Everyday Vocabulary + Grammar : For Intermediate Students : учебное пособие 9785949621875

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Everyday Vocabulary + Grammar : For Intermediate Students : учебное пособие

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Т. Ю. Дроздова, Н. В. Тоткало





ББК 81.2Англ Д75

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Дроздова Т. Ю., Тоткало Н. В. Д75

Everyday Vocabulary + Grammar : For Intermediate Students : учебное пособие. – СПб. : Антология, 2010. – 320 с. ISBN 978-5-94962-187-5 Учебное пособие “Everyday VOCABULARY + Grammar” предназначено для углублённого изучения слов и выражений по 10 темам повседневного общения (уровень intermediate). Отличительной особенностью издания является «параллельное» изучение лексики и грамматических конструкций, наиболее часто употребляемых в разговоре на заданную тему. К основному учебнику, который одновременно служит рабочей тетрадью, прилагается МР3 диск с озвученным лексическим материалом, текстами и диалогами. Отдельной книгой изданы ответы-ключи к упражнениям настоящего пособия, что позволяет его использовать для самостоятельной работы. Современное оформление, визуальные «опоры», озвученный материал способствуют повышению эффективности работы с пособием. ББК 81.2Англ

ISBN 978-5-94962-187-5

© Дроздова Т. Ю., Тоткало Н. В., 2011 © ООО «Антология», 2011


Учебное пособие “Everyday VOCABULARY + Grammar” предназначено для углублённого изучения лексики английского языка по основным темам, связанным с повседневной жизнью человека. Пособие содержит 10 тематических разделов: Family and Relations, People, A Place to Live, Daily Routine, The World of Work, Food and Meals, Shopping, Health and Illness, On the Move, On Holiday. Несомненным преимуществом данной работы является психологически обоснованный подход к изучению лексики. Объём словарных блоков, предлагаемых по ходу развития каждой новой темы, учитывает особенности работы памяти. Для лучшего запоминания слов и усвоения материала созданы специальные зрительные и слуховые «опоры», активно задействована механическая память. В учебнике более 400 различных упражнений, часть из них имеет звуковое сопровождение, на прилагаемом MP3 диске. Озвученный лексический материал, тексты и диалоги не только способствуют лучшему запоминанию, но и помогают выработать правильное произношение без обращения к словарю и транскрипции. Отличительной особенностью данной работы является то, что в пособии лексика и грамматика соединены в единое целое. Они изучаются не как два раздельных аспекта языка, а «параллельно», так же, как они существуют в языке. Такой способ подачи материала ставит цель отойти от сложившейся практики изучения языка, когда искусственный разрыв между лексикой и грамматикой препятствует его успешному освоению. На базе изучаемого словаря, повторяются грамматические конструкции, наиболее часто употребляемые в текстах и диалогах на определённую тему. Грамматические комментарии расположены непосредственно там, где по условиям общения, требуется использование данной конструкции. Упражнения строятся исключительно на лексике данного раздела и естественным образом вплетаются в его тематику. Учебное пособие “Everyday VOCABULARY + Grammar” может быть использовано для обучения студентов гуманитарных вузов и старшеклассников школ и гимназий с углублённым изучением английского языка, а также всех учащихся, планирующих сдавать ЕГЭ. В нашем учебном пособии большое внимание уделяется сочетаемости слов, употреблению предлогов и фразовых глаголов. Поскольку знание особенностей употребления 3

лексических единиц в речи является определённым показателем уровня владения языком, этот аспект составляет основную часть ЕГЭ по иностранному языку. Работа с текстами также ориентирована на требования ЕГЭ. Ответы-ключи, изданные отдельной книгой, позволяют успешно использовать пособие для самостоятельной работы. Учебный материал издания основан непосредственно на реалиях современной жизни и имеет не только познавательное, культурологическое, но и воспитательное значение. Удобство расположения материала, визуальные «опоры», озвученный лексический материал и современное оформление повышают эффективность работы с пособием и делают его user-friendly. Т. Ю. Дроздова Н. В. Тоткало

Contents Unit 1. FAMILY and RELATIONS ............................................................................................8 1.1 Types of Families ....................................................................................................9 1.2 Family Relationships ............................................................................................15 Grammar: The verb TO BE in the Present Simple Tense (p. 10). Possessive (’s) (p. 11). Possessive and Absolute Pronouns (p. 11). The Present Simple Tense (p. 15). The verb TO BE in the Past Simple Tense (p. 21). The Past Simple Tense (p. 21). Asking Questions in the Past Simple Tense (p. 26). The Verb TO HAVE in the Present Simple Tense (p. 27)

Unit 2. PEOPLE ..............................................................................................................32 2.1 Appearance ........................................................................................................32 2.2 Character ............................................................................................................49 Grammar: HAVE SOMETHING DONE Construction (p. 39). The Comparison of Adjectives (pp. 40, 46). The Modal Verb SHOULD (pp. 54, 61)

Unit 3. A PLACE TO LIVE ......................................................................................................64 3.1 Types of Dwellings and Premises ............................................................................65 3.2 Looking for a Place to Live ....................................................................................75 3.3 Rooms and Interiors ..............................................................................................80 3.4 Interior Design and Redecoration ..........................................................................87 3.5 The Housewarming Party ......................................................................................93 Grammar: Prepositions and Adverbs of Place (pp. 65, 81). THERE + BE construction (p. 67). IT or THERE? (p. 74). Prepositions of Place and Direction (p. 84). The Word Order Adjective+ Noun (p. 86). The Passive Voice (p. 90). Talking about Distance (p. 94)

Unit 4. DAILY ROUTINE ........................................................................................................95 4.1 Getting Ready for Work/School ..............................................................................95 4.2 The Working Day Starts ........................................................................................99 4.3 After School/Work ..............................................................................................101 4.4 On the Go ..........................................................................................................103 4.5 A Working Life Ends ............................................................................................109 4.6 At the Weekend ..................................................................................................111 Grammar: Expressing Obligation and Necessity (p. 97). The Past Continuous and the Past Simple Tense (p. 100). The Present Continuous Tense (p. 105). The Present Simple and the Present Continuous Tense (p.106). The Past Continuous Tense (p. 108). USED TO (p. 110). Fixed Phrases with the Verbs DO and MAKE (p. 113)

Unit 5. THE WORLD OF WORK ..........................................................................................114 5.1 What Is Your Job? What Do You Do? What Do You Do for a Living? ..........................114 5.2 Where Do They Work? ........................................................................................116 5.3 What Do You Do at Work? What Does Your Work Involve? What are Your Main Duties and Responsibilities? ..................................................119 5.4 A Light Purse is a Heavy Curse ..............................................................................122 5.5 Looking for a Job ................................................................................................124 5.6 Job Opportunities ..............................................................................................135 5.7 Leaving the Service ............................................................................................137 Grammar: Use of Articles with the Nouns: SCHOOL/COLLEGE, HOSPITAL, WORK (p. 118). Use of the Gerund (p. 125) . The Modal Verb CAN: Forms and Meanings (p. 133). Conditional Sentences (Type I and II) (p. 136)


Unit 6. FOOD and MEALS ..................................................................................................140 6.1 Food ..................................................................................................................140 6.2 Ways of Cooking ................................................................................................152 6.3 Meals ................................................................................................................157 6.4 Going out for a Meal ............................................................................................163 Grammar: Countable and Uncountable Nouns (p. 143). Basic Uses of SOME and ANY (p. 144). Use of Articles with Nouns of Material (p. 145). Quantifiers: MUCH /MANY, LITTLE /FEW, A LOT OF, PLENTY OF (p. 149). Use of Articles with the Names of Meals: LUNCH, DINNER, TEA (p. 158). Some Uses of SHALL and WILL (p. 170)

Unit 7. SHOPPING ............................................................................................................173 7.1 Shopping for Food ..............................................................................................174 7.2 Quantities and Package ......................................................................................187 7.3 Shopping Goes “Green” ......................................................................................189 7.4 Shopping for Goods ............................................................................................193 7.5 Dress Your Best ..................................................................................................199 7.6 The Changing Face of Shopping ..........................................................................211 Grammar: The Complex Subject Infinitive Construction (p. 180). The Present Perfect Tense (p. 183). The Category of Number. Special Cases (p. 201). The Present Perfect Continuous Tense (p. 204)

Unit 8. HEALTH and ILLNESS ............................................................................................213 8.1 The Resource for Everyday Life ............................................................................213 8.2 Human Body ......................................................................................................214 8.3 How Are You Today? ............................................................................................215 8.4 Health Problems ................................................................................................218 8.5 Diagnosing and Treatment ..................................................................................224 8.6 At the Dentist’s ..................................................................................................238 Grammar: Use of the Gerund (p. 216). A/AN or ZERO Article with Reference to Illness (p. 219). Expressing Certainty and Possibility (p. 223). Indirect Command and Request (p. 227). Indirect Speech. Reported Statement (p. 231). Indirect Questions (p. 234). Reporting a Dialogue or a Conversation (p. 236)

Unit 9. ON THE MOVE ........................................................................................................241 9.1 Why Do People Travel? ........................................................................................241 9.2 Travelling by Train ................................................................................................251 9.3 Travelling by Air ..................................................................................................257 9.4 Travelling by Sea ................................................................................................265 9.5 Travelling by Bus ................................................................................................270 9.6 Travelling by Car ................................................................................................272 Grammar: Use of Article with Geographical Names (p. 245). Prepositions with Forms of Transport (p. 247). Talking about the Future (p. 255). HAD BETTER (NOT) DO SOMETHING, HAVE TO, SHOULD (p. 259)

Unit 10. ON HOLIDAY ........................................................................................................275 10.1 Holiday Accommodation ......................................................................................276 10.2 Different Things at Different Time ........................................................................285 Grammar: The Present Continuous and the Present Perfect Continuous Tense (p. 284). The Use of the Gerund after the Verbs COME and GO (p. 288). The Use of ’S and S’ with Non-Living Things (p. 288). Non-Defining Relative Clauses (p. 296). Adverb or Adjective? (p. 296). Questions Tags (p. 298)


APPENDICES ....................................................................................................................299 Appendix 1 English-Russian Dictionary ....................................................................299 Appendix 2 British/American English ........................................................................302 Appendix 3 Spelling Differences Between British English and American English ..........304 Appendix 4 Some Useful Verbs ................................................................................306 Appendix 5 Expressions with the Verb TO BE ............................................................308 Appendix 6 Connectives and Transitional Phrases for Sentence Openings ..................309 Appendix 7 The Numeral ........................................................................................310 Appendix 8 The Old Units of Measurement ..............................................................312 Appendix 9 Dates ..................................................................................................314 Appendix 10 List of Irregular Verbs ............................................................................315 LITERATURE ......................................................................................................................319



Alex and Fiona Smith are grandparents now. They have two children: Linda and Bob. Alex is their father and Fiona is their mother. Linda is Bob’s sister and Bob is Linda’s brother. Linda and Bob are deeply attached to their parents. Linda is married to Ben Jones. He is her husband. Ben Jones is Alex and Fiona’s son-in-law. Bob is also married. His wife’s name is Daisy. Her maiden name is Daisy Robertson. Now she is Daisy Smith. Daisy is Alex and Fiona’s daughter-in-law. Ben is Bob’s brother-in-law and Daisy is Linda’s sister-in-law. Ben and Linda Jones have two children: a son Clif and a daughter Carol. They are twins. Bob and Daisy Smith have only one child Colin. Clif, Carol and Colin are Alex and Fiona’s grandchildren. So, the Smiths have two grandsons and one granddaughter. Linda is Colin’s aunt and Ben is his uncle. Daisy and Bob are Clif and Carol’s aunt and uncle. Clif is their nephew and Carol is their niece. Clif, Carol and Colin are cousins.


1.1 Types of Families

A nuclear family

An extended family

A childless family

A single-parent family

Ex 1. Complete these sentences with an appropriate word from A, B or C. 1. In spite of being a ............................... family, the Smiths are very happy and close to each other. Besides, they are going to adopt several children soon. A. extended B. nuclear C. childless 2. Mr and Mrs Papatatl live in a house with their aged parents, children and grandchildren. They are a typical example of a traditional ............................... family. A. nuclear B. enlarged C. extended 3. Mrs Jones lives on her own and brings up her son. There are a lot of ............................... families like hers. A. single-parent B. mother-only C. mono-parent 9


Ex 2. Complete the Memory Box.


IMMEDIATE FAMILY husband ......................... father ....................... grandson

......................... daughter ......................... grandmother .........................

To speak about a family you will need the verb TO BE (быть, являться, находиться). POSITIVE FORM

parents .........................

......................... grandchildren

I am he/she/it is we/you/they are

RELATIONS/RELATIVES uncle ......................... father-in-law .........................

I’m, he’s, we’re

......................... niece ......................... daughter-in-law

NEGATIVE FORM I am he/she/it is we/you/they are

not not not

I’m not, he isn’t, we aren’t

Ex 3. Fill in the right words.

QUESTION Am I? Is he/she/it? Are we/you/they?



1. Your relatives on your wife’s side are: your wife’s  Betty is Bob’s sister. sister is your ............... , and her brother is your  Their parents are both doctors.  Colin isn’t at school today, he is ............... . Your parents refer to your wife as their ill. ............... while your brothers and sisters refer to her as their ............... . Your wife’s parents speak of you as their ............... . 2. Someone’s second wife speaks of her husband’s children as her ............... , whereas the latter speak of her as their ............... . Someone’s second husband also refers to his wife’s children as his ............... while the latter speak of him as their ............... . 3. If your stepfather or stepmother already has children from an earlier marriage, those children become your ............... and ............... . 4. A brother or sister with whom you share only one parent is your ............... or ............... .

To ask a question we put the present (or past) simple of the verb TO BE at the beginning of the sentence, before the subject.  Are they a big family?  Is Betty older than Bob?


SECOND MARRIAGE stepson stepfather stepbrother half-brother

stepdaughter stepmother stepsister half-sister

Ex 4. Who is who? Look at the picture and ask questions. MODEL:

Possessive (’s) WHOSE? Nouns denoting living beings

Is Bob Sally’s husband? Singular noun(s) + ’s

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ David



wife? brother and sister? son/daughter? parents? father/mother? children?

 My father’s car.  Maud and Ted’s house.

Pural noun(s) + ’  Girls’ school.  My parents’ house. Irregular nouns + ’s  The children’s names.

Jenny Sally



I – my – mine he – his – his she – her – hers it – its you – your – yours we – our – ours they – their – theirs Edward Vanessa Sarah


Ex 5. Fill in the gaps with am/is/are/my/his/her/our.

NOTE Possessive pronouns (my, your, his) go in front of nouns, absolute forms (mine, hers, ours) stand on their own.  Peter is my brother  Is it your dog? No, it’s hers.

This is our family, the Millers

Hello, I (1)…......... Sally Brown. I (2)…......... David Miller’s sister. We (3)…......... really a large family! This (4)…......... (5)…......... brother David and (6)…......... son Timothy. And this (7)…......... Bob, (8)…......... husband. Here (9)…......... (10)…......... children: (11)…......... daughters Vanessa and Sarah, and (12)…......... son Edward. Vanessa (13)…......... (14)…......... youngest, she (15)…......... five, Sarah (16)…......... the eldest, she (17)…......... eleven. And this (18)…......... (19)…......... father Albert and Jenny, (20)…......... second wife. She (21)…......... (22)…......... step-mother. (23)…......... mother died when we were still at school. Oh, at the head of the table (24)…......... (25)…......... grandmother Emily.

Ex 6. Choose the correct form of the pronouns in italics. 1. It may be your/yours cat. I am sure it is the cat of your/yours. 2. I’ve never seen the aunt of her/hers. How can I recognise her/hers? 3. My grandfather’s family history is more interesting than my/mine. 4. I’m afraid our daughter will take her/hers advice not our/ours. 5. Will you help me find my/mine things? I can’t tell which are my/mine and which are your/yours. 6. She looked at him and at once understood he was her/hers. It was love at first sight. 7. My/mine sister likes much sugar in her/hers tea, but I like little in my/mine. 11

Ex 7. Translate the sentences. MODEL:

Моя дочь попросила меня дать ей мой мобильный телефон, она забыла свой в школе. My daughter asked me to give her my mobile phone, she had left hers at school.

1. Она показала мне свои фотографии, а я ей свои. ............................................................................. 2. Он рассказал ей о своих друзьях, а она ему о своих. ............................................................................. 3. Я рассказываю своей маме о своих проблемах, а она о своих. ............................................................................. 4. У меня не две собаки. Это моя собака, а та его. ............................................................................. 5. Нет, у нас только двое детей. Это наши дети, а те их. .............................................................................



this этот

these эти

that тот

those те

 Mother, this is my teacher, Mrs Jones. And these are my friends Peter and Mike.  Who is that man over there?  In those days people didn’t have cars.

Ex 8.

An old aunt who lives in the USA is staying with the Millers. She hasn’t met Jenny yet. So she asks a lot of questions about her. Write down her questions (read the answers to the questions first). 1. (how old?) .... How

old is Jenny? ....

She is 48.

2. (a widow or divorced?) She is divorced. ............................................................................. 3. (British?) No, she is not. ............................................................................. 4. (where from?) From Denmark. ............................................................................. 5. (a housewife?) No, she is a nurse. ............................................................................. 6. (a nice person?) Yes, she is very nice and kind. ............................................................................. 7. (how old/Jenny’s daughter?) She is 12. ............................................................................. 8. (her name?) She is called Merilyn. ............................................................................. 12

Questions with who, what, where, when, why, how, etc.    

Who is he? How old is he? What are you? Where are the children?

Ex 9.

Match the phrasal verbs below to their meaning and translate the verbs into Russian. distinguish between  grow up  mix up  bring up look on smb/smth as  act up  take for

SOME USEFUL PHRASAL VERBS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Become an adult Think of smb/smth in a particular way Act or behave badly Recognise a difference between Confuse Suppose smb to be, especially by mistake Care for and rear, train and give education

Ex 10.

............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................

.............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. ..............................

Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs given in the box above to fill in the

spaces. 1. That child always ......................... when his father is away. 2. I’m always ......................... the twins ......................... ! 3. What do you want to be when you ......................... ? 4. I’ve got a fouryear-old son to ......................... on my own. 5. I’ve lived in London for 7 years, but I ......................... in Newcastle. 6. I can’t ......................... the two brothers – they both look the same to me. 7. If she prefers to work rather than stay at home and ......................... her children, she is free to do so. 8. I’ve lived with my aunt since I was a baby, and I ......................... her as my mother. 9. They were twins, as like as two peas, and very often one brother was ......................... the other.

Ex 11.

Translate the sentences using the phrasal verbs given above.

1. Никто, кроме моей матери, не мог различить братьев-близнецов. ......................................................................................................................................... 2. Приёмная мать воспитывала детей как своих собственных. ......................................................................................................................................... 3. Дети считали её своей матерью. ......................................................................................................................................... 4. Эти сёстры так похожи, что я вечно их путаю; Катю принимаю за Машу. ......................................................................................................................................... 5. Когда дети вырастут, они уедут учиться в университет. ......................................................................................................................................... 6. Когда учителя нет в классе, дети обычно ведут себя плохо. ......................................................................................................................................... 13

Ex 12. Meet the Maisons. Complete the family tree and present all the members of the family to the class. When speaking about the people’s age avoid giving the exact figures.

Clare (31)

................ ................ ................

Brain (71)

Emily (62)

husband father grandfather father-in-law

................ ................ ................ ................

Andrew (38)

Eric (29)

................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................


Mary (4)

Linda (6)

(9 months)

................ ................ ................

................ ................ ................

............ ............ ............

Alice (21)

THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS TO TALK ABOUT ONE’S AGE Sam is eight months. He is a baby. Sally is eighteen months. She is a toddler. Oliver is six. He is still a child. Pamela is sixteen. She is a teenager. Robert is nineteen. He is an adult (old enough to vote) Maud is twenty-two. She is in her early twenties. How old is Jenny? – I don’t know exactly. She is in her thirties. Ted is thirty six. He is in his mid-thirties. My mother is forty-eight. She is in her late forties. She is middle-aged. My father is sixty-five. He is retired. Our grandfather is seventy-five. He has turned seventy. be of the same age – быть одного возраста They are both 24, they are of the same age. (not) look one’s age I can’t believe she is 60, she doesn’t look her age. be five years older/younger than – на пять лет старше/младше My brother is five years younger than me. outlive smb by ten years – пережить кого-либо на 10 лет He outlived his wife by ten years.

Grandfather Brain is the head of the family. He turned 70 last year. He is 71. Emily, Brain’s wife, ...................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ 14

1.2 Family Relationships There are good and bad things about coming from a large family. getting all the help

e house

you need 

ound th g out ar









st og e

er ela tio n






baby -sittin g the

youn ger o nes 

no having

the generation gap leading to


onal nd pers

space 


misunderstanding  fighting with b rothers

having much love and support 

and sisters 

Grammar THE PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE POSITIVE FORM I/we/you/they work he/she/it works

NEGATIVE FORM I/we/you/they do not he/she/it does not

work work

I don’t work, he doesn’t work


QUESTION Do I/we/you/they work? Does he/she/it work?

Ex 13. Read the statements above and say what in your opinion the advantages (A) and disadvantages (D) of having a large family are. Give your reasons using the prompts below. PROMPTS (+) warm atmosphere get along well be one’s best friends share personal problems have much in common


(–) want to get more independence have different views on argue about/have disputes compete for parents’ attention leave smb alone

Having a large family is an advantage because your family are your best friends.


................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................


The Present Simple Tense denotes a permanent or repeated, customary action. The Present Simple is used with the following adverbials of time: usually, always, every day, in the morning, at night, on Mondays.  The children are always polite.  They often/sometimes/usually help their mother with the housework.  They live in France.  My mother doesn’t go out to work, she runs the house. ASKING QUESTIONS If the main verb is in the Present Simple, we use the auxiliary verb do or does (see the table above) at the beginning of a sentence, before the subject (the main verb is in the base form).  Does your wife work? No, she doesn’t.  Do you feel close to your family? Yes, I do.

NOTEwhen the main verb is do, you still have to add do/does before the subject.  Do the children do the homework themselves?  Does your husband do the shopping?


share problems – разделять проблемы have much in common – иметь много общего have privacy/personal space – иметь возможность уединиться baby-sit – присматривать за маленькими детьми generation gap – разрыв поколений argue/fight/have disputes – спорить/ссориться/ругаться leave smb alone – оставить кого-либо в покое have siblings (formal) – иметь родных братьев и/или сестёр


Ex 14. Complete Rosemary’s entry into her diary. Say what she lacks in her family. Make negative sentences using the prompts below.

Dear diary, I feel very lo w tonight. I’m the centre o f attention. I the only child in the fam ily, I’m ha of privacy. A nd though I d ve my own room and I ha ve a lot on’t have to f and sisters f ight with my or parents’ a brothers ttention, I’m not happy. Have

brothers or si sters (1) ........ .................... Share secrets (2) .................... .................... .................... .................... Play with (3) .. .................... .................... .................... .................... Argue with bro .. .................... thers and sist .. .. .. (4 .. ) .. .. e .. rs .. .. .. .. .. Do things tog ...... .................... ether (5) ........ .................... .................... .. .. .. .. .. Baby-sit the .. .... .................... younger ones (6) .................... .................... ........ .................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........ So, I don’t do

and sisters.

things that m y friends do. I wish I

had brothers

Ex 15. Form questions using the given words. Try to give true answers to the questions. 1. in your family / you/ get / much love and support ? ..................................................................................................................................... 2. with brothers and sisters / fight / your friend / his ? ..................................................................................................................................... 3. the younger brothers or sisters / you / baby-sit ? ..................................................................................................................................... 4. the father / about the house / help ? ..................................................................................................................................... 5. the members of your family / close relations / have ? ..................................................................................................................................... 6. your sister / with the parents / argue ? ..................................................................................................................................... 7. you / and your brother / get along well? .....................................................................................................................................


Ex 16. Imagine you also share your thoughts with your diary. Write about your family.

Dear diary, ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. .................................................................................................

Ex 17.

Write the correct phrasal verb from the box below to complete the following definitions. patch up  keep up  back up  get along

SOME USEFUL PHRASAL VERBS 1. When someone supports or encourages another person, he is said to ....................... him ....................... . 2. When we settle a quarrel, we are said to have ....................... it ....................... . 3. If you are friendly or on good terms with somebody, you ....................... well with him. 4. Very often people try to continue to live the way they are used to, they ....................... the tradition.

Ex 18. Match the sentences and phrases on the left with those on the right. 1. 2. 3. 4.

We try to keep up Her family always I get along We often quarrel

a. b. c. d.

backs her up when she is in trouble. very well with my brothers and sisters. but very soon patch up our disagreement. our family’s reputation for hospitality.


1 2 3 4

Ex 19. Translate the sentences using the phrasal verbs given above. 1. Наши дети очень хорошо ладят, они редко ссорятся. ..................................................................................................................................... 2. Они помогают и поддерживают друг друга. ..................................................................................................................................... 3. У нас в семье дружеская атмосфера, надеюсь, что наши дети будут продолжать эту традицию. ..................................................................................................................................... 4. Им далеко за пятьдесят, но они часто ссорятся, потом им очень трудно помириться. .....................................................................................................................................


meet smb познакомиться с

propose to smb сделать предложение

date smb встречаться с

court smb ухаживать за

be engaged to smb oбручиться с


fall in love with smb влюбиться в

marry smb/get married to smb выйти замуж/жениться


have rows/ arguments ссориться

split /separate расстаться

get divorced/divorce smb/file for a divorce развестись/подавать на развод

Ex 20. Match the phrasal verbs below to their meaning and translate them into Russian. flirt with  break up  go out with  care for  marry off  settle down SOME USEFUL PHRASAL VERBS 1. Separate from each other 2. Be fond of 3. Behave as though one were in love but without serious intentions 4. Be seen frequently in the company of a person, usually of the opposite sex 5. Find a husband or a wife for one’s son or daughter 6. Start living in a quiet way

Ex 21.

................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................

Write the correct form of the appropriate phrasal verb in the space.

1. She ...................... every man she meets. 2. My girlfriend and I have been ...................... together for 18 months now. 3. John and Mary ...................... a month ago. 4. I don’t ...................... him enough to marry him. 5. They have finally ...................... their daughter. 6. Isn’t it time you got married and ...................... ?


Ex 22. Back to the Millers. Find the logical endings for each of the sentence beginnings 1–6 and construct Albert Miller’s family history. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

We were still at school Our father had widowed for four years Jenny wasn’t married either, But she didn’t live quite alone, Our father and Jenny fell in love Jenny was very nice to us,

a. b. c. d. e. f.

and got married within six months. she made a wonderful stepmother. when our mother died in a car accident. when he met Jenny. she had a daughter. she was divorced.






THE VERB “TO BE” IN THE PAST SIMPLE TENSE POSITIVE FORM I/he/she/it was we/you/they were NEGATIVE FORM I/he/she/it was not we/you/they were not QUESTION Was I/he/she/it? Were we/you they?  Diana was the daughter of the eighth Earl Spencer.  Was she beautiful?  She wasn’t arrogant, she was nice and kind.


Past Simple


 

Regular verb + -ed Irregular verbs

POSITIVE FORM I/he worked/wrote

Ex 23. Read David Miller’s family history. Fill in the verbs in the required tense from the box below. meet  go out  call  go  get married  live graduate  have  break up  be get divorced  have  be divorced My brother David (1)…............. to university at the age of eighteen where he (2)…............. Ann. He (3)…............. with her. She (4)…............. his girlfriend for three years. When David (5)…............. from university they (6)…............. . A year later they (7)…............. their child, a boy. They (8)… ............. him Timothy. But later they (9)…............. lots of rows, they (10)…............. and (11)…............. . So, my brother David (12)…............. now . He (13)…............. with his son Timothy.

NEGATIVE FORM I/he did not work/write I/he didn’t work/write QUESTION Did I/he work/write?  They got married before the war.  Why did they separate?  They didn’t separate, he just went to work abroad. The Past Simple denotes an action performed in the past. It is used with the following adverbials of time: yesterday, last week, two years ago, in 1994, when I was a child, etc. These adverbials go either at the beginning or at the end of a sentence.  He met Mary three years ago.  Last year they got married.



Ex 24. You are going to read a text about Prince William’s engagement. Complete the text by choosing the best phrase A–I to fill the gaps 1–9. Listen to the text and check your answers.

Prince William and Kate Middleton Set Date and Venue for Wedding A. that we’re going to spend the rest of our lives together.” B. worn by William’s mother, the late Princess Diana. C. wedding of Diana and Prince Charles, held at St Paul’s Cathedral. D. “I also didn’t realise it was a race, E. her father, King George VI, got married there in 1923. F. St Catherine’s Day on the Anglican calendar of saints. G. the two were on vacation in Kenya last month, H. “It was a total shock when it came!” I. on Friday April 29, at Westminster Abbey in London “The Prince of Wales is delighted to announce the engagement of Prince William to Miss Catherine Middleton,” the statement from Clarence House early Tuesday read. Prince William, 28, asked Middleton, also 28, to marry him while (1)  the statement said. The happy couple appeared for the first time after the announcement today arm-in-arm before a barrage of camera flashes, Middleton wearing the famous engagement ring (2) . In an interview with Britain’s ITV News today, Middleton said the proposal came as a surprise. “We were out there with friends, so I really didn't expect it at all,” Middleton said. (3)  The two met nearly a decade ago while students at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. When asked why it took so long to propose, a beaming William quipped, (4)  otherwise I probably would’ve been a lot quicker.” “Well as you may recognise now, it’s my mother’s engagement ring and it’s very special to me, as Kate is very special to me now as well. It was only right the two were put together,” William said. “It was my way of making sure mother didn’t miss out on today and the fact (5) . “No one is trying to fill my mother’s shoes. What she did was fantastic. It’s about making your own future and your own destiny, and Kate will do a very good job of that.” Britain’s Prince William will marry Kate Middleton (6) , the royal family said. Westminster Abbey has been the site of many royal weddings. Queen Elizabeth II married Prince Philip there in 1947, and (7) . The choice of Westminster Abbey may indicate that William and Middleton are trying to avoid comparisons to the 1981 (8) . It’s speculated that the couple chose April 29 because it coincides with (9) . The wedding day will be a national holiday.


Ex 25. Read the dialogue and make a short story in indirect speech. The beginning is given for you. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Now Mr Arbuthnot, what’s love? Love is blind. Good. What does love do? Love makes the world go round. Whom does a young man fall in love with? With the Only Girl in the World. When do they fall in love? At first sight. How? Madly. They are then said to be? Victims of Cupid’s darts. And he? Whispers sweet nothings in her ear. When the Only Man falls in love, madly, with the Only Girl, what does he do? He walks on air. What happens after that? They get married. What is a marriage? Marriage is a lottery. Where are marriages made? Marriages are made in heaven. What does the bride do at the wedding? She blushes. What does the groom do? He forgets the rings.

He saw the Only Girl in the World and fell madly in love at first sight ........................................................................... ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................

(abridged from “The Cliché Expert Testifies on Love” by Frank Sullivan)

I love You


groom’s friends

the best man

bride’s maids


1.3 The Wedding Helena began to wear an engagement ring. She was constantly talking about the wedding. She was very busy: wedding invitations were sent out, the reception was organised, the dress for the bride was bought in London, the dresses for the bride’s maids were chosen. The bridegroom’s brother was to be the best man. The night before the wedding all the groom’s friends joined him at the pub to cheer him up on his last evening as a bachelor. The wedding was set for two o’clock at the Church. The guests began to appear. Two o’clock struck and the organ began playing. There was some excitement by the church door: the bride had arrived. She looked very beautiful in her long white dress. Everybody stood up. When the newlyweds were leaving the church, the bells began ringing. There were cheers and shouts and a storm of confetti. After the reception the newlyweds were going on a honeymoon.


Ex 26. Find in the text the words or phrases (given in italics) for the following definitions: 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

an unmarried man ........... a bachelor ......... an agreement to marry ................................................................................ a marriage ceremony .................................................................................. a woman on her wedding day ........................................................................ a man on his wedding day ............................................................................ bridegroom’s friend, supporting him at his wedding ........................................ a newly married couple ................................................................................ a holiday taken by a newly married couple ...................................................... a large wedding party .................................................................................. 24



Jane, Helena’s friend who lives in Australia, got a letter from Helena. She reads the letter to her mother. Before listening to Helena’s letter twice, read questions I and II to be ready for the given task. I. Tick the statements that are true.

       

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Helena’s friend is her colleague. Jane lives in another country. Helena writes Jane about her marriage. She met Philip on a holiday trip. Helena tells Jane about her husband’s family. Helena went alone because she had failed her exam. Helena went on holiday with her family. Philip was their tour guide.

II. Add a word or a phrase to complete the text. Helena (1) ............................... to her friend Jane. Jane wants to know how Helena (2) ................. ................... . Helena writes it was (3) ............................... . She went on her holiday trip alone because she (4) ............................... her exam. Philip was also (5) ............................... because he (6) ............................... his girlfriend. They went round the sights together because they were (7) ............................... alone. They spent a lot of time together and found they (8) ............................... . So, they are going to (9) ............................... soon. Helena’s best friend Jane from Australia sends her best wishes to Helena’s wedding.

 

Whishing You a Happy and Blessful Life Ahead!

Dear Helena! It seems only yesterday that you told me that you were engaged and now you are married! I haven’t met Philip, but from your letters I know that both of you will be happy. I am so sorry that I can’t be with you on that special day, please know that I am with you in spirit. Congratulations to Philip and my best wishes to the two of you for a marriage filled with all the good things in life. Tenderly yours, Jane


ASKING QUESTIONS IN THE PAST SIMPLE TENSE If the main verb is in the Past Simple, we use the auxiliary verb did at the beginning of the question, before the subject. After the subject we use the base form. We went to the party last night.  Did you go to the party last night? When you want to get more information, you ask a “wh”-question, which begins with: who, what, which, where, when, why, how, etc. The “wh”-word comes in front of the auxiliary word. QUESTION WORD ORDER Wh-word

Auxiliary verb


Main verb

Other sentence parts

When Why

did did

he they

graduate break up?

from university?

Ex 27. Read the thank-you letter. Jane’s friend Michael also read it. He wanted to ask some questions. Look at the answers and write the questions. Dear Jane! dding. We quite n’t come to the we uld co u yo y pit a It’s . stralia is so far away understand though, Au for sending us that gh ou en thank you n’t ca st ju I d an ilip Ph have paid a dding gift. You must we a as ra me ca eo Japanese vid fortune for it. ur camera video we shot on yo st fir e th u yo ing I am send ter the ceremony. outside the church af the people family reunion: even t ea gr a , ing dd we It was a big As you don’t know to managed to come. ed lat re ly nt ta dis e we ar iting who is who. some of them, I’m wr wonderful gift. Thanks again for your Love. Yours, Helena and Philip

(not go?) Why didn’t you go to the wedding? (the camera?) .................................................... .......................................................................... (expensive?) ...................................................... (like the video?) .................................................. .......................................................................... (know the people?)..............................................


I couldn’t afford the ticket. It’s so expensive. Helena is keen on taking pictures. It’s the very thing she needs. Not really. I bought it on sale. It is great. Now I can watch the wedding as if I had been there. Some of them. Not everybody.

This is my grandmother Helena. I was called after her.

This is my aunt on my mother’s side. She is a great pianist, I wish I took after her.

These are my mother and father-in-law. They are very nice. I hope they have brought up a good son.

Here are my father and half-brothers. You know my father had two sons by his first marriage. Don’t they look very much like my father?


have got has got


Ex 28. There is a good tradition to send presents well before the wedding day. People were not sure what to buy because they didn’t know what Helena had already got. They consulted Helena’s mother. Find out the information using the words and phrases below. Student A asks questions, student B answers them. MODEL: How about an electric ironing machine? Has she got an ironing machine? – A great idea. She hates ironing. Student A

Student B

1. a carpet? She / one from Philip’s parents. ............................................................................ 2. bedclothes? We / prepare / those things / long beforehand. ............................................................................ 3. a vacuum cleaner? Oh! Nobody /think /of that. Great! ............................................................................ 4. cutlery? She /be going / get / from her grandmother. ...........................................................................


I/you/we/they he/she/it

have got has got


I/you/we/they he/she/it

got? got?

 She has got a son.  Has she got a daughter ?  They haven’t got a house, they rent a flat.

NOTE Do you have..? and I don’t have… are common especially in American English.  They don’t have any children. (= They haven’t got any children.)  It’s a nice house but it doesn’t have a garden. (= It hasn’t got a garden.)  Does Ann have a car? (= Has Ann got a car?)  How much money do you have? (= How much money have you got?)

Ex 29. Match the headings A–D to the extracts 1–3. There is one extra heading which you don’t need to use. A. Living on His Own. B. A Happy Marriage.

C. A Marriage for Convenience. D. Extremes Do Meet.


His wife had been unpleasant woman, but with her family's oil trust he’d managed to live peacefully with her. The marriage was stable, not exactly warm, but with three kids in college they had reason to be proud. They had weathered some rough times and were determined to grow old together. She had money. He had the status. Together they raised a family.


She was a radical feminist lawyer in Oakland... She had been married to Finn for 30 years – married but not always living together. He’d lived with other women, she'd lived with other men. Both came and went. They moved in and out, slept around and parted with great enthusiasm. For six-year stretch they lived together in chaotic monogamy and produced two children neither of whom had amounted to much. Now they were just tired. “I’ve decided to get a divorce”, she said.


He was single, a widower, with a little townhouse in Georgetown that he was very fond of. He lived quietly, occasionally stepping into the social scene that had attracted him and his late wife in the early years. (from “The Brethren” by John Grisham)

Ex 30. Make up questions to which the following sentences could be the answers. No, he is a bachelor. He is not the marrying sort. ............................................................ No, he isn’t. He is my stepbrother. .................................................................................. Yes, they are. I can’t tell one brother from the other. ........................................................ No, she is my stepmother, that’s why she looks so young. ................................................ No, they don’t. They are going to adopt a child. .............................................................. No, she is my grandmother. ..........................................................................................


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

CLOSE AND DISTANT RELATIVES 4 be related to smb – быть в родственных отношениях с кем-либо be distantly related to smb – быть дальними родственниками on one’s mother’s/father’s side – со стороны матери/отца have children by one’s former marriage – иметь детей от предыдущего брака adopt a child – удочерить/усыновить ребёнка take after one’s mother/father – пойти в мать/отца look like – быть похожим на кого-либо look alike – быть похожими друг на друга as like as two peas – (похожи) как две капли воды be a copy of – быть просто отражением call smb after – назвать в честь


Ex 31. Choose a word or words from the box which best complete the sentences. 1. Are you ....................... to Mr Fox? Yes, he is my brother-in-law. 2. Your brother has an unusual name, hasn’t he? Yes, he was ....................... after his great grandfather. 3. Is his family small or large? – He is ....................... , actually . 4. People often confuse them, they ....................... very much ....................... . 5. He is my wife’s second cousin, we are ....................... . 6. The child is very talented, he ....................... his father. 7. I had two children ....................... and my second wife ....................... them ....................... as her own. 8. The daughter and the mother look very much alike, the daughter Is just ....................... her mother. 9. They didn’t have a child of their own, they decided to ..................... . 10. Polly is my aunt ....................... .

look … alike by my first marriage related a copy of called after on my mother’s side single distantly related took after adopt a child brought … up

Ex 32. Fill in prepositions where necessary. 1. I am distantly related ............ her. 2. He is not 20 yet. He is still ............ his teens. 3. I was born ............ the 5th ............ May, ............ 1998. 4. They have brought ............ three children. 5. Did Mrs White divorce ............ her husband? 6. They say she took ............ her mother. 7. He has a son ............ his first marriage. 8. The girls look ............ so much alike. 9. We are distantly related ............ my father’s side. 10. Thank you for the compliment. I’m ............ my late 50s. 11. They called their son ............ his great grandfather.

Ex 33. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Они очень похожи, как две капли воды. .................................................................................................................................. 2. Это моя племянница со стороны отца. .................................................................................................................................. 3. Он мой троюродный брат, довольно дальний родственник. .................................................................................................................................. 4. Пятьдесят лет назад дядя Джорж и его брат Том ухаживали за миссис Медоуз, тогда она была Эмили Грин. Оба брата любили её, но она полюбила Тома и вышла за него замуж. Джордж так никогда (never) и не женился. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. 5. Нашей внучке 16, она ещё подросток. ..................................................................................................................................


6. У них не было детей, и когда им было под 50, они усыновили мальчика. .................................................................................................................................. 7. После рождения ребёнка она развелась с мужем и воспитывала сына одна. .................................................................................................................................. 8. Сара молодая женщина, ей нет ещё и 30. .................................................................................................................................. 9. Мой свекор вдовец, он приятный мужчина среднего возраста и живёт один. .................................................................................................................................. 10. У них две дочери, они близнецы. ..................................................................................................................................

Ex 34. Find the logical order of the following dialogue parts.    1      1     1  

1 – Any relation to Dr Breed, the director of the Laboratory? – The fourth generation in this location. – And you are a Breed? – It’s a small world, I would say. – His brother. My name is Marvin Breed. 2 – That’s right. – Has a wedding date been set? – So you’re engaged to Linda? – Something over five months. – How long have you been engaged? 3 – Why do you say “will be”? He actually is and we’ve already got the first quarrel as close relations. – I hear your sister Helen and Harry have got married lately. – Now Harry will be your brother-in-law, won’t he? – Oh, yes. They registered the other day and became husband and wife.

Ex 35. Act as an interpreter: translate the Russian sentences into English. A: B: А: В: А: В:

1 And here is a picture of my family. This is my husband, Franz. Oh, yes. (1) А это ваша собака? .............................................. (2) Да, его зовут Снупи. .......................................................... He’s cute! (3) А здесь наша дочь Сандра. ................................................. (4) А это её муж? ..................................................................... 30

А: (5) Нет, она не замужем. Это её друг Клаус. ....................................................................... В: How old is your daughter? А: (6) Ей 21. A это наши два сына: Маркус и Тони. У нас трое детей: два мальчика и девочка. ........................................................................... ........................................................................................................... В: And one dog! А: (7) Да, кстати, (by the way) у нас ещё три кошки. ................................... ........................................................................................................... В: Oh! A:

В: А: B:



A: B:

2 Лена, познакомься с моими бабушками и дедушками, тётями и дядями, племянницами и племянниками. ................................................................................................. ....................................................................................................................................... (2) Рада с вами познакомиться. Какая у вас большая семья! ............................................. ........................................................................................................................................ This is only the immediate family. Will you sit next to the oldest member of the family – my great-grandfather (прадедушка)? (3) С большим удовольствием. Как поживаете, мистер Браун? .......................................... ..................................................... If Helen hadn’t given away your age, I would have never guessed, that you’re her great-grandfater. (4) Вы совсем не выглядите как прадедушка (на свой возраст). ................................................................................................................. Yes, we are a long lived family. (5) Только наша дорогая прабабушка умерла молодой. Прадедушка пережил её на 30 лет. ................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... (6) Значит ты правнучка. Ты так похожа на своего прадедушку. Просто копия, ................... ......................................................................................................... of course, taking the difference in age into consideration. (7) Я правда (really) так похожа на прадедушку? ........................................................ ......................................................................................... I’m flattered. (8) Да, это так. Тебе повезло (be lucky), у тебя такая большая и милая семья! .................... ..................................................................................................................................... (1)

Ex 36. Compose a dialogue using the key words for the situation. Two friends are looking at an old photograph: A Whose family? So many people? Why? On the left? In the low row? On the right? Look very happy?

B grandmother’s family family gathering at large the wedding brother’s family their children the in-laws very nice people



2.1 Appearance forehead

hair 1

cheekbone eye


nose lips

cheek jaw

mouth chin



eyelid (eye)lashes



FACE FEATURES – черты лица delicate – тонкие, нежные fine – тонкие soft – мягкие clear-cut – чёткие striking – поразительные plain – заурядные coarse – грубые ugly – уродливые


Ex 1. Do the crossword puzzle. Across 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The hair on a man’s face between the nose and the mouth. The eye-cover when the eyes are shut. The end of a human arm. It grows on a man’s head. The hair that grows on the edge of the eyelid. We hear sounds with it.





1 2 3



12 5


Down 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

The thin line of hair above the eyes. The hair on a man’s face below the mouth. The part of face between the nose and the ears. The part of face above the eyebrows. The part of face between the cheeks. The front of the head.


Ex 2. Read a passage from an article on make-up. Complete the Memory Box on the right



with corresponding words from the article given in italics. Listen and check your answers.

July 2010

MakeUP Make-up Artist Secrets: Reshape Your Face

FACE SHAPE – форма лица ...round... – круглое ......................... – ......................... ......................... – ......................... ......................... – ......................... thin – худое freckled – c веснушками wrinkled – морщинистое with a beard/a moustache – с бородой/усами FOREHEAD – лоб broad – широкий narrow – узкий ......................... – ......................... low – низкий ......................... – .........................

Bring out your best features ... and minimize your not-so-best ones Everything about your face is unique, including its shape. Here, I'll show you the different face shapes and teach you how to apply your make-up.

CHEEKBONES – скулы wide – широкие ......................... – .........................

Round face shape exhibits the natural beauty and energy of youth. It's fairly wide, with full cheeks and a rounded chin.

An oval face is considered by most to be perfect because of its beautiful symmetry.

CHEEKS – щёки hollow – впалые ......................... – ......................... rosy/pink – розовые stubby – небритые clean-shaven – чисто выбритые with dimples – с ямочками JAW – челюсть square – квадратная ......................... – .........................

A square-shaped face is the same width at the forehead, the cheeks and the jaw.

The long-shaped face has high cheekbones, a high, deep forehead and a strong jaw line.


CHIN – подбородок massive – тяжёлый pointed – острый ......................... – ......................... firm – твёрдый





If you are lucky enough to have green eyes, you just have to find the perfect colours to really set them off.




EYES dark – тёмные grey – серые ......................... – ......................... ......................... – ......................... ......................... – ......................... hazel – карие sunken – запавшие LIPS – губы well-cut – хорошо очерченные ......................... – ......................... ......................... – ......................... ......................... – ......................... рarted – полуоткрытые

Brighten your blue eyes with our make-up tips! There is no end to the make-up looks that women with brown eyes can wear. Through this page you can learn how to make thick lips appear thin and how to apply lip make-up for fuller lips.

Ex 3. Find word partnerships. Put the words in the box in the correct column. face





........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ...........................................................................................


broad  oval  rosy hazel  well-cut  square long  green  full grey  hollow  high thick  sunken  low

Ex 4. Complete the sentences. Use the words given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word which fits the space in the same line. 1. She is a red-head and as all red-heads she has ......................... cheeks and nose. 2. Molly turned seventy last year, but she is still a good-looking woman though ......................... with age. 3. Jack hasn’t shaved for three days, he has ......................... cheeks and chin, he says it’s the latest fashion. 4. Robert wears a beard, he wants to look more manly, he hates his ......................... chin. 5. Women with ......................... cheekbones and full lips are often considered beautiful and exotic. 6. Her friends thought she looked like a child with her full cheeks and ......................... chin. 7. Her full ......................... lips made her look very sexy.


Ex 5. Give English equivalents to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

тонкие, чётко очерченные брови ................................................................................ острый подбородок .................................................................................................... пухлые щёчки с ямочками .......................................................................................... глубоко посаженные глаза .......................................................................................... усталое морщинистое лицо ........................................................................................ грубые, неправильные черты лица .............................................................................. тяжёлый подбородок .................................................................................................. гладко выбритое лицо ................................................................................................ простецкое лицо ........................................................................................................ выразительные голубые глаза .................................................................................... уродливая челюсть ...................................................................................................... выдающаяся внешность ..............................................................................................

Some Useful Phrases – I’m so tired of my long straight hair, I need a big change.

At the hairdresser’s...

– How would you like to have your hair cut?








best hairsty les!






Deborah Alexandra











fair hair cветлые волосы blond(e) golden

light brown chestnut каштановые


red рыжие

dark hair тёмные волосы dark brown

black brunette

grey(ing) седые, седеющие

wear one’s hair


HAIR COLOUR цвет волос

GENERAL APPRAISAL. HAIR mop of hair – копна волос thick – густые волосы thin – тонкие волосы partly bald – лысеющий bald – лысый


short – короткую стрижку shoulder long – волосы до плеч braided – заплетённые в косу parted in the middle/on one side – с пробором посредине/сбоку in a knot at the back – собранными в узел сзади in a ponytail – собранными в хвост сlosely cropped – стрижка «ёжик»

wear a beard/a moustache – носить бороду усы

Ex 6. Describe the photos you see in the Hair’s How Magazine above. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Alexandra has long straight fair hair. She wears it loose. ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................


Some Useful Phrases

– What kind of haircut are you thinking of?

At the barbers’s...

– I just want a trim on the sides, a shampoo and a fast blow dry.

Ex 7. Answer the questions using the model. MODEL:

You have a new hairstyle, don’t you? (brush back) I was at the barber shop yesterday. I just had my hair brushed back without parting.

1. I can’t recognise you today. – Oh! It’s my beard, I guess. – Do you trim your beard yourself? (at the barber’s) ............................................................................. ............................................................................. 2. You look quite a different person. Have you dyed your hair? (at the hairdresser’s) ............................................................................. ............................................................................. 3. You have beautiful hands. Do you do your nails yourself? (at the beauty parlour) ............................................................................. ............................................................................. 4. With these downwards falling curls your daughter looks like a cupid. Is it a natural wave? (to curl) ........................................................................... ............................................................................. 5. You don’t look your old self, son. What have you done to your hair? (wash/at the barber’s // your birthday present) ............................................................................. ............................................................................. 39

Grammar “HAVE SOMETHING DONE” CONSTRUCTION The construction is used to say that we arranged for someone else to do something for us. It means «заказать, нанять, пригласить кого-либо сделать чтолибо» have + object + Past Participle The verb to have in this construction can be used in different tense forms: the Simple, Continuous, Perfect.  How often do you have your hair styled?  I had my hair done last week but I didn’t like the style.  Hello, Mag. – Sorry, I can’t talk. I’m having my hair dyed at the moment.  You look like a boy, Nell. You have had your hair cut too short, I think.

Grammar THE COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES COMMON, COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE FORMS: We use the comparative when comparing one person or thing with another. We use the superlative when comparing one person or thing with more than one.

One-syllable and some two-syllable words ending in -y, -er, -ow, -le Two or more syllable words Irregular forms


COMPARATIVE ... + -er bigger nicer prettier

the ... + -est the biggest the nicest the prettiest

beautiful common

more/less + ... more beautiful more common

the most/least + ... the most beautiful the most common

better worse older elder

the best the worst the oldest the eldest

good bad old



big nice pretty

me / him / her / them / us

You are taller than me (I am). I think this player is quicker than him (he is).

Ex 8. Make comparisons as in the example. 1. Helen is cheerful. (Jane // ever met)

Jane is more cheerful than Helen. She is the most cheerful person I’ve ever met.



2. John is clever. (James // in our class) .................................................................................. .................................................................................. 3. My sister is rather attractive. (Our neighbour Mrs Roma // in the neibourhood) .................................................................................. .................................................................................. 4. Bob’s cousin is very pretty. (His girlfriend // among people I know.) ......................................................... ................................................................................




look – выглядеть attractive – привлекательный good-looking – интересный pretty – хорошенькая charming – очаровательный lovely – восхитительный beautiful – красивая handsome – красивый unattractive – непривлекательный common/plain – заурядный ugly – уродливый

5. Mario is handsome. (His friend Marcus // in our street) ..................................................................................................................................... 6. My classmate Bob is tall. (His friend Jim // in our team) ..................................................................................................................................... 7. Your hair is dark. (Your brother’s hair // in your family) ..................................................................................................................................... 8. Her eyes are charming. (Her smile // in the world) ........................................................................................................................................ 9. Al’s girlfriend has got long and thick eyelashes. (My girlfriend // ever seen) .......................................................................................................................................

Ex 9. Correct the video image synthesized by the police artist. Use the adjectives given in the prompts in the comparative degree (-er, more, less). face / long / round  hair / dark  beard / short hair / thick  lips / thin  jaw / strong  cheeks / full

Make the face thinner. ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................


Ex 10. Cross out the wrong form of the adjective in italics. 1. He is as broad-shouldered/more broad-shouldered as he used to be in his youth, but now he walks with a stoop. 2. She is not as prettier/pretty as her sister, but also good-looking and nice. 3. Dario is much slender/ more slender than Gustavo, but he is short/shorter than his friend. 4. His wife is a bit older/more old than him, but she looks much young/younger. 5. It was a strange couple, the husband was twice as old/older as his wife and she was much tall/taller.

NOTE Some two-syllable adjectives like happy (clever, common, narrow, pleasant, quiet, simple, stupid) have two comparative or superlative forms: – either with – -er/-est:  She’s cleverer than you. She’s the cleverest person I know. – or with more/the most:  She’s more clever than you. She’s the most clever person I know.

Estimate the Only Girl and the Only Man in the World – – – – – – – – – – – –

Whom does a young man fall in love with? With the Only Girl in the World. Describe the Only Girl in the World. Her eyes are like stars, her teeth are like pearls, her lips are ruby, her cheeks are damask, her form is divine. Have you forgotten something? Eyes, teeth, cheeks, form – no, sir. I don’t think so. Her hair? Oh! Certainly. How stupid of me. She has hair like spun gold. Very good. Now, will you describe the Only Man? He is a blond Viking, a he-man1. There is something fine about him that rings true. Are all the Only Men blond Vikings? Oh, no! Some of them are dark, handsome chaps. This sort of The Only Man has a way with a maid, and there is a devil in his eye. He has a heart of gold. He is a diamond in the rough. (abridged from “The Cliché Expert Testifies on Love” by F. Sullivan)


a he-man – (humorous) a strong man with powerful muscles 42

Ex 11

1. Daisy

A. Who is who? Look at the pictures. Which person:

 3                      

has a round face?

