Iter Italicum. Vol I - Italy (Agrigento to Novara) [I]

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ITALY Agrigento to Novara




This volume is published with the assistance of grants from the Bollingen Foundation and from the American Council of Lea,rned Societies. First edition 1963 Reprinted 1965, 1977


Copyright 1963 by E. J. Brii/, Leiden, Netherlands

Ali rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or tramlated in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm or any otlzer means wilhou/ ll'rillen permission from 1/ze pub/isher















NACHMITT A G DES LEBENS /eh stand a m Fenster eines Nachmittags Und sah die Sonne hoch im Himme/ srhweben, Tief priigte sich ihr Bi/d dem A ug' und Geiste ein. Da wandt' ich mich hinweg und blieb verloren In Tiitigkeit und mancher/ei Gedanken. Als ich mich wiederum besann, trai ich ans Fenster Und dachte sie a m g/eirhen Ort zu finden: Der Platz war /eer, die Sonne sank bereits Zum Untergang und griisste mirh im Srhtiden.

CONTENTS Preface . Agrigento, Biblioteca Lucchesiana ( 1949) . Aquila, Archivio Provinciale di Stato ( 1937) Aquila, Biblioteca Provinciale ( 1937). . . . Arezzo, Biblioteca della Fraternita dei Laici ( 1952, 1958) Assisi, Biblioteca Comunale (1958) . . . . . Avellino, Biblioteca Provinciale S. e G. Capone . Benevento, Biblioteca Capitolare (1955) . . . . Bergamo, Biblioteca Civica ( 1937, 1949, 1952, 1958) . Bergamo, S. Alessandro in Colonna ( 1937) . . . . . . . Bologna, Biblioteca Comunale dell' Archiginnasio ( 1935, 1949, 1952) Bologna, Biblioteca Universitaria (1935, 1949, 1952, 1955, 1958) Bologna, Cassa di Risparmio . . . . . . . . Bologna, Collegio di Spagna ( 1949, 1952, 1955) . . . . . . . . Bologna, Biblioteca Comunale annessa al Conservatorio di Musica G. B. Martini (formerly called Biblioteca del Liceo Musicale) ( 1955) Brescia, Biblioteca Civica Queriniana ( 1936, 1949, 1952) . . . . . Bressanone-Brixen, Archivio del Seminario (Seminararchiv) ( 1955) Brindisi, Biblioteca Arcivescovile "Annibale De Leo" Camerino, Biblioteca Valentiniana ( 1955). . . Capestrano, Biblioteca dei Minori Francescani Casale Monferrato, Seminario Vescovile (1955) . . . . . Catania, Biblioteche Riunite "Civica e A. Ursino-Recupero" ( 1949) Cava Dei Tirreni, Biblioteca della Badia (1949) Cento, Biblioteca Comunale . . . . . . . Cesena, Biblioteca Malatestiana (1937, 1955) Como, Biblioteca Comunale ( 1955) Como, Seminario Maggiore ( 1955) . Correggio, Biblioteca Comunale . . . . . . . . . . Cortona, Biblioteca Comunale e dell' Accademia Etrusca ( 1958) Cremona, Biblioteca Governativa ( 1936, 1952, 1958) . Faenza, Biblioteca Comunale (1955) . Fermo, Biblioteca Comunale ( 1937) . . . . . . . . Ferrara, Biblioteca Comunale Ariostea (1936, 1949, 1952) Firenze, Accademia della Crusca ( 1958) . . . . . . . . Firenze, Archivio di Stato (1933-38, 1949, 1952, 1955, 1958) Firenze, Biblioteca Laurenziana (1933-38, 1949, 1952, 1955, 1958) Firenze, Biblioteca Marucelliana (1934-38, 1949, 1952, 1955, 1958)


l l l 2

4 5 6 6 16 16 18 27 27 28 30 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 43 43 46 48 48 48 49 52 53 53 63 63 72 106



Firenze, Biblioteca Moreniana (1938, 1949, 1952, 1955). Annexed to . . . . . . the Biblioteca Riccardiana . . . . . . . . Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale (1933-39, 1949, 1952, 1955, 1958) Firenze, Biblioteca Riccardiana (1933-38, 1949, 1952, 1955, 1958) Firenze, Conservatorio di Musica L. Cherubini (1955) Firenze, Galleria degli UfTizi, Biblioteca (1958) Firenze, Società Colombaria . . . . . . . Firenze, Principe Ginori Conti (1937, 1958) . . . . . . . . . Firenze, Conte Guicciardini Corsi Salviati (Villa a Sesto Fiorentino) Firenze, Avvocato Piero Marrucchi (1949) Firenze, Libreria Olschki (1936) . . . . Firenze, Conte Bernardo Rucellai (1952) . Firenze, Marchese Filippo Serlupi (1936, 1949) Firenze, Marchese Roberto Venturi Ginori . Foligno, Biblioteca Comunale (1955) . . Foligno, Biblioteca del Seminario (1955) . Forlì, Biblioteca Comunale (1949) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frascati, Archivio della Congregazione Camaldolese di Monte Corona (1955) . . . . . . . . . . . Genova, Archivio di Stato (1955) . . . . . . . Genova, Archivio Storico Comunale (1937, 1955) Genova, Biblioteca Brignole Sale (1955) . . Genova, Biblioteca Civica Berio (1937, 1955) . Genova, Biblioteca Franzoniana (1949) . . . Genova, Biblioteca della Congregazione de' RR. Missionari Urbani .





(1949, 1952) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Genova, Biblioteca Universitaria (1937, 1949, 1952) Genova, Biblioteca Durazzo (1952, 1955) Grottaferrata, Biblioteca della Badia Greca . . . lesi (Ancona), Archivio Storico Municipale (1937) . lesi (Ancona), Biblioteca Comunale (1937, 1958) Livorno, Biblioteca Labronica (1935) Lodi, Biblioteca Comunale (1955) . . . . . . . Lonato (Brescia), Fondazione Ugo da Como (1952) Lucca, Archivio di Stato . . . . . . . . . . Lucca, Biblioteca Capitolare (1936, 1949, 1952) . Lucca, Biblioteca Governativa (1936, 1949, 1952) Lugo ( Ravenna), Biblioteca Comunale "F. Trisi" (1937) Macerata, Biblioteca Comunale (1955) . Mantova, Archivio di Stato. . . . . . . . . . Mantova, Biblioteca Comunale (1936, 1949, 1952) . Messina, Biblioteca Universitaria (1949) . . . Milano, Arch ivio Capitolare della Basilica Ambrosi ana (S. Ambrogio) (1955, 1958) . . . . . . . . . Milano, Arch ivio della Curia Arci vescovile . Milano, Archivio di Stato (1955) .




112 177 226 226 227 228 229 229 229 229 229 230 230 231 231 235 237 237 238 238 240 241 242 246 248 248 248 250 250 252 253 253 257 2 62 263 2 64 2 69 275 276 276




Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana (1934, 1936, 1949, 1952, 1955, 1958) . Milano, Biblioteca Capitolare del Capitolo Metropolitano (1955) . . . Milano, Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense (Brera) (1936, 1949, 1952, 1958) Milano, Biblioteca Trivulziana (1934, 1936, 1949) Milano, Società Storica Lombarda (1949) Modena, Archivio di Stato (1955) . Modena, Archivio Storico Comunale . . Modena, Biblioteca Estense (1936, 1949, 1952, 1955) . Modena, Collegio S. Carlo . . . . . Monreale, Biblioteca Comunale (1949) . . . . . . . Montecassino, Biblioteca della Bad ia (1937; collection seen agai n at the Abbazia di S. Girolamo in Rome in 1949 and 1952) . Napoli, Archivio di Stato . . . . . . . . . . Napoli, Biblioteca Governativa dei Gerolamini . Napoli, Biblioteca Nazionale (1936, 1949, 1952) Napoli, Biblioteca Universitaria (1952) . . . . . . Napoli, Società Napoletana di storia patria (1949, 1952) Novacella-Neustift near Bressanone-Brixen, Convento dei Canonici Regolari - Augustiner - Chorherrenstift (1952) . Novara, Biblioteca Capitolare (1958) . Novara, Biblioteca Negroni e Civica . Novara, Biblioteca di S. Gaudenzio (1958) Index . . . . .



277 351 351 359 365 366 367 368 393 393 393 396 396 398 438 438 439 440 440 440


PREFACE The materia! presented in this work bas bee n collected over a period of almost tbirty years, and it migbt be in order to explain wby it bas taken so long, and wby a student of pbilosopby and its bistory carne to undertake it in the first piace. Wben I began to study tbe pbilosopby of Marsilio Ficino in 1931, I soon realized tbat it was necessary to examine tbe contemporary manuscripts of bis writings. A first sbort visit to the libraries of Rome and Florence in 1933 was followed by a continuous residence in Italy from 1934 to 1939, whicb offered me tbe opportunity to explore tbe manuscript collections of tbose two cities, as well as of many otber Italian libraries, on a somewbat larger scale. Tbe first result was my Supp/ementum Ficinianum (1937) whicb included many unpublisbed writings of Ficino, contemporary letters, and documents relating to bis work and activities. Having become aware of tbe great wealtb ofunpublisbed and even unknown writings of tbeltalian bumanists and philosopbers of the Renaissance period, I proposed tbat some of tbe more interesting texts sbould be edited in a special series. Tbe result of tbe approvai of tbis pian by the late Senator Giovanni Gentile and by tbe late Leo S. Olscbki, tbe publisber, was the Nuova Collezione di Testi Umanistici Inediti o Rari, publisbed, witb tbe active collaboration of Alessandro Perosa and many otber scbolars, under tbe auspices of tbe Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa. It was in connection with tbis series tbat I first began to go more or less systematically througb tbe printed and bandwritten catalogues ofltalian and otber manuscript collections, and to look at as many interesting manuscripts as possible, in order to make sure tbat no manuscripts containing tbe writings of Renaissance philosopbers or bumanists should be overlooked. When I moved from Italy to the United States in 1939, I was able to take with me my extensive notes and files, but since I was cut off from the manuscripts themselves by the war, my material lay dormant for a number of years. When I met the late Fritz Saxl i n 1945, I told him of my materia!, and it was thanks t o bis foresight and interest tbat the pian for tbe present work emerged and took pretty much its fina! shape. Saxl proposed tbat I should publisb under the auspices of the Warburg Institute a list and description of the Renaissance manuscripts whicb I had located or seen in Italian and other li brarics, omitting those that were already described in printed catalogues. When I began to edit my mat er ia ! , I discovercd many gaps and deficiencies in it. This was partly due to my lack of expcrience, partly to tbe fact that my notes were originally not takcn to be pu blishcd as sucb, but merely as data for a personal file and as lcads for further rcsearch. Moreover, my interests had shi ftcd, and in a way, ex pa nded . Through my association witb Ernest Moody and John H. Randall, I bcc amc more i n tercstcd in Renaissance Aristotelianism, and especi a lly in PomponaZli. I did extensive



work on the intellectual history of the Italian universities, and on the medieval antecedents of Renaissance humanism and thought. I also became involved in the Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum. Hence it became necessary for me to review and to supplement the materia! collected before the war, and an attempt to do so was made on severa! joumeys, undertaken in 1949, 1952, 1955, and 1958, each of which lasted for a number of months. I revisited most of the Italian libraries in which I had worked before the war, went through their catalogues and inventories for a second or third time, improved many of my old descriptions, and examined a large number of additional manuscripts. Moreover, I extended my investigations to many other libraries, and above ali, I was able to visit many of the more important manuscript collections in other European countries, and to ascertain their holdings as far as they had not been described in printed catalogues. I also visited libraries in the United States for the same purpose at various times, and collected information by correspondence from more distant places which I was unable to visit. An obvious by-product of these investigations was the bibliographical list of printed and handwritten catalogues of Latin manuscript books, which was first published in two instalments in Traditio, vols. VI (1949) and IX (1952), and in a thoroughly revised form as a book, under the title Latin Manuscript Books before 1600 (1960). The purpose of the present work has been to do for Renaissance thought and humanism what has been done by others over the last few centuries for such fields as classical, patristic and medieval literature, for hagiography and liturgy, and especially for the historical documents and chronicles of the Middle Ages, that is, to give a list of manuscript sources potentially useful for a further study of the subject. The title Iter ltalicum was chosen, in consultation with Saxl, to emphasize the link with a scholarly tradition that traces its origin through Pflugk-Hartung and Blume back to Gerbert, Zaccaria, Montfaucon and Mabillon, to mention only a few who used the same or a similar title for their works. I hope the choice of this title may not appear pretcntious or immo­ dest. An alternative title, Bibliotheca humanistica manuscripta, was considered and discarded. The title Iter ltalicum may appear i nappropr iate, now that a substantial part of the work will cover libraries outside Italy. Yet apart from the fact that the Italian section remains by far the largest of ali, the retention of tbc title may also be just ified by the fact that a large part of the materia! in other librarics is of Italian provenance or relevant to the study of the Italian Renaissance. The method followed in collecting the materia! usually was to start from thc available sources, from printcd catalogues or from data supplied by other scholars; to write to the libraries for further information; and finally to visit any library which appeared to have important holdings not adequately described in printed catalogues. During my visit to a library, I followed the procedure recommended by Bertalot and Mercati, 1 that is, I first perused whatever 1) L. Bertal o t , La Bibliofilia X X I V ( 1 922-23), p. 264, nole 4. G. Card. Mercati, Codici farini Piro Grimano Pio (Studi e Tc>ti 75, Vatican City, 193M), p. 1 70.



catalogues or inventories were available on the spot, and then inspected and described as many relevant manuscripts as my lime permitted. In other words, the aim has been not merely to make chance discoveries of individuai texts or manuscripts that might be announced as news in learned journals (although my materia! does include quite a few such discoveries), but lo cover the entire field as completely as the state of my knowledge and of present scholarship would permit. I am sorry I cannot convey to those who may refer to this work the unfor­ gettable experiences that went with its preparation : the many beautiful sights and personal encounters which accompanied it, the numerous odd episodes, the tension of the search, and the surprise of the discoveries. The body of this work includes only the dry and condensed results of my investigation, which cannot be expected to evoke in any reader the same vivid recollections as in the compiler. The present work is conceived primarily as a finding list for certain texts, and the main emphasis is on the textual conteni of the manuscripts listed, as against their script and decoration, external appearance, provenance and history. The conteni has also supplied the main criteria by which the materia! has been selected, and by which particular manuscripts, or types of manuscripts, bave been included or excluded. These criteria are not too easy to describe, and they may appear to some extent arbitrary. When I speak of humanistic manu­ scripts of the Renaissance, I bave in mind primarily philosophical, scholarly and literary manuscripts in Latin that were copied during the period between 1300 and 1600 and contain the writings of scholars who were active during that period. Since Renaissance humanism and philosophy had their origin and centre in ltaly, the emphasis on Italian authors may appear to some extent justified. The materia! thus defined constitutes the core of what I bave been trying to collect, and for this type of materia! I bave aimed at completeness. As a rule, I exclude documents, statutes and chronicles, religious and liturgica! works, vernacular poetry and literature in Italian and other lan guages, technical treatises on law and theology, on the sciences and on the arts, as well as musical compositions, drawings and maps. Yet I have decided to include selected manuscripts from many of these areas because their authors or addressees or literary genres seem to connect them with the main stream of the humanistic and philosophic culture of the Renaissance peri od. Works by classica!, pa tr ist i c and medieval authors bave been la r gcl y excluded. Exceptions have becn made for manuscripts copied or owned by noted Renaissance scholars, and above ali, Latin translations from the Greek, and Latin commentaries on classica! Greek and Latin writers bave becn included, as far as possible. Moreover, the chronological limits of the Rcnaissance have been occasionally exceeded. I have listed some manuscripts written before 1300 for Latin translations and commentaries of the classics, for certain works on medicine and rhc tor i c, or for texts that seem to illustra te the medieval anteccdents of thc humanism and scholasticism and of the university lca rnin g of the ltalian Renaissance. A t the other end, I have listed some philosophical and scientilic texts of the early seventeenth century. Alt these materials are marginai in terms of the definition



offered above, and no completeness has been intended or attained for them. In selecting them, I have been frankly guided by my own scholarly interests, and sometimes by those of my friends and associates. On the whole, I have tended to sin on the side of inclusiveness, especially in the case of libraries that are relatively unknown or difficult of access. Yet I have also excluded many manuscripts that I had originally listed or even seen because they seemed to be irrelevant to the topic of this list, even when broadly understood. For my main intent has been to disclose the existence of materia! and of sources that are potentially interesting to the student of Renaissance thought and learning. The selection of the materia! has been determined by an important additional consideration which is entirely external to that of relevance: the purpose of this list has been to supplement, and not to repeat, the information contained in adequate printed catalogues of manuscript collections. There seemed to be no point in listing once more the manuscripts described by Bandini, in the Vatican catalogues, or in Mazzatinti, to mention but a few Italian examples. Hence I have even deleted many descriptions that have become unnecessary through the publication of recent catalogues. I include a manuscript described in a printed catalogue only in those cases where l am able to add to its table of contents, or to supply its actual shelf mark, and I repeat printed catalogues only in those instances where they are unindexed or incomplete, patently inadeguate or extremely rare, or when they fail to give the actual shelf marks. Even a checklist of humanistic manuscripts described in printed catalogues would go beyond the scope o! the present work, desirable as it would obviously be for Renaissance scholars. For a full list of these printed catalogues l musi refer the reader to my bibliography. Though l exclude manuscripts described in printed catalogues of compact collections, I include those that are described only in catalogues of scattered manuscripts, such as those of the former Corvinus, Sforza and Aragon collections. And I freely repeat information offered by the handwritten inventories or indices available to the reader in the various libraries, and cite them scrupulously as my source, especially for those manuscripts which l have been unable to examine mysclf. Since these hand­ written or typed inventories may legitimatcly also be called catalogues, I should like to explain that I am thinking exclusively of printed catalogues when I refer in the title of this work to uncatalogued or insufficiently catalogued manuscripts. Sincc. a catalogue of manuscripts implies a rather massive scholarly achieve­ ment, l am intentionally calling this work a lisi rather than a catalogue. For it is my pu rpose to provide leads and starting points for further enquiry, but not to give that exhaustive information about the appearancc and history, or even about the content, of a manuscript that we have the 1 ight to cxpect from a catalogue worthy of thc n a me. The present lisi ca n hope evcn less to compete with the work done by thc editor of a tcxt, or the author of a monograph or a comprchensive study. As a mere list, this work is in a sense a bibliography, and even an "enumcrative" bibliography. Yet I hope it is not repetitive, like those given in certain dissertations or survey articles that tcnd to perpetuate our ignorance rathcr than to extend our knowledgc; and conscqucntly it could not have bcen accomplished by a computer, as a young friend once



suggested. lf this listing of manuscripts must be classified as bibliograpby, it migbt deserve to be distinguisbed from tbe common kind as "deptb biblio­ grapby" . I n tbe actual presentation o f tbe materia!, a topograpbical arrangement has been adopted, beginning witb Italy and tbe Vatican, wbicb constitute by far tbe largest section, and continuing witb tbe otber countries in tbe alpbabetical order of tbeir names in Englisb. Tbe present volume contains about balf of the Italian materia!. Witbin eacb country, tbe materia! is arranged by cities, libraries and collections, following for tbe cities and libraries tbe alpbabetical sequence of tbeir names in tbe language of tbe country concerned, and for the collections usually tbe order of tbeir aqcuisition. Tbe term collection is bere used in tbe specific sense of a group of manuscripts, often of common proven­ ance, that is kept as a distinct unit witbin a given larger library (fonds in Frencb, or fondo in Italian), usually witb separate sbelf marks and a separate inventory, as distinct from the entin "collection" of a library, or from tbe "collection" (or evenfonds orfondo) tbat bas been recomtructed from tbe scattered boldings of onc or severa! libraries, but no longer exists as a separate unit. Tbe topo­ graphical order adopted, tbougb quite extemal to tbe subject matter, bas many advantages : it lays open tbe actual basis on wbicb this work rests, including its possible gaps; it avoids ali ambiguities concerning tbt location and sbelf marks of tbe manuscripts ; and it puts before us, at least implicitly, many instructive details of cultura! bistory and geograpby. An attempt to arrange tbe materia) by autbors or subjects would bave left many loopboles, as tbe experience of severa! subject catalogues sbows, and would bave run into insuperablc diffic­ ulties witb tbe miscellaneous manuscripts. Eacb volume will be supplied with a full index of names, and it sbould bt easy to find tbe writings of a given autbor, if be appears in tbis list. Within eacb collection or fondo, tbe materia! bas been divided into two distinct sections, indicated by tbe beadings Excerpts and Descriptions, res­ pectively. By descriptions I mean tbe reports on tbose manuscripts wbicb were actually inspected by me, or in some instances, as clearly indicated, by otber scbolars. Tbe excerpts, on tbe otber band, are based almost entirely on such bandwritten or typed inventories or card files as may be available in tbe respective libraries. Tbe descriptions, tbougb probably full of errors and omissions, are obviously more reliable tban tbe excerpts; and tbe ideai solution would bave been to inspect ali potentially relevant manuscripts and to give no excerpts, but only descriptions. Since tbe factors of time and distance made this impossible, I felt that tbe reader bad a rigbt to be told in eacb instance wbetber I bave seen a manuscript, or merely relied on a des crip t i on made by somebody else. After some deliberation, it seemed best to divide the materia! for each collection into two separate lists, ratber tban to make frequent use of asterisks, wbicb would bave been tbe source of numcrous errors and ambi­ guit ies. Tbe excerpts and descri pti ons concerning eacb collection bave u sually been arranged according to sbelf marks, but in some instances tbe exccrpts foll ow a different sequence, usually alpbabetical, in accordance witb tbe handwritten



inventories from wbicb tbey were taken. Tbese bandwritten inventories bave been consistently indicated, witb tbeir originai titles, as tbe sources for the excerpts wbicb I am offering. This will not only facilitate a verification of my data, and a correction of my errors and omissions, but also serve as a tribute to tbe modest and often anonymous compilers of tbese inventories, to wbom every scbolar visiting tbe library is deeply indebted. For whatever tbeir sbort­ comings (and tbey are often grave), tbese inventories bold tbe key to tbeir respective collection and provide tbe obvious starting point for any study of its manuscripts. Tbe instances wbere a collection bas no inventory or index at ali, and wbere tbe visitor bas to bandle eacb manuscript to get a rougb idea of its conteni, 1oom large in popular imagination but. are actually quite rare, and usually occur only in small and neglected collections. Since tbe inventories are often vague or misleading, it bas bappened tbat I was prompted to inspect manuscripts tbat turned out not to be relevant to my project. In order to indicate tbat I considered and eliminated tbem, and to spare otber scbolars in my field needless work, I list tbem according to tbeir sbelf marks in a footnote appended to tbe name of tbe library. I do not, bowever, mention tbose smaller libraries tbat were visited by me (or, in Spain, by Professor Eugenio Massa) witb negative results, altbougb tbis migbt bave been desirable for similar reasons. In tbe descriptions, I always give tbe present sbelf mark of a manuscript, and sometimes its former sbelf marks or provenance. I always indicate wbetber it is written on parcbment or paper and try to establisb tbe approximate date, and sometimes tbe piace, of the copy. When tbe manuscript is given as mis­ cellaneous (mise.), tbis u sually means tbat it contains otber texts, besides tbose I list. I indicate as often as possible the total number of folios in a manuscript. Unfort una tely, many manuscripts sbow no folio numbers, and I never bad time or leave to add tbem. My references for eacb manuscript are limited to printed catalogues, or to studies tbat contain a description of tbe manuscript. Tbe fact tbat I ci te a catalogue or study does not mean tbat I merely repeat it, or tbat it contains ali data given by me. lt often does not, especially wben I add tbe sign Cf. to tbe reference. No attempt bas been made to cile ali studies or editions in whicb a given manuscri pt may be mentioned, which would bave been a formidable task. This list is primar ily a supplementary tool of researcb, and the task of finding out whcther a given man uscri p t has been studied or published must be left in most instances to those who use this work, in con­ junction witb other reference works and monographs, for a specifi c piece of research. Tbe main part of a descri ption of a manuscript is a table of i ts contents. In tbe case of misccllaneous manuscri pts, this table usually omits the texts that do not fall within my scope. Wherever possible I have tried to indicate on which folios a givcn text is to be found (although this is obvwusly impossible in the case of manuscri pts whicb bave no folio numbers). In indicating tbe folio numbcrs, I undcrstand by f. 37 only tbe rccto page of a folio, and usu ally indicate the verso page as f.37v. In the case of the Auctor anonymus ( by far the most prolific author of world litcrature and the most diversified), I have tricd to reduce his oeuvre as often as possible and have indicated thc author.



wben ascertained, in parentheses. Yet l bave left many texts anonymous that may and sbould eventually be identified, for our resources for identification in the field of Renaissance bumanism and philosophy are stili quite imperfect and will continue to be so as long as L. Bertalot's large index of incipits of bumanistic literature remains inaccessible. In the case of the larger anonymous texts, I bave given the incipit wbenever possible, and the index will list tbe anonymous texts separately according to their subject or title, to facilitate future identification. I may bave skipped many short anonymous pieces tbat sbould bave been included, and bave not attempted to give separate incipits for eacb anonymous letter or poem that may occur in a miscellaneous manu­ script. I bave used tbe well known catalogues of incipits (Vattasso, Little, Thomdike and Kibre, Moban), partly for identification and partly for elimina­ tion. For tbe latter purpose, l received mucb help from the unpublished catalogue of incipits of classica! Latin writers, placed at my disposal by MUe. J. Vielliard of the lnstitut de Recherches et d'Histoire des Textes in Paris. In the case of collections of bumanist letters and poems, I usually give a list of the more interesting persons to whom some of the pieces are addressed ; and I indicate, in the case of longer works, to whom the prefaces or accompanying letters are directed, for I know from my own experience that this information is potentially useful for many problems of biography and literary history. I give some information on copyists and former owners of manuscripts, on illumination and bindings, but do not try to be complete in this respect and must apologize if I often disappoint bibliographers and art historians for that reason. I especially regret that I olfer so little bel p to palaeographers for a study of the various types of script that were used during the RenaissanC(' period, some of which are even known by the names humanistic anct ltalic. Apart from my own obtuseness in such matters, I am under the impression that tbe scripts of the Renaissance period bave been neglected even by pro­ fessional palaeograpbers, and that a detailed study of these scripts has been barely initiated by B. L. Ullman and others within the last few years, that is, at a time when it was too late for me to profit from it for most of the materia! presentect in this work. In the descriptions. and sometimes in the excerpts, I bave tried always to give credit to those librarians or otber scholars who were good enough to supply me with part of the informatwn, or who even called my atttntion to the existence of a manuscript which I had previously overlooked. I approve the more meticulous practice which our time is following in this matter as compared witb previous generations. If this work is full of shortcomings, of errors and omissions, I am more conscious of tbese than any future critic can be, and am prepared to take the blame and responsibility. Ali I may say in excuse is that it seemed better to olfer an imperfect collection of materia! that may be corrected and supple­ mented by others rather than to give up the whole enterprise. Moreover, the obstacles and difficulties with which this project has had to contend were considerable, as anybody who bas had experience in manuscript research will easily confirm. My oppot tunities for travelling and for working in the various libraries were ampie, but always limited. Many libraries are ope::> but for short

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hours, and even these short hours are sometJmes interrupted by holidays, or cannot be fuliy utilized because the responsible librarian happens to be away, or because some manuscripts, or the key to a shelf, have been mislaid. Enthu­ siasm and curiosity will compensate the visitor for dust and poor light, for uncomfortable heat or cold, and even for a lack of sitting or writing space, especialiy in smaliet libraries. Yet be is always in a hurry because the library is closing, and bis bus or tram or piane is leaving the next day, or even the same day. I always managed to go through the catalogues and inventories of a library, but I rarely saw ali its interesting manuscripts. Once the materia! had been located, further information could be obtained by means of correspond­ ence and microfilms. While I am most grateful to the many librarians who answered my queries and requests, there are- a few instances when their replies have reached me rather late, or not at ali. More serious are the faults due to the condition of the materia!, and to the Iimitations of my own knowledge. There are some collections for which no inventories are available, or which can be explored only with the help of huge indices or card files which would quickly answer a few specific queries, but which cannot possibly be gone through within a reasonable amount of time. In such mstances, the information I give will be even spottier than usual, and this applies to such important coliections as the recent acquisitions of the Vatican, or the National Libraries in Madrid and Lisbon. Where I had to depend on indices or alphabetical inventories, I was unable to get a clear picture of miscellaneous manuscripts without actualiy inspecting them, since each text is listed in a separate piace, often without clear indication of the sequence. Topographical inventories, that is, inventories arranged by shelf marks, give a much clearer picture both of the individuai manuscripts and of the entire collection, but they vary greatly in quality. Some of them are very sketchy, do not give even the approximate age of a manuscript, indicate only a part of its content, or fai) to distinguish between manuscripts and printed books. In one important collection, many manuscripts were merely described as miscellaneous, and it was not even possible to determine which of them were relevant to my work without examining them, at least for a short moment. Thet e is a large area of marginai collections, easy to overlook and difficult to handle. Individua! manuscripts of the type that interests me, and even entire collections, ate found in archives and in museums, as well as in l ibra r ies. Even within the well known libraries, certain categories of materia! may escape attention, sueh as certain fondi minori (i t sometimes took me decades to learn about some of them, even in librari es in which I felt very much at home), or printed books with manuscript notes, or collections of letters and autographs. In libraries when the ccllection is divided according to languages, my main attention has been directed to the Latin and to the ltalian manuscripts. I gradually learned, however, that relcvant Latin texts may appear in mi scella ­ neous manuscripts that are classifit"d as Greek or French or Spa nish or German, and these L a t i n sections are often poorly described or even omitted in the p rinted or handwritten catalogues. Manuscripts owned by private collectors or dealers present further d i ffi cultie s of a special kind. While some of these



private owners are generous and cooperative, otbers deny access to their materia! or piace restrictions on its publication. Furtbermore, manuscripts in private hands often pass from one coUection to anotber, so that the infor­ mation conceming tbem quickly becomes out of date. I bave tried to collect as mucb information on privately owned manuscripts as I could, but I am even less complete on private tban on public or institutional collect.!ons. This is partly due to lack of information, and partly to my inability to obtain access to the materia!. On tbc wbole, this kind of materia! constitutes a smaller pro­ portion of my work tban might be expected. For tbe wealth of uncatalogued Renaissance manuscripts in public collections is mucb larger than most people realize. This is especially true of Italy. France represents tbc only notable exception wbere practically ali manuscripts in public libraries bave been described in printed catalogues. A special diffìculty attacbes to tbc sbelf marks of tbe manuscripts, and I bave to say a few words about tbe subject of "sbelf mark !ore" (an occult science) because its importance is not suffìciently known or appreciated. Sbelf marks serve to identify a given manuscript in the library to wbicb it belongs, and witbout a sbelf mark a manuscript cannot be found: a sbelf mark is to a manuscript wbat an address, or even a proper name, is to a person. Hence I bave always taken great pains to ascertain tbc sbelf mark of any manuscript whicb I bave occasion to cite, and to understand the sbelf mark systems of tbc different libraries. In tbis more tban in any otber respect, each library bas its mysteries, and I bave tried witb varying success over tbc years to be initiated into most of tbem. Tbc case is easy wbere seria! numbers, or combinations of letters and numbers, are suffìcient to identify a manuscript within its library. But often additional names or signs are needed to distinguisb various collections or subdivisions of a library, and sometimes tbe language or format or writing materia! is treated as part of tbc sbelf mark. I mention ali this because even tbe publications of famous scbolars and institutions sometimes cite wrong or incomplete sbelf marks, and tbus may cause lasting confusion. For tbis reason, I bave refused to insert manuscript entries on tbe autbority of any monograpbic study or text edition, but bave done so only after due verification, by myself or otbers, in tbe catalogues of tbe respective library. A scbolarly specialist interested in but one or a few manuscripts of a buge collection cannot be trusted in tbese matters, as against tbe catalogues and inventories specifically designed to describe tbe manuscript collection as a wbole. A special problem is created in tbose cases wbcre printed catalogues, even of good quality, follow a new arrangement peculiar to tbemselves, and different from tbe originai sbelf mark system of tbe library described. In tbis manner, they not only create a false impression of completeness, but also confuse, in tbc matter of sbelf marks, ali tbose scbolars wbo use only tbe printed catalogne and bave no opportunity to visit tbe library itself. Tbere are instances in leamed literature wbere tbe originai sbelf mark of a manuscript, and tbc seria! number of tbe same manuscript in a printed catalogue, are quoted as if they were two different manuscripts-tbus bearing out almost to tbe point of mathematical certainty tbe presumption frequently made tbat manuscripts



are cited at second or third band, cvcn in tbc case of so-caUed criticai editions. In ordcr to alleviate this confusion, I bave decided to include in my materia! cxccrpts from tbc printed catalogucs of ValcntincUi for Venice and of Rose for Bcrlin, but bave arranged thcm in tbc ordcr of tbc originai and valid shclf marks. A furthcr complication is caused by tbc dcplorablc practicc followed by some librarians of cbanging tbc shclf marks, and cvcn tbc sbclf mark systcms, of some of tbc manuscripts in thcir care. Sucb a cbangc carrics tbc inconvcnicncc tbat ali refcrcnccs to a manuscript found in scbolarly litcrature and even in printed catalogues tbus bccomc obsoletc. For this rcason, I include cxccrpts of some collections described in printed catalogucs bccause I am able to supply tbc actual sbelf marks not givcn in tbe catalogue. This game is going on ali thc time. Thcrc is more than one instancc whcrc sbclf marks bave bccn cbanged in recent years after I bad visited a library. When this fact bas come to my attention, I bave bccn able to add the new sbelf marks before tbis work went to prcss. Yet I am sure this will continue to happen, and thus my materia! will be rapidly subject to depreciation in a numbcr of cases. These cbangcs are comparatively barmlcss if care is taken to kecp complete and unequivocal concordanccs betwecn tbc old and tbc new sbelf marks. Tbc real damage is done wben no sucb concordanccs are kept. In tbese instanccs, tbc identification of cacb individuai manuscript known by its formcr shelf mark bcc omcs a serious problem. lt may bccomc impossiblc to find tbc manuscript altbougb it is in tbc library, and in some instanccs the manuscript may be actually lost, as a rcsult (and perhaps sometimes as a cause) of this unwarranted change. Librarians guilty of tbis crime ccrtainly should be sentenced to tbc hard labour of making a concordancc, or a ncw inventory. Scholars sbould be wamed always to ascertain tbe present shelf marks of a manuscript they wish to cite. If they fai! to do so, and mention a manuscript witb a sbelf mark tbat bas not been in use for over a bundred years, they arouse tbc suspicion that tbey (and severa! of their predeccssors) may not actually bave looked at tbc manuscript in question. There are, of course, otber cbanges to whicb manuscript coUections are constantly subjected, losses and deterioration as well as acquisitions. Hencc I indicate for each collection the date or dates wben I saw it. When no such date is given, tbis means that I never visited the library, but derive my inform­ ation from correspondence. I also fear tbat tbe accuracy and fullness of my descriptions may be uneven from case to case. This is partly due to my scanty familiarity with many arcas of the vast subject wbich l have attempted to cover. A scholar well versed in the areas wbich for me are marginai will usually be able to correct me and, in particular, those wbo have seen a manuscript will immediately be abead of me wbenever l offer merely a catalogue excerpt, as I know very well from a number of instances. Moreover, l took my notes over a long period of time. In many instances, those taken at an earlier date are incomplete or defective, owing to my initial lack of experience, and I was not always able to revise tbem. The unavoidable practice of consolidating notes taken at differcnt times and from different sourccs may have caused errors or confusion in a



number of cases. Above all, the range and focus of my interests shifted in the course of my work, and this certainly influenced my attention to individuai texts and even my criteria of selection. I acquired and also lost interest in a number of authors and topics, l learned and forgot many tbings. And since certain data acquire their significance only in conjunction with others, and not on first sight, and since we can remember tbe past, but cannot anticipate tbe future, I may bave grasped tbe relevance of an autbor or text tbe second time I encountered them, but may bave missed tbem in tbe first instance. Altogetber the collecting of material on a large scale is a laborious task, and tbe opport­ unities fOI errors and omissions are practically unlimited. Whether ali these obvious, and under tbe circumstances inevitable, sbort­ comings are balanced by the usefulness of tbe information supplied I must Ieave to the judgement of tbose wbo may bave occasion to refer to this work. But I may be permitted to explain wbat contributions to scbolarship I bad in mind wben I undertook to collect and to publisb tbe material presented in this work. I bave the impression tbat tbere are some areas of historical scbolarsbip where the amount of modern secondary studies is in inverse proportion to the number of extant primary sources. In otber areas, and Renaissance scbolar­ ship is one of them, there is an enormous wealtb of unpublisbed and unstudied source material whose very existence is bardly known to tbe majority of historians working in this period. For only a small number of Renaissance historians rely for their work on a direct acquaintance witb manuscript sources, and even the most learned of tbem, sucb as Novati or Sabbadini, deal for tbe most part with single texts, autbors or circles ratber tban witb tbe broad field as a wbole. Yet tbe study of any bistorical area cannot be placed on a solid foundation until tbe relevant primary sources are more or less fully inventoried, and tbus made available for furtber study. This bas been done in recent times by the historians of art and of music, and similar tasks were undertaken and in some instances completed a long time ago for classical and patristic literature, for medieval bistory, philosopby and science, and for many otber brancbes of study. A comparable elfort has not been made for Renaissance bumanism and philosopby because this subject bas never occupied tbe centre of any recognized academic discipline, but bas depended for its cultivation upon tbe individuai interest of scbolars working in tbe bistory of p hilosopby and of political tbought, of ltalian, Englisb and otber modern literatures, of classical scbolarship and of art. lt seems necessary for a variety of reasons tbat tbis task sbould be undertaken now, wbile interest in tbe subject is growing and wbile tbe sources are stili to a large extent available. Wbereas a distinguisbed classicist told me many years ago that Renaissance autbors do not deserve to be treated with tbe refined metbods worked out by classical scbolarsbip over the course of the centuries, I am convinced tbat tbe tested metbods of any establisbed branch of scbolarsbip must be drawn upon by the younger brancbes, and applied to any subject tbat arouses the legitimate curiosity of scbolars and students. And since I was told by an official of a noted foundation, as a reason for its refusal to support tbe present work, tbat sucb an undertaking is not in ,



kceping with the spirit of our times but should have bcen carried out in the nineteenth century, I sbould like to reply tbat tbc fact tbat it was not done in the nineteentb century is precisely wby it must be done now. Tbe ninetcenth century, in spite of its shortcomings where philosopby and the arts were concerned, made definitive contributions to the methods of tbc historical and philological disciplines, which wc can no more afford to abandon than its contributions to the sciences or to technology. Yet tbc nineteenth century showed serious lirnitations in that it ignored and neglected rnany areas of bistorical scholarship as insignificant, and failed to apply its own metbods to these areas. In revising the judgernents of ninetcenth-century scbolars, historians in our century have come to consider many of these neglected areas as interest­ ing and worthy of study, and thus have bcen driven to apply to tbem the methods developed by ninetcenth-century scbolars for otber subjects, as well as additional methods more recently devised. Renaissance scholarship is one of these more recent branches of historical scbolarship, and, like many other sucb fields, it is now in the process of building up the scholarly methods and apparatus needed for its further development. I must also challenge a widespread view that ali or most of the irnportant writings of the Renaissance have bcen published, and that the Renaissance was the age of the early printed book, in which the manuscript book lost the role it bad fulfilled in ancient and medieval times. Many historians tend to neglect the study of Renaissance manuscripts and to base their stories, and even their statistics, on printed sources alone. A distinguished historian of science went so far as to make tbe Rcnaissance begin with the invention of printing and to maintain that only printed texts are important, thus leaving the earlier phases of tbe Renaissance. prior to 1450, in a curious limbo, and attributing to modero scholars the magica) power of investing the texts which they kcep publishing from manuscripts with an intrinsic importance wbich these texts previously failed to possess. Tbe actual state of affairs is very different. Tbc manuscript book maintained an important role long after 1450, and even after 1470, when printing had become reasonably common in Italy. Tbe neatly written manuscript of the late fifteenth and early sixteenth century, although in competition with the printed book, stili served, like its medieval predecessor, as a channel of publication, albeit an old-fashioned one. We might even say that a modero scholar who publisbes a Renaissance text for the first time from onc or severa) manuscripts of tbe period is merely republisbing in a more modero medium a work tbat bad already been publisbed tbrough the older medium of tbe manuscript book. Tbe manuscript books found in tbe various libraries are real books, and tbe Renaissance scbolar must learn to read tbem, to refer to tbem, to study and cite tbem as sucb, especially in tbis age wben greater facilities for travelling, and in addition tbe microfilm, bave made tbese manuscript books more easily and widely accessible tban ever bcfore. One task tbe present work may accomplisb, I hope, is to draw attention to tbe existence of tbis vast untapped source materia), and not only to tbc manuscripts described bere, but also to tbose described in tbe printed catalogues of otber collections wbicb bave been intentionally omitted from tbis list.



lt is also hoped that the publication of this list may bave an encouraging influence upon the care and preservation of these manuscripts, particularly in some of the smaller depositories whose guardians may thus come to realize more keenly that their materia! is of genuine interest to scholars throughout the civilized world. In view of the grave dangers of our present age, it is desir· able to bave as many manuscripts as possible reproduced in microfilm, and especially the unique or important ones. But whether a manuscript is unique or important is not written on its cover or title page : this has to be established through comparative study and investigation, and I hope the present list, in addition to available printed catalogues and monographic studies, may facili­ tate this task. When I say that I attempt to point to the existence of untapped source materia!, and thus to foster the study and publication of additional sources which bave not been duly considered in the comprehensive studies and referencc works available so far, I do not wish to suggest that ali of this materia! is of the higbest importance or worthy of publication. 1t does contain many important new texts wbicb ougbt to be published, and many important new manuscripts of known texts tbat ougbt to be studied and eventually collated. Yet the bulk of tbe materia! which is of much less significance must be recorded for a variety of reasons. Even tbe bad copies of a known text contribute tbrougb their very existence to the statistics of its diffusion, just as do its early printed editions. The letters or poems of an obscure writer may cast light on the politica! history or the artistic activities of the time, or on the more famous contemporaries with wbom he was in touch. Moreover, the distribution of the materia! by subjects and by literary genres tells an extremely interesting story about the patterns, combinations and mutuai relations of intellectual and professional disciplines and traditions in the Renaissance. 1t illuminates in particular the piace of philosophy and humanism within the framework of Renaissance culture, a piace quite different not only from that occupied by philosophy in our time, but even from that assigned to i t in modero histories of tbc Renaiss­ ance. lt is for tbe purpose of illustrating this historical piace of ph ilosoph y and humanism in the Renaissance that I bave included many literary, scholarly, scientific and pseudo-scientific texts which by modero standards would bear no relevance to philosophy or humanism, but which by Renaissance standards either belonged to it, or, at !cast, were closely related to it. In other words, I hope tbc materia! will shed some l igh t on the relations of philosophy and humanism with the other sciences and discipli nes, with art and with literature ; it will illustrate the expansion of secular learning and thought as well as the persistence of religious beliefs and the s i gn i fi can ce of ancient and medieval texts, influences and traditions. lt will bring home to those who are unaware of it the enormous wealth of the humanistic learning and li terature of fifteenth­ century ltaly. Finally, tbe mass and distribution of human ist manuscripts discloses an Italian cultura) empire that extended from Scville to Edi nburgh and Straengnaes, from Lisbon and Bru ges to Cracow and Budapest, and whose formative power, even outs ide Italy and after the end of the Renaissance, has been greatly underestimated, on ideologica! as well as on scholarly grounds ,



as against tbc economie and religious, scientific and artistic contributions of the same period. Tbc information collected and presented sbould be primarily of interest to tbc student of Renaissance philosopby and humanism, but it is boped tbat historians concerned witb other aspects of the same period may find some of it useful for their own studies. Through personal contacts and correspondence, through Renaissance conferences and seminars and tbrough tbc activities and publications of the Renaissance Society of America and of other learned societies, I bave been made aware of tbc interests and problems of classical scholars and medievalists, of political and cburch historians, of historians of science and of law, of art and of music, and of the various literatures, and I bope this experience is reflected in tbc materia) I bave collected. Many of tbem are likely to consult tbc work witb tbc help of its indices, and some of tbem may even decidt to read it, just as I have enjoyed reading catalogues and invent­ ories of manuscripts. Tbc work may also be of interest to bibliograpbers, bibliophiles and book dealers. I am afraid it will often make it more difficult for them to claim, as they frequently do, tbat a given manuscript owned or studied by them is the only extant or tbc only known copy of tbc respective text, but in many other instances my list may fortify tbeir belief tbat a manuscript they wish to describe is unique, or at least "peu commun", to use the language of some older sale catalogues. Some of tbc materia) presented in this work may be claimed to constitute actual or potential discoveries wbicb may be developed and exploited by myself as well as by otber scholars. In order to avoid duplication of work, it is a good pian for a scholar who proposes to undertake a criticai edition on the basis of data supplied in tbis work to find out whether somebody else is already engaged on the same task. Such scholars are advised to get into toucb with tbe Institut de Recherches et d'Histoire des Textes in Paris, which, at a recent meeting of the lntemational Federation of Renaissance Societies and lnstitutes, agreed to serve as a clearing house for sucb text editions. I may be allowed to add a word about textual discoveries since they con­ stitute the greatest object of ambition and pride in the search for manuscripts. Many years ago, Antonio Favaro, in a review of Mabilleau's book on Cremo­ nini, censured that scholar because he claimed to bave discovered certain manuscripts of bis author in the University Library of Padua, whereas tbese manuscripts had been duly registered in the handwritten inventory of tbat library, and their existence was known to its director. 1 By this token, very few discoveries contained in this work or claimed by other recent scholars deserve the name, for the vast majority of manuscripts is recorded and briefly described in some handwritten inventory preserved on the spot. Yet I am in­ clined to maintain that a scholar who cites a manuscript for the first time in a study dealing with its author or subject matter and thus introduces tbc manuscript into the main stream of relevant scholarship may claim to bave di scovered i t, regardless of whether the manuscript had previously been listed 1) A.

