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English Pages [272] Year 2010
Grammar and Vocabulary for . ® the TOEIC Test with answers
Self-study grammar and vocabulary reference and practice
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Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo, Mexico City Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521120067 © Cambridge University Press 2010 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2010 Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library
ISBN 978-0-521-12006-7 Paperback with answers and audio CD ISBN 978-0-511-58791-7 Online resources Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables and other factual information given in this work is correct at the time of first printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter.
Thanks and acknowledgements We would like to thank those people who made the publication of Grammar and Vocabulary for the TOEIC® Test possible. Our appreciation goes to the editorial team, Nora McDonald and Helen Ambrosio, as well as Sylvia Renaudon, Lynn Townsend and Tom Allen and the production and marketing teams, particularly Jeanette Alfoldi and Jane Durkin, for their combined efforts and painstaking care in helping to bring this book into print. We would also like to thank our colleagues at the University of Oulu, Finland and Sultan Qaboos University, Oman for their support in our efforts, with a special thank-you to Katja-Maaria Kilponen and Halle Marshall Mehtiilii, for their input and feedback. The author and publishers are grateful for the permissions granted to reproduce materials in either the original or adapted form. While every effort has been made, it has not always been possible to identity the sources of all the materials used, or to trace all copyright holders. If any omissions are brought to our notice, we will be happy to include the appropriate acknowledgements on reprinting. p. 21 (tl} ©Phil Degginger/Aiamy; p. 21 (tel) ©D. Hurst/Aiamy; pp. 21 (tcr), 105(bc},140(t), 234(tr) ©Image Source/Aiamy; p. 21(tr) ©Jim West/Aiamy; p. 21 (bl} ©Arcticphoto/Aiamy; p. 21 (be} ©Photogenix/Aiamy; p. 21 (br) ©Alex Segre/ Alamy; p. 48(t ?); p. 48(b) ©Blend lmages/Aiamy; p. 66(1) ©Kevin Britland/Aiamy; p. 66(r) ©Colin Craig/Aiamy; pp. 91(1), 97(c), 105(tl) ©imagebroker/Aiamy; p. 91(r) ©Whisson/Jordan/Corbis; p. 94(bl} ©Eyecandy lmages/Aiamy; p. 94(t) ©Foto28/ Alamy; p. 94(c) ©Pixland/Photolibrary; p. 94(br) ©LondonPhotos - Homer Sykes/ Alamy; p. 95 ©Greg Balfour Evans!Aiamy; p. 97(t) ©Cephas Picture library/ Alamy; p. 97(b) ©Butch Martin/Aiamy; p. 98 ©Neil Emmerson/Robert Harding Travei/Photolibrary; p. 105(tc) ©NUAGE/Aiamy; p. 105(tr) ©Andres Rodrigues/ Alamy; p. 105(bl} ©Mira/Aiamy; pp. 105(br), 189(t) ©westend61 GmbH/Aiamy; p. 113(tl) ©Peter Titmuss/Aiamy; p. 113(tr) ©les polders/Aiamy; p. 113(bl} ©Torbjorn Largerwaii/Aiamy; p113(br) ©Ryan McGinnis/Aiamy; pp. 129(a), (b), (e) ©Giowimages- artbox/Aiamy; p.129(c) ©Rui Saraiva/Aiamy; pp. 129(d), (f) ©Fancy/Aiamy; pp. 1361, 188 ©Ace stock limited/Aiamy; p. 136(cl) ©Lisa F. Young/Aiamy; p. 136(cr) ©avatra images/Aiamy; p. 136(r) ©David Young -Wolff/ Alamy; p. 140(b) ©amana images inc./Aiamy; p. 144 ©Design Pies lnc./Aiamy; p. 176tl ©David R Frazier Photolibrary lnc./Aiamy; p. 176(tr} ©Arco Images GmbH/ Alamy; p. 176(cl) ©Lucidio Studio lnc/Aiamy; p. 176(cr) ©ICP/Aiamy; p. 176(b) ©Martin Novak/Shutterstock; p. 184 ©Radius lmages/Aiamy; p. 189(b) ©Ingram Publishing/Aiamy; p. 243(bl} ©Deco/Aiamy; p. 234(cr) ©Paul Risdale Pictures/ Alamy; p. 234(br) ©Peter Casolino/Aiamy Key t, b, I, r = top, bottom, left, right letters in brackets indicate picture label on page
Introduction Overview of the TOEIC
Vocabulary Focus
Grammar Focus
Applying for a job
Business documents
Air travel
Business trips
Practice Test 1
Noun, verb, adjective, and adverb forms Present tenses Present simple, present continuous, imperatives, state verbs Past tenses Past simple, past continuous, used to and be used to Present perfect Present perfect simple and continuous, tor and since Future Present continuous; present simple; going to; will
Listening, Reading
Customer Service
' Practice Test 2
Questions Question forms; yes I no questions and short answers; wh- questions; tag questions Embedded questions Wh- questions; yes I no questions; questions with an infinitive Reported Speech Reporting statements and questions; reporting verbs Adjectives and Adverbs Describing things; adding information about manner, place, time, frequency, and intensity Comparing Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs; expressions of equality I inequality (as ... as, not as ... as, etc.); other ways of comparing
