How the 2014 Military Coup In Thailand Was Carried Out [1 ed.]

Eye witness history of the 2014 military coup in Thailand.

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Table of contents :
Table of Contents

1.How The 2014 Military Coup Was Carried Out

2.The Psychological Situation In Thailand Is One Of Pure Terror

3.How Thailand Is A Neo Colonial Gulag of the USA And Western Capital

4.The Thai Monarchy Is A Plague Upon the Country

5. Isaan’s Relationship With Bangkok

6.Why the United Nations And The International Criminal Court Are Useless In Thailand

7.Western Media's Atrocious Record On Thailand

8.Why Jay-Z And Beyonce Are Full Of It

9.Why Thai Students Are Ritually Beaten
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How the 2014 Military Coup In Thailand Was Carried Out [1 ed.]

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How the 2014 Military Coup in Thailand Was Carried Out Second Edition

By Tom Huck © 2022 by Tom Huck and Walking The Ceiling Publishing

Table of Contents 1.How The 2014 Military Coup Was Carried Out

2.The Psychological Situation In Thailand Is One Of

Pure Terror

3. How Thailand Is A Neo Colonial Gulag Of The USA And Western Capital

4.The Thai Monarchy Is A Plague Upon the Country

5. Isaan’s Relationship With Bangkok

6. Why The United Nations And The International Criminal Court Are Useless In Thailand

7. Western Media's Atrocious Record On Thailand

8.Why Jay-Z And Beyonce Are Full Of It

9.Why Thai Students Are Ritually Beaten

"That which the wise man will not take, the king will go through fire and water to obtain."- Jack Kerouac Introduction Thailand is currently a Stalinist Stazi Terror state. Stalinist because it is a dictatorship. Stazi because it is a snitch society where ratting out your fellow countrymen is rewarded. Terror because that’s how the ultra right wing retains power.

Chapter 1 - How the 2014 Military Coup in Thailand Was Carried Out Today we're going to talk about how the 2014 coup was pulled off in Thailand and what happened. So around November and December of 2013 Yingluck Shiniwatra’s party in the elected parliament put up a bill that was a tit for tat, quid pro quo where they would give the the fascist party some some crumbs in exchange for letting the former elected prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, off the hook. Basically giving him immunity for false accusations made against him. The fascists, which include the military and the monarchy, couldn't stand for that. So they used it as an excuse to start protests

in the street. And so for months there was a huge “anti government” protest. Starting in late November 2013 and through New Year's of 2014. The protests were well financed. They had state-of-the-art sound systems. They had free food and free water for anybody who showed up. Where that money came from you might guess. (The monarchy and their military. Though you can’t say that, or the ultra right wing in Thailand will kill you.) Several Thai corporations and businesses donated generally to “The PDRC” (People;s Democratic Reform Committee), which was the front group for the protests against Yingluck’s elected government.

Following is a list of several of these companies.

Here is a link to a video of ultra right wing politico Suthep marching around Bangkok in 2013 making a fool of himself. =KKuUfYbAjKw The protests caused the election in February 2014 to be canceled. After that, the attendance in the protests started to fall off and the “anti government” BS became extremely unpopular. But what happened during the election is important. The February 21 election was canceled

because the fascist party, which includes the military and the monarchy, sent hired terrorists into the street. These were mostly working class fascists from the south of Thailand, from in the Kra Isthmus, including cities like Phuket. These right wing mercenaries were walking around shooting off guns terrorizing people everywhere. Smashed up people’s car windows randomly. Smashed in bus windows with old people terrified inside. They shot Mai Neung, probably the best Thai language poet of this generation. Shot him while he was sitting in a parked car. There was a famous popcorn gunman at the mall in downtown Bangkok. He went out in public and started shooting off his

gun randomly at shoppers in the street. My former boss at the school where I worked was an English guy. He was married to a Thai national. He said, after the popcorn gunman, basically, “Forget this country. This is insane. These people are out of their minds.” And so he picked up and quit the job. Took his family and moved back to England because it was too crazy. So these terrorists and assassins were out with pickaxes and knives and they killed people in the street. This was completely not reported. I did see a report in the Thai newspaper that said that up to 60 people were killed during

these protests leading up to the coup. And the Western media - including Jerome Taylor of AFP and Jonathan Head of the BBC - and the New York Times and The Economist and the Financial Times and the so called business press always consistently said that this was a “bloodless coup”. And there could not be anything farther from the truth. 60 people died they're all poor workers who wanted their vote to count in Thailand. Okay, so leading up to this Feb 2014 election, the the streets were riddled with these armed violent terrorists out there killing people. And the election was supposed to be in February. But in those counties in the south, like Nakhon Ti Samarat, Phuket and Songkla,

down in those provinces, the terrorists and military hired thugs, went out to the polling stations and just sat there with guns. So people knew if they went in to vote in those counties that they would be attacked. There was a photo of one guy getting set upon and strangled because he showed up to vote. During that election the whole rest of the country voted and they voted overwhelmingly for Yingluck to stay in office.

However these six provinces in the south did not report a single vote. Because basically the polling places were functionally shut down by these terrorists

sponsored by the military in the monarchy. The Thailand Election Commission, which was supposed to oversee the election, is appointed by the monarchy. Again, this is a fact that will never be told to you by Jonathan Head or Jerome Taylor or the Financial Times or The Economist or any any serious Western paper reporting from Thailand. They won't tell you that the basic fundamental point of the Election Commission is that they were appointed by the monarchy and they could care less about fair elections. The Election Commission said something along the lines of “we've got six provinces that didn't vote so we have to throw out this election.” Which is what the

monarchy wanted. There's 77 provinces in Thailand. But six of them didn't vote. So this whole election is invalid and oh look here's some people with guns who are pointing their guns at our head so we might as well let them take control of the government of the country. Blah Blah. Ha. Ha. Joke’s on everybody. The election was declared invalid. And this was fuel for the fire lit by the military and monarchist thugs. Shortly after, they attacked the government house. And Yingluck, who was the elected prime minister, sent the police out to defend the government house. But the police were unarmed. Basically fighting to defend against a military coup with shields and batons.

And the monarchist thugs were armed with guns. They shot a policeman point blank in the chest and killed him. And there's a picture on Getty Images which shows one of these protesters throwing a lit petrol bomb or Molotov cocktail right into the Government Compound. Guns or gun ownership is illegal in Thailand. So how these people got their hands on guns is that they got them directly from the military. I mean everybody knows this. Everybody who is or was there knows this. You can't talk about it because if you talk about it you'll be lynched or fitted up with defaming the monarchy charges and put in jail for decades.

I would say it's a tragedy. Unless you are a jacked up fascist or apologist for right wing US foreign policy. If people in this next upcoming election in Thailand want to make sure that the dictatorship does not stay in power, what they should do is just not vote. Just don't go to the polling place. Or send people there and block it or close it down or just blow it up. Then by precedent of the Election Commission, which was appointed by the monarchy, they'll have to throw out the Election.

