Photo elements of life and how to overcome cancer

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Photo elements of life and how to overcome cancer

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Soil and Health Library This document is a reproduction of the book or other copyrighted material you requested. It was prepared on for the exclusive use of Linus Pauling How To Live Longer & Feel Better Book with Vitamin C, whose email address is [email protected]. This reproduction was made by the Soil and Health Library only for the purpose of research and study. Any further reproduction or distribution of this copy in any form whatsoever constitutes a violation of copyrights.

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I. Light in its transformations in the life process


II. Man between light and matter


III. Man as driver Electrodynamic biological processes IV. Radiation Phenomena

7 8th

V. The impact of the natural reorganization of light-biological processes on medicine VI. Cause and recovery from cancer .. .



VII. Quantum Biological Aspects of the Evolution of People




Lectures at congresses and conferences


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All rights, including those of reprinting in extracts, photographic reproduction and translation, are reserved. © 1979 by Andreas Resch Verlag at Innsbruck. Printed in Austria. Overall production: Andreas Resch Verlag, Innsbruck, 1979 ISBN 3-85-382-006-9

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Miss Dr. Johanna Budwig, licensed pharmacist, graduate chemist, with a doctorate in physics, was senior expert for Medicines and fats in the highest function in the state. Around In order to be able to implement the knowledge in the field of biochemistry of fats, also from a biophysical point of view, she studied medicine. The statements about "essential fats" or "life-threatening effects" of certain fats and their importance for the cancer problem led to a collision with the existing opinion. It did not come to the conclusion of medical studies and the license to practice medicine. This plan was opposed by interests related to the market situation.

For more than 10 years it has been Dr. Budwig succeeded in realizing her idea of successful cancer therapy in her own practice using the scientific principles presented here.

It is shown that the light of the sun's energy in the life process of man to maintain the great order in the human being is required. Light is given on this in his Ver transformations in photons, electrons, pi-electron systems, in photosynthesis and in highly unsaturated fats discussed in the light of quantum physics.

The concrete inclusion of these electron systems between Light and Matter affects respiratory ferments and autoxidation, the Hydrogen bridge as protein building block and element of growth processes, all functions of the membrane, brain and nerve functions as well as the development and recovery from cancer. The inclusion of the fourth dimension of quantum physics in the context of quantum biology in medical research

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J Budwig

I consider it necessary, since the cancer problem cannot be solved without the inclusion of light-biological processes to restore breathing and growth. The evolution of man in the light of this research is touched upon briefly.


The photon of solar energy is considered a "quantum", the smallest quantum of solar energy. It was discovered by MAX PLANCK and ALBERT EINSTEIN. The linking of electric and magnetic fields occurs only via the photon. The development of relativity physics and quantum mechanics from the ability of all matter to radiate (LOUIS DE BROGLIE)1 is linked to the realization, the mathematical proof: light is always both pure wave, energy and matter. This wave/corpuscle duality of the photon gives it the following properties, formulated by physicists as follows:

The photon lives forever. It flies with time, at the same speed as time. The movement of the photon is always unpredictable. She can never be stopped. The localization of the photon in space, its location as matter, as a corpuscle, is already dependent on the methods of measurement, i.e. it is relative. The photo can show one side of its two faces, pure wave or corpuscle, immediately hiding the complementary property. The wave property of the photons is connected with the magnetic field. According to the physicist KENNETH W. FORD2 , life is inconceivable without photons

, 1 LOUIS DE BROGLIE. - Light and Matter. - Hamburg: Claasen 1949; the same. physics and microphysics. - Ibid. 1950 2 KENNETH W. FORD. - The world of elementary particles. - Berlin: Springer 1966

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leading scholar in the field of theoretical physics and author of the book: "The World of Elementary Particles". the resonance of two photons creates an electron. The electron, made up of two photons, retains the properties of its ancestors, the photons. It is always in motion, even if the space of movement is limited to one atom. The movement of the electron is always coupled with the magnetic field. The electron, however, has mass and an electric charge.

The electron can absorb more photons through resonance to record. This raises the energy level of the electron. Raising the energy level in the electron, e.g. B. in what hydrogen, according to quantum physics and according to NIELS BOHR in leaps and bounds, like on a ladder. In this way, the electron can absorb or emit photons by changing its energy state. In the interaction between light and matter, electrons with photons in stock, which are therefore at a higher energy level, are particularly effective in selectively using their magnetic field as photon suction, as capture of solar energy, as antenna for solar energy. Their magnetic field corresponds to the magnetic field of the photons. Creation of electrons by resonance and photon absorption, as well as annihilation of electrons by emission and cancellation of resonance, this is what physicists refer to as a large-scale field-dominating reaction. According to electrodynamics, this is the basis for every change in substance.

Photons of sunlight in their dual nature of light and matter, wave and corpuscle, also to build up the character of electrons play a crucial role in photosynthesis in the plant. Here, in the so-called pi-electrons of the unsaturated compounds, electron systems are built up that are particularly mobile, not only in the narrowly limited area of an atom.

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The pi-electron systems of the highly unsaturated compounds, e.g. g. on a fatty acid chain, tend to combine to form a pi-pi electron cloud3 when one pi-electron pair or two pi-electrons or even three pi-electrons combine, e.g. in the triply unsaturated compound . This can no longer be strictly localized in the chemical compound. These electron clouds of the highly unsaturated compounds are found in many different ways in the plant kingdom, e.g. B. in carotene, in saffron, in many highly unsaturated compounds of fats. Their function is particularly important for all membranes, which are the surfaces of plants, animals and humans. These membranes fulfill important functions of all surfaces. Under quantum physical aspects of forces and interactions with the living substance, there is now a wide area of research that includes these quantum physical facts and research results in biological processes. I want to limit here and now to the point of view: Man between light and matter and the photon as an ordering principle in the life process of man.


The dual nature of the electron field stored as matter, ready at any moment to capture and activate solar energy through its solar-appropriate magnetic field, is particularly pronounced in many seed oils. These electron-rich fats are called highly unsaturated. Depending on the number of their double bonds, they have the property of being enriched with these very interesting pi electrons on the double bonds.

3HANS MEIER. - The photochemistry of organic dyes. - Berlin: Springer 1963

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These play a crucial role in the functioning of the respiratory ferments. I was the first to prove this in unrefuted experiments and publications in 19524 . These highly unsaturated fatty acids have been shown to be essential to humans, vital and irreplaceable. Since these essential highly unsaturated fats easily absorb oxygen in their "unsaturated" electron-rich double bonds, it turned out that with increasing civilization, preservation, protection against oxygen absorption became common. Various processes were used that these oxygenaffinity, photoactive Inactivate or destroy electron systems. This can be done, for example, by heating up, treating fats with water or adding chemical substances that are anti-oxidants. All of this also destroys the electrically negatively charged, highly active pi-electron systems their interaction with

Exchange of the photon and electron forces in the living sub

strat largely destroyed. The electrical charge and the mobility of these pielectron systems are important, especially in the case of electron transport in pi-electron systems, in the so-called electron tunnel.

The pi-electron systems of highly unsaturated fats , e.g. B. have been shown to act as electron donors in metabolism. She form with sulphur-containing protein substances of the R-SH type, as I proved in 1951, the H1- water substance bridge, the lipoproteides . 4 JOHANNA BUDWIG. -HP KAUFMANN / J.BUDWIG. - New ways of fat analysis. - in: Fats and soaps, Hamburg: Industrieverlag 1950 p. 331, 555, 713; 1951 pp. 69, 253, 285, 390, 406, 408; 1952 pp. 7,10, 73; 1953 p. 85; the same - The paper chromatography of blood lipids, tumor problem and fat research. - in: Fette und Seifen, Hamburg: Industrieverlag von Herrnhausen 1952, pp. 156 - 165, see literature p. 18 ff. the same - The elementary function of respiration in relation to autoxidizable nutrients. - for the first time in 1953, Freiburg: Hyperion-Verl. 1956 same. - Cancer, a fat problem. -1954, Hyperion Verlag 1967 Same. - Fats as a real help. 1959, Hyperion-Verlag 1972 The same. - The fat syndrome. - 1959, Hyperion-Verlag 1972 The same. - Crisis of cancer research and human rights. - Vienna: Urban 1964

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J Budwig

According to LINUS PAULING6 this is the only place for fast and directed electron exchange in biological processes. These lipoproteins, built up with the help of the pi-electrons from the highly unsaturated electron-rich fatty acids, are decisively effective in the function of all membranes. Not just the outside The skin and the membranes of all internal organs are dependent on the presence and constant recharging of the lipids with the pi electrons of the highly unsaturated fats for their intact function. From a strictly scientific point of view, the action currents of the heart function can be classified here by their connection to the freshening of the blood and the membrane by the fats of the lymphatics. The orderly sexual function is demonstrably disturbed, as even animal experiments prove, if these pielectron systems are eliminated from fats, for example by fat hardening. Even in the absence of a desired child is normal In the light of my research results, the metabolism is amazingly fast and clearly effective. From the multitude of functions in human life I want to single out only two: the brain and nerve functions and growth processes. The latter will be dealt with in detail in Chapter IV in connection with the cancer problem.

The brain and nerves already exist after their construction

draws from substances that fall within the range of surface-active, highly unsaturated lipids. In my book: "Solar Energy and Man as an Antenna"7 I have the anatomical structure the nerve fiber over lamellae, with their nerve nodes and their Adhesive organs on muscles, shown in detail, as well as the Ana tomy of the heart and its function discussed as relativistic

Function of the pi electrons, especially the triple unsaturated ones 5 See note 4 6LINUS PAULING. - The nature of the chemical bond. -Weinheim: Verlag Che my 1964 7 JOHANNA BUDWIG. - Solar energy and man as an antenna. - currently in press

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ten bonds known to be specific to brain and nerve function. It is astonishing that to this day it is anchored in medical syllabus that nerves are "only organs of transmission" of electrical stimulation via "little currents". There are only electric lines here8 Everyone can easily see how quickly and clearly brain and nerve functions respond positively to the supply of highly unsaturated, electronrich oils. The patients who have been advised by me report how light they suddenly feel within a short period of time. The electrons represent light matter, in contrast to positively charged atomic nuclei. Heavy or light matter as food also has an effect on the ordering principle of the electron systems in life pro process of man.


If even in the cyclotron the electron can accelerate or decelerate its relativistic dynamics, how much more will humans be able to intervene in the biological processes to become effective here as "amplifiers", "energy stores", "triggers of processes" . After all, these are reactions that are based in the electromagnetic field on "inductions", "coupling" and other reaction processes of the electrons. This becomes clear, for example, in the sexual function! The "impulse" already plays a major role in quantum mechanics according to L. DE BROGLIE. The separation of the geometric and the dynamic principle is already after quantum mechanics 8 HERMAN REIN. Introduction to human physiology. - Berlin: Springer 1947: ERICH SCHÜTZ. Physiology. Munich: Urban 1954; The same in lecture gene.

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not possible. According to the statements of the physicist N. BOHR also includes all phenomena in the life process. The relativity effects and the complementarity are not only individual effects of the photons or the electrons, built up from photons. They represent functional rules that affect the entire system. But the entire system is more than the sum of its parts. According to the physicist L. DE BROGLIE, the system appears as a kind of higher unit, also surrounded and penetrated by its own electromagnetic field. In the sense of micro-physics and quantum biology, man is a higher system, with a tremendous order in contrast to chaos, to entropy as a natural law.

K. FORD presents another picture of the development towards "antihumans"9 . This development does not conform to the direction of the photons over time. The question of whether humans have the ability to influence the future is answered by the physicist FORD affirms. He affirms the freedom of choice of human beings.

IV. RADIATION PHENOMENA "Everything that lives shines", this is not only proven by the anthroposophists. In Russia, too, this is proven by color photographs of people in the vicinity of magnets. The biological process as part of the interaction of radiation, materialization of radiation energy and dematerialization during electron transport and Emission of photons is always associated with the interaction of radiation and energy, the change of quantum states, e.g Organs, surrounds, involve The quantum

9 KW FORD, The World of Elementary Particles. p. 196

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jump of the different energy levels in the electron cloud often takes place. Photons raise the energy level. It also falls back to a lower, lowerenergy ground state. These processes are all associated with radiation. If the methods for measuring this radiation were accurate enough, they would already be easier to verify today. Also in biological processes there are "photoelectric cells", "amplifiers", "rectifiers", "laser processes". The function of activating radiation phenomena by activating the concentration of thoughts as a transmitter or as an antenna is therefore not scientifically utopian in the sense of exact theoretical quantum physics. 60 , When irradiation with Co with radioactive cobalt acts on humans as a

therapy for diseases of cancer, it causes, without a doubt, mutations10 . This means that the quantum leap of the electron orbit takes place to a lower-energy level, in the vicinity of the atomic nucleus, the heavy matter, the electrically positive charge. This contradicts the leitmotif, according to which the great degree of order in human existence represents an order in which the photons of solar energy prevail. All interaction processes in human life processes between electrons come about by taking or giving off a photon. The effect of electrons, which as elementary particles belong to a different family of electrons than the sun-related electrons, disturbs the basic order of human existence. They cause only destruction of life. The radiation phenomena to which man is created according to creation move according to the great world line with time into the future in terms of the photons of solar energy.

Allow me to point out the fundamental laws of theoretical physics, such as the electron-photon vertices according to the physicist FEYNMAN1 1 in his Feynman diagram, 10KH BAUER. • The cancer problem. - Berlin: Springer 1963

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according to which the relation to time plays an essential role, as does the affiliation to the electron family number and the connection to the world line. I consider this classification of the basic principle of the electron-photon vertices in the ordering principle in the human being to be essentially related to the leitmotif, according to which all interactions of the electron-photons in the metabolism are so aligned that the high degree of order in the human being is contrary to the entropy as Antientropy effect is maintained. We will discuss disruptive factors later.


The modern theory of relativity brought a new basis for philosophical thinking. It moved "exactly scientific thinking" more into the realm of probability. It's not the worst scientists who stress the limits of all scientific knowledge. It is certainly no coincidence that the Christian conviction is very pronounced among the best and brightest physicists. It is astonishing that precisely in medicine, where human beings and the functions of human existence are concerned, there is little understanding of including these research results from physics in the research area. The fact that the medical practitioner scarcely dares to exchange these laws of probability for supposed laws of certainty is understandable. But also research areas that are said to be the most modern direction of research are in direct contradiction to these findings and facts from the Quan, which are so important for medicine

11RICHARD FEYNMAN. - Quoting from KW FORD, The World of Elementary Particles, p. 196 ff.

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ten biology and quantum physics. "Molecular biology"12 , which is


believed to isolate "living building blocks" and get a handle on it, deals with the "mechanical properties" of the substances that have been isolated from the metabolism sel. This is how one becomes in medicine with the highly topical problems

not get to the bottom of the erroneous development in metabolism and in research today. In the field of "molecular biology of malignant growth"13 one "newly discovered substance" is now being lined up one after the other. By stringing together metabolic products, materially isolated matter, or by "discovering" thousands of other substances that could cause cancer, we cannot solve these problems. It is important to recognize that diseases, including cancer, are exceptions that take place against the background, the normal functions of which must first be recognized. Only when we have more knowledge about the "normal growth processes" can we deal with why and how in this case the growth processes proceed differently, deviate from the norm. Perhaps we can then do something to ensure that the disturbed growth processes, for example in the case of cancer, take place as ordered growth processes again, within the framework of the basic order of human existence, the great order in accordance with Creation, in the sense of the very interesting law of probability according to which an electron in the human being represents a "simple, not completely inanimate object"14 . This applies all the more to the pi electron cloud. Electron biology in connection with quantum biology can help further here. The progress of natural science requires the ability to ask the right questions deliver.

12 molecular biology. - Frankfurt: Umschau 1967 13 Molecular biology of malignant growth. - Berlin: Springer 1966 14 KW FORD, The World of Elementary Particles, p. 204

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The new aspect about the cause and overcoming of cancer caused me to ask first of all, is cancer not associated with an exceptional state, a development of growth processes that deviate from the natural law "normal" growth processes. I refer to my work: "cytostatic or cytodynamic cancer control"1 5

. For this

Growth processes become the high-energy ones

pi electrons from the electron family of the sun-related elec trons with their electromotive dynamics are considered fundamentally important! Photons of solar energy build up electrons through resonance. Electrons absorb photons through resonance. Through this the energetic state of the electrons is raised to a higher energy level. Two electrons can form the pi electron through resonance. Two pielectrons can act together as a pi-electron cloud, very energetic, delocalized from matter, e.g. B. along the fatty acid chain, the highly unsaturated fatty acids. The field, the electromagnetic field, always with the photon connected, remains effective with these pi-electron clouds, although they also have a negative electric charge. These high-energy, electrically negatively charged, highly active parts are now in the human metabolism at all Le working processes effective. They are involved in building proteins via the hydrogen bridge, the lipoproteins. Steer over this bridge 15 JOHANNA BUDWIG. - Cytostatic or cytodynamic cancer control. Stuttgart: Hippocrates Verlag 1956, no. 19, pp. 605 - 612, 5 images; Reprinted in: The Death of the Tumor Vol. II. - Self-published 1977, pp. 126 - 147

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the entire electron transfer. The photon-rich pi-electron systems with their electrically negative charge act as electron donors in their association with the positively charged protein building blocks. The hydrogen fulfills an important function in this bridging and in the electron transfer. This link, hydrogen , as the lightest atom, with only one circling electron, is extraordinarily capable of pumping up its energy level quantum-wise, by filling it with photo tones and releasing them again — after transfer to the protein side .

This so important function of the hydrogen bond, built from lipoproteins, the pi-electrons and various electrophilic substances, e.g. B. Albumen containing sulfur is found in all membranes. The functions of all sensory organs, all immune defences, vascular membranes, organelles of blood, lymph and cells, heart function, brain and nerve functions require this electron-rich function to be surrounded by the all-important electromagnetic field1 6 At this point, the reference


to all growth processes is extremely important . Not only the sexual function, fertilization and embryonic growth are linked to this electron exchange in the electromagnetic range of this lipoprotein membrane. All cell division requires this ordered dipolarity as the basic order of all life processes. The directed growth processes are connected with a magnetic order between the membranes of the cells. Individual facts are available as research results. However, the overall structure of the order in the human life function, as a system with the highest degree of order, connected with the electromotive process via the photons of solar energy, was not taken into account. All the individual facts related to the disease of cancer, as symptoms, can be recognized

16 JOHANNA BUDWIG. - The fat syndrome. - 1959, Freiburg: Hyperion-Verlag 1972

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nen: Here the cardinal point of the cause and the overcoming of the cancer disease is clearly recognizable. It should be formulated like this: The ordered growth processes are - first of all on the Human limited — a function of the pi-electron systems constructed from the photons of solar energy. These dominate the structure of cells during growth processes, as well as the breakdown of cells, e.g. B. in secretions. The interaction of these high-energy, electron-rich compounds of the pielectrons with oppositely charged electrophilic substances dominates all energy transport, all membrane functions, and the absorption of further energy from the photons of the sun. The fundamental function of respiration, oxygen uptake and utilization is a direct function of these pi-electrons. I gave this proof in 19511 7 . The non-autoxydable cytochrome c, stained yellow-green, immediately relinquishes its resistance to oxygen uptake when just a few gammas of a cis-linoleic acid are added. You will find this experiment described in detail in my book: "Cosmic Forces Against Cancer"18 . I have been realizing the beneficial effect of this experimental finding on the entire therapy of cancer patients for 20 years with outstanding success. Counter-actions by the industry affected by these statements have been able to hinder my work, but have not been able to silence me definitively, as has been attempted. Of all cancer researchers, OTTO WARBURG1 was 9th solving the cancer problem. He noted the cell membrane 17 See note 4 18 JOHANNA BUDWIG. - Cosmic forces against cancer, electron biology. Freiburg: Hyperion-Verlag 1966, p. 53 19 OTTO WARBURG. - On the metabolism of tumors. - Berlin: Springer 1926 p. 31 ff., 50, 187 ff.

closest to

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as such is associated with decreased oxygen uptake

communication with the tumor is significantly hampered in its function. The cell membrane lacks electromotive force! OTTO WAR BURG was of the opinion that fats must play a role here. He tried to stimulate oxygen uptake by adding butyric acid. The attempt was unsuccessful. Butyric acid is a saturated fatty acid, without the pi electron systems. OTTO WARBURG wrote that it was not possible to explain why it was not possible to achieve the "desired and expected effect of respiratory stimulation". He further added: It is not possible for me to make a statement about this that even semblance of an explanation.20 Here is an explanation: I repeated the same experiments, adding the pi-electron-rich cis-linoleic acid, the highly unsaturated fatty acid. The success was unequivocal. Over 10 Oxygen uptake in the environment was intense for hours

stimulated, multiplied. About the oxidative recovery phase in frog muscle, O. MEYERHOF21 reports that he achieved and increased the oxygen uptake and muscle recovery by a thousandfold using linseed oil fatty acids. MEYERHOF did not pay the necessary attention to this finding. This result was not even mentioned in the summary of this work. SZENT-GYÖRGYI22 had correctly remarked that this experiment and the result must be of importance for the fundamental question of oxidation. But experimenting with unsaturated fatty acids is too difficult. There were no detection reactions to.

20 The same, ibid. 21 O. MEYERHOF. - in: Science. 8. 696. 1920, Pfluger's archive. 22 AV SZENT-GYÖRGYI: Extensive bibliographical references to these works with extensive literal quotations in my brochure: "The elementary function of breathing ...". The works of MEYERHOF and AV SZENT-GYÖRGYI are fully and correctly acknowledged by me .

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Published as AV SZENT-GYÖRGYI 1976/7 7 on electron transfer lichte, "Elektronen-Biologie und Krebs" (Electronic Biology and Cancer. - Review: Psychotronik, No. 2, 1977, p. 137), without citing my work ren, he not only knew my relevant publications from the Years 1952/53, 1959, 1964, 1966. Scientific discussions had between happened to us, e.g. B. 1964 in Chicago. Mutatis mutandis, this also applies to other scientists, eg FRITZ POPP. problems, one discovers "electron2 3 To solve the cancer biology" and "quantum biology". There is no specific help here. One scrupulously avoids naming fats, lipids, lipoids or pi-electrons when discussing the " red resonance " . Growth regulation in the specific red area" are taken from my work. See my book "Laser beams against cancer", "Resonance phenomenon as an anti-entropy factor of life" (1968).

When I succeeded in 1949/50 in 1949/50 with the first sensitive and specific detection reactions for fats and the first detection of highly unsaturated fatty acids using paper chromatography24 , a new era in fat research began. The first findings when applied to cancer patients were reflected in our work from the Federal Institute for Fat Research, published in 1952: "The paper chromatography of blood lipoids, tumor problem and fat research"25 is fully confirmed.

The disease of cancer turned out to be primarily a problem of lipid metabolism. The electrically neutralized dietary fats and foods disrupt the basic order of all growth processes that are a function of the pielectron rich, highly unsaturated fats in resonance with the photons of sunlight. This takes place, as calculated and published by me first, 23 FRITZ POPP. - This could cause cancer. - in: Image of Science, Stuttgart: DVA 1976, H. lS . 59 - 62 24 See note 4 25 See note 4

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preferably in the red range according to the equation mass x wavelength = constant. m 'X=k This can be reconciled with the Schrödinger equation. In practice it helps and has proven itself:

1. Nutritional advice in the above sense26 ; 2. Supply of £/electron differentiation oils, Eldi oils, external and rectal;27 3. Laser irradiation with the ruby laser, after absorption, storage and discontinuous reactivation of these photons in the resonance system of the pi-electron systems in the red range are ensured.

I have been successfully implementing this for 20 years, including laser irradiation since 1968.


