Food and Beverage Management: textbook. 9786010403482

Based on the Curriculum and Syllabus of the course "Food and Beverage Management", this textbook aims to cover

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А.K. Uvarova


Almaty «Kazakh University Press» 2014 1

UDK 811.11(075.32) BBК 81.2 Англ. U 95 Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of Faculty of Geography and Nature Management and Al-Farabi KazNU Editorial and Publishing Council Reviewers: Doctor of Geographical Science, Professor G.N. Nuysupova Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor G.M. Tusupbekova Candidate of Geographical Science, Associate Professor B.I. Aktymbayeva

U 95

Uvarova A.K. Food and Beverage Management: Textbook. ‒ Almaty: Kazakh University, 2014. ‒ 246 p. ISBN 978-601-04-0348-2 Based on the Curriculum and Syllabus of the course "Food and Beverage Management", this textbook aims to cover relevant aspects and issues related to food and beverage management in the fast growing hospitality industry, i.e. hotels, restaurants and other dining establishments. The textbook intended for students of colleges and universities, teachers, practitioners and specialists of the hospitality industry and tourism. В предлагаемом учебном пособии даются основы менеджмента питания и напитков, освещаются теоретические и практические аспекты, которые используются в практике туризма и гостеприимства. Учебное пособие охватывает основные вопросы, касающиеся продуктов питания, напитков, способов их приготовления, организации управления и сервиса в индустрии гостеприимства и туризма. Предназначено для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по специальности «Туризм», преподавателей вузов, специалистов в области гостеприимства и туризма.

UDK 811.11(075.32) BBК 81.2 Англ. © Uvarova A.K., 2014 © Al-Farabi KazNU, 2014

ISBN 978-601-04-0348-2


CONTENTS Preface ................................................................................... 4 Introduction .......................................................................... 6 UNIT 1. Introduction to Food and Beverage Management. Short History and Definitions ............................... 9 UNIT 2. Food and Beverage Managers. Tasks & Duties. Skills & Knowledge. Personal Requirements ............................................................................... 20 UNIT 3. Staff Management. The Service and Kitchen Staff .......................................................................... 35 UNIT 4. Food Service. Styles of Food Service ...................... 48 UNIT 5. Organizational Structure of Restaurant. Dinner at a Restaurant or Café ............................. 64 UNIT6. The Menu. Types of Menu ....................................... 77 UNIT 7. Restaurants. Classification of Restaurants, Cafe ........................................................................ 95 UNIT 8. Methods of Cooking ................................................ 113 UNIT 9. Food and Beverage Management in a Hotel. F&B Department ....................................................... 127 UNIT10. Вагtending. Beverage and Glassware .................... 144 UNIT 11. Meals in England and the USA ............................. 158 UNIT 12. National Cuisine and Culture ................................ 172 UNIT13. Features of Food and Beverage Control. Working Conditions .................................................................... 189 UNIT 14. Food and Beverage Shop Management. At the F&B Shops ....................................................................... 205 UNIT 15. Food and Beverage: Information Systems and Technology ................................................................................... 220 Glossary of culinary terms ................................................... 234 Proposed topics for seminars ............................................... 242 Proposed topics for Individual Student's Works ................................................................... 242 References ............................................................................. 243


PREFACE Textbook "Food and Beverage Management" is the result of many years teaching the same name subject for students of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University on the specialty "B5090200 − Tourism". The course of lectures and seminars has been developed by the author at the Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism since 2010. The textbook provides a complete introduction to food and beverage management and service. The author has used materials of textbooks published in Russian and English and Internet-sources. "Food and Beverage Management" is the first edition in English both in Kazakhstan and the CIS-countries. The volume of the textbook does not allow to cover all aspects of food and beverage management. We mainly study the aspects to widen knowledge and improve skills of undergraduate and graduate students. Particular attention is paid to the study of special terms and vocabulary used in order to improve listening, writing, reading and speaking skills in catering and hospitality industry. We hope it will be good companion for students and practitioners in the food and beverage service as well. Computer layout of manuscript for publication have been made by the author. Comments and suggestions on the structure and content of the textbook should be send to: 050038, Almaty, 71, Al-Farabi Av., AlFarabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Geography and Nature Management, Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism or e-mail . Acknowledgements The author would like to thank Professor S.R. Erdavletov, Associate Professor A.M. Artemyev, Head of the Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism for understanding and fruitful cooperation. Special thanks to Professor G.N. Nuysupova, Associate Professor G.M. Tusupbekova, Associate Professor B.I. Aktymbayeva for cooperation and mutual assistance. Very special thanks to Z.K. Madiyeva, Senior Teacher for her help, advices and encouragement. Finally, we are grateful to the students for their attention and interest to this course. 4

Methodical Note The main emphasis of the textbook is to gain new knowledge, to expand and consolidate of lexical material, development of special terminology for food and beverage management and service. The book consists of fifteen complete units. The textbook is wellstructured: pre-reading and listening tasks to develop student's ability to use the available knowledge on the subject, expressing opinions in English. Texts of lectures (Listening and Reading, Reading and Speaking) are determined by the topics of units. Collected and selected from different sources this text gives a full picture of the food and beverage industry in tourism. The students are assumed to use universal and special bilingual dictionaries. The purpose of exercises is to build and enrich students’ vocabulary. Students are supposed to render the texts, answer the questions, do exercises, discuss actual problems using special terms, learn, memorize and dramatize dialogues and check themselves with tests. The textbook objective is to minimize difficulties of perception special texts and train students to read literature on food and beverage management, catering industry, restaurant business providing high-quality service in tourism.


"You have to love people to work in the hospitality industry. It’s amazing and very rewarding working with people. " Judy Morris, Food and Beverage Manager.

INTRODUCTION Brief summary: the course proposes systematic approaches to the management, design, planning and control of food and beverage operations in hospitality industry. It considers a food and beverage operation as comprising three distinct but interlinked systems: food production, food and beverage service as a delivery system and food and beverage service as a customer process system. Study current trends within the hospitality industry. Food and beverage managers may work in any large establishment that serves food and drink to the public, including: hotels, convention centers, conference centers, sports arenas, casinos, and. resorts. Food and beverage managers interact with guests, food and beverage suppliers. The course has been developed following extensive research and consultation with the hospitality sectors. This course is aimed at students who have an ambition and interest to work within the Hotel, Food Service or Hospitality industries in a management position. Aim: training for the work in the field of food and beverage management, using knowledge of English, intercultural communications, the experience of western and domestic companies and joint establishments. Tasks: food and beverage managers may do some or all of the following: know the types of food and beverages, style of food service, methods of cooking, etc; arrange food and beverage events, promotions and advertising; deal with guest complaints; interact with the guests, food and beverage suppliers; order food and beverage for all outlets in hotel; ensure food and beverage standards and customer service at a high level; set up and maintain safe working conditions and practices for staff; liaise regularly with other hotel staff and report to the general manager; recruit, train and supervise staff; complete administrative tasks, such as rosters, forecasts and reports.


Competence (learning outcomes): As a result of the mastering of discipline the student have to: have an idea: the organization of food and beverage management in Western countries and the major tourist centers of Europe and America, the classification of catering establishments and their features, the rules of the greetings, meeting, seeing out and communicating the guests of restaurants and cafes in English; know: good understanding of current licensing and employment laws, knowledge of sales and marketing techniques, customer service skills, excellent communication skills, good organizational and problem-solving skills, good time management, computer skills, knowledge of food hygiene and health and safety regulations. They will be able to describe the role of food and beverage in hospitality industry and give classification of the various sectors that constitute the catering industry; be able to: conducts many major tasks and events in a hotel, restaurant, on a cruise ship or other establishment that serves meals and drinks, encompass office obligations, including checking budgets, payroll and food order invoices from suppliers, schedules servers, bartenders and other food service employees, assigns kitchen staff to cooking and preparation tasks, and determines service standards for personnel, needs a thorough knowledge of ethnic cuisine, food preparation and the costs of purchasing items for particular dishes, plan menus for restaurants and special events like banquets. It is necessary a good grounding in national and local laws regarding food safety and preparation, arrange for purchase and maintenance of stoves, ovens, blenders, cutlery and other items needed to prepare food; have skills: will take bachelor skills and build their basic knowledge in the areas of wine, the art of eating and dining, bartending and dining room service, and then expand on those fundamentals with an understanding of food and beverage cost control, financial success, service leadership and human resource management. Food and beverage serving and related workers are the front line of customer service in full-service restaurants, casual dining eateries, and other food service establishments. These workers greet customers, escort them to seats and hand them menus, take food and drink orders, and serve food and beverages. They also 7

answer questions, explain menu items and specials, and keep tables and dining areas clean and set for new diners. Most work as part of a team, helping coworkers to improve workflow and customer service; be competent: in questions of national and international cuisine and food and beverage management and catering, classification of their types, service of customers and support intercultural communication on the basis of English language skills and the possession of special vocabulary and glossary.




PRE-LISTENING & READING Answer the question before you listen the lecture and read the text: What do you know about food, beverage and management? Summarize your own experience, if any, or mention the source of your information (books, films, TV programs, etc.) VOCABULARY LIST acquisition - 1) приобретение (чего-л.; процесс) acquisition of land − приобретение земель Syn: purchase 3) овладение language acquisition − овладение языком. acquisition of knowledge − приобретение знаний consumed - расходуемый, потребляемый; расходный cereal - 1) (хлебный) злак 2) (cereals) зерновые культуры 3) крупа, крупяной продукт (полученные из зерновых культур) 4) блюдо из круп, злаков в виде хлопьев, приготовленный из зерён, злаков (о еде), употребляемое с молоком на завтрак cold cereal − хлопья с холодным молоком legume - плод бобовых, боб; стручковое растение, бобовые lentil - чечевица flaxseed - льняное семя rapeseed -семена рапса; rapeseed oil - рапсовое масло sesame - кунжут, сезам edible - съедобный; годный в пищу ripen - зреть; созревать, выдерживать (о продуктах) ovary - завязь (бот.)

lettuce - салат-латук mammary glands - молочные железы cure - лечение, курс лечения scarcity - недостаток, нехватка (чего-л.) stew - блюдо из тушёного мяса или рыбы civet - циветта (род хищных млекопитающих) amber - 1)янтарь; окаменелая смола 2) жёлтый цвет, цвет янтаря dye - краска; красящее вещество; краситель sparkle - искорка squash - британский напиток "скуош" (сок цитрусовых с газированной водой) malt - солод ale -пиво, эль stout - крепкий, прочный, плотный to crawl - ползать to fortify - укреплять to eliminate - устранять, исключать сongeners - дополнительные ингредиенты, добавки (в производстве виски). Congeners contribute special characteristics of taste, aroma, and colour (color) to the beverages.Добавки придают напитку особый вкус, аромат и цвет. sucralose - заменитель сахара (a very sweet synthetic compound derived from sucrose and unable to be metabolized by the body, used as an artificial sweetener) spinach - шпинат


LISTENING & READING Text 1: Introduction to Food & Beverage Management F&B is widely accepted abbreviation for "Food and Beverage", which is the sector/industry that specializes in the conceptualization, the making of, and delivery of foods. The largest section of F&B employees are in restaurants and bars, including hotels, resorts, and casinos. Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. It is usually of plant or animal origin, and contains essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals. The substance is ingested by an organism and assimilated by the organism's cells in an effort to produce energy, maintain life, and/or stimulate growth. Beverage -from French “beverage” – a liquid for drink, one that is not water. Management – 1. the act or art of managing: the conducting or supervising of something (as a business); 2. judicious use of means to accomplish an end; 3. capacity for managing: executive skill; 4. the collective body of those who manage or direct an enterprise (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary) Food sources: Plants&Animals. Historically, people secured food through two methods: hunting and gathering, and agriculture. Today, most of the food energy consumed by the world population is supplied by the food industry, which is operated by multinational corporations that use intensive farming and industrial agriculture to maximize system output. Many plants or plant parts are eaten as food. There are around 2,000 plant species which are cultivated for food, and many have several distinct cultivars. Seeds of plants are a good source of food for animals, including humans, because they contain the nutrients necessary for the plant's initial growth, including many healthy fats, such as Omega fats. In fact, the majority of food consumed by human beings are seedbased foods. Edible seeds include cereals (maize, wheat, rice, et cetera), legumes (beans, peas, lentils, et cetera), and nuts. Oilseeds 11

are often pressed to produce rich oils − sunflower, flaxseed, rapeseed (including canola oil), sesame, et cetera. Seeds are typically high in unsaturated fats and, in moderation, are considered a health food, although not all seeds are edible. Large seeds, such as those from a lemon, pose a choking hazard, while seeds from apples and cherries contain a poison (cyanide). Fruits are the ripened ovaries of plants, including the seeds within. Many plants have evolved fruits that are attractive as a food source to animals, so that animals will eat the fruits and excrete the seeds some distance away. Fruits, therefore, make up a significant part of the diets of most cultures. Some botanical fruits, such as tomatoes, pumpkins, and eggplants, are eaten as vegetables. For more information, see list of fruits and vegetables. Vegetables are a second type of plant matter that is commonly eaten as food. These include root vegetables (potatoes and carrots), leaf vegetables (spinach and lettuce), stem vegetables (bamboo shoots and asparagus), and inflorescence vegetables (globe artichokes and broccoli). Generally regarded as the most pleasant taste, sweetness is almost always caused by a type of simple sugar such as glucose or fructose, or disaccharides such as sucrose, a molecule combining glucose and fructose. Artificial sweeteners such as sucralose are used to mimic the sugar molecule, creating the sensation of sweet, without the calories. Other types of sugar include raw sugar, which is known for its amber color. As sugar is vital for energy and survival, the taste of sugar is pleasant. Herbs and spices. There are culinary herbs and spices. Specifically these are food or drink additives of mostly botanical origin used in nutritionally insignificant quantities for flavoring or coloring. For example, basil, bergamot, caraway, cayenne, cinnamon, coriander, ginger, horse radish, marjoram, parsley, peppercorn, sesame, and etc. Animals are used as food either directly or indirectly by the products they produce. Meat is an example of a direct product taken from an animal, which comes from muscle systems or from organs. Food products produced by animals include milk produced by 12

mammary glands, which in many cultures is drunk or processed into dairy products (cheese, butter, et cetera). In addition, birds and other animals lay eggs, which are often eaten, and bees produce honey, a reduced nectar from flowers, which is a popular sweetener in many cultures. Some cultures consume blood, sometimes in the form of blood sausage, as a thickener for sauces, or in a cured, salted form for times of food scarcity, and others use blood in stews such as civet. Some cultures and people do not consume meat or animal food products for cultural, dietary, health, ethical, or ideological reasons. Vegetarians do not consume meat. Vegans do not consume any foods that are or contain ingredients from an animal source. Seafood (fish). Fish is a food consumed by many species, including humans. The word "fish" refers to both the animal and to the food prepared from it. Fish has been an important source of protein for humans throughout recorded history. Health benefits are as follows. Research over the past few decades has shown that the nutrients and minerals in fish, and particularly the omega 3 fatty acids found in pelagic fishes, are heart-friendly and can make improvements in brain development and reproduction. The role for fish in the functionality of the human body is very big. Types of food: Comfort food - food that is enjoyable to eat and makes the eater feel better emotionally. Fast food- food that requires little preparation before being served or a restaurant, café, etc.) serving such food. Junk food- food that is low in nutritional value, often highly processed or ready-prepared, and eaten instead of or in addition to well-balanced meals – American cheese, hot dog , pizza, Coca-Cola and so on. Natural food - the importance of natural food to the maintenance of health. Organic food - Organic foods are foods that are produced using methods of organic farming – with limited modern synthetic inputs such as synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers, though organic pesticides, such as Bt toxin, are still used. Organic foods are also not processed using irradiation, industrial solvents, or chemical food additives. Slow food - food that has been prepared with care, using high-quality local and seasonal ingredients. 13

READING & SPEAKING Text 1.1: Beverage A drink, or beverage, is a liquid which is specifically prepared for human consumption. In addition to fulfilling a basic human need, beverages form part of the culture of human society. Water: Despite the fact that all beverages contain water, water itself is not classed as a beverage. The word beverage has traditionally been defined as not referring to water. Types of beverages. Alcoholic beverages. An alcoholic beverage is a drink that contains ethanol, commonly known as alcohol (although in chemistry the definition of "alcohol" includes many other compounds). Beer has been a part of human culture for 8,000 years. In Germany, Ireland, the United Kingdom, and many other European countries, drinking beer (and other alcoholic beverages) in a local bar or pub is a cultural tradition. Asian countries (e.g., Sri Lanka and India) produce several varieties of alcoholic beverages (e.g., palm wine). Alcoholic beverages are divided into three general classes: Beer; Wine; Spirits. Non-alcoholic beverages. A non-alcoholic beverage is one that contains little or no alcohol. This category includes low-alcohol beer, non-alcoholic wine, and apple cider if they contain less than 0.5% alcohol by volume. Soft drinks. The term "soft drink" specifies the absence of alcohol in contrast to "hard drink" and "drink". "Drink" is nominally neutral but often connotes alcoholic content. Beverages such as soda pop, sparkling water, iced tea, lemonade, squash, and fruit punch are the most common soft drinks. Milk, hot chocolate, tea, coffee, milkshakes, and tap water are not considered to be soft drinks. Some carbonated soft drinks are available in versions that are sweetened with a sugar. Fruit juice. Fruit juice is a natural product that contains few additives, or none. Citrus products such as orange juice and tangerine juice are very familiar breakfast beverages. Grapefruit juice, pineapple, apple, grape, lime, and lemon juice are also familiar products. Coconut water is a highly nutritious and refreshing juice. 14

Many kinds of berries are crushed and their juices mixed with water and sometimes sweetened. Raspberry, blackberry and currants are often popular juices drinks but the percentage of water also determines their nutritive value. Juices were probably human kind's earliest drinks besides water. Grape juice that was allowed to ferment produced the alcoholic drink wine. Hot beverages. A hot beverage is any beverage which is normally served heated. This may be through the addition of a heated liquid, such as water or milk, or by directly heating the beverage itself. Some examples of hot beverages are: Coffee-based beverages; Café au lait- coffee with milk; Cappuccino; Coffee; Espresso; Frappé- a drink consisting of a liqueur, etc., poured over crushed ice; Flavored coffees; Latte − coffee made with hot milk; Hot chocolate; Horlicks − from Horlicks, a drink meant to induce sleep; Hot cider; Mulled cider; Glühwein; Tea-based beverages; Flavored teas (chai, etc.); Green tea; Pearl milk tea; Tea; Herbal teas; Yerba Mate; Roasted grain beverages; Sanka. Miscellaneous. Some substances may be called either food or drink, and accordingly may be eaten with a spoon or drunk, depending upon their thickness and solutes. They are: buttermilk, soup, yogurt, kefir, etc. For more information, see: Food Genetically modified foods Drink or Beverage Alcoholic Beverages

TEXT WORK 1 - 1.1 1. Read and translate the texts. Try to retell them. 2. Answer the questions: 1. What vegetables and fruits do you know? 2. Why do people need food and drinks (beverages)? 3. What is the difference between meat and fish? 4. What types of meat do you know? 5. What meat do you prefer? Why? 6. What does the Nutrition Fact Piramid show us? 15

7. What do you think about genetically modified foods (GMF)? GMF are foods produced from organisms that have had specific changes introduced into their DNA (ДНК, дезоксирибонуклеиновая кислота) using the methods of genetic engineering. Is there our future? 8. What are the most popular types of beverages in the world and our country? 9. What types of beverages do you prefer? 10. What could you say about the food and beverage management in Kazakhstan? 3. Choose the word on the left with word or phrase on the right 1. beet 2. frankfurters 3. currant 4. cranberry 5. fancy cake 6. gooseberry 7. grapes 8. pear 9. plum 10. raspberry 11. pineapple

12. salmon 13. each 14. sausage 15. cabbage 16. oysters 17. clams 18. shrimp 19. toasted roll 20. fudge cake 21. shortcake 22. low fat milk

A. капуста B. ананас C. смородина D. клюква E. пирожное с кремом

F. креветка G. сосиски H. виноград I. груша J. слива K. малина

L. лосоcь, семга M. колбаса N. свекла O. поджаренная булочка

P. устрицы Q. персик R. крыжовник S. ракушки, мидии T. пирожное с помадкой U. обезжиренное молоко V. песочное пирожное с фруктами и кремом

4. Give a summary of the texts. DISCUSSION Work in pairs or groups: a) Tell about vegetables and fruits, their origin in different continents and short history of eating traditions in different countries. Tell about meat and fish, dairy products and national and religious traditions in the world. b) When you have decided upon the text, tell it to your partner. Then listen to that of your partner. Ask each other as many questions as you can to learn further details or clarify some points. c) Read, memorize and dramatize the dialogue 1. 16

Dialogue 1 Mr.N.: What would you like to drink, Mr. Johnson? Mr. Johnson: Juice or some water, please. I'm off alcohol. Mr.N.: Apple juice, then? Would you like to have a very light beer? Mr. Johnson: Juice for me, please. What will you drink, Mr.N.? Mr.N.: A dry martini, please. Would you like to order, Mr. Johnson? Mr.Johnson: I'll leave it to you to choose. You know local food better, I'm sure. Mr.N.: Do you prefer meat or fish? Mr.Johnson: Neither. I'm a vegetarian. Mr.N.: Then these salads would be very nice. You can help yourself. Bread? Butter? Mr.Johnson: Yes, please. What are the meals in your country, I wonder? Mr.N.: It's quite individual, you know, a lot depends on your way of life. Usually we have three meals a day, like everywhere, I guess. Mr.Johnson: Do you have a heavy breakfast? Mr.N.: I feel I must take something substantial before I go to work. And you? Mr.Johnson: I just have a sandwich and a cup of coffee. I usually have a heavy midday meal. Mr.N.: I know your midday meal is quite heavy, isn't it? Mr.Johnson: Yes, it is. We have soup, which is very nourishing with meat and a lot of vegetables. Mr.N.: Do you have wine at lunch? Mr.Johnson: No, not unless it's something official. For the main course we have meat or fish and vegetables, then tea or coffee. Mr.N.: I'd recommend this meat. It's specially cooked with mushrooms. It's very hot. Mr.Johnson: I'll have it. We like spicy food in our country. Mr.N.: Help yourself to vegetables, please. Peas, beans, potatoes. Mr.Johnson: Lettuce is very fresh. What will you have for a sweet? Mr.N.: Would you like tea or coffee? Mr.Johnson: Coffee, black and no sugar. Liqueur for you? Mr.N.: A drop of brandy, please. 17

CHECK YOURSELF. TEST FOR UNIT 1 1. What does the abbreviation “F&B” stand for? a) Foot & Back b) Food & Beverage c) Fashion & Brand 2. Complete the sentence. The largest section of F&B employees … a) Restaurants and bars b) Hotels,resorts and casinos c) All answers are right 3. What is “food”? a) Is a currently popular style of clothing, behavior b) Is manner of doing something c) Is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body 4. a) b) c)

What is the origin of the word “beverage”? From English From Latin From French

5. What is “beverage”? a) A liquid substance for drink, one of which are not water b) Oil c) Water 6. According to the history what methods do people use for securing food? a) Industry, gathering b) Hunting, baying c) Hunting and gathering, agriculture 7. Food safety and food security are monitored by? a) Agencies like the International Association for Food Protection b) Population c) Employees of food sphere 8. How many plant species are cultivated for food? a) 1000 b) 2000 c) 3000


9. Why seeds of plants are good source of food for animals and humans? a) Because they are edible b) Because they contain a lot of nutrients and healthy fats such as Omega fats c) Because they are cooked very fast 10. Vegetables classified into: a) Botanical, fruits, seeds b) Root vegetables, fruits, seeds c) Root vegetables, leaf vegetables, steam vegetables, inflorescence vegetables 11. What purposes culinary herbs and spices are used for? a) For flavoring or coloring b) For desserts c) For keeping food fresh 12. How many types of food do we have? a) 4 (Comfort food, Fast food, Natural food, Organic food) b) 5 (Comfort food, Fast food, Natural food, Organic food, Slow food) c) 6 (Comfort food, Fast food, Junk food, Natural food, Organic food, Slow food) 13. What is “fast food”? a) Organic food b) Hot meal c) Food that need little preparation before being served 14. What are the sources of food? a) Herbs and spices b) Plants and animals c) Food and beverage 15. Name the alcoholic beverages. a) Beer, wine, spirits b) Buttermilk, sour, yogurt c) Tea, coffee, juice

English proverbs An apple a day the doctor away. A hungry belly has no ears. 19



PRE-READING & LISTENING Answer the question before you listen the lecture and read the text: What do you know about skills, knowledge, duties and personal requirements of Food&Beverage Manager in Hospitality Industry? Summarize your own experience, if any, or mention the source of your information (books, films, TV programs, etc.) VOCABULARY LIST to spend − тратить, проводить (время) fundraising dinner – благотворительный ужин (ужин по сбору средств) successful career − успешная карьера opportunities − возможности extensive − 1) громадный, большой; обширный 2)всесторонний catering − общественное питание, кейтеринг leadership − лидерство, руководящая роль manners − манеры appearance - внешность suppliers − поставщики, снабженцы personnel − персонал service standards − стандарты сервиса banquet − банкет food safety − безопасность пишевых продуктов to surround − окружать heart − сердце committed − преданный, приверженный to own − владеть lifestyle − стиль жизни to succeed − добиваться успеха to suggest − предлагать to attract − привлекать establishment − учреждение,

franchise (AmE) − привилегия stable − стабильный income − доход to advise − советовать fairly − довольно, в некоторой степени, должным образом to invest − вкладывать деньги bottom − низ education − образование however − однако upside − положительная сторона, верхняя часть challenge − вызов, сложная задача, проблема chance − шанс to acquire − получать, приобретать, овладевать array − масса, множество, совокупность, набор, комплект exciting − волнующий, захватывающий to grow − расти adult − взрослый (человек) coworker − сотрудник customer − клиент, покупатель pressure − давление budget − бюджет to staff − укомплектовывать штат сотрудников, набирать кадры daily − ежедневный to mind − возражать to fit − подходить, соответствовать vision − видение, представление to work hard − работать усердно to reach goals − добиваться целей


организация to draw − привлекать, притягивать experienced − опытный mature − зрелый floor manager − менеджер зала general manager − главный менеджер to pursue − добиваться, выполнять, заниматься чем-то

to offer − предлагать accounting − бухгалтерское дело publishing − издательское дело marketing − исследование рынка pros and cons − за и против to exist − существовать advancement − продвижение вперед, развитие, достижение, успех to require − требовать

LISTENING & READING Text 2: A career in hospitality The hospitality industry is about people. It’s about how they spend their time and the sort of experiences they are looking for. They could be in a holiday resort or their local pub, at a business conference, a charity fundraising dinner or an international sporting event. Whatever the situation, today’s hospitality manager is shaping the whole experience. This is a well-established course of study designed to develop the wide range of skills and knowledge necessary for a successful career in this dynamic and varied industry. The hospitality industry employs millions of people. It is an exciting industry to work in and recent research by the Hotel Catering and International Management Association showed that 93% of employees were happy in their jobs. The career opportunities are extensive and vary across industry sectors. These include; hotels, pubs, clubs and bars, restaurants, cruise liners, contract catering, retail outlets, fast food restaurants and many more. Within each of these sectors graduates can work in the traditional and exciting operational departments of accommodation and food and beverage or move into supporting departments such as marketing, human resources and finance. The practical experience gives students considerable advantages. A wide variety of placement opportunities is available ranging from high-street catering, hotels and licensed retail establishments through to leisure centers, theme parks and large scale event management. Food and Beverage Manager - Skills & Knowledge. Food and beverage managers need to have: good understanding of current 22

licensing and employment laws; knowledge of food hygiene and health and safety regulations; knowledge of sales and marketing techniques; customer service skills; strong leadership and team management skills; excellent communication skills; good organizational and problem-solving skills; good time management; skill in financial planning; computer skills. Food and Beverage Manager: Personal requirements. Good manager is as important as good cooks. The managers are in direct contact with the employers and customers. Good managers like to work with people and make them happy. They must have good manners. Good managers must be friendly and have to give good and kind service to the customers. The appearance of the managers is very important. Managers work with food and serve customers and they must be neat and clean at all times. Their uniforms must be сlеаn and pressed. Their hair must be short or tied back. Their nails must be clean and tidy. Shoes must be clean and comfortable. Good waiters must have a spare shirt in case the first gets dirty. A food and beverage manager conducts many major tasks in a hotel, on a cruise ship or other establishment that serves meals and drinks. The F&B manager's duties encompass office obligations, including checking budgets, payroll and food order invoices from suppliers. He also hires and schedules servers, bartenders and other food service employees, assigns kitchen staff to cooking and preparation tasks, and determines service standards for personnel. A food director needs a thorough knowledge of international and ethnic cuisine, food preparation and the costs of purchasing items for particular dishes. F&B managers plan menus for restaurants and special events like banquets. It is necessary a good grounding in national and local laws regarding food safety and preparation. Food and beverage managers arrange for purchase and maintenance of stoves, ovens, blenders, cutlery and other items needed to prepare food. Career Progression of Management in Food & Beverage. Why?  Your focus is to learn how to manage the business in the intriguing field of Food & Beverage and related industries;  You have drive and determination; 23

 You want to take your career to the next level;  You are ready to challenge yourself and earn a promising

specialization;  You want to network with the industry leaders at an international level;  You are ready for an innovative curriculum. LISTENING & READING Text 2.1: Is restaurant management on your career menu? Whenever Jerry Westrom interviews a potential management candidate, he talks about all the negatives surrounding the position before going into greater detail about the positives. "I need to know their heart is in it, that they are truly committed," says Westrom, who owns an Ember's Restaurant in Cambridge, Minnesota. "If they seem skeptical about anything, I don't know if they will make it." What Are the Negatives? "Being a restaurant manager is a lifestyle, not a job," says Westrom. "If managers are going to succeed, they will put in 50 to 80 hours per week with high stress levels at times. But once you get everything going, it can be a fun career with very good pay." Westrom suggests potential candidates consider the following: What type of restaurant business are you going into? There is a big difference between fine dining, family style, fast food and a sports bar or restaurant atmosphere. These restaurants attract different employees. A fine dining establishment might draw more experienced, mature employees, while a fast food restaurant or sports bar might interest younger ones. Do you want to be a floor manager, a back-of-the-house manager or a general manager? Each of these positions requires different skills. When pursuing jobs, ask potential employers how long they have been in business, where they see the business growing, what opportunities exist for advancement and what type of managertraining programs they have. "If someone wants a career in this field, try getting in with a franchise for training and a stable income," advises Westrom. "After three to five years, you can look at a privately held restaurant where 24

you can go in as a general manager and demand a pay of $60,000plus for your expertise or partnership." The Positives. Jill Nelsen has worked as a restaurant manager in California and Minnesota and has more than 10 years of experience managing fast food restaurants, such as Taco Bell and Rax Roast Beef. "Restaurant management is great if you like a lot of variety in what you do, like to work really hard and enjoy working with people," she says. "It is a fairly easy field to break into without investing in an education; however you can move up faster and not start at the very bottom if you do have an education." Nelsen says the upside to restaurant management lies in the opportunity to advance quickly, the challenge and the chance to acquire an array of management skills. "I really enjoyed the opportunity to work with young people," she adds: "For many of them, it was their first job, and it was exciting to teach them the value of work and a strong ethic and to watch them grow into adults. Often, working in a restaurant can be like working with a big family." Nelsen suggests asking yourself these 10 questions to help you decide if this is the career for you: 1. Do I like to work with many different types of people, both as coworkers and as customers? 2. Will I mind working all hours of the day and night? 3. Do I like to motivate people to do their best? 4. Will I enjoy the pressures of making a budget, staffing the restaurant and managing daily operations? 5. Will I mind people calling me with questions on my time off? 6. What do I picture for the future, my family and how we spend our time? Do a restaurant manager's hours fit into this vision? 7. Am I highly motivated? 8. Do I like to work hard? 9. Do I like to reach daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals? 10.What does this career offer that others do not? "One last but not least thing to remember about a career in restaurant' management is that with all the training and experience you get, you can move to many different industries and careers," says 25

Nelsen, who went from restaurant management to office management, to sales management to bank accounting, publishing and marketing. by Matt Krumrie

TEXT WORK 2.1 1. Read and translate the text. Try to retell it. 2. Answer the questions: 1. What does Jerry Wilson do when he interviews a potential candidate? 2. Why is he doing that? 3. What are the negatives of a restaurant manager's job? 4. What kind of job is the job of a restaurant manager? 5. What questions should potential candidates consider before working as a restaurant manager? Why? 6. What are career prospects for a restaurant manager? 7. What are the positives of restaurant manager's job? 8. What do restaurant managers need to like and enjoy? 9. What are the upsides of the restaurant management? 10. What do you need to do to decide if the restaurant management is for you? 11. What is the last but not least thing to remember about a career in restaurant management? 3. Pronounce correctly and transcribe. Consult the dictionary if necessary. Heart, to own, to succeed, to suggest, to draw, experienced, mature, to require, pursuing, franchise, expertise, fairly, however, challenge, chance, to acquire, exciting, coworkers, pressure, vision, to reach, goal, accounting, publishing, marketing. 4. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Find and translate sentences with them in the text. Restaurant management, interviews, potential management candidate, detail about the positives, heart is in it, truly committed, they will make it, high stress levels, with very good pay, type of 26

restaurant business, fine dining, fast food, restaurant atmosphere, fine dining establishment, mature employees, floor manager, how long they have been in business, back-of-the-house manager, each of these positions, when pursuing jobs, what opportunities exist for advancement, try getting, privately held restaurant, expertise or partnership, restaurant management is great, a lot of variety in what you do, start at the very bottom, the opportunity to advance quickly, an array of management skills, it was exciting to teach them, value of work, a strong ethic, coworkers, customers, will I mind working all hours, staffing the restaurant, what do I picture for the future, manager's hours fit into this vision, highly motivated, office management, bank accounting. 5. Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Отрицательные стороны должности; если кажется, что они настроены скептично; это не работа, а стиль жизни; чтобы добиться успеха; 50-80 часов в-неделю; веселая карьера; существует большая разница между...; семейный стиль; спортивный бар; привлекать разных сотрудников; привлекать более опытных и зрелых; требует разных умений; потенциальный работодатель; программы обучения менеджеров; стабильный доход; требовать зарплату 60 тысяч долларов в год и более; опыт работы более десяти лет; работать усердно; любить работать с людьми; без инвестиций в образование; однако; продвигаться быстрее; иметь образование; положительная сторона управления рестораном; шанс получить; это было их первое место работы; смотреть, как они становятся взрослыми; эта карьера для тебя; работать с различными людьми; мотивировать людей работать лучше; управлять ежедневной работой; во время выходного дня; достигать целей; последнее, что нужно помнить; обучение и опыт, который вы получаете; перейти работать в другие сферы деятельности; менеджмент по продажам; издательское дело; исследование рынка.


6. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your reasons. For agreement use: I quite agree. I agree with you. I fully agree. I think you are right.

For disagreement use: Actually, I don‘t agree. I don't think that's right. I don't think that's true (correct). Well, I am not sure if that's true (right,correct).

1. Whenever Jerry Westrom interviews a potential management candidate, he talks about all the negatives first. 2. Restaurant managers need to be skeptical. 3. Being a restaurant manager is a lifestyle, not a job. 4. Restaurant management is not a high stress levels job. 5. Restaurant management is a fun career with very good pay. 6. A fine dining establishment or sports bar might draw more experienced, mature employees, while a fast food restaurant might interest younger ones. 7. The positions of a floor manager, a back-of-the-house manager or a general manager require different skills. 8. After three to five years, you can look at a privately held restaurant where you can go in as a general manager and demand a pay of $60,000-plus for your expertise or partnership. 9. Restaurant management is great if you like doing the same all the time. 10. Restaurant management is great if you don't like work really hard. 11. Restaurant management is great if you enjoy working with people. 12. You don't need investing in an education if you want a career in restaurant management. 13. Restaurant management gives the opportunity to advance quickly. 14. Working in a restaurant can be like working with a big family.


VOCABULARY LIST waiter, waitress − официант, официантка dining room − зд. зал ресторана dish − блюдо cuisine − кухня (в смысле национальная, этническая) a lot of − много clean − чистый to dust − вытирать пыль table-cloth = cloth − скатерть napkin − салфетка из ткани cruet-set − прибор для соли, перца и специй vase − ваза to set the table − накрывать стол cover − столовый, прибор spoon − ложка fork − вилка knife − нож staff − персонал to get ready − готовиться

to serve − обслуживать, подавать (еду) headwaiter (фр. maitre-d'hotel) − метрдотель to prepare − готовить(ся) to show to − проводить customer − клиент, посетитель table d'hote dishes − фр. дежурные блюда a la carte dishes − фр. порционные блюда to recommend − рекомендовать liquors − напитки special dishes = specialties − фирменные блюда guests − гости cash − наличные деньги cashier − кассир to leave − уходить, уезжать, оставлять, покидать to receive − принимать to have a good time − хорошо проводить время

READING & SPEAKING Text 2.2: Waiter's working day Martin works as a waiter at the restaurant «Russian Style». It is a big restaurant in the centre of the city. The dining room of the restaurant is decorated in Russian style. The restaurant is famous for its dishes of Russian cuisine. Martin is twenty-five and he already works at this restaurant for three years. He usually comes to work at ten, o'clock in the morning. He has a lot of work to do. He dusts his tables and chairs, changes table-cloths on the tables and the flowers in the vases. Then he sets his tables for dinner. He brings cruet-sets, napkins, menucards and puts clean covers − plates, glasses, spoons, forks and 29

knives on his tables. All the staff in the dining room − headwaiter, waiters and waitresses − get ready to receive guests. Lunch, begins at one o'clock. The guests come to the restaurant. The headwaiter meets them in the hall, greets them and shows them to their tables. Martin and other waiters serve lunch till five o'clock. They recommend dishes and vines (liquors) to the customers. The customers choose table d'hote or a la carte dishes. Dinner begins at six and Martin serves the guests till eleven. He recommends them special dishes or specialties of the restaurant. The guests eat, drink and have a good time. They usually leave the restaurant at midnight. Martin counts the money and gives the cash to the cashier, cleans the tables and then he is free to go home. He likes his work because it is interesting. Customers decide to eat at this or that restaurant for many reasons. Sometimes they like the menu of this restaurant and the reputation of the place. Sometimes they like the pleasant atmosphere, the music, or the quality of the food and its price. Customers always choose the restaurants with good service by the waiters. Good waiters are very important in the restaurant businesses in which they work. They make a friendly atmosphere and give good and kind service to the customers. Customers visit restaurants with good service and they want to come there again. When customers have a good time in the restaurant they tell their friends about it. Good waiters are as important as good cooks. TEXT WORK 2.2 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. day? 7. 8.