2. Miranda

has an oval face? has a long face? has full cheeks? has high cheekbones? 3. Barry

has a snub nose? has an aquiline nose? has a high forehead? has a wrinkled forehead? has a big mouth?

4. Daniel

has full lips? has big eyes? has small round eyes? has pencilled eyebrows? has arched eyebrows? has small ears?

5. Eric

is lop-eared (лопоухий)? has a beard and a moustache? has short fair hair? has shoulder-long dark hair? has thin hair?

6. Kevin

has a mop of blond hair? is balding?

B. Now write and talk about the people in the pictures. 1. Daisy is very pretty. She has an oval face with high

cheekbones, her lips are full and red. Her big eyes and a turned up nose make her look very lovely. She wears her thick fair hair short. 2. Miranda ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................



3. Barry .................................................................... ............................................................................ ............................................................................. 4. Daniel ................................................................... ............................................................................. ............................................................................. 5. Eric ...................................................................... .................................................................................. .................................................................................. 6. Kevin .......................................................................... .................................................................................. ..................................................................................

Ex 12. Give English equivalents to the following. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

высокие скулы ........................................................... длинный крючковатый нос ........................................ круглое доброе лицо ................................................. тонкие сухие губы ...................................................... мясистый нос ............................................................ крупные ровные зубы ................................................ тонкий прямой нос ..................................................... маленький курносый нос ......................................... длинные густые ресницы .........................................

NOSE 7 straight – прямой hooked – крючковатый long – длинный fleshy – мясистый snub/upturned – курносый aquiline – с горбинкой TEETH perfect – великолепные even – ровные large – большие false – искусственные EYEBROWS bushy – густые arched – тонкие изогнутые pencilled – тонко очерченные straight – прямые EYELASHES long – длинные short – короткие thick – густые curving – загибающиеся

Ex 13. Match the phrasal verbs below to their meanings and translate them into Russian. take off  set off  light up  stick out  put on  make up  stand out  bring out SOME USEFUL PHRASAL VERBS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Apply cosmetics to the face Be easily seen, exceptional Dress oneself in Make something more beautiful, to look well with something Make or become happy Be very noticeable because of being unusual Make clear, to reveal Remove clothes

................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................

................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................

................................ ................................ ................................

................................ ................................ ................................


Ex 14.

Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs in the list to fill in the spaces. set off  stick out  make up  take off  bring out stand out  put on  light up

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

When she smiles, it ............................. her whole face. This eyeshadow will ............................. the beauty of your eyes to full advantage. She didn’t know what hat to ............................. to match her new coat. The earrings will ............................. the colour of your eyes and the fine shape of your face. If it is hot there you can ............................. your jacket ............................. . I don’t like to see women to ............................. their faces in public. They were all pretty, but she ............................. among them. She has red hair that always ............................. in a crowd.

Ex 15. Unfortunately, when translating the adjectives the Russian words in the Memory Box have got mixed up. Put them in the right order. Listen and check your answers. MEMORY BOX


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

BUILD/FRAME – телосложение large  тяжёлый ..........................  хрупкий .......................... small  крупный .......................... heavy  стройный .......................... solid .......................... stocky  плотный  коренастый .......................... slim .......................... delicate  маленький

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

FIGURE – фигура graceful  тучный .......................... .......................... perfect  грациозный  пухленький .......................... lean  с брюшком .......................... fat  совершенный .......................... stout .......................... paunchy  неуклюжий .......................... clumsy  полный .......................... plump  худощавый

Ex 16. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Сын такой же плотный как отец, но гораздо лучше сложен. ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 45

2. Хотя Катя гораздо младше Маши, она такая же сильная и высокая как Маша. ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... 3. Он был намного крупнее остальных членов команды, но такой же стройный как они. ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... 4. Нина немного ниже, но гораздо толще, чем ее подруга. ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... 5. Она не такая тоненькая, как сестра, но такая же грациозная. ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ...........................................................................


TO COMPARE THINGS WE USE: As ... as – такой же ... , как  The girl was as beautiful as her mother. Not so/as ... as – нe такой ... , как  He is not so tall as his father. The same ... as – такой же ... , как  Tom is the same age as George. Much/far – намного/гораздо  Mary was the fifth child and her father was much older than mine. A bit/a little – немного  My brother is a bit shorter than me. Twice as ... as – В два раза старше  He is twice as old. Half my age – в два раза моложе  He is half my age.


You’ll listen to three word-portraits. After listening to the texts twice mark the picture which corresponds to the description.


Ex 17. Put the words from the box into the chart. Translate the whole phrase into Russian. HAVE with a stoop one’s best broad shoulders




oneself сильно измениться ..........................................................................................................


slim at the waist


of medium height


with a halt/limp


6 feet high



.......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................


Ex 18. Read the passages. Match the headings below to the passages (1–4). Highlight the words in the text to prove your point. There is one extra heading in the list.

 

1. “She had heard there was a Mr Lynch coming from their branch. He had obviously arrived. He wasn’t tall, about her height. He was handsome, and he had blue eyes and straight fair hair that fell into his eyes. He had a smile that lit up the room.”

STATURE – рост, стан, фигура imposing – представительный tall – высокий short – маленького роста middle-sized – среднего роста

2. “What does she look like, this Polly?” Ria asked Gertie. “Mid-thirties, I imagine. Red hair, very smart, keeps herself well. She comes in about once a month. You’ll like her, she’s really nice.” 3. “Barney’s wife was a large comfortable looking woman. Mona moved with ease and confidence amongst guests. She wore a navy wool dress and had what must have been real pearls around her plump neck. She was probably in her mid-forties, like her husband.” Vocabulary Note: 4. “Yes, you have a will of iron, “ Ria said looking at her friend with admiration. Rosemary so tall and blonde and groomed, even at the end of a day when everyone else would be flacking.” (from “Tara Road” by Maeve Binchy)

Ex 19. There was a bank robbery in Western London. Suppose you are a witness to this crime and help the police to identify the robber. Use the following key words and phrases to describe him. 1. Age: elderly, middle-aged, young, under 30, past 40... 2. Height: tall, short, over 5 feet 6 inches, of middle height... 3. Build: slim, stout, thick neck, broad-shouldered ... 4. Face: long, round, thin, wrinkled, oval ... 5. Hair: long, straight, curly, blond, bald-headed, ... 6. Eyes: close-set, dark-eyed, small ... 7. Nose: straight, hooked, ... 8. Ears: stick out ... 9. Distinctive marks: freckles, a mole on his right cheek, a beard, a moustache ... 48


D. A photographer’s model, isn’t he? E. Not slim, but nice to look at.


A. Red-Heads always stand out. B. A Very neat woman. C. Ms Perfect.

TO DRESS: 1. put on clothes  Have you finished dressing?  We don’t dress for dinner nowadays 2. wear clothes He has to dress well in his position. BE DRESSED IN – BE WEARING  She is always dressed in an elegant suit. WEAR – have on the body  He was wearing a hat/ spectacles/a beard/a ring on the finger.  She never wears green. “Rosemary went to the bank on Friday mornings. The girls there admired her a lot. Always dressed immaculately, and it seemed as if she were wearing a different outfit each time until you looked carefully.” (from “Tara Road” by Maeve Binchy)

Ex 20. Talk about the people in the pictures. Use the words and phrases in the Memory Boxes to describe: a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

the figure the shape of the face the cheekbones and cheeks the nose the eyes and eyebrows the hair give its general appraisal N. Altman The Portrait of Anna Ahmatova (1914) Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn An Old Man in Red (1652–54)

I. Levitan Selfportrait (1880)

B. Kustodiev The Merchant’s Wife (1918)

2.2 Character Different. Different Again ... I’ll let you into a secret. Do you know what is the most valuable thing you can hope to collect? People. I’m a collector of people. I look at them, I observe them, I hear them talk, I listen to their manner of speaking and I think, hallo, here’s another one. Different. Different again. Because, I’ll let you into a secret, they are like fingerprints. They are never quite the same. Some good, some bad, Beauty is but skin deep. – Красота all different. приглядится, а ум вперёд пригодится. (abridged from a short play “A Talk in the Park” Handsome is as handsome does. – by Alan Ayckbourn) Красив тот, кто красиво поступает. (Proverbs) 49

Complete the sentences. Fill in the spaces with the words from the Memory Box. 1. He is a nice old ......................... . 2. My aunt is a very good-natured ......................... . 3. She is very different from all people I know. They say she is an impressive ......................... . 4. When a woman is not beautiful, people often say that she has a very nice ......................... . 5. She is amiable and well-balanced. I like her exactly for these ......................... . 6. Two ......................... in the American character are generosity and energy. 7. Nobody could understand what her real ......................... towards this man was. 8. He is very sharp, he knows how to talk to people. This is his ......................... . 9. She is very sensitive, and it is her ......................... .



character – характер human nature – человеческая природа characteristic feature/trait/a trait of character – черта характера split personality – противоречивый характер quality – свойство behaviour – поведение merit – достоинство weakness – недостаток virtue – добродетель sin – порок attitude (towards) – отношение (к)

Ex 22. Translate the adjectives in the list below. Match them with their opposites in the Memory Box. Listen and check your answers. inert – ...................... , cool – ......................, callous – ......................, slow – ...................... , modest – ...................... , nervous – ...................... , irrational – ...................... , gloomy – ...................... , easy-going – ...................... , ...................... , unreliable – ...................... , lazy – ...................... .




Ex 21.

INNATE QUALITIES active – активный quick – быстрый cheerful – весёлый calm – спокойный composed – уравновешенный emotional – эмоциональный neat – аккуратный serious – серьёзный sensitive – чувствительный ambitious – честолюбивый arrogant – надменный trustworthy – надёжный sensible – разумный

........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ hot-tempered – вспыльчивый ........................ ........................ slovenly – неряшливый ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................


Ex 23. Answer the following questions using the words from the Memory Box above. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Who seems always happy? A cheerful person. Who is easily hurt? .......................................................................................................... Who can be called an unfeeling, indifferent person? ............................................................. Who seems not to be excited, untroubled? .......................................................................... Who likes to have everything tidy, in good order? ................................................................. Who doesn’t show too high opinion of his merits and abilities? ............................................... Who behaves in a proud superior manner? ......................................................................... Who is solemn and thoughtful? ........................................................................................





stupid – – intelligent silly – – clever

illiterate – – educated ignorant – – learned

foolish – – wise dull – – bright

narrow- – – broadminded minded

mediocre –


– gifted – talented

ordinary – – genius

slow- – – quickminded minded blunt – – witty slow – – smart



Ex 24. Match the words in column A with their translation in column B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

A bright gifted half-witted ignorant smart mediocre slow-minded blunt illiterate ordinary dull witty

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l)

B несообразительный остроумный смышлёный посредственный, заурядный тупой заурядный находчивый, толковый невежественный слабоумный, придурковатый безграмотный одарённый непонятливый, туповатый 51

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Ex 25. Across 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Do the crossword puzzle. How

do we call:

a person who received systematic intellectual training at school and high school? a talented person? a person having a great power of learning and understanding things? a person with second-rate mental ability? a clever skilful person having a good quick brain?

Power of Mind 6






2 8 9 3



Down 6. 7. 8. 9.

a person having much knowledge? a gifted person? a person unable to read or write? a person knowing very little, almost nothing?







Ex 26. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Настоящий учёный должен быть умным и хорошо образованным, он также должен обладать широким кругозором. ...................................................................................................................................... 2. Сейчас в Европе практически нет безграмотных людей, но многие довольно невежественны. ...................................................................................................................................... 3. Мой друг очень начитанный и остроумный, с ним никогда не скучно. ...................................................................................................................................... 4. Я не могу сказать, что он очень хорошо образован, но он сообразительный и толковый. ...................................................................................................................................... 5. Что вы думаете о его картинах? – Боюсь, что он не очень талантлив. Довольно посредственные работы. ......................................................................................................................................




Humane affectionate friendly любящий дружелюбный kind amiable добрый любезный gentle good-natured мягкий добродушный tender warm-hearted нежный сердечный faithful sympathetic преданный сочувствующий




Other Features





























hostile враждебный



Ex 27. What prefixes or suffixes form the opposites of these words? Complete each of these word forks. Listen and check your answers. merciful – милосердный  honourable – уважаемый, благородный competent – компетентный  just – справедливый  honest – честный selfish (x2) – эгоистичный  tactful – тактичный  demanding – требовательный respectful – почтительный  sincere – искренний  reliable – надежный friendly – дружественный  fair – справедливый  loyal – верный faithful (x2) – преданный  considerate – заботливый, внимательный

...................... ......unfair...... ...................... UN- ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................


...................... .....disloyal..... ...................... ......................

...................... IN-

inconsiderate ......................

SHOULD + VERB надо, следует Meaning:

...................... ....tactless.... ...................... -LESS ......................

1. Moral obligation  A doctor should be gentle and considerate. 2. Advice  You should be more careful. 3. Disapproval  You shouldn’t treat her like this.

Ex 28. What character traits SHOULD/SHOULDN’T these people have? SHOULD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

a boyfriend / a girlfriend a wife / a husband a parent a teacher the director


...gentle... ...dominant... .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. ..............................................................................................




An Elegant End-Game I. After listening to the story twice choose the answer (a–c) which you think fits best according to the text. Tick the right answer. 1. Were Antonio Gomes and Marka-da-Dilva personally acquainted?

  


No, they were not. But they played chess on the Internet.


Yes, they met at some chess tournaments.


No, but they knew each other as good chess-players.

2. Had they ever had a game of chess?

  


They had never played chess.


They only read about each other in chess tournament reviews.


Yes, they had been playing chess by correspondence for two years.

3. Why did Antonio propose to Marka?

  


she was a very beautiful woman.


by her manner of playing he found out what a nice person she was.


He had to because she had won the game.

II. Listen to the text again and tick Marka-da-Dilva’s character traits that are mentioned in the text. There are five extra adjectives in the list.

    

clever kind-hearted tactful talented firm

    

persistent generous delicate touchy sensitive

Character is the expression of the personality, it reveals itself in his conduct.


Ex 29. How do you or your friend demonstrate these characteristics? Sociable – I am sociable because I love being with other people. Sympathetic – I think he is sympathetic because... Ingenuous – ............................................................................................................................ Reserved – ............................................................................................................................. Loyal – .................................................................................................................................... Sly – .......................................................................................................................................

Ex 30.

Render the story in English paying special attention to the words in italics. Рекомендательные письма1

Один джентльмен искал помощника (assistant) в свой офис. Около 50 юношей ответили на его объявление (advertisement). Джентльмен вскоре выбрал одного. Друг спросил его: «Хотел бы я знать, как ты выбрал этого юношу. Ведь у него не было ни одной рекомендации» «Ты ошибаешься, – сказал джентльмен, – их было много. Он вытер (wipe) ноги, когда вошёл, закрыл дверь. Ясно, что он аккуратен и любит порядок. Он немедленно уступил место (give up his place to) старому человеку, показывая, что он добр и почтителен. Он снял шляпу, когда вошёл, и отвечал на мои вопросы уважительно, показывая, что он вежлив. Он поднял книгу и положил её на стол, тогда как все остальные не сделали этого. Это показывает, что он очень внимателен. Он спокойно ждал своей очереди (turn), а не расталкивал (push asunder) других. Это говорит о том, что он скромен и тактичен. Когда я говорил с ним, я видел, что его одежда чистая, волосы причёсаны (comb), что у него чистые ногти. Всё это значит, что он получил хорошее воспитание. Разве ты не назовёшь все эти вещи рекомендательными письмами? Я уверен, что он будет верным и надёжным помощником». The Reference



ATTITUDE TOWARDS LIFE Volitional Powers strong-willed – волевой brave – храбрый daring – отчаянный courageous – мужественный independent – независимый



weak-willed – слабовольный fearful – боязливый cautious – осторожный coward/cowardly – трус/трусливый dependent – зависимый


DECISION MAKING resolute – решительный persistent – настойчивый stubborn – упрямый obstinate – упорный, упрямый decisive – решительный


doubtful – сомневающийся submissive – покорный flexible – податливый, уступчивый amenable – сговорчивый hesitant – нерешительный

MAN and PROPERTY spendthrift – расточительный, economical – экономный, мот бережливый generous – щедрый greedy – жадный stingy/mean – скупой

Ex 31. What kind of person: 1. 2. 3. 4.

is able to stand up to difficulties? ...firm, strong-willed... is unable to take a decision? ............................................................................................ can show resistance to pressure? ..................................................................................... is capable of prolonged effort? ...........................................................................................

Ex 32. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Я не думаю, что он трусливый человек, он просто осторожный. ....................................................................................................................................... 2. Мой дед был смелым и мужественным солдатом. ....................................................................................................................................... 3. Наш сын очень упрям. Его трудно заставить изменить свое мнение, даже если оно неправильное. ....................................................................................................................................... 4. У моей подруги очень сильная воля, она может придерживаться любой диеты, а я слабохарактерная. ....................................................................................................................................... 5. Мой брат так и не женился. Он говорит, что он независимый и любит свободу. ....................................................................................................................................... 6. Мне было жаль её, она боязливая и выглядела такой потерянной (lost) в этой толпе. .......................................................................................................................................



MAN and HIS WORK hard-working – трудолюбивый diligent – прилежный committed – преданный punctual – пунктуальный accomplished – получивший хорошее образование/воспитание


lazy – ленивый idle – бездельник careless – беспечный loose – небрежный, безответственный

Ex 33. With the prefixes given in the chart form the opposites of the adjectives in the box. responsible – ответственный  skilled – квалифицированный competent – компетентный  concerned – озабоченный disciplined – дисциплинированный  attentive – внимательный




..............................................................unskilled............................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................


Ex 34. What person can be described by these idioms: 1. 2. 3. 4.

As busy as a bee. – A hard-working person. As merry as a cricket. .................................................... As true as steel. ............................................................. As slippery as an eel. .....................................................


Read the horoscopes and find out what to expect from your friends, family and love life!

Aquariu s xèDâï Éèêá 21 Janua ry – 19 F èëz ebruary Aquaria ns are b road-m energet inded, ic, fr ideas, im iendly, full of u nusual practica l, touch unpred y ictable. and They ar need fr e think eedom ers, and ind epende nce.

éêfâlWåz Capricorn xDâñ 20 January 22 December – king, itious, hard-wor b m a re a s rn Caprico anding. t, serious, dem en ti a p l, u hf it fa tine, like a fixed rou e, d u lit so y jo They en s of new often suspiciou nd a n la p to e lik ideas.

T H E 12 S T A R S I G N S Pisces x Dé~fëgò z 20 Febr uary – 20 Mar Pisces a ch re abse n t-minde careless d, artist , emotio ic, nal, sen unselfis s itive, h and la c k ambit don’t lik ion. The e hurtin y g peop people le , put ot first. her

Éèêgòz Aries xD pril h – 20 A impatient, 21 Marc ss, t they re fearle ate, bu r e id s n Arians a co nd e and in nctual a u p , impulsiv s r e d e to be fect lea don’t lik are per y e h T . itted resee quick-w don’t fo , o d o t results. at t quick told wh n a w d s an problem

z xDíiêèë Taurus y – 21 Ma at 21 April o re g od a s atient, e s u r Tau dical, p o h t e m ing, low to garden ntred, s e c . lf e s l, ubborn practica able, st li e r , t le tab ve grea anger, s nges, ha a h c e t , need They ha od food o g e v , lo ns. warmth ossessio p d n a security

Gemini xDdÉã få~fz 22 May – 21 Jun e Geminis are ada ptable, commu nicative , light-he witty. T arted, hey don ’t like monoto ny, they are alw the go, ays on love va riety an and ha d c hange ve sudd en moo d swing s.


Cancer xDâñåë èz 22 June – 23 July Cancer s are go od cook imagina s, home tive, sen loving, sitive, se travelle ntimen rs. They tal, goo get ups stay in d et easily one pla , like to ce, need to feel s afe.

s, z Dägès nerou ust e g g u , l A Leo x y fu 3 ly – 2 tive, faith ident. The f 24 Ju a n e r to co are c , self- oices, like s r e s Leos i ir v organ of the ion, love d good n u nt als he so f atte s individu o like t e r t ine a e cen be th need to sh r, powe eaders. sl and a

îbWÖèsz er Virgo xD eptemb S 3 2 – t ating, us 24 Aug discrimin etails, l, a ic it r d re c bering Virgos a remem t al. They a d t c o o , pra ic t s e fussy, g d o m arners, an be good le relax, c o t d r a find it h ical. hypocrit

áèsz Scorpio xDëâié November 24 October – 22 ous, ractive, courage Scorpios are att strong loyal, secretive, good parents, don’t trust are stubborn, silent type. They gh they be cruel. Thou n ca nd a le p peo have a live with they are difficult to selflity and a good magnetic qua control.

Libra xDägÄêèz – 23 October 24 September ing, bitious, charm Librans are am le, a lomatic, soci b considerate, dip find friends unselfish. They to ile a lot, need everywhere, sm stice. balance and ju find harmony,

Sagitta rius 23 Nove x?ëñdfDíÉèêáè ëz mber – 21 Dece Sagitta m rians ar ber e deep good-h thinker umoure s, extra d, kind vagant minded to othe , , optim r s , o is p t e ic nThey ha , outdo or type ve lots o s. f intere on the b sts, love right sid sport, lo e. ok


Ex 35. Read the horoscopes and say to what extent the descriptions are true. MODEL:

My friend was born on May, 2. He is Taurus. That’s right, he is really very stubborn.

That’s not true, he/she isn’t ... ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................

Ex 36. You disapprove of your friends’ actions and give advice. Write sentences according to the model.

SHOULD + HAVE + Participle II нужно было, следовало бы Meaning:


I invited Lizzy for a quiet weekend at my place. She was bored to death, the weekend was completely ruined. – Lizzy / Saggitarius / outdoor type / invite/ a cycle run. Lizzy is Saggitarius, an outdoor type. You should have invited her for a cycle run.

1. Criticism of the past action  He felt hurt, you should have taken more interest in his problem. 2. Disapproval  You shouldn’t have spoken to him like that.

3. Regret 1. Vlad got angry with me the other day. Aquarius /  It was his birthday yesterday. touchy / not laugh at I should have called him. ............................................................................. ............................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ 2. Dick left his bag on the bus yesterday. Pisces / absent-minded / remind. ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... 3. Maria got mad at me and left the office on Friday. Aries / don't like to be told what to do / know her better. ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... 4. Paul got weary of staying at my Mum's cottage in the country. Gemini / love variety and change / make a trip abroad instead. ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... 5. I took Diana's advice and bought the dress. Now everybody says it doesn't suit me. Virgo / hypocritical / not follow her advice. ....................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................


6. Barry got drunk and ruined the party. Leo / like to be the centre of attention / let him tell everybody about his hiking trip. ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... 7. Oliver doesn’t speak to me. Scorpio / secretive / not be nosy. ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... 8. We failed to make Dmitry change his mind. Taurus / stubborn / try to reason with him. ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... 9. Natasha left early yesterday evening. Capricorn / serious, enjoy solitude / not make her listen to the heaps of gossip. ....................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................

Ex 37. What one word would you use to describe your relations and friends? MODEL:

“She was talking about her remote father who never seemed at all interested, her difficult, disappointed mother who snapped out a series of criticisms rather than having a conversation.” “What one word would you use to describe her?” Declan asked. “Regretful. That’s the word. She always regrets something. Like nobody has any manners anymore, or how expensive everything has become, or that I married Alan or that I left Alan…” (from “Heart and Soul” by Maeve Binchy)

............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................

Ex 38. These are some characters from Maeve Binchy’s novel “Tara Road”. Read the abstracts and say how you’d characterize these people. “The door was opened by a dark, good-looking man in his early forties. He came down the steps his hand stretched out. Marilyn frantically searched for his name …I’m Colm Barry, neighbour and friend… Marilyn looked at him gratefully. He seemed to tell her what she needed to know and not too much.”.............................................................................................................................. “Martin was pale and anxious…There was something about him that lacked enthusiasm and fire. He looked slightly worried about things and spoke pessimistically. There was a problem connected with everything.” .....................................................................................................


“Coleman was 48, with two bad divorces decades earlier, no children, thank God. Because of the tacos, he was thick and slow, with a drooping stomach and large flashy cheeks. Coleman was not pretty, but he was certainly lonely.” ...........................................................................................

Ex 39. Complete the following sentences. 1. If you want to be popular with others you must be ........................... . 2. I think that what makes a student unpopular with others is ........................... . 3. In my opinion, the traits of character which people appreciate in their political leaders are ........................... . 4. To make a good friend (чтобы стать хорошим другом) one has to be ........................... .

Ex 40. Complete the dialogues. A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B:

1 .................................................... .................................................... Well, you don’t know him as well as I do. He is well-bred and pleasant to deal with. She possesses a rare gift of listening to people without interrupting them. I cannot but agree with you .................................................... He fell in love with her at first sight. Don’t you think they’re so different? She is full of joy and gaiety and he looks so sullen. .................................................... .................................................... Well, extremes meet, they say.

A: B: A: B: A:

2 .................................................... He has a good sense of humour. It’s a lot of fun to be with him. But he is a very ambitious guy. Do you consider ambition to be a good trait? ....................................................





Ex 1. Match paragraphs A–B with pictures 1–2. A. I enjoy a rural lifestyle. There isn’t much pollution if you live outside a town. We see much construction in the countryside nowadays. And I’m not surprised with such terrible prospects within towns. B. I like big cities. I always find there is nothing to do in the countryside. Urban areas, even with their problems, offer people a much better life than in rural areas.

KEY TERMS PLACE – (gen.) a building or area of land used for living. HOUSE – a structure meant for living in. DWELLING – a formal substitute for “house”. BUILDING – can also refer to structures used not only as living space. RESIDENCE – a house especially a large or dignified one. PREMISES – a house or building with its outbuildings, land, etc.


3.1 Types of Dwellings and Premises Ex 2. Use the prompts to discribe the types of the houses you see in the photos in the magazine. 1

Homes & Gardens

1. Detached house

Styles Decorating Expert Advice 3. Terraced house

2. Semi-detached house

La w n

stand alone/not joined

A detached house is a house that stands alone and is not joined to another house. There is often a big green lawn in front of the house.

G a r a ge

attach to/on one side ........................................ ........................................ ........................................

line of several houses/ ........................................ joined together ........................................ ........................................

4. Bungalow


Front garden

In front of/opposite – перед/напротив  There was a fountain in front of the house.  The house opposite to mine is painted green. Вehind – позади  The kitchen garden was behind the house. At the back of – позади  There is a cherry orchard at the back of the house. Next to/near (to)/close to/by/nearby – около/возле/у/рядом с  Our summer cottage is by the river.  The hotel is near (to) the station. Round – за (поворотом)  The shop is round the corner. Outside – снаружи/вне  The car is outside the garage, I’m leaving soon.


modern building/one floor/ ........................................ one door ........................................ ........................................ 5. Cottage

d ri v e w ay

k i t c he n g ard e n

attractive small old building/ ........................................ countryside ........................................ ........................................


Homes & Gardens

Styles Decorating Expert Advice

7. Country house 6. Weekend house/cottage/cabin

gate veranda


large house/ ........................................ historical interest/ ........................................ a lot of land ........................................

place in the countryside/ ........................................ spend weekends ........................................ ........................................

8. Block of flats 9. Multi-storey block of flats

Personal pa r k i n g s pa c e yard

multi-storey building/ ........................................ many levels of floors ........................................ ........................................

large building/flats ........................................ ........................................ ........................................

10. Skyscraper 11. Bedsit/studio

very tall/modern/city ........................................ ........................................ ........................................

one main room/ ........................................ no separate bedroom ........................................ ........................................


Ex 3. Match the words and phrases in column A with those in column B. A 1. gate 2. lawn 3. kitchen garden 4. hedge 5. front garden 6. driveway 7. patio 1




B a) лужайка b) подъездная дорожка c) внутренний дворик d) огород e) цветник перед домом f) живая изгородь g) ворота 5



Ex 4 A. Here is a word picture of an old house in Dublin. Have you ever seen such a house? Tell about it (Where? When? How old? What was it like?). “And then they were there. And they stood together in the overgrown front garden and looked up at the house in Tara Road. “Look at the shape of the house,” Danny begged her. “See how perfect the proportions are. It was built in 1870, a gentleman’s residence.”…The bow windows had all the original woodwork. “Those shutters are over a hundred years old. The leaded glass over the door has no cracks in it. The house is a jewel,” Danny Lynch said.

Grammar “THERE + BE” CONSTRUCTION We use the there + be construction when talking about the existence or presence of people, things, etc. in a particular place. This construction has the meaning «есть», «имеется», «находится», «существует». The verb to be in this construction can be used in different tense forms: there is/are, there was/were, there will be  There are nice cottages in the suburbs of our town.  There will be a big park here in some years. The verb to be agrees with the subject that stands first.  There is a church and ten cottages in the village.  There are a lot of blocks of flats and a skyscraper in this area. NEGATIVE FORM and QUESTION  Is there a telephone in your room? – No, there isn’t. There is no telephone in my room.  Was there the gate when we were here last? – No, there was not. There was no fence either. Mind that the sentences: There is a book on the table. (На столе книга.) and The book is on the table. (Книга на столе.) have a different meaning. The first one shows that there is something (“a book”) in that place, the second one shows that the object (“the book”) we are speaking about now or looking for is in that place (“on the table”).

The corresponding Russian sentences begin with adverbial modifiers. Russian English There is а telephone in my room. В моей комнате есть телефон. There was a meeting at the Institute yesterday. Вчера в институте было собрание.


B. Here is a description of a penthouse. Are there penthouses in your city/town? What do they look like? “Number 32 had been finished and the long top-floor apartment had a wraparound roof garden with a view stretching out towards the Dublin mountains. At night it would look magnificent with all the city lights in between”. (from “Tara Road” by Maeve Binchy)

Ex 5. Read the passage. Find phrasal verbs having the following meanings in it. The house Ria and Larry were admiring was not handed down to them from their parents. They were dreaming of buying the house. The building was rather old. It dated back to the second half of the 19th century. However the house was not falling apart. It was just in the state of neglect as the previous owner couldn’t keep it up. SOME USEFUL PHRASAL VERBS 1. 2. 3. 4.

Cause to remain in good condition Have existed since a particular time in the past Pass something from one generation to the next Break into pieces

............................... ............................... ............................... ...............................

Ex 6. What do we call: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

some rooms on one floor of a building used as a residence .................................................... a house in a row of houses which are all joined together ...................................................... a house that stands alone ...................................................... a very tall building ...................................................... a row of bushes or tall plants, forming a boundary for a field or garden ................................... roofed and floored open space, along the side(s) of a house ................................................ a house with only one storey .............................................




attic balcony

upper floor


ground floor

front door



front steps

back door

storey/floor – этаж We live on the second floor of a five-storey building. two-storey/-storied building – двухэтажный дом on the ground floor – жить на первом этаже on the upper floor – жить на втором этаже двухэтажного дома live The bedrooms are usually on the upper floor. on the top floor – жить на последнем этаже at the front/back of the house – перед домом/позади дома

Ex 7. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. kitchen garden  house  dwelling  lawn  view driveway  gate  veranda  the front door roof  front steps  attic  garden  two-storey

We took a bus to get to our friends’ house. It was sixteen miles outside Oxford. The bus turned off the main road and stopped. We had to walk the last two miles. Ten minutes later we came to the (1)........................ to the private property. The place was so quiet, so beautiful. We could see the (2)........................ across a big green (3)........................ . The house rose like a tower on the hill. The (4)........................ was very old, but in good repair. It was a house with a (5)........................ , from the windows you could see the entire valley. It was a (6)........................ building with an (7)........................ . It had a red tile (черепичный) (8)........................ and a big (9)........................ which ran along its front. There was a gravelled (10)........................ to the garage. One could see a wonderful (11)........................ and a small (12)........................ near the house. Nobody was in sight. So, we climbed the (13)........................ and rang (14)........................ bell. 69

Ex 8. Read the advertisement in TNT Magazine. Who is this house ideal for? Why? 12 Сhesnat Road, York SY3 5 KF ro

00 Eu


A beautiful detached house with 2 bedrooms. Close to: city centre, shops, schools, good public transport, etc. Features include: Luxury bathroom and kitchen, two bedrooms, small garden, living room with bay windows, central heating. Tel. 333-44-867

1. 2. 3. 4.

MA YKENBEL p r o p e r t i e s

A single person? ............................................................................................................. A family with children? .................................................................................................... A student? ... It doesn’t suit a student, it’s too big and expensive. ... A retired couple? ...............................................................................................................

Ex 9. Complete these sentences with a suitable phrase from the Memory Boxes. The trouble with living .............................. is that you can never find a place to park your car. They live on a hillside. Their living room window has .............................. the valley. A lot of cars, buses and lorries go past our house: we live .............................. . Our living room window .............................. the park, I enjoy the view. If the lift isn’t working, I can’t imagine how we’ll get to the office, it is on ..............................


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


in the centre of the city/in the city centre – жить в центре города in the suburbs – в пригороде on the outskirts – на окраине live in a residential area – в жилом районе in a very quiet area – в очень тихом районе near (to) the station/not far from the station – недалеко от станции on/in a main/busy road – на улице с большим движением have a view of/over the sea – из окна видно море face north – выходить на север look out on the park – с видом на парк open onto/into (the garden) – выходить в (сад) be set back (from) – не выходить непосредственно на дорогу или улицу The windows in the bedroom face north. It’s a bit dark, but we don’t use it during the day. Our grandparents live in a very quiet area. There is no noise there. The house was set back from the road and partly hidden by trees.


Ex 10. Fill in prepositions where necessary. 1. There were big steelworks .............. the outskirts of the town, half of the male population worked there. 2. Though our house is .............. the suburbs of the city, it takes us only half an hour to get to the city centre as we live near .............. the station. 3. I don’t like the place we live in, the house is .............. a main road, so it is very noisy during the day. 4. The villa had a wonderful view .............. the lake and the surrounding mountains. 5. The windows in the living room face .............. south, so in summer we have to keep the blinds (жалюзи) down in the afternoon, there is too much sun. 6. Our front door opens straight .............. the street, we have no front garden. 7. Their balcony looks .............. .............. the ancient square. The view is fantastic.

Ex 11. Complete the dialogue. Replace the words in brackets with the corresponding English words. A: Where do you live, Helen? H: I live in Blackpool with my friend Colin in a beautiful flat (1) (на втором этаже) ........................ ..................... . We don’t have a (2) (сад) ................................. but we have a (3) (большой балкон с видом на море) .................................................... . A: Do your parents live (4) (недалеко) .................................................... ? Н: No, they live (5) (в деревне ) .................................................... near Blackpool. Their house is small, but it’s very nice. It has a lovely garden (6) (позади дома) ............................ ....................... and a wonderful (7) (цветник перед домом) .............................................. . A: Do you have any brothers or sisters? H: Yes, I have a brother. He lives in a town near Manchester. He rents a flat. It’s not very good, I’m afraid. He doesn’t have a garden or a balcony. His flat is in a house (8) (на улице с большим движением) ..................................................... He is looking for a new place to live.



Ex 12. Find pairs of antonyms in this list and put them down in the Memory Box. Listen and check your answers.


clean  small  expensive  convenient  luxurious  noisy not that clean  dirty  light  a real bargain  spacious  simple tidy  quiet  untidy  affordable  inconvenient  dark



... clean ...

... dirty ...

















Ex 13. Find adjectives in the Memory Box which could describe: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

a flat called a bedsit ... small ... a house on the main road ....................... a flat in the remote residential area ....................... What a room! I’ve never seen so much mess and disorder ....................... a house near a supermarket and a bus stop ....................... a house near a park, far from the busy road ....................... a house with large rooms ....................... a house with very small windows ....................... a penthouse with a roof garden ....................... a small house on the outskirts of the city .......................


Ex 14. Write down five positive things and five negative things you could say about your house or flat.

+ Which neg

ative featu res do you hate the most?

Which positive features are the most important for you?

The study is dark. It is de pressing. ................ ......

Our country house is spacious. You can have your privacy.

................ ................ ................ ................ . ................ ................ .. .. ... ................ ................ ................ ....... ................ ................ ................ ....... ................ ................ .......

....................................................... ....................................................... ....................................................... ....................................................... .......................................................

Ex 15. What about your home? Put the words in the correct order to form questions. Answer the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

live / you / do / a house / in / or a flat ? ................................................................................ If you live in a flat, floor / on / it / what / is? ......................................................................... If you live in a house, house / what / it / is / type / of ? ............................................................ got / a garden / you / have? ............................................................................................. the house(flat) / does / to you / rent / it / you / or / belong / do? .................................................................................... 6. your own garage / got / you / have? ................................................................................... 7. your place / dark / is / or light? ......................................................................................... 8. noisy / is / your place / or quiet ? ......................................................................................

Ex 16. Think of friends or members of your family who live in these places: me Nick...

house as the same

in ...my


in a different pa rt of the country ...........................

in the same neighbourhood as me ............................

ame in the s ntry the cou part of ..... ........... . . . . . . . . . . .... 73

in the sa

me villag e/ town/cit y ............ ............ .....

in another country ............................

Ex 17. Fill in IT or THERE into the gaps. 1. Our house is very old, but ................ is in good condition. However, ................ are some rooms on the upper floor that need redecoration. 2. His flat is on the third floor and ................ has got a balcony. ................ is only one such a flat on that floor. 3. ................ are two new houses near the underground station. ................ takes only fifteen minutes to get to the city centre. 4. My house is on a main road. ................ is rather noisy. ................ are many cars and buses on that road. 5. His place is near the city centre. ................ is very convenient for the shops. ................ are many shops there. 6. ................ is a veranda along the south wall of the house. ................ is very nice to sit there.

Ex 18.

Translate the sentences from Russian into


Grammar “IT” or “THERE”? In many kinds of English sentences, we use IT or THERE in the subject position. We use pronoun IT for things, animals, babies.  Her cottage is very comfortable, but it is very damp in winter. Impersonal IT can be used in expressions of time, day, distance, etc. It can be also used to express opinion about places, events, situations.  It is far from here to the nearest town. It was strange to meet you here of all places.

1. Большинство людей в России живут в жилых Impersonal THERE is used to say районах в многоэтажных многоквартирных домах, that something exists in a particular но многие имеют дачи. Это небольшие дома с садом place, to introduce new information, или огородом позади дома. 2. Нью Йорк – это город etc. небоскребов, на последнем этаже которых рас I don’t like my flat. It (the flat) полагаются роскошные квартиры с видом на is not light enough. There are two rooms that are especially Центральный парк. 3. В Испании дома имеют dark. замечательные внутренние дворики, на стенах домов цветы, но нет зелёных лужаек, так как там очень жарко. 4. Мы живём на первом этаже, у нас нет балкона. Наш сад на крыше, оттуда открывается очень красивый вид на реку. 5. Мой брат построил двухэтажный дом в пригороде недалеко от станции. Веранда выходит на юг, на ней можно загорать. 6. У бабушки на чердаке много интересных вещей. 7. Почему у вас на крыше труба, ведь у вас центральное отопление? 8. Современные роскошные квартиры очень дорогие. Они большие, просторные, очень удобные, но не все могут позволить себе (afford) такую квартиру.


3.2 Looking for a Place to Live Connie and Richard Smart were looking for a place to live. They seriously considered two opportunities: moving into Granny’s old house or buying a small house in the country, as they both enjoyed a rural lifestyle. They had been dreaming of owing a house for many years.

Connie and Richard went to the real estate agency and inspected the details of the houses on the offer. They were attracted by some of them and made an appointment with the agent to see the houses. Eventually a selection was made. Besides being nice, the house was a real bargain. But property was expensive. The family didn’t have enough money to pay for the house immediately. The Smarts managed to save some money only for the down payment. They could buy the house only if a long term loan, called a mortgage, could be raised from a bank. The mortgage was obtained. It was to be paid back with interest over 25 years. Both of them working, they could afford it because they were to pay the money back in fairly small sums once a month.

Ex 19. Answer the questions.


The Smarts didn’t think of renting a house: paying rent to the landlord was a waste of money. As for granny’s house, it was in the state of neglect and in addition it was too far from the city they worked in. So, they decided against it. Buying a house was the only choice left. RENTING/BUYING A PLACE TO LIVE


move into/out – переехать, вселиться/выехать rent a house/a flat – снять дом/квартиру rent (out)/let a house/a flat – сдать дом/квартиру rent – арендная плата own smth – владеть property – собственность, земельная собственность real estate agency – агентство по покупке и аренде жилья/недвижимости houses on the offer – дома, выставленные на продажу mortgage – ипотечный кредит down payment – первоначальный взнос pay back with interest over (25 years) – вернуть кредит с процентами в течение (25 лет) be a bargain – выгодная покупка landlord – владелец дома или квартиры, сдаваемых внаем tenant – съемщик, временный владелец condition of the housе – состояние дома be in good repair – быть в хорошем состоянии be falling into decay – приходить в упадок be in the state of neglect – быть в запущенном состоянии

1. What lifestyle did Richard and Connie prefer? 2. Why did they decide against moving into Granny’s house/renting a house? 3. Where could Richard and Connie find out some information about the houses on the offer? 4. What is a mortgage? Where can it be obtained? 5. What is a down payment?


Ex 20. A. Here are the plans of the houses Richard and Connie were shown at the real estate agency. They didn’t like the first two. They chose the one you see in this picture. Describe the house. B. Try to explain why Richard and Connie turned down the first two offers. 1.


living room S E



 A 840

A. Connie and Richard fell in love with ........................................................................ this elegant stone house at first ........................................................................ sight… ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ B. 1) They had always dreamt of their ........................................................................ living room and dining-room being full of ........................................................................ sun and light, but in that house… ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ 2) They were looking for a nice quite ........................................................................ place, but that house… ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................


Ex 21. What do we call: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A person who rents a house from a landlord .................................................................... A person who owns something as his property ................................................................ A payment made periodically for the use of a flat .............................................................. A definite sum of money at the time of purchase with credit .............................................. A bank loan to buy a house ............................................................................................

Ex 22. Helen is going to get married. Her Grandmother asks a lot of questions about her husband’s-to-be place. Write the questions, read the answers first. 1. live / a flat or a house? .................................................................................................. – A house. 2. own / the place or rent it?................................................................................................ – He bought it two years ago. 3. the house / expensive? .................................................................................................. – Not, really. 4. get / mortgage / from a bank? ........................................................................................ – Yes, he did. 5. have got / a kitchen garden? .......................................................................................... – No, just a small front garden. 6. in the city centre or in the suburbs? ................................................................................ – Robert isn’t a Trump. Of course, in the suburbs. 7. the house / fall into decay / when / buy? .......................................................................... – No, it was in good repair. 8. house / comfortable? .................................................................................................... – Rather. It has all modern coveniences. 9. house / a nice view? ...................................................................................................... – Oh, yes, just wonderful! It is the view that Robert bought, not the house.

Some Useful Phrases

– Hello, my name is Michael Swan. Have you got a room to let?

– Yes, Sir. What room do you want?

– A furnished living room with attendance. (с обслуживанием – уборкой, сменой белья, полотенец)


– Hello, my name is Allan Gold. I’m calling about the ad.

– Which one?

– One bedroom apartment. I wonder, how much the rent is.

– 660 EURO.

– You won’t find anything cheaper in this neighbourhood.

– Oh, the rent is rather high.

– This is Jack Collins. I called about a two-bedroom apartment two days ago. Is it still vacant, I wonder? – Yes, Sir.

– When can I possibly have a look at it? – Is 6 pm all right with you? – One more question. How much does the agency charge? – The agency’s fee amounts to one month rent.

– Thank you, that’s what I heard.



Ex 23. Read and listen to the dialogues. Think of the ads for renting the places. The people who called must have read such ads in the paper. Do you think they are going to rent the places? Prove your point.

Rent m a g a z i n e

............................................................................................................................. Available 1st July ............................................................................................................................. One-bedroom furnished flat ............................................................................................................................. Reasonable rent ............................................................................................................................. Convenient for shops and buses ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................


1 A: B: A: B:

A: I’m phoning about the room you have to rent. B: Yes. A: Is it still free? B: Yes, it is. A: Could you tell me something about the room? B: Yes, it is on the tоp floor, it is quite a small room, but it is fine for one person. A: Is the room furnished? B: Well, it’s got a desk by the window, a bed, a cupboard and there is a chair… A: What about a bathroom? B: Yes, there is a bathroom on the same floor. A: OK. Could I come and have a look at it? B: Oh, yes, certainly…

A: B: A: B: A: B:


I saw your ad for a flat in the paper. Yes. How many rooms has it got? Three rooms altogether, a living room, and two bedrooms, and also a kitchen and a bathroom. OK. Now, it is on the third floor… That’s right. Is there a lift? No, I’m afraid there isn’t a lift, it’s quite an old building. I see. And have the rooms got balconies? One room has a small balcony but not the others…



Mike is looking for a flat to rent. He discusses the problem with his friend Adam. Listen to the dialogue twice. For the questions (1–4) choose the answer (a–c) which you think fits best according to the text. 1. What was Mike doing in this part of London when he met Adam? a) He was going to meet Mandy. c) He was looking for a flat. b) He was going to his office.


2. Why was Mike looking for a new flat? a) He needed a suitable flat for his family. c) He wanted to be Adam’s neighbour. b) He didn’t like his old one.



3. Why was he going to rent a flat? a) He had never bought a flat before. b) He didn’t have money to buy a flat.

c) He didn’t want to borrow money.

4. Who helped Adam to buy his flat? a) The real estate agent. b) He got a mortgage from a bank.

c) His brother lent him some money.

3.3 Rooms and Interiors bathroom






kitchen stairs



living room

Ex 24. Join these ideas together to describe a flat. Use AND, BUT, SO where necessary. I’ve got a

new flat.

It is n

ot far

It has a living room an

d a kitchen.

erful view as a wond



wn ce


...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ......................................................................




the to


of the sea

It h

It ’s n



nv ’s co

in ro


Ex 25. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. 1.






1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.




The box is ........................ the table. The garden is ........................ the house. There is a pond ........................ the house. The man is standing ........................ the window. The bookshelves are ........................ the pictures. There is a nice little house ........................ the river. The dog ran ........................ the corner. The picture is ........................ the sofa. 81

under – под  The suitcase is under the bed. over/above – над  There is a lamp over the table. between – между (двумя)  The sofa is between the cupboard and the bookshelf. among/amongst – среди inside – внутри/в  The cups and saucers are inside this kitchen cabinet. at/along the wall – у стены  There is a bookcase on the right along the wall. in the middle of the room – посреди комнаты in the corner – в углу on the right/ on the left of – справа/ слева от next to/beside – рядом с in front of – перед

See also “Prepositions and Adverbs of Place” on p. 65.

Ex 26.

In which room do you usually find these things? Divide them into four groups. Some words can be used more than once. dishwasher  wardrobe  mirror  sink  coffee table  washbasin  fridge dressing table  TV set  lamp  armchair  shower  cooker towel rail  chest of drawers  sofa  table bookcase  standard lamp LIVING ROOM




............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................

A living room



a standard lamp a TV set

a sofa a stereo system an armchair

a carpet

a coffee table

A study A bedroom

a wardrobe

a lamp

bookshelves a computer

a lamp

a chair bedside cabinet

a double bed


a desk

A kitchen

a sink

a kitchen cupboard an electric (gas) cooker

a refrigerator

an oven a dishwasher

A hall

a mirror

A bathroom

a coat rack

a shower

a towel rail

an umbrella stand a mixer tap a chest of drawers a washbasin

a bath (tub)

a toilet (pan)

Ex 27. Describe the rooms in the pictures above. The prompts in the pictures and the table “Prepositions of Place” on p. 81 will help you to talk about: room e type of

it is

B. what y

ou can s

A. th

ee in the


n of the room

C. where the things are

D. your opinio


Ex 28. Complete the sentences with the correct adverb or preposition. 1. He puts the plates ............. the cupboard. 2. I took the ham ............. the fridge, made myself a sandwich, and then put the rest of the ham ............. ............. the fridge. 3. I usually sit ............. the sofa and my husband sits ............. the armchair. 4. I normally cook it ............. the oven for about 40 minutes. 5. The mother took the butter ............. ............. the fridge and put it ............. the table. 6. I was bored, so I turned ............. the TV set. 7. I put ............. my pyjamas, got ............. the bed, turned ............. the light, and went to sleep.

PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE AND DIRECTION On – to sit on the sofa, to put a vase on the top of the TV set / on the table

NOTE sit in the armchair In – in the house, in a little box At – at the table, at the door/ window Into – put smth into the fridge/ cabinet Out of – take smth out of the cupboard


Ex 29. You are in the kitchen. Where would you put these things? 1. Butter .............................. . 2. Cake that you’re going to bake ............................... . 3. Dirty shirts ..................................... . 4. Dirty plates and cups .......................... . 5. Flour and sugar .................... ......................... .

Put away – put smth to its proper place She put her clothes away in the dresser. Put back – return smth to its proper place Did you put my keys back? Put on – dress oneself in Which shoes are you going to put on? Take smth off – remove clothes, etc. He came in and took off his coat. Turn/switch smth on – make water/electricity flow, cause smth work He turned on the radio. Turn/switch smth off – cause water/electricity to stop flowing I’ve turned off the water/gas. I turned off the tap.

Ex 30.

Match the words to the pictures and complete the descriptions below. a. sleep  b. write letters  c. do the cooking  d. have a bath e. eat / have a meal  f. have/take a shower  g. listen to music h. take off our coats and hats  i. watch TV  j. work 1. In the bedroom upstairs I ..................... at night. 2. In the kitchen Nora ..................... and on the week days we ..................... there. 3. The bathroom, that’s where we ..................... or ..................... . 84


4. We use the living room mostly in the evening that’s where we ..................... and ..................... . 5. The dining room isn’t used every day either, we ..................... there only at the weekend. 6. Every evening I ..................... in my study, I ..................... there. 7. I like our hall where we ..................... .

Ex 31. Read the description and tick whether the sentences below are right (R) or wrong (W). Correct the wrong sentences.

My favourite room is the room I have under the house, in the cellar, which is where I listen to music. It’s quite a big room, and it’s got hardly any furniture – just an old carpet , a bookshelf full of CDs and a stereo system with two big speakers. I can sit there and play music very loud, and no one else can hear it. It’s great! R

    


     

1. My favourite room is in the attic. ...................................................................... 2. It is a small room. .......................................................................................... 3. There is a stereo system with two speakers there. ............................................ 4. The shelf is full of books. ................................................................................ 5. I can play music very loud in this room. ............................................................

Ex 32. Read the extracts. The rooms are beautiful, aren’t they? Underline the adjectives used to describe the rooms and the things in them. “They moved from a big open-plan living room with its coloured rugs on the floor, with three white leather sofas circling the fireplace, into the huge kitchen with its breakfast table and dining table, into Greg’s study lined with books from ceiling to floor on the three walls and with its leather desk and a big black swivel chair under one window.” 85

“The interiors were cool and spare, a lot of empty wall space, pale wooden floors, kitchen fittings that were uncluttered and minimalist...Ria fought to like the clean lines seen in the artist’s impressions, and as the project proceeded she visited the site often and forced out the words of praise for a place that seemed to her like a modern art gallery.” (from “Tara Road” by Maeve Binchy)


THE WORD ORDER Adjective + Noun

quality/ opinion



beautiful/ large old valuable



round brown

where from? или Past Participle

Past Participle или where from?

French/ handmade

handmade/ French







Ex 33. You are looking for some items of furniture you want to buy. Begin each sentence with “I’m looking for a…”. MODEL:

plastic – good – clock – kitchen I’m looking for a good plastic kitchen clock.

1. polished – beautiful – wardrobe – oak – antique – French ...................................................................................................................................... 2. English – old – mansion – stone – lovely ...................................................................................................................................... 3. table – ancient – round – marble – large – fine ...................................................................................................................................... 4. leather – Italian – pair of – sofas – black – for the living room ...................................................................................................................................... 5. Indian – wool – gorgeous – soft – hand-made – carpet ...................................................................................................................................... 86

3.4 Interior Design and Redecoration Ex 34. Read an extract from Maeve Binchy’s novel and answer the questions: 1. What was the room like when they first saw it? 2. What plans did Ria and Danny have for this magnificent room? “They were like excited children as they wandered about the house planning this and that. “This room could be something special,” Danny said. Anyone could see what perfect proportions it had: the high ceiling, the tall windows, the big fireplace... The stained and chipped mantelpiece could be renewed and made to look as it must have looked when it was a gentleman’s residence. “We’ll get a gorgeous soft wool Indian carpet,” Danny said. “And look here, beside the fireplace do you know what we’ll have – one of those big Japanese Imari vases. Perfect for a room like this.” (from “Tara Road” by Maeve Binchy)

Some Useful Phrases – I assume we have settled the exterior of the house, haven’t we? – Yes, red bricks for the walls and red tiles for the roof. And let me know when the builders, carpenters and plumbers start working.


– I’d like to discuss with you the interior design. – As for the living-room, I’m afraid there won’t be enough light. – We can make a French window on the east side. It’ll get all the morning sunshine.

– I’m worried about the wiring. – Nothing to worry about. The cable will be built into the wall.

– Here is a rough plan of the ground floor. The livingroom and the kitchen look out on the garden.

