Kazakh-English dictionary [Reprint 2011 ed.] 9783111679433, 9783111293318

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Kazakh-English dictionary [Reprint 2011 ed.]
 9783111679433, 9783111293318

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AMERICAN COUNCIL OF LEARNED SOCIETIES Research and Studies in Uralic and Altaic Languages Project No. 65


Boris N. Shnitnikov

With a preface by Nicholas Poppe

The research reported herein was performed pursuant to a contract between the United States Office of Education, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and the American Council of Learned Societies. December, 1960



With a preface by NICHOLAS POPPE



© Copyright 1966 Mouton & Co., Publishers, The Hague, The Netherlands. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm, or any other means, without written permission of the publishers.


Printed in The Netherlands by Mouton & Co., Printers, The Hague.


The present Kazakh dictionary is the most complete ever compiled. It is much larger than the Kazakh-Russian dictionary by Kh. Makhmudov and G. Musabayev (Alma-Ata 1954) and is the first to be compiled outside the USSR. The author was not a professional scholar and worked on his dictionary only in his free time. He achieved, however, remarkable results, and his work ranks with that of authors of other well-known dictionaries of Turkic languages. Boris Nikolayevich Shnitnikov was born on October 4, 1886, in St. Petersburgh, Russia. His father was a well-known lawyer and his mother was a niece of Otto Böhtlingk, a scholar of world renown and author of the famous Sanskrit dictionary and of the first scholarly work on Yakut, one of the Turkic languages. After graduation from the TenishefF high school, a privately-owned educational establishment in St. Petersburgh, Shnitnikov studied at the Department of Economics of the Polytechnical Institute in the same city. In 1912, while still an undergraduate, he participated in an expedition sent by the Ministry of Agriculture to the Kirgiz and Kazakh regions. There he became interested in the language and customs of the Kazakh, the most numerous nomad people in Central Asia, and decided to devote the subsequent years of his life to their study. After completing his training at the Polytechnical Institute, Shnitnikov worked in the main office of the Russian Merchant Fleet (the so-called Voluntary Fleet) in St. Petersburgh and, later on, in Vladivostok. Subsequent to the outbreak of revolution in Russia Shnitnikov lived, in 1918, in Hongkong and in 1919-20 in London, where he worked as a representative of the Russian Merchant Fleet. In 1921 he moved to Paris, and finally emigrated in 1925 to the United States. Shnitnikov never abandoned the idea of devoting himself to the study of the Kazakh language, and over the years collected materials for a Kazakh dictionary and grammar. He exhausted all the old dictionaries and collected a large number of words taken from various Kazakh books. To complete his work, however, he needed more free time than his full-time position in the Army Map Service allowed him. He obtained, with the help of Professor L. E. Dostert, a grant from the Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., and was given a room in the building of the Institute of Languages and Linguistics in which he could keep his books and 1


boxes of word slips. By 1959 his work had progressed far enough for part of it to be put in the form of a manuscript ready for publication. This was the first volume (A-M) of the dictionary. During many years of collecting material for his dictionary, and the subsequent time of preparation of the final draft of the manuscript, Shnitnikov had the privilege of conducting his work under the supervision and guidance of Professor Karl H. Menges of Columbia University. In this connection, the undersigned wishes to thank Professor Menges in the name of the deceased. Shnitnikov's health had never been good, and in 1958 he fell gravely ill. He never recovered completely and died on the 30th of April, 1961. His work remained unfinished, the second half of the dictionary represented by a number of boxes filled with word slips not arranged in any particular order. The author of this foreword, who had known the deceased for many years and counted him among his dearest friends, once promised him to take care of his dictionary in the event that Shnitnikov himself could not complete it. This promise was kept, thanks to a grant from the American Council of Learned Societies. The second half of the dictionary (from N to the end of the Kazakh alphabet) was completed by Mr. Raymond J. Hebert, a candidate for the Ph.D. degree in Turcology and Linguistics in the Far Eastern and Slavic Department of the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. Mr. Hebert arranged Shnitnikov's word slips according to the latter's system and prepared the manuscript of the remaining part of the work. Shnitnikov's system was preserved without any changes in order to maintain uniformity, so that it would not be obvious where his work ended and Hebert's started. Mr. Hebert, in the capacity of co-author of the final draft of the second part of the manuscript, and the writer of these lines, as the person responsible for the completion of the project, wished also to present this work exactly in the form which it would have taken if Shnitnikov had succeeded in completing it. It is hardly necessary to stress that preparation of the deceased author's manuscript entailed solving some problems. Most of the inconsistencies, omissions and sometimes errors, which the author no doubt would have eliminated, have been removed, but some of them have remained. For instance, the author did not always give the correct form of some verbal stems, omitting the final w or i, believing them to be connective vowels, although they belong to the stems in question. In most cases in which these errors were noticed, corrections were made. There is little to be said about the role of the undersigned in the completion of this dictionary. He was consulted from time to time by the author, some of his suggestions were incorporated in the work, and after Shnitnikov's death he supervised Mr. Hebert in his research. It should also be mentioned that Prof. John R. Krueger and Dr. Talat Tekin, of


Indiana University, spent much time reading the proofs of the dictionary, making corrections and contributing to the improvement of this publication. In concluding this foreword, it should be mentioned that Professor L. E. Dosiert, Director of the Machine Translation Research and Language Projects, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., put the final draft of the first volume of the dictionary and all the materials belonging to Mr. Shnitnikov, which had been kept at Georgetown University, at the disposal of the undersigned in the most generous manner. Last, but not least, the American Council of Learned Societies is to be thanked for the grant which made possible the completion of this work. Seattle, Washington, July 1, 1965







The Kazakh Alphabet







Ap3biM eTOB, C., PyccKO-KaaaxcKHH cenbCKo-xoaaBcTBeHHbin cjioeapb c OCHOBHUMM GHOJIOFHH (AjiMa-Ara, Bropoe AonoJineHHoe Hs^aHHe, 1955). Basapoaea, M., BCHCOB, T., Caxapies, B., K,a3aK, COBCT saeOHeTi (AjiMarbi, 1955). , M. B., EMJIC ceifliri (AjiMarw, 1948). , OcHOBHbie THijbi cjioBocoieTaHHfl B KasaxcKOM asbiKe (A-fiMa-Ara, 1957), , CoBpeweHMbifi xaaaxcKHU »3biK, CHHTaKcnc (Ajuvia-Axa, 1959). , M., McK,aKOB, A., K,a3ipri K,a3an. τίπί (AjiMara, 1954). BacKaxoB, Η. Α., KapaKaJinaKCKHn HSWK, Μ. Ι-ΙΙ (MocKBa, 1952). BacxaKOB, Η. Α., BeKHasapoB, C. E., KoafypoB, Υ. Η., PyccKO-KapaKajinaKCKHft cjiosapb, ΠΟΑ H. A. EacKaxosa (MocKea, 1947). B, Γ., KpaxKHM pyccKO-KasaxcKHft cJioeapb (AjiMa-Ata, 1945). Γ., MaxMy^oB, X., Myca6aeB, Γ., KpaTKHM KasaxcKO-pyccKHft c/ioeapb, aon Γ. Mycaoaeea (A/iMa-Ara, 1959). Bonpocu HCTOPHH ΗflMajieKTOiiorHHKasaxcKoro 5ObiKa, Bbm. 1 (AjiMa-Ara, 1958). , M., K,a33K. SfleGneTi, I OGJIIM (AjiMaTbi, 1955). , "XU., K,a3aK Tininin aceprijiiKTi ερεκιπεπϊκτερί (jicKCHKa), 11 ΟΘ/ΙΙΜ (AjiMaTbi, 1955). )KMeH6aeB, C., CaypanGaeB, H., c ynacTHCM AjcyjioBa, T., PyccKO-KasaxcKuft cnoeapb ^-fi« uiKOJibt, ΠΟΑ peaaKUHeii M. EanaKaeea (AjiMa-Ara, 1942). , Β. Α., Cnyace Hbie HMCHa H nocjiejiorit B KasaxcKOM HSMKC (AjiMa-Ara, 1957). , PyccKHe npeA^orH H HX 3KBHBa;ieHTbi B xasaxcKOM flSbiKe (AjiMa-Ara, 1959). B, 3., K,biHpa6aeB, C., HypKaTOB, A., K,asaK, 3fle6neTi, opya Μεκτεπτϊπ 9-K/iacbina onyjibiK, Π 6eniM (AjiMarw, 1955). KapaKajinaKCKO-pyccKHH cjioeapb, ΠΟΛ peaaKUHea προφ. Η. A. BacKaxoea (MocKBa, 1958). KcHec6aeB, C., iKaHysaKoa, T., JTHHrBHCTHKantiK TepruHHaepflin Kwcnaiua opbicma-KasaKuja ce3Airi (AnMaTbi, 1956). Kenecoaes, C., McKaxoB, A., AxaHOB, K., K,asaK τϊπϊ rpaMMaTHKacbi, I Qen'iM, OonermK., aCbiJiflap (AjiMaTbi, 1954). CaMypaiHa, M., K,a3an aaeOHCTi, XpecxoMaTH«, III ΟΘΛΙΜ (AJIMHTU, 1955). CapbioaeB, III. ID., ΒΗΟ;ΐΜθΓρ3φνΓιιεοκΗή yica3aTejib no Kasaxcxoviy «3biKO3HaHMK> (A^via-ATa, 1956). CaypaHOaeB, H. T., AK4y/iaKOB, K., PyccKO-KasaxcKHfl cjtoeapb an» HananbHOM uiKOJibi (A/iwaAra, 1939). XaceHoea, A., K,a3aK TiniaAeri rybmiibi τγ6ϊρ ετίοτίκτερ (AnwaTbi, 1959).


IIIepanoB, E., Kasax, aAeÖHeri, XpecTOMaTMH, II 6emM (AjuiaTu, 1955). Menges, K. H., Qaraqalpaq Grammar, Part One: Phonology (New York, King's Crown Press, 1947). Wurm, S., "The Karakalpak Language", Anthropos, XLV) (1951), pp. 487-610.


A a

B 6


Γ r



E e

>K *

3 3



Κ κ




O o

π n


C c

Τ τ


Φ φ

Χ χ



LU m


Tb i,

bl u

b b

3 3


Ά a

I i




Υ y

Υ γ

θ θ

9 9

h κ


abbr. - abbreviated abl. - ablative ace. - accusative adj. - adjective adv. - adverb, adverbial aff. - affectionate, affectionately agr. - agriculture, agricultural anat. - anatomy astr. - astronomy av. - aviation

geogr. - geography geol. - geology geom. - geometry ger. - gerund ger. pr. ac. - gerund of preceding action ger. sim. ac. - gerund of simultaneous action gram. - grammar, grammatical hist. - historical idiom. - idiomatic expression interj. - interjection intr. - intransitive iron. - ironical

bank. - banking bas. - basic case, basic form bot. - botany cards - card game caress. - caressive, see aff. caus. - causative chem. - chemistry, chemical coll. - collective noun comm. - commercial conj. - conjunction constr. - construction cont. - contemptuous conv. - conversational cul. - culinary

leg. - legal ling. - linguistics lit. - literary, literature loc. - locative case local - local expression mach. - machinery mar. - maritime math. - mathematics, mathematical med. - medical met. - metallurgy meteor. - meteorology mil. - military min. - mining mus. - music, musical myth. - mythology, mythological

dat.-dir. - dative-directive d.-caus. - double causative form descr. - as a descriptive verb dim. - diminutive dir. - direct meaning disd. - disdainful

n. - noun n. act. - noun of action nav. - naval, navigation naut. - nautical

econ. - economics esp. - especially fig. - figurative fig. expr. -figurativeexpression fin. - financial folkl. - word used in folklore

obs. - obsolete ornith. - ornithology p. - postposition par. - parenthetic word part. - participle pass. - passive

gen. - general meaning genit. - genitive, possessive case



past p. - past participle phil. - philosophy phys. - physics pol. - political post. - postal term prerev. - prerevolutionary expression print. - printer's term, printing pr. p. - present participle prof. - professional pron. - pronoun prov. - proverb

Russ. Russian word, borrowed from or through Russian scorn. - scornful s. n. - service noun spec. - special, specially sport. - sport syn. - synonym tech. - technical text. - textile tr. - transitive

recipr. - reciprocal refl. - reflexive rel. - religious term, religion r.r. - railroad term

vet. - veterinary zool. - zoology


A ah? eh? what? AEA3KA#Afl 1) spacious, roomy; 2) too big. ABA EOJI- to be cautious, attentive; to beware. AEAflJIA- see AEAH BOJI-. AEAnJIAMAyniblJIblK, recklessness, imprudence. AEA JIAn carefully, cautiously. AEA JlAYIIIbl watchful, attentive. AEAnCbI3 reckless, imprudent, careless. AEAflCtJ3,IJA unexpectedly, unawares, suddenly, inadvertently. ABAflCblS^blK, 1) carelessness, imprudence; 2) /leg./ inadvertent, unintentional. AEAJIAT-1) to bother, trouble, harass, tease; 2) to set (a dog) on. ΑΕΑΚ,ΤΒΙ prison, jail, reformatory; /mil./ guardroom; AEAKJblFA TYC- to find oneself in prison; AEAKJbIFA CAJI- to put into prison. ABABIPA- to become perplexed, confused; to be taken aback. AEflblPAYblK, easily confused; unresourceful. AE5KAYKWH /local SE/ meager (of food). AE3AJ1LI 1) the very best, best of all; 2) perhaps, probably. AEHCCHH Abyssinian, Ethiopian. AEJIAIiKbl /local W/ early born yeanling. ΑΕΡΟίί 1) conscience, honor; 2) authority, prestige; 3) reputation; AEPOftbl ΤΘΓΙΙΙto disgrace oneself. ΑΕΡΟΪ1 JIbl respected, esteemed, authoritative. AEPOMJIblJIblK authoritativeness. AEPOfiCbI3 1) inglorious, ignominious, infamous; 2) incompetent; 3) of dubious reputation. AEPO CbBAAH- 1) to disgrace oneself; 2) to lose authority or self-esteem. AEPOMCbBflblK, 1) infamy, ignominy; 2) incompetence. ABCOJUOT absolute. AECOJHOTM3M absolutism. ABCTPAKT abstract.

absurd. AEbIP)KbI-1) to be anxious, uneasy, agitated, disturbed; 2) to become confused; 3) to bustle. AEbIP-)KABbIP noise, racket. ABblP^CV anxiety, agitation. AEblPaCBIMACTAH quietly, calmly. AEbIP>KbIT- to confuse, embarass, disturb, alarm. AEbIP)KbIFAH excited, agitated. AEblPOKYEblP bustle, fuss, running about, turmoil. ABblP-CAEblP see AEbIP-5K¥EbIP. AEblCblH sister-in-law (wife of elder brother in relation to wife of younger brother). AEBICblH-AJKblH wives of members of the same family in relation to each other. ΑΒΑΗΓΑΡΛ advance guard. ABAHnOCT outpost. ABAHC advance; payment on account. ABAHCBIJIA- to advance (money). ABAHTIOPA adventure, venture. ABAHTKDPMCT adventurer. ABHABA3A airbase. ΑΒΗΑΜΕΚΤΕΠ school of aviation. ABMAHOCEU; aircraft carrier. ABMATOP airman, aviator. ABMAUHA aviation, aircraft; A3AMATTblK, ... civil aviation; )KOfiFbIIH ... pursuit aviation; EOMEAJTAY ABMAUHACbl bombing aviation; COFblC ... military aviation. ΑΒϋΑΙίΗΛΠΙΜ aviator, pilot. ABHAK,¥PbIJIbIC airplane construction. ABCTPAJlH^JIblK, Australian. ABCTPM^JlblK, Austrian. ABTOAPA automatic saw. ABTOAilJI /i.T.l automatic brake. ABTOEYC autobus. ΑΒΤΟΕΘΛΠΙΕΚΤΕΡ automob e parts. ΑΒΤΟΓΈΗΛΙΚ /tech./ autogenous. ABTOaCAPbIC automobile race. ABTO5KOJI /adj./ pertaining to highways. ABTOM AT 1) automatic machine, automaton;




1) humaneness; 2) human attributes. AAAM3AT humanity, mankind, people. Α,Ο,ΑΜΚΥΗΙ man-hours, man-day. humanly. see human, humane. A AHAC /local W/ relative. AflAPFL·! stretcher of a native loom. A/JAC namesake. A^AC- 1) to err, be mistaken; 2) to lose one's way, to get lost. A ACTMP- to mislead, deceive; to fool. AflACV 1) error, fallacy, delusion; 2) wandering, roaming, straying. see AflACV. gone astray, lost. one, who easily loses his way. A^AT see DflET. Α,ΟΑΚ /local WC/ end, result. - to complete,finishoff. finally, after all, as a result. A MHPAH admiral. AflPEC address. A PEC CTOJIbl address bureau. A/JPECTE- to address.

2) /mil./ sub-machine gun; machine carbine. ABTOMAT MblJITblK, automatic rifle. ABTOMATTAHAblPy automation, mechanization. ABTOMATIUbl /mil./ sub-machine gunner. ABTOMOEMJIb automobile; ... K9JIIK motor transport. ABTOMOEHJIbffll motorist. ABTOHAYA automatically operated cattlewatering trough. ΑΒΤΟΗΟΜΗΛ autonomy. ABTOP author. ABTOCYAPy watering cattle by the means of an ABTOHAVA (see). ABTOTPAHCnOPT motor transport. ABTOTIPKEY IT.v.l automatic coupling. ABTOK.AJIAM fountain pen. ABTOK,ATbIHAC motor communication. ABTOK,OCIIA motor fuel. ΑΓΕΗΤ agent. ΑΓΕΗΤΤΙΚ agency. ΑΓΡΑΡ agrarian; pertaining to land utilization. ΑΓΡΕΓΑΤ aggregate. ArPECCH aggression. ΑΓΡΟΗΟΜΗΛ agronomy. A#A end, termination, completion. ΑΑΑ-ΓΥΑΕ irrevocably. ΑΛΑ-ΑΥΛΕ or AAA-DKYflA finally, completely. AflAJI 1) clean, clear, fit for consumption; 2) /fig./ just, honest, devoted; ... YHHE acquired, purchased property; ... HHETTI disinterested person; ... HHETTUIIK disinterestedness. AAAJIAA- i) to justify; 2) to compensate; 3) to clear (a debt) by working. AflAJIAMK, 1) cleanliness, purity; 2) honesty. AflAJICblH- to pretend to be honest or just. AflAM man, person; ...AHTK,HCbI3 uncommon, incomparable;... EAJIACblmankind, humanity; ...AHIPKEHrEHflEft disgusting, repulsive;... CblJH^TL·! humanly; ... T9PI3AI anthropomorphous; ... YPIIACbl mankind, human race. AAAMrEPmiJlIK 1) love of mankind, humaneness; 2) nobleness; 3) morals. ΑΑΑΜΓΕΡΙΠυίΙΚΚΕ 5ΚΑΤ amoral. A AMrEPmuiIKCn l) inhuman, brutal; 2) immoral, dissolute. AAAMrEPffllJIIKCDAIK i) inhumanity, brutality; 2) immorality, dissoluteness. ΑΑΑΜΓΕΡΠίυίΙΚΤΙ humane.


AJ^yWH 1) impetuous, pushing; 2) playful. AflblM step, pace; KAPFA ... 5KEP short distance. - to step, walk, pace. at a waikii,g pace; ... eJIIIIEto pace (measure by paces). AflblP 1) mound, hillock; hilly, rugged country; 2) /geogr./ elevation; ... A^AM rude, crude, careless person. A bIPAM- to stare. A blPACnAH /bot./ harmel, wild rue (Peganum harmala). ΑβΜΡΑΐς ΚΘ3 goggle-eyed; /med./ exophtalmos. A^blPAH^A- to fume; to be excited, agitated. AflblP-EYflblP uneven, rough; ... »CEP hilly, rugged country. A blP-EVflblPJIbl or AflblPJIbl hilly, uneven. A blPCblMAK, undulating, somewhat hilly. e, remarkable, rare; see also AXCAJI death; hour of death. A3KAJI,n;bI mortal, deadly; . condemned to death. A3KAJlCbI3 immortal. 14

AflAM one

Α)ΚΑΠ Α3ΚΑΠ marvellous, wonderful;

Α3ΒΙΗΑsee also

Α3ΑΠΠΕΗ 5KET- to gain through much suffering. Α3ΑΠΤΑ- to torture, torment, harass. A3 ΑΠΤΑ Η - to worry, feel unhappy, torment oneself. A3AOTAHZIbIP- see Α3ΑΠΤΑ-. ASAriTbl unbearable, agonizing. A3AP 1) offence, reproach; 2) hardly, scarcely. A3AP-A3AP hardly, scarcely. A3APJ1A- to reproach, upbraid. A3AP-MA3AP haphazard, pell-mell. A3ATfree;... ETVIIII liberator;... ETIJIFEH /adj./ free, liberated, released; ... DKOJ1 /print./ indentation; ... OMJIblJIblK free thinking. A3AT BOJ1- to get free, make oneself free; to be freed. A3AT ET- to liberate, set free, release. ASATTblK, freedom, liberty, independence. Α3ΒΑ-ΚΘΠΠΕ more or less; a certain quantity; any amount. A3BAH castrated animal. A3BAP /local W & SW/ enclosure, sheepfold. Α3ΛΑΗ KEtflH some time later, after a while. Α3ΛΑΗ COH a little later. Α3ΛΑΠ little by little, partly; somewhat less. A3,ZJAy not quite enough. A3#bI-K9riTI a iitt]e) more or jesSj as much as due. A3i(bIP- to neglect (as a wound); to reduce to exhaustion, depletion; to lead astray, to seduce. A3AbIPyiflbI seducer. A3^bIPyiubIJlbIK seduction. AS^blK, 1) trifle, insufficiency; 2) poverty, scarcity. Α3ΜΛ or A3H.flJlbIK, Asian, Asiatic. A3-MA3 a little, a bit. A3HA /local W, naut./ thwart. A3OT nitrogen; nitric, nitrogeneous. A3OTTbI nitric, nitrous, nitrogenous. A3CbIH- to consider insufficient, inadequate; to be dissatisfied (with amount or quantity). A3y 1) molar tooth (of man); 2) canine tooth, fang, tusk (animals). A3V BAC- to wear off (of teeth). A3yjlbl fanged, having fangs; /fig./ sharptongued, strong. A3yCbI3 /fig./ weak, powerless. A3ybIH EACKAH AT old horse. A3inbIJIbIK, minority. A3UHA- to howl (of wind); to neigh (of a stallion).

A)KAP 1) color, coloring; 2) air, appearance, look; 3) complexion. A5KAPJIA- to decorate, adorn, beautify. A3KAPJIAH- to look attractive (of objects); to look healthy (of face); to have a fresh complexion. A5KAPJ1LI 1) attractive (of objects); 2) pretty (of face); 3) well-fed (of cattle). A5KAPCbI3 uncomely, plain, ugly. A5K,OAhA /myth./ dragon. A5KYA joke, gibe. A3CVAJ1A- to gibe, banter. A2KyACbI3 seriously. ASCbIM wrinkle. A^blM/Ibl wrinkled. A3KbIPA- to part, separate /intr./; to lose. A5KblPAC 1) to break a connection, to sever relations ; 2) to divorce. A5KLIPAT- 1) to disjoint, take apart; 2) to separate (fighters). Α5ΚΜΡΑΤΠΑϊϊ undividedly, completely. A3KbIPFbI /local E/ see KECKEK. A3 little, not much. A3- 1) to grow thin, to become emaciated; 2) to deteriorate, rot, spoil; 3) to lose one's way, to go astray. A3AEbI APblMAJIFAH eternal wretch. Α3-Α3ΑΑΠ little-by-little, gradually, a little at a time. A3AH- to diminish, decrease /intr./. A3AHT- to diminish, decrease /tr./. A3AnTKbIin /math./ subtrahend. A3AMFWUI /math./ minuend. A3AJIA- to be in mourning; to express sorrow ; to present condolences. A3AJIL·! mourning, grieving. A3AMAT 1) citizen; 2) fine fellow; see EP ...; ... COFblCbl civil war. A3AMATTbIK, 1) citizenship; 2) display of courage; bravado. Α3ΑΜΑΤΠΙΑ citizen (woman). A3AMATUIbIJIbIK, see A3AMATTWK, 2. A3AH or A3AH ΠΙΑΚ,ΜΡΥ ringing of church bells. Α3ΑΗ.ΠΑ early in the morning. A3AH-K.A3AH noise, shouting. Α3ΑΠ 1) torment, torture; 2) bother, trouble. Α3ΑΠ ΑΡΚΛ-ΊΑ- to take troubles upon oneself. Α3ΑΠ ΚΘΡ- 1) to suffer, feel torment; 2) to consider as burdensome. Α3ΑΠ ΠΙΕΚ,- to suffer, endure ; to grieve. 15


AMHAJIMA ΚΕΤ- to drive away. ΑΜβΑΠ ΚΙΡΠ3- to drive into (as a nail). ΑΪίβΑΠ iHblK,- to drive out, to expel. forelock, tress, braid, tuft (of hair), tillage, plowing. driver (of cattle, etc.); »CEP ... plowman. AftflAXAP see AJK AhA. AMAblH mirror-like surface (of water); large body of water;. ..IIIAJIKAPKeJI large lake. 3KAHACbI new moon. 1) cunning, slyness, adroitness, dexterity; 2) way out, outlet, trick, subterfuge. AflJIAKEP sly, cunning one. AHJIAKEPJIIK slyness, cunning. AMJ1AHA- to contrive to, manage to. AMUAJlbl adroit, resourceful. A JIACbD artless, unsophisticated. AftJIAK, harbor, haven. AfiJlbl /adj./ moonlight, moonlit. A JIbIK, monthly; monthly wages; ... MEP3IM period of one month. AMMAJIA- to embrace. AMMAJIAK see ΚΘ3ΑΙΗ; AMMAJIAFbl. AMMAK, 1) region, territory, land, neighborhood ; 2) province (in Mongolia); AVblJI-,.. the whole village. ΑίΪΜΑΚ,ΤΑΗ- to be surrounded, encircled. ΑΜΜΑΚ,ΤΑΗΥ surroundings; encirclement. AftMAKJblK, regional. ΑίΪΗΑ mirror, glass. ΑΜΗΑΓΘ3 /local W/ small fish of bream genus. AHHAAAM like a mirror, smooth. AMHA,HAfi[ TA3A clear as glass. AHHAJI- 1) to turn around, whirl, rotate; 2) /mil./ to face about; 3) to turn into, change into, be converted; 4) to linger. AMHAJIA around; ... KeniJIAEC mutual guarantee, mutual responsibility; ... T6HIPEK around. around. nearby, neighboring. AMHAJIAMblH /caress./ my dear. AMHAJIACblHAA see AfiHAHAAA. ΑΗΗΑΛΑΚ.ΤΑΠ /fig./ beating around the bush. AMHAJ1AWP- 1) to turn, twirl /tr./; 2) to go around, to surround, enclose; 3) to turn inside out; 4) to convert; 5) to entice. AnHAJIflblPA see AMHAJIAAA. A HAJIAblPy rotation, turning around. AKHAJIMA 1) turn, bend; 2) /tech./ rotating object, runner; 3) /med./ avertin (a

A3WH-AVJIAK, a little; slightly; insignificantly. A3bIH£A at least. A3bin-TO3bIII 5KYP- to behave carelessly, negligently. A3bin-TO3bin ΚΕΤ- to sink, fall, go down, degenerate. A3WPAK, somewhat less, not quite enough. A3bIK, provisions, rations, supplies. A3bIKJAH- to nourish oneself, to feed (on), to live (on). A3bIK,-TYJIIK provisions; ... CAJIblFbi tax in kind. A3FAJ1 deep ravine formed by floods. A3FAH corrupted, depraved, unruly, dissipated. A3FAHA or A3FAHTAH a little, very little. A3FUH 1) degenerate; 2) demoralized, unstable; ... MAJI poor cattle. A3FHHAAH- to be corrupted; to become dishonest. A3FbIH Ay degeneration. ASFblH/lblK, degeneration, corruption. A3FMP- to lead astray; to corrupt; to instigate. ASFblPymbl seducer, instigator. A3FbIPFbIUI seducer, tempter. Aft hallo! look here! AM 1) moon; 2) month; ... BACH new moon (beginning of the month); ... CAUblH monthly; ... TOJ1FAH full moon; ... TYTblJlV lunar eclipse. AftEAJITA halberd, hatchet. AHEAPJIbl awesome, formidable, impressive; /fig./ sprightly. AflEAPCbIS not awe-inspiring; /fig./ weak, soft. AMBAT 1) impressiveness, awesome appearance; 2) /local E/ good, well. A EATIIIEK- to threaten, menace; to oppose. AHBATTbl see AMBAPJIbl. AUEblH grandeur, impressiveness. stately, majestic, impressive. , grandeur, sublimity. A BA quince (fruit and tree). ΑίΪΑΑ- 1) to drive (cattle, etc.); 2) to cultivate, till, plough (the land); 3) /fig./ to twist someone round a finger. I- to be under cultivation, wide, open steppe. 3KEP field; arable land. ΑΜΛΑΠ BAP- to drive, chase. HClbEP- to drive out, turn out. KEJI- to drive home.




disease of sheep); 4) turning, rotating, rotary. AHHAJIMAJlbl 1) rotating, repetitive, rotary; 2) winding, twisted, spiral; 3) telephone dial; ... KAFIHTAJI working capital. AMHAJinAC see AftHAJIMA 3. At HAJiy /comm./ transaction; /med./ prolapsus. AflHAJIblM 1) coil, loop; 2) track, course (races); 3) turnover, circulation. AftHAJIbin nitlK,- to whirl. AHHAJIbIC /adj./circuitous, bypass;... 5KOJ1 circuit road. AHHAJIblC- to undertake something; to chose an occupation. AfiHVIIIblJlblK, see 5KYPEK AMHYIIlblJlblKAnHbl-1) to feel nauseated; 2) to spoil /intr./, lose flavor (of koumiss); 3) to retract, repudiate one's words. At HbIMAftTI,IH devoted, loyal, faithful. AftHblMAJl 1) unstable, inconstant, changeable ; 2) spoilt, having lost flavor (of koumiss). A HblMAC CEPT sacred vow. A Hbin KAJI- to retract one's words; to beat a retreat. AfiHblT- to dissuade. At HblTATblH see >KYPEK AfilHblTATblH. AUHblFbllll inconstant, changeable (person). ΑίΪΡΑΗ sour milk; K,OFO ... boiled sour milk. AMPLIJl- see AMblPblJl-. AMPblJIbIC see AHblPblJlblC. AfiPblJlblCy see AfiblPblJIblCy. AfiPBIM see AMblPblM. AflPblM-AMPblM separately, apart, without coordination. AflPblC- see AftblPbIC-. see CV AftPblKparticular, especial. AilCLIS moonless. ΑΪΪΤ- to speak, talk, say, tell, express. A TA BAP- to transmit to someone other people's words. AlftTAPJIblK, something serious, interesting, worthy of mention or attention. AftTAPJlblKTAft see AftTAPJlMK,. AftTAK shout, cry (setting dogs upon someone). AftTAKJA- to set (dogs) on, to loose (dogs) upon; /fig./ to incite, instigate, urge on. ΑήΤΑΚ,ΤΑΥΠΙΜ instigator, incitor. ΑΪΪΤΠΑΚΠΙΙ>Ι probably, most likely; by the way.

AMTV pronunciation. A TyJIbl well-known, famous, celebrated, worthy. AfiTYinbl speaker, spokesman; one who says something. AflT-ffly /cry of caravan driver/. AHTblJI- to be said, spoken, told. AMTblJTV pronunciation, expression (action). AMTblJIFAH AP expressed opinions. A Tbin BEP- to speak, talk, say. A Tbin BITIP- to finish speaking. ΑίϊΤΜΠ >KA3AMP- to dictate. AftTUn IBEP- to utter; to prompt to. AMTbin CAJI- to blurt out. ΑΚΊΈΙΓΊ IlIblK,- to speak out; to give a piece of one's mind. ΑΜΤΜΠ KOM- to blab. AMTMC 1) song contest; 2) debate, discussion; ... C 3 debate, public speeches. AMTbIC- 1) to take part in a song contest; 2) to debate, discuss. A TbIC-TAPTblC lawsuit. AilTblCTBIP- 1) to organize a song contest; 2) to give an opportunity to sides for discussion of their views. AflTK,AHJHAil neither more nor less. ΑβΤΚ,ΑΗΛΑίί ΑΚ by the way. AMTK,bI3-1) to compel, force, cause to speak; 2) to talk into; ΙΠΗΗΒΙΗ ... to compel to tell the truth. ΑΜΤΚ,ΗΙΙΙ 1) orator, public speaker, storyteller; narrator of folk tales; 2) sharp, daring in speech; ΘΛΕΗ ... singer; ΘΟΕΚ ... gossiper. AfiyAH animal, beast. AidyAHABIK, rapaciousness, predatoriness. AfilHMJIblK 3KOJI distance that can be traversed on horseback in a month. AtflllbUIblK, AJIbIC »CEP /fig./ a long distance. A lllbIK, l) design in shape of half-moon or ring; 2) /local W/ earring; 3) /local W/ bit (of bridle). AflniblFbl-AyFAH 1) unsettled; 2) physically exhausted, worn out. AfiblJl saddle-girth. AMblHEAC buckle, clasp. AHbin 1) fault, guilt, offence; 2) defect, deficiency; 3) /hist./ fine. AMbin TAPTKbI3- to fine. ΑίίΜΠ ΤΑΚ- to accuse, charge. T0HE- to pay a fine. the accused; defendant. AftbinKEPJllK guilt.




ΑΜΚ,Αίϊ CAJ1- see AMKAHJIA-. Af!K,AiiJIA- to shout loudly; to raise an alarm. AfiKAMJlAn 3KIEEP- to exclaim, cry. ΑίϊΚ,Αϋ-Iliy howling, wailing. AMKAiilUbl 1) herald; 2) yes-man, henchman; 3) initiator, pioneer. AfiKAft-VUKAft hubbub, din. ΑΗΚ,ΑΡΑ across; KIHMAI ... 5KAMbIJT- to cover oneself with a blanket crosswise. ΑΐϊΚ,ΑΟ struggle, collision, conflict. AflKAC- to cross /intr./, to be laid criss-cross, crosswise. VPfalC hand-to-hand righting. ΑΪΪΚ,ΜΗ 1) clear, distinct; 2) evident, obvious, visible, noticeable; 3) expressive; 4) flagrant, glaring. APtK,i>IHflA- 1) to bring to light, clear up; 2) to make more precise, exact. AMK,bIH^AJl- to stand out, become noticeable, evident. A KblHAAH- to spread /intr./, expand, extend. ΑΗΚ,ΜΗβΑΠ BIJ1- to reveal, bring to light. AMK^IHflAybllil /gram./ explanatory word. AHK,bIH/tbIK, expressiveness. AMKblPA see ΑΪΪΚ,ΑΡΑ. A K,WIII-¥MK,bim criss-cross, crosswise. ΑΪΪΚ,ΒΙΙΠΤΑ- to lay criss-cross, crosswise. AflFAfi noise. AfiFAft ΚΘΤΕΡ- to make a disturbance. AUFAilJIA- to shout; to bark at somebody; BAP AAVklCblMEH ... to shout at the top of one's voice. AiiFAM-YHFAM row, disturbance. AMFAK, 1) witness; 2) evidence, proof. AMFAK,CbI3 unsubstantiated, unproved. AftFAK,CbI3,fl;bIK,unsubstantiatedness. AftFAKJbl /leg., adj./ material; ... 3AT material evidence. AMFbI3 dirty, muddy. AftFbI3-AilFbI3 filthy, very dirty. AHFbI3iiA- to soil, dirty, smear, stain. AMFbI3AAH- to be dirty, soiled. AHFblP stallion; ... TAVblK, cock, rooster; ... YftlP AbIJIK,bI herd of horses. ΑΚΑ,Π,ΕΜΗΛ academy. AKAAEMM^JIblK, /adj./ academy, academic. AKBAPMyM aquarium. ΑΚΚΟΜΠΑΗΗΜΕΗΤ /mus./ accompaniment. AKKOPA /mus./ chord. AKKPE HTHB /fin./ letter of credit.

AHbinCbD innocent, guiltless. AMtinCtB^blK, innocence, guiltlessness. ΑΗΒΙΠΤΑ- 1) to accuse; 2) to convict. A binTAJI- to be accused. AHbinTAJiynibl see AftblllKEP. AilblllTAy charge, accusation. AfibinTAyUIbl accuser; /leg./ prosecutor. Aftbin-TOFbB /hist./ fine provided for by ancient Kazakh common law; comprised nine objects (usually heads of cattle). AftbinTbl guilty. AHbinTblJIblK guilt, culpability. AftblP 1) pitchfork; /tech./ fork; 2) branched, forked, bifurcated; ...TAPMAFbl prong; ... TYHE Bactrian camel; ...Τ¥ΛΚ /zool./ artiodactyl. AKblP- 1) to divide, separate /tr./; 2) to part (fighters); 3) to tear, break /tr./; 4) to cease, discontinue; 5) to deprive; 6) to wean; 7) to distill; 8) to change (money). AHblPEAC exchange; ... CAVtfA barter trade. AfiblPEACTA- to barter, exchange. ABblPEACTAJI- to be exchanged. AftblPEACKA in exchange for; in return for. AMEIPJIA-: ΠΙΙΠΕΗ A bIPJIA- to pile up or load hay with pitchforks. AMblPMA difference, distinction. AnblPMAinblJILIK, or AHblPMAIIIblK, distinction. AftblPy distillation, analysis. AftblPblJI- 1) to be deprived, to lose; 2) to part /intr./. A blPblJIMAC AOAM importunate man. AfiblPblJIbllT K.AJI- to miss; to let go; to escape. AHblPblJIblC 1) separation, parting; 2) branching. A bIPbIJIblC- to part /intr./. A blPbUIblCy divorce. AMblPblM particular, especial, separate. AftblPbin AJI- to separate /tr./. AMblPbin )KIEEP- to separate, part /tr./. AMblPbin TAH- to distinguish, discern. AHbIPK,VMPbIK, /zool./ earwig. AHblK, 1) clear (weather); 2) sober (man). AMblK,- 1) to clear, clear up (weather); 2) to recover, convalesce; 3) to heal /intr./ (wound); 4) to sober. AftbIK,nAMTbIH intemperate (of drunkard). AftblKJblP- to sober /tr./. sobriety, sobering, shout, cry, yell, scream, noise. 18



AKKVMyJUITOP /tech./ accumulator. AKPOBAT acrobat. AKCHOMA axiom. AKTEP actor, artist (of the stage). AKT act, decree, document; /school/ commencement. AKTMB i) /fin./ assets; 2) the most active members of a communist party organization. AKTMBTEH- to become an active member of a communist party organization. AKTHBTIK activity. AKTYAJIEAI actual, present, current; of current importance. AKTIJIE- to draw up an official report. AKVCTHKA acoustics. AKVCTHKAJlblK, acoustic, auditory. AKVmEPKA midwife. AKUEHT accent. AJI and, but, well, so, thus; ... EH l but, but now, and now. AJI- to take, receive; to buy, to collect, levy (taxes); /math./ to substract, deduct; /descr./ 1) after gerund in -bin, ΙΠ, -Π of the main verb signifies that the action expressed by the latter is directed towards the subject of the sentence or undertaken for him or in his interests; 2) after gerund in -A, -E, -fl indicates that the main verb stands in possibilitative aspect (positive or negative). AJ1A 1) discord, dissent, dissention; injustice, dishonesty; 2) multi-colored, variegated, motley; 3) different; ... EYill /zool./ garden spider; ... ΤΜΙΠΚ,ΑΗ /ζοοί./ chipmunk; ... KOJI poor worker, bungler. AJ1A beginning with; during, throughout. AJIAEA3KAK, CMCA gay-colored chintz. AJIABOTA /bot./ goosefoot (Chenopodium). AJIAEYFA /zool./ perch. AJIAFEVIMflE or ΑΛΑΓΘΒΕ early in the morning. AJIA^KAVJlbl different, uneven, variegated. AJIAHflA but, however, nevertheless, all the same, just the same, still. AJIAfMYJIEfi or AJIAfi-TYJIEH heavy, violent storm; whirlwind. AJIAK JIEHKE period before dawn; predawn twilight. AJ1AJIA- to show or give preference to someone. AJIAJIAMAMTblH impartial, unbiased, unprejudiced. AJIAJ1AH- to become variegated, striped, streaked, speckled. AJlAJIbl numerous (of horses in herd).

AJlAJlblK, disagreement, discord. AJIAMAH /local N/ kind of field mouse; see CAPAJIA TbiniKAH. AJIAfl 1) valley; 2) river bed, channel; 3) expanse of water; 4) zone; 5) /local/ side of a cart. AJIAHEC leprosy. AJIAFITbl vast, extensive, spacious. AJ1AP- 1) to look about fearfully, timidly; 2) to lose luster, to become lifeless (of eyes). AJIAPM AH one who wishes to take something. AJI APT- to stare; ΚΘ3 ... to frighten, threaten (by looking). AJIACA low, short (in height); ... EO JIbl short in height. AJIACAJTAV rather low, short; ... TAV ΤΙ3ΒΕΓΙ ridge of low hills. AJIACAP- to fall, sink; to become lower. AJIACAPAK, lower, shorter (in height). AJIACAPT- to lower, reduce. AJIACTA- /fig./ to drive out, to banish; to stigmatize, ostracize. AJIACbl debt. AJIACYP- to rush about; to be confused. AJIACVPV /fig./ agony. AJIATYflK, worldly-wise man; /fig./ old fox. AJIAV-)KAJIAy one in tatters; ragamuffin; disarranged, dishevelled; ... BOJIV acute pain in stomach. AJIAVblS disunited, not in accord; hostile to one another. AJIAYbB/iblK, enmity, hostility, quarrel. AJIAIIIA homespun rug. AJIAUIAEblPT EYJIT fleecy or cirrous clouds. AJIAIHAK, see AJIACbl. AJIAJIK, knave, rogue, swindler. AJIA-flKTblK, speculation, swindling. AJIAK,->KYJIAK, ΚΑΡΑ- to look about fearfully. AJIAK.AM /a cry of joy or delight/. AJIAKA UIA- to shout loudly. AJIAKAH palm (of hand); ΚΥΡ ... with empty hands. AJIAK.AH >ΚΑίΐ- to beg; to go about begging. AJIAKAH COK,- to clasp one's hands. AJIAKAHflA- to take in palm (of hand). AJIAKAH Aft insignificant, slight. AJIAKAHHblH. AHCbIHAA.fi »CEP scrap, patch of land. AJIAKOJI dishonest. AJIAKTA- to look about fearfully, in perplexity. AJIA-K.YJIA spotted, mottled, speckled, multi-colored.



AJDKACΑΛΑΑΠ CVJ1A- 1) to amuse; 2) to quiet, console. AJIAAPAK. a little ahead, in front. AJIAAT- see AJIAA-. AJIAAV deception, fraud. AJIflAyillbl or AJlAAVblUI see AJ1AAMfflbl. AJIAAyblinTblK, trickery, imposture, swindle. AJIAAKAIIIAH long ago; very long ago. AJIAAFbl 1) /adj./ front, fore; 2) forthcoming, imminent; 3) /mil./ advance guard; ... )KAK,TA in front, before, ahead, in the future. AJIAAFbIHbl EOJDKA- to foresee. AJIAbI 1) front part, fore part; 2) beginning; 3) best; 4) in front, before; 5) beforehand, in advance. AJIAEI-AJIflblHA RET- to disperse /intr./. AJlAbl-APTblH EAMK.AMAM rashly, thoughtlessly. AJlAbl-APTblH OMJIAMAM recklessly. AJIAblMEH 1) first, in advance; 2) firstly, at first, first of all. AJIAblH AJIA 1) early, in advance, beforehand, ahead of; 2) across (the path or course), at a tangent. AJIAblH KECin across (the path or course), at a tangent. AJIAblH OfmAMAftTblH /fig./ nearsighted. AJlAbIHA KEJITIP- to avenge, take revenge. AJlflblHAH before, in front; ... EIJ1AIP- to forewarn; ... IIlblK,- to meet; ... ΘΤ- to forestall. AJIAblHAA 1) to, towards; 2) before, in front of. AJlflblP- 1) to bring, deliver; 2) to disclose (a secret); 3) to find oneself robbed; 4) to subscribe. AJIAblPVIUbl subscriber. AJIAblUFbl preceding, former, previous; ... 3KOJIAA for the first time; ... DKblJIbl year before last; ... KYHI day before yesterday; ... ΑΛΚ,ΤΑΡ forelegs; ...A HFEJIEK front wheel; ... ΟΤΡΛΑ /mil./ advance guard, vanguard; ... ΙΠΘΠ /mil./ advance post, outpost; ... Κ,ΑΤΑΡΑΑ in the first row. AJI5K- to be in one's dotage. AJiaCAHKbini apron. AJI3CAC- 1) to err, be mistaken; 2) to be confused; 3) to find fault with; 4) /local W/ to quarrel.

AJIAH 1) place, area, square (in town); 2) playground; 3) arena (of circus, etc.); 4) clearing (in woods). AJIAH EOJI- to be worried, distracted. AJIAH K£IJI- to distract, disturb, disquiet. AJIAHAA- to be distracted, disturbed, worried. AJIAHAAy worry, anxiety, alarm. AJIAHK£I 1) clearing; 2) different, unequal, irregular, uneven. AJIAHFACAP 1) inattentive, absent-minded; 2) light-minded, thoughtless; 3) reckless, daredevil. AJIAtiFACAPJIAH- to become inattentive, absent-minded. AJIAHFACAPJIblK, 1) inattentiveness, carelessness, thoughtlessness, absent-mindedness; 2) recklessness; 3) foolhardiness. AJIAFAHlIIblK, BOPAH intermittently intensifying and calming down snowstorm. ΑΛΑΘΚΠΕ /vet./ lung disease of cattle. AJIBA-3K¥J1BA torn, ragged (clothes). AJ1BAH Albanian. AJIEATBI /local SE/ 1) appearance, look; 2) idle, idly, to no purpose, aimless. AJIEMPA- to redden (face). AJIBBIPT 1) impetuous, assertive, pushing; 2) reckless; 3) /local E/ disease of horses. AJIEblPTTblK, 1) impetuosity, assertiveness; 2) recklessness, imprudence. AJIEbIT see AJIEBIPT (1) & (2). AJIEBITTBIK, see AJlEblPTTblK. ΑΛΓΕΒΡΑ algebra. AJirEEPAJlblK algebraic, front, fore-part. 1) God; 2) in front, in the future, at the head of, ahead; ... )KA£bI devil. AJIAA- to deceive, cheat. AJIAA-5KAJIAA 1) as a last resort, in an emergency; 2) if by chance; 3) at the worst. AJIflAMIIIbl deceiver, cheater, imposter. AJIAAH beforehand, in advance, in front, at first. AJIAAH- l) to be deceived, cheated; 2) to amuse oneself, to have a good time. AJIAAH aCYPVini leader. AJIAAH COKKAH 5KEJI head wind. - to amuse, entertain. one who amuses, entertains. amusement; consolation. APE A- to cheat; to get round someone. KET- to deceive.




AJDKACy aberration. AJIJ1A God, Allah. AJ1MA apple;... MOtfblH having a beautiful neck (of women). AJ1MAKE3EK alternately, in turns, by turns. AJIMAJlbl abounding in apples. AJIMAJIbl-CAJlMAJIbl artificial (tooth, etc.). AJIMAC diamond. AJIMAC- 1) to exchange, swape; 2) to be confused; 3) /ling./ to alternate, interchange. AJIMAC ΘΡΚΕΙΙΙ ΤΥΪΪΕ camel with humps inclined in different directions. AJIMACTIAM continuously, without a break. AJIMACnAHTblH continuous, permanent. AJIMACTblP- 1) to exchange /tr./, replace; 2) to move /tr./, rearrange. AJlMACTblPbin in turn, by turns. AJIMACbin alternately. AJIMAK see AJlACbl. AJIM¥PT pear (fruit and tree). AJIflAPblC- to fight. AJinbIC sixty. AJinblCblHfflbl sixtieth. AJICblH after-grass. AJlTAft JIblK, Altaian. AJITAHbl Kb blJl TYJ1KI /zool./ Altaic

AJ1II1AKJA- 1) to put on airs; 2) to feel at ease, unconstrained. AJIUIAKJblK. break, breach. AJiniAHOA- see AJIIIIAKJA-. AJimAFbim /local E/ apron. AJTIIIbl a position of the die in knucklebone game. AJIbIM 1) power, strength, might; 2) /hist./ tribute; 3) trick (in cards); 4) prize in "nine pellets" game; 5) /math./ numerator. AJIbIM,fl,bI powerful, strong; fast (horse). AJIblMCAK, buyer, customer, consumer. AJIblMCbB duty-free. AJIblH- 1) to be taken, gathered, collected; 2) to move or slide in and out; 3) to be raised, levied; 4) to be deducted, subtracted. AJTbin giant, athlete. AJTbin /gerund of the verb AJ1-/. AJIbin BAP- to take to, take away, lead away, lead aside. AJIbin BEP- to give; to buy for someone else. AJIbin 3KYP- to carry with. AJIbin KEJI- to bring; to deliver. AJIbin KET- to take away, drive away, lead away. AJIbin TACTA- 1) to exclude, 2) to turn off, switch off; 3) to throw out; TEJIEKYP-to shuffle one's feet. APnEIJI-TAPnEIJI MIHE3 rude; crude behavior. APC ET- to give one bark; /fig./ to behave rudely. APCA-APCA protruding (of ribs). APCAJIAHJIA- to be in good humor; to grin. APCEI3 1) unrestrained, impudent, shameless; 2) unscrupulous, barefaced. APCEI3JIAH- to become impudent, insolent. APCbEmEIK, 1) shamelessness, insolence; 2) unscrupulousness. APCblJIflA- to bark. APT 1) hind part, back; 2) concluding part; 3) gorge, mountain pass; ... )KAKTA at the back; ... )KAK,K,A towards the back, backwards; ... 5KAFEI, 5KAFEIHA behind; ... 5KAFMHAH from behind. APT-1) to rise, grow /intr./, increase, augment /intr./; 2) to exceed; 3) to load (pack animals); 4) to charge with, entrust with; 5) to impose a duty upon, to hold responsible for. APTE3HAH KVAWK artesian well. APTEJIE artel, workmen's association. ΑΡΤΗΛΛΕΡΗΛ artillery. APTHCT artist, actor. APTHCTIK artistic. ΑΡΤΗΟΠΚΠΕΗ or APTHCU1E artistically. APTTA behind. APTTA KAJI- to lag behind. APTTAH from behind; ... COK,KAH 3KEJI fair wind. APTTblP- to enlarge, widen, expand /tr./.




APbI3 BEP- 1) to prfient a petition; 2) to bring a suit against someone. APbD AC- to bid good-bye (to a dying person). APbI3inbIJI one fond of complaining, intriguer. APblJI- 1) to free oneself (of), to get rid (of); 2) to disperse /intr./, break off (a meeting, etc.); 3) to pay off. APbUlMAfi-TAJlMAfi tirelessly. APblH obstinacy, stubborness, restiveness, capaciousness. APblH ΤΘΚ- to disgrace, dishonor. APblH fflblFAP- to become obstinate, restive (of horse); to break one's word (of man). APblHAA- to become obstinate, restive (of horse). APblHIIIblJl obstinate, restive (horse). APblHbl BAP AT restive, capricious horse. APbin-TAJl- to be completely exhausted, tired out. APbIC 1) rye; 2) body, frame (of a cart); 3) husband and wife, married pair, couple; 4) /obs./ largest tribal subdivision. APblCTAH lion. APbIT- to tire out /tr./, to cause to become exhausted. APblK, 1) irrigation canal or ditch; 2) thin, meager, poor, lean; ... AT jaded horse. APblKCblH- to consider meager, poor. APblKTA- to become thin, emaciated. APblKTAT- to reduce (cattle) to emaciation. APblKTAY rather thin, meager. APblKTblK, leanness, emaciation. APblK-TVPAK, MAJI emaciated cattle. APblKfflbl supervisor of irrigation. APbEPFAPfl rear-guard. ΑΡΚ,Α 1) back, rear; 2) /anat./ spinal column, backbone; 3) mountain range, ridge; ΕΙΡΕΥΓΕ ... CY E- to stand behind someone's back; ΕΙΡΕΥΓΕ ... TAH,- to depend upon someone for protection. APKAJIA- to carry on one's back. APKAJIAH- to lean upon someone. APK.AJ1AT- to load on someone's back. APKAJIbl Κ,Οίί a fat sheep. APKAJIblK 1) rafters, roofing; 2) mountain range, chain of mountains. ΑΡΚ,ΑΗ cord, rope, lasso; K,AVFA ... rope for pulling out buckets with water from a well; K.BIJI ... rope or lasso made of horse hair. ΑΡΚ,ΑΗΑΑ- to tie, bind with a rope; AT ...

APTblJI-1) to increase, enlarge, extend /intr./; 2) to be in excess. APTblH AJIA behind, beyond, at the rear of. APTbIHA TACTAO KET- to leave behind, to overtake. APTbIHA ΚΑΡΑ- to look behind. APTblHAH after, following, from behind; in pursuit of. APTblH A behind, at the back, in the rear of. APTblHfflA after, following, then. APTblHbin-TAPTMHbin 5KAT- to be preparing (to depart); to be ready (to depart), APTblK 1) surplus, excess; 2) superflous; 3) beyond, more, over, above; 4) higher, better. APTblK BOJ1- 1) to overcome, prevail; 2) to shine, be conspicuous. APTblK ΚΘΡ- to prefer. APTblK C¥PA- to charge too much; to ask an exorbitant price. APTblK ΤΘΛΕ- to overpay. APTblK, ICTE- to work in excess. APTblK-KEMI >KOK neither more nor less. APTblKIHblJlblK advantage, superiority. APTblKIHblJlblK ICTE- to affront, offend. APTblFblMEH a little more than. APTblFblPAK, somewhat better, somewhat more. APTKA backwards, to the rear. APTK.W /adj./ back, rear, last. ΑΡΥ /folkl./ a beautiful woman. APYAHA 1) female dromedary; 2) /local WQ device used as a substitute for camel's saddle. APXAH3M archaism. APXAH3MAI archaic. APXEOJIOr archeologist. ΑΡΧΕΟΙΙΟΓΗΛ archeology. APXMB archives. APXHBUII archivist. APXHTEKTOP architect. APXHTEKTYPA architecture. ΑΡ1ΠΑ /bot./ juniper (Juniperus). APIDbl- to clean. APUIblJI- to be cleaned. APfflblH arshine (measure of length, 28 inches). ΑΡΙΠΜΗ,ΖΙ,Α- to measure in arshines. APbl the other side. APbl- to become tired, exhausted; to weaken. APbI3 application, petition, complaint, declaration, statement; ... HECI applicant, complainant, plaintiff.




to lasso a horse; Υίί ... to fasten a yurt with a rope. APK.ACBI3 spineless. APKACblHblH KAK,- to tap on the back. APKACblHAA 1) thanks to, owing to; 2) since, seeing that, considering that. APKAP wild sheep. APKAV weft, woof (of fabric). APKBIJIbl D by, through, across; 2) by means of, with the help of. APKilPA- to neigh loudly (of a stallion). APFbl 1) far, distant; 2) opposite; 3) antique; ... ATA or ... BAB A great-grandfather, ancestor; ... ATA-EAEAAAP ancestors, forefathers; ...KYH day after tomorrow. APFbI-ΒΕΡΠ everything, all. APFblMAK, pure-blooded horse of a Central Asia breed. AC 1) food; 2) course (of dinner, etc.); 3) /obs./ funeral banquet; ... >KAyJlbIK,TAP table linen; ... niCIPVUII cook; ... ΟΗ,ΙΡΥ digestion; ... Υίί kitchen; /prov./ ...Κ,ΑΑΙPIH TOK, EIJIMEii/II the satiated does not appreciate food. AC- 1) to prepare food; 2) to hang /tr./; 3) to cross, pass by, through; to go past; TAVAAH ... to cross a mountain; 4) to overflow (river); 5) to surpass; ICKE ... or >ΚΥ3ΕΓΈ ... to come true, to be realized, to materialize. ACA or ACA ΤΑΛΚ, staff, walking-stick. ACA 1) very, extremely; 2) over, above; ... ΚΘΓΊ very much, a great deal; ... CYMKIMAI very likable, attractive;... THIM l highly efficient; ... K.W3BA ΑβΑΜ fiery, passionate person. ACAM piece, bit, lump. ACAMVCA /bot./ (Abelia corymbosa). ACAP help to neighbors in harvest time. ACAV wild, untamed, undomesticated;... AT restive, fiery horse; BAG ... AflAM obstinate, unyielding person. ACAYJIAY a horse little trained for riding. ACAYJIblK, lack of training, breaking (horse). ACBACUIbl distributor, dispenser of food and refreshments at feasts and banquets. ACnA 1) hanging, pendant, suspended; ... ΚΘΠΙΡ suspension bridge; ... Ill AM hanging lamp; ... Κ,ΥΛΒΙΠ padlock; 2) /local/ abundance of water. ACHA3 or AdlASfflbl cook. ACOAJlbl see ACFIA (1); ... EAJ1FA /tech./ drop weight. ACFIAH sky, heaven; ... 3EPTTEHTIH


FblJIbIM astronomy; ... 3ΕΗΕΙΡΕΠ antiaircraft gun. ACIIAHAA- to rise up, ascend. ACnAHflAn up, upwards. ACriAHAAT- to lift high, raise high. ACHAHKE3 aviator. ACnAIT instrument, tool, implement, device. ΑΟΠΑΠΤΑΗ- to be equipped with tools, implements. ACnAUTAH/JblP- to supply with tools, implements. ACFIEKT aspect, point of view. ACIIHPAHT graduate student; research student. ACPA- see ACBIPA-. ACPAHTbl see ACblPAHAbl. ACCAMEJIE^ assembly. assimilation. - to assimilate. ACCHCTEHT assistant. ACCOPTHMEHT assortment. ACCOLtfiAUH-fl association. AC-CY food; sustenance. ACT bottom, lower part. ACTA below, downstairs, at the bottom. ACTAM above, over, beyond; 5KY3AEH ... AAAM over one hundred men. ACTAMIIIBIJlblK, arrogance, conceit. ACTAH from below, from the bottom. ACTAHA 1) capital, metropolis; 2) /local SE/ threshold. ACTAH-KECTEH commotion, alarm, flurry, disorder. ACTAP 1) lining; 2) /fig./ real state of affairs (behind the scene). ACTAPJTA- to line; to put in a lining. ACTAPJIAH fancifully;... C0MJIE- to speak allegorically. ACTAPJIbI 1) lined, having a lining; 2) intricate, complex, allegorical; 3) bizarre, fanciful; ... C 3 figurative words. ACTAPJlblJlblK, fancifullness, pretentiousness. ACTAPJIblK, /adj./ lining; lining material. ACTAPbl ΕΑΡ CG3 allegory. ACTAC accomplice, partner, confederate. ACTAC- to establish secret contact; to act secretly together (of thieves). ACTAV trough. ACTAVUIA small trough; pan. ACTbl bottom, lower part. ACTblH AHA in front, before, ahead of, across (path of course), at a tangent. ACTbIHA under.



CIJITE- to exaggerate, to commit excesses. ACblPAH^bl 1) adopted child, foster-child; 2)/adj./domestic; ... K.YC domestic fowl. ACblPAFI BAR,- or ACblPAFT Θ€ΙΡ- to rear; to bring up. ACblPAV rearing. ACblPAyfflbl patron, supporter, benefactor. ACblP-TYCblP running about, stamping. ACblK, 1) ankle; 2) pastern; 3) ankle bone; 4) knucklebone, dice; ... OflHA- to play knucklebones. ACblK- to hurry /intr./, be in a hurry; ACblKKAH ACKA niCKEH /prov./ the hasty burns his lips. ACfalKIlAft without haste. ACblKTblP- to hurry, hasten. ACblKKbllD one who is in a hurry. ACblFbin-YCirm hastily, in a hurry. ACblFbIC 1) hurry, haste; 2) urgent, urgently, hurriedly; ...5KYMbIC pressing, urgent work. ACblFblCTA hastily, in a hurry. ACblFblCTAV somewhat hurriedly; rather hastily. ACblFblC-YCiriC hurriedly, superficially. ACKA EAnfflblJI culinary specialist; expert cook. ACKA TAMAH or ACKA Κ,ΑΡΑβ down, downwards. ACKAEAK, /bot./ pumpkin, squash, gourd (Cucurbita). ACKA3AH i) digestion; 2) stomach. ACKAHgreatest, largest;... ΙΠΕΕΕΡvirtuoso. ACKAP 1) high, inaccessible; 2) /fig./ support, protection; ... TAV high, inaccessible mountain; ... TAVblM my support, my protection, my defence. ACKAK, haughty, conceited, self-satisfied, arrogant. ACKAKTA- to display haughtiness, presumption, arrogance. ACKAKTAyniblJIblK, arrogance, haughtiness. ACKil 3KOJIMEH /adv./ by or along the lower end or side (of a hill, etc.). ACK,bIH- 1) to be neglected; 2) to have complications. ACKJblHflA- to exceed bounds (in one's actions). ACKBIHflAV revelry, debauche. ACK,bIHflbIP- to neglect; to complicate. ACKWHFAH Aypy neglected illness. AT 1) horse (of any kind, or, specifically, a

ACTblHAH from under. ACTblH A below, beneath, downstairs; under, underneath. ACTblPTblH secretly. ACTblPbin-CACTblP- to startle, rouse. ACTblK, grain, corn. ACTblK mblKnAft KAJiy or ACTblKCBI3AMK, bad crops. ACTblKTbl /adj./ grain, harvest. ACTbl-YCTIHE KEJ1- to be put into complete disorder. ACTbl-YCTIHE TYCIO CblHJIA- to overdo in regaling someone with food. ACY mountain pass. ACyJIbl 1) anything that is hanging; 2) /adj./ mountain pass; 3) having reached (a certain age or period). ACyCbIS inert, passive; inaccessible (mountain). ACOAJIbT asphalt. ACcDAJIbTTA- to asphalt. ACXAHA dining-room. ACbl /local E/ elevation, height. ACblJI 1) noble; 2) precious, valuable, highquality; 3) thoroughbred, pure-blooded (of cattle, horses). ACblJI- 1) to be hanged; to hang oneself; 2) to hang on; to cling to someone's neck; 3) to be fixed on fireplace (as kettle). ACblJlATblH hanged man. ACblJl AH- to improve /intr./ (as cattle breed). ACblJWAH blPy improvement; MAJITYKblMblH ... improvement of cattle breed. ACblJIblH- to hang; to be suspended. ACbIJIblH A as a matter of fact. ACblJlbin TYP- to hang; to be hanging. ACblJIFAH 1) hanged man; 2) /chem./ suspended. ACblH- to hang (something) on oneself. ACbin ΚΟΪΪ- to hang something. ACbin ΘΛΤΙΡ- to hang (execute). ACbin-CAC- to be startled. ACbin-CACbin hastily, hurriedly. ACblP- 1) to drive off; 2) to drive through; 3) to overfulfill; 3ΚΥ3ΕΓΕ ... to carry out, bring about, accomplish. ACblP CAJlbin O HA- to play merrily. ACblPA over, above, beyond. ACblPA- 1) to feed; 2) to keep, support, maintain; 3) to rear, raise, bring up; BAJIA ... to bring up a child; MAJI ... to raise cattle. ACblPA BAFAJIA- to overestimate; ...



gelding); ... AJIblFICATAPbl or ... CAY Α ΑΓΕΡΙ horse-dealer, horse trader; ... ΒΑΠΙΙΙΒΙ or ... ΒΕΓΙ riding master; ... EAFYIIIbl or ... KYTY1HI horseherdsman, groom, stable-man; ... 5KAEY horse blanket; ... 3KAJIMAH /zool./ hamster; ... TAPAK, curry-comb; ... TAFAJIAY shoeing of horses; ... TYPMAHbl harness; ... K,OPACbI stable; ... Κ,ΟΚ) /mil./ attack;... K,YMPbIFbIHA EAHJIAY /hist./ execution by tying to the tail of a wild horse; ... KVJIAK, /bot./ sorrel, dock (Rumex acetosa); ...YCTIHEH /fig./ superficially, haphazard; AJIbIMbI 3OP ... powerful horse; K.OC ... relay horse. AT 2) name; /fig./ fame, renown. AT-1) to shoot, fire; 2) to splash; 3) /local NC/ to winnow; TAU ... to dawn. AT 2KAJI narrow strip; ... >KEP narrow strip of land; ...EH^AH strip of wheat passed in mowing. AT CAJlblC- to help, give support. AT TOEEJIIHAEH /fig./ scanty, not numerous. AT Κ,Οίί- 1) to give a horse its head; to give a horse full rein; /mil./ to attack, to charge, to be on the offensive; 2) to give a name (to a child). ATA father. ATA- to call by name; to mention. ATA-AHA relatives, kinsmen. ATA-EAEA forefathers. ATAEACTA- /local NW/ to weed. ATAMMAH /local NW & NC/ 1) very; 2) strong, solid. ΑΤΑΚΑ /mil./ attack; ΕΕΤΠΕ-ΕΕΤ ... frontal attack; 5KAJinbI ... general attack; ΘΥΕΑΕΓΙ ... airraid. ATAJI- to be named, called, mentioned. ATAJIA /local SE/ skilly. ATAJIA- to say the word 'father'; to call one's father; to call one father. ATAJIAC 1) relatives, relations, kinsmen; 2) of the same tribe. ATAJlbl weighty. ATAJlblH- to be called; to be named. ATAJlblK, 1) father's, paternal; ... ΑΙζΗ paternal right; ... C03 true, weighty words; 2) /bot./ stamen. ATAJIFAH mentioned; 3KOFAPbIAA ... the above-mentioned. ATAM 3AMAHAA long ago. ATAM 3AMAHHAH from time immemorial. ATAM 3AMAHFM the remote past; ancient.

ATTAMAJIbI ΑΤΑ Η gelded camel. ATAH- see ATAJI-. ΑΤΑΠ AHTKAHAA namely, specifically. ΑΤΑΠ EAFAMJIA- to stress. ΑΤΑΠ-ΑΤΑΠ by name. AT-APEA TPAHCnOPTbl transport by cart, cartage. ATACbl EACKA of another clan. ATA-TEK see ATA-EAEA. ATAY /local W/ islet. ATAY CEHTIK /gram./ nominative case. ATAYJIbl CAM /math./ concrete number. ATAH 1) reputation, fame; 2) rank, title; ... Κ,Υ-ΜΑΡ vain, vainglorious, ambitious. ATAK, EEP- to give a reference. ATAK,CbI3 unknown, unpopular. ATAK,CbI3AbIK, obscurity; absence of fame, unpopularity. ATAKTAH- to be popular; to obtain fame, be renowned. ATAKTbl well-known, illustrious, distinguished ; a great man, an outstanding figure. ATAK,TbIJIbIK, fame, distinction, popularity. ATAFbl )KAHbmMAFAH obscure, unknown. ATDKAJIMAH see AT 3KAJIMAH. AT3KAKJbI ΑβΑΜ person with an oval face. ΑΤ5ΚΥΡΓΙΙΙΙ /local SE/ whip, riding crop, lash. ATKYPKE /local SE/ small corral for horses. ATJIAC 1) satin; 2) atlas. ΑΤΜΟΟΦΕΡΑ atmosphere. ATOM EEP- /mil./ to appear in front of the enemy (in cavalry maneuvers). ATOM atom, atomic; ... CAJIMAFbl atomic weight; ... K,YATbI atomic energy; ... KVPAJIZIAPbl atomic weapons. ATOM£bI )ΚΑΡΥ atomic fission. ATOM^WK, 1) atomicity, valency, valence; 2) atomic; ... ΤΕΟΡΗΛ atomistic theory. ΑΤΠΑ3 1) horse-herdsman; groom, stableman; 2) /local NW/ race-horse trainer. ATnAKblJI a game with knucklebones. ATOblPAffl /local SE/ expert in horses. ATCEMIC /local W/ see ΑΤΠΑ3. ATCbI3 1) horseless; 2) nameless, anonymous; ... CAH /math./ abstract number. ATTA-1) to stop over; 2) to ignore, disregard; IJIFEPI ... to stride forward. ATTA OMHAY /sport./ vaulting. ATTAfl 1) exactly, just; 2) /adj./ select, choice; ... OH 5ΚΙΠΤ ten crack horsemen. ATTAM /measure of length/ one pace. ATTAMAJlbl 3KEP rugged terrain. 29


ATTAHATTAH- 1) to set out; 2) /mil./ to set out an expedition, march, campaign. ATTAH CAJI- to sound an alarm. ATTAHAblP- 1) to equip for a march, campaign; 2) to set off a departing horseman; Κ,ΟΗΑΚ,ΤΒΙ ... to see a guest off. ATTAHY departure, setting-out;... )ΚΘΗΙΗΑΕΓΙ EV PblK, /mil./ marching orders. ATTAHbIC setting out (on a campaign); setting out, departure on a journey. ATTAHbIC- to set out together. ATTAC namesake. ATTAIHE attache; 9CKEP1 ... military attache. ATTECTAT certificate, diploma; K9MEJTETTIK ... high school diploma. ATTbl 1) rider,horseman;... 9CKEPcavalryman, trooper; cavalry; 2) named, by the name of, so-called. ATTblJlbl /adj./ horse, riding. ATTblP- 1) to give the order to shoot; 2) to allow (a hunter) to approach (of wild beasts, birds). ATV 1) shooting; 2) /local W/ soft boots. ΑΤΙΠΑΒΑΡ 1) jockey; 2) courier; 3) /mil./ orderly. ATLUAJIMAH /local NC/ hamster. ΑΤΙΠΟΚΛΜ /local Q a plant growing on the shores of rivers and lakes. ATIIIbl horse-herdsman, groom, stable-man. ATbl ΙΠΒΙΚ,Κ,ΑΗ AflAM a renowned man. ATbI3 bed (garden). ATblJI- 1) to fire a shot; 2) to be shot (down); 3) to jump over, across; to step over; 4) to jump out, rush out; 5) to spring up. ATblJIMAMTblH KAPY /mil./ side-arms. ATblJIFAH /adj./ slaughtered, killed. ATbIM: BIP ATbIM fl9PI amount of powder for one charge. ATbin >KIBEP- to shoot, kill. ATbin TYP- to jump out, leap out. ATbin fflblK- to fly out. ATbin 0JIT1PY shooting, execution. ATblPAFI neighborhood, environs. ATblPAY overgrown coastal sand-bar. ATbIC 1) /mil./ shooting, shot; fire, exchange of fire; 2) /adj./ fire; ... AJlA^bl shooting ground, shooting range; ... RAJIHACIA curtain of fire; ...OPHbl weapon emplacement; ... TOJIKAHbl barrage; ... ΙΠΕΕΙ firing line; BOPAFAH ... a hurricane of fire. ATbIC- /mil. & sport./ to exchange fire, to 30

compete in shooting; 5ΚΕΚΠΕΟΚΕΚ ... to fight a duel. ATKAH ΟΚ,ΤΑΜ headlong. ATKAP- to fulfill, execute, carry out. ATKAPV KOMHTETI executive committee. ATKAPynibl executor. ATKAPblJl- to be fulfilled, carried out. ATKJ>I3- see ATTblP-. ATK,bIHA- 1) to shoot intermittently, 2) to spout, jet. ATKblP see ATKJbllll. ATKiiniTAP BATAJlbOHbl /mil./ infantry battalion. ATK.VJIAK, mushroom(s) (edible). ATYCTI 1) hastily, hurriedly; 2) in passing, casually. AY /interj./ hello! AY net, seine, snare; ... K,¥Cbl hunting bird. AY- 1) to fall, fall down; to overturn /intr./; 2) to stoop, bend; 3) to be past (of time, age); 4) to pass on to (as to the enemy's side). AY flE- to halloo. AY flEJIIH- to halloo to each other. AY CAJI- or AY K.YP- to set a net, seine, or snare. AYA 1) air, atmosphere; ... }KOJIbI air route, airway; ... PAMbl weather, climate; ... Φ-ΠΟΤΜ air force; ... ΥΡΠ1ΙΙ /tech./ blower, blast engine; CEJI^IP ... /phys./ liquid air; K,bICbIJIFAH ... /phys./ compressed air; 2) /fig./ situation; 3) /local W/ strike, insurrection, revolt. AYA >KAKbIJI- to be separated, broken off. AYA 5KIEEP- to blow in(to), to inject (air). AYAJIAH- to be absorbed in (a man's mind); to have great interest in. AYAJIAHAblP- to entice, involve, lure. AYAJIAHY 1) disturbance, riot; 2)/local NW/ zeal, ardor. AYAH simpleton, unsophisticated. AYACM3 airless; ... KEHICTIK vacuum. AYATblH unsteady. AY-AYJIA- to halloo. AY^AH 1) region; 2) district; ... OPTAJlblFbl administrative center of a district; MAKTAJIbl ... cotton growing region. ΑΥβΑΗ/ΙΑ- to divide (a province) into districts. AY/JAH/Ibl occupying a large area. AYflAH^blK, /adj./ district, regional; ... OKY ΕΘ.ΠΙΜΙ district office of people's education. AY.ZJAP-1) to throw down, pull down, unload;



... BEJiriCi a symptom of illness; OKYK,nAUBI ... infectious disease. AYPYAAH DKA3bIJI- to recover. AYPYAAH 3KA3BIJ1Y or AYPYAAH CAYblFY recovery. AYPYAbl KAPAT- to receive treatment. AyPYJIbl sickly; in poor health. AYPYCBI3 painless. AYPYCbBAblK, painlessness. AYPYXAHA hospital. AYPYFA IIIAJIAblK,- to catch a disease. AYCAP unstable (person); easily diverted, thoughtless. AYCAPJIblK, whimsy. AyCblJI /vet./ hoof-and-mouth disease. AYIlIbl fisherman, hunter, trapper. AYbI3 or AY3 mouth (human); mouth, jaws (of animals); mouth (of vessel); neck (of bottle); hole, opening, aperture; ... EACTblPblK, /obs./ hush-money, bribe; ... BIPJ1IK unity, union, cohesion; ... OMblPTKA cervical vertebra; ... CY drinking water;... C 3 spoken word;... ΥΪ4 entrance hall;... 9AEBHETI oral literature; OMMAK, ... small mouth; KbIMCblK ... wry-mouthed. AYbI3 AUIbin ΚΑΡΑΠ K.AJ1- to open the mouth wide; to be gullible. AYbI3 BAMJlblK, 5KACA- to promise a great deal. AYbI3 BIPIKTIP- to act jointly; to make common cause. AYH3 5KAJ1AC- to be on intimate terms; to hob-nob (with). AYBI3 TH- to taste, try (food). AYbI3 TOJITblPbin CGMJIE- to speak confidently; to brag, boast. AYW3 ΙΙΙΑΪΪΚ,Α- to rinse one's mouth. AYbI3BA-AYbI3 tete-a-tete; confidently. AYBI3AAH- to get accustomed to suckle one's mother's breast; /fig./ to fall into the habit of doing something. AYbBAAH-AYbBFA by word of mouth. AYbI3AAHAbIP- to train to suckle one's mother's breast; /fig./ to train to do something. AYbBAAn 3KIEEP- /local W/ to sing; to start singing. AYbDAblK 1) bit (of bridle); 2) skin infection at corners of mouth. AYbl3AbI*;CbI3 without a bit (of bridle); /fig./ unrestrained, unchecked. AYbI3AbIKTA- to bridle (a horse); /fig./ to

to throw out, dump; ΠΠΙΙΕΗΑΙ ... to unload hay from the cart; 2) to turn /tr./; 3) to overturn; 4) /sport./ to pull (the adversary) from a horse (in competition); 5) to translate; 6) to turn over pages, to leaf through (a book); 7) /fig./ to put the blame on; BETIH ... to distract from something; KOHIJl ... to call, draw (someone's) attention. AYAAPA CAJ1- to put the blame on. AYAAPMA translation, in translation. AYAAPY translation; )KEP ... expulsion. AYAAPYI1IW translator, interpreter. AYAAPblJI- to turn /intr./. AYAAPblCTBIP- to turn over; to mix, stir. AYAHEHIJHfl audience. ΑΥΑΜΤΟΡΜΛ lecture-hall; audience. ΑΥ5ΚΑΪΪ 1) situation; 2) attitude, intention. AY3KAP energetic, assertive, rough, unbalanced. AY3 see AYbI3. AYJ1A farmstead. AYJIA- to hunt; to seine, to catch (fish, etc.). AYJIAH AJ1- or AYJIAFI YCTA- to catch; to fish out; to trap. AYJIAY hunt, hunting, catching. ΑΥΠΑΚ, 1) away, out of, outside; 2) solitary, secluded, far-away (of a place); 3) as far as possible; farther. ΑΥϋΑΚ,ΤΑΗ- to become separated, isolated, secluded; to break off /intr./. ΑΥΛΑΚ,Κ,Α into the distance; into space. AYJIAFbllll: AH AYJIAFbllll experienced hunter. AY Μ A inconsistancy, instability, unsteadiness. AYMAfiTblH loyal, faithful, true, devoted. AYMAJ1L·! unstable, shaky, unreliable, changeable. AYMAHblJIblK, unreliability. AYMAK, size, dimensions, extent (of an area). AYMAFAH the very image of; BAJIA 9KECIHEH ... the child is the very image of his father. AYHA- to turn /intr./, roll /intr./, roll about, wallow /intr./; to turn from side to side. ΑΥΗΑΠ »CAT- to roll /intr./. ΑΥΗΑΠ-ΚΥΗΑ- /fig./ to rest, to luxuriate. AYHAT- 1) to drag in, drag along; 2) /fig./ to do somebody a bad turn. AYHAKJUbl 1) to turn /intr./; 2) to lie down frequently (of sick animals). AYP- or AYPY- to be sick, ill. AYPY 1) illness, disease; 2) sick person;



AYM3EK1 curb, restrain, control, keep in check; to compel to observe order, discipline. AYbI3EKI directly, first-hand, personally. AYbI3-M¥PHbI K,bIMCAUMAM without blinking an eye, dissembling, hypocritically. AYbI3IIIA orally, verbally; ... )ΚΑΥΑΠ verbal reply; ... €Θ3 spoken word. AYbI3FA AJI- to recall; to consider; to pay attention. AYbI3FA Κ,ΑΡΑΤ- /fig./ to speak interestingly; to compel attention; to command respect. AYblJI group of yourts, nomad's camp; ... AFACbl the elder of an AYbLJI; ... lUAPyAUIblJIblK, agricultural; ... UIApyAUIblJIblFbl agriculture. AYblJI-AfiMAK, see AMMAK,· AYblJI AC resident(s) of the same AYblJI. AYblJI/IblK, rural; of an AYblJI. AYblP 1) heavy; 2) hard, difficult, distressing; 3) calamitous, disastrous; 4) painful; ... 5KAF.HAH difficult situation; ... KE3 hard times;... MIHE3,H,Ibalanced, self-possessed (man); ... M9CEJIE difficult problem, complex question; ... CAJlMAKJbl /sport./ heavy-weight; ... XAJ1 calamitous situation, disastrous position; ... ΘΗΕΡΚΟΟΙΠ heavy industry; AfliFbl ... 9MEJI pregnant woman. AYblP BOJI- to weigh /intr./. AYblP TAPT- to weigh /intr./. AYblPJIA- 1) to become heavy, clumsy, sluggish; 2) to become unbearable, oppressive; 3) /fig./ to be offended, to resent. AYblPJIAH- 1) to become heavier; 2) to become awkward, slow, obese. AVWPJIAT- 1) to make heavier; 2) to overload; 3) to aggravate; 4) to complicate (as the exposition of an idea). AYblPJIAY rather heavy. AYblPJIfalK, 1) weight; 2) difficulty; 3) ponderability. AYblPMAJIblK see AYblPTTIAJIblK. AYblPCblH- 1) to be burdensome, troublesome to one; 2) to feel pain; 3) to be offended, to take offense, to resent. AYblPT- to cause pain. ΑΥΜΡΤΠΑίϊ painless. AYblPTnAJIbli; l) load, burden; 2) adversity, hardship; 3) natural calamity. AYbIPTnAJIbIK,CbI3 painless. AYblPTnAYIIIblJIblK, painlessness. AYblPTHAK, /local SE/ 1) narrow strip of 32

land; 2) weight (stone) used for stretching the twine in a mat-weaving loom. AYblPTTblPMA- /med./ to anesthetize. AYblPTTblPMAMTblH anesthetic. AVblPTbin AJI- to irritate. AYbIPTK,bI3EAiiTbIH see AYblPTTblPMAMTblH. AYblPTKbDEAYmblJIblK, /med./ anesthesia. AYfaIPTKbI3,H,blPMA- see AYblPTTWPMA-. AYblPY pain. AYLIPblPAK, heavier, harder, more difficult. AYblC- 1) to move, pass /intr./; 2) to be moved, shifted; 3) to get in the wrong place; 4) (of nomads) to move to another place. AyblCOAJlbl 1) variable, transitory, transient, changing; ... EPIC crop rotation; ... MAFHA figurative meaning; ... CYMMAJIAP /fin./ carry-overs; ... TOK, /tech./ alternate current; ... IIIAMA /math./ variable (quantity); ... K,bI3bIJl TV challenge (red) banner; 2) /gram./ name of two tenses: ... OCbl IIIAK, present-future; ... ΘΤΚΕΗ UIAK customary past. AYblCHACTAH without change. AYblCTbin in turn; by turns, in shifts. AYblCTblP- 1) to exchange; 2) to move, shift /tr./; to transfer elsewhere /tr./; ΕΚΙΗΠΙΙ K,bI3METKE ... to transfer to other work. AVblCTblPY transposition, rearrangement. AYblCTblPbin see AYblCTblH. AYblCTblPbin Κ,ΟΚ) see AYblCTblPY. AYblC-TYMIC mutual exchange; mutual accounts. AyfalCKAH A^AM madman, lunatic. AYblT 1) camel saddle; /spec., local SW/ dromedary pack-saddle; 2) /local WC/ place where a noria is installed. AYbITK,bI- to reel, stagger, turn from side to side /intr./; to fluctuate, waver, hesitate. AYblTKY /astr./ perturbation, disturbance; /fig./ aberration. AYblTKyJlblK anomaly. ΑΥΒΙΤΚ,ΜΙΙΙ unsteady, wavering. AYblK; a little; just a bit. AYblKrAYblK, from time to time, now and then. ΑΥΚ,ΑΤ 1) food, dish; ΑΥί^ΑΤ 33ΙΡ dinner is ready; 2) property, possessions, fortune; 3) position, condition.



ΑΥΚΑΤΤΑΗ- 1) to have a meal; 2) to become prosperous. ΑΥΚ,ΑΤΤΗ prosperous, well-to-do. AVFA niblK,- to go hunting. AVFAH Afghan. AYFblH immigrant; fugitive, refugee. AVFtlUI shaky. ΑΦΕΡΗΟΤ swindler, rogue. ΑΦΜΠΙΑ bill, poster, placard. ΑΦΟΡΜ3Μ aphorism. ΑΦΡΗΚΑΗ African. ΑΦΦΜΚΟ affix. AX ah! oh! AX ¥P- to grieve deeply, sigh heavily. ΑΧΜΚ,ΑΤ see ΑΚ^ΐίϊΚΑΤ. AID hungry; ... K03flIJIIK greediness, avidity; ... Θ3ΕΚΚΕ or ... KAPblHFA on an empty stomach. AIII- to open, reveal, unlock, uncover, discover; to ferment (of wine, etc.); JKOJl ... to open a path, road; to break a trail; KGHIJI ... to amuse oneself, to have a good time; CAY AT ... to liquidate (abolish, eliminate) illiteracy; ¥MK,I>I ··· to drive away sleep. ΑΠΙΑ 1) pitchfork; 2) bifurcated; ... E¥TAKTbl forked. AUIAJlbl bifurcated, forked. ΑΠΙΑΜΑίί 1) pad underlining the pack-saddle for oxen and camels; 2) child's saddle. AIIIAPIDblJIfalK, hunger, famine. ΑΙΠΑΤΥΛΚ, /zool./ artiodactyl. ΑΠΙΚΘ3 greedy, avid. ΑΙΠΚΘ3ΑΙΚ greed, greediness, avidity, insatiability. Α11ΙΚΘΚ /local SE/ vegetables. ΑΠΙΗΑ friend, acquaintance (person). ΑΠΙΗΑ-ΠΜΚ, acquaintance (relation). ΑΠΙΠΑ3 see ACDA3. AinnAJIL·! opening; one which opens; ... TEPE3E French window. AI1ITAH caused by hunger; ... 0JIY starvation. AfflTbl-TOKJbl half-starving. AMTblK, 1) famine, hunger; 2) poor harvest, crop failure. AI11V 1) opening, discovery; FblJIMH ... scientific discovery; 2) anger, indignation; ... ΚΕΡΗΕΓΕΗ furious, raging; ... CAKTAMAftTblH kindly, amiable. AlHy EAC- to restrain one's anger. ΑΠ1ΥΑΤ /local WC/ a grass growing on solonchaks. /chem./ alum, silver nitrate.

AIliyJIAH- to be angry, irritated. AIUyJlAHbin KAJI- to flare up, blaze up. AIliyjIL·! violently, severely. ΑΠΙΥΜΕΗ in a fit of anger. AEIYIIIAH hot-tempered, choleric. AmyiHAHablK hot temper. AfflblJI- 1) to open /intr./; to unlock oneself; to be opened, unlocked; 2) to clear, brighten; 3) to be disclosed, exposed; 4) to be bared, uncovered; 5) to come to light, be revealed; 6) to break, burst (as an abscess); 7) /fig./ to become experienced, to develop, to grow. AfflblJlMAC cheerless, gloomy, joyless. AIUblHA godparent (form of address). AfflblHFAH indignant, disturbed. AmblT- 1) to itch; to gnaw (of caustics); 2) to acidify, make sour, ferment; K£IMbI3 ... to make koumiss (by fermentation); K,AMbIP ... to leaven dough; EAJI ... to ferment honey. ADIblTATblH fermenting, fermentative. AIUblTblJIMAFAH Κ,ΑΜΜΡ unleavened dough. AUIblTblJiy see AIllblTATblH. AfflblTKAH turned sour (fermented). AIIIblTKLI leaven. AulblK, 1) open, uncovered; 2) clear, bright, light (of color); 3) evident, obvious, unambiguous, undisguised; 4) distinct, legible; 5) audible; 6) colorful, expressive; 7) bare, naked, unprotected; 8) noticeable, visible, conspicuous; 9) public, accessible; 10) /fig./ cloudless; AYAFA ... into the open; ... ΒΑΓΟΗ flatcar; ... 5KY3EEH affably, cordially;... 5KY3AI affable, amiable, co dial; cheerful, jovial;... KYH clear weather; ...niKIPJII intelligent; ...COT public trial; ... XAT postcard; ...ΚΟΡΑ enclosure for cattle;... K,bI3bIJI reddish purple; ΚΘ3Ι... well-informed; K,OJIbI ... generous, liberal. AIIIWK.-1) to famish, starve; 2) to get hungry. AIIIblKAYblS idler, gawk, loafer, gaper. AmbIK,AYbI3,a;bIK, loafing, gaping about. AIIIbIK,-MAMbIK, /local W/ hinge, joint. AfflblKTAH-AIIIblK, open, plain, definite, evident; visible, obvious. AUIblKJblK, cloudlessness; brightness (of color). AIllblFY 1) famine; 2) hunger-strike. AfflKAPAK greedy, avid. AIIIKAPAKTblK, gieed, greediness, avidity. /local NW/ key. acid, sour; ... TAC alum; ... ΙΙΙΘΠ



AfflbUIAy /bot./ wood-sorrel (Oxalis); ... IlIIEK small intestine. AUIblJIAV sourish. A3POAPOM airport, airfield. A3POOJIAH airplane; ... TACblMAJIbl air transport. Α3ΡΟΠΟΡΤ airport. A3POfflAHA aerosleigh. AlObear;... EA AM/bot./elder(Sambucus). AK>AH /local SE/ porch. ΑΛ- to spare, take care of, have mercy on, take pity on, be sorry for. ΑΉΑΑΪΪ )KEP patch (plot) of land. A 31) frost; YCKIPIK ... hard frost; 2) clear. ΑΛ3ΛΒΙ KYH frosty day. A.HJI delay; rest, respite, halt. AJIJIA- to cherish. - to wait, delay, stop. halt, rest. Α-ΗΜΑίί merciless, ruthless. A MAftTblH pitUess, ruthless. ΑΛΗ clear, evident, well-known. AJJH- to spare oneself; to take care of oneself. AAHEAtf fully. ΑΛΗΕΑΜ ICTE- to work hard. A HBIIII pity; pitifully. AJIHbllHTbl pitiful. ΑΛΤ-XA HC /rel./ dogma. ΑΛΥ pity. ΑΛΥΙΙΒΙ dear, valuable, irreplaceable; ... AT good (thoroughbred) horse. A.»yCbI3 merciless, ruthless; ... Κ HIM working clothes. AJiyCbI3,n;bIK mercilessness, ruthlessness. AJiVIlIblJlblK, sympathy, pity, mercy. A-HyniblJIblK KbIJI- to be sorry for; to take pity (compassion) on. ΑΛΚ, 1) foot, leg; ... BETI instep; ... CAVCAFbl toe; ... ΘΤΚΕΛ ford; 2) bowl, cup, dish; 3) end, consequence, result; 4) last, latter. A K, BAG- to visit. A K, CO3- 1) to stretch one's legs; 2) /fig./ to die. AflK, TIPE- /fig./ to resist, oppose. AAK,ACTbI passageway, thoroughfare. AflKACTbl ET- /fig./ to trample on, to defy, flout, scorn. ΑΛΚ.ΚΗΙ3 /local NW/ narrow felt strip covering the lower part of ΚΕΡΕΓΕ (see). ΑΑΚ,ΚΗΙΜ foot-wear, shoes, boots. A KCbl- 1) to remain without results; 2) to feel worse (of sick person).

A.HK,CbI3 1) legless; 2) without result, futile, ineffectual, unsuccessful. AHK,CbI3 KAJIflblP- to leave, abandon without result. ΑΛΚ,ΤΑ- to complete, finish; to bring to a conclusion. ΑΛΚ,ΤΑΒΑΚ, table ware; dishes, plates. AJiKJAJl- to be completed, finished. A-HKJAJlMAMTblH endless, perpetual, everlasting. AflKTAJIV completeness. AJIKTAJIFAH finished, completed. ΑΛΚ,ΤΑΗ- to rise, stand up (of lambs, colts, etc.). ΑΗΚ,ΤΑΗ 1I1AJ1- to act quietly, stealthily; to injure (someone) by cunning. ΑΛΚ,ΤΑΠ IIIblK,- to complete. contemporary; nearly equal in age. completion, conclusion. ΑΛΚ,ΤΑΥΙΙΙΗ /fig./ boss. AflK,-TOFbI3 /hist./ fine for minor offenses provided for by ancient Kazakh common law. person serving koumiss to guests. BAG- 1) to rise, get up; to get to one's feet; 2) to recover, convalesce; 3) to reestablish one's position; 4) to become economically stronger. ΑΛΚΚΑ BACTblP- to put one on his feet; to restore. ΑΛΚΚΑ BACblJI- to be trampled upon; to be crushed. ΑΛΗ BYJIKIJI horse's pace, faster than walk, slower than trot. ΑΛΗΛΑΠ at a walking pace. AflFbl ACOAHHAH KEJ1- to be broken to pieces; to be smashed. A^Fbl AVBIPJIblK pregnancy. AflFbl )KOK legless. AJIFbIHA blFblJl- to fall at someone's feet; /fig./ to entreat; to apologize. AflFbIHA UIEHIH to the end; till the end. A-flFblH A l) later, afterwards, subsequently; 2) beneath, below, downstairs; AKWP ... finally, in the end, after all. 1) white; 2) honest, pure (irreproachable); innocent, guiltless; 3) /med./ wall-eye, cataract; 4) milk, dairy products; 5) egg white; ... AJlTblH "white gold": 1) cotton. 2) platinum; ... AH/JbI3 /bot./ elecampane (Inula); ... BAMUIEIUEK /bot./ (Anemona nemorosa); ... BAHblK /zool./ 1) beluga, large white sturgeon (Acipenser husa); 2) white salmon; ... BAJlUIblK white clay,




magnanimity, generosity. ΑΚ,ΜΑΚ, fool, blockhead, dunderhead, dolt, stupid, foolish; ... EAC ΑΛΚ,ΚΑ TLIHblfflTblK BEPMEC /prov./ a foolish head gives the legs no rest. ΑΚ,ΜΑΚΤΑΗ- to be foolish, stupid. AKMAKTAHA foolishly. AKMAKTblK foolishness, folly, stupidity. AKMAKfflblJIblK see ΑΚ,ΜΑΚ,ΤΕΙΚ AKHAEAT /local E/ sort of mellow, white, melon. ΑΚΠΑ or ΑΚ,ΠΑ AY /local E/ kind of seine used on large rivers. ΑΚ,ΠΑ Κ,Υ-ΠΑΚ, inattentive, absent-minded, forgetful. ΑΚ,ΠΑΗ /obs./ January. ΑΚΠΑΡ /local E/ large tea cup. ΑΚ,ΠΑΛ /local W/ field under grain culture, AKCA- to limp; /fig./ to lag behind (in work). AK.CAK TYC- to limp, hobble. AK.CAPW 1) blond(e); white-faced; 2) light bay (color of horse); 3) /zool./ hen-harrier. AKCAT- to reduce to lameness; /fig./ to cause damage (to work). AKCAVCAK, /iron./ fine gentleman. AKCAK, lame. AK.CAKAJI 1) respected person, elder, senior; 2) /hist./ head of a clan. ΑΚ,ΟΑΚ,ΤΒΙΚ, lameness, limping. AK,CEJIEy /bot./ feather-grass (Stipa pennata). AKCBIMT- to grin; to show one's teeth. AKCEIPA- to feel a longing for dairy food. AK.CBIPFAK, /bot./ white hellebore (Veratrum album). AKCYftEK I) aristocracy; 2) a kind of game. AKCYftEKTIK aristocratic; aristocracy, nobility. AKTA 1) castrated; ... AT gelding (horse); ... TAftblHUIA gelded bull-calf; 2) /local S/ shepherd's meal. AKTA- 1) to bleach, whiten, whitewash; 2) to clean (grain); 3) to justify, excuse, acquit. AKTAEAH-lIlY-EPblrmbl /hist./ "Great Calamity" - the invasion of Kazakh steppes in 1723-1726 by the Kalmyks. AKTAilTblH bleaching, whitening. AKTAJ1- 1) to be bleached, whitened, whitewashed ; 2) to be justified, acquitted; 3) to be compensated, repaid; to pay for itself. AKTAJIV whitewashing. AKTAJIbin fflblK- to be acquitted (in court). AKTAP- 1) to look for something; 2) to

kaolin; ... BO3 see AK.EO3; ... BOPAH snow storm; ... 3KLIMTAV /bot./ daisy, chamomile (Matricaria); ... 5KY3.ZII whitefaced, fair-skinned; ... ΚΘΕΚΠΕΚ /zool./ cabbage butterfly; ... ΚΘΜΙΡ hydroelectric power; ... KGHIJI see AKKOHUI; ... MAJI horses (collectively); ... ΜΑΛ 5KOJlbI /astr./ M ky Way; ... OPbIC Byelorussian; ... OT meadow grass; ... ΠΑΤΠΙΑ /hist./ majesty (tsar's title); ... CAPbl see AK,CAPbI; ... CEJIEV see AKCEJIEV; ... CblP whiting, whitewash; ... CYfiEK see AKCYHEK; ... TAJ1 white willow (Salix alba); ... TbllUKAH ermine, stoat; ... ΙΠΒΙΚ,Κ,ΑΗ^Α at the time when dairy products become available (spring); ... ΙΡΙΜΙΠΙΚ pot cheese; ... KOT /zool./ white tail eagle (Haliaetus albicilla); ... ΚΥΡΑΪ4 /bot./ a plant of Umbelliferae family. AK.- 1) to flow, stream, run; 2) to leak, percolate; 3) to run out, pour out. AKABA /local SE/ 1) branch of an irrigation canal; 2) irrigated field. AKAV spoilage, refuse, scrap. AK,EAflTAJT /local WC/ snowdrift. AK.EAC 1) /local SW/ a kind of arenicolous grass; 2) /local SE/ a hoof disease of horses. AK.BAC TOJlKJblH billow, roller. AKEEHIJI open-hearted, indulgent, without guile. ΑΚ,ΕΕΜΙ-ΠΛΙ open-hearted, good, natured. AK.EO3 1) light gray; 2) light bluish gray (color of horses); ... Υίί yurt covered with new white felt. AKEO3AT /astr./ name of two stars in Ursa Minor. ΑΚ,ΕΘΚΕΗ /zool./ Saiga Tatarica (a species of antelope). ΑΚΓΒΑΡΛΜΛ White Guards (Russian counterrevolutionary army). A1QKAJ1 bay (color of horse). AK,5KAPK,BIH jovial, gay, cheerful person. AK.5KEM ET white meat (poultry, veal, etc.). AK.5KYPEK 1) good, kind, good-natured, well-disposed; 2) /local E/ a medicinal herb. AKJIMK, 1) /zool./ a species of golden eagle; 2) experienced, worldly-wise, strong. AKKOftJIEK /local E/ inner white coat of wheat seed. ΑΚΚΘΗυΐ open-hearted, candid, frank, upright, honest; magnanimous, generous. AKKGHIJl^EH- to play at being generous. 35


AKTAPblHransack, rummage, dig (into); 3) to take out; 4) to pour out, empty, overturn. AKJAPblH- to dig (into); to ransack. AKJAPbin ΒΙΤΙΡ- to have ransacked, rummaged. AKJAPbin lIIbIK- 1) see AKTAPbin BITIP-; 2) to have looked through (a book). AKTAPbin TACTA- to throw about, pull about. AKTAPbin IIIblFAP- to pick out, pluck out. ΑΚ,ΤΑΥ justification, acquittal. AKTAVlIIbl (house, sign) painter; /fig./ protector, defender. AKTblJI whitish. AKTblJIbl ΚΟΚ large flock of sheep (predominantly white). AKJtIPAH /local W/ a kind of fish. AKTblPHAK see AKCAYCAKAKTbIK 1) whiteness; 2) Tightness, innocence; 3) last, latter, final, terminal. ΑΚ,ΤΒΙΡΜΗ,Ο,Α in conclusion, finally. AK1IIA money, coin; ... KADMTAJIbl financial capital; ... CAJIV deposit, investment; ... COFATblH YM mint; 2) whitish; ... BET white-faced; ... Κ,ΑΡ first snow, new-fallen snow. Aitbin fine, assessment. ΤΘΛΕ- to pay in cash. AK,IIIAJIAH- to receive money; to have money; to grow rich, wealthy. AKUIAJlbl (person) with means, having much money. ΑΚ,ΙΠΑΜ twilight, dusk. AK,IlIACbI3 1) penniless, poor, impecunious; 2) free (of charge). AKHIACbB bIK lack, shortage of money. AKHIAFA M¥KJA)K impecunious. AKUIblJI whitish;... ΚΘΚ lilac, violet (color); ... CAPbl cream-colored, light yellow; ... Κ,ΑΗ /med./ leucemia. AKUTBIJmAy whitish. AK,bI pay, payment; ... TOJIEV reward, compensation. AKblfi ΚΘ3 with protruding eyes, lobstereyed, exophtalmic. AKblHJIAH- to stare; to open the eyes wide. AKBlftKAT 1) truth, fact, verity; 2) right, correctly; ... ulblHflblFy absolute truth. AK,bIJI mind, intellect, reason, sense, understanding; ... HECI wise, judicious, clever; ... ΚΙΡΜΕΓΕΗ foolish, stupid, unexperienced; ... TIC wisdom tooth. AKilH AMT- to give advice; to make listen to reason, to bring to one's senses. 36

ΑΚΒΙΛ Β ΕΡ- to give advice, counsel. AKBIJI 3KET- to understand; to conjecture rightly. AKBIJI KIP- to come to one's senses; to come to see reason. AKWJI C¥PA- to ask, seek advice or counsel. AKblJI YMPET- to give advice, counsel. ΑΚΒΙ-ΠΓΘΜ adviser, counsellor; director, instructor. AKBIJI AH A/JACKAH unbalanced, extravagant. AKtlJI/JAH 3KA3- to lose one's mind. ΑΚ,ΗΛΑΑΗ >KA3FAH mad, crazy, crazed, insane; unbalanced. AKBIJIAAC well-wisher, AK.bUmAC- to consult one another; to take counsel together. AKBIJIAI»! clever, intelligent, wise; prudent, sensible, reasonable. AKblJIflblJIblK, prudence, wisdom. AK.bIJI/II>ICbIH- to consider oneself wiser than others; to show off one's knowledge. AK,bIJICbI3 madman, lunatic, brainless. AK,bIJlCbI3AAH- to go mad; to lose one's senses, reason. AK,bIJICbI3flbIK, madness, insanity, extreme foolishness; folly, lack of sense. AKBIJIIIIbl see ΑΚ,ΜΙΙΓθίϊ. AKBIJIbl paying, requiring payment; ... 1C /legal/ civil suit; ... ICTEP 3Ar}bI civil code. AK,bIJIbI TAMbI3 short-witted. AKbIJIblHAH AAAC- to go mad, to lose one's reason, to go out of one's mind. AK,bIJIFA KEJI- to come to one's senses. AKHJIFA CblflMAMTblH foolish, absurd, unreasonable, unwise. AK,bIM /local SE/ niche in grave in which the body of the dead is placed. AK,bIH poet, bard. AKblHAMK poetry, poetic skill; /adj./ poetic. AKBIP 1) result, consequence, end of something; 2) /obs./ manger, feeding rack for cattle; 3) /local W/ enclosure for cattle; 4) /local NC/ glade, clearing, leeside. AK.WP- to shout; to raise the voice. AK,bIP A^Fbl completely, absolutely, entirely, totally, wholly.


finally, after all, as a result, in the end. ΑΚ,ΒΙΡΑίί- to stare (at). ΑΚΒΙΡΑΠ /obs./ October. ΑΚ,ΗΡ-A FBI see ΑΚ,ΗΡ AflFbl.

AHFAPTAK,faIPbIH slow quiet; quietly, gently; ... FA Η A quietly, without a word, gradually. AK,bIPbIH,ZIA later, afterwards, subsequently; EH ... finally, after all, in the end. AK.bIPbIH,HA- to slow down, calm down, linger; to come to a standstill. ΑΚ,ΜΡΜΗβΑΠ quietly, gently; by easy stages, gradually. AK,bIPbIHAbIK, slowness, sluggishness. AK,bIPbIHbIPAK quieter, slower. AKJJPbin EAK.WP- to shout; to howl loudly. AK,bIPbin >KIEEP- to begin to shout; to utter a shout. AK,bIPbin CetfJlE- to raise one's voice. ΑΚ,ΗΡΕΙΠ Κ,ΟΜ- to rate; to scold loudly. AK,bIPFbI last, final, conclusive. AK,I»ICbI3 free of charge; gratis. ΑΚ,ΜΚ, TAC agate. ΑΚ.3ΜΗΓΡΑΗΤ "White" emigre. ΑΚ,ΚΑ )ΚΑ3- to make a clean copy. AKKAJIA 1) wall of snow; 2) children's play with snow-balls. ΑΚ,Κ,Υ swan. ΑΚ,Κ,ΥΕΑ blond, fair-haired. ΑΚ,Κ,ΥΕΑΙΙΙΑ K,bI3 fair-faced girl. AK,K,¥JIA 1) bay (color of horse); 2) in vain, to no purpose; 3) particularly. AKXVMAH tea-kettle. AH 1) consciousness, mind, intelligence; intellect; 2) wild animal; ... HTI hunting dog; ... TEPICI skins, hides, furs; 5KEIPTK,bIIU ... beast of prey; 3) /local S/ tract of land dissected by small gullies; tract of tilled land. AH, AYJIA- to hunt wild beasts. AHZJA- to understand, to guess. AHHAT- to let know, explain, elucidate. AHHAYCbI3 by chance, accidentally, inadvertently, unexpectedly. suddenly, unexpectedly. l- to be on the watch for; to lie in wait for; to be in pursuit of. AHUbin 5KYP- to have detected an animal (in hunting). ΑΗβΕΙΠ OTblP- or AHHbin T¥P- to wait for; to lie in wait for; to be on the watch for. AHdWFAH expectant, waiting, marking time. AHCA- to thirst for, yearn for; to burn with desire. AHCAII-CAFblHbin OTblP- to be impatient (for), to wait with impatience.

AHCAYIIIblJlblJlblK. thirst, craving, strong desire. AHCbI3 dull, stupid, obtuse, brainless; backward, ignorant; reckless, foolhardy. AHCW3/IA accidentally, by chance, inadvertently, unexpectedly. AH,CbI3,HbIK, inattention, carelessness, thoughtlessness; rashness, recklessness, foolhardiness, folly. AHCLIPA- see AHCA-. AUTAPEIJI- ]) to be disturbed, tormented by expectation; 2) to be at a loss; to be disconcerted. AHTAPblJIbin KAJI- to be at a loss, disconcerted. Aii-TAH, EOJI- to be puzzled, perplexed; to wonder. AHJIIbl l) hunter; 2) /adj./ hunt, hunting. ΑΗ,ΙΙΙΕΙΛ ardent hunter; lover of the chase. AHIIIbUlblK, hunt, hunting. AHIlIEIJIblK, K,OP^CbIH game bag; fowling bag. AHbBAK, dry wind. AH,bIP- 1) to stop for a while /intr./; to cease doing something. ΑΗ,ΜΡΑΠ KAJI- to become deserted, desolate, depopulated. AH,bIPbin KAJI- to be taken aback. AUblPbin ΚΑΡΑΓΊ KAJI- to gaze in perplexity. mouth, throat, larynx. ΚΕΠ- to feel great thirst. 1) simpleton, duffer; 2) simple, artless, guileless, unsophisticated. AHKAYJIblK, artlessness, simplicity, naivete. AliKW- to spread /intr./, pervade (of an odor). AHK,bIM- to be wide open; to yawn, gape. AUKbltfbin TVPbin KAJI- to pause in perplexity. AHKWJl^A- to speak loudly, distinctly, clearly. , open-hearted, candid, frank. EC- to blow pleasantly (of wind). 5KAftbIJl- see AIJK,bI-. ΑΗ,Κ,ΜΤ- to emit, exhale (an odor); 0JIEHH;i ... /fig./ to sing loudly. AI^FAJI imprudent, careless. AUFAJ1AK /local W/ eye orbits. AHFAJI-CAHFAJI Ail A M careless person. AHFAJlflblK, lack of order, of system; disorderliness, negligence, carelessness. AH.FAP valley. AE(FAP- to understand, surmise, gather. - 1) to give to understand; to imply,




hint; 2) to warn, let know in advance. AHFAPFblffl clever, quick-witted, intelligent. AHFblPT careless, imprudent, hasty. AHFblPTTAH- to display carelessness, imprudence, hastiness. AHFblPTTblK, carelessness, imprudence, hastiness. AFA 1) uncle; 2) elder brother; 3) elder, eldest, senior; ... FblJIMM KM3METKEP senior scientific worker; 4) form of address to an older man; 5) /fig./ large, great, the greater part. AFA-EKE /form of address/ old man, old chap, my boy. AFAM /form of address/ uncle. AFAMblH brother, relative, kinsman, kinsfolk. AFAftblH bl AflAMflAP brothers by blood. AFAUblHflblK, relationship, kinship, brotherhood. AFAHblHIUblJl adherent of the system of nepotism. AFAMblHUIblJIblK nepotism; indulgent behavior to relatives. AFAJIAFI IIIblK,- to overcome, conquer, master all and everybody. AFAJIblK seniority. AFAJlblK, ET-1) to have odds in one's favor; 2) to enjoy the right of seniority. AFAP- 1) to grow white; 2) to whiten one's face; 3) to turn gray, become gray (of hair); 4) to become clear, clean, pure; 5) to dawn, to grow light. AFAPAHJJA- to appear white; to dawn; to glimmer. AFAPAHflAFAH whitish. AFAPT- to whiten /tr./, whitewash, bleach; /fig./ to enlighten, educate. AFAPTY enlightenment, education; ... )KYMblCbl educational work; XAJlblK, ... KM3METKEPJIEPI educators; workers in the educational field. AFAPTymbl 1) whitewasher (painter); 2) instructor, teacher. AFAPTblJIFAH /text./ bleached. AFAPbin ΚΘΡΙΗ- to look white; to show white. AFAPbin OHY /text./ whitening, bleaching. AFAPbIH,K,bI pale, whitish. AFAPFAH pale; /text./ bleached. AFAT thoughtless, hasty; hastily, illconsidered.

AFATAM /affectionate form of address to one's uncle or to an elder/. AFATTblK, hastiness, rashness; irregularity, inaccuracy. ΑΡΑΠΙ tree, wood, timber; ... AYbI3 dull, obtuse, slow-witted (unable to talk coherently;... AFbI3Y timber floating;... AnblHilAY lumbering, lugging; ... ΕΓΥ planting of trees, afforestation; ... KECYIIII lumberjack, wood cutter; ... ΚΘΜΙΡ charcoal; ... MAHbl lamp-oil, lowgrade olive oil; ... TUirmi sawmill; ... IHAKblPbl wood resin, gum; ... ΙΠΕΒΕΡΙ carpenter; ... VCTAJIblK, ΘΗΕΡΙ carpentry; ... ¥CTACbl see ... IIIEEEP1; ... OCIPYIIII cultivator of woods, sylviculturist; KEMEJII ... ship timber. AFAIUTAP /constr./ scaffolding; EFUIFEH ... forest plantations. AFAfflTbl wooded. AFAIIIIUbl carpenter. AF3AM /obs./ highness (title). AFJien /local C/ thill. AFPblMIIIblK, see ΑΚ, ΙΡΙΜΙΠΙΚ. AFY stream, current, flow, course; leak. AFbI3-1) to conduct, let through (e.g. water); 2) to extract by distillation; ΚΘ3ΛΙΗ, )KACbIH ... to shed tears. AFbI3V distillation. AFblJI- to pour out, rush out /intr./; to appear in multitudes, throngs. AFblJl-TEFIJl plenty; in abundance. AFblJIHIblH English, Englishman. AFblJlfflblHAHKTbl CYIOIIII Anglophile. AFblM flow, course, current (of rivers); ... ΕΚΠΙΗΙ jet, spray, stream; /fig./ trend, tendency; /pol./ trend, tendency, inclination; θ,Π,ΕΕΗΕΤΠ ... trend in literature. AFblM^AFbl /adj./ current, present-day. AFblH flow (of water), current, stream;... CY running water. AFblH bl rapid, swift, headlong, fastflowing. AFblHbl KYUITI AT a very fast horse. AFbin BIT- to haveflowedout. AFbin KET- toflowout. AFbin KIP- to flow in; to discharge into. AFbin TAYCblJI- to have flowed out, poured out. AFbin T¥PFAH IIJEUIEH excellent orator. AFbin fflblly- to flow out; to have its source (of rivers). AFbin K,¥MbIJI- to discharge into (of rivers). AFbIC see AFblH.




AFblT- 1) to undo, unfasten; 2) to unharness; 3) to let go; to loosen, release. Ah ah!; ... ßE-, ... YP- to exclaim "ah".

AhA 1) aha!; 2) /affirmative/. AhJIA- to exclaim "ah". AhLIJIAV moaning.


ΒΑ /interrogative particle/; see also BE, ΠΑ,

BA3 cellar, vault. BA3 EIPEY somebody; some, certain (people).

ΠΕ, MA, ME. ΒΑ ΕΚΕΗ? really? is that so? BABA great-grandfather; BABAJ1APMB13

our ancestors. EAEAY KAK,- or EAEAVJIA- to moan, groan; to be restless from pain. BABBIH sleek horse. BABbIHA ΚΕΙΙΓΕΗ aged, matured (of wine, etc.). EAEblHAA in time, on time, opportunely. ΕΑΓΑ>Κ luggage, baggage. EAAA /local S/ large herd of cattle. EA AJIFBIP damn you! EAAAM almond. EAAAM EOJI- /local/ to be subordinate. BAHAMA 1) /hist./ coat of mail, chain armor; 2) /bot./ lentil. ΒΑΛΑΗΑΛΑΗ large (of cereal grain). EA PAH /local S/ cucumber. EA bIPAM- l) to be wide-open (of eyes); 2) to appear large (of eyes); 3) to stand out sharply, to be notable (in respect to size); 4) /fig./ to become clear, evident. EA bIPAK, or EA bIPAH large-eyed, goggle-eyed. EA3K duty, tax. EA)K ET- to cry out, to shout. EA5KA brother-in-law (husband of wife's sister). EA»CAJ1 ΑΚ,ΤΑ- or BA)KAJlAHAA- to shout; to set up a howl. EA5K-EA5K repeated sharp yell, cry, shout. EADK-XAHA custom-house. EA^CBIJl/IA- to grumble, growl; to make noise. EAHCbUmA.K, peevish, grumbling; bawler, noisy person, grumbler. EA^KblP motley, variegated, parti-colored (of textiles). EA3KBIPAH- to be large, bulging (of eyes). EAaCblPAfibin ΚΑΡΑ- to look with wideopen eyes. EA3KI>IPAHn,A- to stare and make noise.


BA3 KEI1I- 1) to lose hope; 2) to have an aversion. BA3A base, foundation. BA3AP market. BA3APJ1A- to go to market. BA3APJlbI /adj./ 1) market; 2) (of a place, locality) with a market, having a market; 3) well-fed (of cattle); 4) /fig./ attractive, nice-looking. BA3APJlbIK, gift, present. BA3APCW3 )KEP marketless locality. BA3APCB13 MAJI cattle of inferior quality. EA3APUIBI one who goes to or returns from the market. BASRAH- to deteriorate. EA3AAHbin KETKEH ET rotten meat. ΒΑ3ΕΛ AVPYbl /med./ exophthalmic goiter. BA3MC basis. BA3HA /obs./ display of excessive familiarity to a relative or friend. BA l) /adj./ rich, wealthy; 2) /fig./ abundant; 3) the rich, the wealthy; 4) /Soviet term/ kulak; 5) /obs./ master, landlord; 6) /conv./ husband (in this sense used only with possessive affix). ΕΑΪί TEPEK /bot./ aspen (Populus tremola). ΕΑΗ-ΕΑΪΪ oh! ah! (interjection expressing displeasure). EAUBAMJIA- to shout, yell; to express displeasure. EAHEAHnibLJl grumbling, peevish. BAMBAJ1AM fault-finding or noise to distract attention. EAflEAJIAM/JA- to make noise to distract attention. BAilBATUIA /obs./ master; /iron./ fine gentleman. ΕΑΚΕΑΤΙΠΑ,Π,ΑΜ TYP- to live in luxury. EAftEblHA ΕΑΡ- to see into, go into: to penetrate. ΕΑΜΒΙΙΠΕ see B9fiiEIllIE.

/local S/ kind of millet.

EAfiLJIAΕΑΪίΐΙΑ- 1) to bind, tie, tie up, attach; 2) to weave, twist; 3) to dress (a wound); 4) to train (horses); 5) to fatten (cattle) /tr./; 6) to separate (mares) for milking; 7) to aim (rifles, etc.); 8) to create obstacles, to hinder; K.OJI ... /fig./ to tie hand and foot; VdffE ... to negotiate; EEJI ... to make up one's mind. BAMJ1AM 1) bunch (of flowers, etc.), bouquet; 2) conclusion, inference, deduction. EAMJIAH- to be attached; ΚΘ3 ... to become dark; TIJ1 ... to mumble. EAHJIAHACTEIP- to tie, bind, fasten together ; to cement. EAflJlAHIIIAK, captious, faultfinding. EAMJIAHmAKJblK captiousness, obtusiveness. BAMJIAHblC connection, relation; ... OPFAH APEI liaison agencies, communication agencies; ... KYPAJI^APbl means of communication. EAftJIAHblC- 1) to associate (with); to be in contact (with); to be in correspondence, to exchange letters; 2) to cavil, find fault; to bother. EAMJIAHbICCEI3 1) unrelated, disconnected, without connection, incoherent; 2) lack of connection, of contact; ... C6MJIEM /gram./ disconnected, incoherent sentence. EAHJIAHblCCbBAblK, lack of connection, incoherence. EAOJIAHfalCTbl 1) connected, related; 2) in connection with. EAHJIAC-: EEJI EAHJIAC- to act or decide jointly, in concert. EAftJIAn EEP- /local W/ to take something in addition (to a thing bought); to take something into the bargain. EAMJIAY 1) binding, tying; 2) string, tie, lace; 3) tether; 4) packing (action); 5) result, consequence; 6) state of being bound by word. EAfiJIAyJIbl 1) attached, tied to, tied up, bound up; 2) exact in fulfilling promise, true to one's word. EAftJIAyCbl3 1) free, unbound, untied; 2) inconstant, unsteady, irresolute, wavering. EAftJIAybllU /local E/ kerchief. EAMJIblK, wealth, fortune, abundance, good; /proverb/ EH CAVJIEIK, - 3OP EAHJIfalK, health is the greatest wealth. ΕΑίΪΗΑΙΙΑ- to clarify, ascertain, look into, investigate. ΕΑίίΠΑΚ, felt boots, felt stockings; /adj./ felt. 41

ΕΑΗΠΑΚ,ΤΒΙ ΕΤΙΚ winter boots worn over felt stockings. ΕΑίίΠΑΗ,: ... vKOPFA good ambler, pacer (horse); ... MIHE3 quiet, courteous character; ... C 3 courteous, polite word. EAfinAHUA- to pace, amble. EAMPAK /local W/ 1) banner, standard; 2) prize on races. EAMCAJI peace, calm, quiet; ... ΤΑΠ- to quiet down. EAMCAJmM quiet, even-tempered, selfrestrained, self-possessed. EAMCAJI/JEIK, composure, self-control. EAftTAEA foot-cloths. EAMTAJI three-year-old filly. ΕΑίίΤΑΚ, 1) wide, spacious, vast; 2) a large amount; very much, many. EAHTECE /local SE/ large hoe, mattock. EAMIIIEIII ideologist of the bourgeoisie. EAMbI- 1) to grow rich; 2) to set (of sun). EAMblEbIHA BAP- see EAUEblHA EAP-. EAHEI3 ΤΑΠ- to quiet down /intr./; to enjoy oneself; to be happy. EAflblM reason, intellect, sense. - to explain, interpret, intelligent, sensible. EAflblM/iEIJIblK, intelligence, intelligibility, pithiness. EAKbin see EAftblM. EAHEinCbB unintelligent, senseless, unaccountable. EAHbinCblS bIK, insensibility, apathy, indifference. EAMblOTblJIblK, see EAMblMflblJIEIK. EAMblP see EAMblPFbl. EAMblPFbl indigenous, native, aboriginal; ... AEPFIJIIKTI old resident, old-timer; ... MAJI home-bred cattle. EAMbIT- to enrich; /met./ to concentrate /tr./. EAMblTV OAEPMKACbl concentrating mill, dressing plant. EAMKA- 1) to watch, observe; 2) to notice; 3) to be cautious, watchful; 4) to pay attention; 5) to test, try (strength or abilities). ΕΑΜΚ,ΑΪί AJ1MAM K.AJI- to pay no attention ; to fail to notice. EAMKA-fl- to be found, met with, encountered. EAMKAMACTAH inadvertently, accidentally. ΕΑΜΚ,ΑΠ K.AJI- to notice. EAfiiKAV observation, inspection, examination, survey. EAfiKAyCbI3 A inadvertently, unawares, through negligence.

EAJIET lack of watchfulness; carelessness, inattention. EARKAVIIIbl observer. EAHKAVFA BOJI- to be visible. EAHKAFbllll observant, watchful, careful, cautious. EAftKAFbllllTblK, watchfulness, keenness of observation, prudence. EAHFA see ΕΘίϊΓΈ. EAtfFAMEAP see FIAMFAMEAP. EAHFEI3 /zool./ barn owl. EAftF¥C poor devil; helpless person. EAKAJIEH groceries. EAKJIA5KAH eggplant. EAKTEPMOJIOr bacteriologist. EAKTEPHOJIOFM bacteriology. EAKTEPHOJIOFHilJIblK, bacteriological. ΕΑΚΤΕΡΜΛ bacterium. EAKTEPM>ICbI3 sterile, aseptic. EAKTEPM^CbBAAHAblPy sterilization. EAJ1 1) honey; ... AIIIV sorcery, fortunetelling; ... EAYblPCAK, sweet native patty; ... K.APAFAM /bot./ cedar pine (Pinus sibirica); 2) ball, dance; 3) /local W/ small irrigation ditch. EAJ1 ΑΙΠ- to tell fortunes. EAJI AlIIbIT- to brew mead. EAJIA child, infant, little boy; ... EAFVIlIbl child's nurse;... 3K ACTAH since childhood; ... KAPAVIIIL·! see ... EAFVIIIbl; K.OJI... adopted child; ΘΓΕίϊ ... foster child; ΕΓΙ3 ... twins; C9EI ... baby. EAJIA- 1) to evaluate, estimate; 2) to equate, adjust, compare; 3) /local E/ to lose one's strength. EAJIA EAK,- or EAJIA Κ,ΑΡΑ- to take care of a child; to look after a child. EAJIA K,bIJlbin AJI- to adopt a child. EAJ1AJIA- to propagate, multiply /intr./; to sprout /intr./ (of plants). EAJIAJIAP EAKJIIACbl kindergarten. EAJIAJIAV 3ΚΙΓΙΤ youngster, youth, teen-age boy. EAJIAJlbl with child, with children; /proverb/ EAJ1AJ1EI YM EA3AP, EAJIACEI3 ΥΪΪ MA3AP "large family - a fair, childless family - a grave." EAJIAJIblK 1) childhood; 2) childishness, naivete. EAJIAMA equivalency, equivalent. EAJIAHC /fin./ balance. EAJIAHC iKACA- /fin./ to balance. EAJIAITAH nestling, fledgeling; brood, hatch. EAJIAOAHblM /aff./ my child.

EAJIACbB childless. EAJlACbraflblK, childlessness. EAJIACblH- to consider a child; to treat as a child. EAJIAVCA /bot./ a kind of succulent coastal grass. EAJIAVbO wax; ... II1AM wax candle. EAJIAVbBAA- to wax; to polish with wax. EAJIAVbDAAJIFAH wax paper; oil cloth. EAJIAybI3£bI waxed. EAJIAI1IA childishly. EAJIA-UIAHbl children. EAJIA-UIAFA children; family. EAJIALUblK 1) loop of a hobble; 2) /local E/ saplings of coniferous trees. EAJIAK, 1) trouser (one leg of trousers); 2) loop, noose; 3) leaf of a grassy plant; 4) leg (of a bird); IUbIH5KbIP ... /fig./ blood-sucker, exploiter; KAHIiL·! ... executioner. EAJIAKJ1AP breeches, wide trousers. ΕΑΛΑΚΠΑΗ /local NW/ rattle for keeping away birds and small animals. EAJ1AFAT scolding, abusive. EAJ1AFATTA- to scold, abuse, criticize. EAJIAFATUIblJI quarrelsome (man). EAJIEEIPA- 1) to perspire intensely; to languish from heat; 2) to become damp (of plants, hay). EAJirEP fortune teller; sorceress. EAJIFEPJIIK sorcery; ... ET- to tell fortunes. ΕΑΛΑΑΪί ΟΘ3 courteous speech. EAJIAAK, 1) crutch; 2) saberhilt; 3) (finger) ring; 4) /local SE/ large knife. EAJI^bl 1) honey-producing, melliferous; 2) /fig./ sweet, fresh (of water, etc.); ... EAPMAK, thrifty hostess; ... EVJIAK, spring with clear (drinking) water. EAJIJIbI3 1) younger sister or younger sisterin-law (wife's sister); 2) brother-in-law (wife's brother). EAJmblP slime, sludge, ooze, mud; /bot./ algae. EAJI blPAK, ΚΘ3 big-eyed. EAJIflEIP-EATIIAK, balderdash, nonsense. EAJIAblPJIA- to talk inarticulately; to mumble, mutter. EAJI^blPJIbl overgrown with algae and water plants. EAJI^blPFAH /bot./ a plant with succulent, sweet stem. EAJIAblPFAH )KAC /fig./ fine-looking youngsters. EAJIET ballet.




BAJ1KOH balcony, porch. EAJIJIAAA ballad. BAJIJIOH carboy, cylinder (for acids, gases). BAJIFIAK, /zool./ suslik (spermophile); European and Asiatic ground squirrel. EAJIHAH /prerev./ young squire. EAJinAH-EAJinAH BAG- or ΒΑΛΠΑΗΑΑto walk heavily, clumsily, awkwardly. EAJinblJI/IA- to mumble; to grumble. BAJ1TA 1) axe; 2) knave, jack (at cards); ... 3KEJIKECI head of an axe. BAJITAJIA- to hew, chop with an axe. BAJ1TAJ1AC- /fig./ to fight. BAJlTAMTAn national Kazakh game ("look for an axe"). BAJITACAH axe-handle. BAJITAIIIL·! 1) axe-maker; 2) carpenter. EAJITblP calf of the leg. BAJlTblPJIbl1) having thick calves; 2) strong. BAJ1TBIK Baltic. EAJIYAH athlete, wrestler; TYftE ... strongest wrestler. BAJiniEBEK see EOJIblUEBHK. EAJlIIIblK, clay, dirt; ... Yft mud-hut, earthhut. EAJIUIblKJA- 1) to soil, make dirty; 2) to trample down; 3) to daub with clay, dirt. EAJIfflblKJAH CAHFAH Yft adobe house. EAJIIIIblKJIIbl /zool./ sand-snipe, sandpiper. EAJIblK, fish; ... AVJIA- to fish, angle; ... AYbl casting net, seine; ... ΜΑίί fish oil; ... YCTAY fishing, angling; ... YCTAVlllbl fisherman. EAJIbIK,K©3 /bot./ forget-me-not (Myosotis palustris). EAJlblKTA- to fish, angle. EAJIblKfflbl fisherman. EAJlblKjnblJIblK, fishing. EAJ1KA0MAK, boiled sour cream. ΒΑΙΙΚ,ΑΠΙ 1) marshland; 2) well fed. EAJIK,OPFACbIH /local SE, bot./ a reed-like plant. EAJIK,bI- 1) to melt, grow soft; 2) to shine, beam (of face); 3) to be delicately colored (of face). BAJIKWT- to soften, melt /tr./. EAJIKblFbllH fusible, low-melting, easily melted (of metals). EAJIKVPAft /bot./ a reed-like plant. SAJ1FA hammer; ACIIAJIbl ... drop weight; IIIOM ... blacksmith's hammer. EAJTFACAn hammer-handle. EAJIFAIlIbl hammerer, hammerman. EAJIFblH well cared for; well-groomed; care-

fully tended; ... )KAC fine-looking youngsters; ... ΙΙΙΘΠ green grass. EAJIFblP see ΕΑΛΓΕΡ. BAM-EAM /bot./ dandelion (Taraxacum). EAMEYK bamboo. BAHA see MAHA. EAHAEPOJlb /post./ wrapper for printed matter. BAHK bank. BAHKET banquet. EAHKHP banker. BAHKHOT bank note. BAHKPOT bankrupt. EAHKPOTTBIK bankruptcy. ΒΑΠ 1) care (of someone or something); 2) training (a horse, hunting bird, etc.); 3) in time, on time; 4) suitable conditions. ΒΑΠΤΑ- 1) to fatten /tr./ (cattle); 2) to train (a horse, hunting bird, etc.); 3) to cook skillfully. ΒΑΠΤΑΗ- to keep oneself well-groomed. ΕΑΠΤΑΠ CGiiHE- to talk ceremoniously. EADTbl 1) fattened (cattle); 2) trained (horse, racer); 3) well-prepared (food); 4) welltuned (musical instrument). BAnUIblJI 1) one who tends well (a horse, etc.); 2) one who cooks well. BAP 1) is, there is; 2) that which is on hand; existing, available; 3) all, the whole of. BAP- to go; to ride. BAP BOJ1- to be; to exist. BAP EOJIFAHbl but; in all. BAP KYIIIIMEH with all power; with all one's might. BAPABAH drum; ... COK.-, ... Κ,ΑΚ,- to beat the drum. EAPAEAHIIIfal drummer. BAPABAP adequate. EAPA-BAPA 1) a little later; 2) continuing to walk. BAPAK shack, hut. EAPAH black (color of horse). BAPAK, a breed of dog. EAPEAPJIA- to drive on, spur on (a horse). EAPflAM /local E/ rich, wealthy. EAPEKEJIAE good! fine! EAP5KA barge. EAP3Kblfl- to become stout, heavy. EAPJKblK, stout, fleshy, heavy. EAPHTOH baritone. EAPJIA- 1) to check, verify; 2) to ascertain, clarify; 3) to find out, make inquiries; 4) /mil./ to reconnoiter. EAPJTAn EIJI- to find out; to worm out.




EAPJIAV reconnaissance, intelligence. EAPJIAyillbl scout, reconnoiterer. EAPIIbI-)KOK,TbI insufficient; insignificant. EAPHblK, 1) all, everything, everyone; 2) property, belongings; 3) of every kind; all and every; ... 5KAFWHAH thorough, allround, comprehensive; ... 5KEP/JE everywhere. EAPJIblK,- to become winded, to get the heaves (of horses). EAPJIfalFbl 1) gross, total; 2) in all, altogether. BAPMAH lobs./ order, command; decree, edict. EAPMAK, finger, toe. EAPMAKJAM small; size of a finger. BAPMAFBIH TICTE- /fig./ to regret, be sorry. EAPPMKAflA barricade. BAPPMKAAAJIA- to barricade. EAPTBIJlflA- to make a knocking noise. BAPXAH barchane. EAPUIA all, everything; ... EJI the whole population. EAPblJIAA- to shout loudly; to scold loudly. EAPblMTA plunder, foray, raid; /esp./ driving away another clan's cattle in an intertribal feud. EAPblMTAJlA- to plunder; /esp./ to drive away other clan's cattle in an intertribal feud. EAPblMTAJl AC PYJTAP /hist./ feuding clans. EAPblMTAUIbl one engaged in EAPblMTA raids, brigand, robber. EAPblH ΑΛΜΑ- to share one's belongings with those in need. EAPblHIIIA 1) as much as possible, by all means, in every way possible; 2) fully, in plenty, in abundance; 3) of full length (of man's stature). BAPblHUIA 5ΚΥΓΙΡ- to run as fast as one can. EAPbin >KET- to reach, catch up, overtake. EAPbin KEJ1- to take a short walk; to take a short ride, to go and return. EAPbin KIP- to drop in, visit; to drive (into), to enter. EAPbin CVPA- to address oneself (to). ΕΑΡΕΙΠ TVPFAH highly, extremely ... KV genuine scoundrel. EAPbin IHblK,- to drop in on the way; to call, visit. EAPbin KAfiT- to take a short walk; to take a short ride; to go and return.

EAPbIC 1) /zoo!./ snow leopard; 2) direction, destination, terminal; ... CEFITIK /gram./ dative-directional case. EAPbEP barrier. ΕΑΡΚ,Μ-ΠΛΑ- to shout or scold loudly. EAPK,I>IJI£AK, noisX person; bawler. ΕΑΡΚ,ΕΙΗ sand-bank, shallow. BAPKWPA- to roar, howl; to shout loudly. EAPKWPAVblK, see EAPK,bIJTAAK. EAPKWT velvet. EAPK,bITTAft velvety. EAPFAH CAMblH farther and farther. EAC 1) head; 2) chief, head, senior; 3) head (of cattle), loaf (of sugar); 4) head (e.g. of match); 5) beginning (e.g. of year); 6) end (e.g. of street); 7) upper part, top (of mountain, etc.); 8) /geogr./ a. height, elevation; b. riverhead, upper reaches (of river); 9) foreword, preface, introduction; 10) /mus./ bass, basso; 11) /adj./ chief, senior, principal, first, general; ... AMHAJIY giddiness, dizziness; ... ABATTblFbl personal freedom; ... APblK, main irrigation ditch; ... EAJIVAH strongest wrestler, very strong wrestler; ...EAPMAK thumb; ... Ε9ίΪΓΕ first prize; ... )KAFbI /geogr./ upper; upper reaches, riverhead; ... 3KOK, blindly; ... KAHT sugar-loaf; ... KMIM headgear; ... KIJ1TI /mus./bass clef; ... ΚΘΤΕΡΓΕΗ adult person, grown man; ... CEKPETAPEI secretary general; ... ΟΥίΪΕΓΙ skull, cranium; ... TOFbI3 /hist./ fine for grave crimes provided for by ancient Kazakh common law; comprised nine heads of cattle, including a camel; ... ΙΙΓΓΑΕ general staff; ... Iliy/JA wool from head of camel; ... KOJIEACIIIbl commander-in-chief; ... ΘΚΙΜ,Π,ΕΡ highest authorities. EAC- 1) to suppress, restrain; 2) to crush, run over; 3) to step, stride; 4) to tread upon, step on; 5) to stand up; 6) to become covered (as by rust, etc.); 7) to become dirty, soiled; 8) to become clouded; 9) to outweigh, exceed in weight; 10) to rub, plunder; 11) to knead (dough and clay); 12) to become overgrown (with weeds); 13) to hatch (eggs); 14) to flood (with water); 15) to put, lay, set, affix, attach (as a seal); 16) to print, type; 17) to full (felt). EAC AJI- /bot./ to have formed ears, spikes. EAC AJI,fl[bIPMA- to give no rest; to give no respite. EAC EOJI- to dominate, to be at the head. EAC >KE- to be an honored guest.



BAG M- to bow one's head; to submit; to obey an order. BAG CAJ1- to throw something at each other. BAG TAPT- 1) /bot./ to form ears, spikes; 2) to avoid, evade, elude. BAG K,OC- to confer, consult. BACA AMT- to mark out, stress, underline. EACAJIAMAH blK anarchy; /fig./ disorder, confusion. EACAJ1KA instruction, advice. BACAT /local W/ wide sea bay. EAC-ΑΛΚ or EAC-AflFbl 1) alpha and omega, a and z; 2) as a whole, wholly; /fig./ logical connection. BACBIJiri AT trained horse. EACEY3APJIbIlIH- to display courage. EATblP hero; a chivalrous knight of Kazakh epics. BATblP- 1) to submerge, immerse, sink /tr./; 2) to thrust, plunge /tr./; 3) to dig into, drive into (with teeth, claws). EATblP^blH; CEMCEPI hero's sword. EATblPUAP )KbIPbI heroic epic.


EATfalPJlblK 1) heroism, courage; 2) /adj./ hero's, heroic. BATblPCblH- to swagger; to play the hero. EATblPfalJI- to be submerged, sunk. EATbIPbin AJI- to dip, plunge /tr./. EATblC west, Occident; ... EBPOFIAJTblK western European (person or country). EATblCTAFbl western. EATblCTblK, relating to Western Europe. EATblCIlIblJl pro-western. EATblHKbl concave. EATBIUKblJlblK, concavity. ΕΑΤΚ,ΑΗ hollow, dent. BAY 1) string, lace, tape, ribbon; 2) sheaf; 3) garden, orchard; ... EAMJIAMTblH MAI1IHHA sheaf-binder; ... KOCIEI MAMAHbl gardener, horticulturist; KAMblT ... tugs. BAY EAklJlA- to bind sheaves. EAYAPblK. /local S/ small irrigation ditch. BAY-EAKIIIA garden, vegetable garden; farmstead. EAYKECHE VPbl habitual criminal; recidivist. BAYJIA- to bind (sheaves). BAYJ1Y- 1) to train; to bring up; 2) train a hunting bird. BAYJlblK 5ΚΙΠ rope for binding sheaves. Β ΑΥΡΑ- 1) to assimilate, master; to make oneself familiar with; 2) to exert influence on someone. ΒΑΥΡΑΠ ΘΚΕΤ- to become familiar with; to get to know. EAYPAM slope, sloping, declivity, foothill(s), foot, base (of hill, mountain). BAYIlIbl sheaf-binder; gardener, horticulturist. EAYIUblJIblK, horticulture, gardening. EAYbI3,fl,A- to slaughter (cattle, etc.); to cut the throat. EAYbO AY throat; ... KVAA father-in-law and brothers-in-law; closest relatives of bride or bridegroom. EAYbD AYblHAH K,bIC- to catch, take by the throat. EAYblP 1) liver; 2) blood relatives), brothers and sisters; 3) slope, foothill, base of mountain; ... KHI3 piece of felt under girth of pack camel; ... KVPT intestinal worms (in cattle); Κ,ΑΡΑ ... callous, cruel man. BAYBIP BAG- to become accustomed, to make oneself familiar with. BAYblP MCA3- to gallop at full speed. BAYblP TAPT- to have pity, to sympathize.


EAKIHAJIblK, 1) to slow down, slacken /intr./; 2) to become silent, grow quiet. BAHyCblT- 1) to slow down /tr./ slightly; 2) to lower slightly one's voice. EAflFEI past, bygone; long ago, in remote times. ΕΑΛΡΒΙί(Α in bygone days; in days of yore. EAJiFblAAfi as before, without change. BAHFbI/Ι,ΑΗ of yore, since old days. EAAFblCblHflAH see EAflFblCblHIIIA see EAK, 1) luck, good fortune, happiness; 2) garden, vegetable garden. EAK,- 1) to look; 2) to scrutinize; 3) to care for, tend, bring up (children); 4) to raise (cattle); 5) to look after, keep an eye on, watch over; 6) to watch for, lie in wait for. EAK, ET- to roar, bellow, shout (from fright, blow, etc.). EAK, TAJIACTblP- to compete. EAKA frog. ΕΑΚ,Α EAC short, short-necked (person). EAKAflAM IIIYJIA- to make an uproar, din, noise. EAK AM 1) ankle-bone, talus of horse; 2) /local E/ spoke (of a wheel). EAKAMlllblK pastern. ΕΑΚΑΜΚ,ΥΡΤ hoof disease (of sheep and goats). EAKAJI /local WQ short (of man). ΕΑΚΑ-ΠΤΑΚ, see EAK.AJI. EAKAJIIHAK /dim./ ankle-bone, talus of horse. ΕΑΚ,ΑΗ pole used for lifting felt roof-sections in setting up a yurt. ΕΑΚΑΗβΑΗ 5ΚΙΓΙΤ strong young man. ΒΑΚΑΗΙΠΑ short pole. EAKAYBI3 /local SE/ mantle of kerosene lamp. EAK-EAK /bot./ dandelion (Taraxacum). ΕΑΚΠΑ /local SE/ kindergarten. EAK,CbI sorcerer, quack, shaman. BAKCbl-EAJIFEP sorcerer, sorceress, quack, fortune-teller. EAKCblJIEIK, sorcery, quackery, fortunetelling. EAKTAJIAC rival, competitor. ΕΑΚΤΑΠΙΒ1 herdsman, shepherd. BAKI1IA garden orchard, vegetable garden, melon-field; ... ^AKbUI^APL·! cultivation of cucurbitaceous plants;... JKEMIC garden fruits. EAKJIIAJlblK, garden district; locality rich in gardens.

ΒΑΥΒΙΡΛΑΚ, 1) /local W/ metal heelplate; 2) /local WC/ breast-girth of a saddle; 3) /local SE/ decorative strap on the handle of a whip. BAVLIPJIA- /untranslatable verb signifying strong, intensive action/; ATTbl ... to drive on (a horse) lashing. EAYblPJIAn ΚΑΤ- to freeze through; to freeze to the bottom (of lake or river). EAyblPJIAn YUIY /av./ low-level flight; hedge-hopping. EAYblPJIAC blood relative. EAYblPJIAC- 1) to become related; to become intimate with; 2) to fraternize. EAyPJIACTblK, blood relationship; fraternity, brotherhood. EAYblPMAJI courteous; kind, sympathetic. EAYblPMAJWblK kindness, sympathy; courtesy. EAVBIPCAK, patties fried in suet. EAYblPblHAH >KAPA- to be well trained (of horses). EAXEIT see EAKBIT. ΕΑΠΙΑΜ toes. EAI1IAMJIA- to determine, clarify, investigate thoroughly, elucidate. EAfflAK /local W/ watermelon seeds. ΕΑΠΙΠΑΪί see EAUIAH. EAfflblP-EYniblP with a crackling sound (as at ripping). ΒΑΠΙΚ,ΥΡΤ Bashkir. EAK> sunset. BAH 1) /local C/ stem (of sunflower, etc.); 2) /local W/ grumbler, restless man. EA-flJIblffl /bot./ coltsfoot (Tussilago or Petasites). ΕΑΛΗ,ΠΑ- to tell, state, narrate, set forth, report. ΕΑΛΗβΑΜΑ report, address, lecture. ΕΑΛΗΑΑΜΑΙΠΕΙ speaker, lecturer. EAJIH Ay ΧΑΤ memorandum, report. ΕΑΛΗ^ΑΥΙΠΒΙ one giving a report, explanations. EAAHflAYbini /gram./ predicate. EAJIHflbl constant, continuous, unchanging, stable. BAHHCbI3 unstable, inconstant, variable. ΕΑΛΥ 1) slow, quiet, still; 2) depressed, dispirited, joyless. EA YJIA- to slow down, slacken, abate /intr./. EAJIYJTAH- see ΕΑΛΥ.ΠΑ-. EAJiyJIAT- l) to slow down, retard, delay /tr./; 2) to lower (one's voice). EAflyJIblK slowing down, retardation, delay.




EAKUlAUIbl gardener, market-gardener, truck-farmer. EAKUlALUblJIEIK, gardening, vegetable raising, cultivation of cucurbitaceous plants. ΒΑΚ,-ΙΙΙΑΚ, uproar, din, hubbub. BAKJUblM- to stare, to look attentively, fixedly. EAKilJIA- to observe, check, inspect. EAKilJIAy observation. EAK,bIJIAyCbl3 unchecked, uncontrolled; neglected, uncared for. EAK,l>IJIAyCbI3AbIK, neglect. EAKilJIAyillbl inspector, controller. EAKilJWA- to bleat; to croak. EAKEIJIAAC- to say farewell, take leave of a dying person. EAKilP 1) copper; 2) metal bucket, pail; 3) poor fellow, unfortunate person. EAKJblP- to howl, shout, cry out; to weep loudly; to scold loudly. ΕΑΚ,ΕΙΡΑΪί- 1) to bulge (of eyes); 2) /fig./ to get into a hopeless position. EAKilPAYblK, camel that frequently bellows. ΕΑΚ,ΕΙΡΑΙΙΙ metal dipper, scoop. EAKblPAIUTA- to scoop with a dipper. EAKJblPAIIITAn eJIfflE- to measure a volume. EAK,bIPIHbl coppersmith, brazier, brassworker. EAKblPIlIblJlblK, poverty, need. ΕΑΚ,ΕΓΤ happiness. EAKblTCbIS unhappy, miserable. EAKJblTCbDAblK, unhappiness, misfortune, calamity, disaster, accident. EAKEITTbl happy, fortunate. EAKilTblHA fortunately, luckily. ΕΑΚ,Κ,ΥΜΑΡ go-getter, time-server. EAK,K,YMAPJIEIK, self-serving, time-serving. EAFA price, cost; mark (in school or at work); appraisal, evaluation; ... 5ΚΕΤΠΕΪΪΤΙΗ expensive, priceless; Θ3ΙΗ#ΙΚ ... selfcost. EAFA KEC- or EAFA Κ,Οίί- to appraise, evaluate. EAFAJ1A- see EAFA KEC-. EAFAJTAMAYIUblJlblK, underestimation. EAFAJIAC equivalent (in price or cost), of equal value. EAFAJlbl valuable, expensive; liberal, lavish. EAFAH or EAFAHA 1) pillar, post, pole, stake; support; 2) supporting post in yurt. EAFAHA recently. EAFAH A AH EEP1 since, since then. EAFAHAFbl recent; afore-mentioned (previonsly referred to); that one.

EAFACbIS priceless, invaluable. EAFACblH AP3AHAAT- to lower the price. EAFACblHA KEJ1IC- to bargain. EAF^AP 1) direction (towards), purposefulness; 2) inlaid work, embossed work. BAFAAP Κ,ΟΗβΕΙΡ- to inlay, emboss. EAFflAPJlA- to reflect, weigh /fig./, try to understand, consider. EAF3bI EIPEyjIEP some, certain (people). EAF3M YAKtlTTA sometimes. EAFJIAH lamb born in early spring; ... )KACTAP /fig./ fine-looking healthy youngsters. BAFV supervision, superintendence, care. EAFVJlbl MAJI well-tended cattle. EAFVCbD neglected, unattended, unchecked. EAFVIUEI supervisor; EAJTA ... child's nurse; MAJI ... shepherd; ΥΪ1 ... watchman; C03 ... gossiper. EAFblH- to obey, comply, submit; to be subordinated to. EAFEIHEIUITbl subordinate. EAFBIC- to educate, look after, take care of somebody, jointly with others. BAFbIT direction, course, trend, tendency; ... TAEY orientation. EAFbITCbI3 unscrupulous, unprincipled, indiscreet, irresponsible; without definite world-outlook. EAFbITCb]3£bIK, lack of purposefulness; /fig./ talkativeness, indiscretion. BAFblTTA- 1) to select a course of action; 2) to put (someone) on a right course, in the right direction. EAFbiniTA- to intend (for) /tr./, to destine (for, to); to devote, to dedicate. BAhAP early spring; ... EFIC1 1) spring sowing; 2) sowing on unirrigated land. BE see EA. EEEEJTE- 1) to wail, moan from pain; 2) /fig./ to lose one's temper. EEEEV Κ,ΑΚ- see EEEEJ1E. ΒΕΓΕΜΟΤ hippopotamus. ΕΕβΕ clover, lucerne. EEflEJI authority. EEAEJI I authoritative. EE EJI lJlIK authoritativeness. EE/JEJIMEH authoritatively. BEflEJII APT- to become authoritative. EEAEJIIH >ΚΟΪΪ- to defame, derogate, discredit. EEAEJIIH CAJlblO authoritatively. EE EJIIH TYCIP- see EE EJIIH 5KOM-.




SE/ pugnacious fellow, bully; unruly, disorderly. EEMEACTA /fig./ anarchist, anarchical. EEfiEACTblK, unruly, disorderly. ΕΕΪ1ΕΑΚ, poor fellow, wretch; unfortunate, unhappy person. ΕΕίΪΕΙΤ quiet, calm /n./; peacable, peaceloving. ΕΕΪΪΕΙΤΠΚ calm, quiet, calmness; peacableness (peaceful disposition). EEftEITIIlIJlIK peace; ... ΟΥΜΓΙΙΠΤΙΚ peacefulness (peaceful disposition). EEftE¥P)KA /local S/ vain, ungrounded, inopportune. ΕΕΪΐ)ΚΑΜ inconvenient, awkward, uncomfortable. EEMMA3A grumbler; disturbing troublesome, quarrelsome person; caviller, importunate man; ... BOJIFAH disturbed, agitated person. EEMMA3AJTA- to disturb, plague, annoy. EEMMAJ1AJI /local S, SW/ care-free;original. EE HE 1) image, figure, shape, form, appearance; 2) mark, sign, distinguishing feature, characteristic. BEMHEJ1E- to outline, depict, illustrate. EEMHEJIEY figure of speech; allegory. EEftHEJII figurative; allegorical; as, like; ... C03 figure of speech. EEfiHECD A£AM plain, ill-favored, uncomely person. BEMHECI3 MAJ1 unmarked, unbranded cattle. EEHHET torture, torment, suffering; ... TAPT- to suffer, endure torment. EEMHETCI3 without torment, trouble, difficulty. EEftHETTEH- to endure torment; to be in difficulties, trouble. EEtfHETTEH APBIJI- to free oneself from tortures. BEHHETTI 1C difficult matter, hard job. ΕΕίΪΗΕΤΚ,ΟΡ one who is tortured. EEHHEY 1) appearance, face, figure; 2) worn out, obsolete. EEHHOPMAJ1 abnormal. ΕΕΜΠΑΡΤΗΛ non-party (person). ΕΕΜΠΙ.Π 1) untroubled, care-free, serene, tranquil; 2) unnecessary, superflous; 3) irresponsible; ... AVBI3 pert, unduly familiar; ... AYbI3 KIC1 user of vulgar words; ... C93 unnecessary, irresponsible talk. EEMCAVAT 3ΚΥΡΓΕΗ KICI vagrant, hobo. EEfiCAYAT )ΚΥΡΓΕΗ ΤΥΠΕ stray camel.

