Plunkett's Education, Edtech and MOOCs Industry Almanac 2017 9781628317657

Plunkett's Education, EdTech & MOOCs Industry Almanac presents a complete analysis of the business and technolo

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Table of contents :
1) Introduction to the Education, EdTech & MOOCs Industry
2) Corporate Training and Adult Education Markets Continue to Grow Worldwide
3) Corporate Training Is Outsourced to the Internet/Tuition Assistance for Employees Is Spent at Online Universities
4) Education in Emerging Nations Faces Unique Challenges
5) A Wide Range of Software to Enhance Learning and Improve Education’s Cost-Effectiveness Is Offered by Large Firms and Startups Alike
6) Adaptive Learning Technology Adjusts Classroom Pace to Each Individual Student’s Ability
7) Innovative Companies Score Big Successes in Adult and Leisure Learning Online
8) Affordable Degrees Are Served Up Online and in Hybrid (“Blended Education”) Models
9) Charter Schools Post Growth, Create Controversy as Traditional School Alternatives
10) Technology and the Internet Enable Virtual Schools, Ranging from Virtual Public Charter Schools to Virtual Universities
11) The Internet Enables the Flipped Classroom, Pioneered by Khan Academy Tutorials
12) MOOCs, Massive Open Online Courses: Startups Seek Elusive Profits
13) U.S. and UK Universities Serve Up Education to Foreigners, Aided by Technology/Private Schools Grow Rapidly Outside the U.S.
14) Gamification: Games Technology Boosts Education and Training
15) The Future of Education
U.S. Education Statistics and Market Size Overview
Global Education Statistics and Market Size Overview
School Enrollment of the Population 3 Years Old and Over, by Level of School, U.S.: 1964-2015
U.S. Population Age 25 and Older, by Educational Attainment: 1940-2015
PreK-12th Grade Student Enrollment, By Sex, School Level & Race/Ethnicity, U.S.: 2015
Number & Percent Distribution of Public Elementary & Secondary Students & Schools, By Traditional or Charter School Status & Selected Characteristics: 1999-2000 & 2014-2015
Total & Current Expenditures Per Pupil in Public Elementary & Secondary Schools, U.S.: Selected Years, 1919-2014
Public & Private Direct Expenditures on All Education Institutions, as a Percent of GDP, By Country: Selected Years, 2000-2012
Average PISA Test Scores for Mathematics, Selected OECD & Non-OECD Countries: 2015
Average PISA Test Scores for Reading, Selected OECD & Non-OECD Countries: 2015
Average PISA Test Scores for Science, Selected OECD & Non-OECD Countries: 2015
Total Enrollment, Percent of Students Receiving Student Loans & Average Loan Amount at Public, Private Not-for-Profit & Private For-Profit 4-Year Colleges, U.S.: 2000-2013
Average Annual Costs for Full-Time Undergraduates at Degree-Granting Post-Secondary Institutions: 1963-2016
Percentage of College Undergraduates Receiving Student Loans, By Selected Student Characteristics: 1989–90, 1999-2000 & 2011–12
Average Cumulative Loan Amount for College Undergraduates Receiving Student Loans, By Selected Student Characteristics:1989–90, 1999-2000 & 2011–12
Educational Services Industry Revenue, U.S.: 2011-2016
Employment in Education Occupations, U.S.: May 2015
Individual Data ProfilesOn Each Of THE EDUCATION 150
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Plunkett’s Education, EdTech & MOOCs Industry Almanac 2017

Plunkett’s Education, EdTech & MOOCs Industry Almanac 2017 $349.99

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GET ACCESS TO COMPLETE INDUSTRY RESEARCH Complete profiles on the top companies, plus the latest statistics and trends in: 4Education Technology 4Open Online Courses 4Distance Learning 4Charter Schools 4Corporate Training 4Text Books

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PLUNKETT’S EDUCATION, EDTECH & MOOCS INDUSTRY ALMANAC 2017 The only comprehensive guide to the education industry

Jack W. Plunkett

Published by: Plunkett Research®, Ltd., Houston, Texas


Executive Editor and Database Manager: Martha Burgher Plunkett

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Chapter 1: Major Trends Affecting the Education, EdTech & MOOCs Industry 1) Introduction to the Education, EdTech & MOOCs Industry 2) Corporate Training and Adult Education Markets Continue to Grow Worldwide 3) Corporate Training Is Outsourced to the Internet/Tuition Assistance for Employees Is Spent at Online Universities 4) Education in Emerging Nations Faces Unique Challenges 5) A Wide Range of Software to Enhance Learning and Improve Education’s CostEffectiveness Is Offered by Large Firms and Startups Alike 6) Adaptive Learning Technology Adjusts Classroom Pace to Each Individual Student’s Ability 7) Innovative Companies Score Big Successes in Adult and Leisure Learning Online 8) Affordable Degrees Are Served Up Online and in Hybrid (“Blended Education”) Models 9) Charter Schools Post Growth, Create Controversy as Traditional School Alternatives 10) Technology and the Internet Enable Virtual Charter Schools, Ranging from Virtual Public Charter Schools to Virtual Universities 11) The Internet Enables the Flipped Classroom, Pioneered by Khan Academy Tutorials 12) MOOCs, Massive Open Online Courses: Startups Seek Elusive Profits 13) U.S. and UK Universities Serve Up Education to Foreigners, Aided by Technology/Private Schools Grow Rapidly Outside the U.S. 14) Gamification: Games Technology Boosts Education and Training 15) The Future of Education Chapter 2: Education Industry Statistics U.S. Education Statistics and Market Size Overview Global Education Statistics and Market Size Overview School Enrollment of the Population 3 Years Old and Over, by Level of School, U.S.: 1964-2015 U.S. Population Age 25 and Older, by Educational Attainment: 1940-2015 PreK-12th Grade Student Enrollment, By School Level & Race/Ethnicity, U.S.: Selected Years, 2015 Number & Percent Distribution of Public Elementary & Secondary Students & Schools, By Traditional or Charter School Status & Selected Characteristics: 1999-2000 & 2014-2015 Total & Current Expenditures Per Pupil in Public Elementary & Secondary Schools, U.S.: Selected Years, 1919-2014 Public & Private Direct Expenditures on All Education Institutions, as a Percent of GDP, By Country: Selected Years, 2000-2012 Average PISA Test Scores for Mathematics, Selected OECD & Non-OECD Countries: 2015 Average PISA Test Scores for Reading, Selected OECD & Non-OECD Countries: 2015 Average PISA Test Scores for Science, Selected OECD & Non-OECD Countries: 2015 Total Enrollment, Percent of Students Receiving Student Loans & Average Loan Amount at Public, Private Not-for-Profit & Private For-Profit 4-Year Colleges, U.S.: 2000-2013 Continued on next page

1 3 6 6 9 9 10 10 13 13 14 15 17 18 18 20 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Continued from previous page

Average Annual Costs for Full-Time Undergraduates at Degree-Granting Post-Secondary Institutions: 1963-2016 Percentage of College Undergraduates Receiving Student Loans, By Selected Student Characteristics: 1989–90, 1999-2000 & 2011–12 Average Cumulative Loan Amount for College Undergraduates Receiving Student Loans, By Selected Student Characteristics: 1989–90, 1999-2000 & 2011–12 Educational Services Industry Revenue, U.S.: 2011-2016 Employment in Education Occupations, U.S.: May 2015 Chapter 3: Important Education Industry Contacts

(Addresses, Phone Numbers and Internet Sites)

Chapter 4: THE EDUCATION 150: Who They Are and How They Were Chosen Index of Companies Within Industry Groups Alphabetical Index Index of Headquarters Location by U.S. State Index of Non-U.S. Headquarters Location by Country Individual Data Profiles on Each of THE EDUCATION 150 Additional Indexes Index of Hot Spots for Advancement for Women/Minorities Index by Subsidiaries, Brand Names and Selected Affiliations A Short Education Industry Glossary

36 37 38 39 40 41 61 62 67 69 71 73 238 239 245

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PLUNKETT’S EDUCATION, EDTECH & MOOCS INDUSTRY ALMANAC is designed as a general source for researchers of all types. The data and areas of interest covered are intentionally broad, ranging from education trends to emerging technologies, to an in-depth look at the major firms (which we call “THE EDUCATION 150”) within the many segments that make up the education, edtech and MOOCs industry. This reference book is designed to be a general source for researchers. It is especially intended to assist with market research, strategic planning, employment searches, contact or prospect list creation and financial research, and as a data resource for executives and students of all types. PLUNKETT’S EDUCATION, EDTECH & MOOCS INDUSTRY ALMANAC takes a rounded approach for the general reader. This book presents a complete overview of the education field (see “How To Use This Book”). THE EDUCATION 150 is our grouping of the most important, most successful corporations in all segments of the education industry. They are generally for-profit, but certain important nonprofit services companies are included. Tens of thousands of pieces of information, gathered from a wide

variety of sources, have been researched and are presented in a unique form that can be easily understood. This section includes thorough indexes to THE EDUCATION 150, by geography, industry, sales, brand names, subsidiary names and many other topics. (See Chapter 4.) Especially helpful is the way in which PLUNKETT’S EDUCATION, EDTECH & MOOCS INDUSTRY ALMANAC enables readers who have no education or financial background to readily compare the strategies, financial records and growth plans of education companies and major industry groups. You’ll see the mid-term financial record of each firm, along with the impact of earnings, sales and strategic plans on each company’s potential to fuel growth and provide investment and employment opportunities. No other source provides this book’s easy-tounderstand comparisons of growth, expenditures, technologies, corporations, research and many other items of great importance. The information within is crucial to people of all types who may be studying this, one of the largest industries in the world today. By scanning the data groups and the unique indexes, you can find the best information to fit your personal research needs. The major companies are profiled and then ranked using several different groups of specific criteria. Which firms are the biggest employers?

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Which companies earn the most profits? These things and much more are easy to find. In addition to individual company profiles, an analysis of education technology trends is provided. This book’s job is to help you sort through clear summaries of today’s trends in a quick and effective manner. Whatever your purpose for researching the education field, you’ll find this book to be a valuable guide. Nonetheless, as is true with all resources, this volume has limitations that the reader should be aware of: •

Financial data and other corporate information can change quickly. A book of this type can be no more current than the data that was available as of the time of editing. Consequently, the financial picture, management and ownership of the firm(s) you are studying may have changed since the date of this book. For example, this almanac includes the most up-to-date sales figures and profits available to the editors as of mid-2017. That means that we have typically used corporate financial data as of late-2016.

Corporate mergers, acquisitions and downsizing are occurring at a very rapid rate. Such events may have created significant change, subsequent to the publishing of this book, within a company you are studying.

Some of the companies in THE EDUCATION 150 are so large in scope and in variety of business endeavors conducted within a parent organization, that we have been unable to completely list all subsidiaries, affiliations, divisions and activities within a firm’s corporate structure.

This volume is intended to be a general guide to a rapidly changing industry. That means that researchers should look to this book for an overview and, when conducting in-depth research, should contact the specific corporations or industry associations in question for the very latest changes and data. Where possible, we have listed contact names, toll-free telephone numbers and Internet site addresses for the companies, government agencies and industry associations involved so that the reader may get further details without unnecessary delay.

Tables of industry data and statistics used in this book include the latest numbers available at the time of printing, generally through late 2016. In a few cases, the only complete data available was for earlier years.

We have used exhaustive efforts to locate and fairly present accurate and complete data. However, when using this book or any other source for business and industry information, the reader should use caution and diligence by conducting further research where it seems appropriate. We wish you success in your endeavors, and we trust that your experience with this book will be both satisfactory and productive.

Jack W. Plunkett Houston, Texas May 2017

Plunkett Research, Ltd.


The two primary sections of this book are devoted first to the education industry as a whole and then to the “Individual Data Listings” for THE EDUCATION 150. If time permits, you should begin your research in the front chapters of this book. Also, you will find lengthy indexes in Chapter 4 and in the back of the book.

› Video Tip For our brief video introduction to the education industry, see THE EDUCATION INDUSTRY Chapter 1: Major Trends Affecting the Education, EdTech & MOOCs Industry. This chapter presents an encapsulated view of the major trends that are creating rapid changes in the education industry today. Chapter 2: Education Industry Statistics. This chapter contains an extensive set of industry statistics. Chapter 3: Important Education Industry Contacts – Addresses, Telephone Numbers and Internet Sites. This chapter covers contacts

for important government agencies and trade groups. Included are numerous important Internet sites. THE EDUCATION 150 Chapter 4: THE EDUCATION 150: Who They Are and How They Were Chosen. The companies compared in this were carefully selected from the education industry, largely in the United States. Many firms are based outside the U.S. as well. For a complete description, see THE EDUCATION 150 indexes in this chapter. Individual Data Listings: Look at one of the companies in THE EDUCATION 150’s Individual Data Listings. You’ll find the following information fields: Company Name: The company profiles are in alphabetical order by company name. If you don’t find the company you are seeking, it may be a subsidiary or division of one of the firms covered in this book. Try looking it up in the Index by Subsidiaries, Brand Names and Selected Affiliations in the back of the book. Industry Code: Industry Group Code: An NAIC code used to group companies within like segments. Types of Business: A listing of the primary types of business specialties conducted by the firm.

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Brands/Divisions/Affiliations: Major brand names, operating divisions or subsidiaries of the firm, as well as major corporate affiliations—such as another firm that owns a significant portion of the company’s stock. A complete Index by Subsidiaries, Brand Names and Selected Affiliations is in the back of the book. Contacts: The names and titles up to 27 top officers of the company are listed, including human resources contacts. Growth Plans/ Special Features: Listed here are observations regarding the firm’s strategy, hiring plans, plans for growth and product development, along with general information regarding a company’s business and prospects. Financial Data: Revenue (2016 or the latest fiscal year available to the editors, plus up to five previous years): This figure represents consolidated worldwide sales from all operations. These numbers may be estimates. R&D Expense (2016 or the latest fiscal year available to the editors, plus up to five previous years): This figure represents expenses associated with the research and development of a company’s goods or services. These numbers may be estimates. Operating Income (2016 or the latest fiscal year available to the editors, plus up to five previous years): This figure represents the amount of profit realized from annual operations after deducting operating expenses including costs of goods sold, wages and depreciation. These numbers may be estimates. Operating Margin % (2016 or the latest fiscal year available to the editors, plus up to five previous years): This figure is a ratio derived by dividing operating income by net revenues. It is a measurement of a firm’s pricing strategy and operating efficiency. These numbers may be estimates. SGA Expense (2016 or the latest fiscal year available to the editors, plus up to five previous years): This figure represents the sum of selling, general and administrative expenses of a company, including costs such as warranty, advertising, interest, personnel, utilities, office space rent, etc. These numbers may be estimates. Net Income (2016 or the latest fiscal year available to the editors, plus up to five previous years): This figure represents consolidated, after-tax net profit from all operations. These numbers may be estimates. Operating Cash Flow (2016 or the latest fiscal year available to the editors, plus up to five previous

years): This figure is a measure of the amount of cash generated by a firm’s normal business operations. It is calculated as net income before depreciation and after income taxes, adjusted for working capital. It is a prime indicator of a company’s ability to generate enough cash to pay its bills. These numbers may be estimates. Capital Expenditure (2016 or the latest fiscal year available to the editors, plus up to five previous years): This figure represents funds used for investment in or improvement of physical assets such as offices, equipment or factories and the purchase or creation of new facilities and/or equipment. These numbers may be estimates. EBITDA (2016 or the latest fiscal year available to the editors, plus up to five previous years): This figure is an acronym for earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. It represents a company's financial performance calculated as revenue minus expenses (excluding taxes, depreciation and interest), and is a prime indicator of profitability. These numbers may be estimates. Return on Assets % (2016 or the latest fiscal year available to the editors, plus up to five previous years): This figure is an indicator of the profitability of a company relative to its total assets. It is calculated by dividing annual net earnings by total assets. These numbers may be estimates. Return on Equity % (2016 or the latest fiscal year available to the editors, plus up to five previous years): This figure is a measurement of net income as a percentage of shareholders' equity. It is also called the rate of return on the ownership interest. It is a vital indicator of the quality of a company’s operations. These numbers may be estimates. Debt to Equity (2016 or the latest fiscal year available to the editors, plus up to five previous years): A ratio of the company’s long-term debt to its shareholders’ equity. This is an indicator of the overall financial leverage of the firm. These numbers may be estimates. Address: The firm’s full headquarters address, the headquarters telephone, plus toll-free and fax numbers where available. Also provided is the World Wide Web site address. Stock Ticker, Exchange: When available, the unique stock market symbol used to identify this firm’s common stock for trading and tracking purposes is indicated. Where appropriate, this field may contain “private” or “subsidiary” rather than a ticker symbol. If the firm is a publicly-held company

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headquartered outside of the U.S., its international ticker and exchange are given. Total Number of Employees: The approximate total number of employees, worldwide, as of the end of 2016 (or the latest data available to the editors). Parent Company: If the firm is a subsidiary, its parent company is listed. Salaries/Bonuses: (The following descriptions generally apply to U.S. employers only.) Highest Executive Salary: The highest executive salary paid, typically a 2016 amount (or the latest year available to the editors) and typically paid to the Chief Executive Officer. Highest Executive Bonus: The apparent bonus, if any, paid to the above person. Second Highest Executive Salary: The nexthighest executive salary paid, typically a 2016 amount (or the latest year available to the editors) and typically paid to the President or Chief Operating Officer. Second Highest Executive Bonus: The apparent bonus, if any, paid to the above person. Other Thoughts: Estimated Female Officers or Directors: It is difficult to obtain this information on an exact basis, and employers generally do not disclose the data in a public way. However, we have indicated what our best efforts reveal to be the apparent number of women who either are in the posts of corporate officers or sit on the board of directors. There is a wide variance from company to company. Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: A “Y” in appropriate fields indicates “Yes.” These are firms that appear either to have posted a substantial number of women and/or minorities to high posts or that appear to have a good record of going out of their way to recruit, train, promote and retain women or minorities. (See the Index of Hot Spots For Women and Minorities in the back of the book.) This information may change frequently and can be difficult to obtain and verify. Consequently, the reader should use caution and conduct further investigation where appropriate. Glossary: A short list of education industry terms.

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Chapter 1 MAJOR TRENDS IN THE EDUCATION, EDTECH & MOOCS INDUSTRY Major Trends Affecting the Education, EdTech & MOOCs Industry: 1) Introduction to the Education, EdTech & MOOCs Industry 2) Corporate Training and Adult Education Markets Continue to Grow Worldwide 3) Corporate Training Is Outsourced to the Internet/Tuition Assistance for Employees Is Spent at Online Universities 4) Education in Emerging Nations Faces Unique Challenges 5) A Wide Range of Software to Enhance Learning and Improve Education’s CostEffectiveness Is Offered by Large Firms and Startups Alike 6) Adaptive Learning Technology Adjusts Classroom Pace to Each Individual Student’s Ability 7) Innovative Companies Score Big Successes in Adult and Leisure Learning Online 8) Affordable Degrees Are Served Up Online and in Hybrid (“Blended Education”) Models 9) Charter Schools Post Growth, Create Controversy as Traditional School Alternatives 10) Technology and the Internet Enable Virtual Charter Schools, Ranging from Virtual Public Charter Schools to Virtual Universities

11) The Internet Enables the Flipped Classroom, Pioneered by Khan Academy Tutorials 12) MOOCs, Massive Open Online Courses: Startups Seek Elusive Profits 13) U.S. and UK Universities Serve Up Education to Foreigners, Aided by Technology/Private Schools Grow Rapidly Outside the U.S. 14) Gamification: Games Technology Boosts Education and Training 15) The Future of Education 1)

Introduction to the Education, EdTech & MOOCs Industry

› Video Tip For our brief video introduction to the education industry, see Education, both at higher and lower levels, is one of the largest activities in the world (in terms of employees, expenditures and consumers—that is, students). However, somewhat similar to the health care sector, education’s expenditures, quality of output and ultimate results vary wildly from nation to nation, and from place to place within nations. In total, global public and private spending on education (K-12 through higher education) is equal to about 6% of GDP, or $4.5 trillion for 2016. On a worldwide basis, this makes the education sector a bit

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smaller than the health care sector. These numbers are according to Plunkett Research estimates. Globally, the UN counted 1.29 billion students in grades K-12 during 2014 (the latest year available). This amounted to an 89.3% enrollment rate (of potential students) in primary schools and 65.1% in secondary schools. The UN also counted 207.5 million students in higher education worldwide. Meanwhile, the global education market also serves both working adults (corporate training and worker certification) and adults seeking learning for personal, casual or recreational purposes. Many working adults also return to universities in order to continue or expand their educations, often with an interest in changing their careers. Corporate training and education was a $70.6 billion market in the U.S. in 2016, and a $155 billion global market, according to Plunkett Research estimates. Colleges and Universities: In higher education, the U.S. had 13.3 million students in degree-granting, 4-year colleges and universities during the fall 2016 semester school year, and 6.8 million students in public 2-year colleges, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Education in Grades K-12: In the United States alone, 55.5 million students (public and private schools combined) attend classes from preschool through 12th grade, in 98,271 public schools of all types, operated by 13,491 school districts, plus 33,619 private schools. (Roughly 2 million additional lower school students are schooled at home.) These schools are run by 3.6 million teachers and 3.4 million administrators and support staff. These numbers are for 2015 (the latest year for which comprehensive data is available) published by the U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. The cost of this schooling is approximately $625 billion yearly for public K-12 schools (not including private schools). Expenditures were expected to be about $11,600 per student for the 2016-2017 school year, but the cost varies wildly depending on what part of the nation you are considering. For example, 2013-14 found expenditures ranging from $6,546 per student in Utah to $20,557 in the District of Columbia, and $20,156 in New York City. Roughly $80 billion of the total cost of public K12 education is provided for by various federal government programs. Most of the balance is split about evenly by state and local taxes. Challenges in Lower and Higher Education: The realm of education can, at its simplest, be divided into two parts: lower education (preschool through

high school, often referred to as K-12) and higher education (junior colleges, technical schools and colleges and universities, including their graduate schools). Those two sectors could each be logically divided into two further parts: publicly-funded schools and private schools. Regardless of which quadrant of this simplified view of schools and colleges is under discussion, the challenges faced by funders, administrators, parents and educators are disturbingly similar in many economically-advanced nations: a) costs that have grown very rapidly over recent years (reflected in high tuition, high operating expenses and growing costs to taxpayers and private tuition payers); b) results that are often disappointing (reflected in a combination of low graduation rates, poor standing in comparative international studies of K-12 student achievement, high levels of college student debt and difficulty among many students in finding good jobs upon graduation—sometimes referred to as underemployment); and c) the need for schools and teachers to attempt to serve large student bodies of widely varying intelligence, cultural or linguistic background, academic interest and individual needs. There are stellar examples of schools and colleges that rise far above these challenges across the U.S. and the rest of the world. Unfortunately, there are also miserable failures at the bottom of the list, where schools fail to deliver a reasonable return on the time and money invested in them. The Debate Over the Reform of Public K-12 Schools in the U.S.: Ever since free public education became the norm in America, the costs and the methodology used to teach in schools have been the subject of intense (and frequently bitter) debate. That debate is now intensifying for three reasons: 1) Costs have risen faster than the general rate of inflation for many years. 2) Many parents, students and observers are disappointed in the results achieved by students. This is fueled by generally disappointing achievement test results in K-12 and a very poor showing for U.S. students when ranked against the students of other nations in comparative studies known as PISA scores. The looming question in many minds is: are students being prepared properly for their future careers, for a world that is rapidly adopting advanced technologies, for a climate of intense competition due to globalization, and for higher education for those students who choose to pursue it?

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3) Technology is slowly but surely changing the challenges, opportunities and methods of providing education at all levels, but the implementation of technology leads to further controversies (such as students’ privacy and the so-called ”digital divide” that limits the opportunities of lower-income students who do not have computers or internet access at home) along with significant investments required for equipment, services and training. Source: Plunkett Research, Ltd. The proposed (and very controversial) cures to education’s needs are as varied as the challenges faced, ranging from bigger school budgets and higher pay for teachers at the simplest end to more centralized control, government intervention, student testing and accountability for teachers at the most complex end. Some people argue for less federal government involvement and more autonomy at the state and school district level, while many observers state that teachers’ unions have too much power and political influence. Alternatives to traditional education are gaining traction. Charter schools, home schooling, online classes and MOOCs (massive open online courses) are slowly gaining market share, sometimes provided by for-profit companies, sometimes springing from parental efforts, and most often growing through nonprofit groups ranging from public school systems to religious organizations. At the college and university level, concerns about the costs and effectiveness of higher education have been accelerated by the massive debt levels now carried by U.S. college students. U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics indicate that the price index for U.S. college tuition rose by nearly 1,300% from early 1978 through early 2017, four times faster than the overall rise in consumer prices (food, housing, etc.) of about 287%. However, the increases in tuition stated above do not reflect the fact that financial aid to university students has also increased substantially. The net cost to the typical student has risen at a much slower rate, after factoring in financial aid. Another significant factor that is often overlooked is the fact that state budgets for support to public universities typically have not kept up with inflation, leaving it to universities to look to higher tuition to cover their costs. (State budgets are under extreme pressure due to the rising costs of pensions for former state workers, leaving less money available for education.) At the same time, many observers point to a long-term trend of rising ratios of administrative,

non-academic staff to professors, creating lower operating efficiencies and higher overall costs of education. This would indicate opportunities for the application of better technology to reduce the number of employees required for administrative tasks, such as human resources or accounting. In fact, total American student debt, at $1.31 trillion, is of stunning proportions, exceeding even total credit card debt. The average new U.S. graduate with a 4-year degree left school in 2016 with $37,000 in student loans, up from only $18,600 in 2004. The burden of making payments on these loans is limiting the ability of recent graduates to purchase cars, household goods and homes, which in turn is detrimental to the growth potential of the economy overall. There is tremendous pent-up demand among recent grads to form new households of their own, but their finances and job prospects in many cases limit their ability to leave their parents’ homes and strike out independently. Meanwhile, there is a growing emphasis in America on better supporting and utilizing the community and technical colleges that are already widespread across the nation, in order to reduce overall tuition and fee costs to students and boost career-specific training tailored to suit the needs of local employers. Such schools typically have much lower tuition costs than 4-year colleges and universities. Technology as a Long-Term Solution: Technology-based education solutions are gathering tremendous momentum, and in many cases they are being carefully tested and applied in real school situations. Online learning is gathering speed at all levels, from home schooling of high school students, to basic courses for university students, to essential skills training for corporate employees. Software tools enhancing everything from school attendance management, to student engagement, to the availability of learning resources online are growing in availability and popularity. Business and investment opportunities abound due to the immense demand for greater productivity, efficiency and effectiveness in education. “Points of pain” can be found throughout the spectrum of the education sector, while the size of the market is immense, both in developed nations in North America, Europe and Asia, and in less-developed countries starved for good educational resources. People who are considering the future of education should be prepared for twists, turns and surprises. Massive demand for quality education worldwide, combined with the need to control costs

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and harness the potential of cloud-based computing, mobile devices, ultrafast internet access and artificial intelligence, will lead to unexpected changes and advancements. For example, Google’s free cloudbased apps, like Google Docs, are taking public schools by storm, while traditional publishing firm Bertelsmann (the massive global firm that is owner of dozens of radio and TV companies and such book imprints as Penguin Random House, as well as music company BMG) has invested heavily in state-of-theart edtech firms including Udacity, HotChalk and Relias Learning. One of the biggest surprises of all was an announcement by world-class Purdue University, long a leader in fine education with its advanced schools of engineering, science, business and aerospace, that it would acquire the for-profit education business of Kaplan university, picking up 32,000 students in the process. Kaplan owned a very well developed online learning platform, and the acquisition enables Purdue to rapidly expand its offerings to remote students, including working adult learners. 2)

Corporate Training and Adult Education Markets Continue to Grow Worldwide Two peripheral areas of education are leading the way in utilizing technology to speed learning and dramatically cut costs: leisure learning and corporate training. The leisure education market has been stormed by savvy entrepreneurs who offer onlineand DVD-based learning that has become wildly popular. Leaders in this area include (acquired by LinkedIn in 2015 for $1.5 billion), where a modest monthly subscription price provides access to thousands of online courses ranging from how to use various types of software to how to bolster photography skills. Similar success has been achieved in online courses covering arts and crafts at A company called The Great Courses ( has built a tremendous business by offering online- and DVD-based lectures by outstanding professors, covering topics ranging from philosophy to the great religions to history to economics. Rosetta Stone ( has likewise built a very large business offering discs and online versions of language lessons. Corporate training and education was a $76 billion market in the U.S. in 2016, and a $160 billion market worldwide, according to Plunkett Research estimates. While many of the world’s largest corporations have their own in-house training departments, classrooms and even learning campuses,

much of employee development and training is being outsourced, particularly in the small- to mid-sized employer market. A very wide variety of providers are taking advantage of this trend. Leaders range from software training offered by CodeAcademy (teaching software development) to recently launched executive education on a platform called Innovator’s Accelerator, featuring some of the world’s top professors and owned by Apollo Group (also the owner of the University of Phoenix). Udacity, one of the world’s most talked about MOOC companies has changed its focus from providing university courses online to providing corporate training. 3)

Corporate Training Is Outsourced to the Internet/Tuition Assistance for Employees Is Spent at Online Universities Corporate employers are outsourcing their training and employee education to a growing extent, frequently using online course providers. A very wide variety of providers are taking advantage of this trend. Leaders range from software training offered by CodeAcademy to recently launched executive education in a platform called Innovator’s Accelerator, featuring some of the world’s top professors and owned by Apollo Group, also the owner of the University of Phoenix. Corporate training may be aimed at employees at nearly all levels. By 2016, for example, McDonald’s Hamburger University had graduated about 300,000 people. Elsewhere, Apple hired a top pro, Yale University’s business school dean Joel Podolny, to run its corporate university. By one count, roughly 4,000 corporations around the world have their own in-house institutions of advanced training. In June 2014, Starbucks announced the Starbucks College Achievement Plan. This is good news for the firm’s massive employee base, and a groundbreaking educational assistance effort that may have a significant effect on the employee benefits practices of other large employers. Starbucks employees who work at least 20 hours per week qualify for tuition assistance for a two-year associate’s degree. Employees also may receive full tuition reimbursement for college courses of junior year and above by successfully completing online courses offered by Arizona State University. These employees may choose from approximately 40 degree plans, ranging from education, to electrical engineering, to retail management. The net effect is the ability to earn a 4-year degree from a noteworthy

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university with little out-of-pocket expense for employees. This is a huge step up from the $1,000 per year tuition aid that the firm offered to eligible employees in the past. To further boost the new program, employees may access an enrollment coach, financial aid counselor and academic advisor as needed. Arizona State University has achieved high ranks on many lists of schools and is a widely recognized innovator in online learning. Also in June 2014, Udacity, a major online education firm, announced the launch of an employee development and training program called “nanodegrees.” Udacity is a MOOC (massive open online course) company that was originally founded to provide university classes online, but later pivoted to focus on the corporate training market. The firm describes its nanodegrees as compact, flexible and job-focused training that can lead to employees earning credentials for successful completion of the courses. Udacity estimates that it will require six to 12 months for a person who is also working full-time to complete a course of study and receive a nanodegree. The program includes entry-level software and engineering courses, such as front-end web developer, back-end web developer, App developer, tech entrepreneur, mobile game developer and data analyst. Options for the student may include direct employer tuition support, or the Nanodegree Plus plan where Udacity guarantees that the student will receive a 100% tuition refund if he or she has not been hired within six months of graduating. 4)

Education in Emerging Nations Faces Unique Challenges In less-developed nations, public education is often very poorly funded and of low quality, particularly in villages and rural areas. In the most challenging schools in low income regions, books are scarce and teachers have little formal training. In such regions, wireless networks and internet connections combined with very low-cost laptops and online teaching aids are slowly spreading, making a tremendous difference for students and teachers alike. Meanwhile, private, for-pay schools are on the rise around the world, especially in poorer countries. A study conducted in 2012 showed that there were 72 million school-age children not in school around the globe, 50% of them in sub-Saharan Africa and 25% in South and West Asia. The United Nations has a goal of getting these children into schools. Public education in such countries, which is typically freeof-charge, is often of such poor quality that many

low-income parents are willing to endure the struggle to pay for private schools. At the same time, a number of governments are building more public schools but cannot find enough qualified teachers. According to the OECD, between one-quarter and one-third of all school children in India attend private schools. Despite efforts to improve both higher and lower education, India, with more than 1 billion people and a very young median age, remains far below the U.S., Brazil, Russia and China in top ranked universities and college enrollment. As a result of these issues in emerging nations, one of the top goals for families that rise to the middle class and begin earning discretionary income is to purchase private education for their children. 5)

A Wide Range of Software to Enhance Learning and Improve Education’s Cost-Effectiveness Is Offered by Large Firms and Startups Alike Technology-based education solutions are gathering tremendous momentum, and in many cases being carefully tested and applied in real school situations. This movement toward the use of more technology has many precedents. For example, technology has completely revolutionized American business and industry since the end of World War II, boosting productivity, increasing quality, and enhancing information flow in a manner that has created better transparency, accountability and teamwork. Advanced technologies have the potential to do the same in education. The relationship between public education and technology is very analogous to that of health care and technology. In health care, much of the day-today costs are paid for by federal and state governments, while the entrenched habits of the various people working in health care have long been resistant to the application of efficiency-generating software. Today, the vast American health care industry has finally invested heavily in digital patient health records along with related staff training, as part of a larger struggle to find ways to speed care, reduce costs and improve outcomes. This trend is being boosted partly by government grants and incentives, and by the fact that technology costs are dropping while the quality and variety of software is improving. In the same way, education is becoming a major user of the latest hardware, software and internet tools. There is some general sense of inevitability about the notion that all students of all ages will eventually use tablets, computers and smartphones in highly

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networked and digitized classrooms. Nonetheless, old habits change slowly and it is very challenging to design best practices and curriculum to take advantage of the power of computers and software. As a result, both health care and education alike are often frustrated by the results of the application of new computer technologies. A significant example of the challenges facing new technologies in the classroom is Amplify (, an innovative, multi-faceted teaching platform that developed its own tablet-like device for students, and supporting software tools for teachers. Until mid-2015, Amplify was a subsidiary at media giant News Corp., which had very high hopes for this initiative. After several years of development, News Corp. sold Amplify, which now operates as a free-standing, private company. Revenues had been disappointing, and the challenges in developing and manufacturing a unique tablet has been formidable. Nonetheless, considerable promise remains for Amplify and its basic premise. Columbia University completed a study in 2015 showing that 6,000 students at 15 traditional public schools across the U.S., achieved a 47% higher progress level in math in one year than the national average, by using a combination of personalized online learning and teacher-led learning. The result was an average gain of 1.5 years of math progress in only one school year. Google’s Cloud-Based Tools Gain Dominance in U.S. elementary and secondary Classrooms Google has very successfully launched a strategy to win the hearts, minds and clicks of students, based on easy-to-use, cloud-based tools and apps that are free-of-charge, plus the availability of low-cost Google Chromebook laptops. Despite intense competition for classroom users from Apple and Microsoft, Chromebooks account for more than onehalf of all laptops sold to public schools. A massive training and communication program from Google encouraged teachers to ask their students to use tools such as Google’s Gmail (email) accounts. Another tool, Google Docs, is a logical, free way for students to create, save, edit and share documents, projects and papers of all types. Since Docs is cloud-based, students can access from one computer at school and then from another device at home or on the go. Google Calendar enables students and teachers to share schedules and deadline information. School districts that might otherwise have spent millions of dollars per year on commercial software are extremely enthusiastic.

While Google doesn’t generate a lot of initial revenue, what it does receive is a massive asset: tens of millions of young people who grow up accustomed to using Google software and devices on a day-to-day basis. Google has agreed to federal guidelines that protect the privacy of student’s personal information. Online learning is gathering speed in learning at all levels, from home schooling of high school students, to basic courses for university students, to essential skills training for corporate employees. Universities, in many ways, are supplementing legacy methods by setting high standards for technology adoption. In many ways, college libraries have been pioneers. College and university libraries were among the first organizations to discard paperbased systems, such as card catalogs, and adopt computerized organization of resources, from books to archives. Next, these libraries fought to create substantial budgets for online reference databases that enable faculty and students to access a wealth of current and historical data, with instant online access to top databases and archives in everything from business and economics to liberal arts, science, engineering, law and medicine. These database subscriptions are expensive, but they are absolutely vital for higher education. Later, libraries became big boosters of ebooks that can be accessed online by multiple readers at once. This enabled them to reduce the amount of floor space dedicated to bookshelves, and increase the space allotted to computer desks and group study rooms. Today, libraries offer remote login so that students and faculty may access all of a library’s electronic resources from the dorm, the office or anywhere else, on or off campus. Meanwhile, university professors have been eager adopters of electronic tools to enable them to communicate with students, organize classwork and disseminate lesson plans and learning resources. One of the most popular tools is a learning community called Blackboard, where students can access specific professors, their coursework and their assignments. Software tools enhancing everything from school attendance management, to student engagement, to the availability of learning resources online are growing in availability and popularity as well. Business and investment opportunities abound due to the immense demand for greater productivity, efficiency and effectiveness in education. “Points of pain,” (problem areas within traditional methods) present opportunities in boundless numbers, while the

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size of the market is absolutely immense, both in developed nations in North America, Europe and Asia, and in less-developed countries starved for good educational resources. SPOTLIGHT: eAdvisor eAdvisor is an online system used by Arizona State University (ASU) and California State University among others to help students choose a major and stay on course to earn the necessary credits to earn a degree in four years. The system has a Degree Search feature which matches student interests and aptitudes with areas of study. It also provides degree maps, which identify specific courses necessary to reach a degree in a given major, highlighting the more difficult courses and mapping them so that they can be dealt with early in students’ schedules. GPA requirements and milestones are also noted. In the near future, teachers at many grade levels will be less likely to spend the majority of their days standing in front of a room full of students and lecturing. This will be due to innovative technologies that communicate, both in classrooms and remotely through the internet, to students at home. Today, growing numbers of educators are already utilizing computers to interact with students through video lectures, electronic games, on-the-fly polls, discussion threads, and short question and answer exercises. To some extent, this has been fueled by national government programs that support internet access and the use of school technologies. Amplify tablets enable teachers to personalize content to meet the needs and abilities of individual students. This is known as “adaptive learning.” Curriculum units can be loaded in advance or sent out as updates as needed, which allows students to work at different paces. Amplify publishes what it calls a “core digital curriculum.” A variety of discussion, research, demonstration and practice tools assist students in approaching information in their own ways. Apps are available for teacher’s tablets that monitor what students’ tablets are showing, freeze screens or replace content with an “Eyes on Teacher” symbol. Amplify’s educational tools are aimed at teachers as well as students. Its “Professional Learning Maps” assist with professional development of educators. Part of the goal of this tool is to help teachers make each student’s experience more personalized and engaging.

In Reynoldsburg City Schools, in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio, a major effort to adopt teaching technologies has borne excellent results. This may be because the school district dramatically revamped its curriculum and methodology at the same time it rolled out new technologies. For example, the high school has been divided into four “academies,” each specializing in one learning track: the arts; business and law; engineering and design; or health sciences. Some classes are available online, but a high level of teacher interaction remains. A simpler but important technology, interactive whiteboards, has been in use since the mid-2000s, linking a large display with a computer and a projector. The computer’s desktop is projected onto the display, where users can control the desktop programs with a pointer, pen or finger. Additional accessories enable interactivity with students. The classroom technology trend is boosted by new data regarding student performance levels collected in the last decade. Such data creates significant opportunities for technology and software firms that hope to tap the education technology market, estimated at $8 billion by the Software & Information Industry Association The analysis of data concerning everything from children’s test scores, to special education enrollment programs, to free lunch programs, to extracurricular activities has been underway in many states in recent years. Proponents hope that the results will help tailor education in a manner that will address problem areas. Other observers see privacy issues. Data analytics firm InBloom tracked student data in nine states between 2011 and 2014. However, InBloom announced plans to close down in April 2014 after a growing number of parents expressed privacy concerns, to the extent that six of the firm’s nine client states cancelled their contracts. InBloom was able to collect and store so much personal data about individual student activities that many parents were outraged. In addition to concerns about privacy issues, some detractors of new, technology-based teaching tools state that placing computers between students and teachers will hamper education rather than help it. Many teachers, especially those in the Baby Boom generation, rely on eye contact with students, and observation of students’ body language, to gauge whether or not students are learning. On the other hand, proponents of new teaching technologies believe that the traditional lecturelearning format is a system that no longer works, particularly with younger students who are digital

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natives. They argue that technology tools, such as advanced software, electronic gamification (game playing), tablets, laptops and interactive white boards, allow more customization of teaching for different students and are more acceptable to younger generations of students who are tech-savvy almost from birth.

Knewton has a partnership with Microsoft to offer the Knewton platform to its education network. Microsoft has invested heavily in its education division and establishing a large partner and publisher network. Microsoft gains an adaptive learning tool while Knewton gains access to a huge distribution channel.



Adaptive Learning Technology Adjusts Classroom Pace to Each Individual Student’s Ability “Adaptive learning” is courseware model, delivered electronically, that automatically adjusts the presentation of content based on the real-time learning rate of the pupil (as continuously tracked by the software). An example is an online course that continually assesses the rate of learning through quizzes, and then modifies the content or method of presentation of materials to best suit the student’s ability to learn. Adaptive learning can also be used in a hybrid manner, combining online testing with inperson lectures. Knewton, Inc. is an educational software company that specializes in adaptive learning. Its unique software allows for the personalization of educational content. The Knewton platform collects massive amounts of data from real-time streams, and maps relationships between the individual student and the content. It integrates learning objectives and student interactions. The insights gathered from this data collection enables the platform to infer which personalized features it should incorporate for each student. It allows for students’ learning experiences to be continuously modified, as well as providing reporting capabilities for teachers. As more students use the system, their learning behaviors are correlated with that of thousands of other students, resulting in between 5 million and 10 million refinements to the data model on a daily basis. The platform works across a wide variety of third-party digital learning solutions. It is used by learning companies like Pearson, a major global publisher, to boost student achievement. An early adopter of Knewton was Arizona State University. In August 2011, 5,000 freshmen at the school enrolled in online math courses from Pearson powered by Knewton. 50% finished four weeks early, while another 25% finished in time to switch to regular freshman math. Pass rates rose from 66% to 75%. Withdrawal rates have dropped by more than 50%. Another plus is the ability for faculty to easily track students who are falling behind and need help.

Innovative Companies Score Big Successes in Adult and Leisure Learning Online There is significant growth in the online market for continuing education, as well as for instruction in leisure subjects such as arts and crafts. For example,, which was founded in 1995 and acquired in 2015 by LinkedIn, offers more than 3,900 online courses, comprised of tens of thousands of video lectures, in a variety of subjects including business skills, education, software development, 3-D animation and photography. Another example is Pluralsight (, which provides subscribers with digital learning tools including adaptive skill tests, directed learning paths, expertauthored courses, interactive labs and live mentoring for individuals and corporate teams. A network of 1,000 experts produces the site’s courseware, with royalties paid based on how often content is viewed (one instructor was reported to have earned $2 million in 2016). While the nation of Venezuela is not noted as a hotbed of startup activity, it was the site of the launch of Open English, an extremely successful adult education site that provides learning and tutoring in the English language. By 2016, it had 400,000 Spanish-speaking students who want to begin or enhance their English skills, including thousands in the U.S. It recently opened a new headquarters in Miami, Florida. The firm employs thousands of people who act as tutors. As for leisure learning, sites such as Craftsy offer a plethora of different online courses in everything from knitting to baking to drawing. Classes are modestly priced and may include multiple lessons. For example, the Topsy-Turvy Cake Construction course has nine on-demand lessons in tiered cake baking and decoration, totals a bit more than two hours. Hundreds of thousands of students have enrolled in Craftsy courses. A company called The Great Courses ( has built a tremendous business by offering online- and DVD-based lectures by outstanding professors, covering topics ranging from philosophy to the great religions to history to

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economics. Rosetta Stone ( has likewise built a very large business offering discs and online versions of language lessons. 8)

Affordable Degrees Are Served Up Online and in Hybrid (“Blended Education”) Models For several years, students at a wide range of colleges and universities have been taking at least a few courses online, typically in low-level, basic classes. Today, however, a growing number of students are getting a large part (of even all) of their classes online, at traditional nonprofit colleges and universities, or at for-profit schools. Online courses afford students the ability to set their own schedules and are typically less expensive than traditional colleges and universities. A strong trend is the growing number of online undergraduate and graduate programs available from brick and mortar campuses, whether completely via the internet or as a hybrid of online instruction and in-person courses. Some states are attempting to use hybrid education, relying heavily on online methods, to enable students in certain university courses to obtain an undergraduate degree for less than $10,000. Miami Dade College is offering students a choice of eight bachelor’s degree programs designed to have a total cost of less than $10,000. (Florida college costs are already among the lowest in the nation.) In 2014, the highly respected Georgia Institute of Technology began a master’s degree in computer science offered in online-only format for a total cost of $6,600. On campus, the same degree would cost $45,000. Arizona State University is widely recognized for its aggressive adoption of technologies including online classes combined with classroom learning. Earning some college credit while in high school may be a viable strategy in keeping costs down. In addition to a wide range of degrees available oncampus and via blended on-campus/online programs, Arizona State offers online-only undergraduate degrees ranging from art history to criminal justice to political science and English. Online-only masters programs include those in business analytics, nutrition, Engineering and an MBA. Online programs are attracting higher numbers of top-tier students hoping to save costs and avoid spiraling student debt. Meanwhile, Georgia Tech offers online master degrees in computer science for about $7,000. As of late 2016, the program had almost 4,000 students (mostly American), with an average age of 35. About 90% of the students were employed while

studying part-time. The program offers students the ability to interact with their professors via a dedicated website. One Georgia Tech professor noted that he interacted far more with his online students than with those he saw in his classroom. Nonprofit University of the People, based in Pasadena, California, began offering an online MBA program in 2016. Most students pay $2,400 to sit for 12 exams. Companies like HP and Microsoft help fund scholarships for their employees. By late 2016, the program had attracted 4,400 applicants from 161 countries (with about 20% from the U.S. and 25% from Africa). Many students are electing to study on their own and then take rigorous tests from schools such as the University of Wisconsin or the University of Indianapolis to earn course credits. The University of Indianapolis has a dedicated test center where exams are proctored and are available at modest cost. The concept, which awards degrees based on competency rather than classroom hours, is unique, but it may grow. Western Governors University in Utah, chartered in 1996, focuses on competency-based education and had a total enrollment in 2015 of 57,000. The average age of students at WGU is about 37 and 70% of its students work full-time. Here’s One Way to Lower the Cost of College: Free Tuition Several U.S. states have initiated programs to provide free tuition to students who qualify. The programs often focus on community college students, while placing caps on maximum family income. In April 2017, New York became the first state to offer free tuition at all public two- and four-year colleges, with an income cap that will climb to $125,000 by 2020. In 2013, Tennessee devised a program that aims to boost the level of adults with either a college degree or a technical certificate to 55% from 32% by 2025, based on readily available scholarships (including private funding and monies generated through the state’s lottery) and increased usage of federal student aid. The program was quickly successful, and led to a significant drop in the use of student loans. Enrollment at community and technical colleges soared.

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Historically, many excellent American universities offered free tuition, and sometimes covered all student costs. For example, Rice University in Houston, Texas famously provided free tuition until the mid-1960s, thanks to a significant endowment. However, such programs are largely defunct, except for the noteworthy exception of Berea College in Berea Kentucky, that offers a “NoTuition Promise” to students. One of the ways that the school accomplishes this is by requiring all students to agree to work at Berea College for no less than 10 hours weekly, often at the day-to-day maintenance tasks that keep the campus in operation. Students get work experience while they avoid thousands of dollars yearly in costs. 9)

Charter Schools Post Growth, Create Controversy as Traditional School Alternatives Charter schools are special public schools, with public funding, that operate in any of the grades K12. They are allowed freedom from many of the most onerous rules and regulations that govern traditional public schools. In return, they may be held more accountable for results and are expected to turn out higher achieving students, as evidenced by test scores that show higher comprehension. To some extent, these schools can be considered to be laboratories. It is hoped that they will innovate best practices and better utilization of teaching methods and technologies that can then be adopted by traditional schools. In the upper grades, they are expected to show lower dropout rates and higher rates of students going on to college or trade schools after graduation from grade 12. Generally, charter schools have a college prep mission. They often make much higher demands on students in terms of coursework, homework and expected results. The school day and school year tend to be longer at charters. One of the most controversial developments in primary and secondary education has been the charter school, because a charter school by its nature is designed to break all of the rules and shake up the status quo. The maverick style of charter schools is particularly controversial because they receive public funding and compete with traditional public schools for students, teachers and money. In addition, they operate in the highly sensitive, politically explosive K-12 grades that can generate high emotional responses from parents, taxpayers, legislators and teachers, all at the same time.

Many boosters of these schools hope they can be more cost-effective, while, at the same time, achieving better results. Like other schools, they receive public funds based on per pupil enrollment. However, in some states they receive less than 100% of the funds allocated to similar traditional schools. In other states, additional funds or loans may be made under special programs, or the schools may receive additional support from private donors who are big boosters of the charter concept. In most states, charters do not receive money to build physical school buildings. However, it is becoming common for charters to take over buildings that were formerly occupied by traditional schools and are no longer needed for traditional operations. In a few cases, charters share facilities with traditional schools—literally operating two different schools within one building. Charter schools are entitled to federal funding for which their students are eligible, such as Title I and Special Education monies, and special education students are typically served by charters along with everyone else. Federal legislation has been reasonably supportive of the charter system, and the federal government does provide grants to help charters to manage start-up costs. A small number of charter schools are operated by for-profit companies. Parents, churches and foundations are frequent donors to cover charter start-up costs and operations at nonprofit charter schools. Foundations, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Microsoft founders) and the Walton Family Foundation (Wal-Mart founders), are particularly keen to find solutions to the daunting challenges posed by certain public schools and districts that are consistently underperforming. The Difference Between a Charter School and a Voucher System: A charter school is a non-traditional school that may be nonprofit or for-profit. Charters operate in the K-12 grades, but some offer only a limited number of grades. Charter schools may be publicly funded by the same local school board budgets that fund traditional schools. They operate under special regulations that let them bypass many of the rules that govern traditional public schools, with the hope of attaining a high level of student achievement in a cost-effective manner. Thousands of charter schools operate within the U.S.

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A voucher system provides parents with a certificate that has monetary value which can be applied to tuition at the school of the parents’ choice, public or private. The voucher is issued by a local or state authority and paid for out of state and local education budgets. It enables the parents to have significant levels of choice as to where and how their children will be educated. The first modern school voucher system in America was launched in 1989 by the Wisconsin state legislature, targeting students from low income homes in Milwaukee. Charter schools in the U.S. date back to the mid1990s and were typically started by parents looking for an alternative to traditional schools. Their motives may have included concern about the performance or safety of local schools, a desire to cater to exceptional children, religious concerns, or concerns about the geographical desirability of the normal schools to which their children would be assigned. Nearly all U.S. states allow charter schools, at least to some extent. Frequently, teachers at charter schools are not members of teachers’ unions, but that is not always the case. By 2015 (the latest data available), there were 2.7 million students enrolled in charter schools in the U.S., according to the National Center for Education Statistics, up from only 1.29 million in 2008. Such schools numbered 6,747 in the U.S. as of 2015. In May 2014, the National Alliance for Charter Schools (NAPCS) reported that the number of American students on waiting lists for public charter schools had topped 1 million for the first time, partly because many states had placed strict caps on the number of charter schools that could operate, the number of students who could enroll in them, or both. The most admired charter school system that operates on a large scale may be the Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP). Other well-established systems include Uncommon Schools, Achievement First, Green Dot and Aspire. KIPP’s founders, Mike Feinberg and Dave Levin, were teachers. They began by launching a fifth-grade public school program in inner-city Houston, Texas. KIPP is common sense in action. Its basic tenets include a commitment from teachers (who must communicate personally with parents on a regular basis and be available after hours, by phone or otherwise, to assist with homework questions), longer school hours and a commitment by students to apply themselves. Highly successful charter schools such as KIPP operate on a

low- to no-tolerance of slackers basis. There are no excuses for poor performance by students or teachers, and there are high expectations of parental involvement with both the school and the students. These schools often focus on helping lower-income children. Since nonprofit KIPP’s modest 1994 founding, 200 KIPP campuses nationwide had opened by 2017, enrolling almost 80,000 students on campuses ranging from elementary to high schools. KIPP is enjoying rapid growth, and has a stated goal of enrolling 120,000 students by 2020. The organization states that 96% of KIPP students are African American or Latino, and 88% are eligible for the federal free and reduced-price meals program, indicating that they are from homes of modest financial means. Students are accepted regardless of prior academic record, conduct record or socioeconomic background. The results of charter schools vary widely by city and state, as well as by years of operation. Many have posted disappointing results. The results at KIPP and other top charters, however, are extremely promising. Despite the fact that students come from lower-income, low-achievement households, by the end of 8th grade, the majority of KIPP students outperform their peers nationwide in reading and math. These are students who might have been stuck in dismal, underperforming public schools in poor neighborhoods without KIPP. It recently reported that, of students who completed 8th grade at a KIPP school (or graduated from a KIPP high school), 45% have completed a 4-year degree and another 6% have completed a 2-year degree. Internet Research Tip: A Charter School’s Own Report Card KIPP publishes extensive statistics on its enrollment, student demographics and educational outcomes. It is a vital insight into a well-run charter school organization of significant size. See Uncommon Schools, a network of 32 public charters in Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York, won the 2013 Broad Prize for Public Charter Schools. The prize committee found that Uncommon Schools students are outperforming their low-income and African-American peers in the states where they operate, and they have closed income and ethnic achievement gaps four times as often as other large charter management organizations across the country. A study by CREDO, the Center for Research on Education Outcomes, published in 2015 found that

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charter students in urban schools gained proficiency equal to an additional 40 days of schooling per year in math, and 28 days in reading, compared to students in traditional schools, while the math gains were identical. Low-income Hispanic and AfricanAmerican students did much better in charters than their peers in traditional schools, while white children did worse in charters on average. A small number of major school districts, including those in Houston and Denver, have been experimenting with adopting what they believe to be the best practices of widely admired charter schools into their traditional schools. For-profit charter school models: While charters are typically launched as nonprofits, an alternative for-profit charter school model has evolved. This trend has added fuel to the entire charter school controversy, since public funds are being funneled to private enterprises. As commonly happens in massive government-funded programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, a certain amount of fraud and poor utilization of funds has occurred. For the most part, however, for-profit charters are serious businesses with good intentions. In America, leading for-profit schools include Charter School USA ( and The Leona Group ( The city of Highland Park, Michigan made headlines in 2012 by turning all three of its public schools over to Leona Group. Highland Park’s schools had suffered myriad problems, including the fact that the school district shrank from 3,419 students in 2007-08 to only 989 by 2011-12. By that time, spending was running more than $16,500 per student, vastly higher than Michigan’s average. Globally, interesting for-profit primary and secondary school firms include Nord Anglia Education, Inc., with, as of 2016, 35,000 students paying substantial tuition at 42 schools in China, Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and North America. 10) Technology and the Internet Enable Virtual Schools, Ranging from Virtual Public Charter Schools to Virtual Universities Virtual Charter and K-12 Schools: Distance learning is not limited to college-level classes. In fact, a small number of charters are entirely virtual, with students learning online, typically from home. Home schooling has been growing in popularity in the U.S. for decades. In a way, virtual charters are an alternative to the traditional, parent-led home school methodology. One of the most significant aspects of

such schools is that students typically learn in a selfpaced manner. An intense 2015 study of 166 virtual, online-only charters was published by CREDO, the Center for Research on Education Outcomes, based at Stanford University. Unfortunately, the study found that students attending these schools had, on average, slightly lower academic growth in reading and in math than traditional school students. Nonetheless, some of the schools were shown to have significantly higher levels of achievement than traditional schools. Many states already have well-funded virtual (online-only) schools, some of which are designated as charter schools. Leading systems include the Florida Virtual School (FLVS), the ACCESS Distance Learning system in Alabama and the Virtual Public School in North Carolina. At FLVS during the 2016-17 school year, 150 courses were available, including middle school, high school and advanced placement courses. As a public school, FLVS serves students in all 67 of Florida’s public school districts. The vast majority of students use FLVS to supplement courses that are available at their local, physical schools. FLVS has an administration building in Orange County, Florida for administrative and technical staff. However, its nearly 2,000 teachers are home-based and may live anywhere in the state. Alternative Universities: The Minerva Schools at Keck Graduate Institute is part of an attempt to build a non-traditional university with Ivy League standards. Minerva’s hope is to build valuable relationships and a true community among students by eventually building dorms in major cities around the world. The founding class at Minerva enrolled in the fall of 2014. By the fall of 2015, the student body quadrupled. Elsewhere, The University of the People is a tuition-free, four-year university that operates as a nonprofit. The founder is Shai Reshef, an Israeli entrepreneur who has invested millions of dollars in the organization, with the goal of providing a high quality, accredited university education to people worldwide. By 2016, the school had enrolled students from 180 nations, and it had achieved accreditation by the Distance Education and Training Council. Students pay a small application fee, but the fee may be waived for students with low incomes. Backers include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Microsoft agreed to provide mentoring and job opportunities to 1,000 students in Africa.

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At a long list of other universities, including publicly-funded Arizona State University and forprofit University of Phoenix, students may enroll for a wide range of online-only degrees, or may take some of their classes in physical classrooms. 11) The Internet Enables the Flipped Classroom, Pioneered by Khan Academy Tutorials The Khan Academy is a nonprofit educational web site launched in 2006 by Salman Khan. It offers thousands of educational programs, including video tutorials, short lectures, exercise problems and proficiency assessments organized on a personalized learning dashboard. Khan’s slogan is “A free, worldclass education for anyone, anywhere.” As of mid-2016, the site attracted about 15 million students per month. Content is available in more than 30 languages and is geared for students, teachers and parents. Teachers can chart their students’ progress while parents can follow their children’s learning activities on the site. The video tutorials (which are also available on YouTube) are generally black digital screens on which multicolored numbers, symbols and text appear to illustrate concepts discussed on the audio narration, much of which is done by Khan himself. The format is simple and comforting to students, making even complex concepts easier to grasp. The academy is part of the “flipped classroom” concept, an inverted teaching method that delivers instruction online outside of class via online video and moves “homework” into the classroom. This theory is being applied in many schools that ask students to access the Khan Academy online tutoring sessions at home, and then discuss what they’ve learned at school. There is no cost to students. The Khan Academy is supported by philanthropists rather than venture capital. A Who’s Who of private investors back the site (such as Bill Gates, Ann Doerr and Reed Hastings) as well as philanthropic funds such as the New-Schools Venture Fund. 12) MOOCs, Massive Open Online Courses: Startups Seek Elusive Profits It all started largely as experiments with the goal of enabling students anywhere in the world to attend lectures, as taught by some of the world’s leading authorities at Stanford University and MIT. To participate in these experiments, students did not need to be enrolled in the universities, they were not required to pay any fees or tuition, and they didn’t

have to be anywhere near the Stanford or MIT campuses. Instead, courses were free and delivered online. In the fall of 2011 at Stanford, three courses were made available as early versions of MOOCs (short for massive open online courses). The first was an Introduction to Artificial Intelligence by Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig. The professors were astonished to have 160,000 students enroll as news of the course went viral. An online course conducted by Stanford professor Andrew Ng drew 94,000 enrollees. Thrun quickly founded a MOOC startup called Udacity. Andrew Ng launched a competing MOOC called Coursera, in conjunction with Daphne Koller. For 10 years, professors at MIT had been posting videos of their lectures from 2,100 courses online for free public viewing, in an experiment of their own known as OpenCourseWare. In March 2012, MIT launched a serious MOOC effort called MITx. People who enroll in free MOOC courses tend to be from nations outside the U.S. In many cases, they are in low income locales with limited access to higher education. MOOC startups have popped up worldwide, including Futurelearn in the UK (sponsored by the well-known Open University), as well as MOOCs in Asia, Australia, France, Turkey and Latin America. Apps Let You Search for and Manage MOOCs Several mobile apps are available to help prospective students sort through the thousands of online courses that are available. • MOOCS4U is a free app that lists courses at major MOOCs including Coursera. • GroupMOOC enables students to schedule study times and course deadlines. My Study Life provides similar features. • Many of the leading MOOCs also offer their own apps. Coursera offers an app that enables the user to search for Coursera courses. Although there are certainly academic and technical challenges in launching a MOOC, the biggest challenges lie in creating a revenue flow, and if desired, obtaining accreditation. Another massive challenge lies in providing exams and certification to students who want to take MOOC courses for college credit or professional continuing education credits. Many universities are anxious to participate in MOOCs. Their strategy is multi-purposed, including the ability to enable students to engage in a wider variety of courses at little to no operating cost, as

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well as the potential to give their own professors wider reach through a global online audience. Coursera, for example, has signed partnerships with dozens of leading universities that enable their students to take courses online for credit. U.S. examples include Rice University, Vanderbilt University, Case Western Reserve and the University of Florida. Global examples include the University of Zurich, University of London, University of Melbourne and National University of Singapore. edX has partnerships that include MIT, Harvard, The University of California at Berkeley, Boston University and The University of Texas System. Globally, its list includes The University of Queensland (Australia) and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. While enthusiasm and participation by academic institutions has been widespread, the results are less clear. A 2013 study by the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania attempted to determine the results of 1 million MOOC students. It found that, on average, roughly half of people who registered for a course actually attended an online lecture, while only about 4% completed a course. This is consistent with anecdotal reports from professors and schools in general. While initial sign-up rates are extremely high, even in the tens of thousands for many courses, levels of participation and course completion are low. The fact that casual students have no financial investment in the courses, and may not be participating for class credit, leads to little incentive to perform well as an enrollee. The opposite may be true, however, when a student in a participating university needs the MOOC class for credit, and enjoys the flexibility and mobile access provided by a MOOC. In such cases, the MOOC acts as an online extension of the physical university for a degree-seeking student. There is still a great deal to learn about the best ways to reach high levels of achievement, satisfaction and completion for students. Success in this regard could lead to reduced overall costs for colleges and universities, along with lower growth in tuition costs. MOOC pioneer Sebastian Thrun has experimented with providing online mentors to encourage students to perform well. In a noted experimental effort with California’s San Jose State University, however, the mentor model did not prevent less than satisfactory results from a pilot project that offered three introductory courses for credit via Udacity. Participants were largely high school students seeking college credit.