– I see there is no wall between the two rooms.

– We agreed to combine the living-room and the kitchen, didn’t we?


Decorating an Apartment Whitewash the ceiling Fit a bath and a toilet

Furnish the apartment Paper the walls Paint the wall white


They painted the kitchen blue. I don’t like the colour. They whitewashed the ceilings and papered the walls. Now they are going to furnish the flat.


CONSTRUCTION WORKERS carpenter – плотник brick-layer – каменщик glass-cutter – стекольщик painter – маляр plumber – водопроводчик


Ex 35. Read and listen to the text in which the character of the novel Joe Lampton, is being shown his new room. Look at the words in italics and say what was done to get the room ready for Joe’s arrival.

Now, following Mrs Thompson into my room, I was moving into a different world. “It’s marvellous”, I said. The whole month they were redecorating the room. I looked at it with incredulous delight: the ceiling snowwhite, new wallpaper vertically striped in beige and silver, a bay window cream-painted extended for almost the whole length of the room with fitted cushions along it, a divan bed that looked like a divan and not like a bed…and a dressing table, a wardrobe and a writing table all the same pale satiny wood. Burning in the grate, the applewood gave an aromatic smell faintly flower-like. A real fire was cheerful on a miserable day like this. There were three pictures hanging on the wall…

Grammar THE PASSIVE VOICE to be + Participle II The Simple Tenses TENSE




1. The room (finish) .................................. last week. 2. The walls (paper) .................................. . I liked the wallpaper pattern very much. 3. The window (paint) .................................. . It was big and gave much light. 4. A real fire (make) .................................. . It was nice and warm in the room, it made me feel at home. 5. Three pictures (hang) .................................. over the mantelpiece. I liked the skating scene best.

am is are





was were


will ask

will be asked

(from “Room at the Top” by John Braine)

I. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple Passive.


NOTE the action is done to the subject:  He asks. – Он спрашивает.  He is asked. – Его спрашивают. We use the passive when it is not so important (or unknown) who or what did the action:  Rome wasn’t built in one day.

II. Use the prompts to make sentences as in the example. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

redecorating the room  to redecorate ... The room was redecorated. ... the ceiling snow-white  to whitewash .......................................................................... new wallpaper  to paper the walls ................................................................................ the window cream-painted  to paint beige .................................................................. a real fire  to make a fire/fireplace .............................................................................. a flower-like smell  to fill the room .............................................................................. pictures hanging on the wall  to hang ..........................................................................


Ex 36. Read the two descriptions of the world’s most famous architectural structures. Use the verbs in brackets in the Active or Passive Simple. I. The Egyptian pyramids are ancient pyramid-shaped structures located in Egypt. They (belong) (1).................................. to the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The scientists (discover) (2).................................. 138 pyramids in Egypt. Most (build) (3).................................. as tombs for the country’s Pharaohs. The best known Egyptian Pyramids (find) (4).................................. at Giza, on the outskirts of Cairo. Several of the Giza pyramids (consider) (5).................................. to be the largest structures ever built. The earliest known Egyptian pyramid (design) (6).................................. by the architect Imhotep who (plan) (7).................................. what Egyptologists believe to be a tomb for the pharaoh Djoser. The Step Pyramid of Djoser (design) (8).................................. as a gigantic stairway by which the soul of the pharaoh could ascend to the heavens. II. St Paul’s Cathedral is the highest point in the City of London. It is the seat of the Bishop of London. The present building (date) (1).................................. from the 17th century and (design) (2).................................. by Sir Christopher Wren. The cathedral (build) (3).................................. of Portland stone in a late Renaissance style. Its impressive dome (inspire) (4).................................. by St Peter’s Basilica in Rome. The cathedral is one of London’s most famous sights. The Royal Family (hold) (5).................................. most of its important marriages, christenings and funerals at Westminster Abbey, but St Paul’s (use) (6).................................. for the marriage of Charles, Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer. The religious service for Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee also (celebrate) (7).................................. there.

Ex 37. Complete the dialogue. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Покупка дома (1)

Мр Палмер ищет новый дом. ........................................................................................... He is tired of living in town, and he dreams of a small cosy house in a village. Mr Palmer is talking to his real estate agent. Агент: Well, Mr Palmer, here is the house I told you about, 26 Richmond Road. The owners of the house are on holiday. I have the keys here. Мр П: (2) Хм... Когда его построили? ................................................................................ (3) А: Он был построен в 1928 г. .................................................................................. 91

Мр П: (4) Кто его построил? .............................................................................................. А: I don’t know. Is it important? Мр П: (5) Нет, не очень. У дома новая крыша? ..................................................... It looks new. (6) А: Она действительно новая. Её поставили (put on) в прошлом году. Посмотрите этот дом. Он в очень хорошем состоянии (condition). Предыдущий хозяин был строителем. .......................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................ Мр П: The house is rather old. (7) Меня очень волнует (worry) электропроводка (wiring). Когда в доме меняли проводку (rewire)? .......................................................................... ................................................................................................................................ (8) А: 5 лет назад. В доме также cделали ремонт. Было установлено (put in) центральное отопление, был построен гараж. ............................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ (9) Мр П: Дом далеко от города. ....................................................... What about the services? (10) А: Сейчас посмотрим. У меня здесь вся информация. Мусор вывозят каждый четверг (dustbins/empty), почту доставляют (deliver) каждый день в 7.30, молоко примерно в 6 утра. ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ Мр П: (11) Да, конечно, дом очень дешёвый. Я посмотрел много подобных домов... и они гораздо (much more) дороже. ................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ (12) А: Да, это очень выгодная покупка (bargain). .......................................................... Мр П: What are the plans for the development of this area? (13) А: Планы... ну, будет построена новая школа в следующем году... новая дорога, вернее (actually) шоссе (motorway), будет построено тоже в следующем году. Так что до Лондона добраться будет очень легко и быстро. ........................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ Мр П: (14) А где точно (exactly) будет построена дорога? .................................................. (15) А: Мм... Она будет построена за домом, а мост будет сооружён над домом. Это будет очень интересно. Вы сможете наблюдать (watch) за движением машин (the traffic). ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................


3.5 The Housewarming Party Listening


Connie invites Fiona to her housewarming party. Listen to the dialogue twice and answer the questions. I. Listen to the story twice and tick the statements that are true.

      

1. Connie bought a cottage on the outskirts of the city. 2. Connie has a small house with a big terrace. 3. Connie has a small house with a big garden. 4. Connie’s house is far away from the city centre. 5. Connie’s house is near the city centre. 6. It’s half an hour drive. 7. It’s half an hour by bus.

II. Complete the following sentences with the words from the dialogue.





Connie calls Fiona to (1) ................................. party. She has a (2) ................................. country. It is a (3) ................................. with a big (4) ................................. . Connie’s house is (5) .............................. from the city centre. You can get there (6) ................................. or (7) ................................. . It is (8) ................................. by bus and (9) ................................. by car. The party is at (10) ................................. on (11) ................................. .

12, Friday 7 o’clock

by bus. by train. I can get to work by tram. by the underground. on foot. to get home. I have to take a bus to get to the centre. to get to your place. to get to my work.

House warming




It is 5 minutes’ It is a 5 minute


H a p p y housewarming

I live

drive/ walk

in the very centre. close to the centre. near (to) the station. (not) far from here. in a small village.

from the centre. from my office. from my son’s school. to the nearest store / supermarket.

Grammar Далеко (на большом расстоянии) POSITIVE FORM


A long way off  They live a long way off.

Far away  Is the post office far away?  They don't live far away.

Far from  The station is far from our house. Довольно/очень далеко  We walked rather a long way.  They live a very long way off. Near/not far from Right/close by

Близко (недалеко)  We live near/not far from London.  The hotel is right/close by the station.

Ex 38. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Вы живёте далеко? 2. Его дом очень далеко отсюда. 3. Мы живём недалеко от пляжа. 4. Извините, супермаркет далеко отсюда? 5. Эта больница недалеко от центра города. 6. Я редко хожу в фитнес-клуб, так как я живу далеко от города. 7. Вокзал далеко, вам придётся ехать на автобусе. 8. Я езжу на работу на машине, так как ближайшая станция метро довольно далеко. 9. Почта очень близко от нашего дома, три минуты ходьбы.



Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Кто рано ложится и рано встаёт, здоровье, богатство и ум наживёт. (Proverb) People who don’t lead life of pleasure and idleness have a fixed way of doing things. They have their ordinary routine duties. For them all the days from Monday to Friday are very much alike: the same things are repeated from day to day. That’s what we call daily routine. Now read what different people tell about their days.

4.1 Getting Ready for Work/School 1

Sally: “My life seems to be ver y full of activitie obligations, so s and I never have m uch time for m During the wee yself. k it is the worst. I usually have up at half pa to get st six, even th ough I would prefer to sleep really much later. Aft er I get up I per my usual mo form rning routine o f washing my fa brushing my te ce, eth. I don’t tak e a shower and my hair every w ash day. Very often I don’t have tim that. Then I dec e for ide what to wea r. After I get dre I do my hair. I ssed usually have n o ti me for breakfa the morning b st in ecause I have to catch a 7.15 When I leave b us. for work I’m u sually in a hurr always looking y. I’m for my keys an d wallet.”

Ex 1. Look at the clock and answer the question. 1.

– Excuse me, what’s the time? – It’s five minutes to ten. – Thank you. – You are welcome. 95



What time is it?

– Do you have the time, please? – Yes, it’s ................................. . – Thank you. – No problem.


– What time is your English class? – At ................................. . – In the morning? – No, in the evening. – Oh!


 It’s seven ten. It’s ten (minutes) past seven.  It’s seven fifteen. It’s (a) quarter past seven.  It’s seven twenty. It’s twenty (minutes) past seven.  It’s seven thirty. It’s half past seven.  It’s seven forty-five. It’s (a) quarter to eight.  It’s seven fifty. It’s ten (minutes) to eight.  It’s eight sharp. It’s eight o’clock.  I get up at seven o’clock.

– When does the train leave? – It’s at ................................. . – OK.



t my day doing all Mark: “I usually star ybody does in the the things that ever ve a wash, have morning: I get up, ha o used to getting breakfast, etc. I’m als in the morning. ready for college ings I need: the I prepare all the th pens and pencils. textbooks, notebooks, ing is left behind. I make sure that noth a late night, I Sometimes if I have ing. Fortunately, oversleep in the morn car to go to work my father takes the me off at the and he often drops college.”


GETTING READY FOR WORK set the alarm clock (for 6 o’clock) – установить будильник на wake (smb) up – разбудить get up – встать с постели oversleep – проспать go jogging – сделать пробежку do morning exercises – делать зарядку have a shower/a bath – принять душ/ванну wash one’s hair – помыть голову do one’s hair – уложить волосы have a shave/a wash – побриться/умыться clean/brush one’s teeth – чистить зубы have breakfast – завтракать get dressed – одеться leave for work – уйти на работу catch a (7.15) bus/train – успеть (сесть) на автобус/поезд

– What’s happened?

– I’m looking for my keys and wallet. – I’ve left my driving licence behind.





Equivalent must


have to...

have to... has

had to...

will have to...

Meanings: MUST должен

HAVE TO должен – вынужден – придётся

1. The speaker is giving his own feelings saying he thinks it necessary.

1. Obligation or necessity arising out of circumstances.

 I must visit my friend, he is ill.  I must call mother, I haven’t called her since Sunday dinner.

 I have to go back to Mike’s. I’ve left my bag at his place.  We had to call the doctor. Dan had a fever.

2. A command, an urgent request.  The doctor says I must stay in bed for three days. We use do / does / did with have to in present and past questions and negative sentences.  Did you have to wait long? No, I didn’t. They opened up at 10 sharp.  I don’t have to get up early on Tuesday, it’s my day off.


Ex 2. Ask what Sally and Mark have to do in the morning. Say what they don’t have to do. Use the prompts to write sentences. 1. Sally / make her breakfast // no time

Does Sally have to make her breakfast? Sally doesn’t have to make breakfast, she doesn’t have time for that. 2. Sally / take her children to the kindergarten // go to school / school bus ...................................................................................................................................... 3. Sally / do her hair at the hairdresser’s / every morning // herself ...................................................................................................................................... 4. Mark / do his homework / in the morning // prepare for college ...................................................................................................................................... 5. Mark / help his mother / in the morning // in the evening ...................................................................................................................................... 6. Mark / to his college / go by bus // his father / by car / drop him off ...................................................................................................................................... 7. Mark / walk the dog / before leaving for college // his mother ......................................................................................................................................


Ex 3. Match the phrasal verbs below to their meanings and translate the verbs into Russian. wake up  get up  sleep in  lie in  stay up SOME USEFUL PHRASAL VERBS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Stop sleeping Let yourself sleep later than usual in the morning Get out of bed Not go to bed at the usual time Stay in bed late in the morning

............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................

............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................

Ex 4. In the box above choose the correct phrasal verb to complete the sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

I ............................ by mistake and was very late for work. I have to leave early in the morning and I am afraid I won’t ............................ in time. The children wanted to ............................ and watch the evening show. I was so tired the day before that I couldn’t ............................ in the morning. Though I wake up at 7 as usual I like to ............................ until 9 am on Sundays. 98

4.2 The Working Day Starts

Connie: “I’m a secretary. My working day starts at 9 o’clock. I have to be at the office by 9 am. I try to come 5 minutes earlier. I’m never late for work. I usually arrive on time. Sometimes I show up late because of the traffic jam.”

Go through tons of paper work.

Ex 5. Unfortunately, the translation of the phrases in the Memory Box has got mixed up. Put MEMORY BOX

the Russian phrases in the right order. THE WORKING DAY STARTS 1. arrive at the office at… /5 minutes earlier 2. be/come on time

 пить кофе на рабочем месте  пойти на ланч в столовую/

кафетерий 3. be/show up (5 minutes) late  болтать с коллегами  прийти на работу в…/на 5 минут 4. turn on the computer раньше  пойти на прогулку 5. look through the mail  пойти на ланч куда-либо 6. check the e-mail LUNCH BREAK 7. have lunch break at… 8. go out for lunch 9. go down to the canteen/ cafeteria for lunch 10. go out to get oneself a sandwich 11. have coffee at one’s desk 12. chat with the colleagues 13. go out for a walk

 «выскочить» за бутербродом  приходить вовремя  проверить электронную почту  опоздать на 5 минут  просмотреть почту  перерыв на ланч в...  включить компьютер


Ex 6. How does Connie’s working day start? Make sentences with the verbs on the left and the phrases on the right. Some variants are possible. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

First of all she turns on Then she looks through She checks She reads By the time she has answered the mail, it’s time Usually she goes out When she has much work Sometimes she goes down When the weather is fine Sometimes she goes out

a) b) c) d) e)

she goes out for a walk in the park. her e-mail. for the lunch break. she has a cup of coffee at her desk. the computer.

f) g) h) i) j)

to the cafeteria to chat with the colleagues. the faxes. to get herself a sandwich. the mail. for lunch.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ex 7. What does Connie think about her work? Complete the sentences with MUST or HAVE TO. Sometimes both variants are possible. 1. I must come to my office on time, I don’t want to lose the job. 2. I ............................. get up at 7 o’clock to come five minutes earlier. 3. I ............................. finish reading the mail before lunch, I want it to be ready by Mr Watson’s arrival. 4. When I have much work, I ............................. go out for lunch an hour later. 5. The boss says you ............................. look impeccable (безукоризненный) at the office. 6. I ............................. type the letters carefully, I hate to make mistakes. 7. I ............................. eat my lunch at my desk today, we expect an important call from our partners. 8. Sometimes when we have a meeting I ................ ............... stay at the office longer. 9. The weather is so nice today, I’d like to go out for a walk THE PAST CONTINUOUS AND I ............................. be through with the mail before THE PAST SIMPLE TENSE lunch.


Ex 8. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Я нашла этого котёнка, когда гуляла в парке.

I found this kitten when I was walking in the park. 2. Она нашла это письмо, когда просматривала почту. ........................................................................... ........................................................................... 100

We often use the Past Simple and the Past Continuous together to say that something happened in the middle of something else (some action in progress): PAST SIMPLE 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PAST CONTINUOUS  I was driving to work when the accident happened.

3. Мы пили кофе, когда позвонил директор. ...................................................................................................................................... 4. Компьютер прекратил работать, когда я проверяла свою почту. ...................................................................................................................................... 5. Когда я печатала эти документы, позвонили наши клиенты (customers). ...................................................................................................................................... 6. Когда рабочий день начался, я всё ещё стояла в пробке (wait in the traffic jam). ......................................................................................................................................

Ex 9. Each of the sentences below contains a mistake. Correct the mistakes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Hilary is in the bathroom, washing up her hair. ...................................................................... Can you drop me out on your way to work, please? ............................................................... My children go to school with the bus. ................................................................................ I’m tired. Let’s go to home. ................................................................................................. No more television now! It's time to go to the bed. .................................................................

4.3 After School/Work

Liz: After sc hool I someti mes go shopp or just walk a ing round town f o r a while. Wh I come home en , I usually rela x for some ti I listen to th m e. e radio, watc h TV or chat my friends. I w it h get a quick sn ack and start doing my hom ework. We usu ally have dinn in the evenin er g at about 7 o’clock.


Ex 10. Sally’s mother always calls her on Saturday morning to know how her daughter’s week was, if she managed to do everything she had planned. Translate Sally’s answers from Russian into English.


Mother: Hello, Sally, how are you? (1) Sally: Здравствуй, мама. Спасибо, у меня все в порядкё. Но я очень устала. Это была очень загруженная (busy) неделя. ................... ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. Mother: I know, dear. You made such impractical (невыполнимый) plans for the week, didn’t you? (2) Sally: Да, ты права, но всё это надо было сделать. В понедельник у меня был назначен визит к врачу. (have an appointment with) ............................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. Mother: That’s the first thing I wanted to ask you about. What did the doctor say? (3) Sally: Всё хорошо, мама. Врач разрешил мне ходить в фитнес-центр два раза в неделю. ............................................................................................................................. Mother: I’m so glad, dear. Keeping fit is so important for you, you work so much. And did you watch that new film with Kevin Costner on Tuesday evening? (4) Sally: Конечно, я получила огромное удовольствие. ..................................................... .............................................................................................................................. Mother: What did you do on Wednesday evening? Did you have your colleagues over for dinner? (5) Sally: Да, конечно. Это был очень приятный вечер ........................................................ ............................................................................................................................. Mother: I’m so sorry I couldn’t help with the AFTER WORK dinner. When did you do the shopping? come/get home from work at (6) Sally: Я купила всё к обеду после be tired/hungry cook/have dinner визита к врачу. ........................... go out for dinner .................................................. go shopping/do the shopping ................................................. watch TV/a film/a movie Mother: Sally, and when are you going to listen to the radio the Fitness Centre? What would go to the theatre/the cinema you like to do there? read a book/a magazine (7) Sally: Первое занятие было в четверг. go to a fitness centre/a swimming pool Я занимаюсь аэробикой (do take a bicycle ride aerobics). ............................. play tennis meet friends ................................................. have an appointment with ................................................. have a date Mother: That’s great! Did you meet Tom on go to bed early/have an early night Friday evening as usual? 102



Конечно, мама. Мы ходили в театр, я же тебе говорила об этом на прошлой неделе. ................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... Mother: Sorry, dear. Sometimes I forget things, you know. (9) Sally: Прости, мама. Я должна бежать. Сегодня суббота. У меня теннис в 11.00. Пока! ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. Mother: Bye, dear. Have a nice day!

Ex 11. Here is a list of things that some people do when they come home from work/shopping. Unfortunately, the verbs have got mixed up. Put them in the right places. Draw lines to make the connections.

collapse switch unpack go have look

in the fridge their bags on the TV to the bathroom in an armchair a drink

4.4 On the Go 2

Presenter: This is Robert Macmillan at Radio BBC. Good evening and welcome to this week’s edition of “Look at Life”. Our topic today is “A Working Mum’s Day”. With me in the studio today is Janet Ashby. She lives in Liverpool with her two children, Maggie and Tim. She works full-time, and every day she feels that everything falls squarely on her shoulders as a single parent. Hello, Janet. Welcome to our studio. Do you feel that your basic daily routine is just the same, day in and day out, as though your life were one big “treadmill”? Janet: You are quite right, I get up, take care of the children, head off to work, come home and do the chores, make dinner, help the kids with their homework and collaps in exhaustion only to get up the next day and do it again. Presenter: Tell us about your day. 103


Ex 12. Read what Janet told the radio listeners, complete the text with the words from the list below. Listen to the text and check your answers. make dinner  leave the house  have breakfast  drop the children off get dressed  do the ironing  get up  make the beds  wake up the children do the shopping  have a shower  make some sandwiches have a break for lunch  do the housework  go to bed  leave the house get breakfast ready  loads the dishwasher

On weekdays, I (1)......................... at half past six, (2).........................and wash my hair. I

......................... and (4)......................... at seven. Then I (5)......................... and we all (6).......................... After breakfast I (7)......................... my son Tim (8)......................... . Then I (9)......................... for lunch. We (10)......................... at half past eight. I KEEPING HOUSE – drive to work after I (11)......................... вести домашнее хозяйство at school. do the housework – делать работу по I work nine to five, but I always (12)............. дому .................. at twelve. If the weather is do the chores – выполнять домашние fine, I go for a walk after work but usually обязанности I have to (13).......................... I never get load the dishwasher – складывать посуhome before the children. They do their ду в посудомоечную машину, homework while I (14)......................... and do the washing up/wash up – мыть посуду (15)......................... . We rarely eat before make/cook dinner/lunch – готовить обед get breakfast ready – готовить завтрак seven, so when we’ve finished dinner it is do the shopping – делать покупки almost bedtime. I make some phone calls, do the ironing – гладить (16) or ......................... and watch TV. I am do the washing – стирать always very tired in the evening, normally tidy up – убирать I (17)......................... before ten and read for put smth straight – приводить в порядок half an hour before falling asleep. help about the house – помогать по хозяйству



HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES: washing machine – стиральная машина dishwasher – посудомоечная машина vacuum cleaner – пылесос

Be on the go – be busy doing an endless number of various things without any rest – вертеться как белка в колесе. 104

Ex 13. Now you’ll watch the film shot by the programme team for the compaign “Help the Working Mum.” Watch the film and write the subtitles. 1





Janet is getting up. ....................................................... 4



I he/she/it we/you/they

am is are

reading reading reading

I’m reading, he’s reading, we’re reading NEGATIVE FORM

.................................................................................. 7



I he/she/it we/you/they

am not is not are not

reading reading reading

I’m not reading, he isn’t reading, we aren’t reading QUESTION Am Is Are

I he/she/it we/you/they

reading? reading? reading?

.................................................................................. 12

The Present Cotinuous denotes an action going on at the present moment. It is used with the following time words: now, at the moment, at present, still (всё ещё), etc. These time words usually go at the end of a sentence.


 I can’t join you, I’m doing my homework at the moment.




14 Still goes after the auxiliary verb.  He is still sleeping.

.................................................... 105


Ex 14. A. Match these two phrasal verbs to their definitions. drop off

pick up

1. Let somebody into a car in order to take him somewhere .................. 2. To take someone somewhere in a car, leave him there and go on somewhere else .................. B. Fill in the spaces with the right phrasal verb. 1. I .......................... him .......................... at the airport and drove him home. 2. I’ll .......................... you .......................... at your house. I’ll be going past it on my way home.

Ex 15. As you know, there are many word partners in English. Put the following words/phrases into the correct column. GO



to bed  lunch  home from work


dressed  shopping  a shower


up late  jogging  an appointment


a date  oneself a cup of coffee


a rest  out for dinner  dinner at 7 pm



The Present Continuous (I am doing)

Actions in general or those which happеn repeatedly (usually, always, often, sometimes, etc)

Some action which is happening at or around the time of speaking (now, at present, at the moment)

 Father usually takes a car to go to work. We don’t talk to him when he is driving. He always drives too fast.


Ex 16. Look at Mark’s timetable. Complete the sentences with the affermative or negative form of the verb in brackets. Monday 9.00 – 10.00










10.15 – 11.15






11.30 – 12.30






14.00 – 15.00






15.15 – 16.15






Mark (go) ...goes... to school five days a week. He (not/go) ............................. to school at the weekend. The classes (start) ............................. at 9.00 every day. On Friday Mark (not/finish) ............................. school earlier than on other days. On Monday and Friday the pupils (play) ............................. games from 15.15 to 16.15. They (not/do) ............................. sport at this school. Mark (study) ............................. two foreign languages: English and French, he (not/study) ............................. German at school. 8. Mark (not/have) ............................. an Art class. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Ex 17. What is Mark doing now? Look at the information and use the prompts to write sentences.


7.00 – get up 7.05 – have a shower t 7.30 – have breakfas 7.45 – go to school ol 8.30 – arrive to scho es 9.00 – start class 12.30 – have lunch ll training 16.00 – go to footba and 19.00 – arrive home r have dinne rk 19.30 – start homewo h TV tc wa 21.00 – relax and 22.00 – go to bed

6.55 – Mark / wake up ................................................. 7.10 – Mark / shower ................................................... 7.35 – Mark / breakfast ................................................ 8.00 – he / go to school / on the bus .................................................................................. 9.10 – Mark / have his Maths lesson .................................................................................. 12.40 – he / have lunch at the school canteen .................................................................................. 16.15 – he / have a football training .................................................................................. 19.20 – Mark / have dinner with his family .................................................................................. 20.00 – Mark / finish his homework .................................................................................. 21.30 – he / watch a new film .................................................................................. 23.30 – Mark / sleep ......................................................


Ex 18. Use the information to complete the sentences about Slim Liz and Fat Fanny.

8.00 9.00 11.00 13.00 17.00 19.00 19.30 22.00

Slim Liz

Fat Fanny

do/exercises walk/school play volleyball prepare salad/lunch have a bicycle ride do homework play computer games go to bed

lie/bed go to school/car eat crisps buy/hamburger/ lunch have a rest chat with friends play computer games sleep/sofa/in front of TV

Grammar THE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE POSITIVE FORM I/he/she/it was reading we/you/they were reading NEGATIVE FORM I/he/she/it was not reading we/you/they were not reading I wasn’t reading, we weren’t reading QUESTION Was I/he/she/it reading? Are we/you/they reading?

The Past Continuous denotes a temporary action taking place at a given moment or period in the past. The Past Continuous is used with the following time words: at five (o’clock) yesterday, when Mum came…, from five to/till six yesterday, all day long, all year round, etc.

Yesterday at … 8.00 Liz was doing her morning exercises and Fanny was lying in bed. 9.00 – .................................................................... ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................


 The Mother was cooking dinner when the children came home from school.  He wasn’t at home at four yesterday, he was working at that time.

Ex 19. Translate the interview given by Amy Mathews to the correspondent of the “Gala” magazine.

Gala m a g a z i n e


Correspondent: I visited Amy at the theatre and talked to her. I wanted to know how a musical star spends her day. That’s what Amy told me. Обычно я встаю примерно в 7 часов, выпиваю стакан апельсинового сока и иду на пробежку. Это занимает у меня один час. Когда я возвращаюсь с пробежки, я завтракаю: овсяная каша и стакан чая. В 9.30 я иду в танцевальную студию. Когда я заканчиваю тренировку в час дня, я ем лёгкий ланч и иду домой. Так как я ложусь спать довольно поздно, я всегда ложусь отдохнуть (have a siesta) перед уходом в театр. Я выхожу из дома в 6.30, шоу начинается в восемь вечера. После шоу я иду в кафе со своими друзьями из театра и ем лёгкий ужин. Я ложусь спать примерно в час ночи. Это длинный день, но я получаю удовольствие от того, что я делаю. Я бы не хотела жить иначе (делать ничего другого).

........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................. ............................................................ ............................................................. ............................................................ ............................................................. ............................................................ ............................................................. .............................................................. ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ............................................................................................. ......................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ...........................................................................................

4.5 A Working Life Ends Presenter: Hi, everybody. This is Robert Macmillan at Radio BBC. Welcome to our Radio talk. Today’s edition of the programme “Look at Life” is called “Life Changes.” In the studio with me this evening there is a retired worker Jerry Johnson. He has just retired after 45 years. Jerry, that is a big change for you, isn’t it? 109

USED TO раньше, бывало, когда-то Refers to regular events in the past which are now finished or different. It can refer to past repeated actions, habits or states.  When I was young I used to work much. Negative form: I didn’t use to lie in when I worked. Question: Did you use to go to parties on weekdays?

Ex 20. What did Jerry used to do and what he didn’t use to do when he was still working? Fill in the chart below with the phrases in the box. Put the phrases in the correct order and write a story about the changes in Jerry’s life. Some variants are possible. take a cup of tea to bed  be away all day  get up at 6 am have a hurried breakfast  listen to the morning news in bed  go to bed early read the newspaper at breakfast  watch TV in the evening  lie in till 8 o’clock help his wife about the house  discuss with his wife the plans for the day come home at about 5.30 pm  do a bit of cooking  help his wife with the shopping take a language course  meet his friends at the club in the evening used to do

didn’t use to do

get up at 6 am

lie in till 8 o’clock


listens to the morning news in bed

........................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................

Jerry used to get up at 6 am because his working day began at half past seven. He didn’t use to lie in till 8 o’clock ..................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................


Ex 21. Put the words from the list in the following word webs. one’s morning exercises  dinner  a sandwich the housework  the washing up  the shopping the beds  the homework  a phone call

the homework



4.6 At the Weekend Ex 22.

Make up your own story. Here you have parts of four small texts, but some parts of the texts are missing. Using the words and phrases in the Memory Boxes fill in these parts with your own ideas. 1. On Sunday my wife and I went to Chester with our two boys. Family business, you know – my father’s birthday. (What did they do on Saturday?) ................................................................................... ................................................................................... ................................................................................... 2. It was cold and rainy on Friday but on Saturday the sun came out and Richard and Tom played golf in the country club. It was fun. (What did their wives do?) ................................................................................... ................................................................................... ...................................................................................


3. On Saturday evening Brain and Aidan went to O’Reilly’s, the new Irish pub in town. They had a corporate party. They played darts and had a good time. (What did their girlfriends Amelia and Sandy do?) ................................................................................... ................................................................................... ................................................................................... 4. Sunday was always a quiet day for the Millers. Allan and Emily had a nice big breakfast and listened to the news on the radio. Then they went to church, after church they went for a walk. (What did their son, daughter-in-law and two granddaughters do?) ................................................................................... ................................................................................... ...................................................................................



Now you will listen to an article “A Day in the Life of the Queen Elizabeth II” telling how the Queen of England spends her day. I. Listen to the story twice and tick the statements that are true.

     

1. The Queen only travels around the UK and abroad and doesn’t do anything else. 2. The Queen frequently goes out on public engagements. 3. The Queen reads and answers all her correspondence herself. 4. In the evening the Queen usually reads a report of the day’s parliamentary proceedings. 5. The Queen can retire any time she wishes. 6. “Red boxes” are the boxes where the Queen keeps her private papers.

II. Listen to the story again and complete the sentences. You’ll need to write a word or a short phrase. The Queen’s day begins at (1) ............................. . In the morning she usually (2) ............................. and (3) ............................. the daily British (4) .............................. Then the (5) ............................. are discussed before the Queen starts reading and (6) ............................. policy papers. 112

On some evenings the Queen (7) ............................. a film premiere or (8) ............................. in aid of charitable causes. From the list of her Majesty’s engagements we can see that being a Royal is (9) ............................. job. It is a job “with a life sentence.”

Ex 23. Complete the dialogues. Fill in DO or MAKE. – –

– –

– – –

– – –

– – –

1 What does your son do? He is a student. He .................... medicine. He .................... a decision to be a doctor when he was still at school. Great. As far as I know, one should .................... quite an effort to enter a medical university. That’s true. He is a hardworking boy, and he is .................... good progress. 2 It’s a shame but my daughter is slovenly. She .................... such a mess and disorder in her room. And who .................... her room? I .................... her bed in the morning because disorder .................... me ill, and the cleaner .................... her room once a week when she is at school. And does she .................... her homework? Oh, yes, she is a very good student. It .................... a good excuse then. 3 How is your father keeping? He hasn’t been too well recently. He has got high blood pressure. You know, I heard that there are some exercises one can .................... for high blood pressure. My husband goes jogging in the morning and it .................... him a lot of good. And I can tell you how to .................... special herbal tea. Thank you, my father can’t .................... sport at his age, but I hope tea won’t .................... any harm.

Grammar DO often means “be engaged in an activity”. MAKE has the sense of “create”.  What are you doing? – I’m making a cake. We often use do and make in fixed phrases. Do and make go with particular nouns. Some fixed phrases with DO and MAKE: DO – one’s best/worst – the cooking/ shopping/washing/ ironing/housework/ laundry – the room – the teeth – smb a favour – some gardening – one’s hair – (no) harm – homework/lessons – an exercise – science/medicine – a translation – wonders – the flowers – smb good – sport

MAKE – an attempt – arrangements – the bed(s) – a room – a phone call – a decision – a difference – an effort – an excuse – a fortune – friends (with) – smb happy – smb ill – a living – a mess – a translation – up one’s mind – a mistake – smb a present – progress – tea/coffee

 He did his best to help us.  It will do no harm.  He makes his living by giving piano lessons.  He soon made a fortune on the Stock Exchange.



5.1 What Is Your Job? What Do You Do? What Do You Do for a Living? Ex 1. Match these job categories to their definition. Here are some professional people (A), people who do skilled manual work (B), self-employed people (C), teleworkers (D), people working freelance (E) and those working in consumer service (F). 1. 2.

 

3. 4.

 

5. 6.

 

People who supply needs of other people. People who work from home and communicate with their employers or customers using a computer or a phone. People whose jobs require considerable training and qualifications. People who work independently for different companies rather than being employed for one particular company. People whose jobs require on-the-job and other training. People working for themselves and not employed for a company.


Ex 2.

Group the job titles below under the headings. You will use some words twice. Listen and check your answers.



journalist  doctor  carpenter  gardener  teacher electrician  lorry driver  hairdresser  writer plumber  shop assistant  engineer brick-layer  mechanic  lawyer stockroom worker  accountant  cleaner computer programmer  nurse  refuse collector photographer  clerk  architect  translator

Usage note: With the nouns denoting a profession or characteristic the indefinite article a/an is used after the verb to be or another link verb (seem, look, become)  He became a doctor as his father.  She works as a chemist’s assistant.  He is a talented man.

Professional work .................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... Skilled manual work ................................................................................................ ....................................................................................................................................... Unskilled manual work ............................................................................................ ....................................................................................................................................... Consumer service .................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... Teleworking .............................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................................

Ex 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Read the list of job titles in ex 2 again and find out who does these jobs.

Looks after people who are sick ...................................................................................... Repairs cars .................................................................................................................. Delivers heavy goods .................................................................................................... Fits and repairs electrical things ...................................................................................... Cuts peoples hair .......................................................................................................... Builds walls .................................................................................................................. Fits and repairs water pipes ............................................................................................ Designs buildings .......................................................................................................... Represents people with legal problems .......................................................................... Plans the building of machines ........................................................................................ Writes articles ................................................................................................................ Takes and develops pictures .......................................................................................... Make up stories ............................................................................................................



5.2 Where Do They Work?


at/in a school at/in a hospital at/in a bank at/in a hotel at/in an office at/in a factory in a shop in a restaurant on a farm for a large firm at an airport at/from home in marketing at two jobs on a new book with nice colleagues

See also “Use of Articles with the Nouns: School/College, Hospital, Work” on p. 118.


Ex 4. Fill in the gaps with prepositions. MEMORY BOX

1. I’m a pilot. I work .......... Delta WORKING HOURS 2 Airlines. I love flying. a full-time job – работать 2. I’m a sales manager. I work .......... полный рабочий день an office. I work 38 hours a week. HAVE a part-time job – работать неполIt’s a full-time job. ный рабочий день flexitime – иметь гибкий график 3. I’m a shop assistant. I work .......... a supermarket. I work only two days  It’s a full-time/part-time job. a week. It’s a part-time job. shifts – работать по сменам 4. I’m a nurse. I work .......... the Central а night/day shift – работать в Clinic. Every other day I work at night. ночную/дневную смену I work shifts. at night – работать ночью 5. I’m a TV reporter. I work .......... RTV. overtime – работать сверхурочно I have flexitime. I can plan my day. But WORK nine-to-five – иметь стандартный it’s a full-time job. рабочий день 6. I’m a website designer. I don’t need an forty hours a week – работать 40 часов в неделю office for my work. I work with my clients far into the night – работать за .......... home. I’m my own boss. полночь 7. I’m a farmer. I work .......... my own farm.  It’s shift work. I work 60–70 hours a week, I always work overtime with no salary, no do shift-work – работать посменно vocation, but I love my work. do odd jobs – случайный заработок/выполнять случайную работу 8. My son works .......... a big hotel. He meets a lot of people every day. But of course, he sometimes works .......... night. 9. I’m a doctor. I work .......... a small country hospital. I work .......... wonderful colleagues. 10. What do you do for a living? I work .......... Bosch, I work .......... accounting.

Ex 5. Give a word or a phrase for the definition. 1. Many people in Britain work from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. They often say they ........................................................ . 2. Some people have to work at different time: days one week and nights the next week. They are said to ........................................................ . 3. Sometimes you have to work extra hours, so you ........................................................ . 4. If you work 38–40 hours a week, you have ........................................................ . 5. In Europe mothers with small chidren work 2–3 hours a day or two days a week. They have ........................................................ . 6. To have ........................................................ means that you can start an hour or so earlier or finish later.



The Nouns

school/college/ university

When the nouns lose the concrete meaning and express the purpose for which they serve: NO ARTICLE

When the nouns denote concrete objects, the articles are used in accordance with the general rules

to be at school/college/university to go to school/college/university to leave school/college (to finish school)

to go to the school (the building is meant) to leave the school (to leave the building)

 After I left school I went to university. (as a student)

 She teaches History in a girls’ school.  Excuse me, where is the university, please?

But! With a modifier an article must be included:  They attend a good school.  They go to the school of their choice. hospital

to go to hospital to be in hospital  Jack had an accident and he had to go to hospital. (as a patient)  He is still in hospital now.


to go to work to be at work to start work  Why isn’t Ann at work today?

 When Ann was ill, we went to the hospital to visit her. (as visitors, we mean a particular hospital)  My sister works in a hospital in Moscow.  I like the work I’m doing now.  A new work of modern art  The works of Shakespeare (products of the intellect or imagination)

NOTE “Job” is a countable noun, we use the articles in accordance with the general rules.  He was offered a new job. He liked the job, it was very interesting.

Ex 6. Insert articles where necessary. 1. Machines now do much of ........... work formerly done by man. 2. It was ........... hard work getting to the top of the mountain. 3. What time do you finish ........... work? 4. ........... work of building the new bridge took 6 months. 5. ........... school I go to is pretty strict – it is ........... boarding school. 6. Jenny goes to ........... same school as Tom. They go to ........... school by bus. 7. ........... Oxford and Cambridge colleges are world famous. 8. What are you going to study at ........... college? 9. Does she likes it at ........... university? 10. ........... school is almost falling down. 11. Poor James! He hates being at ........... hospital. 12. ........... hospital where Amy worked was in the East End. 13. His sister is a nurse, he works in ........... hospital. 14. He is still in ........... hospital, I’m going to ........... hospital to visit him. 118

5.3 What Do You Do at Work? What Does Your Work Involve? What are Your Main Duties and Responsibilities?

1. Production manager I’m in charge of the production process.

3. Office clerk My work involves doing a lot of paper work. 2. Restaurant manager I’m responsible for the work of the service team.

4. Logistics manager I deal with transportation of goods.

6. Mechanic I repair cars. In fact, I run this workshop. 5. Hotelier I keep a small hotel. This is a family business.

7. Accountant I’m in control of the financial situation of the company.

8. Shop assistant My duty is to help customers in the shop. 119

words and phrases from the Memory Boxes. The basic meaning must stay the same.


Ex 7. Rewrite the sentences using the



in charge of – отвечать за responsible for – отвечать за in control of – следить за

deal with – иметь дело с, ведать, справ1. I’m responsible for the work of the ляться department. manage – руководить, управлять I’m in ............................................. . run/keep (a business) – вести дело, руко2. In my job I have to look after and maintain водить the devices. involve – заключаться в My job ................................................. . one’s duty – обязанность 3. What do you do? What .................................................. . 4. I own a coffee shop. .................................................. 5. I’m a computer programmer. I write computer programmes for SSB. My work .................................................. . 6. I cook and serve breakfast. My .................................................. . 7. I’m a teacher. I .................................................. . 8. I’m the head manager of a department store. I take all the necessary action if there is a complaint. I .................................................. . 9. I manage our family business. I .................................................. . 10. I’m a lawyer. I give my clients help and my opinion when they have legal problems. I .................................................. my clients .................................................. .

Ex 8. Match the verbs in the Memory Box with the words in the list. Listen and check your answers.

the schedule papers  the meeting letters  the work old people clients  customers devices  computers the products  people accounts  the affair



DAILY DUTIES AND ROUTINES Attend .................................................................. Organise ................................................................ Deal with .............................................................. Meet ...................................................................... Handle .................................................................. Plan ...................................................................... Advise .................................................................. Know .................................................................... Maintain ................................................................ Look after .............................................................. Fix and repair ........................................................ File ........................................................................ Write ....................................................................


Ex 9. Match a job title to each of the duties list. A. Sales representative B. Personnel officer

1. Write job ads. Recruit employees. Prepare contracts. File reports.

C. Secretary

2. Travel. Take orders. Do expense accounts. 1


3. Do audio typing. Schedule appointments. Make travel arrangements.


Ex 10. Fill the gaps with the prepositional phrases from the box. 1. He is an engineer. He .................... Siemens. 2. My sister is a vet. She .................... animals that are sick. 3. Jack is the head of our department. Poor chap, he has to .................... meetings almost every day. 4. My uncle Robert guards buildings. He is .................... their security. 5. Mrs Brown is a personnel officer. She is in .................... recruiting staff. 6. Clare is a social worker. Twice a week she helps immigrants to .................... different forms.

charge look

in for (x2)



go fill

after to


A JOB CAN BE: difficult  delicate  dirty interesting  easy  physical field  paper  boring skilled  odd  office


Ex 11. What is it like? Find pairs of opposites in the list and put them in the Memory Box. ......... field ......................... office ......... ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ...............................................................


Ex 12. Find adjectives in the Memory Box which can describe: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

A person who looks for minerals (oil or coal) is doing ..................... work. Repairing clocks and watches is ..................... work. Writing letters, filling in forms is ..................... work. Sweeping chimneys is ..................... work. Attending meetings is ..................... . Science research is ..................... and ..................... work. Maintaining electronic devices is a ..................... job. Loading and unloading trucks is ..................... work. Not regular, occasional jobs – ..................... jobs. Working indoors doing paper work – ..................... work.

5.4 A Light Purse is a Heavy Curse Хуже всех бед, когда денег нет. (Proverb)

KEY TERMS A SALARY and WAGE(S) – the money paid periodically to an employee. A SALARY – the money received by white-collar workers or executives. WAGE(S) – the earnings of blue-collars, skilled and unskilled workers. PAY – informal term for wages and salary. A FEE – is usually charged by professional people (doctors, lawyers).

WARNING! You should never ask these questions! What is your salary / wages? How much do you earn / make? How much do they pay you?


Ex 13. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

– What are your (1) ................ , Bill? – It depends, you know. I’m on (2) ................ . – And how much did you (3) ................ last month? – Well, $150, let alone the (4) ................ .


bonus  earn  piecework  wages

(well-)paid paid more than enough be underpaid paid by piecework – работать сдельно have a high/low salary earn 100 pounds a week make quite enough bonus – премия

Ex 14. Translate the dialogue. – Сколько зарабатывает твой отец ? .................................................................. . – Довольно хорошо. .................................................................. . – А мать? .................................................................. . – Она получает не так много. .................................................................. . – А ты? .................................................................. . – Об оплате говорить не принято, ты знаешь. .................................................................. .

Ex 15. The verbs in the list of payments have got mixed up. Put them in the right places. Draw lines to make connections. Some variants are possible. be have make

$65,000 a year $200 a week a high salary


quite enough




Ex 16. Complete the sentences with the words from the Memory Boxes.


Most workers are (1)..................... every month and this goes directly to their (2)..................... . It is called (3) a ..................... . I (4)..................... $60,000 a year. I also receive (5)..................... : (6)..................... before I go on vacation and (7)..................... FRINGE BENEFITS – дополнительные льготы when I’m ill. Though my 5 (8)..................... is not very high, business related expenses cover transportation expenses I pay high (9)..................... . one’s medical insurance Oh, I forgot to say that when I go provide medical insurance for the whole family on business, the company also holiday pay – оплаченный отпуск covers my (10)..................... and sick pay – оплата во время болезни (11)..................... expenses. And be on sick leave – быть на больничном income – доход the most important thing: the (12) income tax – налог на доходы company provides ..................... bank account – банковский счёт for the whole family.

Official status

5.5 Looking for a Job Ex 17. You came to an employment agency and have to answer their questionaire.

Be employed Be unemployed Be looking for a job Be a housewife

“P E R S O N N E L C O R P S ” Professional Recruitment & Selection Tel. 275-35-02

Fax 275-36-96

QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Are you seeking a) full-time employment? b) part-time employment? 2. Which of these is most important for you? (Please number 1–5 in order of importance) money  people  security  job satisfaction  an interesting job 

 

3. Do you like a) meeting people b) working alone c) working with other pеоplе d) working with your hands e) travelling

yes  

no  

  

  

4. What do you like doing in your free time? .............................................



Step ONE – Examine Your Skills and Abilities


Ex 18. Match the skills in the list on the left with the responsibilities the person should handle. Draw lines to make connections. SKILLS (be good at) analysing assembling designing decorating communicating organising cooking singing

RESPONSIBILITIES (be responsible for)


repairing machines renovating houses dealing with people taking care of the old entertaining people making decisions managing people

Ex 19. Open the brackets using the gerund. 1. I’m sure that the company can keep (go) ...going... . 2. Your duties will include (put) ........................... the children to bed. 3. I’m sorry, I kept you (wait) ........................... . 4. This is exhausting work but I managed to keep (go) .......................... . 5. They stopped (work) ........................... because of the rain. 6. On the farm they usually start (work) ........................... very early. 7. How long will you continue (discuss) ........................... the plan? 8. Does this device require (fix) ........................... ? 9. The house is old and wants (paint) ........................... badly. 10. I know my hair needs (cut) ........................... , but I never have the time.





being written

Some common verbs, verbs and word combinations with prepositions, used to talk about work, are followed by the Gerund. 1. Some common verbs: love, (dis)like, enjoy, hate, involve, include, keep, practise, begin, start, continue, finish, stop, want, need, require, etc.  To be a good pianist you should practise playing every day. 2. Some verbs with prepositions: inform of, insist on, depend on, thank for, succeed in, persist in, result in, etc.  The data require checking. I don’t like writing letters. 3. Some nouns followed by prepositions: art of, difficulty in, experience in, interest in, opportunity of, plan for, talent for, preparation for, process of, skill in, way of, etc.  I have no experience in building houses.  There are various ways of solving this problem. 4. Word combinations with preposition: be good/clever at, be fond of, be interested in, be responsible for, be in charge of, etc.  She was responsible for organising the reunion party.

See also “Use of the Gerund” on p. 216.

Ex 20. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words given in CAPITALS at the end of each line. 1. He has some ...experience in building... houses. I hope he ...is capable of renovating... houses as well. 2. He ............................................... data. That’s why I think he may ............................................... . 3. I ............................................... . I have great ............................................... a concert. 4. He ............................................... parts. I think he ............................................... machines. 5. Are you ............................................... the job? I hope you’ll have ............................................... your abilities. 6. She is a very good cook. She can ................... ............................ the party. She can also ............................................... . 7. John has ............................................... . He can ............................................... .

– – – – –

– – – – –




























Ex 21. Most employment agencies work by appointment only. Listen to the dialogue and complete the Memory Box with the corresponding words in italics. Manpower. Good morning. WORK BY APPOINTMENT May I speak to Mr Cartright, please? ........................... an appointment for two o’clock Who is calling? ........................... the appointment This is Ben Collins. ........................... the appointment I’m sorry, Mr Cartright can’t take ........................... the appointment your call, he is having a meeting at ........................... an appointment for next week the moment. What can I do for you? I have an appointment with Mr Cartright for two o’clock, but I can’t keep the appointment. I’m not feeling well today. Would you like to cancel your appointment? Just change it. Could I make an appointment for next week? All right. How about next Friday at three? Friday at three? That’s fine. Thank you very much. You’re welcome. See you then.




Step TWO – Making an Appointment


Some Useful Phrases Make up dialogues, using the following variations.

1. –

Good morning, Employment agency, The Personnel Corps

2. –

What information do you need?

3. – –

Hello, my name is... . I would like to have some information about your agency. ask some questions

I am looking for a non-profit agency taking no fee. a private agency specialising in high salaried positions.

Can you help me? I would like to know what field your agency specialises in. what kind of job you deal with.

Yes, of course. Our agency specialises in technical jobs. in secretarial jobs.


4. –

5. –


– –

I would like


to make an appointment to see the counsellor. to get practical advice on interview technique.

Can you come on Wednesday at 10.20 am? Will Friday 11 am suit you?

the career officer be able to see me some time next Tuesday? the counsellor at noon tomorrow?

Hold the line,

I’ll consult my notebook. I’ll ring you back later and let you know. Sorry, he is fully booked for tomorrow. won’t be available to see you till Friday.

6. – What time would


be convenient for you? suit you (better)?

Well, Monday

will be quite convenient. will be just fine.

7. –

You are welcome.

OK, then, I’II see you on Wednesday, 10.20 am Thanks. It’s perfect, I’ll be there. Thank you.

Goodbye. Not at all. Goodbye.

Ex 22. Translate the dialogues from Russian into English. А: Здравствуйте, агентство «Континенталь». Слушаю Вас. (Чем могу помочь?) В: Здравствуйте, я ищу работу секретаря. Занимается ли ваше агентство подбором работы в этой области? А: Мы работаем только с иностранными компаниями. Вы хотите работать в российской или иностранной компании? В: Я не знаю, подойдёт ли моя квалификация для работы в иностранной компании. А: Тогда вам надо поговорить с нашим консультантом. Вы не хотели бы записаться на приём к нашему консультанту? В: Спасибо, конечно. Когда я могу с ним поговорить? А: В пятницу, в 3 часа. Удобно ли для вас это время? В: Минутку, я загляну в свой деловой блокнот. Да, спасибо. Я буду у вас в пятницу в 3. До свидания. А: До свидания. Всего доброго.

Ex 23. What should you do to find a job? Find the logical sequence of the steps you should take.        

– – – – – – – –

get an invitation for an interview make an appointment with an employment agency counsellor read the classified ads think what kind of job you want analyse your skills, personality traits and accomplishments/achievements get ready for the interview find out what employment agency you can use find out as much as you can about the company




I. Walter Neef is calling to an employment agency. Listen to the dialogue twice and choose the answer (a–c) which you think best according to the text. 1. Why is Mr Neef calling an employment agency? a) to make an appointment b) to get some information about the agency. c) to confirm the appointment 2. What information does Mr Neef want to get? a) about private employment agences b) about the councellor he is to meet c) what kind of agency it is 3. What kind of agency is Mr Neef looking for? a) non-profit b) private c) Manpower 4. What job would he like to get? a) high salaried job b) some technical job c) non-skilled position

1 2 3 4

II. Listen to the dialogue again and complete the text. You’ll have to write a word or a short phrase. Mr Neef calls (1)................................ agency. He wants to (2)................................ about the agency. He’d like to contact (3)................................ employment agency where you shouldn’t pay the fee. He finds out that Personnel Corps is (4)................................ agency dealing with (5)................................ . He asks the secretary to give him (6)................................ of agencies specialising in (7)................................ . The secretary advises him to take their (8)................................ which includes all the information he needs.

 

Step THREE – Applying for a Job 130

WRITING A LETTER Ex 24. How we end a letter depends on how we begin it. Match the beginnings and the endings. Draw lines to make connections. 1. Dear

2. Dear

(christian name),

Mr/Mrs (surname),

3. Dear

Sir or Madam, Dear Sir/Madam,


B. C.

Take care, (Lots of) Love, Best wishes, Regards, Yours truly, Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely, Sincerely yours,

(to friends)

(to strangers) (to acquaintances)

Ex 25. You saw this ad in the newspaper. Write a letter asking for more details and saying who you are and why you are interested. Use the letter format on the right and our prompts: tickets  medical insurance  salary  accommodations  training

Your address ................................... Date ...................................

W&L corporation

Work abroad and learn a language at the same time.  No experience necessary.  You’ll get all the training you need. Write for details to: Enquiries Unit PO BOX 847 NS / EM35 Dublin, Ireland

The name and address of the company you are writing to .......................................... ..........................................

Dear Sir or Madam (Dear Sir/Madam), .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ...................................................................................

I look forward to receiving your reply. Yours faithfully, Sign and print your full name


A LETTER OF APPLICATION A letter of application, also known as a cover letter, is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and experience.

Ex 26. Read the letter of application. Underline the strong points the applicant mentions which may help him get the job.

9 Fast Lane Hatfield, CA 08076 (909) 555-5555 [email protected] October 2010 XYZ Company 87 Delaware Road Hatfield, CA 08065 Dear Mr Gilbery, I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume and three references. I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of software development. I also have experience in learning new technologies as needed. Please see my resume for additional information on my experience. I can be reached anytime via email or my mobile phone. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking to you about this employment opportunity. Sincerely yours,

Thomas Hindsdale


Ex 27. Match the phrasal verbs below to their meanings and translate the verbs into Russian. take (a day/a week) off  apply for  take on  help out SOME USEFUL PHRASAL VERBS 1. 2. 3. 4.

