Elementary Vocabulary + Grammar : for Beginners and Pre-Intermediate Students : учебное пособие 9785949622070

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Elementary Vocabulary + Grammar : for Beginners and Pre-Intermediate Students : учебное пособие

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Т. Ю. Дроздова





ББК 81.2Англ Д75

Дроздова Т. Ю. Д75

Elementary Vocabulary + Grammar : for Beginners and Pre-Intermediate Students : учебное пособие. – СПб. : Антология, 2012. – 320 с. ISBN 978-5-94962-207-0 Учебное пособие “Elementary VOCABULARY + Grammar” предназначено для людей с начальным уровнем подготовки. Отличительной особенностью издания является «параллельное» изучение лексики и грамматики. Грамматические пояснения даются на русском языке, в простой и доступной форме и располагаются именно там, где лексический материал главы диктует необходимость использования данной грамматической конструкции. К пособию прилагаются ответы-ключи, изданные отдельной книгой, и МР3-диск с аудиоматериалом, что позволяет с успехом использовать его для самостоятельной работы. Современный материал и оформление книги, а также аудиовизуальные «опоры», делают работу с пособием приятной и эффективной. ББК 81.2Англ

Художник Н. А. Васильева, О. В. Граблевская, Б. Г. Смирнов Художественный редактор А. А. Неклюдова Корректор Е. Г. Шабалова Компьютерная верстка А. Б. Ткаченко

Подписано в печать 12.07.2012. Формат 84x108/16. Гарнитура PragmaticaC. Печать офсетная. Бумага офсетная. Объем 20 п.л. Заказ 02.23.

Издательство «Антология» 199053, Санкт-Петербург, В.О., Средний пр., д. 4 тел.: (812) 328-14-41 www.anthologybooks.ru Отпечатано по технологии CtP в ООО «СЗПД-ПРИНТ» 188300, Ленинградская обл., г. Гатчина, ул. Железнодорожная, 45Б

ISBN 978-5-94962-207-0

© Дроздова Т. Ю., 2012 © ООО «Антология», 2012


“Elementary VOCABULARY + Grammar” – новое учебное пособие для людей с начальным уровнем подготовки. Оно предназначено для всех, кто уже сделал первый шаг к изучению английского языка и преодолел «нулевой» барьер. Если Ваш словарный запас ещё невелик и требует значительного расширения и активизации, то это пособие для Вас. Эта книга содержит 18 тематических глав, в которых представлена базовая лексика – слова и выражения, связанные с основными видами деятельности человека и мира вокруг него. Новая лексика вводится постепенно, небольшими блоками, с использованием слуховых и визуальных «опор». Знакомство с изучаемыми словами происходит в связном тексте, что не только способствует их лучшему запоминанию, но и помогает освоить сочетаемость лексических единиц. Каждая глава состоит из нескольких разделов: изучение тематического словаря и основных грамматических конструкций, тренировка понимания речи на слух, чтение и воспроизведение текста. Все материалы взаимосвязаны и тесно переплетены между собой. Предлагаемое пособие отличает иной подход к подаче грамматического материала: изучение словаря и грамматики соединены в единое целое так же, как они существуют в языке. Грамматические пояснения даются на русском языке, в простой и доступной форме и располагаются именно там, где лексический материал главы диктует необходимость использования данной грамматической конструкции. Упражнения такого типа можно назвать лексико-грамматическими. Поскольку грамматические упражнения базируются исключительно на лексике, изучаемой в данной главе, всё внимание учащихся может быть сосредоточено на овладении грамматическими структурами, что значительно повышает эффективность работы. В пособии более 400 упражнений. Из них около 40% представлены в звуковой форме, что является несомненным преимуществом данной книги. Кроме имитационного метода обучения произношению, учащимся также предлагаются таблицы с правилами чтения основных сочетаний гласных и согласных звуков. Многочисленные примеры этих сочетаний можно также прослушать. 3

Последний раздел каждой главы Reader’s Corner помогает ещё раз повторить изучаемую лексику и познакомиться с замечательными образцами английского короткого рассказа. Все рассказы и статьи представлены также в аудиозаписи. Упражнения этого раздела в той или иной форме направлены на передачу содержания прочитанного, что является первым шагом в формировании собственных высказываний. К пособию прилагаются ответы-ключи, изданные отдельной книгой, и МР3-диск с аудиоматериалом, что позволяет с успехом использовать его для самостоятельной работы. Учитывая особенности работы памяти, в пособии особое внимание уделяется повторению изученных слов и выражений. Каждая третья или четвертая глава работы завершается разделом Revision, в котором в разнообразных упражнениях, диалогах и переводах происходит повторение и контроль усвоения лексики пройденных глав. Современный материал и оформление книги, а также аудиовизуальные «опоры», делают работу с пособием приятной и эффективной. Продолжить изучение лексики на более продвинутом уровне (Intermediate) Вы можете с помощью пособия “Everyday Vocabulary + Grammar”. Желаю успеха! Т. Ю. Дроздова

Contents Unit 1. WE READ and COUNT ................................................................................................8 1.1 The English Alphabet ................................................................................................8 1.2 From Letters to Sounds ..............................................................................................9 1.3 The Numeral ............................................................................................................15 Grammar: Phonetics: Reading of Vowels, Consonants and Their Combinations. Silent Letters Unit 2. PERSONAL DATA ......................................................................................................20 2.1 What’s Your Name? ..................................................................................................20 2.2 Where Are You from? ................................................................................................26 Grammar: The Verb “to be”. General Question with the Verb “to be”. “There + be” Construction. Personal and Possessive Pronouns. Use of the Indefinite Article. Unit 3. MEETING and GREETING PEOPLE ..........................................................................36 3.1 Forms of Address ....................................................................................................36 3.2 Making an Introduction ............................................................................................37 3.3 Starting a Conversation ............................................................................................46 Grammar: The Plural of English Nouns. The Present Simple Tense. General Question. Subject and Object Pronouns Unit 4. FAMILY and FRIENDS ..............................................................................................51 4.1 Family ....................................................................................................................51 4.2 Friends ....................................................................................................................61 Grammar: The Genetive. The Present Simple and the Present Continuous Tense. The Past Simple Tense. The Verb “to have” Revision 1 ............................................................................................................................65 Unit 5. DESCRIBING PEOPLE and THINGS ..........................................................................68 5.1 Describing People ....................................................................................................68 5.2 Describing Things ....................................................................................................76 Grammar: Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives. Use of the Indefinite Article. Pronoun “one” Unit 6. CLOTHES. BUYING CLOTHES ..................................................................................81 6.1 Clothes ....................................................................................................................81 6.2 Buying Clothes ........................................................................................................88 Grammar: The Future Simple Tense Unit 7. DAILY LIFE ................................................................................................................96 7.1 What Time Is It? What’s the Time? ..............................................................................96 7.2 Things We Do Everyday ............................................................................................98 7.3 At Weekends ..........................................................................................................105 Grammar: The Past Continuous Tense. Use of Articles with the Nouns “school”, “home”, “work”, “bed” 5

Unit 8. HOUSES and HOMES ............................................................................................111 8.1 Types of Houses ....................................................................................................111 8.2 Rooms of a House ..................................................................................................115 8.3 Repairs and Redecoration ......................................................................................121 Grammar: Have + to-Infinitive. Prepositions of Place Revision 2 ..........................................................................................................................125 Unit 9. FOOD. BUYING FOOD ............................................................................................129 9.1 Our Food ..............................................................................................................129 9.2 The Weekly Shopping ............................................................................................136 9.3 Small Shops ..........................................................................................................139 9.4 Containers and Quantities ......................................................................................142 Grammar: Nouns of Material: Singular or Plural? Use of Articles with Nouns of Material. Pronouns “many/much”; “few/little”, “a few/a little”. Pronouns “some” and “any” Unit 10. KEEPING HOUSE ................................................................................................148 10.1 In the Kitchen ........................................................................................................148 10.2 Making a Meal ........................................................................................................151 10.3 Cleaning and Tidying Up ..........................................................................................156 Grammar: The Present Perfect Tense Unit 11. THE ENGLISH MEALS ..........................................................................................162 11.1 When and What the Englishmen Eat ........................................................................162 11.2 Eating Out ..............................................................................................................167 Grammar: Use of Articles with the Names of Meals. The Past Simple and the Present Perfect Tense Unit 12. FIT and HEALTHY ..................................................................................................178 12.1 How to Keep Fit ......................................................................................................178 12.2 Common Problems ................................................................................................182 12.3 Injuries ..................................................................................................................187 12.4 In a Emergency Ward ..............................................................................................190 Grammar: The Complex Sentence. The Sequence of Tenses. Reported Speech. Modal verb “must” Revision 3 ..........................................................................................................................196 Unit 13. PEOPLE AT WORK ................................................................................................201 13.1 What Do They Do? Where Do They Work? ................................................................201 13.2 Self-Employed People ............................................................................................206 13.3 Choosing the Way ..................................................................................................208 13.4 Looking for a Job ....................................................................................................210 Grammar: Use of Articles with Nouns Denoting a Profession and Nouns “work” and “job”. -ing Form or to-Infinitive? The Past Perfect Tense


Unit 14. LIFE IN A CITY and IN THE COUNTRY ..................................................................217 14.1 City Life ................................................................................................................217 14.2 Finding Your Way About ..........................................................................................225 14.3 Life in the Country ..................................................................................................230 Grammar: Use of Articles with the Word “town”. Use of Articles with the Names of Streets, Squares and Some Buildings. Reported Questions. Reported Command and Request Unit 15. GETTING FROM A to B ........................................................................................238 15.1 The Public Transport ..............................................................................................238 15.2 Travelling ..............................................................................................................247 Grammar: Prepositions with Forms of Transport. Modal Verbs: Obligation and Advice. Use of the Definite Article with the Words “same”, “right”, “wrong”, etc. The Present Continuous Tense Revision 4 ..........................................................................................................................258 Unit 16. THE WORLD AROUND US ....................................................................................263 16.1 Our Planet – the Earth ............................................................................................263 16.2 The Universe ..........................................................................................................270 Grammar: Use of Articles with Geographical Names. The Passive Voice Unit 17. SEASONS and WEATHER ....................................................................................277 17.1 The Seasons of the Year ..........................................................................................277 17.2 The Climate and Weather ........................................................................................282 17.3 What Is the Weather Like Today? ..............................................................................284 Grammar: Use of Articles with the Names of Days, Months, Seasons. Questions Tags Unit 18. IT’S TIME TO RELAX ............................................................................................294 18.1 Where to Go ..........................................................................................................294 18.2 Where to Stay ........................................................................................................300 18.3 What to Do ............................................................................................................304 Grammar: Review of Tenses. Conditional Sentences Revision 5 ..........................................................................................................................311 APPENDICES ....................................................................................................................315 Appendix 1 English Tenses (Active) ..............................................................................315 Appendix 2 Regular Verbs: Spelling Rules ....................................................................316 Appendix 3 List of Irregular Verbs..................................................................................317 Appendix 4 Expressions with the Verb “to be” ................................................................319 LITERATURE ......................................................................................................................320



1.1 The English Alphabet The first thing we learn about a language is the alphabet. The English alphabet is made up of twenty-six letters. Five of these letters are vowels (гласные): a, e, i, o, u. The other twenty-one letters are consonants (согласные): b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z. The letter y can act as a vowel and a consonant depending on ( в зависимости от) its position in a word.


Ex 1.

Listen and read the alphabet. Прослушайте и назовите буквы английского алфавита.

The English Alphabet

Ex 2.

xÉáz xÄgz xëgz xÇgz xgz xÉÑz xdgz xÉá`z x~áz

Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr

xdÉáz xâÉáz xÉäz xÉãz xÉåz xèsz xéáz xâàez xoz

Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

xÉëz xígz xàez xîgz xDÇ^Ääàez xÉâëz xï~áz xòÉÇz


Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii

NOTE letter – буква spell – называть по буквам sound – звук

Spell your name, the name of your country, of your town/city, of your street, the words: Switzerland, automobile. Назовите по буквам: свое имя, название своей страны, города, улицы, слова: Switzerland и automobile.

........................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ 8

1.2 From Letters to Sounds Ex 3.


Study the rules, listen and read the words. Изучите правила чтения, прослушайте и прочтите данные слова.

Чтение ударных гласных В английском алфавите пять гласных: a, e, i, o, u, каждый из них имеет два способа произнесения – долгий в открытом слоге1, и краткий – в закрытом2. oткрытый слог


cage, game, name, baby, awake, face, make, take, place, case

закрытый слог


fact, sad, sand, rabbit, napkin, smack, tact, panda, tank, map

oткрытый слог


Peter, even, recent, evening, evil, eve, female, detail

закрытый слог


tender, member, pencil, network, next, text, them, theft

oткрытый слог


lion, nice, refine, hike, five, mile, polite, silent, ride, side, time

закрытый слог


mix, miss, mister, list, link, infant, hinder, hippie, rich, sick, strict

oткрытый слог


hope, mode, rope, close, go, motion, Pope, slope, home, note

закрытый слог


dog, mop, smog, concert, drop, golf, God, got, pond, shop

oткрытый слог


tube, pupil, duke, cute, duel, resume, super, uniform, tutor

закрытый слог


cut, shut, dump, slums, duck, drunk, lunch, sunny, muzzle

oткрытый слог


type, my, cyclone, cycle, myself, rhyme, sly, style, tyrant

закрытый слог


system, cyst, cynic, mystery, rhythm, dynasty







1 2

Открытый слог заканчивается на гласный Закрытый слог заканчивается на согласный. 9




Ex 4.

Study the rules, listen and read the words. Изучите правила чтения, прослушайте и прочтите данные слова.

Сочетания согласных сk xâz sh xpz ch x`z tch x`z th xqz th xaz



luck, duck, Nick, dick, heckle, lock, back ship, shop, flash, bush, push, share, dashing chunk, chop, chicken, bachelor, chip, touch catch, switch, match, batch, watch, fetch thick, think, theory, theatre, theft, theme this, that, though, their, then, they, bathe

Ex 5.

qu kn ng


phone, physics, phrase, photo, phase xâïz quiet, quick, question, equation, square xåz knee, know, knife, knob, knit, knight xkz thing, bring, swing, king, pang, song

Listen and read the words. Прослушайте и прочтите эти слова.

Cогласные буквы, имеющие 2 варианта чтения xëz

перед e, i, y:


в остальных случаях:


перед e, i, y:


исключения: в остальных случаях:



nice, ice, city, celery, cylinder, cycle, mice, civil, dice, cinema come, catch, cook, copy, close, cat, clear, cry, cunning large, engine, gym, general, gentleman, bridge, engine, energy get, begin, give good, go, goose, gale, group, peg, regret, segment


xÖeëz xDdÉåíäãèåz

xDëÉäEèFêfz 10


Ex 6.

Listen and read The Alphabet Poems. Прослушайте и прочтите The Alphabet Poems.

The Alphabet Poems Aa A is for apples. A is for ants. A is for alligators on my pants.

Bb B is for box. B is for bell. B is for bucket in my well.

Cc C is for cap. C is for cat. C is for cookies on my mat.

Dd D is for donut. D is for dog. D is for dinosaurs in the fog.

Ee E is for elephant. E is for eggs. E is for exercise for my legs.

Ff F is for Fred. F is for fish. F is for french fries in my dish.

Gg G is for gate. G is for goat. G is for girl in my boat.

Hh H is for hippo. H is for hen. H is for Harry in my den.

Ii I is inside. I is for ink. I is for ice-cream in my drink.

Jj J is for jelly J is for jam. J is for jello on my tam.

Kk K is for ketchup. K is for key. K is for kitten just for me.

Ll L is for lemon. L is for leave. L is for lollipop up my sleeve.

Mm M is for monkey. M is for mitten. M is for milk for my kitten.

Nn N is for Nan. N is for nest. N is for nothing on my vest.

Oo O is for October. O is for ox. O is for oranges in my box.

Pp P is for pencils. P is for pan. P is for pickles in my can.

Qq Q is for Quincy. Q is for quail. Q is for quarters in my pail.

Rr R is for rain. R is for rose. R is for rabbit on my nose.

Ss S is for salamander. S is for snail. S is for spider in my pail.

Tt T is for teddy bear. T is for tie. T is for taffy in my pie.

Uu U is for umbrella. U is for up. U is for unicorn in my cup.

Vv V is for vanilla. V is for van V is for violins in my pan.

Ww W is for wheels. W is for wings. W is for Wendy on my swings.

Xx X is for x-ray. Xylophone too. X is for kisses. I have for you!

Yy Y is for yellow. Y is for yarn Y is for yo-yo in my barn.

Use these poems for making an alphabet book or just reading fun! 11

Zz Z is for Zelda. Z is for Zipper. Z is for zebra in my slipper. Unit



Ex 7.

Read the story. Then listen and correct your mistakes, if any. Прочтите рассказ, затем прослушайте и исправьте, если есть, свои ошибки.

Andrew was in the third grade. He loved his teacher. His teacher was young. She was pretty. She was friendly. She helped Andrew add numbers. She helped Andrew draw dogs and cats. She helped Andrew learn to spell. Andrew gave his teacher an apple one day. He gave her an orange another day. He gave her a peach another day. His teacher thanked him. “Thank you for the apple,” she said the first day. “Thank you for the orange,” she said the second day. “Thank you for the peach,” she said the third day. Each day Andrew said, “You’re very welcome.”


Ex 8.

ГЛАСНЫЙ + r / ГЛАСНЫЙ + r + СОГЛАСНЫЙ a + r xoz car, bar, tardy, sari, scar, target, far, party, smart e + r xbWz her, serf, wert, term, berth, fern, mercy, hermit i +r xbWz girl, first, dirt, circle, Sir, birthday, virgin, virtue u + r xbWz burn, turn, curd, murder, lurch, fur, gurgle, hurdler o + r xiz short, born, corn, formal, morning, lord, pork, reform

Listen and read the words. Прослушайте и прочтите эти слова.

Чтение некоторых сочетаний гласных ee ea oo oo ai ay ey ei ie ei ou ow

xgz xgz xìz xez xÉfz xÉfz xÉfz xÉfz xgz xgz x~ìz x~ìz

see, knee, meet, deep, fleet, feeling, needle, keep, feed, defeat, feast, heap, heat, peak, peace, peanut, reason, tea cooking, look, book, shoot, hook, hood, took, soot, good, foot cool, pool, room, fool, moon, loop, roof, doom, zoo, too, noon, spoon main, faint, fail, sail, rain, pain, maize, laid, nail, paint, tai, bail, bait day, way, say, pay, May, maybe, ray, stay, bay, hay, gay they, hey, grey, convey, obey, survey, heyday neighbour, eight, reign, freight, rein, weight achieve, believe, brief, chief, thief, field, grief, piece, shield, siege ceiling, deceive, conceit, receive, perceive, seize, deceit found, foul, hound, house, lousy, sound, round, south, ground down, town, frown, how, scowl, wow, shower, now, gown, crown

xí~ìåz xÑgäÇz

xéeäz 12

Ex 9.


Listen and read the words. Прослушайте и прочтите эти слова.

Чтение некоторых сочетаний «гласная + согласная/ые» xoz a + ss, a + st, a + sk, a + sp, a + lm grass, class, last, cast, mast, past, grasp, calm xiz a + ll, a + lk, wa + r wall, call, ball, tall, walk, talk, salt, war, warn, warm x~fz i + gn, i +gh, i + nd, i + ld, i + nd sign, high, light, right, night, child, wild, mild, mind, kind, blind

Ex 10.


Listen and read the words with silent letters. Then read the short text. Прослушайте и прочтите слова с немыми буквами. Затем прочтите короткий текст.

«Немые» буквы B E G GH H


(перед m) lamb, bomb, comb, thumb, climb (в конце слова) hate, make, take, tube, note, mobile, palace, some (перед n) gnat, gnome, sign, foreign, gnaw (в конце слова или перед t) high, weigh, through, eight, night, light, flight, daughter (в начале слова или после r) honest, hour, heir, rhubarb, rhyme, rhinoceros, a также whip, whisky (wh + гласная, кроме о) what, where, when, why, BUT! (wh+o) xÜez who (всегда перед n) knot, knee, knob, knife, know, knit, knight, knock (перед f, m, k) half, calm, talk, walk (после m) autumn, solemn, hymn, condemn (всегда перед s, n, t. Эти слова обычно заимствованы из греческого.) pneumatik, pneumonia, psalm, pterodactil island, isle (обычно после s) whistle, castle, listen, rustle, often (перед r или h) wrong, write, wrap, who, whose, whom, whole

Silent Letters English words are full of silent letters1. These letters are not pronounced2 but must always be written. Why are they there? The answer is that they used to be pronounced3 in the Middle Ages4. Gradually, as pronunciation changed, some of the letters became silent. Many words have a silent “e” at the end. The silent “e” usually makes the previous5 vowel long. 1 2 3 4 5

немые буквы не произносятся раньше произносились Средние века предыдущий 13



Ex 11.

Which letters are silent in these words? Underline them, read the words. Какие буквы в этих словах не читаются, подчеркните их, прочтите эти слова.

Thought, doubt, wrench, daughter, knight, where, who, would.


Reader’s corner

It is interesting to know! Listen to the text and then read it. The words in the Memory Box will help you understand the text. Прослушайте и прочтите текст. Слова в Memory Box помогут вам понять смысл. Where Do the Words Come from? English is used in many countries, yet it is a very difficult language to learn. There is no logical pattern (модель) as to the way English words are spelt and pronounced. The reason is that it is a mixture of many languages. The Ancient Britons spoke a language called Celtic.


Long ago The British Isles were occupied by many different races which contributed words to the language the English now speak. The Romans brought with them the Roman alphabet they use today. Then Britain was occupied by the Saxons and the Angles. Their languages mixed and formed the basis of the English language. Next came the Vikings who brought with them Scandinavian words (knife, box, big, sky, etc.). Finally there were Normans who introduced French into the language (art, bar, advice, button, voyage, blond, etc.). Latin and Greek were used by educated people, Latin was the only language of science (наука) (digit, media, rural, collar, library, etc.)

use – использовать learn (learnt) – изучать, учить spell (spelt) – писать по буквам pronounce – произносить speak (spoke) – говорить contribute – вносить вклад bring (brought) – приносить come (came) – приходить introduce – вводить educate – дать образование


1.3 The Numeral Cardinal Numbers Количественные числительные Cardinals



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Ex 12. 14 89 11 52 15 33 19 98

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred

1. Между десятками и следующими за ними единицами ставится дефис (-). Sixty-three, forty-seven 2. Обратите внимание на правописание этих числительных: Fourteen – forty Five – fifteen – fifty

Spell these numbers. Напишите эти числительные.


... fourteen ... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... .........................................................



56 15



Ex 13. Read the text. Do the sums and write the numbers, as Maria did it.