Listening, Writing
Company structure
Employment Contracts
Dining out
Safety at work
Modals 1 Ability and possibility Modals 2
Obligation and necessity; orders and advice Modals 3 Permission; requests; offers; suggestions Prepositions 1 Prepositions of time; prepositions of place; prepositions of movement Prepositions 2 Verb + preposition; noun + preposition; adjective + preposition
8 16 24 32 40
48 54
62 69 78
94 100 108
116 123
Practice Test 3
Listening, Reading, Speaking
I export
Using the phone
Pronouns Personal and possessive, reflexives, impersonal pronouns ;
Office supplies
Nouns Countable and uncountable nouns; articles Linking words 1 And, but, or; so, such, as, such as; too and enough:
Referring to nouns Demonstratives; one I ones; some I any; quantifiers;
139 146
each I every; either I neither 154
it I there 162
still, yet, already
Practice Test 4
Passives Passive voice; having something done
Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing
Trade shows
Employee perks and benefits
Practice Test 5
Relative clauses Relative clauses; relative pronouns; relative pronouns with prepositions Conditional sentences Zero, first, and second conditionals Linking words 2 Giving reasons; gi ving results; making contrasts; adding information; showing sequences; showing attitude Verb + verb patterns Verb+ to infinitive; verb+ -ing; infinitive without to More verb patterns and phrasal verbs Adjectives + to infinitive or -ing; nouns+ preposition and -ing; phrasal verbs
Reading, Writing
176 184 191
199 207
214 222
Answer key
Recording scripts
Appendix 1: Common phrasal verbs
Appendix 2: Common irregular verbs
Who is this book for? This book is for students preparing for the Test of English for International CommunicationrM (TOEIC•) and covers vocabulary and grammar useful for the business environment. It can be used as part of a TOEIC test preparation course in the classroom or for extra practice or review at home. Students who are not preparing for the TOEIC tests but want to review grammar and extend their vocabulary will also find this book useful.
How are the units organized? The book consists of 25 units and 5 practice tests. There is a practice test section after every 5 units. Each unit presents and practices both the grammar and vocabulary within the context of a work-related topic. The units are divided into 4 parts:
Context listening This section introduces the vocabulary and grammar of each unit in context. It will help you to understand the gramma r and vocabulary more easily.
Grammar This section is a review of important grammar points. Read through this section before you do the exercises. You can also refer back to this section when you are doing the exercises.
Grammar exercises This section provides grammar practice. Write your answers to the exercises and check your work using the answer key.
Vocabulary This section introduces the vocabulary for the topic in a 'key vocabulary' paragraph. The paragraph is followed by exercises for vocabulary practice. You can check your answers using the answer key.
Test practice sections At the end of every five units, there is a test practice section. The tests are in the format used in the TOEIC 6
test. The combined test practice sections make up one complete TOEIC Listening test, one complete TOEIC Reading test, two complete TOEIC Speaking tests, and two complete TOEIC Writing tests. Each test practice section is accompanied by a grammar focus task and a vocabulary focus task. These are designed to raise your awareness of the way grammar and vocabulary are used in the TOEIC test. Using the speaking practice test sections Use the speaking practice test questions to practice the kinds of questions presented on the TOEIC Speaking test. The questions give you the opportunity to practice your oral skills. Focus on speaking clearly and using vocabulary and grammar accurately. If possible, you should record your answers so that a friend or teacher can give you their comments. Using the writing practice test sections Use the writing practice test questions to practice the kinds of questions presented on the TOEIC Writing test. The questions give you the opportunity to practice your writing skills. Focus on organizing your ideas and using vocabulary and grammar accurately. If possible, you should have a friend or teacher read your work and give you their comments.
