Journal of the Siam Society; 56

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Volume 1., VI Part l

.January 1968





2 51 1


The } ourrzal of the Siam Society Contents of f "olume. LVI Part I january

] the attention uf hi:ltoriuns and art hbtodan~ some plllHugraph~ objects from a site in the isthmu~ vd1ii.:h not previously been rccordctl in the literature available in European languages. The objects were photographed during a very vh,it 13) 0'(\mnor. S.J.; 'Satingpr;dt: An E,;pandcd • .lmo n.d d, •• /J;,mflz fl,.• A,,i~tti1 vol39 nn !July 196llibul of Mac 'l a eng. n''"'• 41 cited : the magic Hanun:um's entire Ramakien once served magic purposes; was able to· read the complete epic in seven days and seven nights C(mid make the heavens rain for three days and nights.! 1 11) MRW Sur:nonchart



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Names and expressions Since the Sukhothai period many important kings of Thailand carry names of heroes of the legend of Rama. Khun Ramkhamhaeng, the creator of the Sukhothai alphabet was named after Phra Ram. In the Ayuthaya period there is Phra Ramesuan, a name derived by combining Phra Ram and Phra Isuan-the highest god of the Ramakien. Then there are Phra Ramarat, Rama the king; Phra Ramathibodi, Rama the leader; Phra Eka Thotsarot, the unique Thotsarot, the wise father of the Ram a of the legend. The Bangkok period was initiated by Chao Phya Chakri who was crowned under the name of Rama Thibodi and who made history under the name of Rama I. The Chakri dynasty, called after the discus of Phra Narai, reigns today. The kings of this dynasty are all called Rama and might be considered incarnations of the hero. King Chulalongkorn, Rama V, was still so much identified with the Rama of the legend that on his return from Europe in 1897 the court presented a masked play on the royal plaza: Phra Ram returns to Ayuthayats. Names of simple citizens sometime also come from the legend of Rama, as shown by the registers of students in Bangkok schools. The main reservoir of expressions from the legend, though, is in military nomenclature. Several ships of the Royal Navy carry names .., .-1 .... from the Ramakien: YIH'l1J'V11t.l 'Phali governs the world' and ~fl1W fl'HhH~!JJ 'Sul-{hrip reigns over the city'. Big guns are named after the six monkey-generals of Rama's army: ~filU'\.L~LL'YhlLOJJl-L 'Nin Non pierces the shield', t11Lt1tHLt1U\11ClJ 'the hundred-thousandfold gallant Surasen', *' 1 t1Hl17LLt1tHW1"J 'the hundred-thousand times brave Sural?.an', 'lfaJ'ViYl'\'1-L , , tLm~Hj'Yl~ 'Chomphuphan shows his power', ftfiJYfvi"nu"fr:r 'Sul~hrip breaks """"LtH.I"J'JYHit ,, '[{anuman cuts the hd the royal umbrella' and ~'\.UJnLmlLfltJ1 ea ; ~

of 'A1ayarap'. Even names of demons are cited: Ylty1"1l·;r;wws"'l1 'Khon destroyst all', tJU'V11imtt1t1fl-.r 'the bow of Inthorachit' and Vt11~t1~1'r'lt'l 'Asurapha , kills the soldiers'. The Royal Colours show Hanuman attacking the enemy. In boxing also are certain expressions from the story of Rama. During the danced presentation or dedication the boxer 18) Sathien Koset op. cit. p. 180,


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DramaUe tu·t Traditional "f'hai art in aU and subjects from the legend Rama. Today tbe most important play on of opera.. like ballet. There are a number adapted from the legend that suit the taste of rural as well as urban folk because the scenes can be modeled and adjusted to the audienc,e.

The same theme can be represented in a coarse and rough or in a solemn and refined manner. The Ramakien offers a wide of


