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English Pages 70 [71] Year 2021
‘If you don’t have a temple in your heart you will never find your heart in the temple." ~Rumi
THE FOXLEY FIX The little instruction book of essential yoga poses
Susan Foxley
Copyright © 2021 Susan Foxley All rights reserved.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I WISH TO SHARE MY sincerest gratitude for my many clients that I have had the honor and privilege to teach privately in Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Brentwood and Westwood, California. Thank you Amina, Deborah, Flora, Hans, Ike, Jeff, Joanne, Lina, Louise, Marc, Margaret, Melody, Michelle, Mitra, Nadia, Naila, Nargis, Richard, Roger, Shaina, Sophia and Tamie (last names removed to respect their privacy.) I have been with some of these students for over two decades! Much gratitude and appreciation to all those who’ve attended my public classes, as well as the students that appeared on my yoga television shows at channel 16 in Santa Monica, California. It has truly been an honor to share the gift of yoga with you. Also, huge appreciation goes to Channel 16 for recording my seasons of Yoga for All Ages, Forever Yoga, and Mind/Body so as to share the gift of yoga with the world both on television and via my YouTube channel. Lastly, Blessings to all my yoga teachers throughout the years. Thank you Sri Pattabhi Jois, Larry Schultz, Nancy Gilgoff, Lisa Walford, Chad Hamrin, Matt Ezraty and Chuck Miller. My life has been greatly enhanced by their profound teachings.
Legal Disclaimer The information and exercises provided in this book are to be used at your own discretion and under professional guidance where appropriate. They are not offered as a replacement or substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Not all exercises are suitable for everyone, and making use of this or any other exercise program may result in injury. To reduce the risk of injury, never force or strain. If you suspect that you may have a medical condition, physical or emotional, I strongly recommend that you seek advice from a licensed health care professional before embarking on this or any other exercise program. A note regarding pregnancy: when pregnant, you should not practice any twists or abdominal tightening poses, and should consult with your doctor before beginning any exercise or yoga program. Using a Heat Pad Heat pads are beneficial in that they provide comfort, especially where there is muscle soreness, and they help target local tissue as the heat dilates nearby blood vessels. But there are some important dos and don'ts. Use only for up to 20 minutes at a time. Always have a layer, such as a towel, between the pad and your bare skin. Never use in tandem with topical treatments to avoid irritation. Do not place near damaged skin. Heating pads are for external use only. Always use as directed on the packaging. Side effects may occur to people who are allergic to any filling ingredients (which vary). If allergies do occur, stop use immediately and consult your doctor. Never soak the pad with water. Always follow heating instructions carefully, and do not overheat. Foxley Fitness disclaims any liability or loss in connection with any information or exercises contained in this book, or from the adoption of any instruction or advice expressed herein.
INTRODUCTION IN OVER THREE DECADES of teaching yoga to people ages 5-95, I have found less is more. Do a little bit every day and slowly enjoy the process of opening, like a rose blooming. If you push, shove or force the petals open you will destroy the rose. Be patient and kind with yourself. You literally have the rest of your life. It's not a race. These yoga poses can be done with a heating pad (read the disclaimer opposite) either on the floor or in your bed. I have found if you cannot walk, due to your health, or have a job where you’re on your feet all day, or sitting in a chair or car, this is a fabulous sequence to do daily or three times a week. Remember to be gentle and kind with yourself and breath in and out consciously while doing simple but profound sequences. Also, always consult your physician before using The Foxley Fix. Enjoy and take your time! Susan
The Foxley Fix
ACTIVE RECLINED POSE Lie down on the floor or in your bed and stretch your heels away from your hands and your hands away from your heels. Interlace your thumbs and spread your fingers. Flex your feet and spread your toes. As you push your belly button in towards the floor bring your buttocks slightly towards your heels. Stretch the back and side ribs up towards your hands. Bring your floating ribs towards your pelvis. Soften your shoulders and increase your inhales and exhales in and out through your nose while maintaining your thoughts of creating space in your whole body. Hold pose for 15-30 breaths.
"As I make space in my body, I make space in my heart, mind, body and my life!"
Hug your knees into your chest. If you’re feeling discomfort, hold behind the knees (around your thighs). Spread your toes. Maintain conscious breathing in and out through your nose. Hold pose for 15-30 breaths. *Repeat poses 1 & 2 a total of 5 times to warm up the body and create space in the lower back.
"I love myself unconditionally with no judgment or criticism. Love begins with loving me just the way I am."
Bring your hands behind your head and bring your right elbow towards your left knee and then your left elbow towards your right knee. Keep switching back and forth 20-50 times to warm up the body. Keep breathing and really kick the leg straight to create space in the lower back.
"I kick out all negative thoughts, old resentments and old hurts to have a clear mind, open heart and a vibrant body."
Hug your knees again and practice pushing your belly button in towards the floor or bed, while breathing into your kidney region. Hold pose for 15-30 breaths.