Favaro, A rchi vio Veneto X X V ( 1 8 8 3 ) , 4 3 1 · 4 3 2 .



in a bandwrittcn or even in a printed catalogue. A scbolar is merely bluffing, and yielding to vanity, if be fails to mention the printed or bandwritten cata­ logues whicb set him on the track of bis discovery, counting (rigbtly, I am afraid) upon tbe inexpericnce of bis fellow scbolars, Jet alone of tbe generai reader or student, in tbe ways and secrets of manuscript researcb. Tbe present work is prompted by a different attitude. I bave at tempted to disclose many hidden treasures, ratber tban to reserve tbem for myself, altbougb it often involved more time, persistence and ingenuity to track tbem down than may appear on tbe surface. I believe, bowever, that there has been a significant shift of attitude among scbolars witbin the present generation or so. There is less emphasis on individuai adventure, and more on scholarly organization and cooperation on a broader institutional, professional and even intemational scale. This does not mean that tbe time for individua! scbolarly initiative bas passed. That will never be tbe case, as long as it does not becomc possible for impersonai organizations to bave ideas or to write books. But it is truc that the progress of scbolarship, in our ficld as in otbcrs, requires some investigations which depend on a cooperative effort and institutional support since an individuai scbolar could not bope to accomplisb tbcm alone, evcn if be were able to devote bis undivided attention to them. Tbose wbo regret tbc prospect that the present work may actually bave narrowed tbe range of furtber dis­ coverics in our field may take comfort in its very shortcornings. There are many gaps and errors, and I bope they will be filled and corrected by others. And I am also sure that even among the texts which I bave listed correctly, there are many wbose rea! significance and I elevance will be better understood by otber scbolars tban by myself. Although this work appears under my name, it actually is a cooperative enterprise ; and I wisb to extend my warmest tbanks to a large numbe r of institutions and persons who bave made its comph:tion and publication possible, or bave contributed to it in a variety of ways. The Warburg Institute has given constant encouragement to my project tbrough its directors, the late Fritz Saxl, the late Henry Frankfort, Gertrud Bing and E. H. Gombrich. It has taken an active part in the editoria! arrangements through Professor Cbarles Mitcbell, belped witb the proof-reading through Miss Anne Marie Meyer, and contributed to the costs of printing, after having agreed to publish the work jointly with Messrs E. J. Brill of Leiden. The Bollingen Foundation granted a very substantial subsidy and thus made the publication of the entire work possible. Tbe American Council of Learned Societies contributed a special subsidy for the publication of this first volume, and anotber one for clerical and editoria! assistance. The American Philosophical Society helped me with a number of grants for travelling expenses and clerical assistance. Tbc Columbia University Council for Research in tbe Social Sciences made repeated grants for travelling expenses and microfilms, and pledged an addi­ tional subsidy for the publication of this work. I am indebted to Columbia University for several leaves of absence, to the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa for its hospitality in 1935-38, and again in 1 949 and 1952, to the Fulbright Committee for Italy for a Fellowship in 1 952, to the John Simon Guggenheim



Memoria! Foundation for a Fellowship in 1958, to tbc Institute for Advanced Study for a membership granted to me during the academic year of 1954-55, and again during the winter term of 1 961, and to tbc Ford Foundation for a contribution to the expenses of my trip to Poland in 1958. I am indebted for their approvai of my project to tbc Committee on Publications of tbc American Philosophical Association, to tbc Columbia Universtty Seminar on tbc Renais­ sance, to the Mediaeval Academy of America, to the Renaissance Society of America, and to tbc Secretary of the Modern Language Association of America, Prof. G. W. Stone. I bave also received much encouragement and valuable information from the Institut de Recherches et d'Histoire des Textes, and from its director, M Ile J. Vielliard. I should like to add a number of cultura! agencies in various countries who greatly facilitated my work through their official approvai : tbc Direzione Generale delle Accademie e Biblioteche in Italy, the Kabinet pro Studia ftecka, ftimska a Latinska of the Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences, the Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Bet lin, the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Instituto para a Alta Cultura in Portugal, the Cultura! Exchange Office (VOKS) in Russia, the Direccion Generai de Bibliotecas, the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, and the Casa Americana in Spain. In this country, I am especially indebted to Miss Constance Winchell and ber colleagues in the Reference Department of the Columbia University Library for their continuous help in locating and borrowing materia! needed for my work ; to the Houghton Library of Harvard University for giving me access to the typescript of the forthcoming supplement to De Ricci's Census ; to the Vatican microfilm library of St. Louis University for sending me a large amount of information ; and to the Library of Congress for making available to me its valuable collection of microfilms of handwritten inventories of Austrian and Italian collections. Among the persons to whom I feci indebted, I should like to mention first three great scholars who are no longer liv ing, and whom I should like to consider as my teachers and models in this field of manusc ript research in whicb I never received any formai training or instruction : Cardinal Gi ovanni Mercati, Monsignor Auguste Pelzer, and Dr. Ludwig Bertalot. Special thanks are also due to Dr. Bertalot as well as to Professors Dean P. Lockwood and Eugenio Massa for placing at my disposal their descriptions of numerous manuscripts in Spani s b libraries, and for allowing me to publish them as an integrai part of my work. The following scholars have been especially helpful to me by supplying advice or information on libraries or on specific manuscripts : Zofia Ameisenowa (Cracow), Josip Badalié (Zagreb), Luisa Banti ( Florence), Ludwig Bieler ( Dublin), Giuseppe Billanovich ( M ilan), Bernhard Bischoff (Munich), Emilie Boer ( Berlin), Vittore Branca ( Venice), Delio Cantimori (Florence), Frantisek C ada ( Brno), Augusto Campana ( Rome), L. Casson (Cape Town), D. S. Duncan (London), R. Elze ( Bonn), Charles Ermatinger (St. Louis), George B. Fowler ( Universi ty of Pittsburgh), Ezio Franceschini ( M ilan), Eugenio Garin ( Florence), M . A. Goukovsky ( Leningrad), Otis Green ( University of Pennsylvania), J ames Hutton (Cornell Universi ty), N ei l Ker



(Oxford), Adele Kibre (Seville), Guido Kisch (New York and Base)), Paul Lehmann (Munich), Ludrnilla Krestan (Vienna), Stephan Kuttner (Catholic U niversity of America), Dom Jean Leclercq (Clervaux), E. A. Lowe (Institute for Advanced Study), Mme. A. Lublinskaja (Leningrad), Loren MacKinney ( University of North Carolina), Mlle. Ida Maier (Nancy), Berthe Mal ti (Bryn Mawr College), Mme. Dana Martinkova (Prague), Garrett Mattingly (Co­ lumbia University), A. N. L. Munby (Cambridge), R. A. B. Mynors (Oxford), Bemard Peebles (Catholic University of America), Miss Brita Stina Nordin­ Pettersson (Stockholm), Dr. G. Opitz (Munich), Alessandro Perosa (Florence), the late Giuseppe Praga (Venice), Miss Virginia Rau (Lisbon), Amold Reichen­ berger (University of Pennsylvania), Dr. Erla Rodakiewicz (New York), the late Eva Sanford (Sweet Briar College), Dr. Toni Schmid ( Uppsala), Dr. Dorothy Schullian (Cornell University), Josef Soudek (Queens College), Friedrich Stegmueller (Freiburg), Dom Anselm Strittmatter (Washington), S. Harrison Thomson ( University of Colorado), Lynn Thomdike (Columbia University), Antonio Tovar (Salamanca), B. L. Ullman I University of North Carolina), Giuseppe Velli (University of California, Los Angeles), Roberto Weiss (London), Francis Wormald (London), Vittorio Zaccaria (Padua). For their help in my correspondence with Slavic countries I am indebted to Professors Leon Stillman and William Harkins (Columbia University), Francis Randall (Sarah Lawrence College), and Gustave Alef (University of Oregon). I am much obliged to Mrs. Naomi Taylor for her extensive help in revising the typescript and in preparing the indices. I would also thank those numerous other scholars who supplied me with information or who furthered my invest­ igations by their interesting queries and suggestions, and who will be duly mentioned in the course of this work. Even greater is my obligation to the librarians in Italy and in ali other countries covered by this list whose patience I have been trying for many years through constant requests, and who bave never ceased to help me in my work, by giving me free access to the inventories and manuscripts kept in their libraries, by granting me special facilities when I was presseem partim col lecta partr mque confecta , Brixrae l 590. Mostly b y Lod us. some i n volg . . an d a few add ressed to Augustinus Valerius. There is one poem by Paulus Mediolanensis.




( 1 9S S ) . 1 Francisci de Barbaramis ( i .e, Barbavaris) oratoris ducis Mediolanensis (2 1 9) . B 2 1 . cart. mise. XV. f. 9 4 . Liber magistri N icolai de Com itibus de Marchia Trivisana, an alchemical treatise, inc. Una res est in med ia. B 2S. cart. XVI i n . P . Callimachi Experientis ad . . . Casi mi r u m Polonie e t c . regem . . . prefatio in res gcstas i n Hungaria et contra Tu rcos per fratrem ipsius d i vum Vladislaum Polonie atquc Ungarie regem inclytum (f. l ). The preface is followed (f.2) by the text of book l , and a short fragment of book I l . C 1 6. cart. mise. X V . H ic codex probabiliter per N ic. Cusan um Brixinam portatus est (inven­ tory). Concilium Basileense. The collection includcs : a treat i sc by Jo. de Ragusio ; Acneas Silvius, letter (f. 47-S6) ; Lud. dc Roma, al legat a ; conclusio Conci lii Basileensis super reformatione Calendarii (by N ic. Cusanus, f. 81 v-82v) ; Julianus (Caesarinus) card . , lettc r ; Lud. de Roma, wri t i n gs ( sermo ; de potestate ccclesie univcrsalis ; q uesti o ; Jectura ; propos i t i o ; responsi o). C 1 7 . cart. mise. XV. Conci lium Constanciense. The collcction includes : Jac. de Butrigariis, l i be l l i . C 2 1 . cart. (and m b r . ) XV. M i niature. German han d. 1 94 fols. Cf. Wickhoff I , p. 24, n. 22, cod.

Archivio d�/ Seminario ( s�minararchiv)

There is a short lisi, entitled Catalogus Manu­ scriptorum of which the archivist, Dr. Karl Wolfs­ gruber, kindly sent me a microfìlm. There is a more detailed inventory , in a pack of loose shcets. Excerpts

A 1 2. mbr. ( 1 399). Dionysius de Burgo, expo­ s i t i o super Valerium Maximum. Cf. Wickhoff l ( l 90S), p. I S- 1 6, n. 1 6, cod. 1 2. D 2 1 . cart. XV ( 1 489). Ugolinus de Orvieto, declaratio musicae discipli nae. Cf. Wick hoff. l ( 1 905 ) , p. 27, n. 27, cod. 8 8 . E 2 0 . mise. X V . Orationes habi tae in variis u n i versitatibus. Joh. Rotei, orat ioncs. Descrlptlons

A 1 3 . cart. mise. XV. German hand. 268 fols. Conci lium Constanciense et Basi lecnse. f. 227229v. Anon . , oratio, inc. Reverendissimi pat res e t domini multociens ac i teratis vici bus. A 14. cari. XV. German hand. 250 fols. f. 3- 1 76. Plato, Republic, tr. Pctr. Candidus Decembrius, with letters of Frane. Pizolpassus and Decembrius to Humphrey of Gloucester, a tahle of contents, prefaces to the various books, and concluding lettcrs. 1 78-248v. Aristotle, Rhctorica ( t r . GeorgiUS Trapezunti us), i n c . Rcthorica cum dyalctica convertitur nam de eis. B 2. cart. mise. XV. German hand. 3 3 1 fols. Col lection of form letters. f. 8 . Epistola seripta a patre fìlio ut leges et non poesim studcat, inc. Si legum naturam etate fili m i non inspicis. f. 9- 1 64 . Bolognese and Fioren t i ne state lct ters, n u m be rcd 1 - 1 5 3 , inc. Domi n o pape, Sanct issime pater etc., Debent hii apud apostolicum culmcn ( by Peregrinus de Zambcccariis). Thcre is one letter of Colucius (Salutatus) lo Jac. de Trans i n giano (?), inc. G ratulor fili carisSime quod nunc habeas ( f. 1 30v). 1 64- 1 68v. Scq u u n t u r suprascri ptiones diversarum litterarum . Othcr form letters. 1 7 3v- 1 76. More letters, n u mbcred 1 54- 1 64. Other unnumbcred lcttcrs. 1 82. Consi l i u m Bartholo me i de Sal lceto. Legai records. l �4-30Jv. Li ber Pet r i de Vmeis. 303v. Lit tcrc Bononicnses, inc. U bcrtus d e i gratia Bononiensis eleotus ( 1 302). 307. Oratio coram archiepiseopo Bonon icnsi, inc. Rev. me pater ut in t ra (?) celeberrimo loco. 308v. Ora t io seu arcnga per me Jo. pCro)p(os i ) t ( u ) m Solicnsem facta dum lcgcre proponcbam titulum de R . li. VI. f. 3 1 1 ff. blan k . B S. cart. mise. XV. Gcrman hand. 349 fols. Concilium Basilcense. The collcction i ncludcs : a t rea t i se by Jo. de Ragusio ; a lettcr b y Acncas S i l v i u s ( f. 3 4-4 1 ) ; L u d . de Roma, al legata ( 54) ; Juhanus (Caesarinus) card . , letter (68v) ; Lud. de Roma, propositio ( 1 42v), sermo ( 1 54v), dc potestate eccksiae universalis supra papam brevissima e•hortatio ( 1 62), quaestio ( 1 65 ) , q uacstio ( 1 69v), proposi tio ( 1 74), responsio ( 1 8 1 v) ; proposit i o 1


Pet rarch, de remed iis utriusq ue fortunae. C 2 3 . cart . XV. Pctrarch, de remcd iis u t riusque fortunae. C 24. cart . m i se. XV. Gcrman hand. Thomas Aquinas, com m . on Boethius, consolatio. f. 1 2 3- 1 44v. Persi us, with a gloss, and an accessus, inc. ( 1 23 ) Ci rca Pcrscum a n imadvcrtcnda est quod Perseus Flaccus. D 22. ca rt. mise. X V . Gcrman hand. Conci lium Basi lccnsc. The collcction includcs : Julianus (Cacsarinus) card. S. Angeli, propositio. Scrmons by Jo. dc Turrccremata (f. 30), Ntc. de Cremona O.S.A. ( I O-l), and others. Writin gs by Jo. de Turrecremala ( 1 1 7v), Jo. dc Polomar ( 1 2 1 ), Jo. de Ragusio ( 1 42). Julianus (Cacsarinus) card . , exhortatio. Poggius, lcttcr (24 1 -243v). Ora t io ( G rcgorii) Hcimhurgii ! 247). Lcon. llrunus, con t ra hyrocritas ( 2 50-254 ). Gcrardus Landrianus, rclatio ( 2 5 4 ) . Matheus Pe tri d e Florcncia, scrmo pro Johanne rege Portuga l l ie. hcld a t Base l !27 1 v-27�v). A n o n . orat ion to the empc ror, i n c . I n c l i t c Ccsar Romano rum (279v). (Turrecremata), dc a qua benedicta, inc. I n i tt n x i t michi n u pe r (334). Pat r i archa A n t i ochcnus, dc supe riori tale conct l i i ( 3 5 8 ) . L S . m b r . X I V-XV. Gcrman hand . 1 06 fols. Old tablc of contcn t s (f. 1 ) . Cf. WickhoiT l , p. 3 7 , n . 38, cod . 1 3 S . Col l cction of form lettcrs and form exordia, inc. (f.3) Cupicns u t in scicntia e t arte dictaminis a d aliqucm i psius profect u m v i a facilior habcatur. The foUowi ng mss. were examincd and eliminated : B I S . R 3 .





BRINDISI Biblioteca Arcivescovile "Annibale De uo".

The following data are ali due to the kindness of Canonico Francesco Cesaria who seni me a complete list of the mss. of the li brary, and sub­ sequently fuller descriptions of those that were relevant to my purpose. Cf. G. Moscardino, Il Meridionale V 29 ( 1 959), 7 - 1 1 . Excerpts

4. Jo. Bapt. Casimirus, epistola apologetica ad Q. Marium Corradum (Brundisii calendis decem­ bris M DLXVIII). Copy, s. XVII ( 1 677). 9. mise. X V I I I . Copy of the same work. 1 7. Ant. de Ferrari i s Galat heus, de situ Japygiae (copy of the edition of 1 732) ; descriptio urbis Gallipolis ; epistola ad Pirrum Castriotam (from a ms. of Giov. Bernardino Tafuri) ; ad Julium I I de dona tione imperatoris facta ecclesiae ; epigram­ ma la (from a ms. of Tafuri) ; other letters ; Eremita, a dialogue ; de digni tate disciplinarum ; Exposition of the Oratio Dominica, composed for Isabella d'Aragona in 1 504 ; medicai treatises. 79. mbr. XV. l l luminated. Phalaris, letters (tr. Frane. Aretinus), to Malatesta Novellus; four add itional letters, with p reface to Alphonsus rex. A t the end : Petrus de Traiecto scripsit 1 470 die XXa mensis Julii i n arce Arquati. Bonaccursius, de nobilitate, with preface to Guido A n tonius Montis Ferç t ri comes. 80. mbr. mise. XV ( 1 473). llluminated. Cicero, orations against Catilina. Bonaccursius de Mon­ temagno Pistoriensis, oratio pro Cat ilina. Invec­ tives of Sallust and Cicero. Philippus rex , ad Senatum et plebem Atheniensium epistola (tr. Leon. Brunus), inc. Quon iam persepe iam legatos. Demost henes, 3 orations against Philip (tr. id., inc. Pre multis o viri A t henienses pecun i i s : I n multis o v i r i Athenienses ut mihi qu idem videtu r ; Neq uaquam eadem m i h i videor intel l i gere). Cicero, preface of his version of Aeschi nes and Demos­ thenes. Aeschines, ad A t hen ienses epistola (tr. Leon . Brunus), inc. Ego me ad rempubl icam con­ t u li. Short speeches of Aeschines ( i ne. Remin iscor Athenienses), Demades ( i nc. A m i rans vehementer adminor ) and Demosthenes ( i nc. Apud vos in questione ) Demosthenes, oratio ad A lexandrum

(inc. Nihil habet). H ippocrates, letters (5 pieces, including a letter of A rtaxerxes and one of H is­ thanes), tr. anon ., inc. Arthaxerses . . . Histhani . . . salutem. H ippocrates medicus cui fama est gen u s ab Esculapio duxisse. Orations of Hannibal and Scipio (from Livy). Oratorum Scytarum ad A lexan­ drum oratio, inc. Si dii habitum corporis t u i . ( Bonaccursius), de nobilitate, i ne. Apud maiores nostros. Boccaccii fabula (Tancredi), Latin by Leon. Brunus, with his p reface to Bindacius Ricasolanus. Mapheus Vegius, de felicitate et miseria ( Palinurus). Pythagoras, letter to Diony­ sius, i ne. Secura atque quieta mea vita est. Phalaris, letter IO Demoteles (tr. A urispa), inc. Monitus tuos. Jac. Bracelleus, letter to Frane. Spinula ( i nc. Cum n i h i l minus cogi tarem). Pius Il, letter to Paulus de Campofregoso (inc. Ducat u m patrie tue). Alphonsus rex, letter to the people of Florence (inc. Deum hominesque testamur). Reply of the Florentines, composed by Carolus ( Marsuppinus) Aretinus (inc. Erat profecto regium). Petrus Cam­ pofregosus, letter to Alphonsus rex, composed by Gottardus Stella (ine. Recogitantes sepe n u mero ) . Reply o f Alphonsus, composed b y An t . Panormi ta (inc. Qui fortasse). Reply of Pet rus Campofrego­ sus, composed by Jac. Bracelleus ( i nc. I n fi n i tas prope a te). Ligurgi leges Lacedemoniis tradite ac in his brevioribus sententiis redacte per Anton i u m Hyvanum Sarezan(ensem), inc. Populus i n obse­ quium. Exempla plura de servandis legibus iusiurando e t iusticia i n his redacta brevioribus sententiis ex diversis autori bus per Anto. Hyva n u m Sarczan(ensem), inc. Caleucus in u r be Locrc n s i u m . A n tonii H y v a n i Sarczanensis collectiones de ius­ ticia et premiis iustorum, inc. Lactant i us in l i bro suarum (?) inst i t u t ioncm. Aeschi ne•, ora t i o i n Ctesiphontem, t r . Leon. Brunus, i ne. Q u an ti conatus parentur. Demosthenes, oratio pro Ctesi­ phonte(tr. id.), inc. Primum qu idem viri A t henien­ ses deos a t q ue deas omncs precor. A t the e n d o f t h e Demost henes t ex t : Gabricl Finalis a n n o domini MCCCC LX X I I I . This ms. secms to be a pe rfect t w i n of cod. R icc. 67 1 (excc p t for the oration a n d letter o f Landi n u s found at t he e n d of t h e Riccar­ dianus).


( 1 955). 1 typed card index and some t i mes supplemented from Prof. Boccanera's ca talogue.

Biblioteca Valentiniana

The more important mss. were listed by Mazzatinti (lm·entari dei Manoscritti, Turin, 1 887, p . 23-28), yet he fails to give t he actual shclf marks. There is a typed card index arranged in alphabeti­ cal arder that covers ali mss. There is another handwritten folder e n t i tled Catalogo di mano­ scritti which is also alphabet ical and fai l s to give the actual shelf marks. A new catalogue, arrangcd by shelf marks, is being prepared by Prof. Giacomo Boccanera who was good enough to let me use it. The fol lowing excerpts are taken from the l

Excerpu 47 ( I l Q 2- 1 3). Cf. Mazza t i n t i ( 1 887), p . 24, n . 1 6. G iovamba t tista Bracceschi fioren t i n o do­ menicano, La gloriosa . . v i ttoria del l'ant i ca et illustre citta d i Camerino . . . con t ro i Longobardi. s . X V I ( 1 5 88). 52 fols. Autogr. M issing. 2 ( I I I S 2-23). Antonfranc. Don i , Lo Stufaiolo. s. X V I ( 1 557). Au togr. 18 fols.

The fol lowing ms. was examined an d eliminated : 1 42 ( I l i P 2-2).


82 (lll R 1 - 1 4) . s. XVI. (Tommaso Felci O. M . Conv.), trattati su ali orologi solari c o n disesni. 63 and 1 03 fols. 71 (lll P 2- 1 8). Cf. Mazza t inti, p. 27, n . 49. s. XVII ( 1 6 1 0). Torneo vertuoso degli Accadenùci Costanti di Camerino sostenuto dallo Rintuzzato Accademico. 74 ( l l l P 1 - 1 0) . s. XV. Battista da Varano (?), rime. 1 09 (lll P 2- 1 7). s. x v m . The same, vita spiri tuale. 1 52. s. XVI-XVI I . The same work . 1 53 . s. X V I I . The same, preghiera a Dio, and other works. 2 1 0 (lll R 1 - 1 1 ). s. XV. Magister Bartolomeus medicus qui fuit Venetiis, treatise on surgery. Descrlpdoas 23 (lll Q 2-23). mbr. mise. XV. Initials, coat of a rms, marginai notes. 97 fols. Cf. Mazza t inti ( 1 887), p. 23, n. 4. Vergil, Priapea. TibuUus. f. 92v-94. Anon. , poem, i n c . M e ti bi teque mihi genus etas et decor equant. f. 97v. Copied per me H ier. Bernardum . . . A . D . MCCCCLXXI peracta vero klis. februariis. 30 ( I I Q 2- 1 4). mbr. XV. lnitial- 92 fols. Cf. Mazza t inti ( 1 887), p. 23, n. 7. ( Rhetorica ad Herennium). A t the end (f. 92v) : Lud. de GaviUa Franciae scripsit . . . 1 452. 3 5 ( I I I R 1 -23). cart. XVI-X V I I . 1 30 fols. Cf. Mazzatinti ( 1 887), p. 27, n. 53. f. l. All' et Sig.ra Margarita d ' Austria Duchessa di Cività di Penne e di Came­ rino, Prohemio del Rev. Valentino Cantalicio Vescovo di Penne e d i Hadri, sopra i l sacro officio della Gloriosa Madonna Maria sempre Vergine per i l Rev. Battista Cantalicio del medesimo ves­ covato suo antecessore in lingua volgare esposto e dechiarato. f. l . E narra tione e volgare esposi tione del Rev. Battista Cantalicio vescovo di Penne e d ' H adri sopra l'officio della Beatiss.a et glorio­ siss. s Maria sempre Vergine. 5 8 (Il Q 2- 1 6) . mbr. mise. XVI in. 34 fols. Cf. M azzatinti ( 1 887), p. 23, n . l . f . 1 - 1 3v. A n o n . , description of the w a r hetween Venice and t he emperor Maximilian, i n prose, inc. Cuncta animantia. 1 4- 1 4v blan k . l 5-20v .. A non., oration in praise of Georgius Hemus, inc. Quantum celebranda sit unius viri condi t io pat res conscripti. Dated at t he end : M uriani die XI Jan. M D V I I I I . f. 2 1 -23. Anon . , prose eulogy on a Doge, concluding with verses, inc. Vereor ne me q u i sq uam. 23v. Simon Raymundus, poem in praose of Georgius Hemus. 24. Anon. poem.


24v-26. Anon . , biography of Georgius Hemus, i n prose. 26v-27v. Francisci Terentii Zanchi ad Georgium Aemum ode, dated MDVI I I I X I I I . cal. iul. Venet. f . 28-30. I d . , elegy t o the same, da led l 509, I I I non. August. Vene t. 30v-32v. Anon., eulogy on the same, i n p rose, inc. Fortuna quae ad summum. 75 ( I I I R 1 - 1 7). cart. XVI. 28 fols. Mazzatinti, p. 27, n . 44. Paulo 1111. frater Frane. Privemas de ordine Capuccinorum, an oration. 78 (R 1 - 1 5 bis). cart. mise. XVI in. Several hands. 237 fols. Cf. Mazzatinti ( 1 887), p. 28, n. 58. f. l - 1 2v. Stephanus (Taleazzo ) ep. Pat rasensis et Torcellanus, treatise on the reformation of the Church, written for the Lateran Council and addressed to Leo X . f. l 5 . Id., de expeditione adversus infideles, to t he same. 33v. (Id.), decla­ ratio generalis de modo se rvando in expeditione contra Turcas, to Alexander VI. f. 43v. (Id.), alia declaratio magis particularis. 56v. ( Maximus Cor­ vinus), Phaleuceum carmen . 57. ( Maximus) Cor­ vinus, utrum genus an virtus ad dignitatem preferri deheat, to Albertus ( Pius). 76. Maximus Corvinus pontifex Aesemiensis, ad Albertum Pium de magistratu despotorum. 85. Alexius ep. Melfitanus, oratio, held at the Lateran Council. 9 3 - 1 38v (other hand). Dialogus de vita eiusdem auctoris (tentatively attributed to an episcopus Ragusinus by Prof. Boccanera). 1 48. Judicium super anno M D X I I I per J . F. Pr. P. V . f. 1 5 3-237v. Catalogue of an old li brary. 79 (111 R. 1 - 1 5). cart. X V I . Several hands. 1 97 fols., partly blank. Mazza t inti ( 1 88 7 ) , p. 27, n. 50. M. A. Flaminius, writin gs . The collection includes : expositio paraphrastica i n simbolum apostolicum et i n orat ionem domin icam (f. l ) ; alia expositio paraphrastica brevior i n simbolum apostolicum atque in orationem dom in icam ( I l ) ; letter t o Donatus Rullus ( 1 8 ) ; precat iones ex senten tiis ac fere ex verbis prophetarum confectae (20) ; a fragment, and some prayers (4 1 ); other excerpts from the prophets, apparently fragm. at the heginning ( 59) ; t h reni Hicremiae (72) ; psalm 1 45, with a volg. comm. ( 1 06) ; Medi tationi nel l i salmi 1 29 e t 145 ( 1 22 ) ; inc. Essendomi detto quanto importante ( 1 32) ; inc. Cugino mio questa lettera ( 1 42 ) ; letter to his Cugina Margherita ( 1 44) ; inc. M ossa dalle parole ( l 50) ; letter (signed Marcantonio Flam inio, f. 1 6 1 - 1 63v) ; another letter (dated Rome, l 549, f. 1 64) ; ad Steph. Saulium ( poem. f. 1 68) ; divini Flaminii preces, in verse ( 1 70 ) ; ad Margaritam Henrici Gallorum regis sororem (poem, f. 1 89v).

CAPESTRANO Biblioteca dei Minori Francescani.

The collection is completely descrihed by A. Chiappin i , Bui/mino della R. Depurazione A bruz­ z�se di Storia patria, ser. I I I , vol. I X-X 1 9 1 9, 48- 1 42.

Excerpts cod . 40. Cf. Chiappi ni, p. 1 2 1 - 1 22. mise. X V . ( Piutarch, d e l i heris educandis, tr. Guarinus), inc. Quidnam est de educatione l i herrorum dice re, with a preface (inc. Maiores nostros Angcle mi suavissime).



CASALE MON FERRATO Seminario Vescovi/e ( 1 955). 1 A few selected manuscripts a re listed, without their actual shelf marks, i n t he following pu bhca­ tion s : G. M azzatinti, Jn,·entari dei Manoscritti delle Biblioteche d ltalia (Turin, 1 887), p. 66-75. G . Cerrato, Ri•-ista Storica Italiana I l 1 888, 923925. Guido Manacorda, Alcuni codici note.-oli della Biblioteca dei Seminario in Casale, Casale Monferrato, 1906 (a mtcrotilm of this rare boo k let was ktndly sent to me by the l i brarian, Sac. Ptetro R tchetta, through dott. G . B. Ptncider in Florence ). The mss. are completely descnbed in a ms. folder enti t led : Biblioteca del Seminario di Casale Monferrato, Elenco dei Manoscritti ( lhe l i branan, Sac. Pietro R ichetta, was good enough to send me an extensive handwritten seloction from thtS inventory). There are two other ms. folders which conta i n more detailed descriptions of some of the mss. "


a 3-6. Paulus Venetus, in libros I-X I I Meta­ physicae Aristotelis expositiones. Cf. M azzatinti ( 1 887), p . 67, n . 4. I c 1 7. s. XVI ex. De elect ione Sigismundi I I I regis Poloniae legationes, epistolae, responsa. I l b 12. Gaspar Scioppius, Machiavell ica ( 1 6 1 9). l

Descriptioas l a 8. cart. X I X . 1 83 fols.

Nicolai Machinensis ep. Modrusiensis e t Cor­ bariensis de consolatione libri IV, to Marcus Barbus. Copy prcpared for a printed edition by EvasJUs Leone. l b l . cart. XV. 2 col i . 1 29 fols. A t the end ( f. 1 29 ) : Quam inchoaveram ci rca annum . . . 1 4 1 0 abreviacionem lecture primi sen­ ten tiarum doctoris . . . M ichaelis de Massa ordinis fratrum Her. B . A . ego frater Jo. Medtolanensis de Marliana tunc lecror tandem consummavl 1 43 1 (?) die 1 2 octrobris dum padue essem magtS­ ter regens . . . I b 20 (formerly 1 6 bis). ca rt . mise. X V . 1 3 8 fols. Partly damagcd. Cf. R. Sabbad ini, Re ndico n t i della R. A ccademia dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze morali Se r. V, vol. XX ( l isla di Filologia 28, 1 900, 529-3 1 . Data su pp licd by Dottoressa Berta Maracchi. f. 2-67v. inc. Ad communem se ri pto r u m el lcc t orum u t ilitatem. A t t he end : Explicit li ber orthographie per alp h a betum. 68-8 1 v. lncipil ali us liber ort hogra phie q u i l c g i t u r in se ol i s . H ic infe ri u s qu i dam in orthogratiam versus. H2· 96v. inc. U t notici am dc orthogratia habeamus. A t thc end : Exp l iciun l volumina quatuor ortho· grafie per divcrsos professores gramatice com· pillata el per mc Nic ho l i num de Opp(ca)no cxemplata. 98- 1 30v. inc. Tractaturi de ortho­ gratia vidcamus. Al the end : MCCCC sexto di e pe n u l umo Madii fi n i t u m fui t opus presens per mc N icholinum de opp(ea)no hora decima nona. Ashb. app. 1 926 (25Hbis). mbr. m i se . X I V . 1 2 fol s. Cf. Il Buonarroti !.c. , p . 298. r. 2v- 1 2v. Mo del s for sermons, inc. Ad commen­ dandum processum et bonam ramam seu g u be r· oa ti o ne m o ffic ialis q u i be n e se ge s si t in ollicio. Memento queso q uomodo ambu laverim.

Fondo Acquisii e Doni /nv�ntario dei codici lAuren;:iuni Doni." l ms. vo l .


A cq u ist i �

Excerpts cod .

8. mbr. XV. G iov. Dominici, de amore caritatis. 1 S . Feo Belcari, vita del B. G iovanni Colombini. 16. anon. , de miris rebus apud Puteolos, volg. s. XVI. 20. s. X V I . Matteo Palmieri, vita di N icola Acciaiuoli, volg. 22. A. Palearius, costumi della donna maritata. s. X V I . 59. s. XV l l J . Do m . Johannis d e Corella, Theo­ tocon. 109. mbr. XV. Ari s to tle, Politica, tr. Leon. Brunus. 1 54. mbr. XV. Paolo dell'Abaco, trattato d'aritme t ica. Cf. D'Ancona 1 1 , p. 473, n . 939. 2 1 6. Alamannus Rinuccinus, de libertale , a dial og ue ( 1 479). 264. s. XVI. Rime, by Lorenzo and Giuliano de' Medici. 266. mbr. XV. Petrarch, epistolae de rebus senili bus . Formcrly Phillipps 656. 280. mbr. XV. Ant. Luscus, Argumenta on Cicero's o rat i on s . Petrarch, carmen bucolicum. 287. Xenophon, tyrannu s , tr. L. Brunus. Bas i l i us, de studiis, tr. id. 29 1 . s. XV. Pe tra rc h , de remcdiis utriu sq ue rortu nae . 328. mb r. XV. D i oge n es Laertius, lr. Ambr. Trave rsa ri us . 357. m i se. XV. Paulus Pe rgulens is, logica parva ; d e sensu composito et diviso. Alex. (Ser­ moneta) de Se n i s, de sensu compo s ito et diviso. Matheolus Perusinus, de memoria. 397. Giov. Filotea Ac hi Jii ni, canzoniere. s. XVI. From Go nne lli . 399. s. X V . Fran e . di S te fa no da Citta di Cas­ tello, i l l i b r o imper ia l e ( 1 473). From O l sc h ki. 404 . s. X V . Gu idotto da Bologna, Rettorica nuova. From the Strozzi ram i ly. Acqu ire d rrom Olse h k i .

425. Giov. Bianchini, tavole astronomiche, in Lat i n (s. XV). Descrlptlons Acquisti e Doni 29. cart. X V I . 82 fols.

r. 2-2 1 . Breve discorso di M. Francesco di V ieri detto il Veri no secondo . . . della alchimia, to the G rand Duke Francesco de' Medici. 2 1 v-25v blan k . 26 ( t i t le , s. X V I I ) . Libro d i alchimia di Scb. Manzoni d ' A sola Bresciano datogli dic'egli dal Cardinale A lessandrino che poi fu San Pio V pe cche lo d i scifrasse. 26v blan k . 27-50 ( s . X V I ) . A lche mica! text, i n c . Congela tio Merc u r i i . A l t he end : Questo li bret t o m e lo diede a me Sc has­ tiano M a n zoni da Asola B ressana il cardinale Alessandrino che fu poi Papa Pio Q u i n to accioche i o lo diziferassi (not the hand of t he copy ist). Acquisti e Don i 35. cart. X V I in. 1 62 rol s. Thomas Ba l d i n octus, carmina. I nclude ve rse s to H 1er. Zauretta, N . Pandraco n us, Barth. Bai· d i n oc t u s, Alamannus R i n uccinus, Nic. Pandul­ phinus episcopus P i sto ri e ns is , N . Tav i a nus , Jo.

1 00


Francus, Gram. Odaldus, on Phil. G herius, dc Lazari Meggie reditu, to Paulus Leoncinus, Leus phisicus Pratensis, for Ant. Filicarill!l, to Petr. Sodcrinus, on Sigismundus Grifonius, to Benc­ dictus B., on Augustinus Pistoriensis, on Zeno Pistoriensis, to Felix canccllarius ple ban us ; ad D . Andrcam Cors u m canonic u m Pistoriensem (f. 1 60v) in which he asks for Landino's co mmcn­ tary on Petrarch. Acq uisi c Doni 43. cari. m i se. XV. 1 00 fols. Owner's note : Hic libellus est Francisei Castilio­ nensis presbiteri e t amicorum cius. Cf. Studi italiani l 200-20 l . f. 39-74. Liber perihermenias Aristotelis, ( t r. Frane. Castilionensis?), inc. Pri mum oportet constituere quid sit nomcn. 75- l OOv. Editio antiqua in dialccticam, (i.e., Apulcius, de inter­ pretatione), inc. Studium sapientie quod philoso­ phiam vocamus plerisque videtur. Acq uisti e Doni 8 1 . cart. mise. XVI. 86 fols. Collection of Carmina. The authors include : Crotus (to Julia Farnesia, and others, f. 2), Euria­ lus daseoli ( 2v), Mui\oz (2v), Salinas Hispanus (e graeco, f. 3), Joh. Neretus (3), Honoratus Faseitellus ( 3 v), Molza (5), Bembus (5v), Ferdi­ (nandus) Chariss(imus?, f. 6), Franchinus (7), Vitalis, Jac. Cclius, Marullus (8), M . Ant. Casa­ nova, Augustinus Beatianus (8v), Franchinus, Vi ncentius Obsequius, Mui\oz (in Ph. Strotium, f. 9), Blosius (9v), Nic. Scevola ( I O), Jac. Brigidus Viterbicnsis ( I l ), Jac. Coelius ( 1 4), Tripho (Gabriel?, f. 1 4v), Angelus Camerinus ( 1 6), Julius Poggi us ( 1 9), B. card. Ravennatensis (20), Lud. Castrivcteris (20v), Jo. Ani. Seron. (2 1 ), H ier. Fracastorius (29), Naugerius (30v), M. Ant. Flaminius (3 1 ), Ani. de G ravina (?, f. 52), Ant. Montanarius (56), Politian (57v and 60v), Fer. de Torres (58v). Acquisti e Doni 82. cari. mise. XV. Severa! hands. 1 1 5 fols. f. 1 -2. Jo. Ani. Campanus, proemium in Quin­ tiliano emendato, to Frane. card. Senensis. 5- 1 2. Christ. Landinus, funeral oration on Donatus Acciaiolus. 1 3- 1 8 . Nic. Perottus, letter to the Senale of Viterbo. 1 9-2 1 . Jo. Barth. Bri t a ( prose). 39-4 1 . Gu i g l c l mus d e Francia. poe m on Lc o n . Aretinus. Verses by Aur is pa (42 ) and P an or m o t a ( 5 0 ) . E p i t a p h of Bruni ( 60 ) . Agorz o n us H ermeJrec h i l les Magnus Canis Turcorum, le t ter to E uge n i u s I V ( 6 2 ) . Verses on Brun i (79. 80) anJ M a rs u p pi n i ( 8 1 ). Verses of P�trarch (7 9 ). Conv. Soppr. G 8. 1 469. cari. XVI. D i a l o g u s l'ratris Pauli Fiorentini de o r i g i ne Ord i n i s Scrvorum ad Pctrum Cosme. Copied by R o cci u s from Laur. 2 3 , 2 1 (d. Bandini l col. 7 3 233).

