New International Dictionary of Acronyms in Library and Information Science and Related Fields [3rd rev. and enl. Edition] 9783110957822, 9783598111716

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English Pages 533 [536] Year 1994

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Table of contents :
Introduction to the First Edition
Introduction to the Second Edition
Introduction to the Third Edition
Abbreviations of the Names of Languages
Abbreviations of the Names of Countries
Dictionary of Acronyms
Recommend Papers

New International Dictionary of Acronyms in Library and Information Science and Related Fields [3rd rev. and enl. Edition]
 9783110957822, 9783598111716

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Henryk Sawoniak · Maria Witt

New International Dictionary of Acronyms in Library and Information Science and Related Fields Third revised and enlarged edition

K-G-Saur München · New Providence · London · Paris · 1994

Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Sawoniak, Henryk:

New international dictionary of acronyms in library and information science and related fields / Henryk Sawoniak ; Maria Witt. - 3rd, rev. and enl. ed. München ; New Providence ; London ; Paris : Säur, 1994 ISBN 3-598-11171-1 NE: Witt, Maria:; HST

Gedruckt auf säurefreiem Papier / Printed on acid-free paper Alle Rechte vorbehalten / All Rights Strictly Reserved K.G. Säur Verlag GmbH & Co.KG, München 1994 A Reed Reference Publishing Company Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Jede Art der Vervielfältigung ohne Erlaubnis des Verlags ist unzulässig Satz: Microcomposition, Wittmar Druck / Printed by WS Druckerei, Bodenheim Binden / Bound by Buchbinderei Schaumann, Darmstadt ISBN 3-598-11171-1

Contents Introduction to the First Edition Introduction to the Second Edition


Introduction to the Third Edition Abbreviations of the Names of Languages


Abbreviations of the Names of Countries Dictionary of Acronyms

X 1


Introduction to the First Edition I. Scope of the Directory The New International Dictionary of Acronyms in Library and Information Science and Related Fields was developed in response to the growing number of acronyms that occurs in the professional literature around the world. It lists acronyms used in library and information science and the related fields of publishing, printing, archive management, journalism, and reprography. Some acronyms in computer science are also included, but strictly technical terms are omitted since many dictionaries in this area are already available. Also included are some acronyms related to the fields of management, specialized vocabularies, and the organization of science and cultural life. The acronyms reproduced here represent institutions, library and information systems, some methods, professional problems and equipment, programming languages, and titles of publications, especially periodicals, bibliographies, and other reference sources. Generally, recent acronyms are listed, but the Dictionary includes older forms, as well. Inclusion is limited to acronyms that appear in the text of publications. Abbreviations used in bibliographical references are not included. The international character of the Dictionary should be emphasized. Not only acronyms found in the well-known international languages, but forms encountered in many less popular languages or those used in Central and Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin American countries are included. The lengthy lists of abbreviations for countries and languages that are appended to this Introduction provide concrete evidence of the truly international scope realized here. Sources evaluated for this compilation include current professional periodicals, particularly in the fields of library and information science, current national and international bibliographies, monographs and manuals on bibliography and related fields, professional encyclopedias and lexicons, national and international dictionaries of abbreviations, guides to libraries, information centres and data bases, guides to international organizations, and terminological dictionaries. The authors are much indebted to the publication, Miedzynarodowy slownik akronimow ζ zakresu informacji naukowej, bibliotekoznawstwa i dziedzin pokrewnych - An international dictionary of acronyms in library and information science and related fields, edited by Henryk Sawoniak and published by Ossolineum in Wroclaw in 1976. While acronyms from this work have been included here with some ommissions and many corrections, the present edition is far more voluminous, listing 28,500 forms as compared to 12,700 in the 1976 book. II. Entry Form and Elements 1. Acronyms are expanded in the language of the official name, when known. In an official name is unknown, an English form is given in square brackets. An English translation of names in some lesser known languages (e.g. Hungarian, Finnish, Turkish), as well as notes on the function or focus of an organization, may also be given in square brackets. 2. Variant acronym forms for the same organization, acronyms of related and parent organizations, and variant forms of an acronym (including the equivalent form in another language), are given in parentheses. Equivalent forms are preceded by an equal sign. An equivalent form in another language is followed by an abbreviation for the appropriate language. An organization's country and place of residence are also shown in parentheses.

