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Wipf and Stock Publishers EUGENE, OREGON
Wipf and Stock Publishers 199 West 8th A venue, Suite 3 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Grammar of Palestinian Jewish Aramaic By Stevenson, William 8. ISBN: 1-57910-264-6 Publication date: August, 1999 Previously published by Oxford University Press, 1924.
PREFACE Tms introduction to Palestinian Jewish Aramaic presupposes a general knowledge of Hebrew or of some other Semitic language, such as Syriac or Arabic. It is intended primarily to equip students for the reading of the Targums (OJ) and the Aramaic portions of the Palestinian Talmud and Midrashim (PTM), and to provide a help to the study of the Aramaic elements contained in the writings of the New Testament. The Aramaic of the books of Ezra and Daniel is perhaps best learned after a study has been made of one of the dialects just named. Its forms and uses, therefore, are noted in a supplementary way throughout the grammar. At the same time those who choose to begin with Old Testament Aramaic (OTA) may do so with the help of the special paradigms at the end of the book and by concentrating chiefly on the notes marked OTA, which have been placed towards the close of most of the sections into which the grammar is divided. The pioneer work of Gustaf Dalman is everywhere presupposed and made use of. His grammar of OJ and PTM formulates the now accepted principles of their treatment (seep. 9) and provides an inexhaustible store-house of material for further investigation. In accordance with his conclusions the punctuation of the supra• linear MSS. is taken as a standard, although transliterated uniformly into the familiar sublinear system and so, in some particulars, made more precise (see§ 2). Dalman's grammar does not include syntax, so that the notes on syntax are a special feature of this grammar and are based almost entirely on the writer's personal observations. The references 2T6ii
added to the syntactical notes, and in other cases also, are intended to show the range of the evidence found, and to make it easy to test and supplement the conclusions drawn. They are not intended to be used by beginners. The evidence for the syntax of PTl\1 has been taken wholly from the texts of Dalman's Di"alektproben.
The scantiness of the material available for the study of OT A often makes the formulation of general statements about it difficult and practically inexpedient. The method adopted, therefore, has frequently been that of giving a precise numerical statement of the facts. The paradigm of the verb, also, has been made, more closely than is usual, a reproduction of existing verbal forms. Strack's edition of the texts, in his Bzbhcal Aramai"c Grammar, is assumed to be referred to, except when otherwise stated. Special note has been made of the evidence of the supralinear MSS. of OT A, of which Strack gives specimens. References to the Targum of Onkelos are made implicitly to the supralinear editions of Kahle, Merx, and Praetorius, so far as they go (see Literature, p. 8). In the case of Gen. 1-4 and 24, the source is Merx's Chreslomalhy, for other parts of the Pentateuch, Berliner's Onkelos is used. The references to Dalman's Dialektproben are made by means of figures referring to the page, paragraph, and line, generally without mention of the title, sometimes with the abbreviation Chrest. prefixed. Much of the material in most sections of the grammar may be passed over on a first reading. Students working without a teacher are recommended to confine themselves at first to the notes marked with an asterisk. One or two sections which should be read completely are similarly marked. Those who have a fair working knowledge of Hebrew may begin to read the chapters of Genesis contained in Merx's Chreslomalhy after they have completed § 8 of the Grammar. Only texts with a supralinear vocalization should
be used at first. Dalman's interesting Dialektproben, if it can be obtained, may be commenced at p. 14, after a few chapters of the Targum have been read. Unfortunately the Di'alektproben is now out of print and there is no immediate prospect of its re-issue. The publication of further selections from the Aramaic portions of the Jerusalem Talmud, with an English vocabulary, would be of great assistance to English students of this literature. The language of the Aramaz"c Papyri if the Fifth Century B.C., recently edited and translated by A. Cowley (1923), is closely related to the idioms of OJ, PTM, and OTA. The announcement by the editor of his intention to publish a grammar of the dialect of these papyri makes it superfluous to apologize for its exclusion from the scope of the present work. Still it may be said that, on the scale of treatment here attempted, no more than three dialects could properly be included. A more comprehensive work must be preceded by other detailed studies, which do not yet exist. It is a very pleasant duty to acknowledge the help and encouragement the writer has received from the members of the Society for Old Testament Study, both individually and collectively. Without the assurance of their support and interest this grammar would never have been published nor expanded into its present form. Special thanks are due to my friend, the energetic and resourceful secretary, Dr. T. H. Robinson, of Cardiff University College. I am greatly obliged to the readers of the Clarendon Press for their vigilant attention to every detail and to the Delegates for the cordiality of their acceptance of my work. My Assistant, Mr. E. J. Harris, B.D., has twice read through the proofs and has verified many references and has helped to remove inaccuracies that might otherwise have escaped detection. WM. B. STEVENSON. Glasgow, 5th March, 1924.
Introduction 2. Orthography 3. Personal Pronouns (nominative forms) (suffix forms) ,, 4. 5. Demonstrative Pronouns and Adjectives 6. Interrogatives 7. The Relative Pronoun . 8. Nouns and Adjectives (general) 9. Classification of Nouns (declensions) IO. Inflexion of Nouns (masculine types) (feminines) ,, ,, 11. 12. Pronominal Suffixes (with singular nouns) (with masc. plur. stems) 13. ( with fem. plur. stems) ,, ,, 14. 1.
15. 16. 17. r 8. 19.
9 I I
r5 r6 18 20
2I 22
26 29 34 38 40 42
&c. n•~, Ti'.?,
Verbal Stems Perfect Tenses Imperfect Tenses . Imperatives . 20. Infinitives . 2 r. Participles 22. Compound Tenses 23. Influence of Gutturals upon Verbal Forms
43 44 46 •
5r 52 54 57 60
24. Verbs, initial Nun initial Aleph 25. ,, initial Yodh and Waw 26. 27. 28. 29.
30. 31,
" " " ,,
• final Yodh and Aleph ,, perfect tenses " " ,, impff.,imperatt., and infinn. " " ,, inflexion of particc. " "
N':J~, niq, N~Q,:J,q
3 2, Monosyllabic Stems (rll) 33. ,, ,, (inflected forms) 34. Partially Monosyllabic Sterns (ll"ll) 35. ,, ,. ,, (inflected forms) 36. Verbal Suffixes (with N'', stems) 37. " " (in OTA) 38. " " Paradigm of Verb (OJ) ,, ,, Verbal Suffixes Tables of OT A .
61 63 65 66 68
70 72
73 75 77 78
80 81
84 86 88
90 92
LITERATURE BERLINER, A. Targum Onkelos (text, with introduction and notes). Berlin, 1884. l\fassorah zum Targum Onkelos. Leipzig, 1877. BURNEY, C. F. Aramaic Origin of the Fourth Gospel. Oxford, 1922. DALMAN,GusTAF. Grammatik des Jiidisch-Palastinischen Aramaisch. Zweite Auflage. Leipzig, 1905. Aramaisch-Neuhebraisches Handworterbuch zu Targum, Talmud und Midrasch. Zweite verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. Frankfurt a. Main, 19 2 2. Aramaische Dialektproben ... mit Worterverzeichnis. Leipzig, 1896. Worte Iesu. Leipzig, 1898. (English trans., T. & T. Clark, 1902.) DrnTTRICH. Grammatische Beobachtungen zu drei . . . Handschriften des Onqelostargums. ZATW xx 1900 (pp. 14859). KAHLE,PAUL. Masoreten des Ostens-die altesten punktierten Handschriften des Alten Testaments und der Targume (in Kittel's Beitrage, Heft 15). Leipzig, 1913. LAGARDE, PAUL DE. Prophetae chaldaice. Leipzig, 1872. LANDAUER, S. Studien zu Merx' Chrestomathia targumica. In Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie, vol. iii, 1888 (pp. 263-92). MERx, AnALBERT. Chrestomathia Targumica (with critical notes and Latin glossary). Berlin, 1888. PRAETORIUS, FRANZ. Targum zu Josua in Jemenischer Uberlieferung. Berlin, 1899. Targum zum Buch der Richter in Jemenischer Uberlieferung. Berlin, 1900. STRACK,H. L. Grammatik des Biblisch-Aramaischen, mit . . . Texten und einem Worterbuch. 6te Auflage. Munich, 1921.
DALMAN'sGrammar if Jewzsh-Palestznian Aramaic (Leipzig, 1894) opened a new period in the study of the Aramaic dialects. It separated clearly for the first time the dialects of the Targums, Talmuds, and Midrashim, and it supplied a coherent and correct vocalization of the grammatical forms of the Targum of Onkelos and of the related dialect used in the Palestinian Talmud. The vocalization was based upon Yemenite l\ISS., which employed supralinear vowel signs. The second edition of Dalman's grammar (1905), along with his dictionary(1901), supplemented and revised his early work, but did not change its fundamental character. It was now made clear that the Targums of Onkelos (Pentateuch) and Jonathan (Prophets) were written in practically the same Aramaic dialect (OJ), somewhat modified by the influence of the Hebrew originals, and that the Palestinian Talmud and Midrashim preserved the remains of another dialect (PTl\l), closely related to the former. Because of this relationship Dalman supplied the unvocalized texts of PTM with vowels determined for the most part by the analogy of the supralinear tradition of the Targums. In this whole literature he saw, with good reason, the best avenue of approach to the Aramaic speech of Palestine in the time of Christ and a valuable help to the study of the language and thought of the New Testament. The origin, character, and variations of the supralinear MSS. of 2765
§ r.
the Targums have been greatly elucidated by the patient and extensive researches of Paul Kahle (published in 1913). His conclusions may be summarized as follows. The oldest and best tradition of the Aramaic of the Targums is contained in MSS. of Babylonian (i.e. Mesopotamian) origin. The Yemenite MSS. represent this tradition modified by the principles of the school of Tiberias in Palestine. The measure of Palestinian influence increased as time went on, so that the older Yemenite MSS. are nearer to the Babylonian tradition than the later. The sublinear vocalization of Berliner's edition of Onkelos goes back ultimately to a MS. which used the supralinear system. The forms of Berliner's edition are not real Aramaic forms, but through them we may reach a supralinear tradition similar to that of the MSS. which employ a supralinear vocalization. The texts of PTM are to a large extent stories written in a simple popular style. The language, according to Dalman, is that of Galilee in the third and fourth centuries A. D. Part of what is contained in the Midrashim may be dated as late as the sixth century. There are some differences of vocabulary between the Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan, but no very obvious differences of grammar. The Aramaic of these Targums has a more literary character than the language of the Galilean stories, and is supposed to have been moulded first in Judea. The Targums themselves may not have received their final literary form before the fifth century, but the idiom in which they are written probably goes back at least to the second century and perhaps earlier. Dalman's interpretation of the phraseology of the New Testament in the light of Aramaic usage proceeds on the view that we have in OJ and PTM, respectively, close approximations to the literary and popular forms of the language of Palestine in the time of Christ. 1 1 See especially Dalman's Wonts of .feszes, Introduction, section viii. The most recent attempt to show the influence of Aramaic upon a NT writer is
1. In unvocalized texts (PTM) N, i1, , , and
are freely used to indicate vowels. Waw and yodh frequently denote short vowels, as well as long vowels. Typical examples are: n,•r., i1~1;), I
l"'~ = i'~~,,cip•r.,= ,~~!?, N'J'l,'= N~tl?,f'M'N= l'J::1~, i 1,'M'N=
,,,,r,N N'"l.::m = N'"\:)11 n1,,.::i = i=l'~:!l Nr.iin=N~n N~h or N~M The
st;~ ~~we! of theT=i:flected for~;~' of seghol~t~' n~uns and the preformative vowel of verbsil reflexives (i•;,wN) are commonly indicated in this way. The insertion of vowel signs into texts originally unvocalized accounts for the existence of forms like i'~•~,'~i?'l;l, &c. In unvocalized texts 11and II may be written for consonantal waw and yodh in the middle of a word (e.g. and II for diphthongal az"or for ' pronounced as a double consonant, with daghesh (e.g. tl''i' tl!i2). N and i1 both represent a final long vowel, especially ii. In PTM and OJ N is the more commonly used. In OT A N is preferred in some cases, e.g. to represent the emphatic ending N (§ 8), n in other cases, e.g. in the feminine termination nT. In jNO (who?) and ;,Ny (he entered) N denotes the short ii, in order to distinguish these words from the prepositions i!?and But jr,l and are generally used. Final diphthongal az"is often denoted by 'N. 2. The punctuation of the l\ISS. of Babylonian origin published by Kahle is by no means uniform, varying through several stages from a quite simple system to one which is highly complex. The system of the Yemenite MSS. is a variation of the simple Babylonian system, and the resemblances and differences of these two are, principally, what is explained in the following notes.
j,,,,, = n?'.?),
C. F. Bumey's Aramaic Origin efthe Fourth Gospel (1922). It gives a most valuable synopsis of the Aramaic idioms and constructions which may be looked for in the Greek of NT. 1 This section may be omitted when the grammar is being read for the first time. A knowledge of the ordinary Hebrew alphabet is presupposed. B 2
§ 2.
3. In the simple Babylonian punctuation there are signs for daghesh (a supralinear ' or>-) and raphe (supralinear i' or •), which, however, are seldom used (Kahle, p. 167). Some Yemenite MSS. do not employ daghesh at all (as in Merx, pp. 5 7 ff.), others regularly use the Palestinian sign (so in Judges and Joshua as edited by Praetorius). The supralinear MSS. of OT A in Strack occasionally exhibit the Babylonian signs for daghesh (Dan. 4. 24, 5. 8, 12, &c.) and raphe (Dan. 5. 7, 12). 4. The supralinear punctuation at first had no sign equivalent to the Palestinian silent shewa. Some Babylonian MSS., however, which use a complex system of punctuation, employ the sign for vocal shewa ambiguously as in the Palestinian system. In Yemenite MSS. the shewa sign usually represents only vocal shewa, although in some few cases it may represent Palestinian silent shewa also. 5. Patha~ furtive is seldom represented in either the Babylonian or the Yemenite MSS., but was, presumably, pronounced in the positions indicated by the Palestinian tradition, and so may be introduced into a sublinear transliteration of the supralinear signs. The suffix i'l' .. (§ 4) is, however, to be excepted from this treatment, in accordance with the analogy of OT A. 6. The following vowel signs are used in the supralinear system of the simplest type : Qame~ Patha~ and seghol $ere . I:lireq
I:lolem Shureq Vocal shewa (including ~atephs)
The first six of these signs denote regularly both long vowels and short vowels. Qame~ at first had only the sound of ii in 'psalm' (approximately), not that of ii in 'ball', and ~olem represented both Palestinian iJ and Palestinian ~olem. The later Yemenite l\ISS., however, use qam(;~ for o,so that, at different
§ 2.
No periods, both ,S and S3were pronounced as Hebrew distinction is made in the representation of pathal]. and seghol, although, presumably, both sounds were used in actual speech. In transliterating the supralinear pathal]. into sublinear writing, the analogy of OT A and of Hebrew will determine our choice between sublinear pathal]. and oublinear seghol. 7. In Babylonian and sporadically in Yemenite MSS., pathal]. is used for l].ateph pathal].,following ~ and y and sometimes following n and n (e.g . .,~~ for .,~~, i•~ll~ for i9v,~). This usage occurs in the supralinear MSS. of OTA (Dan. 3. 12, 3. 13, 4. 28, 4. 29), 5. 5 i10V,~Jbut not consistently (Dan. 4. 32 l;11;1P,, 8. Some supralinear l\1SS. have forms like cit~.N~?•~, tl'!':I'}'~ (= Hebrew wi)~, c•ry~~, CtJ1~), instead of forms commencing with ~ or ~- It is possible that this orthography represents an alternative pronunciation of the words in question, but more likely that yodh, with ~ere, simply represented ..., just as pathal]. stood for __. Similarly '.~l';!(Chrest. 29. 21) was ~-either a phonetic variant n~r a grammatical equivalent of •-~t(r plur. impf. Pae!), but was, originally, precisely the same word, differently spelled. This use of yodh (with ~ere) to denote vocal shewa occurs in the supralinear MSS. of OT A, and it throws fresh light on the Hebrew forms referred to in Gesenius-Kautzsch, § 23 h ("1iT~ ,it~). 9, Some supralinear MSS. write ~ instead of ;, especially at the beginning of words, but also in other cases (e.g. in '1'~1 '1;1, Deut. 9. 28-Kahle, p. 14). This alternative orthography may also be understood to imply an alternative pronunciation-yz or z (cf. Syriac)-but it should rather be regarded as an alternative way of representing the sound that is usually written as vocal shewa. 10. J:lateph qame~ is sometimes explicitly written in Yemenite MSS., especially in those of later date and espfcially in certain words, such as C;~,. 11. With the exceptions already 1:oted, the 1].atephsof the sub-
linear system are not specially represented in the supralinear writing. Still the distinctive sounds of the 1-Jatephswere no doubt employed by those who wrote the supralinear system. The forms 1 (and) and "! (who, which), which are used before certain consonants followed by vocal shewa, may be taken as proof that these following consonants were pronounced with J:iateph pathaJ:i. I:Jatephs may therefore be employed in transliterating the supralinear into the sublinear system. 12. In Babylonian MSS. and in the supralinear MSS. of OT A (Strack) 1 is the form of the conjunction 'and' before words commencing with a consonant followed by vocal shewa (Dan. 3. 21, 4. 29, 5. 20, 6. 5, 6. 17), even when that following consonant is ::i, O, or El (Dan. 5. 1 1, 6. 1 I). Before ::i, o, and El not followed by vocal shewa, the form of the conjunction is 1, implicitly, at least, since the vowel is generally not explicitly represented. In the Yemenite l\ISS. of OJ~ is used in all these cases, as in sublinear Hebrew texts (so in Praetorius's edition of Joshua and Judges and in Berliner's Onkelos). 13. When the initial consonant of a word is followed by vocal shewa simple, the supralinear punctuation does not indicate its presence if it is preceded by the conjunction 1 or' (Gen. 1. 10, 1. 17, Judg. 1. 17, 1. 22, Dan. 3. 21, 5. II, 6. 17, &c.). This may imply that the vocal shewa in these cases, as in Hebrew and \ 1~1, was no longer pronounced (so Dalman, p. 240). Some MSS. treat words that commence with il and n in the same way so that, for example, Nf~1 may perhaps be an alternative for N!Q1 (cf. Heb. ,e~~). In the Babylonian l\ISS. and in the supralinear l\ISS. of OT A (Strack), however, vocal shewa following an initial consonant is frequently unrepresented in writing, especially in association with particular forms or words, such as the particles ::i, ::i, S,and ,. This implies that the absence of the sign of a hurried vowel ( vocal shewa) is not a certain proof of its absence in speech, and makes
§ 2.
any conclusion regarding the case of the preceding paragraph uncertain. 14. In OT A the diphthong ai causes mutation, like a simple vowel, and silent shewa is written after the yodh of the diphthong II, (e.g. in i'ltl;:;, o:1q,1J:'\;iJ). Compare also, perhaps, N0;91i2(§ (Ps. II 6. 7, in the Hebrew Psalter). These note I 2) and 1:;i~n~)'? analogies may be allowed to determine the sublinear vocalization of (§ 11, note 7), (§ 6), NO;l~ll OJ and PTM in such words as 1'':!;iJ, (§ 31), and the pronominal suffixes 1:;i\and NQ\ (§ 13). 'l'.l;~ PERSONAL
§ 3·
N)N T-:
(';lt~) r;,~ (r;,;~) r;,~
(nominative forms)
OJ PLUR. (Nt~~) N)mN T: --:
tm~ T-:
rm~ r;,~
i'J:1~ r;,~
rm~ N1i1
fl)'i1, j')IN
1 2
com. masc. fem.