Answer the questions: What is Martin's profession? Where does he work? When does he come to work? What are the duties of a waiter? Is the appearance of the waiters important? What does the waiter put on the table for dinner every When do the guests come to dinner? What does the headwaiter do? 30

8. Do the waiters recommend table d'hote and a la carte dishes to the guests? 9. When do the guests leave the restaurant? 10. Why do customers decide to eat at this or that restaurant? 11.Are good waiters important in the restaurant business? 2. Translate into Russian: 1. Михаил работает официантом в ресторане. 2. Он приходит на работу в десять часов утра. 3. Официанты, офи-циантки и метрдотели готовят зал к обеду. 4. Гости приходят в одиннадцать часов. 5. Посетителям нравится атмосфера в ресторане «Русский Стиль». Им нравится качество еды и ее цена. 6. Гости посещают рестораны с хорошим обслуживанием. 7. Официанты рекомендуют порционные блюда и дежурные блюда на обед. 8. Если гостям нравится обслуживание они снова приходят в ресторан сами и рассказывают о нем своим друзьям. 9. Официанты рекомендуют фирменные блюда для обеда. 10. Обед подается до семи часов вечера. 11. Хорошие официанты очень важны в ресторанном бизнесе. 12. Официанты создают приятную атмосферу и хорошо обслуживают клиентов. 13. Официанты должны быть всегда чистыми и опрятными? потому что они работают с пищей и обслуживают посетителей. 14. Официанты обслуживают гостей до полуночи. 15. Гости хорошо проводят время вечером. 3. Give a summary of the texts. DISCUSSION Work in pairs or groups: a)When you have read the text, tell it to your partner. Then listen to that of your partner. Ask each other as many questions as you can to learn further details or clarify some points. b) Divide into two groups. One group describes the negatives of restaurant management. The other group describes the positives. Discuss pros and cons of restaurant management. Discussion points: 1. Would you like to work as a restaurant manager? Why? 31

2. Restaurant management is a career for hardworking and people- oriented people. 3. Restaurant management offers the quickest career advancement. 4. You need a career in restaurant management if you want to move to many different industries and careers. 5. Restaurant management is a very interesting and challenging career with very good pay. 6. Restaurant management work has many advantages comparing with other positions in travel and hospitality industries. c) Read, memorize and dramatize the dialogue 2. Dialogue 2 Waiter: Good evening! I'm at your service. What would you like? Customer: I’d like a cup of coffee and some pastry. Waiter: We've got a big choice Customer: What drinks would you recommend for coffee? Waiter: For coffee we serve cognacs and liqueurs. Customer: Then, coffee with liqueur and an apple pie, please. Waiter: Very good, here is your coffee and an apple pie! Enjoy your meal! Customer: Thank you! Twenty minutes later... Customer: Could we have the bill, please? Waiter: Your bill, please Customer: Can I pay by card? Waiter: Yes, of course Customer: Thanks, that was delicious! Waiter: See you again in our restaurant. CHECK YOUSELF. TEST FOR UNIT 2 1. Food & Beverage manager shouldn't have a) Customer service skills


b) Quarreling with clients c) Skills in financial planning 2. a) b) c) 3. cooks a) b) c)

Personal requirements for F&B managers To have good manners, good appearance Friendly, kind and good service to the customers All answers are correct Fill in with appropriate word. Good manager is as _____ as good Important Much Bad

4. a) b) c)

What is the responsibility of F&B manager? Cooking a meal Wash up Planning menu, conduct major tasks in a hotel

5. a) b) c)

What responsibility does not refer to the F&B manager? Checking budgets Assign kitchen staff Serving beverages

6. a) b) c)

F&B manager should have: Knowledge about medicines Expensive clothes Good manner

7. a) b) c)

Who is F&B manager? A person who controls traffic rules A person who conducts major tasks in a hotel concerning meal & drink A person who sell clothes

8. According to Jill Nelson, “ working in a restaurant can be like working with __________________” a) Waiters b) Dogs c) A big family 9. Translate into English. Быть менеджером ресторана -это не работа, а стиль жизни. a) Being a restaurant manager is a lifestyle, not a job.


b) Restaurant management is a great if you like a lot of variety in what you do. c) I like my job and I am a restaurant manager. d) Being a restaurant manager is an anguish, not a job 10. Customers always choose the restaurants with… a) Good service by the waiters b) Bad service c) Less choice of meal 11. Good waiter must be a) Clean and tidy b) Polite and friendly c) All answers are correct 12. What is very important in the restaurant business? a) Quality of service, food safety, comfort b) Money, music, dress code c) Price, waiters, status of contingents 13. Fill in with appropriate word. Good waiters must have _______ in case the shirt gets dirty. a) Money b) A spare shirt c) An apron 14. Translate into Russian. Good waiters like to work with people and make them happy. a) Хороший официант любит работать с людьми и делать их счастливыми. b) Хороший официант любит свою работу и делает счастливым менеджера. c) Хороший официант любит своих клиентов и делает их счастливыми. 15. Translate into English. Внешность официанта очень важна. a) Waiter must have good manners. b) The appearance of the waiters is very important. c) Shoes must be clean and comfortable

English proverbs Honesty is the best policy. A sound mind in a sound body. 34



PRE-LISTENING & READING Answer the question before you listen the lecture and read the text: What do you know about Staff Management in the Hospitality Industry and restaurant business? What types of staff are there in a restaurant? Summarize your own experience, if any, or mention the source of your information (books, films, TV programs, etc.) VOCABULARY LIST is located - расположен famous - знаменитый to cater - кормить, обслуживать performance - представление cutlery - cтоловыё приборы manage - управлять main course - основное блюдо meat dishes - мясные блюда sauce - соус market - рынок until - до тех пор, пока necessary - необходимый recently - недавно supplier - поставщик provisions - продукты, провизия sparkling - сверкающий variety - множество, разнообразие . to divide - делить head chef - шеф-повар heavy meals- обильная еда during - вo время accounts - счета to check - проверять to organize -организовывать telephone answering machine автоответчик reservations - предварительный заказ мест, бронирование effectively - эффективно finances - финансы both... and - как... так и atmosphere - атмосфера

to determine - определять popularity - популярность , success - успех headwaiter (maitre d'hotel) - старший официант (метрдотель) barman -бармен skilled -квалифицированный, опытный experience - опыт job - работа to control - управлять to coordinate - координировать to arrive - прибывать, приходить, приезжать recipe - рецепт strong drinks - крепкие напитки to change - зд. переодеваться capable - способный to earn - зарабатывать apprentice - ученик pate - паштет to fall падать to cut резать, рубить garnish - гарнир decoration - украшение fully trusts - полностью доверять hors d'oeuvres - закуска (франц.) entree - горячая закуска dessert - десерт kitchen hand - кухонный рабочий to slice - нарезать ломтиками mushroom - гриб to peel - очищать (фрукты, овощи) чистить, снимать кожуру


LISTENING & READING Text 3: Restaurant "Morris". The staff and its duties Restaurant «Morris» is located in a place famous for its theatres and cinemas. It is a big restaurant. It can cater many guests at a time. People usually come here to eat before the performance. The restaurant hall has modern design with light-blue carpet and walls, black chairs and white table-cloths, sparkling cutlery and glasses. The menu offers a variety of dishes from which the guests can choose. This is called an a la carte menu. «Morris» is an elegant restaurant, with special service and fine food. All dishes are always fresh. The restaurant is open for dinner from 6 o'clock to 11 o'clock in the evening six days a week from Tuesday to Sunday» It is closed on Monday because the staff has a rest. There are ten people on the staff. They can be divided into two groups. One group works in the dining room. They serve the customers. Another groups works in the kitchen. They prepare meals for the customers. The head chef, Mr. Escoffier comes to work at 10 o'clock in the morning. He made a new summer menu with many summer fruits and vegetables. He knows that people do: not want heavy meals during hot weather. The head chef works all day, often more than 8 hours a day. Mr. Escoffier plans the menu and manages the staff in the kitchen. The head chef cooks meat dishes and sauces for the main course. Today is Friday, a very busy day for the restaurant. Mr. Escoffier starts work early at 8 o'clock because she must go to the market to buy fruit and vegetables for the weekend. This is not usually necessary, but the restaurant has recently changed suppliers. Today he must buy provisions herself until she finds new good suppliers. Mr. Escoffier will return to the restaurant at 10 o'clock and will start preparing the evening meals. On Fridays, Mr. Black, the manager, prepares the accounts for the suppliers and organizes the work for the next week. Mr. Black's first 37

task in the morning is to check the telephone answering machine. He wants to know about the reservations for the next week. He manages both the dining room staff and the kitchen staff. He also effectively manages the finances of the restaurant. The service staff. The waiters who work in the dining room create the atmosphere that determines restaurant's popularity, so their work is important to the success of the restaurant. The headwaiter (maitre d'hotel), Martin, and the barman, Bob, come to the restaurant before it opens. Martin is a skilled headwaiter. He has many years of experience in this and other restaurants. The main part of his job is to control and coordinate the work of the staff in the dining room. He also greets the guests when they arrive and shows them to their tables. Bob, the barman, is very experienced in wines and cocktails. He knows a lot of recipes of cocktails and strong drinks. The waiters in the dining room come half an hour before the opening. First they wash their hands and change into their uniforms. Then they set the tables before the guests arrive. The three waiters serve several tables covers. Their job is to take the order and to serve the meal to their guests. One of the waiters, Nancy, is very capable and experienced and can help Martin if necessary. The second waiteг, Laura, is new to the job, but she has already worked in other restaurants. The third waiter, Nick, wants to earn some money and travel to Europe to get experience in some of the hotel restaurants in European cities. He wants to become a headwaiter and restaurant manager one day. He makes his work well and he likes to work with people The kitchen staff. The kitchen staff begins their day at three o'clock in the afternoon. The second chef, David, is a very good cook and he is able to make Anna's work when she is away. David does his work with the help of his apprentice Jim. He makes the pates, the ice cream and desserts. David also prepares the main course meat dishes and then Anna cooks them. Jim, the apprentice, works two months already, and has learned a lot of things in a short time. Jim thinks that a chef's job is rather 38

difficult. He is sometimes so tired in the evening that at home he can do nothing but fall into bed. But this work is interesting for him. He cleans , cuts and prepares the vegetables and makes fruit salads. He learns to make garnishes and decorations on the dishes. He is happy because David fully trusts him. Today he will make the hors d'oeuvres, some of the entrees, main course and dessert dishes. Mary is the kitchen hand. She works in the kitchen. She must keep the kitchen clean. She helps to slice mushrooms, peel potatoes and. wash the dishes. Mary's role is very important at the restaurant. The kitchen is always clean. READING & SPEAKING Text 3.1: Usefull information for everyone Sandwiches are taken with hand. If sandwiches are prepared for hors-d'oevres use a knife and a fork. Take bread with hand and put it on your sideplate. Bread is eaten by small pieces. Tear them off over your plate. Don't spread butter on the whole piece of bread. Tear off small pieces and butter each of them. When caviar is served first put it on your plate, and then spread on small pieces of bread. Hot hors-d'oevres are eaten with a fork. Hot fish dishes are eaten with a fish knife and fork. Soup is eaten slowly and silently. If soup is very hot, don't stir it with a spoon; it is better to wait until it cools down. Having finished leave the spoon on a plate. Cold fish dishes as well as hot smoked fish deli are eaten with the help of fish cutlery. Meat dishes - pork and mutton chops, beef-steaks, fillet and others are eaten with a knife and fork. Hold the knife in your right hand and the fork in the left. With a fork in your right hand you can eat soft dishes - cutlets, omelets etc., when the usage of knife is needless. 39

When you eat hot meat dishes do not cut the whole piece of meat at once. Cut small-sized pieces, and then eat them with a fork. In this case hot meat will not cool down fast. Fried chicken and game, asparagus and crawfishes are taken with hand. Lobsters are eaten with a special fork. Sturgeon is eaten only with a fork too. Take mustard and salt with special small spoons. Put mustard onto the bottom of the plate at the right side. Soft-boiled eggs are served in a special egg-glass. Cut the top of the shell with a knife and put s it on the saucer. Eat the egg with a teaspoon. Fried eggs and omelet with ham are eaten with a fork in the tight hand. You can help with a slice of bread, holding it in the left hand. Apples and pears are cut with a fruit knife on а plate lengthways into four or eight parts. Berries - raspberries, strawberries with sugar are eaten with a teaspoon. Watermelons and melons are served already cut in pieces and unpeeled. Put a piece of a watermelon on the plate with the peel downward. Cut off thin slices with a fruit knife and eat them with a fork. Mango is cut in two halves on a plate. Take out the bone and eat the pulp with a spoon. A pineapple its peeled and cut across in thin slices. It is eaten with a knife and fork. Eat puddings and ice creams with a dessert spoon. After meals always put fork and knife on the plate, not on the table. TEXT WORK 3 - 3.1 1. Read and translate the texts. Try to retell them. 2. Give a summary of the texts. 3. Answer the questions: 1. Where is «Morris» restaurant located? 40

2. Is it a big restaurant? 3. What is the design of the restaurant hall? 4. What are the working hours of the restaurant? 5. When is the restaurant closed? 6. How many people are there on the staff? 7. Who is the head chef? 8. When does the head chef come to work? 9. What are the duties of the head- chef? 10. What are the duties of the manager? 11. What are the duties of the headwaiter? 12. What are the duties of the waiters? 13. How many waiters are there in the dining room? 14. What are the names of the waiters at «Morris» restaurant 15. When does the kitchen staff begin their work? 16. What does the second chef do in the kitchen? 17. What does the apprentice do in the kitchen? 18. What are the duties of the kitchen hand 4. Put some questions to the text 3.1. 5. Translate into English: 1. Шеф-повар начинает работу раньше. Почему? 2. Шеф-повар планирует меню и сам работает на кухне. 3. Шеф-повар работает больше, чем 8 часов в день. 4. Кто готовит мясные блюда и соусы? 5. Ресторан недавно сменил поставщиков. 6. Работа официанта важна для успеха ресторана. 7. Метрдотель приветствует гостей, когда они приходят, и проводит их к столикам. 8. Бармен знает много рецептов коктейлей и напитков. 9. Официанты переодеваются в свою форменную одежду. 10. Они накрывают столы прежде, чем приходит гости. 11. Официанты обслуживают несколько столов. Они берут заказы и подают еду гостям. 12. Ученик на кухне чистит, нарезает и готовит овощи и делает фруктовые салаты. 13. Ученик учится делать гарниры и украшения на блюдах. 41

14. Сегодня он будет делать закуски и десертные блюда. 15. Кухонный работник чистит овощи и моет посуду. DISCUSSION Work in pairs or groups: a) Divide into two groups. One group describes the service staff of restaurant management. The other group describes the kitchen staff. Discuss pros and cons of service and kitchen jobs. b) Translate key points into English and discuss in the class: 1. Шеф-повар - это лицо ресторана 2. Метрдотель управляет работой персонала в зале. 3. Менеджер готовит счета для поставщиков и организует работу официантов и поваров. 4. Официанты создают атмосферу, которая определяет популярность ресторана. 5. Персонал кухни обеспечивает качество еды c) Useful information for dialogue 3. Greetings when meeting guests. Seeing out the guests.  We are pleased to welcome you our restaurant, hotel!  Welcome to our restaurant! We are happy to receive you.  Welcome, dear guests! Good morning (afternoon, evening), dear guests!  You are welcome! I am pleased to meet you. We are glad to meet you.  (It's) Nice to meet you.  I hope you will have a pleasant evening at our restaurant.  Let me introduce myself. I am your headwaiter. I am your waiter. My name is Bob.  Meet my friend, Mr. John.  See you soon. Come again! Hope to meet you again.  We are not saying good-bye.  Good luck to you! Same to you!  See you later! See you tomorrow! − Best regards to your friend. d) Read, solve the crossword and memorize the terms 42




4 5



8 9 10








Down 1 A place where people can sit around and drink alcoholic beverages in a restaurant. (3) 2 A drink that many people have with dessert. (6) 3 Something you use to cut meat. (5) 4 Another word for a drink. (8) 6 The noon meal. (5) 7 Something you might need to get into a busy restaurant. (11) 9 Someone who serves you food. (6) 10 The morning meal. (9) 12 Something, usually sweet, that you eat after dinner. (7) 14 The evening meal (6) 16 The total amount that you have to pay for a meal. (4)


Across 2 Someone who makes food in a cheap restaurant. (4) 4 A meal between breakfast and lunch. (6) 5 Someone who makes food in an expensive restaurant. (4) 8 This describes what you can eat at a restaurant. (4) 11 Something you eat before the main meal. (9) 12 If everybody pays for their own food then you go __________. (5) 13 A side dish with lettuce and other vegetables. (5) 15 What the cook places your food on. (5) 16 A meal where you help yourself from a table with a variety of dishes. (6) 17 Long, stringy food. (7) 18 Something you give your waiter if the service is good. (3)




1. Large fork Used as main fork or serving fork. 2. Large knife Used as main knife. 3. Small fork (dessert fork) as • Entree fork • Salad fork • Dessert (or pudding) fork • Fruit fork. • 4. Small knife used as • Side knife (for buttering bread or spreading pate) • Entrie knife • Cheese knife • Fruit knife.

5. Steak knife with serrated edge 6. Fish knife used for • Fish • Serving large items. 7. Fish fork. 8. Large spoon used for serving. 9.Medium spoon used for • desserts or puddings. 10. Soup spoon. 11. Small spoon (teaspoon) used for • Tea and coffee • Cocktails (e.g., fruit сocktails) • Ice creams • Sugar spoon.



Standard set of tableware: 1. Large plate (dinner plate) Used for the main course. 2. Middle-sized plate (side plate). Used as a side plate and also for salads, cheese and fruit. 3. Small plate. Used for bread and rolls, also for cheese, fruit and cake. 4. Soup bowl. Used for cream soups. 5. Consomme bowl and saucer Used for clear soups. 6. Large soup tureen (with lid). 7. Tea or coffee cup and saucer. 8. Salad bowl



Where the restaurant «Morris» is located? In a place famous for its theatres and cinemas In the mountains In the centre of the town

2. a) b) c)

In which days of the week the restaurant are open? From Monday to Thursday On Tuesdays and Saturdays From Tuesday to Sunday

3. Why the restaurants usually are closed on Monday? a) Because the staff have a rest b) Because there is no food c) Because of cleaning works 4. a) b) c)

How many people are there in the staff? 8 9 10

5. a) b) c)

The staff divided into two groups. Who are they? One group serve the customers, the second prepare meal One group clean the restaurant, the second serves clients First group decorates the restaurant, the second purchases dining needs.

6. a) b) c)

What are the obligations of the head chef? Prepare meals, serve clients Plans the menu and manages the staff in the kitchen Cleans the floor, decorates the restaurant

7. a) b) c)

What is the first task of Mr. Black in the morning? To check the telephone answering machine out To prepare the accounts for the suppliers To organize the work for the suppliers

8. a) b) c)

Who comes to the restaurant before it opens? Head chef and the barman Kitchen staff Headwaiter and the barman


9. a) b) c)

What is the main part of headwaiter’s job? To greet the kitchen staff To prepare meals to control and coordinate the work of the staff

10. When does the kitchen staff begin to work? a) 9 a.m b) 10 a.m c) 3 p.m 11. What’s the apprentice’s name? a) David b) Jim c) Anna 12. Where does Mary work? a) In the dining room b) In the bar c) In the kitchen 13. What are the waiter obligations? a) To take the order and to serve meals to their guests b) To clean, cut and prepare vegetables and make fruit salads c) To make garnishes and decorate the dishes 14. Bob , the barman, is very experienced in ________ a) Salads and meals b) Drinks and desserts c) Wines and cocktails 15. Who wants to become a headwaiter and restaurant manager one day? a) Nick b) Bob c) Laura

English proverb Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.




PRE-LISTENING & READING Answer the question before you listen the lecture and read the text: What do you know about styles of food service? What types of styles are there in catering establishments? Summarize your own experience, if any, or mention the source of your information (books, films, TV programs, etc.) VOCABULARY LIST catering establishments – предприятия питания cafeteria – кафетерий snack bar – бар-закусочная : to demand – требовать common – обычный,общий■ buffet service – буфетное обслуживание Swedish Board – «шведский стол» convenient – удобный | to arrange – устраивать, располагать snack-plates – тарелки для накладывания еды tray – поднос to plaсе – помещать separate – отдельный plate service – подача блюд на тарелках "в обнос" principal – главный item – предмет

cutlery – ножи, ложки, вилки tableware – приборы для сервировки стола glassware – стеклянная посуда (стаканы, рюмки, бокалы) crockery – посуда из фаянса (тарелки, чашки, блюдца и проч.) folded – сложенный at the left side – слева at the right side – справа napkin – салфетка edge – край blade – лезвие to wipe – вытирать to polish – полировать tip – кончик ashtray – пепельница to face left – смотреть влево. stuffed – фаршированный

LISTENING & READING Text 4: Styles of food service There are many types of catering establishments. They are big first class restaurants in five-star hotels, small restaurants, cafeterias, snack bars and fast-food restaurants. They serve different types of customers. They are families, groups of tourists, business people, children etc. They all demand different style of service. There are


various basic styles of food service in restaurants of different types. The most common styles are: Buffet service is often called the "Swedish Board". This system of food service is very convenient for the guests — they needn't wait for the waiters and bills. This is really self-service. Breakfast is served from 8 to 10, lunch from 12 to 15, dinner from 18 to 20. As a rule this type of food service is arranged in hotels for big groups of tourists, and also for conferences and congresses. The counters with snacks and dishes, and snack-plates and trays for taking food are placed in the centre of the dining hall. The tables are near the walls. The guests come up to the Swedish Board and put the meals, appetizers and salads on the snack-plates themselves. Then they put everything on the trays and take their seats at the tables. The assortment of appetizers, dishes and beverages is usually rich. The guests can taste a little of each dish. Desserts are usually placed on a separate table. The waiter's role is to clear the tables and serve drinks. The waiters can also help the guests if necessary. Cafeteria service. In cafeteria service the guests collect their plates with dishes on a tray as they move along the counter. At the end of the counter there is a cash desk. There the customers pay for the dishes they have chosen. This kind of service is usually used in; cafeterias, snack bars and canteens. This is the simplest form of service in the restaurants. All the food is put on the plates in the kitchen. The waiters take it and place on the table front of the guest. The principal item the dish should be put nearest to the customer, and the garnish vegetables should be arranged around the main item. ТЕХТ WORK 4 1. Read and translate the text. Try to retell it. 2. Give a summary of the text. 3. Answer the questions: 1. What are the types of catering establishments? 2. What are the types of customers? 3. Is the «Swedish Board» соnvenient for the guests? 4. What groups of people usually use the «Swedish Board»?


5. Where are the counters with snacks and dishes placed in the «Swedish Board»? 6. Where are the desserts placed in the «Swedish Board» ? 7. What is the waiter's role in the «Swedish Board»? 8. Where is cafeteria service used? 9. Where do the customers pay for the dishes in cafeteria service? 10. What is plate service at the restaurants? 4. Translate into English: 1. В разных предприятиях питания разные стили обслуживания, потому, что они обслуживают различные типы клиентов. 2. Самообслуживание «Шведский стол» очень удобно для гостей, они не должны ждать официантов и счет. 3. «Шведский стол» используется для больших групп туристов, а также для конференций и конгрессов. 4. Ассортимент закусок, блюд и напитков обычно богат. 5. Гости могут попробовать все блюда. 6. Официанты могут помогать гостям если необходимо. LISTENING & READING Тext 4.1: Food service The range of food service found in hotels and restaurants today is extensive. Table service is food service served to the customer's table by waiters and waitressess, also known as "servers". Table service is the norm in most restaurants, while for some fast food restaurants counter service is the common form. For pubs and bars, table service is the norm in the United States whereas counter service is the norm in the United Kingdom. With table service, the customer generally pays at the end of meal. Various methods of table service can be provided. There are, for instance, gueridon silver, plate and sejfservice service. In the first category, there are restaurants offering the highest grade of service with a full a la carte menu. This includes dishes 51

served by the waiter from a trolley in the dining room, and is known as gueridon service. The gueridon waiter must always be skilled, for he has to carry out procedures such as filleting (нарезка филе), carving, and cooking specialty dishes at the table. Gueridon service is a form of food service provided by restaurants to their guests. This type of service encompasses preparing food (primarily salads, main dishes such as beef stroganoff, or desserts) in direct view of the guests, using a "Gueridon". A gueridon typically consists of a trolley that is well equipped to prepare, cook and serve the food to the guest. There will be a gas hob, chopping board, cutlery drawer, cold store (depending on the trolley type) and general working area. A second, less complicated, type of service is silver service where the menu can be either a la carte or table d'hote. In this system, the food is prepared in the kitchen and then put on to silver flats and presented to the guests in the dining room. A third form of table service, used mainly with a table d'hote menu, is plate service. Hеrе, the waiter receives the meal already plated from the service hotplate and only has to place it in front of the guest and make sure that the correct cover is laid and the necessary accompaniments are on the table. Plate service is often offered where there is a rapid turnover and speedy service is necessary. It also demands less equipment for the service of the meal and is, therefore, labour-saving in such tasks as washing-up. In a fourth type of service, called self-service, a customer collects a tray from the service counter, chooses his dishes and selects the appropriate cutlery for the meal. Counter service is a form of service in restaurants, pubs, and bars where food or drinks are ordered at the counter. Counter service is also called "bar service" in the case of pubs and bars where the counter is also called the bar. Counter service is compared with table service where service is provided at the table. With counter service, the customer generally pays before consuming the food or drink. Some fast food restaurants offer only counter service while table service is the common form in most restaurants. For pubs and bars, bar service is the norm in the United Kingdom and the Republic of 52

Ireland whereas table service is the norm in the United States and Continental Europe. Today, with ever-increasing needs for economy, many establishments usually prefer a variety of types of service. Tourist hotels, for example, frequently offer a combination of self-service and plate service for breakfast and another combination of selfservice and silver service for luncheon. How to lay a cover. When you lay a cover you need the following cutlery and tableware: main knife and fork; fish knife and fork; soup spoon; side plate; side knife; glassware; napkin. Rules of setting a table:  Put the cutlery, crockery and glasses on the table before the guests come;  Wipe and polish all cutlery and glassware before you put them on the tables;  Put the main knife arid fork 1cm from the edge of the table;  Put the side plates at the left side;  Put the side knives on the side plate;  The blades of all knives must face left;  Put the wine glasses in front of the main knife;  Put a folded napkin in the centre of the side plate or at the right side of the cutlery;  A vase for flowers, cruets-sets and an ashtray are in the center of the table. Special terms: Many terms related to restaurant business and meals are of French origin! There are some of them: 1. a la carte menu, фр. − ресторанное меню с указанием цены каждого блюда 2. gueridon service, фр. − обслуживание у столика; приготовление блюд непосредственно на виду у посетителей 3. gueridon, фр. − круглый столик на одной ножке 4. table d'hote, фр. − общий обеденный (хозяйский) стол; табльдот; комплексный обед 5. hors-d'oeuvre, фр. − закуска; добавочное блюдо 6. tips − чаевые (сокращ.«to insure promptness») 53

TEXT WORK 4. 1 1. Read and translate the text. Try to retell it. 2. Give a summary of the text. 3. Answer the questions: 1. What kinds of skills does a waiter require for gueridon service 2. Why is plate service labour-saving? 3. What kinds of service are used with a table d'hote menu? 4. What is the difference between silver service and plate service 5. Why is self-service often used by hotels? 6. Do we set the table before the guests arrive? 7. What do we do with cutlery, crockery and glassware before we put them on the table? 8. Where do we put the main knife and fork? 9. Where do we put side plates? 10. Where do we put side knives? 11. Where do we put wine glasses? 12. Where do we put a folded napkin? 13. Where do we put flowers, cruets-sets and an ashtray? 4. Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions from the text: a) extensive range of food service; b) dishes served from a trolley; c) filleting and carving; d) the meal plated from the service hotplate; e) the necessary accompaniments; f) a rapid turnover; g) labour-saving; h) washing-up; i) to select the appropriate cutlery; j) ever-increasing needs. READING & SPEAKING Text 4. 2: Food preparation and dezign Appetizers. It is common for a customer to choose a meal consisting of three courses, the first course usually being a soup or appetizer. An appetizer stimulates the appetite. Appetizers need to be tasty and attractive in color. Portions should be small, as they only 54

stimulate the appetite. Appetizers are usually served with a sauce or garnish. Examples include smoked salmon, seafood cocktail, fruit cocktails, asparagus, avocado and caviar. Cold hors d'oeuvres, an assortment of foods, which are well seasoned to stimulate the appetite, are served as a first course. The foods used include meat, poultry, fish, game, eggs, vegetables, salads and fruits. There are many standard recipes for making hors-d'oeuvres, but the cook can create new ones. Hors-d'oeuvres. Hors-d'oeuvres can be served in a number of ways depending on the establishment: A single serve to each guest from a selection of I foods such as melons, asparagus, artichokes, cold vegetables, fruit, fish, meats, eggs, pates, cocktails, caviar, smoked salmon and oysters. Each is served on a suitable base such as lettuce leaves or rice on attractive serving plates. The customer usually selects only one item. A platter of hors-d'oeuvres for a number of guests. Foods suitable for hors-d'oeuvres include:  vegetables − asparagus, tomatoes, artichokes, olives, melons, fruits, radishes;  meat − salami, ham, chicken, kabana, cold beef, pate;  fish − mussels, smoked oyster, smoked salmon, herrings, lobster, sardines, anchovies, caviar;  combined foods − stuffed eggs, stuffed vine leaves, potato salad, egg mayonnaise. Hors-d'oeuvres on stics. Ideas for foods on sticks include: cheese cube with a fresh grape, giace cherry, stuffed olive, pickled onion, wedge of pineapple or a mandarin or orange segment; white cocktail onion and a slice of frankfurter or kabana. Canapes. Canapes are small pre-dinner snacks. They have a base of some kind − a bread or biscuit − topped with sliced foods and a decoration. The base must be thin, and is usually made from white or brown bread, which has been toasted. The base can be cut into many shapes, either square, rectangle, triangle, diamond, star, round, oval or in fingers. This is spread with a paste, which is then garnished and decorated. Canapes must be cut small to allow only one to two bites. They should be prepared on the day and served on attractive platters with a suitable centre piece. Bases suitable for canapes include: 55

bread (white, brown, rye), unsweetened biscuits/crisp breads or rice wafers. Preparing canapes. Remove the crusts from three sides of a whole loaf of white/brown bread, which is a day old. Slice the bread lengthwise to obtain long slices of bread. Toast each side and butter or shallow fry with butter. When cool, cover with spreads and add foods such as caviar, sardines, oysters, smoked salmon, ham, lobster, cold meats, pates, poultry, shrimps, tomato, asparagus, artichoke or any food combination. Decorate the canape with an appropriate garnish. Garnishes include butter, olives, pickled onions, dill cucumber, radish, walnuts, sliced hard-boiled eggs and lemon/orange slices. The combinations of foods are limited only by the imagination. Put the canapes in the refrigerator to cool. Slice the canapes into the required shapes, according to the decoration or garnish. Food carving. Carving is making or shaping by cutting, sculpturing, or engraving on some material in an artistic or decorative manner. There are a lot of types of carving: Bone carving, Chip carving, Gourd carving, Ice carving, Ivory carving, Stone carving, Petroglyph, Food carving, Vegetable carving, Wood carving, Meat carving, Skiing or snowboarding carving style, and etc. The art of carving foods is an Eastern custom that has been adopted by creative food preparers around the world. In Thailand and Japan food carving is considered part of the presentation of the meal. The art story of Vegetable and Fruit Carving dates back to more than 700 years ago in Sukhothai, the Capital of the Thai people, in what is now called Central Thailand. There a story of a King who asked one of his servants; how she could make the festival Loi Kratong more beautiful. The servant suggested vegetable fruit carvings to decorate the table during festivities and since then this tradition has carried on. There are schools and institutes available internationally for training and conducting such classes and courses in vegetable and fruit carving and you could even find free training lessons, videos and step by step lessons on the internet. For more information, see: The art of fruit and vegetables carving


TEXT WORK 4. 2 1. Read and translate the text. Try to retell it. 2. Give a summary of the text. 3. Put some questions to the text. 4. Translate into English: Сервировка стола. Существует множество вариантов сер-вировки: для разных завтраков, банкетов, коктейлей, специи-фических блюд (сыр, лобстер, устрицы, копченая рыба) и т.д. Типовая сервировка для обеда представлена на рисунке. Что касается столовых приборов, то существует два основных подхода. При первом подходе кладутся два ножа, две вилки, суповая ложка, десертные ложки и вилки, а официант, в зависимости от заказа клиента, убирает ненужные приборы. При втором - кладутся один нож, одна вилка, салфетка и тарелка для масла и хлеба. Официант в зависимости от заказа добавляет необходимые приборы.

Типовая сервировка для обеда: а) тарелка для хлеба; 6) нож для масла; в) вилка для рыбы; г) вилка для мяса; д) приборы для десерта; е) салфетка; ж) бокалы для напитков; з) нож для мяса; и) нож для рыбы; к) ложка для супа При обслуживании клиентов официант должен вы-полнить следующие операции: рассадить гостей, подать меню; налить воду; принять заказ на аперитив/коктейль − принести заказ; принять заказ по 57

меню, предложить вина; убрать посуду после аперитива; принести закуски; убрать посуду после закусок; принести первые блюда; убрать посуду; принести главное (второе) блюдо (entree); блюдо сначала демонстрируется гостю, который должен подтвердить заказ и быть удовлетворен его внешним видом; убрать посуду; предложить десерт; убрать посуду; предложить кофе, коньяк; выписать счет (не на глазах у клиента), получить деньги, помочь выйти из-за стола, по-прощаться с клиентом (при этом чаевые на глазах у клиента считать не рекомендуется); •убрать стол. Требования к официанту: • соблюдение личной гигиены и определенного внешнего вида (форма чистая и отглаженная, руки чистые, минимум украшений и умеренная косметика у женщин); • знание меню. Официант должен объяснить из чего и как готовится то или иное блюдо; • умение общаться с клиентом (вежливость, такт, терпение, тон голоса, улыбка); • умение работать быстро, но без суеты. Блюда должны подаваться горячими. • умение работать в коллективе. Помимо общих требований официант должен обладать еще множеством чисто профессиональных навыков: уметь вовремя оказаться за спиной гостя, чтобы долить вино, предложить второй коктейль (когда от первого осталась 1/4), налить воды, должен уметь предложить закуску, если приготовление основного блюда задерживается, красиво разместить еду на тарелке, не показывать своего возможно отрицательного отношения к некоторым блюдам, правильно формулировать свои предложения клиенту, чтобы не получить в ответ отказ.

5. Find information and tell about different types of sandwiches: Open Sandwiches; Plain Sandwiches; Pinwheels Sandwiches; Closed Tea Sandwiches; Ribbon Sandwiches; Mosaic Sandwiches, and etc. DISCUSSION Work in pairs or groups: a ) Read the answers on question from Internet "Can you give me some different styles of food services. Please explain each and


illustrate the different ways of serving food" and try to give and determine your own opinion. The answers are as follows: Answer 1. There are essentially three main ways: Buffet style is when food is set up on a table from which guests serve themselves. Family-style is when dishes are placed/passed around the dining table and guests help themselves to whatever size portion they want. Sit-down style is when food is already composed on the plate and is served to guests that way. Answer 2. The most commonly known food service are: 1. French Service; 2. English Service;3. Russian Service (also buffet style);4. Trolley Service; 5. American style food service Answer 3. Formal, informal, buffet, family style, picnic, potluck. Potluck dinner / supper − 1) совместный обед /ужин, на который гости приходят со своим угощением. 2) Come and take pot luck with us. − Чем богаты, тем и рады. Пообедайте с нами, чем Бог послал.

b) Practice reading the dialogue and then act it out in pairs. Read, memorize and dramatize the dialogue 4. Dialogue 4 Mary Burton, a tour group leader, is discussing the eating arrangements for her tour party with Jack Liberton, an AssistantManager at the King Palace Hotel. L. − J. Liberton

B. − Mary Burton

L. Hello again, Mary. Was the journey over with the tour group all right? B. Fine. There weren't too many problems. Just the usual things to take care of. L. Well, the weather looks very good, so I think you'll have a quiet week. B. I hope so. And how about you? Are you busy? L. Very. The hotel is nearly full. Ibis has meant a slight change in the times of meals. B. Ah. Let me have them now. 59

L. It's mainly the dinner arrangements. We haven't enough staff for everybody so there are two sittings, one from seven o'clock till half past eight and another from half past eight till ten. B. Which sitting are we? L. The first. B. Good. I'm sure they'll prefer eating earlier. What about the times for lunch and breakfast? L. Breakfast is at the same time as usual, eight o'clock until nine thirty, but we have altered the lunch time a little. We've made it a self-service meal and it's now rather longer, from twelve thirty till two o'clock. B. Right. I've got that. I'll make sure that my party know what time they supposed to eat. L. Thank you, Mary. That would be a great help. B. There is another thing, too. A few members of the group will need special diets. L. What exactly? B. There are three vegetarians. L. That's no problem at all. There are plenty of non-meat dishes on self-service counter at breakfast and lunch. And for dinner there a number of vegetarian alternatives provided. B. Good. And there's one diabetic in the group: Mrs. Lomax. L. In her case, could you ask her to come and see me? I'll find out her exact requirements and make sure that the chef prepares a special menu for her. B. Thank you, Hassan. I think that's nearly everything I wanted to you about. L, What about day trips? Will you need any picnic lunches? B. Ah yes. I nearly forgot. We'll require a picnic lunch on Thursday Are you providing a choice? L. Yes, there's quite a wide choice of sandwiches and snacks. Then there's a selection of soft drinks and fruit. I'll give you the picnic lunch menu cards for your group and I would like them back on Tuesday. Perhaps you could put a note on the cards for the vegetarians and the diabetic. B. I'll do that Well, thank you, Hassan. I think that really is everything now 60

L. Good. I hope you have a pleasant week. B. So do I. But, as you say, if the weather continues like this I'm everyone will be content. L. Right. Goodbye for now. B. Bye. CHECK YOUSELF. TEST FOR UNIT 4 1. a) b) c)

The most common styles of service are: Buffet service, cafeteria service Swedish board and Ireland board Canteen service, food service

2. a) b) c)

Buffet service is often called as Cafeteria service Food service Swedish board

3. a) b) c)

What type of service can be described as Swedish Board? Fast service Self service Simple service

4. a) b) c)

Where usually Swedish Board is arranged? In hotels, conferences and congresses At educational centers In canteens

5. a) b) c)

What is the waiter’s role in Swedish Board? To put dishes on the guest’s plates To sing a song and to dance To clean tables and serve drinks

6. What is cafeteria service? a) The guests put the meals, appetizers and salads on the snack-plates themselves b) The guests collect their plates with dishes on a tray as they move along the counter c) Guests order the menu, choose whatever they want to eat and the waiters serve them 7. How do the customers pay for their meal in cafeteria service? a) With the help of waiter


b) To the desk at the end of counter c) To the accountant 8. What wind of service usually used in cafeterias snack bars and canteens a) Cafeteria service b) Swedish board c) Buffet service 9. a) b) c)

What are the types of customers? Rich and poor people Families, group of tourists, business people, children personnel and administration of hotel

10. Translate into English. Официанты могут помогать гостям если необходимо. a) The waiters can also help the guests if necessary b) The waiters should help the guests as much as it possible c) The waiters couldn’t help the guests 11. Translate into Russian. The assortment of appetizers, dishes and beverages usually is rich. a) Ассортимент закусок, блюд, и напитков обычно богат. b) Ассортимент горячих блюд и напитков всегда богат. c) Гостям предлагается большой ассортимент закусок, горячих блюд и напитков. 12. What is Family style of food service? a) When the food is set up on a table from which guests serve themselves b) Is an Ireland board c) When dishes are placed around the dining table and guests help themselves to whatever portion they want 13. What are the three main styles of food service? a) Waiter service, drink service, meal service b) Service in canteens, restaurants and bars c) Buffet, family and sit down 14. Where the table service is normal for pubs and bars? a) USA b) UK c) Ireland


15. What are methods of Table service? a) Waiter service, gueridon service, food service b) Gueridon service, silver service, plate service, self service c) Plate service, table service, kitchen service 16. What is gueridon service? a) Where the menu can be either la carte or table d’hote b) Where is a rapid turnover and speedy service c) Where the waiter served dishes from a trolley in the dining room 17. What type of service is it, when customer collects tray from the service counter, chooses his dishes and selects the appropriate cutlery for the meal? a) Counter service b) Plate service c) Self service 18. How do we can call the counter service in other way? a) As “plate service” b) As “bar service” c) As “hotel service” 19. What is origin language of term “gueridon service” a) Latin b) French c) Spanish 20. Find the Russian equivalent of the term “hors-d’ouevre” a) Табльдот b) Комплексный обед c) Закуска, добавочное блюдо 21. How should be put knives according to the rules of setting a table? a) The side plate and blades must be faced left b) On the plates and blades must be faced right c) On the side of the cutlery

English proverbs If you want a thing well done, do it yourself. To be busy as a bee.




