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English Pages [1124] Year 1637
Ex Libris C. K.
/ \LPJ no/ -t^uY' l^^c^ ^v
tf_t& anrmt
mpa-recan c re
theUnivtr/lty of
r \
Defender of the Faith, &c.
The tranflatoui-s of the Bible,wifh Grace, Mercy ,and Peace, through JESUS CHRIST our LORD.
and manifold were the bldfings ( mo(V dread foveraigne) which almighty GoD,the Father of all mercies, beftowed upon
us thepeopleof ENGLAND, whenfirfthe fent yourMa/efties Royall perfon to rule and reigne over us. For \vhereas it was the expectation of many, who wifhed not well unto our SIGN,
SABETH Would which way they were
to walk, and that it fhould hardly be known, who was to of your A j E s T i E , as of the funne in
direct the unfetled ftate: the appearance
his ftrength, inftantly difpelled thofe fuppofed and furmifed mifts, and gave unto all that were well affected, exceeding caufe of comfort, efpecially when beheld the government eftabliflied in your Hi G H N E s , and your feed,
by an undoubted title, and
this alfo
accompanied with peace and
tranquillitie at
home and abroad. But amongft all our / oyes there was no one that more filled our hearts,then the
blefled continuance of the preaching of D s facred word amongft us, which is that ineftimable treafure, which excelleth all the riches of the earth, becaufe
the fruit thereof extendeth it felf, not onely to the time /"pent in this tranfitory world, but direfteth and difpofeth men unto that eternall happinefle which is above in heaven. Then not to fufFer this to fall to the ground,but rather to take it up,and to continue it in that ftate, wherein the famous predeceflbur of your Hi G H N E s did leave it: nay,to go forward with the confidence and refolution of a man in maintaining the truth of CHR i s T, and propagating it farre and neare, is that which hath fo bound and firmly knit the hearts of all your STIE s loyall and religious people unto you, that your very name is precious among theni,their eye doth behold you with comfort, and they blefie you in their hearts, as that fanftified perfon, who under GOD, is the immediate authour of their true happineffe. And this their contentment doth not diminifh or decay,but every day increafeth
AjE s T r% and taketh ftrength, when they obferve that the zeal of your towards the houie of GOD, doth not flack or go backward, but is more and it fclf abroad in the fur theft parts of Cbriflendonte^ by mpre kindled, manifefting the truth, fwhich hath given fuch a blow unto that man of writing in defence of finne, as will not be healed ) and every day at home, by refigious and learned difo D, by hearing the word preached , by courfe, by frequenting the houle of cheriihinc the teachers thereof,by caring for the Church as a moft tender and le-
ving nurung Father.
There are infinke arguments of this right Chriftian and religious affcftion in A j t s T i E: but none is more forcible to declare it to others,, then the vehement and perpetuated defire of the accomplifhing and publifhing of this work, which now with all humilitie we prefent unto your MAJE s T i E. For when your Highnefle had once out of deep judgement apprehended how convenient it was, that out of the originall facred tongues, together with comparing of the labours , both in our own and other forrein language , of many worthy men who went before us, there fhould be one more exael: tranflation of your
the holy fcriptures into the Englijh tongue-, your STIE did never defift to urge and to.excite thofe to whom it was commended, that the work might be battened, and that the bufineffe might be expedited in fo decent a manner, as a matter of fuch importance might juftly require. And now at laft, by the mercy of o D, and the continuance of our labours* it that the being brought unto fuch aconclufion, as that we have great
Church of England to your
{hall reap
good fruit thereby;
MAjEstiE,not onely as to our
we hold it our duty to
offer it
king and foveraigne, but as to theprincipall mover and authour of the work: Humbly craving of your mod facred s T i E, that fince things of this quality have ever been fubjeftto the
cenfures of ill-meaning and difcontented perfonsjit may receive approbation and Hi c H N E s is,whofe patronage from fo learned and judicious a prince as
your allowance and acceptance of our labours, fldall more honour and incourage us, then all the calumniations and hard interpretations of other men fliall difmay us. So that, if on the one fide we fhallbe traduced by popifli perfons at home or gbroad,who therefore will maligne us,becaufe we are poore instruments to make Gods holy truth to be yet more and more known unto the people,whom they defire to keep in ignorance and darknefle : or if on the other fide, we fhall be [till felf-conceited mahgned by brethren, who run their own wayes, and givelikine unto nothing but what is framed by themfelves, and hammered on their we may reft fecure, fupported within by the truth and innocency of a anvile; good confcience, having walked the wayes of fimplicitie and intcgritie, as before the LoRDjand fuftainedwithout.by the powerfull proteaion of your MAJE STIE s grace and favour, which will ever give countenance to honeft and Chriftian endeavours, againft bitter cenfures, and uncharitable imputations. The L o R D of heaven and earth bleffe your Ma/eftie with many and happy that as his dayes, heavenly hand hath enriched your HighnefTe with many fingular and extraordinary graces ; fo you may be the wonder of the world in this latter age, for happinefle and true felicitie, to the honour of that great GOD, and the good of his Church, through JE sus CHR i s T our Lord and onely Saviour.