Прочтите текст. Решите примеры и напишите цифры словами, как это сделала Мария. 9 + 7 = ... sixteen ... 4 + 17 = .............................. Maria was learning to add numbers. She likes to add 32 + 25 = ............................. numbers. It is easy to add numbers. She can add one and 47 + 12 = ............................. one. She knows that one and one are two. She knows that 68 + 13= ............................. two and two are four. She knows that three and three are 16 + 83 = ............................. six. But that she doesn’t know what four and four are. She asks her mom. Her mom tells her that four and four are eight. “Oh, now I know,” Maria said. “I am four years old now. In four more years, I will be eight.” do sums – решать примеры Maria is a fast learner. add numbers – складывать числа

Big numbers 100 – a/one hundred 200 – two hundred 210 – two hundred and ten 225 – two hundred and twenty-five 1000 – a/one thousand 2010 – two thousand and ten 1350 – one thousand three hundred and fifty

Ex 14. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

NOTES: 1. Числительные 100, 1000, 1000000 употребляются с неопределённым артиклем “а” или числительным “one”. 2. Перед десятками, а если их нет, то перед единицами, ставится союз and. 2005 – two thousand and five.

Write the numbers. Напишите цифры словами.

He lives 378 Oak Drive. ... three hundred and seventy-eight ... My phone number is 470-71-28. ........................................................................................ There are 365 days in a year. ............................................................................................ There are 1286 pupils at our school. .................................................................................. I’d like to go to the Olympic Games in 2014. ...................................................................... The Second World War started in 1939. ............................................................................ An elephant weighs about 7500 kg. .................................................................................. 16

The Calendar Year 1997 = nineteen ninety-seven Telephone Number каждая цифра в номере телефона произносится отдельно: 48-92-76 = four – eight – nine – two – seven – six 2008 = two thousand and eight

Ex 15.

What is your telephone number? What is your friend’s telephone number? When were you / was your mother born? Write them down and spell them. Какой у тебя номер телефона? Какой номер телефона у твоего друга? Когда родились вы/ваша мама? Напишите их цифрами и словами.

............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................

Ordinal Numbers Порядковые числительные Ordinals 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th

first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth

Ordinals 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21th 22nd 30th 40th 50th 60th 70th 80th 90th 100th



sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first twenty-second thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth hundredth


1. Для образования порядкового числительного к количественному числительному добавляется окончание -th: six – sixth, ten – tenth. 2. Первые три числительных имеют особую форму, которую нужно запомнить: оne – first, two – second, three – third. 3. Обратите внимание на правописание некоторых порядковых числительных: eight – eighth, twelve– twelfth. 4. При добавлении окончания -th к числительным, оканчивающимся на -y, конечное -y меняется на -ie: twenty – twentieth, fifty – fiftieth, ninety – ninetieth.



Ex 16. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8.

Write what place in the English alphabet take the following letters. Напишите, какое место в английском алфавите занимают указанные буквы. 9. 10. 11. 12.

E ... the fifth ... N ...................................................... G ...................................................... L ...................................................... I ....................................................... S ...................................................... H ......................................................

W ...................................................... O ...................................................... R ...................................................... D ......................................................


Ex 17. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Write the letters in the boxes and you will read a sentence. Напишите в рамках требуемые буквы и вы прочтете предложение.

The third letter of the tenth month of the year. The second letter of the fourth day of the week. The fourth letter of the fourth month of the year. The sixth letter of the third day of the week. The third letter of the fifth day of the week. The fifth letter of the eighth month of the year. The seventh letter of the twelfth month of the year. The seventh letter of the sixth day of the week. The sixth letter of the third day of the week. The eighth letter of the second month of the year.

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

2011 January February March April May June July

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

NOTE е всегда числительны Порядковые лённым де ре оп тся с употребляю E. артиклем TH er of the alphabet. tt le t rs fi e th week. A is fth day of the fi Friday is the




9 10 11 12 13 14

3 4



15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

August September October November Deсember

The sentence is ............................................................................................................... .



DATES Даты пишутся и читаются по-разному. Мы пишем: on 29th March/ on March 29th; on July 4th /on 4th July Мы говорим: on the 29th of March; on the 4th of July



Ex 18. Amy is visiting Mike. She’s looking at his Calendar and reading the dates and events he has marked. Write them down. Эми в гостях у Майка. Она читает, какие даты и события он отметил в своём календаре. Запишите эти даты и события.



Adam’s birthday







mother’s birthday



Adam’s birthday is on the 25th of February. ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ......................................................................................


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

football match



NOTE имание на Обратите вн е предлогов: употреблени 10 In May, in 20 y, da On Mon March on the 22nd of


Bob listens to the radio announcement about football matches. He takes the dates down. Write the dates. Боб слушает радио объявления о футбольных матчах. Он записывает даты. Запишите эти даты.

April the 2nd / the 2nd April .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... ....................................................................................


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

NOTE meet – встреч ать(ся) field – поле team – коман да


PERSONAL DATA A good name is better than riches. Доброе имя лучше богатства. (proverb) RD DENTITY CA I L A N O S R E P E..v....a..n..s.............. .. .. .. .. .. .. e m Surna s............ .... ..i ....l..a..d ..G .. .. .. e m na t Firs a............ .... ..d ....a..n..a ..C .. .. .. .. .. ry nt Cou ltant ...... C..o..n ....s..u.............. .. .. .. .. .. .. b Jo

2.1 What’s Your Name? Ex 1.

Listen and read the words of the song. Прослушайте и прочтите слова песни.

What’s your name? I’ve seen you before. What’s your name? May I walk1 you to the door? It’s so hard2 to find a personality with charms like yours for me. Ooh-Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ee! What’s your name? Is it Mary or Sue? Do I stand a chance with you? It’s so hard to find a personality with charms like yours for me. Ooh-ee, ooh-ee, ooh-ee! (a song by Don & Juan)

1 2

провожать трудно




NAME name/first name – имя middle name – второе имя surname/last name/ family name – фамилия maiden name – девичья фамилия nickname – (n) прозвище, (v) давать прозвище pen-name – псевдоним pet name – ласкательное имя call/name (v) – называть name after smb – назвать в честь кого-либо call by first name – называть по имени spell one’s name – назвать имя по буквам unusual/rare/strange name – необычное/редкое/странное имя

Ex 2. –

Make up two short dialogues using the following variations. Составьте два коротких диалога, используя предложенные варианты.

What is your sister called? – Her name is Hannah. elder brother Oscar. friend Ivor. Your sister has an unusual name, hasn’t she? brother rare younger sister strange Yes, she was named after our grandmother. his grandfather. our mother’s sister. Oscar is a very serious name, isn’t it? – Right, at home we call himCarick. It’s his pet name. strange Osa nickname. funny



Listen to the story and choose the answers (a–c) for the questions (1–4). Прослушайте рассказ и выберите ответы (а–с) к вопросам (1–4). 1. Why does the boy want to change his name? a) It sounds German. b) He doesn’t like it. c) It is too long. 2. Why can’t he change his name? a) It is not allowed (разрешать). b) His mother likes the name. c) It is too late. 3. What does the mother suggest (предлагать)? a) She will call him by his middle name (второе имя). b) Use the old name, it is nice. c) Change only the first letter. 4. What does the mother say to the father? a) Herman has changed his name. b) They have a new son Adam. c) She is angry (сердиться) with Adam.




Ex 3. – – – – – – – –

Translate the joke from Russian into English. Переведите эту шутку на английский язык.

Сколько тебе лет? ........................................................................................................ 12 лет, сэр. .................................................................................................................. Как тебя зовут? ............................................................................................................ Джордж, сэр. .............................................................................................................. Как твоя фамилия? ...................................................................................................... Стивенсон, сэр. .......................................................................................................... Очень известная фамилия, мой друг. .......................................................................... И неудивительно, сэр, я разношу молоко в этом районе уже 6 месяцев.

No wonder, Sir. I’ve been delivering milk in this area for six months already.

Grammar THE VERB “TO BE”: FORMS and MEANINGS ФОРМЫ и ЗНАЧЕНИЯ ГЛАГОЛА “TO BE” «быть», «являться», «находиться»

WISHING SOMEONE HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tom’s mother: Ah, there he is. Good morning, Tom, and a very happy birthday to you. Tom’s father: Yes, Tom, many happy returns. Kate: Happy birthday, dear brother. Come here and open all of your cards and presents. Tom: Wow, thank you all very much. Gosh! So many presents, I don’t know which one to unwrap (развернуть) first.

Ex 4.

Краткие формы I – AM  I’m He/she /it – IS  he’s We/you/they – ARE  you’re Глагол TO BE используется когда мы: – называем имя:  I am Jenny. His name is Paul. – говорим о возрасте, работе:  My mother is thirty. She is a teacher. – указываем национальность:  She is Italian.

Fill in the right forms of the verb TO BE. Вставьте соответствующие формы глагола TO BE.

Today (1)........................ Tom’s birthday. He (2)........................ twelve years old today. All his friends (3) ........................ there. His sister (4)........................ there too. Her name (5)........................ Kate. 22

She (6)...................... eleven years old. Only Jenny, his girlfriend (7)........................ there. Where (8) ...................... she? She (9)...................... ill. They (10)...................... all in the kitchen; it (11) ...................... full of children. Tom’s parents and grandparents (12)...................... not in the kitchen, they (13)...................... in the garden. They are having tea. Tom’s little brother Timmy (14) ...................... in his bed. It (15)...................... his time to sleep.

YES/NO QUESTIONS WITH THE VERB “TO BE” ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ ОБЩЕГО ВОПРОСА С ГЛАГОЛОМ “TO BE” В повествовательном предложении глагол TO BE (как и все остальные глаголы) стоит после подлежащего. Для образования вопроса он выносится на первое место – перед подлежащим. Изменяется и интонация предложения. Mary is at home.  Is Mary at home? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

Ex 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9.

The children are happy.  Are the children happy? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

Read the text in ex 4 again and give short answers. Прочитайте снова текст упр. 4 и дайте краткие ответы на вопросы.

Is it Timmy’s birthday? – ... No, it isn’t. ... Is Jenny there? – .................................................. Is Tom eleven years old? – .................................... Is Jenny Tom’s mother? – .................................... Is Kate Tom’s sister? – .......................................... Are the children in the garden? – ............................ Are the parents in the kitchen? – ............................ Are the grandparents there, too? – ........................


SHORT ANSWERS YES/NO КРАТКИЙ ОТВЕТ ДА/НЕТ 1. Существительные  местоимение:  Is Monika your sister? – Yes, she is. 2. Сокращённая форма глагола используется только в отрицательных ответах:  Is she a teacher? – Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t.




NOTE Местоимение IT обозначает любой неодушевлённый предмет, оно также используется, когда мы говорим о животных и младенцах (babies).  The baby is new-born, it is only two weeks.  You’ve got a nice dog. How old is it?  Rodger is a good dog, he is my best friend. (Здесь используется “he”, т.к. это любимое животное (a pet), «член семьи».)

Ex 6.

Fill in the right pronouns. Вставьте соответствующие местоимения.

1. .......... am Clair. And what is .......... name? 2. The Browns are .......... neighbours (соседи). Have you seen .......... before? 3. Whose cat is that? – Thank .......... . .......... is .......... cat. 4. John is here. .......... wants to see you. – Please, come in. 5. Amalia is .......... colleague. .......... is a very good doctor. 6. My mother and .......... are in London for the first time. .......... like it very much. 7. The cat drank .......... milk. 8. This is George – .......... son. .......... father, Mr Davis, is in London now. 9. I know the boy, .......... lives in this house. 10. Nina, I know these people, but I don’t know .......... address.

PERSONAL and POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS ЛИЧНЫЕ и ПРИТЯЖАТЕЛЬНЫЕ МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ Мы используем местоимения вместо ранее упомянутых предметов и лиц, или чтобы лично обратиться к кому-либо.  I know his sister. She is a nice girl.  John has got a book. It is very interesting.  Are you Mary, Mike’s sister? – And I’m Mike, his friend. I You He She It

– – – – –

my your his her its

You – your We – our They – their

В английском языке нет отдельных форм для местоимений «ты» и «Вы». Эту роль исполняет одно местоимение YOU. Используя YOU, мы можем обращаться к незнакомым, к старшим и близким людям. В английском языке вежливость и фамильярность обращения выражаются другими способами.  Ann, dear, you are a good girl.  Mr Right, thank you very much for your kindness (доброта).

When were you born?

I was born on the 22nd of March, 1972.

Where were you born?

I was born in St. Petersburg, Russia.


Complete the sentences with the corresponding words or phrases from the Memory Box. Дополните предложения соответствующими словами или выражениями из Memory Box.

1. I’m ....................... . I’m a student. 2. This woman is Peter’s mother. She is ..................... . 3. Violet is twenty-one, she....................... . 4. Our son can’t vote (голосовать), he is .................... . 5. I’m twelve, and my sister is seven, she is ....................... than me. 6. My grandfather is rather ....................... , he is approaching eighty. 7. My grandmother is ten years younger than my grandfather, so she .................... . 8. Women don’t like to talk about (говорить о) their ....................... . 9. You have a nice dog. ....................... is it? 10. My ....................... is in May. I was ....................... in 1994. 11. How ....................... you? – Twenty-five. – I’m also 25. Then we are ....................... . 12. They’ve got a ....................... baby. It is only three weeks.

HOW OLD ARE YOU? аge – возраст be born (v) – родиться birthday – день рождения old/young/middle-aged – старый/ молодой/пожилой new-born – новорождённый be 16 years old – 16 лет be of age/under age – (не)достигнуть совершеннолетия about 30 – около 30 approach 70 – приближаться к 70 be of the same age (as) – быть одного возраста 10 years older/younger (than) – на 10 лет старше/моложе (чем)


Ex 8.


Ex 7.

NOTE Вежливая просьба обычно начинается с:

Translate the sentences. Переведите предложения.

Will you + глагол …, please?

 Will you give me your name and 1. Скажите, пожалуйста, ваше имя. – Моё имя address, please? Шнайдер (Schneider). – Это фамилия? – Да. – А как ваше имя? ....................................................................................................................................... 2. У вас сложная (difficult) фамилия. Назовите, пожалуйста, вашу фамилию по буквам. ....................................................................................................................................... 3. Мистер Ридж (Ridge) – это тот пожилой мужчина. – Сколько ему лет? – Я думаю, ему около 60. ....................................................................................................................................... 4. Он такого же возраста, как мой папа. Моя мама на шесть лет младше. ....................................................................................................................................... 5. Ридж – это его фамилия или псевдоним? Смешно (funny), но девичья фамилия моей мамы тоже (also) Ридж. ....................................................................................................................................... 6. Маму назвали Джой (Joy) в честь бабушки. ....................................................................................................................................... 7. Наша дочь несовершеннолетняя. Ей 15 лет. – О, это прекрасный возраст! ....................................................................................................................................... 8. Когда твой день рождения? – Завтра. .......................................................................................................................................




2.2 Where Are You from? Ex 9.


Colour the rainbow. Раскрасьте радугу.

Ex 10.

violet dark blue blue green yellow orange red

Listen and read the text. Answer the questions. Underline the “colour” words. Прослушайте и прочтите текст. Ответьте на вопросы. Подчеркните слова, обозначающие цвет.

The Flag Tracy looked at the flag. The flag is red, white and blue. It has fifty white stars. The white stars are on a blue square (квадрат). The flag has six white stripes (полоска) and seven red stripes. Tracy loves her flag. No other flag has fifty stars. No other flag has thirteen stripes.

What colour are the stars? ... The stars are white. ... How many stars are there? ............................................................................................. What colour are the stripes? ........................................................................................... How many stripes are there? .......................................................................................... What country is Tracy from? ........................................................................................... NATIONALITY



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

country – страна сome from (a country) – быть жителем страны birthplace – место рождения native town/village – родной город/ деревня native language/tongue – родной язык


THERE IS / THERE ARE В русском языке, когда мы говорим о местонахождении предметов, обстоятельство места (где?) обычно стоит в начале предложения: на флаге, в комнате, у окна. В этом случае английское предложение начинается с оборота: There is/are (IS – для единственного числа и ARE – для множественного)  There are five stars on the flag of China: one big and four small. На флаге Китая пять звёзд: одна большая и четыре маленьких.  There is a big map on the wall. На стене большая карта. При использовании этой конструкции вопрос образуется так же, как и все вопросы с глаголом TO BE: глаголы IS /ARE выносятся вперед: There is a star on my flag.  Is there a star on your flag? – Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

Ex 11.

Use the THERE IS/ARE construction: A to say where all those things are, B to ask questions about the whereabouts of some other things. Используйте конструкцию THERE IS/ARE: А чтобы сказать, где находятся эти предметы, В чтобы задать вопросы о местонахождении других предметов.

A 1. Ten boys / in our class

B a. many girls / in your class 

— Are there many girls in your class?

b. (any) pupils / in the classroom. ........................................................

3. Many girls / at the table. ........................................................

c. (any) boys / at the table. ........................................................

4. Red and yellow flowers / in our garden. ........................................................

d. green trees / in your garden. ........................................................

e. a forest / by the lake. ........................................................

— There are ten boys in our class. 2. A teacher / in the classroom. ........................................................

5. a village / by the lake. ........................................................ 6. a big town / not far from (недалеко) the village. ........................................................

f. 


a railway station / there (там) ........................................................





Ex 12.

Russian American German Italian Brazilian Chinese Swiss Danish Polish Swedish English French Dutch Spanish Finnish Scottish Irish


Russia America (the USA) Germany Italy Brazil China Switzerland Denmark Poland Sweden England France the Netherlands (Holland) Spain Finland Scotland Ireland


NOTE Слова, которые обозначают национальность и язык страны – прилагательные, образованные от названия страны.  The writer Maeve Binchy is Irish, she writes her books in beautiful English. Обратите внимание на изменения в прилагательных, образованных от названия некоторых стран: France – French, Holland – Dutch, Switzerland – Swiss, Greece – Greek.  He is Dutch, but his Arabic is rather fluent (беглый).  She is Swiss, she speaks German and French.

What colour is the flag? What country is it? Colour the flags. Какого цвета этот флаг? Это флаг какой страны? Раскрасьте флаги.

1. The flag is blue and yellow. It is the flag of Sweden.

2. ............................. ............................. ............................. .............................

3. ............................. 4. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. .............................







5. ............................. 6. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. .............................


7. ............................. 8. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. .............................

Ex 13. What country are these people from? What nationality are they? Из какой страны каждый из этих людей? Какой они национальности?

1. Irina Petrova, Moscow Irina Petrova is from Russia. 2. Peking, Lim Chen Wei ............................................. She is Russian. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. .............................................

4. Venice, Nicola Ricci ............................................. ............................................. 5. New York, Jessica Gerald ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. .............................................

Ex 14.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

3. Paris, Alan Bernard ............................................. ............................................. .............................................

6. Madrid, Vitas Diaz ............................................. ............................................. .............................................

Look at the photos in ex 13. Ask and answer questions as in the model. Посмотрите на фотографии людей в упр. 13. Задайте вопросы и дайте на них ответы по модели.

Is Irina Petrova French? — No, she isn’t. She is Russian. Irina Petrova (French) Lim Chen Wie (Japanese) .............................................................................................. Alan Bernard (German) .................................................................................................. Nicola Ricci (Spanish) .................................................................................................. Jessica Gerald (English) ................................................................................................ Vitas Diaz (Brazilian) ......................................................................................................




Ex 15.

Translate the sentences. Переведите предложения.


1. Наша учительница английского языка – англичанка. Она из Йорка (York). 2. Это не немецкий язык. В Голландии говорят по-голландски. 3. В нашем классе два поляка, один француз и один швед. Их родители работают в Москве. 4. Эльфрида (Elfriede)говорит понемецки, она из Германии. 5. Она очень красивая, она итальянка, а её муж датчанин. 6. Пеле бразилец? 7. Он не итальянец, он испанец, он говорит по-испански. 8. Писательница Мейв Бинчи (Maeve Binchy) живёт в Ирландии, она ирландка. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ LEARN THE ADJECTIVES ........................................................ late – поздний tired – усталый ........................................................ ill – больной happy – счастливый ........................................................ ready – готовый difficult – трудный ........................................................ right – правый busy – занятый ........................................................ cold – холодный interesting – интересный ........................................................ hot – горячий Глагол TO BE употребляется: – с прилагательными:  You are right. (Ты прав.) We are tired. (Мы устали.)

You are late. It is cold. Вы опоздали. Холодно. You’re right, there is an error in the programme. Вы правы, в программе ошибка.

– после THIS, THAT, IT:  This is my bike. Is that your car? It is a nice photo. (см. Appendix 4)


Ex 16.

A. Make questions. B. Form negative sentences. Listen and check your answers. А. Образуйте вопросы. В. Сделайте данные предложения отрицательными. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы. A

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

I’m late. ... Am I late? ... You’re ill. ................................................ They’re ready. ........................................ We’re right. ............................................ It’s cold. ................................................ She’s tired. ............................................

7. 8. 9. 10. 11.


B It’s hot today. .......................................... This is difficult. ........................................ Kate is happy. ........................................ The book is interesting. ............................ I’m busy. ................................................


Ex 17.

Brian’s family has a new au pair girl1. Wanda, Colin’s friend, is talking to him about her. Complete Wanda’s questions and Colin’s answers with the words from the lists below. Fill in the article were necessary. Listen and check your answers. В семье Колина новая девушкаUSE OF THE INDEFINITE помощница. Его подруга Ванда расARTICLE A/AN (1) спрашивает его об этой девушке. УПОТРЕБЛЕНИЕ Дополните вопросы Ванды и ответы НЕОПРЕДЕЛЁННОГО АРТИКЛЯ A/AN (1) Колина данными ниже словами. Поставьте артикль, где это неНеопределённый артикль употребляется с исчисляемыми существиобходимо. Прослушайте и протельными: верьте свои ответы.

WANDA: You call your au pair Sam. Isn’t that (1) ............ ......................... ? COLIN: Nо, no, she is really (2) ......................... ................... Her name is Samantha. WANDA: You say she comes from a reservation. So she is (3) .....................................? COLIN: Yes, she is (4) ..................................... . WANDA: And her father works as (5) ...................... ............... . COLIN: But he isn’t (6) ...................................... Only (7) ..................................... can be the boss! WANDA: I see, I know the problem. My mother would never take on someone like Sam, she would only want (8) ..................................... . Is Sam such (9) ..................................... as our au pair? COLIN: Oh, yes, she makes wonderful dishes (блюда). And what (10) ....................... .............. she is, she tells us (11) ................... .................. every day. WANDA: Great! I think I must come and see Sam.

WANDA: boy  Protestant  Indian  miner excellent cook


– когда речь идёт об одном из представителей данного класса («один», «какой-то»):  Could you give me an apple, please?  Alice works in a bank. – с названием профессии:  He is a teacher. – когда мы характеризуем человека:  He is an intelligent man. – при указании национальности:  There is a Pole and a Frenchman in our company, they are good workers. Артикль AN ставится перед словами, начинающимися с гласного: a, e, i, o, u An apple, an orange, an egg, an ice-cream.

COLIN: Navajo  story  white girl  good story-teller boss

x?èìDécèz девушка-иностранка, помощница по хозяйству, для занятий с детьми 31



Ex 18.

Fill in the indefinite article A/AN where necessary. Вставьте артикли, где необходимо.