Ask for a job formally .......................... Agree to do work, be responsible for smth .......................... Not work during a period of time .......................... Help a person, usually for a short period of time, because the person is in some difficulty ..........................

........................... ........................... ........................... ...........................

Ex 28. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the phrasal verb from the box above. 1. Mr Brunnel, may I .......................... tomorrow morning .......................... , I have an appointment with the doctor. 2. I don’t mind .......................... in the shop when mother needs some assistance. 3. If you want the job, you have to .......................... it to the manager in writing. 4. He .......................... the work, though he wasn’t quite sure he could do it.







Equivalent can be able to Meanings: Ability:

can am is are

могу, умею, возможно   Permission: можно  Prohibition: сan’t нельзя 

able to

could was were

able to

— will be able to

He can solve the problem. You can find this information in our leaflet. If you are not well, you can stay at home tomorrow. You can’t smoke in the office.

NOTE Could expresses general ability in the past.  Allan could sing well when he was young. Was/were able to expresses that someone managed to do smth in a particular situation in the past.  Marian was able to answer all the questions (though it was difficult). Couldn’t may be used either generally or in a particular situation in the past.


Ex 29. The head of the department gave a talk on the performance of the department. Here are some of the points he mentioned. Use the corresponding tense forms of the verb CAN and its equivalents to complete the sentences. Sometimes two variants are possible. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Last year the department (can) ........................... provide a constant information flow. At the end of the year we (can) ........................... up-date all the data bases. Now with the data bases updated we (can) ........................... work on the new project. Using the new computer program the department (can) ........................... process information much quicker. Next month we (can) ........................... widen our marketing field. Why (can’t) ........................... you cut down the losses using the old data base? When we were working on the project, we (can) ........................... detect some errors in the system. Now we see that we (can) ........................... increase our efficiency.

Ex 30. Complete the dialogue. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the corresponding tense forms of the verb CAN and its equivalents.

An Interview Sue wants to work for a few weeks during the summer holidays. She sees an advert in the local paper for a temporary job at a rest home, and decides to apply for it. Mrs Beale, who is in charge of the home, invites her to come for an interview. Mrs Beale: Sit down; Sue. Right. (1) Прежде, чем я смогу пообещать вам эту работу .............. ................................................................................, I’d like to ask you some questions. – Why did you apply for this kind of work? Sue: Well, firstly, I like the idea of helping people. (2) And я уверена, что смогу выполнять эту работу ...................................................................................................... . Mrs Beale: Have you ever worked with elderly people? Sue: No, I haven’t. But I think (3)я смогу помогать им ....................................... ........................ . Mrs Beale: Where do you live? (4)Вы сможете начинать работу в 7 утра? ............................ ........................................................ That’s when the night nurse goes off duty. (5)Я легко смогу быть на работе к этому времени. .............................................. Sue: ................................................... I live quite near. Mrs Beale: Fine. (6)Вы умеете готовить .........................................................................? Sue: Er… well! I often helped to get meals ready at home. (7)Мама говорила, что я умею хорошо готовить овощной суп ......................................................................... ........................................................................ . 134

Mrs Beale: Don’t worry. You won’t have to cook the whole meals without help. (8)Вы можете делать уборку, стирать, накрывать на столы ................................. ....................................................................................................................... ? Sue: Certainly. (9)Когда вы сможете сказать мне, получу ли я эту работу .................... ......................................................................................................., Mrs Beale? Mrs Beale: Well, a young man is coming to see me in the afternoon, so naturally (10)я не смогу принять решение ...................................................................................... until I have talked to him, too. Ring me up tomorrow morning and I’ll let you know then.

GOING FOR AN INTERVIEW When you go for an interview you have a right to find out some information about your possible work place. It is not just the Personal Manager who asks all the questions. But be careful how you say what you want to say.

Ex 31. Which of these are the best ways of asking the questions? Tick the questions which are good to ask. 1.  A. How much are you going to pay me? 4.  A. Do you have a pension scheme?  B. What is the rate of pay?  B. Will I get a pension when I retire? 2.  A. How long do I have to work?  B. What are the working hours?

5.  A. How long are the holidays?  B. What are the holiday arrangements?

3.  A. Do I get dinner free? 6.  A. Do you make redundancy payments?  B. What are the canteen arrangements?  B. Will I get any money in case you make me redundant?

5.6 Job Opportunities Bill Burk had never thought about making a career for himself. But there is always favourable time or chance one can use to advance professionally and financially. Read a passage from a novel in which Bill Burk starts thinking about the new opportunities. That evening, there was a talk at the bank on job opportunities. The speaker said that there would be opportunities to work abroad in a year’s time. The world was open to young people who could 135


speak other languages and who had special skills. If they were interested, they should start to prepare themselves now. Bill started thinking. If he was chosen to work in a European capital, he would earn good money… (from “Evening Class” by Maeve Binchy)

JOB OPPORTUNITIES – возможности профессионального роста


advance professionally – расти профессионально for oneself – сделать карьеру make a career in politics – сделать карьеру в политике as a diplomat – сделать дипломатическую карьеру be promoted the director – получить должность директора promotion – повышение по службе qualify for – соответствовать должности/быть готовым к какой-либо деятельности


SUBORDINATE CLAUSE If he enters university, If I have finished by that time, If he is working on Monday,

Unreal Present/Future (Type II)



he will be able to make a career. I will meet you.


he will not go with us.

Present Simple/Perfect/ Continuous

will + Inf.

If he knew him better, If he knew a foreign language,

he wouldn’t think so. he might get the job.


would could + Inf. might

Past Simple/Cont.

Ex 32. Choose the correct form of the verb. 1. If I take/will take the course, I will be able/am able to work as a computer programmer. 2. If we take/will take this approach, we minimise/will minimise the costs. 3. If the company establishes/will establish good working contacts with its partners, it increases/will increase the profits. 136

4. If you maintained/would maintain the computers better, there were/would be no errors. 5. If the team would raise/raised the efficiency of the process, the production risks would decrease/decreased. 6. If the management would improve/improved conditions, it insured/would insure the success of the company.

Ex 33. Translate the sentences. That is what Bill Burk thought about the new prospects and what he could do. 1. Если я начну изучать иностранный язык сейчас, то через год я буду хорошо владеть им (master the language). ......................................................................................................................................... 2. Если Лиззи захочет, она тоже сможет изучать итальянский со мной вместе. ......................................................................................................................................... 3. Если я буду жить в Париже, Лиззи приедет ко мне. ......................................................................................................................................... 4. Если бы я получил повышение, я бы мог жениться на Лиззи. ......................................................................................................................................... 5. Если бы Лиззи умела что-либо делать (have some skills), она бы работала. ......................................................................................................................................... 6. Если бы Лиззи работала, мы смогли бы также изучать компьютерные программы. ......................................................................................................................................... 7. Если бы Билл получил эту работу, он мог бы больше помогать своей семье. .........................................................................................................................................

5.7 Leaving the Service Ex 34. Read the two texts. Tick the points Tracey Chapman and George Morley have in common.

Out of Work A In Britain a lot of people are out of work. Tracey Chapman is 18, and she left school a year ago. She lives in the North East, an area of high youth unemployment… She hasn’t been able to find a job yet. She gets her unemployment benefit but that isn’t much and she is tired of queuing for it every Thursday. She has almost given up looking for a job. Every day she buys the local paper but she is really fed up with looking through the “Situations Vacant” column. There are 50 applicants for every job.



B George Morley is 54. Until last year he was a production manager in the textile industry. He had worked for the same company since he left school. He had a good job, a four-bedroom house and a company car. When his company had to close because of economic difficulties, he was made redundant. “I don’t feel old, but it isn’t easy to start looking for a job at my age. I’ve had so many refusals. You see, I’m interested in learning a new skill but nobody wants to train me. I can see their point. I’ll OUT OF WORK have to retire in ten years. When I was 9 dismiss – уволить с работы still with Lancastrian Textiles I was quit – оставить работу, уволиться bored with doing the same thing day be given notice to quit – получить уведомлеafter day, but now I’d really enjoy doing ние/предупреждение об увольнении it again. I’d take any job really. It’s not sack/fire smb (colloq) – уволить кого-либо the money. I just need to feel useful, get/be given the sack – быть уволенным that’s all.” resign one’s position – уйти в отставку be made redundant/be laid off – попасть под сокращение штатов  a. Live with the parents shirk work – увиливать от работы  b. Be out of work loafer/idler – лентяй  c. Have worked for 30 years neglect of duty – невыполнение своих обязанностей  d. Be looking for a job unemployment benefit – пособие по без e. Be made redundant работице  f. Can’t find work after leaving school  g. Get unemployment benefit  h. Get refusals  i. Get redundancy pay

Ex 35. Match the phrasal verbs below to their meanings and translate the verbs into Russian. catch up with  aim at  fall behind  catch up on  stay behind  fill in SOME USEFUL PHRASAL VERBS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Remain in a place after others have left Be slower than others Intend to achieve smth Reach the same level as smb/smth else Do another person’s job temporarily Spend time doing smth that you have not been able to do until now


............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................

............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................

............................ ............................

Ex 36. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the phrasal verb from the box above. 1. I have Monday off, I’ll be able to .......................... my work. 2. He .......................... the top of his profession. 3. I .......................... for Mr Green’s secretary while she is in hospital. 4. Hurry up! You .......................... the others. 5. They all left the office at 5, but he .......................... to finish some work. 6. I’ll try to .......................... the rest of the class. 7. I have to meet Mark at the airport. Will you .......................... for me for the rest of the day?



You will hear two friends discuss their colleagues Nick and Richard. Listen to the dialogues twice and match each colleague to the statement given in the list. Nick


 

 

 

 

 

 

 

 

a) He can be dismissed. b) He put on such a show last month too. c) He is out of practice. d) He is aiming at getting a raise. e) He came to work though he is on sick leave. f) He shirks work. g) He wants the boss to see what a hard worker he is. h) He is lazy and never works hard. i) At school he used to stay away from classes.




Ex 1. Read the text and complete the Memory

Box with the basic foods people eat. Choose among the words in italics. There are three odd words which you don’t need to use. Listen to the words in the Memory Box and check your answers.

Healthy Food A healthy balanced diet contains a variety of foods including plenty of fruit and vegetables, plenty of cereals such as wholegrain bread, pasta and rice, grains, some protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, eggs and beans and some dairy products. It should also be low in fat, salt and sugar.



6.1 Food BASIC FOODS ..................... – .................... ..................... – овощи cereals – хлебные злаки ..................... – зерновые ..................... – ..................... ..................... – ..................... eggs – ..................... ..................... – бобы dairy products – ..................... fat – ..................... ..................... – соль sugar – .....................


Ex 2. Decide where the sentences (A–D) on the right go into the text. There are four extra numbers you don’t need to fill in. Listen to the text and check your answers.

American Eating Habits If you think popcorn is awful, if peanut butter with jelly sounds impossible, if you think corn is for pigs and ice water is unhealthy – be careful when you talk to an American.(1)  Criticise hamburgers and cokes and an American will probably take it personally. (2)  Typical American food includes things that were first found in the New World and brought to the Old: (3)  Americans are among the biggest meat-eaters in the world – mostly beef. (4)  Ice-cream is standard everyday food, not just for special days or in the summertime. (5) 

JUNK FOOD Нездоровая пища, с большим количеством добавок, наполнителей, жиров и сахара


On the one hand, Americans eat a lot of so-called “junk food”: chips, cookies, cakes, soft drinks. (6)  Salt and sugar consumption is down. (7)  Even hamburger restaurants have salad bars nowadays. (8) 

A. potatoes, tomatoes, peanuts, corn, pumpkin, turkey, pineapple. B. Many Americans think they must eat vegetables and a big salad for dinner every day. C. Americans can get emotional when talking about food. D. But at the same time more and more people are interested in healthy food.

nutrition – питание, пища diet – диета, рацион питания put on a (strict) diet – посадить на (строгую) диету keep to a diet – придерживаться диеты be on a diet – быть на диете put on weight – поправиться gain 5 kg – набрать 5 кг get fat – очень поправиться lose weight – похудеть eat like a wolf – много есть be a hearty eater – иметь хороший аппетит eat like a bird/be a poor eater – мало есть

Ex 3. Sally is unhappy. To understand her problem match the phrases in column A with those in column B. 1 A В 2 1. My husband eats like a wolf, a) like potatoes, pasta, cakes. 2. I eat like a bird but b) make you too fat. 3 3. I can’t eat anything c) to lose weight. 4 4. My aim is d) without looking it up in the Calorie Chart. 5 5. Some national cuisines e) but he doesn’t have to keep to a diet. 6 6. I live on f) I’m constantly putting on weight. 7 7. I have to avoid things g) I eat to live. 8 8. I don’t live to eat, h) vegetable and fruit. 141


MEAT pig  pork

cow  beef

sheep  mutton

calf  veal

lamb  lamb










squid – кальмар

octopus – осьминог carp – карп salmon – лосось/ сёмга herring – сельдь crab – краб

cod – треска

pike – щука shrimp – мелкая креветка mussel – мидия

lobster – омар 142

prawn – крупная креветка


Ex 4. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

sausage – колбаса (thin) sausages – сосиски frankfurter – тонкая копчёная сосиска в хот-доге salami – копчёная колбаса bacon – бекон ham – ветчина

1. Моя любимая рыба – карп и лосось, но я покупаю только треску, она не такая жирная. ............................................................................ ........................................................................... 2. Я сейчас на диете, и поэтому буду есть только куриное мясо и овощи. ......................................................................................................................................... 3. Рождественский ужин в США состоит из индейки, ветчины, яблочного пирога, орехов и фруктов. ......................................................................................................................................... 4. Моя подруга – вегетарианка, и поэтому она ест только овощи, фрукты, иногда рыбу. ......................................................................................................................................... 5. Моя бабушка прекрасно готовит утку с яблоками. ....................................................................................................................................... 6. Когда я ем ланч в этом кафе, я всегда заказываю овощной салат с креветками. ............................................................................. ............................................................................. 7. Мой младший сын любит сосиски, но он не ест копчёную колбасу. Он предпочитает сосиски мясу. ............................................................................. .............................................................................

Ex 5. Write the countable and uncountable nouns into two columns: grain  poultry  duck  cake  nut  bread  water bun  beef  banana  breakfast  ham  pork chop  cream  cucumber  salami  egg  shrimp milk  cheese  turnip  lettuce  pear  beer Countable


................................................................................ ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................


Grammar COUNTABLE and UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS Countable nouns 1. Can be used with numbers an apple – five apples 2. Have two forms, singular and plural. an orange – oranges 3. Singular countable nouns can take a determiner:  A cup of tea and that piece of cake, please. Uncountable nouns 1. Denote things we cannot count: – many types of food: meat, butter, cheese, jam, bread, honey, etc. – liquids: water, oil, coffee, petrol, etc. – materials: glass, wood, iron, silver, etc. 2. They have no plural. They are used in the plural to denote different sorts of a given substance: wine – wines, fruit – fruits 

Ex 6. Singular or plural? Fill in the nouns from the list into the spaces. chicken  food  carrot  potato  onion 1. She doesn’t eat red meat, she eats only ................. . In summer mother usually bought us five small yellow ................. to take care of. 2. Eating ................. is good for the eyes. You should eat at least a ................. a day. 3. I cut out sweets and fatty ................. . Most Europeans use twelve basic ................. , such as meat, fish, cereals, vegetables, etc. 4. I always “cry” when I chop ................. . Did you remember to put an ................. into the soup? 5. We’ve run out of ................. , I found only one ................. in the basket.

Ex 7. Fill in the articles A/AN, THE or pronouns SOME or ANY where necessary. 1. When we visited Grandmother in summer she taught me how to milk a cow. I don’t like ....... new milk, but I helped her, of course. 2. Can I have ....... milk, Gran? ....... milk is sour. Will you have ....... sour milk? 3. The doctor said I should eat ....... butter every day, it’s good for the skin. 4. I don’t eat ....... butter, I’m on a slimming diet. 5. Where did you buy ....... butter, it is ....... very good butter, I’d like to buy this brand too. 6. Do you take ....... cream with your coffee? I’d rather have ....... low fat milk. Less ....... fat, you know. 7. We eat vegetable soup with crackers and ....... cheese. 8. Will you buy ....... cheese for lunch? 9. I’ve brought ....... cottage cheese. I want you to try ....... cottage cheese. It was made on our local farm.

3. Some uncountable nouns that refer to food and drinks can be countable nouns when they refer to quantities of the food or drink.  Do you like coffee? (uncountable)  We asked for two coffees. (countable) 4. Some nouns are uncountable when they refer to something in general and countable when they refer to a particular instance of something.  He is allergic to strawberry.  She decorated the cake with ten strawberries. 5. In general sense, the nouns potatoes (картофель), onions (лук), carrots (морковь), oats (овес) are used in the plural.  Potatoes are very cheap in autumn.  Spanish onions are sweet. They can also be used in the singular: a potato (одна штука картофеля), a carrot (один корешок моркови), an onion (луковица).



1. Affirmatives: I want some milk. 2. Questions expecting a positive answer, for example, offers and requests: Would you like some coffee? May I have some tea?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Negatives: I don’t want any milk. Uncertain questions: Is there any ... ? With “hardly”, etc.: There is hardly any sugar left. With “at all”: We haven’t any bread at all. After “if”: Buy some pears if you see any.

Ex 8. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.


1. Принеси мне сливки для кофе, пожалуйста. ............................................................................. 2. Утром я пью кофе. Кофе горячий. ............................................................................. 3. Простокваша вкусная, я люблю простоквашу. ............................................................................. 4. Я принесла тебе творог, ты ешь творог? ............................................................................. 5. Это домашний творог, творог сделала моя мама. ............................................................................. 6. Он попросил меня купить хлеба и сыра, но сыр ему не понравился. Это был мягкий сыр. ............................................................................. 7. Мне нужно немного масла для бутербродов. Масло на столе. ............................................................................. 8. Ты выпьешь чаю? Марк купил вчера очень хороший чай. ............................................................................. DAIRY PRODUCTS – молочные продукты


milk – молоко sour milk – простокваша milkshake – молочный коктейль cream – сливки sour cream – сметана butter – масло margarine – маргарин cheese – сыр curd (cheese)/cottage cheese – творог yoghurt – йогурт

USE OF ARTICLE WITH NOUNS OF MATERIAL Nouns of material (butter, tea, iron, water, honey, wine, snow, etc.) – In a general sense – NO ARTICLE  Man can’t live without water.  He is a vegetarian. He doesn’t eat meat.  I prefer tea to coffee. – When modified by a particularizing attribute or the situation makes it definite – THE  Rosa tasted the wine. It was good.  The coffee she made was better than he had hoped and very hot.  She looked with hungry eyes at the bread and meat the landlady brought her.

NOTE 1. When an indefinite part of the substance is meant, some/any are used:  I bought some bread and cheese. 2. We use a/an when: a) sorts of food are meant  They give a good coffee here. b) a portion of something is meant  He drank a brandy and went out.  I’ll buy you an ice. c) the noun indicates an object made of a certain material  There is a tin of sardines on the table.

Ex 9. Correct the mistakes. Write in A/AN or SOME where necessary. Sometimes both variants are possible. 1. 2. 3. 4.

...an apple... ...no change... ................................. .................................

Joanna eats apple every morning. Peter doesn’t like milk in his tea. Kate rarely has biscuit with her coffee. George normally has meat for dinner. 145

5. Brain usually has omelette for lunch. 6. Margaret never drinks beer. 7. Robin occasionally puts butter on his potatoes.

................................. ................................. .................................

Ex 10. Jane is trying to lose weight, so every day she writes down what she has eaten. Look at the picture of what she ate today and complete her notes, using A/AN or SOME where necessary.




Today was quite good, at least to start with. I only had (1)................................. for breakfast. At lunch time I ate (2)................................. . For dinner I had (3) ................................. and (4)................................. , followed by (5)................................. . I drank (6)................................. afterwards and I'm afraid I did put (7) ................................. in it!



Mr Brown and Sarah have to do the shopping today. They talk about what to buy. Listen to the dialogue twice and put down the food they discuss into two columns: THEY’VE RUN OUT OF


.............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................................


Ex 11. Jamie doesn’t like supermarkets so he always goes to Mrs Martin’s shop. But Mrs Martin doesn’t always have everything he needs. Expand the situation. Use the information given in the chart and the prompts in brackets. Remember to use SOME and ANY where necessary.

Yes, I’ve got…

No, I haven’t got…

cornflakes, coffee, strawberry jam bread

tomatoes, French cheese peanut butter

Jamie: Mrs Martin: Jamie: Mrs Martin: Jamie: Mrs Martin: Jamie: Mrs Martin: Jamie: Mrs Martin: Jamie:

Hi, Mrs Martin. Hello Jamie. What can I do for you? We need (1) ........................... cornflakes. Have you got (2) ............................... ? Yes, I’ve got (3) ........................... . Here they are. (French cheese) OK! Have you got (4) .......................................... ? I’m sorry. (5) .......................................... . (coffee, peanut butter) Have (6) ...................................................................... ? (7) ................................................................................................................. . (strawberry jam, bread) (8) .............................................................................. ? (9) ................................................................................................................. . I forgot my money! I haven’t got (10) ........................... money at all! I’ll run home and get (11) .......................... ! Sorry, Mrs Martin.

Ex 12. Match the phrasal verbs to their meanings and translate the verbs into Russian. cut out  live on  mix up (together)  run out (of) SOME USEFUL PHRASAL VERBS 1. Have as food or diet 2. Blend different things together 3. Stop eating or drinking 4. Not have any more left

................................... ................................... ................................... ...................................

................................... ................................... ................................... ...................................

Ex 13. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verb from the Memory Box above. 1. Can I use your lighter? I’ve ................. matches. 2. She ................. oil, vinegar and a bit of sugar together to dress the salad. 3. They have a summer house on an island. All summer long they ................. fish and vegetables from their kitchen garden. 4. My doctor tells me I must ................. coffee and tobacco. 5. You shouldn’t ................. fruit only, you’d better ................. sweets and fatty foods. 6. Put the eggs and sugar in the bowl and ................. them ................. together. 147

Study these networks for the words BREAD and CEREALS




white brown




a lo fresh


semolina – манная крупа

oats – овёс

Ex 14. Read the text and answer the questions. Bread, Cereals, Rice, and Pasta Grain products like bread, cereals, rice, and pasta are good for you. They are important sources of vitamins and minerals. Many people think that breads, rice and pasta are fattening. They are not. But when you add fats like margarine, oil, mayonnaise, cheese sauce to them, you add many extra calories.


corn – кукуруза

e of

a slic

buckwheat – гречневая крупа

wheat – пшеница

rice – рис


af o



flour – мука dough – тесто doughnut – пончик croissant – круасан, французский рогалик muffin – сдобная горячая булочка bun/roll – сдобная булочка cake – торт, пирожное pancakes – блины thick pancakes – оладьи curd pancakes – творожники pie – пирог

Try a wholegrain bread instead of white bread, use brown rice instead of white rice or mix them together the next time you have rice. They are much healthier. Some breads and cereals have lots of fat and sugar added when they are manufactured. Croissants, doughnuts, cakes and some muffins have a lot of fat and calories. When you shop, read the food labels and look for breads, cereals, rice and pasta mixes that have less fat and sugar in them. 148

1. Why are grain products good for you? ................................................................................ 2. What breads and cereals are fattening? Why? ...................................................................... 3. Which breads and cereals are healthier? ............................................................................

Ex 15. Translate the dialogue. – – –

– –

Оладьи вкусные, правда? ....................................................................................................................................... Если честно (to tell the truth), я не очень люблю оладьи. ....................................................................................................................................... Неужели? Я думала, это твое любимое блюдо. Попробуй оладьи с клубничным вареньем. Это очень вкусно. ....................................................................................................................................... Мам, я видела в холодильнике кусочек вчерашнего пирога с капустой. Можно мне его взять? ....................................................................................................................................... Конечно, но боюсь, он чёрствый. ....................................................................................................................................... Не волнуйся, твой пирог всегда вкусный. .......................................................................................................................................

Grammar QUANTIFIERS: MUCH/MANY, LITTLE/FEW, A LOT OF/PLENTY OF Some quantifiers combine with countable nouns, some with uncountable, and some with both kinds. COUNTABLE NOUNS MANY How many oranges will you take? Don’t eat too many sweets, Bob.

UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS MUCH Is there much water in the kettle? I don’t eat much meat. I prefer fish.


FEW We have few eggs left in the fridge.

LITTLE You’ve eaten little soup, Jack. Will you have some more?


A FEW We have a few pears and bananas left.

A LITTLE I’m not hungry. I’ll have only a little salad.


NOTE A lot of, plenty of, enough, hardly any are used with countable and uncountable nouns.  There are a lot of apples in the basket.  We have also got enough pears and juice but hardly any jam.  I don’t have to cook dinner today. Plenty of food is left after the party. Many and much are mostly used in negative statements and questions, a lot of/plenty of – in positive sentences.  How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?  I don’t take much sugar with my coffee.


Ex 16. Make questions using words from each column.

many How much

milk bottles of milk soup pieces of cake butter pots of yoghurt eggs

is there in the fridge? are

Ex 17. Sue was over for dinner at Meg’s. She liked her fruit salad very much. Meg promised to send her the recipe. Sue received the e-mail, she calls Meg to ask some questions. Make the questions, read the answers first. apple grapes

recipe – Message (HTML)

File Edit View Insert Format Tools Actions Help

From Subject


 cherry

[email protected]



Fruit Salad


kiwi fruit

This fruit salad combines chopped peaches, strawberries, apples, and some melon, dressed with a simple fresh lime and pineapple juice dressing.

peach watermelon


– – – – – – – – – – –

Hi, Meg. I hate to be a nuisance, but you forgot banana to write the quantity of ingredients. Can I ask you some questions? Sure. (1) How many/much ........................................................................... ? Six peaches and three apples. lemon (2) ........................................................................... 400 g of strawberries. (3) melon ........................................................................... About 200 g of melon. (4) ........................................................................... Half a cup of sugar, a cup of pine-apple juice and the juice of one fresh lime. Thanks a lot. Sorry to bother you at work. 150

Ex 18. Masha is celebrating her birthday with her colleagues. They are at a restaurant with a buffet, where you pay a set price and can eat as much as you like. They are discussing the food. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. much  many  enough  a lot of  a little bit of  plenty It looks so good, but I really can’t eat that (1) ....................... . I know what you mean, how (2) ....................... helpings of meat and vegetables can you eat? Besides, there are (3) ....................... desserts we have to try! Have they got (4) ....................... drinks to go with all this food? Don’t worry about drinks, they’ve got (5) ....................... . I wish I could try (6) ....................... everything.

– – – – – –



currant strawberry

cranberry gooseberry


raspberry cowberry blueberry

Ex 19. Write three shopping lists.

Breakfast milk

....... ................................. ....... ................................. ....... .................................

Lunch tomatoes

.................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ....................


Dinner meat

....... ................................. ....... ................................. ....... .................................

6.2 Ways of Cooking Ex 20. Study а vegetable soup recipe and complete the Memory Box with the names of vegetables from the recipe. Translate the words into Russian. Listen and check your answers.



My Mother’s Easy Vegetable Soup As a kid, I used to love my mother's homemade vegetable soup. With simple, inexpensive ingredients my mother's homemade vegetable soup was very easy to put together. Below you'll find her homemade vegetable soup recipe that may also suit your tastes. The Ingredients:

VEGETABLES tomato – .......................... cucumber – .......................... lettuce – салат-латук radish – редиска ....................... – ....................... garlic – чеснок ....................... – ....................... beet – .......................... ....................... – ....................... ....................... – ....................... green peas – зелёный горошек .......................... – репа sweet green pepper – .............. ................ .......................... – сельдерей cauliflower – цветная капуста marrow – кабачок aubergine/eggplant – баклажан mushrooms – грибы pumpkin – тыква


Nothing exotic here, you'll find all of the ingredients at the local grocery store. The recipe will easily feed a family of 4 to 6.  4 medium sized potatoes (peeled/chunked)  3 carrots (sliced)  1 sweet green pepper (chunked)  1 medium sized yellow onion (chopped)  1/4 head of green cabbage (shredded)  1–2 sticks of celery (sliced)  1 red delicious apple (peeled/chunked) COOKING  1 turnip (chunked)  1 can of green peas (drained) cook – готовить(еду)  64 oz vegetable juice boil – варить peel – чистить (овощи)  1 can of beef broth chop – мелко нарубить  1 tsp dried basil chunk – нарезать более крупно  1 tsp oregano slice – нарезать ломтиками Salt to taste. shred – измельчить

grate – натереть (на терке) mince – сделать фарш stuff – начинять add – добавить pour – налить drain – слить whisk/whip – взбивать taste – пробовать make a scratch dinner – приготовить обед на скорую руку


My Mother’s Homemade Vegetable Soup Recipe The meat can be prepared however you prefer, but my mother used a pressure cooker for her homemade vegetable soup and indeed, it produces very tender meat.



Place 500 gr of roast in the pressure cooker with one cup of water. Cook for 30 minutes.


Pour in the vegetable juice and one cup of the beef broth and bring to the full boil.

Meanwhile, peel and chunk the vegetables and the apple.


Stir in seasonings and reduce heat to medium.

As kids we had a bowl of this soup with crackers and a slice or two of cheddar cheese.


Slice the celery, and shred the cabbage. Add into the pot.




Cook for one and a half hours. Add the meat.

sprinkle – взбрызнуть squeeze – выжимать stir – помешивать mix (up) – смешать/перемешать spread – намазать sift – просеивать serve (hot/cold) – подавать (горячим/ холодным) bring to the boil – довести до кипения turn over – перевернуть melt – растопить

Ex 21. Give a word or a phrase for the definition. Electric/gas cooker 1. Rub into small pieces (cheese, carrots) saucepan ............. grate ............. 2. Cut or chop (meat) into small pieces stew .................................... 3. Take the skin of .................................... 4. Cook in hot oven fry .................................... 5. Cook in hot water at 100°C frying pan .................................... 6. Cook in boiling fat oven .................................... 7. Cook in water or juice slowly roast, in a closed saucepan bake .................................... spit baking tray 8. Beat cream or eggs up ....................................

cooking pot boil


Ex 22. Translate the recipe. Фаршированный перец – Stuffed


1. Снять верх и аккуратно очистить сладкий зелёный перец.

Cut off the top and scoop out insides of sweet green peppers carefully. 2. Промолоть на мясорубке 200 г говядины и 200 г свинины. ....................................................................................................................................... 3. Натереть на тёрке 1 морковь. ....................................................................................................................................... 4. Мелко нарезать 1 луковицу. ....................................................................................................................................... 5. Сварить полстакана риса. ....................................................................................................................................... 6. Всё тщательно перемешать, посолить и добавить зелень. ....................................................................................................................................... 7. Начинить перец приготовленной начинкой. ....................................................................................................................................... 8. Нарезать ломтиками 1 луковицу и 1 морковь, положить в сотейник. Сверху положить начинённый перец. ....................................................................................................................................... 154

9. Добавить 1 стакан овощного бульона и 1 стакан томатного сока. ....................................................................................................................................... 10. Тушить 45 минут. .......................................................................................................................................


Ex 23. Find pairs of opposites in the list and put them in the Memory Box. Listen and check your answers.


sour  tough  spicy/hot  stale  sweet  crisp  salty  tender  tasteless lean  fresh  soft  flavourless  unsalted  fatty  delicious

Ex 24. Translate the dialogue.

spicy/hot – flavourless .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. ..............................................

Эта телятина очень нежная, но довольно безвкусная. ........................................................................ ....................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... Я думаю, это легко исправить. На столе соль и специи. Мой бифштекс немного жёсткий, а вот жареная картошка хрустящая и очень вкусная. ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ Пожалуйста, две чашки чая, крепкого и горячего. Принесите чай позднее, пожалуйста, мы не любим SPICES – специи пить холодный чай. 11 seasoning – приправа ................................................................................ herbs – «зелень» ................................................................................ parsley – петрушка ................................................................................ dill – укроп ................................................................................ horse radish – хрен



mustard – горчица mayonnaise – майонез ketchup – кетчуп pepper – перец salt – соль vinegar – уксус oil – растительное масло sauce – соус


Sweets and Desserts 12

Ex 25. Read the text and complete the Memory Box with the names of traditional English desserts. Listen and check your answers. Answer the questions: What is pudding? What is custard?

English Desserts There’s no getting around it, the English have a sweet tooth. No, make that a very sweet tooth.


And judging by the number and variety of English desserts, it's not a newly acquired taste either. There are pudding recipes for any number of occasions. Some traditional pudding and custard recipes have roots that reach back into the middle ages. SWEETS AND DESSERTS In the United Kingdom pudding refers to rich, chocolate fairly homogeneous starchy1 – or dairy-based chocolates – шоколадные конфеты desserts. ice-cream The word pudding is also used for savoury2 jam – варенье dishes such as Yorkshire pudding, black marmalade – повидло из цитрусовых honey – мед pudding, steak and kidney pudding and blood biscuit/cookies – печенье pudding. .......................................................... Initially, custards were used only as fillings for pies, .......................................................... pastries and tarts. After the 16th century, custards .......................................................... began to be used in individual dishes rather than as .......................................................... a filling in crusts3. .......................................................... Custard was a favourite at the court of Elizabeth I, whose teeth bore witness to her love of sweets.

1 2 3

starchy – содержащий крахмал savoury – пикантный (не сладкий) crust – корж

6.3 Meals


6.3 Meals Ex 26. In the text below underline all the meals an Englishman has. Complete the Memory Box with these phrases.

An Englishman’s Diary An Englishman’s day begins when he sits down to breakfast with his morning newspaper. As he looks through the headlines there is nothing he likes better than his favourite breakfast of cornflakes with milk and sugar (porridge if he lives in the North), fried bacon and eggs, marmalades on toast and tea (with milk, of course) or coffee. After breakfast, except on Saturdays and Sundays he goes to work. He leaves home at about 7:30. At offices or factories there is a tea or coffee break at eleven. Then at mid-day everything stops for lunch. Most offices and shops close for an hour from one to two. Englishmen are fond of good plain food, and they usually want to know what they eat. They like beefsteaks, chops, roast beef and Yorkshire1 pudding, fried fish and chipped potatoes. There are usually two courses in the mid-day meal – a meat course with a lot of vegetables, a sweet dish, perhaps fruit pudding and custards with tea or coffee to finish.


Then back to work again with another break in the middle of the afternoon, once again for tea or coffee, sometimes with a cake or a biscuit. The working day finishes at any time between four and six. When an Englishman gets home he likes to inspect his garden before the evening meal: tea, high tea, dinner or supper. When his evening meal is over, the Englishman may do a little gardening and then have a walk to the “local” (the nearest beerhouse) for a “quick one” (a drink, alcoholic, of course!). Then at any time between 10 and 12 he has his “night-cap” – a drink with a snack – and then off to bed ready for tomorrow. (by Stephanie Andrews)

1 2

Yorkshire xDàiâpèz= brunch – a meal eaten in late morning (brunch – a combination of breakfast and lunch) 157

MEALS a meal .................................. brunch – перекусывать между завтраком и ланчем have .................................. .................................. .................................. supper a snack/bite – перекусить for breakfast – на завтрак at breakfast – за завтраком in time for dinner – вовремя к обеду go out for a meal – есть вне дома dine out – обедать где-либо (не дома) be hungry – быть голодным be thirsty – хотеть пить high tea – ранний ужин с чаем light supper – лёгкий ужин heavy / substantial breakfast – плотный завтрак do justice to the meal – отдать должное еде

Ex 27.

Insert articles A/AN, THE or ZERO where necessary. 1. Did they give you ........ good breakfast at the hotel? 2. What do you do after ........ breakfast? 3. Shall we give her ........ traditional English dinner? 4. There is a proverb: “After ........ dinner sleep awhile, after ........ supper walk a mile.” 5. Actors usually have ........ supper after the play, though actresses have ........ very light supper. 6. Our son Harry doesn’t eat ........ lunch they give at school, he has ........ sandwiches I make him. 7. It’s time for ........ dinner. 8. My duty was to provide ........ lunch for five people. 9. They were at ........ dinner when I called on them. 10. We had ........ nice lunch of ........ cold meat and ........ salad. 11. ........ dinner she gave us was rather heavy. 12. When are you goingto eat ........ lunch? 13. Have you had ........ dinner yet? 14. There is usually ........ tea break at 11 am.

Ex 28. Insert prepositions and adverbs where necessary.

Grammar USE OF ARTICLES WITH THE NAMES OF MEALS: LUNCH, DINNER, TEA – As a rule, usually NO ARTICLE  Did you have dinner?  Lunch is ready. – When modified by a particularising attribute, situation: THE  The dinner we had today was very good.  The lunch was a success. – When modified by a descriptive attribute: A  After a heavy breakfast we started for... – In Set Expressions: to have breakfast (lunch, dinner, tea, coffee) BUT: a meal to have a meal

Tea Time


It will surprise you to learn that when the mistress (1) ........ the house (2) ........ England offers (3) ........ her visitors a cup (4) ........ tea, she sometimes asks: “Russian or English tea?” (5) ........ “Russian tea” the English (6) mean tea with ........ slice BEVERAGES – напитки (7) (8) ........ lemon ........ it. “English tea” means hot drinks – горячие напитки very strong tea (9) ........ some milk (10) ........ it. tea Tea drinking is quite a tradition with the English. coffee Tea is served (11) ........ almost every house hot chocolate (12) ........ the same time (13) ........ 5 o’clock soft drinks – безалкогольные напитки (14) juice ........ the afternoon. The teacups and (15) mineral water saucers with teaspoons are laid ........ the table. lemonade The milk pot and the sugar basin are also (16) ........ strong drinks – крепкие напитки the table. The are small plates (17) ........ bread and wine (dry, sweet, red) butter or bread and jam also (18) ........ the table. Tea brandy/cognac – коньяк is ready in the teapot. The hostess pours the tea (19) beer ........ the cups.


Ex 29. In the text above find the names for all the things you see on the table. Put them down accordingly.


decanter dinner plate

(table) spoon knife


soup plate


corkscrew wine glasses (1)




salad bowl













lay/set the table – накрыть на стол spread the table cloth – расстелить скатерть sit down to table – сесть за стол invite smb (over) to dinner – пригласить на обед treat smb to – угощать

Some Useful Phrases – Do you take milk with your tea? – Yes, please.

– How many lumps of sugar?

– No sugar, thank you.


– Help yourself to some bread and jam.

– Thank you, I’d rather have some toast and honey.

– Would you like another cup?

– No more, thank you.

Ex 30. Match the phrasal verbs to their meanings and translate the verbs into Russian. serve up  call off  pick at  dine out  serve out SOME USEFUL PHRASAL VERBS 1. Cancel 2. Give a portion of food to each person 3. Eat very little because you are not hungry or don’t like the food 4. Start serving a meal 5. Eat dinner in a restaurant or in smb’s house

............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................

Ex 31. Translate the sentences. 1. Уже время подавать обед? ........................................................................................................................................ 2. Он принял приглашение на ланч, а потом отказался в последнюю минуту. ........................................................................................................................................ 3. Майк, скорее, мама раскладывает пудинг. ........................................................................................................................................ 4. Она была не голодна и просто ковыряла еду в своей тарелке. ........................................................................................................................................ 5. Дэн, не включай телевизор, Мэри уже начала подавать обед. ........................................................................................................................................ 160

6. Моя дочь очень худая, она плохо ест, сидит и часами ковыряет в своей тарелке. ........................................................................................................................................ 7. Очень жаль, что Эрик не пришёл на обед. Он отказался от нашего приглашения сегодня утром. ........................................................................................................................................ 8. Дети сидели и ждали, когда каждому дадут его порцию мороженого. ........................................................................................................................................ 9. Скажите Марии, чтобы она не готовила обед, сегодня мы не обедаем дома. ........................................................................................................................................



Listen to the dialogues twice and say what Ann gave John for dinner and what Kate served.









First course Main course Dessert


“Only cheese for lunch?” “Yes, the cutlets caught fire and it spread to the apple tart so I had to take soup to put it out.”

SOME DISHES – некоторые блюда


soup – суп broth – бульон chop – отбивная котлета beef steak – бифштекс fried chicken – жареный цыплёнок fried fish fillet – жареное рыбное филе steamed fish – рыба, приготовленная на пару pasta – макароны noodles – лапша salad – салат stewed vegetables – тушёные овощи mashed potatoes – картофельное пюре baked potatoes – запечёный картофель stewed fruit – компот meat balls – фрикадельки kebab/shashlik – шашлык stewed mutton – тушёная баранина roasted veal – жареная в духовке телятина lamb casserole – баранина, запечёная в духовке mixed grill – ассорти из жареного мяса rough-and-ready meal – еда, приготовленная на скорую руку


Some Useful Phrases Having people over to dinner

– I’ll treat you to a new dish today.

– I bet it’s delicious as usual.

– Help yourself to some more meat. – Thank you, I can’t refuse. The meat is welldone. Just to my liking.

– Thank you, Mary. It was an excellent dinner.

– I’m glad it suited your tastes.

Ex 32. Make word partnerships. Draw a line to connect words or phrases. Some variants are possible. chop be slice look through come in time heavy make substantial

for lunch supper breakfast the cheese the papers at breakfst the onions thirsty a scratch dinner

Ex 33. Translate the sentences from Russian intо English. 1. Мы сняли летний домик. В саду прекрасная беседка (pergola/pavilion), где мы можем есть. ......................................................................................................................................... 2. Я люблю приглашать Джона на обед. Он ест с таким аппетитом. Он отдаёт должное каждому блюду. ......................................................................................................................................... 162

3. Марк пригласил меня к себе на ланч и угостил прекрасным омаром. Я попробовала омара впервые. ......................................................................................................................................... 4. Что вам давали на завтрак в Уэльсе? Я слышала, что у них очень плотный завтрак. ......................................................................................................................................... 5. Я терпеть не могу, когда мой муж читает газеты во время завтрака. ......................................................................................................................................... 6. Ты такая стройная. Ты придерживаешься какой-то особой диеты? – Конечно нет. Я ем легкий обед в 7 вечера, это моя последняя еда перед сном. ......................................................................................................................................... 7. В воскресенье я никогда не готовлю обед. Мы не едим дома по воскресеньям. ......................................................................................................................................... 8. Ты пришёл как раз к обеду. Я уже накрыла на стол. .........................................................................................................................................

6.4 Going out for a Meal Ex 34. You want to invite somebody for a meal. Read the dialogues A–D and scan the advertisements 1–5. Which advertisement is the right one for you? Why? 1.


T HE W A L D O RF H I L TO N Inn The Park

Traditional afternoon tea at the Waldorf Hilton is served daily between 2.30 pm and 5.30 pm.

Set in the middle of beautiful St James's Park, Inn The Park is a great place for family dining or romantic evening meals.

EXPECT A SELECTION of finger sandwiches, freshly baked scones1, homemade tartlets and other specialties.

On the menu, you'll find both traditional and modern British dishes, served up with chef’s own unique twist. From 5 pm daily Breakfast and Lunch Weekends

For something more substantial, opt for2 our High Tea, which is served until 8 pm and is the perfect pre-theatre meal. 1 2

Rte. 28, So, Chatham, 420-9060

a scone – a small round cake, sometimes containing dried fruit, which is usually eaten with butter opt for (smth) – choose one thing instead of another 163


The new 4. KE NS IN GT ON RO OF GA RD EN S High up above Kensing ton High Street, Kensington Roof Gard ens is a stunning oasis in the centre of Lo ndon. You can dine on the ter race at Babylon restaurant, and explore the Spanish garden, and English woodland. There's even a stream stocked with fish, and a pond.

CIAO Ristorante and Bar Home made Italian cooking just like momís or maybe better!!! ìChiaoî is one of the best places in London to enjoy Italian food. LUNCH 11.30AM ñ 2.00PM DINNER 5.00PM ñ 10.00PM

Lunch Dinner

312ñ266 CIAO (2459)

Restaurant opening hours : 12.00 – 2.00 pm 6.00 – 10.00 pm (Mon–F r) 6.30 – 10.30 pm (Sat–Sun )


THE MICHELIN RIVER CAFE is one of the best places in Oxford Street where you can find a mix of bars, restaurants and coffee shops. The area boasts one of London's largest concentrations of pavement dining. Whether you're looking for SPANISH, FRENCH or JAPANESE cuisine, or even a pub lunch, St Christopher's Place has it all.

1 2 3 4 5

A. – I have a good idea! Let’s go out to eat. – It’s such a beautiful day. I don’t want to sit in a restaurant. – Well, let’s go out to this place. We can eat in a garden restaurant if you like. B. – I don’t feel like cooking today. How about eating out? – Well, you lead then. You should know better. – OK. Let’s go to this restaurant. I love Italian food. C. – Do you care for a dinner with me tonight? – With pleasure. Where would you like to go?


D. – We’re meeting the Robertsons at 7 pm tonight, aren’t we? – We are, I’m thinking of inviting them to that nice place for a nice cup of tea before the theatre. – Great idea. I love their finger sandwiches or we can have something more substantial. – I’ll call them right away then.

Ex 35. Read the text. Compose a dialogue between Declan, Fiona and Mrs Brennan, the chef’s wife. At lunch time Declan asked Fiona out. “That would be great”, she said and sounded as if she meant it.


– Oh, how about something exclusive, a romantic dinner? – I am intrigued. What place do you have in mind?

IS THERE A GOOD 15 RESTAURANT/CAFE NEARBY? bar – бар restaurant – ресторан self-service restaurant – ресторан самообслуживания fast food restaurant – закусочная, ресторан быстрого обслуживания cafe/coffee house – кафе pavement/sidewalk cafe – уличное кафе coffee shop/coffee bar – кофейня tea room/tea shop – чайная snack bar – закусочная canteen –столовая (в учреждении) refreshment room – буфет (в театре, на вокзале) buffet – а-ля фуршет, буфет buffet/smorgasbord – «шведский стол» grill room – гриль-бар kebab house – шашлычная takeaway – ресторан, продающий еду на вынос

“Where would you like to go?” “Take me somewhere you like”, Fiona said. Declan’s mind went blank. He didn’t know anywhere. He remembered he had seen an article in one of the papers about a place called Quentins. It was over elegant, they said. “Quentins?” he suggested, amazed that his voice sounded normal. “Gosh”, Fiona said, impressed. Declan wondered if he was quite mad to have suggested the place. After work he called the restaurant hoping they might be full. But no, it turned out that they could easily find a table for two. So, he booked it. (Declan, Fiona, Mrs Brennan) ................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................


Complete the dialogue with the words and phrases from the Memory Box.


Ex 36.

ENTERING THE RESTAURANT ask somebody out – пригласить коголибо на обед/ужин в ресторан book/reserve a table – заказать столик have a reservation – столик заказан table for two – столик на двоих have a drink at the bar – выпить в баре аперитив show to the table – проводить к столу

A: Good evening! We would like to have (1).......................... , please. B: Good evening! Do you (2)............... ............. ? A: No, we don’t. Are there any tables free? B: Unfortunately not, we are all packed tonight. But if you would like to wait for 10–15 minutes, we would be able to offer you that table by the window. A: Thank you, it sounds good. We’ll (3).......................... and wait. B: You are very welcome.

Ex 37. Find the logical order of the following dialogue parts.

  1   

Mr Smith: What a good idea. What would you say, John? John: I’ll have the same. Head waiter: Good evening, sir. Sure. Would you like to have a drink in the bar first and I’ll bring you the menu. Mr Smith: Scotch for me, I think. What about you, John? Mr Smith: Hello. Do you have a table for two, please? John: I don’t mind. Head waiter: This way, gentlemen. Now, what would you like? Head waiter: So, two whiskies. Very good. Here is the menu.

Ex 38. Use the words from the Memory Box to complete the text. Fiona said she would meet him at the restaurant. She looked stunning. Mrs Brennan, who was in charge, welcomed them in as warmly as if they had been the captains of industry or ambassadors. She offered them a glass of Champagne (1)...................... and wished them a pleasant evening. The waiter wondered what they would like to (2).......................


  

THE SERVICE waiter/waitress – официант(ка) wine steward – сомелье order – заказывать (еду) supervise the meal – следить как протекает обед refill the glasses – заново наполнить бокалы bill – счёт heavy bill – большой счёт settle/pay the bill – оплатить счёт have the bill straight away – получить счёт сразу The dinner is on me. Я плачу./Я угощаю. It’s my treat. It’s my round. – Я оплачиваю напитки за всех. on the house – за счёт заведения tip – чаевые


Brenda Brennan (3)...................... from afar. She never interrupted their conversation, but she was always nearby to (4)...................... the water glasses, the coffee cups, the bread basket. The meal was over before they realised it.

Ex 39. Complete the dialogue, translate the sentences from Russian into English. In the Bar Head waiter:Very good, sir. (1) Ваш столик будет готов через несколько минут. ..................... .......................................................... . Mr Smith: OK. We’ll be along, (2) и пришлите, пожалуйста, сомелье. .......................... .......................................................... . (3) Waiter: Вам подать кофе? ..................................................... ? Mr Smith: No, thanks, actually. We are in a bit of a hurry. (4) Не могли бы мы сразу получить счёт? ....................................................................................... ? Waiter: Sure. I’ll bring it immediately. John: Look, Mr Smith. Let me do this. (5) Mr Smith: Нет, нет. За этот обед плачу я. А вы в следующий раз. Вот, пожалуйста, официант. ........................................................................................... . John: Well, that’s very kind...

Ex 40. Who says what?

Match the sentences to the people and put them in the right order. Head waiter (H) Waiter (W) Guest (G)

1.  H 

How many in your party?

 

Separate bills or together?

 

Thank you.

 

Is this table all right?

 

Here you are!

 

It looks fine, thanks.

 

Thank you very much!

 

Yes, please.

 

Yes, everything is fine, thank you.

 

Is everything all right?

 

Smoking, please.

 

Enjoy your meal!

 

Together, please.

 

Are you ready to order?

 

What would you like?

 

 

Smoking or non-smoking?

 

A green salad and spaghetti Bolognese, please.

 


Good evening, my name is Thelma, I’ll be your waitress tonight. Here is the menu card. We are two.



Listen to the dialogue twice and fill in the chart below.

Starter For a first course For a main dish Drinks For dessert

A B ............................................................... — tomato soup ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ...............................................................

A LA CARTE MENU Starters Spring Green Salad Pickles Smoked Salmon Pancakes with Caviar

Desserts Chilled Coconut Chocolate Tart Ice Cream

Snacks always available.

The Dish of the House Crispy Duck Side Dishes Mashed Potatoes Buttered New Potatoes Roasted Mediterranean Vegetables



Main Courses Fillet Steak Lamb Rump Calf Liver Market Fish of the Day


wine list – карта вин extensive – обширное (меню) traditional – традиционное table d’hote – общий стол a la carte – порционно, на заказ appetiser/starter – холодные закуски for a first course/a main dish – на первое/на второе


Ex 41. Complete the dialogue, translate the sentences from Russian into English. Head waiter: So, two whiskies. Here is the menu. Mr Smith: Now, let’s see. (1) С чего мы начнём? Салат с креветками или зелёный салат? ....................................................................................................................... (2) John: Я думаю, я возьму салат с креветками. ......................................................... Mr Smith: OK. And what shall we have to follow? John: You know what I’d like? (3) Что-нибудь типично американское. ........................ ........................................................................... Mr Smith: OK, then. (4) Как насчёт настоящего американского бифштекса? ............................................... ............................................................................. John: All right. I’ll try that. Mr Smith: That’s settled, then. (5) Мы оба возьмём салат с креветками на закуску, а затем бифштекс. .......................................................................... .......................................................................... Head waiter: Very good. (6) Какие овощи вы бы хотели?............ .......................................................................... Mr Smith: Oh, French fries and asparagus, I think. What about you, John? (7) John: Я бы хотел тушёные овощи. ......................................................... Got to think about my waistline, you know. Head waiter: Very good, sir. Your table’s ready when you are. Mr Smith: OK. We’ll be along in a couple of minutes, and would you send the wine steward over?

Ex 42. Find word partners that go together. Draw a line to connect them. book show the guests refill settle the dish supervise


the meal the bill a table the glasses to the table of the House

Ex 43.

Translate the sentences from Russian into


Apart from predicting the future, will and shall are used in some other ways: – shall in offers:  Shall I get you something to drink? – shall in suggestions:  Shall we go out for dinner? – will in requests/invitations:  Will you pass me the salt please?  Will you join us for lunch?

Ex 44. Jo-Clark Heslin, food and nutrition columnist, helps his readers translate nutrition science into practical, easy to understand, reliable advice what and where to eat. You’re going to read a passage from his column. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.


