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English Pages [105] Year 2013
S. S. Nikambayeva
Almaty «Kazakh university» 2013
UDC 811.111 BBK 81. 2 Angl. N 620 Recommended for the Academic Council of the Faculty of Philology, Literary Studies and World Languages and RISO KazNU
Reviewers: Doctor of Philology Sciences, Professor G.B. Madiyeva Ph.D Doctor, Associative professor A.Ch. Kurmanali Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Docent E.K. Nurlanbekova
Nikambayeva S.S. N 620 Teaching Methodology of Academic Reading and Analysis:
manual – Almaty: Kazakh university, 2013. – 105 p. ISBN 978-601-247-660-6 This manual is devoted basic direction of teaching methodology of academic reading and analysis and it is given some ways of teaching to read. It is done for the teachers, students who want to know the methods of teaching to read.
В пособии освещаются основные направления методики преподавания английского языка, изложены методические подходы к обучению чтению и анализу специальных текстов. Пособие составлено на основе апробированного в течении ряда лет теоретического курса «Академическое чтение и анализ специальных текстов», который предусматривает изучение методики преподавания чтению и анализу текстов.
UDC 811.111 BBK 81. 2Angl. ISBN 978-601-247-660-6
© Nikambayeva S.S., 2013 © KazNU al-Farabi, 2013
Никамбаева С.С.
PREFACE The Problems of teaching to read are investigated last time in many directions theoretically and experimentally. In scientific literature the purposes, communicative problems of teaching to reading, and the contents are specified, on the one hand, as functions, and also teaching methods are improved. On the other hand, selection of a language material for reading depending on grade levels is carried out and searching of rational criteria of adaptation of texts (for reading), adequate to specific methodical objectives. Formation of abilities to read original texts in the specialty in a support on words of the common root with Kazakh/Russian for obtaining the necessary information going from abroad, it should be paid much attention, as by means of an important and leading type of speech activity – readings one of main objectives of tutoring to a foreign language at faculties of higher education institutions – practical possession to foreign languages, ability to use it as obtaining professionally significant information and an intensification of process of reading texts with comprehension of the main contents today is realized. The book represents a course of lectures is made by the author and the analysis of the latest researches on a teaching technique to reading and the text analysis. The grant on the structure and the contents is focused for on management of educational and cognitive activity of students in the course of studying discipline «Teaching Methodology of Academic Reading and Analysis» The book which didn't suffice long ago for teachers and students -future teachers of a foreign language. This book will be useful for both beginning and experienced teaches who want to improve their practical strategies in teaching reading and their understanding of the reading process. Each chapter includes discussion, self-assessment questions, exploratory task and types of exercises on mastering by skills of reading.
Teaching Methodology of Academic Reading and analysis
Lecture I 1.The Aims and Significance of this subject 2.Academic Reading as a Kind of Speech Activity 3. Solving a question on parity of analytical and synthetic reading 4. Reading as a kind of speech activity
Introduction Our lecture is devoted one of the basic aspects in learning of foreign language – to academic reading. It represents one of the major means of reception of the information and in life of the modern formed person occupies an important place. In real life reading acts as a separate, independent kind of the communicative activity which motive is the satisfaction of the information need concluded in the text. In the course of training to English language at the initial stage develop skills in the reading, generated in training previous years. They continue to improve technics of reading, get acquainted with rules of reading of some combinations of letters (ear, ou, aw, ow, etc.). The special attention at the given stage is given to an accent in an English word as in a stock appear three and four compound words having two accents. Perfection of technics of reading is conducted indissolubly with work on reading as communicative ability. Mastering by reading principal views is provided: fact-finding, studying, search and viewing. As a material for reading authentic texts of different genres (the letter, verses of English and American authors, fragments from art 4
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prose, newspaper articles, texts of advertising character with insignificant adaptation, announcements, telegrams, pages of a diary, a calendar, the guidebook, a card, etc.) are offered in the majority accessible in the language relation and under the maintenance. As well as initial at an average step of training, important methodical reception there is a reading aloud as a way of perfection of technics of expressive reading and development listening and pronunciation skills. However in the course of training by the gradually basic form of reading about itself – as the most typical form of reading in an everyday life becomes unconditional. Forms of speech activity closely intertwine among themselves. For example, from reading of the text which contains new for trained a plot or real material, to its subsequent discussion with use known trained linguistic means and the means, which students have gathered transition from the text. The given model has the logic and sequence of expansion of work. In the beginning read the text silently with use of one of the strategy offered it (for the purpose of acquaintance with the general maintenance, the choice of the necessary information which enough full of understanding is read…) then, for example, at fact-finding reading they interpret the text, allocating facts in issue; define a theme and idea of the text. In the course of work trained all depart from the concrete maintenance of the text further, then through a prism of own life experience (as you personally concern …) express the point of view. Work as own reasoning on the problems lifted in the given text comes to the end. Urgency in that reading plays an important role in the course of training to speech dialogue. Reading represents one of the major means of reception of the information. Reading is widely used in the informative and esthetic purposes and plays one of the major roles in the course of training to a foreign language. The purpose: development of communicative abilities of the texts trained in the course of reading devoted to knowledge of culture, history and traditions of the countries of studied language. From the aims laid down by us problems follow: - Study of the scientific literature on the declared subjects; - Working out of the block of exercises on formation of communicative skills; 5
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- Application of methodical workings out in the conditions of experimental researches; - An estimation of results of efficiency of the developed exercises. Hypothesis: use at lessons of English language of texts for reading will promote increase of skills orally – speech dialogue and becomes way of enrichment of a stock of language means. 1.1. Academic Reading as a Kind of Speech Activity Reading is widely used in the informative, esthetic purposes, reading scope of application in household, educational and industrial spheres where extraction of the information from the text through reading serves realization of various kinds of the activity which motive is the satisfaction of the information need concluded in the text is even more various. Reading plays one of the major roles in the course of foreign language training. There are some classifications of types of reading, depending on the training purpose. In our lecture we will consider partially studying, search reading, fact-finding and viewing reading. Also principal views of exercises for effective training to reading, are described the basic grade levels. In reading, as well as in any activity, distinguish two plans: substantial (components of the subject maintenance of activity) and remedial (elements of process of activity), and the leading part always belongs to the first. To the activity maintenance carry first of all its purpose – result on which achievement it is directed. In reading by such purpose disclosing of semantic communications – understanding of the speech product presented in writing (text) is. The reference to the book can pursue the different aims: sometimes it is required to define only about what it, in other cases it is important to catch all shades of thought of the author etc., i.e. the expected result isn't identical in different situations of reading. Character of understanding (degree of its completeness, accuracy and depth) read to which aspires reading, depends on the reading purpose. And it, in turn, defines, how he will read: slowly or quickly, getting a grasp of each word or passing the 6
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whole pieces of the text, re-reading separate places or looking through page «on a diagonal» etc. Though in the real certificate of reading perception and judgment processes proceed simultaneously and are closely interconnected, the skills providing its process, it is accepted to divide conditionally on two groups: the readings connected with "the technical" party (they provide perception text processing (perception of graphic signs and their correlation with certain values or code conversion of visual signals in semantic units) and) providing semantic processing apprehended – an establishment of semantic communications between language units of different levels and by that maintenances of the text, a plan of the author etc. (these abilities lead to understanding of the text as finished speech statement). Technical skills of the mature reader are automated, thanks to what its attention can be entirely concentrated to semantic processing of the read. Automation of them it is especially visually shown at fluent reading about itself simple {both under the maintenance and on language) the text at installation on understanding of its basic maintenance. Texts for the reading, borrowed of fiction, often possess difficult construction and the statement form that creates additional difficulties for penetration into the text maintenance. Feature of art texts is figurativeness of a narration, presence of widespread descriptions. Therefore at reading of such texts the role of imagination, occurrence especially increases in consciousness reading the images, similar themes which were meant by the author who has written given product. It is especially important for underlining in connection with reading in a foreign language as it is quite often accompanied by purely verbal understanding behind which it is not covered any representations. The language material perceived at reading, differs from a material, audible, some great volume and a variety, and also those features which are characteristic for bookish-written style, in particular longer offers, wider use compound and compound sentences. These features, on the one hand, facilitate understanding as the thought of the author reveals in more details, and on the other hand – complicate, as in the long offer it 7
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is more difficult to allocate the main members and to establish communications between words. Last feature distinguishing understanding read from understanding heard, is the relation of character of understanding to rate of reading. Rate of reading depends from reading and if listening often complicates fast tempo of speech of the interlocutor for reading own slow rate of reading can appear a hindrance. The practical orientation of training demands at training to reading to concentrate attention to a problem of extraction from the helpful information text. In this connection many properties of direct understanding, such as a great speed of the certificate of understanding, absence of comprehension of the process of its course, synthetic character of understanding, a support on internal speech, etc. which in the concept discursive understanding were considered as lacks, at modern statement of a question get positive value. Corresponding installations on accuracy and completeness of understanding. It is necessary to consider also that at reading of the texts accessible from the point of view of language, the understanding no means always comes instantly. Very often it demands some meditations and the semantic analysis. And nevertheless the understanding in this case can keep direct, i.e. not mediated by transfer, character. In this sense we also use the given term. At reading of more difficult texts as already it was told above, along with direct understanding большей the text part should resort to the analysis of the separate language phenomena and to selective transfer that gives to our, however, the grounds to speak not about discursive understanding in the true sense of the word, but only about elements discursive understanding. It is possible to approach to definition of kinds of reading differently. We consider as the most essential opposition of two kinds of educational reading depending on, whether they fulfill the abilities, necessary for reading without the dictionary and with full direct understanding, or the abilities connected with reading with the dictionary, accompanied by elements discursive understanding. This division has the big history. In all methodical systems paying attention training to reading, it is a question of the receptions connected with detailed studying of the text, its laborious decoding, with mastering of a 8
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language material in the course of this work which are opposed to other kind of reading – to the fluent reading which purpose is the understanding of the basic sense read. The similar opinion has developed as a result of necessity to work over very difficult texts exceeding on difficulty of possibility trained, inaccessible direct understanding. Now, when the teaching materials used at school in modern school on the foreground synthetic reading as system of the receptions directed on development of abilities to read simple texts without the dictionary is put forward. But still 4-5 years ago much more attention it was given to analytical reading. Thus was considered that analytical reading always should precede synthetic, prepare it as it learns to form decoding, and synthetic reading then gives the chance to fix and develop this ability on the passed material. Now became easier in the language relation and variety of difficulties acts in film preliminary oral preparation, the analysis of language forms as an indispensable condition for understanding of the maintenance any more isn't required. Solving a question on parity of analytical and synthetic reading, it is necessary to consider and that circumstance that the form analysis if it has not purely formal character, and is means of disclosing of the maintenance, can't be carried successfully out without a support on understanding of the general sense. Therefore the analytical reading used as reception, the understanding of the text directed on achievement, can be carried successfully out only in the presence of ability preliminary to understand completely the general sense of the reader. Usually distinguish two basic levels of understanding – level of value and sense level. This division reflects also those two directions in which semantic processing of the apprehended is carried out. One is connected with an establishment of value of perceived language units and their direct interrelation, the second is directed on understanding of sense of the text as complete speech product. If the first can be defined as reception of the information containing in the text (understanding of the facts transferred by language means) the second assumes processing of already received information (understanding of a plan of the author of the text and its estimation in a broad sense this word), i.e. the facts reconstructed in the course of reading, join in cogitative activity reading, 9
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wider, than actually reading. The understanding therefore always carries сcreative character. Reading is always directed on perception of the ready speech message (instead of on its creation), on information reception, therefore it carry to perception to kinds of speech activity. Feature of reading is that the estimation of success of its realization has subjective character and finds expression in satisfaction reading the received result – the reached degree of completeness and accuracy of understanding. In each specific case reading definitely combines various operations and the actions connected with semantic and perceptual by processing of the perceived material, correlating them to a reading problem. Readings don't happen at all, it is always realized in one of the concrete displays, representing at the skilled reader the most rational, from the point of view of a standing problem, a combination of operations semantic and perceptive processing of the material perceived visually. Variants of complexes of the operations caused by the purpose of reading, have received the name of kinds of reading. In total is about 50 kinds and the subspecies of reading differing by result of activity (character of understanding), and accordingly, on processes of its course. Thus, reading represents difficult perceptive-cogitative imaginary activity which remedial party has the analytical-synthetic character varying depending on its purpose. The reader who is freely carrying out the given kind of speech activity is mature, thanks to ability available for it each time to select the kind of reading adequate to a task in view that allows it to solve it not only is correct, but also quickly, thanks to full automation of technical skills. Seminar questions: Warming up discussion. 1. The Aims and Significance of this subject 2. English language in the initial stage develop skills in the reading 3. Reading definitely combines various operations and the actions 4. Definition of kinds of reading 5. The analytical reading used as reception 6. The basic levels of understanding
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Seminar tasks: Self-assessment questions (SAQ) SAQ 1.1 1. Definition the relation to this problem. Use given below alternative as support for a formulation of arguments in protection of characteristic position Optimal time to start tutoring to reading 1 From the very first lessons At the same time with formation of skills and abilities 1 After enough long oral introduction course After a small introduction course After base speech models within several educational subjects will be mastered
Sequence of actions 2 Sequentially to train in the alphabet with differentiation of the name of a letter and sounds, transferred by it 2 To train in letters which meet in those speech models in which we train (including vowels and consonants) To begin tutoring with consonants in those speech models which students seize. To create sound-alphabetic compliances at level of consonant which in English are made "frame" of a word, and then to pass to reading vowels in various types of syllables. To train in reading words, without allocating separate letters, fixing only graphic image of a word as a whole. To read international words, at the same time studying letters and sounds, then transferred, and also established their distinctions in a native and foreign language
2. Analyze existing textbooks on foreign for the initial stage of tutoring to reading authors in each case chose. 3. Define, in what degree the path of tutoring chosen by authors to reading can affect your choice of this or that SMC. 4. Make up a list of items that you read in your everyday life and indicate why you do each kind of reading What do you read?
What do you read it for?