1. You have ........... funny name. 2. Is it ........... name or ........... your nickname? 3. ........... Helena’s brother and ........... her sister are my age. 4. It is ........... Nick’s birthday, isn’t it? 5. If you can speak ........... foreign language, you can find ........... good job. 6. Omsk is ........... my native town. 7. Is it ........... city or ........... town? 8. He was born in ........... village. 9. What ........... country are you from? 10. Her father is ........... teacher. – Is he ........... good teacher? – Yes, he teaches in ........... girls’ school. 11. I’ve never seen ........... that flag. – What ........... country is it? There is ........... star in the middle. – I don’t know. 12. Have you got ........... their address? – No, I only know they live by ........... lake. 13. He gave me ........... nice blue flower. I don’t know ........... its name. 14. You can use ........... this ticket, it is for ........... adult and ........... child.15. I have ........... idea. It is ........... good idea. 16. He is reading ........... interesting book.

Ex 19.

USE OF THE INDEFINITE ARTICLE A/AN (2) УПОТРЕБЛЕНИЕ НЕОПРЕДЕЛЁННОГО АРТИКЛЯ A/AN (1) Если существительное имеет определение (какой?), то артикль ставится перед определением: A house  a new house  а new modern house Если перед существительным стоит притяжательное или указательное местоимение (my, his, our; this, that), другое существительное в притяжательном падеже (girl’s, Mary’s), или отрицание NO, артикль не употребляется.  My son has a friend. Jack is his friend.  We have no map.

Beata Bauer (48) from Zürich applies for a visa. Consult the Memory Boxes and complete the Visa Application Form. Беата Бауер (48 лет) из Цюриха обращается за визой. Используя Memory Boxes, дополните недостающие в форме слова. Visa Application Form

Bauer …….......……. ____________________ Beata …….......……. ____________________ Beata Denner …….......……. ____________________ Switzerland …….......……. ____________________ Birthplace

Zürich ____________________

Date of birth

May 2nd, 1964 ____________________

Limmatstrasse, 34 …….......……. ____________________ 8003 Zürich …….......……. ____________________ (+41 044) 824 71 11 …….......……. ____________________ Doctor …….......……. ____________________ Married?

Yes ____________________



Ex 20. Here

are some of Beata’s answers she gave at the Consulate. Make the questions. Listen and check your answers. Вы видите ответы, которые дала Беата на собеседовании в консульстве. Составьте вопросы. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.

1. ... Is your surname Bauner? ... – No, it is not. It’s Bauer. 2. ....................................................................................................................................... – It’s B – A – U – E -R. 3. ....................................................................................................................................... – Yes, Switzerland is my native land. 4. ....................................................................................................................................... – It’s my father’s surname. 5. ....................................................................................................................................... – It is May, 2nd, 1963. 6. ....................................................................................................................................... – Yes, Zürich is my birthplace. 7. ... What is your job? ... – I’m a doctor. 8. ....................................................................................................................................... – Yes, I’m married.



Listen to John telling about his roots. Are the sentences1–6 true or false? Прослушайте рассказ Джона о его корнях. Соответствуют ли предложения 1–6 содержанию текста?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

John is a usual American boy like his friends. John lives in Kansas City. John is a native American. He is bilingual. John is a Navajo. The Kaw nation lost its native language long ago.




£ £ £ £ £ £

£ £ £ £ £ £

PROMPTS: tribe – племя respect – уважать



Ex 21.

Choose the correct word or phrase underlined in each question. Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B. Выберите правильное слово или фразу из подчеркнутых в каждом вопросе. В колонке В подберите ответы к вопросам в колонке А.

A What is your name? / What do you called? How old/age are you? Where do you stay/live? What is your house/address? Are you Germany/German? When is your birthday/birthplace? Which country do you live/come from?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


a) c) d) e) f) g) h)

B 70, Long Drive England. In Manchester. No, I’m not. I’m English. 25 February, 1994 Eva Reinhard. I’m seventeen.

Reader’s Corner

Listen and then read a passage from the story “Princess September”. Прослушайте и затем прочтите отрывок из рассказа «Принцесса Сентябрь».

Princess September by Somerset Maugham (abridged) First the King of Siam had two daughters and he called them Night and Day. Then he had two more, so he changed the names of the first ones and called the four of them after the seasons, Spring and Autumn, Winter and Summer. But in course of time he had three others (другие) and he changed their names again and called all seven by the days of the week. But when his eighth daughter was born he didn’t know what to do till he suddenly thought of the months of the year. The Queen said there were only twelve and it was difficult for her to remember so many new names. But the King could never change his mind. He changed the names of all his daughters again and called them January, February, March (though of course in Siamese) till he came to the youngest, who was called August, and the next was called September. “That only leaves October, November and December,” said the Queen. “And after that we shall begin all over again.” “No, we shan’t,” said the King, “because I think twelve daughters are enough for any man and after the birth of dear little December I shall have to cut off (отрезать) your head.” He cried bitterly when he said this because he was extremely fond of the Queen. Of course it made the Queen very sad, too. But it so happened that there was no need for them to worry because September was the last daughter they ever had. The Queen only had sons after that and they were called by the letters of 34

the alphabet, so there was no cause to worry for a long time, since they had only reached the letter J. Now the King of Siam’s daughters had their characters permanently (навсегда) spoilt by having to change their names in this way. Only September, whose name had never been changed, had a very sweet and charming nature.

Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

How many daughters did the King have? How many sons did the King have? ................................................................................ Why did the King change his daughters’ names? ............................................................ Why was the Queen worried? ........................................................................................ Why were the King’s daughters’ characters permanently spoilt? ......................................

Ex 22. Answer the questions and fill in the chart. Ответьте на вопросы и заполните табличку. 1. How many times did the King change his daughters’ names? .......................... 2. What names did the first, the second, the third, the fourth, the seventh daughter have? The first daughter

Night ......................




The second daughter

Day ......................




The third daughter





The fourth daughter





The seventh daughter ......................






3.1 Forms of Address Формы обращения First name (Mary)– к друзьям Mr Brown – к старшим или малознакомым людям Mrs Brown – к замужней женщине Ms Brown – к юной девушке или незамужней женщине Sir – к старшему или вышестоящему мужчине – офицеру / учителю школы – вежливая форма обращения к незнакомому человеку Doctor – к врачу Professor – к профессору университета

Ex 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

How would you address the following people? Как вы обратитесь к следующим людям?

A friend of your own age (Sandra Robinson) – ... Sandra ... Sandra’s father/mother – .............................................................................................. a girl of 17 not married (Sandy Abbot) – .......................................................................... a man in the street you don’t know (27–70 years old) – .................................................... your English teacher – .................................................................................................. your doctor (George West) – .......................................................................................... director of the Company you work for (Glen Scot) – ........................................................ an older colleague (Paul Franklin) – ................................................................................ a married woman of 35 (Judy Forsyte) – ........................................................................


3.2 Making an Introduction Read the text and complete the Memory Box with the words from the text. Listen and check your answers. Прочтите текст и впишите в Memory Box недостающие слова. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.

At the Kennedys’ We’re at the Kennedys’ house called the Mense. I know only Rory, Mr Kennedy’s son. Now I’m going to meet his family. There are many people in the living-room: a lot of children and grown-ups. Mrs Kennedy is called Tabitha. She is pretty and young-looking, and unusual. She teaches art at school. There is also the headmaster of the school, his name is Mr McIntosh. But behind his back the children call him Waterproof. In the kitchen there are three other boys, Rory’s friends from school, and his sister Cloda who is fifteen. We are all introduced.



Ex 2.

........................ – быть знакомым/ 1 знать ........................ – встречаться, знакомиться introduce smb (to) smb (v) – представить кого-либо introduction (n) – представление be introduced to smb – ........................ introduce oneself – представиться get acquainted (with) – познакомиться greet (smb) – приветствовать, здороваться greeting – приветствие in greeting – в знак приветствия shake (smb’s) hand – пожать руку grown-up/adult – ........................

Rory: Mother, this is Lucy. She is on holiday here. She stays with her aunt. Lucy: How do you do, Mrs Kennedy?

Mrs Kennedy: Hello, Lucy. Nice to meet you. You can call me Tabitha.

Lucy: Thank you, Tabitha




John, this is my cousine, Paula. John: Hello, Paula.

Paula: Hello, John.

Mrs Night, I’d like you to meet Mr Frost, my neighbour. Mrs Night: Oh, how do you do?


Mr Frost: How do you do? Nice to meet you, Mrs Night.

MAKING AN INTRODUCTION Formal: May I introduce Mr/Mrs... to you – Разрешите представить Вам… Let me introduce you to… – Разрешите Вас познакомить с… Let me introduce myself… – Разрешите представиться… Less formal: I’d like to introduce you to… – Я хотел бы познакомить Вас с… I’d like you to meet… Informal: This is... – Познакомьтесь, это… Meet… People who have been introduced say: This is a pleasure, Mr/Mrs… – Очень приятно. Glad/Pleased/Nice to meet you. – Рад с Вами познакомиться.


Ex 3.

Read the good manners suggestions (1–8), match them to the corresponding examples or pictures (a–h) illustrating the rules. Прочтите предлагаемые ниже правила поведения (1–8). Подберите к ним соответствующие примеры или картинки (a–h), иллюстрирующие эти правила.

How to be polite when being introduced: Five “Always” and Three“Never” ALWAYS: 1. Stand, smile and shake а hand in greeting.

a. “Grandmother, I want you to meet my teacher, Mrs English.”

2. Introduce the younger person to the older person. Say the older person’s name first.

b. “Mr Blackbird, this is my coach, Miss Whales.”

3. Use an adult’s title and last name.


4. When you know it, include a little description (описание) that helps people understand the connections.

d. “Jackie, this is my coach, Miss Whales. She’s the one who has a talent of making (заставить) me work hard”.

5. Make the introduction even if you’ve forgotten the person’s name. NEVER: 6. Look at the ground or away when you are being introduced to someone.


7. Refuse (отказаться) to shake a hand extended in greeting. 8. Shake someone’s hand in a bonecrushing grip (чуть не сломав кости).

f. “I’m sorry. I know we’ve met, but I don’t remember you name. I’m Joe Green and this is my friend Tim Short”.

g. h.












Ex 4.

Choose the right expression from the list and translate the sentences from Russian into English. Выберите соответствующее выражение из списка ниже и переведите предложения на английский язык. get acquainted with smb  introduce oneself to smb  introduce smb to smb

1. Он не знает, как представиться. ...................................................................................................................................... 2. Представьтесь, пожалуйста. Мы не знаем вашего имени. ...................................................................................................................................... 3. Она хочет познакомиться с тем молодым человеком. ....................................................................................................................................... 4. Ему нравится эта девушка. Он просит своего друга представить его ей. ...................................................................................................................................... 5. Они хотят познакомиться с вами. ...................................................................................................................................... 6. Ты можешь представить меня своей сестре? ......................................................................................................................................



Some students and teachers are going on a bus tour to Prague. They meet their guide and other members of the group. Listen to the dialogues first and then read the dialogues. Студенты и преподаватели едут на автобусную экскурсию в Прагу. Они знакомятся с гидом и другими членами группы. Прослушайте и прочтите диалоги.


Hello, my name is Carol. I am your guide. I’d like to say “Hello” to everyone. Hello, my name is Thomas. I’m from Germany. Hello, Thomas. How are you? Hello, Carol. I’m fine, thanks.


Hello, Carol, my name is Nicole. Hello, Nicole, glad to meet you. Where are you from? Glad to meet you too. I’m from Lyon. Nicole, this is Thomas. You can take a seat next to Thomas. Hello, Nicole, nice to meet you. 40


Ex 5.

Listen to the dialogues and fill in the missing words. Прослушайте диалоги и вставьте пропущенные слова.


1. CAROL: Good morning, Mr White. How (1) ........................ ? MR WHITE: Fine, thank you, Carol. And (2) ........................ you? CAROL: I’m (3) ........................ , thanks. Greetings – приветствия How do you do? (formal) Hello! (semi-formal) Hi! (informal) Good morning/afternoon/ evening! How are you?


Hello my name is Carol. Hello, Carol. (4) ........................ Alex. Nice to (5) ........................ you, Alex. (6) ........................ you , too, Carol. Thank you.


Can I help you? Is this the bus to Prague? Yes, I’m Carol, your (7) ........................ . What is your (8) ........................ ? Nice to (9) ........................ you, Carol. My (10) ........................ Lois Wendy. Hello, Lois, (11) ........................ to meet you. Is Lois your first name or (12) ........................ name? It’s my (13) ........................ name. Right. Please, get on the bus.



Ex 6.

Connie and Mark meet on the bus, too. Put the sentences in the correct order. Listen and check your answers. Кони и Марк знакомятся в автобусе. Поставьте предложения в правильном порядке. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.

£ Fine, thanks. And how are you? 1 Hello, my name is Mark. £ £ Not so bad, thank you, Mark. £ Nice to meet you, too, Mark. How are you? £ Hello, Mark. My name Connie. £ Nice to meet you, Connie.




Ex 7.

Complete the dialogue. Fill in the missing words from the list below. Дополните диалог. Вставьте пропущенные слова из данного ниже списка. you  to  name  student  is  am  to  Are  my  am  are

Hello! My (1) ........................ is Nancy Brown. What (2) ........................ your name? Hi. I (3) ........................ Karla Lopes. (4) ........................ you new here? Yes, this is (5) ........................ first trip (путешествие) (6) ........................ the States. (7) ........................ you a tourist or a (8) ........................ ? I (9) ........................ an exchange student. I plan (10) ........................ improve my English. A: That’s great! I hope (11) ........................ will enjoy your stay here. B: Thanks.

A: B: A: B: A: B:

Ex 8.

It is the first day at the English class in London Language School. The students are getting acquainted. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Первый учебный день в Школе английского языка в Лондоне. Студенты знакомятся друг с другом. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский.

Getting Acquainted – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Hello! How are you? Позвольте представиться. (1) ................................................................................... My name is Frank Bauer. Привет! Я Ольга Попова. (2) ................................................................................... Как ваше имя? (3) ................................................................................... My name is Ivan Smirnov. Могу я вас называть (просто) Иван? (4) ................................................................................... Yes, sure. / Of course. Я очень рад с вами познакомиться. (4) ................................................................................................................................... Nice to meet you, Ivan. С вами тоже приятно познакомиться, Анна. (6) ....................................................................................................................................... Иван, я хочу (вам) представить моего друга, Нину Браун. (7) .................................................................................................................................... Nina, this is Ivan. 42

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

I’m very glad to meet you. How are you, Ms Brown? Прекрасно, спасибо. А как вы? (8) ................................................................................... Not too bad, thank you. Пожалуйста, зовите меня Нина. (9) ................................................................................... Откуда вы? (10) ................................................................................... I’m from Russia. Anna is from Switzerland. Maри – француженка. (11) .................................................................................................................................. Кристиан из Германии. (12) .................................................................................................................................. Это ваше первое путешествие (trip) в Лондон? (13) .................................................................................................................................... Yes, it is. Well, everything seems (казаться) so new to me. Don’t worry, you will get used (привыкнуть) to it soon.


существительное + -S

Правила правописания:

pens, notes, dogs, days 2. Если существительное оканчивается на -s, -ss, -x, -z, -sh, -ch, -o + -ES: buses, dresses, boxes, bushes, benches, tomatoes, heroes Некоторые исключения: pianos, photos, zeros 3. Семь имен существительных нужно запомнить: man – men, woman – women, child – children, foot – feet, tooth – teeth, goose – geese, mouse – mice Окончание -S произносится: xòz после звонких согласных и гласных: tables, plays xëz после глухих согласных: books, ships xáòzпосле S, Z, X, SH, CH classes, buzzes, benches, bushes, boxes


1. если слово оканчивается на -S + -E  только -S: rose – roses, house – houses 2. Согласная + -Y  -IES: lady – ladies Исключения: в именах и фамилиях -Y не меняется на -I  The O’Connollys are our friends.  There are three Marys in our class. Гласная + -Y  без изменений: toy – toys 3. -F, -FE в конце существительных -VE: wolf – wolves, self – selves Некоторые исключения: roofs, hoofs, chiefs, beliefs, cliffs, gulfs



Ex 9.

Form the plural of these nouns and divide them into the nine columns according to the Spelling Rules. Образуйте множественное число от каждого из существительных в списке и поставьте его в соответствующую колонку согласно правилам правописания.

dress  tooth  dish  match  roof  box  photo  woman  church  piano  puppy address  hoof  child  chief  wish  shelf  mouse  foot  arch  country  donkey memory  echo  bus  stripe  mosquito  cargo  butterfly  domino  scarf  bush teacher  sheriff  language  man  knife  goose  kitchen  tariff  boy  school tray  calf  zero  loaf  girl  cat  place  family  adult  day  lorry nationality  lunch  tomato + -S

+ -ES

-Y  -IES

+ -S

-F  -VES

-F + -S

-О + -ES

-О + -S неправильные формы

............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................

Ex 10. There are 13 mistakes in the text below. Can you spot the mistakes? Underline the word and correct the mistake. В этом тексте 13 ошибок. Вы сможете найти их? Подчеркните слово и исправьте ошибку. The Kennedies often go out for a walk, taking with them their dog and its two puppys. They want to get away from the noise of the cars, lorrys and busess; so they go into the open fields.

The Kennedys ...................................... ...................................... ......................................

The leafs on the trees are green and the sun shines down on the rooves of the houses. As they come to the countryside, the dog chases (гоняться за) butterflys and the puppys yap (лаять) at some donkies by the bushs.

...................................... ...................................... ...................................... ......................................


The family usually goes to the river to eat their picnic lunchs. They eat sandwiches with lettuce and tomatos. Near the river they are always attacked by mosquitos.

Ex 11.

Fill in the right form of the verb in brackets in the Present Simple Tense. Поставьте данный в скобках глагол в соответствующую форму the Present Simple Tense.

Every morning I (1) ........................ (take) my dog for a walk in the park. And every day I (2) ........................ (meet) a man there. He (3) ........................ (sit) on a bench and (4) ........................ (read) the newspaper. He (5) ........................ (be) there when it (6) ........................ (rain) and when it (7) ........................ (shine). I (8) ........................ (not know) him. We (9) ........................ (not greet) each other, but he (10) ........................ (smile) at me and I (11) ........................ (smile) at him. We never (12) ........................ (talk). “He (13) ........................ (not know) English or he (14) ........................ (not want) to talk to me”, I think. He (15) ........................ (look) like a Frenchman. I (16) ........................ (like) the man. He is nice. “(17) ........................ he ........................ (like) me? (18) ........................ he ........................ (think) I’m nice?” I (19) ........................ (want) to introduce myself. I (20) ........................ (learn) some French words. I (21) ........................ (put on) my best jogging suit. It is sunny and warm. I (22) ........................ (know) 50 French words. I (23) ........................ (see) him… Oh, a beautiful girl is sitting next to him.

...................................... ...................................... ......................................

THE PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE Это время глагола называется простым, т.к. представляет собой глагол в базовой форме (без частицы “to”). Только в третьем лице единственного числа (he, she, it) к глаголу добавляется окончание + -s. I You We They


he she it


 They live in Canada, but their son lives in the USA. The Present Simple Tense обычно употребляется со следующими обстоятельствами времени: always, usually, often, seldom, never, sometimes, every day.

Вопросительная форма: перед подлежащим ставятся вспомогательные глаголы do (I, you, we, they) does (he, she, it), смысловой глагол в базовой форме стоит после подлежащего.  Does he work? Do you play? В отрицательном предложении do/does + not  don’t/doesn’t ставятся перед глаголом в базовой форме  I don’t like oranges.  My brother doesn’t play tennis. Краткий положительный и отрицательный ответ: Yes, I/we do. / No, I/we don’t. Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.




WHO – кто? WHAT – что/ какой? WHERE – где? WHEN – когда? WHY – почему? HOW – как? HOW MANY/MUCH – сколько? WHOSE? – чей?  What does your friend usually tell you?  Why don’t people ask about money?

General Question – это вопрос, который требует ответа ДА/НЕТ. Do/Does + Подлежащее + Сказуемое + Второстепенные члены Кто/ что? что делает?  He never asks me about my family life.  Does he ask you about your family life?




LEARN THE VERBS discuss – обсуждать tell – рассказывать ask – спрашивать share – делиться wish – (по)желать want – хотеть congratulate (on) – поздравлять

3.3 Starting a Conversation Ex 12. Read the text. The words in the Memory Box will help you understand the


meaning. Complete the sentences, decide where the phrases (A–H) go into the text. There is one extra phrase you don’t need to use. Listen and check your answers. Прочтите текст. Слова в Memory Box помогут вам понять смысл. Закончите предложения, вставьте фразы (A–H ) в соответствующее место в тексте. В списке есть одна лишняя фраза. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.

Hello and Good-Bye A. B. C. D.

the economy, inflation, the high cost of living. with a greeting the amount of money they got or spent. is optimistic

E. F. G. H.

about his work “How much was it?” illnesses, family problems, or deaths good luck (удача)


When Americans meet their friends they always begin their conversation (1) and then ask about (2) the friend’s health, family, and job. Most of the time the conversation . Even conversations about sad events (события) such as (3) usually end in a hopeful way. People discuss special family events such as marriages, births, new jobs, and new houses. One friend will usually wish the other (4) or offer congratulations. There are special rules (правила) аbout the discussion of money. Friends like to share good news about buying a house or a car. But they seldom discuss (5) .




A friend might tell you how much the thing cost, but it is not polite to ask, friends often discuss financial topics: (7) .





£. However (однако),

SUBJECT and OBJECT PRONOUNS ЛИЧНЫЕ МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ В ИМЕНИТЕЛЬНОМ и КОСВЕННОМ ПАДЕЖАХ (ему, её, о них) Subject I I like Mary. WE We meet Paul. YOU You know Peter. HE He speaks to Ann. SHE She smiles at Mike. THEY They greet Nick.

Object Mary likes me. Paul meets us. Peter knows you. Ann speaks to him. Mike smiles at her. Nick greets them.


Ex 13. Rewrite the sentences using pronouns instead of the words in bold type (for my sister  for her). Внесите в предложения некоторые изменения: замените слова, написанные жирным шрифтом, на соответствующие местоимения. 1. Jane’s friend Vladimir often tells Jane ... her ... about his problems at work, and she tells Vladimir ............... about her daughter. 2. When friends come over I usually show the friends ............... my garden. 3. When we (my sister and me) come over, our grandmother always gives my sister and me ............... fruit and sweets. 4. Ivan is my best friend, sometimes I discuss my problems with Ivan ............... . 5. Thomas studies in the USA, his American friends help Thomas ............... understand the American way of life. 6. When our children take exams, we always wish our children ............... good luck.

Ex 14.

Fill in the right pronouns from the list below. There are five pronouns you don’t need to use. Вставьте соответствующие местоимения из данного ниже списка. В списке пять лишних местоимений. he/she  we  me  his  us  them  my  him/her  our their  you  they  your  it


There are thousands of people from 233 countries in (1) ................ Internet site. Look at (2) ................ photos, read their stories and choose one of (3) ................ . You can chat with (4) ................ new friend round the clock (24 hours). Send (5) ................ a message and your photo. (6) ................ is looking forward to your e-mail. 47

I write to Helen and (7) ................ answers (8) ................ e-mails. She is the right girl for (9) ................ . Unit



Reader’s Corner

Listen to the story first and then read it. Прослушайте рассказ, затем прочтите его.