vra 3. The titles of publications are given in italics. 4. Changes in the name or structure of an organization are shown in the body of the entry by arrows. ASLA AASIVSS - American Association for State and Local History (US) AASP - Association d'Agences Suisses de Publicite (CH) AASW - American Association of Scientific Workers (US) (=AAScW) AAT - An and Architecture Thesaurus. 1990 (US) A ATA -Art and Archeological Technical Abstracts, 1966- (New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, Conservation Center - US); ABG ABB 1. Archives et Bibliothiques de Belgique, 1923(AABB - BE); -> ABMB 2. Associac o Brasileira de Bibliotecarios, 1949(BR); -> APBEG 3. Associacion Boliviana de Bibliotecarios 1974(BO; (the same initialism) Association des Cartotheques et des Archives Canadiennes 4. Australian Copyright Council (AU) 5. Automatic Claiming and Cancelling (BALLOTS -US) 6. Automation Classification Code ACCAP - Autocoder to COBOL Conversion-Aid Program ACCC - Ad hoc Committee for Competitive Communications (US)

ACCE - African Council on Communication Education, 1976-(=CAEC,/re) ACCENT - Aston Campus Communications for Europe and Ninety Two (Aston University Library GB) ACCES - Agence Regionale de Services et de Cooperation de la Lecture et de la Documentation Sonore et Audiovisuelle (FR) ACCESS 1. Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Sections of Chemical Abstracts, 1963- (°CAS US) 2. Architects' Central Constructional, Engineering Surveying Service (Greater London Council GB) 3. Architecture, Construction and Consulting Engineers Special Services (Stanton Municipal Library, Sydney - AU) 4. Argonne Code Center Exchange and Storage System (AEC, Argonne National Laboratory - US) 5. Automated Catalog of Computers Equipment and Software Systems (US Army Computer System Support and Evaluation Commond, Library) ACCF - Asia Christian Communication Fellowship, int 1977- (SO) ACCIS 1. Advisory Committee for the Co-ordination of Information Systems, int, 1983- (United Nations Geneve, CH); ACEJMC ACEJMC - Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (US); (the same initialism): Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development AGATE - Agence Nationale pour les Aides Techniques et Edition Adaptec pour les Personnes D£ficientes Visuelles (FR) AGAVA - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Audiovisueller Archive Österreichs, 1987- (AT); «—Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichisches Schallarchive, 1976AGB 1. Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek, 1954-(WB) 2. Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels, Frankfurt/M -DE) AGBBS - AG Bulletin Board System. [Full-text database] (Purdue University, Agricultural Network - US); IMACS 4. Associazione Italiana per il Calcolo Automatico, 1961- (IT) AICARDES - Association of Arab Institutes and Centres of Research for Economic and Social Development, int, 1977- (Tunis, TN) AICB - Aluminiumformatiecentrum voor Benelux, int (Bruxelles, BE) (CIAB, dut) AICC - Asian Institute of Christian Communication, int (SG) AICCM - Australian Institute for Conservation of Cultural Materials (AU) AICCP - Association of the Institute for Certification of Computer-Professionals AICCT - Association Internationale de Cooperation Culturelle et Technique (FR) AICL - Association Internationale des Critiques Litt6raires, 1969- (Paris, FR) (=IALC, eng) AICP 1. Anthropological Index to Current Periodicals in the Library of Royal Anthropological Institute (GB)