Conv. Soppr. G 9, 1 608 . ca r t . mise. X V I I .


p . l . Morte d i Cecco d'Ascoli. p . 1 9. Luca de l l a Robia, relazione della morte d i Pietro Paolo Bosco li. Conv. Soppr. H 9, 1 606. cari. XVI ex. ( A n gelus Montursius, scripta logicalia, accor­ d i n g to t he inventory). Conv. Soppr. H 9, 1 625. cart. mise. XV. Contains a Latin letter lo Malatesta Captaneus de Burga S. Sepulcri ( 1 443). Conv. Soppr. H 9, 1 626. cari. mise. XVI-X V I I . Orations by Heliodorus Ptolomeus Lucensis Carmelita ( Rome, 1 520), Laur. Mozochius Servita ( Bo logna, 1 530), Egidius Ricardus O.C. ( I O o ra t ions before Pau! I I I, 1 535-40), Frane. Pani­ ga rola, Alphonsus Salmeron, Lucas Machiavellus ( 1 56 5 ) . Aurelius Bononiensis, Angelus Maria Florenti nus. Lauren t i u s FJorentinus. Dionisius Bucherel lius Florentinus Servita (de laudi bus eloq uentie), N ic. Alphanus. Conv. Soppr. J I 13 (S. Marco 285). mbr. mise. XV. 1 6 1 fols. f. l . Leon. Brunus, preface of his version of a group of orations by Demosthenes, to N icolas Med ices, inc. Quod si t optimum ac probatissimum. f. 4. Argumenta, inc. Pre multis etc. Bellum era! A theniensi populo. f. 8- l l v. Demost henes, oratio prima contra Philippum, inc. Pre multis o viri A t henienses pecuniis suseiperetis. 1 2- 1 6v. I d . , ora t i o secunda m Phil i ppum, inc. I n m u l t i s o viri A thenienses ut mihi q uidem vide tur. 1 6v- 1 9v. I d . , oratio de pace servanda, i ne. Video A t henien­ ses presens quidem tempus. 1 9v-24v. Id., oratio tertia in Philippum, inc. Nequaquam eadem mihi videor intelligcre. 25-34v. Id., oratio pro Diopythe, inc. Par quidem fuerat viri Athcnienses eos omnes. 34v-73v. Eschinis oratio cont ra Ctesiphontem, inc. Quanti conatus parentur viri Athcnienses ad hoc iudocium oppugnandum. 73v- 1 1 6v. Orati o De­ mosthenis pro Ctesiphonte (tr. Leon. Brunus), inc. Primum q uidem viri A t hcnienses deos atque deas omnes precor. 1 1 6v- 1 1 8 v. Eschi n i s orat io ( i . e . , epistola), inc. Eschines Atromiti senat u i populoque Atheniensi salutem. E g o me ad rem pu blicam contuli. 1 1 9- 1 22v. Epistola P h i l i ppi regis M acedonum. Rex Macedonum Ph i l i ppus A t heniensium senatui plebique salutem. Quonoam persepe iam legatos misi. 1 25v- 1 6 1 v. Plato, Epis­ tolae, tr. Leon. Brunus. Conv. Soppr. J I 16 (338). mbr. mise. XV. Severa! hands. 2 1 3 fols. l nde• cap i t u m e t tabula in Valerium Max i m u m per Bon um d e Manschalcho (accord ing to the imentory). f. I SSv-2 1 3 . ( Poggi us, de ava r i ti a ), mc. Cum dicbus estivis A n t h o n o us Luscus, wi t h t h e prcface ( f. 1 88, i n c . Quonoam plures morta l o u m m1 Francisce). Conv. Soppr. J l 28 (336). cart. mise. X I V-XV. Severa! hands. 64 fols. f. l . Petrarch, epostolae. 24- J 2 v . Id., l t i neranum breve. 4 5 . I d . , note on Laura from his Vcrg o l codelt. 49. Quedam gene a l og i a deoru m . 50. A l legoria e t e x po s i t i o q uarundam fa bularum poet u;arum, inc. De H y me n e o t r i plex est lcc t io. 5 5 -64v. E•positio super h brum Martiani Capdlc


de nuptiis phylologie, inc. E• tituli inscriptione concluditur q uod in hoc li bro. Conv. Soppr. J I 31 (478). cari. and mbr. mise. XV. 1 74 fols. Cf. Baron, Leonardo Bruni Aretino, p. 237. f. l -4 1 v. Leon. Brunus, de primo bello Pun ico, fragm. al the beginning. 41 v-52. Pius II, de liberorum educatione, to Ladislaus of Hungary. 52-62. Platonis vita per Leonardum Aretinum, inc. Claram Platonis origincm extisse (sic). 63. Plutarch, Sertorius, tr. Leon . Brunus, with the preface (62). 73-'Hv. Leon . Brunus, de rebus gestis per l taliam etate sua, inc. Qui per ltaliam homines e•celluerint. A t the end : Hunc l i brum seripsi pro D. L udovico de Falcone . 94- 100. Leon. Brunus, de stud i i s et litteris. A t the end : Pro domino Lud. de Falcone provinciali legibus studente. 1 0 1 . Id., lsagogicon moralis disciplinae. 1 09- 1 2 1 v. Leonardi ( Bruni) Aretini l i be r qui est collatio Colutii et aliorum quorundam de prae­ conio trium vatum Florentinorum (i .e. , dialogi ad Petrum Histrum), inc. Quom sole m n i t er, des. Colucium proseg uente. 1 22- 1 22v. Bas i l i us, de fuga seculi et de vita monastica, tr. Ambr. Traversarius, inc. Agnovi l i t teras, fragm. at the end. f. 1 23 - 1 42 missing. 1 43- 1 53v. Plutarch, de l i beris educandis, ( tr. G uarinus). At t he end : t ranslatus p(er) D. Leonardum Aretinum. Pro D. Ludovico de Fal­ cone scripsi. 1 54- 1 73v. Poggi us, dialogus contra avari tiam. Al the end : Hoc o pus mci Ludovici de Falcone. f. 1 74. Si Jo ponatur e t Han simul asocietur et Nes adatur q u i scripsit ita vocatur cognomen vere de Velate dicitur esse. Then, i n another h a nd : Georgi i An ton i i Vespucc i i . Conv. Soppr. J I l 2 1 (49 1 ) . ca r i . m i se . X V . Cf. Mostra del Poliziano ( 1 954) p. 9 9 n . 1 07. Canonist writings, assigned in thc inventory lo Fr. Leonardus Si lvester. 31 form lettcrs, inc. Epi stola amici ad amicum conqueren t i s quod videtur amicitie oblivisci. Commotionis causam con tra te possum al legare. Cf. 1 59v. An(gelus) Pol i t i a n u s , ad Argum (pocm), and 2 o t her ep­ t grams. Conv. Soppr. J Il 22 (279). mbr. mise. X V . M i n iatu re . f. l . A n on., grammatica! t rca tise, inc. L i tera est vox que scribi potcst i n d i v i d u a . C o n v . S o p p r . J li 48 ( 1 2Y). c a r t . X V . 96 unnum­ bercd fols. Commcn t a r i u m super Porph i r i u m , inc. Quia fo r m a t ra( t a t u s est ord i na t i o capitulorum. - S u per l i brum prcdicamentorum Anstotchs, inc. Divi­ d i t u r autcm isle l i bc r i n q u a t u o r p a r t e s , fragm . al t h e e n d . - ll l a n k pagcs. Comme n t u m s u pc r paradoxis T u l l i t , inc. Consuevc r u n t ma10rcs i n e•poncndis l o b r i s p l c ra q u e p rc p on c rc . C on v. So pp r. J I I I l (36 1 ). ca r i . X V . Gcrman han d . A L: t a Conc i l i t Con � t a n t i c n s i s . Conv. S o p p r . J 1 1 1 6 ( 6 5 ) . mbr. m i \C. X I V . O l d tablc o f co n t c n t s ( s . X V ) . 1 50 fo l s . T h i s dcsc r i p t t o n ha!) bccn co m p l c t cd t h ro u g h i n forrna­ toon k o nd l y s u p p l ocd by Prof. Stuan MacC i i n t o c k . C f . M . G rabman n , ft.littelu/terliches Gt!iJleslt•ben

1 62 II ( 1 936) 24 1 -245. C. Ermatinger,

111, 1 959, 1 5 5- 1 68 .



f. 6- 1 9 (lost). Dieta Magistri Joannis lndaginen­

sis super Jibru m periharmenias. f. 1 9-20v. Frag­ ments of two anon. questions. f. 2 1 -22 m i ssing. f. 23-35v. anon. , commentum super librum Poste­ riorum Aristotelis, inc. In isto li bro sicut et in aliis. f. 36 blank . f. 37-38 missing. f. 39-50v. Rob. G rosseteste, comm. on Aristotle's Analytica Pos­ teriora. f. 5 J -57v. Logica! questiona some of which are anonymous, others attri buted lo An­ gelus de Aretio (f. 53-54) and to M(atth.) d(e) Au(gu bio) (f. 55-57). 58-82v. Thaddeus de Par­ ma, questiones super li bro de anima. f. 83 blank. f. 84-87. Two questions, one of which is attri­ buted by a modern hand lo Aegidius Romanus. f. 87v-88v blank. f. 89- 1 08v. Liber de corpore celesti, a collection of questions on Averroes' De substan tia orbis (perhaps by Radulphus Brito, according lo Ermatinger). f. 1 09- 1 50v. Other q uestions, partly anonymous, parlly attribu ted lo Joh. de Gen. ( i .e., de Ja n duno, f. 1 09- I I Ov, 1 22- 1 23 , 1 36v- 1 40), Gulielmus de Anglia O. M . ( I I Ov- 1 1 4, 1 2 1 - 1 22), Tadeus de Parma ( 1 1 4- 1 1 7, 1 40- 1 46, 1 46- 1 50v, the Jast one actually by Jo. de Janduno), Aegidius Romanus ( 1 1 7- 1 1 8), Ange­ lus de Aretio ( 1 23), M ( a t t h . ) de Agu(bio) ( 1 23· 1 25v). f. 1 25v- J 26v, 1 3 1 , 1 5 1 blank. Conv. Soppr. J 1 1 1 23 ( 1 78). m br. XV. 2 coli. 62 fols. f. l - 1 3v ( t i t le al the end). Chanoni chompiuti perprodozimo ( i .e., Prosdocimo) d i beldemando padoano nellanno . . . MCCCCXX I I I I . . . Mori i ldctto Maestro prodozimo nel MCCCCXXV I I I apadova. 1 4-42v. Tablcs. 43-S l v. Traclalus qua­ rumlibet parcium Proicctionum Guidonis Donati de Forlivio. 52-62. . . . finis horum canonum per diosdoci mum (i.e., Prosdocimum) debddemando patavum anno . . . 1 424 Padue com p lc t orum . . . N icolaus Hamer transcripsi Bononie die X X I I I a Fcbruarii . . . anno domini MCCCCXX X V J I I . . . Conv. Soppr. J 1 1 1 26 (6H). cari. XV. Large size. Fols. noi n u m bered. Donatus Acciaiolus, exposi lio super libros e t h icorum Aristotclis in novam traductionem Argi­ ropy l i BiLan t i i , w i t h a prcfacc lo Cosmus Med i ccs. Conv. Soppr. J IV 2 (283). m br. mise. XV. Fols. no! numbered . Jo. B r a cc l l c u s , 2 lc t t c rs lo Poggius, and his reply. I d . , ad Blondum l'lavium . . . deseri ptio ore l i gustice, inc. Reversus in patriam. Con v. Soppr. J IV 20 ( I H2). cari. mise. X V . 229 fols. f. l. Ptolemy, A l magcstum, inc. Q uidam prin­ ccps n o m i n i s A l buguafe . l H 3 - 1 8 5 . I n c i p i u n t cano­ ncs su per istis preceden t i bus taoulis q u e su n t E ma­ n u c l l i s tran�latì dc hc brayco in l a t i n u m a m a gist r o J o h a n n e ma�nstri Luce de C a m f c ri n ) o a n i u m et medicine d oc t ore, inc. Di x i i E m a n u d til i u s J acob. Conv . Soppr. J V 8 ! 2 1 9 ) . cari. mis.:. X I V-X V . f. 2 1 3 . Pct r a rc h . L a t i n pocms. f. 2 2 3 . I d., lettcr lo Dionysius dc H u r go . Conv. Soppr. J V 25 ( 203 ). mbr. X I V . Per>pccuva co m m u nis ( b y J o h . Pcc k a m ) . A l

the end : Li ber Colucii Pyeri d e Salutatis cancellarii Fiorentini. Conv. Soppr. J V 30 ( 2 1 3). mbr. XIV. 5 7 fols. (Archimedes, de sphaera et cylindro), inc. Cui us­ libet rotunde pyramidis. Conv. Soppr. J V 49 ( 1 05). mbr. XV. 2 coli. Hentisberus, sophismata. Copied lercia d i e Junii per me Wilhelmum Hamer d e Keyserswerde sub anno . . . . millesimo quadringentesimo q u i n to et hoc Florentie . . . Conv. Soppr. J V 5 1 (78). mbr. X I V . 2 coli . 94 fols. Aristate/es Latinus I l , p. 966, n. 1 4 1 1 . Anon . , seriptum super libros poslerior u m Aristotelis, inc. O m n i s cognoscens cognosctl. Conv. Soppr. J V I 5 (572). cari. XV. Fols. noi numbered . Be a t i Johannis Cristomi ( i .e., Chrysosto m i ) l i be r XXV I s u pe r Matteum a Georgia Trapezuntio ex greco in latinum traductus, inc. l n t ranti autem i n Caphamaum . . . Leprosus quidam u t audtstis. The tra n sla t ion goes to liber LXXX V I I I . A l t he end, a leuer of Georgius Trapezuntius to Frane. Barbarus ( 1 450). Conv. Soppr. J VI 6 (574). cari. XV. From N iccoli. Severa! hands. f. 1. Joh. Chrysostomus, exposi tio in epistola Pauli ad Titum, inc. Paulus servus Dei . . . U n us ex Pauli sociis hic fuit. f. 30- 1 02. Id., exposi uo in prima epistola Pauli ad Timotheum (lr. Ambr. Traversarius), inc. Magna erat profecto apostoli digni tas, with an argumentum, inc. Unus ex apostoli discipulis Timotheus fui l. Al t he end : absolvi II k l . novembr. in nostro monasteno Fon tis Boni anno domini 1 432. 1 03. Chryso­ stomus, 3 letters to Olympias, inc. Age r u rsus meroris lui vulnus. Blank pagcs. f. 1 1 !1. I d . , i n epistolam ad Timotheum secundam commen­ tarium, inc. Quid si bi vull quod secundam quoque ad Timot h eum. 1 49. Id., in epislolam ad Pht lemo­ nem expos i t io, inc. Prim u m necessario dice n d u m quid s i t epistole huius argumen t u m . Conv. Soppr. J V I 7 ( 5 7 3 ) . cari. XV. Fols. n o i numbere d. On the fty-leaf: Sancii Johannis Chrysostomi super Evange l i u m Sancii Johannis Evangehste hom e lie LXX X V I I J traducte per Franciseu m Are t i n u m ci rca annum domini 1 459 et est hec or i gin a l i s traductio quam Cosmo emen datam misi! doclus Franciseus cum paulo ante eiusJem traductio inemendata avolasset e mani bus suis u t in fine sue prefationis asserii. ( f. 1 ). Ad . . . Cosmum Medi e-en . . . i n Joannis Chryso>lomi commen tarium super Joan nis Evangelio l'rancisci Aret i n i praefatio, inc. Communis fere o m n i u m o p i n i o e s t Cosme. T h e t e x l is in 88 h o m i l i e s a n d begins : Qui a g o n u m ce rt a mina s pec t a re con­ sue\o·crunt. Conv. Soppr. J V I 17 (237). mbr. mise. X I V. 8 1 fols. f. J -4 2 v . G a l fridus, poctria nova, with glosscs. 43-45. J n c i p i u n l d i lli n i t iones colorum s u p rad oc­ torum, inc. Primus color de quo intendimus. 5 5 -H l . Horace, E pistles. A l the end : Georgti Anlonii Vespucii li ber.


Conv. Soppr. J VI 19 (580). cari. mise. XV. SS fols. f. l . Joh. Chrysostomus, omelia de superscrip­ tione psalmi quinquagesimi, inc. Pictores imi­ tantur arte naturam. f. 8. Id., tractatus in ipsum quinquagesimum psalmum, i ne. Reliquias hesternc mense hodie. Conv. Soppr. J V I ! S (827, later 609). cari. mise. XV-XVI. Severa! hands. Folios noi num­ bered. (f. l). anon., oratio coram Pon(titìce) i n adventu domini, inc. Cum acceperim. ( f. 4). Barth. S i bylla, ora t ion held before l nnocent V l l l ( 1 4HS), anon. orations and sermons. Frater Leonard us Ser U ber­ ti, sc rmo ( 1 462). A l phonsus Salmero S. J., oratio. a n on . , oratìo habita i n prjn,ipio studiorum Perusie. Orations by Alexius Lapaccinus ( fragm. a l the begmning), Fab1us Vigi l , N ic. Scevola Spole t inus. - (s. X V ) . La urus Quirin us, oration o n Gat tamelata. Ba rth. Sibylla O . P . , orationes. (s. X V I ) . Jo. B. Bracce sc hus, sermons (lat. and volg.). F . Nic. A lexius Perusinus, oratio. Conv. Soppr. J V I ! 9 (4 1 3). cari. XV. Vita Oppiani Lauren tii Lippi Collensis ad . . . Laur. Medicem, inc. Oppianus poeta patre Age­ silao. - Oppianus, H alieutica, in 5 books, verse translation by Laur. Lippius, inc. Dispersas ponti gentes aciesque natan tum, des. fundamenta tenens subter regnator aquarum, with a verse preface to Laur. Medices (inc. Lydorum spes una virum), and a verse Argumen t u m (inc. I n primo veniunt a d pascua). A t the end : Li ber mci Luce Antonii de Sancto Geminiano i n quo plura sunt scripta i n marginibus manu mea edita a Laurcntio Ser Johannis Lippi Collensis. Opus hoc Oppiani de natura piscium ad Laur. Mendi ­ cem (sic) editum sive translatum fui t degreco i n latinum a supradicto Laurentio e t scri p t u m manu sua e t a b ipso emendatum u t appare! in codice hoc quem librum ego Lucas supradictus c u m i pso Laurentio emendavi et i n bonam tìdem reduxi e t deinde p refatus Lauren tius largitus est mihi quia aliud Oppiani volumen manu mea sibi largi tus fui quod dixit se missurum i n Sicdiam nescio adquem. Ego Lucas supradictus d ocui ipsum Laurentium grammatica m i n oppido Col­ lensi d u m ibi publico salario conductus essem. The other ms. refe rred to is probably ms. 77 of the Bibliothèque de la ville, Tournai, which was lost during the last war. Il con t a i ncd, bes i des the version of Oppian, Lippius' distichs, an d severa! letters and poems exchanged between h i m and the Catalan h u manist, Petr. M ichael Carbonellus. Cf. P. Faider and P. Van S i n t Jan, Catalvgue des manuscrits conservés à To urn ai (Ca talogue gc néral dcs manuscrits des b•blwt hèq ucs de Belgiq ue V I , Gembloux 1 950), p. 7 3 -7'J, where severa! of these tcxts have been p u b l ished a n d thus preserved. Conv. Soppr. J VII 1 7 ( 570). cari. X V I . Fols. not n u mbered. Divi Joannis Chrysostomi . . . . in Evange l i u m sec u n d u m Matthaeum altera brevis in terpretat 1 o n unc p rimum versa et n usquam a l i as i n lucem

1 63

aedita, MDXL (title page). Epigram lo the reader (4 lines). Prcface of the translator, Christophorus Serarrighus Florian(us), lo M a rcellus Cervinus card . , dated Florentia kl. Maii M DXXXX, inc. Divinum illum Platonis praestantissime praesul . T h e tcxt is in 28 chaptcrs a n d begins : Evangelium presens liber ideo dicitur. At the end, the date 1 540 is repeated. Conv. Soppr. J VII 28 (4 1 0). cart. XVI in. 1 1 5 fols. Vita H iero(nymi) Martiris (Savonarolae), inc. (QJuan tos hucusque utilitatis fructus. Conv. Soppr. J VII 30 (4 1 1 ). cari. mise. XV. Severa! hands. 1 93 fols. f. l (han d of the tìrst seri be) : l ste li ber est conventus S. Marci de Florentia . . . ad usum fratris Leonardi Ser U berti de Florentia qui eum sc ripsit. f . 1 -2 ( likewise). Table of contents. f. 4- I Sv. lncipit vita S. Petri martyris de ordine fratrum predicatorum noviter composita per Franciscum pre s by tcrum Castilionensem, with a preface to B(arth. Roverella) card. Ravennas (f. 4-5v) which covers also the next piece. At the end : Florentie X X I I apr. 1 47 1 . f. 1 9-35v. Id., vita B. Thome Aquinatis. A t the end : nuper de anno S. MCCCCLX X ! I edita sub eleganti et brevissimo stilo per dominum Franciscum Castil ionensem presby terum sacre th e ol ogie doctorem et in literis greds atque latinis virum sui temporis peritis­ simum Canonicum S. Laurentii Fiorentini et plebanum S. Appiani. f. 36�8v (other hand). Id., vita S. Vin centii confessoris de ordine fratrum predicatorum, with a preface lo Jac. card. Papicn­ sis (f. 36-36v). A t the end : composita . . . . circa annum domini MCCCCLXX. 49-5 1 v, 5 5- 5 5 v, 1 0 1 - 1 05v, 1 2 1 v, 1 43v- 1 45v, 1 5 7-1 62v blank . 42-54v (tirst hand). Versus compositi per magistrum Petrum Ransan um . . . in laudem S. Vincen tii confessoris. 58-8 1 . Frane. Castil ionensis, vita Beati Antonii cognomento Antonini, with a preface ad fratres Sancii Dominici de Bonon ia (f. 56-57) and a prologue ( f. 5 7-58). 8 1 . Epitaph of S. A n to n i n us. 8 1 v- 1 00. Additiones q uedam de vita et m i raculis beati Antonii . . . factc pe r frat rem Leonard u m Se r U berti de Florent i a d i c t 1 ordinis pred1catoru m . 1 06- 1 1 2. Frane. Cas­ tilionensis, vita et martyrium beati Antonii de Pedemon tium, with a prcface to Jac. card. Papiensis ( 1 06- 1 08). 1 1 2v-1 1 3 . Jac. card. Papien­ sis, lettcr to Frane. Cas t i lionensis, and reply ( I I Jv - 1 1 6). 1 1 6v- 1 1 7 . H ier. (Ahottus) abbas S. Flore A retine, lctter lo Frane. Cast i l ionensis ( 1 469). 1 1 7v- 1 2 1 . Sermo Francisci Cas t i lionensis presbyteri ad concanonicos e t collegJ U m S. Laure n t i i Fiore n t i n i de vita beati M arci pape et de laudibus ecclesie S. Laure n t i i (co n t . by t hc second hand from f. 1 1 8 ). f. 1 22- 1 37v. Thomas de lentino, legenda be a t i Petri martyris. 1 4 1 v- 1 43 . Ex tertia parte hystorie be a t i A n tonini . . . d e beato Petro Martyre. Ot her similar texts. 1 471 5 7v. Lconardus Ser U berti dc Florentia, additio ad vitam et m i racula B. A n toniì archiepiscopi Fiore n t i n i , die X l nov. 1 468. 1 76- 1 78v. Dionysius (A reopagita) , epistola ad Timotheum, inc. Saluto

1 64


te frater mi Timothee. 1 80- 1 85 . - lnventarium N icolai pape V quod ipse composuit ad instantiam Cosme de Med icis ut ab ipso Cosma audivi die Xli novembr. 1 463 ego frater I..eonardus Ser U berli de Florentia O.P. presente R.o patre fratre Sante de Florentia priore Sancii Marci Flor(entini) eiusdem ord(i n is), i nc. Canon divinarum s:rip­ turarum. f. I H9 - 1 93. Ex Cronica Mathe i Palmerìi. A list of the popcs, with latu addi t ions to the death of Leo X. Conv. Soppr. J V I U 7 ( 5 78). mbr. X l i i (?). l n itials. 81 fols. Joh. Chrysostomus, de compunctione cordis (f. l, inc. Cum le intueor) ; the same work, book I l ( 1 6v, i nc. Et q uomodo poteri! fieri ) ; de rcpara­ tione lapsi (26, Quìs da bit capili) ; de lapsis ad Theodorum ( 5 5 , Sì tletus possct) ; quod nemo lcditur nisi a scipso (62, inc. Scio quod crassiori­ bus). 79v-8 l v (other hand, s. X I V- X V ) . Septem psalmi penitcn tiales q uos compilavit D. F(ranc.) Pe( lrarca) poeta. Conv. Soppr. J V l l l 8 (539). cari. XV. 5 8 fols. f. l . Athanasius, contra ge nti Ics (othcr han d : pe r Ambrosi um, i .e . , Traversarium), inc. Verae ac divinac rel i g ionis pietat isque cogn i t io ... I d . , se r m o de incarnationc v e r b i (accordi n g to t he inventory). f. 54. ( Id . , disputatio in N 1ccno Conc i l io con tra Arium, tr. i d . , fragm. at lhc end), inc.A beram per Dci providentiam profectus. Auto­ graph of Travcrsari, accordi n g to the invcn lory. Conv. Soppr. J V I l i 9 (537). cari. mise. X V I . Severa( hands. 2 8 0 fols. f. 1 - I I Ov. Cyrillus, commenlaria s u pe r Genesi m, sermoncs l 3-20. t r. Joh. B. Bracccschus Florcn­ tmus, i n c . Multi pharie m u ll i sque mod is a Deo inspirata scriptura, des. concupisc i t rex spcciem suam. 1 1 3- 1 36v. Poggìus, dc va r i c l a lc fo r t u nae, to Nicolaus V, fragm. al the end. 1 40- 1 66. I d . , hìstoriae ( Florcnt i nac) l i ber q u a r t u s . 1 70- 1 75 . Xcnocratcs, de morte (i.e., ps. Plato, Axiochus), tr. Fic i n u s , fra g m. at thc end. 1 77-233v. ps. Ari­ slotlc, d c rcg 1 m ì ne sa n i tatìs. 237-255v. Form addresses far lcttcrs. 256-2Wv. Frater Joh. Maria Tholosa n u s de Colle O . P . , dc correct ionc calen­ darii, lO ZcnobiUs Acciaiolus ( 1 5 1 4). f. 260-77. Id., dc Maria Magdalcna, reply lo Jac. l'a ber St a p u l c n s i s, i n f o r m of a dia loguc bclwcen l'abcr and the a u t h o r. f. 2 7 7 - 2 � 0 v . I d . , d i sccptallo i n J ud oc u m C ! I c h t o v e u m Jacobi Fabri dcli:nsorcm, i n form of a dialoguc bctwccn Clichtovcus an d thc a u t h o r ( 1 5 22). Conv. Soppr. J V I l i I l (540). cari . X V . HasJ h u s , d e vera i n t c grit a tc v 1 rgi n i ta t i s , t r . A m h r . (Travcrsa n us), i n c. Com p l u n nu ex h i s q u 1 m m o r t a l c m s po n -; u m n o s t r u m , w t t h a prcfacc to p a t c r (j , l b n d ( 1 11�. Pro h x u m h h r u m San �.:: ti Ba .... i l n J . - E r h racm S y r u 'i , L a u d .l t J o S a n c h J o ..,c p h P...l t f l ...l n: h a�.: ( t r. u.i . ), i ne. D t: u s A b r a h a m . . . Dc u s m;lgnc a t 4 uc n H r a h l i 1 � 4 u 1 c t J ,l m c k g l \ t i .

C o n v . S < > p p r . J V I l i l � ( 1 1 5 ) . m hr. a no cari. m 1 sc . X V . 2 c o l i . Fu l o; . n o � n u m l:x: rcJ. Lo n ��.:q ucm J c S t rod i . - E .\ r"JO \ J t l oncs G a c.: t J. n i ( i .c . , C a J c.: t . l n J dc T h 1 c n J .., ) s u pa c o n .;; c q u c n t J i s S t ro J i . - O b l l g a t 1 u n c� S t r o d 1 . -A n o n . ( l k n t J � bc r u � ) .

de sensu composito et diviso, inc. Arguendo a sensu diviso ad sensum compositum. - Sophismata asinina. - l nsolubilia. - (other hand, l column). Conclusiones omnium li brorum Aristotelis. Conv. Soppr. J IX IO (240). cart. mise. XV. 1 84 fols. f. 1 - 1 5 . Table of contents (s. XV). 1 5v- 1 6v blank. 1 7-35. Porcc l l i us, triumphus Alphonsi reg i s (poem). 35-38v. Id., Acerri mum Thelobo u m e t Thebanorum bc l l u m ( poem). Id. carmina heroica, includ ì n g the following ones : La us Lucretie neapolitane virginìs (f. 55); Laurea Ludovico Narnigene salutem (55); i udicium de adventu impcratoris in Italia m ( 5 6v) ; de revolu­ lione fort une et de amenitale clareva l l is abbatie prope Med iolanum ( 5 7v) ; ad dominum Pau l u m nepotem pape Euge n i i quando classis Venetu m su peravi t Jan uenses (59) ; o n Martin V (59v) ; l o the bishop o f Sìnigaglia (6 1 ) ; in laudcm Nic. Piccinini (65v) ; lo Augustinus Datus (73) ; the signature of the copyist appears on r. 71 : Barth. Cerretanus de Senis. f. 77- 1 57. Porccllius, epi­ grammata, in 6 books. Include verses to I..e o nel l us Estensis ( 7 7 ) , l..eo n. Brunus Arelinus ( 7 � ) . on B rachius (N), on Vegius (79v), lo the same ( 80), lo Frane. Patavinus ( 80v), Carolus Marsuppinus (H2v), Poggius (85), Aurispa ( 86), Kyriacus ( 89), Frane. de U lmis, N ic. de U rsinis, Panormita (99), P. de Valle (�9v), Lud. Narnensis ( 1 00), Thomas de Sc rzano ( I O i v), Nic. Fulginas ( 1 02), Flavius (i.e., B londus, 1 02v), I..eon. Dathus ( 1 05), Pala­ vicinus poeta ( 1 05v), Frane. Castel l i gena ( 1 06), Philclphus ( 1 06), Jo. de M i leto ( 1 0�). C i n t h i us ( I l i ) , S t c p h . Porcius ( 1 1 2), Marianus Porcius, Eustasius Grictì, on card. Ccsarini, on Pau lus J mpcrialis, to Latinus U rsinus, Bernard mus ( S.: nensis), Cin t hi u s V i terbiensis, Laurus Valla ( 1 24), on Ludovicus ( Barbus) Patavinus O.S.B., laus li brorum Alli i, laus rcgis Anglie (l 34), to frater Mekhior, on Ferdinandus of Naples ; expon i t u r Marcello el lllasio petentibus d u b i u m supcr J uvcnalcm ( 1 4 l v) ; i rridc t u r G . Veronensis ( 1 42 ) ; i n Jac. Currulum ( 1 45v), lo B. Facius ( 1 47v), l o A l fo n s u s of Naples, G . Tra bc m u n t i us ( i . c . , TrapcLu n t i us), Jo. Tusca n c l la, G uarinus. 1 5 7v- 1 5Hv blank. 1 59. Oratio adanda (sic) inSignia doctoratus, inc. G ratissimum michi foret . 1 59v. Oratio ad petendum InSignia dottoratus. 1 60- 1 60v. Orallo Pa u l i L u ca n i ad q uendam . . . cardinalem pro g u bc rn a t ì o n e B o n o n i c missum. 1 6 1 - 1 75 blank. 1 76- 1 7� . P oc m i n tcr. l t n t 4 1 .


Fortunio Liceti, lettere al P. Angelico Aprosio. mise. XVI I . E I V 1 8. Salutatus, epistola. mise. G Il 1 9. Barth. Scala, historia Florentinorum. s. X I X . E IV 22. U g o da Balma, mistica teologia, volg. b y Dome­ n ico da Monticello. s. Xl V. A l l l 30. Cf. Banchero, p . 457, n . 3. Gasp. Scioppio, lettere al P. Aprosio. mise. X V I I . E V I 4. Marcaurclio Severino, lettere al P. Aprosio. E V I 7 and 9. Rabbi Joseph ben Jehudah, Rav Pea l i m . He­ b rew m s . , owned by Agost ino G i ustiniani. Commun ication of Dot t . M usso. Cf. A rchi ves des Missions X X , p. 1 77. Descrlptions

A V I I 5. cart. XVI in. 2 5 1 fols. f. 3-25 1 . Ambrosius Flandinus Parthenopaeus E rem i t a episcopus Lamocensis, de fato con tra Pet r u m Pomponatium pro A lexandro Aphrodisio A pologta, a dia logue i n 32 chapters betwecn Sophtsta and Philalethes, with a preface lo Clemens VII ( f. l - l v), a sermo ad Pompona t i i Petri audi­ tores ( f. 2-3) and an argumentum (f. 3-3v). B l 1 5 . cart. mise. XVI I I . f . 1 -47. L u d . Spin ola, d e reipubl icae insti tutione, to Andr. Auria, i n 2 books. W i t h letters of J. B. Egnatius (47v) and Syni baldus Fliseus (48v) to the aut hor, and his reply to the latter, dated 1 5 30 (49v-50v). B l 32 . mbr. mise. XV. l n it ials, old binding. 47 fols. Cf. Banchero, p. 458, n. 36. A rchi ves des MiJSions XX, 1 76. f. 1 -7. Jac. Braceleus, de Genuensibus claris, to Lud. Pisanus O.P. A t the end ( f. 7) : Manu mea G u i rardi Spmule quondam domini Luchesii scri p t u m . Letters of the Spinola family to Alphon­ sus of Naples ( 7v ; 9v). Le t ters of Helianus Spi n o la to the same ( 8 ; 9v). G u i ra rdus Spi n o la, letter to Pius I l ( 1 0) . Phalaris, four let ters ( tr. Frane. A re t m us), inc. Quas mutuo vobts pccunias ded t­ mus ( f. l l - 1 2v), w i t h a preface ( lo Al phonsus, inc. Quatuor Phalaridis epistolas q uas nupcr m ali o l i bello, f. I Ov- 1 1 ), and a letter t o Frane. Pata v i n u s ( i ne. Scripsisti ad me Francisce Patavme. f. J 2v). Letter of the Spinola family to Ferd i nandus rex ( 1 3- J Jv). Anon. letter, dated ex Boli aseo, 1 4 38, inc. Quam gravi vulncre pcrcussus sis acerbo funere optimi iuvenis J u liani l i l u tut ( 1 4- 1 5v). G u i rardus Spi n o la, lctter to Ferd inandus rex ( 1 6- 1 6v). Blondus, de expedt tionc in Turchos, to A l p honsus rex, dated a t the end : 1 4 5 3 ( 1 7- 3 3 ). Bas t i , de studtis, tr. Leon. Brunus, w t t h prcface ( 3 3 v-4 6). Notes conccrmng the Spinola fa m t ly (46) . E I l i 2 8 . cart. mise. X V . 239 fols. Cf. Banchcro, p. 457, n . 4. Prosper Cam u l i us, lctter to thc Octoviri Com­ perarum S. Georg11 Gcnue, datcd Crcmone Kal. Oct. 1 4 59 ( f. 53-54v). A n o n . , poems, i ne. Vir bon us et sapiens qualem vtx rcpen t u l l u m ( 5 5). f. 1 64 ( a l the end o f Marius Vtetori n us' commentary


on Cicero's de inventione) : MCCCCXXXXV I I I . . . . q u e m transeripsi e g o Ambrosius de Mon­ tenig( r)o et sit apud te Prosper Camulee c laris­ sirne nostri perpetui pignus amoris.- f. 205-2 1 6v. ( Demetrius Alabaldus, de minutiis), inc. De tota summacuiusque rei quam assim d i x i mus. 2 1 7-220v­ Compotus inter magistrum et d i seipulum sub dialogo, inc. Quis primum ordinavi! annum. 23S-238v. Metrica d igestio astrorum, inc. H aec pictura docet q uicquid recitavi! Yginus. 239. De septem planetis, inc. A planis supere centron d i xere priores. E I V 33. cari. XVI I-XV I I I . Bapt. Poggius, vita Dominici Capran icae car­ dinalis Fi rmani, with a preface to Jac. card. Papiensis. E V I O. cart. mise. XV. Red titles. 1 80 fols. Cf. Banchero, p. 459, n. 1 2. f. 1 -5 . Lionardo ( Bruni) darezo, sopraseripti (form addresses for letters), lat. and volg. f. 5v-8v blan k . 9- 10. Old table of contents. I Ov blank . l l -2 l v. Boccaccio, lettera a Pino d e ' Rossi. 2 J v26v. Petrarch, let tera a Niccola Acciaiuoli. 26v-28s Boccaccio, let tera a Frane. de' Bard i . - Lette r ; o f G iov. delle Celle (28-32 ; 33v-35v ; 36v-37 ; 3 8 -4 1 ; 44v-50v ; 52-53), Luigi Marsi lii ( 3 1 -33v ; 36-38, 4 1 -44 ) , G u ido d i Tommaso ( 50v-52). Leon . Bruni, vita d i Dante e del Petrarca ( 64-74). Boccaccio, vita di Dante ( 74-9 1 v). Leon. Bruni , d i fesa di Firenze ( 9 1 v-97v) ; sermone a Nic. da Tolen tino ( 97v- 1 00) . Stefano Porcari, 1 6 orazioni ( 1 00- 1 25v). Boccaccio, let tera a Frane. ( Nelli) Priore d i Sancto A postolo ( 1 25v- 1 42). Lentulo, lettera ( 1 47v). Fiore n t i ne governme n t instruction for Philippo Magalot t i , Jac. Salviati, Lor. R i dolfi and Bart. Valori , envoys to K i n g Ladislaus of Naples ( 1 49- 1 54). Fil. Magalotti, oration to King Lad islaus ( 1 54- 1 59v). Brigida Baldinotti, lettera ( 1 59v- 1 62v). Leon. Bruni, let tere ( 1 62v1 70). Anon . , protesto, inc. Seguitando e nostri e t magnifici et poten t i Signori la dispositione ( 1 70- 1 72). Lucian, comparatio, volg. from the Lat i n of Aurispa, without t he preface ( 1 72- 1 74). M tchcle Rond inelli, lettera ( 1 74 - 1 77). At the end ( f. 1 7 7) : Explic i t hic l i ber scri ptus i n Stincis dte XV I I I I aprelis anni dom i n t MCCCC L I I I . Then blan k pages. E VII 24, mbr. X V . Folio. l n i t ials. 227 fols. Cf. Banchero, p. 457, n. 2 . O ne folto m i s s i n g a t thc bcginning. f . 2. Plu tarch, Dcmetrius, tr. Donalus AcclaJOius, i ncomplete al thc bc g m n m g . f. 3 1 . Plutarch, Lysandcr and Sulla, tr. G u a n n us, w i t h a preface lo Leonc llus Estensts. 60v. Plutarch. Phi lopoemcn, tr. (j u a n n u s . 69v. Plu tarch. T t molcon . tr. A n t . Pacinus ( Tudcrtin us), w i t h a prcfacc to Cosmus Med1ces. 82v. Lm:1an, dc sac n tìci Js, tr. Ant. Tudcrtin us, w1th a prcface to R o d u l fus Lottus Florc n t i n us, inc. Siquis stul­ l t t i a m . �5. Luctan, de laudtbus pat riae, tr. id . • to Pct rus Pazus, mc. Cum 1am d1u omnium i u d �eio. 8 7 . Plu tarch, Fabt us, tr. t d . 97. Plu tarch, Camt l l u s ( t r . Lapus). I l i . P l u tarch, Manus. 1 2�v. Plutarch, A lci biadcs, tr. Donatus Acctaiolus, to Pe tr. Mcllu.:cs. 1 67v. Plutarch, D10n, tr. G uarinus.



1 8 5v. Plutarch, Brutus, tr. Jac. Angelus. 1 85v. Plutarch, Pompej us, tr. id. 2 1 6-27. (Xenophon, Agesilaus, tr. anon .), inc. Non sum equidem neseius, with a preface (f. 2 1 5, inc. Soleo plerum­ que). F VII 37. cart. mise. XV. Cf. Banchero, p. 459, n . 6. Boethius. A t the end ( f. 1 07v), copyist's note : . . . per me Chirignium Gibellum Galeati in schola . . . Asnardi de Suburlatis Cespitelli 1 472 . . . f. 1 1 2-35v. Barth. Facius, Synonyma, with a preface lo Jo. Jac. Spinola. G Il 1 7 . cari. mise. XV. 1 06 fols. f. l. A grammatica] trae!. f. 4. A poem en titled Soliloquium Fanensis (Christophorus Fanensis?). f. 7-22. Satyrule Fanensis, in:luding one addressed ad Lafranchum Emilium. Then a piece entitled Concertatio ferri e t auri. Vc rses in volg. , notes, and letters of Pliny, with the date 1 4 7 1 (f. 89). 9 1 . Aluisii Tuseani exortatio ad principes cris­ tionos, a poem. f. 105. Dedamationes i n Thurcum e t exhortationes ad arma in eum capienda ad principes christianos per Johannem Aluysi u m Tuscanum ( probably a t itle refcrring lo the prece­ ding piece). Then short poems to N ic. de Tolen­ tino, Pan(dulphus) de Malatesta, R(obertus? ambe rtus') de Malatcsta, dated 1 472. G V l. cart. mise. X V I - XV I I I . f. 207-30. ( s . X V I I ) . Anon. ( Ugolinus Verinus), poe m de i l l u stratione urbis Flore n t 1ac ( book I I I only), inc. Al postquam egregias dotcs et ruris et urbis. The inventory a lso men t ions Pol i t i a n Carmina ( late copy from a La urenziana ms.) Excerpts

Fondo Gaslini. This collection of 67 mss. was acq u i red i n 1 943, and is fu lly descri bed in a hand­ wri t ten list e n t 1 tled : Manoscrilli Gaslini. A summ­ ary list was published by A . Cutolo ( A ccademie e Biblioteche X V I 1 94 1 -42, p. 220-22 1 ) which uses n u m bers d i lfe rc n t from those of the inventory . T h e m s s . have reccntly recc ived n e w s h c l f marks which have becn added i n the i n ven tory and wh1ch were commun icatcd lo me by M r. John Day. cod. l . m br. X V . Chrysoloras, e rotema la, gracce . Now A l 38. Cutolo, p. 220, n. l . 3 . mise. X V I . Frane. Alunno, tavole d i calli­ grafia. Now G VI 1 8 . Cutolo, p. 220, n . 6. 7 . mbr. X V . Rodericus Sancius, de seeleritatc Turci, to Pau! Il. Now G I V 3 1 . Cutolo, p. 220, n. I O.

8. s. XV. Bocca ccius, de casibus v i rorum i l l us­ t r i u m , in Frcnch. Now B IV 1 3 . Cutolo, p. 220, n. I l . 1 9. s. X V . B u rchiello, rime. Now F l 1 2. Cutolo, p. 220, n. 22. 2 1 . s. XV. L. B . Albert us, de pictura. Now B Il 50. Cutolo, p . 220. n . 24. 26. m i se. X V I I . Poggius, de i n fel icitate princi­ pum. G a l l ic i , relazione sopra I l modo d i n d u rre l ' A rno in canale ; correspondencc w l l h B. Caste l l i and with an a n o n . person . Now A I X 3 1 . Cf. Cutolo, p. 220, n. 29.