Teaching Methodology of Academic Reading and analysis
Reading is a visual and cognitive process to extract meaning from writing by understanding the written text, processing information, and relating it to existing experience. Reading can be text driven (the text is interesting), task driven (the text is read because of the academic task that the learner faces) and purpose driven (the text is a step towards a purpose, which is outside reading). Match the following headlines with the likely types of a language student’s reading Headlines 1. Dead languages» 2. «AIDS cure has been found?» 3. «You can teach old dogs Karate kicks» 4. «Test-tube babies» 5. «Will they clone a human?» 6. «My super-saving recipe» 7. «Guidelines for the University applicants» 8. «How to keep your garden green» 9. «Short life of a film-star» 10. «How to prepare for the exam»
Types of reading A. Text driven B. Task-driven C. Purpose-driven
5. Develop a fragment of a lesson of teaching to different types of reading. Offer the any text and technology of work with it. Lecture II 1.2. A Role and a Reading Place in Training of Foreign Languages 1. A role and a reading place in training of foreign languages 2. Reading as the training purpose. 3. Depending on the installation purposes reading distinguish: Fact-finding(acquaint) reading Studying reading Skimming reading Search reading 4. The maintenance of the read texts forms a basis for many exercises
Reading is both the purpose, and a tutorial to a foreign language. In educational process it is necessary to distinguish accurately it’s these two functions as they define the methodical organization of all work. 12
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Reading as the training purpose. Mastering trained by ability to read in a foreign language is one of the practical purposes of studying of this subject. Graduates of school can use the got ability practically if their reading is mature. Degree of perfection of a maturity can be, however, various, and it is necessary to provide a problem so-called its minimum level (a minimum level of communicative competence). Its achievement is obligatory, as only objective preconditions for reading under own initiative in this case are created. Restriction of problems by a maturity minimum level is shown in requirements both to the ability to read, and to volume of a language material which is necessary for seizing for this purpose. The criterion of sufficiency is solving: the reading level of development should be sufficient for reading functioning as speech activity. The maturity minimum level is connected first of all with restriction of quantity of kinds of reading which the trained seize. At their definition start with the practical requirements, those problems which arise at the reference to the book in a foreign language more often. Depending on the installation purposes distinguish fact-finding, studying, viewing and search reading. Mature ability assumes to read both possession of all kinds of reading, and ease of transition from its one kind to another depending on a configuration of the purpose of reception of the information from the given text. Fact-finding (acquaint) reading represents learning reading at which all speech product (the book, article, the story) without installation on reception of the certain information becomes a subject of attention reading. This reading «for itself», without preliminary special installation on the subsequent introduction or reproduction of the received information. At fact-finding reading the basic communicative problem which faces reading, consists in that as a result of fast reading of all text to take the basic information containing in it, that is to find out, what questions and how dare in the text that is particularly told in it on this points in question. It asks abilities to distinguish the main and minor information. Degree of completeness of understanding – not less than 70% of the facts containing in the text, including all cores. The understanding of the basic information should be exact, minor – undistorted. Speed for English and French of languages – 180-190 13
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w/mines for German – 140-150 sl/mines (This speed hardly above speed of fast reading aloud that testifies that internal проговаривание reading the beginning to get the curtailed character which is one of signs of a maturity of reading about.) Degree automation of technical skills at pupils is usually defined by this kind of reading. Studying reading foresees very full and accurate understanding of all information containing in the text and its critical judgment. This thoughtful and slow reading assuming the purposeful analysis of the maintenance read with support on language and logic communications of the text. Its problem is also formation at trained ability without the aid of others to overcome difficulties in understanding of a foreign language. Object of "studying" at this kind of reading is the information containing in the text, but in any way a language material. Particularly studying reading learns to solicitous attitude to the text. Degree of completeness of understanding – 100 % and is expected exact (adequate) understanding of all information. Speed is considered as a facultative indicator, however, it shouldn't be more low 50-60 sl./minute Skimming reading assumes general idea receptions about a readable material. Its purpose is reception of the general idea about a theme and a circle of the questions considered in the text. This fluent, selective reading, text readings on blocks for more detailed acquaintance with its "focusing" details and parts. It also can come to the end with registration of results read in the form of the message or the abstract. This kind of reading demands presence from the reading enough considerable volume of a language material, therefore at school train in its only separate receptions providing definition of a theme of the text. Time which is taken away on viewing, is defined from calculation 1-1,5 pages for a minute. Search reading is aimed in reading of newspapers and the literature on a specialty. Its target – a fast finding in the text or in a file of texts quite certain given (the facts, lines, digital characteristics, instructions). It is focused on a finding in the text of the concrete information. Reading clearly from other sources that that information contains in the given book, article. Therefore, proceeding from typical structure of the given texts, he to a descent addresses to certain parts or sections which subjects to search reading without the detailed analysis. At search reading extraction of the semantic information doesn't ask discussion 14
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actions and occurs is automated. Such reading, as well as viewing, assumes ability presence to be guided in logical-semantic structure of the text, to choose from it the necessary information on a certain problem, to choose and unite the information of several texts on individual questions. Features of reading as speech activity do it rather by a training effective remedy. Its positive role is especially notable in mastering by a language material: imagination activity accompanying process of reading, provides storing of language units, and both studied, and new to pupils. Therefore at the advanced steps of training reading of texts acts and as one of ways of expansion of the dictionary. Storing at reading can be both involuntary, and any. The first takes place mainly at fast (fact-finding) reading when the attention reading entirely is directed on the text maintenance (together with the maintenance, it remembers also its language form). Productivity of storing of this kind is especially notable at plentiful reading, therefore at all steps of training it is recommended to read many lungs (for corresponding level) texts. Any storing is reached by that the attention of the pupil meaning (by means of special tasks of the teacher or under own initiative) goes not only on the maintenance, but also on language means of its expression. In work practice it is necessary to lean against both kinds of storing, and, underlining appointment of the educational text from this point of view, in the methodical literature often distinguish texts for extensive and intensive reading. In the first case object of work which is based on fact-finding reading, the text maintenance, and in the second, under construction on studying reading, – and its language material is only. Storing of a language material, event during reading, provides accumulation of the positive language experience, which presence – a necessary condition of correctness of oral speech: in texts studied language units repeatedly repeat in various contexts thanks to what in consciousness of the pupil their semantic borders and norms of the use (compatibility of lexical units, filling of grammatical structures, correlation and those and others with different situations of dialogue are specified). Positive influence of reading on development of oral speech appears possible thanks to that all analyzers participating in speech are involved in reading processes (and silent and loud). 15
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Besides it, the maintenance of the read texts forms a basis for many exercises directly directed on development of oral speech – question – reciprocal exercises, retellings, conversations and discussions on read, etc. The special place occupies reading aloud. It is widely used for training to a pronunciation and is an obligatory component of work at an explanation of a new language material. A generality of communicative problems (information transfer) and presence of loud external speech does reading aloud by valuable exercise in ability development to speak: it gives the chance to work over expressiveness and appeal of speeches, gradually to increase its rate, keeping thus correctness. The mentioned educational functions of reading are connected with mastering trained by a language material and development of their oral speech. Along with it in educational process the forms of the work constructed on reading which purpose is training of those or other complexes of the operations necessary for course of reading as speech activity are used. Training to reading should represent training of speech activity. Observance of this position is very important, as it not only creates correct orientation of pupils, but also promotes faster formation of necessary abilities in a foreign language. Reading possibilities as tutorials often lead to that in practice it and is used mainly in this function: texts intend for acquaintance with a new language material, for retellings close to the text etc. These kinds of work useful in other respects, detain formation of mature reading, and the trained have a relation to text reading as to exercise with a language material. As a result reading as speech ability at many training does not reach the level, allowing to use it practically. That it didn't occur, texts are necessary for considering first of all as swore for practice in activity. Therefore text reading always should act as the concrete certificate of communications, i.e. to be directed on its understanding, and not on understanding in general, and that degree of completeness and accuracy which corresponds to a kind of reading developed at present. Management of character of understanding (reading kind) is carried out in educational process by means of the task trained for reading of the text and the subsequent check of understanding of the maintenance (not 16
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the separate language facts) the read. Therefore both the task and a way of check of understanding should correspond as a developed kind of reading, and each other. Trained should know thus that success of performance of the task is estimated by them on how much completeness and accuracy of understanding correspond to the demanded. Application of the text for others (besides reading development) the purposes should to be carried out only after the text has been used in the basic function – for training to reading. Training to reading should be under construction as informative process. Specificity of reading as speech activity is that it is used at the decision of problems of the informative plan. Being always directed on information reception, it can be characterized as informative activity. In this connection the great value gets the maintenance of texts for reading. It actually predetermines, whether will be trained to concern reading in a foreign language as to a way of reception of the information. Therefore all texts should represent for them certain interest, to be for them significant. Alongside with it training should be built so that reading caused intellectual activity trained, was accompanied by the decision of the certain cogitative problems, demanding judgment of the facts containing in the text, their comparison, etc. Besides easy texts it is necessary to read groupings and such which present for trained known to difficulty both under the maintenance, and on language for presence of difficulties speeds up thinking work. Training to reading in a foreign language should lean on available at trained reading experience in a native language. Identity of process of reading in different languages forms the basis for carrying over already available for trained receptions of mature reading in a native language in reading on the foreign. One of the major conditions of such carrying over is the corresponding relation trained to reading in a foreign language. In a native language reading about itself, therefore is habitual and at training its foreign language should enter, probably, earlier (already, after mastering by phonographic symbolic). In a native language the trained read differently, depending on the reading purpose; for carrying over of this feature it is necessary to focus trained on different kinds of 17
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reading of texts in a foreign language. It is reached not only methodical receptions of the teacher, but also selection of corresponding materials. The most suitable are texts, easy in the language relation – conditions of their reading come nearer to reading conditions in a native language that does possible use of the same receptions and in a foreign language. At last, the least complicated that is why for carrying over of corresponding receptions from a native language, fact-finding reading is optimum, therefore it should be the first kind of reading which pupils seize in a foreign language. Studying reading is more difficult from the point of view of information extraction; therefore it is expedient for entering when trained already have gained some experience in the first kind of reading. At training the understanding of the readable should lean against mastering trained by language structure, its structural and front elements. Their function is registration and transfer of semantic relations between independent subjects of thought. Possession of them not only facilitates and accelerates reading process as allows reading quickly and correctly divide text offers on syntagmas and to establish the semantic connation between elements of the text of different levels, but also provides possibility of exact understanding of the text. Training to reading should include not only receptive, but also reproductive activity of the trained. Though reading concerns to receptive to kinds of speech activity, its course demands of some operations of reproductive character which are most brightly traced in internal telling and in operation forecasting mechanisms. Normal functioning of reading assumes very fast course of these processes that is possible only at automation of corresponding skills and at the reading. All it does exercises in reproduction of the language swore a necessary component of training to reading as reproducing memory – and the reproduction is under construction on it – becomes more active at the moment of active speech. Reading functioning as speech activity demands automation of receptions of its realization. Successful course of any activity assumes high degree of automatism of the operations providing its remedial party. In reading it first of all concerns receptions perceptive processing of the perceived text, i.e. to technical skills. 18
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External display of presence necessary automation is high speed of reading and ability of the reader to read with different speed (flexibility of reading). All it demands special attention to development of speed of reading. Thus, however, it is necessary to consider that its development – not end in itself, and a way accessible to the teacher to operate formation, on the one hand, technical skills trained, and with another – receptions and semantic processing read as the high-speed mode set thus promotes curling of analytical operations entering into them. Seminar questions: Warming up discussion. 1. Mastering trained by ability to read in a foreign language is one of the practical purposes of studying of this subject. 2. What does fact-finding (acquaint) reading represent? 3. What does studying reading foresee? 4. What does skimming reading assume? 5. What is aimed search reading? 6. Training to reading should represent training of speech activity. 7. At training the understanding of the readable should lean against mastering trained by language structure.
Seminar tasks: Self-assessment questions (SAQ) 1.To analyze educational texts on one of educational subjects in any SMK for school or higher education institution and define: ♦ these texts purely descriptive are or in them some problems are allocated; ♦ what problems in them rise; ♦ pupils can allocate these problems; ♦ exercises and tasks of the textbook to formulate these problems help; ♦ data reading of texts is focused on formation of own relation to the problems lifted in the text; ♦ these problems clear/significant for trainees are; ♦ these problems new are or they were already discussed earlier; ♦ help to provide the allocated problems transfer of knowledge and the abilities received within studying of other subjects/subjects, on 19
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formation of speech abilities within a studied subject; ♦ the allocated problems promote development of necessary qualities of the personality, including such, as tolerance, readiness for the joint solution of arising problems, social activity, responsibility etc. 2.By heading of texts try to determine: ♦ text perspective; ♦ language filling (a semantic field); ♦ to whom and why this text can suggest to be read; ♦ in what situation you could or couldn't use the similar text: More Alike than Different (Больше похожие, чем разные) Trouble with Everyday Things (Проблемы с повседневными вещами) Healthy Again (Вновь здоров) The Buried City (Погребенный город) Misunderstandings (Недопонимание) A Real Bargain (Фантастическая покупка/Удачная сделка) An Unexpected Adventure (Неожиданное приключение) 3. Develop a fragment of a lesson of teaching to different types of reading. Offer the any text and technology of work with it.
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Lecture III 2.1. The process of reading assuming difficult cogitative operations In this lecture we should consider: 1. The process of reading assuming difficult cogitative operations 2. The psychological nature of an error of reading 3. The technique of reading 4. Some difficulties are bound to psychological features of tutoring to reading in a foreign language.
The process of reading assuming difficult cogitative operations (the analysis, synthesis, conclusion, etc.), and its result – information extraction – have huge value in communicatively-public work people. This form of written dialogue provides the transfer of experience, saved up by mankind in various areas of life, develops intelligence, and aggravates feelings that is trains, develops, and brings up. Reading process is based on a technical aspect, that is on skills which represent the automated visually-speech motor-acoustical communications of the language phenomena with their value on which basis there is a cognizance and understanding of written signs and the written text as a whole and, hence, realization of communicative ability of reading. At reading the person not only sees the text, but also pronounces it about itself and simultaneously as though hears itself from outside. Thanks to the mechanism internal saying also there is a checking 21
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graphic and acoustical image. Action of this mechanism is the brightest is observed at beginning readers (in a whisper reading). Gradually, with experience accumulation, internal saying gets more curtailed character and, at last, completely disappear. Important psychological component of process of reading is the mechanism of likelihood forecasting which is shown at semantic and verbal levels. Semantic forecasting is an ability to foresee the maintenance of the text and to make the correct assumption of the further succession of events on the heading, the first and other signals of the text. Verbal forecasting – ability on initial letters to guess a word, by the first words to guess syntactic construction of the offer, under the first offer – the further construction of paragraph. Development of prognostic abilities is promoted by nomination of hypotheses and system of expectations reading, putting in action continuous construction of structure of knowledge in a head reading, making active its background knowledge, language experience. Process of preparation of consciousness to perception of the information induces reading to remember, guess, assume, that is to include abilities of the long-term memory and the personal and social experience. Psychologist Z.I.Klychnikova wrote that reading represents a receptivity (perceived) form of speech communication and it develops of two interdependent and irresolvable processes: techniques of reading and comprehension of the readable text. Thus it is necessary to emphasize that the technique of reading in itself not is still reading is characteristic. The reader always should understand that he reads. Therefore reading represents «a peculiar ideation operation». Children start to study English at us at school already in the 2nd class – one hour per week. All occupations we carry out in a game form, but already at this stage the teacher begins preparation of children for reading since we know that almost for any pupil reading in English presents at first very great difficulties, it concerns, generally cognizance of letters of the new alphabet and preparation of organs of speech for an unusual articulation. In this regard at lessons we should exercise pupils in a cognizance and distinguishing of letters of the alphabet new to them. We can show them a fixed letter of the type-setting alphabet, or it to show them a fixed letter of the type-setting alphabet, or its image on a card, or to write it on a board. Pupils finds among cards or letters of the type-setting alphabet 22
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the letter identical shown or written. Fixing can have not only visual character. So, teacher can call only a letter, and the pupil should find it among letters. Sometimes we can show a letter, and the pupil should call it. One of conditions of mastering by reading in a foreign language is anchoring strength arising between a letter and a sound therefore it is very useful to practice in the name of letters and a pronunciation correspondence to them sounds. Here it is important to note one more moment: at the same time there is a preparation of organs of speech for an articulation. So, children come to the 5th class the already prepared. On reading we can give a material to them blocks: we learn by heart all rules. Blocks help children to understand, how it is important to know a difference between the opened and closed syllable. These rules help to comprehend a material promoting more the complete and strong reminder. At a meeting with the similar phenomenon in new words their reading won't complicate pupils. In the work we adhere to such installations: 1) Children learn a rule (each child should be able quickly and clear explain his essence words or how the rule is written down in the dictionary). 2) Pupils write down rules in dictionaries (depending on a course of the lesson one or the several at once). 3) you can offer some oral training exercises on fixing of this rule. 4) Before studying of each new rule surely we repeat all previous in such sequence in what children learned them. 5) Then we can give some various training exercises on fixing of all studied rules. 6) Besides, on one of the last stages of a lesson, 5-6 minutes we devote to training exercises and monitoring of the studied rules. By the psychological nature of an error of reading can be subdivided into some groups: 1) errors «disharmonies between touch and motor processes»; 2) perception errors; 3) thinking errors. «Disharmonies between touch and motor processes» concern errors of an illegibility error speech processes and an error of touch inadequacy. Illegibility errors speech processes – concealing the reader of the separate sounds, caused by aspiration to say this or that word 23
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faster. Supervision testifies that it is one of very often meeting errors at reading aloud. Errors concern the second group in distinction of separate letters and in catching words as a whole to its identification signs. These are perception errors. They as it is possible to conclude from supervision, are most frequent at the initial stage of training to reading. At more advanced readers they meet in the relation small frequent or unfamiliar words. So, very often pupils confuse letters b and d, d and g, Russian н and Latin n, Russian Н and Latin H, Russian ч and Latin ch. Thinking errors concern the third group. These are errors which arise at perception of the subsequent text according to earlier read. They can be characterized as an installation error (false forecasting). They can sometimes be result of the certain knowledge available for the reader which is received by it in preceding experience and "have revived" under the influence of the readable text. Thus, reading process is based on skills which represent automated visually -speech motor- acoustical communications of the language phenomena with their value. An important psychological component of process of reading is the mechanism of likelihood forecasting which is shown at semantic and verbal levels. Some kinds of errors of reading are allocated: illegibility errors of speech motors processes and touch inadequacy, an error of perception, a thinking error. Some teachers routinely give to reading till 10 minutes in the second quarter up to transition to reading texts (there sometimes it is necessary to add 2-4 minutes), but no more than 25 minutes at lessons on which working on by rather larger subject texts («My day», "Seasons" is supposed, etc.). Than more time the teacher brings on reading at a lesson, especially carefully he selects exercises. Exercises on fixing of rules should be various, but not change, as in a kaleidoscope: children should get used to installations. To avoid one of underwater reeves of such accustoming when pupils by initial words of the teacher aspire to answer, without having listened to the end till the end (and after all the second part of a task can be as far as other, unusual), it is necessary to use in time peculiar «stop signals», allowing to stop those who hurries up. It can be: a pause, the lifted hand, the index finger pressed to lips, a "cunning" smile, an arch look, etc. As prompts experience, such «stopsignals» are more effective, than verbal instructions. Before to pass to 24
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studying of ground rules of reading, we lead small discussion. IThe teacher explains that in English there are more than reading rules, than in Russian\Kazakh, and they are more various. Ground rules of reading we can offer pupils by means of here such tables. [ei] open syllable, conditional and open syllable, combinations of letters of ai, ay, a+ble. A a [ei] [ ] the closed syllable [ou] open syllable, conditional and open syllable, combinations of letters of oa, o+ ble. O o [ u] [ ] the closed syllable
… etc.
At this stage the teacher carries out exercises with pupils on sorting of words according alphabetic structure with the subsequent their reading. For example, it is possible to suggest for pupils to choose from a number of English words those on which end there is a letter e, and then to read them. Sometimes we can exercise children in counting of quantity of letters and quantities of sounds in a word with the subsequent reading of these words. In these cases at a sound – the alphabetic analysis of words, pupils seize skill of reading better. The teacher asks pupils that they prepared cards with the words illustrating this or that reading a sound. It is very useful to carry out reading at the given speed. The teacher is represented to the useful to exercise also pupils in replacement of one of letters in a line-up, for example: take, make, lake, wake, cake etc. Thus it is impossible to allow sluggish reading. For reading ability correctly to guess all word on its separate elements is important and to expect the subsequent words of the phrase. Development of this ability is bound to foreign language skills level, and 25
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also with combinatorial abilities of pupils. The last can be improved by systematic work on completion of the arbitrary elements of the phrase. What is the technique of reading? Possession of technique of reading means reading without external scoring. Silent reading, according to Sokolov A.N. and Elkonina D.B., means automation and curtailment of speech thought processes, as does possible almost immediate translation of visually perceived graphemes and silently said (internal) speech. When tutoring to reading tutoring is necessary for loud reading as and when reading about themselves pupils should be able to say correctly in case of need words and to intone text phrases. Otherwise distortion of the semantic contents of the text, the misunderstanding improper or not enough complete comprehension of the text in a foreign language is possible. Training in reading it is impossible to forget that its formation is bound to pronunciation skills. Tutoring to reading should include various exercises in reading aloud, since the protozoa and finishing reading phrases and the text. Exercises which we can use, on development of technique of reading are very various. Extremely the beneficial effect on development of skill of reading renders reading offers with gradually increased elements and reading with transformations: can-cat-cap-cup-cut-bat-bet-get etc. Certainly, transforms should include only words familiar to children. Of course we shall catch this theme deeply next lecture. The reason of sharp falling of pupils’ interest to reading consists in a psychological factor – in absence at being trained motive to exercise of speech activity in English. An important condition of effectiveness of activity is, as it is known motive and object of activity coincidence. We shall take, for example, reading activity. The pupil reads the interesting book. A subject of its activity – book contents, motive – to learn these contents. Thus, here the motive and motive and a subject coincide and the pupil reads not on external coercion and on internal motivation because it is interesting to it to learn book contents. Let's take other case. The pupil reads the text from the textbook of a foreign language. A subject in this case the same – book contents, the text. And motive? It can be another: to receive a good mark, to read and go for a walk on the street, to avoid punishment from parents etc. As we see, the motive and object of activity in this case don't coincide and activity of the pupil is 26
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executed on coercion from other persons (parents, teachers etc.) or on self-coercion (from a duty, necessarily etc.). It would seem, in such tutoring there is nothing the poor. Seminar questions: Warming up discussion. 1. On what technical aspect is based reading process? 2. Into what groups can be subdivided an error of reading by the psychological nature? 3. What is important psychological component of process of reading? 4. What reason of sharp falling of pupils’ interest to reading 5. What is the technique of reading?
Seminar tasks: Self-assessment questions (SAQ) 1. Define features of different types of reading from the point of view of: а) perceptual processing of information b) semantic processing of information 2. Offer the chosen text and options of tasks and exercises to this text according to psychological features of learner (of age) 3.The following reading activity is based on psychological testing/ Do the task and evaluate the activity according to the chart giving below. Task: Do the following stress test and estimate your stress level. Encode your answers as 1) «always», 2) «almost always», 3) «occasionally», 4) «almost never», 5) «never». Total scoring over 24 indicates that your stress level is reaching a dangerous mark. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Stress test I eat at least one hot meal a day I get eight hours of sleep every night I regularly give and receive affection I have at least one relative living close by on whom I can rely I normal body weight I have an income to meet my basic expenses I get strength from my religious belief I have friends I am in good health I can always speak openly about my feelings I do something for fun I always take some time for myself during a day
Teaching Methodology of Academic Reading and analysis
4. Develop a fragment of a lesson of teaching to different types of reading. Offer the any text and technology of work with it. Lecture IV 2.2. Variety of Various Kinds of Reading as an Effective Means of Development of the Person 1. Variety of various kinds of reading. 2. Mastering by technology of reading. 3. Psychological age possibilities at the organization of process of training.
