Planar Antennas for Wireless Communications [1 ed.]

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Planar Antennas for Wireless Communications [1 ed.]

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Planar Antennas for Wireless Communications Kin-Lu Wong


l._hlicrq,,od..,,.,..i;•• ,..,.;,,.,.1,y-o-.or1.r1n,n,iue,J in ••Y ro"" ,., h,. any ••uns. bllo• b r1 Meandered Pntchwilb 1 l\>l'VI. 49. pp.10941100. JW)' 2001. 52. B. L,Ooi MdQ. si-, MAnovc:I &sllllped broadbQd micf0$1rip ~ .. M . ~ Opl. Tcd1nol. l.ell., vol .. 21, pp. 348-]S2, Dec_ S, 2000.


H. C. Twig and K. L. Wona, "A comp■ct dml-powbed p;i.tcil anlmnl foc 1800-MH:r. hind opcnOon,.. Mio:nw,IJl,e Opt Tochnol. l.eU., vol. 2!1, pp. 1-2, April 5, 2001.

S4. F.S.Ch;,nglllldK.L.Won;,"Alinllllllaadpmbe-lcdplmM'pa1chan1c:_...,ilhashorl pruhc,pinffld •W11duclingc)"Mllkf 11;1nsi1ion." Mic~vc~. 'llldlllol. Leu.. vol. 31. rr-VU-lM. NCRt 20.)oot . ,

5!1. F.S.t'hq andK.Lv.bft&.MA'oroadblindp,c,be,-fcdpalchakMal"ot ■ DCSbae zlatbn,"" Mierow- i)pL Ta:hnol Leu., vol. 30.pp. l41-34l. Sc:pl. 5. 2001. !16. r. L Teflg, C. l.. T~ ■nd K. L. Won&, "A bJ011dbuid plan¥ paich Olllcnna ~ by 11


~ :~~•T:~nd2;°~. ~~~::=~;:-~=:=~• W"'9pc,I pundpme. IEEET- . ~J'n:ip,,,:M~vol SO,Jna...2002..

S8. W.H.HwandK.L


pol1rimlion mdillion, in Proi:. JQOI lnl. Cail. on An~nnas Propl@II. (ICAP), pp. S2!i-!i28.

., !19. W. H. Hsu and K. L \l,\;,ng,. "Broadbmd pr'OM-fed p,.11:h tnlCMI 'll'ilh & U-Jhaped groor.dpJ•11elorcro · ~.'"I.EfETnns.i\nle,MuProp:ipt.,vvL so:pp.]$2-]SS,M h2002.

Rlrtl.fr11blc of GSM/DCS/PCS tripl;:-hand operations has also bocn ~hown in



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Measured rodillion pam:n1$ "' 1747MHz fof the r lfA wilh studied in fir.u.., 2.19. {ftom Rd. I◄. 0 2002 John Wiley & S< l 6..Smm'

(design 8) for GSM/DCS dual-bllld mobile pllona.

present. lhe lower band at about 900MH% can be e,,:ciled with good impedance ma1chingovc:r a witJc:bandwidlh. lnthisaise,brancl, I including the main strip has a =nant k n&th of about 0.68 4 (for dcsip A) or O.S4 4 {for design B) al 900MHz: ()~ is lhe w:ivelellp al resonant frequc-ncy). The cotresponding resonant Je11gths are relll ively much J.arier lhlAthat(0.251@)ofasimp!cstnilght Strip monopole. This behavior is la11cly due to the .urona couplin& effects belWeen adjacent meandered Ketions of I, which is dcn,cly mu.ndettd in the propo!IOI.I dc~ign, ~iDlly in design A shown in Figure l. l . Ahhour.:h the lower mode at about 900 MHz ca,, well be exeik:d with lhe presence ofbnlnch I only, it is difficult to have 11.Kooad =nant mode excited witlt good lmped:moe ma1ching 1.1 abo.11 IBOOMH~ By .&:I.ins branch 2 of 11. proper leng1h in 11Ki propo=.I dc:sij:n, it is lhcn found that an ~ l'CSOl'l.lllt n,oJe at abom l800M H1. can be exciled whb good impc:dace m.lching OYer a wide bandwidth, with a very slight effect on the existing lowet iuonant ~ - In dcsi&m A and B, the length oflnneh 2 including lhc main strip amaponds. n:spcctively. to about 0.36 ~ and 0.43 ~ at 1800 MH~ Again, probably owing to the couplinc e lTccts between ad.)l1Ce11t meandered sections, the con-e5p0nding resonant lengths ofbnnth 2 ill UCsigns A 1111d Bare larger Ihm a quarter wavelength. Figures l.3 :md l.4 $how the measured return Joa or lhe oonstructcd prototypes of designs A and D, respcclively. For both desiip!$, two resonant modes 11.t about 900 and l800M llz are excited with cood irApCdance matching over a wide bllndwidth. For OOian A, lhe obtained impedance bandwidths. decerm incd rmm I0dD return Joss. •re 99MH:t. {872-97 1 MHz.) and 187MHz (1703-lsCctively, and gcner111c a lower mode and an u11per mode eo.-cring lhe GSM 1111d OCS band~ rcspcctivdy. NotiCll that two narrow slitsneartheconnectionp"rtionbct=enpatchl:$1 and211reinS...·,