subjects to the lakhon writers and actors and this is the reason why they prefer to play scenes from the legend of Rama --these being presented more often than any other. Since olden days the play with leather silhouettes stood sideby-side \Vith the lukhon. The play of the Nang Yai, the 'large hides' uses excised figures ornamentally drawn before on cowskin and is performed in front of a screen lit from behind. Better known is the shadow-play \Vhere the same kind of figure is projected onto the screen from behind. The figures, stretched between bamboo sticks, are held above the heads of the players. Originally one to two meters high, the figures have been replaced by shorter ones, the Nang Talung, \Vhich have movable arms and legs and which can be manoevered more easily. The Nang Talung have a tradition different from the Nang }'ai as they seem to have come to Bangkok through southern Thailand) most likely from Indonesia. One still can find a few shadowplay groups in Bangkok, but they all refuse to use Nang Yai. The play with leather-figures is known since the Sukhothai period (13th to 15th centuries).! 9 It shows scenes only from the legend of Rama. The introduction first invokes the non-Buddhist gods of the legend, Phra Isuan, Phra Ph rom and Phra Narai; then are produced the adversaries Phra Ram and Thotsakan and the wise hermit Riisi shows his knowledge in wedic charms and mystery; and, finally, the symbolic fight between the black and the white monkey, impersonated in the Ramakien by Nin Non and Hanuman. This introduction is the same, whatever the actual play. The Masked Play, third branch of traditional dramatic art, might have originated from the Nang Yai. 2 o Its subjects are all taken from the story of Rama. The masked heroes dance their parts following the traditional music and the declamation of the verses of the epic by special singers and speakers in the background. Originally the players of the Nang Yai figures might have been masked to suit their parts, but these figures were put aside and, since, the masks 19) Nicolas, Rene 'Le theatre d'ombres' Journal of the Siam Society no 21, 1927. 20) HH Prince Dhani Nivat f king liummmn was built felL the nickname •city of Uumunan• . Lopburi and the city t.Jf the mtm· founded n cc.>lony of 21 "N, 96' t 106"E; no elevation; 2 sheets mounted as 1 in blue .. Jine vdth colour overlay, 60xll0 ems; 1 copy in fair conditwn, in Thai. Royal Thai Survey Department.

First Level Survey 1:50~00()) no date but c. 1953; 1:2,000,000 & 1:50,000; 2" to 2l"N, 96'* to 106~E& 13" 40 to 13~~ 50'N, 100°27'to 100° 37'E;no elevation; skeletal base overlain to show 1st level traverses run 1912-53; 2 sheets mounted as 1 in blue-line with hand-drawn overlay, 65x 115 ems; 1 copy in fair condition, in Thai. Royal Thai Survey Department. 1

1·hailand. l : !00.000;.

colour. 7) Thailand, l : 50}000; sheets printed io



colour. 8) Thailand, scale greater than l : 50,000 but not definite; sheets printed.


Index ;\{aps continued 9) Thailand. 1 : lOtOOO; sheets printed in black & white and colour; areas surveyed prior to 1935 & during 1935-36.

10) Bangkok, 1 : 5.000; areas surveyed prior to 1935 & during 1935-36. 11) Bangkok, 1 ; 5,000; sheets printed . •~f;UJ

P 2477 (1934); 1:2.500,000; 5" to 21°N, 97o to lOrE; no elevation; bas,e overlain to show areal coverage of several map series but lacks reference; 1 sheet in black & white with colour overlay, 55x80 ems; 1 copy, unmounted, in poor condition, in Thai. Royal Thai Survey Department. (Siam)

Titleless base P 2476 (1933); 1:2,500,000; c. 5~ to 2rN, 97" to lOrE; elevation by contours; overlain to show areas mapped and to be mapped in west & southeast Thailand; l sheet in black & white, 55x80 ems; 1 copy, unmounted, in poor condition, in Thai. Royal Thai Survey Department. CHillJ




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ae;,nn'lrt1"1U 1(\l~l~1~l.Uilll 'l :atlfiYI 1.m'l '11'J1LlCl:.:Llt:HHl~lWYl'l'l'YUJYILlCl1 'II



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rl'~n HJU 'll.f1. ltl~:dm

(Simn. bulex Map .S'lzo'wing Area Surveyed and Maps Printed up to 30th September I 930) 1:3~000,000; 5° to 21 oN, 97° to I06$E; no elevation; skeletal base overlain to show 1:100,000 & 1:50,000 sheets printed prior to 1930 & during 1929-30 in black & white and colour, areas surveyed prior to 1930 & during 1929-30; 1 sheet in colour, 50x70 ems; 1 copy, unmounted, in poor condition, in Thai. Royal Thai Survey Department. ../



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t'HJUJ mHH'l(il171fUliMHhUltlth::L'Yit'1rt ~m1 r7'l'ilmlznt:.~ULLe.!UYI'!1YOJYHLC11 'Y'l,\'1, wce~o 'II

(Siam. Index Map ShOfJJing Area Surveyed and Maps Printed up to 1927) 1:3,000,000; SO to 2l N, 97o to 106"E; no elevation; skeletal base overlain to show 1:100,000 & 1:50,000 sheets printed prior to 1926 & during 1926-27 in black & white and colour, areas surveyed prior to 1926 & during 1926-27; 1 sheet in colour, 50x70 ems; 1 copy, unmounted, in poor condition, in Thai. 0

Plan c. I:400,000; grid; no ete,vauon: during J904; 1 sheet in black & white, ems; 1 on linen, in fair condition, in English. Another copy with slightly different format. Royal Thai Survey Department.