On degree of penetration into the maintenance of the text and depending on communicative requirements allocate following kinds of reading: studying, viewing, search, fact-finding . Viewing reading assumes general idea reception about a readable material. Its purpose is reception of the general idea about a theme and a circle of the questions considered in the text. Such reading takes place at primary acquaintance with the maintenance of the new publication on purpose to define, whether there is in it an information interesting the reader, and on this basis to make the decision – to read it or not. It also can come to the end with registration of results read in the form of the message or the abstract. For training it is necessary for viewing reading to select a number of thematically connected text materials and to create viewing situations, for the purpose of development of the person of pupils. Speed of viewing reading shouldn't be below 500 words in a minute, and educational tasks should be directed on formation of skills and abilities to be guided in logiko-semantic structure of the text, abilities to take and use a material of the text of a source according to the concrete communicative task. Fact-finding reading (reading for the main idea) represents learning reading at which all speech products (the book, article, the story) without installation on reception of the certain information becomes a subject of attention reading. This reading «for itself», without preliminary special installation on the subsequent use or reproduction of the received information. The basic communicative problem which faces reading consists in that as a result of fast perusal of all text to take 28
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the basic information containing in it, i.e. to find out, what questions and how dare in the text what exactly is told in it on this points in question. The problem of the teacher consists in picking up text a material which will promote increase of base culture of pupils. Search reading (reading for specific information) is focused on reading of newspapers and the literature. Its purpose – a fast finding in the text of quite certain data. In educational conditions search reading acts more likely as exercise as search of this or that information, as a rule, is carried out under instructions of the teacher. Therefore it usually is an accompanying component at development of other kinds of reading. Mastering by technology of reading is carried out as a result of performance pretext, text and after text exercises. At a pretext stage preparation for reading, i.e. removal of language difficulties, acquaintance with a theme and sociocultural is spent by concepts and the realities mentioned in the text. An important condition of successful carrying out of the further work with the text – creation of benevolent atmosphere in a class, therefore the teacher at a pretext stage should interest pupils, involve them in work, thereby, creating positive motivation. At the given stage the teacher can use following working methods: «brain storm», foretelling, associations with an illustration or text heading, revealing of knowledge available for pupils on the problems mentioned in the text, answers to questions etc. Text the stage is included by the tasks, which pupils carry out directly during reading. At this stage communicative abilities of reading and consequently it the most long in time and can include some tasks, for example develop: table filling, text scheduling, a heading choice to the text, filling of admissions, veracious statements / incorrect, correlation of pictures with offers from the text, a logic regrouping of offers, division of the text into paragraphs etc. the Given tasks allow to inspect understanding read The purpose after texting stage – integration of reading with communicative abilities, namely telling and the writing, i.e. pupils, apply the knowledge received during reading in various speech situations. As tasks it is possible to organize discussion, a role-playing game, presentation, to interview opinions, to write the letter, the composition, the resume, an essay, a poem. Thus, the big set of methods 29
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and working methods appears at the teacher on training to reading at which choice it is necessary to be guided by the employment purpose, type of the text chosen for reading, and also a stage of work with it From above stated follows that the essence of process of reading consists in decoding of graphic symbols and their transfer in cogitative images. According to it reading process develops of two basic stages: a stage of visual perception and a stage of judgment read. Mastering by technology of reading is carried out as a result of performance pretext, text and after text exercises. Use of all three stages allows children to seize in a due measure skills of effective reading in a foreign language, and also promotes formation of the basic base technologies of work with the text, with the further formation and development of the person. As it is known, activity in mastering of the information at children occurs on the basis of their own sights and interests that is the basic means of motivation of educational activity. Thus it is necessary to consider a personal individualization of pupils, to correlate speech actions to their real feelings, thoughts and interests. In process of accumulation of lexical units many children need a visual support since to perceive only on hearing speech extremely difficultly. Especially it concerns those children at whom the visual memory is developed better acoustical memory. Therefore so reading is actually. Reading is one of the major kinds of communicatively-informative activity of pupils. This activity is directed on extraction of the information from in writing fixed text. Reading carries out various functions: serves for practical mastering by a foreign language, is means of studying of language and culture, means of information both educational activity and selfeducation means. As it is known, reading promotes development of other kinds of communicative activity. Reading gives the greatest possibilities for education and an all-around development of school children foreign language means. At training at the initial stage it is important to reading to teach to read correctly the school pupil that is to teach it to sound graphemes, to take thoughts, that is to understand, estimate, use the text information. These abilities depend on with what speed the child reads. We understand as technics of reading not only fast and exact correlation of a sound and a letter, but also correlation sound letters sheaves with semantic value of that the child reads. High level of mastering by reading technics allows reaching result of the process of reading – fast and qualitative extraction of the information. However, it 30
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is impossible, if the schoolboy owns language means insufficiently, isn't able or incorrectly reproduces sounds. So, training to the technician of reading aloud is at the initial stage and the purpose and a tutorial to reading as allows operating through the external form formation of mechanisms of reading, gives the chance to strengthen pronounced the base underlying all kinds of speech activity. At training at the initial stage it is important to reading to teach to read correctly the student that is to teach it to sound graphemes, to take thoughts, that is to understand, estimate, and use the text information. These abilities depend on with what speed the child reads. We understand as technics of reading not only fast and exact correlation of a sound and a letter, but also correlation a soundly- latterly sheaves with semantic value of that the child reads. High level of mastering by reading technics allows reaching result of the process of reading – fast and qualitative extraction of the information. However, it is impossible, if the student owns language means insufficiently, isn't able or incorrectly reproduces sounds. Effectively to solve tasks in view, it is possible using the modern training technologies considering requirements of younger students, their psychological age possibilities at the organization of process of training. Seminar questions: 1. What variety of various kinds of reading do we use as an effective means of development of the person? 2. What tasks we can use for mastering the technology of reading in the following stages of reading: pretext, text and after text according to the psychological age possibilities ?
Seminar tasks: Self-assessment questions (SAQ) 1. Indicate which purpose, strategy and outcome would match the following short excerpts for reading: Text a) «Learners often make errors in good faith that their spelling is correct. The teachers act in good faith that the learners lack knowledge» b) «A growing social group
1. Pleasure
A. Skimming
2. Studies
B. Scanning
Teaching Methodology of Academic Reading and analysis are parents that behave like teenagers. They wear noserings, tongue-studs and squeeze into clothes for children» c) «The study showed that the perception of the waiting time in queues was 30 per cent longer than the real waiting time in banks»
3. Job
C. Critique
(Possible answer: a) 3C III; b) 1 A I; c) 2 B II) 2. Study features pretext, text and stages when tutoring to different types of reading and allocate 2-3 main differences on each of them. 3. Because the school program differentiates requirements to types, analyze, as the quantitative and quality indicators of level of possession studying and fact-finding types of reading change. Because the school program differentiates requirements to types, analyze, as the quantitative and quality indicators of level of possession studying and fact-finding types of reading change. 4. Describe your teaching situation (classroom or peers). 5. Develop a fragment of a lesson of teaching to different types of reading. Offer the any text and technology of work with it. Lecture V 2.3. Ways of Increase of Learning Efficiency to Technique of Reading in English 1. Formation of skills and abilities in reading. 2. Some examples of the communicatively-directed problem tasks and exercises on training. 3. Studying reading differs exact and full understanding of the maintenance of the text. 4. Pedagogical requirements of the organization of process of tutoring to reading.
Formation of skills and abilities in reading is one of the most important components of process of teaching to a foreign language at all its stages. Reading falls into receptive types of speech activity, enters 32
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into the sphere of communicative public work of people and provides in it a written form of communication. The initial stage of tutoring to reading has the purpose formation of pupils’ technique of reading in a foreign language and, in particular, such abilities as: fast establishment of sound and alphabetic compliances; the correct scoring of a graphic image of a word and its correlation with value, i.e. comprehension/judgment of the readable; reading on syntagmas, uniting words in fixed semantic groups; reading at natural rate of the texts constructed on a familiar language material; expressive reading texts in hearing, with the correct accent and intonation. Efficiently to solve objectives, it is possible using the modern training technologies considering needs of younger school students, their psychological age possibilities at the organization of process of tutoring. Let's consider some psychological features of younger school students. The younger school age covers the period from 6 to 10 years. In Leontyev A.N. psychological researches., Elkonina D.B., Vygotsky H.p., Mukhina T.K., etc. is marked out that at this time course of mental processes of pupils cardinally changes. There is a change of a leading kind of activity: the game comes to change educational though game activity still continues to play important role. The positive relation to the doctrine is formed; cognitive motives of the doctrine become stronger. Cognitive processes develop. The perception gains operated character, becomes more precise, partitioned, deliberate, the relations between the analysis and synthesis are legibly distributed. The share of the arbitrary attention increases, it becomes steadier. There is a development of intellectual operations: comparisons, syntheses of orientation, classification, coding, and transition from visual and figurative to verbal, critical thinking. The share of productive actions of thinking increases. Imagery activity becomes more perfect. The memory size increases. Logic memory, productive ways of reminder is formed. Proceeding from above-mentioned features of mental processes of pupils of younger school age, it is possible to formulate pedagogical 33
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requirements to the organization of process of tutoring to reading in a foreign language at elementary school. 1. Practical orientation of process of teaching: formulation of concrete communicative and reasoned tasks and the questions directed on the solution of practical tasks and problems, allowing not only to master new knowledge and skills, but also to understand the contents and sense of the readable; obligatory selection loud speech (Elkonin D.B. term) a reading stage in tutoring system to technique of reading in the foreign language, skills of an articulation promoting fixing and an intoning, phonetic the correct speech and «internal hearing». 2. A differentiated approach in teaching: the accounting of age psychological features of pupils, individual styles of their cognitive activity at the message of new knowledge and formation of skills and abilities; use of analytical and synthetic exercises, tasks differentiated on complexity degree, depending on individual abilities of pupils; a choice of adequate working methods on tutoring to reading aloud and about itself. 3. The integrated and function approach in tutoring: creation of tutoring to reading on the basis of an oral advancing, i.e. children, read the texts containing a language material which is already acquired by them in oral speech; at an alphabetic stage mastering by new letters, combinations of letters, rules of reading is carried out according to sequence of introduction of new lexical units and speech exemplars in oral speech. 4. Accounting of features of the native language: use of positive transfer of skills of the reading which formed or have been already created in the native language of pupils; the maximal decrease in interfering influence of skills of reading the native language bound to features of Russian (the phonemic letter and syllabic reading), by an explanation, comparison, demonstration of ways of action and plentiful training in reading. 5. Availability and consciousness of teaching: 6. A comprehensive approach to motivation formation: paying at a lesson of great attention to performance of game tasks, action in problem situations of communicative character; 34
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use of different types of the obviousness stimulating judgment of a new material, creation of associative communications, the support promoting the best assimilation of rules of reading, graphic images of words of international models of phrases. Besides keeping of the listed pedagogical requirements, the success of the organization of tutoring depends as well on level of professional literacy of the teacher, degree of his methodical competence, ability to use at lesson efficient receptions and the forms of work adequate to a goal of tutoring. Let's consider some examples of communicative and directional problem tasks and exercises on tutoring to technique of reading which allow children to operate in the situations approached to substantial situations of communication. And it in turn promotes increase of motivation of the doctrine and its effectiveness. 1. «Repeater (Povtoryushka)» – the exercise directed on the translation of information from short-term to a long-term memory. Carlson decided to check who has better memory. On a demonstration board 3 sentences consisting of 3-4 words are written. Children read the first sentence, and it is closed. Children repeat sentences on memory. The same actions are made with the second and third sentences. After that children for some seconds close eyes, and sentences on a board are interchanged the position. Having opened eyes, children receive a task to read the sentence in a new order. 2. «Let’s read (Prochitayka)» – reading the texts learned by heart. The idea of use of such exercises was offered L.N.Tolstoy who considered that, knowing a word, the child gradually masters not only sound and alphabetic compliances, but also itself "opens" reading rules. For example: -rhyming In the beginning forgets. Bill, Bill, sit still! - reading the texts learned by heart. The idea of use of such exercises was offered by L.N.Tolstoy - Then, separate words are allocated and are tested: – they consist of what letters; – what sound is designated in a word by a letter or a combination of letters. - In the conclusion rhyming is read entirely. «Magic mirror» – the exercise directed on offered examples of tasks are experimentally checked at lessons of English at elementary school and proved the effectiveness. 35
Teaching Methodology of Academic Reading and analysis Seminar questions: 1. What the purpose formation of pupils in technique of reading? 2. What pedagogical requirements to the organization of process of teaching to reading at elementary school? 3. What examples of communicative and directional problem tasks and exercises are considered at our lecture on tutoring to technique of reading? Give some other examples.
Seminar tasks: Self-assessment questions (SAQ) 1. Do the following selection of reading activities and let your partner do «time-and-motion» study with a stop-watch (record how much time your partner has spent on each task). Compare the time you needed for each task. Explain the reason for the difference in the «timeon-task». Write the time and the answers in the right column. Share the results in the group. Reading task 1 Read the text and find the appropriate place in the text for the detached passage. Bleeding can usually be stopped by applying pressure to the cut for 2 or 3 minutes. If it has bled freely any germs will normally have been washed away by the blood. If the cut is deep consult a doctor. A tetanus injection may be needed. Detached passage. Apply a plaster dressing firmly, bringing the edges of the cut together, so that it knits quickly. Read the text and complete the gaps. Bruises are very … in children. Parents sometimes worry that a … may be broken. Children’s bones … break but if in doubt consult a … Severe bruising can be … by rest for 214 to 48 hours. A cold compress may … a bad bruise if applied … (Please mask the tip: common, bone, rarely, doctor, treated, ease, soon) Underline the sentences that are logically irrelevant. Minor burns and scalds cause redness of the skin. Immediate treatment by pouring cold water over a burn is often helpful. Never use ice. If burns cause severe blistering consult a doctor. There is no need to worry. Sunburn should if possible be prevented by avoiding long exposure. Sun tan makes your skin resistible to burns. person in the world was a woman. She was 51 cm tall. A Russian mother in reported to have had 69 children (twins, triplets and quadruplets) between 1725 and 1765. The oldest
Time and answer 2
Никамбаева С.С. 1 reported person in the world was from Japan, who was 118 years old. The worst sneezing woman was a British woman who sneezed for 978 days. A) Women set more records than men. B) Strange stories. C) Human records Read the text and answer the question. Imagine three children. The first is top of the class in maths but has few friends. The second is artistic and imaginative but works in snatches. The third child puts twice as much work to get the results but has a sunny personality. The fourth child works brilliantly in group showing readiness to co-operate. The fifth child is everybody’s charm and has a unique gift for being always ready to give a hand. Question. Which child do you think has the best chance of succeeding in life?
2. Develop a fragment of a lesson of teaching to different types of reading. Offer the any text and technology of work with it.