1. Мисс Кейси, закажите мне, пожалуйста, столик в «Метрополе» на сегодняшний вечер. ............................................................................. ............................................................................. 2. Завтра пятница, может быть, пообедаем в городе? ............................................................................. 3. Принести вам лёд, сэр? ............................................................................. 4. Я так устала, проведём вечер дома? ................................................................................ 5. Подать кофе сейчас или позже? .................................................................................... 6. Принесите, пожалуйста, карту вин. ................................................................................. 7. Вам показать ваш столик? Надеюсь, он вам понравится. ...................................................................................................................................... 8. Налейте мне ещё вина, пожалуйста. ................................................................................

was spoilt  excellent  extensive underdone  the speciality of the day satisfactory  well-done  traditional delicious  French-bottled table fresh  acceptable  overcooked

WHAT DOES IT TASTE LIKE? 18 smell good – хорошо пахнуть taste good – быть вкусным first-rate – первоклассный perfect – совершенный excellent – отличный delicious – очень вкусный tasty – вкусный acceptable – приемлемый satisfactory – удовлетворительный spoilt – испорченный tasteless – безвкусный uneatable – несъедобный disgusting – отвратительный well cooked – хорошо приготовленный just to one’s liking – как кто-либо любит suit one’s taste – по чему-либо вкусу at a reasonable price – по разумной цене

This week we decided to look at a small family-run restaurant in a village of Wardleton, “The Old Mill.” We had heard several favourable comments about it. Although the choice of items on the menu was very (1)................................, it was rather (2)................................ . We started with fish, but to our great disappointment this very good fish (3)................................ by a number of herbs. For my main course I chose the pepper steak, which was (4)................................. I thought it almost perfect, the chef had chosen (5)................................ meat and it was (6)................................ .


My wife ordered roast lamb, and although the quality of the meat was good, it was (7)................................, not completely cooked through. Though the vegetables were (8)................................ , they were rather (9)................................ for our taste. The fresh fruit salad was not only a delight to see but it was as (10)................................ as it looked, I had a second helping. I chose house wine. It was a (11)................................ wine which was quite (12)................................ and reasonably priced. The bill came to 37 pounds, which was (13)................................ for the class of the restaurant.

Ex 45. Give English equivalents to the words in brackets. 1. “The Old Mill” (недавно открылся) ............................... but it has already received (благоприятные отзывы) ................................ . 2. (Выбор блюд) ............................... on the menu was very extensive. 3. The fish (мы заказали) ............................... was spoilt and the roast lamb (был немного недожарен) ............................... . 4. The bread was fresh because (он был испечён здесь же) ............................... . 5. I was surprised because they (подали салат из свежих фруктов) ............................... . 6. It (занимает очень много времени) ............................... to prepare, but it looks (восхитительно) ............................... . 7. The bill (был вполне приемлемым) ............................... , but it didn’t include (обслуживание) ............................... .

Young husband: “This meat is not cooked, not in the pie.” Young wife: “I did it like the cookery book said but as the recipe was for four people and we are two, I took half of everything and cooked it for half the time it said.”


Ex 46. You are taking your friend to your favourite Steak House. She has no idea how to order steak to her liking. Teach her the words she should use. Match the words in the box to the definitions below.

1. Cooked too much ........................ 2. Cooked very quickly and still red ........................ 3. Not completely cooked throughout ........................ 4. Not pink at all but soft and tender ........................ 5. Partly cooked but still slightly pink inside ........................


rare  medium  well-done  underdone  overdone

A STEAK CAN BE: rare – с кровью medium – слегка недожаренный underdone – недожаренный overdone – пережаренный well-done – хорошо приготовленный

Ex 47. Fill in prepositions or adverbs. 1. I told the waiter that I was leaving the choice ........... him. 2. The table d’hote is considerably cheaper and more popular ........... the public. 3. The salad consisted ........... sliced meat, sliced tomatoes and lettuce. 4. ........... dessert they took strawberry ice-cream. 5. ........... dinner ........... Saturday evening he had asparagus and French beans. 6. In a cafe my boyfriend treated me ........... an ice-cream. 7.There was no fish ........... the menu.



Not only are the British, in the words of Napoleon, “a nation of shopkeepers”, it is also a country of compulsive shoppers. The British love to shop! It is their number one leisure activity and accounts for around 37% of all money spent in England. The main shopping street in many towns is called the High Street, where you should head for if you want to go shopping. Buying or browsing London shops are attractions in themselves. Oxford Street, Regent Street and Knightsbridge are all known for their famous stores.

The Supply Chain


Manufacturer produces goods/merchandise


buys/sells goods in large quantities

Retailer sells in small quantities to the purchaser


Consumer buys the goods

Ex 1. In the box below choose the right word for the given definition. Think of Russian equivalents for these words.


consumer  retail  supply  merchandise  wholesale 1. Provide something which people need – ....... supply ....... 2. Selling of goods especially in large quantities to shopkeepers for resale to the public – .......................... 3. Sale of goods usually in small quantities to the general public – .......................... 4. Goods bought and sold – .......................... 5. Person who uses goods – ..........................

...... снабжать ...... .......................... .......................... .......................... ..........................

Ex 2. In column B find the synonyms for the words in column A. Draw a line to connect them. A produce sell buy merchandise supply consumer

B purchase end user provide manufacture trade goods

7.1 Shopping for Food

The food market in Britain is represented by different types of shops. Most are owned by national “chains” of stores, such as Sainsbury’s or Tesco. Sainsbury’s supermarkets are the leaders in food and drink selling in Britain, while Tesco has the “cut of price” image. A few small shops are owned by local people. Some towns also have street markets where fresh food and cheap goods can be bought. Away from the town centre, small “corner” shops provide groceries to local customers. 174


Ex 3. Read the text and underline the words denoting types of shops. DOING THE SHOPPING


go shopping/do the shopping – делать покупки browse shops – бродить по магазинам shop window – витрина booth – ларёк shopping queue – очередь salesman/woman (shop assistant) – продавец /продавщица customer/shopper – покупатель

Ex 4. How do the British call the food shops described below? Find in the box the words and phrases for the following definitions. a supermarket  a market  a “corner” shop/local store a general store  a street market  a grocery store 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A big store stocking different kinds of foods ......................................... A store which sells most goods needed, typically in a rural area ......................................... A small shop that provides groceries to local customers ......................................... An open place where fresh food and cheap goods are sold ......................................... A very large self-service grocery store offering a wide variety of food and household merchandise ......................................... 6. It is mostly a city square where on certain days traders set up stalls and buyers browse for different kinds of foods .........................................

AT A SUPERMARKET shelves ready-packed/ packaged goods


tinned/canned food

shopping cart /trolley


quick-frozen food

cheese counter fresh produce

fresh meat counter nonfood items


cash desk

Ex 5. Complete the text. Translate the words/phrases in brackets. A supermarket is a form of (1) (продуктовый магазин самообслуживания) ................................. offering a wide variety of (2) (продовольственных) ................................. and household (3) (товаров) ................................. , organised intо (4) (отделы) ................................. . It is larger in size and has a wider selection than a traditional (5) (гастроном) ................................. . The supermarket typically comprises (6) (мясной, молочный, выпечных изделий) ................................. departments and fresh produce department along with shelf space reserved for (7) (консервированные и упакованные товары) ................................. as 176

The traditional suburban supermarket occupies a large amount of floor space, usually on a single level, and is situated near (9) (жилой район) ................................. in order to be (10) (удобный для покупателей) ................................. . Other advantages include (11) (места для парковки) ................................. and, frequently, the (12) convenience of (время работы) ................... .............. – far into the evening or even 24 hours a day. A supermarket is often a part of (13) (торговой сети) ................................. .


well as for various (8) (не продуктовые товары) ................................. such as household products and cleaners, pharmacy products and pet supplies.


self-service – самообслуживание grocery (store) – продуктовый магазин/ гастроном stock (goods) – иметь в продаже wide range/selection/choice (of) – широкий выбор display goods – выставлять товары impulse purchase – незапланированная покупка special offer/specials – специальное предложение receipt – чек change – сдача

Ex 6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Супермаркеты – это большие продуктовые магазины самообслуживания. ...................................................................................................................................... 2. Товары расположены на длинных полках. Mежду полками проходы, по которым ходят покупатели, выбирая товары. ...................................................................................................................................... 3. Полки заполнены продуктовыми и не продуктовыми товарами. ...................................................................................................................................... 4. В супермаркете всегда широкий выбор доступных (affordable) товаров. ...................................................................................................................................... 5. Большинство товаров в упаковке, много консервированных и свежезамороженных продуктов. ...................................................................................................................................... 6. Товары выставлены так привлекательно, что многие покупатели испытывают соблазн (are tempt into) делать больше покупок, чем они планировали. ...................................................................................................................................... 7. Продукты в супермаркете дешевле, чем в небольших магазинах «за углом». ...................................................................................................................................... 8. B конце дня продукты часто продаются по сниженным ценам. ...................................................................................................................................... 9. Покупатели складывают товары в тележку, затем они подходят к месту расчёта, где оплачивают товары в кассе. ...................................................................................................................................... 10. У касс иногда бывает небольшие очереди, но электронные сканеры (кассы) работают очень быстро. ...................................................................................................................................... 177

Listen to the dialogue. You may need the phrases when shopping abroad. 4

– – – – – – – –

Can I help you? Yes, please. I’m looking for some diet jam. It’s over there, the third aisle, please. Thank you. And I’m sure I won’t be able to find detergent either. It’s at the other side of the shop. Where exactly? Aisle 7. Follow me, please, and I’ll show you. Thank you.


some places the retail market is still dominated by small family-run shops, but this market is increasingly being taken over by large retail chains.

Ex 7. In which shop can you buy these things? Divide the foods into five groups. shrimps  loose milk  a bun  poultry  cabbage  rye bread  pork cod  carrots  a pie  cream  onions  cheese  mutton  eggs potatoes  herbs  doughnuts  liver  herring  butter  lettuce lobster  a loaf of white bread  carp  half of a duck






...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................


Ex 8. Find the logical order of the following parts of the dialogues.

   1     



     1   

1. At the Baker’s White or brown rolls? No, thanks. Certainly. That’s 5 pounds, please. Thank you. And, yes, four rolls, please. Can I help you? White, please. Here you are. Anything else? I’d like a loaf of rye bread, please.


2. At the Butcher’s Here you are. OK. We’ve got lovely beef sausages today if you’re interested. What can I get for you? Certainly. That’s 7 pounds, please. I’d also like half a turkey, please. That’s a good idea, I’ll have a pound, please. A kilo of mince and four lamb chops, please. Will that be all?


You’ll listen to a short information about a convenience store. Before listening to the text twice, read the questions I and II to be ready for the given task. I. Mark the statements that are mentioned in the article.

      

1. It is a small store. 2. Convenience stores are often located at petrol stations. 3. A convenience store is often run by a private owner. 4. It sells some groceries, newspapers, cigarettes. 5. Such stores don’t sell spare car parts. 6. But they can sell motor oil or washer fluid. 7. It may be open 24 hours.



confectioner’s/confectionery – кондитерский магазин sweet-shop – магазин сладостей/ кондитерская fruiterer’s – фруктовый магазин florist’s – цветочный магазин off-licenсe (wine and spirit merchant’s) – винный магазин tobacconist’s – табачный магазин

II. For questions 1–3 choose the best answer (a–c) according to the text. 1. What is a convenience store? a) It is a store that sells items for home comfort. b) It is a low price store. c) It is a small store often with extended hours, stocking everyday or roadside items. 2. Where are convenience stores usually located? a) In a busy city centre. b) In busy neighbourhoods or alongside busy roads. c) In rural regions.


3. What does a convenience store usually sell? a) Sweets, drinks, cigarettes, newspapers, etc. b) Canned goods only. c) Everything for car repair.





is used with some verb groups in the Passive: 1. think, consider, believe, suppose, expect, know to render an opinion, 2. say, report to convey some information.

The new supermarket

is thought is considered is supposed is expected is known is reported

Считается, что… to be…

Предполагают, что… Известно, что … Сообщают, что…

 The biggest supermarket in the country is reported to be opened in our city. Сообщается, что в нашем городе открывается самый большой супермаркет в стране.

Ex 9. Study the information about a new superstore. Mark the key words or phrases rendering the most important information. The first key phrase is marked for you. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

A New Hypermarket A new hypermarket Bluewater is considered to be the largest out of town shopping development in Europe. .............................................................................................................................................. It is reported to be located in a disused chalk pit at Dartford in Kent. .............................................................................................................................................. 180

It is known to have more than 300 shops and parking space for 13,000 cars. .............................................................................................................................................. It is supposed to attract 30 million visitors each year. ..............................................................................................................................................

Ex 10. Complete the sentences according to the model. Do you write shopping lists? Why? Tick your reasons.

A Shopping List









Consumers often compile a shopping list of groceries to purchase on the next visit to the grocery store. It consider/ be the first step in smart food shopping. It is considered to be the first step in smart food shopping. Written shopping lists think/reduce significantly average expenditure and shopping time. ............................................................................................................................... The shopping list suppose/be compiled as shopping needs arise throughout the week. ............................................................................................................................... Some shopping carts report/have a small clipboard to fit shopping lists on. ............................................................................................................................... Home computers know/have a special program for printing customer’s own list so that items are simply checked off instead of written down. ............................................................................................................................... Approximately 40% of grocery shoppers believe/use shopping lists. ......................................................... ......................................................... 80% of the items listed know/be SMART SHOPPING 7 purchased. shopping list – список покупок ......................................................... overbuying – излишние покупки ......................................................... perishables – скоропортящиеся продукты Using of shopping lists believe/impact price (at a price) – цена (по цене) shopping behaviour. price difference (between) – отли............................................................... чия в цене ............................................................... charge high prices – назначать высокие цены low prices – низкие цены So, with a shopping list we can average price – средняя цена make certain we get everything advertise – рекламировать we need, avoid overbuying and advertisement/advert/ad – реклама impulse purchase.




Ex 11.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

Typical Opening Times 1. Предполагается, что в воскресенье все магазины в Европе закрыты. Но сегодня это нe так: воскресная торговля становится очень популярной. ........................................................................................................................................ 2. Сегодня, как известно, большинство магазинов в Англии открыты 6–7 дней в неделю. ........................................................................................................................................ 3. Сообщают, что большие супермаркеты работают 24 часа. ........................................................................................................................................ 4. Предполагается, что в праздничные дни магазины закрыты. Но некоторые ларьки и киоски получают разрешение торговать в это время. ........................................................................................................................................ 5. Известно, что большинство покупок делается в выходные дни. ........................................................................................................................................ 6. Считается, что лучше всего делать покупки в период перед Рождественскими или Пасхальными праздниками. Многие товары выставляются на распродажу. ........................................................................................................................................ 7. Говорят, что некоторые магазины в сельских районах Англии всё ещё следуют старой традиции: по средам они закрываются в полдень. ........................................................................................................................................



Dora and her Mum are going shopping. They are discussing what they need to buy. I. Listen to their conversation twice and tick the shops they are going to visit. II. Listen to the dialogue again and fill in the second column of the chart with the items they are going to buy in these shops.

      

SHOPS butcher’s fruiterer’s tobacconist’s greengrocer’s off-licence florist’s fishmonger’s

THINGS TO BUY ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... 182

   

SHOPS supermarket baker’s dairy sweet-shop

THINGS TO BUY ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... .........................................

Ex 12. Mr Smiles – the shopkeeper – is talking to his


shop assistant, Ms Young. Use the suggested words to make sentences according to the model. MODEL:

Weigh/ the carrots/ for Mrs Swallow ? She is waiting. Ms Young, have you weighed the carrots for Mrs Swallow?

1. I wonder, / the Nordfolk farm / deliver/ the fresh produce, Ms Young. ............................................................................. ............................................................................. 2. They / deliver / the tomatoes and cucumbers/already / not deliver / the lettuce/ yet. ............................................................................. ............................................................................. 3. Everything looks perfect. You / display the goods / wonderfully, Ms Young. ............................................................................. ............................................................................. 4. Many people are inquiring for new potatoes. Sell out / we / the entire stock? ............................................................................. ............................................................................. 5. I / pack / already / Mrs Marshall’s order, Mr Smiles. It can be delivered right away. ............................................................................. ............................................................................. 6. Thank you, Mrs Marshall. Your husband / pay / for the order / already. ............................................................................. .............................................................................


THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE have + Participle II It denotes a completed action whose result is visible in the present. The only thing that matters here is the result: the time the action took place is of no importance.  – What is there in the box? – They have delivered the wine on your order. The Present Perfect Tense is frequently used with the adverbs: just, already, yet, lately, recently, ever, never.  We can start making dinner, I’ve already done the shopping.  I haven’t finished the cooking yet, the dinner will be ready in half an hour.  Have you packed the goods yet, Mr Simpson?

NOTE We never use The Present Perfect in “when”-questions.  When did you buy it? The Past Simple The Present Perfect happened has result now in the past is used with the time words: last Monday already/yet yesterday just five days ago lately/recently in 2007 ever/never when he called…

 Look! I’ve bought a new car recently.  I bought the car last month.

Ex 13. The Parkers are having a party for some friends from work on Saturday evening. Barbara has made a check-list of things to do before the party. Now they are checking the arrangements. Use the suggested verbs in the corresponding tense form to complete the sentences. 1. you / send the invitations?

Have you sent the invitations? send / all of them / a fortnight ago.

I sent all of them a fortnight ago. 2. you / buy / the chilli sauce? ............................................................................................ you / forget / we / buy it / last week. ................................................................................ 3. get / the black olives? .................................................................................................... I / find a can / in the pantry / before / going shopping. ...................................................... 4. the wine merchant / deliver / the wines? .......................................................................... I / not tell you / he / send the wines / two days ago. .......................................................... 5. Mary / polish the silver? ................................................................................................ I / see / / she / polish it / the other day ............................................................................ 6. order fresh flowers? sorry, Barbara / forget / do / yesterday / no need to worry / call the florist straight away. .......................................................................................................................................

Ex 14. Match the phrasal verbs below to their meaning and translate the verbs into Russian. run up  buy in  sell out  fill in  inquire for  stock up SOME USEFUL PHRASAL VERBS 1. Purchase a supply of food for some period of time 2. Accumulate goods available for sale 3. Retail all one’s stock of something 4. Make the bill increase 5. Add what is necessary 6. Ask for goods in a shop

........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................

........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................

Ex 15. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verb from the box. 1. ........................ you enough bread for the weekend? 2. We had a stock of these plates, but we ........................ . 3. Make sure to ........................ coal for the winter. 184

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

A shopping list can help us avoid impulse purchases that ........................ our grocery bill. We ........................ the entire stock of flour, I must order some more immediately. He is such a spendthrift, he ........................ an enormous bill at the hotel. Several people ........................ the new catalogue. Have we got any? Sometimes she does some shopping during the week to ........................ a few items needed that day. 9. There is likely to be a shortage of sugar this year, we’d better ........................ our supplies.


Ex 16. Make up questions to which the following sentences might be the answers. Read the answers first. Do I have to buy the whole box of pears? ...

1. the whole box of pears ...


be in stock – иметься в наличии/ быть в продаже be out of stock – не иметься в продаже cost – стоить discount (at a discount) – скидка (со скидкой) stand in a queue – стоять в очереди bargain – выгодная покупка brand – торговая марка sell loose – продавать в развес sell by weight/by head – продавать на вес/поштучно weigh (food) – взвешивать pack (goods) – упаковывать

Of course, not! We sell the pears loose. 2. new brand of coffee ..................................... ................................................................. ? Yes, it’s just come in. You might have seen it advertised on television. It’s a very good coffee. 3. all the tomatoes / the same price .................. ................................................................. ? These are a bit cheaper. They are sold at discount at the moment. 4. do the shopping ............................................................................ ? I do my stock-up shopping at the supermarket in town. 5. shop for food / the supermarket / not at the local store ........................................................? I can buy a lot of goods more cheaply there than at my local store. 6. what/buy .................................................................................... ? Everything from fresh produce and quick-frozen foods to washing powder. 7. why / go / market .................................................................................... ? I go to the market in search of bargains. The prices there are considerably lower than at the local grocer’s.

Ex 17. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Моника любит ходить в свой маленький магазин по соседству. ........................................................................................................................................ 2. Она запасает продукты на неделю в большом супермаркете в городе, но в течение недели она иногда ходит в небольшой магазин неподалёку, чтобы пополнить запасы. ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ 185

3. Пока она стоит в очереди, она может поговорить с соседями. ........................................................................................................................................ 4. Хотя некоторые товары в магазине на углу стоят немного дороже, любые продукты продаются в развес или поштучно, а не упакованными в пластик. ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ 5. Правда, это маленький магазин, и иногда чего-то нет (не всё есть) в продаже. ........................................................................................................................................ 6. Мистер Смайлз всегда дружелюбно приветствует своих покупателей, взвешивает и упаковывает товар. ........................................................................................................................................

Some Useful Phrases – Anything else? – And what next, please? – Will that be all? – Thank you, that will do. – How much will it come to? – How much is it?

– Have you got any canned pineapples?

– Sorry, but we’ve sold out. – We are out of stock at the moment.


– I’d like to have ready-bottled olive oil. Do you sell any? – Yes, we do, but I’m afraid we’ve sold out at the moment.

Ex 18. Match the phrases having the same meaning. Draw a line to connect the phrases. I’m looking for… I’m afraid… We ran out of… That’s a pity/What a shame.… Why don’t you try…?

We sold the last one… You could try… I’m trying to find… I’m sorry but… Oh, dear!

7.2 Quantities and Package

a bunch

a loaf of bread

of flowers of grapes/bananas of parsley

a can of Coca-Cola


a bar/a cake of soap

a joint of beef

a bar of chocolate


a dozen of eggs – дюжина яиц half a dozen of rolls – полдюжины булочек a ball of wool – клубок шерсти a spool/a reel of thread – катушка ниток

a lump of sugar a piece of cake a bottle of milk a box of сhocolates

a packet of cigarettes

a pot of yoghurt a jar of jam a tin of fish

a carton of milk

a tube of toothpaste a roll of paper a slice of cheese a bowl of soup

Ex 19. Find word partnerships. Put the words in the box in the correct column. Sometimes some variants are possible. rye bread  yoghurt  sweets  cheese  bananas  olive oil  cigarettes  jam  wine dill  cake  sardines  fresh juice  matches  daisies  hand cream  toothpaste biscuits  pickles  lemon  lamb  tuna fish  soap  toilet paper  beer  chocolate crisps  drops  peanuts  olives  roasted beef  honey  mushroom soup  wallpaper a bunch of a bottle of a tube of a packet of a jаr of a piece of ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ a slice of a joint of a loaf of a carton of a can of a tin of ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ a bar of a roll of a box of a bowl of a kilo of a pot of ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................


Ex 20. Complete the dialogue. Translate the sentences parts from Russian into English. – Can I have (1) (две бутылки молока и баночку джема) .................................................... , please? – Here you are. Anything else? – Yes, (2) (пачку печенья и маленькую коробку конфет) .................................................... , please. – And what next, please? – (3) (Килограмм сахара) .................................................... , please. – Is there anything else? – (4) (Две банки консервированных персиков) .................................................... , please, and yes, I’d like (5) (два клубничных йогурта и дюжину яиц) ................................................. ......................................... , please. – Will that be all? – (6) (Пакет стирального порошка (detergent) .................................................... , a small size, please. How much will it come to? – That is 20 dollars and 25 cents.

7.3 Shopping Goes “Green” Ex 21. For questions 1–6 read the text below and decide which answer (a–c) best fits each space. Millions of tons of glass, paper, plastic and metal containers are produced, and these are difficult to dispose of. Most of the packaging is never recycled and it contributes to the pollution problems of our cities.

The consumers often look at the packaging on every product and ask if the packaging is biodegradable, or if the container can be recycled. The concern for a safer and cleaner environment is making companies rethink how they do business. They have to be sure that the products they sell are “green”, which means friendly to the environment.



However, today more and more consumers are choosing “green”. They prefer to buy products that are made of recycled materials safe for the environment. THINK GREEN


pollution – загрязнение окружающей среды environment – окружающая среда recycle – перерабатывать biodegradable – разрушающийся в природе be safe (for) – быть безопасным (для)

1. How does the packaging contribute to the pollution problems? a) Packaging isn’t properly thrown out. b) The dustbins are not emptied regularly. c) Glass, metal and plastic containers are difficult to dispose of, they pollute our cities. 2. Why do the consumers often look at packaging? a) Nowadays consumers buy only beautifully packaged goods. b) They prefer to buy products in recyclable containers. c) Plastic containers are healthier. 3. Why do more and more people want to buy products in recyclable containers? a) Recyclable containers are biodegradable. b) People want to recycle the containers and get some money back. c) These products are cheaper. 4. Why are corporations producing more and more “green” products? a) These products are less expensive to produce. b) They have to pay higher taxes. c) More and more consumers want to buy them. 5. What makes companies change the way they make and sell their products? a) Consumers consider the environmental safety of a product before buying it. b) Natural materials are cheaper. c) Plastic containers are banned. 6. What does the title of the text “Shopping Goes Green” mean? a) Customers prefer green colours. b) The products should be healthy and friendly to the environment. c) The production process should be clean.




label is the most useful and important source of information for the shopper. Understanding this information is very important.


1 2 3 4 5 6

Ex 22. Match the beginnings and endings of the following instructions on the lables.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

the true name and a complete list a date mark and instructions the name and address storage information about the amount of

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

“use by” date how to prepare the food the accurate description any particular ingredient of ingredients food additives instructions of the food company

9 78594 96233

It is obligatory for labels on food to include:









The products called “low calory” must have less than 40 cal per 100 g.


LABEL – этикетка 11

“use by” date – срок годности storage – хранение ingredient – ингредиент (составная часть) additives – добавки preservatives – консерванты

Ex 23. Read the text about genetically modified food. 12

A. B. C. D.

I. Complete the text. Choose the best phrase from A–G to fill the gaps 1–6. There is one extra phrase that you do not need to use. Listen and check your answers. The big supermarkets is not labelled have banned about 50 products, the so-called “Frankenstein food”

E. the consumer should know F. The “Friends of the Earth” G. the source of anxiety to many people.

The government wants to introduce a new law for (1) . In future, shops will pay heavy fines (штрафы) if GM (genetically modified) food (2) . (3)  welcome the new law. They think that (4)  whether food contains genetically modified ingredients. (5)  in Britain, like Sainsbury’s and Marks and Spencer, (6)  including biscuits and tomato puree from their shops.


II. Find out what “Frankenstein food” is. “Frankenstein food” is ............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................................

Ex 24. This time food and nutrition columnist Jo-Clark Heslin helps his readers change their shopping habits. He has been looking into the ‘green scene’ in London and has found some great shops to recommend. You’re going to read a passage from his column. Make up questions to which the sentences or phrases in bold type might be the answers.

Think “Green” Ethical... fair trade... organic... green... eco... We hear these phrases regularly. Only a few years ago, it was impossible to find “green” products in supermarkets, but now there are hundreds. Some supermarket products carry labels to show that the product is organic. Manufacturing of clean products is the main selling point of some companies. It seems shoppers are much more aware of where their goods come from and how they are made these days. Alara wholefoods shop on Marchmont Street has been around since the late 1970s. Alara sells organic, vegetarian foods, plus organic beauty cosmetics and household products. There is a popular salad bar and hot food takeaway area with a few tables outside. Drop in and make certain!


.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

7.4 Shopping for Goods Ex 25. Read the article about the best places to go and things to buy. Match the headings A–F to the extracts 1–5. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. A. The Longest Shopping Street in London. B. The Shopping Centre of the World. C. Incredible Places to Go Shopping in London.

D. The Symbol of British Standards. E. The Big Sales Time Has Come. F. Welcome to Shopper’s Heaven.

Shop Till You Drop 






London has a lot to offer the shopper from large department stores to exclusive boutiques. There are many areas to go on shopping trips, such as Oxford Street, Covent Garden, Soho and Knightsbridge. And, of course, London has many street markets to browse around. Harrods in Knightsbridge is the world’s most celebrated store. Its name means the best of British quality. When you visit Harrods with its 300 departments spread over seven floors you enter a different world. Today 35,000 people visit Harrods every day. Oxford Street, running West to East, is said to be the busiest shopping street in Europe with over 300 shops, from leading department stores to cheap high street fashion shops. It is the place where most shopping occurs. Here you will find all the famous British trademarks and chains: John Lewis, Marks and Spencer, Boots, Littlewoods, Wallis, Selfridges and many others. Even with all the attractions and events in New York, nothing beats a day of shopping at the fine shops in New York City. New York is believed to be the consumer capital of the world. Everything is available here from high fashion, state-of-the-art electronics to exotic foods. Whether you have $50,000 or $5, New York is the place to spend them. “You can shop till you drop”, as the Americans say. Don’t miss the chance to go shopping in Paris – a shopper’s paradise with plenty of large department stores, as well as thousands of delightful small shops, the trendiest boutiques and fantastic antique shops. Book collectors can find rare books on the bookstalls, lining the banks of the River Seine. There is always something to suit everyone’s taste and pocket. 193


Ex 26. Match the kinds of places where you can buy things with their definitions. 1. department store  a small shop selling articles of the latest fashion 2. shopping arcade  a table or a small open-fronted shop, especially outdoors, where goods are sold 3. boutique  a large shop where many kinds of goods are sold in different departments 4. kiosk  a very big shopping area under one roof 5. mobile shop  a covered passage between two streets with shops on each side, or a large building with many shops 6. stall  a small open-fronted hut, where newspapers, sweets, etc. are sold 7. shopping mall  a shop in a vehicle, driven from place to place

Ex 27. Study the names of some specialised shops and say in which shop you can buy these things. Divide the goods into eight groups.


a thread spool/reel  a spade  a wedding ring  a cap  writing paper  a brooch sportswear  needles  crockery  a hammer  drawing pins  a bracelet an armchair  gardening tools  glassware  a ballpoint pen  buttons  wine glasses a bedroom suite  a hat  sport equipment  paper clips  a kitchen table  a screwdriver

haberdasher’s jeweller’s furniture shop milliner’s ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................

stationer’s ironmonger’s sports shop china shop ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................




Cecil Court is a small pedestrianised street in central London that feels like a step back in time to 100 years ago when the specialist book trade moved into the area. Today, Cecil Court is still synonymous with books but also has maps, prints, art, antiques and collector's items.



antique shop – антикварный магазин art shop – магазин «Искусство» bookshop – книжный магазин newsagent’s – магазин периодических изданий record shop – музыкальный магазин draper’s – магазин тканей haberdasher’s – галантерейный магазин, фурнитура ironmonger’s/hardware shop – магазин скобяных изделий ladieswear shop – магазин женской одежды menswear shop – магазин мужской одежды chemist’s (AmE: drugstore) – аптека


You’ll hear four mini dialogues in a department store. I. Listen to the dialogues twice and write what the people are going to buy. II. Study the layout of a big department store. Listen to the dialogues again and say in which departments the customers can find the goods they are looking for.





Roof Garden



Hairs & Beauty Salon


Children’s Wear & Shoes

Lady’s Outer Wear


Bridal Wear



Evening Gowns

Lady’s Shoes


Men’s Suits

Men’s Shoes


Jewellery & Watches

Photographic & Stationary Hall


House & Garden


 


China & Glass


parking facilities

i  £

information desk cash point machine

  195

Cosmetics & Perfumery

i  £

Sound& Vision

 i  £

Customer Services

Lady’s Accessories Lighting

PARKING FACILITIES men’s toilets women’s toilets

 




E s ca la t o rs L if t s E sc a la t o rs


L if t s


cafe bar

 


Some Useful Phrases – Hello, could I help you with anything? – Would you like some assistance? – Are you being served/attended to?


– Yes, please. I’d like to look at those dresses. – Yes, please. I’m looking for a woollen skirt. – No, I’m after a size 38 T-short in black. – No, I’m trying to find a pair of blue trousers, size 42.

shop-window – витрина window-shopping – разглядывать витрины show-case – витрина-прилавок counter – прилавок bargain – выгодная покупка bargain-hunter – любитель выгодных покупок spendthrift – мот, транжир(-ка) go on spending/shopping spree – транжирить деньги

– Could you help me, please? – Would you assist me, please? – Can you advise me, please?

– What can I do for you? – Yes, how can I help you? – Yes, what would you like?


– How much is the bag? – How much does it cost? – What’s the price of this coat? – Does the price include the tax?

– Let me see. That’ll be £34.60. – It costs £5. – It is £7.25. –Yes, it’s £53 including tax.

– May I pay by credit card?

– I’m sorry but we take cash only.

Ex 28. Make these sentences more polite. I want to try it on. ................................................................................................................ Where is the shampoo? ...................................................................................................... I want to pay by credit card. .................................................................................................. How much is this? .............................................................................................................. Give me a smaller one to try on. .......................................................................................... Where are the fitting rooms? ................................................................................................


Ex 29. Read the dialogues. Add the missing words or phrases from the Memory Box. 1

– – – – – –

– – –

– – –

– – – – – – –

2 Excuse me, how much does a CD player (4) ........................ ? The (5) ........................ was £35. Are you selling it (6) ........................ then? Yes, the (7) ........................ is only £25. That’s fine. I’ll take it. Where do I pay? Right over there, at the cash desk, please. Thank you.


This shirt is nice. It’s 100% cotton and it’s a (1)........................ . How much is it? (2) ........................ £13.50. Wow, that’s (3) ........................ !

3 How would you like to pay, sir? By (8) ........................ , if that’s okay. Yes, that’s fine. We (9) ........................ cards. If you could just sign here, please. Okay. This is your copy and here is your receipt. Keep the receipt, sir, because it’s also your guarantee. Oh, okay…hm, how long is it guaranteed for? Two years, parts and labour. Right. Thanks then. 4 Could you advise me, please? Yes, how can I help you? I’d like a scarf to match my jacket. We have a lovely choice of fine silk scarves on the ground floor. Are they (10) ........................ as advertised? Silk scarves are (11) ........................ 50% today. Thank you. I think I can (12) ........................ one of the scarves.


£ = pound(s)


– – – – –

£25.63 = twenty – five (pounds) sixty three



cost – стоить pay – платить pay by credit card – платить по банковской карточке accept (all major) credit cards – принимать кредитные карточки take cash only – оплата только наличными сhange – (v) менять, (n) сдача (small) change – мелочь cheap – дешёвый expensive – дорогой price (at a price) – цена (по цене) the price per item – цена за один предмет the original price – исходная цена lower the price by 10% – снизить цену на 10% sell goods 30% below the original price – продавать товар на 30% ниже первоначальной цены have a big sale of/at – большая распродажа … в ... be on sale – выставить на распродажу the discounted price – цена со скидкой discount (at a discount) – скидка (со скидкой) discount the goods by 25% – снизить цену товара на 25% bargain – выгодная покупка afford smth/to buy smth – позволить себе что-либо/купить что-либо

Ex 30. Guess the meaning. What do you think the correct explanation for the following words? Draw a line to connect the parts. 1. markdown 2. bargain 3. sales tax

a. smth that is cheaper or at a lower price than usual b. some % of the price added to the cost of a purchase c. a reduction in price of smth


Ex 31. Leaf through the Fashion

Magazine and complete the Memory Box with the corresponding words in italics. Listen and check your answers.


7.5 Dress Your Best

FASHION Browse our ASK Fashion EXPERT SHARON HAVER! 1.What We Wear to Work? Most corporations and firms have strict dress code: even now many firms expect women to dress in skirts rather than trousers, wear strict white and tailored blouses, and matching shoes. For men it is somewhat easier: • See that you own at least two • blazers and one business suit in blue or grey.

ready-made clothes ready-to-wear – готовая одежда off-the-peg chic/smart clothes – элегантная/шикарная одежда designer clothes – брендовая одежда от дизайнеров garment/piece/item/ article of clothing – предмет одежды .......................... – платье .......................... – вечерний туалет/платье dressing gown – халат skirt – .......................... .......................... – блузка trousers (slacks, AmE: ..........................) – брюки (lounge) suit – пиджачный костюм .......................... – пиджак, куртка .......................... – деловой костюм blazer – .......................... .......................... – рубашка

This winter introduces a v-neck pullover in your wardrobe. Go for something that suits most of your shirts.



2. Want to look stylish but casual at the same time? Well, here are some tips that will make it happen: 1. wear short flowing mini dresses with leggings and ballerina slippers or flat boots. 2. The quickest way to go from boring to brilliant after 40 is to add a wide belt to your casual weekend outfit.

dinner jacket – смокинг coat – пальто, пиджак tailcoat – фрак waist coat – мужская жилетка fur coat – шуба raincoat – плащ sweatshirt – толстовка tracksuit – тренировочный костюм anorak/parka – куртка с капюшоном cagoule – ветровка, штормовка .......................... – свитер pullover – .......................... .......................... – шляпа beret – .......................... belt – ..........................

3. Own a cashmere sweater or jacket that add chic and style to a very casual look. 4. Top it off with a hat or a French beret that adds a touch of class, too. Evening gown/dress, cocktail dress, prom dress.

Ex 32. Put the missing words where necessary. 1. How much did you pay for ......................... jeans? – Oh, ......................... were very expensive! 2. The shorts ......................... not fit me at all! 3. ......................... tights ......................... quite new. Why don’t you want to put ......................... on? 4. When she visits the Underwear department, she can’t find a thing: the briefs and bras ......................... old-fashioned, and the tights ......................... awful. 5. It’s very cold there, I’ve packed your long johns, you’ll be happy to have ......................... there, in the mountains. 6. I’m looking for ......................... warm pyjamas and ......................... of panties. – I’m awfully sorry, Madam, we had a stock of ......................... pyjamas but we’ve sold out. The goods ......................... to arrive tomorrow



morning. 7. Your clothes ......................... all wet. – It’s raining cats and dogs outside. 8. She looked awful. She was wearing a green dress, and her leggings ......................... red. 9. There ......................... not enough money in the bank to pay for the furniture suite, I’m afraid.

UNDERWEAR – нижнее бельё


lingerie – дамское бельё slip – комбинация, нижняя юбка knickers/panties – женские трусы briefs – мужские или женские трусы underpants – мужские короткие трусы shorts – шорты, мужские трусы boxer shorts – мужские удлинённые трусы swim/swimming trunks – мужские трусы для плавания swimming costume – купальник vest – майка pyjamas – пижама long johns – тёплое нижнее мужское бельё под брюки hosiery – чулочно-носочные изделия tights (Am: pantyhose) – колготки leggings – леггинсы, лосины socks – носки stockings – чулки knee-high stockings – гольфы (жен.) knee-length socks – гольфы (муж.)

Grammar THE CATEGORY OF NUMBER. SPECIAL CASES Nouns denoting the things which consist of two or more parts are used only in the plural: trousers, slacks, pants, etc. We can also say: a pair of pyjamas/ pants.  The trousers are too long. Such slacks were in fashion some years ago.

NOTE socks – a sock, shoes – a shoe, gloves – a glove, etc.  She couldn’t go out without her gloves – one glove was missing. Remember the words which are used in the plural in English whereas they are singular in Russian: goods – товар, clothes – одежда. The nouns money and news are plural in Russia but they are singular in English.  These goods have arrived from France.  The papers were very dull, the news was local and stale.  There is not enough money in my account to buy this furniture suite.

WHAT ARE THEY LIKE? WHAT DO THEY LOOK LIKE? Ex 33. Match the words and expressions to the category. Category: А. fashionable В. pleasant С. seasonable 1.  stylish 2.  comfortable 3.  elegant 4.  winter wear 5.  all the vogue 6.  summer stock 7.  warm 8.  chic 9.  cosy 10.  trendy 11.  smart 12.  autumn supplies


Ex 34. Find pairs of opposites in this list and put them in the Memory Box. Think of their


Russian equivalents. Listen and check your answers.


fashionable  of bad quality  light  evening  old fashioned drab  warm  ready-to-wear  casual  original made to measure  of good quality


lovely – dowdy привлекательный – непривлекательный ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... .......................................................................................

Ex 35. Make two dialogues with the questions and answers on the left. Listen to the dialogues and check your answers.

Well, yes, it was. In Paris. Do you like it? Were they very expensive? In London. Do you like them? Yes, it looks lovely. Um, was it very expensive? Yes, they look very comfortable. No, not really.

A: B: A: B: A: B:

Where did you buy those shoes? ............................................................................ Yes, they look very comfortable. Mn, they are. ............................................................................ ............................................................................

A: B: A: B: A: B:

Where did you get this hat? ............................................................................ ............................................................................ Thank you. ............................................................................ ............................................................................



Ex 36. Look at the illustrations. Match the pictures to the texts below. There are some words missing in the Memory Box. Add them. Listen and check your answers.


 4.

 7.

3. 2.



a) This cambric dotted blouse looks lovely. b) The woollen checked skirt looks warm and nice. c) This calico flowered summer dress looks really nice. d) The striped T-shirt looks very comfortable. e) The pure woollen pinstriped suit looks oldfashioned. f) The corduroy trousers look very smart. g) This plain satin evening dress is chic.


– Yes, this is a nice blouse. Have you got it in blue? – I’m sorry, we haven’t, but we’ve got it in red. – That’s OK. Have you got it in size 14? – Yes, of course.


TEXTILES – ткани satin – атлас silk – шёлк cambric – батист velvet – бархат corduroy – вельвет cotton – хлопчатобумажная ткань print (AmE: calico) – ситец linen – лен denim – джинсовая ткань pure wool cloth – чистошерстяная ткань tweed – твид pattern – рисунок (на ткани) ............................ – однотонный dotted/polka-dot/spotted – в горошек ............................ – в клетку flowered/flowery/floral – в цветочек striped – в полоску ............................ – в тонкую полоску colourful/bright – яркий background (on a red background) – фон (на красном фоне)

Ex 37. Read the advertisement. Fill in the missing words from the Memory Box. Some variants are possible.


25% off all ...waterproof... raincoats! (1) .................. woollen jackets! (2) .................. nylon shirts! (3) .................. trousers! (4) .................. curtains! (5) .................. boots! Tops from £1.99 T-shorts $ 3 for 2 Men’s shirts only £6.00 2 for £10.00


Closing down sale! Great bargains! Last week!

Great prices on coats, boots, shoes, etc. EVERYTHING MUST GO!!!




shrink-proof/unshrinkable – не дающий усадку, безусадочный fade-proof – не теряющий цвет waterproof – водонепроницаемый drip-dry – (adj) не требующий глаженья; (v) сушить на вешалке не выжимая crease-resistant – немнущийся wear well – хорошо носится durable – «ноский», прочный


We use the tense when we want to emphasise that something has been in progress throughout the period or has just finished. It is rendered in Russian by the Present. 1. It denotes an action which began in the past and is still going on. It is usually used with conjunctions since and for. SINCE + a date, event, etc in the past:  since 1998,  since summer,  since we last met. FOR + a period of time:  for 5 days,  for a year.  The English woollen cloth is really durable. My mother has been wearing this coat for 10 years. 2. It can also denote an action which was recently in progress but is no longer going on at the present moment. We can often see the traces of the action. It is rendered in Russian by the Past.  I see you’ve been eating blueberries. There are stains all over your new T-shirt and they are so difficult to remove. THE PRESENT PERFECT THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS Denotes a completed action, The action is not completed, it is still going on a result. Has just been finished.  Look, I’ve bought this extra part at last. I’ve been trying to find it for a month. (= I’ve done it) ( = the action has just been finished).


Ex 38. Write what has been going on before the event described. Use the suggested verbs in the correct form to complete the sentences. 1.

At last I (find) have found the necklace to match my new dress. I (look for / months) I’ve been looking for it for months.

2. Thanks a lot, mom, you (take in) .................................... the trousers. I (wait / for you to do it / Sunday) ........................................................................ . 3. God, I’m tired. I (try to buy ) .................................... a sofa on the Internet and I (buy it) .................................... . Would you like to have a look? 4. Where were you? I (call you / the whole morning) ..................................... – I (do the shopping) .................................... for the dinner party on Saturday, and I (buy) .................................... everything I need. 5. The tent is waterproof. It (rain / all night) .................................... but it isn’t wet at all. I (check) .................................... . 6. Look, this material doesn’t crease. I (sit on the plane / 10 hours) .................................... and the trousers won’t crease. I (not press) .................................... them. 7. The material is fade-proof. My swimsuit (not fade) .................................... though I (lie in the sun) .................................... all week long.


– – – – – – – – – – –

Ex 39. Listen to the dialogue. Underline all the phrases dealing with the size of the items discussed.



take size 7 in gloves – носить перчатки 7 разCan I help you? мера Yes, I’m looking for a jacket to take size 40 collar – носить рубашки 40 разmatch these trousers. мера We have very good jackets of the wear 37 size shoes – носить обувь 37 размера latest fashion. Let me show you. be dress size 38 – носить платье 38 размера a size smaller/bigger – на размер меньше/ That one is OK. Have you got it in больше size 10? a size too big – на размер больше (чем надо) Here you are. tight – узкий тесный Thank you. Where are the fitting rooms, loose – свободный please? be narrow/wide at the waist/in the shoulders – This way, please. On the left of the cash узкий/ широкий в талии/плечах desk. go well with – сочетаться, гармонировать I’ve tried it on but the jacket is a size too big. Have you got any smaller ones? What size is it? It’s medium. I’m afraid we’ve sold out all the smaller ones.


Ex 40. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Какого размера шляпы ты носишь? ...................................................................................................................................... 2. Дайте мне, пожалуйста, другую футболку, на два размера больше. Я люблю свободные футболки. ...................................................................................................................................... 3. Мне нравится этот жакет, но он на размер больше, чем нужно. ...................................................................................................................................... 4. Какого размера рубашки ты носишь? ...................................................................................................................................... 5. Как жаль, ботинки слишком тесны. У вас есть такие ботинки на два размера больше? ...................................................................................................................................... 6. Извините, есть ли такие жилетки больших размеров? ......................................................................................................................................

Some Useful Phrases – It isn’t flattering. – It’s not your colour, I’m afraid. – It looks baggy on you.

– It looks good on you. – The cut is perfect! – You look great in this suit!

– Have you got these jeans in black? – What size are you? – 28 waist and 30 leg. – I'm sorry. We have only 30 or 32 waist.

– Can I help you? – Yes, I'd like this T-shirt in large. – Sorry. We've only got it in small.


Ex 41. Match the phrasal verbs to their meaning and translate the verbs into Russian. wear out  try on  take in  dress up  let out  take up SOME USEFUL PHRASAL VERBS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Make clothes narrower Make clothes shorter Become or make smth old and unusable Make a garment looser, larger Put on fancy, unusual or more formal clothes Put on clothes to see if they fit

.............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. ..............................

............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................

Ex 42. Complete the sentences with correct form of the phrasal verb from the box above. 1. I’ve bought a new dress but I .................. it .................. yet. 2. It’s just a small party so you don’t have to .................. . 3. My shoes are beginning .................. . 4. I lost a lot of weight, I had to .................. all my clothes .................. . 5. She .................. a new hat. It matched the suit marvellously. 6. He is getting so fat that his trousers need to be .................. round the waist. 7. We have been travelling so long that we .................. our suitcases. 8. These jeans are too long, I will .................. them .................. for you. 9. He .................. as a pirate for the party.


Ex 43. Match the verbs in column A with their meaning in column B. Think of the Russian equivalents for the words in column A. A 1. fit 2. match 3. suit

  

B look well/make you look attractive ................................. be the right size ................................. one item goes with another/two things look attractive together .................................

Ex 44. Fill in the right word from the Memory Box. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

This coat doesn’t ....................... me, I need a size smaller. Does this hat ....................... me? – You look just lovely! You look so nicely in this dress. – But I thought it ....................... me. She was wearing a brown dress and a hat and gloves to ....................... . I can’t find here a single pair of shoes that ....................... well. 207

Ex 45. These sentence parts are from some dialogues in a shop. Put he matching halves together, so that they make sentences. I’m just

to try it on? Would you looking

help you

I’d like to

for size 12 Can I

Have you got

anything in black? I’m looking

look at some earrings

like to pay?

Would you like

1. Shop assistant: ... Can I help you? ... Customer: .................................................................................................................... 2. Customer: .................................................................................................................... Shop assistant: ............................................................................................................ 3. Customer: .................................................................................................................... Shop assistant: ............................................................................................................ Customer: ....................................................................................................................

Ex 46. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Брюки сидят на тебе прекрасно. ...................................................................................................................................... 2. Мне нужен галстук к этому костюму. Этот полосатый галстук очень подойдёт. ...................................................................................................................................... 3. Эта блузка тебе очень идёт. ...................................................................................................................................... 4. В этом вечернем платье ты выглядишь просто красавицей. ...................................................................................................................................... 5. Этот оттенок зелёного очень подходит к цвету твоих глаз. ...................................................................................................................................... 6. Боюсь, эти туфли не подойдут к этому платью. ...................................................................................................................................... 7. Я думаю, этот цвет мне не идёт. Я слишком бледная, чтобы носить кремовый. ......................................................................................................................................

Ex 47. Complete the dialogue. Translate the sentences parts in brackets and phrases from Russian into English. – –

Can I help you? Yes, what have you got in (1) (кожаные зимние сапоги) ................................................... ? 208

– –

I can suggest you this model. What size shoes do you wear? Я ношу 37 размер обуви. ................................................... . (3) Не хотите ли померить эти чёрные кожаные ботинки на FOOTWEAR шнуровке? .................................. shoes of every pattern – обувь всех ................................................. ? фасонов Thank you. What a pity, they are pattern – модельные (4) (слишком тесные) ................... pumps – «лодочки» ......................... . Could you show leather – кожаные me another pair, please? suede – замшевые Yes, certainly. Here you are. (5) Это leather-soled – на кожаной подошве также кожаные ботинки на толстой thick-soled – на толстой подошве подошве. .......................................... crepe-soled – на каучуковой подошве flat-heeled – без каблука ....................................................... . low-heeled – на низком каблуке What make are they? high-heeled – на высоком каблуке Let me see. It’s ECCO. They are (6) boots – ботинки (очень надёжные и хорошо ноhigh boots – сапоги сятся) ............................................... lace/laced – шнурок/на шнурках ....................................................... . slippers – комнатные туфли sandals – босоножки wellingtons – резиновые сапоги (2)


– – –


Ex 48. You are in a department store. Decide what to say and have the conversation. SHOP ASSISTANT


hello / help you? try / dress on what size and colour / like medium / blue fitting rooms / over there thank you look good? a bit big / smaller this one / better? yes, fit prfectly / how much? £35.99 take it how / pay? credit card yes / here / receipt / shopping bag? thanks thank / bye

................................................ ................................................ ................................................ ................................................ ................................................ ................................................ ................................................ ................................................ ................................................

Ex 49. Fill in the prepositions where necessary. 1. This coat is too long ................... you. 2. These pants are too narrow ................... the waist. They have to be let ................... a bit. 3. The jacket is too wide ................... the shoulders. It needs taking ................... . 4. It’s a nice costume. Why don’t you try it ................... ? 5. That’s a very fine dress. What is it made ................... ? 6. What size ................... hats do you usually take? 209

7. I’m afraid these shoes don’t go well ................... your new dress. 8. Do you have such a blouse ................... size 8? 9. Can I have a look ................... that striped shirt? My husband takes size 41 ................... collar. – Certainly, the shirt is ................... very good quality. 10. Do you have any sweaters ................... white? – Terribly sorry, this model comes only ................... purple and grey. 11. If you want to try it ................... , the fitting rooms are ................... there, ................... the left. 12. How long are you open ................... Saturdays? 13. Black is ................... fashion this winter. 14. Do you have any other boots ................... these but ................... leather soles?

Ex 50. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. – Это пальто сидит на тебе прекрасно. Это твой стиль. ...................................................................................................................................... 2. – Это чистая шерсть? – Да. – Тогда я беру эту юбку. ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... 3. – К этому пальто нужны сапоги. Скажите, пожалуйста, где обувной отдел? – На первом этаже справа. – Спасибо. ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... 4. – Чем могу помочь? – Спасибо, я просто смотрю. ...................................................................................................................................... 5. – Мне нужны туфли на высоком каблуке к вечернему платью. – Какого размера туфли вы носите? – 37. ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... 6. – Примерьте, пожалуйста, вот эти замшевые лодочки. – Смотрятся великолепно, но боюсь, они мне немного жмут (тесны). – А вот эти? ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... 7. – Я хочу вернуть эту блузку. – Что-нибудь не так? – Когда я её примеряла, мне показалось, что она мне к лицу, но дома поняла – цвет не мой. – Если вам нравится фасон, Вы можете просто обменять её на блузку того цвета, который вам по душе.


– Тогда я бы взяла голубую вместо этой. – Отлично, у нас такие есть. Вы сохранили чек? ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................

– Excuse me, I bought this shirt for my husband yesterday and it is too big. – Is it possible to change it? – I bought this mobile phone two days ago and it rings too softly. I can’t hear it ring. – I bought this mixer a week ago and it doesn’t close properly. I’m afraid it doesn’t work.

Some Useful Phrases Reclamation

– Can I see your receipt? – Certainly, you can change it within a month. – Let me have a look. Oh, you’re right. I’m sorry, you’ll get a new one right away.

7.6 The Changing Face of Shopping

Ex 51. Read the three texts and answer the question. Match the headings A–D to the extracts 1–3. There is one extra heading you don’t need to use. A. Caring Hearts B. Online Shopping


C. Buy by Mail-Order D. We Are There for You Wherever You Are

E-store, Internet shop, Webshop – those are the words you hear more and more often. You don’t have to talk to annoying salespeople, and you don’t even have to leave home. 211


Five years ago Dave Stirling had an do the shopping on line/buy over idea to sell CDs over the Internet. He the Internet – делать покупки по started the business from his home. Интернету Now he sells 500.000 CDs a year buy by mail-order – заказы почтой and it has made him into millionaire. order goods from a catalogue – “I could see right away that it was the заказывать по каталогу future of the shopping. Why should pay on delivery – оплата при доставке you pay $15 for a CD – and spend time second-hand shop – магазин поand money getting to the store, parking держанных вещей your car – whereas clicking on your computer, you can have the same CD brought to your door for half the cost? And, of course, there is the choice – we promise to find any CD and deliver it within 72 hours.” According to Stirling, this is only the beginning. “I believe that one day we’ll do all our shopping over the Net. It’s easier, quicker and cheaper. Shops and supermarkets will soon be the thing of the past.


