Policy Demands for Liberation [1 ed.]

A complete list of policy demands for youth liberation. The policy proposals each come with a rationale for why they sho

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Policy Demands for Liberation [1 ed.]

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Policy Demands for Liberation Author’s Note: This is an ongoing list of all the policy demands for liberation; we felt it was necessary to add this from the book Liberation by Liberationist 111, because it kept growing. This list will get updated as new policy proposals get added. Everyone should read The Dictator’s Handbook by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Alastair Smith; it is a groundbreaking work, and this entire doctrine cannot be understood without the crystal clear picture of politics that the Dictator’s Handbook provides. Everyone should go and read that book. Author’s Note: It is said that man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains. Yet everywhere, we are born into legalized slavery of the most difficult kind. Childhood. If only the laws were changed to allow us the right to be born free instead of slaves, then the dreams of childhood may become the reality of the world—not tomorrow, but today. Author’s Note: Children spend their first two decades dreaming. They dream of the day when they will be adults and do what they want to. But they are already adults, in the sense that they are ready to make their own decisions. They have been born adults; they have been born ready to decide. Only the law says they can’t. Author’s Note: Youth liberation is as inevitable as the sun’s rising. It will come someday. We must prepare to make sure that day is today .

Liberation Liberation is the abolition of the age of majority and all laws that grant guardianship, custody, conservatorship, power of attorney, support persons, or any other law that allows a named person to make decisions on behalf of a youth. Let all youth have autonomy and freedom; let all youth be freemen. This includes any child marriages that the kid cannot leave, as well as indentured servitude and mandatory labor. Liberation is the granting of the vote and full citizenship rights to all youth, regardless of their circumstances. Liberation is the granting of full citizenship rights to 100% of the people under the age of majority in any country. This means that all youth must be completely free, not just in name but in practice. Free to work, to eat, and to have fun. Free to be something more than they were as slaves: their own people. Youth liberation should be more than just an executive order, though an executive order must come first. Youth liberation must progress from executive orders to laws and finally a constitutional amendment. Only with an executive order, a federal law, and a constitutional amendment providing redundancies for youth liberation will the slavers be held at bay forever. To repeat, there must be an

executive order that liberates all youth. Second, there must be a law that gives kids the vote and allows legal autonomy. Third, there must be a constitutional amendment that gives youth the same rights as adults. Slavers are always waiting for another foothold—another way to oppress kids and force them back into slavery. We must not let them. Only through this triple redundancy will kids finally be safe. It should be repeated that youth liberation must come first, before the expansion of the winning coalition. That is the only way forward. Liberation will come. Author’s Note: Youth liberation is the bedrock of all of these policy recommendations. To attempt to abolish compulsory schooling without liberating the youth is to attempt a short-sighted policy that will get repealed in the long term because the youth cannot vote to sustain it. The same goes for free food for kids, freedom of assembly, the abolition of child trafficking, and other oppressive practices designed to profit from the slavery of youth. In order for proper policy to be enacted, youth must be completely liberated and given the vote in all elections.

Abolition of the Age of Majority The age of majority should be abolished, and all age-related restrictions should be lifted except for the age of consent. Full citizenship, including the right to vote, the right to make one’s own decisions without the “assistance” of a legal representative, the right not to have a curfew, the right to assemble, etc. Author’s Note: The best education is the one that we give ourselves, the one where we are our own teachers, the one where we decide. The best curriculum is our own, voluntarily made choices.

The End of Age Restrictions All age restrictions must be repealed, except those consent laws that prevent adults from having sex with those under the age of majority. This will be discussed further in the sections to come.

The Right to Drink Alcohol The age restriction on the right to drink alcohol needs to be repealed. One issue with the drinking age that isn't brought up enough is that it provides blackmail for parents to use against their kids. Kids who righteously drink alcohol underage are under the thumb of their parents, who use such drinking as leverage against them. Thus, youth can be coerced into doing things that they do not want to do simply because they are exercising their bodily autonomy.

Not only can youth be coerced by their parents but also by criminals. Career criminals routinely use such blackmail to convince youth to commit crimes in order to avoid court charges for underage drinking. A significant portion of people who supply alcohol to underage youth are part of criminal organizations. Blackmail about charges of underage drug use is one of the many ways that individual criminals, low-level gangs, and large organized crime use to recruit youth. It is the right of all youth to exercise bodily autonomy, and age restrictions on drinking alcohol go against that. Second, it is the right of youth not to be subjected to blackmail by any person or organization, including their parents, and age restrictions on drinking alcohol promote such cases. Third, it is the right of youth not to be forced to commit crimes or join criminal enterprises. Age restrictions on drinking alcohol promote such cases. All age restrictions on drinking alcohol should be repealed. Lastly, underage drinking laws provide a blind spot for child abuse laws. For example, especially cruel parents may force feed their kids alcohol, knowing that the kids cannot report it without being carted off to jail. This can make the kids complicit in their own abuse, actively covering for the parent not only to avoid receiving further abuse but also to avoid criminal charges. The age restriction on the right to drink alcohol should be repealed.