PRE-LISTENING & READING Answer the question before you listen the lecture and read the text: What do you know about organizational structure of restaurant? What types of structures are there in a restaurant? Summarize your own knowledge, if any, or mention the source of your information. VOCABULARY LIST ultimate − первичный, завершающий, окончательный, основной framework − рамки, пределы responsibility − ответственность (за что-либо), подотчётность accountability − подотчётность; возможность учёта ownership − собственность; владение owner or executive chef − владелец или исполнительный директор day-to-day operation − повседневное (оперативное) управление предприятием hiring − наём рабочей силы, аренда training − обучение to oversee − следить, наблюдать (за чем-л., кем-л.); осуществлять надзор, контроль to adhere − придерживаться (чего-л.); оставаться верным (принципам); соблюдать (что-л.)

table d'hote items − дежурные блюда a la carte items − порционные блюда course − блюдо как часть обеда, ужина и т. п.; ср. dish − кушанье, блюдо appetizer − закуска lettuce − салат (растение); ср. salad − салат (блюдо) dressing − соус, которым заливают салат. The usual translation of the word "dressing" as гарнир is absolutely incorrect. In Russian "гарнир" means vegetables added to meat or fish dishes and the English translation should be "vegetables." garnish − гарнир (украшение), e. g. to garnish a lush with slices of carrot and lemon broil − жарить на огне; ср. to roast − жарить (как на вертеле и т. п.), печь chop − баранья или свиная отбивная

LISTENING & READING Text 5: Organizational structure of restaurant Restaurants have very specific staffing needs, and their organizational structure must be in line with those needs to function well. The size of the restaurant usually determines the ultimate structure, restaurants typically have the same basic framework, regardless of their size. The structure is designed to implement a


system of responsibility and accountability, with a clear chain of command. Owner

General manager

Back of house

Front of house

Ownership. Independent restaurants commonly have either a single owner, an owner and several investors or a small group of people who share ownership. Medium and large chain restaurants are normally either structured as corporations or are owned outright by a larger parent company. Owners are responsible for the business finances, but often hire accountants to take care of the books. They are also the ultimate decision makers and are accountable for the general direction of the business. Although they do not need to be involved in the day-to-day operation of the restaurant, owners of smaller independent establishments often take on an active role in the restaurant’s operations. General Manager. The general manager is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the business, including hiring, training and overseeing the staff, making sure that the restaurant is maintained in proper operating condition and ensuring that things run smoothly when the restaurant is open. They also are responsible for totaling up the daily receipts, making sure that the restaurant adheres to all legal requirements and communicating with the restaurant owner. In medium to large establishments, general managers often have assistant managers to help them; the owner or executive chef often plays the general manager’s role in smaller operations. Front of House. At the operations level, restaurant duties fall into one of two areas: front of house and back of house. The front-ofhouse staff is responsible for the restaurant’s dining area, including


setting up service, waiting on customers and interacting with the kitchen staff. If the restaurant serves alcohol, they are also responsible for the beverages and bar area. Smaller establishments may have a single food and beverage manager who takes care of both areas, but larger establishments, or those who serve a large amount of alcohol, typically split the managerial duties between bar manager and food manager. Both of these positions report to the restaurant’s general manager. Any banquet or catering operations also fall into this area of responsibility. Back of house. The executive or head chef is responsible for back-of-house operations. This includes hiring and training kitchen staff, creating menu items, sourcing and purchasing foods and helping determine the prices the restaurant should place on its meals. Depending on the size of the restaurant, he may report to the food and beverage manager, the general manager or to the owner directly. LISTENING & READING Listen and read the following text. Retell the text as close to the original as possible. Text 5.1: Table manners: A list of do's and don'ts 1. Never stretch over the table for something you want, ask your neighbour to pass it. 2. Take a slice of bread from the bread-plate by hand, don't harpoon your bread with a fork. 3. Do not bite into the whole slice, break it off piece by piece. 4. Never spoil your neighbour's appetite by criticizing what he just happens to be eating or by telling stories which are not conducive to good digestion. 5. Chicken requires special handling. First cut as much as you can, and when you can't use knife and fork any longer, use your fingers 6. Never read while eating (at least in company) 7. When a dish is placed before you do not eye it suspiciously as though it were the first time you had seen it, and do not give the 67

impression that you are about to sniff it. No matter how surprised you are. 8. Don't use a knife for fish, cutlets or omelettes. 9. The customary way to refuse a dish is by saying, "No, thank you" (or to accept, "Yes, please" or "With pleasure"). Don't say "I don't eat that stuff," don't make faces or noises to show that you don't like it. 10. In between courses don't make bread-balls to while the time away and do not play with the silver. 11. Don't lick your spoon. If you really feel that way about it ask for a second helping. 12. Sit facing the table, don't sit sideways. Keep your feet under you, don't stretch them all the way under the table. 13. After stirring your tea remove the spoon, and place it on the saucer. 14. Don’t use a spoon for what can be eaten with a fork. The forks are placed at the side of the dish in the order in which they are to be used (salad fork* fish fork, meat fork, etc.). 15. When eating stewed fruit use your spoon to put the stones on your saucer. 16. Don't eat off the knife. 17. When you are being served, don't pick. 18. Vegetables, potatoes, macaroni are placed on your fork with the help of your knife. 19. Cut your meat into small pieces that can be chewed with ease. Cut off one piece at a time. 20. If your food is too hot don't blow on it. 21. Your spoon, knife and fork are meant to eat with, they are not drumsticks 22. Try to make as little noise as possible when eating. 23. Don't sip your soup as though you wanted the whole house to hear. 24. Don't shovel food into your mouth. Take small pieces. 25. Don't talk with your mouth full. First chew and then swallow. 26. Don't put your elbows on the table. 27. Don't pick your teeth in company after the meal even if toothpicks are provided for the purpose. 28. And, finally, don't forget to say "thank you" for every favor or kindness. 68

READING & SPEAKING Text 5.2: At the restaurant In all large English towns there are plenty of restaurants, cafes, tea rooms and inns, or public houses. All the large hotels have dining-rooms or restaurants. Each little party of guests has; its own table. Some people dance during the meal, others don't. One of the waiters is standing near the buffet, where there are cold dishes of various kinds; another is carrying a tray with a bottle of wine and two wine glasses on it. He will put the bottle of wine into the icebucket to keep it cool. With the exception of breakfast, meals in England are much the same as in other countries. Most people have lunch about one o'clock and dinner about half-past seven, or later. I expect you have heard about the English breakfast, with its porridge, bacon and eggs, and marmalade. In the afternoon, about four o'clock or half past four, nearly everybody has a cup of tea and a cake, or a slice or two of bread and butter. The two substantial meals of the day, lunch and dinner, are both more or less the same. You can have soup, fish, a joint, and vegetables, sweets, cheese and so on. At most places there are a fairly large choice and you can order whatever you like best. TEXT WORK 5. 2 1. Read and translate the text. Try to retell it. 2. Give a summary of the text. 3. Answer the following questions: 1. How many meals a day do we usually have? 2. At what time do you usually have your breakfast? 3. Do you have lunch at home? 4. What do you usually have for breakfast? 5. What do you usually have for dinner? 6. What do we eat soup with? 7. What do we use for cutting meat? 8. What do we eat fish with? 9. Do you prefer tea or coffee after dinner? 69

10. Do you take black coffee or do you take milk or cream with it? 11. Do you usually take your tea strong or weak? 12. Do you like your beefsteak underdone or just well done? 13. What are your favorite fruits? 14. Do you like fish? 15. What do you usually have for dessert? 4. Translate into English: a) В воскресенье мы пошли в ресторан. Мы вошли в зал, и официант проводил нас к свободному столику у окна и накрыл на стол. Он принес нам меню, и мы сделали заказ. Мы заказали праздничный (festive) обед. Мы заказали салат из помидоров и огурцов, бифштекс с жареным картофелем, мороженое, кофе и шампанское. Наши друзья заказали красную икру, жареную рыбу, телячьи котлеты с овощным гарниром, вино и соки. Обед был очень хороший. b) Вы пришли в ресторан пообедать. 1. Спросите официанта, есть ли свободные столики. 2. Спросите официанта, какие фирменные блюда он рекомендует. 3. Спросите, что можно заказать на десерт. 4. Попросите принести Вам счет. Text 5.3: Dinner at the restaurant Usually I have my dinner at home but last Sunday my friend invited me to have dinner at the restaurant. When we came in the headwaiter showed us to the table. We sat down at the table and the waiter gave us the menu. The table was already laid for dinner. There was a white table-cloth on the table, plates, spoons, knives and forks on it. In the middle of the table there was a dish with white and brown bread, a cruet-set with a salt-cellar and pots for pepper and mustard. We decided to begin with some kind of appetizer or horsd'oeuvre. My friend ordered dear chicken soup with noodles and I chose cabbage soup with small meat pies. For the second course there was a wide choice of dishes: fried fish and chips, pancakes with salmon, scallops fried in vegetable oil, veal cutlets, pork chops with fried potatoes, steaks and grilled 70

chicken. The waiter suggested is for the second course the specialty of the restaurant - pan-fried veal chops with spring onions. For dessert we decided to take vanilla ice cream, coffee and apple pie. Everything was very tasty and the service was good. The waiter brought us a bill. We paid the bill and left the restaurant. TEXT WORK 5. 3 1. Read and translate the text. Try to retell it. 2. Give a summary of the text. 3. Answer the questions 1. When did my friend invite me to have dinner? 2. Was the table laid for dinner already? 3. What was there on the table? 4. What was there in the middle of the table? 5. What did we decide to begin dinner with? 6. What did my friend order? 7. What was on the menu for the second course? 8. What did the waiter suggest us for the second course? 9. What did we decide to take for dessert? 10. Do you always eat at home or do you sometimes eat out? 11. What is the difference (between a regular and a self-service restaurant (cafeteria)? Which is generally less expensive? 12. What choice of appetizers do you usually have in your refreshment room? 13. What do уоu usually order for dessert? for vegetables? to drink? 14. Have you ever eaten oysters? Was it at a restaurant? 15. Are national dishes served in restaurants? 16. What do you usually do while the waitress serves the meal? Is it customary to lead a newspaper while waiting to be served? 17. Why are they opening so many self-service dining-rooms throughout the country nowadays? 4. Translate into English: Работа ресторана. Во главе ресторана стоит директор. В небольших отелях его функции выполняет метрдотель (Director of Service, Host, Maitre). Функции метрдотеля весьма разнообразны. 71

Метрдотель отвечает за прием заказов на столики. При принятии заказа фиксируются: фамилия клиента; дата и время прихода клиента; число мест; дополнительные пожелания (торт ко дню рождения, обслуживание детей, вегетарианцев и т. д.); телефон клиента.

Владелец Главный менеджер Помощник главного менеджера Менеджер территории обслуживания

Менеджер этажа


Менеджер бара

Помощники шеф-повара



Повар линии

Помощники официантов

Приготовление коктейлей


Разносчики пищи

Обслуживание бара

Метрдотели Кассиры

Метрдотель определяет стол для каждого заказа и инструктирует официантов. Метрдотель (или бригадир официантов) встречает гостей у входа, провожает их до столика, рассаживает, подает меню, присылает официанта. Метрдотель распределяет работу между официантами, проверяет их внешний вид, наличие необходимого оборудования (подносы, посуду, салфетки и т.п.), набор на столах, 72

чистоту посуды и скатертей, исправность мебели, ковров, освещения. Он же принимает жалобы клиентов (некачественные еда и напитки заменяются бесплатно). Основная должность в ресторане − официант (Waiter, Server). В Европе это довольно уважаемая профессия: чтобы стать официантом, нужно учиться не менее двух лет, требуется знание иностранного языка и др. Однако, например, в США официант по престижности находится всего лишь на 80 месте (из 90 наименований профессий). На рисунке представлена типовая организационная структура ресторана (возможно, при гостинице). В больших ресторанах несколько официантов подчиняются бригадиру (Captain), который руководит ими, принимает заказы у клиента и рассчитывается с ними. Функции официантов зависят от типа ресторанного обслуживания, однако, можно выделить некоторые общие для всех видов сервиса операции. Рабочее место официанта − стойка (sideboard), в ящиках которой хранятся столовые приборы, скатерти, салфетки, меню, спички и т.д. Официант принимает и проверяет скатерти и приборы, а также закрепленные за ним столы, прежде всего, чтобы они не качались. Официант cтелит скатерти, под которые кладется специальная мягкая прокладка для звукопоглощения. Углы скатерти должны находиться на высоте более 10 см от пола и ниже 25 см от края стола. Официант протирает и раскладывает на столе посуду, приборы, бокалы, салфетки. Бокалы, по санитарной норме, нужно ставить вверх дном и переворачивать в рабочее положение непосредственно перед обслуживанием клиентов. При этом бокалы берутся за ножки, а все предметы за ручки. Официант непосредственно обслуживает клиентов (принимает заказ, приносит заказанные блюда и напитки, режет, раскладывает, украшает, открывает бутылки, наливает, убирает грязную посуду, рассчитывает клиента). Мастерство официанта предполагает виртуозное владение ложкой и вилкой (в одной руке) при раскладывании пищи, умение носить на одной руке три тарелки с едой, подносы, разделать рыбу и т.д. В большинстве стран чистую посуду ставят слева от гостя, еду на тарелки кладут слева, напитки (включая кофе) наливают справа, грязную посуду убирают справа. Стандартная экипировка официанта включает в себя профессиональный штопор (на котором также имеется ножичек для срезания фольги, совмещенный с открывалкой для бутылок с водой и пивом), авторучку, зажигалку (спички), по-лотенце (салфетку). 73

К низшей должности в ресторане относятся помощники официантов (Bus people), в обязанности которых входит накрывать столы, убирать грязную посуду и помещение.

5. Written practice. Describe your latest visit to a restaurant (at home or abroad). DISCUSSION Work in pairs or groups: Discussion points: 1. What are the conveniences (or inconveniences) of: a) dining out b) giving a party at home. 2. Do you think meal customs differ from country to country? Comment on the meal customs in this country. 3. Which of amazing restaurants would you like to visit? 4. Read, memorize and dramatize the dialogue 5. Dialogue 5 A. It's time for dinner already. I'm hungry. Let's go to the nearest cafe. B. I feel hungry, too. Let's go to the «Paradise» cafe. It's not far from here. I often have dinner there. A. What do they usually serve for dinner? B. They always have a wide choice of sandwiches, salads, meat and fish dishes, and many kinds of ice-creams for dessert. Last time I had fresh lettuce salad for a snack, roast beef and fruit ice cream for dessert. A. How much did you pay? B. Not so much. The prices were not very high. А. All right. Let's have lunch there today. Project work: 1. Visit the different food service outlets in and around your city and make a note of the service methods practiced and the menu served. 2. Make a visit to a leisure linked catering area and find what type service is followed and how is it done 74


Find out the English equivalents of word "Метрдотель" Director, accountant, maitre Waiter, waitress Director of service, host maitre

2. What information or date is fixed while accepting an order by the Host? a) Name of the client, date and time of client’s visit, number of sits, additional orders, telephone number of client b) Name, surname and marital status of the client c) List of the meals which the client ordered 3. a) b) c)

Find out the Russian equivalent of “Bus people” Метрдотель Помощник официантов Бригадир

4. a) b) c)

What are the responsibilities of “Bus people”? To serve clients, make on order To prepare meals and take bill To lay the table, washing-up and cleaning

5. a) b) c)

Where is the work place of the server? Near the clients At the sideboard At the bar

6. a) b) c)

What does the “la carte items” mean in Russian? Дежурные блюда Порционные блюда Закуска

7. a) b) c)

What is “dressing” in Russian? Салат Соус Гарнир

8. a) b) c)

What does the Russian word «гарнир» mean in English? to garnish a lush with slices of carrot and lemon vegetables added to meat or fish dishes saying “thank you” for every kindness

9. What is the English translation of the word “гарнир”? a) Dressing


b) Vegetables c) Garnir 10. Translate into English. В воскресенье мы пошли в ресторан. a) On Saturday we are going to the restaurant b) We went to the restaurant on Sunday c) We will go to the restaurant on Sunday 11. What should you do first when you come to the restaurant? a) To ask for the prices of meals b) To ask waiter personal questions c) To ask waiter for the free tables 12. What you should not do while eating a meal? a) Make a little noise b) Use spoon for what can be eaten with fork c) Break the meal of piece by piece 13. The customary way to refuse a dish is by saying… a) No, thank you b) Yes, please c) I don’t want to eat this disgusting dish 14. The customary way to accept a dish is by saying… a) With pleasure b) No, thank you c) Give a time to think, please 15. How should you place vegetables, potatoes and macaroni on your fork? a) With the help of your hand b) To ask a waiter c) With the help of your knife 16. What are taken with hand on the table? a) Salad, butter, appetizer b) Bread, cookies, cakes and fruit c) Lamp sugar, bread and lettuce

English proverbs Live and learn. It is never too late to learn. Fortune favours the brave. 76



PRE-LISTENING & READING Answer the question before you listen the lecture and read the text: What do you know about menu, types of menu? What types of menu in catering establishment do you know? Have you ever been to a thematic restaurant? If so, was the menu of the restaurant wellthematic designed as well? Summarize your own knowledge, if any, or mention the source of your information. VOCABULARY LIST chalkboard − доска для мела to claim − заявлять, утверждать advertising − реклама hand-made − ручная работа to avoid − избегать laminating − ламинирование to spill − проливать жидкость salsa − сальса (мексиканский острый соус из томатов, лука и острого перца) glued − заклеенный; приклеенный; склеенный removable − сменный, съёмный successor − преемник, наследник patrons − клиентура liking − вкус; расположение invention − изобретение entity − объект , организация to eliminate − устранять, исключать health warnings − официальное предупреждение о вреде здоровью list − список to receive − получать course − перемена блюд hors-d'oeuvre − закуска entree − горячая закуска

main courses − вторые (основные) блюда dessert − десерт pate − паштет oysters − устрицы potage − суп-пюре consomme - жидкий суп hot − горячий cold − холодный consist of − состоять из order − порядок light − легкий works canteen - столовая на заводе ean − значить, означать according to - согласно to allow − позволять, разрешать host − хозяин card − карточка to arrange − располагать, организовывать limited − ограниченный choice − выбор each − каждый fixed − фиксированный whole − весь, целый fudge − сливочная помадка


LISTENING & READING Text 6: The menu The word "menu," like much of the terminology of cuisine, is French in origin. It ultimately derives from Latin "minutus," something made small; in French it came to be applied to a detailed list or résumé of any kind. The original menus that offered consumers choices were prepared on a small chalkboard, in French a carte; so foods chosen from a bill of fare are described as "à la carte," "according to the board." In a restaurant, a menu is a presentation of food and beverage offerings. A menu may be a la carte – which guests use to choose from a list of options – or table d'hôte, in which case a pre-established sequence of courses is served. Origin of Menu. In 1541, Duke Henry of Brunswick referred to a long paper during a banquet. He claimed that it was a program of dishes, which enabled him to save his appetite for those that followed. The menu or bill of fare thus originated. Initially, it was very large and was placed at the end of the table for the guests’ reference. With the passage of time, menus became smaller and allowed for a number of copies per table. The advancement of hotel and catering industry makes menu compilation the most important part of a caterer’s work. In fact, compiling a menu is regarded as an art acquired through study and experience. It provides a link between the establishment and the customer, in part determining the volume of turnover. Hence, it should be compiled by a number of people in liaison with one another. Like the chef, the F&B manager and the restaurant manager. The waiting staff interprets and sells the menu rather than compose it. The aim of menu compilation is to give a customer what he wants. Customer satisfaction is most important, thanks to increased competition. Traditional cookery methods and types form a foundation on which menus can be based. But as fashion in food changes, customers tend to look for some thing different. Factors 79

such as health and hygiene, exotic foods, the prominence of aesthetics, among others play an important role in designing a menu. Nouvelle cuisine represents this modern trend of food combination with lighter styles of preparation and accents on creativity, presentation, simplicity and with new features on many menus. The terms of a menu should be expressed accurately, providing an appropriate and detailed description of quality, size, preparation and composition of dishes. A menu is basically designed to inform customers about dishes available, their respective prices and how they are prepared. It highlights the skill of the chef and the waiter and act as an advertising agent or a silent salesman. History of menu. The first restaurant menus arose roughly one millennium ago, during the Song Dynasty in China − the only region of the world at the time where paper was abundant. At this time, many merchants often congregated together in city centers and had little time or energy to eat during the evening. Because of the large variation found in Chinese cuisine from different regions, the restaurants could no longer cater to the local palates, giving rise to the menu. In Europe, the contemporary menu first appeared in the second half of the eighteenth century. Here, instead of eating what was being served from a common table, restaurants allowed diners to choose from a list of unseen dishes, which were produced to order according to the customer's selection. A table d'hôte establishment charged its customers a fixed price; the menu allowed customers to spend as much or as little money as they chose. The original European restaurants did not have menus in the modern sense; these table d'hôte establishments served dishes that were chosen by the chef or proprietors, and those who arrived ate what the house was serving that day, as in contemporary banquets or buffets. In Europe, the contemporary menu first appeared in the second half of the eighteenth century. Here, instead of eating what was being served from a common table, restaurants allowed diners to choose from a list of unseen dishes, which were produced to order 80

according to the customer's selection. A table d'hôte establishment charged its customers a fixed price; the menu allowed customers to spend as much or as little money as they chose. Originally, the first outlets of menu were hand-made. They were drawn by famous painters, for example, in France. As early as the mid-20th century, some restaurants have relied on “menu specialists” to design and print their menus. Prior to the emergence of digital printing, these niche printing companies printed full-color menus on offset presses. With the advent of digital presses made by such companies as Canon, Kodak, Ricoh and Xerox, it became practical in the 1990s to print full-color menus affordably in short press runs, sometimes as few at 25 menus. Because of limits on sheet size, typically no greater than 13 x 19 inches (33 x 48 cm), larger laminated menus were impractical for single-location independent restaurants, and more restaurants began using menu covers to hold multiple sheets. The use of covers also makes it possible to update one or more pages of the menu without discarding the entire product. To avoid having to reprint the menus throughout the year as prices changed, some restaurants began to display their menus on chalkboards, with the menu items and prices written in chalk. This way, the restaurant could easily modify the prices without going to the expense of reprinting the paper menus. A similar tactic continued to be used in the 2000s with certain items that are sensitive to changing supply, fuel costs, and so on: the use of the term "market price" or "Please ask server" instead of stating the price. This allows restaurants to modify the price of lobster, fresh fish, and other items on a daily basis. READING & SPEAKING Text 6.1: The structure of menu The word menu means that the dishes served in this restaurant. The list of dishes and vines. It is usually printed in the form of a card 81

and each guest receives a copy of the menu. In popular restaurants there are one or two big menus on blackboards. The classical French menu has more than twelve courses. Modern menus usually have: appetizers or snacks, soups, entrees, main courses, desserts. Many restaurants call the first three courses "starters". Appetizers can be hors-d'oeuvres, pates, or natural oysters. These dishes are usually cold. They stimulate the appetite and are served at the beginning of the meal. Soups may be thick potage or thin consomme. Soups are usually served hot, but can be served cold. The entree in the classical French menu is a course served between the fish and the main meat courses. In the modern menu it can be seafood dishes salads, small fried sausages or fish. The main course is the most substantial course of the meal. Guests usually choose their main courses first and then select other courses. When chefs design menus, they usually start with the main course and then plan the other courses. Dessert is the sweet course at the end of a meal or before coffee. In Britain it can be fruit and nuts, or a pudding.. Coffee can be served with chocolates, biscuits or fruits. Typically, the menu includes from six to eight cold dishes, from two to four types of soup, number of salads (such as snacks), as well as a side dish to roast, from eight to sixteen types of roast (entree), from four to six types of dessert. Types of menu. Most menus consist of courses, or parts of the dinner, which are served in a certain order. First small, light dishes (appetizers) are served, then the main part of the meal is served and at the end of a meal a dessert is served. There are basic and extratypes of menu. There are four basic types of menus: a la carte menu, table d'hote menu, carte du jour, cycle menu. Type menu depends on the types of restaurant. A la carte menu. A la carte means dishes «according to the card». This menu allows the customer to choose the number and type of dishes. This menu has a list of all the dishes, arranged in courses and each dish has its price. The dishes are «cooked to 82

order», so the guests must wait a little until the dish is ready, and then the dish is served to the guests. Table d'hote menu. Table d'hote means «hosts table». It usually offers a limited choice of dishes. Three or four dishes are offered in each course and the guest pays a fixed price for the whole meal. In «business lunch», for example, there are only three or four dishes in each course and the guest pays a fixed price for the whole meal. Carte du jour menu. Carte du jour means «card of the day». The dishes in this menu are served on this day only. Cycle menu. A cycle menu is a group of menus, which are repeated in a certain cycle. Cycle menus are usually used in hospitals, on airlines and in works canteens. The dishes in the main course are new every day. Extra-types of menu. Tourist menu, California menu, Prix Fixe Menu, Tasting menu. Tourist menu is compiled for attraction the attention of tourists, emphasizing more affordable and nutritious qualities. California menu: in some California restaurants can order any dishes at any time of day. Prix Fixe Menu: a specific number of dishes on constant price, usually with no choice. Tasting menu : small portions of different dishes on the choice of chefs, often served with wines that are suitable for them, and are in addition to the main meal consisting of several courses . Finally, let's answer two questions. What is Menu? What is Menu Card? A list of items served by a particular a food and beverage outlet is called as menu. A menu represents the range of food and beverage items offered in a restaurant. When the menu is represented on a card, it is referred to as the Menu Card. TEXT WORK 6 - 6. 1 1. Read and translate the texts. Try to retell them. 2. Give a summary of the texts. 3. Answer the questions: 1. How many courses are there in a modern menu? 2. What are starters? 3. When are the appetizers served? 83

4. What kinds of soups do you know? 5. 6, When are the entrees served? 6. What is the main course? 7. What is dessert? What can be served for dessert? 8. When is coffee served? 9. What are the five courses most commonly found on a modern menu? 10. Why are hors-d'oeuvres usually small? 11. What are the main course dishes? 12. What is the French name for a thin soup? 13. What is the French name for a thick soup? 14. Which course on a menu do guests usually choose first? 15. What can be served for dessert? 16. What is a la carte menu? 17. What is a table d'hоte menu? 18. What does carte du jour mean in English? 19. Where is cycle menu usually used? 4. Translate into English: 1. Каждый гость получает напечатанную копию меню. 2. Современные меню обычно имеют 5 перемен блюд. 3. Закуски стимулируют аппетит и подаются в начале еды. 4. Супы могут быть густыми или жидкими. 5. Супы обычно подаются горячими, но могут подаваться холодными. 6. Гости обычно выбирают сначала основные блюда. 7. Десерт подается в конце обеда перед кофе. 8. Кофе может подаваться с конфетами или пирожными. 9. Большинство меню состоит из частей обеда, которые подаются в определенном порядке. 10. Сначала подаются легкие блюда, затем основные блюда, и в конце обеда подается десерт. 11. Блюда в меню а ля карт готовятся по заказу. 12. Меню табльдот обычно предлагает ограниченный выбор блюд. 13. Блюда в меню carte du jour подаются только в этот день. 14. Циклическое меню обычно используется в больницах, на авиалиниях и в столовых на заводах. 84

LISTENING & READING Text 6.2: Types of menu as presentation Paper. Menus vary in length and detail depending on the type of restaurant. The simplest hand-held menus are printed on a single sheet of paper, though menus with multiple pages or "views" are common. In some cafeteria-style restaurants and chain restaurants, a single-page menu may double as a disposable placemat. To protect a menu from spills and wear, it may be protected by heat-sealed vinyl page protectors, laminating or menu covers. Restaurants weigh their positioning in the marketplace (e.g. fine dining, fast food, informal) in deciding which style of menu to use. While some restaurants may use a single menu as the sole way of communicating information about menu items to customers, in other cases, the meal menu is supplemented with ancillary menus, such as: An appetizer menu (nachos, chips and salsa, vegetables and dip, etc.): A wine list; A liquor and mixed drinks menu; A beer list; A dessert menu (which may also include a list of tea and coffee options). Some restaurants use only text in their menus. In other cases, restaurants include illustrations and photos, either of the dishes or of an element of the culture which is associated with the restaurant. An example of the latter is in cases where a Lebanese kebab restaurant decorates its menu with photos of Lebanese mountains and beaches. Particularly with the ancillary menu types, the menu may be provided in alternative formats, because these menus (other than wine lists) tend to be much shorter than food menus. For example, an appetizer menu or a dessert menu may be displayed on a folded paper table tent, a hard plastic table stand, a flipchart style wooden "table stand," or even, in the case of a pizza restaurant with a limited wine selection, a wine list glued to an empty bottle. Menu board. Some restaurants – typically fast-food restaurants and cafeteria-style establishments – provide their menu in a large poster or display board format up high on the wall or above the service counter. This way, all of the patrons can see all of the choices, and the restaurant does not have to provide printed menus. This large format menu may also be set up outside (see the next 85

section). The simplest large format menu boards have the menu printed or painted on a large flat board. More expensive large format menu boards include boards that have a metal housing, a translucent surface, and a backlight (which facilitates the reading of the menu in low light), and boards that have removable numbers for the prices. This enables the restaurant to change prices without having to have the board reprinted or repainted. Some restaurants such as cafes and small eateries use a large chalkboard to display the entire menu. The advantage of using a chalkboard is that the menu items and prices can be changed; the downside is that the chalk may be hard to read in lower light or glare, and the restaurant has to have a staff member who has attractive, clear handwriting. A high-tech successor to the chalkboard menu is the 'write-on wipe-off" illuminated sign, using LED technology. The text appears in a vibrant color against a black background. Outdoor. Some restaurants provide a copy of their menu outside the restaurant. Fast-food restau rants that have a drive-through or walk-up window will often put the entire menu on a board, lit-up sign, or poster outside, so that patrons can select their meal choices. High-end restaurants may also provide a copy of their menu outside the restaurant, with the pages of the menu placed in a lit-up glass display case; this way, prospective patrons can see if the menu choice is to their liking. As well, some mid-level and high-end restaurants may provide a partial indication of their menu listings– the "specials"–on a chalkboard displayed outside the restaurant. The chalkboard will typically provide a list of seasonal items or dishes that are the specialty of the chef which are only available for a few days. Digital displays. With the invention of LCD and Plasma displays, some menus have moved from a static printed model, to one which can change dynamically. By using a flat LCD screen and a computer server, menus can be digitally displayed allowing moving images, animated effects and the ability to edit details and prices. For fast food restaurants, a benefit is the ability to update prices and menu items as frequently as needed, across an entire chain. Digital menu boards also allow restaurant owners to control the day parting of their menus, converting from a breakfast menu in the late morning. 86

Some platforms support the ability allow local operators to control their own pricing while the design aesthetic is controlled by the corporate entity. Various software tools and hardware developments have been created for the specific purpose of managing a digital menu board system. Digital menu screens can also alternate between displaying the full menu and showing video commercials to promote specific dishes or menu items. Interactive digital menu. Interactive menus, also known as electronic menus - one of the innovations in restaurant menus. This is an electronic computer system that allows customers to self-treat, choose and order food and drinks from the restaurant offered through computers, tablets or monitors placed on the tables or next to them. Тoday's interactive menu customers can make real-time automatic order, check your current account, purchasing additional meals or beverages other interactive systems completely eliminated the need for waiters, the system performs all of its functions. Such interactive electronic menu system significantly increase the speed of service, allowing customers to select and order, without waiting for the waiter's attention. Online menu. Websites featuring online restaurant menus have been on the Internet for nearly a decade. In recent years, however, more and more restaurants outside of large metropolitan areas have been able to feature their menus online as a result of this trend. Several restaurant-owned and startup online food ordering websites already included menus on their websites, yet due to the limitations of which restaurants could handle online orders, many restaurants were left invisible to the Internet aside from an address listing. Multiple companies came up with the idea of posting menus online simultaneously, and it is difficult to ascertain who was first. Menus and online food ordering have been available online since at least 1997. Since 1997, hundreds of online restaurant menu web sites have appeared on the Internet. Some sites are city-specific, some list by region, state or province. There are some specific types of menus: Hospital menus, Kids' menu, Railroad menus, Fast food menus, Airline meal, Military rations, Wine list, University menus, Religious menus, and etc. Objectives of Menu Planning. Customer Satisfaction; Serve as per the customer requirements. Healthy Foods offering nutritive, 87

hygienic, and healthy food; Consideration of all age of people; Food should be providing for all groups like children, young, old; Offer of choices; Give example choices so gets variety as well as satisfaction; Proper utilization of man power, machine, equipments; Sample use of seasonal food and vegetables; Customer preferences should be taken care; Choice and demand of local people can be included in menu. The menu as a form of advertizing. The main categories within a typical menu in the US are "appetizers," "side orders and a la carte," "entrées," "desserts" and "beverages." Sides and a la carte may include such items as soups, salads and dips. There may be special age-restricted sections for "seniors" or for children, presenting smaller portions at lower prices. Any of these sections may be pulled out as a separate menu, such as desserts and/or beverages, or a wine list. Children's menus may also be presented as placemats with games and puzzles to help keep children entertained. Menus can provide other useful information to diners. Some menus describe the chef's or proprietor's food philosophy, the chef's resume, or the mission statement of the restaurant. Menus often present a restaurant's policies about ID checks for alcohol, lost items, or gratuities for larger parties. In the United States, county health departments frequently require restaurants to include health warnings about raw or undercooked meat, poultry, eggs and seafood. As a form of advertising, the prose found on printed menus is famous for the degree of its puffery. Menus frequently emphasize the processes used to prepare foods, call attention to exotic ingredients, and add French or other foreign language expressions to make the dishes appear sophisticated and exotic. Higher-end menus often add adjectives to dishes such as "glazed," "sautéed," "poached," and so on. "Menu language, with its hyphens, quotation marks, and random outbursts of foreign words, serves less to describe food than to manage your expectations"; restaurants are often "plopping in foreign words (80 percent of them French) like "spring mushroom civet," "plin of rabbit," "orange-jaggery gastrique." 88

Part of the function of menu prose is to impress customers with the notion that the dishes served at the restaurant require such skill, equipment, and exotic ingredients that the diners could not prepare similar foods at home. In some cases, ordinary foods are made to sound more exciting by replacing everyday terms with their French equivalent. For example, instead of stating that a pork chop has a dollop of applesauce, a high-end restaurant menu might state "Tenderloin of pork avec compôte de pommes." Although the French term "avec compôte de pommes" is an exact translation of "with applesauce," it sounds more exotic – and more worthy of an inflated price tag. Menus may use the French term "concassé" to describe coarsely chopped vegetables or "coulis" to describe a puree of vegetables or fruit. Another example is the French term "au jus," which means that meat is served with its own natural gravy of pan drippings. In some fast food restaurants, each menu item has a number and patrons are asked to "order by number." Another phenomenon is the so-called "secret menu" where some fast food restaurants are known for having unofficial and unadvertised selections that customers learn by word of mouth. Fast food restaurants will often prepare variations on items already available, but to have them all on the menu would create clutter. Chipotle Mexican Grill is well known for having a simple five item menu, but some might not know they offer quesadillas and single tacos, despite neither being on the menu board. In-N-Out Burger has a very simple menu of burgers, fries, sodas, and shakes, but has a wide variety of "secret" styles of preparations, the most famous being "Animal Style" burgers and fries. This can also occur in high-end restaurants, which may be willing to prepare certain items which are not listed on the menu (e.g., dishes that have long been favorites of regular clientele). Sometimes restaurants may name foods often ordered by regular clientele after them, for either convenience or prestige. "Animal" consisting of cheese, grilled onions, and spread on a regular order of fries at In-N-Out Burger, part of the secret menu. Other secret menu 89

items include: Grilled Cheese − "two slices of melted American cheese, hand-leafed lettuce, tomato, spread, with or without onions on a freshly baked bun.” Veggie Burger − a sandwich containing only vegetables, without beef or cheese. Chopped Chilies − chopped yellow chili peppers are added to the burger. For more information, see History of Menu, Specific types of Menu Grand Californian Hotel. Disneyland Resort Old-fashioned/Vintage menu (Старинные меню - ласкают глаз, вызывают аппетит)

TEXT WORK 6.2 1. Read and translate the text. Try to retell it. 2.Give a summary of the text. 3. Make more than 7-10 questions for the text. 4. Translate into English: Имеется ряд эмпирических рекомендаций по заготовке продуктов и составлению меню. 1. Обычно на фуршет расход продуктов меньше, чем на прием, предполагающий рассаживание за столом; 2. В случае организации приема на свежем воздухе продуктов будет съедено больше, чем если бы он проводился в помещении; 3. Чем дольше длится прием, тем больше требуется продуктов; 4. Если гости знают друг друга хорошо, то скорее всего съедено будет больше, чем в компании малознакомых людей; 5. Чем больше людей вы приглашаете, тем меньше из расчета на одного человека вам потребуется продуктов. DISCUSSION Work in pairs or groups: Discussion points: a) When you have read the text, tell it to your partner. Then listen to that of your partner. Ask each other as many questions as you can to learn further details or clarify some points. 90

b) Do you think menu design differ from country to country? Comment on the menu in the catering establishment in our country. c) Is it necessary to make a menu in several languages in our country? d) Written practice. Describe menu of dining establishment (at home or abroad) which you remember well as a reason... (give the reason, please). e) Read, memorize and dramatize the dialogue 6. Dialogues 6 A) − Let's drop in here. This restaurant is famous for its kitchen. − Waiter! Is this table vacant? − Yes, it is. You will feel comfortable here. Could we have the menu? − Yes, of course! Here's the menu. − Shall we begin with the appetizers? I'd. like to have fried sausage patties. They are delicious. − As for me, I'll take some salad. − What meat courses are there on the menu today? − Today we have veal chops, steaks and grilled chicken. − Tell us, please, if there are there any fish courses on the menu? − We have stuffed pike, salmon, and fish in aspic. Besides, there's jellied sturgeon and fried scallops. What garnish would you like to order? − I think cauliflower salad and green peas. − So, could you bring us one fish in aspic, two salmons, two steaks and one veal chop? − And what would you like for a drink? − I'll take orange juice. − As for me, I'd like coffee. − Would you like ice-cream for dessert? − Yes, two ice creams with chocolate chips, please. − Here you are. Good appetite. − Waiter, bring us the bill, please. How much do we owe you? Here you are. Keep the change. − Thank you very much. Come to our restaurant again. 91

B) Waiter: Good afternoon! You can sit at this table. Guest: We'd like a table for four. Our friends will come later. W.: Then you can take your seats at any vacant table. Here is the menu. Make your choice. G.: Let's see what's on the menu today. What would you recommend? W.: There is a big choice of dishes today. I would recommend our specialties − roast duck and goulash. I can also recommend you roast chicken or roast beef. Would you like soup? G.: Oh, yes. Two clear soups with croutons, please, and two helpings of roast duck. W.: What will you order for your friends? G.: They will make their orders themselves. W.: All right. Will you have anything for a drink? G.: Certainly. Apple juice and fruit squash. W.: What will you have for dessert? G.: I think it will be apple pie and fudge cake. CHECK YOUSELF. TEST FOR UNIT 6 1. The word “menu”, like most of the terminology of cuisine, ______ in origin. a) Is French b) Is Italian c) Is European 2. Where the only region in the world in which the paper used to be in abundance? a) In France b) In Europe c) In China 3. a) b) c)

Menu, which offers consumers the option to the board? Original menu Contemporary menu Simple menu

4. The first restaurant menu arose roughly ____ ago, during the______. a) Two millennium, Hang Dynasty


b) One millennium, Tang Dynasty c) One millennium, Song Dynasty 5. a) b) c)

What does the Menu mean? The list of items served a specific food and beverage outlet Book is to acquaint the guest Proper use of labor, machinery and equipment

6. What is the Menu Card? a) The list of items served a specific food and beverage outlet b) A menu represents the range of food and beverage items offered in a restaurant c) Table for the guest’s reference 7. a) b) c)

Extra-types of menu Tourist menu, California menu, Prix Fixe Menu, Tasting menu Cycle menu, Tourist menu, Tasting menu Original menu, Cycle menu

8. a) b) c)

A la carte means According to the card Hosts table Card of the day

9. a) b) c)

Cycle menu: Which are repeated in a certain cycle Served on this day only Allows the customer to choose the number

10. What does it means table d’hote? a) According to the card b) Hosts table c) Card of the day 11. Hospital menus, kid’s menu, railroad menu … are a) Specific types b) Original types c) Cycle types 12. What makes dishes in menu to appear exotic and sophisticated? a) reviews of chef and visitors b) exotic ingredients and some expressions in foreign languages c) lower prices and high quality


13. What is the main aim of menu? a) to give a customer what he wants b) to advertise the given cafe or restaurants c) to give information about cafe or restaurants 14. When did restaurants start to print full color menus affordably in short press runs? a) 1976 b) 1980 c) 1990 15. Which restaurants often leave paper menus in the lobbies and doorsteps of nearby homes as advertisement? a) take-out restaurants b) cafeteria-style establishments c) European restaurants 16. What types of modern menu do you know (as advertizing)? a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 17. What types of menu do not exist? a) Paper, Menu Board, Outdoor, b) Carving, Bouling, Arm-restling c) Digital displace, Interactive digital menu, On-line menu

English proverbs To know something like the palm of one’s hand. Hunger is the best sauce.



