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English Pages 107 [106] Year 2023
For 2024 Exam
GEOGRAPHY Section II (Domain Specific Subject) Strictly ar per the Latest Examination Pattern issued by NTA
The ONLY book you need to Ace CUET (UG)
100% Exam Readiness
Valuable Exam Insights
Extensive Practice
Concept Clarity
With 10 Solved Sample Question Papers
With Latest Solved Paper 2023
With 550+ NCERT - based MCQs
With 350+ Explanations & Smart Answer Keys
YEAR 2023-24 “9789357288132”
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This book is published by Oswaal Books and Learning Pvt Ltd (“Publisher”) and is intended solely for educational use, to enable students to practice for examinations/tests and reference. The contents of this book primarily comprise a collection of questions that have been sourced from previous examination papers. Any practice questions and/or notes included by the Publisher are formulated by placing reliance on previous question papers and are in keeping with the format/pattern/ guidelines applicable to such papers. The Publisher expressly disclaims any liability for the use of, or references to, any terms or terminology in the book, which may not be considered appropriate or may be considered offensive, in light of societal changes. Further, the contents of this book, including references to any persons, corporations, brands, political parties, incidents, historical events and/or terminology within the book, if any, are not intended to be offensive, and/or to hurt, insult or defame any person (whether living or dead), entity, gender, caste, religion, race, etc. and any interpretation to this effect is unintended and purely incidental. While we try to keep our publications as updated and accurate as possible, human error may creep in. We expressly disclaim liability for errors and/or omissions in the content, if any, and further disclaim any liability for any loss or damages in connection with the use of the book and reference to its contents”. The Maps shown in this book are for reference only. They are Artistic Maps.
ii ) Kindle( Edition
Preface National Testing Agency (NTA) has been established in November 2017 under the Societies Registration Act (1860) by the Ministry of Education as a premier, specialist, autonomous, and self-sustained testing organization to conduct entrance examinations for admission/fellowship in higher educational institutions. The Common University Entrance Test (CUET (UG) - 2022) is being introduced for admission into all UG Programmes in all Central Universities for the academic session 2023 Exam under the Ministry of Education, (MoE). The Common University Entrance Test (CUET) will provide a common platform and equal opportunities to candidates across the country, especially those from rural and other remote areas, and help establish a better connection with the Universities. A single examination will enable the Candidates to cover a wide outreach and be part of the admissions process to various Central Universities. CUET – UG Computer Based Test (CBT) for the Central Universities is to be conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA). The curriculum for CUET is based on the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) syllabus for class 12 only. CUET scores are mandatorily required while admitting students to undergraduate courses in 44 central universities. A merit list will be prepared by participating Universities/organizations. Universities may conduct their individual counselling on the basis of the scorecard of CUET (UG)-2023 provided by NTA.
A few benefits of studying from Oswaal Sample Question Papers • • • • •
100% Exam Updated With 10 Solved Sample Question Papers Extensive Practice With 550+ NCERT based MCQs Concept Clarity With 350+ Explanations & Smart Answer Keys Valuable Exam Insights With Latest Solved Papers 2022 (Slot 1 & 2) 100% Exam Readiness With Expert Tips to crack the exam
Our Heartfelt Gratitude! Finally, we would like to thank our authors, editors, and reviewers. Special thanks to our students who send us suggestions and constantly help improve our books. We promise to always strive towards ‘Making Learning Simple’ for all of you. Wish you all Happy Learning!
( iii )
-Team Oswaal Books
Books Expert Tips(UG) to Crack Oswaal BooksOswaal Expert Tips to Crack CUET in the First A empt CUET (UG) in the First Attempt
Excited about your UG but unsure if you will get admission to your preferred university? In a major announcement by the chairman of the University Grants Commission, the Naonal Tesng Agency will be conducng the Common Universies Entrance Test (CUET (UG) 2022) for undergraduate programs in Central Universies for the upcoming academic session. However, the UGC Chairperson also stated that CUET (UG) will not just be limited to admissions to Central Universies. Many prominent private universies have indicated that they would also like to adopt a common entrance exam for undergraduate admissions and take admissions on the basis of CUET (UG) scores. This makes CUET (UG) a very important examinaon in itself and hence it becomes mandatory to be aware of the ps & tricks that could help you ace the exam on the first a empt.
The first step is to understand The pa ern of the examinaon. CUET includes three secons, secon 1 includes queson based on languages, secon 2 includes 27 domain-based subjects and secon 3 includes General Test. The syllabus of the upcoming Common University Entrance Test, CUET 2022, will be completely based on the syllabus of class 12 th . No queson will be asked from class 11th syllabus.
While preparing for the exam, it is i m p o r t a n t t o i d e n f y t h e important topics and pracce important quesons from those t o p i c s . P r a c c e i m p o r t a n t q u e s o n s t h r o u g h O s w a a l Q u e so n B a n k a n d S a m p l e Q u e s o n P a p e r s , L i s n g topics also helps in idenfying the weak areas that need special effort and me. The aspirants can start preparing to focus on the areas that they consider to be tough, followed by the ones that are their strengths.
Make a habit of preparing notes f ro m t h e b e g i n n i n g o f t h e preparaon. It will not only help in making the study systemac but also make the revision of the syllabus easy even when you might have limited me to revise.
Collecng and preparing from the appropriate study material cannot be ignored as irrelevant. The books chosen by the aspirants to study from should be on the lines of the current syllabus and the ones that could help you with swi revision before the examinaon.
Make sure to revise as much as possible. The revision will help the aspirants in keeping the concepts fresh in their minds unl the day of the final examinaons. They may refer to a few good pracce quesons and concise revision notes to achieve their desired results.
Devote a sufficient amount of me to all the secons of the examinaons. This requires a wellmade plan and an honest adherence to the said plan. Priorize the most important topics or the topics that the aspirants are not familiar with to be able to master them in me.
With this said, an important queson that is gaining ground amongst students who will be appearing for this exam is if they should take coaching to get themselves ready for the exams. The answer is a simple no, the exam will simply not require any coaching as it is completely based on the Class 12th syllabus which will be quite fresh in students' minds as they will be just out of school. All they need is a good revision and pracce of quesons from Oswaal Queson Bank and Sample Queson Papers for CUET (UG) preparaons.
( iv )
Contents l Oswaal Books Expert Tips to Crack CUET (UG) in the first Attempt
iv - iv
l Latest CUET (UG) Syllabus
vii - viii
l CUET Solved Paper 2023 (22nd May 2023)
6 - 14
l CUET Solved Paper 2022 (15th July, Slot-2, 10th August, Slot-1)
15 - 31
Sample Question Papers
l Sample Question Paper - 1
1 - 3
l Sample Question Paper - 2
4 - 6
l Sample Question Paper - 3
7 - 9
l Sample Question Paper - 4
10 - 12
l Sample Question Paper - 5
13 - 15
l Sample Question Paper - 6
16 - 19
l Sample Question Paper - 7
20 - 23
l Sample Question Paper - 8
24 - 27
l Sample Question Paper - 9
28 - 30
l Sample Question Paper - 10
31 - 33
Solutions l Sample Question Paper - 1
34 - 36
l Sample Question Paper - 2
37 - 39
l Sample Question Paper - 3
40 - 42
l Sample Question Paper - 4
43 - 45
l Sample Question Paper - 5
46 - 48
l Sample Question Paper - 6
49 - 51
l Sample Question Paper - 7
52 - 54
Contd... l Sample Question Paper - 8
55 - 57
l Sample Question Paper - 9
58 - 60
l Sample Question Paper - 10
61 - 64
( vi )
Latest Syllabus Note: There will be one Question Paper which will have 50 questions out of which 40 questions need to be attempted.
GEOGRAPHY/GEOLOGY-313 Fundamentals of Human Geography Unit I: Human Geography: Nature and Scope Unit II: People
• Population of the world – distribution, density and growth;
• Population change-spatial patterns and structure; determinants of population change;
• Age-sex ratio; rural-urban composition;
• Human development – concept; selected indicators, international comparisons.
Unit III: Human Activities
• Primary activities – concept and changing trends; gathering, pastoral, mining, subsistence agriculture, modern agriculture; people engaged in agriculture and allied activities – some examples from selected countries;
• Secondary activities – concept; manufacturing: agro-processing, household, small scale, large scale; people engaged in secondary activities – some examples from selected countries;
• Tertiary activities – concept; trade, transport and communication; services; people engaged in tertiary activities – some examples from selected countries;
• Quaternary activities – concept; knowledge based industries; people engaged in quaternary activities – some examples from selected countries.
Unit IV: Transport, Communication and Trade
• Land transport – roads, railways – rail network; trans-continental railways;
• Water transport- inland waterways; major ocean routes;
• Air transport – Intercontinental air routes;
• Oil and gas pipelines;
• Satellite communication and cyber space;
• International trade – Basis and changing patterns; ports as gateways of international trade, role of WTO in International trade.
Unit V: Human Settlements
• Settlement types – rural and urban; morphology of cities (case study); distribution of mega cities; problems of human settlements in developing countries.
( vii )
Contd... Contd... GEOGRAPHY/GEOLOGY-313 India: People and Economy Unit I: People
• Population: distribution, density and growth; composition of population - linguistic, religious; sex, rural-urban and occupational - regional variations in growth of population ;
• Migration: international, national – causes and consequences;
• Human development – selected indicators and regional patterns;
• Population, environment and development.
Unit II: Human Settlements
• Rural settlements – types and distribution;
• Urban settlements – types, distribution and functional classification.
Unit III: Resources and Development (Periods 30)
• Land resources – general land use; agricultural land use – major crops; agricultural development and problems, common property resources;
• Water resources – availability and utilization – irrigation, domestic, industrial and other uses; scarcity of water and conservation methods – rain water harvesting and watershed management (one case study related with participatory watershed management to be introduced) ;
• Mineral and energy resources – metallic and non-metallic minerals and their distribution; conventional and nonconventional energy sources;
• Industries – types and distribution; industrial location and clustering; changing pattern of selected industries – iron and steel, cotton textiles, sugar, petrochemicals, and knowledge based industries; impact of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation on industrial location;
• Planning in India – target area planning (case study); idea of sustainable development (case study).
Unit IV: Transport, Communication and International Trade
• Transport and communication — roads, railways, waterways and airways; oil and gas pipelines; national electric grids; communication networkings – radio, television, satellite and internet;
• International trade — changing pattern of India’s foreign trade; sea ports and their hinterland and airports.
Unit V: Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems
• Environmental pollution; urban-waste disposal;
• Urbanisation-rural-urban migration; problem of slums;
• Land Degradation.
( viii )
Be mindful. Be grateful. Be positive. Be true. Be kind Three things that make you special
Three people you are grateful for and why
Three simple things you are grateful for
A challenging experience that made you stronger
Three ways to inject gratitude into a current challenge
Describe the last time you did something nice for someone
A fear you have overcome
Three activities you enjoy most and why
What made you smile today?
Three things you love about your family
What is your favorite place, and why?
Three things you love most about yourself
The last time you were overcome with joy
A risk you are grateful you took and why
Three everyday items you are grateful for
Three songs that bring you joy
What skill do you have that you are grateful for and why?
One luxury you are thankful for
Describe a rejection you are grateful for
Three things about your body you are grateful for
What are you most grateful for in your daily life?
Three things you are grateful for about where you live
Three items in your home you are grateful for
Say thank you to someone
Something in nature you are grateful for
A person in your past you are grateful for
Something at school you’re grateful for
Describe the last time you laughed so hard you cried
What is your proudest accomplishment?
Three things you want to manifest
Positive Affirmations
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United Book House, 9831344622
Bhaiya Industries, 9893326853, Sushil Prakashan,(0731) 2503333, 2535892, 9425322330, Bhaiya Store, 9425318103, Arun Prakashan, 9424890785,
Vinay Pustak Sadan, 8962362667, Anand Books and Stationers, 9425323508
Princi Book Depot, Sagar, 9977277011
Shri Mahavir Agency, 9425363412
Akshaya Books Corner, 9666155555
Anil Paper Mart, 9422722522, (02482) 230733
Our Distributors
VISAKHAPATHAM JBD Educational, 9246632691, 9246633693, Sri Rajeshwari Book Link, 9848036014 VIJAYAWADA
Madhusheela Books & Stationery, 7875899892
Krishna Book Centre, 9474205570, Kumar Book Depot, 9932082455, Kumar Book Depot, 9932082455, Sree aditya Book Centre, 8332972720, 7013300914
Book Emporium, 9675972993, 6000763186, Ashok Publication, 7896141127, Kayaan Enterprises, (0361) 2630443, Orchid Book house, 9864624209, Newco, 9864178188
Bhaiya Book Centre, 9424081874, Seva Suppliers, 9826451052
Shreenath Book Depot, 9827544045 Gupta Brother, 9644482444
Pustak Bhandar, 7870834225
Natraj Book Depot, (020) 24485054, 9890054092, Vikas Book House, 9921331187, Pravin Sales, 9890683475, New Saraswati Granth Bhandar, 9422323859, Akshar Books & Stationary, 7385089789, Vardhaman Educational, 9860574354, Yash Book Centre, 9890156763, Pragati Book Centre, (ISC), 9850039311, Praveen Sales, Pragati Book Centre, Pune ( E & C ), 9850039311 Shree Sainath Agencies, 7350294089, Maya Book Centre, (ISC), 9372360150
Saini Brothers, 9425582561, M.P Department Stores, 9425254264
Sharma Book Depot & Stat. (ISC), 9421393040
Bokaro Student Friends Pvt. Ltd, Bokaro, 7277931285 Anil Book Depot, 9425234260
Yash Book House, 9637936999, Shri Ganesh Pustakalay, 9730172188 Granth the Book World, 9922295522
Kitab Ghar, Korba ( E & C ), 9425226528
Renuka Book distributor, 9765406133, Novelty Book Depot, 9657690220, Karamveer Book Depot, 9923966466, Arun Book & Stationers, 9423110953 Abhang Pustakalaya, 9823470756/9175940756
Navjeevan Book Stall, 7020525561
Nova Publisher & Distributors, (0612) 2666404, Shri Durga Pustak Mandir, 9334477386, Sharda Pustak Bhandar, 9334259293, Vikas Book Depot, 9504780402, Alka Book Agency, 9835655005, Metro Book(E&C), Ishu Pustak Bhandar, 8294576789, Gyan Ganga Limited, 6203900312, Ishu Pustak Bhandar, ( E & C ), 9334186300/8294576789
Bhagwati Bhawani Book Depot, 0788-2327620, 9827473100 Shri Ramdev Traders, 9981761797, Gupta Pustak Mandir, 7974220323,
Anil Publication, 9691618258/7999078802
Sindhu Book Deopt, 9981935763
Mittal Books, (011) 23288887, 9899037390, Singhania Book & Stationer, 9212028238, AoneBooks, New Delhi, 8800497047, Radhey Book Depot, 9818314141, Batheja Super Store, 9871833924, Lov Dev & Sons, Delhi ( E & C ), 9811182352, Zombozone, 9871274082, LDS Marketing, 9811182352/9999353491
Vidyarthi Sales Agencies, 9819776110, New Student Agencies, 7045065799, Shivam Books & Stationery, 8619805332
Laxmi Pustakalay and Stationers, (0712) 2727354, Vijay Book Depot, 9860122094
Rahul Book Centre, 9970849681, New India Book House, 9623123458 Shri Ganesh Pustkalaya, 9423131275
Prime Book Centre, Vasai, 9890293662
ODISHA A. K. Mishra Agencies, 9437025991, 9437081319
Patel Book, 9898184248, 9824386112, 9825900335, Zaveri Agency, 9979897312, 9979890330, Hardik Book Agency, (ISC) 079-24110043, 9904659821 Samir Book Stall, Bhavnagar (ISC) 9586305305 Collegian Book Corner, 9925501981 Goutam Book Sellers, 9081790813
BHUBANESHWAR M/s Pragnya, 8847888616, 9437943777, Padmalaya, 9437026922, Bidyashree, 9937017070, Books Godown, 7894281110 BARIPADA Trimurti Book World, 9437034735 KEONJHAR Students corner, 7008435418
Mahavir Stationers, 9429474177 College Store, (ISC) NO CALL 02637-258642, 9825099121
Umakant Book Sellers & Stationer, 9624920709
Manish Traders, 9812556687, Swami Kitab Ghar, 9355611088,
Sanjay book depot, 9255447231
Natraj Book Distributors, 7988917452
Shopping Point, 9824108663
Babu Ram Pradeep Kumar, 9813214692
Kashi Ram Kishan lal, 9289504004, 8920567245
Khurana Book Store, 9896572520
Bharat Book Depot, 7988455354 Goel Sons, 9463619978, Adarsh Enterprises, 9814347613
Cheap Book Store, 9872223458, 9878258592, City Book Shop, 9417440753, Subhash Book Depot, 9876453625, Paramvir Enterprises, 9878626248 Sita Ram book Depot, 9463039199, 7696141911 Amit Book, 9815807871, Gupta Brothers, 9888200206, Bhatia Book Centre, 9815277131 Mohindra Book Depot, 9814920226
Laxmi General Store, Ajmer, 0145- 2428942 9460652197
Vardhman Book Depot, 9571365020, 8003221190 Raj Traders, 9309232829
Nakoda Book Depot, (01482) 243653, 9214983594, Alankar Book Depot, 9414707462 Ravi Enterprises, 9829060694, Saraswati Book House, (0141) 2610823, 9829811155, Goyal Book Distt., 9460983939, 9414782130 Sunil Book Store, 9828682260
Crown Book Distributor & Publishers, (0651) 2213735, 9431173904, Pustak Mandir, 9431115138, Vidyarthi Pustak Bhandar, 9431310228
Book Corner, 8794894165, 8984657146, Book Emporium, 9089230412
Sahitya Sangam, 9419190177 BOKARO
Bokaro Student Friends, (0654) 2233094, 7360021503, Bharati Bhawan Agencies, 9431740797
Second Hand Book Stall, 9460004745
TAMIL NADU Majestic Book House, (0422) 2384333, CBSC Book Shop, 9585979752
Arraba Book Traders, (044) 25387868, 9841459105, M.R. Book Store (044) 25364596, Kalaimagal Store, (044) 5544072, 9940619404, Vijaya Stores, 9381037417, Bookmark It-Books & Stat. Store, 7305151653, M.K. Store, 9840030099, Tiger Books Pvt. Ltd., 9710447000, New Mylai Stationers, 9841313062, Prince Book House, Chennai,
Renuka Book Distributor, (0836) 2244124, Vidyamandir Book Distributors, 9980773976 CHENNAI
Krishna book house, 9739847334, Hema Book Stores, 9986767000,
Chatinya book centre, 9886064731
Sri Lakshmi Book Seller, 7871555145
Academic Book House, (0484) 2376613, H & C Store, 9864196344, Surya Book House, 9847124217, 9847238314 Book Centre, (0481) 2566992 Academic Book House, (0471) 2333349, 9447063349, Ponni Book Stall, 9037591721
P.R.Sons Book Seller, 9443370597, Rasi Publication, 9894816280
0444-2053926, 9952068491, S K Publishers & Distributors, 9789865544, Dharma Book Shop, 8667227171
Sapna Book House Pvt. Ltd., 9980513242, Hema Book World, (Chamrajpet) (ISC) 080-40905110, 9945731121
Aman Book Stall, (0495) 2721282,
Pustak Bhawan, ( E & C ), 8982150100
Agarwal Book Depot, 9425116210
Pattu book centre, 9894816280
Maya Book Centre, 9443929274 Selvi Book Shoppe, 9843057435, Jayam Book Centre, 9894658036 G.K book centre and collections, 9894517994
Sri Balaji Book Depot, (040) 27613300, 9866355473, Shah Book House, 9849564564 Vishal Book Distributors, 9246333166, Himalaya Book World, 7032578527
Central Book House, 9935454590, Friends & Co., 9450277154, Dinesh book depot, 9125818274, Friends & Co., 9450277154
Inder Book Agencies, 9634045280, Amar Book Depot , 8130491477, Goyal Book Store, 9897318047, New National Book House, 9897830283/9720590054
Bhanu Book Depot, 9415031340
Ram Saran Dass Chanda kiran, 0135-2632785, 9761344588
Radha News Agency, 8957247427, Raj Book Dist., 9235616506, H K Book Distributors, 9935146730, H K Book Distributors, 9506033137/9935146730
Sparsh Book Agency, 9412257817, Om Pustak Mandir, (0562) 2464014, 9319117771,
Ideal Book Depot, (0121) 4059252, 9837066307
Mehrotra Book Agency, (0532) 2266865, 9415636890
Prozo (Global Edu4 Share Pvt. Ltd), 9318395520, Goyal Books Overseas Pvt.Ltd., 1204655555 9873387003
Sasta Sahitya Bhandar, 9450029674
Kanhaiya Pustak Bhawan, 9415317109
K.B.C.L. Agarwal, 9897124960, Shaligram Agencies, 9412317800, New Vimal Books, 9997398868, T.I.C Book centre, 9808039570
Subhash Book Depot, 9760262264
Rastogi Book Depot, 9837053462/9368978202
Universal Book Center, 8933826726
Siksha Prakashan, 9837829284
Mittal Pustak Kendra, 9838201466
Kanodia Book Depot, 9415277835
S.B. Book Distributor, Cooch behar, 9002670771
Gupta Books, 8707225564, Bookman & Company, 9935194495/7668899901
Subhani Book Store, 9046891334
Sapra Traders, 9410076716, Vijay Book House , 9897254292
Agarwal Book House, 9832038727, Modern Book Agency, 8145578772
Anurag Book Agencies, 8844007575
Krishna Book House, 7031748945
Gupta News Agency, 8868932500, Gupta News Agency, ( E & C ), 8868932500
New Book House, 8944876176
Ramkumar Mahaveer Prasad, 9411942550
Sanjay Publication, 8126699922 Arti book centre, 8630128856, Panchsheel Books, 9412257962, Bhagwati Book Store, (E & C), 9149081912
Vyapar Sadan, 7607102462, Om Book Depot, 7705871398, Azad Book Depot Pvt. Ltd.,
7317000250, Book Sadan, 9839487327, Rama Book Depot(Retail), 7355078254, Ashirwad Book Depot, 9235501197, Book.com, 7458922755, Universal Books,
9450302161, Sheetla Book Agency, 9235832418, Vidyarthi Kendra Publisher & Distributor Pvt Ltd, (Gold), 9554967415, Tripathi Book House, 9415425943
WEST BENGAL Oriental Publishers & Distributor (033) 40628367, Katha 'O' Kahini, (033) 22196313, 22419071, Saha Book House, (033), 22193671, 9333416484, United Book House, 9831344622, Bijay Pustak Bhandar, 8961260603, Shawan Books Distributors, 8336820363, Krishna Book House, 9123083874
Om Stationers, 7007326732
Entrance & Competition Distributors PATNA
A.K.Mishra Agencies, 9437025991
Metro Books Corner, 9431647013, Alka Book Agency, 9835655005, Vikas Book Depot, 9504780402
M/s Pragnya, 9437943777
Kitab Ghar, 9425226528, Shri Ramdev Traders, 9981761797
Cheap Book Store, 9872223458, 9878258592
Singhania Book & Stationer, 9212028238, Radhey Book depot, 9818314141, The KOTA Book Shop, 9310262701, Mittal Books, 9899037390, Lov Dev & Sons, 9999353491
Vardhman Book Depot, 9571365020, Raj Traders, 9309232829
Anupam Sales, 9560504617, A ONE BOOKS, 8800497047
Goyal Book Distributors, 9414782130
Bharat Book Depot, 7988455354
BHAGWATI BOOK STORE, 9149081912, Sparsh Book Agency, 9412257817, Sanjay Publication, 8126699922
New Vimal Books, 9997398868
Bokaro Student Friends Pvt. Ltd, 7360021503
Mehrotra Book Agency, (532) 2266865, 9415636890
Central Book House, 9935454590
Bhaiya Industries, 9109120101
Raj Book Dist, 9235616506
Pustak Bhawan, 9827255997
Azad Book Depot PVT LTD, 7317000250, Rama Book Depot(Retail), 7355078254 Ashirwad Book Depot , 9235501197, Book Sadan, 8318643277, Book.com , 7458922755, Sheetla Book Agency, 9235832418
Format Center, 9335115561, Garg Brothers Trading & Services Pvt. Ltd., 7388100499
Laxmi Pustakalay and Stationers, (0712) 2727354
Pragati Book Centre, 9850039311
New Student Agencies LLP, 7045065799
Inder Book Agancies, 9634045280
Trimurti Book World, 9437034735
Bijay Pustak Bhandar Pvt. Ltd., 8961260603, Saha Book House, 9674827254 United Book House, 9831344622, Techno World, 9830168159
Writing Your Notes Writing YOUR Your Notes WRITING NOTES Just in case you have forgotten today, takedown your notes! But why is it so important? Tools for the hands are tools for the brain writes Hetty Roessingh. Handwritten notes are a powerful tool for encrypting embodied cognition and in turn supporting the brain’s capacity for recuperation of information. If that sounds so scientific then in simple words: Writing notes by hand help you in:
Increasing your comprehension Strengthening your memory Igniting your creativity Engaging your mind Increasing your attention span Are these reasons enough to get you started?
10. .......................................................................................................................................... 11. .......................................................................................................................................... 12. .......................................................................................................................................... 13. .......................................................................................................................................... 14. .......................................................................................................................................... 15. .......................................................................................................................................... 16. .......................................................................................................................................... 17. .......................................................................................................................................... 18. .......................................................................................................................................... 19. .......................................................................................................................................... 20. .......................................................................................................................................... ( 15 ) (5)
CUET (UG) Exam Paper 2023 National Testing Agency Held on 22nd May 2023
(This includes Questions pertaining to Domain Specific Subject only) Max. Marks: 200
Time allowed: 45 Minutes
General Instructions: 1. The test is of 45 Minutes duration. 2. The test contains 50 questions out of which 40 questions need to be attempted. 3. Marking Scheme of the test: a. Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Five marks (+5). b. Any iincorrectly marked option will be given minus one mark (−1). c. Unanswered/Marked for Review will be given zero mark (0).
1. Which of the following is a mining town? (1) Hugli (3) Jharia
(2) Ambala (4) Satna
Explanation: Most of India's coal comes from Jharia. Jharia coal mines are India's most important storehouse of prime coke coal used in blast furnaces, it consists of 23 large underground and nine large open cast mines.
2. Age-Sex pyramid of which country is bell shaped ? (2) Bangladesh (4) Nigeria
Explanation: A bell-shaped age pyramid represents stable population with almost equal numbers of young, and middle-aged individuals.
List - I
List - II
Regional Trade Blocks
Association of South East
Asian Nations (ASEAN) Commonwealth of
(4) (A)-(III), (B)-(IV), (C)-(II), (D)-(I) Ans. Option (2) is Correct Explanation: Headquarters will always be located in one of the members of the particular Nations/States. wherein Indonesia were among the Five members who founded ASEAN.
by which one of the following option: (1) Ratzel
(2) Ellen C. Semple
(3) Vidal de la Blache
(4) Griffith Taylor
Ans. Option (4) is Correct (II)
Independent States (CIS)
Anthropogeography, Ellen C. Semple-Environmental
European Union (EU)
Organisation of Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC)
(3) (A)-(III), (B)-(IV), (C)-(I), (D)-(II)
4. The concept of Neo-determinism was introduced
3. Match List - I with List - II:
(2) (A)-(III), (B)-(I), (C)-(IV), (D)-(II)
For example, Jakarta, the Capital of Indonesia,
Ans. Option (1) is Correct
below : (1) (A)-(III), (B)-(I), (C)-(II), (D)-(IV)
Ans. Option (3) is Correct
(1) Australia (3) Mexico
Choose the correct answer from the options given
determinism, Vidal de la Blache- Possibilism and Griffith Taylor-Neo-determinism or Stop and Go determinism.
Solved Paper-2023 5. Identify
the correct statements about Hugli
Choose the correct answer from the options given
Industrial Region.
below :
(A) Located along Hugli River
(1) (A)-(II), (B)-(I), (C)-(III), (D)-(IV)
(B) Kolkata - Haora form the nucleus of this region
(2) (A)-(II), (B)-(I), (C)-(IV), (D)-(III)
(C) Establishment of first Jute Mill in 1835
(3) (A)-(II), (B)-(IV), (C)-(I), (D)-(III)
(D) Partition of the country in 1947 affected it
(4) (A)-(II), (B)-(IV), (C)-(III), (D)-(I)
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
Ans. Option (3) is Correct
8. Which of the following is transported through ‘Big Inch’ pipeline?
(1) (A), (B) and (C) only (2) (A), (C) and (D) only (3) (A), (B) and (D) only
(1) Milk
(2) Petroleum
(3) Water
(4) LPG
Ans. Option (2) is Correct
(4) (B), (C) and (D) only
Explanation: The 'Big Inch' Pipeline transports
Ans. Option (3) is Correct
petroleum. The big inch, little big inch are
Explanation: The first jute mill was established at
collectively known as Inch pipelines.
Rishra, on the River Hooghly near Calcutta in 1855 when Mr. George Acland brought jute spinning machinery from Dundee.
9. Gross
National Happiness (GNH) is used as the
measure of the country’s progress in which one of the following country?
6. Cities act as nodes of: (1) Social growth (2) Economic growth
(1) Nepal
(2) Bhutan
(3) China
(4) Cambodia
Ans. Option (2) is Correct
(3) Psychological growth
Explanation: GNH is a measure of economic and
(4) Environmental growth
moral progress that Bhutan introduced in 1970’s as
Ans. Option (2) is Correct
alternative to Gross Domestic Product.
Explanation: Cities act as nodes of economic growth; provide goods and services not only to urban dwellers but also to the people of the rural
10. Match List - I with List - II List - I Water ways
settlements in their hinterlands in return for food and raw materials.
7. Match List - I with List - II List- I Pillars of Human Development
List - II Characteristics
List - II Stretch
National Waterway 1
Kakinada Puducherry
National Waterway 2
Allahabad - Haldia
National Waterway 3
(III) Sadiya - Dhubri
National Waterway 4
(IV) Kottapuram Kollam
Building capabilities in people
Equal access to opportunities for all
To have the power to make choices
(1) (A)-(II), (B)-(III), (C)-(IV), (D)-(I)
Continuity in availability of opportunities
(3) (A)-(II), (B)-(IV), (C)-(I), (D)-(III)
Choose the correct answer from the options given below : (2) (A)-(II), (B)-(III), (C)-(I), (D)-(IV) (4) (A)-(II), (B)-(IV), (C)-(III), (D)-(I)
OSWAAL CUET (UG) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY
Ans. Option (1) is Correct
Explanation: Firstly, in 1920s, Geographers and
Explanation: National Waterway 1 refers to GangaBhagirathi-Hugli river system, National Waterway 2 refers to River Brahmaputra, National Waterway 3 refers to West Coast Canal, and National Waterway 4 stretch along River Godavari and Krishna River.