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Lecture VI 3.1 Reading as a self-contained type of speech activity 1. Reading as a self-contained type of speech activity 2. The main requirements to educational texts: a) The length of the text; b) Place of the main idea of the text c) Text subject d) Text problems c) Authenticity degree
It is apparent that reading acts as a self-contained type of speech activity in that case when we read to receive necessary information from the text. Thus it is necessary to specify that depending on situation completeness and accuracy of extraction of information can be various. Thus, problems of tutoring to reading as to a self-contained type of speech activity consist in the following: to teach pupils to take information from the text in that volume which is necessary for the solution of a specific speech objective, using fixed technologies of reading. Reading can act and as means of formation and monitoring of adjoining speech abilities and language skills, as: use of reading allows pupils to optimize process of assimilation of a language and speech material; communicative the focused tasks for monitoring of lexicon and grammar, audition, the letter and oral speech assume ability to read and are under construction on the basis of written texts and instructions; 38
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exercises on formation and working off of all language and speech skills and abilities also are under construction with a support on the text and written installations to exercises and tasks. The requirements of educational texts. Now the teacher doesn't test a shortcoming of texts. The problem consists in how to choose the most successful training materials. For this purpose it is necessary to stop briefly on the requirements shown today to educational texts, so, and on principles of their selection. We shall be limited to take just main requirements of them. I. The length of the text Educational texts can be different length – from one word to several tens pages in the book for house reading, and others are important and have the right to existence in educational process. Thus it is necessary to keep, the reasonable balance and to pay attention to the following arguments. In life different texts and each of them meet it is necessary to be able is correct to read, take information necessary for us, and sometimes and critically it to reinterpret. Too the lengthiest texts tire, and sometimes obviously form thought on impossibility of their assimilation. That is why small children like to read small books. Feeling of success and fixed achievements important not only for children. Only on short texts it is impossible to form many types of reading necessary for substantial activity, including educational (for example, preparations for the report, the message on a subject). The short text can be very informative, and the lengthiest text – isn't present. The length of the text can be defined by its format. Schedules, tables, schemes are also texts, and very informative. It is sometimes simpler to read the lengthiest text, than to understand the scheme, but it doesn't mean that it is always better.) II. Place of the main idea of the text It is proved that the comprehension of the text will be quicker reached, if the main idea is either in the beginning, or at the end of the text. It is especially important for considering when tutoring small children. This situation is very important and for writing of characteristic texts. When tutoring writing of the essay, letters and small messages this requirement is one of criteria of determination of effectiveness of the written text. III. Text subject It is possible to make the following recommendations. To be 39
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convinced of that the subject of educational texts in chosen base SMC corresponds with requirements of training programs (accepted in the school/district/region / at federal level). In case of incomplete reflection of program requirements in SMC to connect texts from other sources. Taking into account substantial needs of pupils and features of educational institution it is possible to expand and partially to alter subject of educational texts. In that case it is necessary to fix these changes in the school program for the purpose of saving of uniform requirements within school. To correlate subject to substantial age interests and needs of pupils, with uniform problems of education, education and development of the person. IV. Text problems Besides subject of texts it is necessary to consider and that range of the problems that texts mention. Not so much the subject, how many a perspective of texts provides adequate selection of a language, speech and sociocultural material, helps to form necessary language and speech skills and abilities. Within the same subject it is possible to discuss various problems and that is actual for the senior school students, it can be not so actual for younger teenage age and for kids. And on the contrary that is why it is so important to determine not primly level of language of this or that UMK, but also compliance of subject and a perspective of this educational set by age, interests and possibilities of trainees. Well the fitted problem texts not only will ensure the actual information on a wide range of discussed questions, but also can serve as a substantial and speech support for creation of characteristic speech works of the similar plan; help to connect separate data from various areas of knowledge in a uniform picture of the world. Texts and problems raised in them can help us in education of the person; however it is not necessary to overestimate their possibilities. The same text can bear different number of information to different people and lead to different conclusions. The role of the teacher at work with the text hardly can be overestimated. V. Authenticity degree Recently the word "authentic" became very popular. Speak about authentic texts and authentic tasks, even about authentic sounding and authentic textbooks. It is not always clear that by it mean. There is a question: «Whether it is possible to pass to authentic texts and if isn't 40
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present, why completely?» The unique decision in the matter isn't present and can't be. Purely psychologically the modern the teacher» should be ready to adoption of self-contained decisions but in order that them to prove, it is necessary to have fixed information and to develop the relation to a problem. Use of authentic texts at various grade levels has a number of pluses and a number of minuses. Let's consider only some of them. Authentic materials are ideally suited according to the contents for the solution of communicative problems of tutoring, but in language (lexical and grammatical) the relation they can present the considerable difficulties. When these materials cease to be difficult in the language relation, they often lose urgency in the substantial plan and aren't entered in a perspective of a training material. Authentic texts can be and conductors of the fixed ideology not always accepted for us. At work with such texts it is necessary to form critical judgment of the read. Besides actually texts, the work technique with them has great value, that methodical device which helps to interpret and form them necessary skills and abilities, vital we will be dragged off for substantial communication in the modern multipolar world. Authentic texts of such device don’t provide. Seminar questions: 1. What problems of teaching to read as to a self-contained type of speech activity consist? 2. What kind of means of formation and monitoring of adjoining speech abilities and language skills? 3. What are the main requirements of educational texts? 4. Speak on the: a) The length of the text; b) Place of the main idea of the text c) Text subject d) Text problems e) Authenticity degree
Seminar tasks: Self-assessment questions (SAQ) 1.Match the types of texts with their textual features Type of text 1 1. Description of an object 2. Description of a process
Textual features 2 А. Traits and deeds В. Hypothesis and interpretation
Teaching Methodology of Academic Reading and analysis 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
1 Description of a character Description of a mechanism Description of a theory Description of a principle Description of influence Description of an instruction Description of a social structure Description of a situation Description of a system Description of an event
2 С. Parts and qualities D. Changes and transformations E. Guideline rule and examples F. Cause and effect G. Recommendations and warnings H. Classes and roles I. Participants and dynamics J. Elements and structures K. Happening and consequences L. Components and interaction
2. Read the following text, get its communicative message and elicit your response. Text Do not toil to gain wealth; Have the sense to desist. You see it, then it is gone; It grows wings and flies away, Like an eagle, heavenward («Proverbs», Old Testament)
3. Develop a fragment of a lesson of teaching to different types of reading. Offer the any text and technology of work with it. Lecture VII 3.2 Different Types of Reading, Their Role in the Course of Substantial Communication and Foreign Language teaching 1. A domestic types of reading 2. The purpose and a problem of each stage of the texts: a) Pretext stage, b) While-reading, c) Post-reading
Different types of reading, their role in the course of substantial communication and FL tutoring. If it is a question of reading as about a self-contained type of speech activity, such reading has the purpose to take from the text information. In substantial life we read differently, and nature of reading is defined by that purpose which we in each case pursue. In a domestic technique allocate the following types of reading: analytical, studying, viewing, search, fact-finding etc. For efficient reading in a foreign language it is necessary to create and such skills about which it was already told above: 42
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to ignore an unknown if it doesn't disturb objective performance; to isolate semantic information; to read on keywords; to work with the dictionary; to use footnotes and the comments offered in the text; to interpret and transform the text etc. Thus, it is possible to tell safely that in a domestic and foreign technique there are no serious disagreements in comprehension of what types of reading are necessary for seizing in the course of learning of foreign language. Differences more have terminological character. Work stages with the text and formation of various technologies of extraction of information from the text. At work with any text (printing / sound / video) it is possible to allocate three main stages of work: pretext, text and post text. It is apparent that the post-text stage / will be present only at that case when the text is used not so much as means of formation of abilities to read, how many for development of productive abilities in oral or written speech, and in other words – abilities to speak and write in a foreign language. Let's consider in more detail than the purpose and a problem of each of stages, together with those exercises and tasks which can be offered for the solution of these tasks. I. Pretext stage (anticipation stage) Purposes: To define to (formulate) a speech task for the first reading; to create necessary level of motivation at pupils; whenever possible to reduce level of language and speech difficulties. Exercises and tasks: 1. Work with heading. It is possible to ask to determine pupils by heading: subject of the text, the list of problems lifted in it, keywords and expressions etc. 2. Use of the associations related with name of the author. It is possible to carry this text to what genre allegedly? Who, in your opinion, will be protagonist, his profession, a nationality etc. Where and during what time there can be an action? 3. A formulation of assumptions of text subject on the basis of available illustrations. 43
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4. Acquaintance with new lexicon and definition of a subject / perspective of the text on the basis of a language guess. 5. For example: new words are shown. The task is to define the main idea of the text. 6. To see the text (the first paragraph) and to define, about what this text. 7. To read questions (statements) in the text and to define its subject and a perspective. 8. To try to answer the offered questions before reading the text. II. While-reading Text stage Purposes: to check degree of a formation of various language skills and speech abilities; to continue formation of the corresponding skills and abilities. Exercises and tasks: 1. Find/choose/read/connect/insert: 2. Answers to the offered questions; 3. Confirmation of a truth / false of statements; 4. Suitable heading to each of paragraphs; 5. The offer suitable on sense passed in the text; 6. Offers with the following words / the grammatical phenomena / idiomatic expressions etc.; 7. Verbs/adjectives/epithets and other tracks used by the author at the description; 8. The description of an appearance/place, the event/the relation someone to something etc. ATTENTION!!! 1. By drawing up of characteristic questions and statements it is desirable: to avoid the common questions, if necessary to replace them dividing, to avoid terse answers; to focus questions and statements not on the contents, and on sense as the last assume citing and allow to check depth of comprehension. At the same time pupils carry out / the creative analysis of the text and / prepare for work on interpretation. 2. Guess: 44
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about a word meaning on a context; what from offered, transfers / what definition most precisely reflects a word meaning in this context; as events in the second chapter / part of the text will develop. III. Post -text stage Purpose: to use a text situation as a language (speech) substantial support for development of abilities in oral and written speech. Exercises and tasks: 1. Disprove my statements or agree with them. 2. Prove that... 3. Characterize.... 4. Tell, what of the following statements most precisely transfers the main thought of the text. Prove the answer. 5. With what of these expressions the author wouldn't agree. 6. Make the text plan, having allocated his main thoughts. 7. Tell the text on behalf of the protagonist/villain/observer/ gossip/journalist etc. 8. Briefly state contents of the text / make the summary to the text / give the review of the text etc. 9. Think that could happen, if... 10. Think up the new end of the text. Seminar questions: 1. Different types of reading and their role in the course of substantial communication. 2. The purpose and a problem of each of stages: a)Pretext stage, b) Whilereading, c) Post-reading 3. What exercises and tasks can be the solution of purpose and problem of these stage?
Seminar tasks: Self-assessment questions (SAQ) 1. Match the following tasks with the «pre-reading», «whilereading» and «post-reading» stage». Tasks 1 1. Learners are encouraged to form certain expectations about the text 2. Learners complete a paragraph
Stage 2
Teaching Methodology of Academic Reading and analysis 1 3. Learners complete a questionnaire 4. Learners solve a mystery 5. Learners role-play a plot 6. Learners write a summary 7. Background information is provided 8. Questions to activate what the learners already know are asked 9. In a brainstorming activity the learners anticipate the main points 10. Key words are supplied for the learners to guess what the text might be about 11. Learners write a story inspired by a photograph 12. Learners recognise the paragraph that summarises the main information in the text 13. A picture representation of the text is studied and discussed 14. Learners match headlines with paragraphs 15. Learners match text with pictures or diagrams. 16. Learners order jumbled paragraphs 17. Learners contrast the two texts 18. Learners take notes 19. Learners express their views 20. Learners exploit a text for grammar or vocabulary 21. Learners discuss and justify different interpretations of the text 22. Learners distinguish the main idea from supporting details 23. A listening text on the same topic is presented (Shiels, J. 1993. Communication in the Modern English Classroom. Council of Europe Press)
A. Pre-reading B. While-reading C. Post-reading
(Answer: A 1,3,7,8,9,10,13,23; B 12,14,15, 16, 17, 18, 22; C 2, 5, 6, 11, 20, 21)
2. The task under analysis is to read the text and to tick off the "true" statements. Work in small groups. Decide on the «true» and «false» sentences and pick up the information from the text that serves your arguments. Have you eaten too much over the holidays? You should try fidgeting for a while. Those around you might not like it, but scratching and twitching is an important way of burning up calories. American researchers have found that some people's squirming and wiggling equals several miles of jogging each day. The scientists based at the National Institute of Health's laboratory in Phoenix, Arizona are studying why some people get fat and others stay slim. In one study 177 people each spent 24 hours in the institute's respiratory chamber – a room where the amount of energy people expend is measured by their oxygen and carbon dioxide levels. By the end of the day, some people had burned up 800 calories in toe-tapping, finger-drumming and other nervous
Никамбаева С.С. habits. However, others had expended only 100 calories. The researchers found, that slim women fidget more than fat women, but there was no significant difference in men. Heavy people expend more energy when they fidget than do thin people.
Put a tick next to the statements, which you think, are true. What cues from the text do you use in each case? Heavy people always eat more than thin people. Heavy people do not scratch and twitch Thin people take more exercise than heavy people Heavy people are more effective in expending their energy Squirming and wiggling is better than jogging to take off weight Toe-tapping and finger-drumming is effective to burn up the calories Women are more prone to take off weight than men 3. Develop a fragment of a lesson of teaching to different types of reading. Offer the any text and technology of work with it. Lecture VIII 3.3 . Technical Skills of the Mature Reader 1. There are some classifications of types of reading, depending on the teaching purpose. 2. Technical skills of the mature reader. 3. The definition of types of reading.
Reading is widely used in the cognitive, aesthetic purposes and scope of reading in household, educational and production spheres where information extraction from the text through reading serves exercise of different types of the activity which motive is the satisfaction of the information need concluded in the text is even more various. Reading plays one of the major roles in the course of teaching of a foreign language. There are some classifications of types of reading, depending on the teaching purpose. In our work partially studying, search reading, fact-finding and viewing readings were considered. Main types of exercises for efficient tutoring are given also for reading the main grade levels are described. In reading, as well as in any 47
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activity, distinguish two plans: substantial (components of the object content of activity) and procedural (elements of process of activity), and the leading role always belongs to the first. To the content of activity carry first of all its purpose – result on which achievement it is directed. In reading by such purpose disclosure of semantic communications – comprehension of the speech work presented in writing (text). The appeal to the book can pursue the different aims: sometimes it is required to define only about what it, in other cases it is important to catch all shades of thought of the author etc., i.e. the expected result isn't identical in different situations of reading. Nature of comprehension (degree of its completeness, accuracy and depth) readable to which aspires reading, depends on the reading purpose. And it, in turn, defines, how he will read: sluggishly or quickly, getting a grasp of each word or passing the whole pieces of the text, re-reading separate places or looking through page «on a diagonal» etc. Though in the substantial act of reading processes of perception and judgment flow past at the same time and are intimately interdependent, the skills providing its process, it is accepted to divide into two groups conditionally: а) readings bound to the "technical" party (they provide perceptual processing of the text (perception of graphic signs and their correlation with defined values or code conversion of visual signals in units of meaning) and) providing semantic processing of the apprehended – establishment of semantic communications between language units of different levels and by that contents of the text, a plan of the author etc. (these abilities lead to comprehension of the text as finished speech statement). Technical skills of the mature reader are automated, thanks to what his attention can be concentrated to semantic processing of the readable wholly. Their automation is especially visually shown at fluent reading silently simple { both according to the contents and on language) the text at installation on comprehension of its main contents. Texts for the reading, borrowed of fiction, often possess the composite construction and a statement form that creates padding difficulties for penetration into contents of the text. Feature of art texts is figurativeness of a narration, existence of widespread descriptions. Therefore when reading such texts the role of imagination, emergence especially increases in consciousness reading the images, similar 48
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subjects which were meant by the author who has written this work. It is especially important to emphasize it in connection with reading in a foreign language as it is quite often accompanied by purely verbal comprehension behind which it is not covered any representations. The language material perceived at reading, differs from a material, audible, a little large volume and a variety, and also those features which are characteristic for the book and written style, in particular more the lengthiest offers, wider use of compound and compound sentences. These features, on the one hand, facilitate comprehension as the thought of the author reveals in more detail, and on the other hand – complicate, as in the lengthiest offer it is more difficult to allocate the main terms and to establish communications between words. The last feature distinguishing comprehension read from comprehension heard, is the relation of nature of comprehension to rate of reading. Rate of reading depends from reading and if hearing often complicates fast tempo of speech of the interlocutor, for reading characteristic sluggish rate of reading can appear a hindrance. The practical orientation of teaching demands when it concentrates attention to a problem of extraction from the text of the useful information. In this regard many properties of a direct comprehension, such as a high speed of the act of comprehension, absence of understanding of the process of its course, synthetic nature of comprehension, a support on internal speech, etc. which in the concept of discursive comprehension were considered as shortcomings, at the modern statement of a question gain positive value. The corresponding installations on accuracy and completeness of comprehension. It is necessary to consider also that when reading texts, available from the point of view of language, the comprehension not always comes instantaneously. Very often it demands some thoughts and the semantic analysis. And nevertheless the comprehension in this case can keep immediate, i.e. not mediated by transfer, character. In this sense we also use this term. When reading more the composite texts as it was already told above, along with a direct comprehension of the most part of the text it is necessary to resort to the analysis of the separate language phenomena and to selective transfer that gives to us the grounds, however, to speak not about discursive comprehension in the true sense of the word, but only about elements of discursive comprehension. 49
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It is possible to approach to definition of types of reading differently. We consider as the most essential opposition of two types of educational reading depending on, whether they fulfill the abilities, necessary for reading without the dictionary and with the complete direct comprehension, or the abilities bound to reading with the dictionary, accompanied by elements of discursive comprehension. This division has larger history. In all methodical systems paying attention teaching to read it is a question of the receptions bound to detailed studying of the text, its laborious interpretation, with assimilation of a language material in the course of this work which are opposed to other type of reading – to the fluent reading which purpose is the comprehension of the main sense read. At the modern school synthetic reading is nominated to the forefront as system of the receptions directed on development of abilities to read simple texts without the dictionary. But 4-5 years ago much more attention it was given to analytical reading. Thus was considered that analytical reading always should proceed synthetic, prepare it as it teaches form interpretation, and synthetic reading then gives the chance to fix and develop this ability on the passable material. The similar opinion developed as a result of need to work over very composite texts exceeding on difficulties of possibility of pupils, inaccessible to a direct comprehension. Now, when the training materials used at school, became simpler in the language relation and a number of difficulties acts in film preliminary oral preparation, the analysis of language forms as an indispensable condition for comprehension of the contents any more isn't required. Solving a question of a ratio of analytical and synthetic reading, it is necessary to consider and that circumstance that the form analysis if it has not purely formal character, and is means of disclosure of the contents, can't be carried successfully out without a support on comprehension of the common sense. Therefore the analytical reading used as reception, the comprehension of the text directed on achievement, can be carried successfully out only in the presence of ability beforehand to understand completely and separately the common sense of the readable. Routinely distinguish two ground levels of comprehension – level of value and sense level. This division reflects also those two directions in which semantic processing of the apprehended is carried out. One is bound to establishment of value of perceived language units and their 50
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immediate interrelation, the second is directed on comprehension of sense of the text as complete speech work. If the first it is possible to define the facts reconstructed in the course of reading as obtaining information containing in the text (comprehension of the facts transferred by language tools), the second assumes processing of already received information (comprehension of a plan of the author of the text and its assessment in a broad sense this word), i.e., join in ideational activity reading, wider, than reading is characteristic. The comprehension therefore always has creative character. Reading is always directed on perception of the ready speech message (instead of on its creation), on obtaining information therefore it fall into receptive types of speech activity. Feature of reading is that the assessment of success of its exercise has subjective character and finds expression in satisfaction reading the received result – the reached degree of completeness and accuracy of comprehension. In each case reading definitely combines the various operations of action bound to semantic and perceptual processing of the perceived material, correlating them to a problem of reading. Readings don't happen at all and it is always realized in one of the concrete manifestations, representing at the experienced reader the most rational, from the point of view of a standing task, a combination of operations of semantic and perceptual processing of the material perceived visually. Options of complexes of the operations caused by the purpose of reading, received the name of types of reading. About 50 types and the subspecies of reading differing by result of activity (nature of comprehension), and according to, on processes of its course in total. Thus, reading represents the composite perceptual and thinking imaginary activity which procedural party has the analytic-synthetic character varying depending on its purpose. The reader who is loosely carrying out this type of speech activity is mature; thanks to ability available for it each time to choose the type of reading adequate to an objective that allows it to solve it not only correctly, but also quickly, thanks to the complete automation of technical skills. Seminar questions: 1. What are classifications of types of reading depending on the teaching purpose? 2. What kind of technical skills of the mature reader? 3.The definition of types of reading.
Teaching Methodology of Academic Reading and analysis
Seminar tasks: Self-assessment questions (SAQ) 1.Read the text in the left column and tick off the criteria that this text meets in choosing it for the teaching purposes. Give our comments in the space provided on what makes the text authentic, readable, suitable and resourceful. Text The American schoolboys, aged 11 and 13, killed four girls and one teacher, wounding nine more girls and one other teacher. An 18-year-old at High School shot and killed a student three days before they were to graduate, because they had argued about a girl. A 14-year-old boy opened fire at a dance killing a teacher and wounding two students and another teacher. A 14-year-old boy shot and killed three girls at while they took part in a prayer circle. Five others were wounded. A 16year-old stabbed and killed his mother, before going to school where he shot nine students. A study by the Department of Education in March found that as many as 10% of US schools suffered serious incidents of violence in the year 19961999. In that year alone, schools recorded 11,000 armed assaults and 4,000 rapes. Is America a country of violence?
Criteria Authenticity
Readability Suitability Resourcefulness Usability
3. Develop a fragment of a lesson of teaching to different types of reading. Offer the any text and technology of work with it.
