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W k l t e r de G r u y t e r Berlin •N e w \ b r k
Jahrbuch der Gelehrten Welt Abt. Universitäten und Fatbbocbstbulm. 35. Jahrgang. Herausgegeben von Werner Schuder I. Band: Europa Oktav. X X X I V , 1669 Seiten. 1966. Geb. 192,— II. Band: Außereuropa Drei Teile (A—L, M—Z, Register). Oktav. LXII, 3856 Seiten. 1%9—70. Geb. 480,—
Internationales Verzeichnis wissenschaftlicher Institutionen Forschungsinstitute. 33. Ausgabe (Jahrgang) Herausgegeben von Werner Schuder Oktav. Etwa 900 Seiten. 1972. In Vorbereitung
HANDBÜCHER Archive. 2. Auflage I. Band: Archive mit überwiegend deutschsprachigen Beständen. Oktav. Etwa 1200 Seiten. 1972. In Vorbereitung
Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaften
MINERVA Internationales Verzeichnis Wissenschaftlicher Institutionen
33. Ausgabe (Jahrgang)
w DE
Walter de Gruyter • Berlin • New York 1972
Bibliographische Hinweise Erscheinen früherer Ausgaben:
1.-30. Jahrgang 1891-1934 u. d. T.: MINERVA. Jahrbuch der Gelehrten Welt (verzeichnet alle wiss. Institutionen). 31.-32. Jahrgang 1933-1936 u. d. T.: MINERVA. Jahrbuch der Gelehrten Welt. Abt. Universitäten und Fachhochschulen. 31.-32. Jahrgang 1933-1937 u. d. T.:MINERVA. Jahrbuch der Gelehrten Welt. Abt. Forschungsinstitute, Observatorien, Bibliotheken, Archive, Museen, Kommissionen, Gesellschaften. 33.-35. Jahrgang 1938-1970 u. d. T.: MINERVA. Jahrbuch der Gelehrten Welt. Abt. Universitäten und Fachhochschulen. 33. Ausgabe (Jahrgang) 1972 u. d. T.: MINERVA. Internationales Verzeichnis wissenschaftlicher Institutionen. Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaften.
© Copyright 1972 by Walter de Gruyter & Co., vormals G. J. Göschen'sche Verlagshandlung - J. Guttentag, Verlagsbuchhandlung - Georg Reimer — Karl J. Triibner - Veit & Comp., 1 Berlin 30. - Alle Rechte, einschl. der Rechte der Herstellung von Photokopien und Miktofilmen, vom Verlag vorbehalten. Satz: IBM-Composer, Walter de Gruyter & Co., Druck: Auer, Donauwörth. Printed in Germany ISBN 3 11 002067 X
INHALT Vorwort Redaktionelle Bemerkungen Die wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften in alphabetischer Reihenfolge der Länder
Fachgebiets-Register Sytematik der Fachgebiete Index der Fachgebiete
528-531 532-541
Geographische Register Länderübersicht Ortsverzeichnis nach Staaten Alphabetisches Ortsverzeichnis
544-545 546-554 555-565
Alphabetische Register Namenregister Alphabetisches Register
568-573 574-724
VORWORT Die MINERVA berichtet seit 1891 in ihren verschiedenen Ausgaben über die wissenschaftlichen Institutionen der Welt mit Angaben über deren Geschichte, Struktur, Aufgaben, Publikationen, Organisation und Verwaltung. Der wachsende Umfang des Materials machte 1933 eine Band-Teilung erforderlich, bei der die Institutionen der Lehre einerseits und die der Forschung andererseits in jeweils einer Ausgabe zusammengefaßt wurden. 1970 erschien der letzte von vier Bänden mit den Institutionen der Lehre („Universitäten und Fachhochschulen"), während die zusammenfassende Übersicht über die Institutionen ohne unmittelbare pädagogische Aufgaben („Forschungsinstitute, Observatorien, Bibliotheken, Archive, Museen, Kommissionen, Gesellschaften") letztmalig 1937 herausgegeben wurde. Diese Lücke bei der Berichterstattung über die wissenschaftliche Forschung ist für die Redaktion seit vielen Jahren eine drängende Mahnung. Bei der unablässigen Entwicklung und Ausweitung wissenschaftlicher Arbeit und deren Organisation sind Zahl, Kennzeichnung und Art der gegenwärtig tätigen Institutionen in nahezu allen Ländern der Welt mit dem Stand von 1937 kaum mehr zu vergleichen und in der traditionellen Zusammenfassung nicht zu bewältigen. Der Benutzer muß — welche Frage auch immer ihn bewegen mag — das Material in übersichtlich geordnetem und schnell erschließbarem Zustand vorfinden. Eine neue Konzeption war geboten. Sie gliedert die MINERVA bei grundsätzlicher Berichterstattung über die ganze wissenschaftliche Welt ohne geographische oder politische Einschränkung jetzt in Einzelbände mit folgenden Institutionen-Gruppen: Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaften, Forschungsinstitute, Museen, Archive, Bibliotheken und — für den Bereich der wissenschaftlichen Lehre — Universitäten und Hochschulen. Die neue Konzeption geht außerdem von einer neuen Teilgliederung aus. In den einzelnen Bänden werden die Institutionen nicht wie bisher nach Städten, sondern zunächst nach Ländern und innerhalb der Länder vor allem nach vertretenen Fachgebieten geordnet. Der vorliegende Band „Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaften" zeigt das veränderte Ordnungsprinzip. Der Vorteil gegenüber dem früheren Prinzip wird bei der Benutzung sofort deutlich. Einzelheiten und weitere Detail-Gliederungen werden erörtert in dem Abschnitt „Redaktionelle Bemerkungen", dessen Durchsicht mit Nachdruck empfohlen wird. Auch auf die verschiedenen Register sei besonders hingewiesen. Sie ergänzen die Angaben und erschließen den Hauptteil nach vielseitigen Gesichtspunkten.
Gleichzeitig mit dieser Umstellung wird auch der Titel der MINERVA den gegenwärtigen Verhältnissen angepaßt. Anstelle des Untertitels „Jahrbuch der Gelehrten Welt" tritt jetzt sinngemäß „MINERVA. Internationales Verzeichnis wissenschaftlicher Institutionen". Bei Wahrung der Tradition des lexikalischen Unternehmens ist so der Gegenwartsbezug seines Inhalts betont. Unabhängig davon werden weiterhin die „MINERVA - Handbücher" erscheinen, die in Einzelbänden jeweils über eine fachlich und regional begrenzte Gruppe wissenschaftlicher Institutionen sehr detailliert und in größtmöglicher Ausführlichkeit berichten. Der vorliegende Band verzeichnet rund 8000 wissenschaftliche Gesellschaften. Für das Sammeln und Bearbeiten des umfassenden Materials verdient besondere Anerkennung Frau Karin Baumert-Zimmermann, in deren Händen die redaktionelle Betreuung des Bandes lag. Gedankt sei den zahlreichen Helfern, den staatlichen und privaten Stellen in aller Welt, für Mitarbeit und Rat. Natürlich ist bei der sachlichen und geographischen Vielfalt des Inhalts das Ergebnis ein vorläufiges, und die Redaktion plant, in periodischen Abständen von vier bis fünf Jahren jeweils verbesserte und ergänzte Ausgaben vorlegen zu können. Ich möchte deshalb meinen Dank mit der Bitte verbinden, die ernsten Bemühungen der Redaktion auch weiterhin mit Hinweisen und Material zu unterstützen.
Berlin, im Februar 1972 Werner Schuder
REDAKTIONELLE BEMERKUNGEN Der Band berichtet über mehr als 7000 wissenschaftliche Gesellschaften in 130 Ländern sowie über 600 überregionale Vereinigungen. Berichtssprachen sind Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch und Portugiesisch, Italienisch, Deutsch. Gegebenenfalls wurden die Angaben in eine dieser Sprachen übersetzt. Eigennamen nichtlateinischer Schriften sind ins Lateinische transkribiert, eine Übersetzung entsprechend hinzugefügt. Das Material ist nach folgenden Gesichtspunkten gegliedert: Hauptteil Zusammenfassung und Ordnung der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften in Einzelartikel a) Alphabetisch nach Ländern. Die Ländernamen entsprechen der nationalen amtlichen Schreibweise. Zur schnelleren Orientierung wurden in Einzelfällen die international geläufige Form gewählt, gelegentlich Hinweise eingefügt Die übernationalen Gesellschaften sind in einer besonderen Gruppe vorangestellt b) Innerhalb der Länder systematisch nach Fachgebieten. Die Zusammenfassung nach wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen erleichtert wesentlich die Benutzung, die überwiegend aus fachspezifischem Interesse erfolgen wird. Man beachte für die schnelle Handhabung zuerst die „Systematik der Fachgebiete" (S. 528-531) mit der Übersicht über die (auch den Kolumnentiteln beigefügten) dekadischen Ziffern als Kurzkennzeichnung der einzelnen Disziplinen. c) Innerhalb der Fachgebiete alphabetisch nach Orten. Hierbei ist zu beachten, daß gerade bei wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften der Ort als Sitz der Organisationszentrale durch Neuwahl des Vorstandes usw. leicht wechseln kann. In Zweifelsfällen helfen die verschiedenen Register (s. u.). Ein Einzelartikel setzt sich, soweit Unterlagen vorhanden, in der Regel aus folgenden Angaben zusammen: 1. Name der Gesellschaft Nationale Schreibweise, gegebenenfalls Transkription in lateinische Schrift unter Beifügung der Übersetzung in eine der obengenannten Sprachen. 2. Adresse. 3. Gründungsjahr. Gegebenenfalls kurze historische Hinweise. 4. Organisation der Gesellschaft. 5. Aufgaben und Ziele der Gesellschaft. 6. Zahl der Mitglieder. 7. Von der Gesellschaft herausgegebene Publikationen. 8. Vorstand.
Redaktionelle Bemerkungen Register Fachgebiets-Register 1. Systematik der Fachgebiete. Gliederung nach dem dekadischen Prinzip. Jedes Fachgebiet erhält so eine Ziffer, die für die Ordnung der Gesellschaften innerhalb der Länder im Hauptteil maßgebend ist Die Bezeichnung der Fachgebiete in sechs Sprachen erleichtert die Orientierung. 2. Index der Fachgebiete. Alphabetische Übersicht über alle im Hauptteil genannten Fachgebiete mit Hinweis auf die jeweilige Gruppe (dekadische Ziffer). Geographische Register 3. Länderübersicht Alphabet der Ländernamen mit Hinweis auf die Seiten. 4. Ortsverzeichnis nach Staaten. 5. Alphabetisches Ortsverzeichnis. Gesamtübersicht über alle im Hauptteil genannten Ortsnamen mit Hinweis auf das Land. Alphabetische Register 6. Namenregister. Alphabetische Übersicht über die in den Gesellschaftsbezeichnungen dokumentierten Eigennamen. 7. Alphabetisches Register. Gesamtübersicht über die Namen aller im Hauptteil genanntem Gesellschaften mit Hinweis auf die Seite. Die Institutionen sind grob gegliedert nach den wissenschaftlichen Hauptgebieten (Systematik der Fachgebiete) und innerhalb dieser Hauptgebiete geordnet nach dem Alphabet
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen 0
European Cultural Foundation Emmastraat 30, Amsterdam 1007, Nederland. - 1954. - To develop and maintain among European population a feeling of mutual understanding; the foundation finances multinational cutural and educational activities in Europe, to promote a five year programme of scientific research on major European problems in the future. - M: 18 countr. - P: Education and Culture. - Pres: H. R. H. Prince Bernhard. - Gen. Seer.: G. Sluizer. World Society for Ekistics c/o Athens Centre of Ekistics, 24 Strat. Syndesmon Street, Athen 136, Hellas. - 1965. - To promote the development of knowledge and ideas concerning human settlements by research and through publications, conferences, scholarships etc. - Pres.: Lord LlewelynDavies. Scandinavian Council for Applied Research (Nordiska Forskningsdelegationen (NORDFORSK) Ganstadallden 30, Blind e m , Norge. - 1947. - To organize and promote Scandinavian cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research and in the utilization of research results. - P: Scandinavian Research Guide; FID News Bulletin. International Development Research Center (Indiana Univ.) Bloomington Ind. 47401, Tel. (812) 3 3 2 0211, USA. - Dir.: Frederick Warren Riggs.
Associazione Intemazionale Filosofía, ArtieScienze ViaOberdan 15, Bologna, Italia. - 1957. - P: Quaderni FAS. - Pres.: F. Flarer. - Seer. Gen. : C. Genovese. International Institute for Ligurian Studies Museo Bicknell, 17 bis Via Romana, Bordighera, Italia. - 1947. - To conduct research on ancient monuments and regional traditions in the north-west arc of the Mediterranean. - Pres.: Louis Notari. Atlantic Institute (Institut Atlantique) 24 quai du 4 Septembre, 75 Boulogne-sur-Seine, Tel. Val d'Or. 5141,France. - 1 9 6 1 . - P : From Commonwealth to Common Market; Management of Technology. Chair.: John J. McCloy. International Academic Union Bruxelles, Belgique, s. Philosophy, ICPHS. International Institute of Differing Civilisations (Institut International des Civilisations Différentes INCIDI) 11 boul. de Waterloo, Bruxelles 1, Belgique. - 1894. P: Reports of Study Sessions; Civilisations. - Pres.: S. E. M. Gaspare Ambrosini. International Institute of Theoretical Sciences 221 ave. de Tervueren, Bruxelles 15, Belgique. - 1944. - P: Archives. - Dir.: S. I. Dock. Unión Internacional de Asociaciones Patronales Católicas, Delegación para America Latina (UNIAPAC) Paraguay 1931, Buenos Aires, Argentina. - Organizaciones afiliadas en Argentina (ACDE), Chile (USEC), México (UDEC), Perú y Uruguay.
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (0)
Batteile Memorial Institute 505 King Ave., C o l u m b u s , O. 43201, USA. - 1929; founded under the terms of the will of Gordon Battelle. - Research investigations, technical and economic surveys, evaluation of patents, literature searches. - P: B. D. Thomas. International Federation of Documentation 7 Hofweg, Den Haag, Nederland. - 1895. - To bring together at the international level and to co-ordinate the activities of organizations and individuals concerned with documentation. P: FID Yearbook; Report on the activities of FID; Library and documentation journals; Modern domentation and information practices; Manuel pratique de reproduction documentaire et de sélection; Handbuch der Reprographie; Proceedings of the FID/IFIP Conference on Mechanised informationstorage, retrieval and dissemination; Directories of science information sources; National technical information services; Technical journals for industry; Abstracting services; Index Bibliographicus; Training facilities in documentation and information work etc. - Gen.Secr.: Dr. Felix A. Sviridov.
ture, 122 rue de Lausanne, 1200 Genfcve, Suisse. - 1951. - To coordinate activities of member institutes in teaching and research. - P: Annuaire. - Pres.: Prof. Henri Brugmans. International Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works 32 Chemin des Colombettes, 1211 Genève 20, S u i s s e . 1886. - P: Le Droit d'Auteur; La Propiedad Intelectual; Copyright. - Dir.: Prof. G. H. C. Bodenhausen. Standing Conference of Rectors and Vice-Chancellors of the European Universities 1211 G e n è v e 4, Université, Suisse. - 1964. — P: Bulletin CRE Information. Pres.: Prof. Jaques Courvoisier. World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) 13 rue Calvin, B. P. 206 1211 G e n è v e 3, Suisse. - 1895. P: Student World; Federation News. World University Service 13 rue Calvin, 1200 G e n è v e , Suisse. 1920. - P: WUS News Service; Annual Report; Programme of Action. - Chair.: Dr. I. H. Qureshi. International Association of Technical University Libraries c/o Bibliothek d. TH, 3 H a n n o v e r , Am Welfengarten 1, D e u t s c h l a n d - B R D . 1955.
International Society of Chemical Documentation (Internationale Dokumentationsgesellschaft der Chemie m.b.H. (IDC)) 6 F r a n k f u r t / M . , Liebigstr. 19, Tel. (0611) 720126, Deutschland BRD. - Geschäftsführer: Dr. Hans-Joaehim Hahn, Dr. Arthur Kolb.
Caribbean Organization (Organización caribica) Central Secretariat 452, Ave. Ponce de León, H a t o R e y , Puerto Rico. - 1946. - Advisory body with the economic and social interests common to the peoples of the Caribbean area.
Pax Romana 1 route du Jura, 1701 F r i b o u r g , Suisse. - 1921. P: Convergence; Vispera. - Secr.Gen.: Jürgen Nikolai.
Pacific Science Association Bishop Museum, H o n o l u l u , Hawai, USA. - 1920. - P: Information Bulletin. - Seer. : Brenda Bishop.
Association of European Study Institutes Centre Européen de la Cul-
International Congress of Africanists Ibadan, Nigeria.
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (0) s. Philosophy, Bruxelles, Belgique ICPHS. International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions History Dept., Cornell Univ., I t h a c a , N. Y. 14850, USA. - 1936. - P: Reports. — Pres.: E. Lousse. International Association of Music Libraries 35 Kassel, Staudeplatz 16, Deutschland - BRD. - 1953. - P: Fontes artis musicae. - Pres.: André Jurrès. Commission for Technical Cooperation in Africa South of the Sahara PMB 2359, Lagos, Nigeria. 1950. - P: Directory of Scientific and Technical Libraries in Africa South of the Sahara; Directory of Scientific Institutes, Organizations and Services in Africa South of the Sahara; List of Scientific Societies in Africa South of the Sahara. International Association for Mass Communication Research PetitChêne 18 B, 1003 L a u s a n n e , Suisse. - 1957. — Pres.: Jacques Bourquin. Association of Commonwealth Universities 36 Gordon Square, L o n d o n , W.C. 1, United Kingdom. 1913. - M: 179 univ. and univ. coll. — P: Commonwealth Universities Yearbook; Reports of Proceedings of Congresses of the Universities of Commonwealth; A Handbook for Students from Overseas. International African Institute (IAI) St. Dunstan's Chambers, 10—11 Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, Lond o n , E. C. 4, Tel. FLEet Str. 4751, 4752, United Kingdom. 1926. - Information centre on African ethnology, linguistics and social studies. M: 2300. - Chair.: Sir Arthur Smith.
International Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists — IAALD Library, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Whitehall Place, L o n d o n , S. W. 1, United Kingdom. - 1955. - P: Quarterly Bulletin; World Directory of Agricultural Libraries and Documentation Centres; Current Agricultural Serials; Primer for Agricultural Libraries. - Pres.: F. E. Mohrhardt. International Federation of Business and Professional Women Chansitor House, 3 7 - 3 8 Chancery Lane, L o n d o n , W. C. 2, United Kingdom. - 1930. - Pres.: Lady Littlewood. International Institute for the Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works 176 Old Brompton Road, L o n d o n , S. W. 7, United Kingdom. - 1950. - M: 1300, inst. 200. - P: Studies in Conservation; Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts; IIC News. - Pres.: R. J. Gettens. The World Power Conference 201 202 Grand Bldgs, Trafalgar Square, L o n d o n , W. C. 2, United Kingdom. — 1924. - P: Transactions of Plenary and Sectional Conferences; World Power Conference Survey Of Energy Resources. — Pres.: W. H. Connolly. International Committee of Onomastic Sciences - ICOS Blijde - In Komststraat 5, L o u v a i n , Tel. 20835, Belgique. - 1949. - Founded at 3rd International Congress of Toponymy and Anthroponymy. - P: Onoma; Bibliotheca Ono mastica. - Dir.: Prof. Dr. H. J. van de Wijer. Union of the Universities of Latin America Apdo. Postal 25232, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico 20, D. F. Mexico. - 1949. - P:
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (0) Universidades. - Pres.: Dr. Ignacio Gonzales Ginonves.
Fondazione Internazionale Premio E. Balzan Via A. Manzoni 30, Milano, Italia. - 1957. - Pres.: P. Enrico Zucca. International Association for Cybernetics (Association internationale de cybernetique) 13, rue BasseMarcelle, Namur, Tel. 2 79 83, Belgique. - 1957. - To promote the development of cybernetics and technical applications through publications, meetings, and liaisons activities. M: ca. 550, ind. firms 125. - P: Cybernetica. - Pres.: Prof. George R. Boulanger. Asian Institute of Educational Planning and Administration Ring Road, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi 1, India. - 1962; founded under the sponsorship UNESCO in collaboration with the Indian Govern. M: 19 Asian countr. - Dir.: Dr. K. G. Saiyidain. International Academy of Indian Culture J 22 Hauz Khas Enclave, New Delhi 16, Uttar Pradesh, India. - 1935. - Dir.: Prof. Dr. Lokesh Chandra. United Nations Institute for Training and Research - UNITAR 801 United Nations Plaza, New York, N. Y., USA. - 1965; founded as an autonomous body within the framework of the United Nations. - To enhance the effectiveness of the United Nations in achieving the major objectives of the Organization, in particular the maintenance of peace and security and the promotion of economic and social development. - Exec. Dir.: S. O. Adebo. Association Internationale pour la Culture Française à l'Etranger 96
boul. Raspail, 75 Paris 6e, Seine, France. Foundation for International Scientific Coordination 12 rue Colbert, 75 Paris 2e, Seine, France. 1924. - P: Revue de Synthèse; Revue d'Histoire des Sciences et de leurs applications; Semaines de Synthèse. - Founder: Henri Berr. Intergovernmental Copyright Committee Place de Fontenoy, 75 Paris 7e, Seine, France. - 1952. - To study the problems concerning the application and operation of the Universal Copyright Convention. - Chair.: T. A. Cippico. International Association for Cultural Freedom 104 Boul. Haussmann, 75 Paris 8e, Seine, France. - 1950. - International Community of intellectuals concerned with the free exercise of man's creative powers. - P: Aportes; Cadernos Brasileiros; China Quarterly; China Report; Horison; Informes de China; Jiyu; Minerva; Der Monat; Preuves; Quadrant; Quest; Social Science Review; South Africa Bulletin; Solidarity; Survey Tempo Presente; Transition. - Pres.: Shepard Stone. International Association of Bibliophiles (Association internationale de Bibliophilie) Bibl. Nat., 58 rue de Richelieu, 75 Paris 2e, Seine France. - 1963. - M: 266. - P: Bibliophilie. - Pres. : Julien Cain. International Association of Documentalists and Information Officers 74 rue des Saints-Pères, 75 Paris 7e, Seine, France. - 1962. - M: 700. - P: Monthly News. Gen.-Secr.: Dr. Jacques Samain. International Association of Universities Intern. Univ. Bureau, 6 rue Franklin, 75 Paris 16e, Seine France. - 1950; formed at the
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (0) International Conference of Univ. - P: International Handbook of Universities; World List of Universities, Other Institutions of Higher Education and University Organisations; Bulletin. - Pres. : Dr. C. K. Zurayk. International Commission for a History of the Scientific and Cultural Development of Mankind (Commission internationale pour une histoire du développement scientifique et culturel de l'humanité) UNESCO House, Place de Fontenoy, 75 Paris 7e, Seine, France. - 1951. P: Journal of World History; History of Mankind; Cultural and Scientific Development. -Pres.: Paulo E. de Berrêdo Carneiro. International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea (Commission internationale pour l'exploration scientifique de la mer méditerranêe) 59, ave. Raimond Poincaré, 75 Paris 16e, Seine, France. 1919. - To conduct, promote, and coordinate scientific studies and laboratory research on oceanography, hydrology, and underwater geology, marine biology and microbiology, and the exploration of marine resources (plankton, animals, flora). - P: Rapports et Procès-Verbaux; Iconographie; Fauna et Flora de la mediterranée; Bulletin de Liaison des Laboratoires. - Pres.: H. R. H. The Prince Rainier of Monaco. - Secr.: Cdt. J. Y. Cousteau. International Committee for Social Science-Documentation (Comité international pour la documentation des sciences sociales) 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75 Paris 7e, Seine, France. - 1950. - P: International Political Science Abstracts; International Social Science Bibliographies. - Pres.: Prof. Benjamin Akzin.
International Council of Museums (ICOM) Maison de l'UNESCO, 6 rue Franklin, 75 Paris 16e, Seine, France. - 1946. - P: ICOM News. - Pres.: A. van Schendel. International Federation of Catholic Universities 77 bis rue de Grenelle, 75 Paris 7e, Seine, France. 1949. - P: Annuarium Catholicarum Universitatum, Foederationis; Catholicarum Institutorum de Studiis Superioribus Catalogues; Supplementa Annuari et Catalogi; Documenta; Educational Planning; Monographies. - Pres.: Rev. Th. Hesburgh. International Literary and Artistic Association Cercle de la Librairie, 117 boul. St. Germain, 75 Paris 7e, Seine, France. - 1878¡founded at Congress of Paris, presided over by Victor Hugo. - Pres. : Marcel Boutet. International Union of the History and Philosophy of Sciences (Union internationale d'histoire et de philosophie des sciences) 75 Paris, Seine, s. Roma, Italia, ICSU. Société Internationale de la Bibliographie Classique 11 ave. René Coty, 75 Paris 14e, Seine, France. - 1948. - P: L'Année Philologique (Bibliographie de L'antiquité gréco-latine 1923 ss.). - Sêcr. Gén.: Juliette Ernst. UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) 7/9, Place de Fontenoy, 75 Paris 7e, Seine, France. 1946. - Special organization of UNO; Statutes adopted by UNO Conference at London 1945; Tasks: Promotion of education, sciences and culture, diminution of tension between peoples, religions and races, fight against illiteracy, education of adults. M: 115 states. - P: UNESCO Courir; UNESCO Chronicle; Bulletin for Libraries; Copyright
Uberregionale und Internationale Institutionen (0) Bulletin; Prospects in Education; Museum; Impact of Science on Society; International Social Science Journal. - Dir.-Gen.: René Maheu.
Union Internationale d'Histoire de la Science 12 rue Colbert, 75 Paris, Seine, France. International Union of Students Vocelova 3, Praha 2, CSSR. - 1946; founded by World Student Congress in Prague. - To defend the rights and interests of students, to strive for peace, national independence, academic freedom and democratic education and to unite the student movements in furtherance of these objectives. - P: World Student News; I.U.S. News Service; Young Cinema and Theatre. - Pres.: Zbynek Vokrouhhcky. Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning c/o The Pres. Dr. Carlos D. Romulo, Univ. of the Philippines, Q u e z o n City, Philippines. World Academy of Art and Science 1 Ruppin Street, R e h o v o t , Israel. - 1960. - M: 300. - Hon. Pres.: Lord Boyd Orr. Pres. : Hugo Boyko. European Community of Writers Via dei Sansovino 6, R o m a , Italia. I960. - M: 1181. - P: Quarterly Bulletin. - Pres.: Guiseppe Ungaretti. ICSU Abstracting Board Roma, Italia, s. ISCU. ICSU International Council of Scientific Unions 2, via Sebenico.Roma, Italia. - 1919; founded as the Intern. Research Council. - To coordinate and facilite the activities of the Intern. scientific unions in the field of natural sciences, and to act as a coordinating center for the national organisations adhernig to the Council. - P: Yearbook; ISCU Review; IUGG Chronicle; Information
Bulletin. - Pres.: Dr. J. M. Harrison. Federated to the ISCU. International Astronomical Union Astronomical Inst., Budccska 6, Praha 2, CSSR. - 1919. - To facilitate cooperation between the astronomers of various countries and to further the study of astronomy. - M: countr. 43, ca 2000 indiv. - P: Transactions of the International Astronomical Union. - Pres.: Prof. O. Heckmann. International Geographical Union (IGU) c/o Prof. Hans Boesch, Bluemlisalpstr. 10, 8006 Zurich, Suisse. - 1923. - To encourage the study of problems relating to geography, to promote and coordinate research requiring international cooperation, and to organise international congresses and commissions. M: countr. 51. Pres.: Prof. S. P. Chatterjee. International Mathematical Union Institut Mittag Leffler, Djursholm 1, Sverige. - 1952. - Pres.: Prof. H. Cartin. International Scientific Radio Union (Union radio-scientifique internationale) 7 Place Emile Danco, Bruxelles 18, Belgique. - 1920. - To develop scientific studies connected with radioelectricity, and especially to promote and organise research necessitating international cooperation. P: Information Bulletin; Special Reports. - Pres.: Prof. I. Koga. International Union of Biochemistry (Union internationale de biochimie) c/o Inst, de Chimie Biologiques, Fac. de Sciences, Place Victor-Hugo, 13 Marseille, Bouchesdu-Rhône, France. - 1955. - To encourage the continuance of a series of International Congresses of Biochemistry, to promote intern, coordinating of research, discussion and publication. - Pres.: Prof.
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (0) A. H. Theorell. International Union of Biological Sciences Dept. of Zoology, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98105, USA. - 1922. - To initiate, facilitate and coordinate research and other scientific activities demanding international cooperation. - Pres.: Prof. D. S. Farner. International Union of Cristallography Dr. D. W. Smits, Mathematical Inst., Univ. of Groningen, Reitdiepskade4, Groningen, Nederland. - 1946. - P: Acta Crystallographica; ISCU Review; Journal of Applied Cristallography; Structure Reports. - Pres.: Prof. N. V. Belov. InternationalJUnion of Geodesy and Geophysics (Union géodésique et géophysique internationale) 140, rue de Grenelle, 75 Paris 7e, Seine, France. - 1919. - To promote the study of problems relating to the figure and physics of the earth, to initiate, facilitate and coordinate research into, and investigation of, those problems of geodesy and geophysics requiring international cooperation. M: 69. P: Chronique de l'U.G.G.I. International Union of Geological Sciences 1961. - M: countr. 57. P: I. U. G. S. Geological Newsletters. - Pres.: Dr. K. C. Dunham.
cooperation in biophysics. - Pres.: A. Katchalsky. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) c/o F. Hoffmann-La Roche & Co., Ltd. 4002 Basel, Suisse. - 1918. - P: Information Bulletin: President's Report; ICSU Review. Pres.: Prof. V. N. Kondratiev. International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) (Union intern, de physique pure et appliquee) Inst, d'optique, 3, boul. Pasteur, 75 Paris 15e, Seine, France. - 1923. - To create and encourage intern, cooperation in physics, to coordinate the work of preparing and publishing abstracts, papers and tables of physical constants, to secure intern, agreement of constants, standards, nomenclature etc., and to encourage useful research. - P: Document S.G.; Reports. - Pres.: D.I. Blockhintsev. International Union of the History and Philosophy of Sciences (Union internationale d'histoire et de philosophic des sciences) 12 rue Colbert, 75 Paris 2e, Seine, France. -1955. - To promote the development, diffusion, and organization of studies, in the fields of history and philosophy of science and of related areas. - P: Archives Intern. d'Histoire des Sciences.
International Union of Physiological Sciences Dept. of Physiology, Univ. of Leyden, Leyden, Nederland. - 1953. - To encourage the series of International Congresses of Physiological Sciences. - Pres.: Sir Lindor Brown.
International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Internationale Union fur Theoretische und Angewandte Mechanik) c/o Inst, für Ang. Mathematik, Univ. 78 Freiburg/Br., Hebelstr. 40, Deutschland-BRD. - 1946. Pres.: Prof. Maurice Ray.
International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics Harvard Med. School, Boston 15, Mass., USA. 1961. - To promote communication between biophysics and allied Subjects, to organise international
Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) 1957. - Scientific advisory body to UNESCO and to Intergovernmental Oceangraphic Commission. - Pres.: Prof. W. S. Wooster.
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (0) Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) 1958. - To continue the cooperative scientific exploration of Antarctic after the close of the Intern. Geophysical Year. - P: SCAR Bulletin. - Pres.: Dr. L. M. Gould. Scientific Committee on Water Research (COWAR) 1954. - To consider the problem ot intern, water resources in all aspects, and to act adviser on behalf of ISCU to UNESCO. - Pres.: Prof. A.Volker. Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) 1958. - To continue and foster, after the end of IGY, intern, cooperation in all sciences that make use of the new research tools of rockets and satellits. - P : COSPAR Information Bulletin etc. - Pres.: Prof. Maurice Ray. Special Committee for the International Biological Programme (SCIBP) 1963. - Pres.: Jean G. Baer. Committee on Science and Technology for the Developing Countries (COSTED) 1966; founded for the encouragement of science and technology in developing countries. M: countr. 12. - Pres.: Prof. P. M. S. Blacket. Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) 1966. - To promote and encourage on a worldwide basis, the production and distribution of compendia and other forms of collections of critically selected numerical and other quantitatively expressed values of properties of substances of importance and interest to science and technology. - Pres.: Prof. F. D. Rossini. ICSU Abstracting Board 1949. To facilitate the dissemination of scientific information on Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy
and Geology. - P: Annual survey of activities and list of publications of members of the ICSU. Pres.: Prof. G. A. Bontry. Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Services (FAGS) 1956. - Federates the following Permanent Services: International Time Bureau, International Polar Motion Service, Permanent Service of Geomagnetic Indices, International Gravimetric Bureau, International Seismological Summary, Monthly Bulletin of the International Seismological Bureau, Quarterly Bulletin of Solar Activity, Permanent Service of Earth Tides, International Ursigram and World Day Service, Mean Sea-Level Service, Permanent Service on Crustal Organization, Permanent Service on the Fluctuation of Glaciers. - P: Quarterly Bulletin of Solar Activity; International Seismological Summary; Tables of Geomagnetic Indices; Bulletin Mensuel du Bureau Central International de Seismologie; Bulletin Horaire. - Pres.: Prof. P. Tardi. Inter-Union Commission on Radio Meteorology (IUCRM) 1959. To further the study of those aspects of meteorology which affect radio propagation and the application of radio techniques to meteorology. - Pres.: Prof. J. S. Marshall. Inter-Union Committee on Frequency Allocations for Radio Astronomy and Space Science (IUCAF) 1960. - Secr.-Gen.: Dr. R. L. Smith-Rose. Inter-Union Commission on Solar and Terrestrial Physics (IUCSTP) 1966; founded to coordinate symposia in the field of solar-terrestrial physics. - Pres.: Dr. H. Friedman.
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (0) Inter-Union Commission on Science Teaching (IUCST) 1961. P: Circulaire d'Information. Pres.: Prof. T. N. George. Joint Commission on Applied Radioactivity (ICAR) 1955. - Pres.: Dr. H. Seligman. International Computation CentreIntergovernmental Bureau for Information Technology C. P. 10053, Viale délia Civiltà 23, EUR, 100144 R o m a , Italia. 1961. - P: ICC Newsletter; International Directory of Computer and Information Systems Services. - Chair. : C. D. Keller Sarmiento. Inter-Union Commission on Science Teaching (IUCST) R o m a , Italia, s. ICSU International Association for the Development of Libraries in Africa B. P. 166, Saint-Louis, République du Sénégal. - Seer.: Emmanuel N. Dadzie. International Research Center for the Problems of Sciences (Internationales Forschungszentrum für Grundfragen der Wissenschaften Salzburg) A-5020 Salzburg, Möchsberg 2a, Tel. 85446, 85447, Austria. - Vorst.: Prof. Dr. Paul Weingartner. Confederation of the Universities of Central America (Confederación de las Universidades de Centroamérica) Ciudad Universitaria, San José, Costa Rica. - 1949. P: Repertorio Centroamericano. Pres.: Prof. Bernardo Lombardo. Organisation of the Catholic Universities of Latin America Ave. Bernardo O'Higgins 340, Casilla 114-D, Santiago de Chile, Chile. 1953. - Pres.: Mgr. Alfredo Silva Santiago, Archbishop of Petra.
International Federation of Library Associations-IFLA A. Thompson, 13 Vine Court Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, United Kingdom. - 1929. Pres.: Sir Frank Francis. Council for Cultural Cooperation Council of Europe, Ave. de l'Europe, 67 Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France. - 1962. - P: Education in Europe; Annual Report CCC; Folklore; Folktales; Popular Theatre; Education and Culture. Institut International des Droits de l'Homme 67Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France. - 1969, gegründet vom franz. Friedensnobelpreisträger Prof. René Cassin, zum Studium der Menschenrechtsprobleme. African Centre for Administrative Training and Research for Development 31 rue de Grenade, B. P. 310,Tanger, Maroc. - 1964. Research into administrative problems in Africa, aided by UNESCO and UN Economic Commission for Africa. - Chair.: Abdelaziz Filali. International Scientific Research Institute P.O. 377, T e h e r a n , Iran. 1955. - P: World Science Review; Papers. - Dir.: Moussa Hekmat. European Society of Culture Piazza San Marco 52, Venezia, Italia. 1950. - M: 1600. - P: Comprendre. - Pres.: Giuseppe Ungaretti. Inter-American Cultural Council Pan American Union, Washington 6, D. C., USA. - 1948. International Association of Law Libraries-IALL c/o Law Library of Congress, Washington D. C. 20540, USA. - 1958. - M: 225. - P: Bulletin. - Pres.: Lewis C. Coffin. International Research Institute 1050 31stSt.,N.W. Washington, D.
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen ( 0 - 2 )
C. 20007. Tel. 333-8040, USA. Dir.: Paul Spector. Vienna Institute for Development (Wiener Institut für Entwicklungsfragen) 1020 Wien, Obere Donaustr. 49-51, Austria. - 1964. Pres.: Bruno Kreisky. British Commonwealth Scientific Office 1907 K St., N. W., Washington 6, D. C, USA. - 1944. International Committee of Foundry Technical Associations Walchestr. 27, Case postale HB 2815, 8023 Zürich, Suisse. - 1927. -Pres.: S. Homblad. International Press Institute Münstergasse 9, 8001 Zürich, Tel. (051) 344838, Suisse. - 1951. - P: IPI Report; Cahiers de l'IIP; IPI Rundschau. - Dir.: Per Mansen. 1.1 Mathematics; Computation International Association for Analog Computation (Association internationale pour le calcul analogique (ASICA) 50, ave. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Bruxelles 5, Tel. 49 00 30, Belgique. - 1955. P: Annales. - Chair.: J. Hoffmann. International Mathematical Union Djursholm, Sverige. s. Generalities, Roma, Italia, ICSU. Institute of Mathematical Statistics East Lansing, Mich. 4 88 23, Tel. 517-353-7175, USA.- 1935. - P: Annales of Mathematical Statistics. - Pres.: Herman Chernoff. International Computation CentreInteigovernmental Bureau for Information Technology Roma, Italia, s. Generalities. Association internationale des Etudes et Recherches sur l'Information 27 rue St. Guillaume, 75 Paris, Seine, France. International Association for Cybernetics Namur, Belgique, s. Generalities.
2 Sciences International Maritime Committee 33 rue Jordaens, Anvers, Belgique. - 1897. - Pres.: Albert J. Lilar. International Lunar Society (Sociedad internacional lunaria) Diputación 337, Barcelona, España. - 1956. International Association on Water Pollution Research - JAWPR Univ. of California, Berkeley, Calif. 94720, USA - 1962. P: Water Research. - Pres.: Prof. Dr. Erman. Jungfraujoch Scientific Station (Hochalpine Forschungsstation Jungfraujoch) Buhlplatz 5, 3000 Bern, Suisse. - 1931. To promote all fields of sciences connected with high-altitude research in medicine, physics, astronomy, meteorology, and glaciology. - Pres.: Prof. A. von Muralt. International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy — LAGA ESSA Research Lab., Boulder, Col. 80302, USA. 1919; created as the section of Terrestrial Magnetism and Electricity of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. - To coordinate efforts to further the sciences of geomagnetism and aeronomy and to arrange cooperation with other branches of sciences where needed and desirable for the solution of problems of mutual interest. Pres.: T. Nagata. Euratom 5 1 - 5 3 rue Belliard, Bruxelles, Belgique. - Based on a formal treaty signed in Rome in 1957, and ratified by the six countries of the European Coal-Steel community: Belgium, France,
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (2) Italy, Luxembourg, Holland and West Germany. - It aims to integrate the programme of the six countries for the peaceful uses of atomic energy. International Institutes of Physics and Chemistry SO ave. Franklin Roosevelt, Univ. Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles 5, Tel. 49 00 30, Belgique. - 1912. - Dir.: J. Prigogine. European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire Meyrin, 1200 Genève, Suisse. - 1958. - Directs that collaboration among European States in nuclear research of a purely scientific and fundamental character is to be the aim, and that the results of this work shall be published of otherwise made generally available, is the largest European laboratory for high energy physics, two proton accelerators are currently in operation, a synchroncyclotron of 600 MeV and a synchrotron of 28 GeV - in 1967, the second largest in the world. - P: Nuclear Science Abstracts. - Pres.: G. Funke. International Association of Scientific Hydrology (Association internationale d'hydrology scientifique) 61, Braemstraat, Gentbrugge, Belgique. - 1922. - Founded for the purpose of encouraging and developing the study of hydrology and coordinating research into hydrological problems, which necessitates international cooperation. - P: Bulletin de l'AIHS; Bibliographie Hydro logique; Comptes - Rendus et Rapports des Assemblées et Symposia. Pres.: A. Volker. International Polar Motion Service c/o Dir. Dr. S. Yumi, Central Bureau of the JPMS, Internatio-
nal Latitude Observatory of Mizusawa, I w a t e k e n , Japan. 1962; replacing the International Latitude Service founded in 1899. - P: Monthly Notes; Annual Reports. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Charlotteniund Slot, Charlottenlund, K ^ b e n h a v n , Danmark. - 1902. - Founded to promote and encourage research and investigations for the study of the sea, particulary those related to the living resources there of Aera of interest: The Atlantic Ocean and its adjacent seas, and primarily the North Atlantic. - P: Journal du Conseil; Rapports et ProcèsVerbeaux; Bulletin Statistique; Statistical News Letter; ICES Oceanographic Data Lists; Annates Biologiques; Cooperative Research Reports. - Seer. Gen.: Hans Tambs-Lyche. International Hydrographie Bureau Ave. Président J. F. Kennedy, Monte Carlo, Monaco. - 1921. - P: The International Hydrographic Review; International Hydrographie Bulletin; Yearbook; General Bathymétrie Chart of the Oceans. - Pres.: Guy Chatel. Arctic Institute of North America 3485 University Street, Montreal 2, Quebec, Canada. - 1945. M: 2800. - P: Arctic. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Head Post Office, Box 79, Moskva, Russkaja S.F.S.R., SSSR. - 1956. - To make possible joint experimental and theoretical research in nuclear physics by the scientists of member countries to promote related scientific development in the member countries, to maintain contacts with the related national and international research institutions in
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (2) order to develop new methods for the application of atomic energy to peaceful uses. M: 11 countr. - Dir.: N. N. Bogolubov.
European Space Research Organisation (ESRO) 114 ave. de Neuilly, 92 Neuilly sur Seine, France. 1962. - To promote collaboration among members in space research and technology, exclusively for peaceful purposes. M: 10 countr. - P: Annual General Report; European Space Research Organisation; ESRO Bulletin; ESRO Reports; ESRO Notes; ESRO Memoranda. - Dir.: Dr. W. H. A. Hocker. European Nuclear Energy Agency (ENEA) (Agence européen pour l'énergie nucléaire) 38, boul. Suchet, 75 Paris, 16e, Seine, France. 1955: attached to OECD. - Foster the development of the production and uses of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes; coordination of nuclear research, development of uniform legislation on health and safety liability and insurance, assessments of nuclear fuel resources and the contribution of nuclear power to Europe's future energy requirements; operates a security control system to prevent the use of joint undertakings for military purposers, operates the Halden and Dragon equipmental reactors, maintains a Computer Programme Library at EURATOM Joint Research Establishment at Ispra (Italy), and on ENEA Neutron Data Compilation Centre at the Saclay Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires. M: 18 countr. - Dir.-Gen.: Einar Sealand. Intergovernmental Océanographie Commission (IOC) c/o UNESCO, Place de Fontenoy, 75 Paris 7e, Seine, France. - 1960. - M: 60
govern. - P: Summary Reports of General Sessions. - Chair.: Rear-Adm. W. Langeraar. Oceanographic Institute 195 rue Saint-Jacques, 75 Paris 5e, Seine, France. - 1906. - P: Annuales; Bulletin. - Dir.: Prof. A. Gongenheim. European Atomic Energy Society (EAES) c/o CNRN, Via Belisario, 15, R o m a , Italia. - 1959. - Aim to accomplish through its scientific meetings, the circulation of information, the standardization of nomenclature and symbols the promotion of studies of safety ijieasures, the encouragement of the publication of scientific works. - Pres.: Prof. Carlo Salvetti. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) R o m a , Italia, s. Generalities, ICSU. Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) R o m a , Italia, s. Generalities, ICSU. Association for Applied Solar Energy Campus Arizona State Univ., T e m p e , Ariz., USA. - 1954; founded in Phoenix. - Is the only intern, soc. concerned solely with the problems of harnessing solar energy for positive purpose. P: Journal of Solar Energy, Science and Engineering. Inter-American Nuclear Energy Commission (IANEC) c/o Pan American Union, Washington D.C., USA. - 1959. - To serve as a center of consultation for the Member States and to facilite cooperation among them in matters pertaining to the peaceful application of nuclear energy. International Atomic Energy Agency 1010 Wien, Karntnerring, Austria. - 1956; the Statute was approved in New York at a Conference held by 81 States, Members of the Uni-
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen ( 2 - 2 . 2 ) ted Nations. - Seeks to accelerate and enlarge the contribution of atomic energy of peace, health and prosperty throughout the world, and ensure that the assistance provided by it is not used, to further any military purposes; it is authorized to undertake any service or operation useful in research and development of the peaceful uses of atomic energy. M: 75 govern. P: Nuclear Fusion — Journal of Plasma Physics and Thermonuclear Fusion; Atomic Energy Review; IAES Bulletin. - Dir. Gen.: Dr. Sigvard Eklund. International Committee of ElectroChemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics ETH, 6 Universitätsstr., 8000 Zürich, Suisse. - 1949. To promote international collaboration in the field of electrochemical thermodynamics and Kinetics. - P: Comptes Rendus; Journal of the Electrochemical Society. - Pres.: J. A. A. Ketelaar.