11. Which of the following is NOT an urban strategy outlined by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) ? (1) Reducing air pollution (2) Providing employment to youths (3) Increasing shelter for urban poors (4) Provision of basic urban services Ans. Option (2) is Correct Explanation: UNDP mandate to end poverty , build domestic governance, rule of law and inclusive institution.
features or phenomenon seen or observed by them, In 1930s a real differentiation came up followed by spatial organisation in 1950s to late 1960s, Regional analysis in 1990s.
14. Identify
the correct statements given about Pack
Animals: (A) Dogs and reindeers are used in North America (B) Mules are preferred in the desert regions (C) Camels are used for caravan movement (D) Bullocks are used for pulling carts
Choose the correct answer from the options given below (1) (A), (B), (C) only
(2) (A), (B), (D) only
(3) (B), (C), (D) only
(4) (A), (C), (D) only
Ans. Option (4) is Correct Explanation: Pack animals include oxen, elephants ,
12. The largest slum of Asia out of the following is: (1) Dharavi
(2) Azadpur
(3) Ghazipur
(4) Andheri
Ans. Option (1) is Correct Explanation: Dharavi is a suburb in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. It has often been considered to be one of the world's largest slums. Dharavi has an area of just over 2.39 square kilometres (0.92 sq mi; 590 acres) and a population of about 1,000,000.
13. Arrange
explorers started explorations and described the
the following approaches of Human
Geography according to their development in a chronological order. (A) Spatial Organisation (B) Exploration and Description (C) Regional Analysis (D) Areal Differentiation Choose the correct answer from the options given below: (1) (B), (C), (A), (D) (2) (B), (C), (D), (A) (3) (B), (D), (A), (C) (4) (B), (D), (C), (A) Ans. Option (2) is Correct
sheeps, goats , yaks and dogs. In many places, they are used for transporting loads. Mules are mainly used in mountainous terrain.
15. Identify
Development Report. (A) Since 1980, Human Development Report is published annually. (B) This report provides rank-wise list of all member countries. (C) Capability approach is one the four major approaches to human development. (D) Development and human poverty index are two important indices to measure human development. Choose the correct answer from the options given below: (1) (A), (B) and (C) only (2) (A), (B) and (D) only (3) (B), (C) and (D) only (4) (A), (C) and (D) only Ans. Option (3) is Correct Explanation: The HDI is a summary of composite measure of country’s average achievements in health, education and standard of living. HDI is published annually since 1990
Solved Paper-2023 16. Arrange
the following phases of population
growth in India in a chronological order.
below : (1) (A)-(III), (B)-(IV), (C)-(I), (D)-(II)
(B) Population explosion
(2) (A)-(III), (B)-(1), (C)-(II), (D)-(IV)
(C) Stagnant or stationary growth
(3) (A)-(III), (B)-(II), (C)-(I), (D)-(IV)
(D) Population growth slowing down gradually
(4) (A)-(III), (B)-(IV), (C)-(II), (D)-(I)
Ans. Option (1) is Correct
19. The first cross country gas pipeline constructed by
(1) (C), (A), (D), (B)
(2) (C), (A), (B), (D)
GAIL is:
(3) (C), (B), (A), (D)
(4) (C), (B), (D), (A)
(1) Allahabad - Varanasi - Mirzapur
Ans. Option (2) is Correct
(2) Mumbai - Pune
Explanation: 1891–1921 - phase of stagnant growth,
(3) Adilabad - Nizamabad
1921–1951 - phase of steady growth, 1951–1981 -
(4) Hazira - Vijaipur – Jagdishpur
phase of population explosion, 1981–2011 - phase of slowing down.
Ans. Option (4) is Correct Explanation: Abbreviated as HVJ Project was
17. Geography of Leisure is a sub-field of which field
started in 1986.
of Human Geography ?
20. The theory which stated that the number of people
(1) Political Geography
would increase faster than the food supply was
(2) Economic Geography
propounded by whom?
(3) Social Geography
(1) Malthus
(2) Semple
(4) Settlement Geography
(3) Ratzel
(4) Blache
Ans. Option (3) is Correct
Ans. Option (1) is Correct
Explanation: Geography of leisure study the relationships between leisure and other social practices and behaviour related to human movement.
List - II Features
List - I Approaches to Human Development Income Approach
Explanation: The Malthusian theory explains that human population grows more rapidly than food supply until famines, war or diseases reduce the population.
18. Match List - I with List - II.
Choose the correct answer from the options given
(A) Steady population growth
Choose the correct answer from the options given
International Labour Organisation proposed this Approach
Welfare Approach
Associated with Prof. Amartya Sen
Basic Needs Approach
One of the oldest Approach
Capability Approach (IV)
Human beings are targets of all development activities
21. Which
of the following water management
government? (1) Neeru-Meeru (2) Arvary Pani Sansad (3) Haryali (4) Khushhali Ans. Option (3) is Correct Explanation: Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee has stressed to make water conservation a peoples movement.
OSWAAL CUET (UG) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY
22. Arrange
26. Industries that largely depend on component parts
broadcasting in a chronological order:
that can be obtained from anywhere, are called:
(A) Television was delinked from All India Radio
(1) Footloose industries
(B) Many centers became operational
(2) Agro-industries
(C) Television services were extended to the
(3) Small scale industries
backward and remote rural areas also (D) Television services were limited only to the National Capital
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(4) Mechanised industries Ans. Option (1) is Correct Explanation: A footloose industry is not tied to any particular location and can relocate to another place
(1) (B), (D), (A), (C)
(2) (B), (D), (C), (A)
without effect from factors of production such as
(3) (D), (B), (A), (C)
(4) (D), (B), (C), (A)
resources, land, labour, and capital .
Ans. Option (3) is Correct
23. Which of the following is a push factor of people migration?
27. Among
the following States of India, which one
has the lowest female literacy according to 2011?
(1) Better job opportunities
(1) Jharkhand
(2) Poverty
(2) Bihar
(3) High wages
(3) Uttar Pradesh
(4) Better educational facilities
(4) Chhattisgarh
Ans. Option (2) is Correct
Ans. Option (2) is Correct
Explanation: Push factors refer to the factors which pushes the population out from an area. The common push factors are low productivity, unemployment, poor economic conditions, lack of opportunities and underdevelopment.
24. Arrange
the following sea ports from north to
Explanation: According to the census of 2011, Bihar literacy rate is 53.33%, Jharkhand 55.42%, Uttar Pradesh 57.18% and Chhattisgarh 60.24%.
28. Identify the correct points about urban settlements in the world.
south direction according to their location.
(A) London is the first Million City of the world
(A) Durban
(B) London
(B) Paris was the second city to reach the million
(C) North Cape
(D) Mombasa
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
(C) By 1982, the number of million cities rose to 375
(1) (B), (C), (D), (A)
(2) (B), (C), (A), (D)
(3) (C), (B), (D), (A)
(4) (C), (B), (A), (D)
Ans. Option (3) is Correct
25. Which is the unit of measuring sound intensity? (1) Decibels
(2) Decimeter
(3) Centimeter
(4) Micrometer
Ans. Option (1) is Correct Explanation: dB is the symbol of decibels Decimeter, Centimeter and micrometer used for measuring distances.
mark in 1850
(D) By 2017, 54 percent people of the world were living in urban areas
Choose the correct answer from the options given below : (1) (B), (C) and (D) only (2) (A), (C) and (D) only (3) (A) (B) and (C) only (4) (A) (B) and (D) only Ans. Option (4) is Correct
Solved Paper-2023
29. Which of the following is NOT applicable to sugar Choose the correct answer from the options given industry ?
below :
(1) Weight losing raw material (2) Maharashtra produces more than one third of total sugar production in the country (3) Sugar industry runs throughout the year equally (4) Agro-based industry Ans. Option (3) is Correct
(1) (A)-(IV), (B)-(II), (C)-(1), (D)-(III) (2) (A)-(IV), (B)-(II), (C)-(III), (D)-(1) (3) (A)-(IV), (B)-(1), (C)-(II), (D)-(III) (4) (A)-(IV), (B)-(1), (C)-(III), (D)-(II) Ans. Option (3) is Correct
Explanation: During monsoon, sugarcane transportation and harvesting is difficult.
30. Indian Railways has been grouped into which of the following zones ? (1) 14
(2) 15
(3) 16
(4) 21
33. The
activity solely dependent upon animals, is
called: (I) Hunting and Gathering (2) Pastoralism (3) Shifting Agriculture
Ans. Option (3) is Correct
(4) Commercial Agriculture
31. Identify the correct statements about Indian Ports. (A) Mumbai is a natural harbour and the biggest port of the country (B) Jawahar Lal Nehru port was developed to relieve the pressure at Kandla port (C) Kolkata port is located on River Hugli, 128 km away from sea (D) Vishakhapatnam is a land-locked harbour
Choose the correct answer from the options given
Ans. Option (2) is Correct Explanation: Pastrolism is also called animal husbandry; it deals with rearing of livestock.
34. Which waterway serves eastern Europe? (1) Mississippi waterway (2) The Great Lakes waterway
below :
(3) Rhine waterway
(1) (A), (B) and (C) only
(4) Danube waterway
(2) (A), (C) and (D) only
Ans. Option (4) is Correct
(3) (B), (C) and (D) only (4) (A), (B) and (D) only
Explanation: Danube is second longest river in
Ans. Option (2) is Correct
Europe after Volga of Russia. Rhine waterway
Explanation: JNP (Jawaharlal Nehru Port) also known as Nhava Seva Port is the largest container port developed to relieve Mumbai Port.
of the following help in getting better
insight into the Human-Land ratio in terms of List - II Inputs
Tata Iron and Steel Plant
Hydropower from Jog fall
Visvesvaraiya Iron and Steel Plant
Jharia coalfield
Rourkela Steel Plant (III)
Korba coalfield
Bhilai Steel Plant
Iron ore from Noamundi
waterway are in America.
35. Which
32. Match List - I with List - II List-I Steel Plants
serves western Europe, Mississippi and Great lakes
pressure of population on total cultivable land ? (1) Physiological density (2) Population density (3) Relative density (4) Absolute density Ans. Option (1) is Correct
OSWAAL CUET (UG) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY
36. “Asia has many places where people are few and few place where people are very many.”
remark signifies that population of Asia is
_____. (1) Densely distributed (2) Sparsely distributed
39. Which
of the following is the largest linguistic
group of India ? (1) Sino-Tibetan
(2) Indo-European
(3) Austric
(4) Dravidian
Ans. Option (2) is Correct Explanation: Indo-European Groups include Hindi, Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi and Gujarati.
(3) Evenly distributed (4) Unevenly distributed Ans. Option (4) is Correct
40. Rural settlements are NOT classified on the basis of: (1) Areal extent
(2) Setting
Explanation: The unequal distribution is mainly
(3) Functions
(4) Forms or shapes
due to uneven distribution of geographical, social,
Ans. Option (1) is Correct
cultural and economic factors.
41. Read the given passage and answer the question :
37. Which of the following development projects has been taken up by National Highway Authority of India?
agriculture was introduced by the
Europeans in colonies situated in the tropics. Some of the important plantation crops are tea, coffee, cocoa, rubber, cotton, oil palm, sugarcane, bananas
(1) Border Roads
and pineapples. The characteristic features of this
(2) State Highways
type of farming are large estates or plantations,
(3) Golden Quadrilateral
large capital investment, managerial and technical
(4) Rural Roads Ans. Option (3) is Correct Explanation: Golden Quadrilateral is a network of highways connecting India’s metropolitan cities Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata.
38. Arrange the following Million Cities from smallest
support, scientific methods of cultivation, single crop specialisation, cheap labour, and a good system of transportation which links the estates to the factories and markets for the export of the products. The French established cocoa and coffee plantations in West Africa. The British set up large tea gardens in India and Sri Lanka, rubber plantations in Malaysia and sugarcane and banana plantations in West Indies. Spanish and Americans
to largest according to the population size.
invested heavily in coconut and sugarcane
(A) Greater Mumbai
plantations in the Philippines. The Dutch once had
(B) Surat (C) Agra (D) Chennai
Choose the correct answer from the options given below: (1) (A), (D), (C), (B) (2) (A), (D), (C), (B) (3) (C), (B), (D), (A) (4) (B), (C), (D), (A) Ans. Option (3) is Correct
monopoly over sugarcane plantation in Indonesia. Some coffee fazendas (large plantations) in Brazil are still managed by Europeans. Today, ownership of the majority of plantations has passed into the hands of the government or the nationals of the countries concerned.
Which of the following is NOT a plantation crop? (1) Sugarcane
(2) Coffee
(3) Rubber
(4) Rice
Ans. Option (4) is Correct Explanation: Plantation crops are perennial crops that are grown on a large scale. Rice is a food crop.
Sample Question Papers 42. Which
type of cultivation was introduced by
Read the given passage carefully and answer the question:
European colonizers? (1) Kolkoz
The new Industrial Policy was announced in 1991.
(2) Viticulture
The major objectives of this policy were to build on
(3) Plantation
the gains already made, correct the distortions or
(4) Mixed farming
weaknesses that have crept in, maintain a sustained growth in productivity and gainful employment
Ans. Option (3) is Correct
and attain international competitiveness.
Explanation: Plantation agriculture was introduced by European whereas, Kolkoz was introduced by Soviet Union, Viticulture is a speciality of Mediterranean region and Mixed farming is popular across different parts of the world (e.g. NW Europe, E North America and parts of Eurasia).
Within this policy, measures initiated are: abolition of industrial licensing, free entry to foreign technology, foreign investment policy, access to capital market, open trade, abolition of phased manufacturing
43. Who established banana plantation in West Indies? (1) French
three main dimensions: liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation.
46. New
(2) British
Industrial Policy was announced during
which year?
(3) Dutch
(1) 1989
(2) 1990
(4) Spanish
(3) 1991
(4) 1992
Ans. Option (3) is Correct
Ans. Option (2) is Correct
44. Who have invested heavily in coconut plantation in Philippines?
47. Which
of the following is NOT a dimension of
New Industrial Policy? (1) Liberalisation
(1) British and Germans
(2) Centralisation
(2) Spanish and Americans
(3) Privatisation
(3) Spanish and Germans
(4) Globalization Ans. Option (2) is Correct
(4) British and Americans
Explanation: New Industrial Policy removed the
Ans. Option (2) is Correct
restrictions of central government from private
45. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of (1) Large estates
48. Which measures were NOT initiated under New
(2) Mechanised agriculture
Industrial Policy ?
(3) Single crop specialisation
(1) Ban on foreign investment
(4) Scientific method of cultivation
(2) Free entry to foreign technology
Ans. Option (2) is Correct Mechanised
sector, i.e., no prior approval of central government is required
plantation agriculture?
industrial location programme. The Policy has
(3) Access to capital market agriculture
characteristics of extensive subsistence farming.
(4) Abolition of industrial licensing Ans. Option (1) is Correct
OSWAAL CUET (UG) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY
49. Which is NOT a major objective of New Industrial Policy ? (1) To correct the existing weaknesses (2) To maintain a sustained growth in productivity (3) To consolidate the landholdings for better productivity (4) To attain international competitiveness Ans. Option (3) is Correct Explanation: To consolidate landholdings for better productivity is under Agricultural Land consolidation/land reform of India.
50. Which
one of the following is a threshold limit
of assets for industrial investment under New Industrial Policy ? (1) `50 crore (2) `100 crore (3) `500 crore (4) No limit Ans. Option (4) is Correct
CUET Question Paper 2022 NATIONAL TESTING AGENCY 15th July 2022—Slot-2
Geography [This includes Questions pertaining to Domain Specific Test only]
SOLVED . Time Allowed: 45 Mins.
Maximum Marks: 200
General Instructions:
The test is of 45 Minutes duration.
The test contains is 50 questions out of which 40 question needs to be attempted.
Marking Scheme of the test: a.
Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Five marks (+5)
Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (–1).
Unanswered/Marked for Review will be given no. mark (0).
Out of the given options choose the most
Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: The Ruhr industrial region in germanes is one of the major coal-field regions. It is also famous for Iron and Steel Production.
appropriate one to define ‘Density of Population’. (a) Number of live births in a year per thousand of population. (b) Change in number of persons of a territory during a specific period of time.
industries is known by which of the following? (a) Basic industry
(d) Number of persons living in per spuare km of an area.
(c) Cottage industry
(b) Small scale industry (d) Food processing industry Sol. Option (a) is correct.
Explanation: Density of Population, is expressed as number. of persons living in per square km of an area. In Indonesia and Malaysia, shifting cultivation is
Explanation: Industry producing raw materials for other industries is known as Basic Industry.
(a) Jhuming
(b) Milpa
(c) Ladang
(d) Viticulture
Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: In Indonesia and Malaysia Shifting Cultivation is known as Ladang. In which of the following countries, Ruhr industrial region is located? (a) France
(b) Spain
(c) Germany
(d) England
Since which year radio broadcasting started in India for the first time?
known by which of the following names?
Industry producing raw materials for other
(c) Ratio between the number of women and men in the population.
Sol. Option (d) is correct.
(a) 1920
(b) 1923
(c) 1916
(d) 1925
Sol. Option (b) is correct. Explanation: Radio Broadcasting started in India in 1923 by the Radio Club of Bombay.
Which of the following is the longest highway in India? (a) NH-1
(b) NH-2
(c) NH-8
(d) NH- 7
Sol. Option (d) is correct.
OSWAAL CUET (UG) Sample Question Papers, Geography Explanation: It is 2369 km long road and longest National Highway of India and are of the major Road Networks between North and South India.
Name the telecommunication service, which is not considered as "Mass Media"? (a) Mobile phone
(b) Radio
(c) TV
(d) Newspaper
Sol. Option (a) is correct. Explanation: T.V Rustic and Newspaper are telecommunication services which are considered as(metin). Internet is modern mass metioa not phone.
Explanation: The Big Trunk Route runs through the North Atlantic Ocean. It links North eastern USA and North Western Europe, the two industrially developed regions of the world.
A geothermal energy plant has been commissioned at which of the following places? (a) Okhla in Delhi (b) Tarapur in Maharashtra (c) Manikaran in Himachal Pradesh (d) Narora in Uttar Pradesh Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: In India, a geothermal energy plant has been Commissioned at Manikaran in Himachal Pradesh.
In which of the following period negative growth rate of population was recorded in India?
(a) 1901-1911
(b) 1911-1921
during which five year plan in India?
(c) 1951-1961
(d) 1971-1981
(a) Fourth
(b) Second
(c) Sixth
(d) Fifth
Sol. Option (b) is correct. Explanation: The Period from 1901-1921 is referred to as a period of Stagnant or Stationary phase of growth of India's "Population, Since in this period growth rate was very low, even recording a negative growth rate during 19111921 .
Which one of the following is the length of
Sol. Option (a) is correct. Explanation: This Programme was initiated during the fourth Five Year Plan with the objectives of providing employment to the people in drought-prone areas and creating productive assets.
Panama Canal? (a) 160 Km
(b) 72 Km
(a) Peter Hagget
(b) Ehrlich
(c) 117 Km
(d) 195 Kin
(c) A. N. Strahler
(d) Thomas Malthus
Sol. Option (b) is correct.
Explanation: The Panama Canal is 72 km long.
Explanation: The author of ‘The Population Bomb' was Ehrlich, he wrote this publication in 1968.
'Neeru - Meeru' a watershed development and management programme is associated with which of the following?
The Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) launched by
(a) Rajasthan
(b) Andhra Pradesh
the Government of India is a part of-
(c) Tamil Nadu
(d) Haryana
(a) Rural renewal mission
Sol. Option (b) is correct. Explanation: Neeru - Meru means "Water and you'. It is a Watershed development and management Programme associated with Andhra Pradesh.
Who among the following is the author of "The Population Bomb"?
Sol. Option (b) is correct.
Drought Prone Area Programme was initiated
(b) Rural souchalaya mission (c) Urban renewal mission (d) Urban souchalaya mission Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: The Swatch Bharat Mission (SBM) is a the Urban Renewal Mission launched by the Government of India do improve the quality of life in urbon slums.
The Big Trunk Route runs through which of the following? (a) The North Atlantic Ocean (b) The Mediterranean - Indian Ocean (c) The South Atlantic Ocean (d) The South Pacific Ocean
Sol. Option (a) is correct.
Which one of the following state of India has the lowest rank in the human development index according to Indian National Human Development Report 2011?
Solved Paper-2022 17 (a) Rajasthan
(b) Bihar
(c) Chhattisgarh
(d) Haryana
Explanation: By 2050, an estimated two-thirds of the world's Population will live in urban areas, imposing even more pressure on the space, infrastructure, and resources of cities, which are manifested in terms of Sanitary, health, Crime Problems and urban Poverty.
Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: Chhattisgarh is 23rd in Rank, which is the lowest rank in the Human Development Index of 2011 according to Indian National Human Development Report.
level expressed by which one of the following?
rank in the world cotton production?
(a) cB
(b) dB
(a) First
(b) Second
(c) aB
(d) iB
(c) Third
(d) Fourth
Sol. Option (b) is correct. Explanation: The level of Study noise is measured by sound. level expressed in terms of decibels (dB).
Sol. Option (b) is correct. Explanation: India ranks second in the World in the Production of Cotton after China.
The important underground railways 'Channel
human development?
(a) Rome – Berlin
(a) Basic needs approach
(b) Geneva - Amsterdam
(b) Capability approach
(c) London –Paris
(c) Need fulfilment approach
(d) Moscow - Stockholm
(d) Welfare approach Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: Some of the important approaches of Human Development are-
Explanation: Underground railways are important in London and Paris Channel Tunnel, operated by Euro Tunnel Group through England, Connects London with Paris. (a) Iron
(b) Mica
(c) Copper
(d) Bauxite
Explanation: Iron, Bauxite and copper are metallic minerals, Whereas mica is non- Mettalic mineral. Name the city where Asia's largest slum Dharavi is located? (a) Delhi
(b) Mumbai
(c) Kolkata
(d) Chennai
Sol. Option (b) is correct. Explanation: Asia's largest slum dwelling Dharavi is located in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
(a) The income approach or Basic needs approach. (b) The Capability approach
Which of the following is not a metallic mineral?
Sol. Option (b) is correct.
Which one of the following is not an approach to
Tunnel' joins which two cities of Europe?
Sol. Option (c) is correct.
The level of steady noise is measured by sound
In the production of cotton. India stands at which
(c) Welfare approach (d) Minimum needs approach
The nucleus of the Gujarat Industrial region is: (a) Vadodara – Jamnagar (b) Bharuch – Kojali (c) Ahmedabad – Vadodara (d) Valsad – Jamnagar Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: "The nucleus of this region lies between Ahmedabad. and Vadodara but this region extends upto Valsad and Surat in The South and to Jamnagar in the West.
Which one of the following cities became the mega city by 1950?
How much world population is estimated to live
(a) Paris
(b) New York
in urban areas by 2050?
(c) Delhi
(d) Shenzhen
(a) One-fourth of world population (b) Three-fourth of world population (c) One-third of word population (d) Two-third of world population Sol. Option (d) is correct.
Sol. Option (b) is correct. Explanation: New York City was the first to attain the status of mega city by 1950 with a total population of about 12.5 million.
OSWAAL CUET (UG) Sample Question Papers, Geography 26.
Bharmaur region was notified in which of the following year? (a) 1960
(b) 1980
(c) 1985
(d) 1975
List I-Ports A. Entrepot ports B. Naval ports
Sol. Option (d) is correct. Explanation: Bharmaur became a notified Tribal area since 21 November, 1975. The Integrated Tribal Development Project in this region was notified Since 1975.
A. Tarapur B. Kalpakkam
II. Uttar Pradesh
C. Narora
II. Tamil Nadu
D. Kaiga
II. Maharashtra
III. Warships
D. Oil ports
IV. Ferry ports
(b) A-III, B-I, C-IV D-II (c) A-II, B-II, C-IV . D-I (d) A-IV, B-I, C–III, D–II Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: (1) Entrepot Ports – Collection centers (2) Naval Ports – Warships (3) Packet station – Ferry Ports (4) Oil Ports – Tanker port
(b) A-II, B-IV, C-III, D-I
A. Northern
(d) A-I.B-II. C-III, D-IV
B. Eastern
Sol. Option (a) is correct. Explanation: (1) Tarapur Maharashtra (2) Kalpakkam Tamil Nadu (4) Kaiga – Karnataka Match List I with List II. A. Iron ore mine B. Copper mine
List II-Centres I. Digboi II. Durg
C. Oil refinery
III. Maikala hill
D. Bauxite mine
IV. Khetri
(b) A-II, B-IV. C-III. D-1 (c) A-II. B-IV, C-I, D-III (d) A-IV. B-II, C-III. D-1 Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: (1) Iron Ore mine—Durg (2) Copper mine—Khetri (3) Oil Refinery—Digboi (4) Bauxite mine—Maikala Hill
I. Chennai II. Mumbai
C. Western
III. Kolkata
D. Southern
IV. New Delhi
(a) A-I,B-IV, C-III, D-II (b) A-II, B-1, C-IV, D-III (c) A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I (d) A-III, B-II, C-ID-IV Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: (1) Northern – New Delhi (2) Eastern – Kolkata
Choose the correct answer from the options given below: (a) A-IV. B-11, C-I, D-III
List II-Headquarters
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(3) Narora Uttar Pradesh.
List I-Mines/Refinery
Match List I with List II. List I- Railway Zone
(c) A-III, B-I, C-IV, D-II
II. Collections Centres
C. Packet station
Choose the correct answer from the options given below: (a) A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I
I. Tanker port
(a) A-I, B-IV, C-II, D-III
List II – States of India I. Karnataka
List II-Functions
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Match List I with List II. List I – Nuclear Power Projects
Match List I with List II.
(3) Western – Mumbai (4) Southern – Chennai
Match List I with List II. List I - Oil refineries located A. Koyali B. Barauni
List II-state of India I. Kerala II. Assam
C. Digboi
III. Bihar
D. Kochi
IV. Gujarat
Solved Paper-2022 19 Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Human Development in India:
(a) A-III, B-II, C-I, D-IV
A. Kerala is at the top in human development index.
(b) A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV (c) A-III, B-IV, C-II, D-I
B. States showing higher total literacy rates have huge gaps between male-female literacy.
(d) A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-1 Sol. Option (d) is correct.
C. Odisha is among the top five states in human development category.
Explanation: (1) Koyali - Gujarat (2) Barauni - Bihar
D. India has been among the medium HDI category.
(3) Digboi - Assam (4) Kochi – Kerala
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Identify the characteristics of rural settlements in India. A. These settlement act as nodes of economic growth B. People are less mobile in villages C. Settlements are specialized in agriculture or other primary activities D. Life is complex and fast and social relations are formal E. Social relations among people are intimate Choose the correct answer from the options given below: (a) A, B and C only
(b) B, C and D Only
(c) C, D and E Only
(d) B, C and E Only
B. People share common occupations. C. Settlements size is relatively large. D. Economic activities are very specialized. Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(b) B, C and D Only
(c) A, B and C Only
(d) A, B and D Only
Sol. Option (d) is correct. Explanation: Indian Railways, network is one of the longest in the world. It was introduced in 1853. Indian Railways is the largest government Undertaking in the country.
(b) A and C Only
(b) B and D Only
(c) C and D Only
Explanation: In nucleated Settlements Set Statements (C) and (D) are incorrect. Nucleated Settlements are not relatively large in size nor their economic activities are Very Specialised.
C. Indian Railway is divided into 20 zones.
(a) A, C and D only
(a) D and B only Sol. Option (d) is correct.
B. It is the largest government undertaking in the country.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Identify which is not a feature of nucleated A. Communities are closely knit.
concerning Indian Railways.
D. Indian Railway was introduced in 1853.
(d) B and C Only
A. Indian Railways is one of the longest in the world.
(b) A and C Only
(c) A and D Only
Explanation: Kerala is at the top of human Development Index of 0.790 and India has been among the Mediumy human Development among Other counties of the work only these two statements are Connect, grest other two statements are Correct.
Explanation: In Rural Settlements People are less mobile in Villages. They specialize in Agriculture and other Primary activities and Social relations among them are intimate. Read
(a) A and B only Sol. Option (c) is correct.
Sol. Option (d) is correct.
Read the following carefully with reference to
Arrange the following incidents in sequential order according to their developments. A. Air transport was nationalized. B. Air transport was provided by four major companies. C. Air transport in India was launched between Allahabad and Naini D. Bharat Airways, Himalayan aviation Ltd. joined the services.
OSWAAL CUET (UG) Sample Question Papers, Geography Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: (1) Regional analysis
(a) D, A, C, B
(b) A, B, C, D
(2) Areal differentiation.
(c) C, B. D, A
(d) B, A, C, D
(3) Behavioural School
Sol. Option (C) is correct.
(4) Post Modernism
Arrange the following approaches in a sequence
Arrange the following regions from low to high
according to their periodical development.
population density.
A. Spatial organization
A. Oceania
B. Regional analysis
B. Africa
C. Humanistic approach
C. North America
D. Areal differentiation
D. Europe
Choose the correct answer from the options given below.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(a) A, B, D, C
(b) B, C, A, D
(a) A, C, D, B
(b) A, C, B, D
(c) D, A, C, B
(d) B, D, A, C
(c) C, A, D, B
(d) C, A, B, D
Sol. Option (d) is correct.
Sol. Option (a) is correct.
Explanation: (1) Regional analysis.
Explanation: (1) Oceania
(2) Areal differentiation
(2) North America
(3) Spatial Organization
(3) Europe
(4) Humanistic approach
according to their population in descending order. A. Delhi B. Greater Mumbai C. Chennai D. Kolkata Choose the correct answer from the options given below: (a) D, B, A, C (b) C, B, A, D (c) B, A, D. C (d) A, C, D. B Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: (1) Greater Mumbai (15.4 million People) (2) Delhi (3) Kolkata (4) Chennai
approaches in geography in chronological order. A. Areal differentiation B. Post modernism C. Regional analysis D. Behavioural school Choose the correct answer from the options given below. (a) C, A, B, D
(b) A, B, C, D
(c) C, A, D, B
(d) A, D, C, B
(4) Africa Passage: Read the passage and answer the following questions: Read the following information and answer: Indira Gandhi Canal, previously known as Rajasthan canal, is one of the largest canal systems in India. The canal originates at Harike barrage in Punjab and runs parallel to Pakistan border at an average distance of 40 km in Thar Desert (Marusthali) of Rajasthan. The construction work of the canal system has been carried out through two stages. The command area of stage- I lies in Ganganagar, Hanumangarh and northern part of Bikaner districs. It has a cultural command area of 5.53 lakh hectares. The command area of stage II is spread over Bikaner, Jaisalmer, Barmer, Jodhpur. Nagaur and Churu districts covering culturable command area of 14.10 lakh hectares. The introduction of canal irrigation in this dry land has transformed its ecology, economy and society. It has influenced the environmental conditions of the region both positively as well as negatively. The availability of soil moisture for a longer period of time and various afforestation and pasture development programmes under
Solved Paper-2022 21 CAD have resulted in greening the land. This also helped in reducing wind erosion and siltation of canal systems. But the intensive irrigation: and excessive use of water has led to the emergence of twin environmental problems of waterlogging and soil salinity. Introduction of canal irrigation has brought about a perceptible transformation in the agricultural economy of the region. Soil moisture has been a limiting factor in a successful growing of crops in this area. Spread of canal irrigation has led to increase in cultivated area and intensity of cropping. This has also caused waterlogging and soil salinity, and thus, in the long run, it hampers the sustainability of agriculture.
