OVERTHINKING: How to Rewire Your Brain, Control Your Thoughts, Emotions, Anxiety, Procrastination and Sleep. How to Gain Positive Habits, Mental Strength, Self-Confidence, Calmness and Serenity.

Do you suffer from overthinking? Do you want to know why you have a problem with overthinking? Do you ever find yourself

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English Pages 150 Year 2020

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Table of contents :
Introductio n               5
Chapter 1: The Causes Of Overthinkin g               9
Low Self-Esteem               10
Anxiety Disorder               15
Depression Disorder               21
Chapter 2: How Overthinking Negatively Affects Your Life              26
How Do Negative Thoughts Affect A Person’s Life Satisfaction?              26
Increased Stress               27
Symptom Checklist               28
How Does Overthinking Affect A Person’s
Professional Development?               37
How Does Overthinking Affect A Person’s
Relationships?               41
Chapter 3: The Benefits Of Overcoming Your Destructive Thoughts With Positivity              44
Chapter 4: How To Control Your Anxiety ​ 48
Understanding The Science Behind Anxiety And Overthinking              48
Symptoms Of Anxiety And Overthinking               55
Anxiety Management Techniques That Reduces Overthinking              65
Chapter 5: How To Manage Your Unhelpful Thoughts              75
Unhelpful Thought Patterns               76
Challenging Your Unhealthy Thinking Patterns              79
Using Mindfulness Meditation To Control Your Thoughts               83
Incorporating Mindfulness Into Your Life                             85
Mindfulness Meditation Example Script               87
Incorporating Healthier Lifestyle Changes               93
Chapter 6: How Emotional Intelligence Will Help You              96
What Is Emotional Intelligence?               96
Self-Awareness               97
Self-Regulation               99
Motivation               100
Empathy               101
Social Skills               103
How Emotional Intelligence Benefits You                             105
How To Increase Your Emotional Intelligence              108
Chapter 7: How Self-Discipline Will Help You
.................................................................. 118
Improving Self-Discipline Is A Necessity               118
What Is The Driving Factor Behind Self-Discipline?
............................................................................... 119
How To Improve Your Self-Discipline (10-Step Guide)              123
Changing Your Mindset Regarding Motivation              132
How To Stop Overthinking To Overcome Procrastination              133
Chapter 8: The Role Your Subconscious Mind Plays              141
The Conscious Mind               141
The Subconscious Mind               141
The Inner Critic               141
Chapter 9: Practical Methods To Stop Overthinking              146
Gratitude Practice               146
Talk To Yourself               147
Make an effort to find things to like, appreciate and love              148
Ask yourself the hard questions.               148
Practice affirmations               148
Conclusion               150

OVERTHINKING: How to Rewire Your Brain, Control Your Thoughts, Emotions, Anxiety, Procrastination and Sleep. How to Gain Positive Habits, Mental Strength, Self-Confidence, Calmness and Serenity.

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