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Lecture IX 4.1 . Features of Development of Younger School Students 1. Bases of methods of teaching to read at the initial stage. 2. The main form of reading at the initial stage. 3. The classification of Horn Century
Children of 8-11 years treat younger school age. This age has a number of features of mental and physical development. The younger school age is characterized by accumulation of physical forces and intelligence development. The configuration of a body of the child comes nearer to the adult person. The backbone possesses big flexibility and mobility. It is necessary to remember that the steady stress can lead to a curvature and skeleton deformation. Especially intensively the Central Nervous System, a cerebral cortex develops. Development of Nervous System allows carrying out fine coordination of movements. Attention concentration, speed of reminder, accuracy of procreation and consciousness body height is observed. To 11 years the memory size increases twice, but it remains figurative and visual. At younger school students intelligent reminder develops, the attention volume increases and it is improved the concentration. Improving of intelligence is shown in logic judgments, in ability to distinguish essential from unimportant, tendency of collecting. At children develop the will-power, commitment, planned character, 53
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concentration. The child is quieter, counterbalanced, easier itself constrains, but quickly gets tired and easily distracts on extraneous objects. 4.2. Teaching to Read Aloud After an oral introduction course pupils pass to reading which begins with its loud and speech form – readings aloud. In the native language reading silently and aloud coexists, supplementing each other: in case of the former information from the text is taken for itself, in the second – for others. In a foreign language these communicative functions remain, but reading aloud carries out one more important educational function: it is a tutorial to reading about itself. It is caused by that the main mechanisms underlying tutoring to both forms of reading, are common therefore formation of mechanisms of reading about themselves is easier for operating through an exterior form of reading when all processes are naked and give in to immediate supervision at the reading. Besides, reading aloud gives the chance to strengthen and strengthen the pronunciation base underlying all types of speech activity that is especially important at the initial stage and doesn't lose urgency for the subsequent stages. Therefore reading aloud should accompany all process of tutoring to a foreign language, however its specific gravity in comparison with reading about itself changes from a stage to a stage. At the initial stage the main form of reading is reading aloud, as to reading silently, here only a basis mortgaging. At an average stage both of a form are presented in identical volume, on the senior – the main form of reading is reading about itself, but reading aloud also takes place, it should occupy small volume in comparison with reading about itself, but be carried out on each class in one two paragraphs of the text. When teaching to read aloud at the initial stage can allocate conditionally pretext and text periods. The purpose of the pretext period consists in working off of primary matter – schedules, i.e. the starting moment in perception when reading; if in oral speech designating the phoneme is absolute, when reading such role is carried out by a grapheme. Grapheme is entered during an oral introduction course into the sequences, allowing reading at first syllables, and then words and the 54
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phrases acquired in an oral introduction course. So, for example, at lessons of English of children acquaint with consonants and those sounds which they can transfer. Letters are shown not in that sequence as are presented in the alphabet, and depending on rate of their emergence in speech models which children seize. For the best assimilation of features of graphics, its differentiating signs it is necessary to use "printing" reception. Mastering by pupils by writing of printing letters makes active perception pupils of a printing font. Having studied all consonants, having in parallel increased the lexicon, pupils break to reading vowels in various words. In pretext period reading rules accustom also. Usually they extend on combinations of letters, mastering with which promotes an anticipating cognizance of words. Assimilation of the elementary symbolic necessary for the subsequent marking of texts falls on the same period (vertical hyphens for designation of pauses, a sign of a word and phrase stress, a sign of increasing and going-down tone etc.). In pretext period pupils learn to read the period not only words, but also phrases and simple sentences. Due to the last it is necessary to acquire some prohibitive rules, in particular: not to put an accent on syntactic words: articles, sheaves and pretexts; not to do pauses between an article and the subsequent word, between a pretext and a word falling into to it. Pretext period lasts, while pupils read separate elements of the text, i.e. syllables, words, phrases and the offers which are not reflecting a situation. With the advent of prime, but coherent texts there comes text the period which extends on all grade levels. As during this period the text acts as semantic whole, but to read it follows completely or, if it big, on semantic pieces. The problem of the text period of reading aloud consists in leading pupils to simultaneous perception and comprehension of the text. Thus development and perfecting of perception is carried out in unity with the solution of semantic tasks. It is for this purpose important to work on over the following components of the content of tutoring to reading aloud in parallel with inducing and comprehension monitoring: grapheme-phoneme associations, word and phrase stress, pause, tunes, fluency of reading. For mastering by these components of reading aloud it is necessary to use a uniform type of reading – «evenly attentive reading» (L.M. Schwarz) at which the perception and comprehension are carried out synchronously on all extent small on volume basis the 55
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text or its fragment. Evenly attentive reading aloud at the initial stage is a, actually, elementary phase of studying reading. At its exercise the following modes, in aggregate, teaching making a subsystem to reading aloud (classification Horn Century) are used: The 1st model. Reading aloud on the basis of a standard. The standard can proceed from the teacher, it can be given in record. In both cases reading is preceded aloud by a fixed analytical stage which consists in the sound alphabetic analysis of the difficult phenomena and in a text marking. The standard sounds twice: expressively, the continuous text, then with pauses during which pupils read, trying to imitate a standard («pausing reading»). In summary there comes continuous reading the text by pupils, at first in a whisper, then – aloud. As an index of regularity / abnormality of comprehension intonation and the solution of the elementary semantic tasks acts. However to abuse reading aloud on the basis of a standard doesn't follow, as the big specific gravity of imitation can result in passivity of perception that will slow down tutoring to reading. Therefore this mode is necessary for combining with self-contained reading without a standard. The 2nd model. Reading aloud without a standard, but with preparation in time. This mode as much as possible makes active perception of a graphic matter pupils, increases their responsibility. Sequence of work thus the such: 1) «Rehearsal» in the form of reading about itself with the subsequent marking of the text. Here reading about itself acts as means of finding of intonation, i.e. as a reading stage aloud. 2) «The relative reading». During pair work pupils at first check a text marking each other, then in turn read each other the text. The relative reading strengthens an appeal and the common expressiveness of reading. The teacher is connected up to working pairs, revealing their the strong and weaknesses for the subsequent completion. Indexes of regularity/abnormality same comprehensions: intonation and solution of semantic tasks. The 3rd model. Reading without standard and beforehand preparing . Two serial stages here differ: reading without a standard and beforehand preparing worked old and new texts. Reading aloud earlier worked texts is directed, first of all, on development of fluency and expressiveness of reading. After all fluency 56
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of reading creates conditions for a sense wrapping completely and single-step. Here the help goes from the text, its familiar contents. To read the text silently for finding of the correct intonation there is no need. Reading the worked texts without preparation in time should be carried out periodically at the end of working on by a subject when 3-4 texts collect. Such reading it is necessary to arrange as peculiar «review of forces», it can be organized in a look «competition on the best reader». In jury pupils who at the previous competition took the first prizes (3-4 persons), and the teacher as «the first among equal» are selected from within to direct work. Sequence of work is as follows: 1) Before competition important with all class to define parameters on which check should be carried out. Something will turn out like «A jury order» at which the most important components of the content of teaching to read aloud are topical: quality of the most difficult sounds, accent (verbal and phrase), pauses, melodics, fluency and expressiveness. 2) Reading the text by participants of competition (texts can be different, pupils extend them, as tickets at examination). 3) The solution of the semantic tasks different from what were offered at the first appeal to these texts. 4) Assessment of reading by judges, definition of prize-winning places. Reading aloud already worked texts and new should be carried out systematically. For the first it is possible to use a part of the lessons intended for repetition. Reading new texts can be organized at the beginning of the work on the theme and then use paragraph texts. Besides, the fragments of texts intended for house reading, also can be read in this model. Organic inclusion of all modes of reading aloud in educational process will lead to polishing and to perception automation that will provide as a whole successful functioning of mechanisms of the reading peculiar also to reading about, and, therefore, will prepare this form of reading. Seminar questions: 1. What are features of development of younger school students? 2. The main form of reading at the initial stage. 3. The classification of Horn Century: a)the 1st model b) the 2nd model c) the 3rd model
Teaching Methodology of Academic Reading and analysis
Seminar tasks: Self-assessment questions (SAQ) 1. Read the text and underline parts of it when you clearly start to read word for word in order to get the meaning. The thrust of the argument here is that adults differ from children in that, for example, they might be more inhibited or that their identity as a speaker of a certain L1 might be more firmly established. As such, they my resist the socialization that is the end product of child language acquisition. With regards to the latter, it has been suggested that an adult learner may prefer to speak accented L2 which identifies him as a speaker of a particular L1 (Larsen-Freeman, D. and M. Long. 1991. An Introduction to Second language Acquisition Research. Longman. P.163) 2. Mask the text in the left column, opening it line by line and completing the sentences. Each time you should complete the sentence with only one word. Do not make any «back-channel» corrections. Compare your version with the answer key. Tick off the sentences, in which your anticipatory guesses were correct. Calculate the per cent of correct guesses. Indicate in what per cent of cases your anticipatory guesses help you comprehend the text while reading. Text 1. A word processor is a computer that can produce a perfect … 2. First you have to know the … 3. As you type the words, you should look at the … 4. If you do not like the text you can always do the … 5. This work is much more difficult with an ordinary … 6. To produce a perfect text you would probably need a lot of … 7. If you are not sure of correct spelling, a word processor has a … 8. A word processor can store the text on a … 9. A word processor can also make a … (Answer: 1/text, 2/keyboard, 3/monitor, 4/editing, 5/typewriter, 6/retyping, 7/spellchecker, 8/disk, 9/print-out) 58
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3. Develop a fragment of a lesson of teaching to different types of reading. Offer the any text and technology of work with it. Lecture X 4.3. Teaching to Read Silently 1. The purpose of teaching to read silent 2. Mastering the technology of reading silent 3. A number of requirements of reading silent
At the heart of both forms of reading speech activities lie. When reading aloud, outwardly to the expressed form of reading, they are completely shown. When reading about themselves speech activities are curtailed and function only in vestigial degree. There is such interrelation: the speech activities are better expressed and fulfilled when reading aloud, it is more than chances of their "removal" when reading about itself. In courses in the accelerated reading about themselves in the native language express efforts for liberation reading from speech activities as it is established are undertaken that they reduce speed of reading. When tutoring to reading about itself in a foreign language in school conditions the emphasis for speed of reading doesn't become. Therefore tutoring to reading aloud and the related development of speech activities aren't perceived as a hindrance, and it is rather as the help providing clearness and a regularity of perception of graphics that, in turn, stimulates quality of comprehension. Familiarizing with reading about itself begins already at the initial stage, being the subordinated form to reading aloud. Sometimes it is used as a fixed stage of tutoring to reading aloud when perception and comprehension processes yet didn't become simultaneous; pupils eyes run over the text, seizing its common contents, finding adequate intonation (the II mode of reading aloud). Then reading about itself starts to "make the way" as self-contained activity at first in small volume, and then extending from a class to a class. Thus it is necessary to emphasize, and experience of the best teachers confirms that reading represents a type of speech activity in connection with which at high school it is possible to achieve quite notable results, i.e. level which will stimulate further reading can be reached, creating resistant need for it 59
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for, the more the pupil reads, the more willingly and better he reads. In this case his love to the reading, acquired in the native language, will extend and on the foreign. To acquaint pupils with reading in a foreign language, it is necessary to stimulate, first, motivation of reading, secondly, to provide success of its course by means of the corresponding tasks to exercises. These moments are interconnected. For development of motivation of reading the exclusive role is played by quality of texts. Their practical, general educational, educational value can be shown only if they impose pupils. Many methodologists consider that the text gets sense when he can establish a fixed ratio between the life experience and contents of this text for the pupil. Pupils don't accept a linear and surface didactically of texts. Michael West considered that the interesting text – the main precondition of the address of pupils to reading in a foreign language. It included the most fascinating works of the world literature in the wellknown educational series. By researchers-methodologists it is noticed that pupils cope more difficult, but fascinating texts, than with lungs, but empty better. The exercises applied in teaching to read Mastering the technology of reading is carried out as a result of performance of pretext, text and post-text tasks. Pretext tasks are directed model operation of the background knowledge necessary and sufficient for reception of the concrete text, on elimination of semantic and language difficulties of its comprehension and is simultaneous on formation of skills and abilities of reading development of «comprehension strategy». In them lexical and grammatical, structural and semantic, linguistic style and linguistic regional geography features of the text subject to reading are considered. In text tasks for trainees are offered communicative installations which contain instructions of type readings, speed and need of the solution of fixed cognitive-communicative tasks in the course of reading. Advanced questions should answer a number of requirements: they are built on the basis of actively acquired vocabulary and the grammatical structures which have not been used in the text in such way; the answer the advanced question should reflect the main maintenance of the corresponding part of the text and shouldn't be reduced to any one sentence from the text; 60
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all questions should represent the adapted interpretation of the text. Besides, trainees carry out a number of exercises with the text, providing to a concrete type of reading skills and abilities. Post text tasks are intended for check of comprehension read, for control of degree of forming abilities of reading and possible use of received information in future professional activity. In tasks of the text reading silently also is reflected their language complexity. In teaching to read give texts, both with removed, and with not removed difficulties, thus the main thing there is a solution of semantic tasks. The tasks fixing attention on a language material and removing language difficulties carry out a role, tools and have the subordinated character. Below are offered tasks to the texts: I. Tasks bound to monitoring of comprehension of the text. Read the text and show the corresponding subjects on the picture. Read the text. Choose from the pictures given here that which corresponds to contents of the text; call its number (lift the alarm card with the corresponding number). Read the text and offers below the line. Specify by means of the alarm card number of the offer which doesn't correspond to contents of the text. Read the text and offers below the line. On a sheet of paper with numbers of offers put a sign + if the offer corresponds to contents of the text, and the sign – if doesn't correspond. Read offers and put on a leaf near offer number a sign + if about what you read, represents the facts, and you can carry it to yourselves. If isn't present, put a sign. Read the text and number pictures according to sequence of the being developed contents. The so-called "fill in gaps" exercises which tasks prompt specific actions adjoin these: Read the text and draw... (or option: pick up the picture corresponding to the contents). Read the text and solve arithmetic problem containing in it. Read the text instruction and make this Christmas-tree decoration. 61
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Now more often in teaching to read test tasks in which the symbolic, i.e. figures and letters is applied to comprehension manifestation are used. More often in connection with reading tests of a multiple choice and tests for comparison are used. II. The tasks assuming citing from the text. Precise citing – the convincing proof of comprehension without use of productive forms of work; quoting, the reader uses a ready material of the text, having chosen it according to a semantic task. When citing reading about itself is combined with reading aloud (and sometimes and with the letter). Exercises in citing figure prominently in working on by reading. Sometimes citing serves only as means of identification, the text was how attentively read. In this case the task is directed on finding in the text the offer prompted by Russian equivalent. For example: «Find in the text the offers corresponding to the following Russian offers». Quotes can be brought for a confirmation/denial of the phenomena of the actual character and for the solution of problem questions. Citing takes place at all grade levels. Now more often in teaching to read test tasks in which the symbolic, i.e. figures and letters is applied to comprehension manifestation are used. More often in connection with reading tests of a multiple choice and tests for comparison are used. III. Tasks of question-answer exercises. They figure prominently among the exercises stimulating and supervising comprehension of the text. For example, in a question to the text: «Why tourists went to Erfurt? » – the concrete facts are prompted: characters (tourists) where they went (Erfurt), besides, in a question it is reported also that in the text the purpose of visit of tourists is called. Thus, the question reduces an indeterminacy measure; it hardly operates attention of the reader. There are many versions of the questions directed on identification of comprehension. Questions to the text, assuming in the answer the quote, i.e. a ready material are possible. Tasks are quite typical in this regard: «Read the text and find in it answers to questions». Doing of such task can show rather reliable understanding of the text. The questions entering the text -riddle are possible. The answer the question is routinely laconic: simple answer after it however, there is an attentive and interested reading, the accounting of all details. It can be such kind of examples: 62
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Define from what fairy tale this fragment is taken. Find out why the text is called so. Read and tell about whom this article is. There are the questions assuming the free answer, though following from contents of the text, but in the text not available. Such question will mobilize productive forms of work. It more often a question revealing the cause and effect relations: «For what purpose? Why? On what basis?» It can be questions to implication of type: «What common was at owners of the Donkey, the Dog, the Cat and the Cock from the fairy tale "Bremen musicians"? "," what made related the Donkey, the Dog, the Cat and the Cock? ». Or in connection with other text: why the words "buy", "sell", "seller", "buyer", "cashier" are quoted in this text?» (expected answer: «Here it is a question not of the real shop, and about game in shop») etc. At the answer to a question demanding the loose answer, the answer in the native language as the main thing – to give the chance to pupils to prove the comprehension read is possible, instead of to show ability to issue the answer in a foreign language. A lot of things depend also on a question place: whether it is put to the text and after it. The question which is putting before reading the text, directs attention reading, he finds a story subject, reducing thereby an indeterminacy measure. The post text question promotes processing of concrete information, helps to reveal the main thing and essential details. Questions to the text predetermine a type of reading. So, question of the common idea of the text: « What is about this text? In what the main thought?» or: «Answer a question put in heading» – focuses on viewing reading the text. A series of semantic questions to the main contents defines factfinding nature of reading. Questions of the actual party of the text and to implication, and also to details assume studying reading. Seminar questions: 1.What is the purpose of teaching to read silent 2. Mastering the technology of reading silent 3. A number of requirements of reading silent
Teaching Methodology of Academic Reading and analysis
Seminar tasks: Self-assessment questions (SAQ) 1. Try to restore this gapped text. Indicate with what components of your own schemata help you in bridging the gaps in the text. Gapped text Hundreds of years before the … of Christ, the Celts held a festival at the beginning of winter. It was the festival for the … of dead people that come back in the forms of animals. This was the beginning of the holiday called …People believed in magic and used to go to old women called … to learn about their future. The belief was that the … flew on broomsticks. The traditions of this holiday were brought to America. Americans now celebrate … The children prepare a … and put it in the garden with a lit … inside. They come up to people and shout «…!»
Schemata components Concepts Facts Images Language Assumptions Frames Scripts Emotions
2. Match the following types of texts and the expected «reading dynamics». Draw graphs of your reading dynamics. What is your dominant type? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Phrases Proverbs Anecdotes Research accounts Foreign language texts Data source Menu
a) b) c) d) e) f)
Dynamics of reading Smooth reading Item reading Search reading Think reading Slow reading Speed reading
3. Develop a fragment of a lesson of teaching to different types of reading. Offer the any text and technology of work with it.
