Table of contents : 1: Introduction to Qt A journey through time The cross-platform programming Qt versions Structure of Qt framework Choosing the right license Summary
2: Installation Installing the Qt SDK Qt Creator Summary
3: Qt GUI Programming Creating GUI in Qt Layouts Signals and slots Creating a widget for the tic-tac-toe board Advanced form editor usage Polishing the application Pop quiz Summary
4: Custom 2D Graphics with Graphics View Graphics View architecture Coordinate systems Overview of functionality Custom items Widgets inside Graphics View Optimization Pop quiz Summary
5: Animations in Graphics View The jumping elephant or how to animate the scene The Animation framework Property animations Adding gamepad support Item collision detection Finishing the game Pop quiz Summary
6: Qt Core Essentials Text handling Containers Data storage Pop quiz Summary
7: Networking QNetworkAccessManager Connecting to Google, Facebook, Twitter, and co. Controlling the connectivity state Communicating between games Using UDP Pop quiz Summary
8: Custom Widgets Raster and vector graphics Raster painting Creating a custom widget Working with images Painting text Optimizing widget painting Implementing a chess game Pop quiz Summary
9: OpenGL and Vulkan in Qt applications Introduction to OpenGL with Qt Using OpenGL in immediate mode Modern OpenGL with Qt Vulkan in Qt applications Combining OpenGL or Vulkan with Qt Widgets Pop quiz Summary
10: Scripting Why script? Evaluating JavaScript expressions Exposing C++ objects and functions to JavaScript code Creating a JavaScript scripting game Python scripting Pop quiz Summary
11: Introduction to Qt Quick Declarative UI programming Overview of QML types provided by Qt Qt Quick Designer Qt Quick and C++ Bringing life into static user interfaces Pop quiz Summary
12: Customization in Qt Quick Creating a custom QML component Event handlers Creating advanced QML components Dynamic and lazy loading of QML objects Imperative painting on Canvas using JavaScript Using C++ classes as QML components Pop quiz Summary
13: Animations in Qt Quick Games Animation framework in Qt Quick Quick game programming Pop quiz Summary
14: Advanced Visual Effects in Qt Quick Making the game more attractive Custom OpenGL-based Qt Quick items Using QPainter interface in Qt Quick Pop quiz Summary
15: 3D Graphics with Qt Qt 3D overview Rendering 3D objects Handling user input Performing animations Integration with 3D modeling software Working with Qt 3D using C++ Integration with Qt Widgets and Qt Quick Pop quiz Summary