While the Auto Waits by O. Henry (adapted) The girl in grey comes to that small park every day. Her simple dress fits1 her perfectly. The girl is slim and very beautiful. The young man also comes to the park every day. He is eager2 to get acquainted with the girl but he doesn’t know how to introduce himself. The girl usually sits on a bench reading a book. She sees the man who also comes to that corner of the park. One day when she sees him she drops the book. The man picks it up and returns the book to the girl. He has a common face and looks3 a very ordinary man. “Do you know that you are the most attractive girl I’ve ever seen?” he says. But the girl interrupts4 him. “Whoever you are,” she says in an icy tone, “you must remember that I am a lady.” “I beg your pardon,” pleads the young man. They start speaking about the people who are passing by. “I come here because it’s the only place5 where I can be among simple people. I am very rich, I am tired of money. I am sick of pleasure, of parties, of travel, of society”, says the girl. The young man looks at her with interest. “You don’t seem6 to be a rich man. It is such a comfort to speak with a man unspoiled7 by money. By the way8 what is your profession?” she asks. The young man hesitates9 for a moment. “I am a cashier in ...” – he looks at the brilliant electric sign “RESTAURANT” across the street – “I am a cashier in that restaurant you see there.” The girl looks at her watch and rises hurriedly. “Why aren’t you working then?” she asks. “I’m working at night today,” says the young man. “May I hope to see you again?” “I do not know. Perhaps.10 But now I must go quickly. There is a dinner, and the theatre – and, oh! I am so tired of all these things. Perhaps you noticed the white automobile, which is waiting for me at the entrance. I always come in that.” “May I accompany you to the auto? It is dark now,” says the young man.


“No, thank you. You mustn’t do that. I don’t want my driver Pierre to see you.” And she goes away. The young man looks at her elegant figure and then goes after her. The girl is passing the white auto and quickly enters the restaurant with the brilliant electric sign. She takes the cashier’s place. The young man smiles and walks slowly back. He gets in the white automobile and says two words to the driver: “Club, Henry.” Notes: 1 сидеть (о платье) 2 eму не терпится 3 выглядеть 4 прерывать 5 единственное место 6 казаться 7 не испорчен 8 между прочим 9 колебаться 10 возможно

Ex 15. 1. 2. 4. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Put the words in the correct order to form a question. Give a full answer. Составьте вопрос из данных ниже слов и дайте развернутый ответ.

the girl / is / beautiful? ... Is the girl beautiful? ... the girl / does / to the park /come / sometimes? ................................................................ a young man / come / why / to the park / does? ................................................................ the young man / like / does / the girl? ................................................................................. the girl / nice / is /to him? .................................................................................................. she / what / tell / does / about herself / him? ........................................................................ he / what / tell / does / about himself/ does / the girl? ............................................................ the girl / what / in reality / is? ............................................................................................ an auto / she / have / does / really? .................................................................................. auto / is / whose / it? ......................................................................................................... the girl / why / tell a lie (обманывать) / does? ....................................................................

Ex 16.

Fill in prepositions where necessary. Вставьте предлоги, где это необходимо.

1. The girl ...... grey comes ...... the park every day. 2. He is eager to get acquainted ...... the girl. 3. She sits ...... a bench. 4. She interrupts him ...... an icy tone. 5. I’m tired ...... money, ...... travel, ...... pleasure. 6. The white automobile is waiting ...... me ...... the entrance. 7. I want to accompany you ...... the auto. 8. He gets ...... the auto and says ...... his driver to go ...... his club.




Ex 17.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский.

1. Красивая девушка приходит в парк каждый день. 2. Она сидит на скамейке и читает, но она замечает молодого человека. 3. Он тоже приходит в парк каждый день. 4. Ему нравится эта красивая девушка, и он хочет познакомиться с ней. 5. Но девушка разговаривает с ним ледяным тоном. 6. Она очень богата и очень занята. 7. Она устала от званых вечеров, путешествий, театра. 8. Молодой человек очень простой и работает в ресторане. 9. У ворот парка её ждёт белый автомобиль. 10. Девушка уходит (leave). 11. Она входит в ресторан и садится на место кассира, а молодой человек садится в белый автомобиль и едет в свой клуб. ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................

Ex 18. Guided summary. Retell the story using the “gap” plan. Перескажите рассказ, используя данный схематический план. A beautiful girl comes to .................................... A young man comes to .................................... because he wants to .................................... . He looks very .................................... One day the girl is sitting .................................... The man picks up .................................... and starts .................................... The girl tells him that .................................... She comes to the park because she .................................... She asks the man where he .................................... The young man tells her that he works at .................................... The girl is going to leave. She tells the young man that .................................... The man follows her and sees .................................... He gets into ....................................



In time of test, family is best. В минуту испытаний, семья рядом.

You choose your friends, your family is thrust on you. Семью не выбирают. (proverbs)

4.1 Family FAMILY

They got married and started a family. (= have children)



The nearest and dearest people (parents, grandparents, sister, brother, aunt, uncle)




He comes from a good/ respected family.

family – семья, дети relatives/relations – родственники be married – быть замужем/женатым (статус) get married – выйти замуж/жениться (изменить статус) marry smb – выйти замуж/жениться get divorced – развестись divorce – развод near – близкий dear – дорогой respected – уважаемый

Ex 1.

Listen to the text and then read it. Say who is who in this family according to the model. Прослушайте и прочтите текст, укажите родственные отношения членов семьи по модели.



A Family Gathering It’s Sunday afternoon. The Morris family1 are having lunch. Colin, the father, is sitting at the dinner table as his wife Lynn serves up the pie she has made. On Colin’s right and left are his daughter Amy, who is studying at university, and his son James, who goes to the local school. Halfway through the meal there is a knock at the door2 and in come Colin’s parents, Edna and George. Colin and Lynn ask them if they would like to have lunch with the family and they readily agree. The more, the merrier!3 Notes: 1 the Morris family = the Morrises 2 Посредине еды раздаётся стук в дверь. 3 Чем больше, тем веселее!

parents – родители grandparents – дедушка и бабушка husband/wife – муж/жена father/mother – отец/мать children – дети son/daughter – сын/дочь sister/brother – сестра/брат mother-in-law – свекровь/тёща father-in-law – свёкор/тесть aunt/uncle – тётя/дядя relatives/relations – родственники a close family – дружная семья

Grammar THE GENETIVE ПРИТЯЖАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ПАДЕЖ ИМЕН СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫХ Существительное + ’s Притяжательный падеж образуется от одушевлённых имён существительных. ’s читается: xòz после звонких согласных и гласных, xëz после глухих, xáòz после -s, -z. Oliver’s house Harriet’s dress A boy’s ball An actress’s role Dog’s food

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Colin / Lynn ... Colin is Lynn’s husband. ... Amy and James / Lynn and Colin ............................ Amy / Lynn and Colin ............................................ Amy / James ......................................................... Edna and George / Colin ........................................ Edna / Lynn ........................................................... George / Lynn ....................................................... Edna / Amy .......................................................... 52

При упоминании двух и более имен, связанных союзом AND ’s ставится после последнего имени: Lynn and Colin’s children; my mother and father’s house Существительные во множественном числе с окончанием -s принимают лишь апостроф (’) без -s: Students’ books, teachers’ room BUT! men’s hats, women’s clothes, people’s needs

Ex 2.

Look at the family tree and fill in the right words in the sentences below. Посмотрите на генеалогическое дерево и вставьте в предложения ниже пропущенные слова.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Margaret: “This is Daniel, my ........................”. Bill: “This is Daniel, my ........................”. Oliver: “This is Margaret, my ........................”. Liz: “This is Oliver, my ........................”. Alice: “My ........................ Liz is married and my ........................ Oliver is single”. 6. Daniel: “My ........................ Bill is a taxi driver and my ........................ Margaret is a secretary”.





cousine – двоюродный брат/ сестра nephew – племянник niece – племянница


Ex 3.



Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

Лин – жена Колина. ... Lynn is Colin’s wife. ... Джеймс – брат Эми. .................................................................................................... Эдна – мать Колина. .................................................................................................... Джордж – дедушка Джеймса. ...................................................................................... Дети Браунов очень хорошо учатся. ............................................................................ Мама моего друга – учительница. ................................................................................ Это день рождения моей мамы. На столе – подарки родственников. .................................................................................................................................... 8. Сестра моего друга Анна учится в моём классе (be smb’s classmate). .................................................................................................................................... 9. Сёстры и братья моих родителей часто навещают нас. .................................................................................................................................... 10. Дети моих тёти и дяди – мои двоюродные братья и сёстры. Они племянники и племянницы моих родителей. ....................................................................................................................................

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.






The Present Simple

The Present Continuous

Обычное, регулярное, повторяющееся действие, факт.

Длительное действие, процесс, протекающий в определенный момент или период времени.


be + -ing




usually, generally, always, never, often, seldom, every day, sometimes

now, at present, at the moment Listen ...; look; I see...; I hear... Понятно из ситуации.

 The Browns always have lunch at 1 o’clock on Sundays.  Colin often invites his parents to lunch on Sunday.

 The Browns are having lunch at the moment.  Edna and George are smiling, they are happy to see the grandchildren.

do/does/don’t/doesn’t Do Colin’s parents come to lunch every day? Does Amy study or work? Amy doesn’t work, she studies at university.

Are the family sitting at the table now? Is Amy studying at university or college? The children aren’t doing their homework, they are having lunch.

(см. Appendix 2 – Правила правописания глаголов при добавлении окончания -ing)

Ex 4.

Look at picture A and say what the Browns usually do on Sunday mornings. Then look at picture B and say what they are doing this Sunday morning. Use the prompts below. Посмотрите на рисунок А и расскажите, что Бруаны обычно делают по воскресеньям. Посмотрите на рисунок B и скажите, что Брауны делают в это воскресенье.



the sun / shine; Mr Brown / wear a jacket; he / Mrs Brown / cook; Mr Brown / read the newspaper; children / watch TV; have / a good take a photo of Mary; Tom / ride a bicycle; Mrs Brown / read a book; Mary / draw a picture time

Usually, the Browns are at home on ...................................................................... Sunday morning. ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ......................................................................

This Sunday morning the Browns are in ...................................................................... the countryside. It’s a fine summer day. ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... 54

Ex 5.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Переведите предложения на английский язык.


1. Сейчас 7 часов вечера. Семья обедает. Они всегда обедают в это время. 2. Моя бабушка часто читает нам сказки (fairy-tail) перед сном (go to bed). Сейчас 10 часов вечера, и я слышу, что (hear that) она читает сказку моей сестре. 3. Моя мама – дизайнер. Она много работает. Сейчас уже (already) поздно, а она всё ещё (still) работает. 4. Моя тётя – врач. Сегодня она не работает, она дома, она читает книгу. 5. Мой брат – студент. Он учится в колледже. Сейчас он делает домашнее задание. 6. А это наш кот. Он спит. Он всегда спит на диване (sofa). ...................................................................... ...................................................................... NOTE ...................................................................... 1. Запомните следующие словосочетания, ...................................................................... в которых артикль не употребляется: ...................................................................... аt ☺ school/college/university аt ☺ home ...................................................................... аt ☺ work ...................................................................... 2. Английские существительные типа: ......................................................................

Ex 6.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

There are nine grammar mistakes in these sentences. Find the mistakes and correct them. В этих предложениях сделано девять грамматических ошибок, найдите и исправьте их.

family, team, crew, group, class, army, etc могут иметь форму единственного и множественного числа. В первом случае они обозначают группу людей или предметов как единое целое, во втором – всех членов данной группы. The family is big. It’s Sunday morning, the family are working in the garden.

His father watches TV at the moment. .............................................................................. My mother doesn’t watching TV now, she is cooks dinner. ................................................ My grandfather sits in front of the TV set, but he doesn’t watch, he is sleeping. ...................... My sister walks the dog at the moment, she always is waking the dog at 9 p.m. .................... I’m not doing anything, I just watch what my family are do. ................................................


Ex 7.

Read the beginning of the fairy-tail and fill in the spaces with the missing words from ex 1 and the Memory Box. Listen and check your answers. Прочтите начало этой сказки. Используя Memory box и упр. 1, вставьте пропущенные слова. Прослушайте полный текст и проверьте свои ответы.

Cinderella Once upon a time... there lived an unhappy young girl. Unhappy she was, because her (1) ..................... was dead, her father had (2) ..................... another woman, a (3) ..................... with two (4) ..................... . Her (5) ..................... didn’t like her one little bit (нисколько). All the 55




nice things, kind thoughts were for her own stepmother – приемная мать (мачеха) (собственный) (6) ..................... . And not just stepfather – приемный отец (отчим) the kind thoughts and love, but also dresses, stepsister/stepbrother – сводный брат/ shoes, delicious food, comfortable bed. All сводная сестра this was only for her daughters. But, for the widow/widower – вдова/вдовец poor unhappy girl, there was nothing at all only her (7) ..................... hand-me-downs (принеси да подай). No lovely dishes, nothing but scraps (остатки). She had to work hard all day, and only when evening came was she allowed to sit for a while by the fire, near the cinders (зола). That is how she got her nickname, for everybody called her Cinderella. Cinderella used to spend long hours all alone talking to the cat. The cat said, “Miaow”, which really meant, “Cheer up! You have something neither of your (8) ..................... have and that is beauty.” It was quite true (правда). Cinderella, even dressed in rags (лохмотья) with a dirty face from the cinders, was a lovely girl. While her (9) ..................... , even in their splendid and elegant clothes, were still clumsy (неуклюжий) and ugly (уродливый) and always would be.

Ex 8.

Complete the chart. Find in the text of ex 7 regular and irregular verbs, put them in the Past Simple Tense. Write the base form of the irregular verbs. Найдите в тексте упр. 7 правильные и неправильные глаголы, образуйте прошедшее время и внесите их в табличку. Укажите начальную форму неправильных глаголов. Regular verbs

Irregular verbs

The base form

lived came come ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................


THE PAST SIMPLE TENSE Правильные глаголы + -ed The Past Simple Неправильные глаголы (см. Appendix 3) The Past Simple Tense используется в рассказах о прошлых событиях, хрониках, воспоминаниях. Эта форма глагола чаще всего употребляется с такими обстоятельствами времени как: yesterday, last week/year/month, etc, 5 days ago, in 1994, when I was a student...  They left a few minutes ago.  I saw him at the library yesterday.  We lived in Samara when I was a small boy.

Ex 9.


A. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple to complete the sentences. Завершите предложения. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple.

The Wilmots (be) (1) .................. an English family. They (live) (2) .................. in London. Mr Wilmot (work) (3) .................. in an office and the mother, Mrs Wilmot, (not/work) (4) .................. , she (look) (5) .................. after the house and the children. There (be) (6) .................. three children in the family: two sons, Aidan, who (be) (7) .................. thirteen years old and Roy, who was ten, and a daughter Harriet, she was twelve.

Перед подлежащим ставится вспомогательный глагол did, смысловой глагол, стоящий после подлежащего, употребляется в начальной форме.  Where did Cinderella’s family live?  Why did they call the girl Cinderella? ОТРИЦАТЕЛЬНАЯ ФОРМА Did not  didn’t + глагол в начальной форме: didn’t go, didn’t speak.  Cinderella didn’t go to the ball with her sisters. She didn’t have a beautiful dress. Глагол be в Past Simple  was (ед.ч.), were (мн.ч.)  Cinderella was a beautiful girl. Her step-sisters were ugly. (см. Appendix 2 – Правила правописания глаголов при добавлении окончания -ed)

The children (go) (8) .................. to school in London. They also (take) (9) .................. music and singing lessons. They (like) (10) .................. their lessons, but (not/like) (11) .................. music and singing.

One day the father (get) (12) .................. a letter from Australia saying that Mr Wilmot’s uncle (die) (13) .................. . He (leave) (14) .................. his house and farm to Mr Wilmot, his nephew. Mr Wilmot (decide) (15) .................. to go to Australia. The children (not/want) (16) .................. to go, they (love) (17) .................. their school and their friends in England. (after Eleanor Spence)




В. Using the prompts, complete the questions to the text above. Составьте вопросы к тексту упражнения, используя предложенные слова. The Wilmots / live / where? ... Where did the Wilmots live? ... Mrs Wilmot / work? ...................................................................................................... How many children / have / the Wilmots? ........................................................................ How old / the children? .................................................................................................. The children / go to school? .......................................................................................... The children / like music lessons? .................................................................................. What letter / the father / get? ........................................................................................ Why / Mr Wilmot / to go to Australia / decide? ................................................................

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.



Listen to the dialogue and sign the photos. Прослушайте диалог и напишите, кто изображен на этих фотографиях.

2. .............................................

1. ........................................

4. ......................................

5. ....................................

3. ................................... 58

Ex 10.

Fill in the gaps in these sentences with the words from the list below. Заполните пропуски словами из данного ниже списка.

son  fell in love  divorce (x2)  marry  family  loved  daughter  married  happy Twelve years passed and Soams decided to get a (1) ............... . He soon (2) ............... again and had a (3) ............... whom he named Fleur. Young Jolyon, who was no longer young then, helped Irene to go through (пройти через) the (4) ............... . They liked each other, and, when Irene was free, Jolyon asked her to (5) ............... him. He (6) ............... her and Irene was (7) ............... in her new (8) ............... . They had a (9) ............... Jon. When Fleur and Jon were about nineteen, they met by chance (случайно) in a Picture Gallery and (10) ............... . (after John Galsworthy “To Let”)


Reader’s Corner

Listen to the dialogue first and then read it. Прослушайте диалог, а затем прочтите его.

Will You Marry Me? Jill answered the phone. It was Jack. “Jill, will you marry me next week?” “What?” Jack repeated his question. “Of course not,” she replied. She wondered (хотеть знать) why he was asking her that question. They had already agreed that when people get married, they immediately start to take each other for granted (принимать как должное). They don’t do the “little things” like opening the car door or holding hands. They get too comfortable. They treat (обращаться с) their partner like an old shoe. And eventually, they get bored with each other and get divorced. “We already agreed that we don’t want to get married because we don’t want to get divorced.” Jack agreed. But he thought they were special. They were different from other couples (пара). They loved each other too much to end up in a divorce. “Yes, that may be true. But still, why next week? Why can’t we think about it for another year or two?” “Because I had two dreams (сон) the last two nights. In both dreams, you left me for another man. In fact, you left me for two different men. I want to get married now so I don’t have these dreams anymore.” “Hmm. What did these men look like?” 59



Ex 11.

Read the dialogue again and choose the right answer (a–c) to the questions (1–4). Прочтите диалог ещё раз и выберите правильный ответ (a–c) на вопросы (1–4).

1. What did Jack ask Jill? a) He asked if Jill would marry him. b) He asked if Jill would marry him next week. c) He asked if Jill was going to get married. 2. What did the young people think about marriage? a) When people get married, they immediately start quarreling. b) When people get married, they are happy. c) When people get married, they get bored with each other very quickly. 3. Why didn’t Jill want to marry Jack? a) Because she didn’t want to divorce Jack some years later. b) Because she didn’t like him. c) Because she needed time to finish her studies. 4. Why did Jack ask Jill to marry him so soon? a) He was going away. b) He loved her too much to wait. c) He had a dream that Jill left him for another man. 1


Ex 12.



Fill in prepositions where necessary. Вставьте предлоги, где это необходимо.

1. Jill answered (1) ............. the phone. 2. Jill didn’t want to marry (2) ............. Jack. 3. Jill wanted to think (3) ............. it for a year or two. 4. They were affraid that after some years they would treat (4) ............. each other (5) ............. an old shoe. 5. Jack said: “I’d never divorce (6) ............. you.” 6. In Jack’s dream Jill left him (7) ............. another man.


4.2 Friends A friend in need is a friend indeed. Друзья познаются в беде. (proverb)

Ex 13. Complete the sentences: decide where the phrases (A–F) go into the text. There is one extra phrase you don’t need to use. Закончите предложения, вставьте фразы (A–F) в соответствующее место в тексте. В списке есть одна лишняя фраза. D. they are my E. help and support F. and like well


. How do we choose A friend is a person you know (1) our friends? Most friendships begin with (2) . We like people who think and feel like we. Many people say they have (3) , not just one or two best friends. Having a group of people who can (4) us seems more secure (надежным). Friends share problems, (5) gossip (сплетни). This is all what people need and long for (стремиться).


Ex 14.





A. shared interests or activity B. jokes, hobbies C. a group of close friends

LEARN THE VERBS choose (chose) – выбирать share – делить, делиться trust – доверять Mary always shares sweets with her friend Alice. Our family shares the house with my father’s brother. The children share my interest in classical music.

Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B. Draw a line to connect them. В колонке A найдите определение к словам в колонке B. Соедините их линиями.

A 1. A close friend 2. The best friend 3. Classmates 4. Colleagues 5. Roommate

B a. people in your class b. a person you share your room with (who is not your family member) c. someone you like and trust d. the one you feel closest to e. people you work with

 61



Ex 15. Find word partnerships. Fill in the “bubbles” with the words from the box. Sometimes one word can be used twice. Translate the phrases you’ve got. Составьте словосочетания. Внесите в «пузырьки» данные ниже слова. В некоторых случаях одно слово может использоваться дважды. Переведите полученные словосочетания. large  good  best  happy  false  close  old  faithful


faithful верный/ преданный друг


Reader’s Corner

Listen and then read the essay. Do you agree with the author? In the text underline the words proving your point. Прослушайте, а потом прочтите это эссе. Вы согласны с автором? Подчеркните в тексте слова, которые могли бы подтвердить вашу точку зрения. People often ask why I have a variety of friends who are all different in character. They wonder (интересоваться) how I get on (ладить) with them all. I think that each one helps bring out (выявить) a “different” part of me. With one of them I am a polite, good guy (AmE: парень). 62


I joke with one friend and talk about serious matters with another. I have my wine with some of my friends and play football with other friends. My friends understand me better than I do, they support me through good and bad days. I listen to their problems and give advice and my friends listen to me when I need it. They are all like pieces of a puzzle. When completed they form a wonderful picture.

circle of friends – круг друзей be friends (with) – дружить (с) make friends (with) – подружиться quarrel/fall out (with) – поссориться (с) make it up (with) – помириться support – поддерживать rely on – полагаться (на) give advice – давать совет(ы) NB! Слово advice не употребляется во множественном числе.

Doctors say that a circle of friends is often better for our health than some medicine. Doctor Oz calls them Vitamins F (from Friends). If you take Vitamin F constantly you look and feel much younger. I am so happy that I have a stock (запас) of Vitamins F!



I/you/we/they have got she/he/it has got

I/you/we/they haven’t got she/he/it hasn’t got

QUESTION Have you got grandparents? Has he got a family?

Значение «иметь» передаётся в английском языке двумя способами: Have got – британский вариант; have – американский английский. В американском варианте глагол have образует вопросы и отрицательные формы с помощью вспомогательных глаголов do/does/did/don’t/doesn’t/didn’t (как и все остальные глаголы).  They have got three children. = They have three children.  Jim hasn’t got a brother. = Jim doesn’t have a brother.  Has Jim got a sister? = Does Jim have a sister?  How many aunts have you got? = How many aunts do you have? Глагол have в Past Simple – имеет только одну форму – had:  We had a nice party yesterday. Why didn’t you come?




Ex 16.

Make questions, using the prompts below. Answer the questions. С помощью данных ниже слов составьте вопросы и ответьте на них.

a circle of friends ... Have you got a circle of friends? ... the best friend ........................................................................................... ? 1. You / have a girlfriend ................................................................................................. ? a roommate ............................................................................................... ? a stock of Vitamins F .................................................................................. ? 2. How many / you / have / colleagues .............................................................................. ?