EE EP 1) design, pattern, ornament; 2) imprint; 3) relief. EE EPJIE- to adorn a surface with designs, drawings, ornamentation. BE EPJli figured, patterned. BEffEV 1) racehorse; 2) sterile, barren, fruitless. EE EYJIIK sterility, barreness. EEfflPEft- to look angrily. EE)KIH /local E/ saddle with pommels in the front and back. BE3 /anat./ gland; ... ΑΛΚ, bowl made of knotty wood; ... ΕΥΪΪΡΕΚ 1) persistent, stubborn; callous, cruel (of man); 2) fast, capable of great endurance (horse). BE3- 1) to renounce, disavow; 2) to lose (as appetite); 3) to fall out of the habit (of). BE3BEH spring balance, steelyard. EE3EEHZJE- to weigh with a spring balance; 2) /fig./ to be grudging. EE3EEHCI3 1) weightless; 2) /fig./ wasteful, improvident, extravagant. ΕΕ3ΓΕΚ fever, malaria; ... βθΡΙ quinine; ... MACA /zool./ Anopheles; ... ¥CTA- to have a fever. EESrEJIflEK /zool./ Microtis tetrax. ΕΕ3ΓΕΗ having fallen out of the habit. EE3/JEft resilient, strong (of physique). ΕΕ3ΛΙΡ- 1) to plague, annoy; 2) to fill with disgust. EE3E- 1) to adorn, embellish, decorate; 2) to make teeth or notches with a file. EE3EK design, pattern; ... KpHflBIP- to print (a pattern); ... YJIFICI stencil. EE3EKTE- 1) to adorn, embellish (with designs); 2) /fig./ to display great uneasiness, agitation. ΕΕ3ΕΚΤΕΠ Κ,ΟΛΑΕΙ-ΑΛΚ,Κ,Α TVPMA- to rush madly; to go at full speed. ΕΕ3Ε.1ΓΕΗ splendid, magnificent. EE3EH- to adorn oneself; to be adorned, beautified. ΕΕ3ΕΠ CeftJlE- to talk eloquently. EE3EP- to look angrily, wrathfully (at). EE3EV BET freckled, spotted, pockmarked face. EE3EHAE- to rush, dash about. EE3IJI.ZJE- to wail incessantly, moan continually. EE3IJIHEK impatient. EE3IJI ET: /fig./ dHRl ΕΕ3ΙΛΛΕΤ- to sing a song in fast tempo. ΕΕΜΑΠΑ /local SE/ grumbler; restless person. EEMEAC /fig./ anarchist, anarchical; /local 50



EEMCA.JICAT indifferent in politics. EEMCAflCATTblK, indifference to politics. EEMCEMEI Thursday. EEftTAn /local SE/ sicklish, weak. ΕΕΪΪΤΑΡΑΠ neutral, impartial, unbiased, unprejudiced; disinterested; indifferent, impassive. ΒΕΜΤΑΡΑΠΤΒΙΚ. neutrality, impartiality, lack of prejudice; disinterestedness; indifference, impassivity. EEMXAEAP uninformed, ignorant. ΕΕΪΪΙΙ1ΑΡΑ poor fellow, wretch; helpless, unfortunate person; ... TVJI fobs./ widow. EEMUIAPAJIMK, helplessness; indigence, want; /fig./ weakness, impotence. EEMIJI 1) character, disposition, temper; 2) wish, desire; KIIU1 ... courteous, civil, deferential. EEHIJI/J,! courteous, civil, deferential. EEMIJII KEH- to show civility, courtesy. EEMIJII KEHEM to feel well. EEMIJII TAP miserly, avaricious. EEMIJII TAPE1JI- to be miserly, sparing. EEMIM inclined; inclined to, disposed to. ΕΕΗΙΜΛΕ- 1) to incline, bow, bend; 2) to fit, adapt, accomodate, adjust; 3) to subject (to). EEMIM EJinm readily adaptable, compliant; easily influenced. EEMIMAEH- 1) to be inclined (to); to lean (towards); 2) to adapt oneself; to adjust oneself (to). acclimatization. 1) adroit, dexterous, resourceful; 2) pleasant, urbane; 3) capable. EEMIMfllJIIK 1) adroitness, dexterity, resourcefulness; 2) civility, urbanity; inclination (for), attraction (to). EEMIT tomb, grave. EEMIIU paradise. ΕΕΜΚ,ΑΜ 1) carefree, careless; 2) negligent, disorderly. ΒΕΜΚ,ΑΜ/ίΒΙΚ, unconcern, carelessness, negligence. ΕΕΜΚ,ΥΤ /local W/ refrigerator, cold storage plant. EEMFAM see EEMKAM 1. BEMFAM^BIK, see ΕΕΜΚ,ΑΜΑΒΙΚ, BEK 1) noble (belonging to nobility); 2) component of many male proper names; 3) very. BEK l-Kj- 1) to become established, fixed; 2) to become strengthened; 3) to get stronger (of health); to gain strength; 4) to be confirmed, sanctioned, ratified.

BEKEM strong, hard, solid, steady. EEKEMfllK strength, hardness, solidity, stability. BEKEP 1) invention, fancy, fiction; 2) confusion, disorder; 3) useless, unavailing; 4) in vain, uselessly, to no purpose; 5) /tech./ running a machine without a load;... AMTto talk nonsense; ... EOCKA irrationally, senselessly, to no purpose; ... 5KYMEIC ICTE/techn./ to idle, run a machine without load; ... C 3 lie, falsehood, idle talk, nonsense. ΒΕΚΕΡΓΕ to no purpose; ... KETKEH vain, in vain, useless, uselessly. BEKEP^EH EEKEP irrationally, senselessly, to no purpose. EEKEPJIIK 1) uselessness; 2) ineffectiveness. EEKET /obs./ 1) sentry post; 2) relay station, stage-coach station. EEKETIIII /obs./ superintendent of relay station; stage-coach service operator. EEK3AflA/obs./ noble (belonging to nobility). ΕΕΚ3ΑΤΤΒΓΚ, nobility, nobleness. EEKCHJI promissory note. EEKIJI- to be confirmed, sanctioned, to be strengthened. BEKIH- to be strengthened, fixed; to set in (of weather). EEKIHIC /mil./ fortification, bastion. BEKIPE /zool./ a fish of the sturgeon family (Acipenser stellatus). EEKIT- 1) to confirm, ratify, sanction; 2) to strengthen; 3) to lock, fasten, clamp; 4) to hobble (a horse). BEKITKIIII devices that fasten parts of machinery, etc. (e.g. screws). ΕΕΚΙΤΠΕ see EEKITKIIII. EEKITY hobble. EEKITIJI-1) to be confirmed; 2) to be locked. BEJI1) waist, small of the back; 2) back, body (of animals); 3) mountain pass; mountain ridge, range; 4) hillock, mound; 5) /fig./ support; 6) /local W/ spade; ... KYPEK spade; ... OMMPTKACbl /anat./ lumbar vertebra; ... Κ,ΥΑΑ father-in-law; brothersin-law. EEJI: ... AC- to cross through a mountain pass; to cross over a mountain ridge; ... EAMJIA- to decide, make up one's mind, resolve; to make a firm decision; ... ΕΑΪίJIAC- to make a joint decision; to act together; to act jointly; ... BY- to make a firm decision; ... ΚΘΡ- to consider someone 51



as one's support; ... ΚΘΤΕΡ- to rest, to BEJ1EH,! BAP AT restive, capricious horse. BEJ1KYJ1JII entirely, definitely. obtain a respite. BEJ1AFAI1I 1) axle-tree, axle of a cart; EEJ1CEH- to train oneself for wrestling; /fig./ to manifest energy, display activity. 2) /local E/ ridge of a roof. BEJ1BEV belt, sash, girdle. EEJICEHAI 1) active; 2) one of the most active members (as of communist party). BEJIEEyJIE- to gird, girdle. EEJICEHAI-THK activity, manifestation of BEJIBEVJIEH- to gird oneself. energy. BEJ1BVAP belt, sash, girdle. BEJ1FE TAJIK- to put one's arms akimbo. BEJ1CEHE actively; ... KATblcyMEH with BEJin sign, mark, token, characteristic; personal participation. notch, dent; /geod./ stake, boundary mark; BEJICI3 AT weak, feeble horse. ... ΒΕΡΥ signaling, signalization. BEJIVAP waist. BEJin CAJI- to mark; to make a notch. BEJIIH ΤΑΛΗ- to put one's arms akimbo. BEJin Κ,ΟΪΪ- to mark, designate, label, make BEH see MEH and MEHEH. a notch; /geod./ to place stakes. BEHEH see MEHEH. BEJin Κ,ΟΪίΒΙΠ IIIBIK,- to mark off, lay out. BEHTTE- or ΒΕΗΤΤΕΠ Κ,ΟΜ- to screw up, screw on. BEJiriJIE- to mark, designate, label, mark off, lay out, denote, register; to set, define, BEHTTI /techn., adj./ screw, spiral, worm. determine, fix, assign, allot; /geod./ to place BEP- to give; to give out, issue, deliver; to stakes. give off; to give away; to submit (e.g. ΒΕΛΓΙΛΕΗΓΕΗ determined, established, application); to serve (food); to grant, fixed, assigned, marked down, recorded, confer upon; to give away (in game), give registered. up; /descr./ after the gerund on A, E, ft of BEJiriJlI 1) marked, noticeable, conspicuous; the main verb, it imparts to the latter the 2) known, familiar; 3) significant, prominent, notion of (1) inchoativeness, or (2) repetitive well-known. action, or (3) continuous action, as: BEJiriCD 1) unknown, unfamiliar; 2) in(1) KAIIIA BEP /imp./ run away at once, definite, uncertain. (2) )KA3A ΒΕΡΕ ΑΙ he writes often, EEJ1FICI3 BIP 3KEPAE somewhere. (3) ΑΡΒΙΚ,ΤΑΜ BEP- to grow thin (from EEJiriCI3AlK uncertainty, indefmiteness, day to day); after gerund on ΒΙΠ, ΙΠ, Π of vagueness, obscurity. the main verb, it signifies an action carried EEJ1AE- to aim, take aim, point. on for the benefit of another person, as EEJmEME fcul.l fillet, tenderloin. ΟΚ,ΒΙΠ BEP- to read aloud to someone, EEJIAEMUIE apron. CVAPtin EEP- to give to drink; in imEEJIAEC- to wrestle, struggle. perative after the gerund on A, E, f[ of the EEJmEV rope (usually of sheep wool) enmain verb it may mean "only", "just": circling yurt for fastening felts to frameAMT BEP- just talk on (don't do anything). ΕΕΡΓΙ /adj./ nearer; on this side (of a river, work. EEJIAEyJIE- l) to encircle yurt with rope etc.). to fasten felts to framework; 2) /fig./ to EEPriCI3 better; not inferior; of better value draw a line around (something). or quality. EEJIAI 1) strong, powerful; 2) basic, funda- EEPAEHKE Berdan rifle. mental. ΒΕΡΕΓΕΗ generous, one who gives. BEPEKE 1) benefit, good; 2) unity concord; EEJIAI BEKEM BVBI- to make a firm decision. 3) prosperity; 4) /rel./ grace. EEJIAIK belt, sash, girdle; saddlestrap; /tech./ BEPEKEJ1I 1) economical, thrifty; 2) charitable; 3) beneficient, beneficial; 4) nutritious. shaft. EEJIEC hill, mountain pass; /fig./ obstacle, BEPEKECI3 1) uneconomical, wasteful; 2) unbarrier, difficulty. adjusted, unorganized; 3) inaccurate, careBEJIECTEH- to rise gradually (of terrain). less, inconstant (of man); 4) useless, unEEJIEU tendency to shy; restiveness, capricireasonable, unproductive (of work, etc.); ousness (of horses); ... AJI- to be startled, 5) not nutritive. BEPEKECI3A1K 1) discord, disorder; 2) infrightened; to be restive, capricious (of horses). accuracy, carelessness. 52



BEPEKET see BEPEKE. BEPEH highest-quality steeJ: ,/fig.' wise, glorious, renowned. BEPEPMEH one who gives. BEPECI debt. BEPECIJll indebted. EEPiKAK, this side (of river, etc.). BEPMEH here (in this direction), nearer. ΕΕΡΜΕΗΑΕ 1) recently, in the recent past; 2) later on. BEPHE /mus./ frets. BEPHEJIE- /mus./ to tune up, attune. ΕΕΡΤΙΗΛΕ see EEPMEH/IE. BEPV giving, presenting; delivery, distribution. BEPI from, since the, during, in the course of; hither, here. BEPI ΚΑΡΑΪί hither, here (in this direction). EEP1AE see BEPMEH^E. BEPIK 1) stable, strong, durable, resistant; 2) staunch, steadfast, firm, unwavering (of man); 3) hardy, of great endurance, vitality (of domestic animals); ... OCTbIK, strong friendship. BEPIKTIK strength, stability, endurance. BEPIJI- 1) to be given; 2) to give oneself up (to); to be attracted (by); 3) to give up, surrender; 4) to be devoted. EEPIJIFEH devoted, loyal. EEPIJirEHZUK devotion, devotedness, loyalty, fidelity. ΒΕΡΙΠ B1TIP- to deplete, exhaust. ΕΕΡΙΠ 5KETKI3EEY deficiency in delivery. ΒΕΡΙΠ TVP- 1) to serve; 2) to lend. EEC five. BECACnAn universal, many-sided; thoroughly, in detail;... KICI jack-of-all-trades. EECEHE EH EEJiriJII well-known, long known; known to everybody. EECEY five {group of). EECEY-EECEY,aEH CAHA- to count by groups of five. BECEYJ1E- to do something in groups of five. BECEYJlEn by fives; by groups of five. EEOKblJIAblK, or EEOKblJIAblK, 5KOCI1AP five-year plan. BECTEH EKI two fifths; EECTEH YUI three fifths. EECTI in the fifth year of life (of animals). BECTJK group of five. BECIK cradle. BECIHini fifth. BET 1) face; 2) layer; 3) surface; 4) direction; 5) side; 6) page (of a book, etc.); 7) /fig./

conscience, honor; ... A)KAPblHA ΚΛΡΑMACTAH disregarding the persons involved; ... AJIAblHAH facing, full face; ... ΠΕΡ^Ε yashmak; ... CYMEFI cheekbone; ... 9.ΠΠΕΤΙ features (of face). BET AIII- /obs./ to introduce bride to bridegroom's parents. BET EAKJHPMA- to prevent (someone) from talking or giving explanations. BET )Kl>IPT- to put (someone) to shame rudely. BET EVP- to pay attention (to), take notice (of). BET Κ,Οίί- to move towards something. EETAH,ZU>I in vain, aimlessly. EETAJIbIC /fig./ direction, course. BETAIDAP /obs./ song sung on introduction of bride to bridegroom's parents {removal of yashmak from bride's face); ... AMT- to honor newly-weds. EET-EETIMEH separately, without order, disunitedly. BETE¥PbIC turn. ΕΕΤΕΓΕ /bot./ a grass (Festuca sulcata). EETEFEJII )KEP place overgrown with Festuca sulcata (a grass). BETEP worse than; more than. ΕΕΤ2ΚΥ3ΛΙΚ /local EC/ gift, present. EETKE EAC- to say directly to one's face. BETKE COK,- to put (someone) to shame. EETKE ¥CTAP the best, the most outstanding (person). BETKEM mountain slope. EETOH concrete. EETOHAA- to treat with concrete; to lay concrete. EETOH bl /adj./ concrete. EETOHHIbI concrete worker. BET-OPAMAJI towel. ΕΕΤΠΑΚ, scoundrel (swear-word). ΒΕΤΠΕ-ΒΕΤ face-to-face. ΕΕΤΠΕΡβΕ veil; /obs./ yashmak. BETCI3 shameless, unscrupulous, insolent, cynical. EETCI37UK shamelessness, unscrupulousness, insolence. EETTE-1) to take a certain direction, to head for; 2) to number pages; 3) /fig./ to display resoluteness, courage. BETTEH AJI- to contradict; to talk rudely. BETTEC- to meet face-to-face; /fig./ to start to fight. EETTECY 1) clash, collision; 2) confrontation. BETTI AFAPT- to whiten one's face. 53



BET1 AIIIblJlFAH AflAM shameless man. BETI EAP5KBIMFAH bull-faced. BETI EVJDKblMAn CeflJlE- to talk freely, without constraint. BETI IIIIMIPIKnECTEH unceremoniously; off-hand. BETI ΚΑΪΪΤ- 1) to step back, retreat; 2) to give up a previous intention. BETI ΚΑΡΑ shameless, dishonest. BETIMEH )KYPyiUIJHK recklessness. BETIMEH KET- to act willfully, arbitrarily. BETIMEH KETKEH neglected, uncared for. BETIHIIIE by oneself; at one's own discretion; in one's own judgment. BEI1I see ΠΕΙ1Ι. ΕΕ1ΙΙΠΕΗΤ beshmet, caftan, quilted jacket. ΕΕΙΙΙΠΕΗΤΠΚ MATA fabric for quilted jackets (beshmets). BEK.VT /local W/ carefree, light-hearted. EH 1) dance; 2) /hist./ prince; 3) /hist./judge; 4) /obs./ orator; 5) /adj./ imperious, authoritative, commanding; 6) king (in checkers); ... MEKTEEI school of dancing. ΕΗ,ΠΑίί wheat. EHAAHblK, 1) /bot./ couch grass, quack grass (Agropyron repens); 2) /zool./ kind of hawk. EMAIH, /hist./ judge's fees ("legal expenses") provided for by ancient Kazakh common law. EHE mare; ... EAM/IA- to separate milch mares from the herd; ... BAY beginning of mare milking season; BYA3 ... mare in foal. BMKE 1) sister-in-law (husband's sister); 2) woman (respectful form of address). EMKEIII elder husband's sister. EMJIE- 1) to dance; 2) to administer, govern; 3) to possess, be in possession of. ΕΗ/ΙΕΠ-ΤΘΟΤΕ- to rule, exercise dominion; to manage, control, direct. ΕΐυΐΕΠ-ΤθσΤΕΥΙΙΗ lord, ruler, master, sovereign, boss. BMJIET ticket. BHJIETCI3 ticketless passenger, stow-away. BMJIEY 1) administration, management (action), administering, managing; 2) ownership, proprietorship, possession. EHJIEYIIII ruler, sovereign; authorities. EMJIJIHOH billion. EMJIin see BM^IH· BMJIIK 1) power, authority; 2) discretion, judgment, disposal; ... )ΚΥΡΠ3- to rule, reign, wield power; ... K.VMAP ambitious, power-loving, aspiring to power; Θ3 54

ElJliriMEH at one's own discretion. EM Μ A3 A ET- to grumble, growl, mutter. EMHOKJIb binoculars. EMHT bandage. EMHTTE- to bandage. ΕΜΟΓΡΑΦΜΛ biography. BHOJIOF biologist. ΕΗΟΛΟΓΉΛ biology. ΕΜΠΑ3 dandy, fop. ΕΗΠΑ3ΑΒΙΚ. dandyism. BMnblJI BAG- to strut. EMP)KA exchange; stock-exchange. BMPIO3A turquoise. EMT louse. ΕΗΤΑΡΑΠ see ΕΕΜΤΑΡΑΠ. EMTTE- to become lice-infested. EHTTI lousy. EMVAKBIT prematurely, inopportunely. EMIUAPA see EEMIUAPA. EHUIAPAJIAH- to live in poverty. EHIIIAPAJIblK, helplessness. EHIIII dancer. ΕΗΛ3 see ΠΜΛ3. EHJHbl 1) elegant, graceful, fine; 2) /fig./ courteous, polite; ... HCYH/ΪΙ KO finewooled sheep. EMfl3bIJIbIK, 1) elegance; 2) courtesy, politeness, urbanity. ΕΜΛΛΑΜ gloves. BM^JIAHUIbl glove-maker. ΕΜΙΓΙΡΕΚ taller, higher. EHIK 1) high, tall, stalwart; 2) /fig./ grand, majestic; 3) height, elevation. EHIKCIH- to consider to be high, inaccessible. EHIKTE- to rise, tower; to become high, higher; to grow tall, taller. EMIKTET- to raise, elevate. BHIKTIK height, altitude, elevation. EMKAM untroubled, carefree. EHKACAn a kind of silk fabric. EJIHH,aA>K /mil./ blindage, shelter. EJlHH AJK A- /mil./ to blind. BJIOK 1) /tech./ block, pulley; 2) /pol./ bloc. ΕΛΟΚΑΛΑ blockade. EJ1OKAAAJIA- to blockade. BOEBIPA- to become dishevelled (of hair, etc.). ΒΟΓΑΡ non-irrigable (of land). ΒΟΓΑΡΑ non-irrigable arable land. EO AM /local EC/ entrance-hall. EO AH BOJ1- to become a subject (of a country); to be naturalized. EO)KbI reins.



BO3 1) gray, pale; light-gray (color of horse); 2) /bot./ feather-grass (Stipa pennata) and other varieties of feather-grass; ... TAJ1 /bot./ white willow, Huntington willow; ... TOPFAft /zool./ sparrow; ... IIIblMLUblK, /zool./ bullfinch. EO3A a beverage made from sour milk. EOSAMblK, gray. EO3AMbIK,TAY grayish. BO3AP- to turn gray; to grow pale, fade; to become or appear white. BO3APT- to cause to fade; to make pale. EO3APbIHKJbI faded; having lost freshness. EO3APfaIHK,bIJIbIK, pallor, paleness. BO3APFAH pale, pallid, anemic. BO3AH see EO3APbIHK,bI. 5O3EAJ1A lad, young man. EO3ABI 3KEP feather-grass steppe. BO3ABI )KblJlK.bI herd of horses chiefly white or gray. BO3IIIA grayish, whitish. BO31IIA TOPFAft /zool./ lark. EO3FAHA grayish. EO3FBIJ1 gray-white, pallid. EOM 1) body, ("whole body"); 2) stature, figure; 3) height; 4) extent, length, stretch, extension, continuation, duration;... EAJIA/folkl./ to excuse oneself, to abstain, to shirk; ... BEPME- to resist, withstand; ... BEPMEMTIH inevitable; ... 5KACBIPto avoid, evade; to hide oneself; ... KYME3 dandy, fop; ... CAKTA- to be careful, to beware of; ... TAPT- to be prudent, cautious, circumspect;... TACAJ1A- to hide oneself; to lie in hiding; ... TEHEJIflIK K.AJI- to be conceited; ... TY3EY carriage, bearing (of a person); ... YMPET- to become accustomed; to become well versed (as in a job); >KfaIJI EOKbl throughout the year; KICI EOfibI of the height of a man. ΕΟίΪΑΑ as soon as; EAPFAH ... at the moment of arrival. ΕΟίΪΑΑΚ, bachelor, unmarried; /local E/ wheat of second year's crop (of last year's sowing); ... MAJ1 barren cattle; ... KOft castrated ram more than 1 year old. BOMBET- to grow up; to become adult. ΕΟΪΪ5ΚΕΤΚΕΗ miss (term of address); ... K.BI3 young lady, miss. EO KOT boycott; ... >KACA- to boycott. EOMJIA- to sink in water (reaching the bottom); to go or ride along by the side of something.

EOUJIAM 1) lengthwise, along; 2) during, in the course of; 3) always, constantly, continuously, permanently, uninterruptedly. EOMJIAO deep down, deep into; ... 5KYPto go or ride along by the side of something; ... K.APA- to look at something stretching out one's neck. EOMJ1AT- to drive in, to hammer in (as a pole in the ground). EOMJIAYfalK, capricious, restive (of horses); /fig. of men/ obstinate, wilful, capricious. EOMJlbl tall. BOMPA /local SE/ reed mat. EOMCAJIA /local S/ to frighten; to threaten; to dislike. EOtfTYMAP amulet, charm. ΕΟίϊΙΙΙΑΗ tall. ΕΟΪίΒΙ 1) lengthwise, along; 2) during, in the course of; 3) all, the whole (as all year, the whole year). EOflblH Κ,ΥΑΛΑΠ lengthwise, along. BOMbIHA during, in the course of; EH ... lengthwise, along. EOMblHAH from. EOftblHAA 1) at, along, near; 2) during, in the course of. EOMblH^AFbl at, near, along. EOMblHIIIA 1) according to, in pursuance of, in conformance with, on the basis of, on the grounds of; 2) because of, on account of; 3) in connection with, apropos (of). BOJI- 1) to be, to exist; to be present, be on hand, be available; to take place; to stay, reside; to continue; to remain; to be going on; 2) to happen, have happened; to occur; 3) to become; to come about; to be accomplished ; to arise (of a possibility; 4) to find oneself; 5) to visit; frequent; 6) to be ready; /aux./ to be; /descr./ after ger. on bin, ΙΠ, Π signifies termination of action: ΑΜΤΗΓΤ BOJI- to finish speaking; after part, on FAH, ΓΕΗ signifies simulation: YMKJAFAH EOJ1- to pretend to be sleeping; after part, on ATblH, ETIH signifies decision: BAPATEIH BOJI- to decide to go. BOJIA for, for the sake of; because of; ... BEPCIH let it be so; ... ΤΥΡΒΙΠ having a chance; ... K.AJ1CA if, unfortunately, it will happen; ... Κ,ΟΛΡ ΜΑ ΕΚΕΗ hardly, scarcely; OJTAM ... K0PMECIH at any rate it should not happen. BOJIAflbl is possible. EOJIAP enough.



BOJ1AP-BOJIMAC EOJIAP-EOJIMAC a very small quantity of something. BOJ1AP MA EKEH not likely, scarcely, hardly. BOJ1AT steel; /local E/ eye pupils; /fig./ strong, firm, hard; ... KVflTblH 3ABOZJ steel foundry. EOJIATblH 1) possible; 2) used to be. EOJIAIHAK, future, the future, coming years. ΕΟΛΑΙΠΑΚ,ΤΒΙ EOJDKA- to predict, foresee. EOJI-EOJIflbl /local E/ early ripened watermelon. BOJIEBIP languid, inert, inactive; weak, flimsy; not durable (of fabrics). EOJIEblPA- to become languid, inert, inactive; to lose strength; to fall into pieces (of fabrics). EOJIflbl enough! stop! EOJIflblP- to get tired, exhausted, to strain oneself to the utmost. EOJ15KA- to suppose, surmise, assume; to foresee; to guess, conjecture. EOJI5KAJI supposition, assumption, hypothesis; orientation. BOJ15KAJIAAY hypothesis. EOJI5KAJmfaI contemplated, assumed, tentative; conjectural, hypothetical; preliminary. ΕΟΛ5ΚΑΜΠΑ3 prophet, seer. EOJDKAMCBI3 /fig./ near-sighted (lacking foresight). EOJUKAMCbBAblK, /fig./ nearsightedness (lack of foresight). EOJI3KAT- to give an opportunity to foresee. EOJ15KAY 1) intention; 2) prediction, predicting; 3) predetermination, predestination; ... C©3 prophetic words. EOJI5KAYIIIEI soothsayer, seer, prophet; astrologer. EOJDKAFBim prophetic. BOJlMAMflbl it is impossible. EOJIMAUIbl insignificant, unimportant. EOJIMAFAH^AM as if it never occurred. EOJ1MEIC being, existence. EOJICA: ... EOJ1AP possibly; ... EOJICEIH OK, all right, so be it; KIM ... AA whoever it may be; no matter who it is; ΚΑΛΑ Μ ... AA at all costs, no matter what happens. EOJIY 1) being, becoming; 2) enough; it is enough. EOJIVBI MYMKIH feasible, possible, realizable. EOJ1VFA TMICTI probably, must be. EOJIblMAbI 1) energetic (of man), strong (of horse); 2) /gram./ positive (form).


EOJIbIMCbI3 weak, languid, inert, dull, incapable, incompetent; insignificant, small (as of amount); /gram./ negative (form). EOJIbIMCbI3AbIK, incapacity, clumsiness. EOJIbin TVP- to be, exist, appear; to take place, to be held; to go to see, to visit. EOJIbin IHblK- to happen, occur; to turn out; to result; to prove to be; to happen tobe. EOJIbin KAJI- to happen, occur; to occur unexpectedly. EOJIbin ΘΤ- to take place. EOJIbIC /obs./ 1) volost' (small rural administrative district); 2) elected chief of volost'. EOJIbIC- to take someone's part; to stand up for someone. EOJIblCTblK, /adj./ volost'. EOJIbIlIEBM3M bolshevism. EOJIblHEBHK bolshevik. EOJIbfflEBMKTEHAIP- to bolshevize. EOJTbUIEBMKTIK /adj./ bolshevik. EOJIbffiEBHKIIlE in a bolshevik manner. EOJIFAH 1) past p. of EOJI-; 2) fact, true story; ... KYHflE, ... IIIAKTA KYHAE when an opportunity arises. EOJIFAHAblKTAH in view of, whereas; owing to, in consequence of. EOJIFAHUIA 1) while; 2) very, highly, extremely. EOJIFAHbl all, in all; TEK ... in all, altogether. EOJIFAHFA ΚΘΡΕ namely; because it is, just because it is. BOJIFAP Bulgarian. EOMEAJIA- to bomb. BOnCA threat, menace, blackmail. BOnCAJIA- to threaten, blackmail. BOnblP /local SW/ 1) dung; 2) corral made of dry dung mixed with straw. BOP chalk; ... EAC soft chalky soil. ΒΟΡΑ /local E/ granary. ΒΟΡΑ- to be stormy (of weather). EOPA3AA furrow. EOPA3AAJIA- to make furrows. BOPAH storm, gale, whirlwind; ... COK- to rise, be rising (of a storm); AK, ... snow storm; ΚΑΡΑ... sand storm. EOPAHABI KbIC stormy winter. BOPACEIH ground wind; ... KAP snow drift; ... K¥M drifting sands. BOPAT- to raise (as by wind, storm); ΤΟΠΕΙPAK ... to raise dust.



BOPBAC languid, inert; ... ΤΟΠΗΡΑΚ, mellow, loose, light soil. EOPAAHA /local NW/ large wave, roller. ΕΟΡβΑΚ,ΒΙ fattened for slaughter (of cattle). ΕΟΡΑΑΚ,ΕΓΠΑ- to f atten cattle. BOPJKY /local NW/ see BOPCV. BOPJIA- to whiten, bleach, whitewash. BOPJIAT red calico. BOPJIAK, calico, inferior grade. EOPMbl /local E/ corn. ΒΟΡΠΑΚ, light, mellow, loose soil. EOPnblJI AT- to turn up, to loosen (of soil). EOPCAKJA- to move in slow trot. EOPCAHZJA- to run clumsily, awkwardly. EOPCY- 1) to become stale; 2) to deteriorate, rot; to start to rot; 3) to soften. EOPCblK, badger. BOPV /local WC/ see EOPCY. ΒΟΡΙΠΑ jerked meat; /local SW/ flea. BOPIIIAJIA- to cut meat into pieces for jerking. EOPblffl debt, indebtedness; obligation, duty. ΕΟΡΒΙΙΠΤΑΗ- to borrow; to become indebted. EOPbllDTAHbin K.AJ1- to run into debts. EOPbimrbl debtor. EOPBIIIIKA EAT- to run into debts. EOPblK, heap, pile; /local/ 1) /NW/ lower branches or roots of sweet flag (Calamus); 2) /EC/ pool with putrid water; 3) /E/ device for pulling out a seine from under the ice. EOC 1) empty, without a load; 2) free, not engaged; 3) vacant; 4) one having a day off; 5) languid, sluggish; 6) /fig./ absurd, foolish; ... EEJIEEY unenterprising; ... FYJI sterile flower; ... OPBIH vacancy, opening; ... CO3 idle talk; ... YAKilT time of leisure; ... ΚΒΙ.Η.Π illusion, day-dreams. EOC- to leave forever a long-occupied place; to scatter /intr./. BOC K.AJ1- to be uninhabited; not to be frequented. EOC KA-HFAH 3KEP waste land. BOCA- 1) to be empty; 2) to become free; 3) to slacken; 4) to grow weak; K.OJ1 ... to have free time. BOCAH-1) to make oneself free, become free; 2) to give birth, be delivered of a child. EOCAHBin UIBIK,- to escape, break away. BOCAT- 1) to empty; 2) to free, set free, make free, liberate; 3) to let out; 4) to hand, deliver (as merchandise, etc.); 5) to allot (funds); 6) to loosen (soil).

BOCATTblP- to force to empty; to force to let free. BOCATY loosening (of soU). BOCATbin 5KIEEP- to liberate, let free, set free. BOCAH languid, sluggish, weak, enfeebled. BOCAH,fl,A- to weaken /intr./. EOCAHAAY weakish. BOCAHABIK, weakness, enfeeblement. BOCAFA threshold. EOCFIA /local E/ embroidery. EOCTAH free and easy; natural. EOCTAH bIK, freedom, liberty; free will. EOCTAHIIIblJIblK, idleness, leisure. EOCTblK, 1) emptiness, void, vacuum; 2) idleness, leisure; 3) weakness, sluggishness; 4) simplicity. EOCKA vainly, to no purpose, for nothing, uselessly; ... EMEC not without purpose. EOCKA CAHAAJI- to waste one's time. EOCKEIH refugee, fugitive. EOTA baby camel; ... ΚΘ3 with pretty eyes (of women only). EOTAJIA- to give birth (of camels). EOTAJ1AT- to tend pregnant she-camel. EOTAJIbl ΙΗΓΕΗ pregnant she-camel. EOTAM caressing expression (my little baby camel). EOT AC see EblTblC. EOTAKAH caressing for EOTA. ΕΟΤΤΑΙΠΒΙΚ, /local W/ potato. EOTKA 1) porridge, gruel; 2) chopped straw, chaff; 3) /fig./ confusion, medley, mess. EOHKA barrel, cask. EOHKAUIBI cooper. EOJI- to paint, dye. EOXJI-1) to be painted; 2) to get dirty, soiled. ΒΟΛΜΑ 1) tinted, retouched; 2) /fig./ false, sham, artificial. EO.HMAJIA- to veil. ΒΟΛΗ- to make up /intr./. ΒΟΛΠ BIT- to finish painting or dyeing (of something). ΒΟΛΥ paint, dye. ΕΟΛΥ Κ,ΟΗ- to take the paint well. EO^YJlbl painted, tinted; ... MAJI /fig./ good, fattened cattle. EOJIYIIIbl painter, house-painter; dyer. EOKTA- to scold, rail. EPAK spoilage, defective products, factory rejects; ... JKACAYIDbl spoilage producer. EPAKTA- to condemn as defective. EPAKTAy rejection of spoilage. EPAKUIbl sorter.




EYJlblK, air-hole. BYJIblK.- to suffocate /'intr./; to pant. EYJlblFY asthma. BYJlbBAP boulevard. EYMA bundle. BYMA3EM fustian. EYPA male camel. BYPAK beet (single of beets). EYP3KYA TABbI bourgeoisie. ΒΥΡ>ΚΥΑ3ΜΛΛΕΙΚ /adj./ bourgeois. EYP5KYA3HAIlIbIJT partisan of bourgeois ideology. EYPIIIblK, vershok (2i inches). EYPblJI roan; ΚΑΡΑ ... dark roan. EYCAH- to perspire. BYCYP cancer. EYT rubble, rubblestone. EYY packing. ΕΥΦΕΤ 1) sideboard, cupboard; 2) buffet, refreshment bar. ΕΥΦΕΤΙΙΙΙ bartender. EYXFAJITEP book-keeper, accountant. ΕΥΧΓΑΛΤΕΡΗΛ book-keeping, accountancy. EYbl- to tie, tie together; to pack. ΑΙΠΥ ... to choke with anger. EYEI3 /local E/ bran. EYblH 1) joint, hinge; 2) generation; 3)/gram./ syllable. EYblH- 1) to suffocate, to be strangled; 2) to gird oneself. - /gram./ to break into syllables. EEKIT- to stand firm. EYblHflblP- 1) to strangle /tr./; 2) to girdle /tr./. EYblHbl ΤΑΚ), EYblHbl LUblFY dislocation (of a joint). EYblPIIIblH three-year old he camel; young camel-sire. EYK /bot./ beech (Fagus). EYFA AHHAJI- to turn into steam /intr./; to evaporate /int./. EYFA AflHAJIAblP- to turn into steam /tr./; to evaporate /tr./. EbmWM /local SW/ stout, fat, corpulent, plump. EbI)K- to increase, spread /intr./; to team, swarm. BbI)K-BbI3K ET- to hiss. EbDKblJI hissing. EblAblJlAA- 1) to hiss; 2) to ferment. EbDKbIHA- 1) to increase, spread /intr./; 2) to teem, swarm. EEIJIAH I) so, thus, this way; 2) from (of time).

EPAK,UIbIJI spoilage producer; bad workman. ΕΡΑΚ,ΚΑ IIIblFAP- to have condemned or rejected as defective. BPE3EHT tarpaulin. ΕΡΗΓΑΑΑ brigade. ΒΡΜΓΑΑΗΡ brigadier. BPMJIb^HT diamond. BPMTAH British. BPMTAHABIK, Briton. BPOH3A bronze. BPOH3AJ1A- to bronze. ΒΡΟΗΛ armor. ΕΡΟΗΛ EYSYUIbl armor-piercing. EPOHflJIAHFAH armored, iron-clad. EPOHflJlbl armored, iron-clad. EPYTTO gross weight. EPEIH3A goat- or sheep-milk cheese. BY steam, evaporation; ... ΕΥΡΚ,ΗΡΑ- to curl, wreathe (of steam) /intr./; ... 5KIBEPto open the steam (in steam bath); ... IIIblFAP- to evaporate /tr./, to emit steam. EYA3 pregnant (of animals). EYA3 EHE mare in foal. EYA3 CblMblP cow with calf. EYAJIflblP haze, mist. EVAJlflblPJlAH- to become hazy, cloudy (of weather). EYflA bunch, bundle. EYAA-EYAA pile, heap. EYAAH cross-breed, hybrid; mongrel (of animals only). - to be interbred. - to interbreed /intr./. EYAAHAACTEIP- to interbreed /tr./. EYAAHAACTEIPY hybridization. EYAAK-EYAAK IIlblK- to belch (of steam or smoke). EYAAKJA- l) to wreathe (of steam or smoke); 2) to come in flocks, to throng. EYAAA fllHI Buddhism. EYAKA booth, stall, sentry box. EYAKAIIIL·! railroad guard. EYK /bot./ beech. EYKET bouquet. EYJ1A- 1) to steam, evaporate /lr./; 2) to disinfect by steam. EYJ1AH- to evaporate /intr./; to be formed (of steam). EYJIATY evaporation. EYJ1AY evaporation. BY/IRA HAH loaf of bread. EYJlKAlIIbl baker. EYJlbl steam- /adj./; ... ΕΘ.ΠΜΕ steam room (in bath-house).




BBIJIAM TYP! /interj./ out of here! get out! EblJIAJiAA without that. EblJIAMIIlA AMTLin TYP- to talk merely for the sake of talking. EblJIAHIIIA AMTKAHflA in other words. EblJIAHIIIA 3KAKCBI comparatively well. EblJIAMblK slop; thin porridge. EEIJIAFIblT thriftlessness. EblJIEblPA- to soften /intr./. BblJlAtlPJIA- to babble (of child). BblJIflblP-BblJWblP CQMJIE- see EblJI.HblPJlA-. EblJDKblP sluggish, awkward; blunderhead, dunderhead. EblJDKblP ET overcooked meat. EblJDKblPAK, nonsense, balderdash. BblJlTblP last year. BblJlTblPFb] last year's. EblJITblPFblflAH as in the last year. EblJlUIblM- to become flat. EblJIUIblMbin OTblP- to sit clumsily. BblJlIIIblJI squelching sound. EbIJIfflbUI,a,A- to squelch. EblJIIIIblPA- to soften /intr./; to grow soft, pulpy; /fig./ to grown flabby, to become sluggish. BblJIIIIblPAT- to soften /tr./. EblJIUIblK, pus in eyes. EBIJIblK, confusion, mess, disorder, chaos; red tape; ... )KYMbIC tangled affair. BblJIblK,- to be in disorder; to be clogged up, blocked up, plugged up. EblJlblKJblP- to throw into disorder; to agitate (water). EEIJIblKKAH 1C intricate affair. EbIJIK,-EbIJIK, ET-, EblJIK, ET- to gurgle. EbIJIK,I>IJIAA- to shake, quiver /intr./; to grow friable, mellow, unstable. EbIJIK,bIJI,a,AK shaking, swaying. EblJIFA- 1) to smear, soil, dirty; 2) to shake up, stir up; 3) to churn (butter); 4) to drag along (tr.); 5) to allocate; 6) to defecate (of animals). BblJIFAJIAKJA- to rock, swing, shake /intr./. EblJIFA M A mash. EblJIFAH- to become soiled, smeared. BblJIFAHblUl dirt, mire; /fig./ banality, vileness. BblJIFAHblUl ICTEP unsavory affairs. EblJIFAJl TACTA- to dirty, to besmear. EblJIFAPbl leather (for footwear); ... ΕΤΙ Κ leather shoes. EfalJIFAybllU churn staff. 59

BblPJKbIM- to wrinkle /intr./; to become wrinkled, folded. EEIPiKblMT- to wrinkle one's face; to form wrinkles. EblPJKblMbin-TblPiKbIM- to wrinkle /intr./. BbIP)KblfiFAH wrinkled; EETI ... one(with a wrinkled face. EbIP)KbIK, wrinkled. BBIPI1I- to get overcurdled (of sour milk). BblPUIfain TEPJTE- to sweat, perspire. EbIPK,-EbIPK ΚΑίΪΗΑ- to boil (of porridge, etc.). EfaIPK,bIJI,HA- to boil intensely; to gurgle while boiling; /fig./ to jabber. BfalT-inbIT /adv./ into smithereens. EblT-IUblT BOJIblH /adv./ into smithereens, to pieces, to fragments; utterly. BblT-IUblT BOJIbin ΤΑΡΑΠ KET- to scatter in all directions /intr./. EblT-IIIblTbl UlblK,- to smash into smithereens, to pieces. BblTblPA small shot; ... MblJlTblK shotgun, fowling-piece. EblTblPA- to disperse, scatter /intr./; to fall to pieces; to splinter; to get dismembered. EblTblPAfi separately, disunitedly. EblTblPAH bl disconnected, broken, disjointed; shattered; scattered. EblTblPAFI helter-skelter; in all directions. EblTblPATbin see EblTblPAFI. EblTblPAHXEI see BblTblPAHAbl. EblTblPAHKblJIblK, disconnectedness. EBITblPJIA- to crack /intr./; to crackle. BblTblC- to get mixed; to get entangled. ΒΒΓΓΚ,Βυΐ sinous depression. BbIK,CbI- to smoke, emit smoke; to smoulder. EbIK,CbIK coal gas, fumes; ... HIC bad smell; ... KICI /scorn./ demure person; ... YPbl thievish. EblKblP- /local E/ see BblPIII-. EbIK,bIPJIA- to team, swarm; to appear in masses. BbIK,bIFAH in multitudes. EK>A}KET budget. BIOPO bureau. EIOPOKPAT bureaucrat, red-tapist. E1OPOKPATM3M bureaucratism. EIOPOKPATTAH- to become a red-tapist, a pedant. EKDPOKPATTblK, bureaucratic. BIOCT bust. EIAJTAH see BH J1AM. EI^E rope muzzle for camels. BI3 awl; ... K,¥tfPbIK pin-tail duck.



EIJ1IMCI3 ignoramus, know-nothing. EIJIIMCmUK ignorance, lack of education. EIJ1IH- 1) to be cognized, revealed; 2) to come to light; 3) to be discovered, brought to light. BIJIin AJ1- to find out, to learn. ElJlin ΚΘΡ- to try to find out. ElJIin IIIBIK,- to call (on someone) and find out (about something). ElJIin KA-JI- to find out; to become informed accidentally. BIJIin Κ,Οίί- to find out; to get preliminary information. BIJ1IC acquaintance (person). EIJIIC- to associate with. BIP one; a, an; any, some, a certain;... APKA bundle (of firewood), faggot; ... ACbIM ET one piece of meat; ... ATTAM »CEP quite near; ... ATTEI /adj./ one-horse-; ... ATTEIK OPblH one horse stall; ... AVEI3 MblJITblK, one-barrel gun; ... AYbD ΟΘ3 a few words; ... AVbI3^AH unanimously; ... AVbI3/I,bIJIbIK, unanimity; ... EAiUIAM bundle (of firewood), faggot; ... ΕΥΪΪΙΡΑΕΗ from one side; ... EYPTIK the least quantity; ...-AE not at all, not a bit, not once; quite;... 5KAH ... T9H EOJIbin in a friendly way, amicably, unanimously; ... 5KAPEIM one and a half; ... 5KACAP a year-old child; ... }KAK,TAH from somewhere; ... 3KAK.KA to somewhere; ... 5ΚΕΡΓΕ to somewhere; ... DKEPflE 1) somewhere; in a certain place; 2) once; ... 5KEP E flE nowhere; ... 5KETIJIIK /adj./ week, weekly; ... 1KOJ1A. at once; ... )KOJIbI for the beginning; ... 5KOHFA see ... )KOJlbI; ... 5KOJlFbi (given) but once; ... 3AMAH^A formerly, once; once upon a time; sooner or later; ... KE3/JE once, one day, once upon a time; ... KEJTKI see BIPKEJIKI; ... KICI somebody, someone, a man; ... KICmiK /adj./ one man; ... KYHI once, once upon a time; ... ΚΘΙΙΙ 5ΚΕΡ distance of one leg of nomadic movement; ... MAFHAJlbl synonymous; ... ME3riJI^E simultaneously; ... MOMblH )KEP /local S/ land measure (approximately one quarter of a hectare);... MYUIEJIIK /math./ monomial; ... H9PCE something; ... H9CIJI of the same tribe; ... OPbIH,m>I single-seated; ... OT ATblM »CEP distance of a rifle-shot; ... OTblPVflA at a stretch; at one sitting; ... ΠΙΚΙΡΛΙΚ agreement of opinion;

BI3 we; ... TVPAJIbl about us. BI3BEH with us. EI3AE at us, with us. ΕΙ3ΛΙΚΙ our, ours. EI3AIKIHE to us; to our house. EI3fllH; our; ... ΑΡΑΜΕΙ3ΛΑ among us; ... OPTAMbBAA among us. EI3ZUHHIE, BI3IIIE in our way; in our opinion. BIJ1 see I1IJI. BIJ1-1) to know; 2) to understand; 3) to learn; 4) to think, believe, suppose; ΕΑΡΒΙΠ ... to drop in and rind out. EIJirEH/UK information, knowledge. EIJIFEHCI see EIJiniUCIH. ΕΙ.ΠΓΙ3- 1) to notify, inform; 2) to teach, explain. ElJiriP, ElJirmi well informed, expert. EIJiniUCIH- to show himself well informed; to pose as an expert. BIJinniCIHrEH know-all. BIJinillTIK information, knowledge. ΕΙΉ,ΖΙ,ΙΡ-1) to let know, inform, communicate, notify; 2) to express. EIJlAlPnm expert in teaching. EIJWPME stealthily. ElJI lPyilll spokesman. EIJIE- to grind, sharpen, whet. EIJIE3IK bracelet. E1J1EK forearm; ... CYMEK radius bone. EIJ1EK CblEAH- to roll up the sleeves. EIJ1EM piece of sheep's tail fat cut off longitudinally. BIJIEMAE- 1) to cut (fat) into long pieces; 2) to hold (a lash) in readiness for striking. EIJIE-TYPA intentional; intentionally. EIJIEV whetstone. EIJIEV KAMPAK, see EIJIEY. EIJIMECTIK lack of knowledge, ignorance, want of skill. EIJ1TE wick. BIJITEJII MblJITblK, fuse rifle. EIJITEJIIIIIAM kerosene lamp. EIJIV cognition; acquaintance with; knowledge of. EIHIK 1) knowledge; 2) shaft; 3) /local S/ ridge of roof; 4) /local E/ axletree. BIJIIM knowledge, education;... EAUJIblFbl store of knowledge; ... TEOPHflCbl /phil./ epistemology; 5KOFAPBI ... university education; OPTA ... high school education; ΤΘΜΕΗ ... elementary school education. EIJlIM,m educated, well informed, versed in. ΕΙ.ΠΙΜΠΑ3 man of learning, scholar, savant.



harmony of thoughts; ... PET one time, once; ... PET Κ,ΑΗΑ only once; ... CEPΜΕΥΑΕΗ at one stroke; ... C93CI3 unreservedly, without objections; ... TAJ1 ΙΠΘΠ a single blade of grass; ... ΤΑΚ,ΤΑ 5KEP /local E/ land measure (approximately one quarter of a hectare; ... TYJIEFEH K.YC one-year old bird;... TYPJII1) homogenous, uniform, monotonous; 2) of not a high quality;... TY-TAM width of a clenched fist (measure of length); ... VAK^ITTA once, once upon a time; at the same time; ... ΥΑΚ,ΒΙΤΤΑ A A never; ... ΥΑΚ,ΜΤΤΗ simultaneous; ... VWC handful; ... 1IIAMAHBI homogeneous, nearly the same; ... ΙΠΑΚ,ΤΑ once, once upon a time; ... ΠΙΕΡΙΚ one quarter; ... Κ,ΑΒΑΤΤΜ one-storeyed; ... Κ,ΑίϊΤΑ once; ... Κ,ΑΪίTAPA single, single-stage; ... K,ATAPJIM /math./ simple (number); ... Κ,ΟΡΑ Κ,Οίί flock of sheep; ... K,OC 3KEP /local S/ land measure (approximately one hectare; ... K,BIJTAbI one-stringed; ... Κ,ΥΙΙΙΑΚ, armful ; bundle (of fire-wood); ... FAHA only, only once; ... ΙΠΙΕΚΤΙ single-stringed; ... Θ3Ι solo, alone, lonely, by himself; K.AHH ... consanguineous, agnatic. BIP Ce3FE KEJI- to come to an agreement; to find common language. EIP ΠΙΕΚ EOJI- /local S/ to unite, associate /intr./. BIPA3 1) some, someone; 2) sufficiently, much enough. EIPA3AAH ΒΕΡΙ since some time ago; for some time. EIPA3AAH KEfllH some time later. EIPA3AAH COH, see EIPA3AAH KEHIH. EIPAybBAAH unanimously. EIPAVbB/Ibl unanimous. EIPAybBABIJIblK, unanimity. EIPAK, but, however. BIP-AK, the same; ... PET (given) only once. ΒΙΡΓΕ in common, jointly, together; ... TYPyillbl room-mate. EIPFEJIECin together, jointly. ΕΙΡΑΕΪί identical, equal, adequate; level with; ... EOJI- to equal, to come up to;... K,bIJIto make equal. EIPAEMJIIK equality, sameness, identity. EIPAEME something, anything. EIPflEH at once, at one stroke, simultaneously. EIPflEH-EIP the only.


ΒΙΡΑΕΗ-ΒΙΡΓΕ gradually, the farther the more. EIPflEH-EKI as; in proportion to; step by step. EIPAI-JKAPblMAbl some, some kind of, just any. EIPEH-CAPAH single, the only one; seldom. E1PEV 1) one, one piece; 2) someone. BIPEY-MIPEV somebody, someone. EIPEY AE none of them. BIPEVim AE none of you. EIPJKAKJU one-sided; unilateral. ElPJKAKJblJIblK, one-sidedness. EIP2KOJIA irretrievably, irrevocably; ... }KOK> eradication. BIP^KOJIATA 1) irrevocably; totally, entirely; once and forever; 2) wholesale. BIPKEJIKI uniform; monotonous. EIPKEJIKLJIIK uniformity; monotony. ΕΙΡΚΘΡΜΕ ostentatious; for show. EIPJIEC- to unite /intr./. EIPJIECKEH united. BIPJIECT1K union, association. EIPJIECTIPy unity. EIPJIECY see EIPJIECTIPV. BIPJIECin together, jointly, in concert. EIPJII-JKAPblM single, solitary; rare. EIPJIIK unity; unit; one (figure); bad mark (in school). EIPJIIKTI united; (acting) in concert. BIPHEIIIE several, some. BIPOTAJIA irretrievably, irrevocably. BIPCAPblHAbI monotonous; of the same type; trite. BIPCAPblHABIJIblK, monotony; banality. EIPTAJIAM considerable, significant. EIPTE-EIPTE little-by-little. BIPTEKTEC homogenous. EIPTEKTI see EIPTEKTEC. EIPTEKTIJIIK homogeneity. BIPTOFA strong (of man's build); /fig./ sedate, steady; meek (of man's character). EIPTYFAH cross-breed of a dromedary and a Bactrian camel. EIPTYTAC indivisible whole. EIPBIHFAM homogenous, identical; uniform; monotonous. EIPI one of them. ElPirV unity, accord; union. ΕΙΡΙΓΙΠ pooling (several persons') resources. EIPIK- to unite /intr./. EIPIKKEH joint, combined; ... ΟΘ3ΑΕΡ /gram./ compound words. EIPIKTIP- to unite, join, combine /tr./.




BIPIKTIPy unity, accord; union. BIPIMI3 one of us. EIPIH-EIPI EACHAJIATblH, BIP1H-EIPI TOCnAfi vying with each other. ΕΙΡΙΗΑΕΠ one by one. EIPIHE-BIPI mutual. BIP1HEH EIPI O3A chasing each other. EIPIHUII first; ... ΛΘΡΕ5ΚΕ /math./ first power, first degree; ... PET for the first time. EIPIHlIimEH first, first of all. EIPIHBoneofyou. ΒΙΡΚΛ3ΑΗ /zool./ pelican (or cormorant). EIPKAJlblllTbl uniform, even; normal (of course or quality of work), more or less. monotonous; of the same type. BIT- to end, terminate /intr./, come to an end; to heal, close /intr./ (of a wound); EOflFA BAJTA ... to become pregnant; )ΚΑΡΒΙΠ ... to have heated (a stove, etc.). ΕΙΤΕ- 1) to plug, stop up; 2) to cover; 3) to nail up, close up, wall up; to close tightly. EITEJI- 1) to be blocked up (with snow, sand, etc.); 2) to be nailed up; to be tightly closed. BITEJIin K.AJI- to be blocked up (with snow, etc.). ΕΙΤΕΓΪ KET- to block up (with snow, sand, etc.). ΕΙΤΕΠ TACTA- to close tightly. BITEY 1) closed on all sides; 2) cow-shed; ... 5KAPA bruises. EITH- to be narrow as a slit (of eyes). ΕΙΤΠΕΗΤΙΗ 1) everlasting, perpetual; 2) irreparable, inconsolable. EITFIEC irreparable, inconsolable. BITIK ΚΘ3 narrow-eyed. ΒΓΤΙΚ ΙΠΒΙΚ,Κ,ΑΗ having brought a good crop (of cereals). EITIM agreement, covenant; armistice; ... 3KACAY conclusion of armistice. ΕΙΤΙΠ KAJT- to end /intr./; to be spent, used up. ΕΓΠΡ-1) to finish, terminate /tr./; 2) to spend, use up; 3) to reconcile /tr./; 4) to settle (quarrels, etc.). EITIPETIH graduating (of students). EITIPy EMTHXAHbl final examination. EITIPynil graduates (of students). EITIPyiUIJIEP co-graduates. BITIC- to be reconciled, to make up with; to settle a controversy peacefully; to make mutual concessions. BYFEJIEK horsefly; gadfly.

EYFEJIEKTE- to be disquieted by stings of gadflies (of horses); /fig./ to fidget. EYFIJI sharp turn. EYriJI- to bend /intr./; to bend down. ΒΥΠΛΓΕΗ curved. BYriJIIC sharp turn. ΕΥΠΗ today. ΒΥΓΙΗΓΕ ΙΙΙΕΪΪΙΗ up to the present, until now. ΕΥΓΙΗΓΙ today's. ΒΥΓΙΗΓΙ KYH E at present. ΒΥΓΙΗΓΙ ΤΑΗΛΑ next time; in a little time, anon. ΒΥΓΙΗ/ΙΙΚ for today (a quantity of something sufficient for today). ΕΥΗβΕ camel's bridle (rope). EYHPEK kidney; ... BET with a pudgy face; ... B¥P- to be in sympathy (with somebody); to intercede (for somebody). ΕΥίίΐ /zool./ tarantula, phalange. ΕΥΪ4ΙΡ l) side; 2) roundabout, devious (of road, etc.); EIP ... CGMJIE- to talk only in one's own favor. EYHIPJIE- to lash the sides (of a horse, etc.). EYHIPJII of large capacity (of vessels, etc.). BY lPCB sideless. BYK- to bend, fold /tr./; to hem. BYKEEEM shawl. EYKEH hunch-backed. EYKFIEUE- to hobble a skittish mare while milking her. EYKTE- to fold, to roll up; /fig./ to conquer, to overcome (the enemy). EYKTEJI- to be folded, rolled up. EYKTEME bent, folded up. BYKTECIH fold. BYKTETIJI- to be in the process of being folded; to be bent. BYKTIPME /zool./ white tail golden eagle. EYKfflEHUE- to stoop; to imitate a hunchback in one's movements. BYKIIIM- to stoop; to bend down. ΕΥΚΠΙΙΚ hunch-back. EYKIJIall;thewhole. EYKIJI^YHMEJIIK /adj./ world, world-wide, universal. EYKIJTOflAKTblK /adj./ all-union; ... KOMMyHHCTIK (EOJIblllEBHKTEP) FIAPTHflCbl Communist (bolshevik) Party of the Soviet Union; ... JIEHIHffllJl KOMMyHHCTIK )KACTAP O AFbl Lenin Young Communist League of the Soviet Union. EYKIJIPOCCVTflJIblK All-Russian. 62

EYKIJIXAJlblKJblK EYKlJIXAJIblKTblK, national, nation-wide. BYKIP 1) hunch-backed, hunch-back; 2) crooked, curved. ΕΥΚΙΡΕΪΪ- to stoop; to bend /intr./. ΕΥΚΙΡΕΗΓΕΗ curved. ΕΥΚΙΡΕΗΛΕ- to imitate a hunch-back in one's movements. EYKIPCblMAK, slightly stooped. EYKIIII 1) slightly stooped; 2) knobby. EYJiriHIIIIJIIK 1) destruction, devastation, ruin, ravage; 2) disturbance, discord. EYJIfllP- 1) to spoil, destroy, demolish, ravage; 2) to trample down the grass. BYJlfllPFE loop on the handle of a whip. ΕΥΛΑΙΡΓΕΗ berry. EYJI/ΙΙΡΠ /local W/ /bot./ cockle. EYJWIPrilil wrecker, saboteur, troublemaker. ΕΥΛΑΙΡΓΙΙΠΤΙΚ destructiveness. EYJIJUPy destruction, demolition, ruin. EYJWPin AJI- to injure, hurt, damage. EYJ1K ET- l) to shake /intr./, tremble, shiver; 2) to issue a gurgling sound. EYJIK ETE KAJ1- to shake up, asunder /intr./. EYJ1KIH a horse's pace (faster than walk, slower than trot). EYJIKIJl E- l) to run by pace called EYJIKIJI; 2) to gurgle (of boiling water). EYJ1IK 1) discord, collision, conflict, confusion; 2) mutiny, revolt, uprising, insurrection; ... EAJIA naughty child; ... CAJlVUIbl rebel, insurgent. EYJ1IK CAJI- 1) to cause commotion; 2) to revolt, rebel. BYJ1IK mblFAP- see BYJIIK CAJT-. BYJIIKCI3 serene, tranquil. EYJIIKCI3,mK serenity, tranquility. EYJTIKUIIJI trouble-maker. EYJIIKiniJIIK mutiny, revolt, insurrection. EYJIIH- 1) to spoil /intr./, decay, become unfit for use; 2) to become destroyed, ruined; to collapse; /fig./ to become excited. EYJIIHV destruction; damage. EYJlIHUIiJlIK 1) ruin, devastation; 2) mutiny, revolt, insurrection. EYP needles of a conifer. EYP- 1) to stitch pleats; 2) to seize prey (of hunting eagle). ΕΥΡΓΕ flea. ΕΥΡΓΕ3 /bot./ snowball tree (Viburnum opulus). ΕΥΡΓΕΗ see ΕΥΡΓΕ3. EYPK- to spray, sprinkle, splash. EYPKE- to cover.

BYPKEK cloudiness; cloudy, overcast. BYPKEME 1) latent, secret, camouflage; 2) far into the distance. BYPKEMEJ1E- to disguise, camouflage, veil; to hush up. EYPKEH- to cover oneself, wrap oneself up; to get covered. EYPKEHUIIK 1) choke of a samovar; 2) cloudy, overcast. EYPKEHIUICI3 /fig./ cloudless. EYPKEHII1ICI34IK /fig./ cloudlessness, serenity. EYPKy sprinkling. BYPKIJ1- to splash oneself; to spray oneself. EYPKIM spray. EYPKIH I spray, splashes. BYPKIT /zool./ golden eagle; ... CAJI- to hunt with an eagle. BYPJIE- /local E/ to goffer, pleat. BYPME fold, pleats. BYPMEJIE- to pleat (a dress). EYPMEJII pleated (of a dress). EYPCEH, KAK- to shiver with cold. EYPCEHZJE- to shrivel from cold. BYPCM- to shrivel; to stoop. BYPCIFYHI /adv./ the day after tomorrow. EYPTIK: EIP EYPTIK IIIA1II a hair. EYPIIIIK 1) nap (of velvet, etc.); 2) bud; 3) cone (of a tree). EYPUI1KTI 1) fleecy; 2) /bot./ lanate. EYPI needles of a conifer. EYPIKKIIU sprayer. BYP1C shrunken, stooped. EYP1C- 1) to shrink /intr./; to get twisted; 2) to narrow /intr./; to shrivel /intr./. EYTKIJI all, the whole. EYTIH 1) all, whole, complete; 2) fit, serviceable; ... CAH /math./ whole number, integer. EYTIH^E- to make whole. EYTIHAEM 1) all, the whole; 2) entirely, wholly, undividedly. ΒΥΤΙΗ/ϋΕΠ ΕΕΡ- to repair. ΒΥΤΙΗΛ.ΙΚ wholeness, integrity; /fig./ consent, accord, unity. BYTIHnilJllK see EYTIH AIK. BY this, that; ... #A also; ... KIM? who is that?; ... HE? what is that?; ... >KAK, this side; ... >KAKTA on this side. ΒΥΛΑΗ from this, from here; ...EblJlAfi henceforth, from now on, in the future, after that, later on; ... KEMIH after that. E¥,HBIP 1) bulging, convex, prominent; 2) uneven, coarse, rugged; 3) speckled, pocked.




ΕΥΪΪΡΑΤ 1) wavy, undulating; 2) hilly terrain. EYMPblK,command, order;... EEP- to order, prescribe; ... 5ΚΥΡΠ3- to rule, reign, wield power; ... PA /gram./ imperative mood. EYMPMK-OKAPJlblK instruction, direction. EYMPbIK,UIbI one who gives orders. EYMblM object; consumers' goods; any manufactured article; ... CAJI- to ask somebody for something. EYHblMTAH a needed article. EYMEIMIUA trinket, knick-knack. EYHblP- to order, command; to give orders. EYMblpynibl one who commands; /obs./ sovereign. EYMblK,- to shrivel; to become stiff with cold. EYJI this; ... £A also; ... 3KAK, this side; ... )KAKJA on this side; ... 3AMAHflA now, at present; ... SAMAHflAFEI the present; ... ΚΕ3ΓΕ flEMIH until now, up to the present. EYJI textiles, dress-materials. EYJIA well-groomed, soft. EYJI A- 1) to foam a horse by fast riding; 2) to weep, shed tears. EYJIAK see EEIJIAM. EYJIAMIUA see EblJIAMLUA. EYJIAH /zool./ moose. EYJIAH-TAJIAH bustle; robbery. EYJIACblP plaster; blistering plaster. EYJI Ay steam-bath cure; KYH ... sun-bath. EYJIAK, spring, source; /med./ scrofula; KYJIAFbl ... scrofulous. EYJlAti playful, frolicsome man; ... Κ,ΥίΐPb!K slow trot. EYJIAH; ET- to appear suddenly. EYJIAH,AA- 1) to swing (of a horse's tail); 2) to wriggle, twist, dangle /intr./; 3) to grimace. EYJIEYJI nightingale. EYJI A- l) to be sparing; 2) to sell for a good price. EYJI/IAH- 1) to put on airs; to swagger; 2) to balk (of man). EYJI bl dear, valuable; ... MAJI well-fed cattle. EYJI/JblP misty, obscure, indistinct; dark, dusky. EYJI^EIPA- to get muddy; to be indistinct. EYJmblPEIK, /zool./ sand-grouse. EYJDKblMA- to remain unchanged. EYJDKEITTIA- not to distort. EYJICEI3 free of charge, gratis. EYJIT cloud; /fig./ sponge; Κ,ΑΡΑ ... thundercloud ; ΥΙΙΙΠA ... fleecy clouds.

EY blPJIA- to make uneven, rugged. EYflblPJIEI coarse, uneven. EYAtlPMA*; 1) hillock, mound; 2) /med./ tubercle. ΕΥΑΕΙΡΜΑΚ,ΤΑΗ- to become coarse, uneven. EY)KbIP speckled, pocked, pock-marked, coarse. E¥)KI>IPA /local SE/ ring set in the shaft-bow of a cart (part of harness). E¥)KbIPJIA- to make speckled; to make pock-marked (of small-pox). EY3- 1) to spoil /tr./; 2) to destroy, break, ruin /tr./; 3) to infringe, transgress /tr./; 4) to blow up, blast; ΥθβΕ ... to fail to keep one's word. EY3AV calf. EY3AYEAC1) /zool./ bullhead (fish); 2) /zool./ scorpion-like arachia. EY3AVJIA- to calve. E¥3AyiHEIK, /obs./ pieces of soap given by the hostess to women who helped her in soap-boiling. E¥3AKbI brawler, rowdy, ruffian, troublemaker, pugnacious fellow. E¥3AK,bIJIAH- to make a row, an uproar; to brawl. E¥3AK,bIJIbIK, disorder, outrage; scandal, trouble-making. E¥3yiUEI trespasser, transgressor, infringer. EY3yUIbIJIbIK, breach, trespass, violation, transgression. EY3EIJ1- 1) to deteriorate, decay, rot; 2) to get destroyed; 3) to burst, explode /intr./; 4) to be rescinded, repealed, revoked. EY3bIJiy 1) destruction; 2) explosion. EY3bIJlbin KET- to fornicate. EY3bIJIFAH dissolute, licentious. EYSblJlFAHflblK perversion, dissoluteness. ΕΥ3ΕΙΠ )KAPbin KIP- to burst into. ΕΥ3ΜΠ ΚΙΡΙΠ YPJ1AV burglary. EY3HK, 1) fornication; 2) spoiled; 3) undisciplined; 4) dissolute, profligate, lewd. EY3bIKJbIK, D excess, outrage; 2) immorality, debauchery, lewdness. EY3bIKJbIK,KA CAJIblH- to fornicate. EY3bIKJUbIJIfaIK, immorality, debauchery, lewdness. EYM A camel's bridle (rope, tied to the wedge fastened in camel's nose cartilage). EYHPA curl, curls; curly-headed; wavy, undulating. EYHPAJIA- to curl /tr./. EYMPAJIAH- to curl /intr./.




BVJIT ET- to dash aside. EYJITAJIAK, /adj./ indirect, zigzag. EYJITAJIAKTA- to dodge, spin. EYJITAJIAK.KA CAJI- to shirk. BYJ1TAP- to make a sharp turn; /fig./ to shirk, swerve, dodge, spin. BYJlTAPTnAy lUAPAJlAPbl /leg./ means of suppression. EYJITAPbIC turn from the road; /fig./ loophole, roundabout way, subterfuge. EYJITAPbICCbI3 unreserved, unconditional. BYJITAPFbini one who knows how to make a sharp turn (of horses); one who does not keep his word, evasive, shifty, dodgy (of men). EYJITAK, vacillation, wavering; ... 5KOJ1 winding road. EYJITAKTA- 1) to hesitate, waver; 2) to shirk, evade; 3) to dodge about. BYJ1TCLI3 cloudless. EYJlTCbDAblK cloudlessness. BYJITTAH- to become clouded. EYJITTbl cloudy. EYJITbIM-1) to sulk, frown; 2) to swell /intr./. EYJITBIJ1 A-1) to move /intr./; 2) to lounge, loaf, hang about; 3) to slip off, escape. EYJlfflblK,, EYJIIIIblK ET muscle. BYJlblK, /local NC/ edging of a blanket; /local WC/ leather cushion. EYJIbIK, AM/JA- /local E/ to farm. EYJIBIKJA- to hem, edge (a blanket, etc.). EYJIblUFblP haze, mist, screen. EYJlblH-EYJlblH /local SE/ multiangular room or house. EYJIK,- to make broken movements. EYJ1KMH a kind of silk fabric. EYJIK.BIH- 1) to twitch, rush about, try to break away; 2) to jump up. BYJIFA- to wave (one's hand); BAG ... to shake one's head. EYJIFAK, loafer, good-for-nothing. EYJIFAKTA- to rock, swing, reel, stagger /intr./; /fig./ to put on airs; to flirt. EYJIFAH see EYJIFAK,. EYJ1FAHAA- to dangle, stagger, sway /intr./. EYJIFblH sable. EYHbl see MYHbl. EYHblH see MYHblH. EVP- to turn /tr./; to turn aside, turn away /tr./. BYPA- 1) to screw, screw up; 2) to twist, spin /tr./; 3) to bore, drill; 4) to wind up (a watch or clock). BYPAJ1-1) to coil, wriggle, twist, wind /intr./;

2) to meander; 3) to be screwed up; 4) /fig./ to weaken /intr./. EYPAJIAH winding, meander. EYPAJIAHUA- to twist, wind /intr./; to meander. Β Υ PA JIT- to starve /tr,/; to starve to death /tr./. EYPAJIV turns and twists. EYPAJIKJ>I stray, homeless (of animals); straying, wandering, without kith or kin (of men); alien. BYPAMA /adj./ screw, propeller, spiral; being twirled, twisted; ... 3EP galloon, braid. EYPAMAJlbl /adj./ screw, propeller; spiral, twisted, winding. BYPAH/4A screw, propeller. EYPAHflAJlbl 1) /adj./ screw, propeller; 2) telephone dial. EYPAH AMAJlbl /adj./ screw, propeller. EYPAHAAHbl BHHTTE- to screw up a screw nut. ΒΥΡΑΠ ΚΙΡΓΙ3- to screw in. ΕΥΡΑΠ IHBIFAP- to unscrew. ΕΥΡΑΓΊ Κ,ΑΤΑΪίΤ- to screw in. EYPAY or EYPAY AFAIII a stick serving for winding or twisting something. BYPAH ugly, misshapen, deformed. EYPAH, EEJI with a slender waist (of women). EYPAH KO3BI lamb with crooked legs. BYPAHJ3,A- to coil, wriggle, twist, wind, meander /intr./; to writhe, squirm /intr./, grimace. EYPHTTA- /local E/ to bore, drill. BYPMA indirect, roundabout; metaphorical, figurative; ... B9JIME service room; ... C03 figurative word; ... YM see ... EGJIME. BYPMAJTA- to distort, deform, misrepresent, pervert. EYPHAFbl KYHI the day before yesterday. EYPTAIU /med./ a bladder disease.


ΕΥΡΤΑΗΠΑ- to sulk, frown, scowl /intr./. EYPTbIM- to sulk. BYPY /local W/ indirect, roundabout, irregular. ΒΥΡΠΙΑΚ, 1) peas, beans, kidney beans; 2) hail; 3) loops on woolen tether rope for lambs; 4) /local E/ maize. EYPUIbl /prof., mining/ borer, driller. BYPblJI- to turn, turn about /intr./. BYPblJlblC bend, turn, winding, curve. BYPbIM curls, tress.




EYPblH formerly, ago, before; ... BOJ1FAH remote past. EYPEIH/JA before. EYPEIHHAH long since, since olden times. EYPBIHFbl former, late, ex-; ... 3AMAHAA formerly, in olden times; ... KE3ZJE in olden times; ... ΥΑΚ£ΙΤΤΑ formerly. EYPblHFblAA formerly, once upon a time. BVPBIC 1) irregular, negative; 2) inward bend; 3) beam, joist, log; 4) /local W/ girder, main beam. BYPBIUI 1) angle, corner; 2) pepper; ... eJIIlIErilll goniometer, angle gage EYPK, ET- l) to flame up; to burst into flames; 2) to issue a gurgling sound. ΕΥΡΚ,ΑΗ image of Buddha. EYPKACEIH snowstorm. EYPKAK, light snowstorm. ΕΥΡΚ,ΕυίΛΑ- to bubble, boil, swirl; to gurgle. EYPKilPA- to come in flocks. EYPFbl bore, drill, auger; ... BbllllKACbl, ... MYHAPACbl derrick; ... MAIUHHA borer, auger, drill, perforator;... K,Y blFbl bore hole, drill hole. EYPFBIJ1A- to bore, drill. EYPFblJIAn TEC-, EYPFbI-ΠΑΠ KA3- see EYPFMJIA-. BYPFblJlAV boring, drilling. EYT 1) thigh (of men), haunch and shank (of animals); 2) pood (measure of weight, 36 Ibs); 3) /local N W & S/ post, pillar, support; esp. /NW/ supports of a waterraising windlass. BYTA bush, shrub. BYTA- to hew, hack, chop /tr./ (of logs, firewood). EYTAHA- to cut twigs or shoots. EYTAHA /local NW/ 1) defect; 2) young shoots of trees. EYTAHAK, bough, branch, snag. ΒΥΤΑΗΑΚ,ΤΜ knotty (of wood). BYT AY clearing of woods for cultivation. BYTAK, branch of a tree, twig; knot (in wood); ... TYETPI stump (of a branch of a tree). EYTAKJAH- to ramify /intr./, branch out. EYTAKJAHV branching, ramification. ΕΥΤΑΚΤΗ branchy. ΒΥΤΑΚ,ΙΙΙΑ small branch, twig, sprig, shoot. EYK,- D to stoop, bow /intr./; 2) to hide oneself, conceal oneself; to keep quiet; 3) to be cooked to a mash, boiled to a pulp; to boil soft /intr./.


EYKA bull. EYKAPA people, masses. EYKAPAIIIblJI PECnVEJlMKA democratic republic. ΕΥΚ.ΠΑΗΤΑΪΪ one who acts stealthily, in an underhand way. ΕΥΚ,ΠΑΗΤΑΪΪ.ΓΙΑ- to act stealthily, in an underhand way. EYKJEIP- 1) to rot /intr./; 2) to choke (as a samovar); 3) to intimidate; to cow. BYFA3 strait, sound, narrow. EYFAJIblK, lasso; ... CAJ1- to lasso. BYFAH to this (dative of EYJT). EYFAHA /anat./ collar-bone, clavicle; ... KAEblPFA upper rib. BYFAV fetters, irons, manacles; /fig./ yoke. BYFAK, I) double chin; 2) goitre, wen. BYFbl deer. ΕΘΒΕΚ infant, baby. ΒΘΒΕΠΙΙΚ 1) /anat./ uvula; 2) /local E/ cartilage of ear's lobe. ΕΘΓβΕ strange, foreign, alien; ... C03 /gram./ indirect speech; . . . ΧΑΗ Chinese emperor. ΕΘΓΕ- to dam, dike; /fig./ to obstruct, delay keep off; to cut off the road; to block someone's way. ΕΘΓΕ.Π- to lag /intr./; to remain; to be retained; to stop on the way. ΕΘΓΕΙΙΤ- to detain, delay, keep off, check, suspend /tr./; to brake. ΕΘΓΕΗ loss of hair from the tail (horses' illness). ΒΘΓΕΤ dam, dike, weir; pond; /fig./ obstacle, impediment, hindrance; ... /KACA- to bar, block up; to create obstacles; to frustrate (a plan). ΕΘΓΕΤΟ3 unimpeded, unobstructed, unhampered; freely, without hindrance; ... KIPy unhindred entrance. ΕΘΓΕν dike, dam. EGFEyCI3 ceaseless, unceasing, non-stop. EGFEyiJl obstacle, hindrance, barrier. EGFIPEEAC /local NW/ small chest for food or china ware. ΕΘΑΕΗΕ /zool./ quail. ΕΘ3 cheap cotton cloth. ΕΘΚ- to overeat. ΕΘΚΕΕΑΗ /adj./ down (shawl or scarf). ΕΘΚΕΗ /zool./ saiga (Saiga tatarica, kind of antelope). EeKEC /local SE/ meadow; grass for making hay. B6KCE /anat./ seat, posterior.



E9KCEP- to tear /tr./; to overcome, overpower (an adversary). ΒΘΚΤΕΡ slope, declivity, foot of a hill. ΒΘΚΤΕΡ- to strap on (load to a saddle); to load, pack /tr./. ΒΘΚΤΕΡΓΙ /zool./ 1) staniel (common kestrel); 2) ring-tail (female of hen-harrier). ΒΘΚΤΕΡΙΗΠΙΕΚ 1) /anat./ sacrum (of a horse); 2) pack strapped to the saddle. ΕΘΚΤΕΡΙΗΙΠΕΚΤΙ AT horse with a strong croup. E9J1- to divide, detach, separate /tr./; to separate (a part from the whole). EOJiriJIE- to separate (a part from the whole). BGJinill /math./ denominator, divisor. E9JIE cousins on maternal side (children of sisters). E9JIE- to swaddle /tr./; to put a child to the cradle. E9JIE->KAPMAii entirely. BGJ1EK 1) part; 2) other, different, particular, separate; 3) apart, separately, particularly; 4) besides, except, with the exception of. E9J1EK UlblK- to separate /intr./; to get detached. E9JIEK-E9JIEK separately, apart; without coordination. BeJlEK-CAJIAK trifle. ΕΘ-ΠΕΚΟΗ- to shun the others; to keep away from the others. E9J1EKTE- 1) see E9J1EKCIH-; 2) to separate /tr./. E9J1EKTEH- 1) to separate /intr./; to get separated; 2) to be broken into parts; to be divided into parts. ΕΘ.ΠΕΚΤΕΠ at retail. E9JIEH- /fig./ to get something in abundance. E9JIET- see E9JIE-. E9JIKE loaf of bread, roll. E9JIKEIIII baker. B HME room. E9JIMEH undividedly. E9JIT1PIK wolf cub; /fig./ sharp-tongued; /local SE/ a poisonous herb. E9Jiy separation (of part from the whole); /gen. & math./ division. E9JIIIIEK part, share, fraction; allotment, quota; separated part; ... CAM /math./ fraction. ΕΘΛΠΙΕΚΤΕ- to divide into parts; to break down, split up /tr./. E9JIIIIEKTI fractional; ... CAH /math./ fractional number.

E9JIUIEKTIH, E9J1IMI /math./ denominator. E9JIIK part, fraction. BOJIIM part, fraction; section, department; OKy E9JIIMI department of public instruction; 9CKEPI ... military unit; army unit. E9JIIMIIIE subdivision, subsection. ΕΘΛΙΗ- to divide /intr./; to be divisible; to separate /intr./. E9JIIHEEfiTIH inseparable;... CAH /math./ indivisible number. ΕΘΛΙΗΕΕΥΠίυΐΙΚ /math./ indivisibility. ΕΘ-ΠΙΗΠΙΙΙ /math./ dividend. ΕΘΛΙΗΓΙΙΠΤΙΚ /math./ signs of divisibility. E9JIIH,ai /math./ quotient. E9JIIHEPJIIK /math./ multiple.


ΕΘΛΙΗΙΠ K.AJ1- to tear oneself away. ΕΘ.ΠΙΠ AJ1- to separate, detach /tr./. ΕΘΛΙΠ AJIFBICBI3 inseparable. ΒΘΛΙΠ EEP- to distribute, allot, apportion. EGJIin KET- to interrupt, break off. ΕΘΛΙΠ-ΕΘΛΙΠ at random; haphazard. ΕΘΛΙΠ-ΕΘΛΙΠ TOJIEV payment by instalments. EeJIIC separation (of part from the whole). B9JIIC- to divide /intr./, share; to divide /tr./ jointly with others. E9JIICy division. ΕΘΡ,ΟΕΚ wineskin. ΕΘΡΕΚ /local W/ pie. ΕΘΡΕΚΙ unceremonious. ΒΘΡΕΗΕ beam, log. ΕΘΡΤΠΕ rash, eruption, pimple; ... CY3EK /med./ typhus. ΕΘΡΤΙΗ- to swell; to swell out. ΒΘΡΙ wolf. E9PIEACAP wolfhound. ΒΘΡΙΚ hat. E9PIKIHI hatter. ΒΘΤΕΚΕ kidney. E9TEJIKE bottle. ΕΘΤΕΗ 1) other, alien, stranger; 2) besides, apart, except. B9UIKE barrel. E3ECEK /zool./ hoopoe. E9EICEK /local E/ see E9ECEK. Β9ΑΕΗΛΙ /local NW/ 1) large, tall (of men); 2) good. B9AEVH Bedouin. Β9ΛΙΚ avertin (disease of sheep). ΕΟίίΕΕΙΠΕ or B9HBIIUE lady (addressing word); /hist./ senior wife.




Β9ΜΓΕ 1) races; 2) prize in races; ... AJ1- to receive prize in races; ... ATtl race-horse; ... OPHL·! racecourse; hippodrome. Ε9ΜΓΕΓΕ KOCBIJI- to take part in races. E9MEK BOJI- to please /tr./; to play up to, be officious, be obsequious. E9filUEIIIEK /bot./1) snowdrop (Galanthus); 2) buck-eye daisy (Adonis vernalis). E9KI folding knife; pocket knife. E9KIC /local W/ shoe-polish. Ε9ΛΓΕΡ see BAJIFEP. B9JmEH- to swagger, boast; to be capricious. E9JIE misfortune, trouble, disaster; scourge. B9JIE )ΚΑΠ- to slander, calumniate, defame. Β9ΛΕΓΕ VUItlPA- to get into trouble. E9JIEKET mischievous; naughty. E9JIEJII 1) harmful, noxious, pernicious; 2) long-drawn-out. B9J1EH whatever ...; wherever ...; ... )KEPffE somewhere. E9JI3AM balsam, balm. E9JI3AM A- to embalm. E9JIKM perhaps, may be; more likely; truly speaking. E9JIK1M probably; perhaps, may be. E9JICIH- to balk (of man). E9JII bravo! E9PEI /tech./ /local SE/ metal boring device. E9PEKEJIAI very good! (exclamation of approval; sometimes expresses regret). E9PHEK /local SE & NW/ tea-kettle. B9PI all, the whole; ... B1P it is all the same; it makes no difference; it does not matter; ... ΚΘΠΤΕΗ ΚΘΠ more and more; ... OCbl-AK, all that is on hand.

B9PIE1P I) though, however, nevertheless; 2) it is all the same. B9PIMI3 we all. E9PIMEH with all. E9PIHAE all /ace. of B9PI/. E9PIHE to all (of them); ... KAHLIK, omniscient. E9PIHEH from all (of them); ... APTBIK,, ... 3KOFAPBI above all. B9PIHEH CbinBIPBUlbin K.AJ1- to be left without anything. E9PIHI3 you all. B9C stake, wager, bet. E9C CAJI-, ... TiriC-, ... T1K,- to bet, wager. E9CE that is what was expected! so it has turned out! that is how it ought to be! B9CEKE competition; ... KYPEC struggle between competitors. E9CEKEJ1EC competitor. B9CEKEJIEC- to enter into competition, to compete. B9CEKEU1I see B9CEKEJIEC. B9CEPrEH hoar frost in warm weather after frost. E9CEH /adj./ calm, abated; ... BOJI- to abate, quiet down /intr./. B9CEHIIE- to abate, quiet down, subside /intr./. E9CEHIUK slackening, slowing down. B9CEHC1T- to weaken /tr./. B9CEHCITy weakening. B9CTEC- to argue, dispute, wager, bet. B9C1PE /local S/ destined for, intended for. B9TEC batiste, cambric. B9TEHKE shoes. E9TIP /local E/ unleavened pan-fried cake.


B ΒΑΓΟΗ railroad car; street car; ... 5ΚΥΡΓΙ3ΥΠΙΙ street-car driver. ΒΑΓΟΗΕΤΚΑ dump-car. BA3A vase. BA3EJIHH vaseline. ΒΑΚΑΗΟΜΛ vacancy, opening. BAKAHTTbl vacant. BAKUHHA /med./ vaccine. BAJ1IOTA currency. BAHHA bath, bathtub; ... EYJ1AV bath tub; ... B J1MECI bathroom. BAPBAP barbarian. BAPBAPM3M barbarism. BAPEHbEjam. BAPHAHT version. BACCAJI vassal. BACCAJIAblK, /adj./ vassal. BATEPCbI3bIK /mar./ water line. BATT /tech./ watt. BAXTA /naut./ watch. BE OMOCTb list, register, record. BE^OMCTBO government department. BE OMCTBOJIbIK, departmental. BEKCEJlb promissory note; bill of exchange. BEJIGCHOEfl bicycle. ΒΕΗΤΜΛΛΤΟΡ ventilator, fan. BEHTMJI.HIJH ventilation. BEPMHUIEJIb vermicelli. BEPCTAK work bench; joiner's bench. BEPCTKA /print./ imposition, form. BEPCTKAFA CAJI- /print./ to impose.

ΒΕΡΦΒ shipyard. BECTHBIOJlb entrance ball; lobby. BETEPAH veteran. ΒΕΤΕΡΜΗΑΡΜΛ veterinary. ΒΕΛ.ΠΚΑ winnowing machine. B3BOA /mil./ platoon. BM3A visa; ... CAJI- to visa, to grant a visa. BH3HT visit, call. ΒΜΗΕΓΡΕΤ mixed vegetable salad. BMHT screw; propeller. BMHTOBKA rifle. BMHTTE- to screw in; to screw up. BHCMYT bismuth. BMTAMHH vitamin. BKJIAA deposit. BKJIA^UIbl depositor. ΒΟΛΟΚΑΗΚΑ water tower, water pump. ΒΟΛΟΠΡΟΒΟΑ water conduit; water supply system. BOEHKOM military commissar. BOXCATblH guide. BOKAJlb^WK vocal. BOK3AJI railroad station (in a large city). BOJ1EHBOJI volley-ball. BOJIHOPE3 breakwater. BOJIbT /tech./ volt; ... £OFACbI /phys./ voltaic arc. BOJlbTMETP /tech./ voltmeter. BOJlbc&PAM /chem./ tungsten. BblBECKA signboard.


Γ ΓΑ /abbr./ hectare. ΓΑΕΑΡΗΤ /tech./ clearance; clearance gauge. FABAHb port, harbor. ΓΑ3 gas; ... ΠΑΗΑ gasproof shelter; ... TAPTKJblUI gas main, gas conduit; ... T9PI3,m 3AT gaseous substance. ΓΑ3βΑ- to aerate. ΓΑ3ΑΑΛΡΑΗ aerated. ΓΑ3ΑΒΙ aerated; gassed. ΓΑ3ΕΤ newspaper; KYHAEJIIK ... daily paper; K.ABBIPFA ... wall newspaper. ΓΑ3ΕΤΙΙΙΙ journalist; newsman, pressman; ... BAJIA newspaperboy. FA3OJIMH gasoline. ΓΑ3ΟΜΕΤΡ gas meter. ΓΑ3ΟΗ lawn. ΓΑ3ΠΑΗΑ see ΓΑ3 ΠΑΗΑ. rA3CbI3AAHAbIP- to degasify. ΓΑΪίΚΑ nut, female screw; ... KIJ1TI nut wrench, monkey wrench. ΓΑΛΕΡΕΛ gallery. FAJIOIU overshoe. rAJlCTVK necktie. ΓΑΜΑΚ hammock. ΓΑΡΑ5Κ garage. ΓΑΡΑΗΤΜΛ guarantee, security. ΓΑΡΑΗΤΗ-iIJIA- to guarantee. ΓΑΡΑΗΤΜΛΙΙΒΙ /adj./ guarantee. ΓΑΡΜΟΗ accordion. rAPMOHHflJIbl harmonious. rAPMOHHflCbHAblK, dissonance. FAPMOHIIIbl accordion player. TAPHELi; /measure./ peck. ΓΑΡΗΗ3ΟΗ garrison. TACTPOHOM epicure, gastronomer. ΓΑΟΓΡΟΗΟΜΗΛ gastronomy. ΓΑΥΕΗΙΙΑ howitzer. FAVhAP precious stone. ΓΑΠΙΑ hashish. ΓΒΑΡΛΗΛ /mil./ guards. ΓΒΑΡ,Π,ΗΛϋΊΒΙ guardsman. ΓΈΓΈΜΟΗ hegemon. ΓΕΓΕΜΟΗΗΛ hegemony. ΓΕΚΤΑΡ hectare.

ΓΕΚΤΟΓΡΑΦ hectograph. ΓΕΚΤΟΓΡΑΦΤΑ BAC- to hectograph. FEHEPAJ1 /mil./ general. FEHEPAJIMCCMMyC generalissimo. ΓΕΟΓΡΑΦ geographer. ΓΕΟΓΡΑΦΜΛ geography. ΓΕΟΓΡΑΦΜΛΛΒΙΐς geographic(al). ΓΕΟΛΕ3ΜΛ geodesy, geodetics. ΓΕΟΛΟΓ geologist. ΓΕΟΙΙΟΓΜΛ geology. FEOJIOFMAJIBIK geological; ... BAPJIAY geological survey. ΓΕΟΜΕΤΡΜΛ geometry. ΓΕΟΜΕΤΡΜΛΛΒΙΚ, geometric(al); ... ΓΗIIIIH geometrical figure. ΓΕΡΒ coat of arms. ΓΕΡΒΑΡΜή herbarium. ΓΕΡΜΕΤΗΚ hermetical. ΓΜΒΡΗΑ hybrid. ΓΜΓΑΗΤ giant. ΓΜΓΗΕΗΑ hygiene. ΓΜΓΜΕΗΑΛΜ hygienic. ΓΜβΡΟΓΡΑΦΗΛ hydrography. rHJlb3A /mil./ cartridge case, shell case. ΓΗΜΗ anthem. FMMHACTMKA gymnastics, callisthenics. ΓΗΗΕΚΟΛΟΓΜΛ /med./ gynecology. ΓΜΠΗΟ3 hypnosis. ΓΗΠΗΟ3ΛΑ- to hypnotize. ΓΉΠΗΟ3Ι1ΙΒΙ hypnotist. ΓΜΠΟΤΕ3Α hypothesis. gypsum; plaster of Paris. - to plaster, to treat with gypsum. ΓΜΤΑΡ guitar. FMTAPUIL·! guitarist. niHUEPHH glycerin. FJIOBYC globe. ΓΠΙΟΚΟ3Α glucose. FOPHHUA mustard. rOCHMTAJIL· hospital. FOTOBAJIbHA case of drawing instruments. ΓΡΑΒΙΑ /local E/ rake (hand or mechanical). ΓΡΑΒΕΡ engraver. TPAHYC degree.




ΓΡΑΜΜ gram. FPAMMATHKA grammar. FPAMMATHKAJIblK, grammatical. ΓΡΑΗΑΤΑ /mil./ grenade, shell, bomb. ΓΡΑΗΚΑ /print./ galley-proof, slip. ΓΡΑΦ earl, count. ΓΡΑΦΗΚ graph, diagram. ΓΡΑΦΗΚΑ graphic arts. ΓΡΑΦΜΗ carafe, water-bottle, decanter. ΓΡΑΦΤΜΚ, earldom; county. ΓΡΜΜ make-up; grease-paint. ΓΡΜΜΠΙΙ make-up man. ΓΡΜΠΠ /med./ grippe, influenza. ΓΡΥ3ΜΗ Georgian. ΓΥΒΕΡΗΑΤΟΡ governor. ΓΥΒΕΡΗΗΛ province. rVAOK horn, siren, whistle. ΓΥΜΑΗΜ3Μ humanism. rVMAHMCT humanist. ΓΥΜΑΗΗΤΑΡ /adj./ humanitarian. whistling (of wind). - to whistle; /fig./ to howl. Γ1Ρ weights. FYJ1 flower; ... AHAJlblFbl /bot./ pistil; ... ΚΙΗβΙΓΙ /bot./ receptacle; ... CABAFbl /bot./ peduncle, pedicle; ... TO3AHM /bot,/ pollen; ... TVFAPbl see ... ΚΙΗβΙΠ;

... lIJAUiy blossoming; ... 11IEHBEP garland, wreath; ... IIIOFbl /bot./ raceme; ... ΘΟΠΕίΠΊΗ /bot./ cryptogamous; ... K9CIEI floriculture. .- to plant flowers; to beflower. ΓΥΛ,ίίΕΓΕΗ flowering. ΓΥΛΑΕΗ- to bloom. ΓΥΛΕΗΓΙΙΙΙ floriferous. FYJI^EHETIH blossoming; /fig./ very healthy. FYJIAEHY blossoming. FYJ1 AIK flower garden ; parterre. FYJIAIH TAMCbl /bot./ corolla. FYJ1CI3 /bot./ cryptogamous. FYJ1I 5KOK, /adj./ see FYJICI3. ΓΥΜΠ "plop" (onomatopoeia of plopping). ΓΥΡΒΙΚ /local W/ variety of melon (large, dark brown). FYPJ1E- to coo. FYPC onomatopoeia of crash. FYPCIJ1 boom, rumble, crash. FYPCIJ1AE- to rumble /intr./. TYPIJI outburst. FYPIJIAE- to speak in a deep voice. ΓΥ3 witness; see also KYA. ΓΘΡΙ than, rather than; in comparison with. Γ9Π /local W & S/ rumor.


2) to talk at randon, to talk haphazardly, barricade. - l) to fence, block up, shield; 2) to hide, to shut off. ΛΑ-Π-AAJI EOJI- to be in rags, in shreds. llIblFAP- to tear into shreds. - to innate, expand, spread /intr./. ftAM- to develop /intr./; to grow /intr./. 4AMBAJ1 pants. AAMV development, growth; EEMEiT ... peaceful development. lJI halt, respite, short rest. EEPME- to perturb, disturb. ^AMbIJI/Ι,Α- to stop and rest; to take a rest. ^AMbUI^AV halt, respite, short rest. /(AMblJICbB continuous, incessant, unceasing; /adv./ without stopping (talking); disturbing. disturbance. - to develop; to further; T1J1 ... to develop (a child's) power of speaking. flAHA 1) piece, specimen; 2) /adj./ wise, of genius, brilliant (of man), great (of work). AAHAJlblK, wisdom, genius; /adj./ of cenius. brilliant, great. AHflA Cy conceit. ΛΑΗΒΙΙΠΠΑΗ see AAHAJlblK. genius (quality), /local S/ 1) very even or flat; 2) wide expanse of the sea. AP gallows; /local NE/ girder, main beam (esp. of a water-raising device). ΛΑΡ- 1) to hit (a target, etc.); to touch; 2) to exert a wholesome influence. Λ,ΑΡΑ separate, individual; ... 1C /clerical/ personal business. /JAPAJIblK, personality, individuality. APAObUI individualist. AAPAK, /local S & W/ tree (any kind planted by man). AAPEA3A gate. hugej enormous; robust, large river.

see also fl.E and, also, too; neither, nor; even, even if; -ever. AAEblJI drum, tambourine; call, appeal, signal; /fig./ rumor, hearsay, common talk; ... YH /local SW/ small, travelling yurt (tent). AAEEIJI TAPAT-, ZlAEEIJI UIAUI- to spread a rumor. flAEblJI Κ,ΑΚ,- to beat a drum; to beat alarm; to sound alarm. AAEblJIAA- to call, summon, notify; to give signals. AABblJl/lAT- to spread a rumor. AEblJIUIbl drummer. ΛΑΕΒΙΡ loud talk. /JAEEIPJIA- to talk loudly, make noise. AAEblPJIAMAM noiselessly. AEblC fame, reputation. flAEbICCbI3 noiseless. ΛΑΜ3Κν kind of vodka. ΛΑΜΡΑ see flAPH-fl. continual, incessant. ready, in readiness; ... EOJ1- to be ready. - to prepare, store up, stock. I- to get ready; to prepare oneself. procurement, purveyance, training, preparation, preparedness. AAJIA field, steppe, prairie; ... KYCTAPbl steppe birds; )KA3bIK, ... plain, plateau; /fig./ spaciousness; ΜΜΜβΑΪί ... bare steppe; K.Y-JIA ... limitless steppe; K.VJ1A3EIFAH Κ,Υ ... desolate steppe. AJIAH /local SE/ 1) anteroom, lobby, hall; 2) a kind of white fabric. AAJIA-COFLIC COTbl court-martial. AJlAKJA- to flutter (of clothes). flAJIAFAfi /local EC/ a kid born in the fall. AJIEA or flAJIEAft woolen, tricorn hat. /JAJIEACA 1) offer, proposal; 2) pretext, pretense, excuse. ^AJIEACAJIA- 1) to suppose, contemplate;




AAPy medicine;... 5KACAVUlbl pharmacist; druggist. AAPy-A9PMEK medicament, drug. - to treat, cure. - to be treated; to undergo a cure. AAPIDblH 1) cinnamon; 2) /bot./ star anise (Illicium anisatum); 3) /bot./ dittany (Dictamnus). AAPblJIAA- 1) to shout, yell; 2) to produce crackling sound (of cloth, paper, etc. when being torn). AAPblJIAAK, bawler, noisy man. AAPblMAAV lobs./ /local SE/ medication, treatment. AAPblHAbI gifted, talented. AAPblHAblJIblK giftedness, talent; genius, brilliance. AAPblHCbB ungifted, untalented. AAPblHCblSAblK, want of talent. AAPblT- to let hit, to let touch; to allow to come near; to allow to approach. ΑΑΡΚ,ΑΗ /local SE/ 1) expert, master; 2) honest, friendly, considerate man. AAPFA AC- to hang (of man). AAC /local/ 1) /SE/ basin, wash-basin, tub; 2) /£/ instruction, guidance. AACTAH epic poem. AACTAPKAH table-cloth. AACTAPKAHbl MOJI hospitable (home). AAT 1) enmity, vengeance; 2) /local E, SE/ application, petition, request; complaint. AATA date. AATAJIA- to date. AATTA- to harbor re vengeful ness; to nourish enmity. AAV lawsuit, litigation. /JAVA medicine, medicament; /obs./ balsam; /fig./ method, measure. AAy-AAJIAEACbI3 indisputably, unquestionably. AAyJIA- to bring a suit; to litigate, sue. AAVJIAC- to argue, quarrel; to litigate. pretender, debatable. - to yell, shout; to talk loudly. AAyPbIK,nA noisy, bawler, squaller. AAVCbO certain, indisputable; indisputably, for certain, by all means. AAyCbI3-AAMAMCbI3 indisputably, unquestionably. AAy-UIAP dispute, discord; lawsuit, litigation. AAyfflbl see flAVJIAynibl. storm. violently, stormy.

AAybIJlIlA3 1) small drum used in falconry; 2) /zool./ stormy petrel (Procellaria pelagica). AAybIC voice;... BEP- to vote;... UlblFAPMAy silence. AAybICCbI3 silent, mute, voiceless; ... ABIEblC /ling./ consonant. - to pronounce loudly. aloud. /ling./ vowel; ... flblBblC vowel sound. AyblCTblJTAPaWH, YHAECyi vowelharmony. AyblCTblH BlPAEMJlin equality of votes. 3OP sonorous. ΗΑΠ1ΑΡ voiceless. AJ1- to deprive of the right of voting; to defranchise. AAyblCKA CAJ1- to vote, to ballot. AAybICK,A CAJiy voting, poll. AAybICK,A TYC- to be put to the vote; to be a candidate for election. AAVblCKA Κ,Οίί- to put to the vote. AAXA a kind of fur coat. ΑΑΛΡ ready. - to prepare /tr./, equip, fit out. - to prepare /intr./, equip oneself, get ready. training, preparation; readiness. 1) spot, blot, blemish; 2) scar, lesion; 3) imprint;4)/local E/just, exactly;... CAH /math./ odd number. AAKA /local W/ see AAXA. ΑΑΚ,ΠΜΡΤ beginning of some events; movement around something; rumors; /fig./ stamp, cliche. A AH 1) tambourine; 2) /poet./ see ΑΑΗ,Κ,. AAHAAMA /local W/ conversation, talk. , row, disturbance, commotion. BOJ1- to get perplexed; not to know what to do. AAHK, glory, fame, reputation. ΑΑΗ,Κ, ΤΑΡΑΤ- to make famous; to extol, eulogize, belaud. ΑΑΗ,Κ or ΑΑΗ,ΚΒΙ IIIblK,- 1) to be reputed; to pass for; 2) to become famous. AAHK, UIBIFAP- to make famous. ΑΑΗ,Κ,Α HE BOJT- to acquire fame. AAHKCbIS 1) inglorious, ignominous, infamous; 2) unknown, obscure. AAH,K,CbI3AbIK, infamy, ignominy; obscurity. ΑΑΗ,Κ,ΟΜ /iron./ cock-sparrow. ΑΑΗΚ-OMJlbIK, whimsy.


AEMOKPATH ΑΕΓΕΗΜΕΗΕΗ all the same; whatever may be said. ΛΕΓΜΕΗΤ 1) /local SE/ belt decorated with silver; 2) /local W/ valuable (decorated) sword. ΑΕΠ1ΙΙ /local SW/ large wave, billow. REffEKTE- to walk with hasty steps. ΛΕΑΥΚΤΜΒ deductive. AE5KYPMTb ET- to be on duty. AE)KyPHbIM /adj./ on duty. E3EPTHP deserter. ^E3EPTMPJlbIK, desertion. ΛΕ3ΗΗΦΕΚαΜΛ disinfection. /JE3MAJT /local S/ flat iron. EMTIH so-called, under the name. AEMIHIIIE /local SE/ small bag. ΛΕΜΙΗ to, up to, until. ΛΕΚΑΕΡΒ December. ΛΕΚΑΛΑ decade. AEKEEIP see EKAEPb. ^EKUAMAUM declamation. AEKJ1APALI,M^ declaration. ^EKOPAUMil decoration; scenery /theatr./. AEKPET decree, edict. ZIEJIBE 1) reins; 2) a disease of horses; 3) avertin (disease of cattle). AEJIEETAn /local SE/ crazy, insane. flEJIBEIIlI coachman. HEJIEFAT delegate. AEJIErAUHfl delegation. AEJT AJI broker, agent. ^EJI^AJl^blK CAy^A sale on commission; brokerage. AEJIEH E- to pucker, bulge, stick out. REM breathing, breath; ... AJiy 1) breathing; deep breath ; 2) halt, short rest. AEM AJI- 1) to breathe, to take a breath; 2) to rest. 4EM EEP- to inspire. ΛΕΜΑΓΟΓ demagogue. l- to sigh, breathe. rest. AEMAJIbIC halt, rest; ... KYHI day off. AEMAPKALtfifl demarcation. ΛΕΜΒΕ-ΛΕΜ /local SE/ from time to time; now and then. AEMBEJ1IIIE thick-set; stocky. jHEMAE- to help; to lend a hand. ΛΕΜΕΚ then; well then; so. /JEMEy help, assistance. EMOEMJIMSAUH-H demobilization.

- to announce, proclaim, famous, glorious; great figure (of

man). AHKbl 3KAMbIJI- to be announced; to be proclaimed. «Αίί- see AAHKJA-. fflblFAP- to extol excessively. /local W/ large accumulation of sand. AHFblJl beaten (track), blazed (trail), even (road). /JAHFEIJI/IAH- to be well-trodden, even (of roads). flAHFblPJIA- or AAHFUPJIAT- to drum. AFAP /local E & SE/ large bag. AFAPA 1) large bag; 2) /local E/ large wooden bowl; 3) /local S/ wash-basin, bulky, large. - to become perplexed. unceasingly (of talking), difficulty, confusion. .ZJAF/lAPblC crisis, stagnation; hopeless situation. AAFflbl habit; ... EOMblHfflA automatically (of man's movements, etc.). AF blJIAH- /fig./ to arm oneself; to learn, exercise, acquire habits; to get accustomed. /JAF blJIAHflblP- to train; to inculcate habits /ir./. automation. development (educational), habitual, usual, ordinary; automatic. ΑΒΟΡΛΗ nobleman. ΛΒΟΡΛΗΑΕΙΚ nobility. ΛΕ see /JAJJE- 1) to speak, talk, say, tell; 2) to call, to name; 3) to intend. AEEET debit. AEBH3 motto. ΛΕΓΕΙ Ρ patience. βΕΓΕΙΡ-ΠΙ /adj./ patient. AEFEIPCIS 1) impatient; 2) disturbing, alarming. ΑΕΓΒΙΡ€Ι3ΛΕΗΥ disturbance, alarm. ΛΕΓΛΑΡ /local W/ very good, excellent. ΛΕΓΕΗ wild goat. ΛΕΓΕΗ so-called, tinder the name, nicknamed. AErEHflEM just, exactly, just as one would like it to be. ΛΕΓΕΗΜΕΗ however, though, nevertheless; but, for all that.

Z EMOKPAT democrat. HEMOKPATME democracy.




ΑΕΜΟΚΡΑΤΤΑΗ- to become democratized. AEMOKPATTAHAMP- to democratize /tr./. AEMOHCTPAU,H.H demonstration. ΑΕΜΠΜΗΓ dumping. ^EMCI3 lifeless. ΑΕΜΙΓΥ shortness of breath. ΛΕΜΙΚ- to suffer from shortness of breath; to suffocate /intr./; to be asthmatic. ΛΕΜΙΚΠΕ shortness of breath; asthma. βΕΜΙΚΠΕΛΙ asthmatic. ΛΕΗ^Ε 1) to master, to overcome; 2) to complete the largest part of a certain work. ΛΕΗΕ 1) body (of man, etc.); 2) thing; 3) /phys. & math./ body, solid, substance; ... ΕΗΒΕΓΙ manual labor; ... KEJ1BETI build, frame (of body); ... ΙΙΙΒΙΗΜΚ,ΤΒΙΡΥ sport, physical culture. ΛΕΗΕΑΕΓΙ TYK body hair. AEHEJII sticky, thick-set, tall. AEHECI3 incorporeal. AEHCAVJIBIK, health; ... CAKJA- take care of (one's) health; ... CAK.TAV care of public health. ΛΕΗΙ CAV healthy. JlETl ger. of AE-; /in the position of the concluding word of a clause either indicates that the preceding words are a direct quotation, or serves as the connecting word between the subordinate (preceding) and main (following) clauses of a sentence/. Ιτ.τ.Ι depot, engine house, roundhouse. representative, delegate. ffEP ΚΕ3ΙΗΛΕ well-timed (to the point); in time, opportunely; in due course. ^EPBEC separate, independent, special. βΕΡΓΕΡ see Λ9ΡΙΓΕΡ. ZIEPE /local NW/ watering through for cattle. AEPEK fact, data; news, tidings. ZJEPEKCI3 /adj./ abstract. AEPEKCD/tfK abstraction. AEPEKTI /adj./ concrete, based on facts. EPEH /local SE/ large, tall (of trees). flEPEy without delay, immediately, at once, instantly, suddenly; unexpectedly. EPMEHE /bot./ santonica (Artemisia maritima). rjEPT illness, disease; ... ABB1C- to fall ill; to be taken ill. REC- to come to an agreement. EC ΒΕΡΓΕΗΑΕ opportunely, luckily. ffECE OP- /local SE/ to reap. ECEPT dessert. UECriOT despot. J1ECTE I) ten; 2) ream of paper.

flECTEJlE- to count by tens; to count by bundles. ETAJ1B detail. ΛΕΦΕΚΤ defect. deficit, level. /local W/ I) of equal size; 2) of equal age. AEHFEHE l) /local W & SW/ sharing in equal parts the purchase and consumption of food; 2) /local C/ /med./ reumatism. ΑΕΗ,ΜΕΗΤ see ΑΕΓΜΕΗΤ. ΛΕΗ;ΚΗ- to clamber up; to seem to be large. HAJIEKT dialect. HAJIEKTHKA dialectics. flHAJIEKTIJlIK dialectical. AMAJlOr dialogue. flHAMAT dialectical materialism. ΛΜΑΜΕΤΡ diameter. ΛΜΑΠΑ3ΟΗ diapason; range. ΛΜΒΑΗ 1) sofa, ottoman; 2) /obs./ anthology of lyric poems. JJMBEPCAHT saboteur. diversion, sabotage, dividend. ΛΜΒΜ3ΜΟΗ squadron /mil./; flotilla /naval/. ΛΜΒΜ3ΜΛ /mil./ division. ^H^AKTHKA didactics. AHAA.P appearance, features (of face). .ZJHAAP.JIAC- to see each other. AMETA diet. HKTATOP dictator. ΛΜΚΓΑΤΥΡΑ dictatorship. /IHnJIOM diploma. ΑΜΠΛΟΜΑΤ diplomat. ΛΜΠΛΟΜΑΤΜΛ diplomacy. 4MPEKTMBA instructions, directions. ΛΜΡΕΚΤΟΡ director. ZIMPEKUM^ board of directors, management. HHPH5KEP /mus./ conductor, bandmaster. MCKVCCKfl discussion. /IHYAHA 1) God's fool, blissful, beatific; 2) possessed, insane; 3) beggar, mendicant, wanderer; dervish; 4) crank, eccentric. ΖΙΜΦΤΕΡΜΤ diphteria. HIPMEH mill; ... TAG millstone. ΛΜΙΡΜΕΗΙΙΙ1 miller. ΛΜΚ,ΑΗ or AMKAH11JB1 agriculturist, cultivator, tiller. 4MKAHUIBIJTBIK, agriculture, farming. ^OEAJI 1) clumsy; 2) crudely made object. flOBAJIAAH clumsy (of man); crude (of thing). £OBPA see .HOPEA.




MbiJITblK, /local E/ singleloading gun. friend. friends. AOCflAH see AVUIOAH. flOCTAC- to be friends with; to make friends with. AOCTblK, friendship. AOT /mil./ pill-box; concrete blockhouse; permanent emplacement, bunker. ,Π,ΟΤΑΙΙΜΛ subsidy, subvention, grant. JI,O1J,EHT assistant professor. OmAJIA /local E/ a kind of berry. AOKTblP see OKTOP. AOIibI3 1) pig, swine; 2) /local SE, bot./ sedge-like grass; ... )KbIJIL·! year of the swine (twelfth year in twelve-year cycle). OFA shaft-bow (in harness). AOFAJI obtuse; ... EYPbllU /math./ obtuse angle. ^OFAJ1,HAH- to become obtuse; to become bow-shaped. OFAP- 1) to unharness; 2) to finish. OFAUI ring-shaped roll (bread). APAMA drama; dramatic. PAMAJTACTblP- to dramatize. βΡΑΜΑΤΥΡΓ playwright. ΛΡΑΠ thick woolen cloth. AY 1) storm, tempest; 2) strong noise, hubbub; 3) outburst. ,Ο,ΥΑ,ΠΑΚ, /zool./ bustard (Otis tarda). ,Π,ΥΑΚΕΡ sorcerer, wizard. AYAJT high wall; fence, hedge, enclosure; bank, rampart. AYAJlAyiHblJIblK, sorcery, witchcraft. AYAJIAK see ^VAAAK,. AVAHA see AHYAHA. AVEJIHKAT duplicate. AVAAJ1AH- to become dishevelled. AVAAP 1) two-stringed dombra; 2) dishevelled, tousled (of hair). AVJIblFA 1) dromedary's hump; 2) /hist./ helmets of Kazakh knights, uproar, clamor. busy, animated, /local S & SW/ see AY ΑΑΡ. EOJI- to be subjected, to undergo. ET- to subject, to expose. KblJl- to throw into. -1) to make noise, to make hubbub; 2) to itch. AblEblP rapid inarticulate talk. AblEblPJIA- to talk fast and indistinctly.

AO3A dose. AO3AK, Gehenna. AO3OP patrol. AO3OPIIIbI scout. lash, heavy whip. thick, crude, unpolished, uncouth. AOKTOP 1) one who has a doctor's degree; 2) physician. AOKTOPJIblK, medical profession. AOKTPHHA doctrine. AOKYMEHT document. AOJIAH /local NW/ 1) inconstancy, instability, unsteadiness; 2) inconstant, vacillating man. AOJIAHA /bot./ hawthorn (Crataegus). AOJIEAP roughly, in the rough; apriori. AOJIEAPJIAn roughly, coarsely, in draft form. AOJIAAH- 1) to bubble, boil, swirl; 2) to be hot tempered; 3) to be enraged; to have a fit of anger, to flare up; 4) /fig./ to storm (of sea). AOJIAAHAEIP- to ruffle /tr./. AOJIAAHFAH furious, raging. AOJ1YK, leathern bag made from whole skin. AOJTbl l) obstinate; 2) hot tempered, irritable; 3) furious, raging; 4) violently, stormy; /local S/ violent storm with hail; /local W/ leather vessel. AOJIblJlblK. 1) obstinacy, hot temper, irritability; 2) fury, rage. AOMAJIA- to roll, slide down /intr./. AOMAJIAH- to turn somersaults. AOMAJIAHbin KIP- to roll in /intr./. OMAJIAT- to roll, roll down /tr./. AOMAJIATbin ΚΙΡΓΙ3- to roll in /tr./. AOMAJ1AK, ball; a round object. AOMEPA or AOMEblPA dombra (native Kazakh musical instrument of the lute class). AOMEPAIIIbl or AOMEEIPAIUbl dombra player. AOMEblK- to freeze (hands, feet, etc.). AOMEblKJblP- see AOMEblK,-AOMEblKTLIPL·!!! AJ1- see AOMEblKAOMHA ΠΕΙΉ blast furnace. ΑΟΠ ball; playing ball; sphere. AOPEA 1) nose-bag, feed bag; 2) small bag, small sack; 3) knapsack, school-bag. AOPEAJTA- to take by filling a small bag. AOPEAJIAFI eJIIIIE- to measure by a bag. JIOPMET /local SE/ plunder, pillage, ravege. ΛΟΡΟΚ /local El bullet. 76

AYPCE AblEbIC sound, voice; ... BEP- to respond, answer, echo. AtIBbICCbI3 soundless. ABI3bIJIAA- to burn (of pain). ABIM moisture, humidity; ... 5K¥TK,bIIII /tech./ hygroscopic, absorbent; ... 5KYTΚ,ΒΙΙΙΙ Μ ATA absorbent cotton. AbIM quite, entirely; too; ... A3 too little; ... >KOK. there is nothing; ... TATblPMA to give nothing to eat. - to moisten, to damp /tr./. - to grow damp; to become damp, humid, damp, moist. humidity, dampness, moisture. ABIMK.BIJI humid, damp, moist. AbIMK,bIJIAAH- to become damp, humid. ABIMKBIJIABIK, humidity, dampness, moisture. ΑΒΙΡΑΠΑ /local W/ large, thick (of trees). AblPAV /local W/ large, huge, thick. AblPblJIAA- to utter a coarse tremulous sound. AblHtlJIAA- or ABIIiFblJIAA- to ring, to utter a jangling sound, to strum. ABHiblJIAAT- or ABIHFblJIAAT- to strum. ABIHFblPJIA- to ring. ABIFAJI /local W/ large, huge, enormous. ΑΙΓΕΡ /local SE/ large, wide. AIK-A1K ET- see AIKIJ1AE-. AIKIJIAE- to hurry, hasten, rush /tr./; to harass, pester. ΑΙ-ΊΓΕΡ 1) need, want; 2) strong wish; fervent wish. ΑΙ-ΠΜΑΡ eloquent; orator; gas-bag. AIH religion, faith; ... BV3AP apostate; ... TYTV religion, denomination; ... TYTV EPKIHUIIJliri religious liberty; ... IJ1IMI or ... FblJlblMbl theology; ... YCTAY religion, denomination. ΑΙΗΓΕ EPIKTIJIIK /rel./ tolerance. ΑΙΗΓΕ KAPCbl antireligious. AIHAAP /rel./ believer. AIHHEH ΒΕ3ΓΕΗ apostate. AIHCI3AIK unbelief, atheism. AIHIUIJ1 /rel./ 1) believer; 2) pilgrim. AIHIIIIJ1AIK 1) religiousness, piety; 2) pilgrimage. AI H M A A AM ΑΑΡ clergy. AIPAEKTE- to shrivel (from cold). vibration, shaking, shivering, jarring. - to shake, shiver, vibrate, jar. /local NW/ elevation, hill.

ΑΙΗΓΕΚ 1) trunk, stump, blockwood; 2) pile, curbstone; 3) hitching-post. AIH[KE power, strength, energy; ... Κ,ΥΡ- to be dead-beat. Κ,ΥΡΤ- to exterminate. - to clamber up. AYBAPA hybrid. AYBIP tramping. ΑΥΕΙΡΑΛΚ, /local SE/ early bom calf. AYBIPJIE- to patter; to clatter. AYAAMAJI doubtful, dubious, unauthentic. AYAAMAJIAAH- to doubt. AY3 blade. AYKCEHBI Monday. AYKEH shop, store, workshop. ΑΥΚΕΗΠΙΙ shop keeper. AYKEPT 1) /local SE/ scissors; 2) /local NW/ very urgent. ΑΥΛΕΪί stupid, crazy. AYM butt end (of a gun). AYMBIJI /local SE/ see AYMBIJIE3. AYMBIJ1E3 parboiled, half-baked. AY M AI formidable, powerful;... MblJITblK, gun with large butt-stock. ΑΥΜΠΥ 1) explosion, blast; 2) influence. AYMFIUI dull knocking sound. AYMHIJ1AE- to produce a dull knocking sound. AYMUIE dogmatist; uncritical reader. AYHHE 1) world, universe; 2) property, estate; ... 5KY3I the globe, the whole world; ... KYMAP greedy, avid;... KYMAPJlblK, greediness, avidity. ΑΥΗΗΕΓΕ KEJIY birth. AYHME5KY3IJ1IK /adj./ world, world-wide, universal. AYHHEK.OP self-interested, greedy, avid. AYP CIJIKIHT- to stir, stir up /tr./. AYPBI binoculars, telescope. AYPAM- 1) to bristle up, to become dishevelled ; 2) to bulge (of lips). AYPE corporal punishment; birch rods; ... COK,-to birch. AYPKIH 1) time (as a multiplicative word); 2) volley, salvo. AYPKIH-AYPKIH from time to time; periodically. AYPKIPE- to run fast and with trampling. AYPJ1IKKEH /adj./ disturbed, agitated. AYPJIIKTIP- to agitate /tr./; to disturb. AYPC or AYPC-AYPC bang! /onomatopoeia of crashing sound/. AYPC ET- to fall with a bang. AYPCE Κ.ΟΆ BEP-1) to fall upon somebody;


AYPCIJI ΑΘΗΕ€ 1) hill, hillock, mound, knob; 2) /adj./ convex, bulging, relief, embossed, prominent. y, uneven;2)convex (of glass), convexity, bulge. AOHECTI-OMblCTbl /phys./ convexoconcave. ΑΘΗ;ΜΕΗ /adv./ along the upper path; along the upper road. Α9ΪΪΕΚΤΙ consistent. A9MEKUII /gram./ apostrophe. A9 IM always, constantly. A3ilIC /local SW/ shameless, unscrupulous; wicked, perfidious. ffdJl exact, accurate, fitting; just, exactly; ... KE3IHAE in time, opportunely; ... ΤΙΚ) hit. A9JIAE- to elucidate; to objectify; to make more precise. A9JIAEV adjustment. Αθ-ΠΑΒ /local W & SW/ anteroom, lobby, entrance-hall. A9JIAIK exactness; correctness, concreteness. A9JIAIP /local W/ /obs./ silver money. A9JIEJI argument, proof, reason, motives; ... )KOK /adj./ unproved. A9JIEJ1AE- to prove, motivate, argue, reason. A9JIEJIAEME argumentation. A3JIEJIAEP KEJITIP- to argue, reason. A9J1EJ1AEY argumentation. A9J1EJIAI convincing, conclusive; wellgrounded, weighty. A£W1EJICI3 proofless, unfounded, unsubstantiated, groundless. A9JIEJ1CI3AIK unfoundedness, unsubstantiatedness. A9JIME-A9JI literal, word for word, exact; exactly. A9JICI3AIK incorrectness. A9M taste; ... TAT- to be entertained; to be invited to a dinner. A9MAEH- to become tasty. A9MAEC mess-mate. A9MAI tasty, agreeable, pleasant, nice; ... €Θ3 /fig./ sapid, agreeable word; ... TAFAM groceries. A3ME hope. A9MEJIEH- to hope. A9MET- see A3MEJIEH-. A3MCI3 tasteless. A9MCI3AIK tastelessness. Α9ΜΠΐυΐ ΑΑΑΜ epicure. A9MI OK, /adj./ tasteless. A9H seed, grain, pit; ... TA3APTK,bIUI grain cleaner.

2) to object categorically, peremptorily. AYPCIJI tramp of horse's feet. AYPCIJIAE- to stamp, patter, clatter. AYPCIJIAEY beat, tramping. ΑΥΗΠΡΙΠΕΚ /local SE/ second stomach of cattle. /onomatopoetic word/ bang! ETE TYC- to fall down with noise. noise, rumble. AYIJKIJ1AE- to knock; to drop with a bang. AYHUIE /local E/ translator, interpreter. AY3AK, trap, snare, net. AYPbIC true, right, correct; authentic; positive. AYPblCTAY adjustment. A^PblCTfalK, correctness. AYPblCbl in earnest, seriously. £¥PbICbIHAA rather, more likely; indeed. AYPblCblPAK, more accurately. ΑΥΙΙΙΠΑΗ enemy. AYIIIIlAHAblK, 1) enmity, spite, anger, malice, animosity; 2) /adj., agr./ vermin, pest. ΑΥΙΠΠΑΡΑ /local SE/ meat dumplings. AYFA prayer (text); ... K,bIJiy prayer (action). ΑΘΑΕΓΕ loops on the upper felt piece of yourta. ΑΘΚΕΡί huge, enormous; giant. ΑΘΚΕΤ big kitchen knife. ΑΘΚΙΡ 1) coarse, clumsy; 2) dolt, blockhead, dunderhead; 3) blunt (of a knife, etc.). ΑΘΜΚΕ /local W/ corral, enclosure. ΑΘΗΕ)ΚΙΗ three-year-old cow. ΑΘΗΕΗ Κ,ΟΜ three-year-old ram. ΑΘΠ exactly, to the point, opportunely. ΑΘΠΤΕ- to aim at. ΑΘΡΕΚΙ 1) rude, unpolished, uncouth; 2) vulgar, trivial, indecent. ΑΘΡΕΚΙΠΕ- to simplify; to vulgarize. ΑΘΡΕΚυίΕΥΙΙΗ simplifier, vulgarizer. ΑΘΡΕΚΙ.ΠΙΚ 1) lack of taste; tastelessness; 2) barbarism. ΑΘ« hill; /geogr./ height; ... )KEP hilly country. ΑΘΗΕΕΚ block of wood. - to turn, revolve, spin, roll /intr./. wheel, circle; circular; ... CbI3bIK circle, circumference. ΑΘΗΓΕ.ΠΕΗ- to turn around, whirl, spin, revolve, rotate. ΑΘΗ,ΓΕΙΙΕΤ- /fig./ to hunt for somebody. ΑΘΗ,ΓΕ-ΊΕΤν rotating, turning around. ΑΘΗΓΙΛ small elevation. ΑΘΗΑΙ hilly, uneven.


A9VIT Α3ΗΑΕ- to make a habit of frequently calling somewhere. A3HAEH- to ripen (of grain). A9HA1 grainy, granular, having a kernel; ... ACTblK, cereals, breadstuffs. A3HEKEP solder, amalgam; bond, tie; /fig./ intermediary, broker. A9HEKEPJ1E- to tin; to solder. ΑΘΗΕΚΕΡΙΙ1Ι solderer, tinsmith. A9HIK- see A9HAE-. Α9ΗΙΚΤΊΡ- to draw into, to involve in /tr./. Α3ΠΤΕΡ copy-book, exercise book. Α9ΡΠΡ see Α9ΡΙΓΕΡ. A9PE>KE rank, degree; /math./ power; ... BEP- to confer a rank. A9PE>KEJIEy /math./ involution. A9PE)KEJri of a definite degree or power. A9PETXAHA lavatory. A9PMEH energy, power. A9PMEHAI strong, powerful, energetic. A9PMEHCI3 powerless, impotent, helpless; /fig./ unarmed, defenseless; /fig./ bankrupt. A9PMEHCI3AIK weakness, helplessness. A3PT passion, aspiration, desire, enthusiasm. A3PTE /local W/ shaft (of a cart). A9PTCI3 passive, apathetic, sluggish, inert. A9PTCI3AIK apathy, inertness. A3PTTEH- to be inspired, animated; to have a longing for.

49PTTEHAIP- to inspire, animate. A3PTTT cheerful, joyous, buoyant, passionate, ardent. dervish. medicine, powder; MLlJlTblK, ... gunpowder; TYTIHCI3 ... smokeless powder; ... }KIEEPy injection; ... CAYLIT powder bag, powder flask, powder horn, pouch; ... ΙΙΙΘΠΤΕΡ medicinal herbs; ... KAMBACH /mil./ powder magazine. Α9ΡΙΓΕΡ physician; pharmacist; ΑΥΛΑΗAWK, ... district physician. Λ9ΡΙ-ΛΕΡΜΕΗ AYKEHI drug-store. A9PIJ1E- to disinfect. Α3ΡΙΠΤΕ- to eulogize, extol, belaud, exalt; ... (QJ1EHMEH) to sing a song of praise. A9PIXAHA pharmacy, drug store. A9PI-KABI>IK, wafer. A9C /local SE/ most advanced. A9CTYP tradition, custom. A^CTYPIHAEFI manner, style. A9T patience. A9TTIKEM /local SE/ name of a game (with knucklebones). A3V giant. A3VJ1ET /obs./ rich, wealthy. A9VIP epoch, era, period. /zool./ praying mantis.


under crop; ... ΗΑΥΚ,ΑΗΒΙ sowing campaign. EHCTIK field, plowed field, corn field; ... 5KEP arable lands. EryJII 5KEP ploughed land. E/IEH floor. Ε,ΖΙ3ΥΙΡ fairly much; considerably. EfllPEfl- to stare. EJUPEMT- to open one's eyes wide. E>KflEME see IUITEME. E^CEFEM a sort of cheese. EJKEjiri ancient, prehistoric, primordial; ... OC old friend. EyKEJIREH 1) very long ago; since olden days; from time immemorial; ... KEJ1E 5KATK.AH 9/ΪΕΤ an ancient custom; 2) usually, as a rule. E5KEJ1E- 1) /gram./ to spell; 2) to explain in detail. E)KIK /gram./ spelling. E5KIKTE- see E2KE.J1E- (1) and (2). E>KIPE- to stare; to look with bewilderment or fright. Ε)ΚΙΡΕΗΛΕ- to stare at anybody persistently and threateningly. E3 1) chatterer, babbler; 2) absent-minded, apathetic. E3- 1) to press, press out; 2) to crumple; 3) to oppress; 4) to knead; 5) to dilute; CMfl ... to dilute ink; KAMblP ... to knead dough. E3BE a kind of drink; ... KICI /fig./ chatterer, babbler. E3BEJ1E- to press, rumple, crumple; /fig./ to twaddle, prate, talk idly. Ε3ΓΙ1) oppression, yoke; 2) /adj./ kind, good; 3) cherished, sacred; ... HHET good intention. ESriJIIK /n./ good, goodness, good deed, virtue, act of kindness; ... ET- to do good; to be a benefactor; to render a service. E3riJIIKTI beneficial; well-wishing. E3-E3 EOJT- to be rumpled, crumpled.

E what? what then? what about it? E- /auxiliary verb/ to be. EE£EM dexterity, skill, knack. EBiJEHJII 1) dexterous, adroit, prompt; 2) evasive, shifty, dodgy. EE EMCB clumsy, sluggish. EBEJIEK /bot./ a weed (Ceratocarpus arenarius). EEEJIEKTEfl EAC- to trot with small, quick steps (of horses). BEI 3KOK, KICI clumsy man. EBPOOAJIAC- to become europeanized. EBPOUAJIblK European. ΕΒΡΟΠΑΙΙΙΑ in the European way. ETffE elderly. ΕΓΕ- to saw /tr./; to smooth with a file. ΕΓΕΠ KEC- to saw /tr./. ΕΓΕΡ if; in the case of; in case. ΕΓΕΡΝΕ see ΕΓΕΡ. ErEC- to dispute, argue, wrangle. ΕΓΕΟΓΙΡ- to quarrel, instigate, incite. ΕΓΕΥ file; ... K,¥MPtIK, rat. EFEVJIE- to file (work with a file). EnKEft-TEDKEMIH EIJIMEM /adv./ blindly. ΕΠΚΕΜ-ΤΕΓ5ΚΕΜΙΗΕ 5KET- to go into details. ΕΓΙ3 or ΕΓΙ3 BAJIA twins. EFIJI- 1) to be sown (of corn, etc.); to be planted (of trees, etc.); to be cultivated; 2) to inoculate, vaccinate. ΕΠΛΓΕΗ sowing. EriJI-TEFIJl BOJltm »Ct,IJIA- to sob. ΕΠΗ sowings; standing crop; ... ^AJIACBl field; ... ΕΓΥΙΙΐυΐΙΚ agriculture; ... OPATBIH MAIIIHHA reaper, harvester, harvesting machine. ΕΠΗ ΕΚ- to farm. ΕΓΙΗβΙΚ plowland. ΕΓΙΗΙΠΙ plowman, tiller; farmer, cultivator, agriculturist. ΕΠΗΙΠυΐΙΚ agriculture, farming. EPIC sowing (action); ... KEJ1EMI acreage 80



E3V 1) pressure, oppression; 2) lips, mouth's corners; ... TAPT to smile. Ε3ΥΙΙΙΙ oppressor. E3yniIJlIK pressure, oppression. E3IJ1- to be oppressed, crushed. ESIJiyilll the oppressed. Ε31Π 5KIEEP- to soak, steep, drench /tr./. Efl o, oh! hello! EK- 1) to till, cultivate (the land); 2) tacsow, plant; 3) to inoculate, vaccinate; 1ΠΕΙΙΙΕΚ ... to vaccinate. EKEH /past p. of the verb E-, to be/. EKEHIIIE /local SE/ small bag. EKEV two; ... EOJIbin /adv./ together; the two together. EKEVJlEn /adv./ the two together. EKEVIMI3 we two together. ΕΚΠΕ not wild, cultivated (plant). ΕΚΠΕΤΙΗΕΗ prone; face downwards. ΕΚΠΙΗ 1) gust, rush (of wind, etc.); 2) tempo; 3) ardor; 4) /ling./ accent. EKOIHflE- 1) to rush, rush forward /intr./; 2) to display energy; 3) to increase the tempo (of work). ΕΚΠΙΗΛΙ 1) gusty (of wind); 2) rapid, impetuous; 3) /adj./ shock; 4) shock worker; 5) /ling./ accented; ... 9CKEP /mil./ shock troops. EKFIIHCI3 /ling./ unaccented, unstressed. ΕΚΠΙΗΙ )KbLn.ZlAM rapid, impetuous. EKTIP- to inoculate /tr./. EKIIIE- 1) to sift (grain); 2) to select, pick out. EKIDEJI- to be selected; to be sorted out, picked out. EK1 two; ... AMJlblK, /adj./ two-month; bimonthly; ... APA distance; ... ATTblK, /adj./ two-horse; ... ΑΛΚ, )KOJI dirt road; ... EETI AHAPAAfi red cheeks;... ΕΘ.ΙΤΙΠ by halves, in half; ... E9CIHE /adv./ at an exorbitant price; ... EHffi MATA doublewidth cloth; ... ECE twice, twice as much; ... ECE KEMIPEK /adj./ half; ... >ΚΑΡΒΙΠ by halves, in half; ... )KACAP /adj./ twoyear; ...DKAKTAH Λ A mutual;... )KAKTbI bilateral; /fig./ double-faced; ... 5ΚΑΚ.ΚΛ £Α SCAK, /adv./ in a draw; ... 5KETIJ1IK /adj./ fortnightly; ... iKblJI/JblK, /adj./ two-year;... )KY3,mJlIKperfidy, treachery; ... KICIJIIK two-seated; ... ΚΥΗβΙΚ /adj./ two-day; ... MYIIIEJ1IK /math./ binomial; ... PET twice, twofold;... ΤΥ.ΠΘΓΕΗ K,¥C two-year old bird;... Κ,ΑΒΑΤ twice, double; ... ΚΑΤ see ... Κ,ΑΕΑΤ;... YIDTbl fanciful,

pretentious, bizarre; ... Θ3ΕΗ APAJIblFbl interfluve. ΕΚΙΓΕ twice, double. ΕΚΙ-ΕΚΙ-ΛΕΗ in twos. EKIJ1EH- to increase /intr./. EKIJIIK two; douce. ΕΚΙΗΠΙΙ second. EKIHIUIAEH secondly. EKIHIHIJIEM second time, repeatedly; later on, henceforth, in future. EKIHIH, BIPI either or. EKITAJlAfi or EKI-TAJIAM 1) vaguely; 2) doubtfully, not likely, hardly, scarcely; ... KE3EH crucial moment; ... Κ,ΟΡΤΗΗ£bl doubtful conclusion. ΕΚΙΚ,ΑΒΑΤ pregnant; ... BOJ1- to become pregnant. EKIKAEATTblK pregnancy. EJT 1) people, nation, tribe; 2) population; 3) country, land; 4) /fig./ friend; ... EACΚ,ΑΡΥ reins of government; ... EMUEV see ... EACKAPV;... KE3V journey, travel; ... MAHAfibI environs; ... K.OPFAV defence of the country. EJ1TE /adv./ home, homewards, to the native land. Ε/ΙΓΕ3ΕΚ 1) prompt, swift, dexterous, sensitive; 2) obedient. EJmm EACbl chief of a tribe. EJIE- 1) to sift, sieve; 2) to notice, pay attention, react. EJIEFEH /local SE & E/ see J1EFEH. EJIEFIUI attentive, careful, thoughtful. EJIEK sieve. EJIEHA1 siftings, bran. EHEC spectre, phantom, ghost, apparition. EJIEC ΚΘΡΙΗ- to have hallucinations. EJIECTE- 1) to recall, recollect; 2) to be seen vaguely, to appear dimly. EJ1ECTET- 1) to recall, recollect; 2) to manifest, display. EJIECTETV 1) reproduction (action); 2) imagination. EJTECTEV 1) recollection, reminiscence; 2) vision, phantom. EJIECTEyiUIJIIK hallucination. EJlEy attention. EJIEyjTI 1) conspicuous, noticeable, visible; 2) deserving attention, worth notice. EJIEVPE- 1) to be excited; to be on the alert; 2) to rage, to behave violently. EJlEyPEFEH unruly. EJlEyCI3 1) inconspicuous; 2) not worthy of attention. 81

EJ1EVI1II medicai treatment. EMEH /bot./ oak (Quercus); ... >KAHFAFbI acorn. EMEC not, no, none (negative form of presentfuture participle of the defective verb Eto be. EMJIE orthography, spelling. ΕΜΠΕίί- see EHKEH-. ΕΜΠΕΗΑΕ- to walk fast, stooping and increasing speed. EMCEK see EMIIII. EMTMXAH examination, test; ... AJIATblH KOMHCCHH examining commission; ... AJiyillbl examiner. EMXAHA dispensary, ambulatory. EMIIIEK breast, bosom; ... EAJIACbl unweaned child; ... TIC milk-tooth; ... ICY /med./ mastitis; ... Yillbl nipple, teat, mammilla. ΕΜΠΙΕΚΤΕΗ AMblP- to wean a child. EMU1EKTEC 1) foster-brother; 2) /adj./ uterine. EMIIII physician, quack. EM1UIJIIK quackery. EMI3- to rear, nurse, suckle /tr./. EMI3IK (baby's) pacifier. EMIH- to wheedle, solicit; to look pleadingly. EMIH-EPKIH 1) freely, without constraint; 2) enough, plenty, to one's heart's content. EMIPEH- to display maternal tenderness; to caress tenderly. EH 1) earmark (on cattle's ear); 2) width, breadth; ... RAJIA. large field, wide steppe. EH- 1) to enter, come in, drive in; 2) to enlist; 3) to take root; 4) to dream; KYIHIHE ... to come into force; to go into effect. EH CAJI- to earmark (cattle). ΕΗΓΙ3-1) to bring in, introduce; 2) to include, insert; 3) to inculcate, instil, implant; 4) to drive in, hammer in; 5KAH.AJIbIK, ... to introduce innovations; 3AH ... to promulgate a law; TY3ETV ... to make an amendment. ΕΗΓΙ3Υ /tech./ lead-in. ΕΗΠ3ΙΛ- 1) to be brought in, submitted, introduced; 2) to get included. EHAE M ATA whole (uncut) piece of cloth. EHAEIHE 1) if so, in that case, thus; 2) /par./ it appears, follows, turns out. EHAI 1) now, at present; 2) broad, wide. ΕΗΑΙΠ next, future, coming, ensuing; ... JKblJIAA, ... 5KbIJTbI next year. ΕΗΑΙΠΑΕ next time.

EJIEVIIII sieve. EJIEH attention. ΕΛΕΗ KblJIMA- to take no heed of. EJIEH-AJIAHAA early at daybreak. EJIEHUE- to look back fearfully; to examine cautiously. EJDKIPE- to be overboiled (of meat, etc.); to be moved, touched, to grow soft (of heart). EJIKE3EP /local SE/ sieve. EJICI3 uninhabited, desolate, sparsely settled. EJ1T- to be doped (by smoking narcotics); /fig./ to become stupefied, to listen in ecstasy. EJITIP1 lamb skin; ... ΒΘΡΙΚ lambskin cap. EJITITKIIII ΓΑ3 laughing gas. EJIV fifty;... SCblJIflblK, /adj./ fifty-year-old; quinquagenarian. EJIVAEFI see EJ1Y ^KblJI WK,. EJIYIHIIII fiftieth. EJlffll ambassador. EJIIHIJIIK 1) embassy; 2) mediation. EJTI finger's width (measure of length). EJIIFETIH excitable. EJ1IK /zool./ roe deer. EJIIKFIE enthusiastic, provocative, easily carried away. EJIIKTE- to imitate. EJIIKTIP- 1) to excite, stir, rouse; 2) to persuade; 3) to entice, seduce, tempt. EJIIP- 1) to rage, to behave violently; 2) to rave, be delirious; 3) /conv./ to fool. EJIIPFEH violent, unruly; ... blH bl violent lunatic. Ε-ΠΙΡΓΕΗβΙΚ violent uproar. EJTIPME 1) light-minded, thoughtless; 2) violent, raging. EJ1IPMEJII passionate. EJ1IPT- /fig./ to dope. EJIIPTDE /fig./ narcotics, dope. ΕΛΙΡΙΠ violently. EM 1) medicament, medicine, remedy; 2) /fig./ absolutely, completely. EM- to suck; to suck in, absorb. EM EOJIbin fflblK- to turn out to be beneficial. EM Κ,ΟΗ- to be beneficial (of medicine). ΕΜΓΕ AE 5KOK, absolutely not. EMAE- to treat (medically); to cure, restore to health /tr./. EMAEJI- 1) to undergo a treatment; 2) to be cured, to recover. EMAEJIin 5KA3bIJI- to be cured, to recover. ΕΜΑΕΓΤ )ΚΑ3- to cure.


ΕΗΛΙΓ9ΡΙ ΕΗΑΙΓ9ΡΙ 1) henceforth, from now on, in the future; 2) next time, later on, henceforward. EHAIK /geogr./ latitude. EHAIP- 1) to bring in, carry in, lead in, introduce; to include; 2) to widen a shirt with an inset. ΕΗβΙΡΕ ΤΙΚ- to sew in, to stitch in. EHAIPME inset (of a dress); insertion (in a text). EHE 1) mother-in-law; 2) mother (of animals). EHEKE 1) mother-in-Jaw (caressing word); 2) /zool./ buffalo. EHEJIEC 1) /adj./ uterine; 2) offspring of one mother (of animals). EHJKAP I) apathetic, indifferent, careless, negligent; 2) hesitating; 3) /fig./ anemic, inactive. EH^CAPJlblK, apathy, indifference, carelessness, negligence. EH>KAPMA one and a half width of a piece of cloth. EHCI3 1) narrow, tight; 2) without an earmark. EHTEJ1E- to rush; to push each other. EHTEJIEC- to rush somewhere together with others; to crowd. ΕΗΤΙΓΥ shortness of breath; panting. EHTIK- to pant; to be short of breath. ΕΗΤΙΚΠΕ see ΕΗΤΙΓΥ. EHTIKTIP- 1) to cause (someone) to pant; 2) to override a horse. EHV entering; coming into operation. EHIIII /hist./ share in inheritance; share of father's estate due to a son separating from parental household. EHIIII AJI- to receive the apportioned share from father's estate. EHIIII BEP- to give the apportioned share to a son separating from father's household. EHmiJIEC /hist./ adopted child. ΕΗΙΠ KET- to run into; to cut into. ΕΠ 1) dexterity, adaptability; 2) master stroke; 3) opportune moment. EIICI3 clumsy, awkward. ΕΠΤΕ- 1) to gain; 2) to manage to do something adroitly. EFITEMCIS clumsy, awkward, sluggish. ΕΠΤΕΠ cautiously, skilfully; ΑΛΡΜΗ,Ο,ΒΙ BAG walk with caution. ΕΠΤΕΠ-ΕΠΤΕΠ gradually. ΕΠΤΕΠ-ΕΠΤΕΠ Κ,ΑΗΑ slowly, cautiously, carefully.

EPKEM ΕΠΤΙ 1) adroit, clever, quick; 2) carefully, economical. EP 1) saddle; 2) man, husband; 3) hero, valiant, brave, manly; ... A^AM daring fellow; ... A3 AM AT adult man; ... ΑΙΓΙΤ brave guy;... DKYPEKTI courageous, brave, valiant; ... OPTACbl middle-aged man. EP- 1) to follow /tr./; 2) to thaw, melt, melt out, dissolve /intr./; ΟΘ3ΓΕ ... to yield to persuasion or provocation. EPEEH,JTE- to move, be in motion /intr./; to turn; to rotate /intr./ (of a small object, or an object seen from afar). EPEH- to become conspicuous; to project, stick out /intr./. ΕΡΓΕ ΙΙΙΒΙΚ,- to marry (of a woman). ΕΡΓΕ ΠΙΒΙΚ,ΠΑΡΑΗ unmarried (of woman). ΕΡΓΕ ΠΙΒΙΚ,Κ,ΑΗ 9MEJI married woman. EPrE^CEMJII dwarf, pigmy. ΕΡΓΕΗΕΚ or ΕΡΓΕΗΙΙΙΕΚ /local SE/ door to a corral. ΕΡΓΙΠΙ /adj./ yielding, not independent. EPflEH AHPI>IJI- to divorce (from husband). EP lH, BACL·! pommel. ΕΡΛΙΗ, KAIITAJI saddle tree. EPEFIC I) dispute, altercation, wrangle; 2) stubborness, obstinacy. EPEFIC- 1) to argue, dispute, altercate; 2) to be obstinate, to balk. EPE)KE rule, statute. ΕΡΕΚΙΠΕ especially, particularly. EPEKIUEJIIK peculiarity. ΕΡΕΗ-ΠΑΡΑΗ /local SE/ early in the morning. ΕΡΕΠΑΗ /local Ε & SE/ much, too. EPECEK teen-ager. EPECEKTEH- to grow up. EPEYIJI strike. EPEyiJIIUIJIEP strikers. EP>KET- see EPECEKTEH-. EP3KETKEH grown up, mature. EP5KYPEK fearless, intrepid, heroic. EP5KYPEKTIJIIK fearlessness, intrepidity. EPKE pet (of man); molly-coddle; ... K.W3 pet girl. EPKEK 1) male (man); 2) male (animal); 3) /local NW/ kind of grass; ... ΑΡΑ drone; ... BAJ1A boy; ... ΙΙΙΟΙΙΙΚ,Α boar, male Pig. EPKEJIE- 1) to luxuriate, indulge in laziness; 2) to pin one's hope on. ΕΡΚΕΠΕΤ- to pet; to stroke. EPKEJIIK petting; over-indulgence. EPKEM /caress./ my dear.




EPVJIIK treat arranged in honor of kin or neighbors who come later to the same summer pasture. EPVI1II follower, disciple. EPI1II saddler. EPIK l) freedom, liberty; possibility; 2) pelt tanned at home. EPIK- to be bored; to become infuriated from idleness. EPIK ALU- to enjoy oneself, amuse oneself; to make merry; to have nice time. EPIK BEP- to allow, connive; to shut one's eyes. EPIK BEPME- /fig./ to curb, restrain. EPIKCI3 involuntarily, against one's will, willy-nilly; ... ICTETETIH KYMblC hard labor. EPIKCI3 ΚΘΗΑΙΡ- to force, compel, oblige. EPIKC13AE- to force, constrain, compel; to coerce, put pressure on. EPIKCI3AEH by force. EPIKCI3-EPIKCI3 willy-nilly. EPIKTI free, unfettered; ,'n./ volunteer; ... ΟΚ,ΥΙΗΕΙ external student. EPIKTIJIIK sovereignty. EP/I/KIHEH AMPy /leg./ imprisonment. EPIMUIIK see IPIMUIIK. EPIH lip. EPIH IHYMIP- to curl one's lips; to feel or show disgust for. ΕΡΙΗ,αΐΚ rope bit (of a bridle). EPIHfllK AblEblCTAP /phon./ labial sounds. ΕΡΙΗβΙΚΤΕ- to put rope bits on a horse. EPIHIIIEKTEH- to be lazy. ΕΡΙΠ 5KYPy escorting. ΕΡΙΠ KET- to melt out (of fat, butter, etc.). EPIT- to melt, clarify (fat, etc.) /tr./; to smelt /tr./. EPITKEH MAM boiled butter. ΕΡΙΤΠΕ alloy, fusion. ΕΡΓΠΗΑΙ /chem./ solution. EC 1) memory, recollection; 2) mind, intellect, sense. EC- 1) to twist, spin; 2) to row, paddle; 3) to blow violently (of wind); 4) to slash, rip. EC KET- to rave. ECAJIAH; furious, raging, ECAJIAHHAy possessed. ECAJlAUZJblK, madness. ECE time (as one time, so many times, etc.). ECEBIH^E as, in the capacity of. ECEEIH/ΙΕΓΙ in the shape of. ECEBIHEH at the expense of. ECEft- to grow up.