However since the Election Commission was appointed by the monarchy, of course they'll apply double standards, as they always do. For example, if six counties in Isan did not vote in the election, and it turned out that an extreme far-right fascist won the election, then the Election Commission would fall all over themselves to certify the election. That's how it'll work. That's some interesting information about how the 2014 coup in Thailand happened. I hope it was helpful and informative for you. Thank you for your consideration and have a nice day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chapter 2 - The Psychological Situation in Thailand is One of Pure Terror Today we're gonna talk about the

psychological situation for Thai people in Thailand who support democracy, or maybe don't like the monarchy. Let's go through some specific examples. If you're a student who supports democracy. If you liked Yingluck. If you were upset that she got railroaded out in a military coup. Then what you can expect is, to be propagandized in your classroom with impunity by your teachers who support the military coup (and the monarchy of course who supported the coup). And if you if you disagree or you express anything in opposition you'll be beaten and terrorized. By your own teachers. You may be lynched and bullied by your fellow students. And nobody's

gonna help you if you complain to the school administration or police. They're gonna laugh at you if you complain. Teachers and the administration will probably put you in detention or report you for disagreeing with the delusion that the military coup was a good idea or that the monarchy is a great asset for the country. What if you're in university and you don't like the corruption in the military? If you don’t like the expensive submarines or the bomb detectors that don't work. Or axing 20% of the education budget to give to the civil servants as hush money after the military coup in 2014? What you can expect is, like activist Jaa

New, having your family members be hunted down and put in jail on trumped up charges. And they may be sentenced to decades - multiple tens of years in prison for “insulting the monarchy”. Even if you didn't say anything, they'll fit you up with fake made up charges. What if you're a worker who didn't support the military coup and supported the election of Yingluck? You can expect to be killed in the streets. Nick Nostitz did a long piece about an average worker guy’s funeral when the protests first started. He went out to confront these pro monarchy, pro military, pro coup people and he was killed in the street.

What if you are in the military and you don't like the way the military is going? You don't like their contempt for democracy. You don't like them running coup after coup for 50 years? You can expect to be assassinated. Have your head blown off by a sniper, like the commander Seh Daeng, who got assassinated while he was having an interview with the New York Times. What if you're a poet from Isaan? Like Mai Nueng? Who is extremely popular and probably the best Thai language poet of the last generation? You can expect to be hunted down and have bullets put in your

chest. Assassinated while you're sitting in a parked car in a parking lot.

What if you're a prison activist? What if you do work in support of political prisoners? You can expect to be abducted and held in a military camp for weeks and raped. Like Krit Sudha. And then kicked out of the country permanently. What if you're a transgender person like Aum Neko who supports democracy? You can expect to be kicked out of the country. What if you're a professor like Giles Ungpakorn or any other professors who speak out against the military or the monarchy? You can expect to be kicked out of the country. And have a bounty put on

your head.

What if you are an outspoken supporter of republican government like Ko Tee, who fled Thailand and went to Laos and ran anti-monarchy pro-republican radio broadcasts out of Laos? You can expect to have the Lao government sell you out and allow Thai special forces to come into Laos and kidnap you and torture and kill you. Exactly like they did to Ko Tee. What if you're a labor organizer? You can expect, as Mr. Ayudhya, a real live labor organizer said in his formal statement, that you can expect your company to hire thugs to track you down and intimidate you with violence.

Or if you're a labor organizer like Mr. Somyot? Who is probably one of the best and most outspoken labor organizers in Thailand. You can expect to be put in jail

for publishing an article you didn't write. He was a publisher of a magazine and he published a story by another writer. And because the military could not figure out who the writer was, they grabbed the publisher, Mr. Somyot, and put him in jail. He was in jail for three years and then they charged him with insulting the monarchy, and sentenced him for another 11 years. That's what you can expect for labor organizers. Or what if you work at the Ford plant and you go on strike for better working conditions and higher wages? You can expect after your strike that you are

ordered to report to a military camp for pro business brainwashing and psychological conditioning.

What if you're just a regular student like in the various schools where I worked? You can expect your teachers to show up every Monday dressed in a fake military uniform. You can expect to be required to support the monarchy even though you watch them sign off on coup after coup. You will see the old Queen go to the funeral of a vicious yellow shirt terrorist killer. You can see the Queen, your queen, go and support these people who use violence. And you have to support her or else. For example, in 1976, you would expect

the current king to go watch extreme right wing terrorists lynch and murder young people who supported democracy. You would watch monarchist thugs hanging young students from trees and beating them to death with a folding chair. That's what you can expect if you're a student.

So what if you are a Thai person and you would want to turn to foreigners outside the country for help? You might expect to be groped or hit on by your foreign teachers. Which I've seen personally happen with my own eyes. If you go for example to the Western journalists like Jonathan Head of the BBC or Jerome Taylor of AFP, you can expect to

get NO coverage at all. You can expect them to trash Yingluck on Twitter as Jerome Taylor did, while not reporting at all on monarchist violence. You can expect BBC reporter Jonathon Head to just ignore everything you said. Specifically, I asked Jonathan Head, “Can you please once just say that the monarchy appoints the judiciary?” (From which the BBC constantly says Yingluck and Taksin are ‘fugitive from justice’.) Head replies to me “It's beyond me.” This is the BBC correspondent in Thailand who is the president of the foreign correspondents club in Thailand. (Foreign Imperialists Club.) Most foreign reporting in Thailand is a joke. It's truly horrifying. That's what you can

expect for the Western media. Or say, for example, you are a student and you want to turn to your Western teachers. Like the guy who runs You can expect him to say “We need to stay out of it.” when they're running a fascist military against your elected government. And you get these Westerners like the French Club of Pattaya saying ~oh well maybe it's a good idea if we have a coup. So many Westerners in Thailand are shameless. They are just some of the the worst human beings you could ever imagine meeting or having to deal with.

For example the Western publisher of the English language city paper in Pattaya who refused to run any information about my students being beaten nearly into the hospital by their Thai teachers. Later this was reported and became an issue. But at the time, he would not touch it, saying it was “defamation”. Even though

I had recorded evidence. That’s it. The psychological situation for democracy activists in Thailand is absolutely terrifying. It's horrifying. The monarchy and military run a non-stop terror regime. You could even call the the former king of Thailand, Bhumibol, who shot his own brother to obtain the throne, the terror king. Because he constantly intimidated and brutalized anyone in the Thai working class who supported democracy . And then you've got these Western businesses that operate in Thailand who won't say a word about the coup.

Like for example Dow Chemical. I saw on the back of a songthaew, an advertisement for their job that pays $500 a month - five hundred dollars a month - for a job with no benefits. Not a word against the coup. And so you wonder why doesn't the United States, the so-called home of democracy, do anything about it? You look at the US ambassador to Thailand, Davies. He was there prior to the coup, through the coup, and after the coup. He did not say a word about the military coup dictatorship. It’s ~his~ dictatorship. He loved it. He won't call it a dictatorship because

they're all like buddy-buddy. They all support fascist coups because these foreign companies use Thailand as a slave farm to pay unbelievably low wages to these workers Western factories. Like, for example, an Italian tire company, or Korean electronics company where I worked. Or the Ford company or a Toyota company or any number of Western enterprises in Thailand. They don't say anything. It's unbelievable. I mean it really just goes to show you like really what's going on. So the greatest export in Thailand is computer and electronic parts. not coconuts or rubber or rice or mangoes.

It's computer parts. And secondarily automobiles and automobile parts. They're running a protection racket for people who are manufacturing slave labor goods. And they bring those cheap goods over here to America with zero tariffs and use it to undercut the US economy and the US working class. And nobody will do or say anything about it.

So that's where you are. I can tell you one thing. A book that helped me get through this situation, recommended by my friend in Finland, is called “Political Ponerology” by Polish psychologist Andrzej Łobaczewski. That book gives tactics on how people dealt with

and got through the corruption in the communist occupation of Poland from the time of the Second World War up until Solidarity.