3. they / be

Ex 17.

reliable people ... Are they reliable people? ... different in character .................................................................................. ? a nice company ......................................................................................... ?

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Андрей и Валентин – мои близкие друзья. Я подружился с ними в школе. 2. Они верные друзья. Я всегда могу (can) на них положиться. 3. Мы закончили школу много лет назад, но мы всё ещё (still) дружим. Они всегда помогают мне и поддерживают меня. 4. Когда мы учились в школе, мы иногда ссорились, но быстро мирились. 5. А кто твой самый лучший друг? – Это, конечно, Иван. Я разделяю с ним интерес к (to) нашей работе и спорту. Я делюсь с ним моими проблемами и он часто даёт мне хорошие советы. 6. Я надеюсь (hope), что у меня нет неверных друзей. 7. Мои старые близкие друзья всегда приходят на мой день рождения. ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................

REVISION 1 (UNITS 1–4) Ex 1.


Read the words. Now listen and read them again, correct your mistakes, if any. Прочтите эти слова. Прослушайте и прочтите ещё раз, исправив свои ошибки.

Face, large, slice, stamp, sick, cycle, pyramid, long, quick, south, wander, sharp, quarter, teeth, those, engage, tune, cup, germ, birch, alone, ground, smile, cry, switch, purple, click, style, swing, speech.

Ex 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

£££££££££ ££££££££££ £££££££££ £££££ ££££££££££ £££££ £££££££

Weeks in a year = Days in March = 6x7= Days in a week = 13 + 8 = Seconds in a minute = Centimeters in a meter = a

Ex 3.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Write these numbers in the boxes. Впишите в рамки указанные числительные.

Match the phrases in column A with those in column B. Draw a line to connect them. В колонке A найдите фразы, соответствующие фразам в колонке B. Соедините их линией.

A Let me introduce myself. Richard, meet my sister Olga. My name is Sarah. Our daughter is 14. How are you? Grania is from Italy. It’s very hot today. My mother’s got married again after the divorce. Is John your best friend?


a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i.

B I was named after my grandmother. Where are you from? Right, it’s 30 0C now. I’m Thomas Stevenson. Yes, he is the one I feel closest to. Do you like your stepfather? She is under age then. Hi! Glad to meet you. Not bad, thank you.

Ex 4.

Fill in the missing words in the sentences and do the crossword puzzle. Read the 13th word. Решите кроссворд, вставив в предложения соответствующие слова. Прочтите получившееся тринадцатое слово. 1


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Women don’t like when people ask them about their ............................ . My brother isn’t married, he is ............................ . His children live with his ex-wife. In Germany when people meet or say “Good-bye”, they ............................ hands. My mother’s sister is my ............................ . Our son was born in August, his ............................ is on the 5th of August. Cinderella’s ............................ was a wicked woman. Every mother wants her daughter to get ............................ and have a nice family. My friend wants to get acquainted with my sister, so I ............................ him to her. ............................ is the colour of the Sun, it is a warm colour, it makes people happy. If you are married, you have a ............................ or wife. He was born in Holland, he speaks ............................ . They have two children, a boy Ron and a girl Anna, so Ron has a ............................ . My parents’ parents are my ............................ .

Ex 5. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Read the interview with Ann. Can you guess the questions? Прочтите интервью с Энн. Вы можете догадаться, какие вопросы были ей заданы.

... What is your name? ... ................................................... ................................................... ...................................................

Ann. I’m eighteen. No, I don’t. I’ve just left school. In Washington.


5. ................................................... No, I live with my uncle. 6. ................................................... I listen to pop music, read books and watch TV. 7. ................................................... Yes, his name is Jimmy.

Ex 6. Review of tenses. Fill in the correct tense. Look for signal words for the Present or Past Simple and the Present Continuous. Вставьте в предложения глаголы в соответствующем времени. Обратите внимание на «сигнальные слова» для the Present or Past Simple and the Present Continuous. 1. What ................. your mother (do) ................. now? – She (cook) ................. dinner. – ................. she (cook) ................. dinner every day? – Mother (cook) ................. a marvelous dinner last Sunday. We (have) ................. my elder brother’s family for dinner. 2. I (meet) ................. my friend yesterday. It (be) ................. Saturday. We (meet) ................. every Saturday at the Sport Club. 3. Usually I (write) ................. a letter to my parents once a week, on Sunday. It’s Sunday and I (sit) ................. at my computer writing a letter. I (not/write) ................. a letter to my parents last Sunday, I (visit) ................. them instead (вместо этого). 4. Don’t make noise (шум)! Father (work) ................. . – ................. he (work) ................. at home? – Sometimes he (bring) ................. work home and (work) ................. in the evening. 5. Where ................. you ( live) ................. ? – I (live) ................. in Boston, but now I (live and work) ................. in New York, we (open) ................. a new shop there at the moment. 6. My mother (be) ................. a doctor, but she (love) ................. gardening. She (work) ................. in her little garden every evening. When she (work) ................. in her garden, she (have a rest) ................. from her work. Last Saturday she (not/work) ................. in the garden, we (go) ................. to visit the grandparents. They (live) ................. in a small village.

Ex 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Use the prompts to make sentences. Составьте предложения, используя данные слова-подсказки.

Tony / married. ............................................................................................................ His wife’s name? .......................................................................................................... He / children? .............................................................................................................. How many children / he / have? .................................................................................... Daughters / or sons / have? .......................................................................................... A daughter / two sons. .................................................................................................. Tony / last Sunday / his friend / visit. .............................................................................. It / his friend’s birthday. ................................................................................................ Go / Tony’s family / with him / go? ..................................................................................


DESCRIBING PEOPLE and THINGS Beauty is but skin-deep. Красота приглядится, а ум пригодится. (proverb)

5.1 Describing People 1


Listen to Kate and Mary talking about Bob’s sister. Complete the sentences below with the words from the dialogue. Then listen again to check your answers. Кейт и Мэри говорят о сестре Боба. Заполните пропуски словами из прослушанного диалога. Прослушайте диалог еще раз и проверьте свои ответы.

Mary, have you seen (1) ....................... ? No, I haven’t. Have you? Is (2) ............ ........... ? I’ve (3) ............ ........... several times. If she is (4) ....................... her brother, she must be (5) ....................... . Bob is (6) ....................... , isn’t he? What does she (7) ........... ............ ? APPEARANCE – 2 внешность What does look (like) – выглядеть she look like? good-looking – интересный




nice – миловидный pretty – хорошенькая beautiful – красивая (жен.) handsome – красивый (муж.) plain – заурядный ugly – уродливый old – старый young – молодой middle-aged – пожилой

Ex 1.

Listen to the story and then read it. Complete the Memory Box with the adjectives describing people. Прослушайте и прочтите рассказ. Заполните пропуски в Memory Box прилагательными, описывающими людей.

“There is a letter for you,” called the mother. “I’ve put it on the table.” Amanda ran down the stairs, opened the envelope and found to her delight (восторг) an invitation. “Hooray! I’ve been invited to James’s twenty-first birthday party,” she cried. There was a pause. “What am I going to wear (надеть)?” “You’ve got plenty of clothes, dear,” replied her mother, calmly having her tea. “There is absolutely nothing suitable (подходящий) for James’s party,” Amanda replied. “It’ll be very smart.” “What is James like?” asked her mother nervously. “He’s six-foot tall, broad-shouldered with blond hair, huge brown eyes and a wonderful smile,” replied Amanda. Her mother sighed (вздыхать), “I mean what is his personality like? Is he hard-working, trustworthy, kind and clever, or is he selfish, and mean?”


Ex 2.



FIGURE ....................... – высокий short – маленького роста ....................... – широкоплечий plump – пухленькая fat (overweight) – толстый thin – худой PERSONALITY – личность, характер ....................... – добрый friendly – дружелюбный cheerful – весёлый calm – спокойный ....................... – надёжный ....................... – трудолюбивый brave – смелый strong – сильный ....................... – эгоистичный ....................... – подлый, нечестный

Translate the adjectives in the list below. Find their opposites in the right column. Listen and check your answers. Переведите прилагательные в данном ниже списке, в правой колонке подберите к ним прилагательные с противоположным значением. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.

1. Nervous – ... нервный ..., ...calm... 3. trustworthy ..................... , ..................... 5. weak ..................... , ..................... 7. slender ..................... , .....................

2. wicked ..................... , ..................... 4. cowardly ..................... , ..................... 6. bore ..................... , ..................... 8. lazy ..................... . ..................... 69

strong  сalm  kind cheerful  mean  fat brave  selfish



Would you like to make an appointment?

Beauty Salon

Yes, thank you, for 6 p.m., please. I’d like to colour my hair.

Ex 3.

Read the text and say which one is Susan. Tick () the picture. Underline in the text Susan’s word portrait to prove your choice. Прочтите текст и отметьте рисунок, на котором изображена Сьюзен. Чтобы доказать правильность выбора, подчеркните в тексте словесный портрет Сьюзен.

Hair colour



HAIR – волосы 5

long – длинные short – короткие thick – густые thin – редкие straight – прямые curly – кудрявые dark – тёмные fair – светлые blond – блондинка/белокурый red-haired (man) – рыжий grey – седые turn grey – седеть match – подходить (по цвету/ стилю)

Susan had long thick wavy hair but she didn’t like the colour. Her hair was changing colour. It used to be all black. But now it was turning grey. She didn’t like the grey hair. Grey hair made her look older. She didn’t want to look older. She made an appointment with the beauty salon. A week later, she went to the beauty salon. The hairdresser colored Susan’s hair. She added a little bit of red colour to Susan’s hair. When the hairdresser finished, Susan looked at her hair. She liked it. She couldn’t see any grey hair. All she could see was black hair with a little bit of red tint (оттенок). The red tint looked nice. It matched her green eyes. Susan hoped her boyfriend would like it.





3. 70


Ex 4.

Translate the dialogues from Russian into English. Переведите диалоги на английский язык. А

– – – – –

– – –

– –

Кто из этих девушек Энн Браун? ... Which of the? ... Самая высокая. .............................................................................................................. Это девушка с кудрявыми волосами? ............................................................................... Да, правильно. ... Yes, that’s right. ... Спасибо. ........................................................................................................................ В Петя, когда ты был в университете, кто-то (somebody) приходил к (call on) тебе. ...................................................................................................................................... Я его знаю? ...................................................................................................................... Конечно, кто-то высокий и стройный с большими голубыми глазами и тёмными волосами. ...................................................................................................................................... Это Нелли? ....................................................................................................................... Нет, попробуй ещё раз. ... No, try again. ...


Сравнительная степень

Превосходная степнь


+ est

bigger nicer prettier

biggest nicest prettiest

+ more/less

+ most


more beautiful

most beautiful

good bad

better worse

best worst

Односложные, двусложные big nice pretty Многосложные

«Неправильные» формы, которые следует запомнить

 Steve is taller than his father.  You ask Ann; you know her better.  Kate Middleton was the most beautiful bride (невеста). (см. Appendix 2)




SPELLING RULES ПРАВИЛА ПРАВОПИСАНИЯ При образовании степеней сравнения (добавлением суффиксов -еr; -est): 1. у таких прилагательных, как hot, big, fat, sad, wet; etc. (1 гласный + 1 согласный), удваивается конечный согласный: hot – hotter – the hottest 2. у таких прилагательных, как nice, fine, large, late, safe прибавляется -r, -st: nice – nicer – the nicest 3. в таких прилагательных, как busy (-у после согласного) переходит в -i: busy – busier – the busiest


Ex 5.

Read the dialogue. Translate the words in brackets. Прочтите диалог. Переведите слова в скобках.

NOTE 1. Than – чем 2. Less – менее 3. as…as – такой же как 4. Перед прилагательным в превосходной степени + существительное используется определенный артикль – the.

A: Is your family large? B: Yes, our family is quite a big one. There are eight of us. (У меня две сестры и три брата) (1) ................................................................... . A: Are your sisters (такие же симпатичные как ты) (2) ............................................... .................................................. ? B: Oh, they are both (симпатичнее, чем я) (3) ................................................................... . Ruth is (самая симпатичная девушка) (4) ................................................................ I know. У моих сестёр длинные светлые волосы, (5) ................................................................... but Ruth’s hair is (длиннее и светлее, чем ) (6) ................................................................... Margaret’s. Margaret is (полнее, чем Ruth) (7) .................................................................. . She doesn’t like you to say she is (толстая) (8) ..................................................; and we all tell her she will get (худее) (9) ....................................................... when she gets (старше) (10) ................................................................... .. A: And now tell me about the others in your family, Freda.


Ex 6.

Read the passage in which you are going to meet Sherlock Holmes’s client, a Mr Cubitt. That day Dr Watson was not present. Answer Dr Watson’s questions. Прочтите отрывок из рассказа, в котором вы познакомитесь с клиентом Шерлока Холмса, неким мистером Кьюбиттом. Доктор Ватсон в этот день отсутствовал. Ответьте на вопросы доктора Ватсона.

Now Holmes let me guess (угадать) who Mr Cubitt is: 1. Is Mr Cubitt that thin pale (бледный) gentleman from Manchester? – Of course, not Watson. He is ................................................ . 2. Now I know, Mr Cubitt is the one who never shaves, he has got a beard, hasn’t he? – ................... .......................... . 3. Is he that very important looking gentleman we met on the train? – ................................................ . 4. Now I remember, he is a dark-eyed man with a mean look, isn’t he? – ................................................ .


Holmes heard a heavy step (шаг) upon the stairs, and a moment later there entered a tall, cleanshaven gentleman, whose clear eyes and red cheeks told of a life far from London. He brought with him strong, fresh, east-coast air. They shook hands. He was a fine man, an old English gentleman, simple, modest and gentle, with his great earnest blue eyes and a broad face. His love for his wife and his trust in her shone in his features. head – голова face – лицо forehead – лоб eyes – глаза cheeks – щёки nose – нос lips – губы beard – борода shave – бриться clean-shaven – гладко выбритый PERSONALITY simple – простой modest – скромный gentle – мягкий, нежный earnest – честный

Ex 7. Find word partnerships. Match the words in column A with those in column B. Draw a line to connect them. More than one variant is possible. Образуйте словосочетания, соединив линиями слова из колонки А со словами из колонки В. Возможны варианты. A pretty red earnest tall short clean-shaven plump thick gentle

B hands cheeks hair beard eyes lips boy woman girl 73

 Unit





Maria and Oliver meet at a party. They haven’t met since university days. Oliver got married, he wants to show Maria his wife Alice. Maria shows Oliver her boyfriend Clive. A. Look at the picture taken at the party and find Alice and Clive. Посмотрите на фотографии, сделанные на этой вечеринке, и найдите Эллис и Клива.

NOTE wear a skirt/a blouse – носить юбку/блузку wear one’s hair long / a beard / glasses / make-up – носить длинные волосы / бороду / очки / пользоваться косметикой

1 – –

You know, Oliver has got married. His wife is very .................................. . Is she that plump dark-haired girl he dated (встречаться) at university? Her name was Nora, I think. No, Oliver’s wife’s name is .................................. . And she isn’t plump at all, she is .................................. and slender.

2 – – – – – –

Dick, I met Maria at а party. She was with a .................................. . Do I know him? What is his name? His name is .................................. . I’ve never met him before. Is he the man with .................................. hair? Yes, he is. And he .................................. glasses. Then I know him, he is nice and .................................. . 74


B. Maria tells her friend Nancy about Oliver’s wife. Oliver also describes Clive, Maria’s boyfriend, to their former classmate Dick. Complete the sentences with the words or phrases from the dialogue. Мария рассказывает своей подруге Нэнси о жене Оливера. Оливер описывает Клива, друга Марии, их бывшему однокласснику Дику. Дополните предложения словами/фразами из прослушанного диалога.


Reader’s Corner


Listen and then read the story. Match the headings (A–G) below to the paragraphs (1–6). There is one extra heading in the list. Прослушайте и затем прочтите рассказ. Подберите соответствующие заглавия (A–G) из списка ниже к абзацам текста (1–6). В списке одно лишнее заглавие. A. B. C. D.

Some Kind of a Test A Woman with a Red Rose on Her Jacket Under the Great Round Clock Hollis Meynell’s Letters

E. The Book from the Library F. The Day before the Battle G. Lieutenant Blandford Makes a Difficult Decision

Appointment with Love after S. I. Kishor 1.








The tall young army lieutenant looked at the great round clock in Grand Central Station. Six minutes to six, said the clock. In six minutes he would see the woman who had filled such a special place in his life for the past thirteen months. He had never seen the woman, but her written words gave him strength to fight (сражаться). Reading her letters, he heard her imagined voice. In six minutes they were to meet and he was going to hear her real voice. His mind went back to that book he had borrowed from the army library. Throughout the book there were notes in a woman’s writing. He had never believed that a woman could see into a man’s heart so understandingly. Her name was on the bookplate: Hollis Meynell. He had found her address and written, she had answered. For thirteen months she had faithfully replied, and more than replied, and now he believed he loved her, and she loved him. But she had refused to send him her photograph. She had explained: “Suppose I’m beautiful. I’d always think that it were my looks that you liked. Suppose I’m plain. Then I’d always fear (бояться) that you wrote to me only because you were lonely and had no one else. When you come to New York, you shall see me and then you shall make your decision.” A young woman was coming toward him. Her figure was long and slim; her blond hair lay back in curls. Her eyes were blue as flowers. In her pale green suit she was like springtime come alive (ожить). He started toward her, but then he noticed that she was wearing no rose on her jacket they had agreed upon. Then he saw Hollis Meynell. She was standing almost directly behind the girl, a woman well past forty, her grеying hair tucked under a worn (изношенный) hat. She was more than plump; her thick feet were thrust (всунуть) into low-heeled shoes. But she wore a red rose in the lapel (лацкан) of her old brown coat. The girl in the green suit was walking quickly away.






Blandford wanted to follow the beautiful girl, yet there stood the woman he had been dreaming to meet. Her pale, plump face and her grey eyes were gentle and kind; he could see that now. Lieutenant Blandford did not hesitate. This would not be love, but it would be a friendship for which he had been more than grateful (благодарный). He squared (распрямить) his broad shoulders, saluted. “I’m Lieutenant John Blandford, and you – you are Miss Meynell. I’m so glad you could meet me. May – may I take you to dinner?”



Ex 8.

The woman’s face broadened in a kind smile. “I don’t know what this is all about, son,” she answered. “That young lady in the green suit – the one who just went by – asked me to wear this rose on my coat. And she said that if you asked me to go out with you, I should tell you that she’s waiting for you in that big restaurant across the street. She said it was some kind of a test. I’ve got two boys in the Army myself, so I didn’t mind to help”

Tick () the false statements. Correct them. Отметьте предложения, не соответствующие содержанию текста. Исправьте их. TRUE FALSE

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Lieutenant Blandford was a middle-sized broad-shouldered young man. Lieutenant Blandford met Hollis Meynell at the library. Blandford liked Hollis Meynell’s notes in the book and wrote a letter to her. Hollis Meynell didn’t answer his letter. Hollis Meynell didn’t want to send him her photo. A young blond woman who was coming toward Lieutenant Blandford was tall and slim. She had long straight hair and large dark eyes. Hollis Meynell was a plump middle-aged woman wearing a worn hat. The woman who helped Hollis Meynell wasn’t beautiful but her grey eyes were gentle and kind. Lieutenant Blandford didn’t come up to the middle-aged woman.

5.2 Describing Things

big – little/small full – empty 76

£ £ £ £ £

£ £ £ £ £

£ £ £

£ £ £

£ £

£ £

high – low

wide – narrow

heavy – light

long – short

fast – slow new – old

clean – dirty

wet – dry

light – dark 77



Ex 9.

A. Describe the objects (adjective + noun) you see in the pictures. Опишите предметы (прилагательное + существительное), которые вы видите на картинках.

1. A


big arm-chair — a small chair

convenient (удобный) for a child



3. expensive

4. bad for a/the party

5. heavy

6. nice 7. good/for the wedding (свадьба)


B. Use the model and say which one you would prefer (предпочитать). Используя данную ниже модель, скажите, какой из предметов вы бы предпочли. MODEL: I think…

is are

nicer more less


1. A big arm-chair – a small chair / comfortable

I think a/the big arm-chair is more comfortable than a/the small chair. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

.................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................

Ex 10.

Translate the adjectives in brackets, use articles A/AN or THE where necessary. Переведите прилагательные в скобках, поставьте неопределённый артикль A/AN или определённый артикль THE, где необходимо.

1. He has got (быстрый) ... a fast ... car. (быстрый) ... The fast ...car is more expensive than his old car. 2. Nancy bought (новый) ..................... computer. (новый) ..................... computer works (быстрее) ...................... 3. I’ve got (большой) ..................... apple and my brother’s got (маленький) ..................... one. But (маленький) ..................... apple turned out to be (оказалось) (лучше) ..................... . 4. This is (тяжёлый) ..................... suit-case and that is (лёгкий) ..................... one. Which suit-case do you want to take? 5. The house is very nice, but there is (светлый) ..................... bedroom and (тёмный) ..................... bedroom in it. I don’t like (тёмный) ..................... bedroom. 6. Не showed us (длинный) ..................... way and (короткий) ..................... way to the forest. I chose (короткий) ..................... way. It’s (быстрее) ...................... 79

Grammar THE INDEFINITE ARTICLE A/AN (3) Неопределённый артикль A/AN всегда употребляется: 1. в следующих грамматических конструкциях:  It is a book.  This is a car and that is a bicycle.  There is a table at the window. 2. c существительными в функции дополнения после глаголов have (got), see, give, make, etc.  I have got a big house.  I saw a new Mercedes car.  The boy made a small plane. 3. мы употребляем неопределённый артикль A/AN, когда речь идёт о каком-нибудь одном предмете, упоминаемом впервые. Если этот предмет снова упоминается в тексте, используется определённый артикль THE.  We saw a bird. The bird was very beautiful.



7. You gave me (грязный) ..................... shirt and I asked for (чистый) ..................... one. 8. She made me (полный) ..................... cup of coffee, and I asked her to give me (пустой) ..................... cup too.

Ex 11.

Read the questions and translate the answers. Use ONE/ONES where necessary. Прочтите вопросы и переведите ответы. Используйте ONE/ONES, где это необходимо.

1. Have you got high trees in your garden? – Нет, у меня только кусты (bushes), низкие кусты. ............................................................................. ............................................................................. 2. Have you seen the centre of the city? – Я видел только длинную широкую улицу, но я не видел маленьких узких улиц. ............................................................................. ............................................................................. 3. Would you like some coffee? – Спасибо, только холодный, пожалуйста. Сейчас жарко. ............................................................................. ............................................................................. 4. I’m staying with the Herberts. – Теми, что имеют большой магазин на нашей улице? ............................................................................. .............................................................................

PRONOUN “ONE” ONE/ONES используется: 1. чтобы избежать повторения существительного: – в единственном числе:  I’d like to try on one of these shirts. Please, give me that white one. – во множественном числе:  I don’t want to wear my old shoes. I want to wear the new ones. 2. ONE/ONES используется как с одушевлёнными, так и с неодушевлёнными существительными.  Do you know John Smith? Is he the one who phoned last night? 3. ONE не заменяет неисчисляемые существительные. Существительное повторяется или опускается.  Don’t use this milk. Use the fresh milk. (Use this milk).