2, 1 Physics European Molecular Spectroscopy Group Nieuwe Achtergracht 123, A m s t e r d a m C, Nederland. Founded immediately after World War II. International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics B o s t o n , USA.s. Generalities, Roma, Italia, ICSU. International Comission for Optics c/o Prof. W. L. Hyde, New York Univ., B r o n x , N.Y. 10453, USA. - P: Optica Acta; Journal of the Optical Society of America. Pres.: Prof. F. Toraldodi Francia. International Association of Physical Oceanography Oceanografiska Inst., Box 1038, G o t e b o r g 4, Sverige. - 1919. - To promote
the scientific study of océanographie problems and to contribute of the development of oceanography through its publications, by initiating and coordinating international research, and by arranging international meetings. International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (Union internationale de physique pure et appliquée) Paris, France, s. Generalities, Roma, Italia, ICSU. Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Services (FAGS) R o m a , Italia, s. Generalities, ICSU. Inter-Union Commission on Solar and Terrestrial Physics (IUCSTP) R o m a , Italia, s. Generalities, ICSU. Joint Commission on Applied Radioactivity (JCAR) R o m a , Italia, s. Generalities, ICSU. Centra Internazionale per la Fisica Teoretica T r i e s t e , Italia. - For all states of UN. International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean (IAPSO) W o o d s H o l e , Mass. 025 43, USA. - 1919. - M: 49 states. - P: Publications Scientifiques; Procès-Verbaux. - Pres.: Prof. Dr. G. Dietrich. 2.2 Chemistry International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry (IAGC) Dept. of Geology, Univ. of Texas, A u s t i n , Tex. 78712, USA. - 1965. -Pres.: Prof. Earl Ingerson. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Basel, Suisse, s. Generalities, Roma, Italia, ICSU. International Union of Biochemistiy (Union Internationale de biochi-
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (2.2-2.3) mie) Marseille, France, s. Generalities, Roma, Italia, ICSU.
tfistochemical Society c/o St. Catherine's Hospital, 133 Bushwick Ave., New Y o r k , Brooklyn 6, N.Y., USA. - 1949. - Founded to further the knowledge of the interrelationship of chemical constitution and detailled morphologic structure of living organism, both in normal and in pathologic s*ates. M: 300 from 22 countries. - P: Journal. Permanent International Bureau of Analytical Chemistry of Human and Animal Food 18 ave. de Villers, 75 Paris 7e, Seine, France. - 1912. - P: Annales des falsifications et de l'expertise chimique. -Dir.-Gen.: Emile Durier. International Federation of Clinical Chemistry Dr. Bertil Josephson, Secretary, St. Eriks Hospital, S t o c k h o l m , Sverige. - 1952. To initiate and encourage cooperation, collaboration, and mutual assistence among the societies, and to initiate and encourage any means for better clinical chemistry. M: 9 soc.- Pres.: Prof. M. Rubin. International Committee for Histochemistry and Cytochemistry Prof. T. Schiebler, Univ., 87 Wurzburg, Sanderring 2, Deutschland - BRD. - 1960. - Pres.: Prof. T. Caspersson. 2.3 Geology, Mineralogy International Mineralogjcal Association 1958. - Pres.: Prof. Dr. Hugo Strunz. The Glaciological Society c/o Scott Polar Research Inst. Lensfield Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom. - 1936. M: 700. - P: Journal of Glaciology; Ice. - Pres.: Dr. J. F. Nye.
International Union of Christallography Groningen, Nederland. s. Generalities, Roma, Italia, ICSU. International Union of Quaternary Research Spaarne 17, Haarlem, Nederland. - 1928. - Seer. Treas.: Dr. S. Van Der Heide. International Isostatic Institute Aurorankatu 7, Helsinki,Suomi. - 1936. - Serves as a center for making isostatic reduction maps for the whole world. - Dir. : Prof. W. A. Heiskanen. International Association of Sedimentology Dr. F. P. Shepard, President, c/o Univ. of California, La Jolla, Calif., USA. - 1952. - To advance the field of sedimentology through studies and investigations of the problems of the subject. P: Sedimentology. - Pres.: Dr. H.-E. Renieck. International Paleontological Union (Union paléontologique internationale) c/o B.R.G.G.M., 74, rue de la Fédération, 75 Parisl5e, Seine, France. - 1933. - P: Palaeontologia Universalis. Pres.: Prof. Sahni. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (Union géodésique et géophysique internationale) Paris, France, s. Generalities, Roma, Italia, ICSU. International Union of Geological Sciences R o m a , Italia, s. Generalities, ICSU. International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior (IASPEI) (Association internationale de séismologie et de physique de l'intérieur de la terre) 38, boul. d'Anvers, 67 Strasbourg, Bas Rhin, France. 1922; founded at Rome. - To collect data on earthquakes, to
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (2.3-2.5) publish periodic catalogs, to encourage the improvement and standardization of observing instruments, and to support research on the earth's interior, on methods for predicting earthquakes and tidal waves of seismic origin, on gravity anomalies, and other similar tropics. - P: Travaux scientifiques; Bulletin mensuel; International Seismological Summary. - Pres.: Prof. K. Wadati. International Association on Quaternary Research c/o Geographical Inst., Nicholas Copernicus Univ. of Turon, Turon, Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa. - 1928. — To coordinate quaternary research throughout the world. M: Indiv. and organ, in 35 countries. International Association of Vulcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) Irving Friedman, Secretary, American Geophysical Union c/o U.S. Geological Survey, Washington25, D.C., USA. 1919. - To promote research in all maters relating to volcanic activity, especially in regard to active, volcanoes, to collect reports on programs of volcanological research. M: 57 countries. - P: Bulletin Volcanologique. - Pres.: G. A. Macdonald. 2.4 Astronomy Ido Kansokusho (International Latitude Observatory of Mizusawa) 120 Kurumada, Iwate-ken, Mizusawa. - 1899. Investigation and observation of latitude variations, observation and determination of time and relating examinations. - P: Publications of the ILOM; Annual Report of the Meteorological and Seismological Observations; Monthly Notes of the Internatio-
nal Polar Motion Service; Bulletins; Time Service of the Mizusawa Observatory. - Dir.: Okuda T. International Astronomical Union Praha, CSSR. s. Generalities, Roma, Italia, ICSU. Astronomical Society of the Pacific 675 Eighteen Ave., San Francisco, Calif., USA. - 1889. To promote the science of astronomy and to spread astronomical information through its publications, popular lectures, excursions and meetings. M: ca. 1200. International Latitude Service Osservatorio Astronomico Pino Torinese, Torino,Italia. - 1895. Founded to determine the polar motion of the earth's rotation, and the cause of latitudinal variation at any point.
2.5 Meteorology International Federation of Thermalism and Ciimatism Stadtbachstr. 12,5400 Baden, Suisse. - 1948. - Pres.: A. Schirmer. Association Internationale de Météorologie c/o Inst. Royal Météorologique de Belgique, 3 ave. Circulaire, Bruxelles, Belgique. World Meteorological Organization (WMO) (Organisation météorologique mondiale (OMM) 41 ave., Giuseppe Motta, 1211 Genève 20, Suisse. - 1947; founded by 42 States. - Seeks to facilitate worldwide cooperation in the establishment of stations for meteorological and related geophysical observations of centers providing meteorological services, of systems of rapid exchange of weather information, to promote the standardization and publication of meteorological and hydrometeorological observa-
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (2.5-2.6) tions and statistics etc. M: 79 States, 24 Territories. - P: International Cloud Atlas. - Pres.: Dr. Alf Nyberg.
Inter-Union Commission on Radio Meteorology (IUCRM) R o m a , Italia, s. Generalities, ICSU. Internationella Meteorologiska Instit u t e I Stockholm (International Meteorological Institute in Stockholm) Tulegatan 41, S t o c k h o l m VA, Tel. 340860. International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (IAMAP) Meteorological Branch, Air Services, Dept. of Transport, 315 Bloor Street, West, T o r o n t o 5, Ontario, Canada. - 1919; Association of the International Union of geodesy and geophysics. Relates meteorological research to the physics of the atmosphere and to other branches of science. -Pres.: Prof. R. C. Sutcliffe.
2.6 Biology International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology c/o Freshwater Biological Association, Ferry House, Far Sawrey, Ambleside, Westmoreland, United Kingdom. - 1922. - To promote the progress of theoretical and applied limnology by means of congresses and publications. M: 1450. (including ind.). - P: Verhandlungen der internationalen Vereinigung für Limnologie; Mitteilungen. - Pres.: Prof. G. E. Hutchinson. Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Isles (Fondation Charles Darwin pour les Galapagos) Palais des Académies, 1 rue Ducales, Bruxelles 1, Belgique. - 1959; founded under the patronage of UNESCO, and the Intern. Union
for the Protection of Nature and Natural Resources; is responsible for organizing and directing the research Station „Charles Darwin", to be located in the Galapagos on land offered by the Goverment of Ecuador, proposes to qualified authorities measures to ensure, in the Galapagos and surrounding areas, the conservation of the soil, the flora and fauna, and the preservation of savage life and its natural environments. - P: Noticias de Galápagos. - Pres.: Prof. Jean Dorst. International Academy of Cytology Dept. of Pathology, Ohio State Univ., 410 West 10th Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43210, Tel. 293-4471, USA. - 1957. Encourage cooperation among persons actively engaged in the practice of cytology, foster and facilitate international exchange of knowledge and information on specialized problems of exfoliative cytology. - Pres.: Prof. Jorge Campos. International Association of Biological Oceanography (Internationale Vereinigung fur biologische Ozeanographie) Inst. f. Meereskunde, Univ. Kiel, 23 Kiel, Niemannsweg 11, Deutschland - BRD. Chair.: Dr. Ronald I.Currie. International Committee for Biological Control (Commission de Biocénotique et de Lutte Biologique contre les ennemis des Cultures) c/o Lab. de Biocénotique de Lutte Biologique, La Minére par Verseilles, Seine-et Oise, France. - 1950. - To promote and coordinate research for a more efficient biological control of insects and plants harmful to agriculture. - P: Entomophaga.
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (2.6) International Wildfowl Research Bureau c/o Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat, par Le S a m b u c , Bouches-du-Rhône, France. 1947. - P: Newsletter. - Hon.Dir.: Dr. Luc Hoffmann. International Society for Cell Biology (Société internationale de biologie cellulaire) c/o Inst. d'histologie, 20, rue de Pitteurs, Liège, Belgique. - 1947. - To promote international cooperation in the field of experimental cytology and related disciplines, to organise international meetings on its subjects interests, and to publish studies pertaining to cell biology. - Pres.: Prof. P. Weiss. International Association for Ecology Dept. of Botany, Imperial College, LondonS.W 7, United Kingdom. 1967. - Pres.: Prof. Arthur D. Hasler. International Committee of Photobiology c/o Chester Beatty Research Inst., Royal Cancer Hospital, Fulham Road, L o n d o n S.W. 3, United Kingdom. - 1928. To stimulate scientific investigation in physics, chemistry and climatology of ultraviolet, visible, and infra-red radiations, from the point of view of biology and also the effects and the applications of these radiations in biology and medicine. - Pres. : Dr. C. P. Swanson. Society for Experimental Biology Dept. of Botany, Univ. Coll., Gower Street, L o n d o n W.C. 1, United Kingdom. - . 1 9 2 3 . Established for the'advancement and promotion of research in the study of biology in all its branches. M : 1160. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources 110Morges, Tel. (21) 714401,
Suisse. - 1948. - P: Bulletin. Pres.: Harold J. Coolidge. The Biométrie Society Bell Telephone Lab., Murray Hill Lab., Murray Hill, N.Y. USA. - 1947. - M: ca. 2800. - P: Biometrics; Biometrische Zeitschrift; Biométrie Praximétrie. - Pres.: Dr. Gertrude M. Cox. International Society of Biometeorology Hofbrouckerlaan 54, Oestgeest, Nederland. - 1956. M: 600. - P: International Journal of Biometeorology. - Pres.: D. D. H. K. Lee. International Association of Microbiological Societies (IAMS) Div. of Biosciences, Nat. Research Council, O t t a w a 2, Canada. - 1950. - M: 15000. - P: International Bulletin of Bacteriological Nomenclature and Taxonomy. - Pres.: Dr. A. Lwoff. International Cell Research Organization c/o UNESCO, Place de Fontenoy, 75 Paris 7e, Seine, France. - 1962; founded under the auspices of UNESCO. - Chair.: Prof. G. Brachet. Société Internationale Française de Biologie Mathématique 19 rue Roger Salengro, c/o Antony, 75 Paris, Seine. - 1965. P: Revue de bio-mathématique. Prés.: Dr. F. Collot. International Union of Biological Sciences R o m a , Italia, s. Generalities, ICSU. Scientific Committee on Water Research (COWAR) R o m a , Italia, s. Generalities, ICSU. Special Committee for the International Biological Programme (SCIBP) R o m a , Italia, s. Generalities, ICSU.
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (2.6-2.8)
International Research Institute (American Institutes for Research) 8555 16th Str., Silver Spring, Md., USA. - 1946. - Research on human resources in developing countries. - Dir. : Paul Spector. Society for Biological Rhythm (SBR) c/o Dept. of Anatomy, Caroline Inst., Solnavägen 1, S t o c k h o l m 60, Sverige. - 1937; founded as Sociétas pro Studio Rhytmi Biologici. Kokusai Salbo Gakkai (International Society of Cytology) c/o Univ. of Tokyo, T o k y o . - 1929. - M: 1100. - P: Cytologia. International Society for Research on Moor (Internationale Gesellschaft für Moorforschung) Präzidialkanzlei, Hauptstr. 26, Vaduz,Liechtenstein. - 1957; founded by Otto Stöber in Lindau for the purpose of promoting universal moorland research. International Organization for Biological Control of Noxious Animals and Plants Dept. of Entomology, E.T.H. Universitätsstr. 2, 8006 Zürich, Suisse. - 1955. - Promotes andcoodinates research on biological control of insects pests and needs. - P: Entomophaga. Pres.: Dr. E. Biliotti.
2.7 Botany Association for the taxonomic study of Tropical African Flora (Associapâo pelo estudos taxonómicos da Flora de Africa Tropical) Inst. Botánico, Coimbra, Portugal. 1951. - To inform research workers of study on African and Malagasy botany, to produce maps on the distribution of species of ecological importance or of
special interest. M: 514. - P: Vegetation Map of Africa. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) (Organisation européenne et méditerranéenne pour la protection des plantes) 142, ave. des ChampsElysées, 75 Paris 8e, Seine, France. - 1950. - Chair.: I. Granhall. International Society for Plant Geography and Ecology (Internationale Gesellschaft für Pflanzengeographie und Ökologie) c/o Prof. Dr. Drs.h.c. Reinhold Tüxen, 3261 T o d e n m a n n üb. Rinteln, Deutschland - BRD. - 1937.M: 540. - P: Vegetatio. - Pres.: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. G. Lebrun. Internationale Association for Plant Taxonomy c/o Intern. Bureau for Plant Taxonomy and Nomenclature, 106 Lange Nieuwstraat, U t r e c h t , Tel. 15891, Nederland. - 1950. - Operates under the botanical section of the International Union of Biological Sciences, to further the progress of plant taxonomy. - P: Taxon; Regnum vegetabile. - Pres.: J. Lanjoun. International Society for Tropical Ecology Pacific Vegetation Project, c/o Nat. Research Council, Washington25, D.C., USA. 1960. - Founded to promote the study of ecology in the tropics and sub-tropics in the widest sense of the terms. - P: Tropical Ecology. - Pres.: Dr. F. R. Fosberg.
2.8 Zoology International Union for Applied Ornithology c/o Ministerie van Landbouw en Visserij, Boschstraat 4, Den Haag, Nederland. - 1955. Bee Research Association Woodside House, Chalfout Heights, Gerratfs
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (2.8-3) Cross, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom. - 1949. - To advance scientific study of bees and beekeeping and to promote, finance, organize, conduct, and encourage research. M: 1240. - P: Bee World; Annual Report Handbook. Dir. : Dr. Eva Orane. International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature c/o British Museum, Cromwell Road, L o n d o n S.W. 7, United Kingdom. - 1895. - P: Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature. - Acting Pres.: L. B. Holthins. International Council for Bird Preservation c/o British Museum, Cromwell Road, L o n d o n , S.W. 7, United Kingdom. - 1922. To promote international conventions for the preservation of birds and to stimulate international reaction over the prevention of oil pollution at sea; to work for the protection of migratory birds, rare birds and birds in Antartica and Oceania. - P: Bulletin. Pres.: Prof. S. Dillon Ripley. Permanent Committee of the International Congress of Entomology c/o British Museum, Cromwell Road, L o n d o n , S.W. 7, United Kingdom. - P: Proceedings. Pres.: Dr. S. L. Tuxen. International Union for the Study of Social Insects Lab. d'Evolution des Etres Organisés, 105 boul. Raspail, 75 Paris 6e, Seine, France. - 1951. - P: Insectes Sociaux. - Pres.: P. P. Grassé.
3 Medicine International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS) 1946. - To study the science of nutrition and its appli-
cations. M: from 36 countr. - Pres.: Prof. C. G. King. Association of National European and Mediterranean Societies of Gastro-Enterology (Association des sociétés nationales européennes et méditerranéennes de gastroenterologie) 29, ave. d'Amérique, Anvers, Belgique. - 1947. Pres.: Z. Kojecki. International Society for Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM) (Société internationale de mycologie humaine et animale) Inst, for Tropical Medicine, 155, rue Nationale, Anvers, Belgique. - 1954. M: 530. - Pres.: Dr. R. Vanbreuseghem. World Federation of Neurology (Fédération mondiale de neurologie) Institute Bunge, 59, rue Philippe Williot, Berchem-Anvers, Belgique. - 1955. - M: 10000. - P: Journal of the Neurological Sciences; Acta Neuropathologica; Journal fìir Hirnforschung; Journal de Génétique Humaine. - Pres.: Dr. Macdonald Critchley. International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md. 21205, USA. - 1959. - P: Medical and Biological Engineering; Proceedings of International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering. - Pres.: D. H. Bekkering. World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies 601 N. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. 21205, U S A . Pres.: Dr. A. Earl Walker. The International Institute for Child Study Soi Prasarumitr, Sukumvit Road, Bangkok,Tel. 58143, Thailand. Collegium Internationale Allergolo-
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (3) gicum Lichtstr. 35, 4002Basel, Suisse. - 1954; an international group for the study of scientific and clinical problems in allergy and related branches of medicine and immunology. - P: International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology. - Pres.: D. Harley.
International Society of Geographical Pathology (ISGP) Schaeublinstr. 17, 4000 Basel 24, Suisse. 1929. - Founded for the purpose of studying relations that may exist between diseases and the geographical environments where they occur. - Pres.: Prof. Dr. Ungar. International Society of Internal Medicine Prof. H. Ludwig, SecretaryGeneral, Burgerspital, 4000 Basel, Suisse. - 1948. - To promote scientific knowledge in internal medicine and education. M: 3000, in 46 countr. - Pres.: Sir John Richardson.
International Union against Cancer Dr. Harold F. Dom, GeneralSecretary, Nat. Institutes of Health, Bethesda 14, Md„ USA. - 1935. - M: 72 countr. - P: International Journal of Cancer; UICC Monographs. - Pres.: Prof. N. N. Blokhin.
International Society of Audiology 53 Bonn, Baumschulallee 29, Deutschland - BRD. - 1953. To advance the study of audiology and protect human hearing. M: 400. - P: International Audiology; AudiNews. - Pres.: A. Glorig.
International Cardiovascular Society 171 Harrison Ave., B o s t o n 11, Mass., USA. - 1950; founded as the International Society of Angiology. - To stimulate research and to exchange ideas on an international basis at biennial conferences. - P: The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery. - Seer. Gen.: Dr. Allan D. Callow. International Society of Haematology Suite 8, 1101 Beacon Street, Brookline46, Mass., USA. 1948. - Activities include the disse mination of information, the provision of a forum for discussion of haematological problems, the encouragement of scientific investigation, the promotion of haematology and the standardization of methods and nomenclature in this field. - Pres.: Carl V. Moore. European League against Rheumatism (Ligue européenne contre le rhumatisme) 262, ave. Molière, Bruxelles, Belgique. - 1947. - To coordinate all forms of research work and treatment in the field of rheu matic diseases by scientific and social organizations in Member Countries. European Society of Cardiology (Société européenne de cardiologie) 80, rue Mercelis, Bruxelles, Belgique. - 1949. - To foster the development of cardiology, to further scientific exchange, and to promote personal contacts among cardiologists. International Academy of Aviation and Space Medicine (Academie internationale de médecine aéronautique et spatiale) 35 rue Cardinal Mernier, Bruxelles 1, Tel. 518140, Belgique. - 1959. Pres.: Dr. Jan H. Tillisch. International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (So-
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (3) ciété internationale de chirurgie orthopédique et de traumatologie (SICOT)) 34, rue Montoyer, Bruxelles, Belgique. - 1929. M: 51 countr., 1400 indiv. - P: Publication des Congres. - Pres.: Sten Friberg. International Society of Surgery (Société internationale de chirurgie (SIC)) 43, rue des Champs Elysées, Bruxelles, Belgique. - 1902. Founded to advance surgery by the discussion and elucidation of surgical questions. M: 3000. P: Bulletin. - Secr.-gen.: Prof. J. van Geertruyden. Balkan Medical Union 10 rue Progresul, Bucuresti, Tel. 167846, República Popular^ RominS. 1932. - Study morbidity problems and prophylactic and curative methods with special reference to the Balkan region. — P: Archives de l'Union médicale balkanique. Pres.: Prof. K. J. Gürkan. International Academy of Gynecological Cytology 666 Elm Street, B u f f a l o , N.Y., USA. - 1957. To promote the international exchange of information, to standardize terminology, and to stimulate development and research in obstetrical and gynecological cytology. M: 66, consult.33, assoc. 40. P: Acta Cytologica. International Paediatric Association Inst, of Child Health, Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children, C a m p e r d o w n , N.S.W., 2050, Australia. - 1912. - Secr.-Gert.: Prof. T. Stapleton. International Association for Dental Research c/o Northwestern Univ., 311 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago 11, 111., Tel. 60611, USA. - 1920. To promote broadly the advancement of dental science research and oral health service. - P: Journal of Dental Research.
The International College of Surgeons 1516 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 111. 60610, USA. - 1935. - M: 12000. - P: International Surgery; International Surgery Bulletin. Pres.: Dr. Edward L. Compere. International Anesthesia Research Society Wade Park Manor, E. 107 and Park Lane, Cleveland, O., USA. - 1921. - To foster scientific progress and research in all phases of anesthesia. M: ca 2700. - P: Anesthesia and Analgesia. International Academy of Proctology 147-51 Sanford Ave., Flushing 55, Long Island, N. Y., USA. 1948. - The purposes are to unit in an association physicians who are engaged in the specialty of . proctology or its allied fields. M: 760. - P: American Journal of Proctology; Bulletin. International Society for Cellular Therapy (Intelnationale Forschungsgesellschaft für Zellulartherapie) 6 F r a n k f u r t / M . , Savignystr. 30, Deutschland - BRD. - 1959. To advance research in and to disseminate information on cellular therapy methods originated by Prof. Paul Niehans. - P: Literaturverzeichnis über die Zellulartherapie. Association for Research into Periodontal Diseases (Association pour les recherches sur les parodontopathies ARPA) Inst, de méd. dentaire, 30, rue Lombard, 1205 Genève, Suisse. - 1960. - P: Parodontologie. - Pres.: Prof. A. J. Held. European Organization for Research on Fluorine and Dental Caries Prevention (ORCA) (Organisme européen de coordination des recherches sur le fluor et la pro- phylaxie de la carie dentaire)
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (3)
18, Terraillet, 1200 Genève, Suisse. - 1953. International Bureau of Differential Anthropology Inst. d'Anatomie Ecole de Médecine, 1211 Genève 4, Suisse. - 1950. - P: Anthropologie différentielle et sciences des types constitutionnels humains. - Gen.-Secr.: Prof. J. A. Baumann. International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (Fédération internationale de gynécology et d'obstétrique) Maternité, rue Alcide Jentzer, 1200 Genève, Suisse. - 1954. - To promote the development of science, to assist in and to contribute to scientific research, to improve the physical and mental health of woman and children. - Pres.: A. Alvarez-Bravo. International Union for Health Education of the Public (Union internationale pour l'éducation sanitaire de la population) 3, rue Viollier, 1200 Genève, Suisse. 1951 ; formed for the purpose of contributing to the development of health education throughout the world. - P: International Journal of Health Education. Pres.: Prof. J. Bosh-Marin. World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) 1 rue Gevray, 1200 Genève, Suisse. - 1948. - Founded to promote good human relations among all peoples and nations, and the highest level of mental health in its broadest biological, medical, and social aspects. - P: World Mental Health. - Dir. : P. Visseur. World Health Organization (WHO) (Organisation mondiale de la santé) Palais des Nations, 1200 Genève, Suisse. - 1948; specialized agency of the Unites Nations. - P: Cronicle; Bulletin ; International Di-
gest of Health Legislation, Epidemiological and Vital Statistics Report; Weekly Epidemiological Report; Annual Epidemiological and Vital Statistics; Monograph Series; Public Health Papers; Technical Report Series; Official Records; World Health. - Dir.-Gen.: Dr. M. G. Candau. International Academy of Legal and Social Medicine Via de Toni, 12, Genova, Italia. - 1938. - Its aims is to foster international cooperation in the various branches of legal and social medicine, to organise every three years the International Congress and to publish of official organ. M: in 28 countries. - P: Acta Medicinae Legalis et Socialis. - Pres.: Prof. S. Okros. European Ophthalmological Society (Societas Ophtalmologica Europea) 15, place de Smet de Naeyer, G h e n t , Belgique. - 1956. - P: Acta. International Federation of Ophthalmological Societies 15 Place de Smet de Naeyer, G h e n t , Belgique. - 1933. - Pres.: Prof. J. Charamis. International Society of Clinical Pathology Glaxa Lab. Ltd., G r e e n f o r d , Middlesex, United Kingdom. 1948. - To promote the development of clinical pathology in every aspect of its field of interest through meetings and by the exchange of publications. - Pres.: Prof. W. H. McMenemey. Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (Instituto de Nutrición de Centro América y Panamá) Carretera Roosevelt, Zona 11, Apdo. 1 1 - 8 8 , G u a t e mala-City, Guatemala. - 1 9 4 9 ; founded with the assistence of Pan American Sanitary Bureau. -
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (3) To determine the nutritional problems of the area and how they can be solved, and to help the Member Countries apply these solution. M: 6 Central American States and Panama. - P: Publicaciones Científicas. - Pres.: Dr. Moisés Béhar. International Society for Research on Nutrition and Vital Substances 3 Hannover-Kirchrode, Bemeroderstr. 61, Deutschland - BRD. 1954. - To study the sources of diseases induced by industrialization and the effect of nutrition, and, through research, to reduce and to prevent them. - P: Vitals t o f f - Zivilisationskrankheiten.Pres.: Prof. Dr. H. A. Schweigart.
and therapy, to promote the personal contacts of those within the profession, and to disseminate and exchange information in the field of speech and voice disorders. P: Folia phoniatrica. - Pres.: Prof. L. Croatto. International Scientific Committee for Trypanosomiasis Research STRC/ OAU, Ports Authority Bld., Marina P.M.B. 2359, Lagos, Nigeria. - 1949. - To review the work on tsetse and trypanosomiasis problems carried out by the organisations and workers concerned in laboratories and in the field. International Union of Physiological Sciences L e y d e n , Nederland. s. Generalities, Roma, Italia, ICSU.
Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology 280 Alexander Young Bldg., H o n u l u l u 13, Hawai, USA. 1958. - P: Publications of the Academy. - Pres.: Dr. H. D. Dastoor.
International Committee of Military Medicine and Pharmacy (Comité International de médecine et de pharmacie militaire) 79, rue Saint-Laurant, Liège, Belgique. - 1921. - Hon. Pres.: Col. Brig. Meuli.
International League of Dermatological Societies P.O. 499, Jerusal e m , Israel. - 1957. - Chair.: Prof. José Gay-Prieto.
European Orthodontie Society (EOS) D.P. Walter, Royal Dental Hospital, 32 Leicester Square, L o n d o n , W.C. 2, United Kingdom. - 1907. - P: Report.
International Association for Child Psychiatry and allied Professions Camilla Nielsenvej 5, K i f b e n h a v n , F, Danmark. - 1948. - Founded for the purpose of promoting child psychiatry both in practice and in research iiuough collaboration with allied professions of psychology, social work, pediatrics, public health, nursing etc. P: Zeitschrift fur Kinderpsychiatrie. International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP) 52 Svejagervej, Hellerup, KjSbenh a v n , Danmark. - 1924. - Founded to foster and maintain a high standard of knowledge in pathology
International Confederation for Plastic Surgery 125 Harley Street, L o n d o n , W. 1, United Kingdom. - 1959. - P: Transactions. International Dental Federation 6 3 - 6 4 Wimpole Street, L o n d o n , W. 1, United Kingdom. - 1900. P: International Dental Journal and News Letter. - Secr.-Gen.: G. H. Leatherman. International Federation of Physical Medicine 45 Lincoln's Inn Fields, L o n d o n W.C. 2, United Kingdom. - 1950. - Pres.: Prof. A. Grosslord. International Federation of Surgical Colleges Royal Coll. of Surgeons
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (3) of England, Lincoln's Inn Fields, L o n d o n , W.C. 2, United Kingdom..- 1958. - P: News Bulletin; Bulletin of Interchange of Young Surgeons; Brochure on Surgical Education and Training. - Pres.: Prof. J. Englebert Dunphy.
International Hospital Federation The Hospital Centre, 24 Nutford Place, L o n d o n , W 1, United Kingdom. - 1947. - P: World Hospitals. - Pres.: Dr. J. C. J. Burkens. International Leprosy Association 8 Portman Street, L o n d o n W 1, United Kingdom. - 1931; formed by the Members of the Leonard Wood Memorial Conference in Manila as a result of the initiative of Dr. H. W. Wade. M: 454. - P: The International Journal of Leprosy. - Seer.: Dr. S. J. Browne. International Organization against Trachoma 45 Lincoln's Inn 'Fields, London W.C. 2, United Kingdom. - 1929. - P: Revue Internationale du Trachome. - Pres.: Prof. G. B. Bietti. International Psycho-Analytical Association 37 Albion Street, Hyde Park, London W. 2, United Kingdom. - 1910. - To cultivate and to further the psychoanalytical branch of science founded by Freud, both as pure psychology and its applications to medicine and other branches of sciences. M: 1345, assoc. 319. - P: Journal. World Confederation for Physical Therapy Burdett House, 15 Buckingham Street, Strand, L o n d o n , W.C. 2, United Kingdom. - 1951. - P: Bulletin. - Pres.: Glen Park. World Psychiatric Association The Mandsley Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, S.E. 5, United Kingdom.
- 1961; founded at the 3rd World Congress of Psychiatry in Montreal. - M: 50-60000. - Pres.: Prof. J. J. Lopez Ibor. International Agency for Research on Cancer 16 ave. Maréchal Foch, 69 Lyon 6e, Rhône, France. — 1965; founded as an Agency of the WHO. - Dir. : Prof. M. Higginson. International College of Angiology Prof. Gunnar Bauer, President, Villag., Mariestad.Sverige. 1959. - P: Angiology. International Federation of Societies for Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 23 rue de la Loge, 13 Marseille 2e, Bouches-du-Rhône, France. 1949. - P: The EEG Journal. Pres.: Dr. A. Remond. International League against Epilepsy c/o boul. Périer, 13 Marseille,Bouches-du-Rhône, France. - 1909. - P: Epilepsia. - Pres.: J. K. Merlis. International Society of Cardiology (Sociedad Interamericana de Cardiología) Inst. Nac. de Cardiología, Ave. Cuanhtemoc 300, México, Mexico. - 1944. Founde.d to unite the national cardiological societies of the Americas for the purpose of stimulating the science and promoting the association of cardiologists. Permanent Commissions and International Association on Occupational Health Clínica del Lavoro, via S. Barnaba, 8 Milano, Italia. - 1906. - Pres.: Prof. Sven Forssman. International Society of Hydatid Diseases (Asociación Internacional de Hidatidosis, Canelones 1280, Montevideo, Uruguay. — 1941.
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (3) - P: Boletín; Archivos Internacionales de la Hidatidosis. International Society of the History of Medicine 22 rue Durand, 34 M o n t p e l l i e r , Hérault, France. 1921. - Pres.: Aldalberto Pazzini. International Association of Allergology 1390 Sherbrooke Street West, M o n t r e a l 25, Quebec, Tel. 5 1 4 8 4 5 - 9 2 3 5 , Canada. 1945; founded as the International Association of Allergists in Minneapolis. M: 5000. - P: Journal of Allergy. - Pres.: Prof. U. Seraflni. International Federation of Operational Research Societies Air Canada, Room 3711, Place Ville Marie, Montreal,Quebec, Canada. - 1959. - M: 12000. - P: International Abstracts in Operations Research. - Pres.: Alec M. Lee. International Society of Radiology Dr. Carleton B. Peirce, Secretary General of the 10th Congress, McGill Univ., M o n t r e a l 2 , Quebec, Canada. - 1 9 5 6 . - Pres.: Luigi Turano. International Federation of Anatomists 31 rue Lionnois, 5 4 N a n c y , Meurthe-et-Moselle, France. 1955. - Seer.-Gen.: Prof. A. Beau. International Society of Cybernetic Medicine Via Roma 348, N a p o l i , Tel 233284, Italia. - 1958. M: 5000. - Pres.: Prof. A. Masturzo.
of Louisiana) New Orleans,La. 70118, USA. - 1961. Cancer International Research Cooperative CAN CIRCO 777 United Nations Plaza,. New Y o r k , N.Y. 10017, Tel. 6 8 7 - 3 1 6 4 , USA. 1961. - Promotes selected research operations in all parts of the world. - P: Concern for Cancer. - Pres.: Dr. A. R. T. Denues. International Collegium of NeuroPsychopharmacology Ward's Island, New Y o r k 35, N.Y., USA. 1957. - To consider the medicosocial problems of psychopharmacology; to advance the experimental and clinical aspects of the neuropsychopharmacological sciences. International Council of Group Psychotherapy P.O. 819, Grand Central Station, New Y o r k 17, N.Y., U S A . - 1 9 5 4 . - P r e s . : Dr. J. L. Morens. International Psychosomatic Cancer Research Association Dr. Lawrence L. Leshan, c/o Trafalgar Hospital, 144 East 90th Street, New Y o r k 28, N.Y., USA. International Society for Rehabilitation of the Disabled 219 East 44th Street, New Y o r k , N.Y. 10017, USA. - 1929. - P: International Rehabilitation Review. - Pres.: Dr. Gudmund Harlem. International Society of Tropical Dermatology - ISTD Prof. Frederick Reiss, 19 East 80th Street, New Y o r k , N.Y. 10021, USA. - 1958. - M: 1300. - P: Dermatologia Internationalis. Pres.: Prof. José Gay-Prieto.
International Epidemiological Association c/o Dr. R. M. Acheson, Dept. of Epidemiology and Public Health, Yale Univ. Medical School, 333 Cedar Street, New H a v e n , Conn. 06510, USA. - 1954. P: Bulletin.
Pan-American Medical Association 745 Fifth Ave., New Y o r k , N.Y. 10022, USA. - 1925. - Dir.-Gen.: Joseph J. Eller, M. D.
International Center for Medical Research and Training (Tulane Univ.
World Medical Association 10 Columbus Circle, New Y o r k 19, N.Y.,
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (3)
USA. - 1947. - To serve humanity by endeavouring to achieve the highest international standards in medical education, medical sciences, medical art and medical ethics, and health care for all people. - P: World Medical Journal. - Secr.-Gen.: Dr. A. Z. Romnaldez. Health Physics Society Elda E. Anderson, Past President, c/o Oak Ridge Nat. Lab., Oak Ridge, Tenn., USA. - 1955. - To promote the work of health physics, to improve dissemination of information between persons in this and related fields, to improve public understanding of radiation hazards and protection, and to advance the profession. - M: 30 countr; 1300. - P: Health Physics. Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) (Conseil des organisations internationales des sciences médicales) 6, rue Franklin, 75 Paris 16e, Seine, Tel 870. 7 7 - 2 2 , France. 1949; founded under the auspices of UNESCO and WHO. - P: Bulletin; Calendar of International Medical Congresses. - Pres.: Prof. M. Florkin. European League for Mental Hygiene (Ligue européenne d'hygiène mentale) 11, rue Trouchet, 75 Paris 8e, Seine, France. International Association for Bronchology 189, boul. St. Germain, 75 Paris 7e, Seine, France. - 1950. M: 2000. - P: Les Bronches. International Association for the Prevention of Blindness (Association internationale de prophylaxie de la cécité) 47, rue de Bellechasse 75 Paris, Seine, France. - 1929. - To foster international study of the causes of blindness, to promote steps for the fight against them, and to disseminate information
and knowledge on the prevention of blindness. - P: Annuaire des Organisations Internationales. Pres.: Prof. A. Franceschetti. International Association of Thalassotherapy (Association internationale de thalassothérapie) Dr. Henry Bith, 29 rue Hamelin, 75 Paris 16e, Seine, France. - 1908. International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) c/o Dept. of Advancement of Sciences, UNESCO, Place de Fontenoy, 75 Paris 7e, Seine, France. - 1960. - P: Bulletin. - Exec. Seer.: Dr. Klaus Unna. International College of Pedology 13 rue Eugène Gibez, 75 Paris 15e, Seine, France. - 1958. Pres.: Dr. J. Lelièvre. International Federation for Medical Electronics (Fédération internationale d'électronique médicale) Dr. A. Remond, Secretary General, c/o Centre Nat. de la Recherche Scientifique, 131. boul. Malesherbes, 75 Paris 17e, F r a n c e . 1959. International League against Rheumatism c/o Secr.-Gen. F. Florian Deibarre, 15 rue Gay Lussac, 75 Paris 5e, Seine, France. — 1928. P: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases; Revue de Rhumatism; Rheumatismo, Arthritis and Rheumatism. - Pres.: M. Barcelo. International Society for Normal and Abnormal Ethnopsychology (Société internationale d'ethnopsychologje normale et pathologique) 96, rue Pierre-Demours, 75 Paris 7e, Seine, France. 1955. - Revue. - Pres.: Dr. Louis Mars. International Society of Acupuncture (Société internationale d'acupuncture (SIA) 8, ave. Franklin Roosevelt, 75 Paris 8e, Seine, France.
Uberregionale und Internationale Institutionen (3) - 1943; founded by Dr. Roger de La Fuye for the purpose of informing doctors throughout the world about the theory and practice of acupuncture. - P: Revue Internationale d'Acupuncture. Pres.: Dr. A. Chamfrault. International Society of Art and Psychopathology Centre Psychiatrique St. Anne, 1 rue Cabanis, 75 Paris 14e, Seine, France. - 1959. - M: 625. - P: Confinia Psychiatrica. Pres.: Prof. Agr. Volmat. International Society of Urology (Société internationale d'urologie (SIU) 152, ave. Victor Hugo, 75 Paris 16e, Seine, France. 1919; to succeed the International Association of Urology. - To study all questions relating to urology M: 800. - Pres.: Luigi Pisani. International Union against Tuberculosis (UICT) 15, rue Pomeren, 75 Paris 16e, Seine, France. 1920. - To further activities for tuberculosis control in all parts of the world. - P: Bulletin; Proceedings of International Conferences. - Dir.: Johs. Hohn. International Union against the Veneral Diseases and the Treponematoses (Union internationale contre le péril vénérien et les tréponématoses) Inst. Alfred Fournier, 25, boul. Saint Jaques, 75 Paris 14e, Seine, France. 1923. - Pres.: Dr. A. J. King. International Union of Angiology (Union Internationale d'Angéiologie) 4, rue Pasquier, 75 Paris 8e, Seine, France. - 1958. - M: 15 soc. - P: Angéiologie. - Pres.: Prof. F. Martorell. International Union of Therapeutics 54, ave. de Saxe, 75 Paris 15e, Seine, France. - 1934. - M: 560. - Secr.-Gen.: Prof. A. Lemaire.
Permanent International Committee of Congresses of Comparative Pathology c/o 4 rue ThéoduleRibot, 75 Paris 17e, Seine, France. - 1912. - P: Revue de Pathologie comparée et de Médecine Expérimentale. — Pres.: Leon Binet. International Broncho-Esophagological Society 3401 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa., USA. - 1950. - Seeks to promote by all possible means the progress of bronchoesophagology and to provide a forum for discussion among broncho-esophagologists of various specialities and of all nations. Pres.: Kaoru Yamamoto. International Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis Dr. John G. Watkins, c/o Veterans Administration Hospital, Portland 7, Ore., USA. - 1958. - To stimulate and to improve professional research, discussion, and publications pertinent to the scientific study of hypnosis. M: 1200. P: The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. - Pres.: Prof. Jean Lassner. International Medical Society of Endoscopic Photocinematography, Television and Radiocinematography (Société médicale internationale de photocinématographie et télévision-endoscopiques et de radiocinématographie) 4, rue du Général Baratier, 51 Reims, Marne, France. - 1955. - P: Médecine et Audiovision. - Pres. : Dr. Michel Janpitre. International Society for Research on the Reticuloendothelial System Dr. John H. Heller, New England Inst, for Medical Research, Ridgefield, Conn., USA. - 1954. To encourage research on the reticuloendothelial system on an interdisciplinary basis to disseminate information on this subject
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (3) field of investigators and clinicians, to promote coordination of research information and extrapolation of fundamental information into clinical usage. M: 350.
European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease c/o FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalle, Roma, Italia. - 1954. International Society of Cardiology Via Savara 86, Roma, Italia. 1950; founded to replace the International Provisory Council of Cardiology. - M: 24500. P: Statutes; Circulation. - Pres.: Sir Kempson J. Maddox. International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology Prof. M. Messini, via Rovereto 11, 00198 Roma, Italia. - 1921. P: Archives of Medical Hydrology. Pres.: Prof. V.R. Ott. International Academy for the History of Pharmacy 420 Nieuwe Binnenweg, Rotterdam W. 2, Tel. 251130, 251131, 251132, Nederland. - 1952. - P: Acta Pharmaciae Histórica. - Pres.: G. E. Dann. International Society for Clinical Electroretinography 180 Schiedamsevest, Rotterdam l.Nederland. - 1958. - P: Bibliographic Service and Newsletter. - Pres.: G. Karpe. World Organization of Gastroenterology Dr. L. G. Pope, Exec. Medical Director, 502 State Office Bldg. 1, Sacramento 14, Calif., USA. 1935. - P: Gastroenterology. International Center for Research and Training in Tropical Medicine (Louisiana State Univ. Medical Center) San José, Costa Rica. International Society for the History of Pharmacy 7031 Steinenbronn, Petersäcker 9, Tel. 07157-2316, Deutschland - BRD. - 1926. P: Veröffentlichungen der Inter-
nationalen Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Pharmazie; Pharmazie - Geschichtliche Rundschau. Pres.: G. E. Dann. International Commission on Radiological Protection Radiofysiska Inst., Stockholm 60, Sverige. 1928; founded as International x-Ray and Radium Protection Commission. - P: Acta Radiologica; Health Physics. - Chair.: Dr. E. E. Pochin. International Pesticide Institute Syracuse, N.Y., USA. - 1970; founded by the Syracuse University Research Corporation. Production, analysis, application and control of Pesticides; Special programs concerning chemical, biological and ecological problems of pest control. International Federation of OtoRhino-Laryngology 6 - 1 3 , 6 chome Roppongi, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, Japan. - 1928. - Exec. Dir.: Dr. J. Ono. European Union of Social Medicine c/o Minerva Medica, Corso Bramonte 83-85, Torino, Italia. International Association of Asthmology 6 rue de la Concorde, 31 Toulouse, Haute Garonne, France. 1954. - Pres.: Piero Sangiori. International Association of Agricultural Medicine Inst. Nat. de Médecine Agricole, Fac. de Médecine, 37 Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France. - 1961. - To study the problems of medicine in agriculture in all countries and to prevent the pestilences caused by the conditions of work in agriculture. M: 220.-Pres.: Prof. Macuch. European Academy of Allergy Emmalaan 17, Utrecht, Nederland. European Society of Haematology (ESH) Maliesingel 15, Utrecht,
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (3) Nederland. - 1947; created as an agency to advance haematology through the organization of European congresses and meetings and by dissemination of information on haematological research. International Diabetes Federation Ramstraat 9 - Niewegracht 15, Utrecht, Nederland. - 1949. - P: News Bulletin. - Pres.: Rachmiel Levine, M.D. International Institute of Embryology Janskershof 2, Utrecht,Nederland. - 1911. - To promote study of morphogenesis and to encourage international cooperation among the scientists in this field, cooperates closely with the Hubrecht Laboratory. - P: General Embryological Information Service; Compte Rendu. - Pres.: Et. C. Wolff. Aerospace Medical Association Washington National Airport, Washington 1, D.C. 20001, USA. - 1928; founded as Aero Medical Association of the United States. - To advance the science and art of aviation medicine through the stimulation of research and study and through the dissemination of information, to advance cooperation with related sciences, and' to promote safety in aviation. M: 4000 Individual, Branch and Corporate. - P: Aerospace Medicine. Pres.: Dr. James N. Waggoner. American Rhinologic Society ISIS Pacific, Everett, Washington, D.C., USA. International Academy of Pathology Armed Forces Inst, of Pathology, Washington 25, D.C. 20305, USA. - 1906; created under the name of International Association of Medical Museums. - To advance the science of pathology through the improvement of teaching methods, coordination
of the science with allied sciences and techniques, promotion of research, the foundation of national and larger geographic divisions, and the publication of a journal to carry the results of work in the above fields. M: ca 3300. - P: Laboratory Investigation. - Chair.: Prof. George Cummingham. International Association of Gerontology c/o Dr. W. Doberaner, 1140 Wien, Hutteldorfer Str. 188, Austria. - 1950. - To advance gerontology by the convening of meetings and congresses and by the promotion of cooperation and contacts among members of national societies and scientists interested in gerontology. P: Bulletin. - Pres.: Dr. W. Doberaner. International Federation for Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Dr. E. Musil, 1150 Wien, Mariahilferstr. 177, Austria. - 1922. - P: Journal. - Pres.: Prof. Dr. H. F. Häusler. International Society for Neurovegetative Research c/o Medizinische und Nervenklinik d. Städt. KrankenAnstalten, 56 Wuppertal-Barmen, Deutschland - BRD. - 1955. Arranges scientific meetings, advances scientific work concerning the neurovegetative system. - P: Acta Neurovegetativa. International Federation for Medical Psychotherapy Dolderstr. 107, 8032 Zürich, Tel. (051) 340344, Suisse. - 1958. - P: Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. - Pres.: Prof. Dr. Medard Boss. International Society of Lymphology ISL Dr. A. Ruttiman, P.O. 128, 8028 Zürich, Suisse. - 1966. P: Lymphology. - Pres.: Dr. A. Rüttiman. International Union for Research in Skin Physiology Prof. Dr. med.
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen ( 3 - 4 ) W. Burckhardt, Secretary c/o Municipal Polyclinic for Skin and Venerai Diseases, 8000 Zürich,Suisse. - 1957.
3.9 Veterinary Sciences International Veterinary Federation of Zootechnics c/o Sociedad Veterinaria de Zootecnia, Isabel la Católica 12, Madrid, España. P: Zootechnia. - Pres.: Prof. A. de Vuyst. International Office to Epizootics (Office international des epizootiques) 12 rue de Prony, 75 Paris 17e, Seine, France. - 1924. Coordinates international research on infectious diseases in animals, to collect and bring to the knowledge of member governments, facts and documents on the subject and to study international agreements and suggest means of putting them into effect. - P: Bulletin; Statistiques. - Dir.: René Vittoz. International Standing Committee on Physiology and Pathology of Animal Reproduction and of Artificial Insemination Royal Veterinary Coll., Boltons Park, Hawkshead Road, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom. 1964. - Pres.: Prof. Theunissen Stegenga. World Veterinary Association 168 Biltstraat, Utrecht, Nederland. 1863. International Committee on Veterinary Anatomical Nomenclature (ICVAN) Linke Bahngasse 11, 1030 Wien, Austria. - 1957. Pres.: Prof. Dr. Dr. Oskar Schaller.