3 1 . mise. XV. Leon. Brunus, comrnentari u m rerum graecarum. N o w G I V 3 0 . Cf. Cutolo, p. 220, n . 3 5 . 3 6 . m b r . XV. Polybius, tr. Nic. Perottus. Now A I V 38. Cf. Cutolo, p. 22 1 , n . 40. 40. s. XV. Poggius, de varietate fortunae, boo k I V , in volg. Now A l l l 37. Cf. Cutolo, p. 22 1 , n . 45. Descrlptlons Gaslini 5. Now A l l l 38. mbr. XVI in. M i n i a ­ ture. 4 2 fols. Cf. Cutolo, p. 220, n. 8. Anon. d ialogue on love between Polisapho and Archophilo, i n volg., a t t ributed in the inventory to Fil . N uvolone. Al the end, a Latin epi loguc (f. 42), a son net (42-42v) an d a Latin epigram (42v). Gaslini 1 8 . Now F I 1 3 . cari. mise. XV. 42 fols. Cf. Cutolo, p. 220, n . : l . f. 1 -3 1 . Anon., vita d i Giannozzo Manetti, i n terza rima, with a preface l o Bernardo, Agniolo and G iovanni. f. 3 1 v-42v. Anon. picce in vo l g . p rose, i n c . Non c m o l t o t e m po passato che venendomi alle man i , identitied in thc inventory as an apologia dei letterati. Gaslini 20. Now B I l 49. cart. XV. 52 fols. Red t i t les part ly faded. Cf. Cutolo, p. 220, n . 23. M ichael Verinus, epistolae, in 2 books, w1th prefaces o Ugolinus Verinus to Pctr. Ridolfus ( f. l and ?5v). Al the end ( f. 52v), a letter of Frater Mar. to H ier. Bassus, dated 1 6 1 9 (0). Gasli n i 35. Now F l 17. mbr. mise. XV. M i n ia­ ture . 100 fols. Owned by Marinus Tomacell us. Cf. Cutolo, p. 2 2 1 n . 39. f. 1 -55v. Phalaris, letters, tr. Frane. Aretinus, with a preface to Malatesta Novellus. 56. Brutus, letters, tr. R i n u t ius. 7 5 - 1 00. Diogenes Cyn icus, letters, tr. Frane. Aret inus, with a verse prologuc and a preface to Pi us Il ( f. 72v). Gasl i m 42. Now G I V 27. m br. XV. Cf. Cutolo, p . 22 1 , n . 47. Caesar, de bello Gall ico, volg. by P.C. Deccm­ brio, copicd in 1 442. Gasl i n i 47. Now A I X 28. cari. m i se . XV. Severa] hands. 2 1 0 fols. Cf. Cutolo, p. 29 1 , n . 53. f. 1 5v-50 ( w i t h f. 1 6 begins a second han d). Mercurius Trismcgistus, P1mander, volg. by Tommaso Bcnci from the Latin of M a rs i l i us Ficmus. with Ficino's argumentum to Cosmus Med iccs in volg. ( 1 3 ), an d with Benci"s prefacc t o Francesco di Nerone ( I l ) . A t the end ( i n red ) : D i grecho i n latino t ranslatato d a Marsilio Ficino F1ore n t m o dapn lc 1 463 e t facto vulghare da To mmaso Bc nci d i settem bre 1 463. f. 50v blank. 51 ( othcr hand). A n t . Cornazanus, poem ad re mpu blicam l'lorcn t i n a m de c 1 us urbis laud 1 bus. 53-6 1 (other hand). Volg. poem, appare n t l y a tran,lation of thc preccdmg piece. 6 1 v blank. 62-79v. anon . ( Donatus Acclalolus), vita d i Carlo M a gno, wllh a prcface. 8 1 - I OOv. The sarne in La t i n , dated at thc end : 25 Marzii 1 462. f. 1 0 1 - 1 7. Another volg. version of the same work. 1 1 7v- 1 9v . Ttommaso) Blcnci), canzone. 1 20-20v. Responsio dcmonis ad a n terrogationem si bi factam i n partì bus G rccie, made at the t i me of Eugenius I V . 1 20v-2 1 v.


Giovanni d i Lorenzo Benci, protesto ( 1 45 1 ). 1 2 1 v. Short quotations from Plato's and Aris­ totle's Politics, i n l.atin. 1 27-29. Bart. Scala, canzone. 1 29v. Tom . Benci, sonnet. 1 42-43. F(ranciscus?) olim de Cop(pul is?) episcopus nunc lgnatius Monachus, volg. letter to the Benci family, dated Rome, March 2 1 , 1 463. f. 1 43v-44 . Passage from Altividius concerni n g Mercu rius Trismegistus, in volg., enti tled : Alci dio i n l ultima parte del sechondo li bro della sua summa dice cosi . 1 46v. Tom. Benci, sonnet. 1 47-47v. Pi us I l , leuer. 1 49v-50v. Excerpt from Landino's commentary on Dante, with the heading : Truovo nel n uovo comen­ to super Dante fatto per Cristofano da Pratovec­ c h i o nella otava carta d i fogli Arabi e t a stampa in principio. 1 5 1 , 1 96v, 200v, 204v. Tom. Benci, sonnets. 1 54. L. Bruni, vita d i Dante e del Pe­ t rarca. 1 6 1 . Tom . Benci, sonnet and frottola. 202 fand 208v, 209) . Lor. Benci, sonnets. 209v- 1 0. Col uccia Salutati, 2 sonnets. Gaslini 49. Now C VII 46. cart. XV. 1 1 9 fols. A fter f. 3 1 , severa! fols. are m i ssing. Cf. Cutolo, p. 22 1 , n. 5 5 . Petr. Candidus Decembrius, epistolarum addi­ tarum l i bri qu inque, with p refaces to N icodemus Tranchedinus (f. l v) and to Lud. Casellius (2-3v). A t the beginning (f. 1 ), we find the t i t le : Librorum P. Candidi volumen nonum epistolarum terciu m . T h e collection includes letters to Gerardus Lan­ drianus card . Comensis, Leonellus Estensis, Blon­ dus, Alphonsus rex, Federicus U rbinas, to Philip of Burgundy (for P h i l . Maria Vicecomes), H um­ p h rey of G loucester, Ant. Raudensis, Frane. Barbarus, Alfonsus Burgensis episcopus, Rugle­ r i u s Comitis, Lancclotus Dexius, Frane. Pet ra­ sancta, Poggius, Nicolaus V, lnichus Davalus, Pius Il, Andr. Carpanus, Cichus Si moneta, Sceva de Curte, Leonellus Acclozamora, Nic. A rcem­ boldus, Lud. Casellius, Theodorus (Ga7.a) Thessa1on icensis, Matthias Trivenensis, Bon i n u s Morn­ briti us, Jac. card. Papiensis, Jo. Frane. Muzanus, Alb. Scoptus, Jac. Bechetus, Firmus Genarius, L u d . Can tianus, Angelus Cam i l l us, Jo. Bapt. de Be n t i voli is, Guido Paratus, Prosper Cam u l i us, A n d r. Biragus, Eugenius I V, Angelus Rea t i n us, Frane. Arretinus, N ic. Arsagus, Vinc. Am ida­ nus, Fed . Gallus, Octavius Vicomercatus, M ichael Pizolpassus, Frane. Vicecomes, Jo. Matth. Butigella, H ier. Barbaricus, Zac harias Barbarus, H ier. Castellus, Nic. StroZ7a, Theo­ dorus Platus, Titus Stroza, Gasp. Tri brachus, Frane. L i banorius, Phi l . Be ndedeus, Bart h . Faci­ nus f Facius?), Jo. Gattus, N ic . Corrigia, Con­ stan t i n us de Lard is, Frane. Marescalcus, Lel ius Ferrariensis, Rainaldus Conesta h l i i s . Thcre is also a letter of Henicus ( Davalus) H i sran us to the card. N icenus ( Bessarion) in favour of Blondus, composed by Decembrius ( f. 1 5 v- 1 6) ; a letter of Ferd inandus rex to Alfonsus Davalus, writ ten by Panormita (38v), and the reply written by Decembrius ( 38v-39) ; a poem by Decembrius on Georgius Platus ( 1 03v) ; and letters to Decem­ brius from the following persons : Gerardus Land rianus card . Comensis (f. 3v-5v) ; Leonellus


Estensis (6-6v ; 8-9 ; 32) ; Blondus (9v- 1 0) ; Alfonsus rex ( 1 5- 1 5v ; 58v-60) ; Frane. Barbarus ( 1 6v- 1 7) ; Alfonsus Burgensis ( 1 7v- 1 9 ; 37-3 7 v ; 69-74 ) ; Petrus ( d e Monte) Brixiensis episcopus ( 1 9- 1 9v) ; G regorius Tifernius ( 1 9v) ; Lud. (Scarampus) car­ dinalis patriarcha ( 1 9v) ; Jac. Calca terra ( 1 9v-20v) ; Ruglerius Com i t i s (2 1 v-22 v ; 60v-6 1 ; 62-62v ; 7 676v) ; Lancelotus Dexius (23-23v) ; Frane. Petra­ sancta (24-24v) ; Poggius (25-26v ; 33v-34v) ;­ pugninus Biragus f 28v-29v ; 5 5v-56) ; Scipio de Casate ( 29v-30) ; Ugolinus Pisanus Parmensis (30 ; 5 5 v) ; An dr. Carpanus ( 30-3 1 ) ; Leonellus Acclozamora (32-33) ; Nic. Arcemboldus ( 34v-36) ; Lud. Petron ius (36-36v ; 42-42v ; 57-57v ; 84v ; 90-90v ; 98-98 v ; 1 00- I OOv) ; Lazarinus Resta (36v) ; N icodemus Tranched i n u s (36v-37 ; 77v-78 ) ; Sceva de Curte (44-44 v ) ; Thomas Fregosus f44v-45) ; A n t . Luscus (45 ) ; Gotardus Serezanensis ( 6 1 v-62 ) ; T. de Fixeraga A bbas d e Laude Veteri (62v-63v) ; Ant. Occha (63v) ; Firmus Genari us (64) ; Simon Com i t i s (64v-65) ; Vinc. Amidanus (69 ; 82v-84v) ; Jaco bus Carpensis Ord i n i s Montis Oliveti (75-76) ; Cichus Si moneta (76v-77) ; Fed . Gallus (84v-86) ; Barth. Roverella card . Ravennas (87v-88) ; Octa­ vius Vicomercatus (88-88v ; 92v-93 ) ; H u m fred us dux Cloucestrensis (90v-9 1 ) ; Frater Joachimus O.P. (93v) ; Hier. Barbaricus (94v-95) ; Zacharias Barbarus (95-95v) ; Bart h . Sulmonensis (96-96v) ; Joannes Aristotelicus monachus Chartusiensis ( 1 04- 1 05 ) ; Alb. Scoptus ( 1 06- 1 07v) ; N ic. Corri gia ( 1 1 1 - 1 1 2v). A t the end of the volume (f. 1 1 9v) : Tandem perfectum hoc opus . . . 1 476 die Merchuri decimo i u l i i in civi tate Mediolan i . Loisius Rosset us scrips i t . Gasl i n i 5 1 . Now F l 1 4 . ca r t . m ise. R e d t i t les, coat of arms, old binding. 1 1 6 fols. Old table of contents (f. l , m b r . ) . Cf. Cutolo, p. 22 1 , n . 5 8 . Jannoci us Manettus, oratio ad N icolaum V ( f. 2-9) ; oratio ad Venetos (9- 1 9v) ; fu neral oration on Leon. Brunus (20-42v) ; (with H onofrius Paren­ tus ), oration to Alfonsus rex (43-49v). Anon . (id.?), oration, inc. Si nos hoc nostro prese n t i sermone beatissime a c sanctisSime pater (49v-5 3v). Another, inc. Quoniam de egregiiS q u i busdam theologie laud ihus in dignissimo ( 54-58). Manettus (and Daniel Canigianus), oratio ad Se nenscs (5868v). f. 69-72v blan k . Cand 1 d u s ( Dccember) de Viglcvano populo Brixicnsi ( 1 439, f. 73-74v). Responsiva Francisci Barbari i n pc:rsonam pop u l i BriX Jensis ( 74v-78v). frane. Barbarus, lettcrs ( 7Rv-86v) ; oratio edita Brixie ( H6v-87v) ; letters ( 8 7v-93). Pogg 1 u s, letter (de i ncoronatione impe­ ratoris, 93-96 v ) . Anon . , letter, datcd Bologna, 1 444 , i ne. Magni fìcc vir cc. Si valcs t u 1 q uc omncs valca nt bene est ( other hand, f. 97-98 ; accord i n g to thc ta ble : ep1stola ad Cosmam de Med1cis edita). 98v- 1 00v blan k . f. 1 0 1 - 1 1 4 ( fi rst hand ). C1cero, orat10 Pom peana, dalcd at the end : 1 8 (?) die ottobr. 1 44 3 . 1 1 4v- l 1 6v (sccond hand). Dcsc n t 1 0 provincie l t alie sccu n d u m M . Johan n c m de M a t oc i i s de Verona Mansionari u m maioris ecclcsie, ì n c . I talia provinciarum domina. Gasl m i 55. Now G I V 29. cart. m i Se. XV-X V I . Severa! hands. 77 fols. Formerly Fi renze, Palazzo



Roselli, ms. 2 1 2. Cf. H. Jani tschek, Rep.r­ torium frir Kunstwisunscha/t 6, 1 883, p. 40-4 1 . Cutolo, p . 22 1 , n . 62. f. l. Table of con tents (s. X V I I ) . 2-3 blank . 4 (s. XV). A short fragmen t, des. quo levissime i n vertantur ungen d i s vaca bit. 4v-27v (other hand, s. XV). L.B. A l be rtus, de commod i s l i tterarum atque i ncommodis. 28-32v blank. 33-55v (s. XVI-XVII). I d . , de ludis rerum mathematicarum volg. (by Cos. Barto l i ) . 56-57v blank. 58-61 v (other hand, s. XV). I d . , Porca ria con i u ra t i o . 62-67v. Anon., (vita L.B. A l be r t i ) , inc. Omnibus i n rebusque ingen i u m ( ? ) et l i be re educatum decea n t . 6 8 - 7 7 ( s . XVI-XVII). A l berti, Cena fa m i l iare, volg.

Gasli n i 56. Now A VII 29. cart. mise. X I V . Partly damaged. 4 5 fols. Formerly owned b y Cav. G i u l io De'Ross i , Pistoia. Cf. /...t! diari� volgari di Ser Matteo de' Libri, ed. L. Chiappelli ( P i s t o t a , 1 900 ) , p. 1 1 1-V. l am inde bted to Prof. H e l e n c Wieruszows k i for h a v i n g suggested t h i s p roven­ ance, and idcn t i fied the a u t hor of the first te. t . C f. H. W ieruszowsk i , Medie �'a lia et Hu ma ni.s tica I ( 1 943), p. 96, n . 7. Cutolo, p. 22 1 , n. 63. f. l. Latin form letters (of M i nu s de Co l le), i n terrupted by verses, notes and some blan k pages. f. 37-45. Anon. ( Matteo de' L i b n ) , form speec h e s i n vol g., apparen tly fragm. a t the end, inc. Come de d i re la podcsta . . . Pc rche a voi toccha q u e l l o . f . 45v blank.


Biblioteca Durazzo ( 1 952, 1 955 ) . Ex Ront us, egloga, i n which Oldradus dc Lampugnano i s onc of the characters ( 1 49v- l 5 l v). Petrarch, carmina ( l 5 l v-


1 52v) ; psalmi ( 1 5 3 - 1 57 ) : verses on Mago from the Africa ( 1 57- 1 57v, cf. Petrarca e la Lombardia, p. 283-284, no. 24). Versus domini Francisei Petrarce vel quod melius creditur domini Anton i i de Luseis. i nc. V o s q u i bus a l t a d a t u r ( 1 57v- 1 5 8). Johanna Francigena dei nuntia ad Mediolanenses q u i ad eam m i t tere volebant magistrum Anton i u m Raudensem per Antonium Panormitam u t cre­ ditur, a poem ( f. l 59). Ad eosdem responsio Raudensis, a poem ( J 59- 1 60). Loq u i t u r caseus furt i m subtract u s magistro Petro Azanello Cremo­ nensi , a poem ( 1 60- 1 6 1 v ). C 84 sup. mbr. mise. X I V . Miniatures. 266 fols. f. 2 l 5v-266. Cyrillus, Quadripart i t u m , i ne. Secundum Aristoti l i s sentenciam in problemati bus sui s. C 99 su p. m br. XV. l n itials, o Id binding. 293 fols. From Frane. P i zzolpassus, cf. Sabbadini, Studi italiani Xl, p. 38 1 . f. l v-5 3 . Beatorum Johannis Ch risostomi e t Basi l i i d c digni tate sacerdotali dyalogi. i n c . M i h i q u i dem m u l t i fuerunt amici . 58- l 1 3 . J o h . Chryso­ stomus, ad Stagi r i u m monachum, i n 3 books (tr. Ambr. Traversarius), i nc. Oportuerat qu idem o mi amantissime omn i u m Stagi ri, w i t h a preface ( 5 7-57v, inc. Sunt quidem p l u rima que in te merito laudari possunt pri nceps ind i t e ) . l 1 3v- 1 28v. I d . , neminem posse l e d i nisi a se ipso, inc. Scio quod crassioribus q u i busque. 1 28v- 1 3 5 . I d . , ad Theo­ dorum lapsum, inc. Si fletus possit et gem i l us. 1 3 5v- 1 6 1 . Id., de reparatione lapsi, inc. Quis dabit cap i t i meo aquam. 1 6 1 v- 1 84v. I d . , de cordis compunct10ne ad Demetrium, i ne. Cum te i n t ueor beate Demetri frequenter. 1 8 5 - 1 87v. I d . , sermo de penitentia, i nc. Provida mente e t profundo cogi t a t u . l 89-25 l v . I d . , adversus v i t uperatores vite monastice, tr. Ambr. Traversarius, in 3 books, inc. Cum templ um illud pervetustum, w J t h a preface to Patcr Mateus ( f. 1 8 8- 1 89, inc. Exegisti a me i u re tuo senex optime). 2 5 2-274v. Id., de conversatione vite et instatut aone morum sive de compugnantia v i r t u t u m e t vit 10rum. inc. M i ror admod um venerab i i J S tìlia quod lcg i t i me. 27528 1 v . Id., de vocat Jone ecclesie pe r Pau l u m Apo­ stolum, inc. Beatus Pa u l u s nos hodie congregavi t . 282-290v. I d . , de fraterna correctione. i n c . S u pe r ecclcsiarum doctores et rectores . 29 1 -293v. Id., t racta tus de conte mptu olficiorum collectus ex suis dictis et ex regula Beati Basi l i i , i nc. Obeditc prepos i t i s vest ns. D 8 sup. cart. mise. XV. Badly damagcd. Data supplicd by A . Perosa. On the i n ner cover (s. XV I I ) : Bonacurtii de vera voluptate d ialogus inter G uerinum et Ma­ phcum VegJ U m . Dictionar i u m latmum cui addita est tabula nom i n u m per Guarinum ex.tracta a Servio. On an at tached note ( s . X I X ) : Dom i n i Bonacursii de Mon temagno de nobili tate trac­ tatus. f. 2- 1 6. Dom i n i Bonacurs( i i de M onte ad) G u idantomum MoC ntcfc l t r i u m ) , Magno . i n c . Apud maiorcs nost ros (de nohi l t tate, d a m ­ agc d ) . f . 1 6. Frane. Phl iclphus, lettcrs . f . 1 8 - 2 1 . Lucian, comparat io, tr. A u nspa, t o Bapt. Capo­ dcferro. 2 l v. L. Brun us, let ter t o Frane. Pi1ol -

3 30


passus. Philelphus. letter. 23v-27v ( I d . , o 'a t i o : leue n . f . 28- 1 5 5 v . anep. ( Laur. Valla, d e vero bono), i n c . l n s t i tuen t i m i h i de causa veri falsique boni dicere, i ncomplete a t many poiniS. f. 1 5 6-58v blan k . 1 59 . Tabula nominum per G uari n u m Veronensem extracta a Se rvio. D 93 sup. cart . mise. XV-XVI i n . Several hands. 1 77 fols. f. 1 -30v. Bart h . Cepol la, de i n terpretatione extensiva ( 1 46 9) . 4 1 -4 1 v ( o t her hand ) . Laurus Bragad i nus. sermo . . . deinde editus ab Gl asparino Barzi zza) de Pergamo. Orat ions of Gl asparinus Barz izza) Pergamensis (4 1 v-43 ) and G uarinus (43-44). Jo. Spi l i m be rgensis, le!ter t o M. Lypo­ manus 1 44-45 ) . Anon. oration, inc. Superiori tempore v i r magnitìce quom te h u i c c i v i t a t i pretorem (45-45v ) . Another, i ne. Desyde rio magno desyderavi v i r inclyte (46). P. P. Verge r i i ad F. i u n iorem de Cararia ora t i o pro populo 146-52). Orat ions of Gasparinus ( Barzizza) Pergamensis ( 52v-5 3 ), Jac. Pet rogra J u s t i nopolitanus ( 5 3-54). N ic . Barbus ( 1 442, f. 54-59v), Tobias Burgus ( 60-62), Laurus de Palazol i s 1 62-64). Pet rarch, letter to posterity ( 64-66v, cf. Petrarca e la Lom­ bardia, p. 272-273, no. 8 ) . Jo. Jac . Can is, responsio ad Bapt . de Scalpis (ora t i on, 66v-67). Ora t i o domini Leonard i ( Br u n i ) coram rege A rago n u m pe r dominum J u lianum de A ncensatis ( i .e . , Dava n­ zat i s , f. 67v). Beatissimi Johannis Chrysostomi orat io inci p i t ad generosam v i rginem dominam Margaritam de Gonzaga, i nc . Si placet cariss i m i ad hortationem patien tie a c vobis proponamus Job 1 67v-74). Exclamatio de invido, i nc. Vetus atque perpetua lex Jud(aeoru m) haec est ( 74v-76). Plu tarch, A n toni us, t r . Leo n . Brunus (only the preface and the begi n n i n g of the text, f. 76-77). Oration of Tad. Quirinus (77v-79). Oration of Janozzus Manetus and Honofri us Parentus to A l p honsus ( 79-S i v) . Orations of Ugolmus de Parma l a ! the Council of Basel , 1 44 l , f. 8 5-93) and Guarinus (93v-94v). Pet rarc h . leuer ( 94v-95v). A non. praelectio, i ne. Cogi tans se pe n u mero patres h u m a n i ss i m i que mea fucrit audacia qua d iebus supenori bus e x i gent1 bus vobis promi s i me hec opera Rolandl m i ) vobis expos i t u r u m l f. 96). Lc!ters of Barl h . Novaleus l 1 5 23, f. 96-97 ). Tho­ meus Ca lpanus ( o r Culpanus, 1 5 23. f. 97-97v), Leo n . Verlatus ( 9 8 ) and anon. Orations by Jor­ danus U rs m u s ( 1 44 7 , f. 1 03- 1 07). Tadeus Q u i r i n u s 1 1 0 7- 1 08 v ) , L a u r u s de Palazol is ( 1 08 v ) , Tobias ( B urgus) Veroncnsis l 1 08v- 1 09 v ) , a non, ( o ra t io n u p t 1 a l is, inc. Dc most hencm 1llum, f. 1 09v- 1 1 0v), G u i dantonius Rosellus ( 1 1 0v- 1 1 2v ) . Lco n . J us­ l i ni a n u s (on Carolus Zenus, f. 1 1 3 - l l 6v ), a non. lo n Georgius Lau redanus, l l 6v- l l 9v). Leo Ba p t. A l bertus, Cams l l 1 9v- 1 2 4 1 . Georgi u s Trape­ z u n t l us, ora l l o n on Fan t m u s M ichael l 1 24- 1 2'1 1 . Vergc ri us, lc!tcr l l 3 3 - 1 3 3 v ) . A non . , epistola con­ solatoria, i ne. H eu triste admodum l 1 3 3 v- 1 34 ) . Le!ters of L . Brunus ( 1 34- 1 3 5 ) , Vergerius ( 1 3 51 3 5 v ), anon. l i nc. Pieni fu i m u s anxielati bus, f. 1 3 5v- l 37), Johannes J u s t i nopo l i tanus l 13 7- l 38), Jo. de Ravenna ( 1 3 8 - 1 3 8 v ) . Col l u t i u s ( Salutatus), de casu Cesene ( 1 3 8v- 1 40v). F. P(etrarca ), leucr

( 1 40v- 1 4 1 v) . Galeaz Vicecomes, letter t o the Florent i nes. and reply ( 1 4 1 v- 1 42v). Anon. le!ter to Frane. de Carraria ( 1 388, f. 1 42v- 1 43 ) . Coluctus (Salutatus). state letters 1 1 4 3- 1 4 5 ) . Leon. Brunus. fabula Tancredi 1 1 45- 1 48). Let t e rs of Laurus Q u i r i n u s 1 1 48- 1 49v), Jac. Zen us 1 1 49v- 1 5 5 ) and anon. ( lo N icolaus V , f. 1 5 5 v ). Sermo i n praesen­ tatione scolans ad examen. inc. I nsigne ac am. plissimum deorum ( 1 6 1 - 1 62 ) . Frane. de Zabare l l i s . u n ivers i l y oration ( l 62- 1 62v). A non.. orat ion, i ne. Si quis fructus est 1 1 62v- 1 63 ) . Orations of G . Barzizza ( 1 63- 1 63 v ) . Frane. Zabarella ( 1 63v- 1 64 l, anon. l inc. Solent hi q u i i ngenue eru d 1 t i . f. 1 641 65), Tad . Q ll l r i n u s ( 1 65 - 1 66v), Frane. Barbarus ( for A l b. G u idalotus, f. 1 66v- 1 6 7v). Anon. aca­ demic orat ions. i ne. Maiori bus nostris non medao· criter ( 1 67v- 1 69). Oratio facta per me. inc. I nSigne ac ampl i ssimum, 1 45 2 ( 1 69- 1 69v, see above, 1 6 1 1 62) . Apologia Lau re n t i i Vallensis, inc. Erat aeq u i u s summe pon t i fex ( 1 70- 1 7 5 v ) . E 6 6 su p. ca rt. m i se . X V . Severa l h a n d s . 265 fols. f. 1 - 1 3 . M ichael U rsinus rel i g i osae sorori, a let!er. 42v- 1 68 . Bart h . Platina. de princ i pe , in 3 books, to Foedericus Gonazaga. A t the e n d : A n t o n i u s M inorista Cal v u s de Marscoct i s 1 4 7 3 anno t ranscri psi t . f . 1 69- 1 76 m i s s i n g (con tained t he prin ted edition of Jac. A ragazo n i us, ora t i o cf. G W 2308 ). 1 7 7-230v. lndex locorum i n com­ mentarios ( sic) Cesa ris bel l i Gallici deseriptoru m ac nomi n u m que eis prisca nost raque etas i n d 1 d 1 t Rome 1 4 70 mense Januario. i n e . Cesar i n commen­ tariis. 233 -249v . l n scriptions, some of t he m m G reek . E 83 sup. m b r . X V . l n i t ials, coal of arms. old binding. 95 fols. f. 84-93 are sk ipped in n u m ­ be r i n g . f . 59 missing. f. 4v-58v. Plato, epistolae, !r. Leon. Brunus, w i t h h i s preface l 1 -3 ) and Argume n t u m (3-4v). 60-7 5 v . l socrates. de regno, tr. Bern. J u st i n ia n u s . inc. Consueverun! plerique. w i t h a fragm. of h i s preface l f. 60 ; f . 59 i s m i ssi n g ) . 7 9 - 9 5 . l socrates. N icocles se u Symmac h 1cus. lr. G uarinus. inc. Plenque s u n t q u i graves i n eloquentiam a n i m o s habea n l . w i t h a prcface lo Leone l l u s Estens i S ( 76v-77v. inc. Sep1us ante oc u los r e s h u manas) and an Argume n t u m 1 7 7-78v, inc. Salamm prae­ clara o l i m urbs Cypri fu i l ) . F 4 sup. mbr. X V . 45 fo ls. Cf. Poncelet. A nalecta Bollandiana X l 1 892, p . 3 20-32 l , no. 27. f. 2v-44 . Frane. Cas t i l ioncnsis, vita A n t o n m i archiep1scopi Fiore n t i n i , W l l h a prcface !o l hc friars of S. Domenico in Bologna ( f. l ), an epilap h of Anton i n us (44v) and another of Victonnus Fe l l renSis ( 4 5 ) . F 6 s u p . m b r . m i se. X V . M i n ia t u re. old bind m g . 3 4 fols. f. l - 1 4v . Paulus Canonicus Regularis de cari late n uncupat u s, volg. lener to H 1er. M ianes, i n c . S e io n o n e r o n e l m i o pensiero. A t ! he en d : E'plici! epiStola exhortatoria ad spiri talem e t rel i g i osam v 1 t a m i n sec u l o commorant i u m e d i t a pe r D . Pa u l u m Veronensem C a n . R e g . f . 1 6-34. ps. Seneca, de quatuor v i r t u t i bus, volg., inc.


Segondo l a u n i versale optmone di philosoph i . A t t he end : Yeron imus M ia n i . F 1 9 sup. c a r t . X V . Cf. Mart i n i and Bassi I, p . 3 7�-378. no. 329. G reek excerpts from Plato with Lltin t i t les. Owned and probably written by Mars i l i u s Ficinus. F �9 sup. mbr. XV. l n i t ials. old binding. 7 1 fols. f. 3-7 1 v. ( leon . Brunus. Cicero novus), inc. T u l l iorum fam i l ia que et Ciceronis, w i t h t he preface ( f. 1 -3 , i nc. N u pe r ac lect itare). At the end ( 7 1 v ) : Johannis Petri domini Johannis C hris­ tofo r i . F 3 3 sup. c a r t . m i se . X V . Several h a n d s . 203 fol , i nl'. Si dc mci s rebus ad te scriberem, t he first dated P av i a , 1 4 1 1 ( 1 501 5 l v ) . Pbr. P., poem on thc victory of N icolaus P(iccininus) aver the Flore n t i ncs at thc sie ec of Lucca ( l 5 1 v - 1 52 ) . Petr. Bardell a presbyter, leller ( l 66v). Gcnocs : state lellers, signed Jo. Stella and Be ncd. de Andoria ( l 74 - 1 7 6 ) . J o . S t e l l a , ;:a r m e n ( 1 76- 1 7 7 ) . Anon. lcllrrs, t he first lo Pc t r . dc B l e r ) gal i o ( l 77v- 1 7 8 v ) . Panormita, l c l l c r ( 1 8 1 ) . A n o n . leller da te d from Arqua, inc. Quon i a m e r a t m i c h i cogn i t u m ( l 8 l v- l 8 3 v ) . A n o n . l e t i e rs to A n t . de Romagna ( l 8 6v - 1 8 7 v ) . Anon. pocm to the .a me ( l 8 7 v - 8 8 ) . Verse rc p ly of A n t. ùe Romagna ( l 8 8 v ) . Verse reply of L ucu s ( i . e . , An t. Luscu s , 1 88v- 1 89). P h rascs for the composi t t o n of lellers ( 1 89v- 1 93v). A n o n . c o m edy in vcrsc, inc. Uxor erat q ucdam cc rdonis paupcr i s o l i m ( 1 94-202). A n o n . poem, i n e. Su m m c re g n a t o r >o l i o su pe r n o (204-205 ). Anon. le tiers, i n c . C reh ra s ex te l i llerulas ( 206-2 l l v) . Sermo de bea t i>>�mo nomine ( 2 1 5-2 1 8 ) . Anon. lcller, i n c . M u l t i a d me veni u n t ( 2 1 8-224). C o mc a t u s B r i l o n i S ( 2 2 4 ) . Rcsponsio Britonis ( 2 24 - 2 2 6 v) . Anon. l c l le r, i nc. Lillere t u e pater op t ime ( 2 2 '1 ) . Ca r o l u s Marsuppt­ n u s , e l e gy o n Lcon. B r u nu s ( 2 2 9 v - 2 3 2 v ) . Anon. o ra r io n i n praise of med J �o: J n c a n d thc arts. inc. Quam a l l i s l a u d i bus ( 24 1 ) . Orac i o m e l f lca, mc. Alme decor mundi (24 1 -2� J v J . A n o n . d t o l og uc , mc. A n . Heus heus qua pc r gni s . Se. N o n p roc u l ( 244-245 ). Anothcr dta logue, mc. A n . Qua adolcs­ cc ntes qua. F u i . H eu s a\e ( 2�5v-2�6). Jo. S t e l l a , lcller to Sp m cta de Campofr), a prcfacc lo book V ( 1 9- l 'lv), and a l c t t e r from thc D u k c of G louce st c r ( f. J9v, i n c. Ea nob i s scmper). R 88 sup. cart. mise. XV. 1 86 fo ls. Cf. Mart i n i a n d Bassi I l , p. 827-828, n o . 7 1 5 . Mostra di cm/ici autograjtci ( Modena 1 9 32) , p. 49, n. 73. f. 4. Plutarch's Cato, Phocio, Flami n i u s, i n G rcc k . I n thc marg i n : M a n u P. Can d i d i 1 43 7 4 " Apr i l i s . f. 3 3 v . Catonis U t iccnsis . . . v i t a lin i t manu Candidi ICiiciter XV J u n i i MCCCCX X X V I I . f. 3 5 ( i n thc ma rgi n ) : Manu P . Ca nd i d i X ap ri l i s 1 437. f. 4Yv. F i n i i vita Phocionis . . . man u P. Ca n d idi fcliciter X X I I I . Apri l is. f. 50v (in the ma rg in) : Manu Candidi X X I I I l a pri l i s 1437. f. 6 1 . Finii vit a T i t i Q u i n t i Flam i n i i manu P . Cand 1 d i felicitcr V M a i i . f . 6 3 . A u d i t i o facta pe r P. Can ­ didurn l i . o V I Q. C urti i ubi mors Darii rcgis deseri bitur ex Plutarcho s u m pta, inc. ScmiVIvi h ominis formam conspicatus.- Petrarch, carmen ad La u rca m (cf. Petrarca e la Lomhardia, p. 290, no. 36). f. 64. Ex Cand i d o transeripta de i l l u stri bus exemplis ( few l i n c s). Then othcr exccrpts. 68v. Genologia Catonum ex Candido. 68v-69. Geno­ logia Sc1 pionum ex Candido. 69-6Yv. Ex M. T u l l i o a Candido t raducta dc rel i g ion e , inc. R el i g i o n c m a re l c gcndo derivatam. 69v-70v. De d i vi na t i onc som n i o r u m ex Macrobio et Cice ron e brcvitcr t raducta per Candidum. 86-�7v. Xcno­ phontis super morte Socratis, (tr. Leon. Brunus), inc. Soc ra t ì s quoquc dignum mihi videt ur mcmi­ n isse. 87v-9 1 v. Platonis c u r a carcere non a u fugc r i t Socratcs, ( i .e. Crito , t r . id.), i n c . (f. 88) Q01d huc advcnisti o Crito a n non a d h u c summum est ma ne. 9 1 v-97. Xcn o p h o n t i s supe r d1 s p u tationibu s habttis intcr H icroncm t i rannum et SJmonidem poctam, ( t r. Lcon. Brunus), i ne. Cum ad H i e ronem tyran n u m Symonidcs poeta aliq uando ven is!:!el. 1 00- 1 03 . Orat10 rcgiS Agrippe, inc. Siquidem non vi d c rcm v a s omncs ad p ugnand um. 105v- 1 06 . Ex l i b ri s Corncl i i Tac1ti de mccndio urbis. 1 06v1 07 . P. Candid us, l e l ler to Leonel l u s Estensis. I OM- I I I v. ps. Pl a to, Axiochus, t r . Cinc1 us. 1 22v- 1 46v. Dcmost hcncs, oratio p ro Ctesip ho n t e , tr. Lco n . H r un us, inc. Primum q u i d em viri A t hcn1cn�cs dcos atquc dcas. w1th a p refacc lo ll i a r t h . Capra) episcopus Crcmoncnsis ( f. 1 2 2 1 22v. inc. Cum cloqucntic studiosissi m u s sis). 1 48 · 1 5 8 . 1'ogg1us, invcct1va ( tcrtia) i n Pl1 1 ic l p h u m i n c . l'hanal lcam vcrhorum. 1 58v- 1 63v. P. Can d i d i dc a n i m a c v a n i s a w.: t o n b us l i be r i nc i pi t e t e a u s i m mo r t a l a tale, w i t h thc p rc face to Frane. Vice­ comcs at t he end. 1 64. P. Candidi collect anea re rum d i v c r sa r u m et memo ra bili um (e xce rp ts) .


1 76. E x comentariis P . Candidi et multorum t raductiones (notes). R 93 sup. cari. mise. X V or XVI in. Cf. Sabba­ dini, C/aJJici e UmaniJti da codici AmbroJiani ( Florence, 1 933), p. 48-52. Cyriacus Anconitanus, de Pont iano Taraconen­ sium re g i s conflictu n aval i, to Frane. Scalamon­ tius. Id., letters t o Charlcs of Epirus, to Jac. Foscarus, to Eugenius IV. Janus Pannonius, poems on the mother of N icolaus V. The i n vento r y also mentions a funeral oration by (or on) Kyriacus. R 96 sup. cart. mise. XVI ex. Severa! hands. 384 fols., n u mbered i rregularly. From P i nelli . Cf. Rivolta, p. 78-79, no. 1 37. Estratti dalle poetiche del Castelvetro. Tasso, lettere. Alb. Lavezzola, lettera a D iomede Bor­ g hese contro il Tasso. Torquato Tasso, poesie. f. 1 1 2 (new fascicle). F no. 1 37 (old s h el f mark). Questiones breves no. XXII. Questio de maximo et m i n i mo eh. 39. I n 2m et 3m meteor. eh. 49 (t hese titles only). 1 1 2v- 1 1 3 v blank. 1 1 4. Table of 23 q uestions. 1 1 4v- 1 1 5v b la n k . f. 1 1 6. Quaestio de mediis in qualitatibus an differant ab extremis non solum secundum magis et m i n us sed etiam secun­ dum formam, excellentissimi Petri M a nt u a n i Pom­ pon atii per me Ludovicum S pe ro n um scripta 1 5 1 5 die 4a oct obris , inc. I n q uestione ista Aver­ rois 6. physicorum saepe dicit q uod media differunt. 1 1 7v. Quaestio eiusdem an den tur indivisibilia. 1 1 8. Quaestio eiusdam an haec con­ clusio continuum non componitur ex indivisibili­ bus sit naturalis vel mathematica. 1 1 8v. Quaestio eiusdem an motui in eo q uod motus competa! velocitas et tarditas in i n fi nitum , non autem huic mot u i i n eo quod talis motus. 1 1 9v. Quaestio ei usdem an de facto detur veloci las vel tard i tas in i n fi n i t u m . 1 20v. Quaestio ei usdem de m i n imis i n s u bs ta n t i i s . 1 23 . Quaest io eiusdem de minimis i n q ualitatibus. 1 27. Q u ae s t i o an in formis sub­ stantialibus si t contrarie las, ei usdem. 1 29v. Quaes­ t i o ei usdem utrum omne agens age n d o rcpa t i a t u r. W i t h f. 1 32 ( 1 9) t h i s n u m be r i n g stops. T h e next fol i o is numbered 20. f. 20v. Quacs tio ei usdcm utrum augmentatio sit motus con t i n u us. 22v. Quaestio eiusdem q uomodo differant ft u xus formae et forma fluxus. 24 v . Quaest io e i usdem an act io et passio sint idem motus. 2 5 . Q u a es t i o an actio et passio dicant respcctum ve! a b so l ut um , e i us­ dem. 26v ( 1 39v). Quaes t i o ei usdem a n ac t i o s i t s u b i ec t i ve i n a ge n t e v e l i n passo. 27v ( 1 40v ) . Q u ae st io eiusdcm a n m o t u s p r o ft u x u dicat successioncm temporis i n suo conce p t u formali. 28. Quaestio eiusdem a n deti n i t io motus si t bo n a. 29v. Quacst io ei usdem a n materia motus si t i n 4 pred icamentis. 30. Quacstio e i usdcm quomodo loce n t u r elemen ta. 3 1 v . Quac s t 1 0 c i u sdem a n e u m coelum locet i gnem s i t p o n c n d a i n loco v i r t u s conscrvan s loca t u m praeter fo r m a m eso;;e n t i a l e m qua l i t a t i s et inftuxum dc q u i bus q l acsti onc!) supe r i o r i . 32v. Quae�tio eiusdem q uomodo i n coelest i b u s sit p r opo r t 1 0 motori supra re s i s te n · tiam. 33v. Quaestio eiusdcm an r are fa c t i o et co nde n sat io s i n t motus ad q u a l i tatem ve! q u a n · t 1 tatem u t ad terminos. 3 5 . Quacstio eiusdem de

34 1

aequali ad pondus. 36. Quaestio eiusdem de d ifferentiis pos i ti o num (title only). 36v-38v blank. 39 ( 1 52)-46v ( 1 59v). Petrus Pomponatius Lauren­ tio Molino, a question relating to Hentisberus' treatise de maximo et minimo (de po tentiae activae e t passivae fine), inc. Quum superioribus diebus. 47-48v blank. 49 ( 1 62)-85v (200v) . Petri Pomponatii i n secundum librum Meteororum. 86 (20 1 ) blank . 87 (202)- 1 1 5v (24 1 v). I d . , in ter­ tium librum Meteororum. R 98 sup. cart. mise. XVI. 361 fols. From Pinelli. Cf. R iv o l t a , p. 8(}.82, no. 1 29. Martini and Bassi Il, p. 828-829, no. 7 1 6. Kyriaci Strozza orat io h a bi ta Pisis MDLVIII (f. 3-6v). I d . , praefatio in li brum de amicitia Arist(otelis, f. 7-9v) ; oration ( 1 (}. 1 3) ; in X Arist­ (otelis) de moribus prefatio, fragm. at the end ( 1 4- 1 7v). Bart h. Sylvat( icu)s, memorandum on t h e Venetian territory ( 1 9-3 1 v). L. Latinius, cap i ta t heologica (98-99v). Declaratio artium mecha ni carum cap. 3 ( 1 576, f. 1 09). Hier. Mer­ c uri a l is , de Pisano gymnasio, to Jo. Vi ne. Pinellus ( 1 593, f. 1 1 0- 1 1 4). A non. letter t o G a br . Fallopp ius ( 1 1 8) . Castelve t ro sopra la Bucolica di Virgilio ( 1 24- 1 32v). Arist. n atu ra l i s auscultationis li b. VIII, dated 1 5 73 Posoni i (2 1 4-230v ) . f . 346-361 (title s. XVII). Plutarchi liber quomodo si t inter­ noscendusa micus ab adulatore cum scho l . q . manu Lazari Bonamici . Text and g losses are in G reck. R I l O s up . cart. mise. X V I . 396 fols. Severa!

hands. From P i nell i . Cf. Rivolta, p. 107-1 08, no. 1 4 1 . Marti n i and Bass i Il, p. 832-833, no. 72 1 . f. 5 - 1 2. Quaedam notabilia . . . Bemardini P et re l l i ex Arist. periher. et P ri o ru m summatim excerpta. 1 2- 1 4v. Quaedam . . . Francisei Canaten­ sis A ugust i n i an i . . . ani madversiones et regulae pro syllogi smis conficiendis. 1 7-22. Lectiones o r di n a r i ae . . . Bemardini Tom i ta n i super l i br. p ( ri m )o Posteriorum . . . M O L l i die 4 mens. novemb. 72- 1 1 5 v. Epitome brevis l i bro ru m de rebus metallicis Georgii Agricolae. 1 1 8v- 1 75v. Hector Ausonius, de artificiali red uctione elemen­ torum i n terram s.uam ad sulphuris composi· tionem ; ca talogus rerum praeparandarum ad c a l cina t i o n e m ; orda laborandi cum t r i b u s fum i s ; experimenta ac observationes a d a l c h i miam per· t i nen tes ; remed ia ad i n t e rficie n dum vermes pueroru m ; lettera. Julius Cruci ger, carrnen ad Hectorem A u son i u m . A n o n . G reck poem on Fra ne . Robortcllus. Prosper Marti nengus, G reek poem. G rec k vcrses by J. B . A m a l t heus, M. A. G ad al d i n u s . Jo. Frane. Mu satus, M ich. Sophia­ nus. 228-229v. Sen t i me n t i d i Sperone S pero ni sopra la m i l i L i a , l a t raged ia, l ' o r ig i n e delle l i n gue e l e a r t i serrnoc i n a l i , e s p re ss i in una lettera di F i l . P igafc t t a. 232-233v. List of the G reek mss. o f Frane. Barocius. Au tograph lctters of Frane. Pa t r i zi ( 2 5 3 ) , G . B . Raimondo (254), Ach i l l e Stazio.