So there you go. The political situation in Thailand is completely terrifying and Horrifying. I would be remiss if I did not speak the truth about what's going on. Thank you very much for your consideration and have a nice day.

Chapter 3 - How Thailand is a Neo Colonial Gulag of the USA and Western Capital. “The European colonial system has not actually disappeared, but instead continues to exist in an implicit and hidden manner.” - Cheng Yawen, Shanghai International Studies University 2023

I came to the conclusion that Thailand is a neo-colonial gulag of the United States and Western capital after reading a couple of books by a Kenyan writer named Ngugi Wa Thiong'o. The books are “A Writer's Prison Diary”, and “Decolonizing The Mind.” He wrote the “Writer’s Prison Diary” on toilet paper after he was incarcerated by Kenyatta. (Who Malcolm X said was a good

guy! And said we need to name our children Kenyatta!) Thiongo has been nominated for a Nobel Prize twice. He didn't win, but he's an excellent writer. And his books are gripping. They’re some of the best contemporary books I've ever read.

In The Writer’s Prison Diary, Thiongo described the situation in Kenya under British rule in the 1950s. And what he described was almost exactly word for word what goes on in Thailand with regards to the Thai sex industry and expatriate Westerners living there. Things like gogo bars, prostitution, and all those kind of things were described by

Thiongo to be exactly, identically the same as it was in Kenya in the 1950s. It was shocking to me when I read it. Thailand is almost identical to the situation in Kenya prior to their liberation from colonial British rule. If you go to Thailand right now you can find a lot of British people who are doing the exact same thing that British people were doing in Kenya in the 1950s. The other book I read that pertains to this is John Perkins “Confessions of an Economic Hitman,” as well as a couple of sequels to that book. According to Perkins, these Western companies go to countries like Thailand to

take advantage of the cheap labor. As well as take advantage of the terrorist dictatorship that keeps a gun to the head of every worker in the country. If workers try to organize they'll be met with violence, and intimidation. And if they are organized like the workers at the Ford plant in Thailand, who went on strike in 2017, they will be ordered to a military camp. To get their thinking put straight. Just like where? Communist gulags that we are taught to fear and hate? The Western companies that are over there, for example Yum, Ford, Pirelli, Dow, LG, as well as computer hardware companies, will not say anything at all about the coup d'etat. Because they benefit directly from it.

They have no interest in democracy. No interest in the benefits of the Western system. Those benefits should not be applied to Thai people, and especially not to the workforce in Thailand. These companies just have no interest. All they want is cheap terrorized labor. Intimidated labor they can exploit to the hilt in order to make immediate profits. And they are enabled by the US ambassador who won't say anything. Who even does photo ops with incredibly reactionary right-wing Thais.

US Ambassador, Photo OP with notorious Thai ultra right winger

The ultra right wing Military/Monarchy of Thailand runs endless dictatorships that just keep a gun to the head of the population. And the Thai right wing has no qualms, like in 2010, against just gunning down dozens of democracy activists in the street. And I mean unarmed civilians, like students, and a nurse who was

assassinated while trying to take refuge in a temple. (The temples rely on the monarchy and military for patronage, so what do these Theravada Buddhists care?) — Who do these people in the Thai dictatorship work for? They certainly don't work for Thai people. They work for international capital. They’re traitors against Thailand. In Khon Kaen, a city in the North East of Thailand, the military-appointed governor claimed that the population of Khon Kaen is “stupid” and they need to get their thinking straight.

The dictatorship also from 2013 to 2019 canceled ALL elections in Thailand. All local elections, all provincial elections, and all national elections. Canceled. Every single city governor, every single provincial governor, and every single national government official was appointed by the military. Top to bottom.

Even if there was an election, if a leash is not put on the military, or they don't even mention reform or abolishment of the monarchy, it's not gonna do any good. Any government elected by the Thai

people will stay empowered, like Yingluck, for about two or three years until somebody in the military gets a big stick up their butt and decides to just start blowing people away in the street. And then we'll do it all over again. United States colonialism in Thailand started after World War II. In the early 1950s, shortly after Bhumibol shot his brother in the head in order to steal the throne of Thailand, the American CIA went into northern Thailand (which is occupied Isaan, or to be more specific, occupied Laos annexed by Thailand in a war in 1827). Up there near the Lao border, there were many poor Thai people who were wanting to join the Communist Party. There were

communist organizers across Northern Thailand who were gaining traction. Laos, just across the Mekong River was and still is a Communist country. And so the US CIA ran an entire American taxpayer funded public relations campaign on behalf of their buddies in the Thai monarchy. They dropped pro capitalist leaflets across the countryside. And the main thrust of the leaflets was “If you're a patriotic Thai you will support the monarchy. You will support Buddhism. And you'll support the Country.” So it was “monarchy religion country”. The same exact, identical, word for word line that you hear today. Because it comes from the American CIA.

All my students are out there every day doing a Buddhist wai and prostration to the King, the Buddha, and the country. They're doing exactly what the CIA wants them to do. The Thai teachers are doing exactly what the American CIA wants them to do. The school administration and practically all the major institutions of the country are doing exactly what the American CIA wants them to do. So called “independent” Thailand. Also during this time, in the 1960s, the American State Department paved the entire country of Thailand. All the roads from Bangkok down to U-tapao Air Force Base near Rayong. Where the US Air

Force flew bombers into Vietnam and Cambodia to just blow people away. Including civilians. The USA also built the roads up to Isaan in the Northeast, and up to Chiang Mai. The American taxpayer paid for the roads in Thailand. That's what you probably don't know. So, not once did America ever complain when there was coup after coup after coup in Thailand. There were 18 coups during the Bhumibol reign. And with absolute contempt for democracy, as the king, he supported and signed off on all of them. Meanwhile, his sponsors, the

Americans, never said a word. Never did anything to oppose his fascist anti democratic reign. Democracy so called is great for Panama, or Iraq, or Ukraine. But it is unthinkable in the colonial outback of Thailand. Also of interest, during the Bush Jr. “War of Terror” era, the US ran torture centers in Thailand. This was known, but it was denied in America. It was denied by the US right wing and the Thai right wing. Right up to the coup in 2014 there were still people saying “oh we don’t really do torture chambers in Thailand.” So now it's out in the open because Trump promoted Gina Haspel to be the head of

the CIA, and she oversaw torture centers in Thailand. It's also been entered into the United States Congress senatorial record that torture centers exist in Thailand. So I don't think anybody can deny that now. ____ Let me go back and talk once more about another US company. Western Digital. Where I worked in one of these industrial estates in the northeast, they made the internal parts for hard drives. Which were used in computer hard drives for IBM computers as well as Apple computers.

The head of quality control in this Factory on the industrial estate where I worked, a Thai national, lived in a one-room cinder block apartment with his wife and child. Imagine that. Imagine a western person as the head of quality control for a major international company producing hard drives and internal parts for hard drives that go into IBM as well as Apple computers. And have them living in a one-room cinder block apartment with their wife and child. Imagine that. The other thing I want to say is that foreigners won't do anything about this. The country is overrun with foreigners who are just absolutely corrupted by the system.

They go over there and they can get cheap food, cheap drinks, cheap apartments, cheap girls, cheap massages. You know, everything is so cheap. It is just like, hey, it's so easy to have a good time. And so when the Thai ultra right wing starts blowing away people in the street, or putting a bullet in Seh Daeng's head, or Mai Neung’s chest, foreigners don't do anything. They don't care. It's unreal. It's unbelievable.

