মনিপুরী ৱাহৈশিংবু য়েক্তুনা তাকপা লাইরিক. Pictorial glossary in Manipuri

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• fot b~ rerrodu;-ed or transmourd, eith~r on p.111 or in f"ll, tn any form or by any means, elrctronie, o1r meeh•nienl. ineludong photocopy, recording. or any onformntion storage and retrieval system. without ps and linguistics in India. The Institute and its seven Regional Language Centres are thus engaged in research and teaching, which lead to the publicat ion of a wide-ranging variety of materials. Materials designed for teaming I teaching at difrerent levels and suited to specifie needs is one ofthc major areas of interest in its series of publications. Basic research relating to the acquisition oflanguagc and study of language in its manifold psychological relations constitute another broad range of its interest. These materials will include materials produced by the members of the staff of the Central Institute of lndian Languages and its Regional Language Centres and associated scholars from Universities and Institutions both Indian and foreign. Different kinds of innovative materials have been prepared by conducting workshops in which teachers from schools, colleges and uciversities, writers, researchers and scholars in the respective Indian languages have participated. ln such workshops materials are prepared as per the design and guidelines prepared by the Institute's faculty. Materials prepared in such workshops cater to different stages of learning such as preprimary, primary and secondary and also for adult education programmes in addition to different second language learning situations. W herever possible attempts have also been made to have sample try-outs of the materials prepared. 1bc Central Institute of Indian Languages has initiated the Pictorial Glossary Series in Indian Languages, which adds visual clues to printed words. Designed for a wide-rangmg audience, it aims at improving both reading and comprehension. This glossary includes in itself both teaching and testing frames. The Macipuri Pictorial Glossary was prepared in a workshop conducted by the C£IL in collaboration with the State Council of Educational Research & Training, Government ofManipur,ln1phal. We are very thankful to the facultyofthe department and the other participants of the workshop for their academic discussions and contribution to the preparation of this book. We arc happy that the State Council ofl!ducational Research & Training, lrnphal has come forward to bring out this collaborative publication.

Mysore 11.02.2004

PROF. UDAYA NARAYANA SINGH DIRECTOR, Central Institute of Indian Languages



Learning through Pictures/Visuals is one of the easiest methods ofleaming. Visuals and Pictorials aid in conceptualization and make learning easier and faster. Indeed, we also acknowledge that visuals break language barrier between different linguistic groups and it also helps the children in faster learning. It is heartening to see the completion of this Manipuri Pictorial Glossary, which is a product of collaborative work between Central Institute oflndian Languages, Mysore and the SCERT, Government ofManipur. The need ofsueh a book has long been felt, more urgently so in the backdrop of the inclusion ofManipuri Language in the Sch Schedule of the Indian Constitution and we hope, this publication shall fill this void to some extent.

I am sure this Manipuri Pictorial Glossary will cater to the needs of a wide spectrum of the society including school children, parents, teachers and every one alien to the Manipuri Language. lam wholly indebted to CllL, Mysore for its overwhelming initiative and support in bringing out this publication. lt is,

indeed, a pleasure to see the end result of all the efforts divested towards this work. Lastly, I thank all the Expert Committee Members namely: (1) Shri W. Tomchou Singh, (2) Shri N. Kunjamohon Singh, (3) Shri Ch. Thoiba Singh and (4) Shri B. Jayantakurnar Sharma who have done the review work excellently and also Shri A. Achouba Singh, Artist, who carried out the modification and retouching of the visuals. My conuncndation also goes to Mr. Jim Thingujam, State Co-ordinator, who has spared no pain in bringing out this publication.

Tmphal Date: 23.02.2004

N. Deba la Devi Din:c10r, SCERT Government ofManipur.


I would like to express my gratitude to the following scholars who panicipatcd in the workshop for the Preparation of Manipmi Pictorial Glossary conducted by the Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore in collaboration with the State Council of Educational Research & Training, Government ofManipur, lmphal. I. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Shri B. Jayanta Kumar Shann a Shri A. Krishna Mohan Shanna Shri S. Dhiren Singh Shri L. Somorjit Singh Shri. L. V. Mani Singh

I am also thankfu l to the artists Ms. Chandini Pawar, Shri Paramananda Baril< and Shri I. Upendra who drew the illustrations as per the design requirements oft he book. My gratitude in no small measure goes to my Director, Prof. Udaya Narayana Singh and to Mrs. N. Debala Devi, Director, State Council of Educational Research & Training, Government ofManipur,lmphal for bringing out this collaborative publication. I am also extremely grateful to Prof. P.C. Thoudam, one of the co-editors of this book who made its publication worthy and to two Manipuri teachers namely, Shri Thingbaijarn Bipinchandra and Shri Laishram lngocba for reading the proof.

B. Syamala Kumari Head, Centre for Materials Production, Centra l Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore.

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