EPK1H free; free and easy; ... OMJlbl freethinker. EPKIH E- l) to fee] free, easy; 2) to be a free-thinker; 3) to be entitled rightfully. ΕΡΚΙΗΛΙΚ freedom, liberty; will, free rein. EPKIHCbl- to take liberties; to be wayward; to be capricious. EPKIHI11E in plenty, in abundance, freely; to one's heart's content; ... TYP! /mil. command/ at ease! EPKIH1UIJ1IK see EPKIH/JIK. EPJIE- 1) to distinguish oneself; 2) to defeat, win a victory; to overcome; 3) to pretend to be brave. EPJII-EAiiJIbl or EPJll-3AMbinTbI husband and wife; consorts, pair, couple. EPJIIK heroism, bravery, courage; ... ΚΘΡCET- to display courage; ... CAJIT heroic spirit, heroic tradition. EPMEK 1) pastime, amusement, entertainment, fun; 2) buffo, buffoonery; ... ETto play the fool; ... K,bUI- to amuse oneself, to make merry. EPMEHE /bot./ a kind of wormwood (Artemisia). EPHEV edge. EPCI 1) indecent, improper, obscene; 2) strange; 3) /local E/ bad, unattractive; 4) very, too;... K,bIJIbIK, indecorous action. EPCIJTI-KAPCblJlbl hither and thither; back and forth. EPCIJIIK indecency, impropriety. EPT- 1) to lead; to let someone follow oneself; 2) to draw into. EPTE /adj. & adv./ early. ΕΡΤΕΓΕΗ AT mount (horse and saddle). ΕΡΤΕΓΙ tale, fable. EPTEflE before, formerly, in old times. EPTEK ΑΗΤΚ,ΗΙΠ master storyteller. EPTEJ1I-KEIII /adv./ day and night, morning and evening, twenty four hours round; the clock round. EPTEH tomorrow. EPTEHrE tomorrow, next morning. ΕΡΤΕΗ,ΓΙ /adj./ 1) morning; 2) tomorrow, of tomorrow;... AC, or ... TAMAK, breakfast. ΕΡΤΉΗ,ΜΕΗ in the morning. EPTEHHEH EACTAn beginning with tomorrow; from tomorrow on. EPTTE- to saddle. ΕΡΤΠ AT saddled horse. EP-TYPMAH harness. EPV 1) thawing; 2) a short stop in nomads' traveling cycle. 84



ECEK ass, donkey. ECEKTEM /derog./ ass. ECEKK.VPT /zool./ wood louse. ECEH happily, well, all right; AMAH- ... healthy, safe. ECEHJ1EC- to greet one another. ECEH lK well-being, prosperity; good health. ECEn account, calculation; /math./ problem; ... MAUlMHACbl calculating machine; ... CABAFbl arithmetics; ... 1UOT abacus; ... FblJIblMbl mathematics. ECEn AMPbIC- to settle mutual accounts. ECEO BEP- to report. ECEI1 lllblFAP- /math./ to solve a problem. ECEnCIS countless, innumerable. ECEnTE- 1) to count, calculate, take into account; 2) to think, surmise, assume; 3) to bear in mind; 4) to take someone for someone else. ECEnTEFIIII MAIIIMHA arithmometer, calculating machine. ECEnTEMEfl unaccountable. ECEnTEH IDblK,- to be struck from a list. ECEFITEn fflblFAPy calculation. ECEnTEC- to take something into consideration; to reckon with someone's opinion or position. ECEnTEY calculation. ECEnTI /adj./ counted, taken into consideration, discounted. ECEniDI bookkeeper, accountant; /obs../ weatherman; /tech./ meter, calculator. ECEnilllJl economical, thrifty. ECEn-KblHCAn bookkeeping, accountancy. ECEP light-minded, light-headed, hasty, foolish. ECEPJ1EH- to rave; to fool about, to play the fool. ECEPJIIK stupid, idiotic. ECEPCOKJAH- to rage, rave. ECEPCOKJAV possessed. ECEHFIPE- 1) to weaken /intr./, get tired; to be in depressed state of mind; 2) to be neglected (of a scar or wound). ECKE AJT- to take into consideration. ECKE TYCIP- to recall, recollect. ECKEK oar, paddle. ECKEK CAn loom of an oar. ECKEKII1I rower, oarsman. ECKEP- to pay attention, take into consideration ; to have in view. ECKEPT- 1) to remind; 2) to warn; 3) to reprove someone for something; AJIflblH


AJ1A ... to tell beforehand, warn; ΑΙΙΙΥMEH ... to grumble. ECKEPTV note, footnote, comment. ECKEPTKini monument, memorial. ECKEPYUIIJIIK kindness, consideration. ECKI old, worn out, decrepit. ECKI-K,¥CKbI rubbish, junk, scrap; old clothes, trash; ... BA3APL·! junk-market. ECKIP- 1) to fall into decay; to become dilapidated; 2) to wear out (of clothes); 3) to become stale (of bread); 4) to fade, to wither. ECKIPFEH /adj./ commonplace, trite, faded. ECKIUIE in the old way. ECKIIUIJl conservative. ECKIUIIJlfllK conservatism. ECnEJII KEME row-boat. ECCI3 unconscious, forgetful; reckless, foolhardy; rather silly. ECCI3flEH- to rave. ECCI3£IK madness. ECTE BOJIV in view of. ECTE CAKJA- to remember. ECTEH TAH- to rave; to be delirious. ECTEH TAHV delirium. ECTMAP adult. ECTV ear, hearing (sense). ECT1 reasonable, sensible, prudent, wise; conscious, clever. ECTIJIIK prudence, wisdom. ECY blowing. ECy CnOPTbl rowing (sport). ECVAC insane, psychopath. ECyJII twisted. ECVMEH 5KYPETIH KEME see ECOEJll KEME. ECI AyFAHAblK, loss of consciousness. ECI3 1) no man's, unowned; 2) uninhabited, desolate, sparsely settled; 3) negligently; ... MYJIIK /leg./ property in abeyance. ECIK door, entrance, wicket-door, wicketgate; ... KAR,- to knock at the door. ECIJI what a pity (used only in a sentence). ECIJI- to curl, twine /intr./. ECIM name; /gram./ noun, substantive. ECIM/JIK /gram./ pronoun. ECIMIDE /gram./ participle. ECIHE- to yawn, gape. ECIP-1) to be angry, irritated; 2) to get drunk. ECIPKE- to sympathize, regret; to express regrets; to put oneself in somebody's place; to extend benefactions. ECIPKEyiHI benefactor. ECIPTKIin alcohol, alcoholic drink.

ECIPIKTIK ECIPIKTIK intoxication; state of irresponsibility. ECIT- to hear, learn; to get to know. ECITTIP- to bring bad news. ECITY see ECTY. ET meat; ... RA.flblHR\y meat packing; ... COBXO3BI meat packing sovkhoz. ET- to do; to make. ETEH- to gain weight; to put on weight. ETEK 1) skirt, hem of a skirt, hem of a dress; 2) foothill, piedmont; ... ACTbl stealthily, covertly; ... KIP menstruation. ETEK AJI- to widen /intr./ to develop. ΕΤΠΕΤΙΗΕΗ prone, face downwards. ETCI3 thin, lean, skinny. ETTI stout; well fed (of cattle). ETI11I butcher. ΕΤΙ ΟΛ3 MAJ1 emaciated cattle. ΕΤΙ ΤΙΡΙ /fig./ imp. ETIK shoe, boot. ETIKIIII shoemaker. ETIC /gram./ voice (of verbs). ETICTIK /gram./ verb. EIII at all; not a; ... A HEAM ready for anything. E1UB1P nothing, not any, none; without any; ... AflYCblS ruthlessly; ... EOJIbinCblH by no means; ... KYJIIKCI3 without any doubt; ... H9TI5KE ΠίωΚ,ΠΑίίΤΒΙΗ futile, ineffectual, unsuccessful, vain. ΕΙΠΚΙ goat, she-goat; ... TAJI kind of willow (Salix caprea); ... TYBITI goat fluff. EIIIKIM nobody. EUIH9PCE nothing, not a thing. EU1TEME nothing. ΕΠΙΤΕΗ,Ε see EUITEME. ElUYAKblT or EUJYAKblTTA never.

EHIC uiblKTlAii uninterruptedly (of staying in a place). ΕΠΙΚ,ΑΗ,ΠΑΜ none whatever; at all. ΕΠΙΚ,ΑΠΙΑΗ see ΕΠΙΥΑΚ,ΜΤΤΑ. EH 1) the very, the most; 2) highly, greatly; ... AJl/JblMEH for the most part, mainly; ... AJ1FA I at the beginning; ... EOJIMACA at worst, at the worst; ... 9YEJTL in advance, beforehand. EHEEK 1) labor, work; 2) /anat./ fontanelle; ... ΑΚ,ΒΙ salary; ... ET- to work; ... ΤΘΡΤΙΕΙ labor discipline; ... KA1U- /local NW/ to be lazy. EHEEKKYH working day. EiiEEKTE- to crawl, creep. EHBEKTEH- to work, toil. ΕΗΕΕΚΤΕΠ IIlblK,- to creep out, crawl out, drag oneself out (of men). EliEEKIIII workman, worker, laborer. EHEEKDIIJ1 industrious, diligent. EHEEKIIIIJmiK diligence. EHrE3EP/IEii very large, big, huge; lanky fellow. EfJKEfi- to bend /intr./, to stoop. EHKEMT- to bend, bend down, incline /tr./. slope; gently sloping terrain. - to cry sobbing, see E^KEY. EH.J1IK /local SE/ an herb with a lanate stem and red root. EH(PE- to sob. EUCE strength, power. EliCE- /local NW/ to be bored. EHCEP- 1) to reduce, lessen /tr./; 2) to complete something; 3) to pull out, tear out, snatch out; to tear into pieces. EH,IC /local El lowland, depression, cavity, valley.


}KAEA bl wild, savage; 2) simple, plain, primitive; ... A/JAM barbarian; ... XAHVAfl wild beast; ... KYC wild bird; ... YMPEK wild duck. >KAEAMbIJlAP troglodytes. }KAEAMbIJlbIK /lit./ barbarism. )KABACAJ1MA hut; incomplete yurt (felt tent). >KAEAFbI 1) wool of spring sheering; 2) colt or filly in its first fall. JKABAFbIJIbl EHE mare before her spring shedding of hair. 5KAEAFbIJIbI Κ,Οίί sheep not sheared in spring. ^CAE/lblK, 1) medium, means; 2) equipment, outfit, outfitting, arrangement; 3) reserve, reserve stock, supply; 4) inventory. 3KAE blK,TA- l) to supply, equip; 2) to provide with necessary equipment; 3) to arrange in good order. >KAE bIKTAJT- to arm oneself. WAEZJblKTAJIFAH armed. XAE bIKJAH- to be prepared, supplied, equipped. )KAEAbIKTAy /fig./ armament. 5KAE/IbIKTAyiIIbI furnisher, supplier, provider. )KAE,£lbIFbl /mil./ personal effects. >ΚΑΒΥ felt blanket for a horse or a camel; /fig./ a bad horse. DKAEyjIA- to put a blanket on a horse or a camel. )KAEyJIbI covered with a blanket (of a horse or camel); covered, protected, closed. >KAEyCbI3 opened, not closed; without a blanket (of a horse or camel). 5KAEbIJ]- 1) to be locked, closed; 2) to start a team work in friendly spirit. }KAEbIJlMAJIbI /adj./ closing (automatically or otherwise). ^KAEblJiy winding up (of an institution's activities). JKABblJIFAH closed, covered. )KAEbIJIFbIIlJ easy-to-close.

5KAEE1H /local SE/ 1) wild, untamed (cattle); modest, shy (man); 2) horse's collar. )KABbIPK,A- to be dejected, disheartened. )KAEbIPKAH- to feel sad; to trouble, bother /intr./. )KAEbIPK,AHK,bl sad, cheerless, downcast. )KAEbIC- 1) to stick /intr./, adhere, cling; 2) to grip, grasp, catch, seize; to catch hold. >KABbICTbIP- to stick /tr./, glue, paste; to glue up, stick up, seal up. 3KAEbICTbIPblJI- to be glued up, pasted. )KAEbICbin ΚΑΤ- to freeze to. )KAEblCKAK, 1) viscous, sticky, gluey, adhesive; 2) importunate. JKAEblCKAKTblK, stickiness, adhesiveness. AAEbICK,bIffl adhesive, sticking. ^KAEblK, 1) covered, closed, locked; 2) roof felt pieces of the yurt; ... APE A van, covered wagon; ... )KbIMbIJIbIC closed (private) meeting. >KAEbIK,- to grow thin; to become emaciated, to become disheartened. ΙΚΑΕΕΙΚ,Κ,ΑΗ 1) emaciated, thin; 2) saddened, depressed, dispirited. >KAEfaIK,TbIP- to exhaust /tr./; to wear out /tr./. >KA^Ay thin, emaciated, pale; /local SE/ irrigation ditch. >KAflAFAH ordinary, unprotected; ... APEA chassis of a cart; ... )KEP flat, treeless, terrain (unprotected against winds); ... ΙΙΙΑΠΑΗ light clothing - robe over a shirt. JKA^y witch-craft, sorcery. )KAAM 1) sorcerer; 2) /local SE/ see 3KA3bI. )KAflbI K,bIJl- 1) to entangle /tr./; 2) to practice witch-craft. )KA/IbIJIbIK, 1) perfidy, slyness; 2) sorcery, magic. )KAJibIPA- 1) to disperse, clear up /intr./; 2) to improve (of one's mood) /intr./; to assume a cheerful air. >KAflbIPAH,K,bI more cheerful, more jovial. 5ΚΑΑΗΛΡ foreteller. )KA3 summer.


)KA3)KA3- 1) to write; 2) to unfold, unbend, straighten; 3) to err, be mistaken; to miss the target; 4) to cure. >KA3A punishment, penalty;... TAPTOAFAH unpunished. )KA3A BEP- to punish. 5KA3AJIA- see >KA3A BEP-. )KA3AJlAyiIIbI ΟΤΡΛΑ punitive squad. 5KA3AJIU guilty. 3KA3ACW3 unpunished. )KA3ATAMblM accidentally, casually, by chance. )KA3AFA TAPT- to punish; to inflict a penalty. )KA3EA written, in writing; ... 9/IEBHET written literature. >KA3BAM TAH- to recognize without error. 3ΚΑ3ΛΑ- nearly to do. >KA3,ZiAH (during) the whole summer. 5KA3,fl;Ay nearly, almost. 5KA3AbIFYHI jn the summer. )KA3,abIPbin AJIflblP- to order by mail. JKAS blK, /adj./ summer; ... ΕΗ,Π,ΑΜ spring, summer wheat; ... ΕΠΗ spring sowing; ... ΚΙΊΙΜ summer clothes. 5KA3MLIUI fate. >KA3Y letter, writing, handwriting; paper (document); ... CTOJILI desk. )KA3yiIIbI writer, clerk, scribe. ^ASyillblJIblK, writer's work. 5KA3L·! pack-saddle (camel's). >KA3bIJT- 1) to stretch one's legs and arms; 2) to recover, convalesce. )KA3bUIMAH AVPy incurable disease. 5KA3bIJlT- to cure. )KA3bIJiy sobering. SCA3bIJiyinbI subscriber. 3KA3bIJI-JI3bIJI- to recover. )KA3bIM accident. )KA3bin AJI- to make an excerpt. 5KA3bin Κ,Οίϊ- /math./ to inscribe. 5KA3WC- to correspond (with); to be in correspondence. 3KA3HK, 1) guilt; fault, offense; 2) plain, lowland, plateau; 3) flat, even. )KA3blK,CbI3 guiltless, innocent. ^CA3bIK,CbI3flbIK, guiltlessness, innocence. 5KA3bIKTbI guilty. 5KA3bIKTbIK 1) plane, flat surface; 2) plain. aCA3bI-K,bICbI all year round. 3CA3FA CAJIbIM in spring. SCA3FbI /adj./ summer; 5KA3FbI KYH V3bIH bOJIAAbl a summer day is long. 5KA3FbIP- to blame; to accuse.

JKAMJ1AT5KA3FbIPy accusation, charge, reproach. 5KA3FbIPyiIJbI accuser, reproacher. >KA3FbITYPbI spring (season); in spring. )KA3FbIT¥PbIM see »CASFblTYPbl. 5KA3FbIT¥PFbI /adj./ spring. 5ΚΑΪΪ 1) situation, position, condition; 2) place, spot; 3) term, date; 4) lightning; 5) simple, plain, ordinary; 6) free of charge; 7) simply, without definite purpose; 8) slowly, quietly, calmly, serenely; ... ΚΥΗβΕΡ weekdays; /fig./ prose of the life; ... KOJIIK cartage; ... HAMA3 small rug for prayer; ... CEFITEy /gram./ simple declension; ... TAPTKbllll lightning rod; ... ΘΗ,ΓΙΜΕ unpretentious tale. 5KAM- 1) to pasture, graze /tr./; 2) to unfold: 3) to spread, disseminate /tr./, propagate; 4) to spread out, lay, hang (as clothes, pictures, etc.) /tr./. 5KAM ATTA- to stroll, walk leisurely. 3KAMEAP /local E/ strong, firm, solid, durable. 5KAMEAPAKAT 1) carefree, placid, complacent, good-humored; 2) placidity, complacency, good humor. XCAMEAPAK.ATTAH- to quietly enjoy oneself. 5KAMEAPAK,ATTbIKplacidity, complacency, good humor. ^KAfl^APbl affable, friendly, cheerful, gay; ... IlIbIT Bokhara chintz. ^CAiiflAPblJlblK, cheerfulness, gaiety, merriment; friendliness. 3KAft AAK. saddleless;... Ill AH A sled; ATKA )KAft,flAK, MIH- to mount a horse without a saddle. ^ΚΑΪΪΛΑΚ,ΤΑ- to ride without a saddle. 3KAft-)KAnCAP 1) substance, essence, gist; 2) circumstance; 3) situation. 5KAHJ1A- 1) to set up a summer camp; to estivate, to pass the summer; 2) to tend cattle; 3) to use a horse for riding in summer; 4) to arrange in good order; 5) to slow down. 5KAMJ1AH- 1) to settle, establish oneself; 2) to calm, quiet down /intr./. JKAMJIAO AHT- to talk calmly. AiUIAC- 1) to get settled; 2) to be reconciled ; to make peace. 3KAHJIACTbIP- 1) to distribute; to put on right places; 2) to complete, bring to an end; 3) /fig./ to destroy. AAftJlACTblPyiUblJIblK organization of public services. )KAfiJIAT- 1) to graze cattle on summer

)KAJIEAJIAHZJApastures; 2) to distribute, put on right places. >KAHJIAy summer camp; summer pasture. 5KAMJ1H convenient, comfortable, cozy; suitable, favorable; ... 3KAFAAH favorable conditions; E¥JI MAFAH ... that suits me. }KAHMA 1) /adj./ flat, even; 2) bedsheet; 3) /local WC/ table cloth; 4) /local W/ carpet, rug; 5) rolled dough (noodles); ... BA3AP second-hand market;... CAV A retail trade. >KAMMA-fflYAK KYH warm, sunny day. 5KAMHA- 1) to shine, glitter; 2) to be decorated; to be nicely put in order (of a room); ΓΥΛΓΥΛ ... to flourish, blossom out. ^KAHHATEIJIFAH brilliant, splendid. )ΚΑήΗΑΗ; KAK- to show off; to seem to be friendly, affable, gay. 5ΚΑΗΗΑΗΛΑ- 1) see >KAHHAH KAK,-; 2) to shift (of eyes). 5KAHHAFAH shining, brilliant. 5ΚΑΜΠΑ- 1) to trample, crush, tread down; 2) to destroy, annihilate. 5ΚΑΪΪΠΑΚ 1) /adj./ flat, gently sloping; 2) flat dishes; ... »CAFAJIAV sloping coast. 5KAMPA- 1) to be scattered, strewn; to be untidy; 2) to be exterminated, killed. 5KAMPAH /zool./ gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa). 5KAMPAT- 1) to scatter, disorder /tr./, throw about; to leave to be in disorder; 2) /fig./ to tear into pieces; to disembowel. 7KAHPAH KAK,- to beam with joy. - to smile joyfully, brave fellow. 3KAnlIIA /adv./ for no special purpose. >KAftlIIBIJIBIK quiet, calm. >ΚΑΗΙΙΙΙ>υΐϊ>ΙΚΤΑ- at the usual time; on week-days. yKAflLlJl-1) to stretch, spread, extend /intr./; 2) to overflow /intr./; 3) to graze, pasture /intr./. DKAnBIJIMA flood-plain; ... CGMJIEM /gram./ extended sentence. 2KAHEIJIMM pasture; common pasture. >ΚΑίϊΙ>υΐί>ΙΠ 3CAT- to spread, widen /intr./. ^AHEIJIMC see 3KAHEIJII>IM. ΪΚΑΪΪΕΙΗ /zool./ sheat-fish. XCAMblH, 5KAMMHAH, or 5KAMBIHAA about, or, concerning. ^CAfibin 3KIEEP- to spread, widen /tr./. 5KA LIPAK 1) later, soon, anon; 2) leasurely, a little slower.

,- to pause, quiet down /intr./. >ΚΑΗΜΚΤΗΡ- to stop for a while /tr./; to quiet down /tr./. >KAfiLKA- to gore, butt. 5KAMKAJ1- to sway (of grass or trees). DKAftKAKTA- or ίΚΑΗΚΑΗΛΑ- to put on airs, to plume oneself. 3KAMKOP /local WC/ see AtfFA- /local SE/ 1) to gather, collect /tr./; to amass in one place; 2) to arrange; 3) to put (a room) in order. AAHFACTL·!?- see AAHJlACTblP-. aCAJI 1) mane; 2) layer of fat under a horse's mane; 3) crest of a mountain or hill; mountain rudge; 4) earnings, pay; ... AKW see )KAJIAKbI. )KAJTA false accusation, calumny, libel. )KAJIA- to lick. )KAJIAH- 1) to lick oneself (of animals); to lick one's lips; 2) /fig./ to be greedy. )KAJlAn TAVtlC- or )KAJIAn-3K¥KTAto lick clean. 3KAJIAC-: AYLIC 3KAJIAC- to hob-nob. 3KAJIAT- to coat with metal; KA.H ... to beat bloody. JKAJIAy banner, standard. AJIAV ΚΘΤΕΡ- /nav./ to hoist flag. 3KAJIAXOP see 3KAHAKOP. )KAJIAK 1) crack on lips (caused by wind); 2) healed wound on a horse's back (beneath the saddle); 3) licker; 4) /local E/ saline marsh, solonchak. AJIAK-3KYJ1AK ΚΑΡΑ- to glance around hastily. 3KAHAKOP caviller, slandered, calumniator, pettifogger. 5KAJlAKOPJItIK cavilling, slandering. 5KAHAKTA- see 3KAJIAHZJA-. 5KAJlAKt>I salary, wages. 5KAJIAH 1) the only; 2) naked, nude; 3) /local NC/ girder, main beam; ... ΑΛΚ barefoot; ... BAG with uncovered head. 3KAJIAHAIII naked, nude; /fig./ leafless. 5ΚΑΛΑΗΑΙΠΤΑ- to strip, denude, rip off. 5KAJIAHAUITI>IK nudity, nakedness. 3ΚΑΛΑΗΑΛΚ tramp, vagabond. 3KAHAHA.HKKA on the bare feet. }KAHAiJAA- to be greedy, avid. 3KAJIAH-}KAJTAH ET- to be thrust out for a moment (of the tongue). 5KAJIEA->K¥J1EA ragged. 5KAJIBAM /local NW/ a kind of headdress. )KAJIEAJlAHflA- see MCAJIBAKTA-. 89



3KAJIEAP- to entreat, beg, implore; XCAJlblHbin-... to entreat insistently. 5ΚΑΛΕΑΡΜΗ- 1) to appeal, call for help; 2) to entreat, beg, implore. 5KAJIEAPbIHy UlblJlblK; begging, imploring. 5KAJIEAK,TA- to be servile, toady. )KAJIBAHflA- see 3KAJIEAKTA-. JKAJIEAFAft 1) torn, ragged; 2) woolen hood. )KAJIBPA- see )KAHEbIPA-. 3KAJIEBI3 /bot./ mint (Mentha). 3KAJIEblP dishevelled (of wool); loosened (of hair). )KAJIEbIPA- 1) to flutter, fly, heave, sway; 2) to become dishevelled, to come loose (of hair.) }KAJIEbIP-)KYJIEbIP see )KAJIEA-)K¥JTEA. iKAJIEBIPAT- 1) to tear, tear off; 2) to let one's hair down. DKAJIEEIPAK, hanging down. aCAJIEblPIIIAK, /anat./ psalterium (third stomach of ruminants). ^CAJI^A- 1) to hire, employ, rent; 2) to cling to a horse's mane; Θ3ΕΗΗΕΗ AT 2ΚΑ.ΠΑΑΠ ΘΤ to swim across a river holding to horse's mane. >KAJIAAMA hired laborer. ^AJI AMAJIbl /adj./ hired, rented. )KAJmAH- 1) to be hired; 2) to recover (of men); 3) to become fattened (of cattle). 5KAJIAAHEA civil (not conscripted) employee of the army. JKAJIflAHV 1) hire, rent, employment; 2) obesity. JKAJI^AHVIIIEI applicant for work. 5KAJIAAHyUIbIJIbIK hire, employment. >KAJI£Ay lease. aCAJI^Aynibl employer, tenant, lessee. 5KAJIMA- /disd./ to eat greedily. 3KAJIMAOKAH rapidly, promptly, instantly. 3KAJIMAH- to display greed. >KAJIMAybI3 1) glutton, voracious; 2) /fig./ miser, usurer, shark. 3KAJIMAybI3,0;bIK, gluttony, voracity. 5KAJIMAHZJA- to display greediness; to fall upon the food. 5KAJin ET- or 3ΚΑΙΙΠ ETE TYC- to fall instantly. 3ΚΑ.ΙΙΠΑΜ- 1) to become flat; to be flattened; 2) to grow stout, to put on weight (of man.) 5KAJIDAK, flat; ... EEJl^EV sash, flat belt. aCAJinAKJA- to try to show good will. )ΚΑΛΠΑΗΑΑ- see ΪΚΑΛΠΑΚ,ΤΑ-.

iKAJinOKAJin ET- to flap wings repeatedly (of birds). >KAJinO3 /local SW/ horse-cloth, blanket. )KA/inbI /adj./ general, universal, gross; ... ΑΜΤΚ,ΑΗΑΑ or ... AJIFAH^A in general; ... ECIM /gram./ common noun; ... 3KbIMHbIJIblC general assembly; ... IH/JET epidemic, epizootic, plague. )KAJinbIJlA- to generalize; to talk in general terms. JKAJinblJl/lA- to flutter in the wind; /fig./ to display extreme servility. )KAJinbIJIiI.AyilIbmbIK servility, cringing. )KAJinbIJIflAyfaIK, /local SEI fuel producing large, bright flame (reeds, etc.). ^AJinblUblK universality. 5KAJIT: ... BEP- to make a fast unexpected turn; /fig./ to suddenly retract a promise; ... BVPblJl- to dash aside, to make a sharp turn; ... ET- to flash, flare up, take fire. 5KAJITAP- 1) to dash aside; to make an unexpected turn; 2) to escape something by turning aside; 3) /fig./ to evade, elude, shirk; to avoid a difficulty. }KAJTTAPy deviation, digression. 5KAJlTAPbin KET- to dash aside. 5KAJ1TAPBIC 1) turn; 2) means to avoid something; subterfuge. 5KAJlTAPFbim evasive, shifty, smart. }KAJlTAPFbIIIITbIK, evasiveness, shiftiness, smartness. 5KAJ1TAK, irresolute, indecisive, evasive; timid, timorous. 5KAJ1TAKTA- to look back timidly, with apprehension; to cast recurrent glances; /fig./ to act carefully, to talk with caution. )KAJlTAKTAyiIIbLJlbIK, timidity, irresoluteness, indecisiveness; lack of independence. )KAJlTAK,TAFbim irresolute, indecisive, timid, timorous. 5KAJ1TAH cloudless (of a winter day). - see 5KAJITAKTA-. s, indecisiveness, timidity. 5KAJITAH-)KAJ1TAH ΚΑΡΑ- to cast furtive glances aside. ^CAJ1T-5KVJ1T recurrent flashes (of fire, lightning); )KAHOKAFbIHA ... Κ,ΑΡΑto cast quick side glances. JKAJlTblJlAA- to shine, glitter, sparkle, gleam; to twinkle. 5KAHTbIP 1) lustre, glitter, gloss; 2) shining, brilliant; 3) clear (weather); ... Β AC bald. ^CAJlTblPA- to shine, glitter, sparkle.




)KAJITbIPAYbIK, gleam, gloss, reflection. )KAJlTbIPAFAH 1) shining, brilliant; 2) splendid. )KAJITbIPAFbIllI shining, brilliant. )KAJIbIH flame; /fig./ ardor. 5KAJ1WH- to implore. )KAJlbIH IHblFAP- to catch fire, get inflamed; to ignite /intr./. 5KAJIbIH£A- to flame, blaze; to catch fire, to ignite /intr./. )KAJIbIHi(Ay burning, ignition. )KAJIbIH,HAFbim easily heated (of a kettle or pot). ^AJIblH bl fiery, flaming; ... C9J1EM warm greeting. }KAJIbIHyiDbI soliciting, imploring; petitioner. )KAJIbIHbin CVPAFI AJI- to sob out (asking for something). 5KAJlbIHbIIHTbI dependent (of man). ^KAJIblK,- to get tired. )KAJIbIK,TbIP- to pester, bother, bore. }KAJIK,AY lazy man, idler, loafer, slacker. 5KAJIKAVJ1AH- to be lazy, idle. )KAJIKAYJIbIK, idleness. 3KAJIKAJIK, soft tumor; slime (with diarrhea); ichor. )KAJlK,bI solitary, sole, only; ... ECIM /gram./ proper noun. )KAJIK,bIH flame. )KAJIFA- to add, attach, fasten; ... AJI- to rent, hold on lease; ... AJIYIIIbl leaseholder, lessee; 5KYPEK ... to have a bite to eat; K.OJ1... to present, hand, serve, submit, transmit, pass on. 5KAJIFAMAJIbI ΤΙΛβΕΡ agglutinative languages. JKAJIFAMAJIblJlblK, /ling./ agglutination. 5KAJIFAH 1) lie, fiction, fabrication, falsity; 2) vulgar, rough; /fig./ short-lived, deceptive, delusive. 5KAJ1FAH- to become tied, to join; /ling./ to be attached as an affix. )KAJ1FAH AMT- to lie. ^KAJIFAHTblC a woolen hood. 5KAJlFAHUIbI liar, deceiver. )KAJIFAHIIIbIJIbIK, falseness, falsity, mendacity; /n./ imaginary. }KAJIFAC 1) continuation, extension, sequel; 2) following, subsequent, ensuing. )KAJIFAC- to join, adjoin; to be bound together, tied together; to take part in. ^KAJIFAV 1) continuation, extension, sequel, addition, supplement; 2) /gram./ ending;

ETICT1K ... conjugation affixes; ΚΘΠΤΙΚ ... affix of plurality; CEOTIK ... case endings; CEIITIK ... JKAJIFAHV changes according to cases; TaYEJIfllK ... possessive affix. >KAJIFbI3 one, only, solitary, lonely; ... BACTbl without a family; ... ΚΘ3 oneeyed; ... FAHA /adj. & adv./ only; )ΚΑΠΑ ... quite lonely, completely lonely. ^KAJIFbBA^IK, )KOJI footpath; narrow path, narrow trail, narrow walk. AAJIFbB-AK, see )KAJlFbI3 FAHA. >KAJlFbI3EAC solitary; lone man (without family). JKAJIFblSflblK, solitude, loneliness. )ΚΑΚΡΒΙ3-)ΚΑΡΗΜ some (people), someones. )KAM /local SW/ wash-tub. >KAM sugar-beet refuse; /local S/ bowl, dish; /local W/ deep hole, depression. }KAMA- to mend; to darn. )KAMAH 1) /adj. & adv./ bad; 2) badly, strongly, heavily; ... 5ΚΑΠΑΛΑΚ, /zool./ bam owl; ... CAPbl /zool./ buzzard. )KAMAH ΚΘΡ- to disrespect, disesteem. DKAMAH ΐςΥΑΗ- to rejoice greatly. )KAMAHAT bad news; bad reputation, bad name. 3KAMAHAA- to find fault (with); to censure, detract. 5KAMAHAAC- to detract each other, censure each other; to make a row, to brawl. }ΚΑΜΑΗβΑΤ /vet./ anthrax (disease of horses). )KAMAHAAY detraction. JKAMAHflAFbllll faultfinder. 5KAMAH^bIK, evil; everything negative. 3KAMAH-5KVMAH H9PCEJIEP old junk. 5KAMAHIiIbIJlbIK, obscenity, indecency, dishonesty; everything bad. 5KAMAY patch. }KAMAY-)KACKAy patching, mending. >KAMAFAT society, public; gathering, assembly; wife. 5KAMBAC thigh, hip; (see also 3KAHEAC). 5KAMEACTAn sideways, sidewise. >KAMEW gifts to parents and relatives of the bride. )KAMEbIJI /local E/ fortification. 3ΚΑΜΠΑΗΑΑ- to express sincere feelings. 3ΚΑΜΠΑΗΛΑΟ to compare notes. 5KAMUIbI blanket. 3KAMbIJI- to cover oneself up. cover, blanket. 91


)KAHIIIbUIFAH 5ΚΑΗΛΑΗ- 1) to come to life; 2) to become animated, inspired. )KAH AH blP- j) to breathe in; 2) to animate, inspire, revive /tr./. 5ΚΑΗ/ΙΑΗΥ revival, rebirth. >KAHAAPM gendarme. )KAHflAC close friend. >K AH AH living, live, lively;... EACIflbl JlblK lively leadership; ... CYPET projector. - to burn /tr./; /fig./ to fire, inflame. , living creature; /local SE/ 1) ewe; 2) small cattle (sheep, etc.). 3KAH3KAJ1 1) quarrel, dispute, scandal; 2) /local NW/ rings for padlock; ... IIIblFAP- to commit excesses; to commit outrages. 5KAH)KAJmAC- to argue, dispute; to quarrel; to brawl. 5KAH3KAJlIUbI.ri squabbler, brawler. 5KAH3KAJIKOM brawler, squabbler, scandal monger. 5KAH)KAJIFA EEMIM scandal monger. >ΚΑΗΟ«ΑΗΥΑΡ /zool./ fauna. 3KAH-)KAK, /adv./ round, around. JKAHJKAKJA everywhere. 5KAH)KAK,TAH from all sides. )ΚΑΗ-)ΚΑ!ςΤΒΙ thoroughly, in detail. "Χ.AHOT see 3KAHAT. »ΑΗΡ genre. 3KAHCEEIJI dashing, daring, dare-devil, desperate. )KAHCEEIHAIK 1) vitality, tenacity of life; 2) desperateness. 5KAHCbI3 lifeless (dead), heartless; /fig./ spy. 5KAHCbI3flAH- to atrophy. >KAHCbI3^AHFAH atrophied. AAHCbI3AbIK, lifelessness. ^CAHTAfii- to lie on one's side. 5KAHTAJIAC- 1) to be in great hurry; 2) to work with excessive strain; 3) to toss /intr./ in the agony of death. 5KAHTAJIACV /fig./ agony. 3KAHTAPT- to sympathize with someone; to favor (someone). 5KAHTAK, /bot./ camel's thorn (Alhagi camelorum). 7KAH-T9HIMEH by body and soul; with all one's heart and soul. 5KAHY1) burning, combustion; 2) razor strop. }KAHYAP animal, living oeing. 3KAHYAPJ1AP 9JIEMI fauna. 3KAHIHfaI- to squeeze out, trample down. 3KAHIUbI.il- to be pressed in. 5KAHIIIbIJIFAH hollow, dent.

5KAMbIJIFbI veU, cover. 3KAMWPA- to be admitted to ewes or cows for sucking (of lambs and calves). 3KAMbIPAII CORUE- to talk simultaneously (of a group of people). 5KAMbIPAT- to admit lambs or calves to their mothers for sucking. 3KAH 1) spirit, soul; 2) living being, man; 3) side; 4) sense; ... 3KOJI life; ... KA^blC shaft braces, traces (of harness); ... Κ,ΜίίHAMTblH hellish (pain, etc.). 3KAH as s.n. see: )K AHblHAH, AAHblHAA. }KAH- 1) to burn /intr./; 2) to catch fire, get inflamed, ignite /intr./; 3) to strop (a razor); to sharpen, grind (a knife, scythe); 4) to turn (on a lathe). }KAH BAR,- to take care of oneself. 5KAH TAPT- to intercede for someone; to plead for someone. 5KAHA see 5ΚΘΗΕ. 5KAHA- to go by; to go past. 5KAHA3A memorial service; requiem. DKAHAMA /adj./ side, lateral, adjacent; indirect, oblique; ... /J9JIEJT /leg./ circumstantial evidence. 3KAHAP 1) lustre, air, appearance; 2) /adj./ fuel; ... MAM liquid fuel. 3CAHAPJIAH- to brighten (of eyes). )KAHAPJIbI 1) good-looking; 2) burning (of eyes). 5KAHAPTAY volcano; ... ^YCblFbl volcanic eruption; COHEEFEH ... active volcano; COHFEH ... extinct volcano. 3KAHAC- to border, to be adjacent; to approach each other, draw together, draw near. 3KAHACTbIP- to bring into contact. ^CAHACTblPbin AMT- to present a related fact plausibly. 3KAHACY contact, touch, drawing together, approach. 3KAHAT raccoon. )KAHAIlIbIP the nearest one. 3ΚΑΗΑΛΡ one who evades difficult or dirty work. }KAHEAC /anat./ thigh, hip, pelvis; ... CYMEK pelvic bones. DKAHEACTA- to lie on one's side. 3KAHEACEI CAJIblK, /hist./ capitation, polltax. aCAHBAVblP slope. 3ΚΑΗΓΕΠΙΤΙ dashing, daring, dare-devil, madcap, desperate. 92

)KAHUIbin )KAHIIlbin IIlblFAP- to squeeze out. 5KAHUIbin Κ,ΑΚ,ΤΑ- /tech./ to roll; to mill. XAHIIIbin KAKTAY /tech./ rolling. )KAHUIbin KAKJAYIIIbl roller. )KAHbI AUIblMAHTWH heartless; indifferent, apathetic. >KAHbI AUlblMAYIlIbUIblK heartlessness. )KAHbI KblHHAJI- to be exhausted; to be tired out. )KAHbIJIFAH /adj./ turned (on a lathe). 5KAHbIH ΑΛΜΑ- to do one's best, sparing no pains. )KAHMH CAJIA ICTE- to put one's soul into one's work. )KAHbIHAH from; near, at, by; past. JKAHbltmA by, at, near, around, about. )KAHbin KET- to burn down, burn away. 3KAHbin TYPFAH shining, brilliant. 5KAHbICTbIP- /local E/ to incite, instigate, set on. }KAHbimTA- to rumple, crumple, press, squeeze repeatedly. «AHblK,- /local W/ to hurry. aCAHKAMLIC trace (of harness). >KAHK,AJITA side pocket. )KAHK,i>I.flPJlbIK, selfless. 3KAHFA BAT- to inflict severe pain; to exert strong negative influence. )KAHFbIIII inflammable;... 3AT combustible material. ^KAHFbllUTblK, inflammability. 5ΚΑΠ particle, intensifying the meaning of words beginning with the syllable. 5ΚΑΠ /local SE/ cellar, store-room for vegetables, etc. >ΚΑΠ- 1) to close, lock, cork, plug; 2) to liquidate, wind up; 3) to imprison; 4) to graze (cattle) /tr./, pasture (cattle) /tr./; to send the cattle to grass. 5ΚΑΠΑ 1) offence; 2) oppression, torture, torment; 3) cow's manure; ... ΚΘΡ- to be offended; ... ΠΙΕΚ- to be tormented, tortured. >KAnAZIAH-5KAJIFbI3 or ίΚΑΠΑΟΚΑΙΙFbI3 the only, solitary. 5ΚΑΠΑΙΙ /local WC/ pad underlining a camel's pack-saddle. )ΚΑΠΑ.ΠΑΚ, 1) /zool./ owl; 2) large snow flakes. )KAnAJIAKJ"A- to fall in flakes (of snow). aCAOAJIAKTAO TVP- see 5KAnAJIAKJA. 5ΚΑΠΑΗ AJIA ΟΓ 3ΚΑΠΑΗ TY3 uninhabited steppe, wilderness. yKADATAPMAFAH all at once; in a crowd;

MCAPA CblH /fig./ all hands' job; ... VMTblJI- to rush in a crowd. )KAn-}KAHA brand new. >ΚΑΠΟΗ Japanese. 5ΚΑΠΠΑ hut, shed; temporary weather shelter. 5ΚΑΠΠΑΜ /adj./ mass, complete, universal, general. 5ΚΑΠΡΑΚ, see )ΚΑΠΜΡΑΚ,. JKAnCAP 1) place of junction of two objects; 2) yurt's roof felt pieces. 5KAOCAPJIAC adjacent. 5KADCbIP- 1) to glue, stick, paste, stick up, stick round, paste all over /tr./; 2) /fig./ to put blame on someone else. }KAnCbIPbIJI- to stick /intr./, adhere, be glued, be pasted. >KAnCbIPbIJIFbini adhesive, sticking easily. JKAOTAC /local SE/ neighboring, adjacent. JKAHblPA - to sit with the back curved. 5KAHbIPAHFAH YM house with low ceiling. ΑΑΠΜΡΑΚ 1) /bot./ leaf; 2) scrap (of paper), shred (of material); 3) slice (of bread or meat). SCAnbIPAK,CbI3 leafless. >ΚΑΙΊΗΡΑΚΤΑ- to crumble /tr./; to crumb, to chop into small pieces. 3KAnbIPAKJbI AFAffl deciduous tree. aCAnblP-^CVnblP- to begin to hustle; to become animated. 5KAnbIPbIJI- to be felled, broken through, trampled down (of grass); to be wrinkled. SCAflblPblJIFAH hollow, dent. aCAnblPblJTFbini easily crumpled, rumpled, wrinkled. 5ΚΑΠΚ,ΜΙΠ 1) lid, cover, cap; 2) bolt, bar, slide plate. )KAP 1) order; 2) clirf, crag; steep bank, coast, slope; precipice; 3) friend, comrade; 4) husband, wife, fiance, fiancee; 5) /local W & WC/ wall. 3KAP- 1) to cleave, split /tr./, dissect; to cut open, rip up; 2) to blast, blow up /tr./; 3) to cut teeth, teethe /intr./; 4) to be well provided for; to be well supplied. 5KAP CAJI- to publish, promulgate, announce. 3KAPA wound, scar; sore, ulcer; ... TAH,bIffl bandage. 5KAPA-1) to fit; to be becoming; 2) to match, suit; 3) to correspond, conform; 4) to be well trained; to look smart. JKAPA fltI good, well, right, OK. )KAPAMCbIH /inter)./ bravo!




)KAPAJI- to arise, emerge, originate /intr./; to be*conceived. 5KAPAJ1A- to wound, inflict a wound. 3CAPAJ1AH- to be wounded. )KAPAJIAHFAH wounded. 3ΚΑΡΑΛΑΥ injury. 3KAPAJILI see 5KAPAJIAHFAH. 3KAPAJIFAH see 5KAPAJIAHFAH. )KAPAMAbI fit, good for, valid for, suitable. SKAPAM blJIblK, fitness, validity, suitableness. 2KAPAMCAK, flatterer, adulator, toady, lickspittle. )KAPAMCAKJAH- to flatter, court, fawn upon, curry favor. >KAPAMCAKJAHyiIIbIJIbIIKAPAHTbI /local E/ covered wagon. 5KAPAHM EAHJIA- to bandage (a wound). XCAPAP see JKAPAfiWH. >KAPAC- 1) to conform, correspond, be becoming, suit (of clothes), match (of clothes); 2) to make peace, be reconciled. 5KAPACTbIK, conformity, accordance, compliance. iKAPACTblKCbn unbecoming (of clothes). 5KAPACTbIKTbI becoming (of clothes). 5KAPAT- 1) to approve; 2) to use, utilize; 3) to love, like, consider fit; 4) to create; 5) to train a horse for races. 3KAPATV 1) approval; 2) usage, use, application; 3) love, sympathy; 4) creation; 5) training of horses for races. aCAPATblJl- to be created; to be fit for something. XCAPATBIJIblC nature, character; ... BAHJlblKJAPbl natural resources. 5KAPATMH /mil./ explosive. 3KAPATKAH God (creator). 5KAPAY 1) trained (of horses); 2) skinny racehorse. 3KAPAK, weapons, arms, armament. )KAPAK,AT wound, injury, trauma. )KAPAKATTA- to wound; to inflict wounds. 5KAPAK.TAH- to feel well. aCAPAKJAHFAH blK, state of being armed. )KAPEAK, lickspittle, hanger-on.


5ΚΑΡΒΑΗΛΑ- to please excessively; to play up, flatter. )KAPBbIH- to sit with the back curved. 3ΚΑΡΓΟΗ slang. 5KAP5KAP a popular wedding song. 5ΚΑΡΗΛ open, public; ... BOJ1- to become known, to be published; ... KbIJI- to publish, to promulgate. 5ΚΑΡΗΛΛΑ- to make known, to give publicity (to). 5KAPM J1AH- to be announced, proclaimed, published, promulgated. )ΚΑΡϋΛ.ΓΙΑΥ publication, proclamation, declaration, promulgation. )ΚΑΡΜΛΙΙΑΥΙΠΗ announcer, herald. )KAPMAJTbIK publicity. 5KAPJIW poor person. 3KAPJIfaI-)KAK,bIBAfi[ the poor (collectively). >KAPJIbIJIAH- to become poor. «APJIblJIblK, poverty. »CAPJIblK, 1) command, order; 2) decree; ... BEP- to order. 5KAPMA 1) groats; 2) /local NW, SW/ large irrigation ditch. >KAPMAC- to cling, to catch hold. 3CAPMEHKE market, fair. 5KAPHA share. 5KAPHA AC shareholder, partner. 3KAPHAMA poster, placard; /hist./ announcement, promulgation. 5KAPHAK, see 3KAPHA. 5KAPTAC crag, cliff, rock. >KAPTACTbI yKEP rocky terrain. 5KAPTM half; ... APAJI peninsula; ... )KIEEK half-silk; ... CAFAT half an hour; ... ΠΙΕΚΠΕΗ half-cloth. )KAPTbIEAC /hist./ hard labor convict. »CAPTbl/JAH JKAPTbl a quarter. )KAPTbIJIA- to halve, cut in two. 3ΚΑΡΤΉΛΑΪί /adv./ half, by half. »APTblJIAV /adv./ half-and-half, in two. 3KAPIUA /local SE/ rye. 3KAPIUAV /local W/ curtain. 5KAPUIbI public crier, messenger, herald. 5KAPblJI- to break, burst, explode, crack, cleave, split /intr./. >KAPbIJIATbIH explosive. aCAPblJIY explosion. )KAPbIJIbI see »CAPJIbl. 3KAPbIJlK,A- 1) to endow, benefit /tr./, present with gifts, extend benefactions; 2) to pardon, forgive; /rel./ to absolve sins. 3KAPbIJIKAMTbIH see )KAPbIJIK,AFAH. )KAPbUIK,AyiIIbIJlbIK. /obs./ benefaction.

)KAPbIJIK,AFAH 5KAPWJ1KAFAH beneficial. )KAPbIJIK,AFEim benefactor. )KAPbIJIFbini explosive; easily split (of wood); ... 3AT explosive material. ^CAPblM 1) half; 2) half-witted, crazy. )KAPbIM-3KAPTbI half-way; little; small quantity. )KAPbIM,HA- to halve, to cut into two. )KAPbIMEC half-witted, silly. 5KAPbIM)KAH cripple. 5KAPbIM)KAH,m>IK, disablement, injury. 5KAPWH /local NC/ next year. )KAPbin 5KbIK,- to cut through /tr./. 5KAPbIC races, contest, competition; ... AJIAHbl or 5KAPWC )KOJlbI hippodrome, race-course, race-track. JKAPbIC- to run (take part in a race); to compete, contend. )KAPbICY contest, competition. 5KAPbIT- to sate, satiate, satisfy. APblTblMAbl satisfactory; considerable. 5KAPbITbIMCbI3 unsatisfactory. 5KAPWK, 1) light, lighting, illumination; 2) /adj./ light, bright, luminous; 3) crack, cleft, fissure, slit, split, crevice, chink, slot; 4) /adj./ having a chink, crack, fissure; 5) hernia;... ΒΕΡΓΙΠΙΓΑ3 illuminating gas; ... Κ,ΑΡΜΗ /local Ε & SE/ fallow land; ... K,OHbI3 glow worm. )KAPbIK, EEP- to turn on the light. 5KAPbIK-C9yJTECI3 gloomy, cheerless, joyless. }KAPbIK,TAH- to become lighter, brighter; to dawn. >KAPbIK,TAHAbIP- to light, illuminate; to make light, to make bright. 5ΚΑΡΜΚ,ΙΠΑΚ, chink, small crack, small fissure. ίΚΑΡΜΚ,ΙΠΑΚ,ΤΑΗ- to crack, burst, split /intr./. )KAPK, ET- to flash /intr./; to begin to sparkle. )KAPK,AHAT /zool./ bat. }ΚΑΡΚ-3ΚΑΡϊς ET- to brandish (arms). 5KAPK.OKYPK- to flash /intr./; scintillate, sparkle. )KAPKWJ1 sparkling, glittering, flashing. ίΚΑΡΚ,Ευΐ,ΟΑ- 1) to shine, flash, sparkle, glitter, gleam /intr./, to scintillate; 2) to brandish (arms). XCAPKblJlAAT- see ^KAPI^blJIAA- (2). >ΚΑΡΚ,ί>υΐ,α[ΑΡΗΙΠ capable of sparkling, gleaming, flashing. 5KAPK,bIH bright, light, luminous, radiant, beaming, shining, brilliant; /fig./ magnifi-

5KACAKTAHcent; ... 5KY3A1 friendly, affable, radiant, beaming. )KAPK,bIHbIM /caress./ my dear. 3KAPK,bIPA- to shine, glitter, sparkle /intr./; /fig./ to distinguish oneself. 3KAPK PAT- to gloss, polish. 3KAPK,bIPAY aureole, radiance, glittering. ίΚΑΡΚ,ΕΙΡΑΥΜΚ, spangles. 5KAPKEIPAFAH brilliant, splendid. }KAPKtIPAFbIUI capable to glitter, to shine. )KAPK,bIPAFbIinTbIK ability to glitter, to shine. )KAPFAK, winter colt-skin coat. )KAPFbIID /tech./ fuse, igniter. )KAC 1) young; 2) age (of man, etc.); 3) tear, tears; 4) /local W/ water, moisture; ... AfiblPMACbl difference in age; ... EAJIA child; ... EOFV fresh manure (dung); ... ET fresh meat; ... 5ΚΙΠΤ young man; ... KE3 E /adv./ in youth; ... UIAMACbl age; ... K£I3 little girl. )KAC- 1) to soften /intr./ (of metals); 2) to be dejected, cast down; to lose heart, despair; to become timid. )KAC AJI- to shed a few tears; to begin to cry. >KACA-1) to live, thrive; 2) to create, produce, make, construct; 3) to load, charge (as a gun); 4) to depict, portray; 5) to conclude; 5) /local W/ to do (a job). )KACAM AJI- to hold out. 5KACAJ1- to be made. aCACAMbIC overgrown. )KACAH- 1) to dress up /intr./; 2) to prepare a girl's trousseau. >KACAH,IU>I artificial; ... EMEC natural. »CACAHAblP- to dress up /tr./; to adorn, decorate, embellish. 5KACAP- 1) to become younger; 2) to turn green; EIP ... EAJIA year-old child. 5KACAPV 1) rejuvenation; 2) tree planting. DKACAC- to live together. ^CACACblH long live! 5KACAY 1) furniture; 2) /obs./ dowry, trousseau. 2KACAyJIbI 1) well furnished room or yurt; 2) /obs./ wealthy bride. 5KACAVPA- to water (of eyes). HCACAVCbD /obs./ dowerless girl. aCACAVnibl one who produces something. iKACAVblJI /local W/ 1) watchman, guard; 2) special messenger. >KACA-^IUA- to pass one's life. DKACAK, /obs./ armed force, army, militia. )KACAKTAH- to arm /intr./. 95



5KACTA- or 3KACTAH- to put something under one's head (as pillow). 5KACTAP young people; the young. 3KACTAFM AMblPMA difference in age. >KACTbI year-old child. DKACTBIK, 1) youth; 2) pillow, pad; ... TbICbl pillow-case; ... fflAK, youth. )KACy point, spike; HHEHIH »CACYbl a needle's point. 3KACbIJI green. >KACbIJI,ZIAH- to become green, turn green. 5KACbIMbIK, /local/ maize. aCACblP- to hide, conceal. }KACbIPyfflbI concealer. aCACblPVUIblJIblK, concealment, harboring. 3KACbIPbIJI- to be hidden. XCACblPblH secret, confidential; mysterious, enigmatic; secretly, surreptitiously, confidentially; ... ^AVblC BEPV secret ballot; ... CblP secret, secrecy. 3KACbIPbIH- to hide /intr./, hide oneself. 3KACbIPbIH XAEAP EEP- to inform confidentially. AACblPblHBAK, hide and seek (play). JKACblPbin Κ,ΟΪΪ- to hide /tr./. 3KACWT coeval; of the same age. JKACbIT- to incandesce, make red hot. 5KACEIK, 1) lean (of meat), not nourishing; 2) timid, indecisive, not energetic, weakwilled; 3) low-grade (of metals, etc.). 5KACbIKTAH- to become timid. 3KACbIK,TbIK, indecisiveness, timidity, lack of will. 3KACKA- 1) to lift one's hand against; 2) to scare away, frighten away. 3KACK, AH- to fear, dread, be afraid; to be timid. MCACKAHflblP- to inspire fear. 3KACKAHIIIAK, timid, timorous, indecisive. XCACKAHfflAKTblK timidity. )KAT 1) memory; 2) strange, foreign; stranger, foreigner, alien; ... EJIflE in a foreign country. »CAT- 1) to lie down, be lying down; 2) to be situated; 3) to stay, live, stop at; 4) to belong, relate, pertain; /descr./ after the gerund on A, E, ft of the main verb imparts to the latter the notion of continuous, unfinished action. 3ΚΑΤΑΠ AJI- to learn. 5KATAK, 1) burrow, hole, den, lair; 2) place for sleeping, night shelter; 3) skull-cap; 4) /obs./ settled population. 3KATAK.XAHA dormitory, hostel. ATTA- to learn by h eart, to memorize. 96

5ΚΑΤΤΑΠ AJI- to learn by heart. iKATTblK, /lit./ barbarism. ATTbIK-1) to exercize /intr./, train oneself, acquire experience; 2) to get accustomed. 5KATTbIFy excercise, training. )KATbin TbIHblK- to have a complete rest (in bed). >KATbin IUIEP /fig./ parasite. 5KATbIPK,A- to shun (somebody), to keep away from, to feel shy. )KATbIPK,AFbIIII unsociable. )KATbIC lying, idleness. )KATbIC CEHTIK /gram./ locative case. JKATblK, 1) slanting, sloping; low sloping coast; 2) smooth, even, fluent; well rounded (of speech); 3) /fig./ polite; ... MIHE3 gentle disposition. 3KATKA ElJIin AJI- to learn by heart. 5KATKA AJI- to remember. )KATK,bl3- to put to bed; /fig./ to knock down, to hit and throw down. 5KAy 1) enemy, foe; 2) /agr./ pest, vermin; ... TOPFAM bunting (bird). 5KAV- to fall (of precipitation). )KAyAn answer. )KAyAO AJI- to interrogate, question. >KAyAn BEP- to answer. /leg./ defendant, respondent. responsibility. JKAyAHKEPJIIKCIS irresponsible. >KAyAriKEPJIIKCi3,aiK irresponsibility. 5KAyAriKEPCI3 see }KAyAnKEPJIIKCI3. MCAyAIlKEPIIHJIIK see ^KAyAOKEPJIIK. 3KAyAriCbI3 unaccountable. >ΚΑνΑΠ-ΤΕΡΓΕν /leg./ questioning (at a trial). responsible. responsibility. TAPT- to call to account; to sue in court. 5KAy,0,bI EACnAJIAT- to attack the enemy without giving him any respite (any breathing time). )KAy,abIP-: OK, ... /mil./ to open fire; ... ΚΘ3 /adj./ with beautiful eyes (of women). SCAyJKYPEK brave, courageous, bold. >KAVJIA- to fight; to be at war; to carry on war. JKAyJIAO AJI- to conquer. >KAyJIAn AJiy conquest. )KAyJIAC- to quarrel; to be hostile; to be at war. DKAyJIACTblP- to instigate; to stir up

^KAVJIAV hostilities between the others; to provoke a war between other countries. JKAVJIAV iron scoop for cooking. AAVJIblK, 1) enmity, animosity; 2) headdress of married women (of white calico). 5KAVPA- to freeze /intr./, shiver. TKAVPblH /anat./ scapula, shoulder blade. HCAyPblHABI broad-shouldered. 5KAyCbIPA- to strive for conquests; to kindle enmity. JKAVTAHflA- to look around with disappointment. }KAyfflbI-}KAJIAMAA hastily, hurriedly. iKAVbD villain, scoundrel; malicious, pernicious, mean, perfidious. JKAYbOAblK, evil, evil deed, villainy, meanness, baseness. iKAVLIH rain, foul weather. KAVblHEEP /mil./ soldier; /adj./ battle, bellicose, efficient in fighting; ... JKOJIflAC comrade in arms; ... PVX fighting spirit. WAVblHrEPJlIK 1) /mil./ heroism, courage, bravery; 2) fighting efficiency, combat value; ... BEJin war decorations; ... 93IPJIIK readiness for action, combat preparedness; "... ΕΗ,ΒΕΓΙ YIHIH" "For Merit". KYH humid weather. want of rain, dry weather, drought. ^KAVblH-IUAUIblH precipitation. iKAVblH-UIAIlIblHAbl KYH foul weather. JKAVblP scar on a horse's back. iKAVLIPblH ΑΠΙ- to practice sorcery; to tell fortunes. HCAVblPblH ΚΑΡΑ- to tell fortunes. 5KAVbIK,- to be hostile. 5KAYFA M1HEP AT battle steed. 3KAVKAP see aC9YhAP. ^CAVKACblH /bot./ dog's tooth violet (Erythronium den-canis). >ΚΑΛ rump of horse; lower part of back of animals. diaper. pedestrian; /adj./ foot; /adv./ on foot; ... BOPACblH drifting snow; ... KICI pedestrian; ... 9CKEP infantry, infantry soldier. 5ΚΑΛΥ 3KYP- to walk. AA^yjIA- see KAM 5KYP-. >KAJiyjlAn afoot, on foot. WAflyillblJlblK lack of horses; lack of means of transportation. 5KAK, 1) side; 2) land, country; 3) cheek; 4) bow (weapon); 5) /math./ side (of a 97

triangle, etc.); 6) /gram./ person; ... 5KYHI or... CAKAJ1 side whiskers;... CYfiEK jaw. )KAK,- 1) to set fire; to light, to ignite /tr./; to burn /tr./, heat (a stove); 2) to smear, grease, dub, spread (as butter on bread); to coat. XCAK, BOJ1- to side (with someone); BAJIAFA ... to stand up for a child. )KAKAT /local SE/ income, returns. 5KAK,-)KAK BOJI- /intr./ to break up into groups (of men). 5KAKCAP- to improve /intr./. 5KAKCAPT- to improve /tr./. )KAK,CbI /adj. & adv./ good, well; beneficial; decent; /fig./ rich (abundant); ... HMETTI well disposed; ... PAftMEH magnanimously, generously; ... TIJ1EKTI well disposed; ... T¥PMbIC XAJIbl prosperity. MCAK,CbI3 /gram./ impersonal; ... ETICTIK impersonal verb; ... COHJIEM impersonal sentence. >KAK,CbIJIA- 1) to accept as being good; 2) to arrange in good order. )KAK,CbIHAn beneficially. 5KAK,CbIJIbIK. /n./ good; /obs./ benefaction; goodness, virtue. )KAKTA- to side with, intercede for; to take someone's part; to defend someone, to exculpate. )KAK,TAC- to take someone's part; to stand up for someone; BAJIAFA ... to stand up for a child. >KAK,TAy window jamb. >KAKJAyiHbI defender. 5KAKTBIP- to approve. )KAK.IIIA brackets, parentheses. >KAK,bI /local SE/ see 5KAPFAK,. }KAKiIH near, by, beside, to; near relative; ... AiiHAJIAflA near, near-by;... APAflA nearest in time; ... HOC close friend; ... WEPffE nearby, close by, at hand; ... 5KEPAEH see ... 3KEPAE; ... MAHflA see ... >KEPAE. }KAK,bIH,fl;A nearby, close by, at hand; nearest in time; recently, of late, lately. )KAK,bIH/(A- to approach, to draw nearer /intr./. )KAK,bIHAAC- to draw together /intr./, to become close friends; to become related. 5KAK,bIHAACTbIP- to draw nearer /tr./. 3CAK,bIH4AFbI /adj./ near, neighboring. >KAK,bIH,ZibIK, nearness, proximity; relationship, kinship.



)KAKbIHHAH BOJDKAFbllU /fig./ nearsighted (lacking foresight). )KAKbIHHAH ΚΘΡΠΙΙΙ near-sighted (of eyes). )KAKtIHCbIH- to consider to be near (of distance or kinship). ^ΚΑΚ,ΒΙΗΒΙΡΑΚ, nearer. )KAKKA ¥Ρ- to slap in the face. )KAK,¥T precious stone (ruby or sapphire). 5KAH, /local E/ large clod of clay (as used in the construction of adobe huts and corals). JKAHA new, fresh; ... AJIblHFAH new draftee, recruit; ... 5KbIJI new year; ... FAH A just, just now. 2ΚΑΗΑΛΑ just, just now; recently, of late, lately; ... FAH A just now. jKAHA^AH again, anew. }KAHAflAH >ΚΘΗΑΕ- to restore. )KAH,AJIA- to renovate. 3KAHAJ1AH- to become excited. 3ΚΑΗΑ-Ί!>ΙΚ, news, newness, innovation. iKAHAJIblKTA FAHA just, just now. )KAIiAP- to be renovated; to revive /intr./. ^CAHAPT- to revive /tr./. 3KAHAPV revival, rebirth. 3KAHAIHA in a new fashion; in a new way. 5KAH,AIIIbIJl innovator; advocate of innovations. ^KAIiAfflbUMfelK, innovations. iKAHEblP or 3KAH,EbIP-5KAybIH rain. )KAHEbIPJIbI rainy; ... EVJIT rain cloud. 3KAHCA /local SW/ fillet of sheatfish. 5KAHCAK, 1) invention, fiction, fabrication; 2) error; 3) erroneous; erroneously, by mistake. )KAH,CAK,TAH- to err; to be mistaken, make a mistake; to be wrong. 5KAHbIJI- 1) to err, to be wrong; to make a mistake, be mistaken; 2) to go astray, to be confused. )K Alibi JlflblP- to draw (into something); to lead astray, confuse, tangle, mix up). MCAHbUITriAm tongue-twister. 5KAm>IJIbIC error, mistake, blunder. 3KAHbIJlbIC- to err; to be mistaken, mixed up; to lose one's way. ^KAKtblJIblCCbD unerring, faultless. 3KAH,K,A splinter. HCAH.FAJIAK, 1) absent-minded, forgetful, disorderly; 2) rake, loafer, scapegrace, good-for-nothing; empty-head. 5KAHFAK, nut; TYME ... walnut. 3KAHFAPT- to renovate. or 5KAHFbIPY re-creation.

5KAH,FbIPbIK D echo; 2) anvil support. )KAFA 1) shore, coast, beach; 2) collar; ... KOPFAHACbl coast defense; AJIMAJIblCAJIMAJIbl ... attachable collar; ΤΙΚ ... stand-up collar; KAitUPMA ... turn-down collar; K,bICTbIPMA ... double collar. )KAFA,UAH AJI- to catch by the throat. )KAFAJI smudgy, dirty; ΚΑΡΑ ... Κ,Οή black-headed sheep with stripes on the cheeks. >KAFAJIA- to ride or walk along a coast; to importune, bother, pester; 5KAC BAJIAAAH ... to bother as a child. )KAFAJIAfi lengthwise, along. 5KAFAJIAC- to catch one another by throat; to fight. AFAJIAV 1) strip stretching along something; 2) coast, littoral, coastal zone. 3KAFAJITAM /zool./ kestrel. aCAFAJIblK, material for collar. )KAFACbI3 boundless. JKAFACbDAWK, boundlessness. )KAF#AM 1) condition, circumstance; situation, position; 2) environment, milieu; 3) /fig./ atmosphere. TV- to favor. favorable, convenient. 1) unfavorable, inconvenient; 2) awkward position. aCAF^AHCblS/IblK, 1) inconvenience, unfavorableness; 2) disorder, unsettled state. 3KAFJIAH /local Ε & SE/ a kind of trunk for luggage. 3CAFV rubbing in. )KAFbI CEMEEfl unceasingly (of talking). ^CAFblJI- to be lit; to be heated (of stove, oven, etc.). AFblM bl pleasant, pleasing, agreeable; favorable; harmonious, melodous, euphonic. )KAFbIMnA3 lickspittle, flatterer, adulator. >ΚΑΡΗΜΠΑ3^ΑΗ- to fawn upon, flatter, adulate. )KAFbIMnA3AAH,abrP- see )KAFbIMΠΑ3ΛΑΗ-. )ΚΑΡΜΜΠΑ3ΑΙ>ΙΚ, fawning, flatter. )KAFbIMCbI3 unpleasant, disagreeable, unattractive. 3KAFMH- to excel in flattery. JKAFbIHA towards, in the direction of. DKAFblHAH from the side of. »CAFblH A- at the side of. 5KAFBIC /local SW/ 1) coast, shore; 2) place designated for a certain purpose. 5KAHAHHAM hell. 98



/mil./ one-man reconnaissance; ... EAC /n./ individual; ... ΜΕΗΓΠΙΚ proprietor; ... lIlAPyAIIIblJIblK, individual (privately owned) farm. 5KEKE-5KEKE without coordination. >KEKEJIE- to separate, isolate. 3CEKEH /bot./ sedge (Carex). 3KEKEYIC dagger. 3ΚΕΚΕ1ΠΕ 1) separately, apart; singlehandedly; 2) individual farmer; 3) /gram./ singular number; ... TYP^E singly. 3KEKKI trained carriage horse. 3ΚΕΚΚΘΡΙΗΙΙΠΤΙ see 3KEKC¥PbIH. 5ΚΕΚΚΘΡΙΗΙΙΠΤυΐΙΚ antipathy. )ΚΕΚΠΕ-)ΚΕΚ duel. 3KEKCEMEI Sunday. )KEKC¥PbIH 1) nasty, unpleasant, repulsive, hateful, odious; despicable, despised; 2) villain, scoundrel. MCEKCYPblH^blK, infamy, vileness. EKTIP- to order (someone) to harness (a horse, etc.). 3KEKIP- to shout. >ΚΕΚΙΡΙΠ AKLIPV a single cry, shout, yell. 3KEJ1 wind; ... ΑΛΚ, swift-footed; ... EE3EP see 5KEJIBE3EK 2; ... βΗΙΡΜΕΗ windmill; ... ECV puff of wind; ... 5KAK, windward, weather side, luff; ... KEME sailing boat; ... ΚΘ3 an opening in yurt's lattice; ... TAPTAP air-hole; ... THIPMEH see ... AHIPMEH; K,yMA ... fair wind; KbBblJI ... dry wind; ΘΚΠΕΚ ... strong spring wind. )KEJI- to trot; to ride at a trot. )KEJI Κ,ΑΚ,- to be weather-beaten. 3KEJT Κ,ΑΚ,ΤΕΙΡ- to air. 5KEJI K,y- to loaf, to idle. 5KEJTA K, ubiquitous. JKEJIEAV rope tying IIIAHblPAK, (see) to weights on the floor of yurt. 5KEJIBEFEM with coat unbuttoned; with coat over the shoulders. 3KEJIEE3EK 1) gills; 2) camel's nose cartilage. )KEJIEEHAE- to rustle, sway, heave. 5KEJTEyA3 /med./ extrauterine pregnancy; ... EOJI- /conv./ to be reassured; to be given a hope. 5KEJ1EIPE- to fly, flutter, wave /intr./. 5KEJIFE EY3bIJl- /geol./ to weather, to erode. 3KEJ1FE «Y)KIJiy /geol./ weathering, erosion. 5KEJ1FEPT- to air, ventilate, refresh; MAJIίΙ,ΒΙ ... to send cattle to the leeward side of the pasture.

3KE- to eat; /fig./: B1PEVAIH AKLICblH ... to misappropriate one's earnings; ΤΑΛΚ,... to be beaten; KA^Fbl ... to grieve; KAM ... to take care of; to look after. 5KEBE /local W/ fish-hook. 5ΚΕΒΕΡΪ frequent. 3KEEEJIEI1 ΑΑΗΛΑ- to walk at a brisk pace (of horse). 3KEEPEM jew. 5KEEPEHIJI archangel. AEEIH CYT milk obtained by frequent milking. >KEBIP A£AM bribe taker. 5KEEIP EAJIA boy who wears out his clothing quickly. 3KEEIP EY3AV calf that chews everything that he gets in his mouth. 5KEBIPJ1E- to cold violently. 5ΚΕΓΕΗ corroded, eaten away. 5ΚΕΓΥ harnessing (action); ... 9E3EJ1AEPI harness. >KEFyJlI APEA horse and cart. 5ΚΕΓΙ /med./ 1) lupus; 2) tuberculosis. JKEFlfiEfl IKE- to tear up, gnaw, undermine. >ΚΕΠ3- 1) to give to eat; to feed (of cattle); 2) to enable to eat, to allow to eat; 3) /fig./ to let oneself be insulted. 2KEFIJ1- to be harnessed. 5KEFIJIETIH AT draft horse, carriage horse. 5ΚΕΓΙ1ΙΙ man with good appetite; glutton; /fig./ self-seeker, grabber. lobs./ December, urgently. WEREJIRE- to hurry, rush /intr./; to make haste. )KEAEJ1AEC children born at the interval of one year. 5KEAEJIAET- to hasten, hurry, rush /tr./; to urge on. >KE3 brass. }KE3flE brother-in-law (elder sister's husband). )KE3TbIPHAK, witch with metal claws /myth./. 5KEflflE a shirt opened in front. 5ΚΕΡΪΡΕΗ see 5KAftPAH. »EMTIH /AflAM XCEflTIH/ eatable (article of food). >KEK 1) a steppe bird (Otis orientalis); 2) /local SEI otterfur hat. 5KEK- to harness; /fig./ to draw in, enroll, enlist /tr./; ATTbl APEAFA ... to harness a horse (into a carriage). )KEK ΚΘΡ- to hate, dislike, be ill disposed to; to come to hate. >KEKE separate, individual; ... EAPJIAY




)KEJiri3 stormy summer weather. )KEJiriPT- /local WQ to winnow. HCEJinm, JKEJinm AT trotter. HKEJlffEH- to be excited; to be carried away. KAFUC )KAK leeside. - 1) to excite, stir up, incite, elate, carry away; 2) to instigate someone (to a frivolous action). 5KEJI ET- 1) to ventilate, air; 2) to rise, become stronger (of wind). JKEJIAETKim 1) ventilator, fan; 2) air hole, air vent, little hinged window. 5KEJIAETV airing. windy; /fig./ excited. /local SW/ small horse blanket. 3KEJ1E )KOPT- to trot. 5KEJIEK 1) silk veil of the newly wed; 2) /local NW/ a kind of grass. 5KEJ1ETKE vest. 5KEJIEY curtain, screen; )KAJ1FAH ... smoke screen. 5KEJIEH man's outer clothes. 5KEJIKE /anat./ occiput. 5KEJIKEEAY hanger (loop on garment). )KEJIKEJ1E- to strike the back of someone's head. 5KEJ1KEJ1EO K,Vtrn im>IK- to push out, throw out, chuck out. >KEJ1KEJ1IK see 5KEJIKEEAV. KEJIKEH sail. )KEJIKECy /local SE/ second (in the season) watering of the fields. 3KEJIMA.il race-camel. JKEJinVIllI fan. )KEJininm see 3KEJinYIIIl. aCEJiniJI^E- to fly, flutter, wave, sway, heave /intr./. )KEJiniJTflEK thoughtless, flighty, lightminded, flippant. 5KEJ1I1IH- to cool, cool off /intr./; to be refreshed, ventilated, aired. )KEJiniHUIEK /local SE/ curtain. 3KEJICI3 windless; ... KYH still weather. 5KEJlCI3,mK windless weather; calm. 5KEJII rope stretched on piles for tying young horses and calves; ... TOKCAH /obs./ November. 3KEJIiryfflIJIIK excitement. 5KEJliniiKIPE- to rage, rave. 3KEJIIK excitement, hysteria. 3KEJIIK- to be angry, irritated; to become excited. AEJIIKHE thoughtless, flighty, light-minded, flippant.

)KEJlIKnEJIEy possessed, raving. 3KEJIIKriEJlI passionate. 5KEJIIKTIP- to incite, entice. 5KEJIIM glue. 5ΚΕΛΙΜΑΕ- to glue, gum, paste, cement. >KEJIlMflEH- to be smeared with glue. )KEJHMAEn AAOCfclP- to paste in. WEJlIMffi gluey, sticky, gummy, viscous, adhesive. >KEJ1IH udder. 2KEJIIH- to be eaten. 5ΚΕΛΙΗΓΕΗ corroded, eaten away. 3ΚΕΛΙΗΑΕ- to accumulate milk in udder (of cow before calving). with large udder, eating up. 5KEJ1IC trot. 5KEJ1IC- to put trotters in a race. }ICEJ1KAEA3 moderate, not too hot (of summer weather); ... AT brisky horse; ... KICI one, who is easily carried away. 2KEJ1KAMMK, sailing boat. 5ΚΕΛΘΚΠΕ empty-head. >KEM 1) grain; 2) feed in general, forage; 3) bait. /6ipeyre/ )KEM BOJI- to be deceived, duped. 5ΚΕΜΓΕ BAMJIAy fattening (of cattle). yKEMffE- 1) to rear, bring up, nurse; 2) to fatten /tr./ (of cattle). 5KEMZIEJ1- to be reared. 5KEM EJirEH fattened, well-fed. /ΜΟΠΛΜ/ JKEMflEY fattening (of cattle). 5ΚΕΜΕΛΕΚ /local W/ see ΙΙΙΑΙΙΙΒΑΥ. 5ΚΕΜΠΑ3 voracious (of cattle). 5KEMCAY crop, craw (of birds). 5KEMTIK carrion. >ΚΕΜΙ1ΙΘΠΙΙ1Ι /mil./ forager. / ipeyre/ 5KEMIH ΪΚΙΒΕΡΜΕ- to refuse to be duped. 5KEM1C fruit, fruits, results; ... BEPY fruit bearing; ... BEPETIH /adj./ fruit; ... ΚΕΠΤΙΡΠ1Ι1 fruit kiln; ... ^CHftHAY fruit harvest; ... CABAFBI /bot./ peduncle; ... Ι11ΑΡΥΑΙΙ1ί>υΐΒΙΡΒΙ or ... GCIPYIUIJ1IK fruit-growing, horticulture, pomology. )KEMICCI3 fruitless, sterile; resultless. 5KEMICTEHY fruiting. 3KEMICTI /adj./ fruit, berry; /fig./ fruitful, fertile. 5KEMICTT TAC "Stone of Fertility" of Kazakh legends. 5KEMICTUIIK 1) fertility, fecundity: 2) fruitfulness.



3KEMKOP 5KEMK.OP voracious (of cattle). 3KEMK,OPJlbIK greed, greediness, voracity, voraciousness. )KEH#ET executioner. 5KEHT kind of sweetmeat (made of curds, sugar and butter). ΪΚΕΠ- to milk a cow for the second time during the day. )ΚΕΠ Κ,ΟΪί- to eat, eat up (eat something completely). yKEP 1) land, earth, soil; 2) the earth (planet), globe; 3) country; 4) place; 5) distance; 6)surroundings, medium;... APBA /localE/ primitive low cart with thick wooden wheels; ... AHflAY tillage; ... AJIMYPT Jerusalem artichoke; ... ACTL·! cave, vault; ... Ayfl(APbIJIFAH exiled person; ... 5KY3I the universe; ... 3AHbI land code;... HECI landowner, landlord; ... MAMbl naphta, crude oil;... M9CEJIICI agrarian problem; ... CVAPy irrigation;... CVAPV 3KYHECI irrigation system; ... CyJIAH/JBIPy see ... CVAPY; ... CVtl /local E/ first (in the season watering of fields; ... TAHV orientation to the locality; ... TbIHAHTy manure, fertilizer; ... ΤΜΗ,ΑίϊΤΚ,ΒΙΙΠ fertilizing; ... K,O>KACbI landowner, landlord; ... K,O3FAJiy earthquake; ... KJblPTblCbl earth's upper stratum, soil, turf; sod;... Y mud-walled hut; BECKYHAIK ... the distance covered in a five day ride. yKEP- 1) to lose the habit; to get out of the habit; 2) to feel disgust, be disgusted; to display fastidiousness. 5KEP AV AP- to banish, deport. JKEKEH/JE- /local SE/ /intr./ to settle. TOUKEPIC KJblJI- /local SE/ see »CEP Ay ΑΑΡ-. 5ΚΕΡΑΡΑΠΙ wooden plough. }ΚΕΡΛΕΓΊ )KYP- see 5KEP 5KEKEHAE-. 5KEPriJlIKTEHflIP- to make the language of the natives the official language of the country. JKEPriJIIKTl local. 3KEP3KY3IJIIK /adj./ world, world-wide, universal. )KEPKEH- to feel disgust, be squeamish. >KEPKEH,ZUP- to provoke disgust. 3ΚΕΡΚΕΗΠΙΕΚ squeamish, fastidious. aCEPKEHIUEKTIK squeamishness, fastidiousness. 5ΚΕΡΚΕΗΙΙΠ disgusting, loathsome. 3KEPJTE- to bury. 5KEPJIEC fellow-countrvmen.

^CEPJIECTIK 1) association of fellowcountrymen; 2) /hist./ order of precedence (in ranks, ceremonies, etc.). 3KEPJII 1) natives, aborigines; 2) landowner, landlord. jKEPJIIKTI EJI natives, aborigines. )KEPC13 landless. 5KEPCI3AIK lack of (arable) land. 3KEPCIH- to become acclimatized. 5KEPCIHAIP- to acclimatize. ^CEPCIHfllPy acclimatization. »CEP-Cy ATTAPL·! toponymy. 3ΚΕΡΤΘ.ΠΕ /local S & NQ mud hut. 5KEP IIJI one able to be quickly oriented to a terrain. 3KEPIUIJ1AIK ability to become oriented to a terrain. JKEPI 3KOK, /adj./ landless. 5KEPI JKOKJMK, lack of (arable) land. 5KEPIK caprice, whimsy, fancy. >KEPIK ΒΟΛ- to display a strong taste for a certain dish (mostly of pregnant women). 5KEPIHE )KETKI3- to do something properly; to complete an action or affair. yKEC see >KE3. 5KEC- to eat together. XCECIP widow. 5KET- 1) to reach, attain; to get to; 2) to suffice; ΑΚ,Η-Π ... to guess correctly; ΒΟίϊ ... to come of age (of girls); ΚΘ3Ι ... to be sure, certain; MYPATKA ... to attain the coveted aim; TYBIHE ... to break, finish off, ruin, destroy; ΚΥΜΠ ... to catch up, overtake; 9J1I ... to master. 5KET CAMblH see 3KETI CAMBIH. 3KETE 1) junction of blade and hilt (of a sword, etc.); 2) /adv./ fundamentally, in detail. >KETE OfiLJIAH- to meditate upon; to ponder over. )KETE YFLIH- to grasp, understand; to see into. 5KETEK 1) pole, beam, shaft (of a cart); 2) cattle led by a rope; 3) horse led by the bridle. 5KETEKTE- 1) to lead by hand, bridle, rope; 2) to be a leader (of a group, of masses, etc.). 5ΚΕΤΕΚΤΕΠ )KYP- accompany, to escort. >KETEKIIH leader, instructor; commander. ETEKUIIJ1 easily led by a rope or a bridle (of horses and cattle). 5KETEK1IHJTIK leadership.


5KETEJIE>KETEJ1E- lead by hand; to lead by a bridle or a rope (of horses and cattle). 5ΚΕΤΕ.ΙΊΕΠ 5KYP- to lead. DKETEPJ1IK sufficient. 3KETECI3 KICI dull man; incompetent man. 5KETEV seven (group of). )ΚΕΤΕνΐΜΙ3 we seven together. 5KETKEH mature. 5KETKEHAIK maturity. 5KETKI3- 1) to bring to, deliver to, furnish; 2) /econ./ to import; 3) to distribute in such a way as to satisfy everybody. 5KETKIJIIKCI3 insufficient; insufficiently, unsatisfactorily. )KETKI.niKCI3,aiK deficiency, shortage, insufficiency, imperfection. )KETKIJ1IKTI sufficient; sufficiently, satisfying; in plenty, in abundance; ... TYPflE in plenty, in abundance. 3KETKIJIIKTUHK sufficiency. 3KETKIHIUEK young man in his late 'teens. aCETnEYmiJIIK see 5KETKIJIIKCI3AIK. 5KETniC seventy. )KETniCIHIIII seventieth. XCETTI enough! stop! 5KETTIKTIP- to improve, perfect, develop. iKETTIKTIPy improvement, development. 3KETV attainment; A5KAJ1 ... the approach of the hour of death. 5KETI 1) seven; 2) week; ... BACTbl AflAM monster; ... EACTbl AMflAhAP /myth./ hydra;... CAHblH weekly;...KAPAKIHbl 5K¥JIAbI3 /astr./ Ursa Major. 5KETIK capable, gifted; expert, adept, skilled, competent. >KETUI- 1) to ripen; 2) to reach perfection in something; 3) to be intelligent. 3KETUirEH/UK ripeness, maturity. 5KETIJ1AIP- to breed, to bring up. 3KETIJIV maturity; CAflCH ... political maturity. 3KETIJIIK seven (the figure); group of seven. 5KETIM orphan; /fig./ unfortunate; without kith or kin. 3KETIM-5KECIP orphaned. 5KETIMCI3AIK insufficiency, imperfection. 3KETIMCIPE- to feel lonely. aCETIHIUI seventh. 5KETIC- to ripen (of fruit); to attain, to reach. 5KETICKEHAIK success, attainment. 5ΚΕΤΐαΠΕΓΕΗ,Π,ΙΚ defect, deficiency, fault, imperfection, deficit, shortcoming. 5KETICV ripening. 5KEH sleeve; ... TYEI arm-hole.


)KEil· to overcome, prevail, beat, defeat, win a victory. 5ΚΕΗΓΕ sister-in-law (wife of elder brother). 5ΚΕΗΓΕΪΪ form of addressing to the wife of the elder brother or to any woman elder than the speaker. 5KEHCI3 KMIM sleeveless jacket, overcoming; victory. victor. 3KEHIJI light (of weight); easy; easily; ... MIHE3 dissolute, licentious; ... MIHE3,Π,Ι flighty man. 5KEHIJ1- to be defeated. ^CEHIJIFEH vanquished, defeated. 3KEHIJIAE- to relieve oneself of. 3KEHIJI/JET- to relieve, ease, lighten, alleviate. }KEH,IJl,HETy relief, alleviation, lightening, easing. )KEHIJI,AIK l) lightness, easiness, ease, alleviation, easing, facilitation. 3KEHmE- see >KEH,IJlflE. }ΚΕΉΙ.ΠΕΪΪΤΥ lightening, easing, alleviation. )KEH,UITEK light, not heavy (of objects); lightly dressed; /fig./ light-minded, thoughtless, giddy, flippant. 5KEH.IJ1TEKTIK light-mindedness, giddiness, flippancy, flightiness. 3KEH,IJITy lightening, easing. yKEHUiy defeat. IHCEHJJiy.m KOJlAAyniblJlblK, defeatism. XCEH,IJiyUII defeated. 5KEHIJIIC defeat. ^CEHIMIIAS victorious, triumphant. 5ΚΕΗΙΠ AJI- /fig./ to conquer (to make an important achievement). )KEHjn AJiy conquest (action); achievement. 3KEHin IflblK,- to win a victory. )KEHin IIIbIFy prize, winnings, gain (in sports, games, etc.). )KEHin EUblFymbl victor. 3CEHIC victory; victorious. 5KEHIC- to vie with; to compete with. )KEIiICKE 3KET- to win a victory. /KHflE /bot./ oleaster, wild olive (Elaeagnus angustifolius). »ΜΛΕΚ berry. ^CH^y falling out, shedding (of hair, wool). 5KHEK 1) coast, shore; 2) collar; 3) edge, edging, border, trimming. 3KHEKTE- to edge, trim. 3KHEKTEJ1- to be edged, trimmed. JKHEKTEV edging, trimming. >KHEH 1) nephew or niece on the female side;




2) grandson (through daughter); ... KJ>13 grand-daughter (through daughter). >KMPEH sorrel (of horse); red (of hair). )KHPEH- to have an aversion; to loathe; to be squeamish. 5KMPEH/IIP- to rouse disgust. 5KMPEHV feeling of disgust; feeling of loathing. 3KHPEHIHEK fastidious, squeamish. 5KMPEHUIEKTIK fastidiousness, squeamishness. MCMPEH1U1 1) muck; 2) loathsome, abominable, detestable. XHPEHIIim 1) fastidious; 2) antipathetic, repugnant. )KMPEHIIUTIK fastidiousness, antipathy. )KMPKEHUIEK fastidious. >KMPKEHIIIITI nasty. )KMT- to fall out (of hair, wool). 5ΚΜΛΗΓΕΡ imperialist. )ΚΗΛΗΓΕΡ.ΠΙΚ imperialism. )KHI 1) frequent; 2) thick, dense; 3) often, frequently. 5KHIJ1EH- to become more frequent. 3KHU1ET- to make more frequent. 5KHIPEK more frequent; thicker, denser. 5KMIPKEH- to be squeamish. aCHIPKEHrilllTIK fastidiousness. >KHhA3 /leg./ movable property. /caxHa/ )KHhA3^APbI props, stage properties. )KHhAH world, universe. >ΚΗΙιΑΗΓΕ3 traveller. 5KOEA project, rough draft. 3KOEAJIA- to plan, sketch, draft; to make an outline. TKOEAJlAy planning, projecting, outlining, drafting. 3KO3LI /local SE/ low, round table. 5ΚΟΛ- 1) to destroy, annihilate, exterminate; 2) to annul, cancel, abrogate; 3) to overcome gradually. >ΚΟ0ΜΛ- to be destroyed, annihilated, liquidated, annuled, cancelled. ^KOflblJIMAMTblH eternal. )KOfibIJlMAyfflbIJIbIIΙΡ- to force or compel someone to destroy.

)KOMFbIIII destroyer; ... AJBHALUlfl /mil./ fighter aircraft; ... OK /mil./ destructive fire; ... CAMOJIET /av./ fighter, pursuit airplane. )KOJI 1) road, way; 2) strip, stripe; 3) /math., writing, etc./ line; 4) direction; 5) method, mode; 6) rule, custom; 7) time (in counting, etc.); 8) fate; ... BEPMEY prohibition; ... BV3bIJiy season of bad roads; ... BV3bIJIFAH KE3 impassability of roads; ... 3ΚΥΠ luggage; ... ΚΘΡΓΕΗ KIC1 polite person; ... K PCETKIIII K.YPAJ1 declinometer; ... ΚΘΡΟΕΤΥΙΠΙ guide; ... TABV /fig./ way out; ... K.AFA3 a permit to travel; AAIJFblJI ... beaten road, well-trodden road, blazed trail; >KAHFbI3 ΑΛΚ, ... footpath; KEPVEH ... caravan trail; KYPE 5KOJT /fig./ artery; CYPJIEV ... footpath; TAG ... surfaced road; Κ,ΑΡΑ ... dirt road, country lane; YJIKEH ... highway. 5KOJI BEP- to give way, let pass; /fig./ to concede. )KOJI BEPME- not to give the opportunity. DKOJI CIJ1TE- to direct, conduct. 3KOJIA- to approach /intr./; to come near, draw near. 5KOJIAK casually. 3KOJIAT- to admit, to let come; to allow to come, to approach. >KOJIAV approach, approaching, drawing nearer. JKOJTAVIIIbl traveller, wayfarer. JKOJIAVUIblJIA- 1) to leave; to set off, start a journey; 2) to travel, to make a long trip. 5KOJ1AK, small stripe; striped. 5KOJIEAPC or 3KOJlEAPbIC tiger. >KOJIEAClIIbI guide; leader; instructor. «OJIEACIIIblJlblK, guidance, leadership. >KOJ1EHKE /pol./ fellow traveller. )KOH,0;A- to direct, forward, dispatch; ... TYCOEMTIH /adj., r.r./ through (ticket or communication). )KOJ1AAMA direction. >KOJ1AAC 1) comrade, companion; 2) fellow traveler, satellite. )KOJlAACTbIK, comradeship; ... 93IJ1 friendly joke. )KOJlAAy direction. iKOJmbl appropriate, opportune, correct. 3KOJWI>IK, /leg./ legal share. 3KOJI- OJ1 striped. 5KOJ1OKOPA custom, rule, tradition.



5KOJ1CW3 )KOJICbI3 1) the season of miry roads; 2) unlawful, lawless. 5KOJlCfaI3,UbIK, 1) season of miry roads; lack of passable roads; 2) tactlessness; 3) lawlessness. )KOJlim>I passer-by. )KOJIIIIbIEAM on the way, in passing, incidentally. 5KOJ1BI 5KOK, lack of good roads; impassability of roads. >KOJlbIM Yn /local SE & SW/ small camping yurt. )KOJIbIMEH by means of. 5KOJIbIK.- to meet, meet on the road /intr./; to get together, to see each other. )KOJIfaIK,KAH passer-by. 3KOJIbIKJbIP- to meet /tr./. 3KOHbIH )KOJICbIH AEV parting words. XCOJIblFV meeting (coming together of two or more people). )KOJIbIFbIC- to see each other; to keep up friendly relations. 5KOJ1FA niblK,- to leave; to set off; to start a journey. MCOJ1FA IIIbIFy departure. 3KOM /local SE/ sugar-beet refuse. 3KOMAPT generous, liberal. 3KOMAPTTAH- to become generous; to have a burst of generosity. )KOMAPTTbIK, generosity. 5KOH 1) spinal column, backbone, spine; 2) plateau, table-land; 3) steppe (pasture). >KOH- to plane, square, chip, hew, scrape (of wood, etc.). 5KOHA small square sweat-cloth for horse (under the saddle). )KOH,fl[A- to lash someone's back. )KOHAbI broad-backed. )KOHbin TEFICTE- to plane. )KOP- 1) to guess, suppose, conjecture, assume; 2) to interpret, explain, construe; TYC ... /obs./ to interpret dreams. 5KOPA custom; /local SW/ companion, fellow-traveler. 5KOPAMAJI supposition, surmise, assumption, hypothesis, conjecture. 5KOPAMAJIA- see -)KOPAMAJI£A. 5KOPAMAJ1J5A- to suppose, surmise, conjecture, guess; to presume, assume. JKOPAMAJlflAHFAH hypothetical. 3KOPAMAJ1AAV hypothesis. )KOPAMAJI,a;bl problematic, conjectural, hypothetic.

/KOPAUIblJl one who holds to old traditions or prejudices. )KOPAIIIbIII4blK adherence to prejudices. 5KOPT- to go at a gentle trot; to go at an easy trot. )KOPTA 1) purposely, intentionally; 2) for spite. 3KOPTAK. gentle trot, easy trot. 5KOPTAK.TA- to trot; /fig./ to adapt oneself to, to make up to. )KOPTAK,TbI trotter. >KOPTVbIJI 1) /hist./ raid, inroad, foray; 2) robber, burglar, highwayman; 3) intelligence, reconnaissance. 5KOPTVbIJIIIIbI 1) /hist./ burglar, robber, highwayman; 2) intelligence agent, scout. >ΚΟΡΥ interpretation, supposition, solving a riddle. )KOPyiIlbI fortune-teller, seer, foreteller, soothsayer. )KOPbIMAJl see JKOPAMAJI. }KOPbIMAJlAA- see 3KOPAMAJ1AA-. 5KOPMK, campaign; military expedition. }KOPbIK,ini>I campaigner. 3KOPbIK,KA DJblK- to set off in a campaign. 3KOPFA pacer, ambler; ... >KYPIK pace, amble (gait of a horse). 5KOPFAHA- 1) to pace, amble (of horse); 2) to creep, crawl (of insects; 3) to fawn on somebody; Κ,ΥΡΑΑΪΪ ... to please /tr./ escessively. )KOPFAJlAn IHblK,- to creep out, to crawl out (of animals). 3KOPFAJIAC- to race at a pace. >KOPFAIIIbI trainer of amblers. )KOC- 1) to move in force, in block; 2) to flow fast and profusely. 3KOCA ochre. JKOCDAP plan. )KOCnAPAAH TbICKAPbl not provided for by a plan. MCOCnAPJlA- to plan. )KOCnAPJIAH- to be planned. 5KOCnAPJlAV planning. )KOCnAPJlbI /adj./ plan. uKOCFIAPCbn unplanned. , absence of planning, planner. 3KOCTWP- to drive (a horse, etc.) fast. >KOCY 1) mass migration, mass flight; 2) fast and profuse flow. JKOCblJI- to become brighter; to become more conspicuous.




5KOTA mountain range; row of hills; elevation, hill. 5KOTAAACI high as a mountain range. )KOTAJ1A- to ride upon a row of hills. JKOTAJIAn along the upper path; along the upper road. )ΚΟϊΟ 1) destruction, extermination, annihilation ; 2) annulment, cancellation, abrogation; 3) gradual getting rid of. )ΚΟΛ /local SW/ bed (in garden). "HKOflH /local E/ very big, enormous. )ΚΟΚ, no, not, there is not. XCOKJA- 1) to discover a loss; 2) to be sad, to grieve; 3) to lament for a deceased. >KOKTAH BAP- insignificant, negligeable. ^ΚΟΚ,ΤΑΗ ΕΑΡ K,bIJI- to make use of a worthless thing. >KOKTAH Θ3ΓΕ trifles. 2KOKTAY jobs./ lamentation. 5KOKTAY ΑίϊΤ- to lament for a deceased. iKOKTbl-EAPAbI A T- or 5KOKTBI-EAPbl €Θ3 K,bIJI- to talk nonsense. yKOKJblK, poverty, need. 3KOKJOIA /local S, obs./ old unit of weight (cir. five pounds). >KOK,IIIbI seeker (of a lost thing). ^KOKUIblJIblK, see AOKJblK)KOHbIPbIUIKA or >KOHbIUIKA clover, lucerne. 5KOHKA or 3KAHKA splinter, shaving. 5KOHKAJ1A- 1) to reduce in splinters; 2) to litter. 5KOHFU /local SE, tech./ plane. »COFAJI out of here! off with you! 5KOFAJI- 1) to vanish, disappear; 2) to be lost, to be missing; 3) to be annuled, cancelled. 3KOFAJICBIH let him perish! let him disappear! let him go away! 5KOFAJIT- to lose. 5KOFAJITY annulment, cancellation. )KOFAJIFAH /adj./ lost. )KOFAPJIA- see 3KOFAPHJIA-. 3KOFAPH 1) height; top, upper part; 2) high (in quality), considerable, significant; 3) /adv./ high, over, above, up, upwards; 4) upstream; 5) /mus./ higher; ... ,ΖφΡΕ)KEJ1I ΟΚ,Υ OPHbl university level school; ... 5KHIJ1IK /adj./ high-quality;... M9PTEBEJ1I /obs./ highness (title); ... HPOBAJIbl /adj./ high-test, high-quality, sterling; ... CAD A JIL·! /adj./ high-grade, high-quality; ... ΤθϋΕΗΕΤΊΗ highly paid; ... IDblFblHbI3! (come in) you are welcome; ...

very intensive; ... K,bICbIM high pressure; ... Y3IK felt covering the roof of yurt; ... ΘΗΙΜβΙ highly productive. >KOFAPbI,ZJA above, over, upstairs, at the top, on top, higher; ... AMTblJIFAHflAfi as stated above. 5KOFAPbIJIA- 1) to rise, rise above, go up, ascend; 2) to proceed to the seat of honor. 5KOFAPbIJIAT- 1) to lift, raise, increase /tr./; 2) to promote, champion; 3) to give a place of honor; BAFA ... to increase the price. >KOFAPbIJIATy raising, promotion, advancement. JKOFAPblJIATyUIblJIblK, working one's way up by any means. 5KOFAPbIJIATbIJlFAH careerist, climber, go-getter. JKOFAPblJIAV rise, raising, promotion, uplifting. 5KOFAPbUIbIK 1) magnitude, degree (of pressure, etc.); 2) pitch (of sound, voice). »COFAPblPAK, higher. JKOFAPFbl 1) higher, upper; supreme, superior; 2) above-mentioned; 3) ruling circles; ... EPIH upper lip; ... 3KAFbI /geogr./ upper; ... ΜΕΚΤΕΠ university level school; ... I11EK apogee. }KV- 1) to wash, launder; 2) to touch, approach, come near. 5KYA /bot./ wild onion (Allium). »YA3bI /local SE/ see 3KO3bI. )KyAJI,HbI3 /local SE/ long, thick needle. AYAH fat, stout, plump, thick-set; ... KAPblH fat-bellied. MCYAHAfi- see ΑΥΑΗΛΑ-. ΑΥΑΗΛΑ- to grow fat, stout. )KYAHAAT- to thicken /tr./, to make thick, fat, stout. 3KYAH/I,bIK, stoutness, corpulence. JKYAHTblK, stoutish, plumpish. ^KYAHbim comfort, consolation. 3KYAC quiet, mild; uncomplaining, submissive, resigned. 2KYAC- to become quiet, mild, tame. 5KYACTbIK, humbleness, meekness, humility. »YACblT- to subdue, curb, quiet /tr./, pacify. JKYACblTY curbing, taming, pacification. 3KYAT- to console, quiet /tr./, amuse (a child). AYATYUIbl comforter, consoler. AYflblP- to give to laundry. )KYCA- to be quiet (of cattle). 5KYCAH /bot./ wormwood (Artemisia).


}KVCAT5KVCAT- to let rest, give a rest (of domestic animals). >KW washing, laundering. 5KybIJI- to be washed. )KybIMAy boycott. JKYblH- to wash oneself. )KybIHAbI slops. TA3AJ1A- to wash /tr./. 1) nearest in time; 2) recently, lately, of late; 3) soon, in a short time, before long. )Kyi>IPMAHflA in the near future. )KybIC- I) to approach each other, to draw nearer each other; 2) to launder together. JKYblCy rapprochement. 5KybIT- to let come near, to allow to approach. >KyfalK, 1) near, nearby, at; 2) toward, by (of time); ... XCEP^E near, nearby; ... ΚΘ3 near-sighted; ... ΚΘ3βΙΚ near-sightedness; AJ1AHFA ... JKEP E near the square; TAUFA 5KybIK, toward the morning. DKyblKJA- to approach /intr./, draw near. 5KybIK,TAH ΚΘΡΓΙΠΙ near-sighted; myopic. JKYblKTAT- to draw nearer, to approach /tr./. )KybIKJAy nearer, closer (of kinship). )KybIK,TbIK, nearness, proximity. )KybIFbIPAK, nearer. >KbIEbIP ripple. )KbIEbIP->KbIEbIP tic. }KbIEbIPJIA- to stir, move /intr./; 2) to twitch (of the face); 3) to swarm, teem. 5KbIEbIPJIAT- to stir, move /tr./; to cause a slight irritation (on skin). )KbIEbIPJIAy tic. 5Kblfl- 1) to gather, collect /tr./, pick up; 2) to accumulate /tr./, store up. 5KbIHAAIIIbI /local E & SE, obs./ 1) tax collector; 2) accurate, careful, thrifty, provident. 5KblfiHA- 1) to gather, collect; 2) to gather people together, convoke; 3) to recruit; 4) /phys./ to accumulate; Κ,ΟΡ ... to accumulate, store up, stock up. >KbIMHAJl· 1) to gather together, assemble /intr./; 2) to prepare for /intr./. >KbIHHAHbIC meeting, assembly, sitting, conference. )KbIMHAC- 1) to gather jointly with others, collect jointly with others /tr./; 2) to help to collect. 5KbIHHACTbIPbin Κ,ΟΪί- to put together. 5KbIMHAy 1) collection (action); accumulation; 2) recruiting; Κ,ΟΡ ... accumulation, recruiting agent.

5KHMHAKTA- 1) to gather, collect ,/tr./; 2) to man; 3) to sum up, add up, total. )KbIMHAK,TAy synthesis. >KblfiHAK,TbI 1) accurate, punctual, 2) assorted, matched, selected, picked; 3) thrifty, provident. >KbIMHAK,TbIJlbIK, accuracy, punctuality. )KbIMHAFbI altogether, in all; sum total. blMblJl· see JKblMHAJl-. }KbIMbIJlbIC see >KblftHAJIbIC. )KbIHbIJIbIC- to gather, assemble, get together, meet /intr./. XCblftblH big gathering, big assembly, big crowd. )KbIMbIH- 1) to gather, assemble, get together /intr./; 2) to prepare for, get ready /intr./. )KfalfibIHTbIK,TAy see )KblMHAK,TAy. JKblilblP-1) to compress, condense, contract, constrict /tr./; 2) to make folds (of clothes); 3) to contract /intr./ (of snakes, etc.). XCblMblPMA twenty. )KMflbIPMAHIIIbI twentieth. >KblftbIPbIJI-1) to condense, contract /intr./; 2) to get compressed; 3) to become folded (of clothes). 5KfaIMbIC- to help to gather. 5KblflbICTbIP- 1) to collect and put in one place; 2) to do (the room), to put (the room) in order. >KbIJI year; ... BACbl beginning of the year; ... ECEEI chronology; ... ME3FIJII season of the year; ... CAMblH every year; ... CAMAY see ... ECEEI; ... Τ9ΥΛΙΠ all the year round; ... K,YCTAPbI migrant birds. >KbLJI- to warm up /intr./, to grow warmer. >KbIJlA- 1) to grumble, to be peevish; 2) to weep, cry, sob. XCblJIAMCblPA- to whimper. 5KbIJIAH snake; ... EAJIbIK.eel; ... KVPT intestinal worm. )KbIJIAHEAC shell decoration on a girl's plait. 3KbIJlAH-mA.HH reptiles, reptile-like animals. )ΚΜΛΑΠ AJI- to sob out; to have a good cry. XCblJIAC- to weep (cry) together. >KbIHAT- to make someone cry; to reduce to tears. }KbIJIAy 1) grumbling; 2) weeping. 3KbIJIAybIK, 1) grumbler; grumbling; 2) weeper, cry-baby; whining. )KbIJIAybIKTbIK peevishness.




JKblJIAFblUJ see XCblJIBblCKA 1) /zool./ embryo (of animals); 2) prematurely born child. 5KMJIAA- to spend years. 5KbIJWAM 1) agile, fast, swift; 2) quickly, rapidly, swiftly, promptly; ... BAP- to dart out. )KbIJm,AM/l,AH- to hurry, hasten /intr./. , rapidity, quickness. from year to year. )KbIJI,abIPFbI /local N & NC/ device for dragging hay ricks towards the stack (in harvesting). MCblJIAblK, yearly, annual; ... MEPEKE anniversary. l- to move slowly /intr./. I- to slide in and out. «MJlHCblMAJIL·! movable, sliding; ... ΕΥΪίΡΕΚ /med./ floating kidney. >KbIJI5KbIT- to move, shift /tr./. 5KbIJ13KbIHK,bIPA- to move still more /intr./. 5KbUI3KbIFbIIII easily movable. 5KbIJlMA->KbIJl yearly, every year. >KbIJIMAH, agile, adroit, dexterous, nimble, brisk, prompt, swift; /fig./ fidgety. JKblJIMAHUA- 1) to move promptly; to bustle, fuss about; 2) to have a gay, smiling appearance. )KbIJlMblfi- 1) to smile; 2) to become even, smooth. aCblJIMblPAfl- see 5KbIJIMbIM. 5KbIJIMbIK, thaw. ^KblJin-aCblJin ET- l) to move swiftly; 2) to be slippery; 3) to display quickness and dexterity; to be resourceful. 5KbIJinOC 1) resourceful, brisk, nimble, adroit, dexterous, smart; 2) evasive, shifty; 3) knave, rogue. >KbIJinOCTbIK, resourcefulness, nimbleness, briskness. 5KbIJinbIJI,n;A- 1) to slip out; 2) to please hypocritically. )KbIJinbIH: see JKblJinOC. 5KMJIT /local W/ see 5KbIJinOC. )KbIJlT-}KbIJlT ET- to sparkle, twinkle, shimmer, glimmer, gleam. )KbIJlTbIJI^A- to shine, glitter, sparkle, twinkle, shimmer, glimmer. iKblJITblP lustre, gloss; /adj./ glazed; ... ΚΘΚ BOJIAT blue steel, burnished steel. ^KbUrrMPA- 1) to shine, glitter, sparkle; 2) to glimmer; 3) /fig./ to shine (distinguish oneself).

)KbIJITbIPAT- 1) to illuminate, light up; 2) to make glossy (by polishing). AblJITblPAVblK, l) shining, glittering, glossy; 2) spangles. »CblJlTblPAK spangles, trinkets. JKblJlTblH. ET- to flash. «bUrrblH-^KblJITblH ET- to fuss about, fawn, flirt. JKbLJiy warmth, warming. )KbIJIbI warm; ... 3KY3AI KICI friendly, affable man; ... ΟΘ3 kind word, nice word. JKblJIblJIblK, warmth. )KbIJlbIM 1) unfrozen patch of water in the midst of ice; 2) a man-made hole in the ice; 3) eddy, whirlpool; 4) /adj./ reticent, secretive, sly, cunning; 5) /local W/ large seine. )KbIJIbIMlllbI Λ3Μ stale, unsavory, unpalatable. )KbIJIbIH- to warm oneself, to get warm, to warm up; to be warm; to be heated (of a stove). )KbIJIbIC- 1) to move slowly /intr./; 2) to hide oneself; 3) to leave /intr./ unnoticed. >KbIJlbIT- to warm, heat /tr./; »CAFbin ... to have heated (a stove, etc.). »CblJIblTblJI- see HCblJIblH- (of a stove), horse; horses, collectively; ... horse breeder;... ΘΟΡΥΙΙΐυΐΙΚ horse breeding. )KbIJTK,bIIIIbI 1) groom, stable-man, shepherd of horses; 2) /zool./ woodcock. )KbI J1F A stream, brook, river in a ravine; gully. )KbIM track, footprint, footstep, trace; tracks of game. - to go one's own way. - to be fitted to each other (of details). aCblMflACTblP- to fit to each other (of details). 5KbIMOKbIPT 1) silence, hush; 2) absolutely quietly, noiselessly; 3) /fig./ peace and harmony. )KbIM-:>KbIPT BOJ1- to become absolutely quiet; to become silent. )KbIMIlbIM- to become even, smooth; /fig./ to feign innocence. )KbIMnbIMT- to trim, smooth; to remove roughness. >KbIMblfi- 1) to smile, grin; 2) to shrink, contract /intr./. ^CblMblUT- to compress; to cause to shrink. )KbIMbIMbIC- to smile together with or at the same time as others.



)KBIMBIH }KbIMbIH ΒΙΛΛΙΡΜΕ- /fig./ to cover one's traces. JKBIMblP- to bend /tr./. 5KBIMBIPAH- l)to bebent; 2)see >KbIMbln-. 5ΚΒΙΜΒΙΗΛΑ- 1) to twinkle, glimmer (of stars); 2) to smile slyly. >KBIMBIH,-:>KbIMbIH, ET- to smile, grin. JKBIMMHl KAK,- see )KbIMBIH,OKbIMbm ET-. DKMMKtlP- 1) to pick up; 2) to hide; 3) /fig./ to steal. 5KMH 1) devil, evil spirit; 2) rumination; ... IIIAJ1FAH unbalanced, extravagant; ... KAKKAH see ... fflAJIFAH; ... VPFAH possessed. )KI>IH/JAH- 1) to go mad, rage, rave; to get enraged, furious; to be angry, irritated; 2) to become rabid, affected with rabies (of animals). blHAAH blP- to enrage, infuriate /tr./. }KbIHAAHy madness; /med./ hydrophobia, rabies. DKbltmbI insane, possessed; unbalanced, extravagant. )KBIH,fl;bI KBIH- to enrage /tr./; to infuriate. JKBIH blJIfalK, madness, lunacy, insanity, fury, rage, extravagance, whimsy. }KbIH,D(BIXAHA insane asylum; hospital for mental diseases. 5KBIHBI ΕΑΡ KICI possessed, mad. >KbIHbIC 1) sex; 2) kind, race. )KbIHbICCbI3 sexless. 5ΚΜΠ /intensifying particle preceding words beginning with 5KBI/. 3Kbin-:HCbIJI/IAM very fast. very warm. - /fig./ make fast movements; /fig./ to act smartly. HCbinblJIblK, ΚΘ3 one who blinks quickly. 5KbinbIJTbIK,-2CbinbIJIbIK, ET- to blink quickly. )KBinBIJIbIKJA- or 5KbinbIJIbIK,TAT- to blink. >KbIP song; legend (in verses); lay. )KUP- to dig through, to dig across; to scratch. )KbIPA gully, ravine. 5KbIPAY bard, minstrel, narrator of folk tales. 5KMPAK far. 5KBIPAKJA far off; in the distance. 5ΚΒΙΡΑΚ,ΚΑ into the distance, into space. }KbIPJIA- to sing; to improvise. DJCBIPJIAH- to be praised in song. 5KBIPT- t) to tear, tear to pieces; 2) to pull

out; 3KEP ... to plough, to till the land. 3KMPTAK.TA- or 5KbIPTAHHA- /scorn./ to laugh tactlessly. 3KbIPTV tearing into pieces; »CEP ... ploughing, tillage. )KBIPTbIJl- to be cultivated. JKblPTblK torn; /prov./ »CblPTblK, 3KEJI TABAP, ΘΤΙΡΙΚ C93AI TABAP wind will find a torn yurt, truth will expose the lie. 3ΚΒΙΡΤΚΒΙΠΙ beast of prey; ... ΑΜΥΑΗ^ΑΡ /zool./ carnivora; ... K.VC bird of prey. ABIPTKilUITblK, rapaciousness, predatoriness. 3KblPUIbI see )ΚΜΡΑΥ. »CblPblJl- 1) to be dug through; 2) to break, tear /intr./; 3) to rip /intr./. >KblPbIM strap at the end of saddlegirth. 3KBIPbIH,H,bI worldly-wise; experienced. ^KblPBIH^BIJIblK experience, proficiency, skill, knack. /ay3MHaH/ 3ΚΒΙΡΒΙΠ BEP- /idiom./ to give the shirt off one's back. )KbIPbIK, full of holes; dug up. 3KBIPK,BIJIil,A- see )KbIPTAK,TA-. ^CblPFA woman headdress adornment. )KbIPFAn: blPFAH-^CBIPFAn KEJI- /obs./ to come loaded with goods (of bride's arrival). 5KBIT- to flee. 3KbITbIP- to hide /tr./. 5KBIK,- to overturn, knock down. 3KBIHFbM /bot./ caragana (Halimodendron argenteum). AblFA feather on the hat of a girl. 3KBIFbIJl· to fall down; to be thrown down. }KBIFBIJ1T- to drop, to let fall. 5KBIFBIJiy or )KfaIFbIJTbIC fall, downfall. 5KbIFbIC- to knock down together; to fell together. >KIEEK silk; silk fabric; ... 3Kirisilk thread; ... HIPy silk spinning; ... OPAMTblH ΘΗ,Ο,ΙΡΙΟ silk-reeling mill; ... ΤΟΚ,ΑίίTblH ΦΑΒΡΗΚΑ silk-weaving mill; ... IUAPyAinbIJIbIFbIsericulture;...K,YPTbI /zool./silkworm(bombyx);... Κ^ΡΤΒΙΗΒΙΙί VPBIFBI grain (silkworm eggs); 5KACAHΛΒΙ ... artificial silk; TAJ1 3CIBEK see ... 5ΚΙΠ. «IBEKTEM as silk; /fig./ polite. 3KIEEKIIII silkworm breeder, sericulturist. 3KIEEP- to let go, to send, send away; /med./ to inject; /descr./ after gerund on ΒΙΠ, ΙΠ, Π of the main verb indicates a rapid beginning




or development of the action expressed by the former. >KLBEPy admission, letting in, intake. 5KIEY thawing. 5KIEIT- to soak, steep, drench, wet, moisten, damp /tr./. 5ΚΙΓΕΗ /bot./ reed (Scirpus). 5Κ1ΓΕΡ will power, persistence. 3ΚΙΓΕΡΛΕΗ- to become animated, inspirited; to become energetic, persistent. 5ΚΙΓΕΡ.ΠΙ strong willed, resolute; energetic, persistent, enterprising. )KirEPJlIJIIK inspiration, enthusiasm; energy, persistence. 5K1FEPCI3 inactive, unenterprising, irresolute, indecisive; weakling. >KirEPCI3AEH- to lose willpower; to become irresolute, inert. )KirEPCI3AIK lack of willpower; lack of the spirit of initiative. 5ΚΙΓΙΤ youth (person), young man; fine fellow. )ΚΙΓΙΤΤΙΚ youth (age); /fig./ courage, bravery. )KIK 1) facet; 2) /tech./ joint, junction; 3) stratification. 5K1KTE- to classify; /gram./ to conjugate. 5KIKTEJI- to be classified; to become stratified; /gram./ to be conjugated. )KlKTEJiy /gram./ conjugation. >KIKTEH- to become dismembered. 3KIKTEV see 5KIKTEJiy. JKUmiK 1) camel's halter (woolen cord attached to MVPblHAblK, (see); 2) sweatcloth put under the saddle. jKlJlEK colored shawl of a bride. 5KIJIIK marrow bone; ... MAMbI marrow. mJIIHIlIIK shin, shank; YJ1KEH... CYftEK tibia bone; KI11II ... CYMEK fibula bone. )Κ1Π rope, cord, twine, string, thread; ... EACnAJlAAK,, ... EACK,blIII rope ladder. 3ΚΙΠ- to soften /intr./; to grow soft, to grow pulpy. 5ΚΙΠΑΡΚ.ΑΗ /adj./ cord, rope, string; ... ΘΗ,Π,ΙΡΙΟΙ rope and cord manufacture. mnCbl- to soften /intr./ slightly, to melt; to perspire. >KITI far-sighted; ΚΘ3Ι ... sharp-sighted. 5KITJJIIK sharpness. 5KIHIIIIKE thin; /mus./ high (sound). mHIUIKEJlE- to make thinner; /fig./ to talk in hints. 5K]H,HIIKEJIIK thinness, fineness, subtlety.

5KIH.IIIIKEP- to grow thinner. )KIH,II1IKEPT- to make thinner. 5ΚΥΓΕΗ bridle. 5ΚΥΓΕΗΠ.Ε- to bridle; /fig./ to restrain, to curb. 3ΚΥΓΕΗΑΕΠ- to be bridled. JKYFEHAEy /fig./ restraint, curbing, checking. )ΚΥΓΕΗΗΙΗ AybI3AAFbI bit of the bridle. 5KYFEHCI3 unrestrained, impetuous, impulsive; /fig./ undisciplined. 5KYFEHCI3,fl,EH- to commit excesses; to commit outrages. )KYFEHCI3AIK excess, outrage; lack of restraint, of discipline; dissoluteness, licentiousness. >KYrEHCI3ZTJK ET- to commit outrages, to commit excesses. 3ΚΥΓΕΡΙ corn. )ΚΥΠΗ- to sit cross-legged; /fig./ to worship, admire. JKYHHy genuflection, kneeling. )ΚΥΠΡ- to run. )ΚΥΠΡΓΙΠΙ /sport./ runner. 5ΚΥΓΙΡΕ fluently. DKYFIPMEK /local S/ name of a disease. 5ΚΥΓΙΡΤΕ fluent; fluently, superficially, cursorily. 5ΚΥΓΙΡΤΙΓΪ fluently. )KYriPy run, running, course. ΚΥΠΡΙΟ /adv./ running; ... YP- to flee; ... KIP- to come running; ... fflblK,- to run out, to run up. >KYFIPIC run, running; running about. )KYnPIC- 1) to compete in running; 2) to rush at each other (in fighting). )ΚΥΓΙΡΙΙΠΤΕΡ /tech./ runners (of locomotive). 3KY E- to grow thin; to get exhausted, become emaciated, be worn out, run low. >ΚΥΑΕΓΕΗ wizened. 5KYAET- to exhaust, emaciate, starve, wear out /tr./. JKYJJEy pale, pale-face; exhaustion, emaciation, extenuation. )KY,n,EyHIK exhaustion, emaciation, extenuation. )KY^a /local S & SEI very; quite; too; excessively. 5KY3 1) hundred; 2) face; 3) one of the Kazakh tribal divisions; YJlbl ... Great Horde; OPTA ... Middle Horde; ΚΙΠΙΙ ... Little Horde; 4) sharp point, blade; ... EACbl centurion, captain. 5KY3- to swim.



5KY3AEC5KY3 EC- to face each other; to confront each other, 3ΚΥ3ΕΓΕ ACbLP- to realize, carry out, put in practice. 3ΚΥ3ΕΓΕ ACKAH personified. )KY3Y swimming. 5KY3IK ring (for the finger). HCY3IM grapes; ... AFAIUbl grape-vine; ... ΕΓΥΙΙΗ viticulturist;... EFICI vineyard; ... CAEAFbl see ... AFAfflbl; ... ΠΙΑΡΑEbl grape wine; ... eCIPyffllJIIK viticulture. ΑΥ3ΙΗΙΠΙ hundredth. 5ΚΥ3ΙΠ /adv./ (by means of) swimming. )KY3IKAPAJIbIK, vile act; dirty trick.

OKYME system. 5KYHEK /local SE/ beds in which some technical plants (cotton, etc.) are planted. )KYMECI3 unsystematic, unmethodical, haphazard. 5KYMECI3,0;iK lack of system; lack of method; haphazardness. JKVftKE nerve. 5ΚΥΪΪΡΙΚ fast, swift, quick, rapid; swiftfooted; /mar./ high-speed; /sport./ runner. «YflPIKTIK /mar./ high speed. 3KYK burden, load, freight, baggage, luggage; ... ABTOMAIUHHACL·! truck; ... TACAHTblH ΒΑΓΟΗ freight car; ... TACAHTblH ΠΟΕ3Λ freight train; ... TACblMAJIbl pack transport; ... THEY loading; ... TYCIPY unloading; K.OJI ... hand luggage. )KYKKE APHAJ1FAH AT pack horse. DKYKTE- to load; /fig./ to confer, bestow; to impose upon (a duty); to hold responsible for (a fault, a guilt); to charge with a commission; to oblige /tr./. 5KYKTI pregnant. 5KYKTI EOJ1- to become pregnant. 3KYKTIK or 3KYKTIJIIK pregnancy. 5ΚΥΚΠΙΙ attendant of loaded cart. JKYJIFE small glen, small dell. 5KYH wool, hair (of animals); body hair; cloth (woollen material); ...ΑΡΙζΑΗ rope of camel wool; ... BACK.AH hairy; ... HIPY wool spinning. DKVH CABA- to card wool. 3KYH ΤΑΡΑ- or 5KYH TYT- to comb wool. 3KYH TOK,- to weave wool. 3KYH^E- to shear (a camel); /fig./ to rob, fleece. yKYHffEC or aCYH-^CYH hairy. 5KYHHEH BACblJIFAH /adj./ felt.

3KYP- to move /intr./, go, ride; ΑΤΠΕΗ ... ίο ride on horseback; )ΚΑΛΥ ... to walk; ΚΘΛΙΚΠΕΗ ... to ride in cart; /descr./ after the gerund on bin, ΙΠ, Π of the main verb indicates continuity and rapidity of the action expressed by the latter. >ΚΥΡΓΙ3- to direct, carry out; /tech./ to switch on, to turn on; MOTOP bl ... to turn on a motor; ΠΟΕ3ΛΗ ... to drive a train. 3ΚΥΡΓΙ3Υ /tech./ induction, admission, lead in. 5ΚΥΡΠ3ΥΙΙΙΙ the individual in actual control; the boss. )KYPri3IJI- to be put into motion or into action; to be sent; to be installed. 5ΚΥΡΓΙΗΙΠΙ traveller, passer-by. 3ΚΥΡΓΙΙΠ /mar./ high-speed, fast. 5ΚΥΡΓΙΠΙΤΙΚ /mar./ fastness; /adj./ highspeed, rapid. see ΪΚΥΡΠΙΙΙ. fluency. shallow person. 5KYPEK heart; ... AMHY, ... AfiHYIIlbl· JlblK nausea; ... AMHblTATblH nauseating, nauseous; AK, ... soft-hearted; ΚΑΡΑ ... infamous, vile, loathsome. 3CYPEKCI3 coward, cowardly. 5KYPEKCIH- to be timid, to be afraid. 5KYPEKTI brave, courageous. 5KYPEKTIJ1IK bravery, courage. 5KYPEKTIH; AEMIKHECI /med./ angina pectoris. »CYPEKTm COFY heart-beat; pulsation of the heart. 5KYPEJIE- to squat: to begin to limp (of horses). >ΚΥΡΕΠΕίϊ EHJIE- to dance while crouching. 5KYPY movement, motion; walking, going, riding, driving; departure. 5KYPIK AT race horse. 5ΚΥΡ1Π KET- to leave, move, quit; to set off, set out. )ΚΥΡΙΠ ΚΕΤΥ departure. 3KYPIC 1) walking, pacing; 2) gait (of a horse). >KYhYT Jew; ... flIHI Judaism. JKY-EAH consort, spouse; pair, couple. 5KY-EAH- to console oneself; to be comforted, consoled. 5K¥EAHAbIP- see )K¥EAT-. }KYBAHbIIU comfort, consolation. 3KYBAHbiniCbI3 disconsolate, unconsolable.




5KVBAT- to console, comfort; to amuse (a child). 5KVEATV comfort, consolation. )K¥EATyUIbI comforter, consoler. >Κ¥ΛΜΡΜΚ fist. )K¥,ablPbIK,TA- to hit with one's fist. iKY blPblKJAC- to have a fist fight. 3KYJI- 1) to pull (ears, etc.), pull out (teeth, etc.); 2) to pluck; 3) to pick (fruit, flowers, etc.); 4) to weed. 5KVJ1A TAPT- to pull in, draw in. )K¥.Jl,abI3 star. )K¥Jmbl3AAH- to be studded with stars (of sky). ^YJIflbBCbO starless. 5KYJIMAJIA- to pull out, pluck. )K¥Jiy weeding. )K¥JIbIH spinal cord. )K¥JIbIHbin K.AJI- to tear oneself away; to break away. )K¥JIbin AJ1- to pull out, to tear out, to snatch out. >K¥JIbin K.AJ1- to hitch up; to jerk up. 5K¥JIbIK, vamp of a shoe. JKYJIblK,- see 5KYJIK-. iKYJlblKJA- to sew vamps to a shoe. )K¥J1K,- to pull, tug. >K¥JIK,y pulling out. 5K¥JlKblJlA- to pull repeatedly. 5K¥JIK,bIJIAC- to come to blows, to get into a skirmish. 3K¥JlK,blH- to rush forward; to break away; to long for; to jump up. 3K¥JIK,bIC- to start fighting each other. 5KYM- to clench (fingers); to close (mouth, eyes); ΚΘ3 ... /fig./ to decide, make up one's mind. 5KYMA1) Friday ;2)week;...CAHbIH weekly. >K¥MAJIAK sheep dung. )K¥MAPJIA- to crumple, rumple. )K¥MAPHAH- to get crumpled. )K¥MAK, paradise. 5KYMEAK, riddle; allegorical. )K¥MEAKJA- to speak allegorically. 5KYMCA- 1) to soften /intr./; 2) to spend; 3) to send on an errand, to give a commission. 5K¥MCAftT- to soften /tr./. )K¥MCAJI- 1) to be spent; 2) to be sent. 3KYMCAP- to soften /intr./. )K¥MCAPT- 1) to soften /tr./; 2) to loosen (the soil). )K¥MCAPTy loosening. )K¥MCAT- see >K¥MCAPT-.


5KYMCAV 1) softening; 2) charging with commissions. 5K¥MCAK, soft; backboneless, weakwUled. )K¥MCAK,TbIK, softness; backbonelessness, weakness of will. 3K¥MbIJI- to shut /intr./ (of eyes); to undertake something in concord with others. )K¥MbIJIA ID harmony, in concord, unanimously; /fig./ all hands' job. MC¥MbIJIAbIP- to mobilize /tr./; to aim at. 5K¥MbIJl^bIPT- to force to undertake something in concord with others. )K¥MbIJlFAH closed (of eyes, etc.). 3K¥MbIP 1) see )K¥MbIPIIIAK,; 2) round; 3) smooth, well-fed, satisfied (of cattle); ... TAC pebbles; ... K.VPT intestinal worm. >K¥MbIPJIA- to make round. 5K¥MbIPJIAH- to become round. >K¥MbIPTKA egg. )K¥MbIPTK,AJIA- to lay eggs. >K¥MbIPTK,AJTAT- to enable to lay eggs. )K¥MbIPIlIAK, second stomach of cattle (reticulum). )K¥MbIPbIK, see ^Y blPblK,. )K¥MbIC work, labor, occupation; ... EEPYIlll employer; ... KHIMI working clothes, overall; ... KYHI working day; ... MAJlbl draught animals. )K¥MbIC TACTA- to strike. 5K¥MbICCbI3 unemployed. )K¥MbICCbI3AbIK, unemployment. )K¥MbICTA- to process; to treat. 3K¥MbICnibI worker, workman; ... KYI11I labor, hands, manpower. >K¥MbICIIIbIJIAP ΤΑΠ working class. >K¥MbICIHbI-TUTIIII workers' correspondent. >K¥MbICIDbI-IlIAPyA ΘΚΙΜΕΤΙ workers' and peasant's power. )K¥MbICKA KAEIJ1ETTI in working condition, able-bodied. )Κ¥Π 1) even number; 2) intensifying syllable for words beginning with 3K¥. 5ΚΥΓΤΑΡ musk; ... TblfflKAH ,/zool./ muskrat. A¥n-^C¥MbIP perfectly round. )ΚΥΠ-5Κ¥ΚΑ very thin. 5ΚΥΠΤΑ- to pair /tr./. )K¥nbIHbI uncomely, plain (of man); modest (of man's appearance); ... KHIMKI poorly dressed. 5KYPAFAT clan; distant relationship. EOJI- to lose; to be deprived of. /gram./ suffix, affix.

5KYPT 3KVPT 1) people, nation; 2) community, public; 3) camp, camping site. iHCYPTUIblJIblK, community, public. 5K¥T 1) frost after thaw; 2) catastrophic loss of cattle after winter frosts. )K¥T- 1) to swallow; 2) to pull in, suck in; 3) to absorb. 5KVTA- 1) to lose cattle in winter frosts; 2) /fig./ to feel a sharp deficiency of something. 5K¥TAV impoverishment caused by loss of cattle in winter frosts. }Κ¥ΤΥ swallowing, absorbing; absorption. 5KYTbIJI- to be pulled in, sucked in; to lapse into, sink into. }K¥TbIJIATbIH /adj./ suction. 3K¥TbIM swallow, mouthful, sip, gulp; BIP ... CYCblH a mouthful of beverage. 3KVTLIH-1) to swallow; 2) to be very hungry. 3K¥TK,bI3- to let swallow; to force to swallow. 5K¥TKJ>IHmAK, 1) throat; 2) Adam's apple. )Κ¥ΤΠΑ /local W & SW/ fishing hook. 3K¥K,- to be communicated (of diseases). 5K¥KA thin; light (of clothing); ... ΤΑΚ,ΤΑΪί veneer, plywood. 5KYKAJIA- to thin, make thinner. DKYKAJlblK, thinness (of paper, fabrics, etc.). }K¥ivAHA /local WC/ remnant, rest, remainder, residue. 3K¥KAP- to become thin; /fig./ to lose weight, become emaciated. 3K¥KAPT- to thin; to make thin. 3Κ¥Κ,ΠΑ /local S & SEI thin pancakes. 5KYK.nA.JIbI contagious, infectious. 3K¥KJbIP- 1) to infect; 2) to soil, smear. )KYK,TbIPbin AJI- to catch (a disease), to be infected. 3K¥K,KJbIlU 1) infectious, contagious; 2) smearing, soiling. >K¥FAHA /local WC/ see )K¥KAHA. 5KYFV infection. )K¥FbIM nutritiousness. nutritious. , see XCYFblM. 3K¥FbIH leftovers (of food on sides of vessels). )K¥FbIC- to cavil, carp, nag. 3K¥FbICTbIP- to bring together, to bring into contact. 5K¥FbICy 1) cavil; 2) rapprochement. 5ΚΘΚΕ 1) /bot./ linden (Tilia); 2) wisp of bast, piece of bast; bast mat; ... K,ABbIK, /bot./ alburnum, sapwood. )ΚΘΗ 1) direction; 2) /adj./ common, plain,

not up to much, ordinary; 3) suitable; 4) correct, correctly; 5) preferably. >ΚΘΗ^Ε- to correct, repair; to put right, adjust, direct; to arrange in good order. 5K0H EJI- to get right, to get adjusted, to improve /intr./. ^(ΘΗΛΕΓΠΡ- to order to arrange, adjust, correct. 5ΚΘΗΑΙΚ- to get accustomed. 5ΚΘΗΕ- to go (by horse, train, etc.). 3ΚΘΗΕΚΕΪΪ casually; )KOJI ... in passing, on one's way. 5ΚΘΗΕ.Π- to leave, set off, set out. )ΚΘΗΕ.ΠΤ- to send, dispatch. )ΚΘΗΕ.ΊΤν sending, dispatching. 2ΚΘΗ-3ΚΟΕΑ rules, instructions. )K0HCI3 objectless, abstract; thoughtless, hasty (of action, deed); tactless, dishonorable (of man). 5KGHCI3,mK 1) disorder; 2) disorderliness, untidiness, chaotic state; 3) tactlessness; 4) dishonorableness. 5K0HIH,HE about, concerning. }ΚΘΗΙΗΑΕΠ relating to. 5ΚΘΗ1ΗΕΗ see 5ΚΘΗΙΗβΕ. >ΚΘΡΓΕΠΗΕΗ from the cradle. 5ΚΘΡΓΕΚ diaper. 3ΚΘΤΕ.Π cough; ΚΘΚ ... whooping-cough. 3K0TEJI- to cough. 5ΚΘΤΕ.ΙΙΤ- to cause coughing. 3ΚΘΤΚΥΡΙΚ slight cough. 5ΚΘΗΚ- or )ΚΘΗ,Κυΐ- to set off, set out; to move (en masse). 3K9 /interj./ now, now then, well, enough. 5K9BIP oppression, violence, coercion, constraint, offence; ... ΚΘΡ- to be oppressed; ... KJbl-Π- to offend. ^OBIPJIE- to offend, oppress. ^OBIPJIEH- 1) to be offended, oppressed; 2) to take offense, to feel hurt. >ΚΘΕΙΡ;ΊΕΗ,αΐΡ- to offend. ^ΟΑΙΓθίί I) fraud (man), deceiver; 2) flatterer; 3) perfidious, crafty, cunning; thievish. >Κ9/];ΐΓΘΜ.ΠΕΗ- to flatter; to be cunning. 5ΚΘΑΙΓθϋ.ΠΙΚ 1) flattery, cajolery; 2) slyness, cunning. »OKBAFblCTA- /local/ see HCAtfJIAC- 1. 5Κ9ΪΪΙΙΙΑ simply; for no special reason. 5K9MEIJIIIIE /local SW/ small watermelon. »ΟΜΠ1ΙΚ coachman. 5Κ3ΗβΙΚ small animals. 3K9HE and, again. 5K9HEflE moreover, still more.




5Κ9ΡΑΕΜ help, assistance, aid; ... BEPViniJTIK charity, philanthropy. yKdPREMREC- to help each other. >K9PAEM,D(ECTIK 9JIEYMET mutual aid society. )K9PAEMAECy rescue, assistance. )Κ9ΡΑΕΜΠΙΙ 1) assistant, aide; 2) subsidiary, auxiliary, assisting; 3) philanthropist.

5K9PMEHKE/n./fair. 3K9YKEMAE- 1) to tear into pieces; 2) to skin, dress (meat). 3K9yKEM,ZlEJI- 1) to be torn into pieces; 2) /fig./ to be beaten thoroughly. 3Κ9ΥΗΑΡ see also FAVhAP precious stone, diamond. 5Κ9ΠΠΚ box, case, drawer.


3ABACTOBKA strike. 3ABACTOBKA )KACA- to strike, to go on strike. 3AEHAH E9KI /local WC/ high-quality penknife. 3AEOft /min./ face, cut, drift. 3ΑΕΟΗΙΠΒΙ miner; coal-hewer. 3AEBIT AJI- /local WC/ to manage, administer. 3ΑΒΟΛ plant, factory; ... KVPAJI- ABWKTAPfcl plant equipment; ... eHfllPICI plant production. 3ABXO3 /abr./ head of the economic division (of a Soviet agency). 3A,m>I or 3ΑΛΒΙΗΛΑ by nature, essentially. 3AEM loan. 3Afl /localSE/humidity, dampness, moisture; humid, damp, moist. 3AftTVH see 33ftTVH. 3ΑΪΪΒΙΠ wife. SAiiLIP /local W/ humaneness, humanity. 3AKA3 order. 3AKA3 BEP- to order. 3AKH /local WC/ honest. 3AKJIA.ZJ mortgage, pledge. 3ΑΚΠΑΛΚΑ CAJ1- to mortgage, pawn. 3ΑΚΟΗΙΠΒΙ jurist. 3AJI hall. 3AJIAJI (see also 3APAP) damage, loss, deficit. 3AJIAJICBI3 without any losses. 3AJ1OF 1) deposit, pledge, security; 2) /gram./ voice. 3AJ1OFKA CAJI- to pledge, mortgage. 3AJIBIM sly, evil, mean. SAJIblMflBIK, villainly, craft, cunning. 3AJIbim swindler, cheat. 3AMAH 1) time; 2) epoch, era, times; ... ΑΚ,ΒΙΡ Doomsday, Day of Judgment. 3AMAHAA: EAflFbl ... in ancient times. 3AMAH/IAC contemporary. 3ΑΜΑΗΒΙΗ,ΠΑ in due course; once; in the past. 3AF1AC supply, stores, provision; /adj./

reserve, spare, duplicate; ... EOJllIIEKTEP spare parts. 3AFIAC 3KACA- to stock. 3AnACTAF!>r /adj./ reserve, spare. 3ΑΠΟΗ /local W/ apron. 3ΑΠΒΙ BOJI- to feel burdened by something. 3ΑΠΒΙ KilJI- to bore /tr./, annoy. 3ΑΠΒΙΡΑΗ gall, bile. 3Am>IC BOJI- see 3ΑΠΒΙ EOJI-. 3AP 1) sobbing, weeping, wailing; 2) aim, desire; 3) /local W/ fragrance (of flowers). 3AP BOJI- to be in dire need. 3AP 5KBIJTA- to weep bitterly. 3AP MJIE- or 3AP KAK,- to toss /intr./, grieve; to sink into despair. 3APAP harm, damage, loss, deficit. 3APAP KEJITIP- to damage. 3APAP ΚΘΡ- to suffer a loss. 3APAPJIAH- to suffer a loss, a calamity. 3APAPJlAHEAft K,AJ1- to survive, remain unharmed. 3APAPJ1BI harmful, damaging. 3APAPCBI3 harmless, inoffensive; harmlessly. 3APAPBI 5KOK, safely, all right. 3APAT /local WC/ rick of hay. 3ΑΡ/4ΑΠ results (negative). 3APJIA- 1) to sob. weep bitterly (with lamentation); 2) to complain, grumble. 3APJIAH- to grumble, complain. 3APJIAT- to cause to grieve; to cause to weep. 3APJ1ATTBIP- to cause deprivation, distress. 3APJ1ATKBI3- see 3APJlATTbIP-. 3APJIAVBIK, tearful; ... K.O3BI a lamb which bleats incessantly. 3APJIBI sad. 3ΑΡΠΒΙ /local WC/ see 3ΑΡΑΑΠ. 3APBIH TAPT- to exhaust oneself by suffering. 3APBIK, to get tired, fatigued; to be bored. 3AP /4 charge (of rifle, etc.). 3ΑΡΛ/ΙΚΑ charge, loading; exercises. 3ACTABA gate. 3AT 1) material, substance, matter; 2) object, thing; 3) /local W/ something; ... ECIM




1gram./ noun; ... ΕΤΠΕ- /local W/ to do nothing, to be idle; to loaf. 3AYAJI 1) noon, midday; 2) midday heat; 3) /adj./ evening; 4) catastrophe, loss. 3AY3A /zool./ cock-chafer. 3AYJIA- to flow in a torrent; /fig./ to rush. 3AYJIAI1 5KAH- to burn furiously. 3AYJIAT- to gallop fast. 3AYbIK, wish, desire. 3AYbIK,-CAnA deh'ght, enjoyment. 3AYbIKJA- to give pleasure; to cheer, gladden /tr./, to make merry. 3AYbIK,TAH- 1) to want, wish, desire something; 2) to take delight, enjoy. SAYblKJHIblJI a lover of gaiety. 3AHET 1) part payment, instalment; 2) test, examination. 3ΑΛ to no purpose, in vain, idly, at random. 3ΑΛ KET- to go to waste. 3ΑΛ KbIJI- to waste. 3AK,nbI /local E/ a boy's plaything (catapult). 3AKbIM injury, damage, harm; mutilation; contusion. 3AKbIM,IJA- to damage, injure, hurt, impair. 3AKJ>IMAAH- to be injured, hurt. 3ΑΉ law; ... EOHblHIIIA legally; in accordance with the law; ... EPE3KECI statute; ... >KOEACbI bill, draft law; ... 5KOJIBI legal means, legal way; ... 5KY3IHAE see ... BOHblHIIIA; ... MAMAHbl jurist; ... T9PTIBI law and order; ... fflblFAPATblH legislative; ... IflblFAPY EIJIIFI legislative power; ... UlblFAPYIDbl legislator; ... FblJIblMbl jurisprudence; HEΓΙ3Γ1 ... basic law, constitution. 3AH, IllblFAP- to pass a law. 3ΑΗΛΑ- to observe customs. 3AHHAP JKblMHAFbl code of law, statute book. 3AHOACTbIP- to legalize. 3ΑΗΛΕΙ legal, lawful. 3AHabI B¥3YUlfal wrongdoer, infringer of the law. 3AHJlbIJlbIK, lawfulness, legality, conformity with the Jaw; regularity. 3AHCH3 lawless. 3AHCbI3ZlbIK, injustice, iniquity, lawlessness. 3AHIIIbI jurist. 3AHJUblJI adherent of the strict observance of law. 3AHFA CYfjEHFEH lawful, rightful. 3AHFA KAMUlbl lawless, iniquitous. 3AHFA KAPCbl illegal. BAFbTDTAH- to become crippled.

SAFblOTAHY injury, damage, harm. 3AFbinTAHFAH lame, crippled. SAFblOTblK, mutilation; physical defect. 3BEHO 1) link; 2) section, group, team; ... EACKAPVUIbl see SBEHOfflbl. 3BEHOIIIbI group or team leader. 3EftlH 1) aptitude, intel gence; 2) attention, comprehension. 3EfiiIH CAJ1- to pay attention to; to take notice of. 3ΕΡΪΙΗ TAPAJI- to become absent-minded. 3ΕΪΪΙΗΓΕ AJI- to comprehend, grasp, perceive. 3EYOHffl capable, gifted, intelligent. 3EMIH}iIJIIK aptitude, brightness of mind, giftedness. 3EMIHCI3 incapable. SEftlHCDflIK inability, incapacity. 3EKY shout. 3EMBIJI woven hand-bag or basket; stretcher, litter. 3EHHT zenith. 3ΕΗΜΤΙΠΙ anti-aircraft gunner. 3EP 1) attention; 2) galloon, gold or silver lace or braid. 3EP CAJ1- to pay attention to; to take notice of. 3ΕΡΓΕΡ goldsmith, jeweller. 3ΕΡΓΕΡΛΙΚ goldsmith's profession, jewellery. 3EPE /local WC, obs./ nose-ring. 3EPEK gifted, clever, intelligent. 3EPEKTIK talent, resourcefulness, comprehension. 3EPEH, ΑΛΚ, 1) large cup or bowl; 2)/local S & W/ ornamented cup. 3EPJIE- to trim or hem with silver or gold braid or lace. 3EPJI1 edged with gold or silver lace. 3EPTTE- to investigate. 3EPTTEY investigation, research-exploration; ... )KYMbICbI research work. 3EPIK- to be bored. 3EH giddiness, dizziness. 3EHBIPEK cannon, field gun; ... ATblCY artillery fire; ... CTAHOFI gun-carriage; ... K,OMMACbI ordnance depot, ordnance stores. 3EHBIPEKTI 9CKEP artillery. 3EHBIPEKTIH AYbBbl gun bore, gun muzzle. SEI^BIPEKTIH OFbl shell, missile. 3EHBIPEKDII artillery-man, gunner. 3EHFI BABA /myth./ protector of cattle.



3ΕΗΓΙΡ 3ΕΗΓΙΡ tall, huge, enormous. 3MHHET /lit./ decoration, adornment, splendor. 3MHHETTI decorated, adorned. 3ΗΠΑ /lit./ elegant, svelte; ... EOHJlbl graceful, with a lovely figure (of women only). 3MPAT see 3BIMPAT. 3M JIW educated person. 3ΗΛΗ see 3ΒΙΛΗ. 3OHA zone. 3OHT or 3OHTMK umbrella. 3ΟΟ.ΓΙΟΓΜΛ zoology. SOOJIOPHflJIblK, zoological. 3ΟΟΠΑΡΚ zoo. 3OOTEXHMK zootechnician, livestock expert. 3OP1) large, big, strong; 2) /local SEI strength, power, energy. 3OPAM- to become large; to get larger, increase /intr./ in dimension or significance; to be promoted. 3OPAHT- to enlarge, increase, heighten /tr./; to promote. 3OPAHTbIJIFAH increased, enlarged. 3OPAT /local WC/ rick of hay. 3OPJ1A- to force, violate, rape. 3OPJ1AH- to strive. 3OPJIAY rape, violation. 3ΟΡΛΜΚ, violence, constraint. 3OPJIbIK,-3OMEbIJIbIK, violence. 3OPJIbIK,IHbIJI violator, ravisher. 3OPMAH /local WC & W, zool./ gopher, earless marmot. 3OPTABAHAA- /local SE/ to persist; to be stubborn. 3OPMK,- to be winded, tired out (of horses). 3OPbIKTbIP- to ride hard; to tire out (of horses). 3OPFA with difficulty; hardly. 3V /onomatopoeic word - for a buzzing sound/. 3V ΕΤΙΠ ΘΤΕ fflblK- to dart, to flash. 3YAJIA /local S/ small piece of bread. 3Y-3Y humming, buzzing, drone. 3Y-3Y ET- to hum, buzz. 3YJIA- to buzz past; to dart quickly. 3YJIAT- to do something quickly. 3YJIATbin OK,- to read quickly. 3YbIJI /onomatopoeic word/ whistling, buzzing. SYBIJIAA- 1) to whistle, howl (of wind); 2) to fly fast (of birds); 3) /fig./ to chatter incessantly. 3bl PAT cemetery, graveyard; mausoleum, sepulchre.

3bIM-3bIfl )KOK, EOJI- to vanish, disappear without a trace. 3t>IMbIPA- to run like an arrow; to rush headlong; to roll /intr./. 3bIMbIPATfain with force (as of throwing a ball with force). 3bIMbICTAH winter. 3bIMKAMbIM see 3bIM-3bLfl. 3bIHA or 3MHA adultery. 3bIHAAH prison, jail, dungeon. 3bIP AMHAJ1- to whirl quickly, to spin /intr./. 3bIP ΕΤΙΠ ΘΤΕ IIIblK- to whistle past with noise like an arrow. 3bIP-3bIP )ΚΥΠΡ- to run without looking back. 3bIP-3bIP K.AUI- to brush aside. 3HPJ1A- to run quickly, rush headlong; to gallop. 3bIPbIJm,A- 1) to whirl quickly, spin /intr./; 2) to whistle (of an arrow). SblPblJI AYblK, top (toy). 3bIPK, ET- to pound, throb (of the heart). 3bIPK.bIJI A- to throb (at the temples). 3bIPK,bIPA to rush headlong; to tear along. 3bIPKAHA- see CHPFAHA-. 3bIT beat it! get out! 3bIT- to leave in a hurry. 3bITA 3ΚΘΗΕ.Π- to leave in a hurry, to skip out. 3ΜΛΗ injury, damage, loss. 3ΜΛΗ ET- l) to inflict damage; 2) to suffer a loss. 3ΜΛΗ KEJ1TIP- to cause damage. 3ΜΛΗ ΚΘΡ- or 3ΜΛΗ TAPT- to suffer a loss, a damage. 3ΗΛΗΜ »COR; never mind! 3blflH/JA- to injure, damage; to inflict a loss, injury. 3bLHH,ZibI harmful, injurious, disadvantageous. 3H.SHKEC saboteur; pest. 3bmHKECTIK sabotage. 3bWHCbI3 harmless, innocent; without any losses. 3bIFbIP flax; ... MAfibl linseed oil. 3bIFbIPJTAH- to become furious; to fly into a rage. 3IJI weight, load, burden. 3IJlAEfl H3PCE a heavy thing. 3IJlflEH 1) to grow heavy; 2) /fig./ to assume an air of importance. 3IJII BAP C03 something said with a hidden meaning (as an expression of discontent or threat). 3ΙΜΠΑΡΑ emery.


3IMIPET 3IMIPET emerald. 3IHET see 3MHHET. 3IPKIJ1AE- see 3bIPKWJlAA-. 3¥JIbIM insidious, perfidious. 3VJILIMAbIK, 1) insidiousness, perfidy; 2) violence, coercion; 3) evil, evil deed; 4) trickery. 3ΘΕΙΡ see ^OBIP. 39ίϊΤΥΗ olive. 39K /local SE/ humid, damp, moist. 39KTEME /local S/ the first (in the season) watering of a field. 3ΘΡ poison, venom. 39P fflAffl- to threaten. 3ΘΡΕ atom. 3dPEfIf.fi tiny, insignificant. 39PJII 1) poisonous, venomous; 2) threatening; ... 5KEJI a piercing wind.

39PE,fl£Efi a minute fraction; ... H9PCE insignificant thing. 39PCI3 non-toxic, harmless. 3ΘΡΥ necessity, need; urgent. 39PI CLIHFAH CV water at room temperature. 39Y /local SE/ tall, high. 3ΘΥΕΗ /local W/ fallow (field not tilled for a season or more). 39ΥΛΙΜ tall, high. 3θΥΙΜΜΕΗ suddenly, accidentally, by chance. 39HT- /local S/ to roam, rove, loaf, lounge about. 39HTI1) negro; 2) /local SW/ stairs, staircase, ladder.