For example in my school, when Thai teachers were illegally beating the crap out of my students, foreigners would not say anything. And when I started to complain about it, all of them - every single one of

them - refused to help. And that includes the publishers of the newspapers and so on. If you go on the internet, any place about on the internet about Thailand, you'll just see apology after apology for corruption and terror. How it's not so bad to run a military coup. How it's not so bad to overturn an elected government. How it's not so bad that nobody cares that the blood is running through the streets and the people live in constant terror. If you complain or raise issues, you'll get passively aggressive told to leave the country by butthurt sex tourists. ESL cafe on their Thailand section,

during the coup there's people on there making excuse after excuse for a coup. Insulting Thai people and saying they are too infantile and corrupt to handle democracy. Then look on reddit’s main Thailand site and it is filled with people who don't care about anything in the country.They're only interested in their cheap little Tricks. And if you even raise a legitimate question about the dictatorship, or the monarchy, they'll ban you. It is a little better now, but not much better than when I was there. Also on this reddit forum, I was given threats including death threats for opposing the coup in 2014. Really ugly bunch of people in there. Then there is the Thai visa site. It's like a

honey pot for these predatory lawyers. The very first question I answered on the Thai visa site was this: “What do you do in the theater when you go see a movie in Thailand and they play this Public Relations video for the monarchy before every single movie?Everybody has to stand up in the movie theater. What do you do? Do you stand up? Do you sit down? What do you do?” I answered this question, and I said, “Oh man, I can't stand it. When that comes on, I'm up out of my seat. I go to the bathroom and just go get some popcorn or coke and come back when it's over because I have no interest.”

Immediately I got threatened with legal

action. They were going to bring charges against me for potentially defaming the monarchy. It's a total setup. I mean it's grotesque the number of western people on Thai visa who are looking for a fix and cannot say one word in support of democracy or the people of Thailand. So I say all of this in service to me trying to explain to you that Thailand has almost no political sovereignty or autonomy.

Thailand is basically run by foreign capital. The Thai monarchy and military don’t work for the people of Thailand. They work for foreign capital and foreign businesses who are completely subservient to this corrupt paradigm.

When any Thai person wants to exercise self-rule and self-determination, they'll be shot in the street. To great applause from most westerners. So I hope this was informative for you and I hope that this gives you some food for thought the next time someone laughably claims that Thailand ‘has never been colonized’. Chapter 4 - The Thai Monarchy is a Plague Upon the Country. Let's go over several points that the Western media will never tell you. Number one. In a 1972 book called “The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia,” Alfred

McCoy said “the Thai monarchy is actively engaged in drug trafficking.” Number two. During the Vietnam War Thailand’s King Bhumibol said that United States anti-war activists were “brainwashed.” So if you're an anti-war person, like Daniel Berrigan, Ammon Hennecy, Martin Luther King, Jr., Brain Willson, Harry Belafonte, or Muhammad Ali, you're brainwashed according to the Thai king. Number three. Thai King Bhumibol told the Dalai Lama that “military governments are good for developing countries”. And he made sure that Thailand suffered from military governments the entire time that he was the king.

Number four. In 1976 there was a civil society protest against the military government. That military government was approved by the Thai king. And so on October 6th, 1976 the Thai Royalists went into Thammasat University where that where these young students were protesting for an election, and the Royalists lynched them. They rounded them up and tortured and killed a bunch of young students. Terrorized everybody. It was truly horrifying. There's this iconic picture of one of the democracy protesters hung up from a tree. Obviously with a broken neck, and beaten to death with a folding chair. If you look for it you can find it online.

But according to Paul Hanley, who wrote the book The King Never Smiles, the current King (Rama 10), was actually there at the lynching. Following this horrible terror against the democracy protesters, the Thai monarchy did nothing against the military and nothing against the extreme right wing that lynched these young people. Number five. Regarding the current Thai King, there's a video of him and his former girlfriend, Sri Rasmi, having a birthday for his dog. And in this video Sri Rasmi is in a g-string, topless, kneeling on the floor. In front of the hired help. It looks absolutely terrible.

Number six. When this current King got tired of his compliant g-string mistress, he terrorized her family. I believe he had one of her family killed, her uncle or her father. And then he forced her to go live in a monastery in Chiang Mai permanently. So if she leaves this monastery I'm led to believe that she's going to be killed.

Number seven. In 2010 there was another democracy protest. People demanding elections after Abhisit’s extreme right-wing government assumed power during a parliamentary coup. Abhisit was never elected. He was jiggered into the office by parliamentary shenanigans which were put in place by the military coup of 2006. And

so people naturally wanted an election. They wanted to be able to determine their own prime minister. And in 2010 the protesters took it right to the middle of downtown Bangkok. To the primary shopping center. And they just camped out. They lived there for weeks. And it drove the military insane. Drove them absolutely crazy.

After a few months, the military was driven so insane, they just went in there and shot these people like dogs in the street.

About 99 total people reported dead, but I

am sure it was more. Some of the protesters ran into a Wat, which is like a Buddhist temple or Buddhist church. And the military just went in there and killed them. On the holy grounds of the temple. It's absolutely horrifying and disgusting. So what did the monarchy do? Nothing. Just like 1976. They did nothing. They don't care. Remember what Bhumibol said “military governments are good for developing countries”. Number nine. I will say this. The one thing that you never hear in the Western press about the Thailand judiciary is that they're all

appointed by the monarchy. So when the UN came to visit Thailand to investigate this 2010 massacre of civilians, the Thailand judiciary refused to cooperate. Wouldn't let the UN into the country. Shut the door and told them to go away. And unfortunately, the UN went away.

You'll never hear Jonathan Head tell you where the judiciary comes from. You'll never hear Jerome Taylor of AFP tell you where the judiciary comes from or who appoints the judiciary. This is the same judiciary that during the

2014 election completely annulled the election because six extreme right-wing provinces in the South refused to vote in the election. The monarchists put literal thugs outside the polling places with machine guns and they threatened people who went to vote, and beat them up so there were no results returned from these six provinces. And the judiciary annulled the election at the behest of this bunch of right wing terrorists. Now if there was another election and people in the Northeast or in Chiangmai refused to vote the judiciary would ignore it and they would allow the extreme right-wing to take power because “military governments are good for developing

countries.” Number ten. The Siam Cement company is the business wing of the monarchy. And according to a Forbes article, this Siam Cement company is losing money. Despite the fact that Siam Cement pays no taxes in Thailand and they get a huge subsidy, a huge check from the national treasury every year. And yet they can't turn a profit. It's amazing. Also Siam Cement is completely opaque and non transparent. You can't find out anything about them. And I imagine if you criticize them, you'll go to jail. Number eleven. The monarchy never abolished lese majeste. Which is a penalty for insulting the king. And this is a device

that's used by the extreme right wing to terrorize everyone. Including labor organizers like Mr. Somyot who was given an 11 year sentence for publishing an article that was not written by him. They hate labor, and especially labor organizers. And they wanted any excuse to put Somyot away. So they put him down for 11 years.

Also the ultra right wing Monarchy allows no political debate and anyone who is a political republican or thinks that the monarchy needs to be abolished or even simply amended and reformed, they go to jail. They are immediately terrorized. Lucky if they're not killed in the street or put in jail for decades.

