Symmetries, constants of the motion, and reduction of mechanical systems with external forces [62]

This paper is devoted to the study of mechanical systems subjected to external forces in the framework of symplectic geo

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Symmetries, constants of the motion, and reduction of mechanical systems with external forces [62]

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Symmetries, constants of the motion, and reduction of mechanical systems with external forces Cite as: J. Math. Phys. 62, 042901 (2021); Submitted: 22 January 2021 . Accepted: 08 March 2021 . Published Online: 01 April 2021 Manuel de León,

Manuel Lainz, and

Asier López-Gordón

J. Math. Phys. 62, 042901 (2021); © 2021 Author(s).

62, 042901

Journal of Mathematical Physics


Symmetries, constants of the motion, and reduction of mechanical systems with external forces Cite as: J. Math. Phys. 62, 042901 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0045073 Submitted: 22 January 2021 • Accepted: 8 March 2021 • Published Online: 1 April 2021 Manuel de León,a)

Manuel Lainz,

and Asier López-Gordónb)

AFFILIATIONS Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (CSIC-UAM-UC3M-UCM) Calle Nicolás Cabrera, 13-15, Campus Cantoblanco, UAM, 28049 Madrid, Spain a) b)

Also at: Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Calle Valverde, 22, 28004 Madrid, Spain. Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected]


This paper is devoted to the study of mechanical systems subjected to external forces in the framework of symplectic geometry. We obtain Noether’s theorem for Lagrangian systems with external forces, among other results regarding symmetries and conserved quantities. We particularize our results for the so-called Rayleigh dissipation, i.e., external forces that are derived from a dissipation function, and illustrate them with some examples. Moreover, we present a theory for the reduction in Lagrangian systems subjected to external forces, which are invariant under the action of a Lie group. Published under license by AIP Publishing., s

I. INTRODUCTION In this paper, we study the geometry and symmetries of Hamiltonian and Lagrangian systems with external forces, focusing on the socalled systems with Rayleigh dissipation. Mechanical systems with external forces are common in engineering1–3 but can also arise in a more sophisticated manner, for instance, after a process of reduction in a nonholonomic system with symmetries.3–5 As is well-known (see Refs. 6 and 7), external forces can be regarded as semibasic one-forms on the tangent or cotangent bundle. Our approach is based on the symplectic structure obtained from a regular Lagrangian in the Lagrangian formulation and the geometry of the tangent bundle. There are other ways to treat with symmetries, for instance, a variational approach as in Ref. 8. The main result in the presence of symmetries is the celebrated Noether theorem. See Ref. 9 for the original paper by Noether (see also Refs. 10 and 11). In our case, despite the existence of a non-conservative external force, we are able to extend the Noether theorem and to also obtain new conserved quantities. Our approach is just an appropriate modification of the well-known results for conservative mechanical systems (i.e., with no external forces).7,12–27 Hence, we first define point-base symmetries (that is, those provided by vector fields on the configuration manifold Q) and then symmetries on the tangent bundle. There are other approaches that can be found in the previous literature and have some relation with ours. For instance, Cantrijn1 considered Lagrangian systems that depend explicitly on time and defined a two-form on R × TQ that depends on the Poincaré–Cartan two-form of the Lagrangian and the semibasic one-form representing the external force. Alternatively, van der Schaft28,29 considered a framework stemming from system theory in which an “observation” manifold appears together with the usual state space and obtained Noether’s theorem for Hamiltonian system in this frame. Other approaches using variational tools can be found in Ref. 8. However, in our approach, no additional structure or objects are introduced besides the proper external force. This paper is organized as follows. In Secs. II and IV, we review Hamiltonian and Lagrangian systems with external forces, respectively. In Sec. III, we cover the relation between fiber bundle morphisms and semibasic one-forms. In Sec. V, we present some (as far as we know) original results concerning symmetries and constants of the motion for mechanical systems with external forces. In Sec. VI, we study the symmetries and constants of the motion in the Hamiltonian framework. We relate these symmetries with the ones obtained for Lagrangian

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systems in Sec. V. In Sec. VII, we particularize the results of Secs. V and VI for the Rayleigh dissipation. Classically,30–32 only external forces that are linear on the velocities are regarded as examples of Rayleigh dissipation. However, following Lurie33 and Minguzzi,34 we consider a wider family of external forces as Rayleigh dissipation, namely, forces that are derived from a dissipation function (which is not necessarily quadratic on the velocities). Finally, in Sec. VIII, we present a scheme for reduction in Lagrangian systems subjected to external forces, which are invariant under the action of a Lie group. II. HAMILTONIAN SYSTEMS SUBJECT TO EXTERNAL FORCES An external force is geometrically interpreted as a semibasic one-form on T ∗ Q. Let us recall6,7,35 that a one-form γ on T ∗ Q is called semibasic if γ(Z) = 0 for all vertical vector fields Z. Remark 1. This definition can be extended to any fiber bundle π : E → M. Indeed, a one-form γ on E is called semibasic if γ(Z) = 0 i


for all vertical vector fields Z on E. If (x , y ) are fibered (bundle) coordinates, then the vertical vector fields are locally generated by {∂/∂ya }. Hence, γ is a semibasic one-form if it is locally written as γ = γi (x, y)dxi . A Hamiltonian system with external forces is given by a Hamiltonian function H : T ∗ Q → R and a semibasic one-form γ on T ∗ Q. Let ωQ = −dαQ be the canonical symplectic form of T ∗ Q. Locally, these objects can be written as αQ = pi dqi , ωQ = dqi ∧ dpi , γ = γi (q, p)dqi , H = H(q, p), where (qi , pi ) are bundle coordinates in T ∗ Q. The dynamics of the system is given by the vector field X H ,γ , defined by ιXH,γ ωQ = dH + γ. If X H is the Hamiltonian vector field for H, that is, ιXH ωQ = dH,


and Zγ is the vector field defined by ιZγ ωQ = γ, then we have XH,γ = XH + Zγ . Locally, the above equations can be written as XH =