International Flowers has flower arrangements to suit everybody at all prices. It has branches all over Europe. Your flowers will be there the next day you call us. Whether it’s birthdays, weddings, or even the sad times, we are there to make it easy. We also make paying easy, too. We accept all major credit cards. For larger items, our monthly payment scheme is very flexible.


We raise money for the homeless. We hope you’ll find time to visit us. As well as our range of second-hand goods, we have new, quality products made by the homeless people themselves. We also need your donations, so think about us before you throw something away. Donate the things you don’t need and put your second-hand goods into circulation. (from “Reading and Writing” by Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore)

What do these three types of selling goods have in common? ...................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................


HEALTH and ILLNESS Health is better than wealth. Здоровье – лучшее богатство.

Prevention is better than cure. Лучше предотвратить болезнь, чем лечить. (Proverbs)

8.1 The Resource for Everyday Life

A. B. C. D.


Ex 1. Read the text. Match the headings A–D to extracts 1–3. There is one extra heading you do not need to use. The Structure of Health Care “Industry”. People Help People. The Resource for Everyday Life. Health Care Objectives (цели).

Health Care 


Is there anything more important than health? It is the resource for everyday life. The World Health Organisation defined health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease”. Human health has been the centre of scientists’ attention since ancient times.



health – здоровье health care – здравоохранение prevent (prevention) – предотвращать (предотвращение) treat (treatment) – лечить (лечение) diagnose (diagnosis) – ставить диагноз (диагноз) chemist’s/pharmacy – аптека chemist/pharmacist – аптекарь, фармацевт nursing – уход за больными physician – врач (терапевт) general practitioner/GP – терапевт, участковый врач surgeon – хирург dentist – стоматолог, зубной врач nurse – медсестра ruin one’s health – разрушать здоровье


Health care is the prevention, treatment and management of illness. Our health is taken care of by professionals in medicine, dentistry, nursing, and pharmacy. Combining medical technology and the human touch, it diagnoses, treats and nurses people around the clock, responding to the needs of millions – from newborns to the terminally ill.


Nowadays health care has grown into an “industry”. About 76 percent of health care establishments are offices of physicians, dentists or other health practitioners. Although hospitals constitute only 1 percent of all healthcare establishments, they employ 35 percent of all the people working in medicine.

8.2 Human Body




neck chest waist

back hip

thigh shoulder stomach






shin hand



sole wrist

heel fingers thumb

toes 214

(finger) nail

Ex 2. The text below contains the names of ten parts of the body. Look at the photos. Can you fill in the spaces with the correct names for the parts of the body?

Always Stretch After a Workout (тренировка) 1. Lie on your (1) ........................ . Bend the knees; put your (2) ........................ around the knees and pull them to the chest.

2. Lie on your back. Bend your right knee with the (3) ........................ on the floor. Put your hands around the (4) ........................ , pull it to the (5) ......................... Repeat on the other leg. 3. Sit with one (6) ........................ facing away from you and the (7) ........................ linked. The (8) ........................ is not bent. Put the other arm up and stretch it above your (9) ........................ . Try to keep your back and (10) ........................ straight.



Many people today look for good health and longevity through books, diets or exercise. Achieving good health is easier than you think. When should you start? If you are young, remember “The earlier the better”. If you are old, remind yourself “Better late than never”.

Ex 3. Here are seven common sensible ways to achieve vibrant health. Match the steps you should take and real advantages you will gain. 1. More Fresh Air and Sunshine:

a) A regular exercise programme can do wonders to our physical condition. Exercise will improve the efficiency of our heart and lungs.

2. Plenty of Nutritious Food and Water: b) Cleanliness is next to godliness. Poor sanitation and hygiene cause diseases. 215

3. Regular Exercise:

c) Spend more time outdoor to breathe fresh air and take in sunshine. Your colour and your energy level will improve.

4. Observe Cleanliness and Dress:

d) The rule for good food is – go natural, select fresh ingredients. Cook your meals yourself.

5. Adequate Sleep and Rest:

e) Negative thinking produces stress. Stress can foster all sorts of illnesses.

6. Be Safety Conscious:


7. Have a Positive Mental Attitude:

g) Accidents at home, on the road, on the job are due to carelessness and disregard for safety regulations. Most of the accidents could have been avoided. Being safety conscious prolongs your life!









Our bodies need time to rest in order to repair cells and tissues, to restore our energy levels.

healthy – здоровый be well/fine – хорошо себя чувствовать be in good health – быть здоровым be fit/in good shape – быть в хорошей форме not feel well – плохо себя чувствовать be/feel ill (with) – болеть be in poor health – иметь плохое здоровье be in bad/poor shape – быть в плохой форме



Some common verbs, verbs and word combinations with prepositions, used to talk about health and illness, are followed by the Gerund 1. some common verbs: avoid, resist, risk, practise, etc.  You should avoid lying in the sun.

2. some phrasal verbs: keep on, give up, go on, put off, etc.  He gave up smoking five years ago.

3. some word combinations (most of them with prepositions): can’t stand, feel like, be keen on, get used to, look forward to, have difficulty (in), what about/ how about, etc.  I’m tired. I’m looking forward to having a break.


4. some prepositions: after, by, before, instead of, in spite of, without, etc.  She is very strong, she can work without stopping for hours.

See also “Use of the Gerund” on p. 125.

Ex 4. Read the Grammar section above. Use the words given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to complete the sentences. Fill in the verbs from column A in the appropriate form and the gerunds after these verbs from column B.

At the Doctor’s A 1. Twenty cigarettes a day, Mr Miller?!! I think it would be better if you stopped smoking altogether. 2. And you should also ....................................... too much meat. 3. But I ....................................... nothing but salad and vegetables. And I always ....................................... a drink when I come home from work. 4. Well, well. ....................................... muesli now and then ....................................... bacon and eggs every morning? 5. ................................. you ever ................................. some exercise? 6. But I ....................................... round a track or ....................................... in some crowded pool. 7. Well, if you go on like this, you might be in ....................................... a heart attack. 8. Well, perhaps I ....................................... to work in the car. I might ....................................... my old bike again. You see, I ....................................... . 9. And ....................................... those red pills. They’ll also help you to relax. See you again on Monday then, Mr Miller.















8.4 Health Problems 3

Ex 5. Сomplete the text by choosing the best phrase from A–F to fill the gaps 1–5. There is one extra phrase that you do not need to use. Listen to the text and check your answers.

Illness and Disease What is disease? It is a disorder of human body or mind. It means that the normal structure or function of the body is damaged or weakened (1) . A disease may be mild or severe, it may last a brief time or a long time. It may be a common cold or a fatal disease which requires intensive medical care. Some diseases are caused by disease-producing microorganisms. These diseases (2)  They are called infectious or contagious diseases. Many diseases such as malaria, small pox, scarlet fever, diphtheria have been almost wiped out. Nevertheless, Europe still faces problems with infectious diseases, (3) . Influenza is a highly contagious viral disease, (4) .

A. which typically occurs as an epidemic during the cold months. B. Some parts of the body may begin to function poorly. C. many of which pose serious health risks. D. However, a disease may be present without a person knowing it. E. diabetis, obesity, heart problems, etc. F. can spread from person to person.


Since the late 1980s the AIDS epidemic has been a major problem and a high priority for medical science. Non-communicable diseases such as (5)  prevail in Europe today. ILLNESSES AND DISEASES 4

fall ill (with) – заболеть catch a disease – заразиться catch a cold – простудиться, схватить насморк common cold – обычная простуда mild case – лёгкий случай appendicitis – аппендицит bronchitis – бронхит chicken pox – ветрянка small pox – оспа hepatitis – гепатит measles – корь mumps – свинка whooping-cough – коклюш scarlet fever – скарлатина quinsy – ангина flu (influenza) – грипп tuberculosis – туберкулёз pneumonia – воспаление лёгких obesity – ожирение have complications – получить осложнения


1. The business of doctors is to prevent and cure different .................. . 2. She was very tired of .................. of her children. 3. Measles is a catching .................. . 4. Do you suffer from any chronic .................. ? 5. The children were often ill, one .................. after another. 6. Common cold is a mild viral .................. . 7. .................. kept her in bed for some days. 8. His .................. prevented him from going to school.


fatal – опасная

(in)curable – (не)излечимая

acute – острая


minor – лёгкая

chronic – хроническая

communicable/ contagious – заразная

Ex 7. Fill in A/AN, THE or ZERO. Translate the phrases in brackets from Russian into English.


Ex 6. ILLNESS or DISEASES? Complete the sentences.

Words Easily Confused:

ILLNESS /SICKNESS – DISEAS E Illness is a state of being ill.  A serious illness. Disease refers to a particular kin d of illness with special symptoms and name.  Measles, mumps, influenza are common diseases. ILLNESS – SICKNESS The two nouns are used inte rchangeably, nevertheless sick ness has a more usual and gen eral meaning, illness is a formal one . As sickness can refer specificall y to nausea alone, illness is sometim es used to avoid this implication.  She felt sickness shortly afte r eating this bad fish.  This illness can result in blindness. Illness is usually a longer last ing episode of poor health, it is also the word for all mental disturbance.  A sickness that kept him in bed for two days.  An illness that caused a litt le difficulty in her youth.


Here’s Health! Doctor Grey handed Mrs Grant (1) ........ list of prescriptions. (2) ........ list was very long and she almost fainted as she tried to read it. (3) (У неё болела голова, у неё была простуда) .............................................. , and she felt as if she (4) (у неё начинался/get грипп) .............................................. . On top of this, one of (5) ........ children was in (6) ........ bed with (7) (со свинкой) .............................................. . “I’ve prescribed some pills for (8) (повышенное давление) .............................................. as well”, Dr Grey said. “How many do I have (9) (принимать – одну таблетку в день) .............................................. ?”


1. A/AN or ZERO with reference to illness: a) use a/an with these illnesses: a cold, a headache, a sore throat. b) use or omit a/an with these: catch (a) cold, have (a/an) backache/earache/stomachache/toothache. c) no article at all with these plurals: measles, mumps, shingles. d) no articles with these: (high) blood pressure, flu (short for influenza), gout, hepatitis. 

“No, one pill with each meal. That is (10) (три таблетки в день) .............................................. .” Mrs Grant thanked (11) ........ doctor and went to (12) ........ local chemist’s. She handed (13) (свой длинный список предписаний) .............................................. to Mr White – (14) ........ chemist. Mr White greeted her cheerfully and glancing at the list, said: “Here is health!”

2. The definite article THE is used with some businesses which are regular in towns/cities such as: the doctor(’s), the chemist(’s).  John is not well. He went to the doctor(’s). See also “Use of Articles with the Nouns: School/College, Hospital, Work” on p. 118.



liver intestine



heart stomach kidney



internal diseases – внутренние болезни inborn disturbance – врождённое нарушение blindness (blind) – слепота (слепой) dumbness (dumb) – немота (немой) deafness (deaf) – глухота (глухой) inherited disease – наследственная болезнь disorder – нарушение liver disorder – расстройство печени sleep disorder – расстройство сна attack/bout – приступ heart attack – сердечный приступ stroke – инсульт cancer – рак

Words Easily Confused:

1. I have a steady dull ................. in the right shoulder. 2. I often suffer from kidney ................. . 3. Wet weather often makes old people feel ................. in their back. 4. After climbing the mountain, he ................. all over. 5. Why are you so pale? – I have a splitting ................. . 6. It makes my heart ................. when I think of the poor child (fig.). 7. A dull continuous ................. made him stop and bend. 8. I overslept because I had terrible ................. at night.



Ex 8. ACHE or PAIN? Fill in the right word.

Ex 9. Fill in the word nets with the words from the box. First translate the adjectives and the verbs in the box. Listen and check your answers.

1. bear ............... , 2. severe ............... , 3. steady ............... , 4. inflict – доставлять/наносить, 5. dull – тупая, 6. suffer from ............... , 7. minor ............... , 8. relieve ............... , 9. throbbing – пульсирующая, 10. feel ............... , 11. stabbing – колющая, 12. sharp ............... .

ACHES and PAINS (боль) ACHE means a continuous pain . PAIN refers to suffering of the body. It may be sharp and sudden or continuous. 1. We use ACHE for: head, toot h, stomach, ear, back, stomach:  Have a (bad/splitting/pounding) headache, toothache, earache, backache, stomachache. 2. PAIN is used for the other par ts of the body:  I have pain in my chest. 3. The verb HURT means “inj ure” (повредить, поранить)  She hurt (injured) her leg whe n she fell off the ladder. 4. HURT can also mean “giv e a terrible pain”.  I hit my elbow against the doo r and it really hurts.

2. 1.







Common Injuries



a damage to a part of the body

caused by accidents

caused by a weapon or by getting into a fight

A person can: twist (his ankle,..) – вывихнуть … sprain (his wrist,..) – растянуть … break (his leg,..) – сломать … burn (his finger,..) – обжечь… cut his (toe,..) – порезать... hit his (elbow,..) – ушибить … bruise (his arm,..) – получить ссадину/ поставить синяк ...

As a result a person can have: a bullet/knife wound – пулевое/ножевое ранение a blue eye – синяк под глазом broken ribs – сломанные рёбра stitches – швы

Ex 10. Accidents do happen. Can you guess what injury each of these people had? 1. Ann .......................... her finger when peeling potatoes, it was bleeding a bit. 2. Running for a bus, my sister fell and .......................... her ankle, now the ankle is swollen and she can’t walk. 3. Simon fell off his bike and .......................... his arm. It is in plaster, he can’t use it now. 4. Mother .......................... her arm when taking a pie out of a hot oven. It is red and it hurts. 5. I .......................... my thigh, I hit it on the corner of the table. It’s blue and black now. 6. I .......................... my wrist when trying to start our old grass-mower. I twisted the wrist because it is so difficult to start. 7. The surgeons are fighting for a policeman’s life. When running after a criminal he has got a bullet .......................... in the chest. 8. Our son is in hospital, he’s got into a fight and got beaten. He has got two .......................... ribs and three .......................... for the cuts.


Ex 11. Complete the table with the correct verb forms. Noun cut wound injury shot

Verb .................. .................. .................. ..................

Noun blood bandage bruise treatment

Verb .................. .................. .................. ..................

Ex 12. Translate the dialogue from Russian into English. – –

Ой! Осторожно, это моя больная (bad) рука. ......................................................................................................................................... Что ты имеешь ввиду, больная рука? Что случилось? ......................................................................................................................................... 222

– – –


У меня на руке волдырь (a blister), и это очень больно. Посмотри. ......................................................................................................................................... О, ужасно. Как это случилось? ......................................................................................................................................... Я прикоснулась (catch on) к дверце духовки, когда готовила обед. ......................................................................................................................................... Вот это глупо. Почему ты не пользовалась варежками для духовки (oven gloves)? ......................................................................................................................................... СOMPLAINTS/SYMPTOMS – жалобы/симптомы


fever – жар, лихорадка sore – воспалённый be laid up (with) – находиться на постельном режиме be running a high temperature – иметь высокую температуру a (bad)cold – (сильно)простудиться a high temperature – высокую температуру a fever – лихорадить a runny nose – насморк a stuffy/blocked nose – заложенный нос (a bad/severe) cough – (сильный) кашель nausea – тошноту have rash – сыпь (иметь) spots – прыщи itch – зуд a blister – волдырь high blood pressure – высокое кровяное давление a sore throat – больное горло a sore back – испытывать боль в спине diarrhoea – понос, расстройство желудка constipation – запор dizziness – головокружение sneeze – чихать cough – кашлять sweat – потеть feel/be sick – испытывать тошноту vomit – рвота be run down – переутомиться faint – упасть в обморок lose consciousness – потерять сознание be unconscious – быть без сознания


Grammar EXPRESSING CERTAINTY AND POSSIBILITY 1. If we are certain of the facts, we use BE or any FULL VERB in the appropriate form.  Jane is ill. She is staying in bed. 2. We use MAY/MIGHT + Infinitive to indicate that we are not certain whether something is possible but we think it is. There is no important difference between may and might in this meaning (sometimes might expresses greater uncertainty than may). Может быть, возможно May/Might + DO BE DOING HAVE DONE (in general) (now) (in the past)

 Jane isn’t at school. Jane may be ill. She may be sleeping now. She may have caught a cold.

Ex 13. Develop the situation using the prompts in brackets. Express supposition or uncertainty. 1. I have difficulty walking. My ankle hurts. – You (twist your ankle) might have twisted your ankle. 2. Don’t open both windows in the car. You (catch a cold) ........................................... .............................................................. . 3. Jane fell off a ladder, she can’t walk, the leg is swollen and it hurts. She (break her leg)...................................................................................... . 4. The child has a severe cough, he (have a whooping cough) ........................................... .............................................................. . 5. The bandage is soaked with blood, your leg (bleed) ............................................... .............................................................. . 6. The man looks funny. It’s hot and he’s wearing a scarf. – He (have a sore throat) .................................................................................................................................... . 7. If you don’t follow my advice, you (get complications) ........................................... .............................................................. . 8. Your face is red and you look ill, you (run a high temperature) ................................. .............................................................. . 9. Look at that red spot on my neck, and it’s a bit swollen. You (get bitten by an insect) .................................................................................................................................... . 10. He died an instant death. He (have a stroke) ............................................................ .............................................................. .

8.5 Diagnosing and Treatment 10

Ex 14. Read and listen to the dialogue. Underline all the symptoms the patient has got/hasn’t got.

At the Chemist’s – – – – – – – –

Hello, have you got anything for diarrhoea? I haven’t got a prescription, I’m afraid. Is it for yourself? No, for my wife. Does she have any other symptoms? Stomach ache? Nausea? She feels a bit sick, but she isn’t vomiting. She thinks it is the fish she ate last night. OK. She should take these tablets. She must take two immediately, and then she should take one every four hours. Do they contain aspirin? She is allergic to aspirin. No, that won’t be a problem. Here you are. I hope your wife feels better soon. 224

Ex 15. Complete the dialogue. Translate the phrases in brackets. A Bad Cold Mother: What’s the matter? (1) (Ты выглядишь больным) ............. .......................................... Your face is flushed, (2) (у тебя, возможно, температура) ............................................... . Son: Don’t worry, mom. I’ll be all right in a few hours. Mother: I hope, so but (3) (я хочу измерить тебе температуру) ........................................... . Oh, it’s thirty eight point three. (4) (Я вызову врача) ........................................... . Doctor: Son: Doctor:

Mother: Doctor: Mother:


(На что жалуетесь, мой мальчик?) ........................................................... ? (У меня ужасно болит голова и горло, и насморк тоже есть.) ............................... ..................................................... . Now strip to the waist, please. (7) (Так, сыпи нет.) ........................................... . Now, I’ll sound your lungs. I see nothing serious, (8) (у него просто сильная простуда) ...................................................................... . (9) (Он должен лежать в постели, не так ли?) ......................................................... . By all means, don’t get up before Wednesday. (10) (Вот рецепт) .................................... . It will keep the fever down. Thank you, doctor. (6)

Ex 16. In column B find synonyms or phrases having the same meaning for the words and phrases in column A. A fall ill be laid up with have a fever symptoms runny nose have complications catching disease

B be running a high temperature cold in the head contagious disease go down with have aftereffects stay in bed complaints


IPTION and RECIPE Words Easily Confused: PRESCR s written direction for making A PRESCRIPTION is the doctor’ up and use of a medicine. the doctor will give you a  If you need some medicine, pharmacy. prescription to take to the local ing some dish. A RECIPE – directions for prepar this fruit cake? It’s delicious! for pe reci  Can you give me the




You’ll listen to а dialogue in the doctor’s surgery. A patient tells the doctor what bothers him. I. Listen to the dialogue twice and tick the statements that are true. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The man doesn’t feel well. The man is sick and he calls an ambulance. He has got toothache. The man has a bad headache. His temperature is 37.8. The doctor sounds the patient’s lungs. The doctor says the man has caught a bad cold. The patient thinks that the fish he ate at dinner last night was bad.

II. Listen to the dialogue again and make notes how the doctor examined the patient. 1. asked some questions 2. ................................................. 3. ................................................. 4. .................................................

What might the doctor ask you?

– Do you have health insurance? – Are you taking any medications? – Have you had any operations? – Are you allergic to anything?


       

AT THE DOCTOR’S go to the doctor – пойти к врачу consult a doctor – проконсультироваться с врачом check/examine – обследовать feel one’s pulse – измерить пульс take the temperature – измерить температуру take one’s blood pressure – измерить кровяное давление sound one’s heart/lungs – прослушать сердце/ лёгкие have an X-ray taken – сделать рентген make tests – сделать анализы operate on – прооперировать write out a prescription – выписать рецепт prescribe a diet – прописать диету send to hospital – отправить в больницу be taken to hospital – поступить/лечь в больницу leave hospital выписаться be released from hospital из больницы write out sick leave – выписать больничный лист be on sick leave – быть на больничном make out a medical certificate – выписать справку stay away from (work/school) – не посещать…


Ex 17. Report what the doctor said to the patient. Make


use of the suggested reporting verbs. “Strip to the waist.” (ask)

The doctor asked me to strip to the waist. “Sit quiet.” (command) ..................................................................... “Breathe deeply.” (tell) ..................................................................... “Bare your arm.” (order) ..................................................................... “Please, lie on your back.” (ask) ..................................................................... “Don’t forget to take the medicine.” (remind) ..................................................................... “You should be very careful when counting these drops.” (warn) ..................................................................... “You should have total bed rest for a week.” (recommend) ..................................................................... “You must consult a neurologist.” (tell) .....................................................................

We report command and request with a suitable verb + to-infinitive. The reporting verb should match the intention of the speaker (asking, ordering, telling, advising, etc). The most commonly used verbs are: to tell, to command, to order, to ask, tо advise, to remind, to warn, to offer, to allow, to forbid, etc.  “Take this medicine three times a day,” the doctor said. The doctor told me to take the medicine three times a day.


powders Take on an empty stomach

mixture Take 3 times a day

drops Take after meals

tablets/pills Take every 4 hours 227

ointment Rub a little on before going to bed

painkiller For soothing the pain.


В: А:



С: А: С:




Ex 18. Translate the dialogues.


take (a) medicine (for) – принимать лекар1 ство от Есть тут поблизости аптека? relieve/ease/kill pain – снимать боль ................................................... reduce the temperature – понизить темпе................................................... ратуру Да, за углом. .............................. apply a mustard plaster – поставить горчичник ................................................... put a hot-water bottle – приложить грелку put on a bandage/dressing – наложить поУ вас есть это лекарство? Вот вязку рецепт. ............................................. bandage up a wound – забинтовать рану ......................................................... put one’s leg in plaster/a (plaster) cast – наЛекарство будет готово в 5 часов. ложить гипс на ногу ......................................................... remove the bandage – снять повязку ......................................................... give an injection/shot – сделать укол be vaccinated/inoculated/ Спасибо. Я смогу забрать лекарство immunized against – сделать прививку в 6 часов. Аптека ещё будет syringe – шприц открыта? .......................................... gargle – полоскать горло ......................................................... ......................................................... Да, конечно. Мы работаем до 7. ....................................................................................... Могу я получить моё лекарство? ...................................................................................... Одну минуту. Вот, пожалуйста. Принимать 3 раза в день по одной столовой ложке до еды. Перед употреблением взбалтывать. ....................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... Спасибо. .......................................................................................................................

2 A: Чем я могу вам помочь? ................................................................................................. B: Не могли бы вы дать мне что-нибудь от зубной боли? ...................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... A: Я могу порекомендовать вам «Кетанов». Это лучшее средство для снятия зубной боли. У вас есть рецепт? Это сильнодействующий препарат (a potent drug). ............................... ..................................................................................... B: К сожалению, нет. Я иду на приём к врачу завтра. У вас есть другие болеутоляющие препараты? ..................... ........................................................................................... A: Конечно, у нас их множество. «Пенталгин» и «Нурофен» отпускаются без рецепта врача. .................................. .................................................................................... B: Хорошо. Дайте мне, пожалуйста, «Нурофен экспресс», 24 таблетки. ................................................................. .................................................................................... ....................................................................................


Ex 19. In column B find synonyms or phrases having the same meaning for the words and phrases in column A.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A get better dress a wound shot recover from pain reliever be run down check inoculate be operated on

B a) vaccinate b) feel washed out c) for soothing the pain d) examine e) bandage f) be on the mend g) get over an illness h) undergo a surgery i) injection

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Ex 20. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Он принимает слишком много лекарств. ...................................................................................................................................... 2. Она вышла из больницы с забинтованной рукой. ...................................................................................................................................... 3. Врач прописал мне пять уколов глюкозы. ...................................................................................................................................... 4. Рука уже не болела, повязку сняли через десять дней. ...................................................................................................................................... 5. У мальчика был жар, ему сделали укол, чтобы снизить температуру. ...................................................................................................................................... 6. Если у вас болит живот, врачи не рекомендуют класть грелку. ...................................................................................................................................... 7. Это хорошее лекарство от кашля. ...................................................................................................................................... 8. Перед поездкой в Африку вы должны сделать прививки от многих болезней. ...................................................................................................................................... 9. У меня болело горло, и доктор сказал мне полоскать горло каждые два часа. ......................................................................................................................................

a syringe

a hot-water bottle


box on the right. 1. Dr White in Switzerland is wonderful, he ............................... me of tuberculosis. 2. He didn’t know how to ............................... this case of rheumatism. 3. This disease is fatal, it can’t be ............................... . 4. He was a strong man, his wounds were ............................... up very quickly. 5. He was slowly ............................... from his illness. 6. How would you ............................... somebody ill with influenza? 7. My burn would not ............................... whatever medicine I applied. 8. I doubt whether he will be able to ............................... from his depressions. 9. Which doctor is ............................... her for her illness.

Words Easily Confused: СURE – TREAT – HEAL – REC


Ex 21. Fill the spaces with the right word from the

OVER CURE (smb of) means bring back to health.  I can’t believe it! Dr. Riek has cured your old gout, hasn’t he? TREAT – give medical care to som ebody. It refers to the process of curing .  Who is treating your wife? She seems to be on the mend. HEAL – make healthy after wou nds of any kind.  The wound was healing very slow ly. RECOVER (from) – become well, get back to health.  When I recover from influen za, I’ll go to the south to recuperate.

Ex 22. Match the phrasal verbs to their meaning and translate the verbs into Russian.You will use one phrasal verb twice. get over  pass off  act on  go down (with)  send for  give up SOME USEFUL PHRASAL VERBS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Catch a disease ............................ Do something following the advice of someone ............................ Recover from an illness ............................ Stop doing/eating/using something ............................ Go away ............................ Ask somebody to come ............................ Have certain effect on somebody or something ............................

............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................

Ex 23. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verb from the box above. 1. By the evening his sickness ............................. and he felt better. 2. What are you taking for your dizziness? – I ............................. my doctor’s advice. 3. The next day he couldn’t get up, he ............................. with flu. 4. She had to ............................. smoking because of her cough in the morning. 5. You’ll go to school when you ............................. your cold. 6. She was very ill and her son ............................. .7.The coach was shocked because half the team ............................. a bad cold. 8.He is taking a dangerous drug which ............................. very fast ............................. the central nervous system. 9.You should get back into bed. I ............................. the doctor. 230

Ex 24. Change direct speech into indirect. 1. “Fresh air, sunshine, a blue sea cured me of my depression”, my friend told me.

My friend told me that fresh air, sunshine, a blue sea had cured him of his depression. 2. “If you follow my advice, you’ll soon be cured of the disease”, the doctor said. ............................................................................... ............................................................................... 3. “There is no cure for the disease yet”, the doctor remarked. ............................................................................... ............................................................................... 4. “I can highly recommend Dr White to you, he cured my son of scarlet fever two years ago,” Margaret said. ............................................................................... ............................................................................... 5. “I had severe complications after the disease, they took three months to treat,” my friend explained to me. ............................................................................... ............................................................................... 6. “The wound isn’t healed yet”, I thought. “It is a deep cut and it is healing slowly”, the doctor explained. ............................................................................... ............................................................................... 7. “The burn will soon heal up”, the doctor promised. ............................................................................... ............................................................................... 8. “I doubt whether he will be able to recover from his depressions”, his sister said. ............................................................................... .............................................................................. 9. “You don’t look well”, my colleague said. ............................................................................... .............................................................................. 10. “This medicine doesn’t help me at all”, the patient complained. ............................................................................... ..............................................................................


Grammar INDIRECT SPEECH. REPORTED STATEMENT Indirect speech is formed according to the Rule of the Sequence of Tenses which says: if the verb in the principal clause is in one of the past tenses, a past tense (or future-inthe-past) must be used in the subordinate clause. A useful general rule is: we move the reported clauses “one tense back”: present becomes past, past becomes past perfect, will becomes would. When reporting something which was said a long time ago, other parts of sentence may have to be changed, too: here  there, now  then, yesterday  the day before, tomorrow  the next day. Personal pronouns, possessive pronouns change according to the meaning of the sentence. The verbs most commonly used to introduce reported statements are: tell, say, add, notice, remark, explain, mention, repeat, etc.  “Your health is falling”, the doctor said. The doctor said that my health was falling.  “You’ve ruined your health by smoking too much”, my wife remarked. My wife remarked that I had ruined my health by smoking.

Ex 25. Translate the story. Turn direct speech into indirect speech with all necessary tense changes. 1. «Я просмотрела результаты ваших анализов», – сказала доктор Лестер. ......................................................................................................................................... 2. «Вы очень поправились», – заметила она. ....................................................................................................................................... 3. «Вы набрали (gain) пять с половиной килограммов за шесть месяцев», – объяснила она. ........................................................................................................................................ 4. «Если вы будете продолжать в том же духе, вы сильно поправитесь (get fat)», – предупредила она меня. ......................................................................................................................................... 5. «Я вынуждена посадить вас на строгую диету (put on a strict diet)», – добавила она. ....................................................................................................................................... 6. «Хорошо, я буду жить на воде и орехах», – сказал я разозлившись. ...................................................................................................................................... 7. «Да, вы можете жить на воде, но без орехов», – согласилась доктор Лестер. ......................................................................................................................................


! 13

MEMO In Britain, the emergency room is called A&M (Accident & Emergency) or CASUALTY/CASUALTY DEPARTMENT. To call an ambulance dial 999 in Britain and 911 in the USA. A good hotel should have members of the staff trained in first aid. Before travelling abroad, check that you have adequate medical insurance for the country you are visiting.

Ex 26. Complete the dialogues. Fill in the spaces with appropriate words and phrases from the Memory Box. Listen to the dialogues and check your answers.

1. Asking for Help – – – – –

Reception. How can I help you? This is Diana Winter in room 102. Could you, please call a doctor? It’s (1)............................ . Yes, of course, Mrs Winter. What’s the problem exactly? It’s my husband. He’s got chest pain, and he’s having difficulty breathing. Right. I’ll call an (2)............................ , Mrs Winter. And meanwhile I’ll send a (3) ............................ up to your room right away. 232

– – – – – –

I’d like you to (1)............................ for me, please. Does your daughter have (2) ............................ ? We’re tourists from Germany, actually, but we do have travel health insurance. All right. In that case, I’m going to need your credit card, Mr Kern. But what about my daughter? Don’t worry! We’re going to X-ray her leg. If it is broken, we’ll put it in a cast. Will she be able to walk? She may need (3)............................ for a few weeks. But let’s wait and see what the doctor says first.


2. The Casualty Department

take to the hospital – положить в больницу waiting room – зал ожидания, приёмная (врача) ward – палата reception – регистратура fill in a form – заполнить форму medical record/card – история болезни medical insurance – медицинское страхование health insurance – страховка accident – несчастный случай first aid(er) – первая помощь/человек, оказывающий первую помощь urgent call – срочный вызов ambulance – скорая помощь stretcher – носилки crutches – костыли

Ex 27. Do the crossword puzzle. Translate the words across and down.

Across 1. лечение 2. больница 3. кабинет врача 4. укол 5. ангина 2 6. носилки 7. боль 8. несчастный случай 9. ссадина 10. костыли

11 1 13


14 3

15 4




Down 11. скорая помощь 12. жалоба 13. диагноз 14. шприц 15. вылечить 16. вывихнуть 17. тошнота 18. шов 19. кашель 20. сыпь

17 7

18 8 19 9




Ex 28. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. There are some extra words you do not need. a cold  health  a specialist  ill  suffer from  fall ill  get well go to the doctor  operate on  unusual illness  keep fit  cured  minor illnesses flu  treat  examine  take exercise  local pharmacy It is very important to (1) ..................................... in order to (2) .....................................but even the fittest person can sometimes (3) ..................................... no matter how hard they look after their health. If you do become (4) ..................................... , of course you want to (5) ..................................... as soon as possible. Most (6) ..................................... such as (7) ..................................... or (8) ..................................... can often be (9) ..................................... by taking lots of rest and drinking plenty of liquid. However, if you suffer from something more serious, you will have to (10) ..................................... . He will (11) ..................................... you and, if possible, (12) ..................................... you with medicine that you can pick up from your (13) ..................................... . If you have an (14) ..................................... , your doctor may send you to (15) ..................................... who may decide to (16) .....................................you. Then you will have to recuperate, and this can take a long time.

Ex 29.

Report the questions using the prompts in

INDIRECT QUESTIONS Indirect General Question

brackets. 1. Have you fallen ill? (the teacher) ............................................................................. 2. Are you unwell? (my mother) ............................................................................. 3. Is your son able to walk? (the nurse) ............................................................................. 4. Do you feel feverish? (the doctor) ............................................................................. 5. Could you give me something for my stomach? (the man) ............................................................................. 6. Did your grandson have any complications after mumps? (Nick’s grandmother) ............................................................................. 7. Does your daughter have medical insurance? (the receptionist) ............................................................................. 8. Must I consult a surgeon? (the patient) ............................................................................. 9. When did you fall ill? (the doctor) .............................................................................


To report a general question we should: 1. change the inversion in the direct question to statement word order. 2. if necessary, change the tense according to the rule of the Sequence of Tenses. 3. use if/whether (ли) after the reporting verbs: ask, inquire, want to know, wonder, not know, etc.  “Do you have any pain in your chest?” the doctor asked. The doctor asked me if I had any pain in my chest. Indirect Special Question An Indirect Special Question is introduced by the same adverb or pronoun that introduces the direct question. Word order and tense changes remain the same as in indirect general questions.  “How did you get injured?” the nurse inquired. The nurse inquired how I had got injured.

10. What do you complain of? (the doctor) ................................................................................... 11. Where does it hurt? (the surgeon) ................................................................................... 12. How is your brother keeping these days? (our neighbour) ................................................................................... 13. What can I take for my cough? (the old man) ................................................................................... 14. Why are you limping? ( my friend) ...................................................................................

Ex 30. Report the dialogue. – – –

Why are you limping, John? What is the matter? I was playing football yesterday and sprained my ankle. It hurts badly. I can hardly walk, as you see. You mustn’t walk at all. Lie down and put a compress on your ankle. That’s the best remedy. Call the doctor and he will give you sick leave for a few days.

.............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................................

Ex 31. Translate the joke. Один шотландский хирург отличался необыкновенной лаконичностью речи. Однажды к нему обратилась за помощью женщина. – Ожог? – спросил врач. – Ушиб, – ответила пациентка. – Компресс. На другой день диалог был продолжен: – Лучше? – Хуже. – Еще компресс. Два дня спустя женщина снова пришла на приём к врачу. – Лучше? – Здорова. Сколько? – Ничего! – воскликнул доктор. – Такой разумной пациентки я ещё не встречал. 235

...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ......................................................

Ex 32. Match the headings A–D to the extracts 1–3. There is one extra heading you don’t have to use. A. Examining a Patient. B. A Dangerous Operation.

C. Diagnosing and Treatment. D. Sufficient Arrangements.


Before travelling abroad, check that you have adequate medical insurance for the country you are visiting. In the US, doctor’s and hospital fees have to be paid immediately and can later be reclaimed from your travel health insurance. Ask the doctor or hospital for detailed records of treatment you have been given.


Don’t talk to me in medical terms. Tell me so I can understand. What kind of operation do I have to do? – It’s open heart surgery. They cut the heart open. They put a pump in its place so that you get oxygen while it is being worked on. – Is the heart beating all the time? – No, they stop it.


“Take a deep breath. Now hold it. Now cough”. After the cough Dan heard something odd in the right lung. He put the stethoscope down. “I think you have got rales in the right lung. “What do you think it means?” “May be a cold.”

Ex 33. – –

Report what people are saying, using reporting verbs in brackets.

1 Oh, hello, Mum! I’m not bad, but I’ve cut my finger and it is bleeding. Well, have you put a plaster on it? (complain, advise)

The daughter complained of having cut her finger. The mother advised her to put a plaster on it. – –

– –

And if it doesn’t stop, you really should go to the doctor. Oh, mum, don’t worry. It’ll be okay. Look, I’ll phone you back later. (reassure, advise, promise) ........................................................................... ........................................................................... 2 Good morning. Doctor Simpson’s surgery. Can I help you? Yes, can I see the doctor today? (greet, want to know) ........................................................................... ........................................................................... 236

REPORTING A DIAOGUE OR A CONVERSATION When reporting a dialogue which abounds with colloquial expressions, idioms, cliches, conversational formulae, we don’t render the words mechanically. We interpret the meaning of the utterance by using the matching reporting verb. Some useful reporting verbs: complain, agree, advise, demand, offer, promise, refuse, threaten, forbid, allow, remind, confirm, confess, add, explain, thank, excuse, accuse, grumble, etc. Jane: Oh! I’ve got a terrible headache. Her aunt: Oh dear! Why don’t you take a pill?  Jane complained of a bad headache and her aunt advised her to take a pill.

3 Well, it’s nothing serious. But no sport for a few days, and take things easy. All right, doctor. Thank you. (say, recommend, thank). ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Now, what seems to be the trouble? Well, I’m just feeling very stressed. What do you mean? I just worry all the time and I can’t relax. (ask, wonder, confess, explain) .......................................................................................................................................

– –

– – – –


Ex 34. Listen to the dialogue and report the conversation, using the suggested reporting verbs. wonder  complain  remind  offer  want to know  promise

Jack: Ron: Jack: Ron: Jack: Ron: Jack:

Hi, it’s Jack. How are you, mate? ........................................................ Not so good, I’m afraid. ........................................................ Why? What’s wrong? ........................................................ It’s my arm. It is broken. ........................................................ Your arm? When did it happen? ........................................................ Last week, playing ice-hockey. ........................................................ Well, I did tell you that ice-hockey wasn’t a good ........................................................ idea at your age! Anyway, let me know if you need ........................................................ any help. ........................................................ Ron: Thanks, Jack. You’re a real friend. ........................................................ Jack: Any time, Ron. But we’ll still see you down at the ........................................................ pub on Friday? ........................................................ Ron: Sure, I’ll be there. See you then. ........................................................ Jack: See you, Ron. Cheers, mate. ........................................................

– How may I help you? – Have you been to Dr X before? – Can I get your name? / May I have your name? – Which dentist/doctor did you see? – Dr X has time next ... . – Would you like to suggest a time? – We can/could fit you in ... – Thank you for calling.

Some Useful Phrases Making an Appointment

– This is ... – I'd like to make/ I'd like to schedule a check up appointment – Does the doctor have something open ...?


Ex 35. Find logical order of the following dialogue parts. Making an Appointment  


Clinic: Have you been here before? Patient: I'm sorry, I work on Fridays. Do you have any appointments available on Mondays or Wednesdays?  Patient: Medical, please. I’d like to make an appointment for a checkup. 1  Clinic: Hello, Cityview Clinic.  Patient: Hello, I'm calling to make an appointment.  Patient: Yes, that would be fine.  Clinic: What is your name?  Clinic: Our first Monday appointment will be October 22nd at 9 in the morning.  Clinic: Is that the 206 area code?  Clinic: We have an opening on Friday, October 12th at 3 o'clock.  Patient: No, I haven't.  Patient: 764-2110. DENTAL DISORDERS  Clinic: What is your phone number? 15 dental – зубной 16 Patient: Yes, that’s right.  dentist – зубной врач  Patient: Luci Garcia. orthodontist – ортодонт  Clinic: Medical or dental? dental care – стоматологическое лечение cavity (in teeth) – дупло caries – кариес gum – десна decay – гниение, разложение tooth decay – разрушение зубов tartar – камень floss – специальная нить для чистки Ex 36. Read the short article below and find the зубов fluoride – фтор answers to the following questions:

8.6 At the Dentist’s

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What part of medicine does stomatology relate to? ............................................................. What kind of medical care do the dentists provide? ............................................................ What is the most common cause of toothache? ................................................................. What are the most common dental disorders? ...................................................................... What can we do to prevent dental problems? ......................................................................

Dental Care Stomatology is the part of medicine that relates to the mouth and its diseases. It is the province of dentists. Dentists look after our teeth, keep them clean in order to prevent cavities (dental caries), gum diseases and other dental disorders. Orthodontists help teeth to grow straight when they have not been growing correctly. 238

A toothache is any pain within or around a tooth. The most common cause of toothache is dental cavities which are formed by bacteria in the mouth. Dental (tooth) infection, decay, injury or loss of a tooth are the most usual dental disorders.


Ex 37. Use the Memory Boxes to translate the words and phrases in brackets. Listen to the dialogue and check your answers.

At the Dentist


You can prevent the majority of dental problems through flossing, brushing with fluoride toothpaste and having your teeth professionally cleaned twice a year. treat a tooth – лечить зуб fill a tooth – пломбировать зуб filling – пломба extract/pull out/remove a tooth – удалять зуб be/work loose – шататься (о зубе) drill – сверлить dental bridge – «мост»/мостовидный протез crown – коронка false teeth – искусственные/вставные зубы dentures/set of false teeth – съёмный протез

Dentist: What bothers you? Patient: One of my front teeth (1) (шатается) .......... ................................ and this tooth at the back wants seeing, too. Dentist: This wisdom tooth (2) (невозможно лечить) .......................................... , I’m afraid. I’ll have to (3) (вырвать его) .............................. ................. It’s a pity it wasn’t taken care of earlier. Patient: I wish I had done it before. Dentist: (4) (Этот другой зуб беспокоит вас?) ..........................................? Patient: Not particularly, just a (5) (постоянная тупая боль) .......................................... . Dentist: The tooth (6) (разрушается) .......................................... and it must (7) (быть запломбирован) .......................................... . Now we’ll attend to the front tooth. I wish I could do something but I’m afraid, it should also (8) (быть вырван) .......................................... . I’ll apply an anaesthetic to deaden the pain. Patient: Yes, if you please. I can’t stand pain. Dentist: Here is your tooth (9) (вырванный) .......................................... . Rinse your mouth, please. Patient: This empty space. Shall I have a (10) (вставной зуб) .......................................... put in? Dentist: You’ll have to have a small (11) (мост) .......................................... made and two (12) (коронки) .......................................... to suspend the (13) (искусственный зуб) ........................................... We’ll start doing it when the (14) (десна) ................... ....................... heals.




In this conversation, Jenny is at the dentist’s. I. Listen to the dialogue twice and answer these questions: 1. What does Jenny want the dentist to do? .......................................................................... 2. Who is really going to see the dentist? ................................................................................

II. Listen to the dialogue again and complete the reported text. Jenny came to the dentist. She told him there was (1) ...................................... to deal with and a couple of (2) ...................................... and one tooth needed (3) ......................... . She insisted on having no (4) ...................................... because (5) ...................................... . The doctor was very much surprised. He said (6) .................................................................... . It turned out that it wasn’t she (7) ...................................... . It was (8) .......................................



So many countries, so many customs. Сколько стран, столько и обычаев. (Proverb)


Vocabulary Note

TRAVEL – a verb and an uncoun table noun, used to talk about travellin g in a general way.  Air travel is faster and mor e comfortable than rail travel.  Someday I want to travel abroad .

A statue to a traveller in Spain

TRAVELLING (n) is used mos tly attributively: travelling expens es/ companion. Spelling: BrE: travelling AmE: traveling

We say that we travel when we move between distant geographical locations for any purpose and any duration. Travel also includes the stays between different points en route (on the way). It covers different types of activities performed during the journey as well. Travel can be local, regional, domestic or international. We can travel for recreational purposes (отдых), for tourism, for business and a number of other purposes.

9.1 Why Do People Travel? Ex 1. Why do people travel? What do they do when they travel? A. Complete the text about travelling attractions. Choose the best phrase from A–H to fill in the gaps 1–8. Listen to the text and check your answers. B. In the box on the right tick your purposes and activities during a trip. 1

A. other countries, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns. B. They are eager to meet different people, to taste different food, to listen to different musical rhythms. 241

C. D. E. F. G. H.

visiting museums and art galleries, doing the shopping and dining at exotic restaurants, quiet places where they can relax, bathe in a river or lake and lie in the sun. mostly for the needs of trade. nature’s most spectacular attractions. Why do people travel? Food and travel are inseparable companions. search of beauty

People have been travelling all over the world since ancient times. In those times they set off for a journey (1)  . Nowadays millions of people travel because they want to broaden their knowledge of the world. They are eager to see everything with their own eyes: (2)  . Travelling is the movement and change which people need. Some people travel in (3)  , they marvel at (восхищаться) (4)  They are looking for new impressions and thrilling experiences. (5)  . Those, who live in the countryside, usually make trips to big cities, they spend their holidays (6)  whereas city-dwellers prefer to go to (7)  .  . You can make your travel a movable feast (пир) full of new unforgettable impressions. (8)

What do they do when they travel?

      

discover new things meet different people try different food listen to new tunes take pictures go sightseeing bathe and lie in the sun


Words Easily Confused

 visit other countries and continents  see modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns  enjoy picturesque places  have a complete change  learn more about the world  go on business

TRAVEL/TRAVELLING – (general) moving from place to place:  Air travel is becoming cheaper.  His work involves a lot of travelling. JOURNEY 1. travelling a long distance:  a long and difficult journey through the mountains 2. going from one particular place to another:  The journey from Moscow to Tula took them three hours. 3. travelling short but regularly:  the train journey to work  the journey to school

TOUR 1. a journey for pleasure during which you visit several different places:  a coach tour in Spain 2. a short visit around a city, famous building,etc.:  a guided tour around the Kennedy Space Centre TRIP – a short journey for pleasure or a particular purpose:  a business trip to Brussels  a school trip to the seaside  a day trip to London


Ex 2. Fill the gaps with one of the words from the box in the appropriate form.

1. .................................. was a dream of my whole life. I imagined that one day I’ll .................................. over the whole world. 2. A .................................. to the seaside was the longest journey he had ever made. 3. After his graduation from university his father sent him on a .................................. round the world. 4. We went on a coach .................................. of France. 5. It was just a weekend .................................. but she enjoyed it greatly. 6. When they were young, my parents .................................. half way round the world. They set out on the ............................. in May and arrived just before Christmas. 7. He .................................. for thousands of miles to find her, but all his effort was in vain. 8. They made a honeymoon ............................. to Venice. 9. We have been .................................. for three months and haven’t reached our .................................. end yet. 10. Before school was over we went on a hiking .................................. into the mountains.


travel (x4)  go travelling  trip (x4)  tour (x2)  journey (x2)

travel (v) – путешествовать (round/over) the world/the country travel (n)

light for thousands of miles for three months

travel/travelling (n) – путешествие rail/air/space travel go travelling journey (n) – путешествие, поездка make (under)take a journey (to/across/ break through/from/between) be/go on set out on reach one’s journey’s end on the return journey tour (n) – турне, поездка, гастроли tour (v) (through a country) – совершить турне go on make a tour (of/around/round) be on trip (n) – поездка go on take/make a trip (to/from) arrange/plan business/school/shopping return trip wasted en route – по пути destination – место назначения holiday/tourist destination


Ex 3. There are also some types of travel. Match the words denoting types of travel to their definitions and translate them into Russian.


1. Flight ..................  i a) 2. Hitch-hiking ..................  b) 3. Expedition 4. Voyage 5. Crossing

..................  c) ..................  d) ..................  e)

6. Hike

..................  f)

7. Package tour ..................  g) 8. Cruise

..................  h)

9. Backpacking ..................  i)

travelling by seа or along а river. travelling for pleasure with little money, and carrying a rucksack. a long walk in the mountains or in the countryside. a journey across the sea, a lake or a river. a holiday spent on a large ship, which visits a number of places. an organised journey that is made for a particular purpose of exploration. travelling on foot, with occasional rides in passing cars. a holiday, arranged by a travel company, your trip and accommodation are booked for you. a journey by air, on a plane.

Ex 4. Find word partnerships. Put the words in the box in the correct column. first class  business  guided ocean  nonstop  scientific light  long  package  space mountain climbing  sea  far sightseeing  bumpy







......................................................................................... ......................................................................................... .........................................................................................


Ex 5. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Мы плыли из Дувра в Кале по бурному морю.

We had a rough crossing from Dover to Calais. 2. В этом году лайнер «Королева Елизавета» совершает кругосветный круиз. .................................................................................... ................................................................................... 3. В мае в экспедицию в Антарктику была отправлена новая партия. ....................................................................................................................................... 4. Я люблю ходить в походы по холмам Южной Англии, это огромное удовольствие и спортивный отдых (lots of exercise). ....................................................................................................................................... 5. Морское путешествие из Момбасcы (Mombassa) в Коломбо (Colombo) заняло неделю. Море было спокойным, еда на корабле отличной. ....................................................................................................................................... 6. Я работаю в туристическом агентстве, которое организует турне по всей Европе. Мы продаём полный туристический «пакет». ....................................................................................................................................... 7. Путешествие автостопом самый дешёвый вид туризма. Однако иногда это довольно опасный вид передвижения (путешествия). ....................................................................................................................................... 8. В старину путешествия были долгими и опасными. ....................................................................................................................................... 9. Сейчас вы можете купить туристическую путёвку в Индию в любом туристическом агентстве. ....................................................................................................................................... 10. Я бы хотел два билета на паром до Кале. Сколько времени займёт пересечение пролива? .......................................................................................................................................



NO ARTICLE Continents: Africa, Asia Countries: France, China Cities/towns/villages: Berlin, York Petrovka

NOTES The definite article THE is used with The word groups: the USA, the United Kingdom of Great Britain Also: the Netherlands the village of Petrovka



NO article is used with:

Oceans, seas: the Pacific, the Black Sea Rivers, lakes: the Nile, the Baikal Channels/canals: the English Channel, the Suez Canal Desserts: the Gobi, the Sahara Mountain chains: the Alps, the Urals Island groups: the Bermudas, the British Isles Regions: the Middle East, the south of France Four cardinal points of the compass: the south, the north, the east, the west

Word combinations: Lake Baikal, Lake Ontario

Individual mountains: Elbrus, Everest Individual islands: Sicily, Tenerife North/Latin America, Central Asia, western Germany Set expressions: from East to West, from North to South

TOP TRAVEL DESTINATIONS Ex 6. Read an article on travel destinations. Fill in the articles A, THE, ZERO.

Travel er’s Companion Magazine

www.travelbite.uk Travelbite is for people who want to go to places they have not been before and experience new things.

1. This holiday destination is about a lifestyle, nature and carnival attitude of the Brazilian people. From the charms of ...... Rio de Janeiro and gorgeous beaches of ...... Atlantic Ocean to exploring ...... Amazon. ...... Brazil has to be on every travellerís list.

Travellers are increasingly looking for once-in-a-lifetime experiences. With that in mind, our editor Natasha von Geldern offers up her ìTop Travel Destinations for 2011.î Youíll find some countries and some cities on her list and a lot of natureís wonders to look forward to.


2. Itís no longer politically incorrect to be a fan of ...... USA. This vast country has something for everyone, from the spectacular national parks of ...... Utah to fly-drives in the sunshine state of ...... Florida. If youíve done ...... New York City why not plan ...... Chicago with its ...... Lake Michigan and ...... Huron?

4. Located off the northwestern coast of ...... Africa, ...... Canary Islands are one of the most popular tourist destinations on the planet, especially with Europeans.

3. How many travellers are dreaming of trekking in ...... legendary Kingdom of Nepal? ...... Nepal contains part of ...... Himalayas, the highest mountain range in the world. There are eight of fourteen highest peaks there, ...... Mount Everest among them.

HOW DO PEOPLE TRAVEL? In ancient times people travelled mostly on horse back or in carriages. Today there are a lot of possibilities a person can choose from according to his purpose, needs, wishes and destination. We can travel by road, by sea, by air, by rail, on foot.

PREPOSITIONS WITH FORMS OF TRANSPORT Types of vehicles or transport we use to travel (no article, no possessive pronoun, no possessive case before the means of transport) by car/by bus/by coach/by bicycle – by road by boat/by ship – by sea by train – by rail by plane – by air

NOTE ON foot

Ex 7. Fill in the right preposition. 1. I’m going to Chicago tomorrow morning, ....... plane at 6.30. It’s a sleepless night. But I’ll make up for it ....... the plane. It’s too early to go ....... train, so my son is taking me to the airport ....... his car. 2. I don’t use my car very often. I prefer to go ....... train to catch up on my work. I just love to work ....... the train. 3. Get ....... the bus! Quick! It’s ready to leave. – I hate going ....... bus, it’s always crowded. – Don’t worry, we’re getting ....... (the bus) at the next stop. 247

Physical position of the person (what transport he/she is in/on) (used with an article, an adjective, a possessive pronoun or the possessive case) in the car/in Nick’s van/in a taxi/ in a lorry on the bus/on my bicycle/on a big ship on a liner/on a ferry on the train/on the 6.45 train on the plane/on a jet IN for cars and taxis ON for bicycles and public transport

4. I didn’t feel well that evening, so I came home ....... a taxi. 5. The detective followed you ....... his car and saw you get ....... the bus to Reeling. 6. I always go to the USA ....... plane, I don’t like the idea of spending ten days ....... a ship. 7. I’ll make this trip ....... sea. I need a break so I hope to relax ....... this comfortable liner. 8. He is in a wheel chair so he has to travel ....... bus or ....... train as he can’t get ....... a car himself.