3 masc. fem.
l *. In OJ and OT A the pronouns of the I person Accent. plural are accented on the penultimate syllable. This is one of the few exceptions to the general rule in these dialects that the last syllable of a word is accented. sometimes and r~l'l 2. The shortened forms N~, r~, Forms. N~~;~). for N~~~ and w~~ occur independently in PTl\I ( cf. w~for They, and T;1 T;l~,also coalesce with participles into tense forms (§ 21, note 7). 3*. j1)'N, &c., are unvocalized spellings equivalent to tm~,&c.
(§ 2. 1). 4. For the forms of OT A see paradigm, p. 92. OTA. The last letter of N~~~~ is N three times and once i1. ilmN is
a Kethibh form, always changed to i;11~ by Qere, but pointed 1"11.;'ttc by the supralinear MSS. in Strack. l~ti:t and ,~;:i occur, as nominatives, each once only, Idioms. 5. The expressions N1:;i~N~Mi;(' a certain man', § 5, note 12) and NJ.;lT;ll:t N',:li;are used by PTM in modesty for N~~ (cf. Hebrew -:11:;iP) and in curses or protestations for T;ltc. In and PTM '")Y;),DY;', polite address, for T;l~,OJ uses 1~b") and 1;,i::i") ':;11and 1;,f-1(cf. Hebrew 'i'1~). 6. For 'he himself', &c., see§ 4, note 6.
PRONOUNS (suffix forms)
j -
~~ -
•;~ I :
•;~ I :
.,~ I .. :
•; ji:i : I'
"1' .. 3 masc.
l'iJ :
i'iJ :
.,~ I .. :
masc. fem. fem.
1*. These suffixes are equivalent to English possessive adjectives and to the genitives of the personal pronouns in other languages. For the possessive pronouns see § 7, note 4. Forms. 2. The suffixes of the table are those joined to the singular stems of nouns ending with a consonant. In slightly different forms they are attached to verbs to express the accusatives of the personal pronouns(§ 36). ';i'.(2 s. f.) and Ni;_ (3 s. f.), used in the marriage contract printed in Dalman's Dialektproben,p. 4 (II.4, 5,'6, 8), are older, uncontracted, forms of:)'. and i'l_respectively. See also § 1 2, note 2, and § 1 3. For the variations of OT A, see p. 9 3. 1
See § 3, note
§ 4.
3. l\Terx ( Chrest. Targum.) prints N.?;i,i? in Gen. 2. 20 for el\?~~ and NlJ~MJ;l for el)Jinr;i in Gen. 2. 2 r. Accus. Cases. 4*. The accusatives of the personal pronouns are expressed in three ways: (1) by suffixes (§ 36), (2) by 'ti~,&c., (3) by'?, &c. OJ nearly always follows the Hebrew text in its choice between a verbal suffix and an independent accusative form. In the latter case it regularly employs 'T'l',&c., seldom '', &c. For el'.?and Jin?after particc. see Gen. 3. 15 and Exod. 3. 9. In PTM ,, , &c., are used as accusatives after participles ( 18. 12, 19. 5, 20. 11, 14, &c.) and sometimes after finite forms of the verb (16. ii. 9, 26. 3, 28. 15). A pronominal object after a verb is usually expressed by a suffix. 'T'l', &c., occur after participles (16. ii. 3, 23. 2), perfects (19. ii. 14, 2r. 7, 25. ii. 5), and impff. (22. ii. 5). In OTA the pronominal object of a verb is generally expressed by means of a suffix. But only the independent forms ir.i,:i (in Ezra), j\r.it:i (in Daniel) and Jm:e (Dan. 6. 25) are used for' them·. with a suffix occurs once (Dan. 3. 12, Jinz:t:), ,,, &c., only with participles (Dan. 2. 23, 4. 22, 29, 6. 17, Ezra 5. 2). Ethic Dative. 5. •~, &c., are also used as' ethic datives', especially after verbs of motion. Examples: el\? ~~~ ( 2 6. 5), N~~11? el~(24. ii. 5). Reflex. Pron. 6*. In PTl\I the reflexive pronouns are generally expressed by '7?72,&c., sometimes by-~~~, &c. (Dalman, p. 115, § 13). In OJ the pronominal suffixes are used, in agreement with the Hebrew text, '!!'El~, &c., being occasional alternatives. In PTM emphatic 'he himself' is expressed by el't,?72 S.!!, 'this itself' by N1N97~ ~::,(N1 this, § 5). '7?72means, literally, 'my bone' (for its inflexion see§ 12, note 4). OTA. 7. In MT Nt (Baer, Ginsburg) is usual for Nt_, but cf. pausal Nm~::I!'!? (Dan. 3. 17). !J::iand !J1ioccur only in Ezra, as alternatives to ti:i and Jii'I. See Brockelmann, Gnmdn'ss, I. 113.
18 § 5.
)i1 1i;~,;~n~,ri;i N1Q •• T
T : '
r.~o i'''N, r.~~
N1 ' l'.'i'~
N~i1i1 'Ni1 N'i1i1 j1~1N, 11~"i1 T
:Ji1 :J1i1 (':;i'':!)N~i1Q N'i'.IQ :JO T '
=n :J'.~~
Forms. 1*. N~i1Q and N'i'.10 are the forms of the Baby Ionian l\ISS. published by Kahle. N~i11jand N'l'.11'.:1 in the supralinear Yemenite MSS. are Hebraisms (Dalman). i'.?Q(16. ii. 7) is pointed l'.~Qin Dalman's paradigm (p. 397 ). 2*. i'''N, j1~"i1, and j1)'N are the unvocalized spellings of PTI\I (§ 2, 1). 3. i''J;1'.:I, N1'.1'.:I, and 1'.?~1'.:1 occur as alternatives to i''JQ, &c. (e.g. 15. 6) and are cited by Dalman (p. 111 ), but are held by him to be incorrect forms (p. 1 20 ). 4, PTM has a number of forms such as i'iJ~ and iQ~ (28. 24) in which N alternates with i1. It also frequently uses contracted forms (INQ,i'.?Q,&c.). I':! and l''JQcoalesce with a following N~i1into~~':! and ~~1iJ, ,, :l, 1 join with 'NQinto ''f, ''? (Dalman, p. 112). OT.A.. 5. For OTA forms see paradigm (p. 92). r~~ for 'those' (Dan. 2. 44) and i1~~ for 'these' (Ezra 5. 15) occur each once only. 1;!,l"!'that' is both masculine (once) and feminine (twice). In OT A the same forms are used, without distinction, as adjectives and pronouns. See also notes 10 and 14,
occurs in PTM as an enclitic particle 6. Special usages. following interrogatiYe pronouns (Dalman, Grammar, pp. 1 r I and 224). In OJ it is similarly used to translate i1! after i1~~(Gen. 25. 22) and also for i1Jassociated with a numeral (Gen. 27. 36, Judg. 16. 15). rn:;,is sometimes used by OJ as a translation of Hebrew i1!l (Gen. 45. 9, Exod. 3. 14 f., 5. 10, 7. 26, Josh. 24. 2, Judg. 11. 15, 2 Kings 19. 20). (Judg. 6. 20, &c.) and 7*. '-?':! is usually equivalent to MJ~::t seldom occurs otherwise ( Gen. 2 7. 3 3). The pronoun 'that ' in OJ is also expressed by ~,n(Gen. 2. 19, 41. 28, 42. 14, Exod. 16. 23, Amos 7. 6), which might, therefore, properly be included in the table. S*. OJ generally distinguishes between adjective and Syntax. (b) r':! instead of r:!O, pronoun forms. Exceptions are: (a) •:;:,•:1, after a noun with a pronominal suffix attached, under the influence of the Hebrew text (Exod. 10. I, Josh. 2. 20, Judg. 6. 14), (c) the phrase l':! N9i• Cl';:t 'to-day' (cf. r:!ON9i•'this day'), (d) N10? (Judg. 13. 23, 15. 7). 9. In PTM N'i10generally serves as the pronoun 'that ' (16. ii. II and 13, 18. ii. 3) and other singular adjective forms are also freely used as pronouns (15. 6, 16. ii. 12, 28. 24). On the other hand, pronoun forms are used as adjectives in particular, occurs r.?~, (18. ii. IO and u-r:!, 28. 13-l~~~). as an adjective (16. ii. 10, 17. ii. 8, 20. 21, more often than 1'.?0 24. ii. 1). 10*. In PTM a demonstrative nearly always stands before its associated noun ( two exceptions in Chrest. 2 o. I 2 and 2 1. 15 are both from the same narrative). In OJ the influence of the Hebrew text has established the rule that demonstratives follow the nouns they qualify. Exceptions agree with the order of the Hebrew text (Gen. 2. 23, Judg. 16. 15, &c.) In OTA a demonstrative adjective generally follows, but may precede, an associated noun (Dan. 2. 44).
C 2
11, Nouns qualified by a demons.
adjective nearly always assume the emphatic form (see § 8, note 3). Idioms. 12. i''JOis used with proper names in the sense of 'the well-known' or 'the previously-mentioned' (r 5. ii. 2, 17. ii. 1; similarly 22. ii. 9). t•m10 is sometimes equivalent to 11~~'a certain', e.g. in the phrases N)~a N~i'JO,N9\ 1 N~i'Jo. i':!••• i':! (and "!IJ •• ' "!IJ) express 'this ... that' or 'one ... another'. 13, M; with suffixes of the third person is sometimes used as a demons. adjective or pronoun, like iniot,&c., in the Mishnah (Dalman, § 1 7. 8). 14. In OT A before a noun governed by a preposition an anticipative pronominal suffix is used in an emphasizing demonstrative i'l~ 'at that very time'). The noun is then in the sense (N~T?i emphatic form (§ 8). So in PTl\1 l~Oi'if1? i'l'.?"1P~'he said to this same R. J ochanan' ( 2 o. ii. 1 o).
§ 6. INTERROGATIVES PTM who? what? which?
OJ jp
'N!:l I - , 'l:l 1-
N"!11N, N'"l''i'l
sing. masc. fem.
(i'.?'rs)plural com.
l*. For the spelling iNP see§ 2. 1. l'.?'rs happens Forms, 11 not to occur in OJ. j'"! i'l, &c., are the unvocalized spellings of i''J;iJ, &c. (§ 2. 1 and 14). 2. In PTl\I Nm jp contracts into ~~~ and N'iJ N9 into ' 1~. In OJ l'".!9= i''J N?? (note 4). 3*. The meanings of N?? are: what? how? what kind Usages. of? and (with adjectives) howl N)??(i19?)expresses 'why?' and
§ 6.
Questions introduced by N9?so often expect a negative answer that this interrogative acquires the sense of a negative (§ 7, note 7). 4. In OJ i'':! N9 or l"W renders Hebrew il:P1~(Gen. 27. 20, J udg. 18. 2 4), but in N9~is used for ilril~?(§ 5, note 6). 1 N, &c., are both pronouns and adjectives. 5. Syntax. Their associated nouns may stand in the emphatic form ( Chrest. 23. 3 and 4, Isai. 66. 1 ), but not necessarily. 'where?', 6. ii$(OJ) and i~ (PTI\I) Interrog. Adverbs. is also 4) 29. (Gen. l~'? 'whence?' = ii;, l~ and i~? = 'whither?' written for i~ ii;,. 7, Only i~ and i19occur in OTA. Most editors, inOTA. cluding Baer and Ginsburg, point the former il?, In Dan. 3, 33
N9?(i19?)'how many?'
il?? (with an adjective)= how! § 7. THE
1 *. In OJ and PTl\I the relative pronoun is 7 (uninForms. flected). In OT A and in OJ compounds (1?'1,&c., note 4) the form is '1. Idioms. 2*. 7 without an antecedent means' that which', 'he who', 'those who', &c. 7 r':!~,7 N~il~, 7 i~, and 7 N? are also used to express these combinations. 3 *. 7 before a genitive means 'the possession of', 'those of', = 'the people ofmy house'. 'those belonging to', &c. E.g. 'D'~7 In reports of the opinions of the Rabbis, before the name of a Rabbi, it stands for 'the opinion of'. 4*. 1 11, :J?'1,&c., 'that which is to me', 'that Compounds. which is to thee', &c., are the equivalents of the possessive pronouns mine, thine, &c., in OJ (cf. Dan. 2. 20). In PTl\1 ''1'1, &c., are more usual. ''1'1 may be a phonetic variant of '?'1 (Barth) or = 7 + 'T 'the possession of my hand' (Dalman).
5. 1-t9 + 1+?, with suffixes, is treated as a substantive, meaning property ( 16. ii. 2, i'l'.?1~). 6. In PTM ~"I is a contraction for 1-t~l'11 and'"! occurs as a contraction for N'1'.J1 (Dalman, p. 98). Conjunctional uses. 7*. 1 is much used as a conjunction, -of time (when), place (where), cause (because), purpose (in order that), and introducing subject and object sentences (=Hebrew •:;, 'that'). Joined to prepositions it gives them the force of conjunctions (1 IQ = after, 1 il) = until or whilst). ,~ 'when' and 1-t9?"! 'lest' or 'perhaps ' (Ezra 7. 2 3 ill;!?'"!) are compounds with :pand NI;!?(§ 6, note 3) respectively. 1 ''1:P,is used for 'because' and 'in order that'. Relative Adverbs. S*. The relative adverbs-where, whither, and whence-are expressed in PTM by 1 iQ, 1 IQ?,and 1 IQ IQ ( cf. § 6, note 6) and in OJ generally by i1f~• •1, 11flJ? • • 1, and 11f~I;' • • 1 (cf. OT A i'11f~ , , '"!, Ezra 6. 1 ).
§ 8.
N?,t;,') n;it;,'l 1-tn:ii::i T : T
l?,t;,'l T1?,t;,') i-tn:ii::i TT
:lt;,') singular absolute.
construct. r:99 emphatic. i':;?t;,')plural absolute. construct. emphatic. ::It;,')
Emphatic state. 1 *. The emphatic ending a has a demonstrative force equivalent to the Hebrew definite article. The corresponding English expression may, however, be indefinite, e.g. when the noun is abstract (16. ii. 4, 21. 15, 24. ii. 6), or a generic word (Dan. 5. r ). Sometimes the emphatic ending has practically the force of a possessive pronoun (20. 5, where M!~t'f
§ 8.
'our enemies', 24. ii. 1 2, where 'the stick' means 'his stick ' or 'a stick'). 2. In PTM and OJ the emphatic state tends to Jose its distinctive definite meaning, as in Syriac, but to a mpch lesser extent (14. ii. 1, 25. ii. 10, 18. ii. 2, 20. 12, 24. ii. 1, 27. 6, 25. ii. 3 and 9; Gen. 2. 10, Exod. 1. 8, 12. 20, Josh. 2. 2, Judg. 9. 36). In PTM emphatic forms (18. 6, 18. ii. 6, 19. ii. 3, 21. ii. 7, 27. 2) as well as absolute forms (16. ii. 6, 17. ii. 1, 29. r, 25. ii. 3) are associated with the indefinite word ii:i, one. In OJ the emphatic state seems to be more often used with ii:i (Gen. I. 9, 2. 24, 27. 38, 45, 33.13, 34.16, 40. 5, Deut. 24. 5, Josh. 3. 12, 13, 17. 17, Judg. 6. 16, 9. 37) than the absolute is (Gen. r. 5, 11. 1, Deut. 28. 7, Josh. 9. 2). The MS. evidence sometimes varies and the printed texts even have both constructions in the same verse (Gen. 1 I. 6, Josh. 17. 14). In OJ a singular indefinite object is generally expressed by the emphatic state (Gen. 2. 8, 4. 1, 4. 17, 20. 9, 21. 8, 28. 2, 29. 2, 33. 17, Judg. 6. 2 6), rarely by the absolute (Judg. 6. 1 7). Emphatic forms are said to be preferred in pause (Berliner, Massorah, p. 96, Lev. 2. 13, Deut. 26. 7). OT A seems always to use the emphatic form in its distinctive sense. 3*. T!·,ere are a few exceptions to the rule that a noun qualified by a demons. adjective stands in the emphatic form (16. ii. 2). The absolute state is employed when the associated noun is accompanied by a numeral and a demons. adjective (28. 13). In ~11:N~!.?l (Judges, passznz) the feminine noun may be regarded as mascuN~'?!, line in form, and so as in the emphatic state. Cf. N,i'.Jl; Deut. 1 o. 1 o. 4 *. An attributive adjective regularly assumes an emphatic orm when the noun it qualifies stands in the emphatic state (Gen, I. 16, 10. 21, 27. 15, 29. 2, Deut. 3. 24, 11. 2; Chrest. 23. ii. 4; Dan. 1'1tt (24. ii. 13). 3. 26, 6. 27). Cf. Nf"J."111;?~(1 Sam. 12. 22), but ~l;l,1?