Right to Choose and Refuse Medical Care The right to choose and refuse medical care is an important part of youth rights that needs to be made explicitly clear both in federal law and by executive order. There is no excuse for stripping a human being of their free will. Youth need the right to choose and refuse their own medical care, just like adults. Youth slaves can become psych slaves when pushed by their parents into the psychiatry industry in order to cover for their own abuse. Parents abuse kids constantly, consistently, and without fail. The more abusive parents will often cover up their beating, starvation, brainwashing, and torture of their children through the use of the psychiatric industry. That is what it is there for, after all. Parents will pay a premium in order to get their kids diagnosed with this or that disease, either to give them the license to abuse their kids more or to cover up the abuse that they have already done to their kids. In the psychiatric industry, the focus is on the made-up “problems” of the kids rather than the abuse of the parents. The psychiatry industry and parents partner together to abuse kids, and that must end. In order for youth to avoid the injury that comes with parents trying to cover up their abuse, they need the right to choose and refuse medical care. No forced inpatient treatment, no “voluntary” inpatient treatment, no psychiatric wards, no interventions, no therapists, no social workers, no case managers, no residential treatment centers, no court ordered “treatment”, no forced drugging, nothing. There should be no medical center in this world where youth are forced to “receive” medical “care” without their consent. Liberation now.

Ban Compulsory Schooling Compulsory schools are ghettos for kids where they train them to be obedient. We are brainwashed and completely broken by the time we get out of school at 18. 13 years of mindless obedience and nothing to show for it except a lack of soul. Through compulsory schooling, our soul is carved out and obedience is poured in. Thus, we enter society handicapped by the propaganda of blind obedience. We obey without thinking, without question, and without purpose. We trust authorities without reason, always giving them the benefit of the doubt. It is the nature of power to be suspicious, and yet we are brainwashed into thinking otherwise, that those with power are to be respected instead of wondering how they got there in the first place and what exactly they plan to do with all that power they have. Compulsory schools should be referred to as they really are. Compulsory schools are reeducation camps where obedience is trained into kids using the law to keep them in line. It is a crime to leave your reeducation camp and live as you please. These camps drill obedience into kids day after day for thirteen years until obedience becomes easier than thought, as easy as breathing. Enough is enough. End compulsory schooling. Liberation now. It has come to light that compulsory schooling may actually be destroying the eyesight of youth. In places like Korea, 65% of the elementary school population has bad eyesight. In east Asian countries, the total percent of high schoolers who have bad eyesight is between 80 and 90%. Bad eyesight is a disability. Mandatory schooling cripples youth. Parents are crippling their children. Between the ages of 0 and 18, youth need to be outside much of the time in order for their eyes to develop. If they don’t, they are at high risk of developing bad eyesight, which continually gets worse once it appears. This is natural, of course. Humans are designed to be outdoors; their original profession was hunter-gatherer. Take an animal out of its natural habitat, and it will suffer crippling side effects. While it is the choice of any youth to spend however much of their time indoors as they want, it is completely unacceptable for a parent or any other person to decide that for them. Compulsory schooling needs to be abolished for the sake of the horrific crippling that is going on around the world. Compulsory schooling is a violation of basic human rights; it is a barbaric practice that equates in its evil to cutting off the fingers and toes of youth.

Free Food for Kids Kids are dependent on their parents for food. Parents restrict food to arbitrary mealtimes and their say-so, making it difficult or impossible for kids to eat according to what their bodies tell them. Smaller kids get less and larger kids get more; that is the lie that parents feed kids. Yet most growth happens when kids are small, and that is when they need the most calories. School districts must provide three square meals a day for every kid in their district, served at school and able to

be preserved past mealtimes in case of lateness or absences. Kids need to eat, and the window of time between birth and puberty goes by very fast. These three meals a day must be for every kid, not just the poor and not just the rich, but every kid, so that every kid is no longer dependent on their parents’ arbitrary whims for sustenance. These meals should contain all the daily caloric requirements for adults, so that the three meals together meet the 2000-calorie mark. Kids only get one body, and they are stuck with it into adulthood. It is vital that they meet caloric requirements to ensure maximum growth. No one under the age of majority should go hungry.

Freedom of Assembly In order for the slaves known as youth to organize, they must be free from the shackles of oppression. This means dismantling laws that prevent those under the age of majority from gathering. There are many laws that prevent freedom of assembly for youth, such as truancy laws, unaccompanied minor laws, curfew laws, runaway laws, keeping the peace laws, public disturbance laws, gathering laws, and loitering laws. All these laws must be repealed so that youth may gather, whether to enjoy themselves or to protest for governmental change; it is their human right. The youth are on fire. It is no secret. Freedom brings with it a hunger for change that is so profound that it can change an identity. So too is the power of freeing the youth to assemble. When everyone under the age of majority can freely assemble, then there will be a great reform of the laws on youth rights. Every fire in the heart of a kid will be magnified tenfold when they are together with just one of their peers. Together, as a political force, they will bring about a great change in youth rights.