Ex 8. Match the verbs to their meanings and translate them into Russian.

Get in(to)/get out of a car/taxi – сесть в/выйти из машины/такси. Get on/get off a bicycle/bus/train/ plane – сесть на/сойти с велосипеда/поезда/ автобуса/самолета  He got into the car and drove off.  He jumped onto the old bus, which was empty.  Mr Ward got into his lorry.  She was carried out of the ambulance.  The car was travelling at 50 km an hour when the accident happened.

get off  get at  get on  get out of  see smb off  map out  agree on


Discuss and come to the same decision Plan a route in detail Be able to reach a place Leave a bus/train Leave a car/taxi Catch a bus/train Go to an airport/station, etc to say goodbye to smb

........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ...........................

........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ...........................

........................... ...........................

Ex 9. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in the box above. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

The farm was very difficult to ............................ “What station did you ........................... the train?” the ticket collector asked me. Are you ........................... at the next stop? We started to ........................... a possible route for our journey. We ........................... the date of our holiday trip. When he ........................... the train in York, I recognised him a once. We ........................... the bus at 5.30 and reached our country house at about 6.00. They ........................... making an early start. The lake was a long way off. They’ve gone to the airport to ........................... their daughter ........................... . The leg hurt, she could hardly ........................... the car. I wanted to ........................... our route but the maps were locked up and I couldn’t ........................... them. 248


Read the information on the site below and make your choice. A. “Click” the corresponding button. B. Find words and phrases on the site to fill in the chart below.

Any Way Any Day

Click the button that best defines your upcoming journey, and we’ll do the rest.

I HAVE AN ITINERARY Online passenger reservation system provides booking of RAILWAY and AIRLINE tickets and offers other services

What kind of traveller are you? When travelling, do you plan every last detail? Or let spontaneity be your guide?

You’ve made this easy. Just tell us where you are visiting and the dates of your travel, and we’ll show you the best rail options for your trip – and the best possible price.

I’M KEEPING MY PASS OPEN You’re a free spirit and we like that. Tell us the countries on your must see list, and our search system will help you to choose the right rail pass. Explore where you want and when you want.

A. Let Get Booking

Find My Rail Pass

B. The information you login The data the search system provides the country shows the best options ...........................................................................................................................


ote Vocabulary N untry: a city or a co ARRIVE IN London in France, in places other smaller ARRIVE AT at the t, or rp the ai or events: at party hotel, at the


........................................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................................



booking/ticket office – билетная касса book a ticket/a seat – заказать/забронировать билет ticket for a train/a plane – билет на поезд/самолёт be sold out/booked up – быть проданным (о билетах) confirm a booking – подтвердить заказ cancel a booking – аннулировать заказ run – ходить (о поезде/автобусе) leave – отправляться departure – отправление arrive – прибывать arrival – прибытие be due in по расписанию be scheduled to (arrive) (прибывать)


Some Useful Phrases – How often do the trains run?


– Trains run every 20 minutes.

– When does the train arrive in Blackpool?


– The train is scheduled to arrive at 5 pm. – It is due to arrive at 5 pm but we’re running an hour late today.

Ex 11. In column B find synonyms or phrases having the same meaning for the words and phrases in column A. Draw a line to connect the words. A arrive at (x2) get on reserve a seat take a train timetable be delayed


B be put off catch a train book a ticket schedule be due in board get in

9.2 Travelling by Train ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF TRAVELLING BY TRAIN An important issue of our society is the safety and comfort of travel. It is well-known that airplanes are more comfortable than trains and the time of a trip is also shorter, but the risk of accidents is very high. Unlike air travel, which is regulated internationally, rail travel is mainly controlled nationally, and therefore its degree of safety is greater. information/ inquiry office railway station booking/ timetable ticket office

left-luggage office




station master


ote Vocabulary N ch /coa BrE: carriage AmE: car le BrE: timetab le u ed h sc AmE:

KINDS OF TRAINS 3 day coach – сидячий поезд express/fast train – экспресс/скорый поезд passenger train – пассажирский поезд long-distance train – поезд дальнего следования local train – пригородный поезд direct/through train – поезд прямого следования commutеr train – поезд, на котором совершаются регулярные поездки из пригорода в город на работу first class carriage/seat/coach – вагон первого класса soft-seated carriage – мягкий вагон hard-seated carriage – жёсткий вагон standard carriage – общий вагон sleeping car/sleeper – спальный вагон compartment – купе seat – место upper/lower berth – верхняя/нижняя полка terminus – конечная станция junction – узловая станция



carriage/coach dining car

luggage trolley

Ex 12.

Sandra Webber wants to travel from London to Chester. Complete the dialogue at a booking office with sentences a–e. Listen to the dialogue and check your answers.


a. b. c. d. e.


Return, please. Thank you. Is it a direct train? Good afternoon. A ticket to Chester, please. Thanks a lot. Which platform?

Clerk: Sandra: Clerk: Sandra: Clerk: Sandra: Clerk: Sandra: Clerk: Sandra:

Good afternoon. .......................................... . Single or return? (2) .......................................... . That’s £36.50. (3) .......................................... . Yes, it arrives in Chester at 16.34. (4) .......................................... . That’s on platform 5. (5) .......................................... . (1)

Vocabulary Note BrE: single ticket return ticket one-way ticket E: Am round trip



ticket collector


TICKETS full ticket – за полную стоимость single ticket – в один конец return ticket – в оба конца open return ticket – обратный билет с открытой датой season – сезонный fare – плата за проезд be valid – быть действительным (в течение…) seat facing the engine – место по ходу поезда seat with one’s back to the engine – место против движения поезда board a train/plane – сесть в поезд/ самолёт change trains – делать пересадку

Ex 13.    

– – – –

  1       

– – – – – – – – –

Put the dialogue parts in the right order. Single or return? Certainly, sir. When do you want to leave? Oh, I think standard. And how much is that? Hold on a second… there is one at 9.18 from Victoria Station which reaches Glasgow at 16.25, or there is one at 10.30 which gets in at 17.30. You’re welcome. OK, I’ll take the first one. Good morning, Railway Information. How can I help you? Return, please. Today at around 9.00. First or standard? That is 73 pounds, and there is no time restrictions on that ticket. I’d like to find some information on the trains from London to Glasgow. Perfect. Thank you very much.

Ex 14. Explain the meaning of the phrases in your own words. 1. 2. 3. 4.

There is no time restrictions on the ticket ............................................................................. There’ll be an extra charge ................................................................................................. The ticket is valid ................................................................................................................ The flight is fully booked up ................................................................................................

Ex 15. Translate the parts of the dialogue from Russian into English. – – – – – – – – –


Пожалуйста, мне нужен билет в один конец на сидячий поезд до Манчестера. .................................................................................................................................... Let me see. Yes, there are seats available. (2) Сколько это будет стоить? ............................................................................................ There will be an extra charge , (3) потому что это вагон первого класса ................................. ........................... . (4) Всего 46 фунтов ...................................................................... . (5) Мне также, пожалуйста, два билета в оба конца ............................................................ .......................................... for my son and me. He is six. That will be 74 pounds. (6) В течение какого срока действительны наши обратные билеты? .................................. ......................................................... . One month. Right. (7) Когда отправляется поезд на Манчестер? ......................................................... ................................... . 253

Let me see. The next one is in half an hour. At 10.22. (8) Пересадка в Кембридже ................... ............................................................................. . Right. (9) С какой платформы? ............................................................................................ (10) Поезда на Манчестер с шестой платформы. ........................................................... . (11) Или есть ещё прямой поезд через два часа. ........................................................... . Thanks. I’ll go by 10.22 train.

– – – –



Helen is buying a ticket for the train to Oxford. Listen to the dialogue and complete the travel information chart.

trip to





Oxford ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................

Ex 16. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Поезд прибывает по расписанию.

The train arrives on schedule. 2. Какой поезд доставит меня в Дувр к 11 часам? – Вы можете сесть на поезд в 8.36 и быть в Дувре к 10.30. ........................................................................................................................................ 3. Я могу сесть на 9-часовый поезд? – Нет, он не ходит по воскресеньям и праздничным дням. ........................................................................................................................................ 4. Я бы хотела забронировать место на поезд №268 в Абердин на 23 декабря. ........................................................................................................................................ 5. Это пригородный поезд. Экспрессы отправляются с платформ 5 и 6. ........................................................................................................................................ 6. Давай посмотрим в расписании, когда отправляется наш поезд. ........................................................................................................................................ 7. Мы можем оставить наши чемоданы в камере хранения. ........................................................................................................................................ 8. Я бы хотела получить место в купе для некурящих в мягком вагоне. ........................................................................................................................................ 9. Не могли бы вы мне сказать, вагон-ресторан в начале или конце поезда? ........................................................................................................................................ 254

Ex 17. Your relatives are preparing to leave for the country for the summer. Ask them about their arrangements. MODEL:


(when / leave) When are you leaving? TALKING ABOUT THE FUTURE

1. (travel / by train) .......................................................................... ? 2. (take / a lot of things) .......................................................................... ? 3. (your pets / go / with you) .......................................................................... ? 4. (let / your flat / for the season) .......................................................................... ? 5. (rent / a car) .......................................................................... ?

Ex 18. Write questions with BE GOING TO. MODEL:

The manager wanted to talk to you, Mr West. (when / you / meet?) When are you going to meet him?

1. We are leaving in two weeks. (when / you / book / tickets) ............................................................................ 2. It’s very hot in Spain. (what / you / wear?) ............................................................................ 3. Have you already planned your holiday trip? (where / you / travel?) ............................................................................ 4. The suitcase is too big. (what / you / pack?) ............................................................................ 5. It isn’t a through train. (where / you / change?) ............................................................................ 6. Bill is leaving tomorrow. (you / see off / him?) ............................................................................


There are several ways of talking about the future. 1. The Present Continuous (be doing) is used when speaking about the events that have been planned or arranged to happen.  – My sister is leaving tomorrow. – Oh, is she? What time is she leaving? 2. The Present Simple (do) is used when talking about timetables, programmes, etc.  The plane to Paris takes off at 4.30. 3. The Future Simple is used when you offer/promise to do something or decided to do something at the time of speaking.  The flight to Rome starts rather early in the morning. I’ll drive you to the airport.  The train has been booked up. So I’ll fly. 4. be going to (do) is used when one says what he intends to do in the future.  If you excuse me, I’m going to do the packing. 5. be about to refers to the immediate future  Hurry up! The bus is just about to leave. 6. be due to refers to timetables.  The plane is due to land at 2.15.

Ex 19. Mr Brian is going to Italy on business. The travel agent informs him about his itinerary. Read the travelling arrangements, translate the words in brackets. Follow Mr Brian’s route on the map. Well, Mr Brian, it’s a very busy trip. You (1) (придётся) .......................... to work under great time pressure. We could hardly pack all the places you have to visit into one week. You (2) (покидаете) .......................... Frankfurt at 8.30 am on Monday. The flight to Rome (3) (занимает) .......................... two hours and a half. The next day, that is Tuesday, the first train to Naples (4) (отправляется) .......................... at 6.20. (5) (Вы собираетесь) .......................... to stay in Naples for one day? If yes, you (6) (садитесь в поезд) .......................... to the airport in the evening the same day. The plane to Bari (7) (улетает/take off) .......................... at 8.36. A hired car (8) (будет ждать) .......................... outside the airport terminal building in Bari to take you to your hotel. As far as I understаnd you (9) (находитесь/останавливаетесь) ............. ............. in Bari for two days to visit the works. (10)

(Вы собираетесь) .......................... to drive yourself or you need a driver to take you to the works and back? Then good, you (11) (будете водить машину) .......................... yourself. We also plan that on Thursday you (12) (едете на машине) .......................... to Palermo and back the same day. The plane (13) (вылетает) .......................... from Bari on Friday morning at 8.25. It is a direct flight and (14) (прибывает по расписанию) .......................... in Frankfurt at 10.45.


Ex 20. Complete the following conversation by using the right tense form of the verbs in brackets. Mr Brian is talking to his personal assistant, Greg, about the business trip he is making tomorrow. Mr Brian: Have you completed the arrangements for my trip yet, Greg? Greg: Well, I (1) (make) ... have made ... reservations, but there are still some details to confirm. Your plane (2) (take off) ..................... at 8.30, so I (3) (collect) ..................... you from your house at 6.00. Mr Brian: Six! I (4) (have to) ..................... get up in the middle of the night. Greg: I’m sorry, it’s unavoidable. You (5) (have to) ..................... check in by seven and I think there probably (6) (be) ..................... a long queue. Mr Brian: Oh, very well. What about the meetings? Greg: First, the Managing Director (7) (come) ..................... to the airport to meet you. Mr Brian: Good, we (8) (be able) ..................... to talk to him on the way to the factory. (from “English Grammar in Use. Supplementary Exercises” by Hashemi L., Murphy R.)

9.3 Travelling by Air Check-in (desk)

Landed safely

Terminal B


check-in (desk) – регистрация пассажиров/стойка регистрации check in – проходить регистрацию go/get through passport control – проходить паспортный контроль flight number – номер рейса terminal – терминал be behind/fall behind the schedule – опаздывать (о транспорте) be delayed – задерживаться (об отправлении) keep to schedule be on schedule прибывать по расписанию arrive on time baggage reclaim – пункт выдачи багажа 257


Some Useful Phrases – Attention please! Passengers on flight 64 are requested to proceed to the departure lounge. – Passengers on flight 64 to Detroit are now boarding at gate 33. – Attention please! Flight 385 to Chicago is delayed due to weather conditions in Chicago.

Ex 21. The key points of the article on advantages and disadvantages of air travel got mixed up. Sort them out under the headings: advantages/disadvantages. Use the key points to write a short essay on air travel.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Air Travel There is a great number of social and economic benefits to flying but the main thing that makes flying more advantageous is the amount of time it saves. Advantages


b, a, ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

the risk of accidents is very high; gives a full picture of the place from above; planes are responsible for air and noise pollution; offers much comfort; flights are often delayed; much security check is involved; you сan move freely around large airplanes; flying has become much cheaper than other types of travel; i) sometimes luggage gets lost and doesn’t come on time; j) helps maintain long distance relationships, makes global tourism and business possible; k) airports are difficult to reach: they are always far from cities; l) it is the fastest worldwide transport system. To conclude, each means of transport has its advantages and disadvantages. When you have to make a trip you should always think first of your comfort and safety, and then decide what suits you best. 258

Grammar HAD BETTER (NOT) DO SOMETHING, HAVE TO, SHOULD Had better means it is advisable for somebody to do something or something bad might happen. Remember that had better is followed by the infinitive without to. With have to the speaker doesn’t give his own feelings, he gives facts. Have to denotes obligation arising out of necessity. We use do/does/did with have to in present and past questions and negative sentences.  I have to meet Tom at the airport at 7.30. I’d better go now or I’ll be late.  It’s too early. Do you have to be there an hour in advance?  There are traffic jams on the roads at this time. You’d better not go by car then. We use modal verb should (do) to give advice saying that we think it would be a good or right thing to do.  I think I should take the car because Mark is supposed to have much luggage.

Ex 22. Anna is giving her colleague some advice about the journey he is planning. Fill in the Anna: OK, well, as you haven’t done this trip before I (1) ... had better/should ... give you a few tips to save your time and hassle. First, you (2) ..................... make sure you get to the airport early enough because you always (3) ..................... queue for ages at the check-in. They really (4) ..................... introduce a more efficient system, but they won’t. Anyway, then you (5) ..................... go through passport control and so on. You (6) ..................... take something to read because you’ll have quite a long wait in the departure lounge. At least you (7) ..................... be able to sit down there. That’s another advantage of being early. They (8) ..................... provide more seats, in my opinion. When your flight is called, you (9) ..................... follow the official out to your plane.



You (10) ..................... not take very heavy hand luggage because you (11) ..................... carry it yourself and there aren’t any trolleys.




flight – полёт captain – капитан корабля air stewardess/air hostess – стюардесса air steward/attendant – стюард cabin crew – экипаж самолёта board a plane – сесть в самолёт boarding – посадка boarding card/pass – посадочный талон departure lounge – зал отправления departure gate – выход на посадку direct flight – прямой рейс nonstop flight – беспосадочный полёт altitude – высота (полёта) runway – взлётно-посадочная полоса take off – (n) взлёт, (v) взлетать land/ make a landing – cовершать посадку forced/emergency landing – вынужденная посадка hit an air pocket – попасть в воздушную яму air crash – авиакатастрофа hijack (a plane) – угнать самолёт

Everyone agrees there (12) ..................... be, of course, but there aren’t. The flight is quite short. You’ll get a meal, which you (13) ..................... eat, even if it’s not very appetising, because you have a long bus journey at the other end. The hotel is nice. I’m sure you’ll like it. Now, do you have any questions? (from “English Grammar in Use. Supplementary Exercises” by Hashemi L., Murphy R.)


Vocabulary Note LUGGAGE is an uncountable noun and refers to all of your bags.  Put your luggage/suitcases here.

Some Useful Phrases

If you want to count the things, you say:  A piece/three pieces of luggage.

– How many pieces of luggage have you got? The free luggage allowance for overseas flights is 44 lbs. Here are your claim tickets.

BrE: luggage AmE: baggage

– Will I be charged for excess luggage?



I. Can you write down two questions Mrs Stone was asked? 1. ............................................................................ 2. ............................................................................ II. Tick the statements that are true.

       

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Mrs Stone was going through customs. She didn’t know where to go. She had to go to the Foreign Passports channel. She wasn’t allowed to pass through. She didn’t have a visa. Mrs Stone was going to stay in Warsaw for three months. Mrs Stone didn’t need a visa. The immigration officer explained to her where to collect the luggage. 260


Ex 23. Onе of the conference participants has to return to his homeland earlier. He is at the booking office talking with the clerk. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box. Listen to the dialogue and check your answers. check … through  seats  direct (x2)  book … on  via  economy extra charge  cancel  local time

A: Can I help you, sir? B: I’ll have to go back to Italy tomorrow. Could you (1) .......................... me .......................... a different flight, please? A: Would you like to (2) .......................... your flight? B: No, just change the date of the flight for two days earlier. A: I’ll try to do my best, sir. Can I see your ticket, please? B: Here you are. A: Let me see. Your ticket is for Friday, a (3) .......................... flight from Manchester to Rome. Which flight do you want to take now? B: Any flight tomorrow. A: OK. Let me see. Well, there are no (4) .......................... flights for tomorrow. But I can try to book you on one (5) .......................... Frankfurt. B: That’s OK. A: You can take the 8.30 am flight, but there’s an (6) .......................... . B: For changing flights? How much is it? A: $100, I’m afraid. B: OK. Are there any (7) .......................... free on that flight, (8) .......................... class, please? A: Yes, there are. B: Thank you. When do I get to Rome then? A: At 13.45 am (9) .......................... . B: But can The British Airways (10) .......................... my luggage .......................... to Rome? A: Certainly, sir. B: Thank you very much.

FARE CLASSES Airlines traditionally have three travel classes: first, business, economy, although many airlines are eliminating first class from international flights and now offer business class as the highest level of service.


Some Useful Phrases I am missing two black leather suitcases.

– May I see your baggage tickets, please. – Your luggage seems to have been delayed. We’ll have to trace it and send it to your American address.

Ex 24. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Я бы хотела заказать билет на рейс 86 в Майами на следующую пятницу. ....................................................................................................................................... 2. Есть ли завтра прямые рейсы на Копенгаген? ....................................................................................................................................... 3. Когда начинается регистрация на рейс 306? ....................................................................................................................................... 4. Сколько времени действителен обратный билет с открытой датой? ....................................................................................................................................... 5. Есть ли ещё места на рейс из Женевы в Вашингтон на 10 августа? ....................................................................................................................................... 6. Есть только несколько мест первого класса. – Какова стоимость полёта? ....................................................................................................................................... 7. Мы садимся через 10 минут. Ты видишь посадочную полосу? ....................................................................................................................................... 8. Приземлился ли самолёт из Франкфурта? ....................................................................................................................................... 9. Мы летим по расписанию или задерживаемся из-за плохой погоды? ....................................................................................................................................... 10. Самолёт опаздывает на час. ....................................................................................................................................... 262

GOING THROUGH CUSTOMS Ex 25. Imagine you are going abroad. Fill in the customs declaration. Keep for the duration of your stay in Russia or abroad. Not renewable in case of loss. Persons giving false information in the Customs Declaration or to customs officers shall render themselves liable under the laws of Russia.

CUSTOMS DECLARATION Full name ___________________________________________________ Citizenship __________________________________________________ Arriving from ________________________________________________ Country of Destination _____________________________________ Purpose of Visit (business, tourism, private, etc.) _______________________________________________________________ My luggage (including hand luggage) submitted for customs inspection consists of ______________ pieces. With me in my luggage I have:


I. Weapons of all descriptions and ammunition _______________________________________________________________ II. Narcotics and appliances for the use thereof _______________________________________________________________ III. Antiques and objects of art (paintings, drawings, icons, sculptures, etc.) _______________________________________________________________ IV. Currency other than Russian roubles _______________________________________________________________


customs – таможня cross the border – пересечь границу customs officer – инспектор таможни customs regulations – таможенные правила customs restrictions – таможенные ограничения fall under restrictions – подпадать под ограничения pay (customs) duties on – платить таможенные пошлины go through one’s luggage – досматривать багаж go through customs пройти таможенный досмотр clear customs declare – сделать заявление о наличии вещей, имеющих таможенные ограничения fill in/out a customs declaration – заполнить таможенную декларацию duty-free – не подлежащий обложению таможенными пошлинами personal effects – личные вещи hand luggage – ручная кладь


Ex 26. In column B find phrases having the same meaning as phrases in column A. Draw a line to connect them. 1. 2. 3. 4.

A inspect one’s luggage go through customs duty free articles articles to be declared

a) b) c) d)

B clear customs articles having customs restrictions go through one’s luggage articles exempt from duty

Ex 27. Translate the dialogue. На таможне Служащий таможни: Это ваш багаж? .......................................................................................................................... Пассажир: Да, два чемодана и сумка. .......................................................................................................................... С: Поставьте чемоданы и сумку на стол, пожалуйста. У вас есть что-нибудь для предъявления таможне? ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... П: Я думаю, что мне нечего декларировать. ..................................................................................................................................... С: Вот список вещей, которые подпадают под определённые ограничения. Просмотрите его внимательно. Итак? ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... П: Я везу табак для личного пользования. ..................................................................................................................................... С: Положите его на весы, пожалуйста. У вас 250 г. Тогда всё в порядке. Если у вас свыше 300 г табака, это облагается пошлиной. Не могли бы вы открыть ваш чемодан? ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... П: Конечно, пожалуйста. ..................................................................................................................................... С: Я сожалею, но вам придётся заплатить пошлину за три бутылки этого вина. У нас ограничения на ввоз импортных (import of) вин. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... П: Но это подарок наших зарубежных партнёров! ..................................................................................................................................... С: Простите, таковы правила. ..................................................................................................................................... 264

9.4 Travelling by Sea


mast sail life jacket


life buoy yacht



tug (boat)

TRAVELLING BY WATER steamer – пароход ship – корабль, судно boat – лодка, шлюпка, судно, корабль ocean liner – океанский лайнер ferry – паром crew – команда captain – капитан (ship’s) mate – помощник капитана pilot – лоцман

hovercraft motor boat/launch



sail/set sail for – отплывать, отправляться в/на dock – вводить/входить в док moor/anchor– швартоваться go ashore/disembark – сходить, высаживаться на берег call at a port – зайти в порт drop/cast anchor – бросить якорь raise/weigh anchor – поднимать якорь, сниматься с якоря, уходить в плавание

trip – Message (HTML)

File Edit View Insert Format Tools Actions Help

From Subject

[email protected] trip

We are sailing on the QE II. It sets sail at noon. It will dock in New York at 6 p.m. and we will disembark as soon as we can. See you soon.

Ex 28. Read an extract from a novel and answer the questions below.


On the morning of the sailing Tracy hired a limousine to drive her to the pier. When she arrived at Pier 90, Berth 3, at West Fifty-fifth and Twelfth Avenue, where the QE II was docked, it was crowded with photographers and television reporters. Tracy brushed past them, showed her passport to a ship’s officer at the gangplank, and walked up onto the ship. On deck, a steward looked at Tracy’s ticket and directed her to her stateroom. It was a lovely RESERVING A PASSAGE suite, with a private terrace. It had 12 pier/wharf/quay – пирс/пристань/причал been ridiculously expensive. harbour – гавань, порт She felt a sudden ache of loneliness. berth – место у причала There was no one to see her off. deck – палуба steward – стюард She made her way up to the Boat cabin – каюта Deck and heard the sound of a deepoutside cabin – каюта с окном/видом на море throated boat whistle and calls of “All inside cabin – внутренняя каюта без окна ashore who’s going ashore”. She was stateroom – отдельная каюта sailing into a completely unknown future. suite – номер люкс She felt the huge ship shudder as the tugs galley – камбуз started to pull it out of the harbour. gangway/gangplank – трап оn board a ship – на борту корабля The QE II was a city, more than nine have a smooth voyage – путешествовать по hundred feet long and thirteen storeys спокойному морю high. It had four restaurants, six bars, two have a rough voyage – путешествовать по буballrooms, two nightclubs. There were шующему морю scores of shops, four swimming pools, a tossing/pitching/rolling – качка (разные виды) gym, a jogging track. I may never want to be a poor sailor – плохо переносить морскую leave the ship, Tracy marvelled. качку be sea sick – страдать от морской болезни (from “If Tomorrow Comes” by Sidney Sheldon) 266

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

How did Tracy travel? ...................................................................................................... What was the name of the ship? .......................................................................................... Why was Tracy’s cabin very expensive? ............................................................................. Why did Tracy feel a sudden ache of loneliness? ................................................................. Why could the ship be called a city? ................................................................................... What city did Tracy start her voyage from? Why? ................................................................

Ex 29. Complete the advertisement for travelling by ferry. Choose the best phrase from A–F to fill in the gaps 1–5. There is one extra phrase that you don’t need to use.

Travelling by Ferry With Your Children Travelling by ferry with your kids can be a great family friendly way (1)  and it has the benefit of being able (2) . This not only helps you save on car rental at your destination but you also (3)  on a boat than on a plane and you do not have (4) . Children can have great fun exploring the ship. Ships and ferries nowadays are generally (5)  with playrooms, video rooms, shops, games rooms, soft play areas, baby changing facilities and restaurants.

A. to take your own car B. family friendly C. the same packing restrictions D. have a rough crossing E. of crossing the channel F. will find it easier to occupy children

Ex 30. There are seven vocabulary mistakes in the text. Find and correct them.

A Luxury Voyage We went on a fantastic expedition last year. We cancelled two tickets on a luxury launch around the Mediterranean. We had a first class compartment, and we were invited to dinner with the captain! Everything we needed was on deck – restaurants, game rooms, a swimming pool and a tennis court. It was lovely to relax and enjoy the fresh air as we journeyed from place to place. We’ll definitely go on another tour next year.


...... voyage ..... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... .......................

Ex 31. Give a word for a definition. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

All people working on a ship .......................................... Movable bridge from a ship to the land .......................................... Move forward across the sea .......................................... A person who takes ships into and out of harbour .......................................... A small powerful boat for towing ships .......................................... The floor of a ship .......................................... Ship’s kitchen .......................................... Go on shore .......................................... A craft capable of going over water supported by a cushion of air ..........................................

Ex 32. Translate the sentences. 1. Два билета на паром до Брайтона, пожалуйста. ......................................................................................................................................... 2. Я бы хотел двухместную каюту первого класса. Я предпочитаю каюту с видом на море. ......................................................................................................................................... 3. Сколько времени занимает пересечение пролива? ......................................................................................................................................... 4. Когда отправляется судно на Дувр? ......................................................................................................................................... 5. Я доволен работой команды корабля. Все моряки очень хорошо подготовлены (efficient). ......................................................................................................................................... 6. Мы прибываем в Нью-Йорк завтра утром. ......................................................................................................................................... 7. Где я могу получить мой багаж? ......................................................................................................................................... 8. Мы уже пришвартовались, они опускают трап. ......................................................................................................................................... 9. Надеюсь, во время путешествия не штормило? – К сожалению, море часто было беспокойным, и мы узнали, что такое настоящая качка. Выяснилось, что я плохо её переношу. ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 10. После того, как корабль пришвартовался, я сразу же сошёл на берег. ......................................................................................................................................... 11. Это было великолепное путешествие. Море было спокойным, и мы большую часть времени проводили на палубе, наслаждаясь погодой и живописными гаванями. ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 268

Ex 33. Complete the chart. Write the corresponding words for each of the types of travel. TRAIN



station ............................................................................................................................... flight ............................................................................................................................... seat ............................................................................................................................... sail ............................................................................................................................... through/direct ............................................................................................................................... gate ............................................................................................................................... arrive ............................................................................................................................... steward ...............................................................................................................................



Listen to the travel announcements and match them to the means of transport (1–4). I. Where would you hear these announcements? (on a plane, at an airport, at a railway station, etc.) II. Write in the table three key words that helped you understand. Announcements

1 ...........

2 ...........

3 ...........

4 ...........

I. ............................................................................................................................... II. ...............................................................................................................................

............................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................


9.5 Travelling by Bus Travelling by bus is a practical and economical means of transport for long-distance trips in the USA. Most long-distance buses are equipped with air-conditioning, toilets and reclining seats for sleeping.

Greyhound Lines is an intercity common carrier of passengers by bus serving over 3,700 destinations in the United States. It was founded in Minnesota, USA, in 1914. For many young people from Europe, Greyhound was the way they got to know America because of a special unlimited mileage offer – “99 days for $99” or, in other words, a dollar a day, anytime, anyplace, anywhere.

Greyhound Bus Lines Tickets & Travel Info

Station Locator

The future of bus travel has arrived. Well ahead of schedule.

Deals & Discounts

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About Greyhound




Reserve a seat on selected routes.

Book early and save 50%.


................................ CLICK HERE 

................................ CLICK HERE 

Tickets by phone



Additional Express service between NYC, Baltimore, DC and Silver Spring. ................................ BOOK NOW 

Some Useful Phrases – How long does it take to get there? – Where does the bus leave from?

– About two hours. The bus stops at lots of places. – Over there, bay 11.

Ex 34. Complete the questions about travelling by bus. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

........................ time does it leave? Where ........................ it leave ........................ ? ........................ long does it ........................ ? How ........................ does it cost? Where do we get ........................ ? ........................ does the next bus ........................ ?

Ex 35. Write questions to which the following sentences might be the answers. 1. ........................................................................................ The next one leaves at 2 pm. 2. ........................................................................................ About 3 pm. 3. ........................................................................................ A single ticket is two Euro. 4. ........................................................................................ Bay 2. 5. ........................................................................................ Ask the driver to tell you. 6. ........................................................................................ Around an hour. 271

Ex 36. Fill in prepositions or adverbs where necessary. 1. When I oversleep, I go (1) ............. work (2) ............. taxi. (3) ............. a taxi I finish my making up. You can’t do that (4) ............. a bus. We made a fantastic voyage (5) ............. the Mediterranean (6) ............. a luxury liner. We called (7) ............. a port and then set sail (8) ............. another. There was everything imaginable (9) ............. board (10) ............. the ship: restaurants, concert halls, swimming-pools, tennis courts, etc. 2. We arrived (11) ............. the airport and checked our luggage (12) ............. . The plane took (13) ............. (14) ............. schedule, and two hours later we were (15) ............. the point of our destination. 3. A large crowd of friends and relatives saw them (16) ............. (18)

They boarded ............. the train and it left (21) ............. three hours.



............. the station.

............. time. They were to get (20) .............

4. We wanted to book tickets (22) ............. a high speed train (23) ............. Paris, but it was booked ............. .



9.6 Travelling by Car

Ex 37. Are there any benefits from travelling by car? Here is what eight people think about the problem. Match the phrases in column A with those in column B and you’ll get the advice you need. Some variants are possible. A 1. Some people prefer travelling by car, 2. When travelling by car,

driving licence – водительские права drive a car – водить машину heavy traffic – интенсивное движение на дорогах be stuck in a traffic jam – застрять в пробке run out of petrol – остаться без бензина fill a car up with petrol – заправить машину бензином petrol/filling station – автозаправочная станция break the traffic regulations – нарушать правила дорожного движения

B a) you can see and experience more than you had planned. b) you can go wherever you want and whenever you want. 272








c) others think it is dangerous and pollutes the atmosphere. d) you can be stuck in traffic jams for hours. e) you can make a unique trip plan. f) you can’t relax and enjoy yourself. g) you can get lost or the car might break down. h) there is no other practical solution.


3. It is very convenient and you can feel free to move: 4. There are many things that can go wrong: 5. Cars are less comfortable than trains, 6. Nowadays travelling by car has one great disadvantage, 7. When you’ve got a family, 8. If you’re looking for thrilling experiences,

ote Vocabulary N rules and set of official e th – E D O C in Britain. HIGHWAY d using roads an g in iv dr t tain laws abou eone in Bri DEN – som R not A e W av h IC F le F TRA k that peop ec ch to is whose job cars illegally. parked their


TRAVELLING – A NEW ERA Ex 38. Match the headings A–D to the extracts 1–3. There is one extra heading that you don’t need to use. A. Bullet Trains B. Russia’s First Space Tourist

C. Ahead of Schedule D. From Check-in to Touch Down: Mobile and Reliable

1. All passengers have to do is to sit back and enjoy the outstanding in-flight service. The mobile website allows flights to be booked up to two hours before take-off. You can check in easily from anywhere via mobile website or your iPhone. Your boarding pass will be sent to your mobile phone. It doesn’t have to be printed – the bar code it contains is read at the gate from your mobile phone along with other important data: passenger’s name and flight number. All that just takes a few clicks of the mouse. 2. In the mid-1960s, Japan introduced the world's first high speed train. It was called the Shinkansen and officially opened in 1964. It provided rail service between Tokyo and Osaka at speeds of around 135 mph (217 km/h). The word Shinkansen itself means “new main line” in Japanese but because of the trains’ design and speed, they became known around the world as “bullet trains.” After the opening of the bullet trains in Japan, Europe also started developing high capacity high speed trains. In 1965 several high speed trains were tested at the International Transport Fair in Munich, Germany, but Europe’s high speed rail service was not fully developed until the 1980s.


3. A 33-year-old St Petersburg stock trader named Yevgeni Kovalev has won a contest to become this country’s first space tourist. Some time after 2012, he will take a passenger seat on a spaceship of the American Armadillo Aerospace company for an hour-long suborbital flight to a little over 100 kilometres above ground. Kovalev is one of a queue of more than 200 people from 12 countries. His ticket set him back a hundred thousand dollars.

Ex 39. Across 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Do the crossword puzzle. Translate the words across and down.

9 1

место назначения якорь буй путешествие по воде моряк поезд аннулировать (заказ) полка (поезда), причал



3 4


Down 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.





путешествие автостопом порт, гавань пошлина багаж таможня прибытие плата за проезд путь (на платформе)


14 7





HOLIDAY or HOLIDAYS? Fill in the right word. 1. Where do you want to go on your ........................ ? 2. Our typist is away on ........................ this week. 3. We’re going to Scotland for our ........................ this year. 4. I went on ........................ with my friends to Ibiza. 5. It was the first day of the school ........................ . 6. It was the best family ........................ we’ve ever had. 7. It was just a harmless ........................ romance. 8. When are you going on ........... ............. ? 9. Costa Brava is a popular Spanish ........................ resort. 10. When you come back from ........................ , it’s hard to work. 11. Where do you want to go on your ........................ ? 12. The school Christmas ........................ start tomorrow. 13. I’m away on ........................ till the 1st of July. 14. Won’t your business suffer if I take a ........................ ?

Vocabulary Note


Ex 1.

1. BrE: holiday/holidays – a period of time when you are not working and are away from home for relaxation.

HOLIDAY HOLIDAYS in the structures: after: the, my, your, their, etc be on holiday be on the holidays go on holiday go on your holidays have/take a holiday return/come back from holiday skiing/camping holiday summer/family holiday holiday abroad holiday resort holiday romance AmE: vacation 2. AmE: a holiday – a religious or national festival, a day of rest from work.  The fourth of July is a national American holiday. 3. BrE: the holidays (pl) are the time when children do not have to go to school. AmE: vacation  In Germany children have school holidays every two-three months.


TYPES OF HOLIDAY Ex 2. Read the descriptions of different types of holiday and match each one to the titles given in the box below. winter holiday  coach tour  walking holiday  package holiday  camping 1. We are planning to go to China this year. Everything is included – flights, hotel, meals, etc. We are going on a ....................................... . 2. My family are fond of winter sports. We’re going skiing in the Alps. We’re having a ....................................... this year. 3. My brother is going ....................................... this summer. Unfortunately, I can’t join him, I hate sleeping in a tent. 4. This summer we want to do a lot of hiking and mountain climbing. We are going on a ....................................... in the Alps. 5. We are going around Spain on a big comfortable bus. A ....................................... is a cheap way to see the whole country.

10.1 Holiday Accommodation Ex 3. Complete the definitions. Fill in the words HOLIDAY or HOLIDAYS. 1. A ..................... camp is a place where people go on their ..................... and where their activities are organised for them. 2. A ..................... home is a house a family owns or rents and where they go during their ..................... . 3. A holidaymaker is a person who has travelled to some place on ..................... .

definitions. You’ll find the names of the places in the box below. There is one extra word that you don’t need to use. a timeshare (apartment)  a campsite  a youth hostel a holiday flat  an inn  a hotel  a guesthouse


Ex 4. Match the places where you can spend your holidays to their

Vocabulary Note

The word APARTMENT can be used in BrE and AmE, although FLAT is more commonly used in Britain.

1. ....................... – a place where you can pitch a tent or park a caravan. 2. ....................... – accommodation where one has the right to stay for two weeks every year.



3. ....................... – a flat which you rent to stay in during your holidays and you have to cook for yourself. 4. ....................... – a boarding house (like a hotel but with fewer services). 5. ....................... – a very comfortable accommodation where people stay, paying for their rooms and meals. 6. ....................... – cheap accommodation with ten or more people sleeping in bunk beds in one room.



hotel – отель inn – небольшая гостиница (обычно в сельской местности) guesthouse – недорогая гостиница youth hostel – общежитие/турбаза pension – пансион (небольшой дешёвый отель) boarder – человек, живущий в пансионе holiday flat – квартира, снимаемая на время отпуска campsite – кемпинг pitch – (n) место в кемпинге, (v) разбить палатку/лагерь caravan – передвижной дом на колесах

Ex 5. What type of accommodation would suit these people best? 1. A family with three small children going to the country for summer holiday with a baby-sitter. ............................. 2. A group of young people going on a walking tour in Australia. ............................. 3. A researcher who came to a science conference in London. ............................. 4. An elderly couple of modest means who wants to have a quiet holiday by a lake. ............................. 5. A young family travelling with a caravan. ............................. 6. A very old lady who wants to live in the country with all the services and board. .............................


Ex 6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Здесь много кемпингов, но всё же (still) вы должны заказать место заранее. ......................................................................................................................................... 2. Возьмите, пожалуйста, план нашего кемпинга. Вы можете выбрать место, которое вам понравится. ......................................................................................................................................... 3. Нам нужно место с электричеством для нашего передвижного дома на колёсах. ......................................................................................................................................... 4. Я узнаю, есть ли в этом пансионе свободные места сегодня. ......................................................................................................................................... 5. Этот отель расположен недалеко от центра города. ......................................................................................................................................... 6. К сожалению, в данный момент в нашем отеле нет свободных мест. ......................................................................................................................................... 7. Это общежитие для студентов, которые путешествуют пешком или на велосипедах (make a cycling or walking tour). .........................................................................................................................................

Ex 7.

Monika and her colleague Claire discuss Monica’s holiday arrangements. Complete the dialogue. Fill in appropriate words from the Memory Box. Listen to the dialogue and check your answers.

Monika: We’re planning to rent a holiday flat this year. Claire: A good idea. It’s practical and inexpensive. Monika: The flat is very good, it has suitable cooking (1) ........................ and enough (2) ........................ for all the members of the family. Claire: And what about linen and (3) ............... ............. ? Monika: We always rent a (4) ........................ holiday flat. There is everything one needs. Claire: And where is it situated? Monika: It’s in an ideal (5) ........................ . The mountains and forest are right next to it.




RENTED ACCOMMODATION rent – (n) арендная плата; (v) снимать, арендовать/сдавать в аренду reasonable rent – приемлемая/умеренная арендная плата suitable – подходящий fully furnished – полностью меблированный/оборудованный location – место расположения, район cooking facilities – условия для приготовления пищи sleeping space – спальные места linen – постельное бельё сrockery – посуда

BOOKING A HOTEL LONDON TOURIST BOARD is here to help you enjoy your visit to London.

deluxe luxury five-star first class

We can provide accommodation in a wide range of price categories in over 800 hotels and guesthouses within a 20 mile radius of Central London.  We also offer budget accommodation in youth hostels and pensions.  Prices range from £1.50 per day (sharing) to

£3.00 (single). 

Central locations are more expensive than those in the suburbs.

run-down seedy

Ex 8. How do we call these types of hotel accommodation? In the box below find the types of rooms and board to match the descriptions 1–7. half board  a twin room  a single room  en suite B&B  a double room  full board 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

............................ – for one person with a single bed. ............................ – with one large double bed. ............................ – with two single beds. ............................ – just a room and breakfast. ............................ – a bedroom that has a bathroom joined onto it. ............................ – includes breakfast, lunch, dinner. ............................ – includes only breakfast and dinner.


Ex 9. Sonia Norman is phoning to a hotel to book a room. Complete the conversation by putting the words in brackets in the correct order.


Receptionist: Good morning, Seaview Hotel. Sonia: Hello, my name is Sonia Norman. I’d like to book a room, please. R: Certainly. (staying / how many nights / you / be / will?) (1) ... How many nights will you be staying? ... S: Three. Starting next Thursday. R: Yes, we have rooms available. Double or single? S: Double, please. (available / is / one / with a sea view?) (2) ..................................................................................................................................... R: Yes. By the way, (have / about / the special offer / we are running / you / at the moment / heard?) (3) ..................................................................................................................................... S: No. R: It’s four nights for the price of three. (don’t / take / it / advantage / you / why / of?) (4) ..................................................................................................................................... S: (have / for it / what / I / to / do / to qualify / do?) (5) ............................................................ .............................................................. BOOKING/RESERVING 3 R: Just confirm your reservation in writing and A ROOM IN A HOTEL pay a ten percent deposit. be fully booked – отель полностью S: (be / much / would / that / how?) заполнен (нет свободных мест) (6) ............................................................ free/vacant room – свободный номер .............................................................. fill in/out a form – заполнить формуляр confirm one’s reservation – подтверR: 15 pounds. дить заказ S: Yes; I think I’ll do that. (to / make / the cheque ($50) a/per night – ($50) в сутки / who / I / should / payable?) be included in the price – включено в (7) ................................................................. стоимость .................................................................... deposit – задаток R: The Seaview Hotel. stay in/at a hotel – остановиться в отеле S: OK. I’ll post it today. extend the stay – продлить пребывание R: Thank you very much. We’ll look forward to get the bill ready – подготовить счёт seeing you. guest/resident – постоялец гостиницы receptionist – администратор S: Thank you. Goodbye. chambermaid – горничная R: Thank you. doorman – швейцар bellboy – посыльный (носильщик в (from “English Grammar in Use. Supplementary гостинице) Exercises” by Hashemi L., Murphy R.)


Ex 10. Match the verbs to their meanings and translate them into Russian. stay at  check in  put smb up  check out  stay with


Provide a bed for a person in one’s home Arrive at a hotel and sign the register Be a guest (of a hotel) Visit somebody and spend one or more nights there 5. Leave a hotel, paying one’s bill

.............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. ..............................

Ex 11. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb from the box above. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

We ........................ at the Europa Hotel last night. Guests are kindly reminded ........................ by 12 o’clock. Can you ........................ us ........................ next Friday night? Jenny ........................ a hotel in Dublin for a few weeks, but she lives in Belfast. Why don’t you ........................ us when you next visit Oxford? If Greg ........................ me ........................, I ........................ him for one or more nights. I was disappointed to miss Pam, who had just ........................ of the hotel. Did you ........................ a hotel or ........................ your friends when you visited Paris? Oh, what a lovely place! Let’s ........................ first and then explore the beach!

Ex 12. Find the logical order of the dialogue parts. Mark also who is speaking: a receptionist (R) or a guest (G). The first one is done for you.  1          

 R          

– Good evening, Madam. How can I help you? – Two. – Would you like a single, a double, or a twin? – Hello, can you tell me if you have any vacant rooms? – Yes, a continental breakfast. – Yes, we have a double en suite, deluxe. – How much is that for two nights? – How many nights would you like to stay? – Thank you. – One moment, I’ll just check. – OK, well, that’s fine. 281

   


   

– A double, please, en suite, if possible. – For two nights that’s 250 pounds. – Does it include breakfast? – Very good. Could you fill in this card, please?



Steven Rogers is to arrange accommodation for some foreign businessmen who are coming next month. He calls to a number of hotels to find out some information about the facilities the hotels have to offer. Listen to his conversations with the booking inquiries of some hotels. HOTEL FACILITIES – удобства и бытовые службы гостиницы I. After listening to the dialogues twice, complete balcony the chart below. bath II. Listen to the dialogues again and fill in the TV missing information. telephone air conditioning sauna beauty salon health club swimming pool solarium training equipment tennis court laundering and cleaning department

Hotel 1 Name of the hotel Location Noisy/quiet Restaurant Bar Dancing Sauna Swimming pool

Hotel 2

Hotel 3

................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ..........................................................................................................


Ex 13. Translate the dialogue from Russian into English. – – – –

– – – – –

Доброе утро. Я бы хотел узнать, есть ли у вас свободные номера? ......................................................................................................................................... Одноместные или двухместные? ......................................................................................................................................... Два двухместных, пожалуйста. ......................................................................................................................................... Вам повезло. Мы сможем разместить вас. На прошлой неделе отель был полностью заполнен. Но только что из гостиницы выехала группа туристов. Какой этаж вы хотите? ......................................................................................................................................... Мы бы хотели номера на пятом этаже с видом на море, если есть свободные. ......................................................................................................................................... Да, пожалуйста. ......................................................................................................................................... Сколько стоит номер? ......................................................................................................................................... Пятьдесят долларов в сутки, сэр. ......................................................................................................................................... Цена довольно приемлемая. Мы снимем эти номера.

Some Useful Phrases – Could you put it on my bill, please?

– Could I pay my bill, please? Could you order a taxi for me to go to the airport?


Ex 14. The Present Continuous or the Present Perfect Continuous? FOR or SINCE? The people below are at a hotel. They are doing something. They have been doing it since some time/for some period of time. Write sentences as in the Model, using the prompts below. MODEL:

Mr Blackwater / have a meeting // an hour and a half Mr Blackwater is having a meeting. He has been having a meeting for an hour and a half.

Grammar THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS AND THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE The Present Continuous WHEN? – NOW  – What are you doing here? – I’m waiting for my friend. The Present Perfect Continuous Is used to talk about actions in progress from the past up to the present. The action may be recently finished or continuing.

1. Where / the Browns / stay? // They / stay / this guesthouse / ten days ............................................................................ ............................................................................ HOW LONG? – with FOR and ............................................................................ SINCE 2. This group of tourists / stay at Maritime Hotel // We use for to say how long July, 26 something lasts or continues. ............................................................................ We use since to show that the ............................................................................ situation has continued from then ............................................................................ until now. 3. Mrs Small / wait for a chambermaid // half an hour  I’ve been waiting for him for half an hour. He’s late as usual. ............................................................................ – Я жду его уже полчаса, он ............................................................................ опаздывает, как обычно. ............................................................................ 4. Mary and John / leave / tomorrow morning // pack / the whole evening ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 5. The children / have breakfast // I went to have my morning walk ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 6. Peter / swim / swimming-pool // two hours already ......................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................


10.2 Different Things at Different Time HOLIDAY WEATHER 5

Listen and read.

Weather Song What’s the weather? What’s the weather? What’s the weather, everyone? Is it windy? Is it cloudy? When we’re planning a holiday the Is there rain? key question is: What is the weather Or is there sun? forecast for the period?

Where we go and what we do during the holidays depends on the season and the weather. Listen and read. 6


y S


































Ap May



Weather Weather is hot, Weather is cold, Weather is changing As the weeks unfold. Skies are cloudy, Skies are fair, Skies are changing In the air. It is raining, It is snowing, It is windy With breezes blowing. Days are foggy, Days are clear, Weather is changing Throughout the year! (by Meish Goldish)


Ex 15. Complete the text. Fill in the spaces with the words from the box. cold  wet  rain  cool  hot  dry  winds  fog  warm Britain has a moderate climate. It is never too (1) ................... or too (2) ................... in Great Britain. This is because of the sea, which keeps the island (3) ................... in winter and makes the air (4) ................... in summer. The (5) ................... are also very often in Great Britain. They blow from the south-west two days out of every three. But the warm winds from the Atlantic are very (6) ................... . They also bring a lot of (7) ................... to the island. The east or north-east winds are cold and (8) ................... . But the worst thing about the climate in Great Britain is the thick (9) ................... they so often have in autumn and in winter. It is sometimes so thick that cars may run into one another. W I N D SC A LE

    





     

strong wind



breeze  wind (very gentle)





 hurricane (very strong, more than 100 km per hour)



moderate climate – умеренный климат weather forecast – прогноз погоды fair – хороший, ясный (о погоде) clear – ясный, безоблачный heatwave – период сильной жары fog – туман rain – (n) дождь, (v) идёт дождь snow – (n) снег, (v) идёт снег hail – град gale – буря, штормовой ветер wet – мокрый, влажный humid – влажный dry – сухой It’s 20°C (degrees) below zero – ниже нуля above zero – выше нуля

Ex 16.

Look at the weather map for Great Britain. Read the weather forecast. Complete the weather forecasts for London, Wales and Scotland, using the prompts. The weather forecast for Great Britain:

                    



Mainly dry, sunny and warm, but a little cloudier with isolated showers further north. General situation: continuing warm with plenty of sunshine, but cloudier with scattered showers in the northern Britain and across Ireland. London: dry / warm / sun / temperature ............ ...................................................................... Wales: dry / sunny / temperature ...................... .....................................................................



Northern Ireland





Midlands: A fine, dry and sunny morning, then a little cloudier with a few isolated showers in the afternoon. Maximum 23°C, minimum 7°C. Scotland: cloudy / showers / sunny intervals ...................................................................... ...................................................................... Northern Ireland: A few isolated showers, but many places staying dry with bright or sunny spells. Maximum 24°C, minimum 12°C.


 


 

23 22

         Wales

    






You’ll hear the weather forecast for three days ahead. Match the weather forecasts for tomorrow, Sunday and Monday to the pictures below. There is one extra picture you don’t need to use. 1. ................

2. ................

              

        





3. ................


       16






             18



4. ................




Ex 17. Translate the weather forecasts from Russian into English. 1. На западе будет много дождей, в то время как (while) восточное побережье ожидает (expect) просто облачный день. ......................................................................................................................................... 2. На юге страны будет солнечно, но на севере ожидаются грозы. ......................................................................................................................................... 3. Рано утром туман, позже днём в основном будет сухо и солнечно, но прохладно, температура около 6–7 градусов. Весь день сухо, но будут дуть сильные ветры. ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 4. Утром и днём на юго-западе ожидаются дожди. Будут довольно сильные ветры, и температура ниже, чем вчера примерно на 3–4 градуса. Весь день облачно. ......................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................

Ex 18. Complete the travel agency’s advertisement. Look at the pictures and the Grammar Notes and say what people can do in these places.


eekend orld Two-three days’ trip Travel agency

packages. The views are fantastic and the atmosphere is relaxing. 1. (on long inland trips)

You can go cycling on long inland trips.

2. (discover the countryside stunning scenery)

If you go driving, you’ll discover the countryside stunning scenery. 288

THE USE OF THE GERUND AFTER THE VERBS “COME” AND “GO” After the verbs COME and GO we often use the Gerund related to outdoor activities: go climbing/walking/hiking/riding/ driving/cycling/skating/skiing/ abseiling/snowboarding/swimming/ surfing/sailing/boating/canoeing/ whitewater rafting/kayaking/ sightseeing/shopping/dancing.  Why don’t you come walking with us?  Let’s go dancing. THE USE OF ’S AND S’ WITH NON-LIVING THINGS. a) with fixed phrases: the earth’s surface, the journey’s end, the ship’s company; b) with time phrases (singular and plural): an hour’s journey, two days’ trip; c) with the names of countries, cities and the nouns world, country, city, etc.: world’s best museums, Moscow’s theatres, city’s parks.

3. (a cottage by a lake) ................................................ ................................................ ................................................ 4. (in the Karelian Isthmus forests) ................................................ ................................................ ................................................ 5. (in the German’s Europe Park) ................................................ ................................................ ................................................ 6. (in the Red Sea) ................................................ ................................................ ................................................ 7. (along Switzerland’s inland waterways) ................................................ ................................................ ................................................ 8. (in the Alps) ................................................ ................................................ ................................................ 9. (in the American savannah) ................................................ ................................................ ................................................ 10. (in the Carpathians) ................................................ ................................................ ................................................ 11. (in Thailand) ................................................ ................................................ ................................................ 12. (in the Baltic Sea) ................................................ ................................................ ................................................