Опустить ONE/ONES можно лишь в кратких ответах или после прилагательного в превосходной степени:  Which one/ones would you like? – The red/the largest/the best. ONE употребляется после местоимений this, that, another, which и др. и не употребляется после both, притяжательных местоимений и существительных в притяжательном падеже. С местоимениями ONE/ONES употребляются артикли a/an, the:  The old pen won’t write. Will you give me a new one?  Do you know the Smiths? The ones who live in this house?



Clothes do not make the man. По одежке встречают, по уму провожают. (proverb)




jacket coat

CLOTHES – одежда


smart – нарядная, модная, одежда tailor-made clothes – одежда, изготовленная на заказ ready-made – готовая одежда regular – обычная, нормальная


dress scarf gloves



sweater/ jumper


T-shirt underwear belt socks



В английском языке эти существительные, как и в русском, используются только в форме множественного числа. Это значит, что они всегда употребляются с глаголами в форме множественного числа и указательными местоимениями these, those. Перед ними не может стоять неопределённый артикль а/an. Слово clothes также всегда имеет форму множественного числа.  All his clothes are new, only one item – the coat, is old.  These trousers are too long for you.  Those tights wear well (хорошо носятся).




shorts tights

Ex 1.

А. Read the text and complete the Memory Box with the words from the text. Listen to check your answers. Прочтите текст и дополните Memory Box недостающими словами из текста. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.

Bill was going to take up an Italian course. He needed the Italian language for his work. Bill invited Lizzie, his girlfriend, to join the class, too. Lizzie liked the idea very much. “I’m telling everybody that we’ll be speaking Italian soon”, she laughed happily. “What shall I wear?” Only Lizzie would want to know that. Other people might ask if they should bring a notebook or a dictionary. “Something that won’t attract too much attention”, suggested Bill. It was a silly suggestion. Lizzie didn’t have clothes that didn’t attract attention.


“I love red”, he said. Her eyes shone. It was easy to please Lizzie. “I’ll try it on now,” she said. She chose a short red skirt and a red and white shirt. She looked beautiful, fresh and young, just like a magazine picture with her golden hair.

need – нуждаться (в чём-либо) 4 ....................... – выбирать ....................... – примерять ......................./have smth on – носить, быть одетым attract attention – привлекать внимание pay attention – обращать внимание suggest smth/doing smth – предлагать Do you need a new sweater? Bill suggested taking up an Italian course.


В. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What question did Lizzie ask Bill? 2. Why do you think Lizzie asked such a question?

I think Lizzie asked such a question because she was an easy-going person, and liked beautiful clothes.

3. 4. 5. 6.

What kind of clothes did Lizzie usually wear? What did she choose to wear to class? How did Lizzie look? Why was she happy?

Ex 2.

Read what this person tells about himself. Look through the list of things and say when you usually (don’t) wear these things. Прочтите, что этот человек рассказывает о себе. Просмотрите предложенный список вещей и скажите, когда и где вы (не) носите эти вещи.

I usually wear a T-shirt and shorts when I go jogging. I don’t wear jeans to work, but I sometimes wear them at the weekend. I always wear gloves when I work in the garden or do washing up. I never wear a dress when I go to the disco. I always wear make-up when I go out. a suit  a pullover  a raincoat  a hat  glasses

I never wear a hat. When I go to the beach, I wear a cap. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. .................................................................................................


NOTE /a dress/a hat Wear clothes ings BUT! Carry th ng a raincoat Kate is weari It’s raining. an umbrella. and carrying




Ex 3.

Describe what this person is wearing. Use the prompts. Опишите, во что одет этот человек. Используйте глаголы из данного списка. wear  have smth on  be dressed smartly/elegantly

............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................

Ex 4. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Посмотрите на картинки и закончите предложения.

If it’s cold, I wear ..................... . If it’s cool, I take off my coat and put on a ..................... . If it’s raining, I take off my coat and put on my ..................... . When it is warm, I take off my jacket and have only ..................... on.

Ex 5.

Open the brackets, use the verb in the right tense form. Откройте скобки, используйте глаголы в соответствующем времени.


1. I never (wear) ................... sport clothes to work. But I (wear) ................... trainers (кроссовки) yesterday because we were going to have a picnic after work. 2. I’m at university the whole day. I (put on) ................... my clothes in the morning and (take off) ................... them ................... in the evening. 3. You see, the T-shirt is a bit small, I (not/try on) ................... it ................... in the shop. I didn’t have the time. SOME USEFUL VERBS 4. “We are going to be late!” – “I’ll be ready in put on – надевать a minute. I (get dressed) ................... ”, dress/get dressed – одеваться Sandra shouted (кричать) from her room. take off – снимать undress/get undressed – раздеваться 5. ................... you (dress up) ................... be dressed in – быть одетым в when you go to a party? dress up – наряжаться 6. Police: „We’re looking for a criminal, he is somewhere here in the museum. He He told Sarah to wait while he dressed/ (wear) ................... a black shirt and dark got dressed. sunglasses.” – “I wonder, why criminals always I don’t dress up to work. I’m a teacher, (wear) ................... dark glasses,” Betty I wear regular clothes. asked. 84


Ex 6.


7. I left my jacket on the bus two days ago. I (take off) ................... it ................... and put it on the next seat. 8. Somebody took my clothes. I (undress) ................... here and went swimming. I (not/pay attention) ................... who was sitting next to me. 9. Mrs March (dress) ................... very elegantly. She has a very good taste (вкус).

NOTE When you are dressed you are wearing your clothes, or you have them on. Before you go to bed, you get undressed, or you undress, by taking your clothes off. She dresses well. / She is a well dressed woman.

Read the text about working clothes. Complete the sentences with suitable words from the Memory Box. Listen and check your answers. Прочтите текст о рабочей одежде. Дополните предложения соответствующими словами из Memory Box. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.


Different workers wear different clothes to work. UNIFORMS Many workers have (1) ..................... . Mechanics tall white hat – высокий белый колпак and painters wear (2) ..................... . The coveralls coverall(s) – рабочий комбинезон protect their clothes from oil (масло) and paint overall – рабочий халат (краска). Pilots wear blue or black uniforms. white uniform – белая форма Sometimes they wear white shirts. Nurses wear white doctor’s smock – докторский (3) ..................... . Doctors wear (4) ..................... . халат regular clothes – обычная одежда In Germany bus drivers wear white shirts and blue ties, when it is cold they have a dark-blue pullover on. Soldiers, policemen and firemen wear uniforms. Their uniforms are different in different countries. Prisoners wear orange (5) ..................... . Orange is a bright color. Orange uniforms are easy to see. Chefs wear white jackets and (6) ..................... . Cowboys wear jeans and boots. Clowns wear big plastic noses and big shoes. Most workers don't wear uniforms, they wear (7) ..................... . For example, teachers and shop assistants wear regular clothes. Men who work in an office usually wear a suit and a tie to work.






Three people tell what they wear at work. Listen and complete the table. Три человека рассказывают, что они носят на работе. Прослушайте и заполните таблицу. 3.



Which picture?

What clothes?

What do you know about the three people’s jobs?

............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................


THE FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE WILL + глагол will go, will speak, will show

1. The Future Simple Tense используется, чтобы сказать, что, по вашему мнению, может произойти:  I think /expect/ I’m sure this colour will be in fashion next summer. (Я думаю, считаю, я уверен…) 2. Это время также употребляется, когда мы обещаем, сообщаем о своём спонтанном решении или отказываемся сделать что-либо.  Don’t worry, I’ll help you to choose the right dress. I promise.  I like the coat very much. I’ll buy it.  I won’t wear this jacket, it’s old! 3. Будущее время используется также как вежливая форма общения.  Will you show me this belt, please? Покажите мне, пожалуйста, этот пояс. Обычно употребляется со следующими обстоятельствами времени: tomorrow, in 3 days/ a week, next week/month/Monday, in the 22nd century / in 2015, soon. Вопросительное предложение: вспомогательный глагол will выносится на первое место перед подлежащим.  Will you wear the dress to the party? Отрицательное предложение: перед смысловым глаголом ставится will not  won’t  – Will you make the trousers yourself? – Of course, I won’t. I won’t make them myself, I always wear tailor-made trousers.


Fill in the spaces with the right verb from the list in the Future Simple Form. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу глаголами из данного спиcка в the Future Simple Form.


(+) TOO I like the red dress, too.


Ex 7.

(–) EITHER I don’t like the pink dress, either.

wear  get dressed  take off  get undressed try on  put on  like 1. I ......................... the jacket, if it is cold. And I ......................... the hat, either. I promise, Mum. 2. Jack, don’t buy this shirt for Nick. Don’t you know Nick? He ......................... a shirt. He prefers T-shirts. 3. We are going to be late. Maura ......................... in an hour. It always takes her (у нее занимает) hours to get ready. 4. ......................... you ......................... the dress ........................., Madam? I’m sure you ......................... it. 5. She is so beautiful, she can be a photographer’s model, but she is very shy (стеснительный), she ......................... never ......................... in public.

Ex 8.

Translate the sentences. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Я не буду носить это платье, оно очень длинное. ....................................................................................................................................... 2. Я не буду примерять эти брюки, я не хочу носить чёрные брюки. ....................................................................................................................................... 3. Я не буду наряжаться. Я не люблю привлекать внимание. ....................................................................................................................................... 4. Мне нужно красивое платье. Марк пригласил меня на день рождения. ....................................................................................................................................... 5. Примерь эту шляпку. Ты в ней будешь выглядеть просто потрясающе (stunning). – Я не ношу шляпы. ....................................................................................................................................... 6. Мне нужны тёмные очки. Я еду на юг. ....................................................................................................................................... 7. Моя подруга всегда очень красиво одета. Я студентка, когда я пойду работать, я тоже буду носить модные красивые вещи. .......................................................................................................................................




6.2 Buying Clothes


Match the descriptions (а–с) to the pictures (1–2). There is one extra sentence that you don’t need to use. Подберите описание (а–с) к фотографиям (1–2). Одно из предложенных описаний не понадобится.


Ex 9.


shop BrE – магазин store AmE shopping centre – торговый центр department store – универмаг mall – галерея магазинов с кафе и ресторанами sell – продавать buy – покупать goods – товары

a. A very large shopping centre with a great many different shops, cafes, restaurants, etc. under one roof (крыша). b. A big store selling ladies and men’s clothing. c. A large store which sells many different kinds of goods (товары).

Listen and then read the words in the Memory Box. Read the text, complete the sentences with the words from the Memory Box. Прослушайте и прочтите слова в Memory Box. Прочтите текст, дополните предложения словами из Memory Box.

A New Blouse Lisa loves to (1) ................... . Tomorrow she is going shopping to the mall. Lisa usually (2) ................... at the mall. The mall is only a mile from her house. She just walks to the mall. She needs a new blouse. She wants to buy a blue blouse. She thinks a blue blouse is nice.


Ex 10.

shop assistant – продавец 7 customer – покупатель go shopping – идти за покупками do the shopping – делать покупки price – цена sale – распродажа be on sale – выставить на распродажу

Tomorrow is Saturday and Lisa will go to four different (3) ................... . The mall always has (4) ................... on Saturday. If the sale (5) ................... is good, Lisa might buy two blouses: blue and white. She will wear them to work.


– Could I help you? – Would you like some assistance?

– Yes, please. I’m looking for... – Have you got…? – Could you show me…?



Jane wanted to spend her first week’s pay on buying some presents for her family. She went shopping with her friend Kate. Listen to the text twice and complete the table. Джейн хотела потратить свою первую недельную зарплату на подарки своей семье. Джейн отправилась делать покупки со своей подругой Кейт. Прослушайте текст дважды и заполните таблицу. The Family Members Wanted to buy Really bought

Ex 11.

1. ............................ 2. ............................ 3. ............................ ........................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................

A. Read the text and answer the questions. B. Say how Janet made certain that the shoes were comfortable. A. Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопросы. B. Расскажите, как Жанет убедилась, что туфли удобные.

Shoes Janet is a waitress. She works at a restaurant. She goes to work five days a week. She stands up all day long. Janet is young and strong, but her shoes are not. They are old. She wears them to work. She saw an ad in the paper. All shoes were on sale at the shoe store. She walked into the store. She saw some black leather shoes. They looked good. She tried 89



Janet was ready for work the next day.

What did Janet want to buy? Why did she want to buy shoes? What shop did she go to? Why were good shoes so important to her? What shoes did she buy? How much did the shoes cost?

shoes – туфли trainers – кроссовки boots – ботинки high boots – сапоги comfortable – удобный tight – тесные/узкие wide – широкие leather – кожа, кожаный

NOTE BrE: trainer s AmE: sneak ers


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


them on. They were very comfortable. They were not tight, they felt good. They were only $25. She paid cash. She wore them home and she felt good.

– кроссовки

– How much is it? – How much does it cost?

– It is 65$. – It costs 65$.


Ex 12.

Read the dialogue. Complete it with the words below. Listen and check your answers. Customer (C), shop assistant (A). Прочтите диалог. Вставьте слова из данного ниже списка. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы. Покупатель (С), продавец (А).

C: A: C: C: C: A:

Excuse me. What ..................... is this? It’s 46. Oh, good. Can I .....................? Yes, of course, here you are. Thanks. How does it look? Mmm. It ..................... . It really ..................... . Does it feel OK? C: Yes, it’s fine. It fits very well. It’s really comfortable. ..................... is it? A: It’s 65$. C: That’s not too expensive. I think I’ll buy it. 90


suits you  size coat  How much  try it on  looks good

size – размер expensive – дорогой cheap – дешевый suit – подходить, быть «к лицу» match – подходить по цвету/стилю fit – подходить по размеру Do you buy new clothes if they don’t fit you well?

Ex 13. Read the dialogue. Translate the sentences given in Russiаn. Прочтите диалог. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский. – – – – – –

What can I do for you? Я ищу свитер 40 размера. ............................................................................................... What colour are you thinking of? Я бы хотела серый свитер. ............................................................................................. Here you are. It’s a pretty grey, not too dull (скучный). Спасибо, свитер действительно красивый, но он слишком тёмный. Боюсь, он не подойдёт по цвету к брюкам. ....................................................................................................................................... I can offer you one in blue. Спасибо. Я думаю этот свитер значительно лучше. .........................................................................................................................................

– –


Ex 14.

££ – ££ – ££ – 1 A – ££ ££ – ££ – ££ –

Ex 15. – –

Find the logical order of the following dialogue parts. Listen and check your answers. Найдите логическую последовательность реплик в диалоге. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.

And a new suit, too? They fit you perfectly. Now, all you need is a new belt! OK. Where can I try on the trousers? Can I help you, Sir? Sorry, but I don’t have a suit in your size at the moment. Can I show you a jacket and trousers? Yes, can you, please, show me a suit? I wear size 34. My luggage (багаж) has been lost and I need new clothes. I need underwear, T-shirts, a white shirt and a blue tie.

Translate the dialogue from Russian into English. Переведите диалог на английский язык.

Не могли бы вы мне помочь? ......................................................................................................................................... Да, пожалуйста. ......................................................................................................................................... 91



– – – – – – –

– –

Моему сыну нужны шорты для игры в теннис. ......................................................................................................................................... Какого цвета шорты вам нужны? ......................................................................................................................................... Белого. ......................................................................................................................................... Какой размер носит ваш сын? ......................................................................................................................................... Он носит 28 размер. ......................................................................................................................................... Вот, пожалуйста. Вам нравятся эти шорты? ......................................................................................................................................... Да, спасибо. Они очень хорошие, но я думаю, они слишком (too) длинные для игры в теннис. ......................................................................................................................................... Мне очень жаль. Тогда вам нужно идти в спортивный отдел (Sports Goods). ......................................................................................................................................... Спасибо. Где он расположен? .........................................................................................................................................

– May I pay by credit card? – Могу я оплатить кредитной картой?

– I’m sorry but we take cash only. – Мне очень жаль, но мы принимаем оплату только наличными.

Ex 16. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Match the phrases. Draw a line to connect them. Соедините линиями соответствующие фразы.

What size boots do you wear? Would you like some assistance? It’s a wonderful dress! May I pay by credit card? How much does it cost? Connie is dressed up for the party.

a. b. c. d. e. f.


It is 65$. She attracts everybody’s attention. Yes, please. I’m looking for a red scarf. I’m sorry but we take cash only. Yes, it’s very smart. I wear 38 size boots.


Reader’s Corner

Ex 17.

Listen and then read the story. Match the headings (A–F) below to the paragrаphs (1–5). There is one extra heading in the list. Прочтите рассказ. Подберите заголовки (A–F) к каждому отрывку (1–5). В списке есть один лишний заголовок.

The Purple Dress after O’Henry A. The Bee-Hive Store B. “May I walk with you?” C. A Dress for Thanksgiving




Maida, the girl with the big brown eyes and chestnut-colored (каштановый) hair works in the Bee-Hive Store. One day she said to Grace, her friend at the store,”I’m going to have a purple dress, a tailor-made purple dress, for Thanksgiving.” “Oh, are you?” said Grace, “Well, I’ll have red. You see more red on Fifth Avenue. And the men all seem to like it.” “I don’t care.1 I like purple best,” said Maida. “And old Schlegel has promised to make it for $8. It’s going to be lovely.” Maida had saved (экономить) $18 after eight make a dress – сшить платье months of economy; she had bought everything admire – восхищаться for the purple dress and paid Schlegel $4. She magnificent – выглядеть веwould pay the remaining $4 on the day before ликолепнo Thanksgiving. look stunning – выглядеть потрясающe Old Bachman, the owner of the Bee-Hive awful – выглядеть ужасно Store, always gave a Thanksgiving dinner to his



D. The Girls’ Dream E. Alone at Home F. On Thanksgiving Eve

Everybody admired her dress. employees (служащие). And always at the Thanksgiving dinners Mr Ramsay… Oh, Mr Ramsay! He is more important than purple or green, or even red. Mr Ramsay was the head clerk, and he was going to be a partner next year. Mr Ramsay was a real gentleman. But he was an original person. He was a health crank (чудак), and believed that people should never eat anything they liked. He didn’t like anybody being comfortable, or taking medicine, or hiding from a snow storm, or… But every girl at the store every night dreamt of becoming Mrs Ramsay. Mr Ramsay was always master of ceremonies at the dinners. And here were two dresses being made to charm Mr Ramsay – one purple and the other red.



Grace had saved her money, too. She was going to buy her dress ready-made. The night before Thanksgiving came. Maida hurried home, dreaming about tomorrow’s dinner. She knew purple would become her. She was going home first to get the $4 and then she was going to pay Schlegel and take the dress home herself. 93



Grace lived in the same house. When Maida came home, Grace ran down to her room crying. “She wants me to get out,” said Grace, “because I owe (быть должным) her $4. She locked the door of my room, and I haven’t got any money.” “You had some yesterday,” said Maida. “I paid it on my dress,” said Grace. “I thought she’d wait till next week for the rent.” Out came Maida’s $4. “You blessed darling,” cried Grace, “I’ll pay the mean old thing and then I’m going to try on my dress. I think it’s wonderful. Come up and look at it. I’ll pay the money back, a dollar a week – honest (честно), I will.” 4.




At a quarter to twelve Grace came into Maida’s room. Yes, she looked charming. Red was her color. Maida was sitting by the window in her old skirt and а blue blouse. “Why, goodness aren’t you dressed yet?” shrilled the red one. “My dress didn’t get finished in time,” said Maida. “I’m not going to the dinner.” “Why, I’m awfully sorry, Maida. Why don’t you put on anything and come along?” “I was set on my purple,” said Maida. “If I can’t have it I won’t go at all. Don’t bother (беспокоиться) about me. You look awful nice in red.” At her window Maida sat through the time of the dinner. In her mind she could hear the girls laughing at old Bachman’s jokes, and see Mr Ramsay moving about. At four in the afternoon, she slowly made her way to Schlegel’s shop and told him she could not pay the $4 due on the dress. “Gott!” cried Schlegel, “For what do you look so glum? Take him away. He is ready. Pay me some time when you can.”2 Maida said a million of thanks, and hurried away. It began to rain but Maida did not feel the cold Thanksgiving rain. At five o’clock she went out upon the street wearing her purple dress. The rain had increased. People were hurrying home. Many of them looked at this beautiful, happy-eyed girl in the purple dress walking through the storm as though (как будто) she were strolling in a garden under summer skies. Some one turned a corner and blocked her way. She looked up into Mr Ramsay’s eyes, sparkling (сиять) with admiration and interest. “Why, Miss Maida,” said he, “you look simply magnificent in your new dress. I was greatly disappointed (разочарованный) not to see you at our dinner. And of all the girls I ever knew, you show the greatest sense (здравый смысл) and intelligence. There is nothing more healthful than braving (бросать вызов) the weather as you are doing. May I walk with you?” And Maida blushed (краснеть) and sneezed (чихать).

Notes: 1 Мне всё равно. 2 речь иностранца с акцентом


Ex 18. Answer the multiple-choice questions (1–4). Выберите правильные ответы на вопросы (1–4). 1. What did the girls do in the Bee-Hive shop? a) They came to look at the dresses. b) They were doing some shopping. c) They worked at the shop. 2. Why did all the girls at the shop admire Mr Ramsay? a) They admired Mr Ramsay because he was a real gentleman, young and single (холостяк). b) They admired Mr Ramsay because he was going to be a partner. c) They admired Mr Ramsay because he was a health crank. 3. Why didn’t Maida go to the Thanksgiving dinner? a) She didn’t go because she was sneezing. b) She didn’t go because she couldn’t pay the remaining 4$ for her new dress. c) She didn’t go because she had a lot of things to do at home. 4. What did Mr Ramsay admire Maida for? a) He admired Maida for her good looks. b) He admired Maida for braving the weather. c) He admired Maida’s dress.

Ex 19.

Translate the sentences. Переведите предложения.

1. У Мейды будет фиолетовое платье. Это будет сшитое на заказ платье. ......................................................................................................................................... 2. Грейс купит готовое платье в магазине. ......................................................................................................................................... 3. Это будет платье красного цвета. ......................................................................................................................................... 4. Грейс будет выглядеть великолепно в красном платье. ......................................................................................................................................... 5. Грейс уверена (be sure), что мистер Рамсей будет восхищен её платьем. ......................................................................................................................................... 6. Мистер Рамсей будет «вести» праздничный обед. ......................................................................................................................................... 7. Мистер Бахман будет шутить и резать мясо (cut the meat). ......................................................................................................................................... 8. Все (everybody) будут танцевать и слушать музыку. .........................................................................................................................................



7.1 What Time is It? What’s the Time? – When is your English class?

– It’s at seven o’clock in the evening/at seven p.m. It’s ten o’clock.

It’s three o’clock.

– When do you go to the fitness club? – At seven thirty. – In the evening? – No, in the morning. At seven thirty a.m. – Oh!

It’s eight o’clock.

in the morning in the afternoon in the evening at night


NOTE a.m. – ante meridiem – “before midday” – до полудня p.m. – post meridiem – “after midday” – после полудня (каждый период состоит из 12 часов)


It’s twelve o’clock. / It’s midnight. / It’s 12 p.m. sharp.