4 Engineering International Audio-Visual Technical Centre (Centre Technique AudioVisuel International) Foundation Lamorenièrestraat 263, Anvers, Belgique. - 1960. - P: Bibliographical References, Studies and Reports. - Vice-Pres.: Dr. P. King. International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) 4 Düsseldorf 1, Postfach 1139, Deutschland BRD. - 1937. - P: IFAC Information Bulletin; IFAC Journal Automatica. - Pres.: Prof. P. J. Nowacki. International Organization for Standardization (Organisation internationale de normalisation) 1, rue de Varembé, 1211 Genève 20, Suisse. - 1946. - The aim is to develop common industrial, commercial engineering and safety standards throughout the world. - P: Memento, ISO Catalogue. - Pres.: F. A. Sünter. Central American Research Institute for Industry (Instituto Centroamericano de Investigación y Tecnología Industrial (ICAITI) 4a Calle y Ave. la Reforma, Zona 10, Guatemala-City, Guatemala. - 1956. - To carry out and to encourage economic, industrial and scientific research, to maintain laboratories, research work shops and pilot plants. - P: Noticias del ICAITI. - Dir.: Dr. Manuel Noriega Morales. International Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Institution of Civil Engineers, Great George Street, L o n d o n , S.W. 1, United Kingdom. - 1936. - P: Conference Proceedings. - Pres.: Dr. L. Bjerrum. Union of International Engineering Organisations (UIEO) 62 rue de . Courcelles, 75 Paris 8e, Seine,
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen ( 4 - 4 . 2 ) France. - 1951. - Chair.: A. Rumpler. Committee on Data for Science and Technology (COD AT A) R o m a , Italia, s. Generalities, ICSU. Committee on Science and Technology for the Developing Countries (COSTED) R o m a , Italia, s. Generalities, ICSU. Nordiska Akustiska Sàllskapet (Acoustical Society of Scandinavia) TH S t o c k h o l m 70, Tel. 236520, Sverige. - 1954. - M: 400. - Pres.: Dr. Gunnar Fant. International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Bldg. Research Inst., Ministry of Construction, 4 Hyakumindw, Shinjuku-ku, T o k y o , Japan. - 1962. - Dir.: Dr. S. Omote. International Centre for Advanced Technical and Vocational Training 140 Corso Unità d'Italia, 10127 T o r i n o , Italia. - 1965; founded by International Labour Organization. - Dir. : Philippe Blamont. 4.1
Asian Regional Institute for School Building Research (ARISBR) P.O. 1368, Racecourse, Buller's Road, C o l o m b o 7, Ceylon. 1966; founded by the Ceylon Ministry of Education under the sponsorship of UNESCO, replacing former Institute established in Indonesia 1962. - P: Annual Report; Information Bulletin. Dir.: H. A. V. Soysa. International Federation for Housing and Planning Wassenaarseweg 43, Den Haag, Nederland. - 1913. P: Bulletin. - Pres.: V. Bure. Committee for European Construction Equipment (CECE) 121 Queen Victoria Street, L o n d o n , E.C. 4,
United Kingdom. - 1959. - P: Revue Générale des Routes et des Aérodromes. International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage Central Office, 184 Golf Links Area, New Delhi 3, India. - 1950. - Stimulates and promotes, the development and application of the science and technique of irrigation, drainage, flood control, and river training in their engineering, economic, and social aspects. M: 58 countr. - Pres.: R. J. Tipton. International Commission on Large Dams (Commission Internationale des grands barrages) 11 rue de Téhéran, 75 Paris 8e, Seine, France. - 1925. - M: 52 countr. Pres.: J. Guthrie Brown. International Union of Architects (Union internationale des architects) 4 Impasse d'Antin, 75Paris 8e, Seine, France. - 1948. - P: Bulletin d ' i n f o r m a t i o n . - P r e s . : Eugène Beaudouin. International Council for Building Research, Studies and Documentation (CIB) c/o Bouwcentrum, 700 Weena, Postbus 299, R o t t e r d a m , Nederland. - 1953. - P: Bulletin. - Pres.: R. F. Legget. International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering ETH 8006 Zürich, Tel. (051) 326211, Suisse. - 1929. - M: 3070. - P: Bulletin; Publications. - Pres. : Prof. Maurice Consandey.
4.2 Mechanical Engineering International Association for Hydraulic Research (IAHR) Raam 61, P.O. 177, D e l f t , Nederland. 1935. - Founded to stimulate research and the international exchange of information relating to the field of hydraulic research.
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (4.2-4.6) M: 1500 indiv., 230 corp. - P: Hydraulic Research. - Pres.: J. A. Daily.
International Committee on Rheology Dr. W. Meskat, Secretary, 4047 Dormagen, Bahnhofstr. 9, Deutschland - BRD. - 1953. International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Freiburg/ Br., Deutschland - BRD. s. Generalities, Roma, Italia, ICSU. International Institution for Production Engineering Research Bureau 56, 5 rue du Helder, 75 Paris 9e, Seine, France. - 1951. - To promote by scientific research the study of mechanical processing of all solid materials. - P: Annals. - Pres.: Prof. A. Portevin. International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories on Materials and Structures (RILEM) 12 rue Brancion, 75 Paris 15e, Seine, France. - 1947. - M: 756. - P: Materials and Structures Research and Testing. - Pres.: R. L'Hermite. 4.3 Mining and Metallurgy Institution of Mining and Metallurgy 44 Portland Place, L o n d o n W. 1, United Kingdom. - 1892. - Founded for the advancement of the science and practice of mining. M: ca 2900. - P: Bulletin; IMM Abstracts; Transactions. - Pres.: S. H. Shaw. 4.4 Geodesy International Society for Photogrammetiy 10 chemin des Mésanges, 1012 Lausanne, Suisse. - 1910; founded by Prof. Eduard Dolezal of Austria. — P: International Archives of Photogrammetry; Photogrammetria. - Pres. : Dr. H. Harry.
International Association of Geodesy (Association internationale de géodésie) 19, rue Auber, 75 Paris 9e, Seine, France. - 1867; founded as the Europäische Gradmessung in Potsdam which in 1896 became the International Geodetic Association. - M: 57 countr. - P: Bulletin;Chronique de l'U.G.G.I. Pres.: Prof. A. Marussi. International Organization of Legal Metrology (Organisation internationale de métrologie légale) 9, ave. Franco-Russe, 75 Paris 7e, Seine, France. - 1955. - To serve documentation and information centre on methods of verifying and checking measurements. - P: Bulletin. - Pres.: Dr. J. StullaGortz. 4.5 Electrical Engineering International Scientific Radio Union (Union radio-scientifique internationale) Bruxelles, Belgique, s. Generalities, Roma, Italia, ICSU. Group for the Study of Atoms and Molecules from Radio-Electric Research (Groupement AMPERE (Atomes et molécules par études radio-électriques) Inst, de Physique de l'Univ. de Genève, boul d*Yvoy, 1200 Genève, Suisse. - 1 9 5 2 . P: Bulletin. Inter-Union Committee on Frequency Allocations for Radio Astronomy and Space Sciences (IUCAF) R o m a, Italia, s. Generalities, ICSU. 4.6 Industrial Engineering, Traffic Engineering International Bureau for the Standardization of Man-Made Fibres Lantengartenstr. 12,4000 Basel, Suisse. - 1928. - Organized to establish rules to classify and name man-made fibres, to determine their conditions of sale and their methode of testing seeks to form also new organisations use-
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (4.6) ful to the carrying out of these aims, f. ex. in the field of experimental research, statistics, and arbitration. Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses Résidence Palace, Quartier Jordaens, 155 rue de la Loi, Bruxelles, Belgique. - 1885. - M: 2130. - P: Bulletin; Papers of Congresses. Seer. Gen.: H. Vandervelden. Inter-American Association of Sanitary Engineering F.W. Montanari, Secretary General, c/o Ohio-River Valley Water Sanitation Commission, 414 Walnut Street, Cinc i n n a t i 2, 0 . , USA. - 1946. - P: Sanitary Engineering. International Federation of Aerospace Technology and Engineering Grey Tiles, Kingston Hill, K i n g s t o n u p o n - T h a m e s , Sussex, United Kingdom. - 1964. - Pres.: I. J. Gregory. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 1080 University Street, M o n t r e a l 3, Quebec, Canada. - 1945. - P: Catalogue of Salable Publications; Index of ICAO Publications. - Pres.: Walter Binaghi. International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) c/o Inst, of the Aeronautical Sciences, 2 E. 64th Street, New Y o r k 21,N.Y. USA. - 1956. - P: Aero-Space Engineering. Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Development (AGARD) (Groupe consultatif pour la recherche et le développement aéronautique) 64, rue de Varenne, 75 Paris 17e, Seine, France. - 1954. - To facilite the interchange of research and development information, to indicate gaps in present knowledge
and how to fill them, and to coordinate research and advice in special problems. - M: 14 countr. P: Aeronautical Multilingual Dictionary. Air Transport Institute (Institut du transport aérien)(ITA) 4, rue de Solférino, 75 Paris 7e, Seine, France. - 1954; successor of the French Air Transport Institute, founded in 1944. European Organization for Civil Aviation Electronics (EUROCAE) 16 rue de Presles, 75 Paris 15e, Seine, France. - 1963. -Pres.: Dr. O'Kane. International Academy of Astronautics - IAA (Académie internationale d'astronautique) 250 rue SaintJacques, 75 Paris 5e, Seine, Tel. 633/7842, France. - 1960; founded at the XI Congress of the International Astronautical Federation. - P: Astronautica Acta; Proceedings of Symposia; Astronautical Multilingual Dictionary. Pres.: C. S. Draper. International Astronautical Federation (IFA) 250 rue Saint Jacques, 75 Paris 5e, Seine, Tel. 6 3 3 . 7 8 42. France. - 1950. - Founded for the dissemination, support, and defense of space theories; consultative status with the International Telecommunication Union. P: Astronautica Acta. — Pres. : L. G. Napolitano. Permanent International Association of Road Congresses 43 ave. du Président Wilson, 75 Paris 16e, Seine, France. - 1909. - M: 1260. - P: Bulletin; Dictionnaires Techniques Routiers; Rapports. Pres.: M. Rumpler. Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) R o m a , Italia, s. Generalities. ICSU.
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (4.6—4.7)
International Bureau of Weights and Measures (Bureau international des poids et mesures (BIPM) Pavillon de Breteuil, 92 Sèvres, Hauts de Seine, France. - 1875. Serves as a laboratory and a secretariat for the General Conference and for the permanent International Committee of Weights and Measures, charges with verifying, comparing and taking charge of international prototypes of the meter, the Kilometer stored in the Bureau, and other standards of the metric system, of their test copies, and of the geodetic measuring bars etc. M: 40 States. - P: ProcèsVerbaux; Sessions des Sept Comités Consultatifs auprès du Comité International; Comptes Rendus et Mémoires. - Pres.: L. E. Howlett. Commonwealth Advisory Aeronautical Research Council (CAARC) c/o Nat. Physical Lab., Teddingt o n , Middlesex, United Kingdom. - To promote progress and encourage widest practical extension of aeronautical research throughout the British Commonwealth.
4.7 Technology International Council of Graphic Design Associations (ICOGRADA) P. P. 868, Amsterdam C, Nederland. - 1963. P: News Bulletin. - Pres.: Knut Yran. International Organization for Vacuum Science and Technology (Organisation internationale pour la science et la technique du vide) 30, ave. de la Renaissance, Bruxelles 4, Belgique. - 1958. International Committee of Food Science and Technology Dept. of Food Science and Technology,
Univ. of California, Davis, Calif. 95616, USA. - 1962. - Seer.: Prof. G. F. Stewart. International Federation of Societies for Electron Micropsy c/o Lab. v. Technische Natuurkunde, Lorentzweg 1, Delft, Nederland. - 1955. - Pres.: Prof. G. Dupony. International Tin Research Council Tin Research Inst., Fraser Road, G r e e n f o r d , Middlesex, United Kingdom. - 1932. - To increase tin consumption by research on new and extended uses of tin and by rendering technical assistance and information service to tin consumers. - P: Tin and its Uses. - Chair.: C. Waite. International Institute of Welding 54 Princes Gate, L o n d o n , S.W. 7, United Kingdom. - 1948. P: Welding in the World; The Bibliographical Bulletin for Welding and Allied Processes. - Pres.: F. L. Plummer. Centre International de Synthèse 12 rue Colbert, 75 Paris 2e, Seine, France. - 1924. - Fondation pour la coordination scientifique internationale, créé par Hen.ri Berr. M: 36. - P: Revue de thèse; Semaines Internationales de Synthèse; Revue d'Histoire des Sciences. - Pres.: Julien Cain. International Center for Aluminium Development (Centre internationale de développement de l'aluminium) 23, rue Balzac, 75 Paris 8e, Seine, France. - 1950. - P: Alluminio; Aluminium or Revue de l'aluminium. International Institute of Refrigeration (Institut international du froid) 177,boul. Malesherbes, 75 Paris 17e, Seine, France. 1920. - To promote the production and utilization of refrigeration on an international scale by the encouragement and coordi-
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (4.7-4.9) nation of scientific research etc. P: Bulletin; International Dictionary of Refrigeration. - Pres.: J. Kuprianoff. 4.9 Agriculture and Forestry International Society of Soil Sciences c/o Royal Tropical Inst., 63 Mauritskade, Amsterdam , Nederland. - 1924. - M: 4480. P: Bulletin. - Pres.: Dr. E. G. Hallsworth. East African Agriculture and Forestry Research Organization - EAAFRO East African Community, P.O. 3081, Arusha, Tanzania. - 1948; founded in Nairobi as succession to East African Agricultural Research Station. — P: East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal; Record of Research. - Dir.: O. Starnes. Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission c/o FAO Regional Office, Maliwan Mansion, Phra Atit Road, Bangk o k , Thailand. - 1949. - M: 20 governments of countries and terr. of South-East Asia, the Far East and Pacific regions. European Confederation of Agriculture C.p. 87,5200 Brugg, Aargau, Suisse. - 1889; founded as International Confederation of Agriculture, reformed in 1948. - M: 418, advis. 63. - P: Bulletin d'Information CEA; Rapport sur le marché international du lait et des produits laitiers. - Pres.: B. Sturgkh. International Dairy Federation (Fédération internationale de laiterie) 10 rue Ortélius, Bruxelles 4, Belgique. - 1903. - Pres.: W. Ljung. International Agricultural Aviation Centre le v. d. Boschstraat 4, Den Haag, Tel. 814141, Nederland. 1958. - To promote the use of
aircraft in the agriculture and forestry of the Member States. M: 12 europ. Countr. - P: Agricultural Aviation. - Dir. Gert.: Dr. W. J. Maan. International Society for Horticultural Science l e v. d. Boschstraat 4, Den Haag, Nederland. - 1959. P: Chronica Horticulturae; Acta Horticulturae. - Secr.-Gen.: Dr. G. de Bakker. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux Farnham House, F a r n h a m Royal, Bucks, United Kingdom. - 1929; founded as the Imperial Agricultural Bureau. - Chair.: R. F. Turnbull. — 14 Separate centres are under the control of the Executive Committee: Commonwealth Institute of Entomology 56 Queen's Gate, British Museum, Cromwell Road, London S.W. 7. - 1913. - P: Bulletin of Entomological Research; Review of Applied Entomology; Distributions Maps of Pests. Commonwealth Mycological Institute Ferry Lane, Kew, Surrey. - 1920. - P: Review of Applied Mycology; Distribution Maps of Plant Diseases; Index of Fungi; Review of Medical and Veterinary Mycology; Commonwealth Phytopathological News. Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control Gordon Street, Curepe, Trinidad, West Indies. — 1927; founded as the Farnham House Laboratory of the Imperial Institute of Entomology, transferred to Canada 1940 and to Trinidad 1962. - P: A Catalogue of the Parasites and Predators of Insect Pests. - Dir.: F. J. Simmonds, M.A., Ph.D., D.Sc. Commonwealth Bureau of Agricultural Economics 3 la St. Giles, O x f o r d , Oxfordshire. - 1966. P: World Agricultural Economics
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (4.9) and Rural Sociology Abstracts. - Dir.: J. O. Jones M. A. Commonwealth Bureau of Animal Breeding and Genetics The King's Bldg's, West Mains Road, Edinburgh, 9. - 1929. - P: Animal Breeding Abstracts. - Dir.: J. P. Maule, M. A. Dr. Agric.
stracts. - Dir.: R. H. Richens, M.A., Ph.D. Commonwealth Bureau of Soils Rothamsted Experimental Station, H e r p e n d e n , Herts. - 1929. P: Soils and Fertilizers. - Dir.: W. D. Brind, B. Sc. Agre.
Commonwealth Bureau of Animal Health Centr. Veterinary Lab., New Haw, Weybridge,Surrey. — 1929. - P: The Veterinary Bulletin; Veterinarius. - Dir.: M.R. Dhanda.
International Agricultural Development Center (Cornell Univ.) 102 Roberts Hall, I t h a c a , N.Y. 14850, Tel. 2 7 5 - 4 4 0 2 , USA. 1963. - Supported by parents institution and U. S. government . P: Cornell International Agricultural Development Bulletins. Dir. : Kenneth L. Turk.
Commonwealth Bureau of Animal Nutrition Bucksburn, Aberdeen A B 2 95B. - 1929. - P: Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews. Dir.: D. L. Duncan. Commonwealth Bureau of Dairy Science and Technology Shinfield, near Reding, Berks. - 1938. - P: Dairy Science Abstracts. Dir.: E. J. Mann. Commonwealth Forestry Bureau South Parks Road, O x f o r d , Oxfordshire. - 1938. - P: Forestry Abstracts. - Dir.: C. Swabey. Commonwealth Bureau of Helmintology The White House, 103 St. Peter's Street, St. Albans,Herts. - 1929. - P: Helmintological Abstracts. - Dir.: Sheila Willmott. Commonwealth Bureau of Horticulture and Plantation Crops East Mailing Research Station, near Maidstone,Kent. 10/29. - P: Horticultural Abstracts. Commonwealth Bureau of Pastures and Field Crops Hurley, near Maidenhead, Berks. - 1929. P: Herbage Abstracts; Field Crops Abstracts. - Dir.: C. L. Skidmore. Commonwealth Bureau of Plant Breeding and Genetics School of Agriculture, Cambridge. 1929. - P: Plant Breeding Ab-
International Centre for Research and Training in Animal Reproduction and Artificial Insemination Malir, Karachi 30, Pakistan. 1960. - To produce high-quality Red Sindhi cattle and young bulls. European Association for Research on Plant Breeding (EUCARPIA) c/o Max-Planck Institut, 5 Kôln-Vogelsang, Deutschland - BRD. 1959. - Pres.: E. Akerberg. International Rice Research Institute IRRI Los Banos, L a g u n a , Philippines. - 1960. — Conduct basic research on the rice plant, and on rice production, management, distribution and utilization with the objective of improving quantity and quality of rice avalable for food. - P: IRRI Reporter. Dir.: Dr. Robert F. Chandler. Cooperation Centre for Scientific Resarch Relative to Tobacco (Centre de coopération pour les recherches scientifiques relatives au tabac) (CORESTRA) 53, quai d'Orsay, 75 Paris7 e , Seine, France. - 1956. - P: Information Bulletin. International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomie Studies
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (4.9) 6 rue de Franqueville, 75 Paris 16e, Seine, France. - 1962. - To provide a supplementary technical, economic and social education for graduates of the higher schools and faculties of agriculture in Mediterranean countries. - P: Mediterranea. - Secr.-Gen.: Pierre Brault. Comprises two institutes: The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Ban Courses on land use, rural infrastructure and equipment. - Dir.: Giorgio Spalazzi. The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier Courses on economic planning and rural development. -Dir.: LucienEscard. International Commission of Agricultural and Food Industries (Commission internationale des industries agricoles et alimentaires) 18 ave. de Villars, 75 Paris 7e, Seine, France. - 1934. - To coordinate international activities which concern agricultural and food industries. - P: International Review of Agricultural Industries; Industries Agricoles et Alimentaires; Comptes Rendus des Congrès Internationaux des Industries Agricoles. - Secr.-Gen.: Gérard Weill. International Commisssion of Agricultural Engineering (Commission internationale du génie rural) 15, ave. du Maine, 75 Paris 15e, Seine, France. - 1930. - Organized to promote, encourage, and coordinate scientific and technical research in the art, science and techniques of agricultural engineering and to set up a documentation service. - Pres.: M. P. Regamey. International Society of Sugar Cane Technology c/o Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Inst., R é d u i t , Mauritius.-1924. - M: 1200. P: Proceedings; Sugar; Azucai. Chair.: M.H. Yuan.
European Association for Animal Production Via Barnaba Oriani, 28, R o m a , Italia. - 1949. - To promote the advancement of the science of animal production and to coordinate research relative to this field of science. - Pres. : Ir. Th. C. J. M. Rijssenbeek. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations - FAO Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, R o m a , Tel. 5 7 - 9 7 , Italia. 1945. — To provide information and advice to its Member governments on all aspects of the production, distribution and consumption of food and agricultural products in accordance with the current needs. — P: Reports; Yearbook; Bulletin; Unasylva. Dir. Gen.: A. H. Boerma. International Commission of Sugar Technology (Commission internationale technique de la sucrerie) 1, rue Aeudorenstraat, Tienen, Belgique. - 1949. - P: Zucker; The International Sugar Journal. - Chair.: G. Tibo. Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences (IAIAS) (Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas) Turrialba, Costa Rica. - 1942. To encourage and advance the development of agricultural sciences in the American Republics through research, teaching and extension activities in the theory and practice of agriculture, and related arts and sciences. - P: Turrialba; Information Bulletin; Cacao; Coffee; Extension in the Americas; Communications on Agricultural Research. - Dir.-Gen.: Armando Samper Gnecco. International Instituut voor Landaanwinning en Cultuurtechniek (Internationales Institut fiir Landgewinnung und Anbautechnik) 136 Lawickse AUee, P.O.B. 45,
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (4.9-5) Wageningen, Nederland. 1956. - Praktische Forschung über landwirtschaftliche Verbesserungen. - P: Publication; Bulletin; Bibliographie; Jaarboek. - Dir.: J. M. van Staveren.
International Seed Testing Association Binnenhaven 1, Wageningen, Nederland. - 1924. - Promotes uniformity in the testing and judgment of seeds, through research and by organizing triennial congresses and periodical training courses. M: countr. 51. - P: Proceedings of the International Seed Testing Association; News Bulletin. Pres.: Dr. H. Esbo. Dairy Society International - DSI 1145 19th Street, N.W., Washington 6, D. C., 20036, Tel. 3 3 8 6467, USA. - 1946. - To foster the extension of dairy and dairy industrial enterprises internationally through an interchange and dissemination of scientific, technological, economic, dietary and other relevant information. - P: Bulletin; Report; Dairy Situation Review. - Pres.: James E. Click. International Union of Forestry Research Organisations Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250, USA. 1891. - P: Annual Report. Pres.: Dr. George M. Jemison.
5 Economical and Social Sciences Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis (Internationales Institut für Sozialgeschichte) 2 5 8 266, Herengracht, Amsterdam, Nederland. - 1935. - Dir.: Prof. Dr. Fr. de Jong Edz. International Fiscal Association c/o BIdg Amsterdam-Rotterdam Bank
N.V., 43 Rokin, Am sterdam C, Nederland. - 1938. - To study international and comparative public finance and fiscal law, especially taxation. M: 2850. - P: Cahiers de Droit Fiscal International. - Pres.: Dr. Mitchell B. Carroll. Institut International des Sciences Administratives 205 rue Belliard, Bruxelles, Belgique. International Centre for African Economic and Social Documentation 42 rue du Commerce, Bruxelles 4, Tel. 131799, 134761, Belgique. - 1961. -Pres.: Dr. G. Jantzen. International Institute of Administrative Sciences 25 rue de la Charité, Bruxelles 4, Belgique. - 1930. P: International Review of Administrative Sciences. - Pres. : Nikola Stjepanovic. Asociación Internacional Económica Asociación Argentina de Ciencias Económicas, Bogotá, 647, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Colombo Plan Council for Cooperative Economic Development in South East Asia 15 Alfred House Gardens, P.O. 596, C o l o m b o 3, Ceylon. - 1950. - Dir.: D. Alan Strachan. International Statistical Institute 2 Oostduinlaan, Den Haag, Nederland. - 1885. - P: A History of the International Statistical Institute; Review of the International Statistical Institute. - Pres. : W. G. Cochran. International Council for Scientific Management 1 - 3 rue de Varembé, 1200 Geneve, Suisse. - Acts as a meeting point for the national organizations for scientific and professional management. - Pres.: Kiichiro Satoh.
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (5) Inter-Parliamentaiy Union Place du Petit-Saconnex, 1211 Genève 19, Suisse. - 1889. - P: Inter-Parliamentaiy Bulletin; Constitutional and Parliamentary Information. Pres.: Abderrahman Abdennebi. International Society for Business Education 1052 Le M o n t sur L a u s a n n e , Suisse. - 1901. - P: International Review for Business Education. - Pres. : Dr. Einar Forssell. International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (Union internationale pour l'étude scientifique de la population) 2 rue Charles Magnette, Liège, Belgique. To advance the progress of quantitative and qualitative demography as a science. - P: Contributed Papers of the Sydney Conference 67; Le Démographie. - Pres.: D. Vogelnik. Econometric Society Box 1264 Yale Station, New H a v e n , Conn. 06520, USA. - 1930. - M: 2600. - P: Econometrica. - Seer.: Richard Ruggles. International Council of Social Welfare 345 East 46th Street, Room 1016, New Y o r k , N.Y. 10017, USA. - 1928. - M: 47 c o u n t r . - P: National Committee Bulletin; International Social Work. - Pres. : Eugen Pusic. European Centre for Population Studies (Centre européen d'études de population) c/o Inst. Nat. d'Études Démographiques, 23 ave. Franklin D. Roosevelt, 75 Paris 8e, Seine, France. - 1953. - To conduct research and provide information on European population problems. - Pres.: Dr. Philip J. Idenburg. International Economic Association (Association internationale des sciences économiques) 19 Passage
d'Enfer, 75 Paris 14e, Seine, France. - 1949. - Pres.: Paul A. Samuelson. International Social Science Council (ISSC) (Conseil international des sciences sociales - (ISS) UNESCO House-Annex, 6 rue Franklin, 75 Paris 16e, Seine, France. 1952. - P: Information. -Pres.: Prof. S. Groenman. International Society of Social Defence (Société internationale de défense sociale) 28 rue Saint-Guillaume,75 Paris 7e, Seine, France. - Pres. : Marc Ancel. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD 2 rue André-Pascal, 75 Paris 16e, Seine, France. - 1960. - Is concerned with questions relating to scientific research and scientific and technical personnel. - Chair.: Roger Ockrent. Union Internationale pour l'Etude Scientifique de Population c/o Institut d'Etudes Démographiques, 23 Ave. F. Roosevelt, 75 Paris, Seine, France. Institute of Management Sciences P.O. 273, Pleasantville, N.Y. 10570, USA. - 1953. - M: 6000. - P: Management Science. — Pres.: E. Leonard Arnoff. Intern-American Planning Society (Sociedad Interamericana de Planifición) c/o Secretariat, Bldg. of the Puerto Rico Planing Board, Stop 22, S a n t u r c e , Puerto Rico. - 1956. - Objectives: To promote the development of the principles, practices, public education, and teaching techniques of comprehensive planning as a continuous and coordinate process in its essential aspects. - P: SIAP Boletín; Newsletter.
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (5-5.6)
Inter-American Statistical Institute (IASI) Pan American Union, Washington 6, D.C., USA. 1940. - Aims to foster InterAmerican statistical development by stimulating improved methology in collecting tabulating, analyting and publishing both official and inofficial statistics, by encouraging any means which will make American statistics easily comparable and available, by furthering Inter-American statistical collaboration and by advancing the science of statistics through cooperation with national and international organizations. - P: Estadística. World Association for Public Opinion Research c/o Secr.-Treas., Bureau of Social Science Research Inc., 1200-17th. Street N.W., Washington , D.C., USA. - 1947. - Pres.: Eric da Costa.
5.5 Political Sciences Asociación Internacional de Ciencias Políticas (IPSA) c/o Asociación Argentina de Ciencias Políticas, Solis443, Buenos Aires, Argentina. International Research Institute for National Sociology and Politics (Internationales Forschungsinstitut fur Staatssoziologie und Politik) 78 Freiburg/Br., Postschließfach 1622, Deutschland - BRD. 1950. - M: 5. - P: Zeitschrift für Staatssoziologie. - Dir.: Dr. M. Vaerting, Dr. E. Elmerich. Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government 162 Buckingham Palace Road, L o n d o n S.W. 1, United Kingdom. - 1944. - To promote parliamentary government in all parts of the world. P: Parliamentary Affairs. - Chair.: Norman Biggs.
International Political Science Association - (IPSA) (Association internationale de Science Politique) 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75 Paris 7e, Seine, France. - 1949. - P: Newsletter; International Political Science Abstracts; International Bibliography of Political Science. - Pres.: Carl J. Friedrich.
5.6 Sociology International Institute for Sociology (Instituto Internacional de Sociologia) Trejo 241, Cordoba, Argentina. - 1893. - P: Revue de l'Institut Internationale de Sociologie. - Hon. Pres.: C. Gini. - Pres.: Alfredo Poviiia. International Institute for Labour Studies c/o International Labour Office, 154 rue de Lausanne, 1211 Genève 22, Suisse. - Centre for advanced studies in the social and labour fields. - P: Bulletin. Chair.: David A. Morse. International Association for Social Progress (IASP) (Association internationale pour le progrès social) 47 rue Louvrex, Liège, Belgique. - 1924. - Conducts research on social questions and stimulates public opinion in favour of social reforms. - P: Bulletin d'information. - Pres.: Prof. A. Berenstein. International Sociological Association Via Daverio 7, 20122 Milano, Teh 585116, Italia. - 1949. P: Current Sociology - Sociologie Contemporaine; World Congresses Transactions. - Pres.: Dr. Jan Szczepanski. International Association of Schools of Social Work 345 East 46 th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017, USA. - 1929. - To provide international leadership and encourage high standards in social work
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (5.6-6) education. - P: International Social Work; Directory of Members. - Pres.: Dame Eileen Younghusband. 5.7 Ethnology International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences Bruxelles, Belgique, s. Philosophy, ICPHS. International Society for Ethnology and Folklore Institutal de Folklore, 25 strada Nikos Beloiannis, Bucuresti 36, República Populará Romîtia. - 1928. - Pres.: Prof. K. C. Peeters. Société Internationale d'Ethnologie et de Folklore (SIEF) 64 rue Blonden, Liège, Belgium Society of African Culture 42 rue Descartes, 75 Paris 5e, Seine, France. - 1956. - To create unity friendship among scholars in Africa for the encouragement of their own cultures and the development of a universal culture. - P: Présence Africaine. - Pres.: Jean Price-Mars. Union Internationale des Sciences Anthropologiques et Ethnologiques c/o Dr. Paul Rivet, Palais deChaillot, 75 Paris, Seine, France. 5.8 Geography International Society for technical Geography (Internationale Technogeographische Gesellschaft) 1 Berlin 19, S tendel weg 22, Tel. (0311) 3042820, Deutschland - BRD. Fors.: Prof. Dr. Karl Krüger. Pan-American Institute of Geography and History Ex-Arzobispado 29, México 18, D.F., México. - 1929. - P: Revista de Historia de América; Boletin Bibliográfico de Antropología Americana; Revista
Geograflca; Revista Cartograflca etc. - Pres.: Ing. Alfredo Obiols Gomez. International Geographical Union (IGU) R o m a , Italia, s. Generalities, ICSU.
6 Law International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) 49 ave. Jupiter, Bruxellesl9, Belgique. - 1946. - P: Revue de Droit Contemporain. - Pres. : Pierre Cot. Internationaal Juridisch Instituut (Internationales Institut der Rechte) 6 Oranjestraat, Den Haag, Nederland. 1919. - Chair.: C.R.C. Wijckerheld. - Secr.: Jhr. Mr. Th. K. M. J. van Sasse van Ysselt. International Grotius Foundation for the Propagation of the Law of Nations Grotianum, 8058 Erding üb. München, Deutschland - BRD. - 1945. - P: Hugonis Opera ad posteritatis usum; Patres Juris Gentium; Bibliotheca Grotiana; Acta Dierum Grotianarum; The Grotius Letters. Hon.-Secr. Gen.: Dr. Hans K. E. L. KeUer. International Labour Organization (ILO) 1211 Genève, Suisse.1919. - Became specialized Agency of UN in 1946. - To build a code of international labour law and practice. M: 119 countr. P: International Labour Review; ILO News; Legislative Series; Official Bulletin; Bulletin of Labour Statistics; Yearbook of Labour Statistics. - Dir. Gen.: David A. Morse. World Peace throu^i Law-Center WPTCL 75 rue de Lyon, 1203 Genève, Suisse. - 1963. - P:
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (6)
Bulletin. - Pres. : Charles S. Rhyne. World Association of Judges - WAJ 1966. - Chair.: Earl Warren. International Association of Legal Science High Cliff, Eden Park, L a n c a s t e r , United Kingdom. 1950; founded under the auspices of UNESCO. - P: Bulletin d'Information du Comité Internationale du Droit Comparé. - Pres.: M. Ancel. International Law Association 3 Paper Bldgs, The Temple, L o n d o n , E.C. 4, United Kingdom. - 1873. M: 4000. - P: „Helsinki Rules" on the uses of the waters of international rivers. - Pres.: Judge Y. J. Hakulinen. Asociación Internacional de Ciencias Jurídicas c/o Prof. Antonio Martínez Baez, Isabel la Católica 43, Desp. 803, M é x i c o , D.F. International Bar Association 501 Fifth Ave., New Y o r k , N.Y. 10017, USA. - 1947. - P: International Bar News. - Pres. : Patrick Noonan. International Basimetric Society Dr. J. Wilder, 1199 Park Ave., New Y o r k , N.Y. 10028, USA. - 1958. - Coordinates, developes and advances the knowledge of the law of Initial Values, a basic physiological law. - P: Basimetry. Institute of International Law (Institut de Droit International) 88 rue de Grenelle, 75 Paris 7e, Seine, Tel. 54863—34, France. 1873; established in Ghent, Statutes revise in 1910,1913, 1947, 1961, received Nobel Peace Price in 1904. - P: Annuaire de l'Institut de Droit International. - Pres.: Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice. International Academy of Political Science and Constitutional History (Académie internationale de science politique et d'histoire consti-
tutionelle) Sorbonne, 75 Paris, Seine, France. - 1936. - P: Revue d'Histoire Politique et Constitutionelle; Revue Internationale d ' H i stoire Politique et Constitutionnelle; Politique. - Pres.: L. Julliot de la Morandière. International Association for Penal Law Fac. de Droit, Sorbonne, 12 place du Panthéon, 75 Paris 5e, Seine, France. - 1924. - P: Revue Internationale de Droit Penal. - Pres.: Prof. J. Graven. International Institute of Criminology (Société internationale de Criminologie) 28 Ave. de Friedland, 75 Paris, Seine, France. International Society of Criminology 2 Place Mazas, 75 Paris 12e, Seine, France. - 1934. - M: 1000. - P: International Annals of Criminology. - Pres.: Trevor Gibbens. International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) Via Panisperna 28, R o m a , Italia. - 1926. - P: Yearbook; Uniform Law Cases. - Pres.: Ernesto Eula. Inter-American Bar Association Suite 315, 1730 K Street, N.W., W a s h i n g t o n , D.C. 20006, USA. 1940. - P: Newsletter. - Pres.: Nehemias Gueiros. International Institute of Space Law 1735 DeSales Street, N.W., W a s h i n g t o n , D.C. 20036, USA. - 1960; formed at the XI Congress of the International Astronautical Federation. - P: Proceedings of Colloquia; Annual Bibliography of Space Laws and Related Matters. - Pres.: Eugene Pépin. International Association for the Philosophy of the Law and Social Philosophy (Internationale Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie (IVR)) 6 2 W i e s b a d e n , Friedrichstr. 57, Dr. Dietrich Gunst, Tel. (06121) 20205, Deutschland - BRD. - 1909.
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen ( 7 - 7 . 3 )
7 Arts International Federation of the Societies of Classical Studies Paris, France, s. Philosophy, Bruxelles, Belgique, ICPHS.
7.1 History International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences Bruxelles, Belgique. s. Philosophy, ICPHS. International Association of Museums of Arms and Military History IAMAM The T0jhusmuscum, Frederiksholms Kanal 29, K 0 b e n h a v n , Danmark. - 1957. Organization of museums and other scientific institutions with public collections of arms and armour and military equipment, uniforms etc. M: 209. - P: Repertory of Museums of Arms and Military History. - Pres.: Heribert Seitz, Ph.D. International Numismatic Commission Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Nat. Museum, K é b e n h a v n , Danmark. - 1936. -Pres.: C.H.V. Sutherland. International Committee for Historical Sciences L a u s a n n e , Suisse, s. Philosophy, Bruxelles, Belgique, ICPHS. International Research Centre on Ancient Textiles (Centre internationale d'études des textiles ancien (CIETA) 34, rue de la Charité, 6 9 L y o n , Rhône, France. 1954. - P: Bulletin de Liaison. International Council on Archives (Conseil international des archives) 2 place de Fontenoy, 75 Paris 7e, Seine, France. - 1948. - M: 445. - P: Archivum. - Pres.: Etienne Sabre. Société Internationale d'Etudes Historiques Cercle Louis XVII 28 rue
Serpente, 75 Paris 6e, (Hôtel des Sociétés Savantes), France.
7.3 Philosophy ICPHS International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies Palais des Académies, 1 rue Ducale, Bruxelles, Belgique. 1949; founded under the auspices of UNESCO. - To encourage respect for cultural autonomy by the comparative study of civilisation, to contribute towards international understanding through a better knowledge of man, to develop international cooperation in philosophy, humanistic and kindred studies. - P: Bulletin of Information; Diogenes. - Pres.: Silvio Zavala. Federated to the ICPHS: International Academic Union 1919; founded by representatives of academic institutions from 25 states of Europe, America, Australia and Asia. - Promotes international cooperation through collective research in philology, archeology, moral history and political and social sciences. - P: Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae; Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum; Latin médiéval; Corpus Philosophorum; Corpus Vitrearum; Dictionnaire Pâli; Corpus des Troubadours. - Pres.: K. Kumaniecki. International Association for the History of Religions 1950; founded by the 7th International Congress for the Study of the History of Religions. — Pres.: Prof. G. Widengren. International Committee for Historical Sciences Union Bank of Switzerland, 1000 L a u s a n n e , Suisse. - 1926. - Pres.: Prof. Paul Harsin.
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen (7.3) International Committee on the History of Art c/o Prof, von Einem, Kunsthist. Inst. Univ. Bonn, 53 Bonn, Liebfrauenweg 1, Deutschland - BRD. - 1930; established by the 12th International Congress on the History of Art. - P: Bulletin du CHIA; Corpus internationaux des peintures murales et des vitraux du Moyen Age; Répertoire d'Art et d'Archéologie. Pres. : Prof. Dr. Herbert von Einem. International Congress of Africanists Inst, of African Studies, Univ. of Ibadan, Ibada-n, Nigeria. 1960. - To develop international cooperation in the field of African Studies through periodic meetings and publications, to organize and promote research on an international basis and to serve as a body which shall encourage Africans to have a growing consciousness of their membership of the human race and to express themselves in all fields of human endeavour. P: Proceedings of the First International Congress of Africanists. - Pres.: K. Onwuka Dike. International Federation of Modern Languages and Literatures St. Catharine's Coll., Cambridge, United Kingdom. - 1928; founded as the International Committee on Modern Literary History. P: Répertoire Chronologique des littératures modernes; Acts of the Triennial Congresses. International Federation of Societies of Philosophy 1948; founded under the auspices of UNESCO. - P: Husserliana; Chroniques de Philosophie; Dictionary of Basic Terms of Philosophy and Political Thought. - Pres.: Francisco Larrayo. International Federation of the Societies of Classical Studies c/o G. Ernst, 11 ave. René Coty,
75 Paris 14e, Seine, France. 1948; founded under the auspices of UNESCO. - To encourage research concerning the ancient civilisations of Greece and Rome. - P: L'Année Philologique; Fasti Archaeologici; Thesaurus Linguae Latinae; Lustrum. - Pres.: Prof, t). Norberg. International Musicological Society 1927. - P: Acta Musicologica; Documenta Musicologica; Catalogus Musicus. - Pres.: Kurt von Fischer. International Permanent Committee of Linguists 1928. P: An International Bibliography of Linguistics ; Onoma. - Pres.: E. Hangen. International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences P: Bulletin of the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research. Pres.: Prof. Dr. Masao Oka. International Union of Orientalists 1951; founded by the 22nd International Congress of Orientalists under the auspices of UNESCO. - P: Philologiae Turcica Fundamenta; Materialien zum Sumerischen Lex ikon; Sanskrit Dictionary; Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicaium; Linguistic Atlas of Iran; Matériels des parlers iraniens; Bibliographie Egyptologique. Pres. : Kaj Barr. International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences 1931. P: Inventaría archaeologica; Glossarium archaeologicum; Archaeologia urbium ; Atlas archéologique du monde. - Pres.: G. Novak. International Federation of Society of Philosophy Bruxelles, Belgique. s. ICPHS.
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionem(7.3-7.4) Internationale Hegei-Gesellschaft 8022 Grünwald b. München, Marktplatz 11, Tel. (0811) 471831, Deutschland - BRD. M: 263. - P: Hegel-Jahrbuch. Dir.: Dr. W. R. Beyer. International Institute of Philosophy — IIP (Institut international de philosophie - IIP) 173 boul. Saint-Germain, 75 Paris 6e, Seine, France. - 1937. - P: Bibliographie de la Philosophie; Philosophy and World Community; Philosophy in the Mid-Century. - Pres.: Raymond Klibansky.
7.4 Pedagogics Montessori International Association Koninginneweg 161, Amsterdam, Nederland. - 1929. - To propagate the ideals and educational methods of Dr. Maria Montessori, and to spread knowledge on child development without racial, religious or political prejudice. - P: Communications. - Pres.: Dr. J. Ewart Smart. International Institute for Schoolbooks (Internationales Schulbuchinstitut) 33 Braunschweig, Okerstr. 8b, Tel (0531) 41260, Deutschland - BRD. - 1951. P: Jahrbuch. - Vors.: Prof. Dr. Georg Eckert. Conference of Internationally-Minded Schools (C.I.S.) c/o Bob Thomason, The Park School,Brooklandville, Md., USA. Centro Internacional de Estudios Pedagógicos de Buenos Aires Maipú 939, Buenos Aires. International Bureau of Education Palais Wilson. 1211 Genève 14, Suisse. - 1925. — To develop international relations on the field of education, to serve as a centre for information, research and do-
cumentation concerning education. - P: Bulletin of the International Bureau of Education; International Yearbook of Education. Dir.: Prof. J. Piaget. International Association for the Advancement of Educational Research 6 Frankfurt/M., Schloßstr. 29, Deutschland - BRD. - 1953. - Documentation on university research and studies in education. - Pres.: R. D'Aeth. UNESCO Institute for Education (UNESCO Institut für Erziehung) 2 Hamburg 13, Feldbrunnenstr., Deutschland - BRD. - 1952. P: International Review of Education. - Acting Dir.: Albert Legrand. Comparative Education Society on Europe Univ. of London. Inst, of Education, Malet Street, London, W. 1, United Kingdom. 1961. - P: Proceedings. - Pres.: Prof. Ph. J. Idenburg. International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance 86 ave. du 10 Septembre,Luxembourg, Luxembourg. - 1951. M: 20000. - P: Information Bulletin of AIOSP. - Pres.: Dr. José Germain. Council of Higher Education in the American Republics (CHEAR) c/o Inst, of International Education, 809 Uniled Nations Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10017, USA. 1958. - Financed by Ford Foundation and the Inter-American Development Bank through the Institute of International Education. - Co-Chair. : Marcel Roche. Inter-American Education Association Room 401, 1150 ave. of the Americas, New York 36, N.Y., USA. - 1962. - M: 514 assoc. schools. - P: Bulletin. - Pres.: Dr. Carlos J. Biedma.
Uberregionale und Internationale Institutionen ( 7 . 4 - 7 . 6 )
International Association for Educational and Vocational Informations 29 rue d'Ulm, 75 Paris 5e, Seine, France. - 1956. - P: Informations universitaires et professionnelles internationales. Pres.: Alfred Rosier. International Institute for Educational Planning 7 rue Eugène Delacroix, 75 Paris 16e, Seine, France. - 1963. - P: Progress Repor*. Chair.: Sir Sydney Caine. International League of Child and Adult Education 3 rue Récamier, 75 Paris 7e, Seine, France. 1947. - To further the ideal of public education untrammelled by moral, intellectual, racial or political obstacles. M: 4.000000. Pres.: Prof. Sylvain de Coster. Centra Europeo dell'Educazione Frascati, Villa Falconieri, Roma. - 1960. - Pres.: Nazareno Padellaro. Centre International d'Etudes Pédagogiques de Sèvres Sèvres, Seine-et-Oise s. Paris, France, Institut Pédagogique National. Committee for Higher Education and Research c/o Council of Europe, 67 Strasbourg, Bas Rhin, France. - 1960; since 1962 part of the Council for Cultural Cooperation. - Chair.: J. Roche. International Federation of Physical Education c/o Dr. P. Seurin, Centre Régional d'Education Physique et Sport, Château Monaday, 33 Talence, Gironde, France. 1923. - P: Bulletin. - Pres.: Dr. A. L. D'Oliveira. World Education Fellowship 55 Upper Stone Street, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, United Kingdom. - 1921. P: The New Era in Home and School. - Pres.: Prof. K. G. Saiyidain.
