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English Pages 161 Year 2009
Design Mike Mearls (lead), Eytan Bernstein, Logan Bonner, Rob Heinsoo, Robertj. Schwalb Additional Design Greg Bilsland, james Wyatt Developm e nt Stephen Schubert (lead), Peter Schaefer, Rodney Thompson Additional Development Mike Donais, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Chris Tulach Editing jeremy Crawford (lead), Scott Fitzgerald Gray, M. Alexander jurkat, Cal Moore Managing Editing Kim Mohan Director of D&D R&D and Book Publishing Bill Siavicsek D&D Creative Manager Christopher Perkins D&D Senior Art Director jon Schindehette D&D Desig n Manager james Wyatt D&D Development and Editing Manager Andy Collins
620-2 1911710-001 EN 98765432 1 First Printing: October 2009 ISBN: 978 -0 -7869 ·5023-2
u.S. , CANADA , ASIA , PACIFIC, & LATIN AMERICA Wi zards of th e Coast LLC P,O, Box 707 Renton WA 98057-0707 +1-800-324 -6496
Art Direc tor Kate Irwin Cover Illustration Steve Prescott GraphiC DeSigner Leon Cortez, Keven Smith, Emi Tanji Additional Graphic Design Soe Murayama Interior Illustrations Steve Argyle, Ralph Beisner, Eric Belisle, Kerem Beyit, Chippy, Mitch Cotie,jesper Ejsing, jason A. Engle, Tomas Giorello, Howard Lyon, Warren Mahy, Raven Mimura, jim Nelson, William O'Connor, Hector Ortiz, Wayne Reynolds, Chris Seaman, Eva Widermann, Sam Wood, Ben Wootten Publishing Production Specialist Christopher Tardiff Prepress Manager jefferson Dunlap Imaging Technician Carmen Cheung Production Manager Cynda Callaway Game rules based on the original DUN GEO NS & DRAGONS' rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson , and the later editions by David "Zeb" Cook (2nd Edition); Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison (3rd Edition); and Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, and james Wyatt (4th Edition).
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DUNGTONS & DRAGONS , D&O, dl0 . dl0 System. WI ZA RDS Of THF. COAST. Player's Handbook , DunBeon Mast er's Guide, Mon ster Manual , Primol Power, EllrRRoN. FORGOTHN R eAL-MS , Adventurer's Vault , Arcane Power. Draconomicon, Keep on the Shadowfell, Martial Power, Open Grove: Secre ts of th e Und ead, all other Wizard s of th e COilst product names, a nd the ir re spec tive logos a re t rademarks of Wizards of th e Coast In t he U.S.A. a nd ot he r countries. All Wizard s characters and the distin c tive like ne sses th ereof a re prope rty of Wi zard s 01th e Coas t llC. T hi s material i5 protec te d under th e copyright laws of th e Unite d States of Am e rica. Any reprodu c tion or una uth ori zed use of the mat c ri ~ 1 or artwork contained he rein is prohibite d without th e ex press written pe rmi SSion of Wiza rds of th e Coast llC. Any similiuity to a ctu a l people, organi1ations, places, orevents included herei n is purely coin cid en tal. Printed in the U.s .A .