Law and order. Crime and punishment (English for law enforcers). Учебное пособие

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Law and order. Crime and punishment (English for law enforcers). Учебное пособие

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Учебное пособие

Уфа 2019 1

УДК 811.111’276.6:34(075.8) ББК 81.2Англ-923 Л68 Рекомендовано к опубликованию редакционно-издательским советом Уфимского ЮИ МВД России Рецензенты: кандидат филологических наук В. В. Посиделова (Ростовский юридический институт МВД России); кандидат педагогических наук О. Ю. Баринова (Казанский юридический институт МВД России) Коллектив авторов: Е. А. Петрова, доктор филологических наук, доцент; Д. А. Галиева, кандидат филологических наук, доцент; Л. В. Науразбаева, б/с, б/з; Е. В. Бурханова, б/с, б/з Л68

Law and order. Crime and punishment (English for law enforcers) : учебное пособие / Е. А. Петрова [и др.]. – Уфа : Уфимский ЮИ МВД России, 2019. – 352 с. – Текст : непосредственный. ISBN 978-5-7247-1017-6

Учебное пособие включает структуированный по блочномодульному принципу языковой материал, упражнения и практические задания, развивающие у обучающихся навыки профессиональной коммуникации в сферах правовой деятельности на английском языке. Учебное пособие предназначено для обучающихся образовательных организаций системы МВД России.

УДК 811.111’276.6:34(075.8) ББК 81.2Англ-923

ISBN 978-5-7247-1017-6

© Коллектив авторов, 2019 © Уфимский ЮИ МВД России, 2019 2

СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ВВЕДЕНИЕ ............................................................................................................ 4 SECTION I LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL STUDIES .................................... 6 UNIT 1. LEARNING ENGLISH. BASIC REVIEW ............................................. 6 UNIT 2. PORTFOLIO OF A LAW ENFORCER .................................................. 25 UNIT 3. LEGAL EDUCATION IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, THE UNITED STATES AND THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ................................................... 52 UNIT 4. DIFFERENT COUNTRIES – DIFFERENT WORLDS.......................... 79 SECTION II JURIDICAL ....................................................................................... 105 UNIT 5. THE RF CONSTITUTION. GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ............................................................................. 105 UNIT 6. THE BRITISH CONSTITUTION. PARLIAMENT AND GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED KINGDOM.................................................. 121 UNIT 7. THE US CONSTITUTION. CONGRESS AND GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA .......................................................... 136 SECTION III LAW ENFORCEMENT BODIES OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. INTERNATIONAL POLICE COOPERATION ...................................................................................... 155 UNIT 8. THE BRITISH POLICE. SCOTLAND YARD ....................................... 155 UNIT 9. THE FUNCTIONS AND TASKS OF US POLICE. FBI ........................ 177 UNIT 10. POLICE AROUND THE WORLD. INTERPOL. EUROPOL ............. 190 SECTION IV TRAINING OF THE STAFF FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT BODIES. THE CONTENT AND SPECIFICS OF SEPARATE DIVISIONS’ ACTIVITY .............................................................................................................. 213 UNIT 11. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT ............................................................... 213 UNIT 12.1. INVESTIGATION, IDENTIFICATION, INTERROGATION ......... 229 UNIT 12.2. TERRORISM. TRANSNATIONAL CRIMES .................................. 251 UNIT 13.1. PUBLIC ORDER MAINTENANCE. HELPING FOREIGNERS ..... 262 UNIT 13.2. BRANCHES OF LAW ....................................................................... 288 UNIT 14. LEGAL PROFESSION ......................................................................... 312 APPENDIX 1 .......................................................................................................... 326 APPENDIX 2 .......................................................................................................... 346 LIST OF LITERATURE ......................................................................................... 350


ВВЕДЕНИЕ Настоящее учебное пособие “Law and order. Crime and punishment” (English for law enforcers) предназначено для курсантов и слушателей, обучающихся по специальностям: 40.05.01 Правовое обеспечение национальной безопасности; 40.05.02 Правоохранительная деятельность, 40.02.02 Правоохранительная деятельность, по направлению подготовки: 40.03.01 Юриспруденция. Оно также может быть использовано широким кругом лиц, желающих самостоятельно совершенствовать практическое владение иностранным языком в сфере юриспруденции. Цель учебного пособия – содействовать овладению общекультурными и профессиональными компетенциями через последовательное и взаимосвязанное развитие навыков и умений в таких видах речевой деятельности, как чтение, говорение, письмо. В результате освоения данного курса английского языка обучающиеся приобретают необходимую коммуникативную компетентность, в соответствии с которой они должны:  знать: способы перевода общей и специальной лексики с английского языка на русский; лексический минимум в рамках изученных тем, включающих сферы и ситуации общения повседневно-бытового и социально-культурного характера; лексический минимум по юриспруденции, необходимый для работы с аутентичными текстами; грамматический минимум, необходимый для развития навыков монологической и диалогической речи, аудирования, а также навыков чтения и перевода специальных текстов на русский язык; алгоритм обработки информации с использованием различных стратегий чтения: ознакомительного, просмотрового, поискового, изучающего; правила оформления делового письма, электронного сообщения; служебной записки;  уметь: читать и переводить аутентичные тексты с целью извлечения заданной информации; реализовывать коммуникативную интенцию посредством диалога, монолога и полилога; задавать различные типы вопросов и давать развернутые ответы на поставленные вопросы; воспринимать на слух устные сообщения по общеправовой тематике; оформлять информацию, извлеченную из текстов, в виде аннотаций, рефератов, тезисов и т. п.; составлять резюме; делать сообщение, доклад, презентацию;  владеть: основными навыками письма, необходимыми для подготовки тезисов, аннотаций, рефератов и эссе; основными навыками и техникой письменного перевода юридических текстов с английского языка на русский; навыками устного профессионального общения на английском языке, позволяющими участвовать в дискуссиях и беседах по знакомой проблематике и аргументированно высказываться по определенному кругу вопросов, связанных с академической и будущей профессиональной деятельностью обучающегося; приемами самостоятельной работы с языковым 4

материалом с использованием различных источников информации в целях приобретения новых знаний и умений. В учебном пособии представлены задания, основанные на традиционных и современных интерактивных методах, связанных с работой в парах (группах), и нацеленные на развитие продуктивных иноязычных умений, такие как – дискуссии, ролевые игры и т. д. Структура учебного пособия состоит из четырех блоков и 2 приложений. Все блоки построены по тематическому принципу. Блок I – Общекультурный и лингвострановедческий. Блок II – Общеюридический. Блок III – Правоохранительные структуры зарубежных стран и РФ. Международное полицейское сотрудничество. Блок IV – Подготовка кадров для ОВД. Содержание и специфика деятельности отдельных подразделений. Каждый блок посвящен определенному аспекту изучения языка: Pronunciation Practice; Vocabulary; Grammar; Reading; Speaking; Writing. Система упражнений в каждом разделе соответствует схеме процесса усвоения речевого материала и включает в себя задания по развитию навыков чтения, говорения, письма, задания по грамматике и развитию лексических навыков. В конце учебного пособия включен список литературы. Приложение содержит: 1) входной тест; условно-естественные ситуации; 2) список неправильных глаголов.


SECTION I LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL STUDIES UNIT 1 LEARNING ENGLISH. BASIC REVIEW If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. Nelson Mandela REPORT On duty cadet: Comrades cadets, stand shun! Comrade teacher! Platoon 912 is ready for the English classes. Thirteen (13) / all cadets are present and correct. Cadet Avdeev is absent. He is on guard duty. Cadet Larin is ill. Cadet Suvorov is on leave. Cadet Zotov is at household work. Cadet Valeev has an individual time-table. Cadets Andreev and Markov have other reasons. Cadet Nikolaev has sport gatherings. On duty cadet Smirnov. Cadets, at ease! Sit down. cadet [kəˈdɛt] – курсант comrade [ˈkɒmreɪd] – товарищ Shun! [ʃʌn] – Смирно! platoon [pləˈtuːn] – взвод to be absent [ˈabs(ə)nt] – отсутствовать [‘æbs(ə)nt] to be on guard duty [ɡɑːdˈdjuːtɪ] – быть в наряде to be ill – болеть to be at household [ˈhaʊshoʊld] work – быть на хозяйственных работах to be on leave [li:v] – быть в отпуске, в увольнении to have an individual [ɪndɪˈvɪdjʊ(ə)l] time-table – иметь индивидуальный график занятий, to have sport gatherings – иметь спортивные сборы 6

to have other [ˈʌðə] reasons [ˈriːz(ə)nz] – иметь другие причины At ease! [iːz] – Вольно! Test your knowledge of English! Appendix 1. Entry test.

Practice the pronunciation of some tongue twisters. [s] Звук [s] напоминает русский звук [с], но произносится энергичнее. Язык, по сравнению с русским звуком [с], при произнесении английского звука [s] поднят кверху, и струя воздуха проходит между кончиком языка и тканями позади передних верхних зубов. A single singer sings a sad song About sixty-six sisters sitting by the sea at sunset. If sixty-six sisters weren’t sitting by the sea, Would the single singer sing the sad song about them?

Some small restaurants in the centre of city Serve six sorts of seafood soups Sundays. Some small restaurants in the south of city Serve seven sorts of seafood soups Saturdays.

the on the on

[z] Звук [z] произносится как ослабленный русский звук [з]. The Brazilian president always uses his position To puzzle his wise opposition by refusing Hesitating pauses as easy as praising phrases And surprising examples in his presentations.

A Zulu zoologist visited Zurich zoo on Tuesday To examine dozens noisy zebras, dozens lazy lizards And dozens crazy chimpanzees from a desert on Zanzibar. Was the Zulu zoologist exhausted as a result? 7

THE PRONOUN МЕСТОИМЕНИЕ Personal Subject Object Iя me меня, мне you ты you тебя, тебе he он him его, ему she она her ee, ей it он, it ee, ей, его, ему она, оно (для неодушевленных предметов и животных) we мы us нас, нам you вы you вас, вам they они them их, им

Possessive Adjective Absolute my мой mine мой your твой yours his его твой her её his его its его, её hers её

our наш your ваш their их

ours наш yours ваш theirs их



myself я сам this это yourself ты сам that то himself он сам herself она сама itself он сам, она сама, оно само ourselves мы These эти сами Those те yourselves вы сами themselves они сами. NB! В творительном падеже употребляется предлог by

Ex. 1. Practice personal pronouns. 1. Who is that girl? Why is he arguing with … ? 2. This is Helena. … is writing an essay now. 3. Do you happen to know that handsome young man? Yes, we’ve been friends with … since our childhood. 4. Look at the boys! … are playing snowballs! 5. Please, listen to … . I want to express my point of view. 6. Vanya is a sportsman. … goes in for karate. 7. These puppies are so cute! Would you like to look at … . 8. George and Alice are married. … have got three kids. 9. We don’t like this house. We’re going to sell … . 10. Mike sees a cat. … is black. 11. Where are the glasses? I can’t find … . 12. These women are not psychologists. … are teachers. 13. This spider is poisonous. I’m very afraid of … . 14. Vera and you are good at English. Will … help me, please? 15. You can rely on … . We won’t let you down. … goes without saying. Ex. 2. Choose the right variant. 1. Is this yours / your son? 2. It’s theirs / their problem, not our / ours. 3. It’s a bad idea of your / yours to go to Nick tonight. 4. Are these her / hers spectacles? 5. We’re going fishing with some friends of our / ours. 5. Is it yours 8

/ your laptop? – No, it’s not my / mine. 6. We know their / theirs names but they don’t know our / ours. 7. That’s not my / mine purse. Mine / my is white. 8. Our dog has a toy. The green ball is it / its. 9. My / mine grandparents live in Ufa, and your / yours? 10. They’re new students and we don’t know their / theirs names. 11. Му / Mine car is faster than her / hers, but her / hers is more expensive. 12. This is not my / mine bag. Му / Mine is dark brown. 13. They took our / ours telephone numbers and we took their / theirs. 14. Are these parents her / hers? 15. Is this your / yours gadget or their / theirs? Ex. 3. Fill inthe blanks with reflexive pronouns. 1. I am angry with … . 2. He fell down and hurt … . 3. Tell me more about … . 4. She doesn’t believe in … . 5. We are not sure of … . 6. They did everything … . 7. Have you translated the text …? 8. Did you make the suit… ? 9. The razor was sharp, and he cut … . 10. They introduced … to me. 11. All our friends enjoyed … at his birthday party. 12. She got up, washed … and had breakfast. 13. Are you always sure of … ? 14. Can he take care of … ? 15. Do you believe in … ? Ex. 4. Complete the sentences with correct demonstrative pronouns. 1. … students over there are waiting for the tram. 2. The day I first came to London was wonderful. I will remember … day forever. 3. … summer I will be very busy. 4. I am working as a taxi driver … days. 5. … were the times! 6. Hello! … is Ivan. Can I speak to Arthur, please? 7. … is a new church and … one over there was constructed 900 years ago. 9. Will you come over at five o’clock? I’ll be at home at … time. 10. … are my parents. They have just come back from Turkey. 11. Who was … guy I met last week? 12. Would you like to buy … dress or … one? 13. Don’t take … shoes. 14. Do you know … little girl? They say she has been lost in the shop. 15. Can you give me … magazines on the shelf? Ex. 5. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Моя ручка в твоей сумке. 2. Они дали ему свой адрес. 3. Ее брат живет в Стерлитамаке. 4. Я нашел его цепочку. 5. Она видела их квартиру. 6. Его кошка порезала свою лапку. 7. Она не дала нам свой номер телефона. 8. Вы построили наш дом? 9. У меня есть линейка. Это моя линейка. Это линейка моя. 10. У них есть дом. Это их дом. Этот дом их. 11. У тебя есть телефон. Это твой телефон. Этот телефон твой. 12. У него есть братья. Это его братья. Эти братья его. 13. Им хотелось приехать ко мне, но меня не было дома. 14. Это моя подруга Никки. 15. Я отправлю эти письма по пути домой. 16. Им не понравился тот кинотеатр. 17. Помнишь тот магазин 9

у дороги? 18. Мне очень нравятся эти зеленые рубашки. 19. Чьи эти сапоги? 20. Мы разделились (разделили себя) на три группы. 21. Я могу прочитать это сама. 22. Мы сами приготовили этот ужин. 23. Он сам выяснил правду. 24. Они сами сделали свою домашнюю работу. 25. Он пойдет в театр один. THE ARTICLE АРТИКЛЬ Артикль – это служебное слово, которое стоит перед существительным и определяет его Неопределенный – Определенный – the Нулевой артикль a (an) ! Неопределенный ! Определенный артикль the упот- Употребление нулевого артикль a / an ребляется только с исчисляемыми артикля: употребляется существительными в единственном 1. В предложениях с абтолько с исчисляе- числе или во множественном числе страктными существимыми существи- или с неисчисляемыми существи- тельными. тельными в един- тельными. __ Friendship is all you ственном числе. need. Употребление Употребление определенного 2. С названиями стран, неопределенного артикля: городов (исключения: артикля: 1. Повторное упоминание об объекте Hague – Гаага; the 1. Первое упомина- или явлении. Vatican – Ватикан, ние о предмете или The woman was beautiful. theCongo – Конго), с наобъекте. 2. Указание на признак объекта или званиями фирм, компаThey saw a man предмета. ний, торговых марок, с there. This is the house that Jonathan built. именами, с фамилией в 2. Обозначение 3. Единственные в своем роде объек- ед.ч. и т. д. (любого) предстаты: the Tower of London, the sun, the __ Brown, __ Reebok вителя класса earth, the universe, the cosmos (Но: 3. В устойчивых слово(группы предметов Mars, Cassiopeia) сочетаниях: to have / объектов). 4. Употребление с превосходным breakfast, to have lunch и This is a man. прилагательным. т.д. 2. 3. Перед названием This is the shortest way to the mountain. I have __ lunch at twelve профессии, долж5. Перед порядковым числительным. o’clock. ности. He missed the first beams of the sun. 4. В следующих устойShe is a teacher. 1. Перед словами (их нужно запом- чивых словосочетаниях: 4. В значении нить): same, last, next, right, main, at school, at home, at «порция» с upper, only, left, previous, central, work. I left my bag at __ неисчисляемыми. following, very, coming, wrong. school. Buy a milk. 2. С названием государства, террито- 5. Перед словами: 5. В значении рии и регионы: church, bed, work, school; «один». the United Kingdom, the USA, the а также в следующих Will you arrive in an Congo, the Russian Federation, the словосочетаниях: to go hour? North Pole, the Crimea (Но: Africa, to bed, to go to work, to 6. С существитель- Texas, Great Britain) go to school. 10

ными единственного числа, которые можно сосчитать, и определяемыми словами most (очень, самый), quite, such, rather. He is quite a young man. 7. В восклицательных предложениях, после слова “what”. What a beautiful dream!

8. С причастиями и прилагательными в значении множественного числа: the young, the poor 9. С фамилией во мн. ч. (в значении все члены семьи). The Sidorovs are at home. 10. С названием морей, океанов, островов, озер во мн. ч., заливов, пустынь, рек. (Но: Lake Baikal, Malta) I’m taking a trip to the Black Sea. 11. С названием горных цепей, холмов и архипелагов: the Alps, the Urals, the Cheviot Hills, the Appalachians, the Rocky Mountains (Но: Elbrus , Ben Nevis) 12. С названием сторон света: the North, the South, the West, the East. 13. С названием театров, кинотеатров, галерей, отелей, музеев, газет и политических партий: the Bolshoi Theatre, the Odeon, the Pushkin Museum, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Metropol Hotel, the Financial Times, the Labour Party 14. С существительным в ед.ч., которое обозначает целый класс чеголибо: The ostrich is a bird.

She goes to __ bed early. 6. В выражениях: at half past five, to go home, to come home. I come home at __ half past five. 7. Перед названиями месяцев и дней недели. We finished our task in __ March. 8. Перед названиями наук, учебных предметов и языков. We study __ Сhemistry. I like __ English. 9. С названиями видов спорта и игр: to play football / tennis / badminton / hockey / basketball / volleyball, etc. 10. С названиями времен года, если не имеется в виду какое-то конкретное время года с какимто событием. In __ summer we go on vacation. 11) Между притяжательным местоимением и существительным: my __ mother, your __ friend.

Ex. 6. Fill in the indefinite articles where necessary. 1. I get up at quarter to seven and go for walk. Then I have snack and give my children lift to school. 2. George plays tennis several times week. He spends lot of time there. 3. We’ve got nice idea. Let’s buy new car. 4. I have mother, father and elder sister. My sister is student. She wants to be musician. 5. Puppy is baby dog. 6. Don’t be in hurry. It is quite difficult task. 7. Ted was such nasty boy. He always spoke in loud and nervous voice. 8. I’d like cup of black coffee. 9. There is bottle of milk in the fridge. 10. This is carpet. It is soft carpet. Ex. 7. Fill in the definite articles where necessary. 1. … Asia; 2. … Arctic; 3. … Moscow; 4. … USA; 5. … Caucasus; 6. … Pacific ocean; 7. … Chemistry; 8. … Hudson Bay; 9. … Lake Onega; 10. … Ontario; 11. … Latin America; 12. … Nile; 13. … Bahamas; 14. … Andes; 11

15. … Sahara; 16. … Canaries; 17. … Fleet Street; 18. … Hyde Park; 19. … Times; 20. … University of Moscow; 21. … LondonUniversity; 22. … Wednesday; 23. … LondonAirport; 24. … Polish; 25. … Elbrus; 26. … cricket; 27. … Kovalenkovs; 28. … love; 29. Europe; 30. … January. Ex. 8. Find mistakes in the following sentences and translate them into Russian. 1. I love the coffee for a breakfast. 2. They eat in a cafes twice a week. 3. Paul watched a TV on a Saturday. 4. We visit her a family in a summer, on the holidays. 5. David lives on a Berry Street. 6. Vladimir Putin was elected in the 2018. 7. Find the exercise 5 on the page 41. 8. What’s happened, a doctor? 9. The shorts are made of a cotton. 10. Ella goes to the school by the bus. Ex. 9. Fill in the articles where necessary. Three ... bank robbers got ... surprise last night. This is what happened. ... three ... robbers, who all work as ... cleaners at ... hospital, drove up to ... bank on Main Street. ... three men, wearing ... masks over their ... faces, got out of ... car and ran into ... bank. Inside ... bank, they pointed ... guns at ... customers and ... bank tellers. One of ... men told all ... customers to lie down on ... floor. And then one of ... other men said something like, “Quick, ... money! Give me ... money!” So one of ... tellers handed them some ... bags. After leaving ... bank, ... three men jumped into their ... van and drove off. One ... mile down ... road, ... robbers parked their ... van next to ... ambulance they had parked before ... robbery. They got into ... ambulance and drove off. They went straight to their ... hospital. After leaving ... ambulance in ... hospital parking lot, ... three ... men went together into ... small room. There, they opened ... bags of ... money they had been given – and got... very ... unpleasant surprise! ... bank teller had given ... robbers ... special bags containing ... bright red ... ink! ... red ink is released when ... bag is opened, and it can’t be washed off. So suddenly, ... men found themselves covered in red ink! As ... men left ... room and tried to leave ... hospital, ... emergency room doctor saw them and she thought, “Oh God, they’re all covered in ... blood.” So she tried to help them but they refused her ... help and ran off. ... doctor realized something funny was going on and she called ... po-


lice. ... police caught ... robbers – guess where? Outside ... bank on …. Main Street. THE NUMERAL / ЧИСЛИТЕЛЬНОЕ 1. CARDINAL NUMBERS КОЛИЧЕСТВЕННЫЕ ЧИСЛИТЕЛЬНЫЕ 1 – 10 1 – one 2 – two 3 – three 4 – four 5 – five 6 – six 7 – seven 8 – eight 9 – nine 10 – ten

11 – 19 11 – eleven 12 – twelve 13 – thirteen 14 – fourteen 15 – fifteen 16 – sixteen 17 – seventeen 18 – eighteen 19 – nineteen

20 – 90 20 – twenty 30 – thirty 40 – forty 60 – sixty 70 – seventy 80 – eighty 90 – ninety

100 и более 100 – a (one) hundred 101 – a (one) hundred and one 1000 – a (one) thousand 3,578 – three thousand five hundred and seventy-eight 100,000 – a (one) hundred thousand 1,000,000 – a (one) million

2. ORDINAL NUMBERS / ПОРЯДКОВЫЕ ЧИСЛИТЕЛЬНЫЕ 1 – 10-й 1 – the first 2nd – the second 3rd – the third 4th – the fourth 5th – the fifth 6th – the sixth 7th – the seventh 8th – the eighth 9th – the ninth 10th – the tenth st

11 – 19-й 11 – the eleventh 12th – the twelfth 13th – the thirteenth 14th – the fourteenth 15th – the fifteenth 16th – the sixteenth 17th – the seventeenth 18th – the eighteenth 19th – the nineteenth

20 – 90-й 20 – the twentieth 24th – the twentyfourth 30th – the thirtieth 40th – the fortieth 50th – the fiftieth 60th – the sixtieth 70th – the seventieth 80th – the eightieth 90th – the ninetieth



3. DATES / ДАТЫ 2000 BC – two thousand [˛bɪ: sɪ:] (B.C. – Before Christ) AD 55 [˛eɪ dɪ:] – fifty-five (A.D. – Anno Domini) 1700 1806 2019

до нашей эры нашей эры seventeen hundred eighteen six (eighteen oh [əʊ] six) twenty nineteen 13

100-й и более 100th – the (one) hundredth 1000th – the (one) thousandth 375th – the three hundred and seventyfifth

September 12, 1956 August 15, 2000

(on) the twelfth of September, nineteen fifty-six (on) the fifteenth of August, the year of two thousand

4. FRACTIONS AND DECIMALS / ДРОБИ И ДЕСЯТИЧНЫЕ ДРОБИ 1/3 one third 1/10 one tenth 1/5 one fifth 1/30 one thirtieth 1/4 one fourth 1/100 one hundredth 1/9 one ninth 1/1000 one thousandth

2/3 3/4 4/5 3/6

Exceptions: 1/2 one half 1/4 one quarter

0.35 0.13 2.6 6.6

two thirds three quarters four fifths three sixths

2/7 4/8 5/10 6/12

two sevenths four eighths five tenths six twelfths

(nought) point three five (nought) point one three two point six six point six

Ex. 10. Translate the ordinal numerals into English. 30, 5, 9, 12, 15, 20, 50, 8, 40, 90, 11, 100, 2,1001, 18, 68, 754, 1, 13, 10561, 3. Ex. 11. Translate the following word combinations from Russian into English. 21 января 2019 г., 25 февраля 1901 г., 27 марта 2012 г., 31 апреля 2000 г., 13 мая 1977 г., 1 июня 1955 г., 14 июля 2004 г., 22 августа 1996 г., 11 сентября 1941 г., 19 октября 1506 г., 26 ноября 1800 г., 12 декабря 1452 г., 480 лет до нашей эры; 800 год нашей эры, 70 килограммов; 350 детей; 67 человек; 9 миллионов тонн; сотни километров; тысячи книг; 480 евро; 15 тысяч рублей; 5490 футов; 80 рабочих; первый рассказ; 35-ый президент США; одна тысячная литра; полтора часа; 3,30 сантиметра; 99 процентов; 15 часов; 110 лет; 2/3 яблока; 3/4 стакана воды; 24,6 мили; 0,9 сантиметра; пять восьмых контейнера.


THE NOUN / СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНОЕ 1. SINGULAR AND PLURAL NOUNS СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫЕ ЕДИНСТВЕННОГО И МНОЖЕСТВЕННОГО ЧИСЛА ед.ч. + -s; -s(-ss), -sh, -ch, -x + -es a list – lists [s] a box – boxes [ɪz] a match – matches [ɪz] a day – days [z] a factory – factories [ɪz]

-f(fe) + -ves, -fs a shelf – shelves [z] a wife – wives [z] a chief – chiefs [s] a roof – roofs [s] a belief – beliefs [s] a relief – reliefs [s]

-o + -es,s

y + -s

a potato – potatoes a hero – heroes a solo – solos a photo – photos a radio – radios

(гласный + Y) guy – guys toy – toys (согласный + Y) story – stories family – families

2. IRREGULAR NOUN PLURALS ИСКЛЮЧЕНИЯ МНОЖЕСТВЕННОГО ЧИСЛА СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНОГО man – men woman – women child – children mouse – mice foot – feet tooth – teeth

мужчина – мужчины женщина – женщины ребенок – дети мышь – мыши ступня – ступни зуб – зубы

3. UNCHANGING NOUNS НЕИЗМЕНЯЕМЫЕ СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫЕ one sheep – two sheep a deer – two deer a fish – two fish a dozen – two dozen an aircraft – two aircraft a means – means a series – two series a species – different species a headquarters – headquarters a crossroads – crossroads a barracks – barracks

одна овца – две овцы один олень – два оленя рыба – две рыбы дюжина – две дюжины воздушное судно – два воздушных судна средство – средства серия – две серии вид, род – разные виды штаб – штабы перекрёсток, пересечение дорог – перекрёстки казарма, барак – казармы, бараки 15

2. PLURAL NOUNS USED WITH A PLURAL VERB СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫЕ, ИСПОЛЬЗУЕМЫЕ ТОЛЬКО ВО МНОЖЕСТВЕННОМ ЧИСЛЕ jeans, trousers, pants, slacks shorts, tights, breeches pajamas, briefs, panties scissors, pliers, tongs, pincers, forceps glasses, spectacles

джинсы; брюки шорты, колготки / трико, бриджи пижама, трусы, трусики ножницы, плоскогубцы, щипцы, щипчики, хирургические щипцы / пинцет очки

3. PLURAL NOUNS USED WITH A SINGULAR VERB СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫЕ, ИСПОЛЬЗУЕМЫЕ ТОЛЬКО В ЕДИНСТВЕННОМ ЧИСЛЕ news billiards, dominoes, checkers, cards measles, mumps mathematics, physics, phonetics, linguistics, economics, politics

новость (и) бильярд, домино, шашки, карты корь, свинка математика, физика, фонетика, лингвистика, экономика, политика

4. PLURALS OF FOREIGN NOUNS МНОЖЕСТВЕННОЕ ЧИСЛО ЗАИМСТВОВАНЫХ СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫХ a phenomenon – phenomena a curriculum – curricula a datum – data a basis – bases a crisis – crises an analysis – analyses

феномен, явление – явления курс обучения; учебный план (в школе, университете и т. п.), расписание элемент данных, данная величина, исходный факт – данные, факты основа – основы кризис – кризисы анализ – анализы

5. PLURALS OF COMPOUND NOUNS МНОЖЕСТВЕННОЕ ЧИСЛО В СОСТАВНЫХ СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫХ car park – car parks blackboard – blackboards mother-in-law – mothers-in-law taxi driver – taxi drivers passer-by – passers-by

автостоянка классная доска тёща, свекровь таксист прохожий, проезжий


Ex. 12. Put the words in brackets into the correct form and translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. There are a lot of different (country) in the world. 2. Emma’s hair is long. She has got many (brush). 3. Harry will never play any (game) with Sam! 4. His father bought three (knife). 5. All (fox) are clever. 6. Tommy is talking with two other (woman). 7. Diana has braces on all her (tooth). 8. There are not any (mouse) in this house! 9. She has four (brother-in-law). 10. Colin and Bridget’s (child) live abroad. 11. Kevin has been invited to two birthday (party) this week. 12. The farm grows lots of (potato). Ex. 13. Find mistakes in the following sentences. 1. All students places all of the dishs on the benches in the hallway. 2. Several different companys make radioes. 3. The thieves took some monyes. 4. The babys got new tooths at the age of 6 months. 5. Several companys sell frozen mashed potatos. 6. First, cut the loafs in halfs. 7. The sheeps were eating the green grass. 8. His dark jeans are covered with patchs. 9. Let’s begin our discussion of this matter with a data from actual experience. 10. I’ve heard this story a dozen times before. Ex. 14. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Мальчики хотят поймать много рыбок. 2. Эдуард следит за тремя разными сериалами. 3. В тропическом лесу много разных видов растений и животных. 4. В Шотландии много овец. 5. Грейс не может видеть без очков. 6. Рон надевает пижаму, когда ложится спать. 7. Mike носит шорты летом. 8. Теодор только что получил очень плохие новости. 9. Эта работа сложная. 10. Отец Уильяма дал ему немного денег. 11. Эти джинсы слишком длинные для меня. 12. Где мои очки? 13. Бильярд – интересная игра. 14. Отсутствие новостей – хорошая новость. 15. Свинка – опасная болезнь. 16. Физика – ее любимый предмет. 17. Штаб-квартира ООН находится в Нью-Йорке. 18. Современные самолёты – мощные машины. 19. Он работал на временной основе. 20. На перекрёстке поверните направо. THE POSSESSIVE CASE ПРИТЯЖАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ПАДЕЖ Singular N’s his sister’s name the woman’s make up smb’s (place) to meet at Martin’s (place) to the Carter’s to be at the dentist’s


Plural Ns’ his sisters’ names the women’s make up day’s + noun yesterday’s rain tomorrow’s news today’s meeting

Ex. 15. Put the words in brackets into the correct form and translate the sentences into Russian. 1. The (children) classroom is downstairs. 2. (Oliver) kindergarten is new. 3. Their (parents) car was cheap. 4. It’s our (neighbour) dog. 5. They are our (doctors) spectacles. 6. (Mr. Smith) secretary is there. 7. The (boys) trains are expensive. 8. We love (mother) cookies. 9. The (women) children are cute. 10. Can you look at (Mrs. Johnson) dress? 11. (The Brooks) flat is for sale. 12. This is (my cousins) computer. 13. A (minute) delay can be very dangerous in such situations. 14. His (mother) is a doctor. 15. Those are (your friends) letters. Ex. 16. Find mistakes in the following sentences. 1. The house’ door is closed. 2. This is Stevens sister. 3. The encyclopedia’s of Russia was published in several volumes. 4. The chair’s legs have been broken. 5. The mouses tails are long. 6. It’s the colleagues room. 7. Take Sofia’es car. 8. Is there anything wrong in the document? 9. Where is the WTOs (WTO = World Trade Organization) headquarter? 10. Climate of Russias varies greatly. Ex. 17. Correct the following words / sentences using the possessive case. 1. The meeting tomorrow has been cancelled. 2. We couldn’t choose a name for a boy. 3. We used to buy books for kids. 4. This is a list of magazines for women from all over the world. 5. A lot of people disagree with the policy of the government. 6. She was invited to the party of Julia yesterday. 7. The results of the students are very good. 8. The dresses of the girls were new and beautiful. 9. The central street of the city is Lenin Street. 10. The faces of the children were happy when they saw the new toys. Ex. 18. Translate the following word combinations. 1. an hour’s silence 2. a day’s work 3. a minute’s delay 4. tomorrow’s performance

7. дети Ричарда и Сары 8. квартира моих родителей 9. машина его друга 10. дом наших бабушки и дедушки 11. название здания 12. вчерашняя газета

5. a day’shope 6. city’s central street


Memorize the following words a relative parents a father, pa (pa), dad (daddy) a father-in-law a mother-in-law a mother, ma (ma), mummy a brother a brother-in-law a sister a sister-in-law an aunt, aunty an uncle a niece a nephew a cousin a grandfather, granddad, grandpa (pa) a grandmother, grandma (ma), granny a husband a wife a son, sonny a son-in-law a daughter a daughter-in-law

[`rεlətɪv] [`pεər(ə)nts] [`fa:ðə], [dæd]

родственник родители отец, папа

[`fa:ðər ɪn `l‫כ‬:] [`mΛðər ɪn `l‫כ‬:]

тесть, свекр теща, свекровь

[`mΛðə], [`mΛmɪ] [`brΛðə] [`brΛðə ɪn `l‫כ‬:] [`sɪstə] [`sɪstə ɪn `l‫כ‬:]

мать, мама

[`a:nt] [`Λŋkl] [`nɪ:s] [`nevju(:)] [`kΛzn] [`græn(d)˛fa:ðə]

брат зять, шурин, деверь, свояк сестра невестка, золовка, свояченица тетя, тетушка дядя племянница племянник двоюродный/ая брат/сестра дедушка



[`hΛzbənd] [waɪf] [sΛn] [sΛn ɪn `l‫כ‬:] [`d‫כ‬:tə] [`d‫כ‬:tə ɪn `l‫כ‬:]

муж жена сын зять, муж дочери дочь жена сына, невестка, сноха

Ex. 19. Answer the questions? 1. Who is your mother’s sister? 2. Who is your father’s brother? 3. Who is your aunt’s daughter? 4. Who is your sister’s daughter? 5. Who is your brother’s wife? 6. Who is your future wife’s mother? 7. Who is your future husband’s father? 8. Who is your mother’s daughter? 9. Who is your father’s son? 10. Who is your daughters’s husband? Ex. 20. Ask and answer the questions in pairs. 1. surname (фамилия), 2. first name (имя), 19

3. patronymic name (отчество), 4. age (возраст), 5. your date of birth, 6. your home-town (город, откуда вы приехали), 7. your hobby (ваше хобби). Ex. 21. Make up a monologue about your family using the example and learn it by heart. My family Belonging to a family is highly important to every person. Family gives us the sense of tradition, strength and purpose. Our families show us who we are. The things we need most of all – love, respect, and communication – have the beginning in the family. My name is Danil Kurkov. I am eighteen years old. I am from Neftekamsk. Now I live in the domitory. I am a first-year cadet of Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. We are five in the family. I have got a father, a mother, a brother and a sister. We don’t have any family problems as we understand and love each other. I enjoy honesty and mutual understanding in my family. I like it when parents trust their children, give them enough freedom and respect them. My mother’s name is Ekaterina. She is 45 years old. She is a teacher. She is a very good specialist. My mother is keen on sewing and reading fashion magazines. I am always ready to help her because I know that teaching profession is really difficult. My father’s name is Kirill. He is 50 years old. He is a police officer. He has achieved a lot in his profession. My father is good at painting. I enjoy looking at his works! My elder sister Nadya is twenty, she is a student of the Bashkir State University. She is going to be an interpreter. She is fond of photography. My younger brother is Alexei. He is only four years old. Alex goes to the kindergarten. My brother likes drawing and watching cartoons. He is very funny, I like to spend my free time with him. I also have a granny and a granddad. They live in a separate flat, but I often visit them. My grandparents are retired. They like gardening and spend a lot of their time working there. I love my family very much. Each member of the family is my best friend. Ex. 22. Roleplay the dialogue “Getting acquainted”. See Appendix 1.


Ex. 23. Read and translate the following text. Why should I learn a language? Learning a foreign language takes time and dedication. The reasons below may help to convince you to take the plunge, if such persuasion is needed. Some reasons are practical, some aspirational, some intellectual and others sentimental, but whatever your reasons, having a clear idea of why you are learning a language can help to motivate you in your studies. Emigration. When you move to a different country or region, learning the local language will help you to communicate and integrate with the local community. Even if many of the locals speak your language, it is still worth learning the local language. Doing so will demonstrate your interest in and commitment to the new country. Family and friends. If your partner, in-laws, relatives or friends speak a different language, learning that language will help you to communicate with them. It can also give you a better understanding of their culture and way of thinking. Work. If your work involves regular contact with speakers of foreign languages, being able to talk to them in their own languages will help you to communicate with them. It may also help you to make sales and to negotiate and secure contracts. Knowledge of foreign languages may also increase your chances of finding a new job, getting a promotion or a transfer overseas, or of going on foreign business trips. Study or research. Learning other languages gives you access to a greater range of information about your subject and enables you to communicate with students and researchers from other countries. If much of the information and research about a subject that interests you is in other languages, learning those languages will be very useful. Travel. Many English speakers seem to believe that wherever you go on holiday you can get by speaking English, so there is no point in learning any other languages. You can more or less get away with this, as long as you stick to popular tourist resorts and hotels where you can usually find someone who speaks English. However, if you want to venture beyond such places, to get to know the locals, to read signs, menus, etc., knowing the local language is very useful. A basic ability in a foreign language will help you to ‘get by’, i.e. to order food and drink, find your way around, buy tickets, etc. If you have a more advanced knowledge of the language, you can have real conversations with the people you meet, which can be very interesting and will add a new dimension to your holiday. You might make new friends, make useful business contacts, or even find your soulmate. 21

Studying abroad. If you plan to study at a foreign university, college or school, you will need a good knowledge of the local language. Getting in touch with your roots. If your family spoke a particular language you might want to learn it and possibly teach it to your children. Culture. Maybe you are interested in the literature, poetry, films, TV programs, music or some other aspect of the culture of people who speak a particular language and want to learn their language in order to gain a better understanding of their culture. Food. Perhaps you enjoy the food and / or drink of a particular country or region and make regular trips there, or the recipe books you want to use are only available in a foreign language. Linguistic interest. Maybe you are interested in linguistic aspects of a particular language and decide to learn it in order to understand them better. Challenging yourself. Maybe you enjoy the challenge of learning foreign languages or of learning a particularly difficult language. Sounds / looks good to me. Perhaps you just like the sound of a particular language when it is spoken or sung. Or you find the written form of a language attractive. If you like singing, learning songs in other languages can be interesting, challenging and enjoyable. One language is never enough! Someone who is fascinated by languages and enjoys learning them, then one language is never enough. Eх. 24. Discuss the following questions. 1. Is it necessary to learn foreign languages? 2. What kind of foreign languages do you know? 3. Is it difficult for you to learn foreign languages? 4. Where do you learn foreign languages? 5. Whom do you learn English with? 6. Do you use your knowledge of foreign languages in your life? 7. Where do you use your knowledge of foreign languages? 8. Do you like to learn it? 9. How many foreign languages do you know? 10. What other languages besides English would you like to learn? Ex. 25. Retell the text from ex. 23. 1. My dog is smarter than … . a) their b) theirs

c) your

d) her

2. His children are very hard working. … is very proud of them. a) He b) She c) They d) We


3. ... Queen Elizabeth II is ... monarch of ... Great Britain. a) The, the, the b) -, a, c) -, the, d) The, the, 4. Scientists are willing to send ... expedition to ... Venus during ... 2020s. a) the, the, the b) an, the, c) an, -, d) an, -, the 5. ... Andes are in ... South America. a) The, b) -, c) The, the

d) -, the

6. I don’t like going by car. If I have a chance, I always go on … . a) feet b) foots c) foot d) feets 7. Dentists recommend using ... twice a day in the morning and in the evening. a) tooths paste b) toothpaste c) teeths paste d) teethpaste 8. Какое существительное в английском языке употребляется как в единственном, так и во множественном числе? a) trousers b) scissors c) gates d) clothes 9. You are … who asks me this stupid question. a) fifth b) the fiveth c) the fifth

d) five

10. Two … of my income I spend on my pet’s food. a) twelve b) twelfth c) twelfths

d) twelves

11. Choose the correct variant. Spell the word курсант. a) cadet b) kadet c) comrade d) komrade 12. Choose the correct variant. Translate the word Shun! a) смирно b) вольно c) кругом d) Марш! 13. Choose the correct variant. … of foreign languages may also increase your chances of finding a new job. a) Learn b) Speaking c) Using d) Knowledge


14. Choose the correct variant. To be … leave. a) on b) in c) to

d) at

15. Choose the correct variant. To be … household work. a) on b) in c) to d) at 16. Choose the correct variant. To be … guard duty. a) on b) in c) to

d) at

17. Choose the correct variant. … ease! a) On b) In c) To

d) At

18. Choose the correct variant. They had an individual … . a) time b) time-table

d) reasons

c) household

19. Choose the correct variant. Spell the word отсутствующий. a) abcent b) absente c) absent d) abcents 20. Choose the correct variant. Find the synonym to to be ill. a) to ill b) to be sick c) to be healthy d) to be patient



Law is not law, if it violates the principles of eternal justice. Lidia Maria Child, speech, 1861 Practice the pronunciation of some tongue twisters. [ɪ] Краткий гласный звук [I] произносится без напряжения. Он слегка напоминает безударный русский звук [и] и ударный русский звук [и] после шипящих. Для правильной артикуляции звука [I], язык следует располагать ниже, чем при произношении русского звука [и]. Согласные звуки перед звуком [I] не смягчаются. Звук [I] не должен походить на русский звук [ы]. Mister Twister daily visits a busy city With many office buildings. Is it easy to live in a busy city With many office buildings?

A single singer drinks milk in the morning, A single artist drinks coffee for his dinner. If the single singer didn’t drink milk in the morning, Would the single artist drink coffee for his dinner? A pink sink is behind a big fridge, Village builders build bridges over rivers, The big fridge is in front of the pink sink. City builders build cinemas on hills. If the pink sink wasn’t behind the big If village builders didn’t build bridges fridge, over rivers, Would the big fridge be in front of the Would city builders build cinemas on pink sink? hills?

[ ɪ: ] Долгий гласный звук [i:] произносится напряжённо. Звук [i:] несколько напоминает русский звук [и], если произнести его напряжённо и протяжно. Согласные звуки перед звуком [i:] не смягчаются. Помимо долготы, английский звук [i:] отличается неоднородностью звучания на всём протяжении. При произнесении звука [i:] язык движется в полости рта вперёд в вверх. 25

CD is cheaper than DVD, DVD is cheaper than MP3, MP3 is cheaper than TV, Is CD cheaper than TV? Greek teachers teach speaking Greek, Sweden teachers teach speaking Sweden. If Greek teachers didn’t teach speaking Greek, Would Sweden teachers teach speaking Sweden?

Fifteen teens eat fifteen sweets, Sixteen teens eat sixteen sweets. If fifteen teens didn’t eat fifteen sweets, Would sixteen teens eat sixteen sweets? Eastern people eat meals in the evening With meat, cheese, cream, sweets and tea. Is it easy for Eastern people to eat in the evening Meat, cheese, cream, sweets and tea?

TYPES OF QUESTIONS ТИПЫ ВОПРОСОВ В английском утвердительном предложении используется прямой порядок слов, изменение которого может привести к нарушению смысла предложения. Обстоятельства времени и места находятся обычно в конце предложения. Однако обстоятельство времени может стоять и в начале предложения, и перед подлежащим: Обстоятельство Yesterday Вчера In 2005 В 2005





we мы my brother мой брат

attended посетили worked работал

three 3

seminars. семинара. in the USA. в США.

Порядок слов в вопросительном предложении зависит от типа вопроса: 1. Вопрос, который требует утвердительного или отрицательного ответа (“yes” или “nо”), называется общим вопросом. Вспом. гл., гл. to be Are Was Do Does Did Will

подлежащее you he you he they you

смысловой глагол



a cadet? study read visit tell

English books parents a story

there? every day? in the evening? last week? next Monday?

2. Вопрос, который образуется при помощи вопросительного слова и требует полного ответа, называется специальный вопрос. 26

Вопросительные слова: When Whom How how many (much) Why Whose Where What Which what + сущ. How long What kind of Вопросит. слово When Where Whose (book) Why How long

когда? кого, кому? как? сколько? почему? чей, чья, чьи? где, куда? что, какой? какой, который? какой, который? как долго, сколько? какой? вспом. гл. гл. to be do were is will have

подлежащее they you this? you you

смысловой глагол read

дополнение, обстоятельство books? yesterday?

tell been

us the story? here?

3. Вопрос, который предлагает сделать выбор из двух и более предметов, действий, качеств и пр., называется альтернативным вопросом. Данный вопрос строится по типу общего вопроса, а также при помощи союза or (или). Вспом. гл., гл. to be Are


смысловой глагол


Was Do Does Did

he you he OR she they

study OR teach read visit

English books parents




us a story OR a fairy-tale



a cadet OR a student? here OR there? every day? in the evening? last week OR yesterday? next Monday?

4. Разделительный вопрос требует подтверждения или опровержения высказанной мысли «не так ли?», «не правда ли?». Данный вопрос образуется 2 способами. Утверждение, You play the guitar, don’t you? He is a cadet, isn’t he?

краткий отрицательный вопрос? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Yes, he. No, he isn’t. 27

Отрицание, You don’t play the guitar, do you?

краткий вопрос? Yes, I do. (несогласие с высказыванием) No, I don’t. (согласие с высказыванием) Yes, he. (несогласие с высказыванием) No, he isn’t. (согласие с высказыванием)

He isn’t a cadet, is he?

5. Вопрос к подлежащему “Who?”, “What?” строится по типу утвердительного предложения, сказуемое выражается глаголом в 3-ем лице, единственном числе: Who What Who Who What What



studies came is is barking


обстоятельство there yesterday? on the table?

Вопрос к определению подлежащего тоже строится по типу утвердительного предложения: Who What How many students How many children



study were


обстоятельство in the classroom?

Ex. 1. Make up general questions to the following sentences. 1. John was tired after work. 2.We live in a small town. 3. My parents got married in Paris. 4. The party will start in time. 5. He always gives money to homeless children. 6. She will meet me at the station. 7. Jacob is going to Spain next Monday. 8. Megan takes dance classes. 9. Lilly hasn’t answered the questions yet. 10. They visited all Europe countries last year. Ex. 2. Make up special questions to the following sentences. 1. The twins were born in June. (When…?) 2. We had a great time in Disneyland. (Where…?) 3. The salad is not fresh. (Why…?) 4. My wife prefers juice to tea. (What …?) 5. Tom orders Japanese food every Friday. (What…?) 6. I meet a lot of people at work. (Where…?) 7. They will have lunch at home. (Where…?) 8. He is keen on visiting new countries. (What …?) 9. Dave works from 6 a.m. till 4 p.m. (How many hours…?) 10. She will be there at 4 pm. (What time…?) 28

Ex. 3. Make up alternative questions to the following sentences. 1. Nora wants to become a lawyer. (a designer) 2. There are five potatoes on the floor. (eleven) 3. He will study French in Spain. (France) 4. They are hockey fans. (football) 5. Arina bought a nice shirt yesterday. (a T-shirt) 6. The bank opens at 8:30. (at 9) 7. Fred paint his house every five years. (every 4 years) 8. She visited all the museums in London. (the shops) 9. Alla usually watches TV in the evening. (surfs the Internet) 10. He played the guitar. (the violin) Ex. 4. Put tag questions to the following sentences. 1. It isn’t warm today, ... ? 2. It was windy yesterday, ... ? 3. It looks like rain, ...? 4. They haven’t been to Africa, ... ?5. William knew the truth, ... ? 6. You don’t like winter, ... ? 7. You didn’t go to the Black Sea last summer, …? 8. He lives there, ...? 9. You won’t do this, ... ? 10. She is an artist, ...? Ex. 5. Make up subject questions to the following sentences. 1. A lesson lasts forty five minutes. 2. We had only 100 roubles. 3. I am reading a newspaper at the moment. 4. We haven’t failed our examinations this year. 5. The vacation will be next month. 6. I was looking for my sister. 7. There aren’t any students in the room. 8. All tests have been prepared by the teachers. 9. My mother came to school five minutes ago. 10. I was given another text. Ex. 6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Ты собираешься в Мадрид в следующую пятницу, не так ли? 2. У тебя есть друзья англичане? 3. Вы здесь? 4. Ты будешь сдавать экзамен? 5. Кто помогает тебе делать уроки? 6. Куда он обычно приходит после работы? 7. Где живет твоя сестра? 8. Что он выращивает в огороде? 9. Кто тебе часто приносит цветы? 10. Свэн не сдал экзамены, не так ли? 11. Твоя сестра вчера ходила в кино или в театр? 12. Они не потратят все свои деньги, не так ли? 13. Эта книга интересная или скучная? 14. Что он приносит тебе каждый день? 15. Кто живет в этом доме?


THE VERB “TO BE” ГЛАГОЛ «БЫТЬ, НАХОДИТЬСЯ» The Present Simple The Past Simple 1. I am 1. I was 2. You are 2. You were 3. He is 3. He was She is She was It is It was 1. We are 1. We were 2.You are 2. You were 3.They are 3. They were Употребление Примеры смысловой глагол I am at the lesson. «быть, находиться» We were at the lecture. He will be in Ufa tomorrow. глагол – связка He is a student. «быть, являться» I am thirty years old. They will be lawyers.

The Future Simple 1. I shall / will be 2. You will be 3. He will be She will be It will be 1. We shall / will be 2. You will be 3. They will be Перевод Я нахожусь на уроке. Мы были на лекции. Он будет в Уфе завтра. Он студент. Мне 30 лет. Они будут юристами.

Выражения с глаголом “to be” to be late for –опаздывать

to be able to – быть способным что-то сделать to be poor at – не уметь to be thirsty – испытывать жажду to be good at – хорошо уметь to be famous for – быть знаменитым, известным to be (un)well – быть (не)здоровым to be upset – быть расстроенным to be hungry – быть голодным to be keen on – увлекаться чем-то to be proud of – гордиться to be familiar to / with – быть знакомым to be sorry for – жалеть, испытывать to be sure / certain – быть уверенным сочувствие to be busy with – быть занятым to be against / for– быть против / за to be happy – быть счастливым to be fond of – любить, увлекаться to be glad – быть радостным to be afraid of / to be scared – бояться to be in a hurry – торопиться to be satisfied with – быть удовлетворенным чем-то to be in time – быть вовремя to be married to – быть замужем за to be tired – быть усталым to be obliged to – быть обязанным чем-то to be mistaken – ошибаться to be surprised at – быть удивленным to be responsible for – быть ответст- to be interested in – интересоваться венным за что-л. to be angry with – злиться to be engaged in – быть занятым чем-то 30

Ex. 7. Put the verb “to be” into the correct form of the Present Simple Tense. 1. My sister ... twenty-five years old. 2. Kate ... single. 3. … his grandparents pensioners? 4. These women ... housewives. 5. We ... glad to meet you here. 6. We ... ready to speak English. 7. My niece … a baby and my nephew … a student. 8. They … good friends. 9. I … not a writer. 10. Christmas and Easter … my favourite holidays. Ex. 8. Put the verb “to be” into the correct form of the Past Simple Tense. 1. The day ... fine yesterday. 2. Two days ago everybody ... at the conference, but you ... not. 3. Last week I … at home. 4. I … ill three days ago. 5. It … hot in June. 6. When he … young, he … a good baseball player. 7. … they interested in politics? 8. She … in time even if the bus … late. 9. Sarah … upset to know the results of her work. 10. My family … against my marriage. Ex. 9. Put the verb “to be” into the correct form of the Future Simple Tense. 1. Paul … responsible for the project. 2. Next summer I ... in the Crimea, my friends ... in the Caucasus. 3. We … lawyers in a year. 4. She … sorry for that. 5. I … at the office at 10 o’clock tomorrow. 6. I hope you … better soon. 7. We … free in summer. 8. They… late for the party. 9. Mark … angry with us, if we take his money. 10. … Thomas … surprised at it? Ex. 10. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Мой брат сейчас в кинотеатре. 2. Его двоюродный брат был вчера в театре. 3. Ее сестра будет завтра дома.4. Ты будешь в институте на следующей неделе? 5. Она была вчера в парке? 6 Он сейчас в магазине? 7. Где их друг? 8. Когда вы были там? 9. Их книги были на столе. 10. Где они сейчас? 11. Мой шурин вчера не был на работе. 12. Я неправ? 13. Мы – команда. 14. Она будет хорошим учителем. 15. Я не уверен. 16. Мы так устали. 17. Грег женат на моей сестре. 18. Они торопятся? 19. Тебе нравится кататься на коньках или на лыжах? 20. Вы боитесь пауков, не так ли?


THE VERB “to have” ГЛАГОЛ «ИМЕТЬ, ОБЛАДАТЬ» The Present Simple 1. I have 2. You have 3. He has She has It has 1. We have 2.You have 3.They have Употребление смысловой глагол «иметь, обладать»

The Past Simple 1. I had 2. You had 3. He had She had It had 1. We had 2. You had 3. They had Примеры I have an English book. He has got a brother.

The Future Simple 1. I shall / will have 2. You will have 3. He will have She will have It will have 1. We shall / will have 2. You will have 3. They will have Перевод У меня есть английская книга. У него есть брат.

Выражения с глаголом “to have” to have breakfast (lunch / dinner) – завтракать (обедать / ужинать) to have tea (coffee) – пить чай (кофе) to have a walk – прогуляться

to have an appointment – назначать встречу, договариваться о встрече to have an argument – спорить

to have a day off – взять, проводить выходной to have a try – попытаться to have a party – устраивать вечеринку (быть организатором) to have a word – перекинуться па- to have a trip – отправиться в путешествие рой слов (поездку), путешествовать to have a bath (a wash) – принять to have a temperature / fever – иметь высокую ванну, помыться температуру to have a holiday – отдохнуть to have a cold – быть простуженным to have a conversation – беседовать to have a headache – страдать от головной боли to have a chat – болтать to have a haircut – постричься, сделать прическу to have an interview – проходить to have a good / bad temper – иметь сложный интервью, собеседование характер to have a quarrel – ссориться to have a sense of humour – иметь чувство юмора

Ex. 11. Put the verb “to have” into the correct form of the Present Simple Tense. 1. … you … a walk every day? 2. My friend … a nice house. 3. … she … a red car? 4. Bruce …a good spelling. 5. Their grandparents … a big dog. 6. They … a lot of books at home. 7. We … everything we want. 8. The cat … 32

5 kittens. 9. We … (not) time to stay. 10. I … a cold. 11. Ted … (not) any brothers or sisters. Ex. 12. Put the verb “to have” into the correct form of the Past Simple Tense. 1. Professor Zolotov … a lot of students last year. 2. I … lunch there yesterday. 3. We … a holiday in Rome two years ago. 4. He … no news about this project. 5. They … many problems with their show yesterday. 6. We … (not) a chat yesterday. 7. I … (not) good marks last year. 8. The driver … (not) his own bus. 9. … you … a new shirt? 10. Steve … (not) reasons for that. Ex. 13. Put the verb “to have” into the correct form of the Future Simple Tense. 1. My new car … new wheels. 2. They … а house next year. 3. I … no time tomorrow. 4. You …a part in a play next autumn. 5. I … a salad and a cup of coffee. 6. He …a day off after finishing his work. 7. I … a bath in a minute. 8. You … (not) this information before tomorrow. 9. … she … clients next month? 10. … they .. their favourite music album? Ex. 14. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Ник завтракает с коллегой в этом кафе каждый день. 2. Вы беседовали с мистером Уилсоном? 3. В следующий раз просто позвони мне и мы поболтаем. 4. Она прошла два собеседования на прошлой неделе. 5. У нас была ссора, но не очень серьезная. 6. Мы поспорили из-за цвета обоев. 7. У меня назначена встреча с мистером Уайтом в девять часов. 8. Когда у меня выходной, я провожу весь день дома. 9. Вы часто простужаетесь?10. Если хочешь устроить вечеринку, пригласи всех. 11. В следующем месяце мы поедем в Америку. 12. Давайте пройдемся и сделаем несколько снимков. 13. Если я сделаю прическу или куплю новые туфли, я позвоню тебе. 14. У моего босса был сложный характер. 15. У нее совсем не было чувства юмора. Ex. 15. Make up the questions to the words in bold. His mother has some English magazines. 2. They will have very little free time. 3. Our cadets had an entry test on English last week. 4. We had a lecture yesterday. 5. I’ll have a good time on Sunday. 6. They have a sense of humour. 7. This group had a meeting at 3 pm on Friday. 8. He has a lot of mistakes in his work. 9. She will have a bath in a minute. 10. Danil has a good temper. 33

THE VERB “TO DO” ГЛАГОЛ «ДЕЛАТЬ, ВЫПОЛНЯТЬ» The Present Simple 1. I do 2. You do 3. He She does It 1. We do 2. You do 3. They do Употребление Смысловой глагол «делать» Вспомог. гл. для образования вопросительных и отрицательных форм в Present Simple и Past Simple; в повелительном наклонении

The Past Simple 1. I did 2. You did 3. He She did It 1. We did 2. You did 3. They did Примеры He will do his work in the evening. Do you speak English?

The Future Simple 1. I shall / will do 2. You will do 3. He She will do It 1. We shall / will do 2. You will do 3. They will do Перевод Он сделает свою работу вечером. Вы говорите ли поанглийски? He didn’t learn French at Он не изучал французский в school. школе. Don’t go there. Не ходите туда. Don’t have anything to do with Не имейте с ним ничего обhim! щего! Вспомог. гл. для усиле- But I do know him. Но я же его знаю. ния основного глагола Do come to-night. Приходите, пожалуйста, сегодня вечером.

Выражения с глаголом “to do” to do one’s work – выполнять работу to do somebody a favour – оказывать кому-то услугу (одолжение) to do chores – делать работу по дому to do one’s duty – выполнять свой долг to do the shopping – ходить за покупками to do sports – заниматься спортом to do good, right – поступать хорошо, правильно to do one’s best – делать все возможное

to do (morning) exercises – делать (утреннюю) зарядку to do justice – воздавать должное, воздавать по заслугам to do the dishes – помыть посуду to do the ironing – гладить to do the laundry – стирать to do one’s hair – причесываться to do evil, wrong – поступать плохо, неправильно to do well / badly – преуспевать / плохо справляться


Ex. 16. Put the verb “to do” into the correct form of the Present Simple Tense. 1. Kate … (not / drink) tea very often. 2. I … (not / understand) this sentence. 3. Rice … (not / grow) in Belgium. 4. We … our homework every day. 5. They … the dishes from time to time. 6. She always … her hair before the party. 7. He is a policeman and he … his duty. Ex. 17. Put the verb “to do” into the correct form of the Past Simple Tense. 1. She … her best to win the race. 2. They seldom… sports. 3. I … the laundry yesterday. 4. Last week she … (not) her hair. 5. Yesterday you … well and like a gentleman. 6. … he … see me at that conference five days ago? 7. We … the morning exercise when we were children. Ex. 18. Put the verb “to do” into the correct form of the Future Simple Tense. 1. I … my best to help her. 2. We … this problem next week. 3. It … only … you good. 4. They … do their work tomorrow. 5. She … the washing-up herself. 6. He … chores in a year. 7. I am sure, they … the justice. Ex. 19. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Диана сделала домашнее задание вчера вечером. 2. Вы действительно решили сделать проект с Брюсом? 3. Как часто вы выполняете упражнения? 4. Я не буду делать себе прическу, уже поздно. 5. Кстати, я думаю, что завтра должна заняться стиркой. 6. Мы уверены, что многие из вас любят шопинг. 7. Ты же знаешь, что врач запретил мне делать домашние дела. 8. Он выполняет свою работу хорошо. 9. Ты помоешь посуду? Я так устал! 10. Моя мама всегда стирает вещи. 11. Они причиняют зло людям. 12. На самом деле, я делаю одолжение ему. 13. Я справлюсь. 14. Он сделал все, что от него зависело, чтобы выиграть соревнование. 15. Вы занимаетесь спортом?


THE SIMPLE TENSES ПРОСТЫЕ ВРЕМЕНА Употребление Общеизвестные факты, являющиеся неопровержимой истиной. Действие обычное, регулярно повторяющееся в настоящем.

Ряд последовательных действий в настоящем.

Слова-подсказки THE PRESENT SIMPLE

Примеры Water freezes at zero. (замерзает). The world is round. (Земля круглая). Does he often play the game? (играет) Yes, he does.

in the morning утром, in the afternoon после полудня, at noon в полдень, in the evening вечером, at night ночью, Is he always here? everyday / week / year каждый день / не- (Он всегда здесь?) делю / год, from year to year из года в год, on Mondays по понедельникам, always всегда, usually обычно, often часто, never никогда, sometimes иногда, seldom редко, нечасто rarely редко, изредка at first сначала, He comes (приходит) then затем, потом, to the office, looks after после и др. through (просматривает) the mail and then writes (пишет) letters. The match starts at 6 p.m. (начинается)

Расписание поездов, фильмов, уроков, и т. д. 1. Глагол TO BE (AM, IS, ARE) 2. + V1 / V1 + (ES), -, ? DO / DOES + V1 THE PAST SIMPLE Фиксированные yesterday вчера, действия в проthe day before yesterday позавчера, шлом. two days ago 2 дня назад, last year / week / в прошлом году / неделе, in 1955 в 1955, then тогда, в вопросах, начинающихся с слова When когда, How long ago когда, как давно, today, this week, ever, never, yet + наличие в предложении слов, фиксирующих действия в прошлом 36

Yesterday I wrote a letter to my sister. (написал) When did you break the vase? (разбил) I never wrote such letters when I was a child. (никогда не писал) I wrote a letter to him today after classes. (написал)

Действие обычное, регулярно повторяющееся в прошлом.

Ряд последовательных действий в прошлом.

in the morning утром, in the afternoon после полудня, at noon в полдень, in the evening вечером, at night ночью, every day / week / year каждый день / неделю / год, from year to year из года в год, on Mondays по понедельникам, always всегда, usually обычно, often часто, never никогда, sometimes иногда, seldom редко, нечасто rarely редко, изредка at first сначала then затем, потом after после и др.

David went to Egypt every year. (ездил)

Yesterday I came (пришел) home, had dinner (поужинал) and went to bed (лег спать). He used to be fat. (был) (Now his is thin.) She used to live in the country. (жила) (Now she lives in a big city.)

used to do something (иметь обыкновение делать что-либо в прош.) Привычки, повторяющиеся действия или состояния в прошлом, которые не связаны с настоящим. 1. Глагол TO BE (WAS, WERE) 2. + V2, -, ? DID + V1 THE FUTURE SIMPLE Действия, относяtomorrow завтра, Tomorrow I will send щиеся к будущему. soon скоро, him a present. (отnext year / week / day на следующий год / правлю) неделе / день, the day after tomorrow послезавтра, tonight сегодня вечером, in (через - предлог времени) Действие обычное, in the morning утром, Will he often come to регулярно повтоin the afternoon после полудня, us? (будет часто приряющееся в будуat noon в полдень, езжать) щем in the evening вечером, at night ночью, every day / week / year каждый день / неделю / год, from year to year из года в год, 37

Ряд последовательных действий в будущем.

on Mondays по понедельникам, always всегда, usually обычно, often часто, never никогда, sometimes иногда, seldom редко, нечасто rarely редко, изредка at first сначала then затем, потом after после и др.

We’ll come home (вернемся) and then we’ll call (позвоним) you. со словами: ехресt, hope, believe, I’m sure, I’m afraid I’ll be a little I’m afraid, probably etc. late (задержусь).

Надежда, страх, угрозы, предложения, предупреждения, просьбы, комментарии, и т. д. 1. Глагол TO BE (WILL BE) 2. + WILL + V1, -, ? WILL + V1

Ex. 20. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, then translate the sentences. 1. Nick always (help) his parents. 2. I usually (get up) at 9 am on weekends. 3. We (watch) cartoons every day. 4. Aunt Helena (live) in Paris. 5. My friend (know) the truth. 6. (You drink) coffee? 7. He (not work) in a bank. 8. We (have not) dinner at this time. 9. This train (not arrive) at 5 am. 10. Where you (walk) usually? Ex. 21. Make up the sentences. 1. Baseball / play / he / everyday; 2. Irina / spectacles / always / wear; 3. her / pencil / is / this; 4. have / we / dinner / at 6 pm; 5. never / Leila / drink / milk; 6. afraid of / they / snakes; 7. she / like / oranges; 8. Bashkortostan / they / from / are; 9. our cousin / her / know; 10 an architect / is / my sister-in-law. Ex. 22. Translate from Russian into English using the Present Simple. 1. Где ты живешь? – Я живу в Уфе. 2. Когда у тебя день рождение? 3. Когда вы встаете? – Я встаю в десять минут третьего. 4. Она работает утром и днем. Вечером она не работает. 5. Твоя мама говорит по-немецки? – Да. Она говорит по-немецки, а ее муж говорит по-французски. 6. Он не моет руки перед едой. 7. Марк не играет ни на одном музыкальном инструменте. 8. Этот мальчик играет в футбол? 9. Оливер проводит каникулы в деревне. 10. День рождения Патрика 31 декабря. 11. Джейн поет в ресторане каждый вечер. 12. Сколько минут вы добираетесь до дома? 13. Том не 38

слушает рок музыку, он предпочитает джаз. 14. Керри приходит домой, ужинает, потом смотрит телевизор. 15. Матч начинается в 8 часов. Ex. 23. Rewrite the text in the Past Simple. Dolly wakes up when it is 7 am. She looks at her watch. The girl jumps out of bed and runs to the bathroom. She takes a cold shower and drink a glass of tea with bread and butter. She is in a hurry to catch the eight o’clock bus. At the bus station she meets three other girls from her school. They all have small backpacks. In less than an hour they get off the bus at a small station. They walk very quickly and soon find themselves on the shore of a large lake. The girls spend the whole day there sunbathing and swimming. They come home in the evening, all of them are tired but happy. Ex. 24. Make up all types of questions to the following sentences. 1. I went to school yesterday. 2. Liz visited her granny in summer. 3. Mary played the piano in the evening. 4. Cave people wore animal skins. 5. She was in Spain last summer. Ex. 25.Translate from Russian into English using the Past Simple. 1. Моя сестра была в театре вчера. 2. На прошлой неделе мы были за городом. 3. Они были студентами пять лет назад. 4. Было очень холодно в прошлом месяце. 5. Мы не получили ее ответ вчера. 6. Я видел его на днях. 7. Им не понравился этот фильм. 8. Он звонил тебе вчера. 9. Он сдал экзамен по английскому в понедельник. 10. Я купил машину в 2008 году. 11. Два дня назад мы вернулись домой поздно. 12. После лекции мы ответили на все вопросы. 13. Вы ушли от него 5 часов назад? 14. Я всегда ездил автобусом, когда мы жили на улице Суворова. 15. Когда произошла авария? Ex. 26. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple, and then translate the sentences. 1. We … (give) you a call in the evening. 2. The delegation … (come) in a few days. 3. The film … (not begin) in 10 minutes. 4. … he … (graduate) from the University next year? 5. I … (go) out to enjoy myself tonight. 6. It’s late. I … (phone) you in the morning. 7. He thinks they … (stay) at a hotel. 8. I am not interested in politics. I … (not watch) political programs on TV any more. 9. … you (come) to me next Saturday? 10. Dave … (pass) his exam tomorrow, he’s intelligent. 39

Ex. 27.Translate from Russian into English using the Future Simple. 1. Я буду завтра в институте. 2. Мы будем в Москве на следующей неделе. 3. Твоя сестра будет юристом? 4. Я уверен, что вы решите эту проблему. 5. Я полечу в Великобританию самолетом. 6. Наши друзья приедут вечером. 7. Они поедут в Крым в августе. 8. На следующей неделе мы навестим нашу бабушку. 9. Когда ты вспомнишь его номер телефона? 10. Завтра она уезжает в Лондон на конференцию. 11. Наш отпуск начинается через неделю. 12. Мистер Браун уйдет через 2 часа. 13. Скоро мои родители придут домой. 14. Я окончу институт через четыре года. Ex. 28. Use the appropriate grammar tense-form. 1. We … (go) skiing last Friday. 2. Our granny … (bake) apple-pies every weekend. 3. We … (write) a test tomorrow. 4. I really … (enjoy) the movie yesterday. 5. Where your daughter-in-law … (work) five years ago? 6. British people … (prefer) tea to coffee. 7. Sally, you … (meet) them at the station next Sunday? 8. Where she usually … (celebrate) her birthday? 9. … you (have) a big family? 10. Newton … (invent) the telescope in 1668. 11. When … this accident (happen)? 12. I always … (send) e-mail to my partners. 13. Nelly and George … (get married) in two weeks. 14. How many magazines they … (bring) tomorrow? 15. Stanley … (have) two sons and a daughter. Ex. 29. Make up the questions to the following sentences. 1. The children will ski in winter. (Who? When?) 2. The forest is green in spring. (What? When?) 3. Rabbits wear white fur in winter. (Who? When?) 4. I’ll fly to Britain next month. (Who? When? Where?) 5. Yesterday we went to the park. (Who? When? Where?) 6. My friends will go to Italy tomorrow. (When? Where?) 7. Last year autumn was cold. (What? When?) 8. He swam very well two hours ago. (Who? When?) 9. In the evening I read books. (What? When?) 10. She sent him an invitation. (Who? What? Whom?)