PRE-LISTENING & READING Answer the question before you listen the lecture and read the text: Have you ever been to a restaurant and did you like it? When and where was it? What kind of restaurant was it? What was the food like? What was the service like? Do you often go to restaurants? Do you enjoy going to restaurants? Why? Would you like to work at a restaurant? Why? Summarize your own knowledge and experience, if any, or mention the source of your information. VOCABULARY LIST rich − жирный, питательный (о еде) whilst − пока antiquity − древность servant − слуга to dine out − обедать не дома to flourish − процветать to spread − распространяться approach − подход help oneself − обслужить себя (положить из общей тарелки в свою) help yourself! − угощайтесь! to prohibit − запрещать restriction − ограничение ‘ license − лицензировать, лицензия merit − заслуга, достоинство

to perceive − воспринимать, понимать, чувствовать roughly − примерно, приблизительно assessment − оценка sample − образец to sample − пробовать award − награждать entiте − полностью rough − тщательный various − различный quality − качество liability − ответственность filling − сытный

LISTENING & READING Text 7: Restaurants History. The term “restaurant” (from the French “restaurer”, to restore) first appeared in the 16th century, meaning “a food which restores”, and referred specifically to a rich, highly flavoured soup. The modern sense of the word was born in around 1765 when a Parisian soup-seller named Boulanger opened his establishment. In 1779 the first modern cookbook entitled La Cuisiniere Bourgeoise was published. It contained recipes and typical menus suitable for the bourgeoisie. In 1794 the Thermidorean Convention led to a period 96

of culinary extravagance as numerous cooks were released from their service in aristocratic households. These chefs brought to the restaurants the ingenious idea of cooking meat within essences. This discovery led to the now common practice of cooking meat with its sauce. The first restaurant in the form that became standard (customers sitting down with individual portions at individual tables, selecting food from menus, during fixed opening hours) was the Grand Taveme de Londres, founded in 1782 by a man named Beauvilliers. Whilst inns and taverns were known from antiquity, these were establishments aimed at travellers, and in general locals would rarely eat there. The restaurant became established in France after the French Revolution broke up catering guilds and forced the aristocracy to flee, leaving a retinue of servants with the skills to cook excellent food; whilst at the same time numerous provincials arrived in Paris with no family to cook for them. Restaurants were the means by which these two could be brought together − and the French tradition of dining out was bom. In this period the star chef Antonin Careme, often credited with founding classic French cuisine, flourished, becoming known as the “Cook of Kings and the King of Cooks.” Restaurants spread rapidly to the United States, with the first (Jul- restarator) opening in Boston in 1794, and they spread rapidly thereafter. Most however continued on the standard approach (Service a franciaise) of providing a shared meal on the table to which customers could then help themselves, something which encouraged them to eat them quickly. The modem formal style of dining, where customers are given a plate with the food already arranged on it, is known as Service a la russe, as it is said to have been introduced to France by the Russian Prince Kourakin in the 1830s, from where it spread rapidly to England nd beyond. Historically, restaurant referred only to places that provided tables where one sat down to eat the meal, typically served by a waiter. Following the rise of fast food and take-out restaurants, a retronym for the older "standard" restaurant was created, sit-down restaurant. Most commonly, "sit-down restaurant" refers to a casual dining restaurant with table service, rather than a fast food restaurant, where 97

one orders food at a counter. Sit-down restaurants are often further categorized as "family-style" or "formal". In British English, the term restaurant almost always means an eating establishment with table service, so the "sit-down" qualification is not usually necessary. Fast food and takeaway (takeout) outlets with counter service are not normally referred to as restaurants. Outside of North-America, the terms fast casual dining restaurants, family style, and casual dining are not used. Junk food establishments would also not often be referred to as a 'restaurant. Restaurants range from unpretentious lunching or dining places catering to people working nearby, with simple food served in simple settings at low prices, to expensive establishments serving refined food and wines in a formal setting. In the former case, clients are not expected to wear formal wear. In the latter case, clients generally wear formal clothing, though this varies between cultures. The standard way in which restaurants operate is that customers sit at tables, a waiter comes to take their ordef, and later brings the food, and the customers pay the bill afterwards. Depending on local custom, a tip of varying proportions of the bill (often 10—20 %) is added, which (usually) goes to the staff rather than the restaurant. Restaurants often specialize in certain types of food. For example, there are seafood restaurants, vegetarian restaurants or ethnic restaurants. Generally speaking, restaurants selling “local” food are simply called restaurants, while restaurants selling food of foreign origin are called accordingly, for example, a Chinese restaurant and a French restaurant. Depending on local customs and the establishment, restaurants may or may not serve alcoholic beverages. Often, laws governing the sale of alcohol prohibit restaurants from selling alcohol without a meal, because otherwise, such a sale would be an activity for a bar, which are meant to have more severe restrictions. Some restaurants are licensed to serve alcohol (“fully licensed”) /and/or permit customers to “bring your own” alcohol (BYO). Restaurant Guides. Restaurant guides list the best places to eat. One of the most famous of these, in Western Europe, is the Michelin series of guides which accord from 1 to 3 stars to restaurants they perceive to be of high culinary merit. Restaurants with stars in the Michelin guide are formal, expensive establishments; in general the 98

more stars awarded, the higher the prices. In the United States, the Mobil Travel Guides and the American Automobile Association rate restaurants on a similar 1 to 5 star (Mobil) or Diamond (AAA) scale. Three, four, and five star ratings are roughly equivalent to the Michelin one, two, and three star ratings while one and two star ratings typically indicate more casual places to eat. The popular Zagat Surrey compiles individuals’ comments about restaurants but does not pass an “official” critical assessment. Restaurants can be classified by whether they provide places to sit, whether they are served by wait-staff and the quality of the service, the formal atmosphere, and the price range. One can say that restaurants are generally classified into three big groups: 1. Quick Service – Also known as fast-food restaurants. They offer limited menus that are prepared quickly. They usually have drive-thru windows and take-out. They may also be self-service outfits. 2. Mid scale – They offer full meals at a medium price that customers perceive as “good value.” They can be o f full service, buffets or limited service with customers ordering at the counter and having their food brought to them or self- service. 3. Upscale – Offer high quality cuisine at a high end price. They offer full service and have a high quality of ambience. TEXT WORK 7 1. Read and translate the text. Try to retell it. 2. Give a summary of the text. 3. Answer the questions: 1. What is a restaurant? 2. Where does the word “restaurant” come form? 3. When, why and how did the modern meaning of the word “restaurant" come to use? 4. What establishments to serve travellers were known from antiquity and why? 5. What happened to foodservice industry in France after the French Revolution? 6. How was the French tradition of dining out born? 7. Who was Antonin Careme? Why is he remembered? 99

8. When did restaurants spread in the United States? 9. What is “service a la franciaise”? " 10. What is “service a la russe”? 11. Who introduced “service a la russe” to France? When was it? 12. When did restaurants spread in England? 13. What are different types of restaurants? 14. In which way does dining in expensive establishments differ from dining at unpretentious places? 15. Why are restaurants established as part of hotels very often? 16. What is the standard way of restaurant operation? 17. What is a tip? What does the tip depend on? 18. What can be restaurant specializations? 19. How do you distinguish by name the restaurants than serve “local” food and restaurants that serve food of foreign origin? 20. Why do restaurants serve or not serve alcoholic beverages? 21. What is a restaurant guide? 22. What is one of the most popular restaurant guides in Western countries? 23. What are the classifications of restaurants in Europe and America? 24. What are the differences and similarities in these ratings? 4. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Find and translate sentences with them in the text. To be consumed on the premises, multiplicity of venues, dining amenities, fixed opening hours, inns and taverns, aimed at travellers, catering guilds, retinue of servants, tradition of dining out, star chef, thereafter, shared meal, modern formal style of dining, introduced to France, spread rapidly to England and beyond, unpretentious, lunching place, dining place, dining establishment, in the latter case, though. 5. Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Дорогое заведение; еда и напитки; разнообразие кулинарных стилей; особенность / характерная черта; для удобства постояльцев гостиницы; открыт для посторонних; потенциальный доход; появляться; жирный питательный суп; в современном смысле; индивидуальные порции; выбирать блюда из меню; с древнейших времен; местные жители, yr; в то же 100

самое время; жители провинции; основать классическую французскую кухню; быстро распространяться; стандартный доход; обслуживание по-французски; обслуживание по-русски; низким ценам; изысканная пища; в первом случае; парадная одежда. LISTENING & READING Text 7.1: US' classification types of restaurants There are various types of restaurant in the world. Restaurants fall into several industry classifications based upon menu style, preparation methods and pricing. Additionally, how the food is served to the customer helps to determine the classification. The examples and perspective in this text deal primarily with the United States and do not represent a worldwide view of the subject. • • • • • • • •

1.1 Fast food 1.2 Fast casual 1.3 Casual dining 1.3.1 Family style 1.4 Fine dining 2 Variations 2.1 Bistro and brasserie 2.2 Buffet and smörgåsbord

• • • • • • • •

2.3 Café 2.4 Cafeteria 2.5 Coffeehouse 2.6 Destination restaurant 2.6.1 Tabletop Cooking 2.7 Mongolian barbeque 2.8 Pub 2.9 Teppanyaki-style

Fast food. Fast food restaurants emphasize speed of service. Operations range from small-scale street vendors with carts to franchise business franchised mega-corporations like McDonalds. Fast casual. Fast casual restaurants do not offer table service, but may offer non-disposable plates and cutlery. The quality of food and prices tend to be higher than those of a conventional fast food restaurant but may be lower than casual dining. Casual dining. A casual dining restaurant is a restaurant that serves moderately-priced food in a casual atmosphere. Except for buffet-style restaurants, casual dining restaurants typically provide table service. Casual dining comprises a market segment between 101

fast food establishments and fine dining restaurants. Casual dining restaurants usually have a full bar with separate bar staff, a larger beer menu and a limited wine menu. They are frequently, but not necessarily, part of a wider chain, particularly in the United States. Family style. Family style restaurants are a type of casual dining restaurants where food is traditionally served on plates and the diners serve themselves. Fine dining. Fine dining restaurants are full service restaurants with specific dedicated meal courses. Décor of such restaurants feature higher quality materials with an eye towards the "atmosphere" desired by the restaurateur. The wait staff is usually highly trained and often wears more formal attire (наряд). Finedining restaurants are almost always small businesses and are generally either single-location operations or have just a few locations. Food portions are smaller but more visually appealing. Fine dining restaurants have certain rules of dining which must be followed by visitors. Variations. Most of these establishments can be considered subtypes of fast casual dining restaurants or casual dining restaurants. Bistro and brasserie. In France, a brasserie is a café doubling as a restaurant and serving single dishes and other meals in a relaxed setting. A bistro is a familiar name for a café serving moderately priced simple meals in an unpretentious setting, especially in Paris; bistros have become increasingly popular with tourists. When used in English, the term bistro usually indicates either a fast casual dining restaurant with a European-influenced menu or a cafés with a larger menu of food. Buffet and smorgasbord. Buffets and smörgåsbord offer patrons a selection of food at a fixed price. Food is served on trays around bars, from which customers with plates serve themselves. The selection can be modest or very extensive, with the more elaborate menus divided into categories such as salad, soup, appetizers, hot entrées, cold entrées, and dessert and fruit. Often the range of cuisine can be eclectic, while other restaurants focus on a specific type, such as home-cooking, Chinese, Indian, or Swedish. The role of the waiter 102

or waitress in this case is relegated to removal of finished plates, and sometimes the ordering and refill of drinks. Café. Cafés are informal restaurants offering a range of hot meals and made-to-order sandwiches. Coffee shops, while similar to cafés, are not restaurants due to the fact that they primarily serve and derive the majority of their revenue from hot drinks. Many cafés are open for breakfast and serve full hot breakfasts. In some areas cafés offer outdoor seating. Cafeteria. A cafeteria is a restaurant serving ready-cooked food arranged behind a food-serving counter. There is little or no table service. Typically, a patron takes a tray and pushes it along a track in front of the counter. Depending on the establishment, servings may be ordered from attendants, selected as ready-made portions already on plates, or self-serve their own portions. Cafeterias are common in hospitals, corporations and educational institutions. In the UK, a cafeteria may also offer a large selection of hot food similar to the American fast casual restaurant, and the use of the term cafeteria is deprecated in favour of self-service restaurant. Coffeehouse or Teahouse. Coffeehouses are casual restaurants without table service that emphasize coffee and other beverages; typically a limited selection of cold foods such as pastries and perhaps sandwiches are offered as well. Their distinguishing feature is that they allow patrons to relax and socialize on their premises for long periods of time without pressure to leave promptly after eating, and are thus frequently chosen as sites for meetings. Destination restaurant. A destination restaurant is one that has a strong enough appeal to draw customers from beyond its community. Tabletop Cooking. Customers are seated as in a casual dining setting. Food items are prepared by the establishments for cooking on embedded gas stoves, induction cookers, or charcoal grills; the customer has control over the heating power of the appliance. Mongolian barbeque. Despite the name, this form of restaurant is not Mongolian, actually derived from Taiwan and inspired by Japanese teppanyaki. Customers create a bowl from an assortment of ingredients displayed in a buffet fashion. The bowl is then handed to 103

the cook, who stir-fries the food on a large griddle and returns it on a plate or in a bowl to the consumer. Teppanyaki-style. In North America, many restaurants specializing in Japanese cuisine offer the teppanyaki grill, which is more accurately based on a type of charcoal stove that is called shichirin in Japan. Diners, often in multiple, unrelated parties, sit around the grill while a chef prepares their food orders in front of them. Often the chef is trained in entertaining the guests with special techniques, including cracking a spinning egg in the air, forming a volcano out of differently-sized onion slices, and flipping grilled shrimp pieces into patrons' mouths, in addition to various props. Pub: Public House. Mainly in the UK and other countries influenced by British culture, a pub (short for public house) is a bar that sometimes serves simple food fare. Traditionally, pubs were primarily drinking establishments with food in a secondary position, whereas many modern pubs rely on food as well, to the point where gastropubs are often essentially fine-dining establishments, known for their high-quality pub food and concomitantly high prices. A typical pub has a large selection of beers and ales on tap. A chart about types of restaurants visited by consumers


READING&SPEAKING Text 7.2: Restaurant chains There has been a remarkable increase in the number and size of restaurant chains. A modern variation on the lunch counter is the fast food operatic: Fast foods are those which can be prepared, served, and eaten quickly; probably the most typical fast food is the hamburger and pizza. Burger and pizza chains have been the fastest growing type of restaurant chain: particularly in the United States. Hamburger chains are the largest segment in the market, followed by pizza; chains. Competition is particularly intense in the sandwich market which accounts for more than 40 per cent of sales by restaurant chains. It appears that large restaurant chains are following two commercial strategies: on the one hand, the short-term strategy is to bring down prices by reducing margins in order to maintain and capture market share; on the other, the long-term strategy concentrates on offering services in the evening with a greater added value. Furthermore, restaurant chains are diversifying into the pizza sector which has grown considerably since 1990. Large hotel chains not only possess the know-how, they have also establish) vast marketing networks throughout the world. By developing high-quality tourism in the area, the international tourism chains have created conditions: for local chains to develop and also to become international. Two commercial strategies of large restaurant chains. It appears that large restaurant chains are following two commercial strategies: on the one hand, the short-term strategy is to bring down prices by reducing margins in order to maintain and capture market share; on the other, the long-term strategy concentrates on offering services in the evening with a greater added value. Furthermore, restaurant chains are diversifying into the pizza sector which has grown considerably since 1990. Large restaurant chains not only possess the know-how, they have also establish vast marketing networks 105

throughout the world. By developing high-quality tourism in the area, the international tourism chains have created conditions: for local chains to develop and also to become international. TEXT WORK 7.1 - 7.2 1. Read and translate the texts. Try to retell them. 2. Give a summary of the texts. 3. Answer the questions: 1. What do you know about the quality of restaurant and catering service in Kazakhstan, Russia, etc? 2. What is the fastest growing type of restaurant chain in the USA? 3. Are there large restaurant chains in Kazakhstan? 4. Are there any restaurant chains in Kazakhstan? 5. What are the ways of dealing with these problems? 6. What is a familiar name for a café serving moderately priced simple meals in an unpretentious setting, especially in Paris? 7. What is the base of the restaurants classification? 8. In what type of restaurant food is traditionally served on platters and the diners serve themselves? 9. In what kind of restaurant food items are prepared by the establishments for cooking on embedded gas stoves, induction cookers, or charcoal grills; the customer has control over the heating power of the appliance? 4. Translate into English: Существует много критериев для классификации пред-приятий питания. Среди них можно выделить наиболее важные. Это характер торгово – производственной деятельности, мес-торасположение, ассортимент продукции (специализация), контингент обслуживания, вместимость, уровень обслуживания, время функционирования. Однако, характер торгово-производственной деятельности является главным критерием, в зависимости от которого все предприятия делятся на различные типы. В большинстве стран СНГ и Казахстане принята классификация предприятий общественного питания, основанная на Государственном стан-дарте. Выделяются следующие типы предприятий питания по характеру торгово-производственной деятельности: ресторан, бар, кафе, столовая, закусочная, кулинарный 106

магазин. Для каждого типа предприятий по этому признаку классификации характерны соответствующий ассортимент блюд и напитков, применяемые формы обслуживания, месторасположение, об-служиваемый контингент клиентов и др. При этом рестораны и бары по уровню обслуживания и номенклатуре предостав-ляемых услуг подразделяются на три класса: люкс; высший; первый. Кафе, столовые, закусочные и кулинарные магазины на классы не подразделяются. Существует неофициальная "вилочная" классификация. Количество вилок табличке отражает какие услуги должен предоставлять ресторан согласно своей категории, а не то, насколько хорошо он их предоставляет. Например, рассмотрим реcторан, имеющий оценку "Пять вилок". Он должен иметь раздельный вход для клиентов и для персонала, гардероб, вестибюль или зал ожидания, оборудованный барной стойкой. Отдельные туалеты с горячей и холодной водой для посетителей и персонала. Мебель и отделка помещений высококачественная. Униформа для персонала. Ответственный за столовое по-мещение должен знать как минимум два иностранных языка. Меню должно быть также составлено минимум на двух иностранных языках.

5. Give one word for every definition. Model: maitre'd, waiters, sommelier, busboy = staff a) knives, forks, spoons, etc. = b) restricted eating programs = c) the equipment on a dining-table laid for each customer = d) dividing restaurants into the types or groups= e) restricted choice of dishes = f) large serving plates = g) cleaning the plates, cutlery, etc. = h) number of customers arriving and leaving = i) people who don't eat meat and other animal products = j) non-alcoholic cold drinks= DISCUSSION Work in pairs or groups: a) When you have read the text, tell it to your partner. Then listen to that of your partner. Ask each other as many questions as you can to learn further details or clarify some points. 107

Discussion points: − Types of restaurants differ from country to country. − Catering establishment play an important role in different countries. Give examples − What are the conveniences (or inconveniencies) of: dining out b) giving a party at home. b) Suggested situations: Propose a toast at an official reception to friendship and cooperation between countries; progression science, business; further closer contacts. Make up a toast using the following words and phrase»: proposed a toast; drink a toast; to further international cooperation in ……; to good (vigorous) health; to happiness; to prosperity; to great (further) success in work (research). Model: I wish to propose a very brief toast. I thank you for your fine toast and in response drink to the success of our cooperative research. To you! (Here's to you!) c) Read, memorize and dramatize the dialogue 7. Dialogue 7 Peter: Good evening. Do you speak English? Waiter: Yes, sir. How many people? Peter: A table for three, please. Waiter: Come this way. Peter: Have you got a menu in English? Peter: What do you recommend? Waiter: The pepper steak’s very good. Peter: Hmm! What are you having, Bennie? Caily: I’ll have the pepper steak, and the soup to start. Waiter: How would you like your steak, sir? Rare, medium, or well- done? Caily: Wfell-done. Peter: What about you, Hanna? Magda: The roast chicken for me, please. And to start, I’d like the salad. Waiter: And you, sir? 108

Peter: I’d like the salmon and the roast chicken. Waiter: So that’s two salmons and one salad, is that right? Caily: No, one salmon, one soup, and one salad. Waiter: And two roast chickens and a steak. Caily: That’s it. Thanks. Waiter: What would you like to drink? Peter: A bottle of red wine, semi-dry, please. Magda: I’d like some mineral water too, please. Waiter: Here are your starters. Enjoy your meal! CHECK YOUSELF. TEST FOR UNIT 7 1. The French word "restaurant"mean a) Restore, strengthen, feed b) Cover, take care, drink c) Cook, cut, guests 2. a) b) c)

What are the main factors of successful restaurant? Interior and parking Location and atmosphere Food and service

3. Moving restaurants are located in: a) Trams, boats, buses, etc. b) Airports and tunnels c) Satelites, balloon, etc. 4. Where are the restaurants in “old” Europe located? a) They are concentrated along the main street of the city of town b) They are focused on the outskirts of cities c) They are in supermarkets and malls 5. When the first restaurants appeared in China? a) In the 13th century b) In the 11th century+ c) In the 10th century 6. Where the term "Restaurant" appeared firstly? a) In Paris around 1965


b) In Roma in 1196 c) In Paris around 1765 7. How did people treat to restaurants in Europe in the 18th century? a) They liked to celebrate holidays in restaurants b) They went for lunch c) They treated with caution 8. a) b) c)

Types of menu in America in the 18th century Daily menu, children's menu, holiday menu Lunch menu, breakfast menu, menu Super There was no menu in America that ti

9. Note true and false suggestions a) In 1779 the first modern cookbook entitled La Cuisiniere Bourgeoise was published. b) Restaurants in France were very dirty c) In 1794 the Thermidorean Convention led to a period of culinary extravagance as numerous cooks were released from their service in aristocratic households. d) In 1785, girls were forbidden to go to the restaurant 10. Fast foods are the foods which can be__________, __________, and __________. a) Prepared, served, and eaten quickly. b) Boiled and stored quickly. c) Freeze, served, and stored quickly. 11. What is a restaurant chain? a) Preventive tool on entering area b) Restaurant of one name and type in different places c) No right answer 12. The fastest growing type of restaurant chains are … a) Pizza and hamburger b) Pizza and hot-dog c) Burrito and kebab 13. What is the long-term commercial strategy of restaurant chains? a) Bring down prices by reducing margins in order to maintain and capture market share


b) Offering services in the evening with a greater added value c) Creating more working places to create healthy economical growth 14. Restaurants fall into several industry classifications based upon menu style, preparation methods and pricing. a) Location, type of building and market share. b) Menu style, preparation methods and market share. c) Menu style, preparation methods and pricing. 15. Which of the following restaurant types always offer table service? a) Fast food, casual dining and fine dining b) Family style, fast casual and fine dining c) Casual dining and fine dining 16. What is brasserie? a) Brasserie is a café doubling as a restaurant and serving single dishes and other meals in a relaxed setting. b) Brasserie offer patrons a selection of food at a fixed price. c) Brasseries are informal restaurants offering a range of hot meals and made-to-order sandwiches. 17. What is café? a) Cafés offer patrons a selection of food at a fixed price. b) Cafés are informal restaurants offering a range of hot meals and madeto-order sandwiches. c) Cafés are casual restaurants without table service that emphasize coffee and other beverages 18. Mongolian barbeque derives from _____ and inspired by _______ a) Jewish cuisine, Japanese teppanyaki b) Taiwan, Japanese teppanyaki c) Mongolian, Japanese teppanyaki 19. A typical ___ has a large selection of beers and ales on tap. a) Café b) Smörgåsbord c) Pub


20. Restaurant workers. Look at the word search below. There are twelwe words connected with restaurant. They go across => and down ↓ Find them and write them in your notebook. The words begin with these letters: B______________ C______________ WAITER_______ S_______________

R____________ C____________ S____________ B____________






C____________________ H___________________ M___________________ STAFF_______________



















21. Emphasize words related to restaurant Cook, sleds, plate, chair, manager, waiter, flowerbed, menus, pen, husband, tablecloth, wine, table, gift, mouse, cream, phone, ticket, driver, book, griddle, kitchen

English proverbs Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. Tastes differ.




PRE-LISTENING & READING Answer the question before you listen the lecture and read the text: What do you know about methods of cooking? What are they? Have you ever cooked for your family or friends? If so, was the experience well (bad, so-so, perfect, exciting, etc)? Summarize your own knowledge, if any, or mention the source of your information (books, films, TV programs, etc.). VOCABULARY LIST heat treatment тепловая обработка edible − съедобный raw − сырой way − способ heat − жар, тепло heating − нагревание liquid − жидкость boiling − варка, кипение stock − рыбный или мясной бульон stewing − длительное тушение в жидкости frying − обжаривание в масле shallow − неглубокий, мелкий sauteing − обжаривание в

кастрюле с добавлением масла при помешивании steaming − варка на пару baking − печение, запекание roasting − обжаривание в духовке или на вертеле grilling − обжаривание на открытом источнике тепла (на углях, на гриле)

mixture − смесь simmering − кипение на медленном огне sugar syrup − сахарный сироп oven − печка deep-frying − обжаривание с погружением в кипящее масло immersion − погружение doughnut пончик fritters − блюда, жареные во фритюре (с погружением в масло) shallow − неглубокий surface − поверхность suitable − подходящий, пригодный to baste − поливать сверху жиром to spoon over − поливать сверху roasting foil − фольга для жаренья melted fat − топленый жир on a spit − на вертеле rapid − быстрый charcoal − древесный уголь

LISTENING & READING Text 8: Methods of cooking Cooking is a heat treatment of food to make it edible. Many products cannot be eaten raw. Meat, fish and vegetables are usually cooked. Some fruits are not cooked, but some, such as apples, pears, and currants, may be used in pies or to make desserts. Fruits are also cooked to make jams, jellies, and marmalades. 114

The four basic ways to cook food are as follows: heating in a liquid (boiling, stewing); heating in fat or oil (frying and sauteing); heating in steam (steaming); heating by dry heat (baking, roasting and grilling). Boiling. We may boil food in different liquids and mixtures, including water, stocky and wine. Meat, poultry, many vegetables and spaghetti are cooked in this way. Stewing is cooking food slowly in liquid. It is often used for meat. Vegetables, herbs, and spices are usually added at the end of cooking. Deep-frying is immersion of food in hot fat or oil. Chipped potatoes and doughnuts are the best example of deep-frying. Deep-fried foods are called fritters. Shallow frying is frying on a pan in hot fat or oil, when the food is fried on both sides. We can fry eggs, meat, vegetables, mushrooms, onions and pancakes, Sauteing is frying when natural juices of the food are mixed with the fat or oil in the saucepan. We can also add stock, wine or cream. As a result we obtain a dish with a sauce. Steaming is a method of cooking above the surface of boiling liquid in a covered saucepan. Fish, vegetables, and poultry are especially suitable for steaming, as are some types of puddings. Baking is dry cooking inside an oven. Bread, cakes, pastries, tarts and biscuits are baked. Vegetables, especially potatoes, may also be cooked in this way. Roasting is cooking meat and poultry, which are placed in an oven and cooked by dry heat. They are often basted, that is, the juices from the meat are spooned over during the process. Some cooks wrap the meat in a roasting foil with a little oil or melted fat. Meat can be also roasted on a spit. Grilling is a rapid method of cooking poultry, fish, cuts of meat, sausages and kebabs by heat, the source of which may be gas, electricity, or charcoal TEXT WORK 8 1. Read and translate the text. Try to retell it. 2. Give a summary of the text. 3. Answer the questions: 1. What are the four basic ways to cook food? 2. What is cooked by boiling? 115

3. What two methods of frying do you know? 4. What can be baked? 5. What do we usually roast? 6 . How do we call frying when natural juices of the food are mixed with the fat or oil in the saucepan? 7. How are potato chips cooked? 8. How are beefsteaks cooked? 9. How are spaghetti cooked? 10.How are doughnuts cooked? 4. Translate into English: 1. Тушеное мясо, вареные овощи, жареная говядина, печеная картошка, цыплёнок гриль, жареные во фритюре блюда, жареный на вертеле шашлык, вареная курица, поливать сверху жиром, заворачивать в фольгу, печь пирожные, жарить в растительном масле. 2. Когда мы готовим пищу, мы варим, жарим на сковороде, печем, тушим в кастрюле на медленном огне, варим на пару. 3 Вареные, приготовленные на пару и тушеные блюда более полезны для здоровья, чем жареные во фритюре и в масле. 4. Самый древний способ приготовления пищи − приготовление на горячих углях. 5. Read the statements and make an alternative suggestion stating your preferences. Use the hint given in parenthesis. Model: What do you say to chili? (too hot − pasta). Chili's too hot for me, let's have pasta. 1. I'd like to eat pizza, (dislike Italian cuisine − tuna salad). 2. I'm going to have an omelet, (hungry − roast pork and potatoes). 3. We could order steak, (vegetarian − spaghetti). 4. Why not has some caviar? (too expensive − cheese). 5. Would you care for some brandy? (too early − coffee). 6. We might try shrimp salad, (dislike seafood − mixed green salad). 7. How about pancakes? (too fattening − vegetables). 8. Let's have turkey sandwich (sick of sandwiches − real food). 116

VOCABULARY LIST stock - крепкий бульон saying - поговорка is still true -все еще справедлива seasoning -приправа bone -кость flavour -вкус, аромат vegetarian -вегетарианский stock cubes -бульонные кубики ratio - соотношение meat trimmings -мясные обрезки prior to - перед тем, как; до to blanch - бланшировать platter - блюдо, большая тарелка to extract - извлекать nutrients - питательные вещества lid - крышка salty - соленый common - обычный attractive - привлекательный seafood cocktail - смесь из морепродуктов single serve - порция mussels - мидии lengthwise - в длину

game - дичь unthickened- незагущеный thickening - загуститель in place of - вместо grated - тертый, молотый spinach - шпинат plenty - много, большое количество appropriate - подходящий lettuce - салат-латук particularly в - частности shredded - измельченный, мелко нарубленный dressing - приправа (к рыбе, салату) cider vinegar - яблочный уксус tedious - утомительный wedge - ломтик в виде клина shrimp; prawn- креветка scallops - морские гребешки battered fish - рыба в кляре booking - предварительный заказ столика Veal Mexicani - телятина помексикански workload - нагрузка crispbread - хрустящий хлебец crist - корочка

READING & SPEAKING Text 8.1: Food preparation Stock. «The basis of good cooking is a good stock» Is an old saying whicu is still true today, because a stock is the basis of many dishes, such as soups, sauces and gravies. A stock is a liquid made from raw meat and bones, vegetables such as carrots, celery and onion, and seasonings such as bay leaf, parsley stalks and peppercorns by long simmering. Types of stock. There are fear basic types of stocks, whieft are used today. White meat stock, which is made with chicken or veal 117

bones to achieve a light colour and flavour and is used with white meat dishes. Brown beef stock which is made with beef bones, well browned in the oven fear m strong flavour and rich brown colour before the liquid is added. It is used for game and mi meat dishes. Fish stock which is made front the bones of fish, cooked for a shorter time than other stocks (20 minutes) and used for fish dishes. Vegetable stock, which is made without meat or bones, is usually prepared with vegetables such as celery, carrot and onion, and is used for soups and vegetarian dishes. Other stocks, including stock cubes, are used forvarious purposes. Methods of making stock. Ingredients used to prepare a basic meat stock usually in the ratio: 1 litre cold water, 500 g bones and meat trimmings, 100 g vegetables (onion, carrot, celery) spices, 3 peppercorns. 1. Use clean bones, meat and vegetables. Never potatoes or pumpkin in stock. 2. Bones should be washed prior to cooking, Арart from brown stocks they should be blanched before adding other ingredients. 3. Any fat should be removed from bones or meal before cooking. Bones should be cut, meat finely cut and vegetables chopped to extract maximum flavour, colour and nutrients from the ingredients. 4. Always use cold water, bring the stock to the boil and simmer for 3 to 4 hours. Fish stock will only required 20 to 30 minutes to cook. A stock should never be cover with a lid. 5. Skim the stock occasionally to remove fat that rises to the surface during cooking. 6. Do not add salt to stock because when the stock is used in other dishes, such as sauces or soups, they will be too salty. 7. After cooking strain the stock, remove any fat when cold and store in the fridge for later use. Herbs and Spices. Bay leaf, peppercorns, and parsley stalks are the mainherbs and spices used in stocks. Vegetables. The basic vegetables added to any stocks include celery, onion, carrot and leek. Tomato puree, bacon bones, garlic, mushroom trimmings and red and white wine can be added to stock. 118

Sauces. Sauces are very important in cookery and there are few dishes that do not have one or more sauces. Knowledge of the characteristics of a good sauce is important. The basis of a good sauce is a stock. However, there are some sauces that do not require a stock, such as bechamel, mayonnaise and bearnaise. SOUPS. Unthickened soups.The function of soups is to stimulate appetite. A well-made soup will have a good colour, flavour and consistency, and will be served at the correct serving temperature with the appropriate garnish. To estimate the required amount of soup needed for any number of orders, allow four portions per litre (or 250 gr.per serve). Soups are normally classified into unthickened soups (consommes, bouillons, broths)'and thickened soups (purees, cremes and bisques). Consommes are clear soups prepared from strong stocks, which, are flavoured with various meats (poultry, game, fish), vegetables, herbs and seasonings. They must be crystal clear when cooked. They are served alone or with a simple garnish. The name of the soup is often taken from the garnish used, for example «consomme a la julienne» which has thin julienne strips of root vegetables, or «consomme Italienne» which is garnished with pasta. Bouillons are served in the same way as consommes. Broths are unstrained soups made from stock, and garnished with a cereal, diced vegetables, meat or fish. Thickened Soups. Purees are made from fresh, diced vegetables cooked in stock. The ingredients in the soup are passed through a sieve or blender to make a thick soup. Cremes (cream soups) are thickened with cream. There are two ways to make a cream soup: 1. A bechamel sauce is prepared, added to the pureed ingredients and finished with stock and cream. 2. A puree is made from the ingredients and then cream is added. Bisques are made with fish stock; vegetables, wines, herbs and seasonings. They are thickened with rice, passed through a sieve and finished with wine and cream. Principles of making soup. Use good quality fresh ingredients. Use a well-flavoured stock instead of water. Season well with salt, pepper and herbs. Remove any fat from the surface with kitchen paper or a ladle. Thickenings. The various types of thickenings used in soups are: Starch, such as flour, corn flour or rice flour, is blended with cold liquid 119

then added to the soup. Egg yolk and cream are used to thicken soups. Egg yolks are blended with milk or cream and a little of the soup. This mixture is then added to the rest of the soup and stirred. Garnishes. Garnishes are used to add to the soup. No more than 10 per cent of the total volume should be garnish, except in the case of broths. Garnishes, such as tiny cubes of meat, ham, poultry or vegetables, should be cut to a suitable size so that they can be eaten with a spoon. Fried bread cubes (croutons) can be used in place of noodles or rice. Chopped herbs (such as parsley) can be sprinkled on the sotip prior to service, sour cream can be added to soup, or grated cheese can be sprinkled onto soup or served at the table for guests to add if desired. Sandwiches. Common types of sandwiches are: the conventional sandwich with a layer of filling between two slices of bread; the club sandwich two layers of filling between three slices of bread which is then cut into strips or triangles; open sandwich with a single slice of bread heavily garnished and spread with filling Sandwiches should always be very fresh. They should be made to order for the best results. If they must be made in advance, they should be well covered with plastic wrap and refrigerated. They should, if possible, be left uncut. Breads must be very fresh, and the margarine or butter at room temperature for smooth spreading. Ingredients suitable for sandwich making include: bread − white, rye, rice-cracker, crisp bread, bread sticks; spreads − butter (salted or unsalted), margarine, or a mixture of butter and mustard, anchovy, garlic or herbs; fillings − any of a wide range of fillings may be suitable. PASTA AND RICE. Pasta is an Italian word, which means dough. It is used to refer to all the different types of spaghetti, macaroni and noodles. There are dozens of different types and shapes of pasta available on the market, which may be purchased dried or fresh. The chief ingredients used in pasta making are flour (made from wheat) and water. Flat-type pastas are made with the addition of eggs. Types of pasta. Different types of pasta can be produced by the addition of simple ingredients to the dough. Pasta can be coloured green or red by the addition of spinach or tomatoes. The variety of shapes is endless and new types are continually appearing on the market. 120

Cooking pasta. The quantity of pasta to allow for each person will depend upon how the pasta is to be used and the number ;, of courses in the meal: Entree − 50 to 75g of uncooked pasta per person; Main course ---100 to 150 g of uncooked pasta per person. Pasta should be cooked in plenty of well-salted boiling, water in an uncovered pot. Allow about 4 to 6 litres of water per kilogram of pastas The water must be boiling before the pasta is added, so that the pieces do not stick together. Cooking time will depend upon the size, shape and density of the pasta, so check the manufacturer's instructions for a guide. Fresh pasta cooks in about 3 minutes. Pasta should be cooked to a stage known as al dentex. This translates as «to the tooth» and means the pasta should still be firm to bite and not be overcooked. When cooking large quantities, the pasta can be boiled to al dente, rinsed, then transferred immediately into pots of cold water for later use. It can be held for short periods in this way until required, then dropped into boiling water to heat. Rice. The two main types of rice are short grain and long grain. White or polished varieties are most commonly used. Brown rice takes longer to cook. Rice is usually served as an accompaniment to a meal − allow 50 g of uncooked rice per serve. SALADS. Salads are served all year round but are particularly popular during summer when they are served as an alternative to hot vegetables. Dressing of a salad should usually be done just prior to serving. The term salad originally referred to the green leaves and stalks of plants that could be eaten uncooked. Salad is any cold dish consisting of meat, poultry, fish, fruits and vegetables. They may be on the menu in the following ways: As an appetizer − salad can be served as an appetizer or entree before the main course. It should be light «nd stimulate the appetite. Suitable types are seafood cocktails, fruit cocktails, smoked salmon salad and avocado cocktails. As a side dish − Examples include green salad and coleslaw. As the main course − salad can form the basis of the main course. It is usually a combination of cold meat, fish or poultry served with a variety of vegetables, fruits or dairy products. As a dessert − fruit salad is a popular dessert. It is made by combining fruits, for example melon 121

ball salad, tropical fruit salad or berry salad, of by a combination of any available fruits. Making salads. When making a salad keep in mind: When selecting fruits and vegetables, choose only crisp, fresh pieces. Any ingredient, which has been washed, should be drained well or dried with a clean cloth. In general, do not dress the salad until just before serving time. Keep the arrangement of the salad simple. ft. If using pasta, care should be taken to ensure that it is not overcooked. Salads must be served on cold plates and kept in a cool place. Basic ingredients. Lettuce is the basic ingredient in salad making. It may be finely shredded or it may be used as whole leaves in the bowl or platter. Lettuce, along with other greens, must be washed in cold water. After washing, the lettuce should be drained or dried with a cloth. The lettuce is then ready for immediate use or can be packed in plastic bags and stored in the refrigerator. Other popular salad ingredients are celery, cucumber, tomato, mushrooms, carrots, radishes, onions, spring onions, beetroot, potatoes, cabbage, olives, macaroni, rice and fruit. Salad dressings. Dressings are used with most salads. The two main types of dressings are French dressing and mayonnaise. French dressings are a mixture of oil, vinegar and seasonings. These ingredients do not mix well and dressing must be shaken before use. Suitable oils are olive, peanut and corn. The vinegar used may be cider vinegar. Mayonnaise is the emulsion of vegetable oil, egg yolk, vinegar and seasonings. Preparation of mayonnaise is very tedious and time consuming. For this reason, most catering establishments select commercially produced mayonnaise. Garnishing a salad. The most common garnish used for salads is parsley. Suitable garnishes for vegetable salads are: parsley − sprigs or chopped; lemon − slices or wedges; hard boiled eggs − sliced; tomato − slices, wedges; radishes − slices; celery − slices, curls; cucumbers − peeled and sliced. Suitable garnishes for fruit salads are: cherries; strawberries − whole or sliced; nuts − chopped; mint leaves; whipped cream; fruit slices. 122

TEXT WORK 8.1 1. Read and translate the texts. Try to retell them. 2. Divided the texts into other logistical parts and entitle each of them. 3. Give a summary of the texts. 4. Answer the questions: 1. How many basic ways of cooking food there are? What are they? 2. What is the name of liquid made from raw meat and bones, vegetables such as carrots, celery and onion, and seasonings such as bay leaf, parsley stalks and peppercorns by long simmering? 3. What is the basic vegetables added to any stocks? 4. What does the Italian word “Pasta” mean? 5. What are the two main types of dressings salads? 5. Choose the right word from the list below. 1. _______stock, which is made with chicken or veal bones to achieve a light colour and flavour 2. _______stock which is made with beef bones, well browned in the oven for a strong flavour and rich colour 3. _______stock which is made front the bones of fish, cooked for a shorter time than other stocks (20 minutes) 4. _______stock, which is made without meat or bones, is usually prepared with vegetables such as celery, carrot and onion 5. _______stocks, including stock cubes, are used for various purposes. 1 Fish 2 Vegetable 3 White meat 4 Other 5 Brown beef DISCUSSION Work in pairs or groups: Discussion points: a) When you have read the text, tell it to your partner. Then listen to that of your partner. Ask each other as many questions as you can to learn further details or clarify some points. 123

b) Methods of cooking differ from country to country. c) Spices have an important role in different national cuisines. Give examples. d) Read, memorize and dramatize the dialogue 8. Dialogue 8 A: I am hungry, let's go to the cafe. B: I am hungry, too. There is a cafe not far from here. Let's go there. (They enter the cafe and sit down to a table at the window) A: What shall we take for dinner? B: Here's the menu, let's have a look. A: I shall take a jellied fish, potato soup and pork chop with vegetables. And what about you? B: I want a helping of smoked fish. Then I'll take a broth with a pie and a cutlet with mashed potatoes. A: Our dinner will be rather substantial. We are hungry enough. B: Yes, I am hungry and thirsty. Let's take salads! A: I would like a salad with fresh cucumbers and tomatoes. B: I shall take a salad of fresh cabbage with mayonnaise. A: There are no napkins on our table. Bring, please, napkins, knives, forks and spoons, and I'll pay for dinner, take a tray and bring the meals/ B: All right. A: Pass me the pepper, please. B: Here you are. A: Thank you. May I trouble you for a slice of bread? B: No trouble at all. Here's the bread. A: Thanks. B: You are welcome. Do you mind to take the second helping of soup? A: I do not want. I shall begin the second course. (After dinner) B: The dinner was rather tasty. I am quite full, and what about you? A: So am I. 124

CHECK YOUSELF. TEST FOR UNIT 8 1. Basic ways to cook food are: I. heating in a liquid (boiling, stewing) II. heating in fat or oil (frying and sauteing) III. eating in steam (steaming) IV. heating by dry heat (baking, roasting and grilling). a) Only III b) Only IV c) II, III and IV d) All variants are correct 2. Cooking is a heat treatment of food to make it … a) Tasty b) Edible c) Nasty d) Less poisonous 3. A stock is … a) a discount shop. b) an addition to ice-cream. c) a vegetarian food. d) a liquid made from raw meat and bones, vegetables such as carrots, celery and onion, and seasonings such as bay leaf, parsley stalks and peppercorns by long simmering. 4. Ingredients suitable for sandwich making include: a) Beard, speed and fillings b) Bread, spreads and feelings c) Bread, spreads and fillings d) Board, spreads and fillings 5. _____ are clear soups prepared from strong stocks which are flavoured with various meats (poultry, game, fish), vegetables, herbs and seasonings. a) Consumers b) Consommes c) Conquistadors d) Constitution 6. Garnishes, such as tiny cubes of _____, _____, _____ or _____, should be cut to a suitable size so that they can be eaten with a spoon. a) Meat, palm, poultry, vegetarians b) Meat, ham, poetry, vegetables c) Berries, nails, hairs, diaries d) Meat, ham, poultry, vegetables


7. The chief ingredients used in pasta making are _____ (made from wheat) and _____. a) Petrol, formaldehydes b) Anti-oxidants, jelly beans c) Flour, water d) Wastes, oil 8. Which of the following statements is true: a) Salad can’t be served as an appetizer or entree before the main course. b) Salad can form the basis of the main course. It is usually a combination of cold meat, fish or poultry served with a variety of vegetables, fruits or dairy products. c) Fruit salad is a popular dessert. It is made by combining meat products, for example meat ball salad, ham salad or fish salad, of by a combination of any available meat. 9. Suitable garnishes for fruit salads are: a) Only chopped nuts b) All, except of caviar c) Only mintleaves d) Strawberries — whole or sliced + whipped cream 10 _____________ are a mixture of oil, vinegar and seasonings. These ingredients do not mix well and dressing must be shaken before use. Suitable oils are olive, peanut and corn. The vinegar used may be cider vinegar. a) Mayonnaise b) Stock c) French blousing d) French dressing 11. Which cooking method is the healthiest? a) Grilling b) Baking c) Frying d) Boiling 12. Select from the list of herbs and spices and write them: Bay leaf, wire, pan, stove, peppercorns, coriander, mushrooms, cucumber, cumin, parsley.