FtGUU 3,19 Geomffly of 11,e dual-b;ind pbsli( ehip affll.fflll fut a 0SM/IX:S mobile phone. (From Ref. 6, O 2002J.olM!Wiic,&Son5, lne.)

The radiation chatKteristK:$ -ro also studied. figures l.31 811d J.32 p ~ tlIC mcasun:d r.dillion p:mems al 900 and 1800MHz ~vdy. for !he 900 MH;r; lflOoopolc-like radintion p:r,lkms are observed, om.I good omnidirocttonal n11.liation pattern in 1he azil'llllthal plane (x-y plane) is aecn. For lhc: 1800MHz case, lhe radiaUOO in \he azimuth&! plmx: is also close to onmidit,;ctiona\. Radiatioa p:ittems flll" other operating frcqucncies wetC also me&WRd, arid lhi:i radialiolt patterns are stable for f~uer,cics Gerosa their respective GSM and DCS blllds. Measwed antcRPa gain fOf !he CiSM and DCS bands is prttet1!ed in Fil'ITT' 3.33.



-Slmu.. led{M"'1HFSS)





Frequency(MHz) FIGURE 3.JO

Mell!lim:d and simlllaied return las!; of the antfflll,;I sliow11. in Figure 3.29.

(fromRt-f.6, (:> 2ll02JohnWiley&Soos,lnc.) For the OSM or the IIIWtil" band, the w1tlll1Jla gain is aboul l.O-i.5dBi; for the DCS or the upper band, the amcniu. gain bu a 111nge Qf about !.6-2.SdBi.

3.7 3.7.1


This ~lion prcsent5 a brolldb.ind folded planar monopole suitable fur DCS, PCS, UMTS. and WLAN opCNliom for mobile phones [7). The monopole geometry is shQwn in Figure 3.34. The pro))0s"'1 monQJX>le is Q\ltained by foldins a planar monopok,;,f1 ro,;;1nng11lar 51mpc,. which llllllk~ lhc mooop,ole length greatly rcd1,11;,:d, In addition, 11 wide operating bandwidth is obtained. 'The proposed folded planor monopole has compact dimensions of 10xl7.5x5mm1 and shows a very wide or,,.r.uii1g lxmdwidih of about 900 MHz, from about 1.7 to 2.6 GHz. For appli,;~tions i11 a mohile phone. the total monopole hcisJII from the ground plane is ,;,nly 13 111111. l\s shown in Figure 3.34., the folded monopole is mounted on top of a gruund~d FR4 suM\1111e (thickness 0.4 mm, rcl!tive pcrmit1ivity 4.4. and size 3Sx I 00mm 2J, which itpin can be cons~ IO_ be lhe eircuil ~ard of a ~iieal mobile phone. Thl'lNIMMONOl'OlE