7.5 Psychology Inter-American Society of Psychology Dr. Samuel Pearlman, Executive Secretary for North America, c/o Brooklyn Coll., Brooklyn 10, N.Y., USA. - 1951. - Its purpose is to foster professional and scientific relationship among persons concerned with psychology and related fields in the Americas. International Union of Scientific Psychology Dept. of Psychology, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, Mich. 48823, USA. - 1951; founded at the thirteenth International Congress of Psychology. - Pres.: P. Fraisse. International Association of Applied Psychology Sveavâgen 65, Stockholm Va, Sverige. - 1920; established as International Association of Psychotechnics. - M: 2060. - P: International Review of Applied Psychology. - Pres. : Prof. M. S. Vite'les. International Association for Analytical Psychology - IAAP Gemeindestr. 27, 8032 Zurich, Tel. 343780, Suisse. - 1957. - To promote the study, disseminate the knowledge, encourage the maintenance of high standards of training and practice, hold congresses. - Pres.: Dr. Joseph B. Wheelwright. 7.6 Language and Literature International Union of Orientalists Bruxelles, Belgique, s. Philosophy, ICPHS. International Permanent Committee of Linguists Bruxelles, Belgique, s. Philosophy, ICPHS. International Federation of Modern Languages and Literatures Cambridge, United Kingdom. s. Philosophy, Bruxelles, Belgique, ICPHS.
Uberregionale und Internationale Institutionen (7.6-7.8) European Translation Centre (ETC) Doelenstraat 101, D e l f t , Nederland. - 1960. - International clearinghouse for translations made by industries and scientific institutes in the field of science and technology. - P: World Index of Scientific Translations. Pres.: W. de Mamantoff. International Society for Oriental Research (Milletlerarasi Sark Tetkikleri Cemiyeti) Tiirkiyat Enstitüsii, Bayezit, Istanbul, Türkei. - 1947. - Pres.: Prof. Fuad Köprülü.
International Phonetic Association (IPA) Univ. Coll., Gower Street, L o n d o n , W.C. 1, United Kingdom. - 1886. - M: 700. - P: Le Maître Phonétique; Miscellanea Phonetica. - Hon. Seer.: A.C. Gimson. P.E.N. International 6 2 - 6 3 Glebe Place, L o n d o n , S.W. 3, United Kingdom. - 1921; founded by Mrs. Dawson-Scott under the presidency of John Galsworthy. To promote co-operation between writers all over the world in the interests of literature, freedom of expression and international goodwill. M: 8000. - P: P.E.N. News Poems; Bulletin of Selected Books. - Pres.: Heinrich Boll. Centre International d'Etudes Romanes 43 rue Boissonade, 75 Paris 14e, Seine, France. - 1952. M: 1000. - P: Bulletin. -Pres.: Louis Brun. International Association of Applied Linguistics (Association internationale de linguistique appliquée) Prof. B. Pottier, 31 rue Gay-Lussac 75 Paris 5, Seine, France. 1964. - P: T. A. Informations. Pres.: Prof. B. Pottier.
International College of Experimental Phonology Dr. Bernard Vallanein, 1'6 rue Spontini, 75 Paris 16e, Seine, Tel. 5 5 3 0 2 - 0 2 , France. - 1955. - Pres.: Prof. Malmberg. International Comparative Literature Association Inst, de littératures modernes comparées, 17 rue de la Sorbonne, 75 Paris 5e, Seine, France. - 1954. - Pres.: Jacques Voisine.
7.7 Theatre International Amateur Theatre Association Nieuwe Uitley 22, Den Haag, Nederland. - 1952. - Pres. : Piet Cleveringa. International Federation for Theatre Research 22 Buckingham Gate, L o n d o n , S.W. 1, United Kingdom. - 1955. - P: Theatre Research. — Chair.: Prof. F. Cerny. International Theatre Institute (Institut international du théâtre) UNESCO Headquartier, 6 rue Franklin, 75 Paris 16e, Seine, France. - 1948. - M: 48 countr. - P: World Theatre. - Pres.: Palle Brunius.
7.8 Music International Institute for Comparative Music Studies and Documentation IBerlin 33, Winklerstr. 20, Tel. (0311) 892853, Deutschland - BRD. - 1963; a joint undertaking of the Ford Foundation and the City of Berlin. - P: Unesco Anthology of the Orient, Unesco Anthology of African Music; The World of Music. - Dirs. : Alain Daniélou, Raymond Burnier. International Federation of Youth and Music Palais des Beaux-Arts, 5 rue Baron Horta, Bruxelles, Belgique. - 1945. - P: Rapport
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen ( 7 . 8 - 7 . 9 ) Annuel de l'Assemblée Générale. - Secr.-Gen.: Paul Willems.
International Muskological Society Bruxelles, Belgique, s. Philosophy, ICPHS. • European Association of Music Festivals Centre Européen de la Culture, 122 rue de Lausanne, 1200 Genève, Suisse. - 1951. Aims to maintain high artistic standards in festival, widen the field of operation, organise joint propaganda and publicity. - P: Festivals. - Pres.: Denis de Rougemont. International Folk Music Council Birketniget 6, 2300 Kerbenhavn, S, Danmark. - 1947. - P: Journal. - Secr.: Christian Ejlers. International Confederation of Popular Music Societies 23 rue des Ardennes, L u x e m b o u r g , Luxembourg. - 1949. - Pres.: Albert Ehrmann. International Music Council - IMC Maison de l'UNESCO, 6 rue Franklin, 75 Paris 16e, Seine, France. - 1949; founded under the auspices of UNESCO. - P: The World of Music. - Chair.: Vladimir Fédorov. International Society for Contemporary Music 7 Place de la République, 67 S t r a s b o u r g , Bas Rhin, France. - 1922. - Pres.: Heinrich Strobel. Internationale Richard Strauss-Gesellschaft 1010Wien, Wiener Staatsoper, Austria. - 1970; tritt die Nachfolge der bisher in Berlin beheimateten Gesellschaft an. Ermittlung und Sicherung von Dokumenten für Forschungszwecke; Erhaltung der Persönlichkeit und des Werkes von Richard Strauss im Bewußtsein der Öffentlichkeit. - Dir.: Dr. Heinrich Reif-Gintl.
International Music Centre 1030 Wien, Lothringer Str. 20, Austria. 1961. - Founded for the promotion and dissemination of music through the technical media. P: IMZ Report; UNESCO Catalogue; IMZ Bulletin. - Pres.: Hans Sittner. International Federation of Musicians Kreuzstr. 60, 8008Ziirich, Suisse. - 1948. - M: 105116. Pres.: Hardie Ratcliffe.
7.9 Art International Society for Education through Art 1 Berlin 33, Douglasstr. 32, Deutschland - BRD. 1951. - P: Education through Art. - Hon. Pres.: Sir Herbert Read. Pres.: Dr. J. A. Soika. International Committee on the History of Art B o n n , Deutschland - BRD. - s. Philosophy, Bruxelles, ICPHS. The International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works c/o The Nat. Gallery, Trafalgar Square, L o n d o n , W.C. 2, Tel. WHItehall 1665, United Kingdom. - P: Studies in Conservation; Abstracts of the Technical Literature on Archaeology and the Fine Arts; I.I.C.News. International Association of Art UNESCO House, 6 rue Franklin, 75 Paris 16e, Seine, France. 1954. - Secr.-Gen.: Dunbar Marshall-Malagola. International Association of Art Critics Palais du Louvre, Pavilion de Marsan, 107 rue de Rivoli, 75 Paris ler, Seine, France. 1949. - P: Archivi del Futurismo; Bulletin for the Contemporary Art. - Pres.: Jacques Lassaigne.
Überregionale und Internationale Institutionen ( 7 . 9 - 8 ) International Committee of Film Education and Culture 18 rue Marboeuf, 75 Paris 8e, Seine, France. - 1930. - P: Le cinema d'enseignement et culturel. Pres.: Georges Auric. International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property 256 Via Cavour, 00184 R o m a , Tel. 471932, Italia. - 1957. - Pres.: Stanislaw Lorentz. Centro Internazionale delle Arti e del Costume Palazzo Grassi, V e n e zia, Italia. - 1951. - Pres.: Axel Boethius.
8 Religion International Association for the History of Religions Bruxelles, Belgique. s. Philosophy, ICPHS. Movimiento Internacional de Estudiantes Católicos (MIEC) Apdo. 1647, México, D. F. International Institute of Advanced Buddhistic Studies R a n g o o n , Burma. - Research and study in Buddhism and other major religions. World Council of Churches for the Immigration (Consejo Mundial de Iglesias para la Inmigración) Bombero Augusto Salas 1351, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
Acores - Afghanistan
Açores Sociedade de Estudos Açoreanos „Afonso Chaves" A n g r a d o H e r o í s m o . - 1932. - Etnogra-
fía, Historia natural, Geología. M: 100, ass. 20. - P: Açoreana. Pres.: J. Agostinho, O.B.E.
Afghanistan Doulat-J-Pâdschâhi-Ji-Afghanistan Asia Foundation P. O. 257, K a b u l . Atomic Energy Commission Fac. of Science, Kabul Univ., K a b u l . Under an agreement signed in 1963 the U.S.S.R. is to provide Afghanistan with a nuclear reactor. - Pres. : Dr. A. G. Karkar. British Council P. O. 453, 352 Zargunah Maidan, K a b u l . 1965. - Rep.: K. L. Pearson. Da Tarikh Tolana (Historical Society) K a b u l . - 1954. - Objects are to study the history of Afghanistan and present it correctly to the outside world. - M: 5. - P: Aryana; Afghanistan. - Pres.: Prof. Abdul Hai Habibi. Goethe-Institut c/o German Embassy, P. O. 83, K a b u l . 1962. - Dir.: S.Weichsel.
Institute of Cartography Ministry of Mines and Industries, K a b u l . Pres.: Muzaffarud Din Yaqubi. Institute of Public Health K a b u l . 1962. - Training centre for health workers, study centre for indigenous diseases, and centre for the compilation of statistical data. Maison Française Share Nan, K a b u l . National Commission for UNESCO c/o Ministry of Nat. Education, Kabul. Pakhtu-Tolena (Afghan Academy of Language and Literature) Kabul. s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. U. A. R. Cultural Centre P. O. 100, Kabul. U. S. Cultural Center Shahri-Nau, Kabul.
Albania - Algérie
Albania Republika Popullore e Shqiperisë Albanian Committee for Cultural Relations Abroad T i r a n a . Pres.: Misto Treska. Association of Scientific Workers of the P. R. of Albania c/o State
Univ. of Tirana, T i r a n a . Pres.: Kol Paparisto. League of Artists and Writers T i r a n a . - 1957. -Pres.: Dhimiter Shouteriqi.
Algérie République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire; El Djemhouria El Djazairia Demokratia Echaabia British Council 6 ave. Othmane Merabet, Alger. — Repr.: D. L. Lister. Fédération Nationale des Ecrivains Algériens Alger. - 1965. Prix annuels littéraires. Goethe Institut Centre Culturel Allemand, 165 chemin Laperlier, Alger. - 1963. Dir.: Dr. W. Kàmpfer. Istituto Italiano di Cultura 7 rue Hamami, Alger. - 1964. Dir. : Prof. Manrico Fiore. Mission Culturelle Française en Algérie Quartier Arnaud de Vitrolles, rue Shakespeare, Le Golf, Alger. - Coopération avec le Gouvernement Algérien à l'égard des affaires éducatives et culturelles, particulièrement au niveau universitaire. - Dir.: M. Rebeyrol.
Office Universitaire et Culturel Français Lycée Descartes, ave. de Pékin, Alger. Administration des écoles et lycées françaises en Algérie. Dir.: M: J. Penard. Service Géologique de l'Algérie Immeuble Maurétania, Carrefour de l'Agha, Alger. - 1883. P: Bulletin du Service Géologique de l'Algérie; Notices Explicatives des Cartes Géologiques. - Dir.: Abdel Maies Lakhdari. Société Historique Algérienne c/o Univ. d'Alger, A l g e r . 1856. - M: 400. - P: Revue Africaine. Société Archéologique du Département de Constantine Musée Gustave Mercier, C o n s t a n t i n e . 1852. - M: 250. - P: Recueil des Notices et Mémoires de la Société Archéologique de Constantine. - Prés.: Dr. BaghlL
Angola - Argentina (0)
Angola Africa Occidentál Portuguesa Sociedade Cultural de Angola L u a n d a . - P: Cultura. - Pres.: Dr. Antonio Alexandre Calazans.
Missáo Geográfica de Angola (MGA) Caixa postai 432, N o v a L i s b o a . - 1941. - Dir.: Alberto Manuel.
Arab Republic of Egypt s. (United Arab Republic)
Argentina República Argentina 0 Generalidades Asociación Bernardino RivadaviaBiblioteca Popular Ave. Colón 31, Bahía B l a n c a . - 1882. P: Boletín Informativo. - Pres.: Dr. Raúl E. Bagur. Academia Porteña del Lunfardo Rodríguez Peña 80, B u e n o s Aires. - 1962. - M: 23. - P: Diccionario de porteñismos y lunfardismos; Boletín; Memoria; Acta; Estatuto; Acuerdos; Comunicaciones. - Pres.: José García. Alianza Francesa Córdoba 946, B u e n o s Aires. - 1893. - M: 1467. - Dir.: Roger Dersy. Asociación Argentina de Bibliotecas y Centros de Información Científicos y Técnicos Santa Fé 1145, B u e n o s Aires. - P: Memoria. Asociación Argentina para el Progreso de las Ciencias Ave. R. Sáenz Peña 555, B u e n o s Aires. - 1933. - Institución
particular. Funciones: Propender al progreso y difusión de la investigación científica. - P: Ciencia e Investigación. - Pres.: Dr. Alberto C. Taquini. Asociación Científica ArgentinoAlemana Santa Fé 1145, B u e n o s Aires. - 1954. — Institución particular; Realización de conferencias. - P: Revista de la Asociación Científica ArgentinoAlemana. Asociación Correntina General San Martín Azcuénaga 1313, B u e n o s Aires. Asociación Dante Alighieri Calle Tucuman 1646, B u e n o s A i r e s . - 1896. - Organización cultural italiana. - M: 1500. Pres.: Dr. Dionisio Petriella. Asociación de Bibliotecarios Graduados de la República Argentina Corrientes 1723, B u e n o s Aires. - 1 9 5 3 . Afiliada con FIAB. - M: 200. -
Argentina (0) P: Reseña Bibliográfica. - Pres.: Ricardo J. Lois. Centro Nacional de Documentación e Información Educativa Secretaria de Estado de Cultura y Educación, Parera 55, B u e n o s Aires. Comisión de Documentación Científica (CDDC) Casilla de Correo 3055, B u e n o s Aires. 1959 - Dir.: Eduardo L. Ortiz. Comité Permanente Interamericano de Saltamontes Ave. Paseo Colón 922, B u e n o s Aires. Consejo Británico Lavalle 190, B u e n o s Aires. - Cooperación con Asociaciones de Cultura Inglesa en Bahía Blanca, Punta Alta, Rosaria, Santa Fé, Corrientes, Laboulaye, Mar del Plata, Necochea, Rio Cuarto y Salta; Institutos Culturales ArgentinosBritánicos en La Plata, Mendoza, Quilmes, Tucumán, Mercedes, Resistencia. - Rep. • Dr. N. A. R. MacKay, O.B.E. Consejo Federal de Inversiones Alsina 1407, B u e n o s Aires. Consejo Inter-Universitario Nacional c/o Univ. de Buenos Aires, Viamonte 444, B u e n o s Aires. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Rivadavia 1917, B u e n o s Aires, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Federación Universitaria Argentina (FUA) Univ. de Buenos Aires, Viamonte 444, B u e n o s Aires. Fundación Cossío Las Heras 2393, B u e n o s Aires. - 1957. Fundación Interamericana de Bibliotecología Franklin B u e n o s Aires. Inspection Genérale des Alliances Françaises d'Argentine et du Paraguay Carlos Pellegrini 755, B u e n o s Aires. - 1893. Inspect. Gén.: Claude Cymerman.
Institución Cultural ArgentinoGermana J. E. Uriburu 1222, B u e n o s Aires. - 1960. Dir.: Dr. J. Schmidt. Instituto Bibliotecnológico Univ. Nac. de Buenos Aires, Azcuenaga 280, Casilla de Correo 901, B u e n o s A i r e s . - 1 9 4 3 . P: Union Catalogue of Univ. Libraries. - Dir.: Hans Gravenhorst. Instituto Cultural Argentino NorteAmericano (I.C.A.N.A.) Maipú 686, B u e n o s Aires. - 1927. Vida y Cultura Americana. - M: 500. - Pres.: Luis Fiore. Instituto de Estudios Americanos México 524, B u e n o s Aires. Dir.. Miguel Alfredo Olivera. Instituto para Desarrollo Ejecutivo en Argentina Belgrano 1670, B u e n o s A i r e s . - Organización privada. Instituto para la Integración de América Latina B u e n o s Aires. - 1965. - Bajo los auspicios de Interamerican Development Bank. - Pres.: Prof. Julio C. Rodríguez Anas Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM) Moreno 970, B u e n o s Aires. Istituto Italiano di Cultura Charcas 1149, B u e n o s Aires. -Dir.: Prof. Elzeario Sillari. Organización Mundial Universitaria Juncal 1258, B u e n o s Aires. 1953. - Dir : Ariel Fernández Dirube. Servicio Bibliográfico Argentino Casilla de Correos 3660, B u e n o s Aires. - 1954. - Institución particular. Sociedad Argentina de Americanistas Corrientes 1723, B u e n o s Aires. Sociedad Argentina de Bibliotecarios de Instituciones Sociales, Científi-
Argentina ( 0 - 2 ) cas, Artísticas y Técnicas Bartolomé Mitré 2041, Buenos Aires. - 1937. - M: 30: asoc. 72. - P: Cata'logos de periódicos científicas y técnicos. - Pres,. Ernesto G. Gietz.
Sociedad Científica Argentina Santa Fé 1145, Buenos Aires. 1872. - Institución particular. Funciones: Fomentar estudios y publicaciones acerca de inventos, descubrimientos y mejoras científicas. - P: Anales. - Pres. • José S. Gandolfo. Instituto de Intercambio Cultural Argentino-Norteamericano Córdoba. Comisión de Investigación Científica de la Provincia de Buenos Aires 526 entre 10 y 11, La Plata. 1956. - Organización oficial. P: Anales. - Pres. • Prof. Dr. Héctor Isnardi. Departamento de Investigaciones Microscópicas Dir. : Dr. Martin Vucetich. Departamento de Geología Dir.: Dr. Angel V. Borrello. Departamento de Spectrofotometría y Ultracentrifuga Dir.: Dr. Luis A. Bontempi. Laboratorio de Plaguicidas Dir.: Dr. Danilo Vucetich. Laboratorio de Citogenètica Dir.: Dr. Néstor Bianchi. Departamento de Pediatría Dir.: Dr. Marcos Cusminsky. Departamento de Bacteriología del Inst. de Tórax Dir.: Dr. Francisco D'Ovidio. Laboratorio de Microanálisis Dir.: Dr. José M. Sarraillet. Departamento de Prematures, Hospital de Niños Dir. : Dr. Juan Climent.
Instituto Bibliográfico del Ministerio de Educación Calle 47, No. 625, La Plata. - P: Bibliografías Argentinas: Historia; Ciencias de la Educación; Psicología. Instituto Cuyano de Cultura Alemana (Goethe-Institut) Lavalle 417, Mendoza. - Dir.: U. Bremer. Asociación Rosarina de Intercambio Cultural Argentino-Norteamericano Rosario. Fundación „Romulo Raggio", Inst. para Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas (IICT) Gaspar Campos 841, Vicente López, F.N.G.B.M. - 1950; Comenzó como „Domus Plantarum" convirtó en 1957 Inst. de Invest. Agrícolas, 1959 Inst. para Invest. Cient. y Tecnol.; nombre actual desde 1962. - Institución particular. -Dir.: Miguel M. Raggio.
1.1 Matemáticas Instituto de Cálculo Fac. de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Perú 222, Buenos Aires. Dir.: Prof. Julio Kim. Unión Matemática Argentina Casilla 3588, B u e n o s Aires. 1936. - Institución particular. Fomentar el progreso de la investigación matemática en la Argentina. - P: Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina y de la Asociación Física Argentina. - Pres. : José Babini.
2 Ciencias Naturales Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires Junín 1278, Buenos Aires, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales
Argentina ( 2 - 2 . 3 ) B u e n o s Aires, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Asociación Argentina de Ciencias Naturales (ex Asociación Argentina de Ciencias Naturales Physis) Ave. Angel Gallardo 470, B u e n o s A i r e s . - 1911. Institución particular. Funciones: Difundir el conocimiento y propender al estudio de la gea, flora y fauna de la República Argentina y países vecinos. - M: 335. P: Physis. - Pres.: Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica Ave. Libertador San Martín 8250, B u e n o s Aires. 1950. - Poder Ejecutivo Nacional; Funciones: Promover y realizar estudios y aplicaciones científicas e industriales de las trasmutaciones y reacciones nucleares; fiscalizar las aplicaciones referiendose al inciso anterior en cuanto sea necesario por razones de utilidad pública o para prevenir los , perjuicios que pudieren causar. P: Informes; Boletines Informativos; Boletines Biolográficos; Publicaciones del Departamento de Radioisotopos. - Pres.: Oscar A. Quihillalt. Academia Nacional de Ciencias Ave. Vélez Sarsfield 249, Cordoba. s. MINERVA Forschungsinst.
2.1 Física Asociación Física Argentina Perú 222, B u e n o s Aires. - 1944. Institución privada, integrada por investigadores, profesores y estudiantes de Física; Funciones: Fomentar el progreso la investigación y la enseñanza de dicha materia, por media de reuniones
científicas periódicas, de la publicación de los resultados de la investigación, o de otros adecuados. - P: Revista UMA AFA. - Pres.: Ernesto E. Galloni. Consejo Latinoamericano de Radiación Cosmica y Física del Atmósfera c/o Dr. J. G. Roederer, Fac. de Ciencias, Univ. de B u e n o s Aires.
2.2 Química; 2.3 Geología Asociación Geológica Argentina Perú 222, B u e n o s Aires. 1945. - Reuniones de carácter científico. - M: 350. - P: Revista. Asociación Química Argentina Sánchez de Bustamente 1749, B u e n o s Aires. - 1912. - M: 2000. - P: Anales de la Asociación Química Argentina; Industria y Química. - Pres.: Dr. Emilio Etchegaray. Asociación Paleontológica Argentina Ave. Angel Gallardo 470, B u e n o s Aires. - 1955. - Institución particular. Funciones: Contribuir por todos los medios a la organización y desarrollo de las actividades paleontológicas de comunicaciones; coordinar los esfuerzos particulares de investigación, tratando de programar el trabajo de investigación, formar núcleos de trabajo y seminarios para el estudio y la profundización de problemas particulares; organizar viajes de exploración paleontológica. M: 370. - P: Ameghiniana. Pres.: Dr. Carlos A. Menéndez. Comité de Industrialización de Algas (CODIA) Cerrito 1139, B u e n o s Aires. - Trabajos de investigación en realización Botánica, Química,
Argentina ( 2 . 3 - 2 . 6 ) Equipo y producción, Alimentación animal. - Pres.: Miguel Bosch.
Comité Nacional de Cristalografía Ave. Libertador San Martín 8250, B u e n o s Aires. - 1958; fundada bajo el auspicio del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. - Institución particular. Fomenta el desarrollo de cristalografía y establece un vínculo entre los cristalógrafos. Dirección Nacional de Geología y Minería Perú 562, B u e n o s Aires. - 1904. - Afiliada a la Administración Nacional de Minas e Industrias del Ministerio de Economía. - P: Mapa geológico-económica de la República Argentina. - Dir.: Edgardo Menoyo. Sociedad Argentina de Minería y Geología Ave. Sarmiento 2265, C a s t e l a r , Buenos Aires. - 1929. - Institución independiente. Funciones: Realizar y fomentar estudios sobre Minería y Geología del país y en general, fomentar la Minería del país, publicar estudios referentes a esas especialidades. P: Revista Mineral Geología y Mineralogía. - Pres.: Dr. Erwin Kittl. Asociación Argentina de Geofísicos y Geodestas Observatorio Astronómico, La P l a t a . - 1959. - Funciones: Contribuir al progreso de la investigación, del conocimiento y del desarrollo de las especialidades de la Geofísica, Geodesia y ramas afines, mantener relaciones con Asociaciones Científicas afines, nacionales o internacionales; efectuar por lo menos una reunión por año para presentar y discutir trabajos científicos realizados o en preparación, así como informes
sobre temas de interés. - Pres.: Simón Gershanik. Instituto de Fisiografía y Geología Ave. Pellegrini 250, R o s a r i o . 1936. - Dir.: Dra. Pierina Pasotti.
Centro Astronómico y Astronáutico de Bahía Blanca Hipólito Irigoyen 556, Bahía B l a n c a . 1952. - Institución privada. Asociación Argentina Amigos de la Astronomía Ave. Patricias Argentinas 550, B u e n o s Aires. - 1929. - Institución particular; Observatorio, Difusión popular de la astronomía. - M: 1000. P: Revista Astronómica; Boletín Astronómico. - Pres.: Carlos L. M. Segers. Asociación Argentina de Astronomía Observatorio Astronómico, La P l a t a . - 1958. - Institución particular; Promover el progreso de la Astronomía Argentina. P: Boletín. - Pres.: Jorge Sahade.
2.5 Meteorología Servicio Meteorológico Nacional Paseo Colón 317, B u e n o s Aires. - 1872. - P: Contribuciones Estadísticas y Anales Climatológicos; Anales hidrológicos; Carta del Tiempo; Anales Sismológicos; Boletín Fenològico; Atlas Climático de la República Argentina. Dir.: Lic. D. Francisco Lucio Fernández.
2.6 Biología Asociación Argentina de Biología y Medicina Nuclear Ave. Santa Fé 1145, B u e n o s A i r e s . - 1963.
Argentina (2.6-2.9) - M: 175. - Pres.: Dr. Victorio Pecorini. Asociación Bioquímica Argentina Ave. Corrientes 424, Buenos Aires. - 1934. - M: 1500. P: Revista. - Pres.: Dr. Enrique Lovine. Asociación de Amigos del Centro de Investigación de Biología Marina Cerrito 1139, Buenos Aires. 1960. - P: Diferentes Boletines científicos. - Dir.: Dr. Oscar Kühnemann. Asociación Ornitológica del Plata Ave. Angel Gallardo 470, Buenos Aires. - 1916. - Institución particular. Función: Investigación y divulgación de la Ornitología. P: El Hornero. Sociedad Argentina de Biofísica Santa Fé 1145, Buenos Aires. 1954. - Institución particular; Promoción de biofísica. Sociedad Argentina de Biología Santa Fé 1171, Buenos Aires. 1920. - P: Revista. - Pres.: Dr. Bernardo A. Houssay. Sociedad Entomológica Argentina Calle Maipú 267, Buenos Aires. - 1925. - Institución privada; Estímulo y divulgación de los estudios sobre Entomología. — P: Revista. Sociedad de Biología de Córdoba Colón 637, Córdoba. - 1934. Institución particular. Funciones: Reuniones para presentación y discusión de investigaciones de sus asociados. 2.7 Botánica Instituto de Botánica Agrícola Villa Udaondo-Castelar, Buenos Aires. - 1947. Sociedad Argentina de Botánica Museo La Plata, La Plata.
Sociedad Argentina de Fisiología Vegetal 60 y 119, La Plata. 1958. - M: 140. - Pres.: Enrique M. Sívori. Sociedad Argentina de Fisiología Vegetal Casilla de Correo no. 7, Chacras de Coria, Mendoza. 1958. - Pres.: Ricardo Manuel Tizio. Vivero „Florentino Ameghino" Miramar-F.C.N.G. Roca, Buenos Aires. - 1923. - Fijación y forestación de duñas marítimas, producción de forestales adaptados a dichos trabajos. Sociedad Argentina de Botánica Inst. de Botánica Darwinion, Lavardén 200, San Isidro. 1945. - Institución particular, Funciones: Fomentar todas las ramas de botánica pura, editar trabajos de investigación botánica, mejorar su enseñanza, estimular la protección de la vegetación nativa, organizar reuniones y excursiones y coordinar la nomenclatura botánica. - P: Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica.
Permanent Inter-American AntiLocust Committee Ave. Paseo Colón 922, Buenos Aires. Instituto Nacional de Antropología Sánchez de Bustamante 2663, Buenos Aires. - 1943. Fundado como Instituto Nacional de la tradición; bajo la Secretaría de Cultura y Educación. - P: Cuadernos. - Dir.: Prof. Julián Cáceres Freyre. Sociedad Argentina de Antropología Moreno 350, Buenos Aires. 1936. - P: Boletín.
Argentina (3)
3 Medicina Academia Nacional de Medicina Buenos Aires, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Asociación Argentina de Alergia e Inmunología Cangallo 1435, Buenos Aires. - 1949. Asociación Argentina de Anestesiología 411 Terrero, B u e n o s Aires. - 1945. - Institución particular; Finalidades científicas éticas y gremiales, realiza congresos nac., latinoam., y jornadas. - P: Revista Argentina de Anestesiología; Boletín Mensual. Asociación Argentina de Biología y Medicina Nuclear Buenos Aires, s. Biología. Asociación Argentina para el Estudio Científico de la Deficiencia Mental Calle José Andrés Pacheco de Meló 2483-T, 80-5323- Buenos Aires. - Promueve el estudio científico del problema de la Deficiencia Mental, aplica los conocimientos y progresos científicos de la materia. - Pres.. Dr. Tomás A. Figare. - Vicepres.: Dr. Juan O. Tesone. Asociación Farmacéutica y Bioquímica Argentina Bartolomé Mitre 2041, Buenos Aires. 1856. - Institución autónoma Científico-gremiales. - P: Revista Farmacéutica; Acción Farmacéutica; Anales Farmacéuticos y Bioquímicos Argentinos. Asociación Medica Argentina Santa Fé 1171, Buenos Aires. 1891. - Institución particular. Funciones: Contribuir al progreso de la Medicina y realizar los trabajos; propender a la formación de centros de enseñanza para médicos; propender al establecimiento de relaciones científicas con las sociedades similares del país y del
extranjero. - P: Revista de la Asociación Médica Argentina; Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Biología. - Pres.: Dr. Eduardo L. Capdehourat. Asociación Odontológica Argentina Junín 959, Buenos Aires. 1896. - Escuela post-graduada para Dentistas. - M: 4267. P: Revista de la Asociación Odontológica Argentina; Indice de la Literatura dental. Ateneo de la III Cátedra de Kinesiologja de la Facultad de Gencias Médicas de Buenos Aires Paraguay 2155, Buenos Aires. - 1947. - Dependiente de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Buenos Aires, Actividades científicas libres. Centro de Endocrinología Godoy Cruz 1221, Buenos Aires. 1947. — Dir.: Prof. Dr. Alberto B. Houssay. Colegio Interamericano de Radiología Tucumán 1516, Buenos Aires. Liga Argentina contra la Tuberculosis Santa Fé 4292, B u e n o s Aires. 1901. - P: Revista Argentina de Tuberculosis; La Doble Cruz. — Pres.: Prof. Dr. Francisco Martínez. Patronato de Leprosos de la República Argentina J . E . Uriburo 1010-18, Buenos Aires. - 1930. - 3 comisiones (Doctores, Abogados, Legos); 21. suc. 70 sub-suc. y 160 subcom.; fundación y protección de la Colonia infantil „M. Esperanza" (establecimiento de medidas preventivas para unos 700 niños non-infectados de pacientes); protega: Hogar Central de Niños (1946); Hogar Central de Niñas (1959); Estudio Jurídico (Consejo graduito para pacientes); Laboratoria experimental de Leprología
Argentina (3) en el Hospital Muñiz, 18 Clínicas ambulantes en diferentes ciudades del país; Biblioteca Leprológica (1939); Museo Histopatológico en proceso de organización. - M: 4155. - P: Memoria; Presente; Temas de Leprología. - Pres.: Hersilia Casares de Blaquier. Sociedad Argentina de Alergia Santa Fé 1171, B u e n o s A i r e s . 1940. - Dependiente de la Asociación Médica Argentina. Funciones: Propender al desarrollo de la especialidad, mediante la realización de Congresos Jornadas Symposia. - P: Revista de la Asociación Médica Argentina. Sociedad Argentina de Ciencias Fisiológicas Obligado 2490, B u e n o s Aires. - 1950. - M: 100. - Pres.: Bernardo A. Houssay. Sociedad Argentina de Cirujanos Santa Fé 1171, B u e n o s Aires. 1939. - P: „Boletines y Trabajos". - Pres.: Dr. Enrique P. Bagnati. Sociedad Argentina de Endocrinología y Metabolismo Santa Fé 1141, B u e n o s Aires. - 1940. - P: Revista. - Pres.: Dr. Juan José Staffieri. Sociedad Argentina de Farmacia y Bioquímica Industrial Ave. del Libertador General San Martín 7774, B u e n o s Aires. - P: SAFYBI. - Pres.: Jorge I. Moglia. Sociedad Argentina de Farmacología y Terapéutica Santa Fé 1171, B u e n o s Aires. - 1929. - Dir.. Prof. Dr. Matías Martínez. Sociedad Argentina de Gastroenterologia Santa Fé 1171, B u e n o s Aires. - 1 9 2 7 . Institución particular. Sociedad Argentina de Gerontología y Geriatria Santa Fé 1171, B u e n o s Aires. - 1950. - Pres.: Prof. Dr. Enrique M. Villa.
Sociedad Argentina de Hematología y Hemoterapia Santa Fé 1171, B u e n o s Aires. - 1948; fundado en Córdoba 1945 bajo la dominación de Sociedad Argentina de Transfusión y Hematología. P: Revista. - Pres.. Dr. Miguel Angel Etcheverry. Sociedad Argentina de Investigación Clínica Inst. de Investigaciones Médicas, Hospital Tornú, Donato Alvarez 3000, B u e n o s Aires. -I960. - Pres.: Dr. Raúl Carrea. Sociedad Argentina de Investigación Operativa Libertad 1235, B u e n o s Aires. - 1960. - Institución particular; Promover la difusión, el estudio y la aplicación de la Invest. Operativa. - Pres.: Isidoro Marín. Sociedad Argentina de Leprología Casilla de Correos 2899, B u e n o s Aires. - 1954. - Organiza congresos nacionales e internacionales de Médicos ocupándose en Leprología. - P: Leprología. Secr.: J. C. Gatti. Sociedad Argentina de Medicina Nuclear (SADMN) Salta 990, B u e n o s Aires. - 1963. Pres.: Dr. Héctor M. Forcher. Sociedad Argentina de Medicina Social Santa Fé 1171, B u e n o s Aires. - 1939. - Dependiente de la Asociación Médica Argentina. Estudia los problemas de Higiene y Medicina Social. Sociedad Argentina de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía Santa Fé 1171, B u e n o s Aires. - 1921. - Afiliada a la Asociación Médica Argentina; Propicia el desarrollo de las Ciencias Neurológicas. - M: 300. - Pres.: Prof. Dr. León Zimman. Sociedad Argentina de Oftalmología Santa Fe 1171, B u e n o s Aires. - 1920. - M: 600. - P: Archivos
Argentina (3) de Oftalmología de Buenos Aires. - Pres.: Dr. E. Manzitti.
Sociedad Argentina de Ortopedia y Traumatología Santa Fé 1171, B u e n o s Aires. - 1936. - M: 320. - P: Boletín. - Pres.: Dr. Isidoro Slullitel. Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría Coronel Diaz 1971, B u e n o s Aires. - 1911. - M: 1200. P: Archivos Argentinos de Pediatría. - Pres.: Prof. Dr. Juan J. Murtagh. Sociedad Argentina de Proctologia Santa Fé 1171, B u e n o s Aires. - 1942. - Institución particular. Funciones: Exclusivamente científicas. - P: Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Proctologia. Sociedad Aigentina de Radiología Santa Fé 1171, B u e n o s Aires. 1917. - Sección de la Asociación Médica. Fomenta el estudio de la Radiología. - P: Revista Argentina de Radiología. Sociedad Aigentina paia el Estudio de la Esterilidad Santa Fé 1171, B u e n o s Aires. - 1945. Filial de la Asociación Médica Argentina. Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio del Cáncer Ave. San Martín 5481, B u e n o s Aires. - Afiliada al Instituto de Oncología „Agel H. Roffo". Sociedad de Anatomía Normal y Patológica Santa Fé 1171, B u e n o s Aires. - 1933. - P: Archivos. - Pres.: Dr. José L. Monserrat. Sociedad de Cirugía de Buenos Aiies Santa Fé 1171, B u e n o s Aires. - Pres.: Ivan Goñi Moreno. Sociedad de Dermatología y Si Olografia Santa Fé 1171, B u e n o s Aires. - 1934. - Sección de la Asocia-
ción Médica Argentina. Funciones: Realización de reuniones mensuales; Jornadas y reuniones extraordinarias, dedicadas a investigaciones y trabajos realizados en las especialidades. - M: 75;Mem. hon. en Hungría, Japón y en los Estados Unidos de América. P: Revista. - Pres.: Dr. Alcides L. Conti. Sociedad de Medicina Interna de Buenos Aires Santa Fé 1171, B u e n o s Aires. - 1925. Sección de la Asociación Médica Argentina. Fomento de la Investigación en el ramo de la Clínica Médica. Sociedad de Medicina Legal y Toxicología Sarmiento 1271, B u e n o s Aires. - 1929. - M: 110. - P: Archivos de Medicina Legal. Pres.: Dr. José Belbey. Sociedad de Psicología Médica, Psicoanálisis y Psico-somática Santa Fé 1171, B u e n o s Aires. - 1940. - Dir. : Dr. Angel Garma. Sociedad de Tisiologia y Neumonología del Hospital Tornu y Dispensarios Hospital Tornu, Donato Alvarez 3000, B u e n o s Aires. - 1932. - Pres.: Dr. Manuel Schneier. Sociedad Neurològica Argentina (Filial Argentina de la Federación Mundial de Neurología) Coronel Díaz 2760, B u e n o s Aires. 1952. - Institución particular mantenida por cuotas de asociados y como todas las filiales de la Federación Mundial de Neurología debe ser independiente del Estado; Funciones: Propender al progreso neurològico en el país, realizar Congresos Científicos, reuniones de especialistas, Cursos de Graduados. - P: Revista Neurològica de Buenos Aires.
Argentina ( 3 - 4 . 9 ) Ateno de Micología de Córdoba Escuela Práctica de Medicina, Santa Rosa 1095, C ó r d o b a . 1961. - P: Sabonrandia. Pres.: Dra. Nélida Ramacciotti. Círculo Médico de Córdoba Colón 6 3 7 , C ó r d o b a . - 1910. Institución particular. Contribuir por todos los medios a su alcance al progreso y mejoramiento de la Medicina en Córdoba y de todas ciencias relacionadas. Sociedad de Medicina Interna de Córdoba 1936. Sociedad de Medicina Interna de Córdoba C ó r d o b a , s. Círculo Médico de Córdoba. Círculo Médico de Rosario Italia 663, R o s a r i o . - 1 9 1 0 . Institución particular. Ciencias relacionadas con la Medicina. P: Revista Médica de Rosario.
Acción Coordinadora de las Instituciones Empresarias Libres (ACIEL) L. N. Além 36, B u e n o s Aires. Asociación privada. Asociación Argentina de Electrotécnicos Posades 1659, B u e n o s Aires. - 1913. - Pres.: P. J. Noizeux. Asociación Argentina del Frió Cerrito 512, Buenos Aires. Centro Argentino de Ingenieros; Biblioteca Ing. Luis A. Huergo Cerrito 1250, B u e n o s Aires. - 1895. - M: 4500. - P: La Ingeniería. - Pres.: Alberto R. Constantini. Dirección General de Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales (Y.P.F.) Ave. R. Sáenz Peña 777, B u e n o s Aires. Instituto Argentino del Petróleo Santa Fé 1145, B u e n o s Aires. -
1957. - Institución particular. Organización no comerical; promover y coordinar el estudio del petróleo y sus derivados, incluyendo la explotación, refinación, transporte y comercialización de los mismos. - P: Revista del Instituto Argentino del Petróleo; Glosario Técnico de las Industrias del Petróleo. Instituto Argentino de Racionalización de Materiales (I.R.A.M.) Chile 1192, B u e n o s A i r e s . 1 9 3 5 . - M : 1613. - P: Informaciones; Boletín Informativo; Standards I.R.A.M. - Dir. Gen.: M. E. Beatriz Chirellide Ciaburri. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial I.N.T.I. Libertad 1235, B u e n o s A i r e s . - 1957. - P: Contribuciones Técnicas; Boletín I.N.T.I. - Pres.: Salvador M. del Carril. Sociedad Central de Arquitectos Montevideo 942, B u e n o s Aires. - 1886. - M: 2500. - P: Revista de Arquitectura. - Pres.: José Asían.
Agricultura y
Distrito Sanidad Vegetal y Fiscalización 25 de Mayo s/n°, Bella V i s t a , Corrientes. - 1940. Dependiente de la Secretaría de Agricultura y Ganadería de la Nación. Dirección General de Sanidad Vegetal y Fiscalización. Lucha contra las plagas de los citrus. Academia de Agronomía y Veterinaria B u e n o s Aires, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Asociación Argentina de la Ciencia del Suelo Calle Cerviño 3101, B u e n o s Aires. - 1958. Pres.: Oscar J. Guedes.
Argentina (4.9-5.8)
Centro Argentino de Ingenieros Agrónomos Arenales 1678, Buenos Aires. - 1906. Institución privada; Desarrollo actividades tiendose a la difusión y extensión de los conocimientos agronómicos. — M: 900. - P: Cadia. - Pres. : Eduardo Pous Peña. Misiones Rurales Rodríguez Peña 846, Buenos Aires. Sociedad Argentina de Agronomia Estado de Israel, Buenos Aires. - 1934. - P: Revista Argentina de Agronomía. - Dir.: Lorenzo R. Parodi. Sociedad Rural Argentina Florida 460, Buenos Aires. - 1866. P: Boletín; Anales. - Dir.: Iván G. Simko. Sociedad Latinoamericana de Ciencias de los Suelos Fac. de Ciencias Agrarias, Chacras de Coria, Mendoza.
Ciencias Económicas y Sociales
Academia de Ciencias Económicas Buenos Aires, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Colegio de Graduados en Ciencias Económicas Viamonte 1582, Buenos Aires. - 1891. Consejo Internacional de Administración Científica Tucumán 1668, Buenos Aires. Dirección Nacional de Estadística y Censos Secretaria de Estado de Hacienda, Ministerio de Economía de la Nación, Hipólito Irigoyen 250, Buenos Aires. - P: Boletín de Estadística; Anuario Estadístico de la República Argentina-Comercio Exterior. — Dir.. Enrique N. Compiano.
Instituto Promotor de la Vivienda Ave. de Mayo 666, B u e n o s Aires. Dirección General de Estadística e Investigaciones Calle 8, 732 La Plata. - 1888. - P: Cuadernos de Estudios, Boletines Estadísticos; Anuarios. - Dir.: Dr. Pedro I. Mendive.
5.6 Sociología Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología Colón 627, Buenos Aires. Instituto de Sociología Ave. Independencia 2165, Buenos Aires. - 1942.—P: Boletín. Dir.: Dr. Fernando N. Cuevillas. Instituto de Sociología Aplicada Casilla 5703, Correo Central, Buenos Aires. - 1960. Se ocupa en la aplicación práctica y teorética de la sociología. Dir.: Roberto Ortigueira. Obra de Protección de Menores y Villas Infantiles (OPROVI) c/o Obra de Protección a la Joven, Montevideo 1440, Buenos Aires. Asociación Latino-Americana de Sociología (A.L.A.S.) Trejo 241, C ó r d o b a . - 1950. - Pres.: Prof. Alfredo Poviña.
5.8 Geografía Academia Nacional de Geografía Buenos Aires, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Instituto Geográfico Militar Ave. Cabildo 381, Buenos Aires. - 1879. - P: Anuario. - Dir. Gen.: Victor H. J. Hosking. Sociedad Argentina de Estudios Geográficos (G.A.E.A.) Santa Fé
Argentina (5.8-7.6) 1145, Buenos Aires. - 1922. Institución privada. Promover el desarrollo de las disciplinas geográficas mediante publicaciones, conferencias y cursillos. - P: Anales.
Instituto Bonaerense de Numismática y Antigüedades Sarmiento 531, Buenos Aires. - 1872. M: 50; corr. 13, corr. extr. 35. P: Boletín. - Pres.: Humberto F. Burzio. Sociedad de Historia Argentina Paraguay 577, Buenos Aires.
6 Derecho Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales Buenos Aires, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Colegio de Abogados de Buenos Aires Montevideo 640, Buenos Aires. - 1913. - Derecho y Ciencias Sociales. - M: 1400. P: Revista; Boletín. - Pres.: Dr. Alberto Robredo Albarracín. Sociedad Argentina de Criminología Libertad no. 555, Buenos Aires. - 1933. - Afiliada al Instituto de Criminología. Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales Córdoba, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst.
7 Ciencias Humanas 7.1.
7.4 Psicología Sociedad Argentina de Psicología Callao 1159, Buenos Aires. 1930. - P: Temas actuales de Psicología normal y patológica; Tratado de las Pasiones. - Pres.: Enrique Mouchet.
7.5 Pedagogía Instituto Nacional del Profesorado Secundario José Hernández 2247, Buenos Aires. - 1904. Secr.: Floreal Rossi. Centro de Estadística e Información Educativa (C.E.I.E.) Sarmiento 607, Mendoza. - Dir.: Boris Duplancic.
Academia Americana de la Historia y de la Ciencia Buenos Aires, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Academia Nacional de la Historia Buenos Aires, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Centro Argentino de Estudios Prehistóricos Moreno 350, Buenos Aires. - 1957. — P: Acta Prehistórica. - Pres.: Juan Bernhardt. Departamento de Estudios Históricos Navales Secretaría de Estado de Marina, Ave. Madero y Cangallo, Buenos Aires. - 1957. - Dir.: Humberto F. Burzio.
7.6 Lengua y Literatura Academia Argentina de Letras Buenos Aires, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Asociación Interamericana de Escritores Casilla 4852, Buenos Aires. P.E.N. Club Argentino (Centro Internacional de la Asociación P.E.N.) Rivadavia 4060, Buenos Aires. - 1930. - M: 100. P: Boletín. - Pres.: Antonio Aita. Sociedad Argentina de Escritores Potosí 4303, Buenos A i r e s . Pres.: Dr. Carlos Alberte Erro.
Argentina ( 7 . 6 - 8 ) - Australia (0)
Sociedad Argentina de Estudios Lingüísticos 11 de Setiembre 2262, B u e n o s Aires. - 1935. Organizó en 1939 el primer Congreso Americano de la lengua española. - P: Por Nuestro Idioma. - Pres.: Delfina Molinay Vedia de Bastianini. Sociedad General de Autores de la Argentina (Argentores) J. A. Pacheco de Meló 1820, B u e n o s Aires. - 1910. - M: 2450. P: Boletín social; Argentores. Pres.: Edmundo Guiborg.
Instituto Nacional de Estudios del Teatro Córdoba 1199, B u e n o s Aires. - Dir.: Alfredo de la Guardia.
Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes B u e n o s Aires, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Fundación Académica para el Estudio de la Historia y la Filosofía del Arte B u e n o s Aires. - 1955. - Secr. Gen. y Fundador: Dr. Enrique E. Febbraro. Instituto Argentino de Artes Gráficas Quinto Bocayuva 1 1 4 7 - 4 9 , B u e n o s Aires. - Dir.: Dr. Victor M. Scapparone.
8 Religión Junta de Historia Eclesiástica Argentina Callao 1870, B u e n o s Aires. - 1938; establecida 1941. - P: Revista Archivum. - Pres.: Dr. Guillermo Gallardo.
Australia The Commonwealth of Australia 0
Royal Society of South Australia, Inc. 1 Kintore Ave., A d e l a i d e , S.A. - 1853. - M: 175. - P: Transactions. - Pres.: T. R. N. Lothian. Melbourne Dickens Fellowship 2 Clendon Road, A r m a d a l e 343, Victoria. - 1904. - M: 1 1 8 . Hon. Secr.: Violet McMeekin. Royal Society of Queensland Univ. of Queensland, St. Lucia, B r i s b a n e , Queensland. - 1884.
- M: 355. - P: Proceedings. Pres.: R. H. Greenwood. - Secr.: I. H. Davis. Standards Association of Australia School of Arts Building, 166 Ann St., B r i s b a n e , Queensland. 1939. Royal Society of Canberra C a n b e r r a , A.C.T. - 1930. M: 172. - Hon. Secr.: T. Nicholas. English Association-Sydney Branch 62 Victoria Ave., C h a t s w o o d ,
Australia ( 0 - 2 ) N.S.W. - 1923. - M: 100. - P: Southerly. - Pres.: R. G. Geering. Royal Society of Tasmania Tasmania Museum, Argyle Street, H o b a r t , Tasmania. - 1843. - M: 590. P: Papers and Proceedings. Pres.: H. E. The Governor. Hon. Seer.: W. Bryden. Alliance Française Nicholas Bldg, 37 Swanston Street, M e l b o u r n e , Victoria. Australian Institute of International Affairs 177 Collins Street, M e l b o u r n e , Victoria. - 1 9 3 2 . M: 1561. - P: The Australian Outlook. - Pres.: John Andrews. -Hon. Seer.: Nance Dickins. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research OrganizationC.S.I.R.O. 314 Albert Street, East M e l b o u r n e , Victoria 3002. - P: Australian Journal of Agricultural Research; Australian Journal of Botany; Australian Journal of Biological Sciences; Australian Journal of Chemistry; Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research; Australian Journal of Physics; Australian Journal of Soil Research; Australian Journal of Zoology. - Chair.: Sir Frederick White. - Seer. : L. C. Wilson. Istituto Italiano di Cultura-Italiana Cultural Institute 947 Punt Road, South Y a r r a . S . E . 1, M e l b o u r n e 3141, Victoria. - Dir.: Alberto Sorani. Royal Society of Victoria 9 Victoria Street, M e l b o u r n e , Victoria 3000. - 1854. - M: 415. - P: Proceedings. - Pres.: P. G. Law. Hon. Seer.: David Woodruff. Royal Society of Western Australia Western Australian Museum, P e r t h , W.A. - 1913. - M: 246. - P: Journal. - Pres.: R. W. George. - Seers.: G. Jenkins, A. J. McComb.
Library Association of Australia 32 Belvoir Street, S u r r y Hills, N.S.W. - 1937. - Pres.: Justice M. P. Crisp. - Gen. Seer.: R. F. Doust. Australian Council of National Trusts 115 Pitt Street, S y d n e y , N.S.W. 1945. - For the preservation of lands and buildings of beauty or of historic interest. - P: Annual Report; Newsletter. - Seer.: R. N. Walker. Australian Ex-Libris Society Box 2076L, G.P.O., S y d n e y , N.S.W. - Seer.: P. Neville Barnett. The British Council 18 Greenoaks Ave., Edgecliffe, S y d n e y , N.S.W. - Rep.: N. E. Willians. Royal Society of New South Wales Science House, S y d n e y , N.S.W. - 1 8 2 1 . - M : 3 8 0 . - P : Journal; Proceedings. - Pres.: A. L. Low. - Hon. Seers.: J. L. Griffith, Alex Reichel. U.S. Information Center 4 6 - 4 8 Margaret Street, S y d n e y , N.S.W.
1.1 Mathematics Australian Mathematical Society Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Melbourne, Parkville, N. 2, Victoria. - 1956. - M: 360. P: Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. - Pres.: H. O. Lancaster. - Seer.: J. F. Upton.
2 Sciences Astronomical Society of South Australia, Inc. Box 199C, G.P.O., A d e l a i d e , S.A. - 1892. - M: 220. - Pres.: G. W. McQuistan. - Seer.: H. Edwards.
Australia (2)
Royal Zoological Society of South Australia Frome Road, Adelaide, S.A. - 1878. - M: 375. - P: Report. - Pres.: P. S. Watts. - Dir.: W. E. Lancaster. Australian Academy of Science Canberra City, A.C.T. s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics Constitution Ave., Parkes, A.C.T., P.O. 378, Canberra, A.C.T. - 1946. - P: Bulletin; Reports; Australian Mineral Industry; Quarterly Reviews. Dir.: J. M. Rayner. Astronomical Society of Tasmania G.P.O., Box 154B, H o b a r t , Tasmania. - 1930. - M: 50. Seer.: C. E. Bisder. Astronomical Society of Victoria Box 1058J, G.P.O., Melbourne, Victoria. Commonwealth of Australia Bureau of Meteorology Box 1289K, G.P.O., Melbourne, Victoria 3000. - 1907. - P: Australian Meteorological Magazine, Meteorological Studies. - Dir.: W. J. Gibbs. Commonwealth X-Ray and Radium Laboratory 30 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Victoria. - 1929. - Dir.: D. J. Stevens.
Applied Chemistry. - Exec. Seer.: W. E. Purncll. Zoological Board of Australia Melbourne Zoological Gardens, Royal Park, M e l b o u r n e N. 2, Victoria. - 1937. - M: 11. Chair.: A. Dunbavin Butcher. Dir.: J. H. Sulivan. Astronomical Society of Western Australia Box S. 1460, G.P.O., Perth, W.A. 6001. - M: 120. P: Journal. Australian Society for Microbiology c/o Univ. of Western Australia, Victoria Square, P e r t h , W.A. 1958. - M: 800. - P: Newsletter. - Pres.: Prof. N. F. Stanley. Field Naturalists Club of Victoria National Herbarium, Domain, S o u t h Yarra 1, Victoria. 1880. - M: 900. - P: The Victorian Naturalist. - Pres.: M. K. Houghton. - Seer.: E. H. Goghill. Anthropological Society of New South Wales c/o Australian Museum, 618 College Street, S y d n e y , N.S.W. - 1928. M: 200. - P: Mankind. - Pres.: Jeremy Beckett. - Hon. Seer. : D. R. Moore.
Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union 386 Flinders Lane, Melbourne C. 1, Victoria.1901. - M: 995. - P: Emu. Hon. Gen. Seer.: T. I. Gellibrand.
Astronomical Society of Australia c/o Div. of Radiophysics, C.S.I.R.O., Sydney Univ. Grounds, S y d n e y , N.S.W. 1966. - M: 150. - P: Proceedings of the Astronomical Society of Australia. - Pres.: Harley Wood. - Seers.: K. V. Sheridan, Dr. S. F. Smerd.
Royal Australian Chemical Institute 55 Exhibition Street, Melbourne 3000, Victoria. - 1917; inc. 1932. - To promote the science and practise of chemistry. - M: 5160. - P: Proceedings of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute; Reviews of Pure and
Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science Science House, 157 Gloucester Street, S y d n e y , N.S.W. - 1888. - M: 2750. P: Australian Journal of Science. - Hon. Gen. Seer.: J. R. A. McMillan.
Australia ( 2 - 3 ) Australian Society for Limnology c/o Univ. of Sydney, Sydney 2006, N.S.W. - 1962. - M: 90. P: Newsletter. - Pres.: Dr. V. H. Jolly. Entomological Society of Australia Box 22, Five Dock, S y d n e y , N.S.W. - 1952. - M: 130. Pres.: C. E. Chadwick. Geological Society of Australia Science House, 157 Gloucester Street, S y d n e y , N.S.W. 2000. 1953. - M: 1189. - Pres.: F. Canavan. Linnean Society of New South Wales Science House, 157 Gloucester Street, S y d n e y , N.S.W. - 1874. - Promotes study and research in natural sciences. M: 302. - P: Proceedings. Hon. Seer.: R. H. Anderson. Malacological Society of Australia Australian Museum, College Street, S y d n e y , N.S.W. Royal Zoological Society of North South Wales 28 Martin Place, S y d n e y , N.S.W. - 1 8 7 9 . - M : 650. - P: Australian Zoologist. Pres.: E. J. Marlow. - Hon. Seer.: Miss L. Harford. The Science Foundation for Physics within the Univ. of Sydney S y d n e y , N.S.W. 2006. - 1954. To promote, foster, develop and assist science in the School of Physics within the Univ. - Chair.: W. M. Leonard. Wild Life Preservation Society of Australia Science House, Gloucester Street, S y d n e y , N.S.W. - 1 9 0 9 . - M : 7 5 0 . P: Australian Wild Life; Nature in Australia. - Pres.: Vincent Serventy. - Hon. Seer.: Jane A. Mendel.
The Post-graduate Medical Foundation 25 Lucas Street, C a m p e r d o w n , N.S.W. - 1958. - To further postgraduate education and research in medicine. - Pres.: Raymond E. Purves. Australian Association of Neurologists 61 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria. - Hon. Seer.: John A. Game. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Spring Street, Melb o u r n e , Victoria. — P: Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery. - Seer.: H. G. Wheeler. Commonwealth Serum Laboratories Commission Park ville, Victoria 3052. Australian Dental Association 53 Martin Place, S y d n e y , N.S.W. Australian Optometric Association 28 Bond Street, S y d n e y , N.S.W. - P: Journal. Australian Physiotherapy Association Anchor House, George and Bridge Street, S y d n e y , N.S.W.- 1905. - Pres. : Gordon Colvin. - Seer. : Joan Marienthal. The College of Radiologists of Australasia 147 Macquarie Street, S y d n e y , N.S.W. - M: 480. P: Australasian Radiology. Hon. Seer.: T. P. Loneragan. Dermatological Association of Australia 149 Macquarie Street, S y d n e y , N.S.W. Ophthalmological Society of Australia 27 Commonwealth Street, S y d n e y , NJS.W. - 1 9 3 8 . M : 250. - Pres.: Dr. D. Waterorth. - Seer.: Joh K. Hart. Royal Australasian College of Physicians 145 Macquarie Street, S y d n e y , N.S.W. - 1938. - M: 1350. - P: Australasian Annals
Australia (3-4.9) of Medicine. - Pres.: Sir William Morrow. - Seer.: G. L. McDonald.
Society of Australian Genealogists History House, 8 Young Street, S y d n e y , N.S.W. 2000. - 1932. M: 500. - Pres.: O. B. WaldronMcCarthy.
Veterinary Sciences
Australian Veterinary Association 665 George Street, Sydney, N.S.W. - 1925. - M: 1240. P: Australian Veterinary Journal. Pres.: I. W. Montgomery. Registrar: R. E. Churchward.
The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy c/o Miss B. E. Jacka, 399 Little Collins Street, Melbourne, C 1, Victoria. 1893; inc. 1955. - M: 2800. P: Proceedings; Monthly Bulletin. - Pres.: G. L. Clark. - Seer.: B. E. Jacka. The Australian Institute of Metals 23 Mc Killop Street, Melbourne 3000, Victoria. - 1946. - M: 2600. - P: Journal of the Australian Institute of Metals; Data Sheets; Definition of Terms used in the Heat Treatment and Testing of Metals; Handbook. Hon. Fed. Seer.: A. I. McRitchie. Institute of Automotive and Aeronautical Engineers 55 Exhibition Street, Melbourne, C 1, Victoria. Society of Instrument Technology Box 21075, G.P.O., Melbourne, Victoria. Australian Coal Association G.P.O., Box 2668, S y d n e y , N.S.W.P: Coal Miner. Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors S.B.I.C. Bldg.,
515-525 Elizabeth Street South, S y d n e y , N.S.W. 2000. Institution of Engineering, Australia Science House, Gloucester and Essex Streets, S y d n e y , N.S.W. - 1919. - M: 19300. - P: Journal; Civil Engineering Transactions; Electrical, Mechanical and Chemical Engineering Transactions. - Pres.: E. J. Crawford. Seer. : C. H. D. Harper. Royal Aeronautical Society — Australian Division 157 Gloucester Street, S y d n e y , N.S.W. - 1928. - Pres.: D. B. Hudson. - Seer.: W. Isbiter. Royal Australian Institute of Architects 118 Alfred Street, Milson'sPoint, S y d n e y , N.S.W. - 1930. - P: Architecture in Australia; Year Book. - Seer.: R. S. Greig.
4.9 Agriculture and Foresty Australian Society of Dairy Technology, Inc. P.O.B. 20, H i g h e t t , Victoria 3190. - 1946. - M: 1512. - P: The Australian Journal of Dairy Technology. - Pres.: J. C. Tarrant. - Seer.. L. L. Muller. Australian Institute of Agricultural Science 226 Clarendon Street, East Melbourne, Victoria. Exec. Officer: J. A. Roberts. Australian Wool Board „Wool House", 578 Bourke Street, Melbourne, C 1, Victoria. 1936. - P: Annual Review. Chief Exec.: R. B. McMillan. Dairy Husbandry Research Foundation c/o Univ. of Sydney, Sydney, N.S.W. 2006. Poultry Husbandry Research Foundation c/o Univ. of Sydney, Sydney, N.S.W. 2006.
Australia (4.9-5.8) Commonwealth Forestry and Timber Bureau Dept. of National Development, Banks Street; Y a r r a l u m l a , A.C.T. 2600.
5 Economical and Social Sciences Sociological Association of Australia and New Zealand c/o Dept. of ' Sociology, I.A.S. Australian National Univ., P.O.B. 4, C a n b e r r a 2600, A.C.T. - 1963. - Promotes sociology in Australia and New Zealand. - M: 368. P: The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology. Pres.: J. H. Robb. - Seer.: Dr. J. J. Mol. Australian Institute of Management 30 Queens Road, M e l b o u r n e 3004, Victoria. - 1941. - M: 9500 indiv., 2800 comp. - Fed. Seer.: R. B. Denmston. Committee for Economic Development of Australia - CEDA 3rd Floor, 380 Bourke Street, M e l b o u r n e 3000, Victoria. To initiate research on problems relating to the economic development of Australia. - Chair, of Exec. Committee: D. H. Merry. Seer.: E. H. Draeger. Economic Society of Australia and New Zealand University, M e l b o u r n e , Victoria. - M: 35 00. - P: The Economic Record. - Pres.: P. H. Karmel. Hon. Seer.: R. F. Holder. Institute of Public Affairs 289 Flinders Lane, M e l b o u r n e 3000, Victoria. - 1943. - For study of economic and industrial problems. - P: I.P.A. Review; I.P.A. Facts. - Pres.: F. E. Lampe. - Seer.: H. N. Warren.
Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics Newlands Street, Parkes, A.C.T. 2600. Australian Institute of Political Science 16 O'Conne 11 Street, S y d n e y , N.S.W. - P: Australian Quarterly. - Chair.: J. F. Blaxland. Commonwealth Institute of Valuers 161 Clarence Street, S y d n e y , N.S.W. - 1933. - M: 3178 - P : The Valuer. - Pres.: D. T. Doyle. - Registrar: A. A. Geeves. Statistical Society of Australia c/o Bureau of Census and Statistics, G.P.O., Box 796, S y d n e y , N.S.W. - 1962. - M: 522. - P: The Australian Journal of Statistics. - Pres.: H. O. Lancaster. Hon. Seer.: D. W. Maitland.
5.8 Geography Royal Geographical Society of Australasia-Queensland Branch 177 Ann Street, B r i s b a n e , Queensland. - 1885. - M: 700. - P: Queensland Geographical Journal. - Pres.: Roy Cooper. Hon. Gen. Dir.: D. A. O'Brien. Australian Institute of Cartographers P.O.B. 1292, C a n b e r r a , A.C.T. 2601. - 1953. - M: 752. - P: Cartography. - Pres.: W. B. R. Smith. - Hon. Seer.: W. T. Crocker. Institute of Australian Geographers Dept. of Geography, Box 25 2C, G.P.O., H o b a r t , Tasmania 7001 - 1958. - Promotes the advancement of Australian geography. M: 233. - P: Australian Geographical Studies. - Pres.: H. C. Brookfield. - Hon. Seer.: R. J. Solomon. Geographical Society of New South Wales Science House, Gloucester Street, S y d n e y , N.S.W. - 1927.
Australia (5.8-7.7) - M: 684. - P: The Australian Geographer. - Hon. Seer.: R. W. Krippner.
6 Law Australian Bar Association 174 Phillip Street, S y d n e y , N.S.W. Law Society of New South Wales 170 Phillip Street, S y d n e y , N.S.W. - 1884. - M: 3300. Pres.: W. R. D. Stevenson. Seer.: N. J. Williams.
7 Arts Australian Humanities Research Council Australian National Univ., Canberra, A.C.T. 1956. - To foster studies in the humanities. - M: 44. - Chair.: R. M. Crawford. - Seer.: K. V. Sinclair. Australian Council for Educational Research Frederick Street, H a w t h o r n , Victoria 3122. Council of Adult Education 256 Flinders Street, Melbourne, Victoria. Melbourne Shakespeare Society 2 Furnell Court, Toorak, Melbourne, Victoria. - Pres.: T. W. Brennan. - Hon. Seer. : D. H. Rankin. Australasian Association of Philosophy Dept. of Philosophy, S y d n e y , N.S.W. - 1923. - P: Australasian Journal of Philosophy. - Pres.: Peter Herbst. - Chair.: A. K. Stout. - Hon. Gen. Seer.: W. J. Ginnane. Fellowship of Australian Writers Box 3448, G.P.O., S y d n e y , N.S.W. - 1928. - M: 4 Ö 0 . Pres.: John E. Heiss. - Seer.: Alan Barclay.
7.1 History Historical Division, Royal Geographical Society of Australasia-South Australia Branch Inst. Bldg., North Terrace, Adelaide 5, S.A. - M: 200. - P: Proceedings. Chair.: J. C. ToUey. Royal Historical Society of Queensland G.P.O., Box 1811W, Brisbane, Queensland. - 1913. - M: 503. - P: Bulletin; Journal. - Pres.: Sir Raphael Cilento. Hon. Seer.: K. T. Cameron. Royal Historical Society of Victoria 19 Queen Street, Melbourne 3000, Victoria. - 1909. - M: 750. - P: Victorian Historical Magazine; Newsletter. - Dir.: M. Ferrier. Royal Western Australian Historical Society 49 Broadway, Nedlands, W.A. - 1926. - M: 850. - Pres.: B. C. Cohen. Australian Numismatic Society Box 3644, G.P.O. S y d n e y , N.S.W. 2001. - 1913. - M: 500. - P: Report. - Pres.: T. E. Hanley. - Seer.: I. Pryor. Royal Australian Historical Society History House, 8 Young Street, S y d n e y , N.S.W. - 1901. - M: 2200. - P: Journal. - Gen. Seer.: H. C. Harper.
7.7 Theatre The Australian Elizabeth Theatre Trust 15 3 Dowling Street, S y d n e y , N.S.W. - 1954. To promote the theatre in Australia. - M: 5250. - P: The Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust - the First Year; The Australian Theatre Year Book; Trust News. - Pres.: Sir Ian Potter. - Exec. Dir.: Stefan Haag.
Australia (7.9-8) - Austria (0) 7.9 Art Royal South Australian Society of Arts Institute Bldg., North Terrace, Adelaide, S.A. 1856. - Pres.: Steward Game. Hon. Seer.: Allan Glover. Royal Queensland Art Society Box 1602V, G.P.O., Brisbane, Queensland. - 1886. - M: 300. Pres.: E. J. A. Weller. - Seer.: E. T. Mackey. Victorian Artists' Society 430 Albert Street, East Melbourne 3002, Victoria. - 1870. - M: 650. - P: V.A.S. News Letter and Annual Report. - Pres.: William Frater. - Seer.: Lyndelle Richardson. The Arts Council of Australia 163 Crown Street, East Sydney, N.S.W. - Takes professional drama, music and arts exibitions
to schools and countryside. — M: 5000. Contemporary Art Society of Australia 33 Rowe Street, Sydney, N.S.W. - 1939. Royal Art Society of New South Wales Sydney, N.S.W. - 1880. - M: 350. - Pres.: Erik Langker. - Hon. Seer.: Phyllis R. Brodziak. Society of Artists 27 Hunter Street, Sydney, N.S.W. - 1895. - M: 60. - Pres.: Lloyd Rees. Gen. Seer.: John Santry.
8 Religion Australian National Society for the Study of the History of Religions Dept. of Semitic Studies, Univ. of Melbourne, Parkville, N. 2, Victoria.
Austria Republik Österreich 0 Allgemeines Gesellschaft für Ethische Kultur 1030 Wien, Zaunergasse 12. 1894. - P: Mitteilungen. - Dir.: Robert Frey. Gesellschaft für Ganzheitsforschung 1190 Wien, Franz-K lein-Gasse 1, H. für Welthandel. - 1956. - P: Zeitschrift für Ganzheitsforschung. Hermes-Gesellschaft zur Förderung lebendigen Schaffens und Schauens 1180 Wien, Ferrogasse 20/4. 1946.
Istituto Italiano di Cultura 1030 Wien, Ungargasse 43. — Zweigstelle in Innsbruck. - Dir.: Prof. Angelo Filipuzzi. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Wien, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Österreichische Hochschülerschaft 1010 Wien, Führrichgasse 10. M: 50000. - P: Bilanz. Österreichischer Akademikerbund 1010 Wien, Freyung 2. - 1953. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. R. Karnitz.
Austria ( 0 - 0 . 4 )
Österreichischer Forschungsrat 1010 Wien, Liebiggasse 5. 1960. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. Hubert Rohracher. Österreichisches Patentamt 1014 Wien, Kohlmarkt 8 - 1 0 . - 1899. - M: 100. - P: Österreichisches Patentblatt; Österreichischer Markenanzeiger; Patentschriften. - Präs.: Dr. Gottfried Thaler. 0.2 Organisation der Wissenschaft, Kulturorganisation, Kulturpolitik Amerika-Haus Linz 4020 Linz, Oberöst., Goethestr. 22. - 1945. - Leiter: Gertrude Hemmel. Amerika-Haus Wien 1010 Wien, Opernring 1, Opernringhof. - 1946. - Dir.: Joseph A. Hörne. Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kunst und Wissenschaft 40-1090 Wien, Maria Theresien-Str. 11. - 1953. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. R. Kerschagl. The British Council 1010 Wien, Freyung I. - 1946. - Zweigstellen in Graz, Innsbruck u. Klagenfurt. - Rep.: A. C. Hawkins. Gesellschaft zur Förderung wissenschaftlicher Forschung 1030 Wien, Salesianergasse 1. - 1952. Institut Français de Vienne 1010 Wien, Lobkowitzplatz 2. - 1928. - Zweigstelle in Innsbruck. - Dir.: Prof. Georges Deshusses. Institut für Wissenschaft und Kunst 1070 Wien, Museumstr. 5. 1946. - M: 500. - P: Mitteilungen. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. W. Marinelli.
Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung in Österreich 1010 Wien, Univ. Wien, Karl-LuegerRing. - 1960. Österreich Institut 1010 Wien, Judenplatz 11. 1945. - Gen. Dir.: Dr. Maximilian Schantl. Österreichisch-schwedisches Institut 1010 Wien, Herrengasse 21. 1953. - P: Austro-svensk. - Präs.: Eugen von Schoeller-Szuts. Österreichisch-sowjetische Gesellschaft 1010 Wien, Himmelpfortgasse 13. - 1945. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. Hugo Glaser. Österreichisch-Ungarische Vereinigung zur Pflege kultureller Beziehungen 1020 Wien, Hollandstr. 4. - 1950. - M: 600. - P: Neues aus Ungarn. - Präs.: Prof. Fritz Weber. Österreichisches Institut für Entwicklungshilfe und technische Zusammenarbeit mit den Entwicklungsländern 1010 Wien, Grillparzerstr. 14. - 1963. - Präs.: Prof. Fritz Klenner. Österreichisches Kulturzentrum 1010 Wien, Josefsplatz 6. 1958. - Präs.: Dr. Reinhard Karnitz. Ring der Wissenschaftlichen Verbände Österreichs 1010 Wien, Judenplatz 6. - P: Österreichische Hochschulzeitung; Jahrbuch. 0.4 Bibliotheks- und
Österreichische Exlibris-Gesellschaft 1090 Wien, Türkenstr. 17/4. 1903. - M: 500. - P: Jahrbuch; Mitteilungen. - Vors.: Hugo Baizar.
Austria (0.4-2.2) Österreichische Gesellschaft für Dokumentation und Bibliographie 1010 Wien, Josefsplatz 1. 1951. - Präs.: Dr. W. Ritzer. Österreichisches Institut für Bibliographie 1010 Wien, Rathausplatz 4, Tel. 422438. - 1949. P: Bibliographia Jundica Austriaca. - Dir.: Dr. Oskar Langer. Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekare 1010 Wien, Josefsplatz 1. - 1946. - Dir.: Dr. Albert Mitringer.
1.1 Mathematik Österreichische Mathematische Gesellchaft 1040 Wien, Kailsplatz 13. - 1904. - M: 474. - P: International Mathematical News. - Sehr.: Prof. Dr. W. Nöbauer.
sche Forschungen. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. Walter Hirschberg. Gesellschaft für Natur und Technik 1070 Wien, Burggasse 28-32. - 1946. - P: Universum - Natur und Technik. Hydrographisches Zentralbüro 1030 Wien, Marxergasse 2. 1893. - Sekr.: H. Schimpf. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Meteorologie 1190 Wien, Hohe Warte 38. - 1865. - P: Wetter und Leben. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. Ing. B. Ramsauer. Österreichische Studiengesellschaft für Atomenergie G.m.b.H. (SGAE) 1082 Wien, Lenaugasse 10. - 1956. - P: Berichte der einzelnen Institute; Kerndokumentation; Isotope in Industrie und Landschaft. - Dir.: Prof. Dr. Michael J. Higatsbeiger.
2.1 Physik
2 Naturwissenschaften Zentrum für Elektronenmikroskopie 8010 Graz, Steiermark, Rechbauerstr. 12. - 1959. - Präs.: J. Krainer. Mathematisch-Physikalische Gesellschaft in Innsbruck 6020 Innsbruck, Tirol, Innrain 52. 1936. - M: 70. - Vors.: Prof. Dr. Gustav Lochs. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Kärnten 9 0 1 0 K l a g e n f u r t , Kärnten, Museumsgasse 2. 1848. - M: 1000. - P: Carinthia II; Der Karinthin; Nachrichtenblatt. - Präs.: Dr. Franz Kahler. Anthropologische Gesellschaft in Wien 1010 Wien, Burgring 7. 1870. - P: Mitteilungen; Anthropologische Forschungen; Ethnologische Forschungen; Prähistori-
Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft 8700 L e o b e n , Steiermark, Montan. H., Franz-JosefStr. 18. - 1950. - M: 353. Präs.: Prof. Dr. A. W. Reitz. 2.2 Chemie Österreichische Gesellschaft für Mikrochemie und Analytische Chemie im Verein Österreichischer Chemiker 8010 Graz, Steiermark, Universitätsplatz 2. 1936. - Dir.: Dr. H. Malissa. Chemisch-Physikalische Gesellschaft in Wien 1090 Wien, Strudelhofgasse 4. - 1869. - Dir.: Dr. G. Ortner. Österreichische Biochemische Gesellschaft 1090 Wien, Währinger Str. 10. - 1952. - M: 180. Präs.: Prof. H. Michl.
Austria (2.3-3)
74 2.3 Geologie, Mineralogie
Geologische Bundesanstalt 1031 Wien, Rasumofskygasse 23. - 1849. - Dir.: Dr. Heinrich Küpper. Geologische Gesellschaft in Wien 1010 Wien, Geologisches Inst, der Univ., Universitätsstr. 7. 1907. - M: 500. - P: Mitteilungen. - Präs.: Dr. Sigmund Prey. Österreichische Mineralogische Gesellschaft 1010 Wien, Burgring 7. 1901. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. Josef Zemann.
2.4 Astronomie Astronomischer Verein 1080 Wien, Sanettystr. 3. 1924. - M: 1400. - P: Der Sternenbote; Österreichischer Himmelskalender. - Präs.: Johann Albrecht.
2.6 Biologie Kriminalbiologische Gesellschaft 8010 Graz, Steiermark, Mozartgasse 3. - 1927. - Dir.: Dr. H. Bellavic. Gesellschaft für Zellular- und biologische Gewebetherapie 1080 Wien, Lerchenfelder Str. 66. 1954. - P: Berichte. Österreichische Mykologische Gesellschaft 1011 Wien, Postfach 200. - 1919. - M: 200. - Präs: Dr. E. Thirring. Wiener Entomologische Gesellschaft 1010 Wien, Getreidemarkt 2. 1916. - M: 350. - P: Zeitschrift der Wiener Entomologischen Gesellschaft. - Man.: Hans Reisser. Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Wien 1010 Wien, Naturhistorisches Museum. - 1851. - M:
540. - P: Verhandlungen; Abhandlungen; Koleopterologische Rundschau. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. Karl Höfler.
3 Medizin Ärztegesellschaft Innsbruck 6020 I n n s b r u c k , Tirol, Med. Fak. der Univ. - 1894. - M: 300. - P: Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift; Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. H. Braunsteiner. Balneologische Kommission 1010 Wien, Stubenring 1. Dir.: Dr. F. Scheminzky. Gesellschaft der Ärzte 1090 Wien, Frankgasse 8. 1837. - M: 988. - P: Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift. - Präs.: Prof. T. Antoine. Gesellschaft der Chirurgen in Wien 1090 Wien, Allg. Krankenhaus, Alserstr. 4. - 1935. - M: 141. Dir.: Prof. Dr. Paul Fuchsig, Prof. Dr. Johann Nauratil. Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin in Wien 1090Wien, Garnisongasse 13, Allg. Krankenhaus. - 1886. M: 350. - P: Wiener Zeitschrift für Innere Medizin. - Dir.: Prof. Dr. K. Fellinger, Prof. Dr. E. Deutsch. Gesellschaft zum Studium der Sterilität und Fertilität 1070 Wien, Wickenburggasse 28. Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des vegetativen Nervensystems 1090 Wien, Alserstr. 32. 1949. - P: Acta neurovegetativa. Österreichische Ärztegesellschaft für Psychotherapie 1090 Wien, Mariannengasse 1. - 1950. — Präs.: Prof. V. E. Frankl.
Austria (3) Österreichische Dermatologische Gesellschaft 1090 Wien, Alserstr. 4, Allg. Krankenhaus. - 1890. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. A. Musger. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Anästhesiologie und Reanimation 1090 Wien, Spitalgasse 23. 1951. - P: Der Anästhesist. Präs.: Dr. V. Feurstein.
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Logopädie und Phoniatrie 1090 Wien, Lazarettgasse 14,1. Universitätsklinik für Hals-, Nasenund Ohrenkrankheiten. — 1926.
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmedizin 1090 Wien, Kinderspitalgasse 15. - P: Sichere Arbeit. - Präs.: Dr. Leopold Breitennecker. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Balneologie und Medizinische Klimatologie 1010 Wien, Stubenring 1. - 1956. - M: 8. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Schern inzky.
Österreichische Gesellschaft für physikalische Medizin und deren Grenzgebiete 1080 Wien, Alserstr. 4.
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Chirurgie 1090 Wien, Alserstr. 4. - 1958. - M: 450. - Dir.: Dr. Wayand. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Elektroencephalographie und klinische Neurophysiologie 1090 Wien, Universitätsnervenklinik, Spitalgasse 23. - 1953. P: Wiener Zeitschrift für Nervenheilkunde. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. Hans Hoff. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Ernährungsforschung 1180 Wien, Gregor-Mendel-Str. 33. - 1950. P: Lebensmittel und Ernährung. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Geriatrie 1140 Wien, HütteldorferStr. 188. - 1955. - M: 200. - P: Scriptum Geriatricum. Präs.: Doz. Dr. Walter Doberauer. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Pharmazie 1090 Wien, Spitalgasse 31. - 1926. Dir.: Franz Winkler. österreichische Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde 1090 Wien, Spitalgasse 23. - 1962. - M: 360. -
P: Pädiatrie und Pädologie. Präs.: Dr. Hans Asperger.
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Mikrobiologie und Hygiene 1090 Wien, Niederöst., Kinderspitalgasse 15. - 1926.
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Sexualforschung 1180 W ie n, Währinger Str. 79. - 1954. Präs.: Dr. A. Werkgartner. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Tuberkulose und Lungenerkrankungen 1090 W i e n . ' - 1951. M: 350. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. G. Salzer. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Urologie 1090 Wien, Frankgasse 8. - Dir.: Dr. B. Bibus. Österreichische Gesellschaft zum Studium der Sterilität und Fertilität 1090 Wien, Univ.-Frauenklinik, Spitalgasse 23. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. H. Knaus. Österreichische Krebsgesellschaft 1010 Wien, Universitätsstr. 11. - 1910. - P: Krebsarzt. Österreichische Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft 1090 Wien, Univ.Augenklinik, Alserstr. 4. - 1954. - M: 197. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. J. Böck. Österreichische Oto-Lary ngologische Gesellschaft 1090 Wien, Alserstr. 4. - 1892. - M: 250. - P: Monatshefte. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. Ludwig Hörbst.
Austria ( 3 - 4 )
Österreichische Röntgengesellschaft 1090 Wien, Mariannengasse 10. - 1946. - M: 272. - P: Radiologia Austriaca. - Präs. : Prof. Dr. L. Psenner.
Österreichisches Gießerei-Institut 8700 L e o b e n , Steiermark, Parkstr. 21. - 1952. - M: 166. - P: Zeitschriften. - Man. und Techn. Dir.: Wolfgang Thury.
Österreichische wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für prophylaktische Sozialmedizin 1090 Wien, Spitalgasse 23. - 1954.
Forschungsgesellschaft für das Straßenwesen 1010 Wien, Eschenbachgasse 9. - 1950.
Österreichischer Verein zur Erforschung der Paradontopathien (Austro-ARPA) 1050 Wien, Franzensgasse 12. - 1948.
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie 1080 Wien, Krotenthallergasse 3. - 1907. M: 137. - P: Osten. Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen. - Dir.: Dr. Friedrich Hauer.
Wiener Medizinische Akademie für Arztliche Fortbildung 1090 Wien, Alserstr. 4. - 1896. Präs.: Prof. Dr. J. Bock.
Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 1010 Wien, Gaunermanngasse 4. - 1926. P: Mitteilungen.
Wiener Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft 1090 Wien, Alserstr. 4, Allg. Krankenhaus. Wiener Verein für Psychiatrie und Neurologie 1090 Wien, Lazarettgasse 14, Univ.-Nervenklinik. 1868. - P: Wiener Zeitschrift für Nervenheilkunde. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. Hans Hoff.
Österreichische Gesellschaft der Tierärzte 1030 Wien, Linke Bahngasse 11. - 1919. - P: Wiener Tierärztliche Monatsschrift. Präs.: Prof. Dr. Fritz Prugelhof.
4 Ingenieurwissenschaften Österreichische Gesellschaft für Weltraumforschung 6020 Innsbruck, Tirol, Postfach 67. - 1952. Präs.: Prof. Dr. F. Hecht.
Österreichischer Ingenieur- und Architektenverein 1010 Wien, Eschenbachgasse 9. — 1848. - P: Österreichische Ingenieur-Zeitschrift. - Präs.: Karl Rabus. Österreichischer Normenausschuß 1010 Wien, Börsegasse 18. 1920. - P: ÖNORM. - Dir.: Ing. Mayer. Österreichisches Bauzentrum 1090 Wien, Palais Liechtenstein. - 1957. - M: 1339. - P: Bauform; Bauführer; Baukatalog; Österreichischer Baumarkt. Präs.: Robert Frey. Österreichisches Institut für Formgebung 1030 Wien, Salesianergasse 1. - 1958. - M: 84. Präs. : Manfred Mautner Markhof. Österreichisches Institut für Raumplanung 1011 Wien, FranzJosefs-Kai 27. - 1957. - M: 16. - P: Mitteilungen; Tätigkeitsbericht. - Dir.: W. Jäger. Psychotechnisches Institut Wien 1190 Wien, Vegagasse 4 . 1926. - P: Mensch und Arbeit. Dir.: Dr. Guido Hackl.
Austria ( 4 - 6 ) Zentralvereinigung der Architekten Österreichs 1010 Wien, Salvatorgasse 10. - 1907. - M: ca. 1000. - Präs.: Prof. Eugen Wörle.
4.9 Land- und
Agrarwirtschaftliches Institut des Bundesministeriums für Landund Forstwirtschaft 1133 Wien, Schweizertalstr. 36. - 1960. - P: Monatsberichte; Schrifttum; Schriftenreihe; Informationsdienste. - Dir.: Hans Alfons. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Holzforschung 1030 Wien. - 1948. - M: 400. - P: Holzforschung und Holzverwertung. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. Josef Kisser.
5 Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Oberösterreich 4020 Linz, Oberöst., Promenade 37. - 1946. Institut für Arbeits- und Baubetriebswissenschaft 1090 Wien, Fürstengasse 1. - Dir.: Dr. G. Dressel. Institut für Sozialpolitik und Sozialrefotm 1010 Wien, Ebendorfer Str. 6/IV. - 1953. - Dir.: Dr. Karl Kummer. Nationalökonomische Gesellschaft (Gesellschaft Österreichischer Volkswirte) 1010 Wien, Univ. 1929. - M: 50. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. Alexander Mahr. Österreichische Geographische Gesellschaft 1010 Wien, Judenplatz 11. - 1856. - M: 950. - P: Mitteilungen; Abhandlungen. Präs.: Prof. Dr. H. Spreitzer.
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Soziologie 1010 Wien, Dr. KarlLueger-Ring 1. - 1950. - Präs.: Dr. E. Bodzenta. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftspolitik 1190 Wien, Franz-Klein-Gasse 1/48. - 1947. - Präs.: Dr. Richard Kerschagl. Österreichische Statistische Gesellschaft 1010 Wien, Universitätsstr. 7. - 1951. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. S. Sagoroff. Österreichische Werbewissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 1190 Wien, Franz-Klein-Gasse 1. - 1955.
Gesellschaft für den Volkskundeatlas in Österreich 1010 Wien, Hanuschgasse 3. - 1935. - P: Österreichischer Volkskundeatlas. — Dir.: Prof. Dr. R. Wolfram, Dr. Egon Lendl. Österreichische Ethnologische Gesellschaft 1010 Wien, Universitätsstr. 7. - 1957. - P: Mitteilungen. - Dir.: Prof. Dr. A. Slawik. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Volkslied- und Volkstanzpflege 1010 Wien, Lange Gasse 25. 1895. - Dir.: Prof. Dr. F. Kotek.
6 Rechtswissenschaft Österreichische Gesellschaft für Kirchenrecht 1010 Wien, Dr. KarlLueger-Ring 1. - 1949. Wiener Juristische Gesellschaft 1010 Wien, Stephansplatz 8A. - 1867. - M: 600. - Präs.: Dr. Wilhelm Kaan.
Austria (7-7.4)
7 Geisteswissenschaften Akademische Gesellschaft für Philosophie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie, Innsbruck 6020 Innsbruck, Tirol, Schopfstr. 41. 1960. - Präs.: Dr. H. Ganner. Österreichischer PEN-Club 1070 Wien, Sigmundsgaxse 16/7. - 1922. - Präs.: F. T. Csokor. Wiener Goethe-Verein 1010 Wien, Reitschulgasse 2. 1878. - Präs.: Dr. W. Waldstein.
7.1 Geschichte Historische Landeskommission für die Steiermark 8010 Graz, Steiermark 3/II. - 1892. - M: 25. - P: Forschungen zur geschichtlichen Landeskunde der Steiermark; Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Landeskommission; Quellen zur geschichtlichen Landeskunde der Steiermark. Präs.: Prof. Dr. Hanns Koren. Historischer Verein für die Steiermark 8010 Graz, Steiermark, Hamerlinggasse 3. - 1850. - M: 1100. - P: Zeitschrift des historischen Vereins; Beiträge zur Erforschung Steirischer Geschichtsquellen; Blätter für Heimatkunde. - Vors.: Dr. Ferdinand Tremel. Geschichtsverein für Kärnten 9010 Klagenfurt, Kärnten, Museumsgasse 2. - 1844. - M: 1439. - P: Carinthia, Archiv für Vaterland. Geschichte und Topographie; Kärntner heimatkundliche Schriftenreihe; Kärntner Heimatatlas; Sonderschriften des Geschichtsvereins für Kärnten; Paracelsus Schriftenreihe der Stadt Villach. - Dir.: Oberregieiungsrat Hermann Braumüller.
Oberösterreichischer Musealverein 4020 Linz, Oberöst., Museumstr. 14. - 1833. - M: 1096. P: Jahrbuch. - Vors.: Dr. Kurt Holter. Museumsverein Stillfried 2262 Stillfried. - 1914. - Dir.: Dr. E. Krenn. „Eranos Vindobonensis" 1010 Wien, Univ. Wien, Inst, für Alte Gesch., Arch. u. Epigr. 1885. - M: 100. - Vors.: Dr. Robert Göbl. Heraldisch-Genealogische Gesellschaft „Adler" 1010 Wien, Haarhof 4a. - 1870. - P: Jahrbuch; Wappenkalender; Zeitschrift - Präs.: Prof. Dr. Hans Jäger-Sunstenau. Institut für Zeitgeschichte 1010 Wien, Univ., Dr. Kari-Lueger-Ring 1. - 1960. - Dir. : Dr. L Jedlicka. Kommission für neuere Geschichte Österreichs 1010 Wien, Univ., Historisches Inst - 1900. - M: 12. - Vors.: Prof. Erich Zöllner. Österreichische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte 1010 Wien, Universitätsstr. 7/II/I. 1950. - Dir.: Dr. F. Berg. Österreichische Numismatische Gesellschaft 1010 Wien, Burgring 5. - 1870. - P: Numismatische Zeitschrift; Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Numismatischen Gesellschaft. - Präs.: Dr. Herbert Wenzel.
7.4 Psychologie Berufsverband Österreichischer Psychologen 1010 Wien, Liebiggasse 5. - 1953. - Dir.: Dr. S. Bayr-Klimpfinger.
Austria (7.4-7.8) Gesellschaft für Jugendkriminologie und Psychagogik 1120 Wien, Schönbrunner Str. 291. - 1956. - Dir.: Prof. Dr. F. Stampfl. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychische Forschung 1040 Wien, Gusshausstr. 25. - 1927. - M: 74. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. Hellmut Hofmann. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychologie 1060 Wien, Linke Wienzeile 118. - 1946. - Dir.: Dr. Maximilian Piperek. Wiener Psychoanalytische Vereinigung 1010 Wien, Rathausstr. 20. - 1908. - M: 23. - Präs.: Doz. Dr. W. Solms.
7.6 Sprache und Literatur Gesellschaft für Klassische Philologie in Innsbruck 6020 Innsbruck, Tirol, Neue Univ., Inst, fiir Klass. Philologie, Innrain 52. - 1958. M: 200. - P: Acta phüologica Aenipotana. - Dir.: Dr. Walter Schwarzer. Seminar für Amerika-Studien 5010 Salzburg, Schloß Leopoldskron. - 1947. - Präs.: Paul M. Herzog. Afro-asiatisches Institut 1090 Wien, Türkenstr. 3. 1964. Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Altphilologen Österreichs 1030 Wien, 3 Ungargasse 39/6a. - 1921. - M: 936. - Vors.: Dr. Hans Malicsek. Orientalisches Institut 1010 Wien, Universitätsstr. 7/V. - 1886. - M: 50. - P: Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. Herbert W. Duda. Österreichische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kunde des Slawentums und
Osteuropas 1010 Wien, Liebiggasse 5/1. - 1951. - Dir.: Dr. G. Wytizens. Österreichische Byzantinische Gesellschaft 1010 Wien, Hanuschgasse 3. - 1946. - M: 170. - P: Jahrbuch. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. Herbert Hunger. Österreichische Gesellschaft fiir Literatur 1010 Wien, Herrengasse 5. - 1961. - Präs.: Dr. W. Kraus. Österreichisches Ost- und Südosteuropa-Institut 1010 Wien, Josefplatz 6 (Palais Palffy). - 1958; gegründet als Arbeitsgemeinschaft. - P: Österr. Ost-Hefte; Wiener Quellenhefte zur Ostkunde. Präs.: Dr. Alfred Weikert Wiener Sprachgesellschaft 1010 Wien, Univ., Inst f. Allgemeine und Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft - 1947. M: 335. - P: Die Sprache. Präs.: Prof. Dr. M. Mayrhofen
7.7 Theater Gesellschaft für Wiener Theaterforschung 1010 Wien, Neue Hofburg, Batthyänystiege. — 1944. M: 200. - P: Jahrbuch für Wiener Theaterforschung. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. Margret Dietrich. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Filmwissenschaft 1010 Wien, Rauhensteingasse 5. - 1952. - M: 146. - P: Filmkunst und Mitteilungen. - Präs.: Dr. Heinz Kindermann.
7.8 Musik Franz Lehär-GesellSchaft 1010 Wien, Opernring 1. 1949. - Präs.: C. M. Zwerenz.
Austria (7.8-8)
Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien 1010 Wien, Bösendorfer Str. 12. - 1812. - M: 6020. Präs.: Dr. Alexander Hryntschak. Johann Strauss-Gesellschaft 1010 Wien, Neues Rathaus. 1936. - Dir.: Prof. F. Salmhofer. Österreichischer Richard WagnerVerband 1010Wien, Kärntner Ring 10. - 1909. Wiener Beethoven-Gesellschaft 1190 Wien, Heiligenstadt, Pfarrplatz 3. - 1954. - M: 550. Präs.: Dr. Ferdinand Koberger. Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft 1030 Wien, Lothringer Str. 20. - 1913. - M: 2500. - Präs. : Ing. Dr.h.c. Manfred Mautner-Markhof. 7.9 Kunst Gesellschaft für Vergleichende Kunstforschung 1020 Wien, Castelezgasse 17. - 1932. - M: 900. - P: Kunstwissenschaftliche Jahresgabe; Mitteilungen. - Vors.: Dr. Josef Zykan. Künstlerhaus (Gesellschaft bildender Künstler) 1010 Wien, Karlsplatz 5. - 1861. - M: 220. - Präs.: Prof. Dr. Karl Kupsky.