53 ... 'l "" U'l PH•LlL,nan L'Hifli {lnde:.; J''fap ShDt&ing ('ompilation & Devdopment of Map Series. Krung Thep Circle, Pnuhin & J.Vakhon C'haisi} no date but c. 1902; c. 1:315,()(X);grid: noelevation;shovls maps published pre-1900, during 1900-01, not yet published 1901, republished during 1900-01, but no indication of scale; l sheet in colour, 45x50 ems; 1 copy, unmounted, in fair condition, in Thai. Royal Thai Survey Department.






·n~a~nq;':llt~t.lm,uH1'Hl ~n1 I

S\!Al.t SC AL!':. \tAl)S lndi\hhnd


(Appeararztt 7'/utilm:d) elevati 1 mounted, in


(lt!otJt:'tnNtt of 1'hcli .Fmm dttte but c. 1940; l :7 .00(),000; c. 0"' tc>

simple map; l sheet in 115 ems; condition. in Thai. Roi!-IDdo

P2470 (1927); c. 13· to 16"N, 100" to mounted as 1, 65 .. 195 ems; I copy. Title refers others lost in mounting .


«(Outline: Sai }'ol?. 0940) RP2497 (1954); 14" to 15eN, n


"" ·~

~~a; .... it;r"Jtt

(Kanclumaburi-IV4D2461 ( 1924} P2479 {1936); c. 14• to 15"N, in cc,lour; 2 copies, rnounted. t'l


0C ·- t'J!.r:j ••


(1\mzdwruzhuti .. ~CO,'uphaft Uuri .. NtJkhon Ptzthottt-Chai Nat-Uthai 0924) P2494 (1951) A2496 (1953) RP2497 tdd bits o.f territory) shows & \\'hite (at least 1 sheet condition, in Thai. The each, unmounted, in this or groups of provinces as follows :


1 sheet:S2471"72(1928-29) 1"Jumi I sheet: D2476 (1933} P2484 (1941) (

1 sheet: [)2462 {1919) P2484 (1941) 1 (1928) P2481 (1938) .

.. t•lrul .. Lop lluri .. N(lkhon Pat !tom" • .s·aralturi .. Sittg !Juri .. Suphan Buri l : J Sepnrtment.

mttp nf settlement along Chao Phraya frnrn Nonthaburi north; 1 sheet 80::-:80 ems; t>n linen. in poor condition.


( Chrm Euri Circle, Bang l,amung, Rayong) S114 (1895); 1 sheet 125x195 ems; 2 copies, mounted* in condition. Royal Thai Survey Department.

(Pr()f)incesCh{)n Buri, Bang Lamung, R,ayong) Pll4 {1895) RP127 {1908); 4 sheets, each 70x100 ems; 3 ,copies, unmounted, in fair condition. Royal Thai Survey Department. -;:rJfH


~s (Pattani

date; indeterminate oum ber of 1 copy in poor condition.

l>illrict) no




holds 2 sheets P 1963:

101"04' to 101" 20'E; eleva~

....... ,.,. ..... ~ I sheet in colour, 55x90 ems; in English. to 5'49'N; 101.20' to l01"37'E; a"'~JI';U!I.i",t sheet in Clour,55x90cms; in English. Royal Thai



Sheets in this most recent published since 1959 (based on aerial and are now available for the lO minutes of latitude and15minutes

ure readily available at the tn hnve been made to keep

/, iliR Thelugh the format varies some~ covers l 0 minutes oflatitude & longitude tu include rfJ'tJhrut Trtmg) no date but c. 1940; l: no elevation: 1 sheet in black & whit,e, ems; in fair condition, in Thai. Royal Thai Survey

(Municipal Boutulttry :lfucmg PravinceChiang Rat) no date but c. 1940; l:IOlOOO; nonh arrow.; no elevation; 1 sheet in black & white, 50x70 ems; 6 copies, unmounted, in fair condition, in Thai. Royal Thai Survey Dtpartment. Phayao~



Bormdary of but c. 1940; 1:10,000; & 20 " 35 ems; 6 Royal Thai Survey


at Central District 1:8,000; north arrow; 6 copies, unmounted. Department.

,u t;.u,ll)rll!',,Ji!

R.t}se~rve llt TtJmbol no date but c. 1940; rl!H::mt~cl·t:Jnntnm·s: 1 sheet in black unmounted, in Sur'ley Department.

arrow; no elevation; rmmes but configuration not t~cJptes. unmounted, in Thui Survey Department.

no date but c. 1940; heights; 1 sheet in black ""'v'liH~;). Ultlmt>tunetl~ in fair conditiont in Thai. ~this area is mountainous'.

grid; elevation by contours> spot & \\pies



'Li'mmu1 Jr1nt ::; !33-i·. (PhuJ Rawild S2478 ( 1935) P2491 ( 1948): l to 100"35'E~ 5 copies in black & \Vhite.

/'hrtlJIQ 100'34'

11nrJ :>433-.'J (Phra Nallhon lful (1938) P2492 (1939); 13"51' to 13' HXr copies in black & whit e.