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flGURf 3.31

Mcammi radialioo patterns 11 900MHz for thellnlalM 1hown in l'igwe l.l9, (F10111 Rd. 6. G 2002 Jolsl Wlky & Som, Inc..) A~ for lhe wklth (S mm in iliia dl:sign) or lhc mo110f)Ok:'s cent..-r section, when ii t'i inercmcd. the length (17.S mm in this tlc:sign) of the monopole ~'llll be runhcr

decreased. However, !he increase in mis width dlotJld be limited to lhe thickness or pnlclical mobile phones. On lhe other hand, when the widlh of the tenlcr scelion da;l'Qlses., !hen will be some coupling bctwcai the two oppmite sections. ■ud impedance matching orthe proposed anlerina will be &lfftly effected. Figure 3.35 prcsenu the mcaswccl 111\d simulated return loss or the consttuctcd flrI



FIC:URE J,40 (11) Gcomdry111 Rd: 11 . 1) 20m. JohTI Wiley & S011&. hw:.)

lhun.,kbilc hao.J..c:u," Mkro,.-an: Opt. Tttlmo!.

l~•-· ,'01. JJ , r r- 146-1 4?. April 10, 2002. 12. S. tn\C$\on. "Anlcnna Dt' ftt' f'('l'U. ~ ~~) :l.":11

N-~~ ."l..•:.7=~ ~!,': f.>:'

;: : .. 1;:.;..r. ;. :._..:.~.:::::-:::.:=1:::.:.::.. : :_ _ _-_____ _ : . _.:.·.--.. 11;:tii:"ic ·.·"1il!...,; :r"C:: _. :-:": :- _:,;: ·- ;.-:::. ~C = i. ~.:t :~,.~ :!'~:.,:: ;-·-.:-:=,::-:strip feed lines fOI" pons I and!, good imped.ince lll3fChi11g forlhe ~-...:imtion ofOQth lillcwpotariwioo, can Ile obtained. Wilh the de5ign parainelea Kh:cted, a prolotypc W3li conslNClcd and ICSICd. The gn:mnd-p\lllC size \VII$ chmen to be S5mmx8S mm, which isonl:, about 0.5 lxO.S l (.i is the r ~ Wl"IC!cngth at 1800MHz). and tm tnexpeiu:ive Fk4 5ubsti.c ol thielcness 0.8 mm and relative permittivity 4.4 WllS 11,;ed for the k~ 1umtmte. Figure 4.2: shOM the measured ~tum loss ror port I and port 2 ,excitation. Th~ obtained impcdanee bandwidth (IOdB l"ttUffl 101:11) reaches abou1 10% and covus 1he l800MII~ bm1d. Me:,.,ire,J UIOlnlion bctwocn tile IW(l rccdit1J r,orb i,, ~ , J in Figure '4.;>. The isolation is seen \Q be below -37.) dB across dw entini opcmti11i; knclwidlh. For Ille lol,,,w fi-=quenq range oftbe opmuing bandwidth, Ille isolation obmlned is n cn less lhan -45d8. Fli,ulC 4.4 plots d1e radmlioo pattcms ml'Zumd at two principal pJ.allCS fur port I and port 2 ei.citatioo at 1800 MH?. Good cross, pobrization levek (about ZO dB) are observed for the IWo onhoc;onal linearly po1ariled waves, md the measured antcuna gain is abou1 7.0 and 7. 1dBi ror pan I and port 2 exei1a1ion, rapcctivcly. The ob111ined nnlenna performance is very sui11ble fot applicaliom in a DCS sysiem.


Probe-Fed Design

la this accti(lll., pmm.isin1 broadband probo,fc:d patch lllltenrul d=iips ~ loped vc-ry m:aNly r« cellular sy&em base stations are present.i. Two maj1t1d low cross• polarinition radiation [16). Fi11 urc 4,SO shows the amenn• gc01T1etry designed for applic.itions int~ OCS band. P«l I has cwo i11-phase llot-oouplcd feeds am! excites



1700 1100 1900 Frequency(MHz.)



FICUllE 1.1bstrates of thickncl!.\ O.&mm and relative JMmnit1ivi1y (i;) 4.4. The lll'o · ~ubsmues are ~lso ser,arnted by an air layer of lhiekt1ciis Ir {see Fig.. 4,S4a: the

ij.,:~ j

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Frcquency(MHt.) flGURf 4 .82

Mc~ ... ~ i...taTioo (S21 >b" the antenna studied in Fig,ln: 4.111. {fmm Ref.