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Lecture XI 5.1 . Tasks in the Course of Reading 1. 2. 3. a)
The modern technologies in teaching to read at the middle stage. The main form of reading at the middle stage. The purpose and a problem of each stage of the texts: Pretext stage, b) While-reading, c) Post-reading
At the previous chapter we consider teaching academic reading at the initial stage. Now we shall speak about the modern technologies in teaching to read at the middle stage. Tasks which the reader solves during studying reading, it is conditionally possible to divide into three basic groups corresponding to characteristics of processing of information (degree of completeness, accuracy and depth): 1) perception of language means and their precise understanding of the text; 2) extraction of the complete actual information containing in the text; 3) judgment of taken information. The solution of these tasks is carried out at pretext, text and post text stages in working with the studying text. Pretext stage tasks Exercises on word meaning correlation with a theme (a situation, a context): 65
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1. Complete gaps in the sentences with one of the given words:... 2. Find and replace words in the sentences which don't approach the meaning. Do the translation of the sentences into native language. Exercises on expansion of a lexical stock: 1.Point the models in which the following derivative words are formed and define meaning of these words: beginning, Spanish, independence, lucky 2. Read a number of words with one affix. Establish from what basis they are formed. Pay attention to value which gives this affix: plantation, settlement, officer, Spanish. 3. Compare ways of formation of the specified words, call parts of speech which these words concern. 4. Choose from the text of a word of the common root (international) and define their meaning. Exercises on an identification and differentiation of the grammatical phenomena. Choose from the given sentences that contain passive voice (the adverbial clauses of time, the complex object etc.). Explain, on what signs you established a grammatical form. Exercises on selection keywords in sentences: 1. Read sentences. Express the same thought in other way. 2. Point out what part of sentence is the word: attribute (object, adverbial modifier). 3. In each sentence (paragraph) emphasize a keyword (sentence). 4. Emphasize in sentences words that can be removed without damage in meaning. Read sentences aloud at first completely, and then – passing highlighted words. Compare them and tell, whether the meaning of the sentences remained. Exercises on prediction of the contents of the text: 1. Read the title and tell, about what (lump) will go speech in this text. 2. Read the first offers of paragraphs and call questions which will be considered in the text. 3. Read the last paragraph of the text and tell, what contents can precede this conclusion. 4. Restore the text from data in the random order and the numbered 66
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paragraphs. Tell, in what sequence it is necessary to arrange paragraphs that logically coherent text turned out. While-reading text stage tasks: Exercises on division of a text material into semantic parts: 1. Read the text, divide it into semantic parts and give titles to each of them. 2. Read the text and allocate the main idea. 3. Read the text. Find in it the offers expressing original positions of the text, and the offers detailing original positions. Exercises on prediction of the contents of the text: 1. Read the title and tell about what (whom) will be in this text. 2. Read the first sentences of paragraphs and give items which will be considered in the text. 3.Read the last paragraph of the text and tell what contents can precede this conclusion. 4.Restore the text from data in the random order and the numbered paragraphs. 5.Tell, in what sequence it should be arranged paragraphs that turned out logically coherent text. Exercises on selection of semantic support in the text 1. Read (repeatedly)... paragraph of the text , find in them key sentences. 2. Read (repeatedly)... paragraphs, formulate their main idea. 3. Read aloud all verbs transmitting the dynamics of a narration. 4. Choose from this paragraph adjectives and adverbs which serve for the description....
Post reading text stage Exercises on check of understanding of the actual contents of the
1. Supporting on contents of the read text, complete sentences using offered version. 2. Using a text material answer questions. 3. Read the plan of the text and tell whether enough fully it retells the text matter. 4. Arrange sentences in that sequence in which they are given in the text. 67
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5. Read aloud sentences that explain the title of the story. Exercises for teaching of interpretation of the text 1. Explain, how you understand the statement in the text that …. Tell whether you share this point of view. 2. See the text, allocate sentences or the paragraphs characterizing (action time, an era). 3. Tell supporting the characteristic of the hero in the text that in his appearance arose your sympathy (antipathy) and why. 4. Find in the text the corollaries following from.... Exercises on determination of cognitive value of the read 1. Read silently the text and allocate the new that you learned from it. 2. Comment part of the text which you seemed the most interesting. 3. Tell, how you can use information containing in the text, at work in the specialty Seminar questions: 1. What are the modern technologies in teaching to read at the middle stage? 2. The main form of reading at the middle stage. 3. The purpose and a problem of each stage of the texts: a) Pretext stage, b) While-reading, c) Post-reading
Seminar tasks: Self-assessment questions (SAQ) 1. Read the text in the left column and tick off the criteria that this text meets in choosing it for the teaching purposes. Give our comments in the space provided on what makes the text authentic, readable, suitable and resourceful. Text Criteria 1 2 The American schoolboys, aged 11 and 13, killed four Authenticity girls and one teacher, wounding nine more girls and one other teacher. An 18-year-old at High School shot Readability and killed a student three days before they were to graduate, because they had argued about a girl. A 14- Suitability year-old boy opened fire at a dance killing a teacher and wounding two students and another teacher. A Resourcefulness 14-year-old boy shot and killed three girls at while Usability they took part in a prayer circle. Five others
Comments 3
Никамбаева С.С. 1 were wounded. A 16-year-old stabbed and killed his mother, before going to school where he shot nine students. A study by the Department of Education in March found that as many as 10% of US schools suffered serious incidents of violence in the year 1996-1999. In that year alone, schools recorded 11,000 armed assaults and 4,000 rapes. Is America a country of violence?
1. Read the following text and write its summary in the space provided. Decide on what details are «gist-related». Underline the words and phrases that carry the essential meaning in them. Use the underlined language as the «beam-structure» for your summary. Write your summary and share the results with the peers. Text When I was a child, we lived in Somalia. There were nine children in our family. In the desert there was no calendar so my guess is that I am twenty-seven but I am not sure. Our animals needed water. We had to move from place to place in search of wells. When I was a teenager an old man wanted to marry me and offered my father a dowry of five camels. Camels were very expensive and my father agreed. I did not want to become this old man’s nurse and refused. I had to run away from home.
Summary (25 words only!) 3. Develop a fragment of a lesson of teaching to different types of reading. Offer the any text and technology of work with it. Lecture XII 5.2 Teaching Fact-finding Reading at the Middle Stage 1. 2. 3. 4.
The algorithm of teaching fact-finding reading. Teaching viewing reading Approximate algorithm of teaching to viewing reading Teaching to Search Reading
Exercises for teaching fact-finding reading are expedient for building on text elements (paragraphs) and on the whole texts. Working off of this or that ability on elements of the text allows to reduce operating time and to execute larger number of training exercises. 69
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In the most general plan the algorithm of teaching fact-finding reading can be presented as follows: 1. Read heading of the text and try to define its main subject. 2. Read the paragraph behind the paragraph, noting in everyone the sentences bearing the main information, and sentences which contain supplementing, secondary information. 3. Define degree of importance of paragraphs, note paragraphs which contain more important information, and paragraphs which contain the secondary information on value. 4. Generalize information expressed in paragraphs, in the semantic (united) whole. Pretext stage Exercises on comprehension of a lexical-thematic basis of the text 1. Read basic words and phrases of the text and call its theme. 2. Read the text and write out keywords and the phrases making a thematic basis of the text. 3. Read the text and find in it repeating words which make a thematic basis of the text. 4. Familiarize with new words and phrases. Without reading the text tell about what there can be in it. 5. According to the scheme consisting of keywords, guess contents of the text and try it to entitle. During reading the text emphasize words presented on the scheme. Exercises on comprehension of the sentences containing unfamiliar words 1. Read sentences and try to understand their sense, without paying attention to definitions (adverbial modifiers of time, an image of action, a place), expressed by unfamiliar words. 2. Read the paragraph and try to understand it without paying attention to unfamiliar words. 3. Reduce sentences (paragraphs) of the text, leaving only the words bearing the main semantic loading. 4. Read the paragraph (text) and try to understand it without the dictionary. Exercises on forecasting the contents of the text 1. Tell about what there can be told this text judging by the title, drawings, schedules and ending. Read the text and find confirmation or a denial your assumption. 70
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2. Attentively look at the photo (drawing). Using this reference point, try to guess, about what the text will go. 3. Read the text till pointed place. Tell how in your opinion the events came to the end. Read the text up to the end to find out whether you are right. 4. Read the paragraphs of the text noted by the teacher. Tell what events (phenomena) are described in the text. Read all text tells whether your assumption appeared correct. While-reading text stage Exercises on selection of semantic marks in the text and comprehension of isolated facts 1. Read the first paragraph of the text and find in it the sentence containing the basic (main) information. 2. Read the title and the first (last) paragraph of the text and tell about what there is a speech in the text. 3. Find the sentence in the paragraph bearing the main information and information, detailing main idea of it. Exercises on join of the separate facts of the text in the semantic whole 1. List the facts containing in the text which can serve as the proof of each of the following statements. 2. Read the given phrases from the text and define, whether they reflect logic sequence of events of the text. If isn't present, arrange them correctly. Pick up additional phrases which will be necessary for retelling the text. 3. Read aloud sentences from the text which explains the title of it. 4. Formulate idea of the text. 5. Read the text, note the facts on the basis of which the author does the main conclusions. Post text stage Exercises on monitoring of comprehension of the main contents of the text 1. Read the text and express the consent (not consent) with the statements provided below from the text. 2. Distribute the matters in sequence which corresponds to contents of the text. Briefly answer them. 71
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3. Answer questions of the text. 4. Make the plan of the text. Exercises on definition of communicative intention of the author and text function 1. Tell what purpose in your opinion the author puts. 2. Tell, whether the point of view of the author on a question discussed in the text coincides with yours. 3. Define the main communicative intention of the author of the text (to give new information to estimate (to comment) an event or the fact to convince of something the reader to influence on it). 4. Call the main, in your opinion, function of the read text (informative, estimate, influencing or belief function). Exercises on development of ability to express estimate judgments about the read 1. Express your attitude to the text. Tell whether you agree with an assessment of the author to events, the facts. 2. Tell what it was especially interesting for you to learn from the text and why. 3. Tell what of the listed facts you learned for the first time. 4. Tell with what of the facts explained in the text you aren't agree and why. 5.3. Teaching Viewing Reading Depending on the purpose of viewing reading and degree of completeness of extraction information allocate four varieties of viewing reading: 1. Concise – for selection of the main thoughts. It consists in perception only the most significant units of meaning of the text making a logic-fact line-up. 2. Abstract – for selection of the main thoughts. Thus reading the basic in the maintenance of the material interests only, all details fall as unessential for comprehension of the main thing. 3. Survey – for definition of an entity reported. It is directed on selection of the main thought of the text, and tasks are reduced generally to its detection on the basis of the structural and semantic organization of the text. The comprehension of the main thought expressed implicit, 72
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in this case is almost impossible. Interpretation of the text limited to removal of the most common assessment readable and determination of compliance of the text to interests. 4. Reference – for existence establishment in the text of information representing for reading interest or the falling into fixed problem. The primal problem of the reading – to establish whether this material belongs to interesting its subject. Approximate algorithm of teaching to viewing reading 1. Attentively read text heading, try to penetrate into its sense, to define the main thought of the text. 2. Read the first offer of the text. Compare its contents with heading. 3. Read the first paragraph. Compare its contents with the idea of the main thought of the text. 4. See all other paragraphs, comparing their contents with representation of the main thought of the text and paying special attention to contents of the first offers of paragraphs. 5. Formulate the answer to a question: «About what is narrated in the text?» Mastering by structural and composition features of texts 1. See the text. Define its character (the description, a reasoning, narration). 2. Read the first sentences of the first and last paragraphs. Formulate a question which is shined in article. 3. Allocate in the text introduction and main parts. Structural and semantic scheme of the text 1. Message purpose. 2. Elements of the common contents: а) the main ascertaining theses б) the secondary elements. Post text stage Exercises on monitoring of comprehension of the read (looking through) text 1. Tell what questions are considered in the text. 2. Put some questions to the text and set them to your companion then answer his questions. 73
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3. Express opinion about read, report padding data known to you. Give examples, the facts, similar described in article. 5.4 Teaching to Search Reading Pretext stage Exercises on a cognizance of the signals support facilitating searching 1. Being guided generally on the terms reflecting required information and find this information in article (a selection of articles, the book, the magazine, the newspaper). 2. Find in the first paragraphs of each part (head, the paragraph) the formulation of considered problem. While-reading text stage Exercises on the common perception of the text 1. Read the first sentence (the first paragraph), define questions (problems) which will be considered in the text. 2. Read the last sentence (paragraph) and assume, what contents could precede this conclusion. 3. See the text, find its fragment which is of special interest for you and explain why. 4. Tell, to what of the given questions it is payed particular attention in article. Exercises on definition of parts of the text which are of interest from the point of view of you 1. See the offered texts and pick up from them the facts which fall into to a subject 2. Point the paragraphs which contain data about … (stories, features of life …) 3. Note the places giving answers offered questions. Post text stage The exercises supervising ability to find in the text concrete information 1. Read aloud from the text (texts) the facts which fall into to a subject.... 74
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2. Write out from the text the facts which could serve as an illustration to the thesis.... At detection of required information the purpose on claim reading is reached; reading should be stopped or passed to other its types (factfinding, studying). Seminar questions:
1. Speak about the algorithm of teaching fact-finding reading. 2. What varieties of teaching viewing reading? 3. Teaching to search reading at the middle stage
Seminar tasks: Self-assessment questions (SAQ) 1. Try to restore this gapped text. Indicate with what components of your own schemata help you in bridging the gaps in the text. Gapped text Hundreds of years before the … of Christ, the Celts held a festival at the beginning of winter. It was the festival for the … of dead people that come back in the forms of animals. This was the beginning of the holiday called …People believed in magic and used to go to old women called … to learn about their future. The belief was that the … flew on broomsticks. The traditions of this holiday were brought to America. Americans now celebrate … The children prepare a … and put it in the garden with a lit … inside. They come up to people and shout «…!»
Schemata components Concepts Facts Images Language Assumptions Frames Scripts Emotions
2. Match the types of texts with their textual features
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Type of text Description of an object Description of a process Description of a character Description of a mechanism Description of a theory Description of a principle Description of influence Description of an instruction Description of a social structure Description of a situation Description of a system Description of an event
A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L.
Textual features Traits and deeds Hypothesis and interpretation Parts and qualities Changes and transformations Guideline rule and examples Cause and effect Recommendations and warnings Classes and roles Participants and dynamics Elements and structures Happening and consequences Components and interaction
3. Develop a fragment of a lesson of teaching to different types of reading. Offer the any text and technology of work with it. 75
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Lecture XIII 6.1 . Features of Teaching to Read at the Senior Grade Level 1. Features of teaching to read at the senior grade level 2. Psychological features of seniors 3. Question of features of teaching to reading in the senior classes
Application of that, or other type of reading in teaching to a foreign language, depends on the purposes and problems of teaching, on a grade level and also on age features of pupils. Researchers A.K.Markova [Markova, 1993, page 63] and N.I.Galskova [Galskova, 2009, page 236] fall into to the advanced school age 9-11 classes of teaching (15-17 years). For increase of effectiveness of educational process it is necessary to consider features of psychological development of the senior school students. A.K.Markova allocates the following features of development of studying senior classes: • There is a selectivity of attention which is defined mainly by how the pupil estimates practical value of a subject; • The thinking of the senior school students gains the fissile selfcontained and creative character; • There is a fast enrichment of moral, intellectual and aesthetic senses of the school student. Therefore, the emotional basis of attention of the senior school students becomes more multilateral person mentioning the various party; 76
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• Besides, to seniors the responsible relation to the doctrine [Markova, 1993 is peculiar, to page 64-68]. Reading represents great opportunities for development of intelligence and, therefore, corresponds to psychological features of seniors. However it is necessary to consider a number of the moments promoting learning efficiency reading and increase of its general educational value. As writes to Yu.S.Shvetsova, when teaching to reading in the senior classes should be at the same time provided: on the one hand, objective difficulties which meets trained when mastering by this type of speech activity at a stage of high school and a way of their overcoming, on the other hand, psychological features of seniors, the methodical receptions of tutoring adequate to the purposes and conditions of their realization [Of Shvetsova, 2008, page 20]. In this regard actual B.V. Belyaev's considered by researcher Yu.S.Shvetsova the position that for more or less loose reading pupils should possess quite large volume of lexicon is represented. Work with lexicon is expedient that corresponds to one of features of seniors, namely their aspiration to concreteness of knowledge, desire to achieve substantial achievements in study [Shvetsova, 2008, page 20]. In our opinion, it is also possible to say that continuous and visible building of a lexical stock brings to pupils satisfaction and desire to expand knowledge while a becoming of skills is a little felt by school students. As methodologists N. D. Galskova and N.I.Gez write, at the senior grade level correction and perfecting of technique of reading [Galskova, 2009, by page 231] is carried out. Considering a question of features of teaching to reading in the senior classes, N.I.Gez gives opinion of researchers of M of Century Lyakhovitsky and A.A.Mirolyubova that at the senior grade level pupils seize receptions of viewing reading, and development of fact-finding and studying reading to be led up to maturity level. In this regard, important there is a thesis N.I.Gez about that, «that the continuity between separate steps of tutoring is shown in gradual complication of tasks, and also that each previous step prepares the following: before to be entered a new look the readings studying at the previous step pages 282] seize receptions necessary for it» [Gez, 1999. That is, pupils at first 77
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seize a language material and receptions of exercise of activity, and after it start the activity: to reading texts. We agree with the statement of this year Egorov that «the technique of reading isn't a sufficient condition of comprehension of the text, nevertheless the big gap between the technical and semantic parties of reading is impossible» [Egorov, 2006, page 103]. Developing this thought, N.I.Gez and N. D. Galskova note that the simultaneous perception of form and content characteristic for the mature, experienced reader provides the complete comprehension of the text [Galskov, 2009, page 232]. Thus, at the senior grade level correction and perfecting of technique of reading is carried out, development of fact-finding and studying reading in pupils to be led up to maturity level. For learning efficiency increase reading should consider features of psychological development of the senior school students. Let's consider the main requirements to texts when tutoring to studying reading at the senior grade level. Requirements to a choice of texts are defined by the purposes and problems of tutoring. As S.K.Folomkina writes about it studying reading assumes achievement of the detailed/complete and precise level of comprehension of the basic and secondary facts containing in the text. This reading flows past sluggishly as the pupil, having installation on the long-lived reminder, resorts to repeated reading, transfer, and sometimes and to written fixing of the contents Folomkina more deeply penetrates into an essence of a communicative situation [1987, page 95]. As researchers N. D. Galskova and N.I.Gez report, at the heart of studying reading the following abilities lie: to define importance of information; full and exactly to understand contents of the text; to do periphrasis/interpretation of difficult words/offers for comprehension; to open relationships of cause and effect; to anticipate further succession of events; to make the plan; to separate objective information from the subjective; to translate the text completely or selectively [Galskov, 2009, page 242-243]. O. V. Alikina also allocates development at pupils of installation on a self-contained semantization of unfamiliar lexical units [Alikina, 2008, page 30]. For this type of reading as show data «Reference book of the teacher of a foreign language», the texts having cognitive value, an informative 78
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significance and representing the greatest difficulty for this grade level, both in substantial, and in the language relation [Maslyko, 2000, page 96] steal up. N.D. Galskova, recommends to attract texts of interview and reportings, instructions, exemplars of art prose for studying reading. In this regard, it is represented expedient to carry out studying reading on texts of popular scientific character, and also on the texts bound to future profession of pupils [Of Galskova, 2009, page 236-237]. The researcher O. N. Lukyanova also writes that teaching to reading passes on partially adapted authentic texts of a various function orientation, among which texts from newspapers and magazines, popular scientific and fiction [Lukyanov, 13]. At a text choice for this or that type of reading its volume, logiccomposition structure, complexity of a language material play important role. We agree with researcher E.N.Solovova, that pupils should be familiar with different types of texts: informational, scientificjournalistic and popular scientific, art [Solovova, 2007, page 4]. At the same time, as emphasizes with A.N.Azovkina, at selection of texts it is necessary to consider also their methodical and educational value, availability of the contents and a form [Azovkin, 2003, page 48]. E.M.Maslennikov suggests to select for educational text communication the texts having the national and general purpose cultural value [Of Maslennikov, 2009, page 19]. As report M.K.Borodulin and A.L.Carleen, work on educational texts serves performance of the primal methodical problems of tutoring – to introduction and fixing of a language material, working off of speech skills on the basis of speech-thought, educational and cognitive activity of students. Thus, the main requirement to educational texts is their perfectly, i.e. the maximal compliance of the text on the contents and in a form both the common methodical concept of system of tutoring, and the fine-bored purpose which should be reached during work with the text [Borodulin, 1997, page 135]. We came to a conclusion that at the senior grade level, studying reading is carried out on authentic or, on partially adapted texts from art, popular scientific and political literature. Texts should imply cognitive value, an informative significance and contain fixed difficulties, both in substantial, and in the language relation. 79
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Seminar questions: 1. Features of teaching to read at the senior grade level 2. Psychological features of seniors 3. Question of features of teaching to reading in the senior classes
Seminar tasks: Self-assessment questions (SAQ) 1.Read the text and underline parts of it when you clearly start to read word for word in order to get the meaning. The thrust of the argument here is that adults differ from children in that, for example, they might be more inhibited or that their identity as a speaker of a certain L1 might be more firmly established. As such, they my resist the socialisation that is the end product of child language acquisition. With regards to the latter, it has been suggested that an adult learner may prefer to speak accented L2 which identifies him as a speaker of a particular L1 (Larsen-Freeman, D. and M. Long. 1991. An Introduction to Second language Acquisition Research. Longman. P.163) 2. Mask the text in the left column, opening it line by line and completing the sentences. Each time you should complete the sentence with only one word. Do not make any «back-channel» corrections. Compare your version with the answer key. Tick off the sentences, in which your anticipatory guesses were correct. Calculate the percent of correct guesses. Indicate in what per cent of cases your anticipatory guesses help you comprehend the text while reading. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Text A word processor is a computer that can produce a perfect … First you have to know the … As you type the words, you should look at the … If you do not like the text you can always do the … This work is much more difficult with an ordinary … To produce a perfect text you would probably need a lot of … If you are not sure of correct spelling, a word processor has a … A word processor can store the text on a … A word processor can also make a …
(Answer: 1/text, 2/keyboard, 3/monitor, 4/editing, 5/typewriter, 6/retyping, 7/spellchecker, 8/disk, 9/print-out) 80
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3. Develop a fragment of a lesson of teaching to different types of reading. Offer the authentic text and technology of work with it. Lecture XIV 6.2. The Main Tasks in Teaching to Read at the Senior Grade Level 1. The main tasks in teaching to read at the senior grade level. 2. The most expedient tasks on working on by teaching to studying reading.