§ 8. NOUNS AND ADJECTIVES Absolute state.
5*. Some words and phrases employ absolute forms in_ a definite sense (25. ii. 3, Cl?~M'il, 'the cemetery'). In PTM foreign words may be used definitely without the addition of an emphatic ending (r6. 6 ff., 23. 4, C!;l'~"!, '?.'~). Predicative adjectives are generally put in the absolute state (Dan. 2. I I), even when, in OJ, they translate Hebrew words with a definite article attached (Gen. 2. II, 42. 6). A predicative adjective in the emphatic state may be considered to be a superlative ( r 5. 8). Construct and Genitive. 6*. In PTM construct forms, followed by genitives, have only a limited use ( 17. I 3, :JQ'; ''J~!!>l,'). They occur most frequently as the second member of compound prepositions (''V.?,b~, 9ic?, &c.) and in stereotyped phrases which are almost compound nouns, e.g.~~ i;l (28. rr), Cl~~n•~(25. ii. 3), N~t?~ 'V.'?!p?;l 'sunset' ( 22. ii. 5), 't?jl! Cl~i~'my bed-cover' (29. 15). Instead of the genitive construction PTM usually employs phrases like (a) N:~~"!N~ill, j:)l"Jl;Q"! NQ'~'the birds of the sky', 'the house of his comrade', or (b) NQ?~1 j:)'',?~,j:)r:,tf!j:)l)'~'the name of God', 'the house of her mother', when the expression is definite, and like (c) .::i;::,71 i'~~!!l7'pomegranates of gold', when the expression is indefinite. In all these cases"! means 'that of' or 'those of' and governs the foilowing noun in the genitive case (§ 7, note 3). Mixed constructions like NQt.??~"! I'~!?M?l;1(q. 15) and NQ•;7'':\9(Chrest. I7. 7, J udg. r 9. 22) occur less often. 7*. In OJ the use of a construct, followed by a genitive, is general, although the constructions of note 6 also occur. Examples: (a) Gen. I. r4, 25, 2.7, 12, 22. r2, Josh. r.8, 13, 2. 2, 4. r6, 5. r, and frequently; (b) Gen. 30. 20; (c) Gen. 3. 2r, Deut. IO.
8. In OT A the idiom of a construct followed by a genitive prevails-except in one group of cases, where the constructions of note 6 (a) and (c) are preferred. These latter constructions are generally, though not exclusively, used before or after and in com-
§ 8.
bination with standing phrases, such as 'treasure-house', 'house of God', 'book of records'. Examples: Nf~P'"! N!mn•~(Ezra 5.17), Ni;?~ r,•;r"! N!W~ (Ezra 5. 16), l!i~~-,: '"! 1¥-¥¥~ 'fingers of a human hand' (Dan. 5. 5). Cf. Ezra 4. 15, 6. 5, 7. 12, 7. 17, Dan. 2. 14, 2. 49, 4. 26, 5. 3. There are comparatively few cases of the use of these constructions as an alternative to a simple construct and genitive (Ezra 5. 2, 13, 14, 7. 26, Dan. 2. 15, 19, 38, 41, 4. 12 (= 20), 5. 7 (= 16 and 29), 5. 23, 24, 7. 4, 6, 7 (= 19), 7. 9, 10, 28). A considerable proportion of them seem to imply at least a slight emphasis (e.g. Ezra 5. 14, 7. 26, Dan. 2. 38, 5. 7 (= 16 and 29), 5. 23, 7. 4, 7 ( = 19), 7. 9, 10). 'The den of lions' is both NJ.;ll:7~ :ill (6. 8, 13, 25) and Nm:7~'"! Nf~.(6. 17, 20). The construction of note 6 (b) occurs in OT A about a dozen times and the words governed by '"! are then evidently in most cases emphatic (Dan. 2. 44, 3. 28f., 4. 23, 6. 25, 27, Ezra 5. 11). Renderings such as 'the name of him who is (really) God' and 'the appearance of that fourth' are sometimes appropriate (Dan. 2. 20, 3· 25, 3· 26). Accusative case. 9*. In PTM the object noun has generally no distinctive mark. occasionally introduces definite accusatives (15. 11, 16. ii. II, 21. 6, 7, 23. 8, 27. 6) and does so rarely (15. ii. 8). In OJ t1;is the regular equivalent of Hebrew n~ and ~ seldom occurs (in Gen. 3. 17 '"IP'!?.? = Hebrew Sip?; for Gen. 39. 15 see § 36, note 11 ). The old accusative ending a survives in a few adverbs of place (e.g. Nl;l'!J.:I 'below'). For the accusative pronoun anticipating an object noun see § 36, note 11. IO. In OT A S is not infrequently associated with a definite accusative. Possibly it has a slight demonstrative or emphasizing effect.1
1 It is prefixed to expressions for the true God (Dan. 2. 19, 4. 31, 34, ~- 23) and the false gods (3. 18, 5. 4, 23; cf. 2. 34), to words and phrases denoting the rulers (3. 2, 6. 2) and wise men of Babyion (2. 12, 14, 24; 5. 7), to the
§ 8.
In:fl.e:xional endings. 11*. The feminine singular ending N' is attached especially to stems that end in tin, hence N! 1~•'}(Gen. I. 2) and N:~?!/1. Feminine plural endings iiw,in and 8wiin are used by so~e· nouns. Examples: (a) i!?'.?,in'~, in':!, il?'tt, (b) )lZ:,t$, l!n~-from 11t$,sign, and 11CJ~,sister. Cf. i)Nr,i= i)t$'? and llN9= i)t$9, See also § 1 o, note 21, and § 30, note 2. 12*. The plurals of :i~, t:l11$, and t:li~ are iQ~~,iQ'f~,and 1Qr,i~, respectively. 13*. The termination' .. is sometimes used when a noun is in the absolute or in the emphatic state. Examples : 'I?.'?: (Gen. I. IO), ':'.tr(Gen. 2. 7), ''}in (Gen. 18. 7). Such forms are specially frequent in the case of gentilic names like •~1;mi (Chrest. :q. ii. 1), '11$1~ (Exod. 12. 30), '11$l;l':I (Josh. 1. 4), and '11$1¥,'~ (Dan. 2. 5). Dalman = •~r,,~ Tl~= 'garden of oils'. compares, also, r(0).For examples are the same (i'l'tl~'~, tlnJ;l?T?, of F nouns see§ 29, note 9. (Dan. 6. 19) may be regarded as a noun of the C class, 10. i'ltl~?i rather than as derived from an absolute form N?~(cf.§ 11, note 4). 11. The supralinear MSS. of OJ generally Feminine suffixes. plur. masc. and of the 3 plur. masc. 2 the of suffixes the write instead of the corresponding feminine forms (Dalman). The same substitution is often made in PTM. § 13. PRONOMINAL PLURAL
SUFFIXES (with masc. plur. stems). SINGULAR
l~'.. .. 11::,,
':IT ,=I\ :J'' ,•::,••
=IT =I'- ' 1::,1 . :' ."-'i'.li
com. masc. fem.
tin•.. l'iJ'..
tin•.. l'iJ'..
,; •ni '. i'l' Kn•
' l"'. 1N, =I'',and
T !-
Ni1 T-
3 masc. fem.
1::,11 are simply orthographical Suffix forms. For'-?\ and NQ\ see§ 2. 14. N_is variants for'-,=!'_, and',?\. an alternative in OJ for'- (see§ 29, note 8). 2*. The ' connective vowel' of these pronominal suffixes was originally the plural ending ai, which in a majority of cases has become l or a or a. The connective o of 'i'.liis explained either as a nominative plural ending= au (Barth) or as a dissimilation from ai (Dalman). The terminations 1::,, •n, and Nnwere originally used with singular as well as with plural stems (§ 4, note 2, § 1 2, note 2 ). The contracted forms of 3 sing. masc. and 3 sing. fem. are charac-
§ 13.
teristic of PTM. r;iis a reduplicated ending found also in Syriac. The suffix L is used by PTM in 11f"l' our teachers'. 3. In OT A the K e1hibh implies the earlier pronunciations T ::i•_,and Nt_, which the Qere alters into :JT,::i_,and N~_respectively. See paradigm, p. 93. 4 *. It may be observed that several of the ai suffixes attached to plural stems are identical with the suffix forms attached to singular nouns (:JT,;:,_,NJ_). Unvocalized ii' in PTM, when joined to a masc. plural stem means 'her ', and to a singular stem 'his', 5*. Most of the plural stems of§ 10 are also Plural stems. used when pronominal suffixes are joined to plurals (e.g. N~~?P, ''1;,'"lf~). Only the \?tpgroup of E nouns employs with suffixe; as its plural stem a stem identical with that of the emphatic singular )iii•~?~). In other E nouns ai suffixes are joined directly to the ordinary plural stem ("11?,jiil'V.1,liil''JFI?). In Dan. 2. 32 although presumably this treatment is extended to the form •;:,ii!"/, its uninflected singular is '1!"/,as in OJ. 6. For 'they two' OJ always uses liil1l7t1(Gen. 2. 25), instead of and PTM sometimes has the same form (cf.§ 8, note 15). liil''}i:1, 7*. The direct combination Singular stems like plurals. of pronominal suffixes with the singular ending e of certain nouns of the E class, like •ti~!? and ''J~I?, produces a set of ai suffixes, which are precisely the same as those attached to plural stems. This makes the singular and plural forms of such nouns frequently indistinguishable (iiil1'J~I?, •;:,iMlt)• For the case of participles see § 30, note 4, and for infinitives § 29, note 8. Certain F nouns, are also combined with suffixes in the manner of plural like '!?7~.?l, stems. s. ''J~ 'master', with suffixes employs a stem with consonantal yodh (:J:7r,i,Chrest., p. 23, note 1), or a contracted stem with the Exod. 21. 29, '7't, Dan. 4. 16, 2I) or a consuffixes of§ 12 {i=l''Jr,i, tracted stem with the suffixes of this section (li'.liil;),Exod. 2 1. 34).
In the K6thibh form 'N'iO (Dan. 4. 16, 21) 'N might represent ai (§ 2. 1) but probably N stands for consonantal yodh (§ 23, n. 9). 9*. Prepositions that originally ended in i, for that reason take ai suffixes ('?V., :J?V., &c.), and other prepositions do so by analogy ('1J;\f,•~1~,). · In ·oT A Nt?P,or Nt?V,(Ezra 4. 12, &c.), an old form of the suffix N~_, is preserved (cf. note 3). Fem. plur. suffixes. 10. The observations of§ r 2, note 11, apply also to the suffixes added to plural sterns.
OJ •n111lN - T ! •
SUFFIXES (with fern. plur. sterns). NoRMALSUFFIXES. OJ and PTM
OJ N~IJ1'fli:t
'"111lN • T: •
ti=>'tn'ft:t :JIJ1'f~ jiil'tl1'ft:t
'ili"111lN T: • Ni1"111lN T - T: •
2 masc. :Ji;'.11'ft:t :J'J:11'f~ fem.
M1"111lN 3 masc. ! • Mn1!1lll'( fem. ••
T :
The normal suffixes added to feminine plural stems are identical with those added to singular stems and the noun form employed is the construct or the emphatic stern, which are the same. The Hebrew practice of combining with feminine plural stems the suffixes appropriate to masc. plural stems, and derived from them ('1Jii'7~,&c.) is occasionally followed in OJ and PTM (for particulars see Table above). Dalman gives the order of frequency of occurrence of these borrowed ai suffixes in OJ as: ( r) 3 sing. fem., (2) 1 sing., (3) 3 sing. masc. :J_for :J'. occurs only once or twice, in the Targum of Jonathan (Dalman, p. 205 f.). In Dan. 2. 23 some for 'J:10?~ (§ 8, note r 2 ), and this is the only MSS. read 'IJO?~ exception to the general rule in OT A.
43 § 15. Tl't:',Tl12, ETC, Forms. 1. Both in OJ (Lev. 11. 26) and PTl\I (25. ii. 12) N? M't:toccurs for Ml_?.In OT A the forms used are 'lJ'l'.tand 'lJ't:'N?. Subject pronouns. 2. In PTM the subject pronouns of these particles are in the nominative forms (e.g. N~i1Ml_?).n•? coalesces with the pronouns of the I sing. and I plur. and 3 plur. into the compounds Nt?,)~\?, and )~~l'.l\?. 3. In OJ the subject pronouns are generally expressed by suffixes, except in the 3 person plural. The suffixes are ai suffixes, because of the original ending of the particles (cf. § 1 3, note 7, and OT A 'lJ't:t).In the 1 person singular the ending ai has become a and the suffix adopts an accusative form (§ 36, note 1). Examples: •~IJ't:',•ry~n•t:t, )t::,•~'l'.t.The inflected stem of Ml_? has two forms, as in 1ryin1_? and •;:tin~? . In the latter the shewa following yodh is vocal (Dalman, p. 108). The nominative form of the pronoun of the 3 person plural coalesces with n'.?, as in PTM ()UJ:,\?).The nominatives of other persons are also sometimes used in OJ (Deut. I. 9 ,:;,; N~~ Ml_?). 4. In OTA the subject pronouns of 'lJ'l'.t are expressed by means of suffixes of the ai form (Ii:,•~•~, &c.). Usages. 5. M'l'.tand n•.?express 'there is' and 'there are' (there is not, there are not) ; e.g. '"!~i1~ i)J N1V Tl't:' 'there is here a Jew' ( 20. 9). They are regularly combined with :J?,&c., to express the verb 'have' ; e.g. l't;i'")~:J?rll_?rt:t ' if you have no money' (15. 9). Sometimes n•~ may be rendered by 'it is', e.g. '?'t:1-r rl'l'.tt-C?'it is not in my power' (25. ii. 12). In OJ I'll_~ is used absolutely, like Hebrew l'~ (Gen. 5. 24, 37. 30). 6. With a predicate, which may be a noun, adjective, or participle, these particles are equivalent to the English copula; e.g. Ml_? :J.?I? 1-C~~' I am not a king ' ( 20. IO), :l'JOl''Jv NJ.;I'~ l'l'.?' this house will not be destroyed' (20. 12). A subject noun or pronoun follows l'l1~ (M'.?),except in relative sentences or for the sake of emphasis.
F 2
§ l 5. r,•~,
11'.?, ETC.
Before prepositional phrases, where n•~may also be translated 'is', it really has the sense of' there is' or' there exists', e.g. i'I~ 11'1:'1 ii~ 'everything that is (there is) in it' (26. 14; cf. Dan. 2. 30).
§ 16.
REFLEXIVE AND PASSIVE. ::,.•r,::ir,~ Ithp 0 el ··::.
- - : . Ithpaal Ittaphal ::,.r:i.;ir:i~
AcnvE. :ii:,:p
P 0 al
:,.,!'I~ Pael :,.,!'I-?~Aphel
Simple Intensive Causative
1 *. The stems having preformative ith are reflexives, which serve also as passives. 2*. The Pae!, Aphel, and IthpeeJ of verbs final i1, n, and l/ take pathaJ:ifor ~ere in the final syllable. For other variations caused by the influence of gutturals see § 23. P 0 al. 3*. P 0 al perfects with e or 11in the final syllable, principally intransitive, occur especially in OJ. Examples: 9'i?.1;1 'be strong' (Gen. 1. 28) or 'be angry' (Gen. 4. 5), ''t:11(Gen. 3. 10), :1'1~(Gen. 12. 1), ,•~~ (Judg. 1. 1), t:l'.?~(Gen. 15. 16), ::,.t;,;i and ::,.•;;,;,(Gen. 2, 21); ':]t,;)1and ':]~t.,1(Gen. 2. 21). o occurs for u (iiir,i, Kahle, p. 219) and z for e, especially in pause (Dalman, pp. 54 f., 257). In OTA e and i both occur, the latter generally in pause (::,.1~,,~~. 9~1;1).Where MT has z the supralinear MSS. sometimes have e (Dan. 6. 21, i'V.1). Haphel. 4*. Haphels sometimes take the place of Aphels in PTM and OJ. The only examples in OJ are l't,?',J, ll"!ii1,and l/;)iil (Dalman). For OTA Haphels see note 11. 5. In )'r-l'il, which is borrowed from Hebrew, the final vowel is i (Gen. 45. 26-Berliner) or e (Gen. 15. 6-Berliner). Supralinear MSS. give both rt?'.J (Dalman, p. 302, note 2) and l't,?',J (Merx). In Dan. 6. 24 the sublinear vowel is z and the supralinear is i.
§ r6.