M tanning, dressing (of a skin). H- 1) to bend, curve, incline, tilt, /tr./; 2) to get soft (of udder), to let milk run (of a cow when milked); 3) /fig./ to become generous. MBA courtesy, politeness, good breeding. MEAJIbl polite, civil, courteous. ΜΓΈΡ- to cope with; to master. ΜΓΙ good, kind, helpful, useful; well, better. (6ac) ΗΓΙ3- to subdue. MriJlIK good deed, worthwhile undertaking. MFIJIIKTI beneficial. M EAJI ideal; higher aim. MAEAJ1M3M idealism. MAEAJIHCT idealist. HAEAJIHCTIK idealistic, ideology. , ideological, idea. ideological; high-principled, unprincipled, idiom. H MOMAJIbIK, idiomatic. HAIPIM: BHEHHIH BIP ΜβΙΡΙΜ CYTI one milking yield of (a mare's) milk. ME landlord, master, owner, possessor. HE EOJI- to own, possess; to be the owner; MAJIFA ... to be the owner of the cattle; to look after the cattle. MEK chin; lower jaw; ... ACTBIHflA not far, near (right under one's nose), ( ipeyre) HEK APT- to lean on someone; to try to obtain someone's support. MEKTE- to try to obtain something with someone else's help. MEKTI with a wide chin. HEJ1EH- to appropriate; to seize, take possession. MEJ1EHV possession; appropriation, misappropriation. HEJlEHyilll possessor. MEJIiriHEH fflblFAPV requisition. MEJTIK possession, property, estate.

MEJ1IK ET- to manage, command; to be in charge. HEMflEH- see MEJIEH-. HEMAEHV see HEJIEHV. MEH /local E/ uncared-for, neglected (child). ΜΕΡΟΓΛΗΦ hieroglyph. HECI3 ownerless, unowned; ... MYJIIK /leg./ escheated property. H3E- to nod. H3EH /bot./ a kind of wormwood. Η3ΕΠ KEC- to cut by pressing down (with a dull knife). MKEM inclination for; disposition to; ability, suitability. ΜΚΕΜβΕ- to adjust, adapt. ΗΚΕΜβΙ clever, capable, skillfull. ΗΚΕΜΛΙ-ΊΙΚ deftness, agility. MKEMCI3 clumsy, awkward. MJ1AH /local SE/ a medicinal plant. MJ1E-1) to tan (leather); 2) to knead (dough); 3) to puddle (clay). HJIEHBEFEH raw (hide). MJIEHFEH TEPI tanned leather, (oipeyre) MJIED AJI- to bend completely someone else to one's will. HJIEV 1) tanning, 2) kneading; 3) ant-hill. HJIJIK)3Mfl illusion. ΗΛΠΪΟΜΜΗΑΤΟΡ illuminator. HJTJIIOMMHAUMA illumination. ΗϋΤΗΦΑΤ see UlTIFIAT. HJTI furrier, fur dresser. MJIIK- to yield to persuasion. HMEK bent, curved; ... MYPBIH hooknosed. MMEH- to feel shy; to be afraid. ΜΜΕΗΛΕ- to stoop; to walk with a stoop. MMH- to bend, bow, stoop /intr./. ΗΜΜΗΓΡΑΗΤ immigrant. ΗΜΜΗΓΡΑΙίΜΑ immigration. MMMYHMTET immunity. ΜΜΠΕΡΑΤΟΡ emperor. MMnEPMAJIMSM imperialism. HMriEPHAJlMCT imperialist. HMnEPMAJTHCTIK imperialistic. 118

ΜΜΠΕΡΗΛ ΜΜΠΕΡΗΛ empire. ΜΜΠΟΡΤ import, importation. HMnOPTTbIK, ΤΟΒΑΡ imported goods. MHBEHTAPH3ALlHfl making inventory; taking stock. MHBEHTAPJIA- to make an inventory, to take stock. I4HBEHTAPL· inventory (list); stock. HHBEPCHJI inversion. HHflEKC index. HH HKATOP indicator. MHJTVKUHJl induction. inductive, industry; AVblP ... heavy industry; 3KEHIJI ... light industry. M H VCTPH-HJIAH,HbIPy industrialization. MHE needle; ... ΚΘ3ΙΗΕΗ ΘΤΚΕΗβΕίΐ 5ΚΙΓ1Τ an agile, nimble fellow; ... I1IAHIIIATblH )KEP 5KOK, overcrowded; ... Κ,ΑΠ needle-case. MHE- to bend /tr./. MHEJIIK dragon fly; /local SW/ wooden needle for weaving fishermen's nets. MHEJIIKTEM Κ,ΑΤ- to get thin; to become emaciated. HH5KEHEP engineer. HH5KEHEPJIIK /adj./ engineer. MH5KMJ1 see IH5KIJI. HHHUHATHBA initiative. MHKACCATOP collector (man). MHKYBATOP incubator. ΜΗΚΥΕΑΙίΗΛ incubation; ... KE3EHI incubation period. MHCDEKTOP inspector. MHCTMHKT instinct. MHCTPVKTOP instructor. MHTEFPAJI /math./ integral. MHTEFPAJlUbl /adj./ integral. MHTEJTJIEKT intellect. HHTEJUIEKTyAJIb.HblK, /adj./ intellectual. MHTEJIJlHrEHT intellectual. MHTEJUlHrEHqHfl intelligentsia. MHTEHAAHT commissary; supply officer. HHTEH AHTTblK, commissariat. MHTEHCMBTT intensive; ... TYP E intensively. MHTEPBAJI interval. HHTEPBEHT interventionist. MHTEPBEHUMA intervention. HHTEPHAT school boarding house; boarding school. MHTEPHAIJHOHAJ1 The International. MHTEPHAUHOHAJmblK, international. MHTEPHAUMOHAJ1H3M internationalism.

MIUAPAT MHTEPHAUMOHAJ1MCT internationalist. ΜΗΦΕΚΙ^ΜΛ infection. ΗΗΦΛΛΟΜΗ inflation. ΗΗΙΙΠ armpit lining of a shin; dress-preserver. ΜΠΠΟΑΡΟΜ arena, hippodrome. HPEKzigzag, bend; winding, sinous, tortuous; notched. MPEKTE- to draw a zigzag; to make a notch. HPEJIEH E- or ΜΡΕΗΛΕ to coil, wind; to become zigzag; to crawl (of a snake). ΗΡΡΜΓΑ14ΜΛ irrigation. HPPHrAUHflJIblK, /adj./ irrigation. HPIM see HIPIM. MCKVCCTBO art, skill. HCJ1AM Islam, Mohammedanism. MCHAH Spaniard, MCIH- 1) to hold milk (of a mare or cow unwilling to give milk); 2) /fig./ to be encouraged. MCIHAIP- 1) to cause (a mare or cow) to hold milk; 2) /fig./ to encourage someone. MT dog;... AyPy see MTAYPy;... EAJIblK, see MTBAJIblK,; ... BYJIAIPFEH /bot./ red bilberry, foxberry (Vaccinium vitis idaea); ... 5ΚΜ/ΪΕΚ a medicinal plant (source of atropine); ... 5KbIJIbI name of a year in twelve-year animal cycle; ... MVPLIH /bot./ wild rose, sweet brier (Rosa canina); ... TIC canine tooth; ... KAMIIIbl whip. MT APKACbl ΚΒΙΛΗΛΑ at the world's end. WTAPnibl sycophant, hanger-on; apologist (of a bad cause). ΗΤΑΡΚ,Α 1) slope, pitch (as of a roof); 2) a roughly built hut. HTAypy /med./ rickets. HTBAJIblK, /zool./ seal. MTEJin /zool./ falcon, gerfalcon, kestrel. HTEP- to push, push away. MHTEPMEJIE- to push slightly; to push away. ΜΤΕΡΙΠ 3K1BEP- see MTEP-. ΜΤΕΡΙΠ ΚΙΡΓΙ3- to push into, shove into, stick into /tr./. ΜΤ)ΚΥΑ /bot./ a kind of wild onion. HTMYPblH see MT MYPblH. HTBI3 /local SE/ small plot of arable land. ΗΤΚ,ΟΗΑΚ, /local EC, bot./ a specie of weeds. MIIIAPA 1) sign, symbol, signal; 2) allusion, allegory; ... KGPCETY signalling; ... C03 allusion, hint, allegory. HfflAPA K.BIJ1- to hint, imply. ΜΠΙΑΡΑΤ /lit./ sign, symbol, allusion.




HII1I currier, leather-dresser, tanner. ΜΠΙΑ /local W, interjection warning of a danger/. MBIK, 1) shoulder, upper arm; 2) /local W/ order, system. ΗΒΙΚ,ΤΑ- to lean against someone. ΗΚΙΚ,ΤΜ broad-shouldered. ΗΒΙΚ,ΚΑ CAJI- to put something on one's shoulder. HI Κ,ΑΗ- to be processed and ready for use (of tanned leather); /fig./ to lie dormant for a long time. Ml KAHFAH 1C a matter which has lain dormant for a long time. HIJI- to bend, stoop /intr./. HlJinm pliable. HIJIMEJH flexible, pliable. HIH shoulder. HIHAFAffl beam, balance shaft. HIHAI broad-shouldered. HIHI /local NW/ term, season.

HIP- to spin (wool, flax, etc.); to gather in a pile; to drive to one place (cattle). ΗΙΡΓΈΗ 3ΚΙΠ yarn, thread. HIPV spinning. HIPIM 1) bend (in a river); 2) whirlpool; BIP ... 3KYH one spindle of wool. MIC 1) smell, odor; 2) carbon monoxide; ... CE3IMI smell, sense of smell; CACblK, ... stench, putrid smell; ΧΟΙΠ ... fragrance, pleasant odor; M¥PHH ... EIJIMEHTIH KICI ignoramus; know-nothing. HICKE- to smell. HICKEJIE- to sniff; to smell repeatedly. HICKEV CE3IMI sense of smell. HICTEH- to stink, smell bad; to begin to spoil (of food). HICTI smelling; ΧΟΠΙ ... fragrant, aromatic; ... CABWH toUet soap. MIC TH- to get carbon-monoxide poisoning. HIC-KPHLIC fumes, stinking odor. ΜΘ yes.


κ KABEJlb cable. KAEHHA cab (of a truck); car (of an elevator); cockpit (of airplane); dressing box. KABMHET study, private office. KABAJIEP member of an order; partner (in dances); boy-friend. KABAJIEPMCT cavalryman, trooper. ΚΑΒΑΙΓΕΡΜΛ cavalry, mounted troops. KAflP personnel; cadre. ΚΑ3ΗΑΗΕΪΪ treasurer. KAKAO cocoa. KAJ1EH.HAPL· calendar. ΚΑ.Π.ΠΜΓΡΑΦΗ.Η calligraphy. KAHOPHJI calory. KAJ1OIU overshoe. KAJIBKA 1) tracing paper; 2) /ling./ translation loan. KAJILKyJl^UMH calculation. ΚΑΜΠΑΗΗΛ campaign (mil., social, etc.); cruize (naval). ΚΑΗΑΜβΑΤ candidate. KAMIJI /lit./ quite, exactly. KAHMKVJI vacation. KAOMTAJI capital. ΚΑΠΗΤΑΛΜ3Μ capitalism. KAHHTAJIHCT capitalist. KAUHTAJIMCTEP TABbI class of capitalists. ΚΑΠΜΤΥ-ΠΛΗΤ capitulator. KAPAHTHH quarantine. ΚΑΡΤΑ 1) map; 2) playing card;... CBDYIIIL·! cartographer; ... K,¥MAP gambler. ΚΑΡΤΑΠΙΒΙ see ΚΑΡΤΑ Κ,^ΜΑΡ. KAPTAFA TYCIP- to draw a map. KAPTEJ1B cartel. ΚΑΡΤΟΓΡΑΦΗΛ cartography. ΚΑΡΤΟΠ potato. KACCA cash; cash box, cash register. ΚΑΤΑΚΟΓ catalogue. ΚΑΤΕΓΟΡΗΛ category. ΚΑΦΕ/ίΡΑ chair; professorship. KAUIABA /local C/ light sleigh (for two persons). ΚΑΠΙΑΓΕΡ /local W/ poker.

KAIOTA cabin (in a ship); state-room. KBAAPAT /n. and adj./ square. ΚΒΑ,ΠΜΦΗΚΑΙίΜΛ qualification. KBAPTAJI 1) city-block; 2) quarter of a year. ΚΒΜΤΑΗΙ4ΜΛ receipt. KBOPVM quorum. KEBE /local E/ lamb born early in the season. KEBE)KE wooden box for food supplies; ... KAPBIH /derog./ pot-bellied. ΚΕΕΕΓΙ AJltlHFAH YH sifted flour. KEBEK 1) bran; 2) /local/ burrow of a hare; 3) /local WC/ bed bug. KEBEKTI ¥H whole meal. KEBEH stack (of hay, etc.). KEBIH shroud, cerement. KEBIH^E- to wrap in a shroud. KEBIH^IK cloth for a shroud. KEBIP dry, dried up, stale (bread), meagre; ... 5KEP arid land. KEBIPJ1EH- to dry up /intr./, wither. KEBIC leather overshoes. ΚΕΓΕΜ /local WC/ spoke of a wheel. KE/IEM poor, impecunious, penniless; poor devil, poor thing. KE/JEHJIEH- to grow poor; to become poor. KEAEMHEP the poor. KE^EHJllK or KE^EMIIIIJTIK poverty, poorness. ΚΕΑΕΡΓΙ obstacle, barrier. freely; without hindrance, rough, uneven, coarse. ;iocal sw/ intentionally; out of obstinancy. ΚΕ)ΚΕΓΕ occiput, back of the head. ΚΕ3ΚΕΗΕΪΪ /local SW/ obs./ taxes and duties. KE2CIM saddle cloth. KE3KIP capricious, obstinate. KE^CIPJIEH- to be capricious, naughty (of child); to be obstinate. KE5KIPJIIK caprice, whim, obstinacy, stubborness. KE3 1) arshin (linear measure, 28 inches); 2) moment, time, occasion.




KE3 EOJ1- to meet; to run against, to run across. KE3AE at the time of; BIP ... suddenly; )KAC ... in youthful age; COJT ... at that moment. KE3ZJE- to measure with an arshine. KE3AEMCOK, accidental, casual, by chance. ΚΕ3ΛΕΜΕ fabric; yard goods. KE3AEC- to meet /intr./, meet each other. KE3AECTIP- to arrange to meet; to meet accidentally. KE3AIK pointed small knife. ΚΕ3ΕΓΕΗ a habitual loafer from one aul (camp) to another. KE3EK 1) turn (in succession or priority); 2) relief (of guard, etc.), shift (of a workers team); 3) being on duty, watch. KE3EKEH /local E/ a kind of coat (with or without sleeves). KE3EK-KE3EK or ΚΕ3ΕΚΠΕ-ΚΕ3ΕΚ by turns, in turn. KE3EKCI3 out of turn. KE3EKTE BOJ1- to be on duty. KE3EKTEC- to alternate, take turns. KE3EKTI next in turn; next on the schedule. KE3EKUII /adj./ duty; on duty; ... Α9ΡΙΓΕΡ doctor on duty. KE3EK1IIIJIIK duty, roster, watch; ΤΥΗΓ1 ... night duty. KE3EH- to aim at; to conceive a design. KE3EP- to dry up and peel off (of lips). KE3EPME /local WC/ stretch of dry land between two irrigated plots. KE3EH, 1) a long stretch of time; 2) cleft, col, crevasse; AIFAIIIKJ>I ... initial period. KE3I KEJIFEHAE when opportunity arises. KE3IK /local W, med., obs./ typhus (or typhoid fever). KE3IK KEJICIH /a curse; word of damnation/. KESKYftPLIK, /zool./ a species of steppe bird. KE or KEfiEIP some, other. KEft BIPEV see KEHEIP. KEftEIPEyjIEPI some of them. ΚΕΜΑ,Ε sometimes. ΚΕΜΙΠ1Ι1 hot-tempered, choleric, irritable. ΚΕΪΪΙΗ 1) after, afterwards, later, in (of future time); 2) /adv./ back; COAAH ... after that. KEMIH AMTAP- to say later. KEHIH COK- to fall behind; to lag behind. KEMIH KAMT- to return /intr./. KEftlH KAJILin ίςοίί- to fall behind. ΚΕΜΙΗΓΙ last, recent (of time); back, hind.

KEMIHAE behind. ΚΕΜΙΗ,αΐ bIKJIAJT /ling./ regressive assimilation. KEMIHIPEK slightly backwards; a little later. ΚΕΜΙΠ facial features. ΚΕΜΙΠΚΕΡ type, personage. KEiiinCI3 uncongenial; ugly, deformed, monster. KEtfincnAIK deformity, ugliness. ΚΕΗΙΠΤΙ pretty, handsome; congenial, sympathetic. KEMIC grief, chagrin, annoyance, discontent. ΚΕΪΪΙΤ- to irritate, annoy. KEK offence, resentment, vengeance. KEK AJI- to revenge. KEKE- to speak ironically; to deride, to mock at. KEKEM- to put on airs; to give oneself importance. KEKECIH irony; wicked gibe. KEKECIHAE- or KEKET- to make malicious remarks; to hurt by words. KEKETKIUI malicious, spiteful, unfriendly, hostile. KEKEUI tongue-tied, stammerer, stutterer. ΚΕΚΕΙΠΤΕΗ- to stammer, stutter. KEKEUITIK stammering, stuttering. KEKHM- to balk; to be obstinate. KEKCE elderly. KEKCI3 charitable, good-natured. KEKTE- to have a grudge against someone; to be secretly revengeful. KEKTEH- to take offense; to resent. ΚΕΚΤΕΗΠΙΠ touchy. KEKTI /adj./ offended; one who secretly contemplates a revenge. KEKIIIIJ1 rancorous, revengeful, vindicative. KEKiniJlfllK rancorousness, revengefullness. KEKIJI tuft of hair; forelock (horse's). KEKIJIfllPIK lateral forehead strap of a bridle (headstall). KEKIJIIK /zool./ stone partridge. KEKIP obstinate, unyielding, selfconscious. KEKIP- to belch. KEKIPE /bot./ a kind of grass. KEKIPEft- to put on airs. KEKIPEfiT- to look down one's nose. KEKIPT- to cause oneself to belch. KEKIPIK belch. KEJI- to come, arrive, reach; to be fulfilled; to be within one's powers; /descr./ to wish, desire; AJIA ... to bring with; AJIbin ... to bring; ΕΑΡΕΙΠ ... to go and come back; >ΚΑΛΥ ... to come walking, afoot;


KEJ1BET )ΚΥΠΡΙΠ ... to come running; Vlllbin ... to come flying, by plane. KEJIBET 1) outward appearance, face features, figure; 2) stature. KEJIBETCI3 plain, homely, uncomely. KEJIBETTI /adj./ stately, well-shaped, handsome, impressive. ΚΕΛΓΕΗ newcomer, visitor. KEJlflEK /local WQ ear of a cereal plant. KEJIEKE or KEJIEMEA mockery, sneer, gibe, joke. KEJIEME)K,Z1E- to gibe, mock, banter, chaff. KEJ1ECI next, following, subsequent; ... 5KETI E on the next week. KEJ1EUIEK the future; ... >KbIJIbI next year; in the next year. KEJ1EIUEKTI EOJDKA- to foresee, to envisage. KEJIEH /local E/ bachelor. KEJICAO pestle. KEJITE 1) short; 2) /local SE/ a typhus type disease of short duration. KEJ1TEK 1) see KEJITE (1); 2) /local WC/ see KEJI EK. KEJ1TEJIEH- to get shorter. KEJITEJIEY shortish. KEJITIP- 1) to bring, furnish, deliver; 2) to quote, cite; 3) to allow to come; JKEHIJ1RIK ... to lighten, make easier, facilitate; MblCAJI ... to give an example. KEJiy arrival, coming. KEJII mortar. KEJ1IM.H9PI /local SE/ red pepper. KEJIIM-KETIMI ΚΘΠ Y hospitable home (frequented by many guests). KEJ1IMCEK alien, stranger, newcomer. KEJ1IH 1) sister-in-law (brother's wife); 2) daughter-in-law (son's wife in relation to her father-in-law). KEJIIH-ΚΕΠΙΠΙΚ young women. KEJ1IHUIEK young wife; young woman. KEJIin-KETin TYPATblH non-resident, part-time (of servants, etc.). KEJ1IC arrival, coming (action). KEJ1IC- to negotiate; to come to an agreement. KEJ1ICCI3 unsuitable, not conforming. KEJ1ICC93 negotiations. KEJIICTI conforming, suitable, befitting. KEJ1ICTIP- 1) to reconcile /tr./; 2) to fit /tr./, adapt, adjust. KEJ1ICIJI- to conform; to be in conformity. KEJIICIJirEH coordinated, concerted.

KEH KEJIICIM agreement, treaty, contract. KEM 1) less, worse; 2) without. KEM- to dominish, decrease /intr./. KEMBAFAJI /local SW/ cripple, weakling. KEM^IK lack, want, shortage. KEME ship, vessel, boat, steamer, steamship, liner; ... EACTblFbl captain, master (of a ship); ... 5KACAY shipbuilding; ... HCYPΠ3Υ navigation (art and profession); ... 5KYPETIH navigable (river, etc.), ... SCYPETIHAIK navigability, navigableness;... MECI shipowner;... TACblMAJIbl water transport; ... KATBIHACbl navigation (action). KEMEJIIK /adj./ ship, ship's. KEMEP washed out shore. KEMEIII spacious, capacious. KEMEUII sailor, seaman. ΚΕΜΕΗΓΕΡ sage (man), genius (man). KEMEHFEPJUK wisdom, genius (quality). KEM3AJI see KAM3OJI. KEMMEK one with a protruding lower jaw. KEM-KEM gradually. ΚΕΜΠΙΡ old woman; grandmother; ... UIYAK Indian summer; ... KAYMH /local S/ a kind of water melon (ripening late, sweet, with hard rind). KEMniPAYbB tongs, pincers, pliers. KEMniPK,OCAK or ΚΕΜΠΙΡΙΗΙΗ, Κ,ΟCAFbl rainbow. KEMCEHO.E- to twist one's lips (as for weeping). KEMCIH- to consider one unworthy; to consider one lower than someone else. KEMCIT- to degrade /tr./, humiliate. KEMT- to break off piece by piece; to bite off piece by piece; to nibble. KEMTAP outcast, unfortunate, pariah. KEMTAPJIblK, want, need. KEMTIK omission, shortage, defect, hiatus. KEMY /fig./ atrophy. KEMIIIIJIin 5KOK, irreproachable. KEMIHIJIIK defect, shortage, deficiency. KEMnilJIIKTI defective, deficient. KEMIK marrow bone; soft parts of bones. KEMIP- to gnaw. KEMIC or KEMICTIK defect, deficit, deficiency. KEMIT- 1) to reduce, diminish, lessen/intr./; 2) to take away; 3) to abase /tr./, neglect. KEMITIJI- to decrease, lessen /intr./. KEMITIJirEH lessened, lowered. KEH 1) minerals, ore; 2) mine; ... AJIKAEbl mine-fields; ... EAftJIblFbl mineral re-




sources; ... KOPbl /geol./ deposit, occurrence, layer, stratum, bed. KEH/U ore-rich. KEH/JIP hemp, jute; hempen fabric;... fl9HI hempseed; ... MAKbl hemp-oil. ΚΕΗβΙΡΙ KECIJI- to starve /intr./. KEHE tick; 3KEP ... mite. ΚΕΗΕίί or KEHEfiT a playing bone. KEHEJ1- to receive full satisfaction. ΚΕΗΕΠ linen. KEHEP upper edge, cornice. KEHET suddenly, momentarily, unexpectedly; ... ΘΛΙΜ sudden death. KEH2KE 1) the youngest child, the last born; 2) last-born young (of domestic animals). KEHT town, city; ... XAJIK,bI townsmen, townspeople. KEHII1I miner. ΚΕΠ- to dry, dry up; to get dry. ΚΕΠΕ /local SE/1) hut; 2) cattle-fence, corral. KEHEJIE- /local NC/ to age, grow up (of lambs). ΚΕΠΕΠΙ /local E/ skull-cap. ΚΕΠΚΕΗ /adj./ dried up, withered. ΚΕΠΤΕ- to press in; to put on with effort. KEFITEJI- to squeeze oneself into. ΚΕΠΤΙΡ- to dry, to drain /tr./; ΕΑΤΠΑΚ,ΤΜ ... to drain a swamp; KIP ... to dry the linen. ΚΕΠΤΙΡΠΙΙΙ drying apparatus; 5KEMIC ... fruit-kiln. ΚΕΠΤΙΡΥ drainage. KEnTlPIJirEH aCEMIC dried fruit. KEIIIJI guarantee, guaranty, warranty; bail, bond. KEniJI EOJ1- to guarantee, warrant, vouch for. ΚΕΠΙΙΙΓΕ AJI- to bail for. KEfllJmEC: AMHAJIA ... mutual guarantee. ΚΕΠΙ-Π,Π,ΙΚ see KEOIJI. KEP 1) /adj./ bay, chestnut (color of horse); 2) swaggering, boastful; 3) conservative. KEP- to stretch, straighten. KEPBE3 dandy, fop. KEPEE3AEH- to dress smartly; to play the dandy. KEPBE3/JIK smartness, dandyism, foppery. ΚΕΡΓΙ /local WC/ post, pole, pillar, support. ΚΕΡΓΙΙΙΙ stretcher, tambour, lace-frame. ΚΕΡ,Ο,ΕΗ/Ι,Ε- to put on airs. KEPE a curse, damnation. KEPE K.VJIAUI measure of length (span of two stretched arms). ΚΕΡΕΓΕ 1) yurt's latticework; 2) /local E/

rick of hay; ... AFAIII see ΚΕΡΕΓΕ (1); ... ΚΘ3 ΚΘΠΙΡ latticed bridge. KEPEFECIHE Κ,ΑΡΑΤ- to destroy, to ruin. ΚΕΡΕΓΙΗΙΠΕ as much as necessary. ΚΕΡΕΓΙΗΙ1ΙΕ AJI- to take not more than necessary. KEPEK /adv./ needed, necessary. KEPEKCI3 unnecessary. KEPEKCIH- to hold necessary. KEPEKTI /adj./ needed, necessary. KEPEMET miracle; miraculous; ... YJIKEH too big. KEPEHAY lazy, sluggish. KEPEHAYJIblK, laziness, sluggishness. KEPEY /local W, obs./ disagreement, dissension, discord, quarrel. KEPEYET bed, couch. KEPEIIII /local E, obs./ mediator, intermediary, go-between. KEPEH deaf. KEPEH, BOJICblH a curse ("let it be your last meal"). KEPEFAP not on the way; off (the road); far (from the road). KEP2KH- to get obstinate; to persist. KEPKI /local SE/ hoe, mattock. KEPME 1) rope (stretched on the ground) for tying horses; 2) /local W/ a bag or receptacle for keeping various things. ΚΕΡΜΕΓΕ TYC- to get into trouble, difficulties. KEPMEK 1) sourish; 2) dye root. KEPHE- to pour out (of pus from a wound or of water overboard river shores). ΚΕΡΗΕΪΪ /local SE/ chimney, funnel (of samovar, etc.). KEPCEH /local/ 1) /WC & S/ large wooden bowl; 2) /W & S/ kumiss cup; 3) /W/ washtub ; 4) /W/ counters of boots. KEPT- to make a cut, notch, dent. ΚΕΡΤΑΡΤΠΑ conservative. KEPTAPTnAJIblK, conservatism. KEPTE /local WC/ 1) feeding rack; 2) fence, enclosure; ... AFAIII toll-gate, barrier. KEPTEUI overhang, cornice. KEPTIK mark, notch. KEPYEH caravan;... BACbl caravan's chief; ... >K¥.JmbI3 morning star; ... CAPAft caravanserai, inn. KEPYEHIIII caravan attendant; caravan guide. ΚΕΡΙΠΕΗ: /local SE/ a disease of horses. KEPI backwards, back. KEPI KET- to retrogress; to fall into decay.


KEPI3 KEPI3 1) /local E/ off (the road); 2) /local SE/ underground water conduit with wells. KEPIK swaggering, boastful. KEPIJ1- 1) to stretch, extend; 2) to drag on /intr./; 3) to stretch oneself; 4) /fig./ to put on airs. KEPIJIAEC- to argue, dispute, quarrel. KEPIJIIK stubborness, obstinacy. KEPIM 1) wonderful, marvellous; very good; 2) /local W/ very; 3) /local E/ white clay; ... AflAM dandy. KEPIMCAJ1 hot dry wind. KEPIC dispute, controversy. KEPIC- to argue, dispute, quarrel. KEPICTIP- to let argue, quarrel; to give cause for arguing; to give cause for a quarrel. KEPICIHUIE on the contrary; the other way. KEC- 1) to cut, cut off; 2) to cross (the river); 3) to fix the punishment; to condemn to. KECE 1) tea-cup; 2) across (path or course, at a tangent); ... ΚΘ-Π,Ο,ΕΗΕΗ, across, crosswise; ... CbI3blK, transverse line; ... KAP snowdrift. KECEK piece, lump, clod, clot; /local WC/ brick; ... TAC pebble, small stone. KECEK JlAKTblP- to throw pebbles. KECEKTE- to attack (with stones, etc.). KECEJ1 1) illness, disease; 2) harm, evil, obstacle; 3) sick man, diseased, patient. KECEJIBOJI- to become a burden; to become an obstacle. KECEJIAEH- to fall ill. KECEJl/JI 1) sickly, unhealthy, morbid; 2) sick man, diseased, patient. KECEP: KECEP EACblHblH FAHA KAMblH OHJ1A- to take care of oneself only; to be egoistic. KECEPTKE lizard. KECKEK 1) small stick tied to camel's MVPblHAblK, (see) to prevent him from chewing off the bridle rope; 2) small stick tied to a sheep's neck to prevent it from scratching its scar or wound. KECKU1E- to cut into pieces. KECKIJ1EC- 1) to cut something into pieces jointly with somebody else; 2) /fig./ to assert one's rights, to defend one's rights. KECKIH features of face, physiognomy, figure. KECKIKm handsome. KECKIHCI3 ill-looking, homely. KECIIE noodles. KECnEK barrel, vat, tub.

KEIUEVIJl KECnEHEK /local WC/ rafters, struts. KECOEJITEK stocky (of men); short, truncated (of things). KECTE 1) embroidery, needlework; 2) table (statistical, etc.). KECTE ΤΙΚ- to embroider. KECTEJ1E- to embroider; to do applique work. KECTEJIEY embroidering. KECTEJn embroidered. KECTEini embroideress. KECTIPy castration, emasculation. KECTIPIJirEH AMFblP gelding. KECTIPin 5KIEEP- to castrate, geld. KECY cutting, operation. KECIK /adj./ cut. KECIM /colloq./ judgement, sentence. KECIM I exact, final; ... C03 final word. KECIIl AMT- to say firmly, irrevocably. KECIP harm, evil. KECIPJ1I harmful, injurious, deleterious. KET- 1) to go, depart; to move off, move away /intr./; 2) to set off, to leave; /descr./ after gerund on -bin, -ΙΠ, -Π of the main verb indicates that the action expressed by the latter has been directed outward (from the subject) if it proceeded in space, or into the future from the given moment if it proceeded in time, and that it is now terminated; 3) after gerund on -A, -E, -M of the main verb indicates the rapidity of the action expressed by the latter; EYPblJlbin ... to have stepped aside; )ΚΥΡΙΠ ... to set off; KEJIin ... to drop in (and go); CIHin ... to have leaked, seeped out; UlblFbin ... to have left; ΘΤΙΠ ... to have passed, be over. ΚΕΤΠΕΗ hoe, mattock. KETIK /local S/ coop, chicken-coop, henhouse. KEV E breast, chest; torso, trunk of a body. KEYE /local SE, bot./ pumpkin, squash, gourd (Cucurbita). KEYEK 1) hollow (of a tree); 2) see KEBEK (2). KEYCAHflblK, /local WC/ large trunk. KEYIM TAPT- to fall (as of twilight). KEYIPT /local SE & S) match (fire producing device). KEIII 1) evening; 2) /adv./ late. ΚΕΙΠΕ yesterday; ... KEIUTE /adv./ last night; ... KYH I3 yesterday. ΚΕ1ΠΕΓΙ of yesterday. KEmEYIJl /adv./ late.



ΚΕΙΠΚΕ ΚΕ1Ι1ΚΕ in the evening. KEfflKI /adj./ evening: ... AC or ... TAMAK. supper. ΚΕΠΠΓΙΠ late. ΚΕΙΠΙΚ- to be late. KE11IIJ1 /local E/ bachelor. ΚΕΙΠΙΡ- to pardon, excuse. ΚΕΙΠΙΡΙΜ amnesty. KEH broad, wide; ... BEnlU/U courteous; ... ^AJTA wide, open steppe. KEHJEH- to widen /intr./, to become vast, spacious. KEH.EMT- to widen /tr./, to make wide, spacious. KEIJEC council, conference. KEHEC- to consult, confer. KEHECIUI councillor, adviser. KEHKIJIAE- to utter abrupt loud sounds. ΚΕΗ,ΚΙΙΙΑΕΠ K,¥JI- to laugh loudly. KEUCE institution, office, chancellery; ... ELIJIBIFM red tape; ... K.W3METKEPI clerk. KEHCEllIIJIAIK red tape. KEHCIPIK bridge of the nose. KEHU1IJ1IK 1) freedom, liberty; 2) spaciousness, roominess. BEP- to release, liberate, set free, windpipe; ... TAPAMbI bronchial tubes, bronchi. KEHJPflEKTEH KEJI- to eat one's fill. KEH.ICTIK space. KEHIT- see KEHEMT-. KM- to do on, put on (clothes, hat, eyeglasses, etc.); to dress oneself. ΚΗΠ3- to put (a dress, etc.) on someone else. KMfllPMEJIE- to force one's way through (the crowd). KHKIJDKIH capricious. KHKIJDKEimEH- to be naughty, capricious. KHJIO kilogram. KHJIOBATT kilowatt. KHJIOMETP kilometre. KHJIIK- 1) to meddle with other people's business; to interfere in other people's conversation; 2) to run against something. KHJIIKKIIH tease, bully. KHMEJIE- 1) to push; to push a crowd apart; 2) to interrupt an interlocutor forestalling the end of his story. ΚΗΜΕΠΙΕΚ old-fashioned old women's headdress (of white calico). KHHO movies; moving picture theatre. KMTIH; a horse's pace (small steps); ... >KOPFA amble (in small steps).

KHflseeK^Ifl. KMI3 felt; ... BACVIilbl fuller, felter; ... MOHII1A /local E/ temporary (tent) bath house; ... YH yurt, nomad's tent. KHI3 BAC- to full, to felt. KHIK Izool.l wild goat (Capra sibirica); ... OTLI /bot./ ziziphora. KMIJ1- to be being dressed. KHIM clothes, clothing; ... TIFVIUI tailor; ... IJirmi peg, rack; KHIJIFEH ... wornout clothes. KHIM KM- to dress oneself. KHIM/UK /local S/ a linear measure. KMIM-KEIUEK garment, attire. KMIMHIH ACTAPW lining of clothes. KHIMIIIEK see KMMEUIEK. KHIMIIIEI-t without having undressed. ΚΙΊΙΗ- to dress oneself, to put on oneself; AblJIbl ... to dress oneself warmly. KHIHfllP- to dress, clothe (someone else); to put (on someone else). ΚΜΙΗΙΠ AJI- to get dressed; to buy an outfit of clothes. KJIACC class (in school); classroom. KJIACCMK classic. ΚΛΑΟΟΜΦΗΚΑΙίΜΛ classification. KJIACCHLJH3M classicism. KJ1MEHT client. KJ1H3MA enema. KJIMMAT climate. KOA.JIHIJM.fl coalition. KOJT^EKTHB association, collective. KOJUlEKTHBTEH lP to collectivize; to attach peasants to kolkhozes. KOJIXO3 collective farm. KOJIXO3flACTtIP to unite peasants in kolkhozes. KOJlXOSAACTblPy collectivization. KOJIXO3UILI collective farmer. KOMAH/iA /mil./ command, order; detachment; /nav./ crew; /sport/ team; /firemen's/ brigade. KOMAHflAJIL·!*; K^PAM commanders. KOMBAMH combine harvester. KOMEH^AHT commandant. KOMHCCAP commissar; commissioner. KOMHCCH.H commission. KOMHTET committee. KOMMEHTAPHH commentary. KOMMYHA commune. KOMMVHH3M communism. KOMMYHHCT communist. KOMMYHHCT HAPTHACLI communist party.




KOMMYHHCT nAPTHflCblHblH MY1IIECI member of communist party. KOMMYTATOP commutator, switchboard. KOMMIOHMKE communique; official communication. ΚΟΜΠΑΗΗΗ company. ΚΟΜΠΑΡΤΜΛ communist party. KOMHAC compass. KOMnEHCAUJlH compensation. ΚΟΜΠΕΤΕΗΙ^ΗΛ competence. KOMnJlEKC complex; group. ΚΟΜΠΉΕΚΤ outfit, series, set. ΚΟΜΠΟ3ΜΤΟΡ composer. KOMFIPECC /med./ compress. KOMCOMOJ1 Young Communist League. KOHBEHEP conveyer. KOHBEPT envelope. KOHBOMUIbl escort. KOHFPECC congress. ΚΟΗβΥΚΤΟΡ conductor (railroad's, etc.). KOHCTMTyiJHA constitution. KOHCTPYKTOP constructor. KOHCTPYKUH.fl structure, formation. KOHCYJI consul. KOHCYJIbTAUHfl consultation. KOHTAKT contact. KOHTEKCT context. ΚΟΗΤΜΗΓΕΗΤ contingent. KOHTHHEHT continent. KOHTOPA office, bureau. KOHTPAEAHAA smuggling. KOHTPAflMMPAJI rear admiral. KOHTPOJTEP controller, inspector, supervisor. KOHTPOJIb control, checking, inspection. KOHTPOJlbCI3 uncontrolled, unchecked. KOHYC /geom./ cone. KOHΗΚΤΥΡΑ conjuncture; combination of circumstances. ΚΟΟΠΕΡΑΙ^ΜΛ cooperation. KOPH£OP corridor. ΚΟΡΜΦΕΪΪ coryphaeus; leading figure, a leader. KOPOJlb king. KOPOJIbAIK kingdom. KOPriYC I) large building; 2) hull (of a ship); 3) framework; 4) /mil./ army corps; 5) military school. KOPPEKTOP /print./ proofreader. KOPPEKTYPA /print./ proof pages; proofreading.

KOPPECriOHAEHT reporter (newspaper's). KPH3HC crisis. KPHCTAJU1 crystal. KPHCTAJmAH- to crystallize; to become crystallized. KPHCTAJIflbl or KPMCTAJmblK, crystalline. KYA witness; ... C03I evidence. KYAJlAHflblP- to witness. KYAJIAHAblPblH BEP- to have certified, witnessed, testified. KYPOPT health resort. KYPC coarse, track, path. KYPCAHT student; officer cadet. KYPCHB italic type. KYPbEP messenger, courier, express. KYIJIAE- to make a hubbub. KYIJI EC- to make a hubbub; to lead a noisy, disorderly conversation. ΚΥΘ see KYA. KY9JIIK testimony, evidence; ... KAFA3 documentary evidence. KY9JIIK BEP- to testify. KIBIPTIK AAAM indecisive man. KIBIPTIK »CYPIC slow, timorous pace. KIBIPTIKTE- or KIBIPTIKTEH- to feel shy. KIBIT /local W/ grain storage. KlffVl- to feel hurt, to resent, hot tempered; touchy. - l) to linger, tarry, be late; 2) to stop. ΚΙβΙΡΙΠ K.AJT- to stammer, falter; to be delayed. KI/JIPIC 1) delay, halt, stoppage; 2) hindrance, obstacle. KI^IPICCIS unceasing, ceaseless. - to fume; to be on one's high horse. I/im ET- to walk with firm, quick steps. KDKIH- 1) to be angry; 2) to threaten. ΚΙίΚΙΗΙΠ ΚΑΡΑ- to look threateningly. KDKIPEH- to frown, scowl; to be indignant. KDKIHZIE- to have a grudge against somebody. KI3METKEP see KJbI3METKEP. KI3METUII see K,bI3METIHI. KIJIEH- to look weak; to look sick. ΚυΐΕΓΕίί continuous, solid; ... M¥3 brash, mush, sludge (ice); ... Κ,ΑΪΪΜΑΚ, thin layer of cream. KIJIEFEMJIEH- to become covered with a thin layer of something. KIJIEM carpet, rug; TYKTI ... fleecy rug; T¥CKA YCTAMTblH ... Gobelin style carpet.


KDIEM11IE KIJ1EM IE small rug. KIJIEMIDI carpet maker. KIJIETIUI /local E/ storekeeper. KIJIKIJI E- to overfill. KIJIMH- see KIJIBM-. KIJIT 1) key; 2) solution (of a riddle, etc.); ... EVPblJIblCbl sharp turn. KIJIT CAJT- to lock. KIJITIIEH ΑΙΠ- to open with a key. KIJITTE- to lock. KIJITTI locked. ΚΙΛΤΙΠΙ locksmith. KIM who;... BOJ1CA AA whoever it may be. KIHA guilt. KIHAJIA- to accuse. KIHAJIL·! guilty. KIH lK l) navel, umbilicus; 2) center; ... TEMIP /tech./ mandrel; ... ΙΠΕΙΠΕ midwife. K1HAIKTEC uterine. ΚΙΗΘ see KIHA. KIP 1) dirt; dirty; 2) dirty linen; 3) weight (of balance); ... EACKAH dirty, soiled; ... aCVATblH ΜΑΠΙΜΗΑ washing machine; ... AYATblH YM laundry; ... 3KVATbIH 9flEJI laundress; ... JKVV washing. KIP-1) to enter, come in, penetrate; 2) to join, enlist; /descr./ after gerund on -ΒΙΠ, -ΙΠ, -Π of the main verb indicates the rapidity of the action expressed by the latter. KIP BOJI- to become dirty; to become soiled. KIPEH- to look exhausted, sick. KIPEIK thin layer; thin coating on the surface. ΚΙΡΓ13- 1) to bring in, carry in, lead in; 2) to let in, allow to enter; 3) to appoint (to office, etc.). ΚΙΡΓΙΙΙΙ see ΚΕΡΓΙΙΠ. KIPE carrier's trade. KIPE AftflA- or KIPE TAPT- to be a carrier, a cabman. ΚΙΡΕΚΕΠΙ carrier, cabman, driver, carter. KIPEP 5KEP entrance. KIPECIJII-IUblFACblJIbl variable, changeable, inconstant. KIPEffll see KIPEKEIII. ΚΙΡΚΕ- to get soiled, dirty. KIPJIEH /local SE/ wash-basin. KIPJ1EH- or KIPJIEFI K.AJI- to get soiled, dirty. KIPJIET- to soil, dirty, contaminate. KIPJII dirty, soiled. KIPME /hist./ newly come, alien, immigrant from another clan.

KlfflKEHE KIPHE /med./ a stomach ailment. ΚΙΡΠΙ hedgehog. ΚΙΡΠΙΛΕΗ >KbIMbIPbIJl- to bristle up; to display an unfriendly attitude. ΚΙΡΠΙΚ eyelash. ΚΙΡΠΙΚ KAKKAHIIIA in an instant. ΚΙΡΠΙΙΙΙ brick;... 3ABOAbI brick-yard, brickfield. KIPCI3 clean. KIPT crunch, crackle. KIPTH- to grow dim; to grow dull. KIPT-KIPT ET- to crunch, crackle. KIPTIK clot of sour milk. ΚΙΡΤυΐ,ΠΕ- to crunch, crackle. KIPTIJIAEK crunching, crackling. KIPUIEH easily soiled. KIPI1II /local SE/ wash-basin. KIPIIIIK small stain of dirt; thin coating of dirt. KIPH1IK IIIAJI- to get slightly soiled. KIPlIIIJmE- to crunch, crackle. KIPIK- to join (a cracked wooden vessel or cask) /intr./. ΚΙΡΙΠΤΑΡ dependent. ΚΙΡΙΠΤΑΡ BOJI- to find oneself in slavery, bondage, captivity. KIPiriTAPJIblK, dependence. KIPinTAPJIbIK,K,A TYCIP- to enslave. KIPIC 1) entrance; 2) income; ... CAJIblFbl income tax. KIPIC- 1) to start, set about; 2) to interfere, intervene. KIPICFIE preface, introduction. KICE small leather bag. KICEH iron hobbles; fetters, shackles. KICEHAE- to hobble (in iron fetters); to put into iron; shackle. KICEHAEVJII 1) in iron hobbles (horse); 2) fettered, shackled (man). KICI man. KICIJIIK humaneness. KICIMCIH- to think too much of himself. KICIHE- to neigh. KICIHEC- to respond by neighing of horse. KICIHEV neighing. ΚΙΤΑΠ book. ΚΙΤΑΠ BAC- to print a book. ΚΙΤΑΠ OK,- to read a book. ΚΙΤΑΠΧΑΗΑ library. ΚΙΤΑΠΙΠΑ booklet, pamphlet. KITIP crunch, crackle. KITIPJIE- or KITIP-KITIP ET- to crunch on the teeth. KIIHKEHE small, little; /adv./ a little; 128



... TOFAfl grove, small wood; ... ΚΛΚ,ΠΑ garden gate; ... K.OPFAH fort (small fortress). ΚΙΙΠΚΕΗΤΑΜ little, small. ΚΙ1ΠΙ younger, smaller, less; ... EEHIJI respectful, civil, courteous, polite, obliging; ... Y /bist./ younger wife. ΚΙ1ΙΙΙΠΡΙΜ comparatively small. KlffliriEMIJT see KI1III EEMIJI. ΚΙΙΠΙΠΕίίυίΑΙΚ modesty, courtesy, civility. ΚΗΠΙΡΕΪί- to lessen, diminish /intr./; to become smaller. KimiPEMT- to lessen /tr./, diminish /tr./, reduce /tr./. KYBI tub. KYEI RE MAM abundance, plenty; plethora, superabundance. KYEIP conversation in a low voice; speaking in an undertone; /local W/ coal (in small lumps). KYEIPEK /local SW/ see AAJIEAM. KYEIPJ1E- to speak in a low voice; to speak indistinctly. KYEIPJIEC- to converse in a low voice. KYEIPTKEJ1I a disease of fingers and toes (purulent abscesses). KYEIIHI cooper. KYAE /local SW & C/ shock of sheaves. KYAE )ΚΙΠ rope tied to a foreleg of a mare while she is being milked. KYAEJIE- to tie a mare's leg while she is being milked. KYAEP hope; ... Cy /local E/ abundance of water. KYAEP Y3- to lose hope; to get into despair. KYAEP Υ3ΓΕΗ hopeless. KYAEPI /local E/1) strong, durable; 2) hardy, enduring (of cattle). KYAIK doubt. KYAIKCI3 doubtless. KYAIKTEH- to doubt. KYAIKTI doubtful. KYAIP /local E/ see KEAIP-EYAWP. ΚΥΑΙΡΕίί- to bend, curve /intr./. KYAIPEHT- to stick out, thrust out /tr./. KYA1C /adj./ bent, hunched. KYA9M /local E/ small bag. KYE see KYA. KY5KEAH huge; something huge. ΚΥ)ΚυΐΕΠ CeMJIE- to talk loudly; to speak with fervor. KY3KIPE - see KYAIPEM-. KYDKIPEMT- see KYAIPEHT-. KY5KIPEMIC- to assume a frightening

appearance before entering a contest. KY3 autumn, fall; K.OHHP ... late fall with dry and warm weather. KY3AEY autumn pasture; autumn stop-over on the way from summer pastures to winter quarters (of nomads). ΚΥ3ΑΙΓΥΗΙ in the fall. KY3AIK /adj./ fall, autumn; ... EMAAM winter wheat; ... ΕΠΗ fall sowing. KY3E /local W/ 1) ewer, pitcher; 2) fastener or band of saddle-bag. KY3E- to shear, fleece. KY3EK 1) see KY3AEV; 2) season for shearing young horses (spring); 3) time for autumn shearing of sheep. KY3EM autumn shearing of sheep. KY3EM AJ1- to shear sheep in the fall. KY3EH /zool./ polecat, ferret. KY3EP /local SW/ winter road running over the ice of a frozen river or lake. KY3ET guard, watch. ΚΥ3ΕΤΠΙΙ watchman, sentinel, keeper; ... KEME guard ship. KY3EV shearing, fleecing; 5ΚΜΛΚ,ω ... shearing young horses; TYME ... spring shearing of camels. KYM 1) tune, melody; 2) state, condition; 3) care, attendance; ... CAHAHK, piano. KYH- to burn, burn out, burn down /intr./; /fig./ to disappear, perish. ΚΥΪΪ TAPT- to sing a song. KYHEEHAE- 1) to stir, move /intr./; 2) /fig./ to do something leisurely, to linger over details indecisively. KYMEEHAEC- to do something leisurely with someone else. ΚΥΪΪΓΕ CAJ1- to tune a musical instrument. KYMFEJIEK hot-tempered, restless, fussy. KYMFEJIEKTEH- to be nervous; to get excited; to get irritated. KYnFEJlEKTIK hot temper, irritability. ΚΥΜΓΙ3- to burn; to cause burning pain. ΚΥΪίΑΙΡ- 1) see ΚΥΪ1Π3-; 2) /fig./ to offend. ΚΥΜΑΙΡΓΙ /med./ malignant anthrax. KYME 1) moth; 2) carbon black, soot. KYME3 dandy. KYME3AEH- to dress smartly; to show off. KY EJIE- to cover with soot. KYMEHTE 1) yoke (for carrying water in buckets); 2) /tech./ beam, shaft, bascule. KYMEV 1) betrothed (man), fiance; young husband; 2) son-in-law (daughter's husband) or brother-in-law (husband of elder sister).



ΚΥΜΕΥΓΕ KY EVrE ΤΙΓΕΗ or KYnEVrE IIIblKΚΛΗ married woman. ΚΥίΪΕΥΓΕ ΤΜΚ) or ΚΥΜΕΥΓΕ UlblFVLUblJIblK, (a woman's) marriage. KYft3EJI- 1) to fall into decay; 2) to go through difficulties: 3) to be in bad condition (of an enterprise) or in a state of crisis (of capitalist countries only). KYH3EJIIC breakdown, grave condition. KYnKEHTAft /zoo!./ kestrel. ΚΥΪΪΚΙ uncomely; physically undeveloped (of men). KYHJ1EH- 1) to put on weight; to fatten /intr./ (of cattle); 2) to live in plenty (of men). KYftJIEV rut, heat. KYfiJII 1) well fed, fattened (cattle); 2) wellto-do (men). ΚΥίΪΜΕ hood of a cart. KYMMEJH APEA covered wagon. ΚΥΪΪΡΕ- to go to ruin; to collapse; to become worthless. KYfiPEK 1) not durable; 2) /fig./ pessimist. KYftPEKTIK 1) lack of strength, fragility; 2) pessimism. KYMPET- to ruin, destroy, demolish. KYflCE- to ruminate, chew the cud. KY CI3 1) untrained (of horse, hunting bird, etc.); 2) deprived of good care, underfed (of cattle); 3) being under inadequate conditions. KYMCBflEH- to grow worse; to get into difficulties. KYHCDAIKneediness; lack of adequate care; lack of required conditions. ΚΥΪΪΤ care; work providing the means of subsistence, source of income. ΚΥΪΪΤΤΕ- to take care of. ΚΥΗΙΠΙ singer of folksongs. KYMIK 1) burn, scald; 2) /fig./ grief, sorrow. ΚΥΪΪΙΗ- to grieve; to be sad. KYfilHIIII grief, sorrow. ΚΥίϊΙΗΙΙΠΤΙ sorrowful, grievous, sad. ΚΥΜΙΠ >KAH- to have a temperature; to be upset. KYMIC cud, chew. KYMIC Κ,ΑΜΗΡ- to ruminate, to chew the cud. KYKIPT sulphur; matches. KYJ1 1) ashes, cinder; 2) a disease of sheep. KYJI- to laugh. ΚΥΛΑΠΑΡΑ bashlyk, woolen hood. KYJ1BIPE- to be covered with blisters. KYJIFI3- to make someone laugh; to amuse. KYJIFIH ashy, ashen (color).

KYJirilll a merry person; someone who is easily amused. KYJl lP- to make someone laugh. KYJIAIPE- to be covered with busters. KYJIfllPFI funny, droll, comical; a joker. KYJIEFEUI see KYJIFIIII. KYJIKI laugh; laughter. KYJIKI KilJI-1) to make someone a laughing stock; 2) to laugh at someone. KYJ1KIJ1I OHblH merry game. KYJinAPA EOJ1- to be broken into pieces. KYJluIAPACbl LUblK- see ΚΥ.ΠΠΑΡΑ EOJ1-. KYJinAPIIIA ... see KYJlflAPA .... KYJI-TAJ1KAH BOJ1- to be smashed into pieces, smithereens. KYJITE 1) tuft of hair; 2) wisp; part of a sheaf (of reaped wheat). KYJITEJIEH- 1) to become fluffy (of hair); 2) /local WC/ to dress well; to assume an attractive appearance. KYJ1TEJII fluffy. KYJITIJmE- to appear (of tumors, blisters, etc.). KYJ1D1E cake of unleavened dough. KYJIIM E- to smile. KYJIIMCIPE- to smile slightly. KYJIIMIC- to stink. KYJIIH ΚΘΚΚΕ YlllblP- to destroy completely. KYJIIC- to laugh with others. KYJI9EI /local SE/ kind of small melon (with thick, multi-colored skin). KYMAH doubt, suspicion. KYMAHAAH- to doubt; to suspect. KYMAH bl doubtful, suspicious. KYMAHCbIS giving no rise to doubt. KYMEE3 dome, cupola; ... ΤΑΜ mausoleum, tomb, burial-vault. KYMEE3£I domed. KYMEIP dull sound. KYMEIPJ1E- to emit dull sounds. ΚΥΜΠ /onomatopoeic word/ plop. ΚΥΜΠ ET- to plop; to fall with a plop. ΚΥΜΠΕΪΪ /local WC/ a kind of robe. KYMOIJTZIE- to plop. KYMIC silver. KYMICTE- to silver-plate. ΚΥΜ9ΗΓΕ MlblFAP- /local SE/ to acquit. KYH 1) sun; 2) day; day of Lhe month; 3) time, times, epoch, occasion; 4) weather; 5) /fig./ life; ... KYPKIPEY thunder; ... ΚΘ3Ι or ... HYPbl sunbeam; ... PAftbl weather; ... CAMblH daily, every day;



... TVTbLJiy solar eclipse; ... UIATIAFbl dawn, daybreak, sunrise; ... mVAFbl sunbeam. KYH BAT- to set (of the sun). ΚΥΗ ΚΘΡ- to live. KYH KOPCETDE- to harass, persecute. KYHA guilt; misdemeanor. KYHAJIbl guilty. KYHAPA in a day's time. KYHACbB guiltless, innocent. KYHEATbIC 1) west; 2) sunset. KYHBAFAP sunflower; ... MAHbl sunflower oil. KYHEAFblC see KYHBAFAP. ΚΥΗΕΟΪΪΒΙ the whole day. KYHEYPblH beforehand, prematurely. ΚΥΗΓΕΪΪ sunny side or southern side of a mountain; southern slope of a mountain range. KYH E every day; daily. ΚΥΗ,Π,Ε- to envy; to be jealous. KYHAEK KYPKIPE- to inspire fear. KYHAEJIIK see KYHAE. KYH^EJIIKTl usual, every-day, current (of work). KYHflEC rival (of women only). KYHAEC- to be jealous; to compete. KYH ECTIK jealousy, rivalry (of women only). KYHAEVUIIJIIK envy. KYH£I3 /adv./ by day, during the day. ΚΥΗΑΙ3Π /adj./ daily, KYH/UK 1) daily (of work and pay); 2) for one day, one day's; 3) umbrella; ... A3BIK, ration; ... >KAJlAK,bI pay by the day; ... )KEP distance of day's travel; ... )K¥MblC day labor. KYHEJIT- to exist. KYH3KAPA oil-cake. KYH5KIT sesame; soybean. KYHH1H BATVbl sunset. KYHHIH fflblFYbl sunrise. KYHHIH lIIVFJIACbl sun beams. KYHlIIblFblCeast. KYHI111J1 envious. KYHUIIJTAIK envy. ΚΥΗΚΒΙΛΡ /local SE/ end of the day. Κ Υ HI ΕΥΓΙΗ today. KYH1 ΒΥΠΗΓΕ AEM1H up to this day. KYHI EPTEH, tomorrow. KYHT KEIIIE namely yesterday. KYHIJIFEPI beforehand. KYHI-TYHI day and night /adv./. KYH9 crime.

ΚΥΤΙΡ-ΚΥΤΙΡ KYH9J11 criminal, delinquent. ΚΥΠ /local W/ large, deep hole (in earth); depression. ΚΥΠΡΕ /local W/ bran. KYnCIPE - to inflate, swell; to try to seem fat, stout. ΚΥΠΤΙ BOJ1- to overeat. ΚΥΠΠΙΕΚ hub of a wheel. ΚΥΠΙ topcoat lined with sheep or camel fleece of spring shearing. KYniJWE- to rumble. ΚΥΠΙ.ΠΛΕΚ idle talker, windbag. KYPAEJII complicated, complex, compound; important, significant; ... ETICTIK compound verb; ... KVPblJlblC capital construction. KYPE /local SW/ young of an ass. KYPE- to rake up, rake together, shovel up. KYPEK spade, shovel; ... TIC incisor. KYPEKTE- to remove with a shovel; to rake up with a shovel. KYPEKI11E shovel, scoop. KYPEC struggle, wrestling. KYPEC- to fight, struggle, wrestle. KYPECU1I wrestler, fighter. KYPECIH Κ,ΑΡ snow piled in a heap. KYPETAMblP /anat./ artery. KYPEH dark-red (color of horses). ΚΥΡΚΕ booth, stall, hut. KYPKETAVblK turkey. KYPKEIIHK small hut. KYPKIJ1 1) thunder; 2) hoarse cough. ΚΥΡΚΙΛβΕ- to wheeze. KYPKlJlAEn )K9TEJI- to cough hoarsely. KYPKIP see KYPKIJI (1). KYPKIPE- 1) to thunder; 2) /fig./ to inspire fear. KYPME /local E/ vest, waistcoat. ΚΥΡΜΕΠ BAMJIA- to tie with a special knot. KYPC /onomatopoeic word/ sharp abrupt sound. KYPC ET- to roar; to thunder. KYPCIJI roar; thundering sound. KYPCIJIAE- to thunder. KYPCIJIAET to produce thundering sounds. ΚΥΡΤΕ /local WC/ jacket. KYPTIK 1) snowdrift; 2) /local SW/ a kind of flat cake; ... Κ,ΑΡ deep new snow. KYPUIEKIUI potter. KYPIUI rice. KYT- to attend, serve /tr./; to take care of; to tend cattle. KYTIP crackle. KYTIP-KYTIP ET- or KYT1PJ1E- to crackle. 131



KYTIPJIEK crackling. KYTIPJlEftTin fflAftHA- to chew with crunching sound. KYTIC- to attend together; to attend to ... jointly with someone else. ΚΥΤΥΙΠΙ nurse. K YI11 1 ) force, strength ; 2) difficulty, heaviness ; ... JKVMCAY application of forces; 5KETEKIIII ... driving force; KVATTbl ... powerful force. ΚΥΙΠ CAJ1- to strive. ΚΥΙΠ TYC- to sustain hardship. KYmAJIA 1) /bot./ aconite (Aconitum); 2) aconitine (poisonous alkaloid). KYII1EM- to strengthen, intensify /intr./; ΜΗΚ,ΤΑΠ ... to intensify powerfully. ΚΥΠΙΕΗΤ- to strengthen, intensify /tr./. ΚΥΠΙΕΜΤΚΙΠΙ intensifier, amplifier. ΚΥΠΙΕίίΐΠ ΚΕΤ- to become strong. KYIIIEH- to make an effort; to force oneself. KYIDCI3 weak, feeble, impotent. KY1HCI3AIK weakness, impotence. ΚΥΠΙΤΕ- to force, compel, constrain. KYUITEH- to try, strive. KY1UTI strong, powerful. KYIIITIJ1IK power, might. ΚΥΙΠΙΓΕΗ /zool./ carrion eagle. ΚΥΠΙΙΚ puppy; young animal. ΚΥΠ1ΙΚΤΕ- to whelp, cub, pup. ΚΥΠΙ-ΚΥΑΤ power - energy. ΚΥΗ,ΓΙΡΙΙΕ- to resound, ring. KYUriPT vague, obscure. ΚΥΗ,ΓΙΡΤΤΕΗ- to darken /intr./; to become obscure; to become vague, ΚΥΗ,ΓΙΡΤΤΙΚ obscureness, vagueness, dimness. /local W/ thin, emaciated lamb. ΚΘΒΕΜ- to grow, increase /intr./. ΚΘΕΕΚΠίΙΙ /math./ multiplicand. ΚΘΒΕίίΤ- to increase, enlarge /tr./; to multiply. ΚΘΒΕήΤΕΤΙΗ CAH /math./ multiplier, factor. ΚΘΕΕΪίΤΥ multiplication; ... KECTECI /math./ multiplication table. ΚΘΕΕΗτυΐ- to grow, increase /intr./. ΚΘΕΕΗΤυίΓΕΗ or ΚΘΕΕΜΎΙΛΕΤΙΗ CAH /math./ multiplicand. ΚΘΕΕΜΤΙΗΑΙ /math./ product. KQEEJIEK butterfly. ΚΘΕΙΚ foam, froth. ΚΘΕΙΗΕΟΕ mostly; for the most part. ΚΘΓΕΡ- to turn blue, grow blue, become blue.

ΚΘΓΕΡΥ mould. ΚΘΓΕΡ1ΠΙΗ /zool./ pigeon. ΚΘΓΕΡΙΙΙΙ /local SW/ small meadow. ΚΘΓυίΑΙΡ bluish; light blue. K riJI lPJIEH- to look blue; to turn blue. ΚΘΑΕ /bot./ sedge (Carex). ΚΘΑΕΚ 1) /local SE/ little child; 2) /local W/ clumsy, sluggish man. ΚΘ3ΚΕ soup; thin porridge. ΚΘ3 1) eye; 2) eye (of a needle, etc.), eyelet, opening; 3) spring, source; 4) /fig./ supervision, care; ... AHflblMLBflA before (somebody's) eyes; ... AUIbin 5K¥MFAHI11A in the twinkling of an eye; ... EOHY humbug; ... )KOK, blindly; ... VlIIblHAA far off, in the distance. ΚΘ3 )ΚΑ3!>ΙΠ ΚΛ-Ί- to lose sight of. ΚΘ3 EAHJ1A- to hypnotize. ΚΘ3 EAMJIAH- to get dark /intr./; to draw to a close (of a day). ΚΘ3 5KACB1H EYJIA- to shed tears. ΚΘ3 )KET- to be convinced; to feel certain. ΚΘ3 )K¥M- to close one's eyes; /fig./ to decease, die, pass away. ΚΘ3 KIPTM- to grow dim; to lose lustre (of eyes). ΚΘ3 CY3- to look avidly. ΚΘ3 TAPT- to twitch one's eyelids convulsively; /fig./ to attract attention. ΚΘ3 TACAJIA- to look aside. ΚΘ3 ΤΜΠ3- to inflict bad luck by a look; to give the evil eye. ΚΘ3 ΤΙΚ- to look avidly. ΚΘ3 1J1IHAIP- to close one's eyes; to have a nap; to doze. ΚΘ3 K,bIJl- to undertake something as a blind. ΚΘ3 KLIC- to wink. ΚΘ3ΕΕ-ΚΘ3 /adv./ tete-a-tete; together in private. ΚΘ3ΕΕΗ EOJ1>KA- to estimate by sight. ΚΘ3ΓΕ ΚΘΡΙΗΕΕ- not to fall under somebody's eye. ΚΘ3ΓΕ TYC- to arrest attention; to be striking. ΚΘ3ΓΕ IIIAJlblH- to arrest attention. ΚΘ3ΓΕ IJ1ME- to disregard haughtily. ΚΘ3ΓΕΛ^ΕΚ /local W/ small bowl. ΚΘ3ΛΕ- /dir. & fig./ to aim. ΚΘ3ΛΕΥ sight (of gun). ΚΘ3ΑΕΥΠΙΙ /mil./ gunner. ΚΘ3ΛΙΗ AMMAJlAFbl eye orbits. ΚΘ3ΛΙΗ, AJIMACbl eyeballs. ΚΘ3ΑΙΗ, AFL·! white of the eye. ΚΘ3Λ1Η AACTblFL·! eyelids.



ΚΘ3Α1Η ΚΘΡΥΙ eyesight. ΚΘ3ΑΙ« KABAFbl see ΚΘ3£ΙΗ >KACTblFbl. ΚΘ3ΑΙΗ, KAPACbl cornea. ΚΘ3ΛΙΗ, KAPAffiblFbl pupil (of the eye). ΚΘ3ΟΜΗΑΧ, small patch of land; small area. K03CI3 eyeless. ΚΘ3Ι AlllblJl- 1) to become sensible; 2) to become literate; 3) to get rid of a misfortune. ΚΘ3Ι ΚΘΚ blue-eyed. ΚΘ3υΐ£ΡΙΚ or ΚΘ3Ι.Π,αΐΡΙΚ eye-glasses. KG3KAPAClook, glance; /fig./ view, opinion; world outlook. ΚΘ3ΘΜΗΕΚ see K93lJl,aiPlK. ΚΘΜΛΕΚ shirt. ΚΘΗΛΕΚΤΙΚ ΕΤΕΓ1 hem (of a dress). ΚΘΚ 1) sky, heaven; 2) blue (of sky, eyes, paper, etc.); 3) green (of grass, leaves, hay); 4) gray (color of cattle and horses); 5) grass, herb; 6) vegetables; 7) bluing. ΚΘΚ AJ1A apple-gray (color of horses). ΚΘΚ ΒΑ3ΑΡ vegetable market. ΚΘΚ: ... ΕΟΛΥ blue color ;...A9P1 copper sulfate; ... >KAJI K,ACK,bIP old wolf; ... 5KHEK horizon; ... ΚΘΠΤΕΡ pigeon; ... KYMBE3J sky, firmament; ... ΚΘ3 or ... ΚΘ3ΑΙ blue-eyed; ... OT grass; ... CAFbI3 /bot./ kok-sagyz (Taraxacum koksaghyz); ... TAMblP /anat./ vein; ... llIblBblH /zool./ hornet; ... 9J1EMI sky, firmament. K0KAJIA chatterer. ΚΘΚΕΑΥΗΡ /anat./ spleen. ΚΘΚΕ /obs./ March. KeKEHTECTI vital; ... MYAAE vital interest. ΚΘΚΕΛίΗΕ Κ,ΟΗ- to perceive, comprehend, grasp. ΚΘΚΕΚ /zool./ cuckoo. ΚΘΙΟΚΑ.Π wolf-hound. ΚΘΚ^ΚΘΤΕΛ /med./ whooping cough. ΚΘΚΠΕΚ low, coarse grass, used as fuel. ΚΘΚΡΕΚ breast, chest, upper part of body; /fig./ daring, courage, pride. ΚΘΚΟΕΡΚΕ BAJlblK, /zool./ pike perch. ΚΘΚΤΕΜ spring (season). ΚΘΚΤΕΥ spring pasture and stand. ΚΘΚΤΙΚΕΗ /bot./ cornflower (Centarurea). ΚΘΚΠΙΕ /local S/ a sort of melon (large, with green skin and soft, but tasteless, pulp). ΚΘΚΙΠΙ or ΚΘΚΠίυΐ bluish. ΚΘΚΙΡΕ see ΚΘΚΤΙΚΕΗ. K0KKACKA ΠΙΕΓΙΡΤΚΕ /zool./ locust. ΚΘΚΚΥΤΑΗ /zool./ stork.

ΚΘΛ lake. KGJIflEHEH, 1) transversal, cross, cross-cut; 2) across, against. K0JIEM size, volume; ... θϋΙΠΕΥΙΙΙΙΤΕΡΙ volume measures. ΚΘΛΕΗΚΕ shadow. KGJIUIE or ΚΘΠΙΙΙΙΚ smaU lake. ΚΘ-FIIK I) horse and cart; 2) means of conveyance; ... AT draught-horse. ΚΘΛΙΚ-ΑΡΒΑ TPAHCnOPTbl or K9JIIKΠΕΗ TACY cartage. K0JIIKCI3 horseless. ΚΘΜ- to dig in, into; to bury. ΚΘΜΒΕ /local SE/ 1) dry dung used for coating outer walls of houses; 2) frying pan. ΚΘΜΕΓΙΗΟΒ unassisted; CblPTTblH, ... without outside assistance. ΚΘΜΕίϊ throat, larynx. ΚΘΜΕΚ help, assistance. ΚΘΜΕΚ BEP- to help, give help. ΚΘΜΕΚΕΪΪ BE3AEPI tonsils. ΚΘΜΕΚΤΕΟ to give help. ΚΘΜΕΚΠΙΙ UIEBEP apprentice. ΚΘΜΚΕΡ- to border, edge, fringe. ΚΘΜΚΕΡΜΕ border, edging. ΚΘΜΚΕΡΥ bordering, edging; flange. ΚΘΜΙΡ coal, charcoal; ... KEH OIUAFbl coal mine;... K3CIBI coal mining industry; ... CYTEFI carbohydrate; ... IIIblFAPY coal mining; ... KAEATbl coalbed; ... KA3YIIJbI coal miner; ... KbIUIK,I>IJlbl carbon dioxide. ΚΘΜΙΡΤΕΠ /chem./ carbon. K0HBIC unassuming, unpretentious, modest. K HBICTIK unpretentiousness, modesty. ΚΘΗΠΙΙΙ meek, tractable, resigned. ΚΘΗΓΙΠΙΤΙΚ tractability, resignation, meekness. ΚΘΗ^ΙΡ- to talk (someone) into. ΚΘΗΕ 1) shabby, second-hand (of things); 2) experienced, worldly-wise; battle soldier; 3) ancient; ... JTYHME ancient world. ΚΘΗΕΚ leathern pail for the milking of mares. ΚΘΗΕΚΤΕ- to pour down in torrents (of rain); to pour buckets. ΚΘΗΕΡ- to be shabby, threadbare (of clothing); to lose one's color, become pale (of man). ΚΘΗΤΕΚ thick (of lips). KQHTEPIJII obedient, patient, uncomplaining, submissive. ΚΘΗΤΙ- to bulge out; to stick out (of lips). ΚΘΗΙΚ- to become accustomed, to submit.



ΚΘΠ much, many, multitude, a lot; ... BEJiriJII /math./ multiciphered; ... )ΚΜ.ΠAblK, /bot./ perennial (plant); ... ΜΥΙΠΕ /math./polynomial; ... M9H/J.I significant; ... M9HMEH significantly; ... HEKEJ1I polygamous; ... ΗΘΥΕΕΤΠΚ /agr./ crop rotation system; ... OPblHAbI multiseater (airplane, etc.); ... ΤΑΗΑΠΤΜΚ, see ... HaYEETTiK; ... YtfJlI /bot./ polygamous. ΚΘΠΕΥΡΜΙΙΙ /mat./ polygon. ΚΘΠΕΜ lamb born in a late lambing period. ΚΘΠΠΕ woolen wadded caftan. ΚΘΠΡΕ /local SE/ bridge. ΚΘΠΤΕ- 1) to do something jointly with others; 2) to act as a group against one person. ΚΘΠΤΕΓΕΗ great number, multitude, many. ΚΘΠΤΕΗ 1) old, of long standing, long established; 2) long ago. ΚΘΠΤΕΗΓΙ see ΚΘΠΤΕΗ (1). ΚΘΠΤΕΠ-ΚΘΙΙΕΜΛΕΠ together, conjointly. ΚΘΠΤΕΥ a bit too much. ΚΘΠΤΙΚ multitude, great quantity; multiplicity, plurality; /gram./ plural. ΚΘΠΠΙΕ /gram./ plural, plural number. ΚΘΠΙΙΙΙΚ pillow, cushion; pillow of a saddle /local W/; ... TbIC pillowcase, pillowslip. ΚΘΠΙΙΐυΐ social worker, public worker; ... AAAM sociable man. ΚΘΠΙΙΐυΐΙΚ 1) mass, multitude; 2) majority. ΚΘΠΙΡ bridge; ... AVSblHZIAFbl EEKIHIC bridge-head. ΚΘΠΙΡ- to foam, froth. ΚΘΠΙΡΓΙΙ1Ι foamy, frothy, effervescent. ΚΘΠΙΡΠΠΚ foam, froth. ΚΘΠΙΡΠΙΙΚΤΕΗ- see ΚΘΠΙΡ-. ΚΘΠΙΡΙΠΙΚΤΕΗΙΠ KEJT- to begin to froth, foam. ΚΘΡ grave; /fig./ blind; ... TAC gravestone; ... KASVIIIbl grave-digger. ΚΘΡ- 1) to see; 2) to experience, go through, endure; 3) to try; 4) to consider (someone) a provoker (of something); )KAK,CbI ... to love; )KEK ... to hate, dislike. ΚΘΡ EOJI- to become blind. ΚΘΡΓΕΗ,Π,Ι courteous, well-bred, having good manners. ΚΘΡΓΕΗΑΠΠΚ courteousness, civility, good breeding. ΚΘΡΓΕΗ€Ι3 1) discourteous, rough, ill-bred, having bad manners; 2) shameless, impudent. ΚΘΡΓΕΗΟΒβΙΚ discourteousness, roughness, unrnannerliness, ill breeding.


ΚΘΡΓΙ3- to show. ΚΘΡΓΙΙΠ sharp-sighted, perspicacious. ΚΘΡΠΠΙΤΙΚ sharp-sightedness, perspicacity. ΚΘΡΕ according to; judging from. ΚΘΡΕΓΕΗ see ΚΘΡΓΙΠΙ. ΚΘΡΕΓΕΗ ΚΘ3Ι 5KITI far-sighted. ΚΘΡΕΓΕΗΑΙΚ perspicacity. ΚΘΡ-aCEP all sorts of things. ΚΘΡ5ΚΥΙΗ see K,OP3KbIH. ΚΘΡΚΕΪ1- to become pretty, beautiful. ΚΘΡΚΕΜ beautiful, pretty, elegant; ... ΘΗΕΡ art. ΚΘΡΚΕΜΑΕΗ- see ΚΘΡΚΕΜ-. ΚΘΡΚΕΜβΙΚ beauty. ΚΘΡΜΕ exhibition. ΚΘΡΗΕΚΤΙ conspicuous, notable. ΚΘΡΠΕ quilt; ... ΚΘΚ aftergrass. ΚΘΡΠΕ-aCACTbIK, bedding. ΚΘΡΠΕΛΑΕΟ /local SE/ or ΚΘΡΠΕΙΙ1 /local W/ see KEH)KE K,O3bI. K0PCET- to show. KePCETKIIII index, indicator, pointer. KOPCETME see ΚΘΡΜΕ. KOPCETV denunciation. KePCETVIHI informer. K0PCEKiI3AP easily carried away, enticeable. ΚΘΡΤΕ woman's quilted cotton dressinggown. ΚΘΡΤΜΙΙΙΚΑΗ /zool./ mole. ΚΘΡΥ /mil./ review. ΚΘΡΠΙΙ neighbour; ... EJl EP neighbouring countries. ΚΘΡΠΙΙ OTblP- to be a neighbour of. KePllIIJIEC neighbouring. K0PUIIJIECTIK or ΚΘΡΙΙΙΙΛΙΚ neighbourhood. ΚΘΡΙ then; in comparison with; as compared with. ΚΘΡΙΚ 1) bellows; 2) beauty, elegance. ΚΘΡΙΚ EEP- to shape; to make elegant, beautiful. K0PIKCI3 ill-looking, homely. ΚΘΡΙΚΤΕΗ- to acquire an attractive appearance. ΚΘΡΙΚΤ1 pretty, beautiful, elegant (of persons and things). ΚΘΡΙΜ 1) /local WC, SW/ unpleasant, unattractive; 2) /local E/, good, not bad. KOPIMfllK a gift presented at the show of a bride or of a newly born child. ΚΘΡΙΗ- to come in sight, to appear. ΚΘΡΙΗΕ openly, manifestly, obviously, in broad daylight. 134

ΚΘΡΙΗΙΜ ΚΘΡΙΗΙΜ distance of visib ity. ΚΘΡΙΗΚΓ appearance, look, sight, view; panorama, display, manifestation. K9PIC- to see each other, meet each other; to shake hands; to embrace. KeC (uttered repeatedly) /call to a she-camel/. ΚΘΟΕ 1) beardless; 2) /local W/ sandspit. KGCE- to stoke fire. KeCEM leader. ΚΘ€ΕΜ#ΙΚ makings of a leader. KGCEV poker. ΚΘΟΚ 1) wild carrots; 2) /local WC/ jamb, door-post. KGCIJl- or KeCIJTT- to stretch one's legs. KBCIJTin )KAT- to lie with stretched legs. ΚΘΤΕΡ- to lift, raise. ΚΘΤΕΡΓΙΙ1Ι hoist, lift, elevator. ΚΘΤΕΡΕΜ MAJ1 emaciated cattle. ΚΘΤΕΡΜΕ help given to a racehorse at the finish; ... KAMbIC saddle girth. ΚΘΤΕΡΜΕ-FIE- to give help; /fig./ to inspire, cheer up, encourage. KGTEPMEJIEn 5KIEEP- to encourage. KGTEPIJI- to rise, revolt. K TEPIJIIC revolt, rebellion, uprising. ΚΘΤΕΡΙΗΚΪ- to raise a little; to lift slightly. ΚΘΙ1Ι nomadic wandering; ... >KEP one stage of a nomadic trek (from one stopping place to another). ΚΘ1Ι1- 1) to lead a nomad's life; 2) to move to another place; flYHME^EH ... to pass away, to decease, to die. KolllEACbl leader of a nomadic travel. ΚΘΙΙΙΕ street; ... EOflW along the street. ΚΘ1ΉΕΓΕΗ nomad. ΚΘΜΕΡ 1) /local WC/ axle of a cart; 2) /local SW/ hub of a cart's wheel; 3) /local W/ right of way. ΚΘ11ΙΕΤ sprouts, seedlings. ΚΘΙΙ1>ΚΕΗΕΚΕΜ hastily, hurriedly. ΚΘ1ΙΙΚ1 1) /local E/ snowslide, avalanche; 2) /local SW/ anchor. KGUIKIH landslide; ... MY3 sliding block of ice; ... Κ,ΑΡ snowslide, avalanche. ΚΘ11ΙΠΕ see KGUJ; . Μ Υ3 glacier. KGUiriEJll nomad; ... EJI or ... ΤΑΜΠΑ nomadic tribe; ... TYPMbIC nomadic mode of life. ΚΘΙ1ΙΠΕΗ or ΚΘΙ1ΙΠΕΗΙΠΙ /local SE, obs./ semi-nomadic. KGIllY nomadic wanderings. ΚΘΙΙΙΙΠ )ΚΥΡΕΤΙΗ EJI nomadic tribe. KGfflin Κ,ΟΗΥ nomads' camp.

ΚΘΙΙΙΙΠ-KOHbin 5KYPET1H *CEP area of traveling of a nomadic tribe. ΚΘΙΙΙΙΡ- 1) to move /tr./ from one place to another; 2) to force to pass to another place (of nomads); 3) to retype, to recopy. ΚΘΙΙΙΙΡΜΕ excerpt, copy, duplicate. KGLIIIPyilll copyist, typist. ΚΘΠΙΙΡΙΠ )KA3- to copy, recopy, retype. ΚΘΙΙΙΙΡΙΠ 3KIEEP- to force to leave the occupied place (of nomads). ΚΘΗ, 1) dung; 2) /local WC/ winter camp (of nomads). KGHIJ1 1) mood, frame of mind; 2) attention; 3) wish, desire; ... Κ,ΟΠΙΤΗΚ, complacent mood, good humor; AK, ... AflAM goodnatured man. ΚΘΗΙΠ AMT- to present condolences. ΚΘΗΙ-Π EGJI- to give consideration. EY3WJI- to feel upset. ΚΘΤΕΡ- to cheer up /tr./. ΚΘΗ;Π1 CYPA- to call on, visit. K0HIJ1 K.AJI- to lose interest; to get disappointed. K6HIJI Κ,ΟΪί- to show attention; to take care. ΚΘΗυίΓΕ }ΚΑΚΠΑΜΤΙ>1Η /fig./ tasteless. ΚΘΗυΐΑΕΓΙ/ΪΕΜ successfully, as was wanted. K0HIJTAEH- 1) to conceive a desire, feel a wish, take a liking to; 2) to cheer up /intr./. KOHIJIAEC sympathizer. happy, interesting. EEKIT- to quiet down /intr./; to regain one's composure. K0HIJTC13 dismal, cheerless, gloomy; joyless, sad, bored. K0mJIC13,ZJEH- to be bored; to feel upset. K0H,IJICI3/IIK cheerlessness, boredom, tedium. KOHIJIIUEK good-natured, trustful; gullible; sympathetic. KeHIJIIIlEKTlK goodness, responsiveness, sympathy, good-naturedness. KGHIJII AK honest, upright. Κ9ΓΕΤΤΕ- /local SE/ to cover, protect from water, dampness. ΙΟ,Π,Ε AJI- to request from the bridegroom a gift for the young folks in bride's AYblJT. AC- to be useful; to be used. - /local SW/ to intend for, to dedicate. ΚΘ/ΙΙΚ hazardous, dangerous, vague. Κ9ΑΙΜΓΙΛΕΜ properly, as it becomes, in the right way. K9)KEH /local W.' raincoat.


K9J1 /local S, med./ mange, scab; mangy, scabby. K3MEEJ1E- /local SE/ to embroider. KOMEK /local SE/ unripe watermelon. Κ3ΜΠΙΤ caramel, candy. K9HEM /local W/ thin, emaciated. K9HYA /local SE/ embroidery. KQPIold, old man; ... Ι1ΙΕΙΠΕ grandmother; ... K.YJ1AK, AflAM erudite, experienced man; ... KJ>I3 1) old maid; 2) /bot./ forgetme-not (Myosotis). K3PIJIIK old age.


IOCEK 1) /local W/ herd of horses; 2) run, school, shoal (of fishes). K9CIFI trade, occupation, profession; ... AYKEHI workshop. K9CII1OAAK, labor union. K3CinOPbIH or KSCIOOPHL·! enterprise. KOCiniUIJIEP O^AFW see K9CinOflAK. ΚΘΤΕΚ- /local E & SE/ to weaken /intr./, fade, wither. K9UIEK /local S & SE/ straw; inedible part of hay. ΚΘΥΗΑΡ TAC see ΓΑΥΗΑΡ TAC.

Jl JlAEA or JIABAit landslide, snowslide, avalanche. J1AEOPAHT laboratory assistant. ΛΑΒΟΡΑΤΟΡΗΛ laboratory. JlABOPATOPMAJlblK, /adj./ laboratory. JIA5K way, means, method. JIAJKAA- to do something utilizing the means available. JIAfl silt, sediment, sludge; /adj./ turbid; ... CV muddy, turbid water; /expr./ ... CYflAH EAJIblK AyJIA- to catch fish in muddy water. JIAfi EOJ1- to get muddy, to grow turbid (of water). JIAHJIA- to muddy, stir up (of water). JlAnJlAH- to get muddy, turbid (of water). JIAfiCAH, foul weather. JlAflblK, 1) suitable, appropriate; 2) in accordance with; in conformity with. JIAflblK ΚΘΡ- to consider suitable, worth attention. JIAftblK ΤΑΠ- to find suitable, worth attention. JlAftblKJA- to adapt to /tr./; to set aside for, intend for. JIAftblKJAJI- to be destined for; to be adapted to. JIAMblKTbl suitable; deserving worth, attention. JIA KAT /local WC/ suitable, fit. JIAK varnish, lacquer. JIAKTbl lacquered, varnished; patent-leathe /adj./. J1AMAMJIA- /local SE/ to mix, mix up, entangle. JIAMflA lamp. JIAnAC 1) /local SE/ shed; 2) /local W/ mud-hut. JIAn Κ,ΟΪΙ- to throw oneself into the attack; to attack en masse; to mob. JIAn ΚΟΚ) /mil./ attack. JIAn-JIAn 5KAH- to flicker, to burn with a wavering light.

- 1) to blaze; 2) to flap one's arms slowly (like wings). JIAnblJIAAyfalK, /local E/ float (of a seine). ΛΑΠΚΟίϊ /local SW/ 1) liar; 2) babbler, twaddler, windbag. JIAC dirt; dirty, soiled; unsanitary. JIACTA- to soil, smear, stain. JIACTAH- to get soiled, smeared, stained. JIAy horse and cart; /hist./ transportation furnished by the people to officials visiting on official business; ... MIH- to ride in carts supplied by the local population. JIAVASblM post, office, position. JIAyJIA- to burn fiercely (of a bonfire). JIAyPEAT laureate. JIAyiUbl driver, carter. JIAXbIT vault, crypt. JIAIUblH /zool./ kite. JIAIIIblK hut, shanty. JIAK kid. JIAK- to get lost; to leave the herd and wander about (of cattle); /fig./ to lose one's way, to take a wrong turn (of a man). JIAKA /zool./ sheatfish. JIAKAn hearing, rumor; ... CG3 rumor, hearsay. ΛΑΚ,ΑΠ ΤΑΡΑΤ- to spread rumors, to gossip. JIAKnA KICI superficial, unprincipled man. JIAKnA C63 unfounded, groundless remarks. JIAKTA- to bear young (of a goat). JIAKTblP- to throw, toss. JIAKblJIJOA- 1) to dangle, jolt; to be shaken up; 2) to put out, overflow in a mass (with pressure). JIAH, /vet./ epizootic. JIAH CAJI- /fig./ to cause harm; to arouse displeasure, dissatisfaction. JIAFbIJI TAC ruby. JIEBI3 word, hint, allusion. JIEFAJIbflbl legal. JIEFEH 1) wash tub; 2) /local SE/ large bowl, dish. JIEFEHJiA legend. 137



J1E3AE very quickly; instantaneously. JIEK-JIEFIMEH multitudes, huge numbers. J1EKCMKA vocabulaiy. ΛΕΚΟΜΚΟΓΡΑΦ lexicographer. JIEKCHKOFPAeDMfl lexicography. JTEKCHKOH lexicon, dictionary. JIEKTOP lecturer, reader. JIEKTOPHft lecture bureau. JlEKUHfl lecture. JIEKIP- /local W/ to increase /intr./. JIEHMHH3M Leninism. -ΠΕΠ puff, breath; force (movement); bICTblK... heat. JTEOMAM /local W/ kerosene. JIEOTI yKEJl a breeze. JTEOTl ΟΘΜ-ΠΕΜ /gram./ exclamatory sentence. JIEIIIJIAE- to hurry, rush ahead. JlEniJlAEK /local WC/ small kerosene lamp (without a chimney). ΛΕΠΙΡ- to speak hastily, excitedly, without thinking; to get excited; to fly into a rage. J1EHIPME KICI braggart. JIEniPME C03 empty, meaningless words. J1MEEPAJI liberal. J1HEEPAJTAAH- to become a liberal. JlHEEPAJTAblK, liberal views. JTHEEPAJIAblK ICTE- to play the liberal; to display liberalism. JIMBEPAJ1H3M liberalism. JIMKBMAATOP /pol./ liquidator. JIHKBHAATOPJTblK /pol./ liquidationism.

J1MMMT limit. J1MPMKA lyric poetry. JIMPHKAJlblK, /adj./ lyric. ΛΜΤΟΓΡΑΦΜΛ lithography. JTOBJlbl-1) to nauseate; to produce vomiting; 2) to have a foreboding of evil; 3) /fig./ to vacillate; to retreat. J1OFMKA logic. JlOrMKAJIblK, logical. JTO3KA box (in a theater). JIOT /mar./ sounding lead. J1OK,CW- to feel nausea. Jlbin ΕΤΙ Π quickly, swiftly, promptly. Jlbin-Jlbin )KAH- to burn unevenly (of a lamp). JlblK /adj./ full. JlblK, ΕΤΙΠ see Jlbin ΕΤΙΠ. JlblKCbl- to sink, settle. JlbIK,CbIT- to lower (a weight). JlbIK,bIMbin TOM- to eat to full satisfaction. JlblKblMT- to fill something to the brim, to the limit, to overflowing. JIbIKi>IJIAA- to be filled (with liquid). JIbIK,bIJIAAT- see JIblKblMT-. JlblKblK) to the limit; to overflowing. J1YF1 ET- to miss a beat (of the heart). JIYOIJ1AE- to beat more quickly (of the heart). ΙΤΘΚ stud-camel. JTGKET /local C & SE/ large knife. Jiei^n /local SE/ face towel. J1933AT pleasure, satisfaction. J19PEH /local S/ small bowl or cup.


M MA /interrogative particle/ see ΒΑ. ΜΑΓΑ3ΜΗ store. MAFMCTPAUb 1) highway; 2) main (water, gas, etc.). ΜΑΓΗΜΤ magnet; ... TOJlKVbl electrical storm. ΜΑΛΑΚ,ΤΑ- to praise, loud, glorify. ΜΑβΑΚ,ΤΑΥ praising, louding, eulogy. MA3A rest, peace, calm, composure; good mood. MA3AJ1A- to disturb, trouble, disquiet, perturb. MA3AJIM solid, strong, staid, sedate (of man). MA3AP grave, tombstone, monument; cemetery; /hist./ grave of a saint. MA3ACW3 restless, disturbing; long-drawnout. MA3ACbI3,OAH- to worry, bother /intr./; to be upset, disappointed; to become disturbed. MA3AK, mockery, sneer, gibe. MA3AK ET- or MA3AK.TA- to scoff, mock, jeer, gibe (at). MA3AKIIIbIJI scoffer, mocker. MA3MYH content, essence, substance, matter; table of contents. MA3MYH.HA- to state, set forth, expound. ΜΑΪΪ 1) fat, grease, oil; 2) May (month); CAPbl ... butter; TOH, ... fat, suet, lard; ΚΑΡΑ ... tar; ... AHblPATblH 3ΑΒΟΛ oil factory; ... ΙΠΑΜΚΑΥ K9CIEI buttermaking; ... IIIAM candle; ... fflblFAPATblH OPWH oil-factory;... K.APAFAM silver fir (Abies sibirica). MAft BAC- to fatten, get fattened. MAflflA 1) small things; small, petty; 2) soft, mild, gentle; 3) smooth; ... ΑΚ,ΙΠΑ small change; ... 5KYH soft wool; ... C03 courteous word; ... TOFA underbrush, undergrowth; ... IIIYHilE small things; ... Κ,ΥΜ fine sand; ΜΑΠ- ... perfectly soft. ΜΑίϊ,Π,ΑΪί ΕΡ- to be touched, moved (of emotions). MAftflAfi HCAK- to be highly useful; to be very nourishing (of grass).

- l) to change (money); 2) to pulverize (stone); 3) to crumb; 4) to cut into small chunks (meat); 5) to fluff (wool). ceflJIE- to speak flatteringly, exchange. MA /JAH plain; field of action, front. MAH^AHflAFbl APMH /mil./ field army. MA KEHE /bot./ castor plant (Ricinus). MAfliJlA- to oil, grease; to smear, spread; to whiten, white-wash; MAUIHHAHbl ... to oil a machine; YM ... to white-wash a house. ΜΑΪΪΛΑΗ- to fatten /intr./ (of cattle). MAHJIAVIIIL·! greaser, lubricator. MAfiUIH /adj./ fat, greasy. MA JIblK, napkin. MAflMAK, 1) clumsy; bow-legged; 2) /obs./ young camel (taboo word). ΜΑΚΜΑΗ,,Π,Α- to hobble, toddle; to stumble along. MAfifMblJl monkey. MAftMblJmAH- to ape. MAflfTAJIMAH 1) very strong, untiring (of horse); 2) versed (in), experienced (in); 3) unrealized desire; 4) vexation, annoyance. MAflUDAMKAFbim churn. MAHIIIOJinbl /local/ skimmer, ladle. MAHblP- to bend /tr./. MAfiblPblJI- to bend /intr./ (mostly of metal objects). MAMbIC- to bend oneself or itself. MAftLICTblP- to bend /tr./. MAKblCKAK, flexible, pliable, easily bent. MAHKAH /local SE/ 1) pile, heap; 2) brickdrying platform in a brickyard. MA KAHAA- /local Ε & SE/ to winnow (wheat). MAKJ1EP broker. MAKJIEPJIblK brokerage. MAJ1 cattle, domestic animals; AK, ... horses (collectively); ΚΑΡΑ ... camels, cows and sheep (collectively); ΤΘΡΤ TYJ1IK ... four kinds of cattle: horses, camels, cows, sheep; ... a3bin>j forage; ... 6ary cattle tending;




... 6aKK3H 6ana shepherd boy; ... herdsman; ... >KaflbiJibiMW pasture; ... TK&Hflbi /a,aaM/ one who loves animals; ... K9ci6i cattle-breeding; ... coio slaughter of cattle; ... COHTBIH «ep slaughterhouse; ... uiapyanibun>iFbi cattle-breeding; ... nopa cattle-shed, farmyard; .,. Kwpy slaughter of cattle; ... eJiiMi epizootic, cattle plague, ... ecipyiiii cattle-breeder. MAJI- to scoop, to ladle out; to dip /tr./ immerse /tr./. MAJIA harrow. ΜΑΛΑΪΪ hired worker, farmhand; servant. MAJIAMJTblK condition of being a hired worker. MAJIAKAM winter cap. MAJIflAH- 1) to grow rich; to provide oneself with cattle; 2) to trust, to believe. MAJIAAC KVPtin OTblP- to sit crosslegged. MAJI/Jbl rich with cattle; prosperous. MAJIMA ferment for the tanning of leather. MAJI-MYJIIK cattle; personal property. MAJ1CAK, one who takes good care of cattle. MAJITblK- to stick in mud, a bog, or snow. MAJIHIbl herdsman, shepherd. MAJinibl- or MAJIIUblJIA- to dip /tr./ repeatedly into a liquid. MAJIblH- to dip /intr./, dive, sink; to get dirty. MAMA 1) mother; 2) breasts (of mother); 3) /obs./ stake, post. MAMA-AAHA /local SE/ deceit, cunning. MAMAAblHIIIblJIblK KblJI- /local SE/ to be cunning, to deceive. MAMAH specialist. MAMAHAAH- to specialize. MAMAHAblK speciality; OHAIPICTIK ... professional qualification; profession. MAMblP /obs./ April. MAMblP 1) obese, fat; 2) ponderous and clumsy from obesity (of wild ducks and geese who cannot fly in the fall). MAMblPAA- to drag one's feet while walking. MAMHK, down; feather bed. MAMblKTbl downy, fluffy. MAHA recently. MAHAAAH BEPI from that time (forward). ΜΑΗΑΠ /hist./ feudal lords (among the Kirghiz and partly among the Kazakhs). MAHAT /local W/ money, rouble. MAHAYPA- to be in a sluggish and drowsy state. MAHAFbl recent; of that time.

MAH/JAM festering sores (cattle). MAHAAT mandate, warrant. MAHEBP maneuver. MAHEBP 3KACA- to maneuver. MAHCAFI career. MAHCAflKOP career-man, go-getter, pusher. MAHCAHKOPJIblK pushing to get ahead. MAHT (Chin.) meat dumplings. MAPA3 see MEPE3. MAPAJI maral deer. MAPAAH /local SE/ reed mat. MAP blM strength, force. MAP^MMAbl tall and strong (fellow). MAPAbIMbI KEMAEV AT feeble horse. MAP5KAH coral. MAPHAM AHA Mother of God. MAPKCH3M Marxism. MAPKCHCTIK Marxian, Marxist /adj./. MAPT March. MAP IAJ1 marshal. ΜΑΡΚΑ early offspring (of cattle); esp. a lamb born early in the season. ΜΑΡΚΑΪΪ- to grow up (of animals). MAPKVM the deceased; late. MAC drunk (noun). MAC BOJ1- to be drunk. MAC KWJI- to make someone drunk. MACA mosquito; ΚΑΡΑ ... malarial mosquito. MACAMPA- 1) to take liberties (with); to be unduly familiar; 2) to give oneself airs, to be haughty. MACAHPAFI KET- to be overly familiar. MACAMPAV /fig./ dizziness; TAEblCKA ... dizziness with success. MACAJ1A- to save oneself from mosquitos' stings. MACATTAH- see MACAftPA-. MACATTAHVIUbUlblK conceit, selfsatisfaction. MACATbl silk, velvet. MACAXAHA mosquito curtain. MACAK 5) ear (of grain); spike (of grass); 2) arrow-head. MACAK TEP- to gather grain after reaping; to glean. MACAKTA- see MACAK TEP-. MACKA mask; /fig./ feigned semblance. MACKAPAA masquerade; /fig./ hypocritical appearance (pretense). MACKMPOBKA )KACA- to mask; to disguise. MACKYHEM alcoholic, drunkard. MACKYHEMAIK alcoholism.


MACCMK MACCA5K massage. MACCA5K 5KACA- to massage. MACTAH- /fig./ to get drunk (with joy, etc.). MACTEK horse of a Siberian breed. MACTEP skilled workman, foreman, expert; ... 3ΚΘΡβΕΜΙΙΙΐα apprentice. MACTEPCKOM workshop, studio. MACTblK. drunkenness, intoxicated condition. MACblJI burden, sponger, parasite. MACbUI EOJT- to become a burden. MACblJI AH- see MACbIJI BOJI-. MACblK,- to get drunk; KVAHblHIKA ... /fig./ to be overjoyed. MACKAPA shame, disgrace. MACKAPA BOJ1- to bring shame upon oneself. MACKAPAJ1A- to put to shame. M ATA fabric, cloth; KAJIblH KATTbl ... material for outer clothing. MAT A- to hobble horses. MATACTblP- to tie horses together by their legs for preventing them from running away. MATEPMAJI material. MATEPMAJIAblK, MFIJIIKTEP material wealth. MATPOC sailor, seaman. ΜΑΤΡΥΠΙΚΕ /local E/ a kind of herb. MATUIA /local E/ mast. MAYEAC 1) sluggish, shabby; 2) slowwitted. MAYEACTAH- to become sluggish, inert. MAYEACTblK flabbiness, sluggishness; slowwittedness. MAYCblM season of the year. MAYTbl woolen cloth; ... EACATblH )KEP fulling mill; ... TOK,bIHTbIH MAI1IHHA wool-weaving machine. MAYbBAAM /local S/ huge, big. MAYblT see MAYTbl. MAXABEAT love; ... ΘΗ1 love-song, serenade. MAXPA /hist./ bride-money. ΜΑΠΙΑΚ /local S, SE/ grass, hay. MAUIHHA machine. MAUIHHAJlAHflblP- to mechanize. MA1UWHAJIAHFAH mechanized. ΜΑΙΠΗΗΑ-ΤΡΑΚΤΟΡ CTAHIJHACbl machine and tractor service and supply station. MAIIITAC- /local E/ to come together, to unite /intr./, to come to an agreement. MALUbl she-ass. MAIUblK, habit, practice, exercise.

MAFHAJlbl MAlllblKTAH- to acquire habits, skills; OK.YFA ... to master the process of reading. ΜΑΛ 1) stack (of hay), rick (of heaves); 2) she-camel. MAJIJIA- to stack (hay). ΜΑΛΗΑ AJ1- /local SE/ to receive wages or salary. MAKAJI proverb, saying. MAKAJIA article (in newspaper, etc.). ΜΑΚ,ΑΥ 1) slow-witted, stupid, blockhead; 2) tongue-tied. MAKfJIVK, creature; living being. ΜΑΚ,ΠΑΚ velvet, plush, velveteen. MAK,CAT aim, intention, wish, object, purpose. MAK,CATTbI having a purpose; purposeful. ΜΑΚ,ΤΑ cotton; cotton fabric; wadding; ... ΕΓΥΙΙΐυΐΙΚ cotton growing; ... »Cbl HAY cotton picking; ... MAMbI cottonseed oil. MAKTA- to commend, praise, laud. MAK,TAJlbI cotton /adj./, quilted /adj./. ΜΑΚ,ΤΑΗ bragging, boasting. M AKT AH- l) to brag /intr./; 2) to be proud. ΜΑΚΤΑΗΠΙΑΚ, braggart, boaster. MAKTAHmAKTblK, 1) bragging, vanity, vainglory; 2) boastfulness, arrogance; 3) swaggering, conceit. MAKJAHbim pride. MAKTAC- 1) to eulogize, laud, extol; 2) to praise one another. ΜΑΚ,ΤΑΥpraising, lauding;... ΚΘΤΕΡΕΤΙΗ praiseworthy; ... K.AFA3 honor certificate (for excellence in studies). MAKTAYJTbl 1) foremost, progressive; 2) laudatory, eulogistic; 3) /iron./ much praised. MAKJAYFA T¥PATbIH see MAKTAV ΚΘΤΕΡΕΤΙΗ. MAKTAI bl cotton grower. MAKTAlIIblJIblK, cotton growing. MAK.YJ1 good, fine /adv./. ΜΑΚ,Υ-ΠβΑ to approve, agree. MAFJIVMAT knowledge, information, data, source material. MAFJl¥MATCbI3 ignorant, incompetent. MAFJIVMATTbl informed, versed in, well educated. MAFHA meaning, sense, content; ... EEPto interpret, construe, explain. MAFHAJTAC synonymous (to). MAFHAJlbl pithy, significant.



MAFHACH3 MAFHACLI3 senseless, nonsensical, absurd, insipid. MAFHACbDAblK, senselessness, absurdity, nonsense. ΜΑΗ 1) environs, vicinity; 2) limit, bound; 3) as service word is used only in oblique cases, see MAHAft see ΜΑΗ. MAHAHbIHA close upon (of age). MAHAMblHAH from, about, around. ΜΑΗΑΪΪΕΙΗ,αΑ by, near. MAHbIHA by, near, around. ΜΑΗ,ΒΙΗΑΗ from. MAHbIH,HA about, roughly, approximately. ΜΕΓΕ5ΚΙΗ female (of women collectively). MEffEY hope, support; ... K.WJI- to cherish hope, to lean. MEflPECE /hist./ Moslem ecclesiastical school. ME5KE boundary, bound. ME3KEJIE- 1) to draw a boundary line; 2) to set up boundary markers. ME)KEJIEy survey, land-surveying. MESriJI season, time; ...-ΜΕ3ΓΙΙΕ from time to time. ME3riJICI3 untimely, not in time, inopportune; ... YAKblTTA at an inopportune time. MEHJHHIUE 1) to overflowing, to satiety, to one's heart's content; 2) the very. MEM Μ AH guest. MEHMAHflOCTblK, hospitality. MEMMAHXAHA 1) hotel; 2) /book./ guest room. MEMPAM holiday, feast, festival. MEMI3 raisins, dried grapes. MEMIJ1 inclination, wish, desire. MEMIP liking (for), benevolence, good will. MEHIPbAH /book./ merciful, charitable, benevolent, amiable, polite, obliging, affectionate, tender. MEHIPEAH bIK /book./ mercy, charity, clemency, pity, favor. MEHIPIM favor, grace, mercy, courtesy, pity. ΜΕίϊΙΡΙΜ,α,ΕΗ- 1) to take pity (on), become compassionate; 2) to express compassion (for); 3) to become amiable, polite. MEftlPIM/II compassionate, amiable, polite, obliging. MEHIPIM,ZJIJIIK compassionateness, pitifulness. MEHIPIMCI3 hard-hearted, callous, heartless, pitiless, merciless.

heartlessness, cruelty, ferocity. MEKEME department, administration, institution. MEKEH 1) residence, location, whereabouts, abode; 2) Hoc. SEI MEKEH EH- to have permanent residence; to acquire a house, etc.; to settle somewhere. ΜΕΚΤΕΠ school, educational institution; EACTAVbim ... grammar school; OPT A ... high school; )KOFAPFL·! ... institution of higher learning (college, university). MEKIPE (or BEKIPE) cartilaginous fish. MEJlfflH- 1) to stare (at); 2) to stand like a tone image. MEJlim Russian sheep. MEMJ1EKET state, country; ... BAHK1CI state bank; ... EK>A)KETI state budget; 111ET ... foreign country. MEMJIEKETTIK of the state, state's; ... ΜΕΗΠΙΙΚ state property; ... CAVflA state trade; ... IDEKAPA state border; ... KYPblJIblC state regime. MEH 1) /pers. pron./ I; 2) /conj./ and; 3) /post pos./ with, by, in. MEHEH see MEH. ΜΕΗΜΕΗ/ϊΙΚ conceit, arrogance, presumption, haughtiness; ... ΘΥΕΗ peremptory tone. MEHMEHUIIJI braggart. MEHMEHIIIIJmiK bragging, presumption, conceit. MEHCIHEE- to neglect, disregard, treat with scorn. MEHCIHEEyiUIJIIK neglect, scorn, scornful attitude. MEHfflIK property. MEHIUIKTE- to set aside (for), earmark (for), single out, apportion, (about property, use). ΜΕΗΠΙΙΚΤΕΗ- to acquire property, get possession (of). ΜΕΗΠΙΙΚΤΙ own. ΜΕΡΓΕΗ shooter, sniper. MEPE3 1) syphilis; 2) osseous tuberculosis. MEPEM (good) luck, happiness, joy. MEPEKE holiday, festival, fete. MEPEKEJIE- to celebrate, hold celebrations. MEP3IM date, term (time). MEP3IM,m 1) temporary, seasonal; 2) specified as to the time of fulfillment. MEPH^HAH meridian. MEPT accident; ... EOJI- 1) to die, perish (in an unequal fight); 2) to undertake something




which is beyond one's strength and perish; ... K,tIJT- to dislocate a bone. MEPTIK 1) dislocation (of a bone), to dislocate a joint of one's leg; 2) fracture (of a bone), to break one's bones. MEPTIKTIP- to dislocate a bone. MEPYEPT pearl(s). MEC 1) bag made from a whole skin of a goat or sheep; 2) /fig./ ponderable, fat (of animals); ... KAPWH /scorn./ pot-bellied, glutton (of a man). MECTEK (Russian) peasant's horse. METAJIJ1 metal. METAJlUIbl metal worker. METEM /loc. W/ small bucket. METOAMKA methods. ΜΕΤΟΑΟΛΟΓΜΛ methodology. METOAOJIOrpLJUlblK, methodological. METPOnOJIH fl metropolis, mother country. METIH /loc. El kind of hoe. MEXAHHK mechanic. MEXAHHKA mechanics. MEXAHHKAJTAH,fl,bIPy mechanization. MEXAHUKAJILIK, mechanical, mechanistic. ΜΕΠ1 /obs./ stove. MEUIEJT person with paralyzed legs. ME1IIEY 1) helpless, cripple; 2) backward, retarded, extensive (of system of economy). MEniEYJIEH- to become helpless, unable to work; to become a cripple. MEIHEVJIIK helplessness; loss of working ability. MEfflKEft glutton, insatiable. MEIIIKEHJIIK gluttony, insatiability, greed. MEU1IH 1) see MAHMbUI; 2) /obs./ the name of a year of a twelve year animal cycle; 3) water-bug. MEUIIT mosque. ΜΕΙΠΘΡβθΗ- to weaken /intr./, grow thin. MEIC see MEHI3. MEH, birth-mark, mole. ΜΕΗ,ΓΕΡ- to master, learn. ΜΕΗΓΕΡΥ management, administering. ΜΕΗ,ΓΕΡΥΙΠΙ manager, chief. MEH/JE- to grow weak, to get tired, to exhaust oneself. MEHAYAHA /bot./ henbane (Hyoscyamus). MEH.3E- 1) to consider something advisable; 2) to give a definite opinion in connection with something. MEHIPEY dull, stupid man. MEHIPEYC to pretend to be dull. MH see MbIM 1) and 2). AJIA barren steppe.

MMJ1 mile. MMHA /mil., nav./ mine. MMHAJIbl ΑΤΑΚΑ mine attack. MHHYT minute. MHHYTTIK minute /adj./, short lived, transient. MHPAC heritage, inheritance. MMPACK.OP heir. MHCAJI see MblCAJL MHCTHK mystic. MHYA /book./ fruit. MMYAJlbl fruit (-bearing), fruit- /adj./. ΜΜΦ myth. ΜΜΦΟ.ΠΟΓΜΛ mythology. MHOJlOrHJUlblK, mythological. MHI3 see ΜΕΪΪΙ3. MOEHnH3AUM.il mobihzation. MOBHJ1H3ALJ,H^JIA- to mobilize. MOflA mode. MOflEJIb model, pattern. ΜΟΪΪΗΑΚ, 1) camel's neck, skin of camel's neck; 2) isthmus; 3) a dog's name. MOHbIJl /bot./ bird cherry (Prunus padus). MOHblH 1) neck; 2) isthmus; 3) braided channel, split stream, bayou; ... >KAP BEPME- to be lazy; ... 5ΚΙΠ collar with a leash; ... OMblPTKA neck vertebra. MOHfalHCYH- to obey unquestioningly. MOHblHCVHFblUI obedient; unquestioningly dutiful. MOMbIHTbIPbIK, yoke. MOHblHUIAK, see MOHUIAK,. MOJI 1) many, much, abundantly; 2) wide, free, spacious, ample. MOHA cemetery, graveyard; grave, tomb. MOJI AH- 1) to breed /intr./; 2) to abound (in), to teem (with). MOJIAA mullah. MOJl/IblK, abundance, plenty. MOJIEKYJ1A molecule. MOJIEKYJIAfclK, molecular. MOJITAK, dock-tailed /adj./, truncated /adj./, chopped off; ... MYMI3 CblHblP a cow with blunt horns. MOMAKAH see MOMblH. MOMWH mild, quiet, modest, meek. MOMblH tJK, modesty, meekness. MOMblHCblH- to pretend to be modest, to seem to be meek. MOHAPXHCT monarchist /n./. ΜΟΗΑΡΧΜΛ monarchy. MOHAPXH^JIblK, monarchist /adj./. MOHOnOJIHCT monopolists, large-scale capitalist (Soviet usage of the word).


ΜΟΗΟΠΟΛΜΛ ΜΟΗΟΠΟΙΙΜΛ monopoly. MOHOnOJlUHJIblK, monopolistic, exclusive. ΜΟΗΤΑ)Κ assembling, mounting. MOHTAHbl 1) pretender, hypocrite; 2) malicious, insidious. MOHTAHbIC- to pretend, feign, play the hypocrite, to make malicious remarks, to be spiteful. MOHUIA bath. ΜΟΗΙΙΙΑΙΠΒΙ bath-house attendant. MOHIIIAK, beads. MOHHIAK.TA- 1) to decorate with necklace; 2) to pour out rapidly drop by drop. MOHFOJI Mongolian. MOPAJlb moral. MOPAJIb blK, moral /adj./. MOPT KETETIH KICI stubborn man. MOPT CbIH- to break easily and all at once /intr./. MOPTblJWAK, fragile, frail, brittle. MOCbl tripod for a boiler. MOTOP motor. MOTOPJIbl motor /adj./. MY3bIKA music. MY3bIKAHT musician. MbDK- 1) to chatter; 2) to pester (with), bother (with). MbDKblJI muscular pain. MbDKblFJ bothersome, boring (with one's chatter). Mbt3bIJIbin-CbI3bIJI- to behave modestly and politely. MblM 1) brain, cerebrum, marrow; 2) quag, swamp, bog. MblHJlAV CA3AbI 5KEP swampy place. MblfLJIbl reasonable, sensible, intelligent, wise. MbIMCbI3 brainless, stupid. MblJDKAJIA- to cut into pieces, mince. MblJDKA-MbLTDKACbl IIlblK, to be cut into pieces, chopped. MblJDKblH chatterer, windbag. MbIJI5KbIH£AT- to allow to chatter. MblJDKblHAblK chat, gossip. MblJITblK, gun, rifle; ... fOPl gunpowder; ... ΚΕΗβΙΠ rifle caliber; ... MAMAHbl gunsmith; ... IlIAnnACbl cork (of a gun); ... KYJIAFbl cork (of a gun); TAHK EV3AP ... anti-tank gun; K,OCAYbI3 ... double-barreled gun. MblJITblKTA- to shoot, fire (a rifle). MbLJIKAV deaf-and-dumb, deaf mute.

MblJIKAYJlblK the condition of being deafmute. MblMAH see MEMMAH. MblHA^Aft just like that; ... KICI very good man. MblHAY here, there, there is; ... HE? what is this? MbIP3A 1) gentleman, landowner, master, nobleman, lord; 2) /adj./ generous, liberal. MblPSAJIblK, generosity. MWP3AC- to show oneself generous, /obs./ to make oneself out to be a nobleman. MbIPC ET- to chuckle; ...-MblPC KYJ1- to laugh through one's nose. MblPTblK, undersized (of a man). MblPblUI 1) zinc; 2) tombac. MbIC 1) copper; 2) yellow copper; ... EPITETIH 3ABOA copper foundry; ... KEHI copper ore; ... K,OPbITATbIH 3ABOA copper smelter; ... Κ,ΥΛΤΗΗ 3ΑΒΟΑ copper foundry. MblCAJI 1) example; 2) fable. MblCAJI^A- 1) to resort often to examples; 2) to speak allegorically. MblCAJIbl for example. MbICTAH puffball (Coperdon gemmetum). MblCIIIbl brazier, coppersmith. MblCblP TAYfalFbl Guinea hen. MblCblPJlblK Egyptian. MblCblK, cat; ... KY^PblK, /bot./ a kind of weed. MbICK,AJl /obs./ zolotnik (measure of weight). MblCKAJIAA- to weigh in zolotniks. MbICK,bIJI mockery, sneer, gibe; ... BOJIto become the subject of mockery; ... ETto mock, jeer. MbICK,bIJI,ZJA- to mock, tease, make fun of. ΜΜΛ licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra); ... TAMblPbl licorice root. MblflyJIAV to mew. MblK, small nail with a head. MblKTA- to fasten. MblKJAO BAMJIA- to tie up tightly. MblKJbl strong, durable, solid. MbIKJbIJIbIK, strength, durabUity. ΜΒΙΚ,ΙΠΗβ- to bend /intr./, bow, stoop. MbIK,bIH side (of a man), groins. MbIK,bIHbIHA ΤΑΛΗ- to put one's arms akimbo. MblK,blP short person, undersized, dwarfish. MblH thousand; ... yUhlll TOJIY one thousandth anniversary; ... )KbIJIflbIK, 144







MblHJlAFAH thousand (speaking of numbers measured in thousands). MblUblHfflbl thousandth. MblFbIM 1) strong, solid, firm; 2) /iron./ big, weighty, impressive (in the meaning of "would-be" or "self-styled"). MI3AH /obs./ October. MIH 1) shortage, deficiency, defect, roughness; 2) to get on board of or enter or mount a means or conveyance (ship, horse, train, etc.); ... ΤΑΚ /f./ to look for or find out deficiencies. MfHEE a platform from which speeches are given, dais, stage, scaffolding. MIHFEC- 1) to mount double (for example, on a horse); 2) to heap one upon another /intr./. ΜΙΗΓΙ3- to seat someone on a horse. MlHflET 1) problem, task, object; 2) duty, obligation, debt; ... ET- to make it someone's duty to do something /tr./; ... K,bIJIto make it incumbent (upon), to oblige /tr./. MIHAETTE see ΜΙΗ,Ο,ΕΤ K,tIJT. ΜΙΗβΕΤΤΕΜΕ obligation. ΜΙΗβΕΤΤΕΗ- to pledge oneself, to take on obligations. ΜΙΗβΕΤΤΤ obliged /adj./; ... EOJ1 to have an obligation to someone concerning something. M1HAETIH ATKAPVlUbl acting (director, etc.). MIH.IUP- to put someone on horseback. Ml HE 1) /part./ there, behold, there is, there now; 2) to eliminate defects of objects, to level an uneven surface; 3) /fig./ to expose or eliminate shortcomings; 4) /col./ to criticize. M1HE3 1) character; 2) conduct, behavior; ... E3rEUIEJIin traits of character. MIHE3AE- to describe, to characterize. ΜΙΗΕ3ΛΕΜΕ summary of one's moral characteristics; ... BEP- to make a description of someone's moral and intellectual traits. M1HEKEM see MIHE. Ml HEP 5KAK, left side. MIHET- 1) to take away, take off, shorten; 2) to break off one little piece after another. MIHC13 irreproachable, without a defect. Μ I HI see MIHE /part./. MIHICKEP well trained horse (for riding). MTP 1) emir; 2) gentleman, Mr., the master.

M1P/PH OFfalHAAM /fig./ sharp, caustic, biting (tongue). MICE TVT- 1) to abstain, refrain; 2) to suffer, endure. MIHJ1PJ1E- to mutter, speak indistinctly. MYEA A /book./ 1) despite, suddenly, contrary to expectation; 2) fortunately, by the way. ΜΥΓΕΛΕΚ cripple. ΜΥΓΕβΕΚΤΕΗ- to become a cripple. ΜΥΓΕβΕΚΤΙΚ disablement. MY ZJE expectation, hope, wish, interest. ΜΥβΠΕΓΕ )KET- to get one's wish. MYAAEJIEC those having a common interest (in something). MYAAEJII interested; TIKEJ1EM ... directly interested (in something). MYflET short time. MYAIP- to falter, stammer. MYfllPMEH OK- to read fluently, smoothly. MY5K- to gnaw round. MYB APbl hornet. MYM13 horn; KOUIKAP ... 1) sheep's horn; 2) a kind of ornament. ΜΥΜΙ3ΛΕ- 1) to butt; 2) /fig./ to attack, to drive out. MYMI3AI horned. MYH13CI3 hornless. MYMIC 1) cape, promontory; 2) river peninsula; 3) cosy nook. MYK moss; ... EC- to get covered with moss. MYKTI mossy, moss-grown. MYKI insufficient; ...-TAKtl just barely. MYJIAHbIM humble, meek. MYJirE- to sit in thoughtfulness. MYJI,HE very. MYJl/JEM absolutely, finally, completely. MYJ1TIK deficiency, defect, trouble. MYJ1TIKI3 perfect, exact. MYJIIK property, estate. MYMKIH possible, possibly, perhaps, permissible. MYMKIHAIK possibility, chance, opportunity. MYMKIHI1IIJ1IK possibility, the requisite conditions. MYCIH figure. MYCIHJU stately, well-proportioned (of a person's stature); ... C03 figurative expression. MYCIPKE- to sympathize with someone in misfortune; to pity; to help during misfortune. 1) /coll./ helpless, incapable;



M JIfllP

2) homeless, needy; 3) /book./ wanderer, traveler. MYCaniPJIIK 1) /book./ homelessness, need; 2) /col./ helplessness, incapacity. MYTE bed bug. MYTT9MIM swindler. MYfflE 1) part of the body, limb; 2) member (of a political party, union, government agency, scientific organization, etc.); 3) part of the sentence; 4) a horse-race prize presented by girls to one of the contestants at the occasion of a holiday; 5) /math./ member. MYfflEJI (by animal chronology signifies a period of 12 years). MYfflEJlE- to cut a carcass to pieces. MYfflEJlIK that which refers to membership; ... 5KAPHA membership dues. MYfflKE Russian cow. MY3 ice; ... KETV drifting ice, debacle. MY3AK, Κ,ΑΡ neve, firn. ΜΥ3ΛΑ- to become covered with ice, to freeze. ΜΥ3ΛΑΪΪ cold (like ice). Μ Y3flAH OMFAH TECIK hole cut in the ice. ΜΥ3ΛΑΤ- to cool greatly /tr./, to freeze /tr./. ΜΥ3£ΑΚ, I) granular snow; 2) glazed frost, sheet ice. MY3AbI icy, very cold; ... EYJIAK. spring with very cold water. ΜΥΗΑίί petroleum, rock-oil, crude oil, mineral oil; ... MYHAPAJIAPbl oil derricks; ... ΤΑΡΤΚ,ΕΙΙΙΙ pipeline, oil pipe; ... mblFAPy oil production; ... Κ,ΟίίΜΑ oil tank; ... GH lPICI oil industry. MYHAHIIIbl owner of oil-wells, oil industrialist. MYHAH EACKA besides this /adv./; ... COH, after this. MYHAP mirage, haze, sultry air, mist, fog in hot weather. MYHAPA 1) tower; 2) minaret; ... KV^blK, water-tower. MYHAPJIAH- to be enveloped in a light smoke or haze. MYHAPJlbl cloudy, overcast, foggy. MYHAPT- see MYHAPJIAH-. MYHAA here. ΜΥΗ,ΖΙΑΪί such, since, for the reason that. MYHbl this (accusative case of EYJI). MYHblH (genitive case of EYJI). ΜΥΡΑ 1) legacy, heritage, inheritance; 2) monument (memorial). ΜΥΡΑΓΕΡ heir.

ΜΥΡΑΤ aim, wish, object. MYPATKA )KET- to achieve one's aim. MYP)KA chimney. MYPCAT see MYPIUA. MYPT moustache. MYPTTL·! with a moustache, whiskered. MYPWH 1) nose; 2) snout; 3) /geogr./ foothill; 4) /geogr./ cape, promontory; ... KAHAV nose-bleed; TAHKbl ... snubnose; K,bIP ... straight nose. ΜΥΡΙΠΑ leisure. MYPblHUbl big-nosed. MYPblH^blK 1) wedge stuck in nose cartilage of a camel to which the bridle is attached; 2) small linch-pin (of a cart). MYPblHCbB noseless. MYCATblP sal ammoniac, ammonium chloride. MYCblJIMAH Mohammedan. MYCblJIMAH blK, Mohammedanism. MYXHT ocean; COJ1TYCTIK MY3#bI ... Arctic Ocean. ΜΥΚ,Α- 1) to be defeated, conquered, annihilated ; 2) to blunt (of cutting metal tools) /tr./. MY^AJIbin KAJI- to become blunt. MYK.AJIT- to make blunt. ΜΥΚ,ΑΤ-1) to defeat, win a victory, break the resistance of an adversary; 2) to offend (selfesteem). ΜΥΚ,ΤΑ^Κ needy; ... EOJI- to need, to be hard up. ΜΥΚ,ΤΑ3ΚΛΜΐς need, neediness. MYKJASCflblKKA TYC- to be in great need (of). MYKJAHCCbB fairly well-to-do, financially secure. MYK,bIJI hornless (of a cow). MYK,bLflT orderly, punctual, industrious, careful. MYK^IflTTblK, accuracy, punctuality. MYH, 1) melancholy, sadness, sorrow, ennui; 2) request. ΜΥΗ,ΑΜ- 1) to sorrow, grieve; 2) to resent, feel hurt. ΜΥΗ,ΑΜΤ- to sadden /tr./, offend. MYH,,ZJAC a sharer of joys and grief, one who experiences common sadness or grief with others. ΜΥΗ,,Π,ΕΙ 1) sad, sorrowful, mournful; 2) melodious. MYH,CbI3 well-to-do. MYFAJIIM teacher. MQJlfflP transparent, limpid, clean, clear,


ΜΘΛβΙΡΕpure; ... ΚΘ3 /fig./ bright (beautiful) eyes; ΜΘΠ-... absolutely transparent. ΜΘ.ΠΉΙΡΕ- to be transparent, clear, clean. ΜΘΛΜ- to look pleadingly, to look expectantly at someone, something. ΜΘΛΤυΐ,ΠΕ- 1) to tremble slightly, to gleam (of eyes); 2) to overfill /intr./. ΜΘΛΙΠΕΡ limit, definite quantity. MeJIIUEPJlE- to determine the limit, to estimate. ΜΘΡ 1) seal; 2) cusps on molars; ... BAG- to affix a seal. M6HK- I) to rush, dash aside, to shy (of unridden horses); 2) /fig./ to become angry, to be obstinate. MGHIPE- to low, moo. M9 1) here, take (it); 2) /exclamation of astonishment/. M9#EHH cultured, cultural. M9AEHHET culture, civilization; VJlTTfalK ... national culture. M9AEHHETCI3AIK want of culture, ignorance. M9/JEHHETT1 cultured, cultural, civilized. M95KEYP constrained, forced; ... ET- to force. M95KJIIC conference, session, sitting. M93KHYH half-witted, foolish, cracked, God's fool. M93KHYHAIK madness, foolish behavior. M93 glad, satisfied; ... BOJ1- to be glad; ... M9ftPAM BOJ1- to rejoice, to become glad. Μ9ίΪΕΚ rennet. M9J1FYH evil spirit.

M9HTLJIIK M9JIIM well-known; ... ET- to inform of, to make known. M9JlIMflE- to inform, announce, publish. M9JIIMAEME statement, notification, information, report. M9J1IM^EH- to introduce oneself. M9JIIMET knowledge, information, intelligence. M9JIIin sheep (of Russian breed). M9MJIE agreement, transaction. M9H meaning, sense. M9H.ZJEC having the same meaning; ... CeS^EP /gram./ synonyms. Μ9ΗΛΙ meaningful, pithy, significant. M9HEP pattern, design. M9HEPJIE- to decorate (with a design). Μ9ΗΕΡΛΕΠ OK- to read expressively. M9HCI3 meaningless; ... C©3 nonsense. M9HTI dumplings. M9HIC see M9H. M9IIEJIE- to take care of someone attentively, zealously. M9PMEP marble. M9CEJ1E question, problem. M9CEJIEH for example. M9CJ1MXAT /book./ council, advice, approval. M9CI soft leather boots. M9TEK floe. W/ 1) dandy; 2) drunkard. M9TEJ1 proverb, saying. Μ9ΗΓΙ eternal, eternally. M9IinEAKblfi for ever. M9HTXJIIK eternity, eternal; ... 1C unending business.


H navigation /n. & adj./. HA^AH ignoramus, know-nothing. HA AH/JtlK, ignorance. HA>KAFAH lightning. HA3 1) coquetry, finicality, mincing manners; 2) caprice. HA3AP attention, gaze; ... CAJ1 to pay attention. HAS AH- to flirt, to indulge in caresses, to give oneself airs, pose, clown. HA3,HbI delicate, effeminate, coddled (of a child). HA3AWK, affection, finicalness. HA 3A lance, spear. ΗΑΗ3ΑΓΕΡ skilful spearman. HAftSAJlA- to pierce with a spear. HAfl3AJIAC- to stab one another with a spear. HAK3AFAM lightning. HAH3AFAMJIbI EVJIT thunder cloud. HAftKAJI- to whirl /intr./ uselessly around something; to stay too long. HAJ1- to grieve, suffer, regret. HAJIOF tax; ... CAJI to tax. HAJlblPJlblK, that about which it is worth grieving. HAMA3 prayer, blessing, benediction; ... OK,to pray, offer prayers. HAMASIUblJI devout, pilgrim. HAMbIC 1) honor; 2) shame. HAMbICCbI3 dishonest, dishonorable. HAMblCTAH- 1) to be ashamed (of), to shame /intr./; 2) to be displeased (with), to take offence. HAMblCTAH/JblP- to wound someone's honor, to shame /tr./, to make someone ashamed. HAMblCTbl honest, conscientious, blameless;... K.OJIAAH BEP- to disgrace oneself. HAMblCKOP touchy (one who prizes his honor). HAH bread (baked). HAH- to believe. HAHAH^blK, ignorance, illiteracy. - to assure, persuade, convince.

assurance. HAHUIbl baker, one who sells bread. HAHWM faith, trust. HAHblMFIAS trusting, credulous. HAHFbllll trusting, credulous. HAHFblUITblK, trustfulness, credulity. HAP dromedary. HAPA3bI unsatisfied, displeased; ... EOJ1- to be displeased. HAPA3bIJlbIK, pretension, dissatisfaction, discontent; ... ΕΙΛ,Π,ΙΡ- to state a grievance, to express dissatisfaction. HAPJIblK courage, fortitude; ... KBPCETto display courage. HAPblH a dish made of finely sliced meat and dough with broth. HAPblK, market price, value. HAC sloven, untidy, slovenly, unsanitary. HACAT lobs./ tall (of a man). HACATTAH- 1) to be susceptible to flattery; 2) to swagger, to be very conceited. HACATTblK, self-conceit, swagger, boasting, bragging. HACHXAT admonition, precept, direction. HACTblK, untidiness, slovenliness. HACblBAM 1) a sort of chewing tobacco; 2) snuff; ... AT to place "HacbioaH" (1) behind the lips or under the tongue. HACblPFA IDAfl- 1) to have complications set in; 2) to lead to bad consequences. HAY A 1) gutter; 2) watering trough; 3) a trough conveying water for a water-wheel (of a mill). HAY AT sugar-candy (sugar in crystals), lumpsugar. HAYEAM11II baker. HAYPY3 lobs./ February. ΗΑΥΚ,ΑΗ campaign (as sowing c., harvesting c., etc.). HAYKAC I) illness; 2) sickly, ailing; 3) sick person. HAYKACTAH- to be ill. HAlJHOHAJTM3AUHfl nationalization. HAUMOHAJ1M3AUH JIA- to nationalize.




HAUHOHAJIM3AUH.HJ1AHFAH nationalized. HAII1A opium-like narcotic prepared from hemp flowers. HA11IAP wretched, poor, weak; ... AT jade (horse); ... Μ ATA fabric of inferior quality. HAULAPJIAH- to become worse, to become weak, to go into decline (of economy). HAUIAXAHA "nama" den. HAIIIAIHbl "Kama" smoker. HAK, exactly, just. ΗΑΚ,ΑΚ, 1) innocent, innocently; 2) vain, vainly; ... E9JIE slander, calumny, unjust attacks; ... B9JIE )ΚΑΠ- to slander. HAKAKJAH in vain, to no purpose; ... ΚΥΜΓΕΗΑΕΡ victims of a slander. HAKTbl 1) exactly; 2) real, genuine, concrete. HAKTblJlbl exact, concrete, real, definite, final; ... )KAJIAK,bI real wages. HAKJblJl legend. HAKbIC decoration, inlaid work; ... K.OHflblP- to inlay. HAK£ICTA- 1) to decorate with designs; 2) to carve, to inlay. HAK,bIIII see HAKbIC. HAK,¥PblC abnormal. HAK,¥PbICTAH- to become abnormal. HAFAIIlbl relatives on the mother's side; ... ΑΠΑ female relative on the mother's side; ... ATA grandfather on the mother's side; ... AFA oldest uncle on the mother's side; ... 1IIEIIIE grandmother on the mother's side. HAFbI3 1) real, the very, present; 2) clean, pure; ... AJITblH pure gold. ΗΕΓΙ3 1) basis; 2) principle. ΗΕΠ3ΓΙ 1) fundamental, basic; 2) of principle. ΗΕΠ3Λ1 valid, sounded, well founded, motivated. ΗΕΠ3ΙΗΛΕ on the whole, basically, in principle. HE,fl,9yiP quite a bit, considerably. HEHTPAHHTET neutrality; ... VCTA- to remain neutral. HEKE marriage, wedding. HEKEJIEC- to marry. HEKEJ1ECKEH EOJ1- to be married. HEKEJII TVPMbIC married life, marriage. HEKEH-CAflK. rarely, rarity, here and there. HEKECI3 celibate, unmarried; ... TYFAH BAJ1A natural child; ... T¥ PY Illbl roommate, lover. HEJIIKTEH why.

HEMEPE grand son (from son); ... ΑΠΑKAPblH/iAC first cousin (woman); ... AFA eldest (first) cousin (man); ... IHI youngest (first) cousin (man); ... K,bI3 grand daughter (from son). HEMEPEJ1EC one who has blood relatives in the third generation. HEMECE or. HEMEU, German /n./. HEMK,¥PAHAbI 1) indifferently, in a slipshod manner, carelessly; 2) secondary, insignificant, minor. ΗΕΜΚ,νΡΑΗ/ibIJIbIK, carelessness, negligence, indifferent attitude. HECEO urine. HECHE credit, debt; ... ΟΘ3 /fig./ gossip. HECHEFE- AJI to borrow. HETKEH what sort of, which. HEUIE how much; ... AJ1VAH various, diverse. HEfflEHIIIl which (one). HEUIEV how many; how much; bAPJlblFbl ... how many (much) altogether. HEUIIHUII see HE IEHU1I. HEFAftEblJT unknown, indefinite(-ly), doubtful(-ly). HEFVPJlblM insofar as, as far as, inasmuch as. HHET intention, purpose, plan; APAM ... perfidious design; BEPIK ... unwavering purpose. HMETTEH- to intend; to plan to undertake something. HMETTEC people, having the same intentions. HMETTI one who has some sort of intention; AK, ... honest, fair; XCAVBI3 ... illintentioned. HOJlb zero. HOMEP number. HOMEP COK,- to number. HOMEPJ1E- to number. HOMEPJ1EY numeration. HOMMHAJlflbl nominal. HOPMA norm, rate, quota; ΤΘ5ΚΡΜΒΕΛίΚCAHAKTBIK, ... experimental statistical norm. HOPMAJIA- to standardize, to ration. HOPMAJTAHFAH standardized, fixed, rationed. HOPMAJIAV rate setting, rationing HOTA 1) /dipl./ note; 2) /mus./ note. HOTBI /mus./ music (written or printed score of a musical composition). HOKTA halter.



HOKJAJIbl HOKTAJlbl haltered (animal). HOFAft Tartar. HOFAJIA wall-eye disease (of animals). HV 1) untouched, virgin (vegetation); 2) thicket; ... TOFAM thicket, virgin forest. HblCAHA 1) target, aim, goal, object; 2) sighting; 3) congenital physical defect. HblCAHAfflbl gunner. HblCAHAFA AJI- to aim. HblCAO see blHCAFl. HbICAnCbI3 1) unscrupulous, shameless; 2) greedy. HblCAnTbl meek, modest, conscientious. HblCATblP /MYCATblP/ sal ammoniac, ammonium chloride. HblluAHA sign, mark, omen, bad omen. HblK, strong, solid. HblKTAJI- to become stronger, to consolidate, to consolidate one's hold. HblFAH see HblKTAJI. HblFAMT to consolidate, to make stronger /tr./, to fasten. HbIFbI3 strong, firm, solid, compact, dense. HblFblSflAH- to become compact, dense. HIJI bluing. HYKTE point, period. HYKTEJII YTIP semicolon. HYP light, ray, beam; ... ΠΙΑΠΙ- to shine, radiate. HYPJIAH- to be lighted, to radiate. HYPJIbI 1) radiant, beaming, brilliant; 2) beautiful, handsome.

HYCKA original /n./, specimen; to show, instruct, to show with the hand, instruction, indication. instructor. HYCKAVniblJTblK, instructing. HYK,- to poke, to push slightly with the fist. ΗΘΓΕΡ /hist./ suite, retinue; court servant. ΗΘΜΙΡ see HOMEP. H9MIPJ1E- to number. ΗΘΟΕΡ downpour. H93IK 1) thin; 2) weak; 3) elegant, refined, delicate. H93IKTEH- to become thin, weak. H93IKTIK 1) thinness, slimness; 2) delicacy, fineness; 3) elegance, refinement. H9K a kind of pear. H9JI horseshoe. H9H cumbersome, huge. H9IICI desire, appetite. H9P 1) nourishment, snack, edibles, victuals; 2) satisfaction, pleasure; ... TAT- to have a bite to eat. H9PECTE baby, infant. H9PJII nourishing, nutritious. H9PCE thing, object; BIP ... something. H9CIJ1 1) parentage, lineage, progeny, descendants; 2) race; 3) generation. H9CIJ1AEC kinsman. ΗΘΤΗ5ΚΕ result, consequence. H9TH5KECI3 futile, without result. H9TM5KECI3flIK futility.


ο ΟΒΑ 1) barrow, mound, tumulus; 2) cholera; ... AVPVEI epidemic of cholera. OBAJ1 1) it is a pity; 2) offensively; 3) sin. OBAJICblH- to take pity. OBJIMFAUHa /fin./ bond. OBJltlC province, territory. OBO3 1) string of loaded carts; 2) /mil./ transport, train. OBPA3 /art./ image. OEPA3AbI figurative, picturesque;... TYPffE figuratively. OBPOK tax. OECEPBATOPMfl observatory. OEI11MHA rural community. OBBIP 1) glutton, insatiable; 2) vampire. OEblPJIblK, gluttony, insatiability. OBTbEKT object. ΟΒΊ,ΕΚΤΜΒΤΙ objective, unbiased; ... TYPJ\E objectively. ΟΕΈΕΚΤΜΒΤΙΚ objectivity, impartiality. O#AK, union, association. OZIAKJAC allied, ally, associate. ΟΛΑΚ,ΤΑΟ to enter in an alliance (with one another), to conclude an alliance (with one another). O,HAFAH /gram./ interjection. O AFAHJTAH see OKJIIAVJIAH. O blPAH to look, displaying scorn, hostility; to stare. OflblPAHOA to give oneself airs, to be on the rampage. O5KAP arrogant, impertinent, rude. O3KAPJIAH to become arrogant, to treat (someone) rudely. O5KAV wooden scoop, wooden ladle. CWKblPAfl to sit clumsily. O3AT advanced, foremost, headmost; ... OKVUIbl honor student. O3ATTbIK, leading In.I, outstripping. O3BBIP usurper. O3BbIPJlAH to encroach, to usurp. OSBblPJIblK, usurpation, encroachment; ... 5KACA to encroach (upon). O3bin KET to leave behind, to out-distance.

O3blC race, competition, to take part in a race, to try to surpass one another in work, etc. O3bICTbIP- to organize horse races. O3MK, one who is in front, one who is in the front ranks. OM 1) thought, idea; 2) hollow, cavity; 3) lowland, depression; 4) oh!; 5) to cut through, hollow out, make deeper; 6) to engrave, carve; ... ΕΉΕΕΠ mental work; ... 5KEP lowland; ... HAPACAT intellect, mind; ... 9PEKETI intellectual pursuits; 5KAJ1AH, ... a bare thought. ΟΪΪΕΑίϊ oh, oh! OftEAftJIA- to complain loudly. OMBAfiJIAT- to cause to shout out, roar loudly. OftflAJlA lowland. OH^AFEI imaginary. Of AFblAAM (to do something) properly; ... EMEC unsuccessful, vain. Οίϊ,ΟΗΜ hollow. OftJLV to think; AJl^bl-APTTbl ... to think of the consequences. OMJIAM TYC- to meditate for awhile. OHJlAMAfiblHinA rashly. OilJIAMAVmblJlblK recklessness. OftJIAMAFAH )ΚΕΡ,ΠΕΗ unexpectedly. OftJIAH- to reflect, ponder. OiJJIAHflblP- to puzzle, to induce to become thoughtful. OfiJIAHV meditation, reflection. OMJIAHblJIFAH well considered. OftJIAHbin-TOJIFAH- to reflect, ponder. ΟίΐΛΑΠ EAftKA- to consider, to think over. Ο&ΓΙΑΠ ΤΑΠ- to devise, invent; ... T¥P- to spend a little time in reflection; ... T¥PMACTAH not intending, hastily; ... inblFAP- to devise, contrive; ... Κ,ΑΡΑ- to think (of, about), guess, hit upon. O JIAC- 1) to think about something together; 2) to discuss, consider, exchange opinions.



OMJIACV OMJIACy PETIHAE in the order of discussion. OftjIATTblP- sec OMJIAHflblP-. OMJ1AY meditation, reflection. OMJlbl 1) reasonable, sober-minded; 2) one who has a determination, desire; 3) rugged (country); ... )KEP rolling country; ...-K,bIPJIbI )KEP uneven, rugged country. ΟΜΜΑ 1) carving, /tech./ threading; 2) deep pit; ... EATKAK deep swamp. OMMAK thimble. OMHA- 1) to play (v.); 2) to amuse oneself, gambol, joke. OMHAJI- 1) to be cast or drawn (as of lots); 2) to be presented, shown, produced (a play). ΟΜΗΑΠ AMT- to say in jest; ... AJ1- to play a bit, to be frisky; ... JKIEEP- to play. OMHAT- 1) to draw lots for a loan on the government lottery; 2) to tread (on), to advance, attack; >KAVFA AT- ... to attack an opponent. OHHAVFA KIPIC- to start to play. OMHAK, open place where games and entertainment take place; K,bI3 ... place where youngsters meet and play; K,¥JTAH ... place where wild asses gather. OMHAKTA- to play, frolic, romp, joke. ΟίίΠΑΤ lowland, low place, depression. OMOAH /geogr./ hollow, lowland. ΟΜΠΑΗΛΑΥ )KEP slightly lower place. OiinblPblM-AM good gracious! ΟΜ-ΠΙΚΙΡ idea, notion. ΟίίΡΑΗ destruction, ruin; ... KbIJI- to destroy. OMCfalPA- to suffer great damage, losses. OftCblPAFI KEM- to greatly decrease. OMCblPAFAH 3ΜΛΗ irreparable damage. OMIIIblJI thinker. OWblH 1) play, game; 2) prank, joke, fun; ...-CAVblK, entertainment, amusement; ... EMEC no joke; ... K,VPAJlbI musical instrument; ...-KYJ1KI fun, amusement. OiibIHCbI3 without joking, perfectly seriously. OMblHIIIblK, toy. OMblC 1) concave; 2) to break, cut jointly with someone else; 3) to go not directly, but by a longer route. OnblK, 1) ice-hole (man-made); 2) mark on the ear (of animals). OMK,ACTA- to go, avoiding a meeting with someone. OMK£U1 hollow. OMFA EAT-1) to become absorbed in thought.

become thoughtful; 2) to meditate, ponder; ... TYC- to call to mind, to recall;... UIOM1) to lose oneself in dreams, be lost in reverie; 2) to meditate, ponder, be lost in thought; ... K.AJ1- to become thoughtful; ... K.AJI,fl,bIP- to puzzle, perplex, abash someone. ΟΚΚΥΠΑΗΤ occupationist, invader. OKKVriAIJUH /mil./ occupation. ΟΚΡΥΓ district. ΟΚΤΛΕΡΕ October. OJ1 he, she, it, that; ... )KAKJA on that side. OJ1AM so, thus; ... EOJIMACA otherwise; ... EOJ1FAH ΚΥΗΛΕ in that case; ...-EYJIAV1 this way, that way, and every way. OJTAP they. OJIAK incapable to do anything, clumsy. OJIAKTblK inability. OJ13KA booty, spoils. OJ13KAJ1A- 1) to procure, obtain, acquire, earn; 2) to plunder. OJmAJTAH- see OJDKAJ1A-. OJI3KAFA EAT- to be full of loot. OJlK,bI 1) not closely holding on, not tightly fitting, dangling, hanging loosely; 2) not filled, not full. OJIKEIJIAH- 1) to work loose, get loose (of a machine, etc.); 2) to lower, go down (of the tempo of work). OJlKblJlblK, 1) a loose fining of one object to another; 2) inferiority, inadequacy; 3) gap, break. OJlK,bICbIH- 1) not to be content (with); 2) to consider beneath one's dignity. OMAPTA beehive. OMAK.A marking of the border between two plots of land by the construction of an embankment separating them. OMAKA TVPFbIB- to construct an embankment showing the border between two plots of land. OMAKAC- to fall head over heels. OMEbl Κ,ΑΡ snow drift. OMEEIJIA- to get stuck in a deep snow drift. OMPAV see OMblPAV. OMblP- 1) to break off; 2) to dismember, to divide in parts (a carcass). OMblPAV breast, chest, bust, bosom; ... AflAM assertive, pushing person. OMblPAVJIA- 1) to push things out of the way with one's chest; 2) /fig./ to stop at nothing to force one's way. OMblPAVJlAO ΚΘΤΕΡ- to lift (a \\ eight) with one's chest.




OMblPAVJIAT- to press with the breast of one's horse. OMblPAYJIblK breastplate, pectoral breastpiece (of a horse). OMblPTKA vertebra, spinal column; ... CYHEKTEPI spinal column; ΑΡΚ,Α ... spinal column. OMblPTKAJlbl )ΚΑΗΥΑΡΛΑΡ vertebrates /zool./. OMblPTKAJlblJlAP vertebrates /zool./. OMblPTKACbI3 5KAHVAPJIAP invertebrates. OMblPTKACbBMAP invertebrates /zool./. OH ten; ... AJITbl sixteen; ... AJITbWAH El P one sixteenth; ... AJITblHIIIbl sixteenth; ... BACbl foreman; ... EEC fifteen; ... EEC1HUII fifteenth; ... E1P eleven; ... EIPIHIHI eleventh; ... ECE APTTblP10 increase tenfold; ... KYH/JIK ten-day /adj./; ... COM ten rubles; ... TOFbO nineteenth; ... TOFbI3bIHUIbI nineteenth; ... ΤΘΡΤ fourteen; ... ΤΘΡΤΙΗΙΠΙ fourteenth; ... UIAMAJIbl see OH IUAK,TbI; ... UIAKTbl about ten. OHAH from there, from him; ... COM, after that, later. OHAA there. OHflblK, ten (as a round number); ... CAH AP even tens. OHHAH EIP one tenth. ΟΗΠ1Α so much; so many; not very; ... ΚΘΠ EMEC not so much. OH1I1AMA see ΟΗΠ1Α. OHblHUIbl tenth. OHFA ΤΑΡΤΑ to (as far as) ten, till ten. ΟΠ- to eat up, gorge, swallow. ΟΠΑ 1) powder; 2) faithfulness, loyalty; ... DKAK,- to powder. OnAJIA- to powder. OnACbI3 1) traitor; 2) double-dealer. OHACbDJJblK l) treachery, betrayal; 2) double-dealing; 3) craft, insidiousness. ΟΠΑΤ death; ... EOJI- to pass away, to decease; ... EOJTFAH the deceased, the departed. ΟΠΕΡΑ opera. OOEPAJIblK opera /adj./; operatic. ΟΠΕΡΑΤΙΙ,ίΙΛ /med./ operation; ... 5KAC to operate. ΟΠΠΑ 1) marsh, bog; 2) swampy, marshy; 3) snow drift; ... )KEP muddy, swampy place. OnnAJlA- to get stuck in a bog or in a snow drift.

ΟΠΠΟ3ΜΙΙΜΛ opposition. OnnOSHUHflJIblK oppositional. OnnOPTyHMCT opportunist. ΟΠΠΟΡΤΥΗΜΟΤΙΚ opportunist /adj./. ΟΠΤΗΚ optician, optical. ΟΠΤΜΚΑ optics. OflTHMMCT optimist. OnTMMHCTIK optimism. ΟΠΒΙΗ- 1) to regret (something), to pity; 2) to be vexed, to bemoan. OnblP- to pull off, to play havoc, to destroy, to blow up; ...-TOHblP bustle, turmoil; ...-TOnblP EOJI- to start fussing about. OFIblPblK, toothless. OOblK, regret, pity; ... )KE to regret bitterly. OP 1) pit, ditch; 2) /mil./ trench, dug-out, wolf-hole; 3) dark-red color (of animals); 4) to reap; ... Κ.ΟΛΗ see ΟΡΚΟΛΗ. OPA- l) to envelop, enfold, wrap up, tie up; 2) /sport/ to give a back-heel (in Kazakh wrestling). OPAM 1) lock of hair; 2) possibility, spare time. OPAJI- 1) to wrap, cover oneself up; 2) to wind oneself (round); 3) to fall into a net; 4) to return /intr./. OPAJ1V trade turnover. OPAJlblM race course. OPAJIblMAbI adroit, agile. OPAJ1FAH wound /adj./. OPAJIFbl obstacle, hindrance, brake. OPAM bundle, bunch, package, skein, hank, wrapping /n./, covering /n./. OPAMAJ1 handkerchief, kerchief, towel. OPAMflbl exciting, eloquent. OPAH- to wrap oneself up. OPAHbin-KblMTAH- to wrap oneself up. ΟΡΑΗ»(ΕΡΕΛ greenhouse. OPACAH very, too much. OPATOP orator. OPAV packing, wrapping, bandaging. OPAK l) sickle; 2) harvest, harvesting; ... AH month of harvesting; niAJIFbl ... scythe; KOJI ... sickle. OPAKlUbl harvester, reaper. ΟΡΓΑΗ organ (part of organism). OPFAHHKAJlblK organic. OP^A 1) center, seat; 2) /hist./ Khanate headquarters. OP AJIbl gregarious. ΟΡΛΑΗΛΑ- to jump up clumsily. OP/JEH order (badge of distinction; organization). OPJIEP warrant, order, writ.