∂H ∂ ∂H ∂ − , ∂pi ∂qi ∂qi ∂pi

γ = γi dqi , Zγ = −γi XH,γ =

∂ , ∂pi


∂H ∂ ∂H ∂ − ( i + γi ) . ∂pi ∂qi ∂q ∂pi

Then, a curve [qi (t), pi (t)] in T ∗ Q is an integral curve of X H ,γ if and only if it satisfies the forced motion equations, dqi ∂H = , dt ∂pi dpi ∂H = −( i + γi ). dt ∂q

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III. SEMIBASIC FORMS AND FIBERED MORPHIMS Given a semibasic one-form γ on TQ, one can define the following morphism of fiber bundles:6,7 Dγ : TQ → T ∗ Q, ⟨Dγ (vq ), wq ⟩ = γ(vq )(uwq ) for every vq , wq ∈ Tq Q, uwq ∈ Twq (TQ) , with TτQ (uwq ) = wq . In local coordinates, if γ = γi (q, q˙ )dqi , then Dγ (qi , q˙ i ) = (qi , γi (qi , q˙ i )). Here, (qi , q˙ i ) are bundle coordinates in TQ. Conversely, given a morphism of fiber bundles

we define a semibasic one-form γ on TQ by γD (vq )(uvq ) = ⟨D(vq ), TτQ (uvq )⟩, where vq ∈ Tq Q, uvq ∈ Tvq (TQ). If locally D is given by D(qi , q˙ i ) = (qi , Di (q, q˙ )), then γD = Di (q, q˙ )dqi . Therefore, there exists a one-to-one correspondence between semibasic one-forms and fibered morphisms from TQ to T ∗ Q. IV. LAGRANGIAN SYSTEMS WITH EXTERNAL FORCES We shall now consider a Lagrangian system with a Lagrangian function L subjected to external forces. An external force is given by a semibasic one-form β on TQ. In bundle coordinates, we have β = βi (q, q˙ )dqi . If L : TQ → R, then ωL = −dαL is the Poincaré–Cartan two-form, where αL = S∗ (dL). Here, S is the vertical endomorphism of TQ, which in local coordinates is given by ∂ S = dqi ⊗ i . ∂˙q Hence, ωL = dqi ∧ d(

∂L ). ∂˙qi

Then, the dynamics is given by the vector field ξ L,β via the following equation: ιξL,β ωL = dEL + β,


where EL = Δ(L) − L is the energy of the system and Δ is the Liouville vector field, Δ = q˙ i

J. Math. Phys. 62, 042901 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0045073 Published under license by AIP Publishing

∂ . ∂˙qi

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Here, we are assuming that L is regular, that is, the Hessian matrix (Wij ) = (

∂2L ) ∂˙qi ∂˙qj


is invertible. It can be easily proven that ωL is symplectic if and only if L is regular.7 Let ξ β be the vector field given by ιξβ ωL = β and ξ L be the vector field given by ιξL ωL = dEL ,


then ξL,β = ξL + ξβ . We have ξβ = −βi W ij

∂ , ∂˙qj

where (W ij ) is the inverse matrix of (W ij ). Then, ξ L,β is a second order differential equation (SODE), meaning that S(ξL,β ) = S(ξL ) = Δ.


We know that ξL = q˙ i

∂ ∂ + ξi i , ∂qi ∂˙q

where ξi

∂pj ∂pj ∂L + q˙ i i − = 0. ∂˙qi ∂q ∂q j


Then, ξL,β = q˙ i

∂ ∂ + (ξ i − βj W ij ) i . ∂qi ∂˙q

Hence, a solution of ξ L,β , [qi (t)], satisfies dqi = q˙ i , dt d˙qi = ξ i − βj W ji . dt Therefore, from Eq. (7), we get q¨ i

∂pj ∂pj ∂pj ∂L + q˙ i i − + βk W ki i = 0. ∂˙qi ∂q ∂q j ∂˙q

Since pj = ∂L/∂˙qj , the term ∂pj /∂˙qi is equal to W ji , and thus, we finally obtain d ∂L ∂L ( ) − i = −βi . dt ∂˙qi ∂q If we construct the Legendre transform7

(and let L be hyperregular, that is, Leg is a diffeomorphism), then we can define the external force γ on T ∗ Q by Leg∗ γ = β.

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Thus, ξ L,β and X H ,γ are Leg-related, that is, Leg takes ξ L,β onto X H ,γ , where H is defined by H ○ Leg = EL .