Mastering by technology of reading is carried out as a result of performance of pretext, text and post text tasks. Pretext tasks are directed on model operation of the background knowledge necessary and sufficient for reception of the concrete text, on elimination of semantic and language difficulties of its comprehension and is simultaneous on formation of skills and abilities of reading, development of "comprehension strategy". In them lexical and grammatical and linguistic territorial geography features of the text subject to reading are considered. In text tasks communicative installations which contain instructions by sight readings (studying, fact-finding, viewing, search), speed and need of the solution of fixed cognitive and communicative tasks in the course of reading [23, c.263] are offered trainees. Besides, trainees carry out a number of exercises with the text, providing formation corresponding to a concrete type of reading skills and abilities. Post text tasks are intended for check of comprehension read, for control of degree of a forming of abilities of reading and possible use of received information in future professional activity. The most expedient tasks on working on by teaching to studying reading on are: Asking/Answering Question (question – reciprocal exercises) assume asking and providing necessary information. Categorizing – division into categories – group of language or semantic elements according to the marked categories or definition of these categories. 81
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Close – recovery / filling of admissions – a working method with the coherent text in which each n is purposely passed – е a word (n fluctuates from 5 to 10). The task of pupils – to restore the deformed text, to pick up the passed words for sense, proceeding from a context or habitual word compatibility. Completing – exercise on addition – a working method based on a fragment of the text or a number of incomplete offers which are necessary for finishing, using information received from the read text. Correction – correction – definition and correction of language or substantial violations in the text. Gap – filling – filling of gaps / admissions – a working method at the heart of which the technique of addition or restitution of missing language elements lies. Information Transfer – information code conversion – a working method consisting in transfer of information from one form of its representation in another, for example, transformation nonverbal (the picture, gesture, etc.) or on the contrary. Jig – saw reading (listening) – "mosaic" – a working method based on division of "information bank", i.e. the text for reading or audition. After acquaintance with a fixed part of information pupils exchange it and restore the common contents of the text.Matching – correlation / comparison – a working method consisting in a discernment of corresponding with each other verbal and nonverbal elements, for example, between a picture and the offer, a word and its definition, the beginning and the offer end etc. Mind – mapping – drawing up of the semantic card – representation of the main concepts of a discussed subject / problem in graphically regulated and logically bound look. Multiple choice – a multiple choice – a choice of the right answer from the offered options. Reordering (Sequencing) – logic sequence regrouping / restitution – redistribution of an offered material in logic sequence or according to the plan. Result of work is the recreated coherent text, a series of pictures etc. Translation – transfer – idea expression in other language. Thus pupils should take into consideration linguistic and cultural features of language on which transfer becomes. Transfer can be oral and written. 82
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The rational will provide the text intended for studying reading, and the complex of exercises made to it. The text is picked up according to requirements to this type of reading. The material is taken from the modern youth magazine "Lettermag for young". Articles of this magazine are authentic texts that represents not only a valuable material in the substantial plan, but also in the language. Can our intelligence be measured? English Albert Einstein, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Steven Hawking – names we all know. Their success in physics, literature and science makes them part of the history of our world. But that is not the only thing they have in common… These persons have an exceptionally high intelligence quotient (IQ), which is why they are / were so successful. On the other hand, these super brains doesn’t really matter. Mostly the speed at which we recognize, understand, process and learn things – in other words: how intelligent we are – is inborn. Scientists believe that Einstein had an intelligence quotient of 160 to 180 – he personally refused to take IQ tests of any kind. Goethe supposedly had an IQ of 210, which makes him something of an intelligence monster, and the famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking scored 160 in an IQ test. Such super brains are few: nearly 2.2 per cent of the whole population of the world has an IQ of 118 or more. Most people living on this planet have an average IQ of between 85 and 115. No need to worry, however: people with a high IQ are better at some things than at others. For example, they can remember geometric forms or numbers much more easily, learn vocabulary by heart relatively quickly, solve difficult problems in next to no time or have a good ear for music. But that has nothing to do with how clever you are. We all have to work to acquire knowledge. People with a high IQ may have it easier, but they still have to work hard when it comes to learning new things [29, p.30]. It may be nice to have a high IQ and boast about it, but children with a high IQ often don't have it easy at school, and among their classmates. Unfortunately, children of above average intelligence often do not feel they have any motivation to learn, or are not 83
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accepted by their classmates. Sometimes they are even made fun of for «being clever». They sometimes end up getting worse marks at school than other kids with a «normal" IQ. It is easy to misuse the results of such tests by classifying people as «below average" and thus excluding them from educational opportunities – apart from the fact that intelligence tests reduce measuring our skills to the way we think. There is also such a thing as social intelligence: the ability to understand how people feel, to communicate, and to be creative and open for new experiences. This kind of intelligence is responsible for the way we master our own lives. There are lots of pages on the Internet where you can find out more about intelligence tests. Don't take such tests too seriously, whatever result you might get. There is no need to be discouraged if you find you don't do so well in certain subjects at school. Never give up – Einstein never got good marks for maths in school [29, p.31]. Pre-reading Tasks 1. Look at the title of the article. How would you define intelligence? Try to answer to the question in the title. (in 4-6 sentences) 2. Practice the pronunciation of the words from the article. When in doubt refer to the dictionary. Success, science, intelligence quotient, astrophysicist, score, geometric, acquire knowledge, accept, opportunity, reduce, measuring, misuse, discourage Vocabulary and Grammar Tasks 1. Find in the article the English for: Иметь общее, исключительно высокий, с другой стороны, предположительно, интеллектуальный монстр, намного легче, относительно быстро, получать знания, хвастаться о чем-то, выше среднего, возможность понимать, разузнать, строить свою жизнь, сдаваться. 2. Use one of the words or word combination in an appropriate form to fill each gap. To be good at, classify, success in, to live, discourage, master. 84
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1) Their ______ physics, literature and science makes them part of the history of our world. 2) Most people ______ on this planet have an average IQ of between 85 and 115. 3) People with a high IQ _______ some things than at others. 4) It is easy to misuse the results of such tests by _______ people as «below average" 5) This kind of intelligence is responsible for the way we ______ our own lives. 6) There is no need ______ if you find you don't do so well in certain subjects at school. 3. Choose the right word 1) But that is not the only thing they have _______in common /in general 2) These persons have an exceptionally _______ intelligence quotient tall/high 3) Einstein personally ______ to take IQ tests of any kind. denied/ refused/ rejected 4) They can remember geometric forms or numbers much more easily, learn ______ by heart relatively quickly. Vocabulary/ dictionary Children don't have it easy at school, and ______ their classmates. between/ among There are lots of pages on the Internet where you can find out more about intelligence tests. Sheets/ leaves/ pages 4. Say the opposite of: failure, understand, agree, better, fortunately, above, responsible, give up. 5. Translate the italicized paragraph into Russian using the dictionary. Reading Comprehension and Discussion Tasks 1 Answer the following questions: 85
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Which famous scientists do you know? What did they have in common? What average level of IQ do have the people? At what things are persons with high level of IQ better? How can people misuse the results of the tests? What is the social intelligence? What problems can children with high IQ level have at school? Discuss the following: The author of this article says that intelligence and our skills are inborn qualities. Do you agree with the author? Is it possible to train our memory and some other skills? There is also such thing as social intelligence. Which kind of intelligence do you consider is more important nowadays? Have you ever seen IQ tests? What do you think of intelligence tests? These tasks aren't obligatory and they can vary depending on the text offered for reading. However it is worth to remember that tasks it is necessary to have on complexity degree. Also it is necessary to give particular attention to monitoring when tutoring to studying reading. Seminar questions: 1. Give some the main tasks in teaching to read at the senior grade level. 2. What are the most expedient tasks on working on by teaching to studying reading?
Seminar tasks: Self-assessment questions (SAQ) 1. Produce yourselves the reading activities as shown below. a) Students read individual short subject-related texts and amplify them into a joint summary b) Students read jumbled instructions and put the instructions in the correct order 86
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c) Students read recipes and match them with pictures of food d) Students read an extract from a play and act it out e) Students match topic sentences with the paragraphs they come from f) Students read a number of texts and match the texts with the authors who might have written them g) Students read information and convert it into bar graphs or pie charts (Adapted from Harmer. J., 1998. How to Teach English. Longman) Micro-teaching Design an activity for teaching to read in the three-phase framework and run it with your pupils or peers. Reflect on the activity using the given format. Points of analysis Assessment 1 2 3 4 5 Clear goal Laconic explanation Helpful pre-reading Involved reading Insightful post-reading Adequate language level Adequate task level 2. Read the following text and mark the textual propositions as «true» T, «false» F or «debatable» D. Provide your comments Propositions 1 In order to be happy, observe the following rules: 1. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?" 2. Say, "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze. 3. When you realise you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. 4. Marry a person you love to talk to. As you get older, his/her conversational skills will be even more important.
Comments 3
Teaching Methodology of Academic Reading and analysis 1 5. Spend some time alone. 6. Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values. 7. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer. 8. Read more books. Television is no substitute. 9. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don't bring up the past. 10. Don't just listen to what someone is saying. Listen to why they are saying it. 11. Mind your own business. 12. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon. (From Nepalese Good Luck Tantra)
3. Develop a fragment of a lesson of teaching to different types of reading. Offer the authentic text and technology of work with it. Lecture XV 6.3. Requirements to Texts in Teaching to Studying Reading at the Senior Grade Level 1. Requirements to Texts in Teaching to Studying Reading at the Senior Grade Level. 2. Control Methods in Teaching to Studying Reading 3. The types of tasks
The most significant components in the course of teaching to types of reading are: text choice, formulation of a task and monitoring form. There is a number of requirements to texts by means of which at pupils skill of reading develops. Texts which are used in educational process should correspond to communicative and cognitive interests and needs of pupils, and also degree of complexity of their language and speech experience in native and foreign languages, to contain interesting information for pupils of separate age group. Such text should be perceived studying as the carrier of substantial information. In educational process different types of texts can be used. It is necessary 88
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to do their selection and the organization taking into account grade levels: elementary school, 5-7 classes, 8-9 classes, 10-11 classes. Any text influences the reader. Pragmatically texts give new information others – influence feelings and opinions of pupils on their behavior. It speaks about importance of the appeal to substantial aspects of used texts. Offered texts should reflect the communicative function in each grade level in communication. With their help pupils should create an objective image of the country of a target language and form idea of life of contemporaries abroad. At a text choice for this or that type of reading its volume, logiccomposition structure, complexity of a language material play important role. For studying reading choose the texts which volume several times is less than texts for fact-finding reading, as a rule, small (1-1,5 pages). Texts of descriptive type, texts from art, popular scientific and political literature are more often used. These texts should contain fixed difficulties on linguistic and extra-linguistic (informational) levels. Such texts are read with the dictionary (both in audience, and during out-ofclass time), and precise and their complete comprehension is supervised by the translation into Russian. In audience in the course of reading and the translation of such texts trainees under the direction of the teacher carry out the analysis of various difficulties of the linguistic and informational phenomena. So that further at learning of foreign language they learned to overcome these difficulties self-contained [27, c.35]. The informational saturation of such texts is high; the reading aspires to most complete and precise perception of information. In such texts there should not be grammar structures unfamiliar to the pupil. The quantity of unfamiliar lexicon can be higher, than at fact-finding reading, but it shouldn't be excessive that reading texts didn't turn into their interpretation. The idea of selection of a lexical material for tutoring to reading isn't new and based on the following reasons. Texts contain almost incalculable quantity of different words – hundreds thousands. Assimilation of all these words even in the conditions of an extensive 89
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course is impossible. The program on foreign languages for not language specialties of higher education institutions provides, for example, mastering by students in the receptive plan only 2500 lexical units. There is a question: which words are most of all necessary reading for comprehension of the text? If all words appeared from this point of view equivalent, such statement of a question would lose sense. However actually value of different words isn't identical to comprehension of the text, they differ from each other the common use. If one words inevitably are present at each text, that is actually creation of any text without them is impossible, others meet extremely rarely, mainly only in texts of express character. A half of words of any text, for example, meets in it only once. As to other half, words entering into it repeat from two to tens and hundred times. Thousand the most frequent words covers 80 % of the text, the second thousand – another 8-10 %, the third – another 4 %, the fourth – the following 2 %. Other hundreds thousands meet extremely rarely [4, c.47]. Naturally therefore aspiration of methodologists to include in educational texts and lexical exercises the most common words which can be necessary when reading literally "continually" and deliberately refuse those words the meeting with which is a little probable. Similar reasoning lead us to distinguishing in dictionary structure of language of two layers of lexicon: what it differs prime value from the point of view of comprehension of the text, and what doesn't possess this value. If one words inevitably are present at each text, that is actually creation of any text without them is impossible, others meet extremely rarely, mainly only in texts of express character. A half of words of any text, for example it meets in it only once. As to other half, words entering into it repeat from two to tens and hundred times. Thousand the most frequent words covers 80 % of the text, the second thousand – another 8-10 %, the third – another 4 %, the fourth – the following 2 %. Other hundreds thousands meet extremely rarely [4, c.47]. It is necessary to allocate from the common dictionary structure of language of its such part, which would possess this quality (value from the point of view of comprehension of the text) in the highest measure, would be sufficient for comprehension of different texts and would keep within thus a framework of a concrete course. 90
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6.4. Control Methods in Teaching to Studying Reading Obligatory stage of educational activity as systemic textural features is monitoring of results of its activity, and, therefore, success of tutoring to reading, as well as any kind of speech activity, c.67] is defined by existence of efficient ways of monitoring of degree of its formation and searching of such ways [21.c.67]. Significance of the matter is defined, certainly, by that one of primal problems of learning of foreign language is mastering by ability to understand written speech in this language. According to requirements of the program for a foreign language at graduates of high school abilities in reading, comprehension and information extraction from texts foreign should be created. In the senior classes of high specialized schools and language higher education institutions texts of various function styles are offered pupils. Including fragments of works of art as we know are a subject of studying reading. Result of this type of reading is the completely (completeness degree – 100 %) and precise comprehension of they be the main (the facts which misunderstanding involves loss of a thread of a narration, logicians of the reasoning/argument of the author) and secondary – the facts containing in the text. But, as show numerous data of researches, for students of a first year ability self-contained to work with the text imperfectly. One of the reasons of it is imperfection of monitoring as conditions of productive management of tutoring to reading. In this regard important practical value gets a question of ways of optimization of monitoring of comprehension pupils of the art text foreign. Success of monitoring demands fixed adequate ways of exercise, finding of such forms which would allow to obtain the data concerning objects of monitoring. Unfortunately, ways of check of level of possession traditionally accepted at school reading texts in a foreign language don't give possibility to obtain such data. As a rule, this check is carried out by means of different types of procreation of the contents and/or the translation of the text on the native language, mainly in an oral form, that is it is directed on monitoring of comprehension read without legible differentiation of expected degree of completeness and accuracy of comprehension. The main shortcomings of traditional receptions of monitoring of comprehension 91
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are: inadequacy of used receptions of monitoring of controllable activity; bias of an assessment; noneconomic; insufficiently high training function of check [24, c.86]. The attention of teachers grows in technique of test monitoring . This interest is quite explainable – in the organization of tests a number of the lines giving the grounds to see in their application one of ways of increase of effectiveness of educational process. Test tasks represent some kind of problem, thinking, cognitive, speech productivity tasks that activated thinking habits of pupils. Tests stimulate interest to reading process in a foreign language, create positive emotions thanks to a visual illustration of achievements of each being trained. These tasks provide possibility to each pupil at work with the text to be engaged at speed suitable it and to carry out of a task in that order which is more convenient for it. Test tasks assume multiple reading of the text and force each pupil to execute each exercise. Despite volume of the analyzed text, performance of such tasks occupies the minimum quantity of time as tests allow to check at the same time all pupils of class/group that does possible their carrying out practically on any occupation. Tests promote development of a necessary stereotype of structure of the text and algorithm of reading. The assessment is exposed by in advance established rules, known pupils and doesn't depend on the subjective relation of the teacher. At implementation of the test all pupils are put in equal conditions – they work at the same time with identical on volume basis and difficulties a text material that excludes influence on an assessment of their answers of such factor, as luck/bad luck [24, c.108]. For monitoring of comprehension of art texts in the course of reading in a foreign language in a technique it is accepted to use generally tests for a cognizance in their following versions: tests for a choice of the right answer from two offered; tests for a choice of the right answer from several offered options; tests for group of the facts; tests for deletion of superfluous words and some other. Analyzing existing classifications of types of tests for reading, despite their variety, it became clear that the majority of them are 92
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allocated on the formal, target and functional signs. On substantial signs the control and test tasks focused on reading with the complete comprehension of the contents on object of monitoring fall into to the tests measuring a formation of speech abilities, and on an orientation of test tasks are discrete tests. These classifications are insufficiently the detailed and need expansion. Proceeding from it, we made a typology of types of tests on substantial signs where the following types of tests were allocated: the tests directed on monitoring of comprehension of emotional and strong-willed information; tests directed on monitoring of logic information; tests for comprehension of literary information; tests for comprehension of structure of the text, word meanings; tests for synthesis of information; tests for information selection. Each type of tests according to this classification is directed on various abilities of studying reading which become objects of monitoring. This fact should be reflected and in alternatives of test. Tests for monitoring of comprehension of a work of art should contain the alternatives concerning both the actual contents, and style of work and an ideological plan. Only such set of types of alternatives, in our opinion, will promote identification of an ideological and art plan of work. Thus the number of groups of the alternatives bound to the actual contents will be caused by essential marks of the contents, all important for contents of the text: description of actions of characters, their thoughts and feelings, events, circumstances, results of actions etc. On the basis of the researches carried out by us and taking into account shortcomings of existing classifications the typology of the test tasks directed on monitoring of comprehension of the contents of art texts at studying reading was made. The experimental work with tests of the described type allows to specify their place in tutoring system to reading and to draw a conclusion that tests are not only a comprehension control device, but also one of very important and effective remedies of tutoring. Attracting the language and "actual" material of dough remembered involuntarily, and having recollected read during performance of test tasks, trainees it is given more reason and logically build the statements on the basis of 93
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the read. During the reading the text and work with tests trainees carry out educational actions in fixed sequence: they aspire to explain the name of head, to allocate her idea, schematically to present the contents, making for itself the plan etc. The test is not only a control device, but also teaching as the test situation contains the support operating attention of the pupil, his educational activity. On the basis of the researches carried out by them and taking into account shortcomings of existing classifications the typology of the test tasks directed on monitoring of comprehension of the contents of art texts at studying reading was made. Seminar questions: 1. What are the requirements to texts in teaching to studying reading at the senior grade level? 2. What are methods to control in teaching to studying reading? 3. What the types of tasks?
