡ I see a Colossal Wall!!.... Behind the Infinite Wall I see Agartha, Vallhala, Thule, the Loyal Siddhas, the last battalion of the black SS, the warriors of Honor of all times, and the Führer of the pure blood ready for the Battle....Above them I see the Virgin of Agartha, the Hyperborean Race, pointing to a path that leads to Venus, to the Origin, t o t h e Original homeland outside this universe of madness, to eternity, to the original couple and close to the Unknowable God.. Towards the Happiness from which we were torn away. And I see him who waits behind Venus for the last of us to leave... He is Kristos Lucifer, the Great Chief of the race of the Hyperborean Spirits... waiting for us. Guardian: (Addressing the Lost Wanderer/Virya) Friend..., as you heard...you can only live in hope if you look South. Are you willing to acknowledge it, are you willing to abandon the world of illusion, are you willing to pledge allegiance to the Knights of the Ridge whose Founding Stones have spoken, are you willing to risk your microcosms, body and soul to Return to Origin, are you willing to risk your microcosms, body and soul to Return to Origin?
Andrea Victoria Cano Lost Virya: (War Cry - in positive affirmation)... the Virya jumps to the Archemona through the Fenestra Infernalis.
Participants of the Veganist Movement who performed the Strategic Orientation Ritual.
The Integral Being
CONCLUSIONS From the first moment we are born we are inserted into a large matrix, in a system that is already supervised by the same jailers who imprisoned us in this world, without giving us any alternative to change certain stereotypes or paradigms, because it can unbalance the "harmony" or the "evolutionary" process of the archetypes that are those that forge the structural bases of the development of an individual within the macrostructure. The individual act of man is not personal, it is a collective purpose to put sense in the entities and consolidate cultural contexts. Therefore, unfortunately, we are still lost within this colossal labyrinth that performs an absorbing action on our psychic energy, wearing us out in an endless process given our short vital time as biological entities, taking over our entire existence; we accept with total normality pre-established concepts, continuing with the same vision, the same format, the same structuring, without realizing that nothing remains static, everything contains a constant movement that we do not perceive, a nefarious flow that drives us towards the entelechy and the catastrophic end also prescribed to which we are condemned from day ONE. These changes, w h i c h are often not given importance by political and exoplanetary elites, although it is not at all pleasant to accept gay marriage and the shameless exhibitionism of this aberration, and that it is being taught in kindergarten to our children without anyone doing anything to prevent it, will have consequences in the interrelationships that are normally exercised in a society, in individual development as such, in the way of thinking and acting, becoming a permanent conflict and breeding ground for an unimaginable collective pain. Breaking free from the established concepts requires time (and time is another variant that is handled in the same way by the Demiurge - the Demiurge). 124
Andrea Victoria Cano Cronos) and, more than anything else, willpower is needed; even more so when we have become aware of the deception and have managed to orient ourselves. There is always an intuition or a memory that alerts us spiritually that something is not right, obviously this perverse entity does not want us to leave the archetypes and the function for which we have been created and will keep us in total confusion. It is the constant that pushes us irresistibly in this globalizing tide that wants to make of us one more number that can only aspire to crumbs in unimportant jobs for the excessive development of the comfort of economic emporiums that fight among themselves for world supremacy, while we become beings without essence, without spirit, without dignity, without choice, pusillanimous and submissive beings. Definitely, if we think about it even lightly, this globalist reality of being sheep is not an option for us who have reached the Hyperborean Wisdom and have discovered the harm that is being caused to us with malice and malice aforethought. The Virgin is the symbol of the Essential War against the Powers of Matter and she demands from all her venerators Ice in the heart to never submit to the weaknesses of the soul: "To die with honor fighting to be free, rather than to continue living as slaves".
The Integral Being
Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom (Luis Felipe Moyano). The Mystery of Belicena Villca (Luis Felipe Moyano). The Symbolism of the Mandala (Carl Jung). The Labyrinth of the Psyche (Carl Jung). UFO Project "The Antarctic Base" (Pablo Adolfo Santa Cruz de la Vega). Psychological Types (Carl Jung). Spontaneous Human Combustion (José Alfredo Piera). Forbidden Grimoire (Anonymous). Metaethics Social Psychology (Pablo Adolfo Santa Cruz de la Vega). How to Cure Cancer Holistically (Martí Boch). Everything We Know Is Wrong (Lloyd Pye). The Snake I (Lupus Felis). The Language of the Pasu (Gaburat Lycanon Michel). The Selfish Gene (Richard Dawkins). Veganism the Strategic Act (Pablo Adolfo Santa Cruz de la Vega). Theory of Memes (Jordi Cortés). My Truth About The Memory Of Water (Jacques Benveniste). Cicatrix (Corrado Malanga). Metapolitica (Alberto Buela). Veganist Manifesto (Pablo Adolfo Santa Cruz de la Vega).
Andrea Victoria Cano
The Integral Being
Andrea Victoria Cano
IWM in Latin America.
This new edition will deal with a number of highly censored topics, such as the following and defy the system, we will also see what it is that the individual tointegrate, why the apathy with which he or she is
who and for what reason(s) are preventing us from reaching the Super Man or Integral Being, why have we forgotten our ancestral legacy? hyperborean tral, how to achieve such integration, among others. The Virgin of Agartha is the symbol of the Essential War against the Poisons. and she demands from all her venerators Ice in the Heart to never submit to the weaknesses of the soul: "TO DIE WITH HONOR FIGHTING TO BE FREE, RATHER THAN BETO GO ON LIVING AS SLAVES.