Definition 1. In what follows, we will refer to the pair (L, β) for a forced Lagrangian system given by a Lagrangian L and a semibasic one-form β. The corresponding vector field ξ L,β , given by Eq. (3), will be called forced Euler–Lagrange vector field. Remark 2. Take αL = S∗ (dL) = pi dqi , where pi = ∂L/∂˙qi ; then αL is a semibasic one-form on TQ, and the corresponding fibered map is just the Legendre transform, Leg : TQ → T ∗ Q. V. SYMMETRIES AND CONSTANTS OF THE MOTION IN THE LAGRANGIAN DESCRIPTION Let f : TQ → R be an arbitrary function and τ Q : TQ → Q be the projection. Then, the vertical lift 36,37 of f is a function f v : TQ → Q given by f v = f ○ τQ . Any one-form ω in Q can be naturally regarded as a function on TQ, which we shall denote by ιω. If X is a vector field on Q, its vertical lift is the unique vector field X v on TQ such that X v (ιω) = (α(X))v for every one-form α on Q. The complete lift of a function f on Q is the function f c on TQ given by f c = ι(df ). The complete lift of a vector field X on Q is the vector field X c on TQ such that X c ( f c ) = (X( f ))c for every function f on Q. If X generates locally a one-parameter group of transformations on Q, then X c generates the induced transformations on TQ.7 Locally, if X is given by ∂ X = Xi i , ∂q then its vertical lift is ∂ Xv = Xi i ∂˙q and its complete lift is ∂ ∂X i ∂ X c = X i i + q˙ j j i . ∂q ∂q ∂˙q Let (L, β) be a Lagrangian system with a Lagrangian function L and external force β; denote by ξ L,β the corresponding forced Euler–Lagrange vector field. Definition 2. A function f on TQ is called a constant of the motion (or a conserved quantity) if ξ L,β (f ) = 0. Suppose that, for a certain coordinate qi , ∂L/∂qi = βi . Then, d ∂L ( ) = 0, dt ∂˙qi and pi = ∂L/∂˙qi is a constant of the motion. This motivates the following theorem. Theorem 1 (Noether’s theorem for dissipative systems). Let X be a vector field on Q. Then, X c (L) = β(X c ) if and only if X v (L) is a constant of the motion. Proof. By Eq. (3), we can write (dEL + β)(X c ) = (ιξL,β ωL )(X c ) = −dαL (ξL,β , X c ) = − ξL,β (αL (X c )) + X c (αL (ξL,β )) + αL ([ξL,β , X c ]).

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Now, since ξ L,β is a SODE, we have αL (ξL,β ) = ιξL,β (S∗ dL) = (SξL,β )L = ΔL. It is easy to see that SX c = X v . Moreover, [ξ L,β , X c ] is a vertical vector field, and thus, S[ξ L,β , X c ] = 0. Then, (dEL + β)(X c ) = −ξL,β (X v L) + X c (ΔL). On the other hand, we can write dEL (X c ) = X c (EL ) = X c (ΔL) − X c (L). Combining these last two equations, one deduces ξL,β (X v L) = X c (L) − β(X c ). In particular, the right-hand side vanishes if and only if the left-hand side does.

Definition 3. Consider the forced Lagrangian system (L, β). Then, the following holds: (i) (ii) (iii)

A symmetry of the forced Lagrangian system is a vector field X on Q such that X c (L) = β(X c ). A Lie symmetry is a vector field X on Q such that [X c , ξ L,β ] = 0. A Noether symmetry is a vector field X on Q such that X c (EL ) + β(X c ) = 0 and LXc αL is exact.

Proposition 2. If X is a vector field on Q such that d(LXc αL ) = 0, then X is a Lie symmetry if and only if c

LXc β = −d(X (EL )).

Proof. Indeed, ι[Xc ,ξL,β ] ωL = LXc (ιξL,β ωL ) − ιξL,β (LXc ωL ) = LXc (dEL + β) + ιξL,β d(LXc αL ) = d(X c (EL )) + LXc β. Since ωL is non-degenerate, then [X c , ξ L,β ] vanishes if and only if ι[Xc ,ξL,β ] ωL does (Fig. 1).

Proposition 3. A Noether symmetry is a Lie symmetry if and only if ιXc dβ = 0.

FIG. 1. Types of symmetries on Q and on TQ. The complete lifts of Lie symmetries and Noether symmetries correspond to dynamical symmetries and Cartan symmetries, respectively. The symmetries of the forced Lagrangian system are the subset of Noether symmetries for which LXc αL = 0, so f is a constant that can be taken as 0 without loss of generality. The Noether symmetries that satisfy ιXc dβ = 0 are also Lie symmetries and analogous with the intersection between Cartan and dynamical symmetries.

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Proof. Since LXc αL is exact, it can be written as LXc αL = df for some function f : TQ → R. Obviously, d(LXc αL ) = d(df ) = 0. In addition, c

LXc β = ιXc (dβ) + d(ιXc β) = ιXc (dβ) + d(β(X )) c

= ιXc (dβ) − d(X (EL )). By Proposition 2, the result holds.

Proposition 4. Let X be a vector field on Q such that LXc αL = df . v

Then, X is a Noether symmetry if and only if f − X (L) is a conserved quantity. Proof. Indeed, df = LXc αL = ιXc (dαL ) + d(ιXc αL ) = ιXc (dαL ) + d(ιXc S∗ dL) = ιXc (dαL ) + d(ιSXc dL) = ιXc (dαL ) + d(X v L),


ιξL,β ιXc (dαL ) = ιξL,β (d(f − X v L)) = ξL,β (f − X v (L)),


ιξL,β ιXc dαL = ιXc ιξL,β ωL = ιXc (dEL + β) = X c (EL ) + β(X c ),

and the result holds.