This one singer named Tom Dundee was given a 25 year prison sentence for some songs that he wrote. Another guy was given 50 years for five Facebook posts. It's just unbelievable. Bhumibol was the most powerful guy in the country and he could have abolished lese majeste and he didn't do it. Everybody says he's a great king, but Bhumibol never took this brutal tool away from the extreme right-wing in the country. And so we have military governments forever in Thailand. Whatever you think about the monarchy, these are facts that you're never gonna hear anybody in the Western press talk about.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Chapter 5 - Isaan’s Relationship with Bangkok Today we're gonna talk about Isaan, which is the Northeast of Thailand. And Bangkok's relationship with Isaan.

My personal experience working in Thailand was that my co-workers and acquaintances, friends, people I had professional contact with, were all from Isaan. From Buriram. From NongKhai. From Ubon. From Udon. And also Khon Kaen. All these people I worked with in a professional capacity. And I have to say they are some of the nicest people I ever met in my life. And they have been subjected to all kinds of terror by the military, the monarchy, and the dictatorship currently in Bangkok.

Naturally I would like to defend the people's interests with whom I am acquainted and who I appreciate. Isaan is in the north east of what is now Thailand. But it has not always been that way. Before 1827, Isaan was part of Laos. In 1827 the Thai army invaded Laos.The Thai monarchy in Bangkok sent their army up there. Killed a bunch of people and looted and pillaged all the way up to the Lao capital of Vientiane. The Thais burned Vientiane into the ground and they stole the emerald buddha. The same green buddha that sits in the

the center of Wat Phra Kaew that all the tourists go to see in Bangkok. It’s called The Temple of the Emerald Buddha. The green Buddha that the Thai king always prays to for making merit is stolen. It's stolen from Laos. So in 1827 the Thais annexed all of this area called Isaan. And even after 200 years, it's still culturally Laotian.

If you go to the University of Khon Kaen, on the outside, you will see an inscription in the local dialect of the Lao language. Not Thai. Isaan people are ethnically Lao. Since 1827

you've had what's called a program of “Thai-ification.” Meaning Bangkok wants to change these people from Lao into Thai. And they've not been completely successful. Let's continue on and talk about what's happened in the last 20 years in regards to Bangkok and Lao Isaan. Isaan is 1/3rd the population of Thailand. And most of the people who are workers in Thailand are from Isaan. If you go to Thailand, and you go to the restaurants, or you go to the factories, or you go to the shops on the industrial estates, or you ride in a taxi, or you ride on a motorbike taxi, or you see people selling stuff on the side of the road, or on

the sidewalk, or working in the stores, these people will most of the time be from Isaan. And so their interests are basically the working class interests of Thailand In 1997 there was an Asian currency crisis which led to an employment crisis in Thailand.

After this crisis in 1997, Thailand was able to elect Thaksin Shinawatra as Prime Minister. “Thaksin” was at that time a telecommunications magnate. And during his prime ministership, he was

able to run the economy at least efficiently, which actually raised the wages of people in Isaan for the first time in decades. Of course, after this, Isaan people liked Thaksin a lot. And they reelected him. This upset the rich people, the monarchy, and the military. Poor people in Bangkok culture are barely considered human. Thaksin’s reelection drove the rich and powerful people in Bangkok completely and totally out of their minds. Because, according to their culture, in Thailand you're not supposed to have democracy. You're not supposed to have elections. You're supposed to just take

orders from them and their king. Whoever is most corrupt or most violent runs the show. So Thaksin made the mistake of thinking he could improve his chances of being elected by helping the majority of the people in the country. And in 2006 the Thai military and their sponsors in the monarchy had a coup to run popular Thaksin out of elected office.

And it was a horrifying episode for people in Isaan. It was bad enough for one taxi driver to just ride his taxi at full speed into an oncoming military tank and get himself killed.

Unfortunately that's all you can do. They don't have gun ownership in Thailand, so you can't contest these types of violent people in the military who overturned Taksin. So a military governor was installed, to great approval from the King. Later the ultra right wing were able to accomplish parliamentary shenanigans which got this claw-head back-massaging buck jumper named Abhisit “elected” through parliamentary actions. Abhisist was not elected at the ballot box. And he basically just turned out to be a big sell out to the monarchy, the military, and corrupt rich people and their sketchy businesses.

Abhisist was totally unpopular and was allowed to act the unaccountable fool by the ultra right wing. Around 2010, the people from Isaan went to downtown Bangkok and camped out, and had a 24/7 protest that lasted for months and months. They wanted an election. They wanted to be able to elect their own prime minister.

And again, this drove the rich people in Bangkok out of their minds.

In an act of cold blooded brutality, they

sent the military in and blew 99 people away. Shot them like dogs in the street. These are unarmed civilians. Including women. A nurse got killed by an assassin’s bullet while she was taking refuge in a temple. It was very ugly and horrible. So these fascist killers in the military acted out in this way. And it was such a public relations nightmare that they later had to have an election. In the election of 2011, Thaksin’s sister Yingluck Shiniwatra, ran against this clod Abhisit. And she won going away. Abhisit spent

years talking about how popular he was and Yingluck kicked his political ass. The poor people elected the person they wanted. Not who the monarchy and military wanted. Yingluck was not a progressive person. She was and still is pro-monarchy, pro-business, pro-establishment, and pro status quo.

But she was able to get elected and that drove the people in Bangkok out of their minds yet again. They can't stand poor people getting what they want. Because the people in Isaan are supposed to be slaves. They're supposed to take

orders and shut up and not get humanity. You should hear the way that the Bangkok people and the right wing press talk about people from Isaan. It is the most disgusting dehumanizing language imaginable. Once you hear that kind of dehumanizing language, you know that's the precursor to violence. So Yingluck was in as Prime Minister for not quite four years. And as in chapter one, the right wing used a bad pretext to run a violent coup against her government. They sent people from the fascist South. The Kra isthmus that runs down from Bangkok to Malaysia. That is basically the most fascist ultra right

wing pro monarchist part of the country. They're pirates. They practice actual 21st century slavery. Human trafficking. It's the most horrible thing you could ever imagine. That is the monarchy’s political base. The southerners always managed to get guns from the military. So they're always able to run up to Bangkok and overthrow any elected government. By kissing the monarchy’s ass, they always get what they want. While the people in Isaan are systematically prevented from owning firearms. And not only that, Isaan is now basically on

lockdown. You go up to the northeast, you see cops everywhere. Military police. These are guys with m16s out in public. They just randomly pull people over for any reason or no reason.

Bangkok hates Isaan. Bangkok is all about money, and almost all the foreigners in Thailand live in Bangkok. They never go out of Bangkok. I mean it's a miracle if you meet a foreigner who has spent any substantial

time outside of Bangkok in the wilderness of the rest of the country. It's a minor miracle if you can meet a foreigner who actually has any interest in speaking Thai. Learning Thai. Or learning about the local culture. I know foreigners who have lived there for 12-13 years and still can't speak Thai. It's appalling. So all of these people in Bangkok continually dehumanize people from Isaan. In this last coup they canceled all the elections permanently.There will be no more real elections in Thailand. Every mayor, every provincial governor, every

federal government official is appointed by the military. Khon Kaen is on lockdown. The people in Bangkok think Khon Kaen is a terrorist city. Literally. I would say if it's not as bad as the Palestinian situation it's close. And if you’re not from Khon Kaen, I don't think you have any business talking about what it's about, because you really don't know. During the last coup when I took the minibus up to Laos to renew my visa. We got stopped on the road outside Khon Kaen and searched. Even though I fully supported the

elected government, and wrote many things that would get me shot, you know they didn't mess with me because I'm a foreigner. But if you're from Isaan and you want the vote, you're lucky if they don't kill you on the spot.