English proverbs Too many cooks spoil the broth. No pain, no gain. 126



PRE-LISTENING & READING Answer the question before you listen the lecture and read the text: What do you know about the work of F&B Department in a hotel? What is it the main function? Have you ever been to any hotel and have you used Room Service in the hotel? Summarize your own knowledge, if any, or mention the source of your information (books, films, TV programs, etc.). VOCABULARY LIST assistant chef − помощник шеф-повара beverage − напиток busboy − помощник официанта, убирающий грязную посуду со стола и т. п. captain − метрдотель cashier − кассир chef − шеф-повар concession basis − на основании концессии concessionaire − концессионер dishwasher − посудомойка electrical appliances − электроустройства establishment − зд. штат fixed rent − фиксированная оплата food − продукты питания, продовольствие, съестные припасы hostess − зд. сотрудница ресторана или кафе, встречающая и усаживающая гостей income − доход kitchen helper − помощник на кухне kitchen suppliers − поставщики maitre d'hotel − метрдотель percentage − процентное соотношение premises − недвижимость, здание sommelier − старший официант, заведующий винами spirits − спиртные напитки storekeeper − кладовщик to be leased − сданный в аренду (внаем) wines − вина bar − бар, барная стойка

bartender − бармен cocktail lounge − коктейльный зал counter − стойка fast food − блюда, несложные в приготовлении pantry − буфетная, кладовая personnel — штат snack-bar (ВгЕ), Snack bar (AmE) − закусочная soft drinks − безалкогольные напитки space for storage − место для хранения to cut down on − сокращать, снижать to fill out a slip − заполнить бланк (карточку) to simplify − упрощать to speed up − ускорять bill − счет bottled (or draught) beer − бутылочное (или бочковое) пиво brand − марка, клеймо, сорт brew − варить пиво dressing (French) − приправа, заправка (с растительным маслом) main course − основное блюдо snack − закуска to recommend − рекомендовать linen 1) полотно; 2) linens бельё, to change the (bed) linen − сменить (постельное) бельё fresh linen − свежее, чистое бельё , table linen − льняная скатерть napery (tablecloths and napkins) − полотняные скатерти и салфетки


Special terms: Explain the meaning of the following terms and use them in the sentences of your own: Maitre d' − a person in charge of a restaurant who tells guests where to sit and waiters what to do, etc. Chef − a skilled, usually male cook, especially the chef cook in a hotel or restaurant. Steward − a restaurant employee who serves wines and sometimes other drinks. The person is called the sommelier in French, an expression also is used in English. Waiter − an employee in a restaurant who goes to the customers' tables, takes their orders and then brings the prepared food to the tables. Room Service − the supplying, on demand, of food and beverage service to the guest rooms of a hotel. Concession − a form of license, granted for a fee by the hotel owner to an outside company, to conduct business on the hotel premises. For example, a company that contracts to operate the hotel's restaurants is said to have the food concession. The person or firm that performs the service is the concessionaire. Captain − the employee who seats a guest in a restaurant. Household − (syn: family , domestic) − family and all who live in a particular house, to manage/run a household, to keep open household, to establish/set up a household, cooking and other household arts, household appliances, household goods, household management, household stuff. Lounge − living room, sitting room (in hotel, club) sun lounge sunroom, solarium, transit lounge ‒ waiting room (at the airport), cocktail lounge=cocktail bar. Bellboy − an attendant in a hotel who performs services such as carrying guests' luggage; a man or boy employed in a hotel, club, etc., to carry luggage and answer calls for service; syn. page; porter.


LISTENING & READING Text 9: Food&Beverage Department Every modern hotel offers some form of food and beverage service. In some, facilities are available only for a continental breakfast − that is, a light meal of bread or rolls and coffee − while others have a small coffee shop or restaurant on the premises. In many small hotels or motels, these food services are often operated on a concession basis: the facility is leased to an outside operator, called the concessionaire, who pays the owners of the hotel either a fixed rent or a percentage of the income. Many other hotels have complete restaurant service and also offer room service for guests who desire food and beverages served to them in their rooms. Large hotels, including the more luxurious resort hotels, usually offer a great variety of restaurants and bars for their guests to choose from. The restaurants may have different price ranges and/or different menus. Food and beverage service is a major factor in hotel operation. In some large hotels, the income derived from this source actually exceeds income from room rentals. The food and beverage income in many hotels is increased by providing service for banquets and conventions. Because of the large proportion of income contributed by a hotel's bars and restaurants, the food and beverage manager is a key member of the management staff. He has the overall responsibility for planning the food and drink operation and purchasing the hundreds of items that are necessary for the restaurants and bars. Because food can spoil quickly, ordering supplies is a daily activity. In a very large establishment, two people may be assigned to this task − one to order food and the other to order wines and spirits. The food and beverage manager's staff may also include a storekeeper, who stores and issues food, beverages and restaurant and kitchen supplies. The kitchen itself is almost a separate kingdom within the hotel. The head cook, almost always designated by the French word Chef, is the boss. The chef is responsible for planning the menus − that is, 130

the food that is being served on a particular day − and for supervising the work of the other chefs and cooks. Depending on the size of the establishment, several assistant chefs report to the chef. These include a sauce chef, a salad chef, a vegetable chef and so on. Under the supervision of the chefs are the cooks who actually cook the food and then place it on the plate for the waiters to pick up. Under the cook's supervision are the kitchen helpers who, for example, peel potatoes, cut up vegetables, and bring food from the storeroom to the kitchen. The kitchen staff also includes dishwashes, even in a kitchen equipped with electrical appliances, since pots and pans usually need special attention, and someone must load and unload the machines. In the restaurant, as well as in the kitchen, there are also different kinds of jobs. The person who seats the guests is called captain or maitre d' (short for maitre d'hotel, another French expression that keeps appearing in the hotel and restaurant business), or a hostess, if a woman. In restaurants with a very formal style of service, the captain also takes the guests' orders. The meals are served by waiters or waitresses. In less formal restaurants, the waiters and waitresses take orders and serve the meals. Most restaurants also employ busboys, who pour water, clear and set tables, and perform other similar chores. In some restaurants, however, the waiters and waitresses carry out these tasks. In an elaborate restaurant, there is often an employee called the wine steward or sommelier, who takes orders for wine and sometimes for other alcoholic drinks. Finally, there are cashiers who receive payment or signed bills from the guests. When the guest puts his restaurant bill on his hotel account, this information must be passed along to the accounting office as quickly as possible. In addition to a restaurant, most hotels also have a bar or cocktail lounge where drinks are served. Bartenders work behind the bar, which, of course, is the long counter familiar throughout the world. They mix drinks and serve them to the customers at the bar. Additional waiters or waitresses are needed to serve customers who are seated at tables. In a very busy bar, one bartender may fill orders only for the waiters while others take care of the guests at the bar. 131

The bartenders usually act as cashiers in addition to their other duties. The bar or cocktail lounge may also offer food service, although it is usually simpler than the food served in the hotel dining room. Fast food, such as sandwiches or hamburgers, is customary. One food and beverage facility that is often not connected with the main hotel kitchen is the snack-bar. The snack-bar is small unit that provides fast-order foods and drink service to guests who are using the hotel's swimming pool or some other recreational facility. Snack bars are a prominent feature of resort hotels. Where the recreational facilities are in great demand, the snack bar often has its own staff of cooks, usually of the short-order variety, and waiters and waitresses. Hotels generally employ a large number of workers in proportion to the number of guests; this is especially true in the food and beverage department. The restaurant business as a whole is one of the most labour-intensive of all industries, and this is true whether the restaurant is in a hotel or not. Much of the activity in connection with food and beverage service is invisible to the guests, but many of the employees in the department have frequent contact with them. These especially include the dining room and room service personnel. They must adhere to the same standards of hospitality and courtesy as all the other employee's who meet and talk with the guests in the hotel. TEXT WORK 9 1. Read and translate the text. Try to retell it. 2. Give a summary of the text. 3. Answer the questions: 1. What kinds of food and beverage service are offered by hotels? 2. Why is food and beverage service a major factor in hotel operations? 3. Why is the food and beverage manager a key member of the management staff? What is his overall responsibility?


4. What employees may work on the food and beverage manager's staff? 5. Who is the head of the kitchen staff? What is he responsible for? 6. What does the job of an assistant chef consist of? 7. Who are some of the other employees in the kitchen? 8. What are the duties of the captain in a restaurant? 9. What are the duties of the waiters and waitresses? What may they do in restaurants that do not have a formal style of service? 10. Who performs chores such as clearing and setting tables? 11. Who takes orders for wine and other drinks in some restaurants? 12. What do the cashiers in the restaurant do? 13. What is the major factor in hotel operation? 14. What is is a key member of the management staff in the hotel? 15. How is the person who seats the guests in the restaurant called? 16. What does busboys do in the restaurant? 17. Who receives payment or signed bills from the guests in restaurant? 21. Why do most hotels have only one central kitchen? How is food for different restaurants prepared in this case? 22. What additional space is needed by the food and beverage department? 4. Find English equivalents in the text: 1) постоянная оплата 2) процент с дохода 3) обслуживание в номере 4) различные цены 5) основной фактор в управлении отелями 6) получаемый доход 7) превышать доход 8) доход увеличивается за счет обслуживания банкетов и конференций 9) основной член управляющего состава 10) ответственность за планирование 11) заказ поставок 12) вина и спиртные напитки 13) шеф-повар ответственен за составление меню 14) контролировать работу 15) под руководством 16) оборудованная электрическими приборами 17) загружать и разгружать


18) принимать заказы 19) принимать оплату 20) включать счет ресторана в счет оплаты за отель. VOCABULARY LIST hotel services - виды услуг в отеле Room Service - обслуживание номеров (подача еды и напитков из ресторана) Department - отдел to judge - судить to provide - обеспечивать at least -по крайней мере available - имеющийся в наличии all day dining - обед в течение всего дна

owl - сова night owl menu - ночное меню to knock -стучать loudly - громко to enter - входить trolley - столик на колесиках для подачи пищи to explain - объяснять to sign - подписывать passage - коридор, проход

READING & SPEAKING Text 9.1: Hotel services Food services are a feature of hotels. Catering, providing food and drink for guests, has always gone together with accommodations. The typical modern "packaged hotel" includes a restaurant, a cafe shop for quicker and less expensive meals, and a bar or cocktail lounge. Many larger hotels have several restaurants, often featuring different kinds of foods, as well as different prices. Hotels also normally provide room service − food and drink that are brought to the guest's room. In addition, catering service is usually provided in the hotel's recreational areas. The poolside bar and snack bar for quick food are normal part of the service at a resort hotel. Restaurants, bars and nightclubs outside the hotels are a standard feature of the resort scene. Indeed, many resorts could not really operate without them. They provide not only catering, but also some kind of entertainment for the tourist who is bored with the limits of hotel life. Food, in fact, may be one of the reasons why people travel. Many people go out of their way to visit France, for example, because of the gourmet meals that are served there. Similarly, the excellent restaurants of Hong Kong constitute one of its principal 134

tourist attractions. It should also be pointed out that many grocery stores, delicatessens, and liquor stores (bake money from tourism. Providing meals and drinks in the guests' rooms is another service extended by most hotels. Room service is ordered by telephone from a menu that is placed in each room. The menu itself in some cases is the same as the one for the dining room, but more often it is simplified to make for easier preparation and service. Special employees take the orders and special waiters carry them to the rooms. To cut down on orders for ice and soft drinks, many hotels have machines on each floor to dispense these items. Room service in most hotels closes down at the same time the kitchen does, normally between ten o'clock and midnight. A few hotels, however, are prepared to provide sandwiches even during the late-night hours. Some luxury hotels have small kitchens or pantries on each floor that are used either for warming food or for preparing breakfasts. More room service orders are for breakfasts than for any other meal. In some hotels, the guest can order breakfast before he goes to bed by filling out a slip which he leaves outside the door. The meal is then served at the time the guest has specified. Even in hotels with more than one restaurant, there is usually just one central kitchen. The special types of food served in the various restaurants are normally prepared by different chefs and cooks rather than in separate kitchens. The food and beverage service is then supplemented and the delivery of it speeded up by means of service bars and pantries. There are, of course, exceptions to this arrangement, but the efficient use of space for storage of the many items that must be kept on hand for the restaurants and bars. These items include not only the food and beverages themselves, but items such as table linens, dishes, knives, forks, spoons, plate warmers, trays, ashtrays, aprons and dish towels. Hotel restaurants have a Room Service department for the guests. Room service is the service of food or beverages in guests' rooms. The Room Service department works together with the kitchen of the restaurant. Hotels are often judged by the standard of the room service they provide. Five-star hotels provide room service for at least 18 hours of the day, but more often they provide 24-hour 135

service and that service must at all times be friendly, quick and efficient. The dishes available for service in rooms are listed on a special room service menu. The guests can order: Breakfast (from 6 am to 11 am), All day dining (from 11 am to 11pm), A la carte dishes (from 7 pm to 10 pm), Night owl menu (from 11 pm to 6 am). Most orders to Room Service are given by telephone. The waiters from the Room Service bring the dishes that were ordered by the guests on trays and trolleys. They usually knock on the door three times and say loudly, «Room Service». When the door is opened the waiter enters the room and greets the guest. The guest tells where to place the tray or trolley. The waiters usually explain what they have brought, ask to sign the bill, and tell the guest to put trays or trolleys outside their rooms in the passage after they have finished their meals. Moreover, large hotels usually offer their guests different kinds of services. At the laundry they can have their things washed and pressed. At the dry cleaner's they can clean their clothes. At the shoes repair shop they can haw their shoes mended and polished. TEXT WORK 9.1 1. Read and translate the text. Try to retell it. 2. Give a summary of the text. 3. Answer the questions. Find in the text answers to these questions. 1. What does the typical "packaged hotel" include? 2. Why is catering closely connected with hotel business? 3. What does catering involve? 4. What are the attractions of food service? 5. Why is hotel business and catering important for development of national economy? 6. What is Room Service? 7. What is involved in providing hotel room service? How do many hotels cut down on orders for ice and soft drinks? 8. What amount of room service is customarily provided at night? 136

9. What meal is most frequently ordered from room service? How can this meal be ordered in some hotels? 10. When is the meal served in room service? 11. How is the room service ordered? 12. When does the room service in most hotels close? 13. When can the guests order breakfast? 14. When can the guests order dinner? 15. When can the guests order a la carte dishes? 16. When can the guests order the «Night owl menu»? 17. What do the waiters use to bring the meals to the apartments? 18. Do large, hotels offer their guests different kinds of services? 19. Where can the guests clean their clothes and have their things washed and pressed? 4. Translate into English: 1. Большие гостиницы обычно предлагают гостям различные виды услуг. 2. О гостиницах часто судят по стандарту обслуживания номеров. 3. Заказы на обслуживание номеров делаются по телeфону. 4. Официанты приносят блюда, которые заказывались гостями, на подносах или тележках. 5. Официанты обычно стучат в дверь три раза и говорят громко:«Обслуживание номеров». 6. Когда дверь открыта, официант входит в комнату приветствует гостя. 7. Официанты обычно объясняют, что они принесли, и просят подписать счет. 5. Find English equivalents in the text: 1) подавать напитки 2) барная стойка 3) бармен 4) обычный, рядовой 5) услуга, предоставляемая большинством отелей 6) для облегчения подготовки и обслуживания 7) для сокращения заказов на лед и безалкогольные напитки 8) заказать завтрак в номер, заполнив заказ-уведомление 9) завтрак подается в указанное посетителем время 10) пользоваться спросом.


DISCUSSION Work in pairs or groups: a) When you have read the text, tell it to your partner. Then listen to that of your partner. Ask each other as many questions as you can to learn further details or clarify some points. b) Discussion points: Reproduce the situations in which sentences occur in the text.  In many small hotels or motels food services are often operated on a concession basis.  The restaurants may have different price ranges and different menus  In some large hotels, the income derived from this source actually exceeds income from room rentals.  The food and beverage manager is a key member of the management staff.  In a very, large establishment, two people may be assigned to this task - one to order food and the other to order wines and spirits.  The kitchen staff also includes dishwashes, even in a kitchen equipped with electrical appliances.  When the guest puts his restaurant bill on his hotel account, this information must be passed along to the accounting office as quickly as possible. c) Written practice. Describe work of F&B Department in any hotel (at home or abroad) d) Read, memorize and dramatize the dialogues 9. Dialogues 9 A) In the Hotel, Reception. G-guest , R - receptionist G: Good morning. My name is N.. I have made reservations for a single room bath. Can I have it? I thank you very much. R: Good morning, Mr. N. I'm glad to see you in our hotel. G: Shall I fill in a form? Where do I sign? R: Here, please. 138

G: Is there a telephone, a TV-set and a cooler in the room? R: Yes, of course. G: Where is the key to my room? OK. By the way, what's the time for breakfast (lunch, dinner, supper)? R: Breakfast from 6 am to 11 am, All day dining from 11 am to 11pm, Night owl menu from 11 pm to 6 am. G: Thank you very much. Can I order breakfast by phone? By the way, can I have breakfast in my room? R: Yes. Let's push the "Porter", "Steward" or "Maid" button... G: It's very convenient. R: How are you going to pay? Is it cash or charge? G: Cash, please. R: O.K. It's 157 dollars. G: Thank you. Here you go. R: Thank you. Here is the change. G: Thanks a lot. Some more questions, please. Where should I apply for this card? R: Apply directly to the store for this card. G: What about major credit cards? R: You can use „VISA", "Master card" or "American Express". These are card's for a bank or a credit company. G: Where can I use these credit cards? R: You can use them at many different stores, restaurants and hotels. G: Many thanks to you. Bye. B) G - guest, B - bellboy, W -waiter B: Good morningб Mr. N. I'm bellboy. I'm at you service. G: Thanks. What service facilities are there in the hotel? B: There are a barber's, a laundry, a shoe repair shop, a postoffice, a foreign currency bank, a news-stand, a dry cleaner's. G: Is there a coffee or a snack-bar on this floor? B: Yes, of course. Snakc-bar is over there... G: I like the room. The window faces the south, the yard. It's light and quiet here. One can work well here. Here is your fee. B: Thank you. G: Now I'd like to take a bath and rest after the long flight. 139

G: (call to Receptionist) Please, wake me up in an hour, if I fall asleep. C) W Good morning Mr.N. This is Room Service, Harry speaking. May I help you? G: Yes, Harry. I'd like you to bring me a breakfast. W Thank you, sir. What would you like for breakfast? G: I'd rather have eggs and bacon, a cup of coffee with biscuits and fruit salad. W Anything else, sir? G: A couple of sandwiches with cheese, please. W All right, sir. I'll bring your breakfast in less than half an hour. Some days later... G: I am very grateful to you for the good room and splendid service. I've enjoyed my stay here. If I come to this town again, I am sure to stay at your hotel. There is my key. Good-bye R: Good-bye, Mr. N. See you again in our hotel. Project work: Describe the food and beverage department at least at 3 hotels in your chosen city. Use texts given in the tourist booklets. CHECK YOUSELF. TEST FOR UNIT 9 1) What kind of food and beverage service are offered by hotels?

a) b) c) d)

Continental breakfast Complete restaurant service Variety of restaurants Any of above, depending on situation

2) Food and beverage service is a major factor in hotel operation because… a) Every modern hotel offers some form of food and beverage service. b) The income derived from this source actually exceeds income from room rentals. c) The restaurants may have different price ranges and/or different menus. d) he kitchen itself is almost a separate kingdom within the hotel.


3) The food and beverage manager is a key member of the management staff because… a) He or she has a lot of daily tasks, especially dealing with fast-spoiling food. b) The position is honorable. c) The position doesn’t demand to be high-skill. d) All variants are correct. 4) French word for head cook.

a) b) c) d)

Pier Michele Chef Apache

5) The person who seats the guests is called ________ or ______or a _______, if a woman. a) Captain, maitred’hotel, hostess b) Pirate, maître de maison, hostless c) Captain, maître de maison, hostess d) Pirate, maitred’hotel, hostess 6) Most restaurants also employ _______, who pour water, clear and set tables, and perform other similar chores. a) Taxiboys b) Cabboys c) Metroboys d) Busboys 7) Who takes orders for wine and other drinks in some restaurants?

a) b) c) d)

Chef Maitred’hotel Busboy Sommelier

8) Concession is ... a) The employee who seats a guest in a restaurant. b) A form of licence, granted for a fee by the hotel owner to an outside company, to conduct business on the hotel premises. c) An employee in a restaurant who goes to the customers' tables, takes their orders and then brings the prepared food to the tables. d) A person in charge of a restaurant who tells guests where to sit and waiters what to do, etc.


9) A light meal, usually consisting of coffee and bread rolls is ……

a) b) c) d)

Menu Snackbar Captain Continental breakfast

10) Hotels also normally provide ______ — food and drink that are brought to the guest's room. a) Kitchen b) Grill for rent c) Room service d) Microwave owen 11) What the typical "packaged hotel" doesn’t include?

a) b) c) d)

Restaurant Pool Café shop Bar

12) The Room Service department works together with the ________ of the restaurant. a) Electric service b) Marketing department c) Kitchen d) Builders 13) Five-star hotels provide room service for at least 18 hours of the day, but more often they provide ___-hour service a) 17 b) 19 c) 22 d) 24 14) The dishes available for service in rooms are listed on a special room service menu. The guests can order a la carte dishes a) From 6 am to 11 am b) From 11 am to 11pm c) From 7 pm to 10 pm d) From 11 pm to 6 am


15) Most orders to Room Service are given by

a) b) c) d)

Phone E-mail Screaming loudly Privately

16) The restaurant business as a whole is one of the most _______ of all industries, and this is true whether the restaurant&bar is in a hotel or not. a) Capital-intensive b) Luck-intensive c) Food-and-beverage-intensive d) Labour-intensive

English proverbs When at Rome, do as Romans do. To carry coals to Newcastle. A good name is better than riches.



PRE-LISTENING & READING Answer the question before you listen the lecture and read the text: What do you know about the work of bars in a hotels and other catering establishment? Have you ever been to any bars and what is you impressions about this establishment? Summarize your own knowledge, if any, or mention the source of your information (books, films, TV programs, etc.). VOCABULARY LIST behind − за, позади behind the counter − за стойкой aperitif cocktails − коктейлиаперитивы digestive cocktails − коктейлидиджестивы original cocktails – оригиналь-ные коктейли layer cocktails − слоистые коктейли bowl − слабоалкогольный налиток со свежими фруктами (вишня, клубника) cobbler − коблер, сладкий десертный коктейль fizz − физ, десертный коктейль с газированными напитками (шампанским, Кока-Колой и т.д.) sparkling wine − газированное (шипучее) вино bigbball − коктейль из какого-либо крепкого напитка и газированного напитка со льдом sour − коктейль с лимонным соком straw − соломинка a long drink − пить, не торопясь (через соломинку) a shot − налиток, выпиваемый одним глотком (залпом) at a gulp − залпом

aim − цель as quick as possible как можно быстрее device − прибор,приспособление light effect − световой эффект pгe-dinner − дообеденный clear − прозрачный spirit − алкоголь content − содержание ingredients − ингредиенты, составные части coconut − кокосовый орех sprinkles − зд. крошка long cocktails − коктейли, которые пьют медленно syrup − сироп shot cocktails − коктейли, которые пьют одним глотком to sip − потягивать, прихлебывать non-alcoholic безалкогольный whisky − виски vermouth − вермут champagne - шампанское liqueur − ликер gin − джин brandy − коньяк, бренди cognac − коньяк olive − оливка, маслина draught beer − бочковое пиво


LISTENING & READING Text 10: Bartending. At the bar Introduction to Bartending. Bartending is the art of mixing drinks. Bartending is a profession not just to master mixed drinks but know how in bar set-up, beverage service, merchandizing, customer relations and a good salesman. Must always posses best qualities as a person. Basic Function of a Bartender: Prepare or mixe drink according to standard recipes. Set up the bar, equipping it with beverage stocks and the necessary equipment and supplies. Ensure that the par stock of supplies and equipment is maintained; makes requisition when necessary. Take charge of storage and refrigeration of wines and other beverages. Take inventory of beverages consumption as well as of spillage, losses and breakages of equipment; submit report to the his supervisor/superior. See to it that the bar is properly stocked, clean and well maintained. Bar is a retail business establishment that serves alcoholic drinks − beer, wine, liquor, and cocktails − for consumption on the premises. Bars provide stools or chairs that are placed at tables or counters for their patrons. Some bars have entertainment on a stage, such as a live band, comedians, go-go dancers, or strippers. Bars which offer entertainment or live music are often referred to as music bars or nightclubs. Types of bars range from dive bars to elegant places of entertainment for the elite. Many bars have a happy hour to encourage off-peak patronage. Bars that fill to capacity sometimes implement a cover charge or a minimum purchase requirement during their peak hours. Such bars often feature entertainment, which may be a live band or a disc jockey playing recorded music. A full bar serves liquor, cocktails, wine, and beer. A wine bar is an elegant bar that focuses on wine rather than on beer or liquor. Patrons of these bars may taste wines before deciding to buy them. Some 146

wine bars also serve small plates of food or other snacks. A beer bar focuses on beer, particularly craft beer, rather than on wine or liquor. A brew pub has an on-site brewery and serves craft beers. "Fern bar" is an American slang term for an upscale or preppy (or yuppie) bar. A music bar is a bar that presents live music as an attraction. A dive bar is a very informal bar, sometimes referred to simply as a "dive." The term "bar" is derived from the specialized counter on which drinks are served. Patrons may sit or stand at the bar and be served by the bartender, or they may sit at tables and be served by cocktail servers. The "back bar" is a set of shelves of glasses and bottles behind that counter. In some establishments, the back bar is elaborately decorated with woodwork, etched glass, mirrors, and lights. There have been many names throughout history for establishments where people gather to drink alcoholic beverages. Even when an establishment uses a different name, such as "tavern," the area of the establishment where the bartender pours or mixes alcoholic beverages is normally called "the bar."The sale and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages was prohibited in the first half of the 20th century in several countries, including Finland, Iceland, Norway, and the United States. A bar's owners and managers choose the bar's name, décor, drink menu, lighting, and other elements which they think will attract a certain kind of patron. However, they have only limited influence over who patronizes their establishment. Thus, a bar originally intended for one demographic profile can become popular with another. For example, a gay bar with a dance floor might, over time, attract an increasingly straight clientele. Or a blues bar may become a biker bar if most its patrons are bikers. A bar is the place where you can have a cup of coffee with a sandwich or a cold snack also. If you want to have a drink you can order a cocktail or a glass of beer. You can also order rum, wine, liqueurs, whisky and vodka. They also serve cooling beverages, 147

juices, fruit cocktails, ice cream, pastry, sweets, chocolates, cigarettes and fruit. The barman is standing behind the bar counter. He serves his customers who sit at the counter on high stools in front of him. They drink cocktails and coffee. Some visitors sit in comfortable armchairs at the tables. They drink cocktails, fruit juices, soda and beer. Some visitors drink coffee with sandwiches and eat ice cream. Come to the grill-bar where customers can taste kebabs or shashliks (pieces of mutton roasted on a spit), grilled sausages, grilled fish, grilled chicken, beefsteaks, coffee and beverages. In the beer bars they sell bottled and draught beef, mineral and fruit water. They usually have no strong drinks on sale. Customers can order beer of any kind they like. For a snack visitors can take potato chips, biscuits, salted nuts, olives, shrimps, cheese and fish snacks of smoked, dried and salted fish, sandwiches, cold and hot snacks. Customers can find express-bars in the shopping centers, hotels and at the railway stations. Their aim is to serve the customers as quick as possible. They serve coffee and tea, sandwiches, baked items, pastry and milk products. In the evening people can go to a disco-bar. The halls in discobars are specially decorated and have special devices producing light effects. People come to these bars to dancer to listen to the music, to see the performance and to have a good time. Discobars usually have the menu with snacks, sandwiches» cooling and mixed drinks. For dessert the guests can have ice cream and fresh fruit. Snack bar usually refers to an inexpensive food counter that is part of a permanent structure where snack foods and light meals are sold. A beach snack bar is often a small building situated high on the sand. Besides soft drinks, candies and chewing gum, some snack bars sell hot dogs, hamburgers, french fries, potato chips, corn chips and other foods. While this is usually the case, sometimes "snack bar" refers to a small café or cafeteria. Various small, casual dining establishments might be referred to as a "snack bar," 148

including a beverage and snack counter at a movie theater and/or a small deli. Cocktail lounge where drinks are served. A cocktail lounge is an upscale bar that is typically located within a hotel, restaurant, or airport. Bartenders work behind the bar, which, of course, is the long counter familiar throughout the world. They mix drinks and serve them to the customers at the bar. Additional waiters or waitresses are needed to serve customers who are seated at tables. In a very busy bar, one bartender may fill orders only for the waiters while others take care of the guests at the bar. The bartenders usually act as cashiers in addition to their other duties. The bar or cocktail lounge may also offer food service, although it is usually simpler than the food served in the hotel dining room. Fast food, such as sandwiches or hamburgers, is customary. READING & SPEAKING Text 10.1: Types of cocktails The origin of the word "cocktail" will never be known for sure. Theories range from glasses decorated with tail filled with leftover drinks to a Mexican girl named Cocktel. Whatever its beginnings, the addition of flavorings and fruit juices to gin, whiskey and vodka and other liquors makes mixed drinks more palatable for a lot of people. Barmen make cocktails to order. They make aperitifs, digestives and original cocktails. Aperitif cocktails are served before the meal. They are «Manhattan» with a cherry on the bottom, «Martini» with an olive on the bottom and «Cinzano». These cocktails improve the appetite. They are rather strong and are made with gin, vodka, whisky and rum. Some of them are made with vermouth or port. The digestives are served after the meal. They help to digest food. The original cocktails can be layered. They have several layers of spirits of different colour. There are a lot of recipes of dessert cocktails. 149

They are called bowls, cobblers, fizzes, highballs and sour. They are long drinks and people drink these cocktails using straws. When you drink «through a straw» it's called «a long drink», when you drink at a gulp - «a shot drink». Cobblers are made with ice and are decorated with fruits: lemons, oranges and berries. Fizzes are made with sparkling wine (for example, champagne) or sodas. Highballs are served in high glasses. They are a mixture of two ingredients: strong drinks, such as whiskey or vodka, and some soda. «Sour» cocktails have much lemon juice in them. Barmen use diferent glass types for different drinks. Glassware is a general term for a vessel intended to contain beverages or liquid foods for drinking or consumption. Glass sizes are important when it comes to proper portioning. Having glasses that are too large will usually make bartenders feel obligated to pour and fill up the glass, even if the recipe does not call for it. On the chart below, find the different glass types and the beverages that they should be used for. Pre-dinner cocktails or aperitifs are usually served before eating. They stimulate the appetite. They are made with strong and clear spirits, such as whisky, gin or brandy. They have high alcohol content. They have no more than three ingredients and are not mixed with juice or cream. Creamy cocktails are usually served after a meal as a dessert. They are made with ice cream, milk, sweet liqueurs, fruit, chocolate and coconut sprinkles. They can be made layered. Long cocktails are usually served in a long glass with a straw. They are not so strong as other cocktails. They consist mainly of ice with a little spirit, fruit juice and sodas. Sour cocktails are a combination of spirits and liqueurs with lemon juice and sugar syrup. They are good in hot weather because they are served with ice. Shot cocktails are served in small glasses. They саn be sipped or «shot». Non-alcoholic cocktails are made of fruit juices and soda. They are served in large cocktail glasses with a straw. They can be decorated with fruit slices.


Charts of the different glass types and the beverages that they should be used for:


TEXT WORK 10 - 10.1 1. Read and translate the texts. Try to retell them. 2. Give a summary of the texts. 3. Translate into English and give possible answers to the following questions: 1. Какой аперитив Вы бы рекомендовали мне? 2. Что бы Вы хотели выпить? 3. Какие закуски есть сегодня в меню? 4. Вы можете обслужить нас быстро? 5. Что можно заказать в коктейль баре? 6. Что можно заказать в гриль баре? 7. Какие напитки гости заказывают в жаркую погоду? 8. Кто обслуживает посетителей в баре? 9. Кто обслуживает посетителей, в ресторане? 10. Что я могу заказать на десерт? 11. Что подается с кофе? 12. Какие коктейли посетители пьют через соломинку? 4. Answer the questions: 1. When are pre-dinner cocktails or aperitifs usually served? 2. What are pre-dinner cocktails made with? 3. When are creamy cocktails usually served? What are they made with? 4. How are long cocktails served? What do they usually consist of? 5. What are sour cocktails made with? 6. How are shot cocktails served? 7. What are non-alcoholic cocktails made of ? How are they served? 8. How is the person who works behind the bar and mixes drinks and serves them to the customers at the bar is called? 9. What is food and beverage facility that is often not connected with the main hotel kitchen? 10. What are some of the jobs in the bar and cocktail lounge of a hotel? 11. How does food service in a hotel bar usually differ from food service in the restaurant? 12. What kind of food and beverage facility is often not connected with the main kitchen? 152

13. What kind of food and beverage service does it provide? 14. Do hotel food and beverage departments employ a large or small number of employees? 15. Which employees of the food and beverage department have frequent contact with the guests? 16. What standards must they adhere to? 5. Pronounce correctly: Cocktail, lounge, bartender, simplified, dispense, pantries, specified, linen, knives, snack-bar, personnel, adhere, courtesy. 6. Translate into Russian: Here are recipes of well-known cocktails served in cocktail bars and restaurants. APERITIF COCKTAILS «Brandy Manhattan» Cognac 50 ml Red dessert vermouth 25 ml Cherry on the bottom «President» White rum 55 ml White dry vermouth 25 ml Decorate with a slice of orange. Ice «Chocolate Cobbler» Chocolate Liqueur 30 ml Coffee Liqueur 30 ml Strawberry juice 20 ml Chocolate Syrup 20 ml Whipped Cream 20 ml Strong Tea Ice

DIGESTVE COCKTAILS «Orange Blossom» Gin 40 ml Orange juice 40 ml Decorate with a slice of orange «White Rose» Gin 60 ml Lemon juice 10 ml Orange juice 10 ml Sugar syrup 5 ml Egg white BOWLS «Cherry bowl» Red wine Cherries Sugar Mineral water

1 litre 400 gr 120 gr

For more information. see List of cocktails Bartending Bartender

DISCUSSION Work in pairs or groups: a) When you have read the text, tell it to your partner. Then listen to that of your partner. Ask each other as many questions as you can to learn further details or clarify some points. 153

b) Discussion points: − It is necessary to have different types of bars in our country (our city). − Most of people like to go to malls or big supermarket. After shopping they sit and eat in Food Courts or Sushi Bars. Discuss about this tendency in the world and your country. c) Written practice. Describe one of the bar (at home or abroad) d) Read, memorize and dramatize the dialogues 10. Dialogues 10 A)  Good evening! I'm at your service. What can I do for you?  I'd like to have a drink: before the meal. Can I have some aperitif cocktail? What would you recommend?  I'd recommend Martini.  Well, one Martini and a pack of Marlboro, please.  Very good, sir! I'll serve you in a moment. Here is your Martini and cigarettes.  Here is the money. Keep the change.  Thank you very much. Come again to our bar, please. B)  We'd like to have some aperitif cocktails and snacks.  We have sandwiches w i t h s a l m o n a n d h a r d - smoked sausage, cheeseburgers, blini with caviar and grilled chicken.  What cocktails and wine would you recommend?  We have cocktails Martini and Cinzano, cognac, champagne, port, Madeira.  We'd like two sandwiches with caviar, three sand-wiches with salmon, a"bottle of champagne, two Martini and Coca-Cola, please!  Неге are your sandwiches and Coca-Cola!  Here is your champaniease and cocktails!  Good appetite! C) Translate and speak in English:  Добрый вечер! Что бы Вы хотели?  Я бы хотел чашечку кофе и какое-нибудь пирожное  У нас большой выбор! 154

 Какой напиток Вы бы рекомендовали к кофе?  К кофе мы подаем коньяки и ликеры.  Тогда кофе с ликером и яблочный пирог, пожалуйста.  Хорошо, вот кофе и яблочный пирог!  Спасибо. Принесите, пожалуйста, счет. D)  What can you recommend for a drink? It's very hot today!  We have a lot of drinks: lemonade, soda, apple, apricot and peach juice, lemon and ctrawberry beverages, iced tea and coffee. Besides, we've got fresh fruits today: grapes, apricots and peaches.  Bring us iced tea, apricot; and peach juices, please CHECK YOUSELF. TEST FOR UNIT 10 1. Basic Function of a Bartender includes: a) Train and manage kitchen personnel and supervise/coordinate all related culinary activities b) Deliver the dish to customer table in an acceptable manner c) Prepares or mixes drink according to standard recipes. d) Plan and direct the activities of staff that serve food and beverages. 2. The art of what is bartending? a) The art of decorate dishes b) The art of mixing drinks c) The art of cooking d) The art of setting table 3. Snack-bar is … a) Always connected to the main kitchen b) Often not connected with the main hotel kitchen c) Is suitable to hold is back pocket of jeans d) Forbidden to visit after the midnight 4. Room service in most hotels closes down at the same time the kitchen does, normally____________. A few hotels, however, are prepared to provide sandwiches even during the late-night hours. a) Never b) Between ten o'clock and midnight c) Is always closed d) Works by demand


5. Grill-bar and express-bar are the same. a) The statement is correct. b) Grill-bar only doesn’t serve tea, but in other aspects the statement is true. c) Express does serve in addition pastry, tea and coffee, but in other aspects the statement is true. d) The statement is completely wrong. 6. A bar is the place where you can have… a) Beverages and cold snacks. b) Meals and massage. c) Spa procedures. d) Good time. 7. Aperitif cocktails are served _____ the meal. a) Instead b) After c) Before d) For 8. The digestives are served _____ the meal. a) Instead b) After c) Before d) For 9. Long cocktails are usually served in a long glass with a straw. They are _____. a) The strongest at bar. b) Not so strong as other cocktails. c) Not cocktails. d) Served in shots. 10. Sour cocktails are a combination of ___ and ___ with ___and ___. They are good in hot weather because they are served with ice. a) Ethyl, honey, orange juice, grape juice. b) Spirits, liqueurs, vinegar, beer. c) Spirits, liqueurs, lemon juice, sugar syrup. d) Ethyl, honey, lemon juice, sugar syrup.


11. Choose the word or phrase on the left with the statement on the right 1. The original cocktails 2. Dessert cocktails Bowl 3. Dessert cocktails Cobblers 4. Dessert cocktails Fizzes 5. Dessert cocktails Highballs 6. Dessert cocktails Sour cocktails

A have several layers of spirits of different colour. B low-alcohol drink with fresh fruits (cherry, strawberry) C are made with ice and are decorated with fruits: lemons, oranges and berries. D are made with sparkling wine (for example, champagne) or sodas. E are served in high glasses. They are a mixture of two ingredients: strong drinks, such as whiskey or vodka, and some soda. F are a combination of spirits and liqueurs with lemon juice and sugar syrup. They are good in hot weather because they are served with ice.

12. Choose the word or phrase on the left with the statement on the right 1. Pre-dinner cocktails or aperitifs

2. Creamy cocktails 3. Long cocktails

4. Shot cocktails 5. Non-alcoholic cocktails 6. The digestives

A are usually served before eating. They stimulate the appetite. They are made with strong and clear spirits, such as whisky, gin or brandy. They have high alcohol content. They have no more than three ingredients and are not mixed with juice or cream. B are usually served after a meal as a dessert. They are made with ice cream, milk, sweet liqueurs, fruit, chocolate and coconut sprinkles. They can be made layered. C are usually served in a long glass with a straw. They are not so strong as other cocktails. They consist mainly of ice with a little spirit, fruit juice and sodas. D are served in small glasses. They саn be sipped or «shot». E are made of fruit juices and soda. They are served in large cocktail glasses with a straw. They can be decorated with fruit slices. F are served after the meal. They help to digest food.