Ith forms. 6*. The Ithp 0 el and Ithpaal of verbs initial dental and sibilant are modified as follows (a) n of the prefix is assimilated to a following n, c, or , (thus i~"!J;lt:t becomes .,~"!t:t). (b) n changes places with a following sibilant and after ~ and t becomes c and, respectively. Examples: Y~l3~t:t, :J19~t:t,
Y11Jt:t. Ittaphal forms are not affected (i::i9i:1t:t, Exod. 21. 29). 7. In PTM assimilation of n to !:I, ::i, ~, ~ and other consonants 17fl:t 1""lfJ;ll:t takes place occasionally. Examples: i''~~t:t i'1~~i;,t:t, 1.~'?J;lt:t, (2r. 4), :J'.?'ft:t=1 n~~~~ n~~1i;,t:t(28. 4). Dalman compares lcf,cf,a0a (Mark 7. 34) = MJJ~i;,~(§ 19, note 5). Cf. also Chrest. 4. 19, ri:~~Q = ri:~~i;,~. 8. In the supralinear vocalization an intrusive vowel frequently appears after preformative n~, in the perfect and other tenses (Y)r.l~MN). Shaphel, &c. 9*. Shaphel causative forms are found. The most frequent are 'complete' (passive ~~;ii:i~t:t, Gen. 2. r ), 1 i ~Y,~ 'subdue' (Gen. 12. 5), ::!'1'!? 'rescue' (Gen. 37. 2 r), 1~'!? 'finish' (Gen. 2. 2 ). See § 26, note 6. 10. Less common forms are the Po'el and Pa'el (both Arabic iii), with their passives (e.g. l'~i, Gen, 24. 14). The Pole!, Pa.lei, and Palpel are formed from stems ~"Yand 1,1"11 (§ 32, note 7, § 34, note 2 ). OTA. 11. OT A instead of Ittaphals uses Hophals and a perfect passive P 0 al of the form P 0 'il, especially in the 3 person 1;:,:, (M~'l?. Dan. 5.28; ~::i Ezra 5.14; cf. n1•,:i~, Chrest. r.8). Haphels for Aphels and preformative n;:,for ni:eare both normal in OT A, though not universal. With tl~ir:,~~ (Dan. 4. 16) the Syriac forms having preformative n~ may be compared. 12. Where OJ has e in the final syllable (Pae!, Aphel, IthpeeJ) OT A sometimes has e and sometimes i. It is difficult to make
§ 16.
a general statement on the subject, or to frame an accurate paradigm, because of the paucity of material. The following review includes all perfects, imperfects, imperatives, and participles of verbs other than those (§ 2 7), which agree with OJ, and ,•y and lJ"lJ(§§32 and 34), which exhibit the vowels i and i in nearly equal proportion. In the PAEL perfect, examples of l number four, against one of i (Dan. 6. 1); in the imperf. and partic. there is one example of both on each side, of the imperat. no cases at all. In the HAPHEL the perfect (three examples) and the imperative (two examples) have i (excluding r??'r!, note 5), in the imperfect there are two cases of i and two of i ( viz. i~IMJ;land nr.ii::i), in the parti0 ciple two cases of i. In the HITHP EL there are no cases of the perfect or imperative, in the imperfect there are four examples of i and one of e,and in the participle two examples of e. The extent of the influence exercised by pause on these forms is very uncertain. For intransitive P 0 al perfects see note 3.
§ q.
:111:1~ r,~•r:i~ Nl'l1'1:l'J'l::;) T ; : •• -
:llJ:p 3 s. m. r,~JJ:P f.
:J'01 n;;,io1 Nl'l1'1::liO"I T ! ; :
NJ'l- 1'1:iri:::i ! - ! T
n•:;i•r:i~ ;::,•r;,~
1;:11;1~ 1~~
N::l;O"I T !
N,::1•1'1:::i T ! ,. -
N,::ilo"I T ! !
s. m.
1'1::in:::i : : - :
n•:;iJJ:p1 sing. t:!JJ:p 3 pl. m. N::lT'\::;) T -
2 pl. m. 1~1'11IJ:P f. l'T:1~:P
tot,::in:::i T: - :
§ 17.
Table. 1*. The table represents the inflexion of all perfects, in a, e,and u. The analogy of OT A (note 6) suggests that the supralinear 3 s. f. should be pronounced M~Ot1 rather than n~i:tt1 (§ 2. 6). Endings. 2*. The distinctive ending NJ;Iis more common in OJ than in PTM (Dalman) and is predominant in OTA (l;I). 3*. The PTM plural endings un and iin are borrowed from the imperf. tense, to which they properly belong. u and ii also occur in PTM. 4. In PTM i? .. occurs for l~ and ;~n•..for rl'I, especially in Aphels. The e may have been transferred from the final syllable of the Aphel (Pael) stem. Dalman suggests the influence of the forms of § 21, note 7. Examples: i?i?.~~(25. 5), j~•~~~ (23. 9). The form l~'i?.J;i~ ( 19· ii. 9) = ri?.i;,~ + l~. Accent. 5*. In OJ only the 2 plur. terminations are accented; in OT A the 2 plur., 3 s. f. (Syriac type-see note 6) and the I sing.; in PTM at least the 2 and 3 plur. terminations and possibly, like OT A, the 3 s. f. and I sing. OT A. 8. In OT A the 3 s. f. has two forms, one of the OJ type and the other resembling the Syriac form. The former occurs in and in the few cases there are of Hithp 0 el two Peals (Mj';I~, M?!;it1) (M1!~J;11'.l) and Haphel (M~1;::,) forms. The latter occurs in three and in two of three Hophals (M~7l;Q).In the P 0 al, P 0 als (Mi?.~!?) Pae!, and Hophal the I sing. has a form that resembles the Syriac (MV.1~, M~7f). In the Haphel, besides Ml?,'i?.q (§ 33), only nr:i~~;::, (Dan. 2. 25) occurs. The form resembles that of OJ and perhaps its vocalization, which is also that of a 3 s. f. perfect, should be no~~;:,(as n~'i?.n)or ni:i~~;::, (as in supralinear MSS.). The supralinear MSS. of OT A have a larger proportion of OJ forms than MT in the 3 s. f. perfect, but they do not wholly eliminate the Syriac type. The absence of vowels in the texts of PTM leaves it uncertain how far they agree with the forms of OJ and how far with those of OT A.
7. In PTM the 2 pl. masc. form is always used for pl. fem. and frequently the 3 pl. m. for the 3 pl. f. (Dalman). 8. In PTl\I and OT A perfect tenses alternate with participles in narratives regarding the past (cf. § 21 ), and the use of successive sentences unconnected by conjunctions (asyndeton) is characteristic, especially of PTM. OJ follows the Hebrew text in its use of conjunctions. The perfect is used to express unfulfilled conditions (26. 18) and ~~l:t (21.11, 24. 1, 27. 12) and sometimes also after Jll:t as the tense of the following apodosis ( 21. II), but not generally (see§ 22, note 2/). Syntax.
11::lf;l;i; )~;i: 1~:::ir;,;ir;, )~;ir;i .:l'T:1;l1
.:l'J:l;i; .:l'J:l.:ll'l ..- : :Jll'l::ll'l ..- : r:;ir;,;ir;t .:l'l'l::l~ ..- ·::
1~::lf;l;i' r~;i: 11:::ir;,;iT;1 r~;ir;, :::iil'I?~
::iir-1;i;3 masc. ::iir-i;iJ;l fem . ::i,l'l;il;l2 masc . r:;i1;1;iT;1fem. ::iir-i;i~ 1 m. and f.
1*. The stem vowel of the imperf. Peal is rarely e, except in the case of verbs final aleph or yodh (i'~P,~, Stem vowels.
)'J:1;,'1~;). Patha}:! is not usual in the imperff. Peal of intransitive verbs. For verbs final guttural see § 23. The occasional use of it for o and of z for e may originally have been limited to pausal forms, where it is found with special frequency (Deut. 16. 29 ). 2*. The stem vowels of other imperff. than the Peal agree with the corresponding vowels of the perfect. Examples : W'rlfJ;\\ ;r,~J;\;'M;;)~~. Preformative vowels.
3*. Supralinear preformative patha}:!
(= seghol) in the I sing. imperf. Pea] (as in Judg.
4. 7, 6. 15), except
§ 18.
in the case of some verbs initial guttural (§ 23), is a usage of late Yemenite MSS. In OT A preformative seghol occurs twice in MT 1 and l,iireq once (ll"1t~). (N'J~~,NV,~~) 4*. In the supralinear MSS. published by Kahle the preformative vowel of the I sing. imperf. Pae! is regularly 1~, and IN is commonly written in the unvocalized texts of PTM. This orthography is to be regarded as a representation of J.iateph seghol (§ 2. 8). l:l'JV,9~ in the MT of Zech. 7. 14 may be compared. The only I sing. imperf. Pael form in OTA is NIIJ~(Dan. 2. 24). 5. After the final consonant of the preformative syllables of the imperff. Peal and Aphel an intrusive vowel (l,iireq) is sometimes
j1~%,, = ,~~?~:,
indicated by the supralinear punctuation (e-g. Deut. 15. 6-Kahle p. 222). So also in the Ithp 0 el (§ 16, note 8). Prefix ,. 6. Forms of 3 s. m. imperf. with preformative , (Brockelmann, Grundriss, i. 565) are found in PTM (2 r. ii. 6). Examples: mo,,, P!:l'' (1 ,i:l'.?, l"l10?,P'~?). They seem to occur generally in certain special types of sentence, e.g. in or a wish (see those expressing a purpose (after "! and N?"!) (i1'-n?), li['.l?, and l;10? Dalman, p. 264 f.). In OT A the forms N'-n? occur. They may have been preferred in order to avoid the use of forms resembling the divine name n,n1 • OTA. 7. In OT A the stem vowels of the imperf. Peal are it (i~_9;), ii (l:,i~?:), and e('~;)and those of the impff. Pael and Haphel e or i (§ 16, note 1 2). In the Haphel imperf. uncontracted forms n~~CI;).The plural ending it ( or o), are nearly always used ('~rci;, for un, occurs twice (§ 29, note 10; § 35, note 5). See also notes 3, 4 and 6. Syntax. 8, In PTM the uses of the imperfect tense are very strictly limited : (1) It is a jussive (21. ii. 6, 26. 17, 27. 6) or imperative (with negative, 16. ii. 4, 19. ii. 7 f., 2 2. ii. 5; as a polite imperat., 24. ii. 7)
1,n,, ,,:31,,
In the supralinear MSS. probably J.iireq,as Dan. 5. 17 (Strack), G
and expresses wishes, imprecations (26, last line, 28, second last line) and resolves (18. 9, 28. 6-see (4) below). ( 2) It is used after "1and N~"J to express purpose ( 18. 13, 18. ii. 4, 21. 15), after N7"J = lest (24. 3) and after i (or N,i) in dependence upon verbs of asking (21. 2) and ordering (23. 5). (3) It is used modally (21. 3), especially in questions (19. ii. 9, 20. ii. 7, 24. ii. 2, 25. ii. 8). Cf. note 9 (3). (4) It is a future tense only when there is an implication of indefiniteness (19. iii. 3 'that I should go out', 22. 1 'should be married', 28. 6, i•~~~ N~~ ~ 1~ i~•~1;f 'everything that any one may bzii me I will do '), in subordinate clauses. 9. In OJ the imperfect tense is used more extensively than in PTM. It is employed : (1) As an imperative, jussive, and voluntative, expressing commands and exhortations (Gen. 6. 21, Exod. 22. 24, Deut. 16. 18, Josh. 23. 8, 13, 1 Sam. 24. 13), and resolves(Gen. 6. 7, Josh. 24.15, 1 Sam. 24. 11). (2) After 1 ''1~ in purpose clauses (Gen. 12. 13, 27. 25, Exod. 8. 6, 11. 7, Deut. 4. 1, 5. 16, 8. 1, 11. 8}. (3) As the usual equivalent of most Hebrew modal imperfects (to be rendered by may, might, would, should, must, &c.). 'Could' is expressed by an imperfect (2 Sam. 2. 22, 1 Kings 8. 5) or a participle (1 Kings 18. 10, Jer. 24. 2), or by 1 i~~~ with an imperf. (Gen. 13. 16). 'Can' may also be expressed by "1,~~~ (Isai. 49. 15). (4) As the ordinary future tense, for which PTM uses the participle. Examples: Gen. 2. 17, 3. 4, 49. 1, Exod. 4. 1, 6. 1, Deut. 16. 18, Josh. 1. 3, 18, 3. 5, 10, 13, 18. 8, 23. 5, 1 Sam. 24. 21. (5) In conditional sentences, following 0~ (Gen. 18. 26, Exod. 22. 24, Josh. 23. 12) and 1".!~(Hebrew 1~), Josh. 24. 20. A participle, however, is used to translate a Hebrew participle (Gen. 43· 4 f.).
(6) As a future in the past (preterite future)-Gen. 2. 19, Exod. 2. 4, I Sam. 22. 22, 2 Kings 13. 14-for which a participle (Gen. with an imperf. (2 Kings 3. 27) are 43. 25, I Kings 7. 7) or "J"'l'J'.lV, possible alternatives. 10. In OT A the imperfect is used as the ordinary future tense, as a jussive, and in the various modal senses. It is also used in conditional sentences, referring to the future (English indefinite present). It seldom refers to the present or the past. 1]'.lV,, 11. "'l'Z:,P, ('ready', 'prepared') or "'1 with an infinitive, also expresses future time in OJ and PTM (Gen. 4. 10, 41. 28, Exod. 16. 23 ; Dalman, Grammar, p. 268 f.). 12. Sometimes an imperfect tense depends directly upon a governing verb, without")(§ 7, note 7) being prefixed (29. 21, t-t11?1? nin•~1•-~~,~)~llftot;,~ 'Our teachers here ask ( that) I should pray, so that rain may fall'). Cf. tot;,~ II?1 pie~ NJ)Pl?1 N'?\?~f (19. iii. 3) 'the only remedy of the affair is that I should go out from here'. For •~~1) and p,El)see note 13. 13. In PTM the I plur. imperf. is often used for the I sing. impf. (19. iii. 3, 21. 1, 24. ii. 7, 29. 21; Dalman, p. 265f.). Cf. Dan. 2.36, and see§ 21, note 14.
.:l'J::1:jl 1:;i•t;,:jl ~:i•t;,:jl N?'l;l:jl :l'J::1:jl l':;!T;l:jl )~.:ll;l:jl )?T;l:jl
'l?~'? ~V~7? !ltl,!)0 T:
V~'? l'l?t~ )~Vt~ )VJO T: -
"'l'~P, ''1':;!P, ~"'1•:;iv, N"'l':ll: T
• -:
:i,n:p 2 s. m. •;in:p f. ~:i~n:p2 pl. m. NJ~M!l T :
f. PTM s. m.
"'l'~V, i''11ll
)~:JJ;l~!l 2 pl. m.
n;i11 G 2
§ 1 9. IMPERATIVES l*. In PT!\l the terminations are accented, in OJ unaccented. 2*. The final stem vowel of an imperative form agrees generally
with that of the corresponding imperfect tense ( cf. § 1 8, note 1 ). 3*, The MSS. of PTM indicate only u as the stem vowel of the inflected forms of the P•al imperatives. z was probably in some cases the stem vowel, as well as a (see § 25, note 5, and § 36, note 9). might have been given as the paradigm form. 4*. In OJ and PTM the plural imperative of the derived stems is the same as their 3 plur. perf. and in some verbs the plural imperat. P•al is also ambiguous (~lld'?, lW1?;1). 5. lcf,cf,a0a.is understood by Dalman (p. 278, note 1) to be 2 plur. fem. imperative Ethp 0 el, having n assimilated to El (§ 16, note 7) and with the fem. plur. ending silent as in Syriac, the man's ears being addressed (in Dalman 'Au gen' should be 'Ohren'). Accordingly NQJJ~J;!~MJJ~~= lcf,cf,a0a.(n not being distinguished from Nin Galilee-Dalman, p. 57 f.). OTA. 6. OT A imperatives agree in terminations and accentuation with the imperatives of OJ. The OT A forms corresponding to :::iin:p and ::l'l:9~ are ::lt!f (one example) and :::ir:i;i;:i (two examples).
:::i1:1;i1~ :::iir-i;i~ N:l1'1:lr.l T : : •
•~ir-,~ •~ir-1;i~ •:::iin::inN .. : : . •:::iimnN .. - : .
nl::11'1:lN N:::11'1::iN Aphel n~:::in::inN N:::in::inNIthp•el n~:::ir-i:::nN N:l1'1:!lnN Itbpaal T : -
T -
n,:::ir-i::ir-iN li(J1'1::l1'11:( Ittaphal T
: -
§ 20.
l*. The feminine ending of the infinitives Orthography, of the derived stems in PTM is often represented by n, and this orthography is usual in OT A. 2. The forms under BAB, which are of Babylonian BAB. origin, occur occasionally in OJ (Judg. 3. 26) and PTM (23. 3). 3*, The OJ forms in uth are used in the construct and OJ. Gen. with suffixes. Penultimate a is unchangeable (;:,•JJ~~1i2,
14. 17). 4*, The infinn. of the derived stems in PTM are inPTM. 16. ii. 8-infin. Aphel ot flected like feminine nouns (lii"l):'i2~P,
i'~t)· 5. In OTA the forms are generally those of OJ, but OTA. (Ezra 4. 22), with preformative n for N (see paradigm, p. 95). Mi2!tiJ with construct ending as in PTM, is exceptional. 6*. In OJ and OT A infinn. Peal are inflected as In:ftn. peal. tin:r1~,;i(§ 12, note 5). In PTM the nouns of the B class •:;i7~1?, termination ~-:--(§ 36, note 8) is added to the P 0 al infinitive before suffixes ( ;:,•~:;i7~1?). 7, The adverbial use of the Hebrew infin. absolute Syntax. (as in Deut. 15. 4, 5, 8) is exactly reproduced by OJ, and the P•al in the supralinear infinitive form is then generally written :i1;1;i1? MSS. (but cf. l~i!?in 2 Sam. 24. 24, Kahle, p. 28). The idiom is infrequent in PTM (Dalman, p. 280). 8. In OJ an infinitive dependent on a governing verb is nearly always preceded by,, even when there is no preposition in the Hebrew text (Exod. 2. 3, Deut. I. 19, 2. 25, Num. 22. 14, Judg. 8. 3, Isai. 1. 14). In OTA the use of , is invariable. In PTM both constructions occur, with, (19.ii.11, 20. ii. 1 and 3, 22. ii. 6, 24. ii. 1 and 4, 26. 10), and without , (19. ii. 10, 27. 2, 3, 6 and 8,
29. 7). 9, A Hebrew infinitive in the nominative case is generally replaced in OJ by"! with an imperfect (Gen. 2. 18, 29. 19, Exod.