Identify the correct statements. A. Canal irrigation has brought a perceptible transformation in the agriculture.
transformation in the agricultural economy of the region.
ind the difference between the command area of stage-I and stage II, choose the correct answer from the following. (a) 8.97
(b) 8.87
(c) 8.67
(d) 8.57
Sol. Option (d) is correct. Explanation: The difference between Command II and comment it is 14.10 lakh hectares. 5.53 lakh hectares.= 8.57 lakh hectares.
The canal runs parallel to which neighbouring country? (a) Bhutan (b) Bangladesh (c) Nepal (d) Pakistan Sol. Option (d) is correct. Explanation: The Canal Originates at Harike barrage in Punjab and runs parallel to Pakistan border.
B. Canal leads to afforestation. C. It has also caused water logging and soil salinity. Insert option C after this from m/s.
D. Spread of canal led to decrease in cultivated area.
(c) Barmer Sol. Option (b) is correct.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below. (a) A, C and D Only (b) A, B and D Only (c) A, B and C Only
Stage-1 of Indira Gandhi Canal lies in which of the following command area? (a) Nagaur
Explanation: Introduction of canal irrigation has brought about a perceptible transformation in the agricultural economy of the region. Spread of canal irrigation has led to increase in Cultivated and intensity of Cropping Canal leads to afforestation. It has also caused water logging soil Salinity.
Which one of the following is the most important effect in Indira Gandhi Canal Command Area? (a) Agricultural development (b) Eco-development
Passage: Census Years
Total Population
Absolute Number
% of Growth
(+) 13697063
(+) 5.75
(-) 772117
(-) 0.31
(+) 27656025
(+) 11.60
(+) 39683342
(+) 14.22
(+) 42420485
(+) 13.31
(+) 77682873
(+) 21.51
(+) 24.80
(+) 135169445
(+) 24.66
(+) 162973591
(+) 23.85
(+) 182307640
(+) 21.54
(+) 181583094
(+) 17.64
Sol. Option (a) is correct. Explanation: Spread of Canal irrigation has led to increase in Cultivated area and intensity of cropping. It has brought about a perceptible
Growth Rate
(c) Sustainable development (d) Water transport development
(d) Jodhpur
Explanation: The Command area of Stage - I of Indira Gandhi Canal lies in Ganganagar.
(d) B, C and D Only Sol. Option (c) is correct.
(b) Ganganagar
OSWAAL CUET (UG) Sample Question Papers, Geography Census
Explanation: It was + 24.80 in 1971 and it was 24.66 in 1981.
Growth Rate
% of
percent rate from 2001 to 2011.
h 1901
(+) 13697063
(+) 5.75
(-) 772117
(-) 0.31
(+) 27656025
(+) 11.60
(+) 39683342
(+) 42420485
(+) 77682873
(+) 21.51
growth rate of population was negative? (a) 1911-21 (c) 1931-41 Sol. Option (d) is correct.
During which period, the population percent
(d) 1981-91
(d) 1901-11
Explanation: In 1901 it was +5.75% and in 1911 it became negative -0.31%
During which one of the following years, the population growth rate was less in comparison to the previous year? (a) 1931-41
(b) 1941-51
(c) 1951-61 Sol. Option (b) is correct.
(d) 1961-71
became less in 1951 to +13.31%
(c) 1971-81
(b) 1921-31
(b) 1961-71
During which one of the following years, the
Explanation: In 1941 it was +14.22% but it
(a) 1951-61
(d) 3.50%
growth rate was recorded highest in India?
(c) 3.90%
= 3.90%
13.31 1961
(b) 3.10%
Explanation: The difference is 21.54 - 17.64
(+) 14.22
(a) 3.00% Sol. Option (c) is correct.
Calculate the difference of population growth
Compute the difference between the population of 1991 and 2001 and choose the correct answer from the given options. (a) 35,38,90,734
(b) 35.38,89,734
(d) 36,38,90,734
Sol. Option (Bonus) is correct. Explanation: Note: (The options given in this questions are not tallying with estimated figures). The difference of population between 200141991 = 1,0 2,86,10, 328 - 846302688 =18, 2 3,0 7,640
Sol. Option (c) is correct.
CUET Question Paper 2022 NATIONAL TESTING AGENCY 10th August 2022—Slot-1
Geography [This includes Questions pertaining to Domain Specific Test only]
SOLVED . Time Allowed: 45 Mins.
Maximum Marks: 200
General Instructions:
The test is of 45 Minutes duration.
The test contains is 50 questions out of which 40 question needs to be attempted.
Marking Scheme of the test: a.
Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Five marks (+5)
Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (–1).
Unanswered/Marked for Review will be given no. mark (0).
Which one of the following settlement patterns
develops around a big lake?
which one of the following categories?
(a) Linear
(b) Rectangular
(c) Circular
(a)Rural-to-rural migration (b)Rural-to-urban migration
Sol. Option (c) is correct.
(c) Urban-to-rural migrations
Explanation: The Circular Pattern Settlements develop around Lakes, Tanks, etc.
During which one of the following years General
(d)Urban-to-urban migration Sol. Option (a) is correct. Explanation:Females predominates the streams of short distance rural to rural migration in case of intra- State migration. Most of these are migrants. related to marriage.
Agreement for Tariffs and Trade was formed? (a) 1958
(b) 1994
(c) 1920
(d) 1948
Sol. Option (d) is correct. Explanation: The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade came into force on 1st January, 1948, to liberalise the world from high customs, tariffs and various other types of restrictions
Female intra-state migration is dominant under
of import during 1950s and 1960s? (a) Capital goods and consumer goods (b) Food grain and consumer goods
Identify the most popular tourist destination of
(c) Food grain, capital goods, machinery and equipment
the world from the following? (a) Mediterranean region (b) Polar region (c) Equatorial
(d) Capital goods and equipment Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: India faced serious food shortage during, 1950s and 1960s The major item of import at that time was food groin, capital goods, machinery and equipment.
(d) Central Chile Sol. Option (a) is correct. Explanation: The Warmer Places around the Mediterranean Coast and the West coast of India are some of the popular destinations in the world.
Which one of the following were the major items
Read the following statements about cooperative farming carefully:
OSWAAL CUET (UG) Sample Question Papers, Geography (A) Cooperative farming originated in Western European countries.
Explanation: trans-Siberian Railway is a major route of Russia. It runs from St. Petersburg in the west to Vladivostok on the Pacific Coast in the east passing through Moscow, Ufa, Novosibirsk and Irkutsk, Chita and Khabarovsk.
(B) Farmers pool their resources in this type of farming (C) Farmers grow vegetables (D) Farmer sell their products at the most favaourable terms
(a) A, B, and D
(b) A, B, and C
dimensions of the new industrial policy of India 1991:
(c) A, C, and D
(d) B, C, and D
(A) Liberalisation
Sol. Option (a) is correct.
(B) Privatisation
Explanation: Cooperative farming originated a century ago and has been successful in many Western European countries like Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Italy, etc. Farmers pool their resources voluntarily for more efficient and profitable farming. They sell their products at the most favourable terms and help in the processing of quality. products at cheaper rates.
(C) Globalisation (D) Individualisation Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(A) Its command area was draught prone
(B) Higher birth rate is underdeveloped countries
Choose the correct answer from the given below: (d) A, B, and D only
Choose the correct answer from the given below: (a) A, B, and D only
(b) A, C, and D only
(c) B, C, and D only
(d) A, B, and C only
Sol. Option (a) is correct.
(a) A, C, and D only
(b) A, B, and C only
(c) A, B, and D only
(d) B, C, and D only
Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: In expanding populations the agesex Pyramid of underdeveloped countries like Nigeria and Bangladesh has a broad base. They have larger populations in lower age groups due to high birth rates which is why the proportionately lower age group population is more.
(A) It is located in Russia
(D) Its general direction is east-west
Choose the correct answer form the given below:
Siberian Railways:
(C) It passes through a bridge over Caspian sea
(D) Proportionately lower age group population is more
Read the following facts carefully about Trans-
(B) Runs from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok
(C) Large population is of higher-aged people
Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: Its command area was droughtprone in Marusthal Rajasthan. The traditional crops sown in the area like gram, bajra and jowar have been replaced by wheat, coconut, groundnut and rice, due to irrigation facilities from the Indira Gandhi canal. It has led to water logging problems and soil salinity.
Read the following points about expanding (A) Age-sex pyramid of countries has a broad base
(D) It has led to water logging problem
(c) A, C, and D only
(d) B, C, and D only
population carefully:
(C) Cultivation of jowar is replaced by wheat in its command area
(b) B, C, and D only
(b) A, B, and C only
(c) A, B, and D only
Explanation: Liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation. (LPG) were the main dimension of the new Industrial Policy announced en 1991.
(B) Its command area receives high rainfall
(a) A, B, and C only
(a) A, C, and D only Sol. Option (b) is correct.
Read the following statements carefully about Indira Gandhi Canal
Read the following points carefully about the
Arrange the following urban centres on the basis of the evolution in chronological order: (A) Jaipur (B) Varanasi (C) Chandigarh (D) Jamshedpur
Solved Paper-2022 25 Choose the correct answer form the options given below: (a) A, B, C, D
(b) A, B, D, C
(c) B, A, C, D
(d) B, A, D, C
Sol. Option (d) is correct. Explanation: (1) Varanasi 1200 BCE (2) Jaipur - 1727 (3) Jamshedpur - 1919 (4) Chandigarh – 1960
Arrange the following approaches of human geography in chronological order: (A) Exploration and description (B) Post-modernism (C) Regional analysis (D) Spatial organisation Choose the correct answer form the options given below: (a) A, C, B, D
(b) A, C, D, B
(c) C, A, D, B
(d) C, A, B, D
Explanation: (1) Exploration and description – Early Colonial Periool (2) Regional Analysis – Later Colonial Period (3) Spatial Organisation – Late 1950s to the late 1960s (4) Post-modernism 1990 s Arrange
demographic transition in chronological order: (A) Population growth is very show (B) Population is either stable or grows slowly (C) Fertility and mortality declines with time (D) Fertility remains high in the beginning Choose the correct answer form the options given below: (a) D, A, B, C
(b) D, A, C, B
(c) A, D, B, C
(d) A, D, C, B
Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) Atomic Energy Commission (B) Mumbai High oil production (C) Oil and Natural Gas Commission (D) Bhabha Atomic Energy Institute Choose the correct answer form the options given below: (a) A, D, B, C (b) A, D, C, B (c) D, A, C, B (d) D, A, B, C Sol. Option (b) is correct. Explanation: (1) Atomic Energy Commission was set up on 3rd August, 1948 (2) Bhabha Atomic Energy Institute was set up on 3rd Jan, 1954. (3) Oil and Natural Gas Commission was set up on 18th Sept 1959 (4) Mumbai High oil production started in November 2009.
Sol. Option (b) is correct.
Sol. Option (b) is correct. Explanation: In demographic transition the first stage has high fertility and high mortality, the population growth is very slow. Fertility remains high in the beginning of second stage but it declines with time. Population is either stable or grows slowly.
Arrange the following regional trade blocs in
chronological order: (A) Latin American Integration Organisation (B) Association of South East Asian Nations (C) North American Free Trade Agreement (D) South Asian Free Trade Agreement Choose the correct answer form the options given below: (a) B, C, A, D (b) C, B, D, A (c) C, B, A, D (d) B, C, D, A Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: (1) North American Free Trade Association - 1949 (2) Association of South East Asian Nations - 1967 (3) Latin American Integration Organisation - 1994 (4) South Asian Free Trade Agreement - 2006
Match List I with List II List I Coal Mines (A) Neyveli (B) Talcher
List II States I. Jharkhand II. Odisha
(C) Bokaro
III. Chhatisgarh
(D) Korba
IV. Tamil Nadu
OSWAAL CUET (UG) Sample Question Papers, Geography Choose the correct answer form the options given below:
Match List I with List II List I Railways
(a) A-IV, B-II, C-I, D-III
List II Stations
(b) A-II, B-III, C-I, D-IV (c) A-IV, B-I, C-III, D-II (d) A-IV, B-II, C-III, D-I Sol. Option (a) is correct. Explanation: (1) Neyveli - Tamil Nadu (2) Talcher -Odisha (3) Bokaro Jharkhand (4) Korba Chhatisgarh
Match List I with List II List I Sea Routes (A) North Atlantic
(B) Cape of Good Hope
List II Connecting Regions I. Trade between East and West African coasts in southern part II. Trade between east and west coasts of North America
(C) Panama Canal
III. Trade between Europe and India
(D) Suez Canal
IV. Trade between North-Eastern USA and North-Western Europe
(C) Australian TransContinental Railways
III. Moscow
(D) TransCanadian Railways
IV. New York
(c) A-III, B-IV, C-I, D-II (d) A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: (1) Trans-Siberian Railways Moscow (2) Union and Pacific Railways New York (3) Austrian Trans- Continental Railways - Perth
(d) A-IV, B-I, C-II, D-III Sol. Option (d) is correct.
(4) Suez Canal-Trade between Europe.
II. Ottawa
(b) A-III, B-IV, C-II, D-I
(b) A-IV, B-III, C-I, D-II (c) A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I
(3) Panama Canal - Trade between east and west Coasts of North America
(B) Union and Pacific Railways
(a) A-IV, B-III, C-I, D-II
(a) A-I, B-IV, C-II, D-III
(2) Tape of Good Hope - Trade between east and west African Coasts in Southern Port.
I. Perth
Choose the correct answer form the options given below:
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Explanation: (1) North Atlantic – Trade between North Eastern U.S.A. and North Western Europe.
(A) Trans-Siberian Railways
(4) Trans - Canadian Railways Ottawa
Indira Gandhi Canal water flows in which one of the general direction from Harike barrage? (a) South-West to North-East (b) North-East to South-West (c) North to South (d) South to North
Sol. Option (b) is correct. Explanation: The Canal Originates at Harike Barrage in North-east of Punjab and runs parallel to South-west direction in Pakistan.
Solved Paper-2022 27 20.
Match List I with List II List I
List II
(A) Jhuming
I. Coffee plantation in Brazil
(B) Fazendas
II. Grape cultivation in Mediterranean Region
(C) Viticulture
III. Market Gardening and Horticulture
(D) Truck farming
IV. Primitive Subsistence Agriculture
Choose the correct answer form the options given below: (a) A-II, B-III, C-I, D-IV (b) A-IV, B-II, C-I, D-III (c) A-II, B-I, C-III, D-IV Sol. Option (d) is correct. Explanation: (1) Jhuming- Primitive Subsistence Agriculture. (2) Fazendas - Coffee plantation in Brazil (3) Viticulture - Grape cultivation in Mediterranean Region (4) Truck farming - Market Gardening and Horticulture
Which one of the following is NOT a factor affecting tourism? (a) Economic Development (b) History and Art (c) Climate (d) Landscape Sol. Option (a) is correct. Explanation: Factors affecting Tourism are Mountainous areas, Various Scenic Landscapes, National Parks, History and Art, Climate. etc., and not the economic development of any place. Extensive
In which one of the following countries practically every farmer is a member of a cooperative farming? (a) Mexico (b) Denmark (c) Nigeria (d) Australia Sol. Option (b) is correct. Explanation: In Denmark the No- operative, is so successful that practically every farmer is a member of a co-operative.
The headquarter of European Union is located at which one of the following places? (a) Jakarta (b) Vienna (c) Minsk (d) Brussels Sol. Option (d) is correct. Explanation: The Headquarters of European Union are in Brussels, Belgium.
(d) A-IV, B-I, C-II, D-III
Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: This type of agriculture is best developed Eurasian Steppes, the Canadian and American Prairies. the Pampas of Argentina, the Velds of South Africa, the Australian Downs and the Canterbury plains of New Zealand.
practiced in which one of the following regions? (a) Equatorial regions of Brazil and Ecuador (b) Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Myanmar (c) Eurasian Steppes and American Prairies (d) South American Grasslands
Which one of the following connects the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west? (a) Suez Canal (b) Panama Canal (c) Northern Atlantic sea route (d) South Pacific sea route Sol. Option (b) is correct. Explanation: The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic Ocean. In the fast to the Pacific Ocean in the west. It has been constructed across the Panama Isthmus between Panama City and colon by the U.S. Government.
Which one of the following is NOT a caracterisitics of modern manufacturing industries? (a) Complex machine technology (b) Large organisation (c) Easy to handle and operate (d) Executive bureaucracy Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: Modern manufacturing is characterised by: (1) A Complex Machine technology (2) Large Organisations. (3) Executive Bureaucracy. (4) Vast Capital (5) And extreme specialisation and division of labour for producing more goods with less efforts, and low costs.
OSWAAL CUET (UG) Sample Question Papers, Geography 27.
Trangular shaped pyramid, a plotting of age and
sex, represents which of the following countries?
declining export of traditional items?
(a) Nigeria
(b) Australia
(a) Tough international competition
(c) Japan
(d) USA
(b) Artisans not willing to export
Sol. Option (a) is correct.
(c) Heavy excise duty
Explanation: The age - sex pyramid of Nigeria is a triangular shaped Pyramid showing expanding population.
(d) Less margin of profit Sol. Option (a) is correct. Explanation: The decline in traditional items is largely due to the tough international Competition.
Which one of the following are the pillars of human development? (a) Equality, development, literacy and comfort
developing railways in India by Britishers?
(c) Equality, sustainability, empowerment
(b) Development of industries in the country
(a) Economic development of the country
(c) Comfort to population (d) Exploitation of resources Sol. Option (d) is correct.
Sol. Option (b) is correct. Explanation: The four Pillars of Herman development are the concepts of equity, sustainability, productivity and empowerment. Which one of the following countries considers
Explanation: The Purpose of developing Railways in India by the Britishers was for the exploitation of resources.
(a) Bhutan
(b) Nepal
(c) USA
(d) Myanmar
(c) White collar worker
(d) Red collar worker
Explanation: People engaged in primary activities are called Red collar workers due to the outdoor nature of their work.
Which one of the following stream of migration is dominated by male? (a) Rural to urban
(b) Rural to rural
(c) Urban to rural
(d) Urban to urban
Sol. Option (a) is correct. Explanation: The men, predominate the Rural to urban stream of inter-State migration due to economic reasons.
(c) Bhutia
(d) Bhil
Gaddi - Himachal Pradesh. Bhutia - Bhutan (Sikkim) Bhil - Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan.
People engaged in primary activities are known by which one of the following?
Sol. Option (d) is correct.
(b) Gaddi
Explanation: Santhal - East India (Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa, Jharkhand.
Explanation: Bhutan is the only country in the world to oficially proclaim the gross National Happiness (GNH) of the country's progress.
(b) Gold collar worker
(a) Santhal Sol. Option (b) is correct.
Sol. Option (a) is correct.
(a) Blue collar worker
Which one of the following tribal community dominates in Bharmaur and Holi tehsils of Himachal Pradesh?
Gross National Happiness as an index of national prosperity?
Which one of the following was the purpose of
(b) Equality, sustainability, empowerment and productivity
(d) Equality, economic development, employment and empowerment
Which one of the following is the main reason of
Which of the following industries is knowledge
based industry? (a) Food processing industry (b) Cement industry (c) Information technology industry (d) Chemical industry Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: The IT Industry is knowledge Based Industry, it has a profound influence on the country's economy.
Which of the following cities has religious importance? (a) Jamshedpur
(b) Varanasi
(c) Roorki
(d) Digboi
Solved Paper-2022 29 Passage:
Sol. Option (b) is correct. Explanation: Varanasi is an ancient city, which is considered as cultural town and has great religious importance.
Which one of the following types of coal deposit is abundant in India? (a) Anthracite
(b) Bituminous
(c) Lignite
(d) Peat
Sol. Option (b) is correct. Explanation: About 80 percent of the coal deposits in India is of bituminous type and is of non-coking grade.
A person working for more than 183 days in a year is known by which one of the following? (a) Main worker
(b) Optional worker
(c) Marginal worker
(d) Semi-worker
Sol. Option (a) is correct. Explanation: A Person who works for at least 183 days in a year, for economic productivity is considered as "The main worker".
The land left uncultivated for less than an agricultural year is known by which one of the following? (a) Culturable wasteland (b) Fallow other than current fallow (c) Cultivable waste (d) Current fallow
Sol. Option (d) is correct. Explanation: This is the land which is left without cultivation for one or less than one agricultural year. Fallowing is a cultural practice adopted for giving the land rest.
The programme launched by Indian government in 2015-16 with an aim to provide water security is known by which one of the following? (a) Mission Pani
(b) Jal Kranti Abhiyan
(c) Neeru - Meeru
(d) Namami Gange
Sol. Option (b) is correct. Explanation: The Jal Kranti Abhiyan launched by the Government of India in 2015-16 with an aim to ensure water security through per capita availability of water in the country.
Watershed management basically refers to efficient management and conservation of surface and groundwater resources. It involves prevention of runoff and storage and recharge of groundwater through various methods like percolation tanks, recharge wells, etc. However, in broad watershed management includes conservation. Regeneration and judicious use of all resources -natural (like land, water, plants and animals) and human with in a watershed. Watershed management aims at bringing about balance between natural resources on the one hand and society on the other. The success of watershed development largely depends upon community participation. The Central and State Governments have initiated many watershed development and management programmes in the country. Some of these are implemented by non-govemmental organisations also. Haryali is a watershed development project sponsored by the Central Government which aims at enabling the rural population to conserve water for drinking, irrigation, fisheries and afforestation. The project is being executed by Gram Panchayats with people's participation. Neeru-Meeru ( Water and You) programme (in Andhra Pradesh) and Arvary Pani Sansad (in Alwar. Rajasthan) have taken up constructions of various water-harvesting structures such as percolation tanks, dug out ponds (Johad). check dams, etc., through people's participation. Tamil Nadu has made water harvesting structures in the houses compulsory. No building can be constructed without making structures for water harvesting. Watershed development projects in some areas have been successful in rejuvenating environment and economy. However, there are only a few success stories. In majority of cases, the programme is still in its nascent stage. There is a need to generate awareness regarding benefits of watershed development and management among people in the country, and through this integrated water resource management approach water availability can be ensured on sustainable basis.
OSWAAL CUET (UG) Sample Question Papers, Geography 41.
Which one of the following states has made water
harvesting structures in the houses compulsory? (a) Haryana (b) Andhra Pradesh (c) Rajasthan (d) Tamil Nadu Sol. Option (d) is correct. Explanation: Tamil Nadu has made water harvesting structures in the houses company compulsary. No building con be constructed without making structures for water harvesting. 42. The success of watershed development largely depends on which one of the following? (a) Community participation (b) Government initiatives (c) School Children participation (d) Non-Governmental Organisation initiatives Sol. Option (a) is correct. Explanation: To success of Watershed development largely depends upon community participation. In majority of the cases, the watershed 43. management projects are in which one of the following stage? (a) Mid stage (b) Highly developed stage (c) Nascent stage (d) Moderately high stage Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: In majority of the cases, the programme is still in its nascent stage. 44. Which one of the following will ensure sustainable water availability? (a) Land and water management (b) Forest and water management (c) Integrated water resource management (d) Increasing forest cover and water management Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: Through Integrated Water Resource Management approach water availability can be ensured. On sustainable basis. 45. Match List I with List II List I Projects
List II Associated with
(A) Haryali project (B) Arwary Sansad
I. Rajasthan II. Ralegan Siddhi
(C) Neeru-Meeru
III. Gram Panchayat
(D) Tarun Mandal
IV. Andhra Pradesh
Choose the correct answer from the options given below: (a) A-I, B-IV, C-II, D-III (b) A-III, B-I, C-IV, D-II (c) A-II, B-III, C-I, D-IV (d) A-IV, B-II, C-III, D-I Sol. Option (b) is correct. Explanation: (1) Haryali Project Gram Panchayat (2) Arwary Pani Sansad Rajasthan (3) Neeru - Meeru - Andhra Pradesh (4) Tarun Mandal - Rolegan Siddhi Passage: Read the following passage carefully and answer the following questions: ".... Buses merely skirt the periphery. Autorickshaws cannot go there, Dharavi is part of Central Bombay where three wheelers are banned. Only one main road traverses the slum, the miscalled 'ninety-foot road', which has been reduced to less than half of that for most of its length. Some of the side alleys and lanes are so narrow that not even a bicycle can pass. The whole neighbourhood consists of temporary buildings, two or three storeyed high with rusty iron stairways to the upper part, where a single room is rented by a whole family, sometimes accommodating twelve or more people; it is a kind of tropical version of the industrial dwelling of Victorian London's East End. But Dharavi is a keeper of more sombre secrets than the revulsion it inspires in the rich; a revulsion, moreover, that is, in direct proportion to the role it serves in the creation of the wealth of Bombay. In this place of shadowless, treeless sunlight, uncollected garbage, stagnant pools of foul water, where the only non human creatures are the shining black crows and long grey rats, some of the most beautiful, valuable and useful articles in India are made. From Dharavi come delicate ceramics and pottery, exquisite embroidery and zari work, sophisticated leather goods, high-fashion garments, finely-wrought metalwork, delicate jewellery settings, wood carvings and furniture that would find its way into the richest houses, both in India and abroad...
Solved Paper-2022 31 Dharavi was an arm of the sea, that was filled by waste, largely produced by the people who have come to live there: Scheduled Castes and poor Muslims. It comprises rambling building of corrugated metal, 20 metres high in places, used for the treatment of hides and tanning. There are pleasant parts, but rotting garbage is everywhere..."
(a) Low quality residences of Kolkata
The central road of Dharavi was originally how much wide? (a) 50 feet
(b) 70 feet
(c) 80 feet
(d) 90 feet
Sol. Option (d) is correct. Explanation: Only one main road traverses the slum, the miscalled Ninety-foot road", which has been reduced to less than half of that for most of its length.
Dharavi is compared with which one of the following?
Which of the following types of houses are found in Dharavi?
(b) Delhi slum area
(a) Very good buildings
(c) Jhuggi-Jhopari, Mumbai
(b) Not very good buildings
(d) Victorian London’s East End
(c) Temporary buildings
Sol. Option (d) is correct. Explanation: Dharavi is a kind of tropical version of industrial dwelling of Victorian London's East End.
Majority of Dharavi population belongs to -
(d) Well constructed buildings Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: The whole neighborhood, consists of temporary buildings, two or three storeyed, where a single room. rented by a whole family.
Which one of the following delicate items are
(a) Scheduled castes and Hindu
produced in Dharavi?
(b) Scheduled castes and Muslims
(a) Water jug of glass
(c) Scheduled castes and poor Hindu
(b) Water drinking glasses
(d) Scheduled castes and poor Muslims Sol. Option (d) is correct. Explanation: Majority of Dharavi Population belongs to Scheduled castes and Muslims who come to live there.
(c) Ceramics and pottery (d) Decorative frames for photograph Sol. Option (c) is correct. Explanation: Dharavi produces delicate ceramics and Pottery.
OSWAAL CUET (UG) Sample Question Papers, Geography
Question Paper Maximum Marks : 200
Time : 45 Minutes
General Instructions: (i) This paper consists of 50 MCQs, attempt any 40 out of 50 . (ii) Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Five marks (+5) . (iii) Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (– 1) . (iv) Unanswered/Marked for Review will be given no mark (0) . (v) If more than one option is found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to only those who have marked any of the correct options . (vi) If all options are found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to all those who have attempted the question . (viii) If none of the options is found correct or a Question is found to be wrong or a Question is dropped then all candidates who have appeared will be given five marks (+5). (vii) Calculator / any electronic gadgets are not permitted .
1. Radical School of Thought employed:
2. If the population decreases between two points of
(1) Gandhian Theory (3) Marxian Theory
(2) Humanistic Theory (4) All of these
time, it is known as: (1) neutral growth of population (2) positive growth of population (3) negative growth of population (4) negligible growth of population
3. Human beings interact with their physical environment with the help of: (1) animals (2) technology (3) arts (4) birds
4. Development means: (1) a qualitative change which is always value positive. (2) a qualitative change which is always value negative. (3) a quantitative change which is always value positive. (4) None of the Above
5. Subsistence agriculture can be grouped into: (1) extensive subsistence agriculture and intensive agriculture (2) primitive subsistence agriculture and intensive subsistence agriculture. (3) modern subsistence agriculture and intensive subsistence agriculture (4) non-existent subsistence activity and primitive subsistence agriculture
6. One of the great advantages of water transportation is that it does not require :
(1) route construction (2) road construction (3) rail construction (4) dam construction
7. The quaternary sector along with the ________
sector has replaced all primary and secondary employment as the basis for economic growth. (1) tertiary (2) quinary (3) medical (4) primary
8. Arrange the countries from the highest to the
lowest on total railway network: (i) India (ii) Russia (iii) China (iv) USA Options: (1) i, ii, iii, iv (2) iv, iii, ii, i (3) iii, ii, iv, i (4) iv, iii, i, ii
9. The first urban settlement to reach a population of
one million was the city of : (1) London (2) New York (3) Mumbai 10. The period from 1901 to 1921 is referred to as period of : (1) stagnant or stationery phase of growth of India’s population. (2) steady population growth. (3) population explosion in India . (4) None of the Above 11. ______________ settlements develop along river valleys and in fertile plains. (1) Dispersed (2) Compact (3) Sub-urban (4) None of these 12. Name the state of India having lowest density of population as per 2011 Census. (1) Punjab (2) Haryana (3) Tamil Nadu (4) Arunachal Pradesh
OSWAAL CUET (UG ) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY
13. Cluster of dwellings of any type or size where human beings live is known as : (1) human settlement (2) human development (3) human displacement (4) human cluster
14. Land-use records are maintained by the :
15. Assertion (A): Cities are functionally linked to
(1) Land Revenue Department (2) Land Registration Department (3) Land Sale Department (4) None of these
rural areas around them. Reason (R): Exchange of goods and services is performed sometimes directly and sometimes through a series of market towns and cities.
groundwater potentials. (1) Chhattisgarh (2) Odisha (3) Kerala (4) None of these
17. The density of roads is high in most of the :
18. The
(1) northern states and major southern states (2) the mountainous terrains (3) the desert area (4) None of these
immediate alterations that the world is witness in climate all across the globe is due to : (1) global warming (2) water borne diseases (3) reservoirs (4) regular rains Name the railway line that was constructed between Roha in Maharashtra and Mangalore in Karnataka. (1) Konkan Railways (2) Western Railways (3) Southern Railways (4) Deccan Railways National Mission for Clean Ganga was started in: (1) 2009 (2) 2011 (3) 2013 (4) 2014 What is called the mother of all branches of knowledge? (1) Sociology (2) Geography (3) History (4) Psychology The population of the world is: (1) Equally distributed (2) Sparsely distributed (3) Unevenly distributed (4) Haphazardly distributed The interaction between primitive human society and strong forces of nature is termed as: (1) environmental determinism (2) neo-determinism (3) bio-determinism (4) anti-determinism
24. A country’s level of development is measured only
20. 21.
in terms of its: (1) medical growth (3) human growth
(2) economic growth (4) migratory growth
25. The scientific study, cultivation and harvesting of grapes is known as : (1) Viticulture (3) Viviculture
(2) Viniculture (4) Vivuculture
26. Highways are ___________ roads.
27. The highest level of decision makers or policy
(1) kaccha (3) metaled
(2) unmetalled (4) cemented
makers perform : (1) quaternary activities (2) outsourcing (3) quinary activities (4) secondary activities
28. _________ is an information system where
documents and other web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators, which may be interlinked by hyper links, and are accessible over the Internet. (1) World wide wed (2) World wide web (3) World wide world (4) World wide watch
29. Land according to its ownership can be classified
16. Which state utilises very small proportion of their
into : (1) four categories (3) two categories
(2) three categories
30. Assertion (A): In India people migrate from rural
31. ______ is referred as the ‘super-metropolitan’
to urban areas. Reason (R): This is mainly due to poverty, high population pressure on the land, lack of basic infra structural facilities like health care, education, etc.
region extending as union of conurbations. (1) Town (2) Cities
(3) Megalopolis
(4) Area
32. Migration leads to the ________of the population within a country. (1) distribution (3) disturbance
(2) redistribution (4) turbulence
33. Dispersed or isolated settlement pattern in India appears in the form of : (1) isolated huts (2) close knit huts (3) well dwelling huts (4) ill planned huts
34. 97% of the coal reserve occurs in valley of :
35. Arrange the following categories of towns in a
(1) Damodar (3) Chhattisgarh
(2) Spiti (4) Roorkee
sequence order according to their development in India. (i) Ancient towns (ii) Ultra-modern towns (iii) Metropolitans (iv) Modern towns Options: (1) i, iv, iii, ii (2) iv, i, iii, ii (3) ii, iv, i, iii (4) iii, ii, iv, i
36. The kinetic energy of wind, through turbines is converted into :
Sample Question Papers
41. 42.
