589 109 34MB
English Pages 206 [210] Year 1935
Trh Dassy'' as a homogeneous, consistently revolutionary, Marxist, Social-Democratic organization and mainlains sil, Georitl RtwladZ, G. Telia and othPrs. Another cirrlf' (of young workers) includcci Ycgor 'fopika!dwili, Georgi Lr.lashvi Ii and F. Jatiov among others. A third circle was attt'nued by D. Guldedava., P)otr Khurtsilava, K. Shengclla, N. Tomnradt.t', R. Sturua, Sandro )fcrnbishvili and others . .\fourth (RU!':f:ian) circle was at 1 7th Caucasian Hiflr Battalion to rrinforcc the fort battalion clrt.arhmPnt stationpd tbPrP. When tbP soldi"rs trird to clPar them out of the squnrc th~ wnrker:; rcspondNl with a show('r of stones. Thr workrr:; trkil to wrest the riflrs from the soldiers and crirs \Wrr hPard: 'Th>:lt 'rm up, grnh their rilll'S, tbe>y ('au't shoot!' Thosr who wrrr imprisoned insidr the barracks hrgau to throw Rtonrs; finally t.l1ry succE>edrd in brf'aking out of tho prison yanh1, and joiurd the workers in thf' square. Then thr troops opPnrtl fire, killing fourtgan to spring up in all the Iactorirs of Datum. Thr results of the Social-Drmocratic propaganda could alrPady be seen in l!l02 in the prolongrtl strike in the H.othschild factory at Batum and in strrct disturbances."* During his work in Batlnn Comrade Stalin maintained close contact with thC' Tiflis Party organization, oftrn visited Tiflis and directed t11c work of the Tiflis Social-Democratic or gani1K1tion. • Ct'lntra.l Ar< hiws of Georgia. Report of tlw ,\J;~istant Chier Supnrint1>nP.rl and thr bourgf>Oisie grows strong, anotbl'r social class inevitahly exists, and precisP ly in this first :pf'riod it needs thP fforts of tbe intellectuals more than later on, whl'n the very conditions of liie, combinin~ phys ical and mrotnl labour, will produce a reliable social foreeting us angrily and abusing us for crossing him with Stalin. "On Comradf' Ke~khovcli 's recommendation, some time around June 1901 I was sent to Baku for work in the illegal printing shop. WJ1cn I got there l found a small, dccPntly equipped illegal printing shop. . .. "During its entire pPriod of existence no one worked in the printing shop besides Comrade Ketskhovcli, mysell and another compositor. "Thf' printiug shop published four issues of Brdzola, the organ of the 'ri!lis revolutionary Social-Democratic organization, a !cw issues of the lsl.:ra new:;paper, various pamphlets such as 'The Four Brothers,' 'Spiders and Flies, ' many manifestocs, leaflets, etc."* A. Yenukidzc, latr.r exposed as a mortal enemy of the Pf>Oplr, dl"liberatPly and with hostile intent falsified the history of the Bolshevik organizations of Transcaucasia in hls authorized biography and in his pamphlet Our Illegal F1·inting Shops in the Caucasus, cynically and brazenly distorted wrll-known historical ractc;, crrrliting himself with a11P~ed SPr\ icrs in the e::;tab1isl1m,.ut of the first illegal priuti11~ shop in B