ΟΡΜΓΜΗΑΛ OPHFHHAJI original. ΟΡΜΓΗΗΑ,Π,α,ΒΙ original /adj./. OPKECTP orchestra. OPJIA- 1) to dig a hole or trench; 2) to drain by means of a ditch. OPMAH forest; ... MAMAHbl sylviculturist, forester; ... FIEPICI /folk-lore/ woodgoblin; ... ΘΟΡΥ forestry, sylviculture. OPMAHCbB woodless. OPMAHIIIbl forest ranger, OPHA- to settle, take up residence, consolidate one's position. OPHAJIAC- to get a place, settle /intr./, find a job. OPHAJIACTblP- to place, arrange, dispose, settle /tr./. OPHAC- see OPHAJIAC-. OPHATV building, structure. OPHblHZJA to the point, opportunely. OPHblK,- to become certain (that). OPTA 1) middle /n./; 2) middle /adj./, average; 3) not full (of a vessel); 4) surroundings, environs, midst; ... FACblP the Middle Ages. OPTΑ/ΙΑ in the middle. OPTA l- to diminish, decrease. OPTAJIblK, center, central. OPTAH 5KIJIIK thigh-bone, femur; ... K.OJ1 middle finger. OPTAHUIbl the middle one (second of three children). OPTAIIIA 1) average, middle; 2) intermediate, interstitial; 3) medium; 4) fair (an evaluation in an educational institution); ... IIIAPVA middle peasant (moderately well-to-do). OPTAK, general, common; Ε9ΡΙΜΙ3ΓΈ ... common to all (of us); OPTAK, ... in two, half-and-half. OPTAKJAC- 1) to share with someone (sadness, happiness); 2) to portion out. ΟΡΦΟΓΡΑΦΗΛ orthography, spelling. ΟΡΦΟΓΡΑΦΜΉΛΜΚ, orthographical). OPblH 1) place; 2) job, work, post; ... AJ1to occupy a place; ... BACAP see OPblHBACAP; ... I3AE- to look for a job. OPblHBACAP substitute. OPblHM- to execute, fulfill; ICTI ... to complete the work. OPblFWAJIATblH K,AFA3 /leg./ act of execution. OPblHflAyillbl executor, performer; COT KAPAPLIH .-· bailiff. OPblHAbI 1) appropriate, timely; 2) having a place.

OPblHAblK, chair, stool. OPbIHCbl3 inappropriate, untimely. OPbIC Russian. OPblClIlA in Russian, in a Russian manner. OPFAK, see OPAK,. OC- to cut, to wound, to scratch deeply (with fingernails or claws). OCAJ1 weak. OCAJTAAH- to grow weak. OCAimblK, weakness. OCI1AKTA- 1) to obtain from someone admission of something in a roundabout way; 2) to achieve one's purpose by means of intimidation. OCbl this; ...-AK only this, that is all; ... KYHI at that time. OCblAAH from this; ... EACTAH starting from this; ... KEftlH after this. OCblJIAM thus, so, in this manner; ... ΕΤΙΠ thus. OCLIH^AM such, that sort of; ff$Jl ... exactly such. OCblHflAfimA with such occurrences, at the time, when. OCblHIlIA how many, how much, so many, so much. OCblHblH, Θ3Ι this very. OCKblP- to snort (of a horse). OT 1) fire /gen. & mil./, conflagration; 2) grass; ... AJ1MAV misfire; ... ΑΙΠ- to open fire (begin to shoot); ... AFACbl head of family; ... )KAK,- to light a fire; ... AAFVIUbl stoker, furnaceman; ... KEME steamship; ... CAJI- to set fire (to); ... CGHAIPnillfire-extinguisher; ... TYTATto kindle a fire. OTA- to weed. OTABACbl head of family. OTAH- to be overgrown with thick grass. OTAJI- to flash, blaze up, break out (fire). OTAH native country, fatherland; ... K.OPFAY MMHHCTPJlin department of defense. OTAH AC compatriot. OTAP 1) flock of sheep; 2) remote pasture; 3) colony; ... EJI^EP colonial countries. OTAPBA /obs./ train. OTAPJIA- to colonize. OTAPDIblJI colonialist, colonizer. OTAPUIblJIAblK, colonization. OTAC- to live together (of matrimony). OTAV 1) weeding; 2) a married couple living apart from husband's parent's family; 3) yurt of young people.




OTAIIIL·! horse doctor, farrier. OTAK, weeds. OTAFACbl 1) courteous address to an older man; 2) /hist./ the elder of a yurt. OTHOCHTEJIbflIK relative /adj./. ΟΤΡΛΛ /mil./ detachment, detail. OTTA- 1) to graze, pasture /int./; 2) to talk nonsense. OTTAT to feed, let graze. ΟΤΤΕΓΙ oxygen. OTTblK, 1) feeding-trough; 2) match (to make a fire); 3) lobs./ flint; ... TAG flint. OTbI3 thirty. OTbI3bIHIIIbI thirtieth. OTblH firewood, fuel;... 5KAP- to chop wood. OTblHIUbl APOBOCEK wood-cutter, woodsman. OTblP- 1) to sit, sit down; 2) to be located; 3) /deser./ after gerund on -bin, -ΙΠ, -Π of the main verb indicates the durability of the action expressed by the latter. As: on xixan OKbin οτΒΐρ - he is reading a book.

OTblPbin mblK- to serve one's sentence. OTblPbIC sitting (without doing anything), to take seats. OTblPblKIUbl settled (as opposed to nomadic). OTblPblKIHbUIblK, settled way of life (as opposed to nomadic). OTblK,- to begin to feed on grass (of younger animals). OTKA IHbl/JAMAbl fireproof. ΟΦΗΙ4ΕΡ officer. OOMIJtlAHT waiter. O1IIAK, hearth, fireplace. OIIIAFAH burr, particularly agrimony (Agrimonia) or burdock (Arctium). OIHAFAHHblH, MAHbl burdock oil. OK) decorative pattern, design, ornament. OKDJIA- to make a design, to embroider. OKDJlbl embroidered, figured, patterned. OlOIIIbl engraver. OK>K pit. ΟΛ3 deepening. ΟΛ3ΛΑΥ less deep. ΟΛ3Ι>ΙΡΑΚ, deeper. ΟΛΗ- to wake up /intr./, to awake. ΟΛΤ- to wake up /tran./, to awaken. ΟΛΥ reality, when one is awake. OK, 1) bullet; 2) arrow; ... AFAffl shaft, pole, beam; ... >KbIJIAH see OK,}KbIJIAH; ... TVTK,bIUI cartridge clip, iron ring; UTAIITblPblM »CEP within shooting distance; ... mOHTAM cartridge belt, bandolier.

OKA golden or silver lace, galloon, braid. OKAJ1A- to sew on lace or braid. OKAJIbl embroidered with braid. ΟΚΑΠ hole (in a road). OKACbl 5KOK, /fig. expr./' there is nothing special (in him, it). OIOKblJIAH mythological snake. ΟΚΠΑΚ, /zool./ bittern. OKCY nausea. OK,CbIT- to feel nauseous. ΟΚ,ΤΑ- to load, charge (a gun, etc.); ...-TEKTE sometimes, now and then. OKJAJI- 1) to be loaded (of a gun); 2) to threaten with something, raise one's hand against somebody. OKTAV rolling-pin (for dough), beater (for laundry). OKTbl loaded (of a gun). OKTblH-OKTblH from time to time. 1) studies; 2) education. , textbook. 1) pupil, student; 2) reader (person). ΟΚΙΙΙΑΗΤΑΪΪ l) leather pouch for shot; 2) /hist./ bandolier. OKIHAV lonely, solitary, separated. OKfflAyJlAH- to avoid, shun. OKbl- 1) to read; 2) to learn, study. OKblfiFA case, incident. OKklMAFAH uneducated, ignoramus. OKblMAFAHflblK lack of education. OKblMblCTbl educated, scholar, learned person. OKblMblCTblJIblK, good education, culture, civilization (as applied to a person). OKbin AJ1- to read a little; ... BITIP- to read to the end, to finish reading; ... fflblK- to read through. OKblPA 1) flaw, defect; 2) gadfly (of cattle). OKblPJIblK fit for reading. OKbIC suddenly, unexpectedly, carelessly. OK,bIT- to teach, instruct. OKblTTblP to give to someone to read. OKtlTVUIbl teacher. OKLIFAH AAAM educated person. OH 1) success, good luck; 2) facade, right side (of material); 3) right (location); 4) to succeed /v./; 5) to lose color, fade /v./, wither; ... 5KAK. right side; ... 5KAKKA to the right (of); ... )KAFbI face, front; ... ΤΑΡΑΠΚΑ to the right side; ... KOJ1 right hand. OUAft easy. OHA JIA- 1) to make comfortable, con-




venient; 2) to make easier, facilitate; 3) to put in order. OUAHJIAH- to become easy, to straighten itself out. OHAHJIAT- see OUAiUIA-. OHAMJ1LIK, comfort, convenience. OUAHCbB uncomfortable, inconvenient, uncomfortably. OIJAflCbBAAH- to become uncomfortable, to go wrong, to find it difficult. OH,A CbI3,a;AH,ZU>IP- to hamper, embarass, to cause someone trouble. OH.EAFAH good-for-nothing, stupid, confused. OliBAFblP a damnation, malediction (literally: May you not be lucky!). - to repair, correct. OTblP- to sit comfortably;

... TYP- to be prepared (for something), to be in readiness. OHIlAfiJIL·! proper, appropriate, suitable. OFmAftCbBAblK, inconvenience, discomfort, difficulty. OHHAftCbBAblKKA VIIIblPA- to get into an awkward situation. OHJIAJI- to improve /intr./. OHUbl good, excellent, decent, proper; ...-CO-TWbl right and left, topsy-turvy. OHTYCTIK south; ... BATbIC southwest; ... IIIblFbIC southeast. ΟΗΚΑΪί right-hander; ... ACblK, the right ankle-bone of a sheep, used for games. OH.FA- to the right. OHFAK, fading, fadable. OFAH to him, to it.


π ΠΑ /ΠΕ, ΜΑ-ME, ΒΑ-ΒΕ/ /particle indicating a question/. ΠΑ oh! ΠΑΒ-HJIbOH pavilion. ΠΑΑΑ /local W, S/ herd of cattle. HAflAUIbl /local SE/ herdsman, shepherd. HAflfflA see ΠΑΤΙΠΑ. ΠΑΕΚ ration. HA^CA see EA)KA. ΠΑΜ^Α advantage, benefit, gain, use, profit; ... EOJI- to appear, show up, to occur, to foim; ... CEPIK on cooperative basis; ... KJ>IJI- to acquire, to gain. ΠΑίΪΑΑΚΥΗΕΜ money-grubber, selfish person. ΠΑΗΑΑΚΥΗΕΜΑΙΚ self-interest, moneygrubbing, profiteering. ΠΑΜ^ΑΛΑΗ- to take advantage (of), to exploit, to profit (by). 3KAPAMAW utilizable. ΚΕΤ- to award (to), to confer (upon); ... KAJ1- to take advantage (of), appropriate. nAMAAJIAHFbllll one who cleverly uses something in his own interests; pushing, intrusive person. HAM/IAJIL·! profitable, advantageous, useful; ... ΚΕΗ,Π,ΕΡ economic minerals. }KOK, useless, profitless. AC- to prove useful, to become a capable, helper in a family; ... ACATblH fit, suitable, good for, useful; ... ACblP utilize. ΠΑΜΑΑΚ,ΟΡ see ΠΑΜ,ΠΑΚΥΗΕΜ. ΠΑίϊ-ΠΑΚ /interjection indicating delight or surprise/. ΠΑίΪΗΜ see EAMWM. OAUblMflA see EAHblMflA. ΠΑΜΡΑΜΕΑΡ prophet. ΠΑΚΕΤ 1) package, parcel, envelope; 2) paper bag for provisions. ΠΑΚΤ pact, international agreement. nAJlATA chamber, ward.

OAJIAY pilau, pilaf (sort of stew). OAJIVAH see EAJ1VAH. ΠΑΛΥΕΑ deck. HAJIETO overcoat. nAJIbTOJlIK material, suited for an overcoat. ΠΑΜΦΛΕΤ pamphlet, lampoon. ΠΑΜΛΤΗΜΚ monument, memorial. ΠΑΗΑ 1) refuge, shelter; 2) /fig./ defender, protector. ΠΑΗΑΛΑ- 1) to take shelter; 2) /fig./ to look for patronage, protection. nAHAJIbl protected, sheltered (from bad weather). Π AH ACbI3 1) not having shelter, unprotected; 2) homeless, shelterless, neglected. nAHEJlb side-walk, footway. ΠΑΗΜΚΑ panic (alarm, confusion). nAHMCJIAMM3M Pan-Islamism. ΠΑΗΟΡΑΜΑ panorama. ΠΑΗΤΙΟΡΚΜ3Μ Pan-Turkism. ΠΑΠΜΡΟΟ cigarette. ΠΑΠΚΑ 1) paper-case, file; 2) cardboard. ΠΑΡ 1) pair; 2) /conv./ equal (for example, in strength). ΠΑΡΑ 1) group; 2) part, share; 3) bribe; 4) to unstitch, rip; EIP ... 5KEP patch of land. ΠΑΡΑΓΡΑΦ paragraph. ΠΑΡΑΑ parade. nAPA OKC paradox. ΠΑΡΑ3ΗΤ parasite. ΠΑΡΑ3ΜΤΤΙΚ parasitism. ΠΑΡΑΛΑ- to divide into small parts. HAPAJIMH paralysis. nAPAJIHH COK- to be paralysed. nAPAJlJIEJIb parallel. ΠΑΡΑ-ΠΑΡΑ K,bIJI- to cut into small pieces (of paper, fabric). HAPACAT reason, mind, intelligence, comprehension. HAPACATTbl 1) quick to comprehend, sensible, sober-minded; 2) reasonable, clever. nAPAUlblJI bribe-taker, grafter. ΠΑΡΑΙΟΤ parachute. nAPAUIIOTmbl parachute jumper.



ΠΑΡΑΚ,ΟΡ ΠΑΡΑΚ,ΟΡ see ΠΑΡΑΙΙΙΜΛ. nAPAKOPJIblK, bribery. ΠΑΡΛΑ 1) strength; 2) speed (of a horse). ΠΑΡΜΚ wig. ΠΑΡΚ park. ΠΑΡΚΕΤ parquet. ΠΑΡΚΕΤΤΙ parquet /adj./. ΠΑΡΛΑΜΕΗΤ parliament. ΠΑΡ.ΠΑΜΕΗΤΑΡΜ3Μ parliamentarism. ΠΑΡΛΑΜΕΗΤΕΡ truce envoy. ΠΑΡΗΗΚ hotbed, seed bed. ΠΑΡΟΒΟ3 locomotive. ΠΑΡΟ,ΑΗΛ parody. ΠΑΡΟ-TIb password, parole. ΠΑΡΟΜ ferry(-boat). ΠΑΡΟΜΠΙΒΙ ferryman. ΠΑΡΟΧΟΑ steamboat; ... TYC- to set forth (only of navigation). ΠΑΡ-ΠΑΡΛΑΠ by pairs. HAPCL·! Persian. ΠΑΡΤΑ desk (at school). ΠΑΡΤΕΡ the pit /theatr./, the stall /theatr./. ΠΑΡΤΗ3ΑΗ partisan, guerilla. ΠΑΡΤΜΒΑΗ,Ο,ΒΙΚ, guerilla way of warfare; ... ET- to lead a guerilla warfare. ΠΑΡΤΜΛ party (political). ΠΑΡΤΗΛΑΑ BAP party /adj./;... 5KOK, nonparty man. ΠΑΡΤΗΕΡ partner. nAPYAHCbB light-hearted, careless, inattentive. ΠΑΡΜ3 dogma, tenet. HAPblK, distinction, difference. nAPbIK,CbI3 indifferent. HACMA see BVMA. HACnOPT passport; ... TIPKET- to register a passport. ΠΑΟΠΟΡΤΠΕΗ KAMTAMACW3 ETV (introducing) a passport system. nACCA^K passage, arcade. HACCAJKMP passenger. HACCHB 1) /bank./ liabilities; 2) /adj./ passive. QACCHBTIK passiveness. nACTA paste. IlACblJIflA- /local SW/ to estimate roughly. ΠΑΤΑ TAP /local E/ powder-flask. ΠΑΤΕΗΤ patent. ΠΑΤΕΗΤΠ patent /adj./. ΠΑΤΕΦΟΗ gramophone. HATHOC tray. ΠΑΤΡΗΑΡΧ patriarch. ΠΑΤΡΜΑΡΧΑΤ patriarchy. ΠΑΤΡΗΟΤ patriot.


nATPMOTTblK. /ΠΑΤΡΜΟΤΜ3Μ/ patriotism. ΠΑΤΡΟΗ cartridge. ΠΑΤΡΟΗΤΑΙΙΙ bandolier, cartridge belt. nATPyJIb patrol. ΠΑΤΟΑ see ΠΑΤΙΙΙΑ. ΠΑΤΙΙΙΑ monarch, tsar; ... TVCblH^A under the tsar. HATIUAJlblK. 1) monarchy; 2) kingdom; 3) tsarism. ΠΑΦΟΟ enthusiasm, inspiration. HAUMEHT patient. ΠΑ11ΜΦΜ3Μ pacifism. ΠΑΠΙ BOJ1- to become well known; ... K^blJTto make public. ΠΑΙΠΑΚ /local W/ ear (of cereal plant). FLAKblP poor, indigent. nAKblPUIblJlblK, poverty. ΠΑΗ; haughty, arrogant. ΠΑΗΖΪΑΗ- 1) to give oneself airs; 2) to be squeamish (about). HAHCblH- see ΠΑΗΛΑΗ-. nAFAJI /local S/ outer skin of cotton seed. ΠΕΑΑΓΟΓ teacher. ΠΕΑΑΓΟΓΜΚΑ pedagogy. ΠΕΑΑΓΟΓΜΚΑΛΜΚ, pedagogic(al). ΠΕΑΑΗΤ pedant. HEAAHTTblK, pedantry. ΠΕίί3Α)Κ view, landscape. ΠΕΜ3Α5ΚΛΗΚ, landscape painter. ΠΕΜΙΛ see BEMIJI. ΠΕΜΙΛΛΙ see ΠΕΗΑΕ see HEHCMOHEP pensioner. ΠΕΗΟΜΛ pension. ΠΕΡΛΕ 1) curtain; 2) veil; 3) act (in a play); ... K,¥P- to pull down the curtain(s). ΠΕΡΛΕΛΕ- see ΠΕΡ^Ε Κ,ΪΡ-. HEP^ECO without curtains; ... C MJ1ECto speak frankly. ΠΕΡ3ΕΗΤ /book./ child. ΠΕΡΜΕΗ order, command. ΠΕΡΗΕ see BEPHE. ΠΕΡΡΟΗ IT.τ.I platform. nEPCOHA)K character, personage. HEPCOHAJl personnel. HEPCnEKTHBA perspective, view, prospect. nEPCHEKTHBACblS having no prospects, hopeless. ΠΕΡΙΙΙΙΤΕ angel. nEPFAVblH 1) symbol of everything evil; 2) /hist./ Pharaoh. nECCHMH3M pessimism. HECCMMMCT pessimist.



HECIP /obs./ clerk. ΠΕΤΜυ,ΜΛ petition. ΠΕΤΗΕ scandal; ... AflAM quarreler, brawler. ΠΕΗΑΤΤΑ- to print. ΠΕΗΑΤΒ seal, stamp, press; ΑΘΗΓΈΛΕΚ ... circular seal. ΠΕΙ1Ι oven, stove; ... >KAFyiIIbI stoker; ... K,bIJI to become conceited. ΠΜΑΗΜΗΟ upright piano. ΠΗΛΑ 1) victim, sacrifice; 2) /local S/ main cord for tying cattle, /local SE/ see MYPblH blK, ΠΗΛΚλΠΛ pill. ΠΗΜΑ felt boots. ΠΜΟΗΕΡ pioneer, initiator. ΠΜΡΑΜΜ^Α pyramid. ΠΜΡΑΜΜ/IAJlb pyramidal. HMCTOJIET pistol. FIHCTOH percussion cap, piston. ΠΜΤΟΜΗΜΚ nursery. ΠΜΛ3 wild onion. ΠΜΑ3ΒΙ /ΒΜΛ3ΒΙ/ 1) delicate, thin, soft (of fabrics); 2) /fig./ polite, courteous. ΠΜΛ-ΊΑ 1) tea-cup; 2) lamp-glass. ΠΛΑΚΑΤ placard, poster. Π.ΠΑΗ plan. nJTAHEP glider. OJIAHETA planet. nJIAHTAUHfl plantation. HJIAHIIIET plane table, sketching board. ΠΛΑΤΦΟΡΜΑ platform. nJIAIJUAPM spring-board, base. nJlAIJKAPT reserved seat ticket, berth /r.r./. nJIAm cloak, mackintosh, raincoat. ΠΛΟΜΕΑ 1) filling (in a tooth); 2) seal, stamp. nJlOMEAJIA- to fill (a tooth), to seal. ΠΟΓΟΗ shoulder-strap. nO^BAJI basement, cellar. ΠΟβΠΟΛΚΟΒΗΜΚ lieutenant-colonel. nOAnOJlbE cellar, /fig./ secret activity. ΠΟΛΙΠΗΠΗΜΚ bearing. ΠΟΕ3Λ train. ΠΟ3Μ1Ι,ΜΛ position. nO3HIJMAJlbI position /adj./. nOMbI3 /obs./ train. ΠΟΛΜΓΡΑΦ polygraphy, polygraphic. ΠΟΛΗΚΛΗΗΜΚΑ polyclinic. ΠΟΛΗΤΗΚΑΗ intriguer, politician. nOJlHTPVK political instructor (in the Soviet Army). nOJlHT3KOHOMM.il political economy. nOUHLUlH police. ΠΟΛΚ regiment.

nOJIKOBHMK colonel. nOJIKDC pole. ΠΟΜΕΙΙίΜΚ landed gentleman. ΠΟΡΤ port. ΠΟΡΤΡΕΤ portrait. ΠΟΡΤΦΕΛΒ briefcase, portfolio. nOCTblH /local SE/ fur coat. ΠΟΗΤΑ post, mail, post office; ... APK,blJ1bI ΑΚ,ΙΙΙΑ «IBEPy money order; ... MAPKACbl stamp; ... TACVUIbl mailman. nOMTAJlbOH see ΠΟΗΤΑ TACYUIbl. ΠΟΗΤΑΜΤ post office. nOUIJIMHA duty, customs. nolUTA /obs./ see ΠΟΗΤΑ. ΠΟ33ΗΛ poetry. ΠΟ3ΜΑ poem. ΠΟ3ΤΜΚΑ theory of poetry. nO3TMKAJTbIK poetic(al). ΠΡΑΒΟ right, law; ... FblJIblMbI jurisprudence. ΠΡΑΚΤΗΚΑ practice. ΠΡΑΚΤΜΚΑΗΤ probationer. ΠΡΕ3ΜΛΕΗΤ president. ΠΡΕ3ΜΛΗΥΜ presidium. nPEiiCKVPAHT price list. HPEMbEP prime minister. nPEMbEPA /theatr./ opening night, premiere, new production. ΠΡΕΠΑΡΑΤ preparation. ΠΡΜ3ΜΑ prism. ΠΡΗΜΜΤΗΒ primitive. nPMMVC Etna stove. nPHHUHH principle. unprincipled. unscrupulousness. ΠΡΜΗΜΗΠΤΙ fundamental, of principle. ΠΡΗΗΙΙΗΠΤΙΙΙΙΚ matter of principle. nPHCTAHb landing place, dock, wharf. ΠΡΟΒΑ trial, test, standard (concerning the content of precious metals), hallmark. riPOBAJlbl with a standard, with a hallmark. nPOBJIEMA problem. nPOBJIEMAJIbl problematical). ΠΡΟΒΟΚΑΤΟΡ provocateur, stool pigeon. ΠΡΟΒΟΚΑΙίΗΛ provocation; ... 5KACA- to provoke. ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ program. nPOFPECC progress. nPOrPECffllJI progressive. ΠΡΟΕΚΤ project, design, draft;... )KACA- to plan, to design. OPOSCEKTOP searchlight, projector. ΠΡΟΚΑΤ hire, /tech./ rolling. nPOKJIAMAUHH leaflet.



ΠΡΟΚΥΡΑΤΥΡΑ ΠΡΟΚΥΡΑΤΥΡΑ procurator's office. ΠΡΟΚΥΡΟΡ public procurator. ΠΡΟΛΕΤΑΡ proletarian. ΠΡΟΛΕΤΑΡΗΑΤ proletariat; ... AHKTATyPACbl dictatorship of the proletariat. I1POJIETAPJIAC- to become proletarian. riPOJIOr prologue. ΠΡΟΠΑΓΑΗΛΑ propaganda. ΠΡΟΠΑΓΑΗβΗΟΤ propagandist. ΠΡΟΠΕΛΛΕΡ propeller. nPOnOPLJHOHAJIflMK, 1) proportionality; 2) proportional. nPOnOPUHfl proportion. ITPOnyCK I) admission, pass, password; 2) omission, lapse. nPOCnEKT 1) avenue; 2) prospectus. ΠΡΟΤΕ3 prosthetic appliance, artificial limb. I1POTOKOJ1 record of proceedings, minutes. IIPOTOKOJIAA- to take the minutes, to record. ΠΡΟΤΟΠΛΑ3ΜΑ protoplasm. nPOOECCHA occupation, profession. nPOOECCOP professor. ΠΡΟΦΗ.ΠΑΚΤΗΚΑ preventive inspection, /med./ prophylaxis. ΠΡΟΦΗΙΙΑΚΤΜΚΑΙΙΜίς preventive, /med./ prophylactic. ΠΡΟΦΗΙΙΒ profile. ΠΡΟΦΟΡΓ trade-union organizer. nPOUEHT percentage, interest. nPOU,EHTCI3 bearing no interest. nPOUEHTTI interest-bearing. nPOUECC process, trial, legal action. nCHXOJIOrHH psychology. nCHXO.TiOrH.flJIbIK, psychologic(al). nyBJIHLIHCT publicist, pamphleteer. nyBJIHUHCTHKA publicism. nVJlAH see EV/JAH. nyJIEMET machine gun. nyjlEMETIHI machine gunner. nblJIAH see IUIAH. nblPAflA dropsy. nblPT /onomatopoeic word/ snoring; ... ΕΤΙΠ >KAPbIJI- to split with a crack. nbIPbIJI,ZI,A- 1) to snore, to snort; 2) to emit sounds similar to those of flapping wings. riblC /onomatopoeic word/ whistling; 1) to become tempered, to acquire a habit, to practice; 2) to be tightly twisted (of cord, rope, twine); ...-TILIC ET- to produce a frequent whistling sound. nblCTAH /local E/ one of saddlegirths. nblCblJI puffing. - to wheeze, to speak hoarsely.

nblCbIHA- to rot, stew, to perspire intensely (of man). nblCblT- 1) to make strong; 2) to make fit. FlblCblK, 1) (of man) lively, smart, experienced, worldly-wise, prudent, calculating; 2) (of a cord, thread) tightly wound; 3) /adv./ neatly, punctually; 4) to turn the spindle, to spin. nblCfalKCblH- to represent oneself as experienced. nblCblKTA- to repeat, to practice; ΘΤΚΕΗ CAEAKTbl ... to repeat old lessons. nbICbIKTbIK, accuracy, punctuality. nblCFsblP- 1) to snort, sniff; 2) to give oneself airs, to look down upon someone, to pay no attention to someone. m>ICK,bIPbIK, an illness of sheep. Tlbim- to cut, to cut out (in tailoring). HbllllAK, knife; ... 5KY3I blade of a knife; ... CABbl handle of a knife; ΙΙΙΑΠΠΑ ... penknife. flbllllAKJA- to wound with a knife. nbimblJI A- to hiss, to pun" (quietly). ΠΜΛ3 see ΓΤΗΛ3. niAHA see nRflJIA (1). ΠΙΚΙΡ opinion, thought, idea; ... AJlblCV exchange of thoughts. niKIPJIEC person holding the same views. niKIPJII reasonable, calculating. FUJI elephant. ΠΙΟ-1) to boil, cook/intr./, bake/intr./; 2) ripen (of grain and fruit); 3) to shake up (kumiss); 4) to become skilful, acquire proficiency. niCKEK a mixer (for the shaking up of kumiss), churn-staff. niCTE pistachio; ... AFAIIIbl pistachio tree. niCTEK see HICKEK. niCV ripening. niCIP- 1) to boil (food), to bake (bread); 2) to temper (metal). ΠΙΠΙ- to cut, cut out (in tailoring), castrate. ΠΙΙΠΕΗ 1) hay; 2) cut (participle or gerund from the verb ΠΙΙΙΙ- to cut); ... ΜΑΙΠΗHACbl mowing machine; ... IHAEy mowing, haymaking, hay-harvest;... HIAEy ME3FIJII haying time; ... Κ,ΟΡΑ hayloft. ΠΙΙΙΙΕΗβΙΚ ι) mowing, haymaking; 2) meadow land. ΠΙΙΙΙΕΗΠΙΙ 1) mower; 2) haying machine. ΠΙΙΠΚΕΗ AT see ΠΙΙΙΙΠΕ. ΠΙΙΙΙΜΕ see ΠΙΠΙΠΕ. ΠΙΙΠΠΕ gelding. ΠΙΙΙΙΙΗ figure (man's).




ΠΙΙΙΗΗ,Π,Ι well-composed, attractive, beautiful (of a figure). nimiHCD uncomely, plain, unattractive. ΠΥΤΥΗΑΕ- see ΒΥΤΙΗΛΕ-. nVJI see E¥JI. nYJI /local SE/ money. nYJICLB see EYJICbO. TIYPCAT 1) possibility; 2) time, leisure, spare time. ΠΥΤ 1) pood (measure of weight = 36 Ibs); 2) idol. ΠΥΤΧΑΗΑ shrine. ΠΥΤΚΑ TAEblHYIIlbl heathen, pagan; ... TAEblHYinblJIblK, paganism. ΠΥΙΠΠΑΚ; hide from the leg of a beast. riYfflblK, snub-nosed. Π3ΜΕΚ /local SE/ hay-meadow. JIQKCE lower part of body.

- to grimace, to put on airs. Π9ΛΕ misfortune, trouble. ΠΘΛΕΗ some, some kind of, that sort of; ... ΚΑΛΑΡΛΙ»! so many, so much. Π9.ίΙΕΓΈ YfflblPA- to get into trouble. Π9ΙΙΕΗ/ΙΕΗ not such, as; not so, as. n9JIEH-n9CTEH this and that, something or other. O9JIEXOP miser, skinflint. Π9ΛΙ (exclamation of approval). Π9Η 1) academic subject; 2) scientific discipline. ΠΘΡΕΗ)ΚΙ veil worn by Moslem women in public (yashmak). ΠΘΡΜΕΗ strength, force. naPVAii anxiety, trouble. Π9ΡΥΑίί€ΒΙ3 careless, inattentive. (of a subject), mean, base (of a man).


ΡΑΒΦΑΚ workers' faculty, workers' high school; ... OK,yiDI>ICbI student of a college for workers. ΡΑΕΦΑΚΙΙΙΒΙ student of workers' faculty. ΡΑΛΜΑΤΟΡ radiator. PA H radium. PAflMKAJI radical. PA HO radio. PAAHOAKTHBTI radioactive. PAflHOAKTHBTIK radioactivity. ΡΑβΗΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ radiogram. ΡΑ,αΜΟΟΤΑΗυΗΛ radio station. PAJ5HOV3EJT radio broadcasting and receiving unit. PAflHVC radius. PA3bI /PBI3A, PH3A/ agreeable, satisfied. ΡΑΪΪ 1) state, condition; 2) fortune; 3) mood, frame of mind, appearance of feeling; 4) mood /gram./ KYH PAMbI weather; AY Α PAftbl climate. PAMJ1AH- 1) to clear up (of weather); 2) to treat affably. PAftJIAC- to be reconciled (with), to reconcile oneself (to). PAMKA frame. PAMKAJ1A- to frame. ΡΑΠΟΡΤ report; ... BEP- to report. PAC truth, truthful; ... ΑΜΤΚ,ΑΗΒΙΜ ... that which I said is true. PACblH/IA in reality; PACT A- to certify, to attest, to confirm. PACTAJ1- to be certified, to be confirmed. PACIIIblJI truthful. ΡΑΤΜΦΗΚΑΙίΜίΙ ratification. PATHOHKAUHAJIA- to ratify. PAYUIAH light, bright, clear. PAXAT pleasure, amusement. PAIJ,HOHAJmA- to rationalize, to streamline. PAUHOHAJI/lbl rational. PAqHOHAJIM3AUHJ! rationalization. PAUHOHAJ1H3M rationalism. ΡΑΚ,ΑΤ delight, enjoyment; ... ΚΘΡ- to be delighted; ... ΤΑΠ /B/- to be in bliss. PAKATTAH- to be delighted.

ΡΑΚ,ΑΤΤΒΙ TVPMblC pleasant life. ΡΑΚ,ΜΕΤ thank you!; ... AMT- to thank. ΡΑΚ,ΒΙΜ mercy, charity, grace; ... ETIHI3 be gracious (kind)! PAK,bIM,TJbI merciful, charitable, compassionate. PAK,BIMABIJlblK mercy, charity, compassion. PAK,t>IMCt>I3 merciless, ruthless, pitiless. PEAKTHB reagent, reactive. PEAKUHH 1) reaction /chem./; ΧΗΜΜΛJlblK ··· chemical reaction; /phys./ reflex; sudden change; 2) reaction /pol./. PEAKLJH blK, reactionary. PEAKLUlHmblJl reactionary. PEAHM3M realism. PEAJIHCT realist. PEAJIMCTIK realistic. PEAJIbAlK reality. ΡΕΒΜ3ΜΛ inspection, revision; ... }KACAto inspect, to revise, to carry out a revision. PEBM3OP inspector. PEBMATM3M rheumatism. PEBOJ1IOUHOHEP revolutionary. PEBOJ1K)IJ,M^ revolution. PEBOJUOUH^JlAHAblP- to revolutionize. PEBOJlIOU,HJIJIbIK revolutionary character. ΡΕΓΕΗΤ regent. PEFJIAMEHT regulations, time limit; ... BEJiriJIE- to regulate. PEFPECC regress. PEFPECTI regressive. PE^AKTOP editor; BAC ... editoi-in-chief; >ΚΑΥΑΠΤΒΙ ... editor-in-chief. editorship, editorial office. - to edit. PE5KHM /ΤΘΡΤΙΠ/ regime; APAKHEEBTiK ... Arakcheyev regime; YHEMII1IJWK Τ9ΡΤΙΠ (...) policy of economy. PE3EPB reserve(s); ΡΕ3ΕΡΒΤΕΠ 9CKEP reserve troops. PE3EPBTIK reserve. PE3EPBVAP reservoir. PE3EHKE I) piece of India-rubber used for


P3CVAJIArubbing out writing errors; 2) rubberized tape or rubber thread; 3) rubber. PE3HAEHUHH residence. PE3OJlK)UHfl resolution. PE3OHAHC resonance. PEKHAMA advertisement, publicity. PEKOPfl, record. PEKOPfllllbl record-holder. PEKTOP rector head of a university. PEJIbC rail. PEMOHT repair(s). PEMOHTTA- to repair, to refit, to recondition. ΡΕΗΕΓΑΤ renegade. PEHEFATTblK, desertion. PEFDK- to be offended, to feel hurt, to grieve. ΡΕΗ5ΚΙΠ1ΙΙ touchy, quick to take offence, grumbling. PEH5KIC- to quarrel (with). PEH5KICTIP- to set at variance. PEHJKIT- to offend, to hurt someone's feelings; to pain, to grieve. PEH)KITyiIII offender. PEHTAEEJlb l paying, profitable. PEHTAEEJIb lK profitableness. ΡΕΗΤΓΕΗ roentgen. PEflAPAUHJI reparation. PEnAPAUHflJIBIK, reparation /adj./. PEEIATPHAUMfl repatriation. ΡΕΠΕΡΤΥΑΡ repertoire, repertory. ΡΕΠΟΡΤΕΡ reporter. PEOPECCHfl repression; ... )KACA- to subject to repression. ΡΕΠΡΟ/ίΥΚΤΟΡ loudspeaker, reproducer. ΡΕΠΡΟ,ανκαΗΛ reproduction. PECMH official; ... /XABAP, Κ,ΑΕΑΡ/ official news. PECnVEJlHKA republic. PECnVEJIHKAIUbl republican. PECTOPAH restaurant. PECVPCTAP resources; flYHME 5KY3UIIK ... peaceful resources. PET 1) time (as one time, etc.); 2) row; 3) order (arrangement of something; 4) going out, outlet, exit; 5) occasion, cause, foundation, base, rest; PETKE CAJI- to put in order, to regulate; PETKE KEJITIPto put in order; 6) possibility; PETIH

ΤΑΠ JB/- to be able to find a way out of a situation; PET! KEJIfll a suitable opportunity, occasion presented itself; PETI KEJIFEHAE opportunely, by the way; PETI ΕΑΡ appropriately. PETCI3 disorderly, inadmissible(-y). PETCI3.ZJIK disorder, disorderliness. PETTE- to put in order. ΡΕΤΤΕΥΉΠ regulating, adjusting. ΡΕΤΤνίΠΙ regulator. PETTIK ordinal; ... CAH ECIM ordinal number. ΡΕΦΕΡΑΤ paper, essay. PEOJIEKC reflex. ΡΕΦΟΡΜΑ reform. ΡΕΦΟΡΜΑΛΑ- to reform ftr.j. ΡΕΦΟΡΜΑΤΟΡ reformer. ΡΕΦΟΡΜΑΙΠΜ reformist. PEliEH3HH review, notice (theater). PEHK /PEH/ 1) color; 2) flower; 3) aspect, form, condition, view. PEHKCI3 plain, homely, ugly, hideous, deformed. PEHJCTI beautiful. POJ1L· role; ΠΙΕΙΠΥΙΠΙ ... decisive role. ΡΥ family, kin, clan, family name, tribe, generation. PVJIAC of the same tribe. PyjIEIK, K.OFAM clan, large family. PyJIb rudder, helm. PYX spirit, breath, spectre; PYXblH ΚΘΤΕΡto inspire, to encourage; PYXbl TYC- t o lose heart, to have the blues. PVXAHH ecclesiastic;... TIJIEK ecclesiastical requirement. pyXAHHET clergy. PyXAHIJIEP clergy. pyXTAH- to be inspired, to feel inspired. pyXAH^blP- to inspire, to encourage. PYK.CAT permission; ... EEP- to permit; ... ETIHI3! Permit!; ... K.AFA3 permission. PbI3bIK, subsistence. P9 very. P9CYA in vain, wrongfully; ... KbIJI- to spend, to waste in vain, to squander. POCYAJIA- 1) to expend for nothing; 2) to disgrace.


c CAAPA /n./ plain. Same as CAPA. CABA 1) large leather bag for processing and storing kumiss; 2) /fig./ level, limit; 3) /fig./ standard, norm (of behavior); CAEAH.HAH AC- to overstep the limits (of decency). CABA- 1) to beat, to strike; 2) to card wool; )KYH... to card wool. CABA3 daring, bold, fine fellow. CABAJIA- to fall (of rain). CAEAJIAK, 1) tousled, dishevelled (of hair); 2) shaggy-haired (of wool). CAB AH 1) plough; 2) ploughland, ploughed field; 3) straw. CAEAHIIIbl ploughman. CAB AY stick for carding wool. CAEAV/JAM 1) choice, selected; 2) lean, wiry. CAEAflK, a stand for CABA (see 1). CABAK, 1) trunk (of a tree), core, stem; 2) lesson; 3) task, quota; 4) pivot; 5) measure of length for thread (arm-spread); BIP ... 5ΚΙΠ one arm-spread long thread; ... BEP- to teach. CABAK.TA- to thread a needle; MHE ... to thread a needle. CAEAKJAC 1) close neighbor; 2) classmate; 3) linked, tied, connected; ... C0MJIEM /gram./ complex subordinated sentence. CAEAKJACTblP- to bind, to tie, to link, to connect, to tie up, to link up. CAEAKTbl AVPy exhausting illness; an illness connected with another illness. CAEAKTbl MHE threaded needle. CAEBIJI- 1) to perspire profusely (of horses); to become lathered; 2) to go over to, to dodge, to evade. CAEblH soap. CAEBIHAA- to soap. CAEblHIIIbl soap manufacturer. CAEblP 1) patience, self-control, self-restraint; 2) season of miry roads, miry, muddy; ... ET- to have patience. CAEblPJIbI patient, restrained, reserved, quiet. CAEblPJlblJIblK, patience, restraint.

CAEbIPCbI3 impatient, unrestrained. CAEbIPCbI3AAH- to lose patience, to be very uneasy, to be anxious. CAEbIPCbn bIK, impatience, lack of restraint. CAflAK, bow (or bow and arrows in the quiver); ... OFbl arrow; ... TAPT- to shoot with a bow. CAflAFAH KETEHIH My darling! My beloved! devoutness, piety. sagene - a measure of length (7 feet). CA3 1) clay; 2) marshy swamp; 3) rune; 4) /gram./ intonation; CA3bIHA KEJIΤΙΡΙΠ OK,- to read with eloquence; ... K,AJinibIK,TbI >KEP quagmire. CA3A punishment. CA3Afi see CA3. CA3AH carp. CA3AP- 1) to become dumbfounded; 2) to grow gloomy, to darken (of man's appearance). CA3J3.AH- to become miry, to become swampy. CA3AAV marsh, swamp. CA3AbI 1) clayey, miry; 2) fine, thrilling, charming (of music); 3) expressive. CAMJI /CAHJIb/- to rise, to climb up, to go up. CAK 1) ravine, gully, dale, dry river bed with pebbles, river bed, gorge, shallow, shallow place, pebble, stone, cobble stone; 2) ready; 3) abundant; 4) worthy, deserving. CAMAAVblT 1) choice, selected; 2) hardened. CAMJI A- 1) to choose, to elect, to select, to ballot; 2) to equip, to put in order, to manage, to prepare, to make ready. CAMJTAH- 1) to equip oneself, to get ready, to prepare oneself, to get equipped, to be put in order; 2) to be elected; CAMJI AHFAH KICI representative; CAHJTAHFAH YEKIJI delegate. CAMJlAHYIIIbl candidate.




CAftJIAT- 1) to let choose, to let elect; 2) to compel to equip something well. CAflJIAV elections, ballot, choice; ... AJIAblH AFbl JKblMHAJIbIC pre-electoral meeting; ... EPKI suffrage; ... KYHI election day; ... ITPABOCbl suffrage; CAftJIAy blH TACbl ballot (ball); CAMHAVFA TYC- to be put to the vote, to run for election. CAMJIAYIIIbl elector, voter; CAHJIAYmblJIAP Ή3ΙΜΙ polls, electoral polls. CAMJlbl 1) selected, choice, fitting; 2) imposing, impressive, reliable; 3) ravined. CAfiMAH equipment, outfit, implements, tools appliances, fittings. CAnMA-CAft exactly, equal, fitting. CAftPA- 1) to sing (of birds); 2) /fig./ to talk eloquently. CAftPAH walking, taking a walk. CAftPAH A- 1) to take a walk; 2) to enjoy. CAMPAHFA- 1) to go for a walk; 2) to go to a festival. CAM-CAJ1A gully, dry river bed, valley. CAMTAH devil. CAftbI3 see CA.H3. CAMbI3 AH- see €ΑΛ3£ΑΗ-. CA blH link-word conveying the meaning of: out of, in, still, again, every time, from; yKblJl ... from year to year; KYH ... every day, daily. CAKbIC jousting, fencing tournament. CAMbIC- to joust, to fence. CAftblCY see CAMbIC. CAMblCYIIIbl fencer. CAilKAJmAH- 1) to become corrupt, to become depraved; 2) to become giddy, to become flippant; 3) to look for, to trail, to search for. CAflFAK, 1) wild sheep (Saiga tatarica); 2) long pole; 3) tombstone. CAJI 1) raft, logging timbers; 2) silly, (absurd) man;... AFB13Y floatage of wood;... CYFA KETKEH who is no better off than at the start. CAJI-1) to build (a nest), to build (of a road); 5KOJI ... to build a road; to build, to erect, to raise; 2) to sow, to plant; 3) to breed; 4) to show, to direct; 5KOJIFA ... to show the road, to put on the road; 3ΚΘΗΓΕ ... to show direction; 5) to display, to show; BA3APFA ... to display (goods) on the market; 6) to organize, to correct, to mend, to repair, to adjust; 7) to hunt; K,¥C ... to hunt with a hunting bird; 8) to assess (of

taxes), to appraise, to determine, to evaluate, to define; CAJIblK ... to assess a tax; 9) to make a bed; T CEK ... to make a bed; 10) to listen; KVJIAK, CAJIblR TblHOA- to listen attentively; 11) to grasp, to strike, to set in motion; YflblPBIK,ΠΕΗ BIP ... to strike with the fist; 12) to mediate; APAFA KICI ... to resort to the mediation of a third pary; 13) to put, to place, to set, to lay, to lay down; OPHbIHA ... to put in place; Κ,ΑΠΚ,Α ... to put in a bag; 14) EH ... to earmark the cattle; 15) 9H ... to sing; 16) ACblP ... to gambol, to frisk; 17) to appoint, to nominate; 18) as a helping verb it expresses the unexpectedness of the action; ΚΘΡΕ CAJIA right here, as soon as he saw; KEJIE CAJIA on one's arrival. CAJIA 1) span (between fingers); 2) arm (of a river); 3) spur (of a mountain range); 4) fork (of a road, etc.); 5) branch, branching, bifurcation. CAJIABAT good /n./. CAJlAJIbl 1) tall (of a man); 2) long (of fingers). CAJIAM /CABAH/ straw. CAJIAYT amnesty. CAJIAK, 1) sloven, slattern, negligent, careless, disorderly; 2) without economy, without calculation. CAJIAK,CbI- 1) to become sloven, to become slattern, to be careless; 2) to be inaccurate, to be unpunctual. CAJIAKCblT- to neglect. CAJIAKJA- to dangle, to hang down, to be hanging, to stick out (of one's tongue). CAJIAKJAY slightly sloven. CAJIAK,TbIK, slovenliness, untidiness, neglect, carelessness, lack of order. CAJIAHZIA- to hang, to be hanging, to dangle, to be loose (of objects), to be unsteady (of objects). CAJIBblP sluggish, inert, flabby; ... K.VJIAK lop-eared. CAJIBblP A-1) to become sluggish, to become inert; 2) to sink, to fall, to go down, to hang down (of twigs). CAJIBblPAK, dangling, leafing. CAJIBBIPJIblK, sluggishness, inertness, flabbiness. CAJl/ίΑΡ consequence, sequel, unfavorable consequence, unfavorable result. CAJIAAPblHAH consequently, owing to,



CAJIflblP because of, on account of, on the strength of, in virtue of. CAJI blP din, roar, rattle, clash, crash, thunder. CAJIAMP-rYJWP great noise. CA.JIff.blPA- 1) to rattle, to roar, to rumble; 2) to break down, to grow weak, to lose strength, to get tired. CAJlflblPJIA- to roar, to rattle, to rumble. CAJIflblK, /obs./ chivalry. CAJ1MA 1) noodles; 2) yoke; 3) ornamental ribbons decorating the interior of the yurt. CAJ1MAK, 1) tax; 2) weight; weightiness, load; 3)/fig./authority; YJ1ECCAJIMAFbl specific gravity; ... ΕΛΠΙΕΥΙΙΠΤΕΡΙ measures of weight. CAJIMAKTA- to estimate the weight, to determine the approximate weight. CAJIMAKJAH- 1) to become heavy; 2) /fig./ to become staid, to become respectable. CAJIMAKJbl 1) heavy, weighty; 2) sedate, serious (of a man), staid. CAJIMAKJbUIblK, ponderousness, heaviness, gravity, weightiness. CAJIMAKTblPAK, heavier, steadier (of a man). CAJIOHflblK, /adj./ salon, society; ... "TLJmEP" salon, language. CAJin slap, smack; ... ET- to tumble, to fall down. CAJinAM- to dangle, to hang down. CAJiriAKTA- to drag, to trail, to walk slowly. C A Jin AH hanging, dangling; ... K.VJIAK, lop-eared, to move clumsily. CAJIFIAHAA- see CAJinAK,TA-. CAJTIlbl loose-hanging. CAJinblMT- 1) to hang down, to sag; 2) to swallow everything that one is told; CAJ1nblMFAH AflAM blunderhead, dunderhead. CAJinblJIAA- 1) to lounge about, to loaf about, to dangle, to fuss about, to hang loosely; 2) to run; CAJinblJIAAR )KEJIto run at a trot (of horses). CAJIT 1) custom, tradition, disposition; 2) /adv./ without a load, without luggage; 3) /adv./ on horseback; 4) rider, horseman; ΑΤΚ,Α ... to mount a horse; ...-CAHA ideology; ... ATTbl rider, horseman; ... BACbl solitary, lonely; ... 5KVPIC /n./ riding horseback; ... MIHETIH AT riding horse. CAJITAHAT 1) brilliance, splendor, magnifi-

cence; 2) luxury; 3) festival, celebration. CAJITAHATTbl 1) brilliant, magnificent; 2) luxurious, splendid; 3) festive, gala; 4) solemn; ... M9)KUIIC 3AJlbI assembly hall; ... ^CblKblJIblC ceremonial meeting. CAJITAHATTMJIblK 1) magnificence; 2) luxuriousness; 3) solemnity. CAJ1TAK, dirt, dirty. CAJ1TAKTA- to soil, to make dirty. CAJITAH 1) without a load, without luggage; 2) bachelor; ... 5ΚΙΠΤ bachelor. CAJlTblK, /adj./ moral. CAJiy structure, edifice, erection, building; ... MATEPMAJIAAPbl building materials. CAJiyiflbl builder. CAJTIIIbl raftsman, woodfloater, timber floater. CAJlbl unpeeled rice. CAJIbIM 1) pinch; 2) good luck, success; 3) postposition signifying direction in time, by; BIP ... T¥3 a pinch of salt; 3KA3MM ... by spring. CAJlblH- 1) to be under construction, to be built; 2) to give oneself up to, to indulge in; CAJlbIHbin-)KATKAH YM building under construction. CAJlblH KAPAyfflblJTblK, apathy. CAJlbIH/I,bI deposits (e.g., of leaves, twigs, etc., on water surface). CAJIfalCTblP- to compare, to collate, to juxtapose. CAJlblCTblPMA comparative;... CAJIMAK specific gravity. CAJIblCTblPMAJlbl comparative; ... METOA comparative method, ...-TAPMXM METO.ZJ comparative-historical method. CAJIbICTbIPbIJT- to be compared, to be juxtaposed. CAJIblK duty, tax; K1P1C CAJlblFbl income tax; ... MejIIIlEPI tax assessment; ... CAJ1V taxation; ... TeJIEyiUI taxpayer; ... KAFA3 tax form (leaf). CAJIbIK, /F/- to feel tired, to feel weak. CAJIblHKbl somewhat loosehanging. CAJIKAM 1) spoiled, pert; 2) windflower, anemone. CAJIKAM AH- to become spoiled, to become pert. CAJIKAP K.VJIAII1 double sagene - a measure of length. CAJlK,bIH 1) cool, coolness; 2) light breeze in hot weather; ... CV cold water; ... TH1O /n./ cold (in the head); ... ΚΑΡΑ- to treat someone scornfully.


CAJIKblH/iACAJlKJJH A- to cool down, to grow cold. CAJlKJblHJIATKbllll refrigerator. CAJIKblHAAY 1) somewhat cool; 2) coolness; 3) carelessness, negligence. CAJ1FAH )ΚΕΡ£ΕΗ at once, without rhyme or reason, for no reason at all. CAJlFblJIAC- to enter into arguments, to contradict. CAJIFblPT /hist./ tribute. CAMAM temple (part of the head). CAMAJ1 light breeze; ... 5KEJI cool breeze. CAMAJIA AH /adj./ bright, brilliant, dazzling, choice, select. CAMAJ1/JA- to be aired, to be ventilated. CAM A P large wooden bowl, large cup for kumiss. CAMAPK.AY sickly, apathetic, indifferent. CAMAPKAYJ1AH- to become apathetic, to lose the desire for something. CAMAYblP samovar; ... Κ,Οίί- to boil water in a samovar, to heat a samovar. CAMEblPJIA- to talk loudly. CAMribUl,UA- to talk loudly and distinctly, to make a hubbub. CAMCA patty. CAMCA- to flock, to throng, to come in an unending stream (of a crowd); CAMCAFI TYP- to stand in a mass (of a crowd). CAMblPCblH 1) larch tree (Larix); 2) cedar pine (Pinus sibirica). CAM 1) thigh, haunch, hip, hind leg; 2) number, quantity; 3) account, bill, expense, calculation; CAHHblH, CAOAFA AMHAJIYbl conversion of quantity into quality; ... ECIM /gram./ numeral; ... >K1J1IK femur bone; ... PET more than once, repeatedly; M EH CAFAH ... PET AMTTblM I spoke to you more than once; ... Κ,ΥΡΑΜΜ quantitative make up. CAHA- 1) to think, to suppose, to imagine, to consider; 2) to calculate, to compute, to count; 3) to appreciate, to appraise; 4) to intend; 5) to remember. CAHA thought, consciousness, sense, memory, reason, intellect; K^OFAM blK, ... public consciousness; ...-C03IM consciousness; ... KIP- to become conscious. CAHAJ1- to be counted, to be computed, to be calculated, to be estimated. CAHAJIL·! conscious thinking; ... TYP E OK,V- to read conscientiously. CAHAJlblJlblK, consciousness. CAHAC- 1) to count together, to consider together, to take into account, to reckon

CATITAwith, to be considered; 2) to be smallminded. CAHACH3 unconscious, unreasonable. CAHACbBAblK, irresponsibleness. CAHAT intellect, intelligence, reason, mind, memory. CAHAYJIbl 1) counted, calculated, computed; 2) outstanding (of man). CAHAK, 1) statistics; 2) census;... FblJIblMbl statistics; ... 9flICI statistical method. CAHAK,lHbI statistician. CAHftAJI l) fireplace, hearth (a pit in the floor of a room, where a fire is placed for heating); 2) sandals; 3) wooden stand for an anvil; 4) absurdity. CAHAAJI- l) to loaf, to lounge, to hang about, to roam; 2) to nearly fall; 3) to rock, to swing; 4) to faint. CAH AJlA-1) to be alarmed, to be disturbed ; 2) to chatier. CAH^bl outstanding (of a man). CAHflblPA- to rave, to be delirious. CAH/IblPAK, gibberish, delirium, nonsense. CAH blPAKTA- to rave, to be delirious, to talk nonsense. CAHAblK. trunk (luggage). CAHAblKJIIA small trunk, chest, casket. CAHMTAPJlblK /adj./ sanitary. CAHCbI3 innumerable, countless, numerous, CAT! /B/ 1) handle, haft, heft, grip, knob, pikestaff, lance, shaft, color staff; 2) /mil./ file, line, column, rank, formation; EAJ1TA CABbI axehandle; nbllHAK, CABbI handle of a knife; ... T¥PV /mil./ standing in a line (at drill); CAOTAH IlIblFAP- to quit the ranks; ... UlblFAPY /mil./ withdrawal from the line; ... BOJT- to abate, to come down, to lull, to fade away, to quiet down, to terminate, to expire, to come to an end; ... K,bIJl- to end, to terminate, to spend (money); ... AJlTblH nugget (of gold). CAFI /as an intensifying particle/; ...-CAJIK,bIH very cold: ...-CAPbl quite yellow. CAOA quality; ... K,YPAMbI qualitative make-up. CAOAJlbl qualitative, of full value. CATlAJIblK, short, light whip. CAOAP way, road, journey, travel; ... 111ΕΓΥ travel; ... UlblFAMblH I'll set out on the road. CAFIACblS low quality. CAnCbIM- to hang (of a long board). CAFTTA- to heft, to fit on a handle. 167


CΑΠΤΑΜΑ CAHTAMA (or) EAftnAKJbl ΕΤ1Κ winter boots worn with felt stockings. CAI1TAH- /mil./ to draw up, to assume formation. CAOTAFbl 9CKEP /rail./ pertaining to the drill. CAFITbl equipped with a handle. CAnTblAK, /CAnTbl ΑΛΚ/ ladle, scoop, cup with a handle. ΟΑΠΦΗΡ sapphire. C Alibi dagger, curved sword. CAIlblP- to shake up (a liquid). CAOblPHblC alarm, anxiety. CAnblPy decantation of koumiss. CAOblPyJIbl KilMblS decanted koumiss. CAnblPblJI- to be shaken up (of liquids). CAIlblPblJIblC- to become mixed. CAnblPblJlblCTblP- to mix, to put in disorder. CAP song; ... )KEJIIC rapid trot; ... )KOH steppe; ... IIIA H scorpion. CAP- to go at a fast trot. CAPA field; ... 5KOJ1 well-trodden road; ... TIJ11K earmark (longitudinal cut). CAPAM 1) barn; 2) /hist,/ palace; 3) whole (physical) complex of a man; KEPVEH ... caravanserai, inn; ... AKblHbl poet laureate. CAITAJIA- to select, to choose, to pick out. CAPAJIA TAU dawn. CAPAJ13KAH southernwood (Artemisia abrotanum), sagebrush (Artemisia paniculata). CAPAJDKblH species of shrub. CAPAIT examination by experts, appraisal, rating, selection. CAPAnillL·! appraiser, expert. CAPAFtniblH horsehair face net protecting the eyes against sun and dust. CAPATAH 1) /obs./ June; 2) May beetle. CAPAH, miser, stingy man. CAPAHHAH- 1) to be stingy; 2) to become stingy. CAPAHZJblK, stinginess, avarice. CAPAH,CbI- to become stingy. C PEA3 /hist./ warrior, soldier, fighter, insurgent, rebel, volunteer. CAPflAJlA boundless steppe, boundless space. CAPflAP /hist./ chief, leader. CAP>KA bow ornamented with inlaid work. CAP5KEIH see CA^KblH.

CAPHA- 1) to moan from pain; 2) to lament, to bewail, to sing mournfully. CAPHAVblK, whiner, grumbler. CAPO see CAPblFI. CAPHAii honorary clothes. CAPCAH EOJ1- to be tired out, to be exhausted; 3YPE ... K,bIJI- to tire out, to exhaust. CAPT townsfolk of Central Asia; ... ET a better saddle of Central Asia. CAPT-CXPT loud noise, rattle. CAPTblJI roar, rattle, loud noise, crash, crack. CAPTbUmA-1) to knock loudly; 2) to shout, to speak loudly, to make noise, to roar. CAPTblJIAAT-1) to knock loudly; 2) to roar. CAPTbUI/lAK, /n./ rattle. CAPfflA see CAPLIIIIA. CAPfflA TAMbI3 /obs./ September. CAPbl- to urinate (of dogs). CAPbl 1) yellow; 2) pale; 3) light bay (of horses); ... AJIA dry steppe; ... >KEP loess;... C1EIIIUK TOPFAH lark;... TAJ1 willow (Salix vitellina);... TOOblPAK,clay; ... ΤΜΠΙΚ,ΑΗ earless marmot, suslik; ... U1VHAK, tomtit, siskin. CAPbIAPK,A 1) the area of the Aral-Irtysh water divide, the steppe ofthat area; 2) /fig./ wide steppe. CAPblBAC 3KbIJlAH grass snake. CAPblBVFA yellow thrush. CAPbmiJIIK AT well-trained horse. CAPblJl- to wait long, to wait painfully. CAPblimA- to bubble, to churn, to swirl, to flow turbulently. CAPblJIblK, 1) yellowness; 2) steppe overgrown with feather grass. CAPblMAM butter. CAPblMCAK, garlic. CAPblH 1) tune, melody; 2) direction. CAPbin hoof and mouth disease. CAPblCY 1) liquid pus; 2) whey of sour milk. CAPLII1IA yellowish. CAPblK, 1) sheep of Russian breed; 2) worn out, thin, skinny; 3) pale, pallid. CAPbIK,/F/- to flow out, to run out, to squeeze out. CAPK.- Ο to drain completely, to drink to the last drop; 2) /fig./ to squeeze out everything. CAPKAflAH woman of about thirty. CAPKOH,bI3 May beetle. CAPK.PA- see CAPK,bIPA-. CAPK,bIJI- 1) to grow shallow, to dry u n (of a river), to run dry (of a well; 2) /fig./ to be exhausted, to be spent, to wear oneself out,


CAYAA to exhaust oneself; 3) /fig./ to calm, to quiet. CAPK,bIJI,n;A- to seethe, to boil rapidly. CAPKJblH 1) remnant, remainder; 2) residue (of liquid in a vessel); 3) /fig./ survivals, remnants. CAPK,bIPA- 1) to rumble, to make noise, to flow with noise, to gurgle; 2) to squeak, to yelp. CAPK.MPAMA waterfall, falls, cataract, roaring stream, rapids. CAPKbIT 1) leavings; 2) gift, present. CAPFAM- 1) to wait for a long time; 2) to turn yellow; 3) to fade, to wither (of grass); 4) /fig./ to be sad, to grieve; KYTE-KYTE ... to be weary with waiting. CAPFAJmAK, 1) prune; 2) oriole; 3) tulip; 4) buttercup (Ranunculus). CAPFblJIT yellowish, beige; ... UIAUITbl blond man. CAPFblP- to make a long voyage, to suffer from traveling. CAPFbllll see CAPFblJIT. CACKY3EH polecat, foumart, fitchew. CACTblP- to disturb, to disquiet, to drive on, to urge on. CACYUIblJIblK, confusion, embarrassment, helplessness. CACbl- 1) to putrefy, to become rotten, to rot, to decompose, to stink; 2) to be taken aback, to be puzzled, to be perplexed, to be embarrassed, to be confused, to be perturbed; CACbin KET- to become rotten, to putrefy; CACbIFAH ET putrefied meat. CACblP knuckle-bones (game). CACbIT- to spoil /tr./. CACblK, stink, stench, bad odor, stinking, malodorous, putrid, fetid, putrefied, rotten. CACblK KY3EH see CACKY3EH. CACblK ΚΘΚΕΚ hoopoe. CACblK Κ,ΥΡΑΗ a plant of the carrot family. CACblKTblK, bad odor, stink, stench. CACKAJ1AK fussy, fidgety, hasty. CACKAJIAKJA- to fuss, to be taken aback, to lose one's self-possession. CACKAJIAblK, a variety of wild duck. CACKAHflblK, confusion, embarrassment, perplexity, hurry, haste. CAT- 1) to sell; 2) to trade; CATblFT AJIto buy; CATbin AJIYUIbl buyer; CATblFl AJIYIIIblJIblK KYATbl purchasing power, purchasing capacity; CATblFI AJIY purchase; CATbin BEP- to sell.

CATAPMAH vendor, dealer. CATHPA satire. CATOAK, dirt. CATFIAKTA- to soil, to make dirty. CATflAKTAH- to get dirty. CATTblP- to offer for sale. CATTblK, /adj./ for sale, to be sold. CATY sale, selling. CATYIllbl salesmen, vendor, seller. CATbl stairs, staircase, stairway, step (of a staircase). CATblJI- 1) to be for sale, to sell /intr./, to be easy to sell (of merchandise); 2) /fig./ to betray, to sell out (of a person). CATblJlA- 1) to climb up or down the stairs; 2) to change, to replace; 3) /fig./ to talk or to act consistently; AT CATblJlAn ΜΙΗΙΠ 3KET- to arrive after having changed horses on the way. CATblJIATblH /adj./ intended for sale. CATblJIY betrayal, treason. CATblJIYIIIbl traitor, mercenary. CATblJIbl /adj./ stepped, ledged, terraced; ... ΤΑΥ ledged mountain, terraced mountain. CATblJIblK, /adj./ phasic, by stages. CATbl MC AK, 1) merchant, dealer; 2) market. CATblH- to sell one's belongings. CATblP-CYTblP crackling, rattling, knocking noise. CATblPJIA- to clatter, to thunder, to crackle. CATblC- to trade, to sell. CATblUI- to trade, to sell. CATKblH traitor, betrayer. CAY healthy; ... EOJ1! Good-by!; AEH1 ... bodily healthy. CAY- to milk. CAYAJI- to recover, to recuperate. CAYAT reading and writing; ... MEKTEBI elementary school; CAYATTbl AlllblJIFAH literate. CAYATCW3 1) illiterate; 2) ignoramus. CAYATCbD^blK illiteracy. CAYATTAH- to become literate. CAYATTAHAblP- to make literate. CAYATTbl literate. CAYATTblJIblK, literacy. CAY£A trade, commerce; MEMJIEKETTIK ... state commerce; ΚΟΟΠΕΡΑΤΗΒΤΙΚ ... cooperative commerce; I11IKI ... inland trade, home trade;... )K¥MbICbI commercial operations; ... Φ-TIOTbI merchant fleet; ΒΘΛΠΙΕΚ ... retail trade;... KAFIHTAJIbl trade capital; ΚΘΤΕΡΜΕ ... wholesale 169


CAYAAtrade; CbIPTK,bl... foreign trade; ...-CATTblK. trade, commerce. - to burn brightly. merchant, dealer, trader, to trade, to evaluate the merchandise (for purchase). CAVAAJIAC- to bargain. CAVAblP- see CAV^blPT-. CAVAblPA- 1) to pour with tinkling; 2) to clatter, to clang, to jingle, to jangle; CAYAblPAH K.VJ1A- to fall down with jingling; CAVAblPAFAH IIIAJ1 /fig./ emaciated old man. CAVAblPAA- to ripple, to murmur. CAVAklPJIA- to talk loud and ceaselessly. CAYAblPT- 1) to let herself be milked (of cows, etc.); 2) to help to milk. CAVJIA- 1) to pour (of grain, etc.); to pour with force, to pour in torrents (of rain); 2) to make noise, to be noisy; 3) to be eloquent. CAVJIAT- 1) to spill; 2) to pour (grain) incessantly; 3) /fig./ to ride without stopping. CAVJIbl /adj./ milch (cow, etc.). CAVJIblK, 1) health; 2) sheep more than three years old; ... Κ,ΟΜ sheep. CAVMAJI fresh kumiss. CAVMAJIA- to take gradually and by small portions. CAYPy see CAVblP. CAVCAK, finger or toe. CAVY milking. CAVblJI- to give milk. CAyblJIAA- to spout, to gush out, to come in flocks, to throng. CAYblM milking, yield of milk (interval between two milkings). CAVblH 1) /n./ milking; 2) banquet, feast; 3) /adj./ milch (cow, etc.); ... AMT- to announce the forthcoming festivities (usually relatives should appear bearing gifts); ... EHE milch mare; ... MAJI milker (a cow or any other animal that gives milk); ... CLIHblP milch cow. CAyblHUIbl milkmaid. CAYblP croup, crupper (of horses). CAYblPJIA- to strike a horse's crupper. CAybIC- to help to milk (taking part in the milkings). CAYblC 1) scabs, mange; 2) dirt on ewe's udders. CAyblCTAH- to get covered with dirt or scabs. CAVblCKAH magpie.

CAYblT 1) dishware, container, vessel, receiver; 2) coat of mail, armor; CbiJf ... inkwell. GAYblTTbl KEME battleship. CAyblTTbl nOMbI3 armored train. CAVfalK,entertainment,amusement;... KE11II play, performance, evening party; ... Υίί /YMI/ theater. CAVblK, ,/F/- to recover, to coalesce, to recuperate; CAYblFbin KET- to recover, to recuperate. CAYblKJblP- to sanitate, to bring to a healthy state. CAyblKJHblJl devotee of amusement. CAVFA /hist./ war booty or /hunting/ bag of game. C ΑΧ ΑΡΑ steppe, plain. CAXHA stage; CAXHAFA UlblK,- to appear on the stage. CAfl coolness, chill; CAflAA OTblP- to sit in the shade. CA BblP calmness, stillness, quietness. CAflEblPJIAH- to abate, to quiet down, to weaken, to subside, to ebb. CA.H3 1) shallow; 2) /fig./ shallow, superficial. CA513AAH- to shoal, to grow shallow, to become shallow; CAJBAAHblFI K.AJI- to become shallow. CA-HJIA- l) to refresh oneself, to idle (away one's time); 2) /fig./ to be under someone's protection. CAflJlbl shadow, shadowy. CA CAT politics, policy; EAFA CAJICATbl price policy; MHAyCTPH^JlAHAblPy CA CATbl industrialization policy; XAJIfalKAPAJIblK,... international policy, foreign policy; inAPYAUIblJlblK ... economic politics; YJ1T CAflCATbl national policy. CAflCATIIIbl politician. CAACATUIblJl politician, intriguer. CA.HCH political; ... M9CEJ1E political problem; ... CAVATbl EAPJlblK, political literacy. CAflTIIIbl hunter of birds. CAJIXAT voyage, journey, travel. CAJIXATIIIbl traveler. CA.HK, geldings or young horses kept in a separate herd. CAK, watchful, prudent; ... EOJI- to be careful. CAK,A 1) trunk (of a tree); 2) round rissole; 3) elderly (man); ... TYPblP draft horse. CAK AH- 1) to become numb (with cold), to


CAKAAAM grow stiff; 2) to freeze, to congeal, to solidify. CAKAAAM /adj./selected (of a man);... CAM ready for anything. CAKAJI beard. CAKAJIAbl 1) beard, bearded man; 2) grown up, elderly man. CAKAP Ο salpeter, potash, lye, caustic; 2) meal before dawn. CAKAP- to become elderly. CAKAPA wide steppe. Same as CAPA. CAKAT nine-year-old horse. CAKAY 1) dumb, mute; 2) /veter./ strangles. CAKriAH sling. CAK.-CAK, KYJ1- to laugh loudly. CAKCblH- to be careful, to fear. CAK.TA- 1) to protect, to guard, to preserve, to keep, to hold; 2) to await, to expect, to watch for somebody, to be on the lookout; ACblPAn ... to bring up the rear; AEHCAYJIblK, ... to take care of one's health; ΚΘ3ΑΙΗ, KAPAuItlFblHAAM ... to cherish as the apple of one's eye. CAKTAJI- to be taken care of, to be kept, to be protected, to be safe. CAK.TAH- to beware, to be careful, to be on one's guard against. CAKJAHAblP- to warn, to caution, to protect, to preserve. CAKTAVJlbl to be in custody, to be in keeping, to be under protection. CAKTAYIHbl bodyguard; ... BEPCTE guardian angel. CAKJMJIH morocco (leather). CAKTblK, watchfulness, care, caution, prudence, saving, preservation, economy; ... KACCACbl savings bank. CAKjnbl watchman; ... KEME station ship. CAK,bIMHA 1) ring, amulet; 2) migraine. CAHAAK /adj./ better, best, select, choice. CAHAAKJAH- to be distinguished for quality. CAHJIAV /n./ hearing. CAHPAY deaf. CAH,PAYJTAY somewhat deaf, hard of hearing. CAHPAYJIblK, deafness. CAH.PAYC- to pretend to be deaf. CAH,PAYK,¥JIAK, mushroom. CAHblJIAY chink, slit, slot, gap, aperture, opening; CAHblJIAYbl BAP A£AM conscientious man. CAHblJIAYJIbl 1) having an opening, having a crack; 2) conscientious.

CEH3AIK CAHblJlAYCbB 1) utterly dark, ignorant (of man); 2) /fig./ unconscientious. CAHblPAY see CAHPAY. CAI^blPAY KYJIAK, see CAHPAYKVJIAK,. CAH.KOM a cotton fabric. CAHK,bIJIAA- to bubble, to sound loudly and clearly. CAFA 1) estuary, mouth of a river; 2) foot of a mountain; 3) joint of blade and hilt (of knife, dagger, etc.). CAFAJIA- 1) to be well situated (on a river bank, etc.); 2) to go in up to the hilt (of a knife); 3) /fig./ to look for protection. CAFAH 1) dative case of thou; 2) tureen, basin. CAFAHAK the ends of the bars of ΚΕΡΕΓΕ (see). CAFAT hour, watch, clock, o'clock; ... TJJI1 hand of watch or clock; ... CEri3£EH EEC MMHYT KETTI five minutes past eight; ... CEFI3AI COKJbl it struck eight o'clock; ... ΤΑΜΑ a whole hour. CAFATnibl watchmaker. CAFAK 1) angle formed by the neck and chin; 2) peduncle, fruit stalk, graft, cutting, stalk, handle, stem's top (of cereal grasses); CAFAFblHAH 1JIIH- to be caught redhanded. CAFbl CblH- to be given hope, to be hopeful. CAFBB 1) tar, pitch; 2) chewing-gum; 3) rubber plant. CAFbl Μ mirage. CAFblMAAH- to loom, to be seen through a haze. CAFblH-1) to think over, to think, to ponder, to consider; 2) to miss, to long for, to be bored. CAFblHbllll languor, longing for, yearning for. CEBEJIE- to trickle, to drizzle. CEBEII reason, cause, occasion, ground; ... EOJI- to further, to promote, to contribute. CEEEIIKEP stimulus; ... BOJ1- to motivate, to become a motive. CEBEnCI3 without cause, without reason. CEBEI1TI causal, causative, having a basis; COJ1 ... for that reason. CEBEnnil see CEBEOKEP. CEBYUII sower; TVK,bIM... sowing machine, seeder, seed drill. CEFI3 eight; ... K,bIPJIbI 1) octahedral; 2) /fig./ jack-of-all-trades. CEFBAIK figure eight, eight. 171


ΟΕΠ3ΚΘ3 €ΕΓΙ3ΚΘ3 waist, small of the back. CEFOIHIIII eighth. CE3- to feel, to learn, to recognize, to smell, to scent, to understand, to guess, to suspect; ΕΙΡβΕΗ ... to feel at once. CESriIII quick-witted, ingenious, sensitive. CE3riIIlTIK intuition, sensitiveness. CE3^IP- to hint, to let someone understand. CE3Y (sense of) touch. CE3IK suspicion. CE3IKTEH- to suspect. CE3IKTI suspicious; ... CEKIPEP a guilty mind is never at ease. CE3IM feeling, sense; ... MYfflEJIEPI organs of sense; COKBIP ... instinct. CE3IM^I sensitive, quick-witted, ingenious. CE3IMU1IJ1 see CESIMfll. CE3IH- to realize, to perceive. CE3IHY realization. CEMFEJIAI dragon fly. CEMCEMBI see CEHCEHEI. CEMCEHEI /obs./ Tuesday. CEMI3 trainer (one who prepares horses for races). CEftlJI- 1) to walk, to stroll, to saunter, to ramble, to promenade; 2) to disperse, to clear away, to thin out. CEMIJ1 KVP- to arrange a promenade. CEMIJIT- to disperse, to clear away, to thin out. CEK one-year-old ram. CEKEKTE- 1) to leap while walking; 2) to shake, to tremble, to be jolted. CEKEM AH- to suspect. CEKEMflEH- to suspect, to doubt. CEKET clumsy (not agile), rude. CEKEHflE- see CEKEKTE-. CEKHIJl freckles; ... BET freckled face. CEKniJmEH- to be covered with freckles. CEKPETAPL· secretary. CEKCEH eighty. CEKCEHIHnil eightieth. CEKCEYIJI /bot./ a desert tree (Haloxylon ammodendron), saxaul. CEKCHM- 1) to bristle (of hair); 2) to stick around (of man), to hang about. CEKTEH- to doubt, to have a suspicion. CEKTOP sector. CEKYHfl second (division of time), section, as if, like, similar, resembling, similarly, likewise, in like manner; Αίϊ ... moonlike.

CEKIJlbflEH- to become similar, to be similar, to assimilate. CEKIP- to dance, to jump, to leap, to spring, to jump up, to leap up; APblKTAH ... to jump across an irrigation ditch; CEKIPin TVP- to jump up, to leap up. CEKIPJTim 1) jump-rope; 2) jumper (sportsman). CEKIPTFIE malignant anthrax (of sheep). CEKYHT see CEKYH/J. CEJ1 stream, torrent, spring floods. CEJ1BEC- to help each other. CEJ1BECY mutual aid. CEJIBEV help, aid, assistance. CEJIBI /n./ the sick, /adj./ sick. CEJ1AIP flimsy (of fabric), thin (of hair), sparse; ... ΒΘ3 gauze; ... ΤΟΓΑΪΪ sparse forest. CEJ1AIPE- to become sparse, to get thin, to thin out. CEJ1E turban. CEJIEBE kitchen knife, saber; ... nbllllAK, large kitchen knife. CEJIEH village. CEJ1EY feather grass (Stipa pennata) (and other varieties of Stipa genus). CEJ1K ET- to shudder, to start, to wince. CEJ1K-CEJIK ET- to shake incessantly, to shiver incessantly, to tremble incessantly. CEJIKIJI E- to shake, to shiver, to tremble. CEJICOK, indifferent, inert, passive. CEJICOKTblK, indifference, inertness. CEJ1T ET- see CEJIK ET-. CEJITEHflE- 1) to become light-minded; to become giddy; 2) to fidget; 3) to shy (of horses). CEJ1TEH-CEJITEH fidgety, thoughtless, flighty; CEJITEH-CEJ1TEHI 5KOK, AflAM earnest man. CEJITHn- to protrude, to jut out, to stick out. CEJIK.OC see CEJICOK,. CEJIK,OCTbIK, see CEJICOKTblK. CEM- to wither, to fade, to dry, to get dry, to dry up, to atrophy. CEMBI see CEHLI. CEMCEP sword, saber, dagger, yataghan. CEMbfl family. CEMI3 /adj./ fat, well-fed, obese. CEMI3AIK obesity, fatness. CEMIK flabby, dried off, withered. CEMIP- to put on weight, to grow stout, to grow corpulent (of a man); to fatten, to grow fat (of cattle), to be fat, to be greasy. CEMIPT- to fatten (of cattle).




CEMIPTVIIII one who fattens his cattle. CEMIPUIEK see fflEMIPIUEK. CEMIEUKE sunflower seed. CEH thou. CEH- 1) to believe, to trust, to rely; 2) to be empty (of nuts, melons, etc.). CEHBEVIflUIIK distrust. CEHBI Saturday. CEHEIJ1 unpaid work for days off and overtime; CEHBIJ1IK ΘΤΚΙ3- to organize unpaid work on Saturday or other days off. CEHTEH convinced, persuaded. CEHFIP see 3ΕΗΓΙΡ. CEHniU trustful, gullible. CEHnniTIK trustfulness, credulity. CEHAEJI- 1) to roam, to loaf, to lounge about; 2) /fig./ to undergo a trying experience; Κ9Π ... to lounge about a lot. CEHAIK thy (your), thine (yours). CEHAIP- 1) to assure, to persuade, to convince; 2) to force to trust. GEHE vestibule, small entrance hall, passage. CEHEK 1) pitchfork (with two prongs); 2) see CEHE. CEHTflEPb September. CEHV credo, creed, religion. CEHI accus. case of thou. CEHIKI thy (your), thine (yours). CEHIM faith, confidence, certitude, trust, credit; ... EIJIAIP- to express confidence; ... KAFA3 power of attorney, letter of attorney. CEHIMAI faithful, loyal, reliable, trustworthy. CEHIMAI-ΠΙΚ reliability, trustworthiness, loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity. CEHIMEH with you. CEHIMCI3 unreliable, untrustworthy. CEHIMCI3AIK unreliableness, untrustworthiness, distrustfulness. CEHIMI )KET- to make certain, to be convinced, to satisfy oneself, to be satisfied. CEHIMI }KOK, uncertain. CEHmiUE in your opinion. CEII 1) use, benefit; 2) as an intensifying particle to words beginning with CE; ...-CEMI3 entirely fat. CEO /E/- 1) to sow, to seed; 2) to water, to irrigate, to splash, to sprinkle, to add; EYAAft ... to sow wheat; CY ΟΕΠΚΙΙΙΙ funnel, watering can, sprinkler. GERTE- /gram./ to decline. CEHTEJI- /gram./ to be declined. CEOTEJiy /gram./ declension.

CEflTEC- to help each other, to share with each other. CEriTEV twisting (a rope or twine). CEPEEHAE- /CEPE9HAE-/ 1) to stir, to move (of something small); 2) to swing (arms), to gesticulate. CEPEM - to stick out, to project, to protrude. CEPFEK 1) prudent, sensitive, cautious, careful; 2) Uvely, brisk, cheerful; ... EOJI- to be prudent, to be sensitive. CEPFEKTIK 1) care, caution, prudence, sensitivity; 2) vivacity, liveliness, animation, cheerfulness, courage. CEPTI- to be refreshed, to be relieved. CEPTIT- to refresh, to relieve, to alleviate. CEPE measure (thickness). CEPEfl- 1) to protrude, to project, to stick out, to jut out; 2) to extend, to expand (about a long or tall object or man); CEPEfiin 5KATKAH E¥ KIM? Who stretched that? CEPEHAE- 1) to jerk, to twitch; 2) to dangle (of stg. small). CEPEHAET- to stir, to move, to dangle (of a child's legs). CEPEUKE matches. CEPKE castrated goat, a leader he-goat. CEPKEIII kid in his second year. CEPKEUII baby-goat, kid. CEPME- to wave, to flap; KAJIAM ... /fig./ to write. CEPMEH- to swing (one's arms); CEPΜΕΗΙΠ K.AJI- to swing (one's arms). CEPHE 5KACA- to join together to arrange a dinner. CEPn- to fling, to hurl, to toss, to make sharp movements; )ΚΑΥΑί>Ι ··· /mil./ to thrust back the enemy. CEPHEP lining of coat, flap, skirt. CEPniJI- 1) to disperse (of mist); 2) to be thrust back, to be forced back (e.g. the enemy). CEPCEMEI Wednesday, also CAPCEHEL CEPT oath, vow, promise. CEPTTEC- to promise one another, to make a firm agreement. CEPTTI /adj./ sworn, affirmed on oath, stipulated; ... C03 oath. CEPY part of native loom. CEPYEH walk, stroll, saunter, ramble, promenade, excursion. CEPVEHAE- to stroll, to take a walk. CEPI knight. CEPIK comrade, companion, fellow-traveler.


CEPIKTEC CEPIKTEC participator. CEPIKTEC- to form an association, to unite. CEPIKTIK organization, fellowship, association. CEPIJ1IK nobleness, magnanimity, generosity. CEPinnE spring (coil); CEPiniTEJII MATPAU, mattress spring. CEC sign, sound. CECKEH- 1) to fear, to become frightened, to apprehend; 2) to start, to flinch, to wince. CECKEHAIP- to frighten, to scare, to intimidate. CECKEHIIIEK timid, irresolute, indecisive, hesitating. CECCHE session. CET- to cut slightly, to notch, to clip, to trim. CETIK 1) /adj./ slightly cut; 2) toothless. CETIJI- to rip, to be cut. CEYIP see C3VIP. CE^JIKA sewing machine. CEIJI1) promenade, stroll (festivity), entertainment, amusement; 2) drifting ice. GEH; ice floe, block of ice; ... »CYPV drifting ice, ice floe. CEH,riP high mountain ranges. CEHCEH, lamb's skin. CEHJP 1) dense forest; 2) foothill; 3) cape; 4) a peninsula on a river. CM- to urinate. CHFAPA cigar. CMFHAJHIIbl signaler, signalman, bugler. CMKIC guest. CHJIE- see CblMJIA-. CMMMETPHfl symmetry. CMMMETPHflJIbI symmetrical. CMMOOHHA symphony, symphonic. CHHOHMM synonym. CMHTAKCMC syntax. CMHTAKCHCTIK syntactic, syntactical. CMHTE3 synthesis. CHriA treatment, cure. CHPAK, see CblPAK,. CHPE- to thin, to thin out, to become sparse, to grow thin (or rows and files of men), to decrease, to diminish. CHPEK thin, sparse, rare; ... KEJIETIH Κ,ΟΗΑΚ, rare (rarely coming) guest; ... TOFAH sparse forest, thin forest; ... ΙΗΑΙΠ thin hair. CHPEKCI- to thin, to thin out, to become sparse. CHPEKTEH- to thin, to thin out, to become sparse.

CHPEKTEHAIP- to thin, to thin out, to make sparse, to make rare. CHPEKTIK rarity, curiosity. CMPET- see CHPEKTEHfllP-. CMCA chintz, cotton (print). CMCTEMA system; ^ΊΕΥΜΕΤΤΙΚ CMCTEMAJ1AP the socialist systems; KAPTOHKAJIbl CMCTEMAHbl »COM- to abolish the rationing system; Κ,ΑΗΑΥ CHCTEMACbl system of exploitation; 5KAJIAAJIbI ΕΗ,ΒΕΚ CMCTEMACbl system of wage labor; OTAPJlblK CHCTEMACbl colonial system; »CEP CYAPy CMCTEMACbl irrigation system. CM.» black. CKEJIET skeleton. CKEOTHK sceptic. CKEOTMUMBM scepticism. CKPMOKA violin. CKPMnKAlIIbl violinist, fiddler. CMETA estimate. CMOJIAJ1A- to resin, to tar, to pitch. CMOJIAJIbl resinous. CHAMnEP sniper, sharpshooter. CHAPJIfl /mil./ shell, projectile, missile. CO that, abbrev. of COJI /dem. pron./; ... 5ΚΕΡΛΕ there, in that place. COBAJIAK, 1) roll, bundle (stg. twisted in the form of a pipe); 2) unleavened bread; 3) /adj./ sluggish, slack, inert. COEAJIAKJA- 1) to felt (wool); 2) to roll up, to twist. COBAJ1AKTAH- 1) to be felted (of wool); 2) to be rolled up, to be twisted; COBAJIAKJAHbin KAJIFAH )KYH felted wool. COEblK, pod, legume. COBET soviet, council; ... O AFblHblH K,VPAJIAbI KYUITEPI armed forces of the Soviet Union; ... PECnYBJIMKACbl Soviet republic; ... UIAFVAUIbUIblFbl sovkhoz, state farm; ... ΘΚΙΜΕΤΙ soviet authority, soviet power; COBETKE K AC /adj./ anti-soviet. COBETTEHflIP- to sovietize. COBETTEP OflAFbl the Soviet Union. COBETTIK /adj./ soviet. COBXO3 sovkhoz, state farm. COAAH /COHAH/ since the time when. CO AH BEPI since that time. COflblP 1) tease, bully, mischievous man or child; 2) harm, damage, mean trick. CO blPJIAH- l) to play mean tricks, to be


CO blPJlbl naughty (of a child); 2) to harm, to damage, to injure. COflblPJlbl mischievous, naughty, pugnacious man; ... THM- to exert a harmful effect, to have a bad influence. CO3- to stretch out, to extend, to stretch; ΑΛΚ.. /fig./to die. CO3 AVPVbl gonorrhea. CO3AH leggy, shanky. CO3bLH- 1) to stretch, to stretch oneself, to sprawl, to lengthen; 2) /fig./ to do one's best, to try. CO3bUIMAJIbI viscous. CO3bIJlFbIIU easily stretchable, easily extensible. CO3bIMflbI 1) easily stretchable, easily extendible; 2) /fig./ urbane, well-mannered; ... 5KYH long-staple wool. COM- 1) to cut, to slaughter (cattle), to skin; 2) to undress; 3) /fig./ to subject to crushing criticism. COM race, breed, origin, illustrious race, family. , TIC man with buck-teeth. - to protrude, to project, to jut out. COMblJl club, cudgel. COMbLJl· to be slaughtered, to be stabbed, to be butchered. COMblJI A- to club, to cudgel. COMblJIAAC- to fight with clubs. COMKAH brawler. COHKAH CAJ1- see COMKAHflA-. COMKAH.HA- to brawl, to make a row. COMKAHAM scandalous, daredevil, bully, rowdy. COJ1 /dem. or./ 1) that, that one; 2) left; ... 5KAK, the left side; ... )KAK, KAHATbl /mil./ left wing, left flank; ... 3KAKTA on the left side; ... )KAFbIHAH T¥P- to be in a bad mood (to get up on the left foot); ... KE3£E at that time; ... ΤΑΡΑΠΚΑ to the left side; ... K.OJI left hand. COJI- 1) to dry up, to fade, to wither, to droop, to grow pale; 2) /fig./ to become emaciated. COJIAM so, thus. COJIAMAMblMEH all belongings, everything which is; ... EEP/JI he gave him all the belongings. COJIAK, rectangular cut, rectangular dent, ear mark (on cattle). COJIAKAM lefthanded person. COJIAH^A- to lean out (of a window), sluggish, inert.

COHOblP COJlEblPAM- to become sluggish, to become inert (of man). COJl/Ι,ΑΗ from the left side. COJl/iAT soldier. COJ1MA shortness of breath (of a horse). COJ1TAK, lame (on one leg), lame horse. COJITAKTA- to hobble, to limp slightly. COJITYCTIK north, northern. COJ1YK, asthma, shortness of breath. COJIIUblJI left-winger, leftist; ... YKJIOH left-wing deviationist. COJlblK, 1) quickened breathing, panting (from heat, fatigue); 2) sobbing; COJIblFblH BAG- to take a rest. COJIblKTA- 1) to breathe quickly, to pant; 2) to sob; COJlblKTAD blJIA- to weep, to sob. COHK.-COJ1K, ET- to rock forcefully, to swing. COJlKJbUlAA- 1) to rock, to swing, to shake; 2) /fig./ to hesitate, to be indecisive. COJlK,bI/lAAK, 1) resilient, elastic, springy, flexible, supple; 2) /fig./ unsteady, unstable, shaky. COJlK.blJl AI'vTblK, hesitation, instability, unsteadiness. COJIK£IHAA- 1) to surge; 2) to adom oneself; 3) to shake /intr./. COJ1FA to the left. COJIFblH 1) flabby, flaccid, sluggish; 2) pale, pallid, colorless, withered. COJIFblH AH- to become pale, to grow pale, to fade, to wither. COM 1) rouble; 2) massive; ... AJITblH nugget (gold); ... >ΚΙΠΤ muscular (sturdy) fellow; ... TEMIP block, bar, pig (of iron), mold, ingot. COMA 1) sum; 2) money (a good amount). COMAblK, /adj./ rouble. COMCA see CAMCA. COHA gadfly, horsefly. COHAH Κ,ΕΜΙΗ after that. COHAH COH after that. COHAP newly fallen snow. COHAV (the one) there, (the one) over there. COH^A there, at that place, then, at that time; ... AA still, nevertheless, however. COH AflA see COH A A. COH^AM 1) such; 2) analogical. COH^AFbl being there, ofthat place, of that time. COH^tlKTAH therefore. COHJlblP ramrod.



COHY COHV 1) virgin snow; 2) untouched place (grass). COHbl 1) ace. case of COJI (that); 2) untouched, unbroken, virgin; ... ^KAMJIAY untouched summer pasture; ... IHAEblHblK, untouched place in the meadow; ... Κ,ΑΡ deep, newly fallen snow. COHblJIAV more or less untouched (not much used). COHblMEH 1) /adv./ in a word, consequently, thus, so then; 2) with him, with that (this); ... ΒΙΡΓΕ with that; ... Κ,ΑΤΑΡ at the same time. ΟΟΗΠΙΑ so much, so many, that much. COrTAil· to take an oblong, oval shape. COIIAK, oblong, oval. COnAKJAV somewhat oblong. ΟΟΠΑΚ,ΠΙΑ see COIIAK, COIIAHilA- to lean out. COnnA warm Tartar cap. COnbl see CYFIbl. COP 1) cruel, fate, doom; 2) torment, torture, disaster, calamity, failure; 3) saline soil, salt marsh (dark, strongly alkaline soil), salt lake; ... TY3 salt, marsh salt; COPL·! Κ,ΑΜΗΑ- to fail; COPblH Κ,ΑΗΗΑΤ- to tire out, to exhaust. COP- to draw out, to extract, to suck, to suck out. COPAH clumsy. COPAI1 hardly noticeable trace, hardly noticeable sign (of a road, etc.). COPAH! COPAFI! call to a camel requesting him to drink water. COPAI1TA- to drink water (of a camel). COPAK.W awkward, clumsy. COPAK£UIAH- to become clumsy, to become awkward. COPAK,bIJIbIK, awkwardness, clumsiness. COPAH kind of grass growing on saline soil; ... 3KEP saline sou. COPAIBA- to protrude, to project, to jut out. COPAHAAV in-toed, clumsy. COPflAVT /COPflAVblTbl/ salt pan. COPAblPT- see COP-. COPJIA- to live in poverty, to be in distress, to fail. COPJIAT- to cause harm. COPJIbI poor, poor thing, wretch. COPMAKTA compress of camel wool soaked with hot salt water. COPMAHflAft see COPJIbI. COPRA soup broth; ... ΜΟΡΠΑ soup and

the like; COPIIAFA llIblFAPbl the best cream of the crop. COPTAH. /COPTAH )KEPJ/ salt march, dark, strongly alkaline soil. COPTAHAbl saline, brackish. COPTTA- to sort, to classify. COPTTAYUIbl sorter. COPTTbl /adj./ of a certain quality, of a certain shape. COPblMbBFA see COPblHA. COPbIHA unfortunately; ... Κ,ΑΡΑΪΪ unfortunately, COPblK, If I- 1) to stream down (of water from a wet object); 2) to stamp out; 3) to tread, to trample through; 4) to dry up gradually. COPFAJ1A- 1) to stream, to flow in a stream, to stream down, to drip, to fall by drops, to drop, to dribble. COPFW3- to let suck. COPFblUI KAFA3 blotting paper. COCAHbl 1) pale (of color); 2) untrodden (of road). COT court, court of justice; ... OPHbl court house; XAJIblK, COTbl people's tribunal; ... >KYMblCbl legal procedure;... KECIM1 court verdict, sentence, judgment, ... M9MCIJHCI session of the court; ... TEPFEVI judicial inquiry, inquest; ... 1C! lawsuit, litigation; ... KOPFAYbl legal defense; COTTbm ΑΚ,ΤΑΠ fflblFAPFAH YKIMI acquittal; COTTblH fflblFblHbl /law/ costs; COTTAH BYPblJH Κ,ΑΜΑΥ imprisonment before trial. COTAHAK, see COffblP. COTTA- /law/ to try. COTTAJI- /law/ to be tried. COTTAC- to litigate. COTTACTblP- to compel, to litigate. COTTbl /law/ defendant. COTK.AP pugnacious person, bully, squabbler. COTKAPJ1AH- to be pugnacious, to become a squabbler, to become a bully. COTKAPHblK, pugnacity, proneness to brawling, proneness to wrangling. COLJHAJIflblK, socialism. CO1JHAJIH3M socialism. COLIMAJIHCT socialist. COUHAJ1HCTIK socialistic; ... ΠΑΡΤΜΛ socialist party. COR >KVA /bot./ Allium fistulosum. COJIY 1) a toothpick; 2) conifers' needles; 3) splinter; 4) small wooden stick for sewing felts together. 176



COK, /F/- 1) to thresh; 2) to call on the way, to visit, to drop in; 3) to beat, to strike, to knock; 4) to forge; 5) to kill (cattle); 6) to cut, to thrust, to stab; ACTblK ... to thresh; AKTblKJbl... to thresh; 9ΗΤΊΜΕ ... to converse. COKA plough, wooden plough; ... BACbl (he is) solitary. COKAM- to tower above others. COKAinbl ploughman. COKJ1A 1) dry dung (fuel); 2) hollow, bump, rut (in road); ... Υίϊ adobe house. COKJIAK, footpath; ... 3KAJ1 footpath. COK.TA 1) blood sausage; 2) uprooted grass; COKTA^AM )ΚΙΠΤ tall fellow. COKTAJIAH- to uproot, to eradicate. COKTAJIbl large, considerable, solid, reliable. COKJblP- 1) to bring, to bring to, to lead to; 2) to order somebody to make, to order somebody to prepare; 3) to force someone to beat, to force someone to strike. COKJblK, IF/- 1) to run against, to dash against, to run into, to collide, to conflict; 2) /fig./ to find fault, to cavil, to nag, to carp. COK,blP blind, blind man;... EOJlbin K,AJ1to go blind; ... CE31M instinct; ... COK,ΠΑΚ path covered with snow. COKblPAfi- to go blind. COKblPJTblK blindness. COKblPTEKE /game/ blind man's buff. COKKA mortar. COK.KAH )KEP surf, breakers. COK,KbI 1) lobs./ club, cudgel (ancient weapon); 2) beating; 3) /fig./ blow, thrust, stroke; ... BEP- 1) to repulse; 2) to sack, to raid, to loot. COH, 1) end; 2) postposition conveying the meaning of: after, later, afterwards, then, thereupon, in order that; ... KAJI- to be late, to be overdue, to fall behind, to lag behind; COHbIHA TYC- /fig./ to pursue, to chase, to be after; OKyflblH COHbIHA TYC- /fig./ to give oneself entirely to studies. COHPA see COHblPA. COHblHAH after. COHblPA /adv./ late, later. COHFbl 1) hind; 2) posterior; 3) last, later; ... C 3 epilogue, last word. COFAH dative-directional of COJL COFV abuse, insult (harch words). COFblJT- 1) to be beaten, to be flogged, to be whipped, to hit, to strike; 2) to be coined. COFblJIFAH villain, scoundrel, rogue, swindler. 177

COFfalM cattle for winter slaughter; ... MAJI cattle for winter slaughter; ... BAFblTbl time of cattle slaughter. COFblMflA- to slaughter cattle for winter. COFblC battle, fight, war; ... EIJIAIPy declaration of war; ... MAM^AHbl battlefield; ... MMHMCTPI minister of war; ... MMHHCTPJlin ministry of defense, war department; ... T¥TKJ»IHBI prisoner of war; ... Φ-JIOTbI navy; ... XAyblHTbl threat of war; ... KblMMblJIflAPbl military actions; ... 9PEKETI military operations; ...-TEHJ3 KAKCbI so much the better, all the better. CTAH APT standard. CTAPUlblH the elder of the aoul. CTAXAHOBTblK, /adj./ Stakhanov. CTAXAHOBUlbl /adj./ Stakhanovite. CTEHOFPAKAFACbI shore, coast; ... >KOJlbI AlllblJiy opening of navigation; ... )KbIJIAH water snake; ... 5KblPFAH 5KEP wash-out, erosion; ... OMblUFAH 5KEP place washed out, worn out by water; ... CEFIKlIll watering can, funnel, sprinkler; ... TAnniblJIblFbl low water, shallowness; ... TAPTKblffl water pipe, aqueduct; ... TAC- to over-



flow /intr./ (of river); ... TACY spring, high water; ... TACblH reservoir, cistern; ... TACKilHbl overflow; ... THIPMEH see ... AHIPMEH; ... TOJIWFV flux, affluence, high tide; ... IIIAniblPAHAblCbl spray, splash, spatter; ... IHblFHCbl source; ... ΚΑΪΠΎ ebb, low tide; ... K,OHbI3bI waterbug; ... ΘΛΙΠΕΡ water meter, water gauge; ... 0TKI3EEC KAEAT impervious (to water) stratum; CyAlJH AUFbl mouth of a river; CV MH BACbl source of a river; CV blH, BETI surface of the water; CyflblH EOHbl the main part of the river; CV bl JKAMblJIYbl overflow; CVAbl« ΚΘΒΘΚ» flux, increase, affluence of water; cyAWH TAPTtlJlYIO reflux, ebb, subsiding of water; CVABIH TACYbl flood, overflow; CYAblH, K;yK>y bank of the river; CYflblH, KbIPbl river bank; AYbI3 ... drinking water; AVEI3 CYAWH K.VPto take too much, fancy, to be too easily carried away; 3ΚΥΡΕΓΙΜ ... ETE TYCTI my heart missed a beat; TVPFblH ... stagnant water; CYFA ΕΑΡΑΤΥΡΥΗ )KOJI path of the cattle to water; 5KIEEK KMIM ...-CY ETEAI the silk clothes rustled. CY- to cool down, to become cool, to grow cool, to coo) off, to get cold, to cool down. CYAHT liar. CyAftTTAH- to become a liar. CYAJl- 1) to evaporate, to dry up (of a river); 2) to stop giving milk (of a cow); ΚΘ3Ι ... to lose one's eyesight. CYAJIAC settlements situated on the same river. CYAJIMA Θ3ΕΗ intermittent river, dry (to the end of the summer) river. CVAJIMA CblMblP cow which stops giving milk. CYAJIT- to wean a child. CYAMA gossip, prattler. CYAP- 1) to water, to give to drink; 2) to irrigate, to temper, to harden; AT ... to water the horses; ΕΠΗ ... to irrigate the crops; KVPbl ITbl ... to temper steel. CyAPMAJTLI irrigated, irrigable; ... 5KEP irrigated land. CyAPWJI- 1) to be given to drink; 2) to be irrigated; 3) to be hardened, to be tempered (of metals). CYAT 1) blade; 2) water trough, watering place (for stock), basin, reservoir, cistern,

water tank, well, pond; MY3 ... ice hole. CYAb.« judge. rustle, rustling. ET- to rustle. CVAMPA- see CYAblP-CYAblP ET-. CYAHPJ1A- see CyAtlP-CVAblP ETCYAblPJlAK /adj./ rustling. Cy3YJI- to fall down, to abate. CyJTA- 1) to wet, to soak; 2) to irrigate; 3) to lie on one's side. CYJIAH- to get wet, to become wet. CyJlAHAblPY irrigation, water supply. CYJIAC- to live together on the same river. - to hiss, to make noise. - to make noise. damp, wet, watery; ... ΚΘΓΕ/Ι watermeadow, flood-plain; ... 3KEP locality supplied with water. CYJlblK 1) /reg./ bit of a bridle; 2) raincoat; 3) hand towel. chatterer, tattler, rumormongerer. CYMAHAA- to talk fast, to have a glib tongue. CyMEH EMAEV hydropathy, water cure. CVH- to offer one's hand, to shake hands. otter. picture, drawing, image, portrait; ... CAJ1- to draw; CVPETKE TVCIP- to photograph. CyPETTE- to depict, to picture, to portray, to represent, to outline, to describe. CyPETTEJI- to be depicted, to be portrayed, to be outlined, to be described. CyPETTEME picture, image, representation, description, sketch. Cy PETTI illustrated. CyPETIlII artist, painter. CyPETlIHJI devotee of art. CYC- 1) to come untied, to come loose; 2) to slip, to slide. CYCA- 1) to be thirsty, to thirst for; 2) /fig./ to crave for, to desire strongly. CVCAJl- to be thirsty. CYCAMblP fir tree. CVCAP marten. CYCAT- to cause thirst. CyCEK bin, cornbin, crib. Cycy- /CyyCY-/ I) to move; 2) to have no support. CyCVPA- to thirst for (after). CYCbI3 waterless, arid, anhydrous, dry; ... AHFAP waterless valley, dry bed of a river; ... EFICTIK non-irrigated fields.


Cblif CyCbI3AbIK, dryness, aridity. CyCblJIAA- to rustle /intr./. CVCblMAJIbl friable, free-flowing, loose; ... }ΚΙΠ rope which is difficult to tie. CVCblH beverage, drink, refreshing drink; ... ΚΛΗ- to quench the thirst. CyCblH A- to drink, to quench the thirst, to drink a refreshing beverage. CVTEFI hydrogen. CVyAP- to water. CyiTIbl 1) water-carrier; 2) water transport worker; 3) water reservoir. CyiUblJT swimmer. CVbl A3 arid, anhydrous, free from water, dry. CyblJlAA- 1) to rustle (of tree leaves); 2) to sink (of heart). CVblH- to cool, to cool off, to get cold, to grow cold. CyblP marmot (woodchuck), steppe marmot. CyblP- 1) to pull out, to draw out (of nails, etc.), to extract (of teeth); 2) to winnow (grain). CyblPTDAK, piece of material from which thread for sewing is pulled out. CVblPblJI- to be pulled out, to be drawn out, to be extracted; EVTbl CVblPblJIA )KEJ1to run fast (of a horse); CVblPblJlA CGMJIE- to talk (smoothly), to speak fluently. CVblC- to grow cold to each other, to lose interest in each other, to love each other no longer. CybIT urgent, pressing. CVblT- to cool, to chill, to cool off. CVblK, 1) cold; 2) /fig./ stern; ... ΤΙΠ3 to catch cold; ... TOPFAM sparrow; ... XABAP bad news; CVblKKA ΤΘ3ΙΜΛΙ eCIM lK frost-hardy plant. CVblKJAy chilly. CyFblJI- 1) to interfere with other's affairs; 2) to be put on (clothes, etc.), to be put in. ΟΦΕΡΑ sphere. CbE3 convention, meeting; ΠΑΡΤΜΛ CbE3I convention of the communist party. CblBA- to smear, to soil, to daub, to dirty, to paint, to oil; C63EEH ... to scold, to call names. CblEAH adjacent, contiguous, neighboring; ...-CAJ1TAH AflAM lonely man, solitary man. CblBAMJlAC neighboring, adjacent; BVPbllllTAP /math./ adjacent angles. CblBAH- to roll up one's sleeves; Cbl·

BAHbin KIP1C- to undertake something resolutely. CblBAHflblP- to make someone roll up the sleeves. CblBAFA part, share. CblE blP rustle. CblbTJblPJIA- to rustle. CblBbDFbl pipe, reed, fife. CbIEbI3FbIIIIbI piper, reed player. CblBblP whisper, whispering. CblEblP A- see CblBblPJIA-. CblBblPJIA- to whisper. CblBblPJIAC- to converse in whispers. CblBbIC rumor, hearing, report. Cbl/JblP- 1) to skin an animal; 2) to bark a tree; 3) /fig./ to dart by, to sweep past, to sweep through, to go fast. Cbl blPT- i) to let sweep by; 2) to whip, to lash; )KbIJlK,bIFA CblflblPTblfl BVFAJIbIK, CAJI- to lasso horses driven at full speed into an ambush. CbI bIPbIJI- to be skinned. CblAblPbIM TACnA leather strap. Cbl blPblM KAEblK, bark stripped off trees. CbI3 dampness, humidity. -CbI3 without. CbI3- 1) to write, to draw, to sketch, to design, to trace; 2) /fig./ to elude, to evade, to shirk, to run off, to run away. CbI3AT crack, cleft, fissure, fracture, crevice, chink, split, scratch, notch, abrasion. CbI3/iA- to ache. - to cause pain, to hurt. , abscess, boil, pains, aches. CbI3AbIK, welt (on shoes). CbI3yJIbI lined, ruled. CbI3bIJT- 1) to be lined, to be ruled (of paper, etc.); 2) to be traced, to be drawn, to be written; ACTblHAH CblSblJIFAH underlined; YCTIHEH CbDblJIFAH deleted, crossed out. CbI3bIK, line, boundary, mark, draft (drawing), line, dash;K0JIAEMEH·.. horizontal line; ΤΙΚ ... vertical line. CbI3bIKTbI lines, ruled. CbI3bIK,IUA short line, dash. CbI3FbIJIA- to trace, to delineate, to underline several times, to cross out with several lines. CblSFblUI ruler (drawing instrument). CblH gift, present, reward, premium, prize, bonus; ... K.OHAK, honorary guest, guest of honor.



CblfiU to go in, to fit in, to find place, to have room for. CblMAAH A- to walk fast. CbIM,£l,blft- to be meager, to be lean. CblM blP- to hold, to contain. CbIME3 see CbE3. CblHJlA- 1) to make a present, to give, to grant, to present, to reward; 2) to respect, to esteem, to show respect, to show esteem; 3) to treat, to entertain with food and drink, to regale. CblMJIAY donation, presentation. CblHJlbl respected, esteemed, honorable, honorary. CblMJlblK, donation, present, gift, premium, prize, bonus. CblnnA- to stroke, to caress lightly, to touch slightly. CblMOAJIA- to grope for; CblMHAJIAn >KYP- to grope one's way. CblMOAJIAKTA- see CblMOAJTA-. CblMDAT character, nature, type, characteristic, trait, property, quality. CblHRAHaA- I) to tarry, to dally, to hesitate; 2) to wag the tail. CblMPAK, 1) /anat./ tibia, shin, shank; 2) one-quarter of a carcass (of cattle). CblftPAKJbl long-legged, tall; ... MblJITblK, gun with a rest; MblJlTblKJblH CbliiPAFbl rest for ancient hunting-gun. CblHbIM holding capacity, cubic content. CblMblMJlbl 1) roomy, spacious, capacious; 2) well-mannered, urbane; ΑΚ,ΒΙΠΡΑ ... persuasive, intelligible, perspicuous. CblMblM^lblJlblK, easy disposition, pleasantness. CbIUbIMCbI3 unaccommodating, quarrelsome, ill-mannered, bad disposition. CblMblMCbDflblK, unsociability, quarrelsome disposition. CblMblH- 1) to hope; 2) to resort to protection; KYIIIIHE ... to resort to brute force. CblHblP- to strip, to strip off, to peel, to skin, to flay. CblMblP cow; ... ET /... ΕΤΙ/ beef; ... MAflbl (cows-milk) butter; ... Κ,ΟΡΑ cattle-shed, cow barn. CLIHblPI bl cow shepherd, herdsman. CblHblC- to get on (with someone); to get along (with somebody). CblnblCnAYmblJlblK, unsociability. CblHblCTblP- 1) /fig./ to eliminate conflicts; 2) to find room for, to lodge, to house.

CblilblK, (used only with the possessive affix) physiognomy. CbIMbIK,CbI3 ugly, of unpleasant appearance. CblMKblP 1) wizard, sorcerer; 2) witchcraft, sorcery; ... ΑΛΑ Μ wizard, sorcerer, conjuror. CblftK,bIPJIA- 1) to bewitch, to cast a spell upon; 2) to enmesh, to entangle, to deceive. CblMKblPJIAY sorcery, witchcraft. CblMKblPJlbl false, magic, bewitching. CbIMK,bIPIIIbI conjuror, juggler; 2) wizard, sorcerer. CblMFbD- see CblM blP-. CblJI- 1) to remove (an ulcer, a sore); 2) to strip (flesh from bones); 3) /fig./ EIP/IEYfllH, BETIH ... to shame, to put to shame. CblJIAH- 1) to smear, to daub, to apply a coat (of clay, etc.); 2) to rub, to massage. CbIJTAH- to preen oneself, to smarten oneself up, to adorn oneself, to clean oneself. CblJIAV massage; ... EAJIIliblK, clay wall plaster; ... MAM /hist./ ointment applied to newly-born babies. CblJIAH, dandy, fop, dressy woman, coquette. CblHAH/JA- to be a dandy, to be a fop, to dress smartly, to flirt. CblJIBblP sluggish, apathetic, milksop, softy; ... 3KAHEbIP drizzle, drizzling rain. CblJlBblPJlA- to act sluggishly, to mumble, to drawl, to procrastinate. CblJlEblPJlblK apathy. CblJlAblP rustle, murmur, ripple; ... C93 empty talk. CblJlflblPA- to sound, to ripple, to murmur, to purl, to gurgle, to rustle, to ring. CblJmblPAMA rippling, murmuring, rustling. CblJIflblPAK rattle. CbUI blPJTA- see CblJI blPA-. CblJlAblPHAT- to jingle, to strum. CbUIAblPJIAYblK, see CblJlflblPAK. CblJIflblPMAK, see CblJl^blPAK,. Cbl-ίΙΠ ET- to flop down, to tumble, to fall down. - to squelch. friable, crumbly, flabby, flaccid. CblJIT- to hobble, to limp slightly. CblJlTAY 1) calumny; 2) reason, cause. pretext, pretense, excuse; OPblH^bl ... plausible pretext; CbUiriAiibl ... plausible pretext. CblJITAYPAT- to find an excuse, to find a pretext. CblJlTAYUlblJI simulator. 180



CbIJITbl- to limp slightly, to limp from time to time. CblJITblK, hobbling, limping slightly. CbIJlK, ET- to fall flat, to fall as if shot. CblJlV /med./ operation. CblJIKrCbUlK, /onomatopoetic word/ (rippling, rustling, ringing); ... KYJI- to laugh, (affectedly) ringingly; ... AFbin >KAT- to ripple, to murmur (of water). CblJIKtlJI A- to get loose, to get shattered, to dangle. CblJIKtUmAK, loose, shattered, dangling. CblJIKtlfl- to sprawl, to lie flat. CblJIKblM 1) plucky fellow, brave chap; 2) see CblJIAH. CbIM 1) wide trousers; 2) wire; ... ΊΊΚΕHEKI ΒΟΓΕΤ wire entanglement, wire obstacle; ... KMM- to wear wide trousers; ... TEM1P iron wire; ... )KEC copper wire; ... TAPT- to stretch the wire. CblMAK, postposition signifying: like, not unlike; TOPFAM ... like a forest; ΚΘΙ1 ... like a lake. CblMBAJI rag. CblMBAT stateliness, shapeliness; ... ΘΗΕΡΙ sculpture; ... ©HEPIIIIICI sculptor. CblMEATCBIS plain, ill-looking, coarse. CblMBATTAV sculpture, carved image. CblMEATTbl well-shaped, well-proportioned, pretty, stately. CblMITblM- to lose everything, to be left with nothing. CblMnblJlflA- to fly fast; CblMnblJlAAn )KYP- walk fast or easily. CMMCBI3 wireless; ... ΤΕΛΕΓΡΑΦ 1) wireless telegraph; 2) /iron./ unauthentic news, groundless rumors. CblH- to break, to go to ruin, to become bankrupt, to be broken, to break up, to break in pieces, to cleave, to split, to crack. CblH 1) a man's figure, outward appearance; 2) trial, test, criticism, research, exploration, experience; ... CAFATTA in the hour of trial; ... TAG stone image. CbIHA wedge. CbIHA- 1) to criticize; 2) to investigate, to explore, to try, to test, to examine, to observe, to explore, to make observations, to watch. CblHAJl- 1) to be subject to criticism; 2) to be tested, to be tried. CblHAJIA- to wedge in, to drive a wedge. CblHAJlAC- to squeeze in, to wedge in. CblHAJIFAH tried-out, well-tried, tested.

CblHAfl mercury, quicksilver. CblHAT- to submit something to someone for evaluation. CblHAVIUbl examiner, tester, investigator, analyst, expert. CblHAK, test, trial, examination. CblHAFbim see CblHIIIbl. CblHAFbimTblK see CblHIIIblJIAblK. CblHflbl see CblflKTbl. CblHflblP- to break. CblHCbIS uncomely, plain, insignificant. CblHIlIL·! critic, expert, connoisseur. CbIHmbIJI bIK. 1) sincerity; 2) critical attitude, discriminatory attitude, criticism. CblHblK, 1) broken; 2) fragment, splinter; ... )KY3flI modest (of a person); TEMIPffiE, CblHblFbl scrap iron. CblHblKTBIK, timidity. CblHblKHIbl bone-setter. CblHFAK, /CblHFbllll/ fragile, brittle. Cbin intensifying particle for words beginning with; ...-CblJlflblP very liquid, very thin, very watery. CbinAMbl 1) pretty, elegant, refined, graceful, beautiful; 2) polite, civil, courteous; ... TYP polite form of address (using "you"). CbinA bl FEPIUIJIIKseeCbinAMblJlblK. CbinAMblFEPiniJTIK see CblFIAHbUIblK, CblDAMbl KIIIII polite person (man). CbinAHblJlblK, courtesy, civility, politeness. CblFIAMblC- 1) to stand on ceremony; 2) to seem to be polite, to seem to be courteous, to seem to be civil. CbinATTA- to depict, to describe, to characterize, to sketch. CbinATTAMA description, characteristic, sketch. CblHATTAV argumentation. CbinCblH see CLIEBIC. CbinTblFblP 1) lean, gaunt, meager, thin; 2) /fig./ sly, knavish. CblOblJI/IAK,-1) to talk fast; 2) to move fast. CbinbUmAK, 1) quick, prompt, efficient; 2) rattle. CbinLIH A- to be lively, to fuss, to bustle about (of hostess). CbinblP- to sweep (the floor), to clear away, to brush off, to take off, to take away. CBinblPA in succession, one after the other. CblOblPTKbl broom. CbinblPynibl floor cleaner. CbinblPblJI- to be taken away, to be removed. CbinblPblH/l.bl rubbish, sweepings.


CblTblH A-

CblflblPblK, CblFIblPblK, skinny, scraggy, emaciated, thin. CblllblPFbllll whisk broom, broom, besom. CblflblC thin (of horse's tail). CbinblHOA- see CbinblJI/ϊΑ-. CblP 1) cinnabar, vermilion, ocher; 2) paint, color; 3) secret, mystery; ... AJI^blPMAnot to betray a secret. CblP- to stitch, to quilt, to sew together. CblPA 1) beer; 2) the heel of a boot; ... SABOflbl brewery; ... Κ,ΑίΪΗΑΤΥ brewing; ... KAftHATVIIIbl brewer. CblPAH far distance, place far away (remote). CblPAK, tall, long-legged (of horse). CbIPBA3 1) 3^t months old fat lamb; 2) /adj./ self-possessed. CblPAA- to polish. CbIP/ΙΑΗ, bare, without vegetation. CblP AH, ΑΛΑΜ /fig./ ill-disposed man. CblPJIA- to paint, to varnish, to lacquer. CblPJIAH- to be painted. CblPJIAC- 1) to be acquainted, to be a friend of; 2) to confide secrets to each other, to share one's innermost thoughts. CblPJIAC friend, confidante. CblPJlbl /adj./ painted; ... C03 (ACTAPFIbl C63: allegorical) figurative word. CblPMA see CblPMAKCblPMA BO PAH snow-storm. CblPMAK 1) (padded) warm jacket; 2) /adj./ quilted. CblPHAM accordion, reed, pipe, fife; ... TAPT- to play the accordion. CblPHAMUIbl accordion player, reed player, piper, trumpeter. CblPT 1) outward appearance, exterior, exterior part, upper, back; 2) hillock, hill; 3) butt, back edge, head of an ax, the side opposite the blade on a knife or ax; 4) /geogr./ height (geogr.), elevation; ... KHIM street clothes; ... BEP- to disdain, to scorn. CblPT-CblPT /onomatopoetic word/ (imitating crunching, crackling). CblPTA /adv./ out of doors. CblPTAH 1) /adv./ on the outside, on the exterior, exteriorly, outwardly; 2) /adv./ without seeing, by correspondence; ... OKi>IM- to take a correspondence course; 3) name for a dog (wolfhound). CblPTblJIflA /onomatopoetic word/ (imitating the clatter of a cow's hooves). CblPblJlAAV clatter of cow's hooves. CbIPTK,APbI out of, outside, beyond; ICTEH ... KAJT- to remain.

CbIPTK4>I /adj./ outer, exterior, external, outside, outward; ... ΤΥΡΙ appearance, outward appearance; ... ICTEP MMHMCTPJIIFI ministry of foreign affairs; ... ICTEP MHHMCTPI minister of foreign affairs. CblPUIblJIAblK, /lit./ lyricism. CblPblJI- to pass by, to give place. CblPblJmA wheeze, hoarseness. CbIPbIJI A- l) to ripple, to murmur (of water); 2) to wheeze /intr./. CblPblJIAAK, husky, hoarse. CblPbIM negotations. CblPblK, post, stake, long, bifurcated post used for supporting the yurt in time of bad weather. CbiPK, /F/- to slip, to slide, to roll fast /intr./; CbIPFbIM AFV stream, current. CblPKbUI A- to snore. CbIPK,AT sick man, illness, sickness, ailment, sick condition. CblPKATTAH- to be ill, to be sick, to be ailing, to ache. CblPKAV sick man. CblPKAYJIAH- see CblPKATTAH-. CblPKAYJIblK, sickness, illness. CbIPK,bIJI- to advance, to make headway, to move forward. CbIPK,bIPA- to ache, to break. CblPFA- to be slippery. CblPFA earrings. CblPFAJIA- to glide on ice. CblPFAJIblK, lobe of the ear. CblPFAHA- to slip, to slide, to roll, to roll down. CblPFAHAT- 1) to roll, to wheel, to slide, to glide /tr./; 2) /fig./ to shelve, to put off. CblPFAHAK, 1) slippery; 2) skating rink; ... ΤΕΠ/Β/- to slide on a slippery surface; KOHbKHMEH ... ΤΕΠ/Β/- to skate; UIAHAMEH ... ΤΕΠ/Β/- to drive in a sledge. CblPFAVblJT pole, rod, post, staff, stake, picket. CblPFblMAJIbl extendible, extension-type (e.g., sliding-door). CblPFbIT- to set in motion vigorously. CblPFblTHA /adj./ cursory, fugitive. CbIT- to press, to squeeze out; 3KAPAHbIH AV3bIH ... to lance (a wound or an abscess), to squeeze out pus from a wound or an abscess; ΘΡΕΗ. CblTblJIbIM IIIblK,- /fig./ to get rid (of somebody) with difficulty. CbIT AHA- to cast a glance. CbITbIH/IA- to be agile, to be nimble.




CblTblP crunch, crackle, creak, crack. CblTfalPJIA- to crunch, to crackle, to creak. to crack /intr./. Cblfl ink. CbLH CAYblT inkwell. CbI.flK, appearance, exterior, outward appearance, CblflKTbl 1) handsome, beautiful; 2) /adv./ as though, as if, like, not unlike, seemingly; 3) /adj./ similar, like. CblK, jfI- to press out, to force out, to compress, to squeeze, to press, to weigh on /tr./. CblKAK, mockery, sneer, gibe. CblKAKTA- to tease, to mock, to gibe, to jeer, to deride, to scoff, to flout, to ridicule. CblKAKUIblJI scoffer, mocker. CblKJIA a product prepared by the process of pressing. CblKnAJIA- to press, to squeeze, to clamp, to grip, to fasten (repeatedly) /tr./. CblKPA- to be badly ill (see CblPKAT-). CfaIK,CbIM- 1) to screw up one's eyes; 2) to light dimly. CbIK.CbI.fl Κ,ΑΡΑ- to look with screwed-up eyes. CblKTA-: 2KbIJl ΑΠ-CbIKTA- to cry bitterly, to grieve. CblKblJl color. CblKblJmbl see CblflKTbl. CfalKblJIblKTA- to gibe, to mock, to laugh merrily. CbIK,bIP 1) /rare/ outward appearance; 2) creak, squeak. - to creak, to squeak. 1) the wooden door of a felt hut (yurt); 2) squeaky, creaky, squeaking, creaking. CbIK,bIP-CbIKbIP ET- to creak, to squeak. CbIK,bIPJlA- see see one of a pair; ... >KAK, /adj./ onesided, obstinate. CblHAP E3Y see CblHAP 5KAKCblHC- to bewail, to lament, to weep as a part of wedding ceremony (of the bride). CblHCbl- to moan plaintively, to scream, to shriek; CblHCbIFAH OPMAH /fig./ dense forest; CblUCblFAH M AH /fig./ abundance of cattle. CblHKHJIflA- 1) to smile, to laugh slightly; 2) to emit a ringing sound; CbIHK,bIJI^AH KYJ1- to laugh resoundingly. CblHFblP 1) clang, clank; 2) echo.

CblUFbiPJlA- 1) to emit a metallic sound, to ring; 2) to echo, to resound. CblFAftJIA- to select, to sort, to pick out; ATTbl CblFAMJIAn MIH- to ride on a selected horse. CblFAJIA- 1) to spy, to peep, to look through a hole; 2) to take aim, to sight; 3) to examine, to survey; CblFAJIAO AT- to aim, to aim and shoot ; CblFAJIAO Κ,ΑΡΑ/fig./ to look (as sun from behind clouds). CblFAJIAVIIlbl 1) peeper, spying person; 2) one who aims. CblFblJI- to be pressed, to be squeezed, to be crowded out, to be squeezed out, to be displaced. CblFbLJlblC- to become dense, to jam, to crowd into. CblFblMflA- to squeeze out, to clutch in one's fist ; . . . ¥CTA- /fig./ to be very thirsty. CblFblH/Jbl oil-cakes. CblFblPAM- to look squinting. CI- to enter, to come up to, to approach. CIBEPJ1E- to turn grey, to show grey; TAU CIBEPJIEH KEJI- to dawn. CIBIP KY3EH1 /zool./ kolinsky. CIBIPKI see CbinblPTKbl. CIBIPTKI see CfainblPTKbl. CIFEJIE- see CblFAJTA-. urne. CI3 you (polite for thou). CI3BEH with you. CI3FE to you (dative of you). CI3/JE with you, at you (locative of you). CI3AEH from you (ablative of you). CI3/II you (accusative of you). CI3flEP you (plural, polite form). CI3AEPIIIE in your opinion, according to you ; ... KAJIAJIAM? What do you think of...? What is your opinion on...? CI3AIHUIE see CI3AEPUIE. CIK- to copulate. CIJ1A- see CBIMJIA-. CIJIBI late autumn, first snow. CIJIEM- to be exhausted, to break down, to be done up. CIJIEKEM saliva. CIJIEKEMJIE- to slobber, to dribble. CIJIEKEf HI slobbery, driveling. CIJIEM remnant, stump; ... 3ΚΙΠ small cut of rope. CIJIEVCIH lynx. CIJIK- to shake out, to shake. CIJIKIJ1E- to shake. CIJ1KIH- to shake oneself, to rouse oneself.



CIJ1KICC1J1KIC- /fig./ to quarrel. CIJITE- 1) to wave the hand, to wave, to brandish, to make a threatening gesture; 2) to give directions, to give indications, to direct, to show, to indicate, to point to; KklJIbim ... to brandish a sword. CIJITEY ECIM in /gram./ demonstrative pronoun. CIJ1TI alkali, lye. CIJ1TI CAJ1- to alkalize. CIJlTIflEM TLIH- to harden into stone from rage (to fly into a rage). CIJUKHE overcooked meat. CIJIIMTIK garbage, refuse, waste. CIJIIMTIP 1) junk, lumber; 2) /fig./ bother, trouble. CLTOT- to fatigue, to tire, to weary, to exhaust. CIJIBT9- to indicate, to point to, to show. CIM1P- to drink without taking breath. CIH- to ask, to implore. CIHTEEIP September. CinA- see CtlMOA-. αΠΑΗΛΑ- see Ο>ΙΗΓΊΑΗΛΑ-. CIPFE muzzle to prevent calves and foals from sucking. CIPFEJ1E- to put on a muzzle (on a calf, foal). CIPEK rare. CIPEC- 1) to cram, to fill; 2) to learn by rote; 3) /fig./ to persist or insist on having one's own way. CIPEH.KE matches; ... KAEL.I match-box. CIPKE 1) nit; 2) vinegar; CIPEHKE CV ΚΘΤΕΡΜΕΜ^Ι /adj./ irritable man. CIPKE^EM /fig./ tiny, very small. CIPKEJIE- to become infected with lice. CIPKIPE- 1) to drizzle (of rain); 2) to flow slowly. CIPI 1) tenacious (of life), of great vitality; 2) counter (of boot or shoe). CIPIHKE see CIPEHKE. CIPIHKI see CIPEH.KE. CIP9 probably, seemingly, apparently. CIP9 COJIAM apparently, seemingly, thus. CIH- 1) to find room, to go in, to fit in; 2) to soak into the earth (of water), to be absorbed, to soak in; 3) to be digested (of food); 4) to penetrate. C1HEIP- to blow one's nose. CJHEIPIK 1) snivel: 2) /bot./ kind of steppe grass. CIH/U see C1H.J1I. CIRIITP- to absorb, to digesl.

CIH-ΠΙ younger sister (in relation to the elder sister but not to the brother). CIHy assimilation (of food, etc.). CIHIJ1 see CIHJII. CIHIM^I easily digestible (of foods). CIH.IP- 1) to seize, to retain, to hold back; 2) to take in, to imbibe, to absorb, to assimilate, to digest; 3) to instill, to inculcate; 4) to appropriate; 5) to deserve, to merit; ΕΗ,ΒΕΚ ... to earn a reward, title, etc. by outstanding work. CIHIP 1) tenon, sinew; 2) bowstring; . . TAC agate, jasper;... COBblJIV strained muscles; ... TAPTblJIV or ... TYMIJIY cramp, spasm. CIHIPJII sinewy, stringy, wiry. CIHIPyilll I) one who assimilates, one who absorbs; 2) appropriator. CIHJCTIP- to assimilate. CYBE 1) short false rib; 2) loin, filet (meat). CYBEJII /adj./ with fatty loins (of sheep). ΟΎΕΘΆΘ- to interfere with another's affairs. CYFIPET see CYPET. CYFIPET CAJI- see CYPET CAJ1-. CY3- 1) to strain, to filter; 2) to butt, to gore; ΚΘ3ΙΗ ... /fig./ to covet /tr./. CY3BE pot cheese, sour skim-milk, strained sour milk. CY3n fine sieve, strainer, filter. CY3EK high fever, typhoid, typhus; ΒΘΡΤΠΕ ... typhus, spotted fever. CY3EKI 1) seine; 2) skimmer, casting ladJe. CY3IK small sausage. CY3IJI- 1) to be filtered, to settle out, to precipitate; 2) to plait, to braid (or a horse's mane and tail); CY3IJlin KAPA/fig./ to stare, to look fixedly. CY31C- to butt each other. CYM- to caress, to kiss, to love. CYMrEHfllK love. CYMri3- to let kiss, to allow to kiss. CYftZTJP- to force a kiss, to force to love. CYilE- to lean against, to rest on, to give a support, to prop up, to support. CYMEK 1) bone; 2) clan, big family, race, family (including the ancestor), extraction, origin; CYMEFI BOJTAT strong (of man); ... CIHrEH /adj./ deeprooted, inveterate; CYMEFI TAyiP Μ ATA durable material, wear-resisting fabric; ... ^KAKBIH bl^od relative; ... ICy /med./ caries. CYMEKCI3 boneless. CYMEKTEC relative.


CYMEKTJ CYMEKTI 1) bony; 2) thick, dense, close (of fabric). CYMEJI tumor, swelling, pimple, wart. CYMEM span between the tip of the thumb and the tip of the little finger (measure of length). CYHEMAE- to measure with a CYMEM (see). CYMEMEJI post, pillar, prop, support. CYHEH- to lean upon. CYHEHEPJIIK reliable (man). CYMEHIffl support, backing. CYUEV prop, support. CYKEVUII patron, protector, supporter. CYHKE- to smear, to daub, to spread, to paint, to rub; CYMKEH KET- /coll./ to steal. CYMKEJ1- to touch, to brush against, to knock against, to rub oneself, to rub against. CYM- to rub against, to touch, to brush against, to knock against. CYiiKIMAI pleasant, attractive, nice-looking, comely, amiable, obliging. CYMKIMAIJIIK comeliness, pleasantness. CYMKIMCI3 unpleasant, antipathetic. CYMKIMC13AIK unpleasantness, inspiring aversion. CY MEH crowbar. CYMEHAE- to work with a crowbar. CYMPE- to drag, to draggle; CYMPEfl KEJITIP- to drag in, to drag away; CYMPEH KET- to drag, to drag along, to lag behind, to crawl, to creep /intr./. CYHPEJIE- to drag. CYMPET- to drag. CYMPETFIE large wineskin, big leather bag for kumiss, large TOPCWK, (see). CYfiPEHAE- to talk nonsense, to chatter, to blab. CYHPIK white root of reeds. CYMCIH- to admire, to be delighted with, to be enraptured with. CYJ3T- to do this way, to act this way. CYMTE-CYilTE /adv./ acting thus, gradually. CYHTCE AE /adv./ notwithstanding, nevertheless, still, even if so. CYHTin thus, in that way. CYMIKTI favorite, beloved, darling. CYM1J1- to rejoice /intr./. CYMIH- to rejoice, to be glad, to be delighted, to be enraptured /intr./. CYMIHAIP- to rejoice, to gladden, to move, to touch /tr./. CYMIHAIPyffll rejoicer.

CYPET CY IH111 present given for bringing good news. CYMIHIUI joy, gladness, delight, rapture. CYMIHIIUCI3 cheerless. CYHIHIIUTI joyous, joyful, glad. CYMIP pointed, conical, coneshaped; ... EYPblUI acute angle. CYM1PJIE- to sharpen, to make conical, to taper down /tr./. CYMIC- to love one another, to kiss. CYMlCnEHiniJlIK /lit./ love, love relations, amorous. CYMOH- 1) to lean oneself on; 2) to hope. CYJin towel. CYJTAE 1) skeleton; 2) /fig./ bag of bones, nothing but skin and bones. CYJIAEP skeleton. CYJIE grippe. CYJIIK leech; CYJ1IKUIE COP- to exploit someone (to draw blood like a leech); CYJ1IK11IE KAAAJ1- to thrust oneself upon, to importune, to weary one, to exasperate, to be a burden (to). CYMBE see CYMBI. CYMBI ramrod. CYMBIJI ΚΑΡΑ UIAUITtl black-haired (of women only). CYMEIJIE /obs./ August. CYMBIJIE- to load a gun. CYMBIJ1I MblJITblK, /mil./ muzzle loader. CYMEKTE- see CYMEH»flE-. CYMEJIEK 1) icicles; 2) icicle-shaped tassles on a bride's hairdress. CYMEU E- to trail after somebody. CYMnHM- to cut a poor figure, to be gloomy. CYMIPEM- to frown. CYHAET circumcision. CYP- 1) to furrow, to make furrows, to plough; 2) to scrape, to rub; 3) to plane; 4) to drive ahead (a herd, etc.); 5) to act in various ways. CYP corned beef, /adj./ cured of meat, seasoned (of wood), ripe (of cheese, etc.), mature; ... EOfiWAK, old bachelor; ... 11ΙΘΠ silo, forage, seasoned hay. CYPFI scraper, plane (instrument), joining plane. CYPFIJIE- to cut, to hew, to trim, to plane. CYPFIH persecution, oppression, exile; ... ΚΘΡ- to be persecuted. CYPET picture; ... CAJI- to draw, to take a picture; ... CAJ1V drawing; ... ΘΗΕΡ1 painting. 185

CYPETU1I CYPETI1II artist, painter. CYPEH 1) appearance, feature, characteristic; 2) calamity, epizootic, epidemic disease of cattle. CYPEHCI3£UK dullness (of contents of a book, report, etc.). CYPJIE- to season, to ensile, to drycure, to smoke (of meat, etc.). CYPJIEH- to become seasoned (with age) (of dried meat), to cure meat by aging and drying it. CYPJIEY path, footpath; ... )KOJT narrow road. CYPME antimony. CYPMEJ1E- to apply antimony (as) cosmetics. CYPMEJ1I /adj./ pencilled, ornamented (eyebrows and eyelashes). CYPT- to wipe, to smear, to grease, to spread; CYPTin TACTA- to erase, to rub, to wash laundry. CYPTIH;- to wipe oneself, to dry oneself. CYPIK calfskin, calf leather, soft leather of high quality. CYPIH- to stumble. CYPIH1HEK AT stumbling horse, a horse which stumbles often. CYPIC small horse. CYT milk; ... AHA wet-nurse; ... UIEJIEK milk pail; ... KOPEKTI ^CAHYAPJIAP or ... KOPEKTIJ1EP mammals. CYTEH- to begin to yield more milk (of all females of milked domesticated animals). CYTTEH- to ripen (of ears of cereal plants); CYTTEHin KEJI- to ripen (of ears of cereal plants). CYTTI /adj./ milk, milky, milch, producing much milk. CYTTIFEH /bot./ spurge (Euphorbia). CYHrVIIlI diver. CYH,rVIP good diver (swimmer);... KAftbiK, submarine; ... YUPEK pochard. CYHFI 1) lance, spear, pike; 2) soot, lampblack, carbon black. CYfiblJI- to liquidize itself, to become liquid, to dilute, to rarefy, to thin, to become rare. CYfiblK, /adj./ liquid, fluid, thin, rare; ... AAAM /coll./ old fox; ... EOTKA thin porridge, soup; ... 3AT /phys./ liquid, liquid substance. CYiiblKJAJl- to dilute, to thin, to rarefy. CYfiblKTblK, liquid substance, liquid state. CYJTA- to stretch, to lie stretched out. CYJIAT- to throw down, to knock down, to fall.

beautiful, lovely, pretty, handsome (about a woman). CYJIYJIA- to adorn, to beautify, to decorate. CYJiyJIAH,- to grow prettier. CYJiyjTblK, beauty. CYJIVblPAK prettier. CYJIbI oats; ΚΑΡΑ ... /bot./ wild oats (Avena fatua); ... 5KAPMACbl oatmeal, oat groats. CYJIblK, bridle; ... 3AT to lie motionless; ... TYCy syncope. C¥M sly, cunning. CYMEJIEK villain, scoundrel. CYMblPAft 1) one who embodies all the evil qualities of a man; 2) /myth./ symbol of disaster. CYHAP hunt. CYHAPUIbl hunter. CYn a strengthening particle to words beginning with CY; ...-CYP greyer, gloomier; BETI ...-CYP BOJIbin KETTI his face darkened. CYITbl ascetic, hermit. CYP grey, pale; ... AFAUI /bot./ sumac (Rhus catinus); ... >KbIJIAH viper. CYPA- to ask, to beg, to inquire, to question. CYP AH- to be asked, to be interrogated. CYPAMCAK, beggar. CYPAMCAK.TAH- to beg. CYPAMCAKJblK, begging. CYPAH- to ask, to ask for leave, to apply, to beg (for alms). CYPAOblJI cruel, fierce, ferocious; ... ATbIC /mil./ tornado fire, hurricane fire. CYPAC- see CYPACTWP-. CYPACTblP- to question, to make inquiries. CYPAT- to force to ask, to order to ask. CYPAV questions, inquiries, interrogations. CYPAyCbD /adv./ without leave, without permission. CyPAVIIIbl petitioner. CYPAK, inquiry, interrogation; ... K.AFA3 questionnaire. CYPJTAH- 1) to grow pale, to grow ashy; 2) to become ferocious, to assume a threatening appearance. CYPbl appearance, look, figure, aspect; ... Κ,ΑΙΙΙ- to fall morally, to degrade. CYPblH /adj./ selected, choice, very best. CYPblHTA- to select, to choose, to assort, to sort; CYPblΠΤΑΠ AJT- to pick out the best. CYPbinTAyillbl sorter. CYPKblJI see CYPFbIJTT.


CYPKblJmAHCYPKblJIAAH- sec CVPJIAH-. CYPKblfl scoundrel, swindler, rogue. CYPFblJIT grayish, somewhat pale. CYCTAH- to frighten intentionally, to scare intentionally, to assume a frightening appearance. CYCTbl awesome, formidable, impressive. CYCbl BAG- to inspire fear. CYK IF I- 1) to hide; 2) to put in; 3) to put through, to push through, to thrust through, to force through; K,OJI ... /fig./ to steal, to plunder, to embezzle; ... KOJI forefinger, index finger. CYKJIA bolt, bar. CYKJIAJIA- to shove about, to stuff into different places. CYKCblP a variety of wild duck. CYKCblP Afi handsome or stately as a wild duck. CYKJAH- to look enviously, to envy, to feast one's eyes, to be attracted. CYKJAHAblP- to attract, to entice. CYKTAHYIIIbl one who admires, one who is envious. CYKKOJI see CYK KOJI. CYHKAP falcon. CYHKAP CAJ1Y falconry. CYH.FAK, 1) falcon; 2) tall but not imposing, tall (of man). CYFAHAK, 1) greedy, voracious; 2) pushing (of a man). CYFAHAKTAH- to be greedy. CYFAHAKTblK 1) greed, avidity; 2) pushing. CYFblH- to pounce greedily upon the food. I- to get ripped (of a seam), reprimand, reproach, blame; ... EEPto give a reprimand. C0riC- 1) to scold one another, to abuse one another; 2) to help to rip. CG3 word, speech; AYBBIIIA ... spoken words; 5KA3VUIA ... written words; )KEPriJlIKTI CO3AEP local dialects. CG3 EAFVIHL·! gossip (person). C03 ΕΡΜΕίίΤΙΗ irreproachable, dictionary. AftTbUiytJ pronunciation of a word. C03CI3 1) silent, speechless; 2) unconditional, absolute, unreservedly, unquestioningly; ... 3KYPE BEPETIH (ARAM) resigned. C03CI3,HIK unconditionalness, absoluteness. CGSYAPJlblK, see €Θ31ΙΙΕΗΑΙΚ. CeSIIIEH, eloquent, talkative, chatterbox, babbler.

eloquence, talkativeness. COM/IE- to speak, to talk, to speak in public; ΚΥΡ AAJ1AFA CeMJIEM to talk idly. C MJIEM /gram./ sentence; ... MYIIIECI /gram./ part of the sentence; )KAM ... simple sentence; KYPMAJ1AC ... complex sentence. CefiJlEMFIAS see COSIIIEH. CefiJlEMIIIE /gram./ phrase, expression. CGMJIEC- to converse, to agree with ... to..., to arrange with...to..., to talk with, to speak with. CeMJIECyilll interlocutor. CGMTin /adv./ thus, in that way. €ΘΚ millet. C0K /Γ/-1) to rip, to rip open; 2) to reproach, to blame, to censure, to scold, to reprove, to abuse. ΟΘΚΕΤ rude man. C0KEJIET clumsy, rude. C KCEVUI species of plant (Haloxylon ammodendron), (Arthrophytum ammodendrum), saxaul. C KTE- to pound millet in a mortar. COJ1 meat juice. CGJIEKET clumsy. CeJlEKETTEH- to become clumsy. CeHEKETTIK- clumsiness. C0H- to go out (fire), to die out (fire), to be extinguished. C0H,£UP- to put out, to extinguish, choke (of a samovar), extinguisher; ΘΡΤ ... foreman. ΟΘΤ- to rip, to undo, to unpick. C0TIJI- to get ripped, to come undone. CeyEFEHJlIK prediction, foretelling. C9EI infant, baby; ... BAHA infant. C9EI3 carrot. gadfly. corresponding. C9MKECCI3AIK inadequacy, discrepancy, disparity, nonconformity. CQfitKECTE- to bring into conformity, to combine. C3MKECTEJ1- to conform, to match, to correlate, to correspond. C3MKECTEH- see C9MKECTEJI-. C9 KECTIK conformity, correspondence, accordance. C9KI plank-bed. C9J1 a little, somewhat, slightly, lightly; ... >KAKCbIPAK a little better; ... FAHA hardly, almost, nearly. C9JT.UA small turban. 187


C9JIEM C9J1EM greeting, salute. C9J1EM AUT- to send greetings. C9JIEM BEP- to greet. C9JIEMAEME present, gift. C9JIEM EC- to greet, to exchange greetings. C9H 1) trinket; 2) elegance, grace, refinement, being elegantly dressed, luxury. C9H.HE- to adorn, to decorate, to dress up /tr./. C9HAEH- to dress up, to smarten, to preen oneself /intr./. ΟθΗ,Π,ΕΗβΙΡ- to adorn, to decorate, to make attractive. C9HAEHYIIII dandy. C9H,Q(I dressy, smartly dressed. C9HAIK adornment, decoration, smartness (in dressing). C9PMA- see CEPME-. C9PCEHBI Wednesday. C9CKE late morning. C9CKEJIIK TAMAK, lunch. C9T good luck, good fortune, convenient moment, opportune moment. C9TEH satin. C9TCI3 unlucky, unfortunate, unsuccessful. C3TCT3AIK faUure, lack of success.

C9TTI lucky, successful, fortunate, effective, happy. C9TI ΤΥΟΠΕΓΕΗ unsuccessful. Ο9ΥΑΕΓΕΗ see CAV/JAFEP. C9Y,HErEPJIIK see €ΑΥ/ΪΑΓΕΡ.ΙΙΙΚ. €9ΥΛΕΓΕΡΙΙΐυΐΙΚ see CAV^AFEPHIK. C9VEr0M foreteller, soothsayer, prophesier. €9ΥΕΓΘΗ;ΐΙΚ foretelling, forecasting, prophesying; ... K,¥P- to prophesy, to foretell, to forecast. C9VKEJ1E 1) old-fashioned headdress of a bride; 2) /fig./ lamp-chimney. C9YJIE ray, beam, radiance, aureole, halo; ... TYC- to shine, to beam, to radiate; TAH CAVJ1ECI gleam of dawn. C9YJIEJ1I radiant, gleaming. C9YJ1EM / ff./ "little light of mine". C9YJIET 1) surface grandeur, portentousness; 2) parade; ... ΘΗΕΡΙ fine art, imitative art, architecture; ... ΘΗΕΡ MAMAHLI architect. C9YJIETTI majestic, grand, luxurious, sumptuous. C9YPIK stallion (not used as a sire). C9YIP lobs./ April.


τ ΤΑΑΚ, chair, stool. ΤΑΒΑ 1) frying pan; 2) malicious joy; AVmnAHFA ..., AOCKA KYJIKI BOJ1MA Don't make your enemy happy and your friend sad. TABAJIA- to feel malicious joy, to rejoice in someone else's misfortune. TAEAJIAPBIK, see ΤΑΕΑΗΑΕΙΡΒΙίς. TAEAJIAMPMK, see TAEAHAtlPEIK,. TAEAJIMA- to fail to find. TAB AH 1) sole of foot or shoe; 2) a place submerged in water in spring, spring floodplain; 3) threshing-floor space; 4) basis, foundation, base; UIAHA TAEAHL·! runner; ... EAJIblK, /zool./ crusian (carp), bream. TAEAHAA there and then. TAEAHAA-1) to persist, to take a firm stand, to hold one's ground; 2) to measure with the foot. TAEAH AAT- to strengthen, to consolidate stg. TAEAHAPBIK, see TAEAHAMPBIK,. TAEAHAM firm, stable. TAEAHAHJIblK, firmness, stability. TAEAHAHPblK, threshold, threshold of the door of the felt tent. TAEAHCblK, unstable. TAEAHCblSAblK, instability. TAEAK, 1) dish, course; 2) cup (mug), large cup; 3) sheet (paper steel). TABAK, TAPT- to entertain a large number of invited guests. ΤΑΕΑίςΤΑΠ ET TAPT- to serve meat (in large dishes). TAEAK.TAC EOJI- to eat together with someone. TAEAK,IllbI food server, one who serves food from a dish. TAEAHAA- to be attached to, to be fastened to. TABEJlb table, time board. TAEEJIblHI timekeeper. TAEHFAT nature. TAEHFH natural, unsophisticated.