Buu) S2481


Y41 ::Ufl'l




1.i1tHhifl\lrlm~ .'i/3b-l (J>hra NuJt!rmz

S2481 (193fH P2492(1949}; 13.53' to l 10 copies in black & white.

HJra~and Press, Bangkok 2510, pages 56 octo, profusely illustrated. In addition to matters of professional record, this book contains a biography of the deceased by his wife, Princess Russiltis, a memorandum on the work expected of an architect by the deceased and, of course, reproductions of his drawings and plans, including full details of the palace of Bhi.ipiiJ in ChieiJmai and of the Grand Palace in Bangkok. There is also a memorandum of the scheme of repairs of various palaces which do not bear names; these were probably of the deceased for the most part. The whole has been artistically reproduced and should be an asset to any library.

D. 1 Feb 1968

THE SIAM SOCIETY Under Royal Patronage Address : 131 Asoka Road (Lane 21 ), Bangkapi, Bangkok. Telephone : 914401 Central P.O. Box 65, Bangkok.


"The objects of the Society shall be the investigation and encouragement of Art, Science and Literature in relation to Thailand and the neighbouring countries." (From Ru~es of the Siam Society, Article 2). SUBSCRIPTION

The annual subscription for Ordinary Members is Baht 150 which is payable in advance. There is also an entrance fee of Baht 150. Life membership fee is Baht 3,000. Applications for membership should be addressed to the Honorary Secretary, Centml P.O. Box 65, Bangkok. Application forms are also obtainable at the Society's Home. APPLICATIONS FOR COPIES OF THE JOURNAL

Applications for copies of the journal should be made to the Honorary Secretary. Purchases may be made at the Society's Home. LIBRARY

The Library of the Society is open daily at the following hours: Morning : Afternoon:

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The Library is closed on Saturday at noon and on Sunday. Books may be consulted and borrowed during office hours only. Books borrowed from the Library must be returned within one


· The Kamthieng House Mus~um of the Society is open daily at 9.00.....:12.00 hours The Kamthieng :Uouse is closed on Sunday and on official holidays.


Prieo (Uaht) '·'


1, The Journal-per number •.• •.. The Journnl·-bnck numbers before 1!>46 2. Index to the Journal, Volumes 1 to XXV ... 3. Index to the Journal, Volumes XXVI to XL 4. Florae Siamensis Enumeratio-pcr number S. The Natural History Bulletin-per nun1ber


U.QQ;, 12.00



30.00 ,; :



7. 8. 9.


10, 11.


13. 14.

15. 16.

The0~~~::e:~~~:~~v~ ~~~~~:~~-~~~;~~d ~~~ tl~~ ~c:~~io~~f ~~.e s.~~iety's 50th Anniversa~o.o~ ·, One set (Vols. I & IJ), paper-bound . .. ... . .. . .. •. . •.• too:oo .. Vol. III, paper-bound, Early History and Ayudhyn (sold out) Vol. IV, ., , Lophburi, Bangkok, Bhuket... ••• Vol. V, , , Relationship with Bunua, Part t... ... Vol. VI, ., , Relationship with Burma, Part 2... •. • Vol. VII, ., , Relationship with Portugal, Holland nud the Vatican Vol. VIII, " , Relationship with France, England nnd Denmark Vol. IX, " , Dr. R.S. le May, The Coinage of Siam (sold out} Vol. X, ., , Studies of old Siamese Coins Erik Seidenfaden: The Thai Peoples ... ... ... ... Charles Nelson Spinks: The Ceramic Wares of Sinm, 1965 Gunnar Scidcnfaden and Tem Smitinand: The Orchids of Thailand: A Preliminary List, 1959, Part I 1959, Part U, 1 1960, Part n, 2 1!>61, Part HI 1963,Pm't IV, l 1965, Part IV, 2 (com 1,tetcd} Monograph No. 1 Gordon Young: The Hill Tribes of Northern Tlu:dland 3td edition, 1966 ... .. • ••• .. • Monograph No; 2 li.lUI. Prince Damrong Rajanubhab : A History of Buddhist Monuments In Shun, ill.t 1962 Monograph, No.3 Albert H.IJanner a11d Dora M. Banner: The Alpheid Shrimp ot' Thailand, ill., 1966 John Black, F.R.G.S.: The Lofty Sanctuary of Khao Phrn Vihar Felicitation Volumes of Southeast-Asian Studies, Vol. I Vol.IJ The Kamthieng House; An Introduction Guide book for Kamtbleng Museum, ill., 1966 An Annotated Bibliography of Material Concerning Southeast Asin from Peterma~u!s Geographische Mitteilungen 1855-1966, Larry Sternstein and Carl Sprmger •.. •.. .. , . .. •.. •.. •. , . .. , ; • . .. •.. ••• •..

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