The Child Trafficking Industry Adoption, custody, guardianship, and all laws like them that involve the legal transfer of a minor from the “care” of one adult to another must be abolished. Not only the transfer of youth, but the legal ownership of children through custody, guardianship, conservatorship, and more must be repealed. Under no circumstances should another person be given legal powers over a youth that custody, guardianship, conservatorship, and all similar laws entail. Youth should be completely autonomous, just like adults Youth should have no one claiming to represent them or actually representing them in legal matters, just like adults. Such “representation” should be banned under every circumstance, including criminal conviction, in a constitutional amendment as well as in the regular law. These laws are nothing more than the enforcement of a tax system where child trafficking is regulated through the use of taxes. Child trafficking is legal, but the government always takes its cut. There are parties who profit, such as adoptive parents, the courts, human traffickers (of which are usually adoptive parents and court officials), guardian ad litems, court vistitors, foster home staff, orphanage staff, case workers, child psychologists, case managers, and more, who all make a living engaging in the legalized transfer of young human beings. This trafficking industry is not for the

benefit of the kid but for the benefit of those who transfer kids from person to person. At every step of the chain, another adult takes their cut, whether it be money or the personal satisfaction of owning a human being. That needs to end. The entire trade needs to be shut down, starting with adoption and ending with custody, guardianship, and any law that makes a kid the property, whether implicitly, explicitly, or practically, of an adult. Kids should not be allowed to be transferred from one adult to another. In fact, kids should not be bound to adults, beholden to adults, “in care of” adults, “supported by” adults, “in custody of” adults, or any of the other propaganda terms to describe the enslavement of someone under the age of majority to a named person or organization. Kids should be free: free to go where they wish, free to sleep where they wish, free to dine with who they wish, free to eat what they wish, free to wear what they wish, free to learn if they wish, free to learn as they wish, and free to travel as they wish. Kids should be free to do this all legally, without the permission of an adult, without forms, and without bureaucracy. Kids should be free.

Destroy the Troubled Teen Industry The Troubled Teen Industry is a network of for-profit concentration camps that kidnap kids and brainwash, torture, and rape them while claiming all the while to be “therapeutic.” In reality, it is just another network of leeches feeding off the practice of youth slavery. The ability of parents to sign off on their child being kidnapped must be revoked. Therapeutic boarding schools, wilderness camps, residential treatment centers, and bootcamps that prey on kids must be banned under the constitution. Concentration camps must be made illegal for any and all purposes.

Juvenile Prisons Juvenile prisons are the bane of modern youth. Even the slightest step out of the line of oppression, the slightest attempt at freedom, can lead a kid into the prison system. Laws must be made lenient for youth, and juvenile prisons must be abolished so that youth can learn to make the right decisions on their own. The healthy way to grow up is to test boundaries so that the best balance may be found. To punish crimes instead of preventing them is to keep kids from learning. Juvenile offenders are locked into small enclosures (called jail cells) like animals and punished repeatedly. It is in that environment that they become wrathful. It is said that a cornered animal will always fight back, and it is the same for human beings. Juvenile prisons force lessons into the brains of human beings that the only way to get authority to take their boot off their necks is through violence. The juvenile prison practice and all prison practices for kids must be abolished. This abhorrent practice must be replaced by laws that prevent crime rather than punish it. Sentences must be replaced with community work and restitution. The caging of

youth like animals must stop. Again, laws must be put in place to prevent crime instead of punish it. Criminal law is in its infancy in that there are many bloodthirsty policies in place to punish the “rebellious,” “irrevent,” and “disrespectful” youth. We must stop substituting bloodshed for progress.

Freedom of Movement Youth are bound to one person and one person only. Their parents. Why should this be the case? Why should youth be bound at all? They should not be bound to anyone; they should be completely and totally free. Youth of all ages, whether they are four years old or 17 years old, must have the right to leave. Whether this involves staying out past curfew or past a parent’s mandated return time, leaving for a week or a month, or leaving those adults permanently, all kids must have the right to go somewhere else. No kid must have to stay with people they do not want to stay with. There are always people outside the family unit willing to provide food and shelter for a child. It is the law that currently prevents kids from exercising freedom of movement. Even if they only leave in order to protest bad conditions at home and later return when parents concede to provide better living conditions, that must be their choice. Whether by protest, fleeing, simple enjoyment of freedom, or practice exercising their freedom of movement, the ability to leave must be codified into law. First with executive orders, then the law.

House Keys It is important that kids have the freedom to leave and return to their homes at will. While legal freedom can be achieved, parents will, of course, still punish kids by refusing to let them back into their own homes if they go out when they do not want them to. Kids must have their own keys in order to maintain freedom of movement. Every kid must own their own house key so that they may come and go as they wish. Restriction of movement is a human rights issue and has been used to oppress virtually every religious group, ethnic group, and socioeconomic class in the past.