Man is the living being, — according to the physicist FRIEDRICH DESSAUER, oö. Prof. em., Dr. phil. Nat., Dr. medical hc, dr. — which, in 8 theol. hc ,


contrast to animals, can store far more solar energy and

use it as energy as "suitable rays". The prospect of life is significantly dependent on this ability of humans. I add according to my scientific knowledge and after decades of experience, the mental abilities of the People depend on the ability and realization of the use of solar energy

26 JOHANNA BUDWIG. - Oil-protein diet. - Freiburg: Hyperion-Verlag 1952, edition so far 367,000 27 JOHANNA BUDWIG. - The death of the tumor, Vol. I and II. - Self-publishing 1977 28 FRIEDRICH DESSAUER. - Quantum Biology. - Berlin: Springer 1954

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This dynamic for the spiritual powers is also based on the fact that the human being's own powers, given to him, are further developed, according to the sun, according to creation. Development on the "anti-human" line below Disregard for the electron-photon vertices promotes the development of the mentally retarded child. The evolution of man, the higher development according to creation, the intended " rules the earth", only takes place in accordance with and in the direction of photons of the sunlight with time into the future. That evolution of

humans only according to the sun is a physical fact che. In the "zoo of elementary particles"29 there are other families of electrons, other heavy immobile elementary particles. There are electrons that are called anti-matter. Here and today I have dealt only with the sun-related electrons, which in their workings are in wonderful agreement with the basis of the great order in the vital function of the People.

EINSTEIN said electrons can withstand the earth's gravitational field counteract. In the scientific work presented here on electrons corresponding to the sun in the human life process, we are privileged to recognize a little of how we as human beings can promote this great degree of order in human existence, how to make earthly heaviness lighter. We can counteract the processes with the tendency to chaos, to entropy, with the anti-entropy factor from solar energy, through "resonance phenomena as the anti-entropy factor of life."30

29 KW FORD, The World of Elementary Particles. 30 YEARS BUDWIG. - Laser rays against cancer. Resonance phenomena as an anti-entropy factor of life. - Freiburg/Br.: Hyperion-Verlag 1968

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J.BUDWIG. - I. Local anesthetics of amidine character II. Preparation of Drugs by Selective Adsorption. Dissertation, June 1938. - Verlag Trilsch. 1939 Paper chromatography, absorption separations in the fat field. - Fette und Seifen 52, 1950, p. 331 342 The foam test in paper chromatography. - Fats and Seifen 52, 1950, pp. 555 - 556 New ways of fat analysis. - Lecture at the DGF lecture conference in Munich. - Fette und Seifen 52, 1950, p. 71 3 - 721, and 2 pages with 24 colored illustrations. The radiometry of oleic acid. - Fats and soaps 53, 1951, p. 69-7 3 The radiometric iodine number of fats. - fats and soaps 53, 1951, pp. 253 - 259 Application of paper chromatography to soaps. - Fats and Seifen 53, 1951, pp. 285 - 288 Detection and separation of fatty acids. - fats and soaps 53, 1951, pp. 390 - 399 and 4 plates with colorful illustrations.

Lipoid replenishment in living human skin and its determination by paper chromatography. - Fette und Seifen 53, 1951, pp. 406 - 408 Paper chromatography, application to paint raw materials. Fette und Seifen 53, 1951, pp. 408-412 Fluorescent colors as an indicator in the papyrographic analysis of fatty acids and fats. - Fette und Seifen 54, 1952, p. 7 - 10 Detection and separation of conjuene fatty acids I. - Fette und Seifen 54, 1952, p. 10 12 Detection and separation of conjuene fatty acids II. - Fette and Seifen 54, 1952, pp. 73 - 76 On the biology of fats: the paper chromatography of blood lipoid, tumor problem and fat research. - Fette und Seifen 54, 1952, pp. 156 - 165 Analysis of Poly-Oils. - Fats and soaps 54, 1952, p. 348 - 356 with 22 illustrations.

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J Budwig

J.BUDWIG. - Causal therapy with the help of essential fatty acids in connection tion with essential amino acids. - Ars medici 42, Liestal (Switzerland): Liidin AG 1952, pp. 691-694; Excerpt from before Standing work and discussion of the same in: Heilkunde

and healing paths. - Berlin-Zehlendorf: Verl. working group for healthy living 1955, pp. 13 - 14 The relationship between the oil-protein diet and the oxygen balance in the Organism. - The Naturopath 1952 The central importance of lipid metabolism in disease and healing. - Bad Soden: Eden goods 1952 oilprotein diet. - Hyperion-Verlag 1952, 1956 and 1967 The pharmacist as an advisor to doctor and patient. - pharmacist newspaper, Stuttgart: Verlag Deutscher Apotheker 1952 About the cancer immunity of sheep. - Ars Medici 1953, p. 395-397 In: Current problems in nutrition research: Experiments tia Supplement I. - Symposium Basel, October 1-4, 1952. - BaselStuttgart: Verl. Birkhäuser 1953. In the discussion J. Budwig already pointed out repeatedly in 1952, e. B. in the abge printed discussion comments, towards the new aspect that z. For example, the fat metabolism with the highly unsaturated fatty acids must be taken into account in the following topics and presentations: p. 65 on: performance and nutrition; p. 124 on: Factors in food that prevent fatty liver; P. 259 to: Minerals as food components. Discussion Notes on Dr. Grandel's remarks: The importance of essential fats. - in: Dr. oat camp. - Naturopathy. - Hippocrates Verlag 1953, p. 142 The elementary function of respiration in relation to autoxidable nutrients. A contribution to solving the cancer problem. Self-published in 1953, Hyperion-Verl. 1956 J.BUDWIG / CW SCHMIDT. - Paper chromatography in the field of fats XV: Investigations of natural oils important for the paint industry. - Fette und Seifen 55, 1953, p. 85 - 90 and 5 figs.

J.BUDWIG / TH. LUESSLING. - Complex compounds of unsaturated fatty acids ren. - Lecture 1951. - Fette und Seifen 55, 1953, p. 90 - 95

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J.BUDWIG. - The neurotropic effect of dietary fat. - Bad Soden: Verlag Eden 1953

For discussion regarding the treatment of cancer patients with high-tension ether. - Stuttgart: Hippocrates 1953, p. 24, 281, 600 The importance of fat metabolism for staying healthy and recovering. - in: public health, Bad Homburg: Verl. Helper 1953

Joy of creativity through energy gain from fatty food. Public Health 1953 Colds and fat burning. - Sane

means 1953 Fat metabolism and internal respiration. - Ars Medici 1, 1954 p. 49 - 52 The central importance of lipid metabolism. - Medicinal plant therapy and nutritional hygiene, Berlin: Verl. H. Wigankow 1954

What has been newly recognized in the field in recent years

of lipid metabolism?. - Medicinal plant therapy and nutritional hygiene, 1st c., 1954 What is biological?. - Medicinal plant therapy and nutritional hygiene, 1954 and 1957, p. 27 - 28 About the importance of the right dietary fat for diabetics. - Medicinal plant therapy and nutritional hygiene, 1954

The importance of fat metabolism for respiration, fat burning, circulation and performance. - The healthy person 1954

Lack of oxygen causes cancer? A clarification on the question of the development and prospects of healing in cancer. - Medicine and healing methods (Intern. Soc. of Naturopathic Physicians, USA, Dr. Devrient) Vol. 5, No. 4, Berlin: Verl. Working Group for Healthy Living 1955, p. 1

Fats as activators or inhibitors of oxygen uptake

me - Lecture before HP and doctors, Hanover. - Munich: Verlag HP 1955, pp. 28-31, congress report.

What does the patient have? What is wrong with the patient? - The sane one human 1955

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J Budwig

J.BUDWIG. - What does the sauna have to do with burning fat?. - Time writing Sauna 1955

The function of the heart in its dependence on the respiratory rate ment. - Medicinal plant therapy and nutritional hygiene, (April), Berlin: Verl. H. Wiganko 1955, p. 8 - 9 Fats as activators or inhibitors of oxygen uptake

me - Drugs and medicinal plants (Nov.), Berlin: Verl. H. Wigankow 1955, p. 16 18

Tumor problem and fat metabolism. -Science and Research: Südd. Broadcasting 1956 Cancer a fat problem. Dietary fat is the nerve of food. - Hyperion-Verlag 1956 Cytostatic or cytodynamic cancer control. - Stuttgart: Hippocrates-Verl. 1956, p. 605 - 612 Biochemical problems of the lipids. - Medical practice from 22.

9. 1956, vol. 8, no. 38, published by Banachewski The fat in the pan. - Congresses in Oxford and Paris. - doctor Praxis, November 9, 1957, Vol. 9, No. 45, Ed. Banachewski Why did fats become so popular? - Bad Soden: Verlag Eden 1958 The Fat Syndrome. The fundamental function of the lipoids for the basic problem of vital oxygen uptake. - Self-published, Hyperion-Verlag 1959

Premature aging as fat syndrome. - Medicinal plant therapy and nutritional hygiene (Nov.), Berlin: Ed. H. Wigankow 1959. pp. 2-4 Fats as a real help. - Lecture in ZH; 1st edition 5 000, self-regulation was 1959; 2nd edition. Hyperion-Verlag 1966 Highly unsaturated fatty acids in margarine?. - doctor Practice 1960, p. 460-461 Allowed and forbidden fat. - doctor Practice, from June 4th, 1960, p. 1309 Fat as friend or foe. - 15 lectures; Zurich: association f. Public Health 1961; Switzerland Nutrition therapy for cancer patients, casuistry from 10 years of experience. Lecture September 1, 1963 World Congress for Prophylactic Medicine. - New review for prophylaxis, diagnostics and therapy. Vienna 1964, pp. 1-8

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J.BUDWIG. lipids of cancer patients. - Lecture Chicago 1964, Am. Oil. former Society. - Congress expose. - Hyperion-Verlag 1966 A signal for modern cancer research. - Self-published 1965 documentation The electrons of the sun's energy and their importance for the cancer problem. - Lecture at World Congress: Prophyl. medicine, held on November 7, 1965 in Mitterndorf; printed in: Cosmic Forces Against Cancer. - Hyperion-Verlag 1966, p. 10 - 4 8 Again topic "successes in cancer patients". A statement by the German cancer researcher Dr. Johanna Budwig. - Reutlinger Generalanzeiger No. 270, dated November 23, 1966 Solar energy against cancer. Electron biology and resonance absorption of solar electrons. - Lecture: 2. biotechn. week, Neviges. - in: biotechn. Series Implosion 1966; 1st edition 5,000 self-published; Hyperion Relations 1972, also in: Fats as true help, pp. 22-34 Cosmic forces against cancer, electron biology. - Hyperion-Verlag 1966 politics and current affairs. - south d. Broadcasting, 11.9. 1967 Fats in the tangle of advertising. - south d. Broadcasting 1967 Laser beams against cancer. Resonance phenomena as an antientropy factor of life. - Hyperion-Verlag 1968 Laser light and life. - Lecture 1969, manuscript cancer and climatic environmental influences. - Internal. Congress de medicine preventive and social, Venice 1969: Prophylact. medicine Photo elements of life effective as an anti-carcinoma factor as prophylaxis and in the late stage. - Lecture: III. Internal. Congress de medicine preventive and social, Venice 1970 Los Fotones, Flcmentos de Vida, al Servicio de la Lucha con tra el Canccr. - Folia Clinica Internacional, no. 12, 1971. Barcelona. Spain. Photo-elemcnts of life as anti-carcinoin-factor. successful as prophylaxis and in progressive state of ot illness. - Minerva Gine cologica. Vol. 23, no. 3. 1971, p. 115 - 117, Congressional Be dir

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J Budwig

J.BUDWIG. - Particles and fields of photons in fat syndrome. - Joint conference, International Society for Hygiene, Preventive and Social Medicine. - in: Congress report, Vienna 1972. Lecture given on October 30, 1972 Fat syndrome and photons of the sun. - Lecture in Tours (France). Revue Vie et Action 1972; Lecture in Strasbourg. - Revue Vie et Action 1973; in: Fats as true help, pp. 35 - 43; in: Petrolio e ambiente, p. 53 and 54 Les photons, elements de vie au service de la lutte contre le cancer. - Petrolierie d'Italia 1973, gennaio, pp. 23-25 Light, photon current and cancer disease. - Sent to Stuttgarter Nachrichten on January 18, 1973. Tried in vain for clarification. Then discussed in the weekly newspaper "The Independents", Munich, and reproduced in self-publishing. Course correction of cancer research blocked. - "The Independ gigen", weekly newspaper in Munich, publisher A. Haussleitner, July 1973

Man between light and matter. - 7. Internal. Congress f. prophylact. and social medicine, 1974. - Printed in Expose Laser-Light and Lipids as a synergistic effect. Laser light and lipids as a synergetic effect. - Congress of Am. Oil. Chem. Soc. New Orleans. - As Exposfe 1976 The death of the tumor. The way out. Vol. I. - self-publishing 1977 The death of the tumor. The documentation. Vol. II. (The scientific basis of cancer therapy presented in a way that lawyers can understand. To the BVerfG.). - Self-published 1977, p. 235-252

LECTURES AT CONGRESSES AND CONFERENCES Medical congresses for naturopathic treatments: 1953, Bad Kreuznach 1954, Karlsruhe World Union of Medicine Prophylactic and Social Hygiene Wehunion for Prophylactic Medicine and Social Hygiene. Vienna, President: Prof. Dr. medical Wenzl, Vienna As a founding member, I received active recognition in 1967

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J Budwig Participation. I spoke at the congresses in Bad Aussee, Gmunden, Mittendorf, Rogaska Slatina, Grado, Venice, Rome, Vienna and others Topics: Importance of lipid metabolism in conjunction with solar energy and its importance for the cancer problem and other metabolic issues. The American Oil Chemists' Society — As a member I spoke in Stockholm, Washington, several times in Chicago, Gothenburg, etc. O. Nutrition congresses in Paris, Oxford 1957, in Washington 1960 Cancer research congresses in Tokyo 1960, in Moscow 1962 Swiss Association for Public Health — From 1955 — 1964 I spoke in more than 200 lectures in

Switzerland on the topics: "Light on the cancer question", " Fats as true help", "Fat as friend or foe", "Isn't the youth problem today the fault of the older generation?", "What makes you fit for heights!" In Holland, Austria, Germany, France I spoke to more than 20 public lectures, also in the GDR z. B. at the IGA (International Horticultural Exhibition in Erfurt). Many lectures are printed. After the lecture in Japan, I was met in Tokyo by representatives of women organization to give a lecture there on: "The role of women in the world", this happened because it was written in a daily newspaper in a large essay that I was the first woman to attend a scientific congress in Tokyo gave a lecture. After my lecture in Tokyo, I received an invitation from Indian scholars to attend a parliamentary session in New Delhi. I sat next to Nehru in the box. (Reason: the Indians are against radiation and hardened fats. These scientific representatives had encountered resistance in the local Ministry of Health.) To this day, there has been a constant scientific exchange of letters and scientific work with all of the countries mentioned. In particular, there is also a lively exchange of letters with Helsinki, Moscow, USA, Spain, Paraguay, France and Holland. My work is known everywhere there, e.g. B. Prof. Linus Pauling.

It would take us too far to list all the lectures I gave in front of laypeople and


with title

dates. To this day I very often speak freely and without a concept. Numerous pictures of the congress events mentioned are available.

dr Johanna Budwig. D-7291 Freudenstadt-Dietersweiler. Hegelstr. 3. Tel. (07441)7667

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Cover: Laser graphic courtesy of Dr. Peter von Siemens

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dr Johanna Budwig


When studying the metabolic-physiological Ver Protein chemistry has held up to the present day taken such priority that the interaction of important for health Completely ignore protein and fat has been. With this interaction depends but the inner respiration of the cell together, the central and elementary process of oxygen recording. Will he significantly and on

Duration disturbed, as is the case with today's denaturier th civilization food, especially the fatty food, easily the case, it comes to severe healthy common damage, of which the cancerous Ent development of body cells is only a sub-area

represents, but the most uncanny, because insidious

ste. That the disturbance of internal respiration in the carcinogenesis is a significant factor today by well-known researchers such as B. dem Nobel prize winner Prof. Dr. Otto Harburg, an taken. It is all the more urgent today forward-thinking research the task that Ver cause of the obstructed oxygen uptake deliver, so that from here the cancer problem to be tackled from the roots, so to speak can. It is thanks to the fat scientist Dr. Johanna Budwig, paved the way for this

to have when they were in their significant position as Advisor on fat issues at the federal level and as clerk at the drug testing center ge health hazards of losing the substance

recognized by vital fats, who does not can be compensated by drugs. fats are not at all equivalent. dr Johanna Budwig sees in the unsaturated fatty acids how

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dr Johanna Budwig

Cancer—a fat problem

Right choice and use the fat

Hyperion - Verlag, Freiburg i. brother

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from dr Johanna Budwig are in the Hyperion publishing house, Freiburg i. Br., also published: The elementary function of respiration in relation to autoxydables

nutrients Price DM 2.80

The Fat Syndrome

The fundamental importance of fats and other lipids Price DM 30

Fats as a real help

against arteriosclerosis, heart attack, cancer, etc. Lecture, 15 pages, DM -.50

oil-protein diet Small format, 22 pages, DM -.50

Fourth Edition (Sixteenth to Twentieth Thousand)

All rights, in particular those of reprints and translations and transmission by radio Copyright 1956 by Hyperion Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau Overall production: Rombach & Co GmbH, Freiburg im Breisgau

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foreword Introduction


What fats do we use?


How and when do we use oil and solid fats? .


How and when should we encode and preserve?


Examples of recipes for everyday use:


I. Breakfast muesli

17 20

II. Quark dishes, savory or sweet III. salads


IV. Fruit Salads

27 29

V. Potatoes


VI. Vegetables


VII. Chestnuts, buckwheat, millet, grist VIII. Roasts, sauces, fillings .. .


.38 42

IX. Sandwiches X. Baked


XI. beverages


XII. Hobbies .. .

51 55

menu examples Menus, daily and weekly plans, quick meals . 4 weeks in the hospital

. 61 64

food as a remedy


final word


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"Cancer is a fat problem" is how the essential novelty of this cookbook can be summed up in a folksy and startling way. We wrote only as a suggestion: "The right choice and preparation of the fats" is important, then more emphatically: "Dietary fat, the nerve of nutrition" must not be ignored! But so much is being written about nutrition today, and so much mischief is being done in the fat area with such dangerous, misleading advertising that it must be said frankly and clearly how great the danger is if, instead of the all-important dietary fats, pseudo fats, false fats, are used fats used.

The basis of this popular statement, which advises housewives, is based on many years of scientific work in oleochemistry, on investigations of fats from cancerous tumors and blood fats in the healthy and sick. It is based on many years of work as a clerk for fat issues at state and federal level, on cooperation with the various official bodies and the for research sites. The housewife must wake up to misleading advertising. The citizens must help ensure that the state becomes what it should be again: guardian of the health of the people.

This book is a loud and open question to the food ministers: When will you be "ministers" again = servants of the people and not of those whose power is overestimated? Truth also in questions of nutrition is necessary for the recovery of the people. The author


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Fats represent an extraordinarily important factor in the organism. It can be said without qualification that they dominate almost every aspect of life. Given the fundamental importance of this fact, it should be emphasized that those fats are of such eminent importance that have the property of forming a loose (associable) connection with other substances, especially protein compounds. These are the unsaturated fats found in many vegetable oils, with a particularly good composition in linseed oil. Bad fats can act as life-threatening poisons in the organism. There are toxic (poisonous) acting lipoids (fats) that can quickly cause death. Fats can be used directly as hemolytic (blood-decomposing) toxins and cause anemia, but good fats are essential for the formation of red blood cells. Numerous diseases such as B. pernicious anemia, diabetes, cancer, are related to a disorder of the fat metabolism.

Fats are extraordinarily reactive bodies that are important for the entire metabolism. They can have an activating or inhibiting effect on the fermentation processes. Unsaturated fats act in the organism as inhibitors for toxins (poisons), are involved in the formation of antigens and are important for immunity and thus for resistance to In infections, especially against TB. The unstable, easily movable, changeable nature of the unsaturated lipoids (fats), which is important for the changes in the organism, which are reversible within certain limits, is important for the essence of all life phenomena. The mass transport of inorganic substances is also dependent on the composition of the blood and cellipoids. So e.g. B. the unsaturated fat in the intake of too much table salt an important opponent. Last but not least, the main problem of current medicine is the reduced oxygen consumption rating, poor breathing, the emergence of numerous diseases as a result of the lack of oxygen in connection with the lipid metabolism. This includes cardiac insufficiency, cancer, reduced performance. In all of these cases lie 8th

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Fats that are unable to meet the body's requirements for good dietary fat. Bad fats are unable to participate in the formation of respiratory enzymes. Today these connections are well known, and the demand for a healthy fat diet is all the more urgent because never has the contamination from the wrong fat diet and wrong fat preparation had a more detrimental, paralyzing effect on every aspect of life than in our day.

Viscous, chemically saturated fats are no longer able to fulfill the task of blood and cell fats. Unfortunately, such fats, the harm of which outweighs the benefit, are currently being offered and advertised in large quantities to the populace as dietary fat. For this reason I have prepared, despite the inflation of reformist cookbooks - which were born out of the necessity of the time - to offer a book that is supposed to give advice and help on the right choice and preparation of fats ; because dietary fat is the nerve of nutrition. The new findings about the importance of natural vegetable oils for fat burning in connection with breathing are of crucial importance for the entire diet. Many empirical facts of the reform movement are thereby re-examined and confirmed. The importance of the food eaten raw is related to the importance of these lipoids (fats) required to build the respiratory ferments. Food that still breathes is important, especially in the current diet, which is characterized by depletion of the nutrients needed for respiration. Sterilization by heating kills these life-giving substances.

The damage caused by the use of "preservative chemicals" is greater. If, for example, considerable amounts of nitrites have been added to the sausage for the purpose of preserving it, these are not only anti-oxygen when the sausage is stored The consumption of this sausage with preservatives makes it very difficult for the organism to absorb oxygen, breathe, and breathe in. This process also affects the burning of fat and all the important life associated with it functions. All "slimness breviaries" that ignore the facts presented above are unable to bring any real help to today's people who are obese and paralyzed in their vital functions. Above all, it should be emphasized that if fat burning is difficult, the withdrawal of biologically important unsaturated fats is considered harmful. The following applies here: "similia simili bus". The best way to break down the annoying and paralyzing depot fats is to use the fats that act as activators of the fat metabolism and for the respiration of food. These are the highly unsaturated fatty acids that are mainly found in linseed oil. But the dosage and correct preparation is important.


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Cancer, a fat problem

To what extent can one dare to use the title "cancer, a fat problem"?

The study of lipid metabolism in living subjects has been a problem for decades. The research methods alone were not satisfactory. They were too coarse, not sufficient for examining the small amounts available when examining the blood of living people.

The development of the new investigation methods of paper chromatography in the field of lipids, about which I reported for the first time in 1950 and then continuously, made it possible for the first time to control the lipid metabolism in living subjects. The type of fats accumulated in cancerous tumors could also be characterized more precisely for the first time, because it was only through paper chromatography that sensitive examination methods were used to distinguish between the individual ones types of fat had been created. Canker sores contain fats derived from peanut fats (the common salad oil) or fats from highly heated whale oils. The blood also shows which fats have been incorporated into the body. The interaction of the fats with the proteins — as is naturally necessary only possible when using good fats. The blood-corpuscles are weak and altered when bad fats are in the blood balled up in globules as sluggish foreign bodies. But one gives these sick people with the bad ones Eating bloodstains Quark with linseed oil is very soon — often after just one

Meal — to observe in the two-phase contrast microscope and also when examining on paper how the good fats are absorbed by the blood cells, how they regain their elasticity and functionality. This example could be duplicated.

The dependence of many diseases on dietary fat, on the fats in the Blood or the depot fats in fat pads proved to be important for clarification many medical questions. Most striking and exciting were the results for cancer research. There is absolutely no longer any doubt, confirmed by many investigators, and hesitantly, but finally, by the state 10

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References taken up: The cancer problem is linked to the use of unhealthy artificial fats in the diet. The term "artificial fats" does not only mean synthetically produced fats, it also means fat-like substances, pseudo fats, which are still offered today as dietary fats. They are processed so far away from their natural properties, in their essentials Properties changed so that they no longer correspond to natural products. They are therefore extremely harmful to the entire human organism. First and foremost, they cause cancer. These highly heated and chemically modified fats, the pseudo fats, paralyze breathing and fat burning , energy production, proper cell growth, normal reproduction and many related functions They paralyze the natural function of the eye and ear, they paralyze the defenses against infection, they cause susceptibility to the common cold (poor fat burning) and to TB and other infections.