Kunsthistorische Gesellschaft 1010 Wien, Universitätsstr. 7. 1958. - Dir.: Prof. Dr. O. Pacht Österreichische Gesellschaft für Christliche Kunst 1010 Wien, Stephansplatz 3. - 1909. - M: 133. - Präs.: Dr. Hans Petermair.
8 Religion Institut für kirchliche Zeitgeschichte 5020 Salzburg, Mönchsberg 2A. - 1961. - P: Hirtenbriefe aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. - Dir.: Prof. Dr. E. Weinzierl. Evangelische Akademie in Österreich 1096 Wien, Schwarzspanierstr. 13, Postfach 15. - 1952. - P: Argumente. - Dir.: Ulrich Trinks. Gesellschaft für die Geschichte des Protestantismus in Österreich 1010 Wien, Liebiggasse 5. 1879. - M: 287. - P: Jahrbuch. - Vors.: Prof. Dr. Dr. Wilhelm Kühnert. Wiener Katholische Akademie 1010 Wien, Freyung 6 (Schottenhof). - 1945. - P: Religion, Wissenschaft, Kultur; Jahresberichte; Austria Sacre. - Dir.: Präs. Dr. H. Peichl.
Bahamas - Belgique (0)
Bahamas Development Board Carleton House, Nassau.
Belgique Royaume de Belgique 0
Vereniging der Antwerpsche Bibliofielen (Vereinigung der Antwerpener Bücherfreunde) A n t w e r p e n , Vnjdagmarkt 22, Museum Plantin-Moretus. 1877. - M : 150. - P: De Gulden Passer. - Präs.: G. Schmook. Académie Roy ale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique B r u x e l l e s , s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Association Belge de Documentation - Belgische Vereniging voor Documentatie 90 ave. des Armures, 1 9 - B r u x e l l e s . 1947. - M: 105. - P: Cahiers de la Documentation. - Prés.: J. de Keersmaecker. Association Belge des Sociétés d'Etudes pour le Développement ave. Louise 522, B r u x e l l e s 5. Association des Archivistes et Bibliothécaires de Belgique 4 boul. de l'Empereur, 1 - B r u x e l l e s . - 1907. - M: 320. - P: Archives et Bibliothèques de Belgique. - Sécr. Gén.: M. Walraet.
The British Council 166 ave. Louise, B r u x e l l e s . - Rep.: A. C. Hayter. Centre pour l'Étude des Problèmes du Monde Musulman Contemporain 44 ave. Jeanne, 5 - B r u x e l l e s . - 1957. - P: Correspondance d'Orient-Études. — Dir. scient.: Prof. A. A bel. Commission Belge de Bibliographie 8 0 - 8 4 rue des Tanneurs, 1 - B r u x e l l e s . - 1951. - Souscomité de l'UNESCO étudiant les méthodes de la standardisation de la bibliographie. - M: 68. P: Bulletin; Bibliographia Belgica; Coll. - Prés. • L. Verniers. Comité National Belge d'Organisation Scientifique 15 rue des Drapiers, B r u x e l l e s 5. Fédération Belge des Alliances Françaises et Institutions Associées 6 Place Quetelet, 3 - B r u x e l l e s . - Prés.: Prof. Victor Decroyere. Fédération Belge des Sociétés Scientifiques 31 rue Vautier, 4 - B r u x e l l e s . - 1949. Coordination des activités et publications scientifiques, poursuit le développement des sciences
Belgique ( 0 - 1 . 1 )
pures et appliquées. - M: 40. P: Le Mouvement Scientifique en Belgique. - Prés.. A. Capait. Fondation Francqui Bruxelles. s. Fondation Universitaire. Fondation Universitaire 11 rue d'Egmont, 5-Bruxelles. - 1920. - Se propose d'encourager l'enseignement supérieur et la recherche scientifique. - Prés.: Jean Willems, C.B.E. Organismes affiliés: Fond National de la Recherche Scientifique 1928. Fondation Francqui 1932. Institut Interuniversitaire des Sciences Nucléaires 1951. Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique Bruxelles, s. Fondation Universitaire. Institut Belge d'Information et de Documentation 3 rue Montoyer, 4-Bruxelles. - 1962. - Prés.: A. Breyne. Istituto Italiano di Cultura 38 rue de Livourne, Bruxelles. - Pres..'Alberto Pincherle. Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Künsten van België (Königlich Flämische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Literatur und Schönen Künste von Belgien) Bruxelles. s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Les Naturalistes Belges 20 ave. de Roovere, 8-Bruxetles. - 1918. - M: 1000. - P: Les Naturalistes Belges. - Prés.: G. Marlier. Service Belge des Échanges Internationaux 8 0 - 8 4 rue des Tanneurs, 1-Bruxelles. - 1889. - Dir. : Dr. J. Dargent. Société Belge des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Editeurs (SABAM) 61 rue de la Loi, 4-Bruxelles. -
1922. - M: 5250. - P: Bulletin. - Prés.: Marcel Poot. Société des Bollandistes 24 boul. St. Michel, 4-Bruxelles. - 1630; Ancienne fondation d'Anvers, nommée d'après Bollandus. Rassemble des Jésuits belges, engagés de publier „Acta Sanctorum", une histoire critique des saints, avec des sources originales et des documents. P: Analecta Bollandiana; Subsidia Hagiographica. - Prés.: Maurice Coens. Union Royale Belge pour le Congo et Les Pays d'Outremer 34 rue de Stassart, Bruxelles. - 1912. Provenant de l'ancienne Union Coloniale Belge. - M: 200. P: Bulletin. - Prés.: Alfred Moeller de Laddersous. U.S. Cultural Center 217 ave. Louise, Bruxelles. Comité Belge d'Histoire des Sciences Rozier 9, Centr. Bibliotheek van de Rijksuniv. Gent, G e n t . - 1933. - M: 40 ord.; ass. 20. - P: Bibliografische nota's. - Prés.: J. Gillis. Société Scientifique de Bruxelles Institut de Physique, Parc d'Arenberg, Heverlee-Louvain. M: 250. - P: Revue des Questions Scientifiques; Annales. - Prés.: Prof. H. Breny.
Centre National de Calcul Mécanique 44 rue de Louvain, Bruxelles. Dir.: M. A. Dillaerts. Société Mathématique de Belgique 317 ave. Ch. Woeste, 9-Bruxelles. - 1921. - M: 500. - P: Bulletin., - Sécr.: Alfred Piron; Guy Hirsch.
Belgique (2)
2 Sciences Naturelles Société d'Astronomie d'Anvers 1 Leeuw van Vlaanderenstraat, A n t w e r p e n . - 1905. Diffusion, enseignement et support pour le développement de l'astronomie. - M: 162. P: Rapport annuel. - Prés.: J. Storms. Société Royale de Zoologie d'Anvers 26 Koningin Astridplein, Antwerpen. - 1 8 4 3 . - M : 8530. - P: Zoo; Acta Zoologica; Pathologica Antverpiensia. Dir.: W. van den Bergh. Académie Royale des Sciences d'Outre Mer: Koninklijke Academie voor Overzeese Wetenschappen Bruxelles, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Association pour les Études et Recherches de Zoologie Appliquée et de Phytopathologie 18 ave. des Arts, Bruxelles. - 1 9 4 5 . P: Parasitica. - Prés.: R. Breny. Institut des Parcs Nationaux du Congo 1 rue Defacqz, 5-Bruxelles. - 1934. - Pour la protection des parcs nationaux, de la flore et la faune du Congo. Dir.: A. Houben. Institut Interuniversitaire des Sciences Nucléaires Bruxelles, s. Fondation Universitaire. Société Belge d'Astronomie, de Météorologie et de Physique du Globe 3 ave. Circulaire, Uccle, Bruxelles. - 1899. - M: 750. - P: Ciel et Terre. - Prés.: M. Nicolet. Société Belge de Biochimie 115 boul. de Waterloo, 1-Bruxelles. M: 413. - Sécr.: R. Crokaert. Société Belge de Biologie 115 boul. de Waterloo, Bruxelles. M: 122. - Sécr.: Prof. P. E. Gregoire.
Société Belge de Géologie, de Paléontologie et d'Hydrologie 13 rue Jenner, 4-Bruxelles. 1887. - M: 490. - P: Bulletin de la Société; Comptes Rendus de Sessions; Mémoires. Prés. ' I. de Magnée. Société Chimique de Belgique 49 square Marie-Louise, 4-Bruxelles. - 1 8 8 7 . - M : 1200. - P: Bulletin des Sociétés Chimiques Belges. - Prés.: Dr. Florent Martin. Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique 236 rue loyale, Bruxelles. - 1862. - M: 300. - P: Bulletin; Mémoires. Prés.: J. Maton. Société Royale d'Entomologie de Belgique 31 rue Vautier, 4-Bruxelles. - 1855. - M: 180. - P: Bulletin et Annales de la Société Royale d'Entomologie de Belgique; Mémoires de la Société Royale d'Entomologie de Belgique; Catalogue des Coléoptères de Belgique. - Sécr. : J. Decelle. Société Royale Zoologique de Belgique 50 ave. F. D. Roosevelt, Bruxelles. - 1863. - P: Annales. - Prés.: A. Bauchau. Vlaamse Chemische Vereniging (Flämische Chemische Vereinigung) 49 square Maria-Louiza, Bruxelles. - 1939. - M: 1000. - P: Mededelingen; Bulletin des Sociétés Chimiques Belges. Prés. : A. Cottenie. Société Astronomique de Liège ' Liège. - 1938. - Rassemble les amateurs d'astronomie et popularise la science. - M: 154. P: Bulletin. - Prés.: P. Tarte. Société Géologique de Belgique 7 place du XX août, Univ. de Liège, Liège. - 1874. - M: 485. - P: Annales de la Société
Belgique ( 2 - 4 )
84 Géologique de Belgique; Mémoires in 4°. - Prés.: A. Pissart.
Société Royale des Sciences de Liège 15 ave. des Tilleuls, Liège. 1835. - Favorise le développement des sciences mathématiques, physiques, chimiques, minerales et biologiques. - M: 200. - P: Mémoires. - Prés. • J. Serpe. Belgische Natuurkundige Vereniging Boeretang 200, Mol.
3 Médecine Société Belge de Médecine Physique et de Redaptation Schermersstraat 1, A n t w e r p e n . Société Belge de Médecine Tropicale / Belgische Vereniging voor Tropische Geneeskunde Nationalestraat 155, A n t w e r p e n . - 1920. — M: d'hon. 47; ass. 40, tit. 124; corr. 251. - P: Annales des Sociétés Belges de Médecine Tropicale, de Parasitologie et de Mycologie. Sécr. • Prof. P. G. Janssens. Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique B r u x e l l e s , s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Association Belge d'Hygiène et de Médecine Sociale 7 rue HegerBordet, B r u x e l l e s . - 1938. Entreprend et favorise des recherches en Belgique et au dehors de pays. Arrange les participations belges aux conférences internationales. M: 160. - P: Archives Belges de Médecine sociale, d'Hygiène, Médecine du Travail et Médecine legale. - Prés. Prof. Maurice Millet. Association des Sociétés Scientifiques Médicales Belges 43 rue des Champs Elysées, Hôtel de Sociétés Scientifiques, 5 - B r u x e l l c s . Prés. : Prof. de Moor.
Association pour l'Étude Médico-
Sociale sur la Croissance et le
Développement de l'Enfant 7 rue Héger-Bordet, B r u x e l l e s . Koninklijke Vlammse Academie voor Geneeskunde van België (Königlich Flämische Akademie für Medizin von Belgien) B r u x e l l e s , s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Société Belge de Cardiologie 43 rue des Champs Elysées, B r u x e l l e s . Société Belge d'Ophthalmologie 15 ave. de la Folle Chanson, B r u x e l l e s . - 1896. - M: 578. P: Bulletin. - Sécr. : Prof. Appelmans. Société Belge de Pharmaco-Therapie 284 rue Royale, B r u x e l l e s 3. Société Belge de Radiologie 54 boul. de Waterloo, B r u x e l l e s . - 1906. - M: 400. - P: Journal Belge de Radiologie. - Prés.: Dr. Desaive. Société Royale des Sciences Médicales et Naturelles de Bruxelles 115 boul. de Waterloo, B r u x e l l e s . - 1822. - M: 150. P: Annales de la Société Royale des Sciences Médicales et Naturelles de Bruxelles. - Sécr.: Prof. Dr. J. J. Reuse.
4 Technique Fédération des Géomètres Experts Indépendants 12 rue Sanderus, A n t w e r p e n . - 1933. - P: Le Géomètre et Géomètre Architecte Indépendant. - Prés.: C. Sauvage. Koninklijke Vlaamse Ingenieurvereniging (Königliche Flämische Ingenieurvereinigung) Jan van Rijswijcklaan 58, Ingenieurshuis, A n t w e r p e n . - 1928. - M: 5000. - P: Het Ingenieursblad; Huishoudelijk Mededelingen. Präs.: Ing. Jan Renard.
Belgique ( 4 - 5 ) Association Belge de Photographie et de Cinématographie 57 rue Claessens, 2-Biuxelles. - 1874. - P: Informations. - Pris.: J. Peeters. Association Belge pour l'Étude, PÉssai, l'Emploi des Matériaux (ABEM) ave. Adolphe Buyl 127, Bruxelles 5. Institut Belge de Normalisation (I.B.N.) 29 ave. de la Brabançonne, 4-Bruxelles. — 1946. — Membre de l'Organisation Internationale de la Normalisation (I.S.O.). M: 700. - P: Normes Belges; Revue I.B.N. - Prés.: G. Willems. Société Belge de Photogrammétrie 34 boul. Pachéco, Bruxelles. 1931. - M: 250. - P: Bulletin. Prés.: L. van der Rijt. Société Royale Belge des Électriciens 54 chaussée de Charleroi, 6-Bruxelles. - 1884. - M: 1500. - P: Bulletin de la Société Royale Belge des Électriciens; Revue. - Prés.: M. Poma. Société Royale Belge des Ingénieurs et des Industriels 3 rue Ravenstein, 1-Bruxelles. - 1885. - M: 4613. - P: Revue; Bulletin; Hebdomadaire. - Prés.: A. Lefébvre. Architecture 4.1 Fédération Royale des Sociétés d'Architectes de Belgique 537 boul. de Smet de Naeyer, 2-Bruxelles. - Sécr. Gén.: E. Draps. Société Belge des Urbanistes et Architects Modernistes 366 ave. Brugmann, Bruxelles. - 1919. - Sécr.: L. Obizmski. Société Centrale d'Architecture de Belgique 3 rue Ravenstein, Hôtel Ravenstein, 1-Bruxelles. 1872. - Prés.: J. Wybauw.
4.9 Agriculture et Sylviculture Alliance Agricole Belge 82 rue Joseph II, 4-Bruxelles. 1930. - P: Alliance Agricole; Nos Petits Élevages et Nos Jardins. - Prés.: M. Piette. Institut Économique Agricole 18 boul. de Berlaimont, Bruxelles. - 1960. - Études et recherches de sociologie économique et agricole. — Dir.: G. Boddez. Société Nationale de Laiterie 49 ave. Charles Verhaegen, Crainhem.
5 Sciences Economiques et Sociales Conseil Supérieur de Statistique 44 rue de Louvain, Bruxelles. 1841. - M: 53. - Prés.: A. de Block. Institut Belge de Science Politique 43 rue des Champs Elysées, Bruxelles. - 1951. - Encourage l'étude des sciences politiques. M: 800. - P: Res publica. Prés.: M. Grégoire. Institut Belge des Sciences Administratives 11 Place Royale, Bruxelles. - 1936. - Étudie les questions soumises par l'Institut International des Sciences Administratives. M: 90. - P: Recueil de jurisprudence du droit administratif et du Conseil d'État. - Près. : L. Moureau. Société Royale d'Économie Politique de Belgique 3 rue de la Science, 4-Bruxelles. - 1855. - Sè propose à rendre populaires et à faire progresser les sciences économiques. — M: 750. - P: Comptes rendus des travaux. Prés.: Baron van der Rest.
Belgique ( 5 . 7 - 7 . 2 )
86 5.7
Ethnologie; 5.8
Société Royale de Géographie d'Anvers 285 Antwerpsestraat, M o r t s e l - A n t w e r p e n . - 1876. M: 240. - P: Bulletin de la Société Royale de Géographie d'Anvers. - Prés.: M. Baelde. Institut Géographique Militaire 13 Abbaye de la Cambre, 5 - B r u x e l l e s . - 1831. - M: 600. - Dir. Gén.: M. Simonet. Société Belge d'Ergologie 65 rue de la Concorde, 5 - B r u x e l l e s . Étudie et développe tous les aspects concernant le facteur humain dans l'ouvrage. Prés. : P. Moies-Delval. Société Royale Belge de Géographie 87 ave. A. Buyl, Inst. de Géographie, 5 - B r u x e l l e s . 1876. - P: Revue Belge de Géographie. - Prés.: H. Nicolai'. Société Belge d'Études Géographiques Blandynberg, 2 - G e n t . - 1931. Centralise et coordonne les recherches géographiques en Belgique et Congo. - M: 300. P: Bulletin. - Prés.: F. Dussart.
Institut Belge de Droit Comparé 14 rue Bosquet, B r u x e l l e s . 1907. - M: 400. - P: La Revue de Droit International et de Droit Comparé. - Prés.: H. Matton.
7 Sciences Humaines 7.1
Association Royale des Demeures Historiques 68 ave. Jules César, 15-B'ruxelles. - Sêcr. très.: F. Possoz.
Institut Historique Belge de Rome 78 Galerie Ravenstein, B r u x e l l e s 1. Société d'Études et d'Histoire Sanmarinaises 44 ave. Brugmann, B r u x e l l e s . - 1937. - Études sur l'histoire et les institutions de l'ancienne république de San Marino, datant du IV-ème siècle. - Prés.: Dr. jur. Emmanuel Noël. Société Royale Belge d'Anthropologie et de Préhistoire 51 rue Vautier, B r u x e l l e s . - 1882. - M: 176. - P: Bulletin de la Société Royale d'Anthropologie et de Préhistoire. - Prés.: H. Brabant. Société Royale de Numismatique de Belgique 22 ave. Louise, 5 - B r u x e l l e s . - 1841. - M: 50; 15 d'hon.; 100 corr. nat.; 100 corr. étr. - P: Revue Belge de Numismatique et de Sigillographie; Catalogue de l'Éxposition Numismatique de 125e anniversaire de la Société, 1966. - Prés.: Marcel Hoc.
Institut Archéologique du Luxembourg 13 rue des Martyr, A r l o n . - 1847. - P: Annales; Bulletin. Prés.: Marcel Bourguignon. Académie Royale d'Archéologie de Belgique B r u x e l l e s , s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Société Royale d'Archéologie de Bruxelles Musée de la Porte de Hal, B r u x e l l e s . - 1887. Sections d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art. - M: 1700. P: Bulletins; Annales. - Prés.: de Greef. Société Royale d'Archéologie et de Paléontologie 12 boul. Jacques Bostrand, C h a r l e r o i . 1863.M: 300. - P: Bulletin; Documents
Belgique (7.2-7.6) et Rapports. - Prés. : Baron Carlo Henin. Institut Archéologique Liégeois 13 quai de Maastricht, Musée Curtius, Liège. - 1850. Études d'histoire, archéologie et sciences ayant rapport, dans lg département de Liège. - M: 450 ord.; corr. 40. - P: Bulletin; Archeological Chronicle of the District of Liège. - Prés. : M. J. Venter. Société Archéologique rue Saintraint, Hôtel de la Croix, N a m u r . 1845. - M: 700. - P: Annales de la Société Archéologique de Namur; Namurcum. Société Royale d'Histoire et d'Archéologie 20 rue Joseph Hoyois, T o u r n a i . - 1845. Étudie l'histoire de l'archéologie et de l'art dans la région de Tournai. - P: Annales. - Prés.: L. Fourez.
Centrum voor de Studie van de Mens (Zentrum für das humanistische Studium) 221 Italiëlei, A n t w e r p e n . — 1951. — Forschung und Synthese von wissenschaftlichen und philosophischen Daten über den Menschen, sowohl als Einzelerscheinung als auch Bestandteil der kulturellen Gemeinschaft. - Präs. : R. van Overbeke.
Société Philosophique de Louvain 2 place Cardinal Mercier, L o u v a i n . - 1888. - M: 135. - P: Revue Philosophique de Louvain; Répertoire Bibliographique de la Philosophie. - Prés. : A. Dondeyne.
7.6 Langue et
Academie Royale de Langue et Littérature Françaises Bruxelles, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Association des Écrivains Belges de Langue Française 150 chaussée de Wavre, Maison des Écrivains, Bruxelles. - 1902. - M: 440. - P: Nos Lettres. - Prés.: G. Dopagne. Cercle d'Études Littéraires Françaises (C.E.L.F.) 42 ave. de la Couronne, Bruxelles. - 1 9 3 5 . M: 250. - P: Interfrance; Les Cahiers de la Tour de Babel; Un trou dans le Ciel. - Prés. • A. Légier. Fondation Égyptologique Reine Elisabeth Parc du Cinquantenaire. 4-Bruxelles. - 1923. - Se propose d'encourager les études d'égyptologie. - M: 596. - P: Chronique d'Égypte; Bibliotheca Aegyptiaca; Papyrologica Bruxellensia; Bibliographie Papyrologique sur fiches. - Prés.: M. H. Lavachery.
Société Belge de Logique et de Philosophie des Sciences 317 ave. Charles Woeste, 9-Bruxelles. - Sècr.: G. Hirsch.
International P.E.N. Club 110 ave. F o n d ' R o y , 18-Bruxelles et 225 Voormitgang Straat, 1-Bruxelles. - Séction française, Prés.: Robert Goffin. Flämische Abteilung, Präs. : Gov. R. Declerck.
Société Belge de Philosophie 11 rue d'Egmont, Bruxelles. - 1920. - Rassemble les intéressés pour la philosophie. - M: 84. - Prés.: J. Paumen.
Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Taal- en Letterkunde (Königliche Flämische Akademie für Sprachkunde und Literatur) Bruxelles, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst.
Belgique (7.6-8)
Société d'Études Latines de Bruxelles 60 rue Colonel Chaltin, 18-Bruxelles. - 1937. - M: 500. - P: Latomus; Collection Latomus. - Prés.: L. Hermann, M. Renard. Société de Langue et de Littérature Wallonnes place du XX août, Univ. de Liège, Liège. - 1 8 5 6 . P: Bulletin de la Société de Langue et de Littérature Wallonnes; Bulletin du Dictionnaire Wallon. Près.: L. Warnant.
7.9 Art National Hoger Instituut en Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Künsten — Antwerpen (Nationales Institut und Königliche Akademie der Schönen Künste - Antwerpen) Mutsaertstraat 31,Antwerpen. - 1663. - Dir. : M. Macken. Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts, École Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs et École Supérieure d'Architecture de Bruxelles Bruxelles. s. MINERVA Forschungsinst.
Association des Artistes Professionels de Belgique 461 ave. Louise, 5-Bruxelles. Société Belge de Musicologie 30 rue de la Régence, 1-Bruxelles. - 1946. - Encourage l'étude et le progrès de la science et l'histoire de la musique. - M: 150. - P: Revue Belge de Musicologie. — Sécr. : A. van der Linden. Société Royale des Beaux-Arts 25 ave. Jef. Lambeaux, Bruxelles. - 1 8 9 3 . Organise des expositions de peinture, sculpture et gravure, publiant aussi les catalogues respectifs. - Prés. : Baron Albert Houtart.
Ruusbroec-Genootschap (RuusbroecGenossenschaft) Prinsstraat 17, A n t w e r p e n . - 1925. - Gesellschaft flämischer und holländischer Jesuiten; geistliches Studium der Niederlande. - P: Ons Geestelijk Erf; Studien en Tekstuitgaven van Ons Geestelijk Erf. - Präs.: L. Moereels.
Bermuda - Bolivia (0)
Bermuda Bermuda Historical Monuments Trust H a m i l t o n . - Government body in charge of colonial archives and concerned with the preservation of historical buildings. - Chair.: Dr. Hy. C. Wilkinson, C.B.E. Bermuda Historical Society Par-la-Ville, H a m i l t o n . M: 180. - P: Bermuda Historical Quarterly. - Pres.: Dr. A. Hallett. The Bermuda Society of Arts Art Gallery, City Hall, Hamilton.
- 1946. - M: 260. - Pres.:
Gilbert Cooner, M.C.P.
Bermuda Technical Society c/oP.W.D. H a m i l t o n . Seer.: Donald Foulger. Royal Commonwealth Society, Bermuda Branch c/o Bank of Bermuda, H a m i l t o n . Hon. Seer.: Ian Esslemont. St. George's Historical Society St. George. - M: 115. Pres.: F. Roberts.
Bolivia República de Bolivia 0 Generalidades Centro Boliviano-Americano Cochabamba. Comisión de Planeamiento y Coordinación de las Universidades Bolivianas c/o Univ. Mayor de San Simón, C o c h a b a m b a . Academia Boliviana La Paz. s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Alianza Francesa 20 de Octubre 2119, Casilla 1527, La Paz. Dir.: Gastón Prince. Amigos de la Ciudad Plaza del Teatro Núñez del Prado 576, Casilla 911, La Paz. - 1916. M: 518. - P: Boletín Informativo. - Pres.: Humberto Muñoz Cornejo.
Centro Boliviano-Americano La Paz. Centro de Investigación y Documentación Científica y Tecnológica Ave. Mariscal Santa Cruz 1175, Casüla Postal 2977, La Paz. 1963. - Dir.: Marcela Meneses. Centro Intelectual Galindo Oficina Mapiri, La Paz. - 1924. Pres.: Ismael Sotomayor. Confederación Universitaria Boliviana (CUB) Univ. Mayor de San Andrés, Villazón 465, La Paz. Corporación Boliviana de Fomento La Paz. Deutsch-Bolivianisches Kulturinstitut Casilla Correo 2195, La Paz.
Bolivia ( 0 - 4 )
Fundación Universitaria „Simón I. Patiño" Comercio 819, Casilla 1265, La Paz. - Subvenciona estudios en universidades bolivianas y colegios técnicos; pública libros de autores bolivianos; concede premios en música y literatura. - Pres.: Dr. Luis Ballivián Saracho. Goethe-Institut La Paz. - 1966. Dir.: Dr. Rudolf Hartweg. Instituto de Cultura Anglo-Boliviana Calle Buenos, esq. F. Zuazo, La Paz.
Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia La Paz. s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Comisión Nacional de Energía Nuclear Ministerio de Economía, La Paz. - 1960. - Departamento de Enseñanza y Divulgación Científica, Centro de Documentación y Publicaciones, Dep. de Física y Química Nucleares, Dep. de Ingeniería Nuclear, Electrónica y Contrucciones, Dep. de Materias primas radioactivas, Dep. de Radioactividad e Isotópos Radioactivos, Dep. de Aplicaciones Biológicas y Defensa de la Salud, Dep. de Aplicaciones Industriales, Dep. de Legislación sobre aspectos Nucleares. - Dir.: Prof. Ismael Escobar.
Meteorológico. - Dir.: Ernesto Gebhardt. Sociedad Geológica Boliviana Edificio Miniminas, Casilla 2729, La Paz. - 1961. - Incrementa y extiende los conocimientos geológicos, estimula las invest. científicas, preserva los monumentos geológ. nacionales. Pres.: Dr. Gustavo Donoso. 3
Sociedad de Pediatría Casilla 1429, C o c h a b a m b a . - 1945. Institución particular; Intensifica estudios de la especialidad entre sus asociados, protección social de la familia. - M: 14. - Pres.: Dr. Julio Corrales Badani. Confederación Boliviana de Odontólogos Casilla 2203, La Paz. - 1940; Organizada como Asociación Odontológica Boliviana, 1956 transformada en Confederación actual. Filiales en todo el territorio nacional. - P: Revista Boliviana de Odontología. Sociedad Boliviana de Cirugía Casilla 1252, La P a z . - 1939. Institución particular; Estudio y progreso de la Cirugía en sus diferentes ramas. - Pres.: Dr. Edmundo Ariñez Zapata.
Consejo Latinoamericano de Rayos Cósmicos y Física del Atmósfera Laboratorio de Física Cósmica, Univ. Mayor de San Andrés, La P a z .
Sociedad Boliviana de Salud Pública Edificio de Salud Pública, Plaza Franz Tamayo, Casilla Postal 151, La Paz. - 1963. - Institución particular; Promover la especialización en salud publica. - P: Revista de Salud Publica. Dir.: Dr. Antonio Brown Lema.
Dirección General de Meteorología La P a z . - 1942. - Realiza estudios e informes con fines agrícolas, hidrológicos, bioclimatológicos, pronósticos de tiempo con diversos fines. - P; Anuario
Asociación d e Arquitectos de Bolivia Casilla 1498, La P a z . - 1 9 4 2 . -
4 Ingeniería
Bolivia ( 4 - 7 ) M: 35. - Pres.: Arq. Hugo López Videla. Asociación de Ingenieros y Geólogos de Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos AIGYPFB Casüla 401, La Paz. - 1958. Promover el interés científico por medio de conferencias, artículos técnicos etc. - M: 160. - P: Petróleo Boliviano. - Pres.: Ing. Roberto Santa Cruz. Instituto Boliviano del Petróleo (I.B.P.) Casilla 401, La Paz. 1959. - Fundado para sostener y coordinar estudios científicos y económicos en la industria petrolera de Bolivia. - M: 50. P: Boletín del Instituto Boliviano del Petróleo; Temas de Divulgación Petrolera. - Pres.: José Patino Ayoroa. Junta Nacional de Planeamiento Ave. 6 de Agosto 2317, La Paz. Servicio Agrícola Interamericano La Paz. — Estaciones de investigación y centros de documentación en diferentes ciudades del país. Sociedad de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Bolivia Casüla 1687, La Paz. - 1944. - Institución particular. Sociedad Rural Boliviana Comercio 420, La Paz. Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos Edificio YPFB, La Paz.
Ciencias Económicas y Sociales
Dirección General de Estadística y Censos Calle Ayacucho 55, La Paz. - 1897. Instituto Criminológico de Bolivia La Paz. - 1914.
Instituto Geográfico Militar y de Catastro Nacional Colombio s/n, La Paz. - P: Boletín Informativo. - Com.: Rodolfo Ortiz Moscoso. Instituto Nacional de Comercio Campero 94, La Paz. Sociedad Geográfica de La Paz Casüla 632, Calle Tiahuanaco 12, La Paz. - 1889. - Departamentos de Prehistoria, Historia, Folklore, Geografía. - M: 580. - P: Boletín. - Pres.: Juan Cabrera García. Sociedad Geográfica y de Historia „Potosí" Casa Nacional de Moneda, Casilla correo 39, Potosí. - P: Colección de la Cultura Boliviana; Boletín. Pres.: Armando Alba. Sociedad de Estudios Geográficos e Históricos Plaza 24 de Setiembre, Santa Cruz de la Sierra. 1903. - P: Boletín. Sociedad Geográfica „Sucre" Plaza 25 de Mayo, Sucre. - 1887. M: 21. - P: Boletín. - Dir.: Dr. Alfredo Jáuregui Rosquellas.
7 Ciencias Humanas Academia de la Lengua Aymara La Paz. s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Academia Nacional de la Historia La Paz. s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Círculo de Bellas Artes Oficina Plaza Teatro, La Paz. - 1912. — Pres.: Ernesto Peñaranda. Consejo Nacional de Educación Yanacocha 475, La Paz. P.E.N. Club de La Paz (Centro Internacional de la Asociación P.E.N.) Calle Goitia 17, Casilla 149, La Paz. - 1931. - M: 40; extr. 7. - Pres.: Dr. Casto Rojas.
Bolivia (7) - Brasil (0)
Sociedad Arqueológica de Bolivia Ave. Chacaltaya 500, Casilla 1487, L a P a z . - Se d i v i d e en las siete secciones siguientes: Geología, Paleontología, Antropología, Prehistoria, Folklore,
Asuntos nacionales, A r q u i t e c t u r a prehistórica. - P: Anales de la Arqueología de Bolivia. Pres.: Prof. Alberto Laguna Meave. Instituto de Alfabetización (Univ. Técnica de O r u r o ) O r u r o .
Brasil Estados Unidos do Brasil 0 Generalidades Centro Cultural Inter-Americano C u r i t i b a , Paraná. Instituto Brasil-Estados Unidos F o r t a l e z a , Ceará. Superintendencia de Desenvolvimento do Nordeste (SUDENE) F o r t a l e z a , Ceará. Associaçâo de Intercambio Cultural Ave. General R o n d o n 572, G u i r a t i n g a , Mato G r o s s o . 1946. - M: 700. - P: Novo Mundo. - Dir. : R a i m u n d o Maranhâo Ayres. Movimento do Natal N a t a l , Rio Grande do Norte. Associaçâo dos Pesquisadores do Rio Grande do Sul (APERGS) Instituto de Ciencias Naturais, Ave. Paulo Gama, P ò r t o A l e g r e , Rio Grande do Sul. - 1961. Instituiçào particular; Promove atividades culturáis relacionadas com a investigaçâo. - Près.: Dr. Francisco M. Salzano. Instituto Cultural Brasileiro-Norteamericano P ò r t o A l e g r e , Rio Grande do Sul.
Sociedade Cultural Brasil-Estados Unidos R e c i f e , P e r n a m b u c o . Academia Brasileira de Ciencias R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Alianza Francesa Ave. Presidente Antonio Carlos 58, R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - Secr.: Paul Mondoloni Associa^ao Brasileira de Luta contra a Fome c/o Dr. J o s u é de Castro, Largo Misericordia 24, R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - Organiz a d o Privada. Associa9áo do Cambio Cultural General R o n d ó n 5 9 2 , R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. Conselho Británico Ave. Portugal 360, Urca, Caixa Postal 2237, R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. Rep.: R. Cavaleiro. Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas 350 Mar Cam3ra, R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. Cruzada Sao Sebastiao R ú a da Gloria 446, R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - O r g a n i z a d o privada.
Brasil (0) Cultura Inglesa Ave. Graija Aranha 327, Caixa Postal 821, R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. Dir.: F. G. Wood, M.B.E. Fundagäo „Getúlio Vargas" Praia de Botafogo 186, R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - 1944. - Subsidia institutos educacionais: Instituto Brasileiro de A d m i n i s t r a d o , Instituto Brasileiro de Economia, Instituto de Selejäo e Orientagäo Profissionai, Instituto de Direito Público e Ciéncia Politica, Departamento de Ensino. - M: 244. - P: Conjuntura Econòmica; Revista de Direito Administrativo; Revista Brasileira de Economia; Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicotecnica; Revista de Direito Público e Ciencia Política; Cadernos de Administra5ào Pública; Revista de Administrasào de Empresas. - Pres.: Dr. Abin Pedro. Instituto „Benjamin Constant" R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. 1854; ex-Instituto de Cegos, fundado como Imperial Instituto de Meninos Cegos. - P: Revista Brasileira para Cegos. - Dir.: Jairo Moraes. Instituto Brasil-Estados Unidos Ave. N. S. Copacabana 690, R i o de J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - Pres..' Roberto M. Oliveiia. Instituto Cultural Brasil-Alemanha Ave. Gra?a Aranha 416, R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - 1956. P: Noticiário. - Pres.: Cándido Mota Filho. Instituto Cultural Brasil-Japáo Ave. Franklin Roosevelt 39, R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - 1957. M: 500. - Dir.: Teitaro Takahashi. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz Ave. Brasil, Caixa Postal 926, R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guùnabara. - 1900. Dir.: Prof. Francisco da Rocha Lagoa.
Istituto Italiano di Cultura Rua Cardoso Junior 95, Ave. N. S. de Copacabana, 119/201, R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - Dir.: Prof. Fernando Capecchi. Sociedade Brasileira de Cultura Inglesa Ave. Gra?a Aranha 327, Caixa Postai 821, R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - 1934. Pres.: A. Camillo de Oliveira. Sociedade Luso-Africana do Rio de Janeiro Pra$a Tiradentes 660, R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. Uniáo Nacional dos Estudantes Univ. do Brasil, Pasteur 250, R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. Associalo Cultural Brasil-Estados Unidos S a l v a d o r , Bahia. Fundapào para o Desenvolvimento da Ciencia na Bahia Pra9a da Sé. Edif. Themis, conj. 209, S a l v a d o r , Bahia. - 1950. I n s t i t u i d o autònoma; Coordena estimula e assiste na pesquisa e nos trabalhos científicos. Centro Cultural Brasil-Estados Unidos S a n t o s , Sào Paulo. Casa de Goethe Rua Augusta 1470, Sào P a u l o , S3o Paulo. - 1957. - Dir.: Dr. D. M. Noack. Conselho Federai de Biblioteconomia (CFB) Rua Avanhandava 1 6 - 4 0 , Edif. Tanabi, unidade 110, Sào P a u l o , Sào Paulo. - 1966. Pres.: Laura García Moreno Russo. Federalo Brasileira de Associates de Bibliotecarios (FEBAB) Rua Avanhandava 16-40, Edif. Tanabi, unidade 110, Sào P a u l o , Sào Paulo. - 1959. - M: 15. - P: FEBAB. - Pres.: Laura García Moreno Russo. Federa9áo Internacional de AssociaQóes de Bibliotecarios-Grupo Regional America Latina (FIAB/ GRAL) Rua Santo Antonio 733, Sào P a u l o , Sào Paulo. - M:
Brasil ( 0 - 2 . 6 ) Argentina, Chile, Perú, Panamá, Uruguay e Venezuela.
Funda^ao Moinho Santista 150 Rúa Boa Vista, Sao P a u l o , Sao Paulo. - 1955. - Promove o progresso das ciencias, letras e artes em Brasil e otourga o prego anual „Moinho Santista". Chefe: Prof. Jorge Americano. Istituto Italiano di Cultura Rúa Freí Caneca 1071, Sao P a u l o , Sao Paulo. - Dir.: Prof. Edoardo Bizzarri. Sociedade Brasileira para o progresso da Ciencia Caixa Postal 11230, Sao P a u l o , Sao Paulo. - 1948. I n s t i t u i d o particular. - M: 2000. - P: Ciencia e Cultura. - Pres.: José Baeta Vianna. Sociedade Científica de Sao Paulo Caixa Postal 1904, S a o P a u l o , Sao Paulo. - 19.39. - Pres.: Dr. Gastáo F. de Almeida. Uniao Cultural Brasil-Estados Unidos Casa Roosevelt, Rúa Coronel Oscar Porto 208, Caixa Postal 7197, Sao P a u l o , Sao P a u l o . 1938. - Cursos em ingles e portugués e especializados. -
M: 1240. - P: Hifen. - Secr.: Flávio M. Nobre de Campos.
1.1 Matemáticas Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática Caixa Postal 1611, C u r i t i b a , Paraná. - 1953. - I n s t i t u i d o particular; desenvolve pesquisas e contribui no aperfeifoamento deste ramo das cièncias. - P: Anuario da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática.
2 Ciencias Naturais Academia de Ciencias de Minas Gerais Belo H o r i z o n t e , Minas Gerais.
A s s o c i a l o Brasileira de Química Ave. Rio Branco 156, Caixa Postal 550, R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - 1951 ; resulta da a m a l g a m a l o da Sociedade Brasileira de Química (1922) e da Associagáo Brasileira de Química (1940). - M: 6500. - P: Anais; Boletim; Revista; Indice Biográfico; Revista Engenharia e Química. - Pres.: C. E. Nabuco de Araújo. Comissáo Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN) R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Servilo de Meteorologia Edif. do Entreposto Fed. da Pesca, Pra?a 15 de Novembre 2, R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - 1921. P: Boletim Diàrio do Tempo; Boletim Técnico. - Dir.: Dr. Jesus Marden dos Santos. Conselho Regional de Química 4 a Regiáo 24, 2 4 ° J. Brigola, Sao P a u l o , Sao Paulo. Sociedade Brasileiro de Geologia Alameda Glete 463, Caixa Postal 8105, Säo P a u l o , Sao Paulo. 1945. - I n s t i t u i d o particular. Pres.: Avelino J. de Oliveira.
2.6 Biología S e r v i a de Piscicultura Rúa do Imperador 1313, Caixa Postal 25, F o r t a l e z a , Ceará. - 1932. Departamento Nacional de Obras Contra as Secas do Ministerio de Viagá° e Obras Públicas; pesquisas ictiológicas e controle da biología pesqueira na água doce. - Dir.: Rui Simóes de Menezes. S e r v i a de Fitopatología Ave. Julio de Castilhos 585, P o r t o A l e g r e , Rio Grande do Sul. - 1943. Secretaria da Agricultura; estuda
Brasil ( 2 . 6 - 3 ) as doengas bacterianas, fungicas, fisiogénicas e de virus das plantas cultivadas. - Chefe: Américo Joáo de Gasperi. Sociedade Brasileira de Genética Dept. de Genética, Caixa Postal 1953, P ò r t o . A l e g r e , Rio Grande do Sul. - 1955. - I n s t i t u i d o particular. - P: Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Genética. - Dir.: Dr. A n t ò n i o R. Cordeiro. Sociedade de Biologia do Rio Grande do Sul Univ. do Rio Grande do Sul, Ave. Paulo Gama, P o r t o A l e g r e , Rio Grande do Sul. Servia de Defesa Sanitaria Vegetal Edif. do Museu Histórico, Largo da Misericòrdia s/n, Caixa Postal 1784, R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - 1920. - P: Boletim Fitossanitário; Monografías. Dir.: Helio Teixeira Alves. Servilo Florestal Dept. de Recursos Naturais Renováveis, Ministério da Agricultura, Bloco 8, R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - 1920.— P: Arquivos da Jardim Botánico; Arquivos da Servido Florestal; Rodriguésia. - Dir. : Dr. Joao Belo Lisboa. Sociedade Botànica do Brasil Jardim Botánico, R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - 1950. Pres.: Dardano de Andrade Lima. Sociedade de Biologia do Brasil Caixa Postal 1587, ZC-00, R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. Sociedade Panamericana da Citologia del Cancro Sá Ferreira 138, Apdo. 1007, R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. Congresso da América do Sul da Zoologia Caixa Postal 7172, S a o P a u l o , Sao Paulo. Sociedade Brasileira de Entomologia Caixa Postal 9063, S a o P a u l o , Sao Paulo. - 1937. - P: Revista
Brasileira de Entomologia. — Lauro P. Travassos Filho. Sociedade de Biologia de Sáo Paulo Caixa Postal 12993, S a o P a u l o , Sao Paulo. - 1921. - Pres.: J. Lopes de Faria.
3 Medicina Associalo Bahiana de Medicina Ave. Sete de S e t e m b r o 48, B a h í a . - 1894. - Pres.: Dr. José Silveira. Sociedade de Pediatria da Bahia Ave. J o a n n a Angélica 75, B a h i a . - M: 43. - P: Pediatria e Puericultura. - Pres.: Dr. Elysio Pereira de Athayde. Sociedade Brasileira de Neurocirurgia Clínica Neurològica, Fac. de Medicina, Univ. de Minas Gerais, B e l o H o r i z o n t e . - 1957. Organiza congressos médicos, impulsiona o aperfeÍ90ament0 da Neurocirurgia. - P: Revista Brasileira de Neurocirurgia. Pres.: Prof. Dr. José Geraldo Alberuaz. Associapáo Paranaense de Farmacéuticos Rúa Dr. Muricy 439, Apdo. 33, C u r i t i b a , Paraná. 1929. - I n s t i t u t o particular; Realiza e promove o estudio dos temas de Farmácia, colabora com autoridades para solucionar os problemas do gremio e da saude pública. SecQáo de Farmacia Galénica (Univ. do Paraná) C u r i t i b a , Paraná. - 1960. - Incrementa ensino, estudo e pesquisas ñas cátedras e disciplinas. - Dir.: Dr. Amanry Carón d o s Anjos. Sociedade de Medicina de Alagoas Rúa do Comércio 140, M a c e i ó , Alagoas. - 1917. - P: Arquivos. - Dir. : Dr. Ezechias da Rocha.
Brasil (3)
Sociedade de Medicinb R e c i f e , Pernambuco. - 1897. Academia Nacional de Farmacia Rúa Andradas96, R i o de J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - P: Boletim. Academia Nacional de Medicina Rio de J a n e i r o , Guanabara. s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. A s s o c i a l o Brasileira de Farmacéuticos Rúa das Andradas 96, 10° Caixa Postal 948, Rio de J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - 1916. - Comprende a Comissáo Econòmica e Etica Farmacéutica, Comissáo de Desenvolvimento Cultural, Comissáo de Propaganda e Intercambio Associativo, Comissáo de Legislado Comercial, Comissáo de Legislado Sanitaria, Comissáo de Legislado Tributaria, Comissáo de Legislado de Marcas e Patentes. - M: 950, corr. mem. provinientes de vários países das Américas e Europa. - P: Revista Brasileira de Farmácia. - Pres. : Ñuño Alvares Pereira. A s s o c i a l o Brasileira de Odontologia Ave. 13 de Maio 13, R i o de J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - 1937. M: 1500. - P: Revista Brasileira de Odontologia. - Pres.: Dr. Mario Araújo. Sec^áo Cultural A s s o c i a l o Latinoamericana da Biologia Nuclear e Medicina Centro da Medicina Nuclear, Caixa Postal 22, R i o de J a n e i r o , Guanabara. Confederado Latinoamericana das Sociedades dos Anesthiólogos Copacabana 1386/1101, Rio de J a n e i r o , Guanabara. Instituto de Nutrigáo Largo de Misericordia 24, Rio de J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - 1946. - P: Arquivos Brasileiros de Nutri?áo. - Dir. : Prof. d e m e n t i n o Fraga Filho.
Instituto Nacional de Farmacologia Ave. Presidente Antonio Carlos 207, Rio de J a n e i r o , Guanabara. Servido Nacional de Cancer Ave. Rio Branco 124, R i o de J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - 1954. Ministério de Sáude, Trabalhos principáis; luta contra o cáncer. P: Revista Brasileira de Cancerologia. - Dir.: Prof. Antonio Prudente. Servido Nacional de Lepra Rúa Washington Luis 13, Rio d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - 1941. Dir.: Dr. Noel Nu ties. Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia e Sifilografia Caixa Postal 389, Rio de J a n e i r o , Guanabara. 1 9 1 2 . - M : 248, corr. 81, hon. 40. - P: Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia e Sifilografia. - Pres.: Dr. R. D. Azulay. Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia Ave. Pasteur 250, R i o de J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - 1956. Instituido particular. - P: Revista Brasileira de Microbiologia. Sociedade Brasileira de Psiquiatría, Neurologia e Medicina Legal Rúa Alvaro Ramos 405, R i o d e J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - 1907. P: Arquivos Brasileiros de Neuriatria e Psiquiatría. - Pres.: Dr. Heitor Peres. Fundadlo Gonzalo Moniz Pedro Lessa, 4 Canela, S a l v a d o r , Bahia. - 1950. - I n s t i t u i d o autònoma; F u n d e s : manter e desenvolver os servidos do Instituto de Sáude Pública. P: Boletim da Funda?áo Gon?alo Moniz. - Dir.: Prof. Aluizio Rosa Prata. A s s o c i a l o Médica Brasileira Ave. Brigadeiro Luiz Antonio 278, Sao P a u l o , Sáo Paulo. - 1951. Contribuí para a solu$áo dos
Brasil ( 3 - 4 ) problemas médicos. - M: 21000. - P: Revista da Associafáo Médica Brasilera. - Pres.: Dr. Fernando Megre Velloso. Associa5áo Paulista de Combate áo Cáncer c/o Univ. de Sao Paulo, Cidade Universitária, „Armando de Salles Oliveira", Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo. - Pres.: Dr. Haroldo Levy. Associacjáo Paulista de Medicina Ave. Brigadeiro Luiz Antonio 278, Caixa Postal 2103, S S o P a u l o , Sao Paulo. - 1930. - M: 7300, corr. 1139, estr. 15. - Pres.: Henrique Mélega. Secuto Brasileira do Colegio Internacional de CinirgiOes Ave. Paulista - Conjunto Nacional, Sala 615, Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo. - 1949. - Instituido particular; a principal finalidade é trabalhar pelo aperfei?oamento médico e pelo progresso da cirurgia. - Pres.: Dr. Alipio Pernet.