The Tranflatours to the Reader. j-j, e j, e ft
things hare been calu-
R 4 L P romote ^ COKfKon gd whether be by any thing eur elves or revlfag tbut which hath been laboured by others, deferveth co-MSl^7VM> ftalnl but cold entertainment in the y much refpetf and
efleem, butyctfindeth
world. ld.
Itiswelcemcdwithfujpicioninfteadof love,andwitbemuUtiani*
Jfrwrf of than^: and if there be any hole left for cavill to enter, (and cavill, if it do notfinde an bole, rs>illma^e one) it isfare to be mifconfirued, and in.
danger to be condemned. This will eaftly be granted by many as tyowftoany experience. For, was there ever any thing projected, that favoured any way of the a endured or but, or fame ftorm of many renewing, newncfle oppofition ? *A man gainfaying, would, think that civilitie, wholefome laws, learning and eloquence, fynods, and Church-maintenance, ( that we $ea\ of no more things of this kjnde) Jhould be asfafe as a fanftuarie, and out of'foot, as they fay, that no man would lift up his hee I, n, nor dog move his tongue againp | themotionersofthem. Forbythefirft, we are diftinguifhed from brute bea^s led with fenfua- * line: By the fecond,we are bridled and retrained from outragious behaviour, andfrodoing f injuries, whether by fraud or by violence ; By the third, we are enabled to inform antt reform ethers, by the light andfeelingthatwe have attained unto ourfelves: Briefly, by the fourth , being brought together to a parley face to face , we fooner compofe our differences, then by writings, which are endlcfie : *,4nd laftly, that the Church be fufficiently provided for, is fo agreeable togood reafon and confcience, that thofe mothers are holden to be lefie cruell, that fall their children affoon as they are born, then tbofe nurfng-fathers and mothers (wherefoever they be ) that withdraw from them who hang upon their breafts ( and upon whofe breafts agaix themfelves do bang to receive the jpirituall and finceremill^ of the word) livelihood and fupport ft for their ejtates. Thus it is apparent, that thefe things which we (pea^ of, are of mojt necejfarieufe, and therefore that none, either without abfurditiecanfpeat^ againft them, or without note ofwicfedtiejje canfpurn againft them. Tetfor all that, the learned Ipiow that certainworthy men have been brought to untimely ^ death for none other fault, but forfeetyngto reduce their countrey-men to good order and di- vtth othert Ia "*''"'' fcipitne: And that in fame Common-weals it was made a capit all crime, once to motion the mae e ' fang of anew taw for the abrogating of an old, though the fame were mojt pernicious : ~4nd"J^ fn ol that certain, which would be counted pillars of the State, andpatterns of venue and prudence, touldnot be brought for along time to give way to good letters and refined jpeech; but bare them- the cider, felves a> averfe from tbem,asfromroc\sor boxes of poyfon : Andfourtbly, thathewasno babe, ^"'"** but a great Clerl^, that gave forth (and in writing t o remain to pofleritie ) inpaftionpcradventure, but yet he gave forth, Thathehadnotfeen any profit to come by anyfynode or meeting of the Clergie, but rather the contrarie: And laftly , againft Church-maintenance and allvtvance, in fuchfort, as the ambajfedours and mejfengers of the great Kjng of fangsJhould be furnijhed, it K not unknown what aficJion or