14. 12, Judg. 18.19), or a perfect (Gen. 30. 15), or a partic. (Isai. 7. 13). Examples of the retention of the infin. occur in I Sam. 15. 22, 29. 6, Isai. 10. 7. 10, The Hebrew negative •r;,?:;i? is represented in OJ by ''1:P ?N~1(with an infin.), e.g. in Gen. 3. 11, 4. 15, Deut. 4. 21, 8. 11, Josh. 5. 6, Judg. 2. 23. In OTA~ N? with an infin. means 'must not be'. 11. A peculiarity of the syntax of OT A is that a single object noun, with no qualification, stands before a governing infin. (Dan. 3. 16, 5. 16, &c.). Cf. Dan. 2. 12, 3. 19, 5. 7, 7. 25, where the object follows. Objects such as generally follow a governing infin. may also precede the infin. (Dan. 2. 10, 3. 32, 5. 15, &c.) and do so freely in Ezra (4. 14, 5. 13, &c.).
2 I.
:J'tl7'~ :ll37'~ lTTAPHAL.
::i•ti;il.? ::i•ti;ir,i .:i13;i9 .:i13~:i9 lTHPAAL.
:ll'l:alMt':I -- : .
::l'tif active ::i•mi . : passive lTHPCEL.
::i•n:aino ··::.
Forms. 1*. Since verbs final guttural and resh have a for e in all final syllables i~ttis the partic. P 0 al of i,;i~, and there is no distinction between the active and passive forms of the Pael and Aphel participles of such verbs. On the other hand, :l'1'Wf? (Deut. 3. 3, Judg. 12. 5) and ::i•rti~'? (from ::i•1•~, rescue) are passives as well as actives. 2*. In OJ i sometimes appears for final e (so i•:;i~ in I Kings 1. 6, Kahle, p. 28, and l::l'".11'? in Deut. 28. 50, Kahle, p. 225).
Peal particc. used as nouns always have zin the supralinear punctuation (so r1'.lf, ,,i:,9,i''"'!~). In OT A e is usual, but eight words have z for e,viz. :
.:ir~7r, ,~. '~~P,'~P9,Pi~,P?1,n,:i~.,.;,:. 3*. The particc. of intrans. verbs have the same forms as those (also :J~t.:l1) 'sleeping'; r1ti1 (also of trans. verbs. Examples: =1'1?.1 r'l'.11) 'trusting ', 'hoping ' ; ''ti1 (also ~in1)'fearing'. 4 *. Words of the form .:l'J'.l:P may have an active sense. Exam' thinking'; "'l',;1"! ' remembering'; i31T;lt;I(? also i311,?l_;1) ples : '11:;,.9 ' wondering'. 5. The form .:J.)3~::l'? occurs occasionally in PTM and ::i13;:ir,i (especially with verbs medial guttural) in OJ (Gen. 2. 9). Infl.exions. 6. Participles are inflected like nouns of the B class (§ 10, note 7). There is, therefore, no formal distinction between active and passive in the particc. Pael and Aphel when thes.e are inflected (M~t;i;,P,&c.). Forms like )Wr.in (q. ii. 18), 1pr.i (23. 8), N::lW (27. 2), and Ni'.:lll (28. q) occur in the un1~~, vocalized texts of PTM and are read by Dalman as N1 &c. They do not occur in MSS. having a supralinear vocalization Possibly yodh in such cases signifies vocal (Dalman, p. 3u). shewa (§ 2. 8). 7*. Shortened forms of the personal pronouns of the first and second persons (N~,l~, r;i, and )~1'1)joined to particc. make a new (Gen. 4. 9), r;i~;i1(Berliner) or tense form. Examples : N~~"t r;i;i1;?1(Merx), in Num. 22. 30, l;ll/1? (Deut. 11. 10, Kahle, p. 16), 1 i~'P.1~ (25. ii. 8), ;~1=11;7~ (Judg. 5. 16). See also§ 30, note 5. 8. Tense forms got by uniting particc. and perf. terminations also occur, e.g. )'~~'? (or )i~~'?, § ::8, note 1), meaning 'they prayed ' (Dalman, p. 284 ).
1 So Dalman (cf. Gram., p. 290); why not )~11;1~?
§ 21.
Syntax. 9. In PTM participles take over much of the early usage of imperfect tenses. They serve as an ordinary future tense (15. 9, 16. 5-::i~o:, 20. II, 23. ii. 8, 26. 3), and as the English indefinite present ( future) in conditional sentences ( 16. ii. 13), and they express promises (15. 10, 20. ii. u) and general truths (23. 8). With iy 'while' (14. ii. 4), and in an object sentence dependent on a past tense (16. ii. n) they are used as past progressives and may sometimes be rendered by an English past tense (24. 2). The use of particc. in place of perfect tenses in narratives of past events is very characteristic (24. ii. 3, 25. ii. 2 ff., 27. 9-
i111tl$). 10. In OJ particc. often represent Hebrew imperff. ( or consecutive perff.), but not to the same extent as in PTM and not in the same uses. Acts customary in the present (Exod. 18. 15, Num. 11. 12, Deut. I. 31 and 44, Judg. 7. 5, 10. 4, 1 Sam. 5. 5, 16. 7, 2 Kings 9. 20) or in the past (Gen. 29. 2, Num. 9. 20, Judg. 2. 19, 6. 5, 14. 10, 1 Sam. 1. 3, 6, 7, 2. 13 f. and 19) are expressed by particc. For the different idiom employed by PTM, see § 22, note 2 (c). In questions understood of present time, a Hebrew imperf. is rendered in OJ by a participle (Gen. 32. 29 32. 30, 37. 15, Exod. 2. 13, 3. 3, Judg. 17. 9, 19. 17, 1 Sam. 1. 8, 25. 10, 28. 16).1 So, also, when the Hebrew imperf. denotes continuance of a state through a period in the past (Gen. 2. 25, Exod. 13. 22, r Sam. 1. 13, lsai. 10. 7) or the future (r Sam. 1. 14). 11. In OT A the partic. is the ordinary equivalent of a present tense (Dan. 2. 8) and a very frequent alternative to a perfect in narratives of past events (Dan. 4. 4, Ezra 5. 3). It is also used as a progressive tense, descriptive of events in the present (Dan. 3. 25 -j'::i~no) or the past (Dan. 5. 5-n::in::,), and in stating general
1 In OJ an imperfect in questions is to be undentood ns a future (Gen. 16.8), or in a modal sense (Gen. 27. 45, 1 Sam. 17. 8, 28. 15). Cf. § 18, note 9.
2 1.
truths (Dan. 2. 21 ). Occasionally it alternates with the imperfect as a future tense (Dan. 4. 29 ). 12. When the pronoun subject of a partic. is in the third person, it is often left unexpressed (Chrest. 15. 11, 16. ii. 3, 20. 8, 24. 10, 27. 9; Dan. 4· 4, 4• 32). 13. A general statement with an indefinite subject is expressed by the plural of a partic. without an explicit subject. Examples: Chrest. 2 7. 1 1, ' men despise '; Ezra 6. 3, ' men sacrifice' ; Dan. 4. 28, equivalent to a passive 'you are addressed'. 14. The 1 pers. plur. of the participle tense (note 7) may be used for the I pers. sing. (Dalman, p. 266). Cf.§ 18, note 13. 15. Some verbs take as their complement a participle, instead of an infin. Examples: tl~p (14. ii. 1), '7~ (16. ii. 9, 20. 10), i~v, (19. 13 ). •-,~ ('begin') is used with particc. in the Peshitta, but with infinn. in OJ (Gen. 6. 1, Deut. 2. 31, Judg. 10. 18, 13. 5, 1 Sam. 14. 35) and in OTA (Ezra 5. 2).
1 *. The tenses of the verb i1it1 ' become' form compound tenses with the participles of other verbs. These compound tenses occur frequently in PTl\1 and are also a characteristic feature of OT A. They are seldom used by OJ. 2. In PTM the perfect of joined lo a present participle expresses: (a) A past progressi"vetense,in sentences introduced by 'who' or 'when' (14. ii. 1, 15. ii. 1, 22. 7) and in circumstantial clauses ( 15. 6, 16. ii. 5). It describes a prolonged state or act in the past, where in English a past tense is a possible (22. 3, 27. ii. 1) or a preferable (16. ii. 5, 16. ii. 8) alternative. The verbs employed are very frequently intrans. verbs denoting state or condition. Examples : '-!'.11$ niq i:;;,' when he was coming', ll".!!niqNm1'now he
§ 22.
;,9 i':_?M'7Q~1i11?199~;~ i1:1f MJr)1 knew', In the sentence =I'> (29. 6) the compound tense possibly expresses a past inchoative, 'when she began weeping in the street, I asked her what was the matter'. (b) A plupeifect progressive tense, in sentences dependent on a past tense ( 16. 6, 'he found that he had been selling'). (c) A habit or custom, in the present l 2 1. 12) or the past ( 22. ii. 2, 23.ii.7, 27. 1, 28.6, 'he used to say'). (d) An act repealed z'n the past a number of times, by the same or by different persons ( 15. 3, 19, ii. r 5-i1i[) ~IJ~ 1r:itti1?q"!IN~ ~f Ii?i 1;¥-21. 13, 2 2 .7). (e) A future in the past (preterite future), 'he lay down beside one of them in order to learn what they would say' ( 17. ii. 4 f.). (/) A past conditzimal, expressing 'would have' (22. 9, after :J'lJ, 24. 2, 27. 12, both in apodoses of conditional sentences, after unfulfilled conditions). 3. The participle tense of i1?q (see § 21, note 7) may be used, instead of its perfect tense, in combination with the present participle of another verb. Examples: N!?~f? Nn.i:t 'I repeatedly un,~9'? i1t1~ n9 'How could I have diverted covered' (22. 7), '1;11/"! my attention?' (29. 28). For the expression of' could have' by a compound tense see also note 5. 4. In OT A the uses of the perfect compound tense, so far as they occur, are the same as in PTM. Examples: (a) Dan. 2. 31, 5. 19-l'l!;! iiq 'trembled', describing a prolonged state or condition; (c) Dan. 5. 19-~!;l~ i1J[) 'he used to kill'; (d) Dan. 6. 11, three times in the day he knelt on his knees and prayed' (:J°'.!fN?[) N~¥??~ , , ,) and Dan. 6. 5, ' they sought repeatedly to find an excuse' (l~l!';l\i[)). In Dan. 6. 15 ,"!l:l~i;>i1![) may be classed under (a) or (d). 5•. In OJ a participle or an imperfect tense is generally used where PTM would use a compound perfect tense. A compound
perfect is, however, sometimes used to describe an act or state extending over a period of time (Gen. 2. 6, 19, Josh. 4. 14, 'as they had reverenced ') or repeated at intervals during a period of time (Gen. 31. 18). It is also used in the apodosis of conditional sentences (Judg. 11. 39, 'he would have redeemed') and to express 'could have' (Gen. 43. 7). It is of course the regular equivalent of the same compound tense in Hebrew (Gen. 4. 17, 37. 2, &c.). 6*. The imperfect NIJ:joined to the present participle of another verb is used (a) as a future progressive tense (Exod. 1. 16, after i~), (b) to express future custom or habit (Dan. 2. 43), and (c) after ") and N?")to express result or effect ( Chrest. 16. ii. 14, 18. 15, 20. 5 ; Dan. 6. 3, Ezra 6. 10, 7. 25 f.) or the substance of a command (22, ii. 3 f.). As an alternative to a simple jussive this tense perhaps implies emphasis or menace ( Chrest. 19. ii. 17 ; cf. Ezra 6. 8 f.). For corresponding uses of the imperfect see§ 18, note 8 (2). 7, A relative sentence contains a compound tense when there is a compound tense in the associated principal clause (Dan. 5. 19N~¥N?q 1"!-Ezra 7. 26, Chrest. 19. ii. 15). S*. i1?qjoined to a passive participle provides the equivalent of a simple perfect passive (17. ii. 2, 25. ii. 10; Dan. 6. 4, Ezra 5. 11). Nij~ with a passive participle is used as a jussive passive (Dan. 3. 18, Ezra 4. 12, 6. 8 f.); cf. note 6. 9. In PTM, as in Syriac, the perfect of any verb may be (Dalman, slightly strengthened by prefixing to it the perfect of M?q p. 257 f.). 10. NJ.;!~in combination with an infinitive is sometimes equiva'N 1titt")!;' 'after lent to a compound tense (20. ii. ro-NJ.;lt'1'?eii~:p,;, (he) had conquered the city'.
§ 23.
The influence of gutturals (i1, n, 31)and of, upon the vowels of verbal forms is not as extensive as in Hebrew, but, so far as it goes, is similar in character. 1*. Patha);l holds the place of normal ~ere in the final syllable of all parts of verbs final guttural or resh (Pae!, Aphel, partic. P 0 al, &c.). In the final syllable of imperff. and imperatives PeaJ patha]:i is usual, but o also occurs before final resh and final 'ayin, especially in PTM. In OT A patha]:i is used in all the cases covered by this section. The verbs of§§ 27, 32, and 34 are not included. 2*. In the imperf. P•al preformative patha);l is used in some verbs (e.g. l'i::l~~, pieif, i 1;v,~),but ]:iireqis more common (Dalman). In OT A ,~,:;il/13 (twice), il!:l?~~ (once) and i1:!¥; or ~:!¥r;t (thrice), with the imperfect forms of i1l[1 (~,.qi;;,, &c.), are the only P 0 al imperff. of verbs initial guttural that occur. Dalman (page 93) makes the supralinear patha]:iof i 1;P,~equivalent to seghol (hence Chrest. 18. 4, 19. ii. 9, 20. ii. 7). 3*. Apparently the only infin. with preformative patha);l is i~P,1;?. In OT A the form is ,~¥9 (twice) and Dalman follows this analogy in his Dz'alektproben(18. 14, 29. 7). 4*. Patha);l furtive is used in the pass. partic. P 0 al of verbs final guttural (IJ'?~). See also§ 32, note 1. 5*. An intrusive patha];l separates the termination l;1from the stem of verbs final guttural. E. g. T;l!J;,JT;l~i'.1 (Dan. 5. 2 7). 6*. Vocal shewa following a guttural in the supralinear punctuation is to be pronounced as the sublinear J;iaieph would be. Supralinear patha]:i in perff. like 11;?ttsignifies 1;1.aiephpathal;l. and 1~ and i~'V. ~ere in imperative forms like 1 1;? signifies J.lateph seghol. See§ 2. 7, 8. 7*. An intrusive ];lateph (before vocal shewa an intrusive
pathal,l) is indicated in some MSS. of OJ after initial l) and initial n in the imperf. and infin. forms of the P•al (Aphel, Shaphel). i 1~v,: and i~P,9 are most frequently so treated. Cf. Judg. 12. 5 (i~P,~) and 16. 24 (::i1")!:J9,Hebraism?). In some MSS. after lJan intrusive l;lireq is indicated, in harmony with the 1,lireqof the preformative syllable (Dalman, p. 93; Kahle, p. 223). For forms with intrusive vowels in OT A see note 2. 8*. In the intensives of verbs medial resh, in which the medial radical is not doubled, the preceding pathal,l is regularly lengthened into compensation qame~ and, similarly, sometimes before medial 1':!f, ''V.~, l) or N. Examples : =1 ::i•~9. In Dan. 5. 9 the sublinear reading is ,;:9i;,1? and the supralinear is ,o~i;,I?(or 'Of1:II?). 9. N between two vowels was pronounced yodh (Dalman, p. 60 ), hence PTM in the inflected forms of the active partic. P•al of verbs medial aleph and in the intensive forms of , 1~~ and ,~~ writes 1 for N. PTM S•~~ and i~~ = OJ S•~~(Gen. 43. 7-Dalman, p. 305) and i~~. See also § 33, note 2. § 24. MIJt
Min',~ Min ~M~n MIJ'I,?
Min11,? M'm M1nN H
M'ti: M'r,t~ NMnN TT-
P'.?9ii9 p~~
P\? ~pi;, P~I? pit:11? P'.?9 P'!\l~ P'!\l: P'!\l~ N~~~
::i•!?t,::l\?t ::l~; ::ll;? ~:ii;,
:,,~I? ::ilt:11.;l ::i•P,~
P@t Pea] perf. pie~ imperf. pis imperat. ~p~e infin. Psi!? pie!? PTM partic. P'@~ P'lll~ Aphel perf. imperf. P'!ll: imperat. P'lll~ N~~~
infin. partic.
§ 24.