(1) bio-energy (2) electrical energy (3) geothermal energy (4) solar energy The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) was operationalised in : (1) 1996 (2) 1995 (3) 1997 (4) 1998 Glasswares, plastic containers, polythene bags, ashes, floppies, CDs, are examples of : (1) pollutants (2) solid waste (3) fertilizers (4) poison Operation, maintenance and development of National Highways is done by : (1) NIHA (2) NHIA (3) NHAI (4) NAHI __________ are residential areas of the least choice, dilapidated houses, poor hygienic conditions, poor ventilation, lack of basic amenities like drinking water, light and toilet facilities, etc. (1) Slums (2) Flats (3) Bunglows (4) playground Neo-determinism was introduced by: (1) Marx (2) Griffith Taylor (3) Newton (4) Mahatma Gandhi Those factors which make the place of origin seem less attractive are known as: (1) pull factors (2) push factors (3) immigration factors (4) Economic factors Arrange the correct sequence of column II against column I Column I (Field of Human Geography)
Column II (Sub-Field)
Social Geography
1. Rural Planning
Political Geography
2. Marketing Geography
(iii) Economic Geography
3. Military Geography
4. Gender Geography
Settlement Geography
(1) (i) - 3, (ii) - 4, (iii) - 1, (iv) - 2 (2) (i) - 4, (ii) - 3, (iii) - 2, (iv) - 1 (3) (i) - 4, (ii) - 1, (iii) - 2, (iv) - 3 (4) (i) - 3, (ii) - 2, (iii) - 1, (iv) - 4
44. Which country in the world has the lowest growth rate of population? (1) Lebnon (3) Iran
(2) Iraq (4) Syria
45. Aircraft and arms industry have a :
46. The first public railway line was opened in _______
(1) local market (3) global market
(2) defence market (4) rural market
between Stockton and Darlington in northern England. (1) 1815 (2) 1825 (3) 1835 (4) 1845
I. Read the case study given below and answer the questions that follow: “…. Buses merely skirt the periphery. Auto rickshaws cannot go there, Dharavi is part of central Mumbai where three wheelers are banned. Only one main road traverses the slum, the miscalled ‘ninety-foot road’, which has been reduced to less than half of that for most of its length. Some of the side alleys and lanes are so narrow that not even a bicycle can pass. The whole neighbourhood consists of temporary buildings, two or three storeyed high with rusty iron stairways to the upper part, where a single room is rented by a whole family, sometimes accommodating twelve or more people; it is a kind of tropical version of the industrial dwelling of Victorian London’s East End. But Dharavi is a keeper of more sombre secrets than the revulsion it inspires in the rich; a revulsion, moreover, that is, in direct proportion to the role it serves in the creation of the wealth of Bombay. In this place of shadow less, treeless sunlight, uncollected garbage, stagnant pools of foul water, where the only non- human creatures are the shining black crows and long grey rats, some of the most beautiful, valuable and useful articles in India are made. From Dharavi come delicate ceramics and pottery, exquisite embroidery and zari work, sophisticated leather goods, high-fashion garments, finely-wrought metalwork, delicate jewellery settings, wood carvings and furniture that would find its way into the richest houses, both in India and abroad. Dharavi was an arm of the sea, that was filled by waste, largely produced by the people who have come to live there: Scheduled Castes and poor Muslims. It comprises rambling buildings of corrugated metal, 20 metres high in places, used for the treatment of hides and tanning. There are pleasant parts, but rotting garbage is everywhere…”
47. In which state is Dharavi located?
48. To which place has Dharavi been compared to?
49. Which of these are not made in Dharavi?
50. According to the passage, earlier Dharavi was a/an
(1) Andhra Pradesh (3) Tamil Nadu
(2) Maharashtra (4) Assam
(1) Victorian London’s East End (2) Victorian London’s West End (3) Victorian London’s North End (4) Victorian London’s South End (1) Jewellery (3) Garments _________ of the sea? (1) Face (3) Arm
(2) Pottery (3) Stationery
(2) Leg (4) Body
Question Paper Maximum Marks : 200
Time : 45 Minutes
General Instructions: (i) This paper consists of 50 MCQs, attempt any 40 out of 50 . (ii) Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Five marks (+5) . (iii) Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (– 1) . (iv) Unanswered/Marked for Review will be given no mark (0) . (v) If more than one option is found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to only those who have marked any of the correct options . (vi) If all options are found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to all those who have attempted the question . (viii) If none of the options is found correct or a Question is found to be wrong or a Question is dropped then all candidates who have appeared will be given five marks (+5). (vii) Calculator / any electronic gadgets are not permitted .
1. Which
sub-field of geography Demography? (1) Population Geography (2) Gender Geography (3) Rural Geography (4) Urban Geography
2. Those factors which make the place of destination
seem more attractive than the place of origin are known as: (1) push factors (2) pull factors (3) migration factors (4) immigration factor
3. Land under settlements (rural and urban),
infrastructure (roads, canals, etc.), industries, shops, etc,. are included in : (1) non-agricultural land (2) irrigable land (3) agricultural land
4. The Arctic region and the Antarctica continent are
situated near: (1) The Sahara Desert (2) The North and South Poles (3) Amazon Basin (4) the Equator
5. A city with at least a million inhabitants is known
as : (1) million city (2) billion city (3) over populated city
6. The principal modes of world transportation are _____, water, air and pipelines.
(1) land (3) vehicles
(2) animals (4) all of the above
7. __________ is the distribution process of a retailer
obtaining goods or services and selling them to customers for use. (1) Collecting (2) Retailing (3) Assessing (4) None of the Above
8. Aryabhatt was launched on :
9. _________ ports handle general cargo-packaged
(1) 19 April 1977 (3) 19 April 1975
(2) 19 April 1978 (4) 19 April 1980
products and manufactured good. (1) Commercial (2) naval (3) entrepot
10. The state with the highest population in India is :
11. Land according to its ownership can be classified
(1) West Bengal (3) Uttar Pradesh into : (1) four categories (3) two categories
(2) Kerala (4) Maharashtra
(2) three categories (4) five categories
12. The period of steady population growth was of :
13. Arrange the following agglomeration in the
(1) 1921-1951 (3) 1901-1911
(2) 1911-1921 (4) 1900-1928
sequence of their ranks i.e., 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
(i) Greater Mumbai (iii) Kolkata
(ii) Delhi (iv) Chennai
Sample Question Papers Options: (1) iii, iv, i, ii (3) iv, ii, i, iii
(2) i, ii, iii, iv (4) ii, i, iv, iii
14. The river basin which
makes the minimum utilisation of groundwater : (1) Ganga (2) Luni (3) Subarnrekha (4) Brahmaputra
15. Assertion (A): People may erect houses and other
structures and command some area or territory as their temporary support-base. Reason (R): The process of settlement inherently involves grouping of people and apportioning of territory as their resource base.
16. Which sector grounds for most of the surface and
groundwater utilisation? (1) Agriculture (2) Industrial (3) Household (4) Medical
17. India has one of the largest road networks in the world with a total length of : (1) 33.1 lakh km (2005) (2) 22.1 lakh km(2005) (3) 11.1 lakh km (2005) (4) 34.1 lakh km (2005)
18. Leather, pulp and paper, textiles and chemicals industries are the major : (1) acid rain producing industries (2) water polluting industries (3) pesticides producing industries (4) Toxin polluting industries
19. India’s own launching vehicle is called :
(1) Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (2) Polar Satellite Attack Vehicle (3) Polar Satellite Receiving Vehicle (4) Polar Satellite Reacting Vehicle
20. Which stretch of Yamuna is most polluted?
21. Behavioural School of Thought laid emphasis on:
(1) Delhi to Ghaziabad (2) Delhi to Agra (3) Delhi to Noida (4) Delhi to Etawah (1) past experience (2) live experience (3) present experience (4) None of the above
22. (Bi/P) × 1000=
(1) Crude Birth Rate (2) Negative Birth Rate (3) Positive Birth Rate (4) Zero Birth Rate
23. Ellen C. Semple belongs to which country? (1) Australia (3) Africa
(2) Germany (4) USA
24. ____________ approach looks at human beings as beneficiaries or targets of all development activities.
(1) Welfare
(2) Capability
(3) Income
(4) Basic needs
25. An important crop of commercial grain cultivation is : (1) wheat (3) cotton
(2) sugarcane (4) jute
26. The American Telegraph and Telephone Company was established in ______ .
(1) 1885 (3) 1875
(2) 1895 (4) 1865
27. Two elements involved in tertiary activities are: (1) production and exchange (2) sale and purchase (3) transport and communication (4) All of the Above
28. Arrange the canals from the longest to the smallest. (i) Grand canal, China (ii) Qaraqum canal, Russia (iii) Saimaa canal, Russia (iv) Eurasia canal, Russia Options: (1) i, ii, iii, iv (2) ii, i, iii, iv (3) iv, iii, i, ii (4) i, iv, ii, iii
29. __________ Civilization documented the oldest
urban settlement. (1) Indus Valley (3) Mesopotamia
(2) Nile Valley (4) Andean
30. Assertion (A): Overcrowding of people due to
31. The word ‘Megalopolis’ was popularised by
rural-urban migration has put pressure on the existing social and physical infrastructure in the urban areas. Reason (R): Due to over-exploitation of natural resources, cities are facing the acute problem of depletion of ground water, air pollution, disposal of sewage and management of solid wastes.
___________ . (1) Jean Gottmann (3) Ptolemy
(2) Carl Ritter (4) William Morris Davis
32. The state which receives a very significant amount from their international migrants are : (1) Goa (2) Maharashtra (3) Punjab (4) Kerala
33. Cities having more than 5 million population are known as : (1) hyper city (3) mega city
(2) metropolitan city (4) super city
34. Minerals which do not contain iron are known as: (1) Ferrous minerals (3) Nuclear minerals
(2) Non- ferrous minerals (4) None of the Above
35. What was the level of urbanisation in 2011 in India?
(1) 31.16% (3) 33.16%
(2) 32.26% (4) 33.26%
36. An area of shallow body of water separated from
the sea by barrier islands or reefs is known as : (1) Backwaters (2) Catchment area (3) Lagoon (4) Lake
37. Arrange the correct sequence of column II against the column I:
Column I
Column II
534 km
1,326 km
OSWAAL CUET (UG ) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY (iii) NH3
556 km
(iv) NH4
230 km
Options: (1) (i)-1, (ii) -3, (iii) -2, (iv) -4 (2) (i)-1, (ii)-2, (iii)-3, (iv)-4 (3) (i)-3, (ii)-1, (iii)-4, (iv)-2 (4) (i)-4, (ii)-2, (iii)-1, (iv)-3
38. Rajiv Gandhi Mission for Watershed Management
was started in: (1) 1998 (2) 1996 (3) 1994 (4) 1992 39. Air transport in India started in : (1) 1911 (2) 1922 (3) 1933 (4) 1944 40. Gullied/ ravenous land, deserted or coastal sands, barren rocky areas, steep sloping land are examples of: (1) Wasteland (2) Upland (3) Refill (4) None of the Above
41. Vidal de la Blache supported which approach?
42. The first stage of the Demographic Transition
(1) Possibilism (3) Humanism
(2) Welfare Approach (4) Determinism
Theory has: (1) high fertility and low mortality (2) high fertility and high mortality (3) low fertility and low mortality (4) None of the Above
43. Name the terminal stations of East West Corridor.
44. Which one of the following is not a fact?
(1) Assam and Bagdogra (2) Manipur and Bengaluru (3) Silchar and Porbandar (4) None of the above
(1) Human population increased more than ten times during the past 500 years. (2) It took 100 years for the population to rise from 5 billion to 6 billion (3) Population growth is high in the first stage of demographic transition. (4) Population growth is high in developing nations. 45. The highest level of decision makers or policy makers perform : (1) quaternary activities (2) outsourcing (3) quinary activities (4) secondary activities 46. Arrange the countries from the highest to the lowest on total road network : (i) United States of America (ii) India (iii) China (iv) Brazil
Options: (1) i, ii, iii, iv (2) iv, ii, iii, i (3) iii, iv, i, ii (4) i, iii, ii, iv Read the case Study given below and answer the questions that follow: The process of adaptation, adjustment with and modification of the environment started with the appearance of human beings over the surface of the earth in different ecological niches. Thus, if we imagine the beginning of human geography with the interaction of environment and human beings, it has its roots deep in history. Thus, the concerns of human geography have a long temporal continuum though the approaches to articulate them have changed over time. This dynamism in approaches and thrusts shows the vibrant nature of the discipline. Earlier there was little interaction between different societies and the knowledge about each other was limited. Travellers and explorers used to disseminate information about the areas of their visits. Navigational skills were not developed and voyages were fraught with dangers. The late fifteenth century witnessed attempts of explorations in Europe and slowly the myths and mysteries about countries and people started to open up. The colonial period provided impetus to further explorations in order to access the resources of the regions and to obtain inventorised information. The intention here is not to present an in-depth historical account but to make you aware of the processes of steady development of human geography. III.
47. The process of adaptation, adjustment with and
modification of the environment started with the appearance of human beings over the surface of the earth in different : (1) ecological niches (2) ecological cliché (3) ecological balance (4) None of these
48. If we imagine the beginning of human geography
with the interaction of environment and human beings, it has its roots deep in _________ . (1) History (2) Political Science (3) Economics (4) None of These
49. Which period provided impetus to further
explorations in order to access the resources of the regions and to obtain inventoried information? (1) Elizabethan (2) colloquial (3) colonial (4) dark
50. What did the travellers and explorers used to do
about the areas of their visits? (1) disseminate information (2) discard information (3) ignore information (4) maintain no records
Question Paper Maximum Marks : 200
Time : 45 Minutes
General Instructions: (i) This paper consists of 50 MCQs, attempt any 40 out of 50 . (ii) Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Five marks (+5) . (iii) Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (– 1) . (iv) Unanswered/Marked for Review will be given no mark (0) . (v) If more than one option is found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to only those who have marked any of the correct options . (vi) If all options are found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to all those who have attempted the question . (viii) If none of the options is found correct or a Question is found to be wrong or a Question is dropped then all candidates who have appeared will be given five marks (+5). (vii) Calculator / any electronic gadgets are not permitted .
1. Choose the tri-equilibrium factors of human geography. (1) Biotic (3) Cultural
(2) Abiotic (4) All of the Above
2. World population exploded in the eighteenth century after the: (1) World War I (2) World War II (3) Civil War (4) Industrial Revolution
3. According to ___________ ‘Human Geography is
the synthetic study of relationship between human societies and Earth’s surface’. (1) Paul Vidal de la Blache (2) Ellen C. Semple (3) Fredrick Ratzel (4) None of the Above
4. Income Approach is:
(1) one of the oldest approaches to human development. (2) one of the recent approaches to human development. (3) one of the latest approaches to human development. (4) None of the above
5. Intensive subsistence agriculture is largely
practiced in densely populated regions of: (1) monsoon Asia (2) South Africa (3) Australia (4) North America
6. ___________is the world of electronic computerised space. (1) Cyberspace (3) Cyber cell
(2) Cyber crime (4) None of the Above
7. What problems did the Ruhr Industrial Region face? (1) Decline in demand of coal (2) Industrial waste (3) Pollution (4) All of the Above
8. The IRS satellite system became operational with
the launching of IRS-IA in March ________ from Vaikanour in Russia. (1) 1988 (2) 1999 (3) 1966 (4) 1977
9. How many million cities are there in the world? (1) 431 (3) 215
(2) 512 (4) 341
10. The first complete population Census conducted in India in : (1) 1882 (2) 1881 (3) 1883 (4) 1884
11. Which is the biggest mega-city in the world?
12. Arrange the following phases in a sequence order
(1) Tokyo (3) New York
(2) Delhi (4) Beijing
according to their occurrence in Indian population. (i) Population explosion (ii) Stationary phase
OSWAAL CUET (UG ) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY
(iii) Decreased growth (iv) Steady growth Options: (1) i, iv, ii, iii (2) iv, i, iii, ii (3) ii, iv, i, iii (4) iii, ii, iv, i
13. Panna, Para, Palli, Nagla and Dhani are examples
(1) clustered settlement (2) hamleted settlement (3) compact settlement (4) dispersed settlement
14. Provision of irrigation makes___________ cropping
possible. (1) Single (3) Foreign
(2) Multiple (4) New
15. Assertion (A): The availability of resources is not
24. Arrange the countries from highest to lowest in
25. Mixed farming is practiced in:
26. Air transport is the _________ means of
terms of Gross National Happiness Index: (i) Iceland (ii) Denmark (iii) Finland (iv) Switzerland Options: (1) i, ii, iii, iv (2) iii, ii, iv, i (3) iv, ii, iii, i (4) iii, iv, i, ii
the only necessary condition for the development of any region. Reason (R): Not only availability of resources but also corresponding change in technology is necessary for development of any region.
16. Neeru- Meeru programme belongs to which state?
17. There are ______National Waterways in India.
18. Migration of people from developing to developed
(1) Andhra Pradesh (3) Karnataka (1) 111 (3) 113
(2) Tamil Nadu (4) Kerala (2) 112 (4) 114
(1) developing countries (2) under developed countries (3) highly developed countries (4) undeveloped countries transportation. (1) easiest (3) slowest
(2) fastest (4) cheapest
27. What constitutes bulk business through numerous
intermediary merchants and supply houses and not through retail stores? (1) Retail trading service (2) Foreign trading service (3) Wholesale trading service (4) Bulk trading service
28. Which airport is the world’s busiest airport?
countries will normally cause an absolute increase in global : (1) emissions (2) unrest (3) harmony (4) peace
(1) Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, China (2) Chennai International Airport, Chennai (3) Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport, Atlanta (4) None of the Above
19. Name the boat race that is held in the backwaters
29. Which country has 100% urban population as per
of Kerala. (1) Nallamkali (3) Kallamkali
(2) Vallamkali (4) Hellamkali
20. Temporary or a permanent decline in productive capacity of the land is known as : (1) land degradation (2) marshy land (3) desalination of land (4) land up gradation
21. Nainital, Mussoorie, Shimla, Pachmarhi, Jodhpur are : (1) transport towns (3) industrial towns
(2) tourist towns (4) educational town
22. Assertion (A): Each unit of land has limited
23. Higher the level of income:
capacity to support people living on it. Reason (R): It is necessary to understand the ratio between the numbers of people to the size of land. (1) the higher is the level of human development. (2) the lower is the level of human development. (3) the stagnant is the level of human development. (4) The high the level of immigration flow.
2020? (1) Saudi Arabia (3) Hong Kong
(2) Singapore (4) China
30. A continuous urban spread constituting a town and its adjoining outgrowths is known as : (1) Urban growth (2) Urban agglomeration (3) Urban outgrowth (4) Urban spread
31. Name the metropolitan city of Bihar.
32. ____________ towns were typically small and
(1) Bihar (3) Gaya crowded. (1) Modern (3) Medieval
(2) Muzzafarpur (4) Patna
(2) New (4) Religious
33. The sparsely located small settlements are called: (1) town (3) catchment area
(2) village (4) city
34. _____________ is mainly used in the electrical and electronic industries.
Sample Question Papers
(1) Mica (3) Copper
(2) Manganese (4) Brass
35. Name the metropolitan city of Karnataka State as per 2011 census.
(1) Karwar (3) Hoobli
(2) Bengaluru (4) Mangalore
36. The energy sources like solar power, wind, wave, geothermal energy are : (1) exhaustible resources (2) inexhaustible resources (3) alternate energy (4) available resources
37. ______ is an important mode of transport for both passenger and heavy cargo traffic in India. (1) Waterways (2) Backwaters (3) Road transport (4) Pipeline
38. Assertion (A): The population of the world is
39. Combustion of fossil fuels, mining and industries
unevenly distributed. Reason (R): Asia has many places where people are few and few places where people are very many.
are the main sources : (1) air pollution (3) smog
(2) noise pollution (4) diseases
40. _________ refers to the way in which the population is spaced out all over the world. (1) Density of population (2) Population distribution (3) Population expansion (4) Population explosion
41. Both growth and ____________refer to changes over a period of time. (1) prosperity (3) development
(2) happiness (4) progress
42. ______________ add value to natural resources by
transforming raw materials into valuable products. (1) Primary activities (2) Secondary activities (3) Tertiary activities (4) Both (1) and (2)
43. Mention one factor on which the profitability of mining depends on.
(1) Social factors (3) Physical factors
(2) Political factors (4) All of the Above
44. Arrange the countries from highest HDI to lowest HDI. (i) Norway (iii) Switzerland
Options: (1) i, ii, iii, iv (3) iv, i, ii, iii
(ii) Ireland (iv) Hong kong
(2) ii, iii, i, iv (4) iii, iv, ii, i
45. The ore which is used in manufacturing of aluminium is : (1) Bauxite (3) Iron
(2) Copper (4) Gold
46. Public sector, private sector, and joint and
47. According to Dr. Haq’s concept of human
cooperative sector are based upon : (1) the basis of ownership (2) the basis of labour used (3) the basis of raw materials (4) Both 1 & 3 I. Read the case study given below and answer the questions that follow: The concept of human development was introduced by Dr. Mahbub-ul-Haq. Dr. Haq has described human development as development that enlarges people’s choices and improves their lives. People are central to all development under this concept. These choices are not fixed but keep on changing. The basic goal of development is to create conditions where people can live meaningful lives. A meaningful life is not just a long one. It must be a life with some purpose. This means that people must be healthy, be able to develop their talents, participate in society and be free to achieve their goals.
development, who is central to all development? (1) Countries (2) Continents (3) People (4) Policies
48. How does HDI help the United Nations?
(1) Helps to determine which country needs assistance (2) Helps to determine which country is economical strong (3) Helps to determine which country has dictatorship (4) None of the Above
49. Why is Human Development information
important? (1) Measure’s development of a country (2) Measure’s the progress made in terms of government policies (3) Measure death rate (4) Measure countries import and export
50. State one important means to Human Development
rather an end in itself? (1) Income growth (3) Migration
(2) Emigration (4) Birth rate
Question Paper Maximum Marks : 200
Time : 45 Minutes
General Instructions: (i) This paper consists of 50 MCQs, attempt any 40 out of 50 . (ii) Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Five marks (+5) . (iii) Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (– 1) . (iv) Unanswered/Marked for Review will be given no mark (0) . (v) If more than one option is found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to only those who have marked any of the correct options . (vi) If all options are found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to all those who have attempted the question . (viii) If none of the options is found correct or a Question is found to be wrong or a Question is dropped then all candidates who have appeared will be given five marks (+5). (vii) Calculator / any electronic gadgets are not permitted .
1. Which element is called ‘Mother Nature’?
2. In the second stage of Demographic Transition
(1) Social environment (2) Physical environment (3) Political environment (4) Industrial environment Theory: (1) fertility remains low (2) fertility remains high (3) fertility remains stagnant (4) Fertility plays no major role
3. Who proposed behavioral approach in Geography?
4. The evolution of the population profile of a
(1) Immanuel Kant (3) Plato
(2) Aristotle (4) Reclus
country, region or other defined geographical area over time is known as : (1) demographic cycle (2) demographic evolution (3) demographic digression (4) none of the Above
5. __________ aims for the large-scale production of
milk or milk products. (1) Horticulture (2) Dairy farming (3) Vermiculture (4) Sericulture
6. _______ carry materials like petroleum, natural gas, and ores in liquefied form. (1) trucks (2) pipelines (3) railways (4) airlines
7. _________ are business firms engaged in offering goods and services directly to consumers. (1) Retailers (2) Traders (3) Buyers (4) Teachers
8. ____________ is a powerful medium of collecting information from the computer. (1) Satellite (2) Internet (3) Television (4) Laptop
9. Which type of settlement develops on either side of the road, river, a railway line or a canal? (1) Cross shaped (2) Circular (3) Linear (4) Square
10. The state of India which has the lowest percentage of population below poverty line : (1) Punjab (2) Tamil Nadu (3) Jammu & Kashmir (4) Goa
11. Mega-cities have been defined by as cities with more than ________million inhabitants. (1) One (2) Ten (3) Five (4) None
12. The natural growth rate is analysed by assessing the : (1) crude birth and death rate (2) positive birth and death rate (3) negative birth and death rate (4) All of the Above
13. Urban centre with population of more than one lakh is called a : (1) class I town (3) class III town
(2) class II town (4) class IV town
Sample Question Papers
14. The per capita availability of water is dwindling day by day due to the : (1) decrease in population (2) increase in population (3) stagnation in population (4) no change in population
15. Assertion (A): Total urban population has increased
eleven-fold during the twentieth century. Reason (R): Enlargement of urban centres and emergence of new towns have played a significant role in the growth of urban population and urbanisation in the country.
foreign substances is known as : (1) water quality (2) water quantity (3) water availability (4) water scarcity
17. The backwaters (Kadal) of Kerala has special significance in : (1) inland waterway (2) oceanic waterway (3) international waterways (4) tourist waterways
23. The practice of nurturing the animals for food and for other human uses is known as : (1) professional livestock rearing (2) commercial livestock rearing (3) social livestock rearing (4) Subsistence Gathering
24. Match and arrange column II with Column I. Column I HDI
16. The purity of water or water without unwanted
Column I Percentage
Very High
1. Between 0.550 up to 0.700
2. Above 0.800
3. Between 0.701 up to 0.799
(iv) Low 4. Below 0.549 Options : (1) (i)-2, (ii)-3, (iii)-1, (iv)-4 (2) (i)-4,(ii)-1,(iii)-2,(iv)-3 (3) (i)-2,(ii)-3, (iii)-4, (iv)-1 (4) (i)-1, (ii)-2, (iii)-3, (iv)-4
25. Name the resource which is considered most
alcoholism, crime, vandalism, escapism, apathy and ultimately social exclusion. (1) Crime (2) Poverty (3) Criticism (4) adrenal rush
essential for creating adequate social infrastructure to cater to the needs of a large population in developing nations. (1) Financial (2) Social (3) Political (4) Human
26. Roads laid along international boundaries are
19. State Highways are constructed and maintained
20. ‘Urban waste disposal is a serious problem in
27. The ‘gold collar’ professions are:
28. The __________ is a vast network that connects
18. _________ makes people vulnerable to drug abuse,
by : (1) Village Government (2) State Government (3) ITBP (4) Central Government
India.’ Suggest measures that we as citizens can take to solve this problem of urban waste. (1) Proper waste disposal bins provided by the municipality (2) Segregate the wet and dry waste (3) fines can be issued for not disposing waste in the required manner (4) All of the Above
21. Which are the two main branches of geography?
22. Arrange the four stages of demographic transition
(1) Economic and Social (2) Physical and Urban (3) Political and Historical (4) Physical and Human
in the correct order: (i) Pre- industrial stage (ii) Urbanizing/industrializing (iii) Mature industrial (iv) Post-industrial Options: (1) (i),(ii),(iii),(iv) (2) (iv),(ii),(iii),(i) (3) (iii),(iv),(i),(ii) (4) (ii),(i),(iii),(iv)
called : (1) border roads (2) national highways (3) international highways (4) expressways (1) hardly paid workers (2) daily wages labourers (3) highly paid executives (4) unemployed youth
computers all over the world. (1) Internet (2) Satellite (3) Communication (4) None of the Above
29. _________ settlements are usually located near water bodies. (1) Rural (3) Scattered
(2) Planned (4) None of the Above
30. Assertion (A): In the Census of India migration is
enumerated on two bases: place of birth and place of residence. Reason (R): In the Census of India reasons for migration from the place of last residence and duration of residence in place of enumeration are never asked.
31. Larger settlements which are specialising in secondary and tertiary activities are known as :
(1) rural settlements (3) sub-urbans
OSWAAL CUET (UG ) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY (2) urban settlements (4) rented settlements
32. Migration leads to intermixing of people from : 33.
34. 35.
40. 41. 42.