In another effort, San Jose State has gotten good results from using course material on edX to supplement classroom instruction. This could be considered to be a blended online/classroom model that offers many advantages to students and teachers alike. Results were very encouraging. Only 9% of the students participating in the hybrid courses received grades of C or lower, while 40% of students in traditional classes received those low grades. Another type of MOOC strategy is sometimes called “connectivist.” Here, one of the main goals of the MOOC is to create community and communication among the students in order to encourage higher achievement and overall interest in the course material. Sebastian Thrun’s Udacity has changed strategy from providing university courses, in order to focus on training and certification that is job-related, particularly for those in technical careers. Udacity now offers courses in computer programming and other technology skills. It is tailored to meet the standards of the Open Education Alliance, a consortium of employers and educators aimed at utilizing online courses and other technologies to boost access to, and participation in, job-related training. This approach has the potential to solve many of the challenges faced by MOOCs. That is, 1) Students have a vested interest in completing courses, since the learning is career-related; 2) Certification can be earned; and 3) The MOOC can charge fees for facilitating the training and certification process, frequently funded at least in part by an employer. A wide range of employers are keen to take advantage of the possibilities of online training. WalMart, one of the world’s largest employers by headcount and by revenues, sees great potential in this strategy. In a partnership with for-profit American Public University, Wal-Mart employees are able to get highly discounted tuition rates for online training in 180 degrees and certificate programs. Participants can earn degrees and get a wide range of job-related training that can enhance their career paths. As a result of the 2008-09 financial crisis, many states slashed education budgets while tax revenues fell and unemployment soared. This means that state-funded universities have been under tremendous financial pressure and have been aggressively seeking ways to cut costs while maintaining academic integrity. At the same time, digital-native students are well suited to studying on their laptops and mobile devices on their own schedules and in locations of their own convenience. Online courses,

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including MOOCs, appear to be well suited to foster convenience for the students while cutting costs for the schools. While a few universities have opted out of the MOOC trend over concerns about educational quality or threats to the existence of professorial careers, others have eagerly joined in. Hybrid online/physical classroom models will no doubt evolve to the degree that they provide good quality along with cost savings. At the same time, MOOCs will evolve to serve a massive global audience of students, both casual and degree- or certificationseeking, who need the freedom of access and little to no cost that only MOOCs can provide. Advancing technologies will be a tremendous boost to MOOCs as well over the mid-term. The potential to incorporate adaptive learning into MOOCs can have tremendous results by tailoring and timing each course to a student’s individual ability and learning speed. Acknowledgement and acceptance of the seriousness and long term potential of MOOCs continues to accelerate. In 2014, Coursera, announced the appointment of former Yale University President Rick Levin as Coursera CEO, a significant boost to the status of the MOOC industry. 13) U.S. and UK Universities Serve Up Education to Foreigners, Aided by Technology/Private Schools Grow Rapidly Outside the U.S. The total number of university students who study outside their home countries reached 4.5 million in 2014 (the latest data available) according to the Institute of International Education (IEE). The number of foreign students studying at American colleges and universities rose from 586,323 in 200203 to 1.04 million in 2015-16, while the number of Americans studying abroad hit 313,415. Students from China made up the largest group of foreign students in the U.S., followed by those from India. Saudi students especially are getting a leg up thanks to a multi-year overseas scholarship program named after Saudi King Abdullah. The program averages about $25,000 in scholarship money per student per year. However, Saudi student enrollment at universities in the U.S. was in decline from 2013-16. U.S. and UK colleges and universities often welcome foreign students, since they typically pay full fees to attend. An estimated $30.5 billion was spent by foreign students in the U.S. in 2014-15, according to NAFSA, the National Association of International Educators. This is a great boost to the

universities, as they can use the additional revenues to offset financial aid provided to other students. Top British universities that have a history of attracting foreign students include Cambridge and Oxford. In fact, the London School of Economics’ student body was recently comprised of 50% foreign students on the undergraduate level and 80% postgraduate. Brazil is also facing challenges due to a low number of colleges and universities. The nation is ripe for new private schools, and a number of foreign investors are taking advantage of the opportunity. Illinois-based DeVry, Inc. holds a major stake in Fanor, a for-profit university in the state of Ceara. London’s Pearson PLC acquired SEB, an education company concerned with basic and college education and teaching methods in Sao Paulo. SPOTLIGHT: Avenues, The World School A startup that is gaining substantial media coverage is Avenues, The World School (the operating name of Avenues World Holdings LLC), a private, for-profit educational institution for students from pre-K through 12th grade levels. The company began operations in September 2012 in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York City, and hopes to expand internationally with 15 to 20 locations. Eventually, the company hopes to open in China, India, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, South Africa, Qatar, the UAE, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Australia, the UK, France, Russia, Spain, Italy and Germany, as well as additional locations in the U.S. Operations are divided into four divisions: Early Learning Center (pre-school), Lower School (kindergarten through 4th grade), Middle School (5th grade through 8th) and Upper School (9th grade through 12th). Tuition is expensive, with financial assistance available. One of the school’s strategies is to encourage students to study at its campuses worldwide over several years, enabling the students to gain global cultural knowledge and to build global networks of friends. 14) Gamification: Games Technology Boosts Education and Training Gamification is a term often used to describe the use of electronic game-like tools in practices such as employee training and recruitment, as well as in online learning tools for all grade levels. A survey conducted by the Entertainment Software Association in 2012 found that about 70% of major U.S. employers had utilized interactive software and games for training purposes, and about eight out of

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10 planned to do so soon. Gamification can be simple or elaborate, and many startup firms are now offering software and internet-based tools to make it easier for companies and schools to use this new strategy. For example, Badgeville is an online tool that makes it easy to award points and prizes to employees who successfully complete training programs. Corporate training can also utilize the latest in social media and online community technologies. MindTickle provides a service that not only creates gamification in corporate training, it also creates community around that training, with features such as leader boards showing scores of competing employees. Other startups in gamification include Bizpart Engage, a platform featuring gamification, online learning and social tools; Bunchball; BankersLab (aimed at the financial industry); and MySalesGame, published by CallidusCloud. What could be more logical than using gamification as a teaching aid for K-12 schools that are full of students who are avid electronic game players? Games have the potential to boost student engagement, lengthen attention spans and accelerate learning, while providing highly innovative ways to test and gauge student learning along the way. Duolingo is a language-teaching online service that both teaches students and builds content by letting the students practice language translation. Ribbon Hero is a free download that teaches students how to use Microsoft software such as Word and Excel. The game provides instant feedback and reinforcement. ClassDogo is designed to help teachers improve behavior. There is a rapidly growing list of such gamification tools on the market; some are free of charge. As blended online/classroom learning evolves, it will be based to a growing extent on the myriad possibilities opened up by social and community software combined with gamification and rewards tools. The fact that life-like electronic environments via virtual reality technologies is now a major focus of the gaming industry has excellent potential implications for the education and training sectors. Virtual reality headsets are rapidly becoming more sophisticated and less costly, and these headsets, when combined with training software, may be used to create extremely realistic, immersive training experiences. 15) The Future of Education Much of the education of the near future is clearly going to be provided in new and different

ways than the education norms of the 20th Century. Many of the most profound changes will be linked to increasing reliance on computer technology, both in and out of the classroom. Technology will eventually deliver learning at a speed and level of intensity commensurate with each student’s ability (“adaptive learning”). While a growing number of students will receive a very significant portion of their educations (and in some cases, all of their schooling) online, a “blended” learning model will be tested, refined and broadly applied—one that mixes computerized teaching tools and online lessons with personal instruction by teachers, mentors and professors. The flipped classroom idea, pioneered by fans of the Khan Academy, will gain speed. In this format, students get formalized instruction from online tutorials, often as homework, and then come to the classroom to form teams to discuss and apply what they learned from the tutorials, with guidance and aid from a teacher on an as-needed basis (as opposed to learning in the traditional manner via classroom lectures). A variation on this theme has been used by the world’s best graduate schools of business for decades, where students plow through case studies of actual business challenges and solutions on their own and then analyze and discuss those case studies in the class room with careful guidance by the professor. A successful evolution of education is going to require flexibility and cooperation on the part of teachers, administrators, government, students and parents alike, which won’t be easy to achieve. However, increasingly high costs and increasingly compelling new technologies that can reduce costs should make this bitter pill easier to swallow over the long term. While the comments above are generally based on education in America, many of them apply to various aspects of education worldwide. Technologies will eventually enable educational systems around the world to meet many of their direst challenges in a more cost-effective manner. As a result of the 2008-09 financial crisis, many U.S. states (along with government agencies in many nations), slashed education budgets while tax revenues fell and unemployment soared. Later, after the American economy rebounded, states faced new problems in meeting their pension promises for state employees. This means that state-funded universities have been under tremendous financial pressure and have been seeking ways to cut costs while maintaining academic integrity. At the same time, digital-native students will be ever-more reliant on studying via their laptops and mobile devices, on their own schedules and in locations of their own

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convenience. Online courses, including MOOCs, appear to be well-suited to foster convenience for the students while cutting costs for the schools. While a few universities have opted out of the MOOC trend over concerns about educational quality or threats to professorial methods and careers, others have eagerly joined in. Hybrid online/physical classroom models will no doubt evolve to the degree that they provide good quality along with cost savings. At the same time, MOOCs will evolve to serve a massive global audience of students, both casual and degree- or certification-seeking, who need the freedom of access and little-to-no cost that only MOOCs can provide. New methods for honest online exams are being developed. Advancing technologies will be a tremendous boost to MOOCs. The ability to incorporate adaptive learning into MOOCs can have tremendous results by tailoring and timing each course to a student’s individual ability and learning speed. People who are considering the future of education should be prepared for twists, turns and surprises. Massive demand for quality education worldwide, combined with the need to control costs and harness the potential of cloud-based computing, mobile devices, ultrafast internet access and artificial intelligence, will lead to unexpected changes and advancements. For example, Google’s free cloudbased apps, like Google Docs, are taking public schools by storm, while traditional publishing firm Bertelsmann (the massive global firm that is owner of dozens of radio and TV companies and such book imprints as Penguin Random House, as well as music company BMG) has invested heavily in state-of-theart edtech firms including Udacity, HotChalk and Relias Learning. One of the biggest surprises of all was an announcement by world-class Purdue University, long a leader in fine education with its advanced schools of engineering, science, business and aerospace, that it would acquire the for-profit education business of Kaplan university, picking up 32,000 students in the process. Kaplan owned a very well developed online learning platform, and the acquisition enables Purdue to rapidly expand its offerings to remote students, including working adult learners.

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Chapter 2 EDUCATION INDUSTRY STATISTICS CONTENTS: U.S. Education Statistics and Market Size Overview Global Education Statistics and Market Size Overview School Enrollment of the Population 3 Years Old and Over, by Level of School, U.S.: 1964-2015 U.S. Population Age 25 and Older, by Educational Attainment: 1940-2015 PreK-12th Grade Student Enrollment, By School Level & Race/Ethnicity, U.S.: Selected Years, 2015 Number & Percent Distribution of Public Elementary & Secondary Students & Schools, By Traditional or Charter School Status & Selected Characteristics: 1999-2000 & 2014-2015 Total & Current Expenditures Per Pupil in Public Elementary & Secondary Schools, U.S.: Selected Years, 1919-2014 Public & Private Direct Expenditures on All Education Institutions, as a Percent of GDP, By Country: Selected Years, 2000-2012 Average PISA Test Scores for Mathematics, Selected OECD & Non-OECD Countries: 2015 Average PISA Test Scores for Reading, Selected OECD & Non-OECD Countries: 2015 Average PISA Test Scores for Science, Selected OECD & Non-OECD Countries: 2015 Total Enrollment, Percent of Students Receiving Student Loans & Average Loan Amount at Public, Private Not-for-Profit & Private For-Profit 4-Year Colleges, U.S.: 2000-2013 Average Annual Costs for Full-Time Undergraduates at Degree-Granting Post-Secondary Institutions: 1963-2016 Percentage of College Undergraduates Receiving Student Loans, By Selected Student Characteristics: 1989–90, 1999-2000 & 2011–12 Average Cumulative Loan Amount for College Undergraduates Receiving Student Loans, By Selected Student Characteristics: 1989–90, 1999-2000 & 2011–12 Educational Services Industry Revenue, U.S.: 2011-2016 Employment in Education Occupations, U.S.: May 2015

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

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U.S. Education Statistics and Market Size Overview (Latest Year Available) I. Student Population K-12 Total Student Population: PreK-12th Grade, Public and Private Number of Traditional (Noncharter) Public Schools Number of Charter Schools Total Students Enrolled in Charter Schools Total Number of Students Home Schooled U.S. High School Dropout Rate1 II. Student Test Scores Average PISA Test Scores for Mathematics: U.S. OECD Average Average PISA Test Scores for Science: U.S. OECD Average Average PISA Test Scores for Reading: U.S. OECD Average





55.5 91,429 6,747


2015 2015 2015






1.8 5.9

Mil. %

2015 2015




















III. Post-Secondary Education Total Fall Enrollment in Degree-Granting Post-Secondary Institutions




Four-Year Public





Four-Year Private





Two-Year Public




NCES CollegeBoard

Grants Received by Undergraduate and Graduate Students, all Sources


Bil. US$


Total Student Loan Debt Outstanding


Tril. US$

Q4 2016


Average Total Annual Cost for College, Public Four-Year In-State2





Average Total Annual Cost for College, Private Nonprofit Four-Year2





IV. Vital Statistics Direct K-12 Private & Public Education Spending per Student, U.S.





Direct Expenditures for All Education, as a % of GDP: U.S.





U.S. Population 25 and older with a Bachelor's Degree or Higher





Corporate Training


Bil. US$




Represents the status dropout rate. The status dropout rate counts 16- to 24-year-olds who are not enrolled in school and who have not completed a high school program (either a degree or GED program), regardless of when they left school.


Includes costs for tuition, fees, room, and board.

Census =U.S. Census Bureau PRE = Plunkett Research Estimate OECD = Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Source: Plunkett Research, ® Ltd. Copyright © 2017, All Rights Reserved.

NCES = National Center for Education Statistics PISA = Program for International Student Assessment FRBNY = Federal Reserve Board of New York

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Global Education Statistics and Market Size Overview (Latest Year Available) Quantity World

Developed Countries

Developing Countries




United Nations

Total Enrollment Primary












United Nations

Tertiary Education, all Programs






United Nations

Net Enrollment Rate Primary






United Nations

Gender Parity Index, Primary1






United Nations







United Nations

Gender Parity Index, Secondary1






United Nations

Government Expenditure on Education % of GDP






World Bank

% of Government Expenditure






World Bank

Total Global Spending on Education, Public and Private




Tril. US$



% of GDP







Literacy Rate2







*Estimate 1

Gender Parity Index: Ratio of girls to boys in primary, secondary and tertiary education.


Age 15 and over can read and write.

NA = Not Available

PRE = Plunkett Research Estimate

CIA = Central Intelligence Agency Source: Plunkett Research, ® Ltd. Copyright © 2017, All Rights Reserved.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

School Enrollment of the Population 3 Years Old and Over, by Level of School, U.S.: 1964-2015 (Population in thousands; Civilian noninstitutionalized population)

Note: Prior to 1994, data excludes population over 35. Source: U.S. Census Bureau Plunkett Research, ® Ltd

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

U.S. Population Age 25 and Older, by Educational Attainment: 1940-2015

Source: U.S. Census Bureau Plunkett Research, ® Ltd

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

PreK-12th Grade Student Enrollment, By Sex, School Level & Race/Ethnicity, U.S.: 2015 (Numbers in Thousands; Latest Year Available) Nursery or kindergarten White alone, non-Hispanic Black alone Asian alone Hispanic Elementary school White alone, non-Hispanic Black alone Asian alone Hispanic High school White alone, non-Hispanic Black alone Asian alone Hispanic Source: U.S. Census Bureau Plunkett Research, ® Ltd

Both Sexes
















































Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Number & Percent Distribution of Public Elementary & Secondary Students & Schools, By Traditional or Charter School Status & Selected Characteristics: 1999-2000 & 2014-2015 1999-2000


Selected characteristic

Total, all public schools

Traditional (noncharter) schools

Charter schools

Total, all public schools

Traditional (noncharter) schools

Charter schools

Total number of schools Enrollment (in thous.) Percent distribution of students Sex Male Female Race/ethnicity White Black Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander American Indian/ Alaska Native Two or more races

92,012 46,689

90,488 46,350

1,524 340

98,176 50,010

91,429 47,288

6,747 2,722

100.0 51.4 48.6 100.0 61.8 17.1 15.9 4.1 1.2 NA

100.0 51.4 48.6 100.0 61.9 16.9 15.9 4.1 1.2 NA

100.0 51.0 49.0 100.0 42.5 33.5 19.6 2.8 1.5 NA

100.0 51.4 48.6 100.0 49.6 15.5 25.4 5.3 1.0 3.2

100.0 51.5 48.5 100.0 50.5 14.9 25.1 5.3 1.0 3.2

100.0 49.6 50.4 100.0 34.0 27.0 30.8 4.2 0.8 3.3

2,636,277 16.6

2,622,678 16.6

13,599 18.8

2,874,654 16.2

2,745,487 16.1

129,167 17.4

Number of teachers Pupil/teacher ratio1

Note: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Race categories exclude persons of Hispanic ethnicity. NA = Not available. 1

Pupil/teacher ratio based on schools that reported both enrollment and teacher data.

Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics Plunkett Research, ® Ltd

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Total & Current Expenditures Per Pupil in Public Elementary & Secondary Schools, U.S.: Selected Years, 1919-2014 (Latest Year Available) Expenditure per pupil in avg. daily attendance School year

Unadjusted dollars

Constant 2015-16 dollars2 Total expenditure3

Expenditure per pupil in fall enrollment1 Unadjusted dollars

Total expenditure3

Current expenditure

Current expenditure

Total expenditure3

Current expenditure





























Constant 2015-16 dollars2 Total expenditure3

Current expenditure




























































































































































































































































2013-14 13,187 11,831 13,373 11,998 12,335 11,066 12,509 11,222 Note: Beginning in 1980-81, state administration expenditures are excluded from both "total" and "current" expenditures. Current expenditures include instruction, support services, food services, and enterprise operations. Total expenditures include current expenditures, capital outlay, and interest on debt. Beginning in 1988-89, extensive changes were made in the data collection procedures. 1 Data for 1919-20 to 1953-54 are based on school-year enrollment. 2 Constant dollars based on the Consumer Price Index, prepared by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, adjusted to a school-year basis. 3 Excludes "Other current expenditures," such as community services, private school programs, adult education, and other programs not allocable to expenditures per student at public schools. Source: U.S. Department of Education Plunkett Research, ® Ltd

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Public & Private Direct Expenditures on All Education Institutions, as a Percent of GDP, By Country: Selected Years, 2000-2012 (Latest Year Available) Country OECD average1 Australia Austria Belgium Canada Chile Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Israel Italy Japan Korea, Republic of Luxembourg Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Slovak Republic Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States

2000 4.9 4.6 5.4 5.1 5.2 4.2 4.2 6.4 NA 5.5 5.7 4.3 3.7 4.4 5.7 4.1 6.6 4.5 3.5 4.3 NA 4.7 4.3 5.8 5.8 5.2 5.6 4.0 NA 4.3 6.3 5.3 3.4 4.5 4.6

All institutions Public direct expenditures 2005 2009 2010 2011 5.0 4.3 5.2 5.8 4.8 3.3 4.1 6.8 4.7 5.9 5.6 4.2 4.0 5.1 7.2 4.3 6.2 4.3 3.4 4.3 NA 5.3 4.6 5.2 5.7 5.4 5.3 3.7 5.3 4.1 6.2 5.6 NA 5.0 4.9

5.4 4.5 5.7 6.4 5.0 4.1 4.2 7.5 5.9 6.3 5.8 4.5 NA 4.8 7.3 6.0 5.8 4.5 3.6 4.9 NA 5.0 5.3 6.1 6.1 5.0 5.5 4.1 5.3 4.9 6.6 5.5 NA 5.3 5.3

5.4 4.6 5.6 6.4 5.2 4.3 4.1 7.6 5.6 6.4 5.8 NA NA 4.6 7.0 6.0 5.9 4.3 3.6 4.8 NA 5.1 5.4 6.0 7.5 5.0 5.4 4.0 5.2 4.8 6.3 5.2 NA 5.9 5.1

5.2 4.3 5.5 6.4 4.7 3.9 4.4 7.5 5.2 6.3 5.6 4.4 NA 4.4 6.9 5.7 5.6 4.2 3.6 4.9 NA 5.0 5.3 6.3 7.3 4.8 5.1 3.8 5.3 4.7 6.2 5.2 NA 5.6 4.7

Direct expenditures, 2012 Public Private Total 4.7 4.3 4.9 5.9 NA 3.9 4.0 NA 4.7 5.7 4.9 4.3 NA 3.6 5.9 5.2 5.1 3.7 3.5 4.7 3.7 4.6 4.9 5.4 6.5 4.4 5.0 3.5 4.7 3.8 5.2 4.9 3.8 5.2 4.7

0.6 1.3 0.0 0.0 NA 2.2 0.4 NA 0.1 0.1 0.4 0.1 NA 0.5 0.5 0.4 1.3 0.2 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.8 0.6 1.5 0.0 0.4 0.9 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.6 1.0 1.7

5.3 5.6 4.9 5.9 NA 6.1 4.4 NA 4.9 5.8 5.3 4.4 NA 4.1 6.4 5.6 6.5 3.9 5.0 6.7 3.7 5.4 5.5 6.9 6.5 4.8 5.9 3.8 4.9 4.3 5.4 4.9 4.4 6.3 6.4

Other reporting countries Argentina 4.5 NA 6.0 5.8 6.2 NA NA NA Brazil 4.1 4.4 5.5 5.6 5.9 5.6 0.0 5.6 Colombia NA NA NA NA NA 4.9 1.9 6.8 Indonesia 1.5 NA NA 3.0 NA 3.3 0.4 3.7 Latvia NA NA NA NA NA 3.9 0.3 4.2 Russian Federation 3.0 3.8 4.7 4.1 3.9 3.4 0.6 4.0 South Africa NA NA NA NA NA 6.0 NA NA Notes: Public direct expenditures on education include amounts spent directly by governments to hire educational personnel and to procure other resources, and amounts provided by governments to public or private institutions. Private direct expenditures exclude public subsidies that are used for payments to education institutions. Unless otherwise noted, expenditures include public subsidies to households for payments to education institutions and direct expenditures on education institutions from international sources. NA = Not Available. * = Public subsidies to households not included in public expenditures. 1 Refers to the mean of the data values for all reporting Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries, to which each country reporting data contributes equally. The average includes all current OECD countries for which a given year's data are available, even if they were not members of OECD in that year. Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics Plunkett Research, ® Ltd

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Average PISA Test Scores for Mathematics, Selected OECD & Non-OECD Countries: 2015

Note: The Mathematics scale ranges from 0 to 1000. Some apparent differences between estimates may not be statistically significant. PISA = Program for International Student Assessment. * B-S-J-G = Beijing-Shanghai-Jiangsu-Guangdong Source: Based on data from "Snapshot of Performance in Mathematics, Reading and Science" from OECD (2016), "PISA 2015 Results in Focus" Plunkett Research, ® Ltd.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Average PISA Test Scores for Reading, Selected OECD & NonOECD Countries: 2015

Note: The Reading scale ranges from 0 to 1000. Some apparent differences between estimates may not be statistically significant. PISA = Program for International Student Assessment. * B-S-J-G = Beijing-Shanghai-Jiangsu-Guangdong Source: Based on data from "Snapshot of Performance in Mathematics, Reading and Science" from OECD (2016), "PISA 2015 Results in Focus" Plunkett Research, ® Ltd.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Average PISA Test Scores for Science, Selected OECD & NonOECD Countries: 2015

Note: The Science scale ranges from 0 to 1000. Some apparent differences between estimates may not be statistically significant. PISA = Program for International Student Assessment. * B-S-J-G = Beijing-Shanghai-Jiangsu-Guangdong Source: Based on data from "Snapshot of Performance in Mathematics, Reading and Science" from OECD (2016), "PISA 2015 Results in Focus" Plunkett Research, ® Ltd.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Total Enrollment, Percent of Students Receiving Student Loans & Average Loan Amount at Public, Private Not-for-Profit & Private For-Profit 4-Year Colleges, U.S.: 2000-2013 (Latest Year Available)

Note: Enrollment figures represent full-time undergraduate students only. Source: Federal Reserve Board of New York Plunkett Research, ® Ltd.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Average Annual Costs for Full-Time Undergraduates at Degree-Granting Post-Secondary Institutions: 1963-2016 (In Constant 2015-16 US$; Includes Tuition, Fees, Room and Board)

Note: Data are for the entire academic year and are average charges for full-time students. Tuition and fees were weighted by the number of full-time-equivalent undergraduates, but were not adjusted to reflect student residency. Room and board are based on fulltime students. Data through 1995-96 are for institutions of higher education, while later data are for degree-granting institutions. Degree-granting institutions grant associate’s or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. The degreegranting classification is very similar to the earlier higher education classification, but it includes more 2-year colleges and excludes a few higher education institutions that did not grant degrees. Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics Plunkett Research, ® Ltd.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Percentage of College Undergraduates Receiving Student Loans, By Selected Student Characteristics: 1989–90, 1999-2000 & 2011–12 (Latest Year Available) 1989–90 Selected student characteristic or control and level of institution



Federal loans to students1


Direct PLUS loans2


Federal loans to students1

Direct PLUS loans2


Federal loans to students

Nonfederal loans

Direct PLUS loans2

Stafford loans

Perkins loans




















































































Pacific Islander












American Indian/Alaska Native












Two or more races












Total Sex


Dependency status Dependent
























4-year doctoral












Other 4-year























4-year doctoral












Other 4-year












Public institutions

2-year Private nonprofit institutions

Private for-profit institutions 2-year and above












Other & attended multiple institutions












NA = Not available. W = Reporting standards not met. Either there are too few cases for a reliable estimate or the coefficient of variation (CV) is 50 percent or greater. 1

Includes Stafford loans and Perkins loans only.


Direct PLUS loans are taken out by parents of dependent students and are used towards the students’ undergraduate education.


Includes Pacific Islanders in 1989–90.

Source: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education Plunkett Research, ® Ltd.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Average Cumulative Loan Amount for College Undergraduates Receiving Student Loans, By Selected Student Characteristics: 1989–90, 1999-2000 & 2011–12 (In Constant 2014-15 dollars; Latest Year Available) Selected student characteristic or control and level of institution


Total 15,300 Sex Male 15,800 Female 14,800 Race/ethnicity White 16,000 Black 12,100 Hispanic 10,400 Asian5 13,400 Pacific Islander NA American W Indian/Alaska Native Two or more races NA Dependency status Dependent 15,600 Independent 14,500 Public institutions 4-year doctoral 13,700 Other 4-year 10,200 2-year W Private nonprofit institutions 4-year doctoral 23,800 Other 4-year 19,900 Private for-profit institutions 2-years and above W

1989–90 Fed. loans to students2 Stafford Perkins loans3 loans 11,900 4,500



Direct PLUS loans4


Fed. loans to students2

Direct PLUS loans4


Fed. loans to students

Nonfed. loans

Direct PLUS loans4









12,200 11,600

4,300 4,600

9,700 8,700

22,200 22,300

19,600 19,400

20,200 18,900

26,800 26,200

20,800 21,300

16,600 13,700

29,700 27,200

12,100 12,200 10,200 9,600 NA

4,400 5,600 4,000 4,400 NA

9,500 W W W NA

22,100 25,600 21,400 19,700 18,800

19,200 23,100 18,700 18,100 16,600

20,200 15,200 18,200 15,600 W

26,400 31,100 25,300 20,700 W

20,400 26,500 20,400 18,400 W

15,500 15,000 14,100 10,300 W

28,700 26,400 24,900 29,300 W





















11,700 12,500

4,600 4,300

9,300 8,200

22,100 22,900

19,100 21,000

20,100 14,900

26,200 27,600

20,500 23,500

15,200 14,000

28,300 28,700

11,200 9,500 W

4,000 3,600 W

9,200 7,700 W

21,200 19,900 12,500

19,200 18,000 11,900

16,500 12,800 W

24,200 21,800 W

20,200 18,700 W

12,300 10,700 W

23,100 20,200 W

14,400 14,000

5,700 5,900

9,800 9,300

27,800 26,100

22,500 21,600

28,100 24,200

31,500 32,700

23,200 22,800

19,900 20,600

42,700 30,900











Notes: Average loan amounts were calculated only for students who took out a loan (or whose parents took out a PLUS loan on their behalf). Constant dollars based on the Consumer Price Index, prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, adjusted to a schoolyear basis. NA = Not available. W = Reporting standards not met. Either there are too few cases for a reliable estimate or the coefficient of variation (CV) is 50 percent or greater. 1 For 1989–90 data, total borrowed includes loans from family and friends. For 1999–2000 and 2011–12 data, total borrowed excludes loans from family and friends. 2 Includes Stafford loans and Perkins loans only. 3 Cumulative Stafford loan amounts shown in the table include federal subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford loans as well as any Supplemental Loans for Students (SLS) received in prior years. The SLS program was an unsubsidized student loan program limited to independent students and some dependent students with special circumstances. Beginning in 1993–94, the SLS program was replaced by unsubsidized Stafford loans, which are available to both independent and dependent students regardless of need. Subsidized Stafford loans are only available to students with demonstrated financial need. 4 Direct PLUS loans are taken out by parents of dependent students and are used towards the students’ undergraduate education. 5 Includes Pacific Islanders in 1989–90. Source: U.S. Department of Education Plunkett Research, ® Ltd.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Educational Services Industry Revenue, U.S.: 2011-2016 (In Millions of US$; Latest Year Available) NAICS 61*

Description Educational Services


Business Schools and Computer and Management Training
























825 2,336


Business and Secretarial Schools**


Computer Training**







Professional and Management Development Training**














Technical and Trade Schools


Cosmetology and Barber Schools**








Flight Training**








Apprenticeship Training**







611519 6116 61161

Other Technical and Trade Schools** Other Schools and Instruction Fine Arts Schools**


















3,599 4,089


Sports and Recreation Instruction**







Language Schools**








All Other Schools and Instruction**
































Exam Preparation and Tutoring**


Automobile Driving Schools**


All Other Miscellaneous Schools and Instruction**


Educational Support Services

* Excludes NAICS 6111 (Elementary and Secondary Schools), 6112 (Junior Colleges) and 6113 (Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools) ** Plunkett Research Estimate Source: U.S. Census Bureau Plunkett Research, ® Ltd.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Employment in Education Occupations, U.S.: May 2015 Employment1

Median Hourly Wage

Mean Hourly Wage

Mean Annual Salary2

Mean Wage RSE3 (%)

8,542,670 1,531,350 84,890 33,760 53,850 7,340 37,270 51,640 21,460 14,310 6,000 13,580 4,350 17,460 38,380 16,430 29,050 75,730 23,680 23,820 528,330 370,190 158,150 2,027,280 1,040,250 484,240

$22.70 (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) 16.51 13.74 (4) (4) (4) (4)

$25.48 (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) 18.79 15.62 (4) (4) (4) (4)

$53,000 $77,480 $92,220 $84,700 $77,290 $84,880 $104,220 $86,830 $86,070 $93,950 $85,440 $106,980 $79,690 $88,680 $79,370 $126,230 $70,290 $71,210 $76,670 $75,140 $39,090 $32,500 $54,510 $58,060 $60,270 $59,800

0.4 0.8 1.2 1.0 0.9 2.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.1 1.3 1.0 1.4 0.9 2.2 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.1 0.9 1.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7






217,530 626,750 131,550

$17.64 $12.90 $27.35

$20.36 $14.25 $28.33

$42,350 $29,630 $58,930

0.9 1.1 0.3

(Wage & Salary in US$; Latest Year Available) Education, Training, and Library Occupations Postsecondary Teachers Business Teachers, Postsecondary Computer Science Teachers, Postsecondary Mathematical Science Teachers, Postsecondary Architecture Teachers, Postsecondary Engineering Teachers, Postsecondary Biological Science Teachers, Postsecondary Chemistry Teachers, Postsecondary Physics Teachers, Postsecondary Anthropology and Archeology Teachers, Postsecondary Economics Teachers, Postsecondary Geography Teachers, Postsecondary Political Science Teachers, Postsecondary Psychology Teachers, Postsecondary Law Teachers, Postsecondary Communications Teachers, Postsecondary English Language and Literature Teachers, Postsecondary History Teachers, Postsecondary Philosophy and Religion Teachers, Postsecondary Preschool and Kindergarten Teachers Preschool Teachers, Except Special Education Kindergarten Teachers, Except Special Education Elementary and Middle School Teachers Secondary School Teachers Special Education Teachers Adult Basic and Secondary Education and Literacy Teachers and Instructors Self-Enrichment Education Teachers Substitute Teachers Librarians 1

Estimates for detailed occupations do not sum to the totals because the totals include occupations not shown separately. Estimates do not include self-employed workers.

2 Annual wages have been calculated by multiplying the hourly mean wage by a "year-round, full-time" hours figure of 2,080 hours; for those occupations where there is not an hourly mean wage published, the annual wage has been directly calculated from the reported survey data. 3 The relative standard error (RSE) is a measure of the reliability of a survey statistic. The smaller the relative standard error, the more precise the estimate. 4 Wages for some occupations that do not generally work year-round, full time, are reported either as hourly wages or annual salaries depending on how they are typically paid.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Plunkett Research, ® Ltd.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Chapter 3 IMPORTANT EDUCATION INDUSTRY CONTACTS Addresses, Telephone Numbers and Internet Sites Contents: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23)

Careers-First Time Jobs/New Grads Careers-General Job Listings Careers-Job Reference Tools Charter School Associations & Resources Corporate Information Resources Economic Data & Research Education Associations Education Industry Associations Education Industry Resources Education Mailing Lists Education Research & Rankings Education Resources Education Technology Associations Education Technology Resources Education Testing Resources Electronic Publishing Associations Exchange Student Resources Foundations Human Resources Industry Associations Industry Research/Market Research Internet Usage Statistics MOOCs Resources Singaporean Government & Agencies Education 24) Stocks & Financial Markets Data 25) U.S. Government Agencies


Careers-First Time Jobs/New Grads, Inc. 950 Tower Ln., Fl. 6 Foster City, CA 94404 US E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address:, Inc. offers in-depth resources for college students and recent grads seeking entry-level jobs. MonsterCollege 444 N. Michigan Ave., Ste. 600 Chicago, IL 60611 USA E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: MonsterCollege provides information about internships and entry-level jobs, as well as career advice and resume tips, to recent college graduates. National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) 62 Highland Ave. Bethlehem, PA 18017-9085 USA Phone: 610-868-1421 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) is a premier U.S. organization representing college placement offices and corporate recruiters who focus on hiring new grads.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.


Careers-General Job Listings

CareerBuilder, Inc. 200 N La Salle St., Ste. 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 USA Phone: 773-527-3600 Fax: 773-353-2452 Toll Free: 800-891-8880 Web Address: CareerBuilder, Inc. focuses on the needs of companies and also provides a database of job openings. The site has over 1 million jobs posted by 300,000 employers, and receives an average 23 million unique visitors monthly. The company also operates online career centers for 140 newspapers and 9,000 online partners. Resumes are sent directly to the company, and applicants can set up a special email account for job-seeking purposes. CareerBuilder is primarily a joint venture between three newspaper giants: The McClatchy Company, Gannett Co., Inc. and Tribune Company. CareerOneStop Toll Free: 877-872-5627 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: CareerOneStop is operated by the employment commissions of various state agencies. It contains job listings in both the private and government sectors, as well as a wide variety of useful career resources and workforce information. CareerOneStop is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor. LaborMarketInfo (LMI) Employment Development Dept. P.O. Box 826880, MIC 57 Sacramento, CA 94280-0001 USA Phone: 916-262-2162 Fax: 916-262-2352 Web Address: LaborMarketInfo (LMI) provides job seekers and employers a wide range of resources, namely the ability to find, access and use labor market information and services. It provides statistics for employment demographics on both a local and regional level, as well as career searching tools for California residents. The web site is sponsored by California's Employment Development Office. Recruiters Online Network E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address:

The Recruiters Online Network provides job postings from thousands of recruiters, Careers Online Magazine, a resume database, as well as other career resources. USAJOBS USAJOBS Program Office 1900 E St. NW, Ste. 6500 Washington, DC 20415-0001 USA Phone: 818-934-6600 Web Address: USAJOBS, a program of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, is the official job site for the U.S. Federal Government. It provides a comprehensive list of U.S. government jobs, allowing users to search for employment by location; agency; type of work; or by senior executive positions. It also has special employment sections for individuals with disabilities, veterans and recent college graduates; an information center, offering resume and interview tips and other information; and allows users to create a profile and post a resume. 3)

Careers-Job Reference Tools, Inc. 132 W. 31st St., Fl. 17 New York, NY 10001 USA Fax: 212-366-6117 Toll Free: 800-535-2074 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address:, Inc. is a comprehensive career web site for employers and employees, with job postings and valuable information on a wide variety of industries. Its features and content are largely geared toward MBA degree holders. 4)

Charter School Associations & Resources

National Alliance for Public Charter Schools (NAPCS) 1101 15 St. NW, Ste. 1010 Washington, DC 20005 USA Phone: 202-289-2700 Fax: 202-289-4009 Web Address: The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools is a non-profit organization committed to the growth and sustainability of charter schools. The Alliance offers assistance to state-level charter school associations

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

and resource centers and works to develop and/or advocate for improved federal and state policies in relation to charter schools. Primarily, the Alliance works to narrow the gap in funding between public schools and charter schools as the students of charter schools, being also public school students, should have access to the same funding and support.

The National Charter School Resource Center provides information, resources and technical assistance at a national level to help support the successful planning, authorizing, implementation and sustainability of charter schools. The Center is operated by the Houston, Texas based Safal Partners and funded by the U.S. Department of Education.

National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) 105 W. Adams St., Ste. 1900 Chicago, IL 60603-6253 USA Phone: 312-376-2300 Fax: 312-376-2400 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) is an association dedicated to advancing excellence and accountability in charter schools and, as a result, increasing the number of high-quality charter schools in the nation. The NACSA works with charter school authorizers, organizations that approve, monitor, renew and/or close charter schools, on their various practices and policies. Through the association, member authorizers are provided with professional development, practical resources, consulting and policy guidance. Members of NACSA oversee more than half of the nation's 5,600 charter schools.


National Charter School Institute 711 W. Pickard St., Ste. M Mount Pleasant, MI 48858 USA Phone: 989-317-3510 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The National Charter School Institute is a non-profit corporation whose mission is to support and guide the implementation of charter school. The Institute provides for its clients the strategic counsel needed to navigate the application process, the tools needed for proper organizational development and support to overcome the challenges of opening a school lie ahead. National Charter School Resource Center Safal Partners 10700 Richmond Ave., Ste. 227 Houston, TX 77042 USA Phone: 713-955-2727 Fax: 713-422-2434 Web Address:

Corporate Information Resources 120 W. Morehead St., Ste. 400 Charlotte, NC 28202 USA Toll Free: 866-853-3661 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: is the online media division of American City Business Journals, the publisher of dozens of leading city business journals nationwide. It provides access to research into the latest news regarding companies both small and large. The organization maintains 42 websites and 64 print publications and sponsors over 700 annual industry events. Business Wire 101 California St., Fl. 20 San Francisco, CA 94111 USA Phone: 415-986-4422 Fax: 415-788-5335 Toll Free: 800-227-0845 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: Business Wire offers news releases, industry- and company-specific news, top headlines, conference calls, IPOs on the Internet, media services and access to and BW Connect On-line through its informative and continuously updated web site. Edgar Online, Inc. 11200 Rockville Pike, Ste. 310 Rockville, MD 20852 USA Phone: 301-287-0300 Fax: 301-287-0390 Toll Free: 888-870-2316 Web Address: Edgar Online, Inc. is a gateway and search tool for viewing corporate documents, such as annual reports on Form 10-K, filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

PR Newswire Association LLC 350 Hudson St., Ste. 300 New York, NY 10014-4504 USA Fax: 800-793-9313 Toll Free: 800-776-8090 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: PR Newswire Association LLC provides comprehensive communications services for public relations and investor relations professionals, ranging from information distribution and market intelligence to the creation of online multimedia content and investor relations web sites. Users can also view recent corporate press releases from companies across the globe. The Association is owned by United Business Media plc. 6)

Economic Data & Research

Centre for European Economic Research (The, ZEW) L 7, 1 Mannheim, 68161 Germany Phone: 49-621-1235-01 Fax: 49-621-1235-224 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: Zentrum fur Europaische Wirtschaftsforschung, The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), distinguishes itself in the analysis of internationally comparative data in a European context and in the creation of databases that serve as a basis for scientific research. The institute maintains a special library relevant to economic research and provides external parties with selected data for the purpose of scientific research. ZEW also offers public events and seminars concentrating on banking, business and other economic-political topics. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Polaris House North Star Ave. Swindon, SN2 1UJ UK Phone: 44-01793 413000 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funds research and training in social and economic issues. It is an independent organization, established by Royal Charter. Current research areas include the global economy; social diversity; environment and energy; human behavior; and health and well-being.

Eurostat 5 Rue Alphonse Weicker Joseph Bech Bldg. Luxembourg, L-2721 Luxembourg Phone: 352-4301-1 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: Eurostat is the European Union's service that publishes a wide variety of comprehensive statistics on European industries, populations, trade, agriculture, technology, environment and other matters. Federal Statistical Office of Germany Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 11 Wiesbaden, D-65189 Germany Phone: 49-611-75-2405 Fax: 49-611-72-4000 Web Address: Federal Statistical Office of Germany publishes a wide variety of nation and regional economic data of interest to anyone who is studying Germany, one of the world's leading economies. Data available includes population, consumer prices, labor markets, health care, industries and output. India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF) Fl. 20, Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan Tolstoy Marg New Deli, 110001 India Phone: 91-11-43845500 Fax: 91-11-23701235 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF) is a publicprivate partnership between the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the Government of India and the Confederation of Indian Industry. The foundation's primary objective is to build positive economic perceptions of India globally. It aims to effectively present the India business perspective and leverage business partnerships in a globalizing marketplace. National Bureau of Statistics (China) 57, Yuetan Nanjie, Sanlihe Xicheng District Beijing, 100826 China Fax: 86-10-6878-2000 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address:

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The National Bureau of Statistics (China) provides statistics and economic data regarding China's economy and society. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 2 rue Andre Pascal Cedex 16 Paris, 75775 France Phone: 33-1-45-24-82-00 Fax: 33-1-45-24-85-00 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) publishes detailed economic, government, population, social and trade statistics on a country-by-country basis for over 30 nations representing the world's largest economies. Sectors covered range from industry, labor, technology and patents, to health care, environment and globalization. Statistics Bureau, Director-General for Policy Planning (Japan) 19-1 Wakamatsu-cho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo, 162-8668 Japan Phone: 81-3-5273-2020 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Statistics Bureau, Director-General for Policy Planning (Japan) and Statistical Research and Training Institute, a part of the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, plays the central role of producing and disseminating basic official statistics and coordinating statistical work under the Statistics Act and other legislation. Statistics Canada 150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway Ottawa, ON K1A 0T6 Canada Phone: 514-283-8300 Fax: 514-283-9350 Toll Free: 800-263-1136 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: Statistics Canada provides a complete portal to Canadian economic data and statistics. Its conducts Canada's official census every five years, as well as hundreds of surveys covering numerous aspects of Canadian life.


Education Associations

American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) One Dupont Cir. NW, Ste. 410 Washington, DC 20036 USA Phone: 202-728-0200 Fax: 202-833-2467 Web Address: The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) is the primary advocate of for the nation's community colleges. The AACC represents over 13 million students attending nearly 1,200 two-year institutions and associate degree-granting institutions. The association promotes these institutions through five action areas: recognition and advocacy for community colleges, community college leadership development; student access, learning and success; intercultural and global education; and workforce and economic development. American Association of State Colleges & Universities (AASCU) 1307 New York Ave. NW, Fl. 5 Washington, DC 20005 USA Phone: 202-293-7070 Fax: 202-296-5819 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The American Association of State Colleges & Universities (AASCU) is an association of nationwide higher education institutions based out of Washington, D.C. The association is composed of nearly 420 public colleges, universities and other such systems. The AASCU operates under five fundamental purposes: the promotion of understanding and support of the public purpose of public higher education, specifically the contributions AASCU members; to support member institutions in preparing students to be effective in a global economy and society; to advocate for effective public policy and to provide analysis of such policy to its members; to provide leadership in the development of public policy; and to support the professional development of member executives to systematically create a leadership culture sympathetic to the goals of the AASCU. American Council of Trustees & Alumni (ACTA) 1730 M St. NW, Ste. 600 Washington, DC 20036-4525 USA Phone: 202-467-6787 Fax: 202-467-6784

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Toll Free: 888-258-6648 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The American Council of Trustees & Alumni (ACTA) is a non-profit organization that has committed itself to ensuring academic freedom and accountability at America's colleges and universities. ACTA works with education leaders, trustees, alumni and donors throughout the U.S. to support an education in the liberal arts, to ensure the high standards of academia, to hold safe the free exchange of ideas on campus and to safeguard future generations' access to a high-quality, philosophically rich and affordable college education. American Council on Education (ACE) One Dupont Cir. NW Washington, DC 20036 USA Phone: 202-939-9300 Web Address: The American Council on Education (ACE) is a higher education association representing the presidents of U.S. degree-granting institutions, including private & public universities, two- & fouryear colleges and for-profit & nonprofit entities. ACE is composed of over 1,700 member institutions, 75% of which have been members for over a decade. ACE regularly acts as an advocate of higher education institutions in federal policy debates and in legal issues and court cases. Additionally, the association acts as a key point of contact for congressional staff, members of the executive branch and the media. American Federation of Teachers (AFT) 555 New Jersey Ave. NW Washington, DC 20001 USA Phone: 202-879-4400 Web Address: The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), an affiliate of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), is a teachers' union representing more than 3,000 local affiliate networks and 1.6 million members. The membership of the AFT is represented in five divisions: pre-K through 12th-grade teachers; paraprofessionals and other school-related personnel; higher education faculty and professional staff; federal, state and local government employees; and nurses and other healthcare professionals. In addition, the union also represents 80,000 early childhood educators and almost 250,000 retiree members.

Association of American Universities (AAU) 1200 New York Ave. NW, Ste. 550 Washington, DC 20005 USA Phone: 202-408-7500 Fax: 202-408-8184 Web Address: The Association of American Universities (AAU) is a non-profit organization founded to advance the international standing of U.S. research universities. Membership in the AAU is composed of 62 public and private research universities in the U.S. and Canada. The member research universities are the leading edge in new developments in multiple fields, including the economy and national security. As such, the AAU works to maintain the partnership between such universities and the federal government. Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities (APSCU) 1101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Ste. 900 Washington, DC 20036 USA Phone: 202-336-6700 Fax: 202-336-6828 Toll Free: 866-711-8574 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: APSCU is a voluntary membership association of accredited for-profit schools, colleges, institutes and universities. With 1400 members, the association is committed to promote excellence in career and professional higher education. Association of Public & Land-Grant Universities (APLU) 1307 New York Ave. NW, Ste. 400 Washington, DC 20005-4722 USA Phone: 202-478-6040 Fax: 202-478-6046 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Association of Public & Lang-grant Universities (APLU), a research, policy and advocacy organization, is an organization that represents 235 public research universities, state university systems, land-grant universities and other affiliated organizations. Having been founded in 1887, APLU is North America's oldest higher education affiliation. Members in APLU include 23 black institutions and the 33 American Indian land-grant colleges.

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Central Association of College & University Business Officers (CACUBO) Web Address: The Central Association of College & University Business Officers (CACUBO), one of four regional affiliates of the National Association of College & University Business Officers (NACUBO), is an association of higher education business officers promoting ethical and effective financial and business administration in universities and colleges. Of the CACUBO's 610 member institutions/organizations, 550 are institutions of higher education, 51 are corporations and 11 fall into the other category. The CACUBO draws its members from 28 participating U.S. states. Council of Higher Education Management Association (CHEMA) 1110 Vermont Ave. NW, Ste. 800 Washington, DC 20005-3593 USA Phone: 202-861-2584 Fax: 202-449-1246 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Council of Higher Education Management Association (CHEMA) is a volunteer assembly of various management-centric higher education associations in the U.S. and Canada. This informal assembly allows its constituent parts to compare experience and work together, thus maximizing resources and creating benefits for the colleges and universities that these individual associations in the assembly represent. CHEMA is composed of 41member higher education associations and is coordinated by the National Association of College & University Business Officers (NACUBO). Eastern Association of College & University Business Officers (EACUBO) 1110 Vermont Ave. NW, Ste. 800 Washington, DC 20005 USA Phone: 202-861-2595 Fax: 202-354-4980 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Eastern Association of College & University Business Officers (EACUBO), one of four regional affiliates of the National Association of College & University Business Officers (NACUBO), is an association of higher education business officers promoting ethical and effective financial and business administration in universities and colleges. Currently, the EACUBO has a membership of almost

1,000 private and public higher education institutions. International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) 1934 Old Gallows Rd., Ste. 350 Vienna, VA 22182-4040 USA Phone: 703-752-6216 Fax: 730-752-6201 Toll Free: 888-956-2265 Web Address: The International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) is a non-profit organization whose membership is composed of more than 4,400 individuals and organizations whose common goal is to ensure that students receive a world-class education. iNACOL focus is on the research and development of quality blended and online learning opportunities and other new learning models for students and the continued professional development of classroom, school, district and state leaders in relation to these new learning models. Learning Forward 504 S. Locust St. Oxford, OH 45056 USA Fax: 513-523-0638 Toll Free: 800-727-7288 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: Learning Forward is a non-profit member association of learning educators focused on effective professional learning to leads to increasing student achievement. Professional learning is when educators learn the skills, knowledge, dispositions and practices they need in order to help student perform at a higher level. National Association of College & University Business Officers (NACUBO) 1110 Vermont Ave. NW, Ste. 800 Washington, DC 20005 USA Phone: 202-861-2500 Fax: 202-861-2583 Toll Free: 800-462-4916 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The National Association of College & University Business Officers (NACUBO), operating through the regional affiliates Central Association of College & University Business Officers (CACUBO), Eastern Association of College & University Business Officers (EACUBO), Southern Association of

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College & University Business Officers (SACUBO) and Western Association of College & University Business Officers (WACUBO), is an association of higher education chief business and financial officers promoting ethical and effective financial and business administration in universities and colleges. As a whole, the NACUBO represents over 2,100 colleges, universities and higher education service providers both at a national and international level. National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU) 1025 Connecticut Ave. NW, Ste. 700 Washington, DC 20036 USA Phone: 202-785-8866 Fax: 202-835-0003 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU) represents private nonprofit institutions of higher education. The NAICU represents the interests of these institutions of higher education in federal policy issues, such as taxation, student aid and governmental regulation. The association has over 1,000 nationwide institutions which include traditional liberal arts colleges, church- and faith-related institutions, major research universities, black colleges, the performing and visual arts institutions, women's colleges, twoyear colleges and schools of medicine, law, business, engineering and other professions. National Association of State Student Grant & Aid Programs (NASSGAP) E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The National Association of State Student Grant and Aid Programs (NASSGAP) is an organization for agencies involved in the administration and operation of student grant and aid programs. NASSGAP's membership is drawn from single agencies in each state or territory which are responsible for statefunded student aid programs. It publishes annual surveys of student aid on a nationwide basis. Southern Association of College & University Business Officers (SACUBO) Web Address: The Southern Association of College & University Business Officers (SACUBO), one of four regional affiliates of the National Association of College & University Business Officers (NACUBO), is an association of higher education business officers

promoting ethical and effective financial and business administration in universities and colleges. State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHEEO) 3035 Ctr. Green Dr., Ste. 100 Boulder, CO 80301-2205 USA Phone: 303-541-1600 Fax: 303-541-1639 Web Address: The State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHEEO) is an association of state higher education leaders who serve on state policy agencies or boards for higher education. The services SHEEO offers its members includes: collaboration networks, a policy resource center, a finance report on state higher education, various meetings and conferences, to name a few. SHEEO has members in every state and the District of Columbia. Washington Higher Education Secretariat (WHES) One Dupont Cir. NW, Ste. 800 Washington, DC 20036-1110 USA Phone: 202-939-9444 Fax: 202-833-4760 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Washington Higher Education Secretariat (WHES) serves as a forum for the CEOs of about 50 national higher education associations. In order for an association to join the secretariat, the current member associations must vote them in. The purpose of WHES is to provide a forum for members to form working relationships, to tackle specific issues through working groups and to learn from colleagues and other experts. Western Association of College & University Business Officers (WACUBO) 1110 Vermont Ave. NW, Ste. 800 WASHINGTON, DC 20005 USA Phone: 202-861-2516 Web Address: The Western Association of College & University Business Officers (WACUBO), one of four regional affiliates of the National Association of College & University Business Officers (NACUBO), is an association of higher education business officers promoting ethical and effective financial and business administration in universities and colleges. The membership of WACUBO is drawn from 14

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western American states, three Canadian Provinces, Mexico and other Pacific Rim nations. 8)

Education Industry Associations

Education Industry Association (EIA) 1839 Batten Hollow Rd. Vienna, VA 22182 USA Phone: 703-938-2429 Fax: 703-242-1479 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: Since 1990, the EIA has worked to expand business opportunities for education entrepreneurs of all sizes in preK-12 markets. Benefits include federal-statelocal advocacy, public relations support, professional development and peer-to-peer networking. Education Market Association (EdMarket) 8380 Colesville Rd., Ste. 250 Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA Fax: 301-495-3330 Toll Free: 800-395-5550 Web Address: The Education Market Association (EDmarket) is an advocate promoting an open marketplace for quality educational products and services that lay the foundation for a stimulating environment for teaching and learning. Its focus is on members serving the preK-12 market. 9)

Education Industry Resources

Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) 13501 Ingenuity Dr., Ste. 248 Orlando, FL 32826 USA Phone: 407-384-5550 Fax: 407-208-3401 Web Address: The Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative of the Department of Defense was established to provide access to learning and performance aids that can be adapted to individual needs. The ADL conducts its operations through laboratories in Alexandria, VA and Orlando, FL. The products and services provided by these facilities include: next generation learning environments, learning registry, games for training, instructional design, mobile learning and intelligent tutors. BetterLesson 84 Sherman St.

Cambridge, MA 02140 USA Phone: 617-329-9130 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: BetterLesson is an online platform for educators to share instructional resources and teaching materials. BetterLesson currently has over 3,000 common-core aligned lessons, as well as 1,300,000 other lesson plans, classroom materials and instructional resources. Center for College Affordability and Productivity (CCAP) 1055 Thomas Jefferson St. NW, Ste. L 26 Washington, DC 20007 USA Phone: 202-621-0536 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Center for College Affordability and Productivity (CCAP) is a non-profit, Washington, DC based research center. The purpose of CCAP is to help enable a dialogue on the problems and issues that institutes of higher learning in the United States face. The non-profits current research areas include; student financial aid policy, the rising costs of college, causes of inefficiencies in higher education, productivity of faculty and staff and accreditation. College Board Advocacy & Policy Center 250 Vesey St. New York, NY 10281 USA Phone: 212-713-8000 Web Address: The College Board Advocacy & Policy Center, guided by the College Board, was created to help transform education in America. The Advocacy & Policy Center priorities include: college readiness & access, college affordability & financial aid and college admission & completion. The Center boasts a membership of educational professionals from over 6,000 institutions. EducationInvestor Greener House 66-68 Haymarket London, SW1Y 4RF UK Phone: 020 7104 2000 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: EducationInvestor is a monthly, UK-based magazine covering the education industry, along with technologies, investments and emerging companies.

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It provides conferences and seminars and hosts an annual awards ceremony. GSV Advisors 875 N. Michigan Ave., Ste. 3520 Chicago, IL 60611 USA Phone: 312-397-0071 Fax: 312-755-0158 Web Address: GSV Advisors is an investment advisory. One of its core focuses is education technology. It is a cosponsor of the annual ASU+GSV Summit covering innovation and technology in education. GSV is a prime resource for information on startups and investment. MindShare Learning 88 The Pond Rd. Technology-Enhanced Learning Bldg., Ste. 1026 Toronto, ONT Canada Phone: 905-814-0900 E-mail Address: [email protected] [email protected] Web Address: MindShare Learning is a marketing consulting firm supporting firms that provide goods and services to all education markets. It publishes the MindShare Learning Report each month, available at its website. SWSXedu (South by Southwest Education Conference & Festival) SXSWedu P.O. Box 685289 Austin, TX 78768 USA E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The SXSWedu Conference & Festival is a four-day event in Austin, Texas, which allows the registrants open access to engaging sessions, interactive workshops, hands on learning experiences, film screenings, early stage startups and various networking opportunities. The event is attended by teachers, administrators, university professors, business and policy leaders from different disciplines. 10) Education Mailing Lists MCH Strategic Data 601 E. Marshall St. Sweet Springs, MO 65351 USA Fax: 660-335-4157 Toll Free: 800-776-6373 E-mail Address: [email protected]

Web Address: MCH is a long-term provider of mailing lists of teachers, schools, professors, universities and school boards. It offers a significant array of products and services that to aid people who are launching direct marketing or communications efforts. 11) Education Research & Rankings Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) is an annual publication that ranks universities worldwide. The ARWU is conducted by researchers at the Center for World-Class Universities of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CWCU). In order to rank a university, the ARWU uses six objective indicators, which include: the number of staff and alumni that win Nobel Prizes and Field Medals; as selected by Thomson Scientific, the number of highly cited researchers; the number of articles published in journal of Science or Nature; number of articles indexed in either the Social Science Citation Index or Science Citation Index Expanded and, in respect to the size of the institution, its per capita performance. The CWCU test over 1000 universities each year and publish the top 500 on the web. Center for World Class Universities (CWCU) Shanghai Jiao Tong University 800 Dongchuan Rd., Min Hang Shanghai, 200240 China Phone: 86-21-3420-5654 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Center for World Class Universities (CWCU) is a strategic research unit, designated so by the Chinese Ministry of Education, located within Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The CWCU is the publisher of the Academic Ranking of World Universities, a widely used annual ranking of the world's top research universities. Council for Aid to Education (CAE) 215 Lexington Ave., Fl. 16 New York, NY 10016 USA Phone: 212-661-5800 Fax: 212-661-9766 Web Address:

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The Council for Aid to Education (CAE) is a nonprofit organization established to conduct policy research on higher education and to promote corporate support of education. The CAE offers online to both colleges and high schools the Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA) and the College and Work Readiness Assessment (CWRA). Both the CLA and CWRA are designed to use real world problem solving tasks to measure the critical thinking skills of a student. Engrade, Inc. McGraw-Hill Education P.O. Box 182605 Columbus, OH 43218 USA Fax: 800-953-8691 Toll Free: 800-338-3987 Web Address: Engrade, Inc., a subsidiary of McGraw-Hill Education, offers a free grading program that enables teachers in over 40,000 schools to post both assignments and grades online for parents and students. Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) 3005 Moore Hall, Box 951521 Los Angeles, CA 90095 USA Phone: 310-825-1925 Fax: 310-206-2228 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) looks to inform educational policy and encourage institutional improvement through an increased comprehension of higher education and its impact on students who attend it. HERI is also the home to the Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP), a longitudinal study of higher education systems throughout the nation. CIRP, as the oldest and largest empirical study in the U.S., has collected data on over 1,900 institutions, 15 million students and 300,000 faculty. Institute of Education Sciences (IES) 555 New Jersey Ave. NW Washington, DC 20208 USA Phone: 202-219-1385 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Institute of Education Sciences (IES), a research arm for the Department of Education, conducts research, evaluation, assessment, development and statistics for the education industry. The IES, in

identifying what works and why, looks to aid in the improvement of the educational outcomes of students, especially those at risk of failure. The findings of the Institute are stored in the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), an internetbased digital library. Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), The Potomac Center Plaza 550 12th St. SW Washington, DC 20202 USA Phone: 202-403-5551 Web Address: The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) is a system of surveys, which are interrelated, undertaken annually by the U.S. Department's National Center for Education Statistics. These surveys gather information from every institution of higher education that participates in federal student financial aid programs. The data gathered by IPEDS is used to describe and analyze trends in postsecondary education in the U.S. National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Potomac Center Plaza 550 12th St. SW Washington, DC 20202 USA Phone: 202-403-5551 Web Address: The NCES is the U.S. federal government's main agency for collecting and analyzing education statistics. It collects, collates, analyzes and reports complete statistics on the condition of American education; conducts and publishes reports; and reviews and reports on educational activities internationally. Organization for Economic Co-operation & Development, Program for International Student Assessment (The, OECD-PISA) 2 rue Andre Pascal Paris, CEDEX 16 75775 France Phone: 33-1-45-24-99-94 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Organization for Economic Co-operation & Development, Program for International Student Assessment (OECD-PISA) is a survey conducted once every three years to evaluate education systems worldwide. The PISA evaluates these education systems by testing the skill and knowledge in key subjects, reading, math and science, of 15-year-old

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students randomly selected from schools within each system. 12) Education Resources Academy for Urban School Leadership (AUSL) 3400 N. Austin Ave., Rm. 120 Chicago, IL 60634-0990 USA Phone: 773-534-0129 Fax: 773-283-0903 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Academy for Urban School Leadership (AUSL) is a Chicago based organization whose goal is to improve student achievement in the failing schools of urban Chicago. The AUSL manages 32 turnaround Chicago Public Schools (CPS) with over 18,000 students. The association offers to teachers a yearlong residency program, Chicago Teacher Residency, which helps prepare them for the challenge of teaching in an urban environment. American School & University (AS&U) 9800 Metcalf Ave. Overland Park, KS 66212 USA Phone: 847-763-9504 Toll Free: 866-505-7173 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The American School & University (AS&U) magazine has acted as a source of information for both educational facilities and business professionals since 1928. The AS&U has been in the service of the nation's administrators of K-12 and higher education who are responsible for the planning, design, construction, retrofit, operations, maintenance and management of education facilities. In addition to the magazine, AS&U also publishes, an online gallery of AS&U's Architectural Portfolio and Educational Interiors Showcase issues. Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: A system for ranking and analyzing universities and colleges within the United States. CaseNEX 2421 Ivy Rd. Charlottesville, VA 22903 USA Toll Free: 866-817-0726 E-mail Address: [email protected]

Web Address: CaseNEX, a spin-off of the University of Virginia's Curry School of Education, is a professional development organization focused on the training of teachers. The organizations preferred method of training is case-based, where teachers and administrators learn to recognize and solve educational problems through a five-step method of case analysis. Center for Education Reform (CER) 1901 L St. NW, Ste. 705 Washington, DC 20036 USA Phone: 202-750-0016 Web Address: The Center for Education Reform (CER) is a leading advocate for substantive and structural changes that improve educational opportunities in the U.S. The CER is a proponent of school choice and works to increase the number and quality of charter, digital and other schools of choice. Center on Education Policy (CEP) 2129 G St. NW, Fl. 1 Washington, DC 20052 USA Phone: 202-994-9050 Fax: 202-994-8859 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Center on Education Policy (CEP) acts as an advocate for public education and for more effective public schools. The CEP works to improve the academic quality of public schools by working states and school districts and helps Americans to better understand the role in a democracy that public education plays. Curriki 20660 Stevens Creek Blvd., Ste. 332 Cupertino, CA 95014 USA Phone: 408-655-0233 Fax: 408-608-0332 Web Address: Curriki is a nonprofit organization that operates as an online open education resource. The organization offers curricula and instructional materials to teachers and other educators in support of K-12 education. In addition to being available in the U.S., Curriki also offers its resources in Finland and Japan. Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) Toll Free: 800-538-3742 Web Address:

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The Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) is an online library of education research and information, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education (ED). Education Week 6935 Arlington Rd., Ste. 100 Bethesda, MD 20814-5233 USA Phone: 301-280-3100 Fax: 301-280-3200 Toll Free: 800-346-1834 Web Address: Education Week, published by the independent, nonprofit Editorial Projects in Education (EPE), is a national newspaper that focuses on education policy for K-12. The EPE also publishes the online version of Education Week at Through the visitor can not only access Education Week but the other projects/publications of EPE. These projects/publications include Teacher, which targets teacher-leaders with news and information; Digital Directions, a triannual release that covers news, trends and practices in educational technology; Teacher Sourcebook, a biannual publication of professional development products and services for teachers; EPE Research Center, the published results of EPE's original research; TopSchoolJobs, a career community; Education Week Press, EPE's book publisher; and Education Week Events, single day leadership forums focusing on the pressing issues in education. Edusoft 222 Berkeley St. Boston, MA 02116 USA Phone: 617-351-5000 Web Address: Edusoft, offered by Riverside Publishing Company, a division of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Company, is an educational asset management system. The system allows districts to collect and analyze performance data on students in order to improve both student performance and classroom instruction. Foundation for Excellence in Education (ExcelinEd) P.O. Box 10691 Tallahassee, FL 32302 USA Phone: 850-391-4090 Fax: 786-664-1794 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address:

The Foundation for Excellence in Education (ExcelinEd), sponsored by the state of Florida, was created to help decision makers and policy makers develop, adopt and implement educational reform policies. Specifically, ExcelinEd was established to address the trend of American students scoring low in science and math when compared to other industrial countries. Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education Magazine (H/O), The 299 Market St., Ste. 145 Saddle Brook, NJ 07663 USA Phone: 201-587-8800 Fax: 201-587-9105 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education Magazine (H/O) is a biweekly publication, except in the summer months, that acts as an information news source and as the sole higher education Hispanic educational magazine. H/O reaches a large minority audience and covers the events, news and trends that affect the multicultural institutions of this century. In addition to its print addition, the magazine also offers articles online and a digital edition via an app for both iTunes and Google Play. Inside Higher Ed 1015 18th St. NW, Ste. 1100 Washington, DC 20036 USA Phone: 202-659-9208 Fax: 202-659-9381 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: Inside Higher Ed is a website that reports the news, opinions and available jobs for higher education. Additionally, the website also offers various survey results, such as surveys performed on University Presidents, Chief Academic Officers and Admission Directors. Khan Academy P.O. Box 1630 Mountain View, CA 94042 USA Web Address: The Khan Academy, started by Salmon Khan in 2008, is a non-profit educational organization. The organization offers an online video library that covers subjects ranging from art and history to math and finance.