Assimilation. l*. Assimilation of nun to the medial radical takes place in the impff. and inff. Peal and in all the tenses of the Aphel and lttaphal. Nun and its vowel {shewa) generally disappear in the imperat. Pea]. 2*. In verbs medial i1 and medial l1assimilation of nun does not take place (Gen. 1. 17,N1v1lt). Unassimilated forms of other verbs also occur (22. ii. 9, ;"jil1:;Gen. 26. II, i''1t). 3*. The vocalization of verbs medial n, according to the supralinear punctuation, is shown above. Where patha}:i is written in the perfect Aphel (Gen. 2. 5, l\Ierx), it may be understood to denote }:iatephpalha}:i(§ 2. 7). pea1 imperatt. and infinn. 4*. The stem vowels of the imperative Peal do not become vocal shewa in the inflected forms, as they do in Hebrew (see table above). Forms with nun preJ'9 ( 1 5. 9, 16. ii. 7) is an served sometimes occur in PTM. alternative to JI;!. 5. Infinitives like i'llll;i are normal in OJ, and those like pie,;, in PTM. Ithpeel. 6. IthpeeJ forms sometimes assimilate r, of the prefix to the following nun (§ 1 6, note 7). p•,c 7*. In i'''C l assimilates regressively, so that forms like those of verbs initial nun are produced. The infin. Haphel i1R~t0 (Dan. 6. 24) is a case of erroneous dissimilation (cf. § 10, note 12). OTA. 8. So far as examples occur, notes 1-4 apply to OT A. whose nun is assimilated in The only verb medial guttural is 111:tt, the Haphel imperfect (1100),imperative (Ezra 5. 15, rir.ittor rim.n and partic. (l'tl!)O'?),but not in the Hophal (Ti!J 1;;)). Other verbs with unassimilated forms are rm(imperf., inf.), i'ElJ (Aphel), and j,!J (Aphel). There are two e imperfects,'~: (as Syriac; OJ ,ie;) and ll:lt~or ll:11:. For the imperat. Kj? see § 2 7, note 10, and for P.~~.note 7.
63 § 25.
i•~itt ~,•:;iitt
r~,~itt N1?iN
,.r~ ,-r~ ,1~
.... ',•rtt
~,•rt.t r~,!~
,1;1:? '':!tt
,i;,~ ii;,•~ ,i;,•~
r~,9~ 17;)'!,?
iott -
,;,~ perf.
,i:J•~imperat. \:,\;J•~
OJ i'';il':t PTM ,;,·•!,?infin. ''~tt partic.
1*. In the imperf. and infin. P 0 al and in the Aphel tt coalesces with the preformative vowel into e and o respectively, and the orthography is generally the same as that of verbs initial yodh
('i:J•~,i•;i.itt). 2*. The imperfects P 0 al, that have pathal_i as peal imperf. their stem vowel, are ii;,•~, i~•\ 9?'\ and i~•~ (but also iic•~). The final stem vowel of the imperatives of these words is also pathal_i(in Hebrew l_iolem). ,b•~ does not belong to the group (unlike Hebrew S;,~•). 3*. The supralinear imperatives -ii;,•~, ,i:J•~,&c., Imperat. although pointed with ~ere, should probably be pronounced ii;,~, :ii:J~,&c. (§ 2. 8), as in OT A (ii;l~). In the supralinear MSS. of OJ '':!'~(Exod. 33. 1, Deut. 10. n-Kahle, pp. 5 and 15) and '':!'~ (Judg. 18. 19-Praetorius) both occur, and the plural form is (Josh. 2. 1, 18. 8}. In the singular Berliner's Onkelos has both i (Deut. 10. n) and i (Gen. 22. 2, Exod. 3. 16, 33. 1). In all these forms yodh presumably at first represented a hurried vowel (vocal shewa). 4*. Some verbs (e.g. ,rte, ttntt) use shortened imperatt. Peal as alternatives to the full forms ('':!,~''!; NJ;l,il'l-in Dalman ''!). For the ending o in ir-isee § 29.
§ 25. VERBS
5*. The stem vowel z'of the imperat. plur. of PTM is indicated in the texts for some words and may have been the stem vowel of all words of this class. The analogy of the imperat. sing. with suffixes points to i or tt (§ 36, note 9 ). Dal man's pointing j~~Jtt and l~,:;i~(23. 1) seems unlikely. 6*. Of the Aphels with preformative ~ere that occur in Aphel. PTM only ~1~•~, j't,?'iJ and some verbs having both initial N and final N, such as NnN, are recognized by Dalman (p. 2 98 f.) as correct. The salutation i~;tt 'hail' (Chrest. 29. 19) is also supposed to be an Aphel form (imperative). In OJ and OTA j'!:l'il (§ 16, note 5) from NQ~, are used. 'J:l;O), (OTA 1)'.'l'iJ, or 'l'.'l;tt and 'l'.'I'~ 7. Contraction takes place in the imperf., Contracted forms. 1.~ &c.). Contracted l:J'.~~;, N~~P,1:) infin., and partic. of l:J'N(l:J'.~~, Ithpeels and Ithpaals also occur (e.g. iPJ;1~ i~~~ and iritti;i~. There seems to be similar contraction of verbs initial yodh (in i 1:,1nN, Gen. 4. 18, 26, 24. 15, Merx). 1 ( 18. ii. 2) are used as alterna8. i::i• and 1:):, Unusual forms. note 9). NI?'.~( iP 1.~) is a 3, 2 § tive forms of i::iN and 1:J'N(cf. Babylonian form, which occurs in PTM (16.5). l~~,~~ (17. ii. 7) seems to have no parallel and may be an error for p1,.:,N (§ 21,
note 7) or N~~1~1:$. 9. The variations of OT A are as follows. EtymoOTA. logical aleph is generally written in the Peal imperf. and infin. ('~.N~, ipNt,?), except in the cases of NlJt,?and NII,?,from NnN and NtN (§ 27). In the Peal imperat. N is generally followed by J:iateph (Ezra 5. 15) ~ere is its equivalent (cf. note 3 and seghol and in -:,j~ ilI~,Dan. 3. 22, i1I~.pass. ptc. Pea}). In Dan. 7. 5, where MT (§ 2. 8, 9) has'?-?..~, Strack's supralinear text reads'?~.~' i.e. '?-?._~ (Dan. 7. 11) has the same form as the The Hophal. perf. Hophal of verbs initial yodh. See also note 6 and the table of verbs, p. 96.
65 § 26.
P8 AL.
:l !:1iN 1
M1; n1;1 ··:
:l'!:1'' ::l1!:1iN ~:Jl~iN N;!'tiN
m ~m M1'1,?
:llJ; :l'JJ~ :l'J::l; :JIJ::1 \:l'J:I ::113~ ::llJ'I,?
ll"!; ll"! ~ll"! ll".!'? 11,? 111
~'~; perf. ,t.i;
imperf. imperat.
P 8 al prefixes. 1 *. In the imperf. and infin. P 0 al yodh coalesces with the preformative vowel into ( 1)eand ( 2) i' followed by the middle radical doubled. In the imperf. tense eis unusual except before a 1~) and the punctuation of the MSS. 1~, n".l. medial guttural or resh (::liJ cannot always be relied on. Examples: ~~ 1J::1(Ezek.17.Io-Kahle, (Deut. Io. I3-Kahle, p. 15; Ezra 7. 18), ,;:ii~ (Josh. p. 46), :JI_;'.)'~ 9. 19, for ,;.,~ 'we are able'), i''-?'J::1(Josh. 24. 19, for i~':PT;'I 'you are able'). For OJ forms having shewa as their preformative vowel see note 2. Stem vowels. 2. Imperff. P 8 al with e as their stem vowel are ::l'J::l; (OTA !IT;l;)and :::i1tP~(PTM occasionally). In OJ imperf. forms like i 1 {Gen. 3. 16) and l:!'l~(Deut. 15. 6) are found occasionally. Imperat. 3*. The imperatt. P 0 al are treated like the imperatt. of verbs initial nun. In PTM the initial radical is sometimes ~. j~:J.t}~). preserved (::liJ Aphel. 4*. The preformative vowel of the Aphel is generally o (::l'!:1iN, i''~iN). Where i occurs in the MSS. it is frequently due to textual error (Dalman, p. 307f.). Dalman recognizes 1~ in OJ and :::i1t, 1~ and ilJ 1~ as possibly correct in PTM '~'t!occurs in OTA (Ezra 5. 14, 7. 15). 5*. In OJ ll1ii1is used for ll1iNand the uncontracted forms '111ii1;
§ 26.
and ll'11l'1'? more often, probably, than the contracted forms. Cf. § 16, note 4. Shaphel. 6. The Shaphel .:i•r~ (OTA .Ji'~) 'rescue' has no Pea) in use (? = .:i•_w~).~~io (Ezra 6. 3) may be regarded as a causative of ,:1,,with o as in some Syriac forms. For•~•~(? from Nit•)see § 2 7, note 8. Ithp 0 el. 7. For elision of yodh in Ithp 8el forms see § 25, note 7. :liJ~8. In PTl\I forms with elided il are used (e.g. n•.:;i~ = n•.:;iti~, Chrest. 29. 8). In OJ and OTA the imperf. and infin. of jm take the place of the corresponding parts of :ll"l' and are the only parts of jr,) in use (see § 24, note 8). In PTl\1 they are alternatives to :lt'I'.~ or :J•~•~and .JO'!;?. OTA. 9. For a synopsis of the forms of OT A see table, p. 96. In Pea) perff. and imper ff. the stem vowel i corresponds to OJ e (:lJ:l\ ~:;i:; .JT;l;). In the imperf. P 8 al preformative z and e both occur (':@_;, JI,:?~). ll"!; is always, erroneously, dissimilated to ll"!i'; (seven times). The normal Haphel form is like .JDiil(cf. note 4) and a Hophal form (91;l~l'1) occurs once. See also notes 6 and 8. § 27. VERBS FINAL YODH AND ALEPH
hTAPHAL.lTHPAAL. lTPH.EL. APHEL. PAEL. peAL, 'lMT-lK •:-. NlMT-lN -: - .
,nnK ·- : .
'1M11K ·-:: .
N~M11N -- : .
N1M11N ---: ; .
•tni:-t .: -
•~nr,• •mn• '1M' ..:..- : . ··-::. Ntnn• -- : 11MMK '1Mi:'t '!~J.:l~ ,,nnN •-:; . .; ·- ; . l"li:-ttnT-lN l"lNtnni:-t i1Ntn11N iltt!~~ Tr::! 1!MMO N111MT-lC t-e••,nr,o N'TT-:;• N'~!~!;? •tnnc •~nnc •me ··-:: . ••: '1MO} ··-: . '1MT-l' ••: - .
Ntn r:
•~n• '1M' ..:
ilK4M K"'MC TT.,
•tnc ..-: MtnO --..:
~no - ...:
pert. imperf.
•tn imperat. ·-: •1nc infin. •·:. PTM act. ptc. '10 •tn pass. ptc. ··-: PTM
§ 27.
1*. In the bare stern forms, withFinal vowels of stem. out an inflexional ending, the final radical coalesces with the preceding vowel into i or e or a or a. ii occurs only in the perfect Pea\ (3 s. rn.) and in the OJ adverbial infin. (note 6). a comes from ai (cf. § 13, note 2) and the forms of the paradigm in which it is found seem to be peculiar to OJ (see, however, note 6). In OJ and PTM the distinctive orthography niqis more common, in this verb, than Nir!(cf. N~il). 1~9, 2*. Intransitive perfects Pea\ ending in i in OJ are: 11'.1~, 1:;,.~, &c. 11'.1~ 1"!!:), with prosthetic vowel) is the on!y form (or 1f:lrpt:e, 1:i~occur. of the kind in PTM (Dalman). In OTA 1n~(or 1T;l~t:e)and 3. Where i appears in the final syllable of imperfects, it may be regarded as due to scribal error (Dalman), are correc4 *. In Yemenite MSS. Peal irnperatt. of the form 111:) tions of 1l!:) under the influence of Hebrew (Diettrich, ZATW., xx,
P· I 51). 5*. In OJ the third radical of feminine infinn. Infin. forms. is written aleph but pronounced yodh (cf. § 23, note 9). The &c., is a characteristic of writing of yodh twice in forms like N1:t1Jt?, unvocalized MSS. il is used in PTM less frequently than N to denote the feminine ending of infinitives. 6. In OJ an infin. Peal of the form N!~~ is used as an adverbial infin. (cf. § 20, note 7). The PTM form NTnOmay have been profrom 1!0~. In 25. ii. 4 Dalman points ii in the final nounced N!OI?, syllable ( N)?-~I?~). . 7*. The passive partic. PeaJ is sometimes Pass. partic. pointed with final i by supralinear MSS. (Deut. 25. 10, Josh .7. 10). 8. The Shaphel form 1¥1~ 'complete', may be Shaphel. derived from Nf. For the e of the preformative syllable see § 26, notes 4 and 6. 9. The vocalic endings of the uninflected forms of OTA. the perff., imperff., and participles of OT A are ii, i, and e, as in r2
§ 27.
Final yodh is written when the vowel is i
OJ (see table, p. 96).
(Dan. 5. 12 ). In other cases-when the final and in 1".\.~J;l; (l:;J~Z,,i'.1) vowel is a or e-N or i1 is written at the end of the word, without and i1¥-';1; any precise distinction between them. Examples: ~¥-'ii 3. 2 2) (Dan. ilJ~ form the For il;J.-';1. N),9and ilV.~; NV.?;NV.=?!?; see§ 25, note 9. In Ezra 6. 15 the Kethibh is N'1'~, the Qere '¥'!? or 1 10. There are three examples of a 2 s. m. imperat. in OT A, one in Dan. 2. 4, &c .. Pae!('~'?., Ezra 7. 25, for I~~) and two P 0als and Nl?,Ezra 5. 15, from N~t)11. The third radical of the infinitives of the derived stems is always yodh in the K ethibh of MT (il~~~iJ,&c). There are, however, supralinear and other MSS. in which aleph is read, as in OJ, by the Q 0 re (see Strack's notes on Daniel 2. 10 and 6. 9). (Ezra 4. 18, 23) and '~A(Dan. 2. 30) or '?}, 12. The forms '"!!?, (Dan. 2. 19) and the plural ''1?7(Dan. 3. 21, 7. 9) are examples of perfect pens (§ I 6, note I I).
§ 28.
FINAL YODH (perfect tenses)
11n~ .: -
n~•m~ . : - n"n~ n- ~n•tnN T
n- n. li1N .: 1
.: -
jWi~~ i'D'i~~ N)T 1li1~ • : -
nm T-!
·\m I -:
ilfD~ jll"l'D~
·•m 1,,-
1m 2 s. m. n- t-1n n1m f. n- 101 1 s. com.
i'J:'l'J:'I~ i?D~
OJ Nln T-: 3 s. m .
'D~ nt-t .: - 1nt!i 1nt!i n- t-1n n1i:;r n- 1J:'110r T
n1in~ .: -
irq 3 pl.
m. f. j\n•.1n2 pl. m. f. l'D'm N)1li1 1 pl. com. i1Nli1 T--:
T ••-:
§ 28,
l*. The OJ plural terminations; (3 masc.) and
)in (2 masc.) are peculiar to this class of verbs and are used in the
Peal only. Dalman makes the corresponding endings of PTM on and tun (?) and extends the use of on to all perfects, in accordance with the analogy of OJ imperfects. 2*. The distinctive endings NJ;! and ,i:, occur frequently in OJ and to a less extent in PTM. In OT A the endings of the 2 sing. masc. and I sing. are i;i and n respectively, and there is no example of 2 s. f. 3*. Before all consonantal endings the third 3rd radical. radical of these verbs coalesces with the preceding stem vowel into l or i, as shown in the table. In i perfects the reading l, for i, by Yemenite MSS. is due to late correctors (Diettrich, ZATW., vol. xx, p. 151 f.). 4 *. In the 3 s. f. of i perfects and in the 3 pl. f. of all perfects, OJ retains consonantal aleph (pronounced as yodh) and PTM consonantal yodh (M!~!,18. 3 ; M!1~, 21. ii. 7). There are two cases in OT A, both of which agree with PTM in writing yodh (M~"!'.flJ;lll;C, Dan. 7. 15, and M;JJ,iJ,Dan. 6. 18). In MT these two forms follow two different systems of punctuation. One of the In PTM MSS. used by Strack supplies the variant reading M~J'.1,iJ. n,,rnNand l"tnN are unvocalized forms for M~l~~ (?M;!~ttor n~!~~) and r:}~tt. In OJ N appears also in the 3 pl. m. of all i perfects. 5. In PTM forms of the 3 s. f. and 3 pl. m. perf. P 0 al, with consonantal yodh retained, sometimes occur. Presumably they were and ,~,}!:Irespectively (§ 17). Dalman's pronounced like pointing of n;~!J(2 2. 19) and n;~f (2 7. 2) seems to follow the analogy of the OT A (Hophal) form M;JJ,iJ (note 4). In OT A the K 0 thibh preserves one 3 s. f. perf. Peal with consonantal yodh (n'~~, Dan. 4. 21). OT A. 6. In OT A before consonantal terminations the final ai in the 2 s. m. syllable of the stem becomes l in i perfects (J:;1,~r,l),
of ordinary perff. P 0 al (O;!Q) and in i'IIJ~~f or i'IO;~# 'I have built it' (Dan. 4. 2 7), e in other forms (M1l1:),~?V.f), See also note 2. 7. In the 3 sing. fem. perf. P•al the forms M!Qand M!r)are written by MT without discrimination. Strack uniformly prints ni_r;. In other respects the 3 s. f. of perfect tenses agrees with PTM (see notes 4 and 5). There is no example in OT A of a pl. fem. perf. 8. In one 3 pl. m. form (~10 1iJ, § 3 r, note 6) consonantal yodh is retained and the vocalization is that of the normal verb (§ r 7). With this exception the 3 pl. m. is like that of OJ (illf), with a variation of orthography in the i perfects (l1l;l~~. 1•~~),which is also found in some MSS. of OJ (Beriiner, lliassorah, p. 92). In Dan. 6. 17 and 6. 25 Strack's supralinear text reads ~11'.l;iJ.The only case of a 2 pl. m. is j1M'l1:J(Dan. 2. 8), for which supralinear MSS. read jin1m. 9. Baer's reading of seghol for ~ere in the final syllable of pausal imperff. Pae! and Haphel (Dan. 2. 4. 7, 2 4 and 5. r 2) is not accepted by Strack.