Observe that this last proposition is a generalization of Theorem 1. In other words, every symmetry of the forced Lagrangian system is a Noether symmetry. In fact, if f is a constant function, clearly, X v L is a conserved quantity. Moreover, LXc αL = 0,


0 = (LXc αL )(ξL,β ) = X c (αL (ξL,β )) − αL ([X c , ξL,β ])

and thus,

= X c (ΔL) − S[X c , ξL,β ]L = X c (ΔL), 0 = X c (EL ) + β(X c ) = X c (ΔL) − X c (L) + β(X c ) = −X c (L) + β(X c ).

Remark 3. A Noether symmetry is a symmetry of the forced Lagrangian system if and only if LXc αL = 0. We have just discussed infinitesimal symmetries on Q, the so-called point-like symmetries.19 We shall now cover symmetries that are not necessarily point-like, that is, vector fields on TQ. ˜ on TQ such that [X, ˜ ξL,β ] = 0. A Cartan symmetry is a vector field X ˜ on TQ Definition 4. A dynamical symmetry of ξ L,β is a vector field X ˜ ˜ such that X(EL ) + β(X) = 0 and LX˜ αL = df .

(i) (ii)

Remark 4. Let X be a vector field on Q. Then, the following holds: X is a Lie symmetry if and only if X c is a dynamical symmetry. X is a Noether symmetry if and only if X c is a Cartan symmetry. ˜ is a vector field on TQ such that Proposition 5. If X

˜ is a dynamical symmetry if and only if then X

d(LX˜ αL ) = 0, ˜ L )) = −LX˜ β. d(X(E

Proposition 6. A Cartan symmetry is a dynamical symmetry if and only if ιX˜ dβ = 0. ˜ be a vector field on TQ such that Proposition 7. Let X LX˜ αL = df .

˜ is a Cartan symmetry if and only if f − (SX)L ˜ is a constant of the motion. Then, X The proofs are completely analogous to those for point-like symmetries. Note that Theorem 1 cannot be generalized for symmetries on ˜ is not a vertical vector field for a general X ˜ on TQ. TQ since [ξL,β , X]

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VI. SYMMETRIES AND CONSTANTS OF THE MOTION IN THE HAMILTONIAN DESCRIPTION ˆ be a one-form and a vector field on T ∗ Q, respectively. We say that α is a first integral of X ˆ if α(X) ˆ = 0. Similarly, a function Let α and X ∗ ˆ if dF(X) ˆ = X(F) ˆ F on T Q is called a first integral of X = 0. Let (H, γ) be a Hamiltonian system with Hamiltonian function H and external force γ. Let X H ,γ be the corresponding Hamiltonian vector field. A first integral of X H ,γ is called a constant of the motion or a conserved quantity. Let F and G be two functions on T ∗ Q. Let X F and X G be their corresponding Hamiltonian vector fields, namely, ιXF ωQ = dF and ιXG ωQ = dG. The Poisson bracket of F and G is given by {F, G} = ωQ (XF , XG ). ∗

Let α and β be one-forms on T Q, with X α and X β being their corresponding Hamiltonian vector fields. Then, their Poisson bracket is defined as {α, β} = −ι[Xα ,Xβ ] ωQ . Clearly, XH,γ (F) = ιXH,γ dF = ιXH,γ (ιXF ωQ ) = −ιXF (ιXH,γ ωQ ) = −ωQ (XH , XF ) − γ(XF ) = {F, H} − γ(XF ), and hence, F is a constant of the motion if and only if {F, H} = γ(XF ). ˆ is a vector field on T ∗ Q such that LXˆ αQ is closed, then X ˆ commutes with X H ,γ if and only if Proposition 8. If X ˆ d(X(H)) = −LXˆ γ. ˆ be a vector field on T ∗ Q such that Proposition 9. Let X LXˆ αQ = df .

ˆ ˆ = 0 if and only if f − αQ (X) ˆ is a constant of the motion. Additionally, X ˆ commutes with X H ,γ if and only if Then, X(H) + γ(X) ιXˆ dγ = 0. ˜ be a vector field on TQ and X ˆ be the Leg-related Now, suppose that (L, β) is a Lagrangian system such that H○Leg = EL and Leg∗ γ = β. Let X vector field on T ∗ Q. Then, the following holds: ˆ commutes with X H ,γ if and only if X ˜ is a dynamical symmetry of (L, β). (i) X (ii) LXˆ αQ = df if and only if LX˜ αL = dg, where g = f ○ Leg. (iii) Suppose that LXˆ αQ = df . Then, the following assertions are equivalent. ˆ ˆ = 0. (a) X(H) + γ(X) ˆ is a conserved quantity. (b) f − αQ (X) ˜ L ) + β(X) ˜ = 0. (c) X(E ˜ is a conserved quantity. (d) f ○ Leg − αL (X) VII. RAYLEIGH DISSIPATION A. Rayleigh dissipation function and one-form Rayleigh30 considered the hypothesis that there is a non-conservative force linear on the velocities. This external force can be described as a semibasic one-form on TQ as follows: R = Rij (q)˙qi dq j , (9) where Rij is symmetric. Of course, R can be described as a bilinear form on TQ, R : TQ × TQ → R, j j R(qi , q˙ i1 , q˙ 2 ) = Rij q˙ i1 q˙ 2 ,

or, in other words, a symmetric (0, 2)-tensor R on Q. Since R is a (0, 2)-tensor on Q, it defines a linear mapping R˜ : TQ → T ∗ Q by