16. ,;:, 2002 11:liE, rq,On1,cd with prmnissioo)

5Uf'f'l)l'lini; po.~ls 1101 shown in lhe fig\lrt:). The 10D 11imulation sonwarc wa11 helpfol in ob1ainll'll,; proper dimensions of the proposed 11nlenna. The design consic:km11ions for 1he four nu;« pans ..-e described below. The rttlangular rilli p;i1ch is desi,g11c-d to nchieve '.lOOMH;r; band 01,eration aml is slo1-clltl(>kJ by 11sing two II-shared coupling slots (slot IX and ~lot 2Y i11 Fig. 4.ll•k) tc, ob1ain dmll lin«r polarizations. TI,c two H~ bap,,:d Jk>t5 have a cenlcr arm o f w!d&h O.S mm :i.od rn\> side arms of wldlh l mm. For Ille lengths or 1he sk,ti; «n!t'f :mn ~nd MOC 11,rm, owing 10 the width limitation of the m:tnnp:lar ring p111~·h, ilot IX is designed to be nw:row (i.e., a lfllllliTilly shorter ~nter UIT11

'® arelativdy lon&ersldearm )andslot 2Yisofawidc H shape, hi!.ving a relatively longtlf a:mcr arm aud ;a relatively shorter ride ann. In addition, because the eoupling-slol size can affe-i:1 the resonant frequency or the antonna, the dimenslOns. of the Kciaoi;ularringp:ikft in parallel 1othe:c· andy-axesarec:hw:n IObe diffm:ru lo achie-.·e the same op,mit\ng frequencies around 900MHz. The desigm,d palch din1en."lio11~ al\: gi~n in Figure 4.84b •

........,.ponl -pon2 r-t.-1Sllffi.l r,idi~•ioo f111Hcr1111 al lllOOMHt for port I and pol'l 2 cru:illttion of 11udit,,f in Figur,: 4.81. (Frum Rtf. 16. C, 2002 IEEE. r

FIGUlt.E 4.83




FIGUltE4.84 Ci,.,om,,:tryoftheGSM/DCSdual-banddual•polarizcd palc:h1111aw,,(a)SideviewoflhcanlelW;(b)patdx$il>l1y,erl;(e)coupli11&slo1S in layer2;(d)micrcterip liac fttd networt..{Fromlld. \1,C200 11EEE,rcpri,uodwilhpmnission)

A notched;ular patch is designed for opcr;,tini in lhc 1800 MHz band, and the designcdp11chdimens i011$are1ivcninFieure4.84b'. Byinsertingapairofslit5 (lcngthCandwidth l n1111) along1he.r-dim:tion(see Fig.4.84h),lhc sidclengthof lhcnotchcd ff:Clanaularpatchaloagthey-dim:tioncanhereditced,whidlisbclpful inob1ainingalargergapbe1wcenlhclllc for WLAN opcrntion in the 2.4 Gllz b:md is 5hown. 1l1i~ antenna utili1.e:11 an inuix:nsive FR4 ~11tr:.1ra1e, and good antenna perfonnanee in the 2.4 Glfa tram.I has been





Circularly polarized amcnnas amactive for wireless oommunicMion applications, b«aus,c no s1ricl orientation bc1ween lhe oecess polril and the n1obile unit an:: re.:jLlired. In tlili secrion, we demon..trate a novel single-feed broz.dband circullll"ly pol.11ri1,ed palch i:mtc-nna. [\). This CP aotenna has a $lmple structure 11.11d can be oonstru, the broadband dual•polaizcd designs shown in Seciio/15 4.4 and 4.S m: also promising

c.indidales. In this se"CI'", 1hi~ i$ not n di!pokanlmna for 1hc l.4Gl lz bflr,d_ (fromllcf. ll, i, 2002JEEE.~•ilhpcrmis$ion}