Now that it has been recognized that cancer is particularly closely linked to the wrong fat diet, it should first be pointed out that cancer is preceded by a general weakening of the entire state of health.

But there is also the fact that when the wrong dietary fats are used, the good fats that are so vital to life are often missing at the same time. As a result, the burning of fat and the utilization of oxygen are doubly inhibited. The lack of oxygen that arises in this way weakens the person further, and the intake of bad fats causes breathing to be restricted all the more. In this situation, people will not get out of this vicious circle unless the root of the problem is tackled and the fat in the diet is changed. In principle, the use of harmful, pseudo-fats must be switched off; one should also consider eliminating the respiratory toxins (preservatives, especially in sausage products). Every day, however, the essential fats, the essential oils for breathing and oxygen uptake, the natural, highly active, unsaturated fats should be included in the , those for the growth and resilience of all life diet. They give new elasticity and resistance to illness. They also prevent or cure the illness of lack of oxygen and loss of substance, the illness of cancer.


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What fats do we use?

The situation of the current nutritional situation sketched out in the introduction shows that fats that have been hardened by chemical treatment, as is the case in margarine production, are rejected as dietary fat in the sense of my conception. This also applies if vegetable fats are used as the starting material. Whale oils made "edible" by chemical fat hardening are discouraged; those made "edible" by high heating of whale oils are to be discouraged. Their use in canned fish or in the oils, manufacture of commercial mayonnaise should be banned. Since this is not yet done consistently by the state, we urgently warn against their use. These oils are harmful to health.

The use of animal fats, especially pork fat, and the depot fats of other animal species, such. B. kidney fat, is rejected. When these animal fats are used, two factors often come together that have an unfavorable effect on the organism when it digests food. The fats, which are difficult to burn, are also mixed with chemicals that counteract the burning of fat in the body.

The use of bleached, commercially available "salad oils", which are often made from peanut oil, is also not recommended. Large amounts of these fatty acids are often found accumulated in cancerous tumors.

What can be recommended? Natural, cold-pressed vegetable oils are recommended. Please make sure that "beaten cold" is not only used for advertising purposes. The oils obtained from unheated, unroasted seeds contain a higher proportion of biologically important accompanying substances such as lecithins, lipoproteins, especially sulpholipoids. These are important for fat utilization in the Organism of importance They are oxygen-affine, oxygen-friendly. Changing the oils can be beneficial. Therefore, e.g. B. with fruit salad

the use of walnut oil is recommended. Also is the use of 12

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Sunflower oil and poppy seed oil advisable. Coconut fat can be used, as can butter. In view of the current nutritional damage, especially in the area of dietary fats, I have not come across any fat that achieves the extraordinarily beneficial, intensive effect of linseed oil. Linseed oil is characterized by a fatty acid that is otherwise hardly found in fats, but is found in biological material and in organ extracts from the heart, kidneys, liver, brain and nerves. This is the triple unsaturated, very oxygen-friendly linolenic acid. Their existence is probably too ver thank you that with the correct dosage of this oil, as I have described in my oil-protein diet, this food is of great importance for maintaining health and also for regaining health.

No matter how urgently the use of the natural oils linseed oil is


especially that

advised, the housewives of our time and our latitude north of the Alps no longer know how to combine the oil kitchen with the cooking methods they are familiar with. For daily needs, ready to hand, in spreadable form, corresponding to the spoiled taste, this is how the natural linseed oil stands for the modern people of our day and ours in the Diasan zone ready. It can be combined with all types of cheese and is special

valuable with the noble mold cheeses. So there is something ready for the spoiled and demanding taste, what the Silesians in the form of quark and Linseed oil is familiar and indispensable.

We mainly use linseed oil as oil sunflower oil poppy seed oil

walnut oil soybean oil

corn oil as solid fats

diasan On healthy days also butter (unadulterated and from healthy cows) Coconut fat (should not be post-hardened by chemical intervention)


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How and when do we use oil or solid fats?

The high health value of the natural, cold-pressed oils is related to the fact that these fats promote oxygen utilization in the organism. This oxygen-friendly property of the oils is a characteristic that must also be taken into account when using the oils. If these oils are heated in a pan, for example, they already absorb the oxygen from the air in this state. This reduces their biological value. For this reason it is more advisable to use the solid, more saturated fats when a fat is to be heated. In general, the following guidelines can apply when using fats for cooking, frying and preparing food: If you heat fat in a pan to make fried food, it is advisable to use coconut fat first. After you have put the other foods, such as potatoes and vegetables, in the fat, you should subsequently grease them with Diäsan nacfa. This increases the wholesomeness of the entire food prepared in this way. When making fritters, for example, you should not heat the linseed oil in the pan for too long before adding the prepared dough. If you want to bring the fat to a certain temperature beforehand for better browning, then coconut fat or, if necessary, butter is the best choice

to use. Lubricating with oil or diasan increases the value and the wholesomeness. In general, greasing food should be reintroduced to a greater extent immediately before it is served. A good cook still knows it today — it is added to his secret arts of heating the food. This


that the butter only last after

applies in particular to the edible fat Diasan, since it is characterized by a high content of very oxygen-friendly fats. The value of this fat remains in particular

Measures obtained if it is only added to the food immediately when it is served. The possible uses can be seen in detail from the recipe examples.


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How and when should we cook and preserve?

The great biological importance of the still living, breathing, natural, i.e. raw, food is evident from what was said in the introduction. My position is that the use of raw vegetables and raw, uncooked fruit should be reintroduced much more into the budget. No meal should be without the use of raw foods. It is best to give some raw fruit, linseed (e.g. in the form of Linomel), ground grain, oatmeal or similar preparations in a tasty combination early in the morning before breakfast. At noon, a salad should be given before each meal. The bad habit of devaluing fruit by cooking should be largely eliminated. Many more types of vegetables than one might think can be used raw, e.g. B. Brussel sprouts, asparagus, cappus, etc. But I won't go so far as to recommend eating raw potatoes or raw potato water. I am of the opinion that these extreme demands only arose from ignorance of the actual cardinal damage and cardinal points that can be addressed to remedy the situation. On the contrary, if the organism receives part of its nutrition in the form of living, ferment-rich food, it is also able to process and breathe the now cooked food better. In the ferment theory of the old and still well versed metabolic physiologists, it is an established fact that only very small amounts are sufficient to reignite the enzyme and ferment reactions. For this reason, I am of the opinion that steamed vegetables, properly prepared, also have their place in the overall nutritional plan (see recipe examples). It is essential that the heating of vegetables and other foods is not carried out longer than absolutely necessary. Leaching the vegetables or peeled potatoes by draining the water should be rejected. I see the bunk steamers as very practical. You can get by with little water and the concentrate obtained in this way can then be used again very well and in many different ways. The potatoes are always boiled in their skins. Likewise, beets, carrots, celery, etc., if cooked at all, are then steamed in the skin and then skinned.


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Carrying out the preservation of foodstuffs by repeated and intensive heating is a practice which increases the already existing nutritional damage caused by a lack of respiratory ferments. Numerous types of fruit, which are devalued by waking up, would be preserved in their natural form, stored analogously, for the winter. It should be remembered that our ancestors knew honey as an excellent and biologically valuable preservative. A preservation of the fruit with the help of honey is definitely advocated. It is possible to prepare preparations from fruit in such a way that the devaluation is reduced to a minimum. The method of preserving food for the winter through lactic acid fermentation is to be advocated as biologically valuable and important. Not only sauerkraut, but also green beans, turnips, cucumbers and other types of vegetables can be preserved in this way as valuable food for the winter. However, it must be added that unfortunately there are many foods on the market that have been prepared in this way, to which saltpetre and other chemicals have been added, quite needlessly. For this reason we would like to point out that it is not irrelevant whether the sauerkraut to be used is bought in a health food store or in any grocery store. The trained and sensitive taste will soon find out which sauerkraut has been mixed with saltpeter or which goods have been prepared with the most gentle treatment and without chemicals. The use of whey for the purpose of preserving vegetables is encouraged in the same spirit as the lactic acid fermentation method described above.

The preservation by using a lot of sugar is not to be seen on the same level as the preservation by oxygen-friendly chemicals. Used from time to time, there would be nothing wrong with preserving fruit or candied fruit in this way. In general, however, our present nutritional situation is characterized by the fact that far too much sugar is used. Sugar, however, promotes the malfunctioning of the metabolism, which was initiated by the lack of raw food and biologically valuable fats. The white sugar, as it is used in the household today, should at most be used as a spice. You can also give tasty sweets to children without using candy made from sugar and embellished with artificial coloring. The combination of ground flaxseed with honey results in a variety of options that children like to use. Even the flaxseed-honey preparation that is commercially available as Linomel is very popular with children, or mixed with milk as part of their breakfast soup.


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Examples of recipes for everyday use

I. Breakfast muesli That of Dr. Birdier-Benner's morning muesli has retained its value to this day. Also within the framework of

and warms up. Then in puree a raw apple with an orange in a blender. Put these fruits in the middle of the bowl. Well sprinkled

new research results on the importance of raw food for the respiratory ferments, this skilful approach Dr. Bircher-

the bowl with a 1 to 2 cm

Benners again

thick wreath of linomel. If you want oatmeal to sprinkle on

positively lit. There's far more value in starting the day

use, it is best to mix the fruit pulp with raisins or finely

with a nutritious diet that doesn't weigh you down, but is

chopped dates.

easily assimilated. You can then sprinkle with ground nuts. While the breakfast muesli after dr Birdier-Benner continues to recommend is within the

The use of soy flakes (Nuxo-Werke) is highly recommended.

scope of this book

The fruit should be changed daily depending on the

the intensive co-use of linseed is taken into account. Of

season. Make sure that the Sunday muesli also stands

course, this flaxseed can be used in a bite-sized and tasty

out from the daily ones with a special touch.

form, as a food and not, as is often wrongly assumed, as a laxative. This is achieved by using the apple snow from the recipes given under No. II or, as described under No. II, 6 or 8, Flaxseed should again occupy a much larger space in our

bananas in the snow. Also through special

diet plan. For this reason, at

the individual recipes for the preparation of fruit salads,

The choice of fruit, for example by using pineapple,

salads and especially the morning muesli always urgently

grapes, etc., emphasizes the Sunday note.

use the linseed nut

Granular Linomel recommended. Especially in combination with fresh, raw fruit, this rich ingredient with a high oil and protein content should never be missing.

b) Chop up 4 dried bananas, 8 figs, 10 dates, 1 handful of nuts in a grinder or blender and mix the whole thing

with any fruit juice, preferably a mother juice from Eden or

1. Winter muesli

even with apple juice and let it steep for an hour. Then you fill

a) Pour half a cup of milk or canned milk into a wide bowl

in small bowls and scatters plenty of dry flakes



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above. The muesli is served without stirring. Apple snow to decorate the muesli.

bination with strawberries, especially also with wild strawberries, always popular. Currants are through this

Raw apples are freshly mashed, smothered in beaten egg

Foundation softened and more pleasant.

whites with a little sugar and lemon juice. With this apple

The rich fruit prepared in this way is eaten for breakfast,

snow you can put small dots on the muesli bowls.

with the various flakes or with linomel

overspread, enough. 2. Grapefruit muesli

4. Banana Strawberry Mousse

Use the honey-sweetened mixture of quark and linseed oil

Fill the bowls halfway

of relatively firm consistency described under no. III, 25,

linoleum. Then one prepares from forest

26, 27, fill this into small bowls and hollow out the middle

strawberries and some bananas, which you cut into fine

of the bowl. In a blender, prepare the porridge from 1

pieces, a Mi

grapefruit, 1 orange and, if necessary, 1 clementine or

mixture that is carefully poured into the quark cream (No.

tangerine. The cores

III, 25, 26, 27), which has been flavored with a little violet root powder. The banana-strawberry foam produced in this way is placed on the linomel layer and decorated with fresh wild strawberries or if necessary

of these fruits are crushed with. Grate the shells with one piece little sugar, which is then soaked with the essential oils and

Garden strawberries and banana slices.

added to this fruit pulp. This grapefruit fruit puree is now added to the prepared quark bowls. The bowls can be

5. Banana Strawberry Flake Dish

sprinkled with a few flakes. In this case you could Mix together two cups of wheat flakes with */i liter of milk and season with a use oatmeal. Adding chopped banana to this quark linseed

A pinch of cinnamon and violet root powder, then mix the

oil mixture gives this dish a very pleasant note. If this

halved garden strawberries with the sliced banana, pour

mixture is not used in the morning muesli, one should

everything into a few tablespoons of cream of quark and

always make sure that the necessary fatty substances are

linseed oil, sweetened with honey, and pour onto the flake

supplied at least in the form of linomel.


It can go with these muesli dishes Any kind of flakes are used, wheat flakes, oat flakes, rice flakes, also puffed rice. In general, however, the value of using Lino mel as a morning breakfast is pointed out, as it

3. Spring muesli

is characterized by the high proportion of linseed

strawberries, cherries, currants, Peaches form a popular ingredient too the quark linseed oil creams. The following flavor is particularly popular: cut small pieces from fresh peaches

is particularly rich in those that are lacking today the highly unsaturated fats and the active ingredient structures associated with them.


pulls this under the quark linseed oil cream sweetened with

6. Banana Apple Mousse

honey. You can scoop out 1 or 2 pieces of this peach with

The following mixture is very easy to prepare and is

a fork

particularly useful in winter when combined with linomel or

crush and mix in. Tastes great! Of course the com

flakes as muesli.


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5 to 6 bananas are using the fork

Muesli as raw vegetable soups

crushed to a pulp and stirred until fluffy. Then 5 to 6 apples are freshly pureed or finely grated in a blender and stirred into the bananas. The whole fruit dish is now pulled under a few tablespoons of the sweet quark cream. You can use this fruit puree with cinnamon or

Season the cardamom or ginger to taste and then serve in conjunction with plenty of linomel or flakes as muesli. At the end a wreath of fruit.

1. Linomel Soup 7. The Linomel muesli for Breakfast Ingredients: 1 teaspoon honey, 3 tablespoons raw milk, 3 tablespoons linseed oil, 100 g quark, 2 tablespoons linomel, fruits and fruit juices, nuts. Preparation: Put 2 tablespoons of Linomel in a bowl. Shed about it If you plant the fruit that you choose depending on the season. You can Fruits in the style of fruit salad

mix or about berries one use variety. A coarsely grated apple can be used in many ways in winter by adding cherry juice, blueberry juice, quince juice or raisins, apricots, etc. soaked in apple juice. The quark

Put two heaped tablespoons full of linomel in a soup plate, add one Add a cup of milk and serve immediately.

2. Berry Soup Put a tablespoonful of linomel in a soup plate and add strawberries, Raspberries, blueberries, blackberries or other berries and served immediately with the addition of milk.

3. Linomel fruit soup in winter Put a tablespoonful of linomel in a soup plate, add raisins, finely chopped dates, finely chopped pineapple or oranges, tangerines or grapes, pour over a cup of milk and serve immediately. In winter, the milk can

and linseed oil cream is prepared as follows: honey, milk and linseed oil are mixed together, if necessary in an electric mixer. Then gradually in small portions

if required, it can also be warmed up or given hot over it. Very suitable as sick food, also for children. 4. Wine soup (without alcohol)

added the curd. Everything is now mixed into a smooth cream. You can't see any more oil. If necessary Can you add a little more milk? The taste of this mixture is now varied daily by adding nuts or mixing banana and lemon juice in a two to one ratio; Cocoa, grated coconut, rose hip pulp, fruit juices (which may only be added last); Vanilla, cinnamon, pineapple, etc. The layer of fruit is layered with the quark linseed oil cream and you can add it at the end

A cup of wheat flakes, rice flakes, Soy flakes or linomel comes with '/< cup Poured over milk, then followed by a cup of grape juice or Eden mother juice (currant or bluebeer) and served immediately. Do you want grape raisins in winter or

If sultanas are enough for this breakfast soup, they should be left in fruit juice for an hour and a half beforehand


5. Sour milk soup Garnish with nuts or fruit. 2*

Pour over two heaped tablespoons Linomel or wheat or oat or


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Soy flakes with 1/4 liter of sour milk. Depending on your taste, you can also season with chives or parsley and

II. Quark dishes

possibly season with some tomato puree or tomato juice Eden.

6. Tomato soup Tomatoes are finely weighed (in winter choose Eden tomato paste); add finely chopped herbs and a pinch

celery salt or herb salt and a bis two tablespoons unripe spelled flakes, wheat flakes, linomel or crushed grain that has been pre-soaked

1. Grand Recipe

overnight and pour a cup of milk over the whole thing. Will

you mix

you If you use the soup for lunch, you can pour hot vegetable broth over the mixture described above and round it off with a tablespoon of Diäsan or Sojalin.


/i pound curd with 2 to 3

tablespoons of linseed oil and 1 to 2 tablespoons

Milk intimately, preferably in a blender, until no more oil is visible. This reason lage can now be used for a variety of sweet or savory quark preparations to use.

7. Egg soup A raw egg yolk is whisked with a tablespoon of fresh milk and filled with a cup of milk. Wheat flakes or unripe spelled flakes or linomel mixed

one with hot vegetable broth, tastes with chives, parsley,

2. Horseradish curd A 1 to 2 cm long piece of horseradish is placed in milk the evening before, the next day, shortly before serving with the milk, completely chopped up in the blender and stirred into the quark-linseed oil dish. This dish goes well with potatoes and hearty dishes.

a touch Mace, add a tablespoon of Diasan and mix immediately at the end bar before serving the ver in milk

3. Horseradish apple curd

stirred in egg yolk. Add a raw apple pureed in a blender to the horseradish 8. Cream soups The quark and linseed oil cream is prepared as described under No. III, 25, 26, 27 and diluted with one or two cups of milk.

quark (No. 2). In addition to potatoes, the horseradish and apple quark can be used particularly well with dishes that are otherwise served with fruit, e.g. B. rice, buckwheat, noodles made from wholemeal flour, among others

All fruits can be used for this basis, e.g. B. Berries, oranges, pineapples, pureed apples, pears, bananas, some cut into small pieces, some finely pureed and underneath

Horseradish can be diluted with milk Apple quark as excellent refreshing effective and nutritious drink serve.


He is gladly taken by the sick and well tolerated. In summer, on hot days, it is very suitable for quenching

This type of breakfast soup can also be sprinkled with

thirst and hunger.

some flakes. In any form, it forms a rich, nutritious and non-weighting basis for the whole day.

These cold dishes are sprinkled with fine

grated Studt bread, pumpernickel or linomel.

4. Cottage cheese with cumin or vegetable fruits Plenty of cumin is added to the quark and linseed oil mixture, which allows it to


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be given to potato dishes. For the rest, the flavor variations are possible, which are inserted under salad dressing I (No. III, 23). These quark-linseed oil preparations are ideal for making sandwiches. The bread is spread with the quark linseed oil mixture, which is seasoned with herb salt. Then sprinkle finely chopped chives, finely chopped parsley, peppers, finely chopped onions over the finished slices, or top them with sliced tomatoes, slices of pickled gherkins or fine strips of raw peppers. If you have the opportunity, you can use both green and red pods.

de. The contents of the orange, diced into small pieces, are placed under the sweet quark cream dish. You fill these in the little baskets and serve like that.

8. Bananas with snow Bananas are halved lengthwise, then they are spread with a thick, firm layer of curd cream, which tastes sweet. Layer banana slices on top of that like roof tiles and decorate again with one from the star bag on piles of quark cream, which you can finish with a dot of a red jelly mass or a red can decorate fruit. Also pine nuts

or nuts are at the end of the ver decoration.

5. Paprika curd The quark and linseed oil mixture tastes excellent when mixed with finely chopped, raw peppers. You can either use half a pepper on */< pound of curd so that the curd and linseed oil mixture stands out more, or you can prepare the raw pepper in a salad and calculate about 4 raw peppers for every 1U pound of curd.

6. Banana snow The sweet quark cream sweetened with a little honey is used as the base (No. 1). 1 to 2 bananas are finely mashed with a fork and added to the mixture pulled, then served in a flat, oblong bowl, which is decorated with bananas that have been halved or quartered lengthwise. Very delicious is this dessert in combination with pineapple. You can put the pineapple fruit in cut into small cubes and underneath mix or use to decorate the plate.

9. Apple juices from agar-agar For a change, you can serve the most diverse fruits in an agar-agar preparation. 7 to 8 g of agar-agar are soaked in liters of water. After l /t about 10 minutes is allowed to simmer briefly and fills after sieving in Vi litres

raw grated apples, let cool slightly and fill the bowls. After the full constant cooling, you can cover or decorate this jelly preparation with the quark linseed oil cream and from Finally, decorate with various fruits, nuts, pine nuts or jelly icing.

10. Colorful cottage cheese dishes

If you want to use the quark dishes in a hearty, savory way with potato dishes or to decorate various salads, we would like to point out that a very simple way is available by preparing red quark dishes by adding finely chopped tomatoes or Eden tomato paste , the color of the quark can also be controlled intensively by intensively using red paprika.

7. Quark dish in an orange basket Oranges are cut in such a way that the peel forms a basket with a handle

Green cottage cheese can be done in this way


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prepare by mixing hearty, tasted quark dish with pureed, raw spinach. If you have leftovers, you can of course use

III. salads

boiled spinach or nettle puree for this purpose, as well as trefoil (Giersch).

The yellow quark dish is easy to make by mixing the yellow of hard-boiled eggs into this quark and linseed oil dish.

By skilfully arranging these three color variations on a salad


platter or vegetable bowl achieve a color effect that stimulates the appetite and increases well-being at the table.

All vegetables should be as fresh as possible; those who have bad teeth must finely chop the vegetables or enjoy them as juice. The chopped, raw vegetables should only be prepared shortly before the meal. carrots, celery, sugar

Peas, asparagus, cauliflower, radishes, young kohlrabi and other types of vegetables — you can soon get used to young beans, too — should be eaten in pieces without a salad dressing, i.e. as a starter before meals. The absorption in the digestive tract is faster and more thorough.

It is best to prepare a plate with it

Salads, which can also be served with plenty of decorated with prepared vegetables. This The border should then be eaten first. Wild vegetables are preferable to greenhouse ones. The use of young cowslip leaves in salads is particularly recommended. she knows

They have a high content of vitamin C, which we still have at this time of the year special need. Hop tips can be used in salads or cooked like asparagus. The tendrils are used as far as they can easily be broken off without pulling threads. If you want to use the hop tendril tips boiled like asparagus, the water may, how

generally the vegetable waters, are not poured away. It should be used again to prepare soups or sauces. Seasoning herbs to be used in the preparation of salad. are very diverse, but unfortunately


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almost completely out of fashion today.

The best way to prepare the dandelion salad is to add

There should only be some namers. be mentioned in

the washed and finely chopped loe

order to bring them back to mind, so that they can be planted in the garden as kitchen herbs and are thus

Wenzahn initially with 1 to 2 tablespoons

always available, but the wild herbs are also warmly

Pour linseed oil over it and then let it soak for about 2 to


3 hours. Afterward is then mixed with the salad dressing I

recommended. The use of chives should be mentioned first. Garlic, parsley herb and parsley root.

or II (Nos. 23 and 24). The combination with Zwie has proven particularly effective belch. you do also for those who are not yet used to wild

Leek, dill, savory, lemon balm, tarragon, lovage herb and

vegetables, the dandelion salad at a tasty

lovage, and the fennel root can also be used as a vegetable, in salads or as a spice. A few of the wild herbs


that can be used are mentioned, which can be used for seasoning or in the form of salads.

3. Lesser Celandine Salad The first young leaves, which appear in early spring before flowering, can be fully used. Salad dressing II (No. 24) can be used in many variations. The use of buttermilk

1. Salads (common types of lettuce)

or Eledon buttermilk powder is particularly tasty when preparing lesser celandine.

The preparation of the usual forms of lettuce, such as head, endive, chicory, field, Rapunzel, garden cress and other well-known types of lettuce, should not be included here individual recipes are described. Using the salad dressings described under 1 and II (Nos. 23 and 24 as well as No. 26), every housewife will soon have

4. Willowherb The inflorescence is just before flowering

discovered the possible uses. prepared as a salad. The preparation of some wild vegetable salads, on the other hand, should be dealt with in more detail, since wild vegetables are of particular importance and require a little more experience in their preparation.