fable (fo it is eftteme I, andfor no better by the reporter himfelf, though fuperftitioui) was devifed: namely, That atfuchtime as tbcprofefiours and teachers of Chriflianitie in the Church of Rome, then a true Church, were liberally endowed, avoice(forfootb) was heard from heaven, faying, Now is poyfon poured downinto theChurch, &c. Thtit not onelyas oft aswejpeak, as one faith, but alfoasoft as we do any thing of ?iot ear conftquence, we fubjeft our felves to every ones cenfure, and happie is he that is leaft tnfied upon rie, or'bave
that 'this is the tongues-, for utterly to efcape thefnatch ofthem it u impofiible. ifany man conceit lot and portion of the Meaner fort oncly, and that Princes are priviledged by their high eftate,
be is deceived. As the fword dcvoiu-eth as well one
another,^ it is. in Samuel; nay as the gscat
2 in a certain battell, toflri^e at no part of the cncmie, but *t 5theface; Andas the l(mg of'Syria commanded bis chief captains to fight neither with fhi all nor ^Kinf. at 3i . e grear, fave oncly a^ainft the king of Ifrael: fo it is too true, that cnvi ftri^eth moft jpittfully
1 1 .
commander charged hisfouldiers
and at the ckiefett, David ypat a worth) Prince, and no man to be compared
\nm for
t i.
The Tranflatours to the Reader tfor
?^^^&^&^^^^^^ \f
^So hard a tbingil; is to
Godbeft, pleafe all, even vahen. wepleafe
and do
j8W^*^^^/wji^^sas* ^
did never do a more pleafng deed to the learned, J aceptance. Tbefirfl Romane Emperour truefupputauora, then calttMaUtcd ; to pofteritie, for conferving the record of times nor more profit to the courfeof the funite: and When he corrected the Calender, and ordered theyeare according and procured tohim great obloquie. yet this w.ts imputed to him for noveltie, andarrogancie, at the leaftwife that openly profcfied we faith himfelf,and alSathefifftcbrifiened Emperour ( and providing for lowed others to do the li^) for lengthening the empire at his great charge;, who wouldfty, a mftfullPnuce, the Church, as he did, got for his labour the name Pupillus, the love that he that hadneed of a guardian or overfeer. So the bcfl christened Emperour, for and. h Is fub Jeffs, and becaufe he did not fee wans to enrich both h^re un to
thy Make, Ay they, the grievous fervitude had charged themwith fame levies , and troubled
the burden? eafing of
he lighter. Belize
.Arrf. ViO.
in fa de ity nisjudged to be no man at arms, ( though indeed he exceed feats of chivalne, condemnedfor giving himfelf to his cafe, and to Andjhc-tvedfo mu ch tehcn he WM provoked) and
one that extingiujbedivortby whole volumes, to bringhis abridgements intorequeft. This is the bene facercnt, male meafure that hath been rendred to excellent Princes informer times, that envie and audire, Tor their good deeds to be evilflaxen of. Neither is there any livelihood, buried with the ancient. No, no, the reproof of Mpfes ta^eth hold of ndignitie died, andivere is that that hath are rifen in your fathers ftcad,an increafe of finfull men.' What mod
up ages,You been done ? that which (hall be done: and there is no
new thing under the fame, faith thetvife man : and S.Stephen, As your fathers did a fo do you. This, and more to this purpofe, his Majefty that noivreigncth (and long and long may he reigae,andhis off-faring for ever, Himfelf and
^^^ wifdome given
wttZc/Jup Tittv.