English proverbs You can't serve two masters. Forbidden fruit is sweet. Business before pleasure. 157



PRE-LISTENING & READING Answer the question before you listen the lecture and read the text: What do you know about eating habits in the Great Britain and USA? Summarize your own experience, if any, or mention the source of your information (books, films, TV programs). VOCABULARY LIST usual - обычный meals - еда varied - разнообразный substantial - плотный (о еде) haddock - морской окунь, пикша kipper - копчёная рыба porridge - каша cream - сливки, крем hot chocolate - какао cornflakes with milk - кукурузные хлопья с молоком bacon and eggs - яичница с беконом for a chat - поговорить, поболтать just - зд. просто rare meat - не прожаренный кусок мяса

medium meat - средне прожаренный well-done meat - хорошо прожаренный absorbed - абсорбированный, поглощенный otherwise - иначе, по-другому grabbing - заедание; схватывание; Check, please! - Счёт, пожалуйста! (в ресторане, кафе, отеле) bun - булочка street vendor - уличный торговец to imply - предполагать, подразумевать, значить kidney - почки hiding - скрывание, укрывание to snatch - схватить sugar - сахар

LISTENING & READING Text 11: Meals in England The usual meals in England are breakfast in the morning, lunch at one o'clock during the break at work and dinner at home at seven or eight o'clock in the evening, traditional five o'clock tea and late supper. English breakfast is usually substantial and varied. For breakfast English people may have porridge or cornflakes with milk or cream and sugar, bacon and eggs, fried mushrooms, marmalade with buttered toast and tea or coffee. For a change they can have a boiled egg, cold ham, or fish with potato chips. If you prefer it you can have eggs


boiled or scrambled, and occasionally, fish, e. g., herring, haddock, or kipper is served. Lunch is served between half-past twelve and half-past one. Those people who work usually have lunch about one o'clock. The business man in London finds it is impossible to get home for this and so takes it in a cafe or 'restaurant, but those who are at home generally take cold meat, e. g., beef, mutton, veal, ham, with boiled or fried potatoes, another vegetable or salad, and pickles. For lunch they may have a mutton chop, or fish and chips, or cold meat, or steak with fried potatoes and salad and then a fruit dessert. Instead of this you may have a chop, or a steak and chips, followed by biscuits and cheese and a cup of coffee. With the lunch you will probably drink water or light beer. Working people usually have their lunch at the canteen or in the nearest cafe of a small restaurant. Afternoon tea follows between four and five o'clock. Five o'clock tea is an old English tradition. Friends often come for a chat while they have their cup of tea, cake or biscuit. This is not generally a formal meal. Instead of sitting round the table you have tea brought to you, and you balance a cup on your knee or in your hand as you take thin buttered bread, pastries, cake or biscuits. For dinner let us go to a hotel. In London there are hotels to suit every taste and every purse. For the really cheap places it is very interesting to explore the little French or Italian restaurants of Soho. The visitors who are feeling homesick can find different restaurants - French, Spanish and other and imagine they have gone back to their countries. If you want real old English food you must go to the Strand. Here a joint of roast beef − cooked at open roasting fires - is wheeled to your table and carved before your eyes. Most visitors liked to go to the «Old Cheshire Cheese», of Fleet Street, an old chop-house where famous writers used to go. Dickens and Thackerey went there in the nineteenth century, and many modern writers, journalists, and lawyers went there. The specialty was the huge rump-steak, kidney, and oyster pudding. A plate of this with a pint of bitter beer in a long glass, followed by the pancake or the toasted cheese and special "punch" in a China bowl, is a meal you don't easily forget. 160

In many English families dinner is the biggest meal of the day and in the evening there is usually a much simpler supper − an omelet or sausages, or sometimes bacon and eggs. For late swapper they may have just bread and cheese, a glass of juice or hot chocolate and fruit. If you are going to the Great Britain tour today, your tour cost includes the majority of breakfasts and some dinners as indicated in your specific itinerary. Breakfasts on tour vary between a light continental fare such as toast, cereals and juices to on other days much heartier selections of eggs, meats and potatoes. Of course, there is always tea and coffee to get your day off to a good start. Lunches are at your own expense, but we’ll ensure that you have inexpensive and health options across the continent. From hamburgers to salads almost any type of lunch is available but to be sure you should budget around $8 per day for lunches. Included dinners feature a variety of menus to reflect local cuisine. Rather than included meals, about twice a week we suggest a special meal out to more fully enjoy the local cuisine and culture, not included in your tour cost. When dinner is not included your Tour Manager will always have a number of suggestions just right to fit your budget. Often on these evenings there may also be an optional excursion meal planned. TEXT WORK 11 1. Read and translate the text. Try to retell it. 2.Give a summary of the text. 3. Answer the questions: 1. What are the usual meals in England? 2. Is English breakfast substantial and varied? 3. What may English people have for breakfast? 4. When do people who work usually have lunch? 5. Where do working people usually have their lunch? 6. Is five o'clock tea an old English tradition? 7. What can be served for five o’clock tea? 8. How many meals do we have each day? 9. Say what they are and at what time they are taken. 161

10. Say what you have for breakfast in England. 11. When is lunch served? 12. Where does a busy man take his lunch? 13. Say what the English people usually have for lunch, dinner. 14. How do people take their afternoon tea in England? 15. What is a real old English food? 16. Tell about the place where famous writers used to go. 17. When does the working people usually have lunch in England? 18. What is the biggest meal in English families? LISTENING & READING Text 11.1: American food and eating habits Speaking about typical American food, well, we have a phrase "as American as apple pie," so that's the first thing that comes to mind. I suppose that a hamburger is rather American and pancakes with maple syrup. Pumpkin pie, of course. Hot dogs, I guess, would be another American thing. We've had people from all over the world come into America throughout its history and so we've rather absorbed all the world's cooking. You know, pizza is a very American thing now. I am not positive, but I believe it really comes from Italy. Now, for main dishes − especially for dinner − Americans eat a lot of red meat, but more and more people are eating fish and poultry. Beef is the most popular red meat, followed by pork, and, least popular, lamb. In general, Americans like thick steaks. There are three ways to cook the meat: rare (not cooked very much), medium, and well-done (cooked a lot). The favorite American vegetable is the potato. It is served in many ways, but the most common are: baked potato, mashed potato, and French fries. Corn, too, is a truly American vegetable. It is especially popular to eat the whole ear (cob) holding the ends with your fingers. This is called "corn on the cob." Eating out is popular in the USA. Some restaurants are open even for breakfast, many restaurants, especially the better ones, open at about 11.30 a.m., others are open twenty-four hours a day. It is often necessary to make a reservation. Otherwise the restaurant 162

you chose may be filled up. By the way, do not expect to share a table with other parties. It just isn't done. If you want to ask for a bill, which is usually called the check, signal the waiter with a raised hand. If that doesn't work, you can say: "Excuse me, may we have the check, please." As the charge for service is not included in your restaurant check, everyone from waiters to porters anticipate tips. The amount you give should take into account the quality of service you receive. You should give 15 percent for good service, 20 percent for outstanding service and 10 percent for less than adequate service. Figure the tip on the total of the bill (excluding tax). Don't tip the headwaiter, though. Now, many restaurants post menus in the window so you can see the prices before you enter. If they do not, it is acceptable to enter the restaurant and ask for a menu before you sit down. If it is too expensive, it is OK to leave. If you do not eat all your food, you may ask for a "doggie bag." The waiter Will put your uneaten food in a paper or plastic bag and you can take it home. You should not do it at an expensive first class restaurant, of course. READING & SPEAKING Text 11.2: Eating out in New York City A wide variety of dining pleasures awaits a visitor to New York City, from luxuriating in the fanciest of French restaurants to grabbing a hot dog. With cuisines from every corner of the globe, New York City will feed you very well regardless of your budget. The least costly alternatives are those used by many natives at lunch time: street vendors, fast food places and delis. Street vendors' offerings − hot dogs for $2.00 or less − are fast, inexpensive and very "New York." Hot dogs (also called "franks" or "frankfurters") are a kind of sausage placed inside a bun. They are often made from pork and can be steamed, boiled, or grilled. The fast food places, such as McDonald's and Burger King are much the same everywhere in the United States. They offer a pretty standard fare: hamburgers, French fries, and coke (Coca-Cola), at a pretty standard price. A meal will rarely exceed $4.00 per person. 163

Hamburgers are made from beef, not ham, and served in a round bun. They are often eaten with tomato, or lettuce, or onion, mustard, and ketchup. A hamburger with melted cheese is called a cheeseburger. There are also some other kinds of burgers with other names, such as the jumbo burger (very big), mushroom burger, or bacon burger, depending on the extra ingredients added. With so many people traveling in cars, fast food places can be found all along the highways. If you are in a hurry, you can drive round to a "drive through" window and pick up your food packed in a paper bag without leaving your car. Likewise, other fast food places may have "drive-in" facilities. A waiter will meet you in the restaurant's parking lot, take your order and deliver the food to your car, where you can eat in the relative comfort of the parking area. Along highways and in town, "diners" give you a fins opportunity to have a quick snack. They are small-size restaurants, traditionally shaped like a railroad car. Another option, the delis − short for delicatessen − offer sandwiches and assorted salads. Americans eat a lot of sandwiches, especially for lunch. They are made with two pieces of bread and a filling. Some common fillings are: tuna fish, eggs, ham, chicken, turkey, roast beef, cheese, and peanut butter and jelly. Some sandwiches arc served hot, for example, a hot roast beef sandwich. Another special type is the "club sandwich" which is made with three pieces of bread and two fillings between them. One common sandwich is called a BLT, which means bacon, lettuce, and tomato. Although the bill in delis may run as high as $ 8.00 per person, their advantage is quick service, and of course, as the name implies, the food is delicious. Another relatively inexpensive alternative is the gourmet takeout shop stocked with foods for home or picnic. Some places call themselves "family restaurants". This usually means home style cooking. The food is almost as reasonably priced as in delis or better cafeterias. In a cafeteria you walk through a line, choose your food, put it on a tray, pay at the end of the line, and carry your food to a table. Turning to foreign cuisine, New York City's excellent and inexpensive offerings include pizza and a wide choice of Chinese and Mexican food. Pizza comes in two varieties − thin-crust "Neapolitan" and thick-crust "Sicilian" − and is served by the slice or by the pie. The best Chinese food, of course, is in Chinatown. To snatch a quick 164

taste of Mexican cooking one may go to Taco Bell or Taco-Time, where you will be offered tacos, chunks of marinated and broiled meat rolled in tortillas (flat bread made from wheat or corn), or chili, a spiced ("hot") seasoned dish of beef, beans, chili peppers, and tomatoes. TEXT WORK 11.1 - 11.2 1. Read and translate the texts. Try to retell them. 2. Give a summary of the texts. 3. Study the text and try to find answers to the following questions: 1. What would you call "a typical American dish"? 2. What is the quickest way of getting something to eat? 3. What is the quickest and cheapest way of getting a meal in the United States? 4. Why is it difficult to speak about typically American foods? 5. Why is it advisable to reserve a table in a restaurant? 6. What can be done if the portion of food you ordered appears to be too large for you? 7. Do you know now who and how much you should tip? 8. What new information about eating habits in the USA, if any, have you gathered? 9. Where can one have lunch in the USA? 10. What fast food chains are spread all over the USA? What do they offer? 11. What two kinds of fast food places can one discover while traveling in the USA by car? 12. What kind of food is one offered at delis? 13. What foreign dishes have become popular in the United States? 14. What does the fast food places, such as McDonald's and Burger King in New-York usually offer? 15. How is the hamburger with melted cheese is called? 16. What kind of restaurant in USA offers home style cooking? 4. Replace the words and expressions in italics with expressions from the text which have the same meaning. 1. A rich choice of dining pleasures awaits a visitor to New York City, from luxuriating in the most exquisite French restaurants to snatching a hot dog. 2. With cuisines from all over the world, New York City will feed you very well whatever your budget may be. 165

3. The cheapest varieties are those used by many natives at lunch time. 4. A meal at McDonald's will seldom be over $ 4.00 per person. 5. There are some other kinds of burgers with other names, such as the giant burger. 6. Although the bill in delis may run high, their advantage is quick service, and the food is extremely tasty. 7. Another comparatively cheap alternative is the gourmet take out shops stocked with foods for home or picnic. 8. The food in family restaurants is almost as inexpensive as in delis or better cafeterias. 9. Pizza comes in two kinds: thin-crust "Neapolitan" and thick-crust "Sicilian". DISCUSSION Work in pairs or groups: a) When you have read the text, tell it to your partner. Then listen to that of your partner. Ask each other as many questions as you can to learn further details or clarify some points. b) Discussion points: Use your own experience and information from texts in speaking about: 1. Eating habits in the GB and U.S. and in your country. 2. National cuisine in England. Typical English breakfast. 3. Fast food vs. "slow food": advantages and disadvantages. 4. American cuisine: does it exist? 5. Your eating preferences. d) Read, memorize and dramatize the dialogue 11. Answer the questions on the text of dialogue. 1. Why did the Clarks invite Alex to dinner at a restaurant in Chelsea? 2. What is Chelsea? 3 What did the Clarks and Alex order for dinner? 4. Were they pleased with the service? 5 What did Charles say about Russian cooking? 6. Did Alex agree with him? Dialogue 11 Dinning out in England One evening Mary and Charles Clarks took Alex Novikov to dinner at a small restaurant in Chelsea1 to treat him to some typical 166

English food. Having arrived at the restaurant they first went to the bar. CHARLES: There's some room on the bench by the fire-place. I'll go and order the drinks. What will you have? MARY: Sherry, please, for me. CHARLES: Sweet or dry? MARY: Dry, please. CHARLES: What about you. Alex? ALEX: A half of bitter.2 (The waiter brings the drinks) ALEX (looking at Charles sipping whisky): 1 will never understand you Englishmen. Sipping strong drinks as if you were having tea. Still when in Rome3… CHARLES (smiling and raising his glass): Cheers.. Here's to you. ALEX: Thank you. Here's to all of us. Having finished the drinks they passed into the dining-room. The waiter showed them to their table and brought them a menu each. CHARLES: Now let's decide about the first course. What is it to be? WAITER (to Mary): Fruit juice? MARY: Yes, grapefruit juice for me. WAITER: Thick soup for you, sir? CHARLES: Mmm ... yes, what is it? Oxtail. That'll do for me. And for you, Alex? ALEX: I'll have the clear soup, and steak and kidney pit to follow, please, WAITER (to Mary): I can recommend the chicken. It's fresh, not frozen„ and it is a specialty of the house. MARY: Yes, l'd like that. With bread sauce and garden peas. WAITER: Roast or mashed potatoes? MARY: Have you got any new potatoes? WAITER: Yes; certainly. CHARLES: And roast lamb with mint sauce for me. (to Mary and Alex) Shall we have some wine? MARY: I'd rather have a soft drink. CHARLES: What about you. Alex? Shall we have some Burgandy or claret? Waiter, may 1 have the wine list? (The waiters brings the main course and passes the dishes around). 167

MARY: It's really served very nicely here. ALEX: And the service is quick. MARY: How did you find your roast lamb, Charles? CHARLES: Oh, it wasn't too difficult. I just moved aside one of

the potatoes and there it was hiding underneath.. MARY: You mean it was rather small? CHARLES: It really wasn't bad. I was only joking (taking see menu again from the waiter) Now, what sweet, would you like? Let's see (reading aloud): Gooseberry pie and custard, sherry trifle, fresh pineapple with kirsch.4 or asserted ices. MARY: Ice-cream for me, please. ALEX: I should like some fresh pineapple. CHARLES: And I'll have the gooseberry pie. WAITER: Will you have coffee to follow, sir? CHARLES: Coffee. Alex? Yes, please: three. When they have finished the sweet and the coffee had arrived Charles offered Alex a cigarette. MARY: Charles told me that he had enjoyed the Russian food during his stay in Leningrad. CHARLES: Yes, I did. But there was always a danger, of overeating − Russian cooking is rich and it takes time to become accustomed to it. ALEX: Yes, it's a feature of Russian hospitality. We offer a guest as much food as there is in the house. CHARLES (catching the waiter's eye): Could I have the bill, please? WAITER: Of course, sir. Here you are. Charles paid the bill, tipped the waiter, and the trio made their way back to the car. Notes 1. Chelsea − a western metropolitan and parliamentary borough of London. From the 18-th and 19-th centuries Chelsea has been a literary, artistic and Bohemian quarter (by mid 20-th century) 2. bitter − a popular kind of beer drunk in pubs 3. When in Rome... − the first words of the proverb: When in Rome do as the Romans do. 4. kirsch - an alcoholic drink. 168


Traditional tea time in UK is… Three o’clock Four o’clock Five o’clock Two o’clock

2. a) b) c) d)

English breakfast is usually … Light and simple Substantial and varied Untasty and poor Sweet and spicy

3. a) b) c) d)

Five o’clock tea is … Spanish tradition French tradition Holland tradition English tradition

4. a) b) c) d)

One of the cheapest places in England that you can find is: Spanish restaurants Chinese and Korean restaurants Japanese sushi-bar Italian and French restaurants of Soho

5. a) b) c) d)

Where could you find the real old English food? West-end street Strand street Fleet street Oxford street

6. What is the most famous chop-house in England, where among visitors have been many famous writers, journalists, etc.? a) Butlers Wharf Chop-house b) Hix Oyster & Chop-house c) Old Chesire Cheese Chop-house d) Paternoster Chop-house 7. Traditionally, what is the biggest meal in English families? a) Dinner b) Supper


c) Breakfast d) Late supper 8. a) b) c) d)

What is the most favorite vegetable in the USA? Corn Cabbage Potato Carrot

9. If the charge for service is not included in the check, commonly for the good service how much in percent should you give as a tip? a) 15% b) 10% c) 5% d) 20% 10. In case you do not eat all the food, you can ask for take-away bag. What is the name of this bag? a) Uneaten bag b) Doggie bag c) Food pack d) Kitty bag 11. What is the name of fast food restaurants along the road where you can buy food without leaving a car? a) “Drive through” b) “Drive along” c) “Drive around” d) “Drive-in” 12. What special food you could find out in the delis? a) Hamburgers and hot-dogs b) Fruits and vegetables c) Cakes and cookies d) Sandwiches and salads 13. How many pieces of bread do the “club sandwich” comes with? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 14. What do the Americans understand under the “family restaurants” a) Texan style of cooking b) Cold style of cooking


c) Home style of cooking d) Luxurious restaurant style of cooking 15. What is so-called Neapolitan variety of cooking pizza? a) Mid-crust b) Thick-crust c) Thin-crust d) Puffy-crust 16. What is the best known of Mexican cuisine street food? a) Tortilla b) Taco c) Torta d) Tamales 17. See and write in what restaurants (list A) you can find certain food (list B). There can be more than one answer. a. Pizza Hut b. McDonald's c. Wendy's d. House of Pancakes e. Kentucky Fried Chicken f. Taco-Bell g. Subway h. Daddy's Steakhouse i. Baskin Robbins A

1. hamburger 2. roast beef 3. pumpkin pie 4. pancakes & maple syrup 5. bacon & eggs 6. French fries 7. tuna salad 8. ice cream

9. boiled ham 10. mashed potatoes 11. Mexican food 12. apple pie 13. chicken broth 14. coffee 16. a sandwich 17. pizza


English proverbs Everything in reason. An Englishman’s home (house) is his castle.





PRE-LISTENING & READING Answer the question before you listen the lecture and read the text: What do you know about national cuisine of different countries? What do you think about the Russian, Kazakh, Ukraine, Caucasian and other cuisines of CIS-countries? Summarize your own experience, if any, or mention the source of your information (books, films, TV programs). VOCABULARY LIST due to - благодаря impression - впечатление besides - помимо, кроме того successful - успешный elegant - элегантный mention - упомянуть oriental - восточный, азиатский interior - интерьер numerous - многочисленный though - хотя; несмотря на то, что splendid - роскошный, великолепный Vine list - перечень вин diverse - разнообразный lately - в последнее время spicy - пряный, пикантный worldwide - всемирно ТехМех - Texas and Mexican cuisine острая техасская и мексиканская кухня pride - гордость, shish-kebab - шиш-кебаб, шашлык as if - как если бы at the foot - у подножья sashimi, sushi - сашими, суши despite - несмотря на то, что sesame oil - масло из семян кунжута starch - крахмал to dilute - разводить, разбавлять chopsticks - палочки для еды exotic - экзотический pickles - соленья abundant, abundance - обильный, изобилие

green sorrel soup - зеленый суп со щавелем loaves - буханки rye bread - ржаной хлеб peculiarity - особенность ingredient - составная часть, ингредиент diced - нарезанный кубиками bard-boiled egg - сваренное вкрутую яйцо shredded - измельченный refrigerator - холодильник longevity - зд. долгожительство to explain - объяснять climate - климат healthful, wealthful - здоровый, мудрый fragrant herbs - пахучие травы to invent - изобретать distinctive - отличительный unique - уникальный aroma - аромат to remind - напоминать nevertheless - тем не менее characteristic - характерный tart - кислый pomegranate - гранат seeds - семена persimmon - хурма quince - айва raisins - изюм chestnut - каштан walnut - грецкий орех


nourishing - питательный, сытный gift - подарок, port -портвейн amazing - удивительный bitters - горькие настойки herbs - травы gourmet - гурман sauerkraut - кислая капуста exquisite - изысканный were reborn - возродились huge - огромный, тучный to wrap - заворачивать

egg-plant - баклажан suckling - поросенок shly ground - свежемолотый to rub - тереть, натирать to turn over - переворачивать to press - давить, прижимать flatten - делать плоским field mint- полевая мята ripe - спелый seasoned - приправленный immediately - сразу coriander - кориандр, кинза

LISTENING & READING Text 12: National cuisines, idea of Working in the tourism industry, you will need to understand and appreciate cultural differences and their impact on tourist behaviour and effective communication. This unit will help you develop your understanding of how globalization impacts on, and is impacted by, tourism. In spite of the process of globalization national ethnic cuisine is still alive and it continue to influence on tourism. Cuisines and nations are artifacts of human enterprise, will, and imagination. They refer ostensibly (как будто бы, якобы) to material things: to the earth, to the natural world, to particular geographical locales and the products of these places. In this sense, cuisines tell one something about food, and nations tell one something about places. Cuisines, too, are made up of earthly products, such as butter, beef, saffron, and garlic, much as nations inhabit physical localities, whether protruding landmasses, landlocked mountains, or chains of islands. In the modern period, however, foods have become associated with cuisines and places with nations. National cuisines are a product of the modern emphasis on national mind and mentality. In fact, the term "national cuisines" has become an almost exclusive means of organizing the link between food and place. Classifying a cuisine helps mark a geographical localization; it allows people to imagine national unity and to create convenient 174

categories for understanding food practices. National cuisine is a way of speaking about place, identity, and sovereignty. A national dish is a dish, food or a drink that is considered to represent a particular country, nation or region. A dish can become a national dish for a variety of reasons. It can be the national dish because it is a staple daily food for the majority of the population. It can also be the national dish because it represents the regions and ethnicities of the whole country. In addition, it can be the national dish because it incorporates locally produced ingredients. National dishes are part of a nation's identity and self-image. This is not a definitive list of national dishes, but rather a list of some foods that have been suggested to be national dishes. For examples, Australia − Meat pie, Roast lamb, Belarus − Draniki, China − Peking duck, Georgia − Khachapuri, khinkali, Greece − Fasolada, Moussaka, Hungary − Gulyás, Italy − Pasta, Polenta, Indonesia − Soto, Japan − Japanese curry, Ramen, Sushi, Kazakhstan − Beshbarmak, Poland − Bigos, Pierogi, Russia − pelmeni, Romania – Mămălig, Spain − Paella, tortilla española, Ukraine − Borscht, England − Fish and chips, United States − Apple pie, hamburger, Uzbekistan – Pilaf, Manty, and so on. National cuisine in restaurants. What cuisine produces the greatest impression on tourist? It is national cuisine. There are big groups of the most well known European, American, Oriental cuisines. The French cuisine (haute cuisine) has had the leading role in homes and restaurants since Peter the Great times. Italian cuisine is one of the most popular. Speaking about Italian cuisine it is impossible not to mention that it is famous for pasta dishes and internationally popular «pizza». Many fast food restaurants always offer a great choice of pasta dishes with different sauces as well as many kinds of pizza. North American cuisine has become popular in the former USSR countries lately. Restaurants with American cuisine offer meat dishes, vegetable dishes and fruit salads. Desserts, sweets, pastries are numerous: fruit juices, fresh fruit, fruit salads, whipped cream, biscuits, pies, and puddings. Latin-American cuisine is famous for its 175

spicy dishes with a lot of chili pepper. Worldwide popular TexMex dishes prepared by an American Chef are the pride of the restaurant «Cactus Jack» in Moscow. If you are interested in the culinary arts of Indo-China, we recommend you to visit popular Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Indonesian restaurants. Fish dishes sashimi and sushi are the specialties of Japanese restaurants. Despite the fact that the peoples of Indo-China eat practically every kind of food, in the culinary art they don't use European dairy products. The Japanese, Koreans, Chinese use little salt, but they use vinegar, soy sauce, rice wine, sesame oil and starch diluted in water as dressings. Caucasian cuisine has always been very popular in our countries. Juicy and aromatic shish-kebab at Georgian restaurants tastes as if it were cooked at the foot of the Caucasian mountains. The national cuisine is one of the most important factors for attraction of foreign tourists to the country. It is clear that the national features and traditions of the people are strongly kept in their cuisine. Therefore, representatives of other countries are always interested in the national traditional cuisine of host’s country. Certainly, the tourists who have arrived in Kazakhstan to wish taste the traditional local dishes. For more information, see

READING & SPEAKING Text 12.1: Traditional cuisine and typical dishes Kazakh Cuisine. Kazakh cuisine reflects the nature of its people, its history, customs and traditions. Kazakhs were traditionally nomads. This has influenced their food, clothing and traditions. Being nomadic, their national foods revolve around the meat, which was readily available from their herds. Also significant in its culture are the gathering of people for dastarkhan (served table in traditional mind) - both the chance encounters and formal celebrations relating to important life events. Both in the past and nowadays sheep were 176

killed to provide the meat for an important guest. Later, due to agriculture development, the Kazakhs began to use floury products. At present, Kazakhs cuisine includes a lot of vegetables and fruits. But we offer the following "excerpts" as a glimpse of the traditional food of Kazakhstan. It should be noted that food of Kazakhs is good adapted for the severe hot and dry climatic conditions of Kazakhstan.Since old times hospitality has been the most distinctive feature of the Kazakh people. A guest is always given a special welcome and offered the place of honor. Traditional Kazakh cuisine revolves around mutton and horse meat and as well as various milk products Meat in various forms has always been the primary ingredient of Kazakh cuisine, and traditional Kazakh cooking is based on boiling. Horse and mutton are the most popular forms of meat and are most often served in large uncut pieces, which have been boiled. Besbarmak -a dish consisting of boiled horse or mutton meat, is the most popular Kazakh dish. It is also called “five fingers” because of the way it is eaten. The chunks of boiled meat are cut and served by the host in order of the guests’ importance. Besbarmak is usually eaten with a boiled pasta sheet and a meat broth called shorpa, and is traditionally served in Kazakh bowls called “kese”. Beshbarmak is traditionally served according to the ritual. The koy-bash, or sheep's head boiled in a kasan, is put before the most honorable guest, usually the oldest one. This person cuts the bits and parts from the head and offers them to the other guests at the table. The younger adults often receive the bones of the legs and shoulders. Youths are given sheep's ear with the wishes to be careful; girls get a palate so as to be diligent. The other parts of the carcass are not considered any less meaningful. The most respected guests are treated to gammon and shank. A young bride receives the brisket; however, married women are given the neck-bones instead. Children are given the kidneys and heart, which are supposed to make them mature; however, children are not allowed to eat sheep's brain because it is believed to make them weak-willed. Other popular meat dishes are kazy, kuyrdak, palaw, manty. Kuyrdak -also spelled kuirdak, a dish made from roasted horse, sheep, or cow offal, such as heart, liver, kidneys, and other organs, 177

diced and served with onions and peppers. Another popular dish is palaw, which is made from meat fried with carrot and onion or garlic, then coocked with rice Manty dumplings archetypically consist of a spiced meat mixture, usually lamb or ground beef, in a dough wrapper, either boiled or steamed, spiced with black pepper, sometimes with the addition of chopped pumpkin or squash. Manti are cooked in a multi-level steamer and served topped with butter, sour cream, or onion (or garlic) sauce. Originally these dishes come from Uzbek cuisine, but Kazakh people like these dishes and cook them oftenly. Kazy - horse sausage. Kazy is a very dear and delicious meal but the tastiest part is the fat stomach. So, people serve kazy with karyn (stomach). In old times people liked to drink fresh meat broth with kurt. Even in winter after drinking this one felt full and warm. Baursaks are must-have food in every Kazakh family. Now, baursaks are not only cooked and eaten by the Kazakhs. Baursaks are served to tea, before main course, to mare’s milk (‘kumys’), to snacks, and to strong broth (‘sorpa’). It is both festive and everyday food liked by many, both young and old.The name of baursak originates from Kazakh words ‘baurlasu, baurlasuga, baur’, which mean ‘aspiration to unity, kinship and brotherhood’. Of course, baursaks are cooked as balls, however, one can not state that it is a traditional shape. There are triangle or square baursaks Kazakhs had diary products from goats, sheep, cows, horses and camels. Daily they milked sheep and goats; the cows twice a day, camels three or four times; and horses were milked six or seven times a day. Different foods were prepared from the milk. Kurt. This is a product prepared by the process of pressing thick sour cream. After boiling fermented sour milk, it was poured it into a sack or bag. Here it would get rid of yellow water. Then the women would make kurts and put on the ore (discussed in an earlier chapter). Kurt might be of different shapes and sizes; and that dried at the foot of a mountain would be white and salty.Kazakhs used to drink tea with kurt. They also spread butter on it and ate it when they had no bread. Irimzhik. Curd or cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is soft, so elder people preferred eating it. Beverages. Shubat (fermented camel's milk). Shubat was fat and nutritious and often served as a medicine. Kazakhs added camel's 178

milk to tea, which "burned the tea dark yellow, Shubat was considered superior to cow's milk. Kumys - this is a very respected beverage among Kazakhs; and also considered useful for health.In early times Kazakhs would measure their richness by how much kumys they processed in a year. They'd say: "This family has twelve female horses, and thus became rich". Kumys is very good for everyone's health, and many people wrote about it. Airan–sour milk. In early times Kazakhs ate light food, mostly drinking airan and eating kurt. Typically they drank airan after eating meat and before going to bed. Today's Kazakh cuisine includes traditional Kazakh dishes as well as Uzbek, Uigur, Russian, Tatar, Korean dishes that the Kazakhs like. Today, the range of ingredients available locally has considerably widened and influenced the national cuisine accordingly. Traditionally Kazakh cuisine was mostly based on meat and milk products. But more recently vegetables, fruits, fish, seafood, baked dishes and sweets have been added to the list of delights Kazakhs offer to their guests. Russian Cuisine. Original and varied, Russian cuisine is famous for exotic soups, cabbage shchi and solyanka, which is made1 assorted meats. Russians are great lovers of pelmeni, да11 Siberian meat pies boiled in broth. Every housewife of any experience has her own recipes - pies, pickles, and sauerkraut. Even more varied is the сhoice of recipes for mushrooms, one of the most abundant and nourishing gifts of our woods. They are fried, pickled, salted and boiled. As good whiskey shall come from Scotland, and port am Portugal, so Russian wheat vodka is the best in the world. We have an amazing variety to offer, from-the clear, colorless Moskovskaya and Stolichnaya to all kinds of bitters with herbs and spices. Of our folk soft drinks", kvass is the best known. It is made of brown bread or rye flour. If you add it to chopped-fup meat and vegetables, you get okroshka, an exquisite |cold soup. The Russian people have always been gourmets. Many names of Russian dishes and liquors have become international. For example: vodka, blini, piroshki, pelmeni. Many of the foods that are considered in the West to be traditionally Russian actually come from the Franco-Russian cuisine of the 18th and 19th centuries, and 179

include such widespread dishes as Veal Orloff, Beef Stroganoff, and Chicken Kiev. You can also taste the traditional s Russian fish soup “ukha” with a huge crawfish. There is a big choice of appetizers, soups, hot and dessert dishes. They recommend the guests, pressed and red caviar, salmon, stuffed pike-perch, sturgeon in aspic, herring, marinated herring, smoked sprats and so on. The guests also choose blini with caviar and salmon. For snacks the guests can taste cold meat dishes: ham, cold boiled pork − buzhenina, jellied tongue, meat jelly with horse-radish sauce and various salads. There are plenty of soups in the menu: Russian meat soup with fresh cabbage − shchi, meat and fish soup − solyanka, kidney soup with dills − rassolnik, fish soup − ukha, soup okroshka, green sorrel soup and cold beetroot soup − svekolnik. For the main course the guests can order fried pike-perch, sturgeon of any kind − boiled, steamed or on a spit. There are a lot of meat dishes on the menu: roast veal, pelmeni, beef-Stroganoff, minced meat wrapped in cabbage leaves − golubtsi, roast chicken, roast duck and goose stuffed with apples and sauerkraut, and so on. There is a large variety of desserts. For dessert you can have apples baked with sugar, fruit and berry compotes. There are a lot of fruit for dessert: apricots, melons, watermelons, peaches, grapes, pears, tangerines, oranges. Russian cuisine is famous for a large variety of milk products: cottage cheese − tvorog, thick sour cream − smetana, and Russian yogurts − kefir and ryazhenka. “No dinner without bread”, goes the Russian saying. Wheat loaves have dozens of varieties. As to rye bread, Russians eat more of it than any nation in the world − a peculiarity of the Russian diet. The guests can taste various Russian pies. They are: a pie with fish filling. − rasstegai, a Russian pie with meat or cabbage filling − kulebiaka, open tarts with curd − vatrushki. Russian honey-cakes are called prianiki, thick O-shaped rolls are called boubliki, dry O-shaped rolls are called baranki or sooshki. Ukranian Cuisine. Ukrainian borsch is famous not only in the Ukraine but also in Russia. It is a tasty and nourishing sour-sweet cabbage and meat soup with stewed beetroot and fried carrots and onions. Borsch will be tastier if you put all the vegetables into a 180

saucepan in a definite order. It can be served with dumplings called pampoushki and galoushki. Famous Ukrainian vareniki are dumplings made with cottage cheese or fresh cherries. There are a jot of recipes of rolls and buns, cakes and dessert dishes of all kinds in the Ukrainian cuisine. Caucasian Cuisine. The Caucasus has always been famous for its cooking. It is often called «the home of long life». The longevity of the peoples living in the Caucasus is explained not only by the excellent climate, but also by their healthful ad nourishing cuisine. The abundance of vegetables, fruit, and fragrant herbs and spices help the cooks to invent a distinctive style of cuisine. The gourmets like the exquisite taste and aroma of these dishes. In recent years there has been a growing interest in Europe and North America in what is usually called a "Mediterranean" cuisine. A number of Caucasian specialties such as kebabs, dolmas, pilaf, and pahlava are the same in Turkish and Greek restaurants. Nevertheless, there are many unique and distinctive qualities in the way Caucasian cooks and chefs prepare these dishes. One of the most characteristic peculiarities of Caucasian culinary is a combination of tart with sweet, produced by the addition of pomegranate juice, dried lemons, or sour plums, along with dried fruits such as apricots, quince, raisins, and persimmons. Chestnuts are also used to garnish meat and other dishes, and fresh pomegranate seeds are added to the plate just before it is brought to the table. Caucasian cuisine is rich m various appetizers, soups, hot and cold dishes. A great variety of green vegetables are used in making appetizers. They are: egg-plants, tomatoes, cabbage, sauerkraut, cauliflower, beets, potatoes, garlic, brown onions, spinach and also greens, spices, mushrooms and walnuts. Walnuts are widely used in making sauces to dishes of any kind. Caucasian cuisine has recipes of lots of appetizers: fried eggplants with tomato sauce, salted egg-plants and walnuts, stuffed eggplants with walnuts, garlic, brown onion, cress salad, celery, parsley, dried cinnamon, clove, vinegar, cayenne, salt, baked egg-plants with walnuts and pomegranate, fried mushrooms with tomatoes and walnut sauce. 181

Caucasian cuisine has many meat dishes: Boiled beef in tomato sauce with greens. Roast beef and string-beans with greens. Beef fillet stewed in walnut and tomato sauce. Pork fillet stewed with quince. Boiled mutton in garlic sauce. Liver in pomegranate sauce. Rice pilaf. Everywhere you can taste shashlyk (meat on a spit). It made of suckling, lamb, beef and chicken. The poultry dishes are also very popular in Caucasian cookery: Chicken in garlic sauce. Chicken in walnut sauce. The sauce is made from minced walnuts, garlic, kinza, salt and vinegar. The chicken is roasted or boiled, then cut in pieces, put on a dish and poured over with this sauce. Chakhohbily of chicken. Chicken «Tabaka». Satsivy with poultry. TEXT WORK 12 - 12.1 1. Read and translate the texts. Try to retell them. 2. Give a summary of the texts. 3. Answer the questions: 1. Where can you find a classical choice of French dish? 2. What is Italian cuisine famous for? 3. Where can you taste real American steak? 4. What is Latin-American cuisine famous for? 5. What fish dishes are the specialties of Japanese restaurants? 4. Translate into English: 1. Многочисленные рестораны в гостиницах известны своей национальной кухней, гостеприимством и стилем. 2. Каждый ресторан, как правило, специализируется на одной из национальных кухонь. 3. Итальянская кухня — одна из наиболее популярных в мире. 4. Итальянская кухня знаменита своими блюдами из спагетти и пиццей. 5. Латиноамериканская кухня известна своими пряными блюдами е большим количеством жгучего перца 6. Кавказская кухня всегда была очень популярна в России. 7. В этом ресторане Вы найдете классический выбор французских блюд. 182

8. В последние годы в Казахстане открылось много ресторанов национальной кухни. 9. Добро пожаловать в рестораны! 5. Study the texts about Kazakh, Russian, Ukrainian, Caucasian cuisines and try to put and write 10-12 questions to them. 6. Translate into Russian 1. Let’s decide about the second course. What’s it to be? A steak and kidney pie or some chicken?. 2. I am sick and tired of bacon and eggs every day for breakfast! I would like some porridge for a change. 3 What shall we have with tea? Toast and butter as usual? Let's have some biscuits. 4. What shaII we have for lunch? How about cold meat with potatoes and pickles or some fish for a change? 5. I'll have the apple pie and custard for dessert or some ice-cream. 6 Shall we order some tomato juice? No. I would like some fruit juice. 7 I can't decide about the wines. Would you like some red wine with your beefsteak?. 8. Pass me the pepper and mustard, please, and some sauce too. 9. What about vegetables? Let's have mashed potatoes and some green peas. 7. Answer the questions using "let": Model: a) I. What shall we take for the second course? 2. Let's have roast lamb, b) 1. Shall I bring some drinks? 2 Don't bother, let me (him; her; them; the waiter) do it. I. What shall we have for sweets? 2. Where shall we after dinner? 3. Shall I lay the table? 4. Shall I go shopping? 5. Shall we take am omelette or just rolls and coffee for breakfast? 6. Shall I cook the dinner? 7. What shall we start our lunch with? 8. Shall I give the children their dinner? They are hungry. 9. Shall 1 serve the tea? It's nearly ten o'clock.. DISCUSSION Work in pairs or groups: a) When you have read the text, tell it to your partner. Then listen to that of your partner. Ask each other as many questions as you can to learn further details or clarify some points. 183

b) Discussion points: 1. Use your own experience and information from texts in speaking about national cuisine in CIS-countries. Tell colleagues what do you know about Kazak, Russian, Ukrainian, Caucasian and other cuisines. 2. Meal customs differ from country to country. Is it true or false? Give your own opinion. 3. Comment on the meal customs in your own and other countries you visited or read about them. 4. Speak about your experience in visiting restaurants abroad. Compare national customs, cooking, dishes both at home and abroad. c) Written practice. 1. Describe your latest visit to a national restaurant (at home or abroad). 2. Write 15-20 test questions on Kazakh cuisine. Give 3-4 answers, one of which will be true. d) Read, memorize and dramatize the dialogue 12. Use the next ideas for dialogue. Dialogue 12  Would you like to have a meal?  Yes, I'm hungry.  What would you like to order?  Do you prefer fish or meat?  What do you recommend me?  I'd recommend meat and potatoes  As for national Russian dishes, I recommend you sops (your choice), pelmeni, blini. This is an entirely Russian dish  And what about you? Are you a vegetarian?  I am vegetarian.  What vegetables would you like? Help yourself to vegetables  What would you like to drink?  What will you have for a sweet? Any dessert?  I don't eat sweet. It makes one fat  I prefer cake and pastries. 184

 Would you like tea (coffee, cheese)?  After the dinner...  What are the main meals in your country?  Lunch (or dinner) is our heaviest meal of the day.  We usually don't drink wine at lunch with meals  There's a tea or coffee break at 11 (4) o'clock. We don't like spicy food.  Breakfast is a light meal with us. We usually have soup for lunch (a midday meal).  We often have salads.  I don't like sandwiches for breakfast.  I prefer porridge or eggs  Cereals are not very common with us.  We eat a lot of vegetables (fish meat, eggs)  Meals are very individual.  They depend a lot on your daily routine (your way of life).  You can eat out if you wish.  There are a lot of snack-bars, cafes and restaurants in the city. Project work: 1. Write a restaurant guide to tourists, travellers, and locals in your mind. Describe cuisine, food & wine lists, service, prices, ambience and attraction. Rate restaurants according to any known or your own classification. Suggest good places to dine for different occasions. Present your "Restaurant Guide” to your group and may be publish it at your local paper. 2. You are a manager you are going to open a new restaurant soon. Advertise on your restaurant. Include details about cuisine, menu details, ice, additional and special services you provide, prices, ambience and location and inside decor. Give contact information. Make a presentation to your group. CHECK YOUSELF. TEST FOR UNIT 12 1. Choose the right answer: a) Cuisines refer ostensibly to material things b) Cuisines refer to the natural world, to particular geographical localization


c) Cuisines refer the products of the geographical locations d) All variants are correct 2. National cuisines are product of the modern emphasis on national ___ and ___. a) Mind and mentality b) Poetry and literature c) Epic battles and war lords d) Prospects and analytics 3. In fact, the term "_____" has become an almost exclusive means of organizing the link between food and place. a) National heraldic b) National anthem c) National cuisine d) National currency 4. A national dish is a dish, food or a drink that _______ to represent a particular country, nation or region. a) Is never considered b) Is unable c) Is the worst way d) Is considered 5. Choose the right state-national dish compilation. a) Italy - Pasta, Uzbekistan – Pilaf, Russia – Pelmeni, Kazakhstan – Beshbarmak b) Chile – Empanada, Uzbekistan – Pelau, Russia – Pelmeni, Kazakhstan – Beshbarmak c) Chile – Empanada, Trinidad and Tobago – Pelau, Russia – Pelmeni, Tunisia – Harissa d) Chile – Empanada, Trinidad and Tobago – Pelau, Indonesia - Curanto, Kazakhstan – Beshbarmak 6. a) b) c) d)

Choose the right answer. Italian cuisine is possible to eat only in Italian restaurants. Many fast food restaurants always offer dishes of Italian cuisine. All variants are false. All variants are true.