§ 29.
VERBS FINAL YODH AND ALEPH (imperfects, imperatives and infinitives)
3 masc. fem.
•1nt-1 ••:.
masc. fem.
,lm ·:·
..: .
~in~ ••:.
§ 29.
•tnN .: 1lnN
-: -
NtnN -:
P 0 AL. OJ
•tn •-: NlQ
irq ilNln T--:
lMPERATIVF.. 2 s. m . f. 2 pl. m. f.
Imperil'. l*. The imperfect plur 1 masc. termination on is known from the MSS. of OJ and OT A and is extended by analogy to PTl\T. The 2. s. f. endings in PTM are read by Dalman (p. 339) as ain and ai respectively. l"TMMmight be understood to signify l~l~T:l (§ 2. 1 ). 2*. Consonantal yodh is retained by OJ and PTM in the 2 and 3 plur.fem.ofall imperfects (cf. OTA 1;10?, Dan. 5. 17). For the 2 s. f. in PTM see note 1. 3. Forms like •1~~(given in Dalman's paradigm) sometimes (Gen. 24. 14, Merx), but are characteristic of the later occur for '1~t:C Yemenite MSS. (§ 18, note 3). Imperat. 4 *. The PTM imperative ending on is got by analogy from the o of OJ and OTA. The 2 s. f. ending ai is shortened from ai'n and is the only ending of which Dalman gives examples from PTM. In OJ a= az (cf. § 27, note 1). The 2 plur. fem. form occurs in 2 Sam. 1. 24 (ilN:i:i). 5. Shortened imperatives (2 s. m.) are found in OJ. Examples: J;I~~ (Peal-Gen. 24. 14), ,~ (Pael-Gen. 24. 2), '']¥~ or ,~~ (Aphel-Exod. 33. 5). 6*. The 2 s. m. imperat. of the derived stems is the same as the 3 ~-m. perf. in OJ and PTM, the 2 pl. m. of all stems is the same as 3 pl. m. perf. in PTM and the Pea} imperat. 2 plur. is the same as the 3 plur. perf. in OJ. Cf. § 19, note 4, Infinn. 7. Infinitives of the form N:J;I~~ are found in PTM. Cf. Ezra 5. 9, il??-Q, 8. Peal infinitives with suffixes are treated in OJ like plural
nouns (§ 13, note 7), except that N_ is used for ai as the suffix of the 1st singular and that i'I_ is employed for NiJ_. Examples: N1~~''l'.liT~~- PTM has forms like i'l'~'I,?~~ or i'l'~•~~i;, (see§ 37, note 6). In OTA, stems with consonantal yodh are used (i'I.~~¥~, Dan. 4. 32). 9. Infinitives of the derived stems with suffixes retain the third radical in OJ (i"l'I}\'~~~. Gen. 24. 9) and are treated like feminine nouns of the F class (§ 1 2, note 9) in PTM (e. g. i'l'ti;~~'? from the Pae! infinitive t-t:~~r,,). OTA. 10. The inflexions of imperfects and imperatt. in OTA, so far as examples are found, are the same as in OJ (cf. notes 1, 2, and 4). There is no case of a feminine imperat. nor of a 2 s. f. imperf. The form ii1_:1~~(Dan. 5. 10), with o for on,may be a special jussive form (Strack). Cf. § 38, note 3. For the infinitives see notes 7 and 8.
Active pie.
'!ll;,9 N't:l:lO T; - :
,,~~'? ,~~~'? r:~~9
(inflexion of participles) peAL. peAL. Pass.
'tn ··-: N'tn T:-
Act. ptc.
'IO Sing. m. N'tn
f. Plur.m. i~!O,no f. 1:10 T: T
1 *. In the feminine singular and plural of participles consonantal yodh is always retained and in the masc. plural the ending is ain in OTA and usually in PTM. In OJ the masc. plural ending is always iin, and this form also occurs in PTM. 2*. Participles used as nouns employ the plural termination 6wiin (§ 8, note II). Examples : i1P,1,from 'V.1' shepherd', and i!9tt,from '!?tt'physician '.
§ 30.
3*. In the inflected forms, when the middle radical is a guttural or a doubled consonant, the supralinear MSS. regularly indicate vocal shewa before consonantal yodh (N~, t!~IJ'?)Except in these cases vocal shewa is seldom represented (Dalman, p. 340), but should be pronounced in reading in accordance with the general analogy of participle forms, except in the singular fem. of the P 0 al passive partic. (c£ § 10, note 14). 4 *. Words like '!0 with pronominal suffixes attached are inflected in three ways: (1) the suffixes may unite with the termination e as with a plural ending ei:i1n9'Deut. 25. I I), or ( 2) the final radical yodh may be retained ((:J:7f,25. ii. 8, from '':!f),or (3) instead of yodh, aleph may be used. In OJ ':19always retains N with suffixes (Gen. 14. 20, Exod. 20. 5, Deut. 5. 9, 7. 15, 30. 7, 2 Sam. 19. 7, 22. 18, Jer. 49. 7). So also :Jtt~~'Dan. 4. 16, which is the only example of a suffixed form of these participles in OT A. 5. Examples of tense forms like those of § 2 r, note 7, are N~''-Q (26. 6), fem. N~!7~ (Dalman, p. 352), n•~~p(Deut. 11. 10-Kahle, p. 16}, t~';l.'f (29. 25). The I sing. masc. of this tense is always wrongly pointed like N?'-Q in the Yemenite MSS. N'M N1:'~, rm, T-:'
§ 3 I.l peAL.
N'M T-;
'Cl'~ "M •-:
't:IP 1
:J;q peAL.
'T1'N . .. ''n'N . :-
i"lli"l T-:
'i1' 'li1' u: '"":• ili1;,li'~~ 'lq
~N1T1 ...1N '~N'T1'N . :-
'JJ;~ 11n:~ Nl.J'~
in•~ ntti:i•~
i1NMN TT -
NT1N perf. T-:
in~ 'lJ'.~imperf. 11n1_~ NlJ'~ imperat.
;z,,~ 'tl'7;1 infin.
To be passed over on a first reading of the grammar. K
PTM partic.
74 1, Several verLs, having stems with hoth initial aleph and final aleph or yodh, are treated like NQ~ (N::lt-e, NtN," NON, N!lN). Of these only NJ;)~has a shortened imperat. form (§ 25, note 4). 2. The imperff, and imperatt. P 0 al and Aphel of NMN are written is alike, but are distinguished in pronunciation (see note 3). 'tl't,;l both infin. P 0 al and partic. Aphel. Impera.t. 3. In the imperat. P 0 al the OJ supralinear form Nl'.JI\'$ is equivalent to NJJ~(§ 25, note 3) and the final vowel represents an original ai. In PTM 1J:,~(24. ii. 13), NJJ~(NM1N, 22. ii. 8), and NJ:;!(§ 25, note 4) are all used. In Berliner's Onkelos i is The final vowel of NQ'~may written in NQ1~, in 1~, &c. (cf. ~111~). be corrected into a (similarly in the case of NQ1\'$,22. ii. 8). 4. The 2 s. f. imperat. P 0al of NMN is NlJ1~ ( 1 Kings 1. 1 2Kahle, p. 29) or 1lJ~ (Chrest. 29. 22). Cf.§ 29, note 4. An alternative Aphel imper. 2 plur. masc. ~N1J:,1\'$(Gen. 42. 34) is given by Dalman (p. 356). 5, µ.apava0a (1 Cor. 16. 22) is explained by Dalman (p. 152, note 3) as being NQN~19'Come, our Lord'. WH and von Soden both divide the word into µ.apav &.Oa. OTA. 6, For NQ~ see table at the end of this section. The OT A passive forms M;lJ1iJ (Dan. 6. 18) and ~1lJ1iJ (Dan. 3. 13) are explained as Hophal forms = M;JJ~il(3 s. f. perf.) and ~1lJ~i1(3 pl. m. pcrf.) respectively (Strack). il\il. 7. In OJ the longer forms of tbe imperf. P 0 al of illt)are used only in the plural and (as alternatives) along with 1i:)1\'$or 1ij~ in the 1 sing. In PTM short and long forms are used indifferently and both Nij~ and 1~ occur. For PTM 11~~and OT A N).w?,&c., or i11Wry. see§ 18, note 6. Thefa sing. fem. impf. in OTA is N1Wry No shortened forms occur in OT A. s. In the MSS. published by Kahle the shortened forms of the Peal imperf. of il!rJare written 'iJ;and fiil;,with the original preformative vowel retained (cf. § 2. 9). 0
75 N1M. 9. In the verb N:t/ the medial radical yodh is generally suppressed in OJ and PTM in the imperfect (and infin.) Peal and in all parts of the Aphel. The same forms are used in Syriac. Cf. also 'ij~ and Hebrew 'M1 • For OT A see table below. In OJ and OT A the impf. and infin. of '!J'ilelide the '!J'"· respectively and '!JOI? (plur. r~:io~) medial l and assume the forms '!JO~ § 2 4, note 7). In the perfect and participle OJ uses ( cf. p1 The imperf. and infin. Pael only Pael forms ( cf. OT A '!J.~CI'?), OJ. in occur sometimes also
P 8 AL.
nin ,Nln
NinS ···.-:-t
,,n •·.·:
in~ 1;:,) n~J:,;O (n:i:,
no~ §
irw, ,nJ:,~ perf. NJ:,~ .
STEMS (~'31)
l:lP, perf. OJ?J;lli'.t l:l'i?T;ll'.t l:lP,1;111'.to•P.~ PTM l:li2\1'11'.C OJ?J;l~ l:l'i?T;1~ OP.1;1~ C'i?; C~i'; imperf. C~I' imperat. l:l'i?T;11'.C tlP.1;111'.t tl'P,~ N~P.1;111'.tN!?P,~ tlP,J? infin. N!?P.1;11;) Ml?P.'? Cii''? PTM tlJ?J;ll? l:l'P.1;11? l:lP.1;11? tl'i?'? C'~P. partic. act. Cl'i? partic. pass. K 2
§ 32,
1. The stem vowels of the P 0 al forms someStem vowels. times differ from those of the table. Perfects in 1 are n•t;, ' die', :::J.'C? 'be old', and 1'1 'spit'. Imperfects in e are n•~\ O•P,~,and 1'1~(or l~i~)from n~ 'pass the night', 09 'place', and 11'judge'. Verbs final guttural generally have u in the imperf. and imperat. (e.g. O~J:), but 31!'shake' has imperf. i!~l:and imperat. 31!(plur. ~31!). PathalJ. furtive no doubt always followed u in speech, whether written or not (§ 2. 5). Verbs with imperff. in e have imperatives in i (n•~,Judg. 19. 6 and 9). 2*. In supralinear MSS. the Aphel stem vowel e (perf. and imperat.) is sometimes written i and the stem vowel i (imperf. and partic.) is sometimes written i!. The stem vowel of the 3 s. m. perf. Aphel with pronominal suffixes appears to be normally i ("1T;l'i?~, Josh. 24. 26; Gen. 47. 7, Num. 27. 22; Dan. 3. 1, 5. u). Preformative vowels. 3. The preformative vowels of the Peal are sometimes treated according to the analogy of verbs 31"31 (§ 34), so that forms like O~j;l~and CW~, tl~!;J and cin•)?.occur. Examples: ml!I\ Num. 35. 25 (Kahle, p. 9), :m:i\ Jer. 18. 8 (Kahle, p. 38), C~M'\Exod. 12. 23. 4 *. The preformative vowel of the imper.tr.,imperatt., infinn., and particc. Aphel is often written ii in supralinear MSS. Examples: :::i•i:,~i:,90~(Gen. 24. 5-Merx), ~o~~ (Judg. I. 1), n~tt(2 Sam. 24. 16-Kahle, p. 27), 0'i?.1$ (2 Sam. 24. 18-Kahle, p. 27), n~9 (Exod. 17. 11-Dalman, p. 324). In OTA preformative ii occurs in an imperfect (Dan. 2. 44) and a partic. (Dan. 5. 19) and in the uncontracted forms O'i?.Q~ (Dan. 5. 21, 6. 16) and O'i?.Q'? (Dan. 2. 2 I). In PTM the corresponding vowel is o. 5*. When supralinear pathalJ. is written in the perfect and imperative Aphel instead of preformative vocal shewa, it may be understood to denote vocal shewa (§ 2. 7), rather than to indicate a form according to the analogy of verbs 31"31 (§ 34). Ithp 9el, 6. In OJ the stem vowel of the Ithp 0 el is sometimes
§ 32.
written a (n;r;,~, Judg. 5. 20) and then of the preformative syllable may become i before initial i (hence 111~ 11~~). Intensives. 7*. The intensive forms in use are tl':'.i?., t:1•~~(0 J (OJ supralinear), and tl'i?.9i?.,The passive supralinear), tl'!:?ii',C•t,?~ (Gen. 4. 12) or 't;;l?f29 (Gen. 4. 16). of the Palpel is like ,t;;i?t;;l9 Verbs medial waw. 8*. Verbs having consonantal waw as their medial radical are ilq, i1V,,n1¥,n17,Tl7 'rejoice', &c., also some verbs having both medial waw and final yodh, nin,Ni~,&c. OTA. 9. In OT A both the stem vowels and the preformative vowels of the Pe.-\L and HAPHEL are normally those of the table above. In the 3 s. m. pf. Haphel the stem vowel i occurs as an alternative to e(Dan. 2.14, 6. 2) and in the participle (Dan. 2. 21) and the imperf. sing. (Dan. 2. 44, 5. 21, 6. 16) i occurs as an alternative to i. Preformative l,iateph seghol occurs in one Haphel Dan. 5. II). The stem vowel of the form in most(?) l\ISS. (::J!:?'~r. HITHPeEL is a in one verb (tl~J;l~)and i in another (r!l;l~). The (Dan. 6. 8), tl!:?'i9 (Dan. only INTENSIVE FORMS are nr,,!i?. (Dan. 5. 23). There is one HOPHAL, MP'i?~ 4. 34) and r;_,9piiJ;li'.J (Dan. 7. 4, 5). The peculiar passive form MPt?(Dan. 6. 18) should perhaps be written np~ (cf. § 16, note Ir). See also notes 2 and 4.
§ 33·
STEMS (inflected forms) peAL,
tl'i?.~ 'l?'i?~
~t.:l'i?~ Nr,,'i?~
MP'i?.~ NI;.1-J;19'i?.~ ~t.:l'i?~ Nr,,'i?~
n•r.;i c~ Ml}'!:? TlPi?. Nr,,:~ NT-1r-,n•o NJ;IJ;19i?.
C •~~ , C•~~
§ 33.
peal perff. 1*. The forms of the table are those of the supralinear punctuation. The stem vowel of the perf. P 0 al is ii only in the 3 s. m. and 3 pl. m. In Syriac and OT A a is the stem vowel throughout the perf. Peal, and this pointing is used by Dalman in his Dialektproben. The inflected forms of r, 10 are treated like those of perfects in ~ere. Particc. 2*. In OJ (and sometimes in PTM) the uninflected participle P 0 al has the form of verbs medial aleph. In the inflected forms yodh is written for aleph in both OJ and PTM. In OT A the inflected forms have N in the K 0 thibh and I in the Q0 re, except in N!r,l~~(Dan. 7. 16). The inflected participle forms of verbs medial aleph retain N in OJ and sometimes in PTM ( 1 Sam. 8. 10, 1 Kings 2. 20; Chrest., 20. 14). Cf.§ 23, note 9, and Dalman, p. 305. OTA. 3. In OT A the termination of the I s. pf. is eth (11??,~, 1 Ezra 6. 12; nt2, Dan. 3· 14). For the form ~t:l1,:,~ (Ezra 4. 12) see § 35, note 5,
§ 34.
,-v.~ N?J,IN TT-
STEMS (ll"ll)
r•~~ t•~~ N!::l.N TTfl~r,) l~r,l
(9) I~ perf. ,il)•~ ri:n~imperf. ,ill ri:n imperat. T~I? infin. 'V.'t,? ,l~J,I flH). partic. act. ''~V, T'J:llptc. pass. •• T
Disyllabic stems. 1*. Disyllabic stems are used in the Peal participles, all intensive forms, Ithp 0 els, and Shaphels. Examples : , 1.~, !'J~~. ''-~;i~.See also§ 35, note 4.
§ 34.
The intensive forms are of the types , 1.~l!,,1_?IY (especially PTM), (OJ), and ''V.~l!.''~.l!is borrowed from the l"Ystems (§ 32). The use of is a special feature of the supralinear vocalization. )"~~'?(25. 4) is the passive participle of this form. Stem vowels. 3*. The stem vowel of the 3 s. m. perf. Peal, which is pathal_i in Syriac and OT A, is always a in the supralinear vocalization of OJ, following the analogy of the verbs of§ 32. The stem vowel of the imperf. pea] is either o or ii (ti::i~, OIJ\~). Preform. vowels. 4*. The imperf., imperat., and infin. P 0 al and all the tenses of the Aphel have the same forms as the corresponding parts of verbs initial nun(§ 24). In the imperf. and infin. P 0 al preformative z is lengthened to e before an initial stem guttural, but is retained before initial resh (i'i,~, Lev. 1 5. 8). This treatment is reversed in the only two cases that occur in OT A (llJ!;l,Dan. 4. 2 4; l!if:1, Dan. 2. 40). Participles. 5. In PTM the participle form ''.'.¥(§ 32) is sometimes used in place of In OJ contracted plurals like for are a feature of supralinear texts. In OT A (K 0 thibh) is replaced by or or fl~l!(Dan. 4. 4, 5. 8). 6. Aphel participles like 'i'''-' and r~•o in PTM are viewed as Hebraisms by Dalman. 7. (25. 5), from ,v.i;i, follows the ordinary rule for the inflexion of participles. For 1mi;i (23. 8) see§ 2 I, note 6. Borrowed forms. 8*. The forms appropriate to ~0 ll stems (§ 3 2) are transferred to verbs of this class in the cases named in notes 2, 3, and 5, and in others also (e.g. in Judg. 6. 26 )"li'f;l= )"i~T;'I). Ittaphal. 9. The Ittaphal forms are like 'l!l;I~ and 'IJJ'.:lN. OTA. 10. For the PeAL perf. see note 3, and for the only examples of imperf. infin. and partic. see notes 4 and 5. There are three types of INTENSIVES in OTA: ,~i;i (three verbs), lll!1'? (Dan. 2. 40), and Ol;lil'l~~ (Dan. 4. 16). In the HAPHEL, preformative 2*.
r>¥, r>~i,
r>¥ r~¥ r>
§ 34.
patha):l becomes seghol before ~ (M?~t],Dan. 5. 7). There are two cases of erroneously dissimilated Haphel forms ('V.tO, Dan. 2. 25, 6. 19, and n7~~tl,Dan. 4. 3). Cf. § 26, note 9. For normal Haphel forms see table p. 96. A HOPHAL form of one verb is found
§ 35.