R 1 1 4 s u p . car i . m i se . X V I . 3 7 7 fo l s . Co n fused. From P i nc l l i . Cf. R i v o l t a , p . 1 1 3 - 1 1 4 , no. 1 45 . f . 4-26. Expos i t i o . . . M a rci A n t o n i i d e Janua i n 3 m dc anima librum. 28-65v. E xpos i t io (Ludo-



vici) Bucce Ferree in 3m de anima librum. 88-93v. Exposi tio Madii Brixiensis i n 3m de anima librum. 2 1 1 -298v. Andera t i u s (?), exposi tio l i bri de anima, witb a preface to Jo. Campegius ep. Maiorensis, and a letter to the author from Daniel Baronus (Padua, l 5 4 1 ) . R 1 25 s u p . ca rt . m i se . X V I . 337 fols. From Pinelli. Cf. Rivolta, p . 1 32-1 34, no. 1 53 . Martini and Bassi Il, p. 842, no. 727. Fil. Pigafetta, lettere, and other wri t ings.­ N icolai episcopi ( Methonensis) in Procli theolo­ giam, i n G reek ( 1 93-237). f. 240-336 (s. X V I i n . ) . Anon . , ( De beneficentia l i b r i tres, to Catherina Med icea), inc. lnter multas ac varias principum eximias dotes et virtutes qui bus te princeps opti ma atque i l l ustri,.,.ima. W i t h corrections. S 7 sup. mbr. mise. XV. l n i tials, coat of arrns. l SO fols. Owned by Frane. Pizzolpassus. Cf. Sabbadi n i , Studi italiani X l , p. 382. f. 2v-86. CyriUus, Quadripart itus apologeticus, inc. Secundum Aristot ilis sententiam. 86v-9 1 . Anon. (de 4 virtuti bus), inc. Quatuor virtutum species cardinalium. 9 1 v-99. Quoddam im brata­ mentum nescio cuius nequ i dem investigandi magnopere, inc. Quisquis ergo etc. Dubi tatur an prudentia monast ica et prudentia yconomica et pruden t i a civil i s sin t idem. A t the end : Fini t quoddam imbratamentum sub nomine trium prudentiarum nescio cuius q uod nequ i dem magno­ pe re curandum. 1 0 1 - 1 34. Aesop, fabel lae, tr. Omn i bonus Leonicensis, inc. De vulpe et aq uila. Vulpis et aquila amicitiam i nierant, w i t h a preface to Jo. Frane. (Gonzaga) pri nceps Mantuanus ( 1 00- 1 0 1 , inc. Respicien t i mihi etatis pristine vi ros). 1 36- I SOv. Aesopic fables, medieval collec­ t ion revised and increased by G regorius Corrarius, inc. De aquila et sole. Aquila sublime per solis radios, with a preface to Phil. Corrarius ( 1 34v- 1 36, inc. Sepenumero consideranti Phi lippe mi suavis­ sime). S 14 sup. cart. XV. 1 72 fols. f. S. Calcidius super Timeum Platonis. f. 99. Plato, Gorgias ( t r . Leon . Brun us), inc. Be l l i ac pugne oportere a i u n t o Socrates ita participem esse. So. An q uemadmod u m dici solet, des. ( f. 1 45 ) nam est nulhus digna o Cal hcles. f. 1 45v. Excerpt from Augustine, de civitate dei V I I I . f . 1 46- 1 58 v. Apulcius, d e deo Socratis. f . 1 59- 1 7 1 . Cicero, Topica. f. 1 7 1 v . De fi n i tions o f locus and argumen t u m . f. 1 72 (fty leaf) : Hic li ber est Mar­ si !ii Magistri Fec i n i e t ipse M arsilius eum scripsi t mense februarii et martti anno 1 454. Then a t heological sentence and two rhetorical detìni­ tions and a n excerpt from Augustine, de civitate Dei . S 2 1 sup. cart. mise. X V . 1 2 3 fols. f. 4- 1 9 v . ( Bo nacc u rsius), de nobilitate. Frane. Philelphus, letter (20-36, cf. Calderi n i , Arch. stor. Iomb. 42, p. 339, no. 7). Georgius Vallagusa, de origine et ca usis ceremoniarum q uae celebran­ t u r i n natal i t iis, a dìalogue ( 3 7-54). At the end ( 54v), a dcdìca l ion to Frane. Sfortia (?). Ascanius Sfortìa, orations ( 5 5 - 5 8 , 70-7 1 v, 1 1 6- 1 1 7 ), one of which is sìgned : Fr. Phìlelfus (f. 5 8 ) . Petr. Man na,

orations (S8v-6Sv). Anon. oration, inc. Quom in principio rhetorices sapiens (66-67). Caro l us Brognol us, oration (67v-70). Anon . o ra t i ons, inc. (O)ratianum ìllud prudens et utile preceptum (72-87, 88v-97v, 1 02- 1 1 6) . Oratio ill ustrì,.,.ime d.d. principesse ( H i ppolytae Sfortiae, f. 87-8 8 ) . ( P i u s Il), reply (88-88v). Orations of Sfortia Maria (98-99v) and Lud. Sfortia ( 99v- 1 0 1 ) . Poems of P h ì l . Maria Sforcia ( 1 0 1 - I O i v) and Ascanius Sfortia ( 1 02). Anon. poem ( 1 1 7- 1 1 8 ) . I n principio studiorum per Rogl(erium Comi tem), a poem ( 1 1 8- 1 1 8v). Id., epitaph of Calo Saccus, and other verses ( 1 1 8v- 1 1 9) . Jo. Ka. Mantua n u s, verses to Pet r . Manna ( 1 1 9- 1 2 1 v) . The oration of Augustinus de R u be i s Parmensis, mentione d in t h e late table of contents a n d i n t h e inventory, is not found in the ms. S 37 sup. cart. XV. 54 fols. f. 3v-54. Quedam elegantie dicendi i n quotti­ dianum usum ex Ciceronis epistoli s c u m ea ru m vulgari per Georgium Valagu= . . . extracte (ti t le on f. 2 : Elegantie Ciceroniane materna lingua in quottidianum usum pe r Georg i u m Valagussam exposite), a collection of v o l g . and Lat. phrases with contemporary references, inc. Sono tanti li servi t i i . W i t h a Latin preface to Joh. Ant. de G i rardis Ticinensis (2-3v), and accompanying verses of Leonardus G ri p h u s to the same (f. 2). S 65 sup. cart. mise. XV. 1 28 fols. f. 3-27v. P. Candidus Decem brius, pe regrina historia, i n 3 books (cf. Be t h mann, Archiv X I I , 6 1 4) . 28-53v. I d . , gramaticon, i n 2 boo k s. 7 5- 1 1 3. Dionysi us Halicamassensis, origines Romane. book l , tr. Lampus B i ragus, inc. Cum nec ra t iones vellem q ue afferri solent, with a preface to N ico­ laus V ( 74-74v, inc. Absolvi beatissime pater iussu tuo hunc librum). S 69 sup. mbr. XV. I n i t i al , coat of arrns. 1 27 fols. Diogenes Laert ius, tr. Ambr. Traversari us, wìth the preface to Cosmus Medices. At the end (f. 1 26v) : 1445 sexto klas. septembris. L i ber Pauli Sarzanensis. Then a table of content s ( 1 271 27v). At the end : H unc l i bru m cum exemplari greco recognovi t et emendavi! Jo. An(d reas de Bussìs) episcopus Acciensis id tantum quod convertit Ambrosius, nam epigrammata e t q ue ille preterea latina non feci t m i n i me appos u i t . Romae die XX A p n l i s MCCCCLXI I I . iu"u Pon t . Max. domini Pii . . I l . S 85 s u p . car t . m i se . XVI-XVI I . 2 7 7 fols. From Pinelli . Cf. R i volta, p. 1 58 - 1 59, no. 1 65 . f . 3 . D i Teofrasto degli odori. f . 2 1 . D i Teo­ frasto de' ven t i . 39·55v. (Theophrastus, C harac· ters, volg.), inc. Gia per inanzi io spesse volte fermando il d t scorso. 63-65 . Lucilius Terzagìus, letter to A n t . Olgiatus { 1 6 1 0). 1 83-206v. Alexandri Aphrodìsei in My hoc est tert i u m decim u m Meta­ physice, inc. I n Lambda huius operis q u o d in­ scnbttur super n a t u ralia. 209-2 1 6v . Aure l ì u s U rsius, de verbi d i v i ne i ncamatione carmen, to J u l t us A n t . Sanctori us card . 2 2 1 -B i v. ( Id .?), de nativi tatc D . N .J . C . , a Latin play.


S 92 sup. cart. mise. X V I . From Pinelli . Cf. Rivolta, p. 1 67- 1 7 1 , no. 1 69. f. 4-67v. Petr. Pomponatius, de incantationi bus, dated at t he end : Aug. 1 6, 1 520. f. 68-69v blank. 70- 1 7 1 . Id., de fato, dated a t the end : Nov. 25, 1 520. 1 74- 1 9 1 v. Pius II, epistolae. 294-296v. Sanga, lettera ( 1 524). S 99 sup. cari. mise. XVI. 365 fols. From Pinelli . Cf. Rivolta, p. 1 86- 1 92, no. 1 75 . Martini and Bassi II, p . 852-853, no. 740. ( Marco) Velsero, opinione sul rovescio d' una medaglia di Nerone (f. 5). Galilei, del compasso (9-20). Concordia inter Ant. Riocobonum et Carolum Sigonium super libro de consolatione (23-3 1 ). Hector Ausonius (?), q u anam ratione potestas fieri possit conformis volu n tati (35-39v). I d . (?), utrum metalla differant specie ( 4 1 -44 ) . Letters of Paolo Mancini ( 5 6-67), Onorio Belli ( 5 9-60v), Guido Panciroli (63). Proclus, Theologia Platonica, Book I ch. l and Book II ch. l , tr. Petr. Balbus ep. Tropee n sis, i ne. Omnem Platonis phi losophiam charissime Pericles ( f. 65-66v). Memoria Adami Geiczofleri pe r Cuiaeium et Scalige ru m . Notae Jae. Cuiaeii ad I V Decretalium ( 75). Letters of Panciroli ( 1 08), Hermannus Cronius ( 1 32), Laur. Valla ( 1 47), Consalvus Ponce ( 1 50- 1 52), An t . Possevino, Laurus Quirinus ( 1 57v), Annibale Caro. Paneirolus, consi lium. Aemilius Portus, preface. Frane. Longus, decla­ ratio pro vietoria de telis ( 1 60 1 ). Prooemium Ebenebisadoch Nysaburi Avicennae discipuli i n Aphorismos H ippocratis, tr. Andr. Bellunensis. Verses by Erycius Puteanus and Jac. Comelius Lummenaeus. T 4 su p. cari. XV. 1 79 fols. On the fly-leaf, a late t i tle : Scala perfectionis ut puto Jo. Climaci. The text begi n s : A bono et summo bono e t toto bono sumamus nostri ser­ monis prineipium. A t the end, a table of ehs. T 12 sup. cart. mise. XV. Severa! hands. 1 09 fols. Plutarch, Lysander, tr. G uarinus, with a preface lo Leonellus Estensis (f. l -20v) ; Sylla, tr. id. (20v-46v) ; comparatio (47-49). G uarinus, ad H ieronymum filium ypotesia (50-54) ; letters (63-64v). Letters of Frane. Philelphus (65-65v) and Ant. Panormita (66). Poems by Panormita (to Lamola, f. 7 1 -73), Frane. de Fiano (pro con­ temnendis opibus, f. 74), Frane. Phi lelphus (satyra, 78-79v), anon. (to A. de Bentivoliis, 80-80v). Bornius de Sala, letter to Frane. Sfortia ( 84- 8 5 ) . Short speec h es of Aeschines, Demades and Demosthenes ( 8 5 v-86). Demosthenes, oratio ad Alexandrum (86v-87). Pius II, oration (9 1 - 1 0 1 ) . Frane. de Regio, sonnet to Frane. Sforza ( 1 0 1 ). Anon. , carmina ( I O ! v- 1 02). Anon. oration to a Duke, inc. Quam (?) vellem id mihi vel natura vel arte ( 1 02v). Another similar oration ( 1 03- 1 04). Poems of Vinc. Amidanus ( 1 04v- 1 05 ) , Andr. Fulginas ( 1 05), Jo. de Alesis (?. f. 1 05v). The inven­ tory also lists 2 orations of Galeatius Sfortia. T 20 su p. cart. mise. X V. Severa! hands. 24 7 fols. Partly copied in 1473 (f. 39v). A(nt.) Pelot(us), poem to M ichael Careanus


(f. 1 ). Frane. Philelphus, letter, eopied by Belletus de Curie (40-46v) . Isocrates, ad Hypponieum (i . e . , Demonicum), tr. Petr. Perleo Arim inensis, without preface, inc. M u l t i s q u idem i n re bus o Ypponice sed in primis in mutua consuetudine atque fa:nil iaritate (48-55v). Anon., de m u tatione et statu imperii Romani, inc. Vestra nuper pos­ tulavit dilectio ( 56-70). Orations by Andr. dc l mpenalibus ( 8 3v-R5v), Gabr. Pave . u s Fontana (86-94, entitled epi t halamion), Hier. Cribellus (96- 1 03v) U bertinus (Ciericus) Crescenti nas ( 1 041 09v), Belletus Curtensis ( 1 1 0- 1 1 1 v), Ch ristopho­ rus Cambiagus ( 1 1 2- 1 1 9) . Poggius, letter ( 1 651 69). Brutus, letten, ine. Audio vos Dolobelle dedisse pecunias, with the preface of M i t h ridates (ine. Bruti epistolas iterum), without translator's preface ( t r. R i n ucius A retinus, 1 70- 1 83v). Geor­ gius Vallagussa, deorum dialogus, to Pius II ( 1 88-22 1 v) . Moschus, Amor fugitivus, tr. Ant. Pelotus, inc. Alma Venus magno natum clamore vocabat (225-225v), preceded by a preface to Jo. Galeaz Sfortia, inc. ( D )e l i rant plurimi Jo. Galeaz (223-223v) and i n t roductory epigrams (223v-225), followed by an aocompanying epigram (225 v-226) and a volg. version ( i n c . Vener intenta el suo figliol chiamando, f. 226-227). Anon. oration to Louis Xl of France. i ne. Antcaquam ad maiestatem tuam iter a b Italia cape remus (23 1 -236). Cosmas Raymundus, 2 letten (239-246). The inventory also lists : Anon. comm. on Cicero's Partitiones oratoriae. Epitaphia antiqua Romae reperta, et carmina reperta in aula Cintii Romani. T 21 sup. cart. mise. XV. 63 fols. f. 9- 1 7v. Mapheus Vegius, Astyanax . Poems of Frane. Phi lelphus ( 1 7v-20v), Ant. Pisina (i.e., Pessina, 20v-2 1 v), Petrarch (23-26v, 39v-40, cf. Petrarca e la Lombardia, p. 282-28 3, no. 22). Epigramata quedam (i.e., form addresses for letters, f. 27-32v). Poems of Vegi us (42-43v) and Frane. Philelphus (47v-5 1 , cf. Calderini, p . 342, no. 1 5) . Anon. !ife of Ovid, inc. Publius Ovidius Naso equestris ordinis ( 5 1 - 5 3 ) . ( Lucian, compa­ ratio, tr. Jo. Aurispa), without preface ( 5 3v-55v). T 39 sup. mbr. XV. M iniature. 46 fols. f. 3v-44 v . Lucianus de amicitia e greco in latinum traductus (tr. Aurispa), inc. Quid ais o Toxari agi tis rem divinam Oresti, with a preface (2-3, inc. Amicitiam exhortanti mihi quae bona ex ea nascuntur). f. 45-46. Anon. ( Panormi ta?), poem to Thomas, in which Pessi na is men tioned, inc. Regii laus dos decus et Phylippi. T 70 sup. mbr. mise. XV. 1 3 5 fols. Cf. Fran­ ceschini, Miscellanea Galbiati, p. 24 1 -242 . f. l . Hieronymi Palmarii, obviously an owner's note. f. 2-6. inc. Aristotelis Etichorum l t bros facere latinos n u pc r inst i t u i (L. Brunus, preface of h i s t ranslation ). f. 1 - 1 30v (other numbering). A ristotle, Eth ica N icomachea, tr. anon. (L. Rrunus), inc. Omnis ars omnisque doctrina simi­ liter autem et omnis actus et electio bonum q uoddam appetere videntur. At the end ( 1 30v) a note indicating that the ms. was copicd by Frane. Just i nianus in Brugcs, 1 460. The catalogue attri butcs the version mistakenly to Hier. Pal-



merius. f. 1 3 1 -35v. anon . , summary of A ristotle's Ethics, inc. Cum i n omni spctie entis sii al i q uod summum bonum poss i b i le et homo quedam speties entis est. T 7 1 sup. cari. mise. X V I i n . 1 92 pp. Paulus Matreus Veronensis (?), faseiculus myrr hae sive oratio compendio sa vi tae Jesu Christi. p. 23- 1 92. Pau l i Maffei Veronensis Canonici Regularis de contemplatione d i vine essentie, a treatise, vol g . , fragm. al the end. T 78 sup. cari. mise. X V . 40 fols. f . 2-2 J v. Tractatus brevi! et solempn is ad seientiam et ad conseq uendam artem memorie artificialis ad i l l ustrem March i onem Man tue missus, i ne. l ussu tuo pri nceps i l l u strissime. 22-27. Tracta tus solempnis artis memorative, inc. Arti­ ficiose memorie egregia q uedam atque p reclaris ­ sima precepta. 27v-32v. Tracta!us artis memorat ive eximii doctoris artium et med icine dom i n i magistri Guardi ( sic, the table of con lents ha. : G i rardi ) , inc. Ars commoda nature con firmal. 3 3-40v. Excerpts from C icero on memory . Al the end : MCCCC L X V I X V I k l . J u l . Pro R a fael c de F u s.s i s el e i u s amicis et notis. T 1 73 sup. cari. m i se . f. 2-62 (s. X V I ) . le!!ers to Frane. Vi mercato from the duke of Savoy. f. 65-66. L c l l c r of Bl a r­ tolomeo?) M laranta?). f. 67 (s. X I X ) . Lellere di Marsi l i o Ficino e d'altri cavate d a l l i originali presso i Si g . ri M oral i d i S . M i niato. N . B . Q ue s to titolo t ravasi i n una copia della meta del sec. X V I I I dalla quale le t rascrissi io P. M. nel Giugno 1 8 1 3. Tal copia fu forse t rasme"a di Toscana al Conte di Firmian dal l ' A b . Mehus ed ora t ravasi nell'Archivio Generale del Regno d ' I tal i a in M ilano. Vi ho aggiunto q ualche Nola della conge ! ! u ra per correggere vari passi seorre l l i . Then follow ( f. 67-7 1 ) leners of M ich . M i n iatensis, Marsi l i u s Ficinus, An!. M i n i at e n s is , ohviously derived from cod . M arucel lianu s B 1 1 1 65. f. 7 1 v. Le seguenti lellere origi n a l i wno nelle mani del Sr. N iccolo G u i d ucci . Then fo l low ( f. 7 1 v sqq) volg. lellers o f Lorenzo dc' M ed i c i t o various cardinals, ali daled 1 472. f. 83 (s. X I X ) . Salutatus, le!!er lo A n i . Luscus. V 32 sup. cari. m i se. X V - X V I I I . Severa ! hands. 79 fols. f. 1 - 1 6v. ( M a pheus Vegius, Pal i n u rus), inc. Obsecro te o Charon, w i l h a prc face ( f. l, i nc. M i no tibi R . me pater d i a l ogum editum a me n u pcr de fe l i citate e t mi se r i a ) . Lellers of P i u s I l { 1 7- 1 8v), Guar i nus ( J R v- 1 9 ) , Poggius ( 1 9 - 1 9 v ) . Panorm i ta ( 20-22v) . Panorm i la. 2 epi grams 1 2 2v23). Poggius. Jeners ( 2 3 -24v ) . Plalo, 2 lel le rs to A rchytas, inc. A u d i o te : and i n c . Quc vcner u n ! (24v). 25-3 1 (othcr han d ) . Vc g i u s , R u s ti c a n a l i a , a collection of poems. Al the end : Ego N icolaus Bussulus escrir"i 1 467 die X V men si s J a n u a rii . Then a d i s ti c h to B u ss u l u s ( by h i mse l f? ) . 34- J R v . ( leon. Brunus). vita A ristolclis. w t l h p rc fa ce. le llers of L B r u n u s ( 3 8v-3 9 ) , Pogg i u s 140-40v) , G uari nus ( fra g m . , f. 4 1 ). E p i grams of B a p t . Marchio Pal lavici n u s e p . Rcgtensis (4 1 v) and Panormita (4 1 v). G uarinus, l c l l c r ( l h c sa m c as

r. 4 1 , h u ! lhis l i m e comple te , r. 44-44 v ) and poem

(44v-4 5 ) . A non. l i fe of Sa l l us! , fragm . , inc. Ca t u s Cri s pus Sal ustius civitate Romanus ( 45v-46). An t . Tride n l o, lcller lo N i c . Bent i u s 146v-47 ) a n d rep l y ( f. 4 7 -4 R v) . Epigrams of A . Tridcnto and Pa u l u s S p i n osus ( 4 8 v). Panormita, poem (49v). A n o n . lel ler. i r.c. Quod distulcrim m i Laure n l i paucos hos dies 1 5 1 -53v). Poggi us. leuers 1 54-56) . Con t r a pe'item e t p ro conscrvatione corporum scc u n d u m me gistrum Gabriclcm Malagum, a vo l g . reIderio di sapere, e t i n s t i t u t ione dci L i ncei . X I I E 6. G. B. d e l l a Porta, fisonomia n a t u rale, fr agm . X I I E 2 3 . Piero Andrea, manescarchia. Cf. M i ola, p. 249- 50. I d . , Propugna tore X V . p l . l ( 1 8 8 2 ) , p. 1 4 3- 1 44.

X I I E 27. s. X I V. Anon. , de arte illuminandi . Cf. A n Anonymou.r Fourtunth rentury Treatiu de arre 11/uminandi (tr. D. V. Thompson and G . H . Hamilton), New Haven, 1 93 3 . Bethmann, Archi v X I I , p . 520. Archives des Missions X V I I , 33 I -333. X I I E 2 9 . G . B . N aza ri , s o gni sull'arte metal l u r­

gica, to Moos. Vesp. Gribaldi, archbishop of V ienne. Copied from an ed. (Brescia, 1 522). XII E 3 2 . mbr. X V ex. Illumi nated. 1 82 fol s. O I d table of contents (f. I -4v). f. 7-99. A u ree Sententie et proverbii Platonici, inc. Platone a li gioveni spesse volte diceva (in the table of contents : Tutte le sopradicte cose fin a questo loco son recolte de l i argumenti de tutte le opere de Platone traducte de greco in latino dal E x . te philosopho et oratore M isser Marsilio Fici no, recolte et con le sequente i nsieme vulgaricz.ate da P. H i ppolito Lunense). f. 99v- 1 5 8 . Sentences from Aristotle, Thales, Chilo, Cleo b u l us, Pytha­ goras, Zeno, Crates, Socrates, Diogenes Cynicu s., Apuleius, Xenocrates, Epicurus, Plautus, Terence, Varro, Xystus Pyt hagoricus. Archytas, Plo t i n u s., Galen, Symrnachus, Valerius Maximus, Aesc h i nes, Pericles, Sophocles, Euripides, Empedocles, H e ra­ clitus, Q. Curtius, Tullius (Cicero), Sallust, Quinti lian, Seneca and Ptolemy (volg. by the same l . A t t h e end, some origi n a i sentences from Lat i n poets. Cf. A . M iola, Le scritture i n volgare dei primi tre secoli della lingua . . . (Bologna, 1 8 7 8 ), p. 257-259. I d . , Propugnatore X V , pt. l ( 1 8 8 2 ) , 1 5 1 - 1 5 3 . Mostra Storica Nazionale della Miniatura ( 1 9 5 4 ) , p. 433, no. 695. X I I E 34. mbr. XV ex. Illuminated . 65 fols. Heroum clarissimorumque virorum divinae sen­ tenciae ex Plutarcho ad . . . Ferdinandu m de A ragonia Sici l i ae regem per (Jo.) Alb i n u m , i n La t i n (inc. Theseus et Romulus n u l l i s celebrat1s nupciis orti) and volg. (Theseo et Romolo nati da non celebrato matrimonio), wit h a preface (inc. De tucti scriptori greci et latini) and epilogue of Jo. Albinus who collected and translated the sen tences to Ferrante. A t the end : Joan . Rainaldus exscri ps i t . Cf. M iola, p. 265-268. I d . , Propugnatore XV, pt. l ( 1 882), 1 59- 1 62. Cenno storico-biblio­ grafico della Biblioteca ( 1 940 ) , p. 25. G. Guerrieri, A c cademie e Biblioteche d ' lralia 24 (N . S . V I I 1 9 56) p. 1 2 , n . 1 2 . De Marinis I l , p . 9 . X I I E 3 6 . Galeauo Florimonte, ragioname n ti d el Sessa col Principe di Salerno sopra l ' Etica di A ri st o t i l e . X I I E 3 7 . Frane. L u is ini, d ialogi sopra la g i ust i c ia . to Ma rgaret of Austria, Duchess of Parma. Cf. G uerrieri , p . 2 5 . X I I E 38. G iovan Maria Memo, dialogo d 1 l ragionevole am ore et vera amicitia, to card . A less. Fa rn e se . Cf. G uerrieri, p. 2 5 . X I I E 39. Co m pe nd io de la philosophia moraL in Spam s h , w i t h an l talian preface of Gia co m o Ccrm i n a t i to D u k e Odoardo Farnese (s. X V I I ). X I I E 4 5 . m i se . Claudio Teba l d ucci, d i a l o g h i q u a t t ro de l l ' h o m o . X I I E 49. Campanella, dei titoli in risposta alla q u i s t i o ne propostagli da D. Virginio Cesann i .


Precede l'indice delle opere dello stesso Campa­ nella. X I I E SO. Id., sopra la monarchia di Spagna. XII E S l . Donato Giannotti, della repubblica fiorentina. XII E S3. Campanella, Centocinquanta concetti methodici dell'univena scienza politica. XII E SS. Pietro Magno, lntroduttione nell' antica Republica Romana. XII E S8. mise. Mercurino Gattinara, lettera a Cesare. Vita Fulvii Ursini. XII E 60. Del principe cardinale (l S92). XII E 63. Mariana, discorso intorno ai grandi errori che sono nella forma del governo dc' Gesuiti. (vol . I V :) XII E 74. Galilei, saggiatore, impr., with autogr. ms . notes. (vol. H cont. :) XII F 2. XVI in. Belisarius Aquavivius, cxpositio orationis dominicae, to Leo X. Thc same work in volg. Cf. Miola, p. 27 1 -2 7 3 . Id., PropugMtore XV, pt. l , ( 1 882), 1 6S - 1 67. X I I F 6. mise. Pietro Magno, lntroduttiono nell'antica rcpublica Romana. (vol. I V :). XII F 48. s. XV. Thomasius Arrc­ tinus, cosmographus, volg., to Lod . Zerbo. Cf. Miola, p. 386-388. I d . , PropugMtore XVII, pt. 2 ( 1 884 ), 268-270. XII F SO. mise. XV. Cynicorum integcrrimo sectatori Joanni Marco Joanncs Tinctoris musi­ corum infclicissimus (letter). XII F S l. mise. Alfonso Trotti, trattato di rnascalcia, to Bona Sfona, qucen of Poland. Dedication copy. (vol. I l :) XII G 1 3 . mise. Origen, homily on the Gospel of John. Cf. Miola, PropugMtore XX , p t. l ( 1 8 8 7 ) 82-8S. (vol. IV : ) X I I G S4. Gioseffo Zarlino, Istitu­ z i o n i armoniche (impr. 1 S 73 ) , w i t h autogr. notes. Cf. Catalogo di libri a stampa con note o aggiunte mss.

X I I G 73 . ._ XVII. lnseriptions. XII G 7S. G . B. Doni, inscriptions. XII G 76. Id., de pracstantia musicae veteris, autogr. XII G 78. mbr. ( 1 409) . Nie. dc Putco dc Cremona, tractado del vcncno dc ogni sorte, to Frane. Sfortia, from the Latin of Peter of Abano. Miola, PropugMtore XX , pt. 2 ( 1 887), 244-247. (vol. I l con t. : ) XIII A A 4. Jae. de Marchia, contra Fraticellos. XIII A A 6. Jo. Cobellinus, Andreis, id est historia dc receptione capitis S. Andreae facta Romac a Pio Il ( 1 462). Cf. Poncelet, p. 1 96. X I I I A A I O. Andr. Naugerius, pol i t ica! letters. X I I I A A 1 2. lgnatius Pugiolo, de fuga virorum illustri um. Xlll A A 1 4 . Plutarc h , Cimon and Lucu l l us, t r. L.eon. Justinianus ; Aristi des an d Cato major, tr. Frane. Barbarus. X I I I A A l S . s. XV. Boccacc io, de claris m u l ie­ ribus, volg. (by Ant . da. S . Lupido). Miola, PropugfiQtore N.S. l, pt. 2 ( 1 888), 1 3 1-- 1 32.


X I I I A A 1 9. mbr. Donatus Acciaiolus, vitao Hannibalis et Scipionis, to Pet r. Medices. X I I I A A 22. Lettere di Giro!. Seripando c di altri. XIII A A 30. mise. J. B. Confalonerius, expositio aliquorum psalmorum ex auditionibus P. Ben� dieti Pererii. X I I I A A 3 3 . Bellarminus, de doctrina Chris­ tiana, et de moribus. XIII A A 3S. mise. Henr. Lupolus, vita S. Nicolai Untervaldensis, to Matth. Schiner. XIII A A 44. Seripando, prediche (partly autogr.) ; lettere. X I I I A 4S-46. Id., prediche. X I I I A A 47-6S. I d . , lettere c documenti (with lctters and verses to him). XIII B 1 - 1 0 . Pirro Ligorio, monumenti c trattati archeologici, autogr. X I I I B I l . Janus Parrhasius, dictionarium geographicum ex pluribus veteri bus auctoribus. X I I I B 1 2. Tibullus, impr., with ms . notes of Parr h asius. X I I I B 1 3 . Ovid, Heroides and I bis, impr. , with ms . notes of Parrhasius. XIII B 1 4. Parrhasius, notes on Caesar and Valerius Maximus. X I I I B l S. I d . , notes o n Horace's first odo. X I I I B 1 6. I d . , de Sybari, Crati a.c Thurio sylva ex vcteribus collocta ; de mensuris et ponderi­ bus. XIII B 1 7 . Horace, carmina, impr., with ms . notes of Parrhasius. XIII B 1 8 . Parr h asius, sylva rerum variarum ad historiam, mythologiam etc. spectantium, mostly from Polybi us ; cxcerpts from Polybius. X I I I B 1 9 . Id., excerpts from Pindar and his seholiasts. Laur. Valla, epistola ad P. Candidum, and verses. XIII B 20. Parrhasius, notes on Valcrius Flaccus. X I I I B 2 1 . Id., notes an d excerpts. XIII B 23. I d . , comm. on Horace's Ars poetica. X I I I B 24-25 . I d . , excerpts. XIII B 30. G . B. Vico, corroctions of the third ed. of the Vita Nova ; ora ti o for the wedding of Charles of Bourbon ; lettera. Autogr. X I I I B 32. mise. Statius, Sylviae, impr. , with ms . notes of Parrhasius. XIII B 35. Parrhasius, cxcerpts. XIII B 36. G . B. Vico, oratio ( 1 700), fragm. ; epistola. (vol. I V : ) XIII B 55. Vico, 6 orationes ; de nostri temporis studiorum ratione. X I I I B 62. Id . , works, i mpr. with ms. notes. X I I I B 67. mise. Gio. Vinc. Meola, vita d i Po mponio G a u rico. Xlii B 82. mbr. XV. ps. Petrarch, l i ber augus­ talis. X l i i B 1 3 8 . A n o n . (Seri pando?), h o milies on Paul"s E p i s t l e t o t he Romans. X V I I . (vol. I I c o n t . : ) X l i i C 43 . s. X V I . Ri m e by Bern. Cappe l l o , M . Gandolfo, Brevio, Domenico Ve­ niero and Frane. Coppetta. Verified by Dott. ressa G uerrieri. Cf. G uerrieri, Fondo Farnesiano, p. 2 5 .



X I I I C 45. mise. Leon. Bruni, canzone sopra

Venere. (vol. I V : ) X l i i C 83. G. B. Manso, deii'Ero­ callia ; i l Gesualdo ; i l Laffredo ; il Capece ; il

Bisaccia (dialogues, autogr . ) . X l i i C 8 4 . Tansillo, le lagrime di S . Pie t r o (poem). Xlii C 9 5 . mbr. XV. Ap ul e ius , Asinus, volg. by Baiardo. X l i i C 97. Leon. Bruni, h istoria Fiorent i na, volg. s. XV. ( v o l . n c on i . : ) Xlii D 2. Lorenzo de' Medici, rime. X l i i D I O. Petrarch, trionfi, with a comm. X I I I D 20. A n i . Cornazanus, l i ber odarum in laudibus et amoribus dive Angele, a collection of sonnels. X I I I D 29. mise. Sonnets of Varchi and Machia­ ve lli. X I H D 3 1 . Bernardino Baldi, epigrammi volgari, in 5 book s ; carmina. XIII D 3 7 . Pao l o Pace l l i , rime ; lellera ; oratio de laudibus T h om ae Aq u i na t i s ; orazione (on the sa me) ; 2 ora1ioni ( one lo P h i l i p I l ) . X l i i D 3 8 . Bernardino B al d i , r i me. X I H D 4 3 . E g i d i o Card i n a l e (da V i terbo), l a cacc ia amorosa . m i se . X I I I D 4 5 . m b r. Paolo R a m u s io, so ne l l i . XIH D 5 2 . Rime by S a l v i a t i , Varchi, Segni an d ot h c rs.







scherzi a n d o t h e r works. A utogr. (vol . I V : ) X I I I D 79-80. Vico, scienza n uova,

autogr. X I I I D 9 2 . s. X V e x . J uvenal, in volg. verse by G i orgio Sommariva. X I I I D 9 3 . Serafino Razzi, vita del Savona­ rol a . X I I I D 1 0 1 . Tasso, Gerusalemme, in La t i n . X l i i D 1 05 . m b r . X V . Bocca ccio, d e claris m u l i e r i b u s , vo l g. X l i i D 1 07 . Petrarch, de remed i i s ( 1 4 1 1 ). X l i i D 1 0 8 . m br. X V . H u go d e S. Vietare, com m . o n t h e regula Au gu s t m i . l a t . and volg. X l i i D I l O. G i o rdan o De B i an chi , Lorenzo il M a g m fico ( p oe m ) . X l i i D 1 3 1 . s. X V . Frane. Contari n i O . M . spccu l u m confess i o n i s , volg. (vol . Il con i . : ) X l i i E 3 . l gnat i u s Pogg i ol o, de fu ga virorum i l l us t n u m . X l i i E 8 . G. B. d e l l a Porta, I l G i orgio ( t raged y). X l i i E 77. m 1 sc . B . Varch i , la suocera (come d y ) . X l i i E 8 2 . Berna r d i n o Ba l d i , e g l o gh e X l i . X l i i F 5 . Boccacc i o , d e l l e d o n ne i l l u s t ri . X l i i F 2 5 . m i se . Bc r n a n l m o B a l d i , I l Ge n io ovvero l a misteriosa pere g n na1ion e . X I l i F 3 1 . mb r. L. B r u n i , d e l l a gu err a gotica. X l i i F 38. m b r . I d . , della guerra p u n ica ; v i te di D a n t e e d e l Pet ra rca . X l i i F 39. mi>c. X V . lo. d e Tagliacotio. leller on S. Giov. Ca p < > t ra n o , v o l g . Cf. Ponce l e t , p. I n . Chiappi ni, p. 1 8 5 , n . 535 (p. 1 6 1 ) . X l i i F 42. Bernard m o B a l d i , p ar a g one d e l l o s t a t o monastico e seco l a re.

X I I I F 43. G iovan Maria Memo, ragi on ame n t i vari, boo k I V . XIII F 44. Cassiano dal Pozzo, discorso sull' impresa di Fil . Sasse t ti. X I I I F 47. Lorenzo d i Ser Piero da V i nci , li b ro di patientia. X I I I F 54. Ferrante Carafa, o razio n e terza a Gregorio X I I I , ed altro analogo. X l i i F 5 5 . Gabriella Cesarino, orazione (lo Henry I V of France). X I I I F 62. Anon . , giudicio sopra la traged i a di Canace e Macareo. X I I I F 63 . G . B. Manso, Enciclopedia. XIH G 3. Po mpo n i o Torelli, versione della

Poetica di A ristotile. XIII G 4. Id., lezi on i sopra il t ratta t o del l a tragedia di A ristotile. X I I I G 9. Barzizza, de orthographia. ( vol . I V : ) X I I I G 2 8 . s. XV. Sozomenus Pis­ toriensis, chronica. X I I I G 38. Anon . , de astronomicae sphaerac partibus et earum causis li bri duo ( 1 5 54 ) . A n o n . , de naturali bus seientiis, a dialogue between Placi­ tus, Ch risostomus, Simplicius, Si lenus and Sextus, inc. Vidistine amabi l i s Ch risostome. M a t t h . Christianus, d e mechanicis q uaestioni bus, to Frane. Christianus, inc. Quantum nonnulli ex an ti q u i s p h i losophis. D a t a su p p l ied by Dott.ressa G u e r­ ri er i . X l l l G 50. s. XV. Anon., de musica. X I I I H 8. mise. Chrisl. Cabrera, in Canticum Esaiae XII cap. Meditatiunculae V I I . X I I I H 1 2. s. X V . B. Facius, de felicitate e t miseria homi num. M . Vegius, d e felicitate et miseria dialogus. X l i i H 44. mi se . XV. Boccacc io, l e t tera a Pi n o de' Rossi . X l l l H 4 5 . Maueo di Lorenzo, la vita di San Giovanni Battista, in stanze ( 1 49 3 ) . X l l l H 58-59. Vico, works, impr., wi t h autogr. notes. X l i i H 68. Jo. Isacus Pontanus, Analecta, i m p r . Rostoc k , 1 599 . M a u h . Schickeradt , epJstola c r i t ica, i m p r . W i l len berg, 1 5 97. Both wi t h autogr. d ed i c a t ion s . X l i i H 7 3 . Livy (impr. ) wit h ms. notes of Hadrian us J u n i us. Cf. Catalogo tfj libri a stampa con note o aggiunte mss. (vol. I l : ) X I V A 9 . Pat rizio de Rossi, storia del sacco di Roma. X l V C 23. m b r . Rhet orica ad Alexandrum, t r . P h i le l p h us, lo Al phonsus, fr a g m . X I V C 2 5 . m h r . V a l la , elegantiae, fragm. X I V C 27. ( lla rt h . Fac i u s ) , historia be l l i i n ter A n g l i a m e t G a l \ i a m ( 1 459), inc. Diuturn u m a t q ue a t ro x , W i t h preface ( mc . Quod me roga> l l ) . Data s u ppl i cd by Dot t . res· X I I p. 5 1 5-5 1 6 . f. 1 08 - 1 36v. Anon. descri ption of ltaly. inc. Omnis I talia qua versus meridiem. I V E 9 . cart . m'se. X I V . f. l : Franciscellus Mancinus (copyist's note). Cf. Jannel l i us, p. 1 5 2- 1 5 3, no. 209. f. l . Pe t rarc h . eclogue ( c f. l codici Pnrarcheschi, p. 1 4 1 , no. 26R). l v. Jo. de Garlandia, verses on Verg i l and Luca n . Pet rarch, verses on ltaly. I V E 32. mbr. mise. X l -X I I . Cf. Janne l l i u s, p. 1 63- 1 64, no. 232. On the fìrst few folios a lat er hand (s. XV) added some short pieces : Carmina Hecube ad Hectorem ex Homero, inc. Quid Martem indo­ m l l u m l i n quens huc nate venisti (9 l i nes). Res­ ponsio Hectoris, inc. MelliRuum genitrix (3 li nes) . IV E 3 7 . cart. mise. XV-XVI. Severa) fascicles. Cf. Jannell ius, p. 1 66- 1 67, no. 237. fase. 2 ( s . X V I i n . , 1 43 fols., damaged a t the end). Apollonius Rhodi us, Argonaut ica, tr. anon. ( Parrhasius'). i n terrupted i n book I V , inc. lnci­ piens a te Phcbe antiquorum glorias virorum. Preceded by a Genus Apollonii ( i nc. Apollonius A rgonauticorum poeta genere q u i dem era t Alexan� d n nus), a n Argumen tum A rgonaut icorum (inc. Tyro Salmonei fìlia gen u i t ) , anot her Vita Apollonii ( i ne. Apollonius poeta genere q u idem era t A1exan­ d ri n us), and a summary of book< I l- I V . I V F 1 6. cart . X V . Fols. no! numbered. Cf. Janne l l ius, p. 1 84, no. 264. Ov1d, Tristia. A t the end : pe r Gabrielem Subla­ censem m i h ique miseriarum hoc tempore onusto d.d. Then an anon. poem, inc. Cum faceres Get icos i n ter lacrimabi1e carmen, probably by the seribe or fì rst owner. IV F 1 8 . cart. mise. XV. Fo1s. not numbered. Owned by Parrhasius and Ant. Se ripandus. Cf, Jannel l i us, p. 1 8 5 - 1 86, no. 276. Ovid. Tristia. A t the end : pe r me Stephanum q u i stabam sub sua vice Agus t i n i ser Dominaci de Monte Sancte Marie i n G regorio sub anno domini MCCCC L X I d ie 1 3 J u 1 i i . - ( Mapheus Vegius, Astyanax), inc. M u sa refer que ca u!>3 metum post d i ructa Troie. A t the end : anno dom i n i MCCCC L X I d ie X V I l l J u 1 i i seriptus est talis l i ber per me Stefanum Agust i n i ser Dominici de Monte Sancte Marie i n G regori o . Hahui copiam istius i n Monte Cassiano . - ( H o mer, Ba t rachomy o rna c hia , tr. Carolus Marsuppinu�). inc. Ranarum murumque simu1 crudcha bella.