Ex. 30. Make up the negative sentences. 1. This coat belongs to Jane. 2. I drive to Moscow once a month. 3. Your boss is very impudent. 4. The car stopped near the bank. 5. The soup was delicious. 6. The concert will start at 7 p.m. 7. Her shoes are dirty. 8. I bought the curtains for my bedroom. 9. I am a football fan. 10. Their wedding will be in spring. 40

Memorize the following words and word combinations. a platoon a platoon commander a commanding officer a duty officer a commander of the guard a general a rank a major - general a lieutenant - general a colonel - general a colonel a lieutenant colonel a major a captain a junior lieutenant a senior lieutenant a sergeant a sergeant -major a private a policeman / a policewoman / a police officer a police captain a fellow-student a first-year student a freshman a second-year student a sophomore a hostel a profession an occupation a law an order a law enforcement officer, law enforcer an investigator a private investigator a medical expert an operative an interrogator a judge a lawyer lawful

[plə`tu:n] [kə`ma:ndə] [`‫כ‬fɪsə] [`dju:tɪ] [ga:d] [`ʤen(ə)r(ə)l] [raŋk] [`meɪʤə] [˛lef`tenant `ʤen(ə)r(ə)l] [`kə:nl `ʤen(ə)r(ə)l] [`kə:nl] [˛lef `tenant `kə:nl] [`meɪʤə] [`kæptɪn] [`ʤu:njə ˛lef tenant] [`sɪ:njə lef `tenant] [`sa:ʤ(ə)nt] [`sa:ʤ(ə)nt `meɪʤə] [`praɪvɪt] [pəˈliːsmən] [pəˈliːswʊmən] [pəˈli:s] [`felou `stju:dent] [`fə:st ˛ jɪə `stju:d(ə)nt] [`fre∫mən] [`sek(ə)nd ˛ jɪə`stju:d(ə)nt] [`s‫כ‬:fəm‫כ‬:] [`h‫כ‬st(ə)l] [prə`fe∫(ə)n] [˛‫כ‬kju`peɪ∫(ə)n] [l‫כ‬:] [`‫כ‬:də] [`‫כ‬fɪsə] [ɪn`f‫כ‬:sə] [ɪn`vestɪgeɪtə] [`praɪvɪt] [`medɪk(ə)l `ekspə:t] [`‫כ‬p(ə)rətɪv] [ɪn`terəugeɪtə] [ʤΛʤ] [`l‫כ‬:jə] [`l‫כ‬:ful] 41

взвод командир взвода командир, начальник дежурный офицер начальник караула генерал звание генерал-майор генерал-лейтенант генерал-полковник полковник подполковник майор капитан младший лейтенант старший лейтенант сержант старшина рядовой полицейский капитан полиции однокурсник первокурсник слушатель 1 курса второкурсник слушатель 2 курса студ. общежитие профессия занятие, дело закон, право порядок сотрудник правоохранительных органов следователь частный сыщик медицинский эксперт оперуполномоченный лицо, ведущее допрос судья юрист законный

lawless Ministry of the Interior of Russia Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

[`l‫כ‬:lɪs] [ðə `mɪnɪstrɪ əv ðɪ ɪn`tɪərɪə əv `rΛ∫ə ] [ɪnˈtəːn(ə)l] [əˈfɛː]

противозаконный МВД России Уфимский юридический институт Министерства внутренних дел Российской Федерации

Ex. 31. Make up sentences with the words and word combinations above. Ex. 32. Match the definitions with the words from the vocabulary link. 1. …. a subdivision of a company of soldiers, usually forming a tactical unit that is commanded by a subaltern or lieutenant and divided into three sections. 2. … an establishment which provides inexpensive food and lodging for a specific group of people, such as students, workers, or travellers. 3. … a job or profession. 4. … a rank of officer in the army above a lieutenant colonel. 5. … a first-year student at university. 6. … an officer, especially in the police or armed forces, who is on duty at a particular time. 7. … a government employee appointed to enforce the law, such as a police officer or sheriff. 8. … the department within a law enforcement agency which is responsible for dealing with internal issues such as professional misconduct, corruption, etc. 9. … a rank of officer in the army above lieutenant and below major. 10. … a female member of a police force. Ex. 33. Roleplay the dialogue “My close friend”. See Appendix 1. Структура резюме или CV Каждый документ имеет свою структуру, которой нужно придерживаться. Два термина: resume и CV (от лат. curriculum vitae – жизненный путь). В России они используются как синонимы для определения понятия «резюме на английском языке». В Европе используют термин CV, в США – resume. 1. Personal information (личная информация) В правом верхнем углу в начале резюме нужно разместить свою фотографию хорошего качества. Слева от фото укажите основную информацию о себе. Этот раздел состоит из следующих пунктов: 42

Name Address

Phone number Marital status Date of birth Email

Имя и фамилия на английском языке. Если у вас есть загранпаспорт, выпишите эти данные из него буква в букву. Адрес обычно пишется в следующем порядке: номер дома и название улицы, номер квартиры, город, почтовый индекс, страна. Пример: 20/1 Lenin Street, apt. 25, Ufa, 450103, Russia. Номер телефона. Указывайте свой номер в международном формате, начиная с кода страны (+7 Россия). Например: +7 917 4456002 Семейное положение: замужем / женат (married), не замужем / не женат (single), в разводе (divorced). Дата рождения. Рекомендуется написать месяц буквами, так как существуют разные форматы написания дат. Например: 25th July 1985. Адрес электронной почты: [email protected]

В этом же разделе можно по желанию указать свое гражданство (nationality), а после электронной почты написать другие способы связи: Skype, социальные сети и т. п. Name Address Phone number Marital status Date of birth Nationality E-mail

Personal information Ivan Ivanov 20/1 Lenin Street, apt. 25, Ufa, 450103, Russia home: +7-ХХХ-ХХХ-ХХХХ mobile: +7-ХХХ-ХХХ-ХХХХ Single 25th July 1985 Russian [email protected]

2. Objective (цель) Цель резюме – соискание должности, на которую вы претендуете. Вы можете обосновать, почему именно вы должны занять эту должность, какие качества помогут вам успешно реализовать себя на этом месте. an expert in... accomplished executive with a proven ability to... respected leader able to build highly motivated teams keep up-to-date with changes in the industry with over 10 years of experience 43

эксперт в области... квалифицированный руководитель с несомненным умением... лидер, умеющий внушить уважение способен создавать команды с высоким уровнем мотивации слежу за изменениями в своей области с более чем 10-летним опытом

successful inproject management 10 years of administrative experience in … good at establishing rapport with people from diverse backgrounds highly organized and detail-oriented five years of project management experience in... strong background in... ability to find innovative solutions

успешный в сфере управления проектами 10-летний опыт управления в сфере … умею налаживать контакты с людьми из разных сфер высокоорганизованный и внимательный к деталям пятилетний опыт управления проектами в... хорошие познания и опыт в области... умение находить инновационные решения

3. Education (образование) В этом разделе необходимо написать, какое образование вы получили после школы (полное название учебного заведения, факультет, специальность и свой образовательно-квалификационный уровень). Если вы окончили несколько учебных заведений, указывайте их в обратном хронологическом порядке. Bashkir State University, Criminal Jus- Башкирский государственный униtice department, Master’s degree in Law верситет, факультет уголовного пра(2014 – 2019) ва, степень магистра права (2014 – 2019)

Есть еще несколько вариантов, как можно указать свое образование в CV на английском языке. 2014 – 2019, department of Criminal Justice, Bashkir State University, Ufa, Russia, Master’s degree in Law Bashkir State University, Ufa, Master’s degree in Law, 2014 – 2019 2014 – 2019 Bashkir State University, Master’s degree in Law

Обратите внимание: образовательно-квалификационные степени в нашей стране и за рубежом отличаются. 4. Qualifications (дополнительная квалификация) В этом разделе вы должны указать все профессиональные курсы, на которых вы учились или учитесь.


сентябрь – декабрь 2014; курсы по криSeptember – December 2014; минологии в обучающем центре, Москва, Coursework in Criminology at the Россия Training Centre, Moscow, Russia Law courses in Moscow Law Col- курсы специалистов по праву, Московlege, started in 2014 up to present ский Колледж Права, с 2014 и по настоящее время Certificate in …… Сертификат ……. (если получили свидетельство не в вузе)

5. Work experience (опыт работы) В этом пункте вы должны предоставить потенциальному работодателю информацию о своем профессиональном опыте. Вам нужно перечислить все места работы в обратном хронологическом порядке. Кроме того, укажите свои должностные обязанности. Должностные обязанности описывайте при помощи герундия, например: reviewing legal documents (рассмотрение юридических документов) и т. п. По каждому из мест работы необходимо указать полное название компании и вашу должность. Укажите также, в какой стране и в каком городе вы трудились. Вы также можете написать род деятельности компании и название отдела, в котором работали. Если у вас нет официального опыта работы, можно указать в этом разделе производственную практику, стажировку, подработку, фриланс, участие в каких-либо проектах и т. п. В этом же разделе резюме перечислите все свои профессиональные достижения (achievements). Делать это следует только в том случае, если вы можете конкретизировать свои успехи. Для описания достижений рекомендуется использовать время Past Simple, например: Won ninety percent of cases presented (выиграл 90 процентов из рассматриваемых дел). Criminal Justice Lawyer, 01/2010 to сurrent Burch, Joneth & Rogers – 101 E. Market Street Smithfield, NC27501  aided more than three hundred criminal cases with criminal background and disputes  questioned and cross-examined witnesses throughout the course of all trials  interpreted laws, rulings and regulations for individuals  drafted legal briefs and opinions for all clients  analyzed probable outcomes of cases using knowledge of legal precedents  filed all case pleadings in a timely manner  creatively formulated trial techniques that specifically pertained to each case  explained available courses of action and possible repercussions of cases to clients  managed a high-volume caseload in the most populous and demanding circuit 45

6. Personal qualities (личные качества) В данном разделе резюме нужно найти баланс между хвалебной одой самому себе и излишней скромностью. Постарайтесь поставить себя на место работодателя и подумать, какими качествами должен обладать кандидат на эту должность. Personal qualities Личные качества accurate approachable articulate

[ˈakjʊrət] [əˈprəʊtʃəb(ə)l] [ɑːˈtɪkjʊlət]

attentive autonomous broad-minded calm capable cheerful committed communicative confident conscientious

[əˈtɛntɪv] [ɔːˈtɒnəməs] [brɔːdˈmʌɪndɪd] [kɑːm] [ˈkeɪpəb(ə)l] [ˈtʃɪəfʊl] [kəˈmɪtɪd] [kəˈmjuːnɪkətɪv] [ˈkɒnfɪd(ə)nt] [kɒnʃɪˈɛnʃəs]

cooperative courteous creative decisive determined diligent

kəʊˈɒp(ə)rətɪv [ˈkəːtɪəs] [kriːˈeɪtɪv] [dɪˈsʌɪsɪv] [dɪˈtəːmɪnd] [ˈdɪlɪdʒ(ə)nt]

eager to learn eloquent energetic enthusiastic flexible

[ˈiːɡə] [ˈɛləkwənt] [ˌɛnəˈdʒɛtɪk] [ɛnˌθjuːzɪˈastɪk] [ˈflɛksɪb(ə)l]

hardworking honest imaginative initiative inquisitive insightful

[ˌhɑːdˈwəːkɪŋ] [ˈɒnɪst] [ɪˈmadʒɪnətɪv] [ɪˈnɪʃətɪv] [ɪnˈkwɪzɪtɪv] [ˈɪnsʌɪtf(ʊ)l]

прилежный, педантичный отзывчивый способный четко формулировать и излагать свои мысли, сообразительный внимательный, вежливый независимый, самостоятельный широких взглядов спокойный, уравновешенный способный, умелый жизнерадостный преданный идее, обязательный коммуникабельный уверенный добросовестный, сознательный, ответственный легко сотрудничает с другими людьми вежливый, воспитанный творческий, изобретательный решительный целеустремленный, решительный трудолюбивый, усердный, исполнительный готовый учиться новому красноречивый, умеющий убеждать энергичный, активный полный энтузиазма, мотивированный сговорчивый, умеющий приспосабливаться к новым ситуациям трудолюбивый честный обладающий богатым воображением инициативный, деятельный любознательный проницательный 46

meticulous open-minded optimistic organized perceptive

[mɪˈtɪkjʊləs] [əʊp(ə)nˈmʌɪndɪd] [ɒptɪˈmɪstɪk] [ˈɔːɡənʌɪzd] [pəˈsɛptɪv]

persuasive punctual quiet reliable self-motivated thoughtful versatile

[pəˈsweɪsɪv] [ˈpʌŋ(k)tʃʊ(ə)l] [ˈkwʌɪət] [rɪˈlʌɪəb(ə)l] [ˈməʊtɪveɪtɪd] [ˈθɔːtfʊl] [ˈvəːsətʌɪl]

скрупулезный, внимательный к деталям открыт всему новому, непредвзятый оптимистичный собранный, организованный восприимчивый, легко понимает окружающих умеющий убеждать пунктуальный, аккуратный спокойный надежный целеустремленный, мотивированный внимательный, вдумчивый разносторонний

7. Skills Навыки ability to work efficiently both individual- способность работать эффективно как ly and in a team самостоятельно, так и в команде ability to work under pressure способность работать в стрессовых ситуациях business communication skills умение общаться в бизнес-среде communicative skills / social skills хорошие навыки общения conflict management skills умение решать конфликтные ситуации creative thinking skills творческое мышление critical thinking skills критическоемышление decision making skills умение принимать решения effective listening skills умение выслушать собеседника excellent verbal and written communica- отличные навыки устной и письменной tion skills речи good sense of humour хорошее чувство юмора multitasking умение выполнять несколько задач одновременно organizational skills организаторские способности positive attitude позитивное мышление problem-solving skills умение решать проблемы quick learning skills быстрая обучаемость resourcefulness находчивость, изобретательность risk taking готовность принимать риски strategic thinking стратегическое мышление strong analytical thinking хорошие аналитические способности time management skills умение управлять временем willingness to learn готовность обучаться 47

8. Special skills (специальные навыки) Специальные навыки включают в себя несколько пунктов: 1. Language skills (владение языками). Перечислите все языки, которыми владеете или которые изучаете. При этом для описания степени владения языками можно использовать стандартную градацию: Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Advanced, Proficiency. Можно использовать следующие слова:  native – родной;  fluent – свободное владение;  good reading and translating ability – читаю, перевожу со словарем;  basic knowledge – базовые знания. 2. Computer literacy (компьютерная грамотность). Перечислите названия программ, с которыми вы умеете работать. 3. Driving license (водительские права). 4. Hobbies (хобби). Кратко упомяните о 2–3 увлечениях, напишите о своих достижениях на этом поприще, если они есть. Special skills Native Russian Fluent English Working knowledge of German (Basic knowledge) Driving License (Category B) Computer literacy (Microsoft Office, Outlook Express) Hobbies: foreign languages, chess

9. Awards (награды) Этот пункт включается в CV опционально, только если у вас есть какие-то значимые награды. Здесь вы указываете все грамоты, награды, гранты, стипендии, которые получали во время учебы в вузе или во время работы. Указывайте свои достижения в хронологическом порядке. Если ваши награды напрямую касаются профессиональной деятельности, можно написать этот раздел выше, после опыта работы. 10. Research experience (научная деятельность) Данный пункт тоже опциональный. Вы указываете свои достижения и, в какой области вели научную деятельность.


11. Publications (публикации) Еще один опциональный пункт. Здесь вы пишете название своих публикаций, год их выхода и название издания, в котором они публиковались. 12. Memberships (членство в организациях) Этот пункт включается в резюме только в том случае, если вы состоите в какой-нибудь организации. В нем вы указываете, в каких профессиональных и общественных организациях вы состоите. При этом достаточно указать только название этой организации, например: Russian Lawyers Association (Ассоциация юристов России). 13. References (рекомендации) В рекомендациях следует указать контакты людей, которые могут рекомендовать вас как хорошего специалиста. Написать можно таким образом: Igor Smirnov, Company Name, xxx-x-xxx-xxx-xxxx, [email protected] (имя и фамилия контактного лица, название компании, телефон для связи, адрес электронной почты контактного лица). Если вы не хотите предоставлять контакты своих бывших работодателей и перегружать резюме, напишите фразу available upon request (предоставляется по запросу).

Ex. 34. Use the information above to create your own CV.

1. The athlete ... with the college track team next month. a) trains b) trained c) will train 2. Yesterday you ... you would like to learn how to knit a sweater. a) say b) will say c) said 3. Last week we ... 150 newspapers. a) will deliver b) delivers

c) delivered

4. I … a dancer. a) ‘mnt

c) ‘m not

b) amn’t 49

5. She … a little girl anymore, she … an adult. a) is / isn’t b) is / is c) isn’t / is 6. … about his new book? a) How do you think b) What you think с) What do you think 7. … far is it from the town where you live? a) What b) How c) Where 8. … in Moscow or in Saint Petersburg ? a) Where do you live b) Do you live c) Are you live 9. Mike knows a lot of interesting things, … ? a) isn’t he b) does he c) doesn’t he 10. … arrive at the hotel? a) When will they b) When they will c) Where will they 11. to be keen on a) увлекаться чем-то

b) заниматься чем-либо

c) быть занятым

12. to be engaged in a) быть замужем за

b) быть занятым чем-то

c) торопиться

13. to have an argument a) спорить b) назначать встречу

c) ссориться

14. to do the laundry a) мыть посуду

c) стирать

b) гладить

15. commanding officer a) командир, начальник взвода

b) дежурный офицер

16. отправиться в путешествие a) to have a try b) to have a trip


c) командир

c) to have a quarrel

17. быть знакомым a) to be familiar to / with to

b) to be sure / certain

c) to be obliged

18. перекинуться парой слов a) to have a try b) to have a chat

c) to have a word

19. делать работу по дому a) to do well b) to do chores

c) to do the dishes

20. colonel a) полковник

c) лейтенант

b) подполковник


UNIT 3 LEGAL EDUCATION IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, THE UNITED STATES AND THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today. Malcolm X Practice the pronunciation of some tongue twisters. [ʊ] Краткий гласный звук [ʊ] произносится без напряжения. Качественно и количественно противопоставляется долгому [u:]. Основное его отличие от русского [у] заключается в том, что при произнесении [ʊ], губы почти не округляются и не выпячиваются. A cook’s bookshelf is full of cookbooks, A bookman’s bookcase is full of good books. If the cook’s bookshelf wasn’t full of cookbooks, Would the bookman’s bookcase be full of good books?

Good fullers are good at fulling wool, Good cooks are good at cooking cookies, Good bookmen are good at footnoting books. Could good booksellers be good at booking books?

[ u: ] Долгий гласный звук [u:] произносится напряжённо. Качественно и количественно противопоставляется краткому звуку [ʊ]. Помимо долготы, английский звук [u:], как и звук [i:], отличается неоднородностью звучания на всём протяжении. При произнесении звука [u:], язык движется в полости рта назад и вверх. Губы в начальный момент заметно округлены и, по мере движения языка, округляются ещё сильнее. Во избежание замены английского звука [u:] русским звуком [у], при округлении губ, не следует их выпячивать. Judy’s room has a beautiful view of a pool, A school’s menu usually includes Lucy’s room has a beautiful view of ruins. Seafood soup, noodles and stewed If Judy’s room didn’t have a beautiful view of fruit. the pool, A university’s menu usually inWould Lucy’s room have a beautiful view of cludes the ruins? Goose, cucumbers, mushrooms and fruit juice. 52

Конструкция “There + be” There

is (are) was (were) will be

smth. (smb.) at some place

Перевод: есть, имеется, находится. Например: There is a library at our Institute. В нашем институте есть библиотека. N. B. 1. Указывает на наличие (отсутствие) не называвшегося ранее предмета (лица) в определенном месте. There is a book on the table. There is no telephone on the table. There is not any telephone on the table. There is not a telephone on the table. 2. При наличии нескольких подлежащих “to be” согласуется с подлежащим, которое следует непосредственно за ним. There is a TV-set and ten computers in the room. There are ten computers and a TV-set in the room. 3. Конструкция “there is / are” соответствует русскому предложению, которое обычно начинается с обстоятельства места. В той комнате есть телефон. There is a telephone in that room. 4. Существительное во множественном числе и неисчисляемые существительные употребляются с местоимениями “some, any” There aren’t any children in the park. There is some tea in the box. 5. В общем вопросе с оборотом there is / are глагол to be ставится на первое место. Are there ten cadets in your group? Yes, there are. Ex. 1. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. There are fourteen students in our group. 2. There is one English lab in our college. 3. There will be some problems with this young man. 4. There were two libraries at our Institute last year. 5. There will be fifteen new computers in this room. 6. There was only one computer-room in this institute ten years ago. 7. There is a photo of the criminal on the table. 8. There were many policemen around the car. 9. There was an identikit of a suspect on the stand. 10. There is a specially equipped room for interviewing witnesses in police station. Ex. 2. Put the words into correct order to make up sentences. 1. on the desk / is / a laptop / there. 2. there / anything /new / is ? 3. in an a minute / seconds / are there /how many ? 4. there / a time/ to be / is /a nice person. 5. many / there / in your/ house / are /rooms? 6. in this soup / a lot of / there is / salt. 7. is / in the New York / there / London / a time difference / and. 8. any53

body / can/ is there / help / who / me? 9. is / snow / there / outside? 10. aren’t / any / trains / on Sunday / there. Ex. 3. Complete the sentences with “there is” or “there are”. 1. ... ... a chair of Crime Detection at our Institute. 2. … … over a hundred Doctors of Law at our Institute. 3. ... ... a lot of interesting books in his bookcase. 4. ... ... a dormitory and a canteen at our Institute. 5. ... ... two dormitories in our college. 6. ... ... a shooting range at our Institute. 7. ... ... many assistantprofessors at our Institute. 8. ... ... everything necessary for studies and rest at our Institute. 9. … … a magnifier and a magnetic brush in the criminalistic case. 10. … … a lot of fingerprints left by the criminal in the car. Ex. 4. Make up the interrogative sentences. 1. There are three lecture-halls at our Institute. 2. There will be a new canteen at our Institute next year. 3. There is a personal computer in my classroom. 4. There are no mistakes in my work on Criminalistics. 5. There was an interesting article in that newspaper yesterday. 6. There were only two dormotories in that academy ten years ago. 7. There will be a new shooting-range in your academy in two years. 8. There will be a new dormotory at our Institute in a year. 9. There is a chair of Criminal Law in our Institute. 10. There was only one criminal laboratory here two years ago. Ex. 5. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Рядом с отелем есть полицейский участок. 2. На столе лежит досье преступника. 3. В холодильнике есть бутылка молока. 4. В доме напротив спрятался подозреваемый. 5. На автобусной остановке есть люди? 6. В твоей сумке есть зеркало? 7. В этом городке никогда не было преступников. 8. В нашем саду много цветов. 9. Под столом зеленый мяч. 10. За дверью никого нет. Ex. 6. Translate the following proverbs and sayings from English into Russian and comment on them. 1. There is no place like home. 2. Where there is love there is life. 3. There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes. 4. There are plenty of other fish in the sea. 5. There are two sides to every question. 6. While there’s life, there’s hope. 7. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. 8. There is no smoke without fire. 9. There is no rose without a thorn. 10. There is no rule without an exception. 54


Времена группы Continuous выражают действие, которое происходитв определенный момент в прошлом, настоящем или будущем. Meaning Present


? Period of time Past


? Period of time Future

+ ? -

Period of time

a process At what time? am / is /are + Ving She is watching TV right now. You are always interrupting me. (Действие, которое совершается слишком часто) We are going to invite lots of people to the party. (Заранее запланированное действие) Inversion Is she is watching TV right now? am / is /are + not + Ving She is not watching TV right now. Now, at the moment, these days was / were + Ving At 10.30 yesterday they were playing tennis. I was walking home when I met Nick. He was reading a book while his wife was cooking. Inversion Were they playing tennis at 10.30 yesterday? was / were + not + Ving They were not playing tennis at 10.30 yesterday. yesterday at 3 p.m., yesterday from 6 till 7, when you came will + be + Ving This time next week I’ll be swimming in the sea. Inversion Will you be using your bicycle this evening? won’t / will not + be + Ving I won’t be using my bicycle this evening. tomorrow at 3 p.m., tomorrow from 6 till 7, when you come

NB! Следующие глаголы не употребляются во временах группы Continuous: see, hear, feel, smell, know, remember, forget, understand, seem, love, like, hate, dislike, enjoy,be, contain, include, need, cost, prefer, want, appear, believe, own, mean, belong, have (= possess), fit.


Ex. 7. Translate into Russian. Define the subject and the predicate. 1. The water is boiling. Can you turn it off? 2. Water boils at 100 degrees Celcius. 3. Listen to those people. What language are they speaking? 4. She speaks five languages. 5. I’m going to bed now. Good night! 6. I always go to bed before midnight. 7. I was walking home when I met Dave. 8. I walked home after the party last night. 9. They are playng chess at the moment. 10. They were driving home when the police stopped them. 11. They’ll be working at 9.15 tomorrow. 12. Are you doing anything tomorrow morning? 13. Don’t phone me between 7 and 8. We’ll be having dinner. 14. We were playing computer games when my father came in. 15. Alex is getting married next week. 16. What are you going to do on Saturday evening? 17. Ann was watching TV when the phone rang. 18. John is never satisfied. He’s always complaining. Ex. 8. Change into negative and interrogative sentences. 1. We are listening to our teacher now. 2. Jane was waiting for me when arrived. 3. At this moment the student is showing us his project. 4. They are studying Philosophy now. 5. She will be doing aerobics at 7 o’clock tomorrow evening. 6. Brian will be writing an article at this time next Friday. 7. At 5 o’clock last Tuesday I was having dinner with my friends. 8. Eve and Tony were skating all day last Saturday. 9. We will be exercising in the gym from 2 p.m. till 5 p.m. tomorrow. 10. My family is having supper now. Ex. 9. Read the sentences and state the difference between the Present Simple and the Present Continuous. Nick is a policeman in New York. He patrols the streets, directs the traffic, helps people in the streets and gives them information. He tries to stop (prevent) crime and catch criminals. He wears a uniform when he is on duty. At the moment Nick is at home with his family. He is playing with his son, and his wife is cooking dinner. He is wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Ex. 10. Choose the right variant. 1. He investigates / is investigating a serious crime now. 2. We study / are studying laws every day. 3. The lawyer speaks / is speaking English and French. 4. We have / are having a lecture and two seminars a day. We have / are having a seminar in Criminal Procedure at the moment. 5. Students often make / are making reports at the seminars. Petrov makes / is making a report on crime techniques now. 6. She learns / is learning English regularly. They learn / are learning new words now. 7. He detects / is detecting from 5 to 7 criminal cases a 56

month. At the moment he detects / is detecting a serious crime. 8. Our students often play / are playing football, basketball, volleybal at the weekend. He plays / is playing tennis with his friend at the moment. 9. I am very busy now. I translate / am translating my article into English. Ex. 11. Choose the correct form of the verb and translate the text. 1. I met / was meeting a friend while I did was doing the shopping. 2. While I paid / was paying for my things, I heard / was hearing someone call my name. 3. I turned / was turning round and saw / seeing Paula. 4. She wore / was wearing a bright red coat. 5. We decided / were deciding to have a cup of coffee. 6. While we had / were having a drink, a waiter dropped / was dropping a pile of plates. 7. We all got / were getting a terrible shock. 8. While the waiter picked / was picking up the broken plates, he cut / was cutting his finger. 9. We left / were leaving the cafe and said / were saying goodbye. 10. I finished / was finishing my shopping and went / was going home. Ex. 12. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the Future Continuous Tense or Future Simple Tense. 1. I (to work) at my report at 5 p.m. tomorrow. 2. They (to listen) to BBC news from 6 p.m. till 7 p.m. 3. We (to work) from three till five o’clock tomorrow. 4. I (to study) Logics the whole day tomorrow. 5. They (to visit) their parents next Sunday. 6. We (to go) to the swimming-pool in a week. 7. They (to discuss) their plans for the future when you arrive. Ex. 13. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the Present Continuous, Past Continuous or Future Continuous. 1. We (to do) our exercises now. 2. He (speak) to his teacher now. 3. She (study) Administrative Law when he came in. 4. They (work) in the laboratory the whole day yesterday. 5. I (prepare) for my exams the whole day tomorrow. 6. When I went out of the hostel, it (rain). 7. What you (do) at 5.30 p.m. yesterday? 8. We (listen) to our professor at that moment. 9. He (write) a report at 10.30 a.m. tomorrow. 10. He (read) at that moment. 11. I (speak) English now. 12. When I (come) home my mother (cook) dinner. 13. He (investigate) this criminal case now. Ex. 14. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Завтра в шесть часов я буду смотреть свой любимый сериал по телевизору. 2. Мы не будем играть в баскетбол на площадке завтра в семь часов. 3. В среду с девяти часов они будут сдавать экзамен по английскому 57

языку. 4. Что ты будешь делать завтра в восемь часов вечера? – Я буду встречать родителей в аэропорту. 5. Какой семинар ваша сестра будет посещать в следующий вторник в два часа? – Она будет посещать семинар по маркетингу. 6. В это время завтра мы будем лететь в Лос-Анджелес. 7. Во сколько завтра у нас будет конференция? – У нас конференция будет проходить с десяти часов утра до трех часов дня. 8. Том будет работать всю следующую неделю? – Нет, со следующего четверга он будет отдыхать в горах. 9. В следующую пятницу в десять часов утра мои друзья будут принимать участие в соревнованиях по плаванию. 10. Мы будем украшать зал к новогоднему празднику завтра в девять часов утра. Memorize the following words and word combinations. a conversion course a postgraduate a solicitor

a barrister gaining full-time part-time a trainee solicitor intending Inns of Court mandatory to keep terms dining to be called to the Bar funded pupillage to shadow right of audience Full Qualification Certificate

[kən`vɜ:ʃən ]

курс переподготовки, переходной курс обучения [,pəʊst`ɡrædʒuət] изучаемый после окончания бакалавриата [sə`lɪsɪtər] солиситор, адвокат (дающий советы клиенту, подготавливающий дела для барристера и выступающий только в судах низшей инстанции) [`bærɪstər] барристер (адвокат, имеющий право выступать в высших судах; является членом одного из «Судебных иннов») [`geɪnɪŋ] получение, приобретение очное обучение заочное обучение [treɪ`ni:] солиситор-стажёр, практикант [ɪn`tɛndɪŋ] желающий стать, намеревающийся «Судебные Инны» (четыре английские школы подготовки барристеров) [‘mændə,tɔ:rı] обязательный посещать занятия [`daɪnɪŋ] система учебных занятий в неформальной обстановке, так называемые «занятия в столовой» быть принятым в адвокатское сословие, получить право адвокатской практики в суде, стать барристером [`pju,pɪlɪdʒ] оплаченный курс ученичества [`ʃadəʊ] непрестанно следовать за, непрерывно наблюдать [`ɔ:dɪəns] право выступать в суде [fʊl диплом об окончании полного курса обуkwɒlɪfɪ`keɪʃ(ə)n чения в учебном заведении 58

tenancy chambers twofold brief

sə`tɪfɪkət] [`tɛnənsɪ] [`tʃeɪmbəz] [`tu,fəʊld]

to correspond


to plead a case


членство контора адвоката существующий в двух вариантах краткое письменное изложение дела с привлечением фактов и документов, с которым сторона выступает в суде соответствовать; согласовываться, соотноситься представлять (чьи-либо) интересы по делу

Ex. 15. Read and translate the text. Studying Law in the United Kingdom In the UK, a legal education usually begins with the completion of a bachelor degree in law which usually takes three years. However, many students graduate in a non-law subject and then undertake a one year conversion course known as a postgraduate Diploma in Law. One interesting aspect of legal profession and appropriate legal education in the UK is that there are two separate legal careers of solicitors and barristers in England and Wales. A person wishing to become a solicitor must complete three stages: the first stage involves gaining a law degree; the second stage requires passing a one-year full-time (or two years part-time) Legal Practice Course (LPC); and the final stage entails working for two years as a trainee solicitor with a firm of solicitors or in the legal department of a local authority or large company. At this stage, a trainee solicitor is paid a salary. Intending barristers also need a qualifying law degree in order to apply to join one of the Inns of Court to study for the Bar Professional Training Course. It’s also mandatory for students to keep terms, which means dining at their Inn a fixed number of times, before they can be called to the Bar, that is, qualify as a barrister. Then the new barrister faces intense competition to obtain a funded pupillage in chambers for twelve months in order to get practical training, when pupils at first shadow an experienced barrister by observing professional activities, and then, with their supervisor’s permission, can undertake to supply legal services and exercise rights of audience. To gain a Full Qualification Certificate pupils must learn the rules of conduct and etiquette at the Bar, learn to prepare and present a case competently, learn to draft pleadings and opinions, have advocacy training. If successful at the end of the twelve months, the qualified barrister applies for atenancy in chambers.


The profession of barrister in England and Wales is a separate profession from that of solicitor. It is however possible to hold the qualification of both barrister and solicitor at the same time. The practical difference between the two professions is twofold: – Barristers have a more specialized knowledge of case-law and precedent. It is relatively common for a barrister to only receive a “brief” from an instructing solicitor to represent a client at trial a day or two before the hearing. – A barrister has rights of audience in the higher courts. In this regard, the profession of barristercorresponds to that part of the role of legal professionals found in the civil law countries relating to appearing in trials or pleading cases before the courts. Ex. 16. Say whether the statements are true or false. 1. In the UK, a legal education usually begins with the completion of a magister degree in law. 2. In order to get a bachelor degree a student usually studies four years. 3. The legal careers of solicitors and barristers in England and Wales are the same. 4. When a trainee solicitor works with a firm of solicitors or in the legal department of a local authority or large company he is not paid a salary. 5. Each new barrister faces intense competition to obtain a funded pupilage in chambers for twelve months in order to get practical training. 6. It is not obligatory for pupils to learn the rules of conduct and etiquette at the Bar to gain a Full Qualification Certificate. 7. The profession of barrister in England and Wales is a separate profession from that of solicitor. Ex. 17. Discuss the following questions. 1. Are the skills acquired by solicitors and barristers the same? 2. How long is a full-time LPC in England? 3. How many years does an LLB course last? 4. May graduates in non-law subjects enter a law school? 5. What are the two parts of pupillage for intending barristers? 6. What stages of education and training must a candidate undergo in order to become a barrister? 7. What three stages is it necessary to complete in order to become a solicitor? Ex. 18. Complete the following sentences with the words given below. to correspond, postgraduate, full-time, intending, mandatory, tenancy, twofold, solicitor brief, conversion course 1. … are held for police officers once a year. 2. … subjects are essential for college students who want to continue their education. 3. Policemen are like … they go to prisons from time to time. 4. … education means that you spend the whole day in the Institute. 5. A defendant … to contest the claim informs the 60

Court. 6. All staff underwent a … conduct and discipline online course. 7. The only way we could secure the … in the club for her was to pay the whole 6 months up front. 8. This law has a … relationship with the general body of public international law. 9. The students prepare … during their practical сonstructions. 10. She hoped that the results would … the stated goals. Ex. 19. Choose a word from the box to match each definition. postgraduate, conversion course, solicitor, barrister, full-time, part-time, mandatory, dining, chambers, to correspond 1. An academic course by which a student studying a certain subject can change to another subject. 2. A British lawyer who advises clients, represents them in the lower courts, and prepares cases for barristers to try in higher courts. 3. Involving or working less than customary or standard hours. 4. Employed for or involving full time. 5. The system of training sessions in an informal setting. 6. Relating to, or engaged in formal studies after graduation. 7. A room or space used for a particular purpose. 8. To be in conformity or agreement. 9. A counsel admitted to plead at the bar and undertake the public trial of causes in an English superior court. 10. Required by a law or rule. Ex. 20. Match the synonyms. 1) non-law 2) postgraduate 3) legal 4) authority 5) qualification

a) alumnus b) of or relating to law c) a condition or standard that must be complied with d) non-legal e) persons in command

Memorize the following words and word combinations. Metropolitan Police although brainchild second in command Commissioner of Police venture whilst forensic laboratory

[,metrə`pɔlɪtən] [ɔːlˈðəʊ] [`breɪntʃaɪld] [kə`mɪʃ(ə)nə ɒv pə`li:s] [`vɛntʃə] [waɪlst] [fə`rensɪk 61

столичная полиция, лондонская полиция хотя, если бы даже, несмотря на то, что, несмотря на, если бы даже детище, задумка заместитель комиссар полиции предприятие хотя криминалистическая лаборатория

lə`bɔrətərɪ] [fə`sɪlɪtɪ] [stɑ:f] [`rɔɪəl ɛə fɔːs]

facility staff Royal Air Force Royal Flying Corps IPLDP (Initial Police Learning and Development Programme) to oversee to undertake crime scene investigation homicide extensive mock court room Revenue Protection Inspector


[`əuvə`si:] [,ʌndə`teɪk] [,kraɪm `si:n] [ɪn,vestɪˈɡeɪʃn ] [hɔmɪsaɪd] [ɪksˈtensɪv] [ mɒk kɔ:t ru:m] [`revənju:] [prə`tekʃn] [ɪn`spektər]

возможность, средство персонал, сотрудники Британские военно-воздушные силы Королевский лётный корпус первоначальная программа по подготовке и обучению полицейских курировать, контролировать проходить (зд.) место преступления, место совершения преступления расследование убийство обширный, значительный макет зала суда инспектор подразделения экономической безопасности

Ex. 21. Read and translate the text. Hendon Police College Hendon Police College is the principal training centre for London‘s Metropolitan Police Service. Today, the college is commonly referred to as the Peel Centre, although its original name is still used frequently. Within the police it is known as just “Hendon”. The College was opened on 31 May 1934 by the Prince of Wales, in the erstwhile buildings of Hendon Country Club, Hendon Aerodrome‘s club house (which had been used briefly as laboratories of the Standard Telephones and Cables company). The school was the brainchild of Lord Trenchard, who was Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis from 1931 to 1935. His experiences assecond-in-command of the Royal Flying Corps‘ Central Flying School in 1913 and 1914 gave him a suitable background for the venture, whilst the location would have been known to him from his time as Chief of the Air Staff (1921– 1929). Trenchard’s college was founded upon a modern and scientific approach to training. There were forensic laboratories, detective training facilities, and a police driving school. The college was closed between 1939 and 1949. When the Royal Air Force left Hendon in the 1960s, the Metropolitan Police decided to rebuild the college, and the new Peel Centre, named after Sir Robert Peel, was opened by Queen Elizabeth II on 31 May 1974, forty years to the day after her 62

uncle opened the original Metropolitan Police College. The Queen has returned twice since then, on the 21 October 2001 when she dedicated the memorial to Metropolitan Police officers and staff who have lost their lives on duty, and on 3 January 2005 when she went to visit the Casualty Bureau dealing with British nationals missing after the Asian Tsunami. The last course at Hendon on the 17 week course finished on 6 July 2007 with a fly past from India 99, a Metropolitan Police helicopters. Recruits will now take part in the IPLDP (Initial Police Learning and Development Programme) scheme. The centre is run by the Director and Coordinator of Training, who is responsible for overseeing the training received by new recruits. Between 2,000 and 2,500 recruits pass through the centre each year to undertake its 25-week non-residential basic training course. The centre runs courses on many aspects of police work, from forensic and crime scene analysis, to radio operations and driving skills. Police officers can expect to return to the centre at various times during their career. Part of the centre is dedicated to the investigations of serious crimes, including homicide. It also has extensive sports facilities. Training facilities include a mock court room, a road system and Brixley police station, which is now used for training purposes only. The mock court room is also used by Transport for London for the training of Revenue Protection Inspectors. The Metropolitan Police Book of Remembrance is displayed in the entrance of Simpson Hall at the centre. There is also a memorial garden. Ex. 22. Say whether the statements are true or false. Correct the false ones. 1. Hendon Police College is the principal training centre for London‘s City Police. 2. Nowadays the college is commonly referred to as the Peel Centre. 3. The College was opened on 31 May 1934 by the Princess of Wales. 4. Hendon Country Club had been used briefly as laboratories of the Standard Telephones and Cables company. 5. Lord Trenchard was the commander of the Royal Flying Corps’ Central Flying School. 6. Hendon Police College is still functioning. 7. Lord Trenchard’s college was founded upon an up-to-date and scientific approach to training. 8. It was the Metropolitan Police which decided to rebuild the college. 9. About 2,500 recruits pass through the centre each year to undertake its 25-week residential basic training course. 10. Training facilities include a mock court room, a road system and Brixley police station, which is now used not only for training purposes. Ex. 23. Complete the following sentences with the words given in the table. Commissioner of Police, extensive, to oversee, staff, crime scene, investigation, facility, forensic laboratory, venture, homicide. 63

1. Spying on gangsters was a dangerous …. 2. The … advertises for students everywhere in Wales. 3. In this case it indicated TNT, but no … examinations of the samples were undertaken. 4. If you join this club, you will be entitled to use its …. 5. While internationally recruited … are evacuated, local staff are abandoned. 6. They have to make digital copies of all of her personal effects for the … report. 7. In particular, he submits that the police … was neither thorough nor complete. 8. An … library is available for study and private reading. 9. Most Western and Northern European countries have low and decreasing … rates. 10. A higher committee was established to … the programme. Ex. 24. Choose a word from the box to match each definition. brainchild, staff, venture, to oversee, to undertake, crime scene, investigation, homicide, facility, forensic laboratory 1. The group of people who work for an organization. 2. The place where a crime happened. 3. To watch over and direct (an undertaking, a group of workers, etc.) in order to ensure a satisfactory outcome or performance. 4. A product of one’s creative effort. 5. A killing of one human being by another. 6. An undertaking involving chance, risk, or danger. 7. Something (such as a hospital) that is built, installed, or established to serve a particular purpose. 8. To take upon oneself. 9. A careful examination or search in order to discover facts or gain information. 10. Laboratory connected with the methods used for finding out who is guilty of a crime. Memorize the following words and word combinations. a mode an undergraduate a bachelor’s degree Juries Doctor

ability provide background multiple to contribute to comprehension applicant contract Property Law

[məʊd] [ʌndə`ɡradjʊət] [`batʃələs dɪ`ɡri:] [`dʒʊərɪz `dɒktə]

[ə`bɪlɪti] [prə`vʌɪd] [`bakɡraʊnd] [`mʌltɪp(ə)l] [kən`trɪbju:t tu:] [kɒmprɪ`hɛnʃ(ə)n] [`aplɪk(ə)nt] [kən`trækt] [`prɒpəti lɔ:] 64

способ, вид студент последнего курса степень бакалавра Доктор юриспруденции (степень, присвоенная выпускнику юридического факультета высшего учебного заведения) способность, возможность обеспечивать, предоставлять подготовка, образование, квалификация составной, сложный благоприятствовать, способствовать понимание кандидат, претендент, абитуриент договор, контракт право собственности

Torts legal memorandum

[tɔ:ts] [`li:ɡ(ə)l mɛmə`randəm] [drɑ:ft `dɒkjʊments] [mu:t] [kɒmpɪ`tɪʃ(ə)n] [skɪl] [,ɑːɡjʊmɛn`teɪʃ(ə)n]

to draft documents moot a competition skills argumentation mock trial supervision experienced a judge clinic activities to be aimed at to gain hands-on upper-level optional abroad an offering curriculum perspective practice area essential to deepen to broaden legal literacy to graduate to gain to look for to be admitted to the Bar to require to pass jurisdiction

[mɒk `trʌɪəl ] [,su:pə`vɪʒn] [ɪk`spɪərɪənst] [dʒʌdʒ|] [ɡeɪn] [,hænd`zɒn] [`ɒpʃ(ə)n(ə)l] [ə`brɔ:d] [`ɒf(ə)rɪŋ] [kə`rɪkjʊləm] [pə`spɛktɪv] [ɪ`sɛnʃ(ə)l] [`brɔ:d(ə)n] [`lɪt(ə)rəsi] [ɡeɪn]

[rɪˈkwʌɪə] [,dʒʊərɪs`dɪkʃ(ə)n]

written examination

деликтное право правовой меморандум составлять, готовить документы спорный, дискуссионный состязание, соревнование, конкурс умение,способность, мастерство приведение доводов, аргументация, спор инсценированный процесс наблюдение, контроль, руководство опытный, квалифицированный судья консультации (зд.) быть направленным на получать практический верхний уровень, высший уровень факультативный, дополнительный за границей предложение расписание, учебный план перспектива сфера практической деятельности необходимый углублять расширять юридическая грамотность окончить учебное заведение получать, приобретать искать быть принятым в адвокатское сословие требовать, нуждаться сдавать, проходить сфера полномочий, юрисдикция, подсудность письменный экзамен

Ex. 25. Read and translate the text. Legal Education in the USA Legal education in the USA is rather complex consisting of several important stages. It takes seven years to become a lawyer in the USA. 65

That means four years of undergraduate study for a bachelor’s degree followed by the graduate Juries Doctor (JD) law degree. Law is not offered at the undergraduate level; so students read law only at law schools. Law students need to develop the three basic skills: communication skills both written and spoken; research skills; and especially analytical thinking skills. These abilities can be developed by any major: social sciences, history, economics, humanities, and engineering. So a bachelor’s degree at any top college or university that provide highly efficient background will give a better chance for admission. It’s not really difficult to enter a law school, if a person has high undergraduate grades and also score high on the LSAT (Law School Admission Test). This test measures reading and verbal succeed in law school. It consists of five 35-minute sections of multiple choice sections will contribute to the applicant’s score. These sections include one reading comprehension section, one analytical reasoning section, and two logical reasoning sections, an experimental section which can be any of the above and finally, and an essay writing section. A successful applicant becomes a happy student. During the first year of law school the students usually take major courses such as Constitutional Law, Contracts, Property Law, Torts, Civil Procedure and Legal Writing. There is also a Program of Legal Research and Writing. The students learn how to work with documents just the way a lawyer usually does. They attend the library, write legal memoranda, draft documents, and prepare briefs. The students also participate in the school’s moot competitions in which the skills of argumentation are developed, in mock trials under the supervision of experienced lawyers and judges, and in legal clinic activities. A special clinical semester is aimed at gaining practical experience by young lawyers. It is a hands-on learning model when students develop their lawyering skills working with real clients. The clinical semester is offered for the second or third year students. For upper-level students the courses are mainly optional. There usually is abroad range of offerings from which a student can plan his or her own curriculum. It depends on the perspective practice area he or she is aiming at. But at the same time it’s essential to deepen and broaden the basic legal literacy and understanding the law as a whole. When the student graduates from the school, he or she gains the Juries Doctor degree and looks for a job. He may find the position but he can’t practice law: He must be licensed or admitted to the Bar. All states require that applicants for admission to the Bar pass a written Bar Examination; most jurisdictions also require applicants to pass a separate written Ethics Examination. Ex. 26. Say whether the statements are true or false. 1. Legal education in the USA has a simple structure. 2. It takes many years to become a lawyer in the USA. 3. In four years of undergraduate study 66

students get a magister’s degree. 4. Law students need to develop the three basic skills: communication skills; research skills; and especially physical ones. 5. If an applicant has high undergraduate grades it’s not really difficult to enter a law school. 6. The students are not taught how to work with documents, it is not necessary. 7. The students necessarily participate in the school’s moot competitions in order to develop their argumentation skills. 8. There is also a special clinical semester which is offered only for the first year students. 9. For upperlevel students the courses are optional. 10. When the student graduates from the school, he or she gains the Juries Doctor degree and can start practicing law. Ex. 27. Answer the questions. 1. How long does it take to become a lawyer in the USA? 2. What basic skills should law students develop? 3. What exams or tests does the applicant take to get admitted to the law school? 4. Is Law School Admission Test a complicated kind of examination, isn’t it? Why? 5. What courses make up the first year curriculum? 6. What skills are the student during the Program of Legal Research and Writing taught to? 7. What other practical experience do the students require? 8. What does the clinical education include? Why is it necessary for the future lawyers? 9. What courses are included into the second and third year program? 10. What comes after the graduation? Ex. 28. Complete the following sentences with the words given below. undergraduate, lawyer, mode, communication, background, admission, degree, applicant, brief, library 1. The radio had shifted into Christmas … with one song after another. 2. The struggle for … to college was ended, and I could now enter Radcliffe whenever I pleased. 3. As a … he was engaged during his later years in most of the especially important cases in the Supreme Court of the United States. 4. You’re the one with a … in Philisophy. 5. When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, I was an … at RiceUniversity. 6. Working with the … is the practice of law students. 7. In all their years together, they’d never been out of … more than a few days. 8. The companies, which include The New York Times and Spotify, plan to establish a standardized test for job … . 9. Objects in the foreground are drawn larger than those in the … . 10. If you had access to a … , its stock of medical books and journals was very small. Ex. 29. Choose a word from the box to match each definition. undergratute, optional, multiple, to contribute to, contract, to draft, moot, supervision, curriculum, literacy 67

1. Having numerous aspects or functions. 2. To draw the preliminary sketch, version, or plan of. 3. Watching and directing. 4. A student at a college or university who has not received a first and especially a bachelor’s degree. 5. A document describing the terms of a contract. 6. To give or supply in common with others. 7. The quality or state of being literate. 8. Subjected to discussion. 9. Not compulsory. 10. The courses offered by an educational institution. Ex. 30. Match the antonyms. 1. ability 2. undergraduate 3. applicant 4. experienced 5. abroad

a) at home b) unskilled c) incapability d) noncandidate e) graduate

Ex. 31. Read and translate the text. Police Academy in New York The principal agency for carrying out the education and training function within New York City Police Department (an organization of almost 35.000 police and civilian personnel) is the Police Academy. Five sections organize the work of the Academy: Recruit training section; advanced and specialized training section; firearms section; training services section; and administrative section. The key units are the first three. The Academy works at the PoliceAcademy building 235 East 20th Street, New York City, which was built in 1964. The police laboratory is on the eighth floor. The library, administrative offices, a conference room are on the sixth floor. The fifth flooris principally devoted to classrooms. There are 13 regular classrooms, one seminar room, a lecture hall there. The muster deck is on the third floor. The auditorium, with 495 seats, the police museum and a recruit muster deck share the second floor and the first floor is occupied by the gymnasium and open campus. The pool is located in the basement, there are the physical school offices and a garage with accomodation for 38 cars. The usual routine consists of 3 hours per day of physical training for the recruit and 4 hours per day of academic training. They have a 50 minute class period. The current academic program in the recruit curriculum is divided into 5 divisions and consists of 312 hours of academic instruction. There are, in addition, 192 hours of physical instruction and 56 hours in firearms, making a total recruit program of 560 hours. The recruit makes acquaintance of the development of legal process in society (e.g. cooperation with governmental agencies, the courts, criminal law and 68

modus operandi, etc.). Police recruit training includes subject matter which will provide a better understanding of human behavior and which will develop proper attitudes on the part of police (psychology and the police, human relations, crime and delinquency causation, police ethics, etc.). The following is a list of some of the program topics: New laws (repeated each year) Law of arrest Lawful use of force (the use of deadly force) Basic ethics Narcotics and the law Psychology and human relations Organized crime Youth and the police Evidence and testimony Auto theft Basic patrol tactics Crime scene tactics The citizen’s role in crime prevention and many others. (from “Police Training and Performance Study”, Washington) Ex. 32. Answer the questions. 1. What is the principal agency for carrying out the education and training function within New York City Police Department? 2. How many people are there in New York City Police Department? 3. Enumerate the sections which organize the work of the Academy? 4. Where does the Academy work? 5. Is there a police laboratory within the Police Academy? 6. Is physical training included in the curriculum of trainees? 7. What is the role of subject matter in the preparation of recruits? Memorize the following words and word combinations. a law enforcement professiоnal, a law enforcement practitioner, a law enforcement expert law enforcement training a crime / an offence to fight a crime to combat a crime to solve crimes quicklyand

профессионал правоприменительной деятельности [‘ekspə:t]

[ə’fens] [faɪt] [`kɒmbat] [sɒlv] 69

правоохранительная подготовка преступление, правонарушение бороться с преступностью раскрывать преступления бы-

accurately crime increase crime decrease criminal / offender / perpetrator a suspect an accused a witness to identify

[əkjurɪtlɪ] [‘ɪnkri:s] [‘di:kri:s] [ə’fendə] [‘pə:pɪtreɪtə] [‘sΛspekt] [ə’kju:zd] [‘wɪtnɪs] [aɪ’dentɪfaɪ]

to locate a criminal


to apprehend to interrogate to interview oral interview to pass an interview to investigate to conduct crime investigation investigative bodies investigative activities, actions investigative techniques and tactics tо detect

[əprɪ’hend] [ɪn’terəgeɪt] [‘ɪntəvju:]

to detect a criminal to detect a crime Detective Activity Crime Detection a crime scene to search a crime scene, to investigate a crime scene, to observe a crime scene, to inspect a crime scene, to examine a crime scene a crime scene search to conduct crime scene search (investigation) evidence to handle evidence

[pa:s] [ɪn’vestɪgeɪt] [kən’dΛkt]

стро и правильно рост преступности уменьшение преступности преступник, правонарушитель подозреваемый обвиняемый свидетель опознавать, установить личность, идентифицировать установить местонахождение преступника задержать допросить опрашивать, беседовать устное собеседование пройти собеседование расследовать вести уголовное расследование следственные органы следственные действия

[tek’ni:ks] [dɪ’tect]

[kraɪm si:n] [sə:t∫]

следственная техникa (методы, приемы) и тактика разыскивать, обнаруживать, расследовать разыскивать преступника расследовать преступление ОРД место преступления (происшествия) осмотреть место преступления

[əb’zə:v] [ɪn’spekt] [ɪg’zæmɪn] [kən’dΛkt] [‘evɪd(ə)ns] [hændl] 70

осмотр места происшествия проводить осмотр места происшествия доказательство, доказательства, улики обращаться / иметь дело с до-

to find evidence to discover evidence to collect evidence to gather evidence to protect evidence to train, to teach, to instruct training instruction a trainee a teacher, an instructor field training in-service training

[faɪnd] [dɪs’kΛvə] [kə’lekt] [‘gæðə] [prə’tekt] [treɪn] [ɪn’strΛkt] [treɪ’ni:] [fi:ld]

pre-service training a forensic-scientist studies a study to acquire knowledge / skills to master practical skills theoretical knowledge to attend lectures, seminars, practical instructions / classes to develop professional skills to provide to provide with basic legal knowledge to perform a job / work to perform well under operational conditions to fulfil duties / responsibilities to do research work to enter a university applicant to take / pass an exam to pass a physical examination

[fə’rensɪk `saɪəntɪst] [ə’kwaɪə `nɒlɪdʒ] [‘ma:stə] [θɪə’retɪk(ə)l] [ə’tend] [‘dɪ’veləp] [prə’vaɪd]


[‘æplɪkənt] [‘fɪzɪk(ə)l] 71

казательствами найти доказательства обнаружить доказательства собирать доказательства собирать доказательства охранять, защищать доказательства учить, обучать, готовить обучение, подготовка учащийся, обучающийся преподаватель обучение в полевых условиях обучение в процессе службы (без отрыва от службы) обучение до службы в органах (с отрывом от службы) эксперт-криминалист учеба учебный кабинет приобретать знания / навыки овладевать практическими навыками теоретические знания посещать лекции, семинары, практические занятия развивать профессиональные навыки обеспечивать, снабжать давать базовое юридическое образование выполнять работу действовать умело в оперативной обстановке выполнять обязанности заниматься научноисследовательской работой поступать в университет кандидат, абитуриент сдавать / сдать экзамен сдать экзамен по физической подготовке

psychological test to pass credits passing score to enter an entrant entrance examinations to graduate (from) a graduate a postgraduate staff to deliver lectures regulation to lay an ambush to master defensive tactics

[sʌɪkə`lɒdʒɪk(ə)l] [‘kredɪt] [skɔ:] [‘entə] [‘entr(ə)nt]

proper moral and physical standards refresher course



[‘grædjueɪt] [‘gradjuit] [sta:f] [dɪ’lɪvə] [regju’leɪ∫(ə)n] [‘æmbu∫] [dɪ’fensɪv]

[rɪ’fre∫ə kɔ:s ] [fə’sɪlɪtɪz]

living facilities instructional facilities a lecture hall educational technology visual aids modern equipment crime laboratory a dormitory modern conveniences a canteen sports facilities a gymnasium (gym) a shooting / fire-arms range sports ground to go in for sports to participate in competitions leisure

[‘lekt∫ə] [tɛk`nɒlədʒɪ|] [‘vɪзjuəl ‘eɪdz] [ɪ’kwɪpmənt] [lə`bɒrə,t(ə)rɪ|] [dɔ:mɪt(ə)rɪ] [‘kən’vi:njənsɪz] [kæn’ti:n] [dʒɪm`neɪzɪəm] [‘faɪəa:mz/reɪndʒ] [graund] [pa:’tɪsɪpeɪt] [kɒmpɪˈtɪʃ(ə)n] [`lɛʒə] 72

психологический тест сдать зачеты проходной балл входить, поступать поступающий, абитуриент вступительные экзамены окончить (учебное заведение) курсант выпускного курса аспирант / адъюнкт штат служащих, кадры читать лекции устав устраивать засаду овладеть тактикой самообороны соответствующий моральный и физический уровень переподготовка, курсы повышения квалификации удобства, возможности, условия благоприятныe условия проживания условия для обучения лекционный зал образовательные технологии, учебные технические средства наглядные пособия современное оборудование криминалистическая лаборатория общежитие современные удобства столовая спортивные сооружения спортзал тиp спортивная площадка заниматься спортом участвовать в соревнованиях отдых, досуг

Note some abbreviations for the kinds of scientific degree: L.L.B. – Bachelor of Law – бакалавр права (первая степень) L.L.M. – Master of Law – магистр права (вторая более специализированная степень) L.L.D. – Legum Doctor лат. – доктор юридических наук (ставится после фамилии) JD – Juris Doctor Doctor of Law (USA) – доктор права Master of Law – кандидат юридических наук Assistant professor / Associate professor – доцент Ex. 33. Look at the title of text and answer the questions. 1. Why did you decide to enter the Law Institute? 2. Did you follow your parents’ or your friends’ step / advice of entering the Law Institute? 3. Did anybody advise you to enter the Law Institute? 4. Are you going to become a police officer after graduating from Ufa Law Institute of the Interior Ministry of Russia? 5. Do you like to wear a police uniform? Ex. 34. Read and translate the text. Law Enforcement Professional Education in Russia There is a number of the higher educational establishments in the system of the the Interior Ministry of Russia. Their primary purpose isto train highly qualified law enforcement professionals to solve the major social problems of our time – crime prevention and crime decrease in this country. In order to enter a higher educational establishment in the system of the the Interior Ministry of Russian entrant passes a physical examination, a psychological test, an oral interview and entrance tests examinations. If there is a passing score, proper moral and physical standards, he becomes a cadet of the Law Institute / Academy. The education is free of charge. Each academic year consists of two terms. At the end of each term cadets take exams and credits. There are two kinds of training in the Institute: in-service and pre-service training. According to the regulations the cadets educational establishments in the system of the the Interior Ministry of Russia wear a police uniform since they are going to become police officers. After graduating from the institute cadets get a diploma of a lawyer and become lieutenants of police ready to work in different police agencies. Their future profession is connected with law, crime detection and crime prevention. The main task of their future work is to fight, prevent, investigate and solve crimes. Quick and accurate solution of crimes depends on education, practical skills and a detective ability of a police officer. 73

To perform competently their job future law enforcers study many special and general subjects, such as: History, Economics, Philosophy, foreign languages, different branches of law: Civil Law, State Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Criminal Law as well as Criminology, Criminalistics, Detective Activity (Operative-Detective Activity), Forencics, Crime Psychology, etc. Every day cadets attend lectures, seminars and practical instructions on these subjects. Apart from theoretical knowledge cadets master practical skills, special means, methods and forms of crime detection and crime investigation to perform well under operational conditions such as: to conduct a crime scene investigation; to find, collect and protect evidence; to identify, trace, locate and apprehend a criminal; to interview witnesses and to interrogate suspects and criminals; to use criminalistics equipment; to use a weapon; to drive a car; to make a record of a crime scene search; to lay an ambush; to give the first aid. The lecturing and instructional staff consists of qualified lecturers, wellknown scientists, law enforcement practitioners. Professors, Masters and Doctors of Law, assistant professors deliver lectures, conduct practical instructions and tutorials. individual consultations. The cadets good living and instructional facilities: lecture-halls with educational technology, classrooms with visual aids, crime laboratories with modern equipment, computer classrooms, a big conference hall, a reading-room, libraries (special and general), a shooting range, a canteen, dormitories with modern conveniences, etc. In order to be healthy and in good physical condition cadets go in for sports. The following sports facilities are available for them: stadiums, sport grounds, gyms, where students participate in various sports competitions. The term of training is five years, but there is always an opportunity for further education. The graduates of the Law Institute can do research work for a Master’s and Doctor’s Degree in Law at the postgraduate department. There is also a refresher course for law enforcement practitioners who are going to improve legal knowledge and professional skills. We have all conditions necessary for a good education and leisure. Ex. 35. Match the English word combinations with their Russian equivalents. 1) to train highly qualified law enforcement professionals 2) to fight and prevent a crime 3) to solve a crime quickly and accurately

a) находить, собирать, сохранять доказательства b) обучение до службы в органах c) раскрывать преступления быстро и правильно (по горячим следам) d) проводить допрос

4) to acquire practical skills 74

5) to conduct a criminal investigation 6) to conduct interrogation

e) проводить уголовное расследование f) бороться и предотвращать преступление g) быть первокурсником юридического института h) приобретать (овладевать) практические навыки i) готовить высококвалифицированных профессионалов правоприменительной деятельности j) овладевать технологией и тактикой расследования k) установить местонахождение и задержать преступника

7) to find, collect, protect evidence 8) to master investigative techniques and tactics 9) to locate and apprehend a criminal

10) to be a freshman of the Law Institute 11) pre-service training

Ex. 36. Find the synonyms to the following words in the text. Aim, perpetrator, to detect, teacher, personnel, to arrest, rise, offence, to prepare, to instruct, training, dining-room, firearms range, hostel, instruction, rest, famous, to learn, to question, to detain. Ex. 37. Make up word combinations and use them in the sentences of your own. 1) to acquire a) legal knowledge and professional skills 2) to consist of b) highly qualified law enforcement professionals 3) to enter c) evidence 4) to get d) two terms 5) to interview e) a diploma of a lawyer 6) to train f) crimes quickly and accurately 7) to collect g) practical skills 8) to solve h) a criminal 9) to master i) witnesses 10) to identify j) the Law Institute of the Interior 11) to deliver k) exams and credits 12) to conduct l) special means, methods and forms of crime solution m) lectures n) practical instructions and individual consultations 75

Ex. 38. Answer these questions. 1. Are there any libraries at your Institute? 2. Are there any laboratories at your Institute? 3. How many Masters and Doctors of Law are there at your Institute? 4. How many computer classrooms are there at your Institute? 5. Are there any reading-rooms at your Institute? 6. Is there a shooting range at your Institute? 7. What is there on the ground floor? 8. What is there on the third floor? 9. Is there a canteen on the first floor? 10. Is there a club at your Institute? Ex. 39. Write a monologue about your studies and working day using the following phrases. 1. My name is .... 2. I come from .... 3. I’m a first-year cadet of .... 4. I study .... 5. The Law Institute trains .... 6. There are ... departments .... 7. I study at .... 8. So I’m a future .... 9. The main aim of my future work is .... 10. To perform competently my future job I study .... 11. I master a lot of practical skills such as .... 12. We attend lectures .... 13. There are ... in the teaching staff of the Institute. 14. The Law Institute provides cadets with all necessary facilities .... 15. I enjoy .... 16. I want to become .... Ex. 40. Answer the following questions. 1. What’s your name? 2. Where do you study? 3. What do you study? 4. Why did you choose this higher educational institution? 5. How did you become interested in this profession? 6. What year cadet are you now? 7. Do you study many subjects? Could you name them? 8. What subject do you like best? Which is your favorite subject? 9. Are there many things you have to master for your future job? 10. What practical skills do you get at the Institute? 11. What is the main aim of your future profession? 12. What instruction and living facilities are there at your Institute? 13. Do you go in for sports? 14. What are your plans for the future?15. What sports facilities are available for cadets at your Institute? 16. What do you do in your free time? 17. Do you enjoy your studying at the Law Institute of the Interior Ministry of Russia?

1. There … a new supermarket in the town. a) is b) are c) were 2. … there any questions about the issue? If not, we can discuss next one. a) Was b) Is c) Were 76

3. There … an investigator and three bobby-handlers at the crime scene. a) are b) were c) is 4. Look! He … (swim) so well. He will be a winner. a) is swimming b) swam c) was swimming 5. My father … a newspaper at the moment. a) is reading b) was reading c) will be reading 6. Carol is busy. She … a letter at the moment. a) is typeing b) types c) is typing 7. The population of the country … . a) is constantly increasing b) is constantly increase c) are constantly increasing 8. We … tea when our grandparents came. a) was having b) were have c) were having 9. She … dinner while her husband was working in the garden. a) was cooking b) was cook c) were cooking 10. When I come back, they … supper. a) were having b) are having c) will be having 11. All the … points to an accident. a) evidence b) crime c) offenders 12. His great grandfather, a … of Harvard in 1721, was for nearly sixty years minister of Justice. a) instructor b) lecturer c) graduate 13. The food is very good in the … where he lives. a) canteen b) dormitory c) laboratory 14. Police cordoned off the area overnight and as dawn broke, forensic investigations began working at the …. a) crime scene b) shooting-range c) canteen


15. His … was dedicated to geological researches in the mountains. a) full-time b) part-time c) leisure 16. Cadets must attend lectures. a) Курсанты могу тпосещать лекции. b) Курсанты должны посещать лекции. с) Курсантам следует посещать лекции. 17. There will be a new shooting range in our academy in 2 years. a) В нашей академии через 2 года будет новый тир. b) В нашей академии 2 года назад был новый тир. с) В нашей академии уже 2 года есть новый тир. 18. Налоговое право a) Land Law b) Tax Law

c) Family Law

19. Гражданское право a) Labour Law b) Civil Procedure c) Civil Law 20. иметь дело с доказательствами a) to handle evidence b) to collect evidence


c) to gather evidence

UNIT 4 DIFFERENT COUNTRIES – DIFFERENT WORLDS There is no foreign land. It is the traveler who is foreign. R. L. Stevenson Practice the pronunciation of some tongue twisters. [t]-[d] При произнесении [t], [d] кончик языка касается альвеол, образуя полную преграду, размыкаемую струей воздуха. [t] – глухой согласный произносится с аспирацией. [d] – звонкий согласный. Daisy’s Dad doesn’t have a driver, So he drives his daughter daily to downtown. If Daisy’s Dad had a driver, Would he drive Daisy daily to downtown?

It takes Ted twenty minutes to travel to town by tram, It takes Toby twelve minutes to travel to town by train, It takes Tony ten minutes to travel to town by taxi. What a terrible transport system! Mister Twister put in a white suit- Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. case It only doubles trouble and trouble others too. Two pairs of tweed trousers, eight Mr Tongue Twister tried to train his tongue white T-shirts, To twist and turn, to learn the letter “T”. Ten Turkish towels, twelve tweed coats, twenty white ties, Twenty-two tick hats and twentyeight white tops, too.


Сравнительная степень larger больше more often чаще


Превосходная степень (the) largest самый большой most often чаще всего (всех)

Двусложные на -er, -y,-ow, -le

early ранний, рано clever умный

Многосложные Исключения

modern современный important важный many многие, много much много little маленький, little мало good хороший well хорошо bad плохой badly плохо far дальний, далекий, далеко

earlier более ранний, раньше cleverer more clever умнее more modern более современный more important важнее more больше, более less меньше, менее better лучший, лучше worse худший, хуже further / farther более далекий, дальше

(the) earliest самый ранний (the) cleverest (the) most clever самый умный (the) most modern самый современный (the) most important самый важный (the) most наибольший, больше всего (the) least наименьший, меньше всего (the) best самый лучший, лучше всех (the) worst самый плохой, хуже всего (всех) (the) furthest / farthest cамый дальний / далекий

NB!  Let’s walk. It’s just as quick as taking the bus. Пойдем пешком, это так же быстро (мы дойдем так же быстро), как и ехать на автобусе.  She is not as smart as him (as she is). Она не такая умная, как он.  I’m not so experienced as you = I’m not as experienced as you. Я не такой опытный, как ты.  You are taller than me (than I am).Ты выше меня (=ты выше, чем я).  What’s the highest mountain in the world? Какая самая высокая гора в мире?  Tom looks older than he really is. Том выглядит старше своих лет.  My elder / older brother / sister / son etc. Мой старший брат / сестра / сын и т. д. Ex. 1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs. 1. Let’s go by bus. It’s cheaper. 2. Prevention is better than crime. 3. Better late than never. 4. Best defence is offence. 5. Who’s the most reliable. Jim or Mark? 6. I enjoyed our visit to the museum. It was more interesting than I expected. 7. You’ll find your way around the town more easily if you have a good map. 8. Health and happiness are more important than money. 9. I can’t swim as well as you (can). 10. Heathrow is the biggest and busiest of London’s five airports. 11. You are more stubborn than anybody I know. 80

Ex. 2. Write the adjectives in brackets in the required degree of comparison. Translate into Russian. 1. They stayed at the (expensive) hotel in the town. 2. I know him well – probably (good) than anybody else. 3. What’s (long) river in the world? 4. Our hotel was (cheap) than all the others in the town. 5. It was an awful day. It was (bad) day of my life. 6. We had a great holiday. It was one of the (enjoyable) holidays we’ve ever had. 7. It’s too noisy here. Can we go somewhere (quiet)? 8. Yesterday was the (hot) day of the month. 9. Jane is as (intelligent) as Ann. 10. Which is the (dangerous) animal in the world? Ex. 3. There is a mistake in each sentence. Find it and write down the correct variant. 1. The exam was difficult than we expected. 2. Last night I went to bed early than usual. 3. Everest is the high mountain in the world. 4. What’s the quick way of getting from here to the station? 5. She earns little money than a policeman. 6. Great Britain is one of the small countries in the world. 7. This car is comfortable than that one. 8. Actions speak loud than words. 9. Our test was easy than I expected. 10. This bag is heavy that the other one. Ex. 4. Choose the right form. In some cases both forms are possible. 1. He is my older / elder brother. 2. Ann is older / elder than her sister. 3. Who is the oldest / eldest in this class? 4. This is the town’s oldest / eldest house. 5. Nick is older / elder than I am. 6. It’s the oldest / eldest street in the city. 7. His oldest / eldest daughter has just got married. 8. She’s ten years older / elder than her cousin. 9. My older / elder grandson is a law student. 10. Tom is the oldest / eldest in our family. NB! The more you have, the more you want. Чем больше имеешь, тем больше хочешь. What time shall we leave? The sooner the better (= as soon as possible). В какое время / когда мы должны выехать? Чем скорее, тем лучше (= как можно скорее). Ex. 5. Translate into Russian. 1. The more people talk, the less they hear. 2. The sooner he starts, the sooner he will finish. 3. The more you worry about it, the less you will sleep. 4. The more money he makes, the more useless things he buys. 5. The less people think, the more they talk. 6. The harder you study for the exams, the better you will do. 7. The more expensive petrol becomes, the less people drive. 8. The 81

faster I type, the more mistakes I make. 9. “How do you like your coffee?” “Тhe stronger the better”. 10. The more dangerous it is, the more he likes it. Ex. 6. Read, translate and memorize the following rhymes. The more we study, the more we know; The more we know, the more we forget; The more we forget, the less we know; The less we know, the less we forget; The less we forget, the more we know. Why study?

A wise old owl lived in an oak, The more he saw, the less he spoke; The less he spoke, the more he heard; Why aren’t we like that wise old bird?

Ex. 7. Translate into English. 1. Чем больше мы зарабатываем, тем больше (мы) тратим. 2. Ее старшая дочь – юрист. 3. Это самая старая книга в моей библиотеке. 4. Какая самая богатая страна в мире? 5. Это был самый счастливый день в моей жизни. 6. Вчера я проснулся раньше, чем обычно. 7. Это самый интересный фильм. 8. Какое самое большое озеро в России? 9. Я не могу бежать так же быстро, как она. 10. Чем больше я думаю о нашем плане, тем меньше он мне нравится. Ex. 8. Choose the right variant. 1. Two heads are well / better / best than one. 2. Honesty is the best / better / well policy. 3. False friends are worst / badly / worse than open enemies. 4. Truth is sometimes strange, strangest / stranger / strangely than fiction. 5. This book is older / elder / oldest than that one. 6. John isn’t as older / oldest / old as he looks. 7. He knows them good / better / well than you. 8. There was a lot of people on the bus. It was least crowded / most crowded / more crowded … than usual. 9. Unfortunately her illness was more serious / serious / most serious than we thought at first. 10. He was the clever / cleverest / cleverer thief of all. THE IMPERATIVE ПОВЕЛИТЕЛЬНОЕ НАКЛОНЕНИЕ 1. Команды, просьбы, предложения: Follow me. Следуй(те) за мной. Don’t worry! Не беспокойся! Shut the door, please. Закрой(те) дверь, пожалуйста. Help yourself. Угощайтесь. Have a biscuit. Возьмите (съешьте) печенье. 2. Предупреждения: Look out! There’s a bus! Осторожнее! Автобус! 82

Tell him not to say a word. Скажи(те) ему, чтобы он не говорил ни слова (= молчал). 3. Указание направления (дороги): Take second on the right. Поверните на втором повороте направо. Take bus 51. Сядьте на автобус 51. 4. Запрещения: DO NOT CROSS THE LINE – Не пересекать линию заграждения (police line tape used at crime scenes). Do not litter! Не сорить! Keep off the grass! Do not walk on the grass! По траве не ходить. 5. Советы: Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. Копейка рубль бережет. (букв. Позаботься о пенсах, а фунты сами о себе позаботятся.) Always answer when you are spoken to!Всегда отвечай, когда с тобой говорят! Never say forever. Никогда не говори «навсегда / навеки». 6. Приглашение: Come and have breakfast with us. Приди позавтракайс нами. 7. Грубые выражения: Shut up! Замолчи! Заткнись! 8. Добрые пожелания: May you live to be a hundred! (Желаю) долгих лет жизни! Have a good time! Желаю хорошо провести время! Have fun! Желаю весело провести время! 9. Ободрение: Have a try! Попытайся! Have a go! Попытайся! Попробуй! Рискни! Take it easy! Не волнуйся! Не обращай внимания! Смотри на вещи проще! Не бери в голову! Не парься! Let me see. Постойте, подождите, дайте подумать. Let me see that letter. Разрешите взглянуть на это письмо. Let him see that he is wrong. Пусть (он) сам увидит / убедится, что он неправ. Let’s go (Let us go). Идем(те). Let’s take a taxi. Давай(те) возьмем такси. Let him / her etc. read. Пусть он / она и т. д. читает. Don’t let me (formal Let me not) interrupt you. Не разрешай(те) мне прерывать тебя (Вас). Ex. 9. Translate the following sentences and use them in the situations of your own. 1. Let’s go home. 2. Let me see. Do I need to go shopping today? 3. Look in the mirror before you drive off. 4. Try again – you nearly did it. 5. Please do not lean out of thewindow. 6. Have some more juice. 7. Tell him you are not 83

free this afternoon. 8. Enjoy your holiday. 9. Don’t do that again or you’ll be in trouble. 10. Don’t be so impatient! 11. Remember to be patient and tolerant when other drivers make mistakes. 12. Don’t make decisions when you’re angry. 13. Shut up or I’ll lose my temper. 14. Make yourself at home. 15. Never say “never” and never say “always”. 16. Never speak to strangers! Ex. 10. Match the English expressions with their Russian equivalents. 1. Take your time. 2. Look out! 3. Help yourself. 4. Sign your name. 5. Hold the line. 6. Keep in touch. 7. Do not pass. 8. Take care. 9. Cheer up! 10. Don’t panic!

a. Подпишитесь. b. Не вешайте трубку. c. Не унывай! Не вешай носа! d. Не обгонять. e. Осторожнее! Берегись! f. Не поддавайтесь панике! g. Неторопись. h. Не пропадай. i. Береги себя. j. Угощайтесь.