2. Dandelion Salad

5. Shepherd's bag

Before flowering, the young, tender shoots are used in salads; also suitable for seasoning and decorating salads.

6. Chickweed The young shoots are very suitable as

The king of wild vegetable salads is the dandelion. It is therefore the high one

salad and also to decorate the Ge müseplatte.

health value also emphasized at this point. Young, tasty rosettes can be found almost any time, with the exception

7. Watercress

of the few winter months. The entire rosette is cut with a sharp knife

It is particularly recommended and is of great health value. It can be enjoyed prepared as a salad and is also

pulled out of the ground as deep as possible. The included

suitable for seasoning quark linseed oil dishes or for

root pieces are from

decorating salad plates, and also as a herb for various

Dirt removed and scraped off a bit.


They can be finely cut at Her position of the salad.


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8. Yarrow It can be used in many ways.

Mixed salad dressing I (N. 23). Leave the salad for about an hour before serving it.

The young, still elastic, easily broken stalks can be processed into salads together with the leaves. The young shoots can be finely weighed and used as herbs, e.g. B.

13. Asparagus Salad Half Raw

sprinkled on tomatoes or when preparing the various salads or quark linseed oil dishes (No. 23).

The asparagus is cleaned and then steamed for about 10 minutes. After cooling, the asparagus pieces are placed in salad dressing I (No. 23). The use of salad dressing I without further additions of spices is particularly tasty.

9. Plantain It can also be prepared like a salad. Ribwort plantain is excellent when the young, tender

14. Cauliflower Salad

leaves are gently rocked and placed on tomato bread or

A medium-sized cauliflower is served with 3 to simply sprinkled over Diäsan or served together with quark

Pour over 4 tablespoons of salad dressing I (No. 23).

linseed oil and mustard. Also makes a salad dip

Leave the raw cauliflower, cut into small pieces, for about one

Ribwort plantain, finely weighed, good as Ge

Soak in the salad dressing for an hour.


15. Cauliflower Salad Half Raw 10. Comfrey Leave the cauliflower for about 10 mi The comfrey roots can like black roots can be processed into salads. The

steam and then prepare it as a salad as described under no. 14.

tender, young, green shoots can be used for Seasoning of the various raw vegetable salads

find use. The health value of comfrey is great.

16. Mixed Salad 200g yellow turnips (cooked), a large, boiled potato is finely diced, a medium-sized radish is grated and mixed

11. Goat beard The young shoots are used before flowering, as long as

with salad dressing I (No. 23) and poured over the prepared turnips and potatoes.

they break off smoothly. They are particularly good as an appetizer, are very tasty and have health benefits. But you can also

17. Plate decoration used in the preparation of other salads, and also finely weighed on bread. Who the high value of the meadows

The following combination can be used to decorate the salad plates: carrots or tomato slices, finely chopped

If you don't know goat's beard yet, you can take a walk

chives, onions cut into rings, bunches of parsley. small

and try how pleasant the nutty aroma of these young

gherkins or gherkins cut into fine strips, florets of

shoots is.

cauliflower. pile of mavonnaise. Mixed salad dressing I (No. 23), with quark balls rolled in paprika and Roquefort Diaesan balls. prepared.

12. Raw Asparagus Salad 200 g of asparagus are peeled as usual, cut into fine slices and


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18. Legume salads

The carrots can either only pelt with Prepared with lemon juice or with lemons

If sweet fresh mangetout to Ver sweetened with juice and a little honey, or mixed with an If available, these are served raw with salad dressing I, II

apple that has been mashed raw. You can do this

or with salad dressing III (No. 23-26). Raw peas are left in the prepared form

soft hour.

then make it spicier by adding aniseed. Alternations can also be created by varying the quantities. If you choose a lot of pureed apple, some honey and aniseed and use the

Salads made from raw legumes, e.g. B. Lenses. The lenses are left for 24 hours

same parts of the grated carrots, you get a completely different taste.

swell in the water, pour off the water and prepare from the raw fruit ten with salad dressing according to I or II (No. 23, 24) as usual the salad. Make sure that the plate is well decorated, especially with the legume salads. The lentil salad can be mixed very well with raw Eden sauerkraut, which is cut into small pieces, and Eden tomato pulp can also be used to decorate.

22. Spicy Vegetable Salad Cut a pound of green beans, boil them in salted water and drain. 2 heads of endive lettuce are finely cut, possibly even weighed, along with chives and plenty of other spices

herbs, depending on taste, if possible also some savory.

19. Tomato salad

No. I (No. 23) should be given as a sauce for this salad. Decorate as desired with gherkins, lactic cauliflower, lactic

Fresh ones are used depending on the season

gherkins (dill gherkins) and, depending on the season,

Tomatoes, quartered and mixed with dressing #23, 1

with tomato slices.

tablespoon linomel, 4 tablespoons milk or lemon juice.

Possibly with hard-boiled eggs or with truffles, which are

20. Radish salad

prepared as follows: Quark is made into balls with diaesan

The black or white radishes who


and herbs and rolled in finely grated crumbs of Studt

coarsely grated and mixed with salad dressing no. 23. In combination with radishes, you can enjoy a variety of herbs in a pleasant way

This salad also goes very well with truffles made from noble mushroom cheese, to which equal parts of Diaesan have been added and, if necessary, thickened by adding a little

turn around. Radishes are excellent for making salads.

grist or oat flakes. Well

is rolled in finely ground crumbs of the

21. Carrot Salad

Studt bread or other wholemeal bread and decorate the salad plate with these

The carrots can be roughly grated and used in a variety of


salads. As part of this oil-protein diet

is particularly due to the value of the carrot

23. Salad Dip I

pointed out, since the provitamin A contained therein is

100 g cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon milk, 2 tablespoons

particularly easily converted into vitamin A in connection

linseed oil and the juice of one lemon

with this quark and linseed oil dish. If you have good teeth,

are thoroughly mixed together, if possible in a blender.

you should eat at least one raw carrot a day. Roughly

Season with herb salt. This basis can now be used in a


variety of ways


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they are used in a firmer form to spread on bread, to boiled potatoes or as mayonnaise "or - with milk further ver

half a banana, chopped well, stirred. You then taste it with a little lemon and mustard off. You can now add chives, cucumbers, etc. to

thins — to salads.

the hearty Ge

The following flavor variations have proven to be

vary in taste. Very good with salads.

particularly beneficial: a) A finely diced gherkin is mixed in. b) Chives are finely chopped and added. c) Plenty of parsley is added. d) You add real Hungarian

27. Nut mayonnaise (basic recipe) salad dressing V

paprika in powder form or finely

You mix nut butter, such as almond butter or hazelnut butter, with muech and give up 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon nut butter and 1 tablespoon of linomel and tastes with Ho

cradled, raw fruit or canned pritamine.

nig or with paprika.

e) Adding finely chopped onions is suitable. f) Combination

28. Nut mayonnaise with walnut oil

of finely chopped onion with some garlic. g) Flavor with mustard.

1 tablespoon of nut butter is made with 3 tablespoons

Walnut oil is whisked together until combined. Now add the juice of half a lemon, stirring constantly, followed by tomato juice or Friate apple juice. You can

24. Dressing II

season this nut mayonnaise for raw vegetable salads with herbs, mace or cloves.

Mix 1 cup of muech with 1 tablespoon tablespoons slightly preheated soya bean, add 2 to 3 tablespoons tomato catchup or Eden tomato juice, some chives, 1 gherkin or dill gherkin, diced, 2 to 3 tablespoons of this gherkin vinegar; then add some (1 tablespoon)

29. Spicy nut mayonnaise with poppy seed oil

linseed oil, stir everything well and mix in the wild vegetable salads or other salads, prepared accordingly.

For fruit or vegetable salads

turn around. 1 tablespoon of almond butter is included 3 tablespoons poppy seed oil well mixed; then add 1 tablespoon of Eden tomato paste or chopped fresh tomatoes, season with a little lemon juice or friate

25. Dressing III apple juice and stir everything into a smooth mayonnaise. The mixture of quark and linseed oil is carried out as described under No. 23. Then add the juice of one lemon and a teaspoon of honey. This basis is particularly suitable for a combination with carrots, apples, celery salad and

This can be used for fruit salads. If you want to serve vegetable salads with it, you can season the mayonnaise described above with celery salt, finely chopped onion, parsley or finely chopped fresh or powdered herbs.

similar preparations. Also with all fruit salads and with flakes, buckwheat, rice, etc. By adding 1 teaspoon grated horseradish and 1 tablespoon finely chopped herb gherkin, you get a mayonnaise that tastes

26. Dressing IV The basic recipe for the quark-linseed oil mix according to No. 23


great with peeled potatoes. In this case would be

then possibly a steamed vegetable to serve.

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IV. Fruit Salads

of the nuts or nut oils to the extent that would be required per se may be too expensive. For this and other reasons it is recommended to use the sweet quark and linseed oil mixture in abundance with fruit and fruit salads. It is used in exactly the same way as the popular whipped cream, only this mixture is healthier and has a higher nutritional value. The The base mass is prepared as described under No. II, 1, sweetened with a little honey. Above all, finely ground poppy seeds are suitable for

General Little should be written here about fruit salads in

decoration on this white base, as well as the use of nuts, almonds and red rosehip puree or various types of jelly or raw fruit

detail. You can use any fruit for this. Basically be said that the fruits should be used raw as far

ten. From recipes only a few examples should

as possible, only in a few exceptions, such as i. B. with cranberries, heating the Bee ren is

be given; the dexterous housewife then easily becomes another Varia

appropriate. An apple freshly pureed in a mixer,


to which you can add a little milk, is always suitable for binding the finely diced different fruits, which you will choose according to the

1. Festive Fruit Salad I

season. Very often it is also advisable to chop up a piece of celery or a small one

In the middle of a flat glass bowl

heaps a mountain of fruit salad Oranges, bananas, orange slices, sweetened with a little honey and the juice of half a lemon A piece of a carrot or a pinch

Cardamom or ginger can also be used, ideally


chopped up with the apple in a blender. So that the fruit salads

Dates and figs have been cut into long strips

obtain higher nutritional and satiety value —

the edge. One fills the lumbar space

and placed flat on four parts of the bowl, bb to

this is especially true for the Summer —, is advised either nuts

now with the white curd cream sweetened lightly

or use crushed almonds.

with honey bt. This quark cream can also be

When preparing the fruit salads, you can sprinkle

thickened with oat flakes, wheat flakes, puffed bread or powdered milk. The whole thing is now

with grated nuts. Is of particularly high health value and very tasty

decorated with nuts, dates, figs or, depending on the season, with berries.

the application of the flaxseed nut granu lats linomel. You can have the fruit salads or decorate corresponding preparations with plenty of linomel or with a Top layer of these nut granules or under layers (1 tablespoon full). To add value to the fruit salads you can mix 1 tablespoon full of walnut oil into the fruit salad. In the general but will use

2. Fixed shell II Apple and pear slices are doused with fruit juice. You can also add raisins or currants that have been soaked in fruit juice beforehand. Now the whole thing is in the shell in the


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Heaped up like a mountain in the middle. You wrap around with 1 to 2 rows of white or blue Wine berries or, depending on the season, red berries, as they are available. Black currants also taste excellent in this combination. Then you put a wreath of dry flakes, oat flakes, wheat flakes, rice flakes around these fruits and garnish the whole thing using lots of quark, which you have tasted sweet, and depending on your taste, you can add a little finely ground

5. Fruit salad, Turkish style

You cut two teaspoons of tomatoes, one Part bananas and part a sweet

tart apple into thin slices, add the juice of 1 lemon and layer over tet with the quark linseed oil cream (No. III, 25), which was only flavored with a little lemon juice. You can serve it with crackers bread or studt bread. This dish is suitable for the evening meal.

cardamom or ginger. Put a few pieces of Studt bread and whole grain waffles or ginger biscuits in this quark cream.

6. Spicy fruit salad

apples, bananas. Oranges, 1 piece of pineapple are served with salad dressing I or

For children and also for adults

II (No.III,23 or 24) mixed up. Garnish this spicy

Use this feast bowl as a dessert

fruit salad with some green lettuce, puffed rice

interesting surprise.

or linomel.

7. Fruit salad, Serbian style 3. Fixed shell m

4 large apples are cut into slices, 1 large onion You can also vary the arrangement of this

is pureed or finely weighed and 1 to 2 gherkins

dessert by placing a hemisphere of wheat, oat

(Eden) are finely diced and some finely

or oatmeal in the center of a large bowl

weighed. 1 banana is cut into slices, then the whole thing is mixed with the juice of one lemon

Rice flakes gives or combines different flakes or applies puffed rice and

and finally salad dressing (No. III, 23) is added.

then the flakes with a ring of grated apples

seasoned with paprika.

seasoned with nuts, a little sugar and cinnamon, with ginger or with rose hip sauce. Finally, you can decorate with pieces of fruit or berries

and finish the entire shell with quark cream. Sprinkle with Linomel increased Beauty and value of the feast bowl.

1. Fruit salad, Indian-style sweet and spicy variation

Pineapple and oranges are cut into fine slices and doused with a little salt water. You let it soak for an hour. Then you add the sweet quark cream, seasoned with a little lemon juice and plenty of ginger and cinnamon. The curd cream (No. III, 25) is best layered over the fruit.


Best prepared as stated there and then

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V. Potatoes

Potato pancakes and similar preparations not communicated. — These peeled potatoes are also good for a weak stomach if you mash them up with a fork and then add some of the

Quark and linseed oil dishes underneath. The other variations can be found in other cookbooks. Basically

It should be mentioned here that the correct use of fats is also important in the preparation of simple fried potatoes.

The preparation of the potatoes is generally very simple as part of this diet. Basically, peeled potatoes that have

1. Fried potatoes

been brushed clean are used. The boiling of peeled potatoes, from which the water is thrown away where

Put a little coconut fat in the pan and heat until it melts

possible, should be abolished as a matter of principle. The peeled potatoes can be served with almost any

fat. Then add the prepared boiled or raw potatoes.

salad and any vegetable. After briefly heating and diligently turning, add the finely diced onions and a few tablespoons of Diasan over the potatoes. become like this It is customary for us to eat them with the shell. The combination with different flour sauces switches

the fried potatoes wholesome and that Despite the warming, fat remains easy to digest.

basically off. From time to time a soy sauce can be served, possibly with the use of soylin.

If you want to vary the taste of the fried potatoes

One should increasingly get used to the fact that sauces

soybean with the diasan; at the same time, but without

are superfluous with potato-vegetable dishes, since they

the application of

produced in this way, you can do this by adding a little

are usually prepared by unnecessary heating and roasting or by using the superfluous flour. The best way to

Soyolin can also be obtained by adding

proceed is to place a jug of fresh, cold-pressed linseed

Eden tomato paste or Eden tomatoes

oil on the table with each meal.

juice a new flavor variation are sufficient.

2. Béchamel potatoes In addition, the Japanese soy seasoning shoju can be used excellently. In our Kurhaus it was common practice

Potatoes cooked in their skins are peeled while hot, cut

for everyone to use these two ingredients in their potato

into slices and mixed with the béchamel sauce described

dishes according to their own taste. We could firmly

under No. Vni, 8.

This dish can start with mace

make it clear that all the participants very soon got used to the linseed oil in combination with the peeled potatoes and took more and more of this delicious frosting from day to day.

to be tasted. The bechamel are particularly attractive and tasty potatoes, if you add another one just before you serve the dish to the table tablespoons of Diasan over the potatoes melt. The court gets so

For this reason, in this

an appetizing shine and tastes better.

Frame the numerous recipes


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3. Diet Potato Salad Mashed potatoes come with hot mustard sauce thoroughly mixed, then allowed to infuse well and cool.

little you process the apples (do not peel). Put some coconut oil in a saucepan and melt it in the heat. Then you layer like this

The entire mass must then be of a firm consistency. At one on top of the other, inserting the celery root first at the Finally, before the dish is served, it is cut into fine pieces and mixed with a little salad dressing I (No. III, 23). In the end you can do something

bottom, then about 1 pound of chopped onions, then the apples on top, and the potatoes on top. This is continued so that each layer is filled in twice. Now sprinkle 1 tablespoon of caraway over the whole mass, pour over a

fused Diasan about the Kartof give fell. This gives them an attractive shine. The bowl comes with Peter

bottle of tomato juice and steam for about 15 minutes. Finally, sprinkle 2 to 3 tablespoons of Diasan over the entire dish and serve immediately.

decorated with bouquets of silies. This potato The salad dish is also well tolerated by people with weak or sick stomachs.

4. Pepper potatoes

7. Stew with white cabbage 1 lb white cabbage, 2 lbs fresh tomatoes or a can of

The peeled potatoes are still hot, cut into slices and then immediately with the under

tomato paste, 1 lb fresh mushrooms or 50g dried and soaked mushrooms, 1 lb onion, shredded, 1 celery root, 2 lb potato, 2 to 3 tablespoons shoju, finely chopped mixed

No. III, 23 described paprika sauce stirred. You can add spice or dill

with each other. In an enamel pot you leave about

cucumbers. finely weighed, mix into the sauce, on the other hand, paprika potatoes also taste excellent if the cucumbers are whole or whole

served in finely divided strips.

1 tablespoon full of coconut oil in the warmth Melt, pour in the mixture and steam the whole dish for 20 minutes if you used raw potatoes, otherwise 15 minutes will suffice. Finally, season with a little celery salt, caraway

5. Mushroom potatoes

and round off with plenty of Diaesan

500 g of peeled potatoes are peeled, cut into slices and briefly heated in an enamel pan with 1 tablespoon of soya away.

bean, then add 1 to 2 tablespoons of mushroom hash, a few finely chopped onions, fill with vegetable water or with tomato juice or with water if necessary up, let it boil up

8. Brussels sprouts stew

briefly, take it off the fire and complete the meal with 1 to

1 lb Brussels sprouts, 1 lb carrots, grated, 1 lb tomatoes

2 tablespoons of Diasan.

or 2 tablespoons tomato paste, /t lb onions, l

Mix 2 pounds of prepared potatoes with each other. Melt some coconut oil in the pot, then pour in the vegetable

Serve with a green salad as an accompaniment

mixture and steam for 30 minutes. If available, give 1/1

chicory salad in winter.

liter of vegetable broth during the

6. Stew with celery and apples Steam after, otherwise you have to fill up with water. After Two pounds of potatoes are in the Shell steamed, peeled and cut into cubes. The celery root

When cooking, add 3 to 4 tablespoons of Diasan

is peeled, prepared and diced, the same

about the court. You can expediently preferably season with shoju.


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VI. Vegetables

1. Mixed pickles, modern style Except for the lactic cauliflower (Eden), sour pickled pearl onions, dill gherkins or gherkins depending on the season sugar peas, raw, carrots, half cooked soft, half ripe mashed cobs, raw, wax beans, just hot scalded or completely raw, mix the whole thing and taste it with herbs using a little paprika, salt, pepper and crushed ginger. This exercise can be produced in different variations at any time and can be set up quickly. She

When preparing the steamed vegetables, there is not much that is special to consider. Since vegetables that are raw, living and breathing are preferred, as much as possible should be served raw.

is suitable as an accompaniment in the form of vegetables

Steamed vegetables create a pleasant change every now

with potatoes or in connection with cold platters for supper.

and then. The use of flour or potato flour as a binder is called ah

absolutely superfluous, is also not to be endorsed from a

2. Scrambled eggs with peas in shells

health point of view. If possible, steam the vegetables using a little water. Well suited for this are the deck

Young peas are steamed in salt water, drained and

steamers, where you can then use the small amount of

greased with diaesan, then 4 eggs are prepared into

vegetable stock in the preparation.

scrambled eggs, seasoned with finely chopped herbs and two diced tomatoes are placed underneath.

One then proceeds in such a way that one seasons this

The peas, which can also be used raw at certain times of

vegetable broth by adding herbs, if necessary porcini

the year, and the scrambled eggs are popular, nicely

mushroom paste, mushroom hash, soybean, and rounds

arranged in mussels and sweetened with green sugar

it off by adding a few tablespoons of diaesane. This hearty

snap peas and sliced tomatoes

vegetable broth prepared in this way is used


then to serve the steamed vegetables or when preparing

3. Onion Salad salads. A pound of onions will be finely shredded

If a multilevel steamer is not available, this is the best

cut into small pieces and pour linseed oil over them until

way to proceed. that you put some coconut oil and water

the onions are well soaked.


Now let it cook briefly on the water bath (pan with boiling

the pot and close the lid tightly to steam the vegetables.

water, covered with the lid upside down).

A convenient method is to place a sheet of parchment paper under the lid over the pot. In this way, the steam is

Let the mixture soak for a few hours, then slice 1 pound

better retained in the pot and the vegetables retain their

of tomatoes, layer on top and taste with salad dressing

aroma better.

(No. III, 23) from. A spicy seasoning with paprika tastes Diäsan is used again when serving the vegetables cooked

good with this salad.

in this way. 31

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4. Onion casserole

The stinging nettle vegetable tastes excellent if you mix it in equal parts with the wild one

To */* pound of onions becomes V« pound raw

potatoes used. The onions who den cleaned and quartered (not sliced). The peeled, raw potatoes are chopped or roughly scraped. The casserole dish is greased well and in a thick layer with coconut oil.

Goutweed or trefoil combined. It should be pointed out in particular that when using wild vegetables, the somewhat tart taste is often perceived as disturbing. By adding plenty of diansan after the vegetables have been steamed, these dishes become

The bottom of the casserole dish is filled with the Then lay out a layer of the onion layer, then another layer of the raw potato shreds, another layer of the onion layer and cover the whole thing

very mild and tasty

tasty. When preparing the steamed vegetables, it was generally stated that the vegetables should be steamed with a little water and with the addition of a little coconut fat. The main

thin with the potato layer. in one

amount of the necessary fat should only last, immediately before serving

Using the blender, mix 1 to 2 boiled potatoes, 1 to 2 eggs and milk thoroughly to obtain a thin mass and pour this into the casserole dish.

You bake about 20 in the roasting tube

be added in the form of diasan. If you have a deck steamer, you can steam the vegetables in it using very little water. There is then no need to add

up to 30 minutes and pour linseed oil over the whole thing immediately after you have taken the casserole out of the

coconut fat, and the steamed vegetables can be prepared later with Diäsan or a Diäsan-Sojalin sauce.

tube. They are served while they are still hot. A cup of simple raw milk is very popular with it. A very healthy, nutritious dish that can be tolerated by everyone.

5. Nettle as a vegetable

6. Red cabbage, steamed

The stinging nettles, using the tender heads, can be

Melt a walnut-sized piece of coconut oil in an enamel

cooked like spinach. However, it should always be


pointed out that the vegetable water is not poured away.

Add the finely chopped red cabbage and fill with wine

You can steam all types of vegetables with a little water and use the water when preparing the sauce. With stinging

glass full of water. Then you add the juice of a lemon or

nettles, you can proceed in such a way that the stinging

some apple friates and let it steam, covered.

nettles are steamed like spinach and then completely crushed in a meat grinder or blender. The vegetables are steamed by putting a pinch of coconut oil in the pot, then

Possibly fill up with some hot water.

Finally, the court is closed by Zu

adding a little water and closing the pot tightly with a lid.

adding 1 to 2 tablespoons of Diasan.

After the vegetables are crushed and season with salt

The diasan is no longer heated, but directly before serving


7. Carrots, steamed A little water and a walnut-sized piece of coconut fat are added to the diced carrots in an enamel pan. is tasted, add 1 to 2 tablespoons

Added Diasan. 32

Then let it cook covered. After

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When the carrots are steamed, take them off the fire, add a little lemon juice if necessary and pour 1 to 2 tablespoons of Diasan over the vegetables. Depending on Flavor can be seasoned with natural, raw herbs. To carrots

goes very well with parsley or ground ivy, finely chopped.