7. What fish dishes are the specialties of Japanese restaurants? a) Sashimi and sushi b) Fish pies


c) Grilled fish dishes d) Japanese don’t use fish in their dishes 8. a) b) c) d)

What is the 18-19th century French-Russian dish? Pelmeni Pirozhki Kiev chiken Borsch

9. As good whiskey shall come from ___, and port from ____, so ____ wheat vodka is the best in the world. a) Scotland, Portugal, British b) USA, Italy, Russian c) Scotland, Portugal, Italian d) Scotland, Portugal, Russian 10. Choose the right answer. Russian soups are: a) Borsch, solyanka, ukha b) Solyanka, ukha, svekolnik c) Miso, solyanka, shchi d) Buzhenina, solyanka, ukha 11. Famous Ukrainian ____ are dumplings made with cottage cheese or fresh cherries. a) Vareniki b) Pelmeni c) Vatrushki d) Muffins 12. The abundance of _______________ help the cooks to invent a distinctive style of cuisine. a) vegetables, pork, and pastas b) vegetables, fruits, and fragrant herbs and spices c) vegetables, cheeses, and fragrant herbs and beans 13. A great variety of ______ are used in making appetizers in Caucasian cuisine. a) Cheeses b) Pastas c) Green vegetables d) Chile pepper


14. Choose the right spelling the dish of Georgian cuisine. a) Chakhonbily b) Chokhohbily c) Chawkhohbily d) Chakhohbily 15. National cuisine is a way of speaking about … a) Culture and anthropology b) Sovereignty and state law c) Place, identity, and sovereignty d) Tasty and spices

English proverbs Feast today and fast tomorrow. East or West, home is best So many countries, so many customs.



PRE-LISTENING & READING Answer the question before you listen the lecture and read the text: What do you know about sanitary, safety, hygiene and working condition control in restaurant business and catering in different countries? What do you know about Principles of Cleaning and Sanitation in the Food and Beverage Industry? Summarize your own experience, if any, or mention the source of your information (books, films, TV programs). VOCABULARY LIST premises - помещения insects - насекомые rodents - грызуны diseases - болезни disposable - выбрасываемый (после употребления) ; разовый, одноразовый relevant - уместный, относящийся к делу contamination - загрязнение devastating - опустошительный, разрушительный regulations - правила, нормативные документы safeguarding - обеспечение безопасности, гарантия sneezing - чихание

challenging- cтимулирующий, перспективный; вызов benchmark - мерка; мерило; критерий; стандарт prion, prion diseases - от protein only infections agent- прион (вирусоподобный агент, вызывающий заболевания нервной системы)

glaze - делать покрытие, застеклять, глазурь ubiquitous - вездесущий; повсеместный spoil - портить; наносить ущерб, урон handling - обращение; владение (чемл.) , умение обращаться; управление (чем-л.) coughing - кашель

LISTENING & READING Text 13. Safety and environmental conditions In economics, restaurants are the end of the supply chain in the food industry. There is usually too much competition in most cities barriers to entry are relatively low, which means that for most restaurants, it is hard to make a profit. In most First World industrialized centres, restaurants are heavily regulated to ensure the health and safety f the customers. 190

The typical restaurant owner faces many obstacles to success, including raising initial capital, finding competent and skilled labour, maintaining consistent and excellent food quality, maintaining high standards of fety, and the constant hassle of minimising potential liability for any poisoning or accidents that may occur. This is why restaurants seem come and go all the time. First of all, life safety, health and property of guests both in normal conditions and in extreme situations should be provided in catering enterprises. The building should be emergency exits, stairs, well noticeable information signs that provide free guidance of guests. Catering must be located in favorable environmental conditions. Food service shall be equipped with alarm and fire protection systems provided by the Rules of Fire Safety. At the food enterprises must be respected sanitary norms and rules set by the Sanitary&Epidemiological Survey in the premises clean, sanitary and production equipment, waste management and effective protection against insects and rodents. Safety in the food service enterprises begins with the design of kitchens and other technological areas. Sanitary Rules and Norms recommend a restaurant kitchen take half or even two thirds of its area. Lack of industrial premises violates process without which comply with food safety is impossible. This applies to the product storage arrangement. In the kitchen it should be enough equipment, including refrigerators ensuring the safety of food quality. To ensure the safety of clients, you must also pay attention to the cleanliness of tableware, cutlery and glassware. Washing in the dishwasher at high temperature using special detergents must be ensureв clean and disinfection. Specific safety requirements are imposed on the maintenance personnel. First of all, all employees should be trained in safe working practices, to know and comply with health and fire safety. All employees of the company shall be subject to periodic medical control. and take a course on hygienic preparation. Restaurants that sincerely care about the safety of their customers organize regular workshops for additional kitchen staff. The purpose of these workshops is to remind staff to follow the rules of sanitation and hygiene and thus preventing the risk of infection. The staff, time by time, at least once every one-two years pass examinations in 191

sanitary minimum. A personal medical book for each employee is necessary (the results of medical control, details of past infectious diseases. To work at the company was not available to individuals that are the source of infectious diseases. The most common way of spreading food infections in enterprises is dirty hands of staff. Therefore, you should control over the number and frequency of hand washing kitchen staff (cooks, their helpers, waiters, etc.). Use ordinary soap is not enough. Need a special disinfectant soap or detergent. Drying should be used with disposable towels. For example, McDonald's has strict rules for sanitation, which are primarily stipulate the 10 cases where staff must wash their hands: 1) After smoking; 2) After a meal; 3) After visiting the toilet; 4) Before starting work; 5) After washing the floors and change waist cisterns; 6) After touching the uniforms; 7) After sneezing and coughing; 8) After changing the working area 9) After handling (touching) money; 10) After touching hair or face. In addition, any employee who is on shift (смена), should wash their hands every half an hour and note it in a special checklists. The water temperature should be +43 ° C… + 46° C. Duration of hand washing to the elbow (локоть) at least 30 seconds with antibacterial soap and followed by treatment with a special disinfectant solution. A number of operations associated with the direct contact with food at McDonald's chains performed using disposable gloves. What are McDonald’s heath and safety rules? McDonald’s has very strict health and safety policies and procedures. All employees receive specific health and safety training prior to starting work and again throughout their employment. McDonald’s also has regular checks in place to ensure that the company fully complies with its duties under safety legislation. Food safety is one of today's major concerns. One important factor in food safety is cleaning and sanitation of the equipment used in the food, dairy, beverage, brewery and hospitality industry. 192

Cleanliness is a relevant factor; the public consumes more and more prepared or semi-prepared foods. The consequences of contamination can be catastrophic for the public and the economic and legal implications for the producer can be devastating. There have been several large and medium size enterprises bankrupted by a national recall of their contaminated products. This experience was gained with the practical and technical experience of many years working on real cases, improving in general the cleanliness and sanitation of the equipment where the food or beverage was prepared and packed. Know and apply these principles you will reduce costs and improve cleanliness and sanitation. The variety of food sanitation equipment. There are hundreds of types of equipment on the market for food sanitizers. Sanitation Tools has a wide selection of equipment, from hand sanitizers to surface sanitizers. Some restaurant has food sanitation supplies. Super Cleaning Systems has heavy equipment for foodservice businesses. For example, offers a list of sanitation equipment for you to compare. Outdoors has sanitation items for outdoor food service needs. There are both local and national rules for food safety and sanitation. Find out the rules for your business location before selecting food sanitation products. Get enough equipment and supplies to meet the rules for your business, but don't buy more than is needed. The USDA has food safety background information to review. Food and Beverage Processing . For over 65 years, NSF International has provided food safety and quality solutions to help organizations increase product quality and safety, protect their brands and reduce operating costs. Across the supply chain, our food safety offerings deliver value-added assistance in helping you meet Federal requirements and improve food safety systems beyond what is required by regulation. NSF International provides a wide range of comprehensive food safety solutions in a customer-focused and professional manner. NSF food safety offerings deliver value-added assistance to companies in meeting Federal requirements and improving their food safety systems beyond regulation. Companies 193

may select from training and education, audit, certificate, product approval, and registration services as needed. The Global Food Safety Initiative. In today's global environment, food safety is more important than ever. Safeguarding the food supply is a complex and challenging responsibility. As a result, many of the world's largest food companies, retailers, and manufacturers have set higher food safety standards, choosing to mandate supplier compliance with one of the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI)* standards. The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) was established to ensure confidence in the delivery of safer food to consumers, while continuing to improve food safety supply chain management. GFSI provides a benchmark to ensure consistency between countries and the products that have been certified. These global food safety standards address food, packaging, consumer goods, storage, and distribution for primary producers, manufacturers, and distribution. Food safety. Foodborne illness, commonly called "food poisoning", is caused by bacteria, toxins, viruses, parasites, and prions. Roughly 7 million people die of food poisoning each year, with about 10 times as many suffering from a non-fatal version. The two most common factors leading to cases of bacterial foodborne illness are cross-contamination of ready-to-eat food from other uncooked foods and improper temperature control. Less commonly, acute adverse reactions can also occur if chemical contamination of food occurs, for example from improper storage, or use of non-food grade soaps and disinfectants. Food can also be adulterated by a very wide range of articles (known as "foreign bodies") during farming, manufacture, cooking, packaging, distribution, or sale. These foreign bodies can include pests or their droppings, hairs, cigarette butts, wood chips, and all manner of other contaminants. It is possible for certain types of food to become contaminated if stored or presented in an unsafe container, such as a ceramic pot with lead-based glaze. Food poisoning has been recognized as a disease since as early as Hippocrates. The sale of rancid, contaminated, or adulterated food was commonplace until the introduction of hygiene, refrigeration, and vermin controls in the 19th century. Discovery of techniques for killing bacteria using heat, and other microbiological studies by scientists such as Louis Pasteur, contributed to the modern sanitation standards that are ubiquitous in developed nations today. This was 194

further underpinned by the work of Justus von Liebig, which led to the development of modern food storage and food preservation methods. In more recent years, a greater understanding of the causes of food-borne illnesses has led to the development of more systematic approaches such as the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), which can identify and eliminate many risks. Recommended measures for ensuring food safety include maintaining a clean preparation area with foods of different types kept separate, ensuring an adequate cooking temperature, and refrigerating foods promptly after cooking. Foods that spoil easily, such as meats, dairy, and seafood, must be prepared a certain way to avoid contaminating the people for whom they are prepared. As such, the general rule of thumb is that cold foods (such as dairy products) should be kept cold and hot foods (such as soup) should be kept hot until storage. Cold meats, such as chicken, that are to be cooked should not be placed at room temperature for thawing, at the risk of dangerous bacterial growth, such as Salmonella or E. coli. Salmonella bacteria is a common cause of foodborne illness, particularly in undercooked chicken and chicken eggs. Cultural and religious diets. Dietary habits are the habitual decisions a person or culture makes when choosing what foods to eat. Many cultures hold some food preferences and some food taboos. Dietary choices can also define cultures and play a role in religion. For example, only kosher foods are permitted by Judaism, halal foods by Islam, and in Hinduism beef is restricted. In addition, the dietary choices of different countries or regions have different characteristics. This is highly related to a culture's cuisine. Food safety is a scientific discipline describing handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent foodborne illness. This includes a number of routines that should be followed to avoid potentially severe health hazards. Food can transmit disease from person to person as well as serve as a growth medium for bacteria that can cause food poisoning. Debates on genetic food safety include such issues as impact of genetically modified food on health of further generations and genetic pollution of environment, which can destroy natural biological diversity. In developed countries there are intricate 195

standards for food preparation, whereas in lesser developed countries the main issue is simply the availability of adequate safe water, which is usually a critical item. In theory food poisoning is 100% preventable. Five key principles: The five key principles of food hygiene, according to The World Health Organization (WHO), are: 1. Prevent contaminating food with pathogens spreading from people, pets, and pests. 2. Separate raw and cooked foods to prevent contaminating the cooked foods. 3. Cook foods for the appropriate length of time and at the appropriate temperature to kill pathogens. 4. Store food at the proper temperature. 5. Do use safe water and cooked materials. ISO 22000 is a standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization dealing with food safety. This is a general derivative of ISO 9000. ISO 22000 standard: The ISO 22000 international standard specifies the requirements for a food safety management system that involves interactive communication, system management, prerequisite programs, HACCP principles. Basic food safety training includes: Understanding the hazards associated with the main types of food and the conditions to prevent the growth of bacteria which can cause food poisoning The problems associated with product packaging such as leaks in vacuum packs, damage to packaging or pest infestation, as well as problems and diseases spread by pests. Safe food handling. This includes safe procedures for each process such as receiving, re-packing, food storage, preparation and cooking, cooling and re-heating, displaying products, handling products when serving customers, packaging, cleaning and sanitizing, pest control, transport and delivery. Also the causes of cross contamination. Catering for customers who are particularly at risk of food-borne illness, including allergies and intolerance. Correct cleaning and sanitizing procedures, cleaning products and their correct use, and the storage of cleaning items such as brushes, mops and cloths. Personal hygiene, hand washing, illness, and protective clothing. 196

READING & SPEAKING Text 13.1: Consumer tips: how to keep food safe 1. One of the simplest measures that any person can take to prevent the spread of foodborne illness is to properly wash his or her hands before preparing or eating any meal. Many people who believe they are adequately washing their hands are sorely mistaken. According to a study conducted by the American Society of Microbiology, 97% of females and 92% of males said they washed their hands, but those numbers turned out to be 75% of females and 58% of males upon observation. A proper hand-washing technique suggested by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services includes using soap and warm water; washing vigorously for 10-20 seconds, making sure to reach all surfaces of the hands including the wrists, between the fingers, and under the finger nails; rinsing well; drying hands with a paper towel; and using a paper towel to turn off the water. It is certainly important to wash your hands before preparing a meal and eating, but hands should also be washed after using the restroom, coughing/sneezing, touching cuts or skin infections, handling raw meat, and touching pets or other animals. Almost half the cases of foodborne illnesses could be prevented by better hand-washing by food handlers. In addition, hand sanitizer is a helpful follow-up to hand-washing, but it should never be used to replace this valuable technique. 2. Some foods should simply never be ingested in the first place because they have such a high risk of containing harmful bacteria that can make people ill. These foods include raw milk, unpasteurized dairy products, unpasteurized juices (such as fresh apple cider), raw meat, and raw cookie dough. 3. In cases of suspected food spoilage, food should never simply be tasted, smelled, or eye-balled in order to determine its safety. It is true that in some cases, the presence of mold or other growths may indicate that a food has reached its expiration date and should not be consumed. However, some foods may look and smell fine, but if they have been stored at room temperature for over 2 hours, microscopic bacteria may have been allowed to grow. The safe temperature for 197

foods in refrigerators is between 2°C (35°F) and 7°C (45°F), and freezers should be kept at -18°C (0°F) or below. 4. It is not safe to let meats thaw on the counter all day, because this allows any germs present on the food to thrive. Safer alternatives to this practice include thawing the food under running water (21°C (70°F) or below) for less than 2 hours, placing the food in the refrigerator to thaw, or thawing the food in the microwave as part of the cooking process. 5. It is also important to make sure that raw meats are cooked to the appropriate internal temperature before they are consumed. Safe internal temperatures for various meats include 74°C (165°F) for poultry, 68°C (155°F) for ground meat, and 63°C (145°F) for fish and pork. It is not sufficient to judge the doneness of meat by its internal color. According to a study performed by the USDA, “25% of hamburgers with a brown internal color were not cooked to the proper temperature.” Instead of simply eyeballing the meat, it is essential to use a meat thermometer to judge the safety of consuming the food. 6. The cooking process is often the time that foodborne pathogens are allowed to enter the food we eat because of the prevalence of cross contamination. Cross contamination occurs when a person handling raw meats, eggs, fish, or other foods containing harmful pathogens touches cooking utensils, cutting boards, or cooking surfaces and spreads the pathogens to ready-to-eat foods in the process. This mode of transmission can be interrupted by washing hands after handling raw foods, washing utensils and cutting boards that have come in contact with raw foods, and disinfecting counter surfaces frequently. 7. Leftovers are ideally stored in the refrigerator in shallow containers (2 inches tall or less) so that the cooling process can be accelerated and the buildup of harmful bacteria can be prevented. Storing foods in larger containers may keep foods warm and allow harmful bacteria to grow. For more information, see Resources for industry assistance with sanitation for food has. Food safety


TEXT WORK 13-13.1 1. Read and translate the texts. Try to retell them. 2. Give a summary of the texts. 3. Answer the questions: 1. Why is competition in the restaurant business so high? 2. What are restaurant’s biggest concerns in Western countries? 3. What obstacles does a typical restaurant owner face? 4. Why do restaurants seem to come and go all the time? 5. What is the main safety problems in food&beverage industry and management? 6. Tell about 10 McDonald's rules for sanitationfor staff. 7. What typs of bacteria do you know? 8. What are the reasons of food poisoning? 9. How many key principles of food hygiene are, according to The World Health Organization (WHO)? What are they? 10. How to keep food safe? 3. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Find and translate sentences with them in the text. For memory, see unit 7. The standard way, to take the order, to pay the bill afterwards, to add, it goes to the staff, certain types of food, seafood restaurant, vegetarian restaurant, ethnic restaurant, generally speaking, food of foreign origin, to be licensed to serve alcohol, restaurant guide, high culinary merit, the more stars awarded, the higher the prices, roughly equivalent, star ratings, casual places, to visit dining establishments anonymously, the most thorough coverage, supply chain, foodservice industry, barriers to entry are relatively low, heavily regulated, food poisoning, bring your own booze. 5. Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Клиент /посетитель ресторана; в зависимости от местных традиций; принять заказ; оплатить счет; соответственно; алкогольные напитки; иначе; строгие ограничения; разрешать; в общем; критическая оценка; попробовать все блюда в меню; варианты пообедать; слишком большая конкуренция; трудно получать прибыль; накопить первоначальный капитал; найти 199

компетентную рабочую силу; обеспечивать здоровье и безопасность; пищевое отравление, гигиена и санитария. 6. Translate into English: Санитари́я (от лат. sanitas − «здоровье») − система мероприятий, обеспечивающих охрану здоровья и профилактику различных заболеваний, а также комплекс мер по практическому применению разработанных гигиенической наукой нормативов, санитарных правил и рекомендаций, обеспечивающих оптимизацию условий воспитания и обучения, быта, труда, отдыха и питания людей с целью укрепления и сохранения их здоровья. Выдающийся гигиенист Г.В. Хлопин сказал: «Если гигиена − наука о сохранении улучшении здоровья, то санитария − практическая деятельность, при помощи которой это достигается». Санитарно – гигиенические требования для предприятий общественного питания ассматриваются в следующих направлениях. 1. Санитарные требования к территории; 2. Санитарные требования к водопроводу и канализации; 3. Санитарные требования к освещению; 4. Санитарные требования к устройству и содержанию помещений; 5. Санитарные требования к инвентарю, посуде, таре; 6. Мероприятия по борьбе с насекомыми и грызунами; 7. Санитарные требования к личной гигиене персонала; 8. Обязанности и ответственность за соблюдение санитарных норм. Области, представляющие особый интерес для службы безопасности в ресторане в первую очередь включают: хранение и движение продуктов; хранение и расходование ликеро – водочных изделий; расчеты с клиентами; документооборот; контроль за хранением и движением продуктов.

DISCUSSION Work in pairs or groups: a) When you have read the text, tell it to your partner. Then listen to that of your partner. Ask each other as many questions as you can to learn further details or clarify some points. b) Discussion points: 1. Use your own experience and information from texts in speaking about problems of sanitary and hygiene in F&B 200

Management. Tell colleagues what do you know about safety policies and procedures in restaurant business. 2. Meal customs differ from country to country. Is it true or false? Give your own opinion. 3. Comment on the laws in your own and other countries you visited or read about them. c) Read, memorize and dramatize the dialogue 13. Dialogue 13 Waiter: A table for three? A:Yes, that’s right, Waiter: Fine. Here we are. B: Oh, I'm cold. There’s a draught (сквозняк) here. Couldn’t we sit somewhere else? A:Excuse me! Excuse me! Waiter: Yes, would you like to order? B: No. We’d like to sit somewhere else, please, Waiter: Is something the matter with this table? A:Yes, there’s a draught Waiter: Oh, I’m sorry. Would you sit over here, please? I hope this table will be better. B: Thank you very much. C: Thank you. A: Thank you. That’s very kind of you. C: Right. What are we going to have? B: Oh. I’m hungry. Let me see. I’ll have smoked salmon to start. Do you want to start with smoked salmon? A: No, I’ll have shrimp cocktail. C: And I’ll have shrimp cocktail too. A: What are you going to have for your main course? B: Let me see. I’ll have roast beef with French fries and a salad. What about you? A: I’ll have the same. Salad, roast beef and potatoes. C: And I’ll have steak with salad and chips, I think. A: Are we ready to order then? C: Yes, we can order now. 201

CHECK YOUSELF. TEST FOR UNIT 13 1. First of all, life____, health and property of guests both in normal conditions and in extreme situations should be provided in catering enterprises. a) Danger b) Risk c) Safety 2. At the food enterprises must be respected sanitary norms and rules set by the _______ Survey in the premises clean, sanitary and production equipment, waste management and effective protection against insects and rodents. a) Customary b) Building c) Sanitary & Epidemiological 3. A personal _____ for each employee is necessary (the results of medical control, details of past infectious diseases. a) Private diary b) University degree c) Medical book 4. a) b) c)

What does every McDonald’s staff receive prior to starting a work? Health and safety training Management training Driving training

5. One important factor in food safety is _____ of the equipment used in the food, dairy, beverage, brewery and hospitality industry. a) Chic b) cleaning and sanitation c) cost 6. Many of the world's largest food companies, retailers, and manufacturers have set higher food safety standards, choosing to mandate supplier compliance with one of the _______ standards. a) NASDAP b) Good Manners Responsibility (GMP) c) Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) 7. What is salmonella? a) Salmonella is a salmon fish, fried, boiled or cooked in any other way by Italian recipe.


b) Salmonella is a person responsible for delivering salmon to a restaurant. c) Salmonella bacteria is a common cause of foodborne illness, particularly in undercooked chicken and chicken eggs. 8. What is foodborne illness? a) Foodborne illness is a type of mixomatosis applied on human gen. b) Foodborne illness is unknown type of an specie. c) Foodborne illness, is caused by bacteria, toxins, viruses, parasites, and prions. 9. He contributed to the modern sanitation standards and discovered techniques for killing bacteria. a) Luc Godard b) Hippocrates c) Louis Pasteur 10. Recommended measures for ensuring food safety include maintaining a _______ with foods of different types kept _______, ensuring an adequate cooking ______, and refrigerating foods promptly after cooking. a) Clean preparation area, separate, temperature b) Clean preparation area, together, pressure c) Clean preparation area, separate, pressure 11. Dietary habits are the _____ a person or culture makes when choosing what foods to eat. a) habitual decisions b) merchant decisions c) silly decisions 12. Only ____ foods are permitted by Judaism, ____ foods by Islam, and in Hinduism ____ is restricted. a) Dietary, halal, pork b) Dietary, halal, beef c) Kosher, halal, beef 13. What is the false in the WHO food hygiene principle? a) Don't store food at the proper temperature b) Prevent contaminating food with pathogens spreading from people, pets, and pests. c) Separate raw and cooked foods for contaminating the cooked foods. Don’t use safe water and cooked materials


14. ISO ______ is a standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization dealing with food safety. a) 2200 b) 22000 c) 2000 15. It is also important to make sure that raw meats are cooked to the ________before they are consumed. a) appropriate internal temperature b) appropriate external temperature c) inappropriate internal temperature

English proverbs Everything is good in its season. Gluttony kills more men than the sword. Good health is above wealth.



PRE-LISTENING & READING Answer the question before you listen the lecture and read the text: What do you know about shopping in different countries? How often do you go to shop? How many types of shops are there in our country? Summarize your own experience, if any, or mention the source of your information (books, films, TV programs). VOCABULARY LIST cannot do without не могут без to buy - купить, покупать various - различный goods - товары the grocer's - бакалея the baker's - булочная the butcher's - мясной магазин the greengrocer's - овощной и фруктовый магазин the confectioner's - кондитерский магазин cashier- кассир bookseller's книжный магазин salesgirl, saleswoman - продавщица salesman, shop assistant - продавец to weigh - взвешивать scales - весы self-service - самообслуживание household goods - товары для дома mall (AmE.) - торговый центр canned - консервированный

go shopping - делать покупки food basket - корзинка для товаров aisle - ряд прилавков (в универсаме) wide choice - широкий выбор attractive - привлекательный all year round - круглый год to offer - предлагать foodstuffs - продукты to choose - выбирать laser scanner -лазерный сканер to sum up - суммировать counter - прилавок cashier's desk - касса on sale - в продаже sales staff - продавцы polite - вежливый tasty - вкусный microwave oven - микроволновая печь loaf - буханка dozen - дюжина (12 шт.)

LISTENING & READING Text 14: Shopping Shops play an important role in our life. People cannot do without them. When people want to buy something,- they go to shops where various goods are sold. Through the shop-window we can see what is sold in this or that shop. At the grocer's you can buy sugar, tea, coffee, salt, pepper, ham, bacon, sausages, frankfurters and so on. Bread is sold at the baker's, 206

meat at the butcher's. We go to the greengrocer's for vegetables and fruit. Cakes and sweets are sold at the confectioner's. When we want to buy clothes, we go to men's and ladies clothes shop. We buy boots and shoes at the footwear shop. We buy jewelry at the jeweler's. We buy books at the bookseller's. A salesman, salesgirl or saleswoman usually stand behind the counter. The cashier sits at the cash desk. The salesman or salesgirl weighs the goods, which are not packed on the scales, and tells the price. People who often come to buy different things in the shop are called customers. Some shops may have many departments. These shops are called department stores or supermarkets. Supermarkets are self-service stores with departments for different food products. Supermarkets sell thousands of food products: meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, canned groceries, bakery items, delicatessen items, and frozen foods. Some supermarkets also have seafood and alcohol. In some supermarkets you can also buy household goods. The supermarkets are located in shopping centres or malls and along m.ain roads. Supermarkets are popular because they save time, have low prices and variety of products in one place. There you can buy almost everything you need. These shops are called self-service shops because there are no salespersons there but only cashiers at the cash desks. The customers choose the goods they want to buy and pay for them at the cash desk. At the food shop. People do shopping almost every day. There is a big supermarket not far from my place. It's a self-service shop. Why do people like shopping in this self-service shop? There are three main reasons for this: it doesn't take them much time, there is a wide choice of all possible products in this shop and the prices are not very high. Customers can buy all the necessary foodstuffs there: bread, milk, meat, fish, grocery, sausages, sweets, vegetables and fruit. Everything on the counters1 looks very attractive and the sales staff are very polite. When customers come into the shop, they take a food basket and choose the products they want to buy. When they put everything they want into the basket they come i up to the cashier's desk. There is a computer with a laser ' scanner that reads and sums up the prices on packed 207

goods at the cashier's desk. The saleswoman tells how much to pay. The customers pay the money and leave the shop. There are several aisles in the shop: fruit and vegetables, meat and fish counters and others. The green grocery and fruit aisles offer a great variety of fresh and canned vegetables and fruit. There you can buy spring onions, brown onions, potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbages and lettuce. There are also radishes, cauliflower and green peas on the counters. The customers can put the vegetables into plastic bags. The fruit are always very fresh. You can buy bananas, grapes, lemons, oranges, tangerines and pineapples, pears, apples and plums. In season the shop has a great variety of berries: strawberries, cherries, raspberries, black and red currants, gooseberries and cranberries. In summer they sell water melons and melons. Fruit and berry jams are sold all year round. There is also a wide choice of fruit and vegetable juices to any taste. You can buy bottles and packs of juice of any size. In the grocery aisle there are all kinds of cereals: oatmeal, millet, rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, macaroni, vermicelli and noodles. You can also buy vegetable oil, spices, flour, potato flour, peas and some other products there. At the meat counter the customers can buy pork, beef, mutton, veal and poultry. The meat products are ready packed and some of them can be cooked in microwave oven. There are also delicatessen and smoked meats and sausages here. They offer you all kinds of sausages: boiled sausages, half-smoked sausages and smoked sausages, liver pаte, ham, canned beef and pork. The shop has a wide choice of fish. You can buy live carp, pike, bream and sheat-fish. There is much fresh-frozen fish: perch, cod, plaice and some other. You can buy pike-perch and sturgeon, lobsters, shrimps, scallops, fillet of sword-fish, tuna fish, live crawfish, herring and kipper here. There is also much canned fish. There is a wide choice of milk products in the dairy department. You can buy milk, butter, cream, yogurts, kefir, sour cream, cheese, curds, cottage cheese, pot cheese, and cream cheese. At this department you can also buy eggs, mayonnaise and margarine. You go for white and brown bread to the bread section. There are a lot of baked items in this section. You can also buy rolls, buns, muffins, and croissants there. 208

There is a rich choice of items in the confectionery: sugar, granulated sugar, caramel, rich sweets, chocolates, bars of chocolates biscuits. A lot of other tasty things are on sale here: pastry, jampuffs, fancy-cakes, tarts, fruitcakes, wafers, marmalade and also tea, coffee and cocoa. We can buy at the grocer's: grocery - бакалея cereals - крупы, каши oatmeal - овсянка rice - рис buckwheat - гречневая крупа millet - пшено pearl-barley - перловая крупа flour - мука

potato flour - картофельный крахмал peas - горох salt - соль vegetable oil - растительное масло macaroni - макароны spaghetti - спагетти noodles - лапша pasta - макаронные издедия

We can buy at the greengrocer's: greengrocer's- greengrocery овощной магазин vegetables - овощи carrots - морковь beets = beetroot - свекла marinated beets - маринованная свекла onions - лук brown onions - лук репчатый spring onions - лук зеленый cabbage - капуста greens - зелень lettuce - салат cauliflower - цветная капуста radish - редис horse-radish - хрен egg-plant - баклажан red cabbage - красная капуста Brussels sprouts - брюссельская капуста cucumber - огурец turnip - репа swede - брюква


pickled - маринованный dills - маринованные огурцы tomatoes - помидоры pumpkin - тыква green peas - зеленый горошек sauerkraut - квашеная капуста salted cabbage - соленая капуста Greens (Зелень) dill - укроп parsley - петрушка celery - сельдерей Spices (Пряности) allspice - душистый перец cayenne - красный перец vinegar - уксус cinnamon - корица clove - гвоздика basil - базилик caraway - тмин bay leaf - лавровый лист pepper - перец ground pepper - молотый перец

We can buy at the fruit shop: fruit(s) - фрукты pomegranate - гранат melon - дыня water-melon - арбуз apricot - абрикос peach - персик grape-fruit - грейпфрут pear - груша apple - яблоко plum - слива grapes - виноград orange - апельсин tangerine - мандарин banana - банан lemon - лимон pineapple - ананас

berry - ягода cranberries - клюква strawberries - клубника blueberries - черника raspberries - малина red bilberries - брусника gooseberries - крыжовник cherry - вишня sweet cherries -черешня kiwi -киви avocado - авокадо mango манго papaya - папайя persimmon - хурма fig - инжир dates - финики

We can buy at the baker's: baker's -(shop) булочная baked items - хлебные изделия, выпечка brown bread -черный хлеб white bread -белый crackers - крекеры

bun, rolls - 6yлочки muffins - сдобные круглые булочки croissants - булочки-круассаны rye bread - ржаной хлеб

We can buy at the fish shop (fishmonger's): fishmonger's - рыбный магазин fillet of sword-fish - филе рыбы-меч fresh-frozen - свежезамороженная рыба herring - селедка kipper - копченая ceледка live fish - живая рыба lobster - омар carp - карп cod - треска bream - лещ crawfish - рак


perch - окунь pike - щука pike-perch судак plaice - камбала scallop - морской гребешок sheat-fish - сом shrimp -креветка sturgeon - осетр tuna -тунец clams - ракушки, мидии swordfish - рыба-меч

We can buy at the dairy shop: dairy - молочные продукты sour cream - сме тана milk - молоко curd - творог ' pot cheese - брынза bottled milk - молоко в бутылках cream - сливки, крем

kefir - кефир yogurt - йогурт cheese - сыр cottage cheese - творог butter - сливочное масло eggs - яйца mayonnaise - майонез

We can buy at the butcher's: butcher's counter - мясная лавка или магазин meameet -мясо beef beef - говядина pork - свинина pork rib loin - свиная грудинка liver pate - печеночный паштет ham - ветчина lean meat - постное, нежирное мясо steak - бифштекс, кусок мяса (для жаренья), вырезка cuts - куски (о мясе) beef sirloin - говяжий филей blade - лопаточная часть rump - оковалок chuck - шейная часть brisket - грудная часть frankfurter - сосиска

beef mince - говяжий фарш beef fillet - филейная часть fat meat - жирное мясо mutton - баранина lamb - молодой барашек veal - телятина poultry - птица (домашняя) game - дичь ready-made готовый deli — delicatessen - мясная кулинария boiled sausage - вареная колбаса can - консервы (банка) canned meat - консервированное мясо smoked sausage копченая колбаса half-smoked sausage полукопченая колбаса

We can buy at the confectioner's (sweet-shop): confectioner's - кондитерский магазин confectionery- кондитерский отдел sugar - сахар granulated sugar- сахарный песок caramel - карамель chocolates - шоколадные конфеты cake - кекс chocolate bar - плитка шоколада biscuits - сухое печенье


pastry - сдобное печенье puff - слойка jam - варенье, джем fancy-cake - пирожное marmalade -джем из цитрусовых coffee - кофе cocoa - какао wafers - вафли sweets -сласти, конфеты

TEXT WORK 14 1. Read and translate the text. Try to retell it. 2. Give a summary of the text. 3. Answer the questions: 1. Do shops play an important role in our life? 2. Where do people go when they want to buy something? 3. What can see through the shop-window? 4. What can we buy at the grocer's? 5. What can we buy at the baker's? 6. What can we buy at the greengrocer's? 7. What can we buy at the butcher's? 8. What can we buy at the confectioner's? 9. What can we buy at the footwear shop? 10. What can we buy at the bookseller's? 11. Where do the customers pay for the goods at the self-service shops? 12. What is a supermarket? 4. Translate into English: 1. В этом торговом центре есть новый супермаркет. 2. В этом супермаркете вы можете купить все, что вам нужно. 3. Мы всегда делаем покупки в этом супермаркете. Здесь большой выбор продуктов. Мария работает в этом супермаркете? − Да, она работает там продавцом. 5. В каком отделе она работает? − Она работает кассиром в кондитерском отделе. 6. Какие отделы есть в этом супермаркете? − В этом супермаркете имеются мясной, рыбный, бакалейный, кондитерский, молочный и овощной отделы. 7. Какие продукты вы покупаете в мясном отделе? − Мы обычно покупаем говядину, но иногда мы покупаем баранину или свинину. 8. Какое мясо вы покупаете жирное или постное? − Я покупаю постное мясо. Я не люблю жирное мясо. 212

9. Что вы покупаете в молочном отделе? − Мы покупаем различные молочные продукты: молоко, кефир, сметану и сыр. 10. Где вы покупаете картофель, капусту, свеклу, морковь и другие овощи? − Мы всегда покупаем овощи в этом супермаркете. У них здесь большой выбор овощей: свежая капуста, хороший картофель,морковь и свекла. 11. Что вы купили сегодня? − Мы купили тунца горячего копчения, селедку, паштет из печени, чёрный и белый хлеб, сдобные булочки и спагетти. 12. Какие деликатесы вы покупаете в вашей кулинарии? − Мы купили копченую и полукопченую колбасу, сосиски и ветчину. 13. Где вы покупаете хлеб? − Мы покупаем его в хлебном отделе Text 14.1: Shopping in the USA as seen by an Englishman In many areas of the USA you have to travel a lot further to go shopping than in Europe. There are fewer neighborhood shops and many stores are moving out to suburban shopping centers or malls, so a car is essential. In the winter, enclosed malls are delightful in the colder parts of the country; in the summer their air conditioning is pleasant. Shopping is generally easier and more relaxing than it is in Europe. Shops are more spacious and less crowded, and shopping hours are longer. Many shops are open evenings and Sundays, and some grocery stores are open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Shop assistants are generally friendly and helpful. Sometimes they are too helpful; they pounce on you as soon as you walk through the door. And sometimes they are too friendly; they might inquire after your health and hope you have a nice day when you leave. But, generally speaking, they give you good service. One difficulty about shopping in America is the sales tax. The tax rate varies from place to place, and the goods that are to be taxed also vary. Thus, prices shown and advertised are always before the tax is added. In other words, you often have to pay more than you expect, 213

and it is no good getting out 5.00 to pay for something that costs 4.95, because the actual cost will be something like 5.25. Another thing is, if you hear that something is "on sale", this does not merely mean that it is being sold. It means that it is being sold at a reduced price. TEXT WORK 14.1 1. Read and translate the text. Try to retell it. 2.Give a summary of the text. 3. Answer the following questions: 1. What is the most popular shopping place in the USA? 2. What is the service like, generally? 3. Why is it necessary for a customer to know about the sales tax? 4. When can you buy something at a reduced price? 5. How is the American drug store different from the British chemist's? 6. What makes it difficult for a European to buy clothes in the USA? 4. Exercises. Find equivalents for the following word combinations in the text. a suburban shopping center; be open all through the week; extra money paid by the customer buying retail goods; the tax rate; sold at a reduced price; chemist's shop; metal tools and household implements; writing materials; jewelry made with fake jewels; a surface on which goods are sold or served. 5. Agree to the following statements as shown in the model. Model:A.: Prices are lower here than next door. В.: Yes, next door they are much (a lot) higher. 1. Our supermarket is larger than the one nearby. 2. Mella detergent is worse than Wisp. 3. Frozen foods are less tasty than fresh ones. 4. Beef is generally tougher than pork. 5. Vegetables are better for you than pasta. 6. The supermarket is farther from our home than the local grocery store. 7. A car is more necessary for shopping in the USA than in Europe. 8.This book looks more expensive than it actually is. 214

DISCUSSION Work in pairs or groups: a) When you have read the text, tell it to your partner. Then listen to that of your partner. Ask each other as many questions as you can to learn further details or clarify some points. b) Discussion points: Look through the text again. How does shopping in Europe, USA compare with shopping in our country? Consider the following points: − the quantity of neighborhood shops; − the need of having a car to do the shopping; − the size of shops and the number of customers; − the shopping hours; − the attitudes of store employees towards customers; − the price you pay for a product as compared with that on the price tag (ценник) Speak about your experience in visiting shops, malls abroad. Compare national customs in shopping at home and abroad. c) Written practice. Describe your latest visit to minimarket or supermarket (at home or abroad). d) Read, memorize and dramatize the dialogues 14. Dialogues 14 A) At the baker's Saleswoman: What would you like? Customer: A loaf of white bread, two loaves of brown bread and two buns. Saleswoman: Anything else? Customer: Let me think. Oh, yes! I forgot about muffins and croissants for breakfast and biscuits for tea. Saleswoman: All right! How many of them do you want? Customer: Two muffins, three croissants and two packs of biscuits, please! Saleswoman: Here you are! Don't forget the change!

B) At the Greengrocer's  We haven't got any fruit and vegetables at home. Let's go to the greengrocer's.  All right! Let's go.What do you need?  I need potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets, brownonions and lettuce.  Will you buy fresh to matoes and cucumbers for salads?  Yes, of course. And you can go now to the fruit department and buy some apples, apricots and plums.  Do they sell water melons now?  Yes» they do. I saw them in the shop window yesterday.


C) At the Supermarket ‒ Will you go shopping with me? ‒ I don't mind. Where shall we got ‒ Let’s go to the super market. It's a big and nice shop. There is a large choice of items there. ‒ What shall we buy? ‒ First, we'll go to the meat counter to buy a cut of beef fillet and a chicken. − You know I cannot do without meat.  Then we'll go to the grocer's department and buy flour and macaroni  We haven't got any sugar. It's off. D) At the butcher's counter Butcher: What would you like? We have a lot of meat cuts today: beef sirloin, blade and rump for steaks, brisket for soups. Customer: What cuts would yau suggest for chops? Butcher: For chops and cutlets we usually sell lamb neck, pork rib loin or beef topside. We also have ready-made beef mince. How much do you want? Customer: I'll take one kilo of beef mince for cutlets, a large cut of lean beef fillet for steaks and a cut of fat beef brisket for soup.

 And don't forget about fish!  We'll buy carp or pike-perch and some cold or hot-smoked salmon.  What else do we need?  A dozen of eggs, thick sour cream, butter, margarine andcheese.  What fruit shall we buy?  They have nice tangerines, oranges and lemons today. But I'd better buy apples and grapes.  Our basket is almost full. Let's go to the cashier's desk and pay for everything we bought. У мясного прилавка

Мясник: Что бы Вы хотели? У нас сегодня много нарубленного мяса: филей говядины, лопаточная часть и огузок для бифштексов, грудная часть для супов. Покупатель: Какие куски Вы предложили бы для отбивных? Мясник: Для отбивных и котлет мы обычно продаем баранью шею, грудинку свинины или говяжий кострец. У нас также есть готовый говяжий фарш. Сколько Вы хотите? Покупатель: Я возьму один килограмм говяжьего фарша для котлет, большой кусок нежирного филе говядины для бифштексов и кусок жирной говядины из грудной части для супа.