~,•~tt ''V.tt N?'~tt n?'V.tt i~?'V.tt NJ:;!J;l?'V.tt )'~~•V,tt T-l)'l1N N~}•V.tt
~'P.~ ;~,P.~
''V.!:1 ''P.tt
~,•~tt N?'~tt
''V.tt '''lJN . .-
(~'¥)~~)./ ('¥) ,11 3 masc.
n1)).I fem.
N).,ll T!
masc. fem.
r~,v,•~ Sill'?.
Szng. Sill'~ 3 masc. ;;ll'ti 2 masc. Sill'l1$ 1 com.
Plur. ~~~ll
,;y -~~.!]
masc. fern .
l*. Following Dalman's precedent, and in accordance with the
analogy of OT A, the final radical has been doubled in the above table, before vocalic endings, in the Pea} perfect and imperative, but not in the Aphel. In Berliner's Onkelos doubling is not indicated in any tense.
2*. In the 3 pl. m. perf. P 0 al the stem vowel a (appropriate to ~•ststems) is sometimes written in supralinear MSS. for ii. The only example of a 3 plur. masc. perf. P 0 al in OT A is treated in this way 01'1,Dan, 2, 35). See also § 34, note 3. 3. Supralinear pathati in imperf. forms like r~,l/1.'. (Deut. 10. r rKahle, p. 15) may be regarded as representing tiateph pathati (§ 2. 7). 4. P 0 al and Aphel forms like l"li'i',(PTM), ri,,11(Dan. 5. ro, K 0 thibh), and ,.?t,'13 (Dan. 4. 9), with repetition of the final radical, occur in PTM and OT A. OTA. 5. The distinctive features of OT A are as follows: In the inflected forms of the imperative P 0 AL the stem vowel is o (~"1~,Dan. 4. 11, 20). In the perfect HOPHAL some MSS. double the final radical before the plural ending (~~l!~,Dan. 5. r 5), others do not. In HAPHEL forms, when the stem vowel (e) becomes vocal shewa, it is written tiateph seghol in some MSS. (i"!~,~. Dan. 7. 7, 19, i'l~i?;\l3,Dan. 7. 23-Baer, Ginsburg, Strack). Perhaps ~t:l'l'.C (Ezra 4. 12) was originally intended for (cf.§ 2. 8, 9). But the tense, termination (§ 18, note 7) and possibly stem vowel (cf. § 34, note 8) are all abnormal. There is no other example of the 3 plur. imperf. Haphel of an ll0 ll verb in OT A. or l"l~:!iJ (Dan. 2. 34, 45), § 17, See also notes above, and for l"l~1iJ note 6.
§ 36. VERBAL SUFFIXES l*. For the various forms of the accusative suffixes see pp. 9091. In PTM the suffixes added to verbal stems ending in a consonant are those of § 4 and the suffixes added to stems ending in a vowel are presumably those of § 12, note 2, although the only
possible vocalic stem is the 2 sing. fem. perf. (for the 2 s. m. and the 3 pl. see notes 3 and 5). In OJ the variations from the suffixes of §§ 4 and 12 are in the r singular, '~ or '1_ for 'i, and in the 3 plural, 276D
where the independent pronoun l~~~ is substituted for Jin(Ii). For the forms of the suffixes added to the 3 s. f. perf. see note 6. In OJ, in agreement with the Hebrew text, the suffix of the 2 plural is rarely found. It seems never to occur with a 3 sing. masc. perf. stem. 2*. In OJ l~~ is joined in writing to the verbal stem with which it is associated, N being omitted when the stem ends in a consonant and the form being reduced to J\lwith the 3 s. f. perf J~JJ;,!J~~. and to l~~ in union with stems ending in a vowel (~~".!?~, before modified not jmn?~). The forms of the verbal stems are l~~~ except in the I s. perf., in which n11J:p,T-1 1'1'1~and T-1,?'1'1;,tt &c. are used for n':;iJJ:p, 3*. The difference between PTM and OJ in the endings of the 3 plur. perf. and 2 plur. imperat. involves a further difference in the suffixes attached to these forms. PTM uses the suffixes appropriate to the consonantal ending im, while OJ uses those required by the vocalic ending u. Examples: r-i•~~i'~~( 25. ii. 2), •;:i~P~tt (Gen. 19. 16). 4. For the stem forms of the Perfect 3 s. m. and 3 pl. m. Aphel with suffixes see and Pea] perfects m. pl. 3 and m. s. 3 paradigm, p. 90. Pae} perfects are treated like Aphels. In the suffixed forms of the perfects Pae] and Aphel the final stem vowel generally becomes vocal shewa both in the 3 sing. and the 3 plural Gen. 19. 16), although sometimes the orthography of PTM (li'.l~i'~tt, presumably indicates the retention of the full vowel (20. ii. 2, 2 I, l'l'~~•~tr~,
OJ plural forms are sometimes found in PTM (26. 8, '!'J~M1~). Sometimes the vowel points in Dalman's Dialektproben are unIn necessarily those of OJ, instead of being those of PTM. and in 28. 5 ~ie7tt should be ~,ie7tt. 21. ii. 7 j'l)~i'.I~~hould be Ji,,::ir]~, 5. In OJ and PTM the forms of the 2 sing. and l sing. &c. The 2 sing. masc. 1 sing. perf. with suffixes are like T-1-?IJ:p, and I sing. com. with suffixes of the 3 s. m. or 3 pl. (when:
§ 36.
ambiguity arises) are distinguished in OJ by the use of the form l;l~~ for the 2 s. m. But ambiguous forms with suffixes of the 'I have found her' (Gen. 38. 22) and 3 sing. fem. like i'1)3~~!flt 'thou hast found her' (Gen. 38. 23) are in use. '~~P,~~ (Gen. 3 I. 28) = ua/3ax0av£{ (Matt. 27. 46), having a suffix of the first person, can only mean 'thou hast forsaken me', In PTM the 2 s. m. is clearly distinguished from the I sing. com. by its employment of the termination tnn (note 8) before suffixes (l~T:lP,~~. i'l~l;l~~~te).The 2 sing. fem. perf. is distinguished by its retention of the old termination i before suffixes (NQ'l;l~~~tt). 6*. The 3 sing. fem. perf. with suffixes is sometimes 3 s. f. 'she counselled him ', written as if it were I sing. com. (i:'l'J::l~?f? Judg. I. 14). All the cases noted by Praetorius (Judg. 1. 14) are forms in which the suffix is 3 s. m. The unambiguous forms are :
i'IIJQ?~. l~ll;tlJ?~;!J~t)?~,i'l'IJ!:)?~, ti:~J;tlJ?~, •~IJ?~,t91;11J?~, 7. The suffixed stem of the I plur. perf. 1 plur. and 2 plur. in OJ is the same as the independent stem, but written without N is used. In PTM the the form i'l~~?~ Instead of NQ~~?~ ('i'.1~~.?~). forms n~~?~,&c., are used with suffixes. Dalman explains n as derived from the accus. particle (§ 4, note 4). The suffixed stems in OJ (suffixes as§ 12) and of the 2 plur. masc. perf. are like ~1'1~?~ like l~~~~ in PTM (suffixes as in§ 4). Imperf. stems. S*. The stems of imperfects with suffixes are treated similarly in OJ and PTM. The syllable inn is added to except in OJ before the stems of all imperfects (cf. Hebrew '~l?~~), the 3 plur. masc. suffix. The suffixes are the same as those added to perfect stems. (See paradigm, p. 90 f.). The orthography lU~17~ in Yemenite MSS. is a Hebraism and l~~~17~ for JU~•:17~ for 11~~'"1~ due to late correctors (Diettrich in ZATW. xx. 152). 9. In OJ singular imperative stems with Imperat. stems. suffixes remain unchanged and the suffixes are those of § 12, except in the cases of the I sing. and 3 plural. In PTM the Pae! and
L 2
§ 36. VERBAL SUFFIXES Aphel singular imperat. stems with suffixes are identical with the corresponding perfect stems. The Peal imperat. stem is distinguished from its perfect by the vowels r or u following the initial radical. These vowels are sometimes indicated in the MSS. by yodh and waw respectively. The imperative plural stem in OJ is like \.:lJ;,~and in PTM like 11.:ii;,~ (see paradigm, p. 91). Pael and Aphel perfect and imperative plural forms are generally not distinguishable. The Aphel 1i?tt imperat. in OJ occasionally retains its final stem vowel (e.g. NQ~i' ' bring her out ' = NQ~i'~tt ). ~"ll stems. 10*. The forms of ~"l.'verbs undergo no change when suffixes are attached (but see§ 32, note 2). Syntax. 11. The use of an anticipative pronominal suffix before a definite accusative governed by a verb, an idiom characteristic of Syriac, is found occasionally in OJ (Gen. 39. 15, i=l1i?.1~ 11'.1~? i=l1i,;i??> 'he left his garment beside me') and PTl\I (22. ii. 4, N01>~> i=l1j~;1! 'he ordered the messenger'; 21. 7, 2 2. ii. 6). 12. The subject of a dependent clause introduced by 1 is also sometimes preceded by an anticipative pronoun ( 16. 6, ;:i 1ci:p~tt ) 1~l'? nln":! 'he found that he had been selling'). It is idiomatic to put the subject of such a dependent clause into the principal 1~~1 sentence as an object (16. ii. II, ;:!1".\l;f 1:1 N~MQ? t-t9!) 'he saw that the buyer was standing behind him '). 13. Occasionally the object pronoun of the 3 plural is used indefinitely for 'some people' (28. 4, J\M't!)'he saw some men killing' (mice) ; for the verbal stem n~n see § 3 7, note 1 ).
1. In PTM the termination of 3 s. m. of all Perf. 3 s. m. perfects with suffixes is treated like the ending of a feminine noun 1
To be passed over on a first reading of the grammar.
§ 37.
111;PQ(or ;-:J'lJ'l,?q), (cf. § 36, note 7). Examples: ;,ii119qand ;-:J 111;1J;tt. In the derived stems these forms, when un1lJ;~~, i=l i=l vocalized, are the same as the 3 s. f. (note 4), and in the Peal i=l'11'?Q is always ambiguous, 'he saw him' or 'she saw him' (note 5). 2. In OJ the 3 s. m. perf. Peal with suffixes either retains (con&c.) or is treated as ending in a vowel i=l'!$!Q, sonantal) N ('!l!;t!Q, ('!l!Q,'i'.J!q). With l~J~the suffixed forms are like i~Jt.Q. 3 s. m. and 3 pl. m. 3. In OJ the 3 s. m. and 3 pl. m. perfects Pael and Aphel with suffixes genernlly preserve the third (Gen. 2. 22), (Gen. 2. 15), i=l:J;l;tt radical yodh. Examples: i=l'~1~tt (Judg. 1. 7). With l~J~the ordinary (Gen. 3. 13), 1i'.l~'J;l'!$ '?:V,~tt stem is used (i131l~tt). In PTM the third radical yodh is sometimes retained both in and in perfects of the = i=l•~~•qP), Pea] perfects (25. iii. 7, i=l'~~•~p derived stems ( cf. notes I and 5). 3 s. f. 4. In OJ and PTM the ending of the 3 s. f. of i perfects (§ 2 7) is generally contracted to r, 1 • before suffixes. Examples: 1~~ (Judg. 4. 19), '!IQ'J:1'!$ (Chrest. 18. 13). In PTM i=l'lJ i=l'IJ'i?~tt, these are also imperative forms (note 7). Perf. stems. 5. In the other parts of the perfect tenses suffixes are generally added to the unchanged verbal stem. Examples : (1 sing.), 1i'.Jltq(OJ 3 pl. (OJ 2 s. m}, i=l'lJ'iQ (3 s. f.},1,:11;1•m i=l'D!Q (1 plur.) see § 36, (PTM 3 pl.). For ;,i•lJtl,?r) perf. Pea]), i=l•~l!r) 7. note In some supralinear MSS. the ending of the 3 pl. m. pf. Pea] with Judg. 1. 8; 1mn9,Judg. suffixes is written 11 instead of o (NQ~M7?,
Impf. stems. 6. In all imperf. tenses the suffixed stem is made by adding 3 to the ordinary stem (§ 36, note 8). Examples: When i~~~ is used the forms are like that of i~J'.1~~i=l•~lt~~;:i•~•m~, In some supralinear MSS. the vowels before nn are i instead of i, Cf. OT A, § 38, note 5. i=l'~1!~~). and u instead of o (i=l'~!~~,
t(•, STEMS
Imperat. stems. 7. In OJ imperatives 2 s. m. and 2 pl. m. stems are unchanged when suffixes are added ('i'.'itq, 1?!r;t~). In some MSS. u is written for o and forms with consonantal yodh are also found (Nttr;t~.Judg. r. 24). In PTM the termination i of the 2 s. m. is treated like a feminine termination (23. ii. 7, i:i1t11i:i;~). 2 pl. m. forms are like fi)i!37~ {for which in 28. 5 Dalman puts tua7~)• Participles. 8. nn is used with other suffixed stems than those named above, e.g. with participles ( 29. 7, i:i•;•~;>??, i.e. i:i•~•~;;!l?)§ 38. VERBAL SUFFIXES
1. The forms of the verbal suffixes in OTA Suffix forms. and the treatment of the stems to which they are attached agree closely with the corresponding features of OJ. The accusative pronoun 'them ' is not expressed by a suffix but by some one of three independent pronouns-i?.:l,:t (eight times), ~?.:li'.) (three times), and tm:t(Dan. 6. 25). The suffixes attached to verbal stems vary according as the stem ends in a consonant or a vowel. In the former case, they are the same as the suffixes joined to nouns, except that 1; is 'me' and that t(t is written for t(~- in the only case of its occurrence (Dan. 2. 23). In the latter case, the suffixes that actually occur are: •;, :J( 2 s. m. ), 1;:t (§ 12 ), N~, and tb. Perf. stems. 2. The stems of the 3 s. m. and 3 pl. m. of all perfects are treated as in OJ (see OJ paradigm, p. 90). Examples:
i:i~J;iJJ, :19?~0,1; 1S~~,1~1::17~0. The only examples of other parts of a perfect tense with suffixes are two of the 2 s. m. in Dan. 2. 23 (';l:W'1ii"1 and N~J:;W1ii1) and one I sing of a verb (note 5). Imperf. stems. 3. Imperfects with suffixes closely resemble those of OJ and PTM {§ 36, note 8). ~- is combined with stems ending in a consonant and ~ with stems ending in a vowel. Exam-
§ 38.
:JPrW~, i"l~~lei'f~:.With the suffix of the 2 pl. m. ? is ples : i"l~~l;l!, written, without daghesh, and in one case the preceding vowel is Dan. 3. 15; ji::i~~~~~,Ezra 7.21). In the case seghol (11::i~:;:ir~~. of two imperfects used in a jussive sense the suffixes are added to Dan. 4. 16; :J''l:):;:l\ Dan. 5. 10). the verbal stem without nn (:J?Q:;:l~, Imperat. stems. 4. The only imperatt. with suffixes in OT A 0 !, (Dan. 2. 24), 1;:i~,:pr, (Dan. 4. 20), and one from a i,c are '~?V.i:t verb (note 5). They agree with the forms of OJ(§ 36, note 9). i,c"!,verbs. 5. There are seven cases in OT A of i,c•!, verbs ' I have built with suffixes attached. The PERFECT form i"llJ~~~ it' (Dan. 4. 27) is peculiar in having ai for E (§ 28, note 6) and The other cases seghol for vocal shewa. Some MSS. read i"llJ~~:p. 11'.II)~) of perfect stems with suffixes (';:,~:p, agree with the practice of OJ{§ 37, notes 2 and 5). In the 3 s. m. IMPERFECT before ~ the ~re of the independent form {Mm~)is replaced by l_iireq('~~1!:1\ i"l~1!J~) and in the plural ii is replaced by u C'mQi:tl;l, 2 pl. m. impf. Haphel). For similar forms in OJ see § 37, note 6. The only i,c"!,IMPERATIVE form is the 2 pl. m. imperat. Haphel 11iQt1(Dan. 2. 6). ~u31verbs. 6. No change takes place in the stems of ~"31 verbs when suffixes are attached (but see§ 32, note 2).
l:IC:\Jt::11 UCL:l\t wcl:l\t ~C:1:1\t
uaLt,1 uaI.c waI.c ~,Kt
ueut,t ufai,c uei;j',c ;e(j,c
Grc:ut,1 Qti;j'1t
Grci;j',c ~ci;j',c
witut ,1 uu&Cr,c uu&Cr,c ;u&Cr,c
ui'.ritut,1 uuir:Grc uuitGrc ;utGrc
uGic:ut,t uGrtwc u1:1i::Grc :1:1c:1:1c