TABJ1MUA table. TAEY taboo, ban. TABEI clan, big family. TABEIJI pasture with the grass cropped or browsed off (eaten up). TAEblJl- 1) to be, to be located, to be found; 2) to find the right thing to say; 3) to walk for a long time. TAEblH- 1) to worship; 2) /fig./ to respect highly; Π¥ΤΚΑ ·-· /obs./ to worship idols. TAEfalHymblJlblK, admiration, worship. TAEbIC 1) earnings, income, profit, receipts; 2) achievement, success. TAEblC- 1) to meet together, to come across, to encounter, to find each other; 2) to make peace; 3) to join together /intr./; 4) to find its mother (of a lamb). TAEEICKEP able to earn a living. TAEblCTblP- 1) to make peace (enemy factions); 2) to couple (e.g. a ewe with its mate). TAEbIT coffin (case). TABblTUIbl grave digger, coffinmaker. TAEbIFAT SEPTTEVIUI naturalist. TA)K corona, crown. TAXCAJI 1) the Antichrist; 2) a fright, a scarecrow; 3) furious, violent /adj./. TA3 bald patch, bald, bald from scabies, mange, mangy. TA3A irreproachable, healthy, clean, neat, tidy, honest, transparent, limpid, obvious; CYTTEH AK,, CYAAH ... most honest (of a man); ... Κ,ΑΗ arterial blood; ... ΚΘΗ,ΙΛΑΙ ΑΑΑΜ honest man. TA3AJIA- to clean. TA3AJ1AH- to be cleaned, to be evacuated. TASAJIAYfflbl cleaner, cleanser. TA3AJlAFbini- to be able to clean, to clear, to purify, to rectify, to scrape off. TA3AJ1AFEIIII means, tools for cleaning; A9H ... grain cleaner. TA3AJIbIK, cleanliness, neatness, fineness, clearness, health. TA3AP- 1) to be in good health, to get well;



TA3APT2) to be strong, to be durable; 3) to be made clean, to be cleansed, to be clean; 4) to become stronger; 5) /fig./ to become firmly established, to grow rich. TA3APT- to clean, to brush, to comb, to purge. TASAPTVlIlbl see TASAJIAYIUbl. TA3APTKJ>IIH see TA3AJIAFbIIU. TA3ACMH- to seem pure, to seem honest. TA3EAK, 1) fine, small; 2) low, inferior, mean. TA3£>I greyhound, borzoi (Russian species) or Russian wolfhound, foxhound, beagle, a breed of dogs (used for hunting, who by scent find the animal); ... 5ΚΥΠΡΤΥ hunting with hounds, the chase. TA3bIFbIP HT short-haired dog. ΤΑΜ 1) a colt in his second year (spring); 2) dawn; 3) pile, bale; BIP ... ΜΑΚ,ΤΑ bale of cotton. ΤΑΚ- to slip, to glide; 5KOJI/AAH /EAFblTTAH/ TAiWbl /fig./ he lost his way. TAft ΘΠ3 one-year-old bull. TAftJIAK. one-year-old camel. TAMUIbl EHE mare with a nursing foal one year old. TAftflA crowd. ΤΑίϊΠΑΚ shallow, superficial. ΤΑίϊΠΑΗ,ΑΑ- to take liberties with, to feel free. TAUCAJI- to avoid, to act indecisively. TAfiTAJIAC- to contradict, to get into an argument. TAfiTAJIAH A- to walk bow-legged. ΤΑίϊΤΑΚ,ΤΑ- see TAflTAJIAHJJA-. ΤΑΗΤΑΗΛΑ- see TAiiTAJIAH£A-. TA bl- to slip, to make a misstep. TAHbI3 1) shallow, shallow water; 2) /fig./ superficial, dull-witted (of a man); ... Θ3ΕΗ a shallow river. TAftbD/JAH- to get shallow. TAfibBflblK, shallowness. TAftblH- to be ashamed, to feel timid; OJ1 TAMblHEA bl he was not ashamed, he was not timid. TAfiblHIIIA a one-year-old calf. ΤΑΗΚΑΡΛΑή 3ΚΙΠΤ adult, a grown djigit (skilled horseman). indecisive, vacillating, sloping, flat; ... ΜΑΗΛΑίϊ with a sloping forehead. TAftFAHA- to slip. TAftFAHAK, see TAftFAK, TAftFAK, slippery.

TAMFAKTA- to avoid, to evade, to speak evasively. TAKCA fixed price; ... EEJIHJIE- to fix prices. TAKCM taxi. TAKT l) /mus./ time, measure; 2) cycle (of engine); 3) tact. TAKTHKA tactics. TAKTHKAJIblK tactic /adj./. TAKTHKACM3 tactless. ΤΑΚΓΑ a small, round cap. TAJ1 1) /bot./ willow (Salix); 2) a little bow on a girl's plait; 3) fiber, piece, thing, trick; BIP ... ΠΙΑΙΙΙ /dim./ hair, filament; BIP ... ΙΠΘΠ one blade of grass. TAJ1- 1) to be exhausted, to tire; 2) to faint, to lose consciousness; 3) to be caught unaware and be struck speechless. TAJIA steppe (an extensive plain). TAJIA- to destroy, to annihilate, to plunder, to tear, to tear to pieces, to argue, to bite, to fight. TAJIAH a number, several, rather a lot. TAJIAH- to be thick. TAJIAMAKAHJIA- to buy like hot cakes. TAJIAH- to be robbed, to be plundered, to be bitten (e.g., by a dog). TAJIAH fortune, success, fate. TAJIAH-TAPAXC robbery. TAJIAH^bl fortunate, successful. TAJIAHT talent. TAJ1AHTCBI3 mediocre, untalented. TAJIAHTTbl talented, gifted. TAJIAHTTblJIblK, natural endowment, gifts. ΤΑΛΑΠ 1) demand, request, desire, requisition; 2) purpose, initiative; 3) suit (law), claim. ΤΑΛΑΠΚΕΡ 1) aspiring, full of initiative; 2) pretender, aspirant, plaintiff, the petitioner. TAJIAnCbI3 lacking in initiative, without purpose. TAJIAOTAH- 1) to crave, to feel a wish or an urge; 2) to seek, to pretend to, to lay claim to; 3) to display initiative. TAJIAFITbl aspiring, striving, yearning, full of initiative. TAJIAnTblJIblK, purposefulness, aspiration, inclination. TAJIAC 1) argument, debate, discussion, dispute; 2) suit (law). TAJIAC- 1) to dispute, to argue, to quarrel (with); 2) to lay claim; 3) to fight, to tangle (e.g., of dogs).




TAJlACCbB indisputable, indisputably. TAJIAY 1) plunder, robbery; 2) /med./ erysipelas, malignant anthrax (in horses); 3) ugly face, a fright; ... THM- to suffer from malignant anthrax (of horses). TAJIAYIIIbl robber, bandit, burglar. TAJ1AK, I) spleen; 2) divorce; 3) parade; 4) propagation; ... ET- l) to agree to divorce (of a spouse); 2) /obs./ to renounce, to repudiate. TAJI.ZIA- 1) to separate into buns; 2) /fig./ to analyze, to dissect. TAJIAAHrbllll analytical. TAJI AY analysis; FPAMMATMKAJIblK, ... /gram./ parsing analysis. TAJT/iblP- 1) to exhaust, to reduce to a state of unconsciousness, to wear out; 2) to thicken (felt with cloth). TAJmblPMAUI thin, delicate, slight; ... EPECEK teenager who has not become physically stronger yet. TAJ1MA 5ΚΙΠΤ a weak djigit (trick rider). TAJ1MA TYC (high) noon. TAJIMAM tirelessly /adv./. TAJIMACTAH tireless /adj./. TAJIMAYCblPA- 1) to be taken aback, to lose one's composure; 2) /fig./ to freeze; yCYPEFIM TAJIMAYCblPAFl KETTI my eyes are clouded. TAJinAK, thickset, stocky, of short stature (man); ... BAG- /AAJTOAK BAG-/ flathead (derogatory). TAJinUH- 1) to try to walk (of an infant); 2) to work for a purpose or towards a certain goal; 3) to try to free oneself from captivity. TAJ1TAK straightened, smoothed out, spread wide. TAJ1TAHHA- 1) to walk with one's legs wide apart; 2) /fig./ to be complacent, to be selfsufficient, smug, or presuming. TAJITYC see TAJIMA TYC. TAJimblKJbl 3AT fibrous stuff (material). TAJIbIC a small bag of hide. TAJlblK,- 1) to get tired; 2) to be thirsty, to thirst for. TAJlblKC- to be semi-conscious. TAJ1K.AH oatmeal, oat flour, home-made groats, grits, food (thick porridge) made of groats; KYJI-... BOJI- /fig./ to be beaten to a pulp; TAG-... BOJlblO AIUVJIAH- /fig./ to get violently angry; ... K,bIJI- /fig./ to crush, to destroy. - to pulverize, to smash to

pieces, to crush, to destroy, to pound, to make small. TAJIKAHOAY devastation, havoc. TAJlK,bI 1) tanning, pressing (a hide which is being dressed, for example); 2) device for pressing hides, a brake; 3) discussion, study (of a problem). TAJIKblJlA- to tan skins. TAJIK,bIJlAC- to take part in the elaboration and discussion of some question. TAJIK,bIJIflA- 1) to press (a hide in a brake, for example); 2) to analyze, to discuss, to elaborate. TAJIKJ>IJlbl tanned leather. T AUF A- l) to be legible; 2) to be discriminating, to be exacting, to be scrupulous, to choose the best. TAJIFAMAMTblH indifferent /adj./. TAJIFAYJlbl mblPAfi /gram./ comparative degree. TAHFAYCbB indifferent (adj., short form), it doesn't matter, it's all the same. TAJ1FAK, desire, whim, craving (in women at the beginning of pregnancy). ΤΑΜ 1) wall; 2) house; 3) mud hut (local term); 4) burial ground; ... Υίϊ stone house, brick house. ΤΑΜ- to drip, to fall in drops. TAMAH postposition denoting towards, in the direction of. TAMA11IA entertainment, amusement, show, spectacle, remarkable, fine, special; ... CYJTY EKEH (it seems) very beautiful or fine. TAMAlllAlIIblJl lover of spectacles or shows. TAMAK, 1) food, nourishment, meal, dinner, dish, course; 2) throat (slang), gullet; 3) hair on the camel's neck;... BAY coupling strap, thongs of a horse collar /pi./; ... EE3 thyroid gland; ... KEHE- to hint at pleasure or displeasure by a "hem" sound (after a meal); ... CY fresh water; ... CIHIPI digestion; ... IIII- to take nourishment; ... ΥΪΪ restaurant. TAMAKJAH BE3- to lose appetite. TAMAKJAH KAJIflbl he has stopped eating (from illness). TAMAK.CAY voracious, impatient with respect to food. TAMAKTA- to catch by the throat, to strangle. TAMAKTAH- to feed (oneself), to eat. TAMAKTAHAMP- to feedTAMAKTbl one who has a good appetite.



ΤΑΜΑΚ,ΠΙΑ TAMAKjnA necklace, beads. TAMEA scar. TAMEAJ1 pants. ΤΑΜΕΗ,Π Y3IK felt covering the grating of a felt tent. TAMCAH- to smack one's lips. TAMTblK, rags, tatters. TAM-TYM rarely, infrequently, sometimes, in an insignificant amount. TAMVK, see TAMVK,. TAMfflbl drop. TAMfflblJIA- to drip, to dribble. TAMfflblJIAT- to pour by the drop. TAMM3 July heat, heat; CAPfflA ... summer (very hot time). TAMbI3-1) to pour out drop by drop, to drip; 2) to kindle the fire. TAMbDflblK, splinter, chip, chips, kindling wood; ... AFABU a chip or splinter used for lighting. TAMLI3HK, (Fomes pinicola). TAMW3FH see TAMbDbl^. TAMblJDK- 1) to get cloudy (of the weather); 2) to be humble or mild. TAMblP 1) friend, comrade; 2) root; 3) blood vessel; ... 5KEMIC plants with edible roots; ... CAEAK rhizome; ... KVPYCV cramp, spasm, convulsion; ... ¥CTA- to check the pulse. TAMblP-TAHbIC friends and acquaintances. TAMbIP^9PI medicinal root. TAMblPJIAH- 1) to be friends; 2) to put out roots. TAMblPJIAIO- to be friends. TAMblPJIblK, token of friendship (gift). TAMblPfflblK, friendship. TAMblPblH 3KVJ1V uprooting. TAMVK hell. TAMFA brand, mark (on cattle). TAH- 1) to deny, to refuse, to give up, to deny oneself; 2) to identify, to recognize; OH AnTKAHblHAH TAHflbl he retracted (went back on his word). TAHA 1) mother-of-pearl; 2) young cow. TAHA-1) to exploit; 2) to cut, to slit, to clip, to prune. ΤΑΗΑΠ size of a square of area, plot of ground. TAHAY nostril. TAHAV KAK, /F/- /fig./ to suffocate, to be short of breath. TAHJJA- to choose, to elect, to select. TAHV cognition. TAHbl- to recognize, to learn, to know.

TAHblJl- to be recognized, to be subject to analysis, to become known; )KA3ytI 5KAMAH EKEH TAHblJIMA bl it was written carelessly and it would be impossible to try to read it. TAHblMAJl known, well-known, familiar. TAHbIC an acquaintance. TAHbIC- to make friends with, to make the acquaintance of; MEH ICHEH TAHLICTblM I'm familiar with the case, I know about the matter. TAHblCTblP- to acquaint with, to introduce to. TAHblCHblK acquaintance, relations, familiarity with. TAHblK familiar. TAHblFbini who learns easily (with a good visual memory). ΤΑΠ /E/1) class (of society); 2) imprint, print; 3) heat, warmth; 4) exactly, just; BECIK TABbI ΚΕΤΠΕΓΕΗ /lit./ (He still has the marks of the cradle on him), inexperienced, very young, still wet behind the ears; ... COJI Aii just such; ... COJI just this; ... )ΚΑΥΗ class enemy. ΤΑΠ /Β/- 1) to find, to find a way, to find appropriate means; 2) to get, to procure, to acquire; 3) to earn a living; 4) to guess a riddle; 5) to make a discovery; AK.bI.JI ... to find the right way out; EAJIA ,.. to give birth to a child; ... EEP- to attack, to threaten; ... BOJI- to meet accidentally, to bump into unexpectedly; )KAHAJIbIK,TAP ... to make new discoveries. ΤΑΠ-ΤΑΚΕΙΡ completely bare (without vegetation). ΤΑΠΑ frying-pan. (See TAEA.) ΤΑΠΑ- to trample something. ΤΑΠΑ3 topaz. ΤΑΠΑΛ low, short (a man's height). ΤΑΠΑΛΤΑΚ, undersized. ΤΑΠΑΛΙΠΑ undersized. ΤΑΠΑΗΙΠΑ pistol. TAH)KbIJlMAH never absenting oneself, ever present. TAn^KblJIMAHTblH ever present, never absent. TAOCbI3 classless; ... K.OFAM classless society. TAnCblP- to entrust, to hand over, to deliver, to entrust for safekeeping, to commission, to charge with, to mortgage. TAHCblPMA instructions, commission, job.




TAnCblPyillbl boss, foreman (the man giving instructions). Τ ΑΠΤΑ- to trample, to hammer, to work, to spoil, to trample down (i.e., crops) to hammer out, to flatten (iron). TAriTAC- to separate into special groups. TAFITACTblP- to classify, to group. TAIlTATKblS- to force to trample (through a third person). ΤΑΠΤΜΡΤ- to force to find stg. (through a third person). ΤΑΠΤΜΚ, class /adj./; ... BA3A class basis. TAnillbl loss, deficit, insufficient, meagre, insignificant. TAninblJlAH- to become insignificant or scarce. TAniUblJlblK, lack, shortage, scarcity. TAnblP-TVnblP onomatopoeia for a heavy tramping. ΤΑΠΚΑΚ, competitive song. ΤΑΠΚΙ>Ι3 see ΤΑΠΚ,ΗΡ. ΤΑΠΚ£ΙΡ resourceful, sharp, quick-witted. TAriKJdPJIblK, resourcefulness. TAIIKJblffl see ΤΑΠΚΜΡ. TAFIKJiIIIlTblK, see TAHK^blPJIblK,. TAP cramped, tight, narrow, thin, fine; ... 5KEP /fig./ tight spot, difficult position, difficult circumstances; ΙΙΠΙ ... A/JAM envious man; TEPICI ... AflAM irritable man; Yft ..., CbIPT KAP Where can I go? /lit./ (it's cramped in the house but snowing outside). ΤΑΡΑ- 1) to scratch, to comb, to harrow, to turn (hay), to rake; 2) expand, to multiply, to spread, to disperse, to scatter. TAPA3L·! 1) Orion (constell.); 2) scales, balance; 3) /obs./ the end of summer; 4) somewhat thin; TAPASblHblH; ΚΘ3Ι pan of a balance or scale; TAPA3bIHbIH OFbl language of scales; TAPA3bIHbIH K,OJIbI the beam of a balance; TAPA3HFA CAJI- to weigh. TAPAM- to get narrow, to get tight, to get cramped. TAPAJlFbl stirrup strap. ΤΑΡΑ Μ branching, ramification. TAPAM-TAPAM ramified, separating into bands or strips, branching off on all sides. TAPAM/IA- to unwind (for example, a rope), to extract, to detach fibers (i.e., a tendon). TAPAMflAH- to ramify, to branch out on all sides. TAPAMbIC tendon, sinew, bowstring, vein fiber, lacing.

TAPAH- to do one's hair, to have one's hair done; 2) /fig./ to fix oneself up. ΤΑΡΑΓΊ side. TAPAC- 1) to comb stg. together; 2) to part, to separate, to branch off, to radiate; 3) to get divorced, to disagree, to dissolve. TAPAT- to spread, to disperse, to dissipate, to scatter, to throw about, to spend, to dissolve, to melt, to undo, to dismiss; TAPATbin 5KIEEP- to dissolve, to undo, to disperse, to dismiss; ΤΑΡΑΤΗΠ EEPto distribute, to dispense. ΤΑΡΑ TYIIIbl spreader, dispenser. TAPAV 1) spur of a ridge; 2) tributary (of a river); 3) region, realm; 4) section, chapter. TAPAK, comb. TAPAKAH cockroach. ΤΑΡΑΚ,Κ,ΥΪίΡΜΚ; sand gopher. TAPBAH- to be diligent. TAPBAKA frog, toad. TAPBAFAH mountain marmot. TAPBbIM- to stick out. TAPEJIKA plate. TAPMX history. TAPMXH historically. TAPHXIUI historian. TAPJ1AH gray (color of a horse). TAPJIAY 1) virgin soil; 2) a meadow with grass of varied colors. TAPJIblK, tightness, crush. TAPMAH white with yellow circles, like apples (coloring of a horse). TAPMAK, 1) point, station, item, paragraph; 2) branch (large), division, offshoot. TAPMAKJIAH- to blossom out, to open (of plants). ΤΑΡΜΑΚ,ΤΑΗΥ ramification. ΤΑΡΠ- to fight with the front legs (of horses, camels). ΤΑΡΠΑΗ /ΤΑΡΠΑΗ,/ wild horse (Equus Prjevalsky); ... AT a horse that hasn't been broken in. TAPC knock, bang; ... ET- to knock, to bang loudly, to pound. TAPC-T¥PC crackling. TAPCblJI bang, crash. TAPCbl/WA- to bang, to crash. TAPCMJIAAK, rattle, rattling. TAPT- I) to drag, to pull, to haul, to drag out, to be a carrier; 2) to delay; 3) to smoke; 4) to offer a gift or entertainment; 5) to weigh; 6) to move, to advance, to make one's way towards; 7) to join, to tie; 8) to assume an aspect, color or form, to be like




someone; 9) to experience, to live through, to survive; 10) to call to account, to make (someone) answer for; 11) to play (a musical instrument); 12) to castrate, to geld; KOJIblMHAH ... pull me by the hand; APKAHMEH ... to drag with a lasso; K.OJI OK, ... to shoot from a bow; )KYK /KIPE/ ... to be a carrier; ...! TAPT! Go away!; TAPTbin AJI- to take away, to amputate, to wean; CblP ... /fig./ to find out a secret; CblPJIblK ... to present a gift; TAJIbl A TAPbl3bIFA ... to weigh on a scale; IIIblJIbIM ... to smoke tobacco; Α3ΑΠ ... to suffer, to be tormented; COTKA ·.- /leg./ to sue; Afibin ... to pay a fine. TAPTAP landrail. TAPTAP EEfiHETKE unfortunately. ΤΑΡΤΠΑ1) the front saddle-girth; 2) swampy, marshy area; 3) sliding drawer; ... BAY /mech./ brake, brake rod, trace. TAPTV 1) weights (for scales), clocks; 2) cramp, convulsion; 3) donation, giving, presenting, gift; TABAK TAPTYUIbl offering entertainment (a course); KO3bI TAPTYLUbl gelding lambs. TAPTblJI- 1) to drop, to recede, to abate; 2) to be drawn, to be attracted; COTKA ... to be put on trial. TAPTblJTY shoaling, shallowing (getting shallow). TAPTblM^bl 1) pleasant, well-mannered (man); 2) strong, hardy. TAPTblH- 1) to resist, to back up, to pull against the reins (i.e., of a camel); 2) to avoid, to shirk, to not take part; 3) to be afraid to. TAPTblHUIAK D lazy (of animals when they are slow to respond to the rein); 2) indecisive, timid (of a man). TAPTbIC- to argue, to struggle, to litigate, to fight. TAPTbIC fight, clash, skirmish; TAJ1AC-... litigation of sides. TAPTKbl/IA- to drag, to pull, to delay, to prolong. TAPTYJIAH- to make peace. TAPfflblJIblK shortage, lack; K0H1J1 TAPUIblJlblFbl /fig./ envy, jealousy. TAPbl 1) /bot./ millet (Panicum miliaceum); 2) a dish prepared from millet (fried millet, but not kasha); ... ΒΟΤΚΑ millet gruel. TAPblJl- 1) to shrink, to dry up, to shrivel;

2) to become narrow; 3) /fig./ to stint, to grudge, to be stingy. TAPblJIT- to dry up, to make tight or narrow. TAPblK chronology. TAPblK If I- to be sad, to grieve, to be in need, to need, to suffer. TAPKA-1) to part, to separate, to be divorced, to disagree; 2) to disperse, to scatter (for example, of a cloud). TAPKAJ1- to be disentangled, to be untied (of rope or yarn). TAPKAC- to part, to separate, to disagree, to break up, to scatter, to untie, to disentangle. TAPKblJIflA- /derog./ to laugh wildly and loudly, to guffaw. TAPKblJIAAK /derog./ one who guffaws. TAPFAK /zool./ jack-snipe, steppe bird. TAPFblJl tiger color (of cattle). TAG stone; ACblJl ... gem, precious stone; ΘΚ ... limestone; ... BAVblP pitiless; ... BEK beads, rosary; ... BYMPEK tough, hardy, enduring (of horses), hard-hearted (of man); ... 5KOJ1 a paved highway; ... >KYPEK /fig./ heartless man (heart of stone); ... ΚΘΜΙΡ /ΚΘΜΥΡ/ coal; ... ΚΘΜΙΡ KEH OUIAFbl coal mines; ... CAJI- to vote; ... CAJIY ballot, poll, vote; ... TABAK Plate; ... T¥3 rock salt; ... UIABVUIbl stone-cutter; ... mblBblH /zool./ midge, gnat; ... KA3FAH quarry, stone-pit; ... KVMbI /K*MV/ sandstone; ... Yft a stone house, a brick house; ... YCATKbllll machine for breaking stone (stone crusher). TAC- 1) to bear, to convey, to transfer, to haul; 2) to overflow, to spill over the edge; 3) /fig./ to get conceited, to get too big for one's breeches; TACblFT 9KET- to carry away; CG3 ... to gossip. TACA shade, screen, cover. TACAJ1A- 1) to shade, to cover, to conceal; 2) to hide oneself behind something, to look for refuge. TACAJIAH- to conceal oneself, to hide behind someone. TACBAKA /zool./ turtle, tortoise. TACBAYblP a hard man /lit./ (liver of stone). TACBEK rosary. TACK0MIP coal. ΤΑΟΚΘΜΙΡ EACCEMHI coal basin, coal fields. TACnA tape (belt, strap) lace of dressed leather for sewing.


TACOAJIATACI1AJIA- to sew with a cord or lace of dressed leather. TACnAJIMK, KAfitlC dressed leather for a lace (strap). TACI1AIII /zool./ tadpole. TACTA- to throw, to cast. TACT An hard as rock. TACTAM: ΤΑΛΚ TACTAM )KEP an insignificant distance /lit./ (the distance a stick can be thrown). TACTAMA BAY tape for the doormats of a felt hut. TACTATK,bl3- see TACTATTblP-. TACTAK, rocky, stony place. TACTL·! stony, rocky. TACTblPKAH tablecloth. TACY overland transport, transport by land. TACYllIbl ferryman; )KYK ... cabdriver, carrier, drayman; XAT ... mailman. TACHIbl bricklayer, mason. Τ ACL·!- 1) to be vain, to grow conceited; 2) to accumulate; 3) to rise, to increase (of water); 4) to overflow, to transport, to remove, to take across, to carry, to convoy. TACblMAJl 1) transport, moving, transferring; 2) /gram./ division into syllables. TACblMAJI A- 1) to transfer, to transport, to take across; 2) /gram./ to divide by syllables (in writing). TACblMAJl/IAy transport (transportation), moving, transferring. TACblMAH transport, moving. TACblH- to transfer, to move one's things. TACblP din, thunder, clatter (of horses). TACbIP-T¥CbIP loud, frequent clatter. TACblP AflAM /fig./ a boaster, a braggard. TACblPAM- to swell (of the stomach), to protrude, to bulge (of the eyes). TACblPAHZIA- /fig./ to be conceited, to swagger. TACblPJIA- to ring out, to pound (of a strong clatter or beating, to resound, to thunder. TACblPKAft puffed up, conceited. TACKWH 1) high water, overflow; 2) /fig./ a conceited man, a man who has put on airs. TACKblH A- /fig./ to be conceited, to be vain, to be puffed up. TAT /TOT, TOA/ rust. TAT- 1) to try, to taste (food or drink); 2) to sweeten; 3) to have an aftertaste, to go bad. TATAP Tatar. TATTblP- to let (someone) have a taste; ... to treat, to entertain.

TAVCTACTATy friendship, friendly, peaceful. TATyjlAC- to make peace. TATyJIACTblP- to reconcile (opponents). TATyjIACTblPyfflbl arbiter, referee, gobetween. TATyjlblK friendship, peaceful, friendly relations. TATyjlblKHEH T¥P- to live peacefully in friendship. TATblMAJl with an aftertaste, spoiled (of kumiss). TATblP /TATblP 5KEP/ salt marsh. TATblP- to treat, to entertain. TATblPAyblH steppe grass, prairie grass. TATYJIA- to consent, to concur. TAy mountain, mountain(s); )KAHAP ... volcano; TECIK ... fairy tale mountain; ACK.AP ... the highest mountain; TI3BEK TAVHAP mountain range; ... AJIKilMbl foot of a mountain, foothill; ... BACbl height, elevation, top of a mountain; ... ΒΘΚΤΕΡ1 foothills; ... ΕΤΕΓΙ foot of a mountain; ... 5KAftbIJIbIMbI alpine meadows; ... DKblHblCbl rock layer, rocks, mineral beds; ... ΚΕ3ΓΙΙ11 mountain climber; ... MACTEP mine boss; ... CAFBI3 /bot./ tawsaghiz (Scorzonera tawsaghiz) a rubber-bearing plant; ... CIJ1EMI spur (of a ridge); ... TAPMAFbl spur (of a ridge); ... TACKJblHbl mountain stream or torrent; ... ΤΕΚΕ wild goat; ... TECIF1 cave; ... T EECI top of a mountain; ... IHblUbl peak; ... KWPI^ACbl table-land, mesa; ... KJ>IRChl hillside, slope; EHIK ... high mountain; BOPJlbl ... /geol./ cretaceous mountain; Κ,ΑΡ ... snowcapped mountain. patience, endurance, perseverance, a pilgrim. TAVAP goods, merchandise. TAVAAH AKKAH EYJ1AK. mountain stream, brook. TAVflbl )KEP mountainous country. BACbl top of a mountain. BAVPy foot of a mountain. ECHECI see TAyflblH EAVPy. , ΕΤΕΓΙ foothill. 5KOTACEI spur of a ridge. TAy-KEH K9C1BI mine industry. TAyjIbI mountainous. TAyCAFbI3 see TAV CAFbI3. TAyCTA- to shout, to make noise. TAyCTAC- to shout at each other, to dispute, to quarrel, to argue. 195

ΤΑΚ,ΕΙΡΙΠΑΚ, to run out, to finish, to die, to come to an end, to terminate, to expire. TAVUIblJl mountain climber. TAVbin A T- to talk sense. TAVblC- to end, to finish, to exhaust, to spend, TAVblCblJl- to come to an end, to terminate, to run low, to run short, to dry up. TAVblK, hen, chicken; ... ACWPAVUlbl poultry-breeder; ... ACblPAyillblJlblK poultry-breeding; ... eCIFViniHIK see ... ACblPAVinblJIblK,. TAyblKTblH, EAJIAHAHbl chicken. TAVblKJUlbl poultry-breeder. TAY KEIMET adversity, results, aftermath, consequences; ΤΑΥΚ,ΗΜΕΤΙΗ ΤΑΡΤ- to reap the fruits of one's actions. TAVK.YAPET name of a marsh bird (of the snipe family), common snipe. TAVFYAPET see ΤΑΥΚ,ΥΑΡΕΤ. ΤΑΠΙ Κ,ΕΙΡ see TA IKbUl. TAinnblK, rosary. TAfflK,bIJI high cliff. ΤΑΛ- to prop up; KYH BATVFA ΤΑΛΠ KAJIAbl close to sunset. ΤΑΛΗ- to hope, to lean on, to lean upon; EYMIP ... to put one's arms akimbo; KYH EATVFA ΤΑΛΗΑΕ1 a little time remained before sunset. TA-flHbim l) door-jamb, doorpost; 2) support. TAJiy prop, support; MAFAH ... OTblP bl he sat nearer me. ΤΑΛΚ, 1) fathom (7 ft.); 2) cane, stick; ... TACTAM )KEP distance one can throw a stick (close); EIPAEVAIH TAflFblH COK,- to defend someone; ... IKE- to be beaten. ΤΑΛΚΤΑ- 1) to beat with a stick, to flog with a stick, to beat; 2) to measure something by the sagene (old Russian measure equal to seven feet). ΤΑΚ, 1) odd number; 2) throne. ΤΑΚ, IF/- to attach, to pin, to fasten, to hang, to sew, to button on; GCEK ... to give false information about someone; TAKTAH ΤΑΪ1- to be deposed. ΤΑΚ,-ΤΥΚ, scarcely, hardly; ... 5KETTI it was scarcely sufficient. TAKA 1) piece of cloth; 2) heel. ΤΑΚΛ- to move in close, to come alongside of. TAK.AJI- to approximate, to approach, to be moved closer to something, to rest (against stg.).

TAKAfalP see TAFAblP. ΤΑΚ,ΠΑΚ, competitive song, declamation, recitative (public reading of a certain type of literature in verse). TAKJTIAKTA- to speak articulately, to declaim. TAK,CbIP mister, master, gentleman, sir. ΤΑΚΤΑ 1) board, plant, slab; 2) bed (of plants or flowers). ΤΑΚΤΑ UIAfl brick tea (tea compressed in shape of a brick). ΤΑΚ,ΤΑΪί thin board, planking. TAKTAft TIJIETIH 3AEOA sawmill. TAKTAft TIJIETIH MAUIHHA sawmill. TAKTAfiJIA-1) to cover or trim with boards, to lay (a floor); 2) /fig./ to smooth, to flatten, to spread. TAKTAK, /zool./ woodpecker. TAKYA ascetic, asceticism, state of sanctity (holiness). TAKVAJIEIK, asceticism. TAK,i>IJI-TYKblJI a meagre amount of something, shortage, insufficient /adj./, scant /adj./. TAK,bIJIAA- 1) to speak loudly; 2) to knock, to chatter (teeth). APEA cart on a wooden road. , KICI chatterbox (man). TAKEIJ1AAT- to knock, to hammer; EIPEV ECIK TAKEIJIAATbin TYP someone's knocking at the door. TAKjbIM the inner part of the thigh, inside of the knee joint; TAKJbIMFA EAC1) /obs./ to pick out a horse for oneself, to receive the horse intended by one's father; 2) to grip under the knee (in trick riding). TAK.WMAA- to press, to follow closely after. TAKbIP-ΤΥΚΕΙΡ onomatopoeia for rumbling, a crash. TAKblP AT a horse with scabies, a mangy horse. TAKblP EAC hairless (bald). ΤΑΚ,ΕΙΡ 3ΚΕΡ grassless land. TAKtlPAfi- to be denuded (of vegetation), to be barren. TAKHPAA- see ΤΑΚ,ΜΡ-ΠΑ-. TAK,blPAAH- see TAKblPJIAH-. TAK,bIPJIA- 1) to trample the grass, to make bare, to denude, to strip; 2) to clean out, to purge, to remove. TAKWPJ1AH-1) to become naked, to become bare; 2) to eat up the grass; 3) to become flat, to become even. ΤΑΚΒΙΡΠΙΑΚ salt marsh.


TAKilPbin TAKblPbin theme, topic. TAKblPbinTbl about, of; COJ1 ... about this. TAK,bIPbiniIIA sub-topic. TAKEIC 1) twig, the curve in the stem of the purple willow; 2) /fig./ man making caustic remarks. TAH 1) dawn, daybreak, sunset; 2) the back part of the thigh; 3) lace; ... ATTbl it is daylight; ... EIJUH- to begin to dawn; ... EO3AP- to dawn,... CAPEI morning, dawn, daybreak, dawn, sunset; ... CEPI daybreak; ... C9PI dawn, sunset; ... CdPIRE before daybreak; ... llIOHnAHbl morning star; ΤΑΗΛΑ early in the morning; ΤΑΗΛΜ ΚΘ3ΒΕΗ ATblP- to spend the night until morning; TAHAbI TAH.FA KOCV all night long; ATTbl ... ACblP- to put a horse to rest until morning; 9CEKKE ... to slander someone; TAHAJlflblHJlA at dawn. TAH- to bind, to tie together. TAU K,AJ1- to be astonished, to wonder, to be surprised; ... KAJIAPJIblK, something surprising; ... KAJlAPJlblK, 1C a surprising affair. TAH K,AJIV defeat. TAHEA Ij notch, groove; 2) scar; 3) brand, mark (on cattle); ... EAC- to brand, to mark. TAHEAJ1A- to brand, to mark. TAHJtA- to choose, to elect, to select, to pick out, to take away; ΤΑΗΛΑΠ AJ1- to take the best (for oneself). TAHAA.fi palate; ... EE3AEPI glands, tonsils; K,¥C ... /art./ name of one type of design. TAH/JAMAJIEI the best, choice, select. TAH/IAH- to be surprised, to be amazed, to be delighted, to admire. TAHZJAyJIbl i) select, choice, picked; 2) /fig./ advanced, superior; ... fflblPAfi /gram./ superlative degree. TAHEPTEH morning /adj./, early morning, early in the morning. ΤΑΗΕΡΤΕΗΠ morning /adj./. TAHEPTEHriJIIK morning. TAHCblK, rarity, wonder, rare, very desirable. TAHCbIK,TAH- to have a strong desire. TAHV bandaging. TAHEIPKA- to be astonished at something, to be curious, to display curiosity. TAHblPKAH- to be amazed, to be astonished; TAHblPKAHATblH EfflTERECI 5KOK,

ΤΕΓΕΙ1Ι There's nothing to be surprised about. TAHK.AJ1- to be amazed, to be surprised. TAHKbl turned up, pug (of a nose). TAHKblH- 1) to be turned up (of a nose); 2) to be cut short (of a moustache). TAHKblJIflA- 1) to pound, to rumble (for example, of a cart); 2) /fig./ to speak in a loud booming voice. TAHFblUI TAHbllll 1) swaddling-clothes; 2) the tape which ties together the parts of the grate of a felt hut. TAFA a horseshoe. TAFAfiblHflA- to appoint. TAFAitblHAAJI- to be appointed, to be assigned. TAFAJIA- to shoe (a horse). TAFAJIAH- to be shod (of a horse). TAFAJlbl shod. TAFAH 1) pigeon; 2) trivet, andiron; ... OHIAK, andiron, trivet. TAFAHblUI post, pillar, support. TAFflblP fate. TAFbl 1) again; 2) wild; ... #A again and again, more and more; ... A.EJAM /fig·/ unsociable, shy man (a "wild" man); ... EACKAJ1AP etc., and so forth, and so on. TAFEIJIAH- to run wild, to grow unsociable, to become shy. TAFblJIblK, shyness, wildness, unsociableness. TAFblCblH-TAFbl again and again, more and more, and so forth. TAFEICblH-TAFblJIAP etc., and so forth, and so on. ΤΕΕΕΓΕΗ AT a horse who kicks. TEEEH snow-covered pasture; getting grass from under the snow. TEEEH /JEEEH HHE/ a large long needle. TEEETEK (embroidered) skullcap. TEEEUIIK knoll, hillock. TEEIJ1- to be trampled. TEEIH grass under snow, winter pasture when livestock (usually horses) dig up roots from under the snow. TEEIH-1) to strike with the hoofs (of horses); to kick; 2) to spur, to urge (a horse) on. TEEIPEH- to stir, to move. TEEIC- to kick (of horses). TEBPAT Old Testament. ΤΕΓΕΗΕ a big wooden bowl (cup). ΤΕΓΕΡΙΙΙΙΚ /local/ wheel. ΤΕΓΕΥΡΙΗ 1) grip, clutch (of an eagle); 2. /fig./ strength, force. ΤΕΓΕΙΠ see ΤΕΓΕΗΕ.



ΤΕΓΙ ΤΕΓΙ 1) /med./ lupus (a skin disease often mistaken for smallpox, leaving scars on the face); 2) /med./ tuberculosis; 3) obviously. ΤΕΓΙ ΟίΪΜΑΚ, probable, in fact. ΤΕΓΙ3 »CEP a leather thimble. ΤΕΓΙΗ flat country, plain. TEriC free of charge, gratuitous, free, without charge. TEriCTE- to level, to smooth out, to even up. TEriCTIK plain, a flat surface, evenness, flatness, smoothness, equality. TEnCIHEH to the last man, one and all. TE3CIPE prayer. TE3 1) work bench; 2) a stand for bending the sticks forming the grate of a felt hut; 3) fast, quickly, soon; 4) even, flat, smooth; 5) equal /adj./, all. TE3-TE3 fast, quickly. TE3.HEH before long. TE3AET- to quicken, to speed up, to accelerate. TE3AIK speed, rapidity. TE3E UIYAA hair on the belly of a camel. TE3EK dung; fuel of dung and straw in the shape of bricks; ... TEP- 1) to gather driedout dung (fuel on the steppes); 2) /derog./ to fall behind, to lag. TE3I brake rod, shaft brace, trace. TE3IPEK quicker /compar./. ΤΕΪ4ΤΕΡΕ a fur coat with the fur outwards. TEK 1) breed, race, species, origin; 2) /geol./ rock; 3) niche, recess; 4) only, in vain, to no purpose, just as soon as; TEKTEH-TEKKE in vain, to no purpose. ΤΕΚΑΠΕΡ pride /Arab./. ΤΕΚΕ wild goat, mountain goat, a goat (male); ... CAK.AJI heavily bearded. TEKEKTE- to canter. TEKEMET felt edged with a design. ΤΕΚΕΠΙΙΚ a male kid (one year old). TEKCEP- to investigate, to verify, to check, to analyze. TEKCEPT- to make investigation, to cause to verify, to make check, to make analysis. TEKCEPTKI3- see TEKCEPT-. TEKCEPy research, test, examination, analysis of a case or an affair. TEKCEPIJI- to be investigated, to be inspected (an affair). TEKCEPyilH coroner, examining judge. TEKCT text. TEKCTOJIOr one who studies texts. TEKTEC uniform, of the same species or kind.

TEKTECTIK uniformity, membership in the same species. TEKTI well-born. TEKTIJIIK gentility. ΤΕΚΙΠΕ 1) drawer, box, case; 2) cube; 3) row, layer. TEKfflEJIE- to put together in rows or layers. TEKIPEK gallop, skipping movement. TEKIPEKTE- to gallop, to jog. TEJI a young animal nursing from both his own and another mother. TEJI- to accustom a suckling to another mother. TEJI ΠΙΕΙΙ1Ε wet-nurse. TEJIErEM 1) neighborhoods; 2) hat; ... TEHI3 broad overflow, unbounded expanse of sea. ΤΕΙΙΕΓΡΑΜΜΑ telegram. TEJIEFPAO) telegraph; ... EArAHACbl a telegraph post. TEJIEPCEK vein under the knee. ΤΕ.ΠΕΦΟΗ telephone; ... CTAHCACW a telephone station. TEJIMIK an infant taken away from his mother, an infant who is weaned. TEJIMIP- to stare, to look fixedly, to implore, to look expectantly. TEJiriEK a Tatar headwear (small, round embroidered cap) a little cap made of hide or cloth. TEM breathing, breath. TEMEKE /TEMEKI/ tobacco; ... CAVblTbl tobacco-box, snuffbox; ... ΦΑΕΡΜΚΑΟ>Ι tobacco plant or factory; ... K.AJITA tobacco pouch; ... ΘΓΥΙΙΙΙ tobacco planter, tobacco cultivator; ... ΘΓΥΙΠΙΙΊΙΚ tobacco cultivation. TEMPETKE /med./ shingles. TEMIP iron; ... )KOJI railroad; ... )KOJ1 ΚΘΠΙΡΙ railroad bridge; ... DKOJI TACblMAJlbl railroad transportation; ... 3KOJIIllbl railway man; ... KVPEK iron spade, shovel; ... K.A3WK, Pole Star (iron stake). TEMIPETKE see TEMPETKE. TEMIPJIE- to encircle, to band, to chain with iron. TEMIPJ1I encircled, girded, chained with iron. TEMIP1III blacksmith; ΤΕΜΙΡΙΙΙ,ΙΗΙΗ OPHbl forge, smithy. TEMIPK.A3MK, see TEMIP K,A3blK,. TEHTEK 1) a sheep with avertin (a disease of sheep); 2) playful, mischievous child, disobedient child; 3) fool; ... BOJI- to be naughty, to be mischievous, to play tricks.




TEHTEKTIK prank, mischief. ΤΕΗΤΡΘ- to wander, to rove, to tramp, to leave a long-inhabited place. TEHTIP- see TEHTP9-. TEHTIPE- see ΤΕΗΤΡΘ-. ΤΕΗΤΙΡΘ- see ΤΕΗΤΡΘ. TEOPHflJIblK, theoretical. ΤΕΠ /E/- 1) to trample; 2) to close, to cover; 3) to get grass from under the snow (of cattle); 4) to kick (of horses); 5) to swell, to come to a head, to break out (of an abscess); KOHbKH ... to skate. ΤΕΠ an intensifying syllable in words beginning with -TE; ΤΕΠ-ΤΕΠΗ very cheap. ΤΕΠΕ an intensifying particle; ΤΕΠΕ-ΤΕΗ completely level; ΤΕΠΕ-TEHHIK absolute equality. ΤΕΠΕΗΛΕ- to ride an old nag (to move slowly). ΤΕΠΚΙ- to kick; OHblH TEOKICIH^E ΤΘ3ΒΕΛΙ he couldn't transfer the blame (from himself). ΤΕΠΚΓΠΕ- to kick. TEHCEH )KEP flat country. TEFICIH- 1) to inspire fear, to behave sternly; 2) to stamp, to trample. ΤΕΠΤΕΚ a light handwoven material. ΤΕΠΤΕΙΠΙΠΙ an examining magistrate. ΤΕΠΙ1Ι1 laces, tales for tying. TEP-1) to peck to bits; 2) to gather, to collect; 3) to set up (in printing), to compose, to collect; 4) to weave yarn on a loom; ΘΡΙΠ ΤΕΡΥ composition, typesetting (printing). TEP sweat, perspiration; APAM ... EOJl· to work in vain; ATTblli TEPIH AJ1- to train a horse (for the races); Κ,ΑΡΑ ΤΕΡΓΕ TYCTI he was exhausted (he was sweating profusely); ... IIIblK, /F/- to sweat, to perspire. TEPBEJI- to rock, to swing, to move, to not sit quietly. TEPBEJ1IC rocking, swinging, oscillation. TEPBEH- 1) to be angry; 2) to move here and there; 3. to swing. TEPBET- 1) to rock, to swing; 2) to move here and there. TEPEHECI3,aiK bad education (lack of education, lack of manners, rudeness). TEPE3JI- see TEPBEJI-. TEPE9H- see TEPBEH-. ΤΕΡΒΘΤ- see TEPBET-. ΤΕΡΓΕ- to search, to conduct a search, to examine, to view, to look around, to

investigate, to explore, to look into a matter, to carry out an investigation. TEPFEV consequence, investigation; ... ACTblH AFbl A AM a man under investigation; ΤΕΡΓΈΥΑΕΓΙ ΑβΑΜ see ΤΕΡΓΕΥ ACTblHflAFbl A£AM. ΤΕΡΓΕΥΙΙΙΙ /legal/ investigator. ΤΕΡΓΟ- see ΤΕΡΓΕ-. TEPflIK see TEPJIIK. TEPA9- see TEPJIE-. TEPE see TEPI. TEPE3E window; ... AJI bl window sill; ... EOCAFACbl window jamb; ... ΚΘ3Ι window pane; ... KAKTIAK, /... Κ,ΑΚ,FIAFbl, ... Κ,ΑΚ,ΠΑΟΜ/ shutter; ... )ΚΑΚΤΑΥΗ window frame; TEPE3EHIH ΚΘ3Ι see TEPE3E ΚΘ3Ι; TEPE3ECI TEH with equal rights. TEPE3EUII glazier. TEPEK 1) tree, wood; 2) poplar (Populus); AK, ... /bot./ silver poplar. TEPEH, 1) deep; 2) /fig./ deep, pithy; 3) abyss, chasm; ... MCBIPA crevice, crack, fissure; ... KOJI a deep lake; ... Θ3ΕΗ a deep river. TEPEHUE- to get deeper. ΤΕΡΕΗΛΕΤΥ cavity, deepening, recess. TEPEHAEV hollow, depression, deepening. ΤΕΡΕΗΛΙΚ depth. ΤΕΡΕΗΛΙΠΙΚ depth. TEPJ1E- to perspire, to sweat. TEPJIEriUI sweaty. TEPJIIK sweatcloth, thin felt under the saddle. TEPME collapsible, prefabricated, combined; ... OK) ornamentation (for example, on a palace); ... C03 style in poetry. TEPMHH term. TEPMHHOJIOrH.8 terminology. TEPMMHOJlOrM^JIbl terminological, referring to terminology. ΤΕΡΡΜΤΟΡΜΛ territory. ΤΕΡΡΗΤΟΡΜΛΙΙ territorial. TEPPOP terror. TEPPOPJIBIK, terrorist /attr./. TEPPOPIIIbl terrorist. TEPC manure, dung. TEPC AFbIM whirlpool. TEPCEK Achilles' heel. TEPCKEfi north side (of a mountain), northern slope of a mountain range. TEPCKEH sty in the eye. TEPTE shaft, side. TEPUIEH. sweaty. TEPI leather, skin, hide; TEPICI ΓΑΡ AflAM /fig./ unsociable man, quick-tempered man;



ΤΕΡΙΛΕΠ ... TEPCEK unfinished leather or hides; ... KHIM IIIEEEPI furrier, leather dresser. ΤΕΡΙΛΕΠ ΒΟΡΤΠΕ rash. TEPIK calendar. TEPIH/U : 3KbIHbIHAbI-TEPIH,a;i collapsible, prefabricated, collected remains of something. TEPIC wrong, irregular, the wrong way; ... AFbIM see TEPC AFbIM; ... KETto go the other way, to go in the opposite direction; ... ΠΙΚΙΡ delusion, error; ... TYCTIK north; ... KblJIHK, fault, sin. TEPICKEM see TEPCKEfi. TEPICKEH see TEPCKEH. TEPICTIK 1) North; 2) irregularity, stubbornness; ... EATbIC Northwest; ... IIIblFbIC Northeast. TEC- to pierce, to perforate; 5KAPAHbIH, AV3bIH ... to open a wound; OK, TECIO ΘΤΤΙ the bullet went all the way through; TECE KAPAM KAJIbinTbl /fig./ he looks steadily. TECE E OT mattock, pickaxe, corner plate (Callahan's). TECKIIII chisel, point-tool, drill, auger bit. TECHHX rosary. TECTIP- see TECKI3-. TECIK 1) cave, cavern, pit; 2) hole, perforation, perforated, full of holes, /adj./; ΤΘΕΕΟ ... AAAM expert, skilled man, one who knows a foreign language. TECIJI- to have holes. TECIPEM- to stare (with eyes bulging), to look boldly. TETE /TETEJ1ECI/ side by side, alike, similar (for example, in age). TETEJIEC ©CKEH EAJIAAAP children of the same age. TETIK 1) conception, idea, mind, intellect, reason, sense; 2) mechanism, any shaft on which something revolves; 3) means, method. TEXHHKAJlblK, technical. TEIIIE unit of land measure (2.70 acres). TEH 1) bale, package; underwear and other things in a felt bag; 2) an equal, equal, alike; ... EAFAJIbl equivalent; ... EVPblHITbl equiangular (triangle); ... ASPE^CEJII adequate; ... )KAPA, ... ^CAPTblCbl exactly half; ... MAFHAJlbl equivalent, synonymous. TEHEE-TEH perfectly equal. ΤΕΗΒΕ-ΤΕΗΛΙΚ full equality. TEHEIJI color of a horse (gray with spots like apples), mottled, speckled (of a horse);

... ΚΘΚ gray with apple-like marks (color of a horse); TEHEIJT-TEHETJI mottled color of hair or an animal). TEHFE a coin, ruble; ... Κ,ΟΤΒΙΡ /colloq./ venereal disease. TEHFEJIIK one ruble note, something that costs one ruble. ΤΕΗΓΕΡ- to balance, to equalize. ΤΕΚΓΒΛΕΠ YPbIC sea battle. TEHAE- 1( to equalize, to make identical; 2) to load, to burden, to pack things in a package (felt bag). TEHAEME /math./ equation. TEHAEC equal (in strength, in position, in age). TEHAEC- to be equalized, to be leveled, to compare with someone in strength. TEHAECTIP- to level, to put on the same footing. TEHAECI )KOK, without equal. TEHAEV equation. TEHOJK impartiality, equality, equity, justice, equality of rights; ... AJI- /pol./ to achieve equal rights; /leg./ to achieve justice. inequality. - to make even or level. TEHE- 1) to put on an equal footing, to make even; 2) to compare with, to parallel. TEHEJI- 1) to equal; 2) to regain what was lost. ΤΕΗ,ΕΥ comparison. TEHEVCI3 incomparable, without equal. TEHKMH- to lie stretched out, to lie on top of something (of massive, enormous objects). TEHCEJI- to totter, to walk unsteadily; ΑΛΚ,ΤΒΙ TEHCEJIE BAC- to stamp rhythmically and smoothly. TEHCEJl/UP- see TEHCEJIT-. TEHCEJIMEJII to shake rhythmically and smoothly. TEHCEJIT- to make totter or work unsteadily. TEHCI3AIK inequality. TEHJ )KOK, incomparable, without equal. TEHJ3 sea; ¥ΙΠΑΗ-ΤΕΗ[Ι3 boundless sea; OHblHi bIJIIMI VIDAH-TEHI3 /fig./ he possesses broad knowledge; ... ΑίΪΥΑΗmarine animals;... EHFEftlHEH BHIKTin height above sea-level; ... 5KAFACbI seashore, seacoast; ... KIPMECI gulf; ... CVbl sea water; ... KOftHAYbl a curved seashore; ... ΚΟ.ΊTblFbl bay; TEHI3AE 5KYPY navigationTH- 1) to achieve, to get; 2) to fall to one's lot; 3) to concern, to touch; 4) to marry to




get married (of women); 5) to fall upon, to drive away; AYbI3 ... /fig./ to taste (food); OHblH, MAFAH nAH ACbl ΤΗ,Ο,Ι /fig·/ it profited me; KY MEY ΓΕ ... /fig./ to marry, to get married; ATblMHblH, ΑΡΚΛCblHA EP TMfll /fig./ the saddle has rubbed my horse's back until it is sore. ΤΜΓΕΗΙ private. ΤΜΓΙ3- to touch upon, to turn to; )ΚΕΡ#ΕΜ ... /fig./ to help; 3bLHH ... /fig./ to inflict injury; TIJI ... /fig./ to reproach, to insult; K,OJI ... to touch, to strike; to mortify (wound). THE- to load, to plunge, to immerse. THEK 1) bolt, slip-bolt; 2) button; IIIIflEPiUH; ΤΗΕΓΙ the fastening of a tripod; flOMEblPAHblH, ΤΜΕΓΙ string support of a dombra; TIJIflE ... 5KOK, AYbOZJA XHEK OK, /lit., (a tongue without a button, a mouth without an edge) a loose tongue. TMEKTE- to button, to do up, to clasp. TMEKTEJ1- to button oneself up; to be buttoned up, clasped. TMEJ1- to be absorbed, to be submerged, to be loaded. TMEH- to load (to pack household articles for a nomadic trek). THI- see TH-. THTTEM tiny, wee. THK) attack, assault. TMIJI- to touch something; to be touched; to be started. THIM/JI advantageous, favorable, positive. TMIPMEH mill. THIPMEHHII miller. TMIC necessary, obligatory; ... EMEC it should not ... THIC-1) to attack, to assault; 2) to be obliged, to be bound to; 3) to scold, to chill. THICTI necessary, obligatory, prescribed, proper. TMICIHIIIE so far as necessary, accordingly. TOE see ΤΟΠ. TOEAH ΑΛΚ, bow leg (with a congenital defect). TOEAPC- 1) to freeze, to be covered with frost, to be slightly frozen (of the ground); 2) to get dry, to dry up. TOEPAK see ΤΟΠΡΑΚ,. TOELIJIFL·! /bot./ spirea (Spirea filipendula). TOEblK, patella, kneecap; Κ,ΟΛΗ ... name of a grass. TOEVPfflYK, hind leg (in cattle).

TO3 1) foam (on a horse); 2) birch bark. TO3- 1) to come to an end, to expire, to terminate, to perish; 2) to wear out, to decay, to weaken, to decompose; 3) to split into chips, to grind into dust; 4) to fall into factions (of a tribe); 5) to disperse; 6) to scamper about; TO3-TO3 EOJIblH KETto disperse, to scatter in all directions. T03AK, hell. TO3AH, dust; ... TYC- to get dusty; TO3AH KOH,- see TO3AH, TYC-. ΤΟ3ΑΗ.ΠΑ- to rise (of dust). ΤΟ3ΑΗΛΑΤ- to raise dust. TO3AHO,bI dusty, covered with dust. TO3,HbIP- 1) to wear out; 2) to drive away. T03bIFbI )KETKEH KHIM completely wornout clothes. TO3FMHAA- see TO3-TO3 EOJlblH KET-. TOSFbllll weak, not strong. TOM 1) wedding feast, festival, banquet, feast, feasting, wedding; 2) clay; ... 5KACA- to arrange a feast or a banquet. ΤΟΪ1- 1) to be sated, to be full, to be satiated; 2) to bore, to annoy. TOM-AblHblH feast, banquet. TOfimblP- to bore, to annoy. TOMJIA- to feast, to arrange a feast. TOMTAP- 1) to bend (the end of a nail), to rivet; 2) /fig./ to check, to halt (someone). TOMTAP rebuff, repulse. TOMTAPblC resistance. TOMbIM prosperity, contentment, abundance, sufficiency; TOMbIMbI 5KOK, insatiable, greedy. TOMbIMCbI3 see TOMblMLI )ΚΟΚ,. TOMblMCbO AH- to become greedy or insatiable. TOKbIMCbI3AWK greed, insatiability. TOMblH- to fatten, to feed (on). TOMFAHDIA to the point of safety; ΤΑΜ ΑΚ,ΤΜ ... 3ΚΕΗΓ3 Eat your fill! TOMFbI3- to feed to satiety. TOJI- 1) to be full, to be filled, to become filled, to fill oneself; 2) to be fulfilled; OFAH OH )KAC TOJlflbl he is ten years old. TOJIAC- to stop pouring (of rain). TOJ1ACTA- to stop pouring (of rain), to clear up (of clouds), to stop raining, to abate (of wind), to slow down. TOJITYP- see TOJ1TWP-. TOJITblP- 1) to fill, to fill in, to occupy; 2) /local/, to carry out, to accomplish; 3) to fill in (for example, a form); AY3HH


ΤΟΠΤΑ TOJITblPA CeJIE- /fig./ to speak with an air of importance or ceremoniously, to state unequivocally or unambiguously. TOJlVJLbl full, filled. TOJIYK, see TOJIblK. TOJIbI complete, full, plump; JlblK, ... jammed, stuffed to overflowing. TOJIblC- 1) to get plump; to fill out; 2) to ripen (of grain). TOJIblK. thick, stout; ... ΚΘΠΙΙΐυΐΙΚ absolute majority, absolute plurality. TOJIblK, IF/- to get plump, to get stout. mUblKTAYblill /gram./ object. TOJIblKTblP- to supplement, to add to. TOJlblKTblK plenitude, completeness, stoutness. TOJIblFblMEH fully, completely. TOJlblFblPAK, more complete, stouter. TOJTK,- 1) to rock, to bend, to stoop; 2) /fig./ to vacillate, to waver. TOJIKJblH wave; ... BYMPACbl white-caps (white horses on water); ... 3KEP surf, breakers. TOJIKblHflAH- I) to rise (of waves); 2) /fig./ to be iridescent, to interplay, to intermingle (of colors). TOJlKWHAbl wavy, rippling. TOJIFA- 1) to twist, to turn, to curve; 2) to sing an epic story in verse. TOJIFAH- to vacillate, to hesitate, to think over, to consider. TOJIFAH AM full moon. TOJIFAHY meditation, reflection. TOJIFAT- to have labor pains (of a woman giving birth). TOJ1FAY song of praise. TOJIFAK, 1) delivery, childbirth, labor pains; 2) /fig./ ripe, imminent; ... AYPYbl labor pains. TOMAJIA- see flOMAJlA-. TOMAJ1AH- see OMAJIAH-. TOMAJIAT- to roll, to take for a ride, to wheel. TOMAJIAK /AOMAJ1AK,/ 1) round ball, ball of thread; 2) lump, clot, piece. TOMAJ1AKJA- see flOMAJIAKTA-. TOMAP 1) a small hillock in the marsh (swamp); 2) stump (of a tree), block, thick log; ... EO Y name of the root of a plant used for dye. TOMAFA cowl for a hunting bird, a small leather cowl put on the head of a golden eagle. ΤΟΜΠΑΪί- to protrude, to swell (of a tumor),

to bulge (of the stomach), to get inflated, to swell. ΤΟΜΠΑΜΤ- to sulk. ΤΟΜΠΑΗΛΑ- to walk, to run (of a very small child). ΤΟΜΠΑΚ 1) hillock, knoll; 2) a swelling on the body; 3) prominent, bulging; ... BET full-faced. TOMnAKJblK protuberance, bulging. ΤΟΜΠΜΜ- to sit (curled up). TOMObUIflA- see ΤΟΜΠΑΗΛΑ-. TOMUblJl/IAK, elastic, resilient. TOMnblJIflAK- to rebound, to come back (for example, a ball). TOMCAPT- to offend. TOMCblPAM- to become sullen, to frown, to scowl, to look gloomy, to look angry. TOMblPblTKA soup for drinking, thinned with cold water. TOMFYJ1YK, a small hillock above the water. TOH fur coat, sheepskin coat; CEH.CEH ... fur coat made from the hides of unsheared lambs; K,bI3bIJl ... velvet dressing gown (woman's); KWPblKHA ... fur coat made of sheared lamb. TOHA- to rob, to rob on the highway. TOHAJT- to be robbed. TOHAY robbery. TOHAYIUbl bandit, robber; TOHAYlUblJIAP UIABYblJlbl an attack by bandits. TOHblH AHHAJI blPbin KM- 1) to cheat, to be a double dealer; 2) to put the fur coat on inside out. TOOPA a small net (for fishing). ΤΟΠ 1) heap, pile, a big heap, a mass; 2) a group, crowd; 3) herd, flock; 4) detachment. ΤΟΠ- an intensifying syllable in words beginning with TO-; ΤΟΠ-TOJIbIK, perfectly full, complete. ΤΟΠ 5K¥Jl bI3 constellation. ΤΟΠΑΪΪ pastern (of a horse). TOnAJIAH, illness of sheep. ΤΟΠ AH 1) husk, chaff; 2) flood, deluge; ... CY flood. ΤΟΠ AC 1) sluggard, booby, dunce, dull, a dull man, brainless; 2) /fig./ unresourceful, rude, rough (of a man). TOnACTAH- 1) to become dull or torpid; 2) to roughen, to become rude. TOnACTblK, dullness, bluntness, roughness. ΤΟΠΟΓΡΑΦΜΛ-ΠΜΚ topographic. ΤΟΠΟΑ hinge (for example, of a door). TOnCAJIA- to fasten a hinge (to a door, etc.). ΤΟΠΤΑ heap, pile, mass.




ΤΟΠΤΑ- to classify. ΤΟΠΤΑΗ- to crowd, to assemble in one place, to group. TOnVJI- to crowd. TOnVPJIA- see TOHYJl-. ΤΟΠΠίν a button. TOnillbl humerus (bone). TOnillblJIA- to suppose, to conjecture, to have a tentative or approximate idea of something. TOnfflblK side of the chest. TOFlblP 1) crowd; 2) stamping, commotion; ΤΟΜ-TOribIP feast; ΟΠΗΡ-ΤΟΠΕΙΡ BOJI- to be confused, to be in a state of turmoil. TOHblPAK, land, soil; ΚΑΡΑ ... chernozem, black earth; ... CAJ1- to cast a handful of dirt (on a grave when taking leave of the dead). TOnblPAK,- /fig·/ to take one's leave of the dead. TOnblPJIA- to crowd, to throng, to walk in a crowd. TOnblPJIA- to produce trampling all together. TOP net seine, fishing net, noose, snare; ... CbI3bIKJbI ΛΑΠΤΕΡ notebook with checked paper; TOPFA TYC- to find oneself in a desperate situation. TOPAM little pig, suckling pig, young wild pig. TOPAJT- 1) to get well; 2) to gain weight; 3) to accumulate. TOPAJ1CAK, horse's fetlock joint. ΤΟΡΑΠ cross-road, crossing, junction; TOFbI3 JKOJIAtlH TOPAEblHflA /lit./ where nine roads meet. TOPAUFbl /bot./ poplar (Populis). TOPJIA- 1) to cork, to plug; 2) to cloud; 3) to overstitch the loops of a shirt. TOPJIAH growing colt. TOPJIAH- see TOPAJ1-. ΤΟΡΠΑΚ, two-year old calf, yearling calf; Ε¥3ΑΥ-ΤΟΡΠΑΚ, young of the horned cattle. - to swell. TOPCblJIJIA- 1) to get angry and show displeasure by grumbling and motions (of a man) ; 2) to make a dull noise (of an object). TOPCblK, leather bag. TOPCblKJAfi plump, blooming, in good health (of a baby). TOPTA sediment or residue after melting butter (or cream).

TOPY- to be on the watch for, to lie in wait for, to lie in ambush. TOPbl brown red bay (color of a horse); ΚΑΡΑ ... 5ΚΙΠΤ dark-haired person, brunette. TOPbIK, /F/- to despair, to lose every hope, to be pessimistic. TOPtIFy desperate position. TOPKA silk (cloth), the most valuable silk; TOHblPAFbl ... BOJICblH! May thy bones rest in peace /lit./ (There is earth for the grave and there will be silk for the departed); ... ΚΕΗΛΙΡ flax. TOPFAM small bird, general designation for small birds; BO3 ... lark; CVblK ... sparrow; Κ,ΑΡΑ ... starling. TOPFyH silk stuff. TOC- to wait (for), to expect; EAJlAHbl ... to hold a child for some time, to sit a child on a pot. TOCAFl 1) a layer of floating reeds on the lake, deposit of plant debris on the surface of the lake; 2) scum on the sides of a metal pot; COPFIAHblH TOCABbI foamy deposit on the surface of soup. TOCAH hard of hearing. TOCAHC- 1) to become hard of hearing; 2) to appear unusual or new (although this was once known). TOCTAFAH small wooden bowl or cup, basin, bowl. TOCblH suddenly, unexpectedly. TOCWHHAH from the first. TOCblPKA- to be aloof, to keep to oneself, to be timid (in the presence of strangers). TOCKAyblJI 1) ambush; 2) obstacle, barrier. TOCKAybLJIAA- 1) to lie in wait for, to ambush; 2) to bar. TOT /TAT, ΛΑΤ/ rust; ... Β AC- to get covered with rust. TOTyK,- see TOTblK-. TOTbl peacock. TOTbl KVC parrot. TOTbLHHblH vitriol. TOTblK, 1) oxide; 2) sunburn, tan. TOTEIK, If I- 1) to rust, to get covered with rust; 2) to get tanned; 3) to grow black. TOIOT- to satiate. ΤΟΉΤΤΑ- to satiate, to eat lightly, have a snack, take a bite. ΤΟΛΤΤΑΗ- to be full or sated. TOK, 1) satisfied, replete; 2) barn or special place for threshing; AID KA lPIH ...




BIJIMEC A man who is full doesn't understand a hungry one. TOK,- 1) to bind; 2) /fig./ to assimilate, to digest, to realize; EH.HJIAft ... to tie gloves. TOK, IUIEK large intestines. TOKAH- to sit higher. TOKAJI the youngest wife; ... CblHblP a cow without horns; TOK,AJI Κ,ΑΤΒΙΗ see TOK.AJ1. TOKAIII /TOFAUI/ dry, ring-shaped roll. ΤΟΚ,ΜΕήυΐ uninterested, showing no desire. TOKMEHIJIC- to display a lack of interest in something. ΤΟΚ,ΠΑΗ 5KEJ1IK KIJIIK/ ulna (bone). ΤΟΚ,ΠΑΚ, 1) rattle, beetle; 2) a clout on the head. ΤΟΚ,ΠΑΚ,ΤΑ- to beat or soften something with a mallet. ΤΟΚ,ΡΑ- 1) to await; 2) to graze on the same spot. ΤΟΚ,ΡΑΤ- to stop. TOK.CAH 1) ninety; 2) quarter (of a year). TOK,CAHbIHfflbI the ninetieth. TOKJA- to come to a stop, to stop, to stand, to become; HCACH TOKTAFAH A£AM elderly man. TOKTAftTBIH OPBIH quarters (temporary), stopping place. TOKJAJI- to be stopped, to be held up; TOKJAJIMAH 3KYPE BEP- to go without stopping. TOK,TAJiy stop, station. TOKTAJIBIC 1) stop, station; 2) delay. ΤΟΚ,ΤΑΜ solution, decision (conclusion); E13RE EIP ... EOJIBin E l we concluded. TOKTAMACTAH incessantly, without a stop, ceaselessly, without delay. TOKTAC- to stop together. ΤΟΚ,ΤΑΤ- to stop (someone). TOKTATTBIP- to force someone to stop (through another person). TOKTATKJbI3- see TOKTATTblP-. ΤΟΚ,ΤΑΥ stop, halt. TOKJAVCBIS non-stop, ceaseless. TOKTbl a lamb towards the end of its first year, a lamb more than six months old. TOKTblK, satiety, repletion. TOKTbllllAK, pet name for a lamb toward the end of its first year. ΤΟΚ,Υ- to weave. ΤΟΚ,Υ woven cloth, fabric; ... CTAHOFI loom for weaving; ... ΦΑΕΡΡΪΚ textile mill; ... BICTAHOFBI see ... CTAHOFI;

...-MIPV ΦΑΒΡΗΚ textile mill; ...-HIPV OAEPHKACL·! textile mill. TOK,VJI 1) stump (of a tree); 2) candle-end. TOK,yJWA- to knock, to hammer. - see ΤΟΚ,νίΠΕΙ weaver, textile worker. TOKfflBIJIEIK see TOK.TBIK,. ΤΟΚ,ΒΙ- to weave. TOKilJlAA- to make a rumble or a dull noise, to disturb with a rumble (for example, of a cart). TOK.BI.rmAT- to beat with a mallet. ΤΟΚ,Βυΐ^ΑΚ, woodpecker. ΤΟΚ,ΒΙΜ cover under the saddle, saddle cloth. ΤΟΚ,ΜΜΑ tissue, cloth, fabric, textile; ... ΘΗΕΡΚ,3ΟΕΙ textile industry; ... ΠΙΑΡEAK, wattle fence; ... ΠΙΕΤΕΗ wattle fence; ... OAEPHKACBI textile plant. TOH- to freeze, to get frozen. TO«; frozen ground; ... EOJIBIO K.AJ1FAH ΤΟΠΡΑΚ, frozen earth; ... MA grease, fat bacon (hard), melted lard; ... MOftBIH thickheaded; ... TEPIC man with a difficult character, hard to get along with. TOHA3- 1) to thicken, to set, to solidify, to be slightly frozen; 2) /local/ to shiver slightly. TOHA3BIFAH ET cold meat. ΤΟΗΛΒΙΡ- to freeze. TOI^y chill. TOHK.AJIAFAC- to somersault. TOFA see AftBIJIEAC. TOFAM 1) wooded area, forest; 2) meadow. TOFAM- to get sated, to become full. TOFAH MAHBI undergrowth (in a wood). AJIAIiBI glade, clearing. AJIAHKBI meadow, clearing (in a wood). TOFAMABIH IHETI edge of a wood. TOFAMJIbl wooded. TOFAMCBI3 treeless. TOFAMCB13 MCEP woodless land, site. TOFAH 1) ditch; 2) pond, millpond, dam. TOFAP- to unharness. TOFAUI see ΤΟΚ,ΑΠΙ. TOFVC- see TOFblC-. TOFYT- see TOFBIT-. TOFbI3 nine. TOFbI3 KVMAJIAK, the name of a game. TOFbI3#bIK, /conv./ a nine, the figure nine, the nine. TOFbI3bIHfflbI ninth. TOFBIH rim (of a wheel).



TOFblCTOFbIC- to gather in one place, to meet with, to encounter, to cross, to interbreed. TOFLIT reservoir, storage lake (in running water) where sheep are bathed in the summer. TOFblT- to bathe sheep (by forcing them to swim across a river). TV 1) standard, banner; 2) barren female; 3) barren (of animals); ... EHE barren (a fat mare); ... CblPTbl middle of the back; ... YCTAYHIL·! standard bearer. TV- 1) to be born; 2) to rise (of the sun); KYH TYbin KEJ1E }KATbIP the sun is rising. TYEYP a hut on a little island. TYAblP- to bear, to give birth (to). TYHCYP- to make a notch. TYaCYPYM slash, cut, notch. TVH- 1) to feel; to have a presentiment; 2) to listen; 3) to notice. TVHblK, 1) blind alley, cul-de-sac, dead end; 2) covered place, sheltered place. TYMKAP gyrfalcon. TYHFYH white falcon. TY3 salt; ... KEHI salt-mines; ... CAYL1T salt-cellar, salt shaker; ... K.A3AH salt works; ... KAftHATATblH ©H lPIC salt works. TV3AbI COPMEH OPblH a medical institution for mineral-mud treatments. TY3AK, cunning. TV3^A- to salt, to pickle, to corn. TY3AAH- to be salty, to be salted. TYJI EP /TYJI ΕΡΓΈΚ/ a widower. TYJI Κ,ΑΤΜΗ a widow. TYJIA- to rear up, in an attempt to throw the rider (of a horse), to go mad (of a horse) TYJIAFAH TOJlK,bIH /fig./ gulf, abyss. TYJIAFbllll a skittish horse that hasn't been ridden. TYJI AH- to be angry. TVJl^yK, widowhood. TyjinAP a battle horse. Tyjlbl GJIKE highlands, upland. TyjIFA 1) mister, gentleman, master; 2) body; 3) figure (of a man); 4) chief ("boss"), superior, commander. TYH- to settle (of liquids). TYH YP dam, dyke. ΤΥΗβΥΡ- 1) to ruin, to destroy, to exterminate; 2) to fill up (a hole, a pit); 3) to cork, to plug. TYHYK 3KACbIJI dull green. TYHIUYK,- to suffocate.

- to strangle. TYMA relative. TYMA ΡΕΦ-HEKC unconditioned reflex; ... COK,bIP born blind. TYMAJIA- to press, to squeeze, to crush, to strangle. TYMAJIAC related, near relation. TYMAP ΕΟΛΥ /bot./ rhubarb (yellow color, paint). TYMCA barren female. TYMCblK, capeTYP- l) to not go further, to stop; 2) to be present, to be located; 3) to cost; 4) to stand; 5) to stay, to live, to dwell. ΤΥΡΑ- to chop, to cut into small pieces. ΤΥΡΑ straight, direct /adjust./, upright, directly, openly, really, exactly /adv./; just; ... EOJ1- to be just; ... CbOblK, straight line; ... KAPCblAAH MAEYblJl a frontal attack. TYPAJ1A- to get weak. TYPA bl concerning, regarding, about, of. TYPAJIblK, veracity, truth, justice. TYPAK,TbI steady, permanent, constant, regular, unceasing. TYPAHFA poplar (Populus). TYPAFAMJIA- to drive away, to dispel. TYPMYC way of life, customs. TYPTYPJ1A- to wake, to prevent from sleeping. ΤΥΡΥΜΤΑΪΪ sparrowhawk. TYPYC- to stand together. TYPYIII firmness, hardness. TYPYXTAH /zool./ ruff. TYPFY3- 1) to settle someone on land; 2) to help to stand up; 3) to lift, to raise. TYC 1) opposite place; 2) knowledge. TYCUIbl CY fresh water. TYT- 1) to hold, to snatch, to seize, to catch, to grab, to grasp, to keep, to contain; 2) to glue, to paste, to stick. TYTA- /TYTAH-, TYTAC-/ to catch fire, to start burning. TYTAM the width for four fingers. TYTAH- see TYTA-. TYTAC- 1) be near, to be close; 2) to form a whole; 3) see TYTA-. TYTAT- to set on fire. TYTTYK,- to stutter. TYTYJ1- to be held, to be kept, to be caught. ΤΥΤΥΙΠ- 1) to hold together; to seize each other; 2) to fight. TYTYK.- see TYTTYK,-. TYTK,bIH captive, prisoner.



TYYPAJIATYVPAJIA- 1) to catch, to lie in wait for, to be on the watch for; 2) to resist, to oppose. ΤΥΠΙΑ a goat in its second spring. TVUIAPJIAC- /v.l to meet, to meet together. TYtlH^bl /gram./ derivative. TYblPJIblK, felt covering the lower cylindrical part of the felt hut. TYblPblJI- to settle thickly. TYblC 1) family, clan, ancestors, relative; 2) origin, derivation, extraction; 3) ablebodied, hard-working member (of a society or family); TYblCblH BIJIMEMTIH without relatives (not belonging to any clan). TyblCKAH own, native, relative. TYblCKAHflblK relationship, kinship, alliance. TYbICKAHCbI3 without relatives, family. TYIOP- to cut in, to engrave. ΤΥΙΟΡΥΜ incision, cut, slash. TVIOK, viscera. ΤΥΙΟΚ,ΤΑΗ- to be locked, to be locked in, to be shut up. TYKBIM seed, fruit. TYIifflblKTblPATblH ΓΑ3 asphyxiating, suffocating gas, TVHK.AT- to drive, ride, travel all night. TyHFYT first-born. TVFAH EJI native land. TVFAH KYHI birthday. TYFAIII a dry, ring-shaped roll. TYFYH AYPy hereditary illness. TYFYP1) a female who does not bear children any more; 2) support for a hunting-bird. TypbI3- 1) to deliver, to assist at the birth of (animals); 2) to create. TbIH- 1) to forbid; 2) to dissuade; 3) to retain, to keep, to detain; 4) to quiet, to calm, to soothe, to repress. TblnnblU- to get smooth (from polishing). TblflnblJI smooth, even, polished; EOPAH 3KOJIAEI Tbin-TbIMIIbLJI ΕΤΙΠ ΚΕΤΠ the road is covered with snow, snowed under (during a snowstorm). TbIMTblK, condition, state; TbIHblJI- 1) to quiet down, to abate, to subside, to be silent; 2) to stop doing; 3) to pause, to stop, to end; QEflEH TblfiTblFbl 3KETKEH EKEH TblHTblFblM ΕΙΤΤΊ he is completely exhausted, worn out. TblHblM interdiction, limit, end. TblHblM CAJI- to forbid, to prohibit. TblHblH- 1) to suppress; 2) to stuff. TLIHblH 1) squirrel; 2) a kopeck; ... CA-

HAFAH A^AM a petty man (who worries over every kopeck). TbI3bIJlAA- 1) to feel unbearable pain (for example, from bee-sting); 2) /fig./ to run fast, to tear along; 3) to hop, to jump along, to gallop. TbI3bIJMA itch, itching. TblJlKAT- to quiet down, to subside. TblM quite, entirely, too. TblM-TblPblC deathlike silence, hush, silent, noiseless; ... BOJI- to fall silent, to utter not a word. TblMAY cold in the head, hoarseness. TbIMAK, a warm Kazakh head-dress (with large earlaps and a shoulder strap). TblMblJmblK, /naut./ calm. TblMblPCblK, oppressive heat, heat. TbIMblK, calm. TbIH see TbIHblC. TbIH- 1) to calm down, to rest, to take a rest; 2) to breathe; 3) to stop (at the end of a sentence); 4) to die away, to come to an end, to expire, to die. TblH blP- l) to put an end to an affair; to see a matter through to the end; 2) to quiet, to calm; 3) to fulfill a task. TbIHbIMCbI3 ceaselessly, incessantly, incessant, tirelessly. TblHblC 1) breathing spell, respite, break; 2) life; 3) /gram./ pause; TblHblCbl TAPblJI- to choke, to suffocate; ... AJIYflAH KAJIFAH breathless, lifeless; ... EEJIFICI /gram./ punctuation mark; ... )KOJIbI trachea, windpipe; ... ΜΥΠΙΕJIEPI respiratory organs; TblHblCbl KEIiEM- /fig./ to receive a respite; TblHblCTblH; AEMIKHECI /med./ bronchial asthma. TfalHbllll quiet, undisturbed, without troubles, peaceful(ly), calm(ly), happily; healthy. TbIHbIinCbI3 uneasy, restless, boring. TblHbllllCblSflAH- to become upset; to fuss. TblHbiniCbBflblK, anxiety, fussiness, alarming condition (position). TbIHbllllTAJI attention (mil. command). TblHbiniTAJI- see TblHblfflTAH-. TblHbiniTAH- to calm down, to settle. TblHbimTblK,- tranquility, a quiet, peaceful condition. TbIHbllUblH AJ1- to disturb, to make finish. TbIHblK,- to rest. TbIHblK calm, calm (weather); ... MVXMT the Pacific Ocean. TblHbl^TblP- to give a rest.




TbinblP ΕΤΠΕ- not to stir; to stand dead still. TbinbIP-TbinblP ET- to stamp one's feet; to tramp. TbinblPJIA- 1) to jerk the legs, to stamp the ground; 2) /fig./ to display initiative, energy. TbluIblPIH- 1) to stir; 2) to get upset. TbinblPIIIblH- 1) to get upset; 2) to trample the ground (for example, a horse bitten by a mosquito). TbIPA- 1) to die /intr./; 2) to fall down, to faint. TbIPAM 1) accurate, neat; 2) ready to give service. TblPAfflTAH- 1) to try to help someone; 2) to be neat, to be neat and well-dressed. TblPAUITblK, 1) willingness to help; 2) neatness, cleanliness. TblPAHUA- to flounder, roll, wallow. TbIPAFAM CAJlbm Κ,ΑΠΙ- to run pell-mell; TblPAFAHJIA-TblPAFAHJIAn ΚΑΙΠTbl (they) fled in disorder; (they) ran pell-mell. ΤΗΡΕΑΗΛΑ- see TblPEblUZJA-. TbIPEbIM-1) to stick out; 2) to unravel, to go to pieces; EOHbl TblPEEIHFAH BIPEY (scornfully) What a dumpy little man! TbIPEblMFAH ΠΙΕΠ low (spreading) grass. TbIPBblK short of stature. TblPEEIHAA- 1) to wave the arms and legs, trying to get up or crawl (of an infant); 2) to flounder, to wallow; 3) /fig./ to endeavor, to strive for something. TblP^Kblfl- to frown, to get sullen; KAEAFbl TbIP5KbI.H ^AJIbinTbl He's in a rage. TbIP3KbIHHA- to express displeasure by means of facial expression. TbIPMA rake, harrow. TbIPMAJIA- to harrow, to rake. TblPMAJIAV harrowing. TblPHA- 1) to comb; 2) to scratch; 3) to scribble; 4) to rake /tr./. TblPHA crane (bird). TblPHATTblP- to force someone to scratch (through a third person). TblPHAVblffl rake. TbIPHAK, 1) nail; 2) claw, talon; ... AJI bl the beginning of something; undertaking; ... OTY hawkweed (Hieracium pilosella). TblPHAKTbl 1) sharp-clawed (of an eagle); 2) /fig./ predatory. TbIPCblH- to be swollen and elastic (for example, of the belly of a camel). TblPCblJI A- to squeak, to creak.

TblPTblM- to lose weight, to get thinner. TbIPTbIC wrinkle, crease, fold. TbIPTbIC- 1) to writhe, to squirm; 2) /fig./ to try, to strive. TbIPTblK, 1) a healed wound, a scar; 2) rough, pockmarked, clumsy. ΤΈΙΡΤΕΙΚ,ΤΑΗ- 1) to get rough; 2) to writhe. TblPblC- 1) to protest (actively); 2) to try, to endeavor. TblPblCY 1) zeal, assiduity; 2) cramp, spasm, convulsion. TbIPblCKAK, 1) assiduous, diligent; 2) stubborn, persistent. TbIPblK, weak, feeble, thin, skinny. TbIC 1) outer; exterior appearance; 2) besides, in addition, beyond, above; 3) abnormal; TblC^A IIIblKTfal (he) went outside; ... KHIM /CblPT KHIM/ outer garments. TbICTA- to cover, to wrap, to upholster, to make a cover for something; TOH ... to make a cover for something. TbICTAJIFAH III1IK coat with a fur lining (a covered fur coat). TbICTbl with a cover (of clothing); ... ΚΙΤΑΠ book with a cover; IIUTI-TblCTbl BOJI- to infiltrate some circle (in order to transmit information, secrets). TblCTblK MATA suitable material for a cover (for a fur coat). TbICbl 3KOK, IIIIIK "uncovered" coat (sheepskin or any fur without cloth over it). TbICblP rustle, crackling sound. TblCblPJIA- to make a crackling, rustling noise. TbICK,APbI outside, especially apart from, besides, beyond; Θ3ΙΗΕ THECIflEH ... apart from what was owed him. TbICK,I>I upper side, top side, external. TbIT /bot./ larch (Larix sibirica) (a particular species). TblUI- to defecate. TblfflKAK, diarrhea. ΤΜΙΙΙΚ,ΑΗ 1) mouse; 2) /obs./ name of a year (according to the old Kazakh system of chronology using the names of animals). TbDOCbB ill-bred, spoiled. TbDOfflbl prohibiting; guiding. TbWHAK, constancy, stability; OHblH, CeSIHflE ... 3KOK, he is changeable; you can't believe what he says. TbWHAK,CbI3 /adj./ variable, unstable. TbLflHAK,CbI3,fl,bIK, instability, inconstancy. ΉϊΙΛΗΑΚ,ΤΑ- to see something through to the end; to get results.




TbLHHAKJAJI- to be completely finished; to become stable. ΤΗΛΗΑΚ,ΤΒΙ stable, constant, conscientious. TbI.HHAK,TbIJIbIK, stability, constancy, conscientiousness. TblK If I- 1)to stick into. to thrust into, to drive into; 2) to conceal, to hide; 3) to squeeze, to press; 4) to stuff; 5) to shake down. TbIK,-TbIK, a constant, rhythmic knocking, tapping; ... 5KYP- to walk with a tapping noise (from one's heels); AHFblH ... EACto walk treading (the ground) firmly. TbIK,nAJIA- 1) to hide, to secrete, to put aside; 2) to thrust in, to shove under. TbIK,CbIP- to drive (in), to drive into a cul-de-sac. TblKJA- to cave in, to cork, to plug, to fill. TbIK,bIJI frequent (not powerful) noises, knocking. TbIK,bIimA- 1) to produce, utter a noise; 2) /fig./ to speak in a ringing voice. TblKBI-TWAT- to knock (not violently). ΤΕΙΚ,Ευΐ,ΑΑΚ, jay. TbIK,bIP crunch, crunching, crackling. TbIK.bIPAAK, 1) slanderer; 2) restless person. TbIKJJPJIA- to crunch. see ΤΒΙΚ,ΒΙΡ,ΠΑΚ, 1) strong, brave; 2) virgin soil; ... )KEP virgin soil. TblH TblHflA- to spy. TbIH TblHUAy eavesdropping. l- to get stronger, to have a rest. - to afford an opportunity to get stronger; ATEIMflbl ΤΜΗΑΜΤΒΙΠ AJmbIM I gave my horse a chance to gather his strength; )KEP ... to fertilize the land (soil); WEPffi fertilizing. fertilization. - 1) to listen to, to obey, to listen, to listen attentively; 2) to hear (a report, communication). TblHZJAJI- 1) to be heard, to be analyzed (at a meeting); 2) to attract someone's attention. TblHOAyfflbl hearer, listener, student. TblHUIbl spy. TblUfflbUIAP yftblMbl spy organization. TblHIIIblJIblK; espionage. TbIHFbIJIbIK,TbI sound, conscientious, careful. TbIHFbIJIbIK,TbIJIbIK, conscientiousness, carefulness.

TbIFbI3 1) compact, solid, dense; 2) tight, narrow; 3) urgent, special, extra. TblFbB A- l) to condense, thicken, to fill to overflowing; 2) to hasten, to rush, to urge on. TbIFbI3AAJI- 1) to get tight; to crowd, to jam; 2) /fig./ to hurry, to rush. TbIFbI3AAH- see TbIFbI3AA.il-. TbIFbI3,0,bIK, 1) compactness, density, tightness; 2) haste, urgency. TbIFblJI- 1) to hide, to lurk; to be thrust in; 2) /fig./ to choke; 3) to be squeezed. TblFblH 1) plug, cork; 2) ice block in river. TLIFblH- to hide, to conceal. TblFblHIUblK, see TblFLIH. TblFblH^A- to cork, to plug. TbIFblHAAJl- to be corked, plugged; to be shut up. TblFblPblK, 1) stand, support; 2) haven; 3) side street, alley. TbIFblPIIIblK see TblFblPfalKΤΙΓΥ sewing /n./ (occupation). TiryjH sewn, stitched, laced. TiryJII KHIM ready-made dress. Tiryilll tailor. TiryiUI KATblH seamstress. TiriJI- 1) to be stuck into; 2) to be sewn. ΤΙΓΙΗ MAIIIHHACbl sewing-machine. ΤΙΓΙΗΙΠΙ tailor. ΤΙΠΗΠΙΙ 9MEJI seamstress. TiriHUIIJIIK ETy tailoring trade, tailor's trade. TiriC 1) sewing (occupation); 2) seam. 1Ί3- to thread, to string; KATAPJIAI1 ··· to construct in rows; KeTEPIJlICUIIJIEP EAMflbl«; AT-AnFbIPJIAPbIH ΤΙ3ΙΠ AJl/ibI The rebels took the rich man's horses. TI3BE chain; ... TAVJIAP mountain chain; something threaded or strung; KYMIC ΑΚ,ΙΙΙΑ TI3BECI strings of silver coins /lit./ (threaded silver coins). TJ3EEK 1) row, file; 2) chain; TAV TI3EEKTEPI mountain chain. TI3EEK-TI3BEK MOHUIAK, strings of beads (on thread) /lit./ (strung beads). TI3EEKTE- to string, to thread; to align, to stand in rows (in file). TI3EEKTEJI- to be strung, threaded; to stand in rows (in file); AblJI ΤΙ3ΕΕΚΤΕΛΙΠ KAHTbin )KATbIP the migratory birds are flying in (whole) flocks. TI3EEKTEC- see TI3BEKTEJ1-. TI3EEKTI strung, threaded. TI3EEJ1E- to string, to thread. ΤΙ3ΓΙΗ reins, bridle; MEHIH ΤΙ3ΓΙΗΙΜ




CEHAE EMEC Don't tell me what to do! (I don't depend on you). Ή3ΠΗΑΕ- /fig./ to check, to hold back, to rein in. T13AE-: ΤΥίίΕΗΙ Τ13ΛΕ- to hobble a camel by tying the front leg, bent at the knee, to the neck (for example, in shearing). TJ3E knee; ... EYK /Γ/- /lit./ (to bend the knee), to submit, to obey, to capitulate; ... BYKTIP- to put (someone) on his knees. TI3EJ1E- to lean against someone's knees; TI3EJIEn OTblP- to sit on the knees. TI3EPJIE- to press with one's knee; TI3EPJIED TYP- to stand on the knees; TI3EPJIEn AT- to shoot from the knee. TI3I- 1) to push in, to shove in, to thrust in; 2) to lock, to lock in, to lock up, to bar. TI3IJI- to be threaded, to be strung, to stand in rows. TI3IM list. Tiff see TM-. ΤΐίϊΙΗ see TbIMblH. TlfilC must. TI IC- to be obliged to /v./; to owe, to belong. TIMICTI he must, he is obliged, he owes. TIMICTI- see TIMIC-. TIM9- to load, to load a cart. ΤΙΚ- 1) to sew /v./; 2) to put to place; 3) to thrust into the ground; ΚΘ3 ΤΙΚ /Γ/- to stare (at), to fasten one's gaze (on someone); ΕΘΜΓΈ ΤΙΚ /Γ/- to name a prize (in horseracing); TAIlCblPA ΤΙΚ- to sew in; to stitch in. ΤΙΚ a precipice, a vertical cliff (or nearly vertical), steep slope, sheer, vertical, straight; ... 5KAP steep shore; ΤΙΠ-ΤΙΚ absolutely vertical, sheer, straight up and down; AflFblHAH ... TYPbin CblMJIAAbl he received us cordially; ... MIHE3AI KICI a rude, quick-tempered man. ΤΙΚΕΑΚΑΪί 1) stubborn, obstinate; 2) sharp. TIKE 1) straight, direct; 2) vertically, sheer. TIKEM- /intr./ to straighten out; to straighten up; to become straight, vertical. TIKEJIEfl immediately, directly; ... AMT- to speak openly, frankly, directly; TIKEJIEI1 ΚΑΡΑ- look steadily. TIKEH /TIKEHEK/ prickly bushes, thorn, thorny, splinter; ΤΕΜΙΡ TIKEHEKTEM like an iron barb (said of caustic remarks). ΤΙΚΕΗ,Ο,Ι covered with burrs, spikes, thorns. TIKEHE thorn. TIKEHEK see TIKEH. TIKEHEKTI see ΤΙΚΕΗβΙ.

ΤΙΚΤΕ- 1) to set upright, vertically; 2) to straighten out. TIKTEC- to grapple, after straightening up. TIKTIP- to have (something) sewn. TIKIIIIJI steep, sheer, vertical; ... KICI a harsh person. TIKIJIEH- to fasten one's eyes (on), to stare at. TIKIPE - 1) to stand on end, upright; 2) to stare at, to fix one's eyes on. ΤΙΚΙΡΕΗΛΕ- to attack (someone) furiously (with one's eyes starting out of one's head). TIJI 1) tongue, language; 2) printing device; ΘΗΕΡ AJIAbIK,bI3bIJI ... /Prov./ Eloquence is the highest form of art; ... AJIFbllll obedient, industrious, careful; ... EAMJIAH- to mumble, to speak thickly (of speech); ... EAHJIblFbl richness of language; ... 3EPTTEYMI linguist; ... ΤΜΓΙ3- to curse, to scold; ... TI3I3Y offense /n./; ... XAT a receipt; ... Κ,ΑΤΠΑ1) to be silent; 2) to be still; ... FblJIblMbl linguistics, philology; ... 9KEJI- /mil./ to take a prisoner. TIJI- to cut, to slice, to cut in strips, to cut in bands. TIJIA3AP inattentive, unconscientious. TIJiriJIE- see TIJIKEM E-. TIJiriHE see ΤΙΛΙΠΙΚ. ΤΙΙΙΠΡΑΦ telegraph. TIJlflEC- 1) to talk for the last time (with someone who is dying); 2) to have a talk with someone; to talk a little, to have a chat. TIJIJII sharp-tongued. TIJIE- to ask, to beg, to wish, to want, to request; ΗΘΠΟΜ TIJlEMEMfll I have no desire. TIJIEK wish, request, intention. T1JIEKTEC sympathetic /n./, well-wisher. TIJIEKTECTIK sympathy; solidarity; benevolence, kindness. TIJIEKIIII well-wisher, sympathetic person, sympathetic. TIJIEH- 1) to ask (for), to apply for, to state one's wish; 2) to ask for alms, to beg; OJI COFLIC MAHflAHbIHA Θ3Ι TIJIEHIO KETKEH He went to the front voluntarily. TIJIEHIIIEK beggar. TIJIEHUIIJIIK begging, cadging. TIJIEPCEK 1) shin, shank; Achilles' heel; 2) tarsus (of a bird). TIJTKEM-TIJIKEM cut into pieces, cut into small, thin strips.



TUlKEMflEΤΠΙΚΕΜ,ΖΙΕ- to cut into small pieces (thin strips). TIJIKEM/ίΕΗ- to be cut into small pieces or strips. TIJIMAP sharp-tongued, expressive, eloquent. TIJIMAIII /hist./ (office) translator; clerk. TIJIME /med./ erysipelas (name of a disease). ΤΓΠΜθΙΙΙΤΘ- to translate. TIJ1CI3- to speak awkwardly, without command of the language. TIJ1CI3 dumb, mute, a mute; OT ΠΕΗ CY ... }KAY fire and flood are natural calamities. TTJIIIII correspondent. TIJIiniK 1) a small tongue; uvula; 2) /mus./ reed. TIJ1IK 1) cut, slash; 2) a mark on the ear (of cattle); ... K.YJIAK, (cattle) with a slash (mark) on the ear. TIJIIK- to wish, to want, to desire, to inspire. TIJIIM 1) piece; 2) slice of bread. ΤΙΛΙΜ,ΖΪΕ- to cut, to slice into small thin strips, small pieces, slices. TIJIIH- to be sliced, cut, slit. TU19- see TIJ1E-. TIMICKI an insinuating person. TIMICKIJIE- 1) to rummage, to search for; 2) to sniff at (of a dog). TIH warp and woof (weft), (the threads extending lengthwise and crosswise). TIHT- to search; to fumble about, to rummage, to look for; to seek, to make a search. TIHTKI3- see TIHTTIP-. TIHTT1P- to force to, to permit a search. TIHTY search; ΤΙΗΤΥβΕΗ COB, after the search. TIHTYUII searching; one who is conducting a search. ΤΙΠΤΙ even; quite, at all; very; entirely, completely. TIHTIJ1- to be undergoing a search; to be subjected to a search. TIHTIH- to rummage, to fumble about. TIPE- to prop up, to support, to back up, to strengthen, to buttress; KEPEYETTI KAEbIPFAFA TIPEME don't move the bed to the wall. TIPEK /TIPEY, TIPEYIIII/ post, pillar, support, mast. TIPEKCI3 without a prop, support, /fig./ groundless, without foundation. TIPEKTI well-founded, reliable; ... Υ ft building constructed upon piles. TIPEJI- to be supported; to rest against; to

lean on, to lean against; MAFAH TIPEJIin TVPFAH EUIH9PCE WOK, /fig./ I have no objection; TVMCtlFL·! TACKA TIPEJI£I /lit./ (the scythe has found the stone), an irresistible force has met an immovable object. TIPEH- to lean on, to be supported by. TIPEC- to press one another (in combat); /fig./ to vie with someone, to bring suit against, to argue with someone. TIPEY see TIPEK. TIPEYIUI see TIPEK. TIPKE- 1) to fasten (to), to hook (on), to tie (on), to tie to each other (of horses); 2) to register, to note in a book, to write down in a book. TIPKEC- to stick to, to cling to each other; CGftJIEMflEn C93£EP,aiH, TIPKECYI the combination of words in a sentence. TIPKEVJII 1) fastened, tied, attached; 2) registered. ΤΙΡΚΕΥΠΗ I) coupler; 2) registrar. ΤΙΡΚΘ- see TIPKE-. TIPCEK /anat./ shin. TIPCEKTE- to follow on (someone's) heels (relentlessly). TIPiniJIIK existence, life. TIPI living, natural, lively, vivid; KE31HIH TIPICIHAE during (his) lifetime; TIPIflE VMblTOACnblH I shall never forget (to the end of my life). ΤΙΡΙ^Είϊ in a living state; alive. TIPIKYMIC mercury, quicksilver. TIPIJI- to live, to be alive, to come back to life, to rise from the dead. TIPIJIT- to animate, to revive. TIPIJIIK life, time of life, span of life. TIPIUIIJ1IK life. TIP9- see TIPE-. TIPan- see TIPEJI-. TIC tooth; TICI EATflAfl bl beyond his power; A3Y ... /anat./ molar; KYPEK ... cutter, chisel, incisor; ... EMXAHA dental clinic; ... ΠΙΥΚΥΕΙΙΠ toothpick; ... IIIETKECI toothbrush; ... Κ,ΑΚ,Κ,ΑΗ AflAM an adult, a mature person. TIC- to meet, to meet together. TICE- to come out, to fall out (of baby teeth). TICCI3 1) toothless; 2) /fig./ dull, stupid, obtuse. TICTE- to bite; EAPMAFblH ... to bite (one's) finger, to express regret. TICTEH- 1) to clench (one's) teeth; 2) /fig./


T¥H bIP-

to get angry (with someone), to fly into a rage. TICTEC- 1) to bite; 2) to fight with teeth, to fight by biting; 3) /fig./ to quarrel (with). TICTET- to permit to bite, nibble. TICTETKI3- see TICTET-. TICTEYIK 1) tongs, pincers; 2) biting (of a horse). TICTaC- see TICTEC-. ΤΓΓΙΡΕΗ- to tremble, to shake. ΤΓΠΡΚΕΗ- 1) to be squeamish about, to shrink from, to shiver (from cold). ΤΙΤΙΡΘ- to tremble, to shake, to quiver. ΤΠΙ- see TH-. T¥ see TV-. T¥)KbIP- 1) to trim the sharp end of something; 2) /fig./ to sum up, to conclude. T¥3KbIPbIM conclusion, rounding off. T¥3KbIPbIMflA- to formulate. T¥AbIPbIMAI>I conclusive, decisive, peremptory, categorical, allowing of no appeal. T¥3 salt; TAC ... rock salt, sodium chloride; COPITAHblH. TV3LI HCEHJJI EKEH it appears that the soup has not been salted; T¥3bl 5KE1HUJI A^AM an inoffensive man; ... KEH salt mines; ... KA3AH salt works; ... KAHHATYHblH 3ΑΒΟΛ salt works; ... KAEATbl salt layer; ... KAMHATY salt making. TV3AK, 1) snares, snare, noose, net; 2) ambush; 3) deceit, fraud; ... K.VP- 1) to set snares; 2) /fig./ to put someone in an awkward position, to shadow someone. T¥3,HA- to salt, to pickle. T¥3AAYIIIbI salter (one who salts meat, fish, etc.). T¥3#I>I salt, salty; oversalted; ... ET salt beef; ... COP-MEH EMflEY to treat by mineral mud; ... CY salt water. TYSflblK, sauce, tuzluk (a sauce prepared for berbarmak, the Kazakh national meat dish), a salted sauce covered with fat; T¥3,ZU>IFbI 5KOK C 3 empty talk. T¥3CbI3 CV sweet water. T¥3FA CAJ1FAH ET salt beef. T¥ftbIK 1) cul-de-sac, dead end; 2) dam, dike, weir; 3) a fold (in material); 4) /fig./ reticent, sullen, intractable; ... PAH /gram./ infinitive of the verb; T¥HbIKKA KAMA/I- to get into a difficult situation (an impasse). Τ¥ΪΪΙ>ΙΚ,ΤΑ- to barricade, bar, fence in; to make impassible; 3ΚΙΠΤΙΗ, ¥IIIbIH ... to tie a knot at the end of a thread.

T¥HbIKTAJI- to find oneself in an impasse; to be shut up in something. T¥HHK,TAH- to become intractable. T¥HbIKTAHymbIJIbIK reserve. T¥HbIKTbIK reticence; shyness. T¥HFbIH /zool./ scavenger-hawk. T¥JI 9HEJI a widow. T¥J1 KAJI- to be widowed, to become a widow (said only of a woman). T¥JIA- to be shy (of horses). TVJIA EOHbl COM he has a strong buUd. TVJIA EOftblM the entire body. TYJIflAH- 1) to take on a mournful aspect, a funeral appearance, to grieve (about the dead); 2) /fig./ to show displeasure about something in one's face. T¥JII1AP warhorse; fast horse, a runner. TYJIbIM women's braid (of hair), woman's plait. T¥JIbIMIIIAK small braids. TVJIbirt chuchelo, a calf's hide, stuffed with straw which people stand in front of a cow when they milk her (when calf is away or dead); T¥JIbIITTAfl BOJIblH CEMIPin ΚΕΤΙΠΤΙ he's become very fat /lit./ (lite a stuffed hide). T¥J1FA 1) torso, upper part of body; 2) support, cover, defence; C63 T¥JIFACbl /gram./ word formation. T¥JlFAJIbI big, tall, stalwart. T¥JIFACbI3 amorphous. T¥MA basin, reservoir. T¥MAH fog, mist; AK, ... (white) fog. T¥MAHAAH- to be concealed by fog. T¥MAH^I>I foggy, enveloped in fog. T¥MAP amulet, charm. T¥MAY cold, chill. TYMAYPAT- to catch a cold. T¥MAK, winter cap. T¥MCA- giving birth for the first time (mostly of animals). T¥MCbIK, muzzle, snout (of animals), beak, bill, toe (of a boot). TYMLIJTAblPblK, a muzzle (for calves). T¥MHJlAbIPbIK,TA- to muzzle. Τ¥ΜΗΠΙ cross-breeding of an argamak (a kind of racehorse) and a Kazakh mare. T¥H- 1) to settle, precipitate (for example, of water); 2) to clog (of the painful sensation when the ears are stopped up); Κ^ΛΑΡΜΜ Τ¥ΗΗΠ KETTI my ears are clogged. T¥HBA sediment; sedimentary;... KAP newfallen snow. T¥H#bIP- to precipitate (a liquid).



T¥H)KbIPATYH3KbIPA- 1) to get cloudy, overcast; 2) to frown, to be sad, to be thoughtful. TYHDlblK, IF/- to choke, to suffocate. TYHIIIblKJblP- to strangle, to choke, to stifle. TVHblK, transparent, pure (of water). TYP- l) to stand, to rise, to get up; 2) to be located, to be; 3) to live, to inhabit, to dwell; 4) to live together (of man and wife); 5) to cost; 6) to keep one's word; BEPIK T¥PA BIJI- to remain standing, to hold out; OflblHAH TYP bl he was lucky; TYKKE TYPMAflWbl it doesn't cost anything (a trifling thing); Κ,ΑΗΙΙΙΑ TYPAflbl How much is it? ΤΥΡΑ frog (in a horse's hoof). ΤΥΡΑ- to crumble. TYPAJ1A- 1) to wear down the frog (on the hoof of a horse), to begin to limp; 2) to stand in the way, to be in the way; 3) to go straight; 4) /fig./ to suffer a loss or a failure; TYPAJIAO K.AJI- /fig./ to mark time. TYPAJIAC- to meet, to meet together. TYPAJIblK, justice. TYPATblH MEKEH a Caucasian village. TYPAK, residence, quarters, stand, post. TYPAK,CbI3 unsteady, unstable. TYPAK,CbI3AAH- to become unsteady, wavering (of a person). TYPAKCbBflblK, inconstancy, changeability. TYPAKTA- 1) to choose a permanent residence; to live in a definite place; 2) to decide, to resolve, to stop short. TYPAKJbl steady, stable; ... OK.V KVPAJlbl standard textbook; ... 3CKEP regular army. TYPAKTblJlblK, stability, constancy. TYPJlAVCbI3 see TYPAK,CbI3. TYPMbIC mode of life; TYPMblCKA llIblK, /Ff- to get married. TYPOA bl rough, coarse, clumsy. TYPHAfiblJTAynibl vulgarizer, popularizes TYPnA blJlblK roughness, coarseness, clumsiness. ΤΥΡΠΑΗ wild duck (a variety). ΤΥΡΠΑΤ shape, form, appearance, physiognomy, figure. TYPriATCbI3 unenviable, plain, homely (of the figure or face). TYPriATTAC of the same shape or type, alike in facial appearance, external appearance.

TYPLIMTAM /zool./ merlin (a hunting bird of the falcon species). TYPbin horseradish. TYPK, used only in the possessive case; ATTblH T¥PKJ>I the length of a horse's body; ΑΛΚΤΗΗ TYPKM the length of a foot; 3PBIP M9CEJ1EFE ^YPblC TYPFblflAH K.APAV the correct approach to every problem. TYPFAH 9CKEP reservist. TYPFblH aborigines;... EJ1 local inhabitants, natives;... CV stagnant water (not running). TYPFblP abode, quarters (temporary). TYPFM3- 1) to display, to exhibit, to expose, to propose, to represent; 2) to place, to erect, to raise (construct); 3) to understand, to wake. TYPFblJlblKJbl constant, permanent, regular. TYC 1) the opposite side; 2) direction; 3) knowledge, mental capacity; 4) time; ... KEJI- to meet, encounter, to come across; ... TYCblHAH from all sides, on all sides; TYCOA-TYC exactly opposite; TYCblM/JAFbl opposite me, opposed to me; OCbl TYCTA on this side; COBET OKIMETI TYCbIH,0,A in the Soviet era; during the period of Soviet rule. TYCA- to put hobbles (on the front legs of a horse); ATTbl TAPblPAK, ... Make the hobble a little bit shorter on the horse! TYCAJ1- to be confused, entangled (in the process). TYCAMbIC hobbles, shackles, fetters for the front legs of a horse. TYCAY hobbles, fetters for the front legs; Y3bIH APKAH, KEH, TYCAVFA CAJTto do something without hurrying; to put off, to shelve. TYCAK, a lamb after his second spring. TYCnAJl 1) supposition, prognosis, forecast; 2) allegory, allegorical. TYCOAJT/IA- to make a supposition; to give a forecast. TYCHAH a sign on the road; road sign. TYCTAC 1) contemporary; 2) (directly) opposite. TYCKAH a relative; TYCKAHAAP relatives. TYCKAHAblK. /TYbICK AH blK/ relationship. TYT- 1) to hold, to keep; 2) to catch; 3) to spend, to spend all (one's money); ΕΡ,Π,Ι ΚΘΡ€ΕΗ, ΚΑβΙΡ ..., ACTbl KEPCEH,




... Be thankful for everything! TYT AFAIII /AFAIUBI/ /bot./ mulberry tree (Morus). TYT 5KEMICI mulberry. TYTAM a measure of length, equal to the width of the palm (the width of a clenched fist); APAM3AHbIH KVMPblFLI BIP ... murder will out. TYTAHAblPFblUI ignition device, ignition charge. TYTAH-1) to catch fire, to flare up; 2) /fig./ to flare up, to intensify. TYTAH blP- 1) to kindle, to arouse; to light up, to catch fire; 2) /fig./ to incite, to stir up. TYTAHAblPyillbl instigator. TYTAC solid, continuous, entirely, everywhere, wholly, the whole, undivided, complete, compact, dense, indissoluble; TYTACblMEH as a whole; wholesale. TYTAC- 1) to adjoin, to join, to be adjacent to, to border upon; 2) to get dense or compact. TYTACV fusing, splicing, coalescence. TYTACTblK, community. TYTAT- see TYTAH blP-. TYTTbIK, If I- to stutter; to touch upon. TYTTblKTIA stammerer, stutterer; tonguetied. TYTblJI- 1) to be held, caught; to be caught redhanded; 2) to be eclipsed (of the moon and the sun). TYTblH- 1) to hold on, to hang on; to snatch at something; 2) to spend, to consume, to use. TYTblHV 3ATTAPbI consumer goods. TYTblHV KOOnEPALtM.flCbI consumer cooperative. TYTblHyillblJlAP consumers. TYTKA small hand, handle, arm (of a chair), crank, knob, penholder, brace lobs./ support. TYTK,bIH prisoner; TYTK,bIHFA AJ1- to take prisoner, to capture; ΤΥΤΚ,ΒΙΗ,Ο,ΑΡ 5KbIHbIJIFAH JIAFEP concentration camp. TYTKblP 1) viscous, oozy, swampy, tenacious; 2) retaining, holding, delaying; ETKE ... AT a hardy horse, one with great endurance. TYTKJblPJIblK, viscosity, stickiness. ΤΥΤΚ,ΜΙΠ potholders, oven-tongs /lit./ (special felt bags for lifting a hot kettle by the lugs). TYV see TVY. ΤΥΠΙΠΘΡΑ small boiled meat dumplings.

TYlIIbl fresh, sweet, insipid, vapid; ... CV sweet water. TYinK,bIJTTbIM having little flavor. ΤΥΛΗΑ,ΖΙΑΗ accurate, neat, punctual, regular, conscientious. ΤΥΛΚ. 1) sheep; 2) new-born; 3) birth; 4) hoof; APTblHAA ... KAJIflbl MA? /fig./ Does he have a successor?; ΑΙΠΑ TYflKTblJIAP /zool./ Artiodactyla; AT TYflFblH ΤΑΜ BACAP /Prov./ the young generation replaces the old. TYK.MAAC relative. TYKJUJI 1) root (of a hair), stump (of a hair); 2) cigarette stub, cigar butt; 3) remainder, residue. ΤΥΚ,ΗΜ 1) posterity, younger generation; 2) seed, seeds; 3) /biol./ species; 4) clan, kin, family; 5) race, breed, stock, variety; ... CEBV sowing; ... CEBYMI, ... ΙΠΑUIATblH MAIHHHA sowing machine, seeder, seed-top, drill-plough; ... ΙΙΙΑΙΠΥ sowing; ... ΙΠΑΙΠΥΙΙΙΜ sower In./; ... Κ,ΥΑΛΑΥ heredity; ... YJ/Y genealogy, pedigree. TYK,bIMAAHy impregnation, fertilization. TYTK,bIHFA AJiy 1) captivity; 2) arrest. TYK,bIMAAC kinsman, tribesman, of the same species (of animals). TYK,bIMAbIK, 1) seed, seminal; 2) tribal. TYKJblM-TEHI /biol./ family. TYK.BIP- to let one's head drop. TYK.blPT- 1) to force (someone) to bend his head down; 2) /fig./ to restrict too much, to diminish, to decrease. TYHFblMblK, deep (of water), abyss, chasm. TYHFbIC Tungus, Tunguz /n./. TYHFbllll first-born. TYFAH relation, relative. TYFAK. hoof. TYFblP 1) work horse, horse of mediocre quality; 2) a support for a hunting-bird to sit on; OJI 9JH TYFblP AH TYCIFI TYPFAH 5KOK, he still hasn't aged very much (of a man); he still has some life in him. TYBEK peninsula. TYBTE- to stitch (books) /v./. TYEIH E at the bottom, in the end, finally. TYBIP 1) back (of a book); 2) stub (of a check, etc.); 3) stump (of a tree); 4) /math., gram./ root, radical; ... TABV evolution; /math./ extraction of a root; ... Κ,ΑΚ, /F/to uproot stumps; ΤΥΕΙΡΓΕ )KEK /F/- to harness to the shaft; ΤΥΒΙΡΓΕ 5ΚΕΚΚΕΗ


TYBIT AT shaft-horse; TYBIPIMEH KATE irregular in the root; TYBIPIMEH K.VPTto tear up by the root, to destroy completely; TYBIPIH )K¥Jiy uprooting; ΤΎΒΙΡΙΗΕ ΚΑΡΑ- to look at a root; to look at the shaft. TYEIT goat fuzz, fluff (undergrowth of fine hair). TYBITTE- to take the fine hair from a goat or clean the fuzz from the hair; EMKI ΤΥΒΙΤΤΕΠ 3KYP the fine hair on the goats has risen (shedding is beginning). TYBITTI fluffy, downy. TYEYJI E- /TYBYJIA3-/ to stamp. TYBYPYJ1E- /TYEYPYJI9-/ to stamp. TYFEJI 1) /math./ integer; 2) undivided, all wholly, completely, in full, entirely, the whole. TYrEJI,fl,E- to check, to count. ΤΓΎΓΕ-Π,α,ΕΗ- to be checked, counted. ΤΎΓΈΗ^Ε- see TYFEJIAE-. TYFEC- to spend all one's money, to spend (all), to exhaust. TYriJI not only - but, not only - even. ΤΥΓΙΠΙ mortar. ΤΥΓΘΗβΕ- to survey, examine. TYPeC- to finish, to complete. TYrGCYJI- to be over, to come to an end, to terminate. TY 9JI- to recover, to get well, to put on weight. TY3 1) exterior, external appearance; 2) plain, field. TY3E- /ΤΥ3Θ-/ to settle (quarrel, affair); to arrange, to straighten, to restore; BET ... to make one's way (toward), to adopt a course; AKblMAK BV3YFA ΕΑΡ, TY3ΕΥΓΕ 3KOK A fool can only spoil, but cannot mend. TY3EJI- 1) to improve; 2) to get well, to get plumper; 3) to straighten oneself, to stretch oneself. TY3ET- to correct; to mend, to repair, to straighten. TY3ETKIM master, expert. TY3V straight, direct; ... A^AM an upright, veracious, just person; 5KIBI ... 5ΚΙΓΙΤ a (steady, good) rider. TY3VJIIK uprightness, fairness, justice. ΤΥ3Θ- see TY3E-. ΤΥ3ΘΤ- see TY3ET-. TYM- 1) to knock, to strike; 2) to pound (grain) in a mortar; 3) to tie in a bundle;

TYMIHAI )Κ1ΠΤΙ ... to tie a little knot (at the end of a thread). ΤΥΜΠΙΙΙ mortar. ΤΥΜΠΠΠΈ- to beat repeatedly with the fist; ΚΑΠΚΛ VH bl ΤΥΗΠΙΠΤΕΠ TOJITbLP blM (he) poured flour into a bag, filling it (by pressing it in) until it could hold no more. TY /ίΕΚ a whole piece, a whole heap. ΤΥΪΙ,Π,ΕΚΤΕΗ- to bunch. ΤΥΪΪΕ camel; ... ΒΥΡΙΠΑΚ beans; ... ΑΑΠΒΙΡΑΚ a type of grass; ... 3KAIJFAK /AFAfflBI/ /bot./ walnut tree (Juglans regia); ... 3KYHI camel's hair, wool; ... CYTI camel's milk - milk of a camel; ... TAVblK turkey; ... TIKEH /bot./ common thistle (Carduus); ... MAFAJ1A albatross; ... 1I1EH /bot./ thistle (Carduus). ΤΥΜΕΙΠΙ the driver (leader) of the camel. TYMME button; TYHMEflEHAI TYMEAEH ET- to make a mountain out of a molehill /lit./ (elephants from a fly); ΤΥΪΪΜΕΑΕΜ (the size of a) button (insignificant, trifling). TYMMEJIE- to fasten buttons, to button up. TY HEK 1) name of a stomach disease in cattle; pest, cholera; 2) seed of a plant. TYMHEKTE- to be formed, to appear (of fruit). TYMHEME /med./ malignant anthrax (in humans). TYMPE- to stab, to pin; €Θ3ΕΕΗ ... /fig./ to speak caustically, to castigate. TYHPEyiUI hairpin, tack, stud. TYflCIK sensation, need; TYMCIKTI ΚΘΠ ΚΘΡΓΕΗ A^AM a person who has suffered a lot; TYHCIH- 1) feel (to have a) pain; to be in bad spirits, to feel low; 2) to feel the approach of labor pains. TYMTKIJI doubt, anxiety about something; indecisive, dependent. TYUTKIJI^EH- to hesitate, to be undecided, to look back in doubt, to be disturbed. TYMIJI- pass, of TYM-, KAEAFbl ... to frown; IMEK TYMIJIV /med./ volvulus; TAMAKKA ET ΤΥΜΙΛΙΠ KAJlflW the meat is stuck in (my) throat. TYMIH 1) /bot./ tuber; 2) knot; 3) /fig./ kernel, basic idea, nucleus; AFAfflTAH ... TYftFEH ΠΙΕΕΕΡ a master craftsman; ... TYfi- to tie a knot. TYMIHAE- to tie a knot. TYMIHfll knotty, in knots; /fig./ difficult to solve, complicated, difficult. 214

TYMIHIIIEK ΤΥΪίΐΗΙΙΙΕΚ nodule, small knot. TY IP crumb, grain, granule. TYHIPJ1I 1) granular; 2) /fig./ clever, intelligent. ΤΥΪΪΙΡΤΠΕΚ clot (in curdled milk, or in the blood). ΤΥΜΙΡΤΠΕΚΤΕΗ- to clot, to get lumpy. ΤΥήΐΡΠΙΙΚ small bead, globule. TYillC- 1) to ram each other (of sheep), to butt; 2) to clash, to collide, to bump into, to run across. TYK down, fuzz, fluff, wool, body hair, nap, pile; )ΚΕΡΛΙΗ, ΤΥΓΙ /fig./ a straw; BETIHIH ΤΥΓΙ lUBIFBin bristling, angry; ... 5KOK, there is nothing; ... TACTA- to fade, to shed; ... TACTAY shedding (only of animals); ... ICTEMEV inaction, idleness; TYKKE ΑΟΊΑΜβΕΙ completely unfit; TYKKE TYPMAMflL·! it doesn't cost anything; TYKKE TVPMAHTKIH a trifle. ΤΥΚΠΙΡ a remote corner (location), remoteness, remote (of a location), corner. TYKCHM- to bristle, to get angry. TYKCI3 bald, smooth, without nap; ... KIJIEM palace rug. TYKTE- /ΤΥΚΤΘ/- to shell. TYKTEH- /ΤΥΚΤΘΗ/- to get shaggy, to become twisted (of the nap on the right side of the cloth). TYKTI fleecy, hairy, with a hairy face. ΤΎΚΤΘ- see TYKTE-. ΤΥΚΤΘΗ see TYKTEH. TYKIP- /TYKYP-/ to spit /v.l. ΤΥΚΙΡΓΙΙΙΙ spittoon. TYKIPIK spittle, sputum. TYKIPIH- to expectorate. TYKYP- see TYKIP-. TYJ1E- /TVJiy-/ to shed hair; to moult. TYJIEK 1) moulted (of birds); 2) past the first year (of the golden eagle); 3) new-born; )KAC ... the young generation. TYJ1EH TYPT- to force oneself upon; court disaster. TYJIKI1) fox; 2) sly, mischievous; ... ΕΘΡΙΚ hat of fox fur; ... IIIIIK fox-fur. TYJ1KIJIEH- to flatter, to use cunning. TYJ1IK live stock (of all kinds); ΤΘΡΤ ... MAJ1 four species of domestic animals: horses, camels, sheep and large, horned cattle; ΤΘΡΤ TYJIin CAM prosperous. TYJ1Y- see TYJIE-. TYME button. TYMEJ1E- to button.

TYH night; ... OPTACbl midnight; ... OPTACU AY A after mignight; ... OPTACblHAH KEHIH after midnight; ... OPTACMHflA at midnight; ... Κ,ΑΤΜΠ )KYP- to ride all night long; TYH E at night, by night; TYHI EOMBI all night long; 3KAHEBIP TYHIMEH 3ΚΑΥΛΜ it rained all night long; >KETI ΤΥΗβΕ in the dead of night; KYHI-TYHI day and night; OK,EIFAH-KYH, ΟΚ,ΜΜΑΡΑΗTYH /prov./ knowledge is light, ignorance is darkness. ΤΥΗΓΙ nightly /adj./. TYHfllK /TYHIK/ felt, covering the smokeopening of the felt hut. TYHE- /ΤΥΗΘ-/ to stop overnight, to spend (pass) the night. TYHEK spending the night, lodging for night. TYHEME epidemic, plague. TYHEMEJI kumiss which has stood for forty-eight hours. TYHEP- /ΤΥΗΘΡ-/ 1) to cloud over (of the sky); to impend, to approach (of a threatening cloud); 2) /fig./ to frown, to scowl. TYHEPT- /ΤΥΗΘΡΤ-/ to scold. TYHET- to settle the herd for the night (in the pasture). TYHEY lodging for a night, place to sleep over the night; ... YM an inn, a lodge. ΤΥΗΕΥΓΙ /ΤΥΗΕΥΓΥΗΙ/ of that time; what was then, or not very long ago; ΤΥΗΕΥΓΥΗ1 ΑίϊΤΚ,ΑΗΗΜ ECIH E EAPMA? Do you remember what I said then? TYHIK see ΤΥΗΛ1Κ. ΤΥΗΘ- see TYHE-. ΤΥΗΘΡ- see TYHEP-. ΤΥΗΘΡΤ- see TYHEPT-. ΤΥΠ IE/ 1) root (of a plant or a tree); 2) foundation, basis, bottom; 3) bush; 4) earth, ground, soil; 5) genus, kind (root); 6) near, around, under; AFAIUTBIH, ΤΥΕΙΗβΕ under the tree; ΥΪ1ΛΙΗ, TYEIHUE /5KAHBIHAA/ by the house. ΤΥΠ intensifying particle for words beginning with TY-; ΤΥΠ-TYFEJl wholly, entirely. ΤΥΠΕ- /ΤΥΠΘ-/ to drive on, to urge on, to hurry on. ΤΥΠΕΚ pike, spear. ΤΥΠΚΙ radical, fundamental, ultimate, authentic; ... AT wheelhorse, shafthorse. TYnKIJIIKTI constant, invariable, eternal, substantial, solid. TYOCB 1) very deep, fathomless, abyss, 215


ΤΥΠΤΕchasm; 2) /fig./ doubtful, untrustworthy, unreliable. ΤΥΠΤΕ- /ΤΥΠΤΘ-/ 1) to bind (a book); 2) to put in a bottom; 3) to ram; 4) to finish, to complete; ΚΙΤΑΠ ΤΥΠΤΕΥ1ΠΙ bookbinder; IUEJIEK ΤΥΠΤΕΥΙΠΙ tinsmith. ΤΥΠΤΕΗ- to put out shoots (of plants). ΤΥΠΤΕΤΚΙ3- 1) to send (a book) to be bound; 2) to send (a pot) to have a bottom put in. ΤΥΠΤΘ- see ΤΥΠΤΕ-. TYP type, form (ornament, design, embroidered trimming, decoration). TYP- l) to turn up, to roll up; 2) to raise slightly; 3) to lift hem of dress; 4) to roll up one's sleeves; K.VJTAK, ... to listen for, to find out about, to inquire; TYP CAJ1see TYPJ1E-. TYPEH ploughshare. TYPJIE- /TYP CAJI-, TYPJ16-/ to mark the design (in milling patterned felt), to embroider, to mend. TYPJ1EH- /ΤΥΡ.ΠΘΗ-/ to assume various aspects or forms to change appearances; CGS lH, TYPJIEHVI /gram./ alteration of a word (in a sentence). TYPJIEC monotonous. TYPJII diversified; EIP ... monotonous; distinctive, peculiar, strange, so-so. TYPJ1IJ11K variety, diversity, difference. ΤΥΡϋθΗ- see TYPJIEH-. TYPME 1) trimming around the hat; 2) prison; ΤΥΡΜΕΓΕ OTblPFblSV imprisonment; ΤΥΡΜΕ^ΕΓΙ ΑΑΑΜ the prisoner. ΤΥΡΠΙ rasp (a coarse file deeply incised with separate notches). TYPniJIE- to rub or file wood with a rasp. TYPCI3 1) colorless; 2) /ling./ amorphous. TYPT- to push; ΚΕ3ΓΕ ... to point out and call attention to deficiencies, to incite. TYPTKI a push, a jolt; ... EOJI- to be a go-getter; ... 3KE- to be persecuted. TYPTKIJIE- 1) to nudge, to shove, to impel, to induce; 2) /fig./ to survive. TYPIK a Turk; ΤΥΡΙΚΠΕΗ Turcoman, turkman. TYPIH- to roll up the sleeves, the hem of a dress. TYC- 1) to descent, to come down, to dismount, to alight, to dismount from horse, to fall, to come off; 2) to stop; 3) to cost; 4) to remember, to recollect; 5) to ensue,

to set in; 6) to be displaced; APAFA ... to part, to tear; )KOJ1 ... to be laid (for example, a sledge road); CVFA ... to bathe /v./, to take a bath; K.OHFA ... /fig./ to be caught; ATblMHblH ΑΛΡΒΙΗΑ CYJIbI TYCTI my horse ate too many oats and began to limp. TYC 1) color, coat; 2) hillside; 3) noon; 4) a cross-breeding of a male dromedary and a female with two humps; 5) dream; ... ΚΘΡΑΙΜ I had a dream; TYCI K.AUI- to turn pale; TYCI E¥3bIJI- to change countenance; TYCIMflE ΚΘΡβΙΜ ι saw it in my sleep; OCblHbl AHTKAHflA OHblH, TYCI EY-3bIJIFAH 5KOK, he said this, without any embarrassment at all (without any remorse); ΠΙΑΗΚ,ΑΗ TYCTE high noon; ... AYA /TYCTEH KEftlH/ afternoon. TYCEMEI Monday. TYCKI dinner; ... TAMAK dinner; ... YAKblT dinner time. TYCKIJIIK TAMAK see TYCKI TAMAK. TYCKIJ1IKTE at noon. TYCKIPV sneezing. TYCKIPIK sneezing. TYCCI3 colorless. TYCTE- to recognize (animals), by external signs; to select by color, by coat (livestock). TYCTEH- /TYCT9H-/ to stop for a rest, to have a bite to eat, to stop in for a visit. TYCTEH KEMIH see TYC AYA. TYCTEHFI afternoon. TYCTEHIC a stop for lunch at noon. TYCTI colored; ... METAJI/JAP non-ferrous metals. TYCTIK breakfast, lunch. TYCT9H- see TYCTEH-. TYCIK 1) miscarriage, abortion, fetus; 2) low-shouldered horse. TYCIM 1) gain, receipts, income, return profit; 2) crop. TYCIMfll 1) profitable, advantageous; 2) harvest. TYCIMCI3 profitless. TYCIH- /TYCYH-/ 1) to give way, to let have, to yield, to abate, to concede, to be inferior to, to cede; 2) to understand; 3) to think, to reflect, to learn well, to master; 4) to have an aversion to, to dislike; 5) to sink, to fall, to go down; 6) to hear; 7) to guess. TYCIHEECTIK misunderstanding.




TYCIHEEVMIJIIK lack of comprehension, failure to understand. TYCIHFIM quick, shrewd, quick-witted, sharp. TYCIHAIP- to explain. TYCIHAIPniII able to explain well, to interpret. TYCIHAIPME explanation, elucidation. TYCIHY understanding. TYCIHIK idea, /phil./ conception, explanation. TYCIHIKCI3 incomprehensible, unintelligible. TYCIHIKT1 1) intelligible, comprehensible; 2) quick, sharp (of a person). TYCIHIC explanation. TYCIHIC- to investigate, to negotiate; to arrange for. TYCIP- /TYCYP-/ to lower, to let down, out, to lower, to sink, to drop, to let fall; ACKA ... to let down; 5KYK ... to unload (goods); OPHBIHAH ... to dismiss from work; CAJIMAK, ... to shift the burden, weight; CVPETKE ... to take a photograph; Κ,ΟΗΑΚ ... to receive guests; TYCIPIO TACTA- to throw out, to reject, to discard. TYCYH- see TYCIH-. TYCYP- see TYCIP-. TYT- 1) to separate, to comb; 2) to quarrel, to live quarreling, to argue; 3) to pinch, to pluck, to tear out, to tear up, to pull up; 4) to seize, to suffice. TYTE- /ΤΥΤΘ-/ 1) to smoke, to steam; 2) to rage. TYTE-TYTE-BOJ1- to get fuzzy (of wool); to be tattered, torn (of clothes). TYTEJ1EH- to get fuzzy, to get frayed, to break, to tear. TYTET- /ΤΥΤΘΤ-/ to smoke. TYTKIM carding, combing. TYTIK 1) smoking pipe; 2) trumpet; 3) small pipe or tube; 4) reed (Scirpus); 5) fierce, ferocious. TYTIJI- to be dishevelled, to be carded (of wool, fine wool). TYTIH smoke; ... )KOJlbI smoke-stack; ... MYP3KACBI pipe, tube. TYTIHAE- to smoke, to steam. TYTIHAET- to smoke, to cover, to screen with smoke. TYTIHCI3 smokeless. ΤΥΤΘ- see TYTE-. ΤΥΤΘΤ- see TYTET-. ΤΥΠΙΚΙΡ- /ΤΥ1ΠΚΥΡ-/ to sneeze.

TYI1IKIPT- to provoke sneezing. ΤΥΠΙΚΙΡΙΚ sneezing. TYU1KYP- see TYUIK1P-. TYUIKYPT- see ΤΥΤΠΚΙΡΤ-. ΤΥΙΠΙ CV fresh water. TYHKIPME millet gruel, porridge. TYHIJT- /TYfiYJl-/ to lose hope, to renounce, to say goodbye, forever, to deny, to reject, to stop thinking of. ΤΘΒΕ 1) ceiling, roof; 2) upper part, top part; 3)knoll, hill, mound, summit, volcano; EACTEIH; T9EECI /anat./ sinciput, crown (of the head); OHBIH T BECI ΚΘΚΚΕ yKETTI he was in the seventh heaven (from joy); T0PAIH TQEECIHE UILIK, thank you, you're very welcome /lit./ (take the place of honor); Κ,ΑΛΑΗΒΙΗ; ΤΘΕΕΟΙ KEPI H AI the city can be seen. ΤΘΒΕΚ night pot for children. ΤΘΕΕϋ a white mark on the forehead (of a horse). ΤΘΕΕ.ΠΑ1ΡΙΚ the cross strap of a bridle, drawn tight across the forelock. ΤΘΒΕΛΕ- to hit on the head. T0BEJIEC fight. TQBEJIEC- /TOBEJieC-/ to arrange a fight; to fight with. TOEEJIECKIffl a pugnacious man; a fighter. ΤΘΒΕΤ 1) a male dog, a sheep dog, a shepherd's dog; 2) appetite. ΤΘΕΕΤΤΙ appetizing (appealing to the appetite). ΤΘΕΕΙΙΙΙΚ a hummock, a small mound, a hillock. ΤΘΕΘΛΘΟ see TGEEJIEC-. ΤΘΓΕΡΕΚ see TGHEPEK. ΤΘΓΥ embroidery. ΤΘΓυΐ- /ΤΘΓΥΛ-/ to expand, to overflow, to be spilled, to spill; CVBIΤΘΓΙΛΜΕΓΕΗ KOCTKDM /fig./ a completely new outfit. ΤΘΓΙΙΠ see ΤΘ3ΙΜΑΙ. ΤΘΓΥΛ- see ΤΘΠ.Ϊ1-. ΤΘ3- 1) to wear well, to last; to prove sturdy and practical (of clothing); 2) to suffer, to endure (adversity). ΤΘ3ΓΙΙΠΤΙΚ patience. ΤΘ3ΙΜ self-control, endurance, patience. ΤΘ3ΙΜΑΙ 1) patient, longsuffering, hardy; 2) stocking (material). ΤΘ3ΙΜΑΙΚ patience. ΤΘ3ΙΜΑΙΛΙΚ patience. ΤΘΚ origin, descent. ΤΘΚ /Γ/- 1) to spill /tr./, to pour out, to pour off, to spill out; 2) /fig./ to embroider.




ΤΘ/Ι cub, young, offspring, descendant, generation, issue, posterity, increase (of cattle). T9JIAE- to bear fruit. ΤΘ.ΠΕ- to pay, to make up a loss, to pay damages; OJ1 ΤΘΙΙΕΥ ΤθϋΕΠ ΙΙΙί,ΙΚ,ΤΕΙ he paid a fine. ΤΘΛΕΜΠΑ3ΛΒΙΚ, ability to pay. ΤΘΛΕΗ- /ΤΘ.ΠΘΗ-/ to be paid, settled. ΤΘ/1ΕΤ- /ΤΘ.ΠΘΤ-/ to order to pay. T9J1ETKI3- see ΤΘ.ΠΕΤΠΡ-. ΤΘΛΕΤΤΙΡ- to force (someone) to pay (through a third person). TGJIEY 1) the ransom (redemption) of prisoners; 2) payment, contribution. ΤΘ-ΠΕΥ-ΠΙ the payee. TGJIEYCB gratis, without reward; without remuneration, compensation. ΤΘΛΕΥΠΙΙ the payer. ΤΘΛΕΙΠ KAFA3 bill. ΤΘΜΕΗ lower part, bottom part, low, bottom, down, downward, low (bad) of a person; ... }KEP Jow place, depression; ΤΘΜΕΗΓΙ lower underground; ΤΘΜΕΗΓΙ EPIH lower lip. ΤΘΜΕΗ,ΟΕ down, lower. ΤΘΜΕΗ,ΟΕ- to fall, to go down, to descend, to lower, to abate (of the water-level of a river). ΤΘΜΕΗΑΙΚ baseness, meanness. ΤΘΜΕΗΗΕΗ from below, from the bottom, up. TGMEHUIIJIIK modesty. ΤΘΜΠΕ hummock, mound, knob, protuberance. ΤΘΜΠΕΙΙΙΤΕ- to thrash (to beat someone). ΤΘΜΠΕΙΙΠΚ see ΤΘΜΠΕ. ΤΘΜΠΕΙΠΙΚΤΙ »CEP hummocky place; a place covered with mounds. ΤΘΜΘΗΛΘ- see ΤΘΜΕΗΛΕ-. ΤΘΗ-1) to attack; to fall upon; 2) to approach, to drive close; 3) to rejoice about something, to be glad about something. ΤΘΗ/JIP- to guide, to direct, to bring near. ΤΘΠ gruel, porridge, cereal. ΤΘΠΕ- /fig./ incessantly. ΤΘΠΕ- to strike (someone) where (he) has already been hit; ATEIH ΤΘΠΕΠ EIPEY KEJ1E 3KATBIP someone gallops, whipping his horse repeatedly. ΤΘΡ the place of honor in a room or yourtta (usually opposite the door); ΤΘΡ,ϋΙΗ, ΤΘΕΕΟΙΗΕ ΠΙΙ>ΙΓΙ>ΙΗ,Ι>Ι3 thank you, you're very welcome (take the place of

honor); ... AFA chairman, president; ΤΘΡΠ ΒΘΛΜΕ parlor, sitting-room, reception-room. ΤΘΡΕ 1) /iron./ chief (official); 2) /hist./ aristocrat, nobleman; 3) gentleman, mister; 4) white bone. T PEJIEH- /ΤΘΡΘ.ΠΘΗ-/ to be filled. ΤΘΡΕΠΠ.ΙΙ bureaucrat. ΤΘΡΕΠίυΐ^ΙΚ bureaucracy. ΤΘΡΚΙΗ relatives (of a married woman). ΤΘΡΚΙΗΙΙΙΙ/Ι favoring her own parents and relatives (said of a married woman). ΤΘΡΚΙΗβΕ- fobs./ to set out for the home of her relatives, for the purpose of receiving gifts (cattle, valuables) (said of a married woman). ΤΘΡϋΕ- see TGPJ1ET-. T0PJIET- to pass to the place of honor (of guests). ΤΘΡΛΘ- see ΤΘΡ.ΠΕ-. ΤΘΡΤ four; ... AMAJI /math./ the four operations; ... ΑΛΚ,ΤΒΙ four-footed; ... ECE in four; ... 5KAP friend. ΤΘΡΤΕΑΚ thickset, stocky. ΤΘΡΤΕΥ the four. ΤΘΡΤΕΥ.7ΙΕ- to make something; all four together. ΤΘΡΤΕΥΛΕΠ all four (together) (of people). ΤΘΡΤΕΥΙ four persons together. ΤΘΡΤΚυΐ square, quadrangle. ΤΘΡΤΤΕΗ /CAMAY/- to count in fours. ΤΘΡΤΤΙΚ 1) the figure four; 2) the four of (hearts, etc.); 3) team of four horses; 4) four out of five; 5) a four. ΤΘΡΤΙΗΙΠΙ fourth. ΤΘΡΘ.ΠΘΗ- see TOPEJIEH-. T C- to come down, to dismount, to alight. TGC 1) breast (dim. form used for meat); chest, bosom; 2) the anvil; 3) /geogr./ height; ... AMbl/I the front saddle-girth. TGCE- /TGCe-/ to spread. TGCEK /TGCEM, ΤΘΟΕΗΙΙΙΙ, ΤΘΟΕΚ ΟΡΜΗ/ bed, bedding, couch, featherbed, mattress, litter; intended for bedding (a rug, felt). TGCEK 1) material which is (drawn tight) at the edge of a trap; 2) skeleton, framework; T0CEKTE EAC, 0PICTE MAJI Κ,ΟCEIJIEICKAH )KAKEIH close neighbors, who are related. TGCEK 5KAMMA sheet. T0CEK OPLIH see TGCEK. T0CEK ΙΠΑΜΕΙ night-light. T0CEJ1-1) to be spread; to be laid; 2) /fig./ to




acquire the habit; OK.VFA ... to learn, to master, reading (to acquire the habit of reading). T CEM see T CEK. T0CEH- /ΤΘΟΘΗ-/ to make a bed (for oneself). TeCEHim see TGCEK. T9CET- /ΤΘΟΘΤ-/ to order to make a bed; to have a bed made. ΤΘΟΚΕΪΪ /geogr./ height; the slope of or side of a mountain; mountain side. ΤΘΟΤΕ- 1) to act, to control by force; 2) (scornfully) to rule, to command, in a dictatorial way. TGCTEK broad-chested (of a man). T0CTIK 1) the breast (in meat) with bits of skin and grease; 2) woman's article of clothing covering chest. ΤΘΟΤΙΚΤΕ- to cut out, to remove the breast fat (T0CTIK). ΤΘΟΘ- see T0CE-. TOCGH- see TGCEH-. ΤΘΟΘΤ- see T CET-. ΤΘΤΕ direct, straight, shortcut, nearest way. ΤΘΤΕΓΕ /ΑΘ,Π,ΕΓΕ/ running knots on the top felt of the felt hut through which is passed the KYJI PEyiffl. ΤΘΤΕΛΕ- /ΤΘΤΘ.ΠΘ-/ to walk, (to ride) across country, to go straight ahead; ΤΘΤΕΛΕΠ AflTKAHflA speaking frankly (openly). ΤΘΤΕΗ extraordinarily, specially, unusually. ΤΘΤΕΗ^ΙΙΚ singularity, uncommonness. ΤΘΤΕΗΙΠΕ extraordinary, unusual, exceptional. ΤΘΤΘ.ΠΘ- see ΤΘΤΕΛΕ-. ΤΘΗ,ΕΕΚΠΙΙ- to writhe from side to side, the whole body shuddering (from severe pain); to suffer agony. ΤΘΗΉΡΕΚ see ΤΘΗΕΡΕΚ. ΤΘΗΕΡΕΚ /ΤΘΓΕΡΕΚ, ΤΘΗΛΡΕΚ, ΤΘΗPEK/ neighborhood, suburbs, environment, surroundings, around circle, circumference. ΤΘΗΕΡΕΚΤΕ in the neighborhood. ΤΘΗΕΡΕΚΤΕ- /ΤΘΗ,ΘΡΘΚΤΘ-/ to lounge about, to go around. ΤΘΗ,ΕΡΕΚΤΕΓΙ (located) in the neighborhood. T0HKEP- to turn upside down, to overthrow. ΤΘΗ,ΚΕΡΜΕ wheat gruel, porridge. T0HKEPIJT- to turn over, to turn upside down. T0HKEPIC revolution. ΤΘΗΡΕΚ see ΤΘΗΕΡΕΚ.

ΤΘΗΘΡΘΚΤΘ- see ΤΘΗΕΡΕΚΤΕ-. T9BET appetite. T9HPIEE /T93CIPBE, T9)K1P1BE/ experience. T9DKPIBEfibI /BI/CTAHCACbl experimental station. T9)KPIEEJII experienced, skilled; ... ^C¥MUC skilled labor. ΤΘ)ΚΡΙΕΕα3 inexperienced, unskilled; ... a priori. inexperience. ΤΘ3ΚΙΚ Tadzhik. ΤΘ5ΚΙΜ jobs./ a sign of respect, esteem; ... K,BIJ1- to greet, by making a curtsy on one knee (about a woman). ΤΘ)ΚΙΡΕΕ see T95KPIEE. T9)KIPIEE see T93KPIEE. Τ9ΪΪΤΙΚ thoughtless, flippant, giddy, unable to restrain oneself. T9KAEE AP conceited, presumptuous; haughty, proud. T3KABEAPJIAH- to get conceited (about). T9KABEAPJIBIK, conceit, arrogance, presumptuousness. T9JIKEK K,bIJI- to make a fool of, to lead by the nose, to make a laughing stock of. T9JIIM training. Τ3ΛΙΜ-Τ9ΡΕΗΕ training, education. T9JIIMCI- to stand on ceremony, to brag, to boast. T9H 1) body, substance; 2) like, in the same way; )KAH-T9HIMEH- to start on something, giving oneself up (to it) entirely. Τ9Π intensifying particle for words beginning with T9-; Τ9Π-Τ9ΥΙΡ very handsome, beautiful. T9P}KIMAmBI interpreter. ΤΘΡΕΜΕ education, upbringing, breeding. T9PEHEJ1E- to educate, to rear. T9PEHEJIEH- to be educated, to be brought up. T9PEHEJIEyiUI educator, tutor. T9PBHEJII educated, well-bred. T9PEMECI3AIK lack of breeding, bad manners. Τ9ΡΕΗΕΠΠ see T9PEHEJlEyUII. T9PTE shaft. Τ9ΡΤΙΠ order, routine; rule, principle, discipline, regime; ... ΟΡΗ AT- to establish order; Τ9ΡΤΙΠΚΕ CA.il- to discipline; ΤΘΡΤΙΠΚΕ ΠΙΑΚ,ΕΙΡ- to call to order; KYH TEPTIEI agenda (order of the day). T9PTinCI3 undisciplined, disorderly, unregulated, irregular.


T9PTiriCI3 EH- to become undisciplined, to cause disorder, to disrupt a routine. T9PTinCI3,aiK lack of discipline, disorder. Τ9ΡΤΙΠΤΕ- to put in order, to set in order. T9PTinTEJl· to be put in order; to be regulated. Τ9ΡΤΙΠΤΙ disciplined, regulated, put in order. T9PI3: OHLIH T9PI3IH EAftKAAWM explained his intention; made his intention clear. Τ9ΡΙ3/ΪΕΗ- to resemble, to become like, to be similar to something. Τ3ΡΙ3ΛΕΗΛΙΡ- to assimilate. T9PI3,HEHy assimilation. T9PI3£I as if, similarly; like, similar to. T9CIJI method, way, mode, means, skill, knack. TQCIJmE- 1) to use, to adopt one method or another; 2) to resort to cunning. TQCIJinilJI 1) able to use some method or another; 2) /fig./ agile, adroit, clever, smart, tricky. TDCIJIKOii a skilled person, clever, adroit. T9TTI sweet /adj./; sweetness, spice; ... EMEC tasteless. T9TTUIEH- to become sweet. T9TTLJlEHflIP- to sweeten, to make (something) sweet.

T9TTIJIIK sweetness. T9YEKEJI risk; COK^IP ... adventure. T9YEKEJICI3 cowardly. T9yEKEJIUIIJI risky, dangerous, speculation. TOYEJl^E- to devote to, to dedicate to, to initiate into, to consecrate, to destine for, to set aside for. TayEJlZU dependent, belonging (to); ... Κ,ΑΛΗΠ /gram./ possessive form of a word. TOyEJmiJHK /pol./ dependence. TayEJlCI3^IK independence. TQyJIIK one whole day, twenty-four hours; KYH ... around the clock; 3KbIJl ... all year round. TOyin village sorcerer; a quack healer (formerly, herbalist or conjuror). Τ9ΥΙΠΉΚ sorcery, quackery. T9YIP better, not bad, more than satisfactory; ... KEP- to love, to caress; ... TYP- to live without poverty (need); to live comfortably; to be well-off. - to improve. - to get better. ΤΘΗ EPTEH in the early morning; early in the morning. T9H;iPI God; ... TAFAJTA the most high God (supreme).


y V poison; ... 5KYT- to swallow poison; ... >K¥TK,AH EOJICAH, AA don't imagine that you are invulnerable, all-powerfull; A3MI YAAfi Afflbl very bitter (like poison); TIJ1I V^Afl he has a caustic tongue. V: y-lIIY noise, racket, din; V-Uiy BOJI- to make a noise, to set up a clamor. VA3 KEIU- to renounce everything. yAHbIM melancholy, sadness; ... )KE- to grieve, to be sad; ...-Κ,ΑΗΡΒΙ sadness, suffering, anxiety. yAMblMAA- to grieve, to suffer, to worry, to trouble oneself (to), to be afraid, to take care of, to trouble (about). - to grieve, to be sad. see yAMblMIIIbLJI. sad, grieving, melancholy. VAMblMCbB light-hearted, careless. VAflblMCbBAblK, lightheartedness. yAHblMIIIblJI uneasy, troubled, anxious, worried. yAHblMIUblJIAblK. dejection, concern, uneasiness, trouble. yAFIA faithfulness, loyalty. VAT- to break, to smash, to grind, to crumble, /tr./ to chop; OTblH ... to chop wood. yAK, small, small-grained, small things, trifles; ... ΑΚ,ΙΙΙΑΜ 5ΚΟΚ, I don't have any small things; ...-TVMEK small things, trifles, small change. VAKCblH- to consider something (to be) small, petty; to treat scornfully. ΥΑΚ,ΤΑ- 1) to make small, to pulverize, to break, to reduce to fragments; 2) to change (money); ΥΑΚ,ΤΑΠ TACTA- to reduce to fragments; to cut small, to pound; OH COM bl yAKJAFI BEP- change ten rubles; IPI MAJIflAPblH ΥΑΚ,ΤΑΠ AJIAbl he exchanged his larger cattle for sheep and goats. νΑΚ,ΤΑΗ- 1) to become small; 2) to get worse, to degrade (of strains of cattle).

pettiness, triviality, meanness. yAK,UIbIJI small-minded, petty. yAK,blftFA event, incident, occurrence, occasion. νΑΚ,ΒΙΠ property of a mosque. yAK,bIT time (to go); moment, period, date; ... ΚΑΗΠΙΑ EOJI bl? What time is it? yAKblTblHAA TAOCblP- to appear in time; CEHAEPFE K,O3FAJIATbIH ... )KETTI It's already time for you to set out; ... OSAblP- to spend time; yAK,bITb!H AH ACblP- to exceed the time limit; 9PVAΚ,ΜΤΤΑ always; Κ,Αίί νΑΚ,ΜΤΤΑ when; yAKJ>lT-yAK,bIT from time to time; at times; Θ3 VAKHTblHAA in (good) time; opportunity. yAK,bITCbI3 inopportune, not in time, out of place, untimely, prematurely. yAK,bITIIIA temporary, for the present, for a while; ... EITIM armistice; ... ΤΟΚ,ΤΑίί TYP wait a little! ... K.BI3MET ATKAPyillbl temporary acting (government, etc.); ... YKIMET provisional government. yAFblPAK, smaller, finer. VKA3 decree, edict. yjIA- to poison. yjIAH- to poison oneself; to be poisoned. yjIAH-HiyjlA- to raise a racket, shout; to make a din, to cry loudly. yjIACTblP- 1) to tie, join ends with ends; 2) to put right, to adjust; to mend. y-ΠΑΛΤ district, country. yjlAK,- to fall (down), yjlbl poisonous, caustic; ... ΓΑ3 suffocating gas; ... ΓΑ3ΑΑΡ poisonous gases. yj!bIK,CAT permit, permission. yMAUITA- to crumple, to tousle, to tatter, to rub, to grind with the palm. yMAK-UiyMAK, wholesale, in a body, in a heap, in a crowd. yMTA- to make small, to pulverize, to break, to smash to pieces. yHMBEPMAF department store. yHHBEPCHTET university.