Recording Scripts The recording scripts for all the context listening sections and the listening practice tests are included. Look at the scripts after you answer the questions. Practice your listening skills by playing the recording again while you read the script. Practice your speaking skills by listening to the recording and pausing it to repeat what you have heard.
ONLINE Practice Tests In association with Grammar and Vocabulary for the TOEJC® Test, Cambridge University Press will make available two complete online practice TOEIC testsThe practice TOEIC Test for Listening and Reading and the Practice TOEIC Test for Speaking and Writing. These tests can be found at www.cambridge.org/elt/toeictest. A guide to the scoring for the TOEIC Speaking and Writing test is also included on the website.
The Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) test can be used to show your proficiency in English for the workplace or for entry into a study p'rogram. Depending on the requirements you need to meet, you will take either the TOEIC Listening and Reading test or the TOEIC Speaking and Writing test. For a complete assessment of all your language skills, you may be required to take both TOEIC tests. These tests can be taken at ETS-approved locations worldwide.
The TOEIC Listening and Reading test Thi s test is a paper and pencil test using a multiple choice format. It lasts approximately 2 hours with 45 minutes for Listening and 75 minutes for Reading. You will need another 30 minutes for completing forms containing needed biographical information . The format of t he test is as follows: Listening Comprehension: 100 items Pa rt 1: Photographs: 10 items Pa rt 2: Question-Response: 30 items Pa rt 3: Conversations: 30 items (10 conversations with · 3 questions each) Pa rt 4: Short talks: 30 items (10 talks with 3 questions each)
The TOEIC Speaking and Writing test This test is ari internet-based test in which your responses to the tasks are recorded for scoring. You have approximately 20 minutes for the Speaking test and 60 minutes for the Writing test. The format of the test is as follows: Speaking Test: 11 items Questions 1- 2: Read a text aloud Question 3: Describe a picture Questions 4- 6: Respond to a question Questions 7- 9: Respond to questions using information provided Question 10: Propose a solution Question 11: Express an opinion Writing Test: 8 items Questions 1- 5: Write a sentence based on a picture Questions 6- 7: Respond to a written request Question 8: Write an opinion essay
Reading Comprehension: 100 items Pa rt 5: Incomplete Sentences: 40 items Pa rt 6: Text Completion: 12 items (4 texts with 3 items each) Pa rt 7: Simple Passages: 28 items (7-10 texts with 2-5 questions each) Double Passages: 20 items (4 pairs of texts with 5 questions per pair)
Word forms _ _ ___;;,_._"'v_.._._,,
A 1
verb, adjective, and ad"\/erb forms
Context listening A temporary position is open at MacNulty's Chocolate Factory. You are going to hear two people at an interview. Before you listen, look at the picture and answer these questions. 1
Which person in the picture is the interviewer?-----------
Which person in the picture is the c a n d i d a t e ? - - - - - - - - - - -
3 What job is the candidate applying for? - - - - - - - - - - - - -
listen and check if you were right.
listen again and fill in the blanks.
You're the
Your resume certainly is - - - - - - Your last employer was very _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with you.
for the secretarial job, right?
He says you are--- - - - - · hard working, and efficient. s I'm a little surprised you haven't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for a permanent job. 4
You see, my background and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are in theater.
It was called "The Over·
You played the part of the secretary with such _ _ _ _ _ __
TOEIC® TIP listen carefully to talks and conversations. Practice identifying who is speaking, where the conversation or talk is taking place, and what is being discussed.