~11'0fKJPOle$tendlobctooiplcn1entarytoeachothcf,theantt111111$llldiedhcrecu iobupmvidei;patial diYer.slty. The two monopoles llfl: 1J50 oriented sy111111etriclllly wit!-1 ~ lo lhe «111.-rlilie of the J,l'ooad p'-e and u-e fed b)I USfflC a 50-0 mtefMtrif, line, n,~lively. The widtbofthc,-,polesitchosen1obethcsamenthatoftlie111icroslripfccd

tines, which 11implifics the at1en111 lk-sip. Through a v~-hole ii, 1he FR◄ ,ub$lr~ eath microstrip l"eal !inc, hnving l len&th of l 1, b COOIICCloed lo a S0-0 SMA ronnector(poft I or2 inthep~n Qdy)oafle'Olher5icloofthedieledric

substrate. ltisnotcdtll.rt,byvaryingtllclenelltt1 of1hemk:ro$lripfeedline(thatis,the di5111~ D betwcien tfle lwo SMA a,nnc:cton is v;uied) with other 11K!m1 paran'le1Cf5 fi~ed, the me.sured S paraieters for pons I and 2 :n almost nol affected. On ilieotherlw,d, when lhedimensions (o -1bJ oflhe protrvded ground poni011 are varied, significant elTcas on lhe me.uwed S par.Vl'oders ha~ been obsavcd. There exist op1imal dimenslom of a and h for meuured rellection co.-mcient S, , and lsolalK!!l ~ 1. For the position (c) of the monopole 10 tbc top ed&e of lhe bonom ground ponion. large clTecu on Ille ~ d S parameters have also becnsecnmdshouldbeconaidercdin1hepnic:1i,:ajdesian. for WLAN opcr.itions in the 2.◄ Ol-f1b:lnd, the lwo prinled monopoles were both • designed 1o opet11c u quaner-wavelqttr seructurea. For this pwposc ;md to

consider the wbstraotc cffoct on rcduci111 the antcnN's raommt lmgtlrr. Ille monopole lcnath WllS chosen to be 21nan (about 17% of the wavclettglll al 2.4Glb) in this Sludy. A construpcd prototype with• reasonable gn:,und plane consisting of a bottom ground portion {l=S6mm, W•SOmm) and a protruded ground portiOII (a:aaJ?mm, h• 17111111} \IIU first studied. Other antenna pGrametcn m: &i~n ia Fisure S.-48, in which the meuural Md sinwlllled rellection coefficient (S1 ,) and

2 100




f~nq(MHZ) FIGU H S.-48 McuurcdandsimulMedNleruon-fficicnt(S11)andioolation(S1 ,) for1ht ankn!Q MIOW!I ii, Fitln ~.47 wilh t-llmm. l • "6mno. w .. somm. o•l2111m. It • 17 mm. r•jnw. t 1 •Imm. d• l~ m,n, DR l)nim. (FIOln 11.ef. 13, C 2002 IEEE. ,cpri,,ted ... pcrmiwon)


isolation (S11) for tbe ~rucled p!OtOl)'pc arc shown. [Note \hat, because of the symuie1rie structures of monopoles I and 2, the measured Su i& almost the 1t1me as S11 and i1 thus not shown in d1e figure foe ~ - 1 TI1e simubled n,:~ ~ obtained from IE30 simulation software, a11d the results in ienera-1 agree wilh the n:asuml data. The ob5encd minordifTeraxcs. bet-. the simulaled and mcaslll'Cd results ..-e probably bc:CIIU$C the subsr.ue size uscJ in tlK: m:m simub!ion is of infl nilt dimensions. From the mcuured results. die oblaincd impcdalloc budwidth {l.5;1 VSWR) reaches 2.56MHz (2320-2S16 MHz). 'A'bich COYCB lhe WLAN band at 2.4 OHi. ln addilion, for opcn111i11s frequencies wilhin the WLAN band, the ~ n o c ll1llkNl\i is always better than -lOdB. As for the mcasumi i50latlon. the opera1ing f,eqy,:nclcs M:l'06S dx, WLAN band arc 11l1 less lhan -27 dl3. Fi&~ S.49showsthe effectofvarious len;lhs t>f1hcprotrudc,d ;round ponion ont llemcasutedS1 1andS1,for!beproposed..rennawi1holher~mfixcd. lt isfwstrocn that. f"orthccascofa•O(withoutthc protruded ground portion).llle impedance 1001d rad ialiOII p:mcm1 at 2o«MII,. lur the PltOINI studied iii fic),1'11: U . (from Rri". 10, C 1999 IEf.E, ,q,ml•~ with pcnni1skin)

croswlol ~bee, to compensate possible manufacturing Cl't'Ors to meet precise !RqucmeyspcciftcatK>QS.