VP- to put, to place, to set, to establish. yCTAB regulations. Utopia. Utopian. /YTOHMCT/ Utopian, Utopist. VbI3 colostrum; biestings; ΚΑΙΙΙΠΑΡΑΗ KAUIblP blH. ybBblHA K.APAT- (to force to wait for biestings of a dry heifer), to feed with hopes; ... K,bIMbI3 first spring kumiss. - to ripen (of an ear of grain). roe, hard roe; caviare; ... IIIAIIiy spawning (of a fish). l- to be delicate, loving, pleasant, appearance of a disease in the mouth of a child (stomatitis). VblC handful; hollow of the hand; EIPEy^IH VblCblH^A EOJI- to be in someone's power (in someone's fist). VblCTA- to take in handfuls. VblCTAT- to force to take in handfuls; to permit someone to take something in handfuls. ybIT antidote, neutralization, binder, adhesive; YblTblH ΤΑΠ /B/- to find a means; Ay3bIHbIH VblTbl BAP he persuades anybody. yblK, sticks, forming roof of a yurt; ... BAY rope fastened to the lower part of for attaching to the grating.


yK.AJlA- 1) to rub with the palm; to give a massage; to soften leather by massaging it; 2) to trim with lace. yK,AJIAH- to rub oneself briskly; to be kneaded, rubbed, massaged; to be crumpled. yKAJlAT- to give a massage. ydffE persuasion; agreement, compact, promise; y9^ECIH AJT- to take a word, promise to secure agreement on something; ΥθβΕΓΕ )ΚΕΤ- to fulfill one's promise. ... EOflblHIlIA according to the promise; according to the agreement; ... BAMJTAto negotiate; to contract; ... BEP- to promise. y9AEJlEC- to agree, to arrange, to negotiate, to come to an agreement. y9 EJII promised, agreed; ... KYHAE on the agreed day; ... Α,ΰ,ΑΜ a man who keeps his word. y9/^EC13 not fulfilling one's promise, not keeping one's word. y9/(ECI3AIK inconstancy, carelessness. y9ZlEIIIIJI true to one's word; punctually fulfilling one's promise. ΥΘΛΕΙΙΐυΐβΙΚ loyalty to one's promise, word. Υ33Κ reason, cause, way, method, means; νθ)ΚΙΗ ΤΑΠ /Β/- to find a way, method; HE ya^CBEH KEJI lHD? for what purpose do you come? y9KIJl deputy, representative, agent.

φ ΦΑΒΡΜΚΑ factory. ΦΑΕΡΜΚΑΛΒΙΚ, industrial, manufacturing. ΦΑΕΡΗΚΑΙΙΙΙ»! manufacturer, factory owner. ΦΑ3Α phase, period. ΦΑΚΤ fact. ΦΑΚΤΟΡ factor. ΦΑΚΤΥΡΑ invoice, bill. ΦΑΚΥΛΒΤΕΤ faculty, department. ΦΑΜΜΙΙΗίί family name, surname. ΦΑΡΜΟΕΗΛΙΚ Pharesism. ΦΑ physical culture/adj./, sports /adj./; ... 3ΑΡΛΑΚΑ >KACA- to do gymnastics. ΦΗ-ΤΙΜΑϋ branch (office), subsidiary, philology. philological. ΦΜΛΟ€ΟΦ philosopher. philosophy. , philosophical, film.

ΦΜΗΑΗΟΒΙ finances, money. Φ.ΠΟΡΑ flora. ΦΛΟΤ fleet. ΦΟΛΒΚΛΟΡ folklore. ΦΟΗΕΜΑ phoneme. ΦΟΗΕΜΑΛΒΙΚ, phonemic. ΦΟΗΕΤΜΚΑ phonetics. ΦΟΗΕΤΜΚΑϋΜΚ, phonetic. ΦΟΗΟΓΡΑΦ phonograph. ΦΟΗΤΑΗ fountain. ΦΟΡΜΑ form; ΙϋΑΡΥΑΙΙΙΒυΐΜΚ,ΤΜΗ, COUMAJIMCTIK ΦΟΡΜΑΟΜ socialist form of economy. ΦΟΡΜΑΛβΜΚ, formal; ... TVPFHAAH Κ,ΑΡΑΥ formal approach. ΦΟΡΜΑ.ΠΗ3Μ formalism. ΦΟΡΜΑΙΙΜΟΤ formalist. ΦΟΡΜΑΙΙΗ ΚΜΙΜ equipment, clothing, uniform. ΦΟΡΜΑΤ size. formation, structure; Κ,ΟΡsocial structure. ΦΟΡΜΥΛΑ formula. ΦΟΡΤ fort. ΦΟΟΦΟΡ phosphorous. ΦΟΟΦΟΡΜΤ phosphorite. ΦΟΤΟΓΡΑΦ photographer. ΦΟΤΟΓΡΑΦΜΛ photography. ΦΟΤΟΓΡΑΦΗΛΙΙΜΚ, photographically. ΦΟΤΟΤΕΛΕΓΡΑΦ phototelegraph. fraction. , fractional. ΦΡΑΗΚΥ3 Frenchman. ΦΡΟΗΤΟΒΗΚ front-line soldier. fougasse, field charge, landmine. function. ΦΥΤΒΟΛ soccer. ΦΥΤΒΟΙΙΗΟΤ /ΦΥΤΕΟΛΙΜΒΙ/ soccer-player. ΦΥΦΑίίΚΑ jersey sweater.


χ ΧΑΒΑΡ news, information, communication; report, message; XAEAPbIM 3KOK, I don't have information, I don't know; ...-ΟΠΙΑΡ news, information; ... AJI- to receive news, to inquire (about); to want to know; ... EEP- to inform, to notify, to let know. XABAPJIA- to notify, to inform, to give information. XABAPJ1AH- to receive news, to be notified. XABAPJIAHAWP- to inform, to notify. XAEAPCM3 unknown, obscure, uninformed, unaware (of), without news; AJT ... }KOK, EOJIAbl his is missing. XAEAPCbI3,flbIK. obscurity. XABAPIIIbl herald, messenger. XA)K pilgrimage. XA5KET necessary; indispensable. XAHYAHAAP AJ1EMI fauna. XAJI-AXYAJI health, life, position, material condition. XAJIOKAil position, situation. XAJIWK 1) people; 2) population; ... COTbl people's court; ... YIHIH public. XAJIblKAPA international. XAJIblKAPAJIblK, international; ... 3KAF,Ή,ΑΗ international situation. XAJIblKIUblJIblK, narediem /pol./, populism. XAJ1KBI A3 scantily populated. ΧΑΗ Khan, prince. XAH bIK, khanate. XAHbIM woman. XAPAMKAHA harem. XAC peculiar to, corresponding (to), proper (to). XAT letter, writing; AfflblK, ... postcard, reading and writing; ... 3KA3bICbin TVPto be in correspondence with, to exchange letters; K.AJ1 ... subscription, signed statement, receipt, written promise; CEHIM ...

warrant, power of attorney; ... AJlblCblFl TYP- to correspond /intr./; ... THECI AAAM addresses; ... /ΚΑΤ/ KAFA3 notepaper, letter paper. XATTAH- to learn to read and write. XATACbB faultlessly. XATEJIIK fallacy, error. XATTA even. XATIIIbl clerk, scribe, secretary (technical). XAYinCI3 safe, secure. safety, security, of, about, concerning. XMMHfl chemistry. XMMMJIJlblK, chemical. ΧΜΡΥΡΓ surgeon. ΧΗΡΥΡΓΜΛ surgery. XMPyPrMJIJIblK surgical. XJTOP chlorine. XJTOPJIbI chloride. ΧΙΙΟΡΟΦΟΡΜ chloroform. XOKKEH hockey. XOP chorus; ... BACKAPVIIIbl leader of a chorus. XOIIJ MIC aroma, fragrance. XOIU HICTI aromatic, balmy air, fragrant. XPECTOMATHfl reader, reading book. XPMCTMAH ΑΙΗΙΜΑΕΓΙ AflAM Christian. XPHCTMAH/iblK Christianity. XPOM chromium. XPOHHKA chronicle. ΧΡΟΗΟ-ΠΟΓΗΛ chronology. XPOHOJIOFHflJlblK, chronological. XPOHOMETP chronometer. XPOHOMETPA)K time-keeping, timing. XYPMET see KYPMET. ΧΥΚ,ΥΚ, right. XYK,YK,CbI3 disfranchised person. XYKYKbl BAPJIblK, competence. XY)KPE cell.


UAPM3M tsarism. UEHXrAYS arsenal, armory. UEJ1J1IOJ1O3A cellulose, (paper) pulp. UEMEHT cement. UEMEHT3ABO,abI cement works. UEMEHTTE- to cement. UEHSVPA censorship, censure. UEHSYPAJlbl censorial. UEHTHEP centner (50 Kilogramm). LJEHTPH3M centrism. OEHTPOCOIO3 The All-Union Consumers Association. LJEX works, plant department, trade union. IIHBHJ1H3AUHJI civilization.

UHBHJIH3AUM.iI.JIbI civUized. UHKJIOH cyclone /meteor./, dust extractor. UHKOPHH chicory, succory. UHJIHHAP cylinder, drum. UHHK zinc. UHHKTA- to zincify. ΙΙ,ΗΗΚΟΓΡΑΦΜΛ zincography. UHPK circus. UHPKYJIb compass (for drawing), dividers, calipers. UHCTEPHA cistern, tank. UMTATA quotation, citation. Ι^ΗΦΡ figure, cipher. UblFAH^AP ΚΘΠΙΙ gypsy camp.


HAPTH3M chartism. HER check. ΗΕΜΟβΑΗ trunk, suitcase.

4ΕΜΠΜΟΗ champion. HEPBOHE1J ten-rubles gold piece. MHH-MA Chinese /n./, the Chinese.


ΠΙ UJA /U1EI 1) /word-forming, affix./ like; similar to; 2) for the present, while, until; 3) instead of..., it would be better to... UIAAP chaff. UlABAJIAHAA- 1) to bark fiercely at something (of a dog); 2) to cry out, to quarrel violently with one another, to swear strongly. IJJAEAH 1) shepherd; 2) slow, lazy, sluggish; 3) a lazy horse. UIAEAHZJA- to slow down, to linger, to be slow; to become lazy, slow, sluggish. U1ABAHAAT- to slacken the pace, to reduce speed. lUAEAH.nbJl'v sluggishness, laziness. 1I1ABAPMAH special. 11IAEAK. spoke (of a wheel); ... EAJIblK bream (small fish), small fry. ΙΙΙΑΕΑΚ,ΤΑ- to pierce a swelling with some sort of sharp instrument (needle, sharp knife) to cause bleeding with incisions. IIIABJUAP yellow with white tail and mane (horse). IIIAEV 1) cutting of timber; 2) attack, assault; 3) mowing, haymaking; 4) coat-tails. UIAByJIlIIL·! special, express messenger. UIAEyblJI attack, offensive, invasion; raid, gallop; )KAJinbl ... general offensive; ΚΑΡΥΔΙ ... armed attack; ... 5KACAto attack; to assault. 1UABLIH haymaking, meadow. IlIAEblH- 1) to rage, to rave, to storm; 2) to steam (russian bath). UIAEblH bl haymaking. UIAEblHAblK. meadow. JJIABblPTTAH- to be cloudy (sky). lllABbIC horse race, running (of a horse race). LUABblT 1) desire, wish, appetite; 2) inspiration. lilAEMTTAH- I) to reveal a strong desire; to do something with pleasure; 2) to have a good appetite. UIABblTTbl appetizing.

WAEbllll- to fight. UIAEblK. time of mowing hay; haymaking, mowing. ΙΠΑΒ¥ΛΑΑ- to gallop. mAflblP extremely quick-tempered; inclined toward conflict. mesentery. ΙΠΑΜ tea; IIIAMFA ΙΙΙΑΚ,ωΡ- to invite to tea. IIIAM- /II1AI-/ 1) to wash by pouring water over something; 2) to rinse the mouth; 3) to wash away (for example, earth) thereby forming a ravine; 4) to rinse, to swill. ΙΙΙΑΪί 1Ι1ΕΙΙΙΕΚ Corydalis ranunculus. ΠΙΑΜΗΑ- 1) to bite to death, to worry the life out of, to tear (to pieces); 2) to chew; EIP UIAHHAM ET chunk of boiled meat (which one could take in one's mouth). IIIAMHAM A eatable, (edible); an article of food. 1IIAMHAC- 1) to bite, to bite each other, to fight; 2) to grapple (with), to quarrel. I1IAMHE teapot. 1ΙΙΑΪΪΠΑ- 1) to trample down damage (for example, meadow, cornfield); 2) to cause confusion, turmoil. UIAMTAH devil; ... TAflFbl cotton thistle; common thistle (Onopordon), plumed thistle. 1IIAMXAHA teahouse. UlAMbI delicate, fine silk. UIAMblJl- to be rinsed, to be washed off; ΚΘΗΙ-Π ... to be disappointed (with something); 5KYPEK ... to be taken aback; to become frightened; to grow timid. UIAMblHUbl shops. UIAMblP /UIAIP/ 1) tree resin; resin derived from trees, colophony; 2) smart, forward, busy, quick, prompt, efficient. UIAMblPJIA- to get fat (excessively). llIAMblPJIAH- to get covered with resin ; to cover oneself with resin. UIAMUPJIAT- to drive to great obesity (of a ram).



ΙΙΙΑΪΪΚ,ΑΙΙΙΑΪΪΚ,Α- 1) to churn butter; to stir kumiss; 2) to shake, to rock, to swing, to move, to shake up; 3) to rinse (linens). ΙΙΙΑΪΪΚΑ-Π- 1) to rock, to swing, to move; 2) to be rinsed. IHAMKAJIT- to shake (a little). niAftKAC- to quarrel; to measure oneself (with), to fight (with), to wrestle. IIIAftKAKJA- to rock, to shake, to shiver, to tremble. U1AMK.AHAA- to walk with an air of importance. ΙΠΑΜΚ,ΟΡ a lover of tea. fflAJI- 1) to eat a little grass on the move (of cattle); 2) to trip someone up unfairly in a fight; also /fig./; 3) to strike with one stroke; 4) to slaughter; 5) to tie a rope or cord around the circumference of something; 6) to catch sight of, to notice, to observe; 7) to sound in the ears. IHAJIbllH ΤΙΓΥ special method of sewing. fflAJI 1) old, old man; 2) gray, gray-haired. 11IAJ1A half (way), undecided, indefinite; ... HICKEH 5KYMbIPTK,A soft-boiled egglUAJIAJlblK, halfway policy, imperfections, unfinished design. IlIAJlAn beverage (a mixture of water and sour milk). IHAJlAVtH Κ,ΟΪί large, greasy ram. fflAJIAFAM shallow person (not carrying the matter to completion; carrying out work perfunctorily); ... llIIfalFAPMAJIAP hack work; hack production. 11IAHEAP trousers, wide trousers. lIIAJIBblP- 1) to offend; 2) to despise, to disdain. mAJmVAP restive, jibbing, hardmouthed (of a horse); spoiled, undisciplined. fflAJI^BIP- to let a horse rest and eat a bit (along the way). UIAJIflblPT- see UIAJIAblP-. HIAJDKAK, 1) restive, rearing, unbroken (horse); 2) spoiled, naughty (of a child). IIIAJIHCAKJA- 1) to be naughty, to play, to play pranks, to indulge oneself; 2) to be affected. HIAjmAKTAT- to spoil; to permit pranks. UIAJDKblM- to sit with an important air. fflAJlMA chalma - a kind of turban (headdress worn by men of Eastern nations). IIIAJIIIL·! loving to talk slander (of women). UIAJinblJI splash (of water). - to ripple, to babble.

- to splash (water). IHAJiniblK I) dirt, filth, mud; 2) pool, puddle. IIIAJlbl unhusked rice. IIIAJIblMflbl l) strong, sturdy; 2) agile, quick, clever. IlIAHblC slanting, oblique, squinting (eyes), obliquely; ATTbl ... EPEJIE- to hobble a horse; ... ΚΘ3 squint-eyed, cross-eyed; ... C6J1E- to speak defiantly, aggressively. IIIAJItlK, ailment, dizziness, fit (of madness). fflAJIblK,- to go mad, to be mad. lUAJIblKJA- 1) to smile (of a child); 2) to live in clover. ΙΠΑΛΚ,- 1) to bend aside, to deviate, to digress; 2) to rest on one's laurels. UIAJIK,Ail- 1) to move away; to depart; to withdraw; to deviate; to come off; to pass away (die); 2) to lean backwards; 3) to stick out one's chest and stomach; OJ1 θ-ΠβΕΚ,ΑΗΑΑΜ BOJlbin UIAJIKA^ KAJlblFlTbl he got conceited and gives himself airs. UIAJIKACblHAH: ... CAJI- to throw (wrestling); ... TYC- to fall over backward; ECIK ... AUIbUIZIL·! the door opened wide; MEH OCbIHbl AHTbin E/UM, OJI ... TYCTI when I told him that, he refused flatly. UIAJIK,AJIA- to move backward and topple over backward; to lean backwards. IIIAJIKAM /UIAJIK.AH/ turnip. IIIAJIKAH see IIIAJIKAM. IHAJIKAP a big lake; ... K0JI big lake. UJAJIKAK stretched out (of a man); leaning (thrown) back. IIIAJIKAKTA- 1) to walk with one's head thrown back; 2) to give oneself airs, to get conceited. IIIAJIKAHAA- see IIIAJIKAKTA-. UIAJIFAM- 1) to the side, not on the way; 2) facing (of a coat) lapel. UIAJIFbl scythe; ΙΙΙΘΠ MAIIIMHAHblH, UIAJIFblCbl scythe (blade) of a mowing machine. UlAJIFblH Alpine grasslands, high grass, hay-cutting. IHAUFblUIbl mower. ΙΠΑΜ (used only in the possessive form) that which causes offence; OHblH UlAMblHA ΤΉΜΕ Don't offend him! Ill AM candle(s); lamp; Μ ΑΪΪ ... candle; ... MAftbl Stearine; ... KOHFblfll candle-




stick; IlIAMHblH KAJlOAFbl lampshade. 1ΠΑΜΑ 1) tea-residue; 2) approximate size (value, magnitude), approximately, about, size, visual evaluation; 3) strength, power, possibility, opportunity, means; MVHbl ICTEVrE OHblH IIIAMACfal KEJ1EP ME EKEH? Will he be able to do this work? (does he have the capabilities?); UIAMAMHAH KEJIFEHIIIE to the extent of my strength; UIAMAflAH TbIC without measure, without bounds, measureless. UIAMAJIA- to determine approximately (the size of something); to estimate visually; BAJIA, CEH ... boy, don't overdo it. 11IAMAJ1AC isometric, equigraphic, equivalent, (roughly) identical. UIAMAJIbl approximately, about a little limited, narrow-minded, mediocre, none too clever (men). UIAMACLI3 infinitely, too. fflAM AJI candlestick. fflAM AH- to take offense, to be hurt, to take something as an insult, to be obstinate (of a horse). ΙΙΙΑΜ^ΑΗΖΙΜΡ- to speak caustically; to wound someone's self-esteem. IIIAMflAFAfiL athlete; IHAMflAFAMblK, ΘΗΕΡ athletics. ΙΠΑΜΒΙΡΚ,ΑΗ- to be thirsty (and quench one's thirst). ΙΠΑΗΑ sledge, sled. IIIAH/i- to tie (a cord, rope around); to wind a cord or rope around. IIIAHAblP groin. fflAHlH- /fflAHUlbl-/ to stab, to break, to slaughter, to kill, to split, to knock, to hammer, to prick, to sting, to stick (into), to drive (into), to run (into), to pierce, to wound someone (with words). UIAHUIAK /fflAHUIKAK,/ dragon fly. DIAHIliy puncture, perforation, cleaving, splitting, colic. ΙΙΙΑΗΠΙΜ- see ΠΙΑΗΙ1Ι-. ΙΙΙΑΗΙΠΚ,ΑΚ, see IHAHIHAK,fflAHbiniK,bI a trident for chipping (splintering) ; fork. inAHbIIUK,bIJIA- to puncture, to prick, to pierce. ΙΠΑΠ- to raid, rob, to gallop, to cut, to slash, to mow, to hew, to beat, to strike, to hit, to attack, to assault; ACKA MEflJIIM (I have) no appetite; ... to have a desire.

Ι11ΑΠ 1) flank of horse, groin; 2) zap /onomatopoeia/; ... BEP- to seize quickly; ... A blJI the hind (back) saddle-girth. ΠΙΑΠΑ mOT a little axe (hatchet) for firewood. ΙΠΑΠΑ.ΠΑΚ, banging, slamming, knocking, slapping, splashing. ΙΠΑΠΑΛΑΚ,ΤΑ- to spank; K.OJ1 ... to applaud. 1ΠΑΠΑΗ dressing-gown, house robe, overalls, oriental robe. UlAnAHIUAH only in one robe. ΙΠΑΠΑΙ1ΙΟΤ /ΠΙΑΠΚ,Μ/ chopper. ΙΙΙΑΠΑΚ horizon; glow; TAH UIAOAFbl daybreak. 1ΙΙΑΠΠΑ 1) cock (of a gun); 2) pen-knife; ... ΠΠΙΑΚ, pocket-knife; ... IJIFEK trigger. UIAOnbl cleaver, chisel. ΙΠΑΠΡΑΙΠ cross-eyed; ... MIHES^I AflAM man with an unbalanced character. 1ΙΙΑΠΡΑΠΙΤΑΗ- to look aslant; to look angrily. IIIAnPAfflTblK, squint; strabismus. niAHTAJlbl peach; ... AFAUIbl peach tree. ΠΙΑΠΤΜΡ- 1) to make a horse gallop; to go fast; 2) to force, to strike, to hit; 3) to couple a stallion. ΙΙΙΑΠΤΗΡΥ /ΠΙΑΠΤΡΥ/ coupling of horses. ΙΠΑΠΤΗΚ, If I- to fly into a rage; to swear, to rage, to rave. IIlAriTbIK,TbIP- to put someone in a rage; to force to swear (rave). ΙΠΑΠΠΙ- to spring, to jump, to leap; to gush out (of a fountain). ΙΙΙΑΠΠΙΑΗ, quickly, promptly, adroitly; ... ΟΚ,Υ fluent reading. ΙΠΑΠΠΙΑΗΛΑ- to hurry, to hasten. UIAniUAHDtAT- to hasten, to speed up, to force to hurry, to hasten, to spur on, to urge on. mAnniAHZJblK, quickness, speed, agility, promptness, efficiency, fluency. ΙΙΙΑΠΙΠΜΜΑ CV fountain. ΙΠΑΠΚ,ΑΗ ET ground meat. ΙΠΑΠΚ,ΜΛΑ- to chop. UIAriK,bIJlAC- 1) to skip, to jump, to gallop; 2) to fight with swords. ΙΗΑΠΚ,ΜΗ a race horse. mAnK,bIHmbI bandit. 1ΠΑΠΚ,ΜΗΠΠ>υΐΜΚ, raid, robbery. IIIAP 1) ball, sphere; 2) whetstone; 3) cattle tracks in different directions, trampled-down places; UIAPFA TYC- to be ballotted; ...



1IIAPA TEM1P brittle metal (iron); ... ΕΤΙ meat of an old ram. Ill APA l) a big wooden bowl (for meat); 2) eye-socket, orbit of the eye; ΚΘ3Ι IIIAPACblHAH IIIblKTbl his eyes fell out of their sockets, (he) became frightened. lIIAPAft ΚΘ3ΓΕ- to hit the right nail on the head. 1ΠΑΡΑΗΑ caul, amnion. ΙΙΙΑΡΑΠ wine, beverage; "AJ1ATAV" IIIAPAEBI "Alataw" (apple wine). I APACM3 without issue, hopeless. UIAPACblSflblK hopelessness. IIIAPEAK, fence, yard, hurdle. UIAP^AK, attic. IHAPJ1A- to go all over, to visit everywhere. UIAPJ1AH- to get fat, to be walked over. ΙΙΙΑΡΠ- to singe. IIIAPDL·! layer of fat (on the stomach). IDAPnblJI- 1) to be enveloped in flames; to burn, to scorch; 2) to suffer some sort of damage. 1IIAPT 1) contract, treaty, terms, demand, condition; 2) sharp sound, crash, crack; ... 5KACA- to conclude a treaty. IIIAPT-IUVPT see ΙΙΙΑΡΤΠΑ-ΙΙΙΥΡΤ. ΙΠΑΡΤΠΑ-UIVPT TGBEJIEC- to suddenly start a brawl. 1UAPTCW3 unconditional. IIIAPTAC- to arrange, to agree, to conclude an agreement, treaty. UIAPTTbl conditional. UIAPTbUmA- to crash loudly, to crack loudly, to roar loudly, to crack, to break with a noise. IIIAPTblJIAAT- to produce a loud crack, crash, roar. IIIAPTblJI KEB1C1 shoes. lUAPTblJI AK, ΜΑΪί melted butter. UIAPVA 1) peasant, farmer, agriculturist; 2) economy (farm); 3) affair, business, cause, deed; 1UAPVAH EOJIMACblH It's none of your business. LUAPyAIUblJIblK, economics, economy farm; ΚΘΜΕΚΙΙΙ1 ... subsidiary economy; )KOCFIAPJlbl ... planned economy. UIAPfflA- to weaken, to grow weak, to get tired, to tire, to weary. U1APUIA TAMbI3 /obs./ July. UIAPIIIAMAH without fatigue. UIAPIHAMACTAH indefatigable. IIIAPI1IAT- to wear out, to exhaust, to tire, to fatigue. llIAPIIIAy weariness, fatigue, tiredness.

lILAPlilbl 1) square; 2) noon time; ... BOHJ1BI short and stocky. UIAPblJI A- to shout, to howl furiously. IHAPUIblJIblK, KEJ1EM quadrature. lUAPlIIbl blK, ΘΛΙΠΕΥΙΙΠΤΕΡΙ square measures. IHAPblK, grindstone, whetstone; ... KEBIC leather sandals; bad foot-wear;... K.AMPAK, grindstone. UIAPbIK,TA- J) to turnabout in the sky, to soar high in the sky; 2) to become conceited. ΙΙΙΑΡΚ,ΑΤ red silk scarf. UIAT 1) joint of pelvis bones; 2) happy. UIAT- to babble nonsense; ΠΙΑΤΠΑΜ OTblP Don't babble! 11IATA illegitimate child (out of wedlock). UIATAC distant relationship, kinship. IDATAC- 1) to be confused, to lose one's senses, to entangle oneself, to get entangled, to get confused; 2) to quarrel, to fall out with. UIATACTblP- I) to implicate, to confuse, to muddle; 2) to quarrel. UlATACKAHflblK, madness, insanity. QIATAK, intricate business scandal; ... IIlblFAP- to start a scandal. IIIATAK,- 1) to communicate, to get into contact, to have to do with; 2) to unite, to join, to combine; 3) to entangle oneself, to get entangled. UIATHA- 1) to crack, to hit; 2) to get angry. ΙΙΪΑΤΠΑΚ, nonsense, absurdity, scrawl (on paper). ΙΙΙΑΤΠΑΚ,ΤΑ- to make scrawls (on paper), to write or say something absurd, senseless. 11IATTAH- to be gay, to rejoice. UIATTAH/lblP- to make glad, happy; to cause joy; to cheer up /tr./. IIIATTblK, gladness, merriment, mirth, gaiety. UIATblJl- to be involved in some sort of evil business; to entangle oneself, to get entangled. IIIATbIHA- to burst, to break, to crack. LUATblP tent, roof; ... TAflHblUIbl rafter. UIATblPAUl see OMBbl. UIATblPJTA- to crack, to creak, to chirp, to jabber, to rumble (of thunder). UIATblP-IUVTblP sharp crack, crash, roar. IIIATbIC confusion, muddle, mess; CYMEK ... KICIJ1EP people, having family ties. lUATbJC- to entangle oneself; to be entangled. ΙΠΑΤΚ,Αϋ pass, gorge, defile. UIAYblH horned cattle.




LUAIU- 1) to sprinkle, to strew, to sow, to plant, to scatter, to spill over; 2) to squander, to waste, to dispute. 1IIAII1 hair; ... MAHbl burdock oil; ... TAPA3 hairdresser, barber. ΙΙΙΑΙΙΠΎΗΡΕΥΙΜ hairpin, tack, brad. 11IA111A horse's fetlock. UIAIllAyjlAH- to repulse, to struggle, to separate, to get detached, to seclude oneself, to break off. II1ALUAK, brush, tassel, fringe. 1IIAIUAKTA- to border with tassels and fringe. 111ΑΙΠΑΚΤΑΗ- to look like a brush, tassel. lHAIUAKJbl BAY fringe. UIAIDEAy ribbon, twisted in plaits; IUA111EAVBIH ΚΘΤΕΡ- to worm oneself into the favor of; to fawn (upon). U1A11JPA- /lUAUIfalPA-/ to sprinkle, to splash, to spatter, to scamper off, to crumble, to disperse (of cattle), to straggle. UJAI11PAT- /lllAllibIPAT-/ to sprinkle; to splash; to spatter. UIAinCBI3 hairless. 1IIAIIITAPA3 see UIAI11 TAPA3. IllAUlTbl hairy. lIIAIliy gifts, brought to the wedding festival. lIIAlllbl AFAPFAH gray-haired. UlAlllblJl- to tire oneself out; to be exhausted; to spend all one had. UIAUJblPA- see I1IAIIIPA-. IIIAlUblPAT- see U1AI1IPAT-. UIALUblPAHAbl spray, sparks, drops, splashes. 1Ι1ΑΛΗ 1) scorpion, crawfish; 2) sharptongued; OHblH-TIJII ... he speaks only caustically. UlAK. IF/- ]) to strike fire (from a flint); 2) to sting (of insects), to bite (snakes); 3) to crack (nuts); 4) to break a bone; 5) to complain; 6) to hammer (of blood in the temples); 7) to hurt someone's feelings; MVH ... to lament one's fate; ΕΑΚ,ΑίίUIAFblHA ΛΕΪίΐΗ ... (thoroughly; the smallest detail; to investigate someone's actions, behavior), to examine in detail. IliAK, 1) term (time), age, time, period (of 8 months, date, etc.); 2) hardly enough, just enough; 3) suitable, fit (of clothing); KEJIEP ..., OCbl ..., ΘΤΚΕΗ ... future tense, present tense, past tense; }KAH BACbIHA WAK,K.AH,HAFBl ΜΘΙ1ΙΕΡΙ per head, per capita. 111AK.A 1) small copper coin, a quarter kopeck

piece; 2) naked, bare; K,bI3bIJl ... completely bare (of the young of animals). UIAKAJI jackal. UIAKAP /A^AM/ I) desperate; 2) mischievous (man), dare-devil. ΙΙΙΑΚ,ΠΑΚ, cocking-piece, flint, steel; ... TAG flint. UlAK.nAK.TbI MblJlTblK a light flintlock musket. ΙΙΙΑΚ,ΡΒΙΜ verst (3,500 feet). ΙΙΙΑΚ,ΤΑ- to limit, to restrict, to diminish, to reduce; AflFbltiabl KEPFIEUE ΙΙΙΑΚ,ΤΑ Π CO3- to cut one's coat according to the cloth. ΙΙΙΑΚ,ΤΒΙ (word used after cardinal numbers) about, approximately. UIAKIIIA snuffbox. ΙΠΑΚ,ΙΙΙΗ- to jingle, to strum, to knock. ΙΠΑΚ,ΙΙΐνΚ, clang, clank. UIAKblJlAA- to squeak, to creak, to crack, to crackle, to crunch, to give a knock, to tap, to rap. UIAK.BIJ1AAT- to knock, to chatter, to pound. ΙΙΙΑΚ,ΒΙΡ- to call, to invite, to crow; Κ,ΟΗΑΚ,Κ,Α ... to invite as a guest. UIAK,bIPJlA- to clank, to clang, to grit one's teeth. IIIAKblPT- to force to call, to force to invite; to call through someone. UlAK,bIPTTbIP- to call (someone) through a person. llIAK,bIPy call, appeal, irritation, summons, challenge; ... K,AFA3 notification. IIlAKbIP-III¥K,blP crunch, crackle, crash. ΙΙΙΑΚ,ΗΡΜϋ- to be called, invited. LLtAK,bIPbIJiyillbl one who is called, summoned. IIIAK,bIPbIM verst; ... BAFAHACbl milestone. llIAK,blPB!C- to call (summon) one another; to invite one another and guests. UIAFA raven nestling. I1IAFAJ1A seagull. mAFAJlA AM totally white. UlAFATblH 5KbIJlAH viper. IIlAFblJl 1) road metal (gravel, broken stone, etc.); 2) crescent-shaped sand dune. UIAFblJl- 1) to be reflected, to reverberate, to have an effect (on); 2) to dazzle, to blind (irritate) the eyes; 3) to be broken into pieces, to smash into pieces; TAYbl ... to fail, to be disappointed. UlAFBIJIblC reflection. UIAFblJltlC- to mate (birds).



lIIAFblJlblCy IlIAFbIJIbICy 1) reflection, reverberation, repulse; 2) mating of birds. IIIAFblM (legal) appealed complaint; appeal, complaint, denunciation, information (against), slander, calumny;... APbI3 (legal) appealed complaint; complaint; ... APbI3 BEP- to appeal (law); ... COTbl (highest) court of appeal; Court of Cassation; ... K.AFA3 (legal) appealed complaint. inAFblMOAC calumniator; slanderer. UIAFblMbl 1) tattletale, sneak; 2) prosecutor, plaintiff. UIAFblH 1) not big, limited, scanty; 2) suitable, proper (of clothing); ... EAC small family. IIIAFblHAA- to fit, to suit, to adapt, to make (something) to size, to spend, to use something economically. IlIAFblP 1) grey (of the eyes of a man or a horse); 2) (tall) weeds. UIAFblPblM see fflAKblPblM. OIAFblC- to quarrel. IIlAFblCTblP- to bring about a quarrel, to slander, to defame, to calumniate, to set (on), to hound. WAH dust; IHAHblHA IJ1ECTIPME- to leave far behind, to outstrip. IIIAHAPAK /IIIAHblPAK/ wooden circle forming the smoke opening of a yurt. mAHTblJI rifle. IHAHZJAK, dusty place. ΙΠΑΗ,ΜΛΛΑ- /ΙΠΑΗ,Κ,ΜΛΑΑ-/ to strum, to jingle, to make a noise; UIAHK,bIJIAAn YP- to bark loudly; IDAHKbUIflAn CeJIE- to talk loudly. IIIAHblPAK see ΠΙΑΗΑΡΑΚ. ΙΙΙΑΗΚ,ΑΗ shining white. ΠΙΑΙίΚ,ΜΛ^ΑΚ, loud, stentorian. llIAUFbl skis; ... TEBYMI skier; IHAHFblMEH »CAPblCY skiing. IHAHFbllllbl skier. fflAI see ΙΗΑΪΪ. niAIJIA- 1) to drink tea; 2) to fatten excessively. 1IIAIP see II1AMP. IIIEBEP 1) foreman, master (craftsman, expert); 2) tailor. IIIEBEPJIEH- to specialize (in); to become the master (of a craft, etc.). UIEEEPJIIK 1) ability, skill, handicraft, trade; 2) tailor's trade. 1ΠΕΒΕΡΧΑΗΑ workshop. ΙΠΕΓΕ nail; ... BVPFbl small borer, gimlet. fflEFEJIE- to nail.

UIEFEJIEH- to stick; to stay much too long; to be long delayed. Ι11ΕΓΕΗ framework of a well. ΓΠΕΓΕΗ,ΠΕ- to strengthen the walls of a well (with a framework). ΙΠΕΓΕΡ- to strike off, to knock off, to deduct from an account, to subtract, to deduct, to take away. 1ΠΕΓΕΡΤΚΕ see Ι11ΕΓΙΡΤΚΕ. ΙΠΕΓΙΗ- 1) to move backward; 2) to release, to give leave (of absence). ΙΠΕΓΙΗβΙΡ- 1) to force to go backward; 2) to force to release, give leave (of absence) to. ΙΙΙΕΓΙΗΥ retreat (digression, deviation). ΙΠΕΠΗΙΠΕΚ irresolute (of a man), restive, jibbing (of a horse). ΙΙΙΕΠΗΙΠΕΚΤΕ- see ΙΠΕΓΙΗ-. niEFIHIC retreat. ΙΠΕΓΙΡ grey (of the eyes of a man). ΙΙΙΕΠΡΤΚΕ /1ΠΕΓΕΡΤΚΕ/ grasshopper, locust. ΙΙΙΕΠΡΠΙΙΗ elm (tree similar to hornbeam, Ulmus densa). IIIEflEP hobble (for horses). ΙΠΕβΙΡΕΜ- to stare (at). ΙΙΙΕΪίΐΗ to, up to, until. 11IEK IT I- 1) to hand, to measure, to try on; 2) to smoke; Α3ΑΠ ... to experience torture; CAHAP ... to travel; niblJIbIM ... to smoke (tobacco, a cigarette); KAflFbl... to know sorrow. 11IEK 1) boundary; border, limit; 2) viscera, intestines, internal organs; 3) doubt, suspicion; IIIEKTEH TbIC excessive; ... KEJ1TIP- to doubt; ... KOMblJIMAFAH MOHAPXH absolute monarchy (unlimited); ... KOMblJIFAH ΜΟΗΑΡΧΗΛ limited monarchy. 1IIEKAPA boundary, bound. mEKAPAAAFbl eCKEP frontier guard. UIEKAPAJlblK, frontier /adj./; border /adj./; ... BAFAHA a boundary stake. IHEKAPAUIbl frontier-guard. IHEKAPAfflblHAP OTP^Abl a frontier detachment. LTJEKE brain cavity (cranium); place above temples; 1HEKECIHEH Κ,ΑΡΑ- to look down on (someone); K,bI3bIJI ... BOJI- to fight fiercely; fflEKEJIE to hit on the head (cheek). UIEKEP sugar; K,VM ... granulated sugar. fflEKKI scales, balance. ΙΠΕΚΠΕΗ material of camel's hair.




IQEKCI3 1) measureless, boundless; 2) without a doubt, undoubtedly. IIIEKCI3AIK 1) immoderateness; intemperance; 2) endlessness, infinity. fflEKTEH- to doubt, to suspect. ΙΠΕΚΤΕΗ,α,ΙΡ- to arouse doubt, suspicion. IDEKTEC adjacent, contiguous (to), neighboring, to be adjacent (to), to have a common border; to be contiguous to. IEKTI 1) limited, scanty, final ultimate; 2) doubtful, suspicious. inEKUmEVIK hazelnut; ... AFAIIIL·! hazelnut tree {Corylus avellana). mEKIC- to squabble (with); to enter into conflict. IIIEK9JI9- to strike on the head. mEJI 1) thin layer of fat (hypodermic fat); 2) wall-eyed; ΚΘ3ΙΗ ... Κ,ΑΠΤΑΡΑΗ he gives himself airs. ΙΠΕΉΉΕ- to scrape the remaining (fat) from the hide. IlIEJI EH- to grow fat; to fatten (cattle). IflEJIEK bucket, pail, milkpail. 11IEJ1EKTE- to measure in buckets; to pour, to draw (water, etc.) in buckets. ΠΙΕΛΠΕΚ a thin, flat cake, cooked in fat. fflEM candle. UIEMEI /obs./ Saturday. mEMIPHIEK cartilage, gristle. ΙΙΙΕΜΙΡΠΙΕΚΤΕΗ- to turn into gristle /intr./. fflEH 1) rank, grade (rank) shoulder strap, epaulet; 2) time; 3) place; ΒΙ3ΛΙΗ Yfi KAJIAHHH ΟΡΓΑ ΙΙΙΕΗΙΗΛΕ our house is in the center of town; TYC UIEHIH^E at noon; IJJEHHEH ΙΙΙΗΚ,Κ,ΑΗ 3ΚΥΪΪΡΙΚ jumper or fast horse, knowing no equal; OJT IHEHIHE ^KytlTflAflbl he didn't let (anybody) approach him; OJI OCL·! fflEHflE BOJ1CA KEPEK one must suppose, that he (it) is in the environs. 1HEH.ZIEC neighboring, adjoining, nearby. Π1ΕΗΕ- to offend someone with caustic remarks. ΙΙΙΕΠ barricade, barrage, obstruction; ... K,¥P- to construct a barrier. UIEP grief, sorrow, melancholy, depressed condition, chronic, long time illness; ... ΤΑΡΚ,ΑΤ- to dispel sorrow. IIIEPKEY church; ... MVHAPACbl steeple, bell-tower. IIIEPJII small. 1ΙΙΕΡΜΕΗΛΕ ashamed, disgraceful, depressed. 1ΠΕΡΜΕΗ pregnant; ΙΠΕΡΜΕΗ,-ΙΙΙΕΡΜΕΗ, ET- to move clumsily (of a portly person).

ΙΠΕΡΜΕΗβΕ- to walk with flatulent stomach, to be pregnant. ΙΠΕΡΜΗΜ- /inEPTMfi-/ to swell, to stick out. 1IIEPT-1) to play (for example, on the dombra, a musical instrument); 2) to snap (one's) fingers. ΙΠΕΡΤΗΪί- see IIlEPMHft-. IIIEPTV snapping the finger, playing on the dombra. ΠΙΕΡΙΠΕΜΒΙ /obs./ Wednesday. ΠΙΕΤ edge, border, borderland, outskirts, unfamiliar, strange, foreign; ... EJI foreign land (beyond the border); ... EJI/UK foreigners; UIETTEH KEJ1FEH the newlycome, foreign, alien; ΙΠΕΤΤΕΗ KEJIFEH KICI the newly-come, foreigner, alien; UIETTEH TACV import; U1ETKE IJIblFAPy expert. I1IETKI extreme, the last. ΙΠΕΤΕΗ fence. IIIETTET- to isolate. ΙΠΕΤΤ9- to put to shame, to offend. ΙΠΕΙΠ- 1) to decide; 2) to untie, to undo, to allow, to resolve, to achieve. 1IIEIIIE mother, grandmother. ΙΠΕΙΙΙΕΚ 1) flower; 2) smallpox. IIIEUIEKTI variolic, variolous. ΠΙΕΙΠΕΗ 1) eloquent; expressive; 2) orator. IHEUIEHAIK eloquence, oration. niEUIEHC- to pretend to be an orator. IlIEIIiy solution (of a question). IQEUiyilll he who unties or undoes something; decisive (moment). UIEimjl- to be undressed. UIEIIIIH- 1) to undress; 2) to dare to do something; ΙΠΕΙΙΙΙΗΓΕΗ CV/tAH TAMLIHBAC to the resolute (daring?) nothing is fearful. UIEIUIHAIP- to undress. IIIEH near place, close, near. ΙΙΙΕΗ,ΕΕΡ circumference, hoop, circle. ΙΙΙΕΗ,ΕΕΡϋΕ- to put on a hoop (as clothing). UIEHTEJl 1) strong hand; 2)paw, claws of a predatory bird; 3) thorny reed. Ill Μ 1) mats of shaggy grass covering the latticed part of yurt; 2) rough shaggy grass (Lasia grostia splendens or Stipa splendens). ΙΙΙΗβΕΗ quilted gown. IIIHE cherries; cherry tree; ... AFAUIEI cherry tree, cherries. UIHE /-JlEYll EAMJIA- to tie a knot, which is difficult to untie.



U1MEJ1EHLUMEJ1EH- to be tightly tied, to entangle oneself; to get tangled up. 1UHEJIEHIC- to get tangled into knots; to become complicated. 1IIHK1 raw, uncooked, unripe, green (of fruit); undressed, raw (for example, hide), unfinished; ... TEPI rawhide (leather), skin, hide (raw); UIMKI3AT raw material. UIMKIJllK immaturity, unripeness, imperfection. II1HJ1AH purse. lllHMAil disorderly constructed lines. I1IHMAMJ1A- to draw confusedly. IUWMAMAT- to force (permit somebody) to hatch, shade, cover with drawings in a disorderly fashion. lIIMMAMJIATTblP- to force (through a person) to draw in a disorderly way. UIMPAT- to spin, to twist to find. UIHPAK see UlblPAK, LUHPAK, cheerful, lively, quick, adroit. ΙΙΙΜΡΑΚ,ΤΒΙΚ quickness, agility, cheerfulness. UIHPEK quarter. LUMT- /II1IT-, I1IH1T-/ to be wet, to be soaked, to void, to urinate. 1IIM1H aftergrass, aftermath. ΙΙΙΗΙΗΛΑ- grow over with grass. IIIMIP pasture, where the grass has been eaten; ... UIET farthest frontier. UIMIT cotton seed. IIIMKAH abscess, boil. UIMK.WJIAA- to cheep, peep (of nestlings), to squeak (of a cart). UlMKWJlflAK squeaker; ... A PEA squeaky cart. see UIOP. i- to swell. - to cause swelling. UIOflblPMAK, bump, lump, cone, kernel. U1OHHAK. lame, lame person. ΙΙΙΟίΪΗΑΗΛΑ- to limp. UIOMblH cast iron; ... EPITET1H 3ABOA smelter, iron works; ... KOPblTATblH 3ABOA cast-iron foundry; iron foundry; ... K,*flTbIH 3ABO cast-iron foundry. lIlOMblPblJl- to suffer from sciatica; to limp on both hind legs. 1UOJI- to survey, to view, to review. 1IIOJIAK, crippled, maimed, dock-tailed, short; ... ΚΕΠ1Ε alley, lane. lIIOJIAKTblK, shortness. UIOJDKAmjA- 1) to lisp (of a man with a speech defect); to pronounce incorrectly,

unclearly, several sounds; 2) to play pranks, to be naughty, to treat oneself Cto). UlOJmAK see lUOJDKblH. UIOJ15KAKTAT- to let someone be naughty. mOJDKAH, pet, favorite, spoiled (person). lUOJDKblH, lisping. [ilCX/DKblHAblK lisping. ΙΙΙΟΛΠΑΗ 1) Venus (planet); 2) woman's name; 3) dawn; ... /KYJIflbn morning star. IUOJ1TAH-UIOJ1TAH- to walk (of a small man); to move, to stir (of short man). LUOJITAHAA- to be docktailed. UlOJlTblMT- to dock a tail, to shorten. IlJOJiy review, survey, reconnoitring, exploration. 111OM- to dive. IIIOMBAJ1 1) mangle (for ironing linen); 2) fat, massive. U1OMBAJ1A- /IlIOMBY-/ to stick in the mud. UIOMbUI- to bathe (oneself), to take a bath. UIOMblJT blP- to bathe /tr./; to give a bath (to). lllOMblJlMA bathhouse, bathing-place. UlOMblJlY bathing. 11JOHAMHA agrimony (Agrimonia), burdock. )KOH)KAP 1) tall, high; 2) big shot, bigwig, boss. UlOHTAil cartridge clip, cartridge belt. 1Ι1ΟΠΑΗ shepherd, sheepfarmer, herdsman, cowboy. UJOOAHATA name of the mythical patron of sheep and goats. UJOriblJlAAT- to kiss; to give a smacking kiss. UIOP growth. IIIOPAJIA- to be lucky; to be happy; to do someone good, to be good to someone. U10PAFATAM pike. UIOPJIAH- to form (of a growth on the body). IIIOPT flatly, pointblank; ... KEC- to cut off, to chop off, to sever; ... CblH- to break into at once. UIOPTAH pike. 111OPU1- to splash (of fish); to start, to flinch, to jump up, to run up. LUOPK.AK, inexperienced, clumsy. llIOPK,AK,TbIK inexperience, clumsiness. UJOT 1) hoe (for cultivating around trees); 2) abacus; ... OPAK, a sickle for feather grass. LUOTA latticed side of a cart. 1HOTKA a brush for painting skin (leather).




ΙΙΙΟΙΙΙ- to become inflamed, to swell (of a gland). UIOlUAii- 1) to jut out, to protrude, to stick; 2) to be gathered in a cone-shaped heap; 3) to be funny, to be comical. 111OII1AHT- to put something on end, to gather something in a cone-shaped heap. UIOIIIAK, haystack, rick, pointed; ... TAG the Khokand saddle. ΙΙΙΟΙΙΙΑΚ,ΤΑ- to be restless, fidgety. mOIUAH-UIOUIAH ET- to be frivolous, extremely light-headed. UIOmAHuAT- to make frequent short movements with something; to move something often. LUOlliy- to fear, to become frightened. ΙΙΙΟΙΙΙΥΤ- to frighten. lIIOIUblH- to become frightened (unexpectedly, without cause). UIOUIblHAblP- to frighten, to cow. ΙΙΙΟΙΙΙΚ,Α /IIiyillKA/ pig, swine; ... EAKTAIIIblCbl swineherd; ... 5KAHFAK, acorn; ... eCIPY IIIAPyAIIJblJlblFbl swinebreeding; IOIIIKAHblH, A3EAHL·! pig; IlIOIIlKAHblH ΕΤΙ pork; ΙΠΟΙΠΚ,ΑHblH, KbIJIbI bristle. U1OK, 1) bush(es), brushwood, shrubbery, shrubs, grove; 2) small brush, painting brush, tassel; 3) hot coal; BIP ... FYJT bouquet of flowers; ... TAJI dense willow grove. ΙΙΙΟΚ,Α-ΊΑΚ, locality, covered with small mounds. ΙίΙΟΚ,ΑΚ,ΤΑ- to go at a gallop; to skip along. ΙΙΙΟΚ,ΠΑΡ cudgel, club (with a thick end); blackjack, arm(s), weapon(s); Β1ΡΕΥΓΕ KOJ1 ... EOJ1- to be (blind), a fool in someone's hands. UIOKJlblT shabby clothing, rags. LUOK,nbITTAJI- to be extremely worn out; to become dishevelled. ΙΙΙΟΚ,ΡΑΚ, pace, gait, light gallop. ΙΙΙΟΚ,ΡΑΚΤΜ moving at a slow gallop. UIOKTblK, withers. IIIOKV- to peck. ΙΙΙΟΚ,ΥΜΑ /UIOKblMA/ scattered scabs. ΙΠΟΚ,ΥΡ sturgeon. ΙΗΟΚ,ΙΙΙΑ bundle, bunch; ... CAKAJl pointed little beard. UIOK,bI pointed hill, knoll, peak, spire, pinnacle. llIOK,blP sturgeon. ΙΙΙΟΚ,ΒΙΤ- to go at a gallop. lIIOFblP group, mob, assemblage.

UlOFblPJlAH- to accumulate; to be gathered in a heap. UIOFblPMAK. 1) assemblage, small group; 2) crust, rind, bark. ΙΙΙΟΗ,Κ,ΑΪί- to squat, folding the hind paws under himself (an animal). mV noise. UIVAK, glitter, shine, aureole, radiance, ray of sunlight; ΚΥΗ-ΙΙΙΥΑΚ, sunny side. lliyAKTA- to bask in the sun. UiyBAT sour camel's milk. beads, necklace. camel hair; long hair from the underside of the neck and on the legs above the knees of a camel. sausage. UiyJlA- to roar, to bellow, to howl, to shout, to cry, to make a noise, to be noisy. UiyjlAT- to force to make a noise, to raise a noise, racket. - to shout. , scarf. UiyMAK, 1) sheaf, bunch, cupola; 2) couplet, stanza. UjyMAKTA- to coil a rope. lliyPAM good or greasy fat, rich piece (of meat, etc.). UiyblJI noise. UiybIJI/IA- to make a noise, to shout. - to force someone to make a noise, to cry out. UjyblJlflAK, noisy, boisterous. ΙΙΙΥΚ,ΑΗΑΚ, small mound; small hillock. IliyKAHAKTbl 3KEP hummocky place. IIlblBAP multi-colored, motley, mixed. IDblBAK, ditch. IHbIEAK,lIIbI ditch-digger. IIlblE^KblHAA- to be very anxious, worried, to fuss. IlIl>IE3KbIH,AAT- to force someone to stir; to fuss about anxiously. UlblEblH fly; UIfaIEbIH-ΙΙΙΙΡΚΕίί swarm of midges; illblEblH-UIlPKEM EOJIblH APAFA TYC- to intercede for someone; ... )KAHbI )KATbIP (he) is hardly alive; UIbIEbIH-Κ,ΥΪΪΒΗ EOJlblO ΙΙΙΑΥΕΙΠ KETTI (he) darted quickly. UlblEEIHAA- to fan off flies. UIEIEblPJlA- to swarm (with); to teem (with). ΙΙΙΕΙΕΕΙΡΤΚ,ΒΙ whip, lash. IlIblEblUI a year-old kid (goat). IIIblEblUIblK, wagtail. UlblEEIK, small twig; (long) thin switch, (long) dry branch, birch (rod).



ΙΠΒΙΕΒΙΚ,ΤΑIDblEblKJA- to whip, beat with a switch, birch rod. IIIbl A- to suffer, to endure, to undergo, to bear, sustain, stand. patience, endurance. patient, of great endurance. IIIbmAM,HbIJIbIK, tenacity, self-control, endurance, patience. IIIbI AMCbDAbIK, impatience; lack of self-control. IIIbDKEAH drawing, design. IIIblDK- 1) to bake in the sun; 2) to melt (of fat, lard, tallow); KYH UlbDKbin TYP this sun is hot. llIbDKblK, cracklings (hard chunks boiled in melted fat). IIIbDKblH diabetes. MbDKFblP- to torment, to cause pain with words; to fry, to melt (butter, fat, lard, tallow); EUfaDKFblPFAH MAM melted butter. IHbliiblPIIIblK twisted thread; OJI ... ATbin 3ΚΘΗΕΛΛΙ /fig. expr./ he took an impetuous step. IlIblMblPIIIblKJA- to spin, to whirl, to twist. fflblHblPIIIblKTAHto be twisted (of thread, cord, rope). IHblHKAH abscess, boil. IllbIJI /UIIJI/ hazel-hen. fflblJlA- to moisten. IHfaLJIAH- to be moistened. lUblJIAHmblH see UlblJlAHIIlblJl. IHblJIAHIHblJl wash-basin. inblJIAV moistening; ... C03AEP /gram./ link-work. lUblJIAVblUI outer kerchief. niWJIBblP long reins (for tethering a horse). IHblJIEblPJIbl AT a horse led by the reins. IIIblJmblPA- /lIIblJIflblPJIA-/ to ring, to jingle, to clank. niblJI blPJIA- see IlIblJIAblPA-. IHbUIflblPJIAT- to clang, to ring. IIIbUinbUmA- to tumble, fall down, to squelch /intr./. IUbIJlUlbIJl^,AT- to walk, squelching in the mud; to smack one's lips. inblJlUIblJlflAK, squelching. IlIblJIbIM (tobacco) cigarette, pipe; ... TAPTY /... ΙΙΙΕΓΥ/ smoking;... KAFACbl rice paper. UlblJlKbUmA- to splash in the mud, to squelch in the mud. lIIblJIKblJIAAT- to splash.

slightly wet (damp) place. UlblJIFH /MJIPH/ everywhere, completely, entirely, exclusively, solely. IHblM ΚΑΡΑ very black. UlblM turf; ... CA3£bI »CEP peat bog; ... TE3EK peat; ... TE3EK ΘΗΕΡ K3CIEI peat industry; ... TE3EKTI )KEP peat bog; IlIbIMAAC 3KEP sod, turf. UlblMflbl sod, turf. fflblMIII- to pinch, to nip, to nibble. IDblMIIiy pinching. IHblMUIYblP long pair of tongs, long pincers. niblM-UIblTblPblK confusion, muddle, mess. UlfalMIUblJIA- to pinch (repeatedly), to nip, to nibble. IIlblMIIIblK, goldfinch. fflblMblJmblK, curtain. IIlblMblP- to turn (around), to twist (around). fflblMblP 1) smart, sharp, pert, busy; 2) solid, strong, sturdy; ... AFAIII box-tree (Buxus). IHblMblPJIA- 1) to start to boil, to gurgle, to boil slowly; 2) to flow (of a spring); 3) to get the shivers. lIIblMblPJIAH- to produce a faint noise. IIIblH /UlblH A^AM/ honest, an honest man, real, veritable, true; IIIblHblH AMTK,bI3- to force someone to tell the truth; IHblHblHAA really, in reality. IIIblHAP plane (tree) (Platanus). UlblHAUIAK, the little finger, little toe. ΙΙΙΜΗΑΛΚ cup. IIIblHAA- to be serious. IIIbiHAblK, reality, validity, truth. !IIbIH3KbIP chain; ... BAJ1AK, bloodsucker, exploiter, parasite. lIIblHTAK, 1) little finger; 2) little toe; 3) elbow. lUblHTAKJA- to lean one's elbows (on). UlblHbl 1) glass; 2) porcelain, china; ... ΑΛΚ, cup; ... ΘΗΑΙΡΚΓΙ glass industry; UlblHblAAH ICTEJIFEH blflblC glassware. UlbIHbIK, /F/- to become tempered. IIlblHblKJblP- to temper, to strengthen. IIILIHblFV hardening, chilling, hardiness. lIIbinAHUA- to wag the tail. UlblOblJlflAT- 1) to lash, to whip, to beat; 2) to fill to the edge. nibinblPJlA- to swarm. lllblP: OF AH ... ΒΙΤΠΕΜΛΙ he didn't get well; OJI ΒΙ3ΛΙΗ IDblPblMbBflbl BY-


UlblPA3bin KETTI he shattered our gaiety; ... AMHAJ1- to rotate, to revolve; EACblH ... AMHAJI blP- to set someone's head spinning; ... KEBEJIEK AftHAJIflblPto spin a top. UlblPA- to give light, to shine. UlblPA splinter, chip, sliver. IDblPAfil look, aspect, appearance, exterior, outward (look, view, appearance), facial features. IflblPAftJlbl 1) beautiful, kind, nice; 2) sister in relation to her brother's father-in-law. UlblPAMblT- to recognize, to discern. fflblPAK, 1) candle, light, lamp; 2) heavenly body; 3) darling. IflblPAFblM my darling, my dear fellow. lublPJTA- to chirp. IQLIPMA- to tie together, to link, to wrap, to roll up, to screw up. LUblPMAJI- to get tangled (of thread, string). mblPMAJlA- to tie together, to bind, to wrap up, to turn, to roll up. mblPMAYJlblK, a bit of quicksilver /fig./. fflblPMAVblK, bindweed (Convolvulus), hop, rape. IDblPIlbl matches, chip, sliver, splinter. JUIblPT ET- to crash, to crack, to make a noise, to crackle. UlblPTblJIflA- to crack, to crackle, to chirp, to jabber, to knock, to hammer. UlblPniA spruce. IIIblPIIIblK, marsh, swamp, moor, fog. UlblPblJIAK loud. fflblPblJI^A- to shout loudly, to laugh boisterously, to chirp, to twitter, to cheep. UlblPbm AT- to force to chirp, to twitter, to cheep. UlblPblJI^AVblK, cricket (insect), chirper, twitterer. IDblPblH juice, juicy fresh (of fruit), gelatin, meat-jelly. lUblPblHAbl juicy. IllblPblUI juice, sap, fruit juice. lUblPblK, calm, tranquility, composure. IIIblPKA- to strike up a song, to start to sing loudly. IIIbIPK,bIPA- to whimper, to snivel, to complain; to ripple, to babble; to begin to yell, to cheep, to peep. lllblPFA bait, lure, enticement. IlIblPFAJI- to loiter, to linger, to be late, to delay. lllbIT chintz, calico (print), cotton print.

IlIbIT-: KAEAK, ... to knit one's brows. fflblTAK, a woman's headdress, ornamented. IIlblTPA a small silver ornament. niblTblH- to frown, to be overcast. IflblTblHA- to crack, to clap, to hit, to burst; IlIblTblHAFAH »CEP crack, split /n./. UlblTblP 1) crack, crash, crackle; 2) a kind of grass. IflblTblPJlA- to crunch, to crackle, to rustle. mblTblPJlAT- to cause a crash, crack, crackle. IDblTblPMA dense wood, thick, dense shrubbery. UlblTblPMAH thick, dense shrubbery, thicket, dense wood, complex /fig./; involved (for example) business. IIIblK, dew. UlblK, IF I- 1) to climb (up), to ascend; 2) to germinate, to sprout, to shoot; 3) to come to a head (of an abscess, festering sore); 4) to dislocate, to sprain; 5) to overtake, to catch, to surprise; 6) to project, to jut out; 7) to advance, to perform; 8) to go out, to alight, to appear; AJlbin ... to take out, to drag out; AFblFI ... to have its source; JKVJIbUl ... to draw out, to drag out, to pull out; YCTIHEH ... to surprise; 3KOJIPA fflblFV departure. IIIbIFA KEJI- /fig./ to spring from nowhere. ΙΙΙΜΚ,ΤΑ- to drizzle. IIIbIK,TbI- to be moist, to be damp. IHblKrlllblJIAy precipitation. IflbIK,UIbIT cheekbone; mammiform appendix of the temporal bone; ... BE3I parotid (gland). UIbIK,bIJIbIK,TA- to scream, to chirp, to chatter. IHbIK,bIP,flA- to creak (of a cart); to squeak (of a cart). IHbIK,bIPJIA- to gnash one's teeth, to crunch, to crackle. UIbIK,bIPJIAT- to cause grinding of teeth, crackling, crunching. UIbIK,K,AHbI private. IIIblH 1) ringing; 2) cliff, summit (of a mountain); 3) /fig./ summit. IIIblHrPAY KYflblK, a deep well, an artesian well. - to sharpen (a scythe). >KEP rocky country. see UlbimblPAV. clank, clang, tinkling. - /IIIbIH,K,bIJlAA-/ to produce


IIlblfiblPAY a ringing; to tinkle, to clank, to ring in the ears. IIIblHblPAV /UlblBPAV/ deep well, precipice, abyss. - see - to scream loudly, to shriek loudly. UlblFAHAK gulf, bay; ... CYMEK ulna bone. mblFAP probably. IIIblFAP- 1) to publish; to proclaim; 2) to eliminate, to exclude; 3) to waste, to spend, to expend; to exhale; 4) to carry away; 5) to compose, to write, to invent, to tell stories; 6) to discharge, to dismiss, to space; 7) to let out, to set free, to emit; 8) to turn out, to evict; 9) to take out, to pull out, to extract, to steal; 10) to force to climb up, to force to ascend; 11) to lead out, to force to leave; /JAflPJIAn ... to turn out, to graduate /trans./, to prepare for life (of students, etc.); ECEI1TEH ... to strike off the list; Κ,ΑΡΑΡ ... to make a decision. UIHFAPMA work, labor (industry, production), composition, work. IflfalFAPT- to force to lead out, to order to lead out. UlblFblMAbUlblK, productivity, crop capacity. IDblFAPyillbl author, compiler, writer. IflblFAPblHabl deduction. HlblFblM 1) harvest (good) crop; 2) a strong brew (of tea). fflblFblMflbl 1) good year (for crops); 2) germinable; 3) strong (of tea). mblFBIMAblJlBIK strength, richness of tea, broth, etc. IIIblFblH expenses, expenditure, loss. fflblFblHOAH- to spend (a great deal of money), to spend all one has. UlblFblH/Jbl unprofitable, detrimental. IIIblFblHAblH- to incur loss. IIIblFLIP 1) windlass (construction for irrigating fields, consisting of a pump, or a bucket and crank), large iron disk with a groove, adjustable for the lifting of water from a well). UlblFblPIIIblK hoop, ring (iron). IDblFblC 1) the East; 2) exit, outlet, issue; 3) rising, outcome, result, expenditure; ... EJI/JEPI Eastern nations. fflbIFbIH,K,bI »CEP jut; projection. ΠΙΥΒΑ doubt, suspicion. IUYBAJIAH- to doubt, to suspect.

lIIYBAJlbl doubtful, suspicious. ΙΠΥΒΕΡΕΚ a rag, clothes, milksop; ... BEJ1BEV sash, girdle. ΠΙΥΓΕΡ splinter, squabbler. ΙΙΙΥΜΓΙΗ juicy, sappy, rich. ΠΙΥΜΑΕ 1) butt of an axe; 2) neck fat from an animal. 1I1YMKE lock of hair, tuft of hair, woolen tow. 1HYMIJ1- to dart downward (for example, of a hunting bird); to dive, to swoop. UlYfilP- to lift up, to break, to bully. IITYfilPKEJIEC- to carry on an intimate conversation. UIYHYHUIYJIO- to bring good news. ΙΠΥΜΥΗΙΠΥ-ΊΘΤ- to send good news. U1YJIEK the spout of a tea-pot. ΙΠΥΜΕΚ 1) tap, faucet; 2) spout of a container. U1YMEHAE- /ΙΙΙΥΜΘΗΑΕ-/ to be tired, to be weary. Ι1ΙΥΜΘΗΑΕ- see UIYMEHflE-. ΠΙΥΡΕΓΕΪΪ teal; UIYPIFEM ΥίΪΡΕΚ teal. ΙΠΥΤΕ /ΙΠΥΤΘ/ snipe. UIYHIPEK hollow, sunken. Π1ΥΥ- to wind around /v.tr./. UIYBA- to walk single file. fflYEAJl earthworm. IUYEAJI- to drag, trail /intr./ along the ground; to move in file; to run (after). IHYEAJIAH, sluggish, inert, unenergetic (of a man); long (of clothing), long, tiresome (of speech). IIIYEAJ1AHAA- to move sluggishly, without energy, to drag, to be dragged. inYEAJlAHOAT- to make something long. IIIYBAJIT- to make something long, to drag something behind oneself; to drag along the ground; to speak tiresomely. IIIYBAP pitted, speckled, pocked, pockmarked; ... TBIII1K.AH chipmunk. IIIYBAPJIAH- to appear many-colored; to be gayly colored; to become motley, gay, many-colored. IIIYEAPT- to speak much. IIIYEAT kumiss, made from camel's milk. IIIYBAT- to drag on the ground; to cause one to follow another. IIIYBATblJl- 1) to follow one another; 2) to be dragged along the ground. IIIYBYPT- to lie, to tell a lie. lUYEblP- 1) to put one behind the other (single file); 2) to talk unceasingly. IIIYEblPblHAbI vagrant, restless, unjustly forced to go (walk). U1YAA )ΚΪΠ a thread made of camel's wool.




IHYJIblK stocking. UJYJIK, If I- to shake its head (of an animal); to nod (of a man). 1IIYJIFAH- to wrap up the legs in footcloths. UIYJIFAV strips of cloth worn instead of stockings. ΙΠΥΜ,Π,ΗΚ, crime. ΙΠΥΗΑΚ, without ears. UI¥HAK,AM hypocrite, cheat, swindler. 11IYHTM- to have its tail docked (of horses, etc.); to be made short; to become scanty. IIIYHTHT- to shorten, to cut off. IIIVPA- to winnow grain. UIVPAM better part of something. IlIYPAMJIbl the best, fertile, fecund; ACA ... 2KEPHEP highly fertile land. UIYPblJl A- to grumble, to rumble. ΠΙΥΡΚ,ΒΙΡΑ- to begin to neigh at the sight of the foal (of a mare); to begin to neigh when danger presents itself (of a horse). 11IYK,- to peck, to bite. 1HYKAHAK, hummock-covered. ΙΙΙΥΚ,Υ- to rummage (in), to dawdle, to peck, to pick, to tinker. IflYKJIIblH- to fix one's eyes on something; to persistently strive to do something. UI¥K,l>IH- to busy oneself with something; investigating, delving into the details. ΙΠΥΚ,ΜΡ /luYHKblP/ washout, erosion, bog, pit, hole, hollow, cavity, depression, foundation pit, rainwater reservoir. UIYK,bIPJIA- to make a pit, hole, depression. IIIYHKBIP see IIIYKblP. IIIYIiKblPJIA- see UIYK,bIPJlA-. fflYHFblJI deep. IIIYFA cloth, woolen fabric; ... BACATblH )KEP fullery, fulling mill, plant for fulling cloth; ... ΦΑΕΡΗΚΑΟΒΙ cloth manufacturing plant. lUYFblJl suddenly, hastily, quickly. lUYFblJl AH- to busy oneself with something; to concentrate on something; to study something. ΙΠΘΕΕΡΕ great-grandson, great-granddaughter. ΙΙΙΘΓΈΡ- to force to lie (down); to kneel (of a camel). UlQriP splinter. ΠΙΘ)ΚΕ chicken, chick. Ι1ΙΘΚ /Γ/- 1) to sit down, to settle, to sink; 2) to kneel (of a camel). ΙΙΙΘΛ 1) desert, steppe, plain, without water, waterless; 2) cataract, wall-eye; 3) thirst.

-/ to thirst, to crave. - to cause hunger. a strong desire to drink.

see iiie/WE-.

waterless area, semi-desert. ΙΠΘΛΕΜΤΤΕΥ a steppe with little water. nieJIMEK bottle, vial, glass, pot; ... TAK,ΤΑίϊΙΠΑ tile. 11ΙΘΛΠΕΚ flat cake or fritter. I0JIYPKE- to thirst, to crave. ΠΙΘΜΕΗ- to bend, to stoop, to cower. ΙΙΙΘΜΕΙΙΕ shock (of wheat, etc.), rick (of hay). ΙΙΙΘΜΕΙΙΕΙΙΕ- to pile in shocks, to pile in ricks. 1ΠΘΜΕΗ loose-hanging. ΓΙΙΘΜΙΙΙΙ ladle, scoop. ΙΠΘΜΙΙΠΤΕ- to ladle out. ΉΘΠ grass, hay; ... 3KEP meadow; ... CYPJIEMTIH III¥K,bIP silo; ... ΙΠΑΒΑTblH MAIIIHHA mowing machine. ΠΙΘΠ-IUAJIAM debris, rubbish. Ι1ΙΘΠΙΠΕΚ dry branches, brushwood. ΙΠΘΙΠΙΗΠΙΕ tussore (silk). ΠΙΙΓΕΡ ΚΘ3 blue-eyed. IHIflEP 1) hobble, chains, fetters; 2) tripod. miflEPJIE- to hobble (a horse). IIIIKI MAM fat, tallow. ΙΙΗΚΙΡΕΪΪ- 1) to be a dandy, to show off, to flaunt; 2) to plume oneself. UIIJI white partridge, willow-ptarmigan, hazelhen. I1IIJ1BH- to become lean. IlIIJl^E 40 hottest summer days; June. IUIJIEK mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia). UIIPKIH (word used for expressing satisfaction, pleasure); used iron (fig. 1), excellent, wonderful, marvellous, (you) poor thing. IlllPy rotting, putrefaction. IIIIPIK rotten, putrefied, rotten stuff, mould. IIIIPIH juice, sap. 1IIIPIT- to let rot. UIIP9H- to stretch one's legs; to be idle, to do nothing. IIIIJIMH hip strap and breeching in Russian harness. IIIIJ1TE blame, reproach, censure. 1I1IJITE- to reprove, to rebuke, to reproach. IIIIJ1TEP 1) lace; 2) wick (of a kerosene lamp). UIIJTT9JI9- to make a remark, to reprimand /v.tr./. UIIJ1IK reed, rush.



ΠΠΜΙΡΚΕΗΠΠΜΙΡΚΕΗ- to shudder, to get irritated. ΠΠΜΙΡΚΕΗΥΠίυΐΙΚ irritability. ΠΠΗ3ΚΙΡ chain. ΠΠΡΑΚ candle. ΠΠΡΕΗ- 1) to sprawl (stretching out one's leg); 2) to plume oneself, to put on airs. ΠΠΡΚΕΪ! plant louse, aphid, midge, gnat. miPEKV church. ΠΙΙΡΙ- to rot, to decay. miHrEJI Siberian (yellow) acacia (Caragana arborescens). ΙΠΙΗΚυίβΕ- 1) to speak in a thin, squeaky, voice; 2) to neigh (of a foal).

ΙΠθίΪΗΕ teapot; ΙΠθΡΪΗΕΚΤΙΗ ΙΠΥΜΕΓΙ the spout of the teapot. UI9K /fflEK/ doubt. ΠΙ3ΚΙΡΤ student of a Moslim ecclesiastical school; successor, disciple. inSJIKEM-mAJIIjIC skirmish, collision, conflict. III9JITH- to hang around (of a man). - to bark incessantly. - to tease a dog. town.


L·! bIEbIP-)KbIbbIP confused, irregular movement; ... ET- to romp, to be busy, to fuss. blEblP-CblEblP whisper, quiet conversation. blflPA- to go to pieces, to scatter, to spill; to divide into, to get divided. blflblPA- to disperse (ink), to get scattered, to dissipate; OJIAP blflblPAII ΤΑΡΑΠ KETTI They dispersed in various directions. disintegrate, vessel, plates and dishes, kitchen utensils. bI3KEblC- to quarrel, to swear, to swear at one another, to argue. bDKflAFAT endeavor, effort. bDKJIAFATTAH- to endeavor, to try. blHC AFATTbl assiduous, diligent. bI3- to sew. bI3A 1) vexation, disappointment, offence, wrong, anger, spite, bitterness; 2) subsoil water. bI3AJIAH- to be vexed, annoyed; to bemoan (something), to get angry (with someone). bI3AJlAHflbIP- to tease, to make (someone) angry, to anger. bI3AK,OP touchy, quick to take offense, irritable. bI3EA narrow ribbon, sewed with a thread of twisted wool (belonging to yourta), ribbon for braiding the hair, woven of colored silk twisted thread. M3EbIPAft harness. bI3bIJl- to sew together, to be interlaced, to interlace /intr./, to be sewed together. bBblJI^A- to whistle, to sing, to whine, to buzz, to hum, to drone. bI3b!H whistle, singing, whine, buzz, hum; whispering expression of dissatisfaction on the quiet. bI3bIHaA- see bI3b!JIAA-. bI3FAP 1) stem appearance, severity; 2) piercing cold. bI3FAPJIAH- to become terrible, to inspire fear.

bBFAPJlbl 1) terrible, fierce, fearful, dreadful (of a man); 2) frosty. bI3FAPCbI3 AflA M man with gentle character. bI3FAPCH3 )KEJI light (non-piercing) wind. bIHblK, shoulder. bIJl- to hang, to hang up, to suspend. bIJIA5KCbI3 desperate, hopeless. bLJIAfl silt, slime, muddy, turbid, cloudy, dull; ... CV muddy water; MJIAftMEH ΕΜΑΚΪΪΤΙΗ OPblH mud-baths; blJIAftMEH ΚΜ,ΖΪΕΥ treatment with mudbaths. bIJlAC dirty. blJIAY cart; ... UlblFA-TVFyH )KEP mail station. bIJlAK, kid (goat). epidemic, pestilence. depression, valley, low place, slope. blJI/JblflJIA- to come down, to lower, to sink, to descend. bIJmbIM-)KbIJmi>IM adroit, agile, nimble. WJ1TAH sole. bIJIblH- to hang, to be hanging. bIJIFbl ΚΑΡΑ jet black. WJIFblU constantly, always, one, exclusively. bIJIFAJI moisture, wet, damp, humid. bJJIFAJI^bl wet, humid, moist, damp; APTblK, ... 3KEPJIEPI ΚΕΠ EOJIATblH AVTJAtmAP areas of too much moistening. bIM 1) sign, symbol, signal; 2) mimicry; ... KAK, /F/- to signal, give the signal, to wink (at). blM^A- to give a signal by mimicry, to wink (at). bIMblPA concessions, conciliation, reconciliation; bIMblPAFA KEH- to come to a reconciliation. bIHAblK, 1) quiet, gentle, not bold or courageous; 2) untractable. blHCAFI small satisfaction. bIHCAnCb!3 grasping, unsatisfied, greedy. bIHCAnCbI3flbIK, greediness, avidity, lack of self-control. blHCAnTbl 1) abstinent, temperate, frugal;



bIHTA 2) modest, unpretentious. bIHTA diligence, industry, zeal, initiative, passion for something; ... Κ,ΟΪΪ- to become interested (in); ... Κ,ΟΗΗΠ OK,- to study zealously. blHTAJIAH- to seek, to strive, to show initiative, zeal. bIHTAJIbl full of initiative, having a passion for something. bIHTbI3AP 1) thirst, craving, impatient expectation, passion (for something); 2) tense, condition, state. bIHTblMAK, consent, concord, unity, unanimity, collaboration; ... 5KACA- to come to an agreement, to arrange things. bIHTblMAKJAC- to collaborate, to come to an agreement and to conclude an alliance. bIHTblMAKTACTblK, collaboration. blHTblMAKmblJI- to strive for unity, concord. bIHTblK, If I- to be short of breath, to breathe with difficulty. bIHTblK, passion, strong desire to possess something; ... EOJ1- to have a strong desire, passion. bIPAEAT ruins. bIPAC /PAC/ truth. blPAH-TblPAH; EOJl· to be in bliss; to feel free. bIPEAK, 1IIAHA sled, sledge. bIPSCAHbIPHCAH, ET- to laugh stupidly, to make faces. ΜΡίΚΑΗΛΑ- to laugh stupidly (showing one's teeth), to scoff, banter. bIP)KbIH- 1) to gape (of a wound); 2) to grin; 3) /fig./ to lose everything; bIP)KbIHbin KYJ1- to grin from ear to ear. bIP3KbIHT- to show (bare) one's teeth. bIP3A see PA3bI MP3AJIAC- see PH3AJIAC-. bIP3AJIbIK see PH3AJlbIK, bIPC-bIPC-ET- see blPCblJl^A-. bIPCblH- see blP^CblM-, bIPCblJl panting, breathing with difficulty. blPCblJI^A- to be out of breath; to pant. bIPllI- to jump; 111ΕΠΡΤΚΕ blPMblO TYCTI the dragon-fly jumped upward; ΚΘ3ΙΗΕΗ 5KAC blPnifain-blPYbin KETTI tears gushed from the eyes. blPblJl AC- (scornfully) to quarrel, to argue, to grumble, to growl (of a dog), to snarl, to belch. bIPbIM belief in omens, superstition;

bIPbIMblH ET- /fig./ to observe the duty of courtesy (according to custom). bIPbIM- to undertake something, for example, to give something in meagre quantity. bIPbIM-)KbIPbIM rags. blPblMUIblJl 1) superstitious; believing in omens; 2) /fig./ observing tradition (for propriety's sake). bIPblMIIIblK, curds (boiled fermented milk). bIPbIC fate, lot, happiness, best, good fortune; CEHIH blPblCWH EAP-AV EftMIH! you are lucky! blPblCTbl successful, happy, fortunate, lucky. blPblK, will, liberty; EVJI 1C MEHIH blPKblM A EMEC the affair is out of my hands. b]PbIK,CbE3 unwillingly, under compulsion; ... EPIC /gram./ passive voice. bIPblKJbl free (in choice). blPblH-aCblPblli lack of coordinates, disorganization, trouble, long-drawn-out proceedings; ... EOJIV lack of agreement, harmony, concord. bIPK, If I- to sit down (on a horse); blPK,blHA 5KIEEP- to leave something to someone's discretion; ΑΤΚ,Α blPFbin MIHfll to jump on a horse. bIPFA- to rock, to pump, to move something first to one side, then to the other; to swing. bIPFAM honeysuckle (Lonicera); MOftHbl blPFAii^An he has a neck like honeysuckle (slender). bIPFAJl- to rock, swing oneself, to move oneself; to move /intr./, now to one side, now to the other, now forward, now backward. bIPFAK, 1) rhythm; 2) hook, harpoon; ... ΠΙΑΗΑ departing sledge. blPFAKJA- to hook; blPFAKTAFI )KVJlto pull out with a hook. bIPFbl- to jump, to jump up, to gallop. bIC root, lampblack, smoke, fume; ... CAJ1 /ICTA/- to fumigate; ΥΜΓΕ ... CAJI- to fumigate a house (for purpose of disinfection); ... EOJI- to be covered with a yellow film (from smoke); to be smoked. bIC- to get warm (for example, water); to become hot. blCMOJlA tar, pit. blCriAT proof, evidence, agreement; demonstration. blCOATTA- to prove, to demonstrate, to argue, to confirm. blCFIATTAJl- to be corroborated.


blCIlATTblJlMAFAH blCnATTblJIMAFAH unproved. blCPAIl loss, needless expenditure, squandering; ... EOJ1- to be wasted; ... )KACA- to squander, to spend (something) to no purpose. bICCbl hot; ... TYCKEH E when the hot season comes. bICCblJIA- to get soft, to stew, to be stewed thoroughly. bICTA- to smoke /tran./, to fumigate. bICTAJI- to smoke /intr./, to become covered with soot, to be fumigated. bICTAHCA station. biCTATblfl article (of law). bICTblK, see blCCbl. bICTbIK, 3KEJ1 dry wind. bICTblKJA- see blCCblJlA-. blCTblKJblK, heat. bICIIIbl knowing how to work smoked skins (from which leather dishes are made). bICbl- to become hot. bICblJl- 1) to acquire a habit; 2) /fig./ to grow thin; ΚΕΠΤΙ ΚΕΡΙΠ blCEblJIFAH A^AM a man who has seen much; an old hand. blCblJl^A- to hiss (for example, a snake); to emit a whistling noise (while breathing); to breathe with difficulty; to be short of breath. bICblP- to move /tran./, to press, crowd, to rake out, to clean out, to row. blCblPblJIblC- to crowd /intr./, to cluster, to be squeezed; EKI KICI falCblPblJlblCCA, BIP KICIKE OPblH BAP (if two crowd one another, to one there will be a place), about a necessity to give help to one another. bICbIT- to warm (up), to heat. bICKAAK, smart dealer, unscrupulous; ... AflAM unscrupulous man. blCK,b!JIA- to rub, to massage (the body). bICKblH color of the face. bICK,bIP- to whistle, to ring, to whine. blCKWPblK whistle. bITK,bI- to come out in a great gush; to dash away, to gallop at full speed. bllllKAP wardrobe, bookcase. bllUTAH trousers. bllUKblH- to be in an agonizing condition. bIK, leeside; sheltered place (for bad weather). blK, If I- 1) to go downwind (escaping from bad weather); to escape from bad weather; 2) /fig./ to step back, to retreat, to give up one's position under pressure.

blKJlAJl assimilation, influence; bIK,IIAJIbI TM- to influence; ΚΕΗΙΗΛΙ ... regressive assimilation; IJirEPIHZU ... /gram./ progressive assimilation. bIK,nAJI,HBI influential; having a large influence. bIK,TA- to seek shelter (from bad weather); to move /intr./ windward (in the direction of the wind during a snowstorm - of cattle); to turn away from the wind; /fig./ to lean on someone. bIK,TACbIH see blKJblH. bIK,Tb!MAJI possible. BIKJHMAJIABIK, TEOPHflCbl theory of probability. bIK,TbIH protected (from bad weather) place, shelter. bIKJblPMA special shelter on the open field for the protection of cattle during a snowstorm (small poles are driven into the ground, from which felted material is hung). bIKTblflP wish, will, desire; Θ3 blKJblflPblMEH of one's own free will; ... EEPto give vent (to something). blKJblflPJIbl free, unrestricted. ΗΚ,ΙΠΑΜ 1) portable, comfortable, convenient, opportune; 2) short. ΜΚ,ΙΠΑΜΑΑ- to abridge (for example, text) to shorten (clothing). bIK,bIJIAC attention; bIKbIJIACbl TYC- to look attentively (at); ... Κ,ΟΪΙ- to fix (one's) attention. bIK,bIJIACTAH- to have a desire, to feel (a wish). blKblJlACTbl attentive, diligent, industrious, favorable. bIK,bIJIACTbIJIbIK, benevolence, favor, zeal, diligence. bIK,bIJlBIK, hiccup; ... AT- 1) to hiccup; 2) to be in agony. bIK,bIK hiccup. b!H-)KbIH many voices, noise, discordant singing, polyphony; ... BOJI- to make noise by the use of many noises - polyphony. bIHblPAH- 1) to moan, to sigh, to groan; 2) /fig./ to stretch lazily. bIHblPC- see bIHblPAH-. bIHblPIIIAK, 1) packsaddle; 2) saddlestrap. bIH.K,bIJI groan, moan; ... CblUKBIJl diseased condition of the feet. - to moan, to groan. 1) comfort, convenience, opportunity; 2) direction. biHFAfiJlAH- to be adapted, adjusted (to);




to be directed towards a favorable end; blHFAfiJIAHZlbl a favorable direction was given to the affair. blUFAftJIbl comfortable, convenient, adaptable, accommodating. bIHFAflCbI3 inconvenient, uncomfortable, unadaptable, unaccommodating. blUFAftCbBAblK, discomfort, inconvenience, ^inadaptability. blFAft-CblFAM the selected ones. bIFbl-HCblFbl EOJ1- to fuss, hustle, to be in disorderly motion.

MFblH-llIblFblH expenses, costs. departure, deviations; ΕΜβΑίί departure of the wheat which goes away in the direction of the wind. blFblP annoyance, irksomeness; ... BOJ1- to evade, to shun; ... K,t>IJl- to pester, to bother, to bore. bIFbIC- 1) to more, to shift, to step aside, to avoid; 2) /fig./ to be timid, to quail, to step back, to retreat; blFblCblFI OTblPto crowd /intr./, to be squeezed. bIFblCTblP- to move /tran./, to shift.


3BAKVAUHfl evacuation. 3BAKVAIJIi JIAH- to evacuate. 3BAKyAUHflJIAHFAH evacuee. 3BOJIIOLIH evolution. SBOJUOUH-HJIblK, evolutional. 3ΓΟΗ3Μ selfishness, egoism. 3FOHCT egoist. 3rOHCTIK selfish, egoistical. 3KBATOP equator. 3ΚΜΠΑ3Κ 1) carriage; 2) crew. 3KOHOMH3M economism. 3KOHOMMKA economics, economic structure. 3KOHOMMKAJ1WK, economic; ... ΕΑΪίJIAHLIC economic connection. 3KOHOMHH economy; CAflCM ... political economy; ... 5KACA- to economize. SKOHOMH-HJlbl economical, thrifty. 3KOHOMHHCBI3 uneconomical, extravagant. 3KPAH screen. 3KCKABATOP excavator. 3KCnAHCHfl expansion. SKCnEAMUHA expedition, dispatch office. 3KCnEPHMEHT experiment. 3KCnEPT expert. 3Κ€ΠΟΗΑΤ exhibit. 3KCnOPT export. 3Κ€ΠΡΟΠΡΜΑυ,ΜΛ expropriation.

3KCnPOnPMAUM^JlA- to expropriate, to dispossess. SKCnPOnPHAUHflJIAVH- to be expropriated. 3KCTEHCHBTIKextensive;... EriHUIIJTIK extensive agriculture. 3KCTEPH student allowed to take examination without regularly attending school. 3J1EBATOP elevator. 3J1EKTP electricity; ... IUAM electric lamp. 3JIEKTPJIEHAIPV electrification; ΘΗ^ΙPICTI ... electrification of production. 3J1EKTPOCTAHUMJI electric power station. 3J1EKTIP aCAPLIFbl electric light /local S/. 3JIEKTIP JlAMOACbl electric lamp, light /local S/. 3JIEMEHT element. 3MBJ1EMA emblem. 3MHJIH pocketbook, leather case, purse /local S/. 3MOUH^JIbI emotion. 3CKAAPA squadron. 3CKA^POH squadron. 3TA EPKA bookstand, what-not. 3THKET etiquette. 3ΤΜΜΟΛΟΓΜΛ etymology. 3HIEJIOH 1) line, wave, echelon; 2) train. 3ΦΜΡ other.


Λ or. flCJIM ΛΚΗ or. JIKOPL· anchor, armature. ΛΗΒΑΡΒ January.

day nursery, creche. ΛΡΗΜ that is. ΛΗΥ/^Η Jew, Hebrew /local S/. ΛΗΥ^ΗΛΙΚ Judaism /local S/.


I IEJ1IC 1) tempter, debaucher, seducer; 2) /rel./ devil. DKAIhAT Κ,ΜΛΥ zeal, diligence. 13- to sew. 13 trace, footprints, tracks; I3IHUIE by fresh tracks; I3IH ΟΥΕιΤΠΑΗ I3£E KEPEK it is necessary to look along the fresh (hot) tracks; OJIAP Ι3ΓΈ TYCTI they came across the trail (track); I3IH 2CACLIP- to notice tracks, to conceal, keep something in secret; 13IH EAC- to follow someone; EIPEVfllH, 13IHE TYC- to persecute someone; to pursue someone. 13BEC lime, calx; ... TAC limestone. Ι3Γ1 see Ε3ΓΙ. Ι3Π.Ε- to look for, to seek; CEHI ISffEYWl EOJlAbl MA? Who believed about you? 13ΑΕΓΕΗΓΕ-€¥ΡΑΡΑΗ two boots are a pair. 13.HEH- 1) to fumble (in, about); to rummage (in, about); to look for, to search for; 2) to solicit (for), to petition (for), to trouble about something. ]3,flEHyiIII 1) agent, solicitor, intercessor; 2) a man striving for something, searcher, seeker. \3ffECTlP- to take measures in a search for something; to give aid to someone in a search. Ι3ΑΕΥ1ΠΙ seeker, searcher; AH Ι3βΕΥIUIJIEP hunters for (wild) beasts. I3CI3 traceless, without a trace; I3CI3TYCCI3 nothing has been heard of. 13Π1Ι pathfinder, a man who knows how to distinguish, recognize cattle by their tracks (by their hoofprints). ΙΛ- 1) to hand, to weigh, to hook, to catch; 2) to be polite; ΙΛΙΠ Κ,ΟΪΪ- to hang, to weigh; ΚΘ3ΓΕ ... to notice.; ΙΛΙΠ ΑΛΙ ο catch up; to snatch; to pick up; OJT MEHIH C03IMAI Ι.ΠΙΠ ΑΛΑ Κ,ΟΪΪ,Π,ΕΙ he immediately picked up my words. ΙΛΓΕΚ clasp, buckle, hasp, button fastening.

ΙΛΓΕΚΤΕ- to do up, to button up, to hook up, to buckle, to catch. ΙΛΓΕΚΤΕΗ- to be done up, to be buttoned up, to be hooked up. 1ΛΓΕΡΓΙ front, anterior, located in front, forward, previous, former, ancient; ... 3ΑΜΑΗΠ.Α in ancient times. ΙΛΓΕΡΙ- ahead; to (go etc.) ahead — to improve /fig./ to improve, /intr./ to be successful. ΙΛΓΕΡ1 in front (of), before; ... BAC- to go forward;... KET- to succeed, to prosper; EIPEVAEH ..., BIPEVAEH KEMIH better than some, worse than others; ΙΛΓΕΡΙΡΕΚ OTbIPbIHbI3 sit-down closer (to the place of honor); EI3flIH ATTAPbIMbI3 ΟΛΑΡAIKIHEH 9ΛΑΕ ΚΑΗβΑ ... our horses are much better than their horses. ΙΛΓΕΡΙβΕΗ since olden times. 1ΛΓΕΡΙΛΕΤ- to increase, to improve, to push, to move forward. ΙΛΓΕΡΙΛΙ ΒΙΚ,ΠΑΛ /ling./ progressive assimilation. Ι.ΓΙΓΕΡΙΛΙΚ movement forward progress. ΙΛΓΕΠΙΕΚ catch, peg, hitch, lugger. ΙΛΓΕΓΙΙΕΚΤΕ- to hook. ΙΛΓΙ3- see ΙΛΠ,ΙΡ-. ΙΛΓΙΡ tenacious; catching (of a hunter of birds). ΙΛΓΙΙΙΙ peg, rack, stand, hanger, catch, hook. ΙΛΑΜΡ- to hang, to hang up, suspend. ΙΛΕ-€ΑΛΑ immediately. ΙΛΕ-ΜΑΛΑ immediately, by fresh tracks. ΙΛΕΟ- to follow somebody closely, to take aim; ΥΛΚΕΗΑΕΡΓΕ ΙΛΕΟΠ ΚΕΤΤΙΚ we followed the elders; ΟΛ MAFAH ΙΛΕΟΕ ΑΛΜΑ,Π,Μ he didn't have time to follow me; OHblH, }ΚΑ3ΥΜΗΑ ΚΘ3 ΙΛΕ€ΠΕίϊΠ,Ι he writes very fast (there is no time to follow with the eyes); M¥H/JA ΚΟΛΧΟ3ΙΙΙΜΛΑΡΑΙ>ΙΗ APEACLIHA IJIECIU ΚΕΛΑΙΜ but (he) came here on the cart of the collective farmers; ATblH




EKEH, ΒΙ3ΛΙ IJIECTIPETIR EMEC your horse is a trotter; it's no use for us to run after you. IJ1ME see IJTMEK. IJIMEK loop, buttonhole, stitch, hinge, hook, boathook, gaff. IJ1MEKTE- see IJIFEKTE-. IJIMEJIE- to couple, fasten loops. IJin IE/- to move /intr./, just a tiny bit, to go at the slowest possible rate. IJITMIIAT attention, benevolence, goodwill, courtesy, kindness. IJ1V a gift, presented by fiance to the relatives of the bride or by the bride to the relatives of the fiance. IJIVflE EIPEY now and then. IJ1VJ1I: KMIM ... TYP the clothing is hanging. IJ1IK IT I- 1) to fall one's lot, to find oneself, to let oneself (do something), to find time (for); 2) to have time to find, to succeed in finding; K.OJ1BIMA IJIIKIIEM KETKEHIH KAPAIIIBI It's a shame that he didn't fall into my hands. IJ1IK 1) cavil, captious, objection, accusation, reproach (undeserved); 2) tie, connection, family tie; TEK ... AY APFBICBI KEJIin OTBIP He only wants to shift the blame to others; ... 5KAJ1FAY /gram./ ending of the genitive case. IJIIKTECTIK mutual tie. IJIIKTIP- 1) to couple, to hook, to catch; 2) to catch. IJlIKTIPnill tenacious. IJI1M studies, teaching. IJ1IM3CIJIIM rags.

IJ1IH- to catch (on) /intr./, to hang /intr./; KOJIBIHA DKAEME IJIIHEEM 5KYPAV he is unlucky; AYM3FA ... to earn for oneself authority; €Θ3ΓΕ ... to be the subject of conversation. 1JIIHIC- to be coupled, to catch (on), /intr./ to get entangled, to get confused; BIPEYMEH IJIIHICnEff 5KAfiHHA 5KYP don't become attached (to another). ΙΗ den, haunt, lair, burrow, hole; IHIHE CY K,YflBIJIAbI /lit./ (his burrow is flooded with water); he has no place to go. IH^ET epidemic disease, epizootic pestilence, plague. ΙΗΛΕΤ- to trace (a wild animal). IH3K- see ΛΗΑ-. IH5KY pearl. IHI younger brother.

ΓΗΙΙ1ΙΕΚ (term of endearment), brother, little brother. ICCI3AIK idleness, slothfulness. IP pus, matter. IP- to deteriorate, to rot, to decompose, to disintegrate, to break down, to turn sour; ΙΡΙΠ-ΠΙΙΡ- to rot, to putrefy. 1ΡΓΕ 1) foundation; 2) lower part of the lattice of the yurt; 3) by, near; ... KHI3 narrow detached felting for covering the lower part of the lattice of the yurt (of the outside); ΙΡΓΕΗ/U AYJIAK, CAJ1 /lit./ (make your home a little farther away from us), I don't want to have anything in common with you. IPFEJII fundamental, capital, strong, powerful (of a people). ΙΡΓΕΛΙΚ see ΙΡΓΕ ΚΜΙ3. IPE- to cut, to skin (an animal); IPEHCOM/fig./ to criticize severely. 1PK- 1) to detain, to retard, to delay; 2) to refrain from something; ΚΑΡΑΒΙ ... to economize means; TYME EVftflACBIH 1PIKKEH 5KOK the camel was led by the bridle (without delay). IPKIJI- 1) to pause; to be suspended; to be halted; 2) to prick oneself, to gather, to flow together in one place (for example, water); 3) to feel shy, to stand on ceremony, to be ashamed; OJI CG3IH IPKIJIMEM ΑΪίΤΤΒΙ he spoke his mind, without hesitation. ΙΡΚΙΛΑΕ- to be friable, to be loose, to be thin, delicate; OJI ΙΡΚΙ.ΠΛΕΠ AT HCYPE AJIMAflBI this fat man (grown very fat) could not ride horseback; IPKIJlflEK friable, loose, thin, delicate, quag, quagmire. IPKIJIAET- to shake (of a wineskin, filled with kumiss). IPKIHfll CY water, which has flowed together. 1PKIC fold or tuck, formed on the material when sewing; uneven spots, formed by an unskilful twist of the thread; cord, lasso. IPKICTEH- to be formed (of folds, tucks of material). 1PKICIH see IPK1C. IPKIT fermented sour milk, from which Κ,ΥΡΤ is brewed. IPMEK CYT curdled milk. IPI large, large-scale, great, major; IPIJIEY larger; IPIPEK larger;... BAJIBIK, salmon; ... CAV A wholesale trade; ... CAY£AΓΕΡ wholesale dealer; ... Κ,ΑΡΑ MAJI



ΙΡΙΚcattle; ... HAIPIC OPHW factory. 1PIK- 1) to become frightened; 2) to stop. IPIKTE- to sort, to choose. IPIJ1E- to enlarge, to make large; YCAK, ΑΚ,ΠΙΑΗΜ ... to exchange for larger denominations (of money). IPIJ1EH- 1) to become large, to consolidate; 2) to become proud, to get conceited (to turn up one's nose). IPIJIEHflIP- to enlarge. IPIJIEHfllPY enlarging (on). IP1J1EY /math./ conversion, transformation. ΙΡΙΜΠΙΙΚ curds, cottage cheese;... SABOflbl cheese factory; ... Κ,ΑΜΗΑΤΑΤΗΗ 5KEP cheese dairy; BIP ... IPIMUIIK a little slice of cheese. I PIT- to decompose, to rot, to throw into confusion; ΙΡΓΠΠ-ΙΙΙΙΡΙΤ- to spoil /tr./; AftPAH YHblTCA IPITKEH, TEPI MJ1ECE UIIPITKEH no matter what she undertakes, nothing succeeds for her. IPITKI 1) ferment (for milk, so that it will curdle); 2) /fig./ disorder, discord; ... CAJIto decompose, to rot, to throw into confusion. IPIH pus, matter. ΙΡΙΗΛΕ- to suppurate, to fester, to discharge pus. ΙΡΙΗΛΕΤ- to cause suppuration. IPIHUEY abscess, festering sore. ΙΡΙΗΛΙ purulent, festering; ... ICIK purulent, mattery abscess. 1C affair, business, occupation, studies; ... 5KY3IH/JE actually, from a practical point of view, in fact; ... 5KY3IHE ACblP- to carry out, realize, to put into practice; B¥J1 MEHIH, ICIM EMEC that is not my affair; (it doesn't concern me); ... 5KYProyini clerk; ICKE C9T! I wish you luck in your affairs; ΒΜΓΕ ICIH TYCOECIH, XAHFA KYHIH TYCOECIH Don't look for justice from a judge; from a khan, pity; ICI TYC- to be dependent (on something); ICKE CAJIKblH KAPAYIIIbl inactive; ICKE CAJIKblH KAPAYIHblJIblK, inaction. 1C- to swell. ICEK 1) swelling, tumor; 2) gelded ram (two-year-old). 1CEH- to trust, to rely upon. ICED account, bill. ICKEK (pair of) tweezers. ICKEKTE- to pull out, pluck with tweezers (for example, hair). 1CKEP businesslike, efficient, active, energetic.

ICKEPJIIK business ability, activity, efficiency, energy. ICniPT spirit(s), alcohol. ICCI3 inert, passive, idle, indolent; ... CAH AJ1- to idle. ICCOfllK inaction. ICTE- to do, to make; ICTEM E1JI- to know how to make, do; ICTEO AJI- to make; ICTEO UlblFAP- to manufacture, to produce; ICTECEH-TICTEPCIH, if you work, you will eat. ICTEFIM efficient, industrious. ICTEH niblFAPy annulment. ICTEC comrade in work. ICTECTIK collaboration. ICTEYMI executor, maker, does. ICTIK TEMIP spit. ICIK inflation, edema, swelling, tumor. ICIH- 1) to swell, to inflate; 2) /fig./ to be conceited, to fancy oneself. ICIH lP- /fig./ to fatten cattle. ICIHKI swollen, puffed. ICT9- to work. IT9P- push away. II bowels, guts, abdomen, stomach; inside, the interior; COMFAH KOHflblH IMIHEH MA ΚΕΠ TYCTI from the slaughtered sheep provided much inside fat; ... KHIM linen, underclothes, drawers, underpants; ... m>IC- to be bored; ... CY3EK typhoid fever; ... TAPT- to show a feeling of alliance (kinship); ... TbIMblJIbl constipation; ... ΚΥΪΪ- to be displeased (with), to be vexed (by), to be irritated; ... ΘΤΥ diarrhea; ΙΟΙΗ^Ε inside; II1IIHE on the inside; ΙΙΠΚΕ CAKJA- to conceal wickedness; IIIII EY3bIK, A£AM man with an ulterior motive; IIUIM YflAK Alllbl^bl I was very disturbed (angry); (I) felt it (some experience) deeply; ΙΙΠΙΗ, EIJICIH! know and keep silent! IIUTIH BY3bIJIYbI indigestion. IIII- to eat, to drink; TAMAK, ... to eat. ΙΙΠΕΚ bowels, intestine; Afflbl ... small intestine; TOK, ΙΙΠΕΚ large intestine; AOMBblPAHblHl IUIEFI string of a dombra (musical instrument); ΙΙΠΕΚΚ,ΑΡΗΗ bowels, intestine. IIUKEPI inside; ... KIPIHI3 he went inside (the house). IIUKMIM underclothing. ΙΠΙΚΙ inner; ... AYPYJIAP internal diseases; ... CAPA bowels, intestines; internal organs; ... CYJIAP inland waters; ...


IMKI3ICTEP MMHHCTPJIin Ministry of ΐηternal Affairs; EJI^IH ... XAJIL·! internal condition of a country. IMKI3- to accustom /tr./ to hard drinking; to give to drink. 1IUKIJIIK alcoholic beverage. imKIUI hard drinker, drunkard; KAH ... /fig./ parasite, extortionist. 1ΙΠΤΕΜΕ nothing; ... RE BOJ1FAH 5KOK. nothing happened.


IUITI 1) capacious; spacious; 2) pregnant (of animals). II1II in(side), interior. 1IIIIK fur coat. ΙΠΠΜΠΑ3 see I1IIKIM. IIIIIHAPA specifically; by the way. IIIIIP-to give to drink. IttfOP fervent desire. IHIP twilight, dusk; ... 9JIETIHAE; ... APACMHZIA in the evening, at twilight.

κ Κ,ΑΕΑΡ- to rise (of dough); to swell, to form (of a blister, lump); AJTAKAHMM KAEAPbin KAJl/lbl I rubbed a sore place on my palm. KABAPCbB^blK, state of being unknown, obscure. Κ,ΑΕΑΡΙΙΙΒΙ 1) orderly (to an officer); 2) messenger. Κ,ΑΕΑΤ 1) layer, stratum; 2) row, time; 3)floor, story; EKI... 9MEJI /fig./ pregnant woman; EKI ... 5ΚΙΠΠΕΗ ΤΙΚ /Γ/- to sew with a double thread. Κ,ΑΕΑΤΤΑ- to pile in layers; to flake, to peel off. KAEATTAC- 1) to flake, to peel off; 2) /fig./ to interfere. Κ,ΑΒΑΤΤΒΙ something in several layers, rows. Κ,ΑΕΑΚ, 1) eyelid; 2) tavern; 3) edge of the bank, shore border, edge of something; ΒΥΓΙΗ K.AEAFBIH, AIIIBIK, KEPlHEfll I see that today you are happy; EIPEVfllH, K,ACbI MEH KAEAFbIHA ΚΑΡΑ- to feel dependent on someone; K,AEAFbI 5KAEHK, /fig,/ angry, gloomy. KAEAFAH angry (of a dog). KAEJIAH /KAEblJIAH/ 1) leopard; 2) /fig./ fine fellow, good lad. KAEJIET ability. KABJ1ETTIJIIK ability. K.AEBI3- to fan (the fire). K,AEbIJI AJT- to take, to agree; TSVEKETII

KABbiJi A AMhe is lucky

KAEbUIAH see Κ,ΑΕΠΑΗ. KAEblJI/iA- to approve. Κ,ΑΒΒυΐ^ΑΗ- to be approved, accepted. K,ABbIJI/IAC- to approve, accept jointly. KAEB1H- 1) to catch fire, to flare up; 2) to choke, suffocate. Κ,ΑΕΕΙΡ grave; ... BACblH^AFBI TAG tomb stone; ... KASVUIbl grave-digger. Κ,ΑΕΕΙΡΙΗΑΚ scales (fish, etc.); ... MY3 1) thin layer of ice; 2) sludge; ... TAC cockle-shell, mussel.

K,AEblPIllAKJAH- to be covered with a thin layer (of ice); to be covered with a thin scab (of a wound). KAEblPFA 1) rib, edge; 2) wall; K,AEbIPFAMA EATbin OTblP- to feel keenly, to pity (someone); KAEblPFAHMEH KEH.EC think carefully!; ... ΓΑ3ΕΤΙ wall newspaper. K,AEbIPFAJIAC- to equal, to ride side by side, to align. KAEblPFAJlbl 1) fat, well-fed (of cattle); 2) strong. KABblPFAJIfalPAK, stronger. K,ABBIC- 1) to become flat; to be flattened (for example, of metal objects); 2) to correspond to, to conform to, to fit exactly. KAEBICy /gram./ adjoining. Κ,ΑΕΒΙΚ, bark, crust, husk, rind, peel, fruit skin, shell, cover, jacket, shell of a nut. KAEIJIETCI3 talentless /adj./; dull, inept. K,ABK,A3 K,YPMACbI box tree (Buxus sempervirens). KAflA 1) post, pole, landmark, long stake, picket; 2) nail, stud, peg; 3) stake used for tying horses. Κ,ΑΑΑ- 1) to dive (something) in; to stick in; to thrust; 2) to sew; Κ.Θ3 ... /fig./ to stare. KA^AJI- 1) to be driven in, to be stuck in, to pierce; 2) to be sewed; 3) to fix one's eyes on; 4) to display persistence; to take a great interest in, to display insistence; ΚΙΤΑΠΤΑΗ ΚΘ3ΙΗ AMblPMAH Κ,Α^AJIbin KAJlblFITbl he doesn't move his eyes from the book (he became engrossed in reading). Κ,ΑΑΑΜ step, undertaking; Κ,Α/Ι,ΑΜΒΙΗ, KAMblPJlbl BOUCblH I wish you luck (good journey). KAflAM^A- to pace off, to measure by stepping off. KAJIAVEAC punch (for punching holes in iron). Κ,ΑβΑΐς pound. KAAAKTA- to weigh in pounds.


KA3bIKTA: ΑΛΚ,ΤΒΙ ... BAG- to stamp one's feet, to step unhesitatingly. KA AFAJIA- to test, to examine, to follow. see KAZJIPJII. /ΚΘΑΙΜΠ, ΚΘΛΥυΐΓΙ/ usual, normal. KAAIP respect, esteem, dignity, virtue, value, honor; 5K¥PTmbIJIbIK AJIflblH A KAΛΙΡΙ BAP (he) is held in high respect by the community. KAAIPJIE- to respect, to show respect, to value. KAfllPJlI esteemed, respected, valued; ... METAJl AP precious metals. KAfllPIJUK respect, esteem, value. KAZUPCI3 of little value. Κ,ΑΛΙΡα3βΕΗ- to lose respect (for). KA5K pilgrimage. K,A)K- to grow weak, to get tired. KA2KA- I) to rub, to polish, to grate; 2) to wear out by rubbing together; 3) /fig./ to speak maliciously, to be malicious. KA)KAT prayer. K,A)KET necessary; necessity; TIPUIIJUK ΚΛ5ΚΕΤΙ necessity of life; it should be done; one ought; ΗΕΜΕΗΕΓΕ ...? What for? KA2KETTUIIK necessity. KA)KbI- 1) to tire, to get tired; 2) to lie, to tell lies; 3) to become bent, to become crooked. KA)KbIP persistence, energy, obstinacy. KA blPJIAH- to persist (in), to be obstinate, to display fortitude. KAiKblPJIbl persistent, stubborn, energetic. KA^KblPJIblJIBIK, energy, obstinacy, persistence. KA)KbIPCbI3 weak, unenergetic, sluggish, weak-willed, spineless. ΚΛ3- to dig. ΚΛ3 goose (domestic); ... TYP- to stand on one's feet (of a child); ... OTbl larkspur, delphinium (Delphinium). KA3-KA3! ΤΟΠ-ΤΟΠ! (said to a child when teaching him to walk). K,A3A misfortune, loss, disaster; ... EOJI/... ΤΑΠ-/ to die; to pass away; ... TABV death. KA3AJIAH- 1) to suffer a disaster; 2) to die. KA3AJIbI see KAPAJIW. ΚΛ3ΑΗ 1) /obs./ September; 2) boiler, kettle, cauldron; ... IIIVUKblP hollow. KA3AH,U,bIK, adobe or brick structure; (hearth for placing a cauldron).

K.A3AHIIIA small cauldron, small boiler. K,A3AHI bI l) male cook (chosen to prepare food for an artel during a journey); 2) boilermaker (an expert in the manufacture of boilers, cauldrons). KA3AVTY moss. KA3AK, Kazakh (Cossack); ... AT Kazakh (Cossack) horse; ... OPblC Kazakh (Cossack); ... 9HI Kazakh (Cossack) song. KASAKVAP one who is a master of the Kazakh (Cossack) language and who knows the life and customs of the Kazakhs very well. ΚΑ3ΑΚ.ΙΠΑ in Kazakh, Kazakh. KA3AIJ mYHKblP /myUKVPbl/ recess, hollow, deepening. KA3EA /KA3bIMbIP/ too particular, carping. KA3EA KEH fossil. KA3EAJIA- to bore, to wear out, with words (with one's carping). KA3flbIPT- to force to dig (through another person). K,A3MOHbIH with a (beautiful) neck, like that of a goose (of horses). KA3HA treasury, public coffers, riches, wealth. KA3HAJ1LIK, fiscal, public expense, bureaucratic, trite, banal. KA3OTbI creeping green grass, /lit./ (goosegrass). KA3y undermining. KA3VJTbI dug up; OHblFi KEPI ... /fig., lit./ (his grave is dug); misfortune awaits him. KA3bI 1) abdominal fat (within) of a horse or camel; 2) special dish; 3) sausage; 4) judge, arbitrator; KASblHblH; KblPTblCbl a slice of meat from (a special dish); a slice of sausage meat. KA3bIMblP too particular, carping, quarrelsome. KA3bIMbIPJIAH- to become carping, quarrelsome. KASblMblPJIblK, quarrelsomeness, nagging /n./, carping. KA3bIC- to dig jointly, to help somebody dig. KA3bIK, 1) post, pile, stake; 2) /fig./ soul (the central person in some sort of undertaking organization) ;KA3bIKTbIH, ¥ΙΠΜΗ UlblFAP- to hew, to trim a stake;... KAK,to drive in a stake. KA3bIK,TA- to tie something to a stake driven into the ground; to fasten something with a stake, which has been driven into



ΚΑ3ΙΡΠ the ground (for example, a yurt during a storm). ΚΑ3ΙΡΠ the present. ΚΑΪΪ- to sew (for example, the hem of a skirt) with a small stitch. KAM such a, which. KAM >KAKTAH? from where? KAM-KAMCblCbl any, each, every. KAMJIA where. ΚΑΜ,Ο,ΑΗ from where; Κ,ΑΥΜΠ ... EOJ1CA, ΚΛΤΕΡ COHAH /lit./ (Whence doubts, thence also danger); if you doubt something then verify it, as one ought. KAM/JAFL·! being located somewhere; KIM EIJIEiU KAMAAFEIHbl AMTbin OTblPFAHblH? who knows, what he is talking about? KAMHA pick (miner's). KAMJ1A see AMU A. KAMMAK crearn, sour cream; a sweet dish (thick, boiled sweet cream). KAM M AKT A- to take off the cream; to skim milk. KAMMAKTAH- to form (of cream); to be covered with a layer of sour cream (of milk). KAMMAKTbl with sour cream; rich (of milk). KAMMblK- to be timid; to quail; to stand off ceremony; to refrain (from). ΚΑΪΪΗΑ- 1) to boil, to seethe; 2) to become hot; KAHbIM Κ,ΑΜΗΑΠ KETTI /fig./ I went into a fury; I got angry; Κ,ΑΜΗΑFAH CV boiling water. KAHKAMA- to be extremely upset; 3blFblPL·! K.AWHA- to be greatly irritated. KAMHAP /KAMHAP BVJ1AK,/ source, spring, wellhead. KAMHAT- l) to boil; 2) /fig./ to get angry, to lose patience; BIP KAMHATblM ΠΙΑΜ enough tea for one pot. KAMHAFA brother-in-law, husband's brother, wife's brother. KAMPA- 1) to sharpen, to gnaw, to prey upon, to secrete; 2) to hound, to urge on, to egg on, to incite, to instigate. ΚΑίίΡΑΗ Alas! be sorry, pity; OJlAP blH, OCbl ICIHE MEH KAMPAHMblH I am surprised at their action (used with the nuance of surprise, grief, chagrin). KAMPAT energy, boiling force, intensity. KAMPATKEP wrestler, struggler, fighter. ΚΑΪΪΡΑΤΤΑΗ- to gather strength. KAMPATTAH blP- to cheer up, to encourage, to inspire.

KAMPATTblJIblK energy. KAMPATTbl energetic. KAMPAyblHI whetstone, grindstone. Κ,ΑΜΡΑΚ, grindstone, whetstone (for scythe, axe, etc.); ... TAG grindstone, sharpening stone. KAMPAH ]) a slanting bank (gentle slope), bank, shoal, shallow; 2) hard, sandy soil (in the bottom of a river, lake). ΚΑΗΡΑΗ,,Ο,Α- to run aground. KAMPblMflbl /KAMblPblM^bl/ kind, good. K,AMCAP persistent, determined, stubborn; with a strong will; insistent. KAMCAPJIAH- /K,AMCAPC-/ to insist on having one's own way; to display resolution and firmness, not to deviate from one's own way. K,AMCAPJTbIK, persistence, insistence, firmness, resoluteness. KAMCAPC- see K.AMCAPHAH-. KAHCbl which. KAHCblBIP VAKblTTA sometimes. KAMCblEIPEYJIEP several. KAMT- to return; ΚΑΜΤΜΠ AJ1- to take back; KAMTbin BEP- give (it) back; AMTKAHblMHAH ΚΑΜΤΠΑΜMblH I won't take back my words; AYHMEAEH KAMTTbl (he) passed away. Κ,ΑΪίΤ- /KAJ1AM ET-/ what to do, how to act, what to undertake; K.AMTCE RE /KAMTKEHflE mi in any case, under any circumstances. KAMTA 1) again, back, backwards; 2) on the contrary; 3) repeatedly, several times; ... KO3FAH AAV )KAMAH, ... ΙΙΙΑΠKAH )KAY >KAMAH there is nothing worse than a repeated competition; suit, discord; ... Κ,ΥΡ- to rebuild, to reorganize, to reform. KAHTA AH again, anew. KAMTAJIA- to repeat, to do something repeatedly. KAMTAJTMA CY3EK recurring typhoid fever. KAMTAP- 1) to return; 2) to bring, drive home (to fit, adjust), to direct (to), to send; 3) to compensate (for). KAMTA-KAMTA repeatedly, several times. KAHTFIAC which cannot return; which cannot recur (irrevocable, irreparable). KAMTbin EEPUIMEMTIH irretrievable. irrevocable.




KAMTbIC KICI /KAMTblC MAJI/ petty person; cattle of little value. BOJI- to pass away, to die. 1) scissors (pair of); 2) /fig./ contradictory. KAHIflblJIA- 1) to cut with scissors; 2) /fig./ to twitch its ears (of a horse). KAHfflblJIblK, contradiction, discrepancy; lack of correspondence. KAMbBFAK, dandruff, scurf. KAMbBFAKJAH- to be covered with dandruff, scurf. KAMblH wife's relatives; ... ATA husband or wife's father; ... AFA husband or wife's elder brother; ... IHI /EHE/ husband's younger brother; ... CIUJII husband's younger sister; ... BMKE wife's elder sister, shallow /n./, shoal. - to train (a hunting bird). KAMblPJIA- to run aground (of a vessel). KAMblPMA 1) refrain (music); 2) with a lapel (flap); ... 5KAPA turn-down collar. KAHblPMAJIA- to drive, to exhaust, to call a halt, to stop (for example, a herd of horses). KAMblPyJlbl HATUIAJIblK, limited (constitutional) monarchy. KAiiblPVCblS nATfflAJlblK, absolute (unlimited) monarchy. Κ,ΑΗΜΡΙΙΙΑΚ, little pebbles. KAMblPIIIbl beggar, beggarly, povertyridden. KAnblPIIIblJIAH- to become impoverished; to fall into poverty. KAMblPfflbUIAHAblPy impoverishment, destruction, ruin. KAnblPUIblJIblK, poverty, beggarliness, destitution. KAHblPblJI- 1) to be turned down (of a collar); 2) /fig./ to render assistance, to be a benefactor (to). KAAblPblJIbin- to glance backward. KAMblPblM good /n./. KAftblPblMflbl without spite, without anger. KAHblPblMCbB pitiless, soulless, lifeless. KAHblPblMCblSAblK, lack of sympathy, inattentiveness (to the needs of others). KAftblPMbl beggar, beggarly, povertyridden. KAHblPblMUIblJIAblK, mercy. KAHbIC- 1) to bend down /intr./, to bow down, to stoop; 2) /fig./ to be sympathetic, compassionate, to experience, go through, endure, to display anxiety, go through;

MAFAH KAEblPFACbl KAMblCblH )KYP he condoles with me. KAMbIC strap, belt, rawhide strap;... AftblJI a belly-strap of rawhide; ... BEJTBEV belt (leather). coupling of camels, boat. boatman, ferryman, birch (Betula); KAfifblHblH K.ABblFbl birch bark. Κ,ΑΪΪΚ,ΑΜ- 1) to lean back; to settle back, to bend (of the body), to bulge out; 2) /fig./ to assume a proud pose; ΚΑίϊΚΑίΪ! /KAKKAMbin T¥P/ Get out of here! Κ,ΑΪίΚ,ΑΪίΤ- to drive out, to throw back, to bend back /tr./, to stick out, to overemphasize; EACbttiabl ΚΑΗΚΑΪΠΤΙΑίΐ TY3V T¥P stand straight. KAHKAKJA- 1) to walk with one's head thrown back; 2) /fig./ to excuse oneself; 3) to find it difficult. KAMKAHAA- see KAMKAKJA-. KAMK,bI turned-up, bent upwards; ... nbllllAK, shaving-knife, planer (tool for planing, scraping off). KA K,bIM- see Κ,ΑίϊΚ,ΑΗ-. KAMKblJIAH- to be turned up. l^AMFbl sadness, sorrow, grief, misfortune, mishap; MEHIH ΥΙΠΙΗ ... 5KEME don't bother about me; I'll manage without you; ... EAC- to grieve; ... EACKAH unconsolable. KAMFbIJTAH- to be sad, to grieve. KAMFblJIAH/IblP- to sadden, to grieve. KAMFblJTbl sad, poor creature, grievous. KAHFblP- to grieve. KAMFblPT- to look after, to take care of, to attend (to). KAftFblCbB carefree, untroubled. KAMFblCblBflBIK, carelessness, serenity, light-heartedness. K.AJI- 1) to fall behind, to be slow, to leave alone; 2) to remain; AflAMCbIS ... to become desolate, to become depopulated; AJlbin ... (to take and) leave, abandon; APTTA ... to set aside (from others); ΕΘΛΕΓΕ ... to bring troubles on oneself; ΚΕΠΙΙΓΙΠ ... to be late, to be behind schedule; KEPbin ... to see; KEHIJI ... to take offense, to feel hurt; CblHbin ... to break, ¥ΛΤΚΑ ... to find oneself in an uncomfortable position; ... BAP- to be petrified, to be stupefied. KAJI small birthmark.




KAJIA- 1) to place, to put, to raise, to lay; 2) /obs./ to take something from a friend (for example, a good horse, a thing); 3) to set fire to; 4) to choose, to select, to elect; 5) to provide, furnish, supply; K.AJIAFAHblHflbl AJI choose what you like; MAJIA3HH EPAE HE KAJIAFAHblH, TAEblJIA/lbl in the stores there is (everything) one might want; ΚΙΡΠΙΠΙ ... to lay bricks (to build). KAJIA city, town, village; ... A Alvlbl citizen, townsman, city-dweller; ... ΜΑΗ,ΕΙ suburb; K.AJI AHbl 9CKEPMEH Κ,ΑΜΑΥ siege of a town. KAJIAH as, like, how; ... BOJ1CA HA by all means. KA-NAMZlbl tin. KAJIA blJlA- to plate with tin; to tin. KAJIAJIblK townsman; city-dweller; city, town /adj./. KAJIAM penholder; KAJIAMbl 5ΚΥΪΪΡΙΚ knowing how to use a pen (written language) silfully. KAJIAMIlblP pinks, carnations (Dianthus). KAJIAMKAC 1) with thin eyebrows; having black brows; 2) feminine name. KAJIAMVIII pen. KAJIAT dressing-gown, house robe, an oriental robe, worn by men. KAJIAVJIbl foremost, advanced, honorable, honorary, divided among others; elect, elected person, favorite. KAJIAVIllbl (something) chosen (for oneself); TAC ... (stone mason, bricklayer). KAJIAIU Kalatch, white bread; KATblHKAJIAIU /coll./ women. KAJTAK 1) scoop, dustpan; 2) churn-staff; 3) wing, pinion, arm; KYJI ... wooden (small) shovel for panning gold. nettle (Urtica). - to take with a shovel or scoop. KAJIEAJIAK, preventive, precautionary, fussy, fidgety, obliging. KAJIEAJIAKTA- 1) to fuss, to fidget, to rush about; 2) /fig./ to treat somebody (to something). KAJIEAJIAttaA- see KAJIEAJIAKTA-. KAJIEAK spoon. KAJIEAH.-KVJIEAH, in a hurry, hastily, fussily. KAJIEblit- to hang down, droop (for example, of a wide brim of a hat). Κ,Α-ΠΕΒΙΜ hardly standing on one's feet. Κ AJlEblP metallicflask,canteen, tin can, flask.

- 1) to calm, to soothe, to quiet; 2) to leave, to give up, to abandon; 3) to emit, to leave out. KAJIAblPJIA- to thunder, to clatter, to rustle. KAJIflblK 1) remainder, residue, difference, remnants, vestiges; 2) /math./ remainder (in division). KAJI5KA meat dish (which is prepared for a woman recently confined childbirth). KAJI5KAK 1) windbag, idle taleteller; 2) joke, jest, trick. KAJDKAKTA-1) to roll over, to tumble over, to be unsteady (of an unbroken horse); 2) to talk nonsense. KAJDKblHKOM a chatterbox and joker, a jester. KAJDKblPA- to grow weak, to get very tired. KAJDKbm joke, jest, amusement, fun. KAJDKbIH,EAC joker, jester. KAJDKblHJlA- to joke, to jest. KAJDKbmillblJI see K,AJI3KbIIiEAC. KAJIMAK Kalmyk (Kalmuck). KAJiri- to cut into thin slices from the top. KAJinAK cap, hat. KAJ1T slyness, craftiness, fraud, deception; ... ETKEH E 5KA3bin TACTA write, when you have the time. KAJ1T-KVJIT just hardly, hardly. KAJITA 1) pocket; 2) purse, small bag, sack. KAJITAPEIC 1) turn, bend, curve, change; 2) side street, lane, alley. KAJ1TAKTA- to rush in confusion from side to side. ΚΑΛΤΑΗΛΑ- to rush, to hurry, to fuss, to fidget. KAJlTblJl/JA- to rock, to be unsteady, to shake, to tremble. KAJITblPA- 1) to shake, to shiver (from cold); 2) /fig./ to tremble (from greed). KAJlTblPAV chill, shivering fever. KAJITblPAVblK 1) person sensitive to cold; 2) greedy, stingy; 3) ill with paralysis, palsy, paralyzed, palsied. KAJITKbl 1) float; 2) /fig./ ulterior motive (suspicious). KAJITKbICbI3 without an ulterior motive. KAJIYIH sow-thistle (Sonchus). KAJlIDbl - to set against; to push (like a bull or ox). KAJiniblJl/IA- 1) to shiver, to shake; 2) to fall completely apart, to be greatly upset. KAJlffl-KAJini ET- to shiver (from cold); to shake, to be beside oneself (from rage).



KAJIblH blK bride. 1) shoe-tree, last model; form; 2) position, situation, condition; KAJInblHA KEJITIPY restoration, renewal, restatement, rehabilitation. KAJIbinTA- to attach, a form or shape; to stretch on a last. KAJIWnTAJI- 1) to go into a usual, normal situation; 2) to reach a definite position, standard situation. KAJIbiriTAH- see KAJIbinTAJI-. KAJIbinTAHflblP- to cultivate, inculcate, to strive for the cultivation of certain habits. KAJIbiriTAC- to consolidate one's hold; to strengthen, to be made legal. KAJIbinTACATblH accommodating. KAJIbiriTACy accommodation. KAJIblK /KAJIK/ !) People; 2) backward (opposite - O3EEK). KAJIblKTA- to soar, to hover (of birds), to flutter. KAJIblH 1) stout, thick, deep; 2) brushwood, undergrowth, thicket; ... AFAI1I thicket; ... ΚΕΗΕΠ a coarse tissue; sack-cloth, sacking; ... MAJI bride-money /obs./; ... OPMAH dense forest; ... KA3bIK AFAIU YAJI paling, stockade. - to become fat, thick. i) stoutness, thickness; density; 2) /obs./ fiancee. KAJIK see KAJIblK. KAJIK IF I- to swim on the top of a liquid; 2) to remove, to take away; 3) /fig./ to lack depth; 4) to doze, to slumber; COPIlAHblH, MAHblH KAJIKWn AJI- to remove the fat (from a soup). KAJIKA 1) a shed with a sloping roof; a sloping roof, projecting from a wall; a penthouse; 2) canopy, dias; 3) blindage, shelter, dugout; 4) /mil./ covering, screen, covering detachment, shield; 5) name of a melody. ΚΑ-ΊΚ,Α-ΊΑ- to project, to come, to scream. KAJIKAM /fig-/ an affectionate, indulgent address. KAJIKAH 1) helmet, shield; 2) longitudinal upper part of the body of a cart. KAJIKAHCbD APEA van, hearse. KAJIKtlH hardly standing on one's legs. KAJIKblMAJIbl ΚΕΠΙΡ pontoon bridge. KAJIFAHbl remainder, rest. KAM care, trouble, concern, suffering, sadness; EAJIAJIAP TYPAJI ... 3KACA- to look after children; TIPMIJIIK KAMbI

everyday affairs; XAJlblKTblH KAMblH 3KE- to look after people. KAMA beaver (fur). KAMA- 1) to surround, to encircle; to besiege, to lay siege to; 2) to drive (cattle) into an enclosure; 3) to arrest, to imprison; 4) to irritate (someone), to get on someone's nerves. KAMAJI 1) Ram (constellation); 2) /obs./ March; 3) bastion, fortress, fort barricade, fortifications; KAMAJIflbl BYBblH AJIto take a fortress by an attack; KAMAJI/ibl KOPFAY defense of a fortress; KAMAJIffbl 3CKEPMEH KAMAV siege of a fortress. KAM AJI- 1) to be driven into an enclosure (of cattle); 2) to be arrested; 3) to be surrounded, laid siege to (of a fortress); 4) to assemble, gather together. KAMAJIA- to crowd (of waiting people); to huddle together, to form a herd (of cattle). ΚΑΜΑΠ VCTAY battue (hunt), raid, roundup. KAMATTWP- 1) to force to arrest and imprison; 2) to force to drive (cattle) into an enclosure. KAMAV siege; ... ΚΑΛΠΜ state of siege. ΚΑΜΕΑ 1) barn, depot, storehouse, granary; 2) fox-hole. KAMflA- to prepare. ΚΑΜβΑΗ- to attend to; to take measures; to take precautionary measures. KAM3OJI sleeveless coat. ΚΑΜΠΑΜ- to swell. KAMCbI3 well-to-do, secure, carefree. KAMCM3- to be well-to-do; to be secure. KAMCbI3flAH- to be well-to-do, secure, insured (against something). KAMCbDAAHAblP- to insure (against), to ensure, to safeguard. insurance, insuring, insurance, insuring. KAMCbI3/^bIK insurance, insuring, carefree, untroubled. KAMTbl- to intercept, to borrow, to snatch. KAMTAMA guaranteeing, securing, ensuring. KAMTAMACM3 guaranteed, insured, secured, satisfied, contented, well-to-do; ... ET- to guarantee, to secure, to ensure. ΚΑΜΙΠΑΤ otter, beaver fur. KAMIIIbl whip, whipcord, lash, riding whip, crop; ... 3KAK right side. KAMinfalJIA- to whip, to beat with a whip.


KAMblP 1) dough, paste; 2) peninsula on a river; cape; promontory. KAMblPJIA- to glue up, to stick up, to smear with dough, paste. K,AMbIC reed (Scirpus); ... ΑΛΚ, small Bashkir cup. KAMblCTbl ΚΘΛ lake, grown over with reeds. KAMklTTA- to put a horn collar (on something). KAMbIT horse-collar, yoke; ... BAY name strap, tug (part of harness); Κ,ΑΜΜΤAOFA harness. KAMblTnibl harness maker, saddler. KAMtlK, /F/- to be sad, to grieve, to feel hurt. KAMKA brocade. Κ,ΑΜΚ,ΟΡ chief, protector, patron, guardian, tutor. K,AMK,OPJIbIK, patronage, guardianship, tutorage; Κ,ΑΜΚ,ΟΡ-ΠΗΚ,Κ,Α AJ1- to look after (someone); to take under one's patronage. KAMK.OPC ostentatious solicitude. KAMK,OPCbI3 homeless, neglected (left to one's self). KAMKOPCblSAblK, neglect. Κ,ΑΜΚ,ΟΡΠΙΜ chief, patron, tutor. KAH- to quench one's thirst; EOAVbl ... to be painted well; ΕΟΛΥΒΙ ... painted well; CE3FE ... to elucidate (understand) everything thoroughly; HIAHFA ... to quench one's thirst with tea; ΥΜΚ,ΜΜ I^AHAbl I had a good sleep. KAH 1) blood; 2) mine; 3) khan; KAHbl KAC he is hostile; Κ,ΑΗΜΗ IMIHE TAPT- to grow pale (from anger); KAH5KOCA BOJI- 1) to be blood-stained; 2) to be beaten; 3) to wear out cattle by fast driving; ... AJ1Y bleeding; bloodletting; ... 5KMJIAT- to be reduced to poverty; ... 3KYPY/... )KYPYI/ circulation of the blood; ... )K¥T- to be in great sorrow, grief; ... KETY hemorrhage; ... MA AAH battlefield;... TAMblPbl blood vessel; ... TAPAJlYbl circulation of the blood; ... ΤYKIPY hemoptysis; ... TYMIPU1IKTEPI blood corpuscle; ... Κ,ΑΚ,ΗΡΥ hemoptysis; ... Κ,Υίί blood transfusion; ... KYMblJlY hemorrhage;... KYMAP bloodthirsty. KAHAJI- to be oppressed, exploited. KAHAYlUbl exploited. KAHAT- to stain with blood. KAH AT 1) /mil./ flank, wing, side; 2) part

of the grating of a felt hut (yurt); KAHblT-^YiiPblK, relatives (assistants); KAHAT-K,Y-MPbIK,CbI3 /fig./ lonely, solitary (without relatives); ... KAK, /F/- to flap (its) wings; AMHAJIAMblH KAHATWM my darling; AJITbl ... YH nomad tent made of six sections of grating; YUIAPFA KAHATbl 3KOK, /fig./ he is in a hurry, to get ready to fly. KAHATCbI3 without wings, wingless. KAHATTAC neighboring, residing in a vicinity, neighborhood, neighbors. KAHATTbl 1) birds; 2) winged. KAHAYIIIbl exploiter, oppressor. KAHAYLLIblJIblK, exploitation, oppression. KAHAYbiniblJTAP TABbI class of exploiters. KAHAFAT satisfaction, contentment with little, pleasure; ... KAPblH TOMFbI3AP, KAHAFATCbI3 bIK, )KAJIFbI3 ATTbl COMFbI3AP /lit./ (if you satisfy yourself with a little, you will be always satisfied, even if you slaughter your only horse). KAHAFATTAH- to satisfy oneself with little, to be satisfied, to content oneself. KAHAFATTAHAPJlblK satisfactory. KAHAFATTAHflblP- to satisfy, to content. KAHAFATCbD greedy, covetous. KAHAFATCbB blK, greediness, intemperance in one's demands, covetousness. KAHAFATIUblJI satisfied with little, modest (in one's demands), abstemious, temperate, what, which, what sort. BOJIMACBIH whatever it may be. KAH AJIA bedbug. Κ,ΑΗΑΕΗ pug dog. KAH^bl full-blooded, sanguineous, well-fed, plump; ... BAJIAK, executioner; ... ΚΘ3 bloodthirsty. KAHflblP- to satisfy someone's thirst; desire. Κ,ΑΗΑ- 1) to oppress, to exploit; 2) to flow (of blood). KAH3KAP dagger. KAHCOHAP newly fallen snow. KAHCbBAAK, anaemic. KAHCblPA- to bleed profusely; to be pallid. Κ,ΑΗΤ sugar; ΙΠΑΚ,ΠΑΚ, ... lump sugar; ... 3ABOAbI sugar refinery; ... CAYblT /... KA0HATY/ sugar-refining /n./; ... KblSblJTUIACbl sugar beet. KAHTAJIA- 1) to be covered with bruises; 2) to turn red, to blush.



ΚΑΗΤΘΓΚ: ΚΑΗΤΘΠΟ slaughter house. KAHfflA how much. KAHfflblK bitch; ... KACKblP she wolf. KAHbl A3 anaemic. KAHM A3flbIK anemia. KAHblJlTblP sheet iron, steel or copper. KAHWK: ¥HKbICbI ... he had enough sleep; he had a good sleep; ΕΟΛΥΕΙ ... brightly decorated; XABAPFA KAHblKΠΗ3 we are well versed (in). Κ,ΑΗΙΙΠΕΡ 1) parasite, extortioner, bloodthirsty; 2) murderer, assassin. ΚΑΠ 1) lid, top; 2) pocket; 3) (carrying) case; 4) bag; 5) Oh! Alas!; ... E9JIEM oh! alas! ΚΑΠ /E/- 1) to quit; 2) to grasp, to seize, to grab, to carry away; 3) to snatch (with the teeth); to bite; KAEVFA IIIAKBIP- to invite (young married women) to a quilting bee. ΚΑΠΑ close, stuffy; ... EOJ1- to bother, to get upset, to be painted, to grieve. Κ ΑΠΑ JI AH- 1) to become close, stuffy; 2) to live (through), to survive. KAI1AC cage, coop, cell. ΚΑΠΕΛΙΜ/ΪΕ immediately, momentarily. KAHEPCI3 carefree, lighthearted. KAIICAFAH 1) tall and thin; 2) gorge, ravine, canyon. KAnCblP- to join, to unite ends, to squeeze; KAITCblPA KVMAKTA- to embrace heartily. KAnCWPMA see KAHTblPMA. KAHCblPMA oven fork. ΚΛΠΤΑ- 1) to measure with bags; 2) to sew, to make clothes, to upholster; 3) to put a paper cover (on a book); 4) to fill (out), to pack, to flood, to pour; 5) to move with a large mass. KAF1TAJ1 1) a long gown with a turn-down collar; 2) slope, hillsides; 3) saddle-tree; AK · · · /AT/ a horse with narrow bands of white hair in the places where the bellybands are pulled tight. KAnTAJl/iA- to go, to ride in rows. KAOTAJlAblK part of the back of a horse, on which the saddle fits. KAOTECEP mouse (Mus musculus). KAOTblP- to force to bite; to bite (badly, or all over); MTKE ... to set a dog on someone. ΚΑΠΤΜΡΜΑ metallic (usually silver) buckle or clasp for outer clothing. KAIIIIIAFAM deep ravine, gorge. KAFTMblK bag.

KAflbl unexpectedly, unawares, by surprise. KAFIblJlblC see ΚΑΠΗ. KAnblJIblCTA hastily, in afidgetyway. KAFIblCblH ΤΑΠ /E/- to catch a moment (to find a means). KAnblJI-KVOblJI in a hurry; hastily. ΚΑΠΚΑ gate, gates. KAP- to burn, to scorch, to cauterize, to sear. KAP l) snow; 2) upper part of the arm (hand); forearm; ΑΚΠΙΑ ... newly fallen snow; KYPTIK ... snowdrift; ... EAC- /fig./ to reach the age of one (of a dog); ... ΕΡΙΓΕΗ 3KEP thawed island of ground; ... ET- to croak, to caw; ... )KIJ1IK ulna; ... CVbl spring (season) waters. ΚΑΡΑ 1) black; 2) black (color of horse); 3) livestock; 4) silhouette, apparition, spectre; 5) dry, piercing; 6) /fig./ reading and writing; 7) /fig./ something negative; 8) mourning; 9) guilty; ... AFAIII alder (Alnus); ... ΑΗ,Ο,ΒΠ elecampane; tall tansy /bot./ (Inula); ... EAJIEIK /zool./ tench (a fish) (Tinea tinea); ... EAPblK, saltwort (Salsola); ... EAVblP cruel, hard man;... BET shameless, dishonest (corrupt); ... ΕΗβΑΪΪ rye; ... EYJIAIPFEH blackberry; blackberry bush; ... E¥JIT /... BVJIbIT/ thick cloud; ... AYblJI gaie without rain; ... )KAPbIC races without prizes; ... JKACblJI dark green; ... 5ΚΑΛΥ without a horse (horseless, about a poor peasant);... )KEJI a piercing wind; ...-)KEP black earth; ... 5KOJI unpaved road; ... )KYPEK fierce; ... ΚΘ3 black-eyed; ... KYPEH crimson, bloodred; ... MAJI livestock (except horses); ... METAJI AP black metals; ... OT salt grass (grass on salty soil); ... ΠΑΠΙ camel or dromedary (taboo); ... CAJIFblH /bot./ sedge (Carex); ... CAFAYbB /obs./ August; ... CY stagnant water; ... CYblK a dry frost; ... CYMEK low origin; ... TAJ1 /bot./ willow (Salix nigricans); ... TAHblFAH /obs./ literate; ... TAYblK /zool./ thrush; ... TEPEK black poplar (Populus nigra); ... TOPbl bay (reddish-brown); dark reddish brown (color of a horse) with black mane; ... TOPFAK /zool./ starling; ... UIAIUTbl brunette; ... IIIAFAH tatar maple /bot./ (Acer tataricum); ... KAPFA /zool./ rook (bird); ... K*MbIK /bot./ buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentem); AJlblCTA EIP ... KEPIHE l there's something black in the distance; ΕΡΓΕβΕΗ ... KEIIIKE


KAPAfrom morning to late at night; CEHI HE ... EACBin OTBIP? What's making you feel bad?; IPI... large domestic animals (cows, horses, camels); ICI ... he is guilty. ΚΑΡΑ- I) to look at, to inspect, to turn one's attention (to); 2) to belong; 3) to wait for, to expect; 5ΚΕΡΓΕ ... to be ashamed; BYFAH KAPAMACTAH despite this. Κ,ΑΡΑΕΑΥΒΙΡ /zool./ hamster. KAPAEAIP AT crossing of an argamak (a race of horses) with a Kazakh mare. ΚΑΡΑΓΕΡ dark bay, brown (color of horses). ΚΑΡΑ,Π,ΑΚ thawed island of ground; thawed patch. KAPA)KAT resources, capital, finances. Κ,ΑΡΑΙΪ 1) accordingly; 2) in accordance with; BYflAH APB1 ... in the future, henceforth; >KACB1HA ... depending on the age; OJI BA3APFA ... KETTI he went towards the bazaar; 3AMAHBIHA ... 3AHBI, TOFAMBIHA ... AHBI /lit./ as the times are, so are its laws and customs; ΚΑΡΑΜ-ΚΑΡΑΪ1 ΚΕ3ΙΜ TAJlflBI I became tired, waiting; as the forest is, so are its beasts. ΚΑΡΑΪΪ- to turn black, to show black; KAP ΚΕΤΙΠ, 5ΚΕΡ Κ,ΑΡΑΜβΒΙ the snow has thawed, and the land has "turned black"; K.AC ΚΑΡΑίΪΑΒΙ night has come, it's gotten dark; KEHi JI ... to be offended; to be disappointed; Κ,ΑΡΑΜΒΙΠ ΚΑϋΒΙΠFIBJH 1 completely forgot. K.APAMJ1A- to expect, to look back, to look around (in expectation of something), to linger (expecting someone). KAPAMJ1AC almost identical, similar close (in dimensions, quality, etc.). KAPAKECEK 1) Lenten; 2) lean (non-fat). KAPAKYME 1)/zool./ moth; 2) /chem./ mole, gram, molecule; 3) soot. KAPAKEJ1EHKE a whole day, twenty-four hours. KAPAJl- to be considered, examined. KAPAJ1A- ]) to soil, to smear; 2) to accuse, to slander. KAPAJTAH- 1) to be slandered; 2) /fig./ to disgrace oneself. KAPAJIAYMB1 1) someone who soils, smears; 2) /fig./ a slanderer. Κ,ΑΡΑΛΤΒΙΜ darkish, rather dark. KAPAJIBI 1) mourning; 2) sorrowful. K.APAJIBIK 1) blackness; 2) /fig./ dishonesty; malicious intent.

KAPAIUBIK KAPAMA-KAPCBI (exactly) opposite, diametrically opposed. KAPAMA-KAPCBIJIBIK contrast, opposition, antithesis. ΚΑΡΑΜΑΪΪ tar. KAPAMA JIA- to tar, to smear with tar. ΚΑΡΑΜΑΜΠΙΒΙ tar worker. KAPAMBIK 1) /bot./weed, weeds; 2) /med./ german measles (a childhood disease). KAPAH- to look around (on both sides). KAPAOT coarse grasses (for example, wormwood, alhagi and others). ΚΑΡΑΠ EAMKA- to look around. ΚΑΡΑΠΑΗΒΙΜ ordinary, plain; ... FAHA AT plain (work) horse. ΚΑΡΑΠΑΜΒΙΜ/ΙΑ usually, at the usual time. KAPAP resolution, decision. KAPAPJ1BI steadfast, constant, permanent, regular, unceasing. KAPAPCBI3 irregular, variable, inconstant. KAP AC- to help, to give support. KAPAC stagnant water, pond. KAPACAH /med./ malignant anthrax (name of an epidemic disease in cattle). KAPACTBIP- to investigate, to try to find. ΚΑΡΑ-ΤΟΠΡΑΚ black earth. KAPACBIH living accommodations, shelters (where one can take cover in bad weather). KAPAC03 prose. KAPATAH /bot./ black willow. KAPATOPBI 1) dark bay; 2) swarthy, darkcomplexioned, brunette. KAPAY 1) review; 2) examination of a case study of an affair analysis of a case; 3) dishonest, unconscientious; ... AAAM a stingy person. KAPAYEIJI 1) guard, watch; 2) sight (on a weapon or instrument); KAPAYBIJIFA AJ1- to sight, to take aim; ... ΚΑΡΑ- to guard, to watch. Κ,ΑΡΑΥΒυΐ,ΟΑ- to watch, to guard, to protect. KAPAYBIJTIIIB1 sentry, guard, watchman; formerly, a member of secret police in Tsarist Russia; ... 9CKEPJ1EP escort, convoy. ΚΑΡΑΙΠ EPIK /θίίΡΙΚ/ AFAIIIBI I) plum; 2) plum tree. Κ,ΑΡΑΙΙΙΑ yurt, an old felt hut. ΚΑΡΑΙΠΑΡΥΑ /ΚΑΡΑΙΙΙΑΡΒΙΥΑ/ peasant. KAPAUIAFA3 wild goose. ΚΑΡΑΙΠΕΚΠΕΗ peasant. ΚΑΡΑΙΙΙΒΪΚ pupil (of the eye). 259


KAPAlIIblFbJM KAPAIIIblFbIM my dear. Κ,ΑΡΑΙΠΒΙΚ, bindweed, convulvulus (a weed). KAPAKAT black currants. KAPAKOfflKbl dark-brown. KAPAKOIIIKbUTflAH- to turn dark-brown. KAPAKYMPblK /KAPAKYHPblK/ /zool./ gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa), roe-deer. ΚΑΡΑΚ,ΥΡΤ a large poisonous spider. Κ,ΑΡΑΚ,ΙΙΙΗ l) stuffed bird or animal; 2) scarecrow. KAPAKYMPblK, see KAPAKV PblK,. KAPAKYC carrion-vulture, carrion-eagle. KAPAHAA- to be hardly visible, to show black in the distance. KAPAHFbl 1) dark, darkness; 2) prison; EYJI ICTIHY AKblPbl HEMEH TblHATblHbl MAFAH ... how this affair will turn out, I don't know; ... TYC to get dark. KAPAHFblJIA- to darken, to obscure. KAPAUFblJIAH- to get dark. KAPAUFblJIblK darkness. KAPAFAH /bot,/ pine (Pinus silvestris); KAPAFAMAblH HHECI coniferous needles /bot./, acerose leaf. KAPAKAT a type of reed. KAPAFVC MblMbl cerebellum. ΚΑΡΑΘΚΠΕ the name of a cattle disease. KAPEAJTAC bustle, confusion, upheaval. KAPEAJlACTblK fuss, bustle, fussiness; haste. KAPEbI3 watermelon. KAP5KEI fund, financial resources. KAP5KbIJlAH- to obtain, to get money (the necessary means). Κ,ΑΡΜ« (the) elder. KAPJIbl snowy; ... EOPAH snowstorm, blizzard. KAPJIblK If I- to get hoarse. KAPJIblFAffl swallow. ΚΑΡΜΑ- to catch, to snatch, to pluck; to drag, to pull, carry off, to grab, to grasp. KAPMAJIA- to seize, to feel, to recognize by the feel. Κ,ΑΡΜΑΗ- to look for a way out (of a situation which has arisen), to look for support from someone; K.APMAHFAH ΚΑΡΑΠ KAU M AC (adage) Nothing ventured, nothing gained? KAPMAK fishing-rod, hook, fishhook; ... CAJ1- 1) to fish, to angle; 2) /fig./ to explore the ground; to look into, to find out; ... CAJIV angling /n./. KAPMAK.J1A- to angle, to fish (with rod). KAPOPMAH property.