2. Association of Independent Clinical Publications (US) AICS 1. Association Internationale de Cinima Scientifique, 1947- (Paris, FR) (=ISFA, eng) 2. Association of Independent Computer Specialists (GB) AICT 1. Association Internationale des Critiques de Th6atre, 1956- (Paris, FR) (=IATC, eng) 2. Atlantic Information Center for Teachers, 1963(US) AICU - Association of International Colleges and Universities, int (US) ) 1. Acronyms and Initialisms Dictionary, 1960(Gale Research Co. - US); -» AIAD 2. Agence d'Information et de Documentation (DZ) 3. Agency for International Development (US); «ICA 4. Air Information Division (°LC - US); -» (the same initialism): Aerospace Information Division; -» ATD 5. Aktiver Informations-Dienst (Bundeskriminalamt -DE) 6. Allgemeiner Informationsdienst (AT) 7. Applied Information and Documentation, 1979(US, California) 8. Arbetslivets Information och Dokumentation, 1978- (Arbetslivscentrum - SE) 9. Artikkel-Index Database (NSI - NO) 10. Association d'Information Documentaire (FR) 11. Association Internationale des Documentalistes et Techniciens de I'lnformation, 1962- (Paris, FR) (=AIDTI,/re; IAD, eng) 12. Association Internationale des Documentalistes, 1965- (Bruxelles, BE) 13. Association Internationale pour le Developpement, int, 1960- (Washington, US) (=AIF, spa; IDA, eng; *MAR, rus) 14. Associative Interactive Dictionary [for data bases] (NLM - US) 15. Augmented Index and Digest (Information Retrieval Ltd - GB) 16. Auswertungs- und Informationsdienst für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten, e.V., 1978(DE) 17. Automatic Abstracting, Indexing and Distribution (LITE - US) 18. Automatic Indexing of Documents, int (IFIP) 19. Automatic Information Distribution (US) AID/CDIE - Agency for International Development, Center for Development Information and Evaluation, 1981- (US) AID-IP = AIDIP AID/ROCAP - Agency for International Development - Regional Office for Central America and Panama, int AID/RTAC - Agency for International Development - Regional Technical Aid Center, int * ) - Avtomaticeskoe Indeksirovanie Dokumentov AIDA - Associazione Italiana per la Documentazione Avanzata, 1980- (IT)

AffiSI AIDA-SH - ADP Information und Documentation System for Archives Schleswig-Holstein, 1987(Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein - DE) AIDAB - Australian International Development Assistance Bureau (AU) AIDAC - Assistance Information and Data Acquisition Center (US Navy) AIDBA - Association Internationale pour le Diveloppement des Bibliotheques en Afrique, 1960(Dakar, SN) (=IADLA, eng); (the same initialism): Ass. Int. pour le DeVeloppement de la Documentation, des Bibliotheques et des Archives en Afrique, 1967; -» Ass. Int. pour le Developpement de la Documentation Bibliotheques, Archives et Musees en Afrique AIDC 1. Asian Industrial Development Council, inf, 1966(Bangkok, ΤΉ) 2. Association of Information and Dissemination Centers, 1976- (US); AIIC AITEP - Association for International Technical Promotion (JP) - Associazione Italiana Traduttori ed Interpret!, 1955- (IT) AITIC - Agence pour Implantation des Technologies d'Information et de Communication (FR) AITRC - Applied Information Technologies Research Center, 1985- (US, Ohio) AIU 1. Association Internationale des Universites, 1950 (Paris, FR) (=IAU, eng) 2. Association of Indian Universities (IN) *AIUS - Avtomatizirovannaja Informacionno-UpravljajuSCaja Sistema *AIUS SM - Avtomatizirovannaja InformacionnoUpravljajuSoaja Sistema Standartizacii i Metrologii, mi, 1972- (*SEV) AIUTIS - Association of Indian University Teachers of Library Science, 1966- (IN) AIV - Advanced Interactive Video System (BBC GB) AFV (aiv) - Automatische Informationsverarbeitung AIVS - Automatisiertes Informationsverarbeitungssystem AI\V - Arbeitskreis für Internationale Wissenschaftskommunikation, 1980- (DE) (=AISC, eng) AIWI - American Industrial Writing Institute (US) *AIZ - AvtomatiCeskoe Indeksirovanie Zaprosov AJA 1. American Jewish Archives (US) 2. Australian Journalists' Association (AU) *AJa - Algoritmiieskij Jazyk AjB - Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Juristisches Bibliothekswesen, 1951- (DE); -> AjBD AjBD - Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Juristisches Bibliotheks- und Dokumentationswesen, 1972- (DE); «AjB AJBE = AJPBE AJBP - Association of Jewish Book Publishers (US) AJC - Association des Journalistes de la Consummation, 1971-(FR) AJCP - Australian Joint Copying Project, 1948- (National Library of Australia/Library of New South Wales - AU) AJE - Association des Journalistes Europeans, 1963(BE) (=AEJ, eng) AJEF - Association des Journalistes Economiques et Financiers (FR) AJH - Association des Journalistes de FHorticulture AJID - Association des Journalistes pour 1'Information sur le De~veloppement, 1964- (FR) AJL - Association of Jewish Libraries, 1966- (US); «(formed by the merger of): Jewish Librarians Association, 1946-1965 and Jewish Library Association, 1962-1965 AJOM - Association des Journalistes d'Outre-Mer AJPA - American Jewish Press Association (US) AJPAA - Association des Journalistes Professionnels de l'Ae'ronautique et de l'Astronautique (FR)