Ex. 11. Complete the following sentences with the words from the table. look out, wait here, come in, look, let’s, don’t worry, follow me, please hurry, take your time, don’t let them 1. … not get angry. 2. … . Everything’s all right. 3. … and sit down, Mr. Pearson. What can I do for you? 4. … . My plane is at four o’clock, and it’s 3:15 now. 5. …, please. Your seats are right over here. 6. … ! There’s your brother over there! 7. … ! There’s a car coming! 8. Ms Wilson is busy at the moment. Could you …, please? 9. “I’m terribly sorry!” – “That’s all right. I’m not in a hurry. …”. 10. … stay up too late at night. Ex. 12. Recollect “Nationality words”. Translate into Russian. Country Russia America the USA Australia Great Britain England

Capital Moscow Washington, D.C. Canberra London London

Adjective Russian American

Nationality a Russian an American

Nation the Russians the Americans

Australian British English

the Australians the British the English




an Australian a British an Englishman / Englishwoman a Scotchman /


the Scots

Wales Northern Ireland Canada China Denmark Egypt France

Cardiff Belfast

Welsh an Irish

Ottawa Beijing Copenhagen Cairo Paris

Canadian Chinese Danish Egyptian French

Germany Greece Italy Japan the Netherlands (Holland) Norway

Berlin Athens Rome Tokyo Amsterdam

German Greek Italian Japanese Dutch



Scotchwoman a Welsh an Irishman / Irishwoman a Canadian a Chinese a Dane an Egyptian a Frenchman / Frenchwoman a German a Greek an Italian a Japanese a Dutchman / Dutchwoman a Norwegian

Poland Spain Turkey

Warsaw Madrid Ankara

Polish Spanish Turkish

a Pole a Spaniard a Turk

the Welsh the Irish the Canadians the Chinese the Danes the Egyptians the French the Germans the Greeks the Italians the Japanese the Dutch the Norwegians the Poles the Spanish the Turks

Ex.13. Match the people with a suitable sentence about them. 1. The Italians 2. The Greeks 3. The Germans 4. The Dutch 5. The English 6. The Chinese 7. The Finns 8. The Scots 9. The Japanese 10. The Russians

a) had many great philosophers. b) are very hospitable. c) like taking saunas. d) wear kimonos. e) are good at business. f) talk a lot about the weather. g) eat a lot of pasta. h) cook lots of noodles. i) wear kilts. j) grow lots of tulips.

Memorize the following words and word combinations. to occupy an island to be composed of main

[′‫ב‬kjupaɪ] [′aɪlənd]

занимать (пространство) остров cостоять из; syn.: to consist of, to be made of, to comprise, to include, to involve главный, основной; syn.: chief, essential, major, principal

[meɪn] 85

to refer to separate to separate

[rɪ′fə:] [′seprət] [′sepəreɪt]

the English Channel the Strait of Dover

[ðɪ‚ɪŋglɪ∫ ′t∫ænl] [ðə‚streɪtəv′dəυvə]

to vary a mountain mountainous highlands the Highlands a valley a plain lowlands the Lowlands vast influence (on, upon, over)

[′veərɪ] [′maυntɪn] [′maυntɪnəs] [′haɪləndz]

mild all (the) year round


machinery a shipbuilding

[′vælɪ] [pleɪn] [′ləυlænd] [va:st] [′ɪnflυəns]

[mə′∫ɪnəri] [′∫ɪp‚bɪldɪŋ]

говорить, упоминать о чём-либо отдельный отделять(ся), разделять(ся); syn.: to divide (into) (пролив) Ла-Манш (La Manche) Па-де-Кале (Дуврский канал) (Pas de Calais) изменять(ся); syn.: to change гора гористый горная местность, горная страна Северная (горная) Шотландия долина равнина низменность, низина Шотландская низменность обширный, громадный влияние, (воз)действие (на); оказывать влияние, воздействовать (на); syn.: to affect мягкий (о погоде, климате) весь, целый, круглый год; syn.: the whole year машинное оборудование, машины судостроение, кораблестроение

Ex. 14. Read, translate and retell the text. When people say England, they sometimes mean Great Britain, sometimes the United Kingdom, sometimes the British Isles – but never England. George Mikes The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Many foreigners say “England” and “English” when they mean “Britain”, or the “UK”, and “British”. This is very annoying for those people who live in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland because they are all called British. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official name of the state which is sometimes referred to as Great Britain or Britain (after its major isle), England (after its major historic part), the British Isles. Some people say “the United Kingdom”, or just “the UK” and “GB”. The UK occupies the territory of the British Isles. It consists of four main countries which are: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (sometimes known as Ulster[‘ʌlstə]). Their capitals are London, Edinburgh ([′edinbərə]), Cardiff ([′ka:dif]) and Belfast ([‚bel′fa:st]). 86

The UK is an island state: it is composed of some 5,500 islands, large and small. The two main islands are: Great Britain (in which are England, Wales, and Scotland) to the east and Ireland (in which are Northern Ireland and the independent Irish Republic) to the west. They are separated by the Irish Sea. The UK is one of the world’s smallest countries (it is twice smaller than France or Spain) with an area of some 244,100 square kilometres. In the northwest the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. In the east it is washed by the North Sea. Great Britain is separated from the European continent by the English Channel (or La Manche) and the Strait of Dover (or Pas de Calais). The population of the United Kingdom is over 57 million people. English is the official language. But some people speak Scottish in western Scotland, Welsh – in parts of northern and central Wales, and Irish in Northern Ireland. The surface of the British Isles varies very much. The north of Scotland is mountainous and is called the Highlands. The south, which has beautiful valleys and plains, is called Lowlands. The north and west of England are mountainous, but the eastern, central and south-eastern parts of England are a vast plain. Mountains are not very high. Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest mountain. There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain. The Severn [′sevən] is the longest river, while the Thames [temz] is the deepest and the most important one. The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of the Gulf Stream ([ðə′ gʌlf stri:m]) influence the climate of the British Isles. It is mild the whole year round. The UK is a highly developed industrial country. It produces and exports machinery, electronics and textile. One of the chief industries of the country is shipbuilding. Great Britain is the birthplace of Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie and many other famous people. Ex. 15. Find the English equivalents to the following Russian words and word combinations in the text. 1) Соединённое королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии; 2) Британские острова; 3) состоять из; 4) официальное название; 5) историческая часть; 6) островное государство; 7) в 2 раза меньше Франции; 8) на северо-западе; 9) на севере; 10) отделяться чем-либо; 11) отделяться от; 12) говорить по-шотландски; 13) валлийский язык; 14) гористый; 15) круглый год; 16) квадратный километр; 17) основная отрасль промышленности; 18) Ирландское море; 19) омываться Атлантическим океаном; 20) Ольстер; 21) (течение) Гольфстрим. 87

Ex 16. Match the synonyms. 1) main 2) be composed of 3) separate 4) official 5) boundless 6) influence 7) continent

a) mainland b) formal c) major, chief d) affect e) consist of f) vast g) divide

Ex 17. Match the antonyms. 1) export 2) official 3) high 4) short 5) vast 6) separate

a) low b) unite, combine c) small d) unofficial, informal e) long f) import

Ex. 18. Retell the text answering the questions. 1. What’s the official name of the UK? 2. What islands is the United Kingdom situated on? 3. What is the country’s population? 4. What countries make up the UK ? 5. What’s the capital of England / Scotland / Wales / Northern Ireland? 6. What are people called in the UK? 7. What is the United Kingdom washed by? 8. How can you characterize the surface of the British Isles? 9. What is the climate of Great Britain? 10. What are Britain’s chief industries? 11. What well-known people were born in Great Britain? What are they famous for? 12. What is the French name for the English Channel? 13. Do you think it is correct to call the UK England? Memorize the following words and word combinations.. to establish A.D. (Anno Domini) sights an invasion a fortress a palace a treasury the Treasury royal


основывать; syn.: found, set up нашей эры достопримечательности вторжение, нашествие, налёт крепость дворец сокровищница, казна Казначейство,министерство финансов королевский, царский

[ɪn′veɪʒn] [′f‫ב‬:trəs] [′pæləs] [′treзərɪ] [′r‫ב‬ɪəl] 88

close a tower the Tower (of London) prison to bury busy a circus famous the seat of Government a man of letters a statesman to stretch headquarters rich an embankment a point MadameTussaud’s a residence to frequent a mill suburb

[kləυs] [′taυə]

близко, рядом; syn.: near, nearby башня Лондонский Тауэр [′prɪzn] тюрьма;syn.: jail [′berɪ] хоронить [′bizɪ] оживленный (об улице) [ˈsəːkəs] круглая площадь с радиально расходящимися улицами [′feɪməs] знаменитый, известный; syn.: wellknown, prominent, popular [si:t] местопребывание правительства писатель, syn.: writer [′steɪtsmən] государственный деятель [stret∫] тянуться, растягивать(ся) [‚hed′kw‫ב‬:təz] главное управление, воен. штабквартира [rɪt∫] богатый; syn.: wealthy; opp.: poor [ɪm′bəŋkmənt] набережная [p‫ב‬ɪnt] место; syn.: location, spot [‚mædəmtυ′s‫ב‬:dz] музей восковых фигур мадам Тюссо [′rezɪdəns] местожительство, местопребывание, резиденция [frɪ ′kwent] часто посещать [mɪl] фабрика, завод; syn.: factory, plant, workshop [′sΛbз:b] пригород, pl окрестности

Ex. 19. Read, translate and discuss the text. London London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom, its economic political, commercial and cultural centre. London was originally established by the Romans, as Londinium, in the first century A.D. and became the capital of England in the XIth century. London is situated on both banks of the River Thames. It is one of the world’s most important ports and one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is about nine million people. Traditionally London is divided into four main parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End. The City is the heart (centre) of London, its commercial and business part. Numerous banks, offices and firms are concentrated there. Here you can find the Bank of London, the Stock Exchange and the Lloyds, the most famous insurance 89

company in the world. Only 5,000 people live in the City and more than a million people come there to work. The City is the oldest part of the capital and is rich in famous sights. Among the first historic buildings is the Tower of London, built in 1087. It was founded by William the Conqueror with the aim of protecting Londoners from invasion by the river. Since then the Tower has served as a fortress, palace, state prison and the royal treasury. Now it is a museum. Close by the Tower of London are Tower Bridge, built in 1894, and St. Paul’s Cathedral, the second largest church in Europe. Most governmental buildings are situated in Westminster. On the left bank of the Thames is Westminster Palace, famous as the Houses of Parliament. It is the seat of the British Parliament. The Clock Tower with the hour-bell called “Big Ben” is known the world over. Westminster Abbey is a very large Gothic church in Westminster. Many visitors to the Abbey are attracted to Poets’ Corner, with its memorials to great men of letters. Many outstanding statesmen, painters, writers and poets are buried here. Among them are Charles Dickens, Rudyard Kipling and others. There are also memorials to William Shakespeare and Walter Scott. Nearly all English kings and queens have been crowned in Westminster Abbey. The Prime Minister of the UK lives at 10 Downing Street. Just around the corner in the street called Whitehall are all the important ministries: the Foreign Office, the Ministry of Defence, the Home Office and the Treasury. Scotland Yard, the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police, is situated on the Thames Embankment close to the Houses of Parliament. The West End is the richest part of London, the symbol of wealth and luxury. It is the area of the largest department stores, cinemas and hotels. There are a lot of theatres, concert halls, museums including the British Museum. Trafalgar Square is often considered the heart of London. It was built in honour of Admiral Lord Nelson after his victory in 1805 at the Battle of Trafalgar (in Spain). Nelson’s Column, with the statue of Admiral Lord Nelson on top, rises in the centre of Trafalgar Square. Madamе Tussaud’s museum of wax figures is in Baker Street. Piccadilly Circus is a busy square in the heart of London. It is the centre of night life in the West End. Buckingham Palace is the residence of the Queen, near which you can watch the most colourful ceremony “Changing of the Queen’s Guard”. Hyde Park is one of the most popular and most frequented points in London. It is famous for its Speaker’s Corner. People go there when they want to tell other people about their political opinions. The East End is the poorest part of London. It is the most densely populated district of London. Most of the working people live here. All the factories, mills, workshops and docks are concentrated in the East End. One may say that the East End is the hands of London, those hands which built the banks of the 90

City, the palaces, hotels, theatres, rich houses and department stores in the West End. Many people live outside the centre of London in the suburbs, and they travel to work by train, bus or underground (“The Tube”). Ex. 20. Translate into English. 1). был основан; 2) делиться на…; 3) самая богатая часть Лондона; 4) рядом с …; 5) Фондовая биржа; 6) страховая компания; 7) историческое сооружение (здание); 8) Уильям Завоеватель; 9) лондонцы; 10) государственная тюрьма; 11) Собор Святого Павла; 12) на левом берегу Темзы; 13) Вестминстерский дворец; 14) парламент Великобритании (здание парламента); 15) самый богатый район Лондона; 16) Вестминстерское Аббатство; 17) часовая башня; 18) готическая церковь; 19) Уголок поэтов; 20) Трафальгарская площадь; 21) за углом; 22) Министерство иностранных дел; 23) Министерство обороны; 24) МВД; 25) столичная (лондонская) полиция; 26) Трафальгарское сражение (битва); 27) Колонна Нельсона; 28) Букингемский дворец; 29) Смена королевского караула; 30) Гайд-парк; 31) самая яркая (красочная) церемония; 32) одно из самых часто посещаемых мест Лондона; 33) политические взгляды (убеждения); 34) густо населенный район; 35) можно сказать, что…; 36) Пиккадилли-Серкус (площадь Пиккадилли). Ex. 21. Discuss the following questions. 1. Where is London situated? 2. What part does London play in the life of the UK? 3. What parts is London divided into? What are they? 4. What is the population of London? 5. What are the most famous ancient buildings of London? 6. What part of London can be called a rich man’s world? 7. Why do they say that the East End is the hands of London? 8. What is the most colourful ceremony in London? 9. Where is the residence of the Queen and that of the Prime Minister? 10. What is the administrative district of London? Memorize the following words and word combinations. 1) Excuse me, how can I get to the…? 2) Excuse me, is there a … near here? 3) Excuse me, can / could you tell me the way to the …? 4) Excuse me, which is the shortest way to the …? 5) Excuse me, am I right for the …?

a) (Это) далеко отсюда? b) Извините, я правильно иду к …? c) Идите по этой улице до светофора, затем поверните направо. d) (Примерно) в пяти минутах ходьбы. e) Вы не пройдете мимо.


6) Excuse me, where is the nearest …? 7) Excuse me, which buses go to …? 8) Is it far from here?

f) Сойдите на остановке «Горсовет». g) Извините, здесь поблизости есть …? h) Извините, как быстрее добраться до …? 9) Go straight on / ahead. i) Сядьте на 51-й автобус. 10) Cross the road. j) Извините, какие автобусы идут до …? 11) Turn left at the crossroads. k) Извините, как мне доехать / дойти до …? 12) Take bus fifty-one. l) Это там. 13) Get off at the Gorsovet bus stop. m) Извините, где ближайшая/ий …? 14) How much is it to the airport? n) Пройдите мимо цирка. 15) Turn round the corner at the library. o) Поверните направо на втором повороте. 16) Take the second (turning on the) right. p) Перейдите через дорогу. 17) Go down / along this street as far as q) Извините, не подскажете, как дойти the traffic lights then turn right. / доехать до …? 18) It’s on your right. r) Поверните за угол у библиотеки. 19) It’s over there. s) На перекрестке поверните налево. 20) Go past the circus. t) Идите прямо. 21) It’s about five minutes’ walk. u) Это слева от вас. 22) You can’t miss it. v) Сколько стоит доехать до аэропорта?

Ex. 22. Roleplay the dialogue “How to get to the Opera House”. See Appendix 1. INDEFINITE PRONOUNS SOME, ANY, NO, EVERY AND THEIR DERIVATIVES НЕОПРЕДЕЛЕННЫЕ МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ SOME, NO, ANY, EVERY И ИХ ПРОИЗВОДНЫЕ В утвердительных предложениях

о вещах


о людях

body one

some something что-то чтонибудь somebod ysomeon e кто-то

any anything всë, что угодно anybody anyone всякий

В вопросит. предложениях

В отрицательных предложениях

any anything что-то что-нибудь

not…any not ...anything ничего

anybody anyone кто-нибудь кто-либо

not … any- nobody body no one not … any- none [nΛn] one


no nothing ничего

В предложениях всех видов every everything всë everybody everyone всякий

о месте

ктонибудь where somewhere где-то куда-то

любой anywhere где угодно куда угодн

никто anywhere где-нибудь куда-нибудь


not … any- nowhere where нигде, нигде никуда никуда

каждый, все everywhere везде всюду

For example: We bought some flowers. Мы купили цветы. We didn’t buy any flowers. Мы не купили цветы. There’s nobody at the door. / There isn’t anybody at the door Никого нет у двери. You can catch any bus. They all go to the centre. Вы можете сесть на любой автобус. Все они идут в центр. I’m hungry I want something to eat. Я голоден, я хочу что-нибудь поесть. – What would you like? Что ты хочешь? – I don’t mind. Anything. Мне всë равно. Всë, что угодно. No cars are allowed in the city centre. Никаким машинам не разрешается въезжать в центр города. I said nothing. (= I didn’t say anything) Я ничего не сказал. Everybody loves the freedom. Все любят свободу. Nobody tells me anything. Никто ничего мне не говорит. Some употребляется в вопросительных предложениях в том случае, когда: 1. Мы ожидаем услышать положительный ответ: What’s wrong? Have you got something in your eye? Что случилось? Что-то в глаз попало? 2. Мы предлагаем что-нибудь или обращаемся с просьбой: Would you like something to eat? Хотите что-нибудь поесть? Ex. 23. Complete the sentences with some, any, somebody, anybody, anything, anywhere, something. Translate into Russian. 1. She is very secretive. She never says …. 2. Can you give me … information about places of interest in the town? 3. I didn’t have … money, so I had to borrow …. 4. You can cash these traveller’s cheques (дорожные, туристскиечеки) at ... bank. 5. We slept in a park because we didn’t have … to stay. 6. … who saw the accident should contact the police. 7. Quick, let’s go! There’s … coming and I don’t want … to see us. 8. With the special tourist train ticket you can travel on … train you like. 9. You must be hungry. Would you like … to eat? 10. … ravens live outside the Tower of London and it is said that … terrible will happen to England if they leave. 11. We didn’t understand anything the teacher said. 12. Somebody ate the last piece of cake. 93

Ex. 24. Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences. 1. We cannot pretend that anything has happened. 2. I’ve read any good books lately. 3. Would you like something chicken? 4. We have never done something to hurt him. 5. Let me explain some to you. 6. There’s nothing chocolate in the cupboard. 7. Do you have some brothers or sisters? 8. The teacher gave us any homework. 9. Did you meet someone new at the conference? 10. Let’s go anywhere warm on our next vacation. 11. There aren’t some street lamps in the village. Ex. 25. Translate into English using some, any, no and their derivatives. 1. В холодильнике нет молока. 2. Я ничего не знаю об этом. 3. Входи. Мне нужно кое-что рассказать тебе. 4. Он не может помочь нам. У него нет свободного времени. 5. Я не могу найти свой кошелек нигде. 6. Кто-то забыл выключить свет перед уходом. 7. Ты знаешь что-нибудь об аварии? 8. Хочешь что-нибудь поесть? 9. В этом городе нечего делать. 10. Он никуда не пошел. 11. Никому не нравится новый фильм. 12. Ты сделал какиенибудь ошибки? 13. У него нет сестер, но есть два брата. 14. У вас есть еще какие-нибудь вопросы? PRONOUNS MUCH, MANY, (A) LITTLE, (A) FEW, A LOT OF, PLENTY МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ MUCH, MANY, (A) LITTLE, (A) FEW, A LOT OF, PLENTY Countable nouns Many – много Few – мало A few – несколько

Uncountable nouns Much – много Little – мало A little – немного

Countable and uncountable nouns A lot of – много Plenty of – много

Ex. 26. Translate into Russian. 1. We had a lot of questions. 2. The police would like to ask him a few questions. 3. A lot of guests were expected, but few came. 4. There are a few restaurants in this town. 5. They had many opportunities to practice their English. 6. “How much do you want? – Just a little, please”. 7. We spent too much money. 8. Many people drive too fast. 9. If you don’t hurry we’ll miss our train. There’s little time to spare. 10. There isn’t much space in this classroom. 94

Ex. 27. Complete the sentences by using much, many, few or little. 1. There’s too … violence in the world. 2. There are too … people on the bus. 3. Most of the town is modern. There are … old buildings. 4. I’m not very busy today. I haven’t got … to do. 5. The weather has been very dry recently. We’ve had … rain. 6. We must hurry. We’ve got very … time. 7. The museum was very crowded. There were too … people. 8. I’d like to practice my English more but I have … opportunity. 9. We haven’t got … luggage. 10. It’s a difficult text. I’ve had to look … words in the dictionary. Ex. 28. Choose the right variant. Translate into Russian. 1. There was little / few traffic, so we arrived earlier than we expected. 2. Did you take much / many photographs when you were on holiday? 3. How much / many money is in your wallet? 4. Can you lend me few / a few dollars? 5. I can’t give you a decision yet. I need little / a little time to think. 6. I don’t know much Spanish – only few / a few words. 7. I’m sure we’ll find somewhere to stay. There are few / plenty of hotels. 8. There aren’t much / many food on the table. 9. Your English is good. You make very a few / few mistakes. 10. I drink very little / many coffee. I don’t like it. Ex. 29. Find and correct mistakes if any. 1. I don’t know many people in this town. 2. This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so little tourists come here. 3. They’ve got so much money they don’t know what to do with it. 4. This is a very boring place to live. There’s much to do. 5. Let’s go and have a drink. We have many time. 6. He is very popular. He has much friends. Ex. 30. Choose the right variant. 1. Would you like some / something / much cherries? 2. She didn’t tell nobody / somebody / anybody about her plans. 3. My job is very easy. Anybody / Nobody / Some could do it. 4. Unfortunately some / somebody / anybody was injured in the accident. 5. Did you go anywhere / somewhere / everywhere else before coming home? 6. She had little money, so I left her any / some / no. 7. There are many / much / little paintings on the wall. 8. I need anybody / somebody / some to talk to. 9. The classroom was so crowded that there was nowhere / somewhere / anywhere to sit down. 10. I am going to buy anything / something / some fruit and vegetables. 95

Ex. 31. Read the following words paying attention to the difference. a) in pronunciation in British (BE) and American English (AE): BE AE ask [a:sk] [æsk] dance [da:ns] [dæns] twenty [′twentɪ] [′twenɪ] neither [′naiðə(r)] [′ni:ðə(r)] schedule [′∫edju:l] [′skeʤu:l] education [‚edjυ′keɪ∫n] [‚eʤu′keɪ∫n] b) in spelling in BE and AE: metre centre colour defence licence travelled dialogue

meter center color defense license traveled dialog, etc

c) in vocabulary in BE and AE: autumn car park film flat football

fall parking lot film, movie apartment soccer, etc

Memorize the following words and word combinations.. to stretch from … to to border on / upon regulations Lake Superior Lake Michigan Lake Huron Lake Erie Lake Ontario oil an aircraft a weapon in origin a native American

[stret∫] [′b‫ב‬:də] [s(j)uː’pɪərɪə] [‘mɪʃɪgən] [‘hjuər(ə)n] [‘ɪərɪ] [ɔn’tɛərɪəu] [oil] [′eəkra:ft] [‘wepən] [ɪn ′‫ב‬ridзɪn]


простираться, тянуться от…до граничить с правила, нормы (озеро) Верхнее (озеро) Мичиган (озеро) Гурон (озеро) Эри (озеро) Онтарио нефть самолёт; syn.: airplane, aeroplane оружие по происхождению коренной американец, коренной житель Америки

Ex. 32. Read and translate the text. The United States of America The Americans are identical to the British in all respects except, of course, language (O. Wilde). The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada and China). It occupies the southern part of North America and stretches from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. The USA consists of three separate parts. They are the Hawaiian [hə’waɪən] Islands, Alaska [ə’laskə] and the rest major part of the USA. The USA borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south. It also has a sea border with Russia. The USA is made up of 50 states and the District of Columbia [kə’lʌmbɪə], a special federal, independent area with its own laws and regulations, where Washington, the capital of the country, is situated. The population of the United States of America is about 250 million, who are called Americans. If we look at the map of the USA, we can see lowlands and mountains. America’s largest rivers are the Mississippi (the largest river in the world), the Missouri [mɪ’zuərɪ], the Rio Grande [ˈriəuˈɡrændɪ] and the Columbia. The Great Lakes, a group of five lakes (Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario) along the border between the US and Canada are the largest and the deepest in the USA. The climate of the country differs greatly from one part of the country to another. The coldest regions are in the north. The climate of Alaska is arctic; the climate of the central part is continental; the south has a subtropical climate. The USA is a highly developed industrial country. It produces oil, aircraft, cars, textiles, radio and television sets, weapons. Though mainly European and African in origin, Americans are made up of nearly all races and nations, including Chinese and native Americans. The largest cities of the USA are: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago [ʃɪ’kɑːgəu], Philadelphia, Detroit, San Francisco, Washington and others. The USA is the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Samuel Morse, Theodore Dreiser, O’Henry and many other famous people. Ex. 33. Translate into Russian. 1) четвертая по величине страна в мире; 2) Тихий океан; 3) Гавайские острова; 4) граничить с Канадой на севере; 5) морская граница; 6) Великие озера; 7) арктический (континентальный, субтропический) климат; 8) высокоразвитая индустриальная страна; 9) коренные американцы; 10) месторождения, родина.


Ex. 34. Say if these sentences are true (T) or false (F). 1. The USA is situated in the southern part of North America. 2. The population of the USA is less than 200 million people. 3. The climate of the country is varied. 4. There are 50 states in the USA. 5. The Great Lakes are on the USMexico border. 6. The USA is washed by the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. 7. The Great Lakes is a group of four lakes. 8. New York is the capital of America. 9. The climate of Alaska is continental. 10. The USA doesn’t export weapons. Ex. 35. Retell the text answering the questions. 1. What territory does the USA occupy? 2. How many parts does the USA consist of? What are they? 3. What countries does the USA border on? 4. What is the USA made up of? 5. What is the district of Columbia? 6. What is the capital city of the USA? 7. How are people called in the USA? 8. How can the relief of the USA be characterized? 9. What are the rivers and lakes of the USA? 10. What is the climate of the country? 11. How can you characterize the economy of the USA? 12. What nations are Americans made of? 13. What are the largest cities of the USA? 14. What well-known people were born in the USA? What are they famous for? Ex. 36. Roleplay the dialogue “At a Booking Office”. See Appendix 1. Memorize the following words and word combinations. a district to confuse (with) to pick to belong (to sb / sth) to name in honour (AE honor) of sb a residence a resident a resident population a commuter a citadel a domestic security a pond to concern to be free to visitors

[′dɪstrɪkt] [kən′fju:z] [pɪk] [bɪ′l‫כ‬ŋ] [′‫כ‬nə] [′rezɪdəns] [′rezɪdənt] [kə′mju:tə] [′sɪtədl] [p‫כ‬nd] [kən′sə:n]

район, округ путать (с) выбирать, выбрать; syn.: choose принадлежать (кому-л. / чему-либо) назвать в честь кого-либо; syn.: to name after sb пребывание, проживание; дом, жилище, резиденция (постоянный) житель постоянное население тот, кто регулярно ездит на работу в город из пригорода; пассажир, пользующийся сезонным билетом крепость, цитадель внутренняя / национальная безопасность пруд заниматься (чем-либо) быть бесплатным для посетителей 98

Ex. 37. Read and translate the text. Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. (also Washington, the District of Columbia, the District, D.C.) is the capital of the United States of America. Do not confuse it with the State of Washington, which is located in the northwest of the US. The capital was named after the first American President George Washington. He picked this place for the capital city near his home, Mount Vernon, Virginia. Washington, D.C. does not belong to any of the 50 states. It’s a city and district. It is located in the District of Columbia, which is on the east coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The district was named in honor of Columbus, the discoverer of America. Washington, D.C. was founded in 1790. It is situated on the north bank of the Potomac River. It has a resident population of about 600,000; however, because of commuters from the surrounding suburbs, its population rises to over one million during the work week. Washington, D.C. has no industry, it is a government center of the US. It is the place where the federal government works and where each President of the United States lives. The most famous building is the White House, the official residence of the President of the United States. It is situated at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Other important buildings are the Capitol where Congress meets to make the laws of the country and the Supreme Court, the citadel of the justice. The Capitol is located in the very center of Washington, D.C. not far from the Library of Congress. It is situated on the Capitol Hill. There are no skyscrapers in the city. The Capitol is the highest building in the city. There is a law in Washington, D.C. not to build buildings higher than the Capitol. The Capitol is the home of the United States Congress. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the police department, is located in the capital too. It concerns domestic security and federal crimes. The most beautiful place in the city is the Mall, a big park with ponds where one can see the Washington Monument (people call it “the pencil” because it is very high), the Lincoln Memorial and the Jefferson Memorial. Washington, D.C. is famous for its fine museums and art galleries. Most of them are free to visitors. Ex. 38. Translate into English. 1) округ Колумбия; 2) северо-запад; 3) первооткрыватель Америки; 4) быть названным в честь первого президента Америки; 5) быть расположенным (2); 6) постоянное население; 7) Капитолий; Капитолийский холм; 8) небоскрёб; 9) цитадель правосудия; 10) жители пригородов, работающие в городе (ежедневно ездящие в город на работу); 11) Верховный суд; 99

12) рабочая неделя; 13) в самом центре Вашингтона; 14) федеральное правительство; 15) бесплатный; 16) национальная безопасность; 17) восточное побережье Атлантического океана. Ex. 39. Retell the text answering the following questions. 1. Why isthe capital of the USA called Washington, D.C.? 2. Does it belong to any state? 3. Where is it located? 4. Why is Washington, D.C. called a government center? 5. What government buildings are there in the city? 6. What is the Mall? 7. What memorials can you visit in Washington, D.C.? Ex. 40. Roleplay the dialogue “In the Hotel”. See Appendix 1. Ex. 41. Read and translate the following texts. Moscow Moscow is the capital of Russia, its political, economic, commercial and cultural centre. It was founded in 1147 by Prince Yuri Dolgorukiy. Moscow is situated on the Moskva River. In the 16th century under Ivan the Terrible Moscow became the capital of a new united state. Though Peter the Great moved the capital to St Petersburg in 1712, Moscow remained the heart of Russia. That is why it became the main target of Napoleon’s attack. Three-quarters of the city was destroyed by fire during Napoleon’s occupation, but by the mid-19th century Moscow had been completely restored. After the October Revolution Moscow became the capital again. Now Moscow is one of the largest cities in Europe. Its total area is about nine hundred square kilometres. The population of the city is over 11.5 million. Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The heart of Moscow is the Red Square. The Kremlin and St Basil’s Cathedral are masterpieces of ancient Russian architecture. The main Kremlin tower, the SpasskayaTower, has become the symbol of the country. On the territory of the Kremlin you can see old cathedrals, the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, the Tzar-Cannon and the Tzar-Bell, the biggest cannon and bell in the world. There are more than 100 museums in Moscow. The largest museums are the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the State Tretyakov Gallery. Other unique museums in Moscow include the All-Russia Museum of Folk Arts, the Andrei Rublev Museum of Early Russian Art, Alexei Bakhrushin Theatre Museum, Mikhail Glinka Museum of Musical Culture and many others. Moscow is famous for its theatres. The best known of them is the Bolshoi Opera House. Drama theatres and studios are also very popular. 100

Moscow is a city of students. There are over 100 higher educational institutions in it. Moscow is the seat of our Government. President of Russia lives and works there. Ufa Ufa is the capital of a multinational sovereign Republic of Bashkortostan within the Russian Federation. It was founded in 1574. Ufa is located in the east of Europe at the confluence of the Ufa (the Ufimka), the Agidel (the Belaya) and the Dyoma Rivers. The city covers the area of 468.4 square kilometres. Its population is over 1 million people. Ufa today is a major industrial, agrarian, scientific and cultural centre of the country. It produces diesel fuel, petrol, herbicides, caustic soda, aircraft and car engines, agricultural machinery, light and food industry products, medicines. The city exports machinery and equipment, raw materials and consumer goods. There are a lot of higher educational institutions (the Bashkir State University, the Medical State University, the Pedagogical State University, Ufa State Aviation Technical University,Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, the Bashkir State Agrarian University, Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Ufa State Academy of Arts, etc), high schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, the Bashkir Academy of Sciences and a number of research institutes. There are a lot of theatres (the Bashkir Academic Drama Theatre, the Bashkir State Opera and Ballet House, the State Academic Russian Drama Theatre of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa State Tatar theatre “Nur”, the Puppet Theatre), cinemas, museums, libraries, the circus, the Bashkir State Philharmonic Society, the Palace of Sports, Ufa-Arena Ice Sports Palace. There is a number of monuments (the Monument to Friendship, the Monument to Salavat Yulaev, the Monument to Feodor Ivanovich Shalyapin, etc), parks, hotels, banks and historical buildings in Ufa. There are two bus stations, a railway station, an airport and a river port in our city. Ex. 42. Write a short letter about your native town to your pen-friend.

1. I’ve got … in my eye. a) something b) some

c) somewhere

2. My house is … than yours. a) biggest b) big

c) bigger 101

3. … likes tea. a) Everyhing

b) Everybody

c) Everywhere

4. We haven’t got … petrol. We need to stop and get some. a) much b) many c) little 5. Has … seen my bag? a) any b) someone

c) anyone

6. He never has … luck with the lottery. a) some b) any

c) something

7. You travel a lot. Have you been to … countries? a) many b) much c) few 8. Don’t worry. … can tell you where the post-office in this town is. a) Any b) Anyone c) Some 9. The … is the deepest and the most important river in the UK. a) Thames b) Severn c) Avon 10. Ben Nevis in … is the highest mountain. a) England b) Scotland c) Wales 11. The USA is made up of … states. a) 52 b) 53

c) 50

12. The Great Lakes is a group of … lakes. a) 5 b) 4 c) 6 13. The … is the largest river in the world. a) Missouri b) Mississippi c) Columbia 14. Which capital is named after the river? a) Moscow b) London c) Washington, D.C. 15. Which capital was named after the first president of the country? a) Moscow b) London c) Washington, D.C. 16. Which capital was founded by the Romans? a) Moscow b) London c) Washington, D.C. 102

17. Which capital was founded by Remus and Romulus? a) Athens b) Rome c) Oslo 18. Which capital was named after the goddess of wisdom? a) Athens b) Rome c) Oslo 19. In Trafalgar Square you can find … . a) Big Ben b) Buckingham Palace

c) Nelson’s Column

20. 10 Downing Street in London is the home of … . a) Prince Charles b) Sherlock Holmes c) the British Prime Minister 21. London was founded by the … . a) Greeks b) Romanians

c) Romans

22. The Tower of London is now a … . a) museum b) fortress

c) prison

23. Home Office is in … . a) Downing Street b) Whitehall

c) Fleet Street

24. The underground railway system in London is called … . a) the Tube b) the Metro c) the Subway 25. Buckingham Palace is the residence of …. a) the Prime Minister b) the Home Secretary

c) the Queen

26. Big Ben is really the name of the … . a) clock bell b) clock

c) tower

27. Picadilly Circus is a … . a) circus b) street

c) square

28. Madam Tussaud’s is the most popular … in the world. a) Portrait Gallery b) Museum of Fine Arts c) Wax Museum 29. Washington, D.C. is located on the bank of the … River. a) Mississippi b) Potomac c) Missouri 30. Washington, D.C. is not contained in any … . a) state b) district c) city


31. The White House is the home of the …. a) US government b) US Department of Defense c) US president 32. Washington, D.C. has no … . a) museums b) skyscrapers

c) parks

33. The Mall is a … in Washington, D.C. a) high hill b) big park

c) large shopping center

34. The Capitol is the seat of the … . a) Supreme Court b) Government

c) Congress

35. The US Supreme Court is the citadel of … . a) sciences b) justice

c) arts

36. The FBI deals with … . a) federal crimes b) international crimes

c) petty crimes

37. Who was the first President of the USA? a) Lincoln b) Washington

c) Jefferson


SECTION II JURIDICAL UNIT 5 THE RF CONSTITUTION. GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Even when laws have been written down, they ought not always to remain unaltered. Aristotle Practice the pronunciation of tongue twisters [p]-[b] При произнесении [p], [b] губы, смыкаясь, образуют полную преграду. Размыкание преграды осуществляется быстро и энергично. [p] – глухой согласный произносится с аспирацией. [b] – звонкий согласный. A British builder built a building of brown bricks, A Bulgarian builder built a building of black bricks, A Brazilian builder built a building of blue bricks. But which building will be a bit bad? A brave biker booked a B&B in Brussels With a big bath behind a blue basin in the bathroom, With a brown wardrobe between the bath and the bed, And a brick basement below the bedroom and the bathroom. The police picked up a pink packet with an MP3 player And personal details in a peaceful place of a Prague’s park. It was a Polly’s present from her parents. The police put the packet to a post office.

Brothers Bean bought for their baby brother Bob’s birthday A big box of black bees, a blue box of brown beetles, And a big blue box of beautiful butterflies. But which blue box is a bit bigger? Paolo Piccolli prepared for his presentation’s party A pair of plates of pizzas with potatoes and pepper And a pair of plates of pasta with prawns. Which pair of plates pleased people at Paоlo’s party? A poor Polish pianist played popular plays from the past For Portuguese prince and princess in a Paris’ palace. The prince and princess paid the pianist plenty of pounds. The poor Polish pianist put his purse in a pocket. 105

THE PERFECT TENSES ПЕРФЕКТНЫЕ ВРЕМЕНА have + Participle II Времена группы Perfect выражают действие, совершенное, законченное к определенному моменту в настоящем, прошлом или будущем. Meaning Present

+ ? -

Period of time Past

+ ? -

Period of time Future

+ ? -

Period of time

priority (completeness, завершенность) By what time? have / has + Participle II (V3) I have / I’ve never been to America. He has / He’s never been to America. Inversion Have you / Has he ever been to America? have, has + not + Participle II (V3) We have never been to America. ever, never, just, already, not … yet, by 3 p.m. had + Participle II (V3) She had written the report before we came. Inversion Had we worked? Had he written? had + not + Participle II (V3) She hadn’t written the report before we came. yesterday by 3 p.m., before some time in the past will + have + Participle II (V3) We’ll have written the article by 3 p.m. tomorrow. Inversion Will you have written the article by 3 p.m. tomorrow? won’t / will not + have + Participle II (V3) We won’t have written the article by 3 p.m. tomorrow. tomorrow by 3 p.m., before some time in the future

На русский язык времена группы Perfect переводятся глаголом совершенного вида. The Present и Past Perfect переводятся, как правило, глаголом прошедшего времени, a The Future Perfect – глаголом будущего времени. Например: We have written a report. Мы (уже) написали доклад. He hasn’t finished his work yet. Он еще не закончил работу. I’ve seen him this afternoon. Я видел его сегодня днем. He has lived in Russia since 2010. Он живет в России с 2010 года. I have been seen you for ages. Я не видел тебя целую вечность. Yesterday I had written an article by 2 o’clock. Вчерая (уже) написал статью к 2-м часам. 106

Yesterday I had written a letter before you came. Вчера я (уже) написал письмо до того, как вы пришли. We phoned them as soon as we had heard the news. Мы позвонили им, как только получили известие. Scarcely she had corrected the mistakes in the text when she made some more. Не успела она исправить ошибки в тексте, как сделала еще несколько. Tomorrow I shall / will have written a letter by 2 o’clock. Завтра я (уже) напишу письмо к 2-м часам. Tomorrow I shall / will have written a letter before you come. Завтра я (уже) напишу письмо до того, как вы придете. Ex. 1. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to verb tenses. 1. I saw Jim last winter. I have seen Jim recently. 2. He lives in Ufa. He is living in Ufa now. He has lived in Ufa since 1961. 3. He is writing a report now. He has already written a report. 4. He wrote the report yesterday. He had written the report before his parents came back home. 5. I will write an article tomorrow. I will have written an article by 2 p.m. tomorrow. 6. I always do my homework by myself. I have already done my homework. 7. I did my homework yesterday. I had finished my homework by 10 o’clock last night. 8. I will solve the problem in an hour. I will have solved the problem by 10 a.m. next Friday. 9. Do you read newspapers every morning? Have you ever read English newspapers? 10. I met my fellow student on my way to the University. I have just met my fellow student on my way to the University. 11. Tom has finished the first chapter of his thesis and now he is writing the second one. 12. I have been to the Urals this year and John was there last year. 13. I will be learning English at 7 p.m. tomorrow. I will have learnt all the words by 7 o’clock in the evening tomorrow. 14. He published two articles last month. He has already published two articles this month. 15. We had studied hard before we took our exams. Ex. 2. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the Perfect Tenses. 1. I have just talked to our colonel. 2. Have you ever heard about it? 3. She has never been to Spain. 4. We hope you will have changed your mind by tomorrow. 5. The traffic accident had happened before it started snowing. 6. Has she heard from him recently? 7. This law will not have been adopted by May. 8. The victim had died before the ambulance arrived. 9. My friend will have retired by 2025. 10. They had learned English before they left for England. 107

11. The cadets were excited because they had never been to a crime scene before. 12. Hardly had she gone to sleep when someone cried on the street. Ex. 3. Fill in the gaps with “for” or “since”. NB! for + period of time; since + point of time 1. She has had a cold … a week. 2. She has had a cold … last week. 3. We haven’t seen him … Thursday. 4. We haven’t seen him … three weeks. 5. It was the first time they had won … 1980. 6. He has been in prison … ten years. 7. We haven’t seen each other … ages. 8. They had been good friends … university days. 9. That house has been empty … two years. 10. They have been in the police … 2015. 11. I have known them … twenty years. 12. They have known them … 2010. 13. She has had lots of work … she became a police officer. 14. I haven’t talked to him … August. 15. We haven’t been to any party … six months. Ex. 4. Translate into English using the Perfect Tenses. 1. Мы ее давно не видели. 2. Она еще не завтракала. 3. Я видел его сегодня вечером. 4. Он никогда не был в суде. 5. Она живет в Англии с прошлого года. 6. Я еще не закончила свою работу. 7. Мы дружим с прошлого года. 8. Вы когда-нибудь видели его раньше. 9. Он только что поговорил с преподавателем. 10. Мы думали, что он уже раскрыл преступление. 11. Я напишу статью к трем часам завтра. 12. Он никогда не был в Африке. 13. Вы когда-нибудь были в Париже? 14. Я позвонил ему до того, как ты пришел. 15. Ты уже вернулся из командировки (business trip)? Ex. 5. Choose the right variant. 1. He has hurt / have hurt / shall have hurt his leg. 2. They have invited / had invited / has invited us to the party before you informed me. 3. Tomorrow I have learnt / will learn / will have learnt the poem before you come. 4. He has never / ever / yet been to the USA. 5. We have yet / just / ever talked to our professor. 6. They had been enemies for / since / fore school days.7. We have ever / yet / already passed our examination. 8. The criminals have escaped / had escaped / escaped before the police arrived. 9. They phoned us as soon as they had heard / has heard / have heard the news. 10. I haven’t passed / hasn’t passed / don’t pass my driving test yet. Memorize the following words and word combinations. to amend an amendment to govern


вносить поправку, поправки (в закон); syn.: to revise, modify, alter, change поправка (к закону) управлять, руководить syn.: to admin-

[ə’mendmənt] [‘gΛvən] 108

a government

to constitute a constitution a draft constitution a written constitution an unwritten constitution a rigid constitution a flexible constitution constitutionalism to amend a constitution to violate constitution an entity to enact a law to enact legislation an enactment precise conscious generally

ister, to control [‘gΛvənmənt] 1) управление, руководство; 2) государственная власть; государственное устройство; 3) форма государственного правления; 4) правительство [‘kɔnstɪtjuːt] составлять, устанавливать syn.: to make up [kɔnstɪ’tju:∫n] 1) конституция, основной закон; 2) устав, положение; 3) устройство, состав [‘draf:ft kɔnstɪ’tju:∫n] проект конституции [‘ritn kɔnsti’tju:∫n] писаная конституция [Λn’rɪtn kɔnstɪ’tju:∫n] неписаная конституция [‘rɪdзɪd] [‘fleksəbl]

жесткая конституция гибкая конституция


конституционная форма правления вносить поправки в конституцию нарушать конституцию

[‘entɪtɪ] [ɪ’nækt]

организация-субъект принять закон syn.: to pass a law принять законодательство, принимать законы издание, принятие закона; законодательный, нормативный акт точный сознательный, осознанный обычно, как правило

[ɪ’næktment] [prɪ’saɪs] [‘kɔnʃəs] [‘ʤen(ə)r(ə)lɪ]

Ex. 6. Read and translate the text. Constitution A constitution is a system of laws and basic principles according to which a state, a country or an organization is governed. These rules together make up, i.e. constitute what the entity is. Every state has a constitution since every state functions on the basis of certain rules and principles. A constitution may be written or unwritten, rigid or flexible. A written constitution is one which is found in one or more than one legal documents, en109

acted in the form of laws. It is precise, definite and systematic. It is the result of the conscious and deliberate efforts of the people. A written constitution is generally rigid, i.e. a complicated procedure is necessary for the modification, amendment or revision of laws. An unwritten constitution is one in which most of the principles of the government has never been enacted in the form of laws. It is unsystematic, indefinite and imprecise. Such a constitution is generally the result of historical development. An unwritten constitution is generally flexible. It can be amended in an ordinary legislative procedure by the ordinary legislature. Most countries (such as Russia, the USA, Switzerland, France and others) have a formal written constitution. Many countries put the constitution above other laws by making it difficult to change. The Constitution of Great Britain is unwritten and flexible because the Parliament can “make or unmake” any law. Ex 7. Translate into English. 1) система законов; 2) на основе (основании) определенных правил; 3. писаная или неписаная конституция; 3) гибкая или жесткая конституция; 4) правовые документы; 5) принятый в виде (форме) законов; 6) сознательные и обдуманные усилия; 7) сложная процедура; 8) изменения законов; 9) внесение поправок в законы; 10) пересмотр законов; 11) историческое развитие; 12) обычно; как правило; 13) обычная законодательная процедура; 14) законодательный орган; 15) принять или отменить любой закон. Ex 8. Match the synonyms. 1) to make up 2) to amend laws 3) to function 4) to enact laws 5) to govern 6) to violate laws 7) to change

a) to operate b) to make laws c) to constitute d) to modify, to alter e) to observe laws f) to revise laws g) to control

Ex 9. Match the antonyms. 1) rigid 2) written 3) legal 4) definite 5) precise 6) complicated

a) unlawful b) indefinite c) simple d) imprecise e) unwritten f) flexible 110

Ex 10. Determine if the statements below are true (T) or false (F). 1. A constitution is a system of laws and basic principles according to which a state is governed. 2. A written constitution is one which is not found in legal documents, enacted in the form of laws. 3. A flexible constitution is easily changeable. 4. An unwritten constitution is one in which most of the principles of the government has never been enacted in the form of laws. 5. An unwritten constitution is generally flexible. 6. A rigid constitution can be amended in a complicated legislative procedure. 7. Many countries put the constitution above other laws by making it difficult to change. 8. The Constitution of Great Britain is written. Ex 11. Discuss the following questions. 1. What is a constitution? 2. Why does every state have a constitution? 3. What is the difference between a written and unwritten constitution? 4. What is a flexible constitution? 5. What is a rigid constitution? 6. Why is the Constitution of Great Britain unwritten and flexible? Memorize the following words and word combinations. a supreme law to adopt a law a nationwide referendum

[s(j)uː’priːm] [ə’dɔpt]

[ɪg’zekjutɪv ‘pauə]

высший, главный закон принять закон, syn.: to pass a law, to enact a law всенародный референдум, всенародное голосование, syn.: national / nationwide vote разделение властей, syn.: division of powers законодательная власть syn.: legislature исполнительная власть

[dзu:’dɪ∫əl ‘pauə]

судебная власть syn.: judiciary

[ˌneɪʃ(ə)n’waɪd ,rɪfe’rendəm]

separation of powers legislative power / branch executive power / branch judicial power / branch a secular state freedom of speech and press to guarantee to come into force a working constitution a preamble

[‘ledзɪslətɪv ‘pauə]

[‘sekjələ] [‘fri:dəm əv ‘spɪt∫, pres] [ˌgær(ə)n’tiː] [‘priːæmbl]


светское государство свобода слова и печати гарантировать syn.: to ensure вступать в силу (о законе) действующая конституция преамбула; вводная часть; введение, вступление, предисловие

syn.: preface, foreword to consist in заключаться в чём-либо to have a right to work иметь право на труд. human rights [‘hju:mən] права человека regardless of social [rɪ’gɑːdləs] независимо от социального origin происхождения to proclaim equal [prə’kleɪm ‘ɪ:kwəl ‘raɪts] провозглашать равные права rights to observe laws [əb’zɜːv] соблюдать законы maintenance in old зд. социальное (материальное) age обеспечение по возрасту to defend Fatherland [dɪ’fend] защищать Отечество sacred duty [‘seɪkrɪd ‘dju:tɪ] священный долг health protection охрана здоровья, здравоохранение to elect [ɪ’lekt] избирать, выбирать (голосованием) an assembly [ə’semblɪ] собрание, ассамблея a law-governed state [lɔ: gΛvend steɪt] правовое государство an inauguration [ɪˌnɔːgju’reɪʃ(ə)n] вступление в должность, инаугурация

Ex. 12. Read, translate and discuss the text. The Constitution of the Russian Federation The Constitution of the Russian Federation is Russia’s supreme law, passed through a national vote. The Constitution 1) defines the federative structure of the Russian Federation, 2) establishes the principles of sovereignty and independence of the Russian Federation, 3) defines the principle of separation of powers between legislative, executive and judicial branches, 4) establishes equality of ideologies and religions, 5) defines the Russian Federation as a secular state. The Constitution of the Russian Federation defines human rights and freedoms. In general the following constitutions came into force in our country. The first Constitution was adopted in 1918. It was the Constitution of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic (RSFSR). The second, the third and the fourth (the last) Constitutions of the Soviet Union were adopted in 1924, 1936 and in 1977. The fifth (still working) Constitution was adopted on December 12, 1993 at the all-Russia referendum. The Constitution consists of the Preamble and two sections. The first section consists of 9 chapters with 137 articles. The essence of the Constitution consists in the principle of human rights and the idea of a law-governed state. The Constitution proclaims democratic freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of assembly, etc. The 112

Constitution guarantees all citizens of the Russian Federation equal rights regardless of nationality, sex, religion and social origin. According to this Constitution the citizens of Russia have the right to work, to rest, to education, to health protection, to housing, to maintenance in old age, and so on. All citizens have the right to elect and to be elected. As for duties the citizens of Russia must observe all laws. The sacred duty of every citizen is to defend their Fatherland. A special copy of the RF Constitution is permanently kept in the library of the Presidential Administration in the Kremlin and is used only during the inauguration of the President of Russia. Ex. 13. Translate into English. 1) высший (основной) закон, принятый всенародным голосованием; 2) устанавливать принципы суверенности и независимости; 3) определять принцип разделения властей; 4) законодательная, исполнительная и судебная власть; 5) светское государство; 6) права и свободы человека; 7) принимать конституцию; 8) конституция состоит из преамбулы и двух разделов; 8) первый раздел конституции состоит из 9 глав и 137 статей, 9) сущность конституции; 10) провозглашать демократические свободы; 10) свобода слова и печати, свобода собраний; 11) гарантировать всем гражданам России равные права независимо от национальности, пола, религии и социального происхождения; 12) иметь право на труд, на отдых, на образование, на охрану здоровья; 13) иметь право на жилище, на социальное обеспечение по возрасту; 14) защита Отечества является священным долгом каждого гражданина Российской Федерации. Ex. 14. Match the English and Russian equivalents. 1) to have the right to work 2) to guarantee equal rights 3) to elect and to be elected 4) to proclaim the freedom of speech 5) to adopt a constitution 6) to enact a law 7) to observe a laws 8) to govern a state

a) управлять государством b) соблюдать закон c) принять закон d) принять конституцию e) провозглашать свободу слова f) иметь право на труд g) избирать и быть избранным h) гарантировать равные права

Ex. 15. Match the synonyms. 1) division 2) power 3) duty

a) constant b) legislative c) protection 113

4) freedom 5) law-making 6) preamble 7) defense 8) permanent 9) define

d) preface , foreword e) authority f) obligation, responsibility g) determine h) liberty i) separation

Ex. 16. Match the antonyms. 1) various 2) dependence 3) illicit 4) official 5) equal 6) secular 7) old

a) informal b) young c) unequal d) similar e) religious f) independence g) lawful, legal

Ex 17. Discuss the following questions. 1. The Constitution defines the Russian Federation as a secular state, doesn’t it? 2. What does the Constitution of the Russian Federation establish? 3. What human rights and freedoms does the Constitution of the Russian Federation define? 4. How many constitutions did come into force in our country? 5. When was the current Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted? 6. What parts does the RF Constitution consist of? 7. How many chapters and articles does the first section of the Constitution consist of? 8. What are the duties of the citizens of Russia? 9. What is the sacred duty of every Russian citizen? 10. Where is a special copy of the RF Constitution kept? 11. When is a special copy of the RF Constitution used? Memorize the following words and word combinations. a constituent entity of the RF to vest in Federal Assembly Federation Council State Duma a chamber an upper /a lower chamber / house to exercise a deputy chairman

[kən’stɪtjuənt ‘entɪtɪ] [əˈsɛmblɪ] [ˈkaʊns(ə)l] [‘ʧeɪmbə] [‘eksəsaɪz] [ˈdɛpjʊtɪ

субъект РФ syn.: the subject of the RF, federal subject принадлежать (о правах, власти) Федеральное Собрание Совет Федерации Государственная Дума палата (парламента, суда) верхняя / нижняя палата (парламента) осуществлять заместитель председателя 114

a chairperson Prime Minister to appoint to dissolve to announce to declare justice to administer justice Supreme Court criminal / civil proceeding(s) to correspond to a criminal case to make sure of / that an instance

ˈtʃɛːmən] [ˈtʃɛːpəːs(ə)n] [praɪm ˈmɪnɪstə] [ə’pɔɪnt] [dɪ’zɔlv] [ə’nauns] [dɪ’klɛə] [‘ʤʌstɪs] [əd’mɪnɪstə] [suːˈpri:m] [prə’siːdɪŋ(z)] [kɒrɪˈspɒnd]


председатель (мужчина или женщина) премьер-министр назначать (на должность) распускать (партию, парламент) объявлять; сообщать заявлять, объявлять правосудие, юстиция отправлять правосудие Верховный суд уголовное / гражданское судопроизводство соответствовать уголовное дело быть уверенным (в чём-л.) , убедиться, удостовериться юр. инстанция

Ex. 18. Read, translate and retell the text. The Government and Politics of the Russian Federation Russia is a democratic federative law-governed state with a republican form of government. The population of Russia is about 150 million people and the territory is 6.6 million square miles (17 million square kilometers). The Russian Federation consists of 85 constituent entities (republics, krays, oblasts, cities of federal significance, an autonomous oblast and autonomous okrugs, which have equal rights). The Russian Federative Republic was set up by the Constitution of 1993. Under the Constitution full authority in the Russian Federation belongs to the President and the bodies of the legislative, executive and judicial authorities, which work independently. The legislative power is vested in the Federal Assembly (the Parliament). It consists of two chambers: the Federation Council (the upper chamber) and the State Duma (the lower chamber). The Federation Council includes two representatives from each constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The State Duma consists of 450 deputies. The Federal Assembly is a permanently functioning body. The Federation Council and the State Duma sit separately. Each chamber forms committees and commissions to hold appropriate hearings. The executive power is exercised by the government which consists of the Chairman of the Government (the Prime Minister), deputy chairmen and the federal ministers. The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation is appointed by the President with the consent of the State Duma. The President 115

dissolves the State Duma and announces new elections. The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation proposes to the President candidates for the posts of deputy chairmen of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal ministers. Justice in the Russian Federation is administered by courts alone. The judicial power is exercised by means of constitutional, civil, administrative and criminal proceedings. Thus, the judicial branch consists of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme and lower (district) courts. The responsibility of the Constitutional Court is to analyze new laws to make sure they correspond to the laws of the state. The Constitutional Court has the right to declare actions of the President, the Federal Assembly and the Federal Government unconstitutional. The Supreme Court is the highest instance for civil and criminal cases. Ex. 19. Translate into Russian. 1. Совет Федерации и Государственная Дума заседают раздельно. 2. Федеральное Собрание является постоянно действующим органом. 3. Федеральное Собрание (парламент Российской Федерации) является законодательным органом Российской Федерации. 4. Исполнительную власть Российской Федерации осуществляет Правительство Российской Федерации. 5. Правосудие в Российской Федерации осуществляется только судом. 6. Судебная власть осуществляется посредством конституционного, гражданского, административного и уголовного судопроизводства. Ex. 20.Match the English and Russian equivalents. 1) constituent entity 2) deputy chairman 3) executive branch 4) legislative branch 5) judicial branch 6) criminal case 7) civil case 8) criminal proceedings 9) upper chamber 10) lowerchamber

a) законодательная власть b) уголовное дело d) субъект федерации e) уголовное судопроизводство f) нижняя палата g) гражданское дело h) исполнительная власть i) заместитель председателя j) судебная власть k) верхняя палата

Ex. 21. Discuss the following questions. 1. What kind of state is Russia? 2. What is the population of Russia? 3. How many constituent entities are there in the Russian Federation? 4. What cities of federal significance in Russia do you know? 5. Who is the head of state in Russia? 6. What power is represented by the Federal Assembly? 7. What is 116

the structure of the Federal Assembly? 8. What is the structure of the Russian government? 9. What are the duties of the President of Russia? 10. What does the judicial branch consist of? Ex. 22. Read and translate the text using a dictionary. The President of Russia The President is elected for a six-year term by the citizens of the Russian Federation (RF) on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot. Any citizen of the RF not younger than 35 years of age and with a permanent residence record in the Russian Federation of not less than 10 years may be elected President of the Russian Federation. The status of the President of the Russian Federation is defined in chapter four of the Constitution. The President of the RF is the head of the state and the guarantor of the Constitution and of human and civil rights and liberties. He takes measures to protect the sovereignty of the RF, its independence and integrity, and ensures the concerted functioning and interaction of all bodies of state power. The President defines the basic domestic and foreign policy guidelines of the state. The President is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. He resolves issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation, award state decorations and grant pardons. Ex. 23. Translate into English. 1) избирать сроком на шесть лет; 2) прямое избирательное право; 3) тайное голосование; 4) постоянное проживание (место жительства); 5) гарант конституции; 6) права и свободы человека и гражданина; 7) принимать меры; 8) согласованное взаимодействие; 9) органы государственной власти; 10) основные направления внутренней и внешней политики государства; 11) главнокомандующий вооруженными силами; 12) решать вопросы о гражданстве; 13) присуждать государственные награды; 14) даровать помилование. Ex. 24. Match the words with their definitions. 1) president 2) citizen 3) 4) 5) 6)

residence suffrage ballot sovereignty

a) the right to vote in political elections b) a system of voting secretly and in writing on a particular issue c) the elected head of a state d) self-governing state e) the fact of living in a particular place f) a native or naturalized member of a state


Ex. 25. Read, translate and discuss the text. The Constitution and the State System of Bashkortostan The Constitution of Bashkortostan was adopted on December 24, 1993. The Constitution defines the principal vectors of political, economic and social development of the republic. Article 1 of the Constitution stipulates that Bashkortostan is a sovereign state within Russia. The Republic of Bashkortostan is a full-fledged subject of the Russian Federation. The Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan (“bashlygy” in the local language) is appointed by the President of Russia for a five-year term. According to the Constitution, the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan guarantees the realization of human rights and liberties, protects economic and political interests of the Republic of Bashkortostan, and secures legitimacy, law and order within its territory. The Republic’s parliament is the State Assembly – Kurultai, popularly elected every five years. The one-chamber State Assembly has 120 deputies. The judicial power of the republic is in the hands of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals, district courts, and justices of the peace. Ex.26. Translate into English. 1) принимать конституцию; 2) полноправный субъект РФ; 3) глава республики Башкортостан; 4) согласно (по) конституции; 5) защищать экономические и политические интересы РБ; 6) гарантировать законность; 7) правопорядок на территории республики; 8) всенародно избираемый каждые 5 лет; 9) однопалатное Государственное Собрание; 10) Верховный суд; 11) Апелляционный суд; 12) районный суд; 13) мировые судья. Ex. 27. Make up different types of questions to the following sentences. 1. The Constitution of Bashkortostan was adopted on December 24, 1993. 2. The Constitution defines the principal vectors of development – political, economic and social. 3. The Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan is appointed by the President of Russia. 4. The term of office of the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan is five years. 5. According to the Constitution, the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan guarantees rights and liberties of the country’s people and citizens. 6. The Republic’s parliament is the State Assembly – Kurultai. 7. The one-chamber State Assembly has 120 deputies. 8. The judicial power of the republic is in the hands of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals, district courts, and justices of the peace. 118

Ex. 28. Take part in a debate on the state power of Russia. Use the following scheme. The Government Branches Legislative The Federal

Executive The Cabinet of Ministers (or the Government)

Judicial System of courts Assembly (the Supreme and other courts)

The Council of Federation

Ex. 29. Role-play the dialogue “The Branches of State Power in Russia”. See Appendix 1. Ex. 30. Suppose, you are a law-maker. Invent a draft of a new constitution in 120-180 words. Present the draft to your group mates. Respond to their comments and recommendations. If it’s necessary, make some corrections. Then, go through your final version.

1. My parents … just … back home. a) has … come b) had … come c) have … come 2. … Mark … his keys yet? a) Has … found b) Have … found

c) Does … find

3. He has had a cold … a few days. a) for b) since

c) before

4. I … scarcely … my eyes when the phone rang. a) had … closed b) has … closed c) have … closed 5. … you … from Tom recently? a) Has … heard b) Have … heard

c) Does … hear

6. Alex told me he … never … to London. a) has … been b) had … been

c) have … been

7. Do you know where Jack is? We … him for ages. a) hasn’t seen b) havn’t seen c) haven’t seen 8. By next December I … for this company for ten years. a) have worked b) will have worked c) had worked 119

9. She … just … to the President. a) has … talked b) have … talked

c) has … talkd

10. They … the law by next August. a) has adopted b) had adopted

c) will have adopted

11. A … may be written or unwritten, rigid or flexible a) constitution b) preamble c) legal document 12. An unwritten constitution is generally … . a) written b) rigid

c) flexible

13. The legislative power is vested in the … . a) Federal Assembly b) Prime Minister

c) State Duma

14. The executive power is exercised by the … . a) President b) government c) Parliament 15. The judicial power is exercised by … . a) Federation Council b) courts

c) State Duma

16. The President of the RF is the … of the state. a) head b) heart c) hearth 17. The Head of the RB is appointed by the … of Russia. a) Prime Minister b) President c) parliament 18. The citizens of Russia must observe all … . a) lawyers b) lawyer

c) laws

19. In general … constitutions came into force in our country. a) four b) five c) fifth 20. The Supreme Court is the highest instance for civil and criminal …. a) cases b) courses c) causes


UNIT 6 THE BRITISH CONSTITUTION. PARLIAMENT AND GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED KINGDOM If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law. Winston Churchill Practice the pronunciation of tongue twisters. [ n] В отличие от русского звука [н], который произносится при помощи языка, упирающегося в передние верхние зубы, английский звук [n] произносится с участием кончика языка, который касается тканей за передними верхними зубами (альвеол), но не самих зубов и образует полную преграду. Мягкое небо опущено, воздух проходит через полость носа. Nanny Nancy never naps at nights at her nineteen, Nanny Nelly nid-nods at nights at her ninety. If Nanny Nancy napped at nights at her nineteen, Would Nanny Nelly nid-nod at nights at her ninety?

Ninety nice nestlings nestle in nine nests, Nine nice nestlings nestle in ninety nests. If ninety nice nestlings didn’t nestle in nine nests, Would nine nice nestlings nestle in ninety nests?

[ŋ] Аналогов звуку [ŋ] в русском языке нет. При его произнесении задняя часть языка касается мягкого неба. Кончик языка не поднимается к альвеолам, а находится у основания нижних зубов. Воздух проходит через полость носа. A single singer is walking along the bank Singing a languishing song And bringing pink pinks for his darling. Is anything wrong with the single singer’s song?


A young banker is thinking of giving A thanking banquet at Thanksgiving. Is the young banker thinking of something For drinking at the Thanksgiving banquet?


+ ? -

Period of time Past

+ ? -

Period of time Future

+ ? -

Period of time

priority + process (завершенность + процесс) Since what time? How long? have / has + been + Ving I have / I’ve been thinking about you. He has / He’s been thinking about you. Inversion Have you been thinking about her? have / has + not + been + Ving You have not been thinking about her since 3 p.m., for a long time, for a month … had + been + Ving We had been writing the article for three hours yesterday. Inversion Had you been writing the article for three hours yesterday? had + not + been + Ving We hadn’t been writing the article for three hours yesterday. yesterday since 3 p.m., for some time in the past will + have + been + Ving We’ll have been writing the article since 3 p.m. tomorrow Inversion Will you have been writing the article since 3 p.m. tomorrow? won’t / will not + have + been + Ving We won’t have been writing the article since 3 p.m. tomorrow. tomorrow since 3 p.m., for some time in the future

Времена группы Perfect Continuous употребляются для выражения действия, которое началось до определенного момента в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем и продолжалось вплоть до этого момента. Например: It is raining now. It began to rain two hours ago and it is still raining. It has been raining for two hours. Сейчас идет дождь. Дождь начался два часа назад и идет до сих пор. Дождь идет уже два часа. Времена группы Perfect Continuous обычно переводятся на русский язык глаголами несовершенного вида, причем Present Perfect Continuous в отличие от Present Perfect переводится глаголом настоящего времени с добавлением наречия уже: She has been typing letters all day. She is very tired. Она печатает письма уже целый день. Она очень устала. NB! The Present Perfect Continuous Tense подчеркивает длительность действия, в то время, как Present Perfect – факт совершения действия: He has been living in Dublin for two years. = He has lived in Dublin for two years. Он живет в Дублине уже два года. 122

Времена Past Perfect Continuous и Future Perfect Continuous употребляются редко: He felt very tired when he came home as he had been playing basketball. Он чувствовал себя очень усталым, когда пришел домой, так как играл в баскетбол. I will have been living here for 2 years by the end of 2010. К концу 2010-го года я буду жить здесь уже два года. Ex. 1. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to verb tenses. 1. I have been painting this room. It will look good when it is finished (the job is unfinished). 2. I have painted this room. Doesn’t it look good? (the job is finished) 3. When I got home, I found that Jim had been painting the room (an action was uncompleted). 4. When I got home, I found that Jim had painted his room (an action was completed). 5. I will have retired by the year 2025 (an action will already be completed by a certain time in the future). 6. By this time next week, I will have been working on this book for a year (an action that is in progress now will be in progress in the future). 7. I have typed all your letters. 8. I have been typing this report since yesterday and I’m only half way through. 9. Your mother is still in the kitchen. She has been cooking all morning. 10. I have cooked a lovely meal which I’ll be serving in a couple of minutes. 11. By 10 o’clock the children had done their homework and were ready to go to bed. 12. The children had been doing their homework and by 10 o’clock they still hadn’t finished. 13. We will have been flying non-stop for fourteen hours before we get to New York. 14. I hope I will have finished this report by the end of the day. Ex. 2. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the subject and the predicate. 1. They haven’t been watching TV much recently. 2. I have been trying to find a permanent job in police for a considerable time. 3. I have been waiting for a police officer for a whole hour. 4. By this time next week I will have been working for this company for 30 years. 5. The officer was annoyed and exhausted because he had been interrogating the suspect for a long time. 6. I have been waiting for a reply for several weeks and still haven’t received any answer. 7. Colonel Smirnov has been working at this Law Institute since 2003. 8. He has been reading the encyclopedia for two hours. 9. The policemen have been searching the crime scene since 6 p.m. 10. They have been talking on the phone for an hour. 11. Major Borisov has been interrogating the suspect since morning. 12. They will have been looking for me all night long. 13. The police officer 123

came home very tired because he had been chasing the criminals during his shift. Ex. 3. Transform the sentences into the Present Perfect Continuous. 1. Tom is out of breath, (he / run).2. Ann is very tired, (she / work / hard). 3. Bob has a black eye and Bill has a cut lip. (Bob and Bill / fight) 4. George has just come back from the beach. He is very red. (he / lie / in the sun) 5. Janet is hot and tired. (she / play / tennis) 6. David is very tired. (he / examine / the crime scene) 7. John’s clothes are very dirty. (he / work in the garden) 8. Your eyes are red. (you / cry) Ex. 4. Change the situation into the sentence with the Past Perfect Continuous. 1.Peter was looking at the window. He was feeling not well. (he / work / scrupulously / all day long)2. Tom was watching television. He was feeling very tired. (he / study / hard / all day). 3. When I came into the room, it was empty. But there was a smell of cigarettes. (somebody / smoke / in the room). 4. When Jack returned home his hands were in ink and he seemed to be tired. (he / take / criminal’s / fingerprints). 5. The policeman with a camera entered the room. He was exhausted. (he / take / photos / of / crime scene). 6. Ann woke up in the middle of the night. She was frightened and she didn’t know where she was. (she / dream). 7. When he looked into the room he saw a detective at the table. The tape recorder was turned on. (he / interrogate / the suspect). Ex. 5. Ask a question with “how long” to the following statements. 1. It is raining. 2. My foot is hurting. 3. Mike plays chess. 4. Jim sells washing machines. 5. Tom is living in Edinburgh. 6. Jack handles the cases connected with traffic law infringement. 7. My best friend deals with crimes and criminals. 8. Kelly is searching for her wallet. 9. The police officer is searching for a very dangerous criminal. 10. His mother is in hospital. 11. Your friend is having driving lessons. Ex. 6. Choose the right variant. 1. He has passed / have passed / pass the interview and he’s happy. 2. This fund have been helping / have helped / has been helping people for generation. 3. They left after we has discussed / had discussed / have discussed the programme. 4. The boys had black eyes and torn trousers. They had been fighting / has been fighting / was fighting. 5. He shall have left / leave / will have left by the time you arrive. 6. By June he shall have been driving / will have been driv124

ing / have been driving that car for five years. 7. I hope we haven’t made / hasn’t made / has been making a mistake. 8. I has been waiting / has waited / have been waiting for this holiday for so long. 9. He have been living / has been living / have lived next door to Tom for five years. 10. The cadet had been reading / has been reading / have been reading the task in English for a long time but still he didn’t understand it. Memorize the following words and word combinations. to set out to outline


to evolve a statute

[ɪ’vɔlv] [‘stætjuːt]

a judicial decision a treaty obligatory a writ of habeas corpus

[ʤuː’dɪʃ(ə)l dɪ’sɪʒn] [‘triːtɪ] [ə’blɪgət(ə)rɪ] [rɪt]

to issue a writ to bring before (into) the court to lay down (laid- laid)

[‘ɪʃuː ], [‘ɪsjuː] [rɪt]

to argue


an individual liberty to consider


излагать, описывать обрисовать, наметить в общих чертах, зд. определять эволюционировать, развиваться закон, законодательный акт парламента; статут судебное решение договор, соглашение обязательный syn.: compulsory судебный приказ о доставлении в суд лица, содержащегося под стражей издать судебный приказ предать суду устанавливать, формулировать (в законе, норме общего права) спорить; утверждать, заявлять, доказывать свобода личности рассматривать; считать syn.: to regard

Ex. 7. Read and translate the text into Russian. The British Constitution Constitutions organise, distribute and regulate state power. They set out the structure of the state, the major state institutions, and the principles governing their relations with each other and with the state’s citizens. Britain is unusual in that it has an ‘unwritten’ or ‘uncodified’ constitution. Unlike the great majority of countries there is no single legal document which sets out in one place the fundamental laws outlining how the state works. Britain’s lack of a ‘written’ constitution can be explained by its history. 125

The British Constitution has evolved over a long period of time, reflecting the relative stability of the British state. Britain has an accumulation of various statutes, conventions, judicial decisions and treaties which collectively can be referred to as the British Constitution. The British Constitution is derived from a number of sources. 1) Magna Charta [ˌmægnə ‘kɑːtə] (1215) – the Charta of feudal liberties signed by King John (also known as John Lackland) in 1215 as a result of baronial revolt. It is considered to be the beginning of the English constitutional law. 2) The Bill of Rights (1688) – an act of Parliament limiting the powers of the monarch. 3) The Habeas Corpus Act [ˌheɪbɪəs’kɔːpəsˌækt] (1679), making it obligatory for the courts to issue a “writ of habeas corpus”, that is an order directing the prisoner to be brought before the court. 4. The Act of Settlement (1700 and 1701) and the Parliament Acts of 1911 and 1949; 5. Common law – rules and principles of law, laid down by judges in deciding particular cases. 6. The Petition of Right Act (1628). The English Constitution is considered to be flexible because all constitutional institutions and rules can be modified by an act of Parliament. The constitutional rights of citizens and the powers of government are found in various laws, statutes, and even in traditions. For example, the important, constitutional principle that the king or queen must approve any legislation passed by parliament is simply an unwritten tradition that has gradually developed over the last three hundred years. There is a debate in Britain about, whether the rights of citizens would be better guaranteed by a written constitution, or at least a bill of rights. Some people argue that, the government has too much freedom and that it is too easy to change the constitution. That only a new statute or even a change in traditional procedure is enough. Others argue that the flexibility of an unwritten constitution is a good thing that the lack of a written constitution has not stood in the way of a long tradition of individual liberty in Britain. This is what is meant by saying the English Constitution is ‘unwritten and flexible’. It is simply not formally enacted. Ex. 8. Translate into English. 1) государственная власть; 2) отсутствие писаной конституции; 3) судебные решения; 4) Великая хартия вольностей; 5) восстание баронов; 6) король Иоанн Безземельный; 7) Билль о правах; 8) Закон о неприкосновенности личности; 9) издавать судебный приказ о доставлении в суд лица, содержащегося под стражей; 10) Акт о престолонаследии; 11) законодательство, принятое парламентом; 12) по крайней мере; 13) некоторые утверждают, что …; 14) Петиция о праве; 15) личная свобода / свобода личности; 16) предать суду; 17) обязательный. 126

Ex. 9. Match the synonyms. 1) treaty 2) freedom 3) custom 4) law 5) evolution 6) lack 7) accumulation 8) sovereign 9) guarantee 10) example

a) king, queen b) instance c) liberty d) collection, mass e) obligation f) agreement g) absence h) act, bill i) tradition j) development

Ex. 10. Match the antonyms. 1) obligatory 2) major 3) simple 4) gradual 5) last 6) flexible 7) old 8) various 9) usual 10) fundamental

a) complex b) first c) similar d) new, young e) minor f) inessential g) unusual h) optional i) rigid j) sudden

Ex. 11. Match the given words and phrases with their definitions. 1) power 2) the Petition of Right Act 3) statute 4) monarch 5) legislation 6) Magna Carta 7) the Bill of Rights 8) the Habeas Corpus Act 9) debate 10) revolt

a) an Act of Parliament which ensures that no one can be imprisoned unlawfully b) an Act of the Parliament of England limiting the powers of the monarch c) a charter of political rights and liberties obtained from King John of England by his rebellious baron d) laws considered collectively e) a formal discussion on a particular matter in a public meeting f) a law passed by a legislative body g) political control of a country h) an attempt to end the authority of a person or body by rebelling i) a sovereign head of state, king or queen j) parliamentary declaration of rights and liberties of the people assented by King Charles I in 1628 127

Ex. 12. Discuss the following questions. 1. What do you understand by the British constitution? 2. What are the characteristics of the British constitution? 3. Does the United Kingdom have a written constitution? 4. The English Constitution is flexible, isn’t it? 5. Name the main sources of the UK constitution? 6. What can you say about the Bill of Rights? 7. What is Magna Charta? 8. What do you know about the Habeas Corpus Act. 9. What do you know about the constitutional rights of the British citizens?