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Learning Registry Web Address: The Learning Registry is a joint effort between the Department of Education, via the Office of Educational Technology, and the Department of Defense, via the Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative, to develop an approach to capture, connect and share data about learning resources available online. The Registry's purpose is to make it easier and more convenient for both students and educators to access available online learning resources by acting as an aggregator of metadata. National Commission on Higher Education Attainment One Dupont Cir. NW Washington, DC 20036 USA Phone: 202-939-9300 Web Address: The National Commission on Higher Education Attainment is a commission established in 2011 with the stated goal of improving the retention rate of colleges and to stem the loss human potential as represented by those students who do not graduate. The commission was created through the participation of the American Council on Education (ACE), the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU), the Association of American Universities (AAU), the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU), and the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU). National Commission on Teaching & America's Future (NCTAF) 1525 Wilson Blvd., Ste. 705 Arlington, VA 22209 USA Phone: 202-429-2570 Web Address: The National Commission on Teaching & America's Future (NCTAF), founded in 1994, develops prototypes for innovative teacher preparation, collaborative teaching teams and strategies to leverage community engagement. One innovation of NCTAF is the Teachers Learning in Networked Communication (TLINC) which makes the development of educators more collaborative and offers new teachers a stronger start in their chosen profession.

National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) 1120 G St. NW, Ste. 800 Washington, DC 20005 USA Phone: 202-393-0020 Fax: 202-393-0095 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) is an association that acts as an advocator for reform in teacher policies at the local, state and federal levels. The NCTQ, whose board is composed of Republicans, Democrats and Independents, believe that the teaching profession is in need of reform in how teachers are recruited, prepared, retained and compensated. National Science Digital Library (NSDL) Web Address: The National Science Digital Library (NSDL) is a provider of online educational resources for learning and teaching. The NSDL is not a database, in that it holds the information itself, but actually a compiler of metadata about online educational resources available on other websites. The library currently has an emphasis on educational resources that provide material for the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics. New Leaders 30 W. 26th St. New York, NY 10010 USA Phone: 646-792-1070 Web Address: New Leaders is a non-profit organization that trains school leaders and develops leadership policies and practices for schools and teachers primarily in minority majority schools in an attempt to close the gap in high school graduation rates when compared with non-minority majority schools. Teach for America 25 Broadway, Fl. 12 New York, NY 10004 USA Web Address: Teach for America is a non-profit organization that takes recent college graduates and places them as teachers in low-income communities for two years in an attempt to eliminate educational inequity. The organization provides training and, in the case of unlicensed teachers, an alternative certification for its volunteers. After completing their training, the volunteers are then placed in either urban areas such as Chicago of Washington, DC or in rural area such

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as the Mississippi Delta. Teach for America partners with AmeriCorps, a federal program that focuses on community service. TEACH Magazine 1655 Dupont St., Ste. 321 Toronto, Ontario M6P3T1 Canada Phone: 416-537-2103 Web Address: TEACH Magazine is Canada's largest national education publication. The publication covers topics of interest to educators of those in K-12, including curriculum development and the integration of technology. Each issue of TEACH includes a practical teaching component called CURRICULA. TeacherPayTeachers (TpT) Web Address: TeacherPayTeachers (TpT) is an open marketplace where teachers and other educators can open online stores to buy, sell or share their original resources. The resources sold by teachers to other teachers include lesson plans, unit plans, exams, original workbooks and other activities. Teaching Channel (Tch) Phone: 510-254-3354 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Teaching Channel (Tch) is an online showcase that offers to the teaching community various videos that demonstrate inspiring and effective techniques for teachers to use in the schools of the U.S. Members of the channel, through video, trade ideas and inspire each other to strive to be better teachers. UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) 7 place de Fontenoy Paris, 75007 France Phone: 33-1-45-68-10-00 Web Address: UNESCO attempts to build networks between nations by: mobilizing for education, building intercultural understanding, pursuing scientific cooperation and protecting freedom of expression. Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) 3035 Ctr. Green Dr., Ste. 200 Boulder, CO 80301-2204 USA Phone: 303-541-0200 Fax: 303-541-0291

E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) is a regional organization designed to facilitate resource sharing among the higher education systems in the West. Membership in WICHE includes the states of New Mexico, Montana, Arizona, Utah, Oregon, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Alaska, Washington, California, Nevada, Hawaii, North Dakota and South Dakota, as well as the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. 13) Education Technology Associations Center for Digital Education (CDE) 100 Blue Ravine Rd. Folsom, CA 95630 USA Phone: 916-932-1300 Fax: 916-932-1470 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Center for Digital Education (CDE) is a research and advisory institute specializing on education technology trends, policy and funding in the K-12 and higher education markets. The media platform of the CDE includes, Center for Digital Education's Special Report, newsletters via email and other custom publications. 14) Education Technology Resources Campus Technology (CT) 9201 Oakdale Ave., Ste. 101 Chatsworth, CA 91311 USA Phone: 818-814-5277 Fax: 818-734-1522 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: Campus Technology (CT) Magazine, published by the Ed-Tech Group of Media Inc., provides coverage on the use of technology across the breadth of higher education. In addition to its print edition, CT provides a digital and online edition of its magazine that offer in depth coverage of specific technologies that are important to campus IT decision makers, Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) 40 Harvard Mills Sq., Ste. 3 Wakefield, MA 01880-3233 USA Phone: 781-245-2212 E-mail Address: [email protected]

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Web Address: Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) is a non-profit organization dedicated to educational research and development designed to expand learning opportunities. To expand learning opportunities, CAST utilizes the Universal Design for Learning (UDL). The UDL is a set of principles that, in theory, give equal opportunities to learn to all individuals.

Web Address: New Classrooms is a nonprofit organization that designs new models for K-12 instruction that reimagines the role of educators, the use of time, the configuration of physical space and the use of data & technology. While still relying on live teaching, these new models also introduce independent & group learning and virtual tutoring to help meet the needs of every student.

Center for the Advancement of Digital Resources in Education (CADRE) Butte County Office of Education 1500 Lincoln St., Ste. 2 Oroville, CA 95965 USA Phone: 530-532-5902 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Center for the Advancement of Digital Resources in Education (CADRE) specializes in the design and development of digital resources supporting a myriad of educational initiatives.

15) Education Testing Resources

EdSurge 1801 Murchison Dr., Ste. 220 Burlingame, CA 94010 USA E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: EdSurge is an independent information resource and community for everyone involved in education technology. It is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the NewSchools Venture Fund. EdTech 230 N. Milwaukee Ave. Vernon Hills, IL 60061 USA Phone: 847-465-6000 Web Address: EdTech Magazine, published by CDW G, offers product reviews, case studies and other features in how to best use technology to improve teaching, administrative services and learning on school campuses. The magazine has two editions which each focus on a more specific educational level: EdTech: Focus on K-12 and EdTech: Focus on Higher Education. New Classrooms 1250 Broadway New York, NY 10001 USA Phone: 212-920-6130 Fax: 718-313-0135 E-mail Address: [email protected]

College Board 250 Vesey St. New York, NY 10023 USA Phone: 212-713-8000 Web Address: The College Board is a non-profit organization designed to expand access to higher education. The Board helps students transition to college through various college readiness and success programs and services. The association's membership includes over 6,000 of the leading educational institutions in the world. ETS (Education Testing Services) 660 Rosedale Rd. Princeton, NJ 08541 USA Phone: 609-921-9000 Web Address: ETS develops, administers and scores more than 50 million tests annually, including the TOEFL and TOEIC tests, the GRE General and Subject Tests and The Praxis Series assessments, in more than 180 countries, at more than 9,000 locations worldwide. 16) Electronic Publishing Associations International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) 113 Cherry St., Ste. 70-719 Seattle, WA 98104 USA Phone: 206-451-7250 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) is a trade and standards organization dedicated to the development and promotion of electronic publishing, including electronic newspapers, books and other types of media. Members include software developers, authors and publishers of many types. The organization developed the ePub (electronic

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publication) open standard for the publication of eBooks. 17) Exchange Student Resources AFS Intercultural Programs (AFS) 71 W. 23rd St., Fl. 6 New York, NY 10010-4102 USA Phone: 212-807-8686 Fax: 212-807-1001 Web Address: The AFS Intercultural Programs (AFS), formerly the American Field Service, is an association of independent, non-profit organizations that promote, organize and support intercultural learning experiences. The AFS has over 50 member organizations operating in more than 60 countries or regions. Intercultural learning experiences entails youths becoming exchange students and adults hosting an exchange student. To date, the AFS has aided over 400,000 people internationally in going abroad. 18) Foundations Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Gates Foundation) 500 5th Ave. N Seattle, WA 98109 USA Phone: 206-709-3100 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Gates Foundation) is a private foundation with the primary aim of, globally, enhancing healthcare and reducing extreme poverty and, domestically, of expanding educational opportunities and access to information technology. The Gates Foundation divides itself into four program areas. The Global Development Division helps the world's poor improve their station in life. The Global Health Division utilizes advances in technology and science to improve the health of those in developing counties. The United States Division aims to improve U.S. high school and postsecondary education as well as supporting the vulnerable families and children in the state of Washington. Finally, the Global Policy & Advocacy Division looks to promote policies and build strategic relationships that help to advance the work of the foundation.

Lumina Foundation 30 S. Meridian St., Ste. 700-800 Indianapolis, IN 46204-3503 USA Phone: 317-951-5300 Fax: 317-951-5063 Toll Free: 800-834-5756 Web Address: Lumina Foundation is an independent, private foundation committed to increasing the proportion of Americans with high-quality degrees, certificates and other credentials to 60 percent by 2025. Lumina's outcomes-based approach focuses on helping to design and build an accessible, responsive and accountable higher education system while fostering a national sense of urgency for action to achieve Goal 2025. The foundation makes numerous grants, funds studies, hosts summits and publishes Focus magazine. 19) Human Resources Industry Associations The Association for Talent Development (ATD) 1640 King St. Alexandria, VA 22313-1443 USA Phone: 703-683-8100 Fax: 703-299-8723 Toll Free: 800-628-2783 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Association for Talent Development (ATD), formerly American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) is dedicated to those professionals in the fields of training and development. It provides resources such as research, analysis, benchmarking, online information, books and other publications to training and development professional, educators and students. Additionally, the association brings professional together in conferences, workshops and online, while also offering professional development opportunities, certificate programs and Certified Professional in Learning and Performance (CPLP) credential. 20) Industry Research/Market Research Forrester Research 60 Acorn Park Dr. Cambridge, MA 02140 USA Phone: 617-613-5730 Toll Free: 866-367-7378 E-mail Address: [email protected]

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Web Address: Forrester Research is a publicly traded company that identifies and analyzes emerging trends in technology and their impact on business. Among the firm's specialties are the financial services, retail, health care, entertainment, automotive and information technology industries. 11200 Rockville Pike, Ste. 504 Rockville, MD 20852 USA Phone: 240-747-3093 Fax: 240-747-3004 Toll Free: 800-298-5699 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: is a leading broker for professional market research and industry analysis. Users are able to search the company's database of research publications including data on global industries, companies, products and trends. Plunkett Research, Ltd. P.O. Drawer 541737 Houston, TX 77254-1737 USA Phone: 713-932-0000 Fax: 713-932-7080 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: Plunkett Research, Ltd. is a leading provider of market research, industry trends analysis and business statistics. Since 1985, it has served clients worldwide, including corporations, universities, libraries, consultants and government agencies. At the firm's web site, visitors can view product information and pricing and access a large amount of basic market information on industries such as financial services, InfoTech, e-commerce, health care and biotech. 21) Internet Usage Statistics Pew Internet & American Life Project 1615 L St. NW, Ste. 800 Washington, DC 20036 USA Phone: 202-419-4300 Fax: 202-419-4349 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Pew Internet & American Life Project, an initiative of the Pew Research Center, produces

reports that explore the impact of the Internet on families, communities, work and home, daily life, education, health care and civic and political life. 22) MOOCs Resources MOOC List Web Address: The MOOC List is an online directory of Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) that are available from different providers. Skilledup Web Address: Skilledup is a web-based directory of over 100,000 online courses. 23) Singaporean Government & Agencies - Education Ministry of Education (MOE) 1 North Buona Vista Dr. MOE Bldg Singapore, 138675 Singapore Phone: 65-6872-2220 Fax: 65-6775-5826 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Ministry of Education (MOE) directs the formulation and implementation of education policies in Singapore. It has control of the development and administration of the Government and Governmentaided primary schools, secondary schools, junior colleges, and a centralized institute. It also registers private schools. 24) Stocks & Financial Markets Data Phone: 408-920-5615 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address:, run by San Jose Mercury News and owned by MediaNews Group, offers a summary of current financial news and information regarding the field of technology. 25) U.S. Government Agencies U.S. Department of Education (ED) 400 Maryland Ave. SW Washington, DC 20202 USA

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Phone: 202-401-2000 Toll Free: 800-872-5327 Web Address: The U.S. Department of Education (ED) missions is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. ED is the agency of the federal government that establishes policy for, administers and coordinates most federal assistance to education. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) 4600 Silver Hill Rd. Washington, DC 20233 USA Phone: 301-278-9004 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce, is the nation's economic accountant, preparing estimates that illuminate key national, international and regional aspects of the U.S. economy. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 2 Massachusetts Ave. NE Washington, DC 20212-0001 USA Phone: 202-691-5200 Fax: 202-691-7890 Toll Free: 800-877-8339 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is the principal fact-finding agency for the Federal Government in the field of labor economics and statistics. It is an independent national statistical agency that collects, processes, analyzes and disseminates statistical data to the American public, U.S. Congress, other federal agencies, state and local governments, business and labor. The BLS also serves as a statistical resource to the Department of Labor. National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) NCES, Assessment Division, Fl. 8 1990 K St. NW Washington, DC 20006 USA Phone: 202-502-7400 Fax: 202-502-7440 Web Address: The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), ran by the Commissioner of Education Statistics, who heads the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) in the Department of

Education, is the largest nationally represented and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas. Assessments are conducted periodically in mathematics, reading, science, writing, the arts, civics, economics, geography, U.S. history and in technology and engineering literacy​. Office of Educational Technology (OET) LBJ Education Bldg. 400 Maryland Ave., S.W. Washington, DC 20202 USA Phone: 202-401-1444 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The Office of Educational Technology (OET), located in the Office of the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education (ED), provides leadership for transforming education through the power of technology. OET develops national educational technology policy and advocates for the transition from print-based to digital learning. The OET supports the education priorities of both President and Secretary. U.S. Census Bureau 4600 Silver Hill Rd. Washington, DC 20233-8800 USA Phone: 301-763-4636 Toll Free: 800-923-8282 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The U.S. Census Bureau is the official collector of data about the people and economy of the U.S. Founded in 1790, it provides official social, demographic and economic information. In addition to the Population & Housing Census, which it conducts every 10 years, the U.S. Census Bureau numerous other surveys annually. U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) 1401 Constitution Ave. NW Washington, DC 20230 USA Phone: 202-482-2000 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) regulates trade and provides valuable economic analysis of the economy. U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) 200 Constitution Ave. NW Washington, DC 20210 USA

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Phone: 202-693-4676 Toll Free: 866-487-2365 Web Address: The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is the government agency responsible for labor regulations. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 100 F St. NE Washington, DC 20549 USA Phone: 202-942-8088 Toll Free: 800-732-0330 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is a nonpartisan, quasi-judicial regulatory agency responsible for administering federal securities laws. These laws are designed to protect investors in securities markets and ensure that they have access to disclosure of all material information concerning publicly traded securities. Visitors to the web site can access the EDGAR database of corporate financial and business information.

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Chapter 4 THE EDUCATION 150: WHO THEY ARE AND HOW THEY WERE CHOSEN Includes Indexes by Company Name, Industry & Location The companies chosen to be listed in PLUNKETT’S EDUCATION, EDTECH & MOOCS INDUSTRY ALMANAC are not the same as the “Fortune 500” or any other list of corporations. THE EDUCATION 150 were chosen specifically for their dominance in the many facets of the education industry in which they operate. Complete information about each firm can be found in the “Individual Profiles,” beginning later in this chapter. These profiles are in alphabetical order by company name. THE EDUCATION 150 includes companies from all parts of the United States, as well as from Australia, Canada, Switzerland, Israel, Japan, Korea and the UK, and from all education industry segments. Essentially, THE EDUCATION 150 includes companies that are deeply involved in education, education-related technology and services as well as companies that provide consulting or technologies that are enabling companies in this industry to prosper. Simply stated, the list contains the most important firms in education, education technology, massive open online courses (MOOCs) and related industries. To be included in our list, the firms had to meet the following criteria: 1) Generally, the organizations profiled are U.S.based, for-profit corporations, subsidiaries or joint ventures. (Many non-U.S.-based companies have been added in order to better list leading

firms in certain industry sectors, as well as certain important nonprofits.) 2) Prominence, or a significant presence, in education and supporting fields. (See the following Industry Codes section for a complete list of types of businesses that are covered). 3) The companies in THE EDUCATION 150 do not have to be exclusively in the education field. 4) Vital statistics must have been available to the editors of this book, either directly from the company being written about or from outside sources deemed reliable and accurate by the editors. A small number of companies that we would like to have included are not listed because of a lack of sufficient, objective data. INDEXES TO THE EDUCATION 150, AS FOUND IN THIS CHAPTER AND IN THE BACK OF THE BOOK: Index of Companies Within Industry Groups Alphabetical Index Index of U.S. Headquarters Location by State Index of Non-U.S. Headquarters Location by Country Index of Firms Noted as “Hot Spots for Advancement” for Women/Minorities Index by Subsidiaries, Brand Names and Selected Affiliations

p. 64 p. 69 p. 71 p. 73 p. 242 p. 243

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INDEX OF COMPANIES WITHIN INDUSTRY GROUPS The industry codes shown below are based on the 2012 NAIC code system (NAIC is used by many analysts as a replacement for older SIC codes because NAIC is more specific to today’s industry sectors, see Companies are given a primary NAIC code, reflecting the main line of business of each firm.

Industry Group/Company Automobile (Car) Driving Schools NASCAR Racing Experience Book Publishing Carnegie Learning Cengage Learning Holdings II Inc Flat World Knowledge Inc McGraw-Hill Education Inc McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited Pearson North America Pearson PLC Scholastic Corporation Business and Secretarial Schools Fullbridge Inc HealthAnswers Education iLinc Communications Inc Informatics Education Ltd NIIT Limited Child Day Care Services Bright Horizons Family Solutions Inc KinderCare Education LLC Colleges, Universities and Professional Schools American Public Education Inc Anhanguera Educacional Participacoes SA Apollo Education Group Inc (University of Phoenix) Asiamet Education Group Berhad Bridgepoint Education Inc Broadview Institute Inc Capella Education Co Career Education Corporation CIBT Education Group Inc DeVry Education Group Inc Education Management Corporation EPFL de Lausanne (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne) Estacio Participacoes SA Grand Canyon Education Inc Knowledge Delivery Systems Inc Lincoln Educational Services Corporation Minerva Project Inc National American University Holdings Inc Navitas Limited Open University (The)

Industry Code

2015 Sales

2015 Profits



511130 511130 511130 511130 511130 511130 511130 511130

25,063,000 1,663,399,936

-23,185,000 -153,600,000

1,237,270,000 70,000,000 4,246,977,000 5,738,947,072 1,635,800,064

36,718,000 163,239,800 1,057,106,880 294,600,000

611410 611410 611410 611410 611410

11,443,956 143,216,963

-3,595,410 -20,815,982

624410 624410

1,458,445,056 1,540,000,000


611310 611310 611310 611310 611310 611310 611310 611310 611310 611310 611310

327,910,016 812,946,007 2,566,277,120 5,564,300 561,729,024 11,730,000 430,267,008 847,273,024 24,046,266 1,909,943,040 2,046,873,088

32,414,000 170,574,475 29,755,000 -4,962,350 -70,454,000

946,216,704 778,200,000

156,019,312 131,411,000



117,891,000 739,391,424 608,881,044

6,716,000 54,282,256 -9,820,662

611310 611310 611310 611310 611310 611310 611310 611310 611310

40,188,000 51,885,000 777,172 139,899,008

Plunkett Research, Ltd. Industry Group/Company Raffles Education Corporation Limited Strayer Education Inc Western Governors University Computer Software, Business Management & ERP Eduvant Inc eScholar LLC Genius SIS Inc Illuminate Education Inc Junyo Inc Computer Software, Content & Document Management Parchment Inc Computer Software, Educational & Training 2U Inc Academic Partnerships Achieve3000 ALEKS Corporation Amplify Education Inc Blackboard Inc BNED LoudCloud LLC Campus Labs Course Hero Inc Cricket Media Group Ltd Curriculum Associates LLC DreamBox Learning Inc Inc Edgenuity Inc Edmentum Inc EDmin Inc Edmodo Inc Fidelis Education Inc Fishtree Inc HotChalk Inc Imagine Learning IQ Innovations LLC iTunes University Kickboard Knewton Inc Knovation Inc LeapFrog Enterprises Inc MIND Research Institute MindSnacks Inc Odysseyware Inc Piazza Technologies Pluralsight LLC Quizam Media Corporation Realizeit (CCKF Inc) Renaissance Learning Inc Rosetta Stone Inc Industry Code 611310 611310 611310 511210H 511210H 511210H 511210H 511210H

2015 Sales 85,905,584 434,436,992

2015 Profits 12,168,436 40,023,000


511210L 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P

150,194,000 89,066,667 67,100,000

-26,733,000 21,066,660

685,000,000 23,207,449 16,000,000 13,278,355 86,000,000




7,000,000 75,000,000

339,148,992 30,827,342


100,000,000 410,654


1,800,000,000 217,670,000


Plunkett Research, Ltd. Industry Group/Company rSmart School Loop Inc Schoology Inc Scientific Learning Corporation SOPHIA Learning LLC TapToLearn LLC Time To Know Inc Turnitin LLC Computer Training Codecademy General Assembly Consulting Services, Administrative and General Management Ruffalo Noel Levitz LLC Elementary and Secondary Schools AltSchool Avenues World Holdings LLC Bridge International Academies Charter Schools USA Connections Education LLC Florida Virtual School (FLVS) GEMS Education KIPP Leona Group LLC (The) Nord Anglia Education Inc Riso Kyoiku Co Ltd YES Prep Public Schools Inc Exam Preparation and Tutoring Ambow Education Holding Ltd China Distance Education Holdings Limited Kaplan Inc TenMarks Education LLC Think Through Math (Think Through Learning Inc) Inc Internet Search Engines, Online Publishing, Sharing and Consumer Services, Online Radio, TV and Entertainment Sites and Social Media Declara Inc IXL Learning Smart Sparrow Pty Ltd TES Global Limited Unigo LLC YouTube LLC Language Schools New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc Mail Order, Catalogs and Other Direct Marketing, and TV Shopping School Specialty Inc Industry Code 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P 511210P

2015 Sales

2015 Profits



193,253,305 789,700,000 68,408,478

14,616,491 63,600,000 -3,492,536

577,000,000 172,384,689 61,407,735

7,400,000 21,849,899 3,124,292

57,500,840 108,177,000 1,927,521,000

9,261,832 24,573,000

611420 611420

541611 611110 611110 611110 611110 611110 611110 611110 611110 611110 611110 611110 611110 611691 611691 611691 611691 611691 611691

519130 519130 519130 519130 519130 519130








73,000,000 168,084,593


Plunkett Research, Ltd. Industry Group/Company Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Acrobatiq LLC Cerego LLC Coursera Inc D2L Corporation edX FutureLearn Limited iVersity GmbH Kroton Educational SA MITx Open Learning Initiative Online Shopping, B2B and B2C Sales on the Internet (Ecommerce) Chegg Inc Professional Training, Management Development and Corporate Employee Training Bluedrop Performance Learning Inc China Education Resources Inc Festo Didactic Inc Franklin Covey Company GP Strategies Corporation HealthStream Inc Learning Tree International Inc Inc SmartPros Ltd StormWind LLC Udacity Inc Udemy Inc Secondary Market Financing SLM Corporation (Sallie Mae) Technical and Trade Schools (excluding Cosmetology, Barber School, Flight Training and Apprenticeships) Universal Technical Institute Inc Testing & Evaluation, Guidance Counseling, Exchange Programs and Other Educational Support Services Advanced Academics Inc ATA Inc Cambium Learning Group Inc Catapult Learning Inc China Education Alliance Inc ChinaEdu Corporation Cogstate Limited CUX Inc (CorpU) EdisonLearning Inc Greenwood Hall Inc K12 Inc Legacy Education Alliance Inc Megastudy Co Ltd Noodle Industry Code 611310A 611310A 611310A 611310A 611310A 611310A 611310A 611310A 611310A 611310A

2015 Sales

2015 Profits

41,000,000 12,000,000 20,000,000






611430 611430 611430 611430 611430 611430 611430 611430 611430 611430 611430 611430

15,798,986 12,715,834 3,009,031,200 209,940,992 490,280,000 209,002,000 94,884,000 150,000,000 12,100,000

234,126 -395,519







50,880,984 144,920,000

3,350,197 -1,325,000



8,064,245 948,294,016 87,161,000 214,145,546 4,005,000

-9,841,911 10,988,000 -2,726,000 19,617,513

611710 611710 611710 611710 611710 611710 611710 611710 611710 611710 611710 611710 611710 611710

11,116,000 18,789,000 8,621,000 -12,573,000 -187,057

31,200,000 52,000,000

Plunkett Research, Ltd. Industry Group/Company Promethean World Limited Scantron Corporation Sylvan Learning Inc TAL Education Group TPR Education IP Holdings LLC (dba The Princeton Review) Industry Code 611710 611710 611710 611710 611710

2015 Sales

433,969,568 259,400,000

2015 Profits


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ALPHABETICAL INDEX 2U Inc Academic Partnerships Achieve3000 Acrobatiq LLC Advanced Academics Inc ALEKS Corporation AltSchool Ambow Education Holding Ltd American Public Education Inc Amplify Education Inc Anhanguera Educacional Participacoes SA Apollo Education Group Inc (University of Phoenix) Asiamet Education Group Berhad ATA Inc Avenues World Holdings LLC Blackboard Inc Bluedrop Performance Learning Inc BNED LoudCloud LLC Bridge International Academies Bridgepoint Education Inc Bright Horizons Family Solutions Inc Broadview Institute Inc Cambium Learning Group Inc Campus Labs Capella Education Co Career Education Corporation Carnegie Learning Catapult Learning Inc Cengage Learning Holdings II Inc Cerego LLC Charter Schools USA Chegg Inc China Distance Education Holdings Limited China Education Alliance Inc China Education Resources Inc ChinaEdu Corporation CIBT Education Group Inc Codecademy Cogstate Limited Connections Education LLC Course Hero Inc Coursera Inc Cricket Media Group Ltd Curriculum Associates LLC CUX Inc (CorpU) D2L Corporation Declara Inc DeVry Education Group Inc DreamBox Learning Inc Inc Edgenuity Inc EdisonLearning Inc Edmentum Inc EDmin Inc Edmodo Inc Education Management Corporation Eduvant Inc edX EPFL de Lausanne (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne) eScholar LLC Estacio Participacoes SA Festo Didactic Inc Fidelis Education Inc Fishtree Inc Flat World Knowledge Inc Florida Virtual School (FLVS) Franklin Covey Company Fullbridge Inc FutureLearn Limited GEMS Education General Assembly Genius SIS Inc GP Strategies Corporation Grand Canyon Education Inc Greenwood Hall Inc HealthAnswers Education HealthStream Inc HotChalk Inc iLinc Communications Inc Illuminate Education Inc Imagine Learning Informatics Education Ltd IQ Innovations LLC iTunes University iVersity GmbH IXL Learning Junyo Inc K12 Inc Kaplan Inc Kickboard KinderCare Education LLC KIPP Knewton Inc Knovation Inc Knowledge Delivery Systems Inc Kroton Educational SA LeapFrog Enterprises Inc Learning Tree International Inc Legacy Education Alliance Inc Leona Group LLC (The) Lincoln Educational Services Corporation Inc McGraw-Hill Education Inc McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited Megastudy Co Ltd MIND Research Institute MindSnacks Inc Minerva Project Inc MITx NASCAR Racing Experience National American University Holdings Inc Navitas Limited

Plunkett Research, Ltd. New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc NIIT Limited Noodle Nord Anglia Education Inc Odysseyware Inc Open Learning Initiative Open University (The) Parchment Inc Pearson North America Pearson PLC Piazza Technologies Pluralsight LLC Promethean World Limited Quizam Media Corporation Raffles Education Corporation Limited Realizeit (CCKF Inc) Renaissance Learning Inc Riso Kyoiku Co Ltd Rosetta Stone Inc rSmart Ruffalo Noel Levitz LLC Scantron Corporation Scholastic Corporation School Loop Inc School Specialty Inc Schoology Inc Scientific Learning Corporation SLM Corporation (Sallie Mae) Smart Sparrow Pty Ltd SmartPros Ltd SOPHIA Learning LLC StormWind LLC Strayer Education Inc Sylvan Learning Inc TAL Education Group TapToLearn LLC TenMarks Education LLC TES Global Limited Think Through Math (Think Through Learning Inc) Time To Know Inc TPR Education IP Holdings LLC (dba The Princeton Review) Turnitin LLC Inc Udacity Inc Udemy Inc Unigo LLC Universal Technical Institute Inc Western Governors University YES Prep Public Schools Inc YouTube LLC

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INDEX OF U.S. HEADQUARTERS LOCATION BY STATE ARIZONA Apollo Education Group Inc (University of Phoenix); Phoenix Edgenuity Inc; Scottsdale Grand Canyon Education Inc; Phoenix iLinc Communications Inc; Phoenix Leona Group LLC (The); Phoenix Odysseyware Inc; Chandler Parchment Inc; Scottsdale rSmart; Scottsdale StormWind LLC; Scottsdale Universal Technical Institute Inc; Scottsdale

CALIFORNIA ALEKS Corporation; Irvine AltSchool; San Francisco Bridgepoint Education Inc; San Diego Cerego LLC; San Francisco Chegg Inc; Santa Clara Course Hero Inc; Redwood City Coursera Inc; Mountain View Declara Inc; Palo Alto EDmin Inc; San Diego Edmodo Inc; San Mateo Fidelis Education Inc; Mountain View Greenwood Hall Inc; Santa Ana HotChalk Inc; Campbell Illuminate Education Inc; Irvine iTunes University; Cupertino IXL Learning; San Mateo Junyo Inc; Menlo Park KIPP; San Franncisco LeapFrog Enterprises Inc; Emeryville Inc; Carpinteria MIND Research Institute; Irvine MindSnacks Inc; San Francisco Minerva Project Inc; San Francisco Piazza Technologies; Palo Alto School Loop Inc; San Francisco Scientific Learning Corporation; Oakland TapToLearn; San Francisco LLC; Oakland TenMarks Education LLC; Foster City Turnitin LLC; Oakland Udacity Inc; Mountain View Udemy Inc; San Francisco YouTube LLC; San Bruno

COLORADO Inc; Centennial

DELAWARE SLM Corporation (Sallie Mae); Newark

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Blackboard Inc; Washington Flat World Knowledge Inc; Washington

FLORIDA Charter Schools USA; Fort Lauderdale Florida Virtual School (FLVS); Orlando Genius SIS Inc; Plantation Kaplan Inc; Fort Lauderdale Legacy Education Alliance Inc; Cape Coral

ILLINOIS Career Education Corporation; Schaumburg DeVry Education Group Inc; Downers Grove Realizeit (CCKF Inc); Palatine

IOWA Ruffalo Noel Levitz LLC; Cedar Rapids

LOUISIANA Kickboard; New Orleans

MARYLAND 2U Inc; Landover Connections Education LLC; Baltimore GP Strategies Corporation; Columbiz Sylvan Learning Inc; Hunt Valley

MASSACHUSETTS Bright Horizons Family Solutions Inc; Watertown Cengage Learning Holdings II Inc; Boston Curriculum Associates LLC; North Billerica edX; Cambridge Fullbridge Inc; Boston MITx; Cambridge TPR Education IP Holdings LLC (dba The Princeton Review); Natick

MINNESOTA Broadview Institute Inc; Woodbury Capella Education Co; Minneapolis Edmentum Inc; Bloomington Scantron Corporation; Eagan SOPHIA Learning LLC; Minneapolis

NEW JERSEY Achieve3000; Lakewood BNED LoudCloud LLC; Basking Ridge Catapult Learning Inc; Camden Festo Didactic Inc; Eatontontown Lincoln Educational Services Corporation; West Orange

NEW YORK Amplify Education Inc; Brooklyn Avenues World Holdings LLC; New York Campus Labs; Buffalo

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Codecademy; New York eScholar LLC; White Plains General Assembly; New York Knewton Inc; New York Knowledge Delivery Systems Inc; New York McGraw-Hill Education Inc; New York Noodle; New York Pearson North America; New York Scholastic Corporation; New York Schoology Inc; New York SmartPros Ltd; Hawthorne Inc; New York



American Public Education Inc; Charles Town

NASCAR Racing Experience; Concord

OHIO IQ Innovations LLC; Columbus Knovation Inc; Cincinnati

OKLAHOMA Advanced Academics Inc; Oklahoma City

OREGON KinderCare Education LLC; Portland; Portland Unigo LLC; Portland

PENNSYLVANIA Acrobatiq LLC; Pittsburgh Carnegie Learning; Pittsburg CUX Inc (CorpU); Philadelphia Education Management Corporation; Pittsburgh HealthAnswers Education; Horsham Open Learning Initiative; Pittsburg

SOUTH DAKOTA National American University Holdings Inc; Rapid

TENNESSEE EdisonLearning Inc; Knoxville HealthStream Inc; Nashville

TEXAS Academic Partnerships; Dallas Cambium Learning Group Inc; Dallas Eduvant Inc; Austin YES Prep Public Schools Inc; Houston

UTAH Franklin Covey Company; Salt Lake City Imagine Learning; Provo Pluralsight LLC; Farmington Think Through Math (Think Through Learning Inc); Provo Western Governors University; Salt Lake

Cricket Media Group Ltd; Herndon Fishtree Inc; Arlington K12 Inc; Herndon Learning Tree International Inc; Reston Rosetta Stone Inc; Arlington Strayer Education Inc; Herndon

WASHINGTON DreamBox Learning Inc; Bellevue

WEST VIRGINIA WISCONSIN Renaissance Learning Inc; Wisconsin Rapids School Specialty Inc; Greenville

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INDEX OF NON-U.S. HEADQUARTERS LOCATION BY COUNTRY AUSTRALIA Cogstate Limited; Melbourne Navitas Limited; Mt Pleasant

AUSTRIA Smart Sparrow Pty Ltd; Sydney

BRAZIL Anhanguera Educacional Participacoes SA; Valinhos Estacio Participacoes SA; Rio de Janeiro Kroton Educational SA; Sao Paulo

CANADA Bluedrop Performance Learning Inc; St. John China Education Resources Inc; Vancouver CIBT Education Group Inc; Vancouver D2L Corporation; Kitchener McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited; Whitby Quizam Media Corporation; Vancouver

CHINA Ambow Education Holding Ltd; Beijing ATA Inc; Beijing China Distance Education Holdings Limited; Beijing China Education Alliance Inc; Harbin ChinaEdu Corporation; Beijing New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc; Beijing TAL Education Group; Beijing

GERMANY iVersity GmbH; Bernau bei Berlin

HONG KONG Nord Anglia Education Inc; Hong Kong

INDIA NIIT Limited; Gurgaon

ISRAEL Time To Know Inc; Ramat Gan

JAPAN Riso Kyoiku Co Ltd; Tokyo

KENYA Bridge International Academies; Nairobi

KOREA Megastudy Co Ltd; Seoul

MALAYSIA Asiamet Education Group Berhad; Cheras

SINGAPORE Informatics Education Ltd; Singapore Raffles Education Corporation Limited; Singapore

SWITZERLAND EPFL de Lausanne (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne); Lausanne


UNITED KINGDOM FutureLearn Limited; Milton Keynes Open University (The); Milton Keynes Pearson PLC; London Promethean World Limited; Lancashire TES Global Limited; London

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Individual Data Profiles On Each Of THE EDUCATION 150

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2U Inc

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational & Training


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

2U provides cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) platforms to various post-secondary educational institutions and their students. 2U's platforms enable leading nonprofit colleges and universities to deliver high quality education to qualified students anywhere. Its SaaS technology consists of innovative online campus and operations applications. The company's undergraduate partner is the Simmons School of Nursing and Health Sciences. Its has 17 clients with 38 programs, including USC Rossier, Georgetown University, USC Social Work, Simmons School of Nursing and Health Sciences, UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School, Washington University in St. Louis, UNC School of Government, American University School of International Service, Milken Institute School of Public Health, Berkeley School of Information, Whitman School of Management, Yale School of Medicine, Simmons School of Social Work, Newhouse Syracuse University, Northwestern University, Tecnologico de Monterrey, SMU and American University Kogod School of Business, among others.

Christopher Paucek, CEO Catherine Graham, CFO Paul Maeder, Chairman of the Board Harsha Mokkarala, Chief Marketing Officer James Kenigsberg, Chief Technology Officer Susan Cates, COO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 205,864,000 33,283,000 -21,032,000 -10.21% 152,631,000 -20,684,000 5,210,000 24,376,000 -10,899,000 -8.70% -10.57%

2015 150,194,000 27,211,000 -26,098,000 -17.37% 117,034,000 -26,733,000 -9,267,000 13,614,000 -18,961,000 -15.53% -18.83%

2014 110,239,000 22,621,000 -27,878,000 -25.28% 88,638,000 -28,999,000 -11,685,000 10,953,000 -22,214,000 -41.05% -61.78%

2013 83,127,000 19,472,000 -28,006,000 -33.69% 68,943,000 -27,953,000 -15,682,000 7,580,000 -23,591,000 -82.59%



Phone: 240-487-3991 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 8201 Corporate Dr., Ste. 110, Landover, MD 20785 United States

Stock Ticker: TWOU Employees: 1,209 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $479,583 Second Exec. Salary: $342,708

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2012 55,879,000 8,299,000 -23,078,000 -41.29% 55,732,000 -23,113,000 -20,185,000 4,853,000 -20,171,000 -58.81%

2011 29,733,000 5,117,000 -24,904,000 -83.75% 37,220,000 -24,878,000 -18,612,000 6,168,000 -23,308,000

Exchange: NAS Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 7 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Academic Partnerships

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Education & Training

Academic Partnerships (AP) is an educational software firm that assists public and private nonprofit universities in offering courses online. The firm has assisted in converting over 4,000 courses into an online format for over 300 undergraduate and graduate degree programs. AP assists its more than 3,800 university faculty members by ensuring that the online offerings of the university meet quality standards. The services offered by the firm help its partners grow enrollment and revenue. Using its technology and expertise, AP aids in the development of its university partner's brand at a global level.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Carl Sparks, CEO Jeff Dawson, CFO Aaron Shockey, CMO Mary Ann Doran, Sr. VP-Human Resources Sudhir Nair, CIO Whitney Kilgore, VP-Academic Svcs. Intl. Abraham Varghese, Regional CEO-India Terrance Leung, Regional CEO-North Asia Melissa Kaulbach, VP-Academic Svcs. Randy Best, Chmn. David Newbigging, Chmn.-Intl.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 111,333,333

2015 89,066,667



2014 100,000,000




Phone: 214-210-7300 Fax: 214-438-4133 Toll-Free: 855-593-6050 Address: 600 N. Pearl St., Ste. 900, Dallas, TX 75201 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 400 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 4 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.


NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Software

Achieve3000 is a developer and producer of software products designed to aid students in their reading and writing. The firm follows the teaching philosophy of differentiated instruction, which involves providing students with different avenues from which to learn. Achieve3000's products include KidBiz3000 for Elementary School students, TeenBiz3000 for Middle School students, Empower3000 for High School students and Spark3000 for adult learners. In addition to its reading and writing tools, the firm also offers products that aid in the learning of science. These products include eScience3000 Differentiated Core Curriculum and World of Biology Differentiated Core Curriculum.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: KidBiz3000 TeenBiz3000 Empower3000 Spark3000 eScience3000 Differentiated Core Curriculum World of Biology Differentiated Core Curriculum

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Saki Dodelson, CEO Rivki Locker, COO Saki Dodelson, Pres. Scott August, CFO Jim O'Neill, Chief Product & Strategy Officer Susan Gertler, Chief Academic Officer Jim O'Neill, Chief Product Officer

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 70,000,000

2015 67,100,000





Phone: 732-367-5505 Fax: 732-367-2313 Toll-Free: 888-968-6822 Address: 1985 Cedar Bridge Ave., Ste. 3, Lakewood, NJ 08701 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 345 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 3 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

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Acrobatiq LLC

NAIC Code: 611310A


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

Acrobatiq LLC is a learning optimization company focused on offering personalized learning solutions. The firm incorporates converging learning through science, data and technology. Acrobatiq is built upon the Carnegie Mellon University's Open Learning Initiative (OLI), which emphasizes on result-driven science of learning. The firm offers learner-centric products and services, which includes data-driven adaptive courseware and learning analytics. Based on students' interaction with learning activities, data is collected, modeled and further used to personalize and adapt learning so that students can succeed in learning irrespective of their proficiency. Components of the firm's platform include the Acrobatiq Smart Author and FastStart Content Library, Acrobatiq Adaptive Learning Environment, Acrobatiq Analytics Engine and Acrobatiq Learning Data. Acrobatiq's courseware offers high-quality authoritative content, real-world simulations, assessments and practice activities with targeted hints and feedback. The courseware is offered in the areas of business & economics; computing & information technology; humanities, social science & education; healthcare & nursing; and mathematics & science.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Acrobatiq Smart Courseware Acrobatiq Smart Author Acrobatiq Fast-Start Content Library Acrobatiq Adaptive Learning Environment Acrobatiq Analytics Engine Acrobatiq Learning Data

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Eric Frank, CEO Rich Wonsettler, CFO Alison Pendergast, Chief Mktg & Strategy Officer Lukman Ramsey, Chief Product Officer John Rinderle, CTO William L. Guttman, Chmn.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity


2015 41,000,000





Phone: Fax: Toll-Free: 877-998-2937 Address: 2100 Wharton, Ste. 625, Pittsburgh, PA 15203 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 30 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Advanced Academics Inc

NAIC Code: 611710


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Online Courses for Grades 6-12

Advanced Academics, Inc. (AA) is a developer of online learning solutions for students in grades 6-12. The firm partners with over 200 school districts throughout the U.S. to develop online learning solutions. For middle school students, AA has developed Language Arts, Mathematics, Sciences, Social Studies, Physical Education, World Languages, Diagnostic & Intervention, Test Prep and electives. For high school students, the firm has developed various electives courses, Advanced Placement courses, Physical and Health Education, Language Arts, World Languages, Mathematics, Sciences, Social Studies, Diagnostic & Intervention and Test Prep. In addition, AA has developed a proprietary program in order to engage students in an online environment, including teaching services, which offers live, high-quality one-on-one interaction to students who need personalized attention; 24/7 support services; tutoring services, which offers subject-specific tutoring for additional help outside of school hours; and student success coaching, which consists of specialized student success coaches serving as success mentors to students. The firm is a subsidiary of Connections Education, a leading K-12 virtual education provider, which is owned by Pearson PLC.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Connections Education Pearson PLC

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Steven Guttentag, Pres. Marty Thompson, VP-Prod. Dev. Tom Barentson, Dir.-Field Oper. & Sales Andy Scantland, VP-Strategic Partnerships Roberta McKerlie, Dir.-Curriculum & Instruction

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: Fax: 405-239-1911 Toll-Free: 866-235-3276 Address: 1 E. Sheridan Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73104 United States

Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: 69 Parent Company: Pearson PLC



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 1 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

ALEKS Corporation

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Education & Training

ALEKS Corporation is a developer and producer of online assessment and learning educational artificial intelligence software. The firm's technology was originally developed at the University of California, Irvine, with funding from the National Science Foundation. The technology upon which ALEKS was founded is based upon the Knowledge Space Theory from research in mathematical cognitive science. By using an artificial intelligence engine and adaptive questioning, the software can determine the knowledge state of a student during the ALEKS Assessment and then deliver the instruction most appropriate for the individual. ALEKS avoids multiple-choice questions and instead utilizes flexible, easy to input tools that imitates tasks that are done with pencil and paper. Millions of students in thousands of K-12 schools, college and universities have used ALEKS for instruction in more than 100 mathematics, science and business courses. The firm is owned by McGraw-Hill Education, a leading digital learning company. In August 2016, the company announced an upgraded version of ALEKS Placement, Preparation and Learning (PPL), an adaptive placement solution used in over 150 colleges and to assess an incoming student's knowledge. The software includes a prep and learning section, where students can practice and relearn forgotten knowledge prior to taking the assessment. The company offers its employees health care, work/life programs, vacation time and a retirement plan.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

R G Wilmot Lampros, Chief Product Officer R.G. Wilmont (Wil) Lampros, Pres. Eric Cosyn, Dir.-Applied Research Nicolas Thiery, CTO Michael J. Rizzo, General Counsel J.P. Lenney, Sr. VP Dan Bindman, Editorial Dir.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 127,550,902






Phone: 714-245-7191 Fax: 714-619-6895 Toll-Free: Address: 15460 Laguna Canyon Rd., Irvine, CA 92618 United States

Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: 73 Parent Company: McGraw-Hill Education



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.


NAIC Code: 611110


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Elementary and Secondary Schools

AltSchool is a collaborative community of micro-schools offering personalized, child-centered learning. Headquartered in San Francisco, California, the firm operates six locations in San Francisco Bay Area, New York City and Chicago. The educational experience at AltSchool is based on five elements. Personalized learning, which focuses on offering a personalized learning plan for each student based on an individual's knowledge across all academic areas, goals and interests. Whole-child education, which involves developing social-emotional skills besides academics and students of different ages are grouped in same class to develop such skills. Rigorous academics, which focus on building competency across core academic disciplines including next generation science standards (NGSS) and social emotional learning competencies (CASEL). Project-based learning offers opportunities to investigate and explore topics through field trips, individual and group research or visits with partners from AltSchool Expert Network. Community involvement, which encourages students to learn beyond classrooms by engaging with the local community. The firm offers program including lower & middle school, before & after school co-curricular and team sports and AltSchool language programs, which include Spanish and German full-time language programs.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: AltSchool AltSchool Expert Network

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Max Ventilla, CEO Coddy Johnson, COO Sue Yoon, VP-Finance Deborah Kelson, Dir.-Mktg. Lee Lefkowitz, Head-Recruiting Anna Cueni, VP-Oper.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 415-255-9766 Fax: Toll-Free: 866-664-2070 Address: 1245 Folsom St., San Francisco, CA 94103 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 176 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Ambow Education Holding Ltd

NAIC Code: 611691


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Exam Preparation and Tutoring Education Online Technology

Ambow Education Holding Ltd. provides educational and career enhancement services in China. Its market consists of students that desire to be admitted into top secondary and post-secondary schools as well as graduate students with the desire to obtain jobs. The firm conducts its business through two divisions, Better Schools, which offers K-12 products and services; and Better Jobs, which offers career enhancement products and services, career enhancement centers and key partnerships with firms, such as Cisco Systems, Inc., Skillsoft Asia Pacific and McGraw-Hill Education. Ambow is a leading player in the High School Entrance Examination and College Entrance Examination markets, ZhongKao and GaoKao, and is also a provider of IT career enhancement services. Ambow utilizes both offline and online delivery models, powered by its learning technologies and infrastructure, to deliver education and training services from primary and secondary schooling to post-graduate career services as well as mid-career training. These services derive from Ambow's network of regional service hubs and directly-operated K-12 schools, tutoring centers, independent colleges and career enhancement or training centers and distributors. Its eBoPo interactive course content for educational services and Career GPS System interactive course content for career enhancement services provides a way to study English grammar, vocabulary and other content utilizing advanced Internet and multi-media technologies.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Jin Huang, CEO Chiao-Ling Hsu, COO Kia Jing Tan, CFO Jianguo Xue, VP-Sales

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 59,764,430 1,098,346 -6,386,858 -10.68% 27,173,050 -5,178,416 2,543,516 12,118,510 -2,760,952 -3.59% -27.42%

2015 57,399,920 1,060,052 -51,644,040 -89.97% 48,759,060 9,245,576 -5,819,408 1,104,149 -45,016,540 5.07% 134.55%

2014 59,761,820 1,778,213 -109,630,800 -183.44% 85,425,150 -156,195,700 -23,261,820 936,031 -97,069,340 -62.25% -619.85%

2013 165,431,800 2,835,074 -92,215,840 -55.74% 134,870,200 -131,537,300 -23,287,500 4,639,107 -73,388,310 -35.32% -121.54%



Phone: 86-10-6206-8000 Fax: 86-10-6206-8100 Toll-Free: Address: Fl. 18, Bldg. A, Chengjian Plaza, No. 18, BeiTaiPingZhuang Rd., Haidian Dist., Beijing, 100088 China

Stock Ticker: AMBOY Employees: 2,483 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2012 194,917,700 4,618,799 -248,765,600 -127.62% 190,354,100 -235,156,100 -4,642,298 36,069,340 -228,664,500 -41.03% -85.16%

2011 242,125,300 5,735,567 29,832,460 12.32% 99,120,680 3,072,962 43,038,150 62,191,180 50,446,470 .47% .78% 0.01

Exchange: GREY Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

American Public Education Inc NAIC Code: 611310


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Online Educational Services

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: American Military University American Public University American Public University System Inc National Education Seminars Inc Hondros College of Nursing

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Wallace Boston, CEO Richard Sunderland, CFO Barbara Fast, Chairman of the Board Thomas Beckett, General Counsel Karan Powell, President, Subsidiary Amy Panzarella, Senior VP, Divisional

American Public Education, Inc. is a provider of online postsecondary education with an emphasis on serving the needs of the military and public service communities. It operates through two universities, American Military University, or AMU, and American Public University, or APU, which together are operated through American Public University System, Inc. Another subsidiary, National Education Seminars, Inc., referred as Hondros College of Nursing (HCON) offers nursing education to students at five campuses in the state of Ohio as well as online. The company's universities share a common faculty and curriculum, which includes 106 degree programs and 103 certificate programs in disciplines related to national security, military studies, intelligence, homeland security, criminal justice, technology, business administration, education and liberal arts. It currently serves approximately 89,000 students living in all 50 states, Washington, D.C. and many foreign countries. Approximately 54% of APUS's students were previously on active duty during initial enrollment. The firm's university system provides online education, which is regionally and nationally accredited. Its programs are generally designed to help these and other students advance in their current professions or prepare for their next career. American Public Education's online method of instruction is well-suited to its students, many of whom serve in positions requiring extended and irregular schedules, are oncall for rapid response missions, participate in extended deployments and exercises, travel or relocate frequently and have limited financial resources. The firm maintains approximately 390 full-time and over 1,600 adjunct faculties.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 313,139,000

2015 327,910,000

2014 350,020,000

2013 329,479,000

2012 313,516,000

2011 260,377,000

38,276,000 12.22% 127,761,000 24,155,000 56,014,000 16,399,000 57,660,000 7.73% 9.62%

52,281,000 15.94% 136,261,000 32,414,000 57,211,000 27,267,000 72,801,000 10.77% 13.75%

65,832,000 18.80% 144,302,000 40,877,000 61,030,000 25,671,000 81,953,000 14.35% 18.52%

67,437,000 20.46% 135,750,000 42,034,000 59,414,000 20,893,000 80,945,000 16.50% 22.22%

68,802,000 21.94% 123,376,000 42,323,000 52,924,000 35,342,000 79,948,000 19.39% 27.75%

62,859,000 24.14% 93,063,000 40,757,000 70,438,000 25,232,000 72,098,000 23.92% 35.26%



Phone: 304-724-3700 Fax: 304 724-3780 Toll-Free: Address: 111 W. Congress St., Charles Town, WV 25414 United States

Stock Ticker: APEI Employees: 3,492 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $650,000 Second Exec. Salary: $393,269

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: NAS Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 6 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Amplify Education Inc

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Software Platform Educational Tablet Computers

Amplify Education, Inc. is a developer and producer of digital products and services for the field of education. To date, the firm has supported more than 200,0000 educators and 3 million students throughout the U.S. as they transition their learning environment to a digital media. Amplify Education operates in three divisions: Amplify insight, which provides products and services for assessment; Amplify learning, an engaging and rigorous common core curriculum; and Amplify access, teaching and learning tools designed for mobile applications. Services offered by the firm include both professional development, such as data and Common Core state standard services, college and career readiness services; data use services, which offers support for making evidence-based decisions; school by design, which includes comprehensive resource planning and support and consulting, including advisory services, technology solutions and system integration. The company offers employees health insurance, 401(k), short- and long-term disability and life insurance as well as tuition reimbursement.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: News Corp School Yourself Amplify Learning Amplify Access Amplify Insight

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Larry Berger, CEO Jim Mylen, Pres. Patrick Smith, CAO Allison Feldman, Marketing Chastity Davis-Garcia, Human Resources Peter Gorman, Exec. VP-Education Svcs. Laurence Holt, Chief Product Officer Laszlo Kopits, General Counsel Gil Fuchsberg, Exec. VP Justin Hamilton, Sr. VP-Corp. Comm. Josh Reibel, CEO-Amplify Learning Chris Cerf, CEO-Amplify Insight Stephen Smyth, Pres., Amplify Access David Stevenson, VP-Gov't Rel.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 212-213-8177 Fax: 212-796-2311 Toll-Free: Address: 55 Washington St., Ste. 900, Brooklyn, NY 11210-1071 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 700 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 6 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Anhanguera Educacional Participacoes SA

NAIC Code: 611310


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools Education


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Rodrigo Calvo Galindo, CEO

Anhanguera Educacional Participacoes SA is a private forprofit professional education company in Brazil, with more than 400,000 students in its network, 70 campuses and over 500 distance education units. The company's learning laboratories allow students to develop real projects and further refine their practical ability. These laboratories are divided into four areas of study, including agricultural/biological/health sciences, communication, engineering and technology. Agricultural, biological and health science laboratories consist of research and vocational facilities with managers and workers that teach and assist the students. These science labs are further divided into microscopy, which includes general biology and cellular history, embryology, genetics, microbiology, immunology, parasitology and pathology; morpho-functional, which includes anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and pathology, and has a human anatomy or veterinary focus; and multidisciplinary, which includes biochemistry, biophysics, pharmacology, physiology, food service, technology animal products and nutrition. Communication courses consist of a photo lab, radio, TV/video and experimental agencies for active student participation. Within this division, students have access to lighting and cameras, filming and finishing/editing as well as to computers. Engineering laboratories allow students to develop projects and simulate situations that occur in specific labor markets. These labs are equipped with piped gas, support sinks, chemical kits and transport items designed for specific activities involved. Students study soil and topography and electrical engineering as well as materials, processes and metallography. Technology labs include computer, hardware, software and network activities. The firm is a subsidiary of Kroton Educacional SA.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 850,000,000

2015 812,946,007

2014 601,125,597

2013 520,458,757

2012 789,054,528

2011 591,535,232








Phone: 55 1935121705 Fax: 55 1935121703 Toll-Free: Address: Sala 06, Alameda Maria Tereza 4266 Cois Corregos, Valinhos, SP 13278181 Brazil

Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: 21,000 Parent Company: Kroton Educacional SA



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Apollo Education Group Inc (University of Phoenix) NAIC Code: 611310


TYPES OF BUSINESS: University-Level Education Continuing Education Online University Courses Adult Education

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: University of Phoenix Inc (The) Apollo Global Inc College for Financial Planning Institutes Corp Western International University Inc TIY Academy LLC

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Gregory Cappelli, CEO Gregory Iverson, CFO Peter Sperling, Chairman of the Board J. Bowling, COO Terri Bishop, Director Sean Martin, General Counsel Frederick Newton, Other Executive Officer Curtis Uehlein, President, Subsidiary Timothy Slottow, President, Subsidiary

Apollo Education Group, Inc. provides higher education for working adults. Programs are accessible on campus or through online systems and include associates, bachelors, masters and doctoral level degrees in addition to other professional certification programs. The company's educational programs and services are offered through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, which include The University of Phoenix, Inc., a private university in the U.S. that has graduated nearly 1 million students; Apollo Global, Inc., which offers educational programs outside the U.S., and served over 175,000 learners during fiscal 2016; The College for Financial Planning Institutes Corporation, offering financial services education programs; Western International University, Inc., offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in a variety of program areas; TIY Academy, LLC, also known as The Iron Yard, which provides various non-degree bootcamp programs that are typically 12 weeks or less in duration, and designed to offer immersive skills training for pathways to associated careers in information technology; and Apollo Professional Development, which provides programs for employers to better help them recruit, develop and retain a qualified workforce. The firm offers its educational programs worldwide through its online education delivery system, as well as its campus locations and learning centers throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico. The University of Phoenix accounts for about 84% of Apollo's revenues. In 2016, the firm agreed to be taken private by a consortium of investors, including The Vistria Group, LLC; Apollo Global Management, LLC; and the Najafi Companies. The transaction was expected to close in the first quarter of 2017. The firm offers employees medical, prescription, life, disability, dental and vision insurance; flexible spending accounts; a 401(k) plan; a stock purchase plan; back-up daycare; adoption assistance; an education tuition program; and a college savings pla

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 2,101,849,984

2015 2,566,277,120

2014 3,024,177,920

2013 3,681,309,952

2012 4,253,337,088

2011 4,733,022,208









Phone: 480 966-5394 Fax: 480 929-7499 Toll-Free: 800-990-2765 Address: 4025 S. Riverpoint Pkwy., Phoenix, AZ 85040 United States

Stock Ticker: APOL Employees: 34,000 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: NAS Fiscal Year Ends: 08/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 5 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Asiamet Education Group Berhad

NAIC Code: 611310


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools

Asiamet Education Group Berhad, is an investment holding company which provides higher education and training in nursing & allied health services through its subsidiaries. Based in Selangor, Asiamet is engaged in the provision of its educational and training programs in Malaysia, and is also known as Asia Metropolitan University. It offers education in the fields of medicine, nursing & allied sciences and business. It also provides foundation, diploma, degree and master programs in medicine & health care within a rich learning environment. The diploma in Business Administration program provides business education to students who intend to gain understanding in all areas of business, including accounting, finance, banking, marketing, management, economics and human resources.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: ASIA Metropolitan University Masterskill Eduction Group Bhd

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. NKS Tharmaseelan, CEO Tan Sri Dato Nordin, Chmn.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 5,234,668

2015 5,677,621

2014 7,519,093

2013 11,072,670

2012 34,442,030

2011 57,896,550

-6,523,722 -124.62% 6,262,439 -6,638,510 -689,192 200,879 -3,207,591 -19.14% -22.06% 0.06

-4,314,742 -75.99% 3,648,693 -5,063,411 -7,435,779 165,934 -2,664,198 -10.29% -12.81% 0.06

-8,802,129 -117.06% 4,327,239 -10,051,610 -3,583,661 1,765,795 -7,364,268 -15.03% -19.26% 0.17

-28,708,630 -259.27% 6,634,807 -37,679,010 -3,235,362 2,929,183 -23,985,420 -38.85% -48.13% 0.15

-7,965,055 -23.12% 13,704,000 -6,523,490 7,127,980 13,385,560 -1,561,213 -4.85% -6.00% 0.11

9,640,592 16.65% 14,838,000 8,827,586 14,247,860 12,033,330 15,957,650 5.89% 7.35% 0.08



Phone: 603-9080-5888 Fax: 603-9080-1995 Toll-Free: Address: G-8, Jalan Kemcahaya 11, Taman Kemacahaya, Cheras, Selangor 43200 Malaysia

Stock Ticker: MSTEF Employees: Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: GREY Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.