children,and childrens children alwayes) tyetvfull well, according to tbefingular ca(faming" unto him by God, and the rare learning and experience that he hath attained unto-} namely,That lamniation, tvhofoever Attempteth any thing for the public^ ( ejpecially if it pertain to religion, and to the openingandclearingofthe-ivordofGod) the fame fetteth himfelf upon aflage to be gloated upon by every evil eye; yea,be cafteth himfelf headlong itpan pil^es,tobegored byevery \harptongue. Far he that medleth tvith mens religion in any part, medletb with their cuftome, n.iy, with their
and though they finde no content in that which they have, yet they cannot abide ta heare of altering, "^ofutnthftanding his royall heart was not daunted or difcouragedfor this or that colour, but flood refolute, as a ftatue immoveable , and an anvile not eafie to be beaten into
plates, as one faith; he foewtvho hadchojcn him to be afouldier, or rather a captain, and being A- apiired that the courfe which he intended m.tde much for the the building up glorie of God, and of his Church, he would notfuffer it to be broken offfor what foever /beeches or praftiffs. It doth unto ettftav certainly belong fyngs,yea, it doth Specially belong unto them, to have care of religion, yea, te know it aright, yen, toprofefie it ^calo.'ify.,yea, to promote it to tbeuttermoft of their power. This is their glorie before all nations which mean well, and this will bring unto them afarre moft e-.tcdltnt weight of glorie in the day of the Lord fefus. For the Scripture faith not in vain, Them tliat honour mCj I will honour: neither was it a vain word that Eufebius delivered long i .Sain.*. o. 5 $* But now what pictie without truth ? wh at truth (what faving truth) without God? what word of God ( whereof we may befure ) without the Scripture ? The Scriptures we ^
commanded to fearcb,~$v\
j.^.lfa.S.zo. They are commended that fetched andftndied They arc reproved thatwere unsl^ilfnUin them, or flow to beleevethem,Mxth.iz^9. Luk.i4.zf. They can ma^emwife unto falvation, xTim.j.r^. if we be ignowt, they will mftr.ift if out ofvhe way, they will bring us home; if out of order, them, A it a panarie of wholefomefood, againft fcnowed traditions; apbyficiansjhop ( S. Bafil calleth. i t) r J* of prefervatives againft poyfoned berejies; a pandect of profitable laws,againft rebellious tyirits; a treafttrie ofmoft coftly jewels, aga'rajt beggarly rudiments; finally, a fountain ofmoft pure water $ rj j^ to evcrlafting life. And what marvell? The original! thereof being from heaven, p^al.p>atna Jpi'inging up not from earth; the authour being God, not man; the enditer, the holy Spirit , not the wit of the the womb e, and endue dwith aprinApoftles or Prophets; t he penmen fuch as were fanftifiedfrom cipall portion of Gods Spirit; the matter veritie,pietie y pttritie, uprightnejje; the form, Gods word, Gods teftimonie, Gods oracles, the word of truth, the wordoffalvation, &c. the cffefts, light of underftanding, ftablenefff of ferfwafion, repentance from deadworl^s, newnejfe of life, in the holy Ghoft; la(lly,the end and reward ofthefludie thereof, fellowbolincjfe, peace, joy the heavenly nature, fruition of 'an inheritance immortally jbip with the faints, participation of tindefiled, and that neverfhallfade away : Happie is the man that dclighteth in the Scripture^ and thrice happie that meditate th in it day and night. Bllt howfljallmen meditate in that which they cannot underftand? Howjball they ynderftand Cor. 1 4* that which is l^ept clofe in an iwtyown tongue? asitu Wfittm, Except I know the power of the be a Barbarian to me. yoice,! (hall be to him thatfpeaketh a Barbarian, and he that fpcaketh (hall The Apoftle excepteth no tongue; not Hebrew the ancienteft, not Greek the tnoft copious, not Lctine thefneft. Nature taught a naturall man to confeffe> that all of us in thofe tongues which !& "*&* wedo not underftand, are plainly dcaf,we may turn the deaf ear e unto them. 77;f Scythian ^'^^. counted the Athenian, whomhedidnot underftand, barbarow: fo tbeR.omzned>d the S)Ti.in, rjjmafo. andtbe^ew, (cvcnS. Hicrome himfelf c alleththe Hebrew tongue barbarous, bcltl^cbccaufc it Michael.* wosflrangetofomany) fo the Etnperour of Conftantfnople calleth tle'Lztinc tongue barba- ffathlij/il. row, though Pope Nicolas doftorm at it: fo the Jews long before Chrift, called all other nations J^Jf^hri one complaincth that atu>,iycs hi c,4. Lo%nzf\m,which is little better then barbarous. Therefore as the Senate of Rome, there was one or other that called for an Interpreter: fi left the Church be Ccerof&fi. *#* drivtntothe li\eexiient, it Kntceffarie to have translations in a readimfc. Traujlationit h that 4
the fruit thereof oyl,
Traaflation necdTaric.