What is sold in groceries? Shirts, pants, ties Repair tools and drugs Sugar, tea, salt, sausages and etc

2. a) b) c)

Department store is … Normal supermarket Luxury brand store Store near civil department


3. There are two aisles and ten counters in department store. Count average number of counters containing each aisle. a) 12 b) 5 c) 20 4. a) b) c)

What cashiers desk in department store is used for? Calculate value of purchase and sell it Security and sanitary issues are taking place there Attraction for customers

5. a) b) c)

Where you can buy chuck, rear shin, skirt and brisket? Bakery Greengrocer Meat counter

6. You often have to pay more than you expect, and it is no good getting out 5.00 to pay for something that costs 4.95, because the actual cost will be something like 5.25. Why this may happen during shopping in USA? a) Because of many staff faults b) Bad cashiers c) Tax policy of USA 7. a) b) c)

If something is "on sale", it means … It is sold It is not for sale It has a discount

8. a) b) c)

What makes it difficult for a European to buy clothes in the USA? Terms of British and American English being different Americans hate Europeans Policy of greater prices for Europeans

9. Fruits and vegetables are usually displayed and sold on a self-serve basis. You snap plastic bags off a roll and put the fruit you select into them. This statement is true for… a) USA supermarkets b) British groceries c) Any shop


10. Spoken promises and advertising can’t be warranties, too. You have no legal right to get what the company promises, and necessarily what the salesman promises. This statement is … a) True b) False c) True only in USA 11. Chose the phrase on the left with the statement on the right 1. Grocer's

2. Greengrocer's

3. Fruit shop

4. Fish shop (fishmonger's)

5. Baker's 6. Dairy shop 7. Butcher's

8. Confectioner's (sweet-shop)

1. cereals, oatmeal , rice, buckwheat, millet, pearlbarley, flour, potato flour, peas, salt, vegetable oil, macaroni, spaghetti noodles 2. carrots beets = beet root, marinated beets onions, brown onions, spring onions cabbage, greens lettuce cauliflower radish horse-radish, egg-plant, greens, parsley, celery, Spices pepper, ground pepper, red cabbage , Brussels sprouts cucumber , turnip, salted cabbage, pickled items, dills, tomatoes, pumpkin, green peas, sauerkraut, allspice, cayenne, vinegar, cinnamon, clove, basil caraway, bay leaf 3. persimmon, fig, pomegranate, melon, watermelon, apricot, peach, grape-fruit, pear, apple, plum, grapes, orange, tangerine, banan,a lemon, pineapple, berry, cranberries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, red bilberries, gooseberries, cherry, sweet cherries, kiwi, avocado, mango, papaya 4. bream, fillet of sword-fish, fresh-frozen fish, herring, kipper, live fish, lobster, carp, cod, bream, crawfish, perch, pike, pike-perch, plaice, scallop, sheat-fish, shrimp, sturgeon, tuna 5. buns, rolls; baked items, brown bread, white bread, crackers, muffins, сroissants, rye bread 6. sour cream, milk, curd, pot cheese, bottled milk, cream, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese, butter, eggs, mayonnaise 7. canned meat, beef, pork, mutton, lamb, veal, poultry, game, lean meat, boil boiled sausage, can deli, smoked sausage, half-smoked sausage, frankfurter, liver pate, ham 8. sugar, caramel, chocolate bar, chocolates, cake, biscuits, pastry, puff jam, fancy-cake, marmalade, coffee, cocoa, wafers, sweets


12. Solve the crossword, write true words and memorize them.

English proverbs Don't put all your eggs in one basket. A good beginning is half the battle. Custom is a second nature.


UNIT 15 ____________________________________________________________________


PRE-LISTENING & READING Answer the question before you listen the lecture and read the text: What do you know about national cuisine of different countries? What do you think about the Russian, Kazakh, Ukraine, Caucasian and other cuisines of CIS-countries? Summarize your own experience, if any, or mention the source of your information (books, films, TV programs). VOCABULARY LIST solution - решение stress free - без стресса, легко to deliver - успешно справляться, добиваться желаемого, обещанного результата handle - 1.удобный случай, возможность; повод 2. выручка, прибыль, касса wastу - зд. растрата; убыток; излишняя или ненужная трата reconciled - выверенный, reconcileсогласовывать, приводить в соответствие invoice -счёт, фактура; счёт-фактура vendor - продавец; уличный торговец transaction - дело; сделка, соглашение caution - предостережение, предупреждение mishandling - нерациональная операция, лишняя операция, неправильное обращение to avoide - избегать inventory - опись, реестр, инвентарная ведомость retail sales - продажа товаров розничными магазинами ledger - гроссбух, главная (бухгалтерская) книга implemented - инструмент, прибор; орудие, средство revenue - доход; выручка unprecedented- беспрецедентный; беспримерный


RO - this stands for "Room Only". ВО - Bed Only SC - Self-Catering BB (Bed and Breakfast) HB (Half Board) breakfast and dinner НВ+ (Half Board Plus) - extended half board FB (Full Board) breakfast, lunch and dinner FB+(Full Board Plus) - extended full board ALL (All Inclusive) breakfast, lunch and dinner, snacks during the day, unlimited soft and alcohol drinks of local production UALL (Ultra All Inclusive) restaurants a-la carte, snacks during the day, unlimited soft and alcohol drinks, in some hotels sauna SALL (Super All inclusive) restaurants a-la carte, snacks during the day, unlimited soft and alcohol drinks, free- mini-bar, free leassons of tenis and mini-golf DALL (Deluxe All Inclusive) restaurants a-la carte, snacks during the day, ice-cream unlimited soft and alcohol drinks, free mini-bar, free leassons of tenis and mini-golf HCAL (High class all inclusive) is an extension of UALL, usually added a larger selection of imported alcohol and free services.

LISTENING & READING Text 15: Food and catering: sales and distribution systems A solution like our Food & Catering Systems will make your growth quicker and keep you stress free. No more sifting through paper orders and counting each order with a pen and a calculator. Our system will keep your order planned, prepared and delivered in time. Order Taking System. Our Order taking module can handle all the phone call comes from your customer easily. You can enter the order details like item, quantity, date & time of delivery required, delivery address and contact person’s name and contact no. etc. Same customer order you can use the existing customer detail from the system database without wasting your time asking for the same customer information over and over again. Each time a customer changes their mind, you can modify the order in few clicks of the mouse. When a customer calls up and asks for the order as last time, it won't be a problem for you. You can call back the last order and send to kitchen in no time for preparation. Accounting System. You can estimate the cost of the order. Our system can process credit cards, accept checks or create invoices. Each day's sales are reconciled. Create and send invoices, statements and produce aging reports that minimizes collection problems. Catering Operations System. No need for you to figure out how much food you need, when it needs to be ready, delivery time and who's going to deliver it. Just print out the orders report and you will know everything including your food production every hour of the day...broken down by department. This report is the one your kitchen people will be carrying out for their preparation. Supplier ordering report can be done with your requirement for the preparation of the order. No need to worry about what you need to order from each of your vendors. System will easily calculate quantities without the fear of item missed out and last minute panicked runs to the grocery store or warehouse. System will give the details of how the packing has to be done. Everyone will know how many bags/boxes are to go out the door. Your customer will have peace of mind knowing what's in each bag or box. Drop222

off/delivered catering is a large part of catering for restaurant owners. Manage delivery times, preparation times and drivers. Restaurant Systems (F&B POS). Zeatech's Food & Beverage (F&B) POS with Touch screen technology has fully functional options with din-in, take-away and catering facility. Our order taking, order tracking and billing expedite the customer order. By sending the orders to multiple kitchen printers, it makes your business more systematic and time saving. It is easy to monitor table occupation and timely service. Bill sharing and table sharing options will make the transaction fast. You can avoid delivery of wrong item to wrong customer and charging wrong price. It will caution the item not been served and also the table not been served. It allows you to make individual and group discount. Mishandling of cash can be avoided. At the end of the day, business transactions of each operating outlet will send to the head quarters for sales record keeping. Real time sales analysis on items sold. Graphical presentation for the each and every item sold. You can plan your staff based on the item sold on particular time period. With our stock control module you can do recipe costing, so that you can easily identify the product which makes profit/loss. Our comprehensive inventory control and replenishment functions help you to keep your ready made items inventory always available. Our systems integrate retail sales, accounts receivable, accounts payable, member billing, purchase order, inventory control with general ledger. Our Touch screen technology designed for fast and quick transactions and allows user to adapt the system quickly. A simple, intuitive user interface that is easy to learn and enables quick transaction processing with minimum keystrokes and automated credit/debit card processing capabilities allows cashiers to process more customers in less time. Zeatech Touch screen F&B POS will help you to give maximum comfort and satisfaction to your customers. Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprise. Restaurant POS Technology and Operational Excellence. It is well known that operational excellence in the Hospitality industry has become the Holy Grail of restaurants worldwide, as fast paced environments force businesses to run more efficiently. And, one of 223

the most important aspects of streamlining business processes is to work with innovative technology and manage costs. As a result, most restaurant operators have implemented point-of-sale systems in order to increase staff customer, staff satisfaction and increased revenue. The good news today is that technology has taken a significant leap and modern solutions are giving unprecedented power and control to Hospitality Operators and IT staff. The result of today’s technology is enormous cost savings due to end user ownership and customization. Modern technology also empowers employees and has a direct impact on the guest experience and, ultimately, on the organization's revenue and operations. Data available today is transformed into actionable information that management can utilize to make important and strategic operational decisions. Events. Food & Beverage InnoTech Asia 2010 will be a major event dedicated to Asia’s Food & Beverages Sector. The event will serve as an important management forum for senior managers within the food and beverage processing sectors, to modernize their business and technical systems for the swiftly altering operating environment facing Asian business. The main purpose of the conference is to provide a networking platform for F&B trade sector leaders to boost their business. Theme of the conference is “Creating Competitive Strategies & Successful Partnerships within Asia Pacific’s Food & Beverage Sector”. Food & Beverage InnoTech Asia 2010 will be a useful event for delegates to build up links with Asia’s F&B decision makers. Cooking equipment. This text is aimed at providing a platform to showcase the latest machinery, equipment, raw materials and accessories required by the food and beverages manufacturing industry. There are many different types of equipment used for cooking. Ovens are mostly hollow devices that get very hot (up to 500 °F) and are used for baking or roasting and offer a dry-heat cooking method. Different cuisines will use different types of ovens; for example, Indian culture uses a Tandoor oven, which is a cylindrical clay oven which operates at a single high temperature. Western kitchens use variable temperature convection ovens, conventional ovens, toaster ovens, or non-radiant heat ovens like the microwave oven. Classic Italian cuisine includes the use of a brick oven 224

containing burning wood. Ovens may be wood-fired, coal-fired, gas, electric, or oil-fired. Various types of cook-tops are used as well. They carry the same variations of fuel types as the ovens mentioned above. Cook-tops are used to heat vessels placed on top of the heat source, such as a sauté pan, sauce pot, frying pan, or pressure cooker. These pieces of equipment can use either a moist or dry cooking method and include methods such as steaming, simmering, boiling, and poaching for moist methods, while the dry methods include sautéing, pan frying, and deep-frying. In addition, many cultures use grills for cooking. A grill operates with a radiant heat source from below, usually covered with a metal grid and sometimes a cover. An open pit barbecue in the American south is one example along with the American style outdoor grill fueled by wood, liquid propane, or charcoal along with soaked wood chips for smoking. A Mexican style of barbecue is called barbacoa, which involves the cooking of meats such as whole sheep over an open fire. In Argentina, an asado (Spanish for "grilled") is prepared on a grill held over an open pit or fire made upon the ground, on which a whole animal or smaller cuts are grilled. Global Distribution Systems (GDS) as developing technology in hospitality and F&B Management. A system containing information about availability, prices, and related services for Airlines, Car Companies, Hotel Companies, Rail Companies, etc. and through which reservations can be made and tickets can be issued. A GDS also makes some or all of these functions available to subscribing travel agents, booking engines, and airlines. The GDS leaders are Amadeus, Apollo, Galileo, Worldspan, Sabre, Abacus, etc. These systems IT Groups are a transaction processors for the global travel and tourism industry.These systems use wide range of abbreviation for booking and reservation flights, hotels and meals (food and beverage) throughout the world. What does hotel abbreviation and meal plan mean? These terms indicate which meal plan is included with your hotel accommodations. These are all terms to describe the board basis of the hotel: Self Catering (SC) means that no meals are included in the cost of your accommodation/holiday package, but you will be provided with catering facilities in your accommodation to cook light 225

meals. RO - This stands for "Room Only". You can expect a room without any meals to be provided. BB (or B&B) - This stands for "Bed and Breakfast". You can expect a room, plus a breakfast in the morning. Drinks are not included. Bed and Breakfast includes a room with a cold or hot buffet breakfast meal or a Continental Breakfast consisting of coffee or tea served with toast or muffins and sometimes fruit. HB - This stands for "Half Board". You can expect a room, plus a breakfast in the morning and usually an evening meal. Drinks are not included. A few hotels will allow you to substitue the evening meal for a midday meal in the form of a packed lunch, but this is unusual. Please check with the individual hotel if you require this. Half Board includes Breakfast and usually a five-course dinner. Beverages are not included. FB - This stands for "Full Board". You can expect a room, plus the three main meals of the day to be provided. Drinks are not included. Full Board consists of all three meals, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner with your accommodations. AI - This stands for "All Inclusive". You can expect a room, plus the three main meals of the day to be provided. Drinks are included, but the drinks offered will vary depending on the hotel. In addition to this, a range of activities Glossary of Important Terms. Planners who are in charge of coordinating food and beverage keep track of event attendees' feedback and participation history in order to increase registration rates .... The term commonly used within the travel industry refers to a hotel and meal plan. The Modified American Plan, sometimes abbreviated as MAP in hotel listings, means that the quoted rate includes two meals a day, including breakfast and either lunch or dinner. In the Modified American plan, these meals are provided by the hotel dining room. Some hotels offer guests the option of being on the American Plan, a Modified American Plan, or paying a la carte for food consumed in their facility. Travelers choosing a hotel in a remote location where there are not many restaurants − or none at all − need to stay at a hotel that offers at least a Modified American plan. In Europe and some other countries the Modified American Plan is referred to as Half Pension or Half Board. The Continental Plan, sometimes abbreviated as CP in hotel listings, indicates that the quoted rate includes a continental 226

breakfast. A continental breakfast normally consists of coffee or tea, juice, and bread. The bread may be as simple as a loaf or as appealing as a basket of freshly baked croissants, scones, and muffins. At some facilities, yogurt and fresh fruit may also be available. The Continental Plan breakfast does not include cooked foods, such as pancakes or eggs. Under the continental plan, diners often find breakfast is selfserve, although many hotels have a waiter available to pour and refill beverages. Although there is no fee for breakfast when you stay in a hotel on this plan, it's considerate to leave a small tip if you've been served by a waiter. Aside from breakfast, all other food provided by the hotel is billed. The European Plan, sometimes abbreviated as EP in hotel listings, indicates that the quoted rate is strictly for lodging and does not include any meals. All food provided by the hotel is billed separately. Taxes and tips are usually additional as well. Some hotels offer guests the option of being on the American Plan, a Modified American Plan, a Continental Plan, or the European Plan. The advantage of the European Plan is that it encourages guests to try a variety of restaurant experiences, and they can often save money by eating at establishments that charge less than the hotel dining room. For more information, see Explanation of Abreviation

TEXT WORK 15 1. Read and translate the text. Try to retell it. 2. Give a summary of the text. 3. Answer the questions: 1. What modern information systems do you know in Food&Beverage Industry 2. What modern technology do you know in Food&Beverage Industry 227

3. What is the Order Taking System? 4. How you can estimate the cost of the order using accounting system? 5. What is the Catering Operations System? Is it for management or marketing? 6. Tell some words about touch screen technology. 7. What the latest equipment for the food and beverages industry do you know? 8. What is the GDS and how does it connect with food and beverage management in tourism? 9. What is continental meal plan? 10. What is the meal plan for our university? 11. How do you create your own meal plan? 12. What is the importance of skills when planning a trip (a menu, a banquet)? 13. Give definition of MAP, CP or EP 14. Tell about factors affecting on choice of MAP, CP or EP? 15. What is meal planning and why is it important? 16. What do you mean by meal plan in a hotel? 17. What are factors to consider when meal planning? 18. What is the abbreviation of BB, HB, RO, FB,AI? 19. What is continental meal plan? 20. How do you plan a 1 course meal? 4. Translate into English: UAL, UAI - ultra all inclusive - завтрак, поздний завтрак, обед, полдник и ужин (шведский стол). Достойный выбор сладостей, десертов, всевозможных закусок, а также широкий выбор напитков местного и импортного производства. Большинство отелей, работающих по системе Ultra All Inclusive, предлагают гостям дополнительное бесплатное питание в ресторанах с кухней разных народов мира. Питание в течение дня, включая напитки импортного производства (в том числе спиртные); Разновидности ultra all inclusive: Elegance all inc, VIP all inc, Super all inc, De luxe all inc, VC all inc, Superior all inc, MEGA all inc, Superior all inc VIP Service, Royal Class all inc, Ultra de luxe all inc, Extended all inc, Exсellent all inc, Max all inc. Imperial all inc. 228

DISCUSSION Work in pairs or groups: a) When you have read the text, tell it to your partner. Then listen to that of your partner. Ask each other as many questions as you can to learn further details or clarify some points. b) Discussion points: 1. You happen to be dining with an Englishman who doesn't speak Russian. Help him to order his dinner. Speak about English and Russian (Kazakh, Uzbek, Korean, etc,) national dishes with him. 2. Suppose you invite some of your English friends to a restaurant. Discuss the menu with them. Recommend some national food. c) Written practice. Write a short description of a restaurant of future and its attractions for tourists. d) Role Play:"We are at your service" Situation. You are having lunch with a friend or a colleague. Choose and order the food from the waiter. Work in groups of three. e) Read, memorize and dramatize the dialogue 15, according to strategy. Dialogue 15. Strategy of communication. А. Suggests going to a restaurant. В. Agrees and thanks. А. Asks for the menu. С. Offers the menu and suggests a drink. А. Agrees and asks about B's preferences. В. States his/her preferences and orders drinks. С. Takes the order. А. Studies the menu and suggests a dish. В. Disagrees and makes an alternative suggestion. А. Refuses and states his/hers preferences. В. Makes another suggestion. А. Accepts. B. Reacts positively. A. Calls the waiter and orders food and drinks. 229

C. Takes the order and makes a suggestion. B. Asks about the price. C. Advises about the price. A. Orders. C. Brings the food. B. Appreciates the food. A. Agrees with B. Asks for the check. C. Brings the check. A. Pays the check, thanks the waiter. С. Returns the change, thanks the customers. CHECK YOUSELF. TEST FOR UNIT 15 1. a) b) c)

Zeatech Computer Systems is … Organization of IT expertise Green organization Computer store

2. a) b) c)

Food & Catering Systems by Zeatech are … Order taking, cooking, catering operations, HRand F&B POS system Order taking, accounting, catering operations and F&B POS system Order taking, accounting, delivery, HR and F&B POS system

3. a) b) c)

Restaurant POS Technology is … Point-of-sale Post-ordering system Price of service

4. a) b) c)

Data from POS is important for … Nothing – it is useless, POS only gives checks Its expire date Strategic operational decision-making

5. Modern technology also empowers employees and has a direct impact on the guest experience and, ultimately, on the organization's revenue and operations. This statement is … a) True b) False c) Incorrect


6. Zeatech systems integrate retail sales, accounts receivable, accounts payable, member billing, purchase order, inventory control, and energy bills with general ledger. Which words written with cursive are incorrect in the sentence? a) Energy bills b) Purchase order c) Retail sales 7. What is stock control module? a) Stocktaking module b) Recipe costing and inventory control c) New recipe inventing tool 8. IT is expensive and useless in Food and Beverage; this was proved during the course. This statement is… a) True b) False c) Mainly true 9. Using F&B to Resurrect “Dead” Hotel Space is one of the main trends. Its issue is… a) Using space in commerce rationally b) Using game “Dead space” to attract new guests c) Make more hotel territory being empty 10. Bottom Up F&B: Customer-Driven Menus are … a) F&B myth b) Trend possessing guests create their own menu c) Classic chief menu for customers 11. Chose the words or phrase on the left with the statement on the right: Meal Plan 1) ВО (bed only) A. заказное меню, в котором каждое блюдо указано со своей отдельной ценой 2) ВВ (bed & breakfast) B. Питание по меню — ограниченное число блюд из меню 3) НВ (Half Board) C. полный завтрак, включает обычно соки, омлет (яичницу) с ветчиной, тосты, масло, джем и кофе или чай. 4) НВ+ (Half Board Plus) D. аналог континентального завтрака (Еxtended half board) плюс различные нарезки: колбасы, сыры и др. и горячие блюда (омлет, сосиски)


5) FB (Full Board) 6) FB+(Full Board Plus)

7) ALL (all inclusive) 8) UALL(ultra all inclusive) 9) Continental Breakfast 10) English Breakfast 11) American Breakfast 12) Table d’hote 13) A-la carte 14) HCAL (Hign class all inclusive)

E. легкий завтрак из чая, кофе, сока, булочки, масла и джема F. полный пансион с напитками местного и импортного производства и дополнительные услуги на усмотрение администрации отеля G. всё включено: полный пансион с напитками местного производства без ограничения H. расширенный полный пансион с напитками местного производства во время еды I. полный пансион J. расширенный полупансион K. полупансион (обычно, завтрак и ужин) L. проживание и завтраки M. без питания (только проживание) N. все бесплатно, кроме магазинов, телефона, врача, парикмахерской, некоторых водных видов спорта и подводного плавания;

English proverbs Where there's a will, there's a way. He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree. Doing is better than saying. Still waters run deep. Everything is good in measure.


Answer Test Key Unit 1 1в; 2c; 3c; 4c; 5а; 6c; 7a; 8b; 9b; 10c; 11a; 12c;13c; 14b; 15a. Unit 2 1b; 2c; 3a; 4c; 5c; 6c; 7b; 8c; 9a; 10a; 11c; 12a; 13b; 14a; 15b. Unit 3 1a; 2c; 3a; 4c; 5a; 6b; 7a; 8c; 9c; 10c; 11b; 12c; 13a; 14с; 15а. Unit 4 1a; 2c; 3b; 4a; 5c; 6b; 7b; 8a; 9b; 10a; 11a; 12c; 13c; 14a; 15b; 16c; 17c; 18b; 19b; 20c; 21a Unit 5 1c; 2a; 3b; 4c; 5b; 6b; 7b; 8a; 9b; 10b; 11c; 12b; 13a; 14a; 15c; 16 b. Unit 6 1a; 2c; 3a; 4c; 5a; 6b; 7a; 8a; 9a; 10b; 11a; 12b; 13a; 14c; 15a; 16c; 17b. Unit 7 1a; 2c; 3a; 4a; 5b; 6c; 7c; 8c; 9c; 10a; 11b; 12a; 13b; 14c; 15c; 16a; 17b; 18b; 19c. Unit 8 1d; 2b; 3d; 4c; 5b; 6d; 7c; 8b; 9b; 10d; 11d. Unit 9 1d; 2b; 3a; 4c; 5a; 6d; 7d; 8b; 9d; 10c; 11b; 12c; 13d; 14c; 15a; 16d. Unit 10 1c; 2b; 3b; 4b; 5d; 6a; 7c; 8b; 9b; 10c. Unit 11 1c; 2b; 3d; 4d; 5b; 6c; 7a; 8c; 9a; 10b; 11a; 12d; 13c; 14c; 15c; 16b. Unit 12 1d; 2a; 3c; 4d; 5a; 6a; 7a; 8c; 9d; 10b; 11a; 12b; 13c; 14d; 15c. Unit 13 1c; 2c; 3c; 4a; 5b; 6c; 7c; 8c; 9c; 10a; 11a; 12c; 13a; 14b; 15a. Unit 14 1c; 2a; 3b; 4a; 5c; 6c; 7c; 8a; 9a; 10b. Unit 15 1a; 2b; 3a; 4c; 5a; 6a; 7b; 8b; 9a; 10b.


GLOSSARY OF CULINARY TERMS Soups Bouillon – бульон (фр.) – простой непрозрачный мясной или овощной отвар, служащий основой для приготовления различных супов Broth – бульон (брит., амер) – отвар, суп, похлёбка; Scotch broth – перловый суп Bisque – биск (фр.) – густой суп, обычно из морепродуктов, например раковый суп Brodo – бродо (итал.) – прозрачный суп; прозрачный бульон Chowder – чаудер (амер.) – густой суп-пюре или тушеные блюда из морепродуктов Consommé – консоме (фр.) – нежирный суп из прозрачного бульона, обычно говяжьего. Чаще подают горячим, но иногда – охлажденным, напоминающим желе Garbure – гарбур(фр.) – очень густой сытный суп из капусты, бобов и маринованного мяса Potage – потаж (фр.) – густой суп Main course Beef-Strofanoff – бефстроганов – кусочки говядины в сметанном соусе, гарнированные грибами Blanquette – бланкет (фр.) – нежная, но жирная тушеная телятина, мясо ягненка или теленка с овощами Beff bourguignon – бёф бургиньон, говядина по-бургундски (фр.) – мясо, тушенное в красном вине в горшочке Croquette – крокеты (фр.) – мясной или рыбный фарш с овощами и приправами, из него лепят маленькие шарики, трубочки и котлетки. Крокеты обваливают в яйце и в хлебных крошках, а затем обжаривают Dolmas – долма (греч. и турец.) – виноградные или капустные листья, фаршированные молотым мясом ягненка и рисом Entrecote – антрикот (фр.) – говяжью грудинку отбивают и жарят («entrecote» означает «между ребрами») Escalope – эскалоп (фр.) – тонкий ломтик мяса без костей 234

Filet mignon – филе миньон (фр.) – маленький круглый кусок филе Galantine – галантин (фр.) – мясо(или рыба), освобожденное от костей, фаршированное, свернутое в рулет; подается холодным в желе. Галантин можно подать и горячим в собственным соку Goulash – гуляш (венг.) – тушеное блюдо из мяса и лука, приправленное паприкой и гарнированное картофелем Lobster – омар – крупное морское ракообразное с большими клешнями, с мясом и вкусом рака Marinara – маринара (итал.) – блюдо с морепродуктами, например, спагетти маринара Melanzana – меланзана (итал.) – классическое запеченное блюдо из слоев баклажана, томатного соуса, сыров моцарелла и пармезан Moussaka – мусака (греч.) – мясной фарш запекают с баклажаном, полив сверху сырным соусом Pilaf – пилаф (турец.) – плов: рис с специями, мясо, цыпленок или рыба – все готовится вместе Pizza – пицца (итал.) – лепешка из теста в виде тарелки, наполненная резной начинкой Ragout – рагу (фр.) – тушеное блюдо из мяса и овощей Ravioli – равиоли (итал.) – квадратики из теста, фаршированные мясом, сыром или овощами (род пельменей) Risotto – ризотто (итал.) – рис варят с овощами (иногда с мясом или рыбой) в мясном бульоне до тех пор, пока рис не впитает всю жидкость; гарнируют тертым сыром и специями Scallop – морской гребешок – моллюск с большой раковиной в виде веера, на которой его часто и подают. Мясо гребешка в сыром виде непрозрачное, коричневато-белое, а в вареном виде становится белым Schnitzel – шницель (нем.) – тонкий ломтик мяса, обычно цыпленка или телятины Cheeses Blue vein chese – сыр с голубой плесенью (горгонзола, рокфор, стилтон и др.) 235

Brie − бри (фр.) – нежный жирный сыр из коровьего молока с мягкой съедобной корочкой Camembert − камамбер – мягкий сыр из коровьего молока с нежной кожицей Cheddar − чеддер – сорт сыра Cream cheese − сливочный сыр – мягкий, легко намазывающийся сыр Gorgonzola − горгонзола (итал.) – сливочный сыр из коровьего молока с голубыми прожилками Gruyere − груйер (швейц.) – швейцарский сыр из коровьего молока, твердый и гладкий с маленькими дырочками или глазками. Корочку обычно не едят Mozzarella − моцарелла (итал.) – итальянский сыр, воскообразный по консистенции, при нагревании становится тягучим; используются для приготовления пиццы Parmesan − пармезан (итал.) – очень твердый сухой сыр, часто используемый в итальянской кухне Roquefort − рокфор (фр.) – сливочный сыр из овечьего молока с голубыми прожилками Stilton − стилтон (англ.) – жирный сливочный сыр с голубыми прожилками Spices, condiments Basil − базилик – ароматная трава, используемая в качестве приправы Bergamot − бергамот – трава с апельсиновым запахом, ее используют в пряных и сладких блюдах Caraway, cumin − тмин Cayenne pepper − кайенский перец – острая, жгучая специя, приготовленная из сушенного молотого красного перца. Иногда подается на стол в маленьком графинчике. Chili − чили – стручки и семена разновидностей красного перца, используемые в качестве очень острой приправы, особенно в кулинарии юго-восточной Азии, Индии и Мексики. Чили бывает красным или зеленым. Высушенный и перетертый в порошок он называется кайенским перцем. Cinnamon − корица Coriander − кориандер – ароматная трава с горьким вкусом. 236

Ginger − имбирь – корень растения. Его употребляют свеженатертым, сушеным и перемолотым в качестве сладкой или пряной специи Horse radish − хрен – жгучий корень растения, обычно употребляется в тертом виде, подают к мясным и рыбным блюдам Marjoram − майоран – небольшой кустарник с маленькими серыми листиками и белыми цветами. И листья, и цветы ароматны и используются в качестве приправы. Похож на базилик, но имеет более тонкий аромат Parsley sprig − веточка петрушки Peppercorn − перец горошком – семена перечного растения Sesame − кунжутное семя – маленькие семена, широко используемые в кулинарии, например, для приготовления халвы, ими посыпают хлеб Sauces Béarnaise sause − беарнез (фр.) – соус, приготовленный из взбитых яичных желтков и разбавленного винного уксуса, смешанного с маслом. подают теплым, обычно к рыбе или мясу гриль Béchamel sause − бешамель (фр.) – соус, с заправкой (мука, поджаренная в масле), в которую добавляют молоко; служит основой для приготовления других соусов Catchup − кетчуп – соус из помидоров, уксуса и специй, подают как приправу. Italian dressing − итальянская заправка – заливка для салата из растительного масла, уксуса, чеснока и пряностей Maitre d’hotel sauce − соус «метрдотель» (фр.) – соус из растопленного сливочного масла, петрушки и лимонного сока Mayonnaise − майонез – заправка или соус из яичных желтков, растительного масла, уксуса, соли, перца и горчицы Tabasko − табаско – острый патентованный соус из жгучего перца чили в маленьких бутылочках, им приправляют мясо и блюда из яиц, а также коктейли Tartar − тартар, соус – майонезный соус из желтков, сваренных вкрутую, мелко нарубленного зеленого лука; подают к рыбе и мясу 237

White sause − белый соус – легкий, неострый соусс из масла и разбавленный смеси белого вина, винного уксуса и мелкого порезанного лука Other ingredients Almond − миндаль Basmati − басмати – длиннозернистый сорт риса, используемый в итальянской кухне, особенно для плова Beans − бобы, особенно фасоль; ее готовят в горшочках или запекают Broiler − бройлер – цыпленок, выращенный для гриля Buckwheat − гречка, гречневая крупа. Из гречневой муки пекут блины и пирожки. Cannelloni − каннелони (итал.) – сорт макаронных изделий в виде больших трубочек, наполненных сыром или мясом и запеченных овощей Chicken fingers − крылышко цыпленка (ам.) Kohlrabi − кольраби – капуста с утолщенным съедобным стеблем Leek − лук-порей Lentil − чечевица – бобы богатые питательными веществами, в том числе протеином; одно из древнейших растений, которые возделывает человек Margarine − маргарин Olive oil − оливковое масло Pistachio − фисташки – плод фисташкового дерева, родом с Ближнего Востока, ярко-зеленый цвет которых делает блюда более привлекательными. Фисташковые орехи употребляют в пряных и сладких блюдах, особенно в сливочных десертах. Quince − айва – твердый желтый фрукт, похожий на яблоко, с тонким ароматом. При варке становится розовым. Часто используется в качестве начинки для пирогов и пудингов, из нее варят прекрасное варенье Rhubarb − ревень – из стеблей ревеня делают муссы, компоты, кисели Yeast − дрожжи 238

Desserts Bouchee − буше (фр.) – маленькое кондитерское изделие в виде кругового слоенного пирожного с различными начинками. Charlotte − шарлотка (фр.) – горячий запеченный десерт из фруктового пюре, с ломтиками хлеба по бокам или слоями в специальной форме. Christmas pudding − Рождественский пудинг (англ.) – сложный, приготовленный на пару пудинг, в состав котрого входят сушеные, свежие и засахаренные фрукты, пряности, орехи, яйца, жиры и бренди. Croissant − круассан (фр.) – сладкая булочка из сдобного теста в форме полумесяца, с начинкой из джема или шоколада Danish pastry − датский пирог – слоеный пирог из дрожжевого теста, верх которого украшен сахарной глазурью, орехами и фруктами Éclair − эклер (фр.) – маленькое цилиндрическое пирожное из сдобного теста, его надрезают и начиняют кремом или холодной шоколадной глазурью Fruit puree − фруктовое пюре – холодный десерт из фруктов или ягод со взбитыми сливками Galette − галета (фр.) – плоское печенье, оладья, толстый песочный коржик Gingerbread − имбирная коврижка/пряник – золотисто-коричневый мягкий бисквит или кекс, испеченный в разных формах и украшенный конфетами (например, имбирный пряник в виде человечка, притчки, домика и т.д.) Marmalade − мармелад – варенье или джем, чаще всего из апельсинов; обычно подается с тостами на завтрак Marzipan − марципан – густая паста из дробленого миндаля и яичных белков; используется в кондитерском производстве, особенно для украшения фруктовых тортов Mousse − мусс (фр.) – легкое пенистое блюдо, обычно с желатином, сверху – взбитые сливки Parfait − парфе (фр.) – 1) сливочный замороженный пудинг; 2) слоенный десерт из фруктов и мороженного, подается в высоких стаканах; 3) однородный острый паштет из мяса, смешанный со сливками 239

Petit four − петифур (фр.) – маленькое фигурное пироженое или бисквит Praline − пралине – сласть из миндаля или фундука, поджаренного в сахаре. Пралине добавляют в некоторые сладкие блюда, предварительно измельчив Profitrole − профитроль (фр.) – маленькая булочка из сдобного теста, начиненная сладким кремом; подают облитую шоколадом. Профитроли с начинкой из сыра или острого пюре подают на гарнир к супу Sundae − сандей – десерт из мороженого с сиропом, орехами, фруктами Tart − открытый пирог с начинкой – в качестве в начинки берут фрукты, сыр и т.п Beverage Amaretto - aмаретто (итал.) – 1) горький ликер с миндальным вкусом; 2) маленькое миндальное печенье или пирожное, подаваемое в конце обеда или с десертом Bianco - бьянко (итал.) – белый средне-сладкий сорт вермута Bitter − горький – ароматные алкогольные настойки различной крепости Brut − брют – очень сухое игристое вино Сruchon − крюшо́н − (фр.) − холодный напиток, состоящий из смеси вина, ликера или сиропа и разных фруктовых соков с добавлением шампанского, сидра, минеральной воды Decanter − графин – стеклянный сосуд, кувшин без носика для воды или вина Digestif − дижестив – послеобеденный напиток, ликер или коктейль, способствующий пищеварению Grappa − граппа (итал.) – итальянский спиртной напиток из виноградных отходов (кожицы, черешков, сердцевины ягод и т.д.), получаемых после сбраживания сока Highball − хайбол (амер.) – виски с содовой и льдом, поданное в высоком стакане Lingonberry liqueur − брусничный ликер Madeira wine − мадера (порт.) − крепкое вино c карамельноореховыми оттенками вкуса и аромата Maraschino − мараскин – итальянский ликер из кислой вишни 240

Marsala − марсала – сорт крепленого красного (почти коричневого цвета) сладкого десертного вина Mulled wine, spiced wine − глинтвейн Porto − портвейн порто (порт. Vinho do Porto) - креплёное вино, производимое на северо-востоке Португалии Punch − пунш − собирательное название коктейлей, в первую очередь алкогольных, обычно содержащих фрукты или фруктовый сок Sangría − сангрия (исп. ) − среднеалкогольный напиток на основе красного вина с добавлением кусочков фруктов, сахара, а также бренди и ликёра. Tonic − тоник – безалкогольная газированная вода с добавлением хинина; применяется в коктейлях White coffee − белый кофе – кофе с добавлением молока или сливок

PROPOSED TOPICS FOR SEMINARS Seminar (S) 1. The most useful definitions for F&B S 2. Waiter's working day. Useful information for staff S 3. Cutlery and tableware S 4. Rules of setting a table. Design and F&B preparation S 5. Dialogs between waiters and guests, etc S 6. Compilation of menu: study and translation S 7. Classification of restaurants, cafe, etc S 7. Amazing restaurants in the world and their classification S 8. Food preparation management. Table setting tips S 9. F&B Hotel Services. Form of Address. Greetings S 10. Glassware. Vines. Types of cocktails S 11. Useful information for staff and guests. Dialogues S 12. Kazakh, Russian and Caucasian Cuisine and other cuisines S 13. Equipment for food and beverage management S 14. Dialogs: F&B Managers&Customers S 15. Search information in Internet. Computer skills. Job Outlook PROPOSED TOPICS FOR INDIVIDUAL STUDENT'S WORKS (ISW) ISW-1 Food &Culinary Book (Glossary) ISW-2 Beverage &Vine List (Glossary) IWS-3 Compilation of Menu for Thematic Restaurant, Cafe IWS-4 Food & Beverage Management in Tourism. Additional Reading ISW-5 Get ready for an interview. Present your cover letter and resume/CV to your potential employer. ISW-6 Write an essay on the topic "Do's and Don't's When Looking For a Job".


REFERENCES Main: 1. John Walker. Introduction to hospitality. − M.: JUNITI, 1999. 2. G. Brown, К. Hepner. The Waiters Handbook. – Melbourne: Hospitality Press, 2000. 3. M. Magris, C. McGreery. An Introduction to Food and Beverage Studies. – Melbourne: Hospitality Press, 2001. 4. J. Jelicich. The Modern Bartender. − Melbourne Hospital Press,. 2001. 5. Food&Beverage Operations Core. Revised Curriculum Handbook. A component of the Tourism Learning System, 2007. 6. S.A. Vorobyova. Your way to tourism: - M.: Filologia, 2002. 7. A.M. Serbinovskaya. English for travel businessn and service: − M.: Publishing House "Dashkov&Ko", 2008. − 428 p. 8. I.P.Agabekyan. English for service staff. Rostov-na-Donu: Phenix, 2007. − 316 p. 9. N.E. Koroleva, E.Z. Barsegyan, A.M. Serbinovskaya. English for tourism. − Rostov-na-Donu, Fenix, 2007. 10. Bill Martin. Guest-Based Marketing. How to Increase Restaurant Sales Without Breaking Your Budget. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997. 11. Ph.Kotler., et al. Marketing, Hospitality, Tourism. − M.: JUNITI, 1998, 2008. Additional: 1. American English for Everyday and Academic Use. Editor Yu.P. Tret'yakov. − Saint Petersburg, Academic Project, 1996. 2. B.L. Cooper, B.G. Rubalsky. An advanced course of everyday English. − M.: Foreign Language Publishing House, 1995. 3. Book of grammar texts for studying English language. − M.:, Academy of Sciences, 1990. 4. Russian-English Phrase Book on Foreign Economic Relations. – M.: Мысль, 1990. 5. L.P.Stupin. How to write letters in English (private and business correspondence). − M.: Publishing House Aura, 1998 − 1-st, 2005 – 2-d edition


Internet Resourses: 1. Origin of Food & Beverage Service Industry 2. A Brief History of the Restaurant in France 3. Food and Beverage Industry ns.nsf/lookupSubmissionAttachments/ 1ATAN-85Y6T620100531140503BTDC/$FILE/627i.pdf 4. Food 5. Beverage Beverage 6. UNWTO: 7. Food&Beverage Industry: 8. Food & beverage industry - rockwell automation [pdf] production optimization solutions. s/br/food-br001_-en-p.pdf 9. Textbook Of Food And Beverage Management (Paperback) 1st Edition by Andrews, Sudhir/ Publisher: Tata McGraw − Hill Education (2010) 10. Food Glossary 11. Types of restaurant Wikipedia 12. 12-trends-for-2012; 13. Job Description for a Food & Beverage Manager By Marianne Moro, eHow Contributor 14. Food, Beverage Management Study Food & Beverage Management at Alpine, Swiss center in Greece 15. Hotel F&B Magazine 16. American cuisine 1st_century For other 17. Food & Beverage Operations Core - Revised Curriculum Handbook Caribbean Tourism Organization, 2007 (pdf) 244 18. Food and beverage service [pdf] (Catering Science and Hotel Management)-Bharathiar University, 2008 19. Culinary Demography emography 20. Food & Beverage Training/ Management Training 21. F&B Department in a Hotel. _Mandelbaum.html 22. Front of House Food and Beverage Management Internship 23. Principles of Cleaning and Sanitation in the Food and Beverage Industry by Guillermo Etienne ebook. Rewiew 24. “F&B Reinvented” Trends Report and Panel Discussion November [PDF] F&B Technology Transforming Guest and Staff Experiences. Using F&B as a Marketing Asset for Community Outreach. 25. Securitex_F_&_B_Technologies Securitex_F_&_B_Technologies_Division_2010.htm 26. Sales & distribution systems - food & catering

Учебное издание

Alissa Konstantinovna Uvarova

FOOD AND BEVERAGE MANAGEMENT Textbook Выпускающий редактор Г. Бекбердиева Компьютерная верстка А.Ш. Калиева Дизайн обложки: Р.Е. Скаков

ИБ № 7053 Подписано в печать 27.02.14. Формат 60х84 1/16. Бумага офсетная. Печать цифровая. Объем 15,37 п.л. Тираж 100 экз. Заказ №.34 Издательство «Қазақ университетi» Казахского национального университета им. аль-Фараби. 050040, г. Алматы, пр. аль-Фараби, 71. КазНУ. Отпечатано в типографии издательства «Қазақ университетi».