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The Essential Ga u fjapada
Written in Kannada by
Swami Satchidanandendra Saraswati
Translated By
D.B. Gangolli
Adhyatma Prakasha Karyalaya Holenarsipur, Hassan - 573 211 Karnataka, INDIA. CO : 08175-73820
About TIle Author His Holiness Paramahamsa Sri Sri Satchidanandendra Saraswati Swam ji, the founder of Adhyatma Prakasha Karyalaya and autl10r of over 200 reputed works on Advaita in Kannada, Sanskrit and English, blessed the earth witJl his presence for 96 useful and rich years (1880-1975).
His works are characterised by vast and deep scholarsllip. clear and precise perception aIld an attractive and lively style. His authentic interpretation ofSailkarahas been greatly recognized by both the East and the West. He was not just a rare and accolnplished individual but a mighty and magnificent institution.
About The Book Shri Gaugapada has established by taki11g as his centf,ll authoritative source the Mandukya Upanishad . which lh()llgh smallest in size (only 12 Mantras or verses) among all the Upanishads yet the most famous Olle, the following profoulld Siddhal1ta by means of logic fully in consonallce with Anllblla\',l
(universal Intuitive Experience) : "On tIle sUIJport of Anubhava t)f A vasthatr,tya or three states ot~ consciollsncss, Atman of all of U~ is verily Ajadvaya Brahmall alone which is NityaniraVclsth,l or eternally devoid of allY state~ That alone is tl1e Paramartha satya" Further, he has not OIlly clarified as to what exactly is the \\lide dit-fcrence between the predomin