If the military finds out that you want to vote, it's gonna be a world of living Hell. If your friends live in Thailand and they live in Bangkok I would say their opinion on most everything is worthless in regards to Thailand.

This is the most neo-colonial situation you could ever imagine in your life.

Chapter 6 - Why The United Nations And The International Criminal Court Are Useless In Thailand In 2006 the Thai military ran a fascist military coup against the elected government of Thaksin Shiniwatra. From 2006 up until 2010, there was first a military government, followed

by a parliamentary shenanigan election of a suck up kiss ass right winger named Abhisit. He was never elected. Abhisist was up there ordering people around and making a big joke of himself, acting as if he was the legitimate Prime Minister of Thailand. In 2010 the people who had voted for Taksin had enough. They staged a multi-month demonstration in the heart of downtown Bangkok. Right in the main shopping district. Right there where all the tourists and all the rich people could see them. Every day. Day in, day out. Day after day they were calling for elections. Week after week. Month after month.

This drove the rich people in Bangkok out of their ever loving minds. In April, 2010 the unelected Abhisit government sent the Thai military in to basically butcher the protesters. To execute them in the street. And so the military ended up killing about 99 people. Maybe more. They shot a nurse in the middle of a temple she had gone into the temple to take refuge and they shot her from outside the temple. There's blood running through the streets. It was absolutely horrifying. I was in Pattaya at the time. They called curfew 100 miles away from Bangkok and people had to be inside their house by

8 o'clock. It was really nightmarish. People whose family were killed filed complaints at the UN. And the UN sent people in to investigate. According to the laws of the International Criminal Court, it requires cooperation of the local judiciary or the national judiciary of any country in question. In this case, that would be the judiciary of Thailand, which was appointed by the monarchy. You'll never hear that particular fact from any Western reporter. You won't hear it from Jonathan Head at the BBC. You won't hear it from Jerome Taylor at AFP. You won't hear from the New York Times, The Financial Times, The Wall Street

Journal or The Economist. You won't hear it from anybody. But the monarchy did in fact appoint the judiciary in Thailand. And so this judiciary has no interest whatsoever in providing justice for the poorest citizens of Thailand, much less providing a vote or democracy in any form in the country. But they will kiss the butt of the people who gave them their jobs - the monarchy.

When the International Criminal Court and the representatives of the UN showed up, the Thai judiciary said thank you very much, we have no interest in cooperating with you. Have a nice day, goodbye. So the International Criminal Court

representatives left Thailand and they have not been back since. The lesson is this. If you can corrupt the judiciary of a nation state, you have free rein to terrorize, butcher and murder its citizens. And just get away with anything you can imagine. And the International Criminal Court cannot touch you. Is that clear? ~~~~~~ Now let's also talk about the case where my students were being illegally and relentlessly beaten by the teachers in my school. This was Photisamphan School. I filed human rights complaints with three human rights organizations in Asia,

including UNESCO in Bangkok which is the United Nations Center in Thailand. They basically ignored me. I have not ever heard any response from them regarding this, because they know what the deal is. They're not gonna mess with these brutal people in Thailand. That's why the International Criminal Court and the UN are useless in Thailand.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 7 - Western Media's Atrocious Record On Thailand Today we're going to talk about how the liberal American media did in regards to reporting on the military coup in Thailand in 2014. We'll start with Counterpunch, which was

Alexander Cockburn's paper before he died. After his death, Jeffrey Sinclair took over. And Sinclair hired this loudmouth clickbait guy named Draitser. And Draitser copied all of his clickbait schtick from a headless fake account in Thailand called Tony Cartalucci. Counterpunch completely parottedd the Sell-out, pro business, pro monarchist, anti worker lines from Cartalucci. Pretending like US foreign policy is primarily run by The National Endowment For Democracy. That Thaksin and Yingluck were tools of “Wall Street”. And that the brutal murderous Thai military, which never supported workers’ rights ever in history, was now the saviour of the Thai working class.

It was pure puffed up buffoonery with no basis in history or rationality. But Sinclair and Counterpunch bought the right wing fantasy hook line and sinker. Like a bunch of lazy arse, clueless chumps. And so noted leftist Alexander Cockburn’s paper fully supported a deadly fascist, pro business, anti democratic military coup in Thailand in 2014. Which helped obliterate the aspirations of the Thai working class. The Counterpunch claim was that a military coup was going to fix all of the neoliberal problems and liberate the country from the tyranny of Yingluck Shinawatra. All that is absolutely laughable if you know even a few basic facts about Thailand and the Thai economy.

How did Counterpunch’s coup “fix” Thailand’s problems? They've canceled all of the elections in Thailand. They've put kids in jail for making a theater play and acting a theater play. They've terrorized anybody who opposes the military coup and put them in jail, sometimes for 40 or 50 years. One particularly brave young democracy activist named Jah New, had his mother charged with insulting the monarchy for saying the word “yes” on a blog comment. So does Counterpunch or Sinclair, or Driatser have anything to say about any of that now? No. Nothing. Crickets. Total silence and down the memory hole. Mission accomplished.

They never even published any follow-ups. Not from the Thai press. Not from anybody. Anyone who lived in Thailand knows that the line that came out of so-called leftist Counterpunch is complete crap and completely wrong. I might also add that Draitser went on Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz's Facebook page and spewed this line about how the military coup was gonna be absolutely great. And Ortiz hasn't said anything since. (Ward Churchill turns out to be rather more correct than not about her).

Next let's talk about Global Research out of Canada. They did great anti-war work

against the Bush administration. But when it came to Thailand they were completely wrong. They actually published some of the pro fascist articles by Cartalucci. Making money off of vulgar right wing clickbait. And has Global Research gone back and done a retraction or done a follow-up? No. They don’t care. There is no ad revenue for them in real journalism now.

The third is Western outlet is Truthout, which also did great work against Bush in 00s. However in 2014, they ran an editorial from a mysterious pro fascist writer named Michael Perch.

A guy who nobody has ever seen or heard from since that article. Nobody knows who Michael Perch is. Truthout just received whatever article from anybody. Who knows where they got this article. Who knows if they got paid to run the article. But they decided to run it. And it was in full support of the monarchy, the military coup and the ultra right wing political interests of Thailand. Truthout has not since run any retractions and has done no follow-ups. So too bad. Maybe they will change their name to “We Publish WTF Out”.

Now let's move on to Angry Indian, Abiyomi Kofi and his “AfroIndio Times” . He is a black guy of partial indigenous heritage in Oregon, who does radical analysis. He's usually pretty good about a lot of things in America. But as soon as he got a hold of Cartalucci, he got suckered in and

enthralled with the BS. And went off in full support of the military coup in Thailand. I had a back-and-forth with Angry Indian on Twitter trying to explain the situation. But he had somehow fallen in love with this Cartalucci headless account. He never backed down in support of the military coup. He didn't follow up. But he did do an entire 30 minute podcast rant against me personally. It’s available here 77562

Let's continue. Jacob Appelbaum was the inventor of the Tor network. Tor so-called

privacy network for online browsing. And what Tor is supposed to be about is to provide anonymity for third-world movements who are living under hostile and repressive regimes. So coincidentally when Jacob Appelbaum went to Thailand for his ‘diving vacation’, he just reads the reactionary Bangkok Post and the openly fascist Nation newspaper and Applebaum comes out on Twitter and he says something to the effect that ‘they're having a revolution in Thailand.’ And he hopes that the Thais can be successful in their revolution. The guy who invented Tor to assist 3rd world democracy movements just called a brutal murderous, anti democratic, fascist

military coup “a revolution”. And he wished them well. It’s not a revolution, it's a fascist military coup you brain dead moron. Did Jacob Appelbaum follow up or make any retractions about that? No. But he got accused of sexual harassment shortly after that.