Ex 1.

Listen and then read the dialogues. Прослушайте и прочтите диалоги.

Past (a) quarter

1. – Excuse me, what time is it? – It’s eleven o’clock. – Oh, I’m late again!



2. – When is our dancing class? – It is at seven o’clock. – OK. 3. – When does the bank open? – The bank opens at nine o’clock. – Thank you. – You are welcome.



Ex 2.

It’s eleven thirty. / It’s half past eleven.

Say what time it is. Скажите, который час.

It’s two fifteen. / It’s (a) quarter past two.

It’s ten eighteen. ...................................................................................................... It’s eighteen (minutes) ....................................................................................................... past ten. ..................................................................................................... It’s five forty-five. / It’s (a) quarter to six.

...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................

..................................... .....................................

A Riddle (за гадка) I have a face , I have hand s. I can run. I can sto p. I cannot ta lk, but I can wake Pe te up. What a m I?


It’s twelve twenty. / It’s twenty (minutes) past twelve.

It’s four thirty-seven. / It’s twenty-three (minutes) to five.





Listen to the mini-dialogues and complete the clocks. Прослушайте мини-диалоги и обозначьте время на часах.

7.2 Things We Do Every Day Ex 3.

Study the diagram. Use the phrases to make 10 sentences about yourself. Изучите схему. Используйте данные в ней фразы, чтобы составить 10 предложений о себе.

get up  wake up (smb)

 have a shower  wash one’s face and hands  clean/brush the teeth

 dress / get dressed  do/brush the hair

 make breakfast  have breakfast  listen to the radio

 drive to work  go to the office/university/college (by) walk to school


turn on the computer  speak to the customers have lessons/lectures  have lunch

 have a walk  do the shopping have a cup of coffee / а glass of beer with friends

 drive home  come/arrive home

 make dinner  have dinner  check the homework

 call friends  check the e-mail  watch TV

 set the alarm-clock  go to bed  read in bed

 fall asleep

On weekdays I usually (don’t) get up very early. The alarm clock rings at …

.................... ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................





Ex 4.

Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Listen and check your answers. Заполните пропуски данными ниже словами. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы. watch  have (x3)  brush  arrive  is  get up go (x5)  clean  get  take

My Day

Ex 5.

Use the prompts given in the chart and ask questions (When/How often..?). Answer the questions. Используйте данные в таблице фразы для составления вопросов (When/How often..?). Дайте ответы на эти вопросы.

TIME WORDS usually/normally every day/week/month every other day once/twice a day/a week on Saturday/Tuesday


Action get up go to bed leave for work/school


Every day I (1) ..................... at half past six. First I (2) ..................... to the kitchen and (3) ..................... a cup of tea and a toast for breakfast. Then I (4) ..................... to the bathroom and (5) ..................... my teeth. After that, I (6) ..................... dressed and (7) ..................... my hair. At half past seven I (8) ..................... to work. I (9) ..................... the bus to Cabramatta. It (10) ..................... a long way from home. I (11) ..................... at work at ten to eight. At twelve o’clock I (12) ..................... lunch and at four o’clock I (13) ..................... home. At seven o’clock I (14) ..................... dinner with my family and then we (15) ..................... TV. At a quarter past eleven I (16) ..................... to bed.

do housework – делать ра4 боту по дому do the shopping / go shopping – делать покупки do homework – делать уроки washing-up the dishes – мыть посуду wash clothes – стирать clean the house – убирать в доме leave home for work/school – уходить на работу/в школу arrive at work/home – прийти на работу/домой


When do you usually get up? I usually get up at… ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................ 100



wash clothes do the shopping clean the house do housework do homework go to the cinema go for a walk watch TV go to the fitness club

Ex 6.

............................................................................................ How often do you do the shopping? ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................ Do you go for a walk every day? ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................

Tom had a busy week. Look at his notice board and the prompts in brackets and say what he was doing at the appointed time. У Тома была очень напряжённая неделя. Посмотрите на его записи, используйте вспомогательные слова в скобках и скажите, что он делал в указанное время.


Thursday Friday 16.00—17.00, the 20.00 AY head manager’s corporate TUESD .00-12.00 0 1 h dinner it talk (listen to) meeting w s r e m o the cust iscuss) (d Monday




football MONDAY befo AY game r y 13.00—14.00 esda chec e lunch u T lunch with acco king th , fter work, unts e a bicycle Mr Ridgeback (сче y та) bu Sue r fo

Описывает длительное действие или процесс, протекающий в момент или период в прошлом. Обычно употребляется с такими обстоятельствами времени как: аt 5 o’clock yesterday, on Monday last week, from 3 to 6 yesterday, the whole day, all day long, all year round, when I came in… Желание описать действие как процесс часто определяется ситуацией, контекстом.  It was raining the whole day yesterday and I stayed at home. I was reading.

1. Monday, 13.30

On Monday at half past one Tom was having lunch with Mr Ridgeback.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................

Tuesday, 10.45 Wednesday, 11.15 Thursday, 16.30 Tuesday, 18.30 Monday, 19.35 Friday, 21.00




Часто в жизни в течение одного действия вклинивается другое. Чтобы описать подобную ситуацию, предложение строится по модели: Past Indefinite


 He came when we were having dinner.  He called when I was watching TV.

Past Continuous

Ex 7.

MODEL: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Monday was an awful day for Jane. Use the prompts and complete the story about Jane. Make sentences according to the model. В понедельник у Джейн был ужасный день. Составьте рассказ о Джейн, используя модель и данные в таблице фразы. While/When she was + ing

have a shower dress for work drive to work type an important letter have lunch do the shopping make the salad read in bed

she/he/it + the Past Simple

not/hear the alarm clock, not/wake/Tim up/oversleep the cat/drink the coffee cream miss two traffic lights (не заметить сигнал светофора) make a lot of mistakes (the boss / be angry) spill (пролить) some coffee on her skirt lose the handbag the meat / get burnt (сгореть) Mother call / not feel well (have to call the doctor)

The alarm clock rang while Jane was having a shower. She didn’t hear it and didn’t wake Tim up. He overslept (проспал). While Jane was dressing for work, the cat jumped on the kitchen table and drank the coffee cream. ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................




You are going to listen to three people telling about their best time of the day. Три человека рассказывают, какое время они считают лучшим в течение дня. A. After listening to the speakers twice, fill in the table. Прослушайте их рассказы дважды и заполните табличку. Speaker 1. ........................ 2. ........................ 3. ........................ morning Time of the day ........................................................................................................... reading in bed Activity ...........................................................................................................

B. Listen again and say why they like that time of the day. Прослушайте тексты снова и скажите, почему каждому из них нравится этот период дня. 1. ....................................................................................................................................... 2. ....................................................................................................................................... 3. .......................................................................................................................................

USE OF ARTICLES WITH THE NOUNS: SCHOOL, HOME, WORK, BED ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ АРТИКЛЯ С СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫМИ: SCHOOL, HOME, WORK, BED Без артикля – когда существительное обозначает не конкретный предмет, а его предназначение.

Обычные правила употребления артикля, когда существительное обозначает предмет.


– be at school, go to school (учиться в школе); – leave school (заканчивать школу)

 There was an old school in front of our house. The school was built in the 19th century (век).


– go home (идти домой); – come home (приходить домой); – be at home (быть дома)

 He dreams to see the old home again.


– go to work (идти на работу); – be at work (работать)

 They like the work they are doing now.  It is a real work of art.

– go to bed (лечь спать); – be/stay in bed (спать, лежать в постели)

 There is a bed, two armchairs and a table in the room.





Ex 8.

Use the right article: A/AN, THE, ZERO (артикль отсутствует). Вместо пропусков поставьте соответствующий артикль: A/AN, THE, ZERO.

1. My younger brother is seven years old. He goes to ........... school in ........... morning and comes ........... home at 1 p.m. ........... school is not far from our house, so he leaves ........... home at ........... quarter to eight. He likes to go to ........... school. 2. At ........... home he has dinner and does his ........... homework. He goes to ........... bed at 9 p.m. 3. My father works a lot. He goes to ........... work in ........... morning and comes ........... home in ........... evening. He is usually very tired, but he likes ........... work. He builds bridges (мост), ........... work of building the new bridge takes all his time. 4. When does your mother leave ........... home for ........... work? She leaves ........... home for ........... work at ........... half past eight. – What does she do? – She is ........... designer. She designs furniture. She is ........... talented designer. Everything she does is ........... work of art (искусство). 5. Your mother is ........... beautiful woman, too. – Yes, she always looks beautiful: at ........... home, at ........... work and even in ........... bed with flu (грипп). By the way, ........... bed in her bedroom is her ........... work, too. 6. Our mother is very nice, I remember, that when she put us to ........... bed, she sat on ........... bed and read interesting stories to us.

Review Present Simple

Past Simple

Past Continuous

регулярное повторяющееся действие/факт

действие/факт в прошлом

действие протекало в определенный момент или период в прошлом.



was/were working

usually always every day often/seldom sometimes  He always works late on Monday.

Ex 9.

yesterday last week 3 days ago in 1997

at 5 o’clock yesterday from 5 to 6 yesterday all day long/all year round when I came in

 Yesterday he started his work at 8 a.m. and finished at 8 p.m.

 At 7 p.m. yesterday he was still working.

The Present Simple, Past Simple or Past Continuous? Use the verbs in brackets in the right form. The Present Simple, Past Simple or Past Continuous? Откройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в соответствующую форму.

1. In the morning I usually (get dressed) ............................... very quickly. But yesterday I (dress) ............................... very slowly, I (have) ............................... a bad headache 104

(головная боль). 2. When I (dress) ............................... , I (hear) ............................... the children laughing in the bathroom. I (go) ............................... to have a look and (see) ............................... that my younger daughter Jessie (write) ............................... on the mirror (зеркало) with my lipstick (помада). 3. While I (make breakfast) ............................... , my husband (come in) ............................... with the dog. He always (walk) ............................... the dog in the morning. 4. While I (make) ............................... some sandwiches for school lunch, the children (finish) ............................... making the beds. They always (make) ............................... the beds themselves. 5. When my husband Jan (make) ............................... his morning calls (he is a doctor), his assistant (appear – появиться) ............................... . 6. The children (wait) ............................... for me at the car, and I (look) ............................... for my glasses (очки). I always (look) ............................... for my glasses in the morning. So, our day (begin) ............................... as usual.

7.3 At Weekends What do you do at weekends? Tick () the things you usually/often/sometimes do. Complete the sentences. Что вы делаете в выходные дни? DURING THE WEEKEND Отметьте, что вы обычно/часто/иногда делаете. Завершите предложения. spend the weekend in – провести выходные дома do housework I usually ........................................................ watch TV go out – провести время вне дома Sometimes I .................................................. go to the country – поехать за гоI often ........................................................... род go on a bus tour – поехать на автоI seldom ............................................................. бусную экскурсию I never ............................................................... go to a fitness centre do sports (play football, basketball, tennis...) meet friends/relatives

£ £ £ £ £


Ex 10.


NOTE BrE: during the weekend – в выходной день (в течение) AmE: over the weekend BrE: at weekends – по выходным AmE: on weekends bе in/out – быть дома/не быть дома (часто используется только предлог)





Ex 11.

Listen and then read the text. Use the prompts to make questions and answer them. Прослушайте и прочтите текст, составьте вопросы, используя данные слова. Ответьте на вопросы.

A Cosy Saturday in As Colin had to work late during the week, both he and Lynn decided to relax and spend a cosy Saturday in.


That weekend, James, their son, was staying at his friend’s house. So, it was going to be a really quiet day. They didn’t get up early that day. They had their tea in bed and read newspapers. Still they had to do the weekly shopping. While having late breakfast, they discussed what they were relax – расслабиться going to buy at the supermarket. They didn’t plan visit friends – навестить друзей to go out in the evening, they intended to cook a invite friends / have the friends nice meal and watch a new DVD. over – пригласить друзей в гости go shopping – пойти в магазин go to the cinema/theatre – пойти в 1. Why / people / spend a day in? кино/театр Why do people sometimes spend a day in? go to a restaurant – пойти в рестоThey want to relax. ран 2. Why / spend a cosy Saturday in? .......................................................................... ......................................................................... Where / James / that weekend? ....................................................................................... Why / be a quiet day? ......................................................................................................... Where / have to go? ......................................................................................................... How / spend the morning? ................................................................................................. What / plan to do / evening? ...............................................................................................

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



NOTE intend = be going to – собираться, намереваться


You are going to listen to James and Darren discussing their Saturday plans. After listening to the dialogue twice, complete the sentences below with the words/phrases from the dialogue. Listen again and check your answers. Вы услышите, как Джеймс и Дарен обсуждают планы на субботу. Прослушайте диалог дважды и дополните предложения словами/фразами из диалога. Прослушайте снова и проверьте свои ответы. Darren wanted to go to the ...................... , there was a ...................... in the museum. James suggested ...................... football, he wanted to ...................... for the ...................... . Darren 106

Read the text and complete the Memory Box with the words and phrases from the text. Прочтите текст и дополните Memory Box словами/выражениями из текста.

A Weekend in the Country


Ex 12.


said it was too ...................... for playing football outside. He’d rather (пожалуй) ...................... . James gladly agreed.

NOTE После глагол а suggest вс егда следует -ing form. suggest goin g to the cinem a– предложить пойти в кино

IN THE COUNTRY .......................... – кататься на лошади go cycling – кататься на велосипеде go climbing – заниматься скалолазанием .......................... – пойти в поход go fishing – ловить рыбу have a picnic – устроить пикник .......................... – обедать вне дома

The Morris family is spending a long weekend in a cosy little B&B in New Forest, one of the England’s most beautiful national parks. The park’s not only beautiful, there is also plenty to do. Amy and James want to go horse-riding, Colin and Lynn want to go hiking and Colin’s parents, George and Edna, plan to go out for their meals. Their friends recommended them a charming small village restaurant. The weather is very nice and everyone spends a relaxing fun-filled weekend.

English. Переведите предложения на английский язык.


Ex 13. Translate the sentences from Russian into

NOTE Глагол HAVE употребляется с большим количеством существительных. Он утрачивает свое основное значение «иметь» и обозначает действие. a shower – принять душ a bath – принять ванну a wash – умыться a shave – побриться a swim – искупаться/поплавать HAVE a walk – пойти на прогулку a rest – отдохнуть a holiday – пойти в отпуск a party – устроить вечеринку a good time – хорошо провести время fun – повеселиться

1. Каждое утро я принимаю душ, чищу зубы и бреюсь. ......................................................................... 2. Я принимаю ванну только по воскресеньям. ......................................................................... 3. Я выхожу из дома на работу в 8.30 утра. ......................................................................... 4. Утром мы не готовим завтрак дома, мы пьём кофе в офисе. ......................................................................... 5. Я прихожу на работу без пяти минут девять. ......................................................................... 6. Я еду домой с работы на машине, моя жена идёт домой пешком. Она работает недалеко от дома (not far from). .............................................................................................................................................. 107



7. Мы не моем посуду после обеда. У нас есть посудомоечная машина (a dish-washer). .............................................................................................................................................. 8. В субботу мы обычно делаем работу по дому: мы убираем дом и делаем покупки. .............................................................................................................................................. 9. Мы отдыхаем в воскресенье. Мы всегда хорошо проводим время. .............................................................................................................................................. 10. По выходным я обычно хожу в фитнес-клуб. Но в эти выходные мы ездили на автобусную экскурсию в Новгород. .............................................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................................


Reader’s Corner

Listen to the story and then read it. Прослушайте и прочтите рассказ.

A Happy Weekend after H. A. Smith We were on the Queen Elizabeth, coming back from our first trip to Europe when I noticed him sitting on deck (палуба). “Are you American?” he asked. He wanted lo know the name of some United States Senator for the ship’s daily crossword puzzle. I told him the name. I didn’t see him until next day, when he came to thank me for my help with the puzzle. He won the prize. He introduced himself as Monsieur Roland. We sat there talking, and finally he asked me if I could keep a secret, and then he said, “I am Lautisse.1” We had no idea who he was, so we went to the ship’s librarian and asked him about the name. We were greatly impressed (были поражены) that my new friend was probably the world’s greatest living painter. Well, we got to be real friendly, and Betsy invited him to come up to our place for a weekend. Lautisse arrived on the Saturday noon train and I met him at the station. Driving from the station I asked him if he wanted to play croquet or go for a swim or a walk in the woods, and he said that he just wanted to sit and relax. So we sat around all afternoon and talked. I told him about my shop where I sold oil-burners (масляные горелки). I got up at seven-thirty the next morning. Everybody was sleeping. When I was having breakfast I remembered that our garden fence (забор) needed painting. While I was 108

getting things ready, Lautisse came up to me. I said I wanted to paint2 the fence. He seized the brush (выхватил кисть) from my hand and said, “First, I show you!” He spent three hours at it and finished the fence, all four sections of it. He went back to town on the 9.30 train that evening and at the station he shook my hand and said that he hadn’t enjoyed himself so much in years. We didn’t hear anything from him for ten days. Then the New-York papers published the interview with Lautisse. There were a few lines about the weekend he had spent with Mr and Mrs Gregg. The day after the story appeared a reporter and a photographer from one of the papers arrived at our place. Besides taking pictures of Betsy and me, and the house, they asked lots of questions of the great man’s visit, and Betsy told them about the garden fence. Next morning the paper had quite a story. The headline (заголовок) said: LAUTISSE PAINTS AGAIN. People started arriving in large numbers. They all wanted my garden fence, because it had been painted by the great Lautisse. I was offered fifty thousand dollars for my fence. On the fourth day, our neighbour Gerston, the sculptor, came in. I told him about my problem with the fence. He advised me not to sell the fence yet – and let the Palmer Museum in New York exhibit it for several weeks. The fence was taken to New York. I went down myself to have a look, and I couldn’t keep from laughing. My fence had a fence around it. When the exhibition was over, Gerston led me to the room where my fence had been exhibited. The fence had been cut up into sections. At the bottom corner of each section there was the signature of Lautisse. I got a shock when I saw it. Then Gerston explained everything. “Last night before sailing for home, Lautisse came over here, and signed (подписать) each of the thirty sections. Now you’ve got something to sell.” And indeed I did have. Twenty-nine sections of the thirty sections were sold within a month’s time at 10,000 each. I kept the thirtieth, it’s hanging now in our living-room. Notes: 1 Lautisse xDäçíáëz вымышленный французский художник 2 красить, рисовать красками

Ex 14.

Fill in the gaps with prepositions or adverbs where necessary. Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами или наречиями, где это необходимо.

1. The Greggs met Lautisse (1) .............. the Queen Elizabeth, when they coming (2) .............. from their trip to Europe. 2. Mr Gregg helped Lautisse (3) .............. the ship’s daily crossword 109



puzzle. 3. Lautisse got a price (4) .............. the puzzle, and he came to thank Mr Gregg for his help. 4. Then Lautisse introduced (5) .............. himself. 5. The Greggs didn’t know the name, and the asked (6) .............. the ship’s librarian (7) .............. it. 6. They made friends, and Betsy invited him to come up (8) .............. their place (9) .............. a weekend. 7. Lautisse arrived (10) .............. the Saturday noon train and Mr Gregg met him (11) .............. the station. 8. Mr Gregg got up (12) .............. seven-thirty (13) .............. the next morning when everybody was sleeping. 9. Mr Gregg wanted to paint the fence, but Lautisse seized the brush (14) .............. his hand. He painted the fence himself. 10. He left (15) .............. Sunday evening, and the Greggs didn’t hear anything (16) .............. him for ten days. Then the New York papers published the interview (17) .............. Lautisse. 11. When the reporters arrived, Betsy told them (18) .............. the garden fence. 12. Hundreds of people wanted to buy the garden fence, because it had been painted (19) .............. the great Lautisse. 13. The fence was exhibited (20) .............. New York. 14. When the exhibition was over, the fence had been cut up (21) .............. sections. Each section had the signature (22) .............. the great painter. 15. Twenty-nine sections of the fence were sold (23) .............. 10,000 each.

Ex 15.

Unfortunately, the items of the plan for retelling the story have got mixed up. Put them in the right order. Retell the story according to the plan. К несчастью, пункты плана для пересказа перепутались. Восстановите их правильный порядок и перескажите рассказ по этому плану.

£ The fence was exhibited in the Palmer Museum in New York. £ Lautisse spent a weekend at the Greggs’ place. £ The Greggs met Lautisse on board the ship. £ Lautisse painted the Greggs’ garden fence. £ The New York papers published the interview with Lautisse. £ The fence was sold for 300.000$ £ The Greggs and Lautisse made friends.


8 A house is not a home. Здание ещё не дом. (proverb)

8.1 Types of Houses 1


tower palace

office building


historical building

storey – этаж (о здании) (one-storey/twostorey/six-storey house) floor – этаж (уровень внутри здания) ground floor – первый этаж first/second floor – второй /третий этаж upper floor – верхний этаж We live on the second floor of a tenstorey building.



NOTE look A house can чественный grand – вели антный elegant – элег енный ем modern – совр чный и ат п pretty – сим ный, убогий ен щ пу за shabby –

apartment house

multi-storey block of flats

cottage skyscraper Where do you think you can find the types of houses you see above? Place the houses on the plan of a town/city. Где, по вашему мнению, могут располагаться здания, которые вы видите на фото? Поместите их на плане города.


business cent residential area

main street shopping area


Ex 1.



main street – главная улица business centre – деловой центр shopping area – торговая зона residential area – жилой район suburb – пригород

Listen to the dialogue and then read it. Give full answers to the questions. Прослушайте и прочтите диалог. Дайте полные ответы на вопросы.

– –




live – жить be situated – находиться/располагаться in the centre (of) – в центре not far (from) – недалеко conveniently situated – удобно расположен railway station – железнодорожный вокзал noisy – шумно bother – беспокоить

– – – –

Where do you live? We live right in the centre of the city, not far from the railway station. Isn’t it rather noisy in your flat? The noise doesn’t bother us. My wife and I both work and we are not at home the whole day. Quite understand. You go to work by train and the flat is very conveniently situated. You’re quite right. And we like living in a big city.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What area do you live in? .................................................................................................. Do you live in the center of the city or in the suburbs? .......................................................... Do you live far from the place you work? ............................................................................ Is your flat/house conveniently situated? ........................................................................... Is it noisy in your neighbourhood (микрорайон)? ................................................................ Do you live far from the railway station? .............................................................................

Ex 2.

Translate into English the parts of the dialogues given in Russian. Переведите на английский язык реплики диалогов 1–3, данные на русском языке.

1 – – – – – –

Which house do you live in? Я живу в том шестнадцатиэтажном доме. ........................................................................................................................................ Oh, it looks quite modern. What floor do you live on? Я живу на двенадцатом этаже. Я бы хотел (I would like) жить на самом верхнем этаже. ........................................................................................................................................ Is there a lift in your house? Конечно, есть. У нас три лифта. В нашем доме живёт много людей. ........................................................................................................................................

2 – –

What part of the city do you live in? Я живу в новом жилом районе Сосново. ........................................................................................................................................ 113



– – –

Is it far from the centre of the city? Да, это в пригороде. Я не люблю жить в центре. Там очень шумно (noisy). ........................................................................................................................................ Neither do I. (Я тоже.) I would like to live in the country.