Voting Rights, Automatic Registration, and Online Voting While voting rights have been mentioned in earlier sections, they are so important that they need to be repeated again. Voting rights are the keystone, the lynchpin, and the core of the youth liberation movement. Without voting rights from birth, parents and those who sympathize with them will vote against youth rights. Even laws that are passed to protect youth are useless if voters do not vote to support them. For example, this means that even if there are laws against beating your kid, without kids voting, there will be no enforcement of the law. The truth is that voter

activity is important in determining whether or not a law is actually enforced. Without kids voting en masse to support their preferred political candidates, youth rights laws will be nothing more than letters on paper. Again, the presence of voting is just as important as the laws that are passed. Laws that are unpopular with voters will be repealed or simply not enforced by government authorities. This is of course seen in many countries, where self-proclaimed “child protection” organizations actively take kids away to make child abuse worse, look the other way when parents abuse their kids, or serve as “washing” agents who “investigate” a child abuse report and find “nothing wrong.” For the latter, these agencies often serve as organs of oppression in that they create a false record of child abuse not occurring. There is also the fact that these organizations could not possibly do their job to begin with. The fact of the matter is that parent voters will not vote to allocate taxes to food, water, and shelter for kids who are not in their parents’ homes and are unmanaged by some oppressive authority. Parents will not vote to provide the universal food, water, and shelter necessary for kids out of their own tax money. If even one percent of kids in the US were abused, these agencies would not be able to provide services for that one percent. The number of kids being abused is much greater than one percent, maybe greater than 90 percent. In reality, all kids are abused by their parents by being stripped of autonomy and forced into a prison camp program called compulsory schooling. The level of abuse changes with respect to the household and the laws that the specific town enforces. Automatic voter registration is extremely important for voters under the age of majority. In order to register to vote, one must either go to the DMV or log on to a website. Internet access is controlled by parents and DMV appointments require travel, which requires scheduling months in advance, along with an exact arrival time in order to not miss the appointment. In addition, DMVs are often only accessible by freeway and are built extremely out of the way in order to suppress the voting registration of the poor or those who don’t have cars to get there. DMVs are not easily accessible by walking or biking, which are the main methods of transport for those under the age of majority. Automatic voter registration is useful to kids because it allows their ballots to be delivered directly to their house. Online voting is very important to youth voters for the simple reason that it is a very accessible way to vote. In this day and age, having access to the internet is commonplace, and voting online could significantly increase voter turnout simply because of how easy it could be. Electronic voting is important for youth liberation because increasing voter turnout is essential to keeping parents from infringing upon the rights of youth. An increased voter turnout is important for the effective enforcement of youth rights laws. Youth in the modern day often have more access to the internet than they do to post office drop-off boxes. Increasing voter turnout among those under the age of majority is also even more important because doing so halts the efforts of parents to disenfranchise youth. Politicians respond to voter

turnout, and the only way for kids to keep parents from rebuilding the youth slave state is by voting to maintain their rights.

Child Abuse Tickets Reducing child abuse is a must for those under the age of majority. Despite many laws passed that ban all sorts of child abuse, tales of child abuse persist. Notably, law enforcement, politicians, and the judiciary are uninterested in taking a hard stance on child abuse because it upsets their winning coalitions. They are elected on the backs of child abusers, who number all the parents in the US. In order to effectively reduce child abuse, child abuse tickets are needed, similar to how police officers issue tickets for speeding. Child abuse can be effectively punished by issuing low-level fines similar those for speeding. In such a case, a police officer would approach a house and enter, talk to the kid who called to report child abuse, then issue a ticket to the parent. These fees, while small, incentivize parents not to abuse children while also preventing the sort of collusion that current laws on child abuse create. The fact is that current laws on child abuse sentence adults to prison, which means that parents will work together to lie to law enforcement and the judiciary to prevent imprisonment. Prison sentencing puts heavy child abusers and parents who abuse their children nontraditionally on the same side. Parents who beat their child bloody will still conspire with their spouse whose abuse manifests as restricting freedom of movement. Low-level fees do more than financially incentivize parents to stop abusing kids. Low-level fees encourage parents to complain about their child’s abuse to other parents, to law enforcement, to judges, and to whoever will listen. In other words, low-level fees create a wealth of accurate data as to the nature and frequency of each type of child abuse, data that can inform kid voters who can vote to properly solve child abuse. Child abuse will not be solved by so-called “concerned parents,” who are quick to decry child abuse in public and hurt their own kids behind closed doors. Child abuse will be solved by kid voters, who are incentivized to vote to reduce child abuse because they themselves are constant victims of child abuse and always in danger of both old and new forms of hurt that their parents dish out. In addition, those voters under the age of majority who have the reason to throw their support behind politicians solely because of how such politicians will deal with child abuse will also need plenty of accurate data in order to solve the problems. An informed voter is an effective voter.

Ban Mandatory Curriculum Requirements Mandatory curriculum requirements ensure that youth who go to school are forced to learn what adults want them to learn. Schools function as slave camps where kids toil away for 7-8 hours a day for their parents’ benefit, as well as the millions of

K–12 staff and faculty whose jobs are based on school as an organ of oppression. Banning mandatory curriculum requirements will not end slavery; only banning forced schooling will do that, but it will give youth the freedom to control what they learn. Even if kids are only forced to go to school to learn about whatever they want, it will be a step in the right direction. Of course, as youth liberationists, we do not aim to make slavery more palatable; we hunger for complete and total freedom from slavery. Each of us hungers to be a freeman. Author’s Note: Even when compulsory schooling has been abolished, homework has been banned, and corporal punishment has been banned, adults may still control schools. Whether K–12 schools should be abolished completely with all primary and secondary schools being shut down, or whether they should be democratized with constraints put on them such as democratic governance, no corporal punishment, no compulsory schooling, and no homework, remains a question among liberationists. K–12 schools should be converted into little more than drop-in centers where youth can take a college course or get a college degree, get certified job training, eat free school lunches, and just hang out for the whole day. This vision can still be compatible with the democratic process in schools, as long as schools do not emerge again as organs of oppression. The only right or wrong answer is that the one that turns out to oppress youth is the wrong answer, and the only way an answer can be reached is through the vote as youth determine what they want. Author’s Note: Who gets punished if they don’t work overtime? Youth do. They get beaten, starved, and humiliated by their parents if they don’t do their homework. Then they get beaten and humiliated and have their economic mobility deliberately crippled by teachers. Truly the worst work environment.