"As I love myself… love and health chase me down and follow me around every corner."
Bend your knees and place your feet hip distance apart. Place your hands on your thighs and push your thighs away from your face as you straighten your arms. Make sure you keep your belly button pushing down into the floor or bed while softening your shoulders. Ground your feet while spreading your toes and consciously breath in and out. Hold pose for 15-30 breaths.
"The Universe has my back."
Hug your knees again and keep your belly button moving towards the floor or bed while spreading your toes. Remember to soften your face and jaw while consciously breathing. Hold pose for 15-30 breaths.
"I recognize my value and my self-worth. I love myself just the way I am."
Bend your right leg towards your chest while ironing your left leg onto the floor or bed. Flex your left heel away from your face. Consciously breathe in and out while inwardly smiling. Hold pose for 15-30 breaths.
"I bathe in gratitude for my feet, legs, knees and hips that help me move easily and effortlessly."
Place a belt around your right foot. Iron your left leg into the floor. As you keep your arms straight while grasping the belt, flex both feet. Push the right heel up towards the sky and push the left heel away from your face. Straighten your knees as much as you can. Soften your shoulders while deciphering whether you're breathing predominantly through your left or right nostril. Hold pose for 15-30 breaths.
"I inhale peace and joy and exhale stress."
While ironing your left leg into the earth, continue flexing both feet. Place your left hand on your thigh to ground your leg. Please bring your right leg out to the side and extend the right heel away from the hip. Maintain straight knees and gaze away from your right leg while grounding your left shoulder. Hold pose for 30 breaths.
"I am safe and life mirrors that back to me every day"
Bring your right leg back to the midline and bring your nose towards your knee on the exhale. On the inhale bring your head back down to the ground while maintaining the extension of the leg towards the sky. Do 3 to 5 little sit-ups while keeping the leg straight up towards the ceiling. Keep shoulders relaxed.
"My mind and body are in perfect balance and I easily control my thoughts."
Hug your right leg toward your chest while extending the opposite leg away from your face. Hold pose for 15-30 breaths.
"Life loves me and I love life."
Bend your left leg towards your chest while ironing your right leg onto the floor. Flex your right heel away from your face. Consciously breathe in and breathe out for 15-30 seconds.
"As I inwardly smile the world smiles back at me. I live in a friendly Universe."
RECLINED LEG STRETCH Place a belt around your left foot. Iron your right leg into the floor. As you keep your arms straight while grasping the belt, flex both feet. Push the left heel up towards the sky and push the right heel away from your face. Straighten your knees as much as you can. Soften your shoulders while deciphering whether you're breathing predominantly through your left or right nostril. Hold pose for 15-30 breaths.
"As I reach for the stars my life gets bigger, brighter and better every day in every way!"
While ironing your right leg into the earth, continue flexing both feet. Place your right hand on your thigh to ground your leg. Please bring your left leg out to the side and extend the right heel away from the hip. Maintain straight knees and gaze away from your left leg while grounding your right shoulder. Hold pose for 15-30 breaths.
"I flow with life."
Bring your left leg back to the midline and bring your nose towards your knee on the exhale. On the inhale bring your head back down to the ground while maintaining the extension of the left leg towards the sky. Do 3 to 5 little sit-ups while keeping the leg straight up towards the ceiling.
"My intuition gets stronger and stronger everyday and I can trust my gut."
Hug your left leg toward your chest while extending the opposite heel away from you. Hold pose for 15-30 breaths.
"It is safe to enjoy my own body. It’s a gift."
Hug both knees into your chest while consciously breathing. Hold pose for 15-30 breaths.
"I’m so grateful for my breath, my body, my heart and my soul."
BRIDGE POSE Interlace your thumbs over your head and bend your knees with your feet hip distance apart. Thighs slightly internally rotated as you lift your buttocks up 5-10 inches from the floor. If you are feeling discomfort in your lower back, decrease the lifting of your buttocks off the floor. Stretch your hands away from your knees and your knees away from your hands, creating length. Make sure your buttock flesh is moving towards your knees to create length in your lumbar spine. Lift and lower your buttocks off the floor 3-5 times.
"Whatever I resist persists. I will breathe and allow."
Hug your knees into your chest. Hold pose for 15-30 breaths.
"As I love myself unconditionally, so does the world".
Bend your knees and bring them to the outside of your torso while grabbing the outside or inside of your feet. Maintain conscious breathing as you bring your knees closer and closer to the floor. Hold pose for 15-30 breaths.
"As I remain flexible in my body, I remain flexible in the world."
RECLINED THIGH PUSH Place your feet hip distance apart while bending your knees. Place your hands on your thighs and push your thighs away from your face as you straighten your arms. Make sure you keep your belly button pushing down into the floor or your bed while softening your shoulders. Ground your feet while spreading your toes and consciously breathe in and out. Hold pose for 15-30 breaths.