Seminar tasks: Self-assessment questions (SAQ) 1.Do the following selection of reading activities and let your partner do «time-and-motion» study with a stop-watch (record how much time your partner has spent on each task). Compare the time you needed for each task. Explain the reason for the difference in the «timeon-task». Write the time and the answers in the right column. Share the results in the group. Read the text and find the appropriate place in the text for the detached passage. Bleeding can usually be stopped by applying pressure to the cut for 2 or 3 minutes. If it has bled freely any germs will normally have been washed away by the blood. If the cut is deep consult a doctor. A tetanus injection may be needed. Detached passage. Apply a plaster dressing firmly, bringing the edges of the cut together, so that it knits quickly. Read the text and complete the gaps. Bruises are very … in children. Parents sometimes worry that a … may be broken. Children’s bones … break but if in doubt consult a … Severe bruising can be … by rest for 214 to 48 hours. A cold compress may … a bad bruise if applied … (Please mask the tip: common, bone, rarely, doctor, treated, ease, soon) Underline the sentences that are logically irrelevant. Minor burns and scalds cause redness of the skin. Immediate treatment by pouring cold water over a burn is often helpful. Never use ice. If burns cause severe blistering consult a doctor. There is no need to worry. Sunburn should if possible be prevented by avoiding long exposure. Sun tan makes your skin resistible to burns.
Никамбаева С.С. Choose the best headline for the extract. The tallest person in the world was a man and he was 272 cm tall. The shortest person in the world was a woman. She was 51 cm tall. A Russian mother in reported to have had 69 children (twins, triplets and quadruplets) between 1725 and 1765. The oldest reported person in the world was from Japan, who was 118 years old. The worst sneezing woman was a British woman who sneezed for 978 days. A/Women set more records than men. B/Strange stories. C/Human records Read the text and answer the question. Imagine three children. The first is top of the class in maths but has few friends. The second is artistic and imaginative but works in snatches. The third child puts twice as much work to get the results but has a sunny personality. The fourth child works brilliantly in group showing readiness to co-operate. The fifth child is everybody’s charm and has a unique gift for being always ready to give a hand. Question. Which child do you think has the best chance of succeeding in life?
2. Produce yourselves the reading activities as shown below. h) Students read individual short subject-related texts and amplify them into a joint summary i) Students read jumbled instructions and put the instructions in the correct order j) Students read recipes and match them with pictures of food k) Students read an extract from a play and act it out l) Students match topic sentences with the paragraphs they come from m) Students read a number of texts and match the texts with the authors who might have written them n) Students read information and convert it into bar graphs or pie charts (Adapted from Harmer. J., 1998. How to Teach English. Longman)
Micro-teaching Design an activity for teaching to read in the three-phase framework and run it with your pupils or peers. Reflect on the activity using the given format. Points of analysis 1
Assessment 3
Clear goal Laconic explanation Helpful pre-reading Involved reading Insightful post-reading Adequate language level Adequate task level
3. Develop a fragment of a lesson of teaching to different types of reading. Offer the authentic text and technology of work with it. 95
Teaching Methodology of Academic Reading and analysis
REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING 1. Beaumont M. 1996. The Teaching of Reading Skills in s Second Language. The University of Manchester 2. Forrester, M. 1996. Psychology of Language. SAGE Publications. 3. Harley T. 1995. The Psychology of Language. Psychology Press. 4. Nunan D. 1991. Language Teaching Methodology. Phoenix 5. Nutall C. 1996. Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language. Heinemann. 6. Silberstein S. 1994. Techniques and Resources in Teaching Reading. Oxford University Press 7. Shiels, J. 1993. Communication in the Modern English Classroom. Council of Europe Press 8. Ur P. 1996. A Course in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press 9. Wallace, R. 1992. Reading. OUP 10. Андриевская В. В. Психология усвоения иностранных языков на разных возрастных ступенях[Текст]: учеб. пособие. – М.: Росмэн, 2006. – 325 с. 11. Бабанский Ю.Н. Методы обучения в современной общеобразовательной школе [Текст]: методическое пособие. – М.: Дрофа, 2005. – 148 с. 12. Демьяненко М.Я. Основы общей методики обучения иностранным языкам [Текст]: учеб. пособие. – М.: Дрофа, 2005. – 203 с. 13. Радкин К.А. Чтение на английском языке [Текст]: учеб. пособие. – М.: Дрофа, 2004, 241 с. 14. Соловова Е.Н. Методика обучения иностранным языкам [Текст]: пособие для студентов педагогических вузов и учителей. – М.: Астрель, 2008. – 238 с. 15. Фокина К.В. Методика преподавания иностранного языка [Текст]: конспект лекций / К.В. Фокина, Л.Н. Тернова, Н.В. Костычев. – М.: Высшее образование, 2008. – 158 с. 16. www.1sentyabrya.ru 17. www.mirdisov.ru 18. www.letopisi.ru 19. Рысева Т.Н. Элементы коммуникативной методики обучения английскому 20. Мильруд. Р.П. Методика преподавания английского языка [Текст]: учеб. пособие для вузов. – М.: Дрофа, 2007. – 256 с. 21. Соловова Е.Н. Методика обучения иностранным языкам: Базовый курс лекций: Пособие для студентов пед. Вузов и учителей. – М.: Просвещение, 2003. – 239 с. 22. Рогова Г.В., Верещагина И.Н. Методика обучения английскому языку на начальном этапе в общеобразовательных учреждениях: пособие для студентов педагогических вузов. – М.: Просвещение, 2000. – 232 с.
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23. Уэст М. Методика обучения чтению / Иностранные языки в школе. 2003. – №3. – С.46-47. 24. Миньяр-Белоручева А. П. Методика обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе /.: Проспект., 2001. – 96 с. 25. Кузовлев В.П. Методика обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе /.: Просвещение., 1996. – 143 с. 26. Миролюбов A.A.Michael and its technique of training to reading, Foreign languages at school, 2003, №2. – with. 46-47, 54. 27. Michael Uest. A method "read – tell" at training to a foreign language http:// www.booksite.ru/fulltext/teh/nika/fast/rea/ding/9.htm 28. M.Uest and its technique of training to reading, http:// www.efl.ru/forum/threads/12972/ 29. Клычникова З.И. Психологические особенности обучения чтению на иностранном языке. – М.: Просвещение, 1973. 30. Жукова И.В. Работа с текстами на уроке английского языка / Жукова И.В. // Иностранные языки в школе. – 1998. – №1. 31. Колкер Я.М. Практическая методика обучению иностранному языку: Учеб. Пособие [текст] / Я.М Колкер // Я.М. Колкер, Е.С. Устинова, Т.М. Еналиева. – М.: Академия, 2001. 32. Компетентностный подход [электронный ресурс]// Реферативный бюллетень.- РГГУ, 2005. 33. Коростелев В.С. Принципы создания системы коммуникативного обучения иноязычной культуре [текст] / В.С. Коростелев, Е.И. Пассов // Иностранные языки в школе. – 1988, №2. 34. Лотман Ю. М. О содержании и структуре понятия «художественная литература» [текст] / Ю.М. Лотман Избранные статьи. Т. 1. – Таллинн, 1992. 35. Лотман М.Ю. Об искусстве. Структура художественного текста [текст] / М.Ю. Лотман – СПб.: Искусство, 1998. 36. Морозова Т.В. Методика работы с литературно-художественным текстом на занятиях по аналитическому чтению [текст] // Методическое пособие обучения иностранным языкам в школу и вузе. – С-Пб.: Каро. 2001. 37. Рогова Г.В. Методика обучения английскому языку на начальном этапе обучения в средней школе: Пособие для учителей и студентов пед. вузов. – 3-е изд. [текст] / Г.В. Рогова – М.: Просвещение, 2000. 38. Сосновская В.Б. Интерпретация художественного текста как учебная дисциплина [текст] / В.Б. Сосновская //Иностранные языки в высшей школе. – 1987, №19. 39. Тер-Минасова С.Г. Язык и межкультурная коммуникация [текст] / С.Г. Тер-Минасова – М., 2000. 40. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе: учеб.-метод. пособие для вузов [текст] / С.К. Фоломкина. – М.: Высшая школа, 1987. 41. Жуковская Р.И. Игра и ее педагогическое значение. – М.: Педагогика, 1975.
Teaching Methodology of Academic Reading and analysis
GLOSSARY Anticipatory guesses are predictions made about the text lying ahead Bottom-up reading strategy is perceiving the text and extracting information Critical reading is reading with the activated thought processes Critique is reading for critical analysis Cued reading is reading the parts of the text, which are relevant to the given directions Guided reading is seeking information in the text, which is relevant to the given questions Interactive reading is employing more than one reading strategy, such as «topdown» and «bottom-up» Jig-saw reading is reading topic related texts or parts of the same text and subsequent pooling information together Reader’s response is the change in the reader’s mind that is either made explicit or remains implicit Reader-oriented reading is the process of eliciting reader’s response Reading dynamics is the time-and-motion characteristics of reading Scanning is reading for details Schema (schemata) is prior knowledge that channels cognitive processes Skimming is reading for the gist Text-oriented reading is using the text as the source of information
Никамбаева С.С.
DIAGRAM Reading dynamics
Time Smooth reading
Item reading
Search reading
Time Think reading
Slow reading
Speed reading
EXERCISES ON SEMANTIC PREDICTION OF THE CONTENTS OF THE TEXT By drawing up of exercises of this group it is necessary to remember that there are two categories of the words signals promoting anticipation on driving of thought of the author: А) the words indicating driving of thought of the author in a narration; Б) the words indicating a veering of thought, thought turn, refusing of the previous statement. 1. Write out from the text of a word signals and establish they treat what part of speech. 2. Define words signals from given below after which development of the previous situation follows.
Teaching Methodology of Academic Reading and analysis
3. Define words signals from given below after which the statement of a new material follows. 4. Establish, to what semantic category these words signal belong: a) thought repetition; b) thought explanation; c) conclusion; d) change of the point of view. 5. Think up the sentences termination after word signal identification. 6. Define after what of these words signals there is information which can be passed if the purpose reading is the comprehension only the most important information. 7. Define after what of these words – signals the main thought in the text can follow. 8. See the words allocated in the text. Assume, about what there is a speech in the text. 9. Better to understand the text, see it. Pick up to the subjects given in the lefthand column, the corresponding predicates from the right. 10. See some articles on a subject and prove that … 11. See the text once again. Define its composition and speech form (it can be the message, a narration or reasoning). 12. Add information received from the text. For this purpose see the corresponding newspapers and magazines in a studied foreign language.
THE VARIOUS FORMS OF TASKS DIRECTED ON MONITORING OF VARIOUS TECHNOLOGIES OF READING In the modern educational literature the format and the content of total monitoring defines process of formation of abilities in readings; As the tutoring purpose to reading is formation of abilities of viewing, fact-finding and studying reading, i.e. abilities to take information in the necessary volume for the solution of a specific speech objective, and at examination reading is checked from these positions. Let's consider how reading is checked during examination on level of the independent user. The section "Reading" consists of four parts. Let's aquaint with each of them. Part 1. Task for multiple substitutions As a rule, in this part of examination the text (often newspaper), broken into paragraphs is presented. Separately in the random order headings are given to these paragraphs, and headings can be more than paragraphs that complicate a task a little and reduce possibility of mechanical guessing. It is necessary to correlate contents of the paragraph with heading and to enter the corresponding number in an answer leaf. The task in this case consists in checking, how fast and efficiently students can
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define the main thought of the text, and also some details at contents and sense (reading for a gist and for detail) level. Part 2. Task for a multiple choice This part assumes monitoring of several abilities, in it are at the same time checked: • common comprehension of the read; • establishment of logic communications of the text; • detailed comprehension of the text at level of semantic ideas and communications. One of questions can be directed on comprehension of value of a separate word (for example, "it" pronouns) in a concrete context. Here ability to establish logicsemantic communications of the text is necessary. Questions on comprehension of all text as a whole are possible, i.e. ability to generalize information, etc. is checked. Part 3. Recovery of the text In this case the comprehension of structure of the text along with abilities to establish the common sense is checked and to restore the passed details of the text. - From the text are withdrawn either separate offers, or paragraphs. On purpose to complicate a task to the withdrawn parts of the text superfluous offers or fragments can be added. The problem of the being examined consists in restoring the text in the necessary sequence.
Forms of monitoring of a forming of abilities of reading accepted in domestic and foreign practice of teaching of FL Types of reading: On a target orientation of activity
In a form
• the fact‐finding
• the individual
• the viewing
• the choral
• the studying
• the loud
• the silent
• the search
On a way of disclosure of the contents • the analytical • the synthetic • the translated • without translation
In a reading place
On character of the organization of activity
Depending on a purpose
• at home
• prepared
• the viewing
• in the class
• unprepared
• the fact‐finding
• training
• the studying
• control
• the search
Teaching Methodology of Academic Reading and analysis
CONTENTS Preface .................................................................................................................. 3 Chapter I A Role of Academic Reading in the Course of Training of Speech at Lessons of English Language ........................................................................... 4 Lecture I 1.1. Academic Reading as a Kind of Speech Activity ......................................... 6 Seminar questions ................................................................................................. 10 Self-assessment questions..................................................................................... 11 Lecture II 1.2. A Role and a Reading Place in Training of Foreign Languages .................. 12 Seminar questions ................................................................................................. 19 Self-assessment questions..................................................................................... 19 Chapter II Psychological Features of Training to Reading in a Foreign Language Lecture III 2.1. The process of reading assuming difficult cogitative operations ............ 21 Seminar questions ................................................................................................. 27 Self-assessment questions..................................................................................... 27 Lecture IV 2.2. Variety of Various Kinds of Reading as an Effective Means of Development of the Person.................................................................................. 28 Seminar questions ................................................................................................. 31 Self-assessment questions..................................................................................... 31 Lecture V 2.3. Ways of Increase of Learning Efficiency to Technique of Reading in English .............................................................................................................. 32 Seminar questions ................................................................................................ 36 Self-assessment questions..................................................................................... 36 Chapter III Reading as Means of Formation of Adjoining Language, Speech Skills and Abilities Lecture VI 3.1. Reading as a self-contained type of speech activity ............................. 38 Speech Skills and Abilities ................................................................................... 38 Seminar questions ................................................................................................. 41 Self-assessment questions..................................................................................... 41 Lecture VII
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3.2. Different Types of Reading, Their Role in the Course of Substantial Communication and Foreign Language teaching ......................... 42 Seminar questions ................................................................................................ 45 Self-assessment questions..................................................................................... 45 Lecture VIII 3.3. Technical Skills of the Mature Reader .......................................................... 47 Seminar questions. ................................................................................................ 51 Self-assessment questions..................................................................................... 52 Chapter IV Theoretical Bases of Methods of Teaching to Read at the Initial Stage Lecture IX 4.1. Features of Development of Younger School Students ................................ 53 4.2. Teaching to Read Aloud ................................................................................ 54 Seminar questions ................................................................................................ 57 Self-assessment questions..................................................................................... 58 Lecture X 4.3. Teaching to Read Silently.............................................................................. 59 Seminar questions ................................................................................................ 63 Self-assessment questions..................................................................................... 64 Chapter V The Modern Technologies in Teaching to Read at the Middle Stage. Lecture XI 5.1. Tasks in the Course of Reading ..................................................................... 65 Seminar question................................................................................................... 68 Self-assessment questions..................................................................................... 68 Lecture XII 5.2. Teaching Fact-finding Reading at the Middle Stage .................................... 69 5.3. Teaching Viewing Reading ......................................................................... 72 5.4. Teaching to Search Reading .......................................................................... 74 Seminar questions ................................................................................................. 75 Self-assessment questions..................................................................................... 75 Chapter VI Methodology of Teaching to Study Reading at the Senior Grade Level Lecture XIII 6.1. Features of Teaching to Read at the Senior Grade Level ............................. 76 Seminar questions ................................................................................................. 80 Self-assessment questions..................................................................................... 80 Lecture XIV 6.2. The Main Tasks in Teaching to Read at the Senior Grade Level ................. 81 Seminar questions ................................................................................................. 86
Teaching Methodology of Academic Reading and analysis
Self-assessment questions..................................................................................... 86 Lecture XV 6.3. Requirements to Texts in Teaching to Studying Reading at the Senior Grade Level........................................................................................................... 88 6.4 Control Methods in Teaching to Studying Reading ...................................... 91 Seminar questions ................................................................................................. 94 Self-assessment questions..................................................................................... 94 References and Further Reading .......................................................................... 96 Glossary ................................................................................................................ 98 Diagram................................................................................................................. 99 Exercises on semantic prediction of the contents of the text ............................... 99 The Various Forms of Tasks directed on Monitoring of Various Technologies of Reading ...................................................................................... 100
Учебное издание
Nikambayeva Saule Serikbolsynovna TEACHING METHODOLOGY OF ACADEMIC READING AND ANALYSIS Учебное пособие Выпускающий редактор Г. Бекбердиева Компьютерная верстка Т.Е. Сапарова Дизайн обложки: Р.Е. Скаков
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