NAIC Code: 611710


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Support Services Online Testing


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Kevin Xiaofeng Ma, CEO Benson Tsang, CFO Jianmin Ding, Sr. VP-Mktg.

ATA, Inc. is a provider of advanced testing technologies in China. It offers comprehensive services for the creation and delivery of computer-based tests through its proprietary testing technologies and test delivery platform. These services are used for professional licensure and certification tests in various industries, including information technology services, banking, teaching, securities, insurance and accounting. ATA's network is comprised of over 3,000 authorized test centers throughout China, and has delivered more than 77.8 million billable tests since it commenced in 1999. Its E-testing platform incorporates a number of technologies designed to ensure stable, costeffective, secure, accurate, fast and easy-to-manage delivery, and has the capacity to deliver more than 1 million tests per day. ATA has developed a patented mobile test administration platform, Mobile Testing Service (MTS), to service its clients, which enhances the mobility and security of test administration. MTS removes the need to pre-install software on designated personal computers at the testing site prior to the test date and allows ATA to monitor the status and process of an entire exam through a safe, non-public local area network (LAN), which reduces the cost of test administration and improves efficiency. Through the MTS, test packets can be downloaded to personal electronic devices prior to the exam, and candidate responses can be synced with the test server during the exam. I

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 60,507,680 5,298,687 7,504,296 12.40% 17,549,590 3,778,821 9,356,654 447,779 8,753,426 5.60% 6.71%

2015 50,791,680 5,343,246 4,606,660 9.06% 15,947,970 3,344,317 6,651,035 2,152,026 5,706,716 4.87% 5.84%


2014 55,797,560 4,014,114 6,002,121 10.75% 17,241,790 3,956,547 5,416,850 601,997 7,562,082 5.74% 6.92%

2013 53,187,620 3,168,887 3,918,397 7.36% 17,383,790 3,366,404 9,831,410 1,155,617 5,458,509 5.05% 6.25%

Stock Ticker: ATAI Employees: 443 Parent Company:


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2011 44,082,360 3,300,891 3,030,492 6.87% 15,782,340 2,865,393 9,007,612 562,155 5,008,380 4.57% 5.56%


Phone: 86 1065181122 Fax: 86 1065179517 Toll-Free: Address: 6 Gongyuan West St., 16/F, Twr E, Beijing, 100005 China Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

2012 51,071,300 2,669,302 9,353,929 18.31% 15,669,910 8,100,011 8,609,351 778,597 10,989,880 12.46% 15.28%

Exchange: NAS Fiscal Year Ends: 03/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Avenues World Holdings LLC

NAIC Code: 611110


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Elementary and Secondary Schools (for-profit) Education Management Company

Avenues World Holdings LLC operates Avenues: The World School, a private, for-profit educational institution for students from pre-K through 12th grade levels. The company began operations in September 2012 in New York City with the opening of its first campus, and plans to expand internationally with 20 locations. The New York location, in the Chelsea neighborhood, is currently the only operating campus with approximately 1,500 students enrolled. Over the next decade, the company hopes to expand into China, India, Argentina, Mexico, South Africa, Qatar, the UAE, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Australia, the U.K., France, Russia, Spain, Italy and Germany as well as additional locations in the U.S. The newest campus has been built in Sao Paolo, scheduled to open in August 2018. Operations are divided into three divisions: Early Learning Center (nursery, pre-school and kindergarten), Lower Division (1st grade through 5th grade) and Upper Division (6th grade through 12th). Annual tuition for 2016-2017 is $49,320, and includes the full cost of books and materials, field trips and transportation to and from activities during the school day. There is an additional $2,500 in mandatory fees to cover athletic uniforms, lunch, snacks and educational technology such as MacBooks and iPads. Financial assistance is available. One of the school's educational strategies is to encourage students to study at its campuses worldwide over several years, enabling the students to gain global cultural knowledge and to build global networks of friends.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Alan Greenberg, Co-Founder Jeff Clark, COO Stephen Hanon, CFO Edward Huang, VP-IT Dirk Delo, CTO Lauren Bedell, Chief Admin. & Operating Officer-New York Campus Benno Schmidt, Sr. Advisor Tyler Tingley, Co-Head-School Robert Matton, Co-Head-School Gardner Dunnan, Academic Dean Lloyd Nathan, Executive Vice Chairman Alan Greenberg, Pres.-Americas & EMEA

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 212-935-5000 Fax: 646-625-7600 Toll-Free: Address: 11 E. 26th St., Fl. 17, New York, NY 10010-1420 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 281 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 6 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Blackboard Inc

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Online Educational Software e-Learning Software Content Management Software

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Blackboard Analytics Blackboard Collaborate Blackboard Connect Blackboard Learn Blackboard ParentLink Blackboard Schoolwires Blackboard Sociability Blackboard Transact

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Jay Bhatt, CEO Jay Bhatt, Pres. Bill Davis, CFO Tracy Stout, Sr. VP-Mktg. Denise Haselhorst, Sr. VP-Human Resources Mark Strassman, Sr. VP-Prod. Mgmt. Gary Lang, Sr. VP-Prod. Dev. David Marr, Sr. VP-Blackboard Transact Katie Blot, Sr. VP-Education Svcs. Maurice Heiblum, Sr. VP-Higher Education, Corp. & Gov't. Markets Mark Belles, Sr. VP-K-12 Matthew Small, Sr. VP-Int'l

Blackboard, Inc. is a provider of enterprise software applications and related services to the education industry. Its product line consists of various software applications delivered in eight platforms: Blackboard Analytics, Blackboard Collaborate, Blackboard Connect, Blackboard Learn, Blackboard ParentLink, Blackboard Schoolwires, Blackboard Sociability and Blackboard Transact. Blackboard Analytics provides metrics and analytics, data reporting and business intelligence for higher education. Blackboard Collaborate provides the collaborative tools to determine educational and administrative needs through voice authorizing, web conferencing and enterprise instant messaging. Blackboard Connect provides communication systems that enable rapid dissemination of information via voice and text devices. Its product portfolio includes the Connect-ED, Connect-CTY, Connect-GOV and Connect-MIL brands. Blackboard Learn provides a scalable technology platform for delivering education online, managing digital content and aggregating access to tools and information through an integrated web portal environment. Blackboard ParentLink is a mobile app with the latest news, schedules, and school information personalized for every parent. Blackboard Schoolwires is a communication platform designed specifically for K-12 communities, with Responsive content management systems that are low-maintenance and reliably hosted. Blackboard Sociability is a social media manager for K-12, designed to help navigate all social media accounts from one interface. Blackboard Transact can be used for on- and off-campus commerce, e-commerce, meal plan administration, vending, laundry services, copy and print management and student and staff identification. Other products offered by the frim include MyEdu, Mosaic and Moodlerooms. The firm offers employees medical, dental, vision and life insurance; disability coverage; and employee discounts.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 700,000,000

2015 685,000,000


2014 650,000,000

2013 638,000,000

2012 575,000,000

2011 530,000,000


Phone: 202-463-4860 Fax: 202-463-4863 Toll-Free: 800-424-9299 Address: 1111 19th St. NW, Washington, DC 20036 United States

Exchange: Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 2,700 Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31 Parent Company: PROVIDENCE EQUITY PARTNERS



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 2 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Bluedrop Performance Learning Inc

NAIC Code: 611430


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Professional and Management Development Training Online Education

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Bluedrop Learning Networks Inc Bluedrop Training & Simulation Inc

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Emad Rizkalla, CEO Bernard Beckett, CFO Derrick Rowe, Chairman of the Board John Moores, COO

Bluedrop Performance Learning, Inc. delivers personal and professional development e-learning courses to individuals and companies worldwide. Operations are divided into two lines of business: Learning Networks (accounting for 30% of 2016 revenue) and Training and Simulation (70%). The Learning Networks division, operating through Bluedrop Learning Networks, Inc. (BLN), provides services to small and midsized businesses, nonprofits and employees who may not have access to a large corporation's eLearning resources. BLN offers SaaS-based workforce development solutions, which helps in managing mandatory certifications, tracking new skills at work and advancing professional realms. Customers include government agencies, apprenticeship authorities, non-profit organizations and workers' compensation boards. Training and Simulation division, operating through Bluedrop Training & Simulation, Inc. (BTS), provides custom courseware development and virtual simulation training for the defense and aerospace industry. Lessons include highly specialized, high performance and tactical training for military and civilian employees. Additionally, the firm utilizes virtual reality headsets for advanced immersive training. Although it maintains six offices in the U.S. and Canada, Bluedrop is present around the globe. In November 2016, the company announced a strategic partnership with Rockwell Collins, Inc. to share technologies and jointly provide cost-effective integrated solutions for military customers.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 18,219,710 2,826,336 2,784,147 15.28% 1,952,100 764,945 2,105,823 88,042 2,343,915 4.83% 123.07% 5.27

2015 15,535,950 92,882 1,426,492 9.18% 4,626,210 230,228 4,496,625 983,633 1,475,778 1.53% 171.94% 15.88

2014 11,295,110 -2,432,380 -21.53% 5,544,826 -2,876,354 -2,502,642 148,391 -2,125,276 -25.73% -222.06% 371.26

2013 8,458,696

2012 7,683,648

2011 359,302

-1,012,407 -11.96% 5,116,241 -1,264,729 93,849 167,836 -802,493 -15.20% -38.92% 0.59

329,461 4.28% 3,854,498 178,724 245,539 1,343,775 901,010 2.04% 4.56% 0.37

-873,873 -243.21% 1,023,398 -1,038,843 -784,714 26,465 -828,752 -246.48% -1093.77%



Phone: 709 739-9000 Fax: 709 739-9003 Toll-Free: Address: 18 Prescott St., St. John's, NL A1C 3S4 Canada

Stock Ticker: BPLI Employees: 159 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: TSX Fiscal Year Ends: 09/30

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 2 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

BNED LoudCloud LLC

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational & Training

BNED LoudCloud, LLC (formerly LoudCloud Systems, Inc.) builds software to improve learning. Its products are designed to help students remain enrolled, via keeping the cost of learning accessible; and learn and thrive, by displaying individual progress and offering feedback and guidance. BNED LoudCloud's software comprises learning analytics, competency-based education features, learning management features and next-general learning materials. Its competency learning platform provides learners with adaptable course paths and module learning units that can easily align to the needs of ever-changing workforces; and its Advanced OER Courseware platform enables personalized learning and training by adjusting courseware to individual student's learning competence. This data-rich platform provides deep insights into student performance, interaction with learning resources, student-instructor engagement and peer collaboration. Therefore, the platform lowers the cost of learning materials by providing all of these capabilities through a single format. In 2016, LoudCloud Systems was acquired by Barnes & Noble Education, Inc., and subsequently renamed BNED LoudCloud, LLC. Barnes & Noble Education itself is a subsidiary of Barnes & Noble, Inc.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Barnes & Noble Inc Barnes & Noble Education Inc Advanced OER Courseware

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Michael P. Huseby, Chmn.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity






Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: 64 Parent Company: Barnes & Noble Inc


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: Fax: Toll-Free: 855-568-3256 Address: 120 Mountain View Blvd., Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 United States Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 04/30

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Bridge International NAIC Code: 611110


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Primary School Nursery School

Bridge International Academies is a data-driven network of over 520 private nursery and primary schools across Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Liberia and India. The company provides high-quality, affordable schooling to families who can't afford otherwise, with annual costs approximating around $6.39 a month. Bridge International partners with local governments to ensure Bridge is working within local and national standards for education. The teachers are trained at the Bridge International Training Institute and have 24/7 support from master teachers employed by the company. The educators teach the curriculum by using tablets named 'teacher computers' and lesson scripts provided by the company. Technology is highlyintegrated into every component of the Bridge International education model, recording attendance of students and teachers, track lesson pacing, measuring pupil comprehension and assessment scores. The real-time data and analytics allow for modifications in instruction and learning outcomes. A U.S. team analyzes the schools' nearly 300,000 test scores every ten days to alter parts of the lesson plan where pupils are lowperforming. Investors of the network include Bill Gates Investments, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, khosla ventures, International Finance Corporation, LearnCapital, NovaStar Ventures, NEA, Omidyar Network, PanAfrican Investment Co., LLC, rethinkeducation, Pershing Square Foundation and Impact Ventures.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Jay Kimmelman, CEO Shannon May, Chief Development Officer Clayton Au-Yeung, VP-Finance Marie Leznicki, Chief Experience Officer Kent McNeill, Chief Technology Officer

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 16,000,000





Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 11,500 Parent Company:


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: 254-732-160-000 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: Tulip House, Ground Fl., Mombasa Rd., Nairobi, 00502 Kenya Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Bridgepoint Education Inc

NAIC Code: 611310


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Online Education Education Technology Software

Bridgepoint Education, Inc. is a regionally accredited provider of postsecondary and higher education services. The company's education programs are available online as well as offered through the University of the Rockies' physical campus. UoR, located in Colorado Springs, Colorado, offers master's and doctoral degree programs in the social and behavioral sciences, and also provides access to industry experts, campus clinical programs for practical experience, and research and publishing opportunities. UoR is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association. In December 2015, the firm sold its Ashford University Clinton campus to Clinton Catalyst, LLC congruent with a one-year teach-out plan. Bridgepoint subsequently entered into a lease agreement with Catalyst to lease the campus through December 2016.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: University of the Rockies

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Andrew Clark, CEO Patrick Hackett, Chairman of the Board Anurag Malik, Chief Information Officer Thomas McCarty, Chief Marketing Officer Jane McAuliffe, Executive VP, Divisional Kevin Royal, Executive VP Christopher Henn, Executive VP Diane Thompson, General Counsel Marc Brown, Other Executive Officer Vickie Schray, Senior VP, Divisional

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 527,090,000

2015 561,729,000

2014 638,705,000

2013 768,623,000

2012 968,171,000

2011 933,349,000

-40,221,000 -7.63% 284,137,000 -30,040,000 11,083,000 2,755,000 -27,139,000 -6.19% -10.28%

-42,295,000 -7.52% 254,172,000 -70,454,000 26,715,000 4,630,000 -22,717,000 -13.23% -21.04%

14,311,000 2.24% 303,082,000 9,668,000 25,219,000 15,063,000 37,628,000 1.70% 2.70%

60,443,000 7.86% 312,252,000 41,010,000 75,538,000 34,388,000 82,109,000 6.17% 9.71%

202,714,000 20.93% 410,184,000 127,963,000 143,185,000 30,558,000 220,138,000 18.69% 30.11%

273,747,000 29.32% 400,464,000 172,764,000 220,808,000 34,492,000 286,490,000 31.85% 58.37%



Phone: 858 668-2586 Fax: 858 408-2903 Toll-Free: 800-475-0317 Address: 13500 Evening Creek Dr. N., Ste. 600, San Diego, CA 92128 United States

Stock Ticker: BPI Employees: 260 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $725,000 Second Exec. Salary: $415,000

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: NYS Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 6 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Bright Horizons Family Solutions Inc

NAIC Code: 624410


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Child Day Care Services

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: World at Their Fingertips Hildebrandt Learning Centers

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

David Lissy, CEO Elizabeth Boland, CFO Mandy Berman, Chief Administrative Officer Mary Burke-Afonso, COO, Divisional Linda Mason, Director Stephen Dreier, Executive VP Stephen Kramer, President

Bright Horizons Family Solutions, Inc. is a provider of highquality child care and early education services primarily under multi-year contracts with employers who offer child care and other dependent care solutions as part of their employee benefits packages. Services include center-based full service child care and early education (representing approximately 84% of revenue in 2016), back-up dependent care and educational advisory services. The early education services are offered on several levels (from preschool through elementary school) and is centered around Bright Horizon's proprietary curriculum, the World at Their Fingertips program. Early childcare services are also offered for infants and toddlers. The back-up dependent care program (13%) offers emergency child, adult and elder care that operates as a safety net should a caretaker require care services at a last-minute notice. For the most part, this program is offered through an employer sponsorship. Educational advisory services (3%) include college preparation and admissions counseling services as well as tuition reimbursement management and educational counseling services. The company operates a total of 1,035 child care and early education centers across a wide range of customer industries with the capacity to serve approximately 115,000 children. These centers are in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Ireland, the Netherlands and India. Employee benefits include medical, dental and vision coverage; same-sex domestic partner benefits; gym membership discounts; a 401(k); health care flexible spending accounts; dependent care spending accounts; education assistance; tuition reimbursement; a

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 1,569,841,000

2015 1,458,445,000

2014 1,352,999,000

2013 1,218,776,000

2012 1,070,938,000

2011 973,701,000

197,238,000 12.56% 163,967,000 94,760,000 213,297,000 75,334,000 271,486,000 4.20% 13.38% 1.53

181,602,000 12.45% 148,164,000 93,927,000 170,056,000 77,785,000 260,431,000 4.34% 12.61% 1.24

146,920,000 10.85% 137,683,000 72,035,000 174,297,000 66,194,000 224,470,000 3.39% 8.78% 1.21

109,034,000 8.94% 141,827,000 12,623,000 159,679,000 69,509,000 118,245,000 .62% 3.97% 0.85

95,464,000 8.91% 123,373,000 8,162,000 106,982,000 69,086,000 156,964,000 -4.15%

86,836,000 8.91% 92,938,000 4,759,000 133,570,000 42,517,000 143,946,000 -3.84%



Phone: 617-673-8000 Fax: Toll-Free: 866-854-1958 Address: 200 Talcott Ave., S., Watertown, MA 02472 United States

Stock Ticker: BFAM Employees: 31,200 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $385,057 Second Exec. Salary: $300,000

Bonus: $240,661 Bonus: $150,000

Exchange: NYS Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 5 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Broadview Institute Inc

NAIC Code: 611310


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools

Broadview Institute, Inc. is a post-secondary education services company. The Institute offers a variety of over 30 academic programs through Broadview University, which offers programs through traditional classroom settings as well as online instruction. The university has campuses located in the Utah, South Dakota, Idaho and Wisconsin. Recently, the firm has received accreditation for its medical assistance program from the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools, which qualifies students to sit for the Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) exam with the American Association of Medical Assistants. The company's approach, named CareerPath, is an initiative to help students graduate faster, manage their work load and offers discounted tuition options.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Broadview University CareerPath

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Kenneth McCarthy, CFO Terry Myhre, Chairman of the Board Jeffrey Myhre, COO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity


2015 11,730,000

2014 13,445,845

2013 14,591,667

2012 17,826,832

2011 20,456,974







Phone: 651 332-8000 Fax: 651 332-8001 Toll-Free: Address: 8089 Globe Dr., Woodbury, MN 55435 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 96 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 03/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Cambium Learning Group Inc

NAIC Code: 611710


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Education Support Services

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Learning A-Z Kurzweil Education Voyager Sopris Learning ExploreLearning Reflex Gizmos

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. John Campbell, CEO Barbara Benson, CFO Joseph Walsh, Chairman of the Board Paul Fonte, Chief Technology Officer Bob Holl, Co-Founder David Shuster, Co-Founder J. McWhorter, General Counsel Jeffrey Elliott, President, Subsidiary Carolyn Getridge, Senior VP, Divisional

Cambium Learning Group, Inc. is a provider of proprietary intervention curricula, educational technologies, professional services and other research-based education solutions for students in the Pre-K through 12th grade education market in the U.S. It offers distinctive, blended intervention solutions that combine different forms of instruction techniques, including textbooks, education games, data management, teacher training and student centric e-learning solutions. It operates in four segments, with separate management teams and infrastructures that offer various products and services. These segments are Learning A-Z, Voyager Sopris Learning and ExploreLearning. Learning A-Z is a collection of web sites that allow teachers to customize instruction, covering the subjects of Reading, Writing and Science for students Pre K-6. Reading websites include,, and Writing lessons are carried out through, and Science instruction is offered through The Voyager Sopris Learning segment includes the Voyager Sopris Learning and Kurzweil Education brands. Kurzweil Education provides literacy support software for individuals and K-12 and higher education students with reading disabilities such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, low vision and night blindness. VoyagerSorpis includes two online learning systems for Pre K-12 students: Voyager Learning and Sopris Learning. Voyager Learning provides research-based intervention solutions and specializes in Literacy and Math. It offers products for summer school and extended day students as well as special education students. Voyager Learning additionally provides services for teachers, such as coaching and progress monitoring, as well as school improvement and planning through Voyager Education Services. Sorpris Learning also specializes in literacy and math as well as providing student behavior solutions and bullying prevention. ExploreLearning concentrates on Math and Science with two primary products: Reflex, utilizing games to teach math fact fluency; and Gizmos, a database of online interactive math and science simulations for students in grades 3-12.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 152,358,000 12,865,000 18,611,000 12.21% 68,300,000 10,430,000 44,479,000 20,054,000 39,477,000 7.63%

2015 144,920,000 10,924,000 16,186,000 11.16% 64,186,000 -1,325,000 36,773,000 19,937,000 34,100,000 - .84%

2014 141,747,000 11,091,000 8,046,000 5.67% 60,788,000 -9,955,000 23,643,000 17,875,000 30,787,000 -5.13%

2013 150,520,000 9,810,000 3,967,000 2.63% 65,296,000 -14,253,000 45,786,000 16,115,000 27,336,000 -6.38%



Phone: 214 932-9500 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 17855 North Dallas Parkway, Dallas, TX 75287 United States

Stock Ticker: ABCD Employees: 619 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $413,269 Second Exec. Salary: $300,000

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2012 148,559,000 10,907,000 -115,953,000 -78.05% 70,628,000 -133,783,000 10,329,000 18,145,000 -83,497,000 -44.58% -607.75%

2011 172,258,000 9,933,000 -31,847,000 -18.48% 69,203,000 -49,441,000 43,640,000 14,053,000 4,762,000 -13.13% -46.18% 2.07

Exchange: NAS Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 1 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Campus Labs

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational & Training

Campus Labs is a developer and producer of educational software that collects information from students that institutions of higher education use to determine programs and services. The firm currently serves over 750 member campuses. Campus Labs' products include Compliance Assist, an online solution that aids an institution research, planning and accreditation needs; Baseline, which translates assessment data to improve student performance inside and outside the classroom; CollegiateLink, a platform that manages student organizations and encourages students to participate in cocurricular activities; Beacon, an online solution that measures a student's retention, produces reports and makes recommendations for at-risk students; and Course Evaluation, an evaluation platform that provides for integrating evaluation data into program planning, decision making and administrative review.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Leeds Equity Partners Compliance Assist Baseline CollegiateLink Beacon Course Evaluation

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Eric Reich, Pres. Michael Weisman, VP Eric Reich, Pres. Robert Willer, VP-IT John (J.D.) White, VP-Prod. Mgmt. Robert Willer, VP-Oper. Sean Casey, VP-Strategic Initiatives & Corp. Dev. Michael Weisman, Exec. VP-Campus Rel. Doug Fraser, VP-Campus Rel.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 28,081,013

2015 23,207,449

2014 19,179,710

2013 15,851,000



Phone: 716-270-0000 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 210 Ellicott St., Ste. 200, Buffalo, NY 14203 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 100 Parent Company: Leeds Equity Partners



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2012 13,100,000


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Capella Education Co

NAIC Code: 611310


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Online Educational Services

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Capella University Sophia Learning LLC Capella Learning Solutions DevMountain LLC Hackbright Academy Inc

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. J. Gilligan, CEO Steven Polacek, CFO Renee Jackson, General Counsel Richard Senese, Other Executive Officer Peter Ramstad, Other Executive Officer Andrew Watt, Senior VP, Divisional

Capella Education Co. is an online postsecondary education services provider. Through its wholly-owned subsidiary Capella University, it offers a variety of doctoral, master's and bachelor's programs in the following markets: behavioral health and human services; business management and technology; education; and public service leadership. It focuses on master's and doctoral degrees, with over 71% of its learners enrolled in those programs. Other subsidiaries include Sophia Learning, LLC (Sophia), which is an innovative learning platform leveraging technology to support self-paced learning, including credits eligible for transfer to over 2,000 college and universities; Capella Learning Solutions (CLS), which provides online non-degree, high-demand, job-ready skills, training solutions and services to individuals and corporate partners; Hackbright Academy, Inc., a leading software engineering school for women with a mission to close the gender gap in the high-demand software engineering space; and DevMountain, LLC, a leading software development school offering affordable, high-quality, leading-edge software coding education. The company's academic offerings combine competency-based curricula with the convenience and flexibility of an online learning format. It designs its courses to help working adult learners develop specific competencies that they could employ in the workplace. The firm actively supports and engages with its learners throughout Capella Education's programs to enhance their prospects for successful program completion. The firm engages in a range of marketing activities to build the Capella brand, differentiate the company from other educational providers, raise levels of awareness and consideration with prospective learners, generate inquiries about enrollment, remind and motivate existing learners to reregister each quarter and stimulate referrals from existing learners and graduates. In May 2016, the firm acquired DevMountain, LLC an industry-leading coding school. The following August, the firm completed the previously announced sale of Arden University Limited.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 429,390,000

2015 430,267,000

2014 421,967,000

2013 415,623,000

2012 421,890,000

2011 430,043,000

68,207,000 15.88% 175,188,000 42,969,000 82,269,000 20,908,000 89,550,000 16.28% 21.15%

67,033,000 15.57% 173,382,000 40,188,000 60,327,000 20,641,000 89,706,000 15.92% 20.45%

64,095,000 15.18% 172,369,000 37,943,000 65,188,000 20,584,000 87,893,000 15.03% 20.12%

59,877,000 14.40% 171,989,000 35,203,000 69,349,000 18,728,000 85,754,000 15.20% 21.07%

59,383,000 14.07% 170,560,000 36,477,000 64,828,000 23,278,000 88,638,000 16.27% 23.18%

80,102,000 18.62% 178,132,000 52,115,000 80,304,000 29,587,000 104,267,000 20.92% 28.08%



Phone: Fax: 612 977-5060 Toll-Free: 888 227-3552 Address: 225 S. 6th St., Minneapolis, MN 55402 United States

Stock Ticker: CPLA Employees: 2,928 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $787,653 Second Exec. Salary: $453,528

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: NAS Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 2 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Career Education Corporation

NAIC Code: 611310


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools

Career Education Corporation (CEC), founded in 1994, offers post-secondary education to a diverse population of students in a variety of career-oriented disciplines. While the universities offer online, on-ground and hybrid learning programs, nearly 93% of the firm's students attend the web-based virtual campuses of American InterContinental University (AIU) and Colorado Technical University (CTU). AIU and CTU advances the company's personalized learning technologies, such as the intellipath adaptive learning platform, which allows students to more efficiently move toward earning a degree by receiving course credit for knowledge they can already demonstrate. CEC provides the kind of education that closes the gap between learners who seek to advance their careers and employers needing a qualified workforce.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: American InterContinental University Colorado Technical University intellipath

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Thomas Lally, Chairman of the Board Michele Peppers, Chief Accounting Officer David Czeszewski, Chief Information Officer Todd Nelson, Director Jeffrey Ayers, General Counsel John Kline, Senior VP, Divisional Andrew Hurst, Senior VP, Divisional Andrew Cederoth, Senior VP

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 704,392,000

2015 847,273,000

2014 741,358,000

2013 1,057,360,000

2012 1,489,269,000

2011 1,884,505,000

-32,344,000 -4.59% 477,725,000 -18,712,000 5,912,000 4,129,000 -8,035,000 -3.19% -5.67%

-92,168,000 -10.87% 564,211,000 51,885,000 -21,686,000 11,695,000 -68,665,000 8.76% 16.74%

-72,716,000 -9.80% 520,361,000 -178,163,000 -118,624,000 13,156,000 -16,558,000 -25.84% -48.32%

-214,684,000 -20.30% 774,432,000 -164,263,000 -85,804,000 19,636,000 -146,836,000 -17.04% -30.78%

-183,750,000 -12.33% 894,185,000 -142,796,000 -16,798,000 37,944,000 -99,628,000 -11.71% -20.14%

39,162,000 2.07% 936,714,000 18,573,000 230,450,000 78,333,000 127,877,000 1.29% 2.13%



Phone: 847 781-360 Fax: 847 781-3610 Toll-Free: Address: 231 N. Martingale Rd., Schaumburg, IL 60173 United States

Stock Ticker: CECO Employees: 5,149 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $770,000 Second Exec. Salary: $445,027

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: NAS Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 3 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Carnegie Learning

NAIC Code: 511130


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Math Book Publishers

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: MATHia Apollo Group Inc Mika Carnegie Mellon Institution

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Barry Malkin, CEO Erin Simmons, COO John Jorgenson, CMO

Carnegie Learning, Inc. publishes educational materials for students in grades 6-12 and post-secondary education in the subject of mathematics. Carnegie learning solutions include write-in worktexts and innovative software not only for students, but for the professional development of educators and leaders for grades K-12. Its main product is the MATHia software suite, a research-based, adaptive educational resource that uses intuitive study methods to improve student performance on assessments by 85%. The company's solutions include both Common Core solutions and supplemental & intervention solutions, centered on the application of MATHia as well as the integration of textbooks. These solutions are aimed to help students reach their state's education testing standards, with curricula tailored to the standards set by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. The company also offers technical support services for its products as well as professional development to help train instructors how to better use the software. Carnegie Learning maintains partnership agreements with Rand Corporation, LearnLab,, The Iowa Educators Consortium and Design Science. The company was founded by cognitive and computer scientists from Carnegie Mellon University and maintains a partnership with the Carnegie Mellon Institution, where it conducts research used to design the MATHia software. Additionally, the firm offers Mika, a software geared towards higher education students that utilizes artificial intelligence to create a 1-to-1 tutoring experience. Carnegie Learning is a subsidiary of Apollo Group, Inc.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 2,993,000

2015 25,063,000

2014 50,214,000






Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: 151 Parent Company: Apollo Group Inc


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: Fax: 412-690-2444 Toll-Free: 888-851-7094 Address: 501 Grant Street, Ste. 1075, Pittsburg, PA 15219 United States Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Catapult Learning Inc

NAIC Code: 611710


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Support Services

Catapult Learning, Inc. is a U.S.-based educational support services provider for K-12 students that helps schools close the achievement gap. The firm's mission is to provide support to those students that have a difficulty learning. Catapult Learning has partnered with 500 school districts, including 18 of the 20 largest in the U.S. The firm's products and services are divided into five segments: response to intervention (RTI), dropout recovery, professional learning, private and religious and special education. RTI solutions provide the support that a student needs to meet Common Core State Standards (CCSS) on their own. Products in this segment include Literacy First Framework and ReadUp Comprehension Skills. The dropout recovery solutions encompass the firm's Catapult Academy, which helps those students who have dropped out of school earn a high school diploma. The professional learning segment provides a teacher assessment and training service that provides the tools and support a teacher needs to accelerate student achievement. The solutions in the private & religious segment provide for private and religious schools the same type of services it does for public schools. Products in this segment include AchieveEnglish and AchieveMath. The special education solutions provide customized education services for special education students facing significant learning, language, and social-emotional challenges that impede their progress in the traditional classroom.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Literacy First Framework ReadUp Comprehension Skills Catapult Academy AchieveEnglish AchieveMath

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Jeffrey Cohen, CEO Michal Kisilevitz, Sr. VP-Corp. Oper. Al De Seta, Pres. Chris Catalano, CFO Kristen E. Campbell, Sr. VP-Mktg. & Education Valerie Mogavero, Chief Human Resources Officer Eric Wenck, CIO Liza Wolf, General Counsel Matt Given, Chief Dev. Officer Kristen E. Campbell, Sr. VP-Strategy & Product Mgmt.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: Fax: Toll-Free: 800-841-8730 Address: Two Aquarium Dr., Camden, NJ 08103 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 851 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 3 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Cengage Learning Holdings II Inc

NAIC Code: 511130


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Books, Publishing Automotive Repair Manuals Marine Maintenance & Repair Manuals e-Learning Solutions Driver's Education Manuals

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: WebAssign Pathbright MindTap Gale Researcher

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Michael E. Hansen, CEO Alexander Broich, Pres.-International John Leahy, CFO Sandi Kirshner, Chief Mktg. Officer Ken Carson, Chief People Officer George Moore, CTO Jim Donohue, Chief Product Officer Ken Carson, General Counsel James McCusker, VP-Public & Media Rel. Kevin Stone, Chief Sales & Mktg. Officer Alexander Broich, Pres., Int'l

Cengage Learning Holdings II, Inc. provides textbooks, reference materials, technology and other educational resources for the higher education, K-12, professional and library markets worldwide. The company's purpose is to engage learners, both in the classroom and beyond. Cengage offers three primary brands: WebAssign, Pathbright and MindTap. WebAssign is a flexible and fully customizable online instructional system that puts tools in the hands of teachers. It enables teachers to deploy assignments, instantly assess individual student performance and realize their teaching goals. More than 9 million students have used WebAssign to submit over 1.7 billion answers to homework assignments, tests and assessments. Pathbright is an e-portfolio app in which students can use along with their MindTap courses. This channel has become increasingly necessary because 92% of students have a smartphone. MindTap is an interactive learning system and course solution that includes assessment, immediate feedback and analytics for instructors and students. With MindTap, instructors can create and edit courses, manage assignments, and grade tests and assignments. For students, it features a comprehensive guide to explaining course requirements, viewing rubrics, completing assignments, providing feedback, monitoring progress and accessing grades. MindTap is also available as a mobile app. Cengage is comprised of a team of student ambassadors whose mission is to help their peers reach new levels of confidence and exceed their learning and life goals. The company's Gale Researcher library reference resource offers students a way to access peer-viewed materials in order to search for the most popular undergraduate courses and research topics. Headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, the firm also has an office hub located in San Francisco, California, and employees that reside in nearly 40 countries. Cengage offers its employees tuition reimbursement; an employee assistance program; flexible spending accounts; a 401(k) plan; and medical, dental, vision, life and disability insurance.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 1,630,500,000

2015 1,663,400,000

2014 1,366,000,000

2013 1,677,500,000

2012 1,992,800,000

2011 1,875,900,000

49,000,000 3.00% 437,500,000 -72,400,000 334,400,000 55,200,000 210,400,000 -1.76% -5.30% 1.56

-99,200,000 -5.96% 476,500,000 -153,600,000 359,900,000 80,800,000 69,600,000 -3.60% -10.41% 1.32


-2,403,800,000 -143.29% 456,800,000 -2,064,900,000 139,700,000 63,700,000 -1,993,100,000 -33.23%

398,500,000 19.99% 430,200,000 18,200,000 426,200,000 71,800,000 685,000,000 .24% 6.15% 17.70

422,800,000 22.53% 364,300,000 -26,900,000 363,100,000 86,200,000 703,800,000 - .35% -10.01% 20.33


342,700,000 1,723,400,000 509,800,000 68,700,000 2,221,100,000


Phone: 617-289-7700 Fax: 617-289-7844 Toll-Free: 800-354-9706 Address: 20 Channel Center St., Boston, MA 02210 United States

Stock Ticker: CNGO Employees: 5,000 Parent Company: Apax Partners



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: GREY Fiscal Year Ends: 03/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 2 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Cerego LLC

NAIC Code: 611310A


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

Cerego, LLC is a learning technology company focused on human memory. The company provides ways for anyone to acquire the ability to learn faster and remember longer. As users study with Cerego, the tool measures the rate of personal information absorption and memory decay, simultaneously calculating the precise moment to review in order to achieve maximum memory strength. Cerego's platform technology is based on principles of neuroscience and cognitive science, and has amassed 3.7 million study hours and presented over 1.6 billion items to 1.5 million learners worldwide. The company provides its mobile, desktop and integrated learning experiences through its APIs and proprietary learning application.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Andrew Smith Lewis, CEO Paul Mumma, COO Michelle Looney, Director of Marketing Alex Volkovitsky, Director of Engineering Eric Young, Chmn.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 433 California Street, Ste. 1030, San Francisco, CA 94104 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 20 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Charter Schools USA

NAIC Code: 611110


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Charter Elementary and Secondary Schools (for-profit) Education Management Company

Charter Schools USA (CSUSA) is an education management company with charter schools in eight states serving nearly 60,000 K-12 students. Of the schools, most are located in Florida, with others in Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, South Carolina and North Carolina. Charter schools offer alternative education to the traditional public school system, receiving public funding but operating independently of school district regulations. CSUSA's schools are all accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, and a select few have also received Cambridge certification. They are located in Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Michigan, North Carolina and Indiana. While tuition is free for all students, there is a strict policy that in order for a student to attend, there must be parental involvement, and all students are required to wear uniforms. Parent communication is facilitated through the company's Student Information System. To improve the quality of the student's education, teachers are paid according to performance rather than a fixed salary. CSUSA's educational advantages include integrated technology, parental involvement contracts, personal learning plans, student uniforms, enforced discipline policies, highly qualified and motivated staff, community focus and high academic performance. Employee benefits include medical and dental coverage, a 401(k) and paid time off.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Jonathan K. Hage, CEO Richard Page, Chief Impact Officer Jonathan K. Hage, Pres. Carl Tsang, CFO Bryan Rueger, VP-Human Resources William Poirier, CIO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity






Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 8,000 Parent Company:


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: 954-202-3500 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 800 Corporate Drive, Ste. 700, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334 United States Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Chegg Inc

NAIC Code: 454111


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Textbook Rentals

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Chegg Study Chegg Tutors Chegg Study Writing Tools EasyBib Citation Machine Imagine Easy Solutions

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Daniel Rosensweig, CEO Andrew Brown, CFO Robin Tomasello, Chief Accounting Officer Esther Lem, Chief Marketing Officer Robert Chesnut, General Counsel Michael Osier, Other Executive Officer Nathan Schultz, Other Executive Officer Chuck Geiger, Other Executive Officer

Chegg, Inc. is a connected learning platform service for college level students. In 2016, over 1.5 million students subscribed to Chegg Services. Chegg Services include Chegg Study, Chegg Tutors, Writing Tools, Enrollment Marketing, Brand Partnership, Internships and Test Prep. Chegg Study service provides step-by-step Textbook Solutions and Expert Answers, helping students with their course work. When students need additional help on a subject, they can reach a live tutor online through Chegg Tutors. When students require help creating citations for their papers, they can use the Writing Tools properties, including EasyBib, Citation Machine, BibMe, CiteThisForMe and NormasAPA. The Enrollment Marketing services, through a strategic partnership with the National Research Center for College & University Admissions (NRCCUA), Chegg provides colleges with admission and transfer support through its enrollment marketing services. In 2016 it delivered 5.3 million paid inquiries for interested students. The Brand Partnership services offers ways for brands with relevant products and services to reach and engage high school and college students as they are preparing for college, preparing for back-to-school or as they approach graduation and prepare for a career or graduate school. The firm currently has advertising contracts with over 55 consumer brands. Chegg's Internship services provides students access to approximately 340,000 internships with more than 122,000 employers across the country. Students search and apply for internships directly through the website, The Test Prep services provides students access to affordable, high-quality and comprehensive online test preparation products for the SAT and ACT exams. In May 2016, Chegg acquired Imagine Easy Solutions, the provider of the popular EasyBib, Citation Machine, BibMe, CiteThisForMe, NormasAPA and other tools with capabilities such as citation, bibliography and anti-plagiarism. Employee benefits include medical, dental and vision insurance; a flexible spending account; life & accidental death & dismemberment insurance; supplementary life insurance; short- and long-term disability; an employee assistance program; 401(k) with matc

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 254,090,000 66,331,000 -40,070,000 -15.77% 109,321,000 -42,245,000 24,938,000 24,689,000 -16,283,000 -14.51% -18.65%

2015 301,373,000 59,391,000 -57,700,000 -19.14% 109,291,000 -59,210,000 -82,000 8,253,000 -2,636,000 -19.42% -24.76%


2014 304,834,000 49,386,000 -65,134,000 -21.36% 114,152,000 -64,758,000 68,475,000 5,083,000 16,172,000 -20.06% -24.84%

2013 255,575,000 41,944,000 -51,031,000 -19.96% 90,788,000 -55,850,000 63,706,000 7,369,000 23,806,000 -60.49% -168.41%

Stock Ticker: CHGG Employees: 766 Parent Company:


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2011 172,018,000 29,591,000 -36,098,000 -20.98% 48,728,000 -37,601,000 32,754,000 2,707,000 25,888,000 -19.15%


Phone: 408-8555700 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 3990 Freedom Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054 United States Top Exec. Salary: $837,500 Second Exec. Salary: $487,917

2012 213,334,000 39,315,000 -45,255,000 -21.21% 76,199,000 -49,043,000 54,681,000 15,148,000 22,718,000 -24.97%

Exchange: NYS Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 2 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

China Distance Education Holdings Limited

NAIC Code: 611691


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Exam Preparation and Tutoring Online Education Technology Testing

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: College Cooperation Program

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Zhengdong Zhu, CEO Mark Marostica, Co-CFO Philip Chan, Co-CFO

China Distance Education Holdings Limited (CDEL) is a provider of online education in China. It focuses on professional education, helping them obtain licenses, satisfy continuing education requirements and enhance practical job skills through its courses. CDEL's education content includes 25 education websites covering 13 subjects, 263 course offerings, 5,900 classes and nearly 24,000 hours of audio-video course content. CDEL's websites has 43.7 million cumulative registered users, and receives 94 million unique visitors daily and 50.7 million average daily page views. The firm's education offerings primarily focus on accounting ( &, health care ( and engineering & construction (, but offers other types of courses such as the national judicial examination, online test preparation and graduate school entrance exams. provides test information for various occupational skills examinations; is a self-taught website for those desiring associate diplomas or bachelor degrees in various disciplines; and offers online courses for university students intending to take the graduate school entrance exam administered by China's Ministry of Education. CDEL's College Cooperation Program enables the company to expand its accounting education content and services to college and university students, in partnership with colleges and universities.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 117,548,000

2015 108,177,000

2014 97,196,000

2013 71,360,000

2012 52,102,000

2011 41,564,000

28,725,000 24.43% 41,295,000 26,290,000 38,969,000 2,768,000 36,856,000 16.27% 38.64%

26,661,000 24.64% 37,397,000 24,573,000 37,779,000 4,802,000 33,382,000 14.21% 25.97%

24,556,000 25.26% 33,090,000 23,409,000 44,093,000 2,693,000 30,152,000 16.86% 28.73%

16,023,000 22.45% 25,479,000 13,564,000 32,138,000 2,399,000 18,642,000 13.84% 21.00%

9,494,000 18.22% 19,585,000 8,209,000 15,063,000 2,049,000 11,973,000 8.92% 11.95%

-574,000 -1.38% 21,992,000 -3,802,000 9,192,000 2,401,000 1,801,000 -4.00% -5.14%



Phone: 86-10-8231-99990 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 18th Floor, 1 Zhichun Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100083 China

Stock Ticker: DL Employees: 1,726 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: NYS Fiscal Year Ends: 09/30

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

China Education Alliance Inc

NAIC Code: 611710


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Support Services Online Education Technology Training

China Education Alliance, Inc. (CEAI) is an educational service company. It offers high-quality online education materials, training and tutoring to families, education officials, administrations, schools and teachers in China. CEAI distributes online test preparation materials, researchers' materials, study guides and audio recordings as well as vocational skills and certification training. The company also develops vocational training programs by collaborating with other educational institutions. Vocational training course subjects include IT, administration and multi-media, as well as several personal training programs.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Xiqun Yu, CEO Cloris Li, CFO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity



2014 2,727,571 -35,894,420 -1315.98% 30,523,870 -37,375,900 -31,748,960 1,625,599 -31,795,730 -73.27% -76.09%

2013 6,709,830

2012 11,725,110

2011 34,757,530

-23,055,790 -343.61% 18,919,480 -24,669,780 -16,258,460 996,551 -17,059,050 -29.92% -31.17%

-14,424,320 -123.02% 12,762,220 -14,062,600 -8,283,089 1,489,552 -11,131,850 -13.75% -14.53%

4,453,871 12.81% 16,825,940 6,103,808 16,128,940 9,356,220 7,253,427 5.98% 6.23%



Phone: 86 45182335794 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 58 Heng Shan Road, Harbin, 150090 China

Stock Ticker: CEAI Employees: 1,071 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $30,987 Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: PINX Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

China Education Resources Inc

NAIC Code: 611430


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Professional and Management Development Training Online Textbooks Education Resources

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: EM Today's Teachers Technology & Culture Ltd

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Chengfeng Zhou, CEO Chi Tak Hon, CFO

China Education Resources, Inc. provides products and services to primary and secondary school teachers, education administrators and students throughout China. Its traditional business has been in textbooks, selling millions of books through its education resource portal New curriculum is developed to accommodate the shift in learning methods as necessary. China Education Resources' goal is to be capable of handling the online teaching, learning and administrative requirements of 600,000 schools, 12 million teachers and 230 million students. Currently, all provinces of China have digital education trial regions and all cities and counties have digitalization programs. The CERSP portal has 30 sub-websites in various subject areas. Teachers use the portal for ongoing development and have access to online training and new curriculum materials. Teachers are also able to interact with each other on the site. Parents have access to CERSP's education resources and online access to teachers. Administrators can communicate with teachers and schools. The government has an efficient method of distributing necessary information. Schools have a cost-effective way to distribute materials to students and parents. Through China Education Resources' instant messaging utility, EM, teachers, students, parents and administrators can interact with each other on a real-time basis. Subsidiary Today's Teachers Technology & Culture Ltd. offers distribution of educational products including books, software, audio and video materials as well as educational training tools.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 13,420,350

2015 12,715,830

2014 10,700,660

2013 10,085,420

2012 7,391,934

2011 6,553,140

1,593,044 11.87% 5,430,892 916,204 1,747,028 12,140 1,668,254 11.61%

-198,275 -1.55% 6,234,781 -395,519 -11,997 21,971 -158,447 -5.17%

-322,385 -3.01% 5,560,385 -791,396 -596,070 16,560 -290,871 -11.19%

-2,014,269 -19.97% 4,930,386 -2,718,360 308,280 6,676 -1,990,314 -38.92%

-1,360,761 -18.40% 5,225,521 -1,295,110 -1,987,294 11,380 -1,316,399 -17.01%

177,010 2.70% 4,174,760 -34,027 -1,096,279 19,351 286,433 - .45% -18.01%



Phone: 604 331-2388 Fax: 604 682-8131 Toll-Free: Address: 515 West Pender Street, Ste 300, Vancouver, BC V6B 6H5 Canada

Stock Ticker: CHN Employees: 53 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: TSX Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

ChinaEdu Corporation

NAIC Code: 611710


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Support Services Education

ChinaEdu Corporation is an educational services provider in China. Its primary business is to offer comprehensive services to the online degree programs of leading Chinese universities. These services include academic program development, technology services, enrollment marketing, student support services and finance operations. ChinaEdu's other line of businesses include the operation of private primary and secondary schools as well as online interactive tutoring services. It also provides marketing and support for international and elite curriculum programs and online learning for adult students. ChinaEdu has collaborative alliances with 29 universities that range from 10-50 years in length. ChinaEdu also performs recruiting services for 18 universities through its nationwide learning centers network. The firm is a subsidiary of ChinaEdu Holdings Limited.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Shawn Ding, CEO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity



2014 78,400,000

2013 35,176,088

2012 78,529,824

2011 70,046,768



Phone: 86 1084186655 Fax: 86 1084187331 Toll-Free: Address: 4th Floor-A GeHua Bldg, 1 Qinglong Hutong, Beijing, 100007 China

Exchange: Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 2,137 Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31 Parent Company: ChinaEdu Holdings Limited



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

CIBT Education Group Inc

NAIC Code: 611310


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools Education

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Sprott-Shaw College KBIC Inc CIBT School of Business China Vancouver International College IRIX Design Group GEC Education Super Center Global Education Alliance Global Education City Holdings Inc

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Toby Chu, CEO Dan Huang, CFO David Hsu, Director Maggie Harvie, Executive VP, Divisional Patrick Dang, President, Divisional Tim Leong, Vice President, Divisional

CIBT Education Group, Inc. is an education management company focused on the global education market. It owns and operates a network of 27 business, technical and language colleges and has cooperative joint programs and representative offices in 42 countries, with over 21,000 students enrolled annually. Its wholly-owned college subsidiaries include Sprott-Shaw College, Global Education City, CIBT School of Business China, CIBT Beihai International College, CIBT Guangzhou International College, CIBT International English School and IRIX Design Group. Through these colleges, CIBT offers Western and Chinese accredited degrees and diplomas. CIBT's Global Learning Network delivers western curriculum with western instructors throughout Asia. Subsidiary Global Education Alliance recruits international students for many elite kindergarten, primary and secondary schools, as well as universities in North America. Global Education City Holdings, Inc. is the firm's investment holding and management company with a focus on educationrelated real estate projects in Canada. In July 2016, the firm announced the acquisition of Vancouver International College, an international college specializing in teaching the English language, for $1.5 million. Later that year, in August, CIBT divested its interest in the Acsenda School of Management for $5 million. In October 2016, the firm completed the purchase of land for the future site of the GEC Education Super Center, the very first proposed high-rise education building and will feature three towers, 15 schools, office spaces, computer centers, over 1,400 hotel beds, student lounges, food courts, housekeeping and concierge on approximately 330,000 square feet. In March 2017, the company acquired KGIC, Inc., an education provider with 18 schools in its network.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 26,499,370 -1,025,578 -3.87% 14,389,600 2,866,068 84,476 906,672 9,600,673 4.26% 17.48% 1.19

2015 23,611,860 66,039 -211,257 - .89% 14,052,580 763,133 2,383,211 880,094 6,371,650 1.69% 5.33% 0.02


2014 22,685,260 132,078 -1,676,755 -7.39% 14,347,380 3,760,229 -3,156,433 578,999 -59,057 12.47% 31.18% 0.02

2013 22,860,970 -2,281,913 -9.98% 14,599,670 -848,553 -1,344,218 2,026,339 266,380 -2.71% -7.63% 0.01

Stock Ticker: MBA Employees: 266 Parent Company:


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2011 42,980,510 169,032 -2,987,707 -6.95% 28,857,700 -7,404,492 -2,627,720 405,985 -6,406,442 -20.99% -45.02% 0.01


Phone: 604 871-9909 Fax: 604 871-9919 Toll-Free: Address: 1200-777 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5Z 4J7 Canada Top Exec. Salary: $218,374 Second Exec. Salary: $

2012 42,535,520 35,790 -433,767 -1.01% 21,849,330 -867,712 4,618,483 2,485,521 1,666,297 -2.75% -7.03% 0.03

Exchange: TSE Fiscal Year Ends: 08/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.


NAIC Code: 611420


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Training Online Education Technology Education

Codecademy is an online educational resource offering free courses in programming in several languages. These languages include HTML, CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, PHP, Python and Ruby. The courses are offered through the company's website in an interactive and hands on style that allows students to watch as they build their own webpages, animations and more. Codecademy also has partnerships with several institutions and organizations. For example, in the U.K., it has worked with schools at the secondary level to organize an effective and up-to-date Computer Science curriculum. Across the globe, the company connects students with an afterschool programming club as well. In the U.S., it has partnered with to develop a 12-hour JavaScript curriculum for girls; for every twelve hours she finishes, her classroom will receive a $100 gift certificate from Google to purchase materials for the classroom. The purpose of this partnership is to bring more women into the computer science industry. Working with CSEdWeek and, the company has also launched the Hour of Code initiative, a 1-hour introductory programming course. The company has more than 25 million learners worldwide. Additionally, businesses can utilize Codeacademy's software to teach employees web development, programming languages and data analytics. Codecademy's investors include Collaborative, Founder Collective, KPCB (Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield and Byers), O'Reilly, SVAngel, Thrive Capital, Union Square Ventures, Index Ventures, Naspers and Flybridge. In May 2016, the company launched the My Path Dashboard, a comprehensive display system for users to see their progress in courses. Employee benefits include medical, dental and vision coverage; free lunch; paid time off; guest lectures by industry leaders; and an equipment budget.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Zach Sims, CEO Prasid Pathak, Dir.-Mktg. Ryan Bubinski, CTO Leng Lee, Head-Oper. Nikhil Abraham, Head-Bus. Dev. Cheng-Tao Chu, Dir.-Analytics Manuel Lima, Head-Design Rachel Swindenbank, Head-U.K. Oper.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 49 W 27th St., 4th Fl., New York, NY 10001 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 122 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 4 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Cogstate Limited

NAIC Code: 611710


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Testing Services, Educational Education Technologies Cognition

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: COGNIGRAM CogState Research Axon Sports Consumer Training

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be

Cogstate Limited is a multi-faceted cognitive assessment and training company. It focuses on the development and commercialization of rapid, computerized tests of cognition (brain function). Via scientific research, Cogstate's computer assessment programs were created to assess, monitor and improve cognition. Its tests are universal, easy to use and commercially viable. Its clinical trials provide scientific products and services to optimize design and execution of clinical trials as well as scale management, rater training, central monitoring services and rating scales. In health care, its COGNIGRAM computerized battery of tests offers services to physicians and testing centers. In academic research, its Cogstate Research provides computerized cognitive testing designed for research studies. In sports, Axon Sports Consumer Training provides cognitive training products related to sports, and offers concussion management. The firm has two worldwide headquarters, including New Haven, Connecticut and Melbourne, Australia.

intentionally listed here more than once.

Brad O'Connor, CEO George Hunnewell, COO Lammert Albers, Chief Commercial Officer Richard Gleeson, CTO Martyn Myer, Chmn.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 20,222,510

2015 11,927,320

2014 9,101,619

350,323 1.73% 10,077,240 1,960,448 1,892,826 1,209,518 1,464,669 15.57% 22.09%

-4,821,756 -40.42% 7,919,060 -3,756,445 -2,060,630 782,883 -3,239,500 -34.41% -43.77%

-3,745,599 -41.15% 6,361,427 -2,885,401 -2,529,675 607,576 -2,809,248 -29.71% -35.63%

2013 9,248,044

2012 8,915,347

-1,695,321 -18.33% 8,715,074 -1,452,374 -1,207,762 301,128 -661,434 -17.04% -20.56%

875,975 9.82% 5,941,780 1,819,489 957,975 254,593 2,544,840 24.81% 29.67%



Phone: 61-3-9349-1300 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: Level 2, 255 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000 Australia

Stock Ticker: COGZF Employees: 6 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2011 6,035,321 14,836 -783,250 -12.97% 4,897,077 -627,931 378,587 76,751 -342,414 -10.25% -12.70%

Exchange: PINX Fiscal Year Ends: 06/30

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Connections Education LLC

NAIC Code: 611110


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Online High School Education Online

Connections Education, LLC is an online educational resource for students of grades K-12. It operates in three main divisions: Connections Academy and Nexus Academy, which are for families; and Connections Learning, which is for schools. Connections Academy is an online homeschooling resource, providing a complete course of study for grade school students. It operates both a public online and private online school. Nexus Academy is a college preparatory, tuition-free high school, offering both on campus and online courses for high achieving students. It offers AP and honors courses in a range of subject areas for students at the high school level. Finally, Connections Learning, designed and operated by parent company Pearson Education, Inc., provides supplemental educational assistance to K-12 schools, including online courses, clubs, online speech therapy and more. Connections Education is a wholly-owned subsidiary of global learning company, Pearson PLC. The company supports approximately 30 virtual public schools in 26 states, serving approximately 65,000 students. Employee benefits include health care, 401(k), paid leave and more, depending on the state the employee is located.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Connections Academy Nexus Academy Connections Learning Pearson Education Inc Pearson PLC

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Steven Guttentag, Pres. Sandi Berger, VP-Finance Linda Leftrict, VP-Mktg. Monte Kalisch, CTO Barbara Dreyer, Pres.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 855-568-3232 Fax: Toll-Free: 800-382-6010 Address: 1001 Fleet St., Fl. 5, Baltimore, MD 21202 United States

Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: 739 Parent Company: Pearson PLC



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 1 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Course Hero Inc

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Software

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Course Hero Learn This Document

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Andrew Grauer, CEO Stephen Van Horne, CFO Patrick Mork, CMO Vicki Choi, Dir.-People Oper. Gregor Carrigan, CTO Josh Tyler, VP-Eng. Vicki Choi, Head-Oper. Mala Ganesan, Head-Finance Gokul Rajaram, Chmn.

Course Hero, Inc. is an online platform where students and experts can share and access academic content. The platform covers a multitude of subjects including math, science, engineering, technology, business, social sciences, arts & humanities, history and foreign language. In addition to providing access to the previously listed subjects, the platform also provides learning resources. These resources include items like study guides, reference material, practice exams, labs, lecture notes, practice problems, syllabi, textbook help, tutors, video lecture and flashcards. Furthermore, Course Hero provides standardized testing prep tools for the SAT, ACT, AP and college entrance exams. All-in-all, Course Hero offers the largest collection of study documents and resources online, with over 10 million study documents to choose from, 2 million questions & answers to browse and 10 million digital flashcards to study. Additionally, students can apply for Course Hero scholarships, with typical awards ranging from $5,000$10,000. The company is backed by GSV Capital, IDG Capital Partners, Innovation Endeavors, Maveron and many more. In December 2016, the company launched the Learn This Document technology that utilizes optical character recognition to enable students to quickly generate quizzes from within Course Hero's document archives.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity


2015 16,000,000

2014 10,000,000




Phone: Fax: Toll-Free: 888-634-9397 Address: 1700 Seaport Blvd., Ste. 150, Redwood City, CA 94063 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 60 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 2 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Coursera Inc

NAIC Code: 611310A


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Online University Courses

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Coursera for Governments & Nonprofits

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Richard C. Levin, CEO Lila Ibrahim, COO Kurt Apen, CMO Andrew Ng, Chmn.

