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THIRD KRIYA First part: Pranayama involving only the three higher chakras [36 breaths] Start your inhalation in Anahata repeating mentally BHA, then GA in Vishudda, then BA in Ajna. (The inhalation is not divided into parts but is only one subtle movement of air and Prana starting in Anahata and coming up into Ajna.) During exhalation chant TEEE in Ajna, VA in Vishuddha and SU in Anahata. The exhalation also is continuous. Realize that Bhagaba Tevasu means ''Bhagavan Tat Tvam Asi!'' (You are that Bhagavan!)'' Repeat 36 times.
Second part: Individuating five regions in the middle part of the brain [12-36 tours] Forget the breath, let it flow naturally. Bend the head forward. Concentrate intensely in Kutastha between the eyebrows and mentally chant BHA at that point. Bend the head toward the left shoulder, as if you tried touching it with the left ear. Bring your attention on the left side of the brain, over the left ear, and mentally vibrate GA there. Bend the head backwards. Bring your attention on the occipital region of the brain and mentally vibrate BA there. Bend the head toward the right shoulder, as if you tried touching it with the right ear. Bring your attention on the right side of the brain, over the right ear, and mentally vibrate TE there. Bend the head forward. Concentrate intensely in Kutastha between the eyebrows and mentally chant VA at that point. Straighten your head while bringing your attention in the central part of your brain (seat of Ajna Chakra) under Fontanelle. Mentally vibrate SU there. Repeat 12-36 times.
Third part: The same action but in immobility Forget the breath, let it flow naturally. Do exactly what explained in the second part, without moving your head. It is like a ball of light that turns around the brain and ends at its center.
This is Third Kriya meditation where the only perception is the three qualities of the Divine, having a rotating movement inside the brain. Feel that the soul is separated from your body and fluctuated in the void; feel its movement toward the sky. Repeat as much as you can How to end the practice Inhale deeply, place your attention into Fontanelle, over Ajna, and remain there. Feel you are drawn upwards through a spiral movement. Close with Yoni Mudra.