41 1

At the end : Ex Monte Sancte Marie in G regorio in Cass ian o die 30 mens is Julii 1 46 1 scriptus. ­ Anon . ( Parrhasius'), epigrams, including one ad Creticum. I V F 19. cart. mise . XV. Numbered irregularly. From Ant . Seripandus. Cf. Jannellius, p. 1 86- 1 89, no. 267. f. l . Ca t u ll us, wit h notes. f. 3 5v-37v. Gallesius vates, poems, i ncluding verses ad Petrum Sy. Recanatensem a n d in Eustachium gramma t icum. f. 38. Tibullus, with notes. Propertius. Ovid, Sappho, with not es. 1 30- 1 30v. Petrus G rass us Siculus, verses ad Bartho1am Senensem. 1 3 1 - 1 45v. A n t . Panormi ta, Hermaphrod itus. 1 45v. Carmina, pa rt l y anonymous. The collection includes verses by Ant. Panorm ita ( 1 45v), P. C olom i nes ( 1 46), Frane. Pon tanus ( 1 48), Petrus Lucianus Co1omines ( 1 52v), Frane. Phile1phus ( 1 5 3), Cervus Don a t u s (pro Frane. de Fiano to a pope, 1 54v), Salutatus (to Boccaocius, 1 56) and Petrarch ( 1 56v). 1 57v. O ra r i o magistri ad A1fonsum regem (poem). Verses by Ferd inandus Vale n t i n us ( 1 5 8 ) , Greg. Tiphernas ( 1 62), Porcellius ( 1 64v), Hylas Pratensis ( 1 65v), Pu b l i u s Vergerius ( 1 65v), An t . Luseus ( 1 66), Thomas Stroza ( 1 66) and Ariminius ( 1 66). I V F 20 . mbr. mise. X V . Miniatures. Cf. Jan­ nel lius, p. 1 8 9- 1 90 , no. 268. f. l 09v-63v. Christophorus Land inus, Xandra, i n 3 boo k s. Copied by Phil. Corsinus. I V F 34. cart . X I V-XV. Fo1s. not numbered. Owned by Parrhasius and Ant. Seripandus. Cf. Janne l l i us, p. 1 97, no. 232. Persi us, with an anon. comm. , inc. O curas hominum. Hanc satiram se ri b i t de inani gloria. At the end, an epigram by Balthasar Manero Alpinus Clavass1cnsis (who may be the commen­ tator). - A non. i n troduction, inc. Causa efficiens fu i t i pse Virgi1ius. Anon. epigram ad prin c i pe m Galeacium. Vergi l , Georgica, with a comm., i nc. Sciendum est quod u t ait Servius. I V F 3 5 . cart. mise. X V I i n . 66 fols. From Parrhasius and Ant. Seripandus. Cf. Janne 1 1 i us, p. 1 97- 1 9 8, no. 2 3 3 . Mostra del Poliziano ( 1 954), p. 43-44 . n . 3 1 . f. 1 - 1 3v. G eorgi i Merulae A letolicus, pre­ face t o Pau) I I I , dated from Venice, i n which he dedicates to h i m t h rce works of his late father, Petrus A l b i n ianus, the fi rst of which had bee n begun under Leo X and completed under Clement V I I . f. l l v-97. Petrus A l b i n ianus Tret i us, de pon t i fi c i a potestate consu ltatio, to Leo X , with a preface to Clement V I I ( 1 524, f. 2-4v) and a letter to Martin Luther (4v- l l v ) . 97- 1 28 v ( deco­ rated t i tle). I d . , de thesauro ecclesiae confutatio conclusionum fratris Martini Lutheri. 1 29- 1 5 8 . I d . , consultatio d e confessione. Xli D 49. mbr. X V I I . La geomantia d i Pietro . . . ( faded) d i latino i n volgare. T h e binding a n d t h e inventory give : Pietro d'Abano. Xli D 5 1 . m b r . XVI. Fols. not n u m be re d . Falco (cf. the end of the t reatise), de quad ratura circuii, a prose treatise, w i t h a verse prologue to Philippus ( Il) rex , and a verse epil ogue. X l i E 7 . cart. mise. X V I . 280 fols. Cf. M iola, p . 236-239. Id., Propuf(natore XIV, pt. 2 ( 1 88 1 ), 1 5 8- 1 6 1 . f. 1 -250v. Anon. (Oiiverius'), medicai treatise, volg., fragm. at the begi n n i n g , w i t h a t a h le of chapters (25 1 -254v). 257. Oliveri us, letter t o Pet r us Hernandus, dated Tarenti, 1 505, with t h e ti t l e ( f. 256) : I n memoriam Catholice R . Helisabet per lettera. 257-264v. I d . , oratio fu neris ( sic) i n Catholicam Helisabet . . . reginam. 265. I d . , 2 epigrams on t h e same. 267 . O l i vieri, letter to Pietro Hernando, dated Ta ranto, 1 505, volg., with the t i t le ( 266-266v) : In Memoria d i la Cathol ica R. H e l i sabet volgar. 267-267v. Olivie r o, oratione fu nerale i n laude d i la Cathol ica H e l i sa be t . regi na. 278-279v. I d . , La t i n epitaphs on the same. X l i E 3 1 . mbr. XV. l l l u m r natcd t i t le pagc, i n i tials. 93 fo ls. Cf. M i ola, p . 252-256. I d . , Propuf(­ natore X V , p t . l ( 1 882), 1 46- 1 50. f. 2-69 . Dc le varretate de le pc t re p reciose (cf. f. l v ), w r t h a preface ( volg. , f. l - l v ) of H i ppolytus Luncnsis rc gius l i brarius to AloysTUs Corc l l i u s, i n which he states that he translatcd the work ( ho p reso a v u l gan nare lo p resente opusc o l o ) . 64v-8 l . Incomincia lo l i bro dcii s i g r l l i l i q u a l i fecero l i fi g l i dc I s racl m l u s c J t a de E g y p t o composto d a Cheel (sic) as t rologo hchreo, mc. S1 t u t roverai uno angelo (voi g . i d . ? ) . 81 v-87v. I ncomincia el l i bro de li nomi e t dc le hcrbe le q uale se approprrano a le pe t re p reciose lo q u ale compose Phanuel de la gcne ratrone de H c l ya prophcta, rnc. E go Phanuel de la gencratrone de Hclya propheta ( vo l g . id . "? ) . 87v-Y 3 . l n commcia e l l i bro dc le hcrhe v 1 rtuose appropriale a c 1 ascuna p i e t ra prcc1osa composto da D 1 a(jco nde, i n c . l o D 1 ascondes cognos.c�e n d o la potc n t i a ( v o l g . i d . "' ) . X I I E 3 3 . m h r . mise. X I V - X V . l n i t • a l , , m i n ra-

t u res. 8 7 fols. Cf. M i ola, p. 259-26 5 . Id . , Propllf(· natore X V , pt. l ( 1 882), 1 5 3 - 1 59. f. l -7v. Magni Catonis et Le l i i A l bani senatoris urbis dialogus incipi t . Le l i o Al bano electo e const i t u i t o per lo povolo de Roma. The text i s i n Venet ian d i alect ( according to Prof. E . L i G o t t i ) , t h e t i t les are in Lat i n . f . 8 blan k . 9-24 v . Brev i l oq u i u m de virtutibus antiquorum princi­ p u m , fragm. at the end, inc. Per q uel c he la m i se r icordia e la i u s t l x i a guarda. w i t h a table of chapters ( 8 v ) . f . 43-47v. Speec h models. i n c . Q u i s t i sign u r i ambaxad uri et eo c o n l o r o . 48-53 v . Questo enne uno li vro lo q uale compoxe Senecha pdito (sic) de multi savii phylosop h i , inc. Quatro enno le spetie de levirtudi deffinide. 54-7 1 . M o rale doctrina d i phylosophi, inc. Questo li vro si e de somme lequay enna traete duno livro loquale e appellado mora l i ta, w i t h a table of chapters ( 7 1 -7 1 v). 72. Qui se comenca Senecha delese n t e n t i e d i phylosophi. Q u e l l e chossc c h e n n o zoeee ( ? ) afare no e n n a honeste ad 1 re. 74. Quisti e n n o proverbi i d e S a l amane. 7 7 . Proverbi i e n t ro g l i a m i x i ecompagn i . 7 8 v . Exord i i de nimix i n v 1d i u x i . 8 1 v. Quisti e n n o exord i i per morte e per i n tì r m 1 t a . 8 2 . Li exord i i deleglexie e d i parlat i . 84. Exord r i contra gli asse nti e pe r q u i gl i chenno prexen t i . 8 5 . G l i exord i i d t maistri edisign u r i . 8 5 v . G l i exord i i d i vasa l l i e d i discipuli e d i mi n u r i . 86v. E xord i 1 d i z u d i x i delepodesta edirecturi e d i ge n t i l i e d i mayst ri . X I I F 49. cart. XV-X V I . 53 fols. Cf. M iola, p . 388-390. Id., Propugnatore XVII, p t . 2 ( 1 8 84), 270-2 72. Le t ters of G iovan n i dalle Cel le and Luigi Marstglt, i n volg., partly with Lat i n t i t les. X I I I A A 1 8 . mbr. XV. I n i t t a ls, decorated t i t l e page . 8 1 fo ls. C f . M iola, Propugnatore N . S . l , p t . 2 ( 1 888), 1 33 - 1 37. f . l . Ad . . . H ieron i m u m Vicecomitem d e R i a r i o l molae a c For l l v i i domi n u m . . . i n fìgurationem ipsius inclyti co m i t i s pe r Gabrielem de Poet i s nobilem Bonon iensem proem i u m i ncipi t . I n grande e t ambiguo agr tatione. The preface i s dated Bononie die XXV Februarii MCCCCLX X X I I I I . f. 4v. ( G abriel d e Poetis, volg. dialogue i n prarse of G 1 ro l . R i a r i o ) , arranged i n scven parts w h 1ch correspond t o the seven colou rs. an d to the virtues of G r rol. R i ario. 75-S i v . Qui nam sa l u brior re i p u b l i ce s t a t u s an q u i magno c i v i u m senatu v i c i s­ s i m per brevia tempera novis senatori bus m­ s t a u rato an q u i senatu ex1guo utpote v i g i n t i sc n a t o r i b u s gubcrne t u r quorum n i s i morte fi n 1 a t magistratus pe r G a brielem Poetam nobJicm Bonon1cnsem inci p l l d t sputatio, another v o l g . d r a logue w h i c h fo rms a k i n d of a p pe n d i x to t h e precc d r n g work . At t h e end : Comp r l a t u m hoc pc n t t u s opusc u l u m d 1 e p( n m )a mensts J a n u a r i i M CCCC L X X X I I I I . X I I I A A 20. mbt . X V . ( l . B r u n u s . de p r i m o be l l o Punico), i n e . O t i go p r i m 1 bellt P u m c i . w 1 t h a preface, inc. Vcreor ne q u 1 me p u t c n t a n t 1 q ua mmium conscctari. X l i i A A 34. mbr. XV. I n r t ra l . L u d . Lanre l l u s Scptempcdanus, de s u m m a h o m m i s d i g n 1 tate d i .llogus q u i inscri b i t u r v 1 a


Christi et Crater Hermet i s, to king Ferrante, inc. C u m mecum ipse d i u hesitarem. The dialogue i s between the king, the a u t h o r and Pontanus. X I I I A A 5 2 . ca rt . mise. X V I . Collection of letters of G i ro ! . Seripando o r add rcssed t o h i m . T h e senders i ncl ude Angelo d i Costanzo ( f. 32), Herennius Cervi nus (65), R icciard us Cervinus ( 6 7 ) . X I I I A A 62. cart. m i se . X V I . No! see n . Do­ scription and partial microfilm supplied by Dr. G i useppe Vel l i . Cf. A . Altamura, L ' umanesimo nd Mezziogiorno d ' lta/iD ( Florence, 1 94 1 ), p . 1 88- 1 89 , n. 3 ; p. 1 90, n . 5 . I d . , Studi e ricerche di letteratura umanistica ( N aples, 1 956), p. 1 1 3 . Collection of Lat i n poems, many of them anonymous, mostly to Hier. and Ant. Seripandus. The aut hors include M. G . Cat h a re n s i s ( f. 2), Jac. Caelanus ( 3 and 4), Vopiscus (8), Scipio Capici us ( ! Ov), Joannes And reas ( se vera! poems i n Greek, 1 1 - 1 4) , H ier. Bo rg i u s ( 1 8 ) , Hadrianus Lepiri( us?22). Pet r. Summontius ( 24-25 ) , Decius ( A pran i u s , f. 34), Evangelista Bladarius ( t o Janus Parrhasius, f. 39, 41 ) , Fed . Por. ( ? t o the same, 40), H ier. Carb(o,44), Pomponius Gauricus ( G reek verses on Fabrici us B rancius, 46-49v), Honoratus ( Fascitell us'. f. 50), Garc i l assus H i spanus ( 5 8 -60, 63v), Jac. Sadole t u s ( to Angelus U baldus, f. 69-69v), Lau r . Belus ( 80), J u l i u s Pe ro l i u s Reati n u s (88, 89), M au r u s Pitanus J u nior Neapo l i tanus ( t o Frane. Lom bardus Neapolitanus), M icrot i u s Ti locchius ( 9 1 , 9 3 ) . There are also verses by Hier. Seripan­ dus ( 3 7 ) , and notes and verses by An!. Seripan­ d u s (26), and l t a l i an poems by Cino (copied by Joannes Philocalus, 4 5 ) , Salvio Capellet t i (95), Cri sfoldo Crisfoldi (99), Seraphinus G r yphonus Reat i n u s ( 1 0 1 ) . One anon. La t i n poem i s addres· sed to ( A n t . ) Thylesius (62). X l i i A A 76. ca r t . mise. X V I I I . 74 fols. Letters (vol g . ) of M . A . Flaminio, Diomede Caraffa, Tansl l l o , Lion. Sal v i a t i , Orazio Lom­ barde l l i , Tasso, A m m i r ato a n d o t h ers. X I I I B 22. cari. XVI i n . 92 fols. Indices of severa! works made by Janus Parrha­ si u s : f. 3 - l l v. Index Galeoti ( M a rt i i ) e t ( Georgi i ) M e r u le de homine. 26v-36v. Pausan( i ae) pe r Dom i t ( i u m Calderr n u m ) . 43-9 I v. Hermolai ( Bar­ bari , probably o f t h e Cast igati ones P l m i a n a e ) . X l i i B 3 7 . cart. m i se . X V I I - X V I I I . C f . M iol a , Propuxnatore N .S. I, p ! . 2 ( 1 8 8 8 ) , 1 4 1 - 1 47 . J u niano Mai o, de maiestate, voi g . T h e i n ventory also lists : Lc t ters o f G i o v i o a n d Casa. Ant. Galateo, esposi zione sopra l ' o ra 1 i o n e domen i ca l e . XIII B 3 8 . ca ri. m i se. X V I -X V I I . Collection o f o r i g m a l letters. The scnders incl ude M a t t h. Cud ne r A n g l u s, J u s t u s L t psius ( f. 70, a u t o g r . ) , E ryc i u s P u t e a n u s , M a rc u s W e l sc r, Pe t r . Be m b u s , T. Tasso, Thomas ca rd . Caietanus, Fed . Borro meo a n d m a n y o t hers. X l i i B 50. cari. mrsc. Col lect ion of a u t ograph le t t e r s a n d ot he r te x t s . Contains letters of Raphacl Bran d o l i n u s C to Frane. Pucc t u s , 1 4 89), of P e t r u s S u m m on t i us, of J o . M e let t u s Galeus Borgi a n u s (lo Summon­ t ì us), Vinc. G ra n a t a ( to S u m m o n t t u s , to Aegt d ! U s

43 1

Vi terbiensis a n d ot hers), Parthenius ( t o Vinc. G ranata), Sertorius Quadrimanus ( t o Stanislaus Rescius). Bemardinus Rota, Genethliacon Jesu Christi ad Paul u m IV, a poem (f. 42-47v, cf. A . A ltamura, Studi e ricerche di /euuatura umanistica, N aples 1 956, p. 209 ; verified by Dotto­ ressa G uerrieri) . X l i i B 59. cart. X V I . Fols. n o t n u mbered . Cf. M i ola, Propuxnatore N . S. I, p!. 2 ( 1 8 8 8 ) , 1 4 7- 1 5 1 . Anon . , commento sopra i l poema del R . Padre Fra Francesco G i o rgio dal primo canto tino al cinq uantesimo primo ( i nc. Vago a l saper). The preface states that the commentator writes d i consiglio d e l a u t h o r medesimo, and that he i n ten­ tionally conceals h i s name. X I I I B 83. cari. XVI ex. Ant. Galatheus, 37 letters. They include : ad M ariam Lusitanam de hypocrisi ; ad Frane. Caracciolum de beneficio i ndign i s collato ; ad Actium Syncerum (Sannazar i u m ) de situ terrarum (fragment on ly') ; ad ili. Aquavivam apologetico n ; to the same, de gloria contemnenda ; ad Marinum Pancra t i u m de digni tate disciplrnaru m ; t o Belì­ sarius Aquaviva ( 1 5 1 8 ) ; ad Loisi u m Lauretanum de laudi bus Venetiaru m ; i l l ustri Aquevivo de H ie r osolymi tana pe regrinatione ( fragmen t on ly?) ; to Ferdinand duke of Calabria ; to Herrnolaus Barbarus, Ch rysostomus, M . Ant. Lupiensis episcopus, H ier. Carbo, Sannazaro, Prosp . Colum­ na, Ferdinand prince of Capua, Bona Sfortia, to t he prince of Potenza, to Ferdinand the Cat ho­ lic, to Nic. Leonicenus, Julius I l , Belìsarius Aq uaviva, Petr. Summontius. Probably copied from an older ms. X I I I B 90. cart. X V . 4 1 3 fols. Frane. Trossulo, de amore et i ngrati t udine, a long treatise in di alect prose and in 3 parts of which the l a s t is enti t led Lazarina. W i t h a p reface to N icolao Orsi no, and another to the Dominicans. X I I I C 24. cart. mise. XVI ex. f. l . La descrittione di u n d i ll u vio successo in N apol i nel anno 1 5 66 i n versi sdrucci o l i sciolti i n modo d 'e p i s t o l a , add resscd to Ser Col. Ant.o, signed : i l vost ro ( S i mone) Port i o . Id., la descri t ­ t ì one d i d u i d i l l u v i i sucessi i n N a p o l i n e l l i anni 1 5 66 e t 1 5 69, a s h o r t p oe m to thc same. - I l Por­ tio al foca della N u n tiata nelanno 1 5 74, a poem. A n o n . letters and poems. X I I I C 66. ca r t . XVI ex. Anon. eclogues, inc. Q u ae Chromis e t Cel a d on scropu losae r u p i s in u m bra. - (Sep a r a t e sh ee t , o t her h a n d ) . Lae l i u s Jo rdanus, poem t o Fabius Jordanus.

X l i i C 70. ca r i . m i se . X V . 2 col i . 93 fols. f. I -23v. Il l i b ro del modo come i singnorr e l l i pri nci p i d c b h a n o r e g g e re avendo lequ a l t ro v i r t u chardcnali chompoSt te dasscmpli dc l l i a n t t e h i . 245 3 . A n o n . t rc a t 1 se , acco r d m g to the i n ventory : Bono G i a m b o n i , d e l l a m t sc r i a d e l l ' u o m o . X I I I D 2 3 . c a r t . m i se . X V I I . Sfo r t i a O d d us, E u ge n i u s seu d e n o b i l i tare. a d i a logue, w i t h a prcface to R a m bc r t u s M a l a t c s t a , d a t c d I d . Dcc. M D L I X .



X I I I D 27. cart. mise. X V I I I . R i me attri buted to Sannazaro, N ic. d'Archo, Ant. Epicuro, E l isio Calenzio, Scipione Capece, Pietro Su mmonzio, Serafino Aqui lano, Pietro Gravina, Altilio, Geronimo Carbone, Pontano, Manilio Rallo, Cariteo. Also carmina by Pon­ tanus, Gany med ius Pamph i l i u s, Marullu,;, Leon. Sc h i fanus, Raymundus Siculus. X I I I D 44 . cart. m i se . X V I . Severa( hands. ( s . X V I i n . ) . R i me by Pan fi l o Sasso, Pie� o de Medici, Fon tio, Tibaldeo, Ser Piero da Bi biena. X I I I D 70. cart. mise. XV-XVI in. Damaged . Severa! hands. Joanne Antonic de Pet r u t i i s Conte de Poli­ castro. sonnets. F. Servilio, lettera, fol lowed by o t her poems and letters. One letter is si gned by Furtado (sic) de Mendoza . X I I I D 8 1 . cart. X V I I i n . P a r t l y autograph, partly written by Scioppio. Campane lla, lettere ; aforismi politici ; citta del sole ; re la t ione d i Spagna. X I I I D 90. car t . mise. X V I I . A n o n . , 9 9 epistolae, dated 1 607�8. X I I I D 96. cart . X V . Fols. n u m bered i rregu larly. Some data supplied by G . Zambe l l i . f . 4 - 3 7 ( t i t le on f . 1 ) . 1 5 80. Discorso dell'arte della merca t u ra d i M. Frane. de V ieri . . , with a prologue ( f. l ). W i t h corrections. Blank pages. f. l -32v (new numbering). 1 590 d i X bre . Lezione di M. Frane. V ieri . . . sopra quel sonetto La gola e l sonno et l'oziose pi ume. Blank pages. Frane. Vierius, letter to Frane. Maria de Ruve t e U rbini Du.. - Di xbre 1 59 (sic). Copia d i definizioni della fi losofia da me Frane. Verino pensate o almeno esposte che io mando al S. D. d i U rbino, i n Lati n, fragm. at the end. - Alcune d i fferenze tra Platone e t la fede Christ iana, in v o l g . X I I I D 1 06 . cari. X V . C o a t o f a r m s . 8 3 fo ls. f. 1 -80. Frane. Patricius, epitome Quin t i l iani, inc. Parens u t p r i m u m factus fue r ì t , w i t h the preface to Frane. Tranchedinus ( 80-80v) and a table of contents ( 80v-82v). A t the end ( 8 2v) : Lauren t i u s G h u i de t t u s t ranscripsit annis 1 46 1 . X I I I D 1 28 . cart. m i se . X V . Vergc r i us, de ingenuis moribus. Bas i ! , letter, t r . L. Brunus. XIII D 1 29 . cart. X V . 12 fols. Comm. on the Disticha Catonis, inc. Cum a n i madvcrtcrcm quam p l u rimos homines errare gravi ter in via morum. Seq u i t u r quod in princ1pio cuiuslibet l i bri q uedam sunt i n q u i rcnde. Al t h e end ( f. 1 2 ) : E x p l tc i t lect u ra Cat h o n t s pe r m e Jacohum Chabossi de A l hanea . sub anno d o m i n i m i l lesimo quadringentcsimo sc x:agesJmo quinto e t VIa me nsis dcce m b r i s . . X l i i F 1 4 . car i . X V I . Damagcd, partly u n ­ readable. Trat tato di Pol y b i o G reco d c i i i ord i n i della Romana m t l i tia i n l i ngua Toscana, w i t h a vero;c p rologue of G t o . Frane. Cleme n t i n a to ca rd. farnc'e ( R ome. 1 5 7 1 ). an d t h e p roo;e prcface o f t he translator, P h t l t ppo S t rozzi ( F lorence. 1 5 3 8 ) . X l i i F 2 7 . ca r i . m t sc . X V - X V I m . l m t ials, eoat of arms. Fols. not n u m bered .

Collcction of volg. prose. I l i ncludes Petrarc h , letter t o N ic. Acciaiuoli ; L. Bruni, 2 oration s ; Filelfo, 3 oration s ; oration by a pupil of F i l e l fo ; Porcari, orat ions ; Mane t t i . protesto ; Boccacc i o ,

letter t o Frane. d e ' Bardi ; anon. lette r. i n e . M a gn i ­ fi c o et prestantissimo ammiraglio. XIII F 34. cari. mise. X V I e x . Polybius, delli o r d i n i d e l l a romana m i l i t i a , volg. by Fil. Strozz i , w i t h his preface ( 1 5 3 K ) . Record of Savonarola's t r ia l . X I I I F 6 1 . car i . X V I e x . De l l ' A m o r di viso, a volg. treat ise. by L'Aggi u n t o nel l " Accademia degl' I n t repidi. On t he binding, t h e author is identified as Tore l l i . The preface refe rs t o the Duke o f Ferrara. According l o Prof. J o h n C. Nelson, t he author is Guidobaldo Bonare lli della Rovere. X III G 1 2 . cari. mise. X V. f. 2 1 . Sulpitii carmina, inc. Insula Fibroni (') nitidis circundata nimphis. f. 25. Bamabas de Regio ( Bamabas e Reatinis Regi nus). de conser­ vanda sanitate, to Simon de Corrigia. 5 1 . A u g us­ tino da Urbino, sonnet. Anon., lat. form l e t t e rs a n d orations. X I I I G 26. mbr. X V . Damaged. Cf. Ponce let, p . 1 99 . Joh. Cli macus, Scala paradisi, with the accom­ panying pieoes and the Senno ad Pastore m . inc. J u x t a numerum etatis Christi Jhesu. X I I I G 30. cari. X V . Fols. not num bered . Christoforus ( Bondelmon tius). liber i n s u l a r u m Cicladarum, t o J o r d a n u s (card . U rsinus), w i t h d rawings. X I I I G 3 3 . cart. mise. XV. Severa! hands. 1 77 fols., rccently numbered ( 5 3-60v, 67v-70v, 86v,

1 03 , 1 3 1 - 1 3 5v, 1 46- 1 47v, 1 49v- 1 5 1 v, 1 5 8 v- 1 59v blan k ) . Copyist 's date of 1441 (f. 86 and 93). f. 1 03v : Ego Mari nus Angeli An ton i i Andree de eo die qui supra . . M icrofilm supplied by Dotto· ressa G uerrieri. 6 1 -67. (Joh. de V i rgilio), ars dictami n i s , in verse and prose, fragrn. al the end, i ne. Cum tanta sit rhetorice dignitas. 95- 1 02v (2 coli.). (Joh. Bonand reae) , ars dictaminis, fragm. at the end, inc. Bononie natus. 1 04- 1 1 9v (l co l . ) . Letters of Cicero, Leon . Brunus, and ano n . , with volg. versions. 1 20- 1 20v. Plu tarch, letter lo Trajan, li kewise. 1 20v- 1 2 5v. Let ters of Leon. Brunus and Cicero, l i k ewise. 1 25v- 1 26. Comelius Nepos. letter, l i k ewise. 1 26v- 1 28. Cioero, letters, l i kewise. 1 28 - 1 30. Plato, 2 let ters, tr. Leon. Brunus, wi t h v o l g . versions. 1 30- 1 4 5v. A n o n . , orations, partly i n volg. 1 48- 1 48v. Jo. de Tor. , preface of a trans­ lation or copy of Plu tarch's Apophthegrnata, i nc. Plu tarc h u s C h 1 ronensis M.C. prestantissi mus sane phi losophus. 1 5 2- 1 5 7. Anon . , orations, partly i n volg. 1 5 7v- 1 5 8 . Alb. Sartianensis, letter. X I l i G 34. ca r i . X V I . Fols. not numbered. H l l arion monachus Cistercicnsis. verse para· ph rases of some selected psalms, with a verse prologue to Card . episcopus Plaoen tinus. Verses on the a u t h o r by Fale t t us, Jo. Jac. Gabianus. Andr. C u r t i u s . H t la r i o n , short poems. lo the same ca rd i n a l , with verses to t he author by


Salettus (sic), Andr. Curtius and Jo. Jac. Gabia­ nus. H i larion, other poems. Id., verse paraphrase of a hymn of S t . Bernard. Verses on the author by Octavius Cavalcha and Jo. Bapt. Ferrarius. XIII G 37. cart. mise. XV. A t the beginning (copyist's note) : Johan Frane. de Montefalsone, 148 (?). Sannazaro, eclogues ( i . e . , A rcadia). Jac. de Jennaro, rime. X I I I G 40 . mise. i mpr. f. 2v (ms. XV). Ficinus, letter to Ant. V i nci­ guerra ( 1 479). XIII H I l . mbr. XV. Timotheus Veronensis, I n sanctam rustici tatem, in 2 books, t o N icolaus V, i ncomplete a t the end. XIII H 24. cart. mise. X V I ex. La t i n poems by Leonardus Siculus (a Capuchin friar?), and also by H i larius Messanensis, Petr. Leontinus, Lud. Netinus, Electus Ennensis, M u­ t i us Salern i tanus, Marcellus Tr.ty n i t us, Frane. Martinus, Laur. Pharaonius, Barth . Hortensis, Spinnazolus, Caesar Terzarinus, Vinc. Palazolus. Also letters of H ier. Plagliarius (?), Leonardus Siculus and Frane. de P h i l i ppis. XIII H 42. mise. i mpr. ( 1 508 ) . O n the l a s t page ( ms . s . X V I ) , a p oe m i n terza rima by Steph. F liscus. X I I I H 49. cart. mise. X V I I . Collect ion of Ri m e . T h e authors i nclude Tan­ sillo, De l Vasto, Varchi and Tasso. X I I I H 65. m br. XV. Miniatures. G i rolamo Benivieni, 8 eclogues, vol g . , with a preface to Julio Cesare da Varano. Al the end, a La t i n poem of 4 pages, e n t i t led : Joannis Pici M i randu lensis Concordie Comes (?) elegia ad Florentiam in laudem H ieronymi Benivienii Fio­ re n t i n i qui bucolic u m carmen ediderat hctrusco carmine, i ne. Letor i o Tyrrena ti bi Florentia letor. XIV B 34. car t . X V I I I . Diomedes Caraffa, d e i n sl i t u t ione vivendi, l o Beatrice of Aragon, w i t h a letter of Colantonius Lentulus to the a u t hor, a copyist's note of Cynicus, and a note on thc author by Paulus M . Paciaudius Parmensis B i b l i o t hecae praefectus. Obviously copied from the old ms. i n Parma. XIV D 1 3 . cart. X V I I I . Elisius Cale n t i us, poems a n d letters. XIV D 14. cart. mise. X V I I I . 3 30 fols. f. l . Tristanus Caracciolus, v i ta Sergianni Carac­ cioli. 1 2. I d . , de i n q uisl l ione epistola. 20. Id .. de varietate fortune. 39-4 l v. I d . , defensio pro n o b i l i ­ late Neapoli tana ad lcga t u m roi p u b licae Vene tac. XIV D 19. mbr. mise. XV. I n i tials, coat of arms. Fols. nol n u m bered . Leo n . Brunus, de s t u d i i s el l i t teris. Lucian, Asinus, tr. Poggius, Wilh t he preface lo Cosmus Mcd ices. Basi ! , de studiis, t r . Lcon . Brunus, w 1 t h preface. Tractatus d e m o d o s t u d c n d i e d l l u s pe r Reverendis.simum et D o m m u m Dommum R a i ­ m u n d u m Mayrosi i cardinale m Cast r i e n s 1 s ( sic), i n c . D i lecte nepos o m n i pracfat ione ac 't'erborum i nan i u m omissa prosec u t tone. XIV E 14. cart. X V I .


L'elegante p oe ma d i Francesco G i orgio theologo ecce l lentissimo in C X I I I can t i diviso, i n c . Vago al saper sem pre hebb i ' l mio desire. The can tos are named after personages of the Old Testame n t . A t t h e e n d , a Canzone de l 'a l t a providenza. Anothe r hand added on f. l : Origi nale del autore conservato da me Francisco Oicchetto. X I V E 26. mbr. and car t . m i se . X V . 4 8 fols. Data supplied by Pro f. J. Soude k . Frane. Barbarus, precepta yconomica e x libro s u o d e r e uxoria brevi ter tracta. Aristotle, Oeconomica, t r . Leon. Brunus ( f. 43-46v). X I V F 3. cart. X V I I . Laur. Bonincontrius, historia regni u t r i usque Siciliae. X I V G I l . mise. XV-XV I . Fragments of severa! manuscripts. ( Poggius, i nvective against Philelphus), inc. lmpurissimam atque obscenissi mam . Another, fragm. at the end, inc. Stat ueram mihi u n icam tantum. - (cari. XV, red t i t les and i n i t ials). Mattheus Colat i u s Siculus, let ters lo A n t . Siculus rector of t he students of the arts a t Padua, to Christophorus and Lau rc n t i u s fratres, and to N i c . Bonetus, Lucas Talamagi us and H ier. Cam­ pagnolus ( dated from Venice). Anon. ( i d . ?), epitaph of the Doge Foscari . - ( mbr. XV, minia­ ture). Pontanus, t u m u l i , fragm. al the end. XIV G 1 5 . cari. mise. X V I - X V I I I . Severa! fasci cles. (s. X V I , 30 fol s . ) . Ant. Thylcsius, poemata. Verses of Honoratus Fasc i tellus, M. A . Flaminius and others. The inventory also lists : Pontanus, de i m mani tate, volg. by Vinc. Mcola. Pomponio Gau rico, compon imento sopra Fabricio Brancia, with a Lat i n version by Vinc. Meola. Sci p ione Capece, L'Inanime, t o V i t toria Colonna. XIV G 16 (bound with cod. 1 5) . car t . mise. X V I - X V I I I . Severa! fascicles. fase. l . R i me e prose d i A l fonso Davalos Mar­ chese del Vasto. The i nve ntory also lists bio­ graphies of H onoratus Fascitellus and of Pom­ ponius G a u ricus. XIV H 7 1 . ca rt. X V I I I . 4 1 1 pp. Cardinalis Acgi d i i Yi terbiensis Scntentiarum l i be r l usquc ad X V I I I . Distinctione m ad mentem Platonis. A t thc end ( p . 4 1 1 ) : Ex mendoso cod1ce B i b l i o t hecae PP. Augustinensi u m S. Johannis ad Carbonariam, manu N icolai Scutcl h i T 1 idcntmi u t vidctur exarato qucm H ieronymus Scripandus reccnsuit e t t i t ulos adJccit Paschahs Batli us dcs­ cripsit e t utcunque emendavi t Neapoli anno . . . 1 786. X V C 46. car t . X V . 2 col i . Fols. n u m bercd i rregu larly. f. l . Incipi t expos i t i o l i bri afforismorum Y po­ cratis quam e d H.i i t d o m i n u s Pc trus A m a l fi t a n u s a r u u m med icincque d o c t o r , i n c . ' h t a brcvis. Christi nomine i n vocato i n c i p i t abrev iatura super 7 particulas amphonsmorum ante q uarum enu­ cleationem prcpon u n t u r t r i a . Al the end of scction I I I : Domi nus Petrus de Amalfo . . . . com­ p ievi t lcgcre tertiam parliculam afforismorum Ypo(cralis) die XXII mensis i u n i i . . . s u b anno



domini MCCCCLXX4 que particula fuit ultima in ordine sue loctionis quia in principio eam dimisi ! et in postremo eam resumpsit nihil dimictendo de septem particulis afforismorum . Then follow soctions I V - V I I . At t h e e n d of soction V l i : Ego Silanus de Medicis de Benevento scripsi hanc expositionem supra libro affarismo­ rum Ypo(cratis) ex ingenio bono domini Pe tri de Amalfo doctore prestantissimo in Neapoli( tano) studio . - l ncipiunt questiones su per prima par­ ticula afforismorum declarate et scripte per dominum Petrum Amaltì(tanum). At the end, a table of the questions. Then blank pages. f. 1 34 . Declaratio questionum Gentilis ( d e Fulgi neo) pe r dominum Pe trum de Amalpho edita. X V D 6 . cart. X V l l l . Fols. not numbered . Eremita Antonii de Ferrariis e patria cagno­ minati G alataei d ialogus, e latebris ereptus . e barbaro caractere transcriptus . . . , per F.A.J.A. O . P . mense J unii 1 7 1 4. The text of the dialogue Eremita is preceded by Galateus' preface to M.A. Ptholomeus ep. Lupiensis. At the end : Die 2 5 . J unii 1 7 1 4 . Then another t i tle page : Opuscula An tonii de Fe rrariis Galateii . Then the following works of Galateus : Ad Comitem Potentianum epistola ; ad Aq uevivum apologe­ tico n ; ad Aquevivum de gloria contemnenda ; Belisario Aqucvive que gens nobilior. X V E 4 3 . cart. XV. Frane. de Alegris domini Pelegrini Veronensis, rime, to Ercole d'Este. Dated a t the end : 1 49 5 . X V F 1 7 . ca r t . X V I I I . 68 fols. Placid u s ( Perusinus) Eremita Camaldulensis, vita Pauli J u s t i niani ; descriptio e t H istoria Camal­ dulensium. X V F 9 1 . cart. mise. XV. Fols. not numbered. Regule uri narum magistri M a u ri (Salern i t a n i ) , i n c . Quoniam de u rinarum sciencia tracta t u ri sumus. XVI A l . cart. X V I i n . 3 1 6 fols. First fo lios missing. At the beginning, a biography of Can­ talyci u s b y O ffred u t io A nchaiani ( i mpr. V i te r bo, 1 6 1 8 ) . Cf. B . C r oce, A rchhio Storico p e r l e Pro­ vincie Napoletane, N . S . X 1 924, p. 1 5 5 - 1 9 1 . J . B . Cantahcius, carmina. The collection incl udes : on Bernard i n u s Carvaial ca rd. (f. 3- 1 2 ) ; spectacula Lucrctiana, a se ries of pocms i n praise of Lucretia Borgia, to Alexander V I ( 1 2 v -3 7v, w i t h verses on t h e comcdies of Bapt. Casa l i u s , Cam i l l u s Po r t i u s and Magdalcnus) ; a series of pocms in praise of I sa be l la A ra g o n i a , Duchess of M i l a n ( 3 8 -48 ) ; vcrses to t h e card. of S. Se v e n n o ( 4 H v ) , to card. O l i ve r i u s Caratfa (49) ; Ft: ret ra na , a senes of p oc m s m praisc of Fcd e r i cus U r bmas ( 5 1 -8 1 v ) , with l e t t c rs t o Guido of M o n t e ­ fe l t ro and to Octavianus U ba l d i n u s (49v) ; B o r ­ gias, a collec t i on , with a l e t te r t o l o . Borg1a card. ( 8 2- 1 00 ) ; pocms on B a r t h . Livianus ( 1 00v- 1 0o ) ; Bucolica, a co\lcction o f eclogucs, i n c l u d i n g one

on thc ca mpaign of Alp honsus of Calabna and of Fede r i c u s U r bmas agamst Horence ( 1 09- 1 36 ) ; R heatina, a p oc m w t t h a preface t o Polydorus T y be r t u s ( 1 36- 1 44 v ) : Vola tcr r a n a , a pocm with a preface to t he same ( 1 44 v - 1 5 2 ) ; Came nna, a

colloction of poems to Julius Caesar Varan us ( 1 52- 1 58v) ; ad Honophrium Paganum de morte Baptistae patris, an elegy ( 1 59- 1 6 1 v) ; elegy on his pupil Cynthiolus Fulginas ( 1 6 1 v- 1 65 v ) ; ver ses t o Jac. card. Papiensis on a n i l l ness of Campa n u s ( 1 65v- 1 66) ; a colloction dedicated to a Dux Magnus (Gonsalvus de Cordoba? 1 66v- 1 76 ) ; verses t o Hadrianus cardinalis ( 1 76v), Alexan der V I , Caesar Borgia, on Pius III, on Ascan i u s Sfortia, to J u lius I I , to Fatius Sanctorus V i ter­ biensis, on the Fasti Christiani of Lud. Lazare l l u s ( 1 8 1 - 1 8 l v), to Lelius Theramanus, to t he D u k e of A t r i , t o t h e wife of h i s pupil Petrus Antonius Fulginas, to Barth. Livianus, Phcdrus, M a t t h . Coritanus, Leo Populensis, H ier. Fulginas, Caesar Varanus, to his pupil Angelus Caesanus, to Gaspar theologus H ispanus, Carolus Aragoni us, Andr. Caraffa, Polydorus Tibertus, Mich. Casalis, Jo. Sfortia of Pesaro, to the bishop of Viterbo, to Frane. card ., to Pontanus, to the bishop of U rbino, to his pupil Jo. H ier. Amerinus, to AJex. Pod ianus, on Virginius U rsinus, to the Duke of Calabria, to Sigismundus Fulginas, on l nnocent V I I I , to U rs u s ep. Theanensis, to Lau r . Medices (267), Laetus ( 267v), Campan us, Frane. Graec us, lo the card. of S . G iorgio ( R atf. Riar i o ) , to Cal limach us, ad R o m a m de M a b i lio, A n g e l o Pol i t i ano de M a b i l i o ( 2 79v), against M a b d r us, to Marsus, to Mapheus, in Lippum, to his teac h e r G a s p a r Veronensis ( 29 3 v ) , to Saracenus Senensis, Marius Philelphus, Mich. G r i l l u s, on Pau! II, o n Alex. Cin uccius Senensis p u e r ( 303v), on Galea­ tius Sfortia, on Domi t i u s Calderinus, t o J u s t u l u s Spoletinus, on the l i brary of magister Leo S pole­ tinus ( 3 1 5v), and many ot hers. There are also sacred verses, and a pocm of Colangelus Can tel­ mus to J o . A ragonia (207-208, pe rhaps also by Cantal icius). XVI A I l . cart. XVI. 31 pp. Elephan t i tam terrest r i s quam mari ni atquc e q u i ftuviattlis e t Jchncumonis aliq uotque aliorum animalium recens descri ptio, non modo e x a u d J t u informata, sed e t i a m ex a s pec t u i p s i u s elephanti exprcssa, Card . l i Armai gnaco dicata. N u n c vero est J o . M e t e I l i , Pe t r i G 1 l l i i auctoris munere. Then thc preface of Pe t r u s G i l l i us t o Card . Annaignacus. p . l. E l e p h a n t i nova descri ptio missa ad Rev . m u m Car.Jem Armaignac u m ex urbe Berhoa Sy naca. p. 1 9 . Elcphan t i m a r i n i e t h i p popotami desc r i p t r o huc adiungi t u r . T h i s l a st piece i s d a t e d e x Aegy p t i aca A lexan d ri a . X V I A 24. m b r. X V - X V I i n . l n i tials. 90 fols. f. l -R9. Jacobi Sanalari Parthcnopei Aegloga­ rum l i bcr Arca d i u s ins�riptus. X V I A 4 3 . car t . (and m b r . ) X V . 2 coli . 1 09 fols. A non . qucstions on Aristotle's de anima, fragrn. at the beginning, dcs. ad alias rationes patet sol u t i o pe r d i s t mct ionem expo si t am . 1 474 I O Fe b r . Sassc n l a n t ( s i c ) . X V I I l . m b r . X V . I n i t i a l s . 223 fols.


1 - 5 1 . Collection of R i me, fragm. at thc

begi nn i n g . They are by F r an c i sco Galioto, or a d d rcS>ed t o hrm. f. 5 2 - 22 3 . Collection of lettere. fragm. a t t h c e n d , apparently by the same. O n e



is addressed to the Prince of Capua (f. X X 20. cart.mise. X V . ( Bonaccursius, d e nobilitate).



Fondo Brancacciano (Bi blioteca Brancacc i ana, annexed to the l i b ra ry ) . T h e printed catalogue by A . M i o l a ( Catalogo topografico-ducriffivo dei manoscriffi della R. Bib liot e ca Brancacciana di Napoli, I , 1 9 1 8-2 1 , appendix t o Bol/effino del B ibliofilo I - I I I ) covers the first group of mss. from I A l to II A I O, and has no index . I A 1 2 ( p . 27-30). mise. X V I I . Pius I l , orati o . I B 4 ( p . 49- 5 5 ) . mise. X V I I . Panormita, poemata e t epistolae. T. Stroza, epigram. Casa, orazione. I C 5 (p. 83). s. X V I . Gasp. Contarenus, de re publica Veneta. C f. B l ume, Bibliotheca, p . 2 1 6. Verified by Dott.ressa G uerrieri. l D 5 (p. 93-9 7 ) . mise. X V I . Jo. Frane. Pico, vita d i G. Savonarola. Other pieces conceming Savonarola. I E 8 (p. 1 4 1 - 1 48 ) . mise. X V I I . Castelvetro, d i sco rso s u l l ' i nvocar le M u se de' poeti ; annota­ zione sopra la Rettorica . Blume, Bihliotheca, p . 2 1 0. Venfied by Dot t . ressa G uerrieri. The enti re col lect ion i s descri bed i n an inventory by A l fonso M iola ( Catalogo topografico des­ crittivo dei Manoscrilli della Biblioteca Brancac­ ciana, 3 ms. vols . , 1 8 99- 1 900 ) . Only a part of vol. I is superseded by the printed catalogue. vol . 1 : I I A I O (cf. the prin ted ca talogue, p . 1 92- 1 94 , w h i c h describes but a p a r t o f t h i s ms.). m i se . X V I I . V i t a M ichaelis R i t i i iuris consulti ( s . XV­ XVI). Perloisi us Ricius, letter to A n t . de Alexandro ( 1 47 7 ) . I l A I l . m b r . X V I . Urbanus Paysi de Diano, d e e s u carn i u m , to U rbanus de Cypro O. Cart h . , w i t h a n accompanying l c t t e r o f Timotheus O . Cart h . t o ca rd. J o . de Tholeto ( 1 5 5 5 ) . I I A 1 6 . s . X V . l nscri ptions. I I A 20. Campan e l l a , Di scor>i ai principi d ' I ta l i a . m i se. X V I I . Cf. Fi rpo, Bib/io11rafia, p . 1 3 3 . Blume, Bihliotheca, p . 204. Ve ri fi e d b y Dot t . ressa G . Gue rrie r i . I l F 5 . mise. X V I I I . Campanella, Discursos a los Principes de I t a l i a . C f. Fi rpo, Bibliografia, p. 1 3 3 . Bl ume, Bihliothera, p. 2-4. Ventied by Dot t . ressa G. G uerrie r i . vol . I I : 1 1 1 A I l . m h r . m i se . X V . Lau r . d e A q u i legia, pratica dictaminis. III A 1 2 . mise. XVI. Jac. Jacomc l l u s ep. Be l l i castrensis, paraphrasis i n psalmum Oav i J 1 s q u i nq uages i m u m , to card . A l p honsus Carafa . Agost m o Cesareo, d i 54,;orso d e l l a v e r a bea t i t u d i ne, to Se b . Barnaba vescovo d 1 Po t e n z a , writtcn upon the dca t h of Consta nza Carre t t a . A u g usti nus Caesareus, ex posi tio i n P "' l m u m C X XX I I , to t he sa me. III C 1 2 . mise. X V I I . Mat teo Pa l m i c r i , Vita d i N i c o l a Acciai u o l i . Ventìed b y Dot t . rcssa G u e rrieri .