Coursera, Inc. is a massive open online course (MOOC) firm that partners with universities and other organizations to offer online courses. The firm currently has 24 million registered users who can choose from over 2,100 courses offered by the firm's 149 university and institutional partners. The courses offered by Coursera include both general and specialized learning with verified course completion certificates. Subjects include the complete range of university-level courses, such as languages, arts, sciences, education, technology, math and social science. Some of the partners of the firm include the National Geographic Society, American Museum of Natural Science, Yale University, The World Bank, Rice University and Princeton University. Students who want to have their course results certified may pay a fee of up to $100 for this service. Additionally, users can attain specialized Professional certification or master's degrees. Coursera utilizes a key stroke identification technology that can recognize the unique typing techniques of individual students in order to minimize fraud in online test-taking. In January 2017, the company launched its program, Coursera for Governments & Nonprofits, to provide affordable access to curated learning programs and certificates to an initial seven countries. In March 2017, the firm announced a strategic alliance with Google to offer Google Cloud Platform training courses.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 16,000,000

2015 12,000,000


2014 4,000,000


2012 1,000,000


Phone: 650-963-9884 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 381 East Evelyn Ave., Mountain View, CA 94041 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 200 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2011 200,000

Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 5 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Cricket Media Group Ltd

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Support Services

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Babybug Ladybug Cricket Cobblestone Muse Story Bug In2Books Cricket Acquisition Group Inc

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Katya Andresen, CEO Aric Holsinger, CFO Maggie Hatfield, Sr. VP-Mktg. Joan Auchter, VP-Education Linda Dozier, CTO Jim Kovarik, Sr. VP-Product Strategy & Dev. Process Jon Zeitler, Exec. VP-Legal Affairs Jon Zeitler, Exec. VP-Corp. Dev. Jason Patenaude, Pres., ePals Media Andrew Berman, Exec. VP Miles Gilburne, Chmn. Mike Kelly, Chmn.-Intl

Cricket Media Group, Ltd. is an education media company. It offers elementary and secondary school administrators, teachers, students and parents a global platform for building educational communities and providing digital content. Cricket Media brands include Babybug, Ladybug, Cricket, Cobblestone, Muse, Faces, Dig, Click, CICADA, Ask and Spider. For families, Cricket offers 11 award-winning magazines for toddlers to teens. Its reading bundle includes printed magazines along with digital companions that can be read on all devices. Digital app, Story Bug, allows children to read together with loved ones even when they are apart. For educators, the firm's ePals global community pairs educators and students around the world in project-based learning for language learning practice and cultural exchange. Its common core e-mentoring program In2Books matches mentors and students to build reading, writing and critical thinking skills. Through these programs, Cricket Media connects millions of students, parents and teachers in over 200 countries and territories worldwide to learn together, and from each other. For companies, Cricket Media licenses its award-winning content to partners for Pre-K-12 curricula, assessments and educational products. It also offers corporate partners access to its platform & community, powering language learning practice and cultural exchange experiences in their own products. The company also offers a variety of sponsorship opportunities. In early 2016, the firm completed its debt restructuring efforts, and agreed to be majority-owned (approximately 55%) by newly-incorporated Cricket Acquisition Group, Inc.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity


2015 13,278,355

2014 14,596,684

2013 16,412,256

2012 15,201,910

2011 3,600,790








Phone: 703 885-3400 Fax: 703 885-3490 Toll-Free: Address: 13625-A DullesTechnology Dr. Suite 800, Herndon, VA 20171 United States

Stock Ticker: EPCPF Employees: 12 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: PINX Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 4 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Curriculum Associates LLC

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational & Training


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Rob Waldron, CEO Renee Foster, Pres. Dave Caron, CFO Woody Paik, Sr. VP-Sales Andy Smith, CTO

Curriculum Associates, LLC is an education publishing company. It designs research-based print and online instructional materials, screens and assessments, as well as data management tools for students and educators. The firm's product categories include reading, language arts, math, standards preparation, online assessment/instruction, early childhood, head start, special education, Title I, response to intervention/inventory/summer school and catalog. Product series include BRIGANCE Early Childhood, BRIGANCE Head Start and BRIGANCE Special Education, all of which offer developmental screening, ongoing assessment, instructional activities and online reporting. Its i-Ready diagnostic & instruction platform combines a valid and reliable growth measure, as well as individualized instruction in a single, online product. The company's CARS & STARS book collection for grades K-8 are used to diagnose and provide differentiated instruction in reading. Its CARS & STAMS book collection are used to diagnose and provide differentiated instruction in mathematics. QUICK-WORD handbooks are helpful resources for students concerning writing, spelling and mathematics. QUICK-WORD handbooks include QUICK-WRITE, QUICKSPELL, PALABRA LISTA and QUICK-MATH.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 140,000,000

2015 86,000,000

2014 83,600,000




Phone: 978-667-8000 Fax: 800-366-1158 Toll-Free: 800-225-0248 Address: 153 Rangeway Rd., North Billerica, MA 01862 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 734 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

CUX Inc (CorpU)

NAIC Code: 611710


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Support Services

CUX, Inc., operating as CorpU, is a professional development company offering online education for corporate talent and leadership teams. The company transforms talent development via research, advice and education. It partners with leading business and academic organizations to capture knowledge, solve problems, generate ideas, teach and learn. The firm's virtual learning communities integrate social media, cloud computing and mobile technologies to seamlessly connect employees and experts to accelerate business success. Members of CorpU gain insights into their most pressing challenges through direct collaboration with peers, advice from experts and best practice findings from its extensive research library. Online, virtual professional development courses help learning & talent professionals stay on the cutting edge of their industries, as well as address prevailing business concerns. Through CorpU courses, organizations can access leadership development programs from the world's best universities and prominent faculty in a cloud-based social learning environment. Major customers have included Caterpillar, M&M Mars and Progressive Insurance. Employee benefits include medical coverage, 401(k) and paid vacation.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Alan Todd, CEO Carl Rhodes, COO Scott Mumma, CFO Spencer Forrest, Chief Commercial Officer Pope Ward, VP-Prod. Strategy Sue Todd, Chief Strategy Officer Doug Lynch, Chief Academic Officer Dave Kurz, VP-Learning Design Julie Yates, VP-Learning Solutions Johannes Loutsch, Chief Creative Officer

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 212-213-2828 Fax: 717-620-3212 Toll-Free: Address: 2401 Walnut St., 7/Fl, Ste 700, Philadelphia, PA 19103 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 94 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 5 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

D2L Corporation

NAIC Code: 611310A


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

D2L Corporation is an educational technology company known for its Brightspace learning management system, the first integrated learning platform. The firm partners with organizations to improve learning through data-driven technology which helps deliver a personalized experience to every learner, regardless of geography or ability. The Brightspace platform provides a learning environment accessible anytime, anywhere. It collects and shares data files; communicates and connects via email, instant messaging, mobile notifications, discussions and accessible social files; personalizes courses through its building tools; provides engaging and immersive course material; and measures and guides through its performance dashboards. D2L's open and extensible platform is used by more than 1,100 clients and 15 million individual learners in higher education, K-12, health care, government and enterprise sectors. The D2L family of companies includes D2L Ltd., D2L Australia Pty Ltd., D2L Europe Ltd., D2L Asia Pte Ltd. and D2L Brasil Solucoes de Tecnologia para Educacao Ltda. In October 2016, the company announced a strategic collaboration with Amazon Web Services to provide strategic public cloud infrastructure. In February 2017, D2L publicized its partnership with Collabco, a U.K. based education software development company, to integrate both company's platforms as an engaging learning solution to universities worldwide.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Brightspace D2L Ltd D2L Australia Pty Ltd D2L Europe Ltd D2L Asia Pte Ltd D2L Brasil Solucoes de Tecnologia

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. John Baker, CEO Cheryl Ainoa, COO Brandon Nussey, CFO Renny Monaghan, CMO Jeremy Auger, Chief Strategy Officer Nick Oddson, CTO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity






Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 783 Parent Company:


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: 519-772-0325 Fax: 519-772-0324 Toll-Free: 877-772-0325 Address: 151 Charles St. W., Ste. 400, Kitchener, ON N2G 1H6 Canada Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 06/30

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Declara Inc

NAIC Code: 519130


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals

Declara, Inc. utilizes big data technology to intelligently connect people to each other in order to learn from each other and solve problems. Declara's product is a social learning platform that features social collaboration, intuitive search, content creation, intelligent chat, live mentoring, assessment and progress tracking. The company provides analytics on how people learn, what content they use or generate, and which peers & mentors help them to its customers so they can improve their learning products and goals. The firm's CognitiveGraph technology platform analyzes & observes how users interact with data, including searches, tweets, posts, blogs, videos, likes, recommendations, messages and web content and subsequently creates a personalized, cognitive learning map based on the data, history and interests. Declara's platform serves governments, companies, educational institutions and research organizations. Declara is open for everyone, providing access to a worldwide community of knowledgeseekers. According to Declara, working together harnesses the power of collective intelligence. Investors of the firm include GSV Capital, edbi, DataCollective, Catamount Ventures, FoundersFund and SUSA Ventures.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Ramona Pierson, CEO Debra Chrapaty, COO Nelson Gonzalez, Chief Strategy Officer Nelson Gonzalez, Chief Science Officer Jay Painter, CTO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: Fax: Toll-Free: 877-216-0604 Address: 977 Commercial St., Palo Alto, CA 94303 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 58 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

DeVry Education Group Inc

NAIC Code: 611310


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Higher Education Online Education Medical School Nursing School Veterinary School Accounting School

DeVry Education Group, Inc. is a publicly held higher-education company in North America. The firm operates DeVry University, Becker Professional Education, Ross University, American University of the Caribbean, Chamberlain College of Nursing, Carrington College, Carrington College of California and DeVry Brasil. DeVry University provides career-oriented, business and technology-based education to students and graduates at locations in the U.S. and Canada, both in traditional classrooms and online. The university offers associate, bachelor's and master's degree programs in technology, health care technology, business and management, with the latter offered through the university's Keller Graduate School of Management. Becker Professional Education is a provider of professional education and training, serving the accounting and finance professions. Ross University operates two schools: the Ross University School of Medicine, which confers a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree; and the Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, which confers a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree. American University of the Caribbean confers a DM to students in the Caribbean. Chamberlain College of Nursing offers programs in nursing education at its 17 campuses in the U.S. and online. Carrington College and Carrington College of California prepare students for careers in health care through certificate, associate and bachelor's degree programs. DeVry Brasil currently operates 13 campuses in the cities such as Salvador, Fortaleza, Recife, Caruaru and Teresina, and offers undergraduate and graduate programs focused on business management, law and engineering.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: DeVry University Becker Professional Education Ross University American University of the Caribbean Chamberlain College of Nursing Carrington College Carrington College of California DeVry Brasil

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Patrick Unzicker, CFO Christopher Nash, Chief Information Officer Kathleen Carroll, Controller Christopher Begley, Director Lisa Wardell, Director F. Caruso, General Counsel Carlos Filgueiras, President, Divisional Eric Dirst, President, Divisional John Roselli, President, Divisional Susan Groenwald, President, Subsidiary Robert Paul, President, Subsidiary Donna Loraine, President, Subsidiary Lisa Sodeika, Senior VP, Divisional Donna Jennings, Senior VP, Divisional

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 1,843,537,000

2015 1,909,943,000

2014 1,923,371,000

2013 1,964,375,000

2012 2,089,781,000

2011 2,182,371,000

-12,143,000 - .65% 654,049,000 -3,166,000 231,569,000 69,396,000 74,187,000 - .15% - .19%

156,910,000 8.21% 708,285,000 139,899,000 203,107,000 88,707,000 243,981,000 6.87% 8.97%

181,268,000 9.42% 727,870,000 134,032,000 265,561,000 79,355,000 272,816,000 6.95% 9.14%

166,928,000 8.49% 756,384,000 106,786,000 261,505,000 111,775,000 261,830,000 5.77% 7.75%

204,237,000 9.77% 808,400,000 141,565,000 277,422,000 129,055,000 297,439,000 7.67% 10.31%

494,175,000 22.64% 762,692,000 330,403,000 407,990,000 135,726,000 560,285,000 18.99% 25.72%



Phone: 630 515-7700 Fax: 630 571-0317 Toll-Free: 800-733-3879 Address: 3005 Highland Pkwy., Downers Grove, IL 60515 United States

Stock Ticker: DV Employees: 13,404 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $857,894 Second Exec. Salary: $447,996

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: NYS Fiscal Year Ends: 06/30

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 5 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

DreamBox Learning Inc

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational & Training

DreamBox Learning, Inc. is an adaptive online software provider that teaches K-8 grade students about mathematics through its DreamBox Learning Math curriculum. The company's dynamic Intelligent Adaptive Learning technology is based on strategies that enable learners to excel in the subject, and contain more than 48,000 data points in over 2,000 lessons presented as animated adventures, games and challenges. For grades six through eight, math topics include basic functions, geometry, single-variable algebra and ratios. Moreover, the firm has embedded adaptive Spanish language support software to its math lessons for students in grades K8. Its integrated assessment and individualized math instruction allows students to work independently. DreamBox Learning's rigorous math curriculum is aligned with the Common Core State Standards, TEKS and other U.S. and Canadian standards. The platform's detailed reporting provides teachers and administrators with data on comprehension, progress and effectiveness. It is exportable for integration with current reporting tools. DreamBox Learning is based in Bellevue, Washington, with an additional office in Raleigh, North Carolina. In 2016, the company launched AssignFocus, an application that enables teachers to make focused assignments for each student based on real-time proficiency data. In March 2017, the firm unveiled DreamBox Nation, an online community for educators to join forces on ways to expand their professional expertise and improve student learning.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Intelligent Adaptive Learning DreamBox Learning Math AssignFocus DreamBox Nation

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Jessie Woolley-Wilson, CEO James Stoffer, VP-Business Operations Kelly Havens, CFO Jennifer Agustin, VP-Mktg. Maris Krieger, Dir.-HR Todd Howson, VP-Eng.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity






Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 141 Parent Company:


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: 425-637-8900 Fax: 425-451-4906 Toll-Free: 877-451-7845 Address: 600 108th Ave. NE, Ste 805, Bellevue, WA 98004 United States Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd. Inc

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Online Education Software e-Learning Solutions Enrollment Marketing Services Software as a Service, Inc., a subsidiary of Pearson plc, builds and supports online learning communities for colleges, universities, K-12 school districts and corporate training organizations. The company provides these services through the Pearson LearningStudio platform, which enables colleges, universities and high schools to offer online and hybrid educational programs as well as on-campus courses. ECollege's OpenClass product is a cloud-based learning management system designed to promote what the company refers to as social learning. ECollege also provides all of these services associated with creating and maintaining quality online education programs. The firm is based in Colorado, USA, with international offices in Australia, India, the U.K. and Mexico.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Pearson plc Pearson LearningStudio OpenClass

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Matthew Leavy, CEO Vance Allen, CTO Matthew Mermagen, VP-Finance David Reis, Principal Acct. Officer Andrew Bergad, VP-Educational Partner Oper. Matthew Mermagen, Gen. Mgr.-Pearson eCollege Int'l

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 303-658-1000 Fax: 303-797-9805 Toll-Free: 888-884-7325 Address: 2154 E. Commons Ave., Centennial, CO 80122 United States

Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: 518 Parent Company: Pearson plc



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Edgenuity Inc

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational & Training


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Sari Factor, CEO David Alderslade, VP-Finance Andy Caulo, VP-Sales Leslie Sobon, VP-Mktg. Phil Steitz, Chief Technology Officer

Edgenuity, Inc. provides schools with tools and resources needed to leverage technology in ways that improve student outcomes. The company's products and solutions enable educators to customize and manage programs for individual student success. Edgenuity's solutions include the following categories: core curriculum, credit recovery, intervention, test readiness, virtual learning, blended learning, summer school and English as a second language (ESL) + special education. Core curriculum is provided through Edgenuity Courseware, which offers a full suite of more than 200 online core curriculum, AP, honors, elective, dual credit and concept and credit recovery courses for middle and high school students. Credit recovery is a self-paced learning and pretesting solution that allows students to spend more time on what they need and less time on already-mastered content. This offering can be customized to meet school or district standards. Online intervention solutions (for K-12), Pathblazer and MyPath, help educators pinpoint learning gaps and provide a targeted, datadriven instructional pathway to help students catch up, keep up and/or get ahead. Test readiness solutions are resources for teachers to diagnose students' academic challenges and prescribe targeted learning opportunities accurately and efficiently. Virtual learning solutions provide flexible, standardsaligned, instructional options for effective online learning. Virtual teachers reteach concepts, provide helpful feedback and communicated regularly with students, school mentors and families. Blended learning solutions bring online instruction into traditional classrooms, and can deliver core courses, credit recovery and supplemental instruction. Summer school solutions provide personalized learning during out-of-school summer months. Edgenuity can partner with schools or districts to create a summer school program to fit unique academic goals. Last, ESL + special education solutions provide online tools and resources to support all learners. These tools and resources include instructional curriculum and course strategies such as read-aloud support, transcripts, captions, definitions, highlighting, eNotes and more.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity


2015 1,723,255

2014 1,556,209





2012 604,601




Phone: 480-423-0118 Fax: Toll-Free: 877-202-0338 Address: 8860 E. Chaparral Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85250 United States

Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: 500 Parent Company: Weld North Ltd



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

EdisonLearning Inc

NAIC Code: 611710


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Education Support Services

EdisonLearning, Inc. is an international educational support service provider that creates solutions to raise student achievement. EdisionLearning was among the first to pioneer the concept of charter schools. The firm is currently partnered with over 350 schools in the U.S., the U.K. and Africa, helping to educate more than 150,000 students. The firm's approach to improving student achievement is based upon its Five Strands model. These strands are the interrelated and essential support systems that manage outstanding schools: leadership, learning environment, assessment for learning, pedagogy (the science and art of education) and curriculum and student and family support. The strands guide good decision making and encourage a positive culture for learning. EdisonLearning's products and services for K-12 include Dropout Prevention and Recovery Centers and school turnaround services for both brick-and-mortar and virtual schools. Magic Johnson Bridgescape Academy is the firm's dropout prevention and recovery program designed for those between the ages of 1321 who have left school or are in danger of doing so, but still want to earn a high school diploma. Bridgescape combines a blended learning environment, individualized instruction path and counseling and coaching to provide optimal support for students. The firm's eCourses consist of over 100 online courses focused on science, technology, engineering and math, designed to personalize the learning experience and engage the student. Provost Academy provides online high school education for learners in select U.S. states. Additionally, the firm offers school management services to elementary and secondary schools, as well as charter schools.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: EdisonLearning Magic Johnson Bridgescape Academy Provost Academy

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Thom Jackson, CEO Jerry Baker, Managing Dir. Maureen Ryan, CFO Curtiss Stancil, CMO Cynthia Gonzalez, VP-Strategic Human Resources Laura Hayes, Chief Academic Officer Mike Williams, CIO Tim Nash, Managing Dir.-EdisonLearning Ltd.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 865-329-3600 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 900 S. Gay St., Ste. 1000, Knoxville, TN 37902 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 336 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 2 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Edmentum Inc

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Software E-Learning Services

Edmentum, Inc. primarily develops and markets educational software and related services. It operates through a softwareas-a-service model, with the majority of its products delivered on a hosted, subscription service basis. The company provides online instruction, curriculum management, assessment and related development services to K-12 schools, community colleges and other educational institutions across the U.S. Its Plato Courseware brand is a standards-based online learning program that engages students with interactive, media-rich content. Edmentum's blended learning format unites traditional instruction with technology in order for students and instructors to engage and connect in learning processes. Educators all over the U.S. are exploring ways to integrate blended learning solutions in their schools. Test preparation programs include Study Island and EducationCity. Assessment software offers educators data to help identify what students know and where learning breaks down throughout the school year. Online courses are built on real-world skills, based on blended learning best practices and aligned to state and national standards. The courses address a wide range of educational needs across the secondary market. Personalized learning is offered by Edmentum, in which it strategically partners instructors with students in order to seamlessly weave assessment, instruction and progress monitoring into a personalized learning strategy. This offering provides students a choice in how, when and where they will learn. Edmentum also offers fully-online virtual courses, which infuses technology into both the learning process as well as the teacher/student engagement process. This offering provides a rigorous and sound curriculum, along with state-certified teachers. Other instructional brands include Edmentum Sensei, EdOptions Academy, Edmentum Assessments, ESL Reading Smart, Reading Eggs and Northstar Workforce Readiness. The company offers its employees medical, vision, life, disability and dental insurance; flexible spending accounts; 529 college savings plan; 401(k); employee assistance program; and tuition reimbursement.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Plato Courseware Study Island EducationCity Edmentum Sensei EdOptions Academy Edmentum Assessments ESL Reading Smart Reading Eggs

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Rob Rueckl, CEO Richard Whalley, Managing Dir. Vincent (Vin) Riera, Pres. James R. Stewart, CFO Ryan Hagedorn, Sr. VP-Sales & Mktg. Stacey Herteux, VP-Human Resources Paul Johansen, CTO Andy Frost, VP-Prod. Mgmt. Dave Adams, Chief Academic Officer Richard Whalley, Managing Dir.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 952-832-1000 Fax: 952-832-1200 Toll-Free: 800-447-5286 Address: 5600 W. 83rd St., Ste. 300, 8200 Tower, Bloomington, MN 55437 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 300 Parent Company: Thoma Bravo LLC



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 10/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 2 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

EDmin Inc

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Education & Training

EDmin, Inc. is an educational software company that provides instructional and data management systems to the education market. The company's flagship product is the Inform Learning System, an integrated software suite that allows educators to assess student progress, use data to guide instruction, access aligned resources and create learning communities. Additional products offered by EDmin include the; Total Reader, an online reading assessment program; and various reporting products, such as INFORM, which measures student progress; and SchoolNomics, which provides financial analysis. The firm also offers alignment services for content providers and publishers through its EdGate Correlation Services and a curriculum management platform through Curriculum Matirx.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Inform Learning System Total Reader Curriculum Matrix SchoolNomics EdGate Correlation Services

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Peter Sibley, CEO Rick Wells, CFO Sara Schiff, VP-Human Resources & Acct. Mike Bours, CTO Rick Wells, VP-Finance & Consulting Svcs. Jim Kuhr, VP-Customer Experience Diana Motsinger, Dir.-Client & Partner Implementation Svcs. Sandra Schugren, VP

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 858-712-9341 Fax: 858-712-9451 Toll-Free: 800-748-6696 Address: 5473 Kearny Villa Rd., Ste. 300, San Diego, CA 92123 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 36 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 3 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Edmodo Inc

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Social Networking Site

Edmodo, Inc. is an educational social networking site that connects students, parents and teachers together in a safe way. The firm is currently connecting approximately 78 million users globally through The networking site allows for students and teachers to stay engaged outside of the classroom. Additionally, the site provides a space where teachers can locate resources and tools that can help them provide a quality education. By creating a single place to post badges and grades, Edmodo makes it easier to tack student progress. Through the apps, students and teachers can personalize learning.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Vibhu Mittal, CEO Crystal Hutter, COO Nic Borg, Co-Founder Jeff O'Hara, Co-Founder

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity



2014 30,000,000




Phone: 650-963-5035 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 1200 Park Place, Ste. 350, San Mateo, CA 94403 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 80 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2012 35,000,000


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Education Management Corporation

NAIC Code: 611310


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Private Colleges

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Art Institutes (The) Argosy University Brown Mackie Colleges South University Western State

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Edward west, CEO Anthony Guida, Senior VP, Divisional Mick Beekhuizen, CFO Carol Dibattiste, Chief Administrative Officer Mark Miko, Chief Information Officer Timothy Moscato, COO, Divisional James Hobby, Executive VP, Divisional Joan Walker, Executive VP, Divisional J. Kramer, General Counsel Craig Swenson, Other Corporate Officer John Kline, Other Corporate Officer John South, Other Corporate Officer Donna Bucella, Other Executive Officer Danny Finuf, President, Divisional Charles Restivo, President, Divisional John Mazzoni, President, Divisional Mark Novad, Senior VP, Divisional Jack Bowen, Senior VP

Education Management Corporation is a provider of postsecondary education in North America offering academic programs to its students through campus-based and online instruction, or through a combination of both. Currently, the firm has 102 location in 31 U.S. states and Canada with 16,900 fulltime, part-time and adjunct faculty and staff serving over 65,000 students. The firm's educational institutions, typically located in large and diverse markets, offers students the opportunity to earn undergraduate and graduate degrees, including doctoral degrees, and certain specialized non-degree diplomas in a broad range of disciplines. These disciplines include creative and applied arts, behavioral sciences, education, health sciences and business fields. Its schools comprise a national education platform that is designed to address the needs of a broad market, taking into consideration various factors that influence demand, such as programmatic and degree interest, employment opportunities, requirements for credentials in certain professions, demographics, tuition pricing points and economic conditions. The firm's schools are organized and managed to capitalize on recognized brands and align them with specific targeted markets based on field of study, employment opportunity, type of degree offering and student demographics. Schools include: The Art Institutes, Argosy University, Brown Mackie Colleges, Western State and South University. In March 2017, the firm announced the execution of a definitive agreement for the sale of substantially all the assets of the firm and its schools to Dream Center Foundation (DCF), a not-for-profit foundation. The sale is expected to be completed in summer of 2017.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity



2014 2,272,736,000

2013 2,498,599,000

2012 2,760,967,000

2011 2,887,629,000

-489,247,000 -21.52% 667,567,000 -663,917,000 70,646,000 73,760,000 -336,746,000 -31.67%

-126,043,000 -5.04% 689,143,000 -267,976,000 191,307,000 83,241,000 33,437,000 -10.39% -71.77% 5.09

-1,409,680,000 -51.05% 760,841,000 -1,515,741,000 -10,850,000 93,546,000 -1,260,491,000 -40.99% -116.57% 2.92

501,274,000 17.35% 759,099,000 229,508,000 399,733,000 138,105,000 636,386,000 5.06% 10.97% 0.69



Phone: 412 562-0900 Fax: 412 562-0598 Toll-Free: Address: 210 6th Ave., Fl. 33, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 United States

Stock Ticker: EDMC Employees: 20,600 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $661,117 Second Exec. Salary: $568,007

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: PINX Fiscal Year Ends: 06/30

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 3 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Eduvant Inc

NAIC Code: 511210H


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational Data Management

Eduvant, Inc. provides data management solutions to school administrators. These administrators include those of schools, districts, charters and state-level organizations. The company provides cloud-based applications and software platforms that collects the mass of student data within a school district and organizes the information to make it meaningful. This is accomplished by the EduVantage Platform, the EduVantage Integration Platform and EduVantage applications, which displays the student data in Dashboards and Presenter. EduVantage Dashboards organizes the daily data of a school's operations, including performance, attendance and student details (such as behavior issues or achievements). Featured on the Dashboard is EduVantage Insights, a side bar providing daily analysis of data trends. EdVantage Presenter exports information organized and displayed in the Dashboard into a PowerPoint presentation. The company partners with education consultants and system integrators to connect educators to its technology.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: EduVantage Platform EduVantage Integration Platform EduVantage Dashboard EduVantage Presenter EduVantage Insights

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Ben Glazer, CEO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 512-619-4883 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 502 E. 41st St., Austin, TX 78751-4323 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.


NAIC Code: 611310A


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Online Education Technology

edX is a nonprofit, massive open online course (MOOC) provider offering university level courses free of charge. Founded by MIT and Harvard University in 2012, the online courses have since expanded to over 90 schools and organizations around the world. Courses are fashioned by university and college professors after those they teach in the classroom. College credit is not earned for each completed course, but rather Certifications of Completion are awarded. Additionally, the website offers programs with XSeries or Professional certification, which include course fees for the programs. The firm partners with several schools, known as the xConsortium, and it is these charter members who provide course material and also work with edX in its research efforts. Charter members include Berkeley, the University of Texas, Australian National University, Boston University, Caltech, Columbia University, Cornell, Dartmouth, Georgetown, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kyoto University, Princeton, Rice, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Chicago, Oxford and many other prestigious universities. Combined, these colleges and universities offer faculty and staff that teach more than 1,300 courses. In September 2016, the website launched its MicroMasters Program, a new category of Master's level online education and can count as credit toward a Master's degree at universities that acknowledge the MicroMaster's certificate, resulting in an accelerated program.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Anant Agarwal, CEO Wendy Cebula, COO Risa Sparks, Sr. Dir.-Finance Sasha Norkin, VP-Mktg. Piotr Mitros, Chief Scientist Mark Haseltine, CTO Rob Rubin, VP-Eng. Tena Herlihy, VP Johannes Heinlein, VP-Strategic Partnerships Kathy Pugh, VP-Education Svcs.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 30,000,000

2015 20,000,000





Phone: 617-480-6585 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 141 Portland St., Fl. 9, Cambridge, MA 02139 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 279 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 3 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

EPFL de Lausanne (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne) NAIC Code: 611310


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools

EPFL de Lausanne (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne), the sister school of ETH Aurich, is a research university founded by the Swiss Federal Government for the study of science and engineering. With a focus on training, research and technology transfer, the school offers 24 programs of study from the Bachelors level to Doctoral in the fields of engineering; basic sciences; architecture, civil and environmental engineering; computer and communication sciences; life sciences; technology management; and humanities. The campus houses five schools, two colleges, one transdisciplinary entity, 23 institutes and 353 laboratories and research groups, with a focus on trans-disciplinary research in partnership with universities across the world. EPFL has over 10,500 students of over 116 nationalities pursuing bachelor, master, PhD and post-doctorate degrees. The EPFL Innovation Park is comprised of 13 buildings as a venue for meetings and exchanges for scientific research and technology companies. One notable project conducted at Innovation Park is the Human Brain Project, directed by EPFL and conducted through 89 European institutions. The school focuses on technology transfer, integrating academic research into the corporate world, working with such companies as Nestle, Logitech and Cisco.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Patrick Aebischer, Pres.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 41-21-693-11-11 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: Route Cantonale, Lausanne, 1015 Switzerland

Stock Ticker: Government Employees: 5,879 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

eScholar LLC

NAIC Code: 511210H


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational Data Management Online Education Technology

eScholar, LLC is an education data solutions company, supporting personalized education to over 20 million students across the U.S. Data collected by the company is used by school districts and state boards of education to assess whether students are measuring up to educational standards such as those laid out in the No Child Left Behind legislation. One such solution is the Complete Data Warehouse, which ingrates and manages information collected on students, programs, teachers and more. To identify students or teachers, the company also offers Uniq-ID to facilitate longitudinal analysis. Its Interstate ID enables state education agencies to track and identify students across state lines to promote improved communication, accelerated exchange of information and identification of false drop-outs. The firm's myTrack product organizes and makes meaningful data collected by the Complete Data Warehouse. The eScholar EDEN/EDFacts Solutions is a comprehensive, commercial off-the-shelf software workflow tool that reduces the burden on state education agencies by simplifying the EDEN (Education Data Exchange Network) data submission process. This product can seamlessly create EDEN files using data from several source systems. All aggregated data is loaded and stored indefinitely in the eScholar EDEN Data Mart, allowing states to review, analyze and report data on demand and longitudinally from a central repository. eScholar solutions support pre-K through post-secondary student achievement. The company offers employees medical and dental insurance, a flexible spending account, short- and long-term disability, life insurance, 401(k), employee assistance and wellness and tuition reimbursement.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: myTrack Uniq-ID Complete Data Warehouse EDEN/EDFacts Solutions eScholar EDEN Data Mart

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Shawn Bay, CEO Wolf Boehme, Pres. Stephanie Ashmeade, Dir.-Finance & Admin. Elissa Seto, Sr. Mgr.-Mktg. & Sales John Pozzuto, Chief Technology Officer Stuart Colvin, Fellow

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity






Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 55 Parent Company:


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: 914-989-2900 Fax: 914-989-2990 Toll-Free: 877-328-2969 Address: 222 Bloomingdale Rd., Ste. 107, White Plains, NY 10605 United States Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Estacio Participacoes SA

NAIC Code: 611310


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools

Estacio Participacoes S.A. is a for-profit higher education institute located in Brazil and is accredited by the Ministry of Education. In 2016, it had 508,000 students in distance learning programs. Offering graduate and undergraduate courses, the company operates through one university, nine university centers, 38 colleges and 209 distance learning units spread across 22 states. It offers 78 undergraduate courses in the humanities, biological science and exact science. All educational offerings are divided in the following manners: polytechnic, undergraduate, specialization, master's and doctorate degree courses. Marketing under the brand Estacio, the company owns several subsidiaries, namely Estacio Editora e Distribuidor Ltda., a book distributor; Nova Academia, an educational institution; Sociedade de Ensino Superior Estacio de Sa Ltda., or the society for higher education, located in Rio de Janeiro; and IREP.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Estacio Estacio Editora e Distribuidor Ltda Nova Academia Sociedade de Ensino Superior Estacio de Sa Ltda IREP

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Pedro Thompson Landeira de Oliveira, CEO Sergio Santos Leite Pinto, VP-Oper. Leonardo Moretzsohn De Andrade, CFO Antonio Higino Viegas, VP-Mktg. Mauricio Pereira Ignacio, VP-People & Mgmt. Joao Cox Neto, Chmn.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 1,024,550,000

2015 945,699,100

2014 773,587,300

2013 556,917,200

2012 445,044,700

2011 369,486,200

147,703,200 14.41% 294,273,900 118,429,300 269,204,400 89,313,420 226,273,400 8.65% 14.39% 0.22

165,978,700 17.55% 252,080,900 155,934,000 25,180,810 110,248,400 241,889,800 12.31% 19.10% 0.28

136,620,200 17.66% 200,178,900 136,942,600 156,902,100 375,616,400 171,348,400 15.05% 21.76% 0.23

79,964,280 14.35% 148,554,100 78,729,490 44,443,410 41,682,640 101,786,200 14.48% 21.99% 0.15

47,837,980 10.74% 120,670,800 35,289,560 29,926,640 34,421,530 67,530,720 9.50% 16.54% 0.37

27,112,800 7.33% 36,622,160 22,570,940 -1,744,096 46,493,140 48,377,190 7.49% 11.64% 0.40



Phone: 55 2124339700 Fax: 55 2124339722 Toll-Free: Address: Av. Emb Abelardo Bueno, 199-6 Andar Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22775040 Brazil

Stock Ticker: ECPCY Employees: 15,296 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: PINX Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Festo Didactic Inc

NAIC Code: 611430


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Professional and Technical Training

Festo Didactic, Inc. is a developer of computer-based learning systems, simulation training software and modular multimedia educational programs for technical education. Its product and service portfolio offers solutions for rapid learning and retention in the entire spectrum of automation technologies: pneumatics, electropneumatics, hydraulics, electrohydraulics, electronics, electrical and mechanical engineering, sensors, robotics, telecommunications, computer numerical control technology, programmable logic controller, fieldbus technology, information technology, electric power & controls, instrumentation and process control, refrigeration and air conditioning, automation and mechatronics, family and consumer sciences, and projectbased learning. Courses include Industrial Training Zone eseries courses as well as hands-on instruction. Through whollyowned subsidiary, Lab-Volt Systems, Inc., Festo Didactic markets Etraining in a box and Itz by Lab-Volt. Etraining in a box connects schools and local industries to share web-based training. Itz by Lab-Volt (industrial training zone) includes the company's industry training courses available for individual use. Festo Didactic is part of the Festo Group, a globallyoriented, independent family company based in Esslingen, Germany. Festo Didactic has production centers in Germany and the U.S., as well as offices and representatives in more than 100 countries worldwide.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Festo Group Lab-Volt Systems Inc Etraining Itz by Lab-Volt

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Nader Imani, CEO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 3,701,052,004

2015 3,009,031,200

2014 2,786,140,000


2013 22,291,000

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 900 Parent Company:


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: 732-938-2000 Fax: 732-681-3243 Toll-Free: Address: 607 Industrial Way W., Eatontontown, NJ 07724 United States Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Fidelis Education Inc

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational & Training Online Education Technology

Fidelis Education, Inc. is an education tech company serving college and universities, companies, the military and K-12 education. Its software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform provides individualized lesson plans to make the most out of every student, no matter the level of education nor the type. In addition, Fidelis' products also track student data, organizing it into a comprehensible fashion, and develops networking opportunities between students and alumni. This technology is hosted on Amazon Web Services in a virtual private cloud (VPC). Fidelis' learning relationship management (LRM) product is used by public companies and major universities to help them organize complex learning relationships between students, teachers, mentors, companies and societies. Investors of the firm include Novak Biddle Venture Partners, American Public University System, Accel Partners, O'Reilly AlphaTech Ventures, Kapor Capital and Ulu Ventures. Employee benefits include medical, dental and vision coverage; a 401(k); and unlimited vacation time.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Gunnar Counselman, CEO Sharon van Wyk, Managing Dir. Caroline Roma, CMO Anoop Jayadevan, CTO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 650-397-5032 Fax: Toll-Free: 415-967-0940 Address: 201 San Antonio Circle, Ste 230, Mountain View, CA 94040 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 9 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 1 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Fishtree Inc

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational & Training

Fishtree, Inc. is a learning platform that enables education technology providers to adapt curriculum to individual educator and student needs. The firm's one-to-one instruction adapts to each learning environment and experience by allowing lessons to be created easily from millions of resources, and aligning them per competencies or standards. The adaptive system supports blended, competency-based and self-paced learning. Fishtree's platform equips schools with the tools to integrate technology and personalize learning. The company's global network of partners is located throughout the U.S., China, Southern Africa, the Middle East, Ireland, Chile, Puerto Rico and Korea. Its standard-aligned system has been translated into several languages, including Mandarin Chinese, Latin American Spanish and Korean, among others.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Terry Nealon, CEO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity


2015 7,000,000

2014 3,000,000




Phone: 301-312-6211 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 2221 S. Clark St., Fl. 12, Arlington, VA 22202 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 40 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Flat World Knowledge Inc

NAIC Code: 511130


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Internet Textbook Publishers

Flat World Knowledge, Inc. is a college-level textbook and educational supplements publisher. The firm offers its books in both print and digital format. Through its innovative platform, Flat World has drastically lowered the cost of textbooks, increased access to textbooks and has made textbooks personalized. Through digital technology, textbooks sold by the firm are much cheaper for the student to purchase and can be customized through the MIYO (make it your own) platform by the instructor or institution to fit course curriculum. Additionally, as all books are stored digitally and only printed on demand, as new editions become available, students and professors are not forced to purchase them. Flat World's features include adaptive engines, real-time learning analytics, digital learning materials and a high-touch coach and faculty model, enabling its education programs to be accessible anywhere, any time. The firm partners directly with institutions. This allows the institution, for a small licensing fee, to provide the books for its students at an even more discounted price or even for free.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Jade Roth, CEO Sunil Chandran, CTO Dan Brandt, VP-Tech. Pam Hersperger, VP-Content

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 877-257-9243 Fax: 845-215-0117 Toll-Free: Address: 1111 19th St. NW, Ste 1180, Washington, DC 20036 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 57 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 2 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Florida Virtual School (FLVS)

NAIC Code: 611110


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Online High School (non-profit)


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Ronald Blocker, CEO William Gordon, COO John Pavelchak, CFO Melissa Wurzel, Sr. Dir.-Mktg. & Comm. Felicia Ryerson, Chief Learning Officer Conrad Cross, CIO John Logan, VP-Curriculum Prod. Innovation Holly Sagues, Chief Policy Officer Cecilia Lopez, Chief Bus. Dev. Officer Cassie Nielsen, Chief Community Rel. Officer Todd Jones, VP-Strategic Partnerships Jodi Marshall, VP-Instruction Pam Birtolo, Chief Officer of Education Transformation Andy Ross, VP-FLVS Global

Florida Virtual School (FLVS) is an online public school. For students within Florida, classes are free. For students that live outside of Florida, classes are available on a tuition basis. Each class is taught by a certified teacher. The school offers more than 150 classes for those in elementary, middle and high school, as well as for those being home schooled. FLVS is fully accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, as well as by AdvancED. FLVS' part-time course catalog for middle and high school students are for those currently attending a traditional public or private school. Additionally, the firm has a flexible program for K-5 grade. Fulltime students (K-12) are eligible to enroll via its fully-online public school, a 180-day calendar that runs from August to June. Part-time homeschool students can take several courses at once or just a few to supplement learning curriculum any time during the year. Part-time core courses include English, math, health/physical education, science, social studies and world languages, as well as several electives. Full-time courses include language arts, math, health/physical education, humanities, social studies, science and the arts, as well as electives, career/technical education courses and advanced placement courses. More than 2.4 million semester courses have been completed at FLVS since its 1997 inception.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 206,644,673

2015 193,253,305

2014 187,934,811

2013 212,882,435

2012 149,919,001








Phone: 800-374-1430 Fax: 407-531-3480 Toll-Free: Address: 2145 Metrocenter Blvd., Ste. 100, Orlando, FL 32835 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 1,100 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 06/30

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 8 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Franklin Covey Company

NAIC Code: 611430


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Training & Consulting Online Sales Motivational Products Seminars

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: FC Organizational Products LLC 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (The) Winning Customer Loyalty

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Robert Whitman, CEO Stephen Young, Controller Colleen Dom, Executive VP, Divisional Paul Walker, Executive VP, Divisional Shawn Moon, Executive VP, Divisional Scott Miller, Executive VP, Divisional Michael Covey, Executive VP, Divisional Clifton Davis, Executive VP

Franklin Covey Company provides consulting and training services on a global basis. It is involved in the business of marketing and sale of communication training programs and consulting services to clients such as government and educational institutions as well as for-profit enterprises. It specializes in offering seminars, workshops and educational materials designed to improve organizational effectiveness, written and oral business communication skills and personal effectiveness. Its programs, such as The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and Winning Customer Loyalty, are divided into seven categories: leadership, productivity, trust, execution, sales performance, education and customer loyalty. Programs are delivered in a combination of methods, including onsite presentations by consultants, public workshops, books and publications, electronic tools and videos and online seminars. Its training seminars and programs are delivered through company-owned offices in the U.S., Australia, Japan and the U.K. as well as in over 150 other countries through licensee partners. Additionally, the firm licenses the Franklin Covey brand to FC Organizational Products LLC, which sells products such as day planners, software, binders, bags and cases, books, CDs and DVDs through retail stores, catalogs and its web site.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 200,055,000

2015 209,941,000

2014 205,165,000

2013 190,924,000

2012 170,456,000

2011 160,804,000

13,849,000 6.92% 112,051,000 7,016,000 32,665,000 6,229,000 21,117,000 3.58% 6.40% 0.35

19,529,000 9.30% 108,802,000 11,116,000 26,190,000 4,612,000 27,424,000 5.47% 8.81% 0.19

24,765,000 12.07% 106,164,000 18,067,000 18,124,000 11,257,000 31,333,000 9.15% 15.49% 0.20

21,614,000 11.32% 101,176,000 14,319,000 15,528,000 5,398,000 27,929,000 8.10% 14.53% 0.25

17,580,000 10.31% 89,462,000 7,841,000 15,562,000 4,392,000 21,927,000 4.97% 9.23% 0.31

11,112,000 6.91% 85,255,000 4,807,000 15,643,000 5,423,000 18,240,000 3.21% 6.39% 0.40



Phone: 801 817-1776 Fax: 801 817-6085 Toll-Free: 800-827-1776 Address: 2200 W. Parkway Blvd., Salt Lake City, UT 84119 United States

Stock Ticker: FC Employees: 825 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $525,000 Second Exec. Salary: $350,000

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: NYS Fiscal Year Ends: 08/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 4 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Fullbridge Inc

NAIC Code: 611410


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Business Skills Courses

Fullbridge, Inc. provides educational services and programs that fill the gap between those leaving college and the workplace. The institute has developed an intensive learning experience developed with input from leading employers and thought leaders. Lyra is the company's data-drive learning platform that incorporates experiential, high-tech learning. Lyra features include management insights and the Lyra SkillsPrint, the procedure in which the platform translates data and providing actionable feedback on competency gaps to its users. The two product offerings are the Lyra Learning Labs and Lyra Working Labs. Its programs range from one week to one month, and are designed to provide learners with the skills, attitudes, confidence and direction needed in today's work environments. Individuals are assessed before and after each program is implemented. Fullbridge's audience includes higher education institutions and foundations, helping them obtain students who are work-ready; companies and professional firms, building long-term partnerships to help identify and develop high-potential young talent and emerging leaders; and government and ministries, which bridges the workplace skills gap for young adults and professionals worldwide.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Lyra Lyra SkillsPrint Lyra Learning Labs Lyra Working Labs

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Roger Berry, CEO Ramon A. Rivera, CFO Matt Rubins, Head-Program Development Vilmos Csizmadia, CTO Andrew Notaro, Exec. Dir.-Law Rick O'Donnell, Chief Revenue Officer Candice Carpenter Olson, Co-CEO Stuart Goldfarb, Strategic Consultant Patricia Jackson, Exec. Dir.-Institutional Partnerships Cara Ferragamo Murray, Exec. Dir.-Consumer Programs

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: Fax: Toll-Free: 888-945-5505 Address: 38 Chauncy Street, Boston, MA 02111 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 74 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 2 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

FutureLearn Limited

NAIC Code: 611310A


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Online University Courses

FutureLearn, a subsidiary of The Open University, provides a massive open online course (MOOC) learning platform. The firm offers hundreds of online courses from more than 120 international universities, business schools and specialist organizations and has nearly 6 million registered users. FutureLearn's four non-university cultural institutions are the British Museum, the British Council, the British Library and the National Film and Television School. Courses taken are six to ten weeks long (a few are two and three weeks long), and are presented via videos, audio lectures and article readings. Many of these steps are followed by short quizzes to check for understanding. Every step has a space to allow learners to comment and ask questions. These comments appear in the margin on large screens or is revealed below on small screens. Topics can be discussed with other students in the course, or with the educator. Each step provides a mark-it switch, meaning it has been completed. Each course includes quizzes, tests and assignments. Students have the option to buy a Statement of Participation in order to certify the course was taken and completed. Course categories include business, management, creative arts, media, health, psychology, history, languages, cultures, law, literature, nature/environment, online/digital, politics and the modern world, science/maths/technology, sports, leisure, teaching and studying.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Simon Nelson, CEO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity






Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: 98 Parent Company: Open University (The)


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: Fax: Toll-Free: Address: PO Box 77, Chambers Bldg., Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 United Kingdom Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

GEMS Education

NAIC Code: 611110


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Private Schools, Elementary or Secondary

GEMS Education is a global advisory and education management firm. GEMS stands for Global Education Management Systems, and is comprised of a network of more than 85 schools in 13 countries. The company provides education services to public and private clients in order to transform the quality of education and skills provision in schools and school systems. It offers leadership and management solutions, education system transformation, skills readiness and strategy and consulting services. GEMS provides pre-school, primary and secondary education, and its schools are established in various price brackets so as to serve all markets and income levels. GEMS aims to equip children to live in multicultural environments, and teaches the importance of giving back to others both locally and globally. The company employs more than 20,000 teachers, leaders and education specialists from more than 80 countries. GEMS students have been accepted into 980 universities in 48 countries, including 66 of the world's top 100 universities. Its consultancy services are offered through GEMS Education Solutions, which works internationally with sector clients on school improvement initiatives. The Varkey Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the firm, which aims to impact 100 underprivileged children for every child enrolled in a GEMS school. Headquartered in Dubai, GEMS has offices in the U.K., the U.S., Singapore, India, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt, Kenya, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates. The company offers medical benefits, in-house training programs, holiday benefits packages, travel assistance, employee assistance and discounts.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: GEMS Education Solutions Varkey Foundation (The) Global Education Management System

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Dino Varkey, CEO Sunny Varkey, Chmn.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 879,300,000

2015 789,700,000







Phone: 971-4-3477770 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: GEMS Education Bldg., Sheikh Zayed Rd., Dubai, Arab Emirates

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: Parent Company:

SALARIES/BONUSES: Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $




Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 08/31

OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

General Assembly

NAIC Code: 611420


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Training Coding User Experience Design Data

General Assembly is a global educational institution which offers classes both online and in person. The firm started in New York as a community for startup companies and entrepreneurs. In addition to its New York campus, General Assembly is located in Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver, Austin, Chicago, Atlanta, Boston, New York and Washington D.C., USA; London, England; Hong Kong; Singapore; and Melbourne and Sydney, Australia. The institute's on-campus classes include full-time courses: Android development immersive, data science immersive, product management immersive, user experience design immersive and web development immersive; and part-time courses: back-end web development, data analytics, data science, digital marketing, front-end web development, iOS development, JavaScript development, product management, user experience design and visual design. General Assembly's online classes include web development immersive remote, as a full-time course; and HTML/CSS/web design, data analytics, digital marketing and user experience design, as part-time courses. General Assembly comprises more than 250 expert instructors, as well as more than 40,000 global alumni.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Jake Schwartz, CEO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity






Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 2,665 Parent Company:


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: 917-722-0237 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 902 Broadway, 4/Fl, New York, NY 10010 United States Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Genius SIS Inc

NAIC Code: 511210H


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Business Management & ERP

Genius SIS, Inc. is a web-based student information system (SIS) designed to make operations within schooling easier. The software accomplishes a myriad of tasks, from admissions to enrollments and tracks student information, academic performance, reporting and much more. It is marketed for use in virtual charter schools, blended and online schools, school districts, private high schools, college, universities and statewide online programs. Users can schedule a free demo with the company prior to utilizing the software into their institution. In addition to academic management, this product also handles administrative tasks such as creating new user profiles, tracking logs and editing dynamic lists. The Genius Dashboard and Academic Snapshot are some features of the software. It is made to integrate with other learning management systems and works with external payment services to process student payments. Using student data entered into the system, Genius SIS can also create reports for users to access.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Beny Lederman, CEO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 954-667-7747 Fax: 267-590-2975 Toll-Free: Address: 150 Pine Island Rd., Ste 420, Plantation, FL 33324 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 8 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

GP Strategies Corporation

NAIC Code: 611430


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Professional and Management Development Training Consulting Online Training

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: EtaPRO Performance & Condition Monitoring System GPiLEARN Sandy Group Maverick Solutions McKinney Rogers Emantras

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Scott Greenberg, CEO Sharon Esposito-Mayer, CFO Harvey Eisen, Chairman of the Board Deborah Ung, Executive VP Donald Duquette, Executive VP, Divisional Karl Baer, Executive VP, Divisional Kenneth Crawford, General Counsel Douglas Sharp, President David Gugala, Senior VP

GP Strategies Corporation is an independent provider of training, e-Learning solutions, management consulting and engineering services. It serves leading companies in the automotive, steel, oil and gas, power, chemical, electronics and technology, manufacturing, software, financial services, retail, healthcare and food and beverage industries, as well as government agencies. Its four segments are: learning solutions, professional and technical services, Sandy training & marketing and performance readiness solutions. Learning solutions delivers training, curriculum design and development, e-Learning services, system hosting, training business process outsourcing and consulting services globally. Professional and technical services provide training, consulting, engineering and technical services that include emergency preparedness, safety and regulatory compliance; and chemical demilitarization and environmental services primarily to large companies in the manufacturing, steel, pharmaceutical industries, as well as to federal and state government agencies and large government contractors. The firm's proprietary EtaPRO Performance & Condition Monitoring System provides a suite of real-time software solutions for power generation facilities and is installed on power-generating units across the world. In addition to providing custom training solutions, this segment provides web-based training through the GPiLEARN portal, which offers a variety of courses to power plant personnel in the U.S. and other countries. Sandy Group training & marketing provides custom product sales training and is a leader in serving manufacturing customers in the U.S. automotive industry. It offers custom product sales training with respect to new vehicle features and designs, enabling clients to address detailed customer queries. Performance readiness solutions offers performance consulting and technology consulting services, including platform adoption, end-user training, change management, knowledge management, customer product training outsourcing and sales enablement solutions. In 2016, the firm acquired Maverick Solutions, a provider of enterprise resource planning (ERP) product training services. In 2017, the firm acquired McKinney Rogers, a global consultancy firm; and Emantras, a digital education company.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 490,559,000

2015 490,280,000

2014 501,867,000

2013 436,689,000

2012 401,572,000

2011 333,167,000

31,424,000 6.40% 48,597,000 20,247,000 18,077,000 2,335,000 38,064,000 6.55% 12.42% 0.16

32,322,000 6.59% 47,748,000 18,789,000 25,554,000 2,357,000 38,869,000 6.18% 12.11% 0.07

43,859,000 8.73% 47,108,000 27,098,000 30,998,000 2,757,000 53,414,000 9.25% 15.72% 0.16

38,352,000 8.78% 39,589,000 23,756,000 16,253,000 6,714,000 47,471,000 9.05% 13.18%

35,682,000 8.88% 35,500,000 22,688,000 25,312,000 2,536,000 43,653,000 9.95% 14.60%

27,943,000 8.38% 30,249,000 17,860,000 16,199,000 3,975,000 35,316,000 9.04% 13.31%



Phone: 410 379-3600 Fax: 410 540-5311 Toll-Free: Address: 70 Corporate Center, 11000 Broken Land Pkwy, Ste 200, Columbiz, MD 21044 United States

Stock Ticker: GPX Employees: 3,300 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $560,000 Second Exec. Salary: $520,000

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: NYS Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Grand Canyon Education Inc

NAIC Code: 611310


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Online Education

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: College of Nursing and Health Care Professions College of Doctoral Studies College of Science, Engineering and Technology College of Education Colangelo College of Business College of Fine Arts and Production College of Theology Grand Canyon University

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Daniel Bachus, CFO Brian Mueller, Chairman of the Board Joseph Mildenhall, Chief Information Officer W. Meyer, COO Brian Roberts, General Counsel

Grand Canyon Education, Inc. is a provider of online postsecondary education services. Through Grand Canyon University (GCU), the firm focuses on offering graduate and undergraduate degree programs in the areas of business, education, liberal arts and health care. GCU is regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and licensed to operate and offer programs by the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education. The university also holds specialized accreditations for certain programs from the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs and Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education. GCU has approximately 74,500 current students, of which roughly 79.6% are enrolled in online programs. Approximately 38.8% of GCU's students are pursuing either master's or doctoral degree programs. Grand Canyon Education primarily recruits students age 25 or older who are pursuing a degree while remaining employed. Roughly 87.1% of its students fall under this category. GCU offers academic programs through the Colangelo College of Business; College of Nursing and Health Care Professionals; College of Education; College of Science, Engineering and Technology; College of Fine Arts and Production; College of Theology; and College of Doctoral Studies. Grand Canyon is unusual among for-profit schools in that it positions itself as a Christian university. The school encourages distance-learners to become involved in campus life and to attend events such as basketball games. It was the first for-profit university to achieve Division 1 athletic status. The firm offers employees benefits including life, disability, dental and health insurance; flexible spending accounts; an onsite health center, pool, fitness center and childcare facility; a 401(k); paid time off; tuition imbursement; and an employee ass

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 873,344,000

2015 778,200,000

2014 691,055,000

2013 598,335,000

2012 511,257,000

2011 426,741,000

237,203,000 27.16% 263,040,000 148,514,000 218,286,000 239,019,000 283,135,000 14.91% 21.46% 0.08

210,361,000 27.03% 238,188,000 131,411,000 173,900,000 218,301,000 246,036,000 15.88% 24.19% 0.12

180,815,000 26.16% 221,449,000 111,466,000 166,996,000 168,646,000 210,972,000 16.25% 27.15% 0.16

143,276,000 23.94% 200,640,000 88,711,000 118,449,000 93,490,000 172,576,000 15.96% 30.64% 0.25

114,052,000 22.30% 176,802,000 69,447,000 144,196,000 104,876,000 136,046,000 17.08% 34.95% 0.40

82,160,000 19.25% 149,780,000 50,546,000 97,099,000 80,545,000 99,282,000 16.78% 33.70% 0.12



Phone: 602 639-7500 Fax: Toll-Free: 877-860-3951 Address: 3300 W. Camelback Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85017 United States

Stock Ticker: LOPE Employees: 3,850 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $642,000 Second Exec. Salary: $375,000

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: NAS Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 1 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Greenwood Hall Inc

NAIC Code: 611710


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Consultants


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. John Hall, CEO David Ruderman, Chief Marketing Officer Bill Bradfield, Executive VP, Divisional Josh Cage, Executive VP, Divisional Shane Cobb, Vice President, Divisional

Greenwood Hall, Inc. is an education technology company that provides technology-enabled solutions that enable public and private, not-for-profit colleges and universities to support student learning anywhere. The firm does this by providing the services and technology that enable schools to revolutionize how they manage the student lifecycle. Each of Greenwood Hall's solutions is designed to help its education partners increase revenue, improve efficiencies, enhance student experience and improve student outcomes. Services provided by the firm include: solutions that support the entire student lifecycle including lead generation/marketing, new student recruitment, enrollment counseling, financial aid advising, new student recruitment, retention counseling, career advising, student concierge and help desk services; consulting services, including market assessments and analysis of internal operational efficiency; and various data and technology enabled solutions that enable school clients to better manage/analyze data, deliver instruction to students (online, hybrid and classroom) and make certain institutional decisions. Additionally, Greenwood Hall provides donor lifecycle management services to various major non-profit organizations.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 7,554,436

2015 8,064,245

2014 5,291,511

-3,696,801 -48.93% 6,407,832 -8,524,428 -1,874,788 2,998 -4,659,615 -747.57%

-4,977,746 -61.72% 8,150,619 -9,841,911 -3,363,812 9,177 -5,090,481 -614.25%

-2,327,804 -43.99% 5,022,520 -3,526,551 -3,413,521 159,746 -2,353,067 -348.47%


2012 -37,923 -583.43% 38,923 -37,923 -37,823 -37,923 -521.31%



Phone: 949 655-5000 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 1936 East Deere Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92705 United States

Stock Ticker: ELRN Employees: 163 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $325,000 Second Exec. Salary: $268,000

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: PINX Fiscal Year Ends: 08/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

HealthAnswers Education

NAIC Code: 611410


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Training Pharmaceuticals Marketing Services Promotions Medical Education Services Sales Force Training Brand Development

HealthAnswers Education provides training that prepares mass-market and specialized sales forces, from pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, to conduct compelling sales discussions with its customers. The company's training includes the enhancement of selling skills, business acumen, market management, clinical product testing, management development and sales force effectiveness. Its program offerings are grouped into four divisions: sales force effectiveness, which includes needs assessments, curriculum audits, performance measurement and targeting/segmenting; live training events, including workshops for representatives/managers/liaisons, new product training, launch meetings, application-selling environments and selling certification activities; distance learning programs, including learning modules in print and e-based formats, virtual preceptorships, web-based/CD/DVD-ROM training, webinars, clinical journal clubs, newsletters, e-mail updates and motivational campaigns; and manager training programs, including train-the-trainer, global train-the-trainers, leadership training, coaching skills training and advanced coaching. HealthAnswers operates as a subsidiary of Sudler & Hennessey, LLC, which itself is a subsidiary of WPP plc. HealthAnswers provides its employees with medical, dental and vision plans; life insurance; and short- and long-term disability.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Mark Samuel, Pres. Jed Beitler, Chmn.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity






Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 15 Parent Company: WPP plc


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: 214-442-9017 Fax: 215-412-4100 Toll-Free: Address: 700 Dresher Rd., Horsham, PA 19044 United States Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

HealthStream Inc

NAIC Code: 611430


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational & Training Content Internet-based Educational Programs

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: HealthStream Learning Center Authoring Center HealthStream Competency Center HealthStream Performance Center SimCenter SimManager Performance Management Services Inc Morrisey Associates Inc

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Gerard Hayden, CFO Jeffrey Doster, Chief Technology Officer J. Pearson, COO Robert Frist, Founder Michael Sousa, President, Subsidiary Thomas Schultz, Senior VP, Divisional

HealthStream, Inc. provides internet-based training, learning management, talent management, performance assessment, credentialing and managing simulation-based programs. The company's learning application, HealthStream Learning Center (HLC), is the most widely used learning management system in the U.S. among health care organizations. Through HLC, the Authoring Center, HealthStream Competency Center (HCC), HealthStream Performance Center (HPC) and SimCenter are platforms used to provide internet-based course material, competency management, competency assessment, and performance management as well as simulation centers for enrolled students. These courses help health care providers fulfill their OSHA training compliance, prepare employees for the new ICD-10 coding system, expedite employee's clinical orientation processes, meet Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) requirements, engage their workforce and enhance physician alignment. HCC uses software-as-a-service (SaaS) as the means to provide authorized subscribers access to their services. Over 130 million online courses have been completed, cumulatively. The firm's Competency Library contains over 2,200 pre-built clinical and non-clinical evidence-based competencies. SimCenter is composed of SimManager and SimStore, which are tools that combine curriculum delivery, learning management, debriefing and competency assessment in order to improve new hire orientation. Learning applications are subscription based, with fees based on the number of subscribers, courseware provided and other factors. These subscription-based solutions account for approximately 74% of HealthStream's annual revenues. In 2016, the firm acquired Performance Management Services, Inc., which focuses on competency-based performance development of nurses; and Morrisey Associates, Inc., a provider of credentialing and privileging solutions in the area of healthcare organizations' workforce requirements.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 225,974,000 28,897,000 5,567,000 2.46% 72,669,000 3,755,000 24,234,000 14,806,000 27,774,000 .96% 1.32%

2015 209,002,000 24,214,000 13,557,000 6.48% 64,848,000 8,621,000 34,917,000 15,359,000 30,554,000 2.70% 3.84%

2014 170,690,000 16,463,000 16,375,000 9.59% 52,776,000 10,394,000 34,256,000 10,202,000 27,306,000 4.42% 6.55%

2013 132,274,000 11,757,000 14,666,000 11.08% 42,394,000 8,418,000 26,283,000 8,711,000 22,518,000 4.34% 5.97%



Phone: 615 301-3100 Fax: 615 301-3200 Toll-Free: 800-521-0574 Address: 209 10th Ave. S., Ste. 450, Nashville, TN 37203 United States

Stock Ticker: HSTM Employees: 1,120 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $305,600 Second Exec. Salary: $288,815

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2012 103,732,000 8,610,000 13,459,000 12.97% 33,344,000 7,645,000 22,514,000 8,751,000 20,120,000 4.65% 6.04%

2011 82,066,000 7,473,000 11,338,000 13.81% 26,777,000 6,944,000 19,755,000 10,180,000 16,808,000 5.87% 7.81%

Exchange: NAS Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

HotChalk Inc

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational & Training

HotChalk, Inc. is an educational technology company that operates online resources for K-12 educators and university degree programs. The HotChalk Partner Network works with select nonprofit colleges and universities to provide turnkey solutions for putting business, education and healthcare degree programs online that are accessible to working professionals. Scholarships and tuition discount programs are offered as options to users. All of the online degree programs are regionally accredited and students may be able to transfer prior academic credits to shorten degree-completion time. Through the HotChalk Educational Network, the firm serves the world's largest online audience of parents, students and educators. The HotChalk Educational Network is a free online resource for K-12 teachers, administrators, parents and students that provides information about the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) initiative. The content provided on the Network provides educators with the resources needed to implement and teach the CCSS. One such resource is the HotChalk LessonPlansPage, where there are over 4,000classroom proven lesson plans that cover all grade levels and a wide range of subjects. In addition, the firm also developed the HotChalk Education Index, based on deep market research data gathered from the HotChalk Education Network, which provides insight for educators, policymakers and publishers on how the internet is changing, influencing and delivering education to those seeking it. In May 2016, the company was selected as the technology platform for the Embedded Master of Arts in Teaching in Secondary Education (EMAT) program for NYU's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: HotChalk Educational Network HotChalk LessonPlansPage HotChalk Education Index HotChalk Partner Network

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Larry Lenhart, CEO Mark Zinselmeier, COO Edward Fields, Pres. Nancy Hauge, Chief People Officer Rafael de Cardenas, Chief Academic Officer Sean Fahey, Sr. VP Joe Ross, VP-Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Scott Altschuler, VP-Bus. Dev. Michael Cain, VP-Corp. Finance Nicholas Smith, Chief Learning Officer Mark Zinselmeier, Sr. VP-University Partnerships Kim Fulcher, Sr. VP-Community Dev. Mary Jane Pearson, VP-Academic Affairs & Curriculum-Education Edward Fields, Founder Rafael de Cardenas, Pres., HotChalk Int'l

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 100,000,000

2015 75,000,000





Phone: 408-369-9125 Fax: Toll-Free: 888-468-2336 Address: 1999 S. Bascom Ave., Campbell, CA 95008 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 290 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 7 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

iLinc Communications Inc

NAIC Code: 611410


TYPES OF BUSINESS: E-Learning Real-Time Collaboration Software

iLinc Communications Inc., a subsidiary of BroadSoft, Inc., develops and sells real-time, web-based collaboration software. The company operates through four business lines: MeetingLinc, LearnLinc, ConferenceLinc and SupportLinc. MeetingLinc online collaboration software is designed to facilitate the sharing of documents, PowerPoint presentations, graphics and applications between meeting participants without leaving their desks. It enables business professionals, government employees and educators to communicate more effectively and economically through interactive online meetings using voice-over-IP (VoIP) technology to avoid the expense of travel and long-distance charges. LearnLinc is an Internet-based software tool designed for training and education of remote students. Instructors can create courses and classes, add varied agenda items, enroll students, deliver live instruction and deliver engaging content that includes audio, video and interactive multimedia. ConferenceLinc presentation software is designed to deliver messages in a one-to-many format, providing professional management of web conferencing events. ConferenceLinc manages events such as earning announcements, press briefings, new product announcements, corporate internal mass communications and external marketing events. SupportLinc is an online technical support and customer sales support software product designed to give customer service organizations the ability to provide remote hands-on support for products, systems or software applications. SupportLinc manages the support call volume and enhances the effectiveness of traditional telephone-based customer support systems. Moreover, iLinc bundles its services into a comprehensive package named iLinc Suite.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: BroadSoft Inc MeetingLinc LearnLinc ConferenceLinc SupportLinc iLinc Suite

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

James M. Powers, Jr., CEO James M. Powers, Jr., Pres. James L. Dunn, CFO Jason Walker, VP-Sales Frank Gartland, VP-IT James L. Dunn, Jr., General Counsel James L. Dunn, Jr., Sr. VP Preston Zuckerman, Chief e-Learning Architect

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity






Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: 20 Parent Company: BroadSoft Inc


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: 602-952-1200 Fax: 602-952-0544 Toll-Free: 877-736-8347 Address: 2999 N. 44th St., Ste 650, Phoenix, AZ 85018 United States Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 03/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 1 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Illuminate Education Inc