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˜ q ) = ιvq R, R(v

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that is,

˜ q )(wq ) = R(vq , wq ). R(v


˜ i , q˙ i ) = (qi , Rij (q)˙qi q˙ j ), R(q

so R˜ defines a semibasic one-form R¯ on TQ given by

R¯ = Rij (q)˙qi dq j . In the literature,31,32 the Rayleigh dissipation function is defined as R(q, q˙ ) =

so we can write

1 Rij (q)˙qi q˙ j , 2



∂R i R¯ = dq = S∗ (dR). ∂˙qi

Note that external forces of the form S∗ (dF), for some function F, are quite more general than the form (9) originally proposed by Rayleigh.30 That is, we do not need to require R to be of the form (11). In fact, more general dissipation functions are studied in Refs. 33 and 34. This function R can be physically interpreted as a potential that depends on the velocities from which the external force is derived. ˜ = R + f define the same one-form R¯ for f : Q → R arbitrary. Remark 5. R and R We shall now consider a Lagrangian system with a hyperregular Lagrangian function L, which is subject to an external force linear on the velocities. Suppose that the force can be described through the Rayleigh dissipation function R. Then, the equations of motion of the system are the integral curves of the vector field ξL,R¯ , given by ¯ ιξL,R¯ ωL = dEL + R. Let ξR¯ be the vector field given by ¯ ιξR¯ ωL = R. Then, ξL,R¯ = ξL + ξR¯ , where ξ L is the vector field given by Eq. (5). We have ∂ ξR¯ = −Rik q˙ k W ij j , ∂˙q where W ij is the inverse of the Hessian matrix of the Lagrangian (4). Then, ξL,R¯ is a SODE in the sense of Eq. (6), and the equations of motion of the system are given by d ∂L ∂L ∂R ( ) − i = −Rij (q)˙qj = − i . dt ∂˙qi ∂q ∂˙q It is easy to see that ξL,β (EL ) + Δ(R) = 0, where Δ is the Liouville vector field. In particular, if R is of the form (11), then Δ(R) = 2R. We can also consider the Hamiltonian formalism for the Rayleigh dissipation. Indeed, since we have assumed L to be hyperregular, we can always define the external force Rˆ on T ∗ Q by R¯ = Leg∗ Rˆ and consider the Hamiltonian function given by Eq. (8). Locally, Rˆ can be written as Rˆ = Rij (q)pi dq j . Then, the equations of motion of the system are the integral curves of the vector field XH,Rˆ , given by ˆ ιXH,Rˆ ωQ = dH + R. If ZRˆ is the vector field defined by

ˆ ιZRˆ ωQ = R,

then we have

XH,Rˆ = XH + ZRˆ , where X H is the Hamiltonian vector field given by Eq. (1). In canonical coordinates, X H and Rˆ are given by Eqs. (2) and (10), respectively, and we have ∂ ZRˆ = −Rij (q)pi , ∂pj XH,Rˆ =

J. Math. Phys. 62, 042901 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0045073 Published under license by AIP Publishing

∂H ∂ ∂H ∂ − ( i + Rij (q)pj ) , ∂pi ∂qi ∂q ∂pi

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where we have made use of the fact that Rij is symmetric. Thus, the equations of motion are given by dqi ∂H = , dt ∂pi dpi ∂H = −( i + Rij (q)pj ). dt ∂q ¯ we can define the following morphism of fibered bundles: As we have shown in Sec. III, given the semibasic one-form R,

¯ q )(uwq ) ⟨DR¯ (vq ), wq ⟩ = R(v for every vq , wq ∈ Tq Q, uwq ∈ Twq (TQ) , with TτQ (uwq ) = wq . In local coordinates, we have DR¯ (qi , q˙ i ) = (qi , Rij (q)˙qj ). B. Constants of the motion for Rayleigh dissipation We shall now consider the case in which the external force is derived from a dissipation function R (not necessarily quadratic in the velocities). Lemma 10. Consider a semibasic one-form R¯ on TQ given by R¯ = S∗ (dR) for some function R : TQ → R, where S∗ is the adjoint of the vertical endomorphism. Then, for each vector field X on Q, ¯ c ) = X v (R), R(X c

¯ = S (d(X (R))). LXc R ∗

˜ on TQ, Similarly, for each vector field X Proof. Indeed,


¯ X) ˜ = (SX)( ˜ R). R( ¯ X) ˜ = ιX˜ R¯ = ιX˜ (S∗ dR) = ιSX˜ dR = (SX)( ˜ R). R(

In particular, SX c = X v . Equation (12) can be shown by direct computation in bundle coordinates.

Proposition 11. Let X be a vector field on Q. Then, X c (L) = X v (R) if and only if X v (L) is a constant of the motion. Example 1 (Fluid resistance). Consider a body of mass m moving through a fluid that fully encloses it. For the sake of simplicity, suppose that the motion takes place along one dimension. Then, the drag force38,39 is given by 1 R¯ = ρ CA˙q2 dq, 2 where C is a dimensionless constant depending on the body shape, ρ is the mass density of the fluid, and A is the area of the projection of the object on a plane perpendicular to the direction of motion. For the sake of simplicity, suppose that the density is uniform, and then, k = CAρ/2 is constant. The dissipation function is thus given by R=

k 3 q˙ . 3

If the body is not subject to forces besides the drag, its Lagrangian is L = m˙q2 /2. Consider the vector field X = ek/mq ∂/∂q. We can verify that X c (L) = X v (R), so X v (L) = mek/mq q˙ is a constant of the motion. In particular, when k → 0, we recover the conservation of momentum. ¯ if and only if Proposition 12. If LXc αL is closed, then X is a Lie symmetry of (L, R) d(X c (EL )) = −S∗ (d(X c R)).