Applying for a job
Compare the following pairs of answers from Exercise 3.
look at answers 1 and 5, 2 and 3, 4 and 8, and 6 and 7. What is similar about each pair? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
b In each pair, what parts of speech are the two words? 1
Match the two parts of the common phrases you heard in the conversation. listen again if you need to. 1
permanent ~ a qualified
3 cover 4
c job d
1 Applying for a job
B 1
Grammar Word forms A word may have more than one form depending on what part of speech it is. Look at the different forms of the word compete. We compete with several companies. (verb) Our competition in this field is growing. (noun) We are in a competitive market. (adjective) We must think competitively. (adverb)
Noun forms Nouns are words that refer to things, people, places, etc. We use them in sentences as subjects or as objects. My qualifications are in theater. (qualifications= subject) Secretaries can make a good salary nowadays. (salary= object) We can often recognize nouns through their suffixes (the part at the end of the word). Some noun suffixes indicate a person. The most common suffix for a person is -er I -or. Other suffixes for people include -ess, -ic, -ist, and -ian. The suffix -ess indicates that the person is female. manager, senator, princess, critic, pianist, politician We use the suffixes -ion I -ation and -ment to make verbs into nouns. promote I promotion, apply I application, govern I government We use the suffixes -ness and -ity to make adjectives into nouns. happy I happiness, tidy I tidiness, stupid I stupidity Other noun suffixes include ·acy, -age, -once, -ant, -dam, -hood, -an, -ism, -ary, -ship. Accuracy is important in accounting. The package arrived damaged.
Verb forms Verbs are words that show states or actions. In English, we always use a subject with a verb. Our boss is always happy. He manages the department very effectively. I enjoy working as a secretary. The verb form changes to agree with the subject (/, he, she, etc.) and to agree with the tense (present, past simple, etc.). (See verbs, Units 2, 3, 4, and 5.) He prepares a weekly report. They prepare a weekly report. I begin a new job today. I began a new job yesterday. I've recently begun a new job. We can recognize verbs through their suffixes. The most common verb suffix is -ize, which we can use to make adjectives and nouns into verbs. The government is planning to modernize the transport system. I didn't recognize you. Other verb suffixes include -ate, -en, and -ify. We won't duplicate the process next year. We want to widen participation in our training program. Will we have to justify our decision to the board?
Applying for a job
Adjective forms Adjectives are words that describe people and things. we use them, see Unit 9.
For more information on how
We can often recognize adjectives through their suffixes. Some common adjective suffixes are -able, -ful, -ish, -ive, -less, -ous, and -y.
The training session was valuable and I was very grateful tor the chance to attend. I appreciated his generous gesture.
Our manager is worthy of her position. We use some verbs that express feelings to make adjectives. These adjectives use an -ed ending to describe the feelings. They use the -ing ending to describe the person I thing that causes the feelings. Verbs that we often use to make these adjectives are:
amaze, annoy, astonish, bore, contuse, embarrass, excite, fascinate, frighten, interest, satisfy, worry I watched a very interesting presentation about quality control yesterday. But I don't think
Mike was interested since he kept looking at his watch.
Adverb forms Adverbs are words that describe actions.~ For more information on how we use them, see Unit 9. We can often recognize adverbs through their suffixes. The most common adverb suffix is
The ad campaign was run effectively. Your resume certainly is impressive. -ward and -wise. He wants to keep moving upward on the corporate ladder. Turn this knob clockwise.
Other adverb suffixes include
1 Applying for a job
C 1
Grammar exercises Label the words in the box V (verb), N (noun), Adj (adjective) or Adv (adverb). Some of these words can have the same form but be different parts of speech. application .1L beneficial_ employment_ enthusiastically_ experienced_ impressively. interview_ . manageable_ qualify_ require_ successful_ suitably_
Use the words in the box in 1 to complete the columns below. Not all words have all word forms and some words have more than one form. noun o.ppu.w.ti.on
verb apply
Underline the adjective or adverb that completes the sentences. 1
The decision was enthusiastic I enthusiastically welcomed by the development team .
Hiring more people is economic I economically impossible at this time.
Have you found a suitable I suitably candidate for the assistant manager job?
The person chosen for the position has not been official I officially informed yet.
s The second interviewee was extremely polite I politely. 6
Our project has been completed successful I successfully.
Applying for a job
Fill in the blank with the correct adjective form of the given verb. 1
The book gave a
If you are
3 4
You will find working at Blink's a (challenge) experience. The rise in sales is an ________ (encourage) development.
I was
account of how to succeed in business.
about the job, you should apply.
that our shopping cart was so successful.
6 The documentary program about business takeovers was very 1
I will be very
if Henri arrives late for another meeting.