NAIC Code: 511210H


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational Data Management

Illuminate Education, Inc. is an online software company that provides data management services to the K-12 education market. Illuminate Education has successfully helped over 500 school districts with its software and services. The firm offers three products: Illuminate Student Information (ISI), Illuminate Data & Assessment (DnA) and Illuminate Special Education (ISE). ISI is a Student Information System designed to provide a single web-based point of access where a school or a district can look up any given detail, demographics, grades, report cards, attendance, etc., about a current student. DnA provides a straight forward interface for accessing data, negating the need to build queries, and prebuilt reports, all allowing for a more efficient management of data. ISE an end-to-end system that guides a user through the complexities of Individualized Education Programs (IEP), from the completion of the proper forms to the creation of compliant programs and to the timely completion of Medicaid reporting, tracking and billing.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Illuminate Student Information Illuminate Data & Assessment Illuminate Special Education

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Lane Rankin, CEO Lane Rankin, Pres.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity


2015 34,000,000





Phone: 949-656-3133 Fax: 909-266-1935 Toll-Free: Address: 6531 Irvine Center Dr., Ste. 100, Irvine, CA 92618 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 125 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Imagine Learning

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Software

Imagine Learning is an educational software company that produces award winning language and literacy solutions. These solutions come programmed with interactive activities, videos and games, all designed to help facilitate learning. The majority of Imagine Learning software is designed to help elementary students learn the English language and include those who are learning English as a second language, struggling readers, early childhood development and students with disabilities. The four programs the company offers are: Imagine Language & Literacy; Imagine Espanol, designed to build language proficiency in Spanish for pre-K through first grade; Imagine Math Facts, assisting students prior to third grade with mathematical literacy through its Big Brainz software; and Imagine Math, its math curriculum for third graders through geometry. Imagine Learning applications are available on iPad, Android and Chromebook. The firm is owned by Weld North LLC. In April 2016, the company announced that its math software, Big Brainz will be utilized into summer school programs. The following month, Imagine Learning was certified for IMS Global OneRoster, allowing the company to standardize and simplify its roster data transferring methods. In October 2016, the company acquired Think Through Learning, Inc., a provider of supplemental math programs.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Imagine Language & Literacy Imagine Espanol Weld North LLC Big Brainz Imagine Math Facts Imagine Math Think Through Learning Inc

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Joe N. Swenson, CEO Damon Darais, VP-Operations Curtis B. Hill, CFO Jeremy Cowdrey, Exec. VP-Sales & Mktg. Carol E. Nibley, VP-Human Resources Marc Liebman, Chief Academic Officer Bryan Sparks, CTO Steve Jackson, VP-Oper. Frantz Belot, Exec. Dir.-Customer Support

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 801-377-5071 Fax: 801-377-5072 Toll-Free: 866-377-5071 Address: 191 River Park Dr., Provo, UT 84604 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 334 Parent Company: Weld North LLC



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 1 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Informatics Education Ltd

NAIC Code: 611410


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Business Training, Distance Learning E-Learning

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Infomatics Academy Pte Ltd Informatics Global Campus Pte Ltd NCC Education UK

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Yau Su Peng, Managing Dir. Charles Ling, COO Teng Bee Kim, Sec. Kenneth Mok, Managing Dir.-Hong Kong School Oper. Felix Raoul Stravens, Managing Dir.-NCC Education Val Ortega, Interim Managing Dir.-Singapore School Oper. Val Ortega, Interim Managing Dir.-Informatics Global Campus

Informatics Education Ltd. is an international corporation that offers education and training services. These services are provided to those interested in the areas of information and communication technology, business, finance, management and language. Wholly-owned Informatics Academy Pte. Ltd. is a comprehensive institution that provides higher learning. With a physical campus based in Singapore, this institution includes state-of-the-art classrooms, computer labs with smart boards and a resource library. The Academy offers diplomas and degrees in various disciplines, and collaborates with universities in the U.K. to provide more academic opportunities for its students. Education disciplines include proficiency in English, business administration, hospitality and tourism management, information technology, business and logistics management, media technology, network engineering, computer science and software engineering and business administration. Wholly-owned Informatics Global Campus Pte. Ltd. (IGC) offers a wide range of business and information technology online programs which are especially popular with working professionals. IGC's learning system organizes regular live-chat sessions and discussion forums to facilitate group learning. NCC Education U.K. provides assessment and certification through recognized British qualification internationally. The company offers employees benefits which include medical and dental insurance, profit sharing packages and a performance-based reward system.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 9,341,770

2015 11,443,956

2014 17,573,405

2013 21,235,310






Stock Ticker: BOU Employees: 1,330 Parent Company:


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: 65-65804555 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 100 Victoria St., 13-01/02 Nat'l Library Bldg, Singapore, 188064 Singapore Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Singapore Fiscal Year Ends: 03/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 4 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

IQ Innovations LLC

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational Data Management

IQ Innovations, LLC is a privately-held online educational services business. The firm offers the iQity e-Learning Platform, a cloud-based educational system that allows for the electronic search and delivery of curriculum, courses and other objects of learning. The platform is composed of multiple integrated components. The iQity Learning Management System (LMS) is an e-learning environment that parallels the traditional classroom environment. iQity Reactor Repository is a storage and search system for curriculum and courses that are state-aligned. The iQity Bridge Technology connects the iQity LMS with the iQity Reactor Repository. iQity Digital Rights Management System protects the data stored, searched and retrieved from the iQity Reactor Repository. The iQity U Learning Center offers multiple effective ways in which to use the various features of the iQity e-Learning Platform. The firm's products enable teachers, schools, states and regional or national organizations to improve the educational experience within the traditional classroom environment. Headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, the company works with entities nationwide.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: iQity e-Learning Platform iQity Learning Management System iQity Reactor Repository iQity Bridge Technology iQity Digital Rights Management System iQity U Learning Center

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Teresa Berry, Pres. Greg Dye, VP-Oper.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: Fax: Toll-Free: 877-474-8966 Address: 580 N. Fourth St., Ste. 560, Columbus, OH 43215 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 27 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 1 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

iTunes University

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Education & Training

iTunes University, a subsidiary of Apple, Inc., is a producer of educational software that allows educators to create customized learning experiences via web-based tools. iTunes U is an app that can be downloaded on an iOS device featuring educational audio and video files from museums, universities and public media organizations. Some universities featured on iTunes U are Harvard, Caltech, Columbia, Oxford, MIT and Cambridge. Using iTunes U, an iPad and iPhone can be used to keep track of class assignments, access class material and organize notes. The program comes with an integrated grade book for those who have created a subject, and can know how each student is doing on every project. Students can easily hand in assignments directly through iTunes U. In March 2017, Apple released an update to the application; new features include the ability to manually create courses and send invitation codes, image file annotation, video message sharing and extending file sharing with Airdrop support.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Tim Cook, CEO-Apple Inc

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 408-996-1010 Fax: 408-974-2483 Toll-Free: 800-692-7753 Address: 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014 United States

Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: Parent Company: Apple Inc



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 09/30

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

iVersity GmbH

NAIC Code: 611310A


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

iVersity GmbH provides a multi-lingual platform from which professors all over Europe can provide free massive open online courses (MOOCs). iVersity's e-learning courses include video lectures with subtitles, presentations, infographics, text, lecture notes, homework assignments, virtual laboratories, tests and final exams. Video lectures are given in 5-20 minutes unlike traditional video lectures. iVersity offers more than 100 courses and enables professors from recognized institutions to offer interactive online courses to students worldwide. iVersity's Digital Transformation Curriculum is an education track geared toward corporations, to further employee knowledge on digital technology topics. The company is based in Europe and collaborates with the European Credit Transfer System, which offers exams that award European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) credits. Partners of the firm include Open Education Consortium, Stifterverband, exist, Gesis and more. iVersity has a user base of over 750,000 online learners and over 1 million course enrollments.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Digital Transformation Curriculum

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Hannes Klopper, CEO Christina Pautsch, Managing Dir. Julia Bader, COO Florlan Nickels-Teske, Dir.-Products Gordon Friebe, CTO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 49-3338-60-48-00 Fax: 49-30-57-70-93-38-9 Toll-Free: Address: Breitscheidstraße 51, Bernau bei Berlin, 16321 Germany

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 42 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 1 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

IXL Learning

NAIC Code: 519130


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals

IXL Learning is an educational technology company that delivers an immersive learning experience for all students in pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade. Learning subjects include math, language arts, science and social studies. Prekindergarten learning can include counting objects, naming colors, choosing which is longer or shorter; Kindergarten learning can include comparing numbers, counting by tens, classifying/sorting; fourth grade can include fractions, synonyms, government; eighth grade can include linear functions, active/passive voice; and twelfth grade can include matrices, domain-specific vocabulary and writing arguments. IXL's content and technology enables fresh, engaging and personalized experiences that spark curiosity and build confidence. The firm has worldwide editions including the U.S., Australia, Canada, Europe, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, the U.K. and more.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Paul Mishkin, CEO Jennifer Gu, COO John Harrington, CFO Jim Coulon, VP-Sales Joseph Kent, Chief Technology Officer

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 78,000,000

2015 73,000,000





Phone: 650-372-4040 Fax: Toll-Free: 855-255-7700 Address: 777 Mariners Island Blvd., Ste. 600, San Mateo, CA 94404 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 300 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Junyo Inc

NAIC Code: 511210H


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational Data Management

Junyo, Inc. is an education marketing software company that produces market-intelligence platforms that collect and perform analytics on big data in order to improve education systems as well as individual learning processes. The firm's products are designed to deal with data sets that are so complex and large that traditional database management tools and data processing applications are incapable of processing them. Its solutions help school districts and schools enhance learning outcomes. The firm's flagship product is Streams, a secure way to use open and licensed content for instruction for K-12 teachers. Streams provides personalized instruction to close skill gaps and accelerate achievement for the whole class, small groups and individual students. The way Junyo works is the company provides data analytics technology to businesses in the education space. These white-label solutions help companies and their education customers understand student and teacher engagement. Then the firm runs Junyo Streams, its classroom-facing tool. Schools, districts and special-needs groups license Streams directly.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Steve Schoettler, CEO Wayne Poncia, VP-Bus. Dev.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 415-483-7726 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 1010 Doyle St., Ste. 200, Menlo Park, CA 94025 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 8 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

K12 Inc

NAIC Code: 611710


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Education Support Services Online Learning


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Stuart Udell, CEO James Rhyu, CFO Nathaniel Davis, Chairman of the Board Lynda Cloud, Executive VP, Divisional Allison Cleveland, Executive VP, Divisional Joseph Zarella, Executive VP, Divisional Howard Polsky, Executive VP Mike Kraft, Vice President, Divisional

K12, Inc. is a technology-based education company that offers proprietary curriculum and educational services created for online delivery to students in kindergarten through 12th grade. The firm aims to provide an engaging and effective education, regardless of geographic location or socio-economic background. K12 has developed curriculum and an online learning platform that promotes mastery of core concepts and skills for students of all abilities. This learning system combines a cognitive research-based curriculum with an individualized learning approach well-suited for virtual schools and other educational applications. Its courses are categorized into seven major subject areas: English, mathematics, science, history, art, music and world language. The company provides online lessons, offline learning kits and lesson guides. Its catalogue of proprietary courses is comprised of lessons that utilize a combination of technologies including flash animations, audio, video and other online interactivity, coordinated textbooks and hands-on materials to create an engaging curriculum. Lessons usually last between 45 to 60 minutes, but students can work at their own pace. During a school year, a typical student will complete hundreds of lessons across six or more subject areas. Its online lessons are accessed through an Online School (OLS) platform. This webbased software platform provides access to online lessons, lesson planning/scheduling and its progress tracking tool which assists parents and teachers in managing student progress. In addition, each student receives a shipment of offline materials that include textbooks, art supplies, laboratory supplies (such as microscopes and scales) and other reference materials. The firm distributes its products and services to virtual public schools, blended public schools, school districts, private schools, charter schools and directly to consumers.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 872,700,000 10,071,000 13,914,000 1.59% 302,205,000 9,035,000 121,778,000 62,900,000 82,139,000 1.25% 1.64% 0.01

2015 948,294,000 14,381,000 18,427,000 1.94% 307,730,000 10,988,000 120,085,000 61,740,000 102,228,000 1.54% 2.06% 0.02

2014 919,553,000 14,220,000 22,856,000 2.48% 313,258,000 19,600,000 123,477,000 49,369,000 109,123,000 2.74% 3.70% 0.03

2013 848,220,000 21,084,000 45,706,000 5.38% 283,032,000 28,111,000 95,293,000 50,345,000 111,443,000 4.11% 5.60% 0.03



Phone: 703 483-7000 Fax: 703 483-7330 Toll-Free: 866-968-7512 Address: 2300 Corporate Park Dr., Herndon, VA 20171 United States

Stock Ticker: LRN Employees: 4,800 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $610,178 Second Exec. Salary: $486,500

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2012 708,407,000 25,593,000 28,980,000 4.09% 236,835,000 17,543,000 32,991,000 32,477,000 87,013,000 2.85% 3.80% 0.03

2011 522,434,000 16,347,000 24,214,000 4.63% 174,762,000 12,792,000 67,213,000 29,563,000 67,148,000 2.87% 3.81% 0.02

Exchange: NYS Fiscal Year Ends: 06/30

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 3 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Kaplan Inc

NAIC Code: 611691


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Exam Preparation and Tutoring

Kaplan, Inc. is a for-profit post-secondary educational institute, operating both online and through physical college campus locations in over 30 countries including the U.S., the U.K., the Middle East, Australia, China, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong and India. The company serves over 1.2 million students globally each year. What started off as a test-prep company has since expanded to offer college degrees, K-12 services and professional development. Operations are divided five divisions: preparing for exams, earning a degree, advancing a career, learning English and preparing for a university. Preparing for exams includes exams for: high school, college entrance, graduate school entrance, English language preparation and professional education & licensing. Kaplan University offers undergraduate, graduate and continuing professional education degrees in both online and inclassroom settings. College degree programs include social & behavioral sciences, business, criminal justice, education, fire science, health sciences, legal studies, nursing, IT, special military programs, general courses and open college. Advancing a career includes education in finance, insurance, securities licensing, accountancy & tax, IT, computer programming and data science. Learning English courses include English improvement, business English, language basics for test/exam preparation and teacher training (an inclass experience while learning to teach English); and for studying abroad within Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Singapore, Ireland, the U.K., Malta and the U.S. Preparing for a university features Kaplan's Global Pathways platform, which are Kaplan hand-selected universities within the U.S., the U.K. and Australia in which students all over the world can earn degree credits, apply for a bachelor's or master's degree or transfer to complete studies. In April 2017, Kaplan agreed to sell its Kaplan University business to Purdue University. Kaplan will retain its international, professional and test prep business units. Employee benefits include medical, vision and dental coverage; life and AD&D insurance; flexible spending accounts; short- and long-term disability; and a 401(k).

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Kaplan University Global Pathways

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Andrew S. Rosen, CEO Matthew Seelye, CFO Melissa Mack, Chief Communications Officer Johan Smith, CIO Janice L. Block, General Counsel Darrell Splithoff, Exec. VP-Strategy & Innovation Bror Saxberg, Chief Learning Officer John Polstein, CEO-Kaplan Test Prep Gregory Marino, CEO-Kaplan Higher Education Group John Lock, Pres., Kaplan Higher Education Campuses Andrew S. Rosen, Chmn. David Jones, CEO-Kaplan Int'l Colleges Peter Houillon, CEO-Kaplan U.K.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 1,588,409,600

2015 1,927,521,000

2014 2,160,417,000

2013 2,163,734,000





Phone: 954-515-3993 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 6301 Kaplan University Ave., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 United States

Exchange: Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: 8,922 Fiscal Year Ends: Parent Company: Graham Holdings Company



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 2 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.


NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational & Training

Kickboard is an educational software company whose products are designed to gather the pertinent information that helps schools improve. Kickboard, also the name of the product that the company offers, is an analytics platform that allows educators to monitor student performance, both academic achievement and behavior, and share that information or data across classrooms. The data collected by the platform enables teachers to see the student as a whole and to make proper instructional decisions based upon a complete understanding of the student. For administrators, the platform allows them to increase consistency across classrooms by determining which areas of professional development are needed most. Furthermore, Kickboard produces frequent detailed reports that lets parents engage in the education of their child. The platform is delivered as an on-demand service that can be integrated into the school's pre-existing student information system (SIS).


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Stefan Kohler, CEO Jim Thorne, VP-Sales Torrie Adams, Head-Prod. Dev. Christian Burck, Dir.-Eng. Jolyon Terwilliger, Lead Architect Becky Bordelon, Dir.-Professional Svcs.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: Fax: Toll-Free: 855-456-1946 Address: 935 Gravier St., Ste. 1625, New Orleans, LA 70112 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 19 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 3 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

KinderCare Education LLC

NAIC Code: 624410


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Preschool & After School Centers

KinderCare Education, LLC provides early childhood education in the U.S. The firm serves more than 161,000 children aged six weeks to 12 years, through three brands: KinderCare Learning Centers, KinderCare Education at Work and Champions Before- and After-School Programs. KinderCare Learning Centers engage children in purposeful learning and play on a daily basis, including such activities as math skills, early literacy activities, cooking and various types of arts. There are more than 1,300 KinderCare Learning Centers nationwide. KinderCare Education at Work partners with over 400 organizations nationwide to provide customizable family care benefits, including care for young children on or near the site where their parents work, as well as tuition benefits. Champions Before- and After-School Programs comprise more than 400 elementary-school-based sites in partnership with principals, teachers and parents to create a fun and learning environment for school-aged children. KinderCare Education is owned by Partners Group AG, and has been teaching children for more than 45 years.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Partners Group AG KinderCare Learning Centers KinderCare Education at Work Champions Before- and After-School Programs

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Tom Wyatt, CEO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 1,560,000,000

2015 1,540,000,000

2014 1,500,000,000

2013 1,480,000,000



Phone: 503-872-1300 Fax: 503-872-1314 Toll-Free: 800-633-1488 Address: 650 N.E. Holladay St., Ste 400, Portland, OR 97232 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 33,000 Parent Company: Partners Group AG



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2012 1,450,000,000


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 06/30

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.


NAIC Code: 611110


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Public Charter Schools (non-profit)


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Richard Barth, CEO Jack Chorowsky, Pres. Garfield Byrd, CFO Valerie Hamilton, Chief People Officer Jonathan Cowan, Chief Research, Design & Innovation Officer Valerie Faillace, Chief of Staff Nolan Highbaugh, General Counsel David Wick, Chief Dev. Officer Sarah Campbell, Chief Learning Officer Victor Aluise, Chief of Teaching & Learning Labs Kelly Wright, Chief Program Officer John Fisher, Chmn.

KIPP is a network of public charter schools catering to students in underserved communities. These schools are all openenrollment, college-preparatory charter schools whose goal is to prepare students for success in school and in life. More than 88% of the students KIPP serves come from low-income families that are eligible for free or reduced-price meal programs. Demographically, 96% of student are either Latino or African American. On a national level, the schools enjoy a high success rate with 94% of its Middle School students later graduating from High School, and of those that graduate from High School, 81% move on to college. All KIPP schools share a common set of operating principles, the Five Pillars. These pillars are High Expectations, where schools create a culture of achievement, support and conduct; Choice & Commitment, where students and parents choose to participate in a KIPP school and are expected to commit to the time and effort it takes to achieve success; More Time, when students have more time to achieve academic knowledge, with an extended school day, week and year; Power to Lead, where great schools require great leaders who have the power to make changes when they are needed; and Focus on Results, where schools focus on students performing well on standardized tests and other objective measures. KIPP operates 200 schools in 31 regions and Washington D.C. that service over 80,000 students. KIPP's goal is to serve 120,000 students across the country by 2020.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 56,567,783

2015 68,408,478

2014 64,842,724

2013 67,526,389







Phone: 415-399-1556 Fax: 415-348-0588 Toll-Free: 866-345-5477 Address: 135 Main St., Ste. 1700, San Franncisco, CA 94105 United States

Stock Ticker: Nonprofit Employees: 396 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 06/30

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 3 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Knewton Inc

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational & Training

Knewton, Inc. is an educational software company whose adaptive learning platform allows for the personalization of education at the student level. The Knewton platform collects a vast amount of data from real-time analysis of each student's learning methods, actions and comprehension, and then maps out the best possible content, such as text, videos or gamification, for each student at any given time. It then continuously integrates learning objectives and student interactions. The insights gathered from this data collection result in a highly-personalized learning environment for each student. It allows for students' learning experiences to be continuously adaptive as well as for reporting to teachers. The platform works across a wide variety of third-party digital learning solutions. For example, Knewton powers Waggle, an adaptive learning tool is a Common Core learning system for grades 3-8, featuring gamification alongside recommendations and predictive analytics; MyLab and Mastering, a tool that provides real-time recommendations of what to study next; and the Personal Math Trainer, a tool that differentiates instruction for students while also preparing them for the Common Core. Investors of the firm include Accel Partners, First Round Capital, Bessemer Venture Partners, FirstMark Capital, Founders Fund, Atomico, GSV Capital, Sofina, EDBI and TAL Education Group. Knewton is headquartered in New York, with global offices in London and Tokyo.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Ryan Prichard, CEO Jennifer Grunebaum, CFO David Kuntz, VP-Research & Adaptive Learning Patricia Gabriel, VP-Finance

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity






Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 200 Parent Company:


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: 212-563-9866 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 100 5th Ave., New York, NY 10011 United States Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 1 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Knovation Inc

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Services and Learning Resources

Knovation, Inc. is an education technology company providing personalized learning solutions to educations, districts and educational technology developers working in K-12 education. Knovation has impacted over 32 million students and 1 million teachers since 2000. For K-12 school districts, the company works in collaboration with netTrekker to offer a learning resource library of over 330,000 digital learning resources, accessed through its Resource Personalization Service Platform. Districts also have access to personalized learning engagement applications, such as icurio, a dynamic digital curriculum creator. Knovation professional learning works with school districts to provide professional development courses, and consulting services are also available. To the firm's education technology partners, Knovation grants access to its resource personalization services platform and its learning resource library. The company also provides a turnkey content contextualization service to help align and organize content. Knovation's partners include CoSN, Academic Benchmarks, MetaMetrics, Agilix BrainHoney, Blackboard, Moodle, McGraw-Hill Engrade and many more. Employee benefits include medical, dental and vision coverage; company paid group life and AD&D insurance; shortand long-term disability; a 401(k); a flexible spending account; and health & dependent day care.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Resource Personalization Service Platform icurio

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Randy Wilhelm, CEO Joe Grieshop, Pres. Julie Siebert, VP Marci Campbell, VP-Solutions Mgmt. Steve Nordmark, Chief Academic Officer

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity






Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 32 Parent Company:


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: 513-731-4090 Fax: 513-731-110 Toll-Free: Address: 2600 Park 42 Dr., Ste. 125A, Cincinnati, OH 45241-2131 United States Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 2 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Knowledge Delivery Systems Inc

NAIC Code: 611310


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Online Courses for Education Professionals

Knowledge Delivery Systems, Inc. (KDS) is an educational technology company providing online certifications and degrees for those working in the education industry. Courses and programs for teachers include professional development (PD), salary advancement, specialized programs, graduate programs and master's programs. For districts, the firm's courses and programs include: effective PD, research, strategic services, district partnerships and custom PD programs. KDS connects teachers with degree programs in several colleges and universities, including Capella University, Hampton University and Lake Erie College. All instruction is conducted through the KDS eClassroom. KDS has developed over 3,500 hours of online professional learning content.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Mark Davis, CEO Eldred Ellis, Dir.-National Sales Art Khanlian, VP-IT Jack DeWitt, VP-Prod. Dev. Kwasi Asare, VP-Bus. Dev. Kimberly Bates, VP-Strategic Implementation Eldred Ellis, Dir.-Nat'l Sales Ann Kaplan, VP-Learning Design & Dev. Jennifer Tidball, Dir.-Software Dev.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: Fax: 212-825-1315 Toll-Free: 800-728-0032 Address: 80 Maiden Ln., Ste. 1106, New York, NY 10038 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 40 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 3 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Kroton Educational SA

NAIC Code: 611310A


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

Kroton Educational S.A. is a private educational organization, headquartered in Brazil with operations around the world. Operating in the primary, secondary and postsecondary education segment, the company maintains over 870 associated schools in Brazil. Additionally, it also operates 910 distance learning centers and 113 campuses in Brazil, serving more than 1 million post-secondary and graduate students, 228,000 primary and secondary education students and 46,000 students in adult education and career development courses. The company offers its educational services through several subsidiaries, including Anhanguera Educacional, Faculdade de Macapa (FAMA), Faculdade Pitagoras, Universidade de Cuiaba (UNIC), UNIME and Universidade Norte do Parana (Unopar). Kroton is also involved in the distribution, wholesale, retail, import and export of textbooks, course books, magazines and other publication, as well as the licensing of school-related and pedagogical products. Additionally, maintains the Fundacao Pitagoras, a non-profit institution which provides education projects in public and private institutions.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Anhanguera Educacional Faculdade de Macapa (FAMA) Faculdade Pitagoras Universidade de Cuiaba (UNIC) UNIME Universidade Norte do Parana (Unopar) Fundacao Pitagoras

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Rodrigo Calvo Galindo, CEO Frederico Brito e Abreu, CFO Guilherme Franco, VP-Mktg. & Sales Gabriel Mario Rodrigues, Chmn.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity


2015 1,693,925,000

2014 1,214,360,000

2013 648,588,200

2012 452,212,200

2011 236,327,500

471,160,500 27.81% 491,785,600 449,177,600 293,199,300 147,361,200 629,144,800 8.69% 11.68% 0.04

326,826,100 26.91% 350,207,200 321,922,600 387,651,600 118,335,700 442,786,500 10.22% 14.22% 0.06

171,655,600 26.46% 171,543,000 166,196,200 180,038,600 52,236,660 206,470,600 13.13% 21.23% 0.16

78,198,310 17.29% 128,473,100 65,003,540 101,071,700 34,318,250 105,846,100 5.98% 10.85%

12,149,800 5.14% 64,099,150 12,024,640 -856,122 14,982,300 26,436,840 1.84% 3.26% 0.37



Phone: 55 11 3133-7300 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: Ave. Paulista, 1.106, 10 andar, Sao Paulo, SP 01310-100 Brazil

Stock Ticker: KROTY Employees: Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: PINX Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

LeapFrog Enterprises Inc

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software: Education & Training

LeapFrog Enterprises, Inc. designs, develops and markets a family of innovative technology-based learning platforms and related proprietary content for children of all ages worldwide. The firm's learning tablets and developmental games, learn-toread and -write systems, interactive learning toys and more are designed to encourage, excite and build confidence in children. Recently-released LeapFrog Academy is a step-by-step learning program that teaches core school and life skills for children ages 3-5. During 2016, the firm was acquired by VTech Holdings Ltd., operating now as its wholly-owned subsidiary.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Vtech Holdings Ltd LeapFrog Academy

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Nicholas P. Delany, CEO Raymond Arthur, CFO William Chiasson, Director Robert Lattuga, General Counsel Antony Hicks, Other Executive Officer Kenneth Adams, Senior VP, Divisional Thomas Kalinske, Vice Chairman of the Board

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 285,000,000

2015 339,148,992

2014 455,148,992

2013 553,614,976



Phone: 510-420-5000 Fax: 510-420-5005 Toll-Free: Address: 6401 Hollis St., Emeryville, CA 94608-1071 United States

Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: 579 Parent Company: VTech Holdings Ltd



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2012 581,288,000

2011 455,140,000

Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Learning Tree International Inc

NAIC Code: 611430


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Online Professional Courses

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Learning Tree AnyWare Learning Tree Education Centers

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. David Collins, CEO David Asai, CFO Magnus Nylund, Chief Information Officer Gregory Adams, COO Max Shevitz, President

Learning Tree International, Inc. is a worldwide vendorindependent provider of manager and IT training and education to business and government organizations. Learning Tree offers a proprietary library of instructor-led courses lasting from one to five days in length, consisting of 349 different course titles representing 5,565 hours of training, including 140 IT course titles, 70 management course titles and 139 one-day course titles. Its courses provide education and training across a range of technical and management disciplines, including operating systems, databases, computer networks, computer and network security, web development, programming languages, software engineering, open source applications, project management, business skills, leadership and professional development. The firm markets and presents its courses through locally staffed operations in the U.S., the U.K., Canada, Sweden and Japan, and generates over a third of its revenues internationally. The company operates in France through a license agreement. Learning Tree coordinates, plans and delivers its courses at its own education centers, external hotel and conference facilities and customer sites worldwide. In addition, it offers courses through its proprietary live online learning platform, Learning Tree AnyWare, which allows individuals located anywhere in the world to use their Internet browser to participate online in instructor-led classes being conducted live in Learning Tree Education Centers or at customer locations. The firm's courses are offered in English and, after assessing market need, they may be translated into French, Swedish and Japanese. Since its founding, Learning Tree has provided training to over 2.4 million IT professionals and managers. In 2016 alone, the firm presented courses in 32 countries, training over 55,110 participants for more than 5,000 organizations.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 81,587,000 5,128,000 -12,501,000 -15.32% 36,868,000 -12,696,000 -8,991,000 385,000 -9,671,000 -33.61%

2015 94,884,000 8,146,000 -9,695,000 -10.21% 40,620,000 -12,573,000 -9,667,000 2,255,000 -5,377,000 -22.83% -133.44%

2014 118,248,000 7,646,000 397,000 .33% 49,953,000 1,000 -3,138,000 1,593,000 6,077,000

2013 116,810,000 7,841,000 -8,186,000 -7.00% 54,145,000 -8,719,000 -2,764,000 2,451,000 -2,145,000 -11.03% -43.41%



Phone: 703-709-9119 Fax: 800-698-1015 Toll-Free: 888-843-8733 Address: 1831 Michael Faraday Dr., Reston, VA 20190 United States

Stock Ticker: LTRE Employees: 288 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $450,000 Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2012 129,047,000 8,754,000 -6,948,000 -5.38% 64,421,000 -11,911,000 -1,159,000 7,434,000 -2,126,000 -12.45% -38.26%

2011 133,782,000 7,493,000 5,247,000 3.92% 59,401,000 3,242,000 9,917,000 5,657,000 9,863,000 3.20% 8.94%

Exchange: PINX Fiscal Year Ends: 09/30

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational & Training is an education technology company, providing solutions to schools and districts around the world. Currently, the company partners with an average of one in six districts within the U.S. alone, and serves more than 5 million students in over 20 countries worldwide. solutions are divided into four categories: digital literacy, EasyTech, assessments and tools. Digital literacy solutions include teaching students the ability to understand, use and safely interact with technology, media and digital resources in realworld situations. These solutions include instructions on keyboarding, online safety, business applications and coding. EasyTech is a comprehensive digital literacy solution designed for students from K-8, and features engaging ways to teach digital literacy skills via lessons, tests and teacher-led or selfpaced interactive content. Assessment solutions provides data needed to make informed decisions, and include: TechLiteracy Assessment, which measures elementary and middle school students' foundation digital skills; 21st Century Skills Assessment, which examines and reports how well students comprehend skills like research and information fluency, communication and collaboration, as well as critical thinking and problem-solving; and Wayfind, a technology skills inventory for teachers that can help guide professional development and training. Last, tools solutions are add-ons that enhance the functionality of into existing instructional frameworks. These include custom curriculum publishing, quiz building and providing an open educational resources library. Employee benefits include medical and dental coverage; 401(k); long-term disability; and life insurance.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Easy Tech TechLiteracy Assessment 21st Century Skills Assessment Wayfind

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Keith Oelrich, CEO Tim Hyre, VP-Finance Lisa Datka, VP-Mktg. Vicki Price, VP-People Development & Performance David Mills, VP-IT Suketu Pandya, CTO Cliff Green, VP-Education & Customer Experience

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity






Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 118 Parent Company:


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: Fax: 503-210-0351 Toll-Free: 877-284-0160 Address: 1620 S.W. Taylor St., Ste 100, Portland, OR 97205 United States Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Legacy Education Alliance Inc

NAIC Code: 611710


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Career and Vocational Counseling

Legacy Education Alliance, Inc. is a provider of practical, highquality and value-based educational training on the topics of personal finance, entrepreneurship, real estate and financial markets investing strategies and techniques. The firm's programs are offered through a variety of formats and channels, including free-preview workshops, basic training classes, symposiums, telephone mentoring, one-on-one mentoring, coaching and e-learning, primarily under the Rich Dad Education brand. In addition, Legacy Education markets its products and services under a variety of brands, including Martin Roberts, The Independent Woman, Women in Wealth, Brick Buy Brick and Elite Business Star. The firm manages its business in four segments based on geographic location: U.S., accounting for 61.4% of revenue; Canada, 3.8%; U.K., 19.9%; and other international markets, 14.9%. In total, the firm holds events in 21 countries.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Rich Dad Education Martin Roberts The Independent Woman Women in Wealth Brick Buy Brick Elite Business Star

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Christian Baeza, CFO James May, Chief Administrative Officer Iain Edwards, COO Anthony Humpage, Director James Bass, Director Martin Foster, Other Corporate Officer Martin Ehrhard, Vice President, Divisional Stacey Perkins, Vice President, Divisional

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 89,196,000

2015 87,161,000

2,473,000 2.77% 38,880,000 3,881,000 -1,563,000 55,000 2,619,000 18.70%

-3,096,000 -3.55% 42,056,000 -2,726,000 2,780,000 81,000 -2,911,000 -14.03%







159,093 -149,469 -141,963

33,018 -33,018 -27,018

9,912 -9,912 -8,412

-159,093 -815.50% -2114.27%

-33,018 -119.76% -143.16%

-9,912 -24.12% -25.04%



Phone: 239 542-0643 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 1612 East Cape Coral Parkway, Cape Coral, FL 33904 United States

Stock Ticker: LEAI Employees: 203 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $375,000 Second Exec. Salary: $260,000

Bonus: $ Bonus: $


Exchange: PINX Fiscal Year Ends: 09/30

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Leona Group LLC (The)

NAIC Code: 611110


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Public Charter Schools (for-profit) Education Management Company

The Leona Group, LLC is a state charter school. It is a tuitionfree, public institution operating through a contract with its state legislature to maintain core curriculum and academic standards. The Leona Group has locations in Arizona, Florida, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio. The institution offers four main services: educational, professional, operational and school start-up. Educational services includes grant writing and implementation support for both competitive and entitlement grants. It works with individual schools to develop a unique curriculum in line with state and federal standards and appropriate for the needs of the local community; extensive special education services; and student assessment and evaluation, used mainly to collect data on student progress and effectiveness of curriculum. Professional services include communications and marketing for charter schools, human resources, risk management and technology support. Operational services include budget oversight and financial reporting, compliance reporting and special projects such as facility maintenance and food service coordination. Finally, the group provides start up services to those wishing to open a new location, identifying possible facilities in which to house the school and professional support to help schools find loans, restructure debt, write grants and more. Employee benefits include medical, vision and dental coverage; life and AD&D insurance; a dependent care spending account; unemployment insurance; an employee assistance program; a 401(k); and for employees in Ohio, a state retirement system.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

William (Bill) Coats, CEO Michele Kaye, COO Patrick Lawrence, CFO Teri Knick, VP-Human Resources Rachael Parks, Dir.-Tech. Michael R. Atkins, General Counsel Mary Berg, VP-Academic Support, Arizona & Florida Tamasha James, VP-Academic Support, Midwest Georgia Rodgers, Chief of Staff

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity






Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 2,200 Parent Company:


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: 602-953-2933 Fax: 602-953-0831 Toll-Free: Address: 7878 N. 16th St., Ste. 150, Phoenix, AZ 85020 United States Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 7 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Lincoln Educational Services Corporation NAIC Code: 611310


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Scott Shaw, CEO Brian Meyers, CFO J. Morrow, Chairman of the Board Valerian Thomas, Chief Information Officer Alexandra Luster, General Counsel Stephen Ace, Other Executive Officer Deborah Ramentol, President, Divisional Ami Bhandari, Senior VP, Divisional Peter Tahinos, Senior VP, Divisional Rajat Shah, Senior VP, Divisional

Lincoln Educational Services Corporation is a provider of career-oriented post-secondary education. The accredited institution offers recent high school graduates and working adults degree and diploma programs in six main areas of study: automotive, health sciences (which includes programs for licensed practical nursing (LPN), medical administrative assistants, medical assistants, pharmacy technicians, medical coding and billing and dental assisting), business & information technology, skilled trades and hospitality. It structures its program offerings to provide students with a practical, careeroriented education, positioning them for entry-level job opportunities in their chosen fields. Diploma/certificate programs typically take between 22 to 136 weeks to complete, with tuition ranging from $6,600 to $36,000; associates degree programs take between 48 to 156 weeks to complete, and range from $20,000 to $70,000; and bachelor degree programs take between 104 and 208 weeks to complete, and range from $40,000 to $80,000. To accommodate the schedules of its students and maximize classroom utilization, it typically offers courses four to five days a week in three shifts per day and starts new classes every month. Also, for those students who do not live near one of its campuses or whose schedules prevent them from attending school, it offers several online programs. The company updates and expands its programs frequently to reflect the latest technological advances in the field, providing its students with the specific skills and knowledge required in the current marketplace. Lincoln Educational currently operates 28 schools in 15 U.S. states.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 196,910,000

2015 193,220,000

2014 325,022,000

2013 345,024,000

2012 402,697,000

-5,163,000 -2.62% 103,129,000 -28,304,000 -6,107,000 3,596,000 12,769,000 -15.15% -41.64% 0.55

778,000 .40% 98,319,000 -3,350,000 14,337,000 2,218,000 19,478,000 -1.58% -4.08% 0.47

-48,549,000 -14.93% 168,441,000 -56,133,000 12,022,000 7,472,000 -28,761,000 -21.60% -49.19% 0.30

-9,557,000 -2.76% 178,494,000 -51,286,000 3,246,000 6,538,000 14,199,000 -15.71% -29.84% 0.61

-27,657,000 -6.86% 204,299,000 -37,186,000 15,986,000 8,839,000 -793,000 -10.48% -16.99% 0.36



Phone: 973 736-9340 Fax: 973 736-1750 Toll-Free: Address: 200 Executive Dr., Ste 340, West Orange, NJ 07052 United States

Stock Ticker: LINC Employees: 2,197 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $500,000 Second Exec. Salary: $331,750

Bonus: $ Bonus: $


Exchange: NAS Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 1 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd. Inc

NAIC Code: 611430


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Online Classes Leisure Learning Technical Courses


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be, Inc. is an online learning platform that helps anyone learn business, software, technology and creative skills to achieve personal and/or professional goals. Through individual, corporate, academic and government subscriptions, members have access to the website's video library of courses taught by industry experts. serves more than 10,000 organizations, and offers its tutorials in five languages. The firm offers courses in five fields: software development, providing more than 400 courses; design, providing more than 600 courses; business, with more than 900 courses; web development, with over 100 courses; and photography, featuring more than 1,700 courses. Members have unlimited access and choose whatever course they want anywhere, from any device. Applications available include iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows 8, Desktop and Apple TV. offers group memberships for businesses, schools or government organizations, whether it is to provide training for five people or many more. The firm is owned by LinkedIn Corporation.

intentionally listed here more than once. Eric Robison, CEO Andrew Wait, Pres. Elaine Kitagawa, CFO Bruce Heavin, CIO Michael Lydon, VP-Tech. Oper. Ken Sandy, VP-Product Shveta Mujumdar, VP-Corp. Dev. David Glaubke, Dir.-Public Rels. Bruce Heavin, Chief Innovation Officer Lynda Weinman, Exec. Chair Alex Zivoder, VP

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 225,000,000

2015 150,000,000

2014 155,000,000

2013 120,000,000



Phone: 805-477-3900 Fax: 805-755-1208 Toll-Free: 888-335-9632 Address: 6410 Via Real, Carpinteria, CA 93013 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 466 Parent Company: LinkedIn Corporation



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2012 100,000,000

2011 70,000,000

Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 2 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

McGraw-Hill Education Inc

NAIC Code: 511130


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Book Publishing Educational Books Testing Services


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. David W. Levin, CEO David Levin, Pres. Patrick Milano, CFO Stephen Laster, Chief Digital Officer Patrick Milano, Chief Admin. Officer David Stafford, General Counsel Daniel Sieger, VP-Comm. Philip Ruppel, Pres., Professional Peter Cohen, Pres., School Education Ellen Haley, Pres., CTB Brian Kibby, Pres., Higher Education Mark Dorman, Pres., Int'l

McGraw-Hill Education, Inc. provides educational materials and learning solutions for students, instructors, professionals and institutions around the world. The firm targets the prekindergarten through secondary school market (PreK-12), the 2- and 4-year college and university market and the professional learning and information market with content, tools and services delivered via print, digital and hybrid solutions. McGraw-Hill Education divides its operations into two segments: professional and international group (HPI) and school education group (SEG). The HPI segment includes post-secondary education and professional products distributed both in the U.S. and internationally. Post-secondary education products available from the company consist of instructional content, adaptive learning, assessment and institutional services. Its professional product line includes content and subscription-based information services for the professional business, medical, technical and education/test prep communities, including professionals preparing for entry into graduate programs. The SEG segment serves the U.S. PreK-12 instructional and supplemental markets and also provides a comprehensive range of assessment programs and services to the global education community. This segment includes school products, which provide instructional and supplemental content and services to the PreK-12 market. In October 2015, the firm launched its Case Files Collection on AccessMedicine, a suite of online resources for medical students, residents and healthcare professionals. That same year, its sold CTB to Data Recognition Corporation. In 2016, it opened a new headquarters in London to service the Europe, Middle East and Africa educational markets.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 1,757,331,000

2015 1,237,270,000

2014 1,290,000,000

2013 1,240,000,000






2012 2,100,000,000

2011 2,292,000,000


Phone: 212-904-2588 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121 United States

Exchange: Stock Ticker: SPGI Employees: 5,300 Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31 Parent Company: Apollo Global Management LLC



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 2 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited

NAIC Code: 511130


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Book Publishers

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: McGraw-Hill Education Inc McGraw-Hill Connect

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

David Swail, CEO David Swail, Pres. Patrick Ferrier, Pres., Higher Education Div. Nancy Gerrish, Pres., School Div. Marshall I. Morris, Exec. VP-Customer Satisfaction

McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, based in Canada, is a publisher and distributor of educational and professional materials. Its materials, offered in both print and digital formats, are available for children of all ages and adults. Operations are conducted through three divisions: the school division, the higher education division and the professional division. The school division works with the various education departments throughout Canada to publish and distribute educational materials in the areas of mathematics, science, social studies, history, literacy, business education and family studies for PreK-12 education. The higher education division produces materials for post-secondary education. Though traditionally this division has offered print texts, the company is moving towards the digital end with the introduction of such products as McGraw-Hill Connect, an online learning solution that includes assessments, study tools and adaptive learning tools. These digital products are integrated with each educational institution's Learning Management Systems. Materials are offered in the subjects of business and economics, the sciences, engineering, math, computer science, social studies and humanities. All educational content is Canadian authored and is available only within the country's provinces and territories. Finally, the professional division markets and distributes materials in a wide range of subjects for the working professional. These subjects include aviation, business, computing, construction, engineering and architecture, general and self-help, languages and reference, medical, science and math, sports and recreation and test prep and study guides. These materials are supplied by parent company McGraw-Hill Education, Inc. Employee benefits include health care, flextime, elder and child care, adoption assistance and retirement plan contributions.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 65,000,000

2015 70,000,000

2014 70,500,000

2013 72,141,408

2012 78,192,328

2011 82,510,560



Phone: 905 430-5000 Fax: 905 430-5020 Toll-Free: Address: 300 Water St., Whitby, ON L1N 9B6 Canada

Exchange: Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: 169 Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31 Parent Company: McGraw-Hill Education Inc



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 3 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Megastudy Co Ltd

NAIC Code: 611710


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Online Educational Videos

Megastudy Co. Ltd. Is an educational technology company based in Korea, focused on developing materials and services for K-12 students. It provides online education services through its portal sites, and, which provide online educational content, teaching materials, video on demand content and learning management consulting services for pre-university students, primary and middle school students. Megastudy also provides offline education services through its educational institutes. Products include Mjunior for primary school students; Mbest, a program for middle school students; and Megastudy, a series of video-lectures for high school level students. The company also offers education services to adults both online and offline, and engages in the study material publishing business. Megastudy has nearly 2,000 courses in most areas of study.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Koo Woo-Jin, CEO Choi Bong-Soo, Pres. Seok-Beom Hong, Pres., Mgmt. & Admin. Dept. Sung-Oh Kim, Pres., Elementary AT Middle School Bus. Department Seung-Dong Park, Head-Seocho Megastudy Institute Soo Joo-Eun, Chmn.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 132,345,339

2015 214,145,546

2014 120,426,195

2013 311,100,000

2012 322,000,000

2011 337,400,000









Phone: 82-2-6350-8400 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 34 Sangamasan-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 137-070 South Korea

Stock Ticker: 72870 Employees: 108 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: Seoul Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

MIND Research Institute

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational & Training


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Matthew Peterson, CEO Mark Bodner, Pres. Mark Bodner, Pres., Research Div. Jason Brown, CTO Andrew Coulson, Chief Strategist Greg Blevins, VP-Finance Ingrid Ellerbe, VP-Engagement Janine Ingram, VP-Philanthropic Partnerships Jim Lund, VP-Education Svcs. Theresa Poprac, Chief Partnerships Officer John Phelan, Chmn.

MIND Research Institute is a nonprofit educational technology company which develops math education software for students grades K-12. The organization services more than 1 million students and works with 44,000 teachers and 3,280 schools in 45 states. Its feature product is the Spatial-Temporal Math instructional software, which instructs students through a game-like interface, using graphics and interactive lessons, centered on a spatial-temporal reasoning ability approach to learning. This software is available for use on computers (Windows, Mac and Chromebook) and tablets (iPad, Kindle and Android). It is based on the company's extensive research in collaboration with 13 universities, including UCLA and John Hopkins University. Even after development of the initial product, the organization continues research efforts, regularly publishing its findings in academic journals and other scientific publications. Current projects are divided into Mathematics research and Neuroscience research. Mathematic research includes affine reflection groups for tiling application, hybrid boundary value problem, cubature formula for polynomials, generalization of the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem and pattern and pattern recognition mathematical theory development. Neuroscience research is currently focused on the areas of epilepsy and working memory, with eight projects currently undergoing study. Employee benefits include medical and dental coverage, a 401(k) and life & AD&D insurance.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 29,094,538

2015 30,827,342

2014 26,455,834

2013 24,297,731







Phone: 949-345-8700 Fax: Toll-Free: 888-751-5443 Address: 111 Academy, Ste. 100, Irvine, CA 92617 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 195 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 4 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

MindSnacks Inc

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational Games Games Technologies

MindSnacks, Inc. develops educational software for students ages K-12. It currently offers a single feature product, which educates students on various subjects using a game-like format. MindSnacks consists of 10 games available for download through the iTunes App store: Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, SAT Vocab, German, Chinese, Kids' Vocab, Japanese and Math. These mini games consist of more than 1,000 words, phrases and/or math problems for students to master, enhancing vocabulary, contextual comprehension and problem solving. They feature native speaker audio clips, as well as hand-illustrated image libraries to study from. MindSnack's applications include personalized learning algorithms to maximize memorization, retention and contextual usage. Its review mode allows students to focus on current lessons in order to master them before going on to higher levels. There are 50 levels and more than 40 hours of content. MindSnack's embedded quests and challenges keep students engaged and motivated in their learning experiences. Employee benefits include medical, dental and vision insurance as well as a 401(k).


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Jesse Pickard, CEO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 415-400-4626 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 1479 Folsom St., San Francisco, CA 94103 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 12 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Minerva Project Inc

NAIC Code: 611310



Minerva Project, Inc. is a for-profit online university providing undergraduate degrees to students around the world. Its undergrad programs combine four years of world travel with interdisciplinary study. Minerva is divided into five colleges: Computational Science, Social Science, Arts & Humanities, Natural Sciences and Business. First year Minerva Project students do not attend large lectures or introductory courses, but are immersed in Cornerstone courses that include studies of complex systems, the principles of rhetoric and artistic expression in order to develop a common intellectual foundation that creates skills required for future success. Year two aims to provide a direction in which students will take in life, and involves traveling abroad, continuing interdisciplinary studies and engaging in live interactive seminars through social media and in-person activities. Year three is focus-oriented with studies now concentrating on chosen major, continuing to travel by living in other countries, learning innovative techniques and methodology, as well as exploring electives outside one's major. Year four consists of living in other countries, completing electives and major requirements, developing and refining a Capstone project that involves critical thinking and problem solving, and graduating. Year five and beyond involves ongoing intellectual growth and professional achievement career-wise in order to make a positive impact on the world. In partnership with Keck Graduate Institute, Minerva Schools at KGI offer degree programs in the applied sciences. Minerva Project's Master of Science in Applied Analyses and Decision Making offers an advanced degree program for students who have undergraduate degrees from other institutions. The master's degree program is designed for working professionals. Minerva Project's residential locations include San Francisco, Berlin, Buenos Aires, Seoul, Hyderabad, London and Taipei.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Ben Nelson, CEO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity









Phone: Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 1145 Market St., 9/Fl., San Francisco, CA 94103 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 107 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $



Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.


NAIC Code: 611310A


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

MITx is a massive open online course (MOOC) hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Courses are developed by the university's Office of Digital Learning and are then offered online through the MOOC platform edX. EdX was developed by MIT and Harvard University in 2012, and currently hosts courses from schools around the world. MITx courses are fashioned by university professors after those they teach in the classroom, but college credit is not earned for each completed course, rather, Certifications of Completion are awarded. The MOOC offers various university courses from nine academic departments. Data is collected from the MITx courses by the Office of Digital Learning for purposes of ongoing research in the field of educational technology. University students worldwide can explore MIT courses through MITx on edX, a course with an MIT faculty member that also connects with classmates; OpenCourseWare (OCW), a free site with digital resources for over 2,200 MIT courses across a variety disciplines; and OCW Scholar, which are courses that include updated custom-created content and materials repurposed from MIT classrooms. Students can also explore their understanding of individual concepts through Mathlets and MIT BLOSSOMS, which include free videos and applications on math and science. Residential MITx is an online learning system used in a wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses at MIT, based on open edX. The system distributes online course content, interactive elements, assessment and grades. More than 83% of MIT undergraduates have used the Residential MITx system for a substantial portion of coursework in one or more courses. Over 1 million individuals from 195 countries have participated in an MITx on edX course, and OpenCourseWare averages over 2.5 million visits per month from over 1 million unique visitors.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: edX OpenCourseWare OCW Scholar Mathlets MIT BLOSSOMS Residential MITx

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Sanjay Sarma, VP-Open Learning Sanjay Sarma, Dir.-Digital Learning Isaac Chuang, Associate Dir.-Digital Learning

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity









Phone: 617-871-2155 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 600 Technology Square, 2/Fl., Cambridge, MA 02139 United States

Exchange: Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 30 Fiscal Year Ends: Parent Company: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

NASCAR Racing Experience NAIC Code: 611692


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Automobile Driving Schools

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Driving 101 LLC Mario Andretti Racing Experience

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

NASCAR Racing Experience offers entertainment-based oval driving schools and events. The company offers seven types of ride or drive programs for individuals and corporations. The 3lap ride is a NASCAR ride along experience for those who prefer not to drive a race car. The 6-lap drive is a 3-hour learning experience in which individuals drive a real NASCAR race car by themselves for the purpose of an 8-minute timed racing session on the speedway. The 10-lap drive provides the experience drive as well as two 8-minute sessions back-toback racing with a brief pit stop in-between. The 20-lap drive allows driving at faster speeds, three 8-minute timed racing sessions, back-to-back with pit stops in-between. The goal is to go faster every session. The 28-lap drive includes four 8minute timed racing sessions, back-to-back. The 40-lap drive includes five 8-minute timed racing sessions, back-to-back; and the 60-lap drive includes six back-to-back 8-minute solo runs. Prices range from $130 to over $3,000. The company is owned by Driving 101, LLC, which also owns Mario Andretti Racing Experience.

Robert Lutz, CEO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity


2015 2,400,000

2014 2,383,091



2013 2,669,868

2012 3,481,607

2011 2,875,602





Phone: 704-886-2400 Fax: Toll-Free: 888 467-2231 Address: 6025 Victory Ln., Concord, NC 28027 United States

Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: 10 Parent Company: Driving 101 LLC



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

National American University Holdings Inc

NAIC Code: 611310



BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: National American University Fairway Hills Developments

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Ronald Shape, CEO David Heflin, CFO Robert Buckingham, Chairman of the Board Anthony DeAngelis, Chief Information Officer Jerry Gallentine, Director Lynn Priddy, Other Corporate Officer Robert Paxton, President, Divisional Michael Buckingham, President, Divisional

National American University Holdings, Inc. is a provider of post-secondary education primarily focused on the needs of working adults and other non-traditional students. It owns and operates National American University, a regionallyaccredited, for-profit institution of higher learning founded in 1941. Using both campus-based and online instruction, it provides associate, bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree and diploma programs in technical and professional fields such as accounting, management, business administration, information technology, nursing and health care management. The firm's mission is to prepare students of diverse interests, cultures and abilities for careers in its core fields in a caring and supportive environment. The organization provides academic options that are flexible and convenient for its students. It currently leases 37 educational sites (two of which are pending regulatory approvals) in the states of Colorado, Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Texas. Also, since 1998, the firm has been offering academic and degree programs online. Additionally, some educational sites are hybrid learning centers, which utilize small physical facilities in strategic geographic areas, allowing students to complete the majority of their coursework online while meeting face-to-face with staff for assistance with their educational choices and related services. In addition to its university operations, the company operates a real estate business known as Fairway Hills Developments. The real estate business rents apartment units and develops and sells condominium units in the Fairway Hills Planned Residential Development area of Rapid City, South Dakota.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 96,113,000

2015 117,891,000

2014 127,753,000

2013 129,176,000

2012 118,894,000

2011 106,808,000

-7,593,000 -7.90% 76,878,000 -5,348,000 7,306,000 1,263,000 -1,732,000 -6.80% -11.49% 0.28

11,752,000 9.96% 78,930,000 6,716,000 8,848,000 1,454,000 18,205,000 7.67% 12.91% 0.22

6,253,000 4.89% 91,522,000 3,485,000 -4,090,000 4,779,000 12,900,000 3.94% 6.81% 0.23

10,010,000 7.74% 89,686,000 5,446,000 15,935,000 8,864,000 15,878,000 6.36% 10.69% 0.20

9,160,000 7.70% 82,223,000 5,049,000 12,857,000 13,790,000 13,653,000 6.27% 9.20% 0.20

16,408,000 15.36% 67,362,000 10,266,000 15,777,000 7,113,000 19,540,000 16.39% 25.53%



Phone: 605 721-5200 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 5301 S. Highway 16, Rapid, SD 57701 United States

Stock Ticker: NAUH Employees: 740 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $343,941 Second Exec. Salary: $190,000

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: NAS Fiscal Year Ends: 05/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 2 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Navitas Limited

NAIC Code: 611310


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools Professional Development Courses

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: SAE Institute Navitas College of Public Safety Australian College of English Pty Ltd Hibt Ltd Learning Information Systems Ltd Health Skills Australia Pty Ltd Beijing Eduglobal Development Company Study Overseas Ltd (UK)

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Rod Jones, CEO David Buckingham, CFO Lyndell Fraser, CEO-Professional & English Programs John Wood, CEO-University Programs Tracey Horton, Chmn.

Navitas Limited is a provider of pre-university and university pathway programs for domestic and overseas students. These programs are offered on a full-fee paying basis to students in conjunction with associated universities through a predominantly on-campus model. The programs provide the opportunity for students to enter the associated university's courses and obtain a university degree. Through its Navitas professional segment, professional development courses are available in the fields of applied psychology, criminal justice, healthcare, vocational training and additional career specific courses. It also connects students with professional internships. Through SAE Institute, the company provides creative media education, including audio, film and new medial qualifications at 50 campuses worldwide. The school also offers English language education in Singapore and Australia. In total, Navitas currently has more than 80,000 students throughout Australia, North America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Among its many subsidiaries include: Navitas College of Public Safety, Australian College of English Pty. Ltd., Hibt Ltd., Learning Information Systems Ltd., Health Skills Australia Pty. Ltd., Beijing Eduglobal Development Company and Study Overseas Ltd. (UK). In September 2016, the University of Northampton International College, a pathway college for international students seeking access to higher education, welcomed its first students at its grand opening.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 696,458,200

2015 725,833,900

2014 650,019,600

2013 541,374,000

2012 510,641,800

2011 476,269,800

46,163,210 6.62% 752,407,600 66,842,780 93,357,870 32,455,980 123,049,700 11.26% 42.92% 0.64

85,705,810 11.80% 725,566,000 53,286,930 105,248,600 28,296,760 108,165,600 9.51% 33.76% 0.58

66,145,990 10.17% 651,561,700 38,278,140 104,584,400 18,809,600 86,617,790 7.09% 22.83% 0.57

84,332,260 15.57% 536,835,600 55,338,710 94,106,610 14,844,060 98,081,050 10.97% 31.62% 0.62

82,902,330 16.23% 498,738,500 54,280,540 54,807,400 14,370,630 94,390,070 11.33% 30.78% 0.56

79,281,840 16.64% 463,692,100 57,429,080 51,541,620 8,172,246 88,887,740 15.14% 44.71% 0.57



Phone: 08 9314 9600 Fax: 08 9314 9699 Toll-Free: Address: Level 8, Brookfield Place, 125 St. Georges Terrace, Mt Pleasant, WA 6153 Australia

Stock Ticker: NVTZF Employees: 3,267 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: PINX Fiscal Year Ends: 06/30

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 2 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc NAIC Code: 611630


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Language Schools

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: New Oriental Foreign Language School New Oriental New Oriental Star

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Chenggang Zhou, CEO Louis Hsieh, Pres. & CFO Zhihui Yang, CFO Yulong Sha, Sr. VP Guofu Li, VP Xiuwen Want, VP Michael Minhong Yu, Chmn.

New Oriental Education & Technology Group, Inc. is a provider of private educational programs, services and products intended to address the needs of its students and adults under its New Oriental brand. The firm has over 3.6 million registered users and more than 19,700 teachers in 58 cities. It delivers its educational programs, services and products to students through a network of 69 schools, 789 learning centers and 20 bookstores, as well as access to a nationwide network of online and offline bookstores through 170 third-party distributors. New Oriental's core offering is foreign language instruction to students and adult professionals. Its language training courses consist mainly of English classes, although the group also teaches other foreign languages including Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Italian and Korean. At the New Oriental Foreign Language Training School in Yangzhou, the firm teaches approximately 60 specialty courses including foreign language, martial arts, swimming, calligraphy, pottery and painting to primary and secondary grade students. New Oriental Star brands kindergarten programs in Beijing and Nanjing. For students planning to study abroad, the group provides overseas study consulting & test preparation courses for entrance exams such as the GRE, SAT and ACT. Classes are taught primarily in traditional classroom settings and through online instruction. Course fees are determined based on the length of the course, the size and the subject of the class, the area of study and the geographic location of the school. The company develops and publishes its own educational materials for language training and test preparation, such as books, software, CD-ROMs, magazines and other periodicals as well as self-help, know-how and inspirational books for its students and other readers.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 1,478,348,000

2015 1,246,766,000

2014 1,138,887,000

2013 959,854,000

2012 771,718,000

2011 557,872,000

198,837,000 13.44% 668,907,000 224,884,000 517,894,000 64,401,000 247,352,000 10.44% 17.13%

153,529,000 12.31% 566,917,000 193,013,000 374,145,000 55,318,000 200,915,000 10.85% 17.18%

197,567,000 17.34% 493,272,000 215,704,000 361,345,000 31,703,000 241,375,000 14.58% 22.91%

122,565,000 12.76% 453,112,000 136,269,000 283,628,000 61,468,000 161,758,000 10.97% 17.60%

116,797,000 15.13% 350,894,000 132,688,000 249,304,000 71,690,000 143,155,000 13.32% 20.98%

95,501,000 17.11% 238,209,000 101,774,000 215,819,000 49,553,000 112,520,000 13.94% 20.31%



Phone: 86 1062605566 Fax: 86 1062605511 Toll-Free: Address: No. 6 Haidian Zhongjie, Beijing, 100080 China

Stock Ticker: EDU Employees: 25,826 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: NYS Fiscal Year Ends: 05/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

NIIT Limited

NAIC Code: 611410


TYPES OF BUSINESS: IT Training Educational Products & Services


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Vijay K. Thadani, Managing Dir. Rahul K. Patwardhan, CEO Sapnesh Lalla, Pres. P.R. Subramanian, CFO Sailesh Lalla Sailesh Lalla, Sr. VP-Mktg. & Sales Sandra R. Pruitt, Sr. Dir.-Human Resources Ganesh Krishnamurthy, Sr. VP-Learning Content Gregg Collins, VP-Instructional Design Chip Cleary, VP-Advisory Svcs. Edward Trolley, VP-Managed Training Svcs. Rajendra S. Pawar, Chmn.

NIIT Limited provides learning management and training delivery solutions to enterprises, individuals and institutions in over 40 countries. It's core lines of business focus on corporate learning, skills & careers and school learning. NIIT's services include content & curriculum, learning administration, learning delivery, learning technology, strategic sourcing and advisory services. Content & curriculum develops learning programs in all delivery formats, including instructor-led, online, blended and collaborative learning. Content development comprises complex gaming & simulation, 2D & 3D animation, as well as high-end video. This division also offers performance consulting to help organizations optimize effectiveness through analysis, strategy development, tracking and measurement. Learning administration aims to optimize learning & development success, is individual/company specific and has more than 25 years of experience in the management & administration of the learning process. Learning delivery, via more than 2,500 instructors and network, provides global scale regional flexibility through a model that ranges from classroombased training to virtual instructor training. This division provides certification and multi-lingual support in 15 languages. Learning technology, via NIIT's on-demand learning management system,, is a fully-hosted application that can be configured to meet a variety of business needs. Strategic sourcing addresses the entire lifecycle of vendor provided training, as well as selection, measurement & knowledge management support services. The advisory services segment helps organizations transform their learning function to efficiently align with operational need. NIIT clients have included Ford, Toyota, Ohio University, Key Curriculum Press, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Allstate, Cisco and Sun Microsystems.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 156,948,091

2015 143,216,963

2014 151,644,775

2013 160,900,000

2012 211,100,000

2011 237,400,000









Phone: 770-290-6000 Fax: 770-551-9292 Toll-Free: Address: A-24 InfoCity, Sector-34, Gurgaon, Haryana 12201 India

Stock Ticker: NIITLTD Employees: 1,810 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: NSI Fiscal Year Ends: 03/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 1 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.