Huffington Post published an article by Michael Hughes which supported the Military Coup.

Finally there is Corey Morningstar who tries to be an “environmental journalist.” I believe she’s in Canada. And she's big in with this Guy McPherson crowd. And it turns out that Corey Morningstar is a

big fan of Tony Cartalucci. Surprise. As are a bunch of these McPherson guys. They love to go on counterpunch and grandstand. And they love Draitser. I can’t stand them. So I was talking with these people in 2014, And Corey Morningstar said she heard something different from her buddy Cartalucci. She asked me to outline my information point by point, like a graduate school dissertation, and go over it, and explain it to her like she’s a Golden Retriever. So I did that. I gave about 15 reasons why Cartalucci was wrong directly to her. And I got no response from her. No follow-up. No

reaction. No retraction. She was too in love with Cartalucci to face reality. That's the Western liberal press on Thailand in 2014. I think they made fools of themselves. A complete and total embarrassment. Absolutely appalling for their credibility. And this is part of the reason they are dying. Counterpunch later fell off a catastrophic cliff with their Alexa ratings. And why not? I don't think anybody can take these people seriously now. Pretending to be left wing news and getting mega scammed by right wing imperialist propaganda.

On the other hand, who in The West got it right? Let's talk about four people who did in fact get it right. Steve Herman who was at the time The Voice of America correspondent in Bangkok. He was the only journalist from a western country who went and actually interviewed the political opposition to the coup. Herman deserves huge, major, radical props for that. When everybody was getting threatened with death and backing down, refusing to run any stories (guys like Jonathan Head at the BBC wouldn't touch any of it. Wouldn't go anywhere near opposition to the coup), Herman was in there and interviewing the opposition and

publishing stories about it. So he deserves props. Another Western journalist who did good work was Lizzie Presser writing for Al Jazeera. She wrote one good article where she went to Isaan and interviewed people up there who were attacked by the military. She published claims from Isaan people who were having their houses broken into and having their property smashed up. So she's the only other Western journalist with any courage who reported on the coup. I wish she would report more.

Another great reporter is the late Andrew Viltcheck who was a Russian journalist. He was an independent radical Journalist. And a very good one. He deserves huge props

because he flew into Bangkok to cover the protests leading up to the military coup. And straight out in his very first article, he committed lese majeste, or insulted the monarchy. But nobody in Thailand even read his article. So he didn't get any pushback. He was never in trouble for telling the truth. I still think nobody read that article but it was great and truthful reporting. The last one who got a right is of course Giles Ungpakorn. He's a professor from Thailand now working in England. He’s got a great blog called Ugly Truth Thailand where he pulls no punches and holds back nothing.

Ungpakorn proved to be the most consistently on-the-ball, the most complete, and most completely correct analysis of anybody on Thailand in the entire world. So he deserves huge and amazing props for that kind of work. The liberal, so called posturing left wing US and Western media is mostly worthless in regards to Thailand.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 8 - Why Jay-Z And Beyonce Are Full Of It. This is why I really do not like Jay-z or Beyonce. In 2013, November and December, there were the beginnings of a military coup taking place against the elected government of Yingluck Shinawatra, first woman Prime Minister of Thailand. And at this time, maybe December or January of that period, there was a big

media circus about Jay-z and Beyonce going for holiday to Phuket in southern Thailand. Phuket is the political base of the ultra right-wing that always consistently supports the military coups and the monarchy. Phuket is also notorious for being a center of human trafficking and slavery. Slavery. Actual modern day slavery. Which has been pointed out multiple times by UK labor activist Andy Hall. He has been working in Thailand for years and has been attacked with legal suits charging him with defamation which he has consistently won. S-L-A-V-E-R-Y. Actual and real documented modern slavery. Right in southern Thailand.

So Beyonce and Jay-z, ADOS (American Descendants of Slavery) show up in the middle of Slavery in Thailand. And everybody in the media is like ~oh isn’t it so great?~ Jay-z he's got money and bling. Wow. And Beyonce, oh she's a queen. Such great representatives of ADOS black America. Blah Blah Blah. And what are they doing? They're vacationing in the center of slavery in Thailand. Right there and Phuket. On top of that they're going to these big rich hotels and they're just exploiting the local people who have been denied the right to vote. Dr. King would be proud, no? How does that actually look once you step

back from the endless media fawning? Ratchet and disgusting. Best case is they're just absolutely clueless. Wandering around like a bunch of imbeciles unable to understand where they are, what is going on, or what they are doing. I never heard anything from them at the time or since. Slavery is not on their agenda. This is a pattern of Western artists who go to Thailand to perform to make money and don't care where they are or what's going on. That's why I really have very little respect for Jay-z or Beyonce.

And when people are out here giving them props, I just have to think they're giving props to somebody who doesn't actually give a damn about their own history, slavery, human trafficking or democracy. And they have absolutely no principles as to who they are, where they came from, or what they're doing. Just pay us and STFU. If that's your gig, that’s your gig. But it’s disgusting.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 9 - Why Thai students Are Ritually Beaten. Ask any student in Thailand and they will tell you that corporal punishment is out of control. I want to try to answer why it happens and why no one does anything about it. The best answer that I can come up with is that it is tolerated and enabled because it destroys the students self-esteem, destroys the student's autonomy, destroys the students capacity for creative thought and action, and it makes them excellent

subjects of the monarchy and the military. It is also against statutory Thai law. I complained about my students getting illegally beaten by their teachers at Photisamphan school in Pattaya and I was fired for it. I want to say that I do not have any guilt about what I did or how I acted upon witnessing this. I do not subscribe to cultural relativism. I am a proponent of universal standards. I have no regrets at all because I can tell you that following my firing for complaining about abuse of my students, I received reports from my former students about

teachers at my school, who supported the military coup and who hated Yingluck as the elected prime minister, who would use the classroom to submit their students to ultra right wing, anti democratic propaganda in favor of the military coup. The students were a captive audience. I don't have any regrets at all because they wanted to impose upon me openly political double standards which they impose across the society. They want to allow the abusive reactionary ultra right-wing to just run the field with no opposing view presented to students. They want to censor and banish, or outright murder, lynch and terrorize anybody who

disagrees with them. So I don't have any regrets at all. None. Zero. You can sue me.

I want to talk about the influences on me that led me to act as I did. These would be three educators and writers. Alice Miller, Arthur Silber and Alfie Kohn. Arthur Silber has a blog called “ThePowerOfNarrative”. Alfie Kohn is a famous American researcher and writer on education. These two helped shape my philosophy of teaching. But who I want to focus on is Alice Miller. She is the 20th century psychologist who

wrote the books “For Your Own Good” and “Drama Of The Gifted Child”, among others. When I was fired I was told it was because I was a bad teacher. Except when I was fired they spent most of my exit interview explaining to me why illegally beating the crap out of students is “Thai Culture”. I want to address this claim in three items which I believe support my conclusion that the rampant abuse of students is intended to create pliant, demoralized subjects of the monarchy. And non complaining victims of the Military. First I'm going to talk about a quote from Alice Miller called “What is hatred.” Miller says: Unfortunately adult abuse

victims have methods at their disposal for denying the violence done to them in youth and taking that violence out on others with sophisticated ideological justifications. “They can even contrive to pass it off as a good thing. The less inclination they show to recognize and revise this ingenious self delusion, the more likely it is that others will be made to suffer the consequences. And it is this that ultimately confronts us with the apparent paradox of a nice well-behaved child consummately skilled and living up to the adults expectations, and never voicing any criticism of them, ending up thirty years later as a commandant in Auschwitz or as Adolf Eichmann.”