Ban Homework Youth who do attend school are burdened by homework. Students already work for 7-8 hours a day unpaid and are then forced to do homework, a draconian practice where they bring their work home and are punished for not working for extra hours. Homework is graded, and students who don’t do homework are punished with beatings, public humiliation, drugging (by parents), or transfer to a facility where those same things happen except much more violently, including rape, and “didn’t happen, but if it did, they deserved it.” Youth are much better at learning on their own than being forced to do work for their own good. Youth who choose what they do in their own free time reinforce their own natural curiosity, grow in self-confidence, and become active decisionmakers. It is because youth follow orders like little soldiers that they become like babies. Parents are always complaining that their kids are not mature enough or responsible enough, but it is they who have destroyed the minds of their kids and

prevented their natural growth. Homework must be done away with so that youth may spend their time as they wish.

Drop In Centers for Youth There must be 24-hour drop-in centers for youth where they can go and get things like donated clothes and hygiene supplies. The funding and accounting records for these centers must be completely transparent and made publicly available free of charge on an annual basis, available online indefinitely at any time after the fact. Author’s Note: Co-option is a powerful thing. Dangle a carrot here and wave a stick there, and an unsuspecting activist can be co-opted to serve their oppressors. The stick in youth co-option, however, is much more brutal than being denied a job. Although youth are frequently denied jobs, they will be denied more jobs in an effort to force them back under the collar as youth liberationists take to the streets.

Ban Primary and Secondary School Diplomas Primary and secondary school diplomas are used to incentivize youth to stay in school and become complicit in their own oppression. Youth should be able to take classes at colleges and any and all certification programs in order to get certifications, diplomas, and the like. High school diplomas, middle school diplomas, and all other primary and secondary school diplomas should be banned. In addition, employers should be banned from asking about high school credentials or whether or not a youth is going to school. These high school and middle school diploma requirements create incentives for youth to oppress themselves through schooling in order to survive.

Fines for Forcing Youth Into Cars There should be large fines for kidnapping and forcing youth into cars. Parents should not be able to force youth into cars ages four and older, and they should face fines of $1000 USD each time they do so, with an additional $100 USD per minute of forced transport. The truth is that there is no need for parents to kidnap their kids when they can explain why it is important for them to go somewhere. Youth trust and love their parents, and there is no need for parents to kidnap their kids. Outside of parents but inside extended family, forced transport of kids should be fined $2000 USD each time they do so, with an additional $200 USD per minute of forced transport. Outside of extended family, forced transport of kids should be punishable by both large fines of a minimum of $10,000 USD and a minimum of jail time for the kidnapper. The only time forced transport should be legal is in the case that a youth has committed a criminal offense that requires arrest, which should

only be done by the police officer(s) who made the arrest. Otherwise, these fines must apply. These fines should be administered on the spot as tickets by police officers, who can be called via cellphone. Youth should not have to go through a court process every time they want to be saved from kidnapping. These fines should go through the same legal process as speeding tickets, where they have a court date and the adult can come in and plead their case. These cases should not be the kidnapper versus the youth or the kidnapper versus a police officer, but the kidnapper versus a court official who reads the police report/notes that came with the ticket. It is important that the case not be against the youth, who may be intimidated into silence. It is also important that the case not be against the police officer, who may have some reason to stand in solidarity with abusive parents. Instead, the case must be against the court official, who is not responsible for the situation other than being the prosecutor. The youth, of course, may provide testimony at the hearing if they feel the need. It is easy for adults to brush off kidnapping and forced transport of kids as "for their own good" or "in their best interests" as long as it is inside their own family. In reality, such forced transport can be a sign of human trafficking and the pimping of kids as sex slaves, and family members are statistically much more likely to sell their kids as sex slaves than strangers. In fact, the majority of human traffickers who pimp youth out as sex slaves, sell them for labor, and rape them are members of their own families. The insular nature of families and the unique legal structure around them create an inability to prosecute family members for serious domestic violence crimes. In such crimes, both parents and multiple family members are usually complicit, so there is zero incentive to report such horrors to law enforcement. Forced transport is also much more commonly a sure sign of abusive parenting. Kidnapping kids does not end with age but carries into the teenage years, where parents will haul their kids into cars and commit violence against them to get them to obey. Often times, this abusive parenting will occur even if it is not visible, as youth will often get into cars against their will and without a fight, knowing that violence is coming should they resist. In this way, an abusive parent can politely ask their kid to get in the car, and the kid obediently gets in, displaying a fake healthy parent-kid relationship when, in fact, the truth is much more sinister. In this way, kidnapping becomes standardized and routine, where the kid gets into the car even when they don't want to, several times a week for years on end without anyone noticing, in order to reduce violence against them by the parent.