10. Leeks in white wine Wash a dozen very thick leeks very well, remove the hard green, cut the light parts into pieces of equal length, steam with 30 g of Diasan, a glass of white wine, a glass of water and a little salt for about 30 minutes. All liquid must be absorbed. Carefully remove from the pot and arrange the stalks on a long

8. Green beans, steamed

plate. Pour some liquefied diae san into which

The halved or chopped green beans are

some paprika has been added. You can also

cooked in a little water with a dash of coconut

stir some tomato catchup into the liquidized

fat. When the water has evaporated and the

Diasan and pour this sauce over the leeks.

required degree of fermentation is reached, 1 to 2 tablespoons of Diasan can be poured over the vegetables. You can melt briefly and take away

Leftovers of leeks in white wine are very

Fire. Now the vegetables are mixed well and

good to use in a casserole. Arrange the

seasoned with a little lemon juice.

mashed potatoes and vegetables in layers in a casserole dish, with diet on top

Immediately before getting the vegetables too

table, another stab Diasan is given over the judgment; thus the dish is refined. You can

give the soft flakes and briefly gratinate in the oven.

spice it up with a little savory. The more raw Herbs used to taste the less salt is needed to season the vegetables!

9. A modern-style lentil dish Cook the lentils into one as usual Lentil soup to which you have added a few finely chopped potatoes, the lentil soup tastes better by adding plenty of diaesan, some shoju spice and paprika. Finally, add sauerkraut, taken straight from the can and cut short, in this lentil dish. You can proceed in such a way that you let the sauerkraut simmer for a very short time. On the other hand, this dish is too very tasty if you serve the lentil soup as such at the table and then a bowl of sauerkraut, decorated with lactic cauliflower and lactic cucumbers, so that everyone can put these raw vegetables into this lentil soup according to their own taste. Tastes great, is healthy and easily digestible.



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VII. Chestnuts, buckwheat, millet, meal, linseed

The use of oatmeal is encouraged, especially with the morning muesli. In general, you should value the use of the whole fruit. Space is therefore granted for the use of chestnut porridge, rice porridge and soy flakes, while the preparation of the usual low-fermentation, highcarbohydrate pastries is no longer discussed.

The use of pastries in the form of noodles, semolina and

1. Chestnuts (marrons)

other carbohydrate-rich preparations takes up far too

The chestnuts find a lot in the kitchen

much space in our diet. This has an unfavorable effect

universal use, both with sweet and savory dishes. Here

on the overall nutritional situation. This shift is due to the

are just a few options.

fact that industry, with the refinement and preparation of these goods ready for the kitchen, has pushed other,

You cut the chestnuts at the top

more valuable foods out of the kitchen program.

and leaves them on a baking sheet in the

roast tube; this cracks the skin and the chestnuts can be peeled. One takes both the outer and

In this sense, above all, the good old buckwheat groats

also peel off the inner skin so that they are quite white and then boil them in something

should be mentioned. It is of high health value, easily

water soft.

digestible, nutritious, filling and inexpensive. The use of buckwheat is also recommended in our modern times, as the preparation does not take longer than 3 to 5 minutes.

In all preparations using chestnut puree, this can be improved both in terms of taste and value by adding 1 to 2 tablespoons of walnut oil

mixed into the porridge.

In savory preparations briefly liquefied Diasan can be The use of the whole grain, as in the meal or in the various

Flakes, which are offered in the rooms of the reform, are worth recommending. However, it should be noted that

used for the same purpose.

A mixture with 30 to 50 percent Linomel is also very suitable for sweet dishes in combination with fruit.

the roasting process to which the crunchy flakes are subjected reduces the lipoid content. They are so important in grain and are urgently needed in our overall nutritional situation. During the roasting process - which

2. Chestnut mash

serves to preserve them - they are largely inactivated. If

500 g of chestnuts are scored in the

you enjoy a diet rich in ferments, you can occasionally

Tube briefly roasted and then from the

add a few crunchy flakes. For the rest, one should prefer

Skin freed and boiled in water until soft, then passed

the Vollkornschrotes

through a sieve or pass them through a blender. They can then be made into a hearty porridge by adding a few pieces of Diasan and spices, which is then served as an accompaniment to vegetable and potato dishes.



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3. Chestnut cream, sweet

Put the chestnut puree, then add 4 egg yolks

The chestnut porridge, initially prepared as

and 60 g of breadcrumbs, or better yet, linomel.

above, can also be used in the sweet form

Season with salt, pepper, paprika and nutmeg. snow from

be served tasted. It is then first mixed with a little milk and seasoned with cinnamon, ginger and other spices. This chestnut cream tastes excellent by first making a firm porridge from the pureed chestnuts by adding a little milk, then this chestnut porridge is served beautifully arranged

Fold in 4 egg whites. In one with Eden

Fill a form greased with margarine and dusted V/ bath t with breadcrumbs and steam in a water for about an hour. Turn out and serve with herb or tomato sauce greased with Diasan.

in small bowls or, garnished with the star cone, in conjunction with the sweet quark cream dishes (No III, 25, 26, 27). In this form, the

7. Chestnut dish with a sweet addition

chestnut cream dish is suitable for an evening

The chestnuts are first processed into a fine

meal in combination with fruit.

mash as described in the recipe above. You can do this untreated, served in various forms, with sweet preparations. a) The chestnut mass is filled into shells and garnished with quark-linseed oil (made

4. Chestnut sofie, spicy

according to no. III, 25, 26 or 27) and decorated

250 g of chestnuts are scored, roasted, boiled

if necessary with pieces of fruit, ground nuts,

and made into a mash. Then add a freshly pureed or grated apple,

raisins, crushed dates, etc. b) It is served the chestnut mass as described under 1 and add

some lemon zest, some lemon juice, a little salt

raw fruit, either as a fruit salad, e.g. B.

and taste with ginger powder. Finally, pull out a tablespoon

No. IV, 1-7, or apples, pureed in a blender or

the sweet quark cream, which was seasoned

finely grated on a grater and then flavored with

with a little honey, underneath. This sweet and

other fruits. You can do this in winter

spicy chestnut sauce can be used with rice crusts, buckwheat dishes and pasta dishes.

5. Chestnuts with apples The chestnut mash is as in No. 2 prepared as described, with a little milk and, if necessary, with a tablespoon of the sweet quark

Use figs, dates, raisins, bananas, apples. In the summer you choose berries according to the season, stone fruit etc

8. Wheat pudding with prunes 500 g of wheat grains, 250 g of prunes, 20 to 30

cream (III, 25). Then you serve it with freshly

g of honey, four liters of milk are required. The

pureed, raw apples. Suitable for dinner.

wheat is soaked in water for a day or two, then boiled and ground through the grinder. The plums are 12 hours before

6. Hearty chestnut pudding Boil a pound of sweet chestnuts in water for 10

soaked and then added to the wheat porridge

minutes. (First cut the skin of the chestnuts

with the soaking water. The porridge is mixed with sugar, possibly with

crosswise.) Boil eight liters of broth until soft and through

a little honey and grated lemon zest and a pinch of salt, with milk or with quark cream (No. III,

in a sieve or puree in a blender. Roast a finely

25,26,27). More recipes for using the grain meal

chopped onion in 80 g coconut oil until light

as a dry meal

Peel. Remove the skin with a

yellow, add the J«


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grist or as cereal porridge can be found in

Diäsan through the buckwheat, possibly a teaspoonful of

the cookbook "The Modern Nutrition" by Dr. Gertrud

soybean, stir the whole thing well while still lukewarm and

Schmidt. Let it be here

fill it into a well-greased loaf tin, put back in the oven,

refrains from repeating the numerous recipes available.

leave to bake for 5 to 10 minutes and turn out on top of

The only point here is that the use of cream, which is


repeatedly recommended there in connection with wheat pudding or flakes, is better replaced by a quark and

preheated plate. In this wreath you can now use the

linseed oil cream, if necessary diluted with a little sour

various fillings that were given in the recipe for the pasta

milk. This addition is of greater health value than cream.

wreath (see no. 5, III, 23 and 24).

You can serve the buckwheat ring in the same way in connection with sweet dishes or pureed fruit or fresh fruit.

D. Stuffed pasta ring 350 g tagliatelle (Volikom or soya noodles) are in l l / i liter boiling

Then use on

Substitute the mildly flavored water for water sweetened with honey (see No. III, 25, 26 and 27).

water and brought to the boil, then drained over a sieve, fill into a ring mold well greased with Diasan and 10 minutes in the roasting tube

11. Flammeri of buckwheat groats Pour 125 g of buckwheat groats into a liter of boiling milk,

Baked and turn out onto a preheated plate. Tomato slices,

add a little lemon zest, cinnamon or vanilla pod, possibly

bunches of parsley,

1 spoonful of chopped bitter almonds, sweeten with a little

lactic acid cauliflower, finely chopped gherkins or dill

diaesane. Let the whole simmer for a maximum of 3

gherkins and pour over the contents with preheated


honey and round off with the addition of 100 g of

diasan or with liquefied soybean or with salad dressing No. I or No. II (No. III, 23). You can also put this filling in

and pulls from the fire, leaving the pulp to swell. After

the ring before baking it again, heap it with porcini or

moderate cooling, pull 2 egg whites that have been

mushroom hash and then with one

beaten to stiff peaks and the egg yolk into the mixture and pour into an unrinsed, cold mould. After it has cooled down, turn out the flammeri and serve with it

Round tablespoons of Diasan. standing fresh

Tomatoes not available so lets go Eden tomato paste or tomato juice with

Milk or wine foam sauce or with pureed fruit. Suitable for dinner or as a dessert.

use. Various types of vegetables are also excellent for the filling, such as leeks that are not bound with flour but only greased with Diasan. Salad made from fresh peppers

12. Flammeri of millet

is also very suitable in this combination, especially if it is

A millet flammeri can also be made using the same

generously bound with the quark and linseed oil sauce.

recipe as the buckwheat groats above

Prepare by boiling 125 g millet in boiling water.

10. Buckwheat rings Put 200

13. Apple jelly from agar-agar For a change,

g of buckwheat in 1 liter of boiling, slightly salted water.

you can serve the most diverse fruits in an agar-agar

Allow to simmer for 3 minutes and then set aside to swell.

preparation; 7 to 8 g of agar-agar are soaked in 1/4 liter of water. After about 10 minutes, let

Then add 1 to 2 tablespoons


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swell and fill in after sifting

Prepared in this way, the patties are pleasing

Vi liters of raw grated apples, leaves something cool and fill into the bowls. After

to the eye, the palate and wholesome for the

you can cool down and cool down

stomach. Masses suitable for making patties: a)

this jelly preparation with the quark Cover or decorate with linseed oil cream

buckwheat is prepared as follows: 125 g of

and to finish with various

buckwheat groats are poured into 1/4 liter of

Buckwheat. The

Decorate with fruit, nuts, pine nuts or jelly

boiling water that is slightly salted, allowed to


boil up briefly and set aside to swell. In the halfcold

14. Rice and plum pudding 60 g of rice are cooked with a cup of water, sweetened with honey or sugar. 1 pound plums, fresh or dried, then soaked in water or better in juice, drained and mixed with the rice in turns in a pud

Add 1 to 3 tablespoons to buckwheat porridge Diäsan and, if necessary, season with finely chopped herbs or with paprika, with onions or with tomato catchup or by combining tomatoes catchup, onions and plenty of seasoning

lay thing shape. Soften 4 to 5 sticks of agar agar in cold water and dissolve over steam, mix with the plum juice and leave a small residue pour over the rice. Chill the rest to set. When the rice pudding has cooled, turn out and garnish with 50 g of skinned almonds. leftovers Prunes and rest of the jelly pulp at the

use sideboards. With the sweet one Decorate curd cream according to No. II. You can also use other fruits instead of plums use, e.g. B. Oranges, cut into slices; add the fresh juice to the agar jelly.

herbs. Leave to cool completely and shape the stiff pulp by hand the patties. The patties are very refined by adding mushroom hash (Eden) or freshly chopped mushrooms. In a similar way one prepares

b) patties made from leftover dumplings made from raw potatoes, c) patties made from boiled potato dumplings, d) patties made from millet porridge, prepared as described under a) for buckwheat, e) patties made from rice porridge, prepared as described for buckwheat, f) patties made from

15. Buckwheat pudding with fruits Instead of rice you can go to the above

porridge from green spelled flakes, such as Produced as follows: 200 g unripe spelled flakes, l /t liters of milk, Vi liters of water,

described dish excellent use buckwheat.

salt, onions, weighed or pureed, 1 tablespoon

16. Patties The

and varied in taste. You now draw 1 to 2 teaspoons

patties are prepared by forming flat patties by hand from the prepared mixture.

spoon Diäsan through the mass, let it cool down well and then shape it with the

Coconut fat is heated in an enamel pan and

When preparing the patty mixture, you can use

the patties formed in this way are placed in the hot fat. Cover so that the patties bake well

leftover vegetables or lentils from the day

of soy flakes are mixed with plenty of herbs

Hand balls in the form of patties.

despite the short baking time, turn diligently

before by finely pureeing them and simply adding them to the patty mixture.

so that they don't brown too much. The patties are placed hot on the plate and then 1 to 2

g) Patties made from raw celery slices, cut 2

tablespoons of Diasan are added.

to 3 cm thick, are baked in coconut fat.


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VIII. Roasts, Sauces, Fillings

Pierced rings of any size and fried to a golden yellow color in boiling coconut oil.

You have to make sure that these quark rings are kept floating in the coconut fat for as short a time as possible, otherwise the fat contained in the rings will be sucked out. These quark rings are suitable, sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon or served with fruit, as a dessert or for an evening meal; they can also be served with hearty dishes.

The recipes described here can Can be used if you add fruit and vegetables to meatless cuisine

3. Savory fillings

would also like to serve something fried.

These fillings can be used for tomatoes, eggs, raw or

Like patties (see No. VII, 15, buckwheat, etc.).

steamed peppers, etc., also for cucumbers.

1. Curd particles

heaped tablespoons of buckwheat groats, allow to simmer

Bring 1 liter of lightly salted water to the boil, add 2 to 3

for a maximum of 2 to 3 minutes and 500 g white cheese (as dry as possible) is stirred with 125 g unblued sugar and 2 whole eggs until foamy. Then add

takes from the fire and leaves another 10 bis

375 g grated, boiled potatoes and 125 g milk, stir the

Simmer for 15 minutes, then add 1, 2 or 3 tablespoons of

mixture until smooth and season with salt and a little

mushroom hash to this mass and

crushed vanilla bean rounds off the taste and content of this by adding 1 to 2 tablespoons of Diäsan and mix in 35 g of currants. Now shape with flour or grist dumplings about five marks in size, 1/4 inch high. These

filling off. Depending on your taste, you can also add a few drops of shoju for seasoning, as well as finely chopped herbs or chopped green peppers.

are fried with a little coconut oil in the enamel pan until golden on both sides. After these curd pieces have been arranged on a platter, they are drizzled with melted diaesane and served warm to the table.

If you want to serve dishes such as rice, buckwheat or noodles with an appropriate filling, the filling described above is suitable. Then you just choose more mushroom

You can use these quark particles in salads, Vegetables or fruit and sweet

hash and less buckwheat and season it a little more spicy, if necessary, e.g. B. with shoju or by adding soya lin.

dishes are enough.

2. Curd Rings 200 g Diäsan are stirred until foamy and mixed well with

4. Nut sauce, warm

250 g quark, then 4 whole eggs are gradually added. This

It is suitable for rice, pasta dishes and especially in

mass is processed with 400 g flour (whole flour) and a

combination with buckwheat.

little salt to form a smooth dough. This is rolled out as thick as a knife back, then with two different sized Aus

Two eggs come with

1/* liters of milk ver

stirred and sweetened with a teaspoon of honey. You then taste it with some ginger or a piece of vanilla from time to time


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add 100 g grated nuts or 1 to 2 tablespoons nut butter. The whole leaves you boil up very briefly and finally add 1 tablespoon of diaesan underneath. The sauce is brought to the table so hot and to the warm buckwheat slices enough.

5. Mushroom sauce, warm

Let 1 tablespoon of soya bean melt in the pan, deglaze with Eden tomato juice and finally add 1 to 2 tablespoons of mushroom hash after removing the sauce from the heat. The sauce is in 5 to

('/» teaspoons) and add 1 to 2 tablespoons of diaesan at the end for use. This soy sauce is particularly suitable for combining with herbs or dill pickles. The herbs or dill gherkins are weighed finely and finally mixed with the sauce. Prepared in this way, you can serve the sauce over hot peeled potatoes and as a pa

put the prika potatoes on the table. Prepare the above Sauce and used in place at the end

10 minutes done.

of peppers to taste curry. The curry sauce goes particularly well with water rice, cauliflower or asparagus.

6. Red Wine Sauce

8. Bechamel sauce (white sauce)

For buckwheat, porridge or noodle rings: Boil 50 g of cleaned sultanas briefly in 1/4 liter of water, add a little grated lemon zest, a little lemon juice and cinnamon to taste (only use cinnamon sticks), then pour in 5/4 liters of red wine , sweeten with sugar or honey according to taste (do not sweeten too much) and mix the sauce with 1 teaspoon of rice flour, which has been stirred until smooth. The sauce can be hot or cold Fourth and tastes good with buckwheat slices; to be used as an evening meal, also suitable with porridge. For dinner, you can serve in small glass bowls by filling the bowls halfway

fill with linomel and then plenty

wine sauce poured over it. This dish is very rich and tasty.

Put a pinch of coconut oil the size of a walnut in an enamel pan, heat briefly until it melts, then add 1 tablespoon of flour, which you have already stirred until smooth while gradually adding 100 liters of cold water, and heat over the flame, stirring constantly until boiling. diligently Then add 1/4 liter of milk while stirring. After a short surge Take the let off the fire, taste with a little lemon juice and add 1, 2 or 3 tablespoons of Diasan to finish the sauce, depending on your taste. This sauce goes well with warm potatoes or cold potatoes, like potato salad, and with various steamed vegetables such as leeks, carrots and other warm vegetables. Finally, depending on your taste, you can season with various finely chopped herbs such as parsley, dill or ground ivy.

7. Soy sauce

Prepare a sauce by melting 1 tablespoon of soybean in a pan. Then add 1 heaping tablespoon of soy flour, heat briefly while stirring constantly and deglaze with vegetable water or Eden tomato juice.

This sauce tastes great with cauliflower, asparagus, black salsify or comfrey roots.

9. Curry sauce

You can taste it after a short boil the sauce with real Hungarian paprika

The preparation of the béchamel sauce described above is in the same


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way carried out; Finally, curry is used to taste,

wheat or also served with pastries.

about half a teaspoonful for 4 people! Also This curry sauce is particularly suitable when combined with rice, cauliflower or, above all,

12. Fat as a side dish

with buckwheat that has been prepared like

It is common practice to add a butter sauce to various vegetables and dishes

rice (see fig. No. VII, 10).

enough, e.g. B. to cauliflower or asparagus. In

10. Mustard sauce

used very well. It is also advisable to constantly

A walnut-sized piece of coconut oil is melted in

finely chopped herbs.

all these cases, simply liquefied Diasan can be vary this Diäsan Beiguß by adding various the enamel pan, then 1 tablespoon of flour, which has been mixed with a little water, is added and heated briefly, then 1/t liter of water or vegetable broth or

13. Almond milk sauce

if necessary, add fish stock and bring the whole

Use 2 tablespoons per */< liter of milk

thing to boil, add

Nuio works almond butter, warmed briefly, add

Add 1 tablespoon of salt-free mustard and

about 1 tablespoon of honey, warmed until

1 tablespoon chopped onions. After it has boiled up briefly, take it off the fire, add 3

dissolved, finally add 1 tablespoon to the boiling milk

tablespoons of real wine vinegar and taste with

Rice starch, mixed with 2 tablespoons of water,

4 to 5 tablespoons of Diasan. The sauce is with the

boils up briefly and removes from the fire. Immediately before

Mix well with a whisk: freshly prepared, it is served with warm, sliced boiled potatoes. This

To serve, add 1 to 2 tablespoons of lino mel to this sauce. One reaches to book

mustard sauce is also excellent with fish dishes

wheat dishes or wholemeal dishes.

or boiled eggs.

14. Rosehip sauce, hot and cold 11. Punch and punch sauce with or without

70 g of rosehip puree or rosehip pulp (Eden) in


a cup of Eden juice or must or nut juice

V» liters of water, V» liters of sweet must (quince

Were brought to dissolution. You can serve

must from the Eden goods is very good), and

immediately as a cold accompaniment to

six liters of mother juice are required. First,

wholemeal or buckwheat or muesli. If you serve a warm sauce, you can use this rosehip sauce

lemon peel, cinnamon sticks, cloves are brought to the boil in the water; boil for 5 minutes and strain, then mix with the must and the mother

by briefly heating 1 tablespoon of honey in a

juice; if desired, you can sweeten with a little

cup of water, then pouring the prepared mixture of rosehip pulp and grape juice into the boiling

honey; but this is not absolutely necessary.

water water. Season with a few drops of lemon juice

This drink can be served hot

and serve immediately.

the; but it will not be rejected if the taste is rounded off with a little punch. In the winter in the evening too

15. Red Wine Sauce

give. The punch prepared in this way can also be thickened with rosehip pulp and used as a sauce for Schrot, Buch


1 cinnamon stick, some clove, some orange and lemon zest are mixed in a

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cup of water brought to a boil and strained. Mix with 1

18. Dutch Musdiel Ragout

tablespoon of honey until dissolved, then add red grape juice or Eden mother juice

2 pounds of sea shells are cleaned and cooked in boiling water with plenty of soup greens until the shells of the

(currant) according to taste.

shells open. You leave everything open

You can confidently round off the taste by adding a little red wine. To addition of chopped almonds or

1 tablespoon of Linomel increases the value and Taste of the red wine sauce.

drain and cool in a sieve. The mussel meat, soup greens are finely chopped, filled with plenty of finely chopped fresh parsley and 4 tablespoons of omelette batter into the well-greased (Diäsan) mussels. Bake the whole thing in the oven for 10 minutes.

16. Musdiel stew a Ia Charlotte The slices of 1 quince are steamed in a little water until

19. Musdiel appetizer with herring

translucent. Then mix in 2 tablespoons of sauerkraut (Eden) including 4 chopped, peeled almonds and 1 tablespoon swollen sultanas. Allow the mixture to cool, add a few drops of cognac and pour into the shell molds, which have been greased well with Diasan and filled with mashed potatoes to a thickness of about 1 cm.

Put 1 tablespoon of mashed potatoes in the well-greased shell mold and smooths it out. Fillets of green herring and slices of skinned tomatoes are placed on top, seasoned with a little salt, pepper and paprika and spread with mashed potatoes. About 2 shells

spread 1 egg yolk. Bake the whole thing in the oven for Then the prepared sauerkraut

about 10 minutes.

hung up. This layer is then covered with a thin layer of mashed potatoes. puts in the middle

This appetizer is served with a salad.

you a small flake Diasan and

20. Stuffed Tomatoes I

Leave to gratinate in the oven for 10 minutes. Carefully cut off the top of tomatoes that are as evenly tall as possible, remove the filling and use it to make a filling

17. Fish stew in mussels

according to the following preparation. 1 pound onions will be in coconut oil until set

Leftovers of cooked sea or river fish are picked and white wine is poured over the small pieces. then heated until browning, then the fat is removed. The onions you mix 2 tablespoons of tomato paste or


the flesh of 2 tomatoes, 1 heaping teaspoon of red pepper,

Now bite as quickly as possible, finely chopped, crushed

4 chopped walnuts, 1 teaspoon full of finely chopped pickle

with a fork, passed through a sieve or mixed in a blender

or dill, and 2 tablespoons of the béchamel sauce. The

and pureed with the contents of the tomatoes. Mix about

mussels are well greased with Diasan. Then add the mixed

2 tablespoons of soybean and 1 tablespoon of diasan into

ingredients along with the pieces of fish. Sprinkled with bro

the puree for 1 pound of onions

and fill in the tomatoes. the again of wholemeal bread, put small flakes

Placed red hats are dabbed with a white mayonnaise

chen of Diäsan about it and leaves 10 Mi

according to No. III, 23 to 27. If the season permits, raw

bake in the oven. Before the Ser

peppers, stuffed, and stuffed tomatoes can be served at

you can four with a fork

the same time.

Pierce the crust and add a few drops of white wine.


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21. Stuffed Tomatoes n

IX. Sandwiches

Large onions are finely chopped, heated in coconut oil until browning, then the fat is sieved off and these onions are filled completely, bottom-side down, into the hollowedout raw tomatoes. After cooling down

add a tablespoon of soybean or Eden mushroom hash or Eden plants food.