I think that perfectly describes the dictator of Thailand right now, Prayuth. And probably a lot of the people who work for him and support him. Next we want to talk about the Helping Witness. A Helping Witness is someone who helps the abused child.This is what Miller says is the purpose of helping witness is from the book called “For Your Own Good: hidden cruelty in child rearing and the roots of violence.” Miller says: “helping witnesses give sympathy and affection to these beaten or neglected children. They trust the children and help them feel that they are not bad or evil but worthy of kindness from others.

Thanks to such witnesses, who may be completely oblivious to the role they are playing, children in difficult situations can see that there is such a thing as love in this world. In the best cases they learn how to develop trust in their fellow humans and to accept the love and kindness that comes their way. In the total absence of helping witnesses, these children glorified the violence they have been subjected to and frequently make blatant use of it in later life.” I would say that's a perfect description of what the woman who fired me called “Thai Culture.” And you can see citations online going back decades if not hundreds of years in the Thai education system of

teachers beating the crap out of students. That is the underlying meaning of so-called Thai culture in this context. Finally I want to go out with this. This concept called poisonous pedagogy. Also from Miller's book called “For Your Own Good.” These are 11 points which she says are fundamental in poisonous pedagogy. If you look at them I think they're very close to the systematic implementation of what passes for Education in Thailand right now. It is the part of poisonous pedagogy to impart to the child from the beginning false information and false beliefs that have been passed on from generation to generation and dutifully accepted by the young, even

though they are not only unproven, but are demonstrably false. The eleven examples are 1. a feeling of Duty produces love 2. hatred can be done away with by forbidding it 3. parents deserve respect simply because they are parents 4. children are undeserving of respect simply because they are children 5. obedience makes a child strong 6. a high degree of self-esteem is harmful 7. a low degree of self-esteem makes a

person altruistic 8. tenderness and doting are harmful 9. responding to a child's needs is wrong 10. severity and coldness are good preparations for life 11. the pretense of gratitude is better than honest ingratitude. That in a nutshell is modern education and “Thai Culture” in the Land of Smiles. Thank you for your consideration.

5 โอ ธิดาแห่งชาวเคลเดียเอ๋ย นั่งเงียบๆ และจงเข ้าไปใน ความมืด เพราะเขาจะไม่เรียกเจ ้าอีกว่า นางพญาแห่งราช อาณาจักรทัง้ หลาย 6 เรากริว้ ต่อชนชาติของเรา เราทำให ้มรดกของเราเป็ น มลทิน เรามอบเขาไว ้ในมือของเจ ้า เจ ้ามิได ้แสดงความ กรุณาต่อเขา เจ ้าวางแอกอย่างหนักไว ้บนบ่าของคนชรา 7 เจ ้าว่า "ข ้าจะเป็ นนางพญาเป็ นนิตย์" เจ ้าจึงมิได ้ เอาเรือ ่ งเหล่านีเ้ ป็ นทีส ่ อนใจ หรือจดจำบัน ้ ปลายของเรือ ่ ง เหล่านีไ ้ ว้ 8 ฉะนัน ้ เจ ้าผู ้รักความเพลิดเพลิน จงฟั งเรือ ่ งนี้ คือผู ้นั่ง อย่างไร ้กังวล ผู ้คิดในใจของตนว่า "ข ้านีแ ่ หละ และไม่มผ ี ู้ ใดอืน ่ อีก ข ้าจะไม่นั่งอยูเ่ ป็ นแม่มา่ ย หรือรู ้จักทีจ ่ ะพราก จากลูก" 9 ทัง้ สองเรือ ่ งนีจ ้ ะมาถึงเจ ้าในขณะเดียวกันในวันเดียว คือความทีต ่ ้องพรากจากลูกและความทีเ่ ป็ นแม่มา่ ย จะมา ถึงเจ ้าอย่างเต็มขนาดทัง้ ทีม ่ วี ท ิ ยาคมเป็ นอันมาก และ อานุภาพใหญ่ยงิ่ ในเวทมนตร์ของเจ ้า

11 ฉะนัน ้ ความชัว่ ร ้ายจะมาเหนือเจ ้า ซึง่ เจ ้าจะไม่รู ้ว่ามัน ขึน ้ มาจากไหน ความเลวร ้ายจะตกใส่เจ ้า ซึง่ เจ ้าจะไม่ สามารถถอดถอนได ้ และความพินาศจะมาถึงเจ ้าทันที ทันใด ซึง่ เจ ้าไม่รู ้เรือ ่ งเลย 12 จงตัง้ มัน ่ อยูใ่ นเวทมนตร์ของเจ ้า และวิทยาคม เป็ นอันมากของเจ ้า ซึง่ เจ ้าทำมาหนักนักหนาตัง้ แต่สาวๆ ั ชะรอยมันจะเป็ นประโยชน์แก่เจ ้าได ้ ชะรอยเจ ้าจะมีชย 13 เจ ้าเหน็ ดเหนือ ่ ยกับทีป ่ รึกษาเป็ นอันมากของเจ ้า ให ้ เขาลุกขึน ้ ออกมาและช่วยเจ ้าให ้รอด คือบรรดาผู ้ทีแ ่ บ่งฟ้ า สวรรค์และเพ่งดูดวงดาว ผู ้ซึง่ ทำนายให ้เจ ้าในวันขึน ้ ค่ำว่า จะเกิดอะไรขึน ้ แก่เจ ้า 14 ดูเถิด เขาจะเป็ นเหมือนตอข ้าว ไฟจะเผาผลาญเขา เขาจะช่วยตัวเขาเองให ้พ ้นจากกำลังของเปลวเพลิงไม่ได ้ นีไ ่ ม่ใช่ถา่ นทีจ ่ ะให ้ใครอุน ่ ไม่ใช่ไฟทีจ ่ ะให ้ใครผิง

15 บรรดาทีเ่ จ ้าทำงานด ้วยกันนัน ้ จะเป็ นเช่นนีแ ้ ก่เจ ้า ผู ้ซึง่ ค ้ามากับเจ ้าตัง้ แต่สาวๆ เขาต่างจะพเนจรไปมาในทาง 10 ด ้วยว่าเจ ้ารู ้สึกมัน ่ อยูใ่ นความชัว่ ของเจ ้า เจ ้าว่า "ไม่มผ ี ู ้ ของเขาเอง ไม่มผ ี ู ้ใดจะช่วยเจ ้าให ้รอดได ้ ใดเห็นข ้า" สติปัญญาของเจ ้าและความรู ้ของเจ ้าทำให ้เจ ้า Isaiah 47 5-15 เจิน ่ ไป และเจ ้าจึงว่าในใจของเจ ้าว่า "ข ้านีแ ่ หละ และไม่ม ี ผู ้ใดอืน ่ อีก"

“We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself.” ― Rev. Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The end.

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