Recoding There are many child abuse laws that must be recoded (rewritten, updated, or changed in terms of the written law) to fit the standards of adult-on-adult crime. For example, child abuse laws must be rewritten as assault laws in a preventative manner. Laws must be passed to prevent adults from assaulting youth, and they

must be done not through punishment laws like today’s laws but through prevention and weakening of the power that adults have over children. They must be done through financial incentives like fines to keep adult hands off youth and through easy-access runaway laws to prevent the abuse of youth from getting covered up. There are many more laws that need to be codified than can be listed here. When a parent, relative, teacher, or any other adult forces kid into a car, that is kidnapping. Denying food and/or water to a youth that one is legally responsible for feeding should be recoded as torture and punished as such. For too long, there has been a separate legal framework to keep parents unaccountable and youth oppressed. However, instead of just rewriting child abuse laws and creating new ones to fit the standards of the justice system, preventative laws should be put in place. The example of child abuse tickets is a prime example of this. Free school means are another example of this. Runaway laws are a third example of this. There are many criminal charges that must be updated to fit a preventative standard and many criminal charges that must be added to accurately address the abuse of youth by those legally responsible for providing food, water, shelter, and clothing.

Witness Protection for Kids Witness protection for people under 18 should be a legal right. It should be accessible to every kid without informing the parent or any other family member, without a publicly listed trial or hearing that the parent may be privy to or find out about. Papers for the hearing should not be delivered to the parent's address but through email or otherwise hard-to-intercept communication. It should be available to kids solely based on their testimony and without the word of any adults or members of the kid's family. Kids under said witness protection should be given a new home, enough funds to cover living expenses, a new identity, a backstory, and new identification numbers. Finally, the information about the kid's old life should be accessible only to the kid and completely unable to be accessed by government personnel (regardless of whether it is the Prime Minister, President, or just an officer) or anyone else who might leak the information, for the kid’s eyes only. There are many kids who are born into families that either abuse their kids so much that they need to drop off the map in order to escape or who engage in criminal enterprise and try to rope up the kid in their crime. White collar crime is especially a problem for kids because their parents will commit fraud, embezzlement, insider trading, obstruction of justice, tax evasion, human trafficking, etc., and the kids will unwittingly be forced to defend them publicly or in court and use the dirty money that comes from their parents. Kids in families that are white collar criminals will often be forced to lie to all sorts of authorities and be accomplices to their parents' crime or face extreme punishment such as starvation, confinement, beatings, rape, drugging, financial abuse, and more. Families who commit white collar crime tend to have money, and that money can be used as a weapon against their own kids if

they decide to be whistleblowers. White collar crime families will often embezzle money meant for kids, such as social security, food stamps, government grants, scholarships, etc. They will also open credit lines using their kids information and screw up their credit. We live in a more interconnected world than ever, and when kids eventually throw off their parent slavers and gain the right to go wherever they wish, they can still have their strings pulled by their family members. Even those families that aren’t career criminals but are still abusive will still track their kids and harm them, spreading all sorts of lies about them and doing their best to bring them back under their control. Wealthy families, in particular, can circumvent laws and legal procedures in order to gain control of their kids, weaponizing their own capital against their own kids. As such, kids from wealthy families are especially at risk of being found and dragged back to their abusive and often criminal homes.

Child Support to Youth Child support must be paid directly to the youth instead of to a third party who manages the child support on behalf of the youth. While child support is nominally for the kids of the custody-holding parent, often the funds are used in ways that are not related to the kid. Parents are obligated to provide for their kids, not for the person who exploits them. Even if parents were not to exploit child support money, it is still much better to leave it in the hands of the youth. Whether the youth is 0 years of age (just born), three years of age, or seventeen years of age, child support money should be deposited directly into an account accessible only by that youth. Under no circumstances should either parent be able to withdraw or spend that money.

The Right to Work All laws describing the minimum age to work should be repealed in every country. All laws forbidding the sale of products or services produced by workers under a certain age, except sex work, should also be repealed. Youth must have the right to work during any hour of the day, and that means that legal restrictions on the time of day at which youth can work must be repealed. This includes repealing laws that mandate that youth cannot work during school hours or for more than a certain number of hours on a school night. Laws that mandate that youth must go to school if they work a certain number of hours also need to be repealed.

The Right to Equal Pay Youth must have the right to receive equal pay to an adult hired for the same position. Whether this is passed nationally, through state or provincial governments, or guaranteed through unions or other collective bargaining organizations, youth must have the same wage as adults. In countries with a minimum wage, youth must be paid at least the minimum wage. In countries without a minimum wage, this must be accomplished through unions or other collective bargaining organizations.

Tax Credits for Desk Jobs The risks are high for youth who have not reached physical maturity to perform manual labor. To recognize this risk, the government should provide financial or tax incentives to companies that employ youth in desk jobs at a much higher rate than manual labor jobs. The ratio of desk job youth employees to manual labor youth employees for this credit should be high, such as 9:1. It should also be achievable so that companies actively seek to change the composition of their desk job workers to youth. The exact ratio should be carefully chosen, but the goal should be to maximize the number of youth workers in desk jobs while minimizing the number of youth workers in manual labor jobs.