22. Stuffed tomatoes in

1. Quark breads

You cut them from beautiful tomatoes

You cut bite-sized triangles from different types of bread,

Tip flat and discard contents.

preferably from dark and light bread

Now prepare in the usual way a filling of three old rolls, 20 g Diasan, a finely chopped onion, possibly with the help of an egg and under An

Bread is perfect for that Bread from Studt-Werke, Bad Kreuznach, which has a very hearty taste and

Use of lots of herbs, optionally chives or parsley.

prepared with Kreuznacher sparkling water bt. After putting the bread in different

You put this filling in the raw tomatoes, bake them briefly

cuts, you also choose

and then put a lengthwise strip of dill cucumber and a

Crispbread or wholemeal waffles from the

floret of lactic acid cauliflower (Eden) in the upper tomato

health food store. Well, first prepare

opening. The tomatoes prepared in this way go very well

from quark and linseed oil (1/< pound quark with about 40

with buckwheat or vine.

g linseed oil, prepared according to No. II, 1) a basic mass. If necessary, this can be thickened by adding a little dried milk. This basic mass is now divided into four bb

Serve six portions and mix each portion separately with either tomatoes Catch up and onions or just with finely chopped onions or with various herbs or with red paprika

prika, with mustard, with the yolk of hard-boiled eggs and more. Mix each portion separately and fill these different preparations onto the slices on crispbread or fill them up with the star nozzle or smooth them out

Waffles; then you decorate them Plate with slices of hard-boiled eggs, with tomato slices, sprigs of parsley, with the leaves of various types of lettuce; you don't just choose the garden salad, but also wild herbs such as cress, chickweed, and lesser celandine in spring. To decorate these plates are always suitable: lactic acid


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Cauliflower from the Eden company or spice

bit. As a base you choose different biscuits, which are

cucumbers, cut into thin slices or strips. Radishes, including

available in different variations in the health food store:

olives, are excellent for decorating slices and platters. As a supper platter, this sandwich platter arranged in this way is

Ginger biscuits, nut biscuits and also waffles, crispbread.

always lifted when there are some breads with Diasan and

Now fill in with the star

semi-hard cheese underneath, as well as ret

Pour the creamy whipped quark preparation onto various biscuits or onto the waffle pieces. You can get this mas

se flat and with different tiche, pretzels, pretzel sticks, cheese sticks, cheese waffles.

Decorate with pieces of fruit, raisins, currants, nuts or add

Tartex as a topping over Diasan also creates a pleasant and

the quark mixture

enriching taste variation.

Heaps on individual smaller pastries give some. The preparation of truffles is always very suitable in this context. You can taste the curd mixture with honey,

2. Cottage cheese truffle

maybe also with different spices like ginger, cardamom. Cocoa or just with nuts

The eye also wants to be satisfied during the meal. The beauty of the preparation is not insignificant. A platter for then add enough dry milk powder to make a malleable mass. cold supper, especially when But you can also use oat flakes, crushed corn or linomel for shaping. Finally If guests are also present, it is always made more interesting and beautiful by distributing a few truffles between the slices. You can buy the paper baskets very cheaply. The truffles you roll these balls in pumpernickel, linomel or studt bread are prepared by mixing quark with diaesane or quark-linseed crumbs and put them in paper baskets at the table. The quark oil with various spices and additives, as described above base gets a particularly pleasant note when you add sweetness to it

Finely shred one with a fork smaller banana under this ground mass then the mass a firmer consistency gives. Then you can cover this layer of cream with slices of by mixing grist or oat flakes or powdered milk underneath. banana, possibly fill a small dot of this white cream on each The circular ones are then formed slice of banana and add a few dots of cold-beaten fruit jelly truffles and roll them in crumbs of the

to decorate. The Eden rose hip puree is also valuable and well suited for these purposes. It tastes excellent mixed with

dark studt bread or pumper nickel and puts these truffles in the quark and linseed oil mixture and is always ready to the truf felt basket.

hand and easy to use for decorations. In summer and winter can

One can use the ones described above Similarly, use confectionery molds to set up a platter of pastries for the afternoon.

The basic mixture, quark with diaesane or quark with linseed

you can decorate the prepared afternoon plate with all sorts

oil, is tasted sweet in this case, first by adding a little honey.

of fruits and make them varied. pineapple pieces. Orange

This basic mass can then vary in different ways

slices or pieces of orange are available in winter

be ated. Firstly by adding finely chopped nuts, such as

decree. in summer the various berries. A meal prepared in

walnuts, hazelnuts, but also raisins,

this way is always appetizing when you

currants, other fruit or fruit


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Finally, some waffle strips or strips of dark Studt bread

standing upright in this cream plugged. In the preparation of these platters and dishes, when ground nuts are not available, Nuxo-Werke nut muse can be of valuable service

4. Cheese balls For embellishment and refinement of the sandwich platter: Edible mushroom cheese is crushed with the gift, kneaded with the same proportion of preferably dry quark, then the same amount of Diaesan is added, kneaded everything with the Ga, form small balls and roll them in pumpernickel

perform and create interesting and healthy variety. Further details can be found in Recipes No. II, 1 to 10 under Quark

crumbs , so that truffles are formed from it, these are distributed on the plate. Getting too fast

Dishes. Dates, halved walnuts, pine nuts, halved almonds and linomel are also popular garnishes. any kind of savory sandwiches eaten.

3. Diasan Breads

5. Herb Balls

Bread, preferably wholemeal bread from the health food

Take a heaping tablespoonful of finely chopped herbs

store, is spread with Diäsan and

such as tarragon, dill, chives, parsley and ground ivy, mix

topped with Harzer cheese, with Edelpilzkäse. e.g. B. from

it with a fork and a tablespoon of diaesan and serve this

the Edelpilzfabrik Traunstein (Upper Bavaria).

as herb butter at the table. tastes good

This cheese is of particularly great sanitary in connection with Diasan Value and also tastes good in this form

especially hearty if you. very carefully dosed, a little finely weighed Knob

of the presentation excellent.

mix the leek with the herbs. One can

It is topped with tomato slices, these

with grated dry cheese after thick ones.

then sprinkled alternately with fine chopped onions and finely chopped ground ivy. The last form is be especially recommended. Gundermann is very aromatic,

6. Bite-sized cuts for big and small

very tasty in combination with tomato slices and of You need 3 slices of bread, a thick slice of semi-hard high health value. The tips of the young shoots or the

cheese, Dutch cheese or Swiss cheese and some soya

finely weighed leaves are used for this. Ground ivy, a so-


called weed, is very widespread almost all year round and

Spread thickly over the slices of bread

can be picked fresh every day.

diasan. Place the semi-hard cheese on the first slice of bread, cover with the second slice of bread, then spread generously with the beautifully red colored soya bean and cover with the third slice of bread. You snow

It is spread with Diasan and topped with daisy stems or rosettes of leaves, finely chopped, finely weighed, with

the bite-sized triangles. Due to the color effect, the cut

chives, with parsley, with raw, finely chopped peppers, red or green (rich in vitamin C).

Bread is spread with soya bean and topped with slices of gherkin or pieces of dill gherkin.

plate embellished.

7. Cheese sandwiches, gratinated Slices of bread are cut into triangles coat thickly with Diasan and enamel

Gervais cheese is valuable in combination with Diäsan

cheese or topped with semi-hard cheese, alternately


sprinkled with paprika and baked


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in the oven. These slices we

X. Baked

ken very handsome and are unwarranted te occasions a help to prepare respectable plates. Man decorated with Slices of hard-boiled eggs, with pieces of cucumber, slices of cucumber, with peppers, bunches of parsley, cauliflower florets, raw or sour milk.

8. Fresh food slices Depending on the season, radish bread, cucumber bread topped with raw slices of unpeeled cucumbers, or tomato bread sprinkled with finely chopped onions or herbs are added to the sandwich platter. white ret

When preparing baked goods, it is particularly important that the right fat is used at the right time. To the few

The housewife will easily find out from the examples given here, as well as from the other cookbooks that are tich is softened in a pleasant way in connection with Diasan.

plentifully available

Recipes can use in the right way by using Eden coconut oil to spread the baking sheets in general

turns. As soon as other ingredients before

are intimately mixed with the fat after heating, Diasan can safely be used, if appropriate also one of the pure vegetable oils. Heavy fats, such as lard and other animal fats, add a certain heaviness to the cake batter, while the easily activated fats, such as diansan, fluff the cake. Where butter is used for brushing, diaesan can be used with good results because it has a high content of vegetable lecithins. Using the example of the fruit cake, a very simple general recipe using the right fats is given, using the example of a light chocolate torte a somewhat more complicated recipe.

The housewife then becomes known to her recipes can be used accordingly.

1. Plum cake or other fruit cake made from yeast dough 70 g yeast are dissolved in plenty of


!t liters

lukewarm milk and mixed with 250 g flour to form a fluffy yeast dough. You put this in one to rise


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warm room. As soon as it has risen enough, add 500 g

about 250 g quark about 10 g rice starch mixed with water

flour, 185 g diaesan, 150 g sugar, 2 eggs, a pinch of salt,

until smooth and poured into the quark mixture. You fill

a handful of grated almonds and the zodiac of a grated

this dough on the prepared cake plate and bake in a well-

lemon and process everything

heated oven. Instead of the almonds you can also add

the milk that is still needed to make a smooth batter, which

use their nuts or linomel.

is beaten vigorously until it bubbles. Now keep the dough

The cake is very inexpensive, advantageous and rich in

warm to rise, and as soon as it's enough, fold it up again

content if you mix about 40 g raisins, 40 g linomel and 40

briefly, roll it out not too thickly on a baking sheet, pushing

g grated coconut with the quark. It should be noted that

the edge up a little, and let it rise.

in connection with the various muesli preparations or fruit cakes or when making the reformed bakery, the use of coconut flakes is recommended, especially if you use dioesan at the same time, which makes the coconut

The tin was intensively coated with coconut fat

flakes, which are somewhat harder to digest, to be used

greased. Now chill the cake to stiffen it, cover it tightly with

get easier

pitted plums so that the plums are half on top of each other, then bake the cake in a fairly hot pan

ready in the oven for about '/< hours and sprinkle it with a

become lich.

little sugar at the end. Before baking, the plums with Zuk

not come into contact. The whole plum cake and every other fruit cake gains in value and wholesomeness when it is sprinkled with a layer of linomel . This linomel nut granu

3. Apple cake, suitable for dessert 4 tablespoons flour, 5 tablespoons water, 2 tablespoons spoons of Eden sweet cider become one smooth batter, then stir in the egg white from one egg;

lat is available in health food stores and works

you can use a tablespoon of soy flour instead. Large

while enjoying the cake at least

Boskop apples are freed from the core, you cut 1 to 1*/j

as pleasant as grated nuts, is only significantly cheaper

cm thick slices, dip them into the thin batter and quickly

and more valuable.

bake in hot coconut oil, drain on the sieve and serve after

If you want, you can then decorate the entire plum cake

sprinkling with a little sugar and cinnamon or

by sticking pine nuts on it.

2. Cottage cheese cake

Linomel or grated nuts.

The bottom will be like the one above described recipe made. For the topping, the quark is

4. Light chocolate cake

prepared as follows: First prepare the mixture of quark and linseed oil prepared according to Recipe No. II, 1, which is as firm as possible and sweetened with a little

125 g grated nuts (hazelnuts or walnuts), 125 g grated almonds, 200 g

honey, then, depending on taste, you can adjust to 1/4

Raw sugar or honey becomes yellow with 4

pound Add the quark, about 40 g raisins, 40 g grated

eggs, 3 tablespoons of Diasan or poppy seed oil or

almonds, some grated lemon zest, if necessary also fold

walnut oil and 3 to 4 tablespoons water

in the yolks of 1 or 2 eggs and the whipped snow. Finally

frothy stirred. Now add 180 g of flour and a tablespoonful


of baking powder and mix well. The stiffly beaten snow of 6 egg whites is mixed into the foam mass without being there


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when stirred unnecessarily. Bake this cake mass in a

3. Finely chopped dates, finely ground walnuts or

springform pan, which is well greased with coconut oil,

hazelnuts are mixed together, then stirred thoroughly

light brown in a moderately hot oven. After cooling snow

with a tablespoon of the sweet quark cream preparation and then poured over the cake.

Then the cake is filled in the middle, filled and spread with a cream that is prepared as follows: 250 g chocolate powder, 100 g icing sugar and 150 g honey are stirred

You will find plenty of recipes for reform-compliant

intimately with 250 g diaesan until fluffy. You can thicken

baked goods using grist, lots of nuts, dates and little

it with dry milk if you like, with grated nuts if necessary.

sugar in the various cookbooks.

The book by Lisbeth Ankenbrand "Die Rohkostküche" is recommended here, as well as the book "Die Moderne

This cream is easily digested and absorbs

Nutrition" by Dr. Gertrud Schmidt. But be expressive

not on. At will you can Decorate the top of the cake with grated nuts, shaved almonds or with quark cream, prepared like whipped

We would like to point out that even when using the recipes from this book, care must be taken to ensure that


the fats are used correctly. Those located there

5. Nut cake 250 g wholemeal flour from the health food store, 125 g Diasan, 80 g sugar, a packet of baking powder, a piece of vanilla, freshly chopped, are mixed. A well-worked shortcrust pastry is prepared from it, which should be

Neutral indications, a tasteless oil, can cause the soprepared Baked goods in their wholesomeness and can be greatly reduced in health value if the wrong fats are used. Kurt Klein's book "The meatless kitchen for the healthy and the sick" also provides good suggestions

stored in a cool place for an hour. This is placed in a

for the preparation of a raw food platter or a variety of

greased springform pan with a rim. Then you spread a

baked goods

nut filling on it. You smooth them out with a wet hand and finally draw a grid out of the scraps of dough over them. This and the edge are brushed with beaten egg yolk and sprinkled with fine slivers of nuts, then the cake is baked at medium heat until golden and brushed with Diasan while it is still hot. Various nut preparations can

The book contains particularly beautiful, colorful illustrations and is thus able to provide inspiration for the beautiful preparation of the dishes.

be used for the nut filling:

6. Onion Pie The dough is prepared as described under no. 1. Then 500 g of onions are only quartered (do not cut into rings) and baked in coconut oil until browning begins, then poured over a sieve. Whisk a few eggs, mix in the onions and fill this mixture onto the dough. The onion pie 1. A cup of seedless raisins comes with

is quickly cooked and after being removed from the oven

half a cup of ground walnuts and used as is.

2. Two tablespoons of Nuxo almond butter with two tablespoons of sweet cream and '/«

Cup of strained curd with the Whisk well mixed and finish

with l/ t mixed up.

Cup of nice, finely chopped dat

has, brushed over with Diasan. You can have it hot for dessert or cold for dessert Serve for coffee or dinner. Tastes excellent with fresh apple juice, as is customary in Swabia.


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"... and baked floating in fat"

Serve with sweet sauce or fruit. Good

This type of preparation is not highly

These cheese legs are easily digestible if you

recommended. It should seldom be used, but if

add the quark cream base to the sweet sauce

it is, then only Eden coconut fat should be used

with plenty of oil. Serve with cheese sticks or

for baking, no margarine, not even Eden plant

some cheese biscuits.

margarine, and not Diasan either! The oils e linseed oil, poppy seed oil and sunflower oil should be used just as little for this form of application. This so at

10. English Cheese Bites Stir in 80 g grated Chester cheese and 80 g

turn to, would have to be described as harmful to health. Fat is not just fat, and the way it is

grated Parmesan cheese or Dutch cheese or Swiss cheese

used is not irrelevant. But if you love things

with 40 g Diasan and 4 egg yolks and the mixture

baked in fat, you can do something like this:

tastes frothy with salt, one Trace of nutmeg, then you roast Wholemeal bread slices on one side, coat them with this generously 1/4 inch thick

7. Elderflower or young comfrey shoots They are dipped in pancake batter and baked

applied cheese mixture, sprinkle it with grated cheese and arrange it on a tray that has been heavily greased with butter or coconut oil. The cheese bites come with something

floating in hot coconut oil, removed with a slotted

drizzled with melted diaesan, baked in fairly hot

spoon and placed on a sieve. Then you let it

oven for about 10 minutes and served hot.

drain. It is served hot or cold with wine sauce or with sugar and cinnamon

11. Cheese Cream sprinkled, with fresh, raw fruit or pureed with raw apples.

Whisk 1/4 liter of clear milk with 20 g of rice starch, add 4 egg yolks and 25 g of Diasan, 75 g

8. Banana Donut Bananas are halved lengthwise, dipped in

of grated Parmesan cheese or Swiss cheese, some salt and nutmeg and stir the whole thing into a thick cream. This cream can be too different

pancake batter and baked floating in coconut oil. It is sufficient as described above.

which are served with baked goods made in the usual way, such as cream puffs or wholemeal waffles.

9. Cheese balls baked in fat With 250 g well drained quark, passed through a

12. Cheese sticks

sieve, 100 g flour (wholemeal flour from the

125 g flour, 100 g grated Parmesan cheese or

health food store), 50 g ground almonds, 50 g

Swiss cheese, 80 g diaesan, 1/2 liter canned milk or sour cream

yeast dissolved in a little milk, 4 egg yolks (or 4 tablespoons soy flour), 100 g butter , 50 g sugar

and 1 pinch each of salt and nutmeg are quickly

and the zest of a grated lemon, a pinch of salt,

kneaded together like shortcrust pastry, avoiding

100 g breadcrumbs and 50 g currants.

unnecessary processing. After the dough has cooled well, roll it with a knife

Let it rise for an hour in the warm place.

back strong and cuts away

Shape into nut-sized dumplings, fry in coconut

Strips 10 cm wide, into which the sticks are

oil, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and serve. One

divided 1 to 1/1 cm wide.


These are twisted into spirals and up

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Sheets greased with coconut oil, baked light brown in a medium-high oven and served hot. You can eat this cheese e Sticks can also be served cold with salads or with muesli prepared hearty and savory.

13. Chester bars 100 g flour, 175 g Diasan, 50 g grated Parmesan cheese and 50 g grated Chester cheese as well as a pinch each of salt and nutmeg are kneaded together to form a sheet of dough, which has to rest for about 1 hour in a very cold place. You then roll it out about 3 cm thick and full

bake yellow color. The crumbs shouldn't stand for long and are served hot to the table. They are excellent with salads, and also as an accompaniment to potato and vegetable dishes if you don't want to serve meat and the guest wants meat is used to. The cheese crumbs gain in value and flavor when you remove them from the shortening and first drain in a sieve, then use a tablespoon of Diasan to serve doused.

ends the sticks following the directions of the previous recipe.

14. Chester biscuit Dough made from the same mass as described in the previous recipe is rolled out about 3 cm thick; round cakes the size of a five are cut from it pieces of marrow, place them on trays greased with coconut oil or butter, brush them with egg and sprinkle with grated Parmesan or Dutch cheese and bake them lightly in a medium-high oven

yellow off.

15. Cheese Crisps 4 egg yolks, 2 whole eggs and 100 g flour (from the health food store) are mixed with 1/4 liter milk and stirred over a moderate heat to form a firm cream, adding 50 g butter, a little salt and 30 g Parmesan cheese. After this has been taken back by the fire, one underlines 100 g of Swiss cheese that one has cut into small cubes, underlines it l 1

/« cm thick on a buttered tray and let it cool down. Then you stab from the crowd with a cookie cutter that you dip in hot water each time Cut out crumbs the size of a two-mark piece, bread them in egg and grated breadcrumbs, and set them golden in simmering coconut oil


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XI. drinks for the sick and healthy

the entire subterranean shoot with any flowers present in one Blender with little milk. This drink can be served as is, possibly sweetened with a little honey. It looks very he refreshing and is of high health value, especially in spring.

5. Lemon Milk Lemon milk is very easy to digest

and of great health value, since lemon juice,

1. Horseradish milk

enjoyed alone, is often too acidic. You mix it

In a blender, crush 1 apple, 1 piece of horseradish,

juice of one lemon with milk, preferably raw milk

which can be 3 to 5 cm long according to taste,

from healthy animals; highly recommended,

with the addition of raw milk. Then you continue to

especially in winter.

fill up with milk and pass

6. Milk based drinks this drink immediately (very suitable as a refreshing drink for the sick) in the early morning or before meals to stimulate the appetite.

If you are the lucky owner of one of the modern blenders, you will soon have discovered the most varied possible variations. The combination of fresh fruit such as apples and oranges with milk, chopped up in a blender and enjoyed immediately

2. Garlic Milk

fresh, is highly recommended. Particularly

4 garlic cloves, finely chopped

pleasant taste variations result from the

ten, with '/< liter of hot milk poured over and on the hot stove 5 to 15 mi

combination of grapefruit with oranges and

left standing. sieve and

the citrus fruit intensively with a piece

lemons. We recommend rubbing the outside of

drink before bed. Very healthy! grate some sugar. The sugar takes

3. Poppy Milk

so the essential oils of these fruits without the bitter substances in the sugar

1 tablespoon of poppy seeds is finely ground or crushed with a wooden club and 1/4 liter of milk is

reach. If you add these soaked pieces of sugar to this one

poured over it. Allow to steep at moderate heat for

drink, this one gets inter

10 to 15 minutes. This drink is given in the evening;

essant and very pleasant taste. The combination

good for insomnia and nervous weakness.

of milk and dead-boiled, possibly preserved jams, like this, is rejected the milk mix bars often takes place.

4. Spring drink As soon as the first buds of the coltsfoot break

7. Radish juice

through the soil, you should drink this drink several times a week

and juiced using a fruit press, preferably the

chen. Where coltsfoot becomes visible, pick the

Bircher press. The juice of one lemon is then

white shoots, which are thicker

added to this juice. That's how you can

1 clean, brushed radish is chopped up in a blender

Accumulation located on the rootstock, from the soil, remove the somewhat hard previous year's

Keep the juice for several days and fill 1 liqueur

rootstock and crush

glass before each meal.


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8. Spring Herb Juice

XII. All sorts of hobbies

Of the various wild ones Herbs such as yarrow, ground ivy, buckhorn, burnet, chickweed, dandelion, the young shoots are collected, finely pureed with water in a blender and pressed in a juicer (Bircher) or in a linen cloth. Man drinks the juice together with the juice of a

half to a whole lemon. In the blender, the lemon can be used at the same time be crushed.

1. Bohemian yeast wreath

Various books give very good tips for the further use of these wild herbs, e.g. B. the plants

Mix 20 g yeast with a little lukewarm water until smooth. Add 1/4 cup unblued sugar, 1 tablespoon Eden margarine

pocket book from the publishing house Pflanzenwerk, Munich.

and 1 tablespoon Diasan, both melted, 21/4 cups sifted flour, 1/4 cup hot milk, 1 egg, 1 pinch salt and grated lemon. Knead everything well.

9. Nettle juice In early spring, there is a particular lack of fresh, nutritious

let the dough rise. Meanwhile, 8 crushed malts and 1/4

vegetables. At this time, the first nettles are special

cup of brew melt a sugar. 1 cup of oats

important. The young shoots or later the delicate heads of

flakes, 1 teaspoonful of cinnamon and 1/4 cup of chopped

the nettle are finely pureed with water in a blender.

dates. (You can also add raisins.) Cool. Form a wreath

Then add 1 lemon and continue crushing, juice everything

with a knife. The

from the dough and place in a springform pan. Cut slits in a press and drink the juice immediately cash after manufacture. (Particularly important for those

Spread the filling in it. Chop over medium heat.

with weak lungs.) When making the filling, you can use finely ground poppy

10. Rice drink

seeds mixed with honey instead of the sugary filling.

When preparing rice, the water that remains should not be thrown away, but used in drinks.

2. Graham bread tarts If you want the above (For cream preparations containing cheese or sweet.) Herbal juices using water, it is better to use the broth that accumulates in the kitchen instead

2Vi cups of graham bread crumbs

hen, such as vegetable broths, potato water

briefly roasted with a little coconut fat. Now mix with 6

or the rice water.

tablespoons of brown

The rice water becomes an excellent refreshing drink if

sugar and 6 tablespoons Eden margarine or coconut oil,

you simply grate a raw apple or puree it in a blender and

shape into tartlets and leave in the oven for 8 to 10 minutes

add Eden rose hip pulp to taste. Of course you can gratinated. Let cool down. In these tartlets you can put the ver

Lich also with Eden mother juices or with

various fillings, e.g. B. two cheese wedges mixed with I

must, e.g. B. the quince must, mix.