(1) diverse culture. (2) same culture. (3) opposite culture. (4) All of the above. The clustered rural settlement is : (1) closely built up houses (2) scattered houses (3) sparsely built up houses (4) unplanned houses Minerals can be divided into how many categories? (1) One (2) Two (3) Three (4) Four Name the metropolitan city of Karnataka State as per 2011 census. (1) Karwar (2) Bengaluru (3) Hoobli (4) Mangalore Most of the metallic minerals in India occur in the: (1) Peninsular plateau region (2) Northern Plains (3) Himalayan Ranges (4) Deccan range ______ transport is the fastest means of movement from one place to the other. (1) Air (2) Water (3) Road (4) Pipeline Mention the sources of water pollution in India. (1) Toxic effluents from industries (2) Sewage disposal (3) Pesticides (4) All of the Above A variety of programmes related to information, education and entertainment, special news bulletins are broadcasted by : (1) AIR (2) BIR (3) CIR (4) DIR The National Remote Sensing Centre is located at: (1) Chennai (2) Hyderabad (3) Secundrabad (4) Nasirabad An important plantation crop is : (1) maize (2) barley (3) coffee (4) wheat Under the_________ method, factories produce only a few pieces which are made-to-order. (1) cast (2) craft (3) cut (4) cost Which of these is not a characteristic of the study of Geography ? (1) Integrative (2) Practical (3) Idealistic (4) Empirical
44. Agrarian society depends on agriculture as the:
(1) primary means of subsistence (2) neutral means of subsistence (3) secondary means of subsistence (4) None of the Above 45. Industries which use more power are located close to the source of the: (1) energy supply (2) communication supply (3) labour supply (4) All of these 46. The process of converting text, pictures or sound into a digital form that can be processed by the computer is known as : (1) Cyber processing (2) Computerization (3) Digitalisation (4) Demonetization II. Read the case study given below and answer the questions that follow: Suez canal had been constructed in 1869 in Egypt between Port Said in the north and Port Suez in the south linking the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. It gives Europe a new gateway to the Indian Ocean and reduces direct sea-route distance between Liverpool and Colombo compared to the Cape of Good Hope route. It is a sea-level canal without locks which is about 160 km and 11 to 15 m deep. About 100 ships travel daily and each ship takes 10-12 hours to cross this canal. The tolls are so heavy that some find it cheaper to go by the longer Cape Route whenever the consequent delay is not important. A railway follows the canal to Suez, and from Ismailia there is a branch line to Cairo. A navigable fresh-water canal from the Nile also joins the Suez Canal in Ismailia to supply freshwater to Port Said and Suez. 47. When was the Suez Canal constructed? (1) 1889 (2) 1879 (3) 1869 (4) 1859 48. Which country owns the Suez Canal? (1) Egypt (2) Cairo (3) Saudi Arabia (4) Nigeria 49. Why is Suez Canal important? (1) Provides trade links (2) Shortest maritime route from Europe to Asia (3) Pirate free route (4) None of the Above 50. Suez Canal connects which two water bodies? (1) Indian Sea with South China Sea (2) Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean (3) Red Sea to Indian Ocean (4) Pacific Sea to Arctic Sea
Question Paper Maximum Marks : 200
Time : 45 Minutes
General Instructions: (i) This paper consists of 50 MCQs, attempt any 40 out of 50 . (ii) Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Five marks (+5) . (iii) Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (– 1) . (iv) Unanswered/Marked for Review will be given no mark (0) . (v) If more than one option is found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to only those who have marked any of the correct options . (vi) If all options are found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to all those who have attempted the question . (viii) If none of the options is found correct or a Question is found to be wrong or a Question is dropped then all candidates who have appeared will be given five marks (+5). (vii) Calculator / any electronic gadgets are not permitted .
1. The reach of geography is _________.
2. The growth of population is low in:
3. ___________ geography offers a new conception of
(1) intensive (3) intricate
(2) extensive (4) None of the Above
(1) Developed countries (2) Third world countries (3) Developing countries (4) Highly industrialized countries
the interrelationships between Earth and human beings. (1) Physical (2) Human (3) Social (4) Integrated
4. ____________ refers to making equal access to
opportunities available to everybody. (1) Empowerment (2) Equity (3) sustainability (4) Development
5. In modern times gathering has become:
6. Among the newer developments in land
(1) primitive (3) commercial transportation are: (1) pipelines (3) cableways
(2) disintegrative (4) social
(2) ropeways (4) All of the Above
8. A fiber- optic cable is also known as an: (1) lined cable
(2) optical- fiber cable
(3) Think fiber cable
(4) All of the Above
(1) religious towns. (3) cultural towns.
(2) administrative towns. (4) commercial towns.
10. The number of farmers per unit area of farmland is known as : (1) agricultural density of a population (2) working density of a population (3) industrial density of a population (4) rural density of a population
11. London reached the million population mark by :
12. Arrange the states of India with highest to lowest
(1) 1800 (3) 1850
population density. (i) West Bengal (iii)Uttar Pradesh Options: (1) i, ii, iii, iv (3) iv, iii, ii, i
(2) 1830 (4) 1900
(ii) Bihar (iv) Maharashtra (2) ii, i, iii, iv (4) ii, iv, i, iii
13. Towns and cities are generally classified on the basis of the_______ they perform. (1) function (2) size (3) contribution (4) None of these
14. The area which the Government has identified
and demarcated for forest growth is known as areas classified as : (1) residential area (2) forest (3) deserted land (4) reserved area
15. Assertion (A):All minerals are inexhaustible over
7. __________ travel undertaken for the purpose of recreation rather than business. (1) Tourism (2) Investigation (3) Transfer (4) None of the Above
9. Places such as Jerusalem and Vatican City are:
time. Reason (R): These take long to develop geologically and they cannot be replenished immediately at the time of need
OSWAAL CUET (UG ) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY
16. ___________ involves prevention of runoff and
storage and recharge of groundwater through various methods like percolation tanks, recharge wells, etc. (1) Watershed management (2) Rainwater harvesting (3) Underground preservation (4) All the Above
17. The helicopter service operating in hilly areas and
is widely used by tourists in north-eastern sector is known as : (1) Raman Hans (2) Pawan Hans (3) Chawan Hans (4) None of these
(1) Combustion (3) Carbonation
(2) Composition (4) All of the Above
27. Insurance and finance are examples of :
28. With the invention of the ______ the use of carts
(1) low order services (2) high order services (3) medium order services (4) Urgent order services and wagons became important. (1) Wheel (2) Carts (3) Stone (4) Carriage
29. By 2030, a projected _____ cities will have atleast 1
18. The Swachh Bharat Mission was launched in:
19. __________ means narrow, sheltered waterway,
especially an inlet in a shoreline of a channel in a marsh. (1) Marsh (2) Inland water (3) Creek (4) River
20. Jhabua district is located in the western most agro-
services takes place over land. Reason (R): In the densely populated districts of India and China, overland transport still takes place by human porters or carts drawn or pushed by humans.
(1) 2014 (3) 2016
(2) 2015 (4) 2017
climatic zone in Madhya Pradesh suffers from: (1) High rains (2) Resource degradation (3) High tourist activities (4) High Government control
21. _________ indicates the level of cultural development of the society. (1) Technology (2) Education (3) Politics (4) People
22. Which continent has the highest growth rate of population? (1) America (3) Australia
(2) Africa (4) Asia
23. Human beings were able to develop technology
after they developed better understanding of : (1) society (2) human laws (3) natural laws. (4) cultural laws.
24. The consumption of resources on a faster rate is
known as: (1) development of resources (2) depletion of resources (3) declining of resources (4) mis-muster of resources
25. The actual development of mining began with the :
26. The invention of the internal __________engine
(1) Industrial Revolution (2) Civil War (3) World Wars (4) all of the above revolutionised road transport in terms of road quality and vehicles plying over them.
million residents. (1) 660 (3) 662
(2) 661 (4) None of the Above
30. Assertion (A): Most of the movement of goods and
31. Choose an example of
determinism. (1) Climate change (2) Technological development (3) Expansion of civilization (4) All of the Above
32. Unregulated migration to the metropolitan cities of India has caused : (1) overcrowding (3) positive growth
(2) isolation (4) negative growth.
33. The urban settlements are generally compact and :
34. _________ is an important raw material for smelting
(1) smaller in size (3) medium in size of iron ore. (1) Copper (3) Mica
(2) larger in size (4) has no relation to size
(2) Manganese (4) Bauxite
35. Towns in India having historical background spanning over 2000 years are known as : (1) Historical towns (2) Cultural towns (3) Administrative towns (4) Social towns
36. _________is absolutely pollution free, inexhaustible source of energy. (1) Wind energy (3) Nuclear energy
(2) Mineral fuels (4) Coal energy
37. Inland Waterways Authority was set up in: (1) 1966 (3) 1986
(2) 1976 (4) 1996
Sample Question Papers
38. The effects of acid rain are:
39. Arrange the correct sequence of column II against
(1) it destroys insects and aquatic life-form (2) it impacts human health (3) it has detrimental effects in trees (4) All of the Above the column I:
Column I
Column II
GangaBhagirathi- 1. Hooghly River System
NW 2
Brahmaputra River
NW 3
Kollam to Kottapuram
NW 1
Godavari and Krishna 4. River Canal
NW 4
Options: (1) (i)-3, (ii)-1, (iii)-2, (iv)-4 (2) (i)-4, (ii)-2, (iii)-1, (iv)-3 (3) (i)-3, (ii)-2, (iii)-4, (iv)-1 (4) (i)-1, (ii)-2, (iii)-3, (iv)-4
40. Various types of chemicals used in modern
agriculture such as inorganic fertilisers, pesticides and herbicides are also ___________components. (1) pollution generating (2) contaminating (3) developmental (4) Both A & C
41. Arrange the correct sequence of column II against the column I.
Column I
Column II
Five Year Plans (i) (ii) (iii)
1st Five Year Plan nd
Five Year Plan Five Year Plan
Objectives 1.
4. 1951-56 (iv) 4th Five Year Plan Options: (1) i-4, ii-3, iii-2, iv-1 (2) i-2, ii-4, iii-1, iv-3 (3) i-3, ii-1, iii-2, iv-4 (4) i-1, ii-4, iii-2, iv-3
42. Which country has the highest mortality rate as
per 2019? (1) Ukraine (3) Romania
(2) Bulgaria (4) Croatia
43. The irrigation in the Command Area I was started in : (1) early 1940s (3) early 1960s
(2) early 1950s (4) early 1970s
44. __________ means continuity in the availability of opportunities.
(1) Productivity (3) Sustainability
(2) Empowerment (4) Security
45. The open-cast mining is the easiest and the _________ way of mining minerals. (1) useless (2) expensive (3) cheapest (4) admirable
46. How many minerals are mined in India ?
47. In which year was Bharmaur notified as a tribal
(1) 48 (2) 58 (3) 68 (4) 78 II. Read the case study given below and answer the questions that follow: Bharmaur tribal area comprises Bharmaur and Holi tehsils of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh. It is a notified tribal area since 21 November 1975. Bharmaur is inhabited by ‘Gaddi’, a tribal community who have maintained a distinct identity in the Himalayan region as they practised transhumance and conversed through Gaddiali dialect. Bharmaur tribal region has harsh climate conditions, low resource base and fragile environment. These factors have influenced the society and economy of the region. According to the 2011 census, the total population of Bharmaur sub-division was 39,113 i.e., 21 persons per sq km. It is one of the most(economically and socially) backward areas of Himachal Pradesh. Historically, the Gaddis have experienced geographical and political isolation and socio- economic deprivation. The economy is largely based on agriculture and allied activities such as sheep and goat rearing. The process of development of tribal area of Bharmaur started in 1970s when Gaddis were included among ‘scheduled tribes’.
area? (1) 1965 (3) 1985
(2) 1975 (4) 1995
48. What was the population of Bharmaur according to the 2011 Census? (1) 39,113 (3) 49,113
(2) 29,113 (4) 59,113
49. Bharmaur is the most economically backward area of __________. (1) Uttarakhand (2) Himachal Pradesh (3) Jammu & Kashmir (4) Ladakh
50. The process of development of tribal area of Bharmaur started in _________ when Gaddis were included among ‘scheduled tribes’. (1) 1950s (2) 1960s (3) 1970s (4) 1980s
Question Paper Maximum Marks : 200
Time : 45 Minutes
General Instructions: (i) This paper consists of 50 MCQs, attempt any 40 out of 50 . (ii) Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Five marks (+5) . (iii) Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (– 1) . (iv) Unanswered/Marked for Review will be given no mark (0) . (v) If more than one option is found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to only those who have marked any of the correct options . (vi) If all options are found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to all those who have attempted the question . (viii) If none of the options is found correct or a Question is found to be wrong or a Question is dropped then all candidates who have appeared will be given five marks (+5). (vii) Calculator / any electronic gadgets are not permitted .
1. The formulation and implementation of the sets of
schemes or programmes aimed at development of various sectors of the economy such as agriculture, irrigation, manufacturing, power, construction, transport, communication, social infrastructure and services is termed as : (1) sectoral planning (2) regional planning (3) linear planning (4) implementation planning
2. Arrange the countries in ascending order of their
population: (i) China (iii) India Options: (1) (i),(ii),(iii),(iv) (3) (iii),(iv),(i),(ii)
(ii) USA (iv) Indonesia (2) (iv),(ii),(iii),(i) (4) (iv),(iii),(ii),(i)
3. In ________________ humans move from a state of necessity to a state of freedom. (1) behavioural geography (2) humanization of nature (3) determinism (4) naturalization of humans
4. The Eight Five Year Plan got delayed for how many years? (1) One year (3) Three Years
(2) Two Years (4) Four Years
5. Why products of gathering cannot compete in the world market?
(1) Close market concept
(2) Availability of less price synthetic products (3) Use of old technology (4) None of the Above
6. Roads and railways form part of _______________
transport. (1) Water (3) Land
(2) Pipeline (4) Air
7. Which one is the example of tertiary activity?
8. Transportation is an __________service industry
(1) Transport (2) Agriculture (3) Diary (4) Iron and steel industry created to satisfy the basic needs of society. (1) organised (2) unorganised (3) scattered (4) controlled
9. What are the settlements in slightly raised flood free grounds called? (1) Dry point settlement (2) High point settlement (3) Wet point settlement (4) Water level settlement
10. In the post 1981 till present, the growth rate of country’s population remained _____ . (1) Stagnant (2) High (3) Low (4) Constant
11. Which city was planned by Waiter Burley Griffin? (1) Mumbai (3) Paris
(2) Canberra (4) Rome
Sample Question Papers
12. ___________ of population is the change in the number of people living in a particular area between two points of time. (1) Growth (2) Decline (3) Stability (4) Access
13. A town containing military base is known as :
14. The river basin which makes the maximum
(1) defence town (3) military town
(2) garrison town (d ) closed town
utilisation of groundwater is : (1) Ganga (2) Brahmaputra (3) Satluj (4) Indus
15. Assertion (A): Ganga, as a river, has national
importance. Reason (R): The river requires cleaning by effectively controlling the pollution for its water.
16. Which sector grounds for most of the surface and groundwater utilisation? (1) Agriculture (2) Industrial (3) Household (4) Medical
17. Choose a fuel-efficient and eco-friendly mode of transport. (1) Road transport (3) Pipeline
(2) Water transport (4) Both B & C
18. The aim of National Mission for Clean Ganga was
to maintain minimum________ flows in the river Ganga. (1) aquatic (2) ecological (3) marine (4) Both A & C
19. Arrange the correct sequence of pipelines column I against the column II: Column I
Column II
Naharkatia-Nunmati- 1. Barauni
Crude Oil
Mumbai High- 2. Mumbai-AnkleshwarKayoli
H a j i r a - B i j a p u r - 3. Jagdishpur
Crude oil and Natural Gas
20. Bauxite, iron ore, manganese and limestone are found in : (1) North-Western Region (2) South-Western Plateau region
(3) North-Eastern Region (4) None of the Above
21. How is density of population of a region calculated?
(1) Density of Population = Population Area (2) Density of Population = Population of the country (3) Density of Population = Decreasing population (4) None of the Above
22. Choose the element which is not a part of the
cultural environment. (1) Megacities (3) Towns
(2) Climate (4) Villages
23. Access to __________, health and education are the key areas in human development. (1) resources (2) transport (3) politics (4) ministers
24. ________ is the study of properties of moving air
and the interaction between air and solid bodies moving through it. (1) Aerodynamics (2) Gravity (3) Friction (4) Dynamics
25. Several countries of Africa and few of south
America and Asia have over fifty per cent of the earnings from_________ alone. (1) labour (2) migrant money (3) minerals (4) dairy farming
26. Name the most important river of Russia.
27. _________ involves the outsourcing of core,
Options: (1) (i)-1, (ii)-4, (iii)-3, (iv)-2 (2) (i)-2, (ii)-1, (iii)-4, (iv)-1 (3) (i)-3, (ii)-2, (iii)-1, (iv)-4 (4) (i)-4, (ii)-1, (iii)-3, (iv)-2
(1) Volga (3) Amur
(2) Ural (4) Irtysh
information-related business activities. (1) KPO (2) DRDO (3) NGO (4) CBI
28. Transportation is an organised _____________ industry. (1) service (3) secondary
(2) modern (4) None of the Above
29. In which type of settlement does the road cut each other at right angles. (1) Compact settlement (2) Dispersed settlement (3) Rectangular settlement (4) All of the Above
30. Assertion (A): Population data are collected
31. When the people of rural areas move towards
through census operation held every 10 years in our country. Reason (R): India has a highly even pattern of population distribution.
urban area and start to live between urban and rural due to which urban areas extend from outer part is called : (1) urbanization
OSWAAL CUET (UG ) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY (2) suburbanization (3) Migration (4) Temporary shift of residence.
32. Movement from one place to another, usually
a response to change in temperature, food, occupation opportunities is known as : (1) migration (2) immigration (3) emigration (4) journey
33. The towns that have developed in mineral rich
areas are known as : (1) mining towns (2) tourist towns (3) educational town (4) administrative town
34. Petroleum reserves are located at :
35. Raniganj, Jharia, Digboi, Ankleshwar, Singrauli
are: (1) Mining towns (3) Garrison
(2) Mumbai High (4) Jharia
(2) Social towns (4) Religious towns
36. The land which is left without cultivation for one or less than one agricultural year is known as : (1) Barren Land. (2) Current Fallow Land. (3) Net Sown Land. (4) Land put to no agricultural use.
37. How many types of waterways are found in India?
38. __________ can be defined as community’s natural
(1) Four (3) Two
(2) Three (4) One
resource, where every member has the right of access and usage with specified obligations, without anybody having property rights over. (1) Community Property Resource (2) Common Property Resource (3) Current Property Resource (4) Cultivable Property Resource
39. Name the railway gauge in which the distance
between the two lines is – 0.762 meters in India. (1) Narrow gauge (2) Broad gauge (3) Metre gauge (4) None of these
40. Arrange the states having the highest Crude oil producing capacity to the lowest (as per 2019-20) (i) Assam (ii) Gujarat (iii)Rajasthan (iv) Tamil Nadu Options: (1) i, ii, iii, iv (2) iv, ii, iii, i (3) iii, ii, i, iv (4) ii, i, iii, iv
(1) Primary activities (3) Tertiary activities
(2) Secondary activities (4) Quintenary activities
at different places are examples of : (1) solid waste. (2) household waste. (3) hazardous waste. (4) toxic waste.
44. Identify the natural sources of water pollutants.
45. Which industry is known as footloose industry?
(1) Landslides (3) Erosions
(2) Water transport (4) All of these
(1) Sugarcane
(2) Cotton
(3) Petroleum
(4) Packaging
46. _________ railways connect two ends of a continent. (1) Siberian (2) Trans-continental (3) Panama (4) None of the Above II. Read the case study given below and answer the questions that follow:
The major benefit for the source region is the remittance sent by migrants. Remittances from the international migrants are one of the major sources of foreign exchange. In 2002, India received US$ 11 billion as remittances from international migrants. Punjab, Kerala and Tamil Nadu receive very significant amount from their international migrants. The amount of remittances sent by the internal migrants is very meagre as compared to international migrants, but it plays an important role in the growth of economy of the source area. Remittances are mainly used for food, repayment of debts, treatment, marriages, children’s education, agricultural inputs, construction of houses, etc. For thousands of the poor villages of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, etc., remittance works as life blood for their economy. Migration from rural areas of Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha to the rural areas of Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar Pradesh accounted for the success of their green revolution strategy for agricultural development. Besides this, unregulated migration to the metropolitan cities of India has caused overcrowding. Development of slums in industrially developed states such as Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Delhi is a negative consequence of unregulated migration within the country.
41. Birth rate, death rate and migration are components of: (1) population change (2) population unrest (3) population ration (4) population control
42. Hunting, agriculture, fishing and mining are:
43. Stained small pieces of metals, broken etc., dumped
(1) Punjab (3) Haryana
47. What is the major benefit that the source regions receive from the migrants?
(1) Medical aid
(2) Agricultural products
Sample Question Papers
(3) Remittance (4) Educational aid
48. How much remittance did India receive in 2002 from international migrants? (1) US$ 10 billion (2) US$ 11 billion (3) US$20 billion (4) US$ 22 billion
49. Give an example of uses of remittance.
(1) Repayment of debt (2) Marriage (3) Children’s education (4) All of the Above
50. Remittances appear to be responsive to income __________ . (1) shortfalls (3) outflow
(2) boost (4) All of the Above
Question Paper Maximum Marks : 200
Time : 45 Minutes
General Instructions: (i) This paper consists of 50 MCQs, attempt any 40 out of 50 . (ii) Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Five marks (+5) . (iii) Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (– 1) . (iv) Unanswered/Marked for Review will be given no mark (0) . (v) If more than one option is found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to only those who have marked any of the correct options . (vi) If all options are found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to all those who have attempted the question . (viii) If none of the options is found correct or a Question is found to be wrong or a Question is dropped then all candidates who have appeared will be given five marks (+5). (vii) Calculator / any electronic gadgets are not permitted .
1. In __________ people have the ability to fight the adversities of nature. (1) Naturalization of humans (2) Humanization of nature (3) Cultural development (4) Determinism
during a specific period of time is known as : (1) positive growth rate (2) negative growth rate (3) population growth (4) density of population growth
3. Choose the correct sub fields of human geography.
4. Name the approach in which the people are not
(1) Political geography (2) Cultural geography (3) Social geography (4) All of the Above
participants in development but only passive recipients . (1) Income approach (2) Welfare approach (3) Capability approach (4) Basic need approach
5. Which field of geography studies the way in which
spatial variations in the distribution , composition , migration and growth of populations are related to the nature of places? (1) Military geography (2) Social geography (3) Population geography (4) Historical geography
6. _______ are metalled roads connecting distant places. (1) Highways (3) Trunk roads
(2) Railroads (4) Border roads
7. ___________ is a term that refers to the gap
between demographics and regions that have access to modern information and communications technology, and those that don't or have restricted access. (1) Digital divide (2) Border divide (3) Professional divide (4) Individual divide
8. The ratio of the length of the country’s total road
2. The change in number of inhabitants of a territory
network to the country’s land area is known as : (1) road density (2) road usage. (3) Road length. (4) None of the Above
9. Addis Ababa is the capital city of: (1) Ethiopia (3) Egypt
(2) Turkey (4) Iran
10. Choose the correct settlements pattern that are developed by the houses built along the roads. (1) Linear pattern (2) Rectangular pattern (3) Star –like pattern (4) Circular pattern
11. Name any area of high latitudes where hunting and food gathering is practiced. (1) Siachen (2) Alps (3) Scandinavian countries (4) Andies
12. Countries with medium levels of human development have:
Sample Question Papers
(1) 90 countries in it (3) 100 countries in it
(2) 41 countries in it (4) 51 countries in it
13. Uttarakhand and, Himachal Pradesh are examples of:
(1) compact settlement (2) isolated settlement (3) rural settlement (4) urban settlement
14. Bhakra-Nangal,
Hirakud, Damodar Valley, Nagarjuna Sagar, Indira Gandhi Canal Project, etc. are: (1) Picnic spots (2) Tourist areas (3) Multipurpose river valley projects (4) Irrigation points
15. Assertion (A): Provision of irrigation makes single
cropping possible. Reason (R): It has also been found that irrigated lands have higher agricultural productivity than inaugurated land.
16. The expanding world trade during the sixteenth and seventeenth century, set the stage for: (1) Outbreak of pandemic (2) rapid population growth (3) drastic drop on population growth (4) unrest all across the globe
17. When did the government adopt the Open Sky Policy for cargo? (1) 1990 (3) 1992
(2) 1991 (4) 1993
18. Which stretch of Yamuna is most polluted?
19. Pawan Hans Limited was incorporated in ______as
(1) Delhi to Noida (3) Varanasi to Delhi
(2) Delhi to Ghaziabad (4) Delhi to Ethawah
the Helicopter Corporation of India (HCI). (1) 1965 (2) 1955 (3) 1975 (4) 1985
20. The state of unbearable and uncomfortable noise
to human beings which is caused by noise from different sources is known as : (1) noise pollution. (2) water pollution. (3) sound disturbance (4) Both (1) & (2)
21. Overhead costs such as safety precautions and
equipment are relatively low in: (1) Open cast mining (2) Underground mining (3) Underwater mining (4) Digging down mining
22. Spacing or preventing the birth of children is known as: (1) home planning (3) family planning
(2) office planning (4) family prevention
23. Identify the main branches of Geography. (1) Human geography
(2) Physical geography (3) Environmental geography (4) All of the Above
24. Since doubling time is based on a population's _________, it can also vary over time. (1) annual growth rate (2) annual death rate (3) outbreak of catastrophe (4) government’s policies
25. In ________ agriculture the vegetation is usually
cleared by fire and the ashes add to the fertility of the soil. (1) slash and burn (2) burn and leave (3) commercial (4) homegrown
26. Name the railway which runs from St. Petersburg
to Vladivostok on the Pacific coast. (1) Pacific Railway (2) Trans- Siberian Railway (3) Trans- Europe Express (4) None of the Above
27. Trade may be conducted at two levels : (1) international and national (2) intra city and inter city (3) local and national (4) Both (2) and (3)
28. The term which is used to describe any influencing
factor that motivates people to leave their place of residence or origin is known as : (1) push factors (2) pull factors (3) loose factors (4) pluck factors
29. The ports that serve as collection centres where
the goods are brought from different countries for export are called: (1) base port (2) entrepot port . (3) inland port (4) commercial port.
30. The physical extent of land on which crops are
sown and harvested is known : (1) Gross Area Sown (2) Net Area Sown (3) Waste land (4) Total Area Sown
31. Who had come to search Benda and his friends in
the wilds? (1) Wild animals (3) Tribals
(2) Outsiders (4) None of these
32. Countries with high human development index are those which have a score of: (1) about 0.8 (2) below 0.8 (3) over 0.8 (4) not even close to 0.8
33. How much part of total geographical area is cultivated ? (1) 34% (3) 47%
(2) 43% (4) 51%
34. Computer and chemicals are examples of : (1) high-tech industries
OSWAAL CUET (UG ) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY (2) agriculture based industries (3) private sector industries (4) small scale industry
35. __________ sector is known in terms of the national economy as a quaternary sector of the economy. (1) Acknowledgment (2) Knowledge (3) Agriculture (4) Manufacturing
36. An important aspect of population growth in India
is the growth of its_______. (1) Adolescent (2) Toddlers (3) Old age (4) All of the Above
37. The farming that relies on rainfall for water is
known as : (1) Rainfed farming (2) Rainborne farming. (3) Rainwater farming (4) None of the Above
38. Varanasi, Mathura, Amritsar, Madurai, Puri are :
39. The area from which rainfall flows into a river, lake
(1) mining towns (3) religious towns
(2) commercial towns (4) heritage town
or reservoir is called a__________ area. (1) connecting (2) catchment
(3) flooding
(4) None of the Above
40. Arrange the states having the highest Coal reserves to the lowest (as per 2020).
(i) Odisha
(ii) Jharkhand
(iii) Chhattisgarh
(iv) West Bengal
(1) i, ii, iii, iv
(2) iv, iii, ii, i
(3) ii, i, iii, iv
(4) iv, iii, i, ii
41. India produces only _____ percent of the world's coffee.
(1) 1.2
(2) 2.2
(3) 3.2
(4) 2.3
42. Which is the busiest sea route in the world?
(1) Northern Atlantic Sea route
(2) South Atlantic Oceanic route
(3) North Pacific Ocean route
(4) South Atlantic Sea route
43. Type of agriculture which is done to meet only the farmer’s family requirements is known as:
(1) Primitive subsistence farming
(2) Plantation farming
(3) Commercial subsistence farming
(4) Intensive subsistence farming
44. To help the Indian exporters and make their export more competitive, the government had introduced an __________Policy for cargo.
(1) Closed Sky
(2) Fly Sky
(3) Free Sky
(4) Open Sky
45. Subsistence agriculture can be grouped into: A
(1) extensive subsistence agriculture and intensive agriculture
(2) primitive subsistence agriculture and intensive subsistence agriculture.
(3) modern subsistence agriculture and intensive subsistence agriculture
(4) Both (1) or (3)
46. Choose the correct example of an entrepot port
(1) Singapore
(2) Iran
(3) Australia
(4) India
II. Read the case study given below and answer the questions that follow:
Based on the universal law “Polluter pays”, a silent but strong effort to restore the ecology and safeguard the human health with people’s participation has taken place in Daurala near Meerut. These efforts are now bearing fruits after a span of three years when Meerut based NGO had developed a model for ecological restoration. The recent meeting of the Daurala Industries officials, NGOs, Government officials and other stakeholders at Meerut has brought out results which usually come out mainly through the Court’s decisions The powerful logics, authentic studies and the pressure of the NGO has in a way brought a new lease of life to the twelve thousand residents of this village. It was in the year 2003 that the pitiable condition of Dauralaites drew the attention of the civil society. The groundwater of this village with a population of 12,000 persons was contaminated with heavy metals. The reason was that the untreated wastewater of Daurala industries was leaching to the groundwater table and was also being used for irrigation. The activists of the NGO conducted a door-to-door survey of the health status of the residents and came out with a report. The group reported that 192 deaths in the past five years have been recorded in the village due to consumption of contaminated water. The industry came under pressure due to activism. The organisation, the village community and people’s representatives sat together to find out sustainable solutions to this problem. The industrialists showed a keen interest towards checking the deteriorating ecology. The overhead water tank’s capacity in the village was enhanced and a 900 m extra pipeline was laid to serve potable water to the community. The silted pond of the village has been cleaned and recharged by desilting it. Large quantity of silt was removed paving way to pure water so that it percolated deep down the aquifers.
Sample Question Papers Rainwater harvesting structures have been constructed at different places which has helped in diluting the contaminants of the groundwater after the monsoons. About 1000 trees have also been planted which have improved the environment.
47. How long has it taken to show results of the efforts taken by the NGO? (1) One year (3) Three years
(2) Two years (4) Five years
48. What was the groundwater being used for? (1) Drinking (3) Cooking food
(2) Irrigation (4) Preparing juices
49. What is potable water?
(1) Water fit for drinking
(2) Water fit for bathing
(3) Water fit for watering plants
(4) Water fit for all purposes
50. How has the groundwater been recharged? (1) By filtering (2) By distilling (3) By desilting (4) By evaporating
Question Paper Maximum Marks : 200
Time : 45 Minutes
General Instructions: (i) This paper consists of 50 MCQs, attempt any 40 out of 50 . (ii) Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Five marks (+5) . (iii) Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (– 1) . (iv) Unanswered/Marked for Review will be given no mark (0) . (v) If more than one option is found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to only those who have marked any of the correct options . (vi) If all options are found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to all those who have attempted the question . (viii) If none of the options is found correct or a Question is found to be wrong or a Question is dropped then all candidates who have appeared will be given five marks (+5). (vii) Calculator / any electronic gadgets are not permitted .