Memorize the following words and word combinations.. a sovereign the Commonwealth the Crown

[‘sɔv(ə)rɪn] [‘kɔmənwelθ] [kraun]

an absolute power temporal a peer a peeress Anglophone

[‘temp(ə)r(ə)l] [pɪə] [pɪə’res] [‘æŋglə(u)fəun]

to be appointed by a local government hereditary to propose to approve to vest in smb a direct descendant to enjoys rights bicameral unicameral

[hɪ’redət(ə)rɪ ] [prə’pəuz] [ə’pruːv] [dɪ’sendənt] [bai’kæmərəl] [‘ju:ni’kəmerəl]

монарх, syn: monarch [‘mɔnək] Содружество наций корона, престол; королевская власть; монарх; король; королева абсолютное, неограниченное право; неограниченная власть светский, мирской; гражданский пэр, лорд, syn.: lord пэресса, супруга пэра; леди говорящий на английском языке, англоязычный назначаться кем-либо местная власть, местные власти, местное самоуправление наследственный; передаваемый по наследству предлагать; вносить предложение одобрять, утверждать принадлежать кому-л. (о правах, власти) потомок по прямой линии пользоваться правами двухпалатный (о парламенте) однопалатный (о парламенте)


Ex. 13. Read and translate the text. The Government and the Parliament of the United Kingdom The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional monarchy. This means that Great Britain is governed by Parliament and the Queen (currently Queen Elizabeth II) is Head of State. The Queen’s power is not absolute, but constitutional. Her power is limited by Parliament. Royal power is hereditary and not elective. It is for life and is inherited by the Sovereign’s direct descendants in the male line. According to the law the Queen is the head of the executive branch of the government, an integral part of the legislature, head of the judiciary, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the Crown, the temporal head of the Anglican Church (the Church of England) and the head of the Commonwealth. The supreme legislative power is vested in Parliament. The Parliament of Great Britain was formed in 1707. It consists of two chambers: The House of Lords (an upper house) and the House of Commons (a lower house). The House of Lords (the Lords) is composed of hereditary and life peers and peeresses. The members of the House of Commons (the Commons) are elected by the people. The House of Commons is the real governing body of the United Kingdom. In order to become a law, a new bill proposed by the Cabinet must be approved by both houses of Parliament. The Sovereign forms the third component of the legislature. The monarch is considered to be an integral part of Parliament, the socalled the Queen-in-Parliament (sometimes referred to as the Crown-inParliament). The UK parliament is the largest Anglophone legislative body in the world and it has been called “the mother of parliaments”. The executive power of Great Britain is exercised by the Cabinet, headed by the Prime Minister. The government is usually formed by the political party which is supported by the majority in the House of Commons. The Prime Minister is the majority party leader and is appointed by the Queen. The Prime Minister chooses a team of ministers. The Prime Minister is the head of the government. The judiciary branch of the government determines common law and is independent both of the legislative and executive branches. Britain is a unitary state composed of four historically formed regions: England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland. England, Wales, and Scotland have their own legal and court systems, national churches, and organic systems of local government. Northern Ireland enjoys limited rights of autonomous administrative authority. There is no written constitution in Great Britain, only precedents and traditions. 129

Ex. 14. Translate into English. 1) глава государства; 2) светский глава Англиканской церкви; 3) высший орган законодательной власти; 4) наследственные и пожизненные лорды и пэры; 5) избираться народом; 6) реальный, правящий орган; 7) кабинет министров; 8) так называемая Королева-в-парламенте; 9) поддерживаться большинством; 10) назначаться кем-либо; 11) создавать команду министров; 12) определять общее право; 13) пользоваться ограниченными правами; 14) лидер партии большинства. Ex. 15. Find in the text a) the synonyms and b) the opposites to the following words. a) a chamber; an authority; self-governing; a boss, a chief; highest; to be composed of; to select; regal; an area; legislature; judiciary; b) indirect; female; upper; to disapprove; always; smallest; unwritten; dependent; illicit; minority; limitless, unlimited. Ex. 16. Discuss the following questions. 1. What are the special features of the constitutional monarchy? 2. Who is the head of State in Great Britain? 3. How do you understand the phrase “The Queen reigns but doesn’t rule”? 4. What is meant by the term “Crown-inParliament”? 5. Who is in actual command of the British politics? 6. What is the composition of the two Houses in Britain? 7. How do these Houses function? 8. When was the British Parliament formed? Ex. 17. Role-play the dialogues “The UK Constitution” and “Composition and Formation of the UK”. See Appendix 1. Memorize the following words and word combinations. a court president Crown Court a criminal matter a County Court Queen’s Bench Division High Court of Justice a magistrate a magistrates’ court a justice of the peace

председатель суда Суд Короны, Коронный суд (уголовное отделение Суда Правосудия) уголовное дело Суд графства Отделение королевской скамьи Высокий суд правосудия судья, мировой судья, судья полицейского суда магистратский суд, мировой суд мировой судья 130

to advise a Сlerk of the Court to empower Law Lords minor cases a defendant jurors at random an appeal binding

советовать, консультировать судебный секретарь, секретарь суда уполномочивать, предоставлять право судебные лорды (члены палаты лордов с судебными функциями) незначительные дела; дела малой тяжести, дела о малозначительном правонарушении подсудимый члены суда присяжных случайно, случайным образом; произвольно; наугад, наобум апелляция обязательный

Ex. 18. Get the idea of the text. The Judicial Branch of the United Kingdom The Supreme Court consists of 12 justices including the court president and deputy president. The Supreme Court was established by the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 and implemented in October 2009, replacing the Appellate Committee of the House of Lords as the highest court in the United Kingdom. Judge candidates are selected by an independent committee of several judicial commissions, followed by their recommendations to the prime minister, and appointed by Her Majesty the Queen. The Crown Courts deal exclusively with criminal matters, the County Courts – with civil. However, the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court considers appeals from lower criminal courts, as well as civil matters, and the Magistrates’ Courts, while mostly concerned with criminal cases, also deal with some civil matters. A criminal case usually begins in a Magistrates’ Court. Each town has a magistrates’ court commonly known as a Police Court. Such courts consist of two to seven magistrates known as justices of the peace. They are often without legal training and knowledge of the law. In some cases they are advised by a Clerk of the Court, a trained lawyer. A Magistrates’ Court is in session twice each week as the lowest criminal court, a Magistrates’ Court is empowered to hear certain cases only. Some minor cases, such as parking violations, are dealt with only by the magistrates. Some serious crimes, like murder, must go to the Crown Courts. In the Crown Court cases are decided by a jury, that is, twelve jurors – ordinary members of the public between the ages of 18 and 70 who are selected at random. A defendant found guilty may appeal to the local Crown Court or to the Queen’s Bench Division. Appeals from the Crown Court go first to the High Court and, in special cases, to the Court of Appeals. Members of the House of 131

Lords, the Law Lords only, sit as a court оf appeal, and their decisions on both criminal and civil matters are binding upon all other courts. Ex. 19. Discuss the questions. 1. Which courts deal with criminal matters? 2. Which courts deal with civil cases? 3. What is the highest court of the United Kingdom? 4. What kinds of cases is a Magistrates’ Court empowered to hear? 5. In which courts are cases decided by a jury? Where not? 6. How are jurors selected? 7. What can you say about the system of appeals? 8. What is the function of a Clerk of the Court? Ex. 20. Read, translate and discuss the text. The Queen’s Role in Government As Head of State the Queen has to remain strictly neutral with respect to political matters, unable to vote or stand for election. However Her Majesty does have important ceremonial and formal roles in relation to the government of the UK. The formal phrase “Queen in Parliament” is used to describe the British legislature, which consists of the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The Queen’s duties include opening each new session ([‘seʃ(ə)n] – заседание) of Parliament, granting ([grɑːnt] – предоставлять) Royal Assent ([‘rɔɪəl ə’sent] – королевская санкция – одобрение монархом законопроекта) to legislation, and approving Orders and Proclamations through the Privy Council ([,prɪvɪ’kaunsl] – Тайный совет). The Queen also has a special relationship with the Prime Minister, retaining the right to appoint and also meeting with him or her on a regular basis. In addition to playing a specific role in the UK Parliament based in London, The Queen has formal roles with relation to the devolved assemblies (Законодательное собрание со значительной степенью автономии) of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Ex. 21. Read and translate the text using a dictionary. Why are Ravens Kept at the Tower of London? According to legend, six ravens must reside inside the Tower of London at all times. Without them, both the Tower and the monarchy will fall. According to King Charles II’s infamous decree, if the birds leave the site, then its White Tower will crumble and the country will be plunged into chaos. The decree says that six ravens must be kept at the tower or “the kingdom will fall”. 132

Now, in order to make sure “the prophecy will never come to pass”, the tower will build its own breeding aviary to ensure that the current ravens survive. It is said that the bird numbers steadily decline in the UK. Seven ravens currently live at the tower, called Jubilee, Harris, Gripp, Rocky, Erin, Poppy and Merlina. A recent petition against new government powers that allow farmers across to legally cull ravens has gained traction because the birds were blamed for the slaughter of hundreds of lambs and piglets. The birds first gained notoriety as “spotters” for enemy planes during the Blitz , and Winston Churchill made sure for their flock be increased from just a single raven guard at the tower to a minimum of six afterwards. However, they are now more commonly known for their intelligence and ability to mimic sounds, play games and solve problems. An RSPCA spokeswoman said: “We’re hopeful that the ravens will be cared for at the highest standard and that the British Crown and the country are safe for the foreseeable future”. The birds have been protected since the 16th Century due to their role as natural scavengers. Notes: London blitz [,lʌndən’blɪts] лондонский блиц, бомбёжка Лондона (ночные налёты немецко-фашистской авиации в 1940–1941 во время «Битвы за Англию» [Battle of Britain]); Dorset(shire) [‘dɔːsɪt(ʃɪə)] – Дорсет(шир) (графство Англии); to gain traction – получить поддержку; a charge – подопечный; RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) – Королевское Общество по предотвращению жестокого обращения с животными.

1. He … the interview and he’s happy. a) has passed b) have passed c) pass 2. This fund … people for generation. a) have been helping b) have helped 133

c) has been helping

3. They left after we … the programme. a) has discussed b) had discussed

c) have discussed

4. The boys had black eyes and torn trousers. They …. a) had been fighting b) has been fighting c) was fighting 5. He … by the time you arrive. a) shall have left b) leave

c) will have left

6. By June he … that car for five years. a) shall have been driving b) will have been driving c) have been driving 7. I hope we … a mistake. a) haven’t made b) hasn’t made

c) has been making

8. I … for this holiday for so long. a) has been waiting b) has waited

c) have been waiting

9. He … next door to Tom for five years. a) have been living b) has been living

c) have lived

10. The cadet … the task in English for a long time but still he didn’t understand it a) had been reading b) has been reading c) have been reading 11. The UK is a …. a) unitary state

b) federal state

c) republican state

12. The UK is …. a) an absolute monarchy b) a constitutional monarchy c) an elective monarchy 13. The head of state is the …. a) Prime-minister b) Queen


c) Cabinet

14. The highest legislative body is the …. a) Congress b) Parliament

c) House of Lords

15. The government is headed by the …. a) President b) Prime Minister

c) Speaker

16. The British Parliament is …. a) bicameral b) unicameral

с) tricameral

17. The executive power of Great Britain is exercised by the …. a) Cabinet b) House of Lords c) Parliament 18. The Queen’s power is …. a) absolute b) constitutional

c) complete

19. Royal power is …. a) hereditary

c) selective

b) elective


UNIT 7 THE US CONSTITUTION. CONGRESS AND GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA If men were angels, no government would be necessary. James Madison Practice the pronunciation of tongue twisters [æ] Краткий гласный звук [æ] произносится с ощутимым напряжением. Качественно противопоставляется звуку [e]. Во избежание ошибочного произношения русского звука [э] вместо английского звука [æ], язык следует располагать низко во рту, как при произнесении русского звука [а]. Нижняя челюсть должна быть заметно опущена. При этом основная масса языка должна оставаться в передней части рта, а его кончик должен быть прижат к нижним зубам. Ann has a hat in her handbag, Nat can translate from Italian to Spanish, Dan has a cap in his backpack. Pat can translate from Spanish to Italian. If Ann didn’t have the hat in her hand- Can Pat translate from Italian to Spanish? bag, Can Nat translate from Spanish to Italian? Would Dan have the cap in his backpack?

[ a: ] Долгий гласный звук [a:] произносится напряжённо. Своей протяжностью, характерной придавленностью корня языка во рту и низким тембром, английский [a:] напоминает звук, издаваемый при показе горла врачу. Для того, чтобы правильно произносить английский звук [a:], не делая его похожим на русский звук [a], следует как можно дальше отводить корень языка назад и вниз. Mark parks his car in a car park, Bart parks his car in a dark park. If Mark didn’t park his car in the car park, Would Bart park his car in the dark park?

In March Charles starts to plant tomatoes In a large garden at half past one in the afternoon. Charles can’t start to plant tomatoes In a large garden at half past two in the afternoon. 136

[Λ] Краткий гласный звук [Λ] произносится напряжённо. Положение языка во рту, как при молчании. Английский звук [Λ] похож на русский звук [а], произносимый в первом предударном слоге после твёрдых согласных на месте русских букв а и о, как например в словах скала и кора. По сравнению с русским ударным звуком [а], при произнесении английского звука [Λ], язык отодвинут назад, а задняя его часть приподнята. Чрезмерно отодвинутый назад языка приведёт к образованию звука, близкого к английскому звуку [Λ], что будет являться грубой фонематической ошибкой, так как данные звуки нередко выполняют смыслоразличительную функцию. Sometimes for a Monday lunch Someone cuts one onion and some cucumbers. Sometimes for a Sunday lunch Someone cuts one onion and some mushrooms.

A funny puppy runs in front of a pub, A fluffy puppy runs in front of a club. If the funny puppy didn’t run in front of the pub, Would the fluffy puppy run in front of the club?

THE PAST PARTICIPLE (PARTICIPLE II) ПРИЧАСТИЕ ПРОШЕДШЕГО ВРЕМЕНИ Причастие прошедшего времени (Past Participle = Причастие II = Рarticiple II = III форма глагола) у правильных глаголов имеет окончание – ed (-d): finished, у неправильных глаголов – см. список неправильных глаголов. Причастие прошедшего времени на русский язык переводится страдательным причастием с окончанием -мый, -ный, -тый: Divided – разделенный; studied – изучаемый, изученный; taken – взятый. Функции Past Participle и способы его перевода Past Participle может быть в предложении: 1. Определением, стоящим: а) перед определяемым существительным: The delivered lecture was very interesting. Прочитанная лекция была очень интересная. б) после определяемого существительного: The lecture delivered interested everybody. Прочитанная лекция заинтересовала всех. 137

2. Частью определительного причастного оборота: The lecture delivered yesterday by Prof. Smirnov was very interesting. Лекция, прочитанная вчера проф. Смирновым, была очень интересная. 3. Именной частью составного сказуемого: My pencil is broken. (Passive Voice: be + PII) Мой карандаш сломан. She has typed the letters. (Perfect Tense: have +PII) Она (уже) напечатала письма. 4. Обстоятельством: When asked whether he intended to return soon, he replied that he would be away for about three months. Когда его спросили, намерен ли он скоро возвратиться, он ответил, что будет отсутствовать около трех месяцев. Ex. 1. Write the Past Simple and Past Participle of these verbs. 1) found; 2) find; 3) break; 4) begin; 5) cry; 6) eat; 7) drink; 8) drive; 9) form; 10) write; 11) read; 12) run; 13) speak; 14) do; 15) make; 16) know; 17) play; 18) come; 19) go; 20) ratify; 21) spy; 22) forget; 23) take; 24) give; 25) try. Ex. 2. Define the Past Participle and translate into Russian. 1) an adopted child; 2) a drunken driving; 3) a frozen lake; 4) a locked door; 5) a broken heart; 6) specific control carried out by specialists; 7) in the fight against organized crime; 8) a concept widely used in practice; 9) an established rule; 10) codified legal provision; 11) stolen property; 12) laws disputed in lower courts; 13) forgotten by everybody. Ex. 3. Translate into Russian paying attention to the Past Simple and the Past Participle. 1. I made a cake yesterday. 2. I have made some coffee. 3. Butter is made from milk. 4. Somebody broke the window last night. 5. Somebody has broken the window. 6. This window was broken on Monday. 7. The fine paid amounted to three hundred dollars. 8. The executor is the person appointed to “execute” the will. 9. All criminal trials in Britain are held before a judge and a jury. 10. The police never found the money stolen in the robbery. 11. When corrected, the document cannot be accepted. 12. I washed my hands because they were


dirty. 13. There was a red car parked near the house. 14. He’s very much admired by his students. 15. The boy injured in the accident was taken to hospital. Ex. 4. Use Participle II in the following phrases. 1) to call the first ten amendments as the Bill of Rights; 2) to control the government; 3) to violate rights; 4) to proclaim freedoms in the Constitution; 5) to guarantee privacy; 6) to adopt the Constitution after the War of Independence; 7) to ordain ten amendments in 1791. THE PASSIVE VOICE СТРАДАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ЗАЛОГ to be + V3 (Participle II) Если подлежащее обозначает лицо или предмет, совершающий действие, то глагол употребляется в форме действительного залога: Robert Peel established the British police force in 1829. Роберт Пил создал британскую полицию в 1829 году (действительный залог). Если же подлежащее обозначает лицо или предмет, подвергающийся действию со стороны другого лица или предмета, то глагол употребляется в форме страдательного залога: The British police force was established in 1829. Британская полиция была создана в 1829 году (страдательный залог).


Видо-временные формы английского глагола в страдательном залоге Present



am / is / are+ 3 форма глагола

was / were+ 3 форма глагола

shall / will be + 3 форма глагола

I am often asked about it. Меня об этом часто спрашивают. (вообще, обычно, всегда) Am I often asked about it? I am not often asked about it.

I was asked about it yesterday. Меня спросили об этом вчера. (когда-то в прошлом) Was I asked…? I was not asked ….

I shall / will be asked about it tomorrow. Меня спросят об этом завтра.(когда-то в будущем) Shall / Will I be asked…? I shall / will not be asked ...


Continuous Perfect

am / is / are being + 3 форма глагола

was / were being + 3 форма глагола

I am being asked about it now. Меня спрашивают об этом сейчас. (сейчас, в данный момент, все еще) Am I being asked …? I am not being asked …. have / has been +3 форма лагола

I was being asked about it when you came. Меня спрашивали об этом, когда вы пришли.(в тот момент) Was I being asked …? I was not being asked ….

Вместо отсутствующей формы Future Continuous употребляется форма Future Simple

had been +3 форма глагола

shall / will have been +3 форма глагола

I have been asked about it this morning. Меня спросили (уже) об этом сегодня утром. (результат)

I had been asked about it before I met you. Меня спросили об этом до того, как я встретил вас. (к тому моменту уже спросили) Had I been asked …? I had not been asked ….

I shall / will have been asked about it by that time. Меня уже спросят об к тому времени. (к тому моменту) Shall / Will I have been asked…? I shall / will not have been asked….

Perfect Сontinuous

Have I been asked …? I have not been asked ….

Вместо отсутствующих форм Perfect Continuous употребляются формы Perfect

После глагола в страдательном залоге часто употребляется дополнение с предлогом by для выражения действующего лица (кем?) или действующей силы (чем? – an agent) и дополнение с предлогом with для выражения орудия, инструмента (чем? – a tool), при помощи которого совершается действие: The British police force was established by Robert Peel. Британская полиция была создана Робертом Пилом. He was killed with a knife. Он был убит ножом / Его убили ножом. Ex. 5. Translate into Russian, paying attention to the Passive Voice. 1. Everything will have been done by Tuesday. 2. Please excuse the mess, the house is being painted. 3. I felt as if I was being watched. 4. English is spoken here. 5. A new railway station is being built not far from the park. 6. We have just been invited to the birthday party. 7. English must be practiced every 140

day. 8. This job can be done in an hour. 9. When I came back home, a new thriller was being shown on TV. 10. I believe this problem will be solved tomorrow. 11. Rome was not built in a day. 12. Lost time is never found again. 13. I was annoyed by the way she spoke to me. 14. What can’t be cured must be endured. 15. A tree is known by its fruit. 16. The police had already been shown Sam’s photo. 17. Sam’s photo had already been shown to the police. Ex. 6. Translate into Russian,paying attention to the prepositions in bold. 1. All the trouble was caused by your colleague. 2. He was shot with a rifle. 3. I was shocked by your attitude. 4. This note was written with a pen, not a pencil. 5. The painting was stolen by masked thieves. 6. The painting was damaged with a knife. 7. John cut the paper with a penknife. 8. A lot of houses were destroyed by fire. 9. This tree was broken by that car. 10. The book was written by Shakespeare. 11. The room was filled with thick smoke. Ex. 7. Turn the following sentences into Passive. 1. The police know his whereabouts. 2. The prices shocked us. 3. They have offered him the job. 4. She will send you a letter. 5. They will show me a new technique. 6. Someone has hacked my email. 7. They have demonstrated her plans for the house. 8. Mum presented me with a broach. 9. They have sent you a fax this week. 10. They deliver cadets extra English lessons. Ex. 8. Transform from Passive into Active. 1. The Acropolis was built by the ancient Greeks. 2. The evidence is being discussed by the jury. 3. He has been sent a parcel. 4. The burglars were arrested by the police. 5. The room will be cleaned tomorrow. 6. The kidnappers have already been found by the detective. 7. The exhibition will be opened by the mayor. 8. The building was destroyed by the explosion. 9. The bank was robbed yesterday. 10. This essay was written by me. Ex. 9. Translate into English. 1. В Канаде говорят на английском языке. 2. Нас только что пригласили на конференцию. 3. Документы будут подписаны через два дня. 4. Эта картина была похищена из музея. 5. Преступники должны быть арестованы. 6. Это стихотворение написано Киплингом. 7. Когда был основан


ваш институт? 8. Когда ты родился? 9. Нам предложили очень хорошую работу. 10. Результаты экзаменов будут объявлены завтра утром. Memorize the following words and word combinations. a set of rules to enumerate to declare to set up an appointment to approve

[ɪ’n(j)uːm(ə)reɪt] [dɪ’klɛə] [ə’pɔɪntmənt] [ə’pruːv]

by a majority to interpret laws to dispute to be in keeping with the Constitution privacy a provision to exempt criminal guilt

[mə’ʤɔrətɪ] [ɪn’tɜːprɪt] [dɪs’pjuːt]

[‘praɪvəsɪ] [prə’vɪʒ(ə)n] [ɪg’zempt] [gɪlt]

свод правил перечислять заявлять, объявлять устанавливать назначение (на должность, место) одобрять, утверждать (план, постановление) большинством голосов толковать, трактовать законы оспаривать (в суде) соответствовать конституции частная жизнь положение; постановление освобождать (от обязанности, налога) виновность в совершении преступления

Ex. 10. Get the main idea about the Constitution of US. The US Constitution The form of the US government is based on the Constitution of September 17, 1787 adopted after the War of Independence. A constitution in the American political language means a set of rules, laws, regulations, customs and traditions, that provides the basic way of how a government is organized and functions. Like many other written, rigid constitutions, the US constitution cannot be altered easily. The US Constitution consists of the Preamble, seven articles and twentysix amendments. The first ten amendments are called the Bill of Rights. It was adopted in 1791. The Bill enumerated and guaranteed basic freedoms and declared what the government was not allowed to do. The Constitution established the United States as a federal union of states, a representative democracy within a republic. The Constitution sets up a strict division of powers classifying governmental powers as executive (the President and his Administration), legislative (the US Congress) and judicial (the US Supreme Court). 142

Under the Constitution, the president is elected by the people. The Constitution gives him many important powers, such as control of the armed forces and appointment of Supreme Court justices. But many of his decisions and all new legislation must be approved by a majority in Congress, which is also elected by the people. The Supreme Court has the task of interpreting laws which have been disputed in lower courts, and of deciding whether a law passed by Congress or by one of the individual states is in keeping with the Constitution. As well as defining the powers of government, most constitutions describe the fundamental rights of citizens. The US Constitution gives American citizens the right to equality, life, liberty, free speech, peaceful assembly and privacy. Except general declarations, there are also some specific provisions – for instance, the Fifth Amendment, of the American Constitution, which exempts a witness from answering a question in court, if he states his answer might reveal his own criminal guilt. Ex 11. Translate into English. 1) война за независимость; 2) основной способ (метод); 3) как и многие другие писаные конституции; 4) конституцию США легко изменить (конституция США не может быть легко изменена); 5) первые 10 поправок; 6) Билль о правах был принят в 1791 году; 7) основные свободы; 8) устанавливать строгое разделение властей; 9) согласно (по) конституции; 10) назначать судей Верховного суда; 11) должно быть одобрено большинством в Конгрессе; 12) законы, оспариваемые в судах нижней инстанции; 13) фундаментальные права граждан; 14) закон, принятый Конгрессом; 15) пятая поправка. Ex 12. Match the synonyms and translate into Russian. 1) way 2) alteration 3) division 4) approval 5) example 6) power 7) control 8) election 9) assembly 10) declaration

a) permission b) vote, voting, referendum c) authority d) separation e) announcement f) method g) gathering, meeting h) command i) instance j) change

Ex 13. Match the antonyms and translate into Russian. 1) to allow

a) to unite 143

2) to approve 3) to divide 4) to adopt 5) to answer 6) to give 7) to dispute 8) to reveal 9) to organize 10) to remember

b) to take c) to hide d) to disorganize e) to refuse f) to forget g) to reject h) to accept i) to question j) to forbid, to ban

Ex.14. Rearrange the words to make questions and answer them. 1) a constitution, mean, what, in the American, language, does, political? 2) does, of, the US Constitution, what, consist? 3) did, Bill, Rights, the, what, guarantee? 4) be, can’t, why, the US, easily, Constitution, altered? 5) are, characteristics, of, what, the main, the US Constitution? 6) freedoms, it, proclaim, does, what? 7) the Congress, how, elected, is? Memorize the following words and word combinations. to be vested in a leap year native-born a department an executive department Attorney General a secretary ex officio removal from office resignation to discharge duties an office Chief Justice an Associate Justice


[ˌeksə’fɪʃɪəu] [ˌrezɪg’neɪʃ(ə)n]

принадлежать кому-л., предоставлять кому-л. (о правах, власти) високосный год коренной житель, уроженец ведомство, департамент, министерство исполнительный департамент (правительства США) министр юстиции (США); генеральный прокурор штата министр официально; по должности смещение с должности, отстранение от должности уход с должности, отставка; уход в отставку или на пенсию выполнять обязанности, syn: to fulfil , execute , perform пост, должность, служба главный судья помощник судьи, член суда 144

Ex. 15. Read and translate the text. The US Government The United States of America was formed in 1776 as a result of the victory of the American people in their struggle against British colonialists. In the course of its 200 years the US has gone a long way from a former colony to a leading superpower. By the Constitution the government of the USA is composed of three branches: the executive, the legislative and the judicial. The highest executive power is vested in the President of the United States, who is elected for a term of 4 years by electors of each state. The presidential election is held every fourth (leap) year. The President of the USA must be a native-born citizen, resident in the country for 14 years and at least 35 years old. The President of the United Statesis the head of stateand head of government of the United States. He is Commander-in-Chief of the Army, Navy and Air Force. The President’s Cabinet traditionally includes the Vice President and the heads of 15 executive departments (called Secretaries): Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Justice (the Attorney General), Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, and Veterans Affairs. The Vice President is ex officio President of the Senate, and in the case of “the removal of the President, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of his office”, he becomes the President. The legislative power belongs to the Congress of the United States consisting of two chambers: the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate is composed of two senators from each state elected for a term of 6 years, one-third being elected every two years. The number of representatives from each state to the House of Representatives depends on the number of people in each particular state. In order to become a law all bills and resolutions must pass both the Houses and must be signed by the President. The Supreme Court is the highest judicial organ of the United States and the head of the judicial branch of power. The Supreme Court consists of the Chief Justice of the USA and a number of Associate Justices. Ex. 16. Match the English and Russian equivalents. 1) Department of Agriculture 2) Department of Commerce 3) Department of Defense 4) Department of Education 5) Department of Energy

a) Министерство энергетики b) Министерство по делам ветеранов c) Министерство внутренних дел d) Министерство труда e) Министерство торговли 145

6) Department of Health and Human Services 7) Department of Homeland Security 8) Department of Housing and Urban Development 9) Department of the Interior 10) Department of Justice 11) Department of Labor 12) Department of State = State Department 13) Department of Transportation 14) Department of the Treasury 15) Department of Veterans Affairs

f) Министерство транспорта g) Государственный департамент h) Министерство здравоохранения и социальных служб i) Министерство сельского хозяйства j) Министерство образования k) Министерство внутренней безопасности l) Министерство жилищного строительства и городского развития m) Министерство финансов n) Министерство юстиции o) Министерство обороны

Ex 17. Translate into English. 1) для того, чтобы стать законом; 2) бывшая колония; 3) не моложе 35 лет; 4) супердержава; 5) глава государства; 6) палата представителей; 7) зависеть от; 8) високосный год; 9) главнокомандующий; 10) избиратели; 11) Военно-морской флот; 12) состоять из (2 варианта); 13) должны быть подписаны президентом; 14) Министерство внутренних дел; 15) Министерство внутренней безопасности. Ex 18. Match the synonyms and translate into Russian. 1) assistant 2) labor 3) resident 4) term 5) head 6) duty 7) justice 8) elector 9) victory 10) struggle

a) period b) responsibility c) triumph d) inhabitant e) voter f) fight, combat g) associate h) chief i) judge j) work

Ex 19. Match the antonyms and translate into Russian. 1) urban 2) defense 3) victory

a) defeat b) danger c) ability 146

4) death 5) veteran 6) inability 7) against 8) security 9) weakness 10) include

d) exclude e) attack f) strength g) life h) for i) cadet j) rural

Ex. 20. Match the beginnings (1-10) and the endings (a-j) of the sentences. 1. The US has gone a long way from a former a) … President of the Senate. colony to … 2. All legislative powers herein granted shall b) … the Senate and the House of be vested in ... Representatives. 3. The Congress of the United States of c) … three branches. America consists of ... 4. The executive power is vested in ... d) … in 1776. 5. The judicial power of the USA is vested in e) … four years. ... 6. The Senate of the United States of America f) … the President of the USA. is composed of ... 7. The President of the USA is elected for a g) … a leading superpower. term of ... 8. The USA was formed … h) … the Congress. 9. The Vice President is ex officio … i) … the Supreme Court. 10. The US government is composed of … j) … two senators from each state.

Ex. 21. Discuss the following questions. 1. What branches is the government of the USA composed of? 2. Who is the legislative power vested in? 3. Who does the highest executive power in the United States belong to? 4. What kind of person must the US President be? 5. What chambers does the Congress consist of? 6. What is the head of the judicial branch of power? 7. Who makes up the President’s Cabinet? Memorize the following words and word combinations. a district a judicial district a district court a trial court a trial court of gen-

район, округ; судебный округ районный, окружной суд суд первой инстанции суд первой инстанции общей юрисдикции 147

eral jurisdiction divorce cases personal injury cases a juvenile court a probate court a small claim to adjudicate a claim an award to exceed a circuit to be a party to the lawsuit to impeach to file an appeal with the appellate court a tariff customs


[ə’ʤuːdɪkeɪt] [ə’wɔːd] [ɪk’siːd ] [‘sɜːkɪt] [ɪm’piːʧ]


бракоразводные дела дела, связанные с причинением, нанесением телесных повреждений суд по делам несовершеннолетних суд по делам о наследстве исковое требование на небольшую сумму судить; решать, выносить решение иск; претензия награда, премия превышать округ; район быть стороной, участником судебного процесса; иска; тяжбы возбуждать дело об отстранении от должности (высших должностных лиц) подать апелляцию в апелляционный суд тариф, пошлина таможенные пошлины

Ex. 22. Read and translate the text. The Court system of the United States The Judiciary Act of 1789 subdivided the nation into judicial districts and created federal courts for each district. This act established the basic structure of the national judiciary: the Supreme Court, 13 courts of appeals, 94 district courts, and two courts of special jurisdiction. Court structures vary from state to state, but all states have general trial courts that hear divorce cases, contract disputes, personal injury cases, and criminal cases. Some courts hear only specific disputes, for example, juvenile courts, tax courts, or probate courts. Municipal, town, village, small-claims, or police courts adjudicate local matters. The criminal cases handled by these courts are usually limited to traffic violations. In civil cases these courts usually hear cases involving matters that do not exceed a few thousand dollars in claims or awards. The U.S. Supreme Court, the nation’s highest court, consists of the chief justice of the United States and eight associate justices, each appointed by the president to serve for life. It considers cases from the highest courts of each state; the U.S. Court of Appeals; and the U.S. Court of Customs and Patent Ap148

peals. Only two types of cases may originate in the U.S. Supreme Court: those in which a state government is one of the parties and those involving ambassadors and foreign officials. There are 12 circuit courts of appeal in the federal system, one for each circuit or district. If a district court issues a ruling against you, you can file an appeal with the appellate court in your circuit. The circuit court of appeals hears cases from the district courts, as well as the special jurisdiction courts. The United States is divided into 12 districts, or circuits, and within each are federal district courts, which are trial courts. They handle both civil and criminal cases. Federal district court judges are appointed by the president for life, but they can be impeached by the House of Representatives and convicted by the Senate. In addition to the Supreme Court of the United States, United States Courts of Appeals, United States District Courts and United States Bankruptcy Courts, the federal courts system also includes courts referred to as the United States Courts of Special Jurisdiction. These courts cover the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, the Court of Federal Claims(hears monetary claims against the US government), the Court of International Trade (hears disputes relating to tariffs and customs), the Tax Court and some others. Each of these courts is responsible for handling specific types of cases and has its own court rules. Ex. 23. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations. 1) окружной суд; 2) рассматривать дела; 3) назначать пожизненно; 4) отстранить от должности; 5) суд по делам о несостоятельности (банкротстве); 6) окружной апелляционный суд; 7) слушать дело; 8) судья Федерального окружного суда; 9) посол; 10) суд по наследственным делам; 11) суд специальной юрисдикции, 12) суд по вопросам международной торговли; 13) суд по таможенным и патентным делам в США, налоговый суд. Ex. 24. Discuss the questions. 1. What can you say about the U.S. court division? 2. What cases do federal district courts handle? 3. Who appoints federal district court judges? 4. Which courts are referred to as the U.S. Courts of Special Jurisdiction? 5. What cases does the U.S. Supreme Court consider? 6. How many justices does the U.S. Supreme Court consist of? 149

Ex. 25. Give a review on the following diagram. The US Government Legislative Branch Congress

Executive Branch President Vice President

Cabinet Departments 1. State, 2. Treasury, 3. Defense, 4. Justice, 5. Interior, 6. Agriculture, 7. Commerce, 8. Labor, 9. Energy, 10. Health and Human Service, 11. Transportation, 12. Housing and Urban Development

House of Representative s

Judicial Branch Supreme Court (chief justice and 8 associate justices)

The Senate

Court of Appeals, District Courts, Special Courts 1. Court of Claims 2. Territorial Courts 3. Courts of Military Appeals 5. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals

Ex. 26. Role-play the dialogues about “The US State Structure” and “The US Constitution”. See Appendix 1. Ex. 27. Read and translate the text. The United States Congress The United States Congressis the bicameral legislature of the US federal government. It consists of two chambers, the Senateand the House of Representatives, with members chosen through direct election. The Senate is the upper house of the U.S. Congress. Each U.S. state is represented by two senators, regardless of population. This ensures equal representation of each state in the Senate. U.S. senators serve six-year terms. According to the U.S. Constitution, senators must meet the following requirements: be at least 30 years old, be a U.S. citizen for at least nine years, be a resident of the state he or she represents. The United States House of Representatives, commonly referred to as “the House”, is the lower house of the U.S. Congress. Each state receives representation in the House in proportion to its population but is entitled to at least one representative. The total number of voting representatives is currently fixed at 435. There are also five delegates and one resident commissioner, who do not have full voting rights. The House representatives serve two-year terms. 150

According to the U.S. Constitution, representatives must meet the following requirements: be at least 25 years old, be a U.S. citizen for at least seven years, be a resident of the state he or she represents. The primary duty of the Congress is to write, debate, and pass bills, which are then passed on to the president for approval. Once the president approves the legislation, the executive branch enforces the new laws and the judicial branch interprets them. Other congressional duties include investigating pressing national issues, supervising the executive and judicial branches, and shaping U.S. foreign policy. The Constitution of the United States grants Congress “all legislative powers” in the national government. Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution lists a wide range of congressional powers, including printing money, declaring war, and regulating interstate and foreign commerce. Congress also controls federal taxing and spending policies. Congress shares many powers with the president. Congress takes equal responsibility with the president in framing U. S. foreign policy. The president and his representatives negotiate treaties with other countries, but the treaties go into effect only when the Senate approves them. Congress also shares control over the military with the president. Congress has the authority to declare war and provide funding for soldiers and weapons, but the president serves as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. Ex. 28. Say if the following statements are true or false. 1. The Congress is the bicameral legislature of the US government. 2. The US Congress consists of one chamber. 3. The Senate is the lower house of the U.S. Congress. 4. The primary duty of the Congress is to write, debate, and pass bills.5. Congress shares many powers with the president. Ex. 29. Read and translate the text. Checks and Balances The US Constitution establishes three branches for the federal government: executive, legislative and judicial. The three branches work together to help the country. Each branch has its own responsibilities and powers. No branch has more power than the other branches. They have balanced powers. Each branch has separate duties to check the powers of the other branches. When a new state – the USA – was born, the Founders (founding fathers) of the state thought that if there was no balance of power among different branches of a government it would lead to tyranny. The problem was how to 151

create a system of government with balanced powers. That’s why James Madison (1751–1836) favored the constitution that limited government by means of separation of powers and a system of checks and balances, where checks – limitation of the duties of each branch, and balances – separate powers to each branch. Congress has the power to make laws, but the President may veto any act of Congress. Congress, in its turn, can pass a law over a veto by a two-thirds vote in each house. Congress can also refuse to provide funds requested by the President. The President can appoint important officials of his administration, but they must be approved by the Senate. The President also has the power to appoint all federal judges, but they also must be approved by the Senate. The system of checks and balances makes compromise and consensus necessary. This system protects against extremes. It means, for example, that new presidents cannot radically change governmental policies just as they wish. In the US, therefore, when people think of “the government”, they usually mean the whole system, that is, the executive branch, the President, Congress and the courts. In fact and in practice, therefore, the President (i.e. the Administration) is not as powerful as many people think he is. In comparison with other leaders in systems where the majority party forms “the government” he is even less powerful. Ex. 30. Translate into English. 1) отцы-основатели; 2) это привело бы к тирании; 3) система сдержек и противовесов; 4) налагать вето; 5) в свою очередь; 6) должны быть утверждены (одобрены) Сенатом; 7) радикально изменить политику правительства; 8) установить 3 ветви власти; 9) партия большинства; 10) обязанности и полномочия. Ex. 31. Match the words (1-10) with their definitions (a-j). 1) founder 2) House 3) veto 4) responsibility 5) court 6) judge 7) official 8) power 9) tyranny 10) Administration

a) the refusal to give official permission for an action or plan b) a body of people presided over by a judge and acting as a tribunal in civil and criminal cases c) a person who has a position of authority d) the cruel and unfair use of power by a person to control a country or state e) a person in a court of law whose job is to decide how criminals should be punished f) the government of a country g) a person who starts a new institution or organization h) political control of a country i) a duty to do something j) a group of people who meet to make a country’s laws 152

Ex. 32. Test your writing skills. 1. Investigate the idea of a state system. Write down some words and phrases you associate with a state system. 2. Imagine: You have been elected as a party’s official candidate for the presidency. Sketch your presidential program. 3. Plan a story that must end with the quotation by Henry Clay: “I’d rather be right than be President”.

1. The building … in 1953. a) is being built b) is built

c) was built

2. They hope the offenders … person soon. a) is arrested b) will be arrested

c) was arrested

3. In Greece the Olympic Games … once in four years. a) were held b) are being held c) are held 4. This house …, before I moved in it. a) was built b) had been built

c) was being built

5. The letters … every day a) is being sent b) are sent

c) have been sent

6. … this seat …? a) Were … taken

c) Is … taken

b) Is … being taken

7. A few beautiful palaces … in Ufa lately. a) was constructed b) have been constructed c) had been constructed 8. What problems … at the seminar tomorrow? a) are solved b) will be solved 9. Look, the bridge …. a) is been repaired b) is being repaired


c) are being solved

c) had been repaired

10. The latest news … by my parents when I came home. a) was discussed b) was being discussed c) were discussed 11. Many a true word … in jest. a) is spoken b) speak

c) are spoken

12. большинство a) priority

c) majority

b) minority

13. The US Constitution is …. a) rigid b) flexible

c) unwritten

14. The … power is vested in the President of the USA. a) legislative b) judicial c) executive 15. The legislative power belongs to the US …. a) Senate b) Congress c) House of Representatives 16. The Supreme Court is the highest … organ. a) judicial b) legislative 17. Trial courts deal with …. a) criminal cases b) civil cases

c) executive

c) criminal and civil cases

18. The US … is the bicameral legislature of the US government. a) Congress b) Senate c) Supreme Court 19. The House of Representatives is the … of the US Congress. a) house b) upper house c) lower house 20. The USA was established on July 4, …. a) 1776 b) 1677


c) 1767

SECTION III LAW ENFORCEMENT BODIES OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. INTERNATIONAL POLICE COOPERATION UNIT 8 THE BRITISH POLICE. SCOTLAND YARD The basic mission for which the police exist is to prevent crime and disorder Sir Robert Peel Practice the pronunciation of tongue twisters. [е] Краткий гласный звук [е] произносится без напряжения. Английский звук [е] отчасти напоминает русский звук [э] в словах свет и эти, если его произносить очень кратко. Следует, однако, помнить о том, что согласные звуки перед английским звуком [е] не смягчаются. При произнесении английского звука [е], средняя часть языка поднята к нёбу выше, чем при произнесении русского звука [э]. Ten men mend seven hedges, Seven men mend ten hedges. If ten men didn’t mend seven hedges, Would seven men mend ten hedges? Pen never sends letters in red envelopes, Peg never sends letters in yellow envelopes. If Pen sent letters in red envelopes, Would Peg send letters in yellow envelopes?

Jen spent ten pence on a dress, Jem spent seven pence on a sweater. Can Jen spend seven pence on a dress? Can Jem spend ten pence on a sweater? Em and Ed’s friends presented them a desk, Em and Ed’s relatives presented them a bed. Which wedding present is more expensive: The friends’ desk or the relatives’ bed?

[ɜ:] Долгий гласный звук [ɜ:] произносится напряжённо. Губы при произнесении звука [ɜ:] растянуты, зубы слегка обнажены. Согласные звуки перед звуком [ɜ:] не смягчаются. Английский звук [ɜ:] не должен напоминать русские звуки [о] и [э]. 155

German learners learn German words, Turkish learners learn Turkish words. If German learners didn’t learn German words, Would Turkish learners learn Turkish words? Bert’s servant served for his thirty-first birthday Thirty burgers and thirteen desserts. Is it early for Bert’s servant to serve for his thirty-third birthday Thirteen burgers and thirty desserts?

The first skirt is dirtier than the third shirt, The first shirt is dirtier than the third skirt. If the first skirt wasn’t dirtier than the third shirt, Would the first shirt be dirtier than the third skirt? The first expert prefers desserts to burgers, The third expert prefers burgers to desserts. If the first expert didn’t prefer desserts to burgers, Would the third expert prefer burgers to desserts?

[ə] Нейтральный гласный звук [ə] произносится в безударном и предударном положении. При произнесении этого звука губы нейтральны, рот приоткрыт, язык находится в средней части полости рта. Canada is colder than Korea, Korea is hotter than Canada. If Canada wasn’t colder than Korea, Would Korea be hotter than Canada?

Jonathan addresses his letters to Nicholas, Nicholas addresses his letters to Jonathan. If Jonathan didn’t address his letters to Nicholas, Would Nicholas address his letters to Jonathan?

PARTICIPLEI ПРИЧАСТИЕ НАСТОЯЩЕГО ВРЕМЕНИ Причастие – это неличная форма глагола, сочетающая свойства глагола, прилагательного и наречия. В русском языке соответствует причастию и деепричастию.

Simple Perfect

V + ing Active Passive using – применяющий, применяя beingused – применяющийся, который применяется, будучи применен, так как / потому что применяется having used - применив having been used – так как / после того как применили 156

Participle I в предложении может быть: 1. Определением: The boy playing in the garden is my son. Мальчик, играющий в саду – мой сын. He looked at the playing children. Он смотрел на играющих детей. 2. Обстоятельством: While translating this article he came across many difficulties. Переводя эту статью, он столкнулся со многими трудностями. He hurt his arm playing tennis. Он травмировал руку, играя в теннис. Feeling tired I went to bed early. Почувствовав усталость, я лег спать рано. Be careful when crossing the road. Будь внимательным, переходя через дорогу. Being unemployed, he hasn’t got much money. Будучи безработным (Так как он безработный, у него немного (мало) денег. Having been translated into many languages the book became known everywhere. Так как книга была переведена на многие языки, она стала известна повсюду. 3. Частью сказуемого: They are playing chess since now. Они играют в шахматы сейчас. They have been playing chess since 12 o’clock. Они играют в шахматы с 12 часов. Ex. 1. Read and translate the word combinations paying attention to Participle I. 1. a falling tree; 2) working hours; 3) a flying bird; 4) cadets living the dormitory; 5) a dying man; 6) existing difficulties; 7) growing children; 8) a girl reading a magazine; 9) a standing person; 10) a dancing child; 11) a laughing girl; 12) a singing boy; 13) falling snow; 14) an answering person. Ex. 2. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to Participle I highlighted in bold. 1. Don’t enter the room, the suspects are being interviewed here. 2. The cadet being asked by the teacher is my best friend. 3. The house being built in our street is very beautiful. 4. Having finished his work the investigator went home. 5. Having received no answer from his accomplice (сообщник, соучастник) the criminal decided to act alone. 6. Sarah went out saying she would be back in an hour. 7. The cadets attending this course study Criminal Law and Crime Psychology. 8. He has been working on this case since 12 o’clock. 9. Having bought our tickets, we went into the theatre. 10. Being a foreigner, she needs a visa to stay in this country. 11. Not knowing his address, I wasn’t able to contact him. 12. Emma was sitting in an armchair reading a book. 157

Ex. 3. Translate the words in brackets using Participle I. 1. Go to the corner and ask the policeman (стоящий там) to show you the way. 2. The man (стоящий у окна) was our teacher two years ago. 3. The conference (проходящая сейчас – take place) at the University is very interesting. 4. Each time (рассказывая об этом случае), she couldn’t help smiling. 5. The man (убегающий) from the crime scene is a suspect. 6. The investigator (расследующий преступление) is a graduate of our Law Institute. 7. My classmate (стоящий у доски) is from Moscow. 8. The Colonel (читающий лекцию) is a great specialist in Criminal Procedure. 9. (Улыбаясь) I opened my birthday present. 10. When (играя) tennis he slipped and broke his leg. 11. (Просыпаясь) slowly the dog stretched its legs. HOMONYMS ОМОНИМЫ Омонимы (от греч. homo – одинаковый и onyma – имя) – одинаково звучащие единицы языка, в значении которых (в отличие от значений многозначных единиц) нет общих семантических элементов. Например: мир (вселенная) и мир (отсутствие войны, вражды); тройка (лошадей) и тройка (отметка), ring (кольцо) и ring (преступная группировка, банда). Омофоны (от греч. homo – одинаковый и phone – звук) или фонетические омонимы – слова, которые звучат одинаково, но пишутся по-разному. Например: луг и лук, sail (парус; плавание, круиз) и sale (распродажа). Понимание о монимов определяется контекстом. Ex. 4. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to homophones. 1. I lost my patience. 2. I lost my patients. 3. I shouldn’t let anyone in without a card, but I’ll make an exception in your case. 4. They lost their case (проиграть дело) in the High Court, and had to pay damages (возмещать убытки). 5. The security system will be installed after a three-month trial period (испытательный срок). 6. The defendant has a right to a fair trial (справедливое судебное разбирательство). 7. The story was all over in Sunday papers. 8. After checking our papers, the customs officials (таможенники) let us through. 9. Every time we meet, he orders fish but not meat. 10. With the help of our article it’s easy to write homophones in the right way. 11. She will park the car so we can walk in the park. 12. I left my phone on the left side of the room. 13. The strong wind blew away a nice blue balloon and little Jane started crying. 14. Cadets would be glad to go to the wood on Sunday. 15. Our English placement test (проверочный тест) lasted one hour.


Ex. 5. From the following words choose a word fitting a definition in one line. ring, bank, capital, bar, point, bill, offence, court, intelligence, code 1. secret language; collection of laws; etiquette = … . 2. a room in a hotel in which alcohol is served; a court of law = … . 3. The main city of a country or state; money which is invested = … . 4. Financial institution; edge of a river or canal = … . 5. Sharp end; dot; place, spot = … . 6. A space for playing a game, as tennis; a judge or judges; a place where trials are held = … . 7. The ability to learn and understand; those engaged in gathering secret, esp. military information = … . 8. A sin or crime; something that causes anger, etc. = … . 9. Bird’s beak; list of charges for goods or services; a draft of a proposed law = … . 10. a piece of jewellery on your finger; a number of people who are involved in something that is not legal; the sound made by a bell = … . Ex. 6. Choose the right variant and translate into Russian. 1. Black Friday is considered to be a big sail / sale day. 2. That’s the best tale / tail I’ve ever heard. 3. Don’t forget to bye / buy pencils. 4. Every evening I here / hear strange noises in the attic. 5. These four / for presents are four / for you. 6. It took us one our / hour to prepare for our / hour test. 7. Dogs are not aloud / allowed in some areas of the park. 8. Can I have a peace / piece of that chocolate bar? 8. Every year people make resolutions to exercise and lose weight / wait. 9. We should make every effort to maintain world peace / piece. 10. After a long weight / wait for luggage, I took a taxi to my hotel. 11 Black knight / night disappeared in the dark knight / night. 12. The winter is supposed to be cold, so I need to bye / buy high boots and a pair of new / knew gloves. PHRASAL VERBS ФРАЗОВЫЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ Фразовый глагол – это сочетание глагола и предлога или наречия (послелога), придающим глаголу новое значение: to carry – нести; to carry out – выполнять. Фразовые глаголы переводятся на русский язык одним словом и в словаре их нужно искать в гнезде глаголов, e.g.: carry – нести; ~ out – выполнять. Memorize the following phrasal verbs to build – строить

up – создавать (to create, to establish) 159

to carry – нести to find – находить to get – получать to give – давать to go – идти to look – смотреть

to put – класть, ставить to turn – поворачивать to work – работать

оut – выполнять, осуществлять; приводить в исполнение оut– выяснить, узнать, разузнать (to discover) up – вставать (после сна), будить кого-л. up – отказываться, переставать (to stop doing smth, to discontinue) on – продолжать (to continue) after – присматривать, заботиться, ухаживать for – искать (to search for, to seek for) forward to – ожидать с нетерпением through – просматривать, пролистывать что-л. down – записывать ( to write down) off – откладывать (to postpone, to delay) on – включать (to switch on) off – выключать (to switch off) out – разрабатывать (план); заниматься спортом, тренироваться

Ex. 7. Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions. 1) to build up 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

to carry out to find out to get up to give up to go on to look after to look for

9) to look through 10) to put down 11) to put off

a) to get some information about smth / smb by asking, reading, etc b) to stop doing or having something c) to continue d) to try to find smb / smth e) to write smth, to make a note of smth f) to create or develop something g) to change smth to a later time or date h) to start the flow of electricity, gas, water by moving a switch, pushing a button, etc i) to plan or think of smth., to train the body by physical exercise j) to do something that you have said you will do k) to be thinking with pleasure about smth that is going to happen (because you expect to enjoy it) 160

12) to turn on 13) to turn off 14) to work out 15) to look forward to

l) to examine or read something quickly m) to be responsible for or take care of smb / smth n) to get out of bed, to make smb get out of bed o) to stop the flow of electricity, gas, water by moving a switch, pushing a button, etc

Ex. 8. Read and translate the following word combinations. Pay attention to the translation of verbs and phrasal verbs. 1) to look at the mirror; to look for evidence; 2) to go home; to go on reading the text; 3) to carry the box; to carry out the plan; 4) to write a report; to write down a telephone number; 5) to find the trace; to find out the truth; 6) to put the vase; to put off till next week; to put down every word; 7) to build a house; to build up a new company; 8) to turn on the radio, to turn off the radio; 9) to give an interview, to give up smoking; 10) to write a report; to write down the address. Ex. 9. Translate the following sentences with phrasal verbs. 1. I’m trying to find out what happened. 2.He always gets up early. 3. Could you get me up at 6:30 tomorrow? 4. A field-criminalist was going to look for some more traces of the criminal act to identify the criminal. 5. I’m looking forward to the weekend. 6. The police are looking for the missing girl. 7. We found out later that we had been at the same school. 8. I work out regularly to keep fit. 9. He has worked out a new way of doing it. 10. The meeting is on the 22nd. Put it down in you diary. 11. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. 12. She looked through her notes before the exams. 13. Who’s going to look after the children while you’re away? 14. The gunmen carried out their threat and shot the man. 15. We’re looking forward to seeing you again. Memorize the following words and word combinations. police force police service county police a special regional

[pə’liːsfɔːs] [pə’liːs‘sɜːvɪs] [‘kauntɪ pə’liːs]

полицейские силы, полиция, полицейские подразделения полицейская служба окружная полиция специальный региональный отряд по 161

crime squad a shift a roll call a superior officer

[ʃɪft] [′rəυl k‫כ‬:l] [sυ′piəriə]

wanted criminals foot patrol a place of business a round to report to break up a riot squad

[raυnd] [ri′p‫כ‬:t] [breik Λp] [′raiət skw‫כ‬d]

the flying squad

[‘flaɪɪŋ skwɔd]

Metropolitan Police to be responsible to an officer a chief officer to be physically fit Dock Police to retire Special Constabulary Home Office Home Secretary

[w‫כ‬:ntid] [pə′trəυl]

[ˌmetrə’pɔlɪt(ə)n pə’liːs] [rɪ’spɔnsəbl] [‘ɔfɪsə] [ʧiːf ‘ɔfɪsə]

[rɪ’taɪə] [kən′stæbjυləri]

борьбе с преступностью смена перекличка вышестоящее должностное лицо; начальник преступники, разыскиваемые полицией пеший патруль коммерческое предприятие обход сообщать, описывать разгонять отряд по борьбе с массовыми беспорядками летучий отряд (отделение Департамента уголовного розыска, используется в особо важных и экстренных ситуациях) столичная полиция, полиция Большого Лондона (за исключением района Сити) подчиняться кому-л. полицейский (police officer) главное должностное лицо, начальник быть в хорошей физической форме портовая полиция уходить в отставку, на пенсию специальные полицейские силы, добровольная (специальная) полиция МВД (Великобритании) министр внутренних дел

British Police Ranks The ranks are from bottom to top: Special Constable [‘kʌnstəbl] - сотрудник добровольной (специальной) полиции (Police) Constable - констебль, полицейский Sergeant [‘sɑːʤ(ə)nt] - сержант полиции (Police) Inspector [ɪn’spektə] - инспектор полиции Chief Inspector - старший инспектор (шефинспектор) Superintendent [ˌs(j)uːp(ə)rɪn’tend(ə)nt] - суперинтендант 162

Chief Superintendent Commander [kə’mɑːndə] Deputy Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Deputy Commissioner Commissioner [kə′mi∫nə]

- главный суперинтендент - начальник (командир) полиции - зам. помощника комиссара - помощник комиссара - заместитель комиссара полиции - комиссар полиции

Ex. 10. Read and translate the text. The British Police Force There is no national police force in Britain. All police officers work for one of the separate forces. Each separate police force has responsibility for a particular geographical area. There are 52 police services in the United Kingdom. There are county police forces, city forces and special regional crime squads. Police services are employed and paid by their local governments. The police services are completely independent of one another but they are always ready to help each other. Each police force has its Criminal Investigation Department (CID). The duties of police in any country are to prevent crime, maintain public order and protect persons and property. A police officer usually works an eighthour shift. He or she begins the tour of duty with a roll call, during which the superior officer gives instructions, including information on wanted criminals. If on foot patrol, officers will start their rounds, watching people, places of business, and motor vehicle traffic. If they are on patrol car duty, they will do almost the same things. The radio (рация) in the patrol car will bring them orders to go to places where there is reported trouble. Such trouble may range from a bank robbery to stopping a fight or to picking up a stray dog from the street. Besides regular patrol work, police duties also include crime prevention activities. In large cities the police are sometimes called in to control or break up unauthorized demonstrations. There are separate riot squads, especially trained and equipped with shields, water cannon, tear gas, and other weapons. The London police force, called the Metropolitan Police(the Met), is not controlled by the local authority. It is responsible to the Home Secretary, and its chief officers are appointed by the local government. The Metropolitan Police was established by act of Parliament in 1829 by the then Home Secretary, Sir Robert Peel. The civilian nature of the force was emphasized in the uniforms, black stovepipe hats and blue swallowtail coats.


Men had to be under thirty-five, at least five feet seven inches tall, physically fit, literate and of good character. Many recruits were former soldiers or sailors, and came from outside London. Besides the ordinary police forces there are various police forces which protect the security of the territories and properties of public authorities. They include the British Transport Police, Aviation Police, Manchester Dock Police and some others. There are different types of police officers. The great majority of them are ordinary (рядовой) police officers, i.e. they usually serve for 25 years or more and then retire. In addition there is Special Constabulary. It consists of volunteers who assist police services in their own time. A special constable (or informally a special) has the powers and duties of an ordinary constable and wears an almost identical uniform. There are the following police ranks in Great Britain – chief constables, superintendents, inspectors, sergeants and constables. Intermediate ranks such as assistant chief constable, chief constable, chief superintendent, chief inspector may be adopted with the Home Secretary’s approval. The structure of a police force generally depends upon its type, responsibilities and size. Each force has a senior chief officer usually called the Chief Constable though in the two London forces – the Metropolitan Police and the City of London Police – the most senior officer is the Commissioner.

Ex. 11. Match the English and Russian equivalents. 1) a stovepipe hat 2) a recruit 3) a swallowtail coat 4) an authority 5) a local government 6) tour of duty 7) literate 8) a volunteer 9) an inch 10) a foot 11) a shield

a) фрак b) местные власти c) власть, орган власти d) щит e) доброволец, волонтер f) новобранец g) служба, срок службы h) фут (30,48см) i) брандспойт, водомет j) цилиндр (головной убор) k) грамотный 164

12) a water cannon 13) tear gas

l) слезоточивый газ m) дюйм (2,54см)

Ex. 12. Find the English equivalents in the text. 1. Каждое полицейское подразделение отвечает за определенную территорию. 2. Полицейские службы совершенно независимы друг от друга, но всегда готовы помогать друг другу. 3. Полиция Лондона подчиняется министру внутренних дел. 4. Обязанности полиции в любой стране: предотвращать преступность, поддерживать общественный порядок и защищать людей и частную собственность. 5. Кроме основных сил полиции существуют также различные полицейские подразделения, которые осуществляют безопасность территорий и собственности органов местной власти. 6. Работа (служба) полицейского обычно начинается с переклички, на которой начальник дает указания, включая информацию о разыскиваемых преступниках. 7. В больших городах полицию иногда вызывают, чтобы контролировать или разгонять несанкционированные демонстрации. 8. Столичная полиция не контролируется органами местной власти. 9. Полиция лондонского Сити. 10. Быть не старше 35 лет. 11. Отлавливать бродячих собак на улицах. 12. В Соединенном Королевстве функционируют 52 полицейских формирования. Ex. 13. Match the words (1-10) with the definitions (a-j). 1) a roll call

a) an unexpected and dangerous situation that must be dealt with immediately; 2) wanted b) a police officer of the lowest rank; 3) security c) an action of stopping something from doing; 4) robbery d) things that are done in order to keep someone or something safe; 5) headquarters e) a situation in which a large crowd of people behaves in a violent and uncontrolled way; 6) an emergency f) someone, who is being looked for by police; 7) riot g) the place from which military operations are controlled; 8) a constable h) a division of a police force dealing with a particular crime; 9) prevention i) the crime of stealing using violence or threats; 165

10) a squad

j) the act of reading out an official list of names to check who is there.

Ex. 14. Discuss the following questions. 1. How many police services are there in the UK? 2. Who provides payments to all these police services? 3. Are police services interdependent? 4. Are they usually cooperating? 5. What are the duties of police? 6. How is the London police force called? 7. Is it controlled by the local authority? 8. Who was the Metropolitan police created by? 9. What are the other police forces which protect the security of territories and properties of public authorities? 10. What is the hierarchy of ranks in the British police? Ex. 15. Speak about the British Police Force according to the following plan. 1. Separate police forces and their types. 2. The independence of police services in Britain. 3. The duties of police officers. 4. The Metropolitan police force. 5. Special police forces of Britain. 6. The hierarchy of police ranks in Britain. Memorize the following words and word combinations. a sworn police officer irrespective of a rank to make a declaration of loyalty to the king faithfully an appointment to discharge (perform, fulfil) duties an office to make / take / swear an oath on / under oath allegiance to swear allegiance to the monarch legal powers of arrest

[swɔːn pə’liːs ‘ɔfɪsə] [ˌɪrɪ’spektɪv əv] [ræŋk] [ˌdeklə’reɪʃ(ə)n əv ‘lɔɪəltɪ] [‘feɪθf(ə)lɪ] [ə’pɔɪntmənt] [dɪs’ʧɑːʤ] [‘ɔfɪs] [əuθ]

кадровый полицейский независимо от звание; чин дать клятву верности королю верно, честно, преданно назначение (на должность) выполнять обязанности пост, должность, служба дать клятву, приносить присягу



под присягой верность, преданность, syn. loyalty дать клятву верности монарху / королеве юридические полномочия на

to delegate powers / authorities police authority to hold office servant of the Crown / Crown servant attestation to set within the legislation a fairness

[‘delɪgeɪt] [pə’liːs ɔː’θɔrɪtɪ]

[ˌæte’steɪʃ(ə)n] [ˌleʤɪ’sleɪʃ(ə)n] [‘fɛənəs]

an integrity a diligence

[ɪn’tegrətɪ] [‘dɪlɪʤ(ə)ns]



solemnly sincerely to declare to affirm

[‘sɔləmlɪ] [sɪn’sɪəlɪ] [dɪ’klɛə] [ə’fɜːm]

арест передавать полномочия полицейский орган занимать пост, должность государственный служащий / госслужащий (в Великобритании) приведение к присяге устанавливать в рамках законодательства честность, справедливость, законность прямота, честность прилежание, старание, старательность, усердие беспристрастие, беспристрастность, объективность, справедливость торжественно искренне, честно заявлять подтверждать; утверждать

Ex. 16. Translate the text into Russian and discuss in pairs. British Constables Every sworn police officer in England and Wales is a Constable, irrespective of rank. On appointment each police officer makes a declaration to “faithfully discharge the duties of the Office of Constable”. In England and Wales, police officers swear allegiance to the monarch; this is to ensure the separation of power and political independence of the Office of Constable. The Office of Constable means a police officer has the additional legal powers of arrest and control of the public given to him or her directly by a sworn oath. These are not delegated powers simply because they have been employed as an officer and officers are not employees, they are not agents (сотрудники) of the police force, police authority or government. Those who hold the Office of Constable are servants of the Crown. Each sworn constable is an independent legal official and each police officer has personal liability for their actions or inaction (бездействие). 167

In England and Wales those who decide to become police officers take an oath at the point of becoming a constable. The oath, or attestation, is set within the legislation of this country, and is as follows: “I do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well (верно) and truly (верно) serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law”. Ex. 17. Translate into English. 1) предотвращать преступления; 2) политическая независимость; 3) дать клятву, приносить присягу; 4) госслужащий (в Великобритании); 5) занимать пост, должность; 6) дать клятву верности Королеве (монарху); 7) личная ответственность за свои действия и бездействия; 8) кадровый полицейский; 9) я торжественно заявляю, что буду верно (верой и правдой) служить Королеве; защищать основные права и свободы человека; 10) я буду в меру своих способностей и знаний выполнять все обязанности; в соответствии с законом, в рамках закона. Ex 18. Match the synonyms and translate into Russian. 1) to arrest 2) to ensure 3) to swear 4) to affirm 5) to preserve 6) to discharge 7) to employ 8) to delegate 9) to decide 10) to prevent

a) to take an oath b) to protect, to guard c) to hire d) to resolve, to determine e) to guarantee f) to entrust g) to avert h) to perform i) to detain j) to confirm

Ex. 19. Role-play the dialogue “Police forces of Britain at work”. See Appendix 1.


Memorize the following words and word combinations. plain clothes a counterpart a title rank insignia to assign

[ˌpleɪn’kləuðz] [‘kauntəpɑːt] [‘taɪtl] [ɪn’sɪgnɪə] [ə’saɪn]

eligible intelligence to supervise an incident paperwork

[‘elɪʤəbl] [ɪn’telɪʤ(ə)ns] [‘s(j)uːpəvaɪz] [‘ɪnsɪd(ə)nt] [‘peɪpəwɜːk]

financial fraud a theft an arson a rape a murder

[faɪ’nænʃ(ə)l frɔːd] [θeft] [‘ɑːs(ə)n] [reɪp] [‘mɜːdə]

штатская, гражданская одежда коллега титул, звание; Syn.: a rank знаки отличия назначать (на должность); направлять (куда-либо) подходящий, приемлемый секретная информация; разведка наблюдать (за чем-л.); надзирать инцидент; случай; происшествие работа с документами, документацией финансовое мошенничество воровство, кража; Syn.: stealing , larceny поджог изнасилование убийство (предумышленное, тяжкое)

Ex. 20.Read and translate the text. Detective Inspector Officers holding ranks up to and including Chief Superintendent who are members of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) or Special Branch (and certain other units) have the prefix “Detective” before their rank. Due to the nature of their duties, these officers generally wear plain clothes (except for ceremonial occasions) and so do not wear the corresponding rank insignia; however, they still operate within the same structure as their uniformed counterparts. In the United Kingdom a detective sergeant has the same powers and authority as a uniformed sergeant. The title detective is given to officers who, having completed intensive training, are assigned to the criminal investigation department of a police service. Eligible candidates must have the required police qualifications and for the 169

position of Inspector, currently hold at least the rank of sergeant. Their main task is to investigate serious crimes and act upon intelligence that can lead to an arrest. A detective police inspector is responsible for supervising constables and sergeants in the detection and prevention of crime and the investigation of serious incidents. Much of an inspector’s time is spent at the police station, controlling, planning and organising the work of others. Responsibilities may also include paperwork such as risk assessment and health and safety procedures. A detective police inspector should have excellent management, human resources and policing skills. A strong criminal investigative background is essential, as is the ability to motivate others, delegate tasks and maintain a general overview of police cases. Detective inspectors also act as a link between the investigating team and the more senior police ranks, so strong people skills (навыки, умение работать с людьми) and the ability to communicate with people at all levels are also crucial. The role of a detective police inspector may involve working longer than average hours on a wide range of crimes in areas such as: financial fraud, theft, arson, rape, murder. Ex. 21.Translate into Russian. 1) иметь звание сержанта; 2) сотрудник департамента уголовного розыска; по характеру своих обязанностей; 3) носить штатскую одежду; 4) спецслужба, спецподразделение, спецотдел; 5) кроме торжественных случаев; 6) носить знаки отличия; 6) их коллеги в форме (форменной одежде); расследовать тяжкие преступления; 7) действовать в соответствии с секретной информацией; 8) расследование и предотвращение преступлений; 9) оценка, определение риска; 10) финансовое мошенничество; 11) поджог; 12) изнасилование; 13) тяжкое убийство. Ex. 22. Match the synonyms. 1) (police) officer 2) duty 3) counterpart 4) power 5) title 6) eligible 7) area

a) colleague b) rank c) field d) constable e) detection f) offence g) security 170

8) crime 9) safety 10) investigation

h) suitable i) authority j) responsibility

Ex. 23. Match the antonyms. 1) plain clothes 2) criminal 3) same 4) health 5) safety 6) strong 7) higher 8) general 9) ability 10) long

a) different b) danger c) lower d) disability e) specific f) illness g) short h) uniform i) weak j) law-abiding citizen

Ex. 24. Say if these sentences are true (T) or false (F). 1. Detective inspectors never work in plain clothes. 2. Detective inspectors do not wear their rank insignia. 3. Their main task is to investigate less serious crimes. 4. The title detective is given to officers who, having completed intensive training, are assigned to the criminal investigation department. 5. Suitable candidates must have the required police qualifications and for the position of Inspector, currently hold at least the rank of constable. 6. A detective police inspector is responsible for supervising colonels and sergeants in the investigation of serious incidents. 7. Much of an inspector’s time is spent at the police station. 8. A detective inspector is not responsible for paperwork. 9. A detective police inspector should have excellent management, human resources and policing skills. 10. A detective police inspector does not work longer than average hours.