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Diäsan, */i cup of condensed milk, the juice of 1 lemon, 1 orange, possibly some grapefruit juice, stir the whole

related to the sweet quark and linseed oil dish become.

thing, add a few strips of dissolved agar-agar, heat briefly, allow to cool and pour into the immediately before it

6. Celery Punch — non-alcoholic

solidifies cake Half a celery bulb is added to the mix let's

is finely minced or finely chopped or grated and placed in

You can also serve the sweet quark dishes listed under

a tureen with some washed celery greens. White grape

quark dishes No. II in these tartlets.

juice or apple cider is poured over it and the whole mixture is placed on the table. At will you can now with some Zi

3. Pineapple Dish Beat 3 egg yolks with 2 tablespoons of sugar until creamy.

taste the lemon juice. do you love one

Add pineapple juice. Dissolve agar agar in hot water and

If you have a slightly spicier taste, you can also leave this

add to the mixture, then fold in the stiffly beaten snow of

mixture in the moderate heat for about 15 minutes before

the 3 eggs. Man

cooling it with ice. Pour through a sieve and serve along with natural

fills into portion glasses and decorates with pieces of pineapple, optionally with a cherry or red berry.

Mineral waters, which everyone can then add according to their own taste. A very popular and healthy drink.

4. Pineapple dish with quark and linseed oil

7. Linomel sticks

Mix the sweet quark dish prepared according to No. II.

Take the contents of a whole pack of Linomel, mix in a

One part of the fruit is cut into small pieces, mixed with

handful of currants, 100 g dates that have been cut into

honey and served in layers in portion glasses. If the quark

small pieces, and 100 g grated coconut. The whole mixture

and linseed oil cream is layered over pineapple, decorate

is kneaded well. Finally, add about 2 to 3 tablespoons of

with pieces of pineapple or red fruit or sprinkle with


Add almond butter or hazelnut butter and ground nuts or with linomel.

1 tablespoon of honey, knead well and spreads the mass in on a wooden board

5. Currant jelly, prepared cold

a 2 cm high layer. The whole

The washed fruits are crushed with the stalks (in a blender)

and leave to cook in the sun or at moderate heat in the air.

can be brushed with walnut oil

and put through the juicer. The juice obtained is mixed

You cut into strips, which you can then give like Berliner

with the same amount of sugar and stirred cold for an

bread and which keep well.

hour. You can mix for a while with a snow beater in one of the mixers .

8. Linomel marzipan A marzipan mass is prepared according to the usual recipes. Depending on whether you have the time and This raw jelly contains the important active ingredients of

money, you can use the following starting materials.

raw fruit and is preferable to cooked jams. It can also be

Either you grind fresh, skinned almonds or you use

used for decoration

almond butter


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Nuxo works or one cooks Schalkartof

layer or middle layer through

fell, these are skinned. Allow to cool well and puree them.

Mixing in some cocoa or grated chocolate or nougat mass

Half of the icing sugar used in the usual recipes can be

creates further variations. In this

replaced with honey. In connection it should also be pointed out that the Swiss A part of icing sugar is required and is not harmful either,

company Rem

because these sweets are rarely used and then in

products in Osterfingen marketed a preparation under the

connection with oil-protein substances, as can be seen

name "Remlin".

from the following recipe.

that contains more than 50 percent flaxseed and can be

A marzipan mass is prepared, into which 200 g of almonds

pleasant, readily available food.

warmly recommended for children and professionals as a

are ground, 100 g of powdered sugar are mixed in; then you prepare a thin mass from honey, which you bring to

Very suitable for drivers, replacing a full meal in

the heat, adding about 50 g of water and gradually adding

combination with fruit.

it to the almond-sugar mixture. When this honey syrup has been mixed into the almond puree, it is heated on the stove over a moderate flame, then placed on a wooden

9. Stuffed dates

board and kneaded thoroughly once it has cooled down. Mix again with the second third of the

Beautiful, well-formed dates are carefully slit open on one side and pitted. Now put half a walnut, two pine nuts, half an almond or half a Brazil nut in this opening. Filled dates served

Syrup, let it boil up again briefly, let it cool, work through

one with fruits or fruit salads.

it and do the same with the third portion of honey syrup. The marzipan mass prepared in this way tastes excellent and is not harmful to health, especially if it is given as follows: The marzipan mass is spread out on a board in a very thin layer (1 cm high). Then you fill a 1 cm high layer

10. Cake recipe for Sunday A cake recipe is given for Sunday, which does not, as in many other types of cake, list the most important ones

of linomel over it, covered with a layer of marzipan that is at most 2 to 3 mm thick, sprinkled again with a layer of

substances are destroyed.

linomel 1 cm high and be Ingredients: 100 g pine nuts, 400 g sweet almonds or walnuts, 1 pound honey, 1 pound coconut flakes, 500 g dates, seedless, 500 g raisins, 100 g peeled oats or wheat, 250 g currants, some lemon peel, finely weighed, 1 tablespoons of grated orange zest. cover with a slightly thicker layer of marzipan, about 5 mm high, press the whole thing into a homogeneous mass with your hand and leave to cool and dry well. Then strips are cut about 5 cm long and 2 cm wide.

The pine nuts are roughly crushed. Coarsely ground fresh oats or wheat. The honey is liquefied in a water bath and processed into a dough with the coconut flakes. You swipe this one on

This mass is healthy, nutritious and can probably be described as children's joy


cake board lined with parchment. Sprinkle the ground nuts or almonds on top. dates and raisins

Of course, now the Her

are crushed in the grinder and then

Modify position of these cuts in such a way that one at the

Eating with the ground grains, candied lemon peel, pine


nuts, with oran


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Geneel and currants well mixed. This mass is filled onto the cake sheet. Now you paint the upper one Layer thinly with sunflower oil or with walnut oil, covered with parchment paper and weighed down with a board and weight. After 8 days the cake is ready. One can also add grated coconut to taste with ground nuts

substitute. As part of the oil communicated here Protein foods are of course most of them Recipes of the reform movement can be used. In the reform it was always a principle to avoid using denatured preserves, to give preference to raw vegetables, to steam vegetables as little as possible and to use boiled potatoes instead of boiled potatoes. But within reason

These research results make it clear again: "preserved" preparations have lost their value.

But it must also be in the reform industry preference should be given to natural food over preparations and vitamin-enriched products.


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Menu Order Examples

Live like a prince in the morning, like a sage at noon, and like a pauper at night.

A week in winter Monday Morning:

Muesli You pile a 1 to 2 cm high Linomel layer in a small bowl, apple puree from one apple on top, prepare a cavity in the middle, fill in 1 to 2 tablespoons of quark and linseed oil cream, which has been rounded off with kneaded banana to taste, and decorate with Eden rose hip sauce. Diasan bread with Edelpilz cheese (Kasefabrik Traunstein, Obbay.) or Roquefort cheese, with drinks to taste.


Chicory salad with mayonnaise No. III. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27. Steamed leek and potatoes, with baked cheese. Dessert: apple snow.

At evening:

Buckwheat ring with filling, e.g. B. No. VIII, 3 or 5, (mushrooms), mushroom hash or preparations using tomato paste.

Tuesday Morning:

Muesli Put 1 cup of muech in a wide bowl, spread a ring of rolled oats over it, put apple puree made from 1 apple and 1 orange in the middle. The top of the shell is decorated with grated nuts. With the bread (wholegrain bread, of course) quark and linseed oil with herbs, plus Diaesan bread with Camembert cheese.


Grated carrots and celery. Peeled potatoes and vegetable salad according to No. III, 1 with carrots. Linseed oil is always on the table, as is the shoju seasoning. Quark and linseed oil decorated with orange slices for dessert.

At evening:

Rice flameri with prunes. 55

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Muesli Fruit puree, prepared from 1 apple and rosehip pulp, layered with a layer of quark and linseed oil cream, tasted with honey, then sprinkled well with linomel. Bread with diaesan, chives, onion rings, grated herb cheese.


Raw salsify, raw cauliflower and lactic acid carrots, cut into strips. Ring of noodles filled with soylin potatoes to which plenty of gherkins have been added. Dessert: 1 orange.

At evening:

Cold sandwich plate according to No. IX, 6. Served with tea or a juice drink afterwards.

Thursday Morning:

Muesli Vi cup of milk is poured into a small bowl, plus 2 to 3 tablespoons of soy flakes (Nuxo-Werke), 1 pureed apple is poured over it, prepare a cavity in the middle and add 2 tablespoons of diet fruit. Diasan breads with grated white or black radishes.


Salad made from apples, carrots, celery, all roughly grated, prepared with mayonnaise. No. ÜI, 23 to 27. Onion casserole doused with linseed oil, then 1 cup of milk.

At evening:

Meat porridge with warm sauce according to No. VIII, 4 to 6, or with foamed wine sauce.

Friday Morning:

Muesli Layer the Linomel 1 to 2 cm high in a small bowl, pour over a pureed apple and then a layer of sweet mayonnaise, seasoned with lemon and sweetened slightly with honey. You can decorate with pieces of candied lemon zest.

Diasan bread with Harz cheese. noon: 56

Salad of spinach or red kappus or white kappus.

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Soup made from potatoes, leeks, celeriac or green wir sing (steamed), filled with soybean potatoes or served with peeled potatoes.

At evening:

Buckwheat dinitte (of the cooled porridge), possibly fried in Diasan, served with rose hip sauce or wine sauce (No. VIII, 6).



Muesli 1 to 2 cm long piece of horseradish is mashed with milk in a blender or finely grated, 1 apple is mashed, the whole thing is pulled into the quarklinseed oil mixture according to No. II (sweet), then you grate Studt bread, sprinkle on it the little bowl is enough for the table. You also add bowls of grated Studt bread and bread cut into strips. You can also stick a few strips of this bread or the Weghorn wholemeal waffles vertically into the bowls for decoration.


Cauliflower raw, plus a few sprigs of parsley and some Lactic cauliflower florets. Lentils are cooked as usual with a little leek for a soup, add diäsan to taste and season well. Serve with sauerkraut. Dessert: quark cake according to No. X, 2.

At evening:

Onion cake with sweet must.



Muesli First put a layer of apple puree in a small bowl, then a layer of linomel and then the third layer Quark-linseed oil, mix intensively with cocoa, sweeten with honey, season well, possibly use some coffee powder from Milupa-Werke. Bread with Diasan, noble mushroom cheese. You can possibly arrange the plate with truffles well.


Platter of fruit salad according to No. IV, 1 or 2.

Spicy tartlet No. I or II, peeled potatoes, salad plate with vegetables arranged in different colors, in the middle maybe the spicy vegetable salad No. III, 22. Decorate the edges with cauliflower, carrots, parsley, cucumbers. A cup of coffee or chocolate, with apple cake, gratinated according to No. X, 3, or quince juice. At evening:

sandwich plate. 57

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A week in summer Monday Morning:

Muesli 2 tablespoons of soy flakes are served as a soup along with berries and 1 cup of milk. Diaesan bread with cucumber slices and wild herbs.


Whole and raw baby carrots and mangetout. Buckwheat ring with pureed fruit (pears, apples, plums mixed in pieces), with fresh fruit juice as a topping.

At evening:

Cold dish made from quark and linseed oil, sweetened with honey and 2 tablespoons of linomel, with Studt bread, finely grated.

Tuesday Morning:

Muesli Linomel diced with berries or stone fruits, poured over with milk, as a soup. Diäsan breads with sliced radishes and herbs.


Yoghurt mixed with 1 handful of raspberries, fresh potatoes with linseed oil and salad.

At evening:

Diasan slices with tomato and cucumber.



Linomel layered with fruit salad. Diasan bread with beer radishes.

Potatoes with tomato salad, plus buckwheat patties with lots of herbs added.


Salad of wild herbs (dandelion salad).

At evening:

Soy flakes with sour milk and sprinkled with Studt bread.

Thursday Morning:

Muesli Quark and linseed oil cream covered with fruit salad and sprinkled with linomel, Diaesan bread with tomato slices, finely chopped with ground ivy and onions, sprinkled over. Grated radishes as a starter.


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Whole meal or as a ring with fresh mushrooms.

At evening:

Cold bowl made from quark and linseed oil cream with lots of milk and berries.



Muesli Soy flakes covered with fruit salad, well soaked with freshly squeezed fruit juice, decorate with cream of quark and linseed oil, if necessary mixed intimately with cream of quark and walnut oil, sweetened with honey. Diaesan bread with herb butter made from wild herbs.


Hop tendril tips or goat's beard tips or the young shoots of fireweed. Steamed fennel greased with diaesan, with or without potatoes! Dessert: fruit.

At evening:

Buckwheat ring with wine sauce mixed with fresh fruit juice.



Muesli Whole fruits, pears, plums, gooseberries, Diaesan bread with Swiss cheese.


Cucumbers, 2 cm thick pieces of unpeeled cucumber lightly sprinkled with sugar. Peeled potatoes and green salad decorated with radishes, with herb butter shaped into balls or melted as a side sauce.

At evening:

Cold millet porridge with a sweet sauce according to No. VIII.



Muesli Blueberries, plus a quark cream that contains 40 g walnut oil on 1U quark and is intimately mixed, sweetened with honey. Diesan breads with Roquefort.


Corn on the cob half ripe, served raw, unprepared, beautifully arranged. Pour diasan over fresh mushrooms in the rice crust. 59

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Dessert: Festive bowl of fruit salads according to No. IV, with quark walnut oil, sweetened with honey and decorated with halved walnuts. At evening:

A sandwich platter with special emphasis on radish, radish, tomato and cucumber bread, decorated with vegetables and wild herbs, as the season offers, e.g. B. hop tendril tips, young shoots of goat's beard, cucumber slices, radishes, grated radishes, chickweed, shepherd's purse.

The week in fruit-rich autumn is not difficult to organize. In spring you choose what is freshly available based on what is on offer. Strawberries, cherries, stone fruits and the first spring vegetables, prepared as many as possible for salad, as many wild vegetables as possible.


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For professionals and busy people (quick meals)

Ready-to-eat meals that take very little time to prepare are currently available in numerous variations. The food industry offers such prepared dishes in tins, in bags that deliver a soup within a short time, or in cubes.

Anyone who is employed and given the given situation is inclined to quickly prepare a meal they have prepared themselves, knows how easily one gets tired of these dishes. Last but not least, this is probably due to the fact that the body instinctively rejects foods that contain preservatives. Because these preservatives are not good for your health, they actually prevent the organism from properly evaluating the food. For this reason, with such a meal, too much is usually required in terms of quantity, more than is conducive to well-being.

However, it is possible to choose this way, even with dishes that are prepared quickly meet that you can enjoy wholesome and easily digestible, healthy food.

It is essential that when using the raw food, the sufficient supply of the Protein-fat substances is taken into account, above all the right harmony between components of protein and fat food. This aspect has not been sufficiently taken into account so far. For this reason, the Auf

general opinion that raw food does not fill you up enough or does not provide enough food. If you make sure that you get enough protein and fat with every meal, the raw food prepared in this way has a high saturation value and lasts longer than the usual meat dishes. The sufficient supply and the right harmony between highly unsaturated fats and certain sulphur-containing proteins is therefore important in the composition of the diet. In old raw food suggestions, e.g. B. also in the composition of muesli, these aspects were often considered purely intuitively without scientific justification. Quick meals like muesli and also hearty quick meals, prepared as a midday meal, are possible, as will be shown with a few examples.

1. Muesli using a blender

You grind a handful of good linseed (oilseed breeding) in a blender or you have a pack of Linomel at hand and use 1 to 2 tablespoons of it. conn After that, an apple is pureed in a blender. Other fruits, such as oranges, plums, berries, etc. in summer, and raisins, currants, dates, figs in winter, can be finely diced and mixed in. Working people rarely have the opportunity to supply themselves with fresh milk every day. For this reason, it is also advisable to use canned or dried milk for these quick dishes. About the above described

bene muesli pour some canned muesli or sprinkle 1 to 2 teaspoons dry milk, and then add a little boiled water. The use of fruit juices, mother juices or cider preparations, as you can get them in the health food store (Eden), is highly recommended in this connection.


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2. Muesli preparation without using the mixer Put 1 to 2 tablespoons of Linomel in the bowl, dice some fruit, sprinkle them over it, pour canned milk and fruit juice over it, mix the whole thing through. This muesli prepared

you can add Eden sauerkraut, raw, Eden cauliflower, lactic acid, or dill gherkins as an accompaniment to this potato dish. If you can spare the time it takes for the potatoes to cook, i.e. 20 minutes, you can use the time to prepare a salad while the potatoes are cooking. Then you fall like

in this way

has a high saturation value and is ready very quickly. To get some variety, you can use oat flakes or other things


instead of the Linomel

4. Peeled Potatoes with Salad Use flakes, however, it should be noted that roasted flakes do not have the saturation value and content of

You wash the potatoes thoroughly, brush off the skin if

Possess nutrient like the unheated, im

Then you prepare the salad dressing in a bowl

necessary, and put them on the fire in the deck cooker.

Linseed in its natural state of the linomel nut granules. We also recommend using

in such a way that you put a tablespoon of quark or a

the soy flakes to make the muesli described above,

tablespoon of dry skimmed milk powder or a tablespoon

which can also be enjoyed as a breakfast soup by adding

of Elite whole milk powder or canned milk in the bowl,

plenty of milk. If one chooses such an addition for the first

plus a tablespoon of linseed oil, mix everything well, then


you mix in the finely weighed herb powder, chives, a finely chopped onion, or whatever you just want to use for seasoning, under this preparation. Also the juice of a

ride muesli and eat another slice

lemon. You beat the salad dressing well, then you wash

Bread with Diasan and cheese, with soybean or with

the salad, but not before, because in this one

tomatoes, so there is no need to prepare it and take it with you of breakfast breads.

In the meantime pull the salad dressing a bit

3. Hearty lunch dishes If working people cook the peeled potatoes for several days at the same time, this is not to be rejected. You snow

can. You wash the lettuce, in winter z. B. chicory, cut it into small pieces and prepare the finished salad. Working people can also take wild vegetables home with them on the path in summer, especially the highly recommended

det some peeled potatoes in the enamel pan. You can

dandelion rosettes. With a bis

get used to using them with peelings, add 1 tablespoon of soybean, then 2 tablespoons of Diasan (calculated for 3 medium-sized potatoes), place on the gas flame, with a wire net underneath it, and heat up medium flame. Are potatoes and fat he

two rosettes one comes for one person plentiful from they will while the Boil the potatoes, wash, finely chop and add to the prepared salad dip mixed. The potatoes are now done. You put the potatoes on the plates, along with the salad.

warms, so fill up with Eden tomato juice. While the potatoes are heating up 1 or 2 gherkins can be finely diced and then mixed into the potato dish. If you want to use very little time for preparation, 5 minutes at most, choose

You can add a stick to the potatoes Put soya lin or some diaesan or simply linseed oil over the with a fork Pour the potatoes and season with some shoju. Herbal salt is also suitable for use here.


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5. Leek as a quick meal On the way home you take a strong stick of leek with you. You wash them briefly, cut them into pieces, put them in the deck cooking pot and let them steam for about 10 minutes. Then you put the steamed leek on the plates, put a tablespoon of Diasan on top and on the meanwhile hot or cooked potatoes.

8. Lentil dish as a quick meal In the evening you put about two hands

full of lentils that have been washed to presoak in water on the heater. (In the summer there are enough fresh dishes that you won't resort to this preparation.) After the lentils have swollen for about 20 hours at medium, moderate heat, you can easily prepare them like a salad and such

6. Leek soup as a quick meal You bring a stick of leek and a piece of celery home with you on the way, cut, wash and put them in a pot and bring to the boil with a little water. Meanwhile rubs

enjoy. Tastes great with mayonnaise and is easily digestible. There is no need to give additional potatoes. However, you can expediently season it intensively with sauerkraut juice. Finely chopped chives or parsley is always recommended to be sprinkled on top value.

1 to 2 raw potatoes in a blender or on a grater, add them to the boiling vegetable soup, allow to simmer briefly, season with salt and add 1 to 2 tablespoons of Diasan. You can also vary the taste by adding a Add tomato juice topping or Eden carrot juice. Maximum preparation time 10 mins.

7. Cauliflower as a quick meal You clean a cauliflower, put it in the tiered pot and steam for about 10 minutes. Put the whole cauliflower on the plate, cut it in half lengthways and pour over the sauce prepared as follows.

The little vegetable water that you get in the deck cooking pot is mixed with a teaspoon of Eden porcini hash or Eden tomato paste, then you add 1 to 2 tablespoons of Diaesan to this broth, stir well, season with shoju or herb salt and pour over the cauliflower . In the same way one can ver

drive, which do not take too long to cook. In general, vegetables take much less time to decompose once you get used to not overcooking them all.

9. Celery as a main course Working myself and not inclined to spend a great deal of time preparing food for one person, I have gotten used to eating only one main meal at least four times a week to take a salad dish with me. If time permits, dandelion salad or wild vegetable salad, otherwise chicory, cauliflower salad or other salads. So be it It is advisable to lay down a whole celeriac bulb in the winter and eat it in pieces and chew it well throughout the day. After a good breakfast in the morning, there is no need for any other main course. However, you should change and not force this form of raw food one-sidedly.

10. Vegetable peppers, raw Carefully cut off the ball from the peppers and remove - this must be done very carefully only the seeds, then fill the cheese cream prepared under No. X, 7, into the peppers, put on the lid, dotted with white quark Linseed oil mixture and served like this.


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Four weeks in the hospital

In November Wednesday


Muesli: Layer 2 tablespoons of Linomel with chopped banana and pour some black currant juice over it. Dar over cottage cheese and linseed oil with honey. Bread with cheese and raw vegetables (tomato, radish).


A. Vegetable soup, cooked with celery and carrots. After cooking, puree the vegetable insert with 1 tomato and some broth, return to the broth, season with Diäsan, Ohlys yeast extract and herb salt. B. Jacket potatoes with quark and linseed oil (seasoned with caraway). In addition pickled cucumber, tomato, green salad.

C. For dessert 1 orange. At evening:

Buckwheat porridge with blueberry juice.


Thursday Morning:

Linomel (2 tablespoons), figs and dates, cut into small pieces, mixed with pureed apples from the fruit layer. Quark with linseed oil and honey.


Raw vegetable platter with radish, carrots (with pureed apples), parsley, pickles. Fallow present, with lactic acidic vegetables. Jacket potatoes with spinach (greased with diaesan). Bedside book: Mix quark with linseed oil and honey with grated coconut and sprinkle on top.

At evening:

Peppermint tea with honey. Breads with diaesan, radish, radishes, tomatoes, cucumber slices.

Friday Morning:

Linomel (2 tablespoons), dates, cut into small pieces, with pieces of orange (cut into small pieces). Quark with linseed oil and honey, decorated with plenty of pine nuts.


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Green salad with plenty of mayonnaise made from quark and linseed oil (sour taste with lemon). Rice with Diasan and honey. In addition raw apples, pureed, with raisins, which were pre-soaked in grape juice.

At evening:

Soy flakes (2 tablespoons), hot milk with hazelnuts, pureed, on top. Slices if needed.



Linomel (2 tablespoons), apples on top, pureed. Quark and linseed oil with honey and coconut flakes.


Lentil soup with potatoes, well greased with Diasan, seasoned with yeast extract, pritamine and dill. Dessert: Cottage cheese and linseed oil with honey over fruit salad.

At evening:

Milk soup with brown rice, sweetened with honey and greased with diaesan.




Linomel (2 tablespoons), chopped orange. Quark and linseed oil with honey, with cocoa powder. Decorated with mocha beans and pine nuts.


Green salad with mayonnaise made from quark and linseed oil with lemon juice, pickles and chives. cauliflower, peeled potatoes. Hot tomato sauce with lost eggs. Dessert: Melons if possible.

At evening:

Boiled buckwheat in the morning, cooled to a firm pulp and served cut into slices. In addition apples, pureed, with raisins. Slices if needed.