ΚΑΡΠ- 1) to seize with the mouth (usually about a camel); 2) to bite off a huge piece: 3) to full (felt). K.APCAK, /zool./ vulpes corsak (a species of fox). KAPCAH eve. KAPCbl anti-, against, contra-; KIM ...? Who is opposed?; ... AJ1- to meet; ... ΑίίΤ- to object; ... EOJI /UlblK/- to come out against; ... 5KAK, 1) opposite (contrasting, opposing), side; 2) enemy, foe; ... ΙΠΑEVblJI counter-attack. KAPCblJIAC- to resist, to oppose, to quarrel with, to contradict. KAPCbIJTblK resistance, objection; ... ETΠΕΜΤΙΗ without protest, without murmur, resigned, uncomplaining, meek. KAPCbUIblKCbD resignation. Κ,ΑΡΤ eldest, elder, old, old man. ΚΑΡΤΑ 1) large intestine of a horse (a tasty dish, when cooked); 2) map. KAPTAH oldish, elderly. KAPTAH- grow old /v./. ΚΑΡΤΟΠ potato. KAPTTblK old age. KAPV weapon(s), arm(s); CfalH KAPVbl weapons of criticism; ...OKAPAK, armament; arms, weapons; ...-5KAPAK MMHMCTPJIIFI Minister of armament; ...5KAPAK. KOfiMACbl arms depot. KAPVJIAH- to arm oneself, to equip oneself. - to arm, to equip. 1) armed, equipped; 2) strong; ... KY1IITEP MMHMCTPJlin ministry of armed forces. APyCbB 1) unarmed, without weapons; 2) weak, impotant. - to disarm. young, under age (of a person), short; KAPmA/JAMblHAH from infancy. KAPIIlblFA hawk. KAPbl old. KAPbl- to burn oneself. KAPbB debt, duty, loan, credit. KAPW3AAH- to have money owed to one. KAPbD AP debtor. KAPblJlblFAUI swallow. KAPblM-KATbIC relation, connection, tie. KAPblH belly, stomach; KAPblHbIM AIIITbl /fig./ I feel like eating something; KAPbIHbl TOK he's full, satisfied; ... CVbl gastric juice. KAPblHAAC brother or sister; AFAftblH-... remote relatives.



KAPblHAACTbIK K,APbIHAACTbIK, relationship, kinship. KAPblHAAIII pencil. KAPbIC a measure of length (the distance between the ends of the thumb and the middle finger when spread apart, a quarter of an arshin). K,APbIC- ]) to be contracted (from a cramp); to be cramped; 2) to resist, to protest; 5KAFLI K,APbICbITI KAJIAbI he has a cramp in his jaw; >KAFbI K,APbICK,AH AAAMlilA YHAEMEAIH; You're as quiet as if you had water in your mouth. KAPblCIlA stubborn (of a person). KAPLICTA- to measure with the thumb and middle fingers spread apart. KAPblK, If I- I) to suffer pain in the eyes, caused by the glaring sunlight reflected by snow; 2) to darken. K,APbIK, BOJ1- to receive something in abundance. K,APbIK, ET- to provide a full amount of something (to give something in abundance). KAPK, If I- to jump over; ATKA K,APFbIO MIHAI he jumped on the horse. Κ,ΑΡΚ,ΑΡΑ heron. Κ,ΑΡ-Κ,ΑΡΚ, KYJ1- see K,APK,bIJlAA-. K,APK,bIJIAA- 1) to guffaw, to laugh loudly; 2) to croak (of a crow). K,APK,bIH 1) speed, rate, time, tempo; 2) speed (of a horse). Κ,ΑΡΚ,ΜΗΑΑΤ- to increase the tempo. KAPK,bIHAbI >KYMbIC pressing work. KAPFA crow; AJ1A ... crow; Y3AK. ... /Y3AK,/ rook. KAPFA- to curse, to damn. K,APFAH- to swear, to vow. K,APFbI collar, dog collar. K,APFbI- to jump /v./. KAPFblEAV /obs./ a gift from the parents of the bridegroom to the parents of the bride (before the wedding). K,APFbIJTbI TA3bI a hound (borzoi) with a collar. KAPFbIC damnation! damn! (curse, imprecation). KAC 1) eyebrow; 2) /geogr./ height, rising ground; 3) bank of a big river; 4) embankment, heaped earth (brought from another place); 5) rampart; 6) enemy, hostile, inimical; ... ΠΕΗ ΚΘ3ΑΙ13 APACblHAA instantaneously, in a flash, in a twinkling; K,ACbIMAA near me; EACBIK,ACbIHAA EOJIAbI he attended, taking a close interest; KYH EATbITT, ...

the sun went down and it began to get dark. KAC- 1) to comb, to scratch; 2) /fig./ to affect, to offend; JKEJ1KECIH ... to regret, to pity, /lit./ (to scratch the back of the neck). K,ACAM oath (the swearing in). KACAOTA- to cut a carcass into small pieces; to process a carcass like a butcher (skilfully). KACAOnibl /KACAH/ butcher. KACAP beggar. K,ACAKAHA 1) with malicious intent, maliciously; 2) on purpose for fun. K,ACAK,bI harmful, pernicious. KACAKblJlblK, harm. K,ACHET 1) dignity, self-respect, merit, worth; 2) property, quality; 3) use benefit. K.ACHETCI3 1) disadvantageous, useless; 2) unworthy. KACHETCI3AIK worthlessness. KACHETTI 1) completely worthy, worth while; generous; 2) saint. K,ACK,YHEM wrecker, saboteur, malicious person. K,ACK,YHEMAIK sabotage; evil intention.


KACOAK, dregs at the bottom of a kettle of milk. K,ACCbI3 without eyebrows. K,ACTAC- to quarrel with each other; to be angry with each other. K,ACTAVbin smut, rust (a disease of cereal plants). KACTblK, 1) hostility, enmity, crime, sabotage; 2) spite, anger, wrath. KACbl at, near. KACbl )KOK, without eyebrows. KACblH- to scratch oneself. near. KACblK, spoon; EKI APAMbI3 MAMJIbl K,ACbIK,TAM we are very friendly with him. KACIPET grief, sadness. K,ACKA 1) with a white mark (striped on the forehead); 2) /colloq./ unfortunate, poor, miserable; Κ,ΑΡΑ ... AT brown (of a horse) with a bald spot ; . . . BAC /fig./ bald (of a person). KACK,bIP wolf. Κ,ΑΤ letter (epistle). Κ,ΑΤ- to harden. Κ,ΑΤΑ error, mistake. K.ATAJI cruel, stern. KATAJIAblblK, cruelty. Κ,ΑΤΑΡ 1) chain of mountains; 2) row, /mil./



K.ATHAC line, /mil./ formation; ... Cbl3bIK parallel. KATHAC connections, relations. ΚΑΤΠΑΡ stratum. Κ,ΑΤΤΑ- 1) to put in layers; 2) to do often, to make often. KATTbl hard, strong, cruel; ... BOPAH snowstorm; ... JKEJl strong wind; ... 3AT solid; ... niCKEH HCVMblPTKA hardboiled egg; ... lIIAEbIC career (full speed); ... KyflblH waterspout. KATTblJIblK, cruelty, toughness, stinginess. KATyjIAH- to become severe, threatening (of a person). KATIIIbl scribe, clerk, secretary. KATblJIAAK, 3KEP surface covered with ripples; shifting, vacillating surface. KATblH wife, married woman; ... 3K¥MbICbl peasant woman's business, job; ... 0CEK peasant women's gossip; KATtlHbl ΘΛΓΕΗ a widower. KATblP- to freeze, to chil). KATblPMA cardboard, carton; ... >KAFA starched collar. K,ATbIC- to take part in, to have a share in. KATblCnAMTblH indifferent (one who is not taking part). KATblCnAyiUblJlblK. indifference. KATblK, 1) thick sour milk, a fermented milk dish (sour milk with boiled milk), clotted cream; 2) seasoning (for soup). KATKAK the first autumn frosts. K,ATK,bIJl 1) /geogr./ turfy, sodded ground; 2) severe violent illness. KAY last year's grass; uncut (high) grass. ΚΑΥΑΠ a dish of lamb and rice. Κ,ΑΥΑΙΠΑΚ /bot./ boll, pod. KAyiJblPJlA- to rustle. K,AyjlA- to shoot up, to grow furiously, to sprout (of a plant). K,AyJIAT- to develop, to grow vigorously. KAyjlbl decision, judgment pronounced by the court, resolution; ... AJI /fflblFAP/- to carry out resolution; to resolve, to decree. KAVMAJIA- to surround, encircle; 5KbIJIK,bIHbl KAyMAJIAFI YCTA- to catch horses (by surrounding them). KAVECET unpleasant news. KAVCA- 1) to dry out, to crack (of a dish); 2) to get loose (for example, of the teeth); 3) /fig./ to fall into decay, to ruin. K,AyCbIP- 1) to cram in, to push in; 2) to place one flap of a garment on another. KAyCLIPblH- see KAYCblP-.

K,AybI3 pod, legume, ear, spike (of wheat, corn, etc.), husk (of grain). KAVBEJAA· to husk. KAyblM people, nation, tribe, community, commune. KAyblH melon, muskmelon. KAYblPCblH feather (of a bird). KAYblPT hasty, urgent, in haste, urgently, sharply. lobs./ November. - to meet, to join, to agree, to coincide; KYH KAyblCTbl the sun has set; gone down. Κ AY ΙΠ danger, threat, safe, safely. - to feel free from danger, make secure; to insure; QMIPfll Κ,ΑΥΙΠlife insurance. I- to ^ insured. safety; ... COBETI Security Soviet (special detachment). K,AyinCIH- to fear, to apprehend. KAyinTEH- see ΚΑνίΠΟΙΗ-. Κ,ΑΥΙΠΤΙ dangerous, risky. Κ,ΑΥΡΑ bucket, tub. Κ,ΑΙΙΙ- to run away (from), to avoid; AJlbin ... XAEAP /fig./ rumors, hearsay; AT AJlbin Κ,ΑΙΙΙΤΜ the horse bolted; ΕΤΙ Κ,ΑΙΙΙΚΑΗ ΕΚΕΗ (it looks as if) he has grown thin; ΤΗΙΠ-ΚΑΠΗΛΓΪ in snatches, at odd moments; TYCI ... to turn pale (of a person); YMK,bI ... to suffer from sleeplessness. KAIIIA- to cut down, to chop off, to puncture a board with a chisel. Κ,ΑΙΙΙΑΗ when? Κ,ΑΠΙΑΗΗΑΗ ΒΕΡΙ beginning when? from what time? KAfflAHFbl ancient, old, long-established. KAI1IAP two-year-old calf. KAUIAy chisel. KAIIIAFAH one that is rearing, to run away (usually of a horse). KAIIiy 1) coupling, pairing; 2) flight. KAmblP mule. KAUlblPT- 1) to conceal, to hide; 2) to confuse, embroil; to entangle. Κ,ΑΙΠΜΚ, distant /adj./. ΙζΑΠΙΜΚ,ΤΑ- to recede, to move from. KAIIIblKTblK, remoteness, aloofness. K,AUIK,faIH fugitive, runaway, deserter. K.AH3 /zool./ barbel (fish); a long-horned beetle (Agapanthia dahli).


KAHfbl1) shortage, deficiency, damage, breakage; 2) crack, crevice. KAK, 1) a sweetmeat made of fruit or berries; 2) water hole; ... EEJI- to divide in equal parts; ... 3KAP- to cut something in halves; ... 5KEP a dry, barren place; Κ,ΑΤΤΜ )ΚΕΡΓΕ ... TV PAP /lit./ (a pond forms on hard ground); frugality is a guarantee of accumulation. KAK, If I- 1) to knock, pound; to knock at, to bang, crack, slap, clap; 2) to pound (of the heart); 3) to hammer, to drive in, to wedge, to hammer in (a nail, stake); 4) to snatch, catch, grasp; 5) to let fall, to shake out, to jolt out; to shake off; APKAFA ... to slap on the back (in the sense of approval); EAFMII-... to rear carefully, solicitously; to nurture, grow, raise; 9ΗΤΊΜΕΗΙΗ ... OPTACWHflA BOJlflWM I was there from the beginning to the end and I heard the whole conversation (with my own ears); AMTKAH bl TE3 ΚΑΡΜΠ AJT- to grasp (the meaning quickly). ΚΑΚΑ- to rage (of a hard frost). KAKAM- 1) to curve back, to one up high; to ascend to a height; 2) /fig./ to throw one's head back in a haughty manner, to assume an arrogant pose. KAKAKT- 1) to bend (the body) back; 2) to lift something up high, to raise something high. KAKAH to choke. KAKAC on the side, outside, beyond (everything). KAKEAC /bot./ puff ball (Lycoperdon giganticum). ΚΑΚΠΑ arch, vault, arc, gates. KAK AJIA- 1) to urge on (for example, a tired horse); switching the neck and the flanks lightly; 2) /fig./ to distract (someone's) attention. ΚΑΚΠΑΗ trap. ΚΑΚΠΑΙΠΜ 1) a trapper; one who sets traps skilfully (a hunter who catches wild animals with traps); 2) gatekeeper, porter, janitor. ΚΛΚΠΑΚ cover(ing), tire cover. KAKHAKblJ! a kind of game with knucklebones. KAKCA- 1) to repeat over and over again, to repeat in a tiresome way; 2) to bleat incessantly (of a sheep); 3) to ache severely (for example, teeth). KAKTA- 1) to cut (meat) into small pieces

for salting and drying; 2) to hammer, flatten, hammer out (metal); KAKTAFAH ET dried, cured meat. AKTLIK /F/- to bump against, to strike (against) something. - to get into a fight, to clash. - see KAKAft-. - 1) to stand something on end; 2) to force (someone) to stand without moving. KAKblJWA- to talk loudly and incessantly. ΚΑΚΒΙΗΛΑ about. - to spit, expectorate. - to rip along the seams, to be torn lengthwise, to burst at the seams /v.intr./. KAKWPAT- to tear along the seams (for example, a dress). KAKWPWH- to be expectorated. KAKklPHK phlegm, sputum, moisture, wetness. ΚΑΗ,ΒΑΚ /bot./ eryngium, tumble weed. KAH>KbIFA saddle-bags. KAH,C-1) to crack, to dry out (for example, a cask or barrel); 2) to give off an acid unpleasant smell. KAH,CbIJIA- to squeal, to yelp (of a dog). KAHTAP lobs./ December. ΚΑΗ,ΤΑΡ- 1) to leave a horse standing; to cool off, tieing the reins to the pommel of the saddle; 2) /fig./ to hold up, delay, detain, make someone exhausted waiting for something. KAHJAPblJl- /fig./ to be forced to remain inactive. KAHblJITAK light (in weight), slight, thin, delicate, keen, subtle; ... HAH toast. KAH,bIJITbIP tin, tinplate, sheet iron. KAttblJlTLIPJlA- to cover with tin plate, sheet iron. KAH.BIPA- to become empty, to empty, to be completely empty. ΚΑΗ,Κ /F/- 1) to ferment, to wander; 2) to barely walk (of an old horse). ΚΑΗΚΑ skeleton. ΚΑΗ,ΚΑΪί- to be cumbersome, to overwhelm because of size or volume. ΚΑΗ,ΚΥ a malicious half-hint; irony. KAHKkl - see ΚΑΗ,ΚΑΪί-. KAH,KtIJI cackling, gaggling (of a swan or goose). ΚΑΗ,ΚωΛΑ- to gaggle, cackling. KAHFbl- to move to another place (of nomads).


κοίί KAHFblEAC a restless, fidgety person, vagabond, tramp. KAUFblEACTAH- to become restless, to roam about among the villages (aimlessly). KAHFEIP- to wander, to roam (aimlessly). KAFA3Ky dismissal, discharge, alienation, confiscation. KAFA5KyjIAH- to keep aloof (from affairs). KAFA3 paper; ... AKIHA paper money. K,AFY 1) clear, windy weather; 2) ban, prohibition; 3) persecution. KAFblflUA /lit./ law, rule. KAFLIJI thin new snow. KAFEIJI-1) to bump, to strike, to hit (against), to pound, to knock, to chatter (teeth); 2) to be driven in, to be wedged in; being driven in. KAFbIJIE3 vivacious, lively, bright, smart. KAFblJiy being shaken out. KAFblH^L·! pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs). KAFEIP 1) covered with dirt and hardened (for example, a saddle-cloth); 2) punishment. KAFbIC- to clash, to strike one another. KAFblCTblP- /fig./ to seek out, to try to find. KAFEIT- to tease (verbally), to chaff, to provoke. KAhAP anger, fury. KAhAPJIAH- to get angry, to fly into a rage, to get furious. K,AhAPJIbI terrible, furious, angry. KAhAPMAH 1) a strongly built man; a very strong man, an athlete; 2) hero, valiant, heroic; 3) character, a personage. KAhAPMAH blK, heroism, valor. KPEAJI3K- 1) to feel sick, to be nauseated, to vomit; 2) to begin to stir; to begin to bustle; 3) to quake (of the heart). Κ,ΟΕ,ΙΓ,ΕΙΪΪ case (a small wooden box with a lid, for holding different kinds of instruments). Κ,ΟΕΥ a small ravine, opening into a lake. KOEEI3 the national musical instrument (a stringed instrument with a bow), a Kazakh violin. K,OEbI3IIIbI a musician playing the kobiz. KO/IA- to fit supports under the load on a camel's back. K.OAAC 1) yak; 2) bow-legged (with legs like a yoke); ... ΤΥίΪΕ a camel, whose front legs are crooked. >KYP- to step clumsily.

i- to bulge out, to stick out, to jut out, to protrude. Κ,Ο,Π,ΕΙΚ, foal of a Kulan (wild horse), young ass. KO5KA 1) proprietor, owner, master; 2) Mohammed's descendant; 3) /hist./ name of a clan or tribe. KO5KAJIAK, 1) uneven, irregular, rough, ragged; 2) dirty-faced, smudgy. KO5KAJIbIK, the right of the owner; property, ownership; ... ET, to have the use of. Κ,Ο^ΚΑΗ,ΠΑ- to rule over someone, to dominate someone; to show oneself the master of the situation. K,O)KbIP I) rough, not finished smoothly. crudely made; 2) pitted, pockmarked. KOJKblPA- 1) to fall off in the milk yield, to give less milk (because of a lack of fodder). KO3- 1) to flare up again, to return, to become active again (about a disease); 2) to be carried away, to show a keen interest in; 3) to be excited, to get irritated; AHFblHblH 5KEJII K,O3bin OTblP he wanted to take a walk (a stroll) very much. K.O3A raw cotton, cotton wool. K,O3EA- to throw down. KO3flA- to lamb. KO3LI 1) lamb; 2) lambskin; 3) wing nut, thumbscrew. K.O3FA- 1) to move, to stir, to oscillate, to waver; 2) to excite, to arouse, to disturb, to touch. KO3FAJI- to move, advance; to stir; to begin to move. K,O3FAJIMAHTbIH MYJ1IK real estate. KO3FAJIMAJIEI MYJIIK movable property, personal property. KO3FAJIEIC movement, revolt, insurrection; UJAPVAJ1AP K,O3FAJIbICbI peasant movement. K.O3FAY CAJ1- to stimulate, to give impetus to. KO3FAybIIII motor, engine. Κ,Οίί- 1) to let go /v./, to free, to release; 2) to suppose; 3) to order; 4) to allow; 5) to leave, to abandon. Κ,ΟΪί sheep (in the general sense), ram; ... ΕΑΚ,ΚΑΗ 5ΚΙΠΤ shepherd's dog, sheepdog; shepherd; ... EAFy sheep-breeding; ... ΕΤΙ mutton, lamb; ... TAG boulder; ... yCTAy sheepraising; ... ΙΙΙΑΡΥΑUlblJlblFbl sheep breeding; ... Κ,ΟΡΑ sheep pen; KpflAbIH>KYHI sheep's wool.


KOJinblJIJIAK,OMEOJI,H,bI futile, ineffective, something which remains without after-effects, consequences. Κ,ΟίίΜΑ 1) barn, granary, depot, storehouse; 2) /fig./ birthplace; CY K,OHMACbI reservoir. Κ,ΟΪΪΗΑΥ 1) crack, crevice, fissure; ravine, canyon, gorge; 2) bay, haven cove, gulf. Κ,ΟίϊΙΙΙΕΙ sheep-dog, shepherd. Κ,ΟίΪΜΗ 1) embrace; 2) bosom; 3) /fig./ lap (of nature). Κ,ΟΰΒΙΡΤΠΑΚ sour milk mixed with fresh milk. Κ,ΟΜΚ,ΕΙΗ nankeen (cloth), a firm yellow or buff material made of Chinese cotton. K.OMFA bowl. K.OJI 1) hand, wrist, arm; 2) foreleg (of animals); 3) army, /mil./ detachment; ... TYMA /AT/ home-grown (horse); KOJIbl AIlIblK, KICI hospitable person; K.OJ1LI5KOJTBI Y3EIH (person) who has every opportunity; EYJ1 MEHIH; K,OJlbIMHAH KEJIMEUAI this is not within my power; I am not up to this; OCblHLI ICTE

CEHIH; KOJIWHHAH KEJIE^I FOM you (familiar) are quite able to do this;


not value what we have ourselves; ... CYK, If I- to lay hands (on), to attack, assault; CYblK, ... KIPMECIH so that no one will dare to loot (public property); ... >KYMCA- to use brute force; OHblH, ... ACTblHflA his conduct or under his authority; ... YIIIblH EEP- to help; ΕΙΡΕΥΓΕ ... ^KAVJlblK, EOJT- to fall under someone's influence; to be someone's instrument; ... Κ,ΟΪί- to sign, to subscribe, to add to; Κ,ΟΛΕΙΜ ΤΜΜΕΜΑΙ I haven't any time, I have no time, I haven't got time; ... Y3- to break connection; MAJIAAH ... KETEP- to lose (one's) livestock; KOJlbl EAP>KbIMPAH with fleshy hands; KOJTMA-KOJI from hand to hand; Κ,Ο-JTbIHbIH EEPEKECI ΕΑΡ economical, thrifty; K,OJlbIMAW Κ,ΑΜΤΑΡΜΑ don't refuse (my request); Κ,Ο/IbI TYCKEH ΤΑΪΪ foal (yearling) stallion, limping on his foreleg; K,OH,abItJ -.. ΕΤΙ lamb (front section);... ΚΘΤΘΡ- (to raise one's hand), to vote;... APAMAJ1 pocket-handkerchief;... ACTEIHAAFbl subordinate /n. and adj./. ... EAJIA adopted child, foster child; ... BACbl military chief; ... 5ΚΥΚΙΠΙ porter; ... aCYMEICbl physical work, hand work;

... CAYCAFbl finger; ... TVMA MAJI home-grown cattle; ... lIIAnAJIAKTA- to applaud; ... UIAHAJIAKJAY applause, clapping; ... IATblP umbrella; ... Κ,ΟΗto sign; ... ΘΗΕΡ1ΠΙ craftsman; ... ΘΗΕΡΙ trace, profession, occupation; ΕΙΡΕΥΓΕ Κ,Ο/ΙΙΙΙΟΚ,ΠΑΡ EOJI- to become a blind tool for someone else; Κ,ΟϋΑΕΙΗ; EACbl wrist of the hand; Κ,ΟΙΤ^ΕΙΗ KOCDACbl wrist. K.OJIA bronze. KOJIA- to go down, to descend. K.OJIAMJIA- to designate, to select, to choose, to consider suitable. K,OJIAMJIAH- 1) to intend to, to be about to, to prepare for, to undertake; 2) to be put in proper order. K,OJTAMJlbI acceptance, admissible, suitable, appropriate, appointed, destined. K,OJlAMCbI3 inconvenient, uncomfortable, inadmissible, clumsy, bandy-legged. K,OHAMCbI3 bIK, inconvenience, unsuitability, unacceptability. K.OJ1AMTA burning ashes, hot ashes. K,OJlAriAUCbI3 awkward, clumsy, slow, sluggish. Κ,ΟΛΑΥ lameness (in the front leg), in a foal, when he is exhausted, driven too hard. KOJlAii IIIAIE with thick black hair (of a woman), K,OJ1AH,CA 1) an unpleasant smell of sweat from the underarms; 2) a growth on the inner side of the front leg of a horse (above the knee). K,OJIEACIIIbI captain, general military chief. K,OJ1^A- 1) to support, to patronize; 2) /fig./ to beat soundly, to inflict blows. Κ,ΟΛΑΑΗ- 1) to use, make use of; 2) to follow, to use (as a guide); TMICTI UIAPA K,OJl^AH/],bI (he) took appropriate measures; EYJ1 ...-EAFAH Θ,Ο,ΕΤΙΜ ΕΑΙ this was not my practice (I was not used to this); ... KEJIMEFEH unsuccessful. KOJI^AHblJl- 1) to adapt oneself to; to be used for a guide. K.OJIAAC- 1) to carry something together; 2) to fight, to deal blows (to each other). K.OJ1AAY 1) support; 2) armpit (of an animal). K.OJTAEI EOJI- to be stolen, abducted (walked). KOJI3CA3EA manuscript. K,OJI)KET- to attain, to achieve. KOJIOblJIAA- to drag (for example, of loose shoes).




KOJICblS without an arm; without a hand. KOJITVIVIA home-grown cattle. KOJITblK 1) gulf, bay; 2) armpit; B1P ... ΠΙΙ1ΙΕΗ half an armload of hay; ΒΙΡΕΥΛΙΗ KOJTTblFblHblH, ACTbIHA KIP- /fig./ to be under someone's protection. KOJITblKTA- 1) to take (someone's) arm, to slip one's arm through (somebody else's); 2) /fig./ to support someone. KOJITblKTAC- to go arm-in-arm with each other. KAJlK,blJmA- see K,OJinbIJIAA-. KOJIFAEblC help. KOJlFAEblClIlbl aide, helper. KOJ1FAHAT 1) a "sponger", a relative who lives in the house as a hanger-on; 2) minors (with respect to their parents). KOJIXAT receipt, voucher, painting (of walls, etc.). KOJIIIIATblP umbrella. KOJIKA /anat./ aorta; ... CAJI- to ask (a friend) to give you something; HE K.OJ1Κ,ΑΗ ΕΑΡ? What do you want (to receive as a gift) from me? ΚΟΛΘΗΕΡ trade, profession; ... JOCIEI cottage industries. Κ,ΟΜ 1) piece of felt which replaces a saddle on a double-humped camel; 2) fat back (on a camel); ... IIIAIII- to get fat (a camel). KOMAKTbl large, voluminous. Κ,ΟΜΑΡΑϊϊ voracious, gluttonous. KOMAFAid,HAH- to be very hungry, to want to eat badly, to display gluttony. KOMAFAilJIblK voraciousness; a strong desire for food. Κ,ΟΜ/IAJI- to be saddled (of a camel). Κ,ΟΜΑΑΗ- 1) to get fat (of a camel); 2) to get wings ready for flight (of a bird). KOMIIblM- 1) to be distinguished by tall stature; 2) /fig./ to put on airs, to pride oneself (upon something). KOMCblH- not to feel sympathy; to fail to show sympathy, liking. KOMMT clothes (all patched). Κ,ΟΜΗΤΤΑ- to put different patches on (one after another), to patch up. Κ,ΟΗ- 1) to settle down for life; to settle permanently; to live, to dwell, to stay; 2) to pass the night, to spend the night; 3) to descend, to come down, to perch (to earth), to land (of bird or plane); 4) /fig./ to mount a horse. KOHAK guest; ... KOHAAH 3KYAC EEPCEH ΛΕ, )ΚΕΪί EEPEJI a guest

should be modest; ... ACbl EEP- to entertain guests; ... EOJT- to pay an extended visit; to visit for a while; ... IIIAKEIP- to invite guests (to an entertainment). KOHAKACbl food for the visitor, the guest. Κ,ΟΗΑΚ,ΤΑ- to stay with, to be on a visit; to go for a visit, to pay a visit. KOHAKUIblJI hospitable. K.OHAFA spending the night, food for a guest. KOH/JblP- to keep a guest overnight, to put a hunting-bird (on one's wrist) (upon going out to hunt), to settle, to establish; (KE3EK) ... to print (a design, pattern, etc. on a fabric, etc.). KOHflblPMA building on, a superstructure. K,OH3KbIM- to mount, to take a seat. KOHY place to stay for the night; nightlodging. K,OHbIM^bI suitable, proper, appropriate. KOHblP fallow-bay (color of a horse). KOHbIC 1) a village (aul) stopping-place with a pasture; 2) place for spending the night; 3) forests; ... ΑΥβΑΡ- to lead a nomadic life; to wander, to be a nomad, to migrate. KOHblCTAH- to settle; to find a job, to establish oneself. KOHblCTAC adjacent, neighboring, adjoining (in land-tenure). KOHblCTACTblK neighborhood. KOHbllll top of a boot. Κ,ΟΜ- 1) to place, to put, to set; 2) to stop, to break off, to put an end to; to cease; 3) to strike, to hit; 4) to bury, to inter; IIIAIII ... to let one's hair grow long; KOJ1 ... Sign! to listen to, to heed; OJI KEPE he noticed right away; OJI EITIPMEft KOnMAt flbl he won't stop until he has finished. ΚΟΠΑ lake or area covered with reeds. KOriAJlbl KGJI a lake overgrown with reeds, sedge. ΚΟΠΑΡ- to twist out, to wrench out; to turn upside down, to swing around; to dig up, to uproot, to eradicate. KOIIAPblJI- /fig./ to advance, to rise, to ascend as a whole, en masse. ΚΟΠΑΗΛΑ- l) first to go up and then to come down in (one) place (for example, when riding horseback); 2) /fig./ to be in a disturbed condition.




- to turn inside out, to hoe, turn, 1) injury, offense, insult, torment, loosen (the soil). vexation; 2) disgrace, humiliation. Κ,ΟΡ 1) supplies, reserve, resources; 2) fund, KOPCYH- 1) to diminish, to curtail, to lessen, stock, reserve; funds; 3) yeast, leaven, to make smaller; 2) to humiliate, to humble, ferment for kumiss; 4) base, basis, to abase. foundation; ... BOJI- to descent, to go - to grunt. down, to sink, to fall. Κ,ΟΡΤΠΑ /zool./ sturgeon (fish). Κ,ΟΡ- to guard, to protect. K,OPTbIHflbI BAJIAHC significance; conΚ,ΟΡΑ 1) bread, loaf, corn; 2) a living; siderable balance. 3) yard, court, pen, enclosure, penning, KOPTblH/iblCbD without result, futile. enclosing; 4) herd, flock. Κ,ΟΡΤΜΚ, cretin, degenerate. Κ,ΟΡΑΒΑ sour, spoiled (of milk or kumiss Κ,ΟΡΥ- to defend. which has stood for a long time). Κ,ΟΡΥΚ,- to fear. Κ,ΟΡΥΚ,ΤΥΡ- frighten. K.OPA3 /ΘΤΕ1Ι1/ cock. K,OPA3#AH- to be on one's high horse, to Κ,ΟΡΙΙΙΑ- to surround, to inclose, to barricade. put on airs. KOPIHAJT- to be surrounded, enclosed (by a K,OPAJlbI MAJ1 herd animals. fence). Κ,ΟΡΙΗΑΥ blockade, fence, enclosure. K.OPAMCAK, quiver (for arrows). Κ,ΟΡΑΠ box, case; chest, tank, body; KOPblJI snore, snoring (of a person). housing; chamber; compartment. K,OPbIJlAA- to snore. Κ,ΟΡΑΠΤΒΙ supplied with a case, wallet, Κ,ΟΡΗΗ- to be ashamed, embarrassed knapsack. (because of one's deficiency), to fear. K.OPACAH smallpox. K,OPbIC silt, sediment, sludge; slip (in K,OPAYCfaI3 neglected. ceramics); ... KblJl- to turn upside down, Κ,ΟΡΑΙΠ ill-favored, unenviable (in appearto play havoc. K,OPbIT- 1) to conclude, to infer, to reach the ance), insignificant, unreliable. K,OPAfflCbIH- to feel shy, ashamed (because conclusion; 2) to melt, to smelt. of a shortcoming of some sort on one's Κ,ΟΡΗΤΥ conclusion. own part); to consider insufficient, in- K,OPbITYUIbI founder (expert, foreman). significant. K,OPbITbIHAbI conclusion. KOPAIIITblK, plainness, insignificance, in- Κ,ΟΡΜΚ, reservation, preserve; Κ,ΟΡΜΚ,Κ,ΑΗΡΑ K.OC KEPIHEZU (adage) Everysufficiency, deficiency. thing is frightened to a frightened man. Κ,ΟΡΑ-KOnCbI estate, farm, any country house with adjoining buildings and garden. ΚΟΡΜΚ,ΠΑΗΤΗΗ fearless. Κ,ΟΡΛΑ 1) reserves, funds, stocks; 2) pile (of Κ,ΟΡΚ,- to fear. remnants, leavings of hay, straw, etc.). Κ,ΟΡΚ,ΑΥ K,ACKbIP /zool./ hyena. K,OPA,C(bI having reserves, thrifty, provident. KOPKAK coward, cowardly; Κ,Θ3 ... K.OJ1 BATblP (adage) /lit./ (The eye is a coward, Κ,ΟΡΕΚ scanty nourishment, diet necessary but the hand is brave), labor triumphs. to exist, minimum subsistence; CYT KOPKAKJblK timidity, fear. KOPEKTIJ1EP /zool./ mammal. KOPEKTEH- to feed (on), to take a limited KOPKblHUIAK, coward. KOPKblHbim danger. amount of food. Κ,ΟΡΕΗίΙΙ recovering, filling out quickly; not KOPK,bIHbIIflCbI3 safe, harmless. K.OPK.blHbllUCbB blK, safety, security. fussy about feeding (of cattle). K,OP)KbIH- to sit, to sit (solemnly); (clamber- K,OPK,bIHbIUITbI dangerous, frightful, fearful. ing up in a pompous way). K,OP)KbIH (carpet) saddle bag with two K,OPK,bIPA- to speak hoarsely, to croak. K,OPK,bIT- to frighten, to terrify. compartments. KOP5KbIHAY a square, in outline similar to K.OPFA- to take care of, to look after, to administer, to govern, to rule, to surround a saddlebag. with a wall, to depend, to guard against. K.OPJIA- to humiliate, insult - to shame, K,OPFAJ1A- 1) to escape, to seek shelter, to disgrace; to treat contemptuously. take cover (from bad weather); 2) to be shy, K.OPJ1AH- to feel humiliated, offended, to be ashamed, to be afraid. angry, to be outraged.


K.OPFAJIATK.OPFAJIAT- 1) to frighten, to inspire fear; 2) to oppress; 3) to cover, to shelter. K.OPFAJIAK, see Κ,ΟΡΡΑΗΙΠΑΚ. KOPFAJIAKTA- see Κ,ΟΡΡΑΛΑ-. K,OPFAJIAK,TbIK cowardice, vacillation, indecisiveness. K.OPFAH fortress, defense bastion, bulwark, fortification, support abutment, stronghold; ... JIAJI/IA defense construction, erection, works. KOPFAH- to defend; to defend oneself, to guard against, to protect oneself against. Κ,ΟΡΡΑΗβΑ- to treat fortifications, to surround something with a rampart. KOPFAHJIbl surrounded, encircled by a rampart fortification. K.OPFAHCBI3 1) neglected, unsupervised; 2) defenseless. KOPFAHCLISAWK; defenselessness. Κ,ΟΡΡΑΗΠΙΑΚ, cowardly, timid, fearful. K,OPFAHbIMrTA3AbIK, defense capability, potential. K.OPFAHMC defense, self-defense. K,OPFAHbIIII defense, support, protection. K,OPFACbIH /met./ lead; ... 3ABOflbI lead foundry. K,OPFACbIHAA- to fasten something, with lead (to solder with lead). KOPFAY defense. Κ,ΟΡΡΑΥΠΙΒΙ lawyer; defense attorney, counsel for the defense; defender, protector. K.OC 1) a small (movable) yurt, which workers live in temporarily; 2) (the) aggregate of agricultural tools, domestic animals, and workers; 3) flock (of sheep); 4) pair, twin, double, twofold; Κ,ΟΡΜΚ,K.AHFA ... KEPIHEAI fear makes the eyes big; ... HlblKTbl ploughing has begun (or harvesting); ... AYbI3 doublebarreled gun; ... AYbI3 MMJITWK, double-barreled gun; ... TIC teeth which have grown together; ... Κ,ΑΤΒΙΗ AJIY bigamy;... YM a small felt-hut for traveling; ... YbIC handful. K.OC- 1) to command, to order, to instruct, charge; 2) to put together, to join, to add; BAC ... /fig./ to gather, together, to assemble, to consult. K.OCA together, jointly, in common. K,OCAJIK,bI /adj/. space, reserve, supplementary; ... EQJIME passage. K.OCAPJIAH- to pair off, to accompany each other. K,OCAYbI3 MblJITblK double-barreled gun.

K.OCA.HK /zool./ jerboa. K.OCAK, 1) sheep tied together (neck to neck), during milking; 2) /fig./ mates, companions, partners; 3) a team of two animals; 4) a line, row of sheep on one cord. K.OCAKJA- to tie one sheep to another by the neck. K,OCKIH,HIK a disease of young camels. Κ,ΟϋΠΑ mixture. Κ,ΟΟΠΑΚ, one breed of camel (a camel hybrid); a crossing of the first crossing of camels (dromedaries) and a two-humped camel (Bactrian). K.OCTA- to approve, to support. K,OCTAEAH /math./ trapezium. K.OCTAC cohabitant. K.OCTAC- to say good-bye, to take leave. K,OCTAYIIIbI one who approves, says "Yes". K.OCY /math./ addition. K,OCUIbI convoy, escort on a journey; ... Eil /leg./ court assessor. KOCblJI- 1) to meet, to come together, to be introduced; 2) to increase, to be added, to be joined, to be put together; ICKE ... to be brought into action, into operation; ΤΑΥ TAYFA KOCbUlMAHflM, A£AM AflAMFA KOCbUlA bl mountain does not meet mountain, but man does meet man. K,OCbIMIIIA supplement, addition; surplus, additional. KOCblH bl /math./ item, component. Κ,ΟΤΑΗ pen, sheep pen. Κ,ΟΤΑΡ- 1) to shift, move somewhere else; to interlay, to reset, to transpose, to set to (music); to put too much; 2) to drink all up at a gulp; 3) to pour out, to pour from ... to ...; to decant, to transfer, to transfuse. K,OTAPbICTbIP- see Κ,ΟΤΑΡ-. Κ,ΟΤΜΡ itch, scab; mange; ... BOJI- to get mangy, to get sick from mange. K,OTbIPJIAH- to get mangy, to get sick from mange. Κ,ΟΙΙΙ 1) good luck! good-bye! 2) a cry to a sheep (during milking); ... KEH/JIHD welcome! you're welcome; ... YAK,bITTA BOJIbIHbI3 I wish (you) the best of everything. Κ,ΟΙΙΙΑΜΕΤ approval; a flattering reference; ... KEPCET- to honor, to give a banquet in honor of (someone). Κ,ΟΙΠΑΜΕΤΤΕ- to approve, to honor, to show honor and respect. Κ,ΟΙΙΙΑΚ,Αΐϊ lamb.




Κ,ΟΙΠΑΚ,ΑΗ little lamb /aff. dim./ (for lambs). KOfflTAC- to say good-bye, to take one's leave. KOIIIinbl worker who takes care of the packhorses. Κ,ΟΙΙΙΚ,ΑΡ mountain sheep, ram; ... MYMI3 the horn of a ram. dark-brown. - to take on a dark-brown color, to turn dark-brown. ΚΟΚ) thick, dense. KOHDJI- 1) to be left /v./; to be released, to let out; 2) to thicken. KOIOJIAH- to thicken /intr./; to become thick. KOKDJIAT- to thicken, condense; to make thick. ΚΟΚλΠ,ΟΥΡ- to make thick, to make dense. Κ,ΟΚΧΊΤ- to make thick, to make dense. KOIOJIblK thickness, density. Κ,ΟΙΟΡΤΠΑΚ, mixture of kumiss and milk. KO H hare; Υίί KOflHbl rabbit; ... )KYPEK coward. ΚΟΛΗΙΠΜΚ /... AYPy/ epilepsy. ΚΟΛΗ-KOJITbIK hand-in-hand. Κ,ΟΚ,- to be scattered, disconnected, incoherent ; to be in a chaotic state, a state of chaos. KOK.AM- to stick out, to protrude; to stand out among others; Κ,ΟΚ,ΑΜΒΙΠ ΑΤΚ,Α OTfaIPbICblH KAPAIUbl look how clumsy he is on a horse! KOKAKTA- 1) to be on one's high horse, to put on airs; 2) to threaten, to menace. KOKAH A- see Κ,ΟΚ,ΑΚ,ΤΑ-. see Κ,ΟΚ,ΜΡ. dust; small things, details, trivia, particles (of fuel, made of dung). ΚΟΚ,ΗΜβΑ- to spray with dust (from fuel in the form of bricks made of dung). KOKblMAAJI- to be covered with dust from dung bricks. Κ,ΟΚ,ΜΡ 1) particles, scraps, shreds (put together in a disorderly way); 2) dung, manure. - to stand on end (for example, of the hair of the head). KOKHPJIAH- to be littered, obstructed; to be blocked up; to crowd (together) in a disorderly fashion. KOKbIC disorder, chaos. KOKbIT- 1) to confuse, to fetter; 2) to litter. KOHAft- to put on weight, to fill out. KOHPAV see

- to stink. KOHbI3 beetle. KOHblJITAJIK: ΕΤΙΓΙΗ ... KH/U he put his shoes on his bare feet. KOHblJITAK,: 5KVKA ΙΠΑΠΑΗ ... KHIM a thin summer dressing-gown, cool, light clothing. KOHblJlTAKC- to be cool, chilly. KOHblP light brown (of hair); brown (of the color of material); dark grey (hides of livestock); ... AAYblC baritone; ... 5KEJI gentle breeze; ... KY3 early fall; ... CAJIKUH the cool (for example, of evening), coolness; ... YMPEK wild duck (a variety). KOHblPAY little bell, bell, /bot./ bluebell (Campanula); ... CAPAT alarm clock. KOHblPEAC rebel, insurgent. KOH^blPJIblK a local plant cover, consisting mainly of wormwood grasses. KOH,bIPCAJIKbIH coolness, the cool, cool. KOH,bIPC there is a smell of burning. KOH(bIPCbI a smell of (something) burning. KOHKAil- to be turned up too much, to turn up too much (of a nose). K.OFA /bot./ cattail, reed mace; /bot./ sweetflag (Typha), (Acorus calamus). KOFAJIbl a place overgrown with cattails. KOFAM organization, society; ... AfibiriTAVIIIblCbl public prosecutor; ... TAHV FblJlblMbl social science. KOFAM ACTblP- to socialize; to collectivize. KOFAM ACTblPy collectivization, socialization. KOFAMAACTbIPbI.il· to be collectivized; to be socialized. KOFAMAblK public, social, common; ... EAMJlblK social richness, wealth. KOFAMIIIblJI socially-conscious person; devoted to public activities. KOFAMllIblJlAblK community, public opinion; an inclination towards public activities. - to pursue /v./; to drive away; to send away; KVbin 5KET- to overtake, to catch up with; AKbl ... to sue, to bring suit against; flAy ... to litigate; ΠΙΑΡΥΑ ... to devote oneself to household affairs. 1) swan; 2) pale, dried-up, withered (of a plant); 3) /fig./ old fox, sly, cunning; ... BAC skull (cattle, livestock). YAJIA- 1) to pursue, hunt down, persecute; 2) to testify; 3) to drive away; to drive, to chase.


KYAJIbl witness /η./. KYAH- to be happy, glad, to amuse oneself, to have fun. K,YAH,m>IP- to gladden, to make happy. KVAHT- see KyAHflblP-. KVAHMUI joy, gladness. K,yAHbIfflCbI3 joyless, unhappy, sad, hopeless, desolate, dreary, disconsolate. KYAHblHITbl glad, joyful; ... MEPEKE fete, festival. K.VAP- to wither, dry up (of a person); to turn yellow, to fade (of grass). K.VAPT- to dry, wither; to shrivel; to consume, /fig./ to waste. KYAPbIHK,bI somewhat pale (of the face); yellowed, faded (of grass). Κ,ΥΑΤ force, energy, power; Κ,ΥΑΤΒΙ ΚΑΪΪΤ- to lose one's strength (to age). KYATCbI3 weak, feeble, listless. KyATCbBAblK, weakness, impotence. KYATTA- to support, to show support, to encourage, to come to someone's defense. KYATTAH- to become strong, powerful; to support, to reinforce. Κ,ΥΑΤΤΗ energetic, strong. K,yATTbIJIbIK, a sign of strength, energy. ΚΥΑΛΚ, with narrow feet, slender feet. Κ,ΥΑΚ,Μ a wit, a "comedian"; ... AflAM buffoon, joker. Κ,ΥΑΚ,ΜΛΑΗ to joke, to make jokes. K.YAH arid; faded (from the sun), burned out (of grass). K.YBAC- to turn around, to spin, to revolve KYAAJIA- to persecute, to subject to persecution. KYZIAJ1AH- to be persecuted. yuJblJlblK, persecution. persecutor. - to have (someone) pursued. Κ,Υίί- to dare /v./. ΐςΥΙΙΑΗ- to be joyful. KYJIblK, 1) slyness, cunning, fraud, deception; 2) a young mare foaling for the first time; ...-C¥Mfl,bIK, slyness and treachery. Κ,ΥΗΑ- to rest (in order to accumulate strength); ΑΥΗΑΠ-... to breathe freely. Κ,ΥΗΑΚ, cheerful, playful. Κ,ΥΡΑ- to dry out. ΚΥΡΑΪί 1) /bot./ a plant of the umbelliferae family; 2) /bot./ orache or goosefoot (Atripex or Chenopodium); 3) /bot./ reed; saltwort (Salsola kali or Salsola ruthenica); ... CbIBbI3FbI pipe, reed-pipe.

- 1) to surround, to encircle; 2) to adapt. KYPYT- to dry. K.YPFA- to get dry, to grow dry. KyCblP- 1) to twist, bind; to squeeze, to pucker, to compress; 2) to sew together (one part of clothing to another); 3) /mil./ to close. KYCblPblJI- 1) to be compressed, twisted, bound; 2) to be sewn together; 3) /mil./ to close. KYTblH-KyTblH ET- to bustle about in a self-satisfied way. Κ,νΤΗΗΛΑ- to bustle, to show complacency. Κ,ΥΥ 1) tinder; 2) a sly person (of women), /lit./ (a witch). K,yy- to pursue, to persecute. K,yyAP- to turn pale. KyyHA- to rest (about horses). Κ,ΥΙΠΧΑΗΑ slaughter /n./; shambles; abattoir. τ to run away, armor; shell. KYblP- to fry, to roast; AOIUblCblH ... to finish (off), to destroy, to give the coup de grace; EHAAftblKJAM ... to terrorize, /lit./ (like a gerfalcon). K,ybIP^AK roast (meat). K,ybIPIIIAK, doll. K,YbIPbIJl- to shrink, contract; to dry, shrink. K,YbIC emptiness, void; excavation, cavity, hollow of a tree. K,yfcICTA- to hollow out, to make an excavation. KyblCTAn- to excavate, to dig out (earth). KYWCTAH- 1) to feel guilty; 2) to feel awkward. KyblK /anat./ gall-bladder, bladder; ... TYTblJIY urinary (obstruction or withholding). KYICKAK, spasm, cramp. K,yK,bIJl somewhat pale, colorless, yellowed (of grass). ΚΥΚ,Η-Π,Ο,ΑΗ- to become pale, to turn pale (of the face); to fade, turn yellow (of grass). KYU /anat./ rectum, anus. K,YFbIH persecution, pursuit; ...-CYPHH persecution, pursuit. Κ,ΥΡΜΗ,αΑν persecution. KYFblHHIbl persecutor. K,y3JlAH,m>IP- to testify, to attest, to bear witness (to).


K,bIBbI>KfaIItaA- 1) to feel shy, ashamed; 2) to move uncertainly, indecisively. KblEblP slow movement; ... ETKEH >KAH 5KOK, not a single (living) soul;...-DKblBblP 5ΚΥΡΓΕΗ AflAM scurrying people; KbIJI-... wool (the hair of animals). KJblEblPJIA- 1) to move slowly; 2) to swarm, teem. KJblEblPJlAT- to move slowly; AflKJbl KblEblPJIATbin BAG- to walk slowly, scarcely moving one's feet. KbI/Ι,ΒΙΡ- to ride around, to wander, to roam about, to wander in, search of something, to loiter, to take a walk, to ride about. KblflblPMA see K^bl blPFbllll. K,bI,HbIPT- to transfer from one to another. K,bIflbIPy promenade, taking a walk, stroll (strolling), festivity, parade. KbIAWPtIMnA3 see K,t>l#bIPFbIUI. Κ,ΒΙΛΒΙΡΒΙΜΠΑ3ΖΙΒΙΚ the habit of roaming about idly. KblfltlPFbllll idler; someone who likes to wander around (on searches). K,bI>KAK,TA- to look closely, to observe with suspicion. K,bI3KbIJI£A- to fizz, effervesce (of fermentation); )ΚΥΡΕΠΜ K,bI)KbIJ[flA£i,abI I have heartburn. K,bI)KbIPAil· to look askance (at someone); to be angry with (someone). K,bl3- to have a temperature; to become hot; K,bI3BAH CQ3JIE- to speak, without getting angry. K,bI3 1) daughter; 2) girl, little girl, young girl; ... BAH A a little girl; ... Y3ATK.AHAAFbl ΤΟίί wedding. K.BI3AJIAK little girl. Κ,ΒΠΑΜΕΙΚ, /med./ German measles. K,bI3AP- 1) to blush, to get red; 2) to be ready, brewed (of tea). KBI3APAH1IA- to be angry; to be nervous. K,bI3APAHflAC- to quarrel, to argue, to "get hot". K,bI3APT- 1) to redden, to make red; 2) to shame, to put to shame. K,bI3BA excitable (of a person); hot-tempered; excitement. KH3ABIP- 1) to warm; give warmth; incandesce; 2) to excite, arouse, provoke; 3) to fry; 4) to incandesce, to make burning hot. K,bI3JJbIPMA instigation; ... ΠΕΠΙ furnace (for heating).

KbI3flbIPT- to cause (something); to warm, give warmth. K,bI3AbIPbIH- to get warm, to warm oneself. K,bI3flbIH KYftEV bridegroom. KJblSMET 1) office, post, employment; 2) service, labor, work; ... BEPVMI employer (one who gives work); ... B9JIMECI study, office; ... ICTE- to work. K.BI3METKEP employee, clerk, worker, laborer; AFA FbIJTMH ... senior scientific worker. K,bI3METTEC colleague, fellow worker. K,bI3METUII employee, clerk, worker, servant. KbI3MET-KAP servant. K,bI3TEKE hermaphrodite. K,bI3V heat; ... A.ZJAM hot-tempered (excitable) person. K,bl3yJlAH- to get hot, to flare up, to get angry. K,bI3yJlbI hot, retaining heat for a long time. K,bI3yJlbIK heat; ardor; KtByJIblKOEH AiiTbin CAJIflbIM I spoke hastily, in a fit of anger. K,bI3bIJl 1) red; 2) rosy, ruddy (of a person); ... AT a horse's hide (reddish light grey); ... BAJTblK, /zool./ salmon (Salmo salar); ... BAIU Persian, Iranian; ... OyPblUI red pepper; ... βθΡΙ pepper; ... 5KAK>T ruby; ... ^CEJl sharp wind; ... )KYJIAbI3 OPAEHI Order of Red Star; ... CAH,bIPAy KyJIAK, /bot./ aspen mushroom (Boletus rufus); ... TAJI 1) /bot./ ash (tree) (Fraxinus); 2) /bot./ willow (Salix); ... TAPAKAH cockroach; ... TOPbl light brown (bay) (horse's hide); ... UJME cherries, a cherry; /bot./ a cherry tree (Cerasus avium); ... IIIHE AFADIbl /bot./ sweet cherry tree (Cerasus avium); ... IflblPAflJlbl red-cheeked; ... ^AHATTbl BAJIblK. /zool./ a kind of sturgeon (Acipenserstellatus); ... Κ,ΑΡΑΚΑΤ red currants; a /bot./ currant (Ribes rubrum); ... Κ,ΥΡΑίί /bot./ Kendyr, Indian hemp (Apocynum cannabinum); ... Κ,ΥΡΤ/med./ worms, helminth, intestinal worm; ... 9CKEP soldier in the Red Army; red army soldier. K,bI3bIJI,aAP the Reds. KbBblJI Ay reddish. K,bI3bIJI^bI something predominantly red; ...->KACbIJl/ibI attracting attention to oneself because of (one's) scarlet red color.




KJ>I3bIJIMAft BOJI- to be winded (of an exhausted horse). KJbI3bIJIUIA 1) measles; 2) beetroot, beets; /bot./ garden beet (Beta vulgaris); Κ,ΑΗΤ KBISblJimACbl /bot./ sugar beet. K4>I3bIJ19CKEP /obs./ Red Army man. KbI3bIK, interesting, amusing, diverting; /adv./ interesting, funny, diverting, amusing; MIHE, KM3bIK,! strange! KbISblK, IF/- to get interested in, to show interest, to take a liking to, to acquire a taste for; K,bI3bIK,K,A BAT- to fully enjoy oneself. KbI3bIK,CbI3 uninteresting, not amusing. K,bI3bIK,CbIH- to get interested in. KblSblKTbl interesting, funny, amusing, diverting. K,bI3bIKTbIP- to cause interest, to excite interest, to encourage, to stimulate. tvbI3bIK,K,bIIII (someone) who has become slightly interested in, who has acquired somewhat of a taste for. K,bI3FAJI^AK, 1) /bot./ tulip (Tulipa); 2) /bot./ lily (Lilium); 3) /bot./ poppy (Papaver), poppy seeds. KbOFAJIAAKTAH red, fresh (as a tulip). K,bI3FAH- to envy, to be jealous (of). KbOFAHIHAK, envious, jealous. KblSFAHfflAKTblK, envy, jealousy. KblSFblJIbl^CbB see Ki>I3bIKCbl3. KJUSFblJIblKTbl see K,bI3bIKJbI. Ki>I3FbIJlT reddish; ...-CAPbl orange (color). K,bI3FbIIII /zool./ peewit, lapwing. KJ>IM- 1) to risk, to date, not to spare; 2) to graft; 3) to adjust, adapt (of wooden objects); 4) to fix price; 5) to cut, clip, pare, trim, prune; 6) to sharpen, stress, emphasize; 7) to move, decline, deviate; 3KAH ... to risk (offer) (one's) life; ATblH^H K,blftCAH, MAFAH ΜΙΗΥΓΕ EEPE TYP If you don't mind, give me your horse for a short ride; >KOJIAACTAPbIH K,bIHbin KETE AJIMA bl he decided not to part from his friends. K,bIM sheep's manure. K,bIUAAJIA- to cut something with a dull object (for example, a dull knife); TICIMEH KJblftflAJIAn Υ3ΙΠΤΙ he interrupted in a sharp manner, in a snappish way. KHB3AAJIA- see K,blilflAJlA-. KblfiMAMbl 1) special type of pitch or tar (tar prepared in a primitive way and used as an ointment for sheep mange).

ECIK a door made out of pieces of board. K4»lfiMbIJI movement, motion, action; ... 5KACA- to act. K,blftMbIJmA- to move, to stir, to act, to operate. KblilMtlJI/iAT- to stir, to move, to force (someone) to act, to hasten, quicken. K,blilMblJlCbI3 immovable, motionless. K,blilMbIJICbI3/ibIK, immobility, inactivity. K,HflMbIHAAT- to put in motion, to set in motion, to cause to move. K,bIMMbIPT- to put in motion, to set in motion, to cause to move. Κ,ΗΗΗΑ- to torment, to torture. K,bIMHAJI- to be tormented, to be overworked, to find oneself in a difficult position. K,bIMHAJlT- to torment, to put someone in a difficult position. Κ,ΜίίΠΑΗΛΑ- to be shy, to be ashamed, to feel awkward. ΚΜΗΠΑΚΤΑ- see Κ,ΜΜΠΑΗαΑ-. K,bliiPA- to be broken, to be destroyed, to be smashed to pieces. KJblHPAJTAHUA- to grimace, to walk with a limp, to hobble. Κ,ΗήΡΑΜΑΤ fault, guilt. KblMPAHV instruction. K,bIMPAT- to destroy, break, smash up, smash to pieces; OJ1 ^CVMblCTfal Κ,ΜΜPATbin ICTE l he worked as necessary, the way he had to. KblMPATVUIbl destructive. KblftPATbUl- to be destroyed, smashed. Κ,ΜΜΡΑΗ, 1) an affected person, poseur; 2) a congenital physical defect. - to hobble, number. Kbl CAKTA- to bow, bend, to sway, to walk unsteadily. KUHCAKTAT- to rock, to shake. K,bIMCAH- to bend, to incline, to get crooked. KblHCAHaA- see KblftCAKTA-. K,bIMCAHZiAT- see KMMCAK.TAT-. KbIMCblH opportunity, occasion, cause, basis, theory; K,blflCbIHbI KEHin K.AJIΛΜ was forced to speak. K,blflCbIH,HbI with a system, based, founded, probable, likely. K,bIHCbIHCH3 unsystematic, unmethodically, without foundation, groundless. KblMCblK, 1) crooked, curved, bent; 2) /fig./ stubborn, naughty, capricious person; ...


K,bIJI>KAKJACbHblK, curved line; ... TYME hybrid from a male (camel) and a Bactrian female. KJJMCblKJblK, stubbornness, obstinacy. KJ>IMT ETCE at every trifle. KblftTblK. 1) self-respect, pride; 2) hindrance. KJ>IHTbIKTAH- to be offended, hurt; to persist, to be obstinate. KblMblJI- 1) to be turned down, to be failed; flunked in an examination; 2) to be cut up, to be shredded, to be bent, to be curved; KACbl KblMblJIFAH with curved (crescent) eyebrows; KblftblJIbin C¥PA imploringly; to urgently request. KblMblM a small unit of land, measure. K,bIHbIH 1) complicated, complex; 2) groove, slot (in a door); ... BOJl^bl it became difficult; ... KEP- to consider difficult; ... XAJ1 calamity, distress. K,bl bIH,n,A- to get difficult, to get complex, complicated. - to meet, to fit together. - to adjust, to adapt, to fit. blfiblHAAT- to hamper, to complicate, to make difficult. a rafter, difficulty. KbIMblHCblH- to find it difficult. KblMblHUIblJlblK, difficulty, embarrassment. KblMblP edge, limit, border; ... lIIblFbIC the Far East; YIlIbl-KblMblPbl ~)KOK. the land is endless. KJjftblPUIblK, hoarfrost, sleet; ... TAC flat pebbles. KblMblPfflblKTA- to set in, fall (of hoarfrost, sleet). KbIMbIC- to unite, to be united, joined, fastened together. KbIMbIC /gram./ agreement. K,bIMbICTbIP- to make coherent, harmonious; ... CGMJIE- to speak coherently. KJEjIMblK, 1) cut, section; junction, joint; 2) scraps; ΚΘ3ΙΗΙΗ K,bIMbIFbIMEH KAPAflbl /fig./ he looked askance. - see KblftblKTA-. - 1) to bend, to cut obliquely; 2) to oppress. KblfiKA-iKblMKA put together in a disorderly way, left as fallen, ill-assembled. KblflKAM- 1) to have a very poor look, appearance; 2) to be obstinate, obstinate, stubborn.

K,bIMKAPJlAH- to be stubborn; to get insolent. K,bIHK,APJIbIK, persistence, stubbornness. Κ,ΜίϊΚΛΗΛΑ- 1) to rock, to toss, to totter (from pain or a heavy load); 2) /fig./ to wriggle, to grimace, to be affected. K,bIMK, a cry, shout (of many voices). KblilKYJIA- to cry out (many voices). K,bIMI«y>lfl- to get bent, to bend, bow; to be on one's last legs. K,bIMK,bIJI,£l,A- to make muffled or choking sounds (for example, of someone who is suffocating or choking); K,blftK,bIJIAAIIUlblfiKblJmA- to breathe hoarsely and with difficulty. KJblMKbIM crumbs (of bread); small fragments (of something); ...-CblHKbIM 1) crumbs, etc.; 2) tow, hemp fiber. K,bIMK,bIM^A- 1) to crumble, to chop; 2) to litter. KblflFALU 1) not on the way (off to the side, off the track); 2) crooked, curved, bent; ... K.AC arched (beautiful) eyebrows. KblMFAIlITblK, 1) curvature, crookedness; 2) /fig./ contradiction, discrepancy, lack of understanding. K,bIMFbIJlbIK, scandal; ... CAJI- to create a scandal, to kick up a fuss, to raise a row. KbIMFblP- to invite. K,blJI a hair, a strand of wool, a thread; horsehair; ... )KAJI mane, crest; ... ΤΑΕΜΗ,Π,Α (of a trained horse) well-kept (in proper shape); ... KVMPblK /coll./ horses. K,bIJI- to make, to do. K,bIJlAy untouched, untapped, unpolluted; ... KblHAV KAP snowflakes falling in calm weather; ... ΤΥΟΠΕΓΕΗ AT a horse which is completely untamed, which has never been ridden at all. K,bIJIAyJIA- to fall slowly and infrequently (of snow); Κ,ΑΡ K,bIJTAyJlAn TYP it is snowing a little. K,bIJIAH I) a white coat (horse); 2) /fig./ a coquette, a fashion-plate (only of a woman). KbIJIAHAA- 1) to lighten, to turn white (of the dawn); 2) to strut (of a smartly dressed woman). K,bIJi;iAM very thin, /lit./ (like hair). K,bIJlflbI a small pot with a handle. K,bIJI,ZibIP- to force to make, to force to do. K,bIJlHCAK, negligent, careless. K,bIJmAK,TA- to play the clown, to joke, to indulge in inappropriate jokes.


KblHIIIAEEJT - 1) to fall down, to drop the way one has fallen; 2) /derog./ to die, to 'croak', obstinate, inflexible, unyielding, l- to be very thin; MOHHbl KblJIMblMblFl ΚΕΤΙΠΤΙ his neck has become thin (so he has lost weight). KJjIJIMbIC crime, criminal offence, guilt, fault, misdemeanor; MEHIH CAFAH KJJJIMblCblM 3KAK,nAAbI? What have I done to you?; ... 3AHbI to commit a criminal offense; ... 1C /law/ criminal code. K.bIJl}KbICTbI criminal case, criminal, culprit, felon, guilty; ... 1C criminal affair. Κ,Μ-ΠΜΜΗΛΑ- to make eyes, to flirt. KbUIFl- to be finely sharpened or finished. K,bIJIIIbIJIAA- to be upset, disturbed. Κ,ΜΙΤΓΑΜΑΚ, 1) /med./ angina pectoris; 2) cancer (of the throat). KblJTTAHAK, a hair, a'thread, a strand of wool, a blade of grass. K,bIJlTAHAK,CbI3 /bot./ awnless. K,bIJlTtIH- to just show the tip (for example, of the first growth of grass). KJblJlTblflT- to thrust out, to show furtively. KJ>IJlTbIJIAA- to be barely visible; to show oneself. KbIJITblJIZiAT- to thrust out, to barely show. Κ,ΜΛΤΜΗΛΑ- to be careful, to make flirting, coquettish motions. iyblJIUJblK, hair, thread, strand. KbIJimbIKCbI3 without a hair (downy, fluffy); ... EH/JAil awnless wheat. KbIJIIIIblKJA- to clean (fuzz) from the hair. K,bIJlIIIbIK,TbI fibrous, with a prevalence of hair (or wool). K,bIJIbI 1) a strait; 2) handle (of a pail). KblJlblfl slanting, oblique, cross-eyed, squinting. K4>IJIbIMCbI- to flirt. K,bIJIbIIIl curved sword, sabre (a steel sword of Damascus); ... BAY sword-belt; ... TAPMAFbl sword-hilt; KbIJIblUITblH, T¥TK,ACbI sword-hilt, hilt. K,bIJlbIUITA- to slash, to cut with a sword (sabre). KblJIblK, 1) politeness; 2) pluck, courage, valor, bravery; 3) patience, endurance; 4) action, deed, disposition, nature. K,blJlbIF;TbI AAAM a man of good character. K,bLJIK,AH 1) /bot./ awn; 2) needle (of a tree); 3) bone; the small bones in a fish. with a bone, bones; with

tendrils (of an ear of corn) or bones (of a fish); ... AFAffl coniferous tree; ... TOFAM /bot./ coniferous forest; acicular wood. Κ,ΜΛΚ,ΙΛΛΑΑ- to gurgle, to be overfilled, overflowing. K,bIJlFbIH- 1) to choke, suffocate; to be asphyxiated, smothered; 2) to expect to be treated. K,bIM-K,bIMFAIII bustle, confusion, confused movement, muddle. KblM-KVblT joyful noise, commotion, bustle. Κ,ΗΜΒΑΤ valuable, expensive, dear; ... 3AT precious thing, valuable thing, jewel, jewelry. K,bIMEATTA- to value, to care for; to rise in price. KblMEATTAT- to rise prices. KbIMEATTbl see Κ,ΕΙΜΕΑΤ. KblMEATfflblJIblK, high prices, expensiveness. K,bIMCbIH- to shrink, to contract; to hesitate; to feel constrained. KJWMTbl-1) to ache; 2) to hold back, to pull up; ATTblH EJIEECIH KblMTHO Κ,ΟΪΪ switch the horse lightly with the reins. K,bIMTA- 1) to wrap up, to muffle up; to cover; 2) to tuck in under, to draw in; 3) /fig./ to conceal, to help to conceal. I^blMTAH- to be wrapped up, to be covered. K,bIMbI3 kumiss (fermented mare's milk); ... ΑΛΚ, our fire kumiss; ... KVPOPTbl clinic for kumiss treatments; ... O^KAV scoop, ladle for kumiss. KblMbBflWK, sorrel, dock (Rumex). KbIMblPAH thin, watery sour milk (a drink). K,bIMK,bI- 1) to carry off, to haul away, to lead away; 2) to conceal. Κ,ΜΜΚ,Α a little bit, scarcely. K,bIH sheath, scabbard. K,bIHA 1) henna (a plant from which dye is obtained); 2) lichen; ... TACKA EITEP (saying), "Henna grows on rock." K,bIHA- to clasp strongly, to envelop closely, to grip tightly; to make close fitting. KbIHAMA EEJI with a graceful, supple waist (of a woman). KbIHAMA EEJmiK corset. KblHAO scabbard, sheath. K,bIHAC- to approach. K,faIH}KbIJI- to be pained, to be vexed. KblHAMJIT- to vex. KbIHblP CbI3blK, a curved (broken) line. K,bIHIIIAEEJI a slender waist, with a slender supple waist (of a woman).


Κ,ΒΙΡΜΗ- to be terribly upset (to sit as if on pins and needles). KJblfflblJIfalKJA- to blink, to wink at, to look blank, understand nothing. K,bimbIJIbIKTAT- see KJJfflblJIblKTA-. , oppressed, uncourageous. - to feel shy, confused. KbIP- 1) to ruin, to destroy, to annihilate, to kill, to break; 2) to plane, to shave off, to scrape off. Κ,ΜΡ 1) high bank; 2) steppes; 3) crest of the mountain, mountain rid, mountain range; 4) (slightly) elevated area with pastures and areas under cultivation; 5) cudgel, club; 6) /math./ facet; ΚΘΠ JKAKJblHblH, KilPJIAPbl facet of a polyhedron; ΚΘ3 KilPblH CAJ1- to look after, to keep an eye on; ... ΑΡΚ,Α /anat./ spinal column, backbone; ... 3KEMIC wild fruit; ... MVPblHAbI with a straight nose; ... ΚΘΡΟΕΤ- to threaten; ... IIIblFAP- to cut (to make facets by grinding), to accentuate, to emphasize (of speech). KJblPAH 1) adroit, deft, alert, grasping; 2) epithet for great people; ... KAPHIblFA the best falcon (killing without a miss); ΤΑΥ KblPAHbl /zool./ mountain eagle. K.falPAHAblK, 1) farsightedness, perspicacity, sagacity; 2) adroitness, agility, vigilance. KbIPAT 1) hill, mound, high steppe, hillock, plateau, table-land; 2) /geogr./ height, any area of hills or mounds. Κ,ΗΡΑΥ hoarfrost. K,bIPAYJIAH- to be covered with frost. KblPAl·^ see KbIPAT. K,bIPAFbI far-sighted, watchful, alert, vigilant; ... ΚΘ3 sharp eyes, a sharp eye. K,bIPAFbIJlbIK, vigilance, alertness, watchfulness. K,bIP5KbIM- to be very small; to be shortened. K>IP5KbIMT- to contort, to shorten. KbIPJIA- to finish the edges, to edge; 2) /fig./ to offend, to castigate; TEPT Κ,ΜΡΛΑΠ )KOH£bI he planed (it), making a foursided form. KbIPJIbI cut. KblPJlblK. steppe area; ... 5KEP an area with arable land and pastures. K,bIPMA low steppe plants (grass); ... CAKA-Π with a shaved beard (no beard). K,bIPMAH threshing-place; ... EACblH A in the threshing-place, on the threshingfloor. K,bIPMbI3bI red, red silk of the finest

quality; ... K^DblJI )KIBEK red, bright red silk; ... KilSBIJI 3ΚΙΒΕΚΤΕίϊ EO3BAJ1AJ1AP blooming youth. KilPHA- to polish, to make smooth, to scrape off. i^blPCAY lazy. K,bIPCAYJlAH- to grow lazy, to get lazy. K,bIPCW3 loafer, idler, without initiative. KBIPCblSAAH- to loaf, to lose one's initiative; to sink into indifference; to be nonchalant. KBIPCbI3Z(bIK, inactivity, idleness, apathy. KbIPCblK, misfortune, catastrophe, calamity, bad luck, failure. KilPCblKTAH- to persist, to be wilful. K,bIPCbIKTbI unlucky person, unfortunate; stubborn, wilful. K,bIPT ΑβΑΜ chatterbox, babbler. KblPTblfl· 1) to get angry, to pout; 2) to be stunted, to be undersized. KbIPTbIC shell (of a nut), bark, crust, cortex, turf; upper crust, top layer (of earth), soil, humus. K,bIPTbICTAH- to develop (of folds, wrinkles), to be covered with a hard layer, to have a hard crust. KblPTMCTBI a multitude, turfy, soddy. KblPYAP a multitude, a mass. K,WPIUbI- to cut off, chop, sever, to bite off. K,bIPUIAHKbI I) mangy, lousy; 2) /fig./ caustic; 3) jade, Rosinante, a wornout, old horse. KbIPIilblH )KACTAP blooming (picked) youth, young people in the full bloom of youth. K,bIPbIJIAAT- to wheeze, to speak hoarsely, to get hoarse. K,bIPbIJl^AK, hoarse, wheezy. KbIPblJIAAKjblK, hoarseness. KblPblJIblC a fierce, violent struggle; a battle to the death; mass destruction. K,bIPbIJlbICTbIP- to incite, to urge to mutual annihilation. K,bIPbIH obliquely, askance, sideways, sidewalk; MTI ... 5ΚΥΠΡΥ failure, misfortune, bad luck; ... KEJIY /fig./ bad luck, misfortune; ... Κ,ΑΡΑ- to look askance, to dislike, to be repulsed, to feel revulsion (for someone); ... ET- to go through sideways; K,bIPbIHAH sideways, edgewise, on edge; K,bIPbIHAH »CAT- to lie on (its, one's) side. K,bIPbIH- to shave, to have a shave.


KblPblHAAK,bIPbIH,ZIA- to go up to, to approach, sideways, to go by a roundabout way. KblPblHAbl what was scraped off; IIDEKTIH KbIPblHflblCbl a thin rat. KbIPbIC TbllllKAH membrane scraped from the intestine. KilPEIIIITAP war (military), loot, booty, plunder; prisoner of war. KJblPblK, see K,bIPK. KblPblKAflK, see K,bIPKA»K· KblPblKEYblH see KbIPblK, EYblH. K,bIPbIK,TbIK. shears (for shearing sheep). K,bIPbIK,TbIK,IIIbl an expert at shearing sheep. KbIPblK EYEIH 1) a caterpillar; 2) /bot./ horsetail, mare's tail (Equisetum), creeping trailing grass. KblPblFblJIblK, far-sightedness. K4>IPK, forty; ... ΑΛΚ, /zool./ centipede; ... YHEK October. KbIPK- to shear, to cut off; Kpfi KblPKY shearing sheep. KWPKA /geogr./ a slight elevation, tableland, mesa, plateau. Κ,ΜΡΚ,ΑΡ /fig./ sheep; ... KBEEiiCIH (a greeting) Let the domestic sheep increase! BIP ... TOKTbl a lamb from the last lambing-time. K,blPK,Y the shearing of sheep. KblPKblJIflA- to have a rattle in the throat; to choke, gasp for breath. KilPKEIHIUbl fortieth. K,bIPK,bIC- /fig./ to be hostile to each other; to quarrel with each other. K,bIPK,bICyiUbIJlbIK, discord, dissension. KbIPK¥JIAK, scurvy. KblPFAYblJI pheasant. KbIPFblH /zool./ sparrow-hawk. KblPFblM AM TM- to destroy, to shatter. KbIPFbIH-Κ,ΑΕΑΚ EOJ1- to be at war, to quarrel. K,bIPFEI3 Kirghiz. K,bIPFbIIII currycomb, scraper, trowel. K,bIC- to press, to compress, to squeeze, /fig./ to drive into a corner, to put someone in a hopeless position; ΚΘ3 ... to wink at. K,bIC winter; KbICbl-KACbl summer and winter. KbICAH; narrow; ... AAYblCTbl blEEIC /ling./ narrow vowel. KbICAHAblK, see KJblCAHIUblJlblK. KblCAHIHblJlblK, a cramped position, straitened circumstances, inconvenience, restriction.

KbICAFA itching, scabies (in a camel). KblCnAK, constraint, embarrassment; KilCΠΑΚΚΑ TYC- to land in a difficult position. KilCIlAKTA- to constrain, to embarrass, to oppress, to force. K,bICPAK, a drove of young mares. K.WCTA- to pass the winter, to hibernate. K,bICTAM the whole winter long. K,bICTAJl- to be in need. KbICTAT-: MAJI ... to set up winter quarters for livestock. KblCTAY mud hut, winter quarters. K,bICTAK, kishlak (a village in Central Asia); village; ... EACbl elder of the village. K,bICTbIP- to jam, pinch, to grip with tongs, to push in, to squeeze in (between two things); to insert, to lay. KblCTblPblJT- to poke one's nose into; to intrude; to be jammed. K,bICTbIK, an amount, sufficient for the whole winter. K,bICY itching, scabies. KbICIIIbl potter. K,bICEIJI- 1) to be pinched, squeezed; 2) to feel strained; to find oneseif in a difficult position; 3) to suffer the death agony. K,blCbIJIUIAH a difficult case, (a) critical condition. K^blCblJimAHAblK, haste, difficulty. KblCblJlblC a difficult situation. K,bICbIM clamp, clutch, suppression, pressure, attack, charge; /phys./ pressure, compression; ... )KACA- to exert pressure; AVAHblH KblCblMbl atmospheric pressure. KblCblMUIblJlblK, suppression, clutch, embarrassment, constraint, difficult, difficult circumstances, repression. K,bICbIP 1) a barren mare, a sterile mare; 2) barren, dry, sterile; KblCblP EHE see K,bICbIP; ... ΕΜΓΕΗ ΤΑΜ a yearling; foal, still nursing; ... CAY- to milk dry mares; ... CblMblP sterile cow. K,bICbIPA- to be barren, sterile (of a mare). KbICblPAK, young mares, just released into the herd and not yet having foaled. KblCblK flattened, flat, narrowed, screwed up; ... ΚΘ3 weak, weak-sighted (eye). KbICKA short, brief; C03AIH KbICKACbl in a word, in one word, in short, briefly speaking;... A K, short-legged;... E AK, Aft AT horse with short pasterns (sign of strength).


K.bICK,AJlbIK, 1) shortness, insufficiency (in length); 2) /fig./ lack of opportunity; K.OJI KblCKAJIblFbl lack of help (in the family) or insufficient material opportunities. K,bICK,AP- to grow short, reduce, decline, be cancelled by, tighten, cut down, contract, /math./ be cancelled by. K,bICKAPT- to shorten, reduce, curtail, discontinue; ... TUIIH l! Be quiet! KBICKAII1 /KbIIIIKAin/ tongs, pincers, pliers, in brief, in short. KJ>ICK,U /adj./ winter, press, vice. crawfish. a Chinese. K,bITbIP crunch, crackle. K^ITblP-KblTblP crunch, crackle, crackling. K,bITbIPJlA- to crunch, to crackle. KJ>ITbIPJTAT- to chew something with a crackling noise. K,bITbIPJlAT- tickling. Κ,ΜΤΜΚ,ΤΑ- to tickle. K,WTbIK,TAH- 1) to fear tickling; 2) /fig./ to feel hurt, to take umbrage. ticklish, delicate. KEJIAI it tickles him. K,bITKbIJl^A- to cackle. K,bIIU porcelain, china, brick. Κ,ΜΙΙΙ- to itch, to scratch oneself. K,bIIUTbI strong. K,bIIIIbIJI- to itch, to scratch oneself; to get sour, to turn sour. K,bIIHblMA itch, scabies. K.MIHKAI1I see KbICKAUl. K,bIIIIK,bIJI- to call. K,bIlIIK,bIJI somewhat sour with a rancid taste; sourness. K>IIHK,bIJI,a;AH- to oxidize, to get sour. KBIIllK,bIJlflAHflbIP- to oxidize. K,bIinK,bIJlflATbIJlFAH TAJIK.AH malt. somewhat sour. - to scream, to quarrel, to scold; to insult each other, to abuse each other, to swear. K,bIK> finishing, trimming (hem and flaps of a fur coat). KblKDHA- to finish, trim material (hem and flaps of a fur coat). K4>IK>JlACy combination. Κ,ΜΛ 1) slope, hillside, cliff; 2) distant country, far away; 3) obliquely; ... >KOJ1 a road cutting through something obliquely (for example, a field). dream, daydream, fantasy.

ΚΙ>Ι.Η.ΠΑ- to move along a slope, to walk on a winding path. KklflJIinbLTI dreamy, pensive, dreamer. K,bl-flJIbIM abnormal, insane; a man carried away by unreal dreams. Κ,ΜΛΜΕΤ ΚΥΗΙ last judgment; Doomsday; the day of judgment. Κ>ΙΛΗ a long way off, distance, a remote place; remote, distant, far-off; OJI Κ4>ΙΛΗHAH Κ,ΕΡΕβΙ he sees from a distance (far-sighted). Κ,ΜΛΗΑΤ insidiousness; misuse. K,bIflHATCfaI3 honest, fair, conscientious. KblflHATTA- to slander, to accuse someone unjustly, to gossip about someone. K,t»I-HHATIIIbIJI dishonest, unscrupulous, swindler. K,bI.HHATlIlbIJI,ZU>IK, dishonesty, unconscientiousness. KblflHKECKI TeBEJIEC fierce fight; violent struggle. Κ,Μ,ΗΠΑΤ physiognomy, appearance, facial aspect, features. Kbl-flP cucumber. KW.HK, sedge (Carex), the name of a grass (growing in sandy soil). Κ,ΒΙ,ΗΗΚ,ΒΙ 1) tease, bully; 2) disobedient, bully. Κ,ΜΗ,ΡΑΑ- to be obstinate. K,bIHCbI- to squeal, to yelp, to howl. KfalUCblJl- squeal, yelp. K,bIHCbIJI to squeal, to whine. K,bIHCbIP 1) crooked, curved; tilting sideways; 2) stubborn, self-willed. K,bIHbIP Κ,ΑΡΑ- to be hostile, to look askance (unsympathetically). K,bIHbIPAM- 1) to get crooked, bent on one side; 2) /fig./ to persist, be stubborn; to insist on one's own way. KWUblPAMblC- to part company; each insisting on his own way. K,bIHbIP^CAK a concealed, indirectly put demand; a secret claim. - see Κ,ΜΗ,ΜΡΤΚ,-. to approach something covertly, by a circuitous route. K,bIHK,bIJI 1) begging, wheedling; a tiresome man; 2) whim, a capricious demand (of children). KbIHKbIJI A- l) to beg, to wheedle, to grumble, to annoy with repeated requests for one and the same thing; 2) to be capricious, to make a capricious demand (of children).




Κ,ΥΑ TAJI willow (Salix). Κ,ΥΕΑ pale yellow color, light yellow hide (of a cow). K.YEATAJI /bot./ a species of willow (Salix). Κ,ΥΕΑΚ,Αίϊ AT a horse of a light bay color. KYEJIAHAMA compass. K,YEbI)KbIK scarecrow, a fright. K,¥EbIJ[- 1) to change, to reform; to be changeable, inconstant; 2) to irridesce (to take on another aspect). KYEblJDK- 1) to be inconstant, to change one's word, decision; 2) to modulate (of the tones of the voice); K,YEbIJDKbITbin CAMPAAbI /fig./ he sang with modulation. K,YEbUIMAJlbI steady, changeable. K,¥EbIJIbIC appearance, phenomenon, change, alteration. K,¥EbIJIFbim changeable, inconstant, changing (quickly). Κ,ΥΑΑ matchmaker; kinsman (father, daughter or son-in-law). KYAAH 1) God; 2) "the very best", the best of all possible; APTHJ1J1EPH - OCbl ΚΥΗΠ COFblCTblH, ΚΥΑΑΪΪΕΙ /fig./ artillery is the god of modern warfare; KYAAflbl κ,ΟΗ AK, unexpected (uninvited) guest. Κ,ΥΑΑΗ AHA mother of God. Κ,ΥΑΑΗ TAFAJTA The Most High, supreme God. K,YflAMCbI- to place oneself above others, to put on airs. K,YAAftCbI3 an atheist; the godless; godless, infamous. KYAAHCEDAEIK, atheism, godlessness. K,YAAHIHbIJI devout, pious. K.YAAJIAC- to become related through the marriage of their children. KYAAJIblK. match-making. Κ,ΥΑΑΗΑΑ l) match-maker; 2) adopted brother. KYAAHAAJIbl- to be related through the marriage of their children. Κ,ΥΑΑΗΑΡΑ brother-in-law (the husband of the wife's sister). Κ,ΥΑΑΙΗΑ Svat'ya (a young kinswoman of the groom or bride), brother-in-law. see 1) godparent (mother of the bride or groom); 2) matchmaker (female). K,¥AAt>I exactly, neither give nor take, as is. l- to fly (to gallop) like an arrow. a well; ... CV well water; ... 1ΠΕΓΕΗΙ the framework of a well.

K.YAIPET /lit./ omnipotence. KY3K-K.Y5K KAMHA- to swarm (with). KY5KMHA- to swarm, teem (with). K,Y5KbIPJIAH- to get excited, worked. KY3 peak, crag, cliff. K¥3FbIH 1) raven; 2) /fig./ inexhaustible. Κ,Υίϊ- 1) to pour, to pour in, to spill out, to overflow; 2) to fall, to go down; 5KAH,EbIP Κ,ΥΪίΜΠ TYP the rain is pouring down, it is pouring rain (as if from a bucket); MEMJIEKETKE ACTblK, Κ,ΥΪί (OT) TAIlCblP- to give up wheat; the state. Κ,ΥΪΪΜΑ casting, moulding, cast; ... EOJTAT cast (smelted), steel; ... IIIOMblH cast iron, pig iron. KYflMAK, oladya (a kind of thick pancake). K,¥fiMbIHAA- to move. KYUPblK, tail, posterior, hind; fatty tail of a sheep; AK, ... m Aft /fig./ the best grade of tea; Κ,ΑΗΑΤ-... children, descendants, posterity; K.WJI ··· /fig./ a horse. ΚΥΪίΡΜίςΤΑ- to seize by the tail; 3KbIJIK,bIHbI Κ,ΥΪΪΡΗΚ,ΤΑΠ VCTA- to catch a horse by the tail while riding another (one way of catching horses among horsebreeders). KYMPblKTbl fat-tailed; ... )KYJlAbl3 comet, falling star. K,YMbIJI- to be poured, poured in; /geol./ quick, loose, sliding (of sand). KYWblJI mouth, estuary, junction (of rivers). Κ,ΥΚΜΜΙΠΑΚ, /anat./ sacrum. Κ,ΥΗΗΗ waterspout, sandstorm, whirlwind, tornado; IIIblEblH-... very quickly. KYMblH- /obs./ to bathe, to take a bath. KYMblHAAT- 1) to raise a storm; 2) to fly like an arrow, to gallop very quickly. KYMblHAblP- to bathe. KYMblPIIIblK, 1) the last section of the sacrum; a short tail; 2) /fig./ hanger-on. K,YnbIPUIbIK,TAH- to adapt oneself; to fawn upon. KYHblCKAH strap which passes under the tail of a horse (crupper). KYMblCKAHAA- to fasten a crupper on a horse. ΚΥΪΪΚ,Α singed head of an animal (livestock), (for preparing a dish). Κ,ΥΜΚ,ΑΛΑΚ, dishevelled, crumpled. Κ,ΥΜΚΛ-ΊΜ )ΚΕΡ new, virgin soil; black earth. KYMK,bIJ13KbI- to be changeable, to change one's mind often; to flirt.


slave, servant. KVJ1A- 1) to tumble down, collapse; 2) /fig./ to tumble, pour down with great force (of the swift course of a river); 3) /fig./ to fail (for example, in examinations). KVJIA 1) hide (horse); 2) dun, light bay (color of a horse); ... AT greyish horse; ... flY3 desert, semi-desert. K.YJIAAMH a species of hunting bird (of the hawk family). K.YJIA3- 1) to stand empty; 2) to be vast, spacious, limitless; YM K,VJlA3bin TYP the house is standing empty, is tenantless (the absence of the people who own it is felt). Κ,Υ-ΠΑΜΑ steepness, precipice, slope. K,¥JIAMAJIbI 1) steep, precipitous; 2) slanting, uneven. KVJIAH onager, wild ass; Przheval'skij's horse pony. KYJIAHIUbl musician. Κ.Υ-ΠΑΤ ravine, gorge canyon. K.YJ1AT- to knock down, to overthrow, to fail. KYJ1AII1 a measure of length (the distance between the ends of the arms extended horizontally to the sides); Κ,Υ-ΠΑΠΙΒΙΗ >KAMbin KAPCbl AJI- to receive with open arms; TIJl KVJ1AUI-KVJIAUI IllblFA^L·! he does not care if he hurts (someone) (with what he says). Κ,Υ-ΠΑΙΙΙΤΑ- 1) to measure with arms extended; 2) /fig./ to do, to act, to undertake something with all one's might, employing all one's resources. K,¥J1AK, 1) ear; 2) the peg on a stringed instrument; 3) the handle on a kettle; EJI K,¥JIAFbI EJIY /lit./ (the people have fifty ears); you can't hide anything from the people (the masses); OCbl AMTKAHblM AVPbIC BOJTMACA KYJIAFblM bl KECin EEPEfilH /lit./ (I'll have my ears cut of, if this isn't so); CAJTflAH, ... /AT/ a mongrel horse, a horse of mixed breeds; CAJH1AH ... /K1CI/ lop-eared (limp); K.BIP · ·. complete exhaustion of a system; organism (because of malnutrition); K.YJlblH Κ,ΑΡΑ ... EOJIAbl the foal is (halfgrown) (It's time to start milking the mares to prepare the kumiss); Y3bIH ... /XABAP/ rumors; ... BAY tug, rope; ,..-MYPbIH KECKEHAEH /lit./ (as if the ears and nose were cut off); as if in the grave (of silence); the silence of the grave;

... CAJI- to listen to, obey, pay attention; ... TYP- to listen to attentively; K.YJIAK,TblH KYPbllflblH KAHAWP- to have heard a lot, plenty (of); K,YJIAK,TbIH riEPJUECI /anat./ eardrum, tympanum. K,YJlAK,CbI3 earless, without ears. Κ,ΥΛΑΚ,ΤΑΗ- 1) to be notified; 2) /fig./ to put out shoots, the first runners (of a plant); ΚΥΗ ΚΥ-ΠΑΚ,ΤΑΗβΙ,Ι /fig./ a dark circle has formed around the sun. K,YJIAK,TAH,HbIP- to announce, to publish, to notify, to declare; K,¥JIAKJAH,fl,b[py >KA3- to write a notice, announcement; K,YJIAKTAH,HbIPy IEEPIJW notice was sent. KYJIAKIUblH Ushanka (a warm cap). K,YJIAI»IP see ΠΙΥΗΑΚ.. Κ,Υ-ϋ,ΠΒΙΡΑ- 1) to move quickly on an inclined plane, to roll (down); 2) to fall into decay (of a farm). Κ,ΥΛΛΒΙΚ, slavery, slave; K,¥JmbIK,KA TYCIP- to enslave, to enthrall; KYJI^WK.Κ,Α TYCIPV enslavement, enthrallment; Κ,Υϋ,αΜΚ,Κ,Α CAJIY enslavement. K,YJmkIK,CbIJIbIK, piety, devoutness, servility. KYJ15KA mountain, wild goat, sheep. KYJIHEJIEHyiuIJlIK slave-owning. KYJIMAK /bot./ hops (Humulus lupulus); ... eCIPyiUIJlIK hop-raising, planting. K,¥JinbI TAG tombstone (usually a 4-sided stone with an inscription giving the patronymic, surname and the years of birth and death of the deceased). K,YJinbIP- 1) to change color, to assume different hues; 2) /fig./ to be renewed, to revive, to improve. Κ,ΥϋΠΗΡΜΑ )ΚΙΒΕΚ taffeta. K,¥JlUlbIH- to show readiness, willingness, to be completely ready for action. KYJIMH colt in his first year; ... 3KAPFAK. outer garment; (fur coat) made from the hide of foal. KYJlblHflA- to foal. K,Y-nbIH,ZU>I with a nursing foal (of a mare). Κ,ΥΛΒΙΗΜΑΚ /dim./ foal. K,¥Jlbin lock, padlock; ... CAJI- to fasten with a lock; ... TAG tombstone; ... TAG )KA3ybI inscription on the tomb. K^YJIblFITA- to fasten with a lock, padlock. K,¥JTbinTAJI- to dent, to shut up, to "clam up", to refuse to speak. fastened with a lock.


Κ,ΥΗΤΤΑK,YJlbIK, I) conduct, character; 2) cunning, artfulness; 3) sulphur, brimstone. K,YJlblK,Cbl3 (person) of bad character. KYJlblKCbOAblK, impatience (of character, conduct). KYJIblKTbl of good behavior, amiable, sociable. K,¥JlK,blH /med./ pharynx, throat, gullet; K,¥JlK,bIHbI 5KAMAH greedy. K,¥J1FAHA syphilis K,YJ1FAHAAAM KAAAJ1- to bite (cling?) like a leech. Κ,ΥΜ J) sand; 2) /diem./ silica; AVSblHA hc ke f u[et thevforced

... KYMbiJiAbi

p Q

KEP sandy loan (soil containing 60-80% sand). Κ,ΥΜΑ,ΠΑΚ, pellet (sheep or camel dung); TOFbB ... national game; ... CAJ1- /obs./ to tell fortunes (by choosing pebbles, grains, etc.); BIP ... BIP K,APbIH MAMAbJ ΙΙΙ1ΡΠΈΑΙ (saying) one pebble will spoil a whole wineskin of butter; compare with Russian: a spoon with tar will spoil the cask of honey. KYMAJlAK,IIIbI fortune-teller. Κ,ΥΜΑΗ ewer, jug-shaped vessel, water-jug, pitcher for water. Κ,ΥΜΑΡ strong desire, passion, excitement; EAK, ... careerist, climber; Κ,ΑΗ ... parasite; bloodthirsty; ... EOJT- to feel a strong desire; to give oneself up to. Κ,ΥΜΑΡ-ΠΑΗ- see Κ,ΥΜΑΡ BOJ1-. Κ,Υ M A PH A H ABI P- to arouse a strong desire. KYMAPJlblK, a weakness (for), a predilection; attraction towards something excitable; hot tempered. Κ.ΥΜΑΡΠΑ3 excitable, hot-tempered. Κ,ΥΜΑΡΤ- to be attracted to, to have a weakness for. «.VMAPUlblK, a wild cereal plant in the sand dunes (with a brownish grain). Κ,ΥΜΑΚ, a sand area. KVMAAV hops. Κ,ΥΜΑΑΥΒΙΤ sandy loam (soil with 60-80% sand). Κ,ΥΜΑΑΚ, 1) argillaceous soil, clayey soil (soil with sand and 25-50% clay); 2) sand-

stone; 3) sandhill, sand dune; 4) gunstock. KYMAbI sandy (of soil); ... >KEP sandy place; ... 5KOJ1 sandy road; ... ΤΟΠΡΑΚ sandy loam (soil with 60-80% sand). Κ,ΥΜΗΡΑ pot, earthenware; a water jug, pitcher. KVMblPAllIbl potter. KVMblPCKA ant; ... BEJT slender, with a wasp waist (of a woman); ... HJIEVI ant hill. Κ,ΥΗ blood-price, payment for killing or maiming; COMHblH K,YHbI the rate of the ruble; ... >ΚΕΤΠΕΜΤΙΗ AT an invaluable horse; ... AJ1- to take revenge for the blood of someone who has been killed. Κ,ΥΗΑ misdemeanor, fault. KVHA^blH three year old heifer. K.YHAH colt of two or three years (old): ... ATAH a gelded camel in the third year; ... Κ,ΟΪί a sheep two or three years old; ... ΘΓΙ3 young bull (calf), three or four years old. K.YHAH111A an affectionate diminutive term for a young domestic animal. KYHAPJ1AH- to give a large yield of milk (or livestock); to become fertile, rich (of soil). K,YHAPJIbl >KEP fertile land. K,YHAPJlbI CblMblP a cow that gives a lot of milk. KYHAPJlblJlblK, fertility. KYHAPCblS >KEP barren ground. K,YHAPCbI3 1ΗΓΕΗ a female camel that doesn't give milk. Κ,ΥΗΑΑΚ, 1) a heap of children's belongings; 2) workbench; 3) gun-stock. Κ,ΥΗΑΑΚ,ΤΑ- to swaddle (a baby). Κ,ΥΗΑΒΙ valuable. K.YHAW3 /zool./ otter, beaver. K,¥HAb]3AbIK, part over the hoof (in a horse). K¥HCbI3 inferior, of poor quality; ... KETto waste, to be in vain, to be wasted. K,YHCbI3AAH depreciation, devaluation. Κ,ΥΗΤ care, attention, concern, diligence; ... ET- to pay attention. KYHTCBI3 carefree, untroubled, unconcerned; without economy, without calculation, inattentive, inaccurate. Κ,ΥΗΤΟ>Ι3Α!>ΙΚ, inattention, inertness, sluggishness. Κ,ΥΗΤΤΑ-1) to try, endeavor; to be interested (in), care (for), to pay attention (to).



K¥HTTbf K,¥HTTbI I) thoughtful, careful; 2) attentive, concerned, painstaking. KYHTTblJIblK, 1) solicitude, care; 2) attentiveness, conscientiousness, carefulness. K¥HTbIM- to be of low stature, a dumpy person. K¥HTbIMT- to reduce, to diminish, to curtail, to shorten. K¥HbIC humpbacked. K¥HbIC- to huddle up, to hem and haw, to writhe and squirm. K¥HbIK, /F/- to get accustomed to; to acquire a taste for. Κ¥Π Very well! All right! O.K.!; ... EOJlAAbl O.K.! Fine! All right! Good! Κ¥Π (as an intensifying participle); ...-KV dead white. Κ¥ΠΕΙΛ covertly, secret /adj./, -ly /adv./; ... ABTOP anonymous author; KYHblflAA AMTAPMblH I'll tell you in private (confidentially). K¥nbI.flJIA- to say something privately. K,¥P- 1) to raise, construct, build, erect, set, form, draw up; 2) /fig./ to set a snare, to intrigue; 3) to decline, perish, waste away; T¥3AK, ... to set a net (snare); KAMT A ... to rebuild; ΘΗ,ΓΙΜΕ ... to converse. K¥P 1) /zool./ partridge, black grouse; 2) a wool strip or band used for fastening the seam of the garter, in a yurt, etc.; 3) fat, well fed, fattened, fatted; 4) only one, only, empty, bare, with nothing; ... AflblA belly-band woven out of wool; ... AJIAΚ,ΑΗ with empty hands, empty-handed; ... AJ1AKAH OTblPMblH I have no money; ... K.AJI- to remain without anything; ... K.OJI unarmed (empty-handed); ...-KYPJIA an (appeal) to horse with the aim of stopping it. K,¥PA- 1) to patch, mend, gather, to sew something from different rags, patches; 2) to compose, gather, assemble; 3) to form; 4) to write, to join. K¥PAEA ferment for milk. K.¥PAJI arms, implements, tools, means, weapons, equipment, ordnance; ...-CAMMAH instruments, tools, ordnance; ... TACTA- to be disarmed, dismantled. KYPAJI- to be assembled, composed of different little pieces, patches, to accumulate. K¥PAJIAM 1) a period of time (15th-20th of May), rainy season (middle of May); 2) female wild goat. K¥PAJmAH- 1) to go armed; 2) to equip

oneself with the means of production. KVPAJIflAHy MMHMCTPJlin Ministry of Armament. K¥PAJI,fl,bI 1) armed; 2) possessing the means of production; ... ΚΥΠΙ armed forces; ... KOTEPIJIIC armed revolt; insurrection. K¥PAJI,n,bIJIbIK, a state of readiness, preparedness. K,¥PAJICbI3 I) unarmed; 2) without the means of production. K,¥PAJlCbl3,HAH- to be deprived of weapons (of production). K,¥PAJICbI3AAHy disarmament. K,¥PAJICbI3,AbIK, mildness, meekness. K,¥PAM composition, structure. K,¥PAMA combined, compound, joining, combining, uniting, joined, united; AMEPHKAHblH; ... IIlTATTAPbl USA; ... /K¥PAK, ΚΈΡΠΕ/ patchwork quilt. Κ¥ΡΑΜΑίί ΚΑΠ /Β/- to receive nothing, to be left with nothing. K,¥PAMAJIbI sewed from scraps, compound, joined, combined. K¥PAH the Koran. K,¥PAHAbI agglomerate. K¥PAC- to help to compile, form, gather something. K¥PACTbIP- to form (something) from separate scraps; to compile from separate parts, bits. K,¥PACTbIPyillbI compiler, composer, gatherer. K,¥PACThIPblK- to be compiled, formed, gathered. K¥PAV repairing, mending, little patch; KHIMI K,bIPbIK, ... on his clothes there are forty small patches. K,¥PAK, 1) piece of material, sewed from various scraps; 2) reed; ... K,¥PA- to sew together various scraps (for example, for a quilt). K¥PAFbIT- to feel thirsty. K,¥PBAH sacrifice, victim; }KOJlbIH,0,A ... EOJIAMblH I am ready to sacrifice myself for you. K,¥PEAHAMK, Κ,ΟΜ sacrificial lamb. K,¥PEAKA frog, toad. K,¥PEbl coeval (person), equal, a person of the same age. K¥PEbIJIAC coevals. K¥PEblJIbIK. friendship of coevals. K,¥PAAC coeval. K¥PAACTbIK, friendship of coevals. K,¥P^bIM place where river disappears in




the sands; ... }KEP land which quickly soaks up moisture; ... KICI thirsty person. Κ,ΥΡΜΑ date (Phoenix); ... AFAIUbl date palm. K.YPMAJIA- to surround, to drive /Iran./ into a blind alley; 3KbUIK,bIHbI K,¥PΜΑΛΑΓΊ YCTA capturing horses by driving them into a blind alley (fence or a natural barrier). KYPMAJIAC- to make a mutual pledge. K.YPMAJIAC /gram./ connection of single sentences with one another by means of subordinates or coordinates; ... C0ftJIEM /gram./ complex sentence. Κ,ΥΡΜΕΤ respect, honor; ... K0PCET- to respect (to show one's respect). Κ,ΥΡΜΕΤΤΕ- to honor, to respect. Κ,ΥΡΜΕΤΤΕΗ- to be honored, to be respected. Κ,ΥΡΜΕΤΤΙ honored, respected. Κ,ΥΡΜΕΤΤυΐΙΚ honorableness. K,¥PCA- to surround, encircle, envelop. KYPCAV hoop. K.YPCAK, belly, stomach, abdomen. K.YPCAKTAH- to eat. KYPCAKJAHAblP- ]) to feed; 2) to make pregnant. K,¥PCAK,TbI expectant mother. Κ,ΥΡΤ worm, larva. Κ,ΥΡΤΠΑ beluga, white sturgeon, great sturgeon. Κ,ΥΡΤΤΑ- 1) to become wormy; 2) to free of worms. Κ,ΥΡΤΤΑίϊ tiny; insignificant. Κ,ΥΡΤΤΑΥΒΙΠΙ small plate for extracting worms (in wormy sheep). K.YPTTAFAH Κ,Οίϊ a wormy sheep. K,YPbIJlTAfi congress, convention; M95KIJ1IC1 /obs./ Constituent Assembly. KYPTYJITAfi bird (Aegithalus). Κ,ΥΡΤ-KYMbIPCKA insect. ΚΥΡΥ atrophy; ... )KEP (dry) land; ... OT hay. KYPyillbl builder; Κ,ΑΚ,ΠΑΗ ... trapper. Κ,ΥΡΙΙΙ raisins, currants. K,¥PbI dry; ... )KEP (dry) land. K,YPbIJI- to be being built; to be under construction; to build for oneself. KVPblJIbIM structure. KYPblJIblC building; construction; ... MATEPHAJlAbI building materials. K,¥PbIJIFAH construction /adj./. K^YPblM soot, something blackened with smoke;... KHI3 shabby (smoke-blackened); thick felt (of a yurt).

K,YPbIMflAH- to be sooty, to be smokeblackened. K,YPbIC- to shrivel, to cramp ,/intr./. KYPblCTAY rheumatic pain. K,YPbICTbIP- see K,VPbICTAV. KYPblCV cramp, spasm. K,YPbIT- to destroy. KYPblTblJl- to be destroyed. K,¥PbIIH white steel; KYPblllJflEHE hard, hardy (of the body); ... BOJ1 AT Bessemer steel. Κ,ΥΡΗΚ, Kuruk (device for capturing unbroken horses); ... CAJ1- to throw out a "kuruk", to catch (a horse) with a "kuruk". Κ,ΥΡΜΚ,ΤΑ- to capture unbroken horses (with a kuruk). K,YPbIK,IUbI he who knows how to use a kuruk skilfully. K,¥PK,blJTTAM small bird. K,YPFA- to dry (up). KYPFAH AFAI1I dry. Κ,ΥΡΡΑΤΥ drying; ΕΑΤΠΑΚ, ^KEPJIEPAI ... drying up of swampy land. K,YPFATbIJl- to be dried up. KVPFAK dry; ... CQ3 BACAYblPT empty words grow quickly dull; ... 5KEP (dry) land; ... UIEP hay; K,YPFAK,TbIK, aridity, dryness, drought, lack of water. see K,YPFAKTbIK; ΤΘ3ΙΜΑΙ ΘΟΙΜplant which requires little water. K,YPFbIP; OH, K,YPFbIP! Be damned! curse word. KYC bird; AH AYJlAMTblH ... hunting bird; ^CbIPTK,bIUI ... bird of prey; TYHE ... ostrich; ... CAJI- to hunt with a hunting-bird; MT-... predatory (birds); K,YCTbIH; MAMblFbl bird's down; KYCTblH YflK,bICbIH4AM light sleep; ... ACblPAV poultry raising; ... AVJ1AV K9CIBI fowling; ... )KOJIbI Milky Way; ... OHHAK mating place (of birds); ... TGCEK feather bed; ... inAPVAfflblJlblFbl breeding of birds, poultry raising; ... Κ,ΑΗΑΤ dispatch; ... OCIPyffll MAMAH fowler. K,YC- to vomit.

KVCA melancholy, ennui, longing; ... BOJ1to be sad, to grieve. K,YCAJIbI melancholy, sad, grieving. KYCEEFI trainer of hunting birds, one who loves to hunt with hunting birds. KYCTblP- to be the reason for vomiting (of something sickening); to vomit.


KYIIIblPJIAHvomiting /n./. KYCblK, vomiting. K.YT luck, happiness, good fortune; ... K.OHto be happy, to be fortunate. Κ,ΥΤΑΜ- to get accustomed (to a place). Κ,ΥΤΑΪΪΤ- to give an opportunity to become accustomed. KVTAH servant. Κ,ΥΤΠΑΗ dog's name. K,¥TCbI3 unhappy, unlucky, unfortunate. K,YTTbI lucky, fortunate, beneficial, abundant, happy; Y ... EOJICblH I congratulate you on your (new) house; ... EOJICblH ΑΪΪΤ- to congratulate. KYTTblKJA- to congratulate, to greet. K,YTyJI- to flee, to get free, to make oneself free. Κ,ΥΤΒΙ small jar, pot, tincan flash, canteen. K^YTblJl- to get rid of. Κ,¥"Π>Ι.ΙΙβ!>ΙΡ- to help out, to rescue, to liberate, to serve. K.YTWJIT- to help get rid of. K,YTbIJIbIC deliverance. K.VTWM VIIITbl I was very much afraid. K,VTbIP- 1) to fall ill (with psychic disorder); 2) to be violent, wild. KYTblPT- 1) to infuriate; to drive into a rage; 2) /fig./ to hound, to urge.

KYTblPTYllJbl instigator, firebrand. K,YTbIPy rabies, madness, rage. KYTblPblH- see KYTblP-. Κ,ΥΤΚ,ΑΡ- to save, to liberate, to free, to set free, to rescue, to help; EACblMJJbl BOJlEflEH KYTKAPAbl he rescued me from misfortune. KYTKAPTTblP- to save, rescue, free (through some person). Κ,ΥΤΚΑΡΥΙΙΙΜ deliverer. K,YTK,APbIC- to save, rescue, free, jointly to help. Κ,ΥΙΙΙ- to love, to like. Κ,ΥΙΙΙΑΚ, an armful, bosom; K,YUIAFbIH 5KAK) with arms outstretched. ΚΥΙΠΑΚ,ΤΑ- to embrace, to take in one's arms, to take an armful. Κ,ΥϋΊΑΚ,ΤΑΗ- to be embraced; to embrace one another. KYUIAKTAT- to permit to embrace, to permit to take an armful of something. Κ,ΥΙΠΤΑΡ having an inclination in love; ... BOJI- to fall in love; to take a great interest (in). K.YIHTAPJ1AH- to fall in love; to display a strong desire. K,YIHbIPJlAH- to move, act with intensity.


FA>KAiibin notable, remarkable, rare. FA>KAIT miracle, wonder, marvellous, surprisingly, wonderful, miraculous. ΡΑ5ΚΑΠΤΑΗ- to be surprised, to be amazed. FAfiCA riAMFAMEAP Jesus Christ. FAHCAHblH AHACbl Mother of God. FAMbin unexpectedly, suddenly; ... EOJ1to disappear suddenly, to be missing. FAJIbIM scientific. FAHA /KAHA/ only, just. FAny apology, excuse, forgiveness; ... ETmi3 Excuse me! Forgive me!; ... C¥PAto beg forgiveness. FAPMOH accordion. FACblP age, century. FAHILIK, in love; ... BOJI- to fall in love.

FAIIIbIK,TbIK, amorousness, love. FHEAAATmblJI pilgrims, devotee. FOH /Κ,Οϊϊ/ (a particle which adds the sense of completion and affirmation to the utterance); AJT AHTCA BOJIFAHtl ... If he says so, that will be (entirely) different. FWBPAT model, pattern, example (bookish); ... AJ1- to take an example. FblHHblBAP January. FblJIbIM science; FblJIMH TA PIBE scientific experiment; FblJIMM 3EPTΤΕΥΙΠΙ researcher, investigator; FblJIMM UlblFAPMA scientific work. FblMAPAT building, edifice. F¥PJIbIM (postposition) just like. FVPblH custom.


Υ YEIPJII-MYEIPJII family. YriJiriUI see YFIJIMEJII. YriJIMEJII easy to grind, easily crumbled. ΥΓΙΗΑΙ sawdust, filings. ΥΓ1Τ agitation. ΥΓΙΤΤΕ- to agitate, to admonish. ΥΓΙΤΤΕΥΙΙΠ /ΥΓ1ΤΠΙΙ/ agitator, tutor, teacher. ΥΓΙΤΙ1ΙΙ see ΥΓΙΤΤΕΥΙΠΙ. Υ/Ο,Ε- 1) to become stronger, to intensify; 2) to gather speed (of a horse). YAEMEJII growing, increasing. YAEP- /ΥΛΘΡ-/ to migrate, stopping for the night halfway; Υ,ϋ,ΕΡΕ ΚΕΜ- to migrate (unexpectedly, early in the morning). YAEPIM 20-25 kilometers. Υ,Π,ΕΤ- to develop, to grow stronger, to intensify, to increase the tempo (of the work). YflIT hoopoe. ΥΑΘΡ- see Y/IEP-. Y3- to tear, to tear to pieces, to strip off, to break apart, to tear off, to pluck, to interrupt, to suspend, to sever; KOJI ... to sever a tie; Υ3ΕΕίϊ ΓΑ3ΕΤ-)ΚΥΡΗΑ AJIAMPWri TYPAMBIH I continually receive newspaper and magazines. Y3EEJTE- to tear off, divert a little at a time. Υ3ΕΕΛΙ severing /adj./; tear off. Y3EECTEH uninterruptedly, incessantly. YSflIK unsurpassed, remarkable, foremost; ...-COSAEIK, uneven, not uniform, with interruptions; ...-COSAblK, ICTE- to work with breaks, intermission. Y3AIKCI3 unceasing. Y3J3IPT- to force to interrupt, sever, take a break, cease, tear off (through some person). Υ3ΕΗΓΙ stirrup; ... BAY stirrup strap. Y3IK 1) interruption, break, intermission; 2) narrow part of a river; 3) river connecting two lakes; 4) thick felt covering yurt; 5) strait, sound; 6) ragged, torn-off, alienaged (from), cut off (from). Υ31Λ /Y3YJI/- 1) to disappear; 2) to tear,

to break; Y3IJlAI-KECIJlflI AMTTEI he said once for all. Y3IJ1FIM fragile. Y3IJ1IC intermission, interval, space. Y3IM a small piece. Y3IHAI fragment, extract. YH- to amass, to put in a heap, to accumulate, to stack (hay); ΥΪΪΓΕΗ 3ΚΕΡ earth heap; ΥίίΓΕΗ TAG stone heap. YM 1) nomad's tent, yurt, house; 2) woman; YnflE at home; ΥΗ^ΕΓΙ located in the house; OJI EASAP AH YMIHE EYJI/Jbl ΥΜΙΠ ΘΚΕΛΙΠΤΙ at the bazaar he bought for his family many textiles; ... AMHAJIACEI farmstead, country estate; ... EACKAPMACBI house management; .. EAFVIIIbl one who guards a house; ... HECI head of the household; ... KICI woman; ... MAtJAHEI place belonging to the house; ... CAJI- to build a house; ... CAJIATLIH AFAUI lumber;... CAJlVIHbl >KYMEICfflEIJIAP building workers; ... CUPEIFBI a pole for lifting the "Koshmas" when constructing a yurt; ... ΤΙΚ /Γ/- to set up a yurt; ... IIIII household articles; ... Κ,ΟΛΗ rabbit; ... K¥ poultry; YftfllH AHHAJIACMHAA around the house;


roof. YfiriS- to force to put into a heap, pile, to force to gather into a pile. YMAIP- see ΥΜΓΙ3-. YME3 /hist./ district head, chief. YME3flE- to gather /intr./ in one place (of a herd of horses), to protect themselves from flies, gadflies. YMEK pole; COJITYCTIK ... North Pole. YMEJ1 July. YKEJIE- to be turned over (of cattle); in such a way that they are not in a good position to get up without outside help. YHEH June. Y EH[KI l) verdure, shoots; 2) maple (Acer).



YMKEYMKE- to rub, to polish, to grind; CABblH ... to soap, to lather. YMKEJIE- to rub two things together. YMJIEH- to get married; YMJIEHFEH married. YMJIEHfllP- to marry off, to marry to. YMJIEC- to come together, to meet, to be in contact, to correspond with one another; )K¥MbICTbI OHblMEH YMJIECIH ICTEVTE BOJIA one can work in contact with him. YMJ1ECIM74I suitable, appropriate, right. YMJIECIMCI3 not corresponding, uncoordinated. YMJII having a house; married, family /adj./; ...-KYHJ1I A/JAM a man who has his own home. ΥΜΜΕΟΚΥίίΜΕ BOJ1- to crowd, to bunch. YMMEJIE- to crowd, to bunch. YMMEJIEC- to bunch, to crowd. YHPEK duck; CYHJIVIP ... pochard; ... ΤΥ-MCbIK, duck-bUled. YMPEH- to get used to something; to become accustomed; to learn something; CIBflEH CAEAK, YMPEHCEM ΑΕΠ EfllM I wanted to consult with you. YMPEHffllKTI habitual, usual, chronic (of an illness). YMPEHIC- to get used to one another; to enter into a normal relationship with one another; not to stand on ceremony with one another; YMPEHICEHIH accommodational; YMPEHICKEH accustomed /adj./, one who is accustomed; YMPEHICV accommodation. ΥΪΪΡΕΤ /ΥΜΡΘΤ/- to teach, to train. YMPETYMI instructor, trainer, tamer, teacher. YMPETIJirEH 9CKEP regular troops, drill troops. YftCI3 homeless; ...-KYMCI3 homeless. ΥΪΪΤ- to burn, to scorch; BAC ... to burn the head (of a ram). ΥΪ1Τ /OJIAM ET/- to act in such a way to do this. ΥΜΤΙΠ-ΕΥΜΤΙΠ anyhow, hapharzardly, with difficulty. YMTKEHI because. YHTFIECE otherwise. YMTCE AE /OJIAM ETCE RE/ all the same, in any case, nevertheless. YMIIIIK little house, hovel, hut. YMIJI- to accumulate. YMIM 1) hill, heap; 2) organization.

bank, embankment, hill, heap. YMIP herd of horses, flock, crowd, society; YMIP-YMIP 5KbIJIK,bI many herds of horses; ... EOJI- to become good friends; to get accustomed. YMIP- to turn; OJI ΑΤΚ,Α ΜΙΗΥΓΕ ... he hunts on horseback; Κ,ΑΜΙΠΜ ... to threaten with a whip. YMIPJTEC- to become good friends, to get accustomed. YHIPJII MAJI herd. YMIPJIIK 1) inquisitiveness; searchingness; 2) conviviality, sociableness. YMIPME circle, society, group (hobby). YftlPCEK 1) accustomed to his herd (of a horse); 2) /fig./ sociable, convivial. YHIPIJI- to whirl around /intr./, to revolve. YK IT I· /YHKE/- to mill, to grind, to rub, to crumble (bread). YKI eagle owl. YKIJIE- to groan, to moan, to sigh. YKIM sentence of judgment; ... AMT- to announce the sentence; ... IllblFAP- to pass sentence. YKIMET power, authority, government; ... Α,Ο,ΑΜ,ΖΙΑΡΕΙ authority, authorities. YJIEIPE- to be tender, delicate, refined, graceful. YJIEIPEV thin. YJin example, form, pattern. YJiriJII demonstrative, model /adj./, exemplary; ... ΜΕΚΤΕΠ model school. YJiriP /YJIFYP/- to have time, to be in time; to reach. YJiriPT- to prepare (for). YJIAE MEH EYJlflE the most expensive silk. YJWPIK /YJIAYPIK/ 1) roe, caviare; 2) pole for stretching, spreading out linen; 3) special shelf (in the yurt) for dishes. YJ1EC share, plot of land; part, share, portion lot; ... AJ1- to receive a share; yjIECIME ΤΜΓΕΗΙ that which fell to my lot. YJIEC- to divide among oneselves; YJIECIH AJI- to divide among oneselves. YJIECTEC sharer, one who has a portion. YJ1ECTIP- to distribute, to allot, to give out. YJIKEM-1) to increase, to enlarge, to extend, to grow in size; 2) to grow old, to make old, to make look old; 3) to grow up (or work); OJI 5K¥MbICTbI 3KAK,CbI ICTEHAI, OJI YJIKEMAI be works well, he grew up (on work).




ΥΛΚΕΜΤ- 1) to raise, elevate; 2) to increase, to extend, to enlarge. YJIKEMTKII1I IIIblHbl magnifying-glass. YJIKEH high, tall, big, large, huge, great, grown-up, adult, bigger, older; OJI MEHEH YJIKEH1PEK he is older than I; ... ATA grandfather; ... ΒΑ1ΠΑΜ big toe; ... ffVAJl billow, roller, bank, share; ... 5KOJI highway, large road; ... TAMblP aorta; ... ΙΠΕ1ΠΕ great-grandmother; ... 95KE grandmother; ... YM eldest wife. YJIKEH^IK height, seniority (according to age); ... )KACA- I) /fig./ to place oneself above others, to give oneself airs; 2) /fig./ to encroach, relying on one's strength. YJiriEPIIlEK heart with the aorta and all the fat (usually of a horse) in a prepared form, a tasty dish. YJiniJlflE- to be scolded; to become friable, crumbly, loose, light. ΥΛΠυΐ,Π,ΕΚ downy, fluffy, loose, friable, crumbly, light, mellow. YMBET /coll./ mohammedan. YME help; ... CAJT- organize help. YM1T hope; ... ET- to hope, to pin one's hopes (on); ... ΕΤΥΓΕ EOJIMAMTblH hopeless; ... KEC- to despair (of), to lose hope;... Y3EE- not to lose hope; YMITC13 desolate, disconsolate, cheerless, dismal, dreary, hopeless; YMITCI3AIK pessimism, despair, hopelessness. YMITTEH- to hope, to cherish hope. YMITTI cherishing, hope something. YH sound, tone; ... IHblFAPMA bl he kept silent; ... Κ,ΑΤ- to give tongue; ... KATUACTAH silently; tacitly; ...-TYH )KOK, not a sound; YHI ΘΙΙΓΠ (he) fell silent; ... K,OCY accompaniment. YH^E /ΥΗ,ΑΘ/- to voice, to call, to give voice, to summon, to respond, to comment (on). YHAEMECTEH silently, tacitly. YH^EMEC taciturn, silent, intractable, speechless; gnat, midge. YH EMEV silence, stillness. YHAEMEViniJlIK silence. YH.HEC in keeping with, in harmony with. YH^EC- to give tongue to one another. YHAECTIK 3AHbI /gram./ rule of harmony of speech sounds. ΥΗ,Π,ΕΤΠΕ- to force (someone) to be silent. YHflEV appeal, proclamation. /YHfllJIIK/ Hindu, Indian. - see YHAE-.

YHEM economy; ... K,bIJI- to economize. ΥΗΕΜ,Π,Ε- to economize, to take care of, to protect. YHEM/il economical, thrifty. YHEMC13 unproductive; uneconomical. YHEMH1IJI economical; frugal; cautious man. YHEMlinJWK ability to encourage economy. YHEMI all the time, always, constantly. YHCI3 silent, silence, stillness, noiseless, soundless, mute, voiceless. ΥΠ property, possessions. ΥΠ- (intensifying syllable added to words, beginning in Y); ΥΠ-YJIKEH very big, huge. YP heap, pile. YP- to blow, to bark. YP >KAHA brand-new. YPFEJ1EK timid, timorous, scaremonger, alarmist. ΥΡΓΙ3- to provoke (dogs) to bark, to annoy a dog. ΥΡΓΙ3Α1Ρ- see ΥΡΓ13-. YPEM spirit, soul; YPEMIH-YUIblP- to inspire fear; YPEHI Κ,ΑΜ- to get panicky. YPEMJ1EH- to get panicky, to become greatly afraid. YPEH seed, grain, fruit, progeny, posterity, generation. YPK /Γ/- 1) to be (become) frightened; 2) to dash to the side. YPKEK 1) fearful, shy; 2) /fig./ unsociable; ... Α,Π,ΑΜ unsociable person. YPKEKTIK fearfulness, timidity. YPKEP Pleiades (constellation). YPKIT /YPKYT/- to frighten. YPJ1E- to blow (of the wind). ΥΡΓ1Ε-ΤΥΡΠΕ tousled, dishevelled (of hair). ΥΡΠΕΚ dishevelled; ... EAC shaggy (with dishevelled hair). ΥΡΠΜ- to bristle up, to tousle, to stand on end (of hair); AUlYJIAHbin lUAUlbl ΥΡΠΜΙΠ KETTI he became very angry /lit./ (his hair stood on end). YPnMIC- to stare in fright. ΥΡΠΙΚ young golden eagle. YPCEK herd of animals. ΥΡΙΚΤΥΡΓΙΙΠ scarecrow. YPYK- see YPK-. YC- to freeze, to suffer from cold, to shiver. YCKI 1) borer, brace and bit, drill, auger; 2) upper. YC /T/ top, head, summit, height; YCKE up,



YCKE upwards; YCTIH,0,E on top of something; YCTIHEH from above, from the top, on top; YCTI-YCTIHE one after another, in succession. YCKE big awl. YCKIJ1E- to bore, to drill, to perforate. YCKIPIK Afl3 hard frost. YCT see YC. YCTE adverb. YCTE- to add, to pour some more, to increase. YCTEJ1 table. YCTEJ1- to be added, poured in. YCTEM ruling /adj./, prevailing, predominant; aCAYAtlH, KYIHIHEH EI3ΛΙΗ, KYIUIMI3 ... EOJlbin 11IL·! our forces proved superior to the enemy's. YCTEMJJJK supremacy, predominance, dictatorship, domination; ... >ΚΥΡΓ13- to bring about supremacy; ... ΟΡΗ AT- to achieve supremacy. YCTEM Ε addition, augmentation, increase. YCTEMimJI dictator. YCTI top, upper part. YCTIM /OCMJIAM ΕΤΙΠ/ thus, so, in this manner. YCTIPT 1) fugitive, runaway; 2) plateau; 3) /geogr./ height. YCTIPT1H superficially; ... ΚΑΡΑ- to regard superficially; to treat superficially. YCTIHn YCKI upper. YCTI-YCTIHE always bigger and bigger, continually, incessantly. YCI- to freeze, to shiver, to congeal; YCIK (it) froze; A-flFblM^bl YCIK my foot got frostbitten. YCIH- to get slightly frostbitten.

YCIT- to get frostbitten; BAJIA EAPMAFblH YCITIH AJlblOTbl the boy's finger got frostbitten. YT /Κ,ΥΤ, 13 stepdaughter; ... YJI stepson; ΘΓΕΜΘΚΕ stepfather. erEMCI- to feel the lack of a parental regard for oneself, to miss one's parents. ΘΓΕΜΟ>ΙΗ- to treat as a non-relative (of a stepmother or a stepfather). ΘΓΙ3 ox; ejlEHfl,! 3KEPAE ... CEMIPEfll, GJIIMAl 5KEPAE MOJI A CEMIPE l (saying): Where there is new grass, the ox gets fat; where there is much death, the mullah gets fat. ΘΠ311ΙΕ a young bull. Θ5ΚΕΤ stubborn, persistent. Θ)ΚΕΤΤΕΗ- to persist, to be stubborn; to stand one's ground. Θ)ΚΕΤΤΙΚ persistence, stubbornness, obstinacy. Θ3 self; Θ3ΙΜ I, myself, Θ3ΙΗ, you yourself (familiar); Θ3Ι he himself; Θ3ΙΜΕ (to) me myself; Θ3ΙΗ.Ε (to) you yourself (familiar); Θ3ΙΗΕ (to) him himself; ...-Θ3Ι they themselves (among themselves); ...-Θ3ΙHEH by himself; ... ΕΙΛΙΠΜΕΗ (at) one's own discretion; ... 3AMAHbIMbI3flA in our time, nowadays. Θ3ΑΡΑ among ourselves, yourselves, themselves; ... 5K9PAEM mutual aid; ... CblH self-criticism. Θ3ΒΕΚ Uzbek. GSBETlHfllK drift, laissez-faire; /tech./ gravity feed. Θ3ΓΕ other, special, different (from others); OJ1 Θ3ΓΕΜΙ3 EMEC he is known to us, he is not a stranger to us (he shouldn't be turned away); ... ΥΑΚ,ΕΠΤΑ (at) another time, a different time; Θ3ΓΕΛΕΗ ΚΘΡΙ than others; Θ3ΓΕΡΕΚ somewhat different, in a different way. Θ3ΓΕΛΕ- difference, distinction, isolation. Θ3ΓΕΡ to change, to reform. Θ3ΓΕΡΕΚ- to act as if towards a stranger, to

display hostility or an unfriendly attitude. θ3ΓΕΡΓΕΗβΙΚ interval, recess, change. Θ3ΓΕΡΠ111 changeable, unsteady. Θ3ΓΕΡΠΠΙΤ1Κ changeability, variability. θ3ΓΕΡνΐηυΐ!Κ see Θ3ΓΕΡ1ΙΗ"ΠΚ. Θ3ΓΕΡΙ€ reform, change. Θ3ΓΕΡΚΧΙ3 without a change, without a break. Θ3ΓΕΙΙΙΕ special (especially), otherwise, another way. eSrEUIEJIJK quality, peculiarity, difference, distinction; Θ3ΓΕΙ1ΙΕΛΙΠ 3ΚΟΚ, impersonal, without personality (faceless). Θ3ΕΚ 1) heartwood, nut kernel, grain in spikes; 2) valley, stream, rivulet (sometimes drying up); 3) breast and belly /anat./; viscera, internal organs, core, heart /fig./, heart; AFAIIITblH Θ3ΕΓΙ heartwood Θ3ΕΓΙΜ TAJWbl I was getting hungry. 63EJ1EH- 1) to overdo it; 2) to argue and dispute (breaking up, splitting apart). Θ3ΕΗ river; ... AJIAEBI river valley; ... AJIKACbl flood plain; ... APHACbl river bed; ... EOMbl riverside, shore, bank; ... 5KAFACW shore; ... CAJlAJlAPbl river system, network; ... CV river water, water from the river; ... CVLI river water; 03EHHIH AMHAJIMACbl winding of a river, river bend, a bend, a curve of a river; Θ3ΕΗΗΙΗ, AHPblFEI branch of a river; Θ3ΕΗΗΙΗ, APHACbl bed of a river, river bed; Θ3ΕΗΗΙΗ, EAPJlblK, AJ1KAEEI river basin, basin of a river; Θ3ΕΗΗΙΗ EACbl source of a river; Θ3ΕΗΗΙΗ CAFA )KAFbI the lower reaches of a river; Θ3ΕΗΗΙΗ, K,VMtI EACbl estuary, mouth of a river. Θ3Ι (he) himself; ... TIJIEHFEH volunteer In./; Θ3ΙΜ 1 myself; Θ3ΙΜ grapes; eSlMJIIKI my own. 93IMCIH- to take liberties with, to permit oneself to take liberties with someone else (on the basis of good relations). Θ3ΙΜΙ1ΙΕ in my own way.



G3IMII1IJI G3IMI11IJI egotist, selfish, egotistical. θ3ΙΜΠΐυΐβΙΚ egotism, selfishness. Θ3ΙΜΙ3 (we) ourselves. Θ3ΙΗ Θ3Ι EACKAPV self-government. Θ3ΙΗΑ1Κ BAFA cost, cost price. Θ3ΙΗΕ AJIV acquisition. G3IHIHEJIIK originality. Θ3ΙΗΙΚΙ his own. Θ3ΙΗΙΙΙΕ in his own way. G3IHIH; him himself /gen. or ace./. G3IH /obs./ thyself, yourself. ΘΪΪΡΙΚ apricot, apricot tree. θίίΤΚΕΗΙ see ΥΪΪΤΚΕΗΙ. GKCI- sob; GKCin 3KBIJIA- to cry (sobbing). GKCIFIH BAG- to calm down and stop sobbing. GKCIJI sobbing. ΘΚΤΕΒΙΡ October. ΘΚΤΕΜ imperious, authoritative, assertive. ΘΚΤΕΜΑΙΚ assertiveness, aggressiveness. ΘΚΙΠΕ heel; EHIK ... ETIK high-heeled shoes;... 13 original direction, initial course. GKIQEJIE- to follow someone closely, to shadow someone; Ο βΑ ΜΕΗΙΘΚΠΙΕ-ΠΕΠ KEJIE 5KATB1P He walks right on my heels too. GKIHEJIEC KICI almost the same (a person). GKI EJTIK material for a heel, heel (stocking). GKIJI representative, delegate, plenipotentiary, deputy. ΘΚΙΜ dictatorship. ΘΚΙΜΕΤ power, authority; ... ΕΟΠΜΑΥUlblJlblK, lack or absence of authority, anarchy. ΘΚΙΗ reproach, censure, blame. ΘΚΙΗ- to complain, to regret, to feel remorse, to repent. ΘΚΙΗΥΙΙΙΙ a repentant, remorseful person. GKIHYnilJlIK see ΘΚΙΗΙΙΠ. 8KIHIC- to mutually regret. ΘΚΙΗΙΙΙ1 repentance, regret. ΘΚΙΗΙΙΙΙΤΙ annoying, pitiful, sorry, a pity, a nuisance. ΘΚΙΡ- 1) to moo (of a cow); 2) /fig./ to sob (of a person). ΘΚΙΡΤ- /colloq./ to do something easily or lightly. GJI- to die, to sink, to fall, to perish; ΘΛΓΕΗΠΙΕ as long as it is possible, to the last drop of blood. GJTAPA the interval of time between the end of the preceding and the beginning of the coming (lunar) month. ΘΛΓΕ mountain stream or river.

GJIFEH lifeless, (the one) killed /n./, killed /n. or adj./. GJIEKCE corpse, carrion, impurities; Κ,ΥAblKTblH ... TOnfalPAFblH API1J KEPEK the well needs to be cleaned out. GJIEPMEH a speculative (person), a venturesome (person), a person who utilizes every opportunity (even at the risk of humiliation). GJIEPMEHJJIK utilization of every opportunity to achieve one's goal. GJIET 1) spoiled meat from livestock that died or were killed a iong time ago; 2) ulcer, abscess; 3) hotbed. GJIEU 1) /bot./ sedge (Carex); grass that provides scant nourishment, e.g., sedge; 2) song, poem; ... AMTY singing; ... ΑΪίΤΚ,ΒΙΙΙΙ singer. GJ1EHHET- to sing a song, to sing. ΘΛΕΗ,ΙΙΗ singer. GJIKE province, realm, oblast. GJIKEJIIK regional, territorial. ΘΛΠΕ Κ,ΑΡ dry snow. GJITIP- to kill, to destroy. GJITIPMEKffll EAJiy attempt at assassination. GJITIPV murder, assassination. GJITIPIJIFEH killed, assassinated. GJ1IIIE- to measure, to weigh, to measure off, to try on, to fit. GJIIIIEM measure, measuring rod, standard, criterion, dimension, meter, dose; ... BIPJIir a unit of measure. GJIUIEH- to be measured. GJIUIEYCI3 boundless, measureless. GJlIUEyilll measure, scales, gauge. GJ1I corpse, without soul, callous, heartless, dead, lifeless; in combination with = raw materials; ... /ΟΓ 1Ι1ΜΚΙ ΚΕΠ KEPEK/ there is a large demand for raw materials; ... TACHFAT inanimate nature, still-life. GJ1IK 1) corpse, the deceased, the departed 2) landslide (at the bottom of an old wall). GJIIM death, decease, demise; GJ1IMHEH Y-flT ΚΥΠΙΤΙ (saying): Shame (disgrace) is more bitter than death; ... A3AEBI agony; ... 5KAAACBI death sentence; ... )KETIM epidemic, plague; ... 5KITIM death and sorrow. GJ1IMCIPE- to be half-dead or feeble, to look pitiful in the extreme, to be wretchedly poor. GJ1IMTIK see GJIEKCE. GJIIMIIII BOH- to be beaten half to death.


ΘΛΥΥ JIYY epidemic. ΘΜυΐΑΙΡΙΚ breastplate fastened to the saddle and saddle-girth. ΘΜΙΛΑΙΡΙΚΤΕ- to put a breastplate on a horse. ΘΜΙΡ life, existence; ΘΜΙΡΙΗβΕ YMblTnAC he will remember his whole life long; ... ΕΑΛΗ autobiography; ... EAflHbl autobiography; ... EOMbI (for) life, (one's) whole life, all (one's life); ... ΑΥ3ΙΗΛΕ in practice; ... CYP- to live, to exist, to get along; ΘΜΙΡΓΕ ΚΑ)ΚΕΤΠ actual, urgent. GMIPJIIK vital, eternal, everlasting. ΘΜΙΡΙΗΙΙΙΕ one's whole life long, always. ΘΗ- 1) to increase, to gain weight, to rise, to succeed; 2) to turn out well; 3) to be forthcoming, to have success, to be successful; XCVMLIC ΘΗΛΙ the work is successfull; ΘΗΕΕΜΤΙΗ AAY a lost lawsuit. ΘΗΑΙΡ- 1) to recover, to collect; 2) to carry out (production), to produce; APTblK eHAIPIJiy overproduction. ΘΗΑΙΡΙΠ AJI- to collect a tax. ΘΗΑΙΡΠΙΠ ΚΥΠ1ΤΕΡ productive force. ΘΗ,Ο,ΙΡΥ 1) tax; 2) manufacture, elaboration, output. ΘΗ^ΙΡΙΙΙΕΚ /anat./ pharynx, throat, neck. ΘΗ^ΙΡΙΟ production, enterprise; ... AHAPXHflCbl anarchy or production; ... K,YPAJIbI means of production. ΘΗΑΙΡΐσπΚ-TEXHHKAJlbIK, BA3A production, technical base. ΘΗΕΕΟΗΕΙ ΘΗΕΟΜΜ always, constantly. ΘΗΕΓΕ model, example. ΘΗΕΓΕ.ΠΙ model /adj./, exemplary. ΘΗΕΡ art, trade, profession, occupation; ... U1EEEPI artist, painter; ΘΗΕΡΕΕΤ artist, tradesman, one who has a trade or occupation; ΘΗΕΡΚΑΟΙΠ industry; OTEIH GHEPKACIEI fuel industry; ΜΑΙΠΗΗΑ >KACAY GHEPKACIEI machine-building industry. ΘΗΕΡΛΙ trained, educated, having a specialty. ΘΗΕΡΠΑ3 see ΘΗΕΡ.ΠΙ. ΘΗΕΡΙΙΐυΤ a lover of arts and crafts. ΘΗ1Κ harvest, crop, good crop, abundance, productive, abundant. ΘΗΙΜ crops, product, production, output, goods; TYTblHY ΘΗΙΜΙ consumer goods; ... AHblPEACTAY trading of goods, exchange of goods; ... EEPY fruit bearing; ΘΗΙΜΗΙΗ Θ3ΙΗΑΙΚ EAFACbl cost of production.

ΘΡΚΕΠΙ ΘΗΙΜΛΙ productive, efficient. ΘΗΙΜ,ΚυίΙΚ productivity, output, efficiency. 0HIMCI3 unproductive, inefficient, not productive, of small efficiency; ... 5KEP sterile, barren. 9HIMCI3/JEH- to become unproductive or inefficient. 0HIMCI3,£UK unproductiveness, ineffectiveness. 9HIC productivity. ΘΠΚΕ 1) lung; 2) offense, injury, resentment, chagrin, distress; CEH E ΘΠΚΕΟΙ ΕΑΡ ΚΘΡΙΗΕβΙ (it developed that) he bears you a grudge, has a grudge against you; ...-AYPYfal consumption, tuberculosis; ...EAYblP liver, pluck; ...-HA3 grudge; ...-CAKJA- to bear a grudge, to harbor resentment; ... TAJIAYPAYbl pneumonia. ΘΠΚΕΛΕ- to be offended, to be displeased. eriKEJIEnm touchy, quick to take offence. ΘΠΚΕΛΕΠΙΙΙΤΙΚ touchiness, susceptibility to offence. ΘΠΚΕ.ΠΕΤ- to wound, to offend, to injure. ΘΠΚΕ.ΠΙ offended, bearing a grudge against someone. ΘΠΚΕΙΙΐυΐ see ΘΠΚΕΛΕΠ1ΙΙ. ΘΠΚΕΙΙΐυΐβΙΚ see ΘΠΚΕΛΕΠΙΠΤΙΚ. ΘΠΤΕ- to kiss. ΘΡ 1) height /geogr./, rise, slight elevation; 2) herd, drove of horses; 3) proud, majestic. ΘΡ- 1) to plait, to weave, to braid; 2) drift apart, to disperse in the pasture; ΘΡΓΕ CYHPE- /fig./ to help someone rise. ΘΡΕΙΠΙΠ reproducing quickly. ΘΡΓΙ3- 1) to drive cattle to pasture; 2) to raise fledglings. ΘΡ,ΖΪΕ- to move upstream, to ascend. ePflEK duck. ΘΡΕ 1) shackles, hobbles; 2) shelf; shed, a shelf (on four posts) for drying Κ,ΥΡΤ (see); ΑΤΚ,Α ... CAJI- to put hobbles on the left front and left rear legs of a horse; ... KHI3 a large piece of felt. ΘΡΕΛΕ- to put hobbles on the left front and left rear legs of a horse. 9PECKEJ1 rough, clumsy, unacceptable, inexcusable. ePECKEJI lK clumsiness, unsuitability. ΘΡΚΕΗ posterity; ΘΡΚΕΗΙΉ GCCIH! May your tribe increase (flourish)! ΘΡΚΕΗΑΕ- to develop, to flourish. ΘΡΚΕΗβΕΤ- to develop, to increase, to rise. ΘΡΚΕΗΑΕΥ development. ΘΡΚΕΠΙ camel's hump; AMblP ... two293



humped camel; ΘΡΚΕΙΙΙ-ΘΡΚΕΙΙΙ /fig./ toothed, with teeth; ... IDVflA hair on the humps of camels. ΘΡΚΕΠΙΤΕΗ- 1) to rise and fall in high billows or rollers; 2) to extend in chains (range of mountains). ΘΡΚΕΚΙΡΕΚ prouder, presumptuous, selfsumptuous. ΘΡΙΙΕ- to ascend, to rise, to develop. 0PJIET-1) to walk (ride) upstream (along the shore of a river), to move upstream; 2) to occupy the place of honor. 0PJIEY lifting, ascent, rise, development, uplifting, enthusiasm. ΘΡΜΕ KAMbllll woven whip (lash); ΤΘΡΤ ΘΡΜΕ KAMbllllbl four-sided whip (woven of four leather thongs). ΘΡΜΕΚ 1) cobweb; 2) cloth mats made of camel's wool; 3) /obs./ total equipment consisting of a primitive Kazakh loom with the yarn; ... K.¥P- to arrange or to place this bench. ΘΡΜΕΚ1Ι1Ι spider. GPMEJIE- 1) to climb, to clamber, to haul oneself up; 2) to weave a basket. ΘΡΗΕΚ model. ΘΡΠ /£/- 1) to propagate, to breed; 2) appear in abundance, to occur. ΘΡΠΕΚ a scarf, a kerchief. ΘΡΠΙ pasture. ΘΡΠΙΗ udder. ΘΡΤ 1) paul; 2) fire; 3) excuse; ... €ΘΗ£1Ρto put out a fire; ... ΠΕΗ CYTIJICI3 5KAY /lit./ fire and water are mute enemies, water and fluid are natural calamities;


ΘΡΤ- 1) to cover; 2) to look, to look in, to lock up. ΘΡΤΕ- to set fire to, to make a fire, to build afire. ΘΡΤΕΗ- to burn (down), to catch fire; ΘΡΤΕΗΓΕΗ >KEP the ruins or rubble after a fire. ΘΡΤΕΥΙΙΙΗ an arsonist. ΘΡΤΕΗ, green grass growing in an area which has been burned. ΘΡΤΤΕ- to set on fire, to light. ΘΡΤΤΕΗ- to burn (of forests and meadows). ΘΡΤΤΕΙΙΙ- burned meadow. ΘΡΥ weaving. GPyJlI woven, braided, wicker. ΘΡΥΙΙΙΙ /ΘΡ1ΜΙ11Ι/ making something by braiding, saddle-maker, a master at braiding. ΘΡΙΙΙ- 1) to develop, to increase, to grow, to

spread, to be disposed, to be arranged; θαΠ-... to grow and develop. ΘΡΠΙΕ.ΠΕΗ- to be furious, to fly into a rage. ΘΡΙΙΙΙΤΥΙΙΙΙ someone who is enlarging or developing something. ΘΡΙΚ dried apricots, apricot, apricot tree; ... AFAIIIbl apricot tree. ΘΡΙΜ weaving, braiding; KAMUIblHblH. ΘΡΙΜΙ leather part of a lash, ΘΡΙΜ-ΘΡΙΜ torn to pieces, ruined; ΚθίϊΙΙΕΓΙ ΘΡΙΜΘΡΙΜ his shirt has turned into rags; ...-EYTAK; descendants, posterity, genealogical tree. ΘΡΙΜΙΙΙΙ see ΘΡΥΙ1Ι1. ΘΡΙΟ 1) pasture near a Caucasian village; common pasture; 2) /fig./ relatives or close friends with whom it is still possible to visit and stay for a while; mriTTIH, BIP ΘΡία - KAHblH )K¥PTbI /prov./. 0PICTE- 1) to set out for the pasture, to arrive at the pasture; 2) to unroll, to unfold, to display oneself, to spread. GPICTE (keeping) livestock with someone in one common pasture. ePICTET- to unroll, to develop. ePICTETV unrolling, unwinding. ΘΟ to grow, increase, to enlarge, to extend, to multiply, to develop. 0CEK gossip, scandal, slander, calumny; ...-AJIH,FA EP- to become an object for gossip; ... ΑΪΪΤ- to gossip, to tell tales. GCEKTE- to gossip, to slander. eCEKTEYIUI see OCEKIIII. eCEKIDI gossip (female). GCEKIIIIJI gossip (male). eCMET behest, last will, directions, adminition, precept. eCMETTE- to admonish. eCHETTEYIlII tutor, mentor. 0CKEJ1EH fruitful, growing quickly. eCKEJIEHAIK fertility, ability to breed quickly. ΘΟΥ growth, increase, development. GCIM increase (of livestock). ©CIMAIK plant; ... MAIbl vegetable oil; ... TAHY botany; ... ΙΠΙΡΙΓΙ humus; GCIMAIKTEP AJ1EMI flora. GCIP- to raise, to cultivate, to develop; ACblPAU ... to bring up the rear. ΘΤ- 1) to pass, to pass by, to go by; 2) to elapse (time); to be over; 3) to flow, to run (of water); 4) to pass over, to pass through, to cross; 5) to be converted, to turn into; 6) to escape; 7) to die;




AEH ... 8) to be sharp (of cutting objects); 9) to be popular, to be salable (of goods); 10) to have an effect; BACTAH ΘΤΚΕΗ VAK,bIMFA past event; ΘΤΚΕΗ 1ΠΑΚ, /gram./ past tense; OHblH C 3I ΘΤΕΑ1 his words have an effect (people listen to him). ΘΤ /anat./ gall bladder, bUe, gall; EJ1AIH, ΘΤΙΗΑΕ ΘΤΒΙΡΜΑ don't sit in a draft. ΘΤΕ very, completely, too; ...-ΜΘΤΕ especially, too; ... BEPIK peremptory, categorical, allowing no appeal; ... 5KAK,Cbl above reproach, irreproachable; ... TEPEH, fathomless, without a bottom. ΘΤΕ- to carry out, to fulfill, to discharge (a duty, obligation), to payoff, to liquidate indebtedness, to refund expenses, to justify expenses or labor. ΘΤΕΚ hem of a dress, skirt. ΘΤΕΛ- to be repaid, to be reimbursed, to be paid off in full, to be fulfilled. OTEV ransom of prisoners. ΘΤΚΕΙΤ ford, passage, crossing. ΘΤΚΕΗ the past; ... )KbIJI last year. ΘΤΚΙ3- 1) to pass through, to let through, to admit; 2) to cross a river; 3) to leave out, to skip, to miss; 4) to sell; 5) to thread a needle; 6) to live, to survive, to exist; 7) /fig./ to pierce (with words); 8) to exceed, to be overdue, to lose (time); 9) to hand in, to return, to yield, to turn over, to rent, to deal; 10) to pass (an examination, test); KYH ... to live, to exist; TEMIP 5KOJIAAP/JfalH, ΠΟΕ3Α ΘΤΚ13Υ KAEJIETI carrying capacity (of the main) railway lines. ΘΤΚΙΗ1Π 5KAH,EbIP rain with thunder. ΘΤΚΙΡ 1) sharp; 2) smart, forward, /fig./ daring. ΘΤΚΙΡΛΕΗ- 1) to get sharp; 2) to be daring. ΘΤΚΙΡΛ1Κ audacity, decisiveness. ΘΤΠΕ.ΠΙ transitional, /gram./ transities. ΘΤΤΙ 5ΚΙΠΤ agile, dexterous. ΘΤΥ passage. ΘΤΙΚ shoes, boots (with hard soles). ΘΤΙΜ demand (for goods). ΘΤΙΜ,Ο,Ι 1) salable, popular, current (of goods); 2) capable of having an effect; ΟΘ3Ι ... his words make an impression. 0TIMCI3 unpopular, unsalable, not in demand. ΘΤΙΗ- to entreat, to ask, to beg. ΘΤΙΗΥΙΠΙ petitioner. ΘΤΙΗΙ111 request. ΘΤΙΡΙΚ deception, fraud, lie, false.

ΘΤΙΡΙΚωΐ liar. ΘΥΕ sky, heaven, firmament. ΘΙ11- to die, to go out, to become extinct, to die down, to be obliterated, to be crossed out, to be quiet, to lapse into silence, to come to an end, to cease to exist. ΘΙΙΙ anger, wrath, vengeance, hostile, malicious, wicked, fond of something, susceptible to something; OJ1 MEMIMEH ... he hates me; OJI ΤΑΤΤΙΓΕ ... he is fond of sweets. OHIAJI- to revenge oneself, to avenge. ΘΙΙΙΠΕΗ,βΙ feuding, to have unfriendly relations with someone. ΘΙΙΙΠΕΗ^Ι-ΠίΙΚ enmity, hostility. 0IUTEC feuding with someone. ΘΙΙΙΤΕΟ to be at loggerheads with, to be quarreling with, to be feuding with. eOITECTIPyiUI instigator, agent provocateur, someone who sets one person against another. ITECyUlIJlTK state of hostility, hostile relations. ΘΙΙΓΠ see ΘΙ1ΙΠΕΗΑΙ. ΘΠΙΤ1Κ see ΘΙΠΠΕΗΑΙ.ΠΙΚ. ΘΙΙΐνΐΙΙΙ obsolescent. ΘΙΙΙΙΚ /Γ/- to be furious, to rage. Θ1ΙΙΙΚΤΙΡ- to tease, to irritate, to incite. ΘΙΙΙΙΡ- to put out, to extinguish, to cross out, to erase. ΘΙΙΙΙΡΓΤΙΙΙ eraser. ΘΗ 1) front part; 2) aspect, appearance, countenance, facial color, hue, tint; 3) right side (of material); 4) reality; θΐ(ΙΜ BE, TYCIM BE? real or in a dream? ΘΗΓΕ another, other, the rest. ΘΗΤΈΡ- to put someone of something in front of oneself on the saddle; AT YCTIHEH ΘΗΓΈΡΙΠ 9KET- while riding a horse, to seize a person standing on the ground and carry (him, her) off. ΘΗ,ΑΈ- 1) to prepare, to tan (a sheepskin); 2) to work, to cultivate, to treat, to fertilize (soil); 3) /fig./ to correct (a to t). ΘΗΑΕΗ- 1) to be processed, to be cleaned of flesh (a hide); 2) /fig./ to put on weight, to get better. ΘΗ,ΑΕΟ- having the same aspect or color; similar, like, monochrome. ΘΗΑΊ 1) having a red appearance, a good color in the face (handsome, attractive); 2) processed, tanned (a hide). ΘΗΕ3 a slimy deposit on the inside (of a pot).




0HE3AI 1) to be covered with slime, scum (of a dirty pot). ΘΗΕΙΙΙ /ΘΗΓΕΙΙΙ/ windpipe, esophagus. entirely, everywhere, only. I- 1) to moo or bellow only (a cow who has lost her calf); 2) to howl, to wail, to sob. »HMEHAE- to push forward, to push through, to force one's way through,

knocking everything in one's way aside. ΘΗ