The Abolition of Debt Slavery In many countries, parents sell their children as debt slaves, and their salaries go to paying off the parents’ debt. The children are not paid; instead, their pay goes to pay off their parents’ debt. They work, eat, and sleep at these slave camps instead of living at their parents’ house. The kids have no choice in the matter, and their parents can legally force them into these “jobs,” which have preventions in place to prevent kids from leaving. They are slaves to their parents debts. This debt slavery should be made illegal. In addition, preventative laws should be put in place to stop these practices from ever happening.

The Right to Fully Own Money All laws that give parents or legal guardians the right to manage, supervise, receive, keep, hold, or collect kids’ earnings must be repealed. These laws are present in many countries, and it is the right of youth to have full ownership over their own earnings, money, and so on and so forth. This includes inherited money, possessions, property, and anything else that the youth might own. Parents should have no rights over any of it.

Get Rid of Status Offenses Several status offenses have already been talked about in detail. One of them that hasn’t been talked about is “ungovernability,” which basically means refusing to let your parents control you. Parents have no right to control their kids, and status offenses are just another way for parent-slavers to keep youth slaves in line. Status offenses themselves are oppressive, designed to punish youth for exercising their bodily autonomy. Status offenses can often result in convictions where youth are forced to undergo criminal sentences. Status offenses have criminalized bodily autonomy and prevented youth slaves from even having a small taste of freedom. Status offenses must be abolished.

Right to Be Served Youth must have the legal right to be served in grocery stores, restaurants, bars, department stores, and all other commercial enterprises. No store or commercial servicer should be allowed to refuse to serve youth. Money is money, and it should pay the same no matter who the owner is. It must also be illegal to use a different reason to refuse service that is actually a proxy for youth. For example, it must be illegal for bars to refuse service based on height, pitch of one’s voice, hair on one’s chin, size of one’s hands, or lack of a drivers’ license as a way to refuse service to youth.

Power to Sign Contracts Let youth have the power to sign contracts. If youth want to participate in business dealings, more power to them. Any youth with the money to take out a loan should be able to do so. There must also be plain-English translations for every contract available so that youth can understand the meaning of contracts before signing them. These plain-English translations must be constantly available to the public for scrutiny and have weight in court so that youth who hold to the plain-English meaning of the contract cannot be prosecuted.

Age Based Censorship Age-based censorship must be both prevented through the use of preventative laws and made illegal. No website must be able to refuse people ages 0–17 access to their content; no library must be able to refuse to check out books to people ages 0–17; and no movie studio, franchise, or industry must be able to use age ratings (or maturity ratings, content warnings, or trigger warnings) to determine who gets to watch their movies, TV shows, and other motion pictures.

The Right to Drive All youth must have the legislated right to drive any and all motor vehicles by passing a licensing test at the DMV. Both the written test and the driving test for youth should be the same as the ones for adults. There should be no age-based commands in a driving test that fail or demerit youth based on their age or a proxy of their age, such as their height. The fees to get a license for youth should also be waived.

The Right to Choose Citizenship For those youth who are eligible for two or more citizenships that cannot be held simultaneously, let them be the only ones with the right to choose their citizenship. If youth are eligible for dual citizenship in two or more countries, let it be their right to claim that citizenship without the approval or permission of their parents. Finally, parents should have no legal decision-making powers in the matter, with neither the power to reject citizenship nor the power to claim citizenship for their kids. Citizenship records of parents should also be kept and frequently updated by government agencies so that if a parent wants to deny their kid citizenship by refusing to provide proof of citizenship, the kid can claim it anyway. Children who are eligible for more than one citizenship should be the only ones to decide which countries they want to be citizens of.

The Right to Build on Unoccupied Land The right to build on unoccupied land is necessary for youth independence. There will always be plenty of kids looking to get away from their abusive parents—more than there are adults willing to take them in. Kids need housing options, and sometimes they choose to live with each other in groups. Kids should have the right to build indefinitely on unoccupied and unused land, as well as the right to live indefinitely on unoccupied land. In this way, youth can find temporary homes to live in and band together for protection. Youth should also be able to live in tents, hammocks, or self-built houses in federal parks, nature preserves, wetlands, and other natural environments. Any youth who can build their own house on unoccupied land should have the right to live in it until they decide to move to more modern apartment housing or to buy a house themselves.

The Right to Unofficial Youth Clubs There are plenty of unofficial youth clubs that are labeled and prosecuted as gangs when they are not. This is especially true for youth who grow up in poor neighborhoods. In middle-class, upper-middle-class, and rich neighborhoods, parents use their money, connections, and political power to enforce their

oppression so effectively that youth do not dare to associate in large free-thinking groups. Plenty of youth want to feel different, to go against the grain, and so they wear their hair differently, break rules, and generally be rude and irreverent. This rude behavior is their right, protected through their human right to bodily autonomy. They should be allowed to do as they wish as long as they are not assaulting, kidnapping, enslaving, torturing, or committing any of the other crimes that hurt other people. They should be allowed to insult other people; they should be allowed to gripe, moan, and gossip about them; they should be allowed to make rude gestures and cause a lot of noise; they should be allowed to disturb the sense of propriety; and they should be allowed to be impolite, offensive, and low-class. Youth should be allowed to be hooligans as long as they don’t hurt anyone. Shutting down unofficial youth clubs or forcing them to register themselves restricts freedom of assembly for youth. If youth commit crimes, then let the individual lawbreakers be prosecuted, but youth as a whole should have the right to associate in whatever manner they please. No youth should be prosecuted for the hurt feelings, injured pride, or pearl clutching of someone else, nor should they have their legal rights to freedom of assembly infringed upon.