Sociedade de Medicina e Cirurgia de Sao Paulo Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo. - 1895. - P: Revista de Medicina e Cirurgia de Sao Paulo. - Pres.: Prof. Dr. Carlos Gama. Sociedade de Medicina Legal e Criminologia de Sáo Paulo Caixa Postal 4350, Sao Paulo, Sáo Paulo. - 1921. - M: 191, corr. 184. - Pres.: Prof. Dr. Hilário Veiga de Carvalho. Sociedade Latinoamericana de Cirurgia Plástica c/o Dr. Antonio Duarte Cardoso, 7 de Abril 404, Sáo Paulo, Sao Paulo.
3.9 Medicina Veterinaria Sociedade Paranaense de Medicina Veterinaria Edif. Tijucas 13, conj. 1310, Curitiba, Paraná. 1941.
Sociedade Brasileira de Anatomía Fac. de Medicina, Univ. de Sao Paulo, Caixa Postal 100 B, Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo. - 1952. Instituido particular; avanzar o estudo da Anatomía, Histología, Embriología, Antropologia, Física etc. - P: Folia Clínica et Biologica.
Sociedade de Engenharia do Rio Grande do Sul Trav. Acylino Carvalho 33, Caixa Postal 654, Porte Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. - 1930. - P: Revista de Engenharia.
Sociedade Brasileira de Historia da Medicina Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo. Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Nuclear Centro de Medicina Nuclear, Caixa Postal 22022, Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo. - 1962. Fundada para permitir a congreg a d o de todos os que se dedican direta ou indiretamente na aplicado dos isotopos radioactivos e estáveis na medicina etc. - Pres.: Dr. Tede Eston de Eston.
Federaçâo Brasileira de AssociaçOes de Engenheiros Caixa 1229, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara. Associaçâo Brasileira de Metáis (A. B.M.) Viaduto Dona Paulina 80 (Palacio Mauá), Sáo Paulo, Sao Paulo. - 1943. - Sociedade civil particular; Promove o progresso da técnica metalúrgica, estimula a investigado científica e tecnológica, realiza Congressos, promove reuniòes técnicas. - M: 2496. P: ABM-Boletim; ABM Noticiario. - Pres.: Oswaldo Pinto da Veiga.
4 Engenharia
Brasil ( 4 - 6 )
Associagáo de Engenharia Química pela Escola Politécnica da Universidade de Sáo Paulo Praga Coronel Fernando Prestes 74, Sao Paulo, Sáo Paulo. - 1944. - M: 300. Pres.: Luiz Straunard Pimentel. Conselho Regional de Engenharia e Aiquitetura Expediente 87 N. Pes., Sáo Paulo, Sao Paulo.
4.9 Agricultura e Silvicultura Associagáo de Crédito e Assisténcia Rural (ACAR) 1065, 5. S. 507 Bahia, Belo H o r i z o n t e , Minas Gerais. Organizagáo Internacional dos Expertos do Virus Cítrico c/o Dr. Silvio Moreira, Inst. Agronómica, Caixa Postal 28, Campiñas, Sáo Paulo. Instituto Nacional de Pesca Div. de Caja e Pesca, 15 de Novembro, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara. Servido Nacional de Pesquisas Agronómicas (SNPA) Caixa Postal 1620, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara. - 1943. - Ministério da Agricultura; Dirige e coordena as pesquisas agronómicas no país, promove por meio de pesquisas, o progresso da agricultura. Dir.: Prof. Oswaldo Bastos de Menezes. Sociedade Nacional de Agricultura Ave. General Justo 171, Caixa Postal 1245, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara. - 1897. - P: A Lovoura. - Pres.: Luiz Simdes. Associagáo Brasileira de Mecánica dos Solos Caixa Postal 7141, Sao Paulo, Sáo Paulo. Servido Florestal Hórto Florestal, Caixa Postal 1322, Sáo Paulo, Sáo Paulo. - 1911. - Secretaria da Agricultura; é responsável por toda política forestal oficial do Estado de Sáo Paulo, incluindo
pesquisa, produgáo, desenvolvimento. - Dir.: Roberto de Mello Alvarenga.
Ciencias Económicas e Sociais
Centro Desenvolvimiento Económico Gra?a Aranha, 174, Rms. 9 0 5 912, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara. Conselho Nacional da Geografía 436 B. Mar, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara. Conselho Nacional Servipo Social Imprensa 16, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara. Servido Nacional Aprendizagem Comercial (SENAC) 735 Sta. Luzja, Rio de J a n e i r o , Guanabara. Sociedade Brasileira de Cartografia Caixa Postal 144-06, Agencia Lapa, Rio de J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - 1958. - Sociedade civil. - Pres. : Prof. Sebastiáo da Silva Furtado. Sociedade Brasileira de Geografía Praga da República 54, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara. - 1883. M: 284, corr. 34. - Pres.: Prof. Juradyr de Castro Pires Ferreira. Sociedade Geográfica Brasileira (S. G.B.) Rúa 24 de Maio 104, Sáo Paulo, Sáo Paulo. - 1948. Instituigáo particular. - P: Geográfica. - Pres.: Fausto Ribeiro de Barros.
Instituto dos Advogados do Brasil Ave. Marechal Camára 210, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara. - Pres.: Joáo de Oliveira Filho.
Brasil (6-7.6) Inter-American Judicial Commission Caixa Postal 1260, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara.
7 Ciencias Humanas Comissâo Nacional de Folclore Palácio Itamaraty, Rua Maréchal Floriano, Rio de J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - Departamento do Instituto Brasileiro de Educaçâo, Ciências e Cultura. - Secr. Ger.: Renato Almeida.
7.3 Filosofìa Sociedade Brasileira de Filosofia Praça da República 54, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara. - 1927. M: 80, corr. 5, hon. 8, estr. 12. Pres.: Dr. Herbert Canabarro Reichardt.
7.5 Pedagogia Associaçâo Brasileira de Educaçâo Ave. Rio Branco 91, Caixa Postal 1471, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara. - 1924. - P: Educaçâo. Pres.: Benjamin Albagli. Associaçâo de Educaçâo Católica do Brasil Rua Martins Rerreiria 23, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara. 1945. - 1945. - P: Cadernos da AEC. - Pres.: P. Arthur Alonso. Campanha Nacional Educaçâo Rural Rua da Imprensa 16, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara. Comissâo Americano-Brasileira da Educaçâo 350 Ave. Mar Cámara, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara. Conselho Federal de Educaçâo Palacio da Educaçâo, Rua da Imprensa 16, Rio de Janeiro,
Guanabara. - M: 24. - P: Documenta. - Pres. : Dr. Deolindo Couto. Movimento de Educalo de Base (MEB) c/o Sociedade Brasileira Educagao 66 Id. Meireles, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara.
7.6 Lingua e Literatura Academia Miniera de Letras Belo H o r i z o n t e , Minas Gerais. Academia Matogrossense de Letras Cuiaba, Mato Grosso, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Academia Paranaense de Letras Curitiba, Paraná, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Academia Cearense de Letras Fortaleza, Ceará. Academia Catariñense de Letras Florianopolis, Ilha de Santa Catarina. s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Academia de Letras J o ä o Pessoa, Paraíba. Academia Alagoana de Letras Maceió, Alagoas. Academia Riograndense de Letras Rúa Cándido Silveira 43, Pòrte Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. Academia Pernambucana de Letras Recife, Pernambuco. s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Academia Brasileira de Letras Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara. s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. P.E.N. Clube do Brasil (Associalo Universal de Escritores) Praia do Flamengo, Rio de J a n e i r o , Guanabara. - 1936. - M: 225. Pres.: Dr. Claudio de Souza. Sociedade Brasileira de Romanistas Ave. Rio Branco 123, sala 1501, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara.
Brasil (7.6-7.9) - British West Indies
Sociedade de Autores y Críticos Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara. Uniáo Brasileira de Escritores Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara. Academia de Letras da Bahia Salvador, Bahia, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Academia Paulista de Letras Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Academia de Letras de Piauí Te re sin a, Piauí. Academia de Letras Vitoria, Espirito Santo.
7.9 Arte Sociedade Brasileira de Autores Teatrais Ave. Almirante Barrosco 97, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara. - 1917. - M: 2000. - P: Revista de Teatro. - Pres.: Joracy Camargo. Sociedade Brasileira de Belas Artes Rúa Araújo Porto Alegre 70, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara. Sindicato dos Compositores Artísticos, Musicais e Plásticos do Estado de Sáo Paulo SSo Paulo, Sao Paulo. - 1922; fundado como Sociedade Paulista de Belas Artes. - Exibisóes anuais. - M: 300.
British Honduras The Baron Bliss Institute Belize City. - Handed to the Government by the Baron Bliss Trust in 1954; Extra-Mural Dept. of the Univ. of the West Indies.
The British Council 4 Albert Street, P.O.B. 331, Belize City. Rep.: W. M. Snee.
British West Indies Economic Planning Unit Government of Barbados, Bridgetown.
Historical Society St. Ann's Garrison, Bridgetown,
Bulgaria ( 2 - 3 )
Bulgaria Narodna Republika Bulgaria 2
Bulgarische Gesellschaft für Botanik Bulg. Akademie d. Wiss., Botan. Inst., S o f i a 13. - 1923. Präs.: N. Stojanov. Bulgarische Gesellschaft für Geologie S o f i a , P.B. 228. - 1925. - M: 650. - P: Spisanie. - Präs.: Prof. P. Mandev. Bulgarska Akademija na Naukite, BAN (Bulgarische Akademie der Wissenschaften) S o f i a , s. MINERVA Forschungsinst.
Gesellschaft der Chirurgen in Bulgarien S o f i a , Belo More 8. - P: Hirurgija. - Präs.: K. Stojanov. Gesellschaft der Dermatologen S o f i a , G. Sofijski 1. - P: Dermatologija i venerologija. — Präs.: Prof. Balevska. Gesellschaft der Geburtshelfer und Gynäkologen S o f i a , Br. Miladinovi 112. - P: Akuierstvo i ginekologija. - Präs.: I. Stärkalev.
Gesellschaft der Naturwissenschaften Sofia Univ., S o f i a . - 1896. Präs.: D. Jordanov.
Gesellschaft der H.N.O.-Ärzte S o f i a , Belo more 8. - P: Otorinolaringologija. - Präs.: Prof. G. Boikikev.
Physikalische und Mathematische Gesellschaft Bulgariens S o f i a , A. Ivanov 1. - 1898. - Präs.: Doc. P. Ivanov.
Gesellschaft der Internisten S o f i a , u l G . Sofijski 1. - P: Vätresni bolesti. - Präs.: Prof. R. Colov.
Vereinigung der Wissenschaftler S o f i a , Tolbuhin 18. - 1944. P: Nau£en Zivot. - Präs. : K. Bratanov.
Gesellschaft der Kinderärzte S o f i a , ul. G. Sofijski 1. - P: Pediatrija. - Präs.: Prof. L. Racev.
Bulgarische Gesellschaft des Klinischen Laboratiums S o f i a , Belomore 8. - Präs.: Prof. Y. Todorov. Gesellschaft der Anästhesisten S o f i a , Tolbuhin 18. - Präs.: Prof. A. fiervenakov. Gesellschaft der Anatomisten, Histologen und Embriologen S o f i a , G. Sofijski 1. - P: Eksperimentalne medicina i morfologija. - Präs.: D. Kadanov.
Gesellschaft der Mikrobiologen, Epidemiologen, Krankenpfleger und medizinische Verwaltungsangestellten Bulgariens S o f i a , Dunav 2. - P: Higiena i Zdraveopaznane; Epidemiologia; Microbiologia i Infeczioni bolesti. - Präs.: L. Cvetkov. Gesellschaft der Neurologen, Psychiater und Neurochirurgen S o f i a , G. Sofijski 1. - P: Nevrologija, psihiatrija i nevrohirurgija. - Präs.: Prof. E. Sarankov. Gesellschaft der Ophthalmologen S o f i a , Belo more 8. - P:
Bulgaria ( 3 - 4 )
Oftalmologija. - Präs. : Prof. I. Vasilev. Gesellschaft der Orthopäden und Traumatologen Sofia, Belo more 8. - P: Ortopedija i traumatologija. - Präs. : Prof. B. Boytchev. Gesellschaft der Pharmazeuten in Bulgarien Sofia, G. VaSington 22. - P: Farmacija. - Präs.: G. Bojadiiev. Gesellschaft der Phthiseologen Sofia, D. Nestorov 19. - P: Ftisiatrija. - Präs.: Dr. M. Donev. Gesellschaft der Physiotherapeuten Sofia, PI. Lenin 5. - P: Kurortologija i fizioterapija. - Präs. : S. Boikikeva. Gesellschaft der Röntgenologen und Radiologen Sofia, Belo more 8. P: Rengenologija i radiologija. Präs.: Prof. G. Hadiidekov. Gesellschaft der Sportärzte Sofia, Inst, für Physiologie der Bulg. Akad. der Wissenschaften, Kv. Geo Milev, bl. 1. - 1948. - M: 89. - P: Bulletin des Institutes für Physiologie. - Vorst.: Prof. Dr. Dragomir Mateef. Gesellschaft fur forensische Medizin Sofia, G. Sofijski 1. - Präs.: Prof. M. Markov. Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin Sofia, Belo more 8 . Präs.: B. Bojeüev. Gesellschaft für Pathologie Sofia, Belo more 8. - 1948. - M: 150. - P: Experimentalna medicina i morphologia. - Präs. : Prof. I. Goranov. Gesellschaft für Physiologie Sofia, Bulg. Akad. d. Wissenschaften, Inst, für Physiologie. - Präs.: Prof. P. Nikolov. Onkologische Gesellschaft Bulgariens Sofia-Därvenica, Plovdivsko
Xose 6. - P: Onkologija. - Präs.: Prof. N. Anüev. Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung für Stomatologie Sofia, ul. Belo more 8. - P: Stomatologija. Präs.: Prof. Dr. Burkov.
4 Ingenieurwissenschaften Astronautische Gesellschaft Bulgariens Sofia, Tolbuhin 18. - 1963. P: Astronavtika. - Präs. : Prof. N. Bonev. Vereinigung Bulgarischer Architekten Sofia, Gourko 16. - 1965. P: Arhitektura. - Präs.: G. Stoilov. Wissenschaftliche und Technische Vereinigung bulgarischer Landund Feldvermesser Sofia, Rakovska 108. - 1949. - Präs.: Dipl.-Ing. Vassil Péevsky. Wissenschaftliche und Technische Vereinigung der chemischen Industrie Sofia, Rakovska 108. - M: 7200. - P: Chemie u. Industrie. - Präs. : N. Videnov. Wissenschaftliche und Technische Vereinigung der Elektrotechnik Sofia, Rakosvska 108. - Präs.: Prof. P. Vlâïkov. Wissenschaftliche und Technische Vereinigung der Forsttechnik Sofia, Rakovska 108. - Präs.: Prof. M. Marinov. Wissenschaftliche und Technische Vereinigung der Nahrungsmittelindustrie Sofia, Rakovska 108. -Präs.: Z. Stojanov. Wissenschaftliche und Technische Vereinigung für Bergbau, Geologie und Metallurgie Sofia, Rakovska 108. - Präs.: H. Popjordanov. Wissenschaftliche und Technische Vereinigung für Maschinenbau Sofia, Rakovska 108. - Präs: N. Popov.
Bulgaria ( 4 - 7 ) Wissenschaftliche und Technische Vereinigung für Textilien und Bekleidung S o f i a , Rakovska 108. - Präs.: Prof. A. Kevoikjan. Wissenschaftliche und Technische Vereinigung für Transport S o f i a , Rakovska 108. - Präs.: Djonev. Wissenschaftliche und Technische Vefeinigung für Ziviltechnik S o f i a , Rakovska 108. - Pnis.: S. Kolev. 4.9
Land- und
Bulgarska Akademija na Selskosto panskite Nauki (Akademie für Landwirtschaft) Sofia, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Wissenschaftliche und Technische Vereinigung landwirtschaftlicher Spezialisten S o f i a , Rakovska 108. - Präs.: B. Kadinov.
Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
Bulgarische Gesellschaft für Geographie S o f i a , Ruski 15. - 1918. - P: Izvestija; Problemi na geografijata. - Präs.: I. Ivanov. Gesellschaft der Bulgarischen Wirtschaftler S o f i a , Tolbuhin 18. 1964. - Präs.: Prof. Kr. Dobrev. Gesellschaft für Soziologie S o f i a , P. Eftimi 6. - 1959. Präs.: Z. Ochavkov.
Bulgarische Vereinigung für Internationales Recht S o f i a , Benkovska 3. - 1962. - M: 35. - P: Studien des Internationalen Rechts. Präs.: E. Kamenov. Bulgarische Vereinigung für Strafrecht S o f i a , Benkovska 3. - 1961. Präs.: St. Pavlov.
Bulgarische Historische Gesellschaft S o f i a , 2danov 5. — 1964. — Präs.: D. Kosev. Bulgarische Musikervereinigung Sofia, G . G e n o v 2 1 . - 1 9 6 5 . Pras.: Di. Ruskov. Vereinigung Bulgarischer Komponisten S o f i a , Iv. Vazov 2. - 1947. M: 120. - P: Bulgarska Mouzika. Präs.: P. Koutev. Vereinigung Bulgarischer Künstler S o f i a , Moskovska 37. - 1893. P: Izkutvo. - Präs.: Prof. D. Uzonov. Vereinigung Bulgarischer Schauspieler S ofia, 52 Alabin St. - 1919. P: Teatäi. - Präs.: R. Deicheva. Vereinigung Bulgarischer Schriftsteller Sofia, Angel Kän£ev 5. - 1913. - P: Literaturen front; Septemvri; Plamak. - Präs.: Georgy Djagarov.
Burma - Cameroun
Burma Myanma-Nainggan-Daw Burma Council of World Affairs R a n g o o n . - To promote the study of Burmese and international questions. - Patron: The Prime Minister. - Pres.: U. Raschid. Burma Research Society c/o Library, Univ. of Arts and Science, R a n g o o n . - 1910. - To
promote cultural and scientific studies in Burma. - M: 883. P: Journal. - Pres.: Prof. Aung Than. Department of Ancient Literature and Culture Ministry of Union Culture, R a n g o o n . — Compilation of bibliography of Burmese books.
Cameroun République Fédérale du Cameroun Centre Culturel d'Allemagne 4, rue de Narvik, B J . 1067, Y a o u n d é . Dir. : Dr. E. Brandt. Centre Culturel Français Yaoundé. Organisation de Coordination et de Coopération pour la Lutte contre les grandes Endémies en Afrique Central Y a o u n d é .
Service Géographique du Cameroun ave. Mgr.-Vogt, B.P. 157, Y a o u n d é . - Dir.: B. Marty. UNESCO Regional Centre for Producing Textbooks Y a o u n d é . - 1962. - Set up under the African Emergency Programme; provides printing equipment, printing supplies, expert editorial and technical staff, the textbooks cover all educational levels. U.S. Information Center
Canada (0)
Canada 0 Generalities Académie Canadienne Française Montreal/ Quebec, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Association Cannadienne des Bibliothécaires de Langue Française 8515 boul. SaintLauient, Montreal 11/Quebec. - 1943. - Prés.: R. Pere C. G. Allard. - Sécr.: Bernard Bédard. Institut Scientifique FrancoCanadien C.P. 6128, Montreal 3/Quebec. - 1926. - Organizes lectures by French scientist and scholars. - Pres.: Léon Lortie. Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada 151 Slater St., Ottawa 4/Ontario. - P: Admission Requirements of Canadian Universités; Academic Vacancies in Canadian Universities and Colleges; Proceedings; Association of University and Colleges of Canada; University Affairs. - Exec. Dir. : G. C. Andrew. Britidi Council c/o British High Commission, 80 Elgin Street, Ottawa 4/Ontario. - Counsellor: A. J.Montague. Canada Council for the Encouragement of the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 140 Wellington Street, Ottawa 4/Ontario. 1957. - P: Annual Report. Chair.: Jean Martineau. Canadian Library Association — Association Cannadienne des Bibliothèques 63 Sparks Street, Ottawa/Ontario. - 1946. M: 2015. - P: Canadian Library; Feliciter. - Pres.: Ruby Wallace. - Seer.: Elizabeth H. Morton.
Canadian Museum Association 56 Sparks Street, Ottawa/ Ontario. - 1947. - Pres.: Donald Crowdis. - Seer.: Helen Downic. Institut Canadien-Français d'Ottawa 316 Dalhousie Street, Ottawa/ Ontario. - 1852. - M: 650. Pres.: Gérard Leroux. - Seer.: Alcide Paquette. National Research Council of Canada Ottawa 7/Ontario. - 1916. P: Canadian Journals of Biochemistry, of Botany, of Chemistry, of Earth Sciences, of Microbiology, of Physics, of Physiology and Pharmacology, of Zoology; NRC Review; Annual Report; NRC Research News. Pres.: B. G. Ballard. - Vice Pres.: W. G. Schneider, K. F. Tupper, F. T. Rosser. Overseas Institute of Canada 75 Sparks Street, Ottawa 4/Ontario. - 1961. - To organise Canadian assistance in education and technical services for developing countries. - M: 2000. - P: News Bulletin; Film List; Directory of Canadians with Service Overseas. - Pres.: D. C. Spry. - Hon.-Secr.: Louis Bésuké. Royal Society of Canada National Research Building, Ottawa/Ontario, Tel. 9923468. 1882. - M: 600. - Hon. Patron: His Excellency the Governor-General. - Pres.: G. Herzberg. - Hon. Seer.: L. P. Audet. Union des Alliances Françaises 157 Ave. Riverdale, Ottawa/ Ontario. - Seer. Gen.: L. P. Gagnon. Ontario Research Foundation Sheridan Park/Ontario. - 1928.
Canada ( 0 - 2 ) - P: Annual Report; Newsletter. - Chair.: K. F. Tupper. - Secr.: J. J. Darling.
Bibliographical Society of Canada 32 Lowther Ave., Toronto/ Ontario. - 1946. - Pres.: Martha Shepard. - Secr.: R. C. Jacobsen. Canadian Institute of International Affaire 230 Bloor Street, West, Toronto 5/Ontario. - 1928. M: 2900. - P: International Journal; Annual Report; Behind the Headlines; Contemporary Affairs; Monthly Report on Canadian External Relations; Canada in World Affairs. Dir.-Gen.: John W. Holmes. Exec. Dir.: Gordon R. S. Hawkins. Royal Canadian Institute 191 College Street, Toronto/Ontario. - 1849. - For the promotion of the physical, the arts and manufactures. - M: 2200. - P: Transactions. - Pres.: A. Hiles Carter. - Exec. Secr.: Ruth J. Breithaupt. Vancouver Natural History Society 1415 21st Street West, Vancouver/ British Columbia. - 1918. - P: Bulletin. Natural History Society of Manitoba c/o Mrs. A. E. Axcell, 310 Linwood Ave., Winnipeg/ Manitoba. - 1920. - M: 200. Pres.: G. S. Cotter. - Secr. Gen.: A. E. Axcell. Art, Historical and Scientific Association City Museum and Art Gallery, Vancouver/British Columbia. - 1894. - M: 200. Pres.: Alfred D. Long. - Secr.: T. H. Ainsworth.
Canadian Phytopathological Society c/o Dr. S. Fushtey, Dept. of Botany, Univ. of Guelph, Guelph/ Ontario. - P: Proceedings. Secr.: Dr. S. Fushtey. Nova Scotian Institute of Science P.O. Box 1522 Halifax/Nova Scotia. - 1862. - M: 240. P: Proceedings. - Secr.: Dr. E. H. Anthony. Canadian Association of Physicists c/o Dept. of Physics, McMaster Univ., Hamilton/Ontario.1944. - M: 1600. - P: Physics in Canada. - Pres.: Dr. H. E. Petch. - Secr.. Dr. L. E. H. Trainer. Maritime Art Association c/o Lionel Strong, Moncton/N.B. - 1935. - Pres. : Lionel Strong. - Secr.: C. S. Fredencton. Arctic Institute of North America 3458 Redpath Street, Montreal 24/Quebec. - 1945. - To further polar research on an international basis. - M: 226 fellows, 1512 assoc. - P: Arctic; Anthropology of the North; Arctic Bibliography. - Chair. : Dr. H. M. Raup. Association Canadienne — Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences, Inc. C.P. 6060, Montreal 3/ Quebec. - 1923. - Aims to popularize science. - M: 45 societies. - P: Annales; Bulletin; Le Jeune Scientifique. - Dir.: Dr. Denis Jacob. - Gen. Secr.: J.-M. Beauregard. Société Canadienne d'Histoire Naturelle 4101 Sherbrook Street East, Montreal 36/ Quebec. - 1 9 2 3 . - M: 100. P: Tracts de la Bibliothèque des Jeunes Naturalistes. - Prés.: Dollard Senecal. - Dir.: Alphonse Lapointe.
Canada ( 2 - 3 ) Society of Chemical Industiy c/o F. Gamble, Canadian Industries Ltd, 630 Dorchester boul., West, Montreal/Quebec. - 1902. -
M: 250. - Hon. Seer.: F. Gamble.
Chemical Institute of Canada 151 Slater Street, O t t a w a / Ontario. - M: 6800. - P: The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering; Chemistry in
Canada. - Gen. Manager: T. H. G. Michael.
Entomological Society of Canada K. W. Neatby Building, Carling Ave., O ttaw a/Ontario. - 1863. - M: 677. - P: The Canadien
Entomologist. - Seer.: I. S. Lindsay.
Société Linnéenne de Quebec Univ. Laval, Q u e b e c , Q.P. -
1929. - M: 350. - Prés.:
Gaston Moisan.
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 252 College Street, T o r o n t o 2B/Ontario. - 1890. M: 2000. - P: Journal; Observers' Handbook. - Seer.: Norman Green.
3 Medicine Canadian Paediatric Society 14 Green Ave., St. Lambert, Montreal 23/ Quebec. - 1923. - M: 700. -
Pres.: Dr. L. A. Chute. - Seer.: Dr. J. H. V. Marchessault.
Canadian Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association Canadian Thoracic Society, 343 O'Connor Street, O ttaw a/Ontario. - 1900. - M: 1200. - P: Annual Report;
Quarterly Bulletin. - Exec. Seer.: Dr. C. W. L. Jeanes.
Medical Research Council National Research Building M-58, Montreal Road, O t t a w a 7/Ontario. - 1960. - Chair.: Dr. G. Malcolm Brown.
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada 74 Stanley Ave., O t t a w a 2/Ontario. 1929. - M: 3812. - P: Regulations and Requirements of Graduate Training Relating to the Examinations of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada-Surgery and Surgical Specialities; Regulations and Requirements of Graduate Training Relating to the Examinations of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada-Medicine and Medical Specialities. - Pres.: Dr. Robert B. Kerr. - Seer.: Dr. James H. Graham. Academy of Medicine T o r o n t o 5 / Ontario. s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Canadian Association of Optometries c/o Edward Bird, 36 St. Clair Ave. West, T o r o n t o / O n t a r i o . 1926. - Pres.: Fred Nuttall. Seer.: Edward Bird. Canadian Dental Association 234 St. George Street, T o r o n t o 5/Ontario. - 1902. - M: 5780. -
P: Journal. - Seer. : Dr. Don W. Gullett.
Canadian Medical Association 150 St. George Street, T o r o n t o 5/Ontario. - 1867. - M: 13000. - P: Canadian Medical Association Journal; Canadian Journal of
Surgery. - Gen. Seer.: Dr. A. D. Kelly.
Canadian Pharmaceutical Association, Inc. 175 College Street, T o r o n t o 2B/Ontario. - 1907. - M: 8000. - P: Canadian Pharmaceutical
Journal. - Exec. Dir.: J. C. Turnbull.
Canadian Public Health Association 1255 Yonge Street, T o r o n t o 7/ Ontario. - 1910. - M: 2800. P: Canadian Journal of Public
Canada ( 3 - 5 )
Health. - Pres.: Jaques Gelinas. Exec. Dir.: E. J. Young. Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation 69 Bloor Street East, Toronto/Ontario. - 1943. Chair.: J. R. H. Kirkpatrick. Medical Dir.: D. E. Cannell. Seer.: J. H. Broughton.
4 Engineering Canadian Electrical Association 320 Tramways Building, 159 Craig Street West, M ontreal/ Quebec. - 1889. - M: 1600. P: Reports; Proceedings. Gen. Manager: D. C. Campbell. The Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 906 Drummond Building, 1117 St. Catherine Street, West, Montreal 2/Quebec. 1898. - M: 6000. - P: Bulletin; Transactions. - Seer.: G. F. Skilling. Engineering Institute of Canada 2050 Mansfield Street, Montreal 2/Quebec. - 1887. - M: 19000. - P: Engineering Journal; Transactions; Engineering Careers in Canada. — Gen. Manager: Pierre Bournival. Canadian Council of Professional Engineers Suite 401, 116 Albert Street, Ottawa/Ontario. Coordinating Body for 11 Provincial Licensing Bodies. M: 50000. - Gen. Manager: Leopold M. Nadeau. The Canadian Film Institute 1762 Carling Ave., O t t a w a 13/ Ontario. - 1935. - Promotes the study, appreciation and use of motion and sound picture and television. - M: 250. - Pres.: Jean Clavel. - Exec. Dir.: Graydon Roberts. The Canadian Society of Landscape Architects P.O.B. 3304, Station
C, Ottawa/Ontario. - 1934. M: 135. - P: The Canadian Landscape Architect. - Pres.: Douglas Harper. - Seer.: Roman Fodchuk. National Design Council National Design Branch, Dept. of Industry, Ottawa/Ontario. 1961. - Dir.: E. P.Weiss. Royal Architectural Institute of Canada 151 Slater Street, O t t a w a 4/Ontario. - 1907. M: 2800. - P: Journal. - Exec. Dir.: Robbins Elliot. - Seer.: Maurice Holdham. Association of Canadian Industrial Designers Suite 1301,55 York Street, T o r o n t o 1/Ontario. 1948. - M: 62. - Seer.: Frank Young. Canadian Society of Painters, Etchers and Engravers 18 Grenville Street, Toronto/Ontario. 1916. - M: 60. The Town Planning Institute of Canada The Board of Trade Building, 11 Adelaide Street, West, T o r o n t o 1/Ontario. Pres.: Benoit J. Begin. - Seer.: Hugh T. Lemon.
4.9 Agriculture and Forestry Canadian Forestry Association 3285 Cavendish boul., Suite 655, Montreal/Quebec. - 1900. P: Forest and Outdoors. - Pres.: B. F. Avery. - Gen. Manager: J. L. Van Camp.
5 Economical and Social Sciences Canadian Association of Geographers Morric Hall, McGill Univ., Montreal/Quebec. - 1951. — P: The Canadian Geographers;
Canada ( 5 - 7 ) Educational Bulletin. - Pres. : Dr. J. Spelt. - Seer. : Dr. J. T. Parry. The Royal Canadian Geographical Society 488 Wilbrod Street, O t t a w a 2/Ontario. - 1929. M: 19840. - P: Canadian Geographical Journal. - Exec. Seer.: W. J. Megill. Social Science Research Council of Canada 56 Sparks Street, Suite 505, O t t a w a 4/Ontario. Pres.: J. H. Aitchison. - Seer.: Dr. J. R. Kidd. Canadian Council of Management Association P.O.B. 476, Terminal „A", T o r o n t o 1/Ontario. Exec. Seer.: M. J. Arrowsmith. Canadian Economics Association 100 St. George Street, T o r o n t o 5/Ontario. - 1967. - P: Canadian Journal of Economics. - Pres.: Grant L. Reuber. - Seer.: Gilles Paquet. The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants 69 Bloor Street East, T o r o n t o 5/Ontario. - 1902. M: 15300. - P: Canadian Chartered Accountant; Annual Members Directory. - Pres.: R. W. Manning. - Exec. Dir.: R. D. Thomas. Canadian Political Science Association 100 St. George Street, T o r o n t o 5/Ontario. - P: Canadian Journal of Political Science. - Pres. : H. B. Mayo. - Seer.: Robert A. Fenn. The Toronto Society of Financial Analysts c/o John F. G. Smele, Bankers Bond Corpn. Ltd., 112 King St. W„ T o r o n t o 1/Ontario. - Pres.: John F. G. Smele.
6 Law Canadian Bar Association The Royal Bank of Canada Building, 90
Sparks Street, O t t a w a 4/ Ontario. - 1914. - To promote the advancement of Science of Jurisprudence. - M: 10000. P: The Canadian Bar Review; The Canadian Bar Journal. - Pres.: J. T. Weir. - Seer.: R. C. Merriam.
7 Arts Canadian Arts Council c/o Miss Loise Barette, 3936 Pare Lafontaine, Montreal/Quebec. Seer.: Louise Barette. The Canadian Philosophical Association Dept. de Philosophie, College St. Ignace, M o n t r e a l / Quebec. - 1958. - To promote philosophical scholarship in Canada. - M: 580. - Pres.: Abbé L. Martinelli. - Seer. : N. Lacharité. Contemporary Art Society 60 St. James Street West, Montreal/ Quebec. - 1939. - M: 85. Seer.: Allan Harrison. Canadian Council for Research in Education 265 Elgin Street, O t t a w a 4/Ontario. - 1961. — To promote academic research in Canada. - P: Canadian Education Index. - Dir.: F. E. Whiteworth. Canadian Psychological Association 225 Lisgar Street, Suite 210, O t t a w a 4/Ontario. - 1939. To promote psychological research and the practical applications of psychology in Cahada. - M: 1100. - P: Canadian Journal of Psychology; Canadian Psychologist. - Pres.: W. H. Coons. - Seer.: E. P. Sloan. Humanities Research Council of Canada c/o Dr. W. J. Waines, 151 Slater Street, O t t a w a 4/ Ontario. - 1943. - To promote research in literature, philosophy,
Canada (7-7.6) languages and history. - P: Annual Report. - Exec. Seer.: Dr. W. J. Waines.
Canadian Association for Adult Education 2 1 - 2 3 Sultan Street, T o r o n t o 5/Ontario. - P: Food for Thought; Continuous Learning. - Dir.: Alan Thomas. Canadian Education Association c/o F. K. Steward, 151 Bloor Street West, T o r o n t o 5/Ontario. - 1891. - M: 1000. - P: Canadian Education and Research Digest; News Letter. - Exec. Seer.: F. K. Steward. Canadian Music Centre 559 Ave. Road, T o r o n t o 7/Ontario. - For the promotion of music by Canadian composers. - Exec. Seer.: Keith MacMillan. Canadian Theatre Center 23 Park Road, T o r o n t o 5/Ontario. - 1 9 5 9 . - To exchange knowledge and practise on a national basis and advance education in the art of the theatre. - P: The Stage in Canada. - Chair.: James de B. Domville. Federation of Canadian Artists 62 Rosehill Ave., T o r o n t o 5/ Ontario. - 1941. - M: 1000. Seer.: H. G. Kettle. Indian-Eskimo Association of Canada 277 Victoria Street, T o r o n t o 2/ Ontario. - Pres.: Peter F. Oliphant. Ontario Archaeological Society c/o Cecilia Finnigan, 57 Chestnut Park Road, T o r o n t o 5/Ontario. - Pres.: R. Dean Axelson. Seer.: Cecilia Finnigan. Ontario Society of Artists 643 Yonge Street, T o r o n t o / Ontario. - M: 105. - Pres.: Adrian Dingle. - Seer.: P. W. Summerakill.
Royal Canadian Academy of Arts T o r o n t o 6/Ontario. s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Sculpturs' Society of Canada 59 Brenville Street, T o r o n t o / Ontario. - 1932. - Seer.: Sheila Wherry. Canadian Music Council c/o Secretary, 183 Avondale Ave., W illo w dale /Ontario. - 1949.
7.1 History Nova Scotia Historical Society Halifax/Nova Scotia. - 1878. M: 350. - P: Collections. Seer.: G. T. Bates. Antiquarian and Numismatic Society of Montreal Château de Ramezay, Montreal/Quebec. - 1862. M: 200. - P: Canadian Antiquarian and Numismatic Journal of Montreal. - Pres.: Donald F. Angus. Canadian Historical Association Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa/Ontario. - 1922. To encourage historical research. - M: 1600. - P: Annual Report; Historical Booklets; Canadian Archivist. Ontario Historical Society 40 Eglington Ave. East, T o r o n t o / Ontario. - 1888. - M: 1600. P: Papers and Records; Ontario History. - Exec. Asst.: Wallace E. Downer.
7.6 Language and Literature International P.E.N. 3 Redpath Place, M o n t r e a l 2 5 / Q u e b e c . Pres.: Katherine Roy. La Société des Écrivains Canadiens Case Postale 338, Station H, Montreal/Quebec. - Secr.:
Canada (7.6-8) - Ceylon
Ontario. - 1921. - M: 777. P: Canadian Author and Bookman; Canadian Poetry Magazine. - Seer.: Lorrie McLaughlin.
Charlotte Savaiy. The Canadian Linguistic Association - Association Canadienne de Linguistique c/o Guy Piastie, Faculty of Letters, Laval Univ., Quebec/ Q.P. - 1954. - P: The Canadian Journal of Linguistic. Pres.: J. Darbelnet. - Seer.: Guy Piastre. Canadian Authors' Association Room 1, Hillcrest School, 1339 Bathurst Street, T o r o n t o 4/
8 Religion Canadian Society of Biblical Studies c/o Waterloo Lutheran Univ., Waterloo/Ontario. - 1933. M: 140. - P: Bulletin. - Pres.: E. G. Clarke. - Seer.: Norman E. Wagner.
Centrafricaine République Centrafricaine Alliance Française Bangui.
Ceylon Sri Lanka Alliance Française 77 Ward Place, C o l o m b o 7. - Dir.: R. Vigneau. British Council Steuart Lodge, 154 Galle Road, C o l o m b o 3 . Rep. : W. R. McAlpine. Buddhist Academy of Ceylon 109 Rosmead Place, C o l o m b o . Ceylon Association for the Advancement of Science 55 Torrington Square, C o l o m b o 7. - 1944. To promote science and to provide for systematic direction
of scientific inquiry in the interests of the country. - M: 1000. - P: Proceedings. Gen. Pres.: Prof. B. A. Abeywickrama. Ceylon Geographical Society c/o Dept. of Geography, Univ. of Ceylon, C o l o m b o 3. - 1938. M: 80. - P: The Ceylon Geographer. - Pres.: Prof. K. Kularatnam. Ceylon Library Association c/o The Library, Univ. of Ceylon,
Ceylon - Chile (0)
C o l o m b o 3. - 1960. - M: 780. - P: Journal. - Pres.: W. B. Dorakumbura. Ceylon Palaeological Society c/o Prof. K. Kularatnam, Univ. of Ceylon, C o l o m b o 3. Ceylon Society of Arts Art Gallery, Ananda Coomaiassamy Mawata, C o l o m b o 7 . - 1887. German Cultural Institute 59 Alexandra Place,Colombo. 1957. - Dir.: Dr. H. Kühne. Maha Bodhi Society of Ceylon 130 Maligakanda Road, Maradana, C o l o m b o 10. - 1891. - For propagation of Buddhism throughout the world. - M: 12000. P: Sinhala Bauddhaya. - Pres.: Hema H. Basnyame. National Planning Council of Ceylon 5 Galle Buck Road, C o l o m b o 1.
- Atomic Energy Comm. Chair.: W. A. de Silva. Royal Asiatic Society Univ. Building, Thurstan Road, C o l o m b o 3. 1845. - To institute and to promote inquiries into the history, religions, languages, literature, arts, science and social conditions of the present and former inhabitants of Ceylon and connected cultures. - P: Journal. - Pres.: Dr. C. E. Godakumbura. Theosophical Society of Ceylon Besant House, 49 Peterson Lane, C o l o m b o 6. The Classical Association of Ceylon 457 Wickramaratne Ave., Kohuwela, N u g e s o d a . - 1935.M: 120. - Pres.: S. F. Amerasinghe. National Education Society of Ceylon Dept. of Education, Univ. of Ceylon, P e r a d e n i y a . - Seer.: C. S. V. Jayaweera.
Chile República de Chile 0 Generalidades Instituto Chileno-Norteamericano de Cultura C o n c e p c i ó n . Institut Cultural Franco-Chilien Casilla 348, C o n c e p c i ó n . Asociación de Bibliotecarios de Chile Casilla4625, Santiago de Chile. - P: Bibliotheko. British Council Casilla 154 D, Santiago de Chile. - Coopera por mediación del British-Chilean Institute en Santiago, Valparaíso
y Concepción. - Rep.: C. H. Whistler. Consejo de Rectores de Universidades Chilenas Moneda 673, Santiago de Chile. - Pres.: Eugenio González R. Consejo Inter-Universitario Regional c/o Univ. de Chile, Santiago de Chile. Instituto Chileno-Alemán de Cultura Casilla 1050, Santiago de Chile. - 1952. - Dir.: Dr. Guenter Baer.
Chile ( 0 - 2 )
Instituto Chileno-Británico de Cultura Santiago d e Chile. Organiza cursos de lengua, lecturas literarias y exposiciones del arte.
Goethe Institut Casilla 94-V, V a l p a r a í s o . - 1960. - Dir.: Dr. D. Greiner.
Instituto Chileno-Francés de Cultura Agustinas 719, Casilla 3567, Santiago d e Chile. - Dir.: Jean Dedieu.
Sociedad Científica de Valparaíso Casilla 1802, V a l p a r a í s o . 1934. - Institución particular; Coopera y ayuda al progreso de las investigaciones científicas y a la divulgación científica por medio de reuniones.
Instituto Chileno-Norteamericano de Cultura Calle Moneda 1467, Casilla 9286, S a n t i a g o de Chile. - 1941. Istituto Italiano di Cultura Calle Huérfanos 1828, Santiago de Chile. - Dir.: Prof. Ettore Rognoni. Organización de las Universidades Católicas de América Latina (ODUCAL) c/o Pont. Univ. Cat. de Chile, Casilla 114-D, Santiago de Chile. Secretariado Interamericano de Acción Católica (SIAC) Casilla 30-D, Santiago d e Chile. Sociedad Chilena de Historia Natural Casilla 787, S a n t i a g o d e Chile. - 1926. - P. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural. - Pres.: María Teresa López. Sociedad Científica Chilena „Claudio Gay" Casilla 2974, Santiago de Chile. - 1946. - M: 1 4 3 . Pres.: Dr. Roberto Donoso B. Sociedad Científica de Chile Rosa Eguiguren 813, Casilla 696, Santiago d e Chile. - 1891. P: Revista de Ciencias. - Pres.: Prof. Dr. Hugo K. Sievers W. Sociedad de Bibliófilos Chilenos Casilla 895, Santiago de Chile. - 1945. - P: El Bibliófilo Chileno. - Pres.: Alamiro de Avila. Unión de Federaciones Universitárias Chilenas (UFUCH) (Univ. de Chile) Bernardo O'Higgins 1058, Santiago d e Chile.
Instituto Chileno-Norteamericano de Cultura V a l p a r a í s o .
2 Ciencias Naturales Sociedad Chilena de Química Casilla de Correo 169, C o n c e p ción. - 1945. - Pres.: Prof. Juan Perelló. Sociedad de Bioquímica de Concepción Casilla 237, Escuela de Química y Farmacia y Bioquímica, C o n c e p c i ó n . 1957. - Pres.: Maio Pozo López. Academia Chilena de Ciencias Naturales S a n t i a g o de Chile, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Asociación Chilena de Sismología e Ingeniería Antisísmica Ave. Blanco Enclada 2085, Casilla 2777, Santiago d e Chile. 1963. - Pres.: Rodrigo Florés. Comisión Nacional de Energía Nuclear Nueva York 25, S a n t i a g o d e C h i l e . - 1964. -Pres.: Dr. Eduardo Cruz-Coke Lasabe. Comisión Permanente para la Conservación de Recursos Marítimos del Pacifico del Sur Pasaje Matte 957, Oficina 212, Santiago d e Chile. Comité Chileno de Cristalografía Casilla 147, Univ. de Chile, Santiago de Chile. - 1953. Independiente. Funciones: Fomentar en el pais la cooperación en los trabajos de investigación en
Chile ( 2 - 2 . 6 ) la Cristalografía; propiciar la publicación de trabajos de investigación en Cristalografía; fomentar la divulgación de la Cristalografía; facilitar la normalización de los métodos de trabajos en Cristalografía.
Oficina Meteorológica de Chile Quinta Normal, Casilla 717, S a n t i a g o de Chile. - 1861. Dirección de Tránsito Aéreo del Ministerio de Defensa Nacional; Sirve a la navegación aérea y marítima a la agricultura, a las industrias y al público en general, propender el desarrollo de la propia Meteorología y Geofísia, Observatorios de radiosonda, geomagnètico, de radioactividad atmosférica. - P: Anuarios Meteorológicos; Boletín mensual Meteorológico; Boletín diario para la prensa y radio; Carta diaria del tiempo. - Dir.: Comandante Sergio Bravo Flores. Sociedad Chilena de Física Casilla 653, Santiago d e Chile. — 1960. - Dir.: Dr. Jorge Zamudio Christi. Sociedad Geológica de Chile Plaza Ercilla 803, Escuela de Geología, Casilla 135118, S a n t i a g o d e Chile. - 1 9 6 0 . - P r e s . : Humberto Fuenzalida V. Sociedad Chilena de Química Casilla 10-D, V i ñ a del Mar. 1949. - Fomenta la investigación y divulgación científicas en las diferentes ramas de la Química y Ciencias afinas, tanto teóricas como aplicadas.