Look at the following interview questions. Make a new question using the underlined word or phrase to form the verb. 1
When have you found a solution to a difficult problem? When ho..ve ~ou soLved- o.. d..if.Fi,wLc problem
What was your motivation to apply for this position? What _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _________?
When did you get your qualifications to become an accountant? When _______ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _____ ?
What do you consider a challenge? What _ _ __ _ __ _____ _ __ __ _ _ __ _______________ ?
What have some of your accomplishments been in your career so far? What _____________________________________ ?
How would you reply to these interview questions? Write responses, including another form of the word in italics. 1
Why did you decide to apply for this job? AcW.oJLy, it wo.s o.. vertj eM!j cleciswn for me. Thi..s i..s . jusc th e sore of job
wo.s Looking for, so I ho..Gl
to 2
Give some examples of your success when working in a team.
What are your short·term and long·term plans?
Why should we employ you?
What motivates you in a job?
1 Applying for a job
Vocabulary Key Vocabulary Read this paragraph about applying for jobs and check your understanding of the meaning of the words in bold. When employers want to fill a permanent or short-term I temporary vacancy, they usually advertise the position in a newspaper or on the Internet. If you want to apply for the job, you should send a well-written cover letter and r6sume to the company or recruitment agency. You should give details of y~>Ur qualifications ard references. If they think you might be the right candidate for the job, t~ey will call you in for an interview. As well as the right qualifications and relevant work experience, they might look for other qualities, including people skillS, communication skfils, and the ability to work well as a team member. After the interview the company will decide whether to reject or hire you . •
,.,, ••• 1
Career is a countable-noun. We use it to talk about a job regarded as a~ long-term activity or professional occupation. job is a countable noun. We use it to talk about a specific task or the regular work a person does to earn money. Work is an uncountable noun or a verb. We use it to talk about an activity a person does, usually for money. I have a job as a delivery man tor a pizza place. My work consists of taking pizzas to our customers. In the future, I would like a career in restaurant management. 1
Replace the underlined word or phrase in each of the following sentences with a word from the box that has the same or a similar meaning. vacancies
Peter certainly made a positive impression on the audience with his lecture. _,i.m"'"p"'-r""'es""'s'""vl=----We plan to employ three new people in the components department. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ How many applicants are we seeing this morning? _ _ _ _ _ __
Bentley's is advertising several openings for a sales representative. _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1 2
s I've been contacted by the recruitment agency about your vacancy. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 6 He did several short-term jobs in different companies. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 7
We don't accept candidates who don't speak a foreign language. _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Applying for a job
Read this extract from an email and underline the correct word.
Reply Reply All
Hi Faryal, I have some great news! Do you remember helping me look for a job? Well, last month, I 1 applied 1 impressed for a job at a large marketing company. I wasn't sure if I had all the right 2 requirements I qualifications, but I've taken a marketing course, so I wrote to the company. I included the 3 recruitment I resume you helped me write and some 4 references I employer letters from my last two bosses. Someone from the company phoned me last week and asked me to come for an 5 interview I application -the next day. I was a bit nervous, but I knew that I really had to 6 position I impress the interviewers. So before I went I practiced answering the interview questions that you emailed me. The interview was quite long but it seemed to go quite well. And I've just heard that they are 7 offering I opening me the job. I am the successful 8 hire I candidate! So I just wanted to thank you for the help you gave me ...
Match the sentences in column A with those in column B. Column A 1 I don't feel too disappointed.
Column B a
I am looking for a temporary job.
I need to earn some money this summer.
I would like a better position here.
3 I have been with this company a long time.
There are more vacancies than applicants.
I want to keep the same job until I retire.
Lots of people were rejected for the job.
s I'm sure I'll get the job.
e I want a permanent job.
A 1
Context listening You are going to hear Emma talking to her boss, John Fleming. Before you listen, look at the pictures and answer these questions. 1 Where isEmma? _______________________________________________________ Where is John?--------------------------------------------------3 Why do you think John is calling Emma? ------------------------------------2
Business documents
Look at the words from the conversation and put them in the correct category. attachment
types of documents: -"m"-"em=o_ _ __ ____ __ _ _ __
ways to send a document: _____________ _ _ _
used to organize documents: _ __ _ _ __ ____ _ _ _ __
Write complete answers to these questions about the conversation. v. st.vill~
nu coffee.