Memorize the following words and word combinations. headquarters to extend separate

[ˌhed’kwɔːtəz] [ɪk’stend]

штаб-квартира, главное управление простираться, тянуться Syn.: to stretch самостоятельный; независимый

[‘sep(ə)rət] 171

to notify to ascertain strength forgery an exhibit a Christian name Mounted police

[‘nəutɪfaɪ] [ˌæsə’teɪn] [streŋθ] [‘fɔːʤ(ə)rɪ]

извещать, уведомлять, сообщать выяснять, устанавливать численность, численный состав подделка, подлог, фальсификация, фальшивка вещественное доказательство имя (данное при крещении) конная полиция

[ɪg’zɪbɪt ] [‘krɪsʧən] [‘mauntɪdpə’liːs]

Ex. 25. Read and translate the text. Scotland Yard Scotland Yard (officially New Scotland Yard) is the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police in London. Scotland Yard is situated on the Thames Embankment close to the Houses of Parliament and the familiar clock tower of Big Ben, and its jurisdiction extends over 740 square miles with the exception of the ancient City of London, which possesses its own separate Police force. One of the most successful developments in Scotland Yard’s crime detection and emergency service has been the “999 system”. On receipt of a call the 999 Room operator ascertains by electronic device the position of the nearest available police car, which is contacted by radio. Almost instantly, a message is also sent by teleprinter to the police stations concerned, so that within seconds of a call for assistance being received, a police car is on its way to the scene and all neighbouring police stations have been notified. Apart from the 999 Room, one of the most interesting places in Scotland Yard is the Map Room. Here is the General Crime Map, the Deaths by Violence Map, the Accidents Map and the Vehicles Recovered Map. An old-established section of the Metropolitan Police is the Mounted Branch, with its strength of about 200 horses stabled at strategic points. These horses are particularly suited to ceremonial occasions, for they are accustomed to military bands. An interesting branch of Scotland Yard is the branch of Police Dogs, first used as an experiment in 1938. Now these dogs are an important part of the police force. One dog, for example, can search a warehouse in ten minutes, whereas the same search would take six men an hour. There is also the River Police or Thames Division, which has its own crime investigation officers who handle all crimes occurring within its river boundaries. 172

There are two other departments of Scotland Yard – the Witness Room (known as the Rogues’ Gallery) where a photographic record of known or suspected criminals is kept, and the Museum, which contains murder relics, forgery exhibits and coining moulds. The name “Scotland Yard” originates from the plot of land adjoining Whitehall Palace where, in about the 14th century, the royalty and nobility of Scotland stayed when visiting the English Court. The popular nickname of the London policeman “bobby” is a tribute to Sir Robert Peel, who introduced the police force in 1829, and whose Christian name attached itself to members of the force. Ex. 26. Translate into Russian. 1) за исключением старого лондонского Сити; 2) набережная реки Темзы; 3) независимая полиция; 4) расследование преступлений; 5) силы особого назначения, экстренная служба; 6) подразделение конной полиции; 7) военный оркестр; 8) кинологическое подразделение (кинологическая служба) полиции; 9) речная полиция; 10) «Галерея уголовников», спецфотокартотека, полицейский фотоархив преступников; 11) следы, улики убийства; 12) формы, клише для чеканки монет; 13) участок земли; 14) члены королевской семьи; 15) дворянство. Ex. 27. Match the synonyms. 1) closed to 2) familiar 3) ancient 4) branch 5) separate 6) instantly 7) band 8) exhibit 9) boundary 10) assistance

a) old b) independent c) orchestra d) border e) help, aid f) proof, evidence g) near h) section, subdivision i) immediately j) well-known

Ex. 28. Read and discuss the text with your partner. Some Nicknames for British Police Two nicknames for British police, “bobbies” and “peelers” come from the founder of the Met Police, Sir Robert Peel. Peeler is obviously derived from 173

Peel (his surname), while Bobby (Bob) comes from the shortened form of the proper name Robert. Some have proposed that the reason police officers are called “cops” is because of the New York force’s copper badges (жетон). But according to Dr. Orville Boyd Jenkins,the source of this word is much earlier. The word “cop” is an old Anglo-Saxon verb for catch, snatch, grab or capture. The form “copper” was the noun for “one who cops”. In some sources the verb “to cop” is used with the meaning “to arrest” and maybe this was the source of the specific use of “cop” to refer to a police officer. The term “copper” was originally used in England as a slang word for a police officer. It was a term of abuse by criminals, especially petty street criminals and was considered highly derogatory by the police themselves. It was forbidden to call a police officer a cop. It is only in comparatively recent history that police themselves have accepted and used the word for themselves. (Why are Police Called Cops? Ex. 29. Rearrange the e-mail extracts below in correct sequence to make a complete letter. 1) My real reason for writing is I’m hav- 2) Give my regards to everyone at the ing a small party here at Ivy Street on department and a special hug to Dan. Saturday 11th March from 7 p.m. onwards. 3) Dear Tom, 4) Hope to hear from you soon. Love, Cathy. 5) I’m sorry I haven’t written earlier. It 6) The party is to celebrate my new job was good to see you at the concert last at the CID. It wasn’t be very formal so month. I thought it was a great evening, don’t wear anything too smart. I really didn’t you? hope you can came. You can stay the night if you like.

Ex. 30. Write an informal e-mail to a friend. Follow the instructions below. 1. Apologise for not writing earlier and refer to an event you and your friend went to. 2. Give your reason for writing by inviting your friend to an informal event. 3. Explain what the event will be like and who will be there. 4. Express hope that your friend will come to the event. Offer to meet him / her at the station / airport. 174

5. Send greetings to some mutual friends and anyone else you would like to mention. 6. Close the letter. 1. Vegetarians don’t eat … . a) meet b) meat

c) mete

2. I bought a present … her birthday. a) for b) fore c) four 3. I went to the shop to … some bread for breakfast. a) by b) bye c) buy 4. … is a lot of traffic in Moscow. a) There b) Their

c) The

5. Don’t … till tomorrow what you can do today. a) put b) put on c) put off 6. I … at 10 am this morning as I didn’t have work. a) got up b) got c) got in 7. Tonight I will have to (присматривать) her child. a) look through b) look for c) look after 8. I’ve been (искать) all their hidden files, but I can’t find them anywhere. a) looking for b) looking after c) looking through 9. I’m (ожидать с нетерпением) meeting you. a) looking after b) looking for c) looking forward 10. … the radio. It disturbs me. a) Turn off b) Turn on

c) Turn into

11. There is … national police force in Britain. a) any b) no c) a 12. There are … police services in the United Kingdom. a) 52 b) 51 c) 50


13. The London police force, called the Metropolitan Police, is responsible to the … . a) Parliament b) Home Secretary c) CID 14. There are the following police … in Great Britain - chief constables, superintendents, inspectors, sergeants and constables. a) ranks b) ranges c) rages 15. In the United Kingdom a detective … has the same powers and authority as a uniformed sergeant. a) private b) sergeant c) lieutenant 16. Scotland Yard is situated on the … Embankment close to the Houses of Parliament. a) Thames b) Potomac c) Columbia 17. An old-established section of the Metropolitan Police is the … Branch, with its strength of about 200 horses stabled at strategic points. a) Police dogs b) K9 c) Mounted 18. There is the … Room known as the Rogues' Gallery. a) Victim b) Witness c) Suspect 19. The popular nickname of the London policeman … is a tribute to Sir Robert Peel. a) “bobby” b) “cop” c) “Peel” 20. Apart from the … Room, one of the most interesting places in Scotland Yard is the Map Room. a) 112 b) 999 c) 911


UNIT 9 THE FUNCTIONS AND TASKS OF US POLICE. FBI The FBI is a massive culture. It’s been a culture that served America well, and it’s been focused on prosecution. But what we need in terms of terrorism is prevention. John Ashcroft Practice the pronunciation of some tongue twisters. [g] Звук [g] произносится как ослабленный русский звук [г]. Перед гласными звуками [e], [i], [i:], [ɜ:] и согласным звуком [j], звук [g] не смягчается. Grace Gordon got a grey garlic and green gherkins From a greengrocer to garnish a greasy grilled goose. Are the grey garlic and the green gherkins A good garnish for a greasy grilled goose?

Gregory Gael gathered his greatgrandchildren To give them a golf game on green grass of his garden. Guess if Gregory Gael’s greatgrandchildren got gay From the golf game on green grass of his garden!

A grey gardener is going to go through a green gate On green grass of a gorgeous garden, by a grey garage, By garden-beds with gales to a glasshouse To get some greenery for a glamour garden-party.

Grey goats graze on green grass growing in a gorge, Grey geese graze on green grass growing in a garden. Which grass is greener: growing in the gorge Or growing in the garden where the grey geese graze?

[k] Звук [k] произносится как русский звук [к], но энергичнее и с придыханием перед гласными звуками. Перед гласными звуками [e], [i], [i:], [ɜ:] и согласным звуком [j], звук [k] не смягчается. Kate can calculate calories in a cup of A clever cook cleans a cooker in a cozy coffee, kitchen Carol can calculate calories in a cup of To cook crisp cookies on a clean cooker. cacao. If the clever cook didn’t clean the cooker 177

Can Kate calculate calories in a cup of cacao? Can Carol calculate calories in a cup of coffee? A cool captain in a cap and a cape cons calmly. Crafts with cargo keeping course to Calcutta. If the cool captain wasn’t in the cap and the cape.Could he con calmly crafts with cargo to Calcutta?

in the cozy kitchen Can she cook crisp cookies on the clean cooker? A Canadian cannery can can carrots in cool cans, a Columbian cannery can can cucumbers in cool cans, Can the Canadian cannery can cucumbers in cool cans, and can the Columbian cannery can carrots in cool cans?

THE GERUND ГЕРУНДИЙ Герундий (Gerund) – это неличная форма глагола, которая выражает название действия и сочетает в себе признаки глагола и существительного. Соответственно, на русский языкгерундий обычно переводится существительным или глаголом (чаще неопределенной формой глагола). Формы, подобной английскому герундию, в русском языке нет. Формы герундия Gerund (Ving) Active Passive asking being asked

Tenses Present Perfect

having asked

having been asked

Примеры Данная форма относится к настоящему или будущему. She enjoys dancing. Форма показывает, что действие герундия произошло до действия смыслового глагола. He denied having stolen the money.

Герундий употребляется: Swimming is good for your health. Плавание полезно для здоровья. после определенных глаголов admit (to), He admitted (to) stealing the painting. avoid, consider, continue, delay, deny, en- Он признался в краже картины. joy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, forgive, imagine, insist on, involve, keep (= continue), look forward to, mention, mind, miss, object to, postpone, practise, prevent, report, resist, risk, save, stand, suggest, understand ит. д. после love, like, dislike, hate, enjoy, prefer He likes cooking. (для выражения общего предпочтения) Он любит готовить. после I’m busy, it’s no use, it’s (no) good, It’s no use complaining. в роли подлежащего


it’s (not) worth, what’s the use of, can’t help, there’s no point (in), can’t stand, be / get used to, be / get accustomed to, have difficulty (in) ит. д. после “go” для выражения физической активности после spend / waste time

Бесполезно жаловаться.

They go skiing every winter. Они катаются на лыжах каждую зиму. He wasted his time playing video games. Он растрачивал время на видеоигры. после предлогов He entered the room without knocking. Он вошел в комнату без стука. после see, hear, listen, watch для выраже- I saw Kate painting the kitchen. ния незавершенного действия Я видел, как Кейт красит кухню. Функции герундия: Reading is useful. подлежащее Чтение (читать) полезно. I like playing football. дополнение Я люблю играть (игру) в футбол. His favourite occupation is reading. именная часть cказуемого Его любимое занятие – чтение. I like your idea of reading this book. определение Мне нравится ваше намерение прочесть эту книгу. обстоятельство времени: перед герун- On having examined the crime scene the дием в функции обстоятельства всегда investigator decided to call up a criminalist. стоит предлог. Предлог in переводится После того, как следователь осмотрел при; on (upon) – после, по; by – путем, место преступления, он решил вызвать при помощи; through – благодаря, из-за; криминалиста. after– после. Иногда герундий с предлогами in, on After saying this he left the room. (upon), by, after переводится дееприча- Сказав это, он вышел из комнаты. стием. В этих случаях предлог при переводе опускается. We cannot gain knowledge without readобстоятельство образа действия Герундий с предлогом without в значе- ing. Мы не можем получить знания без нии без переводится отрицательной фор- чтения (не читая). мой деепричастия. He went away without leaving his address. Он уехал, не оставив своего адреса.

Ex. 1. Translate into Russian, paying attention to the Gerund. 1. The place is worth visiting. 2. Watching football matches may be exciting enough, but of course it is more exciting playing football. 3. She stopped coming to see us, and I wondered what had happened to her. 4. Can you remember having seen the man before? 5. After being corrected by the teacher, the students’ papers were returned to them. 6. I wondered at my mother’s having allowed the journey. 7. I under stand perfectly your wishing to start the 179

work at once. 8. At last he broke the silence by inviting everybody to walk into the dining room. 9. On being told the news, she turned pale. 10. She has always dreamt of living in a small house by the sea. 11. Usually she enjoyed talking to them and didn’t mind helping them. 12. She likes cooking and is very good at it. But she doesn’t like washing and ironing. 13. Mary has always dreamt of travelling round the world. But she hates flying and she’s never been overseas. 15. Helen enjoys being photographed because she thinks she’s beautiful. 16. Harry hates being laughed at. 17. Dolly hates being ignored. 18. Have you finished washing the dishes yet? 19. Don’t be nervous! Stop biting your nails! 20. He postponed going to New York as he fell ill. Ex. 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Gerund. 1. The girls were busy (to pack) when one of them suddenly remembered (to leave) the milk on the stove which was probably boiling over. 2. Little David couldn’t bear (to recite) his lessons in the presence of his stepfather and Miss Murdstone. They frightened him so that he couldn’t help (to make) mistakes though he tried hard to avoid (to displease) them and (to scold). 3. I landed in London on an autumn evening. My friends expected me home for the holidays, but had no idea of my (to return) so soon. I had purposely not informed them of my (to come), that I might have the pleasure of (to take) them by surprise. And yet I had a feeling of disappointment in (to receive) no welcome. I even felt like (to cry). 4. The girl was proud of (to choose) to represent the sportsmen of the school at the coming competition. She thanked her classmates for (to choose) her and promised to do her best to win. Ex. 3. Translate from Russian into English using the Gerund. 1. Перестаньте бегать. 2. Его подозревали в нарушении закона и в том, что он брал взятки. 3. Он боялся потерять друзей. 4. Она не одобряла того, что он слишком часто ходил на вечеринки. 5. Я подумываю о том, чтобы принять то предложение, так как у меня опыт работы на компьютере, и я знаю, как его использовать для выполнения этого проекта. 6. Мама возражает против того, что он часто ходит в кино. 7. Мы поздравили их с тем, что они выиграли матч. 8. Я не могу не сердиться на него. 9. Вы не возражаете, если я приведу моего друга? 10. Я настаиваю на том, чтобы спросить его совета. 11. Продолжайте писать ему. 12. Он упрекал (обвинял) нас в том, что мы его не навестили. 13. Я с нетерпением жду, что она снова приедет в Россию. 14. Вор отрицал, что украл ее бесценное бриллиантовое кольцо. 15. Я люблю слушать классическую музыку. 16. Кто мешает нам исполнять (выполнять) свои обязанности должным образом? 17. Его дядя одобряет то, что он учит иностранные языки. 18. Он отрицал, что совершил несколько преступлений, включая кражу денег и два убийст180

ва. 19. Преподаватель по английскому языку не мог не спросить меня об этом. 20. Водитель боялся, что ситуация ухудшится. Memorize the following words and word combinations. a night watch to be in charge of a watchman a mayor disorder attached Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation U.S. marshal

[′naɪtw‫ כ‬t∫] [t∫a:dʒ] [′w ‫ כ‬t∫mən] [mɛː] [dɪs′ ‫כ‬:də] [ə′tæt∫t] [dɪ′pa:tmənt əv ′dʒ Λstɪs] [′fedərəl ‘bjυərəυ əv ɪn,vestɪ′geɪ∫n] [′ma:∫l]

Bureau of Internal Revenue Drug Enforcement Administration

[bjυərəυ əv ɪn′tз:nl ′revənju:] [drʌɡ ɪnˈfɔːsm(ə)nt [ədmɪnɪˈstreɪʃ(ə)n] [′pəυstl]

Postal Inspection Service a jail a regulatory law

[dʒeɪl] [ˈrɛɡjʊlət(ə)rɪlɔː]

a deputy sheriff


a township a borough an incorporated town fire protection soil conservation

[′taυn∫ɪp] [′bΛrə] [ɪnˈkɔːpəreɪtɪd]

custody of prisoner a county board

[prə′tek∫n] [,k ‫כ‬nsə′veɪ∫n] [′kΛstədɪ əvˈprɪz(ə)nə] [′kaυntɪ bɔːd] 181

ночной дозор быть ответственным за ночной сторож, дозорный мэр беспорядок, нарушение прикрепленный, присоединенный Министерство юстиции Федеральное бюро расследований федеральный маршал, сотрудник Министерства юстиции в федеральном окружном суде Налоговое управление США управление по борьбе с наркотиками почтовая служба США тюрьма регламентирующий закон, регулирующий закон помощник шерифа, заместитель шерифа муниципалитет, городская община городской округ самоуправляющееся городское поселение противопожарная защита охрана и правильное использование почв содержание обвиняемого под стражей окружной совет

Ex. 4. Read and translate the following text. Police in the United States The United States inherited England’s common law and its system of policing. Most cities and towns used this system well into the 19 th century. The use of daytime police started in Boston in 1838 with a force of 6 men. In Boston and New York the old night watch and the day force continued, with the mayor in charge of day forces and the constable in charge of night watchmen. In 1844 New York City created the first police department in the United States, using the London Metropolitan Police as a model. Boston and Philadelphia followed. The model for American police originated in England: police were organized in a quasi-military command structure; there were no detectives; their task was prevention of crime and disorder. There are five major types of police agencies: 1) The federal system, consisting of agencies attached to the Department of Justice (the Federal Bureau of Investigation, together with 700 U.S. marshals), the Bureau of Internal Revenue (investigating tax evasions), the U.S. Secret Service, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Postal Inspection Service, and many others. Their task is to enforce federal laws. 2) Police forces and criminal investigation agencies established by each of the 50 states of the union. State police is headed by a commissioner superintendent who is usually appointed by the governor of the state. The mission of state police is to preserve law and order; to enforce criminal, traffic and regulatory laws; and to provide security and safety services. 3) Sheriffs and deputy sheriffs in more than 3,000 counties, plus a few county police forces. The county sheriff is elected to office and employs a staff of deputies performing duties as uniformed policemen. The sheriff is also responsible for prisoners kept in the county jail. 4) The police forces of about 1,000 cities and more than 20,000 townships and New England towns. Town and city police are municipal agencies. 5) The police of some 15,000 villages, boroughs, and incorporated towns. To this list must be added special categories, such as the police of the District of Columbia; various forces attached to authorities governing bridges, tunnels, parks and parkways; university police forces; and some units for policing special districts formed for fire protection, soil conservation, and other purposes. The above mentioned police forces are controlled in different ways. The federal bodies are responsible to the federal authorities, and the state forces – to the governors of their states. At local levels there are variations. States are divided into counties, and every county has its sheriff with responsibilities for the investigation of crime and the supervision of the custody of prisoners. In some states there are county police forces under the control of county boards. In some places county police forces are completely independent of the sheriffs office. 182

Ex. 5. Find the English equivalents to the following wordcombinations. 1) расследовать случаи уклонения от уплаты налогов; 2) обеспечивать исполнение федеральных законов; 3) быть назначенным на какуюлибо должность губернатором штата; 4) помощник шерифа; 5) исполнять обязанности; 6) окружная полиция; 7) нести ответственность перед кемлибо; 8) нести ответственность за что-либо. Ex. 6. Complete the following sentences. 1. The Bureau of Internal Revenue investigates ... . 2. Police forces and criminal investigation agencies are established by ... . 3. The mission of state police is to ... . 4. Sheriffs have responsibilities for ... . 5. A sheriff may have deputies performing duties as... . 6. In some states there are county police forces under the control of ... . 7. States are divided into … . Ex. 7. Say if the statements are true or false. 1. The American police system is the most decentralized police in the world. 2. There is no need for the community to run its own police department because all the offences are investigated by federal officials. 3. The five major types of police agencies include the police of the District of Columbia. 4. In the USA states are divided into counties, and every county has its sheriff. 5. Sheriffs are appointed by the governor of the state. Ex. 8. Make up a monologue about police in the United States and learn it by heart. Ex. 9. Read and translate the following text. The Federal Bureau of Investigation The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the primary investigative arm of the United States Department of Justice (DOJ), serving as both a federal criminal investigative body and a domestic intelligence agency. It was established in 1908 as the Bureau of Investigation (BOI), and the name was changed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in 1935. At present, the FBI has investigative jurisdiction over violations of more than 200 categories of federal crimes, making the FBI the de-facto lead law enforcement agency of the United States government. The motto of the bureau is “Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity”. 183

The director of the old BOI, J. Edgar Hoover, became the first FBI director and served for nearly 48 years. After Hoover’s death, legislation was passed limiting the tenure of future FBI directors to a maximum of ten years. The Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory, or the FBI Laboratory, officially opened in 1932, largely as a result of Hoover’s efforts. Hoover had substantial involvement in most cases and projects the FBI handled during his tenure. The FBI headquarters is in Washington, D.C., and there are also 56 field offices located in major cities throughout the United States as well as over 400 resident agencies in smaller cities and towns across the nation, and more than 50 international offices, called “Legal Attachés” in U.S. embassies worldwide. In fiscal year 2006, the FBI’s total budget was approximately $8.7 billion, including $495 million in program increases to enhance counter-terrorism, counter-intelligence, cybercrime, information technology, security, forensics, training, and criminal programs. According to its congressional budget justification for the fiscal year 2009, for the past several years the FBI has assumed a growing responsibility for collecting foreign intelligence, in response to a May, 2006 request from the Director of National Intelligence. The mission of the FBI is “To protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats, to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and to provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, and international agencies and partners”. Ex. 10. Find the English equivalents in the text above. 1) следственная служба; 2) министерство юстиции США; контрразведка (2); 3) преступление по федеральному уголовному праву; 4) фактический; правоприменяющий орган; 5) девиз; 6) срок пребывания в должности; 7) участие (в чем-либо); 8) периферийное отделение; 9) оперативный сотрудник полиции; 10) финансовый (бюджетный) год; 11) иностранная разведка. Ex. 11. Match the beginnings of the sentences with their endings. 1. The FBI was created primarily … 2. Cooperation is vital … 3. The FBI works closely … 4. The FBI Laboratory is … 5. All FBI agents are trained …

a … with state and local enforcement agencies. b … at facilities in Washington, D.C., and at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. c … to handle criminal investigations for the Department of Justice. d … the greatest criminological laboratory in the world. e … in fight against organized crime.


Ex. 12. Answer the following questions. 1. Is there a national police force in the USA? 2. When was the FBI established? 3. What is the motto of the FBI? What does it mean? 4. Who was the first FBI director? 5. Where is the headquarters of the FBI? 6. What levels do the USA law enforcement agencies come under the jurisdiction at? 7. What is the FBI charged with? 8. What activities are the most state police departments concentrated on? 9. Why more and more responsibility has fallen on the local police forces? Ex. 13. Summarize the text about FBI in 8-10 sentences. Ex. 14. Read and translate the following text. The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is a department of the United States federal government, created in response to the September 11 attacks, and with the primary responsibility of protecting the territory of the U.S. from terrorist attacks. It now includes the United States Secret Service, which protects the President and the Vice President of the United States, their families as well as investigating counterfeiting crimes involving U.S. currency and monetary instruments; U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and others. An agency that maintains order, prevents and detects crime is the Police. Federal law-enforcement officers have the power to enforce various laws not only at the federal level, but also state, county, and local in many circumstances. The federal government is prohibited from exercising general police powers due to restrictions in the constitution, because the United States is organized as a union of sovereign states, which each retain their police, military and domestic law-making powers. Police functions are as follows: crime fighting; order maintenance; first aid rendering. Because police agencies are traditionally available year-round, 24 hours a day, citizens call upon police departments not only in times of trouble, but also when just inconvenienced. As a result, police services may include roadside auto assistance, finding lost pets or property, or checking locks on vacationers’ homes. In the United States, a sheriff is a county official and is typically the top law-enforcement officer of a county. Historically, the sheriff was also a commander of the militia in that county. Distinctive to law-enforcement in the United States, sheriff s are usually elected. The political election of a person to serve as a police leader is an almost uniquely American tradition. The law185

enforcement agency headed by a sheriff is typically referred to as a sheriff’s office or sheriff’s department. Ex. 15. Complete the names of the U.S. law-enforcement bodies: Homeland, Firearms, Service, Immigration, Administration, Federal, Department. 1) the U. S. … of Justice; 2) the U. S. … Bureau of Investigation; 3) the U. S. Drug Enforcement … ; 4) the U. S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, … , and Explosives; 5) the U. S. Marshals … ; 6) the U. S. Department of … Security; 7) the U. S. … and Customs Enforcement. Ex. 16. Give the Russian equivalents to the following English word combinations and translate into Russian. a) federal witness, federal convict, federal level, federal law-enforcement agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the United States federal court, the United States federal government. b) law-enforcement agency, law-enforcement duties, the Drug Enforcement Administration, enforcement department, to enforce the criminal laws, the top law-enforcement officer. Ex. 17. Match the beginnings with the endings. 1. The federal government of the United States established law enforcement agencies to … 2. The most prominent group of law enforcement agencies is … 3. The Marshals Service assists with … 4. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is … 5. The FBI motto is … 6. The United States Department of Homeland Security was created … 7. An agency that maintains order, prevents and detects crime is …

a) in response to the September 11 attacks. b) an almost uniquely American tradition. c) the Police. d) the domestic intelligence agency. e) year-round, 24 hours a day. f) maintain law and public order.

g) court security, protects federal witnesses, transports federal convicts, and seeks fugitives. 8. Police agencies are traditionally availa- h) “Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity”. ble … 9. The political election of a person to i) the Department of Justice (DOJ). serve as a police leader is …


Ex. 18. Complete the table. The Department of Homeland Security

The Federal Bureau of Investigation

The Police

The sheriff

1) domestic intelligence agency; 2) currency and monetary instruments; 3) the September 11 attacks; 4) inconvenienced; 5) terrorist threat; 6) foreign intelligence threat; 7) available year-round; 8) 24 hours a day; 9) a commander of the militia; 10) the United States Secret Service; 11) counterfeiting crimes; 12) election of a person; 13) international agencies; 14) checking locks on vacationers’ homes; 15) to protect the President and the Vice President of the United States; 16) to maintain order; 17) to find lost pets or property; 18) county official; 19) “Fidelity; Bravery; Integrity”; 20) first aid rendering; 21) to provide leadership; 22) U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement; 23) sheriff ‘s office or sheriff’s department; 24) to prevent and detect crime; 25) roadside auto assistance; 26) almost uniquely American tradition. Ex. 19. Read and translate the following text. In order to apply to become an FBI agent, an applicant must be between the ages of 23 and 37. The applicant must also hold American citizenship; have a clean record, and a four-year bachelor’s degree. All FBI employees require a Top Secret (TS) security clearance. Special Agents candidates also have to pass a Physical Fitness Test (PFT) that includes a 300-meter run, one-minute sit-ups, maximum push-ups, and a 1.5-mile (2.4 km) run. There is also a polygraph test that personnel have to pass, with questions including possible drug use. After potential special agent candidates are cleared with TS clearance and a non-disclosure agreement is signed, they attend the FBI training facility located on Marine Corps Base Quantico in Virginia. Candidates spend approximately 21 weeks at the FBI Academy, where they receive over 500 classroom hours and over 1,000 simulated law enforcement hours to train. Upon graduation, new FBI Special Agents are placed all around the country and the world, depending on their areas of expertise. Ex. 20. Answer the questions. 1. What are the requirements for a potential FBI agent? (Age, citizenship, quality of a record, education). 2. Why is a Top Secret (TS) security clearance so important for FBI employees? 3. What does a Physical Fitness Test include? 4. Why do personnel have to pass a polygraph test? 5. What documents do can187

didates sign before attending FBI training facility? 6. What does FBI agents training consist of? Ex. 21. Read and translate the following text. John Edgar Hoover John Edgar Hoover was born in 1885. He was a native of Washington, D.C. He went to school there and then to George Washington University where he studied law. As a student he was brilliant and had a great choice after graduating from the University. But Hoover got a job in the Department of Justice. Very soon they sent him to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. That was in 1924 when J.E. Hoover was forty. For many years he was the head of the FBI and made it the world’s greatest law enforcement organization. He opened a technician and scientific laboratory, identifications division, set up a lot of training schools. He was also the initiator of the National Police Academy where he taught, as the chief instructor. John Hoover had a photographic mind: he called agents by their first names, he remembered all investigations and their results. He said: “The main task of the FBI is the protection of people against crime”. As to his personal life, he had no time to love and get married. When he was not busy with his service in the FBI he usually went fishing or hunting. Hoover played tennis very well. He also liked good music. Ex. 22. Role-play the dialogue “Interviewing the FBI’s special agent”. See Appendix 1. Ex. 23. Imagine that you are on a visit to the USA to attend a conference for teenagers devoted to the work and duties of the American police. Write a short informal letter about the work of the American police to your relative or friend.

1. ... plants and animals deep in the ocean, science may find a cure for some of the most serious human diseases. a) On studying b) By studying c) Having studied 2. He is looking forward ... to the country. a) to going b) for going

c) to having gone

3. William the Conqueror is famous for ... England. a) having been conquered b) conquering c) having conquered 188

4. William II, 7th Duke of Normandy founded his dynasty ... Harold II to become William I of England. a) for killing b) in killing c) by killing 5. Did he deserve ...? a) praising

b) having been praised

c) being praised

6. I remember ... your letter. a) having posted b) posted

c) posting

7. The inspector suspected him ... the cop. a) of having killed b) for killing

c) in being killed

8. His career crashed when he ... letting a girl die in a car crash. a) should be accused of b) was accused of c) is accused of 9. Дом нужно отремонтировать. a) The house needs to be repaired. c) The house need to repair.

b) The house needs repairing.

10. Я удивлен, что вижу вас. a) I am surprised at seeing you. c) I surprise at seeing you.

b) I am surprised seeing you.

11. Match the synonyms. 1) violation a) against, opposite 2) involvement b) faithfulness, loyalty 3) fidelity c) courage 4) bravery d) secret service 5) counter-intelligence e) breach 6) versus f) participation 12. нести ответственность перед кем-либо a) to be responsible to b) to be responsible for c) to be in charge of 13. The United States inherited England’s … . a) constitutional law b) common law

c) court

14. a township a) муниципалитет

c) окружной совет

b) городской округ

15. The FBI headquarters is in … . a) New York b) Los Angeles 189

c) Washington

UNIT 10 POLICE AROUND THE WORLD. INTERPOL. EUROPOL Firefighters, police officers and state troopers place themselves in harm’s way every day, every week, every year. James McGreevey Practice the pronunciation of some tongue twisters. [ð] Аналогов звуку [ð] в русском языке нет. Звук [ð] произносится так же, как звук [θ], но с голосом и менее энергично. Во избежание образования звука [v], зубы должны быть обнажены так, чтобы нижняя губа не касалась верхних зубов. Во избежание образования звука [z], кончик языка должен находиться между зубами, а сам язык оставаться плоским, особенно его передняя часть. These clothes are rather for the southern weather, Those clothes are rather for the northern weather. If these clothes weren’t rather for the southern weather, Would those clothes be rather for the northern weather?

These brothers gather with their mother, Those brothers gather with their father. If these brothers didn’t gather with their mother, Would those brothers gather with their father?

[θ] Аналогов звуку [θ] в русском языке нет. При произнесении сильного английского согласного звука [θ], язык лежит плоско во рту, и его кончик находится между передними верхними и нижними зубами. В образуемую таким способом щель между краем верхних зубов и кончиком языка, выдыхается воздух. Во избежание образования звука [f], зубы должны быть обнажены так, чтобы нижняя губа не касалась верхних зубов. Во избежание образования звука [s], кончик языка должен находиться между зубами, а сам язык оставаться плоским, особенно его передняя часть. Thirty-three thousand and thirteen thinkers thought Thirty-three thousand and thirteen thoughts. Did thirteen thousand and thirty-three 190

Three thievish thieves thieve thirty things, Thirty thievish thieves thieve three things.

thinkers think Thirteen thousand and thirty-three thoughts?

If three thieves didn’t thieve thirty things, Would thirty thieves thieve three things?

INFINITIVE ИНФИНИТИВ Инфинитив (неопределенная форма глагола) – неличная форма глагола, которая только называет действие, не указывая ни лица, ни числа. Инфинитив отвечает на вопросы что делать? что сделать?: to see – видеть, увидеть. Формальными признаком инфинитива является частица to. После следующих глаголов инфинитив употребляется с частицей to: offer, agree, refuse, decide, plan, arrange, hope, aim, learn, deserve, afford, forget, attempt, manage, fail, promise, threaten, etc.: How old were you when you learnt to drive? Сколько вам было лет, когда вы научились водить машину? Обратите внимание на то, как образуется отрицательное предложение: I promised not to be late. Я пообещал не опаздывать. Частица to также употребляется после глаголов seem, appear, tend, pretend, claim: They seem to have plenty of money. По-видимому (кажется), у них (они имеют) много денег. В следующих случаях инфинитив употребляется без частицы to: 1. После модальных глаголов must, can (could), may (might),need: He can speak English. Он умеет говорить по-английски. I must work hard. Я должен усердно работать. 2. После глаголов to make в значении заставлять, to let – разрешать: He made me read this book. Он заставил меня прочитать эту книгу. Но: He was made to tell them everything. Его заставили рассказать им все. I let him go to the cinema. Я разрешил ему пойти в кино. 3. После выражений had better лучше бы, would rather, would sooner – предпочел бы: You had better do it at once. Вам бы лучше сделать это сразу. I would rather not tell them about it. Я предпочел бы не говорить им об этом. 4. В конструкции объектный падеж с инфинитивом после глаголов to see видеть, to watch наблюдать, to feel чувствовать и некоторых других: I saw him leave the room. Я видел, как она вышла из комнаты.


Формы инфинитива Tenses Indefinite Continuous


Infinitive (V + to) Active Passive to ask спрашивать to be asked быть опрошенным (спрашиваемым) to be asking спрашивать (сей_ час, в какой-нибудь определенный момент) to have asked спрашивать, to have been asked быть опрошенным спросить (до какого-нибудь (спрашиваемым) до какого-нибудь момента) момента

I am glad to have spoken to him. Я рад, что (уже) поговорил с ним. She likes to dance. Она любит танцевать. She appeared to be listening. Казалось, что она слушает. The car appeared to have been repaired recently. Машина, повидимому,была недавно отремонтирована. For the last few days she seemed to have been talking to nobody. Последние несколько дней она, казалось, ни с кем не разговаривала. He is glad to be invited. Ему приятно (он рад), что его приглашают. He is happy to have been invited there. Он счастлив, что его пригласили туда. Ex. 1. Choose the correct variant. 1. You had better tell / to tell the truth.2. May I use / to use your phone. 3. I decided spend / to spend my holidays in France. 4. We need talk / to talk to a lawyer. 5. I would like go / to go out tonight. 6. They made him tell / to tell them everything. 7. He was made sign / to sign papers admitting his guilt. 8. The policeman forced him lie / to lie down. 9. Our parents allowed us go / to go out tonight. 10. They persuaded him not join / to join the army. Ex. 2. Use the words to make sentences. 1) wash up / today / needn’t / you. 2) yesterday / in the sea / we / swim / see / you. 3) someone / last night / hear / I / cry. 4) birds / to / we / fly / watch / the south / every year. 5) for you / me / do / it / let. 6) so often / laugh / they / make / me. 7) have / I’d / a milkshake / rather. 8) start / better / immediately / we’d. 9) the house / her / decorate / I / help / last month. 10) your / must / parents / listen / you / to. 192

Функции инфинитива и способы перевода 1. Подлежащее 2. Часть сказуемого 3. Дополнение 4. Определение 5. Обстоятельство

To walk is useful. Ходить пешком полезно. Our aim is to master English. Наша цель – овладеть английским языком. He likes to read. Он любит читать. Here is the article to be translated. Вот статья, которую нужно перевести. He went there to study. Он поехал туда (чтобы) учиться.

Ex. 3. Translate the following sentences. 1. То obey the laws is everyone’s duty. 2. I didn’t see the new production of our drama theatre. 3. She hoped to get tickets for the concert. 4. То smoke is harmful. 5. I shall go to the Crimea. 6. Our plan is to work during our summer vacation and then buy a tape player and some cassettes. 7. She asked me to buy five carnations for our mother for the 8th of March. 8. I have no desire to order these books. 9. He worked hard not to lag behind the other people. 10. The captain was the last to leave the ship. NB! Одной из трудностей для перевода является инфинитив в функции обстоятельства цели, e.g. To solve this crime you are to know much. Чтобы раскрыть это преступление, вы должны много знать. Или: You are to know much to solve this crime. Вы должны много знать, чтобы раскрыть данное преступление. Признаком данной функции инфинитива являются: а) местоположение инфинитива в начале или в конце предложения, а также наличие другого слова, выполняющего функцию подлежащего в предложении, б) союзы in order to (чтобы; для того, чтобы; с целью) или so that (так, чтобы), e.g. In order to solve this crime you are to know much. Инфинитив в функции обстоятельства цели переводится придаточным предложением с союзом «чтобы» или существительным с предшествующим ему предлогом «для», «с целью». Ex. 4. Translate the following sentences. 1. То obey the laws is everyone’s duty. 2. I didn’t see the new production of our drama theatre. 3. She hoped to get tickets for the concert. 4. То smoke is 193

harmful. 5. I shall go to the Crimea. 6. Our plan is to work during our summer vacation and then buy a tape player and some cassettes. 7. She asked me to buy five carnations for our mother for the 8th of March. 8. I have no desire to order these books. 9. He worked hard not to lag behind the other people. 10. The captain was the last to leave the ship. Ex. 5. Translate the sentences paying attention to the Infinitive. 1. To solve a crime an investigator is to reconstruct the happening. 2. To solve a crime quickly and accurately we are to master special means and methods of crime solution. 3. To establish corpus delicti is very difficult. 4. To know the elements of criminal offences an investigator must study Criminal Law. 5. To master the profession of an investigator we must study different branches of law. 6. To detect the person suspected of housebreaking the inspector interviewed many people. 7. To establish corpus delicti and the elements of an offence an investigator must examine the case thoroughly and accurately. 8. To present physical evidence in an orderly and logical fashion in court is very important. 9. To search a crime scene properly is essential for quick and accurate crime solution. 10. To detect the suspect of burglary the investigator interviewed many people. 11. Identikit, modus operandi, fingerprints have been used by the inspector of the Criminal Detection Department in order to identify the criminal. ИНФИНИТИВНЫЕ КОНСТРУКЦИИ THE COMPLEX SUBJECT СЛОЖНОЕ ПОДЛЕЖАЩЕЕ Если после пассивного сказуемого типа is said (говорят, как говорится), is known (известно, как известно), is reported (сообщают, как сообщается), is expected (ожидают, как ожидается), is supposed (полагают, как предполагается), it considered (считают, как считается) и т. п. употребляется инфинитив, то данная конструкция называется сложным подлежащим с инфинитивом. Инфинитив является его второй частью, а первой – существительное в общем падеже или личное местоимение в именительном падеже, находящееся до сказуемого. They are said to know Chinese very well. (простое предложение) Говорят, что они хорошо знают китайский язык. Или: Они, как говорят, хорошо знают китайский язык. В качестве сказуемого употребляются следующие глаголы: 1. В страдательном залоге – to say, to report, to expect, to know, to think, to consider, to show, to see, to find, to hear, to observe, to reveal, to estimate, to believe полагать, верить; to suppose предполагать и другие: He is said to live here. Говорят, что он живет здесь. 194

2. В действительном залоге – to seem, to appear казаться; to prove, to turn out оказываться; to happen, to chance случаться и некоторые другие: He appears to be ill. Кажется, что он болен. Сказуемыми могут быть to be likely вероятно, to be unlikely вряд ли, to be certain несомненно, to be sure наверняка. Инфинитив после этих выражений переводится будущим временем: They are likely to come soon. Вероятно, они придут скоро. Простой инфинитив переводится настоящим временем, перфектный – прошедшим, a страдательный – сказуемым как в действительном, так и в страдательном залоге в соответствующем времени: He is said to live here. Говорят, что он живет здесь. He is said to have lived here. Говорят, что он жил здесь. He was said to know several languages. Говорили, что он знает несколько языков. He is said to be writing a new play. Говорят, что он пишет новую пьесу. The problem is likely to be discussed tomorrow. Вероятно, эта проблема будет обсуждаться завтра. Ex. 6. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the Complex Subject. 1. He is said to solve this crime. 2. He was said to solve this crime. 3. They are said to solve this crime. 4. They were said to solve this crime. 5. This crime is said to be solved by him. 6. This crime is said to have been solved by him. 7. He may prove to be a good investigator. 8. The criminal is reported to be crossing the street. 9. The data have been admitted to be incorrect. 10. This investigation is likely to produce good results. 11. The crime rate proved to be increasing. 12. The fact may be proved to be of great importance. Ex. 7. Choose the correct variant. 1. Many books are known be published / were published / to be published in our country every year. 2. You are supposed to graduate / graduating / to be graduated in four years. 3. His answers in the court are considered to be / being / be of great importance. 4. He was said / say / to have being said to be one of the most promising lawyers. 5. The number of crimes is reported to increase / to be increasing / have increased with every year. 6. He was seen leave / to leave / have left the house.7. She seemed to be waiting / to have been waiting / to wait for a long time.


Ex. 8. Translate the sentences paying attention to the Complex Subject. 1. My friend happened to be there at that time. 2. The criminal investigation department is considered to be one of the most complicated police services. 3. Criminality is considered to be a social phenomenon. 4. The investigator is expected to solve the crime quickly. 5. The detective happened to be present at the crime scene at the moment of the commission of the theft. 6. The operative group seems to be examining the crime scene quickly and accurately. 7. This burglary is unlikely to be investigated quickly. 8. These testimonies are expected to help to identify the perpetrator. 9. The girl is considered to be in need of care and protection. 10. The young offender was seen to be working very hard. 11. The facts proved to be wrong. 12. The witness seems to be interviewed tomorrow. 13. The witness seems to have already been interviewed. Ex. 9. Paraphrase the following sentences using the Complex Subject. 1. People consider the climate there to be very healthy. 2. It was announced that the Chinese dancers were arriving next week. 3. It is expected that the performance will be a success. 4. It is said that the book is popular with both old and young. 5. It is believed that the poem was written by an unknown soldier. 6. It is supposed that the well-known playwright is working on a new play. 7. It is reported that the flood has caused severe damage to the crops. 8. It was supposed that the crops would be rich that year. 9. It has been found that this mineral water is very good for the liver. 10. Scientists consider that electricity exists throughout space. Ex. 10. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the Complex Subject. 1. Говорят, что это здание было построено в XVII веке. 2. Предполагают, что заседание закончится в десять часов. 3. Никак не ожидали, что холодная погода наступит так рано. 4. Оказалось, что мы уже когда-то встречались. 5. Книга, которую вы мне дали, оказалась скучной. 6. Новые автобусы оказались очень удобными. 7. Ваш приятель, кажется, очень интересуется древней историей. 8. Известно, что римляне построили на Британских островах хорошие дороги. 9. Сообщают, что экспедиция достигла места назначения. 10. Он, кажется, пишет новую статью: кажется, он работает над ней уже две недели. 11. Я случайно встретил его в Москве. 12. Полагают, что они знают об этом больше, чем хотят показать. 13. Говорят, что он работает над своим изобретением уже несколько лет. 14. Говорят, что эта статья переведена на все языки мира. 15. Думают, что неисправная электропроводка вызвала пожар. 196

THE COMPLEX OBJECT СЛОЖНОЕ ДОПОЛНЕНИЕ Инфинитив может быть частью сложного дополнения вместе с предшествующими ему существительным в общем падеже или местоимением в объектном падеже. Сложное дополнение употребляется после глаголов, выражающих желание, предположение, просьбу, разрешение: to want хотеть, to wish желать, to expect ожидать, to know знать, to think думать, to believe полагать, считать, to suppose полагать, to regard считать, to ask просить, спрашивать, to allow разрешать, should / would like хотеть, желать и других. I know him to investigate this crime. Я знаю, что он расследует это преступление. Сложное дополнение употребляется после глаголов, выражающих чувственное восприятие: to see видеть, to hear слышать, to feel чувствовать, to observe / to watch наблюдать и др. В этом случае в следующей за ними конструкции сложного дополнения частица to перед инфинитивом не употребляется: I saw her enter the house. Я видел, как она вошла в дом. На русский язык сложное дополнение переводится дополнительным придаточным предложением с союзами что, как или чтобы, в котором имя существительное (местоимение в косвенном падеже) становится подлежащим русского придаточного предложения, а инфинитив – сказуемым. We expect this man (him) to come tomorrow. Мы ожидаем, что этот человек (он) приедет завтра. Перевод сложного дополнения зависит от формы инфинитива, т. е. простой инфинитив переводится настоящим временем, перфектный – прошедшим, а страдательный – сказуемым страдательного залога: I like people to tell the truth. Я люблю, когда люди говорят правду. He expects to be invited. Он ожидает, что его пригласят. I know this man (him) to work as a lawyer. Я знаю, что этот человек (он) работает юристом. Ex. 11. Use the Complex Object with or without to. 1. The mother made her son … tell the truth. 2. Let me … pay for the meal. 3. Lisa doesn’t want Pete … come back. 4. Martha didn’t expect David … ask such an embarrassing question. 5. They would like us … take part in the competition. 6. Glasses make him … look older. 7. My lawyer advised me not … tell anything to the police. 8. Having a car enables you … travel round more easily. 9. Don’t let him … punish the child. 10. I’ve never been to England but I’d like … go there. 197

Ex. 12. Write the sentences using the Complex Object. 1. The Smiths want … (we, visit) them next month. 2. Do you want … (she, post) the letter for you? 3. What does the teacher expect … (his pupils, do) during the lesson? 4. When do you expect … (they, arrive)? 5. The man wouldn’t like … (his son, become) a dentist. 6. Alice didn’t expect … (the exams, start) in April. 7. Don’t make … (I, repeat that again). 8. The teacher let … (the class, go) home early. 9. She wanted … (her husband, borrow) some money to buy a car. 10. Nobody noticed … (we, leave) the room. 11. Tim didn’t want … (Richard, be invite) to the party. 12. She made … (her daughter, do the chores). 13. What made … (you, believe) him? 14. Let … (Mary, explain) you everything. Ex. 13. Translate the sentences with the Complex Object. 1. The policeman saw the criminal run away. 2. We all know him to be a highly qualified detective. 3. The investigator expects him to give all the information about that fact. 4. I would like you to tell the truth. 5. The eyewitness saw that woman enter the room. 6. I believe him to be an honest man. 7. The investigator wanted the accused to be invited to the Criminal Investigation Department. 8. We believe the prevention and solution of crimes to be the main function of the Crime Detection Department. 9. The investigator made the criminal answer the question. Ex. 14. Paraphrase the following sentences using the Complex Object. 1. The children were laughing and enjoying themselves on the beach. Their parents saw them. – Their parents saw … . 2. They said: “He is an expert in our industry”. – They consider … . 3. The bike disappeared in the forest. The policeman noticed it. – The policeman noticed … . 4. Elvis said to his son: “Don’t watch horror films”. – Elvis doesn’t let … . 5. “Mummy, please, buy me that doll”, said the little girl. – The little girl would like … . 6. Dad says that I can travel to China with you. – Dad allows … . 7. He swears a lot. Many people heard that. – Many people heard … . 8. “Bring me some water from the well” my grandmother said. – My grandmother wanted … . 9. Somebody was watching me. I felt that. – I felt … . 10. Daniel said: Helen, you can go to a night club tonight”. – Daniel let … . Memorize the following words and word combinations. to facilitate police cooperation



coдействовать полицейское сотрудничество

to establish illicit drug production drug trafficking weapons smuggling human trafficking money laundering child pornography white-collar crime


[′smΛglɪŋ] [′træfikɪŋ] [′lɔ:ndərɪŋ] [pɔːˈnɒɡrəfi]

computer crime computer-related crime intellectual property corruption to staff


law enforcement law-enforcement agency intervention Secretary General General Assembly Executive Committee National Central Bureau adviser the Commission for the Control of Interpol’s Files Supreme vice-president advisory capacity to comply with to process crucial DNA profile high-tech dedicated software small-scale



[suːˈpriːm] [kəm′plaɪ] [′kru:∫l] [,haɪ`tek] [′sɔftweə]


устанавливать, учреждать незаконное производство наркотиков торговля наркотиками контрабанда оружия торговля людьми отмывание денег детская порнография «беловоротничковое преступление» (преступление, которое относится к коммерческой деятельности и не имеет насильственного характера) компьютерная преступность (незаконное использование компьютеров с целью получения личной выгоды) интеллектуальная собственность коррупция укомплектовывать штаты, набирать кадры правоприменение правоприменяющий орган, орган юстиции вмешательство, воздействие генеральный секретарь генеральная ассамблея административная комиссия национальное центральное управление консультант, советник комиссия по контролю за архивами Интерпола верховный, высший вице-президент совещательные полномочия подчиняться (правилам) обрабатывать решающий, ключевой, наиболее важный информация о ДНК высокого технического уровня выделенный, специально назначенный программное обеспечение небольшой, ограниченный

assassination nuclear to blow up to withstand contamination devastating warfare anthrax sarin intimidation to intervene central unit Europol national units administrative council Council of Ministers bulletin assistance investigation apprehension fugitive transmission to ensure database fraud intelligence operational liaison officer headquarters organized crime to cooperate authorities to combat executive to comprise border сontribution

[ə,sæsɪ′neɪ∫n] [′nju:klɪə] [wið′stænd] [kən,tæmɪneɪ∫n] [′devəsteɪtɪŋ] [′ænθræks] [sa:rɪn] [ɪn,tɪmɪ′deɪ∫n] [,ɪntə′vi:n]

[′kaυnsl] [′bυlətɪn]

[,æprɪ′hen∫n] [′fju:dʒətɪv] [trænz ′mɪ∫n] [′deitə,beɪs] [frɔː:d] [lɪ′eɪzn′ɔfɪsə] [,hed′kwɔːtəz] [ɔː′θɔrətɪz]


политическое убийство ядерный взорвать выдерживать загрязнение опустошающий война, ведение войны сибирская язва зарин запугивание, устрашение вмешиваться центральное подразделение национальные подразделения Европола административный совет совет министров сводка, информационное сообщение поддержка, помощь, содействие расследование, следствие арест, задержание беглец передача, пересылка гарантировать, обеспечивать база данных подделка, обман, мошенничество разведка, разведывательная служба действующий, работающий офицер связи штаб-квартира, главное управление организованная преступность сотрудничать, взаимодействовать начальство, власти сражаться, бороться исполнительный включать, содержать граница пожертвование, взнос, вклад

Ex. 15. Before reading and translating the text try to answer the following questions. 1. Do you know any international organizations fighting international crimes? 2. What is a transnational crime? 3. What transnational crimes can you 200

name? 4. Is it necessary for international organizations to combine their efforts and why? International Police Co-Operation in Combating Cross-Border Crime The growth in cross-border crime is going on in many countries today. The development of increasingly sophisticated facilities for rapid travel has made it easier for criminals to move around the world. At the same time, the complex structures of modern societies and the constant growth of international exchanges provide more and more opportunities for international criminal activity, which has expanded enormously now and reached alarming proportions. Individuals and companies are being subjected to increasing pressure from criminals, leading to widespread feelings of insecurity. The term “international crime”, although in common use, does not necessarily refer to specific types of offence defined in law. When criminal acts, deals and schemes violate the laws of more than one country, they are said to, be cross-border, transnational or international crimes. The UN has classified all transnational crimes into 17 groups: money laundering terrorism; theft of art works and cultural objects; theft of intellectual property; illicit arms trade; hijacking of planes; piracy; hijacking on highways; fraud in insurance computer-related crime; ecological crime; trade in humans; trade in human organs drug trafficking; sham bankruptcy; penetrating legal business; corruption and bribing public figures, party leaders, and elected officials. Some offences are covered by international conventions, for instance, currency counterfeiting (1929 Convention), traffic in human beings and the exploitation of prostitution (1949 Convention), and drug trafficking (1988 Convention). Other offences, however, can be classified as “international” because of the behaviour of the offenders. For instance, preparations for committing an offence may be made in one country while the actual offence is committed in one or more countries. To take another example, similar offences may be committed one after the other in several different countries. Finally, an offender may escape across a border after committing his offence, he may transfer his illicit gains abroad, or he may conceal objects or documents used to commit the offence in another country. Tracing and arresting such offenders may prove extremely difficult; problems can arise in connection with exchanging information, identification, international investigations and subsequent extradition. Because of these problems, police services in different countries must work together if they are to combat international crime successfully. 201

Ex. 16. Match the words with an opposite meaning. 1) development 2) criminal 3) complex 4) increasing 5) security 6) violate 7) public 8) illicit

a) easy b) obey c) insecurity d) legal e) worsening f) law-abiding citizen g) decreasing h) local

Ex. 17. Make up word combinations. 1) cross-border 2) sophisticated 3) international 4) criminal 5) alarming 6) money 7) currency 8) subsequent

a) exchanges b) extradition c) proportion d) crime e) laundering f) activity g) facilities h) counterfeiting

Ex. 18. Discuss the questions. 1. What developments made it easier for criminals to move around the world? 2. Who are being subjected to increasing pressure from criminals? 3. Does the term “international crime” refer only to specific types of offence defined in law or not? 4. What does the term “transnational crime” mean? 5. How many groups of transnational crimes can you name according to the UN’s classification? 6. What offences are covered by international conventions? 7. Tracing and arresting international criminals is an easy task, isn’t it?8. Why must police services in different countries work together? Ex.19. Read the text to learn about the international police organization Interpol. What is Interpol? For years, smugglers and thieves could commit crimes in one European country and escape across the border to gain immunity within a neighbouring state, before any authorities could apprehend them. The com202

plex structures of modern societies and the constant growth of international exchanges provide more and more opportunities for international criminal activity, which has now reached alarming proportions. Because of these problems, police departments in different countries must work together to combat international crime successfully. Interpol (the International Criminal Police Organization) is the largest international police organization in the world. It was set up in 1923 at the meeting of police officers from 20 countries in Vienna to facilitate cross-border criminal police cooperation and today has 182 member countries spread over five continents. It supports and assists all organizations, authorities and services whose mission is to prevent or combat international crime. Article 5 of the Interpol Constitution stipulates that “The International Criminal Police Organization – Interpol shall comprise: the General Assembly, the Executive Committee, the General Secretariat, the National Central Bureaus and the Advisers”. The General Assembly meets once a year, makes decisions regarding strategy and policy and approves finances, working methods, instruments of cooperation and programmes of activities. The Executive Committee, which normally meets three times a year, prepares the agenda for the General Assembly, approves the programmes of activities, etc. Interpol’s General Secretariat provides a fast and reliable communication system that links police around the globe. Its priority activities concern public safety and terrorism, criminal organizations, drug-related crimes, financial and high-tech crimes, trafficking in human beings, and fugitive investigation support. Each Interpol member country maintains a National Central Bureau (NCB) staffed by national law enforcement officers. The NCB gives assistance with overseas investigations and the location and apprehension of fugitives. One of Interpol’s most important tasks is to place member countries on alert about people who are being detected by police forces worldwide but it is a member country’s domestic police who make a request to place criminals on the Interpol wanted list and it is domestic police who, for the most part, must track and arrest them. Interpol is the sum of its constituent parts, but the General Secretariat in Lyon is the essential coordinating mechanism that gives its members access to international databases of criminal information as well as a global view on specific crimes, patterns and trends. Ex. 20. Find the English equivalents in the text. 1) постоянный рост международных обменов; 2) бороться с международной преступностью; 3) принимать решения; 4) предупреждать меж203

дународные преступления; 5) финансовые преступления и преступления в сфере высоких технологий; 6) обеспечить быструю и надежную систему связи; 7) оказывать помощь в зарубежных расследованиях; 8) список разыскиваемых преступников; 9) доступ к международной базе данных. Ex. 21. Answer the questions. 1. What factors provide more and more opportunities for international criminal activity? 2. What makes police departments in different countries work together in combating international crime successfully? 3. What does the word “Interpol” mean? 4. Where and when was Interpol set up? 5. What are Interpol’s priority activities? 6. Who makes a request to place the criminals on the Interpol wanted list? Who must track and arrest them? 7. What can you say about the role of General Secretariat as the essential coordinating mechanism? 8. Russia became the 151st member of Interpol. When did it happen? Ex.22. Match the synonyms. 1) mission 2) beginning 3) stop 4) go on 5) town 6) country 7) promote 8) help 9) situated 10) dossier

a) outbreak b) city c) ensure d) state e) aim f) cease g) continue h) record i) assistance j) located

Ex. 23. Match the antonyms. 1) national 2) end 3) inequality 4) bodies 5) inflexibility 6) impossible 7) decreasing 8) unofficial 9) cease 10) disrespect

a) respect b) equality c) flexibility d) international e) possible f) growing g) agencies h) official i) originate j) outbreak 204

Memorize the following words and word combinations. to forbid racial crimes principal target counterfeiter to flee voluminous to send over telecommunication network to be staffed by bureau unsolved whenever

[fə`bɪd ] [`reɪʃəl ] [`prɪnsɪ.pəl] [`tɑ:ɡɪt] [`kaʊntəfɪt] [fli:] [və`lu:mɪnəs] [,telɪkəmju:nɪˈkeɪʃən] [`bjʊə,rəʊ] [,ʌn`sɒlvd ] [ wen`evə(r) ]

запрещать расовые преступления главный цель фальшивомонетчик бежать объемистый передавать, посылать телекоммуникационная сеть быть укомплектованным бюро нерешенный всякий раз когда

Ex. 24. Read and translate the following text. How does Interpol Fight Crime? Because of the politically neutral role Interpol must play, its Constitution forbids any involvement in any political, military, religious, or racial crimes. Its work centers primarily on public safety and terrorism, organized crime, illicit drug production and drug trafficking, weapons smuggling, trafficking in human beings, money laundering, child pornography, financial and high-tech crime and corruption. Interpol’s principal target is the international criminal, of which there are three main categories: those who operate in more than one country, such as smugglers, dealing mainly in gold and narcotics and other illicit drugs; criminals who do not travel at all but whose crimes affect other countries – for example, a counterfeiter of foreign bank notes; and criminals who commit a crime in one country and flee to another. At its headquarters in Lyon, France, Interpol maintains a voluminous record of international criminals, their identities, associates, and methods of working, gathered from the police of the member countries. This information is sent over Interpol’s telecommunications network. Each member country has its own Interpol office, or National Central Bureau (NCB), which is staffed by the national police force. These bureaus contact any foreign agency or government who wish to exchange or gather information on particular criminal activities. Interpol maintains a large database keeping unsolved crimes and both convicted and wanted criminals. At any time, a member nation has access to specific sections of the database and its police forces may check information held by Interpol whenever a major crime is committed. 205

Ex. 25. Look through the text again and complete the sentences with the words from the box. telecommunications, corruption, the national police force, money laundering, extradition, database, decisions, smugglers, organized crime, drug trafficking 1. Interpol’s work is focused on terrorism, ..., ... and ... . 2. National Central Bureau (NCB) is staffed by ... . 3. The international criminals are those who operate in more than one country, such as ... . 4. The information about all categories of international criminals is sent over Interpol’s ... network. 5. The main weapon in the hands of Interpol is not a universal detective; it is the ... treaty. 6. The General Assembly meets once a year and makes ... regarding Interpol’s strategy and policy. 7. Interpol maintains a large ... keeping unsolved crimes and both convicted and wanted criminals. Ex. 26. Look through the text and list the main priorities of Europol. Europol Europol is the European Union law enforcement organization that handles criminal intelligence. Its aim is to improve the effectiveness and cooperation between the competent authorities of the Member States in preventing and combating serious international organized crime and terrorism. The mission of Europol is to make a significant contribution to the European Union’s law enforcement action against crime with an emphasis on targeting criminal organizations. Europol (the name is a contraction of European Police Office) is the European Union’s criminal intelligence agency. The agency started limited operations on January 3, 1994, as the Europol Drugs Unit (EDU). In 1998 the Europol Convention was ratified by all the member states and came into force in October. Europol became fully operational on July 1, 1999. Europol has no executive powers. This means that Europol officials are not entitled to conduct investigations in the member states or to arrest suspects. In providing support, Europol with its tools – information exchange, intelligence analysis, expertise and training can contribute to the executive measures carried out by the relevant national authorities. Europol is a multi-disciplinary agency, comprising not only regular police officers but staff members from the member states’ law enforcement agencies: customs, immigration services, border and financial police, etc. Europol helps to overcome the language barriers in international police cooperation. Any law enforcement officer from a member state can address a request to their Europol National Unit (ENU) in her / his mother tongue and receive the answer back in this language. 206

Three different levels of cooperation are possible: the first one is technical cooperation. The next step is strategic cooperation aimed at exchanging general trends in organized crime and how to fight it. The top level of cooperation includes the exchange of personal data and requires the fulfillment of Europol’s standards in the field of data protection and data security. The director is the head of the central unit. The Director of Europol is appointed by the EU Council of Ministers. The principal duties of the director are to carry out the day-to-day administration, the budget, and the decisions of the administrative council. The duties also include acting as the legal representative of Europol. Ex. 27. Answer the questions. 1. The European Police Office is a support service for the law enforcement agencies of the EU Member States, isn’t it? What does it mean? 2. What tools does the support provided by Europol consist of? 3. What law enforcement activities of the Member States does Europol support? 4. Is there any competition between Interpol and Europol? What are their roles in the fight against organized crime? 5. Should you contact Europol if you know about a crime being planned or a crime that has been committed? Ex. 28. Compile sentences from the following words. 1) organization, that, Europol, the, Union, is, handles, European, intelligence, law, enforcement, criminal; 2) creation, arose, the, of, 1989, in, Europol; 3) the, Council, of, Ministers, supervise, and, council, the, administrative, the, unit, central, and, exchange, structure, the; 4) Director, is, appointed, of, the, Council, of, by, the, Europol, Ministers, EU; 5) of, President, the, duties, as, representative, of, Europol, the, acting, include, the, legal. Memorize the following words and word combinations. the United Nations Office On Drugs And Сrime Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention United Nations International Drug Control Program Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Division

[ju:`naɪtɪd neɪʃnz `ɔfɪs ɒn drʌgz ænd kraɪm]

Управление ООН по наркотикам и преступности

[`ɔfɪs fɔ: drʌg kən`trəʊl Управление по контролю за ænd kraɪm prɪ`venʃn] наркотиками и предупреждению преступности [ju:`naɪtɪd neɪʃnz Международная программа ɪntə`næʃənl drʌg ООН по контролю за наркоkən`trəʊl `prəʊgræm] тиками [kraɪm prɪ`venʃn ænd Отдел по предупреждению `krɪmɪnl `ʤʌstɪs преступности и уголовному dɪ`vɪʒən] правосудию 207

United Nations Development Group to rename biannual field office liaison office Executive Director long-term to handle corruption-related to maximise voluntary contribution

Группа ООН по развитию [baɪˈænjuəl ] [li:`eɪzɔn `ɔfɪs] [`hændl] [`mæksɪ,maɪz ]

comprehensive interrelated to pursue guidance

[`vɒləntəri ,kɒn.trɪ`bju:ʃən ] ] [,kɒmprɪˈhensɪv] [,ɪntərɪ`leɪtɪd ] [pə`sju:] [`ɡaɪdəns ]


[ɪmplɪmen`teɪʃn ]

HIV AIDS International AntiCorruption Academy inter alia marginalized transmission to seek to encourage

[,eɪtʃaɪˈvi:] [ ɪdz] [ɪntə`næʃənl `æntɪkə`rʌpʃn ə`kædəmɪ] [ n`tɜ:reɪlɪə]] [`mɑːdʒɪ.nə.laɪzd]

[ɪn`kʌrɪdʒ ]

переименовать двухлетний периферийное отделение офис связи исполнительный директор долгосрочный справляться, работать связанный с коррупцией расширять, увеличивать, повышать добровольный взнос всесторонний, подробный взаимозависимый добиваться, преследовать руководство, управление реализация, осуществление, воплощение ВИЧ СПИД Международная антикоррупционная академия среди прочего изолированный передача искать, стремиться, добиваться поощрять, поддерживать

Ex. 29. Read the text to find some new information. The United Nations Office On Drugs And Crime The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is a United Nations office that was established in 1997 as the Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention by combining the United Nations International Drug Control Program (UNDCP) and the Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Division in the United Nations Office at Vienna. It is a member of the United Nations Development Group and was renamed the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in 2002. In 2016–2017 it has an estimated biannual budget of US $ 700 million. 208

The agency, employing between 1,500 and 2,000 people worldwide, has its headquarters in Vienna (Austria), with 21 field offices and two liaison offices in Brussels and in New York City. The United Nations Secretary-General appoints the agency’s Executive Director. The office aims long-term to better equip governments to handle drug-, crime-, terrorism-, and corruption-related issues, to maximise knowledge on these issues among governmental institutions and agencies, and also to maximise awareness of said matters in public opinion, globally, nationally and at community level. Approximately 90 % of the Office’s funding comes from voluntary contributions, mainly from governments. UNODC was established to assist the UN in better addressing a coordinated, comprehensive response to the interrelated issues of illicit trafficking in and abuse of drugs, crime prevention and criminal justice, international terrorism, and political corruption. These goals are pursued through three primary functions: research, guidance and support to governments in the adoption and implementation of various crime-, drug-, terrorism-, and corruption-related conventions, treaties and protocols, as well as technical / financial assistance to said governments to face their respective situations and challenges in these fields. These are the main themes that UNODC deals with: Alternative Development, Corruption, Criminal Justice, Prison Reform and Crime Prevention, Drug Prevention, Treatment and Care, HIV and AIDS, Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling, Money Laundering, Organized Crime, Piracy, Terrorism Prevention. UNODC, as the custodian of UNCAC, is also one of the main initiators of the establishment of the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA), whose main function is to, inter alia, facilitate more effective implementation of the UNCAC. UNODC launches campaigns to raise awareness of drugs and crime problems. World Drug Campaign The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) started this international campaign to raise awareness about the major challenge that illicit drugs represent to society as a whole, and especially to the young. The goal of the campaign is to mobilize support and to inspire people to act against drug abuse and trafficking. The campaign encourages young people to put their health first and not to take drugs. World AIDS Campaign Young people aged 15 to 24 account for an estimated 40 per cent of new adult (15+) HIV infections worldwide. In some parts of the world, and in some marginalized sub-groups, the most frequent modes of HIV transmission for these young people are unsafe injecting drug use and unsafe sexual activities. 209

Because young people are also often more likely to use drugs, The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) targets this population with a campaign to raise awareness about drug use and its connection to the spread of HIV and AIDS. The slogan: “Think Before You Start ... Before You Shoot ... Before You Share” is used to provoke young people to consider the implications of using drugs, and particularly injecting drugs. Blue Heart Campaign Against Human Trafficking The Blue Heart Campaign seeks to encourage involvement and action to help stop trafficking in persons. The campaign also allows people to show solidarity with the victims of human trafficking by wearing the Blue Heart. The use of the blue UN colour demonstrates the commitment of the United Nations to combat this crime. Ex. 30. Answer the questions. 1. In which country is the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime situated? 2. In which countries does this agency have its liaison offices? 3. What are the aims of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime? 4. When does it commemorate the International Anti-Corruption Day? 5. What are the functions of the UNODC? 6. Which campaigns does the agency hold? 7. What does the blue colour shows in the Blue Heart Campaign? Ex. 31. Match the following words with their definitions. 1. awareness 2. implementation 3. challenge 4. custodian 5. marginalized 6. contribution 7. guidance

a) something that needs great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully and therefore tests a person’s ability b) something that you give or do to help produce or achieve something together with other people, or to help make something successful c) knowledge that something exists, or understanding of a situation or subject at the present time based on information or experience d) relegated or confined to a lower or outer limit or edge, as of social standing e) help and advices about how to do something or about how to deal with problems connected with your work, education, or personal relationships f) the process of putting a decision or plan into effect h) an institution that has responsibility for taking care of or protecting something

Ex. 32. Role-play the dialogues “The work of Europol” and “What is Interpol?”. See Appendix 1. 210

Ex. 33. Write a letter in 120-150 words in an appropriate style about the difference in the work of Europol and Interpol.

1. He agreed … the job as soon as possible. a) start b) starting c) to start d) starts 2. I stopped … my book and went to bed. a) to read b) read c) will read d) reading 3. My teachers always expected me … well in exams. a) did b) doing c) do d) to do 4. Let me … for the meal. You paid last time. a) pay b) to pay c) paid d) paying 5. The dentist told me … more careful when I brush my teeth. a) will be b) being c) to be d) be 6. I never liked … to church when I was a child. a) going b) to do c) went d) go 7. You can’t … your car outside the hospital. a) parks b) to park c) park d) parking 8. David always enjoyed … football at school. a) to be played b) playing c) to play d) play 9. My family is trying … where to go on holiday. a) decided b) decide c) to decide d) deciding 10. I’d like … somewhere different for a change. a) went b) to go c) go d) going 11. They prefer … in a swimming pool all day. a) playing b) plays c) to play d) to playing 12. They refuse … out on trips if it’s too hot. a) to going b) to go c) going d) go 13. Last year we managed … a holiday that suited everyone. a) found b) to find c) find d) finding 211

14. We decided … a house with a swimming pool. a) renting b) rent c) to renting d) to rent 15. We began … about next year’s holiday two months ago. a) talked b) talking c) talks d) talk 16. He doesn’t … to understand English. a) seems b) seem c) seemed d) seeming 17. The workers were expected … the bridge by the end of the month. a) to have finished b) to finish c) to be finishing d) to be finished 18. The room was very crowded, so nobody noticed … the room. a) Jimmy leaving b) Jimmy to leave c) Jimmy leave d) Jimmy had left 19. Mary had nothing to read and I advised … a few books from the local library. a) she to borrow b) her borrow c) her to borrow d) her borrowed 20. Let … whatever they want; I don`t care. a) they do b) them do c) they did


d) them to do


Practice the pronunciation of tongue twisters [ʧ] [ʧ] – глухой английский звук напоминает русский звук [ч], но произносится тверже, одним произносительным усилием, посредством прикосновения кончика языка к альвеолам. Звук [ʤ] – звонкий, произносится так же, как и звук [ʧ], но с голосом. A cheetah chases chancy in a chilly chine Сhinchillas, chipmucks and chaffinches. Which chase of the cheetah in the chilly chine is chancier: Сhinchillas, chipmucks or chaffinches? A Chilean chess-player checks to a Chinese chess-player, The Chinese chess-player checkmates to the Chilean. If the Chilean chess-player didn’t check to the Chinese, Would the Chinese chess-player checkmate to the Chilean?

A Chinaman chaffers on the Change to cheapen china, A chandler chaffers on the Change to cheapen chandlery. If the Chinaman didn’t chaffer on the Change to cheapen china, Would the chandler chaffer to cheapen chandlery? Chanters in a church chant cheerier than chanters in a chapel, Chanters in the chapel chant chillier than in the church. If the chanters in the church didn’t chant cheerier, Would the chanters in the chapel chant chillier?

[ʤ] Звук [ʤ] произносится так же, как [ʧ], но с голосом, менее энергично и всегда со вторым мягким элементом [ʒ].


Jean jellies ginger jam in June, Jess jellies ginger jam in July. If Jean didn’t jelly ginger jam in June, Could Jess jelly ginger jam in July? A German jockey gentles a Gipsy geegee, A Gipsy jockey gentles a German geegee. If the German jockey didn’t gentle the Gipsy gee-gee, Could the Gipsy jockey gentle the German gee-gee?

Judy Jones jigs with Jim James, Jozy James jives with Job Jones. If Judy Jones didn’t jig with Jim James, Could Jozy James jive with Job Jones? John changed a jug of juice to a jar of gin, Jane changed a jar of gin to a jug of juice. If John didn’t change the jug of juice to the jar of gin, Could Jane change the jar of gin to the jug of juice?



can (could) = to be able (to)

- возможность, умение, способность, разрешение - сомнение (обычно сотрицанием), невероятность

may (might) = to be allowed (to)

- разрешение совершить действие - допускаемая возможность, предположение с оттенком сомнения - долженствование, обязанность, приказ, необходимость - предположение (почти уверенность)


должен должно быть, очевидно, вероятно, наверно вынужден, нужно (приходится)

to have (to)

- вынужденная необходимость

to be (to)

- необходимость, предусмотренная планом, договоренностью, расписанием - моральный долг или совет, упрек

ought (to)


- вероятность, предположение - моральный долг или совет

Варианты перевода могу, умею, можно, нельзя возможно, не может быть, вряд ли, неужели можно возможно, может быть

должен должен (следует) должно быть следует, следовало бы


Примеры I can do it. I am able to do it. You can’t go there. Can he be so rude? You may go home. You are allowed to go home. She may be at school now. I must do it now. You mustn’t do it. He must be at home already. I have to go there. Her eyes are not very good. She has to wear glasses. The train is to arrive at 10. We ought to help her. You ought to have done it yesterday. He ought to be at home. You should turn to a professional lawyer.

Ex. 1. Translate the sentences paying attention to the modal verbs. 1. We must master practical skills and abilities to be highly qualified law enforcement professionals. 2. Can you speak English well? – No, I am afraid I can’t. 3. You should work hard and be more attentive. 4. I can’t translate the text by myself. I need your help. 5. I could visit my relatives during last summer holidays. 6. A lawyer should be an expert in laws and their proper usage. 7. You will have to wait, I’m afraid. 8. I am sure that you will be able to solve the crime quickly and accurately. 9. You have to wear a police uniform. 10. Should I write and thank him? 11. He ought to / should tell the truth. 12. Our grandmother is seriously ill, so we must visit her. 13. We will have been able to take fingerprints by the end of the final course. 14. They will have to learn traffic rules before driving. 15. Remember no one ought to interfere in such matters! 16. He was able to speak to Ann before she left. 17. You don’t have to pick us up, we can take a taxi. 18. He should / ought to be punctual. Ex. 2. Read, translate and act out the dialogues. 1. “Can you speak English well?” “No, I can’t. But my friend can speak English well”. 2. “Can your friend interview a witness?” “No, he can’t. He is only learning (how) to interview a witness”.3. Can you work as an investigator? 4. Can you work as a detective now? 5. Can you give lectures on Operative Detective Activity? 6. Can you translate a newspaper article? 7. Can you examine a crime scene? 8. Can you interrogate criminals now? 9. Can you take fingerprints and footprints? 10. Can you drive a car? 11. Can you speak Chinese? 12. Can you solve crimes quickly and accurately? Ex. 3. Open the brackets and translate the sentences into Russian. 1. A lawyer (должен) be responsible and punctual. 2. John (неследует) play computer games. 3. She (может) speak Spanish in a year. 4. Yesterday I (не мог) help my friend. 5. (Можно) I close the window? 6. Tomorrow you (можете) ring me up. 7. A police officer (должен) help citizens in case of danger. 8. (Можно) they leave classes 5 minutes earlier? 9. You (неследует) borrow the car without asking. 10. Every day cadets (должны были) attend lectures, seminars and practical instructions. Ех. 4. Translate into English. 1. Вы должны быть более внимательными. 2. Я не смогу завтра присутствовать на собрании. 3. Можно мне прочитать текст вслух? 4. Он должен прийти сегодня. 5. Я должен уехать завтра, но мне не хочется. 6. Вы 215

должны выполнить это задание вовремя. 7. Я понимаю, что должен читать больше. 8. Вам необходимо проконсультироваться с юристом. 9. Кто умеет говорить по-немецки? 10. Разрешите (можно) войти? MODAL VERBS + PERFECT INFINITIVE МОДАЛЬНЫЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ + ПЕРФЕКТНЫЙ ИНФИНИТИВ may have done must have done should have done to be have done

предположение, что действие произошло уверенность, что действие произошло упрек за то, что действие не произошло невыполненность запланированного действия

He may have made his report. Возможно, он уже сделал отчет. He must have made the report. Должно быть, он уже сделал отчет. He should have made the report. Ему бы уже следовало сделать отчет. He was to have made the report yesterday. Он должен был сделать отчет вчера (но он не сделал). I could have bought the bread but I didn’t know we needed it. Я мог бы купить хлеб, но я не знал, что нужно было. Ех. 5. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian. 1. I may have left my purse in the shop. 2. I must have left my passport at the hotel. 3. She could have gone by bus. Why did she walk? 4. It was so dark that I fell down the stairs. I should have fixed the light. 5. He couldn’t have stolen the car. He was with me all the time. 6. Jim looks happy. I think he must have got a new job. 7. He was to have become a new ambassador, but he fell ill. 8. I should have gone out last night. I’m sorry I didn’t. 9. She must have arrived by now (I’m sure – there is no other possibility). 10. I wonder where she is. She should have arrived. MODALS IN THE FORMS OF POLITENESS МОДАЛЬНЫЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ В ФОРМУЛАХ ВЕЖЛИВОСТИ Function Request Просьба Asking permission Разрешение

Modal verb Could / would Can (informal)

Example Could / Would you tell me the way, please? Can you give me a lift?

Could Would you mind if…

Could I have a look at this report? Would you mind if I smoke here?


Can (informal) May (formal) Might (very formal) Can … (informal) Shall I … Could I (more polite) We can / could … Shall we …

Offers Предложения

May I open the window, please? Could I get you anything from the supermarket?

We could go to the cinema. Suggestions Советы, указания Shall we go out for a meal later? We often reply with: Giving permission: Yes, you can. Sure / No problem (informal). Certainly / Of course. Why not Yes, I'd be glad / happy to help. Refusing: No, I'm afraid I (you) can't / I'm sorry, but I can't. I'd rather not.

NB! “Would / will / do you mind … ?” Вы не возражаете? Вы не против? а) – Would you mind if I sit here? Можно я сяду здесь? – Not at all / Not in the least! Not a bit Можно (т. е. не против, не возражаю); б) – Would you mind joining us? Не хотите ли присоединиться к нам? – Yes, of course / I’d be glad to. Да, конечно. С удовольствием. Ex. 6. Choose the correct modal verb. 1. Could / May / Shallyou tell me the time, please? 2. “May / Should / Would I help you, madam?” “Yes, please. Can / Shall / Would I have these shoes in black, please?” 3. Can/ Shall / May you post this letter for me, please? 4. Shall / Would / Could I speak to Jenny, please? 5. Can / May you pass me the dictionary? Memorize the crime vocabulary. предательство, измена воровство, кража убийство (тяжкое) убийство (простое, без злого умысла) поджог кража из магазина

Crime treason, betrayal theft, stealing murder manslaughter, homicide arson shop-lifting

Criminal a traitor a thief a murderer a killer

Criminal act to betray to steal to murder to kill without intent

an arsonist a shop-lifter

грабеж (на улице) правонарушение

mugging an offence

a mugger an offender

to set fire to to steal from shops / stores to mug to commit an offence


вандализм кража со взломом похищение людей карманная кража пособничество хулиганство безбилетный проезд подделка денег, документов разбой, грабеж дезертирство двоежёнство

vandalism burglary kidnapping pickpocketing accompliceship hooliganism stowaway forgery

a vandal a burglar a kidnapper a pickpocket an accomplice a hooligan a stowaway a forger

to commit vandalism to burglarize / burgle to kidnap to pickpocket to accomplice to make a row to drive ticketless to forge

robbery desertion bigamy['bɪgəmɪ]

a robber a deserter a bigamist

азартнаяигра изнасилование шпионаж

gambling rape spying espionage terrorism hijacking smuggling gangsterism assassination

a gambler a rapist a spy

to rob to desert to marry someone when you are already married to gamble to rape to spy

a terrorist a hijacker a smuggler a gangster an assassin

to terrorize to hijack to smuggle to rob to kill

терроризм угон самолёта контрабанда бандитизм убийство (заказное, политич. деятеля)

Ex. 7. What crime is committed? 1. The gang was arrested while trying to get diamonds and drugs into the country illegally. 2. Terrorists ordered the pilot to fly the plane to another country. 3. I caught him just as he was taking my wallet from my back pocket. 4. The teenagers smashed windows and sprayed graffiti on the walls of the youth centre. 5. The thieves held the bank manager at gun-point while they took the cash. 6. When he broke the back window to get in, our alarm went off. 7. He was found guilty of copying classic paintings and trying to sell them as originals. 8. The gang of youths was arrested for attacking the woman and taking her handbag. 9. Two young girls were found guilty of taking the item from the supermarket without paying for it. 10. He had set fire to the forest just for fun. 11. He married my sister while he had a wife. 12. Two men grabbed a kid and got away. Now they demand $ 100,000 from the family to free him.


Ex. 8. Fill in the missing crimes and offences in the sentences bellow. The first letter of each missing word has been given. 1. The supermarket decided to install closed-circuit television in order to combat the problem of s…. 2. There have been so many cases of s… cars recently. 3. The police are advising residents to install alarms and to notify neighbors when they go out because of increase in b…. 4. He pleaded not guilty to m… but guilty to m… saying that the gun had gone off and killed his wife by accident. 5. Twelve old ladies – the oldest was 87 were accused for playing cards in one of the most respectable districts as g… is prohibited in this country. 6. A school girl is reported to have committed p…. 7. Unfortunately women have always been the victims of r… and domestic violence. 8. F… has been around ever since printing has been used to make money or produce documents. 9. Rich people or their children are sometimes k… and are not set free until a ransom has been paid. 10. Thieves have been around for centuries, probably for as long as humans, but armed r… is a more recent phenomenon. NB! Note the difference between the verbs to steal and to rob. The object of the verb 'steal' is the thing which is taken away, e.g. They stole my bike. The object of the verb 'rob' is the person or place from which things are stolen, e.g. I was robbed last night. A masked man robbed the bank. Ex. 9. Put the right form of either rob or steal in the sentences below. 1. Last night an armed gang …the post office. They … £ 2,000. 2. My handbag was … at the theatre yesterday. 3. Every year large numbers of banks are … . 4. Thieves … jewellery worth over £ 10,000. 5. Two men attempted to …the local bank, but police arrived before they got away. 6. My watch has been …. 7. Their car was … from outside their house last week. 8. Robin Hood … the rich. 9. They were planning to … a shop. 10. If you leave your money there, it’ll be … . Memorize the following words and word combinations. an omission property the sum of total elements to comprise сorpusdelicti (лат.) rowdyism an evilintent


несовершение действия, бездействие ['prɔpətɪ] собственность все элементы [kəm'praɪz] составлять состав преступления ['raudɪɪz(ə)m] хулиганство [‘i:vl] злой умысел 219

brigandage to to pass a sentence mental derangement


to be liable to punishment an assault battery stalking sexual harassment larceny bribery extortion embezzlement sedition espionage counterfeiting tax evasion an illegal enterprise false bankruptcy money laundering

бандитизм, разбой вынести приговор [dɪ'rendʒment] психическое расстройство, невменяемость [‘laɪəbl] подлежать наказанию [ə'sɔːlt] нападение, оскорбление ['bætərɪ] побои ['stɔːkɪŋ] преследование ['sekʃuəl сексуальные домогательства (осоhə'ræsmənt] бенно на рабочем месте) ['lɑːs(ə)nɪ] воровство, кража ['braɪbərɪ] взяточничество [ɪk'stɔːʃ(ə)n] вымогательство [ɪm'bezlmənt] растрата, хищение; присвоение (денег, имущества) [sɪ'dɪʃ(ə)n] подстрекательство к мятежу, бунту ['espɪənɑːʒ] шпионаж ['kauntəfɪtɪŋ] фальшивомонетничество [ɪ'veɪʒ(ə)n] уклонение от уплаты налогов незаконное предпринимательство ['bæŋkrʌptsɪ] ложное банкротство ['lɔːndərɪŋ] отмывание денег

Ex. 10. Read and translate the text. Crime and Punishment A crime is understood as a socially dangerous act (or omission) directed against social and state system. It is defined in criminal legislation as dangerous to society. Each crime consists of a number of individual elements. These elements characterize the purpose, the form, the method and the character of the criminal act. The sum of total elements defining a specific crime comprises corpus delicti of a crime. Сorpus delicti in any act is ground for establishing criminal responsibility against the offender. Corpus delicti simply means the body of a crime. Each crime has an immediate object. Thus murder has as its immediate object human life; theft – state or personal property; rowdyism – public law and order, etc. The subject of a crime is a person who commits a crime and is responsible for it. Only persons who have attained a certain age and are compos mentis can be subjects of a crime. The persons who have reached the age 16 years before the commission of a crime are criminally responsible; but for some crimes (murder, deliberate in220

fliction of bodily injury, brigandage, stealing, robbery, rowdyism with evil intent, etc.) the age is 14 years. A person who, at the time of commission of a socially dangerous act, is non-compos mentis is not criminally responsible. A person who, at the time of the commission of a crime, is compos mentis but who, before a sentence is passed by the court, is affected by mental derangement, is not liable to punishment. By an order of the court compulsory treatment may be applied to such persons and on recovery from their illness they may be liable to punishment. Crimes may be classified in various ways: 1) crimes against the person, such as murder, manslaughter, homicide, rape, assault, battery, domestic violence, kidnapping, stalking, sexual harassment; 2) crimes against the property, such as arson, larceny, robbery, burglary, theft bribery, extortion, embezzlement; 3) crimes against the government, such as treason, smuggling, terrorism, violating election laws, sedition, espionage, counterfeiting, tax evasion, illegal enterprise, false bankruptcy, money laundering. Ex. 11. Translate into English. 1) состав преступления; 2) опасный для общества; 3) непосредственный объект преступления; 4) жизнь человека; 5) государственная или частная собственность; 6) общественный правопорядок; 7) достигнуть определенного возраста; 8) преднамеренное нанесение телесных повреждений; 9) злой умысел; 10) принудительное лечение; 11) подлежать наказанию; 12) домашнее (семейное, бытовое) насилие; 13) быть основанием для; 14) установить ответственность человека; 15) в здравом уме и (и твердой памяти), вменяемый; 16) невменяемый; 17) быть ответственным (за). Ex. 12. Match the synonyms and translate into Russian. 1) espionage 2) theft 3) homicide 4) forgery 5) treason 6) gangster 7) punishment 8) crime 9) brigandage 10) hooliganism 11) false bankruptcy

a) fraud, fake b) penalty c) gangsterism d) sham bankruptcy e) spying f) offence g) rowdyism h) larceny i) bandit j) betrayal k) manslaughter 221

Ex. 13. Discuss the questions. 1. What is a crime? 2. What are the elements of corpus delicti? 3. What is an object of a crime? 4. Who is a subject of a crime? 5. What persons are criminally responsible? 6. In what cases are persons committing crimes not criminally responsible? 7. What does a court do if a person committing a crime is affected by some mental derangement before his or her sentence is passed? 8. What are the different types of crimes? 9. What crimes are considered as crimes against persons? 10. What can you say about property crimes? 11. What crimes are considered as crimes against the government? Ex.14. Match the sentences (1-16) and the crimes committed (a-p). 1. People broke into the house and stole jewelry. 2. She was attacked and robbed in the street. 3. The pilot was forced to change flight course. 4. Why do men steal food from supermarkets? 5. She killed him by poisoning his coffee. 6. He was suspected of setting fire to his own factory. 7. They cracked the government computer system. 8. He threatened to tell everything the media unless he got $5,000. 9 His wallet was stolen from his back pocket. 10. Someone has stolen my purse from my desk. 11. The clerk handed over the money when two masked men threatened to kill him. 12. The business used deception to obtain money. 13. The policemen broke up the angry crowds. 14. The child was taken away and £50,000 ransom was demanded for her release. 15. She was often seen with bruises on her face. 16. The film star had been followed by the same man for months.

a) rioting b) shoplifting c) stalking d) hijacking e) arson f) robbery g) murder h) mugging i) hacking j) burglary k) blackmail l) theft m) kidnapping n) domestic violence o) pickpocketing p) fraud

Ex.15. Complete the following sentences with the words given below. forger, thief, stowaway, kidnapper, assassin, arsonist, spy, gambler, terrorist, traitor, deserter, accomplice, hijacker, mugger 1. A person who sets fire to property illegally is called an … . 2. A person who helps in a criminal act is an … . 3. A person who uses violence for political reasons is a … . 4. A person who attacks and robs people, often in the street is a … . 5. A person who takes away people by force and demands money for their return is a … . 6. A person who steals things from another person is a … . 7. A 222

person who takes control of a plane by force and makes the pilot change the course is a … . 8. A person who betrays his country to another state is a … . 9. A person who hides in a ship or a plane so that he / she can travel without paying is a … . 10. A person who kills a famous or important person for money or political reasons is an … . 11. A person who plays games of chance for money is a … . 12. A person who illegally copies documents, paintings, etc is a … . 13. A person who tries to get secret information about another country, person or organization is a … . 14. A person who leaves the armed forces without permission is a … . Memorize the following words and word combinations. an infraction a fine a jail to serve time in jail to be sent to jail

[ɪn'frækʃ(ə)n] [faɪn] [ʤeɪl]

jail time a jail sentence probation a traffic offence


a misdemeanor




conspiracy community service restitution a felony


an aggravated assault a white-collarcrime behind bars

[ˌrestɪ'tjuːʃ(ə)n] ['felənɪ] ['ægrəveɪtɪd]

нарушение (законов) взыскание, штраф тюрьма; Syn.: prison отсидеть в тюрьме быть приговорённым к тюремному заключению тюремное заключение тюремное заключение, тюремный срок пробация, условное заключение нарушение правил дорожного движения мисдиминор (категория наименее опасных преступлений) лжесвидетельство, дача ложных показаний тайный сговор, заговор общественные работы возмещение убытков; реституция тяжкое уголовное преступление, фелония физическое насилие (нападение) при отягчающих обстоятельствах беловоротничковое (должностное) преступление за решеткой, в тюрьме


Ex. 16. Read and translate the text. Types of Crimes (USA) In every state, crimes are put into distinct categories. The categories are usually “infraction”, “misdemeanor”, and “felony”. Decisions on crime classification are made by state legislators; the determination focuses on the seriousness of the crime. Infractions (sometimes called violations) are petty offenses that are usually punishable by fines, but not jail time. Because infractions cannot result in a jail sentence or even probation, defendants charged with infractions do not have a right to a jury trial. A defendant who has been charged with an infraction can hire an attorney, but the government doesn't have a constitutional duty to appoint one. Traffic offenses are the most common form of infraction. Misdemeanors are criminal offenses that carry up to a year in jail in most states. Examples of misdemeanors are perjury, obtaining money by false pretences, conspiracy, etc. Punishment for misdemeanors can also include payment of a fine, probation, community service, and restitution. Defendants charged with misdemeanors are often entitled to a jury trial. Some states subdivide misdemeanors by class or degree or define more serious misdemeanor offenses as “gross misdemeanors”. These classifications determine the severity of punishment. Misdemeanor Example. Dave is convicted of simple assault. The offense carries a maximum fine of $1,000 and maximum jail time of six months. Felonies (such as murder, rape, arson, aggravated assault) are the most serious type of criminal offense. Felonies often involve serious physical harm (or threat of harm) to victims, but they also include offenses like white collar crimes and fraud schemes. Offenses that otherwise are misdemeanors can be elevated to felonies for second-time offenders. A felony conviction, like a misdemeanor conviction, may not result in time behind bars. But felonies carry potential imprisonment that ranges from time in prison (a year is often the low end) to life in prison. As with misdemeanors, states may also subdivide felonies by class or degree. Felony Example 1. Randy is convicted of felony assault with a deadly weapon even though the bottle that he threw at another patron in a tavern missed its intended target. Even though he failed to injure the intended victim, his behavior was intended to (and did) create a risk of serious physical injury. Felony Example 2. Leora had two prior shoplifting convictions before being arrested for yet another shoplifting offense. State law allows prosecutors to charge shoplifting as a felony if the merchandise was worth a certain amount and the defendant has two or more prior shoplifting convictions. The prosecutor charges Leora with felony shoplifting. 224

Ex. 17. Translate into English. 1) классификация преступлений; 2) законодатели штатов; 3) мелкое правонарушение; 4) правонарушение, обычно наказуемое штрафом; 5) подсудимые, обвиняемые в совершении правонарушений; 6) иметь право на суд присяжных; 7) нанимать адвоката; 8) нарушение правил дорожного движения; 9) общественные работы; 10) мошеннические махинации (схемы); 11) рецидивисты (совершившие правонарушение во второй раз); 12) смертоносное оружие; 13) строгость наказания; 14) жертва, потерпевший; 15) пожизненное тюремное заключение; 16) тяжкое телесное повреждение; 17) суровость (строгость) наказания; 18) получение денег обманным путем (под ложным предлогом); 19) нападение при отягчающих обстоятельствах. Ex 18. Match the synonyms and translate into Russian. 1) infraction 2) misdemeanor 3) felony 4) prison 5) defendant 6) punishment 7) offender 8) assault 9) behind bars 10) target

a) more serious crime b) penalty c) in prison d) criminal e) jail f) attack g) violation h) goal i) accused j) less serious crime

Ex. 19. Discuss the following questions. 1. How can crimes be classified? 2. Who makes decisions on crime classification? 3. What is infarction? 4. How are infarctions punished? 5. What is the most common form of infarction? 6. What isa misdemeanor? 7. How do some states subdivide misdemeanors? 8. What do crimes considered misdemeanors include? 9. What is a felony? 10. How are felonies punished? Ex. 20. Put this story in the correct order. 1. They found both men guilty. 2. And charged them with the robbery. 3. £ 10 000 was stolen from a bank in the High Street. 4. After the jury had listened to all the evidence. 5. They were sent to prison for seven years. 6. The trial took place two months later. 225

7. And they finally arrested two men. 8. They questioned them at the police station. 9. The police questioned a number of people about the crime. Ex. 21. Read and translate the text. Bank Robbery There was a bank robbery in central London yesterday. Just before closing time, a man entered the Branch of the National Westminster Bank. He was carrying a shotgun and wearing a stocking mask over his head. There were only a few customers in the bank at the time. He made them lie on the floor and forced the manager to put the money in a sack. As he was leaving, the security guard tried to ring the alarm. The robber shot him and the guard is now in St. Patricks Hospital. Surgeons are trying to save his life. Last night the police arrested the robber. He is now trying to prove his alibi. Ex. 22. Retell the story as if you were. a) a criminal; b) a detective investigating the case; c) one of the customers; d) the manager of the bank; e) one of the bank guards; f) one of the eyewitnesses, passing by the bank. Ex. 23. Are you a good detective? In small groups solve the following brain teasers. 1. The police stop a car. There are three people in the car: Ann, John and Mary. On the back seat there is a pistol. John says: “It’s mine.” Ann says: “It’s hers.” Mary says: “It’s his.” Nobody is telling the truth. Whose is the pistol? 2. Three brothers, Ben, Ken, and Sven had criminal records and were suspected of being responsible for three recent armed robberies. Questioning of the brothers by police, and statements by witnesses, revealed that: (a) Two of the brothers carried out the bank robbery. (b) Two of them broke into the factory. (c) Two of them raided the armored truck. (d) The one who wasn’t in on the armored truck job wasn’t involved in the factory break-in. (e) Sven wasn’t at the factory break-in or the bank robbery. Who committed that? 3. Mary’s mother, Mrs. Simpson, had four children. The first was Ann, the second was Alice and the third was Emily. What was the name of her fourth child? Ex. 24. Role-play the dialogue “Crime and Punishment”. See Appendix 1. 226

Ex. 25. Memorize the limericks. There was an old lady, who said When she found a thief under her bed, “Get up from the floor; You’re too near the door, And you may catch a cold in your head”.

There was a young fellow of Lyme, Who lived with three wives at a time. When asked, “Why the third?” He said, “One’s absurd, And bigamy, sir, is a crime”.

Ex. 26. Answer the questions to find out how safe and secure you are. 1. Do you often walk in areas which are not very safe? (Yes=1 No=0) 2. Do you often walk on your own in these areas late at night? (Yes=2 No=0) 3. Do you wear a money belt when you go out? (Yes=0 No=1) 4. Do you wear an expensive watch or expensive jewellery? (Yes=1 No=0) 5. Do you check doors and windows before you go out when your home is empty? (Yes=0 No=2) 6. Do you have a burglar alarm? (Yes=0 No=1) 7. Do you leave lights on when you go out? (Yes=0 No=1) 8. Is there someone who protects the building while you are out? (Yes=0 No=1) 9. Do you have a safe in your home? (Yes=0 no=1) Now add up your score: less than 3 = very, very safe; 3-5 = quite safe; 68 = you could take a lot more care; more than 8 = you are a dangerous person to know! Ex. 27. Imagine that you are writing a report to your boss about the burglary. Use the following words. Mind the Active and Passive Voice. 1. The door of the house, to force (взламывать), at 10 p.m., yesterday. 2. The old man, to tie, to beat. 3. The most valuable things, to take. 4. The fingerprints, to find, on many pieces of furniture. 5. One of the burglars, to leave, the knife. 6. They use, the car, and the traces of it, to find, near the house. 7. The old man, to take to hospital. 1. We (должны были) to meet at 5:30. I went there but nobody turned up. a) were to b) must c) may 2. As you are here, (можно) I ask you a few questions. a) should b) must c) may 3. After such hard work you (должны, следует) have a good rest. a) has to b) must c) may 227

4. This question (надо) be raised at the next meeting. a) have to b) must c) may 5. She was … by a man who threatened to tell her employer about her past. a) hijacked

b) blackmailed

c) stolen

6. Department stores lose millions from …. a) pickpocketing b) shoplifting c) bigamy 7. The police think … lit the fire. a) an arsonist b) a forger

c) gambler

8. He … his father's signature on £20,000 worth of cheques. a) forged b) smuggled c) terrorized 9. When you travel on public transport, always keep your bag carefully closed in case of …. a) hijackers b) pickpockets c) stowaways 10. It took the ... twenty-four hours to decide. a) accused b) jury c) witness 11. Eventually the jury managed to reach a …. a) court b) judge c) verdict 12. The judge gave him a suspended … . a) punishment b) sentence c) penalty 13. The police have … a woman in connection with last Tuesday's robbery. a) arrested

b) accused

c) convicted

14. The … agreed to release her on bail (отпуститьподзалог). a) defendant b) witness c) judge


UNIT 12.1 INVESTIGATION, IDENTIFICATION, INTERROGATION There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact. A. Conan Doyle Practice the pronunciation of tongue twisters. [f] Звук [f] произносится как русский звук [ф], но энергичнее и без участия верхней губы. Перед гласными звуками [e], [i], [i:], [ɜ:] и согласным звуком [j], звук [f] не смягчается. The first fly flies forty-four feet, The fourth fly flies forty-five feet, The fifth fly flies fifty-four feet. What fly flies fifty-five feet?

A fat Finnish fisher fried for a funny feast on Friday Forty-four fries, forty-five flukes, Fifty-four flitches and fifty-five flatfishes Found freshly in a far fiord. Federico Fellini finished in February of Frank’s father followed a fox’s footprints the fifty-fifth in a forest, A film-farce far-famed in the fifties, Fred’s father followed a ferret’s footprints Featuring a famous French filmstar of the in a field, fifties, Phil’s father followed a frog’s footprints Fixing fairly for her a fantastic fee! in a fen, Whose footprints finished by the fence?

[v] Звук [v] произносится как ослабленный русский звук [в], но без участия верхней губы. Перед гласными звуками [e], [i], [i:], [ɜ:] и согласным звуком [j], звук [v] не смягчается. A very versed valuer valued the value Of the vanished Venetian vase in Vatican. Why did the very versed valuer value the value Of the Venetian vase vanished from Vatican?

Vincent Voice vanquished Vivienne Vogue With very vivid verses in a velvet valentine. If did Vincent Voice versify his velleity in the velvet valentine, To vanquish Vivienne Vogue? A village vet visits villagers in the vicinity A very virtuous violinist vanned in a van To vaccinate village calves from a viru- to Vancouver lent virus. A viatic valise with a viol, a viola and a If the village vet didn’t visit villagers in violin. the vicinity, Was a venture for the very virtuous vio229

Could he vaccinate the village calves linist to van in the van from the virulent virus? The viatic valise with the viol, the viola and the violin?

COMPLEX SENTENCES СЛОЖНЫЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ Сложные предложения бывают двух типов: сложносочиненные (compound sentences) и сложноподчиненные (complex sentences). Сложносочиненные предложения состоят из равноправных простых предложений, не зависящих друг от друга. Простые предложения, входящие в состав сложносочиненного предложения соединяются сочинительными союзами (and– и; а; but– но; or– или, иначе). Например: Go at once or you will miss your train. Идите немедленно, иначе вы опоздаете на поезд. He went home, and I remained at the crime scene. Он ушел домой, а я остался на месте преступления. Сложноподчиненное предложение состоит из главного предложения и придаточного. Придаточное предложение соединяется с главным при помощи подчинительных союзов и союзных слов. Типы придаточных предложений Типы придаточСоюзы и союзные ных предложений слова 1. Придаточное – that – что подлежащее if, whether – ли who (whom) – кто (кого) whose – чей what – что, какой which– который when– когда where – где, куда how– как why – почему 2. Придаточное – те же самые союзы, сказуемое (являет- что и для придаточнося имееной частью го подлежащего сказуемого) 3. Придаточное дополнение

– те же самые союзы, что и для придаточных предложений подлежащего и ска230



1) That he under- 1) Ясно, что он stands his mistake is понимает свою clear. ошибку. 2) How you have 2) Очень странно, managed to do it is как тебе удалось very strange. сделать это. 3) Встречались ли 3) Whether we met мы там или нет, there or not does not сейчас это не имеет mean anything now. значения. 1) The question is whether he knows about this meeting. 2) This is what I told you about. 1) I think that I will be very busy. 2) We know where she lives.

1) Вопрос в том, знает ли он об этом собрании. 2) Это то, о чем я тебе говорил. 1) (Я) думаю, что буду очень занят. 2) Мы знаем, где она живет.

зуемого 4. Придаточное – who – который определительное whose – чей, которого whom –которого

5. Обстоятельство места

which– который that – который when– когда where – где, куда why - почему where– где, куда wherever – где бы ни, куда бы ни

6. Обстоятельство времени

when– когда after – после того before – до того, как, прежде чем till (until) – до тех пор, пока (не); пока (не) while – в то время как, когда, пока since – с тех пор как as soon as – как только as– когда, в то время как

7. Обстоятельство причины

because – потому что as – так как since – так как, поскольку for – так как, ибо

8. Обстоятельство образа действия

as – как that – что as if (as though) – как будто, как если бы that, so, in order that – чтобы so that – для того, чтобы if – если unless – если …не

9. Обстоятельство цели 10. Обстоятельство условия


3) He asked if he 3) Он спросил, can take the book. может ли он взять эту книгу. 1) The man who / 1) Мужчина, котоthat came in is our рый вошел, наш boss. начальник. 2) The book that / 2) Книга, которую which I’m reading я читаю, детектив. is a detective story. 3) I know the man 3) Я знаю человеwho (whom) you ка, которого вы mean. имеете в виду. 1) Wherever you 1) Куда бы вы ни go, you must re- поехали, вы должmember about it. ны помнить об 2) Put the vase этом. where it belongs. 2) Поставь вазу на место. 1) When summer 1) Когда наступит comes, we’ll go to лето, мы поедем в the country. деревню. 2) I will stay here 2) Я останусь until you return. здесь до тех пор, пока вы не вернетесь. 3) We have not had 3) Мы не имели от any news from him него никаких изsince he left Mos- вестий с тех пор, cow. как он уехал из Москвы. 4) After the agree- 4) После того как ment had been соглашение было signed, the delega- подписано, делегаtion left Moscow. ция уехала из Москвы. 1) He walked 1) Он шел быстро, quickly for he was так как он спешил. in a hurry. 2) Поскольку вы 2) Since you have окончили свою раfinished your work, боту, вы можете you may go home. идти домой. 1) She speaks so 1) Она говорит так loudly that every- громко, что все моbody can hear her. гут слышать ее. 1) I gave him the 1) Я дал ему учебtextbook so that he ник, чтобы он смог might learn his les- выучить урок. son. 1) If I see him to- 1) Если я увижу morrow, I will ask его завтра, я спро-

provided (that) – при условии, если; если только; при условии что; в том случае, если

him about it. 2) I will go provided that the others go.

шу его об этом. 2) Я пойду в том случае, если пойдут остальные.

Ex. 1. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the conjunctions and connective words in bold. 1. My friend whose name is Boris is a sophomore of Ufa Law Institute. 2. The book which is on the table is the text-book on Criminal Law and Procedure. 3. The man who is at the table is an instructor on Crime Psychology. 4. The subjects that you are to pass during your first examination session are difficult. 5. This is how you are to do this programme. 6. The town where I am now is in the east of this country. 7. When I am free, I am usually at my friend's place. 8. As my friend is to be a detective, he is to do his best here at the Institute. 9. My friend is a hard-working young man because he is to be a search commander. 10. If I am free, we are to go to the cinema. 11. My girl-friend is good at English therefore she helps in my studies. 12. We are to be good specialists in crime detection, that's why special subjects are of a great interest for us. 13. Social sciences and foreign languages are necessary for us since they are to improve our education. Ex. 2. Insert the appropriate conjunctions if, until, when, as soon as. 1. Be sure to see (обязательно навести, повидайся с) Ann … you are in Moscow. 2. I’ll be away … Lucy arrives. 3. Ring me up … anything happens. 4. … you learn the result let me know about it. 5. Wait … it stops raining. 6. You should stay with the sick woman … the doctor comes. 7. I’ll go travelling next year … I have money enough then. 8. Don’t give up this idea even … you fail at the beginning. 9. He’ll come … he finishes his work. 10. The alarm was raised … the fire was discovered Ex. 3. Join two sentences with the help of conjunctions who, that, whom, which, whose. 1. Mr. N. doesn’t like publicity. His books are best-sellers. Mr. N., whose books are best sellers, doesn’t like publicity. 2. He is a cheerful boy. Everybody loves him. 3. This is the house. Jack built it. 4. Alice doesn’t watch films. Her best friend is an actor. 5. The policeman received the reward for excellent service. He is a friend of mine. 6. He is the person. I want to see him. 7. The car dashed against a tree. It was going at over 100 mph. 8. He is the offender. The police have arrested him. 9. He was my teacher. I will never forget him. 10. This is the road. It leads to the railway station. 232

Ex. 4. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Кто может раскрыть это преступление – неизвестно. 2. Британский полицейский хорошо знаком каждому, кто побывал в Великобритании. 3. Поскольку шел дождь, мы остались дома. 4. Я сделаю эту работу, если у меня будет время. 5. Он не сможет закончить расследование, если ты ему не поможешь. 6. Как только они прибудут на место преступления, они начнут работу. 7. В большинстве стран есть государственные полицейские силы, которые контролируются правительством. 8. Я знаю, где они живут. 9. Вопрос в том, знает ли он об ограблении. 10. Я видел молодого человека, который входил в банк. Memorize the following words and word combinations. аvailable




common sense sleuthing abilities to do one’sbest to be skilled in smth. marksmanship to operate in plain clothes undercover work surveillance to penetrate the underworld to accomplish aim to identify identity to provide evidence of the guilt to present evidence in court confession testimony an appearance circumstantial (indi-

['kɔmən'sens] ['slu:θɪŋ]

['ma:ksmæn∫ɪp] [klouðz] [ˌʌndə'kʌvə] [sɜː'veɪləns] ['ʌndəwɜːld] [ə'kʌmplɪ∫'eɪm] [aɪ′dentɪfaɪ] [aɪ'dentətɪ]

[kən'fe∫(ə)n] ['testɪmənɪ] [ə'pɪər(ə)ns] [sə:kəm'stæn∫(ə)l] 233

доступный, имеющийся в распоряжении; наличный преданность, самоотверженность здравый смысл сыскные способности делать все возможное быть опытным, квалифицированным меткая стрельба работать в штатской одежде негласная работа негласный надзор внедряться в преступный мир выполнять (достичь) цель опознавать, устанавливать личность; идентифицировать; подлинность; личность предоставить доказательство вины предоставить доказательства, улики в суд признание (вины) свидетельское показание внешний вид, наружность косвенные доказательства,

rect)evidence physical (direct)evidence to prove the guilt a defendant a perpetrator an accused distinсtive marks a сlose associatе to become familiar salient features modus operandi (лат.)

[pru:v] [dɪ'fendənt] ['pɜːpɪtreɪtə] [ə’kju:zd] [dɪ'stɪŋktɪv 'ma:ks] ['klous ə'səusɪət], [-ʃɪət] [fə'mɪlɪə] ['seɪljənt 'fi:t∫əz] [məʊdəs ɒpəˈrandʌɪ]

an informant


to obtain (get) information


to leave clues blood to discover crimes of violence

[klu:z] [blʌd] [dɪ'skʌvə]

physical struggle


косвенные улики вещественные (прямые) доказательства, улики доказатьвину ответчик, обвиняемый преступник обвиняемый приметы близкий соучастник познакомиться характерные особенности cпособ (образ) действия, «почерк» преступника - информатор, осведомитель - добывать, получать сведения (информацию) оставлять улики кровь обнаруживать, находить насильственные преступления физическая борьба

Ex. 5. Read and translate the text. Crime investigation Investigation means a search for the truth, for the criminal, for the witnesses who can help to conduct investigation and will present evidence of a crime in court. No successful investigation is available without highly professional law enforcement officers who possess courage, intelligence, dedication, common sense, professional instinct and sleuthing abilities. To conduct investigation successfully and to solve a crime quickly and accurately an investigator must do his best in performing his job. He is to combine theory and practice. He should know not only theoretical fundamentals of law enforcement but he should also be skilled in marksmanship, driving a patrol car, communicating with the public. An investigator often operates in plain clothes in his undercover work. He conducts surveillance of persons and penetrates the underworld. An investigator is a person who collects facts to accomplish three aims: to identify and locate a criminal and to provide evidence of his guilt. Investigation 234

is divided into three stages: a criminal is identified; a criminal is traced and located; the facts proving his guilt are gathered for court presentation. At the first stage a criminal is identified as the `perpetrator of the criminal act. The identity of a criminal is discovered using confession and eyewitness testimony. Confession is an excellent means of identifying a criminal but it must be supported by other evidence. Eyewitness testimony is one of the most important sources of evidence. The ideal identification is made by several objective persons who know the appearance of the accused and who personally witnessed the commission of the crime. Identification may be established by physical (direct) and circumstantial (indirect) evidence. Physical evidence usually involves the objects found at the crimescene. A perpetrator may leave some clue at the crime scene such as a weapon, tools, fingerprints, footprints. He may carry from the scene a trace in the form of glass, paint, hair or blood. Crimes of violence will leave the evidence of physical struggle. At the second stage of the investigation a criminal is located. To locate and apprehend a criminal an investigator mustknow personally the offenders, their distinctive marks, their friends, relatives and close associates. He becomes familiar with the salient features of a criminal’s modus operandi. An investigator uses informants and obtains confidential information from them. The third and the most difficult stage of the investigation is collecting the facts necessary in the trial to prove the guilt of the accused and to present evidence in court. Ex. 6. Translate into English. 1) проводить расследование; 2) обладать сыскными способностями; 3) раскрывать преступление быстро и точно (по горячим следам); 4) делать все возможное; 5) сочетать теорию и практику; 6) теоретические основы правоприменения; 7) установить личность преступника, виновного в совершении преступления; 8) работать в штатской одежде; 9) быть опытным водителем; 10) проводить негласный надзор; 11) внедряться в преступный мир; 12) свидетельские показания очевидцев; 13) прямые и косвенные доказательства; 14) быть свидетелями совершения преступления; 15) оставлять улики на месте происшествия; 16) насильственные преступления; 17) улики физической борьбы; 18) установить местонахождение преступника; 19) выслеживать преступника; 20) задерживать (арестовывать) преступника; 21) узнавать близких соучастников преступника; 22) получать


секретную информацию; 23) доказать вину обвиняемого; 24) внешность преступника; 25) предоставить показания в суд. Ex. 7. Translate into Russian. 1) to accomplish aims; 2) to present the evidence of a crime in court; 3) theoretical fundamentals of law enforcement; 4) to be skilled in driving a car; 5) to communicate with the public; 6) to trace and locate a criminal; 7) to be skilled in marksmanship; 8) to operate in plain clothes; 9) to penetrate the underworld; 10) to witness the commission of a crime; 11) to leave some clue at the crime scene; 12) to prove the guilt of the accused; 13) eyewitness testimony; 14) physical and circumstantial evidence; 15) crimes of violence; 16) the identity of a perpetrator; 17) to know personally offenders; 18) modus operandi; 19) to obtain confidential information; 20) to leave the evidence of physical struggle; 21) to present physical evidence in court. Ex 8. Match the synonyms and translate into Russian. 1) courage 2) surveillance 3) guilt 4) evidence 5) criminal 6) identity 7) apprehension 8) associate 9) trial 10) confidential

a) perpetrator b) arrest c) proof d) blame e) secret f) judicial proceedings g) bravery h) personality i) accomplice j) supervision

Ex 9. Match the antonyms and translate into Russian. 1) familiar 2) accusation 3) courage 4) guilt 5) personal 6) difficult 7) intelligence 8) ability 9) most 10) direct

a) cowardice b) public c) least d) stupidity e) indirect f) defence g) incompetence h) innocence i) easy j) strange


Ex. 10. Make up word combinations and translate into Russian. 1) to identify a) evidence in court 2) to witness b) a suspect 3) to obtain c) driving a car 4) to penetrate d) to the crime 5) to present e) the underworld 6) to be skilled in f) information 7) to operate g) as a police officer 8) to confess h) investigation 9) to work i) in plain clothes 10) to conduct j) a bank robbery Ex. 11. Discuss the following questions. 1. What does an investigation mean? 2. What should an investigator do to solve a cime quickly and accurately? 3. What qualities should law enforcement officers possess? 4. Why does an investigator operate in plain clothes? 5. What stages of investigation do you know? 6. How is the identity of the criminal discovered? 7. How can an identification of the criminal be established? 8. What does physical evidence include?9. How is a criminal established? 10. Why does an investigator use informants? Memorize the following words and word combinations. an operative group a bobby-handler / a dogguide /a K9-handler a field criminalist / an exhibits officer/ a forensic scientist a medical expert a search commander

['ɔp(ə)rətɪv] ['bɔbɪ 'hændlə] ['dog ,gaɪd] ['fi:ld'krɪmɪnəlɪst] [ɪg'zɪbɪts/fə'rensɪk

оперативная группа кинолог, проводник служебнорозыскной собаки эксперт-криминалист

['medɪkl 'еkspə:t] [sə:t∫ kə'ma:ndə]

судебно-медицинский эксперт руководитель осмотра места происшествия выезжать на место происшествия работать в тесном контакте / сотрудничестве осмaтривать место совершения преступления

[prɪ'lɪmɪn(ə)rɪ ['ʤen(ə)r(ə)l]

предварительный осмотр общий осмотр подробный, детальный осмотр руководить осмотром места происшествия

to go out to a crime scenе to work in close cooperation to investigate / examine / search / observe / inspect / survey a crime scene preliminary observation a general observation a detailed search to direct investigation


data ( pl. от datum) to protect evidence an exhibits integrity to interview an eyewitness to interrogate suspects to detain a suspect to search for eyewitnesses a victim to give first aid to take traces of the crime act a forensic laboratory to pack the traces of the crime to develop fingerprints to take footprints to make plaster casts a sample secretion a fiber a corpse an external examination methods of identification to establish corpus delicti to make a diagram to make a sketch to reconstruct the happening to make conclusions to take into consideration available information to make a record to bring a criminal action to ensure seizure

['deɪtə] [ɪg'zɪbɪts ɪn'tegrɪtɪ] ['ɪntəvju:] [dɪ'teɪn] ['vɪktɪm]


['pla:stə ka:sts] ['sa:mpl] [sɪ'kriːʃ(ə)n] ['faɪbə] [kɔ:ps] [eks'tə:nl]

['dаɪəgrəm] [ˌriːk(ə)n'strʌkt] [kɔn'klu:ʒ(ə)ns]

[ɪn'∫uə] ['si:ʒə]

данные, факты защищать, охранять улики целостность, сохранность вещественного доказательства опрашивать очевидца допрашивать подозреваемых задерживать подозреваемого искать очевидцев потерпевший, жертва оказать первую мед. помощь зафиксировать следы преступного действия криминалистическая лаборатория упаковать следы преступления проявлять отпечатки пальцев снимать отпечатки следов ног изготовить гипсовые слепки образец секреция, выделение волокно труп внешний осмотр методы идентификации устанавливать состав преступления составить схему, график делать эскиз мысленно воссоздать происшествие делать выводы принимать во внимание имеющаяся информация составить протокол возбудить уголовное дело обеспечивать конфискация, изъятие, наложение ареста

Ex. 12. Read and translate the text. Crime Scene Investigation (SCI) As soon as an operative group gets the information of the crime commit-


ted it goes out to the crime scene. The crime scene means the place where the crime such as burglary, larceny, homicide, traffic crime or motor vehicle theft, etc. takes place. An operative group consists of an investigator, a field-criminalist (exhibits officer, forensic scientist), an inspector of the CID (an operative), a medical expert, a dog-guide (a bobby handler). Each of them has their own duties at the crime scene. They should master special means, methods and forms of crime solution and work in close cooperation to solve the crime quickly and accurately. The process of the CSI usually includes a preliminary investigation, a general observation, a detailed search and a final stage. At the preliminary stage a search commander (usually an investigator) directs the crime scene investigation, takes measures to detain suspects, ensures crime scene protection, searches for eyewitnesses and witnesses of a crime. At the stage of the general investigation an investigator analyses the situation, makes a plan for search. Basing on all the data gathered he tries to reconstruct the happening as to: Where? What? When? How? Why? Who? At the stage of the detailed search an investigator makes diagrams, sketches, takes pictures of the objects of the crime scene. A field-criminalist (an exhibits officer) helps an investigator to solve a crime. He is responsible for crime scene and exhibits integrity. An exhibits officer records the detailed information concerning the exhibit signs and labels. He develops and takes traces of the crime act (fingerprints, footprints, a sample of hair, blood stains, secretions, fibers etc.) and packs the traces of the crime for a forensic laboratory, makes plaster casts, etc. An operative finds witnesses, eyewitnesses, victims and suspects. He locates and apprehends suspects and criminals, identifies a criminal using the methods of identification. An operative also takes measures for search, discovery and seizure of stolen property and instruments of a crime. An investigator interviews witnesses and victims and interrogates criminals and suspects. A medical expert gives first aid to a victim or conducts an external examination of a corpse. A bobby-handler together with a police dog helps to locate and apprehend a criminal. At the final stage of the crime scene survey an investigator makes conclusions taking into account all available information, makes a record of the crime scene observation. If all the facts gathered during the crime scene investigation show corpus delicti, an investigator brings the criminal action. Ex. 13. Translate into English. 1) осматривать место происшествия; 2) быстрое и полное раскрытие преступления; 3) общий осмотр места происшествия; 4) детальный обыск 239

места преступления; 5) анализировать оперативную ситуацию; 6) принимать меры; 7) составить план осмотра места преступления; 8) следы преступного действия; 9) делать выводы; 10) снимать отпечатки пальцев; 11) устанавливать состав преступления; 12) упаковать следы; 13) изготовить гипсовые слепки; 14) получать информацию о совершенном преступлении; 15) работать в тесном контакте; 16) устанавливать личность преступника; 17) обнаруживать и задержать преступника; 18) воссоздать события преступления; 19) возбудить уголовное дело; 20) пятна крови. Ex. 14. Match the synonyms. 1) to arrest 2) to search for 3) to take pictures 4) to find 5) to interrogate 6) to investigate 7) to gather 8) to get 9) to ensure 10) to help

a) to look for b) to question с) to assist, to aid d) to guarantee e) to photograph f) an exhibits officer g) to apprehend, to detain h) to examine i) to collect j) to obtain

Ex. 15. Match the words (1-10) with their definitions (a-j). 1) a suspect 2) a victim 3) a witness 4) to interrogate 5) a corpse 6) evidence 7) seizure 8) data 9) to identify 10) a laboratory

a) the objects and facts that make you believe that something is true b) a dead body of a person c) to recognize or be able to say who sb is d) a person who sees sth happen e) the action of confiscating property using legal authority f) to ask sb a lot of questions over a long period of time g) a room equipped for scientific research h) a person who is thought to be guilty of a crime i) facts or information j) a person who is injured, killed or hurt by sb

Ex. 16. Discuss the following questions. 1. When does an operative group go out to the crime scene? 2. What are the main stages of crime scene search? 3. Who does an operative group consist of? 4. Who directs crime scene investigation? 5. What are the duties of an investigator? 6. Who develops and takes fingerprints and footprints at the crime scene? 7. What is a medical expert responsible for? 8. Who interrogates suspects 240

and criminals? 9. What are the duties of a K9-handler? 10. When does an investigator bring the criminal action? Memorize the following words and word combinations. identification


portrait parle фр.

[′p‫כ‬:trɪt ′pa:l]

an identikit to employ fingerprinting


a sketch voiceprint a build complexion a scar a speech pattern walk handedness

[′fingəprɪntɪŋ] [sket∫] [bɪld] [kəm'plekʃ(ə)n] [ska:] [w‫כ‬:k] [′hændɪdnɪs]

nervous disorder to confirm to couple sth with sth

[kən′fə:m] [kΛpl]

to the point that an overlay


confrontation a suspect in custody whereby perpetration to file a file criminal records to confess to process

[ˌkɔnfrʌn'teɪʃ(ə)n] [wεə′baɪ] [ˌpɜːpɪ'treɪʃ(ə)n] [faɪl] [faɪl] [kən′fes] [′prəυsəs]


опознание, установление личности; идентификация устное описание портрета, словесный портрет фоторобот; syn.: a photofit применять, использовать снятие отпечатков пальцев; syn.: dactyloscopy эскиз, набросок, зарисовка запись звучания голоса телосложение цвет лица шрам, рубец манера говорить походка привычка пользоваться одной, преимущественно правой или левой рукой нервное расстройство подтверждать; opp.: to deny соединять / связывать с; syn.: to combine with до такой степени, что пластинка с изображением фрагментов человеческого лица конфронтация; очная ставка подозреваемый, находящийся под стражей при помощи, посредством чего совершение (преступления) регистрировать и хранить документы картотека, досье, дело досье преступника (совершённых им преступлений) признаваться обрабатывать

Ex. 17. Read and translate the text. Identification in Police Investigation Identification is the most important function of the investigator in any investigation he may conduct. The methods which are most frequently employed are: portrait parle, fingerprinting, photography, the artist's sketch and identikit, modus operandi, the eyewitness, voiceprint, and reports from the crime laboratory. Fingerprinting is the most widely used method in police work. Portrait parleis defined as a verbal picture or description of a human body. It was devised in 1882 by Alphonse Bertillon. Twenty commonly used points of personal physical description are ordinarily employed: ethnic data, height, weight, build, head shape, face shape, complexion, hair, facial hair, eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, chin, ears, scars, blood groups, physical defects. As an aid in identifying a subject ten behavioral characteristics are commonly used: speech pattern, walk, handedness,habits, nervous disorders, narcotics use, alcohol use, tobacco use, sexual behaviour, mental disorders. Photography is widely used in identification. Not infrequently witnesses and even officers experience difficulty in accurately describing a person, a place or thing, but, when they are shown a photograph, they are able to confirm or deny the content of the photograph as it depicts a place or thing. Often, even with the aid of photography, identification cannot be established, and it then is necessary to couple the technique of the verbal description with that of the artist's sketch. In recent years, some of the particular sizes, shapes, angles, and other features of the human head have been standardized to the point that with a description and the manipulation of various plastic overlays of the identikit, an accurate picture of a person can be made in black and white in a period of a few minutes. Such a picture then may be transmitted by fax to other agencies, printed in newspapers and made public if necessary. A further method available is the confrontation of a suspect in custody with an eyewitness. This is accomplished most generally through a process called a line-up whereby a witness or victim observes and hears the suspect talk, but the suspect does not see the witness. In many investigations, no description of a person suspected of criminal activity is available. Thus, an identification will be attempted to make by analyzing the methods and techniques employed by the suspect, those which are known as his modus operandi (method of operation or M.O.) in the perpetration of his crimes. Special files of M.O. are kept in identification bureaus. The evidence of modus operandi is of great importance in detecting pickpocketing, burglaries, shoplifting, sex-offences, arsons, murders, etc. Fingerprinting is the only sure way to confirm the identity of a person who is suspected of crime. When a finger touches surface of an object, the print of his finger is left on the surface. This is called a fingerprint. Every fingerprint 242

is unique. This principle is used by all police forces to identify criminals (or sometimes dead bodies). So, if a suspect arrested does not confess his guilt it may be proved by comparing his fingerprints with those found at the scene and showing that they are identical. Fingerprints of criminals are collected and filed in criminal record offices. In practice, all persons accused of crime are fingerprinted on arrest and before trial.Thefts, robberies and murders are often solved with the help of fingerprinting. Other items of physical evidence – direct and indirect (circumstantial) may also be removed from the crime scene. When they are processed and analyzed by the crime laboratory, they often provide the investigator with the information to establish identification of the perpetrators. Voiceprinting and handwriting are also used for identification purposes. Ex. 18. TranslateintoEnglish. 1) криминалистическая лаборатория; 2) группы крови; 3) манера говорить; 4) испытывать трудность; 5) словесное описание; 6) точное изображение человека; 7) в чёрно-белом варианте; 8) очная ставка; 9) под стражей; 10) процедура опознания; 11) совершение преступления; 12) снятие отпечатков пальцев; 13) картотека, дело, досье; 14) досье преступника; 15) карманная кража; 16) магазинная кража; 17) поджог; 18) единственный верный (надёжный) способ; 19) отдел регистрации преступлений и преступников; 20) обрабатывать и анализировать; 21) прямые и косвенные улики; 22) запись звучания голоса; 23) почерк. Ex. 19. Match the synonyms. 1) photograph 2) photofit 3) verbal 4) shape 5) behavior 6) various 7) fingerprinting 8) print 9) theft 10) arrest

a) oral b) conduct с) dactyloscopy d) detension e) mark f) identikit g) laceny h) form i) different j) picture

Ex. 20. Discuss the following questions. 1. What part does identification play in any police investigation? 2. What methods are used in police investigation? 3. What is portrait parle? Who devised this method? 4. What twenty points of personal physical description and ten be243

havioral characteristics are employed in this method? 5. Why do you think photographs are useful in identification? 6. What is an identikit? 7. How is the confrontation of a suspect in custody with a witness accomplished? 8. What is a line-up? 9. What does the abbreviation M.O. stand for? 10 What is modus operandi? 11. Where are special files of M.O. kept? 12. What is fingerprinting? 13. Why do you think fingerprinting is the only sure way of identification? 14. What other means are used for identification purposes? Memorize the following words and word combinations. dos and don’ts questioning hands-on experience nuance фр. a value a tip in quest of sb / sth to exhaust an avenue reliable information in any way to go into an interview to anticipate to predict a background

[æn'tɪsɪpeɪt] [prɪ'dɪkt] ['bækgraund]

case facts coercive a litigation to infer

[kəu'ɜːsɪv] [ˌlɪtɪ'geɪʃ(ə)n] [ɪn'fɜː]


['kwesʧənɪŋ] ['njuːɑːns] ['væljuː] [kwest] [ɪg'zɔːst] ['ævən(j)uː]


to shake hands (with smb.) a written statement

правила (что следует и не следует делать) допрос; syn.: an interrogation практический опыт нюанс, оттенок ценность; важность полезный совет; syn.: advice в поисках кого-л. / чего-л. использовать полностью путь, средство, способ достоверная информация в любом случае начинать допрос ожидать, предвидеть предсказывать, прогнозировать подноготная; происхождение, биографические данные; связи обстоятельства дела насильственный, принудительный тяжба; судебный процесс значить, обозначать, означать, подразумевать; наводить на мысль снисходительность; мягкость; терпимость пожимать к.-л. руку; обмениваться рукопожатием с кем-л. письменный отчет (документ)

Ex. 21. Read, translate and retell the text. The Dos and Don’ts of Effective Questioning It takes many years of hands-on (practical) experience to truly understand the nuances of effective questioning. 244

An interviewer must be able to interpret verbal and non-verbal behavior, and must understand the value in observation. An interviewer must be able to apply legal, psychological, and interrogative research within the process whether (будь то) interviewing victims, witnesses or suspects. What follows is a short list of interrogation tips that may help other interviewers in their quest to find the truth. Tip #1: Prepare. The most important part of any interrogation happens before questioning begins. Before you walk into that room, be sure you have conducted a thorough investigation. Exhaust all potential investigative avenues to gather reliable information that can help you in any way during the questioning process. And, have an interrogation strategy. Whenever possible try never to go into an interview “cold” (неприветливый; равнодушный). Tip #2: Anticipate Behavior. While you cannot predict what the interviewee will say or do, you should always anticipate responses to problems (вопросы) during the interview. Techniques are taught to help avoid conflict during the conversation. Anticipate what type of denials (emphatic or explanatory) the subject is going to offer based on his background and the case facts. Tip #3: RESPECT. This is one of the most often overlooked aspects of interrogation. Always treat the individual with the same consideration and respect that you would like if the situation were reversed. This is the sign of a true professional. And do not use coercive tactics. Actions such as yelling, screaming, making threats or promises of leniency should not be used. Tip #4: Hands Off. You should never touch the subject during the interview process. Other than shaking hands before and after the interview, any physical contact with the subject should be avoided. In litigation, even innocent touches or movements during the interview may be twisted to infer or support a claim (утверждение) of coercion or some other argument presented by the interviewee’s attorney. Tip #5: Document. Make sure to take a thorough written statement at the conclusion of the interview. The dishonest individual’s statement needs to include intent, elements of the crime or violation and be thoroughly substantiated. There are dozens of additional tips that can help interrogators. The fact is, a non-confrontational “interview” is going to be much more effective than confrontation. Establish a relationship. Have a conversation. And, always on the side of safety by making good “business” decisions instead of emotional ones. Ex. 22. Translate into English. 1) практический опыт; 2) вербальное и невербальное поведение; 3) советы по проведению допроса; 4) проводить тщательное расследование; 5) в поисках правды; 6) использовать все следственные способы; 245

7) собирать достоверную информацию; 8) в любом случае; 9) стратегия допроса; 10) начинать допрос; 11) предвидеть ответы на вопросы; 12) избегать конфликта во время разговора; 13) обещание проявить снисхождение; 14) руки прочь; 15) обмениваться рукопожатием; 16) полный (исчерпывающий) письменный отчет. Ex. 23. Match the synonyms. 1) avenue 2) tip 3) nuance 4) hands-on 5) response 6) interviewer 7) interpretation 8) conversation 9) litigation 10) coercion

a) practical b) lawsuit с) answer d) explanation e) advice f) talk, dialogue g) intimidation, pressure h) way, means i) interrogator j) shade

Ex. 24. Choose one student from your group and describe him / her using the following words and expressions. Ask your partner to decide which student you described. Какого он (она) роста? Он (она) маленького / высокого / среднего роста голова – округлая, слишком большая / маленькая Лицо – удлиненное, округлое, овальное, квадратное, прямоугольное, треугольное, худое, пухлое, отёкшее, морщинистое, рябое, чисто выбритое Черты лица – резко выраженные, тонкие, крупные, мелкие, правильные / неправильные Цвет лица – смуглый, бледный Волосы – кудрявые, волнистые, прямые, редкие, светлые, до плеч, тёмные, средней длины, короткие, коротко подстриженные (жен.), «конский хвост» (прическа) окрашенные, лысый

How tall is he (she)? He (she) is short / tall / of medium height head – round, too large / small Face – long, round, oval, square, rectangular, triangular, thin, plump, puffy, wrinkled, pock-marked, clean-shaven Features – clean-cut, delicate, large, small, regular / irregular Complexion – dark, pale Hair – curly, wavy, straight, receding, fair, shoulder-length, dark, mediumlength, short-cut, bobbed, ponytail dyed, bald


Лоб – высокий, низкий, узкий, квадратный, широкий Глаза – навыкате, близко посаженные, глубоко посаженные, косой Брови – тонкие / густые, дугообразные, тонко очерченные Уши – маленькие, большие, большие торчащие уши Нос – прямой, заостренный, крючковатый, плоский, орлиный, курносый / вздёрнутый Губы – полные, тонкие, накрашенные, “заячья губа” Зубы – ровные / неровные, редкие, искусственные Щеки – пухлые, впалые / ввалившиеся, румяные Подбородок – квадратный, двойной, массивный Борода – густая, “лопатой”, седая, густая Усы – тонкие / узкие, густые, закрученные кверху Рост – высокий, низкий, средний Телосложение – среднее / нормальное, крепкое, полный, тощий / кожа да кости, стройный Каковы его (её) особые приметы? Родинки, веснушки, шрамы, деревянная нога, горб, большой живот (пузатый человек) Как он(а) был(а) одет(а)? Он(а) был(а) одет(а) в костюм / пальто / плащ / платье / пиджак / рубашку / футболку / юбку / брюки, джинсы Какого цвета …? Красный, синий, зеленый, коричневый, серый, желтый, черный, белый, одноцветный, в горошек, в полоску, в клеточку

Forehead – high, low, narrow, square, broad Eyes – bulging, close-set, deep-set, cross-eyed Eyebrows – thin, thick / bushy, arched, pencilled Ears – small, big, jug-eared Nose – straight, pointed, hooked, flat, aquiline,snub / turned-up Lips – full, thin, painted, cleft lip Teeth – even / uneven, sparse, artificial / false Cheeks – plump, hollow, ruddy Chin – square, double, massive, Beard – bushy, spade beard, greybearded, heavy-bearded, goatee Moustache [məs‫׳‬ta:ƒ]– thin, thick, handlebar Height – tall, short, of medium height Build – average, medium build, well-built, plump, skinny, slim

What are his (her) distinctive marks? Birth marks, freckles, scars, wooden leg, humpback, pot-belly What was he (she) dressed in? He (she) was dressed in a suit / a coat / a raincoat / a dress/ a jacket / a shirt / a Tshirt/ a skirt / trousers, jeans What colour is … ? Red, blue, green, brown, grey, yellow, black, white, plain, spotted, striped, checked


Ex. 25. Role-play the dialogue “Interviewing a witness”. See Appendix 1. Ex. 26. Read and translate the police bulletin. Crime: Armed Robbery Location: South & South Park Streets Date: November 13, 1999 The public’s assistance is requested in identifying the person or persons responsible for an armed robbery on the southwest corner of the South St. And South Park St. intersection. This crime occurred at 9:30 a.m. on November 13, 1999. At about 9:30 a.m. the victim, a young visitor to the city, was walking south along South Park St. At the southwest corner of South Park St. And South St., the suspect jumped in front of the victim, pulled a knife from his jacket and said, “Give me your purse or you’re stuck!” The victim handed it over and the suspect fled the scene of the crime. The suspect is described as a white male, 20–25 years old, medium build, 5’2”, moustache, blue eyes, short brown hair, pointed nose. He was wearing a red baseball cap with a Montreal Canadians logo, a dark blue jacket, green jeans and white sneakers. This man is armed and therefore dangerous. If you can identify the man in the photofit picture, or have any information on this or any crime, contact the local Police Department or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-555-8477, and you may be eligible for a cash reward. Ex. 27. Translate the following police bulletin into English in writing. Разыскиваются преступники, совершившие убийство в доме № 99 по проспекту Мира. Первый: на вид 30 лет, рост 170–175 см, худощавого телосложения, волосы черные прямые, лицо круглое, нос прямой, глаза слегка навыкате. Был одет: темная короткая кожаная куртка, светлые брюки, коричневые ботинки. Носит темные очки в металлической оправе. Второй: на вид 40 лет, рост 175–180 см, плотного телосложения, волосы светлые, вьющиеся до плеч, лицо овальное, нос курносый, брови густые. Был одет: темная удлиненная кожаная куртка, темные брюки. Возможно, имеется третий сообщник, мужчина лет 50–55 (Фоторобот прилагается). Любую имеющуюся информацию просьба сообщить по телефону: 02 или 112. 248

Ex. 28. A man and a woman were seen running away from the postoffice which had just been robbed. This is the report that an eyewitness wrote for the police. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word from the box. Write no less than 10 questions for interviewing the eyewitness. moustache; well-built; as; much; wavy; in; wearing; looked; ponytail; sunglasses. I was just getting out of my car, when I saw these two people, a man and a woman, running fast down the other side of the street from me. They were being chased by one or two people who ran out of the post office. The man was (1) … taller than the woman. He was wearing black (2) … and he had a long (3) …. He was carrying a red leather bag. He had long hair, a beard and a (4) …. He had on a green anorak with badges on the sleeves. He was quite (5) … and muscular. The woman was quite small and very slim, but she could run just as fast (6) … the man. She had (7) …, shoulder-length hair and was probably (8) … her late teens. She was (9) … a dark-blue T-shirt and jeans. They both (10) … quite scared.

1. That's the woman to … I spoke about the job. a) whom b) whose c) that 2. The house in … they live is opposite a big park. a) what b) whose c) which 3. All of the exam papers are collected and given to the examiners … job it is to mark them. a) that b) whose c) which 4. This is the title of the book … I need for my course. a) b) what c) where 5. Next to the hotel there's a large gym … you can work out. a) that b) what c) where 6. My mother, … is retired, has decided to learn Chinese. a) that b) what c) who 7. My car, without … I can't get to work, has broken down. a) whose b) which c) what 249

8. We waited for nearly an hour to be served, but our meal, … it arrived, was awful. a) when b) if c) where 9. допрос a) interrogation

b) interpretation

c) confrontation

10. Choose the synonym of “dactyloscopy”. a) footprinting b) voiceprinting c) fingerprinting 11. Choose the synonym of “photofit”. a) portrait parle b) identikit c) first aid kit 12. The abbreviation CSI stands for crime scene … . a) investigation b) identification c) interpretation 13. A … may leave some clue at the crime scene. a) offender b) investigator c) perpetrator 14. An investigator often operates in … in his undercover work. a) uniform b) plain clothes c) underclothes


UNIT 12.2 TERRORISM. TRANSNATIONAL CRIMES There is no priority higher than the prevention of terrorism. John Ashcroft Practice the pronunciation of tongue twisters. [r] При произнесении звука [r] кончик языка поднят к заднему скату альвеол. В отличии от русского [р], английский согласный характеризуется однородностью звучания. A right-handed fellow named Wright In writing “write” always wrote “right” Where he meant to write right, If he’d written “write” right, Wright would not have wrought rot writing “rite”.

A rector refreshes in a refectory, A referee refreshes in a restaurant. If the rector didn’t refresh in a refectory, Would the referee refresh in a restaurant?

[l] При произнесении звука [l] кончик языка прижат к альвеолам, боковые края опущены, образуя проход для воздуха. В зависимости от положения в слове у этого звука имеется два оттенка: мягкий оттенок – перед гласными звуками и твердый – перед согласными и в конце слова. A loyal lackey in a laky livery lights Lamps in a lobby later than lamps in a library. If the loyal lackey wasn’t in the laky livery, Would he light lamps in the lobby later than in the library?

A law lecturer labours in a little lab, A letters lecturer labours in a large library. If the law lecturer doesn’t labour in the little lab, Would the letters lecturer labour in the large library?

[m] При произнесении звука [m] губы сомкнуты (более плотно, чем для русского [м]), мягкое небо опущено и воздух проходит через полость носа. Mary Mac’s mother’s making Mary Mac A mighty mayor may miss a Monday meetmarry me. ing 251

My mother’s making me marry Mary Mac. Will I always be so merry when Mary’s taking care of me? Will I always be so merry when I marry Mary Mac?

To meet most of Military Ministry’s members. If the mayor doesn’t meet the Military Ministry’s members, May he miss the Monday morning meeting?

See Unit 12.1, p. 230

See Unit 12.1, p. 232 Memorize the following words and word combinations. civilians an intimidation coercion

[sɪ'vɪlɪənz] [ɪnˌtɪmɪ'deɪʃ(ə)n] [kəu'ɜːʃ(ə)n]

a ransom to convince

['ræns(ə)m] [kən'vɪns]





bombing holding hostages a stab suicide bombings

['bɔmɪŋ] ['hɔstɪʤiz] [stæb] ['s(j)uːɪsaɪd]

conventional to perceive counterterrorism

[kən'venʃ(ə)n(ə)l] [pə'siːv] [ˌkountər'terəˌrizəm]

to incorporate to counter

[ɪn'kɔːp(ə)reɪt] ['kauntə]


гражданское население запугивание принуждение, насилие, применение силы выкуп; выкупная сумма убеждать, уверять (в чём-л.) публичность, известность, гласность стрельба; расстреливание; убийство (из огнестрельного оружия) бомбёжка, обстрел, взрыв захват заложников удар (ножом, кинжалом) взрывы, совершенные террористами-смертниками обычный, традиционный воспринимать, понимать антитерроризм, борьба с терроризмом включать (в состав чего-л.) противостоять

Ex. 1. Read and translate the text. Terrorism Terrorism means violence against civilians to achieve political or ideological objectives by creating extreme fear. It is the use of force or violence against persons or property in violation of the criminal laws of the government for purposes of intimidation, coercion, or ransom. Terrorists use threats to create fear among the public in an effort to convince them that their government is powerless to stop acts of terrorism. Terrorists believe that if they can cause some sort of panic that they can force people to fear them and in turn, have power over them. It is also a way for the terrorists to get publicity for their causes or to force governments to do something. Terrorist tactics include shootings, hijackings, kidnappings, bombings, holding hostages, stabbing attacks and suicide bombings. Other tactics are seen more unconventional and have only been used in a few instances, if at all. However, these unconventional tactics are perceived by government officials and experts as serious potential threats. Some types of unconventional terrorism tactics commonly recognized by terrorism experts are bioterrorism, agroterrorism, nuclear terrorism, and cyberterrorism. Counter-terrorism (also spelled counterterrorism) incorporates the practice, military tactics, techniques, and strategy that government, military, law enforcement, business, and intelligence agencies use to combat or prevent terrorism. Counter-terrorism strategies include attempts to counter financing of terrorism. Ex. 2. Translate into English. 1) насилие в отношении гражданских лиц; 2) сильный страх; 3) применение силы; 4) в целях запугивания, принуждения или выкупа; 5) террористические акты; 6) заставить людей бояться террористов; 7) предать гласности (огласить) свои причины; 8) угоны самолетов; 9) взрывы бомб; 10) захват заложников; 11) взрывы, совершенные террористамисмертниками. Ex. 3. Translate into Russian. 1) to achieve political or ideological objectives; 2) the use of force or violence against persons or property; 3) violation of the criminal laws; 4) for purposes of intimidation, coercion, or ransom; 5) to stop acts of terrorism; 6) to cause some sort of panic; 7) to force people to fear terrorists; 8) to get publicity for their causes; 9) were used in a few instances; 10) to be perceived by government officials and experts as serious potential threats; 11) to combat or prevent terrorism; 12) to counter financing of terrorism. 253

Ex 4. Match the synonyms and translate into Russian. 1) intimidation 2) combat 3) fear 4) attempt 5) objective 6) expert 7) financing 8) suicide 9) cause 10) attack

a) fright, horror, terror b) goal, purpose c) reason, motive d) funding e) assault f) frightening g) self-murder h) try i) specialist j) fighting

Ex 5. Match the words (1-10) with their definitions (a-j). 1) a hostage a) an act of wounding or killing someone with a knife 2) an intimidation b) an act of persuading someone forcefully to do something they did not want to do 3) a stabbing c) a person not in the armed service or the police force 4) a ransom d) unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain or harm 5) coercion e) a per son held as security for the fulfillment of condition 6) suicide f) the unofficial use of violence or intimidation in the pursuit of political aims 7) fear g) sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety 8) a civilian h) the action of killing oneself intentionally 9) terrorism i) an act of frightening someone 10) panic j) a sum of money demanded for the release of a captive Ex. 6. Put the words in correct order to make questions. 1. is, terrorism, what? 2. do, terrorists, use, why, threats? 3. terrorists, to get, try, do, publicity, why? 4. tactics, do, include, terrorists, what? 5. are, terrorism, what, unconventional, tactics, considered? 6. counter-terrorism, is, what? 7. incorporate, does, counter-terrorism, what? 8. terrorism, why, financing, necessary, it, to counter, is? Memorize the following words and word combinations. small-scale a backing

[ˌsmɔːl'skeɪl] ['bækɪŋ] 254

мелкомасштабный, мелкий, небольшой помощь, поддержка

substantial a scope

[səb'stænʃ(ə)l] [skəup]

to encompass


in all likelihood to recede devastating to look at

['laɪklɪhud] [rɪ'siːd] ['devəsteɪtɪŋ]

a test case an anthrax to evacuate

['ænθræks] [ɪ'vækjueɪt]

to place one's faith in smb.

существенный, большой масштаб, предел, сфера, область действия охватывать по всей вероятности уменьшаться, снижаться разрушительный рассматривать, изучать возможность прецедент, случай сибирская язва освобождать, покидать, очищать (помещение) слепо верить кому-л., доверять

Ex. 7. Read and translate the text. Super Terrorism Terrorism has always been a serious issue, but the days when it involved small-scale bombing and assassinations could be over. Terrorists with the backing of substantial financial, ideological and human resources could develop into super terrorism. Super terrorism can be defined as an act of terrorism carried out by a terrorist group using nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons. The scope of this definition has been further widened recently to encompass cyber attacks as well. Expert opinion on super terrorism has been divided. However, many analysts think that the possibility of a nuclear terrorist attack has in all likelihood receded (power stations are extremely well protected against terrorists, containing emergency systems which immediately shut down at the first sign of trouble) compared to other possibilities such as chemical and biological terrorism. This is due to the relative ease of production and related costs associated with the latter two. Biological warfare is a frightening prospect, especially as biological weapons are cheap to make and therefore attractive to terrorist organizations. The effects are potentially devastating. One detailed American study looked at the test case of a small boat spraying anthrax spores into a light south-easterly breeze from the southern tip of Manhattan Island. Anthrax is an airborne disease which is almost always fatal to humans. The report states: “If only half the target personnel are exposed and develop pulmonary anthrax; if only half the cases result in death, more than 600,000 deaths would occur”. The terrorists could also be long gone by the time the anthrax symptoms were identified in the victims. 255

Chemical weapons are also cheap and easy to get hold of. Once again technology has potentially aided the terrorists: air conditioning systems could provide the perfect way of distributing dangerous gas extremely quickly through a building. Gas has already been used in a terrorist attack. In 1995 religious fanatics released deadly sarin gas in the Tokyo subway. Twelve people died and more than 5,500 were injured, suffering temporary or even permanent blindness. Surveillance equipment installed in buildings, airports, underground stations, etc. can help to avoid such instances in the future. In addition, staff should be carefully trained to recognize unusual smells and to evacuate stations, airports and other public places speedily. Terrorism works by acting directly on the public through intimidation. The fact is that people are affected by it. Unfortunately, there is very little we can do about it except place our faith in the government, and hope that the measures taken to prevent terrorism are successful. But if we allow ourselves to be intimidated by it, then it has already worked. Ex. 8. Translate into English. 1) серьезная проблема; 2) при поддержке; 5) террористический акт; 6) сфера применения этого определения; 7) электростанция; 8) аварийные системы; 9) разрушительный эффект (разрушительное воздействие); 10) распылять споры сибирской язвы; 11) южная оконечность острова Манхэттен; 12) заболевание, передающееся воздушно-капельным путем; 13) смертельное заболевание; 14) выпустили смертельный газ зарин; 15) оборудование для наблюдения, технические средства наблюдения; 16) избегать подобных случаев в будущем; 17) распознавать необычные запахи; 18) принимать меры. Ex 9. Match the synonyms and translate into Russian. 1) backing a) trust 2) personnel b) destructive, destroying 3) faith c) underground, metro 4) fatal d) view 5) devastating e) support, aid 6) subway f) probability 7) issue g) staff 8) opinion h) range, scale, size 9) possibility i) problem 10) scope j) lethal, deadly Ex. 10. Match the antonyms and translate into Russian. 1) cheap a) slowly 2) easy b) health 256

3)speedily 4) shut 5) little 6) faith 7) rise 8) disease 9) always 10) war

c) much d) never e) decrease f) peace g) expensive h) distrust, disbelief i) open j) difficult

Ex. 11. Are the statements below true or false? 1. Terrorism has never been a serious problem. 2. Super terrorism means terrorist attacks with chemical, biological or nuclear weapons. 3. Power stations are well protected against terrorists. 4. People are not affected by terrorism. 5. Biological weapons are expensive to make and therefore not attractive to terrorist organizations. 6. Anthrax is almost always fatal to humans. 7. Gas has never been used in terrorist attacks. 8. Surveillance equipment is installed in underground stations. 9. Air conditioning systems provide the perfect way of dispersing dangerous gas slowly through a building. 10. The government should take measures to prevent terrorism successfully. Ex. 12. Write down questions to discuss the text about super terrorism with your partner. Memorize the following words and word combinations. transaction financial transactions economic imbalance(s) a financial profit a trafficking (traffic) drug trafficking human trafficking money laundering human rights abuses a counterfeiting goods smuggling a scourge

[træn'zækʃ(ə)n] [faɪ'nænʃ(ə)l] [ˌiːkə'nɔmɪk ɪm'bælənsɪz] ['prɔfɪt] ['træfɪkɪŋ] ['træfɪk] [drʌg 'træfɪkɪŋ] ['hjuːmən] ['lɔːndərɪŋ] ['kauntəfɪtɪŋ] [gudz 'smʌglɪŋ] [skɜːʤ]

дело; сделка, соглашение финансовые операции экономический дисбаланс финансовая выгода (прибыль) торговля запрещенным товаром (наркотиками, оружием, людьми и т. д.) наркоторговля, наркотрафик торговля людьми отмывание денег нарушения прав человека подделка, фальшивомонетничество контрабанда товаров бич, бедствие, беда


Ex. 13. Read and translate the text. Transnational Crimes Transnational crime is understood as crime that takes place across the borders of two or more countries. Global crime has a similar definition, as it is criminal activity conducted across the globe. Transnational crime has been a part of international relations and international trade for quite some time. However, as societies and individuals become more connected to one another, this globalization enables criminal networks to work alongside legal global activities and to establish connections with many different countries. There are a number of reasons for the rise of transnational crime in international relations and in the world today. The notion of transnational crime is intertwined with revolutionary technological, financial, communications, economic, cultural, and political changes that characterize globalization, and it is increasingly difficult to separate criminal activities from legitimate global transactions. Some have argued that one factor for global crime has been the fall of the Soviet Union, which has allowed groups easier access to operate in the international system. In addition to shifting geopolitical realities, other reasons for transnational crime have been linked to issues of poverty and economic imbalances. Other factors may include failed states, global migration, growth of global cities, the expansion of free trade, rapid communications and computer technologies, and easy global financial transactions. When discussing the definition of transnational crime, it is important to separate it from what is referred to as international crime. Transnational crimes are crimes often committed with financial profit in mind, international crime includes crimes such as human rights abuses, genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, etc. And while transnational crime is crime carried out across two or more international borders, international crime can take place within the borders of one state, and in fact, it often does. However transnational crime is sometimes called international crime or cross-border crime. There are many different classifications of transnational crime in the international system. Transnational crimes can be grouped into three broad categories involving provision of illicit goods (drug trafficking, trafficking in stolen property, weapons trafficking, and counterfeiting), illicit services (commercial sex and human trafficking), and infiltration of business and government (fraud, racketeering, money laundering, and corruption) affecting multiple countries. Some other types of transnational crime are kidnapping, human slavery, goods smuggling, piracy, cyber-attacks, trading in stolen art, trading of exotic animals, illegal animal and plant products and other goods prohibited on environmental grounds (e.g. banned ozone depleting substances), sex slavery, terrorism offences and other criminal activities. Transnational criminal markets crisscross the planet, conveying drugs, arms, trafficked women, toxic waste, stolen natural resources or protected ani258

mals' parts. Hundreds of billions of dollars of dirty money flow through the world every year, distorting local economies, corrupting institutions and fuelling conflict. Transnational organized crime has become a central issue in international affairs, an important factor in the global economy and an immediate reality for people around the world. Aside from the direct effects - drug addiction, sexual exploitation, environmental damage and a host of other scourges - organized crime has the capacity to undermine the rule of law and good governance, without which there can be no sustainable development. Tracing and arresting transnational offenders may prove extremely difficult. Problems can arise in connection with exchanging information, identification, international investigations and subsequent extradition. Because of these problems, police services in different countries must work together if they are to combat transnational crime successfully. Ex. 14. Translate into English. 1) транснациональная преступность; 2) международные отношения; 3) международная торговля; 4) устанавливать связи; 5) изменения геополитических реалий; 6) проблемы бедности и экономического дисбаланса; 7) несостоявшиеся государства; 8) финансовая выгода; 9) нарушения прав человека; 10) незаконный оборот наркотиков; 11) сбыт похищенного имущества (торговля похищенным имуществом); 12) незаконный оборот оружия; 13) подделка, фальшивомонетничество; 14) торговля людьми; 15) проникновение в бизнес и правительство; 16) мошенничество; 17) рэкет; 18) отмывание денег; 19) торговля похищенными произведениями искусства; 20) незаконные продукты животного и растительного происхождения, запрещенные по экологическим соображениям; 21) запрещенные озоноразрушающие вещества. Ex 15. Match the words (1-12) with their definitions (a-l). 1) a genocide 2) a migration 3) a globalization 4) a counterfeiting 5) an infiltration 6) a corruption 7) a trafficking

a) sending someone back to the country or state where they've been accused of a crime b) dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery c) a state whose political or economic system has become so weak that the government is no longer in control d) an attempt to gain illegal access to a computer or computer system for the purpose of causing damage or harm. e) the process by which businesses or other organizations start operating on an international scale f) movement of a large group of people to another country g) deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group 259

8) a racketeering 9) a failed state 10) a smuggling 11) a cyber attack 12) an extradition

h) illegal transportation of goods or persons across an international border either clandestinely or through deception, such as the use of fraudulent documents i) the action of entering or gaining access to an organization surreptitiously and gradually, especially in order to acquire secret information or cause damage j) trading in something illegally k) making money from illegal activities such as threatening people l) fraudulent imitation of something genuine

Ex. 16. Are the statements below true or false? 1. Trafficking in persons is a serious crime and a grave violation of human rights. 2. Arms trafficking is not a transnational crime. 3. Tracing and detaining transnational criminals may prove easy. 4. When criminal acts, deals and schemes violate the laws of more than one country, they are said to, be crossborder, transnational or international crimes. 5. Transnational crime is understood as crime that takes place across the borders of two or more cities. 6. Some other types of transnational crime are kidnapping, human slavery, trading of legal animal and plant products not prohibited on environmental grounds. 7. Criminal groups undermine state authority and the rule of law by fuelling corruption, compromising elections, and hurting the legitimate economy. Ex. 17. Roleplay the dialogue “Interviewing a witness”. See Appendix 1. Ex. 18. Read the newspaper article “Interpol Murder Hunt Comes to Britain” and answer the questions. Officers in the international police organization Interpol want to question Jean-Michel Bellingcourt, aged 45, from Louvain in Belgium, about the murder last week of a Dutch couple in a camping site outside Montpellier, France. The French police believe that Mr Bellingcourt caught the boat on Friday from Le Havre in France to Portsmouth. The police describe the man as about 1.85m tall, thin with wavy black hair and a moustache. He is wearing jeans, a red T-shirt and a black anorak. 1. Who are Interpol looking for? 2. Why are they looking for him? (Because they think he murdered …) 3. How old is he? 4 How and when did he probably get to Britain? Ex. 19. Write a paragraph in 120-150 words about what you can do to prevent terrorist acts. 260

See Unit 12.1 (1-8) p. 228 9. Political and economic instability can be the cause of …. a) terrorist b) terrorism c) extradition 10. The kidnappers demanded a … of one million dollars. a) punishment b) sentence c) ransom 11. The school bully used … to force the other kids to give him their lunch money. a) coercion ...... b) hijacking c) smuggling 12. Choose the synonym of “to ban”. a) to intimidate b) to prohibit c) to terrorise 13. They … immigrants across the border. a) smuggled b) stole c) hijacked 14. Choose the opposite of ‘poverty’. a) health b) wealth c) wisdom 15. Choose the synonym of ‘to ban’. a) to intimidate b) to prohibit

c) to terrorise

16. They … immigrants across the border. a) smuggled b) stole c) hijacked 17. Choose the opposite of ‘poverty’. a) health b) wealth c) wisdom


UNIT 13.1 PUBLIC ORDER MAINTENANCE. HELPING FOREIGNERS If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable. Brandeis Practice the pronunciation of some tongue twisters. [ɒ] Краткий гласный звук [ɒ] произносится без напряжения. Английский звук [ɒ] отчасти похож на русский звук [о] в слове конь, если его произносить не округляя и не выпячивая губы. При произнесении звука [ɒ], необходимо максимально отодвинуть назад язык, как при произнесении звука [a:], и, широко раскрывая рот, попытаться добиться минимального округления губ. Rob often drops his wallet in shops, Tom often drops his wallet at stops. If Rob didn’t often drop his wallet in shops, Would Tom often drop his wallet at stops?

A box of olives costs more than a bottle of squash, A bottle of squash costs less than a box of olives. If a box of olives didn’t cost more than a bottle of squash, Would a bottle of squash cost less than a box of olives?

[ ɔ: ] Долгий гласный звук [ɔ:] произносится напряжённо, при оттянутом назад языке и сильно округлённых губах. Следует избегать характерного для артикуляции русского звука [о] выпячивания губ, которое приводит к образованию несвойственного английскому звуку [ɔ:] призвука [у]. Four explorers explore forty waterfalls, Forty explorers explore four waterfalls. If four explorers didn’t explore forty waterfalls, Would forty explorers explore four waterfalls?

A poor lord always goes for a walk With a small Walkman at quarter to four in the morning. Is the poor lord already bored with his walks With a small Walkman at quarter to four in the morning?


DIRECT AND INDIRECT (REPORTED) SPEECH ПРЯМАЯ И КОСВЕННАЯ РЕЧЬ Косвенная речь передает слова говорящего не слово в слово, а лишь по содержанию, в виде дополнительного придаточного предложения. NB! Say – Tell – Speak – Talk:  “I won’t do it”, he said→ He said (that) he wouldn’t do it.  “I won’t do it”, he said to me. → He told me (that) he wouldn’t do it.  He said to me, “Please help me”. → He asked me to help him.  Paul said to be there at 10.00. (say + to infinitive)  He told us / spoke about / talked about his misfortunes. (tell somebody, speak / talk about something / somebody).

Ex. 1. Fill in the correct form of say, tell and speak. 1. The judge … the witness to … the truth and nothing but the truth. 2. Mark … he could … English and Arabic. 3. Ann … goodbye to me and left. 4. “What did you … the police?” He asked. 5. I didn’t expect to see you, Jim. Kate … you were ill. 6. Jack … me that he was fed up with his job. Ex. 2. Choose the correct word. 1. He often says / tells things like that. 2. She always says / tells me her troubles. 3. They said / asked me to leave. 4. “Don’t do that!” she said / told to them. 5. I said / told that I didn’t know what to do. 6. He said / told me he didn’t know what to do. 7. He didn’t say / tell me how long the job would take. Ex. 3. Fill in the gaps with a suitable form of say, tell, speak, talk. 1. So then Melissa ... “I hate doing homework!” 2. He ... his brother that he wanted an ice-cream. 3. He didn't ... anything to me! 4. I think you need to ... something to the police about what you saw last night. 5. His teacher ... him to study for the exam. 6. How many languages can you ... ? 7. What are you two ... about? 8. “Can we ...?” 9. “Can I ... to you in private?” Lucy asked her boss. 10. I can't trust John. He never ... the truth. 11. He ... a funny story about living in Paris. 12. How do you ... “bread” in Italian? 13. They're always ... politics! 14. Fran: “Mr. Jones is so difficult to work with!” Mel: “ ... about it!” 15. “Can you ... up, please? I can’t hear you”. 263

THE SEQUENCE OF TENSES CОГЛАСОВАНИЕ ВРЕМЕН При преобразовании прямой речи в косвенную необходимо соблюдать правила согласования времен. В соответствии с этими правилами: 1. Если глагол в главном предложении стоит в Present Simple, Present Perfect или Future Simple, то глагол в косвенной речи (в придаточном предложении) остаётся в том же времени, в каком он был в прямой речи. Например: He says / has said / will say, “I identify suspects”.→ He says / has said / will say that he identifies suspects. 2. Если глагол в главном предложении стоит в Past Simple, Past Continuous или Past Perfect, то время глагола прямой речи заменяется в косвенной речи (в придаточном предложении) другим временем, а именно: Direct Speech Present SimpleTense “I like the Internet”.

Reported Speech →

Present Continuous “I’m learning English”.

Present Perfect “I have forgotten my book at home”.

Present Perfect Continuous “I have been working abroad”.

Past Simple “They laughed at us”.

Past Continuous “He was crying”.

Past Perfect “I had seen her before”.

Future Simple

“He’ll (will) help you”.


Past Simple She said (that) she liked the Internet. Она сказала, что любит Интернет. Past Continuous She said (that) she was learning English. Она сказала, что учит английский. Past Perfect He said (that) he had forgotten his book at home. Он сказал, что забыл свою книгу дома. Past Perfect Continuous She said (that) she had been working abroad. Она сказала, что работала за границей. Past Perfect He said (that) they had laughed at them. Он сказал, что они смеялись над ними. Past Perfect Continuous She said (that) he had been crying. Она сказала, что он плакал. Past Perfect He said he had seen her before. Он сказал, что видел её раньше. Future Simple in-the-Past You said he’d (he would) help me. Ты сказал, что он поможет мне.

NB! a) “The Earth goes round the sun”, he said. → He said (that) the Earth goes round the sun. Он сказал, что земля вертится вокруг солнца. (общеизвестный факт) b) “I graduated from the Institute in 2008”, he said. → He said (that) he graduated from the institute in 2008.Он сказал, что окончил институт в 2008 году.(точное указание времени в прошлом) 3. При преобразовании прямой речи в косвенную изменяются некоторые местоимения и наречия времени и места. Direct Speech this / these это, этот / эти now сейчас at the moment в этот момент tonight сегодня вечером today сегодня tomorrow завтра

Reported Speech → that / those то, тот / те → then тогда → at that moment в тот момент → that night в тот вечер → that day в тот день → the next day / the following day на следующий день the day after tomorrow послезавтра → two days later через два дня, два дня спустя yesterday вчера → the day before накануне, день назад the day before yesterday позавчера → two days before два дня назад last week на прошлой неделе → the week before / the previous week за неделю до next week на следующей неделе → the next week / the following week на следующей неделе ago тому назад → before перед, до here здесь → there там Например: Нe said, “I was here yesterday”. → Нe said (that) he had been there the day before. Он сказал, что был там накануне.

4. Общие и разделительные вопросы вводятся в косвенную речь с помощью союзов if или whether, после которыхследует прямой порядок слов со всеми изменениями времени глагола, как и в повествовательном предложении: “Are you busy?” – He asked (me) if / whether I was busy. “Could I speak to the officer?” he asked. – He asked (me) if / whether he could speak to the officer. “You are ready, aren’t you?” – He asked (me) if / whether I was ready. 5. При переводе специального вопроса из прямой речи в косвенную восстанавливается прямой порядок слов. Например: “What’s the matter?” the police officer asked. – The police officer asked what the matter was. 265

“Who were you looking for?” – He asked (me) who I had been looking for. 6. Вопросы к подлежащему: “Who speaks Russian here?” he asked. – He asked us who spoke Russian there. He asked me, “Who is the owner of this car?” – He asked (me) who was the owner of that car. Или: He asked (me) who the owner of that car was. 7. Повелительные предложения в косвенной речи вводятся одним из следующих глаголов: tell sb / warn sb / remind sb+ to infinitive, demand + that–clause и др. Выбор глагола зависит от характера просьбы или приказа. Например: The sergeant ordered the soldiers, “Stand up and fight!” – The sergeant ordered the soldiers to stand up and fight. “Don’t talk,” he said to the students. – He told the students not to talk. “Let’s call the police.” – He offered to call the police. Ex. 4. Change the following sentences from direct speech into indirect speech. 1. “I’ve been waiting for hours”, Michael said. 2. “I’ll let you know (дам тебе знать),” said Tom. 3. “I’m exhausted (без сил),” said Jane. 4. “He’s lying – he’s never been to Greece,” his brother said. 5. “My job is stressful,” she says. 6. “Water boils at 100 C,” he said. 7. “I need a holiday,” Mac said. 8. “I was on guard duty yesterday,” he said. 9. “I’ll be back next week,” she said. Ex. 5. Report these Yes / No questions moving the clauses “one tense back”. 1. “Are you hungry?’ She asked us … . 2. “Are you enjoying yourself?” He asked us … . 3. “Will Ted be at the party?” He wanted to know … . 4. “Will you be coming to the concert?” He wondered … . 5. “You don’t like Chinese food, do you?” She wanted to know … . 6. “Have you seen the suspect recently?” He asked me … . 7. “Are you ready to identify the criminal?” The interrogator wondered … . Ex. 6. Report these Wh- questions moving the clauses “one tense back” if necessary. 1. “What’s the weather like?” – She asked me … . 2. “Why is she crying?” – He wondered … . 3. “Where did they go last week?” – She wondered … . 4. “How can I solve the problem?” – I wanted to know …. 5. “When will lunch be ready?” – You didn’t tell me … . 6. “What is he doing here?” – I wondered 266

… . 7. “What were you looking for at the crime scene?” – He wanted to know …. Ex. 7. Report these subject-questions moving the clauses “one tense back”. 1. “Who’s next, please?” – He wanted to know … . 2. “What makes a noise like that?” – He wondered … . 3. “Which of you is waiting to see me next?” – The investigator asked … . 4. “Who left his bag here?” – Tell me … . 5. “What caused the accident?” – Can you explain … . 6. “Which newspaper carried the article about the bank robbery?” – I’d like to know … . Ex. 8. Translate into Russian. 1. “No, I won’t lend you my bicycle.” – He refused to lend me his bicycle. 2. “You have to visit your grandma.” – He insisted that I should visit my grandma. 3. “I’m sorry, I was so rude.” – She apologised for being so rude. 4. “Open the door immediately.” – He demanded that I should open the door immediately. 5. Mary said, “You had better stay at home, Nick.” – Mary advised Nick to stay at home. 6. “Don’t panic,” the policeman said. – The policeman told them not to panic. 7. “Yes, it was I who stole her bag.” – He admitted stealing her bag. 8. “If you inform the police, we’ll kill the hostage.” – They threatened to kill the hostage if we informed the police. 9. “I graduated from the Institute in 2008,” he said. – He said (that) he graduated from the institute in 2008. Ex. 9. Put the following sentences into indirect speech. 1. “Where are you from?” He asked Tom. 2. “Did you finish your exercise?” The teacher asked him. 3. “Who has been using my typewriter last week?” She wondered. 4. “Do you mind working on the night shifts?” The employee asked the employer. 5. “Would you like to come with us?” They asked me. 6. “Are you working as well as studying?” The lady asked Ashley. 7. “Have you got a work permit?” The police man asked the driver. 8. “Will you have time to play regularly?” The coach asked Leila. 9. “Which of you knew how to make this food?” She asked. 10. “How can I run this engine?” I asked the worker. 11. “What else did you see?” I asked the boy. 12. “Did they understand what you said to them?” He asked me. 13. “Are you sorry for what you did?” The mother asked her son. 14. “Do you think you could live entirely on your own for six months or would you get bored?” She asked her friend. 15. “How many sleeping pills have you taken?” She asked the patient. 267

Ex. 10. Put the following sentences into direct speech. The student advisor asked Barry why his grades had been dropping. Barry explained that he didn't have enough time to study. The student advisor asked Barry if he was taking part in too many after-school activities. Barry admitted that he was in three sports teams. As a result, he always felt tired at the end of the day. The student advisor suggested that Barry participate in one sport only and spend more time in the library studying. Barry agreed that it was a good idea. The student advisor asked him to meet with her after his next exam. Ex. 11. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. 1. Все были уверены, что Диана хорошо сдаст экзамены. 2. Он говорил, что Лев Толстой его любимый писатель. 3. Я знал, что вы живете в Москве, но не знал вашего адреса. 4. Простите, мы не думали, что вы ждете нас. 5. Я не знал, что вы тоже любите футбол. 6. Я был уверен, что он будет выдающимся артистом. 7. Я боялся, что вы не последуете моему совету. 8. Я не знал, что ты будешь работать в читальном зале. 9. Я думал, что он подождет меня. 10. Он боится, что ему будет трудно сделать доклад. 11. Он сказал нам, что когда он вошел в комнату, его друг уже сидел на диване. 12. Мы будем надеяться, что она скоро придет. 13. Он сказал, что не знает, когда начнется конференция. 14. Я уверен, что если мы поспешим, мы не опоздаем на поезд. 15. Он спросил меня, что я буду делать вечером. 16. Я ответил, что не знаю, буду ли я свободен вечером, но сказал, что если буду свободен, то позвоню ему часов в восемь. 17. Мы решили на прошлой неделе, что будущим летом мы все поедем в Крым. 18. Сестра сказала, что хочет приехать к нам сама. 19. Я знала, что она очень занята. 20. Она говорит, что ее подруга пригласила ее в театр. Memorize the following words and word combinations. public order to maintain order to keep order to violate order to provide order to regulate order security public security personal security an assistance first aid


общественный порядок поддерживать порядок поддерживать порядок нарушать порядок обеспечивать порядок регулировать порядок безопасность общественная безопасность личная безопасность помощь первая медицинская помощь




to provide assistance to abide (to) traffic rules to issue (passports) to impose a fine sensibly exuberance annoyance a nuisance an obstruction a parish to prosecute

[`ɪʃu:] [ɪm`pəʊz] [ɪg`zju:bərəns] [ə`nɔɪəns] [nju:sns] [əb`strʌkʃn] [`pжrɪʃ] [`prɔsɪkju:t]

оказывать помощь, содействовать соблюдать правила дорожного движения выдавать (паспорта) налагать штраф благоразумно экспансивность раздражение досада, неудобство препятствие округ обвинять

Ex. 12. Read and translate the text and answer the questions. 1. What is the main object of an efficient police work? 2. What are the most important duties of police? 3. What rights do police have? 4. What is public order? 5. What does it involve? 6. What are the main forms of nuisances? 7. What did magistrates prosecute people for? 8. What oath do police officers take? Police and Public Order In 1829 Sir Richard Mayne, one of the founders of Scotland Yard, wrote “The main object of an efficient police is the prevention of crime, detection, identification and punishment of offenders if a crime is committed. The police must direct their efforts to these ends. Therefore, every law enforcement officer must remember that it is his duty to protect and help members of the public”. The police have a wide range of activities. The main duties are: maintaining public order, criminal investigation and law enforcement. Policemen protect state and public property and personal property of the citizens. The citizens must observe laws, government decrees and local ordinances, which regulate public order. The police are to see that people abide to traffic rules. They issue internal passports and control the internal passport system, take measures to ensure the safety of traffic and impose fines. The police officers have to maintain order in public places, provide first aid for people who involve in road accidents. What is public order? This is not a question that is easy to answer. We may say that “public order” is essentially the absence of disorder – the quiet and orderly behavior of people in public place. It involves people behaving sensibly and rationally, and respecting others. The problem is that one person's exuberance on the street often constitutes an annoyance to another. Then there are 269

problems of nuisances in the form of obstructions on a street or a roadway, or dangerous dogs, possibly even a runaway horse. The old time parish constables had to present offenders before magistrates for “nuisance” and they prosecuted people for riding horses, or driving wagons dangerously. The new police continued these old practices. The police are often regarded as, primarily, crime fighters. But police offices take an oath to maintain “public order”. Ex. 13. Write out the English equivalents from the text. 1) основная цель; 2) профилактика преступности; 3) наказание правонарушителей; 4) направлять усилия; 5) сотрудник правоохранительных органов; 6) поддерживать порядок в общественных местах; 7) охранять государственную и частную собственность; 8) обязанности сотрудника правоохранительных органов; 9) подчиняться; 10) разные виды деятельности; попасть в ДТП; 11) общественный порядок; отсутствие беспорядка; 12) спокойное поведение; 13) уважать других; 14) раздражение; 15) препятствия на дорогах; 16) констебль округа; 17) правонарушители; 18) обвинять людей; 19) клятва. Ex.14. Complete the sentences. 1. The main object of an effective police work is – предупреждение правонарушений; раскрытие преступлений; задержание преступников; защита и помощь гражданам. 2. The police officers must – поддерживать общественный порядок; следить за тем, чтобы граждане соблюдали закон и порядок; защищать государственную и частную собственность; осуществлять паспортный контроль; обеспечить безопасность на дорогах. 3. The citizens must – соблюдать закон; вести себя спокойно и благоразумно в общественных местах; уважать других граждан; соблюдать правила дорожного движения; использовать ремни безопасности. Memorize the following phrases. Maintenance of law and order – Соблюдение правопорядка Don’t worry! Don’t cry! Don’t do that! Don’t smoke! Don’t litter! Don’t drop bits of paper, please!

Не беспокойтесь! Не плачьте! Не делайте это! Не курите! Не сорите. Не бросайте бумагу! 270

Please sign the report (this document)! Sign your name! Please follow me for a medical examination. Ladies and Gentlemen, you are disturbing the peace. Please, stop it! What is going on here? Who did it? Is there an eye-witness? Where has the offender gone? Dropping litter is not allowed here! It is prohibited to smoke here! Please, show me your documents. I must make a report. I must take you to the police station. Please, follow me! It’s prohibited to enter the stadium in a drunken state.

Подпишите протокол (этот документ)! Подпишитесь! Следуйте за мной для медицинской экспертизы. Господа, вы нарушаете общественный порядок. Прошу прекратить! В чем дело? Кто это сделал? Кто очевидец? Куда ушел (убежал) нарушитель? Здесь не разрешается сорить! Здесь курить запрещается! Прошу предъявить Ваши документы. Я должен составить протокол. Я должен доставить Вас в отделение полиции. Прошу следовать за мной! Вход на стадион в нетрезвом виде не разрешается.

Maintenance of peace – Соблюдение тишины Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s already late. You mustn’t outside (here) sing loudly. Keep quiet, please. Don’t shout, please. Don’t make so much noise!

Господа, уже позднее время. На улице (здесь) нельзя громко петь. Пожалуйста, не шумите. Пожалуйста, не кричите. Не шумите!

Maintenance of cleanliness in the streets and public places – Соблюдение чистоты на улицах и в общественных местах No littering here! No smoking here! Don’t drop cigarette ends, please! Don’t drop bits of paper, please! Keep the pavement tidy! Use the litter bins!

Здесь нельзя сорить! Здесь нельзя курить! Не бросайте окурки! Не бросайте бумагу! Не загрязняйте тротуары! Пользуйтесь урнами для мусора.

Maintenance of the rules for foreigners staying in Russia – Соблюдение правил пребывания иностранцев в России Do you know with the rules Вы знакомы с правилами пребывания иноfor foreigners staying in Russia? странных граждан в России? Where do you live in Ufa? По какому адресу Вы проживаете в Уфе? Have you registered? Оформили ли Вы прописку? Please, follow me to the police station Прошу Вас пройти в отделение полиции для to clear up the case. выяснения обстоятельств. 271

For how long and for what purpose did На какой срок и с какой целью Вы прибыли в you arrive in Russia? Россию?

Commands – Команды Halt! Throw away the weapons! Hands up! Give yourself up! Forward!

Стой! Бросай оружие! Руки вверх! Сдавайся! Вперед!

In Cases of Emergency – В экстренных случаях Be careful! Wait a minute! Call (for) an ambulance! Dial 01 (zero and one) in case of fire. Dial 02 for the police. Dial 03 for an ambulance. Dial 112 for the emergency services. Go to the chief.

Осторожно! Подождите минутку! Вызовите скорую помощь! Звоните 01 в случае пожара. Звоните 02 вполицию. Звоните 03 в службу скорой медицинской помощи. Звоните 112 для вызова экстренных cлужб. Подойдите к начальнику.

Ex. 15.Fill in the gaps with the words in the table. obey, show, drunken state, foreign currency, follow, prohibited, fine, keep quiet, know, documents 1. Will you … me your packet? 2. It’s … to use alcohol here. 3. You may not enter the stadium in a … . 4. Ladies and Gentlemen, … , please. 5. Will you show me your … ? 6. Do you … the rules for foreigners staying in Russia? 7. It’s prohibited to change … in the street. 8. It is not allowed to park the car here. I’ll have to … you. 9. Please, … me. I must take you to the police station. 10. Please, … the authorities. Ex. 16. Translate these dialogues into English and act them out. I  Добрый день. Инспектор Иванов. Здесь запрещено останавливаться. Ваше водительское удостоверение, пожалуйста.  Пожалуйста.  Что случилось?  Что-то с моей машиной. 272

 Могу я Вам помочь?  Да, пожалуйста. Не могли бы Вы позвонить на станцию техобслуживания? (call up service station)  Подождите немножко.  Большое спасибо, инспектор.  Не за что. II – Доброе утро. Инспектор Иванов. Здесь нет стоянки. – Неужели? Я не знал. – Ваши документы, пожалуйста. – Пожалуйста. А где ближайшая стоянка? – Езжайте прямо по этой улице, затем поверните налево и там Вы увидите стоянку. – Это далеко? – Нет, Вам понадобиться около 10 минут, чтобы доехать туда. – Спасибо, инспектор. – Не за что. Будьте внимательны в следующий раз. III – Инспектор Иванов. У вас что-то случилось? – О! Я потерял свою сумку с документами. – Ваши документы, пожалуйста. – Но я же Вам говорю, что моя сумка пропала (is gone) вместе с документами. – А где Вы живете? – Я приехал из Берлина и остановился в гостинице «Калининград». – Понятно. Следуйте за мной, пожалуйста. Я отведу Вас в отделение полиции. Я думаю, Вам там помогут. IV – Инспектор Иванов. Ваши документы, пожалуйста. – А в чем дело? – В этом музее запрещено фотографировать. Посмотрите на табличку (sign). – О! Извините, но я не заметил ее. Мне очень понравилась эта картина. – Вы можете купить открытки (post-cards) с этими картинами. – О, да! Спасибо, инспектор. – Не за что. 273

Memorize the following words and word combinations. an accident an attempt a belt safety belts a cause circumstances a consequence to decrease to demand a device a police control vice direction an effect

['əksɪd(ə)nt] [ə'tempt] [belt] [kɔ:z] ['sə:ksmstensɪz] ['kɔnsɪkwəns] [dɪ:'kri:s] [dɪ'ma:nd] [dɪ'vaɪs] de[dɪ'rek∫(ə)n] [ɪ'fekt]

an expectation heaviness to implement increasing individual a motorway a notice to reduce repressive

[ֽekspek'teɪ∫n] ['hevɪnɪs] ['ɪmplɪmənt] [ɪn'kri:sɪŋ] [ɪndɪ’vɪdjudəl] ['məutə,weɪ] ['nəʊtɪs]

to slow (down) speeding

[sləu] ['spi:dɪŋ]


a speeding ticket a station Traffic Police Station surveillance survival therefore traffic traffic accident traffic control traffic direction


несчастный случай; авария попытка ремень ремни безопасности причина условия, положение дел, обстоятельства последствие, результат уменьшать требовать устройство, приспособление прибор для осуществления полицейского контроля руководство, управление; направление результат, следствие; действие, воздействие ожидание, надежда тяжесть выполнять, осуществлять возрастание, рост, увеличение отдельный; индивидуальный автострада, автомагистраль замечать, обращать внимание снижать репрессивный; сдерживающий; пресекающий замедлять, сбавлять скорость превышение дозволенной скорости, езда с недозволенной скоростью штрафная квитанция (в связи с фактом превышения скорости) пост; центр; станция пост дорожной полиции надзор, наблюдение выживание поэтому, следовательно; по этой причине; вследствие этого движение, сообщение; транспорт дорожно-транспортное происшествие контроль дорожного движения управление дорожным движением 274

traffic flow traffic (law) enforcement traffic police unit the Police Traffic Control Unit a road user a warning

движение транспорта, поток дорожного движения обеспечение дорожной безопасности


дорожная полиция соединение, часть; подразделение подразделение полиции, осуществляющее контроль дорожного движения водитель; пешеход предупреждение

Ex. 17. Read and translate the text to find out information about traffic police. Traffic Police The Traffic Police are a police unit specialized in traffic law enforcement. Traffic control and traffic direction are the main tasks of the Traffic Police. Traffic control is an attempt to solve the problem of a human survival on the roads in our mechanical and electronic era. The basic purpose of the Police Traffic Control Unit is to protect road users. The control includes the protection of all road users against each other and even the individual road user against himself. This kind of protection demands from the Traffic Police particular knowledge of different sciences, special analysis methods as well as planning police road safety process. Special education and training programs, special police tactics and police control devices are also necessary for providing traffic safety. The Traffic Police are responsible for regulation of traffic flow, trafficsafety, parking control, traffic enforcement, accident investigations, accident prevention, etc. Special Traffic Police Stations implement the function of traffic control on motorways and on highways. The police want to obtain better results in decreasing traffic accidents causes and decreasing the heaviness of traffic accidents consequences. The second aim refers to police controlling over using of the safety belts. Speed is one of the main problems on roads and the law enforcement officer has the power to reduce it. This can have two effects. First, there is a preventive effect: passing drivers notice enforcement activities and most of them will slow down when seeing a police patrol. Second, there is a repressive effect for detected offenders; they either receive a warning or a speeding ticket. Police surveillance is therefore an important tool in accident countermeasures. The probability of police detection of most violations is low. But the increasing of police control activities has had a positive influence on road safety circumstances. Total safety on roads is a great illusion, but better safety is a realistic desire and expectation. 275

Ex. 18. Write out the English equivalents from the text. 1) cпециализироваться в обеспечении дорожной безопасности; 2) главные задачи дорожной полиции; 3) попытка решить проблему; 4) эпоха автоматики и электроники; 5) главная цель; 6) защита водителей/пешеходов друг от друга; 7) планирование обеспечения полицией дорожной безопасности; 8) специальные обучающие и тренировочные программы; 9) нести ответственность за управление движением транспорта; 10) осуществлять функцию контроля дорожного движения на автомагистралях и шоссе; 11) сводить до минимума причины дорожно-транспортных происшествий; 12) снижение тяжести последствий дорожно-транспортных происшествий; 13) контроль полиции за использованием ремней безопасности; 14) иметь полномочия на установление лимита скорости; 15) профилактическое воздействие; 16) сдерживающее воздействие; 17) выявленные правонарушители; 18) снижать скорость при виде полицейского патруля; 19) получать предупреждение; 20) являться важным инструментом в применении контраварийных мер; 21) вероятность выявления правонарушений полицией; 22) оказывать положительное влияние на положение дел с безопасностью на дорогах. Ex. 19. Match the synonyms. 1) to obtain 2) an aim 3) a motorway 4) power 5) a driver 6) basic 7) direction 8) an offender

a) a road user b) a criminal c) authority d) to receive e ) a purpose f) a highway g) main h) a regulation

Ex. 20. Find the antonyms. (a) to protect, (b) safety, (с) to decrease, (d) positive, (e) probability, (f) heaviness, (g) to slow down, (h) special, (i) illusion, (j) to attack, (k) reality, (1) to increase, (m) negative, (n) impossibility, (o) danger, (p) easiness, (q) to speed up, (r) general. Ex. 21. Make up word combinations. 1) to solve 2) to protect

a) particular knowledge of different sciences b) better results in decreasing traffic accident causes 276

3) to demand 4) to be responsible 5) to obtain 6) to implement 7) to use 8) to reduce 9) to notice 10) to receive 11) to have

c) a positive influence on road safety circumstances d) speed limit e) for regulation of traffic flow and traffic safety f) road users g) the problem of human survival on the roads h) a warning i) enforcement activities j) the function of traffic control on highway k) safety belts

Memorize Traffic Safety phrases I. Commands 1. Put on the brakes. 2. Slow down. 3. Stop on the roadside. 4. Go ahead! 5. Drive on! II. Charges

Команды 1. Притормозите. 2. Снизьте скорость. 3. Встаньте на обочине. 4. Проезжайте вперед! 5. Можете ехать! Обвинение

1. You are speeding. 2. Speed limit is ... km. 3. to do 60 km p.h. (to drive at 60 km p.h.) 4. You have broken traffic rules.

1. Вы превышаете скорость. 2. Ограничение скорости ... км. 3. ехать со скоростью 60 км/ч. 4. Вы нарушили правила дорожного движения. 5. Вы нарушили ... - правила маневрирования - правила проезда перекрестка - правила обгона - требования предупреждающего знака 6. Вы выехали на полосу встречного движения. 7. Вы проехали на красный свет.

5. You have failed to observe ... - the rules for manoeuvring ... - the rules for crossing a road junction ... - the rules for overtaking ... - the warning sign ... 6. You have entered the left side of the road. 7. You jumped the red light. (You crossed on red.) 8. You've missed the sign ...

8. Вы не заметили знак ..

III. Punishment 1. I'll keep your driving license for… 2. I warn you. 3. You must pay the fine.

Взыскание 1. Я отнимаю Ваши водительские права за ... 2. Предупреждаю Вас. 3. Вы должны заплатить штраф.


4. I'm removing you from driving. IV. Additional phrases 1. I must draw up a report. 2. registration number / number plate 3.Here is a ticket. 4.a traffic jam 5. to hold up 6. to have a medical examination 7. a driving license 8. a vehicle's specification

4. Я отстраняю Вас от управления автомобилем. Дополнительная информация 1. Мне необходимо составить протокол. 2. регистрационный номер машины / гос. номер машины 3. возьмите квитанцию. 4. пробка 5. затор 6. пройти медицинское освидетельствование 7. права, водительскоеудостоверение 8. технический паспорт

Memorize the following words and word combinations. a vehicle traffic safety traffic regulation rules to warn driving under the influence driving while intoxicated (DWI) to remove from driving to exceed the speed limit a sign a device a pedestrian to pass / overtake a congestion a crash an injury

транспортное средство безопасность дорожного движения правила дорожного движения предупреждать (DUI); вождение машины в состоянии алкогольного опьянения или под воздействием наркотиков отстранить от управления превысить скорость знак устройство, механизм пешеход обгонять затор (уличного движения) авария вред, повреждение, рана, ушиб

Ex. 22. Read and translate the text. Traffic Law Enforcement The responsibility of the Department of Motor Vehicles is Police traffic control function, the patrol police services, specialized traffic law enforcement and accident investigation divisions. So the main duty of the officer of the State Traffic Safety Inspection is handling traffic violations and traffic accidents. He is to identify persons driving under the influence. He usually warns them or 278

sometimes removes them from driving. Among his other duties are the following: watching for proper functioning of traffic lights and traffic signs. He has to remove street traffic hazards for pedestrians and to eliminate congestions for vehicles. Quite often a traffic officer has to provide medical services for injured. Sometimes he has to use radar speed and other electronic devices and even take part in motorized chases. He must act quickly and effectively to prevent traffic violations, to ensure the safety on the streets and highways. Ex. 23. Answer the questions on the text. 1. What is the main duty of the traffic officer? 2. What other duties does he have to do? 3. What electronic devices does the traffic officer use? 4. Why must he act quickly and effectively? Ex. 24. Role-play the dialogues “Handling traffic”. See Appendix 1. Ex. 25. Translate the dialogues into English using the examples from Appendix 1. I A: Предъявите ваше водительское удостоверение, пожалуйста. B: Пожалуйста. A: Вы должны заплатить штраф. B: Почему? A: Вы нарушили правила дорожного движения. B: В чем дело? A: Вы поставили машину в неположенном месте, здесь нет стоянки. B: Извините, пожалуйста. Я не знал, что стоянка здесь запрещена. II A: Ваше водительское удостоверение, пожалуйста. B: Пожалуйста. A: Вы знаете, что скорость здесь ограничена? B: Нет. A: Вы должны заплатить штраф за превышение скорости. B: Виноват. Я очень тороплюсь. A: Будьте более внимательны. B: Спасибо. Извините. A: Не стоит. III A: Ваши права, пожалуйста. B: Пожалуйста. 279

A: Вы должны заплатить штраф. B: Почему? A: Вы проехали на красный свет. B: Извините, я торопился и не заметил красный свет. A: Я должен составить протокол. IV A: Покажите мне ваше водительское удостоверение. B: Пожалуйста. A: Вы должны заплатить штраф. B: За что? A: Вы нарушили правила дорожного движения. B: В чем дело? A: Вы сделали левый поворот, а левый поворот здесь запрещен. B: Извините, пожалуйста. Виноват. Ex. 26. Make up the dialogues. 1. You’re on a patrol duty. You see that something is wrong with a foreigner’s car. Come up to him, greet him, ask him to show his identity papers, offer your help, and describe the way to the nearest service station. Imagine that this conversation takes place near the “Ufa” hotel. The service station is in October Avenue. 2. You’re on a patrol duty. You see that a foreigner is parking his car in a wrong place. He runs out of petrol. Ask him to show his driver’s license, tell him where the parking place is and then describe the way to the nearest petrol station. Imagine that you’re in October Avenue (near supermarket “Family”). The petrol station is next to the supermarket “Family”. 3. You are an officer on duty. A foreigner comes up to you and asks for help. Somebody has stolen his bag. Help him in his trouble. Memorize the following words and word combinations. violation traffic rules (regulations) instance to ensure safety settlement to exceed speed to comply with the road signs road signs to slow down

нарушение правила уличного движения случай обеспечивать безопасность населенный пункт превышать скорость подчиняться дорожным знакам дорожные знаки снижать скорость 280

bend sharp bend right hand traffic to keep to the right motorist lane to overtake turn to forbid (forbade, forbidden) to cross over solid line single broken line direction extreme traffic lights arrow to permit to switch on to indicate complete turn (turn back) simultaneously right of way to pass oncoming transport steep slope to make a full stop to erect intersection (crossroads) to proceed caution to park a car pedestrian crossing railway crossing curb oncoming car to jaywalk driving licence windshield ignition hand brake to interfere flashing yellow traffic light high beams lower beams to switch over

изгиб (дороги) крутой поворот правостороннее движение придерживаться правой стороны автомобилист дорога с односторонним движением обгонять поворот запрещать пересекать, наезжать сплошнаялиния прерывистая одинарная линия направление крайний светофор стрелка разрешать зажигать указывать, показывать разворот одновременно преимущество проезда объезжать транспорт, идущий на встречу крутой спуск останавливаться устанавливать перекресток продолжать (движение) осторожность (по)ставить машину на стоянку переход для пешеходов, железнодорожный переезд обочина (тротуара) машина, идущая навстречу неосторожно переходить улицу водительские права ветровое стекло зажигание ручной тормоз мешать желтый мигающий сигнал дальний свет ближний свет переключать 281

one way street entry to blow the horn parking area

улица с односторонним движением въезд подать звуковой сигнал стоянка для машин

Ex. 27 . Match the following words and word combinations. 1) slow down 2) brake 3) ensure 4) forbid 5) blow the horn 6) switch over 7) pass

a) обеспечивать b) подать звуковой сигнал c) тормоз d) переключать e) объезжать f) снижать скорость g) запрещать

Ex. 28. Translate the following sentences into Russian. 1. People mustn’t violate traffic rules. 2. There's been a road accident at the crossroads near the drugstore. 3. They failed to find anyone who could witness the accident. 4. Two cars crashed. 5. Our car run into the bus. 6. An old woman has been knocked down. 7. The driver failed to control the car and it turned over. 8. Are there any casualties? 9. Is anyone injured or killed? 10. Will you call an ambulance, the driver is seriously injured. 11. The injured person has been taken to the hospital. 12. The driver doesn't admit his fault for the accident. 13.Who can give the first aid? Ex. 29. Find the description corresponding each road sign. 1. Drive only straight on. 2. Turn to the right. 3. A left turn is forbidden. 4. An entry is forbidden. a 5. Make a full stop. 6. Overtaking is forbidden. 7. Either drive straight on or turn to the left. d 8. Blowing the horn is forbidden. 9. The speed limit is 80 km an hour. 10. Parking is forbidden. 11. Stopping is forbidden. 12. A turn back is forbidden. g




80 e

f h i




Ex. 30. Read the text and answer the questions of a policeman in written form. Why I was Late It was raining heavily as I was walking towards the Metro station. There were very few people in the street. The road was slippery. Just as I was crossing the road near the metro station, a car came round the corner. It was travelling very fast, at the speed of 80–90 km. It was clear the driver was having difficulty in controlling it. Suddenly it hit a lamp-post and turned over. At once I ran to the car. No doubt the driver needed help. I tried to help the driver. But I could do very little. The man's eyes were closed; there was a lot of blood on his face. Then I saw a young woman. She hurried into the station. She phoned for an ambulance while I was taking care of the driver. A lot of people gathered round the car. A policeman arrived a few minutes later and asked me a lot of questions.  What was the weather like that day?  What accident did the man witness?  Was the driver having difficulty in controlling the car?  The car hit a lamp-post and stopped, didn't it?  Why did the driver need help?  Who called an ambulance? Ex. 31. Role-play the dialogues “Helping foreigners”. See Appendix 1. Ex. 32. Make up dialogues using examples from Appendix 1. 1. Оформите персональные данные иностранного гостя, обратившего за помощью, и опросите потерпевшего, используя следующие выражения:  What is going on?  Is there an eye-witness?  Where has the criminal / offender gone?  Please, show me your passport.  I must draw up a report.  Please, sign it. 283

 Please, write down a statement about what has happened.  Who was near you at that time? 2. Проведите опрос иностранного гостя – очевидца происшествия, используя следующие выражения:  Will you show me your identity papers (documents, passport)?  Sir, can you testify?  Have you ever seen the criminal before?  What was he dressed in?  What colour is his coat (jacket, shirt, T-shirt)?  What does he look like? (old / young / middle-aged, short / tall, fat / thin)  Has he any distinctive marks? (a moustache / mustache, a beard, a scar on the right cheek, a wrist tattoo, moles / birthmarks)  How tall is he?  What is the colour of his hair (black / dark, blond / light, brown, grey, red)?  How old is he approximately?  He is young (old, middle-aged).  He is about … (25, 36, 40, 55). 3. Окажите содействие заболевшему иностранному гостю (объясните, куда и как можно обратиться за медицинской помощью), используя следующие выражения:  How do you feel?  Can I help you?  Do you need medical aid?  Call an ambulance, please.  Where is a policlinic?  Where can I buy medicines?  What’s the trouble? 4. Объясните иностранному гостю, куда обратиться в случае кражи личных вещей и документов, используя следующие выражения:  What’s the trouble?  You should apply to the police station for it.  Did you apply to the Lost Property Office?  Don’t worry, please.  Let’s go to the police station to report your lost property  When did you notice that you had lost your … ?  Please, write down a statement about what you have lost. 284

     

Who was near you at that time? What are the distinctive marks of the article? We’ll inform you about the results. Write down your address and telephone number. I’ve lost my luggage (documents, identity card, watch, money). I’ve left my bag in the bus (at the airport, in the hotel, in the taxi).

5. Вежливо объясните иностранному гостю причины его задержания.  Keep quiet, please.  It’s prohibited to sell things here.  It’s prohibited to change foreign currency in the street.  Do you understand me?  Please follow me to the police station to clear up this question.  Are you acquainted with the rules for foreigners staying in Ufa during the SCO and BRICS summits?  You are right.  I’m afraid I don’t agree with you. / I’m afraid I disagree with you. / (I’m afraid) I can’t agree with you. / (I’m afraid) I don’t share your opinion.  I’m afraid you’re wrong.(to be afraid is used here to soften an unpleasant statement)

1. First of all I'd like … a few words about my background. a) to tell b) to talk c) to say d) to speak 2. I want you … more slowly; I can’t understand you. a) to tell b) to talk c) to say d) to speak 3. Who … at the last meeting? Do you remember? a) told b) talked c) said d) spoke 4. Could you … me where the nearest post-office is? I am sorry. I am a stranger here. a) tell b) talk c) say d) speak 5. I don’t think Sally is a good driver; she is very careless, so … . a) to tell b) to talk c) to say d) to speak 285

6. Strictly … , I have very little information about the matter. a) saying b) speaking c) telling d) talking 7. He asked: “Do you prefer going to the concerts or watching them on TV?” a) He asked if I preferred going to the concerts or watching them on TV. b) He asked did I prefer going to the concerts or watching them on TV, c) He asked if I had preferred going to the concerts or watching them on TV. 8. He exclaimed: “Don't touch my discs!” a) He exclaimed didn't touch his discs. b) He exclaimed not to touch his discs. c) He exclaimed don't touch his discs. 9. They asked: “How many concerts have you been to in your life?” a) They asked how many concerts had you been to in your life. b) They asked how many concerts we have been in our life. c) They asked how many concerts we had been in our life. 10. He says, “You are right.” a) he says that I am right c) he says I was right

b) he says which I right d) he said I are right

11. She says to him, “I have a right to know.” a) she tells him that she would have a right to know b) she tell him she have a right to know c) she says him she has a right to know d) she tells him that she has a right to know 12. We said to them, “We have no money.” a) we told them that we have no money b) we told them that we had no money c) we told them we have no money d) we told to them that we had no money 13. He said, “I have changed my opinion.” a) he said that he had changed his opinion b) he said that he have changed his opinion 286

c) he said that he would have changed his opinion d) he said that he changed his opinion 14. The boy asked his girlfriend: “Give me one more chance.” a) The boy asked his girlfriend to give him one more chance. b) The boy asked his girlfriend give me one more chance. c) The boy asked his girlfriend give him one more chance. d) The boy asked his girlfriend to give me one more chance. 15. My friend said to me: “Where were you yesterday?” a) My friend said to me where was I yesterday. b) My friend asked me where I was yesterday. c) My friend said to me where I was the day before. d) My friend asked me where I had been the day before. 16. Choose a synonym to the word “violation”: a) obedience b) offence c) observance

d) honor

17. Choose a synonym to the word “to permit”: a) legitimate b) refuse c) reject

d) forbid

18. Choose an antonym to the word “to interfere”: a) to obstruct b) to hinder c) to facilitate

d) to intervene

19. Choose the correct variant of spelling of the word “водительское удостоерение”: a) driving licence b) driving lacence c) driving laisence d) driving license 20. Choose the correct translation of the word “ветровое стекло”: a) windglass b) windshield c) windmirror d) windreflector


UNIT 13.2. BRANCHES OF LAW In times of war, the law falls silent. Marcus Tullius Cicero Practice the pronunciation of tongue twisters [∫] Звук [∫] произносится как смягчённый русский звук [ш], но не настолько мягкий, как звук [щ]. Sharon washed dishes in a dishwasher, Next she washed shades in a washing machine. Should she wash the dishes in the dishwasher Before washing the shades in the washing machine? A sharp sheik and a shifty shah shared the shot For a shindig in Sheraton with shrimps, sherbet and sherry. Should a shilly-shally chef of Sheraton Shirk the shindig with shrimps, sherbet and sherry?

A shifty shopkeeper shut the shop’s shutters To show on a shelf shabby shammy shoes. Should the shifty shopkeeper shut the shop’s shutters To show on the shelf the shabby shammy shoes? A shoeless shoeshine showed to a shoemaker A shabby shoebox with shoehorns, shoelaces and shoepolish. Should the shoeless shoeshine show to the shoemaker The shabby shoebox with shoehorns, shoelaces and shoepolish?

[ʒ] Звук [ʒ] произносится как смягчённый русский звук [ж], но не настолько мягкий, как в слове вожжи. Звук [ʒ] отличается от звука [∫] только использованием голоса при его произнесении. Caucasian userers usually measure their treasure, Asian userers occasionally measure their treasure. If Caucasian userers didn’t usually measure their treasure, Could Asian userers occasionally measure their treasure? Liege bourgeois corteges are more luxurious than Bruges’,

Visual revision of a fuselage for corrosion usually Occasions garage, camouflage and demontage of the fuselage. Could visual revision of a fuselage for corrosion casually Occasion garage, camouflage and demontage of the fuselage? Leisured gigolos are as usual as casual concierges, 288

Bruges bourgeois corteges are more prestigious than Liege’s. If Liege bourgeois corteges weren’t more luxurious, Would Bruges bourgeois corteges be more prestigious?

Casual gigolos are as unusual as leisured concierges. If leisured gigolos were as unusual as casual concierges, Would casual gigolos be as usual as leisured concierges?

See Unit 13.1, p. 263, 264

See Unit 13.1, p. 263, 266

Memorize the following words and word combinations. a rule rule of law public law

['ru:l] ['ru:l əv′lɔ:] ['pʌblɪk lɔ:]

private law to establish to describe smth. to prescribe speed limit to concern to deal with

['praɪvɪt ′lɔ:] [ɪs′tæblɪ∫] [ dɪˈskrʌɪb] [ prɪˈskrʌɪb]

custom to enforce legal status precise law to maintain order charge the law of the jungle imperfect the law of gravity to flourish

[kən′sə:n] ['dɪ:l ‘wɪð] [ˈkʌstəm] [ ɛnˈfɔːs] [ ˈli:ɡ(ə)l'steɪtəs] [prɪ′saɪs] [ meɪnˈteɪn] [t∫a:dʒ] [dʒΛŋ gl] [ ɪmˈpəːfɪkt] ['grævɪtɪ] [flΛrɪ∫]


норма, правило правовая норма публичное право, публичный закон (касающийся всего населения) частное право основывать, учреждать, описывать что-л. предписывать, устанавливать ограничение скорости касаться, относиться иметь дело с, обходиться (поступать) с обычай принуждать, проводить в жизнь правовой статус строгий закон поддерживать порядок обвинение закон джунглей (выживание самого сильного, произвол и насилие) несовершенный закон всемирного тяготения процветать

NB! The word LEGAL has the following meanings in Russian: 1) юридический (legal address – юридический адрес, legal advisor – юридический советник (юрисконсульт), legal language – юридическая терминология); 2) правовой (legal text – правовой текст, legal protection – правовая защита, legal status – правовой статус, legal document – правовой документ, legal activities – правомерная (законная) деятельность); 3) судебный (legal action – судебный иск, legal decision – решение суда, legalcosts –судебные издержки, legal procedure – судопроизводство); 4) законный, дозволенный законом (legal owner – законный владелец, legal rights – законные права, legal activities – правомерная (законная) деятельность, of legal force – имеющий законную силу).

Ex. 1. Read and translate the following text. What is Law? Law is usually understood as the set of rules by which the citizens of the country regulate their conduct in relation to the citizens and to the state. The English word “law” refers to limits upon various forms of behavior. Every large group of people living together establishes rules to guide the actions of individuals toward one another. These rules of cоnduct are what we call laws. Some laws are descriptive: they simply describe how people or even natural phenomena, usually behave. An example is the law of gravity. Other laws are prescriptive – they prescribe how people ought to behave. For example, the speed limits imposed upon drivers prescribe how fast we should drive. In all societies, relations between people are regulated by prescriptive laws. Some of them are customs - that is, informal rules of social and moral behavior. Some are rules we accept if we belong to particular social institutions, such as religious, educational and cultural groups. And some are precise laws madebynations and enforced against all citizens. The ways in which people talk, eat and drink, work and relax together are usually called customs. Customs need not be made by governments and need not be written down. We learn how to behave in society through the instruction of family and teachers, the advice of friends and our experiences in dealing with strangers. Sometimes, we can break rules without suffering any penalty. Laws that maintain order in society are enforced by state and local governments through police force. The police arrest the lawbreakers, and judges after a fair trial determine the penalty that violators of the law should receive. Members of every community make laws for themselves in self- protection. If it were not for the law, you could not go out in daylight without the fear of being kidnapped, robbed or murdered. In the absence of law you could only rely upon the law of the jungle. Every country tries, therefore, to provide laws, which will help its people to live safely and comfortably. This is not at all easy thing to do. Man is imper290

fect; the world may never be free from crime, violence and tyranny. We need laws to protect ourselves and others. We distinguish private or civil law and public law. Private law involves the various relationships that people have with one another and the rules that determine their legal rights and duties. Civil law concerns disputes among citizens within a country, and publiclaw concerns disputes between citizens and the state, or between one state and another The laws of all countries are in written records – the legal codes of countries, the statutes. The laws are all concerned with making society more stable and enable people to flourish. Ex. 2. Answer the questions. 1. What does the word “law” refer to? 2. What kind of rules do we call laws? 3. How do you understand the expressions “descriptive laws” and? “prescriptive laws”? Can you give your own example? 4. What laws regulate the relations between people? 5. How many groups of prescriptive laws can you single out? 6. What rules are called customs? 7. How do we learn out customs? 8. What is the difference between a custom and a law? 9. Do we suffer any penalty for breaking these rules? 10. What laws are enforced by state and local governments? Who plays the main role in this process of law enforcement? 11. Why do people make laws? 12. Why is it not easy to provide laws, which will help people live safely and comfortably? Ex. 3.Translate the following word combinations. 1) tо refer to limits upon various forms of behavior; 2) to establish rules; 3) descriptive laws; 4) the law of gravity; 5) prescriptive laws; the speed limits imposed upon drivers; 6) relations between people; 7) informal rules of social and moral behavior; 8) to belong to a particular social institution; 9) religious groups; 10) educational groups; 11) cultural groups; 12) to enforce against all citizens; 13) to behave in society; 14) the instruction of a family; 15) the advice of friends; 16) to deal with strangers; 17) to break the rules; 18) to maintain order in society; 19) state and local governments; 20) to make laws in selfprotection; 21) to go out in daylight; to arrest the law breakers; 22) to determine the penalty; 23) violators of the law; 24) to rely upon the law of the jungle; 25) to live safely and comfortably; 26) to be imperfect; 27) to be free from crime, violence and tyranny; 28) to deal with smb; 29) rules of conduct. Ex. 4. Find the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations. 1) предписывать что-либо; 2) описывать что-то; 3) несовершенный человек; 4) жить в безопасности; 5) обычаи страны; 6) общественное и мо291

ральное поведение; 7) члены сообщества; 8) страх быть похищенным, убитым, ограбленным; 9) защищать себя и других; 10) различные формы поведения; полагаться на закон; 11) правила и нормы поведения; полиция; 12) быть свободным от преступности, насилия и жестокости; 13) понести наказание; 14) иметь дело с другими людьми; 15) закон всемирного тяготения; 16) поддерживать порядок в обществе; 17) регулировать предписывающими законами; 18) создавать законы; 19) определить наказание; 20) нарушать правила; 21) без страха; 22) устанавливать правила; 23) быть несовершенным; 24) самозащита. Ex. 5. Say if the statements below are true or false. 1. Government usually establishes customs. 2. Some laws prescribe how people ought to talk, eat, work and relax. 3. When people break some rules and customs they suffer some penalty. 4. The law enables us to go out in daylight without fear of being robbed, kidnapped or murdered. 5. Laws that maintain order in society are enforced by different social institutions. Ex. 6. Work with a dictionary. Give examples. (a) various forms of behavior; (b) speed limit; (c) to prescribe; (d) social behavior; (e) religious group; (f) the advice of friends; (g) self-protection; (h) to live safely. Ex. 7. Complete the following story with the words given below. the jungle, robbed, kidnapped, customs, laws, to protect, rely on, fear, prescribe, imperfect Every country has its ... . That's perfectly true. When I first сame to a little Italian village I was shocked: everyone was smiling and waving at me. The ... of hospitality ... local people to ... the foreigners from any trouble. In daylight and even at night you can go out without... of being… or... . Though the Italian laws are ... like all the laws, in the country you can ... open-heartedness and every possible support of the natives. The law of... is for huge industrial cities. Memorize the following words and word combinations. Constitutional law branches of law principle source

[ֽkɔnstɪ′tuɪ∫n lɔ:] [brɑːn(t)ʃ] [′prɪnsəpl] 292

конституционное право отрасли права основной источник

frame of government legal status to administer the judiciary the legislature the executive body of authority public affair Administrative law decision-making the body of law a tribunal international trade environment taxation broadcasting a scheme Сriminal law criminal responsibility to declare principles of liability to codify to deter from smth. criminal code to set out smth. to impose punishment International law to constitute a major source a multilateral treaty a sovereign state the body of rules the United Nations to expand [ɪk'spænd] ? to codify realm Financial law state credits savings investment(s)

[freɪm ˈɡʌv(ə)nˌm(ə)nt] [ˈli:ɡ(ə)l ′steɪtəs] [əd′mɪnɪstə] [dʒʊˈdɪʃ(ə)rɪ] [′ledʒɪsleɪt∫ə] [ɪg′zekjutɪv] [ɔːˈθɒrɪtɪ]

структура / система правительства правовой статус управлять, вести (дела) судебная власть законодательная власть исполнительная власть орган власти, орган управления [ˈpʌblɪkəˈfɛə] государственные дела [ədˈmɪnɪstrətɪv] административное право [dɪ′sɪʒn meɪkɪŋ] принятие решения совокупность правовых норм [traɪ′bju:nl] суд [,ɪntə′næ∫nəl treɪd] международная торговля [ɪn′vaɪərənmənt] окружающая среда [tæk′seɪ∫(ə)n] налогооблажение [′brɔ:dka:st] радиовещание [ski:m] план, проект [′krɪmɪnl lɔ:] уголовное право [rɪ,spɔnsɪ′bɪlɪtɪ] уголовная ответственность [dɪ′kleə] провозглашать, объявлять [laɪə′bɪlɪtɪ] принцип ответственности [kɔdɪfaɪ] кодифицировать [dɪ′tə:] удерживать от чего-л. [′kɔud] уголовный кодекс подробно излагать что-л. [ɪmˈpəʊz ˈpʌnɪʃm(ə)nt] назначить наказание международное право [ˈkɒnstɪtjuːt] составлять [sɔːs] главный источник [mʌltɪ′læt(ə)r(ə)l] многосторонний договор [′sɔvrɪn steɪt] суверенное государство совокупность норм права Организация Объединенных Наций [ɪkˈspand] расширять [′kɔdɪfaɪ] кодифицировать [relm] сфера, область [fʌɪˈnanʃ(ə)l] финансовое право государственные кредиты [ˈseɪvɪŋz] сбережения [ɪn′vestmənt] инвестиции, капиталовложение 293

to play a vital role a product Civil law law code distribution the right of property an exchange Labor law [ˈleɪbə(r)]? administrative rulings a precedent a restriction to mediate an employee an employer employment relationship to address tripartite

[′vaɪtl] [′prədΛkt] [ˈsɪv(ə)l] [dɪ′strɪbju:∫n] [′raɪt əv ′propətɪ] [ɪks′t∫eɪndʒ] [ˈleɪbər] [′presɪdənt] [rɪˈstrɪkʃ(ə)n] [mɪ:dɪeɪt] [,ɪmplɔɪ′i:] [ɪmˈplɔɪə] [ɪmˈplɔɪm(ə)nt] [rɪˈleɪʃ(ə)nʃɪp] [əˈdrɛs] [′traɪ′pa:taɪt]

Environmental law an international treaty interaction to reduce remediation

[ɪnvʌɪrənˈmɛnt(ə)l] [ˈtri:tɪ] [,ɪntər′æk∫n] [rɪ′dju:s] [rɪˌmi:dɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n]

сommon law an impact resource conservation individual exhaustion humanity environment Family law a divorce treatment of children succession

[ˈkɒmən] [′ɪmpækt] [rɪ′zɔ:s] [ɪg′zɔ: ∫n] [hjʊˈmanɪtɪ] [ɪnˈvʌɪrənm(ə)nt] [dɪ,vɔ:s] [ˈtri:tm(ə)nt] [sək′se∫(ə)n]

играть важную роль продукт, результат гражданское право уголовный кодекс распределение собственность обмен трудовое право административные нормы прецедент ограничение служить связующим звеном служащий, работник по найму работодатель трудоустройство, занятость взаимоотношение адресовать, направлять трехсторонний (в соглашении) экологическое право международный договор взаимодействие уменьшать, сокращать ремедиация (очистка от загрязнений) общее право влияние сохранение ресурсов истощение человека человечество окружающая среда семейное право развод обращение с детьми право наследования

Ex. 8. Read and translate the following text. The Law System The system of law in our country consists of different branches of law. Constitutional Law is a leading category of the whole system of law. Its principal source is the country's Constitution. It deals with social structure, the state system, powers and frame of government, the distribution of political and 294

governmental authorities and functions, the legal status of citizens. Constitutional law concerns the fundamental principles which are to regulate the relations of government and citizens. Constitutional law prescribes the plan and method according to which the public affair of the nation or state to be administered. It governs the relationships between the judiciary, the legislature and the executive with the bodies under its authority. Administrative Law is closely connected with Constitutional law but itdeals with the legal forms of concrete executive and administrative activity of a government and ministries. Administrative law is the body of law that governs the activities of administrative agencies of government. As a body of law, Administrative law deals with the decision-making of administrative units of government (e.g., tribunals, commissions) that are part of a national regulatory scheme in such areas as police law, international trade, the environment, taxation, broadcasting, immigration and transport. Criminal Law defines the general principles of criminal responsibility, types of crimes and punishment applied to criminals. The Criminal law plays a distinctive role in society. It is that law, which for the purpose of preventing harm to society declares what conduct is criminal, and prescribes the punishment to be imposed for such conduct. It includes the definition of specific offenses and general principles of liability. Criminal laws are codified into criminal or penal codes. Criminal law has the following functions: to deter people from doing acts that harm others or society; to set out the conditions under which people whohave performed criminal acts will be punished. International Law regulates relations between governments and also between private citizens of one country and those of another. International law constitutes that body of rules which governs the relationships between sovereign states. The major sources of International law are multilateral treaties. The United Nations has played a major role in defining, codifying and expanding the realm of International law. The International Law Commission, established by the General Assembly in 1947, is the primary institution responsible for developing and codifying International law. Financial Law regulates the budget, taxation, state credits and other spheres of financial activity. Financial law deals with the broad range of savings and investments in which individuals, businesses and institutions hold trillions of dollars, and the services related to those products. The products and services play a vital role in the world economy and directly employ millions of individuals. Civil Law is connected with relations in the economic sphere of life, with the relations involving property, its distribution and exchange. The right of property is central institution of Civil law.The principle of Civil law is to provide all citizens with a written collection of the laws. Judges must follow Civil 295

law and apply them to citizens. It is the oldest legal system in the world. The primary source of Civil law is the law code. Labor law (or Employment law) is the body of laws, administrative rulings, and precedents which address the legal rights and restrictions on working people and their organizations. Labor law mediates many aspects of the relationship between trade unions, employers and employees. The rules ofLabor Law include the legislation on the employment of industrial and office workers and regulate matters arising from employment relations. There are two categories of Labor law. First, collective Labor law relates to the tripartite relationship between employee, employer and union. Second, individual labor law concerns employees’ rights at work through the contract for work. Environmental law is a collective term describing international treaties (conventions), statutes, regulations, and Common law that operates to regulate the interaction of humanity and the natural environment, with the purpose of reducing the impacts of human activity. Environmental law may be divided into two major subjects: pollution control and remediation, and resource conservation, individual exhaustion. Family law sees the family as a special institution. It concerns the legal systems of married couples and their children, the process of divorce; responsibility for children; protection from domestic violence. It is the body of law regulating family relationships, including marriage and divorce, the treatment of children. It is concerned with the rights and duties of husband, wife, parents and children. Family law deals with the rights of succession to the property of a family member when they die. Ex. 9. Read the text above and answer the questions. 1. What does Constitutional law deal with? 2. What are the major sources of International law? 3. What are the main functions of Criminal law? 4. What is the principal source of Constitutional law? 5. What category of law is closely connected with Constitutional law? 6. What is the central institution of Civil law? 7. What does Criminal law define? 8. What form does Criminal law take? 9. What is Civil law connected with? 10. What rules does Employment law include? Ex.10. Translate the following words and word combinations. Principle source, state system, governmental authority, to administer public affair, executive activity, administrative agencies, to prevent harm, to prescribe the punishment, general principles of punishment, to set out conditions, the body of rules, law code, precedents, tripartite relationship, environmental protection, executive activity, international trade, to apply punishment to crimi296

nals, to codify into criminal code, relationships between sovereign state, right of property, to follow Civil law, employment of industrial workers, international treaties, protection from domestic violence, succession to the property. Ex. 11. Find the English equivalents to the following Russian words and word combinations in the text. Гражданское право, правовой статус граждан, право на труд, работодатель, трехсторонняя связь, административные постановления, уголовная ответственность, общие принципы, наказание, налогообложение, регулировать бюджет, финансовая деятельность, трудовые отношения, административная деятельность, экономическая сфера жизни, распределение собственности, права служащих, трудовой договор, принцип (норма) гражданского права, семейные отношения, домашнее насилие. Ex. 12. Find in the text. a) adjectives related to these nouns: constitution, industry, crime, legislation, economy, finance, law, administration, government, b) nouns related to these verbs: to relate, to organize, to institute, to found, to distribute, to punish, to govern, to employ, to regulate. Ex. 13. Fill in the gaps with the words and phrases with their definitions below. Civil law, Criminal law, Administrative law, law, Financial law, the rules of Labor law (Employment law), Constitutional law 1. ... is a system of rules established by the state. 2. ... is a leading category of the whole system of law. 3. ... deals with the legal forms of concrete executive and administrative activity of government and ministries. 4. ... regulates the budget, taxation, state credit. 5. ... regulates family relationships. 6. ... include the legislation on the labour of industrial and office workers. 7. ... defines the general principles of criminal responsibility. 8. …regulates the interaction of humanity and natural environment. 9. …is connected with relations involving property. Ex. 14. Insert the prepositions from this list if necessary: with, to, out, between, into, through, at. 1. Constitutional law deals … social structure, the state system, powers and frame of government. 2. Criminal law defines punishment applied … criminals. 3. Criminal law sets …. the conditions under which people who have committed crime will be punished. 4. International law governs the relationship 297

… sovereign states. 5. Criminal laws are codified … criminal codes. 6. The principle of Civil law is to provide all citizens … a written collection of the laws. 7. Individual Labor law concerns employee’s rights … work … the contract for work. Ex. 15. Match the English words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents. 1) branches of law a) гражданский процесс 2) Labour law b) отрасли права 3) Criminal law c) криминалистика 4) Land law d) криминология 5) Family law e) судебная психология 6) Tax law f) трудовое право 7) Civil law g) оперативно-разыскная деятельность 8) Administrative law h) гражданское право 9) State law i) налоговое право 10) Constitutional law j) уголовное право 11) Civil Procedure k) земельное право 12) Criminalistics l) конституционное право 13) Criminology m) семейное право 14) Operative Detective n) административное право Activity 15) Crime Psychology o) государственное право Ex. 16. Summarize the text above. Memorize the following words and word combinations. legal rights a trade union branches of law conditions of work social security

[ˈsəʊʃ(ə)l sɪˈkjʊərɪtɪ]

disability insurance

[dɪsəˈbɪlɪtɪ ɪnˈʃʊər(ə)ns]

welfare provisions to negotiate an agreement favourable grievance dismissal

[ˈli:ɡ(ə)l raɪt] [bra:nt∫]

[ˈwɛlfɛː] [prəˈvɪʒ(ə)n] [nɪˈɡəʊʃɪeɪt] [əˈɡriːm(ə)nt] [ˈfeɪv(ə)rəb(ə)l] [ˈɡriːv(ə)ns] [dɪsˈmɪsl] 298

законные права профсоюз отрасли права условия труда социальная защита, обеспечение страховка на случай нетрудоспособности благосостояние положения, условия договариваться об условиях благоприятный жалоба, трудовой конфликт увольнение, отставка

Ex. 17.Read and translate the following text. Labour law Labour law is the body of laws, administrative rulings, and precedents which address the legal rights of, and restrictions on, working people and their organizations. As such it mediates many aspects of the relationship between trade unions and employers. Out of all different branches of law, this one deals with the terms and conditions of work, and disputes regarding employment of labour. This is a set of rulings and regulations that govern the relationship and terms between employers and employees. In its most comprehensive sense the term includes social security and disability insurance as well. In addition to the individual contractual relationships growing out of the traditional employment situation, Labour law deals with the statutory requirements and collective relationships that are increasingly important in mass production societies, the legal relationships between organized economic interests and the state, and the various rights and obligations related to some types of social services. The basic subject matter of Labour law can be considered under nine broad heads: employment; individual employment relationships; wages and remuneration; conditions of work; health, safety, and welfare; social security; trade unions and industrial relations; the administration of Labour law; and special provisions for particular occupational or other groups. There are special rules about the employment of children and young people. Your rights at work will depend on: your statutory rights and your contract of employment. Statutory rights are legal rights based on laws passed by Parliament. Nearly all workers, regardless of the number of hours per week they work, have certain legal rights. The contract of employment is the agreement made between the employer and the employee. This could be in the form of a written agreement or what has been agreed verbally between them. In addition, the contract of employment will also include “custom and practice” agreements. These are how things are usually done in the workplace, for example, if the employer always gives the employees a day’s holiday in August. Even though this is not mentioned in the written contract this will form part of the contract of employment as it is usual practice. If the written contract says one thing, but in practice all the employees have been doing something else with the employer’s knowledge and agreement, the “custom and practice” would form the contract rather than the written statement. A trade union may have negotiated an agreement with an employer about conditions at work. The negotiated agreement will often form part of a contract of employment, particularly if the conditions are more favourable than the pre299

vious ones. One of the main functions of trade unions is to protect the rights of workers. All workers, regardless of the number of hours they work per week, are entitled to receive a written statement from their employer, within two months of starting work. The statement describes the main terms of the contract of employment. The statement must give details about: job title, wages and hours of work, sick pay, pension schemes, holiday entitlement, grievance, dismissal and disciplinary procedure and so on. Ex. 18. Answer the questions. 1. How can you define the term “Labour law”? 2. What does Labour law deal with? 3. What does Labour law govern? 4. Why is this branch of law so important? 5. What are the main elements of Labour law? 6. How do you understand the expression “custom and practice agreement”? 7. What is the main function of trade unions? 8. What does the written statement from the employer describe? Ex. 19.Translate the following word combinations into Russian. 1) to mediate many aspects; 2) to be entitled to; 3) disciplinary procedure 4) statutory rights; 5) administration of Labour law; 6) usual practice; 7) social security; 8) body of laws; 9) legal rights; 10) regulations; 11) a set of rulings; 12) to negotiate an agreement; 13) to describe terms. Ex. 20.Find the English equivalents to the following Russian words and word combinations in the text. 1) страхование на случай нетрудоспособности; 2) зарплата и вознаграждение; 3) условия труда; 4) трудовые отношения; 5) безопасность и благосостояние; 6) профсоюзы; 7) предусмотренный законом; 8) договор о найме (трудовой договор); 9) занятость; 10) место работы; 11) увольнение; 12) больничный лист; 13) часы работы; 14) положение. Ex. 21. Agree or disagree with the statements. 1. Labour law does not deal with employment of labour. 2. Labour law also deals with family relations. 3. The contract of employment is the agreement between the employer and trade unions. 4. Labour law regulates the relationship between employers and employees. 5. There are no special rules about employment of children and young people. 6. The statutory rights are legal rights based on laws passed by Parliament. 7. A trade union cannot negotiate a contract of employment with an employer. 300

Ex. 22. Match the definitions with the words and word combinations. a) fixed or controlled by law b) money paid by an employer to a worker who cannot work because of illness c) a condition in an agreement or law d) work that you do to earn money e) an act of removing someone from their job f) physical problems that make someone unable to use a part of their body properly g) the ability to control your behaviour or way of working h) something that you complain about because you feel you have been treated unfairly

1. disability 2. discipline 3. dismissal 4. employment 5. statutory rights 6. provision 7. sick pay 8. grievance

Memorize the following words and word combinations. custody violence at home to commit crimes emotional support right to property to protect legitimate to deal with

['kʌstədɪ] ['vaɪəl(ə)ns]

[prə'tekt] [lɪ'ʤɪtəmət]

опека, попечительство насилие в семье (в доме) совершать преступления эмоциональная поддержка право на собственность защищать законный иметь дело, заниматься

Ex. 23.Read and translate the following text. Family Law Family law is a branch of law which deals with “domestic relations”, it is concerned with such subjects as adoption, divorce, separation, paternity, custody, support and child care. The law sees the family as a special institution. Family law considers married and unmarried couples, and their children; custody of and responsibility for children; and protection from violence at home. In some societies the family is thought to be so important that there is very little legal intervention in family life, for example in many Islamic countries. But in many parts of the world, the law now promotes the rights the rights of individuals within the family unit, and regulates family relations through legislation.


In general, the welfare of children is the biggest concern of Family law. In most countries legal systems treat children differently from adults. In economically developed countries, there are limits on the type and amount of work a child is allowed to do. There are age limits on the rights and duties of citizens. In Britain as in many countries, there are special courts with very strong powers to control and transfer private property in the interests of children. Special courts deal with young people who commit crimes. The laws in most countries place more emphasis upon marriages legally registered than social arrangements whereby people live together. In Britain, children born outside legitimate marriages have fewer rights to financial support from estranged fathers than legitimate children. In addition, if they are born outside the UK, they are less likely than legitimate children to be granted British citizenship. Their fathers have no automatic right to contact with them. Some welfare payments are calculated on a different basis according to whether recipients are married or not, and more procedures are available to a married woman than an unmarried one in seeking protection from domestic violence In English law, some marriages may be dissolved or nullified. A couple may also seek a divorce. The procedure may be lengthy, especially if one does not want to get divorced or if there are children. Divorce proceedings in England take place in certain County Courts known as divorce county courts. Some matters are also dealt with in the Family Division of the High Court. A divorce will not be issued until satisfactory arrangements have been made for any children of the marriage, including determining who is to have custody of the children. In case of property, the courts have to find balance between two principles. One of that is any division should fairly reflect how much each party contributed to the property they held together. Nowadays, courts look beyond legal ownership and cash contributions. Work done in the home, time spent caring for the family, even emotional support, are all considered as giving some rights to property. Ex. 24. Answer the questions. 1. What is the biggest concern of Family law? 2. Why are children treated differently by law than adults? 3. Do children born outside legitimate marriages have the same rights with legitimate children? 4. Whom does Family law consider? 5. May a married couple seek a divorce? 6. Whose interests are taken into


account first of all when people get divorced? 7. In what case will a divorce be issued? Ex. 25. Find the English equivalents to the following Russian words and word combinations in the text. 1) вмешательство в семейные дела; 2) регулировать отношения; 3) законный; 4) поддержка; 5) аннулировать брак; 6) опека; 7) развод; 8) вкладывать деньги; 9) поддерживать; 10) судебное разбирательство. Ex. 26. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian. 1) private; 2) register; 3) welfare payment; 4) citizenship; 5) child care; 6) age limits; 7) legislation; 8) emotional support; 9) strong powers; 10) adoption. Ex. 27. Agree or disagree with the statements. 1. Family law is a branch of law that deals with employment relations. 2. There are no special family courts in the UK. 3. The welfare of children is the biggest concern of family law. 4. Family law regulates the relations in a family. 5. Children and adults are treated equally by the law. 6. There are no age limits on the rights and duties of citizens. 7. According to English law marriages can never be dissolved. Ex. 28. Read and translate the following text. Civil Law Civil Law (Roman-Germanic legal family) is the most widespread type of legal system in the world, applied in various forms in approximately 150 countries. Also referred to as European continental law, the Civil law system is derived mainly from the Roman “Corpus Juris Civilus”, (Body of Civil Law), a collection of laws and legal interpretations compiled under the Roman Emperor Justinian I between A.D. 528 and 565. The major feature of Civil law systems is that the laws are organized into systematic written codes. The main sources of Civil law are principally legislation – especially codifications in constitutions or statutes enacted by governments – and secondarily, custom. The Civil law systems in some countries are based on more than one code.


Ex. 29. Find the words according to the definition in the text. 1. Laws or written rules which are passed by Parliament and implemented by courts. 2. An official set of laws or regulations. 3. To come from something, to appear somewhere and then to develop into something. 4. What someone thinks about the meaning of a law or precedent? 5. Used or enforced in different ways. Ex. 30. Work in pairs. Discuss the statements given. True or False. 1. Civil law is the most widespread legal system of the world. 2. Approximately 300 countries use Civil law nowadays. 3. European continental law and Civil law is the name of the same phenomenon. 4. “Corpus Juris Civilus” is a collection of laws and legal interpretations compiled in the times of the Roman Emperor Justinian I. 5. The date when the Body of Civil law was compiled is known precisely. 6. Organizing the law into two written codes is the main feature of Civil law system. 7. One of the main sources of civil law is custom. Memorize the following words and word combinations. procedure


процедура, операция, технологический процесс, методика проведения to prosecute [ˈprɒsɪkjuːt] преследовать в судебном порядке, преследовать по суду, вести, обвинять penal institution [ˈpiːn(ə)lɪnstɪˈtjuːʃ(ə)n] тюрьма, место заключения to threaten [θrɛt] угрожать, грозить, пригрозить, замахиваться, припугивать, предвещать treason [ˈtriːz(ə)n] измена, предательство, государственная измена to compass [ˈkʌmpəs] кружать, осаждать, обращаться, делать витки, достигать, осуществлять, замышлять, затевать, схватывать, понимать to levy [ˈlɛvi] взимать, облагать, собирать, набирать, сбор, взимание, обложение, взнос resistance [rɪˈzɪst(ə)ns] сопротивление, сопротивляемость, противодействие to adhere [ədˈhɪə] придерживаться, прилипать, твердо придерживаться, приклеиваться, приставать destruction [dɪˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n] уничтожение, разрушение, деструкция, разорение, причина гибели an attainder [əˈteɪndə] лишение гражданских и имуществен304





on behalf of


preemptory challenge jury panel

[ˌpriːˈɛm(p)t(ə)ri ˈtʃalɪn(d)ʒ] [ˈdʒʊəri ˈpan(ə)l]



a machinist


a leftist cause célèbre to commute

[ˈlɛftɪst] [sɛˈlɛbr(ə)] [kəˈmjuːt]

ных прав (лица, приговорённого к смертной казни или объявленного вне закона за особо тяжкое преступление) обвинительный акт, обвинение, акт, предъявление обвинения обязательный, принудительный, вынужденный от имени, от лица, по поручению, в интересах, в лице, в пользу, по имени отвод без указания причины (в уголовных делах) список лиц, которые должны исполнять обязанности присяжных заседателей милосердие, снисходительность, мягкость машинист, механик, слесарь, машиностроитель, рабочий у станка, швея член левой партии знаменитый судебный процесс смягчать, заменять, переключать, смягчать наказание

Ex. 31. Read and translate the following text. Criminal law Criminal law – branch of law that defines crimes and fixes punishments for them. Criminal law includes rules and procedures for preventing and investigating crimes and prosecuting criminals, as well as the regulations governing the constitution of courts, the organization of police forces, and the administration of penal institutions. In general, the Criminal law of most modern states classifies crimes as offenses against the safety of the state; offenses against the public welfare; offenses against property; and offenses threatening the lives or safety of persons. In the US Criminal law has a number of unique features. In determining the Criminal law, the federal government and each of the state governments are sovereign within the limits of their authority as defined by the US Constitution. In many particulars the Criminal law varies from state to state. The federal government and a number of states have formulated codes of Criminal law. In the US and Great Britain the most serious crime is treason. Treason – criminal offense involving the attempt, by open acts, to overthrow the government to which the offender owes allegiance, or to betray the state to a foreign power. Treason in English Law 305

Two grades of treason existed in early English law: high treason, which was directed against the Crown, and petty treason, which consisted of a crime against a subject, such as a wife killing her husband, or a servant murdering his master. In early English statutes the most serious offenses were compassing or imagining the death of the sovereign, adhering to the sovereign's enemies and giving them aid and comfort, and levying war against the sovereign. Statutes were changed from time to time between the reign of Edward III and that of Elizabeth I. After the Restoration the Stuart judges used “constructive treason” to discourage resistance to the Crown. They extended the offenses to include words as well as deeds. In 1663, a writer was convicted of treason for writing an article suggesting that the king was accountable to the people. Treason in US History Article III, Section 3, of the U.S. Constitution follows the English law: “Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.” At the end of the 17th century colonial law followed the English law of treason. During the French and Indian War some colonies considered trading with the enemy treasonous. Massachusetts in 1706 declared “correspondence” with the enemy to be treason. During the 1680s, Virginia attempted to punish the destruction of young tobacco plants, in order to control prices, as treason. In colonial days the penalty for conviction of treason followed the English law, providing for attainder, forfeiture, or loss of property, and the loss of all rights of inheritance. The sentence included the practice of hanging and quartering. Often, however, the colonial governor received a reversal of the judgment from the Crown. During the American Revolution, charges of treason were brought against American supporters of the British government. Congress authorized the death penalty for American soldiers who supported King George III. Several men were hanged for enlisting soldiers in the king's army and for various other violations, such as furnishing supplies to the British. Many convicted traitors were pardoned. In 1790, Congress fixed the penalty for treason as death by hanging. The accused was to enjoy certain procedural rights: a copy of the indictment; a list of jurors and witnesses at least three days before trial; representation by counsel; compulsory process for witnesses on behalf of the accused; and preemptory challenge of 35 members of the jury panel. The first Americans convicted and executed for treason in peacetime were the engineer Julius Rosenberg (1918–1953) and his wife Ethel Rosenberg (1915–1953). The Rosenbergs, both members of the Communist party, were found guilty in 1951 of transmitting atomic military secrets to a Soviet spy, in a 306

controversial trial. After several appeals to the U.S. Supreme Court and a refusal of clemency by President Eisenhower, the Rosenbergs were executed at Sing Sing Prison in Ossining, N.Y. The Rosenberg trial The trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg begins in New York Southern District federal court. Judge Irving R. Kaufman presides over the espionage prosecution of the couple accused of selling nuclear secrets to the Russians. David Greenglass was a machinist at Los Alamos, where America developed the atomic bomb. Julius Rosenberg, his brother-in-law, was a member of the American Communist Party and was fired from his government job during the Red Scare. According to Greenglass, Rosenberg asked him to pass highly confidential instructions on making atomic weapons to the Soviet Union. These materials were transferred to the Russians by Harry Gold, an acquaintance of Greenglass. The Soviets exploded their first atomic bomb (and effectively started the Cold War) in September 1949 based on information, including that from Greenglass, they had obtained from spies. The only direct evidence of the Rosenberg's involvement was the confession of Greenglass. The left-wing community believed that the Rosenbergs were prosecuted because of their membership in the Communist Party. Their case became the cause célèbre of leftists throughout the nation. The trial lasted nearly a month, finally ending on April 4 with convictions for all the defendants. The Rosenbergs were sentenced to death row on April 6. Sobell received a thirty-year sentence. Greenglass got fifteen years for his cooperation. Reportedly, the Rosenbergs were offered a deal in which their death sentences would be commuted in return for an admission of their guilt. They refused and were executed. Ex. 32. Answer the questions. 1. What is Criminal law? What does it include? 2. What kinds of offences are criminal? 3. What are the unique features of the US Criminal law? 4. What is treason? 5. What grades of treason in early English law do you know? 6. What were the most serious offenses in early English statutes? 7. What kinds of actions were treasonous in the US in the 17th century? 8. What were the penalties for these actions? 9. What were the rights of a person accused of treason in the 18th century? 10. What do you know about the Rosenberg trial? Ex. 33. Match the words with their definitions. attainder traitor reversing

the loss of property or money because of a breach of a legal obligation to change to the contrary one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty 307

petty forfeiture pardon peremptory challenge

a challenge of a juror made as of right without assigning any cause extinction of the civil rights and capacities of a person upon sentence of death or outlawry usually after a conviction of treason the excusing of an offense without exacting a penalty having secondary rank or importance

Ex. 34. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. to withhold, to acquit, to drop (the case against smb), to serve, to award x 2, to return (a verdict), to appeal, to legislate 1. The policeman warned him that it was illegal to … evidence. 2. After consideration, the plaintiff … the case against his neighbour. 3. He … two years in a local prison. 4. The court … the plaintiff $ 20,000 in damages plus costs. 5. Three of the men were sent to prison, but the judge … the fourth. 6. The defendant says he cannot pay the amount the court has … . 7. After three hours deliberation the jury … a verdict of not guilty. 8. She says she is innocent and she is going to … to the supreme court against the decision. 9. Parliament has … against the sale of drugs. Ex. 35. Make up a presentation on the following topics. 1. The Law System in the modern society. 2. Categories of law. 3. Prescriptive and descriptive laws. 4. The profession of a lawyer in Russia. Ex. 36. Debate on Law and morality 1. What do you think about the connection between law and morality? 2. Does law really work in our society? Ex. 37. Role-play the dialogue “Branches of law”. See Appendix 1. Ex. 38. Translate into English the following letter. Дорогой Кэвин! Спасибо за письмо. Я не видел тебя целую вечность, извини, что я тебе так долго не писала. В твоем письме ты просил написать о моем двоюродном брате. Олег курсант Уфимского юридического института МВД России. Он хочет быть экспертом в законах и поэтому изучает все отрасли права: уголовное право, гражданское право, трудовое право, ад308

министративное право. После окончания института он может работать в качестве сотрудника правоохранительных органов внутренних дел в полиции. Олег также может работать или в суде, или в прокуратуре, или в адвокатуре, или в нотариальной конторе.

Choose the correct answer. 1. Brian asked Jane, “How do you like living here?” a) Brian asked Jane how did she like living there. b) Brian asked Jane how she liked living there. c) Brian asked Jane how had she liked living there. 2. Jim’s father told him, “Be quiet, please!” a) Jim’s father asked him was quiet. b) Jim’s father asked him be quiet. c) Jim’s father asked him to be quiet. 3. Clair said, “Sue has been my best friend since childhood”. a) Clair said Sue had been her best friend since childhood. b) Clair said Sue was her best friend since childhood. c) Clair said Sue had been my best friend since childhood. 4. Katy said, “When Sonia comes, I`ll tell her the news”. a) Katy said when Sonia came, I would tell her the news. b) Katy said when Sonia came, she would tell her the news. c) Katy said when Sonia came, she would have told her the news. 5. Sara asked me, “How long have you been studying English?” a) Sara asked me how long I had been studying English. b) Sara asked me how long had I been studying English. c) Sara asked me how long had you been studying English. 6. “What is happening in the world?” he asked. a) He asked what happened in the world. 309

b) He asked what was happened in the world. c) He asked what was happening in the world. 7. Jane said, “When the mail comes, my assistant will open it”. a) Jane said that when the mail came, her assistant would open it. b) Jane said that when the mail come, my assistant would open it. c) Jane said that when the mail came, her assistant would opened it. 8. Tania said to them, “This coming Friday I am beginning my vacation”. a) Tania said to them that that coming Friday I was beginning my vacation. b) Tania said to them that that coming Friday she was beginning her vacation. c) Tania said to them that this coming Friday she would beginning my vacation. 9. “Did you take French in high school?” Paula asked. a) Paula asked if I took French in high school. b) Paula asked had I taken French in high school. c) Paula asked if I had taken French in high school. 10. Frank said, “They are getting married tomorrow”. a) Frank said they got married the next day. b) Frank said they were getting married the next day. c Frank said they was getting married tomorrow. 11. Match the word combinations. 1) inheritance law a) административное право 2) housing law b) прецедентное право 3) executive law c) договорное право 4) environmental law d) общее право 5) employment law e) конституционное право 6) contract law f) авторское право 7) copyright law g) трудовое право 8) constitutional law h) правовые нормы по охране окружающей среды 9) common law i) правовые нормы, регулирующие деятельност исполнительной власти 10) case law j) жилищное право 11) administrative law k) наследственное право 310

11.Match the legal terms (1-6) with their definitions (a-f). 1) Constitutional law deals with … 2) International law regulates … 3) Public law concerns …

a) relations between governments as well as between private citizens of one country and those of another. b) the budget, taxation, state credits, and other spheres of financial activity. c) the relationships between individuals or bodies within the country. This field of law is connected with relations in the economic sphere of life, with relations involving property, its distribution and exchange. 4) Financial law d) disputes between citizens and the state, or between one regulates … state and another. 5) Civil law regu- e) the relationships between the state and individual people lates … and bodies. It defines the general principles of criminal responsibility, individual types of crimes and punishment applied to criminals. 6) Criminal law f) social structure, organization of state power and the legal regulates … status of citizens. Its principal source is the country’s Constitution.


UNIT 14 LEGAL PROFESSION Law is not a trade, not briefs, not merchandise, and so the heaven of commercial competition should not vulgarize the legal profession. V. R. Krishna Iyer Practice the pronunciation of some tongue twisters. [w] Аналогов звуку [w] в русском языке нет. Английский звук [w] получается мгновенным пропусканием струи воздуха через щель, образуемую сильно округлёнными и слегка выпяченными губами. Зубы не касаются нижней губы. Звук [w] произносится очень кратко. We wear woolen wear in winter, While we wear waterproofs in wet weather. Why do we wear woolen wear in winter, While we wear waterproofs in wet weather?

A white wizard works wonders with a wand, While a wicked witch works wonders with words. Why does the white wizard work wonders with the wand, While the wicked witch works wonders with the words?

[j] Звук [j] произносится как заметно ослабленный русский звук [й]. Uniformed yardmen yap with uniformed yardmasters, Uniformed yardmasters yap with uniformed yardmen. If uniformed yardmen didn’t yap with uniformed yardmasters, Could uniformed yardmasters yap with uniformed yardmen?

Yesterday a new newsagent introduced a newspaper That continues to interview young popular musicians. Why the new newsagent introduced the newspaper That continues to interview young popular musicians?

[h] Аналогов звуку [h] в русском языке нет. Согласный звук [h] представляет собой простой выдох без участия языка и округления губ. Звук [h] не является шумным и не должен напоминать русский звук [х]. 312

A housewife who holds her house by herself, Has a home help who helps her. If the housewife didn’t hold her house by herself, How could she have a home help who helps her?

A hard-headed hunter hunts with a hawk, A hard-hearted hunter hunts with a hound. If the hard-headed hunter didn’t hunt with a hawk, How could the hard-hearted hunter hunts with a hound?

Ex. 1. Insert the appropriate article. 1. … water is precious in this area and must not be paid for. Don’t drink from this pond. … water is stale. 2. Paul … found Criminal Law … most interesting subject there. 3. He had … opportunity to get … interesting work, but he refused. 4. I don’t like … life he lives. The book is about … man who lived … double life. 5. They built … fire to mark the place for the plane to land. 6. Suddenly I felt … sharp pain in my side. … pain was really terrible. 7. It was … great joy for … old woman to have all her children back home. 8. How long have you been in … hospital? There was … hospital in this building a year ago. 9. Father has promised to give me … watch for my birthday. Look at … watch, what’s the time? Ex. 2. Transform the sentences into negative and interrogative. 1.A future investigator can get professional skills in our institute: to conduct a crime scene search, to handle evidence, to collect evidence, to conduct interrogation. 2. Sherlock Holmes was able to tell everything about every murder of the last hundred years. 3. We must master practical skills and abilities to be highly qualified law enforcement professionals. 4. We are to solve major social problems of our time – crime prevention and crime decrease in this our country. 5. You have to wear a police uniform since you are going to become a police officer. 6. To perform competently our job we are to study many special and general subjects. 7. A lawyer should be an expert in laws and their proper usage. 8. A police officer must help citizens in case of danger. Ex. 3. Complete the sentences with the correct auxiliary verb: do; did; are; have. 1. I ... not see Andrew yesterday. 2. How long ... you lived there? 3. Why ... you learning English? 4. ... you seen anybody today? 5. What ... you think of your new teacher? To my mind she is very nice. 6. ... you angry about what happened? 7. ... you read a newspaper yesterday? 8. My mother knows Mrs. Dave better than I ... . 9. ... you ever forgotten about your friend’s birthday? 10. How 313

… you get to the station when you are late? 11. ... you disappointed with your exam results? 12. ... you been abroad? ... you enjoy it? 13. I ... known Jane for three years, but I ... not know what she’s thinking. 14. They ... a lot of crying last night. 15. You ... making mistakes. Ex. 4. Choose the right modal verb. 1. The fire spread through the building quickly but everybody … . a) was able to escape b) managed to escape с) could escape 2. The phone is ringing. It … be Tim. a) might b) can с) should d) must 3. Why did you stay at a hotel when you went to New York? You … with Barbara. a) can stay b) could stay с) could have stayed 4. I’ve lost one of my gloves. I … it somewhere. a) must drop b) must have dropped с) must be dropping d) must have been dropping 5. Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It … rain later. a) may b) might c) can d) must 6. What was wrong with you? Why … go to hospital? a) had you to b) did you have to с) must you d) should go 7. There’s plenty of time. You … hurry. a) don’t have to b) mustn’t с) needn’t 8. It was a great party last night. You … come. Why didn’t you? a) must have b) should have с) ought to have d) had to 9. I think all drivers … seat belts. a) should wear b) had better wear с) had better to wear d) must wear Ex. 5. Use the right form of the verb in Passive. 1. Ufa Law Institute ... in 1988. a) is founded b) were founded c) was founded d) will be founded 2. Three foreign languages ... at the University next year. a) is taught b) taught c) was taught d) will be taught e) shall be taught 3. This letter ... now. a) is typed b) was typed c) is being typed d) have teen typed 4. When we arrived there; a new type of equipment .... a) was shown b) had been shown c) was showing d) was being shown 5. These experiments ... in our laboratory since the beginning of March. a) are carried out b) is carried out c) has been carried out d) have been carried out e) had been carried out 6. By the time I met him this matter ... . a) was settled; b) was being settled; c) had been settled. 314

7. This house ... by the end of the next year. a) shall be built b) is being built c) will have been built d) shall have been built 8. English ... in many countries of the world. a) was spoken b) is spoken c) speak d) are spoken 9. Most of the Earth’s surface ... by water. a) covers b) was covered c) is covered d) cover Ex. 6. Change the following sentences into indirect speech. 1. He asked angrily, “Why are you smiling to yourself and don’t answer my questions at once?” 2. “I am thinking of the summer I spent in the South of France”, the girl said. 3. “He’s lying – he’s never been to Greece,” his brother said. 4. She said to Nick, “When are you going to get a car?” “I don’t have enough money”, replied Nick. 5. “Water boils at 100°C,” he said. 6. Ann said, “We are thinking of going out”.7. The teacher asked, “Are you listening carefully, John?” 8. “I was on guard duty,” he said. 9. I said, “Is Mike studying for an examination now?” 10. “What caused the accident?” – Can you explain … . Ex. 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1. She (to go) to Italy five years ago. Since then she (not to speak) Italian, and (to forget) nearly all she (to learn) there. 2. When he (to run) after the tram, he (to fall) and (to hurt) his leg. We (to have) to carry him home. Now he (to lie) in bed. The doctor just (to leave). The doctor (to say) he must stay in bed for a week. 3. They (to live) in that town for ten years and then (to move) to the country. 4. We (to live) here for the last six months, and just (to decide) to move. 5. He (to write) a new play for the last two years, but he (not to finish) it yet. 6. You must stop reading; you have a headache because you (to read) too long! 7. I (to look) at this photograph for five minutes, but I can’t see you in it. – I’m afraid you (to look) at the wrong one. 8. My friend Robert (to learn) French for the last three years, and now he (to study) German. 9. You (to speak) to Ann yesterday? – No, I (not to see) her for a long time. I (not to remember) when I last (to see) her. Revise the following words and word combinations. to conduct investigation crime rate to commit a crime to detect a crime to solve a crime

вести расследование уровень преступности совершить преступление раскрывать преступление раскрывать преступление 315

to fight a crime to prevent a crime а сriminal to perpetrate a perpetrator a criminalist to trace a criminal to locate a criminal to detain a criminal to deter а crime crime deterrence to interrogate a criminal to expose a criminal to find a criminal to identify a criminal an identification a field-criminalist a сrime scene

бороться с преступностью предотвратить преступление преступник; преступный, уголовный [′pə:pɪtreɪt] совершить преступление преступник, виновник криминалист (специалист по уголовному праву, уголовному процессу или криминалистике) выслеживать преступника установить местонахождение, найти преступника задерживать задерживать преступника преступника сдерживать преступность сдерживание преступности [ɪn′terəgeɪt] допрашивать преступника [ɪks′pouz] разоблачать преступника находить преступника [aɪ′dentɪfaɪ] опознавать преступника; устанавливать личность преступника; идентифицировать [aɪdentɪfi′keɪ∫(ə)n] опознание эксперт-криминалист место совершения преступления

to examine а crime scene

осматривать место происшествия искать, обыскивать, осматривать место происшествия отдел уголовного розыска

to search а crime scene Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Criminal Detection Department (CDD) Crime Detection a quality main task to possess intelligence initiative energy persistence patience an investigative (detective) ability

[′kwɔlɪtɪ] [ta:sk ] [ɪn′telɪdʒəns] [′enədʒɪ] [′peɪ∫(ə)ns]


уголовный розыск, оперативнорозыскная деятельность качество основная задачa обладать ум, интеллект инициатива энергия, сила, усилия настойчивость, упорство терпение сыскная способность

honorable necessary a witness to witness to interview witnesses law enforcement professionals to solve crime quickly and accurately to depend on professional skills and abilities training to master means special course of Detective Activity to get professional skills and abilities evidence material evidence physical evidence to handle evidence to collect evidence a suspect to suspect to locate a suspect to apprehend a suspect to take pictures to deal with documentation criminal record criminal report to render medical assistance to safeguard to isolate fingerprints blood stains tool marks

[′ɔnərəbl ] [′nesɪs(ə)rɪ] [′ɪntevju:]



[kə′lekt] [′sЛspekt] [səs′pekt] [lɔu’keɪt] [,жprɪ′hend]

[′rekɔ:d] [rɪ′pɔ:t] [′seɪfga:d] [′aɪsəleɪt] [blЛd steɪnz] [tu:l] 317

почетный необходимый свидетель быть свидетелем опрашивать свидетелей сотрудники правоохранительных органов раскрыть преступление быстро и точно (раскрытие преступления по горячим следам) зависеть от... профессиональные навыкии умения подготовка, обучение мастерски овладеть средства специальный курс оперативнорозыскной деятельности получать профессиональные навыки и умения улики, доказательства вещественные доказательства материальные доказательства обращаться, иметь дело с уликами собиратьулики подозреваемый подозревать установить местонахождение подозреваемого задержать, арестовать подозреваемого фотографировать иметь дело документы, документация досье преступника (совершенных им преступлений) криминалистический учет оказывать медицинскую помощь защищать, охранять изолировать отпечатки пальцев руки пятна крови инструменты, орудия преступ-

ления установить состав преступления

to establish corpus delicti to reconstructthe happening to obtain information to get information to establish evidence of guilt to produce evidence before the court a manslaughter

восстановить случившееся получить информацию доказать факт виновности


a murder


a robbery a housebreaking a burglary a larceny a traffic accident


juvenile investigative bodies highly qualified noble

[′bə:glərɪ] [′la:snɪ] [′жksɪdənt] [′dʒu: vɪnaɪl ]


представлять доказательства перед судом простое (без злого предумышления) убийство тяжкое убийство (убийство, совершенное с заранее обдуманным, злым умыслом) грабеж взлом дома ночная кража со взломом воровство дорожно-транспортное происшествие юноша, подросток, юный, юношеский следственные органы высококвалифицированный благородный

Ex. 8. Read and translate the text. My Future Profession Two years ago I entered Ufa Law Institute of the Interior Ministry of Russia. The Russian Internal Affairs bodies compose several departments. The Criminal Detection Department is to identify, to locate and apprehend a criminal. The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) collects evidence to prove the guilt or innocence of a suspect. The Economic Crimes Investigation Department reveals the economic offences. The mission of the State Inspection of Road Traffic Safety is to regulate safety on the roads. The Juvenile Inspection is responsible for prevention of juvenile delinquency. Our Institute trains future police officers. We are mastering our future profession at the law enforcement activity faculty and the law enforcement insurance of national security faculty. We can work as operatives of the Criminal Detection Department or the EconomicCrimes Investigation Department. Some of 318

my fellow-students are going to be investigators of the Criminal Investigation Department. We may also work as traffic inspectors at the State Inspection of Road Traffic Safety or juvenile inspectors at the Juvenile Inspection. Thus our future task as law enforcement professionals is to fight against criminality, that is to prevent and solve crimes. Nowadays we are to cope with criminalization of our economy and globalizing crime. Quick and accurate crime solution depends on education, practical skills and detective abilities. That’s why we should study different branches of Law, Criminalistics, Crime Psychology, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, etc. We have practice in 1аw enforcement agencies. We should also master special means and methods of crime solution, e.g. to conduct crime investigation, to handle and collect evidence, to interrogate suspects, to interview witnesses and eyewitnesses, to examine a crime scene, to conduct a search, to take pictures of the objects at the crime scene, to use a weapon, to drive a car, to deal with police documentation – criminal records, reports, to use the methods of identification – portrait parle, identikit, line-up, etc. As future law enforcers we should possess the following qualities – intelligence, initiative, energy, persistence, patience and investigative ability. We’ll detect such crimes as murder, manslaughter, robbery, housebreaking, burglary, larceny, traffic accidents, as well as crimes committed by juveniles, embezzlement of state property, bribe-taking, sham bankruptcy, bank fraud and financial pyramids, etc. Our work is difficult and dangerous, but it is necessary and honorable at the same time. We should ensure public’s security, protect life, work and rest of our citizens. After graduating from our Institute we’ll get a diploma of a lawyer and will work in the investigative bodies of Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs (of Russia’s Ministry of the Interior). Ex. 9. Translate the following word-combinations. 1) to fight a crime; 2) to prevent a crime; 3) to solve a crime; 4) to investigate a crime; 5) to trace a criminal; 6) to detect a crime; 7) to locate a criminal; 8) to master special means and methods of crime solution; 9) to apprehend a suspect; 10) to identify a criminal; 11) to interview a witness; 12) to get professional skills and abilities; 13) to deal with police documentation; 14) law enforcement professionals; special subjects; 15) a detective activity; 16) traffic accidents; 17) criminal records and reports; 18) general subjects. Ex. 10. Read and translate into Russian the following English words. сrime – criminal – criminality – criminology – criminalist operate – operator – operation – operational – operative investigate – investigation – investigative – investigator 319

prevent – prevention – preventive interrogate – interrogation – interrogator law – lawyer – lawful – lawless – lawlessness – lawfulness inspect – inspector – inspection – inspective interview – interviewing – interviewer Ex. 11. Match the words in A with those in B. A B to master crime to protect evidence to interview witnesses to interrogate crime scene to solve suspects to examine special means and methods of crime solution to conduct investigation detective ability Ex. 12. Match the English and Russian equivalents. 1. to get professional skills and abilities 2. to solve crimes 3. to conduct an investigation 4. to interrogate а criminal 5. to prevent a crime 6. to take pictures of the objects 7. to identify criminals 8. to apprehend a suspect

a. установить личность преступника b. задержать подозреваемого c. фотографировать предметы d. предотвращать преступление e. вести расследование f. допросить преступника g. получать профессиональные навыки и умения h. раскрывать преступления

Ex. 13. Match the synonyms. 1) a crime 2) a criminal 3) a skill 4) a juvenile 5) apprehension 6) an investigator 10) to fight a crime 11) to solve a crime 12) to arrest 13) a murder 14) to commit a crime

a) to perpetrate b) to take into custody c) to disclose a crime d) to combat a crime e) a detective f) an arrest g) a minor, teenager h) an ability i) an offender, a perpetrator, a law-breaker j) assassination, manslaughter k) an offence, a felony 320

Ex. 14. Speak about your future profession. 1. What is your future occupation? (an operative of the C.I.D., an investigator, an economic crime lawyer, a bobby handler, a field criminalist) 2. What qualities should you possess? (physical strength, common sense, patience, intelligence, sympathy for people, conscience, honesty) 3. Where will you work? (at one of the law enforcement agencies: Criminal Investigation Department, Economic Crime Investigation Department, Juvenile Inspection) 4. What will you do? (to combat a crime, prevent a crime, protect law and order, to detect a crime, investigate a crime, to solve crimes quickly, towork at a crime scene) 5. What shouldn’t you do? (to violate the principles of legality, and the rights and interests of citizens, exceed one’s official powers, to be cruel (жестокий), to be crude (грубый), to be coward (трусливый)) Ex. 15. Answer the following questions. 1. Why have you chosen the profession of a lawyer? 2. Where do you master this profession? 3. What do you think of this profession? 4. Why does this profession require the best qualities of a man? 5. What qualities should you possess? 6. Why do you study general and special subjects at your Institute? 7. What professional skills and abilities do you get at your Institute? 8. What kinds of crimes do the graduates of your Institute detect? Ex. 16. Make up a monologue using the text “My future profession” as an example. Ex. 17. Role-play the dialogue “My future profession”. See Appendix 1. Ex. 18. Discuss the following. 1. The profession of a lawyer is one of the most up-to-date popular professions. 2. The duties of a police officer. 3. The job of a lawyer and his administration of justice. Ex. 19. Read and translate the following text. Police Officer (What is this job like?) Police and detectives enforce laws. They catch criminals. They collect evidence. At times they testify in court. Others patrol set areas to prevent crime. 321

Some patrol and give out traffic tickets. Some police direct traffic. Most police wear uniforms. Detectives and special agents work in regular clothes. Most detectives are part of regular police forces. Special agents work for Federal and State agencies. They file reports about what they've done during the day. Most police work on foot or ride in cars. Some, however, ride horses, bikes, or motorcycles. Some work in boats on rivers and in harbors. Some police work with dogs. Most police and detectives work at least 40 hours a week. When they work longer, they get extra pay. Because police work is a 24-hour-a-day job, some police have to work nights and weekends. They have to be ready to go to work at all times. Police may work very long hours on a case. Some have to travel a lot, often on short notice. Some police work outdoors in all kinds of weather. Some take very big risks when they chase criminals in cars or when they make an arrest. The job can be very stressful for the police officer. The officer's family may worry a lot. Good training, teamwork, and good equipment reduce the number of injuries and deaths among police officers. Ex. 20. Give a summary of the text. Characteristics of an Ideal Police Officer Anyone involved in hiring police officers knows the challenges associated with success in these efforts. Below are 8 factors which approve crucial to a police officer’s success. 1. Initiative. Officers must have the zeal to fight crime. Although much police work does not specifically address illegal acts, crime can cause major problems in communities and create social unrest. Law enforcement personnel need to remain aware of chances to discover such issues and act accordingly. Additionally, officers need to remain aware of crime trends and patterns in their patrol and surrounding areas and at least partially direct their activities based on this data. 2. Sense of Ethics. Law enforcement personnel must strive to behave ethically – to do the right thing. They must commit to proper principles and values as guides to their actions and adhere to the Constitution and pertinent statutory laws. The pursuit of ethical behavior never ends. Police administrators, managers, supervisors, and, most important, patrol officers should consider the promotion of ethical behavior a top concern. 3. Respect and Knowledge of Laws. Police applicants must know and adhere to federal and state laws. The Constitution serves as the founding legal document and provides the basic parameters of much of the activity of law enforcement personnel. It is not negotiable. Officers should appreciate this fact and conduct themselves accordingly. Although they may find it challenging, as custodians of the Constitution police officers must respect its boundaries. 322

4. Communication Skills. Recruiters must focus on applicants’ verbal and nonverbal communication abilities. Although writing skills are valuable and warrant examination, officers’ ability to effectively relate face-to-face with community members holds the most importance. Unfortunately, many officers may focus on mastering the tactical aspects and not the communication skills that often save the day. Effective communication skills constitute the primary difference between officers who can resolve most crisis incidents without physical altercation and those who cannot. 5. Common Sense. Common sense is “the ability to think and behave in a reasonable way and to make good decisions” and “sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation”. Officers need to make common sense part of all their decisions and avoid the extremes on either end of the continuum. Having and applying common sense can both solve and prevent problems. 6. Civility. Characteristics of civility (represented by action or inaction) include tolerance, kindness, consideration, and understanding. Civility is not a sign of weakness, and, properly exercised, it can enhance officer safety. Civility is not just a nice trait for officers to possess but an absolute necessity. 7. Humility. This is not meekness or weakness, but modesty and respect for others, as well as a lack of arrogance and bravado about oneself. In short, humble people do not brag or show off. They have confidence in their skills and do not feel the need to boast about themselves. Police officers exercise a prominent role in society and wield immense authority and power. The proper degree of humility can help engender respect and trust from the public. 8. Controlled Temper. In the early 1800s the father of modern policing, Sir Robert Peel, identified this character trait as necessary for police officers. Controlled temper involves self-control or self-discipline and requires an abundance of competence, confidence, and emotional maturity. Peel recognized that officers who cannot control their tempers would not be well-suited to properly handle people in the wide variety of circumstances law enforcement personnel confront. When police officers encounter citizens who lose their temper, resolving the contact becomes more difficult. If officers respond by losing their own temper, the circumstances become incendiary and often lead to a less-thandesirable result for both parties. Ex. 21. Match the words with their definitions. 1. zeal a) overly submissive or compliant; spiritless; 2. to strive b) to have and be able to use; 3. altercation c) tending to stir up conflict; 4. civility d) great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective. 5. to wield e) make great efforts to achieve or obtain something; 323

6. incendiary 7. meekness

f) formal politeness and courtesy in behaviour or speech; g) a noisy argument or disagreement, especially in public.

Ex. 22. Say if the sentences are T (True) or F (False). 1. A police officer should not have any specific features to become successful. 2. It is not necessary for a police officer to be aware of crime trends in their patrol areas. 3. Police officers must always adhere to the Constitution while performing their job. 4. Communicative skills of policemen play minor role in resolving incidents. 5. Some degree of humility helps gain respect and trust from the public towards police officers. 6. Sir Robert Peel underestimated such trait of character as controlled temper in law-enforcement work. 7. Most police officers today focus on mastering tactical skills as well as communicative skills.

a) the, the

1. On our journey to ... France, we crossed ... Atlantic Ocean. b) the, – c) –, the d) –, –

2. What did you eat for lunch? a) – b) a c) the

d) an

3. Clara's mother is in ... hospital, that's why she didn't come to ... work on Tuesday. a) the, the b) –, – c) the,– d) –, the 4. On their way home they noticed ... nasty car accident. ... yellow car ran straight into ... white lorry. a) a, an, a b) a, the, the c) –,–,– d) a, a, a 5. Is there ... church in ... Brown Street? a) a,– b) a, the c) the, – d) a, a 6. He … the girl's name now. a) has remembered b) remembers c) is remembered

d)was remembered

7. When the manager arrived, the problem … . a) has solved b) had already solved c) had already been solved d) had solved 8. The five great lakes of the world … in Michigan. a) can found b) can be found c) can find d) can be founded 324

9. Local police … the bank robber. a) was arrested b) have been arrested

c) have arrested

d) had arrested

10. Have you heard the news? The President … ! a) has been shot b) has shot c) shoot d) shot 11. Sorry … you in such an uncomfortable situation. a) to placing b) to have placed c) placing d) to be placed 12. I'm so glad … with such a famous person. a) speaking b) to be spoken c) to be speaking 13. My car needs … . a) reparing b) to repare

c) to repaired

14. All children like … fairy-tales. a) tell b) being told

c) be told

15. Excuse me for … your favorite cup. a) breaking b) break c) to break 16. Greg said that ... a new job. a) he will need b) he needed

c) would he need

d) being spoken d) repaired d) be telling d) being breaking d) needs

17. Tim complained that he ... at four o’clock in the morning. a) is working b) will be working c) was working d) had been working 18. Anna explained to me that the hairdresser’s ... down the road. a) is located b) was located c) locates d) had been located 19. Charles said that he ... me the following day. a) would have called b) will call c) would call

d) called

20. Bill asked me what ... for dinner the day before. a) I have made b) I had made c) had I made

d) have I made


Appendix 1 SECTION I LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL STUDIES Entry test 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа. “What does your aunt do?” a) She is watering the flowers. b) She is an actress. c) Yes, she does. d) Yes, she is. 2. Что такое специальный вопрос в английском языке? a) Вопрос, требующий ответа «Да» или «Нет». b) Специальный вопрос к любому члену предложения. c) Вопрос, предполагающий выбор между двумя качествами, предметами или действиями. d) Вопрос, являющийся уточнением какого-либо утверждения. 3. Yesterday I …a bird. a) saw b) sawed

c) see

d) seed

4. Найдите неправильный глагол: a) to stay b) to wake

c) to laugh

d) to jump

5. При помощи какого суффикса может образовываться наречие в английском языке? От какой части речи? a) при помощи суффикса “-ly” от глаголов. b) при помощи суффикса “-ly” от прилагательных. c) при помощи суффикса “-ed” от существительных. d) При помощи суффикса “-ing” от прилагательных. 6. Укажите существительное, имеющее «неправильную» (особую) форму множественного числа. a) flute b) policeman c) city d) hare 326

7. Найдите ошибку в трех формах глагола: a) teach – taught – taught b) catch – cought – cought c) bring – brought – brought d) seek – sought – sought 8. Выберите правильный вариант ответа “What are they doing?” a) They are playing with their father. b) They are managers. c) They watch TV right now. d) Their are having dinner. 9. Как совершается действие, выраженное глаголом в Present Perfect? a) Действие, выраженное глаголом в Present Perfect, во всех случаях совершается постоянно или регулярно в настоящем времени. b) Действие совершается всегда в будущем времени. c) Действие совершается в данный момент (или в момент речи в настоящем времени). d) Действие уже совершено, и в предложении подчеркивается результат такого действия. 10. Do you mind my … here? a) to smoke b) to be smoked

c) smoke

d) smoking

11. I couldn’t help …. a) for smiling

c) smiling

d) to smiled

b) and smile

12. Можно мне взять Вашу ручку? a) Can I take your pen? b) Must I take your pen? c) Should I take your pen? d) May I take your pen? 13. Эмили никогда не слышала, как он говорит по-французски. a) Emily never heard him spoke French. b) Emily never heard him to speak French. 327

c) Emily has never heard him speak French. d) Emily never heard how he speaks French. 14. Он знает его пять лет. a) He know him five years. b) He has been knowing him for five years. c) He knows him for five years. d) He has known him for five years. 15. В каком из представленных ниже слов звук, который передаётся буквосочетанием “oo”, отличается от остальных: a) took b) crook c) book d) blood 16. I have … cheese, please, buy some. a) little b) many c) few

d) a few

17. The taxi … by 7 o’clock yesterday. a) has arrived b) had arrived

c) arrived

18. Должно быть, она заблудилась. a) It must be that she has lost her way. b) She must lost her way. c) She should have lost her way. d) She must have lost her way. 19. Я заставила их убрать комнату. a) I made that they cleaned the room. b) I made them clean the room. c) I made them to clean the room. d) I made they clean the room. 20. Какая же она красивая девочка! a) What a pretty girl is she! b) What the pretty girl is she! c) What a pretty girl she is! d) What the pretty girl she is! 328

d) is arrived

21. Укажите некорректное предложение. a) Though it was nine o’clock in the evening, there were not many people in the bar. b) Although it is nine o’clock in the evening, there are not many people in the restaurant. c) It was only nine o’clock in the morning, and there were too many people in the café. d) Through it was eight o’clock in the morning, there weren’t many people in the pub. 22. Какое из перечисленных ниже предложений нельзя перевести на русский язык как «Я пишу»? a) I write letters every day. b) I am writing a letter now. c) I have been writing a letter for two hours. d) Все варианты подходят. 23. When we … at a hotel, we checked in. a) achieved b) arrived c) entered d) reached 24. There was no one to cheer her …. a) in b) up c) over 25. Could you possibly give me …? a) a advice b) an advice c) some advices 26. Sally asked us …. a) what was our favourite subject b) what our favourite subject was c) what is our favourite subject d) what about our favourite subject 27. That happened … our way home. a) in b) on c) for d) about


d) a piece of advice

28. If he were you, he … your sister (yesterday). a) would help b) would have helped c) would have been helped d) would not helping 29. If I had bought the car, I … happier. a) was b) am c) will be

d) would have been

30. … that man standing over there? a) Which b) Whose c) Who's

d) Who

31. How long … you? a) has John known b) does John know c) had John know d) has John been knowing 32. William has made up his … to become a pilot. a) brains b) decision c) head d) mind 33. If Alina … me a hand, I'll be happy. a) will give b) gives c) gave

d) was giving

34. Don’t tell … the secret. a) somebody b) nobody

c) anybody

d) his

35. Children shouldn't take those things, and …. a) neither should they b) neither they should c) they did either d) either shouldn't they 36. The travel agent … me that there would be no risk. a) sured b) insured c) reassured d) ensured


37. I am looking for an … method of heating. a) economics b) economy c) economic

d) economical

38. We try to be … why half of students voted for the other team. a) to explain b) explaining c) explanation d) to be explained 39. … book is this? a) Who b) Which

c) Whose

d) What

40. This university has a very selective … policy. a) acceptance b) entrance c) admissions


d) admittance

UNIT 1 LEARNING ENGLISH. BASIC REVIEW “GETTING ACQUAINTED” Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Tell me about yourself, please. My name’s Vlad. When were you born? Well, I’m eighteen. I was born on the fifteenth of April, 2001. Were you born in the Russian Fed- Yes, I was born in Neftekamsk, the Reeration? public of Bashkortostan. Do your parents live in Neftekamsk? Yes, they do. As for me, I live in a domitory in Ufa now. And what’s your address? 2 Muksinov Street, room 13, Ufa. What’s your telephone number? +79174496001. I see. What are you fond of? I go in for judo. Besides, I enjoy computer games. By the way, what do you do? I’m a first-year cadet of Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Oh, that sounds great! Good luck! UNIT 2 PORTFOLIO OF A LAW ENFORCER “MY CLOSE FRIEND” Speaker 1 Hello, Sasha! How are you? Haven't seen you for ages. Good to hear. By the way, what is his / her name? How old is he / she? What does he / she look like?

Speaker 2 Hi, Artem. Fine, thank you. And you? I've been to Kazan with my best friend. His / her name is Denis / Karina.

He / she is 18. He / She is tall (short, of medium height), dark-haired (blonde, fair-haired) with big (small) brown (black, green, grey, blue) eyes. He / She is handsome (beautiful, pretty, good-looking, attractive). And what about his / her character? He’s / She’s friendly, reliable and sociable (supportive, understanding, honest). Is he / she a student? Which insti- He / She is a freshman (a first-year stutute does he / she go to? dent, sophomore) of the State Oil University. 332

Is he / she from Ufa? Where does he/ she live? I see. Since you're back … What about going to a rock concert next month? You can take your friend if you want. OK. See you soon. Bye.

No, he / she isn’t. He / She lives in the hostel. That’s a great idea. Denis / Karina is fond of music. Bye.


Hi, Nick!

“UFA LAW LAW INSTITUTE” Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Hi, John! How are you?

Thanks, I’m fine (OK)! May I ask you some questions? When was your Institute founded? What specialists does your Institute train? What subjects do you study? What general subjects do you study?

Any questions you like!

It was founded in 1988. It trains future law enforcement professionals (police officers). We study general and special subjects. Well, we study, History, Economics, History of State and Law, Theory of State and Law, Philosophy, foreign languages. What about special subjects? They are Criminal Law, Criminology, Crime Psychology, Criminalistics and others. What subjects do you like most of Criminology and English. all? Is your Institute well equipped? Yes, it is. There are many classrooms, laboratories, four lecture-halls, three gyms, two libraries, two dormitories, a canteen, a club and a museum in our institute. Have you got many friends here? Yes, I have. Thanks for the information. No problem. I enjoyed having a talk with you. (It’s been a pleasure to talk with you.)


UNIT 4 DIFFERENT COUNTRIES – DIFFERENT WORLDS “HOW TO GET TO THE OPERA HOUSE” Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Excuse me, can you help me? Sure. What’s the problem? How can I get to the Opera House? Will bus 31 take me right there?

Is it far from here? How much is the fare? Thank you very much. Good-bye.

Take bus 31. Yes. Get off the bus at the Sovetskaya Ploshschad bus stop, go ahead up to the traffic lights, cross Lenin Street and you’ll see the Opera House. You can’t miss it. It takes you about 20 minutes. 25 roubles. You are welcome. Have a nice time in Ufa.

“AT A BOOKING OFFICE” Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Good morning. Can I help you? Morning. I’d like to book a flight to Moscow. What date, please? The 10th of September if possible. Just a moment. I’ll have a look in the 7:30, please. time-table. Well, I can offer you two flights: at 7:30 a.m. and at 10:00 a.m. Which would you prefer? Business class or economy? Economy, please. Is it a direct flight? Yes, it’s a direct flight. Do you want a A single, please. When does the plane single or return ticket? arrive in Moscow? Let me see …, at about 8:00 p.m. Here it is. By the way, how much is it? There are no delays, as a rule. Your passport, please. The fare is 350 dollars. Oh, that suits me. I’ll pay in cash. Here you are. This is your passport and the ticket, Thank you so much. Good bye. please. Have a nice flight. “IN A HOTEL” Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Good morning. Welcome to The Grand Good morning, sir (ma’am). What can Hotel. I do for you? We had a reservation for this weekend. Just a minute, sir (ma’am). Yes, we 334

A double, please. Is there a shower? Is there a TV-set, a fridge and a conditioner? How much is it? OK. What is the number of my room? What services and facilities are available in the hotel? Is there a restaurant? Good. Here you are. Thank you.

can offer you a single room, a double room or a suite [swi:t]. There is a private bathroom. Yes, of course. 40 dollars a (per) night. 202 (two-oh-two). Here’s your key, please. A beauty parlor, a laundry, a dry cleaner’s, a swimming pool and fitness centre. Yes, downstairs. Besides, there are coffee-stalls and snack bars on every floor of the hotel. Fill in the registration form and sign here, please. Welcome. Have a nice stay.

UNIT 5 THE RF CONSTITUTION. GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION “THE BRANCHES OF STATE POWER IN RUSSIA” Speaker 1 Speaker 2 If my memory serves me right, Russia Is it a constitutional monarchy or a is a democratic law-governed state with presidential republic? a republican form of government. I know for certain, Russia is a presi- What is the state power of Russia dential republic. carried out by? It is carried out by dividing power into What can you say about the legislathree independent branches: legislative, tive branch? executive and judicial. It is vested in the Federal Assembly And whom does the executive power composing of two chambers. The Up- belong to? per chamber is the Council of Federation; the lower one is the State Duma. Each chamber is headed by a speaker. It is exercised by the government What about the judicial branch? which consists of the Prime Minister (the Chairman of the Government), deputy chairmen and federal ministers. It is represented by the Constitutional It all sounds very fascinating. Thank 335

Court and it is provided by civil, crimi- you. nal and administrative legislation. You’re welcome. UNIT 6 THE BRITISH CONSTITUTION. PARLIAMENT AND GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED KINGDOM “THE UK CONSTITUTION” Speaker 1 Speaker 2 What can you say about the Constitu- It is unusual. tion in Great Britain? And what is so unusual about it? The British Constitution is unwritten. What does it mean? It means that it is not codified as a whole in any single document. And what does it look like? The British Constitution includes numerous documents like the Bill of Rights, various statutes and judicial decisions called precedents. What is the precedent law? In Britain the rights of the subject are mostly deduced from actual decisions. And can the British Constitution be al- Yes, the British Constitution is contered easily? sidered to be flexible. The Parliament can make or unmake any law easily. I'm very thankful to you for your ex- Don't mention it. planation. “COMPOSITION AND FORMATION OF THE UK” Speaker 1 Speaker 2 As far as I remember, Great Britain is a By whom are the Queen’s powers constitutional monarchy. The Queen is limited? not absolute. They are limited by Parliament. What about the structure of Parliament? It has a two-chamber structure – the Well, the legislature consists of the House of Lords and the House of Queen and Parliament and what Commons. about the executive power? The highest executive body is the Cab- And whom does the supreme judiinet of Ministers headed by the Prime cial power belong to? 336

Minister. The Prime Minister is usually the leader of the party which has a majority in the House of Commons It is the House of Lords. I greatly appreciate your detailed replies. You’re welcome. UNIT 7 THE US CONSTITUTION. CONGRESS AND GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA “THE US STATE STRUCTURE” Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Actually, I’m rather keen on the USA And what interests you? State Structure. The division of powers. Under the US Constitution the government is composed of three branches: the executive one, the legislative one and the judicial one. The US is a presidential republic, isn’t Yes, it is. The executive power is it? vested in the President and he can veto legislation. And whom does the legislative power The highest legislative body is the belong to? US Congress consisting of two chambers: the House of Representatives and the Senate. And how are laws adopted? In order to become a law all bills must pass the Houses and must be signed by the President. What about the highest judicial body? It is the US Supreme Court. And what is the structure of power in Each state has its own Constitution each state? similar to the US Constitution. The head of each state is the governor of the state. Thanks a lot for a very interesting talk. Not at all. “THE US CONSTITUTION” Speaker 1 Speaker 2 As far as I know your Constitution is a Oh, yes, it was adopted in 1787. very old one, isn't it? Has it been altered since then? As a matter of fact, it hasn't. But a number of amendments to it have 337

been made. What does the US Constitution in- It includes the Preamble, seven articlude? cles and a number of amendments. And what is the Bill of Rights? The first ten amendments to the Constitution are known as the Bill of Rights. It contains basic freedoms and individual rights. What freedoms and rights are guaran- It guarantees the freedom of speech, teed by the Constitution? confession and press, etc. How many amendments have been al- Thousands of them were proposed. ready adopted? But only 26 amendments altogether have been adopted. What does the Preamble express? It expresses the content and essence of the Constitution. It all sounds very fascinating. Thank you a lot for the talk. UNIT 8 THE BRITISH POLICE. SCOTLAND YARD “POLICE FORCES OF BRITAIN AT WORK” Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Hello, John! Hi, Tom! I haven’t seen you for ages! How are you? I’m fine! And what about you? I’m all right. I graduated from Hendon Police College 5 years ago and work as a policeman now. That’s great! It was my dream. Can you tell me something about your Well, the Metropolitan Police work? Whose jurisdiction are po- are under the jurisdiction the Home lice forces in London placed under? Secretary. What uniform do London policemen London policemen wear uniforms wear? with special badges and helmets. How can I call for police? You should dial “999”. This is an emergency police call number. What are the functions of the police? The police are responsible for the maintenance of public order, for the protection of citizens’ lives and property. Most of the time I spend performing everyday duties. And what do you do during your shift? Well, we have a lot of work. We give the first aid or transport people 338

to the hospital, write reports about auto accidents, identify abandoned autos and remove safety hazards from the streets, etc. That’s very good! I’m proud of you, What’s the time, by the way? Mike. It’s half past ten. Oh, I’m sorry but I have to go. My family is waiting for me. Bye-bye, see you around! Good-bye! UNIT 9 THE FUNCTIONS AND TASKS OF US POLICE. FBI “INTERVIEWING THE FBI’S SPECIAL AGENT” Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Good morning Sir! Good morning. I’d like to ask you some questions You are welcome. about the FBI if possible. What was the purpose of creating the It wascreated primarily to handle FBI? criminal investigations for the Department of Justice. And what divisions does it consist of? It is composed of many divisions: General Investigations Division, Special Investigation Division, Identification Division, Laboratory Division, Domestic Intelligence Division, Crime Records Division, Training Division, Administrative Division and Inspection Division. Where are the FBI Agents trained? All Agents are trained at facilities in Washington, D.C., and at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. How long does the training last? Today, the new agents receive fourteen weeks of instruction. Two-week retraining courses are held periodically for all agents. The greater emphasis is placed on practical skills and investigation techniques. Thank you very much. This infor- Not at all. mation is really useful.


UNIT 10 POLICE AROUND THE WORLD. INTERPOL. EUROPOL “THE WORK OF EUROPOL” Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Hello, Peter! How are you? Hello, John. I haven’t seen you for ages. Are you still working at the Europol You are right. I’m a Special Agent. department? Sounds great! And what does this or- Europol's aim is to improve the efganization deal with? fectiveness and co-operation between the competent authorities of the member states. The workers of Europol are doing their best to prevent and combat international organized crime. I see. You have such a challenging job! Really. It also requires patience, honesty, intelligence and courage. That’s true. It was nice to meet you. So long (пока)! Seeyou! “WHAT IS INTERPOL” Speaker 1 What's Interpol?

Speaker 2 Interpol is an international police organization for helping national police forces to catch criminals When was it formed? Interpol was founded in 1923 in Vienna. Where is Interpol's headquarters lo- It is located in Lyon, France. cated? What are Interpol's aims? Interpol fights against drug trafficking smuggling, terrorism and other international crimes. Is Russia a member of Interpol? Yes, Russia was admitted to Interpol. UNIT 11 CRIME AND PUNISHMENT “CRIME AND PUNISHMENT” Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Hello! I haven't seen you for ages. Hello! Me too. 340

What is your future profession? What is the definition of a crime? And how are crimes classified?

What do crimes against property consist of? And whatabout crimes against the person? And I think crimes the government include treason, smuggling and terrorism.

Glad to speak with you.Do your best and I wish youluck!

I am a future investigator. I will investigate, prevent and solve crimes. A crime is an action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law. Crimes can be classified in various ways. For example, crimes against the person, crimes against property and crimes against the government. Theft, larceny, robbery, burglary, extortion, arson, bribery, embezzlement. They include murder, manslaughter, homicide, rape, assault, battery, domestic violence, kidnapping, stalking. Quite right. They also includeviolating election laws, sedition, espionage, counterfeiting, cybercrimes, tax evasion, illegal enterprise, false bankruptcy, money laundering. Me too. Best of luck! Bye.

UNIT 12.1 INVESTIGATION, IDENTIFICATION, INTERROGATION “INTERVIEWING A WITNESS” Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Sir, (ma’am) can you testify? Yes, I can. I’m a witness (an eyewitness). Will you show me your identity pa- Here you are. pers? Had you ever seen the criminal before? No, I had never seen him before. What does he look like? He is old (young), short (tall) and fat (thin). What was he dressed in? He was dressed in a coat (raincoat, jacket, shirt, T-shirt) and jeans (trousers). What colour is his coat? His coat is grey (black, brown, striped, checked). 341

Has he any distinctive marks?

Yes, he has a moustache (a beard, a scar). He is lame in the right leg. Thank you for the information. Sign Not at all, officer (sir). That’s my here, please. duty. UNIT 12.2 TERRORISM. TRANSNATIONAL CRIMES “TALKING ON TERRORISM” Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Hi Alex. How are you? Hello Boris. I’m fine and you? I’m OK. Have you read the newspaper No, I haven't. Why? Anything seritoday? ous? Yes. A bomb blast happened in Paris I’m feeling very sorry for innocent because of terrorists. lives. Thousands of innocent people die every year because of terrorism. Yes, Boris, for the past ten years Oh yes, terrorism happens all over there’s been a dramatic rise in terrorist the world in various ways, shapes activity. Terrorists use murder, kid- and forms. We can’t let terrorism napping, hijacking, bombings to pursue prevail. All countries should unite their political aims. against terrorism and stop it. As far as I know, terrorist groups are And what do you understand by the constantly working on obtaining nucle- term “cyber-terrorism”? How danar, biological and chemical weapons to gerous is it? carry out attacks. They want to destroy the whole world. Cyber terrorism is the intentional use I see. Experienced cyber terrorists, of computers, networks, and public in- who are very skilled in terms of ternet to cause destruction and harm for hacking can cause massive damage personal objectives. to government systems, hospital records, and national security programs, which might leave a country, community or organization in turmoil and in fear of further attacks. I think governments have to unite and You're right. work effectively to control terrorism. UNIT 13.1 PUBLIC ORDER MAINTENANCE. HELPING FOREIGNERS “HANDLING TRAFFIC” Speaker 1

Speaker 2 342

Good morning, sir! Do you know why I’ve pulled you over? Yes. You were driving 80 km per hour in a 40 km per hour zone.

Good morning! Sorry, I have no idea. What’s the problem? Was I speeding? Yes, sir. I’m in such a hurry. I’m terribly late for a very important meeting. Sorry for the traffic violation. Can I see your driver’s license and Sure. Here you are. passport, please? Mr. Jones, do you know that your li- Oh, really? When? cense expired? One month ago. Is your address cor- Yes, sir. The point is that I’ve been rect? away on business for a long time and didn’t have a chance to renew the license. You've broken traffic rules. You must I see. I’ll try to do my best to solve pay a fine. the problems. “HELPING FOREIGNERS” Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Excuse me, please. What’s happened? I have left my iPad at the airport. Where can I enquire about my lost property? What is your name and surname? My name is Mike Jacobs. What country are you from? I’m from South Africa, Cape Town. Don’t worry! We’ll try to help you. All right. Let’s go to the police-station to report your lost property. Please, write down a statement about I have noticed it in the taxi. what you have lost. When did you notice that you had lost your bag? We’ll do our best to find your iPad. Thank you very much. Not at all. It’s my duty. “HELPING FOREIGNERS” Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Excuse me, officer! Can you help me? I’m at your service! What’s happened? Two guys... they took my bag and ran Do you remember how they look? away!


Oh, yes! One was wearing jeans and a black jacket... the second was dressed in leather... Oh, and he had piercing in his nose. Thank you very much, officer!

Well, you should go to the police office – it is at the crossroads on the left. Not at all. That is my duty!

“HELPING FOREIGNERS” Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Excuse me, officer! Could you help Sure! What’s the matter with you? me? I am unwell. My head is spinning. Do you need medical aid? Yes, I do. The nearest hospital is in Vorovskogo street, but it's far from here. Can you walk? I’m not sure. I think it’s better to call an ambulance for you. Thank you very much, officer! Wait a little bit, sir. An ambulance will be in a minute. UNIT 13.2 BRANCHES OF LAW “BRANCHES OF LAW” Speaker 1 Frankly speaking, I can’t get used to the fact that I have to compare all the time the peculiarities of at least two different legal systems. For example, a judge is capable of “making law”. I can’t understand it though I do know that our systems are based on different legal principles.

Speaker 2 What exactly do you find unusual?

Yes, a judge must create a new law when an Act of Parliament makes no provision and there is no existing precedent for the case under consideration. Don’t you want to say that the role of No, I wouldn’t say that. But ComCommon Law is greater than that of mon Law still remains the basis of Statutory Law? Law. But as to continental codes they get out of date too often.


UNIT 14 LEGAL PROFESSION “MY FUTURE PROFESSION” Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Hello, Alexander. Glad to meet you. Hello, Sergei, have not seen you for ages As far as I know you are a cadet. Yes, You are right. I am a cadet of Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia. I see. What is your future profession? I am a future investigator (an ecoAre you a future investigator or an nomic crime lawyer, an operative economic crime lawyer? worker). Why did you choose this profession? I want to investigate and solve crimes. This profession is necessary and important while crime exists. What kind of a person should an inves- He should be honest, strong, brave, tigator (an economic crime lawyer, an healthy, physically trained. operative worker) be? I think, this profession is very difficult Yes, you are right. This profession is and you’ll have to know a lot. difficult and interesting. An investigator must have broad knowledge, good experience and education. I see.


Appendix 2 IRREGULAR VERBS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 форма arise be bear beat become begin bend

2 форма arose was, were bore beat became began bent

3 форма arisen been born beaten become begun bent

4 форма arising being bearing beating becoming beginning bending

8 9 10

bind bite bleed

bound bit bled

bound bitten bled

binding biting bleeding

11 12

blow break

blew broke

blown broken

blowing breaking






14 15 16

build burst buy

built burst bought

built burst bought

building bursting buying






ловить, хватать

18 19

choose come

chose came

chosen come

choosing coming

20 21 22 23 24 25

cost cut deal dig do draw

cost cut dealt dug did drew

cost сut dealt dug done drawn

costing cutting dealing digging doing drawing






27 28

drink drive

drank drove

drunk driven

drinking driving

выбирать приходить, идти, приезжать, возвращаться стоить резать иметь дело копать делать рисовать (карандашом), тянуть, тащить мечтать, видеть сны пить ездить, водить машину


перевод возникать быть родить бить становиться начинать(ся) гнуть(ся), сгибать(ся) связывать кусать(ся), грызть кровоточить, истекать кровью дуть разбивать(ся), ломать(ся) приводить, приносить строить взрывать(ся) покупать, купить

29 30 31 32

eat fall feed feel

ate fell fed felt

eaten fallen fed felt

eating falling feeding feeling






34 35 36 37 38 39

find fly forbid forget forgive freeze

found flew forbade forgot forgave froze

found flown forbidden forgotten forgiven frozen

finding flying forbidding forgetting forgiving freezing






41 42

give go

gave went

given gone

giving going








hung hanged

hung hanged


45 46 47 48 49

have hear hide hit hold

had heard hid hit held

had heard hid hit held

having hearing hiding hitting holding

50 51 52 53

hurt keep know lay

hurt kept knew laid

hurt kept known laid

hurting keeping knowing laying

54 55

lead learn leave

led learnt learned left

leading learning


led learnt learned left

есть падать кормить чувствовать, трогать, щупать, осязать бороться, сражаться находить летать запрещать забывать прощать замораживать, мерзнуть получить, доставать, приобретать, покупать, добираться, получать, становиться давать идти, ехать, направляться (кудалибо) расти, выращивать 1. висеть, вешать 2. вешать, казнить иметь, обладать слышать прятать (ся) ударить держать, проводить (собрание) причинять боль хранить знать класть, положить, накрывать вести, руководить учить


оставлять, поки-







58 59

let light

let lit

let lit

letting lighting

60 61

lie lose

lay lost

lain lost

lying losing

62 63

make mean

made meant

made meant

making meaning











66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73

put read ride ring rise run say see

put read rode rang rose ran said saw

put read ridden rung risen run said seen

putting reading riding ringing rising running saying seeing

74 75 76

seek sell send

sought sold sent

sought sold sent

seeking selling sending

77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88

set sew shake shine shoot show shut sing sit sleep smell speak

set sewed shook shone shot showed shut sang sat slept smelt spoke

set sewn shaken shone shot shown shut sung sat slept smelt spoken

setting sewing shaking shining shooting showing shutting singing sitting sleeping smelling speaking



spelt spelled

spelt spelled



дать, уезжать, забывать одалживать, давать взаймы позволять освещать, зажигать лежать терять, проигрывать делать, создавать подразумевать, значить встречаться, знакомиться платить класть читать ездить верхом звонить, звенеть подниматься бегать сказать, говорить видеть, понимать, встречаться искать продавать посылать, отправлять устанавливать шить трясти светить, сиять стрелять показывать закрывать петь сидеть спать пахнуть, нюхать говорить, разговаривать писать или произносить по






91 92 93

spill split spoil


spread stand steal stick sting strike swear

spilt split spoilt spoiled spread stood stolen stuck stung struck sworn

spilling splitting spoiling

94 95 96 97 98 99

spilt split spoilt spoiled spread stood stole stuck stung struck swore

spreading standing stealing sticking stinging striking swearing

101 102 103 104 105 106

sweep swim take teach tear tell

swept swam took taught tore told

swept swum taken taught torn told

sweeping swimming taking teaching tearing telling






108 109 110

throw understand wake

threw understood woke

111 112

wear win



thrown throwing understood understanding woken


wore won

worn won

wearing winning





буквам тратить, проводить (время) проливать расщепляться портить(ся), баловать распространяться стоять красть приклеивать жалить бастовать клясться, браниться подметать, мести плавать брать обучать рвать рассказывать, сказать, велеть думать, рассматривать бросать, кидать понимать просыпаться, будить носить одежду выигрывать, побеждать писать

LIST OF LITERATURE 1. Андрианов, С. Н. Англо-русский юридический словарь / С. Н. Андрианов, А. С. Берсон, А. С. Никифоров. – М. : РУССО, 2008. – 512 с. 2. Английский язык для юристов. English in law : учебник и практикум для среднего профессионального образования / С. Ю. Рубцова, В. В. Шарова, Т. А. Винникова, О. В. Пржигодзкая ; под общей редакцией С. Ю. Рубцовой. – Москва : Издательство Юрайт, 2019. – 213 с. – (Профессиональное образование). – ISBN 978-5-534-05084-4. – Текст : электронный // ЭБС Юрайт [сайт]. – URL: 3. Английский язык для юристов (b1–b2) : учебник и практикум для среднего профессионального образования / И. И. Чиронова [и др.] ; под общей редакцией И. И. Чироновой. – 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. – Москва : Издательство Юрайт, 2019. – 399 с. – (Профессиональное образование). – ISBN 978-5-534-11887-2. – Текст : электронный // ЭБС Юрайт [сайт]. – URL: 4. Английский язык для юристов (b1–b2) : учебник и практикум для академического бакалавриата / И. И. Чиронова [и др.] ; под общей редакцией И. И. Чироновой. – 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. – Москва : Издательство Юрайт, 2019. – 399 с. – (Бакалавр. Академический курс). – ISBN 978-5-53411886-5. – Текст : электронный // ЭБС Юрайт [сайт]. – URL: 5. Английский язык для юристов : учебник для бакалавриата и специалитета / М. А. Югова, Е. В. Тросклер, С. В. Павлова, Н. В. Садыкова ; под редакцией М. А. Юговой. – Москва : Издательство Юрайт, 2019. – 471 с. – (Бакалавр и специалист). – ISBN 978-5-534-05404-0. – Текст : электронный // ЭБС Юрайт [сайт]. – URL: 6. Кошеварова, Ю. А. Speaking focus (фразы и диалоги английского языка) : сборник диалогов-ситуаций по английскому языку для курсантов очной формы обучения УЮИ МВД России / Ю. А. Кошеварова, Е. В. Попова. – Уфа: УЮИ МВД России, 2014. – 70 с. 7. Мюллер, В. К. Новый англо-русский словарь / В. К. Мюллер. – М. : Русский язык, 2008. – 945 с. 8. Andrew Frost, English for Legal Professionals. – Oxford University Press, 2012. – 153 p. 9. Evans, V., Dooley, J. Enterprise 4. Grammar Student’s Book. – Express Publishing, 2008. – 160 p. 350

10. Gillian, D. Brown, Sally Rice, Professional English in Use: Law, Cambridge University Press, 2013. – 174 p. 11. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. – Pearson Education Limited, 2010. – 1949 p. 12. Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture. – Pearson Education Limited, 2008. – 1568 p. 13. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. – Oxford University Press, 2011. – 1896 p. 14. Oxford Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms / Compiled by Alan Spooner. – Oxford University Press, 2010. – 572 p.


Учебное издание

Петрова Елена Александровна Галиева Дина Аслямовна Науразбаева Лилия Викторовна и др.


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Редактор А. М. Нурмухаметова Подписано в печать Гарнитура Times Уч.-изд. л. 21,8 Тираж 150 экз.

« 31 » октября 2019 г. Заказ № 41

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Редакционно-издательский отдел Уфимского юридического института МВД России 450103, г. Уфа, ул. Муксинова, 2 Отпечатано в группе полиграфической и оперативной печати Уфимского юридического института МВД России 450103, г. Уфа, ул. Муксинова, 2 352