AJPBE - Association des Journalistes Periodiques Beiges et Etrangers (BE) (=AJBE) AJPC - America Jewish Periodical Center (US) AJPF = AUPF AJSB - Association des Journalistes Socialistes de Belgique (BE) *AJuZR - Arhiv Jugo-Zapadnoj Rossii (SU) AK 1. Akademickä Knihovna, cie 2. Akademickä Kniinica, sla 3. Akateeminen Kirjakauppa. [Academic Bookselling] (FI) 4. Alphabetischer Katalog *AK - Alfavitnyj Katalog *AKA - Arhiv Krasnoj Armii, 1921-1933 (SU) *Akademizidat - Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR (SU) AKAVA - [Central Library Federation] (FI) AKB 1. Accessionskatalog over Utlandsk Litleratur i Svenska Forskningsbiliotek, Bocker samt Nytillkomma Tidskrifier och Serien (SE) 2. Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Kunstbibliotheken, 1964- (DE) AKD - Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Kommunale Datenverarbeitung" (DE, Nordrhein-Westfalen) AKDB - Anstalt für Kommunale Datenverarbeitung in Bayern, 1971-(DE) AKI - Arbeitskreis für Information, Köln, 1975(DGD - DE) AKI-Stuttgart - Arbeitskreis fUr Information Stuttgart, 1986- (DE); Association of Railroad Editors •Armgiz - Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Armenii (SU) *Armgosizdat - Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Armenskoj SSR (SU) ARMIS - Agricultural Research Management Information System, 1982- (An Foras Taluntais, Dublin -IE) ARMM - Association of Reproduction Materials Manufacturers (US) *ArmNIINTI - Armjanskij Nauino-Issledovatel'skij Institut Nauöno- Tehniöeskoj Informacii i TehnikoEkonomiCeskih Issledovanij, 1962-(SU) ARMS 1. Archives Records Management System (Tyne and Wear County Council - GB) 2. Army Master Data File Reader Microfilm System (US Army); «- AMDFRMS 3. Automated Records Management System (Teknekron Corporation of Berkeley, California - US) *Armu5pedgiz - Armjanskoe Uoebnoe PedagogiCeskoe Izdatel'stvo (SU) ARN A - Arabian Revolutionary News Agency, 19641977 (LY); ALAS ASDOC - Afrika Studie- en Dokumentatiecentrum, dut, 1970- (BE) (=CEDAF,/r