2.6 Biología Sociedad de Biología de Concepción Casilla 29, C o n c e p c i ó n . 1927. - Institución particular; Fomentar la investigación en las
diferentes ramas de la Ciencia biológica y de la Medicina experimental. - P: Boletín. Sociedad Chilena de Entomología Huérfanos 669, Casilla 4150, Santiago de Chile. - 1923. Institución Autónoma; Contribuye al desarrollo y divulgación de la Entomología en el país. - P: Revista de Entomología. - Pres.: Dr. Roberto Donoso. Sociedad de Biología de Santiago de Chile Casilla 23-D, Santiago de Chile. - 1929. - Institución particular; Propender al avance de las ciencias fisiológicas. - P: Boletín de la Sociedad de Biología de Santiago de Chile. - Pres.: Dr. Luis Vargas Fernández. Sociedad de Genética de Chile Dept. de Genética, Univ. de Chile, Zañartu 1042, S a n t i a g o de Chile. - Pres.: Prof. Danko Brncic Juricic. Instituto Hidrográfico de la Armada Casilla 324, V a l p a r a í s o . 1874. - Medición hidrográfica, cartas hidrográficas, oceanografía, seguridad marítima, marcación litoral. - P: Anuario Hidrográfico; Derrotero de la Costa de Chile; Tablas de Mareus; Nuestro Océano. Instituto Oceanógrafico de Valparaíso Ave. Errázuriz 471, Casilla 117-V, V a l p a r a í s o . - 1945. - Afiliado con la Liga Marítima de Chile, incorpora representantes de la Corporación de Fomento de la Producción, Marina Chilena, Universidades de Chile, Universidades Católicas y la Liga Marítima de Chile; Biblioteca y Museo. Pres.: Dr. Edwyn P. Reed. Liga Marítima de Chile Ave. Errázuriz 471, Casilla 117-V, V a l p a r a í s o . - 1914. - Afiliado al Instituto Oceanógrafico de Valparaíso y al Instituto Náutico
Chile (2.6-3) de Chile; sucursales en Iquique, Tocopilla, Santiago de Chile, Concepción, Tomé, Valdivia, Puerto Mont y en Punta Atenas; Museo del Mar „Héctor Vigil". M: 1350. - P: Mar. - Patrón: El Presidente de la República Chilena. - Pres.: Vice-Almirante Carlos Torres Hevia. 3
Colegio Farmacéutico de Chile Casilla 265, Concepción. Fundada 1943 como Sociedad Farmacéutica, - Conta con consejos regionales. - P: Revista Química-Farmacéutica. Sociedad de Salubridad de Concepción Casilla 128, Concepción. 1954. - Sociedad Chilena de Salubridad; Estudio, investigación y divulgación de problemas de Salud Pública. Sociedad Médica de Concepción Casilla 60-C, C o n c e p c i ó n . 1886. - P: Anales Médicos de Concepción. - Pres.: Dr. Enrique Bellolioz. Sociedad Odontológica de Concepción Casilla 2107, Concepción. 1923. - Institución particular; Perfeccionamiento científico por medio de conferencias, cursos, charlas y demonstraciones técnicas, científicas y prácticas. - P: Revista Odontológica de Concepción. Pres.: Dr. Juan Hugo Gutiérrez. Asociación Chilena de Microbiología Casilla 10409, Santiago de Chile. - 1964. - Pres.: Dr. Eduardo Dussert Jolland. Asociación Latinoamericana de Ciencias Fisiológicas c/o Roberto Douglas, Casilla 6510, Santiago de Chile. Asociación Latinoamericana de Proctología c/o Sociedad de
115 Proctologia de Chile, Esmeralda 678, Santiago de Chile.
Colegio de Farmacéuticos de Chile Casilla 1136, Santiago de Chile. - 1942. - Consejos regionales en Angol, Antofagasta, Chillán, Concepción, Iquique, Magallanes, La Serena, Talca, Temuco, Valdivia, Valparaíso. - M: 1800. - P: Revista Colegio Farmacéutico. Pres. : V. M. Cerece da Arancibia. Confederación Iberoamericana de Medicina Deportiva Casilla 23-D, Santiago de Chile. Federación Latinoamericana de Parasitología Dept. de Parasitología, Univ. de Chile, Casilla 9183, Santiago de Chile. Liga Panamericana contra el Reumatismo c/o Dr. Oke France, Casilla 23-D, Santiago de Chile. Sociedad Chilena de Angiologia Casilla 10256, Santiago de Chile. - 1954. - Institución particular; Propender al estudio y perfeccionamiento de la Angiologia de Chile. - P: Revista Chilena de Angiologia. Sociedad Chilena de Cancerologia Zañartu 1000, Santiago de Chile. - 1953. - Institución particular; Estudio científico de todos los problemas referentes al diagnóstico, tratamiento e investigación del cáncer. Sociedad Chilena de Cardiología José M. Infante 717, Casilla 23-D, Santiago de Chile. - 1948. Pres.: Dr. Emilio del Campo. Sociedad Chilena de Cirugía Plástica y Reparadora Ave. Santa María 410, Santiago de Chile. 1944. — Institución particular; Perfecciona y fomenta el estudio de la especialidad, cultivo intelectual de sus miembros.
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Sociedad Chilena de Gastroenterologia Merced 565, Santiago de Chile. - Sociedad independiente; Propender al estudio y perfeccionamiento de la Gastroenterologia médica y quirúrgica. - P: Revista Médica de Chile. Sociedad Chilena de Gerontología Ave. Bulnes 377, Dept. 605, Santiago de Chile. - 1961. M: 30. - tres.: Dr. José Froimovich. Sociedad Chilena de Hematología Esmeralda 678, Casilla 23-D, Santiago de Chile. - 1943. M: 66. - Pres. : Dr. Carlos Meza Arrau. Sociedad Chilena de Nutrición, Bromatologia y Toxicología Ave. Vicuña Mackenna 20, Casilla postal 6084, Santiago de Chile. - 1943. - Institución particular; Promover, estimular y fomentar los conocimientos sobre las tres disciplinas, arriba mencionadas, estudiar los problemas de nutrición nacional para proponer soluciones a organismos respectivos. - Pres.: Irma Pennacchiotti M. Sociedad Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecología José Domingo Cañas 563, Santiago de Chile. 1935. — Investigaciones científicas, reuniones de socios y presentación de trabajos de las especialidades, organización de Congresos nacionales con la representación de las sociedades similares extranjeros. - P: Boletín de la Sociedad Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecología. Sociedad Chilena de Parasitología Casilla 9183, Santiago de Chile. - 1964. - Pres.: Dr. Jacobo Faiguenbaum Arcabi. Sociedad Chilena de Patología de la Adaptación y del Mesenquima
Hospital J. J. Aguirre, Sector A., Dpto. 318, Calle Santos Dumont 999, Santiago de Chile. 1954. - Institución particular; Propender al estudio y divulgación de los nuevos conceptos sobre enfermedades de Adaptación, Stress y Mesenquima. Sociedad Chilena de Pediatría Esmeralda 670, Santiago de Chile. - P: Revista Chilena de Pediatría. Sociedad Chilena de Reumatologia Casilla 23-D, Santiago de Chile - 1953. - Pres.: Dr. Jorge Palma Cereceda. Sociedad Chilena de Salubridad y Medicina Pública Huérfanos 972, Casilla 13240, Santiago de Chile. - 1947. - Institución particular; Estudiar y debatir los problemas de la salud en sus diversos aspectos, promover el mejoramiento de la salud en la nación. Sociedad Chilena de Tisiología y Enfermedades Broncopulmonares Hospital del Tórax, J. M. Infante. 717, Santiago de Chile. 1931. - Institución particular; Estudio de enfermedades del aparato respiratorio y tuberculosis. - P: Revista „Aparato Respiratorio y Tuberculosis". Pres.: Dr. Gonzalo Corbalán. Sociedad de Anatomía Normal y Patológica de Chile Museo Histórico, Santiago de Chile. 1938. - Institución particular; Propender el estudio y conocimiente de las distintas ciencias morfológicas. Sociedad de Anestesiología de Chile Casilla 4259, Santiago de Chile. - 1946. - Institución independiente; Perfeccionar los conocimientos de la especialidad, estudiar problemas científicos,
Chile ( 3 - 4 ) propender al progreso de la Anestesiología. - P: Revista Chilena Anestesia. Sociedad de Cirugía de Chile Calle Paris 809, Santiago de Chile. - 1922. - P: Boletín. Secr.: Dr. E. Greene. Sociedad de Cirujanos de Chile Casilla 23-D, S a n t i a g o de Chile. - 1949; fusiona la Sociedad de Cirugía de Chile y la Sociedad de Cirujanos de Hospital. - Institución particular; Desarrollo de la Cirugía chilena. - P: Boletín de la Sociedad de Cirugía de Chile. Sociedad de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Medicina Legal Santiago d e Chile. - 1931. - fres.: Prof. Dr. O. Fontecilla, Sociedad Médica de Santiago Casilla 23-D, S a n t i a g o de Chile. - 1869. - M: 900. - P: Revista Médica de Chile. - Pres.: Dr. Federilo Phillipi Bañados. Sociedad de Oftalmología de Valparaíso Plaza A. Pinto 341, V a l p a r a í s o . - 1928. - Afiliada a la Sociedad Médica de Valparaíso. - Pres.: Dr. Carlos Silva Lafrente. Sociedad de Otorinolaringología de Valparaíso Blas Cuenas 964, V a l p a r a í s o . - 1945. - Institución particular; Propender al mejoramiento científico. P: Revista de Otorinolaringología de Chile. Sociedad de Pediatría de Valparaíso Victoria2335, V a l p a r a í s o . 1932. - Afiliada a la Sociedad Médica de Valparaíso. - M: 30. Pres.: Dr. Eliecer Lara H. Sociedad Médica de Valparaíso Ave. Brasil 1689, V a l p a r a í s o . 1913; creada por iniciativa particular de los médicos de la ciudad de Valparaíso. - Institu-
117 ción particular. - M: 271. P: Revista Médica de Valparaíso. - Secr.: Dr. Gastón Chaparro.
Sociedad Odontológica de Valparaíso Casilla 1084, V a l p a r a í s o . 1908; fundada bajo el nombre de „Círculo Odontológico. — Institución particular; Agrupa a los odontólogos de la Provincia de Valparaíso con fines científicos, organiza charlas y conferencias mesas clínicas y demonstraciones prácticas, Cursos para postgraduados. Fundación Lucas Sierra del Hospital de Viña del Mar Calle Alvarez no. 1532, Viña del M a r . - 1945. - Institución particular; estimula la investigación en el campo de la ciencia médica. - P: Boletín Hospital Viña del Mar.
3.9 Medicina
Comité Chileno Veterinario de Zootecnia Dardignac 95, S a n t i a g o d e C h i l e . - 1 9 5 1 . - Federación Internacional Veterinaria de Zootecnia, Reunir y propender a los estudios de Producción animal, para veterinarios chilenos. Sociedad de Medicina Veterinaria de Chile Clasificador 740, S a n t i a g o de Chile. - 1926. - Institución particular; Agrupa a los Médicos Veterinários con el fin de aumentar los conocimientos científicos. — M: 350. - P: Revista. - Pres.: Dr. Gonzalo Townsend M.
4 Ingeniería Corporación de Fomento de la Producción (CORFO) Ramón Nieto 920, Santiago d e Chile.
Chile ( 4 - 5 )
Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile San Martin 352, Casilla 487, Santiago de Chile. - 1900. P: Anales. Instituto de Planificación UN Economie Commission for Latin America, José M. Infante 9, Santiago de Chile. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Tecnológicas y Normalización (INDITECNOR) Plaza Bulnes 1302, Oficina 62, Santiago de Chile. Oficina de Mensura de Tierras, Sección Geodètica Casilla 247, Santiago de Chile. - P: Memorias. Sociedad Nacional de Minería Casilla 1807, Santiago de Chile. - 1 8 8 3 . - P: Boletín Minero. - Pres.: Francisco Cuevas Mackenna.
4.9 Agricultura y Silvicultura Instituto Agrario de Estudios Económicos Casilla 13907, Correo 15, San Antonio 220, Santiago de Chile. - 1960. - Concede ayuda científica, técnica y económica las sociedades agrícolas. - P: Intagro. Instituto de Educación Rural Moneda 1779, Santiago de Chile. Instituto Nacional de Pesquería c/o Ministerio de Tierras y Colonización, Teatinos 254, Santiago de Chile. Proyecto de Reforma Agraria c/o Arzobispado de Santiago, Pl. Armas 444, Santiago de Chile. Sociedad Agronómica de Chile Casilla4109, Santiago de Chile. - 1910. - M: 818. - P: Simiente. - Pres.: Miguel Dagnmo.
Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura de Chile Tendermi 187,Casilla 40-D, Santiago de Chile. 1838. - Institución particular; Corporación de agricultores para el fomento de la Agricultura, entre otros servicios mantiene el Instituto Biológico ,,Enrique Matte" para investigaciones en Medicina Veterinària y producción de vacunas y medicamentos para el ganado, y la Estación Experimental dedicada a la genética vegetal; desde 1869 anualmente ferias de agricultura. - P: Memorias anuales de la Institución; Revista ,£1 Campesino". - Pres.: Víctor Braun.
5 Ciencias Económicas y Sociales Comisión Económica para América Latina (CEPAL) Ave. Providencia 871, Casilla 179-D, Santiago de Chile. Comité Nacional de Geografía, Geodesia y Geofísica Castro 354, Santiago de Chile. - 1935. Fundada para fomentar y coordinar investigaciones en los campos mencionados, propender e intensificar el conocimiento de la Geografía en su aspecto integral a base de la investigación, la enseñanza y la divulgación. Pres.: Ramón Cañas Montalva. Comité de Programación Económica y Reconstrucción (COPERE) Ministerio de Economía, Fomento y Reconstrucción, Santiago de Chile. Desarrollo Económico Social América Latina Casilla 10,445, Santiago de Chile.
Chile ( 5 - 7 ) Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile Casilla 14187, Correo 15, S a n t i a g o d e Chile. - 1966. - Estudios post-giaduados internacionales, políticos y económicos. — P: Estudios Internacionales. Dir. : Claudio Veliz. Instituto de Viviendas Populares, Caritas Chile S a n t i a g o d e C h i l e . - Organización privada. Instituto Interamericano de Financiamiento Cooperativo (IFICOOP) S a n t i a g o d e C h i l e . Instituto Latinoamericano para el Planeamiento social José Miguel Infante 9, S a n t i a g o de C h i l e . Instituto Vivienda Rural General Antonio Varas 1128, S a n t i a g o d e Chile. Servicio Nacional de Estadística y Censos Casilla 6177, Correo 5, S a n t i a g o d e C h i l e . - 1843. P: Anuarios Estadísticos; Boletín; Síntesis Estadística. - Dir.. Sergio Chaparro Ruiz.
Asociación Judicial de Chile Santo Domingo 1373, S a n t i a g o d e Chile.
7 Ciencias Humanas Sociedad Arqueológica de la Serena Casilla 125, La S e r e n a . - 1944 — Estudio y difusión de las cien-
119 cias antropológicas Arqueología, Etnología, Antropología física. P: Boletín; Revista.
Academia Chilena de la Historia S a n t i a g o de Chile, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Academia Chilena de la Lengua Santiago de Chile, s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Asociación de Educación Nacional Santiago de Chile. Pres.: Dr. Carlos Fernández Peña. Confederación de Educadores de América Latina c/o Federación de Educadores de Chile, Moneda 1330, S a n t i a g o d e Chile. Sociedad Chilena de Historia y Geografía Casilla 1386, S a n t i a g o d e C h i l e . - 1911. - Institución particular; Promover el estudio de la Historia, Geografía, Antropología, Folklore de Chile y de los pueblos americanos. - M: 250. - P: Revista Chilena de Historia y Geografía. - Pres.: Manuel Montt. Sociedad Linarense de Historia y Geografía Casilla 76, Linares, Casilla 76, S a n t i a g o d e C h i l e . 1916. - Institución particular; Mantiene en Linares la Biblioteca Histórica, el Museo Regional, el Solar Linarense, El Parque Regional y una Esculea de tendencia regionalista. Asociación Lingüística y Filológica de América Latina Casilla 695, V i ñ a del Mar.
China (0)
China People's Republic of China 0 Generalities Che-chiang sheng k'o hsueh chi shu hsueh hui (Chekiang Provincial Society of Science and Technology) H a n g c h o w , Chekiang. - P: Nung yeh k'o hsueh ch'ang shih, Knowledge of Agricultural Sciences. Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs P e k i n g , Hopeh. -Pres.: Chang Hsi-jo. Chung-hua jen min kung ho kuo k'o hsueh chi shu hsieh hui (Scientific and Technical Association of the People's Republic of China) P e k i n g , Hopeh. - 1958. Merger of All China Federation of Scientific Societies and All China Association for the Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Knowledge. - P: Chi shu t'uei kuang tzu liao; Ch'uang chao yu fa ming. Pres.: Li Ssu-kuang. Chung-kuo k'o hsueh yuan (Academia Sinica, China Academy of Sciences) P e k i n g , Hopeh. s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Pei-ching shih k'o hsueh chi shu hsueh hui (Scientific and Technical Association of Peking) Pek i n g , Hopeh. - 1958. - P: K'o hsueh hsiao pao, Scientific Gazette. Society for Science and Technology P e k i n g , Hopeh. - 1958; founded by an amalgamation of the All China Federation of Scientific Societies and the All-China Association for the Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Knowledge. M: 150. - Pres.: Li Ssu-
Kuang. Affilated organisations include the following: Chung-kuo shu hsueh hui (Chinese Mathematical Society) c/o Inst, of Mathematics, Acad. Sinica, West Suburb, P e k i n g , Hopeh. - 1936. - M: 4000. - P: Shu hsuh hsueh pao, Acta Mathematica Sinica; Shu hsueh t'ung pao, Bulletin of the Chinese Mathematical Society; Shu hsueh t'ung hsun, Information Bulletin of Mathematics; Shu hsueh chin chan, Advancement in Mathematics. Chung-kuo wu li hsueh hui (Chinese Physical Society) 42 Tunghuang-chien-ken, P e k i n g , Hopeh. - 1932. - M: 2200. - P: Wu li hsueh pao, Acta Physica Sinica; Wu li t'ung pao, Physics Bulletin; Yuan tsu neng; Yuan tsu neng l ts'ung, Journal of translated papers on Atomic Energy. Chung-kuo hua hsueh hui (Chinese Chemical Society) 1 Tung-ssuerh-t'iao, P e k i n g , Hopeh. - 1932. - M: 5000. - P: Hua hsueh pao, Acta Chemica Sinica; Chemical Bulletin. - Pres.: Yang Shihhsien. Chung-kuo tung wu hsueh hui (Zoological Society of China) c/o Dept. of Biology, Peking Univ., P e k i n g , Hopeh. - 1934. - M: 700. - P: Tung wu hsueh pao. Acta Zoologica Sinica; Sheng wu hsueh t'ung pao, Biological Bulletin. - Pres.: Ping Chih. Chung-kuo chih wu hsueh hui (Botanical Society of China) c/o Inst, of Botany, Acad. Sinica,
China (0)
West Suburban Park, Peking, Hopeh. - 1933. - M: 1200. P: Chih wu hsueh pao, Acta Botanica Sinica; Chih wu hsueh wen che. - Pres.: Ch'ien Ts'ung-shu. Chung-kuo chih wu ping li hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Plant Pathology) c/o Dept. of Plant Protection, Peking, Agricult. Univ., Peking, Hopeh. - 1929; reorg. 1950. - P: Chih wu ping li hsueh pao, Acta Phytopathologica Sinica; Chih ping chih shih; Chih wu ping li hsueh i pao, Journal of Translated Papers and Phytopathology; Chih wu ping li hsueh hui hui hsun. - Pres.: Tai Fang-Ian.
tung. - 1950. - P: Hai yang yu hu chao, Oceanologica et Limnologica Sinica. - Pres.: Chang Hsi. Chung-kuo ti li hsueh hui (The Geographical Society of China) 3 Wen-chin-chieh, Peking, Hopeh. - 1950; merger of the Geographical Society of Peking, founded in 1907 and the Geographical Society of Nanking founded in 1933. - M: 2000. - P: Ti li chih shih, Knowledge of Geography; Ti li hsueh pao, Acta Geographica Sinica; Ts'e liang chuan k'an, Special Bulletin of Surveying; Ti li i pao, Journal of Geographical Translation. Pres.: Chu K'o-chen.
Chung-kuo chih hsueh hui (Geological Society of China) c/o Inst, of Geology, Acad. Sinica, Sha-t'an,Peking, Hopeh. 1922; oldest Society of natural sciences in China. - P: Ti chih hsueh pao, Acta Geologica Sinica; Ti chih hun p'ung, Geological Review. - Pres.: Lee Ssu-huang. Chung-kuo ch'i hsiang hsueh hui (Chinese Meteorological Society) c/o Central Meteorological Agency, Hang-shu-chieh, Peking, Hopeh. - 1924. - P: Ch'i hsiang hsueh pao, Acta Meteorologica Sinica; Ch'i hsiang hsueh i pao, Journal of Translated Papers on Meteorology; Ch'i hsiang chih shih. Pres.: Chao Chiu-chang.
Chung-kuo chieh p'o hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Anatomy) Peking, Hopeh. - 1947; reorg. 1952. - M: 800. - P: Chieh p'o hsueh pao, Acta Anatomica Sinica; K'o hsueh wen che-chieh p'o hsueh. Chung-kuo hsin li hsueh hui (Chinese Psychological Society) c/o Inst, of Psychology, Tuan-wangfu chai tao or 10 tung-kuan-yinshi, Hsi-chi-men, Peking, Hopeh. - 1955. - M: 500. - P: Hsin li hsueh pao, Acta Psychologica; Hsin h hsueh i pao, Translated Articles on Psychology. - Pres.: P'an Shu. Chung-kuo chin shu hsueh hui (Chinese Metallurgical Society) Shenyang, Liaoning. - 1945. P: Chin shu hsueh pao, Acta Metallurgica Sinica i Kang t'ien. M: 1000. - Pres.: Chou Jen.
Chung-kuo sheng wu hsueh hui (Palaeontological Society of China) c/o Inst, of Geology, Acad. Sinica, Sha-t'an, Peking, Hopeh. 1929. - M: 140. - P: Ku sheng wu hsueh pao, Acta Palaeontologica Sinica. - Pres.: Yang Chungchien. Chung-kuo hai yang hu chao hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Oceanography and Limnology) 19 Lai-yang Roas, Tsingtao,Shan-
Chung-kuo t'ien wen hsueh hui (Chinese Astronomical Society) 92 Ch'eng-hsien-chieh, Nanking, Kiangsu. - 1922. - M: 100. P: T'ien wen hsueh pao, Acta Astronomica Sinica. - Pres.: Chang YU-cheh. Chung-kuo ti ch'in wu li shueh hui (Chinese Geophysical Society)
China (0)
122 c/o Wen-chin-chieh, Peking, Hopeh. - 1947; reorg. 1953. M: 141. - P: Ti ch'in wu li shueh pao, Acta Geophysica Sinica. - Pres.: Ku Kung-hsu.
Chung-kuo chi hsieh kung ch'eng hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers) 3 Wen-chinchieh, Peking, Hopeh. - 1951. P: Chi hsieh kung ch'eng hsueh pao, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering; Chi hsieh chih tsao. - Pres.: Shih Chin-jen. Chung-kuo t'ung mu kung ch'eng hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Civil Engineering) 27 Yang-ju Hu-t'ung, Hsi-ssu, Peking, Hopeh. - 1953. - M: 6200. - P: T'u mu kung ch'eng hsueh pao, Chinese Journal of Civil Engineering; T'u mu kung ch'eng, Civil Engineering. - Pres.: Mao I-sheng. Chung-kuo hang k'ung kung ch'eng hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Aeronautical Engineering) c/o Wang chung-k'uei, Peking Aeronautical Engineering Coll., Peking, Hopeh. - 1955. -Preparatory Commitee: Wang Chun-K'uei. Chung-kuo hua Kung hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Chemical Engineering) 1 Tung-ssu-erh-t'iao pei-k'on, Peking, Hopeh. 1956. - P: Hua Kung hsueh pao, Journal of Chemical Engineering; Hua hsueh shih chieh; Hui hsun. Pres.: Hou Te-pang. Chung-kuo jan liao hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Fuels) c/o Inst, of Petroleum, Acad. Sinica, Dairen, Liaoning. - P: Jan liao hsueh pao; Acta Focalia Sinica; Chung-kuo kuei suan yen hsueh hui. Chung-kuo kuei suan yen hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Silicates) Peking, Hopeh. - 1956. Pres.: Lai ch'i-fang.
Chung-kuo li hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Mechanics) c/o Inst, of Mechanics, Acad. Sinica, Peking, Hopeh. - 1957. - M: 1000. - P: Li hsueh pao, Acta Mechanica Sinica. - Pres.: Ch'ien Hsueh-shen. Chung-kuo she ying hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Photography) 24 Wu-liang-ta-jen Hu-t'ung, Peking, Hopeh. - 1956. Chung-kuo shui li hsueh hui (Hydraulic Engineering Society of China) c/o Ministry of Water Conservation and Electric Power, Peking, Hopeh. - 1957. P: Shui li hsueh pao, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering Society; Shui li yu tien li, Water Conservation and Electric Power. Chung-kuo tien chi kung ch'eng hsueh hui (Electrical Engineering Society of China) Peking, Hopeh. - 1957. - P : Tien shih chieh. Pres.: Liu Lan-po. Chung-kuo tien tzu hsueh hui (Electronics Society of China) c/o 13 Tung-ssu Liu-t'iao, Peking, Hopeh. - 1956. - P: Tien hsin k'o hsueh. - Pres.: Wang Cheng. Chung-kuo tsao chih hsueh hiu (Chinese Society of Paper Making) Peking, Hopeh. 1959. - Pres.: Chao Hui-hua. Chung-kuo tsao ch'uan kung ch'eng hsueh hui (Shipbuilding Society of China) 1340 Hsin-chao-choulu, Shanghai, Kiangsu. - 1941; reorg. - P: Chung-kuo tsao ch'uan; Tsao ch'uan i ts'ung, Journal of Translated Papers on Shipbuilding. Chung-kuo ts'e liang chih t'u hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Geodetics and Cartography) Wuhan, Hopeh. - 1956. - P: Ts'e liang chih t'u hsueh pao;
China (0) Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica. - Pres.: Ch'en Wai-oh. Chung-kuo tsu hua hsueh hui (Automation Society of China) c/o Inst, of Automation, Acad. Sinica, Chung-kuan-ts'un, West Suburb, Peking, Hopeh. - 1959. - P: Tsu tung hua, Automation. Pres.: Ch'ien Hsueh-sen. Chung-kuo chien hsueh hui (Architectural Society of China) c/o Ministery of Construction Engineering, Paiwan-chu ang-West Suburb, Peking, Hopeh. 1953. - M: 4000. - P: Chien chu hsueh pao, Chinese Journal of Architecture; Chien chu tsung. - Pres.: Chou Jung-hsin. Chung-kuo fang chih kung ch'eng hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Textile Engineering) 1930; founded as the Chinese Textile Society and reorg. under its present name in 1954. - M: 4000. P: Tang chih t'ung pao; Fang chih i pao, Journal of Translated Papers on Textiles. - Pres.: Chen Wei-chi. Chinese Society of Agronomy Peking, Hopeh. - 1956. - M: 1000. - Pres.: Yang Hsien-tung. Chung-kuo lin hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Forestry) Peking, Hopeh. - 1951. - P: Lin yeh k'o hsueh, Forestry Science. - Pres.: Chang K'o-hsia. Chinese Association of Zootechnic and Veterinary Science Peking, Hopeh. - 1955. - M: 1600. P: The Chinese Journal of Zootechnic and Veterinary Science. Pres.: Chen Ling-feng. Chung-kuo t'u jang hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Pedology) 1 Chi-ming-shih, N a n k i n g , Kiangsu. - 1954. - M: 1400. P: T'u jang hsueh pao, Acta Pedologica Sinica;T'u jang hsueh
1 pao, Journal of Translated Papers on Pedology; T'u jang t'ung hsun, Soil Information Bulletin. - Pres.: Li Ch'ing-ku. Chung-kuo yuan i hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Horticulture) c/o Horticulture Dept., Peking Agricult. Univ. , Peking, Hopeh. - 1956. - M: 600. -Pres.: Tseng Hsien-p'u. Phytopathological Society of China N a n k i n g , Kiangsu. 1929. - P: Acta Phytopathologica Sinica. - Pres.: Tai Fang Ian. Chinese Society of Entomology c/o Inst, of Entomology, Acad. Simca, Chung-Kuan ts'un, West Suburb, Peking, Hopeh. - 1951. - M: 1000. - P: Kun ch-ung hsueh pao, Acta Entomologica Sinica; K'un ch'ung chih shih. Pres.: Ch'en Shih-hsiang. Chinese Medical Association Tung-ssu Chu-shih-ta-chieh, Peking, Hopeh. - 1914; founded at Nanking. - M: 19000. P: Chinese Medical Journal; Chunghua l hsieh tsa chi; National Medical Journal of China; hsieh shih yu pao chien tsu chih, Journal of the Organization of Health Services and the History of Medicine. - Pres.: Fu Lien-chang. Chung-kuo yua hsueh hui (Chinese Pharmaceutical Association) 2 Tung-an-men, He-yen-hou-chuta-yuan, Peking, Hopeh. - 1912; reorg. 1952. - M: 3100. - P: Yao hsueh t'ung pao, Pharmaceutica Bulletin; Yao hsueh hsueh pao, Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica; Chung yao t'ung pao, Journal of Chinese Drugs. - Pres.: Lung Tsai-yun. Chinese Society of Physiological Sciences S h a n g h a i , Kiangsu. 1926. - Pres.: Chao yi-ping.
China ( 0 - 2 )
Chung-kuo wei sheng wu hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Microbiology) c/o Chinese Acad, of Medical Sciences, P e k i n g , Hopeh. - 1928. - M: 1400. P: Microbiological Information; Wei sheng wu hsueh pao, Acta Microbiologica Sinica. - Pres.: T'ang Fei-fan. Shang-hai shih i hsueh t'u shu kuan hsieh hui (Shanghai Municipal Medical Library Association) S h a n g h a i , Kiangsu. Wei sheng pu kung yeh wei sheng shi yen Yuan T i e n t s i n , Hopeh.
Chung-kuo shu hsueh hui (Chinese Mathematical Society) Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology.
2 Sciences Chung-kuo t'ien wen hsueh hui (Chinese Astronomical Society) N a n k i n g , Kiangsu. s. Generalities, Peking, Hopeh, Society for Science and Technology. Phy topathological Society of China N a n k i n g , Kiangsu. s. Generalities, Peking, Hopeh, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-kuo chi'i hsiang hsueh hui (Chinese Meteorological Society) Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-kuo chih hsueh hui (Geological Society of China) P e k i n g , Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology.
Chung-Kuo chih wu hsueh hui (Botanical Society for China) P e k i n g , Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Techno*, logy. Chung-Kuo chih wu ping li hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Plant Pathology) P e k i n g , Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-Kuo hua hsueh hui (Chinese Chemical Society) P e k i n g , Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-Kuo K'un h'ung hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Entomology) P e k i n g , Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-Kuo Ku sheng wu hsueh hui (Palaeontological Society t>f China) P e k i n g , Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-kuo mi-chi'iu-lin hsueh hui (The Michurin Society of China) c/o Lab. of Genetics, Acad. Sinica, P e k i n g , Hopeh. - 1948. - Pres.: Yueh T'ien-yu. Chung-Kuo ti ai'iu wu li shueh hui (Chinese Geophysical Society) P e k i n g , Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-Kuo tung wu hsueh hui (Zoological Society of China) P e k i n g , Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-Kuo wu hsueh hui (Chinese Physical Society) P e k i n g , Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Ch'ing-tao hai tai yen chiu hui (Tsingtao Seaweed Research Asso-
China ( 2 - 3 ) ciation) Tsingtao, Shantung. 1953. Chung-kuo hai yang hu chao hsueh hui (China Society of Oceanography and Limnology) Tsingtao, Shantung, s. Generalities, Peking, Hopeh, Society for Science and Technology.
3 Medicine Chung-kuo t'u jang hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Pedology) Nanking, Kiangsu. s. Generalities, Peking, Hopeh, Society for Sciences and Technology. Ho-peh sheng wei sheng kung tso che hsieh hui (Hopeh Provincial Association of Public Health Workers) Pao-ting, Hopeh. Chung-hua chieh ho ping k'o hsueh hui (The Chinese Society of Tuberculosis) Tung-ssu Chu-shih-tachieh, Peking, Hopeh. - P: Chung-hua chieh ho ping k'o tsa chih, Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis. Chung-hua erh k'o hsueh hui (The Chinese Society of Pediatrics) Tung-ssu Chu-shih-ta-chieh, Peking, Hopeh. - P: Chung-hua erh k'o tsa chih, Chinese Journal of Pediatrics. Chung-hua erh pi yin hou k'o hsueh hui (The Chinese Society of Otorhinolaryngology) Tung ssu Chushih-ta-chieh, Peking, Hopeh. P: Chung-hua erh pi yin hou k'o tsa chih, Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology. Chung-hua fang she hsueh hui (The Chinese Society of Radiology) Tung-ssu Chu-shih-ta-chieh, Peking, Hopeh. - P: Chunghua fang she hsueh tsa chih, Chinese Journal of Radiology.
Chung-hua fu ch'an k'o hsueh hui (The Chinese Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology) Tung-ssu Chu-shih-ta-chieh, Peking, Hopeh. - P: Chung-hua fu ch'an k'o tsa chih, Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Chung-hua hu shih hsueh hui (The Nursing Society of China) c/o Tung-ssu Chu-shi-ta-chieh,Peking, Hopeh. - 1909; reorg. in 1950. M: 17000. - P: Hu li tsa chih, Nursing Magazine. - Pres. : Ch'en K'un-hsi. Chung-hua i hsueh hui (Chinese Medical Association) Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-hua i shih hsueh hui (The Chinese Society of the History of Medicine) Tung ssu Chu-shihta-chieh, Peking, Hopeh. - P: Chung-hua i shih tsa chih, Journal of History of Chinese Medicine. Chung-hua k'ou ch'iang k'o hsueh hui (The Chinese Society of Stomatology) Tung-ssu Chu-shita-chieh, Peking, Hopeh. - P: Chung-hua k'ou ch'iang k'o tsa chih, Chinese Journal of Stomatology. Chung-hua kung kung wei sheng hsueh hui (The Chinese Society of Public Health) Tung-ssu Chushih-ta-chieh,Peking, Hopeh. P: Chung-hua wei sheng tsa chih, Chinese Journal of Public Health. Chung-hua li liao hsueh hi (The Chinese Society of Therapeutics) Tung-ssu Chu-shih-tachieh, Peking, Hopeh. Chung-hua nei k'o hsueh hui (The Chinese Society of Internal Medicine) Tung-ssu Chu-shih-tachieh, Peking, Hopeh. - P: Chung-hua nei k'o tsa chih, Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine.
China (3)
Chung-hua p'i fu hsing ping k'o hsueh hui (The Chinese Society of Dermatology and Venereology) Tung-ssu Chu-shih-ta-chieh, Peking, Hopeh. - P: Chunghua p'i fu k'o tsa chih, Chinese Journal of Dermatology. Chung-hua ping li hsueh hui (The Chinese Society of Pathology) Tung-ssu Chu-shih-ta-chieh, Peking, Hopeh. - P: Chunghua ping li hsueh tsa chih, Chinese Journal of Pathology. Chung-hua shen ching ching shen k'o hsueh hui (The Chinese Society of Neurology and Psychiatry) Tung-ssu Chu-shih-ta-chieh,Peking, Hopeh. - P: Chung-hua shen ching ching shen k'o tsa chih, Chinese Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. Chung-hua wai k'o hsueh hui (The Chinese Society of Surgery) Tung-ssu Chu-shih-ta-chieh, Peking, Hopeh. - P: Chung-hua wai k'o tsa chih, Chinese Journal of Surgery. Chung-hua yen k'o hsueh hui (The Chinese Society of Ophthalmology) Tung-ssu Chu-shih-ta-chieh, Peking, Hopeh. - P: Chung-hua yen k'o tsa chih, Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology. Chung-kuo chieh p'o hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Anatomy) Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-kuo fang lao hsieh hui (The Chinese Association of Tuberculosis Prevention) 36 Pei-t'zutzu, Peking, Hopeh. - 1933. P: Fang lao t'ung hsun, Bulletin of Tuberculosis Prevention. Pres.: Huang Ting-ch'ien. Chung-kuo i hsueh k'o hsueh yuan (China Academy of Medical Sciences) Peking, Hopeh. s. MINERVA Forschungsinst.
Chung-kuo sheng li k'o hsueh hui (The Chinese Society of Physiological Sciences) 2 Wen-chin-chieh, Peking, Hopeh. - 1926;reorg. 1953. - P: Sheng li hsueh pao, Acta Physiologica Sinica; Ying yan yang hsueh pao, Acta Nutrimenta Sinica; Sheng hua hsueh pao, Acta Biochimica; K'o hsueh wen chesheng li K'o hsueh; Sheng li k'o hsueh chin chan, Progress in Physiology. - Pres.: Lui En-chih. Chung-kuo wei sheng wu hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Microbiology) Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and TechnologyChung-kuo yao hsueh hui (Chinese Pharmaceutical Association) Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Pei-ching chung i hsueh hui (Peking Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine) 31 Hsi-ssu Paita-chieh,Peking, Hopeh. - P: Peiching chung i, Peking Traditional Chinese Medicine. Pei-ching shih wei sheng kung tso che hsieh hui (Peking Municipal Association of Public Health Workers) Peking, Hopeh. Wei sheng pu i hsueh k'o hsueh yen chiu wei yuan hui (Committee of Medical Research) Peking, Hopeh. Chinese Society of Physiological Sciences Shanghai, Kiangsu. s. Generalities, Peking, Hopeh, Society for Science and Technology. Shang-hai chung hsueh hui (Shanghai Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine) 1623 West Peking Road, Shanghai, Kiangsu. - P: Shanghai chung i yao tsa chih, Shanghai Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
China (4)
4 Engineering Hu-nan sheng shui li tien li hsueh hui (Hu-nan Provincial Society of Water Conservation and Electric Power) - Changsha, Hunan. Chung-kuo jan liao hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Fuels) Dairen, Liaoning. s. Generalities, Peking, Hopeh, Society for Science and Technology. Aeronautical Society Peking, Hopeh. - 1964. - Pres.: Shen Yuan. Chung-kuo chi hsieh kung ch'eng hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers) Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-kuo chien chu hsueh hui (Architectural Society of China) Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-kuo fang chih kung ch'eng hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Textile Engineering) Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-kuo hang k'ung kung ch'eng hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Aeronautical Engineering) Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-kuo hua kung hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Chemical Engineering) Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-kuo kuei kuan yen hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Silicates) Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-kuo li hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Mechanics) Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities,
127 Society for Science and Technology.
Chung-kuo she ying hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Photography) Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-kuo shui li hsueh hui (Hydraulic Engineering Society of China) Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-kuo tien chi kung ch'eng hsueh hui (Electrical Engineering Society of China) Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-kuo tien tsu hsueh hsueh hui (Electronics Society of China) Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities,. Society for Science and TechnologyChung-kuo tsao chih hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Paper Making) Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-kuo t'u mu kung ch'eng hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Civil Engineering) Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-kuo izu tung hua hsueh hui (Automation Society of China) Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Society for Mechanics and Construction Engineering Peking, Hopeh. - 1951. - M: 6000. - Pres.: Mao Yi-sheng. Society for Radio Electronics Peking, Hopeh. - 1962. Chung-kuo tsao ch'uan kung ch'eng hsueh hui (Shipbuilding Society of China) Shanghai, Kiangsu.
China (4-4.9) s. Generalities, Peking, Hopeh, Society for Science and Technology-
Society for Shipbuilding Technology Shanghai, Kiangsu. - 1962. Pres.: Chang Wen-chih. Chung-kuo chin shu hsueh hui (Chinese Metallurgical Society) Shenyang, Liaoning. s. Generalities, Peking, Hopeh, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-kuo ts'e hang chih t'u hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Geodetics and Cartography) Wuhan, Hopeh. s. Generalities, Peking, Hopeh, Society for Science and Technology.
4.9 Agriculture and Forestry Che-chiang sheng ts'an ssu hsueh hui (Chekiang Provincial Sericultural Society) H a n g c h o w , Chekiang. - P: Ts'an shang t'ung hsun, Bulletin of Sericulture. Che-chiang sheng yuan i hsueh hui (Chekiang Provincial Horticultural Society) Hangchow, Chekiang. - P: Yuan i t'ung pao, Folia Horticulturae Sinica. Chinese Association of Zootechnics and Veterinary Science Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Chinese Society of Agronomy Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-hua chen chiu hsueh hui (The Chinese Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion) Tung-ssu Chu-shih-ta-chieh, Peking, Hopeh. Chung-kuo hsu mu shou i hsueh hui (The Chinese Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science)
c/o Dept. of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences, Peking Agricult. Univ., Peking, Hopeh. 1955. - M: 1600. - P: Chungkuo hsu mu hsueh tsa chi, Journal of Chinese Animal Husbandry. Pres.: Ch'en Ling-feng. Chung-kuo lin hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Forestry) Peking, Hopeh.s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Chung-kuo nung hsueh hui (The Agricultural Society of China; c/o Pai-hsiang-an, West Suburb, Peking, Hopeh. - 1956. - P: Nung yeh hsueh pao, Acta Agriculturae Sinica; Nung t'ien shui li, Agricultural Irrigation and Water Conservation; Chung-kuo hsu mu shou i, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science of China; Nung yeh chi hsieh. Pres.: Yang Hsien-tung. Chung-kuo nung yeh chi hsieh hsueh hui (The Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery) Peking, Hopeh. - 1956. - P: Nung yeh chi hsieh hsueh pao, Journal of Agricultural Machinery; Nung yeh chi hsieh i pao, Journal of translated papers on farm implements. -Pres.: Sun Ching-lu. Chung-kuo nung yeh k'o hsueh yuan (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences) Peking, Hopeh. s. MINERVA Forschungsinst. Chung-kuo yu yeh hsieh hui (The Chinese Association of Fisheries) Erh-li-kou, West Suburb, Peking,Hopeh. - Pres.: Yang Yu. Chung-kuo yuan i hsueh hui (Chinese Society of Horticulture) Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology.
China ( 4 . 9 - 7 ) Michurin Society of China Peking, Hopeh. - 1949. - To increase agricultural output by applying the theories of Michurin and Lysenko. - Chair.: Yueh Tienyu. Pei-ching tso wu hsueh hui (Peking Society of Crop Production) Peking, Hopeh. Society for Silk Cultivation Wusih, Kiangsu. - 1963. - Pres.: Sun Pen-chung.
5 Economical and Social Sciences China Institute of Economics Peking, Hopeh. - Dir.: Chen Po-ta. I yuan hsing cheng kuan li yen chiù wei yuan hui (Research Committee of Hospital Administration and Management) Tung-ssu Chu-shihta-chieh, Peking, Hopeh. Political Science and Law Association of China Peking, Hopeh. - 1953. - Chair.: Tung Pi-wu.
7 Arts All-China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Peking, H o p e h . 1949. - Chair.: Kuo Mo-jo. Affiliated organisations include the following:
Union of Chinese Artists 1953. - Chair.: Chi Pai-Shih. Union of Chinese Stage Artists 1953. - Chair.: Tien Han. China Opera Research Society 1953. - Chair.: Wang Tsun-san. China Dance Research Society 1953. - Chair.: Wu Hsiao-pang. China Dance Research Society Peking, Hopeh. s. All-China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. China Opera Research Society Peking, Hopeh.s.All-China-Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Chinese Historical Society Peking, Hopeh. - 1951. - Chair.: Kuo Mojo. Chinese Society of Philosophers Peking, Hopeh. - Chair.: LiTa. Chung-kuo hsin ki hsueh hui (Chinese Psychological Society) Peking, Hopeh. s. Generalities, Society for Science and Technology. Committee to Reform the Chinese Written Language Peking, Hopeh. - Chair.: Wu Yu-chang. Union of Chinese Artist Peking, Hopeh. s. All-China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Union of Chinese Musicians Peking, Hopeh. s. All-China-Federation of Literary and Art Circles.
Union of Chinese Writers 1953.
Union of Chinese Stage Artists Peking, Hopeh. s. All-China Federation of Literary and Art Circles.
Union of Chinese Musicians 1953. - Chair.: Chi Pai-Shih.
Union of Chinese Writers Peking, Hopeh. s. All-China Federation of Literary and Art Circles.
- Chair.: Mao Tun.
China (Taiwan)
Republic of China (Taiwan) Astronomical Society of the Republic of China Taipei Observatory, Yuan Shan, Taipei. - 1958. - Pres.: Dr. S. M. Lee. China National Foreign Relations Association 94 Nanchang Road, Sec. I. Taipei. - Pres.: Huang Kuo-shu. China-Natural Science Promotion Association T a i p e i . - 1959. M: 900. China Science Promotion Association Taipei. - 1917; founded at Nanking; refounded in Taiwan 1954. - Dir. : Dr. Cheng Tien-fang. Chinese Association for the Advancement of Science 5 Chungshan South Road, T a i p e i . - 1954. Pres.: Cheng Tien-fong. Chinese Chemical Society P.OB. 609, Taipei - 1932. - M: 4446. - P: Journal; Chemistry. Pres.: Chien Shih-liang.
P: Chinese Language Monthly. Dir.: Mao Tzu-shui. Chinese Mathematical Society P.O. Box 143, T a i p e i . - M: 185. -Pres.: Shih-Chao Lui. Chinese Medical Association 25 Lane 24, Roosevelt Road, 4th Section, Taipei. - 1915. - M: 954. - P: Chinese Medical Journal. - Pres.: Dr. H. L. Chang. Chinese Statistical Association 2 Kwang Chow Street, Taipei. 1941. - P: Chinese Statistical Journal. - Pres.: C. C. Lee. Committee on Promotion of the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy 110 Yenping South Road, Taipei. - Pres.: Milton J. T. Shieh. International House Association, Taipei Chapter 18 Hsinyi Road, Sec. Ill, Taipei. -Pres.: George Y. L. Wu.
Chinese Classical Music Association 1 Lin Yi Street, Lane 3, Taipei. 1951. - M: 300. - P: Bibliography of Chinese Music. - Pres.: Prof. Tsai-ping Liang.
Library Association of China c/o National Central Library, 43 Nan Hai Road, T a i p e i . - 1953. - P: Bulletin of the Library Association of China; How to manage a small library.
Chinese Language Society c/o Taiwan Normal Univ., Taipei. - 1953. -
Physical Society of China c/o Inst, of Physics, Acad. Sinica, Taipei.
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Ceskoslovenska Socialisticka Republika 0
Slovenska Akademie V