,.2A With a Slolted Ground Plane By placing a DR element direct!yon a SO-O microsaip line and embeddina two pairs of narrow slots of unequal lengths in the ground,c: as shown in Figure 6. 13, a cin:ularly polariud DR 1nknlla can also be obtained. By adjusting the slot lo:nglhs or the two pairs of linear sk>ts. the fundanmntal raonam mode of the DR antenna c;in al50 be splil into two near-dcg~lc Ol1hogon11I modes for CP operation,

sim ilar 10 the 8,',HDl)lt/lN 11HNA


1h,1 a du11l•resonanc,:: resonant mode i:i obtained for the proposed 11n1cnna. whereu for 1he ,;.;uc wilhout lhe strip lontling, lhe r l.91,1mJis~uir,:dforthccasewilhoo1striploading1oacbievcnn opc,..1ing b,ndwidth inthc5.2Gllzband. Rad ialtOn chara,;1erisrics of the proposied :mienna have also been 11Udicd. Fiprc 6.2 1 shOW'I th:- mc,uurcd rad iation pallcm$ in two principal planes at two resonant ~ucndesofthe proposedanl( nna. Good b~ider:idiaiion p:11tcrtJ$;ircoblaincd. For other frequencies within ti~ WLAN band measured radia1ion pauems similar 10 those ~liown here llfC 005(:rved. Also note that some asymmetry i11 tile radiation pa1~11sisobserved,whielii:i largely



__.,. \> /... -90"


-lt 311lc11n:1 10..i.,dwi1h co11duc1io,i;o:trip•.

olrtaim:d, For ,Jcsign B, lhe two mkrostrip lint$ are pla.::ed .::onfom1::1I to the surface· oft he DR, and the length o f1 he conforma l micl'O!ilrip-linc sect ion is denoted as di in thissiudy. Protoiypcs of dc:signs A and B have bcc,1 conslrudc:d and studied. Measured renection coefficient (Su) and isolalioa (Sl1) for e WI.AN antenna .i 1450Mllz. tl'l'OOIII Ref. I, (;I 2001 Mn Wiloy& Sona,lnc.J

geometrics of the lop patch of such GPS i;,cramic patch antenna~. Note that there ii; 11 small annular rini around the feed point on the l9p patch. This annular rin; is very effective in compensating the extra indul:lance contributed from the long probe pin in the lhll:k ceramic (usually on the order of about 4mm) lo obtain enhancrd impedance matching for the GPS openilion. For the gcomell)' of the top patch, one ,;an \lie a mer-truncnlod square patch (fi&. 7.00), a nearly square patch (Fig. 7.6b). a square pa,ricll with a 1uning $4ub ( Fig. 7.6c), or a u1uare pakh

,::B .,a




2000 2200 2-400 Frequmcy(Mfu)


f1GURE ; .5 Me.o.sund i1olotion (Sn) bctwllen the DCS and the WLAN n11tcnna5 shown ITT Figure 7.1. (from Rd. I. C, 2001 John Wil,:y a. ScM. lnc.J



FIGURE 7.6 Promt!iin& ~lri"" 11fthc k>P iwch or the Ors pa!eh an1mna with • wry. highffl!li"C1'R antenna, stt DR ant~ma

Ulpb1nir probe feed,



Oo~slo1-e:oupletl recd, see Feed

Capacitively coupled. 179 probe, IS7

oapl ■nar

CfOSHlot-QQupbi_ 270 pp-conpletl, 189 H-slot couplod, 171

microslrip line. lS9 stot-coupled, 128

Folded planar monopole, n, planar mOflOJlOIC Folded pati::h, 100, 103 Folded slit, ue Slit F'R4 chip antenna, .lf!t! Chip lllllcnna