1. Which country has the highest sex ratio in the world? (1) India (3) Nepal
(2) Latvia (4) Yemen
2. The population of non-industrial countries are normally: (1) high (3) stable
(2) low (4) None of the Above
3. When the birth rate is more than the death rate between two points of time it is known as : (1) negative growth rate (2) positive growth rate (3) change in population graph (4) None of the Above
4. ________ is busiest sea route in the world and
covers almost one fourth of the world’s trade. (1) Grand Trunk Route (2) Big Trunk Route (3) South Atlantic Sea Route (4) South China Sea Route
5. An early example of long distance trade connecting
Rome to China – along the 6,000 km route is : (1) Industrial Route (2) Silk Route (3) Trade Route (4) Both (2) or (3)
6. In agriculturally important countries, agro products are exchanged for : (1) manufactured goods (2) processed goods
(3) tertiary goods (4) None of these
7. When the houses are constructed along a bank of
a pond or a lake, the settlement takes the shape of circle and is known as ____________pattern. (1) rectangular (2) circular (3) linear (4) double village
8. What is the real wealth of a country?
9. Nomadic herding or pastoral nomadism is a :
(1) Government (2) People (3) Educational institutes (4) Economy (1) primitive subsistence activity (2) secondary subsistence activity (3) non- existent subsistence activity (4) tertiary activity
10. _____________
railways connects QuebecMontreal Industrial Region with the wheat belt of the Prairie region and the coniferous forest region in the North. (1) Trans-Canadian (2) Trans-Siberian (3) The United States (4) None of the Above
11. Paper and medicine are industries based on:
12. Choose the factors responsible for the location of
(1) mining (3) forest
(2) extracting (4) rain
Sample Question Papers
rural settlements in the world. (1) Water supply (2) Upland (3) Building material (4) All of the Above
13. Migrants act as agents of :
14. London is a ________ city.
15. Land degradation is not a result of :
16. Which of the following is the highly polluted river?
17. Which is the longest railway track in India?
18. Why is electric engine considered more efficient
(1) political change (3) social change (1) trade (3) political (1) Erosion (3) Alkalinity (1) Ravi (3) Yamuna
(2) mental change (4) historical change (2) port (4) educational (2) Salinity (4) Forests (2) Beas (4) Brahmaputra
(1) Dibrugarh to Kanyakumari (2) Trivandrum to Jammu (3) Manipur to Jamnagar (4) None of the above than the traditional diesel engine? (1) Cost effective (2) Higher speed (3) More accurate (4) All of these
19. Assertion (A): Nomadic herding is also called
pastoral nomadism. Reason (R): It is basically a modern intensive activity, in which herders depend upon animals for food, clothing, shelter, tools and transport.
20. Primitive societies depended on :
21. Name the board that monitors the water quality of
(1) wild animals (2) domesticated animals (3) zoo animals (4) Pet animals national aquatic resources. (1) The Central Pollution Centre Board (2) The Central Pollution Control Board (3) The Central Pollution Communication Board (4) The Central Pollution Common Board
22. __________ can be defined as a process that extracts minerals from saline water. (1) Salination (2) Desalination (3) Detoxication (4) Saturation
23. What was necessary to ensure minimum
dependence on government? (1) Voluntary aid (2) Voluntary capital (3) Voluntary land (4) Voluntary labour
24. Minerals that have no metallic lustre and break
easily are called: (1) Non- metallic minerals (2) Metallic minerals
(3) Delicate Minerals (4) Hard minerals
25. Identify the characteristics of wetland farming in
India. (1) The rainfall is excessive of soil moisture requirement. (2) These regions often face flood or soil erosion hazards. (3) Water intensive crops are grown like paddy, jute, etc. (4) All of the Above
26. Which of the following factor helped in the
reduction of birth rate and provided a stage for accelerated population growth? (1) Technological advancement (2) Conflicts and wars (3) emergence of world power (4) Introduction of birth control policies
27. Why is it important to know how many women
and men a country has, how many children are born each year, how many people die? (1) For planning purpose (2) For push factors (3) For pull factors (4) For preparing military strength
28. The removal or reduction of restriction or barriers
on the free exchange of goods between the nations is known as : (1) Fair trade (2) Trade liberalisation (3) Volume of Trade (4) Multilateral Trade
29. Kerala with a composition index value of
_____________ was placed at the top rank of HDI 2011 (India). (1) 0.790 (2) 0.799 (3) 0.789 (4) 0.779
30. What problems did the Ruhr Industrial Region
face? (1) Decline in demand of coal (2) Industrial waste (3) Pollution (4) All of the Above I. Read the case study given below and answer the questions that follow:
Winters in the town of Trondheim mean fierce winds and heavy snow. The skies are dark for months. Kari drives to work in the dark at 8 am. She has special tyres for the winter and keeps the headlights of her powerful car switched on. Her office is artificially heated at a comfortable 23 degrees Celsius. The campus of the university she works in is built under a huge glass dome. This dome keeps the snow out in winter and lets in the sunshine in the summer. The temperature is controlled carefully and there is adequate
OSWAAL CUET (UG ) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY lighting. Even though fresh vegetables and plants don’t grow in such harsh weather, Kari keeps an orchid on her desk and enjoys eating tropical fruits like banana and kiwi. These are flown in from warmer areas regularly. With a click of the mouse, Kari can network with colleagues in New Delhi. She frequently takes a morning flight to London and returns in the evening in time to watch her favourite television serial. Though Kari is fiftyeight years old, she is fitter and looks younger than many thirty year old in other parts of the world.
31. When do fierce winds blow in Trondheim?
32. Choose a sub–discipline of human geography
(1) Summers (3) Monsoons
(2) Winters (4) All the year round
which is concerned with the geographies of the past and with the influence of the past in shaping the geographies of the present and future. (1) Historical geography (2) Physical geography (3) Political geography (4) Military geography
33. The concept which reflects a middle path between
(1) Doctors (3) Artisans
(2) Financial experts (4) Software engineers
40. When was the actual migration recorded through Census? (1) 1884 (3) 1882
(2) 1883 (4) 1881
41. Name any modern town built by the British in modern style. (1) Chandigarh (3) Mumbai
(2) Patna (4) Kochi
42. When was the Smart Cities Mission launched?
43. What is the local name of rainwater harvesting
(1) 2015 (3) 2017
(2) 2016 (4) 2018
structure in Rajasthan? (1) Kund (2) Tanka (3) Nalka (4) Both (1) and (2)
44. Ralegan Siddhi is an example of:
the two ideas of environmental determinism and possibilism is known as : (1) Stop and shut determinism (2) Stop and go determinism (3) Stop and tell determinism (4) Stop and look determinism
45. Copper,
34. Pulses increase the natural fertility of soils through:
35. The one who has special skills, training and
(1) nitrogen fixation (2) carbon dioxide fixation (3) oxygen fixation (4) None of these knowledge and ability in their work is known as : (1) unskilled labour (2) skilled labour (3) part time labour (4) Both (1) or (3)
36. Scientists, researchers, administrators falls under ________ category. (1) Quinary (3) Tertiary
(2) Quandary (4) Medical
37. What is the measurement of standard gauge?
38. Why is Suez Canal important?
39. Which of these migrated from India during the
(1) 1.44 m (3) 1.47 m
(2) 1.39 m (4) 1.48 m
(1) Provides trade links (2) Shortest maritime route from Europe to Asia (3) Pirate free route (4) None of the Above second wave of migration ?
(1) Rainwater harvesting (2) Watershed development (3) Afforestation (4) Social security zinc, sandstone, granite, marble, petroleum deposits and salt are found in: (1) East-Western Region (2) South-Western Plateau Region (3) North-Eastern Region (4) North-Western Region
46. Which is the longest railway track in India? (1) Dibrugarh to Kanyakumari (2) Trivandrum to Jammu (3) Manipur to Jamnagar (4) None of the above I. Read the case study given below and answer the questions that follow:
Winters in the town of Trondheim mean fierce winds and heavy snow. The skies are dark for months. Kari drives to work in the dark at 8 am. She has special tyres for the winter and keeps the headlights of her powerful car switched on. Her office is artificially heated at a comfortable 23 degrees Celsius. The campus of the university she works in is built under a huge glass dome. This dome keeps the snow out in winter and lets in the sunshine in the summer. The temperature is controlled carefully and there is adequate lighting. Even though fresh vegetables and plants don’t grow in such harsh weather, Kari keeps an orchid on her desk and enjoys eating tropical fruits like banana and kiwi. These are flown in from warmer areas regularly. With a click of the mouse, Kari can network with colleagues in New Delhi.
Sample Question Papers She frequently takes a morning flight to London and returns in the evening in time to watch her favourite television serial. Though Kari is fiftyeight years old, she is fitter and looks younger than many thirty year old in other parts of the world.
47. When do fierce winds blow in Trondheim?
(1) Summers
(2) Winters
(3) Monsoons
(4) All the year round
48. What is the shape of the university campus? (1) Bell shaped
(2) Pyramid shaped
(3) Dome shaped
(4) Cone shaped
49. Which of these fruits does Kari likes to eat?
(1) Kiwi
(2) Dragon fruit
(3) Apple
(4) Mango
50. How old is Kari? (1) 23 (3) 46
(2) 32 (4) 58
Question Paper Maximum Marks : 200
Time : 45 Minutes
General Instructions: (i) This paper consists of 50 MCQs, attempt any 40 out of 50 . (ii) Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Five marks (+5) . (iii) Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (– 1) . (iv) Unanswered/Marked for Review will be given no mark (0) . (v) If more than one option is found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to only those who have marked any of the correct options . (vi) If all options are found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to all those who have attempted the question . (viii) If none of the options is found correct or a Question is found to be wrong or a Question is dropped then all candidates who have appeared will be given five marks (+5). (vii) Calculator / any electronic gadgets are not permitted .
1. In which approach were the grand generalizations
and applicability of universal theories to explain the human conditions were questioned? (1) Spatial organization approach (2) Post- modernization in geography approach (3) Regional analysis approach (4) Areal differentiation approach
2. The average number of years to be lived by a group
of people born in the same year is known as: (1) Total life lived (2) Life expectancy (3) Life span (4) Life limit
3. The _________ approach focuses on identifying the
uniqueness of any region and understanding how and why is it different from others. (1) Areal Differentiation (2) Radial School (3) Behavioral School (4) Regional analysis
4. ____________ measures the shortfall in human
development. (1) Poverty index (2) Human development index (3) GDP (4) Happiness Index 5. The use of minerals in ancient times was largely confined to the making of: (1) Tools (2) utensils (3) Weapons (4) All of the Above
6. The smallest unit of manufacturing is the:
(1) cottage industry (2) agricultural industry (3) chemical industry (4) IT industry
7. The organizations like General Agreement for Tariffs and Trade help in : (1) reducing tariff (2) increasing tariff (3) suspending tariff
8. Densely populated countries have large volume of:
9. Identify the characteristics of rural settlements
(1) internal trade (3) local trade across the world. (1) Water supply (3) Upland
(2) external trade (4) None of these
(2) Land (4) All of the Above
10. How is the growth of population expressed?
11. Identify the land use categories as maintained in
(1) Percentage (3) Area
(2) Metrics (4) Kelvin
the Land Revenue Records. (1) Land put to non-agricultural use (2) Forests (3) Barren and waste lands (4) All of the Above
12. ______ gives an overview of the total population growth in a particular decade. (1) Annual growth rate (2) Decadal growth rate (3) Induced growth rate (4) Dense growth rate
13. Where is dryland farming practiced in India?
Sample Question Papers
(1) Regions cm. (2) Regions cm. (3) Regions cm. (4) Regions cm.
having annual rainfall of less than 75
having annual rainfall of less than 50
having annual rainfall of less than 65 having annual rainfall of less than 60
14. ____________ was the state, has the largest number of net out-migrants from the state. (1) Punjab (2) Uttar Pradesh (3) Bihar (4) West Bengal
15. Assertion (A): The decades of 1951-1981 are the
phase of population explosion. Reason (R): The average annual Growth rate was as high as 2.2 per cent.
16. 64. ___An authorized public gathering of buyers
and sellers of commodities at an appointed place at regular intervals is known as: (1) Social market (2) Periodic market (3) Public market (4) Special market
17. In the ______ approach higher the level of income,
higher is the level of human development . (1) monitory (2) income (3) salary (4) basic needs
18. The volume of goods and services imported as
well as exported by a country to other countries is termed as : (1) balance of trade (2) imbalance of trade (3) exchange of trade (4) None of these
19. _________ refers to money that is sent or transferred
22. An ___________is a continuous urban spread constituting a town and its adjoining outgrowths. (1) urban agglomeration (2) metro (3) sub growth (4) All of the Above
23. What was the groundwater being used for?
24. When was Indian Railways introduced?
(1) Drinking (3) Cooking food (1) 1841 (3) 1853
(2) Irrigation (4) Preparing juices (2) 1843 (4) 1863
25. The trade done by two countries with each other is known as : (1) volume of trade (2) bilateral trade (3) trade liberalisation (4) Both (2) or (3)
26. Identity the sub- fields of economic geography.
27. _____________ Geography studies the description
(1) Geography of resources (2) Geography of tourism (3) Geography of agriculture (4) All of the Above and analysis of the distribution of buildings by which people attach themselves to the land. (1) Settlement (2) Housing (3) Urban (4) Both A & C
28. When was Indian Railways introduced?
29. How has the groundwater been recharged?
30. Assertion (A): Inland Waterways Authority of
31. The state of India which has the lowest percentage
(1) 1841 (3) 1853 (1) By filtering (3) By desilting
(2) 1843 (4) 1863 (2) By distilling (4) By evaporating
India (IWAI) was established in the year 1986. Reason (R): It was established for development and regulation of inland waterways for shipping and navigation.
to another party, usually overseas. (1) Remittance (2) Emulation (3) Denomination (4) None of these
20. India’s GDP is : Rs (1) 3,200 thousand crores (2) 4,200 thousand crores (3) 5,200 thousand crores (4) 7,200 thousand crores 21. Name the ‘urban agglomeration’ having the highest share of immigration population in India. (1) Port Blair (2) Mumbai (3) Amritsar (4) Chennai
of population below poverty line : (1) Punjab (2) Tamil Nadu (3) Jammu & Kashmir (4) All of these
32. Arrange the correct sequence of column II against the column I.
Column I
Column II
Five Year Plans
Year of Launch
1st Five Year 1. Plan
Evolution of good irrigation system
Five 2. 2nd Year Plan
Rapid industrialisation
Five 3. 3rd Year Plan
Improvement in the production of wheat
4th Five Year 4. Annual growth rate of Plan 5 per cent in agriculture Options : (1) i-1, ii-2, iii-3, iv-4 (2) i-2, ii-3, iii-2, iv-4 (3) i-4, ii-1, iii-3, iv-2 (4) i-3, ii-2, iii-1, iv-4 (iv)
33. ___________ is a cotton growing area in India.
34. Why the available water resources are degrading
(1) Bihar (3) Gujarat
(2) Kerala (4) Maharashtra
rapidly? (1) Border conflicts (2) Concentration of pollutants is very high (3) Drying up of water bodies (4) None of the Above
OSWAAL CUET (UG ) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY
35. What are the main features of the Smart Cities Mission? (1) provide core infrastructure (2) stop migration (3) stop brain drain (4) All of the Above
36. How many mega cities are there in India?
37. How many types of migration takes place in India?
38. If the value of imports is more than the value of a
(1) Two (3) Five (1) Rural to Rural (3) Urban to Urban
(2) Three (4) Six (2) Rural to Urban (4) All of these
1970s? (1) Oil boom (3) Brain drain
Air transport is the fastest means of movement from one place to the other. It has reduced distances by minimising the travel time. It is essential for a vast country like India, where distances are large and the terrain and climatic conditions are diverse. Air transport in India made a beginning in 1911 when airmail operation commenced over a little distance of 10 km between Allahabad and Naini. But its real development took place in postIndependent period. The Airport Authority of India is responsible for providing safe, efficient air traffic and aeronautical communication services in the Indian Air Space. The authority manages 125 airports. Now, many private companies have also started passenger services. Air India provides International Air Services for both passengers and cargo traffic. It connects all the continents of the world through its services. Some private companies have also started operations to foreign countries.
crops are : (1) zaid crops (2) rabi crops (3) kharif crops (4) None of these III. Read the case study given below and answer the questions that follow:
40. Which of the following is included in tertiary sector? (1) ATM Booths (3) Internet café
(2) Call centres (4) All of them
41. Trade conducted with many trading countries is known as : (1) bilateral trade (3) free trade
(2) multilateral trade (4) Both of (1) or (3)
42. How many sub sectors does the cotton industry have? (1) Two (3) Four
(2) Three (4) Five
44. What was the main argument of Dennis Meadows
46. Watermelons, cucumbers, vegetables and fodder
(2) Work boom (4) Imperialism
by road transport is not new in India. Reason (R): Since ancient times, pathways and unmetalled roads have been in use for this purpose.
39. Which of these events happened in West Asia in
43. What are the goals of sustainable development?
45. Assertion (A): Transportation of people and goods
country’s exports, the country has : (1) negative balance of trade (2) positive balance of trade (3) neutral balance of trade
(1) economic growth (2) environmental stewardship (3) social inclusion (4) All of the above in Limits to Growth? (1) Limits to Growth has had a significant impact on the conception of environmental issues. (2) Limits to Growth has had a limited impact on the conception of environmental issues. (3) Limits to Growth has had a no impact on the conception of environmental issues. (4) Limits to Growth has had a marginal impact on the conception of environmental issues.
47. What is an example of air travel?
48. Who is responsible for providing safe, efficient air
(1) Ferry (3) Helicopter
(2) Mountain truck (4) Crane
traffic and aeronautical communication services in the Indian Air Space? (1) The Airport Community of India (2) The Airport Authority of India (3) The Airport Mission of India (4) All of the Above
49. Why is air travel more expensive than land travel?
50. Name one private airline operating in India.
(1) Not very frequently taken (2) High cost of fuel (3) Limited air crafts available (4) None of these (1) GoAir (3) Indian Airlines
(2) Air India (4) Emirates
Question Paper Maximum Marks : 200
Time : 45 Minutes
General Instructions: (i) This paper consists of 50 MCQs, attempt any 40 out of 50 . (ii) Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Five marks (+5) . (iii) Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (– 1) . (iv) Unanswered/Marked for Review will be given no mark (0) . (v) If more than one option is found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to only those who have marked any of the correct options . (vi) If all options are found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to all those who have attempted the question . (viii) If none of the options is found correct or a Question is found to be wrong or a Question is dropped then all candidates who have appeared will be given five marks (+5). (vii) Calculator / any electronic gadgets are not permitted .
1. Choose the correct example of human geography.
(1) Urban geography (3) Social geography
(2) Cultural geography (4)All of the Above
2. The effect of overpopulation can be:
(1) Increase in economic development (2) Increase in demands of basic amenities (3) Better education facilities (4) More help from the government
3. Human geography was made more relevant to
8. Where is highest density of railways found?
the socio-political reality by the emergence of __________ schools of thought. (1) Humanistic (2) Radical (3) Behavioural (4) All of the Above
4. As per 2019, Life expectancy in Japan was the
highest with close to : (1) 65 years (3) 85 years
(2) 75 years (4) 95 years
(1) Rural areas (2) Urban areas (3) Administrative areas (4) Industrial areas
9. _________ ports deal in the processing and
(1) Strengthens foreign relations (2) Improves understanding (3) Increase in per capita income (4) None of the Above
shipping of oil . (1) Out (3) Hinterland
(2) Oil (4) Water
10. Who dominates the streams of short distance rural to rural migrations? (1) Adolescence (3) Females
(2) Males (4) Old age group
11. About two-thirds of its population have been dependent on : (1) Agriculture (3) Monsoons
(2) Industrialisation (4) Trade
5. The world at the beginning of 21st century recorded
12. Radio, television, newspapers, books, magazines,
the presence of over __________population. (1) 6 billion (2) 8 billion (3) 10 million (4) 6 million
6. The process of migration from plain areas to pastures or mountains during summers and again from mountain pastures to plain areas during winters is known as:
(1) Transhumance (3) Trans Vance
(2) Transrace (4) Transfer
7. How is tertiary sector of economic importance to our country?
etc., are examples of : (1) Giving sermon (2) Mass communication (3) Giving instruction (4) None of the above
13. How long is Trans- Australian Railway?
(1) 1693 km (3) 1936 km
(2) 1896 Km (4) 1369 km
14. Identify the stations that the Channel Tunnel links
OSWAAL CUET (UG ) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY up. (1) Paris- London (3) Berlin- Paris
(2) London- Berlin (4) All of the Above
15. Assertion (A): The mountainous and hilly areas
hinder the development of transport network and hence initially do not favour agricultural and industrial development. Reason (R): So, these areas tend to be highly populated.
16. What is the other name of surface mining?
(1) Close-cast mining (2) Open-cast mining (3) Loose-cast mining (4) Free-cast mining
17. Why agri-business farms are mechanised and large
in size? (1) They are commercial in nature (2) They are meant for small community (3) They are primitive in nature (4) They are non- profitable
18. What was the annual growth rate of India as per
2011 Census? (1) 1.64 percent (3) 1.65 percent
(2) 1.66 percent (4) 2.66 percent
19. ____________________ ports specialise in bulk
cargo-like grain, sugar, ore, oil, chemicals and similar materials. (1) Commercial (2) Comprehensive (3) Industrial (4) All of the above
20. What is the purpose of the Smart Cities Mission?
(1) Economic growth (2) Improve the quality of life of people (3) Provide good environment (4) All of the Above
(1) Due to climate (2) Due to drug mafia (3) Due to less land availability (4) None of the Above
26. ____________ system means equal distribution of
canal water in the command area of outlet. (1) Waranbandi (2) Naranballi (3) Hissabandi (4) None of the Above
27. What activities results in production and
distribution of goods and services? (1) Social activities (2) Economic activities (3) Political activities (4) Medical activities
28. ___________ is a watershed development project
sponsored by the Central Government. (1) Haryali (2) Hawarahili (3) Harwara (4) None of the Above
29. Growth is:
(1) Quantitative (3) Selective
(2) Qualitative (4) All of the Above
30. Assertion (A): A group of farmers form a co-
operative society by pooling in their resources voluntarily for more efficient and profitable farming. Reason (R): Co-operative societies help farmers, to procure all important inputs of farming, sell the products at the most favourable terms and help in processing of quality products at cheaper rates.
31. Which one is the example of household industries? (1) Electrical appliances (2) Shoe manufacturing (3) Basket weaving (4) All of the Above
21. The Planning Commission of India (1967) identified
32. When was the NYP launched?
33. Migration boosts the _________population.
________ districts (entire or partly) of the country prone to drought. (1) 59 (2) 47 (3) 67 (4) 97
22. Identify the longest double-tracked and electrified
trans-continental railway. (a Trans- Siberian Railway (2) Trans- Canadian Railway (3) Union and Pacific Railway (4) Australian Trans- Continental Railway
23. Identity the state which has the highest poverty
incident ratio. (1) Odisha (3) Haryana
(2) Punjab (4) Goa
24. The concept of human development was
introduced by: (1) Dr. Mahbub-ul-Haq (2) Nelson Mandela (3) Mao Zedong (4) Winston Churchill
25. Why is Brazil sparsely populated?
(1) 2013 (3) 2015 (1) working-age (3) adolescence
(2) 2014 (4) 2016 (2) old-age (4) None of the Above
34. Ghaziabad, Rohtak, Gurugram and Faridabad are
(1) Rural areas (3) Urban cities
(2) Satellite cities (4) None of the Above
35. Why is the conservation of mineral resources
important? (1) They are limited in number. (2) They are the country’s asset. (3) Indispensable part of our lives. (4) All of the above.
36. The irrigation in the Command Area II was started
in : (1) Mid- 1960s. (3) Mid -1980s
(2) Mid -1970s (4) Mid- 1990s
37. ________ here means human labour productivity
Sample Question Papers
or productivity in terms of human work. (1) Empowerment (2) Productivity (3) Equity (4) Employment
located close to the source of raw material?
labourers emigrated from India to other European colonies? (1) Girmit Act
(2) Girhit Act
(3) Indian Migration Act
(4) Indian Immigration Act
(1) Labour is easily available
(2) Saves on the transportation cost
(3) The raw materials are weight losing
(4) Both (2) and (3)
46. Mixed farming is practiced in: A
39. What is the indicator of the poverty of community
in a country? (1) Individual Poverty Index (2) Human Poverty Index (3) Country Poverty Index (4) Personal Poverty Index
develops in the fertile plain and river valleys. (1) Clustered rural settlement (2) Clustered urban settlement (3) Clustered grouped settlement (4) None of the Above (1) short duration (3) stagnant duration
(2) long duration (4) None of the Above
42. ‘The Population Bomb’ was written by :
(1) Meadows and others (2) Ehrlich (3) Darwin (4) None of the Above (1) Helps to determine which country needs assistance (2) Helps to determine which country is economical strong (3) Helps to determine which country has dictatorship (4) None of the Above
(1) Historically communities themselves (2) Less market demands (3) Low consumption globally
47. How are small scale industries distinguished from household industries? (1) On the basis of production techniques (2) On the basis of place of manufacturing (3) On the basis of market demand (4) Both (1) and (2)
48. In small scale industries the manufacturing is done
44. Why is wet paddy farming subsistence?
43. How does HDI help the United Nations?
I. Read the case study given below and answer the questions that follow: household industries by its production techniques and place of manufacture (a workshop outside the home/cottage of the producer). This type of manufacturing uses local raw material, simple power-driven machines and semi-skilled labour. It provides employment and raises local purchasing power. Therefore, countries like India, China, Indonesia and Brazil, etc. have developed labourintensive small-scale manufacturing in order to provide employment to their population.
41. Minerals are formed by inorganic processes of :
(1) developing countries (2) under developed countries (3) highly developed countries (4) None of the Above
Small scale manufacturing is distinguished from
40. ___________ is the kind of settlement that generally
(4) None of the Above
45. Why are the large integrated steel industries
38. Under the provisions of which Act were the
on : (1) Large scale (3) Macro scale
(2) Micro scale (4) None of the Above
49. Which is the correct example of small-scale industry?
(1) Leather industry (3) Beverages
(2) Pickle making (4) Computer making
50. What type of raw material is used in small-scale
industries? (1) High cost (3) Skilled material
(2) locally available (4) Imported material
SOLUTIONS OF Question Paper
1. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Radical school of thought employed Marxian theory to explain the basic cause of poverty, deprivation and social inequality.
2. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: A negative growth rate would mean a population size gets smaller, reducing the number of people inhabiting that country.
3. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Technology indicates the level of cultural development of society. Human beings were able to develop technology after they developed a better understanding of natural laws.
4. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Development is basically a concept that has positive connotations .It involves the application of certain economic and technical measures to utilize available resources to instigate economic growth and improve people's quality of life.
5. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Subsistence agriculture is one in which the farming areas consume all, or nearly so, of the products locally grown.
6. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Water transportation does not require route construction as it takes advantage of natural track provided by the nature.
7. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The quaternary activities has replaced most of the primary and secondary activities as the basis of economic growth. Over half of the workes in the the developed economics are in the knowledge sector. The tertiary sector of the economy, generally known as the service sector, is the third of the three economic sectors. It includes highly educated professionals like doctor, lawyer etc.
8. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The factors that influence the development of the railways are the relief features of the region, the density of population, the availability of natural resources and the level of economic development.
9. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The first urban settlement to reach a population of one million was the city of London by around. A.D. 1810.
10. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: In this period, growth rate was very low, even recording a negative growth rate during 1911-1921. Both the birth rate and death rate were high keeping the rate of increase in population low. 11. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: A compact settlement is a closely built area of dwellings wherever flat land and clean drinking water is available. 12. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: The reason behind such low density is the difficult living conditions of the state because of the forests in a larger area of Arunachal Pradesh. About 51,540 sq. km. or 61.55% of the land area is recorded under forest. In comparison to other states, Arunachal Pradesh has the lowest population density in India. 13. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The complexity of a human settlement can range from a small number of dwellings grouped together to the largest of cities with surrounding urbanized areas. 14. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Land revenue department is a department that manages all government owned lands and decides land use.
15. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Urban areas rely on rural areas to meet their demands for food, water, wood, raw materials, similarly rural areas gain a lot from urban development, such as market, farm inputs, employment opportunities, etc. Cities are connected directly as well as indirectly with the villages and also with each other. 16. Option (4) is correct.
Solutions Explanation: Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Kerala, etc., utilise only a small proportion of their groundwater potentials. This is due to the fact that the underground water potential of these states is low as compared to other states. 17. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The density of roads is high in North India because of high concentration of industries and urbanisation in these areas. Building material is locally available. High density of 50-100 km is also found in Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh of the northern plain. This is due to advanced agriculture, industry and urbanisation in these areas. Building material is obtained from the Himalayan region. Large parts of the Deccan plateau have moderate density of roads. 18. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Climate change includes both global warming driven by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases and the resulting large-scale shifts in weather patterns 19. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The Konkan Railway takes you on a breathtaking journey through rugged mountains, lush valleys, sunlit paddy fields, bustling villages and glistening rivers that lead out to sea. 20. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: It started on 2014. 21. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Geography is sometimes considered as the mother of all sciences due to its links and influences on a range of other scientific fields including biology, mathematics, anthropology, geology, astronomy and chemistry. 22. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Geographical, cultural, economical and social factors influence spatial distribution of population. 23. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The environmental determinism suggests that humans are not a product of their environment, but rather that they possess the skills necessary to change their environment to satisfy human needs. 24. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: A country's level of development is measured by its per capita income, the level of industrialization, the general standard of living, and the amount of technological infrastructure that has developed there. 25. Option (1) is correct.
Explanation: Viticulture is the scientific study of grapes, most often with a focus on growth and production. Note: Viticulture refers to the science, study and production of grapes; whereas viniculture involves the cultivation of grapevines for wine making. 26. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Metalled roads are those that are made up of cement, concrete or coal tar. 27. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Quinary activities are services that focus on the creation, re-arrangement and interpretation of new and existing ideas; data interpretation and the use and evaluation of new technologies. 28. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The internet is a huge network of computers all connected together. The world wide web ('www' or 'web' for short) is a collection of webpages found on this network of computers. 29. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Land can also be classified on the basis of ownership as – private land and community land. Private land is owned by individuals whereas, community land is owned by the community for common uses like collection of fodder, fruits, nuts or medicinal herbs. 30. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The shifting of rural populations to urban areas is mainly due to urban biases in terms of development and economic opportunities. It has been observed in India that urban residents have a better standard of living, level of nutrition, and provision of services than rural dwellers. 31. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: A large and densely populated city or group of towns that make up an urban complex is called megalopolis. 32. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Migration is an important determinant of population size as it changes not only the population size but also the population composition of urban and rural populations in terms of age composition. 33. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Dispersed settlements in India are found in the Northeastern states of India. Such as, hilly regions with poor agriculture. 34. Option (1) is correct.
OSWAAL CUET (UG ) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY Explanation: Damodar basin is known for its coal deposits and commonly referred as the 'store house of Indian coal'.
35. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The oldest category of town was built in ancient times whereas the most recent category of town is Ultra-modern towns. 36. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Electrical energy is energy derived as a result of movement of electrons. 37. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) is an autonomous agency of the Government of India, set up in 1995 and is responsible for management of a network of over 50,000 km of National Highways out of 1,32,499 km in India. 38. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Solid waste is the unwanted or useless solid materials generated from human activities in residential, industrial or commercial areas. 39. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Major function of the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) is : Operation, maintenance and development of National Highways. It is a nodal agency of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. 40. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: A slum is a highly populated urban residential area consisting of densely packed housing units of weak built quality. 41. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Griffith Taylor introduced the concept of Neo-determinism which reflects a middle path between the two ideas of environmental determinism and possibilism. 42. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Freedom from political oppression, conflicts, chaos and war are some of the push factors that force people to leave their place of origin. 43. Option (2) is correct.