I I I E 8. s. XVI. Lod. Beccadello, somma delle cose occor.;e in I ta lia. III E 14. s. X V I I . Onophrius Panvini us, de gente Fregepania, i n 4 books. vol . I I I : I V A 1 4 . m i se . X V I I . Campanella, Discorsi ai principi d'Italia. Cf. Firpo, Bibliografia, p . 1 3 3 . B l u me, Bibliotheca, p . 2 04 . Verified b y D o t t . ressa G. G uerrieri . I V B 4. mise. X V I I . Panvi nius, de gente Maxima, i n 2 books ; de rebus antiquis memorabilibus e t praestantia Basilicae S. Petri Vaticanae, in 2 books. IV B 1 3 . mi se . X V I - X V I I . Frane. Remondus, oratio. Anon. orat ions (s. XVI ex.). Rich. Hesius Amorfortius, ad Japonensium regum legatos panegy ricus ( 1 5 8 5 ) . P . Bernardi nus Stephon ius, oratio pro Rhetorica con t ra vituperatores. Steph. Tuccius S . J . , oratio ad G regorium XIII ( 1 584). Anon. carmen. Leo X , letter to Aegidius V i ter­ biensis. Letters of Giovio, Bellarminius and Caietanus. V A 1 3 . s. X V I . Poly bius, de castrametatione, tr. (Jo.) Lascaris. V C 14. s . X V I I . J . B . Porta, de ea naturalis physiognomoniae parte q uae ad manuum lineas spectat, in 2 books. V D 1 6 . mise. XVI. Ant . Porci us, epi stolae (s. X V I e x . ) . Simon Portius, epistola ad N ic. Audet O.C. V E 7 . mise. X V l l . H ier. Cardanus, praecepta ad fi lios. B l u me, Bihliotheca, p . 20M . Verified by D o t t . ressa G . G uerrieri. V E 14. mise. X V I - X V I I . Fabio Al bergati, discorso ; disputatio de causis be l l orum rel igionis causa gcstoru m . V I A 8 . s. X V . A. Trave rsarius, epistolae, i n 1 3 books. Cf. Blume, Bibliotheca, p. 1 9 5 . V I A I l . mise. X V I I . f . 1 26- 1 43 . An t . Galatheus, de educatione epistola. A . Altamura, Studi di filologia medino/e e umanistica, Naples 1 9 54, p . 1 64, n . I l . Verified by Do t t . ressa G . G uerrieri . V I B 1 9 . mise. X V I I . An t . Galatheus, epistolae. A. Altamura, Studi di fi /o /of? ia mediel'a/e e uma­ ni.'O!?Iio, A nnibale 44, 56, 259

Bentivoglio, Antonio 204, 213 Bent ivoglio, A n tonio Galeazzo 1 9, 2 1 , 23, 24, 73 Bentivo!?lio, Cornelio 104 Be n t ivoglio, Ercole 6 1 , 1 3 7 Bentil'Of(lio, Federico 4 1 2 &nti �·oKiiu, Ginevra 1 7, 90 Btnli l 'og lio, Giovanni l 24, 54 Bentii'Oglio, Giovanni Il 24, 44, 60, 90, 255 &nti vug/io, Giovanni Ballista 245 Benti,oglio, Ludovico 2/J Bentivoglio, Paolo 73 Bentivo!?lio, Pietro Antonio 4 1 2 Bentivoglio, 27 Benven utus de Alexandria medicus 297 Benvenutus ( Rambal d i ) de Imo­ la 5, 1 9, 20* , 23, 40, 54, 1 03 , 135, 1 69, 1 7 8 , 270, 2 7 6 , 296, 304•, 3 1 2, 352, 394*

Benven u t i , Lorenzo 1 46 Benvogl ien t i , see Benevolen t iu s Benzi, Andrea 2 7 * , 68, 70 Benzi, Francesco 70, 7 1 , 3 8 5 Ben z i , N iccolò 344 Benzi, P. Francesco 1 75 * Benzi, Sci pione 3 2 5 Be n z i , Sozzino 14, 5 4 , 6 1 , 70, 1 3 6, 1 47 , 1 75, 232, 255, 267, 384

Benzi, Trifone 325 Benzi, Ugo 1 3 , 23* , 26, 49, 61, IN6, 266 Benzo A lexan d r i n u s 280, 304 Bera rde l/i , Sinibalda 209 Berardi , Johannes, see Johannes archìepiscopus Tare n t i n us Berardus 1 1 2 Berardus d e Neapoli 19, 1 5 8, 365

Berardus, Carolus, see Verardus Be rengario da Carpi , Jacopo 366

Bercta, Marcus Mauritius And rcas I l Ben.:alio, Perrus de 337 Ben.:u mo 8, 1 5 Bergius 7 5 Bergo!(ninus, &luardus 238 , 239 Berf(untius, Ber.


Be ngardus, Claudius 1 3 7 Be n n gucc i us, Johannes 4 3 6 Be r l m gh 1 e r i , Francesco 70, I l i , 1 2 1 , 1 2 5 , 1 4 2 * , 1 90, 2 1 6, 22H * . 2 6 5 , 268, 3 5 4

Be r n a d i g 1 o . A n t o n i o 277 Ber n a d 1 g 1 0 , Benedetto 284 Bernad 1�1o, Corrado 284 Bernard mus ( d 1ctator) 270* Banardmu.s Carme/ila 44 Bt•rnardmu.s prior 158 • , 159, 160

Bernardinus Arerinus 84 Bernardinu.s episcopus Clodiae, see Venier Bernardinus comes Covensis 6 Bernardinus Fulginas 295 Bernardinus Parentinus 2 72 S. Bernardinus Scnensis /, 1 9 , 3 3 , 74*, 1 6 4 , 251 , 293, 332, 422, 423•

Bernardinus Scnensis, see also Occh i no Bernardinis, Antoniu.s Andreucii de 227 Bernardo da Bi bbiena, see Do­ vizi Bernardus 203, 26 / S. Bernardu s (Ciarevallensis) 6, I l , 7 7 , 2 1 7 , 433, 437, 440 Bernardus diaconus Il Bernardus monachus 1 67 Bern ardus parer 394 Bernardus prior Angelorum 75 Be rnardus Cassinensis 3 / , 1 5 1 , 272

Bernardus Mantuanus 1 73 Bemardus de Mon te Alcino, sce l l l icino Bernardus de N ea poli, see Be r­ ardus Bernardus Usper.


&rnardu.s Veronensis physicu.s 377 Bernardus, Anton ius, M irandulanus 268, 289, 305, 323 Bernard us, Bernardinus 260 Bernardus, Hieronymus 39, 43 Bernardus, Johanncs, O. Cist. 1 20, 1 7 1 &rnardus, Laurentiu.s 43 • , 262 Bernardo, Pau l us de 1 9, 2 1 , 22 Bernardus, Pctrus 1 23 " , 1 28 Bane 259 Bcrncriis, An ton i us de, cpiscopus Laudcnsis 237, 239, 298 Bcrncrius, Francis.(;us 1 3 7 Bernerius, Hieronymus l 1 6 Bern i , Francesco 2 3 2 , 26 7 , 277, 366 Bcrnicri, sec Bcrnerius Bcrnius, Baltha;ar I Y8 Beroaldus, Ph l l i ppus, the elder 16, 1 9 , 2 1 * , 23, 44, 60, 70, 83, 1 30, 1 42, 1 49 * , 206 , 209, 2 1 2, 222, 3 1 5 , 365, 3 7 8 , 392, 4 1 1 , 438 Beroaldus, P h i l ippus, the youn­ gcr 2 1 * , 23, 25*, 1 3 7 , 2 3 2 , 377 Berosius, M a rcus T u l l i u s 296* Be r pe rcs, G u l ielmus 3 2 5 Bcrret tari us, A n t o n i u s 1 3 7 Bertacc h i us, Dom i n icus 1 1 9 Be r ta chinus, Johannes 43, 1 6 9


Bertalius, Eymondus 5 2 Bertalonus, Franciscus no• Bertanus, card . Petrus 3 7 5 Be rtapalea, Leonardus de 8 2 , 1 79, 224, 404

Be r t hol i n u s, see also Bartholinus Bertholi n u s Bononiensis Berti, A lessandro 200 Berti, Ascan io 1 3 7 Berti, Zanobi 1 08 Bertinus, Antoni us, episcopus Fulgi nas 1 8 3 , 3 3 1 , 332 Bertinus, Franciscus 14, 70, 255, 26 1 , 320

Be r t i n us, Jacobus 3 5 8 Bertinus, Nicolaus 1 9 7 Bertini, Pa.squino 88 Bertiol i , Pietro Francesco 54 Berlo Pagl io, see Bertapalea Bertola t i u s 304 Berto/dus 1 0, 336 Bertoldus, Stephanus 4 l 7 Bertolinis, Dom i n icus de 2 5 3 Bertolusius, see Bertolatius Berton i us, Johannes 249 Berrvtiis. A lphonsus de 53 Bertrandus l 56 Be r tu t i us, D . 320 Bessarion abbas 82, 275 Bes s a r i o n card inalis N icen u s 1 4 • , l Y• , 2 0 , 2 1 • . 22, 3 4 • , 54, 67, 70, 82, 95, 1 00, 1 07 • , 1 3 1 • , 134, 140, 1 71 , 1 74 • , /89, 1 9 1 • , 1 95 , 205, 2 3 2 , 245, 247, 248 , 255, 265, 266, 2 7 5 • , 2 7 7 , 282, 28 6 , 306 , 309 • . 3 1 1 , 320, 3 24 , 33 1 , 3 3 3 , 344, 382, 3'!0, 403 , 4 1 7, 4 1 9 • , 427 Besta, Fran c i sc u s 305 Bc s u t i u s , Johannes Franciscus 301 Bctta, A n t o n i u s 8 3 • Be t t a , J o h a n n e s de la 83 Betta, Jolwnnes Frunciscus 8 3 Be t t a , L u d o v i c us 8 3 • Be t t i , C l a u d i O 1 7•, 1 5 1 , 278 Be l l i , C l a u d i o , t h e younger 398 Betftni, Baccio 220 Bc trmi, Bartulommeo l 1 9 Be t t i n i , G c r i 1 3 7 Be t t i n i , Luca 151, 215 B c t u s s i , G i u se p pe 6 7 , 267, 376 Be v i lacqua ( d e L a z i s i o ) . Geor­ gJus U , 1 9 , 82•, 84, 1 6 9 , 4 1 8 , 419 Bni/acqua, Mario 262 Be v i l a c q u a , Paolo 34 Beza, Theodorus 223, 2 3 2 Bc;_oar srune l l 7 B1anchcl l i , see B l a n c he l l u s Bianchini, Bartolommeo 2 0 , 2 1


Bianchini, Giovanni

23, 53, 82, 99, 28 1 • , 369, 380, 403 Bianchi, Giordano de' 408

Bianchus, Apolloni us, Placent i n us, O. M . 34•, 20 1 • , 372 Biasettu.s, BerMrdinus 45 Biasio, Angelo 314 Biblia 237, 3 92 Bichus, Antonius 205 Bichus, Firmanus 420 Bien n atus, A u rel i u s 4 1 5 , 4 1 6 B i ffi , G iovanni 1 9 , 232, 2 7 7 , 346, 4 1 9

Biffi, Lorenzo 3 1 7 Biglia, see Bilia B i gnonus, H ieronymus 1 46 Bigolin us, Paulus 324 B i l a n c h u s , see Marosticus Bilia, Frater Andreas, Mediola­ n e n s i s 1 74, 20 1 , 263, 28 1 , 293, 298, 299, 303, 3 1 5 , 346, 352• 36 1 •

Biliotti : Agostino J J 5 • Biliotti, G iovann i 2 1 8 Biliotti, F . N iccolò 7 5 Bil umn i us, Bartholomaeus 8 3 B i m i o , Pau l u s de 3 2 7 , 3 2 8 • Binaschus 2 9 3 Binda d i Ser Battista 1 95 B i n i us, Alber!us 3 1 3 Biondo, Flavio (Biondus) J J ,

1 9 , 20, 2 J • , 2 2 , 3 1 , 3 3 , 3 4 , 35 , 36, 45, 5 4 • , 7 2 , 84 , 8 5 , 89, 95, 1 1 4, 1 1 9 • , 1 50, 1 5 7 , 162, 1 64, 1 7 1 . 1 79, 1 80, 1 8 8 , 205, 206, 229, 23 1 , 232•, 2 3 5 , • 238, 239•, 24 3 , 24 5 • , 246, 254, 2 5 7 , 276, 2 7 7 , 3 0 2 , 3 2 6 , 3 2 7 , 335, 344, 3 5 2 , 370, 3 7 8 , 382, 386, 394, 3 9 7 , 4 1 3 Biondo, G a briele 135, 1 42, 23 1 , 236, 4 1 7 Biondo, M ichelangelo, 290 B i ragus, A m bros i u s S I • Biraxus , Andreas 245 B i r a g u s , La m p u g n i n u s 204, 245, 266, 3 2 7 • B i ra g u s , La m p u s I I S•, 334, 342, 3 4 8 , 3 7 1 Birag us, Renatus 9 7 B t re ! !a r i us, Se b a s t i a n u s 1 3 7 B i rc t tarius, sce a l so Be r rc t t a rius B i r i n g ucci o , see Bc r i n gucius Birria , liher 1 93 B 1 >atore 26 Bologna, schoo/s o/ 1 9 Bologna, state letters 37 Bologna, University of 16, 18, 19°, 20° , 21, 22, 82, 1 18, 152, 202•, 241 , 283, 284, 306, 365 ° , 424 Bo/agnelli, A lberto 1 1 6 Bo/ogni family 23

Bologni, G i rolamo (Bononius) 21, 2 5 ° , s 3 • , 94° , 2 75, 323, 356, 362°. 363 Bolognini, Bartolommeo 213 Bolognini, Ludovico 18, 23, 70, 254, 277. 307 Boltraffius, Ambrosius 51 Bolvi to , G iovanni Battista 436 Bolzanius, Urbanus 294 Bo l zone , Jacopo 360 Bombasio, Geronimo 1 9 Bo mbasio, Paol o 18, 1 9, 2 1 ° , 23, 1 79, 232, 324, 377, 3 7 S Bombe/li, Raffaello 20 Bombinus, Paulus 2 S 2 Bomplanius, U.dovicus 2 1 1 Bo n a of Savoy, Duchess of M i lan 9 S , 29/, 298 Bon acc o l tus , Franciscus 1 30 Bonaccursius, see Buonaccorsi Bon.accursius Lucen.sis 100,

247 Bonacc u rsius de Montemagno I l , 3 S • , 47, S I • , S3, 97, 101, 1 1 6, 1 20, 1 23 , 1 24 , 1 27, 1 3 5 , 1 3 S • , 1 39, 1 44 ° , 1 46, 1 5 2, 1 69, 183 (?), ! S9, ! 95 , 1 96 ° , 1 97, 20 1 , 2 1 5 , 2 1 S , 220°, 222 • , 223 • , 227, 23 1 , 237, 239, 257°, 26 1 , 272, 28 1 , 296, 303, 329, 3 3 7 • , 342, 345 , 34S 0 , 3 5 7 ° , 3 84 , 3 S 5 , 3 S 6 , 395, 4 3 5 Bonaccursius Pisanus 7 0 ° , 364 Bonaccursius de Soligo 332 Bonacossis, Bertoldus d e 296 Bonadies , Johannes 29, 52° Bonai u t i , N i ccolò 1 7S Bona/inus, Dominicus 252 Bonamicus, Franciscus, see Buonamici Bonamicus, Laza1 us 2 1 , 66, 84, 1 06 , 1 75 , 262, 265, 26S, 271, 2S6. 287, 292, 302, 304, 305 ° , 309, 322°, 3 2 3 ° , 325, 326°. 336, 34 1 Bonamicus, Nicolaus 247-248 Bonandrea, G i ovann i di 23, 2 1 S , 3 1 2, 365, 3 S S , 4 3 2 Bonan n i us, see Buonan n i Bonaparte, Cesar d� 247 Bonare l l i della Rovere, Guidobaldo 432 Bonarellus, Jacobus 364 Bonaro t i us, see M ichelangelo Bon attus, Franciscus 269 Bonatt us, G u i do 1 62, 2 3 5 ° , 380 BonauKurius, Jacobus 45 S. Bon aven t u ra / 9 / , 236, 304, 413 Bonavia, N ico l aus S3, 309 Bonavoglia, i l 27 Boncambius, Pau/us 132 Boncia n i , Antonio 74, 297

457 Bonciani , Francesco 1 25 , 1 27 , 1 28 , 1 3 7, 200, 223 Bonciani, Luigi 1 37 • Bon ciarius , Marcus Antonius 1 3 7 • , 29 1 Boncompagnus 1 50, 365, 394

Boncompagn is, Cataldinus de, de Visso 24 1 , 293, 302, 307 Boncompagni, Filippo 284 Boncomagnus de Visso, Troi lus S 3 , 3 20 Bondelmontius, see Buondelmonti Bondi, Domenico 37S Bondi , Giovanni 365 Bondi, Lorenzo 365 Bo n d i , see a lso Buondi Bondictis, Antonius de 258 Bandoni , Diana 87 Boneth, Johannes 42 1 Bonelis, Antonius de 3 1 5 Bonetus, Nicolaus 433 Bonfadio, Jacopo 31, 66, 237, 239, 27S, 283, 284 ° , 2S9, 3 1 0, 361 Bonft/ius Ar�tinus 19, 20 Bo n fi l ius de Ravenn a 328, 346 Bonfinius A reti n us , see Bonfi l i u s Bon fini us, Anton ius 3 1 7 Bonftnius, Mauhaeus 21 Bonftus, A ugustinus 94 Bonftus, Lucas 4 / 9 Bonfranciscus episcopus Re g ien sis, see Arlotto Bongallus, Scipio 290 Bongiann i , Jacopo 222 Bongianni, Mall�o 9 1 Bon gus, Petrus 7 Boni, Bono 2 1 8 ° Bon i , G iovanni 2 1 8 , 3 6 1 B on i, Valeria 24 Bonifacius Vlll 87, 152, 401 Bonifacius IX 13 (?) Boni facius 1 40 Bomfacius Casalensis 24 Bonifacius o/ Montferrat 82 Boni{aciu..s Veronensis 1 7 l Bomfacius, U.dovicus 332 Bomhominis, Petrus 197 Bo n i ncon trius, Laurentius (Mi· niatus) 33, 56, 65, 1 24, I SO•, 206, 3 3 9 ° , 3 54, 3 80, 42 1 , 4 3 3 , 43S Boninsegn i us, see Buon ins.egni Bonm us, Euphrosyn us 70, 1 24, 1 8 2, 1 84, 2 1 1 Bo n i n us, Lauren t i u s 1 26 Bonjacohus, Nico/aus 6 1 Bono, Hteronymus a 321 Bono, G iovann i Bartolommeo del 268 Bonomus, Johannes Franciscus, epJScopus Vercellensis 344

458 Bonomus, Petrus, episcopus Tergestinus 70, 264, 267 Bononichisius, Ludovicus 75 Bononius, see Bologni Bonromeus, see Borromeo Bonsius, Baldasar 142 Bonstetten, A lbertus 277 Bontempus, Johannes 83 Bontianus, Franciscus 3/8 Bontius, Laurentius 4 1 3 Bon ucci , Agostino 1 60 Bonucci, card. Stefano 4 Bonum, see Bene Bonus Lucensis 256, 335, 339, 365, 386 Bonus, Dominicus 356 Bonus, F. 224 Bonus, Johannes Leonardus 307 Bonus, see also Boni , Bono Bonusj ohannes Andreas, see Bonandrea Bonvisius, Paulus 257 Boraschus , Josephus 103 Borho , Jacobus 42 Borbon icus, see Bourbon Bordigallus, Dominicus 5 1 •, 52• Bordon 1 70 Bordonus, see Scaliger Bore/la, Barto/ommeo 132, 247 Borel/us ( Borsel/us'). Lambertus 104 Borellus, Rambertus 1 03 Borfo 305 Borfon i bus, Fo l chinus de 292, 300, 3 1 9° . 365 Borgerinus, Johannes 209 Borghesi, Diomede 2 1 9, 232, 265, 266, 267, 268, 29 1 , 341 , 3 7 6 • . 3 8 5 , 397 Borghesi , Niccolò 70, 130, 392 Borgh i n i , Raffaello 1 68 , 232 Borgh m i , Vincenzo 63, 65. 66, 67, 72, 80, I l i , 1 1 9, 1 2 1 , 1 27 • , 1 28 ° , 1 3 2, 1 3 3 , 1 3 6, 1 38 , 141, 1 44 , 1 4 5 , 1 47, 1 68 ° , 1 7 7, 233, 283, 289, 309, 3 1 2, 3 8 5 Bur11ia, Cesare 2 5 , 4 3 • , 1 18, 3 1 9, 434 Borgia, card. Giovanni 434 Borgia, Lucrczia 18, 56, 294, 434 Borgia, Pier L u i g i 1 86 B o r g i a , R o d r i g o , see Alexander VI Bo r g i u s . H ieron ymus 5 5 , 4 1 7, 420, 43 1 Borgo, Vanni dal 1 37 Borgo, d a l , see also B u r g u s Borgolochus, Petrus 24• Bornacius, Virgilius 390 Bornatus, Curradinus 35 Born ius Carthusiensis 396


Bomius de Sala Bononiensis 3, 14, 19•, 20, 21, 22. 23, 3 3 ° , 7 1 , 255, 265, 279, 332, 343, 362, 423 Borrhaus Cellarius, Martinus 1 92 Borrius, H ieronymus 1 1 8 • , 2 1 9 Borromei, Be mardetto 1 06, 1 22 Borromeo fami/y 283 Borromeo, Alessandro 298299 Borromeo, S . Carlo 55, 162, 264, 265 ° . 266, 267 ° , 280•, 28 1 , 282•. 283, 284•. 29o•. 191 , 294, 295 ° , 296, 30 1 , 301•, 101 • . 305 • , 306, 307, 11o•. 3 1 6 • , 3 5 1 • , 360, 3 6 1 • , 372 Borromeo, card. Federico 1 4 7, 265, 290•, 29 1 , 292° , 293, 301, 301 ° . 303, 304 ° , 306, 3 1 0 , 3 1 6° , 325, 335, 338, 339, 346, 361 , 431 Borromeo, Filippo 239 Borromeo, Gio •·anni l 14, 290 Borromeo, Vitaliano 9, l 2, 1 42, 237, 139 Bors, Louis du 278 Borsel/us, Lambertus 132, 136 ( see a/so Burel/us) Borsellus, Sebastianus l 36, 147° Bor s ius, see Este Bonolazzi, Antonio 387 Bonellus, see Bor se l l us Basca, Petrus Pau/us 316 Bosca g l i a 1 16 Bosc h i n u s Anglerius 205, 325 Bosco l i , Pietro Paolo 145, 1 4 8 , 161, 118 Bosellus, Camillus 353 B ose l l u s , Petrus An tonius 304 Bosio, Cam i l l o 3 0 8 Bosio, Fr. Giovann i Otho 1 3 7 B o s i u s , Stephan us 324 Bosman, Matthias 98 Bo.mus 25 1 Bossius, A n tonius /01 Bossus, Carolus 321 Bossius, H 1cron ymus 279 Bossius, Jacohus 271 Bossius, Johan ncs Al bcrtus 3 3 5 BoJsit1s, Johannes Lodo�·icus

355 Bossius, Marcus A n t o n i u s 3 76 Boss u s , M a l l hae u s 36, l 13, 1 66, 20 5 , 266, 3 5 5 , 3 5 8 B o s s i us, Theod o r u s 2 5 , 359 Bos t i us , A r n o l d us 242, 159, 357 Botanus, N icolaus 1 3 , 1 0 1 Bolero, G iovan n i 2 3 3 , 2 R 4 , 2X6, 287, 290, 29 1 , 2 9 2 , 2 9 5, 307, 309, 3 1 3 ° , 3 1 4 ° . 360

, Botontus, Johannes 4 1 9 Botta, A lphonsus 5 1 Botta , &rnardus 5 1 Bo ll a , Galeazius 5 1 Bolla, Leonardus 5 l , 2 66 , 3 50• Bolla, Nicolaus 51, 52 (cf. Botanus') Bollacio, G iovan Jacopo 2 5 1 Bottari, see Boc tariu s Bollero, see Botero Bollicelli, Gim·anni 159 Bo l lic el/i, Sandra 155 Bol l ice l l i , Si mone 1 59 Botti)?ella, Antonio Simone 237, 239 Bo llige lla , Bia)?io 357 Bottì��lla, Giovanni Franc�sca 155 Bo l l igel la, G iovan n i Mal leo 101, 245, 267 ° , 3 1 5 Boll igel la, G iovann i Stefano 265, 267, 315. 364 Bottigella, Girolamo 26 Bollrigari, Ercole 30•, 2 8 3 , 295, 3 1 4° Bottrigari, see also Butrigari i s Bot t u m i o 1 6 Bollus, Jacobus, epi sc o p us Der­ thonen sis 205 Boulanger, see B u lenge ru s Bourhon, Charles cardinal oj 356 Bourhon, Charles Duke o[ 5 1 , 407 Bourbo n , see also Henry IV Bo ur o ur lin collection 8 7, 91, 96 & verius. Vincentius,episcopus Molensis ( ? ) 27 l Bovio, A lessandro 349° Bovius, Franciscus 56 Bovius, H ieronymus 384 Bovius, V i rg i l i us 2 1 Bra. , N. 421 Brahant 281 B raccesc h i , G iovan n i B a t t i s t a 3 H , 75 ° , 1 20, 1 50, 1 5 1 ° , 1 6 3 ,

1 64, 1 67, 3 1 2 Braccesi, Alessandro 66 , 70. 7 1 , 98, 1 02, 1 06, 109. 1 1 5 ° , 129, 1 30 ° , 1 34, 1 37, 1 7 5 , 2 1 3 , 2 1 6, 222, 225, 233 Bracchus, Johannes Pt'lrus 5o• Braccio de' Fortehracci da Mon­ tone 33, 63, 85, 103, 160, 164, 1 6 6 ° , 1 9 1 , 208, 218, 356, 396, 418 Braccioli, Tommaso 388 Bracciol i n i , Cosimo, bishop of Pistoia 1 72, 304 Bracciol i n i , Jacopo 1 9, 22, 64, 85. 88, 90, 1 04, I l O, I l i , 1 1 4, 1 2 1 ° , 1 24, 1 26 ° , 1 27, 1 40, 1 44, 1 4 8 , 1 74, 2 1 5 • , 2 1 7, 247, 348, 357, 364, 42 1 , 437



Bracciolini, Poggio, see Poggio Bracciolini, G iovann i Battista and G i ovanni Francesco, see Poggius Bracci us, see Braccesi Braccius, Zenobius 1 4 8 Brac�lli family 237 Brace/li, A ntonio 260 Brace I l i , Jacopo 1 9 • , 2 1 , 22, 36, 3 8 • , 5 7 , 67, 1 62 • , 1 7 1 • . 1 96 • , 2 1 7, 2 1 8, 237•, 238• 239•, 2 40 , 2 4 2 , 2 4 3 , 3 3 5 , 3 70, 3 8 7 Brace l l i , Frate N iccolò 40 3

Bracen.sis, Antonius 1 93 Brachacius, A ndreas 259 Brachis, Hengi ramus ( Henriganus) de 293, 3 1 9 Bradwardme, Thomas 299 • , 3 1 2•

Bragadin, Bragadin, Bragadin, Bragadin,

Alvise 59 Angelo 262 Camillo 16 Domen ico 8 1 , 3 1 4,


Bragadin, Lauro 19, 3 3 0 Bragadin, Marco 268 Brahe, see Tycho Bramante 364 Brancacc io, G i u l io Cesare 3 1 0 Brancaleo, Decius 3 7 7 Brancardus, see Blancardus Brancatus, Johannes 3 7 9 Branchis, Branchineus de 6 1 Branchis, Johannes Ricordi de 213· Brancia, Fahricio 431 , 433 Brancon d i us, S i l vcstcr 324 Bran da, se.: Cast i g l i one S. Brandanus l 23 Bran d o l m us, A u re l i u s Lippus 1 6. 19, 20, 2 1 , 66, 70, 1 05, 1 29 . 1 34, 1 79, 254•, 259, 366 Brandulinus, Johanne.s Franciscus 45 Brand o l i n us, Raphael Lippus 25, 345, 4 1 9, 43 1 Brasavola, A n tonio M usa 6 1 , 62, 2 3 3 • , 3 7 1 , 378, 3 H 5 Bra.-.avola, G i rolamo 6 2 , 2 3 3 , 371

Brasavo la, Renato 3 7 1 Brasca, Benedicrus de 5 1 Braua, Era.�mus 3 1 6 Braua, E �·an'telista 5 0 Bra�·us, Petrus 83• BreKoncius, Reina/duJ 34 Bre1snicius, Jacobus 3 7 7 Brembatus, Leon m u s 1 9 • , 3 3 7 , 383

Brcm batus, Pctrus 9 Bremi us, Dominicus 3 7 6 Bre n t J Us, Andrcas 3 3 t • Brescia I O , 3 1 , 32, 6 1 , 252, 345, 3 76

Bressan us, Johannes 7, 1 4, 1 5 Bretag�. Duke of 331 Breventano, Stefano 279, 292, 293 • , 295 • , 302, 303, 305, 306, 3 1 6, 3 1 9 •

Breviloquium de virtutibus anti­ quorum principum, see Johan­ nes Gual lensis Brevio 407 Bre�·ius, Franciscus 337 Briardus, Johannes 298 Briçonnet, cardinal Guillaume 327 Brienn i us, see Bryenn ius Brigantinus, Ju/ianus 1 98 Brigidus, Jacobus 1 00 Bripius, Joseph 1 3 , 1 9 1 , 25 1 , 297, 306, 3 2 l . 3 2 8 • Brisighella 6 1 Bris.sio, Criswforo 104• Britannicus, Johannes 24 Brito, see G u l iclmu• Brito B r i tonius, H icronymus 290 Briv1us, P. Franciscus 1 00 Brixianus, Johannes 35 7 B r i x ianus, Johannes Bartholomaeus l oo • , 260 Brixianus, M ichael 1 5 8 Brixian us, Pompeius, see Lim­ pius B r i x i U s, Chr istophorus, sce Brissio Brocardus comes IO/ Brocardus, Bon i facius 250 Brocardo, Domizio 393 Brocard i , Mattco 1 4 1 , 1 42 Brocardus, Nicolaus l 32, 136, 24 7 Brocchus. Johannes 339 Brodanschus, Stephan us 324 Brognolus, Caro l u s 342 Broiamcus, An tonius 83•, 309 Bronis. Marcus de 35 7 BronLino, Agnolo 6 3 , 72, 1 4 7 Brossano, Franciscolus d e 3 2 3 Bruce, sc e Brutius Brucio li, A n tonio 1 22 • , 3 8 5 BruKk ner, N. 301 Brugora, Galeatius 28U ' , 294, 349, 352 Brugula, see Rrugora Bruhcrii, Nicolaus 427 Brumanus, Josippus 5 l Brunaltu.f l 5 Bruncl lcschus, Ba ptista Pe trus


Brunis, Gahriel de, de Ba rulo, O.P. 3 3 1 • Bruno, Cola 223 Bruno, G 1ordano 2 3 3 , 298, 3 5 1 , 372

B r u n o , G iova n n i

2 3 5 • , 265 ' ,


1 06

Bru n i , Leonardo Are t i n o

77, 78•, 79•, S I •, 82•, 83•, 84, s 5 • , s6 • , 8 7 • , s s • . s9 • , 90• , n • . 9 3 • , 9 7 • , 9 8 • , 9 9 • , 1 00 , 1 0 1 , 1 02 • . 1 03 • , 1 0 5 • , 1 06, 1 07 • ' 1 08 • ' 1 09 • ' 1 1 0• ' 1 1 5 • l l 6. 1 1 7 , 1 1 8 • . 1 20• , 1 2 1 • 1 24 • , 1 2 5 • , 1 26 • , 1 27 • , 1 28 • , 1 29 • , 1 30 • , 1 3 1 • , 1 3 2 • , 1 3 3 • , 1 3 5 • , 1 3 6 • , 1 3 7 • , 1 3 8 , 1 39 • , ) 40 • , 1 4 1 , 1 4 3 • , 1 4 5 , 1 46 • , 1 4 8 • , 1 49 • , 1 50 • , 1 5 1 • , 1 5 3 , 1 5 5 • , 1 56 • , 1 5 7 , 1 59 • , 160• , 1 6 1 • , 1 64, 1 65 • , 1 66 • , 1 68 • , 1 69 • , 1 70, 1 7 1 , 1 7 2 • , 1 7 3 • , 1 74 • , 1 7 5 , 1 76 • , 1 78 • , 1 79 • , I SO • , 1 8 1 , 1 84, 1 8 5 • , 1 86 • , 1 89 • , 1 9 1 • , 1 92 • , 1 9 3 • , 1 94 • , 1 9 5 • , 1 96 • , 1 9 7 • , 1 98 • , 1 99 , 200 • , 20 1 • , 2 0 3 , 204 • , 206 • , 207 • , 208 • . 209, 2 1 0• , 2 1 1 ' , 2 1 3•, 2 1 4•, 2 1 5•, 2 1 7•, 2 1 8•, 220 • ' 22 1 . ' 222, 223, 224, 225 • • 227 • , 2 2 8 • , 2 2 9 , 2 3 0 • , 231 , 2 3 8 , 2 3 9 • , 240• , 24 1 • , 242, 24 3 • , 244, 245 • . 246• , 247, 250, 254• . 2 5 5 • . 256, 2 5 7 • , 258, 2 5 9 • . 2 60 • . 26 1 • . 262•. 263 • , 2 64 • , 269, 270•, 27 1 • , 274, 2 7 5 • , 2 77, 2 7 9 • , 2 8 1 • , 284, 293 • , 294 • , 296 • , 2 9 7• , 2 9 8 • , 299 • , 3 00 • , 301 • , 302 • . 3 0 3 , 3 04 , 3o8 • , 3 09 • , 3 1 2 • , 3 1 5 • , 3 1 6• , 3 1 9• , 320•, 325•, 326. 3 2 7 , 329, J J o • . 3 3 1 , 3 3 2 • . 3 3 3 • , 334•, 335, 336, 337•, 340•, 3 4 2 , 343 • , 3 44 • , 34 5 • , 3 4 7 , 3 4 8 , 349 • . 3 5 0 • . 3 5 1 , 3 5 2 , 353•, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 3 6 1 • , 3 6 2 • , 3 6 6 , 368, 3 6 9 • , 3 70, 3 7 1 , 3 7 2 , 3 7 3 • , 374•, 375, 376, 377•, 3 8 1 •, 382, 383•, 386•, 387•, 388, 3 8 9 • , 3 90 ' , 39 1 , 3 9 2 • , 3 9 3 • , 3 9 9 • , 400 , 40 J • , 402 • , 4Q4 • , 40 5 • , 40 8 • , 40q • , 4 I O• , 4 1 3 • , 4 1 4 • , 4 1 6 • , 4 1 8 • , 4 1 9 • , 420•, 42 1 • , 422•, 423•, 4�5. 4 2 8 • , 4 3 0 , 4 3 2 • , 4 3 3 • , 43n, 4 3 7 • , 4 3 8 , 440

l , 2•,

3 ' , 4 • , 6, 8 ' , I O. J J • , 1 2 • . 1 3 , 1 6 , 1 7 • , 1 8 , J Y • , 20•, 2 1 • , 22, 24, 25•. 26, 28•. 3o• . 3 1 • , 3 2 ' , 3J•, 34•, 3 5 • , 36•, 37, 38 •, 40 • , 42, 4 7 ' , 54 •, 5 5 • , 5 7 • , 5 H • , 5q • . 60, 6 3 • , 64, 6 5 • , 66, 6 H • , 69•, 70, 7 3 • , 74•, 75, 7 6 • ,

Bruno, Lodovico 266 Bruno, Mat teo 2 3 2 , 265 • , 266, 26H•, 366

Brunus de Longoburgo 7 Brunus, Franciscu.s l 34 Brun:_iis, Nicolaus de 36 7 Brusan t i n i , Francesco 62 Brusan t m i , Paolo 3 7 6



Brusantini, Vincenzo 62 Bruschino, Venanzio da

1 72 ,






Brusius, G u l ielmus 1 1 7 Brusoni , Girolamo 366 Brutius (Bruce) . Edmundus 31 o• Brutius, Petrus 255 Bruto, Pietro 269 Brutus 1 4, 3 1 , 3 2 , 83, 98, 1 1 8 , 1 32, 1 34, 1 89 , 208, 22 1 , 225, 227, 244, 3 3 3 , 340, 343, 3 5 2 , 3 7 7 , 4 1 0, 4 1 4, 4 1 9 Bryennius, Manuel 2 5 1

Buccabel/a, Marius 439 Buccabellis, Johannes de 1 3 5 Buccaferrea and Buccaferreus, see Bocca d iferro Buccapadulius, Antonius 242, 312

Buccapizola, Jacobus 1 69 Buccardinius, Stbastianus 1 98 Bucci, Agostino 290 Bucci, Auto 3 8 8 Bucci, Ettore 104• Bucci, Francesca 104 Bucci, Giasone 104 Bucci, Jacopo 104 Bucer, Martin 2 3 3 Buchanan, Georgi u s 223, 27 l B uc h e re ll ius , Dio n y si u s 1 6 1 Buchia, N iccolò 286 Buchimeno 4 1 4 Bucincnsis, see Angelius Bucius, Johannes 7 5 Budé, G u illaume 20, 48, 344, 387 Budus,



Budus, Claudius 103 Budus, Dion 1•sius 103 Bu d u s , Johannes Franciscus 103 • , ! 04 • B u d u s , J u l i u s 1 03 • , 1 04 ° Bu� ardus , Rainaldus 34 B u gc n h age n , Johannes 2 3 3 B u i a t u s , Fredc ricus 98 Bulcius, Emicnnus 9 B u l d r i n us, Do m i n icu s 1 03 • , 1 04 ° B u l en ge r u s , J u l i u s Caesar l t 7• B u l ga r i n i , Bc l i sario 1 3 3, 1 45 , 2 1 9, 29 1 , 3 H 8 Bu/J7, 271, 273, 276, 277, 280, 282, 291,

292, 294, 297, 298°, 299, 300°,

302, 309, 312, 315°, 316, 320, 11 1 • , 315, 328", 329•, 329-

330, 332°. 334°, 335, 336°, 338, 339°, 340, 342", 343°, 346, 350". 351 , 352, 354, 355, 357, 362°, 363, 364,366, 373°, 376, 378, 379,• 380". 383", 386, 388, 391, 395, 399, 402, 408, 409, 411, 413, 418°, 420, 423 ° , 432, 433, 440

F i le lfo ,fo rc i g n pupil of 79, 121, 125, 133, 135, 217, 218, 220, 228°, 261, 432 F i lclfo, G i o va nn i Mario Il, 13, 15, /9°, 21, 23, 24, 44, 66, 81. 83", 85, 99, /01, /32, 239, 268, 271, 277•. 298, 299, 335° . 347. 350,352. 356, 361, 363(0), 364, 37 0, 374, 376, 379, 383, 415, 418°, 429 , 434 Filclfo, Mari e t t a di 268 F i l e l fo , see a iso Ph i l c l ph u s Filetico, see P h i le t icus

Filicaia, Antonio da


F i l ica i a , Piero di N i ccol ò da

118° Filicaia, Simone di Francesco da 423 Filiolus, A n tonius


Filippo, sce Philippus Fil iro m u l u s , Andrcas 185 Filo logo, see Th om a s de Ra-


Filopono, see

B. Fina


Fine t t i , G i ova n n i 309 F i n c t t u s , N icolaus 118 Finus, Danicl 56, 266, 368 Fin u s , Fin us 55", 268 Finis, Hieron y m u s de 55 Fiocco, scc Floccus 277 ,


Fiord d:>e l l o , Marco A n tonio 136 Fiori montc, sce Florimonte F i renzuola, G i rolamo 228, 313

Firlcius, N i col a u s Firmanus,

312 cardmalis, sec


Floccus, And reas ( ps . Fcnestella)

Dom i n icus

50, 80, 909 1, 1 1 7, 140, 186, 190, 206, 231°. 300", 306°, 349°, 387°, 388, 4 10 Floravantes, see Fi o ra va n t i Florellus, Johannes Hi e ron y ­ m u s 67, 325 Flnrrnce 85, 90, 98", /00, J /7, 1 4 / 0 , 156, 195, 1 96, 1 1 7, 143;

Florence, archbishop of,


Fio/a, Sigismondo 61 Fwrm·wlli, Aristotele 24 Fiorava n t i , Leonardo 23,

Fla.-ius, Antonius

Flavius, Federicus 230 Flavius, Franciscus 27 Flavius, Johannes Paulus 282 Flavi us , Petrus 268 F l i scus de la Marna Bonusanze 333 Fliscus, Stephanus, de Soncino 7, 9°, 14, 31, 169, 170, 270. 297, 301, 325, 326°, 388, 391". 433 Fliscu s , see a l so Fieschi

sce a l so Accade m i a


Finalis, Gahrie/

Flaminius, Marcus Anto n i u s Il, 12°, 19, 25, 39, 66, 77, 88, 100, 129°, 168, 222°, 223, 232, 234, 236, 296, 303, 378, 417, 431, 4 3 3 , 437, 438 Flaminius, Petrus Johannes 12, 94, 356 Fiamma, see Fiamma Flandinus Parthenopaeus, Am­ brosius 242, 243, 270, 274275


pra n i ca Firmiun, Count of 344 Fi x c r a g a, T. de, A h has dc Laudc Vcteri 245, 327 Flaccus 151 F l am m i u s . A n t o n i u s 223 Flarmniu.'i, Johmmes 4/8 F lam mius, Johanncs A n tonius 20. 21.24 - 2 5 . 31.67 , 106, 137, 150, 232, 275", 391


Neroni; Pazz i Florence, cardinal

of, see Aptis Florence, Commissioni 144 F l o rence, documents 228 Flor e n ce, S. Maria degli Angt•li J/1

letters 13, 37, 40, 47, 79", 115, 144°, 181, 202, 203, 209, 217. 220". 237. 260, 320, 330, 345, 363, 377

Florence, state

Florence, Uni•wsity I li/, 1 83, 115, 365


l li,


Vicar o/ the


hi,·hop of 135 Fiorentine exiles 116, 182, Flores, Frrdinandus 130 Fl oret a, see Rolan d i n u s Flv rian us 36, 301


Florian u s de S a n c t o Petro 169 Floribus, Michael de 53 Floridus Sa bi n u s, F ran c i sc u s

19. 1 0. n . 401

Floridus. M a rce l l u s


Florimontc, Galeazzo 66, 4D6 Florus 246, 400 , 410, 41 5 Florus, Jaco bu s 324 Fludd,Robcrt


F l u m m e , Bono d e 267 F l u m i n t bus, Le l l u s dc




Uberto 107, 121, 146, 238, 246, 253, 307°. 312, 389°

Folchinus, see Borfonibus Folrhius, Simon


Folengo, Nicodemo 23 Folengo, Teofilo (Merlinus Cocaius) 42°, 43°, 150, 237•, 269•, 270, 361, 376, 401•

Folianus, Sigismundus 324 Folieta, see Foglietta Folitinus, Augustinus Maria (Philotimus) 318 Fomasco, see Phomasco Fondanus, Antonius 101 Fonseca, A ntvnius 60 Fontana, Francesco 290

Fontana, Gabriel, see Paverius Fontana, Gratianus 429 Fontana, Marcus Publius 9 Fontana, Vincentius 429 Fontana de' Conti, Giovanni Battista 361 Fontanella Cremonensis 205 Fontanella, Antonius a 324 Fontanelli, Alfonso 375 Fontanus, Andreas 120, 121, 303 Fontelinetum 135 Fontenay, Johannes 4 1 7 Fontes, Benedictus 132



373 Fomarius, Antonius 377 Forno. Girolamo del 265, 266.' 268• Fort, Johannes 403

Fortebraccius, see Braccius

Fortehraccius, Nicvlaus 90 ForleKuerri, Niccn/ò, cardinal of Teano l30, 363

Fortcguerri, Scipione, sec Car­ teromachus 45


Fortis, Hieronymus 212 Fortunio, Antonio 344 Fortunio, Giovanni Francesco 223, 356 Forzetta, 0/il·iero Foscarari, Et?idio

Foscarari, Tiresia

365 28 l 21, 241.