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Proposition 13. If LXc αL = df for some function f : TQ → R, then the following statements are equivalent: (i) X is a Noether symmetry. (ii) X c (EL ) + X v (R) = 0. (iii) f − X v (L) is a constant of the motion. Moreover, a Noether symmetry is a Lie symmetry if and only if ιXc dR¯ = 0. ˜ be a vector field on TQ. If LX˜ αL is closed, then X ˜ is a dynamical symmetry if and only if Let X ˜ L ) + (SX)( ˜ R)) = −ιX˜ dR. ¯ d(X(E Proposition 14. If LX˜ αL = df , then the following statements are equivalent: ˜ is a Cartan symmetry. (i) X ˜ L ) + (SX)( ˜ R) = 0. (ii) X(E ˜ (iii) f − (SX)(L) is a conserved quantity. We shall now cover some examples proposed in Ref. 34 and obtain their constants of motion. Example 2 (A rotating disk). Let us consider a disk of mass m and radius r placed on a horizontal surface. Let φ be the angle of rotation of the disk with respect to a reference axis. The Lagrangian of the disk is L = T = mr2 φ˙ 2 /4, and its Rayleigh dissipation function is R = μmgrφ˙ /2. The Poincaré–Cartan one-form is αL = mr2 φ˙ /2 dφ. The external force is R¯ = μmgr/2 dφ. ˜ = rφ˙ ∂/∂φ + μg∂/∂ φ˙ . Clearly, X(E ˜ L ) = X(L) ˜ ˜ R). We have that Consider the vector field X = (SX)( LX˜ αL =

μmgr2 mr3 dφ + φ˙ d˙φ = df , 2 2

where f = ˜ modulo a constant and (SX)(L) = mr3 φ˙ 2 /2, so

μmgr2 mr3 2 φ+ φ˙ 2 4

μmgr2 mr3 2 ˜ φ− φ˙ f − (SX)(L) = 2 4 ˜ is a dynamical symmetry and a Cartan symmetry. is a constant of the motion. Since R¯ is closed, ιX˜ dR¯ = 0 is trivially satisfied, so X However, since R¯ is closed, it is not strictly an external force. In fact, the Lagrangian μmgr L˜ = L + φ 2 ¯ leads to the same equations of motion as L with the external force R. Example 3 (The rotating stone polisher). Consider a system formed by two concentric rings of the same mass m and radius r, which are placed over a rough surface and rotate in opposite directions. Let (x, y) be the position of the center and θ be the orientation of the machine. Let ω be the angular velocity of the rings. The Rayleigh dissipation function is given by R = 2μmgrω +

μmg 2 2 (˙x + y˙ ), 2rω

˙ and the external force and the Lagrangian is L = T = m(˙x2 + y˙2 + r2 θ˙ 2 + r2 ω2 ). The Poincaré–Cartan one-form is αL = 2m(˙xdx + y˙dy + r2 θdθ), is μmg R¯ = (˙xdx + y˙dy). rω ˜ (1) = 2rω∂/∂x + μg∂/∂˙x and X ˜ (2) = 2rω∂/∂y + μg∂/∂˙y. We can check that X ˜ (i) (EL ) = X ˜ (i) (L) = (SX ˜ (i) )(R) (for i = 1, 2). We have that Let X (1) (2) ˜ )(L) = 4mr˙y, so 2mrω˙x − μmgx and 2mrω˙y − μmgy ˜ )(L) = 4mr˙x and (SX LX˜ (i) αL = dfi for f 1 = 2μmgx and f 2 = 2μmgy, along with (SX are constants of the motion. VIII. MOMENTUM MAP AND REDUCTION It is well-known that if a d-dimensional symmetry group is acting over a physical system, then the number of independent degrees of freedom is reduced by d. In other words, Q is reduced by d dimensions, so TQ and T ∗ Q are reduced by 2d dimensions. Therefore, 2d variables can be eliminated from the equations of motion. This fact can be exploited in a systematic way by means of the procedure known as reduction, which is due to Marsden and Weinstein.35,40

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Let G be a Lie group acting on Q, and consider the lifted action to TQ using tangent prolongation, that is, if Φg : Q → Q is the diffeomorphism given by Φg (q) = gq for each g ∈ G and q ∈ Q, then the lifted action is defined by TΦg : TQ → TQ. In what follows, we shall assume every group action considered to be free and proper. Let g be the Lie algebra of G and g∗ be its dual. Let L : TQ → R be a Lagrangian function subjected to an external force β. Suppose that the G-action leaves L invariant, and hence, αL and ωL are invariant. Then, the natural momentum map,35 J : TQ → g∗ , J(vq )(ξ) = αL (vq )(ξQc (vq )), is equivariant and Hamiltonian. For each ξ ∈ g and v∈ TQ, Jξ : TQ → R is the function given by Jξ(vq ) = ⟨J(vq ), ξ⟩. Lemma 15. Let ξ ∈ g. Then, the following holds: (i) Jξ is a conserved quantity for ξ L,β if and only if

β(ξQc ) = 0.