The Tranflatours to the Reader. window, to Itt in the light-,, that breadth the {bell, that we may eat the Icmulb that putteth afide the curtain, that we may lool^ into the moft holy placetfhat removeth the cover of the well, that we may come by the water ; even as Jacob '/oiled away the ftoncfrom the mouth of the welly by which means the flocks of Laban were watered. Indeed without tranjlachildren at Jacobs well (which wat deep) tion into the vulgar tongue, the unlearned are but life without a bucket or ftmethi-ng to drawwith:- or as that perfon mentioned by Efay,fr> whom when tha.t ofcnetl} the
1 1
fealed boo\ Wjf delivered, with this motion, Reade this, I pray thee, he was fain to mafe this anfwer, I cannot, for it is fealed. while God would be famm onely in Jacob, and have his name great in Ifrael, andin none other Thctranffctiplace, while the dew lay on Gideons fleece onely, and all the earth befides was drie; then for one on of the old and the fame people, which /pafe all of them the language of Canaan, that ^Hebrew, one and the fame originall in Hebrew was Efficient. Eat when the fulneffe of time drew neare, that theSunneof righteoufnefe, the Sonne of God Should comeinto the world, whom God or* dained to be a reconciliation through faith in his blond, not of the Jew onely, but alfo of the
Greek, jre.*, of all them that were fcattered abroad; then lo, it pleafed t he Lord to ftirre up the of a Greek Prince ( Greek for defcent and language) even of Ptolomee Philadelph fang of Egypt, to procure the tranflatingof the boo^_ of God out of Hebrew into Greek. This is the translation of the Seventie interpreters, commonly fo called, which prepared the way for our Saviour among the Gentiles by written preaching, as 5. John Baptift did among the Jews voca.ll. by For the Grecians being defirom of learning, were, not wont to fujfer booths of worth to lie mouldtheir readie but ferv ants, fcribes, tvcopiethemout, andfo ingin fangs libraries, hadmanyof they were difpsrfed and made common. Again,tbc Greek tongue was well known and made familiar to moft inhabitants in Afia, by reafon of the conqucfts that there the Grecians had made, as elfo by th-e colonies, which thither they hadfent. For the fame caufes alfo it w.ts well understood fpirit
many places of Europe, yea, and of Africk too. Therefore the ward of God being Jet forth in Creek, becometh hereby life a candle fet upon a candleftic^,whichgiveth light to all that arein the houfe;or life aproclamationjoundedforth in the market place, which moft men prefently tatye' knowledge of; and the~fefore that language wjsfitteft to contain the Scriptures , both for the firji
preachers of the Go/pel to appeal unto for witnes, and for the learners alfo ofthofe times to matye fearcb and triall by. It is certain, that that translation waj not fo found andfo perfect, but that it needed in many places correction; andwho hadbeenfofufficientfor thlsworlf_ as the Apoftles or upofloiife men ? Yet itfeemedgood to the holy Ghoft and to them, to tal^e thatwhieh theyfound 3
(the fame being for tbegreateft part true andfn,ffkient)ratber then by making a new,in that new World and green age f the Church, to expofe themfelves to many exceptions and cav illations, as though they made a translation toferve their own turn; and therefore bearing witneffe to ther*elves, their witnejje not to be regarded. This may befuppofed to be fame caufe, why the tranflation of the Seventie was allowed to paffe for currant. Notwitbftanding,though it was commended generally,yet it d:dnotfully content the learned, no-not ofthe Jews. For not long after Chrift^