NAIC Code: 611710


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Support Services

Noodle is a group of companies focused on increasing transparency and efficiency in education via technology, schools and curricula. The Noodle group of companies include: Noodle, Noodle Tutoring, Noodle Partners and Noodle Markets. Noodle is an education web site that helps parents and students make decisions about learning. Its interactive search tools locate preschools, colleges, tutors or any other learning resource. Users can also read articles, ask questions and obtain answers from education professionals, as well as connect with others in their communities. Noodle Tutoring runs three tutoring companies that offer test prep, academic and homework support for all subjects and purposes. Noodle Pros is a boutique high-end test prep and academic tutoring company staffed only with veteran tutors with 10-30 years of experience; and One With NYU and One With USC are marketplaces for affordable tutors from NYU and USC. Noodle Partners helps colleges and universities improve learning and engagement, lower costs and increase scale via technology integration and support services. Last, Noodle Markets offers a purchasing platform and national marketplace for educational products and services, in an effort to help education institutions and vendors reduce costs.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Noodle Noodle Tutoring Noodle Partners Noodle Markets Noodle Pros One With NYU One With USC

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

John Katzman, CEO Dan Edmonds, VP-R&D, Tutoring Kyle Jaster, Chief Product Officer Bobby Wallace, VP-Eng., Search Aryeh Morris, Controller Martin Smith, Chief Revenue Officer Kim Hoyt, Exec. Dir.-Major Accounts Richard Katzman, Exec. Dir.-Learning Content Laura London, Exec. Dir.-Education

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 5,000,000

2015 4,005,000





Phone: 646-289-7800 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 59 Chelsea Piers, Ste. 200, New York, NY 10011 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 94 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2012 3,000,000


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 14 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Nord Anglia Education Inc

NAIC Code: 611110


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Elementary and Secondary Schools (for-profit) Education Management Company


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Andrew Fitzmaurice, CEO Philippe Lagger, Dir.-Corp. Dev. Graeme Halder, CFO Alison Copua, Chief Admin. & Mktg. Officer Nicola Duggan Redfern, Group Dir.-Human Resources Philippe Lagger, Dir.-Corp. Dir. Deborah Eyre, Dir.-Education Alan Kelsey, Chmn.

Nord Anglia Education, Inc. is an operator of K-12 premium schools internationally. The organization teaches over 37,000 students in its 43 schools located in China, Europe, the Middle East/Southeast Asia and North America. A premium school is one that charges at least $10,000 per year in tuition fees. Nord Anglia primarily operates in geographic markets with high foreign direct investment, large expatriate populations and rising disposable incomes. Most the organization's schools teach the English National Curriculum and strive to maximize every student's academic performance. Although admissions policy is not based on academic ability, and English is not the first language of many of the students, the students' standardized examination results exceed global averages. Of those that graduate, nearly one out of five matriculate to one of the world's top 30 universities, as ranked by QS World University Rankings. In 2016, the organization's schools in China, Europe, the Middle East, South East Asia and North America contributed approximately 35%, 28%, 10%, 8% and 15% of the schools' revenue, respectively. In April 2016, the firm entered agreements with W. P. Carey, Inc. for the sale and leaseback of properties it owns at Windermere Preparatory School in Orlando, Florida, North Broward Preparatory School in Coconut Creek, Florida and The Village School in Houston, Texas. The properties will be sold to W. P. Carey, Inc. for an aggregate purchase price of $167.0 million and leased back to the schools for 25 years, with the option to extend the term for four additional periods of five years each.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 856,000,000

2015 577,000,000

2014 474,600,000

2013 323,700,000

2012 274,400,000

2011 225,200,000

125,200,000 14.62% 196,300,000 47,100,000 125,100,000 95,700,000 193,100,000 1.96% 16.76% 3.91

57,700,000 10.00% 127,000,000 7,400,000 86,600,000 64,000,000 106,200,000 .40% 3.15% 4.03

-11,200,000 -2.35% 237,600,000 -90,400,000 -51,300,000 54,300,000 24,600,000 -7.69% -84.82% 2.57

45,000,000 13.90% 96,000,000 -23,300,000 12,300,000 24,200,000 64,700,000 -2.59% -73.04% 31.52

26,700,000 9.73% 97,100,000 -37,400,000 51,700,000 12,100,000 52,000,000 -5.80% -88.35% 7.28

6,000,000 2.66% 78,100,000 -48,100,000 29,900,000 14,400,000 41,700,000



Phone: 852-3951-1100 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: Fl. 12, St. George's Bldg., No. 2 Ice House St., Central, Hong Kong, K3 0000 Hong Kong

Stock Ticker: NORD Employees: 7,360 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: NYS Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 2 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Odysseyware Inc

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational & Training

Odysseyware, Inc., owned by Glynlyon, Inc., is a designer and distributor of online curriculum. The firm's curriculum is designed for charter, public and virtual schools in grades K-12, and comes with customizable core, elective and career and technical education (CTE) courses; assignments; and remediation tools. Courses offered within the core curriculum include career and technical education, agriculture, food and natural resources, math, science, business management and administration, advanced placement studies, health science, law, public safety, corrections, security, human services, history, engineering, mathematics, English language arts, hospitality/tourism, information technology, architecture and construction. Elective courses include the fields of fine arts, business, history, math, science, world languages and health. Test preparation is also taught within the core studies. Odysseyware can be used as both a stand-alone curriculum or as a part of a blended learning educational experience. Students can learn anywhere, anytime, on any device through the company's Learning Management System. Odysseyware's online capabilities include translation in 23 languages, vocabulary and reference libraries, text-to-speech, and immediate coaching for writing skills via the Writer Tool. Teachers have flexibility in creating single lessons, projects, quizzes and tests, as well as to create entire courses and customize/personalize any or all them for differentiated student learning styles. Odysseyware Academic Services enables districts and schools to expand curriculum offerings, address hard-to-fill teacher assignments and provide digital learning to help keep students in school and meet graduation requirements. Odysseyware Academy is an AdvancED accredited school with NCAA-approved courses.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Glynlyon Inc Odysseyware Academic Services Odysseyware Academy

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Beth Te Grotenhuis, CEO Kevin Youngblood, Pres. Charles Mallon, CFO Eileen Shihadeh, Sr. VP-Mktg.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 35,000,000





Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: 175 Parent Company: Glynlyon Inc


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: 480-940-0801 Fax: Toll-Free: 877-795-8904 Address: 300 N. McKemy Ave., Chandler, AZ 85226 United States Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Open Learning Initiative

NAIC Code: 611310A


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

The Open Learning Initiative (OLI) is a massive open online course (MOOC) sponsored by Carnegie Mellon University. Classes are hosted on the CMU website, and while these courses do not offer college credit or certification of completion, they are free to use for all. OLI currently offers 27 online programs. Courses are fashioned by university and college professors after those they teach in the classroom and include American English speech, Arabic for global exchange, biochemistry, engineering statics, logic & proofs, principles of computing and introduction to psychology. The organization is funded by grants, with money donated by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the Spencer Foundation, the Lumina Foundation, The Kresge Foundation, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Walter S. Johnson Foundation. OLI is a data driven program, with student learning data going into the study of the science of learning, instructor activities, course design and student performance. OLI's open and free courses provide a learning platform in which there are no instructors, no credits or certifications and no cost, just an access to course materials and to learning.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Candace Thille, Dir.-Open Learning Initiative

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity






Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 3 Parent Company:


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: 412-268-2000 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 5000 Forbes Ave., Pittsburg, PA 15213 United States Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 1 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Open University (The)

NAIC Code: 611310


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Distance Learning College


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be

The Open University (OU) is an online, distance learning school based in the U.K., offering undergraduate and graduate degrees. OU consists of approximately 120,000 students, 5,000 tutors and 1,100 full-time academic staff. Additionally, the university serves students across Europe with 20 curriculum partnerships in 23 countries. More than 13,500 OU students are currently studying at post-graduate level. The average age of undergrad students is 29, and only 30% of undergrads are under 25. Educational services are geared towards working professionals, with 76% of students working full time or part time. OU maintains the practice of open admissions, admitting students regardless of academic or professional background. It also offers free online courses to all through OpenLearn, iTunes U and YouTube. The university operates through several facilities located around the world, including research centers, national and regional support centers, internal campuses and the Milton Keynes Campus, which offers onsite instruction and campus services.

intentionally listed here more than once.

Martha Lane-Fox, Chancellor Laurence Holden, Interim Group Dir.-Finance Fraser Woodburn, Sec. Miles Hedges, Dir.-Finance Edith Prak, Dir.-Development Keith Zimmerman, Dir.-Students Musa Mihsein, Pro Vice Chancellor-Academic Belinda Tynan, Pro Vice Chancellor-Learning & Teaching

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 613,125,668

2015 608,881,044

2014 583,745,640

2013 646,299,637







Phone: 44-845-300-60-90 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: P.O. Box 917, Milton Keynes, MK7 6BJ United Kingdom

Stock Ticker: Nonprofit Employees: 11,000 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 07/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 2 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Parchment Inc

NAIC Code: 511210L


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Online Transcript Transferring Secure Document Storage and Transfer

Parchment, Inc. is an online portal that allows individuals and institutions to send and receive educational credentials securely. Educational credentials include such documents as transcripts, diplomas and certificates that are usually filed away as paper documents that require physical delivery for distribution. The Parchment platform, Parchment Exchange, accessed via, allows its users to store credentials electronically in one place. Thus, when a user's educational credentials are needed for one reason or another, the firm's transference of credentials is a simpler, more secure and transparent transaction that saves both time and money. Parchment has so far helped thousands of schools and universities and millions of people exchange over 20 million educational transcripts and credentials globally. The firm is headquartered in Colorado, with offices in Michigan, California, Washington D.C. and Toronto, Canada.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Matthew Pittinsky, CEO Robert Colletti, CFO Rajeev Arora, Sr. VP-Prod. Ron Hyman, VP-Eng. Markets Chris Kaschmitter, VP-Member Oper. Leonard Napolitano, Sr. VP-Member Dev. Jeff Dinski, Gen. Mgr.-Consumer Svcs. Rachel Stamm, VP-Programs & Customer Service

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 480-719-1646 Fax: 480-951-5789 Toll-Free: Address: 6263 N. Scottsdale Rd., Ste. 330, Scottsdale, AZ 85250 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 151 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 1 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Pearson North America

NAIC Code: 511130


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Book Publishing Education Services and Tests Adult Learning Higher Education Services K-12 Curriculum and Services


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. John Fallon, CEO-Pearson PLC Sidney Taurel, Chmn.-Pearson PLC

Pearson North America, a subsidiary of Pearson PLC, is an education company providing materials, technology, assessments and services to teachers and students of all ages. The firm provides a range of products and services to institutions, governments and directly to individual learners. Pearson North America divides its products and services into three segments: PreK-12 education, higher education and professional. PreK-12 education offers assessment services, curriculum resources, online and blended learning solutions, professional development and consulting services, and grants and funding location services. Higher education services offer course content and digital resources, online program management, consulting services, curriculum services, grant help, online tutoring, interactive learning, interactive assessment, online courses, learning applications, alternative credentials, competency-based education and personalized help desk support. The professional segment offers assessment service, custom training courseware, custom content and curriculum development, online mentoring, talent/leadership development, and language training and workforce education.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 3,845,489,990

2015 4,246,977,000

2014 4,685,820,000





2013 4,200,736,400

Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: Parent Company: Pearson PLC


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: 212-641-2400 Fax: Toll-Free: 800-745-8489 Address: 330 Hudson St., New York, NY 10013 United States Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

2012 4,017,832,800

Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Pearson PLC

NAIC Code: 511130


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Book Publishing Educational Products Financial Newspapers Online Publishing Testing Services Language Training Centers

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: REVEL MyLab and Mastering Pearson VUE Wall Street English

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

John Fallon, CEO Coram Williams, CFO Philip J. Hoffman, Corp. Sec. John Makinson, CEO Will Ethridge, CEO-North American Education Kate James, Chief Corp. Affairs Officer Sidney Taurel, Chmn. David Shanks, CEO-Penguin Group USA, Inc.

Pearson PLC is an international education company, with expertise in educational courseware and assessment, as well as a range of teaching and learning services powered by technology. The firm's products are catered toward every stage of the education journey. REVEL is an interactive learning environment that enables students to read, practice and study in one continuous experience. It replaces the textbook and gives students everything they need for each course they take. The interactive learning environment seamlessly blends authors' narrative, media and assessment. Pearson's trademarked MyLab and Mastering offering enables educators to personalize/customize teaching and learning tools for individual students, since one approach to learning does not suit everyone particularly well. Pearson VUE helps individuals prepare for their next educational or career opportunity through credentials that verify the skills and learning required for a specific job or educational program. Wall Street English is a global English language school for adults. It offers a flexible and entertaining approach to help learners stay motivated to achieve language goals. Pearson's online program management and U.K. qualifications platforms help people understand and manage the qualifications, requirements and education necessary for particular courses, schools and/or vocations. During 2015, the firm sold The Financial Times Group to Nikkei, Inc. for $1.3 billion; and sold its 50% stake in The Economist Group for $590 million. These transactions completed Pearson's exit of media assets, transforming itself solely into an education specialist. Pearson offers its employees health benefits, a profit-sharing scheme, retirement and savings plans and stock purchase plans.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 5,873,473,000

2015 5,765,087,000

2014 6,288,951,000

2013 6,540,561,000

2012 6,527,657,000

2011 7,563,774,000

-3,221,894,000 -54.85% 2,885,124,000 -3,015,445,000 529,025,400 316,125,000 553,541,200 -21.53% -43.44% 0.55

-521,283,600 -9.04% 2,799,964,000 1,061,922,000 272,254,600 318,705,600 1,068,373,000 7.14% 13.28% 0.31

513,541,800 8.16% 3,051,574,000 607,734,100 587,089,200 234,835,700 1,016,761,000 4.21% 8.06% 0.31

590,960,100 9.03% 3,036,090,000 694,184,600 459,348,900 234,835,700 663,217,300 4.82% 9.45% 0.29

664,507,600 10.17% 2,859,318,000 420,639,700 1,181,920,000 194,836,200 878,698,400 2.88% 5.60% 0.35

1,581,915,000 20.91%



Phone: 44 2070102000 Fax: 44 2070106060 Toll-Free: Address: 80 Strand, London, WC2R ORL United Kingdom

Stock Ticker: PSO Employees: 32,719 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $780,000 Second Exec. Salary: $515,000

Bonus: $343,000 Bonus: $193,000

1,234,823,000 1,125,147,000 185,804,100 1,947,072,000 8.73% 16.67% 0.33

Exchange: NYS Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 4 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Piazza Technologies

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Social Networking Site

Piazza Technologies is an online resource designed to connect students, teaching assistants (TAs) and professors. Piazza's platform is used in 90 countries by 50,000 professors in 1,500 schools. The website creates an environment of effective course collaboration through a refined question and answer (Q&A) application modeled on face-to-face discussions. The online platform allows a user to publicly and anonymously ask and answer questions as well as post notes. The firm keeps a record of a post's edit history and allows for follow-up questions. In addition, the platform sends out email notifications when a post has been edited. Individual classes on Piazza are self-contained, with the head instructor retaining control over content. Additionally, Piazza Careers is a recruiting platform that connects students with companies, organizations and laboratories. Drawing from a pool of more than a million students, Piazza Careers builds on the growth of its Q&A platform by easing the transition from school to work via online dialogue. Hiring managers can zero in on student course/university criteria and education background. Piazza Careers can connect students to peers on campus, as well as recent alumni with similar academic backgrounds. Investors of the firm include Bessemer Venture Partners, Felicis Ventures, Kapor Capital, Khosla Ventures, Sequoia Capital and SV Angel.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Pooja Sankar, CEO Renars Gailis, Head-Eng. Sunthar Premakumar, Head-Designer

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity






Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 33 Parent Company:


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: Fax: Toll-Free: 800-818-4124 Address: 101 University Ave, Ste 300, Palo Alto, CA 94301 United States Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 1 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Pluralsight LLC

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational & Training


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Aaron Skonnard, CEO Greg Woodward, CFO Heather Zynczak, CMO Anita Grantham, Chief People Officer

Pluralsight, LLC is an online learning resource created by developers, for software developers, IT administrators and creative professionals. The company offers its enterprise technology learning platform through a subscription service. Its most popular courses include JavaScript, C#, Java, Angular, Python and MySQL. Pluralsight's courses include three primary groups (software development, IT OPS and creative professional), and five secondary groups (data professional, architecture and construction, manufacturing and design, business professional and information and cyber security). Software development courses include web development, JavaScript, Python, C++, mobile development, C#, Node.js and more. IT OPS courses include IT certifications, security, database administration, virtualization, IT networking, servers, Microsoft Office, Windows server and more. Creative professional courses include game design, game art, game programming, 3D design, VFX, graphic design, Photoshop, web design and more. The company's solutions are provided for business teams, individuals, IT operators/operations and creative professionals. In addition, Pluralsight offers free courses for kids. That's right, kids. These free courses are designed to help get/enhance kids on the IT pathway, and include code courses, design courses, app invention and building courses, as well as game development courses. In total, Pluralsight comprises more than 1,000 instructors, which offer over 5,000 courses to subscribers located in 150 countries worldwide. The company offers its employees medical, dental, vision and life insurance coverage; time paid off and holidays; prescription drug plan; 401(k); and tuition and wellness reimbursement.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 150,000,000

2015 100,000,000


2014 65,000,000


Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 500 Parent Company:


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: 801-784-9007 Fax: 801-525-2979 Toll-Free: Address: 182 N. Union Ave, Farmington, UT 84025 United States Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Promethean World Limited

NAIC Code: 611710


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Support Services Online Education Technology

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: NetDragon Websoft Inc ActivTable ClassFlow ActivEngage2 ActivBoard Touch ActiVote ActivInspire ActivSoundBar

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Vin Riera, CEO Louise Ward, CFO Vincent Young, Dir.-Mktg. Ram Venkataraman, Dir.-IT Simon Leung, Chmn.

Promethean World Limited is a global education company that develops, integrates and implements learning environments. Promethean's corporate offices are located in Blackburn, U.K. and Georgia, USA. The firm helps to educate over 20 million individuals in over 500,000 classrooms in 100 countries. Promethean designs, manufactures and supplies electronic equipment, primarily interactive display systems, interactive assessment technologies and various audio/visual equipment and educational software. Its products include ActivTable, a multi-user interactive table designed to promote student collaboration, engagement and student learning; ClassFlow, a mobile learning technology that fosters student and course engagement by connecting their tablets and laptops to interactive displays; ActivEngage2, a virtual response system that provides assessment and communication between students and teachers; ActivBoard Touch, an interactive whiteboard system; ActiVote, an assessment and student response system that displays student's grasp on a concept just taught or about to be taught; ActiView, a visual presenter with a gooseneck-mounted lens and lamp combination with the capability of displaying minute details, as well as 3-D math models; math tools from ActivInspire (a suite of tools for the creation and delivery of stimulating lessons), and can also integrate Promethean student response devices; ActivWall System, a widescreen surface offering multi-touch interactivity, HD viewing and dry-erase writing; and Promethean Planet, which allows online educators to search over 80,000 teaching resources to find ActivInspire and PowerPoint lessons, PDFs, images and other resources in order to create engaging lesson material. Accessories offered by the company include the ActivSoundBar, providing room-filling sound for an optimal classroom experience; and ActiView, an interactive visual presenter teaching tool, enabling students to focus on the smallest of details. Promethean is owned by NetDragon Websoft, Inc.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity



2014 152,480,600 4,144,463 -10,196,000 -6.68% 43,413,640 -21,292,630 -1,233,533 15,589,480 -1,883,847 -21.87% -37.66%

2013 182,137,000 6,473,465 -7,619,257 -4.18% 46,660,040 -7,479,904 25,918,380 1,615,463 5,694,121 -6.85% -10.84%



Phone: 44 1254298598 Fax: 44 1254581574 Toll-Free: Address: Promethean House, Lower Philips Road, Lancashire, BB1 5TH United Kingdom

Stock Ticker: PMTWF Employees: 671 Parent Company: NetDragon Websoft Inc



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2012 202,579,300 8,008,929 -214,070,800 -105.67% 59,778,580 -206,223,100 814,183 4,170,269 -198,442,600 -92.28% -115.97%

2011 287,601,500 9,294,074 22,470,680 7.81% 59,465,040 14,415,300 33,865,370 17,625,580 31,968,620 4.42% 5.17%

Exchange: GREY Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Quizam Media Corporation

NAIC Code: 511210P



Quizam Media Corporation engages in providing computer training and consulting services as well as the marketing of a computer-based educational program. It offers free Quizam flashcard quizzing that works on mobile devices and desktop computers. These quizzes help users study and prepare for further educational endeavors. Quizam flashcard technology also keeps track of scores, and helps to create, edit and merge quizzes, and can be emailed as attachments. Wholly-owned ontrackTV distributes online information technology learning over the Internet. Subsidiary Quizam Entertainment, LLC is a producer, aggregator, marketer, distributor and broadcaster of movie entertainment. In January 2017, the firm sold its minority stake in Aviron Group, LLC.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Russell Rossi, CEO James Rosevear, CFO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity



403,498 379,933 -1,051,169 -260.51% 1,064,303 -2,008,568 -1,053,250 45,989 -1,979,565 -1721.90%

403,235 151,634 -713,107 -176.84% 955,331 -725,035 -642,896 59,806 -709,077 -766.13%

2014 493,059 380,390 -787,691 -159.75% 893,372 -800,168 -562,911 21,435 -777,204 -1133.70%


2012 478,252 292,303 -546,532 -114.27% 724,540 -586,521 -435,947 5,483 -549,462 -832.51%



Phone: 604 683-0020 Fax: 604 683-0646 Toll-Free: Address: 650 W. Georgia St., Ste. 1600, Vancouver, BC V6B 4N7 Canada

Stock Ticker: QQ Employees: Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

467,829 466,668 -745,193 -159.28% 714,319 -744,183 -657,647 9,428 -712,148 -539.22%

2011 421,774 159,677 -787,273 -186.65% 1,011,717 -785,300 -805,189 11,346 -778,615 -519.90%

Exchange: TSX Fiscal Year Ends: 05/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Raffles Education Corporation Limited

www.raffles-education- NAIC Code: 611310


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools

Raffles Education Corporation Limited is a private education provider, owner and manager of education assets and facilities, and an education-linked real estate investor and developer. Since establishing its first college in Singapore in 1990, Raffles Education has grown to provide a full spectrum of education services through a network of 25 colleges and universities in 23 cities across 13 countries in Asia-Pacific and Europe: Australia, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Switzerland and Thailand. The firm currently has over 15,000 students enrolled in its tertiary programs.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Chew Hua Seng, CEO Chew Hua Seng, Chmn.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 79,465,500

2015 85,810,290

2014 91,174,550

2013 91,880,960

2012 93,854,900

7,019,704 8.83%

8,453,275 9.85%

-2,624,516 -2.87%

-3,744,605 -4.07%

40,742,620 43.41%

11,321,130 583,305 40,631,690 38,585,460 1.28% 2.89% 0.52

12,154,940 2,982,372 39,893,790 33,520,370 1.42% 3.00% 0.21

39,631,840 8,841,906 15,725,620 82,261,070 5.05% 9.90% 0.32

19,089,470 6,447,850 18,851,140 36,852,010 2.38% 5.05% 0.32

-54,935,190 9,853,923 16,719,750 18,164,770 -6.65% -14.45% 0.09


Stock Ticker: RFLFY Employees: 557 Parent Company:


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $

30,000,500 20,992,550 71,445,230 74,732,500 3.84% 7.52% 0.11


Phone: 65 6338-5288 Fax: 65 6338-5167 Toll-Free: Address: 51 Merchant Rd., Singapore, 058283 Singapore Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

2011 112,779,700

Exchange: PINX Fiscal Year Ends: 06/30

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Realizeit (CCKF Inc)

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational & Training

Realizeit (CCKF, Inc.) is an adaptive learning system that responds to the individual's personal learning needs. The company's purpose is to provide every learner the opportunity to achieve his or her full learning potential by empowering institutions to significantly improve student motivation, engagement and achievement. It does this through the deployment of a real-time, evidence-based learning system that enables adaptive learning, adaptive teaching, institutional effectiveness and more. The intelligent adaptive platform-as-aservice offers personalized curriculum development across 150 courses in more than 50 subjects using its next generation and subject agnostic authoring features and content library. This service enables faculty and institutions to author their own curriculum while retaining full academic ownership and control. Learners experience empowerment, increased engagement and success due to the system's ability to generate an adaptive experience, available via desktop and mobile devices. Realizeit continuously measures, calculates and collects a vast amount of granular data related to teaching, learning and content aspects. The program can be configured and instantiated seamlessly from within any learning management system at various levels. Realizeit serves a growing list of progressive educators and institutions across such segments as K-12, higher education, professional learning and corporate learning, with more than 400,000 course takers. Reasons for utilizing Realizeit include high school completion, college readiness, student engagement and achievement improvement, competency-based learning deployment, program and college completion, institutional effectiveness and role-based competency assessment. The firm was initially founded as CCKF, Inc. in Dublin, Ireland, and branded itself as Realizeit (realize it) as it began to grow internationally.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Manoj Kulkarni, CEO George Mitchell, COO Ty Roberts, Chief Sales, Mktg. & Strategy Officer Frank Claffey, Chief Product Officer John Keane, Chief Architect & Technology Officer

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 224-836-5316 Fax: Toll-Free: 888-959-2814 Address: 220 N. Smith St., Ste. 228, Palatine, IL 60067 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 32 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Renaissance Learning Inc

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Software Support Services

Renaissance Learning, Inc. provides technology for personalizing reading, mathematics and writing practice for pre-kindergarten through high school districts, as well as for adults. The company's student assessment products include Star 360, which provides instructors with achievement and growth data for screening and monitoring student progress; Star Reading and Star Math, which each provide interim data on reading and math skills for the purpose of setting goals, responding to student needs, monitoring progress and maximizing growth; Star Early Literacy, which supports foundational skills, phonological awareness, language/vocabulary acquisition and numbers/counting for numeracy skills; Star Custom, a formative assessment tool constructed to respond to students concerning their ability to add numbers in groups of ten via graphics; and Star Spanish, available for reading, math and early literacy in English and Spanish, which meets the needs of Spanish-speaking English learners. Renaissance's reading and math practice products include: Accelerated Reader 360, a reading database for K-12 students, comprising nonfiction articles for students to choose from for reading practice; Accelerated Math, which provides deep math practice at the unique levels students need; English in a Flash, which helps students to develop English vocabulary; and MathFacts in a Flash, helping students with the ability to recall math facts quickly and accurately. Solutions also offered by the firm are those for gifted and talented students. Renaissance is owned by private equity firm Hellman & Friedman, LLC. Renaissance offers employees health, life, dental, disability and vision insurance; a flexible spending account; a 529 college savings plan; employee assistance program; and a 401(k).

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Hellman & Friedman LLC Star 360 Star Reading Star Math Star Early Literacy Star Spanish Accelerated Reader 360 MathFacts in a Flash

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Mike Evans, Interim CEO Steven A. Schmidt, Pres. Mike Evans, CFO Tracy Hansen, CMO Kim Mitchell, Chief People Officer Mark A. Angel, CTO Jack McLaughlin, Sr. VP-Prod. Mgmt.. John Corrigall, Sr. VP-Admin. Mary T. Minch, Corp. Sec. Mark W. Peterson, Sr. VP-Bus. Dev. & Strategy Mary T. Minch, Exec. VP-Finance Jacqueline Wolf, Sr. VP-Professional Svcs. Gene M. Kerns, Chief Academic Officer Paula K. O'Gorman, Sr. VP-Strategic Partnerships Alexa Posny, Sr. VP-State & Federal Programs Dirk Foch, Managing Dir.-UK

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 1,850,000,000

2015 1,800,000,000

2014 1,750,000,000

2013 1,555,000,000

2012 1,500,000,000



Phone: 715-424-3636 Fax: 715-424-4242 Toll-Free: 800-338-4204 Address: 2911 Peach St., Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495-8036 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 950 Parent Company: Hellman & Friedman LLC



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2011 140,000,000

Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 5 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Riso Kyoiku Co Ltd

NAIC Code: 611110


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Private Schools (for-profit) Cram Schools

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: TOMAS MEDIC TOMAS Shingakai Co Ltd Meimonkai Co Ltd School TOMAS Co Ltd Inter TOMAS Co Ltd Plus One Kyoiku Co Ltd TOMAS Kikaku Co Ltd

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Masahiko Tenbo, CEO Masahiko Tenbo, Pres.

Riso Kyoiku Co., Ltd. is an educational holding company for a group of companies that provide academic tutoring and exam preparation on a one-on-one basis. The company's classes are primarily for elementary, middle school and high school students. Riso's group of companies include TOMAS, MEDIC TOMAS, Shingakai Co. Ltd., Meimonkai Co. Ltd., School TOMAS Co. Ltd., Inter TOMAS Co. Ltd., Plus One Kyoiku Co. Ltd. and TOMAS Kikaku Co. Ltd. The TOMAS curriculum is taught at what is known as Juku schools. Juku schools, also referred to as cram schools, are private institutions that offer private tutoring sessions after school hours. TOMAS operates 64 schools in and around Tokyo. MEDIC TOMAS is a system of private study Jukus that specializes in preparation for medical school exams. Shingakai manages Shingakai Juku schools that specialize in entrance exams for prominent elementary schools and kindergartens. It also operates Shinga's Club services for gifted children's daycare and afterschool care that are oriented toward entrance exam preparation. Meimonkai operates a tutoring center that dispatches professional adult home tutors. School TOMAS is a system of in-school private instruction services that supports after-school study by students in middle or high school. Inter TOMAS is an English conversation school that provides oneon-one instruction by native English speakers and bilingual instructors. Inter TOMAS operates six schools in and around Tokyo. Plus One is a Juku specialized in studies for cultural enrichment through a hands-on, experience-based program. TOMAS Kikaku is a marketing company that specializes in public relation activities and membership drives for the Riso Kyoiku group.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 186,879,001

2015 172,384,689

2014 166,199,418

2013 194,400,000

2012 180,800,000

2011 171,200,000









Phone: 81-3-59962501 Fax: 81-3-59962504 Toll-Free: Address: 3-1-40 Mejiro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, 171-0031 Japan

Stock Ticker: 4714 Employees: 527 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: Tokyo Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Rosetta Stone Inc

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Language Learning Software

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Rosetta Stone Rosetta Stone Kids Reading Dynamic Immersion

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Thomas Pierno, CFO M. Hartford, Chief Accounting Officer Arthur Hass, Director Sonia Galindo, General Counsel

Rosetta Stone, Inc. is a leading provider of cloud-based language learning programs. The company develops, markets and sells learning systems consisting of software, online services and audio practice tools primarily under its Rosetta Stone brand. The company's teaching method, known as Dynamic Immersion, is designed to leverage the natural language learning ability that children use to learn their native language. Its interactive courses are based on proprietary technology and pedagogical content and utilize sequences of images, texts and sounds to teach a new language without translation or grammar explanation, which also makes Rosetta Stone programs more easily deployable across many languages. The firm's courses cover 30 languages, and its customers include individuals, educational institutions, armed forces, government agencies and corporations. Rosetta Stone's digital literacy product, Rosetta Stone Kids Reading, is designed to help young children learn to read and to reinforce core reading skills. The kid's reading product also comes as an app. The company's programs are also distributed through retailers such as, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Borders and Office Depot. In 2016, the firm announced plans to exit its direct sales presence in almost all of its non-U.S. and non-northern European geographies related to the distribution of its enterprise and education language offerings.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 194,089,000 26,273,000 -26,920,000 -13.86% 154,841,000 -27,550,000 1,240,000 12,514,000 -11,255,000 -13.03% -265.52%

2015 217,670,000 29,939,000 -43,813,000 -20.12% 186,208,000 -46,796,000 -5,645,000 8,856,000 -31,599,000 -18.10% -109.01% 0.11


2014 261,853,000 33,176,000 -78,850,000 -30.11% 230,328,000 -73,706,000 6,673,000 9,736,000 -66,058,000 -25.45% -75.71% 0.04

2013 264,645,000 33,995,000 -18,442,000 -6.96% 202,536,000 -16,134,000 8,068,000 8,941,000 -8,322,000 -5.69% -11.69%

Stock Ticker: RST Employees: 1,012 Parent Company:


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2011 268,449,000 24,218,000 -28,407,000 -10.58% 223,522,000 -19,988,000 3,373,000 9,940,000 -19,239,000 -7.22% -11.43%


Phone: 800 788-0822 Fax: Toll-Free: 1-800-811-2755 Address: 1919 N. Lynn St., 7/Fl, Arlington, VA 22209 United States Top Exec. Salary: $340,000 Second Exec. Salary: $330,769

2012 273,241,000 23,453,000 -6,030,000 -2.20% 206,908,000 -35,831,000 34,901,000 4,187,000 2,237,000 -12.95% -22.69%

Exchange: NYS Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 5 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.


NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational & Training

rSmart is an educational technology company providing open source software for school administrations. Its flagship OneCampus cloud-based platform simplifies finding and accessing campus services and information such as grades, class schedules, email and more. OneCampus connects to campus-based central authentication services to allow for single sign-on to institutional services. Its applications include a search engine, with ratings and reviews for analyzing what services are being used as well as the satisfaction levels of each of them. OneCampus consolidates multiple portals and mobile frameworks into one platform so that users can access from any device. One.IU, a combination of OneCampus and Indiana University, provides access to more than 300 service applications streamlined for 130,000 users across eight campuses. OneCampus Internet2 NET+service is a validation solution offering with unique features specifically designed for higher education institutions.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: OneCampus One.IU OneCampus Internet2 NET+service

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Tony Potts, CEO Todd Yates, VP-Operations Chris Coppola, Pres. Terri Zezula, VP-Mktg. & Sales Tony Potts, CTO Dave Megregian, VP-Svcs.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 602-840-7300 Fax: 602-391-2172 Toll-Free: 866-874-4338 Address: 1475 N. Scottsdale Rd., Ste. 200, Scottsdale, AZ 85257 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 22 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Ruffalo Noel Levitz LLC

NAIC Code: 541611


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Management Consulting

Ruffalo Noel Levitz, LLC provides technology-enabled solutions, software and consulting for higher education enrollment management and fundraising. The firm's offerings are used by more than 1,800 colleges and universities, as well as numerous non-profit clients worldwide. Its enrollment services provide solutions for recruitment, search, multichannel marketing, web strategy and financial aid. Ruffalo's student access services help campus clients accomplish goals for access, diversity, student preparedness, persistence, retention and college completion/graduation. The company's fundraising services help connect institutions and non-profit organizations with groups of alumni, donors, members, future alumni and other constituents for fundraising, cultivation and stewardship purposes. Organization-wide solutions include the development of cross-divisional collaboration for campuses and non-profit organizations via research-based strategies that ensure every initiative is based on solid evidence.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Stephen J. Meyer, CEO Kyle Kennedy, COO Rick Gross, CFO James S. Rogers, CMO Rob W. Ackley, VP-Human Resources CP Jois, Chief Technology Officer Al Ruffalo, Chmn.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 319-362-7483 Fax: 319-362-7457 Toll-Free: 800-756-7483 Address: 1025 Kirkwood Pkwy. SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 3,500 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Scantron Corporation

NAIC Code: 611710


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Testing Evaluation Services and Solutions

Scantron Corporation is a provider of tools used in both assessment and survey solutions. The firm's range of assessment products and services for the education sector (K12 and higher) include online, paper, software and expert consulting. For corporations and career-education, it offers products and services for evaluating training courses, delivering training assessments or collecting form-based data. For government entities, Scantron's products and solutions include surveys, as well as operations, safety and training assessments. In addition, affiliate Harland Technology Services provides nationwide IT solutions and services, including installation, implementation, maintenance, repair and management for computers, networks, Scantron's data collection devices and an array of other equipment. Scantron is owned by Harland Clarke Holdings Corp.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Harland Clarke Holdings Corp Harland Technology Services

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Kevin Brueggeman, CEO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity









Phone: Fax: Toll-Free: 800-445-3141 Address: 1313 Lone Oak Rd., Eagan, MN 55121 United States

Exchange: Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 1,000 Fiscal Year Ends: Parent Company: Harland Clarke Holdings Corp



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Scholastic Corporation

NAIC Code: 511130


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Children's Book Publishing Children's TV Programming Educational Software Educational Magazines Book Fairs & Clubs Consumer Products Movies

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Scholastic News Scope Storyworks Let's Find Out Junior Scholastic

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Richard Robinson, CEO Maureen OConnell, CFO Kenneth Cleary, Chief Accounting Officer Andrew Hedden, Director Iole Lucchese, Executive VP Judith Newman, Executive VP Alan Boyko, President, Subsidiary

Scholastic Corporation, a global children's publishing and media company, is among the largest publishers and distributors of children's books in the world. The company operates in three segments: children's book publishing and distribution, education and international. Children's book publishing and distribution division derived 59.9% of the firm's 2016 revenue, and includes the publication and distribution of children's books, e-books, media and interactive products in the U.S. This division is also a leading publisher of children's print books, e-books and audiobooks distributed through a trade channel. Scholastic's original publications include Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, The 39 Clues, Spirit Animals, The Magic School Bus, I Spy, Captain Underpants, Goosebumps and Clifford The Big Red Dog, as well as licensed properties such as Star Wars, Lego, Pokemon and Geronimo Stilton. The education segment derived 17.8% of annual revenue, and includes the publications and distribution to schools and libraries of children's books, classroom magazines, supplemental classroom materials, custom curriculum and teaching guides, print and online reference products, as well as non-fiction products for grades PreK-12 in the U.S. This division is a leading provider of classroom libraries and paperback collections, including classroom books/reading products to schools, school districts and literacy organizations. Classroom magazines include Scholastic News, Scope, Storyworks, Let's Find Out and Junior Scholastic. The international segment accounted for 22.3% of annual revenue, and includes the publication and distribution of products and services outside the U.S., including Canada, the U.K., Australia, New Zealand and Asia.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 1,672,800,000

2015 1,635,800,000

2014 1,822,300,000

2013 1,792,400,000

2012 2,148,800,000

2011 1,906,100,000

67,600,000 4.04% 777,700,000 40,500,000 -78,900,000 35,600,000 110,200,000 2.29% 3.28%

32,900,000 2.01% 771,100,000 294,600,000 166,900,000 30,300,000 82,000,000 17.58% 27.78%

63,100,000 3.46% 812,500,000 44,400,000 156,800,000 280,900,000 120,600,000 2.99% 4.98% 0.13

67,900,000 3.78% 815,000,000 31,100,000 189,100,000 54,600,000 186,600,000 1.99% 3.67% 0.06

186,300,000 8.66% 870,300,000 102,400,000 260,200,000 53,700,000 311,100,000 6.48% 13.04% 0.25

100,700,000 5.28% 835,700,000 39,400,000 228,400,000 74,300,000 158,300,000 2.55% 5.01% 0.29



Phone: 212 343-6100 Fax: 212 343-6928 Toll-Free: 800-724-6527 Address: 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012 United States

Stock Ticker: SCHL Employees: 9,200 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $970,000 Second Exec. Salary: $750,000

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: NAS Fiscal Year Ends: 05/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 9 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

School Loop Inc

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Social Networking Site

School Loop, Inc. designs and develops free, hosted website systems for K-12 students and educators. The firm's School Loop application allows K-12 students to communicate with their teachers and view their grades online. The company's OpenLoop API platform includes an assessment-togradebook, which allows teachers to import grades from other assessment systems; a grade import, which imports grades into School Loop; roster & assignment export, which exports from School Loop for use with its grade import resource or with other systems; attendance tracking, which is displayed on student and parent dashboards; high priority groups, which can be created and managed quickly; progress report, which also imports from other applications; confidential assessment results; which imports results for the use of certified staff; and academic performance, which exports grades from School Loop. School Loop serves over 4,000 schools in 30 states, including a majority of the public schools in the San Francisco Bay area. Partners of the firm include Eagle Software, Attendance Works, Illuminate Education Inc., BLI Messaging, Apperson Education Products, Measured Progress and CloudFlare.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Mark Gross, CEO Tom Burns, CTO Bob Charpentier, Sr. Dir.-Svcs.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 415-952-LOOP Fax: 408-877-1702 Toll-Free: Address: 41 Grant Ave., 2/Fl., San Francisco, CA 94108 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 16 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 4 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

School Specialty Inc

NAIC Code: 454113


TYPES OF BUSINESS: School Supplies, Catalogs Classroom and Art Supplies Instructional Materials Educational Games Physical Education Equipment Calendars and Planners Online Sales

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Childcraft Sax Califone Premier Agendas Sportime Abilitations Hammond & Stephens Royal Seating

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

David J. Vander Zanden, CEO Thomas M. Slagle, COO Thomas M. Slagle, Pres. David G. Gomach, CFO Brent Pulsipher, Exec. VP-Tech. Mary M. Kabacinski, Chief Admin. Officer Robert Puissant, Exec. VP-Strategy & Bus. Dev. David G. Gomach, Treas. Stephen R. Christiansen, Exec. VP-Specialty Companies Doug Jehle, Exec. VP-Traditional Companies Brent Pulsipher, Exec. VP-Corp. Logistics

School Specialty, Inc. is a leading direct marketer of supplemental educational supplies to schools and teachers for pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade. The firm offers over 100,000 items, mails over 8 million catalogs each year and operates an online education portal and several e-commerce web sites. The firm markets its products directly to teachers, reaching 3.5 million educators across 63% of U.S. schools. It markets its products through two operating segments: curriculum and distribution. The curriculum segment publishes proprietary and non-proprietary core, supplemental and intervention curriculum in the PreK-12 education market. Curriculum includes the following fields: science; math; comprehension, vocabulary, spelling and grammar; and reading and math intervention. Curriculum product lines include Delta Education, FOSS, CPO Science, Frey Scientific, Educator's Publishing Service, Academy of Reading, Academy of Math, Wordly Wise 3000, Explode the Code, ThinkMath!, Making Connections and S.P.I.R.E. This division accounts for 16% of annual revenue. The distribution segment a diversified assortment of products, solutions and services primarily to the PreK-12 education market, e-commerce and retail channel partners, and to the healthcare market. Products include everyday consumables, specialized supplies, technology products, instructional teaching materials, planning and organizational products, and furniture and equipment. These product categories include basic classroom, office, janitorial and technology supplies; art supplies, teaching resources, supplemental materials, special needs and physical education equipment; audio and visual technology; and furniture consisting of classroom, library, cafeteria, office and fixed furniture. Distribution products include both proprietary branded products and other national brands. Its proprietary brands include: Childcraft, Sax, Arts & Crafts, Califone, Premier Agendas, Classroom Select, Sportime, Abilitations, Hammond & Stephens, SPARK, Brodhead Garrett, School Smart, Royal Seating and Projects by Design. This division accounts for 84% of annual revenues. The firm offers employees health dental and life insurance; disability coverage; and education reimbursement.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity


2015 621,868,000

2014 630,742,000

2013 674,998,016

2012 731,990,976

2011 762,078,016








Phone: 920 734-5712 Fax: 920 882-5863 Toll-Free: 888-388-3224 Address: W6316 Design Dr., Greenville, WI 54942 United States

Stock Ticker: SCOO Employees: 1,463 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: GREY Fiscal Year Ends: 04/30

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 1 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Schoology Inc

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Social Networking

Schoology, Inc., through, is an educational social networking site for K-12, higher education and corporate institutions. The website focuses on collaboration, allowing users to create, manage and share academic content. The classroom management portion of provides services such as tests, quizzes, homework dropboxes, attendance records and online gradebooks. The social media portion of the site facilitates collaboration and sharing amongst educators and administrators, creating a more agile network, and amongst students, creating an environment where students participate more and work together to achieve a deeper understanding. basic service is offered for free to educational institutions and individuals; however, add-ons such as data integration with existing student information services, increased storage and additional applications are not part of the basic package. For the corporate sector, Schoology's platform can transform a company into a thriving digital learning community. It can create flexible, self-paced courses for workers; can monitor and track progress; can help make better data-informed decisions; can increase employee engagement; can simplify company communication; can implement effective company-wide changes; and can build a culture of continuous improvement.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Jeremy Friedman, CEO Ivan Casanova, Exec. VP-Mktg. Michael Brinkman, CTO Ryan Hwang, Chief Prod. Officer Bill Kindler, VP-Bus. Dev.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: Fax: Toll-Free: 800-393-7550 Address: 115 W. 30th St., Fl. 10, New York, NY 10001 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 291 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Scientific Learning Corporation

NAIC Code: 511210P



BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Fast ForWord Fast ForWord Language Fast ForWord Literacy Fast ForWord Reading Reading Assistant MySciLEARN

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Robert Bowen, CEO Jane Freeman, CFO William Jenkins, Chief Scientific Officer Michael Moses, Director Paula Tallal, Founder Christopher Brookhart, General Counsel

Scientific Learning Corporation creates educational software that accelerates learning by improving the processing efficiency of the brain. Based on more than 30 years of neuroscience and cognitive research, its family of Fast ForWord products improves brain fitness with technologybased exercises that build the cognitive skills required to read and learn effectively. The company's products are marketed mainly to K-12 schools in the U.S. It recommends its products to schools as a reading intervention solution for struggling, special education and English language learners to help students reach grade level proficiency. Fast ForWord Language is a language program for elementary learners, Fast ForWord Literacy is a literacy program for adolescent learners and Fast ForWord Reading builds learning capacity through developing cognitive skills using exercises focused on critical reading abilities. These products build foundational reading and language skills to help districts move below grade level learners to be successful in general classrooms. Since inception, its products are marketed in approximately 45 countries worldwide. Reading Assistant software provides a one-on-one reading tutor for every learner, and includes speech verification technology for direct interaction. MySciLEARN reports are online data analysis and reporting tools that enable educators to monitor individual, classroom, school or district performance of students working with the Fast ForWord and Reading Assistant programs. To facilitate the use of its products, the company offers a variety of onsite and remote professional and technical services as well as phone, email and web-based support.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity


2015 17,730,000 2,398,000 1,014,000 5.71% 10,830,000 -205,000 1,250,000 531,000 1,355,000 -3.44%

2014 19,171,000 2,400,000 804,000 4.19% 11,915,000 1,416,000 -641,000 312,000 1,602,000 22.52%

2013 21,062,000 3,778,000 -6,794,000 -32.25% 14,382,000 -6,204,000 -3,159,000 204,000 -5,066,000 -61.50%



Phone: 510 444-3500 Fax: Toll-Free: 866-816-0010 Address: 1956 Webster St., Ste. 200, Oakland, CA 94612 United States

Stock Ticker: SCIL Employees: 121 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $235,500 Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2012 28,143,000 6,998,000 -11,022,000 -39.16% 22,917,000 -9,650,000 -10,457,000 598,000 -8,576,000 -55.26%

2011 41,079,000 10,324,000 -6,325,000 -15.39% 26,392,000 -6,476,000 -7,154,000 2,138,000 -4,401,000 -24.13% -354.55%

Exchange: PINX Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

SLM Corporation (Sallie Mae)

NAIC Code: 522294


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Student Loans Secondary Market

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Sallie Mae Upromise Rewards Upromise MasterCard

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Jonathan Boyles, Chief Accounting Officer Paul Thome, Chief Administrative Officer Charles Rocha, Chief Marketing Officer Jeffrey Dale, Chief Risk Officer Raymond Quinlan, Director Steven McGarry, Executive VP Laurent Lutz, Executive VP

SLM Corporation, commonly known as Sallie Mae, is a consumer banking company and the nation's leading saving, planning and paying-for-education company. Its primary business is originating, servicing and collecting private education loans. It also provides college savings tools such as Upromise Rewards and online planning for college tools and resources. Its Upromise MasterCard helps students pay down eligible student loans and enables them to build on a college savings plan. More than 850 merchants participate in the Upromise program by providing discounts passed on to members in the form of cash back rewards. Upromise members have received approximately $1 billion for college, and more than 390,000 members actively use the Upromise credit card for everyday purchases. Sallie Mae also provides insurance products such as renters insurance, health insurance, auto insurance and tuition refund insurance. The company offers employees medical, dental and vision care; a 401(k) plan; tuition reimbursement as well as scholarship programs for employees and employees' children; onsite fitness centers; an employee assistance program; flexible spending accounts; a

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 960,154,000

2015 885,092,000

2014 735,763,000

2013 4,053,000,000

2012 3,549,000,000

2011 3,355,000,000

414,436,000 43.16% 203,205,000 250,327,000 -200,932,000

439,064,000 49.60% 158,975,000 274,284,000 -91,203,000

333,752,000 45.36% 129,709,000 194,219,000 -436,773,000

2,087,000,000 51.49% 504,000,000 1,418,000,000 2,000,000,000

1,433,000,000 40.37% 996,000,000 939,000,000 2,636,000,000

927,000,000 27.63% 521,000,000 633,000,000 3,081,000,000

1.35% 13.83% 1.21

1.80% 18.21% 0.37

.21% 5.72%

.82% 29.22% 26.94

.49% 20.03% 33.90

.30% 13.48% 33.00



Phone: 302 283-8000 Fax: Toll-Free: 888-272-5543 Address: 300 Continental Dr., Newark, DE 19713 United States

Stock Ticker: SLM Employees: 1,300 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $750,000 Second Exec. Salary: $400,000

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: NAS Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Smart Sparrow Pty Ltd

NAIC Code: 519130


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals

Smart Sparrow Pty. Ltd. provides adaptive learning through elearning courseware. More than 500 institutions utilize the company's platform in order to create active and adaptive ecourses. Instructors have complete control over how their teaching adapts to individual students, and they can target what students are doing at any given point in the lesson program for deciding what actions to take: either provide feedback or direct the student down an adaptive pathway. Adaptive pathways personalize each student's learning journey, since individuals learn at varying rates and have different levels of knowledge. When students hit a roadblock, teachers can direct them to resources that help remediate their misconception and stretch their knowledge. Adaptive feedback can take the form of a hint, a video, a graph or other material, and can be triggered by a question response, the time spent on a screen or the number of question attempts. Learning analytics provide insights into how a student learns. Key data populates the dashboard so instructors can analyze an entire class's performance as well as pinpoint problem areas for each student. Smart Sparrow provides a learning design that enables instructors to create rich interactive courseware, deploy/schedule content for students, analyze student progress and share with colleagues. Plans and pricing includes free, for up to five learners; $15 per learner, for up to 100 learners total; $12 per learner, for up to 500 learners total (this isn't a mistake-the more learners, the less it costs per learner); and quotes are provided for more than 500 learners. All plans include unlimited lessons, unlimited loops, unlimited classes, class management, analytics, reports, assistants and sharing.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Dror Ben-Naim, CEO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 61-2-8096-8096 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 116-122 Kippax St. Surry Hills, Fl. 5, Sydney, NSW 2010 Austria

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 49 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

SmartPros Ltd

NAIC Code: 611430


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Professional and Management Development Training Online Education Platform

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Graham Holdings Company Kaplan Inc SmartPros eCampus Learning Management System SmartPros Audit Management System Association Reseller

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Jack Fingerhut, Managing Dir. Stanley Wirtheim, CFO Michael Fowler, Executive VP, Divisional Stacey Painter, President, Subsidiary Karen Stolzar, Secretary

SmartPros, Ltd. provides accredited professional education and training to Fortune 500 companies, as well as the major firms and associations in its professional markets. The company's combined subscription libraries feature more than 2,000 course titles covering subjects in the accounting, financial services, legal/ethics, human resources/compliance, engineering, health/safety and information technology industries. Its content is delivered via SmartPros' eCampus Learning Management System, enabling administration and distribution capabilities for corporations and associations. Programs and training are offered via: online courses, live webinars, on-demand catalogs, live seminars, books, DVDs and custom training. In addition, SmartPros will work specifically with a client's existing training format in order to convert it into online training or live course training formats. The SmartPros Audit Management System can support any size broker-dealer; and its Association Reseller programs work with membership organizations to deliver continuing education programs targeted to unique audiences. The firm is owned by global education services company Kaplan, Inc., which itself is a subsidiary of Graham Holdings Company.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 11,200,000

2015 12,100,000

2014 13,487,917

2013 16,831,004

2012 15,883,212

2011 16,988,692








Phone: 914-345-2620 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 12 Skyline Dr., Hawthorne, NY 10532 United States

Exchange: Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: 60 Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31 Parent Company: Graham Holdings Company



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.


NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Online Learning Community

SOPHIA Learning, LLC is the developer of the online learning community SOPHIA. SOPHIA is designed to help more students get into and then through college. For students, the firm offers over 37,000 self-paced free tutorials to help improve academic skills. The online learning community also offers students ACT prep courses and college prep courses. For teachers, SOPHIA's Many Ways to Learn helps to integrate Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards into the classroom through various teaching methods. Addtionally, teachers are able to earn their Continuing Education Units through the various professional development programs SOPHIA offers. SOPHIA Pathways for College Credit offers low-cost, self-paced online courses that over 2,000 college and universities accept as eligible transferrable credit. Courses offered include College Algebra, Intro to Psychology, Visual Communications, Intro to Sociology, Intro to Statistics, Microeconomics, Project Management, English Composition I, Human Biology, Conflict Resolution, Intro to Art History, Approaches to Studying Religions, Accounting, Macroeconomics, Intro to Business and Environmental Science. SOPHIA Learning operates as a subsidiary of Capella University, Inc.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Capella University Inc SOPHIA Many Ways to Learn Sophia Pathways for College Credit

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Don Smithmier, CEO Allison Gage, Pres. Mark Flannery, Exec. Dir.-Sophia Pathways for College Credit Kashif Asdi, Dir.-Curriculum & Instructional Design

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 612-454-4000 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 225 S. 6th St., Ste. 900, Minneapolis, MN 55402 United States

Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: 23 Parent Company: Capella University Inc



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 1 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

StormWind LLC

NAIC Code: 611430


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Online Technical Courses Computer Training

StormWind, LLC is an online IT training firm. The company, through StormWind Studios, offers courses in Cisco, Microsoft, VMware, Linux, project management, IT Pro, CompTIA, cybersecurity, ITIL (information technology infrastructure library) and end-user training. Each class is taught by a professional well-versed in the material being covered and who has real-world experience. Additionally, StormWind classes are generally one-fourth the cost of traditional IT classes and, due to how classes are scheduled for only two hours per day, students can train and work at the same time. Furthermore, each class is recorded as it happens, and students have access to those recordings for a year after the class is complete. Course packages include unlimited access to every course needed; individual classes; and enterprise level IT training, which are customizable.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Tom Graunke, CEO Kim Brenchley, CFO Corey Frank, Exec. VP-Sales & Mktg. John McKeever, VP-Client Svcs. Tom Warrick, VP-Epic Live Production

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 480-850-9200 Fax: 480-850-9202 Toll-Free: 800-850-9932 Address: 14646 N. Kierland Blvd., Ste. 120, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 173 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 1 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Strayer Education Inc

NAIC Code: 611310


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Education-Universities

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Strayer University New York Code and Design Academy Jack Welch Management Institute

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Karl McDonnell, CEO Daniel Jackson, CFO Robert Silberman, Chairman of the Board Thomas Aprahamian, Chief Accounting Officer Chad Nyce, COO, Divisional Brian Jones, President, Divisional

Strayer Education, Inc. is a for-profit post-secondary education services corporation. Its mission is to make post-secondary education achievable and convenient for working adults in today's economy. Strayer offers a variety of academic programs through wholly-owned subsidiaries Strayer University and the New York Code and Design Academy (NYCDA). Strayer University makes post-secondary education accessible to working adults who were previously unable to take advantage of higher education opportunities. It offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in business administration, accounting, information technology, education, health services administration, nursing, public administration and criminal justice at 74 physical campuses, as well as online. Strayer University also offers an executive MBA online through its Jack Welch Management Institute. For the 2016 fall term, Strayer University had 45,509 enrolled students. NYCDA provides non-degree courses in web and application software development, primarily at its campus in New York City. It is licensed by the New York Bureau of Proprietary School Supervision, but is not accredited and does not participate in state or federal student financial aid programs. Across both Strayer University and NYCDA, the firm currently offers approximately 90 different degree, diploma, certificate and non-degree training programs and concentrations. Nearly 80% of the company's enrolled students were taking all of their courses online. The firm offers employees medical, dental and vision insurance; an employee assistance program; life and AD&D insurance; a 401(k); short- and long-term disability; flexible spending accounts; an employee stock purchase plan; tuition discounts; maternity a

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 441,088,000

2015 434,437,000

2014 446,041,000

2013 503,600,000

2012 561,979,000

2011 627,434,000

57,472,000 13.02% 142,590,000 34,802,000 44,510,000 13,161,000 75,751,000 12.72% 21.01%

69,698,000 16.04% 130,642,000 40,023,000 76,898,000 12,692,000 88,085,000 14.39% 33.97%

81,747,000 18.32% 127,991,000 46,356,000 77,550,000 6,902,000 102,494,000 16.49% 70.43% 1.21

32,701,000 6.49% 160,453,000 16,425,000 84,093,000 8,726,000 68,266,000 6.81% 41.11% 3.05

113,587,000 20.21% 148,294,000 65,930,000 82,062,000 24,733,000 137,564,000 28.73% 158.33% 2.97

179,143,000 28.55% 156,288,000 106,044,000 154,363,000 29,991,000 200,820,000 32.93% 97.15% 2.12



Phone: 703 247-2500 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 2303 Dulles Station Blvd., Herndon, VA 20171 United States

Stock Ticker: STRA Employees: 1,542 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $676,000 Second Exec. Salary: $676,000

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: NAS Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 2 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Sylvan Learning Inc

NAIC Code: 611710


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Testing Services Tutoring Services Professional Development Services Online Education Services Adult Education Vocational Schools University Level Education

Sylvan Learning, Inc. is an international provider of educational services to families and schools. Sylvan has more than 800 locations throughout North America, and primarily services K12 students. Its SylvanSync technology allows teachers to engage with students online; and its accelerated courses and prep platforms provide test and college preparation courses. Sylvan's tutoring division offers math, reading and writing tutoring services, as well as homework and study skill help in tough assignments. This division provides real-time tutoring sessions on the computer for flexible scheduling. Typically, Sylvan students display growth scores three times greater in math and reading than other students. Sylvan STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and math, which is an accelerated after-school program that provides students an edge in mastering skills that range from robotics to coding. STEM Camps are camps for kids during the summer, and designed to be fun and interactive. Robotics camp is for grades 1-6; Coding camps are for grades 3-8; Engineering camp is for grades 1-6; and Fit4Algebra camps are for grades 6-9. Sylvan EDGE camps are offered during winter, spring and summer breaks. Sylvan's college prep division prepares teens for college, from admissions to advanced courses. The company's test prep reading and writing programs, as well as college prep courses, help lead to results such as higher scores on ACT and SAT, standout application essays and increased success in college courses. Sylvan Learning Systems offers its employees medical, prescription drug, dental, vision, life, AD&D, travel accident, short- and long-term disability, auto, homeowners' and renters' insurance as well as tuition reimbursement.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

John McAuliffe, CEO Raph Appadoo, Pres. Robert W. Zentz, Sr. VP John Hoey, Sr. VP-Corp. Oper. Lee McGee, Exec. VP-U.S. Bus. Dev. Bill Dennis, Pres.-Latin American Oper. Paula R. Singer, Pres.-Online Higher Education

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity






Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 1,495 Parent Company:


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: 410-843-8000 Fax: 410-843-8065 Toll-Free: 888-338-2283 Address: 4 North Park Drive, Ste. 500, Hunt Valley, MD 21030 United States Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 1 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

TAL Education Group

NAIC Code: 611710


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Education & Tutoring Services

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Mobby Xueersi Peiyou Zhikang Lejiale Dongxuetang FirstLeap HiWorld

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

TAL Education Group is the largest K-12 after-school tutoring service provider in China. The firm offers comprehensive tutoring services to K-12 students covering core academic subjects, including among others, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history, geography, political science, English and Chinese, as well as, through its Mobby tutoring services, young learners tutoring services for students aged three through eight. The firm's Xueersi Peiyou is a leading brand in China's K-12 private education market and offered in small-class environments; Zhikang offers personalized premium education services; Lejiale offers English subject tutoring services; Dongxuetang offers Chinese subject tutoring services; and FirstLeap provides all-subject tutoring services in English to children 2-15 years old. TAL Education's network consists of 363 learning centers and 292 service centers in 25 cities throughout China, as well as its online platform. The company's HiWorld brand offers training for overseas study. TAL Education's student enrollment was more than 2.3 million in 2016.

Bangxin Zhang, CEO Rong Luo, CFO Bangxin Zhang, Chmn.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 619,948,800

2015 433,969,600

2014 313,895,200

2013 225,931,100

2012 177,519,700

2011 110,588,300

85,051,860 13.71% 234,589,200 102,878,500 187,718,400 35,087,890 163,584,500 11.22% 27.42%

67,248,110 15.49% 164,111,800 67,156,580 147,578,000 30,835,980 95,519,440 11.19% 23.42% 0.72

57,395,930 18.28% 106,060,900 60,605,770 101,558,400 10,856,290 67,407,260 16.29% 26.84%

30,789,150 13.62% 78,799,140 33,440,070 65,409,740 6,928,392 44,908,490 10.95% 17.52%

20,811,600 11.72% 60,981,190 24,313,650 73,397,670 74,523,580 34,164,830 9.48% 14.08%

25,574,050 23.12% 29,019,950 24,041,150 53,822,620 5,164,709 30,528,420 16.97% 27.79%



Phone: 86 1052926669 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 12/F, Danling SOHO, No. 6 Danling St., Haidian District, Beijing, 100080 China

Stock Ticker: TAL Employees: 12,115 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: NYS Fiscal Year Ends: 02/28

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.


NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Educational & Training

TapToLearn is a designer and producer of educational apps for the Android and iOS mobile platforms. The subjects covered by the firm's primary apps include math, grammar and spelling. For math, TapToLearn offers Math Vs Zombies, Math Games, Fractions App, Tiny Math App, Ninja Chicken and Astro Math. The apps created to improve grammar include Grammar App HD, Grammar Games and Spelling Tiles. Apps created to improve spelling include Root To Words, Spell + Friends, Spelling Hero, Spelling Hero Game and Spell Test. In addition, TapToLearn also produces Farmers Market, an app that teaches about currency via buying and selling grocery items; Wake the Rooster, which teaches how to read a clock and tell time; and Elements App, which teaches the table of periodic elements.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Math Vs Zombies Fractions App Ninja Chicken Grammar App HD Grammar Games Root To Words Wake the Rooster Elements App

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Roby John, CEO Om Tandon, Creative Dir. Pushpendra Prakash Sagar, Dir.-Art

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 510-962-5420 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 1 Samsome St., Ste. 3500, San Francisco, CA 94104 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 3 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd. LLC

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Social Networking Site, LLC is a mobile and data solutions customer relations management (CRM) company that provides communication between students, alumni and colleges or universities. TargetX has partnered with more than 400 colleges and universities to improve enrollment and retention. It divides its business solutions into four groups: recruitment CRM, retention CRM, school apps and UChat. Recruitment CRM collects, engages, analyzes and enrolls students into select universities. All of this information is collected in the cloud and can be accessed anywhere, on any device. Retention CRM is comprised of an integrated advising center, personalized action plans, a communication hub, student milestone tracking, which identifies at-risk students and provides student feedback via surveys. School apps are available for download through the Android and Apple App stores, and include features such as online student communities, university branded networks and groups sorted by student interests. UChat allows potential students to talk one-on-one with admissions experts. TargetXes' CRM services include implementation services, which involves customizing and configuring the CRM with a TargetX project manager; support and training, helping users to be proficient with the CRM solutions; consulting services, enabling colleges to modernize recruitment and retention processes, and automate and enhance communication and collaborate with other departments and campuses; virtual administration services, in which TargetX staff supports the administration of the CRM; and professional services, which provides the ability to expand the CRM into custom Salesforce solutions, business analysis, data management strategies and AppExchange installation and configuration.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Sasha Peterson, CEO Adam Park, COO Kelly Sharkey, VP-Finance Penelope Sawyer, VP-Mktg. & Sales Mark MacDonald, VP-Services Alexandra Sigillo, Researcher Colby Lavin, VP-Product Braad Popiolek, Dir.-Product Lane Lillquist, VP-Eng. Meghan Strauss, Mgr.-Oper. Scott Lomas, VP-Enrollment Svcs. Tony Nguyen, Mgr.-Product Angela Medina, Sr. Visual Designer Eric Ferguson, Sr. Enrollment Consultant

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 877-715-7474 Fax: 877-349-3868 Toll-Free: Address: 360 22nd St., Ste. 301, Oakland, CA 94612 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 71 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 7 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

TenMarks Education LLC

NAIC Code: 611691



TenMarks Education, LLC, an, Inc. company, offers online mathematics learning programs. The company partners with the child's teachers, schools and districts in order to drive an integrated model of curriculum and instruction, supported by technology and one-to-one personalization. To accomplish this, TenMarks' content-driven technology strategy focuses on three core areas: learn, teach and share. The learn platform engages and challenges students to learn and master math. The teach platform provides instructional resources to support teachers concerning updated math standards. The share platform creates, curates, discovers and shares content with fellow educators. TenMarks' team of educators and technologies seeks to build solutions that improve learning outcomes. The firm leverages across business areas such as next generation devices, advanced personalization, recommendations, as well as gaming and entertainment. Instruction can be obtained through fire tablets, kindle cloud reader, whispercast, amazon instant video, amazon web services, kindle unlimited, amazon FreeTime and TenMarks helps instructors save time through its lesson preparation tool; provides reinforcement to help improve outcomes; provides ideas to differentiate teaching techniques to meet every need; and provides ways to engage and motivate students. The free of charge option, Amazon Inspire, includes a limited number of standards and grades for resources, embedded instruction capabilities and insights. Premium pricing begins at $20 per student, per year, and includes all the free stuff, as well as unlimited standards and grades for resources, advanced assignment capabilities, real-time intervention, grade-level assessments, immediate feedback on assignments, certificates, personalized assignments, access to administrator dashboard and school/district level reporting.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Rohit Agarwal, CEO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 415-868-4450 Fax: 451-276-9094 Toll-Free: 855-836-6275 Address: 4100 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 300, Foster City, CA 94404 United States

Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: 105 Parent Company: Inc



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

TES Global Limited

NAIC Code: 519130


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Web Communities

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Blendspace Wikispaces Tes Institute Unijobs THE jobs THE Student

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Rob Grimshaw, CEO Trevor Barratt, Managing Dir. Nathan Runnicles, CFO Tom Glober, Dir.-Communications Kathleen Jones, Dir.-HR Clifton Cunningham, Chief Technology Officer

TES Global Limited is a digital education company. The firm helps teachers, schools and universities by providing the tools and technology they need to excel. Its online community of more than 8 million registered users helps provide support, guidance and inspiration to educators all over the world. Within this marketplace, educators can discover, share and sell original teaching materials. TES' Blendspace is a lessonbuilding product where the teaching materials can be freely integrated and implemented. Its Wikispaces is an open classroom management platform that facilitates studentteacher communication and collaboration. Tes Institute provides a range of professional development opportunities for teachers in the U.K., and it also hosts a teacher job market. The firm's website provides updated data and news material of global higher education issues and trends; and facilitates discussion, engagement and networking among higher learning working professionals. Unijobs and THE jobs boards help to provide matches between institutions, faculty and senior leaders; and THE Student board offers advice, guidance to universities, news and other decision-making tools to help equip students for the next stage of their educational/working journey. TES Global is headquartered in London, England, with offices in the U.S., Australia and Singapore. In March 2017, the firm announced plans to open an office in Dubai. TES Global offers its employees health insurance and retirement benefits.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 176,942,422

2015 168,084,593

2014 131,514,909

2013 112,979,597







Phone: 44-20-3194-3000 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 26 Red Lion Sq. Holborn, London, Kingdom

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: Parent Company:

SALARIES/BONUSES: Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

WC1R 4HQ United



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 08/31

OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Think Through Math (Think Through Learning Inc) NAIC Code: 611691


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Exam Preparation and Tutoring

Think Through Math, produced and managed by Think Through Learning, Inc., combines live teacher support with students and instruction via a web-based learning system to help students learn and love math. The company's tutorial model is based on the largest body of cognitive tutoring research in the world, led by the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, with funding from the Air Force, National Science Foundation and others. Several major field studies were conducted, which included more than 30,000 public school students in seven states, in order to develop the proper cognitive thinking processes and intervention methods for students struggling with academics. As a result, Think Through Math helps students learn to analyze and solve word problems by applying a pedagogy derived from cognitive science, explicit instruction, gradual release, elaboration theory, mastery learning, proximal development, assessment, differentiation and worked examples. Think Through Math is used in more than 13,000 schools in 2,000 school districts throughout 48 U.S. states, and can be used in elementary and higher education classrooms, as well as at home. In October 2016, Think Through Learning, Inc. was acquired by Imagine Learning, Inc., a provider of elementary language and literacy software solutions.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Imagine Learning Inc Think Through Learning Inc

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Joe Swenson, CEO

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity






Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 126 Parent Company: Imagine Learning Inc


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: 866-377-5071 Fax: Toll-Free: 866-357-8664 Address: 382 W. Park Cir., Provo, UT 84604 United States Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Time To Know Inc

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Computer Software, Education & Training

Time To Know, Inc. is an international producer of digital teaching platforms and a converter of curriculum to digital content. The firm's mission is to introduce technology into the classroom to ensure that students receive an education that properly equips them with modern skills. Time To Know offers three primary products: Echo, Create and Teach. Echo blends active learning, social learning and assessment content, bringing students together to share similar experiences, support each other and enables instructors to monitor, assess and intervene in real time. Its Echo Editor feature allows for content import, conversion, enrichment and creation, for the purpose of accommodating different audiences via eBooks, quiz creation, supplementary materials and expanding the student audience base. Create is a content generation studio that converts preexisting teaching materials into interactive digital content. Create's Born Digital feature is an advanced authoring environment that enables the simple production and creation of new digital content and programs. Its BookAlive feature imports and enriches existing content via digital layers like the creation and addition of games, videos, quizzes, puzzles and more. Teach is a digital teaching platform that enables instructors to distribute digital content to students and to monitor and assess student progress in a given lesson in real time. Additional tools and features include: Connect, an easy-to-use learning management system; and Time To Know English, a comprehensive digital literacy curriculum for teaching English as a second or foreign language, which can be tailored to each student's needs. In 2016, the firm signed a five-year partnership agreement with eLearningPro to bring its education technology to the Hong Kong corporate training market.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Echo Create Teach Connect Time To Know English

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Yair Brosh, CEO Oded Bar-Levy, VP-R&D Miri Sressman, VP-Finance Ilan Solel, VP-Sales Chen Hofesh Katz, VP-Human Resources Dovi Weiss, Chief Scientist Ido Azriel, VP-Product Arie Kogan, CTO Ofir Zukovsky, VP-Bus. Dev. Miri Stessman, VP-Finance Tamir Roter, Chief Bus. Officer Lizou Gilinsky, VP-Content Ahuva Fainmesser, CEO-Educational Systems Dovi Weiss, Chief Scientist Rann Marom, VP-North America

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 972-73-277 5005 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: Abba Hillel Silver Rd. 23, Ramat Gan, 5252214 Israel

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 135 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 5 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

TPR Education IP Holdings LLC (dba The Princeton Review) NAIC Code: 611710


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Educational Testing Services


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Kate Eberle Walker, CEO

TPR Education IP Holdings, LLC, which does business as The Princeton Review, provides integrated classroom-based, print and online products and services that address the needs of students, parents, educators and educational institutions. The firm offers SAT preparation courses and is a provider of test preparation courses for most major post-secondary and graduate admissions tests. The Princeton Review and its international franchisees provide test preparation courses and tutoring services for the SAT, GMAT, MCAT, LSAT, GRE and other standardized admissions tests to students throughout the U.S. and abroad. The company currently operates through its test preparation services and supplemental educational services (SES) divisions. The test preparation services division provides classroom-based and Princeton Review online test preparation courses and tutoring services. This division also receives royalties from its independent franchisees, which provide classroom-based courses under the Princeton Review brand. The SES division provides state-aligned researchbased academic tutoring instruction to students in schools in need of improvement in school districts throughout the country which receive funding under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. It has used The Princeton Review as its main service and trademark for test preparation services and related publications and materials since 1982. In March 2017, the firm was acquired by Korea-based ST Unitas, an operator of private learning institutes, offering English, Chinese and other foreign language courses, as well as various civil-service tests.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 104,400,000

2015 259,400,000

2014 201,760,000

2013 208,000,000



Phone: 508 663-5050 Fax: 212 874-0775 Toll-Free: 800-273-8439 Address: 24 Prime Parkway, Natick, MA 01760 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 2,103 Parent Company: ST Unitas



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2012 200,000,000

2011 188,754,000

Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Turnitin LLC

NAIC Code: 511210P


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Online Plagiarism Detection Service

Turnitin, LLC is an online plagiarism detection service that scans student submitted documents for originality. The main purpose of the program is to search through three main databases and identify any uncited sources used in the student paper. These databases include billions of web pages, archived student papers and articles from more than 100,000 journals, periodicals and books. The program is compatible with over 50 course management systems such as Blackboard, Sakai and Pearson Learning Studio. Products include the Turnitin Revision Assistant, which provides side notes for revisions or corrections; the Feedback Studio, which checks for plagiarism, engaging with students throughout the writing process; iThenticate (, a professional plagiarism detector that insures originality before publication; and WriteCheck (, which is both an originality checker and a grammar and citation checking service designed to help students improve their writing. Turnitin is available in several languages, including English, Arabic, Chinese (traditional and simplified), Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Vietnamese. Currently, Turnitin is used by more than 30 million students at 15,000 institutions in 140 countries. The company is headquartered in Oakland, California (USA), with offices in Austin, Texas and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA; and internationally in the U.K., the Netherlands, Australia and Korea. The firm is backed by Insight Venture Partners, GIC, Norwest Venture Partners, Lead Edge Capital and Georgian Partners. In October 2016, Turnitin secured a content partnership with, an open-access digital archive for scientists, and will assist in checking the originality of papers uploaded to their depository. In 2017, the firm partnered with College Board and Khan Academy to provide students with new writing technology to help them prepare for the essay portion of the SAT exam. Employee benefits include health, dental and vision coverage; life and disability insurance; flexible spending accounts, a 401(k) with company match; and public transit and gym subsidies.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: WriteCheck Turnitin Revision Assistant Feedback Studio iThenticate

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Chris Caren, CEO Ashley Ronen, Business Operations Bobby Wilson, CFO Chris Harrick, Marketing LauraLee Guerrero, Human Resources Will Lowe, It Christian Storm, Advisor-Tech. Steve Golik, VP-Prod. Mgmt. Christopher Minson, VP-Eng. Will Lowe, VP-Oper. Will Murray, Sr. VP-Int'l Sales & Product Mgmt.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity






Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: 318 Parent Company: Insight Venture Partners


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Phone: 510-764-7600 Fax: 510-764-7612 Toll-Free: Address: 1111 Broadway, 3/Fl, Oakland, CA 94607 United States Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 2 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd. Inc

NAIC Code: 611691


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Academic Tutoring Services, Inc. is an online tutoring resource for students and professionals. One on one, live tutoring is offered in the fields of math, science, English, social studies, AP support and SAT/Test prep. The company offers specialized services for families, the military, schools, libraries and higher education. Sessions are charged by the hour per month, starting at $39.99 for one hour/month, $79.99 for two hours/month and $114.99 for three hours/month. The community consists of more than 2,500 professional experts, and has delivered over 14 million tutoring and professional development sessions in a proprietary online classroom. Its solutions are powered by a technology platform that helps recruit, manage and connect its experts to people seeking academic and professional help. IAC/InteractiveCorp owns the company. The firm is selected by the U.S. Department of Defense to help the Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative develop strategies to improve training programs at the DoD. The company offers its employees health, dental, vision and life insurance; short- and long-term disability; a flexible spending plan; paid vacation; and free online tutoring for family.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Kate Eberle Walker, CEO Shar Dubey, Exec. VP-Tech. & Product Kevin Donalds, Sr. VP-Oper. Bart Epstein, Sr. VP-Corp. Dev. Jennifer Kohn, VP-Corp. Comm. Joan Rooney, VP-Instruction Sandi White, General Mgr.-Institutional Programs

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: Fax: Toll-Free: 800-411-1970 Address: 555 W. 18th St., New York, NY 10011 United States

Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: 2,500 Parent Company: IAC/InteractiveCorp



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 5 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Udacity Inc

NAIC Code: 611430


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Online Business and Technical Courses Corporate Training


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Vish Makhijani, CEO Sebastian Thrun, Pres. Ryan Fong, VP-Finance & Operations Shernaz Daver, CMO Nitin Sharma, VP-Eng. & Data Science Clarissa Shen, VP-Bus. Dev. Brent Tworetzky, VP-Prod. Mgmt. Hsiao-Lu Lee, Dir.-Student Svcs. Kathleen Mullaney, Dir.-Content Dev.

Udacity, Inc. is an online education firm focused on courses for business and technical learning and skills develoment. Courses and nanodegree categories include Android, data science, Georgia Tech Masters in Computer Science, iOS, non-tech, software engineering and web development. Udacity's business model focuses on what it calls nanodegrees. Students pay $200 per month per nanodegree course, and can take as long to complete it as they want. Upon successful completion of a course and testing, a portion of the tuition is refunded. A typical student takes five months to complete a nanodegree. Despite the promise of a refund upon successful completion, the dropout rate is an estimated 75%. However, Udacity garners a much higher completion rate than standard MOOCs do, where dropout rates can be as high as 98%. A student can enroll in a given class any time after it has launched and still have complete access to lectures and assignments. Some courses are free. Udacity offers many benefits to its students, including career counseling, mentoring and job interview skills. Udacity uses a worldwide network of contract graders. Each one is knowledgeable in specific coursework.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 40,560,000

2015 31,200,000

2014 24,000,000




Phone: 650-938-9090 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 2465 Latham St., 3/Fl, Mountain View, CA 94040 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 560 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 3 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Udemy Inc

NAIC Code: 611430


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Professional and Management Development Training Online Education Technology


Udemy, Inc. is a massive open online course (MOOC), serving over 15 million users through more than 45,000 courses. These courses are offered in 80 languages worldwide. The website offers a wide variety of courses, from programming to cake decorating. Some courses are free, but most require a fee for enrollment, as much as $500. Becoming an instructor for the site is open to all who qualify, and users can upload courses and submit content with the aim of earning extra income. The firm's Udemy Social Innovation is a program that helps nonprofits create online courses in order to increase their impact. Udemy is available for download through Google Play or the Apple App Store. The firm is funded by Norwest Venture Partners, Insight Venture Partners, Lightbank, MHS Capital, Learn Capital, Stripes Group and 500 Startups, among others. It is headquartered in San Francisco, and has offices in Dublin, Ireland and Ankara, Turkey. In June 2016, the firm received a $60 million investment from Naspers Ventures.

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Dennis Yang, CEO Gagan Biyani, Pres. Dinesh Thiru, Sr. VP-Mktg. Lisa Haugh, VP-Human Resources Mustafa Demir, Dir.-Eng. Jon Bischke, Advisor

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 74,000,000

2015 52,000,000

2014 26,000,000

2013 10,000,000



Phone: 415-813-5900 Fax: Toll-Free: Address: 600 Harrison St., 3/Fl, San Francisco, CA 94107 United States

Stock Ticker: Private Employees: 715 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2012 4,500,000

2011 1,600,000

Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 20 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Unigo LLC

NAIC Code: 519130


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Online Portal for Prospective College Students

Unigo LLC, through, acts as a resource for prospective college students seeking information on different universities and colleges. The website offers prospective students and their parents tens of thousands of reviews, videos, photos and articles about the top colleges in the U.S., all provided by students who actually attend those institutions. Unigo's engagement platform, UnigoLive, hosts, broadcasts and records these unlimited live events. This platform enables students and families to find the right match based on the uniqueness of each student's education-to-business needs. Unigo's community has more than 1.4 million members. Unigo's sister website,, provides options to finance a higher education, from which prospective students can compare and apply for. In July 2016, the firm was acquired by EducationDynamics, LLC, a provider of marketing information and technology services to help higher education institutions to find, enroll and retain students.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Jordan Goldman, CEO Zeeshan Raja, Quality Assurance Engineer Pete d'Angelo, Tech Lead

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity








Phone: 646-861-7847 Fax: 646-871-6178 Toll-Free: Address: 220 NW 8th Aveneu, Portland, OR 97209 United States

Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: 10 Parent Company: EducationDynamics LLC



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Universal Technical Institute Inc

NAIC Code: 611519


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Technical and Trade Schools

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Universal Technical Institute Motorcycle Mechanics Institute Marine Mechanics Institute NASCAR Technical Institute

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once.

Universal Technical Institute, Inc. (UTI) provides postsecondary education for students seeking careers as professional automotive, diesel, collision repair and refinishing, motorcycle and marine technicians. It offers undergraduate degree, diploma and certificate programs at 12 campuses across the U.S. under the banner of several well-known brands, including Universal Technical Institute (UTI), Motorcycle Mechanics Institute and Marine Mechanics Institute (collectively, MMI) and NASCAR Technical Institute (NTI). It also offers manufacturer-specific training programs, including both student paid electives and manufacturer or dealer sponsored training at dedicated training centers. Undergraduate programs are designed to be completed in 45 to 102 weeks, and tuition ranges from $21,700 to $59,600 per program, depending on its nature and length. UTI enrolls students throughout the year. In 2016, average undergraduate enrollment was approximately 12,000 full-time students. The firm announced plans to offer two new programs, welding and computer numeric control machining, in 2017.

Kimberly Mcwaters, CEO Bryce Peterson, CFO Piper Jameson, Chief Marketing Officer Sherrell Smith, Executive VP, Divisional Rhonda Turner, Senior VP, Divisional

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 347,146,000

2015 362,674,000

2014 378,393,000

2013 380,268,000

2012 413,552,000

2011 451,900,000

-18,623,000 -5.36% 167,678,000 -47,696,000 7,384,000 8,070,000 -3,020,000 -17.19% -39.28% 0.31

-9,223,000 -2.54% 161,017,000 -9,149,000 8,242,000 29,483,000 8,953,000 -3.25% -7.41% 0.38

6,337,000 1.67% 164,810,000 2,037,000 27,056,000 12,024,000 26,517,000 .71% 1.49% 0.24

5,929,000 1.55% 165,386,000 3,810,000 26,733,000 9,352,000 28,975,000 1.39% 2.67%

14,115,000 3.41% 176,487,000 9,032,000 18,509,000 11,342,000 38,785,000 3.38% 6.26%

45,105,000 9.98% 168,245,000 27,238,000 58,072,000 29,098,000 70,496,000 10.72% 21.74%



Phone: 623 445-9500 Fax: 623 445-9501 Toll-Free: Address: 16220 North Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 United States

Stock Ticker: UTI Employees: 1,880 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $740,425 Second Exec. Salary: $479,345

Bonus: $ Bonus: $

Exchange: NYS Fiscal Year Ends: 09/30

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 4 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities: Y

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

Western Governors University

NAIC Code: 611310


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools

Western Governors University (WGU) is a private, nonprofit online university. The university was founded in 1997 by the 19 U.S. governors of the Western Governors Association. Each governor committed $100,000 to the launch of the university. WGU is competency-based, meaning that one earns a degree by demonstrating the skills and knowledge required in a subject area, rather than by achieving a certain number of credit hours. WGU is composed of four colleges that offer both bachelors and master's degree programs: Teachers College; College of Business; College of Information Technology; and College of Health Professions, including nursing. The university currently has an enrollment of over 76,700 students hailing from all 50 states. To serve those students, WGU has a faculty of more than 2,100 full-time and 700 part-time members, many of which work from their homes. The university also has six stateaffiliated schools: WGU Indiana, WGU Washington, WGU Nevada, WGU Texas, WGU Missouri and WGU Tennessee.

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: WGU India WGU Missouri WGU Tessessee WGU Texas WGU Washington WGU Nevada

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. John W. Bluford III, Pres. Jim Geringer, Chmn.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity







Phone: 801-274-3280 Fax: Toll-Free: 866-225-5948 Address: 4001 S. 700 E., Ste. 700, Salt Lake, UT 84107 United States

Stock Ticker: Nonprofit Employees: 4,375 Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $



Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

YES Prep Public Schools Inc

NAIC Code: 611110


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Charter Schools (non-profit)

YES Prep Public Schools, Inc. is an open-enrollment public charter middle and high school with locations in Houston, Texas. The focus of YES Prep is to prepare all students for college admission. The system currently has 16 locations serving 11,600 students from low-income backgrounds. The educational model is student oriented, focusing on small classrooms, student interventions and one-on-one college counseling. The curriculum is set to a high academic standard, and enrichment opportunities such as class trips, community service and summer programming are available and encouraged. YES Prep has partnerships with colleges and universities in the U.S., which help to provide financial assistance to graduating seniors who wish to attend college.


CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Mark DiBella, CEO Recy Benjamin Dunn, VP-Operations Jason Bernal, Pres. Millicent Chancellor, CFO Richard Charlesworth, VP-IT & Analytics Jennifer Hines, Sr. VP-People & Program Mark DiBella, Superintendent-Houston Ann Ziker, VP-Advancement Bill Durbin, Superintendent-Memphis

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity


2015 61,407,735

2014 9,015,237

2013 70,562,572

2012 61,407,735







Phone: 713-967-9000 Fax: 713-589-2502 Toll-Free: Address: 5515 South Loop East, Ste.B, Houston, TX 77033 United States

Stock Ticker: Nonprofit Employees: Parent Company:



Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

Bonus: $ Bonus: $


Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends:

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 2 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

YouTube LLC

NAIC Code: 519130


TYPES OF BUSINESS: Online Video Services Video Subscriptions Online Video Advertising Services

BRANDS/DIVISIONS/AFFILIATES: Google Inc YouTube Leanback Google Checkout for Non-Profits YouTube Insight YouTube Partner YouTube Topics YouTube Red

CONTACTS: Note: Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once. Susan Wojcicki, CEO Suzie Reider, Chief Mktg. Officer Hunter Walk, Head-Product Kevin Donahue, VP-Content Julie Supan, Sr. Dir.-Mktg.

YouTube, LLC, a subsidiary of Google, Inc., is a leading online video site, featuring significant amounts of user-generated content. It has partnered with major content providers such as Warner Brothers, ABC, CBS, Sony, National Geographic, EA and Activision. The web site streams over 4 billion hours of video a month to 43 countries in 60 languages. YouTube derives most of its revenue through in-video advertising, sponsorships and brand channels. Advertisers have the option of purchasing promoted videos, which offer more visibility; 24hour video banner ads on the website's homepage; the ability to hand-pick videos to advertise against; mobile advertisements; and the ability to advertise with content partners. The YouTube Partner program allows producers of original content that targets a wide audience to upload adsupported videos, rentals, high quality content and livestreaming videos. Advertisers can track the impact of these advertisements with YouTube Insight, which counts page views, video popularity, demographics and audience attention. The company offers nonprofit organizations a free channel to display content and collect donations through Google Checkout for Non-Profits. YouTube is also available through Apple TV and a variety of mobile devices. New features and those in development include YouTube Leanback, a high quality video service; YouTube Topics search; a built-in video editor; comment searching; audience statistics; a caption editor; HTML5 video; music playlists; and low-latency pages. YouTube Red is a $9.99 per month subscription, launched in October 2015, that enables to watch without seeing ads on most types of videos. However, YouTube channels paid for by sponsors, TV show rentals and movie rentals may still display ads. YouTube Red also lets subscribers watch videos offline by saving them to the desktop or mobile devices for later viewing. Google offers its employees health care coverage, onsite health professionals, travel insurance, parental leave, tuition reimbursement and legal services discounts.

FINANCIAL DATA: Note: Data for latest year may not have been available at press time. In U.S. $ Revenue R&D Expense Operating Income Operating Margin % SGA Expense Net Income Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditure EBITDA Return on Assets % Return on Equity % Debt to Equity

2016 5,000,000,000

2015 4,354,000,000


2014 4,000,000,000

2013 3,125,000,000

Stock Ticker: Subsidiary Employees: 850 Parent Company: GOOGLE INC


OTHER THOUGHTS: Bonus: $ Bonus: $

2011 1,350,000,000


Phone: 650-253-0000 Fax: 650-253-0001 Toll-Free: Address: 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066 United States Top Exec. Salary: $ Second Exec. Salary: $

2012 2,600,000,000

Exchange: Fiscal Year Ends: 12/31

Estimated Female Officers or Directors: 2 Hot Spot for Advancement for Women/Minorities:

Sales, profits and employees may be estimates. Financial information, benefits and other data can change quickly and may vary from those stated here.

Plunkett Research, Ltd.


Contents: Index of Firms Noted as “Hot Spots for Advancement” for Women/Minorities


Index by Subsidiaries, Brand Names and Selected Affiliations


Plunkett Research, Ltd.

INDEX OF FIRMS NOTED AS HOT SPOTS FOR ADVANCEMENT FOR WOMEN & MINORITIES 2U Inc Academic Partnerships Achieve3000 American Public Education Inc Amplify Education Inc Apollo Education Group Inc (University of Phoenix) Avenues World Holdings LLC Bridgepoint Education Inc Bright Horizons Family Solutions Inc Career Education Corporation Catapult Learning Inc Codecademy Coursera Inc Cricket Media Group Ltd CUX Inc (CorpU) DeVry Education Group Inc Edmentum Inc EDmin Inc Education Management Corporation edX Florida Virtual School (FLVS) Franklin Covey Company HotChalk Inc Informatics Education Ltd K12 Inc Kickboard KIPP Knowledge Delivery Systems Inc Leona Group LLC (The) McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited MIND Research Institute Noodle Pearson PLC Renaissance Learning Inc Rosetta Stone Inc Scholastic Corporation School Loop Inc SLM Corporation (Sallie Mae) LLC Time To Know Inc Inc Udacity Inc Udemy Inc Universal Technical Institute Inc

Plunkett Research, Ltd.

INDEX OF SUBSIDIARIES, BRAND NAMES AND AFFILIATIONS Brand or subsidiary, followed by the name of the related corporation 21st Century Skills Assessment; 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (The); Franklin Covey Company Abilitations; School Specialty Inc Accelerated Reader 360; Renaissance Learning Inc AchieveEnglish; Catapult Learning Inc AchieveMath; Catapult Learning Inc Acrobatiq Adaptive Learning Environment; Acrobatiq LLC Acrobatiq Analytics Engine; Acrobatiq LLC Acrobatiq Fast-Start Content Library; Acrobatiq LLC Acrobatiq Learning Data; Acrobatiq LLC Acrobatiq Smart Author; Acrobatiq LLC Acrobatiq Smart Courseware; Acrobatiq LLC ActivBoard Touch; Promethean World Limited ActivEngage2; Promethean World Limited ActivInspire; Promethean World Limited ActiVote; Promethean World Limited ActivSoundBar; Promethean World Limited ActivTable; Promethean World Limited Advanced OER Courseware; BNED LoudCloud LLC AltSchool; AltSchool AltSchool Expert Network; AltSchool Inc; TenMarks Education LLC American InterContinental University; Career Education Corporation American Military University; American Public Education Inc American Public University; American Public Education Inc American Public University System Inc; American Public Education Inc American University of the Caribbean; DeVry Education Group Inc Amplify Access; Amplify Education Inc Amplify Insight; Amplify Education Inc Amplify Learning; Amplify Education Inc Anhanguera Educacional; Kroton Educational SA Apollo Global Inc; Apollo Education Group Inc (University of Phoenix) Apollo Group Inc; Carnegie Learning AppExchange; LLC Apple Inc; iTunes University Argosy University; Education Management Corporation Art Institutes (The); Education Management Corporation ASIA Metropolitan University; Asiamet Education Group Berhad AssignFocus; DreamBox Learning Inc Association Reseller; SmartPros Ltd Australian College of English Pty Ltd; Navitas Limited Authoring Center; HealthStream Inc Avenues; The World School; Avenues World Holdings LLC Axon Sports Consumer Training; Cogstate Limited Babybug; Cricket Media Group Ltd Badged Open Courses; Open University (The) Barnes & Noble Education Inc; BNED LoudCloud LLC Barnes & Noble Inc; BNED LoudCloud LLC Baseline; Campus Labs Beacon; Campus Labs Becker Professional Education; DeVry Education Group Inc Beijing Eduglobal Development Company; Navitas Limited Big Brainz; Imagine Learning Blackboard Analytics; Blackboard Inc Blackboard Collaborate; Blackboard Inc Blackboard Connect; Blackboard Inc Blackboard Learn; Blackboard Inc Blackboard ParentLink; Blackboard Inc Blackboard Schoolwires; Blackboard Inc Blackboard Sociability; Blackboard Inc Blackboard Transact; Blackboard Inc Blendspace; TES Global Limited Bluedrop Learning Networks Inc; Bluedrop Performance Learning Inc Bluedrop Training & Simulation Inc; Bluedrop Performance Learning Inc Brick Buy Brick; Legacy Education Alliance Inc BRIGANCE Early Childhood; Curriculum Associates LLC BRIGANCE Head Start; Curriculum Associates LLC BRIGANCE Special Education; Curriculum Associates LLC Brightspace; D2L Corporation BroadSoft Inc; iLinc Communications Inc Broadview University; Broadview Institute Inc Brown Mackie Colleges; Education Management Corporation Califone; School Specialty Inc; Megastudy Co Ltd Capella Learning Solutions; Capella Education Co Capella University; Capella Education Co Capella University Inc; SOPHIA Learning LLC Career GPS System; Ambow Education Holding Ltd CareerPath; Broadview Institute Inc Carnegie Mellon Institution; Carnegie Learning Carrington College; DeVry Education Group Inc Carrington College of California; DeVry Education Group Inc CARS & STAMS; Curriculum Associates LLC CARS & STARS; Curriculum Associates LLC Case Files Collection; McGraw-Hill Education Inc Catapult Academy; Catapult Learning Inc CCKF Inc; Realizeit (CCKF Inc); China Education Resources Inc

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INDEX OF SUBSIDIARIES, BRAND NAMES AND AFFILIATIONS, CONT. Chamberlain College of Nursing; DeVry Education Group Inc Champions Before- and After-School Programs; KinderCare Education LLC Chegg Study; Chegg Inc Chegg Study; Chegg Inc Chegg Tutors; Chegg Inc Childcraft; School Specialty Inc; China Distance Education Holdings Limited ChinaEdu Holdings Limited; ChinaEdu Corporation; China Distance Education Holdings Limited CIBT School of Business China; CIBT Education Group Inc Citation Machine; Chegg Inc; China Distance Education Holdings Limited ClassFlow; Promethean World Limited; China Distance Education Holdings Limited Cobblestone; Cricket Media Group Ltd COGNIGRAM; Cogstate Limited CognitiveGraph; Declara Inc CogState Research; Cogstate Limited Colangelo College of Business; Grand Canyon Education Inc College Cooperation Program; China Distance Education Holdings Limited College for Financial Planning Institutes Corp; Apollo Education Group Inc (University of Phoenix) College of Doctoral Studies; Grand Canyon Education Inc College of Education; Grand Canyon Education Inc College of Fine Arts and Production; Grand Canyon Education Inc College of Nursing and Health Care Professions; Grand Canyon Education Inc College of Science, Engineering and Technology; Grand Canyon Education Inc College of Theology; Grand Canyon Education Inc CollegiateLink; Campus Labs Colorado Technical University; Career Education Corporation Complete Data Warehouse; eScholar LLC Compliance Assist; Campus Labs ConferenceLinc; iLinc Communications Inc Connect; Time To Know Inc Connections Academy; Connections Education LLC Connections Education; Advanced Academics Inc Connections Learning; Connections Education LLC Course Evaluation; Campus Labs Course Hero Learn This Document; Course Hero Inc Coursera for Governments & Nonprofits; Coursera Inc Create; Time To Know Inc Cricket; Cricket Media Group Ltd

Cricket Acquisition Group Inc; Cricket Media Group Ltd Curriculum Matrix; EDmin Inc D2L Asia Pte Ltd; D2L Corporation D2L Australia Pty Ltd; D2L Corporation D2L Brasil Solucoes de Tecnologia; D2L Corporation D2L Europe Ltd; D2L Corporation D2L Ltd; D2L Corporation DevMountain LLC; Capella Education Co DeVry Brasil; DeVry Education Group Inc DeVry University; DeVry Education Group Inc Digital Transformation Curriculum; iVersity GmbH Dongxuetang; TAL Education Group DreamBox Learning Math; DreamBox Learning Inc DreamBox Nation; DreamBox Learning Inc Driving 101 LLC; NASCAR Racing Experience Dynamic Immersion; Rosetta Stone Inc Easy Tech; EasyBib; Chegg Inc eBoPo; Ambow Education Holding Ltd Echo; Time To Know Inc EDEN/EDFacts Solutions; eScholar LLC EdGate Correlation Services; EDmin Inc Edgenuity Courseware; Edgenuity Inc EdisonLearning; EdisonLearning Inc Edmentum Assessments; Edmentum Inc Edmentum Sensei; Edmentum Inc; Edmodo Inc EdOptions Academy; Edmentum Inc EducationCity; Edmentum Inc EducationDynamics LLC; Unigo LLC EduVantage Dashboard; Eduvant Inc EduVantage Insights; Eduvant Inc EduVantage Integration Platform; Eduvant Inc EduVantage Platform; Eduvant Inc EduVantage Presenter; Eduvant Inc edX; MITx Elements App; TapToLearn Elite Business Star; Legacy Education Alliance Inc EM; China Education Resources Inc Emantras; GP Strategies Corporation Empower3000; Achieve3000 eScholar EDEN Data Mart; eScholar LLC eScience3000 Differentiated Core Curriculum; Achieve3000 ESL Reading Smart; Edmentum Inc Estacio; Estacio Participacoes SA Estacio Editora e Distribuidor Ltda; Estacio Participacoes SA; Unigo LLC EtaPRO Performance & Condition Monitoring System; GP Strategies Corporation ETH Aurich; EPFL de Lausanne (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne) Etraining; Festo Didactic Inc ExploreLearning; Cambium Learning Group Inc

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INDEX OF SUBSIDIARIES, BRAND NAMES AND AFFILIATIONS, CONT. Faculdade de Macapa (FAMA); Kroton Educational SA Faculdade Pitagoras; Kroton Educational SA Fairway Hills Developments; National American University Holdings Inc Fast ForWord; Scientific Learning Corporation Fast ForWord Language; Scientific Learning Corporation Fast ForWord Literacy; Scientific Learning Corporation Fast ForWord Reading; Scientific Learning Corporation FC Organizational Products LLC; Franklin Covey Company Feedback Studio; Turnitin LLC Festo Group; Festo Didactic Inc FirstLeap; TAL Education Group Fractions App; TapToLearn Fundacao Pitagoras; Kroton Educational SA Gale Researcher; Cengage Learning Holdings II Inc GEC Education Super Center; CIBT Education Group Inc GEMS Education Solutions; GEMS Education Gizmos; Cambium Learning Group Inc Global Education Alliance; CIBT Education Group Inc Global Education City Holdings Inc; CIBT Education Group Inc Global Education Management System; GEMS Education Global Pathways; Kaplan Inc Glynlyon Inc; Odysseyware Inc Google Checkout for Non-Profits; YouTube LLC Google Inc; YouTube LLC GPiLEARN; GP Strategies Corporation Graham Holdings Company; SmartPros Ltd Grammar App HD; TapToLearn Grammar Games; TapToLearn Grand Canyon University; Grand Canyon Education Inc Hackbright Academy Inc; Capella Education Co Hammond & Stephens; School Specialty Inc Harland Clarke Holdings Corp; Scantron Corporation Harland Technology Services; Scantron Corporation; Cambium Learning Group Inc Health Skills Australia Pty Ltd; Navitas Limited HealthStream Competency Center; HealthStream Inc HealthStream Learning Center; HealthStream Inc HealthStream Performance Center; HealthStream Inc Hellman & Friedman LLC; Renaissance Learning Inc Hibt Ltd; Navitas Limited Hildebrandt Learning Centers; Bright Horizons Family Solutions Inc HiWorld; TAL Education Group Hondros College of Nursing; American Public Education Inc HotChalk Education Index; HotChalk Inc HotChalk Educational Network; HotChalk Inc HotChalk LessonPlansPage; HotChalk Inc HotChalk Partner Network; HotChalk Inc

IAC/InteractiveCorp; Inc icurio; Knovation Inc iLinc Suite; iLinc Communications Inc Illuminate Data & Assessment; Illuminate Education Inc Illuminate Special Education; Illuminate Education Inc Illuminate Student Information; Illuminate Education Inc Imagine Espanol; Imagine Learning Imagine Easy Solutions; Chegg Inc Imagine Language & Literacy; Imagine Learning Imagine Learning Inc; Think Through Math (Think Through Learning Inc) Imagine Math; Imagine Learning Imagine Math Facts; Imagine Learning In2Books; Cricket Media Group Ltd Infomatics Academy Pte Ltd; Informatics Education Ltd Inform Learning System; EDmin Inc Informatics Global Campus Pte Ltd; Informatics Education Ltd Intelligent Adaptive Learning; DreamBox Learning Inc intellipath; Career Education Corporation Inter TOMAS Co Ltd; Riso Kyoiku Co Ltd; Chegg Inc iQity Bridge Technology; IQ Innovations LLC iQity Digital Rights Management System; IQ Innovations LLC iQity e-Learning Platform; IQ Innovations LLC iQity Learning Management System; IQ Innovations LLC iQity Reactor Repository; IQ Innovations LLC iQity U Learning Center; IQ Innovations LLC i-Ready; Curriculum Associates LLC IREP; Estacio Participacoes SA IRIX Design Group; CIBT Education Group Inc iThenticate; Turnitin LLC iTunes U; iTunes University Itz by Lab-Volt; Festo Didactic Inc Jack Welch Management Institute; Strayer Education Inc; China Distance Education Holdings Limited Junior Scholastic; Scholastic Corporation Junyo Streams; Junyo Inc Kaplan Inc; SmartPros Ltd Kaplan University; Kaplan Inc KBIC Inc; CIBT Education Group Inc KidBiz3000; Achieve3000 KinderCare Education at Work; KinderCare Education LLC KinderCare Learning Centers; KinderCare Education LLC Kroton Educacional SA; Anhanguera Educacional Participacoes SA Kurzweil Education; Cambium Learning Group Inc Lab-Volt Systems Inc; Festo Didactic Inc Ladybug; Cricket Media Group Ltd LeapFrog Academy; LeapFrog Enterprises Inc

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INDEX OF SUBSIDIARIES, BRAND NAMES AND AFFILIATIONS, CONT. Learning A-Z; Cambium Learning Group Inc Learning Information Systems Ltd; Navitas Limited Learning Tree AnyWare; Learning Tree International Inc Learning Tree Education Centers; Learning Tree International Inc LearnLinc; iLinc Communications Inc Leeds Equity Partners; Campus Labs Lejiale; TAL Education Group Let's Find Out; Scholastic Corporation LInkedIn Corporation; Inc Literacy First Framework; Catapult Learning Inc; Inc Lyra; Fullbridge Inc Lyra Learning Labs; Fullbridge Inc Lyra SkillsPrint; Fullbridge Inc Lyra Working Labs; Fullbridge Inc Magic Johnson Bridgescape Academy; EdisonLearning Inc Many Ways to Learn; SOPHIA Learning LLC Marine Mechanics Institute; Universal Technical Institute Inc Mario Andretti Racing Experience; NASCAR Racing Experience Martin Roberts; Legacy Education Alliance Inc Masterskill Eduction Group Bhd; Asiamet Education Group Berhad Math Vs Zombies; TapToLearn MathFacts in a Flash; Renaissance Learning Inc MATHia; Carnegie Learning Mathlets; MITx Maverick Solutions; GP Strategies Corporation Mbest; Megastudy Co Ltd McGraw-Hill Connect; McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited McGraw-Hill Education; ALEKS Corporation McGraw-Hill Education Inc; McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited McKinney Rogers; GP Strategies Corporation; China Distance Education Holdings Limited MEDIC TOMAS; Riso Kyoiku Co Ltd MeetingLinc; iLinc Communications Inc MegaStudy; Megastudy Co Ltd; Megastudy Co Ltd Meimonkai Co Ltd; Riso Kyoiku Co Ltd Mika; Carnegie Learning MindTap; Cengage Learning Holdings II Inc Minerva Schools at KGI; Minerva Project Inc MIT BLOSSOMS; MITx MIYO; Flat World Knowledge Inc Mjunior; Megastudy Co Ltd Mobby; TAL Education Group Mobile Testing Service; ATA Inc Morrisey Associates Inc; HealthStream Inc

Motorcycle Mechanics Institute; Universal Technical Institute Inc Muse; Cricket Media Group Ltd MyLab and Mastering; Pearson PLC MySciLEARN; Scientific Learning Corporation myTrack; eScholar LLC NASCAR Technical Institute; Universal Technical Institute Inc National American University; National American University Holdings Inc National Education Seminars Inc; American Public Education Inc Navitas College of Public Safety; Navitas Limited NCC Education UK; Informatics Education Ltd NetDragon Websoft Inc; Promethean World Limited New Oriental; New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc New Oriental Foreign Language School; New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc New Oriental Star; New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc New York Code and Design Academy; Strayer Education Inc News Corp; Amplify Education Inc Nexus Academy; Connections Education LLC Ninja Chicken; TapToLearn Noodle; Noodle Noodle Markets; Noodle Noodle Partners; Noodle Noodle Pros; Noodle Noodle Tutoring; Noodle Nova Academia; Estacio Participacoes SA OCW Scholar; MITx Odysseyware Academic Services; Odysseyware Inc Odysseyware Academy; Odysseyware Inc One With NYU; Noodle One With USC; Noodle One.IU; rSmart OneCampus; rSmart OneCampus Internet2 NET+service; rSmart ontrackTV; Quizam Media Corporation Open University (The); FutureLearn Limited OpenClass; Inc OpenCourseWare; MITx OpenLearn; Open University (The) OpenLoop API; School Loop Inc Parchment Exchange; Parchment Inc; Parchment Inc Partners Group AG; KinderCare Education LLC Pathbright; Cengage Learning Holdings II Inc Pearson Education Inc; Connections Education LLC Pearson LearningStudio; Inc Pearson plc; Inc Pearson PLC; Pearson North America Pearson PLC; Advanced Academics Inc

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INDEX OF SUBSIDIARIES, BRAND NAMES AND AFFILIATIONS, CONT. Pearson PLC; Connections Education LLC Pearson VUE; Pearson PLC Performance Management Services Inc; HealthStream Inc Piazza Careers; Piazza Technologies Plato Courseware; Edmentum Inc Plus One Kyoiku Co Ltd; Riso Kyoiku Co Ltd Premier Agendas; School Specialty Inc Princeton Review (The); TPR Education IP Holdings LLC (dba The Princeton Review) Provost Academy; EdisonLearning Inc QUICK-WORD; Curriculum Associates LLC QUICK-WRITE; Curriculum Associates LLC Quizam Entertainment LLC; Quizam Media Corporation Reading Assistant; Scientific Learning Corporation Reading Eggs; Edmentum Inc; Cambium Learning Group Inc ReadUp Comprehension Skills; Catapult Learning Inc Reflex; Cambium Learning Group Inc Residential MITx; MITx Resource Personalization Service Platform; Knovation Inc REVEL; Pearson PLC Rich Dad Education; Legacy Education Alliance Inc Root To Words; TapToLearn Rosetta Stone; Rosetta Stone Inc Rosetta Stone Kids Reading; Rosetta Stone Inc Ross University; DeVry Education Group Inc Royal Seating; School Specialty Inc SAE Institute; Navitas Limited Sallie Mae; SLM Corporation (Sallie Mae) Sandy Group; GP Strategies Corporation Sax; School Specialty Inc Scholastic News; Scholastic Corporation School Loop; School Loop Inc School TOMAS Co Ltd; Riso Kyoiku Co Ltd School Yourself; Amplify Education Inc SchoolNomics; EDmin Inc; Schoology Inc Scope; Scholastic Corporation Shingakai Co Ltd; Riso Kyoiku Co Ltd SimCenter; HealthStream Inc SimManager; HealthStream Inc SmartPros Audit Management System; SmartPros Ltd SmartPros eCampus Learning Management System; SmartPros Ltd Sociedade de Ensino Superior Estacio de Sa Ltda; Estacio Participacoes SA SOPHIA; SOPHIA Learning LLC Sophia Learning LLC; Capella Education Co Sophia Pathways for College Credit; SOPHIA Learning LLC South University; Education Management Corporation Spark3000; Achieve3000 Spatial-Temporal Math; MIND Research Institute

Sportime; School Specialty Inc Sprott-Shaw College; CIBT Education Group Inc ST Units; TPR Education IP Holdings LLC (dba The Princeton Review) Star 360; Renaissance Learning Inc Star Early Literacy; Renaissance Learning Inc Star Math; Renaissance Learning Inc Star Reading; Renaissance Learning Inc Star Spanish; Renaissance Learning Inc STEM Camps; Sylvan Learning Inc StormWind Studios; StormWind LLC Story Bug; Cricket Media Group Ltd Storyworks; Scholastic Corporation Strayer University; Strayer Education Inc Study Island; Edmentum Inc Study Overseas Ltd (UK); Navitas Limited Sudler & Hennessey LLC; HealthAnswers Education SupportLinc; iLinc Communications Inc Sylvan EDGE; Sylvan Learning Inc Sylvan STEM; Sylvan Learning Inc SylvanSync; Sylvan Learning Inc Teach; Time To Know Inc TechLiteracy Assessment; TeenBiz3000; Achieve3000 Tes Institute; TES Global Limited The Independent Woman; Legacy Education Alliance Inc THE jobs; TES Global Limited THE Student; TES Global Limited Think Through Learning Inc; Think Through Math (Think Through Learning Inc) Think Through Learning Inc; Imagine Learning Time To Know English; Time To Know Inc TIY Academy LLC; Apollo Education Group Inc (University of Phoenix) Today’s Teachers Technology & Culture Ltd; China Education Resources Inc TOMAS; Riso Kyoiku Co Ltd TOMAS Kikaku Co Ltd; Riso Kyoiku Co Ltd Total Reader; EDmin Inc Turnitin Revision Assistant; Turnitin LLC Uchat; LLC Udemy Social Innovation; Udemy Inc UnigoLive; Unigo LLC Unijobs; TES Global Limited UNIME; Kroton Educational SA Uniq-ID; eScholar LLC Universal Technical Institute; Universal Technical Institute Inc Universidade de Cuiaba (UNIC); Kroton Educational SA Universidade Norte do Parana (Unopar); Kroton Educational SA University of Phoenix Inc (The); Apollo Education Group Inc (University of Phoenix) University of the Rockies; Bridgepoint Education Inc

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INDEX OF SUBSIDIARIES, BRAND NAMES AND AFFILIATIONS, CONT. Upromise MasterCard; SLM Corporation (Sallie Mae) Upromise Rewards; SLM Corporation (Sallie Mae) Vancouver International College; CIBT Education Group Inc Varkey Foundation (The); GEMS Education Voyager Sopris Learning; Cambium Learning Group Inc Vtech Holdings Ltd; LeapFrog Enterprises Inc Wake the Rooster; TapToLearn Wall Street English; Pearson PLC Wayfind; WebAssign; Cengage Learning Holdings II Inc Weld North LLC; Imagine Learning Western International University Inc; Apollo Education Group Inc (University of Phoenix) Western State; Education Management Corporation WGU India; Western Governors University WGU Missouri; Western Governors University WGU Nevada; Western Governors University WGU Tessessee; Western Governors University WGU Texas; Western Governors University WGU Washington; Western Governors University Wikispaces; TES Global Limited Winning Customer Loyalty; Franklin Covey Company Women in Wealth; Legacy Education Alliance Inc World at Their Fingertips; Bright Horizons Family Solutions Inc World of Biology Differentiated Core Curriculum; Achieve3000 WPP plc; HealthAnswers Education WriteCheck; Turnitin LLC Writing Tools; Chegg Inc; Megastudy Co Ltd Xconsortium; edX Xueersi Peiyou; TAL Education Group YouTube Insight; YouTube LLC YouTube Leanback; YouTube LLC YouTube Partner; YouTube LLC YouTube Red; YouTube LLC YouTube Topics; YouTube LLC Zhikang; TAL Education Group; China Distance Education Holdings Limited

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A Short Education, EdTech & MOOCs Industry Glossary Adaptive Learning: Courseware, delivered electronically, that automatically adjusts the presentation of content based on the learning rate of the pupil. For example, an online course or textbook that continually assesses the rate of learning through quizzes and then modifies the method or content of presentation of materials. Adaptive Learning: Courseware, delivered electronically, that automatically adjusts the presentation of content based on the learning rate of the pupil. For example, an online course or textbook that continually assesses the rate of learning through quizzes and then modifies the method or content of presentation of materials. Adjunct Professor: Someone who is hired by a college or university to teach but is not a full member of the faculty. Apps: Short for applications, apps are small software programs designed to run primarily on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Also known as “mobile apps.” Baby Boomer: Generally refers to people born from 1946 to 1964. In the U.S., the initial number of Baby Boomers totaled about 78 million. The term evolved to describe the children of soldiers and war industry workers who were involved in World War II and who began forming families after the war's end. In 2011, the oldest Baby Boomers began reaching the traditional retirement age of 65. Blended Learning: A combination of traditional face-to-face classroom teaching with individualized, computer-based learning. Brand: A marketing strategy that places a focus on the brand name of a product, service or firm in order to increase the brand's market share, increase sales, establish credibility, improve satisfaction, raise the profile of the firm and increase profits. Also, see “Brand.” Carnegie Classification: A system for ranking colleges and universities in the United States by certain factors. Starting in 1970, the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education developed a

classification of colleges and universities to support its program of research and policy analysis. This framework has been widely used in the study of higher education, both as a way to represent and control for institutional differences, and also in the design of research studies to ensure adequate representation of sampled institutions, students, or faculty. CEU: See “Continuing Education Unit (CEU).” Charter School: Special public schools, with public funding, that operate in any of the grades K-12. Charter schools are allowed freedom from many of the most onerous rules and regulations that govern traditional public schools. In return, they are held more accountable for results and are expected to turn out higher achieving students, as evidenced by test scores that show higher comprehension. To some extent, these schools can be considered to be laboratories. It is hoped that they will innovate best practices and better utilization of teaching methods and technologies that can then be adopted by traditional schools. In the upper grades, they are expected to show lower drop out rates and higher rates of students going on to college or trade schools after graduation from grade 12. Generally, charter schools have a college prep mission. They often make much higher demands on students in terms of classroom material, homework and expected results. The school day and school year tend to be longer at charters. cMOOC: See “Connectivist MOOC.” Common Core State Standards: A set of learning goals set by governors and state commissioners in 48 U.S. states, two territories and the District of Columbia starting in 2009. The standards define what Kindergarten through 12th grade students as well as college and career-ready students are expected to know and understand on each level. Connectivist MOOC: A MOOC in which the emphasis is on communication and community between the students who are taking the course. Sometimes referred to as cMOOC. Continuing Education Unit (CEU): A typical way of describing courses in ongoing education that is required for maintaining certification for people in professions such as CPAs or lawyers.

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Copyright: A form of protection provided to the authors of “original works of authorship,” including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works, both published and unpublished. In the U.S., the 1976 Copyright Act generally gives the owner of copyright the exclusive right to reproduce the copyrighted work, to prepare derivative works, to distribute copies or recordings of the copyrighted work, to perform the copyrighted work publicly, or to display the copyrighted work publicly. Other nations have similar laws. In the United States, copyrights are registered by the Copyright Office of the Library of Congress. There are also cooperative, international copyright agreements and agencies. Disruptive: A new technology or business model that unexpectedly threatens to displace existing products or services. For example, the manner in which email has disrupted standard postal service. By some estimates, in order to be disruptive, a new model must provide at least 80% of the value of existing methods, at no more than 20% of traditional costs. Distance Learning: Taking a course of education by remote methods, typically via computer over the Internet. Prior to the Internet age, distance learning was primarily over public television or via the mail. Echo Boomers: See “Generation Y.” Education Management Company (EMO): A forprofit business established to operate public charter schools. Also referred to as Education Management Organization (EMO). Education Management Organization (EMO): An organization that manages a school or schools that receive public funds, and operates it/them under the same admission rules as traditional public schools. EMO schools can be public or charter schools. Education Savings Account (ESA): Savings accounts, used in a few states within the United States, whereby state funds can be deposited into accounts for individual students. Those funds can then be used for a wide variety of educational expenses, including distance learning, private school, tutoring, public school classes and activities, and educational therapy. Any money left over after graduation from high school can be applied to college.

EMC: See “Education Management Company (EMC).” EMO: See “Education Management Organization (EMO).” ESA: See “Education Savings Account (ESA).” European Union (EU): A consolidation of European countries (member states) functioning as one body to facilitate trade. Previously known as the European Community (EC). The EU has a unified currency, the Euro. See Flipped Classroom: An inverted teaching method, delivering instruction online outside of class and moving “homework” into the classroom. This theory is being applied in many schools that ask students to access the Kahn Academy online tutoring sessions at home. Freemium: A business model in which a product or service (usually a digital game, software or web service) is offered at no charge to the user, but advanced features and services are promoted for purchase. Gamification: The use of game design and practices to enhance non-game content in order to attract users and increase engagement. For example, the use of games in online advertising and marketing, or the use of games in online education. Generation M: A very loosely defined term that is sometimes used to refer to young people who have grown up in the digital age. “M” may refer to any or all of media-saturated, mobile or multi-tasking. The term was most notably used in a Kaiser Family Foundation report published in 2005, “Generation M: Media in the Lives of 8-18 year olds.” Also, see “Generation Y” and “Generation Z.” Generation X: A loosely-defined and variously-used term that describes people born between approximately 1965 and 1980, but other time frames are recited. Generation X is often referred to as a group influential in defining tastes in consumer goods, entertainment and/or political and social matters. Generation Y: Refers to people born between approximately 1982 and 2002. In the U.S., they number more than 90 million, making them the

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largest generation segment in the nation's history. They are also known as Echo Boomers, Millennials or the Millennial Generation. These are children of the Baby Boom generation who will be filling the work force as Baby Boomers retire.

games, books, songs and other entertainment items are among the many things that may be considered to be intellectual property. (Also, see “Patent.”)

Generation Z: Some people refer to Generation Z as people born after 1991. Others use the beginning date of 2001, or refer to the era of 1994 to 2004. Members of Generation Z are considered to be natural and rapid adopters of the latest technologies.

LDCs: See “Least Developed Countries (LDCs).”

GERD: Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (research & development). Human Resources Department: The department within an organization that is generally responsible for the recruitment, retention, documentation, training and development of the workforce. Hybrid School: A combination of online classes and physical classes, generally with exams conducted in physical buildings. Also, see "Blended Learning." Industry Code: A descriptive code assigned to any company in order to group it with firms that operate in similar businesses. Common industry codes include the NAICS (North American Industrial Classification System) and the SIC (Standard Industrial Classification), both of which are standards widely used in America, as well as the International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (ISIC), the Standard International Trade Classification established by the United Nations (SITC) and the General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities within the European Communities (NACE).

IP: See “Intellectual Property (IP).”

Least Developed Countries (LDCs): Nations determined by the U.N. Economic and Social Council to be the poorest and weakest members of the international community. There are currently 50 LDCs, of which 34 are in Africa, 15 are in Asia Pacific and the remaining one (Haiti) is in Latin America. The top 10 on the LDC list, in descending order from top to 10th, are Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cape Verde and the Central African Republic. Sixteen of the LDCs are also Landlocked Least Developed Countries (LLDCs) which present them with additional difficulties often due to the high cost of transporting trade goods. Eleven of the LDCs are Small Island Developing States (SIDS), which are often at risk of extreme weather phenomenon (hurricanes, typhoons, Tsunami); have fragile ecosystems; are often dependent on foreign energy sources; can have high disease rates for HIV/AIDS and malaria; and can have poor market access and trade terms. Massive Open Online Course (MOOC): An online educational course designed to be open to the public with the potential to attract an extremely large, global audience. MAU: Monthly Average Users. Millennials: See “Generation Y.”

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT): A term used to describe the relationship between the myriad types of goods, services and networks that make up the global information and communications system. Sectors involved in ICT include landlines, data networks, the Internet, wireless communications, (including cellular and remote wireless sensors) and satellites. Intellectual Property (IP): The exclusive ownership of original concepts, ideas, designs, engineering plans or other assets that are protected by law. Examples include items covered by trademarks, copyrights and patents. Items such as software, engineering plans, fashion designs and architectural designs, as well as

Mobile Apps: See “Apps.” MOOC: See "Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)." North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS): See “Industry Code.” OECD: See “Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).” Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD): A group of more than 30 nations that are strongly committed to the market

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economy and democracy. Some of the OECD members include Japan, the U.S., Spain, Germany, Australia, Korea, the U.K., Canada and Mexico. Although not members, Estonia, Israel and Russia are invited to member talks; and Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and South Africa have enhanced engagement policies with the OECD. The Organisation provides statistics, as well as social and economic data; and researches social changes, including patterns in evolving fiscal policy, agriculture, technology, trade, the environment and other areas. It publishes over 250 titles annually; publishes a corporate magazine, the OECD Observer; has radio and TV studios; and has centers in Tokyo, Washington, D.C., Berlin and Mexico City that distributed the Organisation’s work and organizes events. Pedagogue: A teacher or educator.

Tenured Professor: A professor who has been awarded a high status to the extent that he or she generally cannot be dismissed without substantial cause or because of extraordinary circumstances. It is generally considered to be a job for life. Tertiary Education: Refers to all post-secondary (grades K-12) education, including but not limited to universities, colleges, technical training institutes, community colleges, nursing schools, research laboratories, centers of excellence, distance learning centers, corporate training and continuing adult education. Training and Development: The continuing process of providing education, counseling and programs aimed at improving the performance of individuals and work groups within an organization. This is generally the responsibility of the corporate training office and/or the human resources department.

Pedagogy: The profession of teaching or instructing. Primary Education: Education below the high school level, which may include kindergarten. Proprietary School: Colleges and universities operated on a for-profit basis. SaaS: See “Software as a Service (SaaS).” Secondary Education: Education beyond the elementary grades. Secondary education is provided by a high school or college preparatory school. Software as a Service (SaaS): Refers to the practice of providing users with software applications that are hosted on remote servers and accessed via the Internet. Excellent examples include the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software provided in SaaS format by Salesforce. An earlier technology that operated in a similar, but less sophisticated, manner was called ASP or Application Service Provider. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC): See “Industry Code.” Supply Chain: The complete set of suppliers of goods and services required for a company to operate its business. For example, a manufacturer's supply chain may include providers of raw materials, components, custom-made parts and packaging materials.

UI: User Interface. The software and hardware that enable humans to interact with machines; typically a great user interface is a key differentiator for companies. For example, Windows is a user interface that enables users to access computers. UX: User Experience. The overall interaction that a user has with a product or service; the human-device interaction is a key point of differentiation for most tech companies. Virtual School: A school that operates in online mode only. Classes are conducted online. Teachers communicate with students via telephone, email and chat. In the K-12 grades space, virtual schools are a modern method of home schooling. Some operate as charter schools. Leading virtual school systems include the Florida Virtual School (FLVS), the ACCESS Distance Learning system in Alabama and the Virtual Public School in North Carolina. Voucher: An educational voucher system provides parents with a certificate with monetary value that can be applied to tuition at the school of the parents’ choice, public or private. The voucher is issued by a local or state authority. It enables the parents to have significant levels of choice as to where and how their children will be educated. The first modern school voucher system in America was launched in 1989 by the Wisconsin state legislature, targeting students from low income homes in Milwaukee. The concept

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of vouchers was first brought to wide public notice by economist Milton Friedman and his wife Rose. World Trade Organization (WTO): One of the only globally active international organizations dealing with the trade rules between nations. Its goal is to assist the free flow of trade goods, ensuring a smooth, predictable supply of goods to help raise the quality of life of member citizens. Members form consensus decisions that are then ratified by their respective parliaments. The WTO’s conflict resolution process generally emphasizes interpreting existing commitments and agreements, and discovers how to ensure trade policies to conform to those agreements, with the ultimate aim of avoiding military or political conflict. WTO: See “World Trade Organization (WTO).” xMOOC: A MOOC that focuses on the use of short, concise, targeted videos, as opposed to full-length lectures. xMOOCs tend to use automated testing to enable students to determine whether or not they are progressing as they work through the videos. YouTube: A web site that allows any user to post video content to be shared with others. Other users can then rate or comment on the video to share their views. Most YouTube videos can be embedded in outside web sites for others to view without having to visit YouTube. The site offers videos ranging from news to entertainment to training and education. The YouTube firm is owned by Google.

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