Explanation: The different fields of human is associated and deals with humans and their relationships with communities, cultures, economies, and interactions with the environment by studying their relations with and across locations. 44. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: Due to the Syrian Civil War, the Syrian population decreased. 45. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: The arms industry, is a global industry which manufactures and sells weapons and military technology, and is a major component of the military–industrial complex. Similarly aircraft industry provides the only rapid worldwide transportation network, which makes it essential for global business. It generates economic growth, creates jobs, and facilitates international trade and tourism. 46. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The S&DR's first line connected coal mines at Shildon in County Durham to Darlington. It opened on 27 September 1825. The company used steam trains to haul its coal wagons from the first day of operation. 47. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Dharavi is a locality in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, considered to be one of Asia's largest slums. 48. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Dharavi has been compared to Victorian London’s East End as the area to contain some of the worst poverty in Britain. 49. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: Dharavi has an active informal economy in which numerous household enterprises employ many of the slum residents —leather, textiles and pottery products are among the goods made inside Dharavi. 50. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Dharavi was an arm of the sea,that was filled by waste, largely produced by the people who have come to live there.
SOLUTIONS OF Question Paper
1. Option (1) is correct.
12. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Observed medium rate of population growth and is referred to as the period of steady population growth. An overall improvement in health and sanitation throughout the country brought down the mortality rate.
Explanation: Population geography talks about spatial variation in the distribution, composition, migration, and growth of population of the terrain.
2. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Pull factors are positive aspects that attract people to move to a place e.g. good employment opportunities, better facilities, education and medical facilities.
3. Option (1) is correct. 4. Option (2) is correct.
13. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: An urban agglomeration is identified and ranked according to its size, population, occupations and economic activities.
14. Option (4) is correct.
Explanation: The Arctic encompasses a vast frozen ocean around the North Pole. Antarctica is a frozen continent anchored by the South Pole and surrounded by vast open oceans.
5. Option (1) is correct. 6. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Land, water, air and pipeline are called principle mode of world transport because it ensure time and place utility. People depends more on this type of transportation.
Explanation: The digging of wells, the over use of water and the highly economic conditions such as uses of water becomes four times of the past years and the agriculture irrigation, tube wells and the use of water over large field cause decline in the level of groundwater utilization.
15. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: A house provides a sense of security and wellbeing, along with an economic standing in society. A house is not only a mere physical structure but also a symbol of power, authority and a host of other things that come along with it.
7. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Retailing is defined as a set of activities or steps used to sell a product or a service to consumers for their personal or family use.
9. Option (1) is correct. 10. Option (3) is correct. 11. Option (3) is correct.
Explanation: The population of Uttar Pradesh continues to grow at a high rate. Because of that high growth rate and a substantial reduction in infant mortality in the 20th century, there has been a significant increase in the proportion of young adults and children.
16. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Agriculture sector accounts for most of the groundwater utilization. In agriculture, water is mainly used for irrigation. Apart from irrigation, it is also used in livestock and aquaculture.
8. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Aryabhatta was India's first satellite launched on 19th April 1975.
17. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: India have one of the largest road networks in the world because road is an important mode of transportation as it link one place to another(connecting people) and helps in transportation.
18. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: They are industries that discharge more than 1,00,000 litres of wastewater and/or hazardous chemicals into the rivers.
OSWAAL CUET (UG ) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY
19. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle is an expendable medium-lift launch vehicle designed and operated by the Indian Space Research Organisation
20. Option (4) is correct.
Explanation: The Grand Canal, known to the Chinese as the Jing–Hang Grand Canal, is the longest canal or artificial river in the world.
21. Option (2) is correct.
30. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Overcrowding of people due to rural-urban migration ultimately leads to unplanned growth of urban settlement and formation of slums shanty colonies.
Explanation: It is important to calculate crude birth rate because it is a useful indicator in studies of population around the world. Explanation: Ellen Churchill Semple was an American geographer known for promoting the view that the physical environment determines human history and culture.
24. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: This approach looks at human beings as beneficiaries or targets of all development activities. The approach argues for higher government expenditure on education, health, social secondary and amenities. People are not participants in development but only passive recipients. The government is responsible for increasing levels of human development by maximising expenditure on welfare.
25. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Wheat crops are grown for commercial purpose in many countries.
26. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The American Telegraph and Telephone Company was established on 3rd March 1885.
27. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Tertiary activities include both production and exchange. The production involves the 'provision' of services that are 'consumed'. The output is indirectly measured in terms of wages and salaries. Exchange, involves trade, transport and communication facilities that are used to overcome distance.
31. Option (1) is correct Explanation: In 1961, the French geographer and a professor of political science at the University of Paris, Jean Gottmann coined the term “Megalopolis” to describe the densely populated urban corridor of the northeastern United States.
22. Option (1) is correct.
23. Option (4) is correct
29. Option (3) is correct Explanation: Mesopotamia Civilization has the oldest well-documented urban settlement found. Mesopotamia is slightly older than Indus valley civilizations such as Harappa and Mohenjodaro, under present evidence.
Explanation: At least 90% of domestic and industrial wastewater in the city flows into the Yamuna. Explanation: The behaviourist school of thought maintains that behaviours can be described scientifically without recourse either to internal physiological events or to hypothetical constructs such as thoughts and beliefs, making behaviour a more productive area of focus for understanding human or animal psychology.
28. Option (1) is correct.
32. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: The rate of out migration from rural areas to foreign countries is more in Punjab than other states.
33. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Mega city refers to metropolitan areas with a total population of more than 10 million people.
34. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: All pure metals are non- ferrous elements except iron.
35. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Urbanisation was highest in 2011. It was nearly 31.2%. Urbanisation refers to the movement of people and human settlements from rural areas to urban areas.
36. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: A lagoon is a body of water separated from larger bodies of water by a natural barrier. Lagoons are separated from larger bodies of water by sandbars, barrier reefs, coral reefs, or other natural barriers.
37. Option (2) is correct. 38. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: The Rajiv Gandhi Mission for Watershed Management is an ambitious Programme of the Government of M.P.
39. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The first commercial aviation flight in India took place on 18 February 1911. It was a brief demonstration flight of about 15 minutes from the United Provinces Industrial and Agricultural Exhibition in Allahabad, across the Jumna River to Naini, a distance of 9.7 kilometres.
40. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Wastelands are degraded lands where the soil might have low productive capacity.
41. Option (1) is correct . Explanation: French geographer Paul Vidal de la Blachewas the first active advocate of possibilism. He believed that humans create possibilities with the resources obtained from the environment.
42. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: During this stage, the population is stable, with both high birth rates and high death rates.
43. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Silchar and Porbandar are the terminal stations of the East West corridor. Jhansi is the junction of both the corridors.
44. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: During the first stage the population is stable, with both high birth rates and high death rates. The death rates are high because there is increased disease, minimal medical care, poor sanitation, and limited food supplies.
45. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Quinary activities are services that focus on the creation, re-arrangement and interpretation of new and existing ideas; data interpretation and the use and evaluation of new technologies.
46. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The US boasts the world's largest road network, followed by China and India, the world's two most populous countries.
47. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The ecological niche describes how a species interacts within an ecosystem.
48. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: History views human experience from the perspective of time, geography from the perspective of space.
49. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Colonialism is defined as control by one power over a dependent area or people. The colonial empires grew on the physical and population resources of the people they conquered in order to increase their own power.
50. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Firstly they collect information and then they spread that information to other people.
SOLUTIONS OF Question Paper
1. Option (4) is correct
Explanation: India began development of an indigenous Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellite program to support the national economy in the areas of agriculture, water resources, forestry and ecology, geology, water sheds, marine fisheries, coastal management, weather forecasting, natural calamities and disaster management.
Explanation: Human geography shows the interrelation between humans and the environment. That's why biotic, abiotic and cultural are interrelated to each other.
2. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: With industrialization, improvements in medical knowledge and public health, together with a more regular food supply, brought about a drastic reduction in the death rate but no corresponding decline in the birth rate. The result was a population explosion.
3. Option (3) is correct
4. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Income approach is one of the oldest approaches to human development. Human development is seen as being linked to income. If income level is high then it influences progress and prosperity.
5. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: This type of agriculture mentioned requires a lot of water as source for optimal growth of crop.
6. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Cyberspace is the global domain within the information environment consisting of the interdependent network of information technology infrastructures, including the Internet, telecommunications networks, etc.
7. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: Changes in the industrial structure as the demand for coal declined, led to the decay of this region. This area also faced other problems related to industrial waste disposal and pollution.
8. Option (1) is correct.
9. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: There are 512 cities with at least 1 million people
10. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: In 1872, for the first time census took place in India. But in the year 1881, first complete census took place. Since then, censuses have been undertaken uninterruptedly once every ten year.
Explanation: Their is a interrelation between humans and environment. Due to the action of humans, environment tends to get affected.
11. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Tokyo (Japan) is currently the largest 'megacity' in the world with 37.4 million inhabitants.
12. Option (3) is correct.
13. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: A settlement fragmented into several units and physically separated from each other, is known as hamleted settlement.
14. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Since India has a tropical and sub-tropical climate, it has potentialities to grow crops on a year-round basis. Provision of irrigation facilities can make possible the growing of two or three crops in a year in most areas of the country.
15. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Mere availability of resources in the absence of corresponding changes in technology and institutions may hinder development. Thus, both resources and advanced technologies contribute in development of a region.
16. Option (1) is correct.
Explanation: Poverty eradication by NeeruMeeru, an initiative undertaken by government of Andhra Pradesh.
20. Option (1) is correct.
Explanation: Land degradation is viewed as any change or disturbance to the land perceived to be deleterious or undesirable.
21. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Tourist town is an urban area where tourism or vacationing is the primary component of the local culture
23. Option (2) is correct. 24. Option (3) is correct.
26. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Air travel is the fastest method of transport around, and can cut hours or days off of a trip.
32. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: The streets of a medieval town were narrow and busy. These towns were small in size and cramped up.
33. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Sparely located small settlements are called village specialising in agriculture or other primary activities.
34. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Mica is used principally in the electronic and electrical industries. Its usefulness in these applications is derived from its unique electrical and thermal properties and its mechanical properties, which allow it to be cut, punched, stamped, and machined to close tolerances.
25. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Mixed farming requires high capital expenditure on farm machinery and skilled and expertised farmers.
31. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: It is also the capital city of Bihar.
Explanation: As per the Happiness Index, Finland is the happiest country in the world with the score of 7.82 on a scale from 0 to 10.
30. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Urban agglomeration is an integrated urban area consisting of a core town together with its outgrowths.
22. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The ways in which people have organized themselves in space at any given time represent the sum of all of the advances they have made to their overall geographical area.
29. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: According to the World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized sources, the urban population in Singapore was reported at 100 % in 2020.
19. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The famous Nehru Trophy Boat Race (VALLAMKALI) is held in the backwaters.
28. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport was China's third-busiest and world's 11th- busiest airport by passenger traffic, with 65.8 million passengers handled. HartsfieldJackson Atlanta International airport is the busiest in the world followed by the airport of China and India.
18. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Migration causes land degradation and the degradation of coastal and marine ecosystems due to over use of the resources to cater for the need of the new influx of population.
27. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Wholesale trade consists of purchasing and selling goods, generally to retailers, professional (industrial or commercial) users or authorities, or to other wholesalers or intermediaries, regardless of the quantities sold.
17. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: There are 111 officially notified Inland National Waterways (NWs) in India identified for the purpose of inland water transport, as per The National Waterways Act, 2016. Out of the 111 NWs, 106 were created in 2016.
35. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Bengaluru is the capital and the largest city of the Indian state of Karnataka. It has a population of more than 8 million and a metropolitan population.
OSWAAL CUET (UG ) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY
36. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Mineral, naturally occurring homogeneous solid with a definite chemical composition and a highly ordered atomic arrangement; it is usually formed by inorganic processes.
37. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Waterways are an important mode of transport for both passenger and cargo traffic in India. It is the cheapest means of transport and is most suitable for carrying heavy and bulky material. It is a fuel-efficient and eco-friendly mode of transport.
39. Option (1) is correct.
40. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The term population distribution refers to the way people are spaced over the earth's surface. Broadly, 90 per cent of the world population lives in about 10 per cent of its land area.
Explanation: For instance cotton in the ball has limited use but after it is transformed into yarn it becomes more valuable and can be used for making clothes. Thus by various processes, secondary activities add value to natural products.
46. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Public sector, private sector, and joint and cooperative sector are based upon the basis of ownership.
47. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: According to Dr. Haq’s concept of human development, people is central to all development because people is the main/ central idea for development in a country.
48. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The HDI is a measurement system used by the United Nations to evaluate the level of individual human development in each country.
41. Option (3) is correct.
42. Option (2) is correct.
45. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Bauxite ore is the world's primary source of aluminium. The ore must first be chemically processed to produce alumina (aluminium oxide). Alumina is then smelted using an electrolysis process to produce pure aluminium metal.
49. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The Human Development Index (HDI) is a statistical tool used to measure a country's overall achievement in its social and economic dimensions.
Explanation: Both growth and development refer to change over a period of time.
44. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: A well-functioning and relatively uncorrupted state. A high level of economic development, good medical facilities have helped Norway have the highest HDI.
Explanation: There are many different types of air pollutants, such as gases, particulates, and biological molecules. Some air pollutants are poisonous.
43. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: The profitability of mining depends on the physical factors include the size, grade and the mode of occurrence of the deposits.
38. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Geographical, cultural, economical and social factors influence spatial distribution of population. Since these factors vary across our planet, we have an uneven distribution of population in the world. Geographical factors like soil, climate, topography, water influence the population of an area.
50. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Income growth is seen as a means to development, rather than an end in it self. Human development is about giving people more freedom and opportunities to live lives they value.
SOLUTIONS OF Question Paper
1. Option (2) is correct Explanation: Physical environment is called mother nature because human beings depend on nature for resources which sustain them.
2. Option (2) is correct Explanation: The total population of a country in Second stage rises because births outnumber deaths.
3. Option (1) is correct Explanation: In the last decades of the 19th century the French geographer Immanuel Kant proposed behavioral approach in geography and emphasized the point that in man-environment relationship, man is not a passive agent.
16. Option (1) is correct Explanation: The most common standards used to monitor and assess water quality convey the health of ecosystems, safety of human contact, and condition of drinking water.
17. Option (1) is correct Explanation: Connected by artificial canals, the backwaters form an economical means of transport and a large local trade is carried on by inland navigation
9. Option (3) is correct Explanation: A linear settlement is a settlement or group of buildings that is formed in a long line. Many of these settlements are formed along a transport route, such as a road, river, or canal.
15. Option (2) is correct Explanation: The explosion of industrialization and manufacturing enterprises within a certain urban area gives rise to more employment opportunities — which is another factor of urbanization.
8. Option (1) is correct Explanation: Satellite communication is the method of transporting information from one place to another using a communication satellite in orbit around the Earth.
14. Option (2) is correct Explanation: Increasing population, rising demands for food and cash crops, increasing urbanisation and rising standards of living are the major factors leading to shortages in supply of fresh water either due to drying up of water sources or water pollution.
Explanation: A retailer is a person or firm that people purchase goods from. They purchase goods from a manufacturer or a wholesaler and sell these goods to consumers in small quantities.
13. Option (1) is correct Explanation: Class 1 town is grouped on the basis of their population in Census.
6. Option (2) is correct
7. Option (1) is correct
12. Option (1) is correct Explanation: The crude birth rate and crude death rate are both measured by the rate of births or deaths respectively among a population of 1,000.
Explanation: Pipelines transport crude oil and gas to refineries for processing into the products we use every day.
11. Option (2) is correct Explanation: India has five megacities. New Delhi being the largest, followed by Mumbai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, and Chennai.
5. Option (2) is correct Explanation: Dairy farming is a class of agriculture for long-term production of milk, which is processed for eventual sale of a dairy product.
10. Option (3) is correct Explanation: Goa has the least percentage of people living below poverty line at 5.09%.
4. Option (1) is correct Explanation: The demographic cycle is one of the most important factors for predicting economic prosperity and performance of a country. It is also called population cycle.
18. Option (2) is correct Explanation: Poverty is the state of not having enough material possessions or income for a person's basic needs.
19. Option (2) is correct
OSWAAL CUET (UG ) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY Explanation: The state highways are maintained by the respective states or union territories through their public works department (PWD).
21. Option (4) is correct
29. Option (1) is correct 30. Option (3) is correct
Explanation: When a person is enumerated in census at a different place than his / her place of birth, she / he is considered a migrant. This may be due to marriage, which is the most common reason for migration among femalesor for work, what is the case as generally among males, etc.
22. Option (1) is correct Explanation: The demographic transition model was initially proposed in 1929 by demographer Warren Thompson. Stage 1—High birth and death rates lead to slow population growth. Stage 2—The death rate falls but the birth rate remains high, leading to faster population growth. Stage 3—The birth rate starts to fall, so population growth starts to slow. Stage 4—The birth rate reaches the same low level as the death rate, so population growth slows to zero.
26. Option (1) is correct Explanation: Strategically important roads in the bordering areas of the country are called border roads.
32. Option (1) is correct Explanation: People also bring different cultures with them which help to break the narrow considerations and broaden up the mental horizon of the people.
33. Option (1) is correct Explanation: A clustered rural settlement is a rural settlement where a number of families live in close proximity to each other.
34. Option (2) is correct Explanation: Minerals are classified based on their crystal form and chemistry. Minerals are divided into two types namely metallic and non- metallic.
35. Option (2) is correct Explanation: Bengaluru is the capital and the largest city of the Indian state of Karnataka. It has a population of more than 8 million and a metropolitan population.
25. Option (1) is correct Explanation: Financial resource is very important to create adequate social infrastructure to cater to the needs of a large population in developing nations. If the country is financially sound, then he can fulfill the needs of people.
31. Option (2) is correct Explanation: Urban settlement often has a large population size and high population density.
24. Option (1) is correct Explanation: Very high HDI means higher standard of living therefore higher good consumption and more waste generation. Low HDI means poor standard of living, poor life expectancy, education and income levels.
23. Option (2) is correct Explanation: Commercial livestock rearing is a specialized activity in which only one type of animal is reared.
28. Option (1) is correct Explanation: Through the Internet, people can share information and communicate from anywhere with an Internet connection.
Explanation: Physical and Human geography are the two main branch of geography because Economic, Social, Political and Urban geography comes under Human geography. They are the branch of human geography.
27. Option (3) is correct Explanation: Gold collar individuals are highlyskilled and in high-demand professionals who are highly paid. Examples: Doctors, Lawyers etc.
20. Option (4) is correct Explanation: The key to efficient waste management is to ensure proper segregation of waste at source and to ensure that the waste goes through different streams of recycling and resource recovery. Then reduced final residue is then deposited scientifically in sanitary landfills.
36. Option (1) is correct Explanation: Most of the metallic minerals in India occur in the peninsular plateau region in the old crystalline rocks. Over 97 per cent of coal reserves occur in the valleys of Damodar, Sone, Mahanadi and Godavari.
37. Option (1) is correct
Solutions Explanation: The air travel, today, is the fastest, most comfortable and prestigious mode of transport. It has reduced distances by minimising the travel time. It is very essential for a vast country like India, where distances are large and the terrain and climatic conditions are diverse.
46. Option (3) is correct Explanation: Digitalization is the conversion of analog to digital.
47. Option (3) is correct Explanation: The Suez Canal is an artificial sealevel waterway which was built in 1869.
48. Option (1) is correct Explanation: The Suez Canal was owned and operated for 87 years by the French and the British. The current owner of Suez Canal is Egypt.
49. Option (2) is correct Explanation: The Suez Canal is important because it is the shortest maritime route from Europe to Asia. The Suez Canal allows transportation between Europe and Asia without having to go around the entire continent of Africa.
42. Option (2) is correct Explanation: The craft method is the manufacturing process of making products, one by one, by hands or with or without the aid of tools, usually in a job shop manufacturing setting. Craft production was the most common method of manufacturing pre- industrialization, such as when making pottery by hand.
45. Option (1) is correct Explanation: Today hydroelectricity and petroleum are some of the important sources of energy for many industries. Industries which use more power are located near such sources so that there is an uninterrupted supply of energy and the production process is not hampered.
41. Option (3) is correct Explanation: Crops that are grown on a large scale in a contiguous region and are owned and managed by an individual or a company. Tea, coffee, rubber, cocoa etc.
44. Option (1) is correct Explanation: Agrarian society can be defined as a society where a majority of its population derives its income from agriculture and related activities.
40. Option (2) is correct Explanation: National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) at Hyderabad is responsible for remote sensing satellite data acquisition and processing, data dissemination, aerial remote sensing and decision support for disaster management.
39. Option (1) is correct Explanation: All India Radio, officially known since 1957 as Akashvani, is the national public radio broadcaster of India and is a division of Prasar Bharati.
43. Option (3) is correct Explanation: Idealism is a humanist philosophy based around the belief that the world is constructed through the human mind instead of matter.
38. Option (4) is correct Explanation: The largest source of water pollution in India is untreated sewage. Other sources of pollution include agricultural runoff and unregulated small-scale industry. Most rivers, lakes and surface water in India are polluted due to industries, untreated sewage and solid wastes.
50. Option (2) is correct Explanation: The Suez Canal was constructed as a waterway between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.
SOLUTIONS OF Question Paper
1. Option (2) is correct Explanation: Geography as a field of study is integrative, empirical, and practical. Thus, the reach of geography is extensive and each and every phenomenon that varies over space and time can be studied geographically.
2. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Developed countries tend to have a lower fertility rate due to lifestyle choices associated with economic affluence, leading to low growth of population.
3. Option (2) is correct Explanation: Human Geography is concerned with the spatial patterns of humans and human activity over spaces and places.
4. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The opportunities available to people should be equal irrespective of their caste, colour, creed, race or income.
5. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Modern time gatherers collect valuable plants such as leaves, barks of trees and medicinal plants and after simple processing sell the products in the market.
6. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: New technologies are improving the efficiency of existing transportation methods and newer developments keep happening.
7. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Tourism is the activities of people travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for leisure, business or other purposes.
8. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: A fiber- optic cable is an assembly similar to an electrical cable, but containing one or more optical fibers that are used to carry light.
9. Option (1) is correct
Explanation: Because Jerusalem and Vatican city's structure is created for worship. It is a city important to the history or faith of a specific religion. 10. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Agricultural density is a statistical measure of population density. Population growth, development, and stability of a population are indirectly determined with the help of agricultural density. The quality of land largely affects agricultural density.
11. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: During the 19th century , London was transformed into the world’s largest city. Its population expanded to 1 million in 1800. 12. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: A sharp increase in population density in Bihar is a direct result of unabated population growth. Majority of Maharashtra state has high dense forest area so low population density. 13. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: No town performs a single function, rather they are classified on the basis of the dominant function they perform. 14. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: A large area of land covered with trees. 15. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: All minerals are truly exhaustible natural resources. Exhaustible resources means resources which cannot be generated back easily. Natural minerals are formed after a very long period of time. Thus, they have to be conserved and not misused as they do not have the second crop. 16. Option (1) is correct. Explanation:
recharges the groundwater table. · Restores soil fertility and helps in soil conservation · Restores water for drinking. 17. Option (2) is correct.
Solutions Explanation: Pawan Hans Limited was incorporated on 15 October 1985 as the Helicopter Corporation of India (HCI). 18. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Swachh Bharat Mission, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, or Clean India Mission is a country-wide campaign initiated by the Government of India in 2014 to eliminate open defecation and improve solid waste management sustainable development. 19. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Creek is a natural stream of water normally smaller than and often tributary to a river. 20. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Resource degradation is the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources. 21. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Technology indicates the level of cultural development of society. Human beings were able to develop technology after they developed better understanding of natural laws. For Example: The understanding of concept of friction and heat helped us discover fire. 22. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Africa has the highest growth rate of population due to several factors, including the rising life expectancy and the high fertility rates registered on the continent. 23. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Human beings were able to develop technology after they developed better understanding of natural laws. For example, the understanding of concepts of friction and heat helped us discover fire. 24. Option (2) is correct. Explanation:
depletion is population growth. With the increase in population the depletion of natural resources will also increase. 25. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The Industrial Revolution created a huge demand for coal to power new machines such as the steam-engine. 26. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: A combustion engine is an engine which generates mechanical power by combustion of a fuel.
27. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: High order good or services are usually expensive goods or services , that people buy only occasionally. High-order services are usually located in larger towns and cities with a large market area - accessible to large numbers of people. 28. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The wheel is often described as the most important invention of all time – it had a fundamental impact on transport.
29. Option (3) is correct. 30. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Most of the transport or physical movement of goods and passengers takes place over land. This movement takes place on road, rail or pipe.
31. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Neo-environmental determinism examines how the physical environment predisposes societies and states towards particular trajectories of economic and political development. 32. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: People tend to move from place of low opportunity and low safety to the place of higher opportunity and better safety which leads to uneven distribution of population and overcrowding. 33. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Urban settlement an area with high density of human-created structures. These geometrical patterns are usually in squares and rectangles and are well laid out. 34. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Manganese removes oxygen and sulfur when iron ore is converted into iron. It also is an essential alloy that helps convert iron into steel. 35. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Towns in India that have an historic or original core to it is known as historical town. 36. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Using wind to produce energy has fewer effects on the environment than many other energy sources. Wind turbines do not release emissions that can pollute the air or water (with rare exceptions), and they do not require water for cooling.
OSWAAL CUET (UG ) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY
37. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: For the development, maintenance and regulation of national waterways in the country, the Inland Waterways Authority was set up in 1986.
38. Option (4) is correct Explanation: Acid rain is rain or any other form of precipitation that is unusually acidic, meaning that it has elevated levels of hydrogen ions (low pH). 39. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The seven major rivers along with their numerous tributaries make up the river system of India. Most of the rivers pour their waters into the Bay of Bengal. 40. Option (1) is correct Explanation: Water pollution results when contaminants are introduced into the natural environment. Pesticides and fertilizers used in agriculture can contaminate both groundwater and surface water. Fertiliser induces an increase in the nitrate content of surface waters. 41. Option (1) is correct. 42. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The mortality rate in Bulgaria is high due to diseases of the cardiovascular system, non- infectious and cancer diseases. 43. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: The Government of India launched the Command Area Development programme to bridge / narrow the gap between irrigation potential created and actually utilized in major and medium irrigation schemes. 44. Option (3) is correct.
Explanation: To have sustainable human development each generation must have equal opportunities. 45. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Open cast mining occurs on surface and does not require heavy and expensive machinery or equipments. 46. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: India is endowed with huge resources of many metallic and non-metallic minerals. 47. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: In 1975 the region of Bharmaur was notified as a tribal region 48. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Bharmour, formally known as Brahmpura, was the ancient capital of Chamba district in Himachal Pradesh, India. Situated at an altitude of 7000 feet in the Budhil valley, forty miles to the south-east of Chamba. 49. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Bharmour is a medium size village located in Brahmaur Tehsil of Chamba district, Himachal Pradesh. 50. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: The process of development of tribal area of Bharmaur started in 1970s when Gaddis were included among 'scheduled tribes'. Under die Fifth Five Year Plan, the tribal sub-plan was introduced in 1974 and Bharmaur was designated as one of the five Integrated Tribal Development Projects (ITDP) in Himachal Pradesh.
SOLUTIONS OF Question Paper
1. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Sectoral planning is deeply based on various sectors of economic activities such as Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary and their development.
2. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The presence of industries, various social facilities, improved infrastructure and high fertility rate makes China the most populous country in the world.
3. Option (4) is correct 4. Option (2) is correct.
Explanation: The plan was postponed by two years because of the political upheavals at the centre.
5. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Synthetic products of better quality and lower prices have replaced many items supplied by gatherers in the tropical forests, unable to face competition. As it is a low technology subsistence activity not much surplus is there.
6. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: The two main forms of land transport can be considered to be rail transport and road transport.
7. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Transport involves connections between businesses and their suppliers, between businesses and other businesses, and between businesses and their markets. For the household sector, transport provides people with access to workplaces, schools and shops.
8. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Transportation is among the more vital economic activities for a business. By moving goods from locations where they are sourced to locations where they are demanded, transportation provides the essential service of linking a company to its suppliers and customers.
9. Option (1) is correct Explanation: Dry point settlement is a settlement located in a slightly raised higher land which has access to water, usually through being beside a river.
10. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The increase in population has been due to decline in death rates. 11. Option (2) is correct Explanation: Waiter Burley Griffin was an American architect and landscape architect. He is known for designing Canberra, Australia’s capital city. 12. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Growth of population: Population growth is the increase in the number of individuals in a population. 13. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Garrison town often applies to certain facilities that constitute a military base or fortified military headquarters. 14. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Ganga has about 46 per cent of the total replenish able groundwater resources. The level of groundwater utilisation is relatively high in the river basins lying in north-western region and parts of south India.
15. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The main causes of water pollution in the Ganga River are the disposal of human sewage and animal waste, increasing population density, and disposal of industrial waste into the river. Therefore, the river requires cleaning by effectively controlling the pollution for its water. 16. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Agriculture sectors accounts for most of the groundwater utilisation. In agriculture, water is mainly used for irrigation. 17. Option (2) is correct Explanation: Water transport is the cheapest means of transport and is most suitable for carrying heavy and bulky material. 18. Option (2) is correct Explanation: The aim of National Mission for Clean Ganga was to maintain minimum ecological flows in the river Ganga with the aim of ensuring water quality and environmentally.
OSWAAL CUET (UG ) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY
19. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Pipelines are ideal for unidirectional flow of goods and inflationary influences have minimal effect on the transport cost. 20. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The south-western plateau region covers major parts of Karnataka, Goa, and contiguous Tamil Nadu uplands and Kerala. Major mineral resources of south-western plateau region are iron ore, manganese, and limestone. Kerala has deposits of monazite and thorium, and bauxite, clay and Goa has deposits of iron ore. 21. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The number of individuals living within that specific location determines the population density, or the number of individuals divided by the size of the area. Population density can be used to describe the location, growth, and migration of many organisms. 22. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: A cultural environment is a set of beliefs, practises, customs and behaviors that are found to be common to everyone that is living within a certain population. 23. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The key areas of human development are health, housing and access to resources. 24. Option (1) is correct 25. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Several countries of Africa , few of South America and Asia extracts an immense wealth of minerals, of which its mineral fuels— coal, petroleum and natural gas are of greatest value. These areas are rich in minerals. 26. Option (1) is correct Explanation: Volga River is Russia’s lifeline as it provides water, power, transport and has played a key role in Russia’s development. 27. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: KPO involves the outsourcing of highly skilled personnel as it transfers or assigns of knowledge plus process related to process to another company. 28. Option (1) is correct Explanation: Transportation is an organised service industry as it helps in timely delivering of their services and products. It also helps the passengers to reach their destination in time .
29. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: The settlements in which houses are constructed in a rectangular shape is known as Rectangular Pattern. Such kind of settlements is found in plain areas or/and in wide inter-montane valley. 30. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: The uneven spatial distribution of population in India suggests a close relationship between population and physical, social, economic and historical factors. As far as the physical factors are concerned it is clear that terrain, climate and water largely determines the pattern of the population distribution. Among the socio- economic and historical factors of distribution of population important once are evolution of settled agriculture and agricultural development, pattern of human settlement, development of transport network, industrialization and urbanization. 31. Option (2) is correct Explanation: The main push factors in encouraging suburbanisation have to do with individual feeling tried of city life and the perception that urban areas are over populated and dirty. 32. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Migration involves the movement of people from one place to another with intentions of settling, permanently or temporarily, at a new location. 33. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Mining towns are usually created around a mine or a quarry. 34. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The Mumbai High Field, formerly called the Bombay High Field, is an offshore oil field 176 km off the west coast of Mumbai. 35. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Mining communities or towns are usually created around a mine or a quarry. 36. Option (2) is correct Explanation: The land is left uncultivated for one or less than one agriculture year to retain its fertility. 37. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: The water transport is of two types– (a) inland waterways and (b) oceanic waterways. 38. Option (2) is correct Explanation: Common Property Resource are natural resources owned and managed collectively by a community or society rather than by individuals.
Solutions 39. Option (1) is correct Explanation: India has five narrow-gauge railways: the metre-gauge Nilgiri Mountain Railway, the 2 ft 6 in (762 mm) Kalka–Shimla Railway and Kangra Valley Railway and the 2 ft (610 mm) Darjeeling Himalayan and Matheran Hill Railways. 40. Option (1) is correct Explanation: The onshore crude oil production across the Indian state of Assam amounted to almost 4.3 million metric tons at the end of fiscal year 2019. About 71 percent of the crude oil production in the country was done by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, which is a state owned enterprise. 41. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Population change is simply the change in the number of people in a specified area during a specific time period. It is based on three fundamental factors: birth rate, death rate, immigration. 42. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Primary activity includes those occupations which are closely related to man's natural environment. Gathering, hunting, fishing, lumbering, animal rearing, farming and mining are some of important examples of primary activities. 43. Option (1) is correct
Explanation: Solid waste refers to a variety of old and used articles. 44. Option (4) is correct 45. Option (2) is correct Explanation: In the cotton industry ginning, the thread whirling, and weaving was controlled and maintained by diverse states and masters. Henceforth it is called the footloose industry. 46. Option (2) is correct Explanation: Trans- continental railways is a contiguous network of railroad trackage which connect two ends of a continental land mass with terminals at different continent borders. 47. Option (3) is correct Explanation: One of the main benefits of remittance flows is that they can stabilize household income, thereby improving living conditions and increasing well-being. 48. Option (2) is correct Explanation: Money that is sent to somebody in order to pay for something is called remittance. 49. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: Remittance are associated with increased household spending on health, education and small business. 50. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Remittances can reduce the depth and severity of poverty in developing countries.
SOLUTIONS OF Question Paper 1. Option (2) is correct. 2. Option (3) is correct.
Explanation: Population growth is the increase in the number of people in a population.
3. Option (4) is correct Explanation: Human geography is the branch of geography that is associated and deals with humans and their relationships with communities, cultures, economies, and interactions with the environment by studying their relations with and across locations.
4. Option (2) is correct Explanation: The welfare approach is mainly associated with the development of the human beings. In this approach the government spends capital on the expansion of infrastructure like health, education and other amenities.
5. Option (3) is correct Explanation: Historical geography is the branch of geography that studies the ways in which geographic phenomena have changed over time.
6. Option (1) is correct Explanation: Highways are metalled roads connecting distant places. They are constructed in a manner for unobstructed vehicular movement.
7. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The digital divide refers to the gap between those who are to benefit from the Digital Age and those who are not to benefit.
8. Option (1) is correct Explanation: Road density is the ratio of the length of the country's total road network to the country's land area.
9. Option (1) is correct 10. Option (3) is correct
Explanation: The settlements in which houses are constructed in a star shape is known as Star like Pattern. Such kind of settlements is found around the points where several roads cross each other (making star shape).
11. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Gathering and hunting are the oldest economic activity known. Gathering is practised in regions with harsh climatic conditions. 12. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Countries with medium levels of human development means that these countries have higher life expectancy. 13. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Isolation settlement refers to areas either in the long distance away from cities where there is lack of facilities as well as opportunities such as transportation, market , training place , educational institutions. 14. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Dams are referred to as multipurpose projects where the many uses of the impounded water are integrated with one another. 15. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: Provision of irrigation makes multiple cropping possible. Since India has a tropical and sub-tropical climate, it has potentialities to grow crops on a year-round basis. Provision of irrigation facilities can make possible the growing of two or three crops in a year in most areas of the country. 16. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Trade liberalization and expansion generated the income effect that increased the population growth. 17. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: A policy of “open skies” for air cargo was adopted in 1990, initially for a three-year period and extended in 1992 on a permanent basis. 18. Option (4) is correct Explanation: The Yamuna is particularly polluted downstream of New Delhi, the capital of India, which dumps about 58% of its waste into the river.
Solutions 19. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: Pawan Hans Limited is the country's national helicopter company which helps in providing helicopter support services to the oil sector for its off-shore exploration operations as well as services in remote areas.
20. Option (1) is correct Explanation: Noise pollution adversely affects the lives of millions of people. Studies have shown that there are direct links between noise and health. Problems related to noise include stress related illnesses, high blood pressure, speech interference, hearing loss, sleep disruption, and lost productivity. 21. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The overhead cost is low because the mining happens at the surface level only. 22. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Planning for a child will help you avoid the social, health, and financial problems you face if an unplanned pregnancy happens. There are many birth control methods and techniques available today.
23. Option (4) is correct Explanation: All three branches of geography is important in geography. 24. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Growth rate is the increasing rate of the number of people in a population and doubling time is the amount of time it takes for a quantity to double in size or value. Thus, the relationship is that doubling time depends on growth rate. 25. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: By this method the farmers can increase the soil's fertility as the ash of burned vegetation is rich in nutrient.
26. Option (2) is correct Explanation: Trans- Siberian railways links the Asian region with the West European regions. 27. Option (1) is correct Explanation: Trade is done both at international and national level. 28. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Push factors are conditions in migrants' home countries that make it difficult or even impossible to live there. 29. Option (2) is correct Explanation: Entrepot ports are trading port where merchandise may be imported , stored or traded before re-export , with no additional processing taking place and with no customs duties imposed.
30. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Net Area Sown is the proportion of the total areas of the country which is used for growing crops. 31. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The outsiders wanted to gather knowledge about special plants that Benda and his people used. 32. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Countries with higher scores on the index are said to be better developed than those with lower scores. These countries have better standards of living. 33. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: India's arable land area of 159.7 million hectares (394.6 million acres) is the second largest in the world, after the United States. 34. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Computer and chemical industries are characterized by neatly spaced, low, modern, dispersed, office-plant-lab type buildings rather than massive assembly structures, factories and storage areas. This marks them as the high-tech industrial . These industries also make use of the latest technology, mathematics and science. 35. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Knowledge sector is based on knowledge and it includes in particular R&D (Research & Development). Knowledge sector brings new markets, creates new industries, produces innovative services, products or methods of work. 36. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: India has the largest adolescent population in the world. It constitutes one fifth of the total population. 37. Option (1) is correct Explanation: Rainfed farming is practiced in regions receiving more than 1,150 mm rainfall. 38. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Holy city is a city which is important to the history or faith of a specific religion. 39. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: A catchment is an area of land where water collects when it rains, often bounded by hills. As the water flows over the landscape it finds its way into streams and down into the soil, eventually feeding the river.
OSWAAL CUET (UG ) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY
40. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Jharkhand tops the list of coal reserves with an estimated reserve of 83,152 million tonnes. Jharia mines in Dhanbad district is one of the principal coal mines of the state. 41. Option (3) is correct Explanation: Indian coffee made up just 4.5% of the global production. 42. Option (1) is correct Explanation: More than 500 ships pass through this channel daily. It also has the world's busiest shipping lane: The Dover's Strait. 43. Option (1) is correct Explanation: Primitive subsistence farming is practiced on small patches of land with the help of primitive tools and family labour. 44. Option (4) is correct Explanation: The Open Sky Policy allows the government to enter into an 'open sky' air services agreement on a reciprocal basis with SAARC nations as well as countries beyond a 5,000 kilometre radius from New Delhi.
45. Option (2) is correct Explanation: Subsistence agriculture occurs when farmers grow food crops to meet the needs of themselves and their families on smallholdings. 46. Option (1) is correct Explanation: An entrepot or transshipment port is a port, city, or trading post where merchandise may be imported, stored or traded, usually to be exported again. 47. Option (3) is correct. 48. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Groundwater use in irrigation is increasing both in absolute terms and in percentage of total irrigation. 49. Option (1) is correct Explanation: Potable water, also known as drinking water, comes from surface and ground sources and is treated to levels that meet state and federal standards for consumption. 50. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Desilting is the removal of silt from a body of water.
SOLUTIONS OF Question Paper 1. Option (2) is correct Explanation: Latvia females.
has 85 males per 100
2. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: The populations of nonindustrial countries are normally stable (and low) because high birth rates are matched by high death rates.
3. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: When the population growth rate is positive, per capita income growth is positive it is known as positive growth rate.
4. Option (2) is correct Explanation: The Big Trunk Route covers one fourth of the world’s foreign trade and is the busiest sea route in the world.
5. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The Silk Route was a historic trade route that dated from the second century B.C. until the 14th century A.D. It stretched from Asia to the Mediterranean, traversing China, India, Persia, Arabia, Greece, and Italy. It was dubbed the Silk Route because of the heavy silk trading that took place during that period.
6. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: In agriculturally important countries, agro products are exchanged for manufactured goods whereas industrialised nations export machinery and finished products.
7. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The settlements in which houses are constructed in a circular shape is known as Circular Pattern. Such kind of settlements is found around lakes, tanks, or a planned village.
8. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: People are the real wealth of nations. Development is thus about expanding the choices people have to lead lives that they value. And it is thus about much more than economic growth, which is only a means — if a very important one — of enlarging people's choices.
9. Option (1) is correct.
Explanation: Nomadic herding or pastoral nomadism is a primitive subsistence activity, in which the herders rely on animals for food, clothing, shelter, tools and transport. They move from one place to another along with their livestock, depending on the amount and quality of pastures and water. 10. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The Canadian connects Toronto and Vancouver, with stops in Winnipeg, Edmonton, and Jasper. This route can also be travelled in reverse. This train covers a total of 4,446 km, which takes about 86 hours. 11. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: All industries which derive their raw materials from the forests or plant life are called forests-based industries. 12. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: All three items are responsible for the location of rural settlements in the world. 13. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Migrants work as an agent of social change. They diffuse new ideas of science and technology, family planning, girl’s education, etc from one place to another place. 14. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: London is the capital and largest city of England and the United Kingdom. It stands on the River Thames in south-east England at the head of a 50-mile. 15. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: Land degradation is the result of human-induced actions which exploit land, causing its utility, biodiversity, soil fertility, and overall health to decline.Land is being degraded rapidly worldwide. Ensuring food security for a growing global population requires healthy land resources and flourishing ecosystems. 16. Option (3) is correct
OSWAAL CUET (UG ) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY Explanation: Yamuna is among the most polluted river in the world. Much of the pollution is due to the discharge from industries and factories which pose a serious health threat.
17. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: It joins Dibrugarh in Assam, North-East India to Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu which is the southernmost tip of Mainland India. 18. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: They are highly reliable and require little to no maintenance. Their simplicity also means that almost no energy is lost in friction between moving parts, making them far more efficient than internal combustion engines. 19. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: They move from one place to other places with their livestock for the quality of pastures and water. Movement in search of pastures is undertaken either over vast grassland or mountainous regions. 20. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Primitive human society was completely dependent on wild animals because at this time level of human development and technology was very low. Due to less knowledge and without development of agriculture main food of human were related to wild animals, roots and fruits. 21. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The main function of CPCB is to promote cleanliness of streams and wells in different areas of the States by prevention, control and abatement of water pollution. 22. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Desalination is a process that takes away mineral components from saline water. More generally, desalination refers to the removal of salts and minerals from water. 23. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: Voluntary labour was necessary to ensure minimum dependence on the government for financial aids. 24. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Non-metallic materials lack metallic characteristics like good electric and thermic conductivity, luster, rigor, and malleability; they are, however, essential for many industries. 25. Option (4) is correct.
Explanation: Wetlands are areas where water covers the soil, or is present either at or near the surface of the soil all year or for varying periods of time during the year, including during the growing season. 26. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Technological advances helped in lowering the fertility by stimulating the growth of the marginal cost of children and reducing the marginal benefit of children, while changing the reproductive attitude from favouring a greater number of children to favouring a lower number of children. 27. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Population data helps to plan how many schools, clinics, hospitals and jobs a country needs. 28. Option (2) is correct. 29. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Kerala was able to record the highest value of HDI largely due to its impressive performance in achieving almost hundred percent literacy rate in 2011. 30. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: Changes in the industrial structure as the demand for coal declined, led to the decay of this region. This area also faced other problems related to industrial waste disposal and pollution. 31. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The winters in Trondheim are long, freezing, and overcast; and it is wet year round. 32. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Physical geography is the study of the processes that shape the Earth's surface, the animals and plants that inhabit it, and the spatial patterns they exhibit. 33. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Geographer, Griffith Taylor introduced this concept which reflects a middle path (Madhyam Marg) between the two ideas of environmental determinism and possibilism. 34. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Nitrogen fixation is the process by which nitrogen is taken from its molecular form (N2) in the atmosphere and converted into nitrogen compounds useful for other biochemical processes. Fixation can occur through atmospheric (lightning), industrial, or biological processes 35. Option (2) is correct.
Solutions Explanation: Skilled labor refers to highly trained, educated, or experienced segments of the workforce that can complete more complex mental or physical tasks on the job. Skilled labor is often specialized and may require a prolonged period of training and experience. 36. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The above mentioned fall in quinary category as the top executives or officials in such fields as government, science, universities, non-profits, health care, culture, and the media are categorised under this category. 37. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The standard gauge is also called International gauge and uniform gauge. 38. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The Suez Canal is important because it is the shortest maritime route from Europe to Asia. The Suez Canal allows transportation between Europe and Asia without having to go around the entire continent of Africa.
39. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: During the second wave of migration there was a steady outflow of India's skilled and semi-skilled labour. 40. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: It contains information about migration in the country. Actually migration was recorded beginning from the first Census of India conducted in 1881. This data were recorded on the basis of place of birth. 41. Option (3) is correct.. Explanation: The two modern towns built by the British in modern style are Bombay (Mumbai) and Madras (Chennai). 42. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: National Smart Cities Mission is an urban renewal and retrofitting program by the Government of India with the mission to develop smart cities across the country.
43. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: A taanka, are also known as a tanka or kunds, is a traditional rainwater harvesting technique, common to the Thar desert region of Rajasthan. 44. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Watershed development refers to the conservation; regeneration and the judicious use of all the natural resources particularly land, water, vegetation and animals and human development. 45. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: Major minerals of north-western regions are copper and zinc; other significant minerals include sandstone, granite, and marble, along with Gypsum and Fuller's earth deposits. In addition, Gujarat and Rajasthan, both have rich sources of salt. 46. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: It joins Dibrugarh in Assam, North-East India to Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu which is the southernmost tip of Mainland India. 47. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The winters in Trondheim are long, freezing, and overcast; and it is wet year round. 48. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Because of the Dome shape , they conserve vast amounts of energy, making them more cost effective to run and heat. The dome also keeps the snow out in winter and lets in the sunshine in the summer. The temperature is controlled carefully and there is adequate lighting. 49. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Kiwi is a warm country fruit which she likes to eat. 50. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: Though Kari is fifty-eight years old, she is fitter and looks younger than many thirty year old in other parts of the world.
SOLUTIONS OF Question Paper
1. Option (2) is correct Explanation: Post-modernism is a movement that focuses on the reality of the individual, denies statements that claim to be true for all people and is often expressed in a pared-down style in arts, literature and culture. An example of a thought of post-modernism is the idea that not all people would see stealing as negative.
2. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Life expectancy is based on an estimate of the average age that members of a particular population group will be when they die.
3. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Radical school of thought employed Marxian theory to explain the basic cause of poverty, deprivation and social inequality. Contemporary social problems were related to development of capitalism.
4. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Human poverty index measures the shortfall in human development. It is a non-income measure.
5. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: The use of minerals in ancient times was largely confined to the making of tools, utensils, and weapons. The actual development of mining began with the industrial revolution and its importance is continuously increasing.
6. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The household industry is the smallest unit of manufacturing, also known as a cottage industry. It is basically run by creative individuals or craftsmen who are assisted by their family members in their home.
7. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: A tariff is a tax. It adds to the cost borne by consumers of imported goods and is one of several trade policies that a country can enact. Tariffs are paid to the customs authority of the country imposing the tariff.
8. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Internal Trade also known as Domestic Trade is the buying and selling of goods and services within the confines of the international boundaries of a nation. So while import and export are important for the economy of a nation, most of its GDP contribution comes from internal trade.
9. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: In some countries, a rural settlement is any settlement in the areas defined as rural by a governmental office, e.g., by the national census bureau. This may include even rural towns. In some others, rural settlements traditionally do not include towns. Common types of rural settlements are villages, hamlets and farms. 10. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Calculating the population in percentage allows us to compare each demographic's proportion to the entire population, no matter what the size of said population.
11. Option (4) is correct Explanation: Land revenue records is a document prepared as part of record-of-right in every revenue estate.. 12. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: There are records that keep track of the increase and decrease in population. And it is called "decadal" as a decade consists of a period of 10 years. Thus, the decadal growth rate gives an overview of the total population growth in a particular decade. 13. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Geographically dryland agriculture area in India includes the north western desert regions of Rajasthan, the plateau region of central India, the alluvial plains of Ganga Yamuna river basin, the central highlands of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, the rain shadow regions of Deccan in Maharashtra, the Deccan. 14. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: In Uttar Pradesh, in most of the districts there is lack of employment opportunities therefore instead of migrating within or across the districts, people chose to migrate towards other states because many industrialised and urbanised states are very close to Uttar Pradesh. 15. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Increase in population was caused by a rapid fall in mortality rate but a high fertility rate of population in the country. Increased international migration contributed to the high growth rate. Rapid fall in the mortality rate due to centralized planning process.
Solutions 16. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Commercial activities among rural dwellers are mostly carried out through the periodic markets. These markets helps in bridging the gap between social, economic, isolated rural areas with peasant traditional societies. 17. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The income approach, sometimes referred to as the income capitalization approach, is a type of real estate appraisal method that allows investors to estimate the value of a property based on the income the property generates. 18. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The balance of trade is also referred to as the trade balance, the international trade balance, commercial balance, or the net exports. 19. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Remittance refers to money that is sent or transferred to another party, usually overseas. Remittances can be sent via a wire transfer, electronic payment system, mail, draft, or cheque.
20. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Gross domestic product (GDP) is the standard measure of the value added created through the production of goods and services in a country during a certain period. As such, it also measures the income earned from that production, or the total amount spent on final goods and services (less imports). 21. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: An urban agglomeration is a continuous urban spread constituting a town and its adjoining outgrowths , or two or more physically contiguous towns together with or without outgrowths of such towns. 22. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Examples: Central Railway Colony (OG), Triveni Nagar (N.E.C.S.W.) (OG), etc. Each such town together with its outgrowth(s) is treated as an integrated urban area and is designated as an 'urban agglomeration'. 23. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Groundwater use in irrigation is increasing both in absolute terms and in percentage of total irrigation. 24. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: On 16th April, 1853, the first passenger train ran between Bori Bunder (Bombay) and Thane, a distance of 34 km.
25. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Bilateral trade agreements are agreements between countries to promote trade and commerce. They eliminate trade barriers such as tariffs, import quotas, and export restraints in order to encourage trade and investment. 26. Option (4) is correct Explanation: Economic geography is the subfield of human geography which studies economic activity and factors affecting them. It can also be considered a subfield or method in economics. There are four branches of economic geography. There is, primary sector, Secondary sector, Tertiary sector, & Quaternary sector. 27. Option (1) is correct Explanation: Settlement geography is a branch of human geography that investigates the earth's surface's part settled by humans. 28. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: On 16th April, 1853, the first passenger train ran between Bori Bunder (Bombay) and Thane, a distance of 34 km. 29. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Desilting is the removal of silt from a body of water. 30. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The Inland Waterways Authority has also identified 10 other inland waterways, which could be upgraded. 31. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Tamil Nadu (4.89 per cent) and have registered the lowest poverty across India and are at the bottom of the index. 32. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Top priority was given to the development of agricultural sector. The idea was agricultural development would lead to higher rate of economic growth. 33. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Cotton grows in warm climates and in black soil. 34. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Water pollution happens when toxic substances enter water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans and so on, getting dissolved in them, lying suspended in the water or depositing on the bed. This degrades the quality of water. 35. Option (1) is correct.
OSWAAL CUET (UG ) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY Explanation: The main features of the Smart Cities Mission is planning for 'unplanned areas' containing a range of compatible activities and land uses close to one another in order to make land use more efficient. Expand housing opportunities for all.
36. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: To qualify as an urban area must have a population of 10 million people. 37. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: All the four types of migration occur in search of equal opportunities, social abundance and for personal benefits. 38. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: It is also referred to as a negative balance of trade (BOT). The balance can be calculated on different categories of transactions: goods (a.k.a., “merchandise”), services, goods and services. 39. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Oil boom in West Asia in 1970s lead to a steady outflow of India’s semi-skilled and skilled labour. 40. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: The tertiary sector covers a wide range of activities from commerce to administration, transport, financial and real estate activities, business and personal services, education, health and social work. 41. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Multilateral trade agreements are commerce treaties among three or more nations. The agreements reduce tariffs and make it easier for businesses to import and export. Since they are among many countries, they are difficult to negotiate. 42. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Cotton cloth is produced in three different sectors viz., Mills, Power-looms and Handlooms. The mill sector played a dominant role in cotton textile industry at the initial stage. But its importance was reduced drastically with the growth of powerlooms and handloom. The production of cloth as well as generation of employment has been rapidly increasing in powerloom sector. This sector not only contributes significantly to the cloth production in the country but also provides employment to millions of people. The handloom sector provides employment to over 65 lakh persons engaged in weaving and allied activities.
43. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: Eradicate poverty and hunger, Universal access to basic services such as water, sanitation and sustainable energy. Supporting the generation of development opportunities through inclusive education and decent work are the various goals of sustainable development. 44. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The Limits to Growth is a 1972 report on the exponential economic and population growth with a finite supply of resources. Meadows states that Limits to Growth has had a significant impact on the conception of environmental issues and notes that the models in the book were meant to be taken as predictions "Only in the most limited sense of the World". 45. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: With the technological advancement, there are now metalled roads, railways, cableways and pipelines for movement of large volume of goods and passengers. 46. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: In between the rabi and the kharif seasons, there is a short season during the summer months known as the zaid season. Some of the crops produced during zaid season are watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber, vegetables and fodder crops. Sugarcane takes almost a year to grow.
47. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Transport helicopters are used to ferry troops and supplies where the lack of an airstrip would make transport difficult. 48. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The Airport Authority of India is responsible for creating, upgrading, maintaining and managing civil aviation infrastructure in India. 49. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The cost of maintaining aircraft and fuel cost is higher and the costs for the building of aerodromes and avions are much higher. That's why air travel is so expensive. 50. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: GoAir is an Indian ultra-lowcost airline based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. In October 2017, it was the fifth largest airline in India with an 8.4% passenger market share.
SOLUTIONS OF Question Paper
1. Option (4) is correct Explanation: Human geography or anthropogeography is the branch of geography that is associated and deals with humans and their relationships with communities, cultures, economies, and interactions with the environment by studying their relations with and across locations.
2. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Overpopulation will cause additional strains on resources. More people means an increased demand for food, water, housing and other resources.
3. Option (4) is correct Explanation: Human geography or anthropogeography is the branch of geography that is associated and deals with humans and their relationships with communities, cultures, economies, and interactions with the environment by studying their relations with and across locations.
4. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: The Japanese have the highest life expectancy at birth among the G7 countries. The higher life expectancy of the Japanese is mainly due to fewer deaths from ischemic heart disease, including myocardial infarction, and cancer (especially breast and prostate).
5. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The world at the beginning of 21st century recorded the presence of over 6 billion population.
6. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Transhumance is the action or practice of moving livestock from one grazing ground to another in a seasonal cycle, typically to lowlands in winter and highlands in summer.
7. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Due to change of economic policies tertiary sector is growing in India The share of tertiary sectors in GDP is growing day by day. The service sector makes an important contribution to GDP in most countries, providing jobs, inputs and public services for the economy.
8. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: The railways density is more in industrial areas because the heavy and bulky material produced in industries cannot be transported by any other means apart from railways.
9. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: These ports deal in the processing and shipping of oil. Some of these are tanker ports and some are refinery ports.
10. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: The main cause for female migration is marriage. About 65% for female move out from their parental house following their marriages. 11. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The majority of the working population is engaged in agriculture due to the importance of agriculture. Agriculture is responsible for meeting food requirements and industrial needs. 12. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Mass communication is practiced through multiple mediums, such as radio, television, social networking, billboards, newspapers, magazines, books, film and the Internet. 13. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Stretching across 1693 kilometres of Australia's driest and most isolated terrain, the Trans-Australian Railway was completed on 17 October 1917, providing a link between the eastern states and Western Australia and helping to give the newly formed Commonwealth a sense of national unity. 14. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The steep topography makes it difficult and expensive to build houses, establish factories, build roads and grow vegetation. The low temperatures also make it difficult for many to live there. 15. Option (3) is correct.
OSWAAL CUET (UG ) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY Explanation: The steep topography makes it difficult and expensive to build houses, establish factories, build roads and grow vegetation. The low temperatures also make it difficult for many to live there.
16. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Open cast mining technique is that which extracts minerals from an open pit in the ground. 17. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Agri-business farms are large farms where large scale production takes place. Therefore, these farms are mechanised as per the latest scientific technology. The production in these farms is done for commercial purposes. 18. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: According to the provisional reports released on 31 March 2011, the Indian population increased to 1.21 billion with a decadal growth of 17.70%. 19. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: These ports specialise in bulk cargo-like grain, sugar, ore, oil, chemicals and similar materials. 20. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: A smart city uses information and communication technology (ICT) to improve operational efficiency, share information with the public and provide a better quality of government service and citizen welfare. 21. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: The Irrigation Commission (1972) introduced the criterion of 30 per cent irrigated area and demarcated the drought-prone areas. 22. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The Trans-Siberian Railway, completed in 1905, was the first network of railways connecting Europe and Asia. It connects Western Russia to the Russian Far East, and is the longest railway line in the world, with a length of over 9,289 kilometres (5,772 miles). 23. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The poverty rate is the ratio of the number of people (in a given age group) whose income falls below the poverty line; taken as half the median household income of the total population. 24. Option (1) is correct.
Explanation: The human development concept was developed by economist Mahbub ul Haq. At the World Bank in the 1970s, and later as minister of finance in his own country, Pakistan, Dr. Haq argued that existing measures of human progress failed to account for the true purpose of development—to improve people's lives. 25. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Brazil is very sparsely populated due to the climate of the area. The country suffers from frequent droughts. 26. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Warabandi is a system of equitable water distribution by turns according to a predetermined schedule specifying the day, time and duration of supply to each irrigation in proportion to holdings in the outlet command. 27. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Economic activities are activities of providing, making, buying, or selling of commodities or services by people to satisfy their day-to-day needs of life. Economic activities include any activity that deals with the manufacturing, distributing, or utilising of products or services. 28. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Haryali aims at enabling the rural population to conserve water for drinking, irrigation, fisheries and afforestation. 29. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Growth is the expansion of population which is measurable and is always quantitative. 30. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Co-operative societies enables farmers to improve product and service quality and reduce risks. In other words, each member cultivates his own land. However, they co-operate with each other for pre-sowing and post harvesting operation. For instance, they purchase various agricultural inputs like seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, services of machinery etc. on cooperative basis. 31. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: In basket weaving the items are produced by hand, by the craftsmen operating from their own house.
Solutions 32. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The government has launched the National Youth Policy (NYP 2014) to cater the needs of youth in India. It is a comprehensive policy document that states the vision of the Government of India (GOI) for the youth of the country and also how this vision is sought to be realised by the government. 33. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Working age migrants arrive with skills and contribute to human capital development of receiving countries. Working age migrants also contribute to technological progress. 34. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Satellite cities are smaller municipalities that are adjacent to a major city which is the core of a metropolitan . 35. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: Conservation of mineral resources is essential because they are a country's valuable possession. 36. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: The command area, CA, of a water source is the extent of area which can be reliably irrigated from that source. Reliable irrigation means that the availability of water is always larger than or equal to the irrigation need of a scheme. 37. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Productivity is the state of being able to create, particularly at a high quality and quick speed. An example of productivity is being able to make top notch school projects in a limited amount of time. An example of productivity is how quickly a toy factory is able to produce toys. 38. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Girmit derives from the word 'agreement' under which more than one million Indian indentured labourers went to work on the plantations of the 'King Sugar' colonies around the globe in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The Agreement stipulated the terms and conditions of service. 39. Option (2) is correct.
Explanation: Human Poverty Index was developed by the United Nations to complement the Human Development Index. 40. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The density of population in such areas is very high because of high productivity of the land. 41. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Mineral, naturally occurring homogeneous solid with a definite chemical composition and a highly ordered atomic arrangement; it is usually formed by inorganic processes. 42. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The Population Bomb is a bestselling book written by Stanford University Professor Paul R. Ehrlich and his wife, Anne Ehrlich, in 1968. 43. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: The HDI is a measurement system used by the United Nations to evaluate the level of individual human development in each country. 44. Option (1) is correct. Explanation: Wet paddy farming is subsistence because historically communities grew rice for themselves and this lead to a way of life that has lasted more many years. 45. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: The raw materials essential for Iron and Steel Industry are iron-ore, coking coal, limestone, dolomite, manganese and fire clay. Because all these raw materials are weight losing, therefore, the Iron and Steel industry should be located near the source of raw materials. Moreover, nearness to the sources of raw materials would reduce the cost of transportation of the industry. For most of the major industries, the cost of raw materials forms the bulk of the total cost. 46. Option (3) is correct. Explanation: Mixed farming is a type of farming which involves both the growing of crops and the raising of livestock. Such agriculture occurs across Asia and in countries such as India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Afghanistan, South Africa, China, Central Europe, Canada, and Russia.
OSWAAL CUET (UG ) Sample Question Papers, GEOGRAPHY
47. Option (4) is correct. Explanation: While small-scale industries produce goods with mechanised equipment employing outside labour, the cottage industries involve operations mostly by hand which are carried on primarily with the help of the members of the family. A cottage industry is one which is carried on wholly or primarily with the help of members of the family either, as a whole or part- time occupation. A small-scale industry, on the other hand, is one which is operated mainly with hired labour, usually employing 10 to 50 persons. 48. Option (2) is correct.
Explanation: The investment in small scale industries is done one time on machinery, plant, and equipment, but it does not exceed Rs. 10 crore. 49. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: The pickle making business does not require much investment since the demands of the business are minimal. The man power employed is not as high as large scale industry and not much specialised skill is required. 50. Option (2) is correct. Explanation: Small scale industries use local and readily available resources which helps the economy fully utilise natural resources with minimum wastage.
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