Youth Controlled Public Housing Right now, the only public housing available for youth is adult-controlled. If postliberation public housing for youth is to succeed in providing a high quality of life for youth, it must be youth-controlled. Otherwise, adults will find ways to misuse or embezzle money otherwise meant for youth projects. Even in cases where adults do not misappropriate or embezzle money, they will be very inefficient with funding dollars because they are making decisions that are not based on the self-interest of the youth (decisions that only youth can make). In fact, funding allocation for youth public housing should be determined only by the youth residents, ages 0–17, living within. Bylaws for direct funding should be passed with a simple 50% of the vote, to be determined by the bylaw that reaches 50% of the vote first. Voting on bylaws must be held once a month, announced a month in advance. As such, voting should be direct democratic instead of republican in nature. All youth living within a youth housing complex must be enfranchised from the week of their arrival until the week of their exit. There must be no way to disenfranchise youth from this nominal selectorate except through their formal, voluntary, documented decision to live somewhere else. Youth must also be allowed to come back to the housing to live after they have formally exited (no matter how many times), as long as they are ages 0 through 17. When they reenter, they must be enfranchised again. The youth housing leadership (or bylaws in this case) must have a winning coalition of 50%. Manuals for meeting local, state, and federal housing and residential regulations should be provided for free to these youth housing complexes. These housing complexes must not be subject to city, county, or state law. The only authority to which these housing complexes should be accountable is federal law. These youth

housing complexes must receive funding based on the number of youth living in them; the more youth living in them, the higher the funding should be. The increase in funding per youth must be large enough to disincentivize youth from acting against one another to decrease the number of residents and increase the size of their own slice of the pie. The increase in funding per youth must also be large enough that the quality of life does not decrease when the youth complexes hold large numbers of youth. All internal disciplinary and justice systems must be banned, as internal disciplinary systems have a reputation for being corrupt, oppressive, and ineffective. As such, these housing complexes must not be able to administer official punishments. They must also not be able to create or enforce curfews. Instead, youth housing complexes should let the law resolve criminal disputes and let youth figure things out on their own when the disputes are not criminal in nature. There must be no adults in these housing complexes except for wet nurses for infants and babysitters for kids ages 0–3 years of age. In the event of an emergency, there must be easy access to emergency numbers through multiple landlines conveniently placed around the complex. These housing complexes should also be built in areas with easy access to places like medical clinics, grocery stores, and schools.

24-Hour Schools School buildings must be open 24 hours a day so that youth can come there if they need to. Youth must also be allowed to sit on, stand on, lay on, or gather together on school grounds (on school property, but not inside the building) 24 hours a day. If youth need to get away from their toxic home lives, study at odd hours of the night, or simply enjoy each other’s company, they must be able to do so whether on school grounds or inside the school building. The daily free meals discussed earlier in the document must be packaged and preserved in case youth do not eat them during the day, so that youth may eat those unclaimed meals late at night or early in the morning. Schools must also have basic amenities stocked, like toothbrushes, toothpaste, bandages, and antibiotic ointment.

Youth Controlled Schools Schools are not only controlled by adults; it is also a crime not to go. Compulsory education transformed what were once places of education into what are now slave/labor camps, where students perform forced “educational” labor because it is

a crime to leave and they get punished if they refuse to work. Once compulsory schooling is abolished and it is not a crime to refuse to go to school, youth still have another problem to contend with. Adults control schools and thus control the formalized education that youth can receive. In order for schools to be places that benefit youth, they must be controlled solely by youth. Funding allocation for schools must be determined solely by school-age youth (3–17) in their school district area. Bylaws to choose how funding should be spent must be passed by a simple 50% of the vote, to be determined by the bylaw that reaches 50% of the vote first. Voting on bylaws must be held once a semester, announced five months in advance. As such, voting must be direct democratic instead of republican in nature. This funding allocation must not in any way take away from free school meals or prevent schools from being open 24 hours a day. All internal disciplinary and justice systems must be banned, as internal disciplinary systems have a reputation for being corrupt, oppressive, and ineffective. As such, these school districts should be prevented, through preventative laws, from administering punishments or setting attendance rules. They must also not be able to create or enforce curfews. Instead, school districts must let the law resolve criminal disputes and let youth figure things out on their own when the disputes are not criminal in nature.

Repeal Parent-Child Tort Immunity Whether through harm by intentional act or harm through negligence, no parent should be immune from being sued by their minor child. Parent-child tort immunity is a weapon designed to subjugate kids under the parent-slaver boot. Parent-child tort immunity must be repealed under every possible circumstance. Parents should not be immune from the legal consequences of their actions towards their children; they should, of course, be subject to their children’s righteous attempts to seek justice through the law.