Linomel (2 tablespoons); Apples, pureed, mixed with chopped figs and some fruit juice (blueberries). Quark with linseed oil and honey.


Raw vegetable platter with radish, carrots with pureed apples, milksour vegetables, pickles. Potatoes in their skins, Herringsstipp (small herring, diced cucumbers, mayonnaise made from quark and linseed oil). Fruit for dessert.

At evening:

Soy flakes, pieces of orange, hot muech on top. Sandwiches. 65

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Tuesday Morning:

Linomel, apples, pears and grapes cut into pieces. Quark, linseed oil and honey on top. Vegetable broth with celery, pureed raw, seasoned with shojn or yeast extract, dill, lovage and plenty of diaesan. Jacket potatoes, celery slices, baked in Diasan. lettuce out



Dessert: Quark with linseed oil, honey and cocoa powder, walnuts or hazelnuts. Brown rice sweetened with honey. With blueberry nut juice. If necessary, sandwiches. At evening:



Linomel, quark with linseed oil and honey as well as walnuts and slices of orange as the top layer.


Raw platter: radish, green lettuce, tomato. Jacket potatoes, steamed vegetables made from cucumbers and tomatoes, well greased with Diasan. Dessert: Cottage cheese, linseed oil and honey with bananas.

At evening:

Vegetable broth, seasoned to taste, add the cooked vegetables to the broth, grease with diäsan. Pour this hot broth over 2 tablespoons of unripe spelled flakes (health food store) in a soup bowl. Sandwiches.

Thursday Morning:

Linomel, raisins soaked in currant juice, stirred into pureed apple. Quark with linseed oil and honey and coconut flakes.


Rice water seasoned with curry and diaesan (served in a cup). Whole rice, greased with diaesan, with mushrooms or tomatoes.

Dessert: 1 slice of bread, spread with Diasan and topped with cheese, gratinated. Garnished with tomato slice. At evening:

Soy flakes doused with hot, diluted juice. Sandwiches.

Friday Morning: 66

linoleum. On top apple, pureed. Quark, linseed oil, honey with almond butter (1 teaspoon per person).

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Raw vegetable platter: radish, carrots with pureed apple, parsley, lactic acid vegetables. Jacket potatoes with quark and linseed oil a) with raw paprika, b) with mixed cumin. For dessert, 1 glass of buttermilk.

At evening:

Peppermint tea with honey. In addition, slices with tartex, porcini mushroom paste and pickles.



linoleum. Cottage cheese, linseed oil, honey, poppy seed oil (1 tablespoon). Pureed apples with plenty of poppy seeds.


Broth cooked with cauliflower, with raw tomatoes mashed with milk. Grease well with Diasan. (Serves as a soup with pieces of cauliflower. Season to taste with a little paprika.)

At evening:

Buckwheat porridge with nut juice. sandwich.



linoleum. Orange, cut into small pieces. Quark, linseed oil and honey with cocoa, puree 1 teaspoon of nougat mass per person in between.


Raw food platter (without quark linseed oil mayonnaise). Potato salad with boiled egg (mayonnaise with cottage cheese and linseed oil). Dessert: pieces of orange and pieces of pineapple. Quark with linseed oil and honey (Indian style).

At evening:

Whole rice, granulated, well greased with diaesan. In addition raw pureed apples with mother juice, raisins.



linoleum. Cut the pears into pieces, add some raisins, quark, linseed oil and honey with almonds.


Vegetable broth from the steamed beans, well seasoned, greased with Diasan as a clear broth beforehand. Jacket potatoes, string beans, greased with diaesan. Dessert: Cottage cheese with linseed oil and honey over fruit salad.

At evening:

Rosehip tea with honey. Slices with raw ingredients (cucumbers, tomatoes, lactic acid vegetables).



linoleum. Cut the figs into pieces and puree the apples. Quark, linseed oil and honey, seasoned with lemon and orange juice. 67

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Lamb's lettuce (or other green salad) dressed with lemon and linseed oil. Mix jacket potatoes, quark-linseed oil mayonnaise with chopped gherkins; plus some sautéed vegetables. Dessert: melon or other fruit.

At evening:

Pour hot almond milk over dry oatmeal. (Preparation: A few tablespoons of almond butter are mixed well, gradually adding water, until a kind of milk is formed. Sweeten with honey.)



Linomel, quark, linseed oil, honey, grapes, pre-soaked in white grape juice (Vitaborn). Plus cheese sandwiches.


Raw food plate: carrots, grated, with pureed apples, plus 1 tablespoon of almond butter, drizzle with orange juice. Kohlrabi, grated, mixed with some almond butter. Fries baked in linseed oil. Dough for grating biscuits: Thicken with soy flour and add the pureed onion, season with herb salt. Eggs to taste. Raw mashed apples are served with the grating cookies. The apples are pureed with a little milk in the Starmix; mix with a little quark to preserve the light colour.

At evening:

Slices with gherkins, tartex, some lactic acid cauliflower and carrots.

Thursday Morning:

Linomel, quark, linseed oil, honey with almonds, pureed, pour over red grape juice. Slices with Harz cheese or camembert.


Brussel sprouts soup seasoned with Diasan, herbal salt and paprika, with rawmashed tomatoes, carrots and celery. Peeled potatoes, Brussels sprouts, greased with diaesan.

Cottage cheese, linseed oil, honey over tangerine pieces. At evening:

Slices with tomatoes, radish, gervais, pickles.

Friday Morning:

Linomel, pureed apples with pureed walnuts. Quark, linseed oil, honey.


apple friat. Leave the beets to soften stand for at least two hours.

Raw vegetable platter: beetroot, very finely grated, dressed with walnut oil and

Millet porridge seasoned with herb salt, greased with Diasan, served with paprika


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Prika sauce: 1 can of Pritamin, plus 2 tablespoons of Diasan, 1 onion and 2 tomatoes, which are pureed raw in the Starmii. Everything is heated very briefly, seasoned with herbal salt and poured over the millet porridge. Quinces, cut into small cubes, boiled until soft, sweetened with honey, covered with 1 tablespoon of quark and linseed oil, quark and linseed oil mixed with a little quince juice. At evening:

Rice water soup, seasoned with curry, greased with diaesan. In addition, sandwiches with tartex, tomato, gervais, pritamine.



Linomel, quark, linseed oil, honey with poppy seed oil. Sprinkled with poppy seeds, doused with a little juice. cheese slices.


Lentil soup cooked with leek, heartily seasoned with Diasan, pureed leek, paprika, shoju and herb salt. For dessert 1 glass of white grape juice.

At evening:

Rice sweetened with honey, greased with diaesan. In addition, pureed apples with grapes, which were pre-soaked in currant juice.



Linomel, cottage cheese, linseed oil, honey. Plenty of fresh pineapple, cut into small pieces and mixed in (serve immediately).


Soup made from bean water, heartily seasoned with herbal salt, Diasan, Ohlys yeast extract, with pureed beans, cooked, raw tomatoes, carrots. Peeled potatoes with string beans, well greased with diaesan. Cottage cheese with linseed oil, honey and pineapple.

At evening:

Cocoa, Gervais slices, pritamine on top, cumin, parsley, cucumber slices.



Linomel, soft pears, diced, quark, linseed oil, honey and pine nuts, chopped a little. Soup with celery (with greens), carrots, leeks, boiled. Vegetables, pureed, added to the broth, season with shoju and Diasan. peeled potatoes. Quark, linseed oil in two variations: 1. with a little caraway,


pureed, 2. with parsley. Dessert: stuffed dates. Beautifully shaped dates are slit and pitted; then you put halved walnuts or pines keme or brazil nuts in the slot. Buckwheat porridge with blueberry juice. Cuts with Diasan, Gervais. 69

At evening:

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Linomel, apples, pureed with raisins pre-soaked in juice. Quark with linseed oil and honey. Chicory salad with quark and linseed oil mayonnaise, seasoned with pickles


and lemon. Whole rice with diaesan, well greased. Sauce made from tomatoes and steamed paprika, pureed in Starmix, greased with Diasan.

At evening:

Soy flakes, doused with hot milk (with hazelnut butter). Sandwiches with tomato, radish, cucumber.



Linomel, quark with linseed oil and honey, 1 tablespoon of poppy seed oil. With sprinkled with poppy seeds.


At evening:

Raw vegetable platter: kohlrabi with almond butter, parsley, gherkins, beetroot, dressed with walnut oil. Steamed cauliflower with diaesan. boiled potatoes. Quark, linseed oil, honey with rose hip puree. buckwheat porridge. Served with raw pureed apples, seasoned with a little aniseed


Thursday Morning:


Pour plenty of blueberry juice over the Linomel. Quark, linseed oil, honey.

Kale stew, well greased with diaesan. Served with a slice of celery, baked. Cottage cheese, linseed oil, honey, decorated with walnuts.

At evening:

Whole rice soup with muech, sweetened with honey. Diaesan sandwiches with Gervais cheese, with pritamin, caraway, parsley, etc.

Friday Morning:

Linomel, tangerines, cut into pieces. On top quark, linseed oil, honey, pureed with 1 to 2 tangerines.


Warm vegetable water soup with raw, mashed tomatoes and carrots Jacket potatoes with quark and linseed oil in 2 variations: 1. with parsley, 2. with caraway. Fruit salad with walnut oil (without quark).

At evening:


Sandwiches with Tilsiter cheese, radish, tartex, cucumber.

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Linomel, quark, linseed oil, honey with fresh coconut and coconut milk.


1 glass of juice for dessert.

Lentil soup with raw sauerkraut, greased with diaesan.

Sliced cuts with Gervais cheese and caraway, Gervais cheese and paprika At evening:

(Pritamin!), Camembert.




Linomel, cottage cheese, linseed oil, honey. Fresh pineapple, cut into cubes. Bread with Dutch and Swiss cheese. Raw vegetable platter with kohlrabi, carrots, vegetables with lactic acid. Cauliflower with pritamine diasan sauce, boiled potatoes. Cottage cheese, linseed oil, honey with banana.

At evening:

Cup of hearty cauliflower water soup, pureed with leftovers from lunch in Starmix. In addition sandwiches with pickles, tomato, Gervais.




At evening:

Linomel, soft pears, cut into pieces, quark, linseed oil, honey with almonds.

Raw vegetable platter with lots of quark and linseed oil mayonnaise.

Brussel sprouts, well greased with diaesan, boiled potatoes. 1 banana for dessert.

Soy flakes, doused with hot milk (with almond butter). Slices with tartex or porcini mushroom paste.



Linomel, mashed apples, raisins soaked in juice, quark, linseed oil, honey, mashed with a little sanddom juice. Snacks with sweat Zer cheese and Tilsiter cheese.


Endive salad with mayonnaise and pickles. Buckwheat with mushrooms.

At evening:

Leftovers from lunch as soup. Sandwiches with Gervais, tartex, radish, vegetarian jelly.


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food as a remedy

A non-specific but - generally considered - good food is always a remedy. The organism heals itself. It draws the energy for this autonomous self-regulation, for this automatic adjustment and defense, from food. In this sense, good food on a healthy day is also good for the sick, provided that special circumstances do not impair the ability to absorb and process it. On sick days, however, food that is easy to digest, easy to digest, and easy to breathe without a lot of ballast is advisable. Special diet recipes for diabetics, liver and gallbladder diseases, weak stomachs, etc. are not to be conveyed here. For my part, these organ-specific or organ-sparing forms of diet — as they are offered today — are generally rejected. Every sick person needs whole foods. However, whole foods can also be offered in easily digestible form and in this form is useful for every sick person. Individual application requires expert guidance anyway. Special healing powers from the herbs can certainly be incorporated into the diet. But if you look at modern diet books, which really take this healing power of nature into account, you will find the same berries or herbs recommended over and over again under the keywords: kidney disease, water addiction, lung disease, acidification, rheumatism and even gum disease. This is rightly so. Conversely, one finds in great naturopaths, such. B. Felke, Kneipp, in the indications for a herb as indications that are favorably influenced, a large area of action, which modern medicine with its "secure diagnosis" and its "targeted therapy" would reject. However, the observations of the nature-loving healers were right. Only recent medical research has been able to show how comprehensively the effects of certain fats and the mucilage and respiratory ferments found in raw plants control every vital function and influence every healing process. In old herbal books, one often finds the following information: “Expectorant, diuretic, cleans the kidneys and bile." 72

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Especially the newly recognized function of the biologically important fats is related to these effects! The use of the oil-protein diet shown in this book causes the same favorable regulations mentioned above. As plants that have a positive effect on these processes, the normalization of cellular respiration, which are desirable in the event of an illness, there are a few more that can be incorporated into the diet: linseed, in the form of linomel, is always ready to hand and can be used - properly dosed - always wholesome, always in place. The farmer knows that "cattle that are fed flaxseed don't get sick." This was the answer given to me by a farmer when I asked him - curious what he would answer - "why do you always give your cattle flaxseed anyway?" Other mucus-bearing plants are important in the same sense. When the season allows, comfrey should be used a lot in salads, namely the young leaf shoots, the young leaves and also the roots. It is always digestible and influences all defenses against diseases in a similar way to linseed in the favorable sense. Parsley and fennel roots have a positive effect on the elimination of harmful substances via the kidneys. Both roots can be both steamed and served raw as a salad. If you give sick people these roots as raw

vegetables, these must of course be very finely grated, depending on the situation. Sauerkraut, sauerkraut juice cause the excretion of harmful substances. In almost all illnesses, including those that can be traced back to an infection, it is a matter of the organism being able to excrete harmful substances and to support vital functions through cell and tissue respiration. In this sense, any food that is still breathing has a beneficial effect, which is especially true of raw food. The breathing processes are particularly encouraged by the oilprotein diet described here. As an aside, it should be noted - here reference must be —, made to special publications that diabetes is also a consequence of reduced breathing processes and is very beneficial through healthy food in the sense of this oil-protein diet can be influenced. Particularly easily digestible food: This type of food is suitable for people with fever, liver or gallbladder diseases in the first few days, for example to bridge the gap between eating whole foods, for small children, for people with stomach and stomach problems. It is self-evident and need hardly be mentioned in this connection that treatment by a doctor is appropriate in the above cases. However, these tips can be helpful in emergency situations:

A few tablespoons of linomel are added to rice water or rice diglue . In general, this mixture is well tolerated even by infants under one year old. If the stomach mucosa is particularly sensitive, you can pass the linseed mixture prepared in this way through a sieve. gruel is passed through a sieve; then about a teaspoon of cream of quark and linseed oil, sweetened with a little honey, is added to a glass, then it is stirred well and administered like this. Very digestible and nutritious. 73

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If milk is already tolerated, it can simply be given with a teaspoon of Linomel. This Linomel milk becomes tasty and easily digestible by adding a raw and freshly pureed apple. This raw mashed or grated apple can also be added to the mucus-producing beverages previously described. Is it no longer the first acute condition or the strong Ab

reaction of the stomach, the following drink is suitable and very popular with all patients: A small piece of horseradish is soaked in a little milk and left to stand for 12 to 24 hours. This softens the sharpness. The horseradish is then finely chopped in a blender or on a hand grater, mixed with a raw, pureed apple and diluted with milk to make a drink. Depending on the case, this drink can be mixed with a teaspoonful of the mixture of quark and linseed oil, sweetened with a little honey. The same form of preparation can be used as an accompaniment to potato or buckwheat preparations, to chestnuts, porridge or whole food noodles. In this case, of course, you add a little less milk (No. II, 1 to 10).

sick food

The various forms of preparation made from buckwheat are particularly recommended as food for the sick. This is highly mucus-carrying, therefore of high health value and easily digestible. If the food is difficult to digest, the buckwheat groats can be finely pureed or passed through a sieve before it has completely cooled down. Then they are left to cool to a solid paste. If this is served in connection with raw, pureed apples or with a little quark and linseed oil cream, initially in a smaller dose, this composition provides an evening meal that does not weigh down the stomach, but does not cause hunger pangs at night. Sick people shouldn't eat potatoes, sliced cheese or melted food in the evening

cheese is enough. The administration of quark dishes, on the other hand, is easier to digest and is recommended. Get rid of the idea that fat is generally difficult to digest and unhealthy for the sick. This view results from the fact that in our time it has become almost common practice to use false fats in food. The right fat — and linseed oil should be mentioned here first and foremost — in the right dosage and in harmony with the simultaneously required sulphur-containing proteins, such as those found in quark, is always easily digestible, even in the case of a serious illness. However, the patient urgently needs these substances because they must be available for defense against the disease and for every healing process, even in the case of purely local injuries such as broken bones, etc. According to the current nutritional situation, which means above all non-reformcompliant nutrition, the organism rarely has reserves of these substances, which it needs for its recovery. 74

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diet sheet

Muesli should be taken regularly for breakfast , prepared as follows: Put two tablespoons of Linomel in a small glass bowl. It is covered with fresh fruit, depending on the season berries, cherries, apricots, peaches, grated apples. A mixture of quark and linseed oil is then prepared. Add 2 to 3 tablespoons of linseed oil to 1/4 pound of quark, mix thoroughly by adding a little milk so that the linseed oil is completely mixed in. Finally, sweeten with a teaspoon of honey. To change the taste every day, you can add rosehip puree, sea buckthorn juice, fruit juices or ground nuts to the quark and linseed oil mixture. Only Diasan should be used as a spread (butter and margarine are forbidden). All kinds of cheese are allowed as sandwiches in the morning, as well as, depending on the season, radishes, tomatoes, cucumber slices, etc. Herbal teas can be used as drinks, but a cup of tea or coffee is also possible


The midday meal should be meat-free. Raw vegetable salad is recommended as a starter, linseed oil should be used as oil (the so-called "salad oil" is strictly forbidden). All green salads can be used for the raw vegetable platter, but also grated beet vegetables such as carrots, kohlrabi, radishes, salsify, etc The raw appetizer is very important. The main meal can be steamed vegetables with potatoes, rice, buckwheat or millet. Due to the large linseed oil content, only diansan should be used for greasing.

A quark and linseed oil dish, similar to that described for breakfast, can be given as dessert. You can also prepare the quark and linseed oil dish hearty for lunch; seasoned with caraway, parsley, chives or onions, it can be added to the peeled potatoes. Mixed with lemons and finely chopped gherkins (Eden brand, from the health food store), the quark and linseed oil dish makes an excellent mayonnaise for the raw vegetable platter, and can also be served with boiled eggs. In the evening the meal should be small and eaten early, around 6 o'clock. Depending on your needs, you can prepare a warm meal from rice, buckwheat or oatmeal, soy flakes and other flakes from the health food store. These preparations can be given in the form of soups or in a more solid form, depending on taste. You can season it with hearty sauces, serve it with vegetable broth as a hearty soup or combine it with fruit. Fruit should be given as raw as possible, possibly grated. There is a wide range of hearty side dishes in the health food store, such as Eden porcini mushrooms, tartex, Hensels soya meat and other things that the health food store will be happy to give advice on.

All animal fats, margarine, "salad oil" and butter are strictly forbidden. All types of meat, because their preparations almost always contain harmful preservatives. Canned fish are strictly forbidden. Smoked fish is occasionally permitted. So-called fresh fish is also common 75

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mixed with preservatives and should therefore be avoided. Sausage is forbidden. Fruit juices should be bought in the health food store, as the method of preparation is important. Above all, confectionery, the so-called "particles", is forbidden.

We particularly recommend the ongoing enjoyment of sauerkraut juice, lactic acid vegetables, beans from the barrel. Plentiful consumption of raw fruit is recommended, as is consumption of raw kohlrabi, carrots, radishes, peppers, raw asparagus, raw cauliflower and other types of beets and vegetables that can be eaten raw.

This diet includes hearty seasoning with natural herbs from the health food store permitted and desired.


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final word

Food as a power in human history Let's take a look! Plague, typhus, yellow fever were able to wipe out the inhabitants of entire cities. The fever of malaria prevented the occupation of a conquered country. King Rama, who was stricken with leprosy, could not direct the fortunes of his people until, being sent into the forest, he nourished himself there on the leaves and roots of the Kalaw tree, from the good oil contained in this plant,

had recovered. King Charles VIII of France and Lenin left deep scars on the course of history and cultural history. They were victims of their morbid condition. Illness, however, also the willingness to become ill for infectious diseases depends on how strong the healthy forces in the organism are still preserved. However, healthy food enables the organism to react biologically, to defend itself, to preserve itself, to recover. The disputes between the health or the demise of a people do not always have to be as dramatic as was the case with the epidemics mentioned, which belong to the history of the past. Already in the literature of the declining Greece there are indications that the downfall of a people is based on suffocation, the lack of oxygen. In the case of Aristophanes, the playwright of the end of Greece, the chorus leader describes the need in a drama, "the fathers pressed their necks at night and grandfathers suffocated in bed".

At the therapy congress in Karlsruhe in 1953 I had the opportunity to present my new view of the importance of fatty foods for breathing. I also pointed out that these connections: fat contamination and intake of respiratory toxins or recovery from fat food and preservation methods are of decisive importance for the existence or demise of the western world. dr Ishibashi from Tokyo, head of the Japanese medical profession, then addressed me with the words: "You are right, we say: the decline of the West is an inner suffocation."


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Not just the horrible work of destruction caused by cancer, the weakness caused by diabetes, rheumatism, liver and gallbladder disease, no, the whole thing Reduced performance, the increased social burdens are the consequences of the diet that leaves nature, which leaves too much room for the greed of some industrial entrepreneurs because they are linked to human weaknesses understand. However, fats represent a decisive factor in the context of the entire diet, yes, the factor dominating all aspects of life. The moral factor that is so important in the event of the decline or in the rescue and preservation of a people and sexual problem is greatly affected by the nature of the Nah

fats. Does character determine food or does food determine character? One is safe:

Anyone who sees these connections, recognizes them, will not be able to remain silent. A few will understand it, for the sake of their children, contribute to the healing. These are the carriers and designers of the future. It is not only from food that we expect healing; but in the context of this book, the importance of these connections should be pointed out, which also require attention in the overall consideration of body, soul and spirit, especially today.

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Of course like int Garten EDE X Eden cooking fat DIÄSAN

has long been our food

is to spread and

no longer.

for greasing the food Many civilization diseases


have their origin Next to the high

in a wrong one

valuable Eden food


bold diasan stands The housewife and mother

Eden special quality, the

one in particular falls here

first hard fat free

high responsibility.

vegetable margarine des

health food store. From childhood he needs For people of ours

human body, supposed

Time - Eden.

he the dangers of defy diseases,

For the

Natural fat e with their health-promoting

biologically valuable

Nutrition of your family:


Eden carrot cider, eden tomato cider,

These are fats with a high

Eden Fresh Food

Content of highly unsaturated


fatty acids; especially with

Eden sauerkraut juice

the linseed oil fatty acids.

and the Eden nature

This precious oil e in

Lactic vegetables

spreadable and tasty shape

based on nature

are available at DIÄSAN.

lactic acid fermentation.

Available in all neuform health food stores

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them in natural oils, especially in linseed oil with its vital linoleic and linolenic acid, occur, the substance whose presence or lack of self-supply of oxygen is crucially important. The majority of today consumed fats is physiologically unable the inner-body breathing processes in healthy way to influence. To bring this about must after dr. Budwig's view of a good one Fat to add a good protein. Only through this harmonization of the fat-protein metabolism

possible to counteract the damage caused by civilization act and especially cancerous degenerations acidic to prevent substance-disordered body cells. The of dr Johanna Budwig developed the paper diromato

graphy also opens up completely new possibilities for the diagnostics and control of therapeutic measure took part in cancer and suspected cancer.

One that has been expressed many times at home and abroad

According to wishes, Dr. Johanna Budwig now submitted a cookbook based on her build new knowledge. It's next to one

enlightening introduction a practical book about the right choice and preparation of fats Examples of the daily menu, whose Dishes entirely on the task of food as well are set aside as a permanent remedy. It is always important for the author to Preparation of the balanced fat-protein diet to preserve the natural state as much as possible thus the value of the food, the wholesomeness and the good taste. Who the basic ideas correctly grasped in this little book into the transition quickly and with conviction find their way into their previous diet — is ultimately the reward for being healthy

preservation with youthful freshness, preservation the elasticity of our nerves, the recovery of severe suffering and the banishment of fear a terrible cancer.