If the previous equation holds, then ξ leaves β invariant if and only if


ιξQc dβ = 0.


In addition, the vector subspace of g given by c

gβ = {ξ ∈ g ∣ β(ξQ ) = 0, ιξQc dβ = 0}

is a Lie subalgebra of g. Proof.


We have that Jξ = αL (ξQc ) = ιξQc αL ,


d(Jξ) = d(ιξQc αL ) = LξQc αL − ιξQc dαL = ιξQc ωL . Contracting this equation with ξ L,β , one gets ιξL,β (d(Jξ)) = ξL,β (Jξ), on the left-hand side, and ιξL,β ιξQc ωL = −ιξQc ιξL,β ωL = −ιξQc (dEL + β) = −ξQc (EL ) − β(ξQc ), on the right-hand side. Thus, Jξ is a conserved quantity for ξ L,β if and only if ξQc (EL ) + β(ξQc ) = 0. Now, observe that


ξQc (EL ) = ξQc (Δ(L)) − ξQc (L) = ξQc (Δ(L)) = LξQc (Δ(L)) = LξQc (ιΔ dL) = ι[ξQc ,Δ] dL + ιΔ (LξQc dL) = ι[ξQc ,Δ] dL = [ξQc , Δ](L)

since ξQc (L) = 0 by the G-invariance of L, but [ξQc , Δ] = 0, and thus, ξQc (EL ) = 0 for each ξ ∈ g, that is, EL is G-invariant. By Eq. (15), Jξ is a conserved quantity for ξ L,β if and only if β(ξQc ) = 0. (iii)


For each ξ ∈ gβ , we have that c

LξQc β = d(ιξQc β) + ιξQc dβ = d(β(ξQ )) + ιξQc dβ.

If Eq. (16) holds, then β is gβ -invariant (i.e., LξQc β = 0) if and only if ιξQc dβ = 0.

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For gβ being a Lie subalgebra, it is necessary and sufficient that [ξ, η] ∈ gβ for each ξ, η ∈ gβ . Since ξ ∈ g ↦ ξQ ∈ X(Q) is a Lie algebra antihomomorphism,41 this is equivalent to β([ξQ , ηQ ]c ) = 0, ι[ξQ ,ηQ ]c dβ = 0, c

but [ξQ , ηQ ] =

[ξQc , ηcQ ]

since the complete lift is a morphism between Lie algebras. Then, β([ξQ , ηQ ]c ) = β([ξQc , ηcQ ]) = ι[ξQc ,ηcQ ] β = LξQc ιηcQ β − ιηcQ LξQc β = ξQc (β(ηcQ )) − ηcQ (β(ξQc )) − ιηcQ (ιξQc dβ) = 0,

by Eqs. (14) and (13). Similarly, ι[ξQ ,ηQ ]c dβ = ι[ξQc ,ηcQ ] dβ = LξQc ιηcQ dβ − ιηcQ LξQc dβ = LξQc ιηcQ dβ − ιηcQ dLξQc β = 0. ◻ It is worth mentioning that our Lemma 15 (i) was previously obtained by Marsden and West42 (Theorem 3.1.1), albeit from a variational approach. Corollary 16. For each ξ ∈ gβ , ξQc is a Noether symmetry and it is a symmetry of the forced Lagrangian system. Proof. Since αL is invariant, LξQc αL = 0

for each ξ ∈ g. In combination with Eq. (15), this implies that ξQc is a Noether symmetry. By Remark 3, it is also a symmetry of the forced Lagrangian system. ◻ Theorem 17. Let Gβ ⊂ G be the Lie subgroup generated by gβ and Jβ : TQ → g∗β be the reduced momentum map. Let μ ∈ g∗β be a regular value of J β and (Gβ )μ be the isotropy group in μ. Then, the following holds: (i) (ii)

Jβ−1 (μ) is a submanifold of TQ, and ξ L,β is tangent to it. The quotient space Mμ ∶= Jβ−1 (μ)/(Gβ )μ is endowed with an induced symplectic structure ωμ , namely, πμ∗ ωμ = ι∗μ ωL ,


where πμ : Jβ−1 (μ) → Mμ and ιμ : Jβ−1 (μ) ↪ TQ denote the projection and the inclusion, respectively. L induces a function Lμ : Mμ → R defined by Lμ ○ πμ = L ○ ιμ . Moreover, we can introduce a function ELμ : Mμ → R, given by ELμ = Δμ (Lμ ) − Lμ , which satisfies ELμ ○ πμ = EL ○ ιμ .



β induces a reduced semibasic one-form βμ on M μ , given by πμ∗ βμ = ι∗μ β.

Proof. For a proof of the first three assertions, see Refs. 35, 41, and 43. Observe that Δ(L) ○ ιμ = ι∗μ Δ(L) = ι∗μ (ιΔ dL) = ιιμ∗ Δ (ι∗μ dL) = (ιμ∗ Δ)(ι∗μ L) = (ιμ∗ Δ)(L ○ ιμ ) = (ιμ∗ Δ)(Lμ ○ πμ ) = (πμ∗ Δμ )(Lμ ○ πμ ) = πμ∗ (Δμ (Lμ )) = Δμ (Lμ ) ○ πμ , where Δ is the Liouville vector field on TQ and Δμ is a πμ -related vector field on M μ , namely, πμ∗ Δμ = ιμ∗ Δ. Then, we can introduce a function ELμ : Mμ → R, given by ELμ = Δμ (Lμ ) − Lμ , which satisfies Eq. (17). Since β is (Gβ )μ -invariant, it induces a reduced semibasic one-form βμ on M μ . ◻