Ex 19. There are various ways to spend your holidays: different places to go, different things to do. Read what some people tell about their holidays. Fill in the Memory Box with the key phrases under the title “Holiday Activities.” 1. Peter: I’ll never forget the holiday which I had at my aunt’s place in a small village by a picturesque lake. I went for long walks across the fields enjoying the peacefulness of the countryside, wandered through the woods picking mushrooms and berries. But it was the fishing in the lake I loved most of all.

HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES ............go for long walks....................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ...............................................................

2. Connie: We went camping, because the campsite is usually very busy with lots of things to do, and we like that. We swam in the sea or went surfing, played beach volleyball. We love water sports, so we hired a boat or a yacht or went canoeing or kayaking along the shore. Well, we enjoyed our holidays thoroughly. 3. Felix: I usually spend my holidays in the mountains. You can not only go climbing, you can also go cycling on the mountain bike course. It is the beauty and quietness of nature that I enjoy. Nature study is easy, you should just follow the nature trail which winds along the mountain lake shore. 4. Nigel: This year we went to Turkey. It was very hot, we couldn’t go for long walks. So, we lay in the sun, swam in the sea and read a lot. We relaxed, and that was what we needed most of all. In the evening we went out for dinner and, believe me, we tried really good food! 5. David: My wife and I are fond of sightseeing. Wherever we go we see the sights. Though this year we spent our holidays on a small Greek island, we hired a car and went to Mytellini – the biggest town on Lesbos. There we went sightseeing and shopping. It was fun!

WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM THE WEATHER ON YOUR HOLIDAYS? Before you book, check out our Current Weather Reports and 5-Day Weather Forecasts. When is the best weather?

Holiday Planner

Find the best weather month to visit the place of your dream. »

Select a month and we’ll tell you where to go. »


Ex 20. Read the text and answer the questions below. When to Go? One can enjoy France in any time, although many Francophiles (любители Франции) swear spring is best. In the hot south sun-worshippers can sunbathe from June to early September while winter-sports enthusiasts can fly down snow-covered mountains from mid-December to late March. Festivals and gastronomic temptations abound all year round.

1. Why do you think one can enjoy the trip to France in any time? ............................................................ ............................................................ 2. When should you go to France if you’re a sun-worshipper? ............................................................ ............................................................ 3. When is the best time for winter sports in France? ............................................................ ............................................................ 4. What are the downside factors of high season periods? ............................................................ ............................................................ 5. When is it better to go to France if you want to do the sights or enjoy peacefulness of nature? ............................................................ ............................................................


School holidays – Christmas and New Year, mid-February to mid-March, Easter, July and August – see millions of French families descend on the coasts, mountains and other tourist areas. Traffic-clogged roads, sky-high accommodation prices and sardine-packed beaches and ski slopes are downside factors of these high season periods. Many shops take their annual closure in August. Sundays and public holidays are dead everywhere. TOURIST SEASON high/peak season – разгар сезона at the height of the season – в разгар сезона low/off season – мёртвый сезон tourist area – место скопления туристов tourist attraction – место, привлекающее туристов beach – пляж mountain slope – горный склон lie in the sun/sunbathe – загорать

boiling (very hot)



not very warm




Vocabulary Note COOL – makes you feel pleasant CHILLY – makes you feel uncomfortable



freezing (very cold)


Listen and read.


Rain It’s raining, it’s pouring, The oceans are storing Water from the falling rain While thunderclouds are roaring.


The rain now is stopping, The rain’s no longer dropping. Sun comes out and soaks up water Like a mop that’s mopping.

Vocabulary Note When it rains for a short period of time, we call it a shower.  We had several showers yesterday afternoon. When it’s raining a lot, we often say it’s pouring (with rain).

Ex 21. Match the headings A–D to the paragraphs 1–3. There is one extra heading you don’t need to use. A. The Best Time to Visit Zanzibar B. Ecotourism

C. The Right Place for Wildlife Lovers D. The Most Inappropriate Time for the Holidays in Zanzibar


A visit to Zanzibar and Tanzania is an unusual tourist attraction for those who are keen on nature. Many travellers can combine time on Zanzibar’s silky beaches with a visit to northern Tanzania for wildebeest migration in search of fresh grasslands and water. This breathtaking spectacle can be seen in any time of the year.


When planning your visit, try to avoid the rain seasons. Zanzibar is just south of the equator. Generally, the main rainy season, or the “long rains”, lasts three months: March, April and May. Afternoon tropical downpours are the norm. The humidity is high and daily temperatures reach the low-mid 30’s.


The long dry season, when rainfall is fairly unusual, lasts through June, July, August, September, and October. There is usually a fine clear sky and sunny weather – it’s great time to visit Zanzibar and Tanzania. During November and December there is another rainy season – the “short rains”. These are much lighter than the main rains. 292

thunderstorm – гроза

(down)pour – ливень

shower – кратковременный дождь

rain – дождь

drizzle – моросящий дождь

Ex 22. What verbs do we use to describe the weather? Translate the verbs in the right column. Match the verbs to the corresponding nouns. Draw lines to connect them. Nouns puddles sun sky rain wind thunder lightning snow ice

Verbs pour ......................... thaw ......................... blow ......................... cover ......................... crack ......................... flash ......................... shine ......................... clear up ......................... freeze .........................

Ex 23. Complete the chart. Adjective



sun cloud fog heat mud frost mist breeze dust scorch

.. sunny .. ............... ............... .... hot .... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ...............

wind ice shower humidity slip (v) storm rain stick chill snow

............... ..... icy .... ............... .. humid .. ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ...............

Storm Outside, thunder crashes! Outside, lightning flashes! Outside, wild rain lashes! Inside, we are safe. Inside, we are warm. Inside, there is comfort. Outside, there is STORM! (by Helen H. Moore)



Listen and read. 10

After the verbs: be/look/seem/feel/smell/sound/ taste we use adjectives. In Russian we use adverbs after these verbs.  It is clear and warm today. – Сегодня безоблачно и тепло.  It seems chilly outdoors. – На улице, кажется, прохладно. After other verbs we use adverbs.  The sun shines brightly today. – Солнце ярко сияет сегодня.  The thunder cracks very loudly, doesn't it? – Гром гремит очень сильно, правда?




sunny – солнечный cloudy – облачный hot – жаркий warm – тёплый sultry – знойный, душный sticky – жаркий и влажный scorching – знойный, палящий cold – холодный cool – прохладный chilly – зябкий, прохладный breezy – свежий stormy – бурный, штормовой, грозовой icy – покрытый льдом freezing – ледяной холод muddy – грязный dusty – пыльный slippery – скользкий nasty – противный, скверный disgusting – отвратительный misty – туманный

Ex 24. Translate the sentences from Russian intо English. 1. Как там на улице?

What does it look like outside?

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Отвратительно. Ледяной холод, ветрено и влажно. ....................................................................................................................................... Очень приятно. Тепло, солнечно и нет ветра. ....................................................................................................................................... Весь день шёл сильный дождь. Как там, мокро и грязно? ....................................................................................................................................... Дороги покрыты льдом. Очень скользко, нужно быть очень осторожным. ....................................................................................................................................... Был ужасный ливень, я промокла до костей. ....................................................................................................................................... Почему ты дрожишь? Ты замёрзла? ....................................................................................................................................... На Кубе был ураган. Он повалил много деревьев. ....................................................................................................................................... В Петербурге высокая влажность. Её очень тяжело переносить, когда жарко или холодно. ....................................................................................................................................... На улице невыносимо жарко и душно. Возможно, будет гроза. ....................................................................................................................................... Был такой сильный туман, что я не могла вести машину. ....................................................................................................................................... На Кипре было так душно и влажно, что мы просто мечтали о прохладе. .......................................................................................................................................

Ex 25. Match the phrasal verbs to their meanings and translate them into Russian. сlear up  set in  die down  bring down  turn out  discourage from  be in for SOME USEFUL PHRASAL VERBS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Cause to fall Become less noisy, powerful or active Become brighter and better (of weather) Persuade against Begin and be likely to continue for a while Prove to be Expect smth (usually bad)

............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. .............................


............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. .............................

Some Useful Phrases – What a thick fog! – What nasty weather we’re having!

– It’s getting cold!

Ex 26. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verb (ex 25). It was raining heavily this morning. “The rain seems to .................... for days”, she remarked. The weather .................... to be fine. The storm .................... all the trees .................... . If the weather .................... , we’ll go on a picnic. Listen! The wind is not so strong. I think it .................... a bit. The rain .................... him .................... going camping. We .................... bad weather this month. I think the wind .................... enough for us to go sailing. The people here are used to carrying umbrellas with them as if they .................... rain all the year round. 10. Even such nasty weather can’t .................... us .................... jogging.

Ex 27. Complete the descriptions with the words from the box. thunder  sunshine  spell  lightning  humid rain  wind  lashed  thunderstorm (x2)  flash cooler  breezes  crack  blow  clearing


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.



rain – (n) дождь, (v) идёт дождь lightning – молния puddle – лужа peal/roll of thunder – раскат грома crack/clap of thunder – удар грома shiver – дрожать get soaked through – промокнуть до костей indoors – в помещении outdoors – на открытом воздухе

1. A (1) ..................... of scorching weather often ends with a (2) ..................... . It gets (3) ....................., then there is (4) ..................... and (5) ..................... , and finally very heavy (6) ..................... . Afterwards, it is usually (7) ..................... and it feels fresher. 2. One of the Roy’s worst nightmares was a scene from a bad movie. It was always at night, in the middle of a (8) ..................... , and the lightning would (9) ..................... . 3. After the first (10) ..................... of thunder, rain started falling in thick grey rails. 4. He pulled into the side of the road. Rain (11) ..................... his face and a strong (12) ..................... tagged his coat and threatened to (13) ..................... away his hat. 5. The sky was (14) ..................... , and as the sun came through, the sea was gleaming pale blue. 6. The weather was pleasant, long days of (15) ..................... and light (16) ..................... . 295

Winter The snow is white and clean. It makes a lovely scene. It covers cars, and trees, And streets, And makes the world go “hush” It looks so very pretty– Until it turns to slush!

cold hard severe

mild snowy

(by Helen H. Moorе)

Ex 28. Here is some information about winter holiday. Join the ideas together using relative clauses. 1. The peak season for winter sports is from the twentieth of December to the sixth of January. (The number of winter sports is increasing every year.)

The peak season for winter sports, the number of which is increasing every year, is from the twentieth of December to the sixth of January.

NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES It gives extra information about the subject being discussed, which is not essential to the meaning of the main clause. Commas are used.  The man, who used to travel a lot in his youth, came to see me yesterday. Relative pronouns are used to connect sentences: who/whom – for people, which – for things/animals Non-defining clauses are used mostly in writing. In conversation two short sentences can be enough.  The man came to see me yesterday. He used to travel a lot in his youth.

2. We go on holiday for two weeks every winter. (Our holidays begin after Christmas.) ............................................................................ ........................................................................... ............................................................................ 3. This year we’re going skiing in the Dolomites. (The Dolomites are a section of the Alps in north-eastern Italy.) ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 4. The ski-lifts are very busy today. (By the way, the ski-lifts are produced by some American company.) ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 5. Approximately every tenth German goes skiing in his leisure time. (It can be said about Austrians as well.) ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 6. Cross-country skiing is becoming more and more popular. (It is the sport for people who love being close to nature.) ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 296

7. I’ll have to hire skiing equipment as I don’t have any of my own. (Skiing еquipment is very expensive.) ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 8. Although I don’t go in for winter sports I enjoy going away on winter holiday. (I’ve never liked them.) ......................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................

SMALL TALK What is the weather like today? What does it look like outside? What is the weather forcast for today? Did you check the weather forecast for next week? How was the weather in Spain?

Ex 29. Read the text and, as the author advises, learn these conversations by heart. You can use them again and again (if you’re in Britain, of course). George Mikes wrote his book “How to Be an Alien“ to tell the English what he thought about them. The author was surprised that the English didn’t get angry, they found the book very amusing. Here’s what George Mikes wrote about the weather. “The weather is the most important subject in the land. It is always an interesting, exciting subject and you must be good at talking about it. One very important rule is: you must always agree with other people when you talk about the weather. If it is raining and snowing and the wind is knocking down trees, and someone says, “Nice day, isn’t it?” answer immediately, “Isn’t it wonderful?” Examples for Conversation 13

For good weather “Nice day, isn’t it?” – “Isn’t it beautiful?” “Isn’t it wonderful?” – “ Yes, wonderful, isn’t it?” “It’s so nice and hot.” – “I think it is so nice when it’s hot, isn’t it?”, “ I really love it, don’t you?”

For bad weather “Terrible day, isn’t it?” – “Isn’t it unpleasant?” “The rain… I don’t like the rain.” – “Just think – a day like this in July. It rains in the morning, then a bit of sun and then rain, rain, rain, all day.” – “I remember the same July in 1936…”

(abridged from “How to Be an Alien” by George Mikes) 297

Ex 30. Use question tags to complete these questions. 1. It was terribly cold yesterday, ... wasn’t it ..? 2. It will be very hot tomorrow, they say, ................... ? 3. It has never been so cloudy and cold here, ................... ? 4. It is raining heavily, ................... ? 5. Look at the sky. There is a chance of showers, ................... ? 6. There had been a snowstorm before we arrived to the ski resort, ................... ? 7. We’ve never met before, ................... ? 8. This girl isn’t your daughter, ................... ? 9. You are here for the first time, ................... ? 10. You came by train, ................... ? 11. You can get lost in this city, ................... ? 12. You’ve never been here before, ................... ? 13. You didn’t go to the museum, ................... ?

Ex 31. Complete these conversations with a question tag as in George Mikes’ story above. Make use of the prompts in brackets. 1. – – – 3. – – –

What a beautiful day! Yes, (really hot)

Grammar QUESTION TAGS A question tag is a short phrase that is added to the end of a statement to turn it into a question. It consists of a verb and a pronoun. The verb in a question tag is chosen in the same way we do in a general question. With a positive statement we use a negative question tag, ending in n’t. With a negative statement – positive question tag.  You are going on holiday, aren’t you?  You go to the seaside, don’t you?  He has already booked the passage, hasn’t he?  You couldn’t stay there long, could you?  You won’t stay at a hotel, will you?

Yes, it’s really hot, isn’t it?

2. – – –

What a cold rainy day! Yes, (a terrible day) ............................................. ?

What a fine sunny day! Oh, yes, (a perfect day) ............................................. ?

4. – – –

What a gusty wind! And (cold) ............................................. ?

Ex 32. A good place to visit. Write about some good place to visit. Include answers to these questions. Where is it? What kind of place is it? Is it expensive?

What can you do there? How can you get there?

What is the weather like there?

What is the best time of the year to go there?

.............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................................

APPENDICES Appendix 1 English-Russian Dictionary (vocabulary words having no translation in the text of the book) A affordable – доступный anchor – якорь ankle – лодыжка appointment – условленная встреча arm – рука assemble – собирать (монтировать) attend – посещать attic – чердак B back – спина bake – печь (в духовке) barber – парикмахер (мужской) bargain – выгодная покупка, дёшево купленная вещь beef – говядина bend (v) – сгибать blinds – жалюзи, шторы, маркиза block of flats – многоквартирный дом blow dry – сушить волосы феном blueberry – черника boil – кипеть, варить booking office – билетная касса brain – мозг brick – кирпич bride – невеста bridegroom– жених bright – смышлёный, способный broad-minded – имеющий широкий кругозор bunch – букет, гроздь, пучок, связка buoy – бакен, буек C calf – телёнок callous – чёрствый, бессердечный canned – консервированный carriage – экипаж, пассажирский вагон ceiling– потолок charge – назначать цену, просить за ч-л (цену) cheek – щека cheekbone – скула 299

chest – грудная клетка chest of drawers – комод chic – модный, шикарный, нарядный chimney – дымовая труба chin – подбородок clever – умный, искусный cloudberry – морошка coach – экипаж, пассажирский вагон, автобус междугородного сообщения coat rack – вешалка (мебель) conduct – поведение consumer service – сфера бытовых услуг convenient – удобный cool – прохладный corkscrew – штопор cowberry – брусника cranberry – клюква curly – кудрявый currant – смородина curtains – занавески, шторы D deal with – иметь дело с к-л, вести дело decanter – графин delicate (job) – тонкая deluxe – роскошный departure lounge – зал отправления detached house – отдельно стоящий дом dirty – грязный dishwasher – посудомоечная машина drops – капли (лекарство) E ear – ухо easy-going – добродушно-весёлый, лёгкий, беззаботный educate – давать образование elbow – локоть engagement– помолвка entertain – развлекать expenses – расходы expensive – дорогостоящий

eyebrow – локоть eyelashes – ресницы eyelid – веко F fatty – жирный (о пище) fee – гонорар file – регистрировать и хранить документы fix – ремонтировать, устранять неполадки flavourless – безвкусный floor – пол, этаж foolish – глупый, безрассудный foot – нога выше щиколотки, ступня forehead – лоб freelance – работать без найма frosty– морозный fry – жарить в масле G gate – ворота genius – гений (о человеке) gloomy – мрачный gooseberry – крыжовник grill – жарить на рашпере groomed – быть ухоженным, хорошо одетым, тщательно подстриженным H hair – волосы hairdresser – парикмахер (женский) handle – торговать ч-л, управлять heart – сердце hedge – живая изгородь heel – пятка hip – бедро honeymoon – медовый месяц housewarming party – новоселье hovercraft – судно на воздушной подушке I immaculately – безупречно, безукоризненно inert – инертный, неактивный insurance – страховка intelligent – умный, понятливый, смышлёный intestine – кишечник itinerary – маршрут, путеводитель J jaw – подбородок K kidney – почка knee – колено

L lamb – ягнёнок, овечка land – земля, приземляться lawn – лужайка, газон lazy – ленивый lean (meat) – постный, не жирный learned – учёный left-luggage office – камера хранения багажа life buoy – спасательный круг life jacket – спасательный жилет limbs – конечности lip – губа liver – печень loaf – буханка location – место расположения longevity – долголетие lung – лёгкое luxury – роскошь M maintain – поддерживать, обслуживать, содержать в исправном состоянии manage – управлять, руководить, стоять во главе manual – ручной (труд) mast – мачта mental – умственный, психический mixture – смесь, микстура modest – скромный mouth – рот mutton – баранина N nail – ноготь napkin – салфетка narrow-minded – ограниченный, недалёкий, с предрассудками neck – шея newlyweds – молодожёны O odd job – случайная работа ointment – мазь (лекарство) outfit – одежда, обмундирование overcast – (n) облачность; (adj) покрытый облаками P painkiller – болеутоляющее средство paint (v) – красить; писать красками palm – ладонь paper (v) – оклеивать обоями 300

pill – таблетка ponytail – причёска «хвост» porch – крыльцо, (AmE) веранда, балкон pork – свинина porter – носильщик porthole – иллюминатор powder – порошок (лекарство) pull – тянуть, тащить pupil – зрачок Q quick-minded – смышлёный quiet – спокойный, тихий R raspberry – малина rational – рациональный reclamation – заявление претензий renovate – делать косметический ремонт repair – ремонтировать retire – отойти от дел, оставить должность, уйти на пенсию roast – жарить на огне roof– крыша run-down – захудалый, жалкий rural – сельский, деревенский rye – ржаной S safety – безопасность sail – парус, плыть под парусами, отплывать schedule – (AmE) расписание, график seedy – потрепанный self-employed – имеющий своё собственное дело предприниматель shin – голень shoulder – плечо silly – глупый, простой, бесхитростный sink – раковина в кухне skilled – квалифицированный, искусный slow – 1) медлительный, тупой, несообразительный; 2) медленный smart – 1) остроумный, находчивый, ловкий; 2) щеголеватый, нарядный, модный, элегантный; 3) официальный (об одежде) snack – лёгкая закуска sour – кислый spacious – просторный stale – несвежий, чёрствый (хлеб) stall – ларёк, палатка step – шаг stew – тушить, тушёное мясо, жаркое

stomach – живот straight – прямой strawberry – клубника stupid – глупый, тупой, бестолковый syringe – шприц T talented – талантливый tap – кран (водопроводный) teleworker – работающий из дома с помощью телефона или компьютера tender – нежный thigh – бедро thumb – большой палец руки ticket collector– контролёр tidy – аккуратный tiles – черепица timetable – (BrE) расписание tinned– консервированный toe – палец на ноге tough – жёсткий, твёрдый track – путь (на платформе) tray – поднос treadmill – однообразный механический труд trendy – модный, соответствующий направлению моды tug boat – буксир U urban – городской V veal – телятина venue – место встречи, (зд.) место проведения венчания/свадьбы vogue – модa W waist – талия washbasin – раковина (в ванной комнате) whitewash – белить wholegrain – цельнозерновой (хлеб) wholemeal – сделанный из непросеянной муки, с отрубями wise – мудрый wraparound – расположенный со всех сторон; опоясывающий; панорамный wrist – запястье Y yard – двор

Appendix 2 British/American English British Advertisement air hostess aubergine autumn Bank holiday barrister bath bedside table bill (restaurant) bin biscuit block of flats bobby bonnet (clothing) booking bookshop bookstall boot (of car) Call box car park caravan casualty department chemist's shop chest of drawers chips chocolate bar the cinema city centre class cloakroom coach crisps crossroads cupboard cutlery Dinner jacket doctor’s surgery drawing-pin dressing gown driving licence



commercial flight attendant eggplant fall legal holiday lawyer bathtub nightstand check garbage can cookie apartment building police officer hood reservation bookstore newsstand trunk phone both parking lot trailer emergency room drugstore bureau French fries candy bar the movies / movie theatre downtown grade checkroom long distance bus potato chips intersection closet silverware tuxedo doctor’s office thumbtack bathrobe driver's license

dustbin dustman Earth engine entree estate agent exercise book extra time Father Christmas film first floor flat football form fortnight fringe frying pan Gangway goods train grammar school ground floor Headmaster handbag hight street hire holiday Injection ironmonger Jam jug Knickers Lable lay the table lead (dog) letterbox life jacket lift lorry lost property luggage


American ashcan, garbage can, trashcan garbage collector ground motor appetizer realtor notebook overtime Santa Claus movie second floor apartment soccer grade two weeks bangs skillet aisle fright train high school first floor principal purse main street rent vacation shot hardware store jelly pitcher panties tag set the table leash mailbox life vest elevator truck lost and found baggage

British Mad main road maize mate Maths mean mince meat mixer mobile (phone) motorbike motorway mum Napkin nappy newsagent’s normal note (money) Pants pavement pedestrial crossing petrol platform pocket money porridge post postbox postcode postman primary school prison pub public toilet puncture pupil Railway reception redundant return (ticket) ring road surface rubber rubbish

American crazy highway corn buddy Math stingy ground beef blender cellphone motorcycle freeway mom napkin diaper newspaper store regular bill underpants sidewalk crosswalk gas, gasoline track allowance oatmeal mail mailbox zip code mailman/ mail carrier elementary school jail bar rest room flat student railroad front desk laid off round-trip call pavement eraser garbage, trash

British rubbish bin row rubbish Secondary school shop shop assistant single (ticket) solicitor spirits State school sweet subway Tap taxi taxi rank tea towel term timetable till (shop) tin toilet torch town centre traffic lights trainers tram trousers tube (train) Underground (train) underpants Van vest Waistcoat wallet wardrobe wellington boots whisky wholemeal bread windscreen wing Zebra crossing zip

American garbage can/trashcan argument garbage high school store sales clerk one-way lawyer hard liquor public school candy underpass faucet cab taxi stand dish towel semester schedule cash register can bathroom/rest room flashlight downtown stop lights sneakers streetcar pants, trousers subway subway shorts truck undershirt vest billfold closet rubbers whiskey, scotch brown bread windshield fender crosswalk zipper

Appendix 3 Spelling Differences Between British English and American English There are some well-known spelling differences between British English and American English. Many of these spelling differences result from French influence on English. British English has a tendency to keep the spelling of many words of French origin. Americans try to spell words more closely to the way they sound phonetically and they tend to omit some letters. The general spelling differences between British and American English are listed below. British -our vs. American -or difference

armour behaviour colour favourite flavour harbour honour humour labour neighbour rumour saviour

armor behavior color favorite flavor harbor honor humor labor neighbor rumor savior

British -se vs. American -ze difference*

analyse apologise appetiser catalyse civilise civilisation colonise colonisation criticise emphasise organise popularise popularisation prise realise recognise

analyze apologize appetizer catalyze civilize civilization colonize colonization criticize emphasize organize popularize popularization prize realize recognize

British -re vs. American -er difference

amphitheatre centimetre centre fibre kilometre litre lustre louvre manoeuvre metre spectre theatre

amphitheater centimeter center fiber kilometer liter luster louver maneuver meter specter theater

British -ence vs. American -ense difference

defence** licence (n) license (v) offence** pretence

defense license (both noun and verb) offense pretense

British -ae/-oe/-oeu vs. American -e/-o/-eu difference

archaeology gynaecology leukaemia manoeuvre mediaeval mementoes oestrogen orthopaedic paediatric palaeontology toxaemia

archeology gynecology leukemia maneuver medieval mementos estrogen orthopedic pediatric paleontology toxemia

British -ogue vs. American -og difference

analogue catalogue dialogue monologue

analog catalog dialog monolog

*Additional notes: – British English uses both “-ise” and “-ize” forms but tends to prefer -ise (-isation) form. – Verbs in British English that can be spelled with either “-ize” or “-ise” at the end are always spelled with -ize in American English. – Verbs in British English that end in “-yse” (e.g. analyse) are always spelled “-yze” in American English (analyze). **But note: defensive, offensive


British -ll vs. American -l difference

British -l vs. American -ll difference

enrolment fulfil instalment skilful

counsellor fuelled parallelled quarrelling travelling

enrollment fulfill installment skillful

counselor fueled paralleled quarreling traveling

Remember: In British English, verbs that end in -l preceded by a vowel usually double the final -l when a suffix -ed/-ing is added. In American English the final -l is doubled only when the last syllable is stressed. British -gramme vs. American -gram difference

British -dge vs. American -dg

abridgement abridgment acknowledgement acknowledgment judgement judgment

British -que vs. American -k/-ck difference

banque bank cheque (money) check

gram (gramme) kilogram (kilogramme) programme (n) (TV/radio programme or programme of events – plans, conferences, a theatre programme etc.) programme (v) (to instruct) program (programme) (computer program)

gram kilogram program

program (-mm-) program

Miscellaneous spelling differences British


ageing aluminium draught (current of air) encyclopaedia grey jewellery kerb (edge of roadway or pavement) curb (verb means “restrain”) marvellous mould mum, mummy (mom, mam)

aging aluminum draft encyclopedia gray jewelery curb (both noun and verb) marvelous mold mom, mommy


omelette practise (v) practising practice (n) pyjamas plough sceptic sulphur or sulfur tyre woollen


omelet practice (both noun and verb) practicing pajamas plow skeptic sulfur tire woolen

It is useful to learn both British and American English forms, but a good recommendation is to aim for consistency in your spelling.

Appendix 4 Some Useful Verbs For Statements: to add to admit smth to agree to anounce (smth to smb) to answer in the affirmative to answer in the negative to approve of smth to argue to assure to claim to come to a decision to come to a conclusion to complain to convince smb to decide to declare to deny smth to determine to exclaim to explain smth to smb to inform to insist to make up one’s mind to mention to notice to object (to smth) to observe to persuade smb to promise to refuse to remark to remind to reply to respond to warn

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

добавлять признавать что-либо соглашаться объявлять кому-либо о чём-либо дать утвердительный ответ дать отрицательный ответ одобрять что-либо спорить уверять, заверять заявлять решать решать, прийти к выводу жаловаться убеждать решать заявлять отрицать что-либо решать, принимать решение воскликнуть объяснять что-либо кому-либо информировать, сообщать настаивать решаться, принимать решение упоминать замечать, отмечать возражать чему-либо замечать убеждать кого-либо обещать отказываться замечать напоминать отвечать отвечать предупреждать

For Questions: to ask smb’s permission to be interested to know to inquire to want to know/wonder

– – – –

просить разрешения интересоваться спрашивать, справляться, узнавать, осведомляться хотеть знать, интересоваться


For Orders and Commands: to advise – to allow – to beg – to command – to forbid – to implore – to invite – to offer (help, a book)* – to order – to permit – to request – to suggest* – to tell to do smth –

советовать разрешать, позволять просить серьёзно, настойчиво; умолять приказывать запрещать умолять приглашать предлагать (что-то конкретное)* приказывать разрешать, позволять просить подчеркнуто вежливо предлагать (идею, вносить предложение)* приказывать сделать что-либо

* Note: Mind the difference between the use of the verbs to offer and to suggest: Он предложил два билета в театр. He offered them two tickets to the theatre. Он предложил им помочь. He offered to help them. Он предложил поехать за город. He suggested going to the country. Он предложил им поехать за город. He suggested that they should go to the country.

Appendix 5 Expressions with the Verb TO BE to be glad/delighted (pleased) to be happy lo be hungry to be thirsty to be ill (healthy) to be ready for smth to be late for smth to be 5 minutes late to be sorry to be (un)comfortable to be out of place to be proud of smth/smb to be sure/certain of smth to be mistaken to be surprised at smb to be angry with smth to be busy with smth to be to blame Who’s to blame? to be for (against) smth to be present to be absent to be right to be wrong to be afraid to be tired to be situated

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

быть радостным, довольным быть счастливым быть голодным (хотеть есть) хотеть пить быть больным (здоровым) быть готовым к чему-либо опаздывать куда-либо опаздывать на 5 минут сожалеть чувствовать себя (не)удобно чувствовать себя неуютно (не к месту) гордиться чем-либо/кем-либо быть уверенным в чём-либо ошибиться удивиться кому-либо быть сердитым на кого-либо быть занятым чем-либо быть виноватым Кто виноват? быть за (против) чего-либо присутствовать отсутствовать быть правым ошибаться, быть неправым бояться быть уставшим быть расположенным


Appendix 6 Connectives and Transitional Phrases for Sentence Openings Temporal (временные)

General Transitions (выражения общего характера)

after a while – вскоре, немного погодя after some time – через некоторое время afterwards – впоследствии, потом, позже all this time – все это время as a result – в результате at last – наконец at present – сейчас, в настоящий момент at that time – в то время, тогда at this time – сейчас, теперь by and by – вскоре eventually – в конце концов finally – в конце концов, в конечном счёте firstly – во-первых from the very beginning – с самого начала from then on – с того времени in a while – вскоре in the end – в конце концов initially – вначале later – позднее meanwhile – тем временем, между тем next – потом, затем now – сейчас, теперь now and then – время от времени, иногда presently – вскоре, теперь, сейчас some time later – через некоторое время soon – вскоре then – тогда until then – до того времени until that time – до того времени

Opposition – противопоставление but – о, а, тем не менее, однако yet – но, однако, всё же, тем не менее nevertheless – всё же however – однако, тем не менее nor (with inversion) – также, тоже не Comparison – сравнение similarly (to) – подобно, так же unlike – в отличие от by contrast – в противоположность on the one hand – с одной стороны on the other hand – с другой стороны


Appendix 7 The Numeral Cardinals and Ordinals Cardinals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen MEMO: four – forty


Ordinals 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th

first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth

five – fifty

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred

Ordinals 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21th 22nd 30th 40th 50th 60th 70th 80th 90th 100th 1,000,000th 1,000,000,000th

sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first twenty-second thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth hundredth millionth milliardth/billionth

twelve – twelfth

Large Numbers 100 – a (one)* hundred 101 – a (one) hundred and one 300 – three hundred 1,000 – a (one) thousand 1,001 – a (one) thousand and one 1,100 – one thousand one hundred/eleven hundred 1,247 – a (one) thousand two hundred and forty-seven 2,000 – two thousand 2,350 – two thousand three hundred and fifty 100,000 – a (one) hundred thousand 1,000,000 – a (one) million 1,225,375 – a (one) million two hundred and twenty-five thousand three hundred and seventy-five 1,000,000,000 – a (one) milliard / a (one) billion ** * 100; 1,000; 1,000,000 are used with the indefinite article a or one, with other numbers (e.g. 125) one is more usual. ** In the past, American and British billions were not the same. But British companies and newspapers often use American billions now. 310

Fractional Numbers Common Fraction 1

/2 /3 2 /3 1 /4 3 /4 1

Decimal Fraction

a (one) half a (one) third two thirds a (one) quarter; tree quarters/three fourths

1. Write the decimal point sign as a dot, not a comma: 0.1 nought point one or simply point one 2. PRONOUNCE NUMBERS INDIVIDUALLY AFTER A DECIMAL POINT: 0.25 nought point two five 27.27 twenty-seven point two seven 3. 0 is pronounced xåiíz before a decimal point and oh xèsz after a point in British English: 0.05 nought point oh five 10.06 ten point oh six 32.305 three two (thirty-two) point three oh five

Reading the Nouns Which Follow Fractional Numbers 2

/3 ton /4 kilometre 1 /2 ton 2 1/2 tons 1 1/2 hours 1 1/3 pounds 0.25 ton 1.25 tons 23.76 tons 3

– two thirds of a ton (the noun is in the singular) – three quarters of a kilometre – half a ton – two and a half tons/two tons and a half (the noun is in the plural) – one and a half hours/one hour and a half – one and a third pounds/one pound and a third – nought point two five of a ton (the noun is in the singular) – one point two five tons (the noun is in the plural) – twenty-three point seven six tons

Percentage 2% 3 /8% 1 /2% 0.2%

– (2 per cent/2 p.с.) two per cent – three eights of one per cent – a half per cent/half of one per cent – nought point two per cent/nought point two of one per cent

Telephone numbers 4–36–08 – four three six oh eight 7–66–34 – seven double six three four 6666 – double six double six

Appendix 8 The Old Units of Measurement With modern man now using the metric system there is sometimes a need to remember what the old units of measurement were. The UK table should really be the English table as some very old measurements were slightly different in Scotland, Ireland or Wales. (The metric conversions shown are approximate.) Imperial – UK Units of Length 1 inch (in. or " ) = 12 inches (ins.) = 1 foot 3 feet (ft.) = 1 yard 1760 yards (yds) = 1 mile (m)

about the width of a thumb about the length of a size 10 shoe about from nose to stretched finger about 15 minutes walking

Imperial – UK units of Mass or Weight 16 drams (dr) = 1 ounce 16 ounces (ozs.) = 1 pound 14 pounds (lbs) = 1 stone 4 quarters = 1 hundredweight = 112 lb 20 hundredweight (cwt) = 1 ton = 2240 lb.

= 25.4 mm = 305 mm = 0.91 m = 1.61 km

a tablespoon of sugar a bag of sugar used in body weight a bag of cement about 14 men

Imperial – UK units of Capacity 5 fluid ounces = 1 gill 20 fluid ounces = 1 pint an English beer 2 pints(pts.) = 1 quart a German beer 4 quarts (qrt) = 1 gallon a large can of paint, maybe

= 28 grams = 0.45 kg = 6.35 kg = 50.8 kg = 1.016 ton

= 142 ml = 568 ml = 1.1 L = 4.546 L

Money Imperial – UK units, coins and notes of Old Money, pre Feb 1971 4 farthings = 1 penny (d) Latin – denarius 3 pennies = 1 threepence bit used to be “silver”, then bronze 6 pennies = 1 sixpenny piece first coin in nickel 12 pennies = 1 shilling (s) a bob as in “bob a job” (1/12 of a pound) 2 biggest coin in regular use 2s. 6d; /6 d = 1 half crown 10 shillings = 1 ten ‘bob’ note first in paper money 20 shillings = 1 pound note (£1) Latin – libra (quid) MEMO: Penny – pl pence when combined with numbers: sixpence, tenpence. – pl pennies when use of individual coins:  Please, give me 10 pennies for this tenpence piece. – Until 1971 British brines coin (d) worth 1/12 of a shilling. After 1971 since decimal coinage was introduced British coin worth 1/100 of a pound. 312

Less common units 5 shillings = 1 crown = 0.25p 21 shillings = 1 guinea = £1.05

THE USA $1 – one dollar $25 – twenty-five dollars 1 c – one cent (1/100 $) 65 c – sixty-five cents $25.01 – twenty-five dollars and one cent $3,350.55 – three thousand three hundred and fifty dollars and fifty-five cents

Appendix 9 Dates Dates can be written in numbers and words.There are several ways of writing a date: 20 April 1993 April 20, 1993 20th April 1993 April 20th, 1993 (esp. in the US) You can write a date entirely in figures. This way of writing dates is often used for the date at the top of a letter, and for dates on forms. 15 / 12 / 97 15.12.97 15 / 01 / 2011 15.01.2011 28 / 09 / 02 28.09.02 In the US the month is in front of the day 12 / 15 / 97 12.15.97 1 / 15 / 2011


9 / 28 / 02


Saying Dates You say a day as an ordinal number, even when it is written in figures as a cardinal number. April 20 is said as April the twentieth or the twentieth of April. AmE: April twentieth You can omit the month when it is clear which month you are referring to: So Monday will be the seventeenth. What date is it today? It’s the twelfth. A Year You normally say a year in two parts: 1997 – nineteen ninety-seven. In case of the year ending in “00”, you say the second part as “hundred”: 1900 – nineteen hundred; 1901 – nineteen oh one or nineteen hundred and one. In case of the year 2000 you say “two thousand”. 2011 – two thousand and eleven Decades The decade from 1960 to 1969 can be referred to as the nineteen sixties (usually written as the 1960s). When you are talking about a decade within a definite century, you do not have to indicate the century. For example, when you are talking about the 20th century, you can refer to the 1920s as the twenties. This is often written as the 20s.


Appendix 10 List of Irregular Verbs Base Form 1 2 3

arise xèDê~fòzz awake xèDïÉfâz be xÄgz

33 34 35

arose xèDêèsòz awoke xèDïèsâz was xïmòz were xïbWz bear xÄcèz bore xÄiz bear xÄcèz bore xÄiz beat xÄgíz beat xÄgíz become xÄfDâ^ãz became xÄfDâÉfãz begin xÄfDÖfåz began xÄfDÖñåz bend xÄÉåÇz bent xÄÉåíz bet xÄÉíz bet xÄÉíz bound xÄ~såÇz bind xÄ~fåÇz bit xÄfíz bite xÄ~fíz blew xÄäez blow xÄäèsz broke xÄêèsâz break xÄêÉfâz brought xÄêiíz bring xÄêfkz built xÄfäíz build xÄfäÇz burnt xÄbWåíz burn xÄbWåz burst xÄbWëíz burst xÄbWëíz bought xÄiíz buy xÄ~fz cast xâoëíz cast xâoëíz caught xâiíz catch xâñ`z chose x`èsòz choose x`eòz clung xâä^kz cling xâäfkz came xâÉfãz come xâ^ãz cost xâmëíz cost xâmëíz crept xâêÉéíz creep xâêgéz cut xâ^íz cut xâ^íz dealt xÇÉäíz deal xÇgäz dug xÇ^Öz dig xÇfÖz did xÇfÇz do xÇez drew xÇêez draw xÇêiz dreamt xÇêÉãíz dream xÇêgãz dreamed xÇêgãÇz drank xÇêñkâz drink xÇêfkâz drove xÇêèsîz drive xÇê~fîzz dwelt xÇïÉäíz dwell xÇïÉäz

36 37 38

eat xgíz fall xÑiäz feed xÑgÇz

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Past Participle

Past Simple

ate xÉíX=Éfíz fell xÑÉäz fed xÑÉÇz


arisen xèDêfòåz awoken xèDïèsâåz been xÄgåz

возникать будить; просыпаться быть

born xÄiåz borne xÄiåz beaten xÄgíåz become xÄfDâ^ãz begun xÄfDÖ^åz bent xÄÉåíz bet xÄÉíz bound xÄ~såÇz bitten xÄfíåz blown xÄäèsåz broken xÄêèsâåz brought xÄêiíz built xÄfäíz burnt xÄbWåíz burst xÄbWëíz bought xÄiíz cast xâoëíz caught xâiíz chosen x`èsòåz clung xâä^kz come xâ^ãz cost xâmëíz crept xâêÉéíz cut xâ^íz dealt xÇÉäíz dug xÇ^Öz done xÇ^åz drawn xÇêiåz dreamt xÇêÉãíz dreamed xÇêgãÇz drunk xÇê^kâz driven xÇêfîåz dwelt xÇïÉäíz

рождать носить, выносить бить становиться начинать(-ся) гнуть(-ся), сгибать(-cя) держать пари связывать кусать дуть ломать приносить строить гореть, жечь разрываться покупать бросать, кидать ловить, схватывать выбирать прилипать, цепляться приходить стоить ползать резать торговать; иметь дело копать делать тащить; рисовать видеть сны; мечтать

eaten xgíåz fallen xÑiäåz fed xÑÉÇz


пить ехать; гнать; везти обитать; останавливаться подробно есть падать кормить(-ся)

Base Form

Past Participle

Past Simple

39 40 41 42

feel xÑgäz fight xÑ~fíz find xÑ~fåÇz flee xÑägz

felt xÑÉäíz fought xÑiíz found xÑ~såÇz fled xÑäÉÇz

felt xÑÉäíz fought xÑiíz found xÑ~såÇz fled xÑäÉÇz

43 44 45 46 47

fly xÑä~fz forbid xÑèDÄfÇz forget xÑèDÖÉíz forgive xÑèDÖfîz freeze xÑêgòz

flew xÑäez forbade xÑèDÄÉfÇz forgot xÑèDÖmíz forgave xÑèDÖÉfîz froze xÑêèsòz

flown xÑäçsåz forbidden xÑèDÄfÇåz forgotten xÑèDÖmíåz forgiven xÑèDÖfîåz frozen xÑêèsòåz

48 49 50 51 52 53

get xÖÉíz give xÖfîz go xÖçìz grind xÖê~fåÇz grow xÖêèsz hang xÜñkz

54 55 56 57 58 59

have xÜñîz hear xÜfèz hide xÜ~fÇz hit xÜfíz hold xÜèsäÇz hurt xÜbWíz

got xÖmíz gave xÖÉfîz went xïÉåíz ground xÖê~såÇz grew xÖêez hung xÜ^kz hanged xÜñkÇz had xÜñÇz heard xÜbWÇz hid xÜfÇz hit xÜfíz held xÜÉäÇz hurt xÜbWíz

got xÖmíz given xÖfîåz gone xÖmåz ground xÖê~såÇz grown xÖêèsåz hung xÜ^kz hanged xÜñkÇz had xÜñÇz heard xÜbWÇz hidden xÜfÇåz hit xÜfíz held xÜÉäÇz hurt xÜbWíz

60 61 62 63 64 65

keep xâgéz kneel xågäz know xåèsz lay xäÉfz lead xägÇz lean xägåz


leap xägéz


learn xäbWåz

68 69

leave xägîz lend xäÉåÇz

kept xâÉéíz knelt xåÉäíz knew xåàez laid xäÉfÇz led xäÉÇz leant xäÉåíz leaned xägåÇz leapt xäÉéíz leaped xägéíz learnt xäbWåíz learned xDäbWåÇz left xäÉÑíz lent xäÉåíz

kept xâÉéíz knelt xåÉäíz known xåèsåz laid xäÉfÇz led xäÉÇz leant xäÉåíz leaned xägåÇz leapt xäÉéíz leaped xägéíz learnt xäbWåíz learned xDäbWåÇz left xäÉÑíz lent xäÉåíz


let xäÉíz

let xäÉíz

let xäÉíz

71 72

lie xä~fz light xä~fíz

73 74

lose xäeòz make xãÉfâz

lay xäÉfz lit xäfíz lighted xDä~fífÇz lost xämëíz made xãÉfÇz

lain xäÉfåz lit xäfíz lighted xDä~fífÇz lost xämëíz made xãÉfÇz 316

Translation чувствовать бороться, сражаться находить бежать, спасаться бегством летать запрещать забывать прощать замерзать, замораживать получать; становиться давать идти, ехать точить; молоть расти, выращивать висеть, вешать иметь слышать прятать ударять; поражать держать повредить, ушибать; обидеть держать, хранить становиться на колени знать класть вести прислоняться прыгать учиться оставлять, уезжать давать взаймы, одалживать позволять; сдавать в наём лежать зажигать, освещать терять, проигрывать делать; заставлять

Base Form

Past Participle

Past Simple


mean xãgåz

meant xãÉåíz

meant xãÉåíz

76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83

meet xãgíz pay xéÉfz put xésíz read xêgÇz ride xê~fÇz ring xêfkz rise xê~fòz run xê^åz

met xãÉíz paid xéÉfÇz put xésíz read xêÉÇz rode xêèsÇz rang xêñkz rose xêèsòz ran xêñåz

met xãÉíz paid xéÉfÇz put xésíz read xêÉÇz ridden xêfÇåz rung xê^kz risen xêfòåz run xê^åz


saw xëiz

sawed xëiÇz

85 86 87 88 89 90

say xëÉfz see xëgz seek xëgâz sell xëÉäz send xëÉåÇz set xëÉíz

said xëÉÇz saw xëiz sought xëiíz sold xëèsäÇz sent xëÉåíz set xëÉíz

sawed xëiÇz sawn xëiåz said xëÉÇz seen xëgåz sought xëiíz sold xëèsäÇz sent xëÉåíz set xëÉíz

91 92

shake xpÉfâz shave xpÉfîz

shook xpsâz shaved xpÉfîÇz


shed xpÉÇz

shed xpÉÇz


shine xp~fåz

95 96

shoot xpeíz show xpèsz

shone xpmåz shined xp~fåÇz shot xpmíz showed xpèsÇz


shrink xpêfkâz

shrank xpêñkâz

98 99 100 101 102 103 104

shut xp^íz sing xëfkz sink xëfkâz sit xëfíz sleep xëägéz slide xëä~fÇz smell xëãÉäz


sow xëèsz

shut xp^íz sang xëñkz sank xëñkâz sat xëñíz slept xëäÉéíz slid xëäfÇz smelled xëãÉäÇz smelt xëãÉäíz sowed xëèsÇz

106 107

speak xëégâz spell xëéÉäz


spend xëéÉåÇz

spoke xëéèsâz spelt xëéÉäíz spelled xëéÉäÇz spent xëéÉåíz

shaken xpÉfâåz shaved xpÉfîÇz shaven xpÉfîåz shed xpÉÇz shone xpmåz shined xp~fåÇz shot xpmíz shown xpèsåz showed xpèsÇz shrunk xpê^kâz shut xp^íz sung xë^kz sunk xë^kâz sat xëñíz slept xëäÉéíz slid xëäfÇz smelled xëãÉäÇz smelt xëãÉäíz sown xëèsåz sowed xëèsÇz spoken xDëéèsâèåz spelt xëéÉäíz spelled xëéÉäÇz spent xëéÉåíz 317

Translation значить; подразумевать встречать платить класть читать ездить верхом звонить; звенеть подниматься бежать; вести дела, управлять пилить говорить, сказать видеть искать продавать посылать помещать, ставить; заходить (о солнце) трясти брить(-ся) проливать (слёзы, кровь) сиять, светить стрелять показывать сморщиваться; сокращаться закрывать петь погружаться, тонуть сидеть спать скользить пахнуть; нюхать сеять говорить писать или произносить слово по буквам тратить

Base Form 109

spill xëéfäz

110 111 112

spit xëéfíz split xëéäfíz spoil xëélfäz

113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123

spread xëéêÉÇz spring xëéêfkz stand xëíñåÇz steal xëígäz stick xëífâz sting xëífkz strike xëíê~fâz strive xëíê~fîz swear xëïcèz sweep xëïgéz swell xëïÉäz

124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133

swim xëïfãz swing xëïfkz take xíÉfâz teach xíg`z tear xícèz tell xíÉäz think xqfkâz throw xqêèsz understand x?^åÇèDëíñåÇz wake xïÉfâz

134 135 136 137 138

Past Simple

Past Participle

wear xïcèz weep xïgéz win xïfåz wind xï~fåÇz

swam xëïñãz swung xëï^kz took xísâz taught xíiíz tore xíiz told xíèsäÇz thought xqiíz threw xqêez understood x?^åÇèDëísÇz woke xïèsâz waked xïÉfâíz wore xïiz wept xïÉéíz won xï^åz wound xï~såÇz

spilt xëéfäíz spilled xëéfäÇz spat xëéñíz split xëéäfíz spoilt xëélfäíz spoiled xëélfäÇz spread xëéêÉÇz sprung xëéê^kz stood xëísÇz stolen xëíèsäåz stuck xëí^âz stung xëí^kz struck xëíê^âz striven xëíêfîåz sworn xëïiåz swept xëïÉéíz swollen xDëïèsäèåz swelled xëïÉäÇz swum xëï^ãz swung xëï^kz taken xíÉfâåz taught xíiíz torn xíiåz told xíèsäÇz thought xqiíz thrown xqêèsåz understood x?^åÇèDëísÇz woken xïèsâåz waked xïÉfâíz worn xïiåz wept xïÉéíz won xï^åz wound xï~såÇz

write xê~fíz

wrote xêèsíz

written xêfíåz

spilt xëéfäíz spilled xëéfäÇz spat xëéñíz split xëéäfíz spoilt xëélfäíz spoiled xëélfäÇz spread xëéêÉÇz sprang xëéêñkz stood xëísÇz stole xëíèsäz stuck xëí^âz stung xëí^kz struck xëíê^âz strove xëíêèsîz swore xëïiz swept xëïÉéíz swelled xëïÉäÇz

Translation проливать плевать раскалывать(-ся) портить распространять(-ся) прыгать стоять красть приклеивать(-ся) жалить ударять; бастовать стремиться клясться; браниться мести пухнуть, раздуваться плавать качать(-ся); размахивать брать обучать, учить рвать рассказывать думать бросать понимать просыпаться; будить носить плакать выигрывать заводить (часы); виться писать

Literature 1. Potten H., Potten J. Clockwise Classbook (elementary). Oxford University Press, 2001. 2. McGowan B., Richardson V. Clockwise Classbook (pre-intermediate). Oxford University Press, 2000. 3. Kenny N., Kenny A. Ready for PET (a complete course for the Preliminary English Test). Oxford: Macmillan, 2003 4. Power Learning Englisch, 10 klasse. Berlin: Cornelsen, 2000 5. Beaven B., Quetz J., Stevens J. Lift Off 1. Berlin: Cornelsen and Oxford University Press, 2000. 6. Schmid-Burleson B., Loewenstein K., Schmid C.-P. English Elements (Basic Course), Munchen: Hueber Verlag, 2002. 7. Grisham J. The Brethren, London: Arrow Books, 2000. 8. Maeve B. Tara Road. London: Orion Publishers, 2005 9. Doff A., Jones C. Language in Use (pre-intermediate). Self-Study Book. Cambridge University Press, 2000. 10. Mc Carthy M., O’Dell F. English Vocabulary in Use (elementary), (upper-intermediate and advanced). Cambridge University Press, 1994, 1999. 11. Redman S. English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate and intermediate). Cambridge University Press, 1997 12. Puchta H., Stranks J., Lewis-Jones P. Fairway 3. Stuttgart: Ernest Klett Sprachen GmbH, 2006. 13. Дроздова Т.Ю., Берестова А.И., Дунаевская М.А. Everyday English. СПб.: Антология, 2010. 14. Дроздова Т.Ю., Маилова В.Г., Берестова А.И. English Grammar: Reference and Practice. СПб.: Антология, 2010. 15. Дроздова Т.Ю., Берестова А.И. The Whole World in Our Hands: The Environmental Crisis. СПб.: Химера, 1999. 16. Дроздова Т.Ю., Маилова В.Г., Николаева В.С. Read and Speak English. СПб.: Антология, 2010. 17. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. New Edition. Pearson Education Limited, 2006 18. Collins Cobuild Learner’s Dictionary. London: Harper Collins Publishers, 2001 19. Oxford Wordpower Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 1995 20. Oxford Russian Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 2007 21. Pavlotsky V. M. Read. Learn. Discuss. New Version. СПб.: Оракул, 1999 22. Cullen P. Vocabulary for IELTS. Self-study Vocabulary Practice. Cambridge University Press, 2008 23. Malcolm M., Taylore-Knowles S. Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia: Reading and Writing. Macmillan Publishers, 2006 24. Evans V., Dooley J. Upstream. Intermediate. Newbury: Express Publishing, 2004 25. Evans V., Dooley J. Enterprise Elementary. Newbury: Express Publishing, 2002 26. Thomas B., Matthews L. Vocabulary for First Certificate. Self-study Vocabulary Practice. Cambridge University Press, 2007 27. Oxford Exam Excellence. Preparation for School Exams. Oxford University Press, 2008 28. Hashemi L., Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. Supplementary Exercises. Cambridge University Press, 2001 29. Hastings B., Uminska M., Chandler D., Hegedus K. Exam Activator. Classroom and Self-study Exam Preparation. Pearson Education Limited, 2010


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Дроздова Татьяна Юрьевна Тоткало Наталья Владимировна


VOCABULARY + Grammar Художник С. И. Ващенок, О. В. Граблевская Художественный редактор А. А. Неклюдова Корректор Е. Г. Шабалова Компьютерная верстка А. Б. Ткаченко

Подписано в печать 17.03.2011. Формат 84x108/16. Гарнитура Pragmatica С. Печать офсетная. Объем 20 п.л. Тираж 5000 экз. Заказ .

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