"With every heart beat I am filled with love and joy."
Take your right foot (flexed) on top of your left thigh. Then take your hands around your left thigh and hug tightly towards your torso. Bring your bent right knee away from your face please. Hold pose for 15-30 breaths.
"I create harmony and my mind and body reflect this."
Take your left foot (flexed) on top of your right thigh. Then take your hands around your right thigh and hug tightly towards your torso. Bring your bent left knee away from your face please. Hold pose for 15-30 breaths.
"Creating space in my body will create space in my days, weeks and months ahead."
Hug your knees into your chest. Hold pose for 15-30 breaths.
"As I love myself more deeply the world mirrors that love back to me."
RECLINED TWIST Bring your arms out to the side and stack your knees and ankles to the right side while looking to the left. If you feel like wrapping your top leg over the bottom leg feel free to do so ~ see pose 28. Hold pose for 10 breaths. In yoga we are as young as our spine. Imagine twisting and squeezing out any negativity held in the liver, kidneys or spleen.
"I let go of all old resentments, negative thoughts and past hurts, replacing these thoughts with loving kindness."
Hug your knees into your chest. Hold pose for 15-30 breaths.
"I love you. I really love you. I will never judge you, criticize you or abandon you. I will always have your back."
Bring your arms out to the side and stack your knees and ankles to the left side while looking to the right. If your feel like wrapping your top leg over the bottom leg feel free to do so ~ see pose 28. Hold pose for ten breaths. In yoga we are as young as our spine.
"I now permanently release any negativity that lives in my heart, body, mind and soul."
If you would like to wrap the top leg on top of the bottom leg for a deeper twist on both sides, feel free to do so. Hold pose for ten breaths on each side. Squeezing out any old stubborn resentments or hurts. Fill up with big breaths cleaning out old stuck residue in the body and mind.
"I am supported by life in glorious and miraculous ways all day, every day."
Hug your knees into your chest one last time. Congratulate yourself, you’re almost done. Hold pose for 15-30 breaths. Now straighten your legs and rest. Way to go! Next you'll stretch and 'surrender'...
"I easily and effortlessly let go of what no longer serves me."
Do one final, long stretch before resting. Move your hands away from your feet and your feet away from your hands. Then place your arms by your side and close your eyes and rest. Relax, let go, and surrender.
"I am serene and I am able to marinade in peaceful thoughts."
The LAST POSE of EVERY yoga session is the 'resting' or 'surrender' pose... SAVASANA POSE Place your arms by your sides with palms faced up. Have your arms about 12 inches away from your torso. As you lengthen your legs make sure they are hip distance apart. Fully relax as you close your eyes. If you have lower back pain roll a blanket or place a bolster underneath your knees. As you relax deeply and close your eyelids from top to bottom like closing down window shades, go into the black, blue velvet behind your eyes. Soften and slow down your inhales and exhales as you bring your awareness to the rise and fall of your belly and the expansion and contraction of your ribs. Notice whether you are breathing predominantly through the right nostril or left nostril. Just witness and watch. Adjust your body again so it’s not talking to you.
Relax your scalp, forehead, temples and jaw. Release your lower jaw from your upper jaw. Melt the shoulders, relax the upper arms, forearms, hands and fingers. Now bring the awareness to your open and soft heart. Sending love to you, your loved ones, neighbors, city, countries and planet. Now feel the rise and fall of your belly as you release your hips, buttocks, legs, feet and toes. Let go and attempt to slow down the breathing and let the space between the thoughts get bigger and bigger. Stay here for 5-30 minutes consciously paying attention to your breath and clearing and cleaning your mind, body and soul. To wrap up this beautiful sequence please place your hands on your heart and say three times, “May all beings know love and peace”, quietly to yourself. Lastly, set the intention for how the rest of your day is going to unfold. Visualize it in your mind’s eye and then act as if your intentions will be answered. *for more great information on visualizations visit SusanFoxley.com and sign up for Susan’s life coaching workshop, or find her life guide, Mixed Up To Fixed Up in Four Weeks on Amazon or her website.
"Thank you again for letting me share the gift of yoga with you and remember to always, always, always go where the love is. Namaste." Susan
Susan Foxley is an author, certified life coach, registered yoga instructor, public speaker and TV show host who has helped thousands of people live healthier, happier lives. Her books, workshops, videos and countless public appearances have earned her a reputation as a caring counselor, a powerful motivator and a trusted friend. Susan's most recent book, Mixed Up to Fixed Up in 4 Weeks: A Life Guide for Growth, is a light and simple method on how to clear what holds you back, and plan and plant your new future. She also hosts her hybrid health show, Mind/ Body with Susan Foxley, which streams daily and is also available free to subscribers to her YouTube channel. You can learn more about her books, workshops, and videos at SusanFoxley.com, or connect with Susan on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube.