Kything: The Art of Spiritual Presence 0809130114

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Kything: The Art of Spiritual Presence

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The Art

of Spmatual Presence :

Louis M. Savary


Patricia H. Berne

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e whole book isfull of wonderful encouragement ople who are willing to open themselves in love. . . . It's a beautiful book.” —Madeleine L'Engle

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ofSpiritual Presence Louis M. Savary and Patricia H. Berne

SY PAULIST PRESS New York and Mahwah, NJ.

| heology |_ibrary


Calligraphy by Noreen Monroe Guzie. Copyright © 1988 by Louis M. Savary and Patricia H. Berne All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the Publisher.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Savary, Louis M. Kything : the art of spiritual presence / by Louis M. Savary and Patricia H. Berne. p. cm. Includes bibliographies. ISBN 0-809 1-301 1-4 (pbk.) : $9.95 (est.) 1. Spiritual life—Catholic authors. |. Berne, Patricia H. Il. Title. BX2350.2.S266 1988 248—dc19 / 88-21783 CIP

Published by Paulist Press 997 Macarthur Boulevard Mahwah, NJ. 07430 Printed and bound in the United States of America






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1. WhatdisiKything?h.2Hi


et... 7

Spiritual-Rresence Acca rc 9.5 Le Sn SEN ee EA oats os 7 Physical. Presence and Touching ......... 6. cnc ceeee eee e cece eens 9

Psychological Presence and Communication. .............+.+.-. 10 Spiritual Presence and Communion... -.......-.---sees eee eeens 10 Three Levels. of Fluman Activity... cerca es ne ce ss tea be ieee 11

Spiritual Presence Among Friends .............--.-.s+eeeeeeeeee 12

2. How Kything Got Its Name............................. 15 The First Appearance of “Kything” .. 2... 0.6... cece eee cece eee ee 15 ieee ieee ee oe 7 cb i. From: Concept to Technique...

Where Does the Word “Kything” Come From?...............54- 17. e eens 18 26... cece eee eee eee The Importance of a Name..... sees 19 ..---e Others Who Describe Spiritual Presence ...........-“Spiritual Intuition” and “Participatory Consciousness” .......... 20 BREE etna ZL I EG RS TAOS: Bie BA elecWARRIO eee eee ees 23 ...... cece cece The Technology of Kything.........


3. How Dol Kythe? «3... 3323.



Thrée:Essential Stepssacina ue 3:0 spat | Ohare Meek Techniques fon Gentenng: .2).c128e a2 won, te, ee Dealing with Disttacthons tes lime ok ies cis Pelee eae ESSentiall Steps miaehagnnt oe tic: in tO, yt hee LY

S 24 25 26 28

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Techniques for Focusing on Your Kything Partner ............... 29 yo.

Tie POWERORCTOICE? pions i. eto Aaa THERM OFA SeRy Goa ality cack oo as ort EMOe ra RV Hes cad, a pak oka gasty



Mame Ni Cem ety tr een me es ee

ie at 31 32

How Should I Practice Kything? ...................... 34

lake Time Toi Practice Kything, sess eicden oo 2a ks 34 YENI Angra le ses ele eeg ee eet es ot ae ater, 35 Kything forMamied Couples’. .7...0.7) 7 hohe... ss. a7 MOOMMOUSDINEUAL CROMER icon ea, ee mee 39 Techniclansrofithe Sacred ou. tcusu.. Rene ob teaeiee e 39 Developing Communion Skills.................... ee ae 40

Questions and Answers About Kything............. 43


Kything and the Body.................................. 55

The Mistaken Limits of Physical Presence ................ ....... 55 Kything to. Bring-Gorforts.:. shih. ae ae eee eee 57

Kything Using Physical Touch...“

agit coaster! oe. 58

Kything and Physical Exercise’ tnitticas? edinaiad) auenesee. .. 60 Kything for Novel Physical EXPenencésins diniiket Mannie”, . . 61 Sick People and Physical Presence............ ... 62

Kything Without Interfering in Another's Life............ ........ 63 Vi



Kything and Self-Healing............................... 65 Fostering Your.Own Healing Process (25 2.00.48 Oe 8) Ea wes 65 Steps fora Sele Healinsky Mey vie ies PSs Te BA: 66

Helping Heal Others Through Kything.............. 69 The Presence of a Begletw5 2s 2A. ee. Fae ve69 Spilittial Fedine sien. yxs. Gi wawetn 2 eRe SIS TS 70 fr Kytning and Type T Healingranc.8 tee emcees Cae 71 2. Kything as Channeling of Healing Energy..................-. 73 3. Kything as the Transfer of Healing Energy.................... 75

Kything andi Enercy soe nicl nine ee he ieiee eRe wes 77 What To Tell the Healee When Kything .................5 00 eeeee 78 Summary Steps for a Healing Kythe ...............0. cece scenes 79 Kything for People in the Healing Professions................... 80


What Kything Is Not.........................: beeen 85 Psychological WhatKything Kything is not Kything is not

Growth and Spiritual Growth ...............++.++5 00. Oy perc ce wae se Se reg ete cet es. secs the same as unanimity or consensuS.............. to be confused with symbiosis ................--.

85 86 86 87

Kything is not to be confused with participation mystique ....... 87

Kything is not the same as identification ............-..-..-.e0- 88 seeeeeeee ee89 Kything is not the same as projection............... 90 ............ someone Kything is not the same as feeling love for eee eeeeee 90 Kything is not the same as empathy ..........--.+-ee

Kything Kything Kything Kything Kything

is is is is is

not not not not not

+.+eee seers ees 91 just feeling for someone ..........the same as mental telepathy or mind-reading. ...91 to be confused with channeling .........--....++- 91 eee ees 92 an occult phenomenon .......-...++++++se psychologically pathological ...........++-+...++. 93 vii


Kything is not the same as having an imaginary playmate ....... 93 Kything is different from sacramental Holy Communion......... 93

Kything is not necessarily a religious experience ................ 94

Kything is not the same as a mystical or rapturous State......... 94

10. A Psychologist’s Look at Kything..................... 95 How the Spiritual Can Influence the Psychologi¢ab:ty).

6. Fine... 95

Toward a Psychology of Kything...................000000. so eae I. Persons invRelaponship eer 20. eae eh as Bee 2. A-Hierarchy of Needsmiiint. le miko )-sdp en eee 3. Naturally Oriented Toward Wholeness.......................

96 97 97 97 4. Naturally Creative and Powerful...................0...-..... 98 5. Self-Actualization and Individuation ......................... 99 6 Life Beyond Deathaiar siiooi Adi ee se ee 99 7. Fully Conscious and EVOMIMNONARY 225, a nels cha eee nae 100

8./-The Integration Of Paradoxes. as.