inbandwith anew tranjlation, andafterbim Thtodotion, and after him Symmachus:yca,therewas a fifth and a fix th edition, the authours whereofwere not l(nown.Thefewitb the Seventie made up the Hexzpla, and were worthily and to great purpofe compiled together by Oiigen. Howbeit the edition of the Seventicwent away with the credit, and therefore not one* was in the worth and excellencie thereof above the the ly placed midfl by Origen (for reft, of fep'phaniusg^^er^/?; but alfo was /(fed by the Greek Fathers for the ground and foundation of t ^ eir commentaries. "Yea, Epiphanius abovenawed doth attribute fo much unto it, that he hold-
AOjioila fell
fee S.e;g made provinces to the Romanes.B? now the Latine trinflations were too many to be all good:for they were inpwte(LKisu irtferprecesnuUomado-naraerari ofluot,/iif b S.Au^u-
The ftine.)
Tran/Iatours to the Reader. w fountain ( we (beak of the
Again, they were not out ofthe Hebre
Latine tr inflations of
rteOldTetamentjbutoutoftbeG^ the Latine derivedfrom itmuft needs be
muddy. This moved S. Hicrome, a moft learned Father and the beft linguift without coxtroverfa, of his age, or of any that went before him, to undertake the translating of the Old Testament out of the very fountains themfelves j which he performedwith that evidence of great learning,'judgement, induftry, and faith fulnefre , that he h * tb f r evcr bound the Ch rcb unto htm * d^t remembrance and of/peciall n thank fulncffe the Church were thus furnified with Greek and Latine translations, even before SofcK" , ^though tie Empire: (for the learned tbefattbofOtaA was generally embraced even fcrrpturcinto &ow,tb*t S. Hieromes time, the Conful the vulgar o/Rome and his wife were both Ethnic^, and about the fame time f f&r the greatest part of the Senate alfo) all that wngHss. the yet for godly learned were not content to h we the Scriptures in the language which themfelves understood, Greek and Latine, (as the ?eod le- Zo^' a fers were not content to fare well themfelves , but acquainted their neighbours with the Rare ' KinS'>* that God hadfcnt, that they alfo might provide for themfelves) but alfo for the behoof and edifying of the unlearned which bungred and thirfied after righteoufneffe, and had fouls to be faved as well as they, they provided traditions into the vulgar for their conntrey-men, infomucb that moft nations under heaven did fbortly after their heare Chriit
convc-.fon, (beat inr unto mother tongue, not by the voice of their mini er ft onely, but alfo by the written be may be fatted by examples enow, if enow will feme the turn. Firft, S.Hietome faith, Multarum gentium linguis Scriptura ante tranflata docet falfa < r cfle quae addita font, &C; that r,-.The Scripture being tranflated before in the lanauages of ma- i'ifiSS ny nations, doth {hew that thofe things that were added (by Lucian or Hefychiusfare talfe So S. Hieromejw that place. The fame Hierome dfewhere affirmeth that he, the time was, hadfet S. forth the transition of the Seventie, fuse linguae hommibus 3 that is, for bis s conntreymen of ^^>Dalmam. trbith words not onely Erafmus doth Six.SatJ& + understand to purport, that S.Hietometranflaha"' aGlft T9 ted the Scripture into the Dalmatian but alfo Sixtus Senenfis, and Alphonfus a Caftro ff tongue^
in their
word tranflated. If any doubt hereof,