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Corollary 18. The vector field ξLμ ,βμ , defined by ιξLμ ,βμ ωμ = dELμ + βμ , determines the dynamics on M μ . It is πμ -related to ξ L,β . Remark 6. In the Rayleigh dissipation case β = S∗ (dR), according to Lemma 10, one can equivalently define gβ ≡ gR as v


gR = {ξ ∈ g ∣ ξQ (R) = 0, S dξQ (R) = 0},

where the condition S∗ dξQc (R) = 0 means that ξQc (R) is basic: it does not depend on q˙ i . If additionally R is gR -invariant, i.e., ξQc (R) = 0 for each ξ ∈ gR , then it induces a dissipation function Rμ : Mμ → R given by Rμ ○ πμ = R ○ ιμ .

Remark 7 (Reconstruction of the dynamics). Knowing the integral curves on M μ , we want to obtain the integral curves on J −1 (μ). Let c(t) and [c(t)] be the integral curves of ξ L,β and ξLμ ,βμ , respectively, with c(0) = p0 . Let d(t) ∈ J −1 (μ) be a smooth curve such that d(0) = p0 and [d(t)] = [c(t)]. We can write c(t) = Φg(t) (d(t)) (18) for g(t) ∈ (Gβ )μ . Then, we have to find g(t) in order to express c(t) in terms of [c(t)]. Now,35 ξL,β (c(t)) = c′ (t) = TΦg(t) (d(t))(d′ (t)) + TΦg(t) (d(t))(TLg(t)−1 (g ′ (t)))cQ (d(t)), and using the Φg -invariance of ξ L,β , one gets ξL,β (d(t)) = d′ (t) + (TLg(t)−1 (g ′ (t)))cQ (d(t)). In order to solve this equation, we first solve the algebraic problem, ξQc (d(t)) = ξL,β (d(t)) − d′ (t) for ξ(t) ∈ gβ , and then, solve g ′ (t) = TLg(t) ξ(t) for g(t). The integral curve sought is given by Eq. (18). Example 4 (Angular momentum). Consider Q = Rn /{0}, a Lagrangian function L on TQ that is spherically symmetric, say, L(q, q˙ ) = L(∥q∥, ∥˙q∥) . Consider the Lie group G = SO(n) = {O ∈ Rn×n ∣ Ot O = Id, det(O) = 1} acting by rotations on Q. The action can be lifted to TQ via the tangent lift. Explicitly, for O ∈ SO(3), we let gO : Q → Q, (q) ↦ (O ⋅ q), TgO : TQ → TQ, (q, q˙ ) ↦ (O ⋅ q, O ⋅ q˙ ). The group SO(n) acts freely and properly. The Lie algebra of the group is given by g = so(n) = {o ∈ Rn×n ∣ ot + o = 0}. In the case n = 3, this algebra g will be identified with the algebra of three dimensional vectors with the cross product by taking ⎛ 0 −ξ3 ξ2 ⎞ ⎛ξ1 ⎞ ⎜ ξ3 0 −ξ1 ⎟ ↦ ⎜ξ2 ⎟. ⎝−ξ2 ξ1 0 ⎠ ⎝ξ3 ⎠ The infinitesimal generator of ξ ∈ g is given by ξQ (q) c ξQ (q, q˙ ) ξQv (q, q˙ )

= (ξ × q), = (ξ × q, ξ × q˙ ), = (0, ξ × q˙ ).

One can identify g with g∗ by using the inner product on R3 . The moment map is then given by35 (Example 4.2.15) J(q, q˙ ) = q × q˙ .

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Identifying g∗ ≃ R3 , one sees that the coadjoint actions of G are the usual one (by rotations). Let μ ∈ g∗ , μ ≠ 0; then, the isotropy group Gμ ≃ S1 of μ under the coadjoint action, which is the rotations around the axis μ. We look for Rayleigh potentials R such that gR = g. The condition that ξQv (R) = 0 implies that R is spherically symmetric on the velocities. Then, the condition that ξQc (q, q˙ ) is semi-basic means that the terms that are not spherically symmetric on the positions cannot involve the velocities. That is, R = A(q) + B(∥q∥, ∥˙q∥).

Without loss of generality, one can take μ = (0, 0, μ0 ). Hence, if (q, v) ∈ J −1 (μ), both q and q˙ lie on the xy-plane. Moreover, they must satisfy the equation q˙ 1 p2 − q˙ 1 q2 = μ0 . We can finally apply Theorem 17 to our system and find out that (M μ , Lμ ), which is a Hamiltonian system over a two-dimensional manifold35 (Example 4.3.4).

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN), under Grant No. PID2019106715GB-C21, the “Severo Ochoa Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D” (Grant No. CEX2019-000904-S), and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) through the “Ayuda extraordinaria a Centros de Excelencia Severo Ochoa” (Grant No. 20205-CEX001). M.L. wishes to thank the MICINN and the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (ICMAT) for FPI-Severo Ochoa Predoctoral Contract No. PRE2018-083203. A.L.-G. would like to thank the CSIC for its financial support through the JAE Intro scholarship JAEINT_20_01494. He would also like to acknowledge a renewal of the scholarship by the ICMAT. The constructive corrections of the referee are also appreciated. DATA AVAILABILITY Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were created or analyzed in this study.


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