Foscari, Francesco (Doge)

168 237, 320. 333, 433 Fosrari, Jaropo 13, 341 , 4 1 9 Foscari, Ludol'ico 336 Foscari, cardinal Pietro 320, 336, 337 Foscarini, Bartolommeo 385 Foscarini, Jacopo 262 Foscarini, Ludovico 19, 21, 143, 240, 364, 4 1 3 Foschi, Francesco 118, 119•

Fosforo, see Phosphorus

Fossa, Bonus


Fossa, Eustachius 339 Fossa, Fedcricus 314 5l


235, 315, 327, 426

Fracantianus, Franciscus Vita­ lis Bod1anus 323 Fracastoro, Girolamo 94, 96, 100, 118,124, 126, 222. 262•, 289, 294, 302, 325, 361, 378

Fracchi, see Novidius Frachetta, Girolamo 366 Fractura, ]';icolaus de 394• 379


Formiconi, Francesco 144 Formo, Petrus de 281



Framberti, Giovanni Battista




Fortinus, Clemens 229, 320


Foresti, Ventura 7, 14• Forfex, Gulielmus 62, 384 Forgaez, Franciscus 127 A ntonius

l 78,

192, 259

Fossatus, Paulus, 335 Fracantianus, Antonius

22, 64, 66, 88, 90, 91, 93, 95, 100, 106, 107, 111, 114, J/5, 117•, 123, 124, 125, 128•, 130•, 133, 137, 138, 139, 148•, 149, 175, 178•, 1 79 • , 184•, 187, 188•, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 206•. 20 7°. 208.. 211, 272, 353, 386, 392, 432 Fontius, Nicolaus 93


Fortinus, Bartholomaeus

Fortini, Bastiano 127, 215

Fossa, Maffhaeus

Fontius, Bartholomaeus

Fonzio, see Fontius Foresi, Bastiano 172 Foresti, Azzone 299 Foresti, Jacopo Filippo


Framini da Padua, Messer 149 Francani, Piero 128 France, Kinf? of 320 France, Queen of 269

Francesca, Piero della

84. 281-

2R2, 284•

Franceschi, Raffaello 145 Franccschi, LorenLo 114•, 137 174 France.'icO Maiordomo del Duca Cosimo de' Medici /09 Francesco d'Aragona 1 0 1 • , 225, 4J8•


Francesco d' Are7ZO, see Accolti Francesco di Ferrara 266 France.'ico PaJa�·ino


Francesco da Pietra Piana, F1ate 122

Francesco d'Aristotile da Sul­ mona 202 Francesco di Giorgio, see Martini Francesco di Stefano 99 Francesco di V ieri, see Verino Franchi. Guglielmo 54 Franchini, Ercole 387 Franchino, Francesco 268 Franchinus Cosentinus 100•, 378,417

Franchis, Jacobus Antonius de 403 209 Franchus, Franciscus 94 Franclws, Tlwmas 2ll Francionus, Andreas 324 Franciscus 78 l 16, 148, 1 93, 261, 382 S. Franciscus 345 Franris l o[ Frana 5 1 , 8 7, J l 7 , l 22, 167, 282• Franciscus cardinalis 33 Franciscus Aesinus 418

Franchus, Dominicus

Franciscus Aretinus (Gritfolini)

2, 19·. 30, 31, 32. 38, 78, 80, 83, 88, 91, 93, 98, 101, 103, 104, JJJ, 118, 127, 131, 133, 134•, 140, 146, 148,149•, 152, 160, 162, 186•. 189•. 208•. 226, 227•. 231, 235, 239, 240•. 243,244•, 245, 250, 253, 254•, 256•, 272. 296, 305, 306, 326, 327, 333•. 352, 362, 369, 387. 393•, 401, 413, 419•,420, 421•

Franciscus Aretinus, see also Accolti Franciscus Asculanus, see Cecco Franciscus Auximanus 364 Franciscus Burgensis 331

Franciscus Camaldulensis, Frater 156 Franciscus de Castello, see Castiglione Franciscus Castilionensis, see Castiglione Franci,cus card. S. Clementis, sce Condulmer Franciscus de Colle 106 Franciscus Cremensis 172, 268 Franciscus de Empoli


Franciscus de Florentia, see Paduanus Franciscus Genuensis 247, 359

Franciscus Graecus 434 Francis.cus de lnterrane, Fratcr 259 Franciscus Lucensis 258 Franciscus de Macerata


Franciscus Paduanus


Franciscus de Moliano 53 Franciscus P. 357 FrancJScus a Padua, Frater 389 100,



355 Frigil lanus, M a t t haeus 405 Frigius, Jacobus Antonius 29 1 ,

Franciscus Patavinus 33, 164, 187, 2/3; see also Pellatus Franciscus de Pedemo n ti um 270


Franciscus Pisanus 320 Franciscus Pisaurensis 4 1 7 Franciscus Placentinus 382

Frisc h l i n , N icodemus 289 Frisius, Arnaldus Johannis filius 282 Frisius. Paulus 49 Frizolius, Laurentius 61, 232, 302, 307, 376 Frobcn i us, Jo hanncs 80 Fron t i n us 8 5 Frugcrc t , Claudi us. 302, 306 Frulovisius, Titus L i v i u s 21, 205 Fugeri us, Marcus 270 Fulchinus, Ludov icus 205 Fulchius, Pa u l us 213 Fulge n t i us 44. 93 Fulgen t i us Statius 390, 41 7 Fulgc n t i us, L u t i us 400

Franciscus de Prato ! 5 3 • Franciscus Privernas O . Cap. 39 Fran ciscus de Rataro, Fratcr 404 Franciscus de Recardina, Frater

103 Franciscus Regiensis 44, 343 S. Franciscus de Sales 291 Franciscus de Sarzana 242 Franciscus Senensis, magister 21 1 Franciscus cardinalis Senensis, see Pius III Franciscus Turcel/anus 60 Franciscus cardinalis Venetus, see Con d u l mer Franciscus Veroncnsis 38 1 Franciscus Georgii (of Siena), see Martini Franciscus H ieronymus Camer i n us 3!8 • Franciscus Laurenrii 187 Fran ciscus Pau l i 258 Francisrus Petms O.P. S. FranciJCus Xa,·eriw;


429 70, 131, 155•,

Franco, Mattco 233, 364• Franco. N iccolò !9•, 233 Franconius, M a t t h i as 409 Francon us, Johanncs 1 46 Franrus, Johannes

Bcncvcn 2

Fran�ipan i , Cornello, 233, 290, 397 Frangipani , Federico 294, 321 Fran g 1 p a n i . Tranq u i l l o 344 FranLola, Ro. de 24 1 Fraticelli 141, 407 Frecci a 406 Frcducius, Lance l l o t t us 205 353

Frcgosus, see Campofrcgoso Frese/l, Jacohus 439 Fridericius, Friderirus Fridcricus l imperator



Fumanus, Adam 305


81, 262, 289,

Fumarus 83 Fundano, Leonardo

34 FungMius, H 1e ronymus 198 Furlanus, Daniel 308. 314 Furnari, G i rolamo 266, 267 Fu r n i u s , Jacobus 240 Furnius, Johannes 259, 359 Furnius, L. 260

Fuscarenus. see Fosca ri ni Fuscarus, see Foscari Fuschinus. Johanncs Baplista 56 34

Fuscus Paraclctus, see Paracle· tus Fuscus, Andrcas /03, 132 Fuscu'ì, An�e/ollrlf, Marci lH9, 334




Domi n icus

S. 44,

45, 56, 60, 232 Fuso, Petrus de 357 Fusoris, Johannes 1 38 Fu.uis, Raphael de 344 Futuro, de l 89


Fuxo, card. Petrus l[l'T 255•




35. 44•. 71. 113•, /34, lll, 195•, 205, 209, 256, 301•, 320, 327, 332, 3.16, 33H, 363, 364, 376, 412, 416, 418. Fridcr icus, Elcctor of Saxon y 24'

G. 196 G .. (ratcr


· G . , fra tcr, Acton. convcn t us 191

G. pr a e s u l A ux i m as, sec Zacc h i , Gas rar o G. Hi\pcmus


G. M1ran d u lcnsrs, scc P1co

l 90


Gahriel VenetrtS O.S. A . 4 1 8 Gahr i e l Veronensis 409 Gabriel Volarerranus 340 Gabriele. Trifone 1 00, 224. 278, 288. 302, 309, 312 Ga brielus. Angelus 25, 275 Gadaldinus, Marcus An!On ius 2fi8 341 Gaddi lihran• 107, / 38 Gaddi, A ng� lo 123 Gaddi, Francesco 70, 71, 1 01 • . 115, 121, 139, 148, 230, 2M) Gaddi, G iovanni Francesco 411 Gad d i , Jacopo 81, 137, 217 Gaditcnsis epi scopus, see Gond i salvus Gadius, Traianus 104 Gaditn, Georgius 51 Gadolus, Bernardinus 32, 2 .1 6 Gaetan i , sce Caietanus Gaetano. sce Caietanus Galfori. Galfu rius, Gaforius, see Gafu r i u s G a furius, Franchinus 7, 2�·. 29•, 30, 25!•, 277•. 293, 294, 359•, 403; see a l'o C'a furius

404 Sal vadore 224 Gagl1ard i , Ach i l le 304 G agliar d i , Jacopo 1 1 7 Gar:lio{fi, Costantino 2 G a ìct a n u s , see Caieranus Galaranus, Au�mstus 5 1 Galarnttl'ò, Ferdi,andus 5 l Gala"ius 61 Ga lalhcus, Antonius (de Fcr­ rariiS) 5•, 6•, 19, 38, 109, /10, (?), 224, 302. 305, 309, W6, 401, 409, 43!•, 434, 435•, 4.16·. 438 G ag l i a rd c l l i ,

Fuxo, Arc h i mt>ald u s dc

dc, thc

Gahriel de Spoleto, frater Gahriel S11hlarensis 4 1 /

Ga briel Tarenlinus

Gaggi, A ntonio 385 Gaglianus, Antonius

28, 126,

353. 359



Fulgosus, see Campofrcgoso Fulirtuttus Cerriensis

Fuscus Ariminensis

Franrus, Philipp11' 305 Francutius, Chris t ophoru.'i


Fu/gonius, Caesar

Fusaris, Ludovicus de Il Fuscara rius, see Foscarari


Francus, N icolaus, tanus 417


G. Placent i n u s 261 G . Pergamensis 339 G. Veronensis 164 G. Vola terran us 143 Gabianus, J ohannes Jacob u s 250•. 252. 351, 432, 433 Gabino Aretino 297 Gabi us, Johannes Baplista 306 Gaborin us, Jacobus 301 Gabriel card. Agricnsis, see Ran gone Gabriel card. S. Clemen tis, see Eugcn ius IV Gahriometrical treatises 42•, 80, 285, 3 1 3 GeorKianus, D . 324 S. G eo r g i i cardinal is, see Orsi n i ; Ri ario Georg i u s cardinalis, see M a r t i n us& us Georgius Martyr 24 Gevrgius A lemanus 338 G c o r g i u s A le x a n d r i n u s , scc M c r u la Georgius de Ambasia (A mhoise) card. 305 G c or g & u s N icomcdicnsis 402 Gco r g t u s de Parma, see A n ,. l mus

Geor g i us Geo r gt u s Gc or g i u s

Pon t rc m u lc n s i s 205 R a g u sa e u s 2 8 6 , 303 T r a pc z u n t i u s, scc Trape l u n t i u s G c or g & u s prcs b y t e r Tre v i sa n u s

75 Gcorgius, Bertutius 259 G c o r g & u s , C orn c l i u s 290 Gt•or�-:ius, Dn m in icus 83, 400 Georgius, Fratcr Franc1scus 267, J/ 0, 43/, 433


Georgi111, Marim11 /5, 84 Gep. s lmolensis 2 Gera/din11s, A)!apetlls 340 Geraldinus. Alexander 1 9, 65, 2 1 0°, 21/ 0, 292. 340 Geraldinus, Angelus 1 28, 1 78, 340 Geraldinus, Antonius 2 1 , 22, 70, 1 28. 1 29, JJO, 1 9 1, 2 1 0, 22 1 . 340° Gera l d i n us, Ascanius 266 Geraldinus, Bap t i s ta 205 Gcraldinus, Jolwnm•s 340 Gera rd i nus, Bart holomaeus, see G i rardinus Gerardinus. sce also Geraldinus Gerardus 26 1 ° Gl'rardus Carthu.tiensis 257 Gerardus. m a g i s t e r 207 Gerardus physicus l 32 Gerardus de Bclli nzona, frater 98 Gerardus Cremonensis 36, 1 15 . 1 54. J()() Gera rdus Fel t re n s is 281 G era r dus episcopus laudensis, see Landrianus G e r a r d u s Lucensis 258 Gerardu.'i Pontremulcnsis 2 4 7 Gerardus Serezanensis 327 Grrardus Ser Justi 258 Gcrardus, Johannes 117 Gerardus, Jolwnnrs Baptista 230 Ge rard us , Pau lus 118 ° Gcrardus, Petrus l 75 G e r g i s 425 Gcri o{ Arcc:o 365 Geri, see G re g or i o, Grcgorius Geri, Gc r i u � . scc Gheri Gerlis. Luc hinus de 7 1 •, 1 1 9 Gcrman •· 1 5, 1Y8, 324, 365 Germani, A lessan d ro 29 1 Geronda. Bernardo 324 Ge r o n i mo , scc G i rola mo Gcrontice 3 5 3 Gcrriu.r, Johannes Baptista 3 1 8 Ge rson , J o h a n n c s 24 1 , 273 Gcrtrudes. Radulph us 399 SS. Grnarius rt Protharius 24 Gt•.rner, Conradus 20, 2�6 Ge s so, M a t tco dal 208 Ge s u a l do l l O Gesualdo, il C a v a l ie re 264 Gesualdo, card. A lfonso JH9 Gechino, il 2 1 7 G ue r r i n o , see V a r i n u s G ue r r i n u s , s e e G u a r i n o Gu!(lielminu cle Monte d'Olio 97 Gug liclnw of Momferra/ 1 0 1 , 326 G u g l ielmo E b reo o f Pesaro 80, 1 26, 1 44 G u i ba , R o be r t us, Britannus, e p i ,.; o p u s Trecorensis ! 05, 33 1 G u icciard i , Orazio 224 G u ic c i a rd i n i , Ange lo l 16, 1 1 7 G u icciard i n i , Buongianni 1 36, ]09 G u icciard i n i , Francesco 22, 36, 63, 66, 67, 68,70, 1 06, 1 09, 1 1 7, 1 27, 1 30, 1 36, 137, 1 46, 1 48, 1 49, 1 50, 1 70•, 1 75•. 1 8 1 , 1 83, 2 1 5, 222, 2 3 3 , 2 3 8 , 265•, 266, 2 6 7 , 277, 2113, 306, 3 J J , 3 / l, 366, 376, 37 7 , 385, 387 Guicciardini, Gabriele 133 G u icciard m i , G io v a n n i 1 1 7• G u icciard i n i , J acopo 66, 70, 98, 1 3 6 , 221, 265, 297 G u iccia r d i n i , L u i g i 68, 103, I I � . 1 25, 1 27, 1 40, 1 44" , 2 1 4, 2 1 5•. 2 1 8, 223, 397, 405 G u ic c i a rd m i , N iccolò 68•, 1 1 7 , 1 25, 1 36 • G u icciard m i , P i e r o 6 6 , 6 7 , 70, 98, 1 1 5, 1 1 6•, 1 2 1 , 1 25, 129, 1 40, 1 47 G u i c hardus, F r a t e r Thomas 1 08 G u i d . , J o hannes A lo ysi us 1 73 Gu ida lo r us , A lharu.'ì 330 Guida louo, D iomcde 2ti8 Gu ula n tu nio da 1\lonlt'[clrro, Count of Urbino 38, 4 7 , 302, 308, 329 G u i d a rc l l us. G u i d u s 3 1 0 G u i d c U i , A n d rea 324 GuiJeui, Girolamo di Filippo 214 G u i dc u i , L o r c n l O 1 4, 6 9 , 70, 1 00, 2 57, 432 G u 1 d i . A n t o m u s , scc A n t o n i o d i G u ido

Guidi, G i ovanni I l i , l 1 5, 130 G u i d i , G i ovan n i B a t t i s t a 1 20 • G U i d i , G u id o de ' Con t i 2 7 2 G u i d i . Vi ncenzo 1 22 G u i d iccion i , C r i s t o foro 257• G U i d i cc i o n i , G io v a n n i 222, 2 2 3 , 257, 366 G u i d i c c i on i , N iccolò 26 Guido medicine doctor 11 7 G u ido A re t i n u s 42, 93, 3 J J G u 1 d o A r i m i nc n s i s , see Ycrnanus G u i d o C o l l e n s i s 258• G u i d o Cortoncnsis 249 G u ùio Perusinus 417 G u i d o Ravennas 378 Guido Laurentii prior S. Mar i ae A n�c loru m Florent iae 112, I J J • . 14/ , 158 G u i d o di Messer Tommaso, sce Pa l a g i o G u i d o , Leon ardus G u i do b o n i , G u idobono 268 G u i do b o n i , G i ovanni L u i g i 316 Guidoni, Antonio dc' 4 1 G u i d o n o d a Bologna 9 9 Guidonus physicus l / 3 G U J d o l t u s , llart holomaeus 3 8 8 G U J d u baldo da M o n tefc l tro, D u k e o f U r b i n o ]()•, 21, 24, 44, 1 1 4, 252, 305, 314, 3 60 , 4 1 8 , 434 G u i d ucci, M arco 284 G u i ducci, M a r i o t t o 151 G u i d uc c i , ]'. iccolò 3 44 G u i d us, magister 1 30 G u i d u s , scc abo G U i d o G u i l l . , H icronymus 3 G u d landmus, Mclchior 1 68 , 2�4 · . 2 8 5 , 307, 3 1 2, 3 1 5, 32 1 G u m d a n t i 1 s , J a n u a n u s de 1 20 G u m i g i , N icco l ò 260• Gullll!(i, Paolo 98, I J 2, 1 93, 26 2 G u i n i g i . P. V i ncenzo 1 00 G u u u � 1 u s . sce G u i n i g ì Gui ,·e. Carolus, dt• cardinalis Lotlrartn�tus 97 Guise, Claudius de 97 Gut.H', Franciscus d e J / 0

G u i �:a r d i n u s . sce G u � e c i a rd m i Gulielmus 101 G u l u.:- l m u s C a r t h u �i cns i s ::!05 G u l i c l m u s de A n g l i a 1 62 Guhl'lmu.'ì Ber�umenùs 364 Guhelmus Bntu 252 G u l 1c l m u s dc ll r i x a 211 1 . 425 Gulrelmu.s ( ·awlt'n.'ìis 38] G u \ 1c l m u s F l o rc n t m us O . S . A . , sce Becc h i G u l i c l m u s de C o n c h i s 7 6 , /58, 1 7 3 , 1 79

G u l ielmus de Cortemi l ia, fra t e r 440 G u l ic l m u s de Flandria 278 G u l ic l m u s de Francia 1 60 G u l ie l m u s G a l l icus 1 15 G u l ie l m u s G a l l u s 3 84 G u l ie l m u s de M o r bec a 62, 8 2 . 263, 2 64 , 282, 306, 3 1 0, 32 7 , 430 G u l ic l m u s Noviomensis 289 G u l ic l m u s dc S a l iceto 425 G u l ie l m u s Sedace n u s , frater 1 1 9• G u l ie l m u s Johannes Pe t r us 2 5 G u nzo o f N ovara 365 G u palat i n u s, N icolaus 1 26 Gusmanus, Nunnius l 18, 354 G uzzc l m us, J u l ianus l 39 Gymnosius, ll lasius 225 G vptius, Jacobus 399 G y r a l d u s , see G i ra l d i Hachana N e u m i ae fi l i us 283 papa 305 H a d r i a n u s VI 25, 103, 143, 229, 235, 195, 306, 322, 324, 417 H a d r i a n u s monachus 436 Hadnanus Caste l k n s i s e p i s­ copus Cornetan us card m a l i s S . C h rysogo n i (BathomenSJs) 1 8 , 2 1 • , 6 7 , 87, 1 1 4, 1 1 7 , 23 3 , 434 H a d r i an u s V i 4 1 9 Hadrianus, see also A d r i an i ; Adnano H a g e t i u s , Thaddaeus 3 4 7 Hah11, Nicolaus 371 Hamcr, N icolaus 75, 1 62 Hamer, Wllhelmus, de Key:;,ers""""e 162 H a n n i bal 38, 197 Hunmhul (s. XV) 8 1 , 4 1 8 Hanniha/ Bri:ciensis 8 7 Hannihul jtlius muKistri Jvhannu Bononiensis 278 Ha n n i h a/i us, Ale:candtr 5 1 H a r p h 1 u s , H e n n�..· u s 424 H a rpocra t i o n 368 H a:::. t i :::. , see A s t i u s




A ugustvdu-

nensis 5 1 H av a l u s , se e Davalos H,·hrew la ni( uage 95, 304 Hccatc 25 1 H c c t o r , An ton i u s 3 24 Hegcndorphius, C h r i s t o p h o r u s 16 H c g c s i p p u s 246 Heiddbcrg 99 H c i m b u rg, G rego r i u s de 37, 40 Hc lcanora, see Leonora Hde!Ul Urinensis 24


Helianus, Ludovicus, Vercel­ lensis, 3 1 , 1 3 1 , 1 44, 2 8 3 , 3 6 1 , 429 Helias Salomonis 282 He lw do rus ' l 36 Helisabet, see Isabella H e m u s , see Aemus Henicus, see Davalos, Inigo Heno, Nico/aus de 28 H e n r i c h i u s , see Arrighi Henricis, Franciscus de 94 Henricus V11 imp erar or 280, 371

Henricus Vl11, King of Eng/and 1 2 1 , 302

Henricus 11, King of France 9 7 Henricus 111, King of France 9, 46, 97, 1 2 1 , 182, 16} • , 278

Henricus l V, King o/ Fran ce 293, 308, 408

Henricus 11, King o/ Porruga/ 388

Henricus, Prince o/ Wales Henricus de Gandavo l 53


H e n r i c u s de Hassia 2 5 2 H e n r i c u s de Oesterwich 28 1 Henricus de Sahaudia 9 H e n r i c u s Se p t i m e l lensis 5 9 , 1 7 9, 3 5 5 H e n r i ge t t u s Asten s i s 2 3 , 3 2 5 H e n se l m u s , see E n se l m u s H e n t i s berus. G u l ic l m u s 4, 8 • , 1 4 , 8 1 , 1 62, 1 64, 203 • , 204 • , 27 1 , 34 1 H e r . , M a t t haeus, 3 2 4 •

Heraclides Cyprius Eremita 150 H e racl i t u s 406 . 409 Herasmus, see Erasmus Herhum il/a, Junerus 5 1 Herculanus, Basilius 4 5 Hercu l a n u s , Pe t r u s M a t t haeus 324 Herculanus, Vincentius 103 Hercules 14 Hercules ( s . XV-X V I ) 355 Herculus Bononicnsis 2 71 Heredta, Pa u l u s 2 M 3 • Herennium, Rherorica a d l , 5 , 3 9 , 2 1 2, 2 2 7 , 2 7 8 , 29 5 , 3 0 3 , 3 3 3 , 3 3 4 , 3 7 5 , 3 8 4 , 3 9 9 , 400 , 4 1 1 , 4 1 5 . 4 1 6, 4 1 8 ; see also u n d c r Ciccro Heret t cs 422 H e rgot i l lcs, see E rgotcles Herman n u s W e r rcco ren s i s . sce M a t t h t as Hermaphrodirus 1 1 , 47 H e rmcs , see T r i smeg 1 s t m : H e rmias 4 1 0 Hermogenes 3 3 5 , Jlifl Hermolau s , sce B a r baro H e rmonymus, Georgt us 4 1 1 Hemaldus, Fra o c t sc u • 3 1 4

48 5

Hernandus, Perrus 430• Hemicus, Leander 224 Hero Alexan d r i n u s 86, 136, 1 76, 286 , 29 1 , 294, 303, 3 1 0 Herodes 201 Herodianus 49 , 80, 95, 1 39, 186 Herod o t u s 20, 2 / , 49, 1 0 1 , 1 78, 1 8 8 , 3 6 3 , 3 7 6 , 420 Herrera, Johannes Arceus de 292 Hervetus, Gent ian u s 3 1 4 Hesiodus 49 , 64 , 1 84 , 1 9 7 , 2 1 1 , 25 1 , 28 1 • , 3 7 7 , 3 8 3 , 3 84, 390 Hesius, Richardus 435 Hesius, Thomas 101 Hessus, see Eoban u s Heytesbury, see Hentisberus Hezardiere , Petrus de l a 1 56 • Hierarchia angelorum, de 1 5 4

Hierarchiae ecclesiasticae dee/aralia 259 Hiero 90 33 1 , 427 140 H ic r o n y m u s 1 3 1 , 1 9 1 , 284, 382• S . H ieronymus 7, 36, 59, 94, 1 10, 1 5 1 , 1 8 8 , 1 90, 247, 28 1 , 3 / 6 , 332, 352, 429 H ieronymus Erem i t a 74, 4 1 9• Hieron.rmus frater 1 5 1 Hieronrmus medicus 3 78 H iero rl y m u s Alexandrinus 2 5 5 , 29 3 H ieronymus A r e t i n u s , see A l iotti Hieronrmus Ariminensis 1 9 9 H ieronymus Atest m u s 2 8 3 , 30 5

H ierocles

Hie rog /yphica

Hie rvn v mus de Bt•fie l'ento 395 Hieron \·mus de Bo n o nia 1 9 H icro r{y m u s a B r m a 3 1 H ieronymus C a l a be r 1 29 Hieron vmus Cescnas 1 6 7 H ieronymus Collensis 1 9S •

Hiervnymus Ferrariensis

24 ;

see a l so Savonarola

Hiervnymus Fu/ginas 434 Hieron rmus Gena:.anensis

420 1 52 Hh•rvn.rmus A1vnilit:nsis 283 H ieron y m u s de M u t i n a , frater 41 H ie r o n y m u s Patavm u s 5 7 , 327 H ieronymus P i s t o n t: n s i s 1 6 6 • , 1 98

H ie r o n y m u s de Luca

Hiervn rmus Piacenti nus O. Serv. 5 1 , 52 H ie r o n y m u s de Praga 1 58•, 155, 260, 273• H ieronymus Veronensis, see V c n tà H ic r o n y m u s V i terbicnsis 1 26 Hieronymus Mattluas 3 1 6

H i larion monachus Cisterciens i s 1 9, 43 2 • , 4 3 3 • 51 S . H i larius Pictaviensis 76 , 269 H i la r i u s Messanen s i s 4 3 3 H i ldemarus monachus 3 1 6 H i ller, Johannes 323 H i l t o n , Waltherius 373 Hinde rhach , Johannes 363 H i p pocrates 7, 1 7, 17, 3 8 , 44, 45, 4 6 • , 49, 50, 82, 90•, 9 8 , 1 1 8 , 1 1 9 , 1 3 2, 1 49 • , 1 7 8 , 1 79 , 1 8 6 • , 1 96, 203, 2 0 8 , 227, 27 1 , 280, 2 8 7 , 3 1 3 , 343, 3 4 5 , 3 69 , 3 73, 3 7 8 , 3 9 3 , 4Q4 • , 425 • , 433-434, 436 , 4 3 9 S. Hippolytus 291 H ip p o l y t u s Luncnsis, Pc t r u s 2 7 6 , 406 , 430 H ip p o l y t u s Pannonus 310 Hippolytus Sutrinus 1 89 H i p p o l y t u s , see a l so Ippol i t i

Hilarion Placenrinus, /rar er




364 ° H i r t i u s , sce Caesar H i s pa n i ae card i n a l i s , see Cer­ vantes H istanes. see Hystanes Hisroric al .,.,.orks 1 4, 99, 2 1 3 , 256, 3 3 7 , 4 2 1 Hobrechr. Jacohus 3 78 H odcricus, sce Odcricus H o ffman n , Conradus 3 1 3 H o l s tc n i u s , Lucas 6 1 , 66, 1 0 7 , 233 Homerus 3 , 1 3 , 1 7 • , 1 8 , 1 9, lO. 2 3 , 25 , 4 7, 49, 75, 1 03 , 1 1 5 , 1 1 6 • , 1 3 2, 1 40 • . 1 46. 1 4 9 • , 1 5 4, 1 84 • , 1 8 H , 1 94, / 95 , 1 99 , 207 • . 208, 220, 2 2 5 • , 23 1 , 14 1 , 249 , 262. 297, 302 • . 3 / l , 3 / 3 , 3 2 1 , 332, 334, 3 3 5 , 340, 3 4 5 , 3 4 7 , 3 6 3 , 3 6 9 , 3 7 6 , 3 78, 38 1 , 3 8 6 . 40 1 ° , 4 1 1 ° , 4 1 2, 4 1 3 , 4 1 6 , 4 1 7 • ; sce a Iso l l i a s La t i n a Homine, de 3 1 8 Hvminis, de jim· 8 Hommis, de natura 303 H on c s t u s , B l a s t u s 104, 39 1 H onest i s . C h n s t o p h o r u s de 22. 49. 1 26. 250, 26 5 , 2SO, 300 H o n e s t u s , Franci sc us 104, 1 29 , 209 H o n c s t i s , Fran c i sc u s C h r i s t o ­ p h o r u s de l 74 H o n o fr i u s de Floren tia 3 2 8 H o n o r a t u s de A l mania O . S . B . 6

Honorius Manruanus monachus Cassinemis / U-4 Horapollo 3 64 Horatius 3 , 5 ° , 5 0 . 8 2 , 1 07, 1 1 4 1 1 6, 1 24 • , 142, 1 62 , 1 7 8 ° , 1 7 9 , 1 9 3 , 1 9 5 • , 225 • , 2 5 8 • , 259,


486 282, 283, 285, 286 ° ' !88, 2 9 2 , 2 9 5 , 297, 3 0 2 , 303, 304, 3 0 8 , 309 ° , 3 / J , 3 12°, 3 1 5 , 324, 334, 368, 36 9 ' , 384, 398, 399, 400°, 40 1 ° , 40 7 ' , 409, 4 1 6 H o r i s i u s Germanus 8 6 Horvlogiis, de 435 Horses /38

Horta, Clara


H o r u m . , Franciscus 15 H o s i u s , card. S t a n i s l a u s 3 1 , 2 34 , 290 H os p i t a l i u s , M ichael 5 1 , 9 7 Hostilius, Andreas 5 1 H o t h b y , Johannes 29, 5 2 ' , 70, 1 1 9° Hours, book of 3 9 8 H u ba l d i n u s , see U ba l d i n i H ue t , Pierre D a m e l 2 3 3 H ugho, N ic o l a u s 3 7 3 Hugo O.P. 293 H u go Canon icus B o n o n i c n s i s 365 Hu g o Eterianus 20 6 Hugo Gallicus 393 H u go Senensis, see Benzi H u go de S . Severino 3 9 7 Hugo comes Tusciar J5u• H ugo dc S . V ictore 7 , 1 5 2, 403 , 408 H u g o l i n u s de U r bc v c t c r i musi­ c u s 29 , 3 7 , 1 1 9 H u go l i n u s de U r bc ve t e r i thco­ l ogus 4 1 ° , 293 Hugonct, Philippus, cardina/is Ma11scom•nsis 2U H ugutto 252, 2 7 3 , 2 89 Humanisl.s 6 7 H umhertus O . P. 403 H u m p h rcy D u k c o f G l oucc s t c r 3 7, 9 1 , 9 1 , 1 3 9 , 204 ' , 239, 24 5 ° ' 300. 326, 3 2 7, 340' HunKary, KiiiK of 7 1 Hun rwii, Jvhmmes ( Vaimda) 1 3 7 H u r t a d o de Mcndola, s c c M c n dota H rtJctmlws, PlwehuJ 44 H yd r u n t u m . sce O t ran t o H ) las, H c n ri\2us, P ra t c n s 1 s ( T uscus) 1 7 1 , 34/J, 3 5 0 . 3 � 3 . 41 1 H y l to n , scc H i l ton Hymni M , n . 1 4 2 . 1 7f> . 2f>9, 111 1 , 289, 2 99 ' . 3 0 5 , 402 . 422 H}pu c r i r is, de 1 03 1/ynmdmcu!i, A n fonius / 04 H y s t a n c s 3 8 , 90 ' lf.ncmu, ,\-/aria 24 7 Hy mnus, A ntonius, Cornclicnsis 247 H y \o a n u s , A n t o n i u s . Sarzanc n s i s 1 9, 3 8 ' , 66, 70. 7 1 . 1 2 6. 1 .1 2 ' , 1 3 3 ' , 1 3 6 , 1 40, 1 % ' , 205 ' , 206, 247, 248 ', 440 '

Hy•·anus, Gaspar /32 Hy.-anus, Gasparinus 247

Iacomo, see Jacobus, Jacopo l bycus 409 Jeronimus, see Hieronymus



/gnatius 237 l g n a t i u s Monachus, see Coppinus S . l g n a t i u s A n t iochen u s 5 9, 1 20 S. l gn a t i u s , see also Loyola I ld i b r a n d u s , Bertus 1 56 1/icu lat ina 79, 1 0 1 , 1 8 7 , 207 I lc i n us, A n t o n i u s 1 73 I l l i c i n o . Bernardo (de M o n te A lc i n o ) 70 , /00, 1 50, 1 70, 375 I l l ic i n o , Pietro d i Be rnardo 1 27, 3 1 2 Jl/uminandi, de arte 406 Imbersago , A n�relus de 1 02 I m bc r t u s , Johannes Pet r u s 49 Imola 3 1 /mperatorius, Johannes Baptista 36 Imperiale, G io v a n n i V i ncenzo 233 l m pc r i a l i s , A n d rcas Bartholomacus 5 5 , 204 ' , 343 Imp er iali.' 324 Manutius, A l d us, the Eldcr 1 1 • . n. 54, 5 6 • , 66, 101 . 266• , 26 8 , 272, 28 1 296, 3 06 , 311, ' 3 2 3 ° , 345, 349, 376, 4 1 9 M anuti us, A ldus, t h e Younger Man r ua

1 09, J / 7, 2 3 3 , 2 5 7 , 267, 2 8 9 ° , 29 1 , 295, 3 0 8 , 309, 325, 3 66 , 3 76, 3 8 5 , 4 1 3 M anutius, Paul u s 1 47 • , 2 3 3 , 268, 2 7 1 . 2 8 3 , 284, 2 8 9 ° , 290°, 292, 295, 302, 303, 304° , 307 ° , 3 1 2 , 3 1 3 , 3 1 5 , 3 2 1 ° , 3 2 3 ° , 3 3 9 , 363, 3 7 6 ° , 3 8 5 M anu1io, see M anuti us M anzo l i u s, Bcned ictus 3 1 4° M anzolius, Octavius 3 5 3 M anzolus, Bartholomaeus 24° Manzon i , Sebastiano 99° M aonus, Gcorgius 98

Mapheus, see Maffci M ar., Fratcr 244 Mar . , Francisrus 1 12 Marachius, Andreas 200• M arangus ( M arancius), Petrus

205 1 24

Manna, Bonifanria de la

Mansolus, A lexander

l HO

Manna, Caraldus 5 1 Manna, Daniel 5 1 , 280 Manna, E l iseo della 3 3 3 , 3 8 9 Manna, Pe trus 297, 342°

M arano, M aran t a Maran /a, M aranta, M a ra nta,

Manna, see also M ana Mannel l i , Jacopo de' 1 06, J / 1

M aranta, Ch ristophanus dc


2H8 Padre




A lessandro 1 1 8 Bartolommco 2 3 3 ,

309, 3 1 0° , 3 1 1 ° , 3 1 2 , 344 324°

Manni, Jacahus 328 Mannius, Gaspar l 29

Manni us, N 1colaus 84, 4 1 9 ° Mannucci, see Manu t i u s Ma n o hc t t i , G i ovan ni di Zanobi 214 Munsi, Gio 1·anni D o mr nico

J ()7

Man�o. G i ovanm Ba t t i s t a

1 4 7,

408 °

Jacopo da

Maran ta, Roberto 3 2 4 ° Francesco 29 1 , 303 Marcanova, Johannes 21, 228, 240, 2 H8, 311�. 320, 3 7 3 • Mar cano l 'a , Gio ranni di 216, M a rca l d i .

3/6 Marcarel/i.r, Raphael de

M a rcc l l i n u s Gcnucnsis

247 246

Marcellinus Santagatensis 429 Marcel/us l 64 Marcellus II 15, 19, 20, 137, /63, 222, 223, 224, 405, 428 M arce l lus, Christophorus, ar­ chiepiscopus Corcyrensis 1 1 2 , J /4, 2 8 8

Marcel/us, F. 49 Marce l l us, Jacobus An tonius 22, 58, 6 1 . 83, 240, 266, 274, 294, 352, 354, 362, 363, 3 66 Marce l l us, Marcus 3 2 3 Marc•II11S, Nicolaus 1 48 Marcel/us, Perrus 1 9, 333, 437 Marches, Franciscus 1 5 7 M archesettius, Jacobus 1 20, Francesco 239 Marchesi , Francesco Elio 1 27 , 3 5 3 , 397

Marchesi, Giovann i G i rolamo 55

Marchettus de Pa d u a

29, 42,

74, 1 79, 334

Marchianus, Bcnedictus 1 3 1 Marci cardinalis, see Barbo ; Fuscus Marciliis, Lucas d� 420 Marcius, Marcus 5 1 Marcus J J3 , 249 Marcus archidiaconus 49 Marcus Omnium Sanctorum pr�· posirus 143-144 Marcus 232, 299, 417 Marcus Bononiensis JOJ, 409 Marcus Brixianus 403 Marcus Carpensis 26 Marcus archiepiscopus Colocen· sis 392 Marcus de Flor.ntia, Frarer 210 Marcus G raecus 4 1 6 Marcus Hrdrunrius 426 Marc us Pistoricnsis 392 Marcus Placentinus 3 1 5 Marcus Romanus 210 Marcus de Senis 49 Marcus de Urbino 280 Marcus V•nerus 55, I O / Marcus Veronensis 5 2 • Marcus An tonius episcopus Lupiensis ( liciensis), see Tolomei


Marcus A ntonius Re�inus 3 78 Marcus A n t o n ius de Rodigio 55 Ma rcus G u i do 3 84 Mare/lini.oni, Paolo 2 l 2 Ricelli spirituali 1 38 R i c h a r d o t l u s , F r an c i sc us 377 R i c h a r dot l u s , Johannes 3 7 7 R i c h a rd us , V i n ccn t i u s 40 2 R i c i u s , see R ic c i R i c o b a l d u s , se e R i cc o ba l d i R i c o l d u s , fr at e r 1 83 R i c t i us , see R icci R i d o l fi , A n t o n i o 2 3 , 108, l/ 5, /3�. 1 4 1 , 2 6 5 Rido/ti, Bernardo 4 1 9 Rulolfi. Cosimo l1 6 Rido/h·, Donato 183. 184 R i d o l fi , G iovan n i 67, 7 1 , 1 30, 14R R i d o l fi . G i ro l a m a 1 28 R 1 d o l tì . Lo re n z o 1 15 Ridulfì. Loren�o l 23 R i d u l ti , Lore n w d ' An t o n i o 1 4 6 , 1 69, 243 R i d o l l i , L u c a n ton i o 86, 3 R R R • d o l li , M a l l e o 8 8 , 1 1 4, 22 1 R i 3 l O Vi/lanus, Ju/ianus 136, 247° Vi llanvertus, Simon 223 V imercati, Antonio 3 2 8 ° Vimercati, Corradino 9 Vimercati, Francesco 68, 264, 267, 292°, 303, 3 1 1 , 344, 346, 348

V i mercati,

Giovann i

An tonio

9°, 204

Vimercati, Giulio 5 1 V i mercati, Ottavio 245 ° , 3 2 1 ° , 327

243, 4 1 0

Victorius, see Vettori Victurius, see Vettor i Vida, Marcus H ieronymus, b i shop of A l ba 2 • , 49°, 50°,

Vigevius, sce Bussi V r g i l , Fabrus 7 1 , 75, 1 63 , 230,

Vettori, Piero ( Petrus Victorius) 64, 6 7 , 68, 9 1 ° , 1 07, 1 09 , / / l , 1 1 7, 1 28 , 1 53, 184, 284, 309, 417

Vico, De' , /amily 279 Vico, Enea 3 7 1 Vico, Giambattista 234, 405,

Vimercat i , Stefanardo 1 5 Vimercati, Taddeo 367 Vime rcati, Taddeolo 328 Vincemala ( Vicemala?), Herc11les 3 18 Vincentius monachu.r 1 6 7 V incent i us Be llovacensis, O . P. 3 3 , 78 V incenti us Bononiensis, frater 249

Vincentius de Castronovo, see Bandellus Vincentius Ferrariensis, frater u•

Vincentius Gallus 304 Vincen tius Gemin ianensis, see M ainardus Vincentius Neapolitanus 395 V incen tius Novocastrensis, see Bandellus Vincentiu.s Pia ce ntinus 24 S. V incen tius Ferrer O . P . , see Fcrrer Vi ncen t i us Johannis 67 Vincentus, Andreas 1 2 ° , 1 5 ° , 1 6° Vincesilaus Bvemu.s 3Y2 VinCIKUerra Lucensis 23 Vinci gue rra, Antonio, called C h ronicus 59, 1 95 , 234, 268, 38 1 , 4 1 2 . 433

Vincio, Antonio 266 Vincio, Picrus ser G u i d i 1 70 Vindemiae liber 8 5 , 3 2 9 Vinea, Mari nus de 1 75 Vrneis, Pe trus de 27, 36, 3 7 , 8 � . 1 79, 2 8 3 , 3 6 5 • • 420 V i n o , Francis