3 – – – – –

Do you live in this cottage? Нет, я живу в большом доме на главной улице. ........................................................................................................................................ Is it a new house? Нет. Это старый дом. Ему более 100 лет. Это историческое здание. ........................................................................................................................................ Really? I’d like to see it.

Ex 3.

Read the story and fill in the articles A, AN, THE, ZERO, where necessary. Прочтите рассказ, поставьте артикли A, AN, THE, ZERO, где это необходимо.

........ man once built (2) ........ house for his dwelling (жилье). (3) ........ house was pretty, but very small. He invited his (4) ........ friends to visit him. He wanted them to see (5) ........ new house. (6) ........ friends came and looked at (7) ........ house. All of them said something about it: roof – крыша – (8) ........ front of (9) ........ house is very bad. wall – стена – There are not enough (10) ........ windows. window – окно – (11) ........ windows are very small. door – дверь – (12) ........ roof is not a good one. front door – входная дверь floor – пол – (13) ........ doors are too narrow. ceiling – потолок – (14) ........ ceilings are too low. (15) room – комната – ........ wooden floors would be much better. (16) – ........ rooms are not big enough. The man heard everything his friends said about his home and then answered: Части единого целого, т.е. элементы, принадлежащие одному объекту, – Indeed, it may be true, the house is small, but I have всегда употребляются с определённым not enough true friends to fill even this small house.



артиклем THE.  Everything in his house was made of wood: the walls, the doors, the floors, the window panes (рамы).  She was a beauty. The eyes, the nose, the lips – her every feature (черта) was perfect.


8.2 Rooms of a House 3

Ex 4. Read the text.

Look at the picture and help Eric describe his house. Complete the sentences with the words from the Memory Box. Listen and check your answers. Прочтите текст. Посмотрите на рисунок и помогите Эрику описать свой дом. Дополните предложения словами из Memory Box. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.

Inside a Typical English House Hi, my name is Erik. I live in a small town in the south-east of England. I live in a nice house. My house is made of bricks (кирпич). I don’t rent the house, I own my house. In England more families own their homes rather than (а не) rent them. In my house there are three rooms downstairs and three rooms upstairs.

Next to the kitchen there is the (3) ......................... . There we have dinner at the weekends. On the right there is the (4) ....................... . It is where we watch TV. Upstairs, there are (5) ........................ . The (6) .............. ................ is between the bedrooms. What I really like is my small (7) ......................... upstairs. It’s the room where I work or write letters. It is a nice room with a view. If you look out of the window, you can see my mother’s beautiful garden. We have central heating which keeps our house warm. Some houses have an open fireplace but we don’t.



When you enter the house there is a small (1) ......................... . And then on the left there is the (2) ......................... . It is nice and big. Mother cooks our meals there.

rent – снимать/арендовать own – владеть upstairs/downstairs – верхний/ нижний этаж (двухэтажного дома) stairs – лестница central heating – центральное отопление bedroom – спальня living-room – гостиная dining room – столовая study – кабинет kitchen – кухня bathroom – ванная комната hall – прихожая Unit


Ex 5.

Jim writes a letter to his pen-friend in Germany. He also sends a photo of his house. Read Jim’s letter and find the picture of Jim’s house. Джим пишет письмо своему другу по переписке в Германии, он также посылает фотографию своего дома. Прочтите письмо Джима и найдите фотографию его дома.

We have a nice house. It is a one-story house. It doesn’t have any stairs. It doesn’t have a first or a second floor. It doesn’t have a cellar. It does have an attic. It has a chimney and a fireplace. The house is rather big. It has three bedrooms and three bathrooms. It has a kitchen, a dining room and a livingroom. The living-room has a big sofa and a big TV. Our living-room is our family room. We watch TV together. We play games in this room like Scrabble and Monopoly. They are fun to play. We also enjoy playing football on our lawn in the front yard. We have a big back yard, too. We don’t have a swimming pool. We don’t have a garden. We have a two-car garage. My mom has a blue Cadillac. My dad has a red Honda. I have a bicycle and a skateboard. My sister does, too. She's a good skateboarder, for a girl. We live on a quiet street. We never hear police sirens or fire sirens. I go to a nice school. Someday I will get married. I will own a nice house on a quiet street. And I will have a swimming pool in the back yard. a.





attic – чердак cellar – подвальное помещение balcony – балкон stairs – лестница fireplace – камин chimney – труба front yard – полисадник back yard – задний двор lawn – лужайка/газон garage – гараж swimming-pool – бассейн



Listen to the dialogue twice and then tick () the sentences that are true. Listen again and check your answers. Прослушайте диалог дважды и отметьте предложения, соответствующие содержанию текста. Прослущайте ещё раз и проверьте свои ответы.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Connie rented a flat. Now Connie has got a flat of her own. Connie bought a small flat. The flat is rather big. Their two children share (делить) one room. Each child has got a room. The parents have to sleep in the living-room. There is a master bedroom in the flat. Now Connie lives in the centre of the city.

Ex 6.



£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

Read the story. Complete the sentences with the words from the list below. There are three extra words you don’t need to use. Прочтите рассказ, дополните предложения словами из списка ниже. В списке три лишних слова. bedrooms  garage  home  attic  roof  back yard  house window  lawn  swimming pool  bathrooms  garden

One day the father and his rich family took his son on a trip to the country. He wanted to show his son how poor people live. They spent a day and a night at the farm of a very poor family. When they returned home after the trip, the father asked his son, “How was the trip?” “Very good, Dad!” “Did you see how poor people can be?” the father asked. “Yaeh!” “And what did you learn?” The son replied: “I saw that we have one dog at (1) ....................... and they have four. We have one (2) ....................... and they have several – for people, for the dogs, for cows, and for chickens. We have just four (3) ....................... with four (4) ....................... upstairs, and they have a big (5) ....................... full of wonderfull old things. We have a (6) ....................... in the (7) ....................... , and they have a big lake behind the house. We have just one (8) ....................... in the front yard and they have grass fields that reach to the horizon. We have imported lights in the (9) ....................... , and they have the whole sky full of stars.” And the son added, “Thank you, Dad, for showing me how poor we are.”




Ex 7.


Look through the furniture catalogue and choose some pieces for the rooms listed below. Some words can be used more than once. Просмотрите каталог мебели и подберите предметы мебели для перечисленных ниже комнат. Некоторые слова могут быть использованы несколько раз. chest of drawers



bed mirror lamp

bedside table dressing-table

The New Catalogue is full of smart pieces TV set for great everyday life at home armchair sideboard

coffee table

carpet/rug bookcase





coat rack

NOTE Существительное furniture – неисчисляемое, оно не имеет формы множественного числa: Furniture is... Piece of furniture – отдельный предмет мебели


Bedroom ............................................................................................................................. Dining room ............................................................................................................................ Living-room ............................................................................................................................. Study ................................................................................................................................... Hall ...................................................................................................................................... 118


Ex 8.

During the holidays Lucy is staying at her aunt’s. She writes a letter to her mother and describes her room. Listen to the text and then read it. A. Underline prepositions of place in Lucy’s letter. B. Answer the questions below. Во время каникул Люси живёт у своей тёти. В письме к маме она описывает свою комнату. Прослушайте и прочтите её письмо. A. Подчеркните предлоги места в письме Люси. B. Ответьте на вопросы ниже.

й) g (наклонны in p lo s a s a h t of. It and look up a under the ro d is e t b I . in m e o li o r n a y e So, m ow. I c white-and-blu light, no wind a y k is s a e r d e n h a t g h , and ceilin is dark wood ing-table, wit s d s e e r b d e e h it T h . w y k e is a e the s the bed ther re is a bedsid e o t h t t n x e e h N T . . r ll e e v st bedco ers as w e wall. It’s ju hest of draw h c t a t s d n in a a , g r a o r table a mir re ers. Then the d a very nice t n t a le , p d n m a la ) к a и , table ки) (дневн hooks (крюч up the diary g e m in o it s r w ly n r o o f , right rdrobe any. ’ve got no wa I . s ir a h ought very m c r b o w ’t n e v are t a h I s. the or my clothe ight colours in r b f o s t on the wall f lo h all so rug wit ed. I find it derful thick b n o y w m a y is b e e r n e o Th small room, and a e h t f o le d mid d romantic. different an PREPISITIONS OF PLACE ПРЕДЛОГИ МЕСТА on the right / on the left – справа / слева at/against the wall – у стены by the (window) – у next to (the bed) – рядом с in the middle of (the room) – посредине in the corner (of) – в углу under – под above – над between – между around – вокруг on – на

1. Why do you think Lucy’s room was “so different and romantic”? ...................................................................................................................................... 2. What pieces of Lucy’s furniture do you like best? Why? ...................................................................................................................................... 3. What piece of furniture did Lucy think very useful (полезный)? ..................................................................................................................................... 119



Ex 9.

Fill in the gaps with prepositions of place from Grammar section above. Заполните пропуски предлогами места из Грамматического пояснения выше.

My grandmother’s living-room is very nice. It is rather large. The walls (1) ..................... the livingroom are green. There is a table (2) ..................... the room with some chairs (3) ..................... it. (4) ..................... of the door there is a sofa. (5) ..................... the sofa there are two large armchairs. They are very comfortable. There are pictures (6) ..................... the wall (7) ..................... the sofa. There is a piano in my grandmother’s living-room. The piano is (8) ..................... of the door. Oh, yes, there is a stand lamp (9) ..................... the corner of the room. The living-room doesn’t look modern, but it is very cosy.



Listen to two friends gossiping about Ann’s room. After listening to the conversation twice, write where all these things are. Вы услышите разговор двух друзей, которые сплетничают о комнате Энн. Прослушайте разговор дважды и напишите, где находятся все эти предметы. 1. the table ................................................ ; 2. an old suitcase ................................................; 3. the narrow bed ...........................................; 4. some old chairs ............................................; 5. the pictures .................................................

Ex 10. Translate the text from Russian into English. Переведите текст на английский язык.

Различия между предложениями: There is a mirror on the table. The mirror is on the table. Первое показывает, что на столе есть какой-то предмет (зеркало). Второе сообщает, что обсуждаемый предмет на столе. Как правильно выбрать структуру предложения? Если русское предложение начинается с обстоятельства места (где?), английское предложение начинается с оборота there is/are. На столе ваза. There is a vase on the table. Ваза на столе. The vase is on the table.

Квартира моей тёти в новом многоэтажном жилом доме. Она живёт на третьем этаже. В квартире три комнаты – гостиная, спальня и кабинет, в квартире также есть кухня и ванная комната. Спальня – большая комната с двумя окнами. Комната светлая, так как (as) окна большие. В спальне две кровати. Рядом с кроватями тумбочки. На тумбочках лампы. Налево от двери туалетный столик, на нем зеркало. У туалетного столика низкий стул. На стенах несколько картин. Толстый тёмно-зелёный ковёр лежит между кроватями. Спальня очень уютная. ..................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. 120

8.3 Repairs and Redecoration Ex 11. Review of tenses. Fill in the gaps with the time-words given in the list. There are three words you don’t need to use. (see p. 104) Заполните пропуски обстоятельствами времени из данного списка. В списке три лишних слова. (см. стр. 104) at the moment  often  two months ago  in 2009  now (x3)  all day long usually  at present  next week  in the future  last week every day  never  then  today


1. We bought the house only ............................ , but we are not living in it ............................ . ............................ we are redecorating the house. I hope we’ll move in ............................ . 2. I’m very tired. ............................ we repaired the fence. ............................ yesterday we were painting the walls of the house. ............................ we are going to start on the windows. 3. We are living at my parents’ ............................ . You know, I ............................ need my mom’s move in/out – въехать /выехать help when the children are ill. redecorate – делать косметический ремонт 4. I ............................ saw you at the fitness club repair – ремонтировать last year. You ............................ come these paint – красить days. – We are building a house of our own paper – клеить обои ............................ . Lots of work, you know. I wallpaper – обои have to help my husband. He is planting flowers plant – сажать (растения) and bushes in the front-yard ............................ . build – строить He says we’ll enjoy them ............................ .


– – – –

Ex 12.

Translate into English the parts of the dialogue given in Russian. Listen and check your answers. Переведите реплики диалога на английский язык. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.

Hi, Bess. This is Ann. How are you? Fine, thank you. Where have you been? Oh, we’ve bought a house. I’ve been dreaming about it all my life. Congratulations! But buying a house, you get a lot of problems. Вам придётся ремонтировать дом? ........................................................................... ........................................................................... 121

Grammar HAVE + to-Infinitive Выражает должествование, связанное с обстоятельствами «вынужден, придётся»  If you rent a house, you have to pay rent every month. Если вы снимаете дом, вы должны платить аренду каждый месяц. PRESENT PAST FUTURE

have/has to had to will have to

 We have to look for a new flat. The old one is too small for our family. 



No, not the whole house, нам пришлось отреДля образования вопросительной монтировать крышу .......................................... и отрицательной формы c HAVE ......................................................................... . TO используются вспомогательные глаголы Oh, it’s much work. And what else? Нам также пришлось покрасить стены дома. Они PRESENT do/does/ были синими. Это было ужасно (awful). don’t/doesn’t PAST did/didn’t ........................................................................... FUTURE will/won’t ........................................................................... ...........................................................................  Did you have to redecorate your new apartment? Вам пришлось ремонтировать окна? – Yes and no. We didn’t have to ........................................................................... redecorate the rooms, but we No, we didn’t. They were all right. Но нам придется had to refurnish the kitchen. Вам пришлось делать ремонт наклеить новые обои в холле .............................. в новой квартире? ......................................................................... . – И да, и нет, нам не пришлось И нам нужно (приходится) сделать косметиремонтировать комнаты, но ческий ремонт в комнатах ................................... мы вынуждены были купить новую мебель ........................................................................... в кухню. ......................................................................... . Are you going to do it yourself? Да, нам придётся делать это самим (ourselves). Приглашать дизайнера очень дорого (expensive) ....................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... Yes, I know. If you need my help, I’ll be happy to give you a hand. Mне нужно тренироваться (practise), мы тоже собираемся купить дом .................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................

– –

– –

– –


Reader’s Corner

Listen to the story and then read it. Прослушайте и прочтите рассказ.

The Doll’s House by Katherine Mansfield (adapted) When dear old Mrs Hay went back to town after staying with the Burnells she sent the Burnell children a doll’s house. It was so big that they had to put it into the courtyard (двор). The doll’s house was green with bright yellow. Its two little chimneys on to the roof were painted red and white, and the door was yellow. Four windows, real windows, were divided into panes (рама) by green paint. There was actually a tiny porch (крыльцо), too, painted yellow. Perfect, perfect little house! The house-front could be swung back (откинуться), and – there you were, looking at one and the same moment into the living-room and dining room, the kitchen and two bedrooms. That is the way for a house to open! Why don’t all houses open like that? 122

“Oh-oh!” It was too marvelous! Kezia and Isabel had never seen anything like it in their lives. All the rooms were papered. There were pictures on the walls, painted on the paper, with gold frames (рама). Red carpet covered all the floors except the kitchen; red plush chairs in the livingroom, green in the dining room; tables, beds with real bedclothes (постельное белье), a cradle (колыбель), a stove, a cupboard with tiny plates. But what Kezia liked more than anything was the lamp. It stood in the middle of the dining room table, a little amber lamp with a white globe (сосуд для масла). It was even filled all ready for lighting (зажечь). The father and mother dolls were sitting in the living-room, and their two little children were sleeping upstairs. The next morning the Burnell children ran to school. They burned (гореть желанием) to tell everybody, to describe, to boast (хвастать) about their doll’s house. “I’m to tell,” said Isabel, “because I’m the eldest. And you two can join in after”. “And I’m to choose who’s to come and see it first. Mother said I might.” For it had been arranged that while the doll’s house stood in the courtyard they might ask the girls at school, two at a time, to come and have a look. During playtime Isabel was surrounded by the girls of her class. And the only two stayed outside the ring. They were the two who were always outside, the little Kelveys, Lil and Else. They were not allowed to come near the Burnells. And other children, either. They were the daughters of a hardworking little washerwoman. This was awful enough. And their father was in prison. Days passed, and at last everybody had seen it except the little Kelveys. Everybody was speaking about the doll’s house. One day the Burnells had visitors. Kezia went into the courtyard and was swinging (раскачиваться) on the big white gates. Looking along the road, she saw the Kelveys. Kezia stopped swinging. She had made up her mind. “Hullo,” she said to the passing Kelveys, “You can come and see our doll's house if you want to.” But at that Lil turned red and shook her head quickly. “Why not?” asked Kezia. “Come on. Nobody’s looking.” But Lil shook her head still harder. At last like two little stray (бездомный) cats they followed across the courtyard to where the doll’s house stood. Lil breathed (дышать) loudly, and our Else was still as a stone. “Kezia!” It was Aunt Beryl’s voice. “How dare you ask the little Kelveys into the courtyard?” she was very angry. “You know, you’re not allowed to talk to them.” “Off you go immediately!” she called. When the Kelveys were well out of sight of Burnells’, they sat down to rest by the side of the road. What were their thoughts? They had forgotten the cross lady. Else smiled her rare smile. “I seen the little lamp,” she said, softly. Then both were silent once more.

Ex 13. Guided summary. Describe the doll’s house using the “gap” plan. Опишите кукольный дом, используя данный схематический план. It was a ........................................ storey house. There were ........................................ upstairs and ........................................ downstairs. 123



The house was nicely furnished. There were ........................................ on the walls in the livingroom and ........................................ in the dining room. There was also a wonderful ........................................ in the middle of the dining room table. In the kitchen there was ........................................ . A dolls’ family: ........................................ occupied the house.

Ex 14.

Answer the questions. For questions (1–5) choose the answer (a–c) which you think best according to the text. Ответьте на вопросы. Для вопросов (1–5) выберите ответ (a–c), который наиболее точно передаёт содержание текста.

1. Why was the house placed in the courtyard? It was placed in the courtyard because a) it smelled (пахнуть) of paint. b) it was very big. c) the sisters wanted to show it to the girls from their class. 2. Why could one see all the rooms of the house at one and the same moment? One could see all the rooms of the house at one and the same moment because a) the house-front could be swung back. b) the house was made of glass. c) there was no roof. 3. What did Kezia like more than anything in the doll’s house? a) She liked the pictures in gold frames on the walls of the living-room more than anything. b) She liked the red plush chairs in the living-room more than anything. c) She liked the little amber lamp in the dining room more than anything. 4. Who was to tell the girls at school about the doll’s house? a) The eldest sister Isabel. b) The mother Mrs Burnell. c) Mrs Hay who sent the house. 5. Why weren’t the little Kelveys invited to see the house? The little Kelveys weren’t invited to see the house because a) they were in another class. b) they couldn’t behave (вести себя). c) they were the daughters of hardworking little washerwoman.

REVISION 2 (UNITS 5–8) Ex 1.

Find the opposites to the given words and do the crossword puzzle. Подберите к данным ниже словам слова с противоположным значением и решите кроссворд.

Across  1. lazy 2. cheerful 3. weak 4. fast 5. old 6. small Down  7. straight (hair) 8. thick 9. dark 10. wide 11. kind 12. short 13. beautiful

Ex 2.




10 1


h a r d w o r k i n g 12







Fill in prepositions where necessary. Вставьте предлоги, где это необходимо.

A. We don’t work. My husband and I are retired (на пенсии). Our life has changed (меняться). We don’t get (1) .............. early (2) .............. the morning, because we don’t have to leave home (3) .............. work. We have tea (4) .............. bed, read newspapers or listen (5) .............. the radio. (6) .............. weekdays we clean (7) .............. the house, or go (8) .............. shopping. Once (9) .............. a day we go (10) .............. long walks along the beach. Sometimes we go (11) .............. and meet our friends in a café. (12) .............. the evening we watch TV. We go (13) .............. bed (14) .............. half past eleven. (15) .............. Saturdays our children and our grandchildren come over. We have a good time together. B. She never dresses (1) .............. to work, she always wears a uniform at work, but that evening she looked stunning. She took (2) .............. her usual dull white blouse. She was dressed (3) .............. a tailor-made dress. It fitted (4) .............. her perfectly. Everybody was looking (5) .............. her. She was wearing make-up, and she put (6) .............. her grandmother’s ear-rings (серьги). All the women (7) .............. the party had their evening dresses (8) .............. , but she was really the best. 125

C. Our survey (cоциологический опрос) on flat design showed that people always place a wardrobe (1) .............. the wall, a round table – (2) .............. of the room, a sofa – (3) .............. a TV set, a coffee table (4) .............. to the sofa, an armchair – (5) .............. of the room and a desk (6) .............. the window.

Ex 3.

Guided description. Describe what the people in the picture are doing, what they are wearing, using the words from the box. Опишите, чем заняты люди на фотографии, как они одеты, используя данные слова.

a girl  Saturday  hair  buy  nice the shop assistant  young  fair  light do the shopping  top  slender  try on dark  blouse  trousers  shop  wear black  belt  have on  smart  have sale match  fit  be on sale  suit

........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................................................

Ex 4.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1

Match the two halves of the sentences (1–7). Соедините начало и конец предложений (1–7).

А What does she He is a big man, but It is easy to recognize him, I think a plane is much She is a middle-aged woman, How much does Could you help me? Our house is not far The ceilings in modern flats 2







a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i.

В the coat cost? faster than a train. I’m looking for a red scarf. look like? he wears a beard and glasses. and her hair is turning grey. he is gentle and friendly. are too low. from the shopping mall.



Ex 5.

Open the brackets, put the verb in the right tense form: Present, Past or Future Simple, Present or Past Continuous. Откройте скобки, поставьте глагол в соответствующую временную форму Present, Past or Future Simple, Present or Past Continuous.

A. Why you (look) (1) ............................... at me in such a way (так)? – You (look) (2) ............... ........................... so beautiful today. – It (be) (3) ............................... a new dress. I (try on) (4) ............................... it .........................now. I (buy) (5) ............................... it only yesterday. When I (look for) (6) ............................... the dress, I (meet) (7) ............................... Irene. She (do the shopping) (8) ............................... too. B. I think I (wear) (1) ............................... the dress to Jack’s birthday party. – Jack’s birthday party? – Yes, Jack (invite) (2) ............................... us to the party yesterday. – I (not/know) (3) ............................... about that. When he (call) (4) ............................... ? C. You know, Irene, his wife, always (call) (1) ............................... me in the evening. When we (talk) (2) ............................... , Jack (take) (3) ............................... the receiver (телефонная трубка) and (speak) (4) ............................... with me. – I see, he (call) (5) ............................... me, too when I (drive) (6) ............................... to work, but I couldn’t (talk) (7) ............................... to him. D. I’m sure Irene (have) (1) ............................... some stunning dress on tomorrow evening. She never (show) (2) ............................... me her new things. She (like) (3) ............................... to surprise everybody. And what (wear) (4) ............................... you ............................... tomorrow? – I (not/know) (5) ............................... . I always (wear) (6) ............................... the grey trousers and the blue shirt, you know. I like them. E. Why don’t we (go) (1) ............................... and (buy) (2) ............................... something new for you, too? Everybody (say) (3) ............................... I never (buy) (4) ............................... you anything. They (not/know) (5) ............................... you (not/like) (6) ............................... new things. F. I (think) (1) ............................... about other things now. We (have to) (2) ............................... redecorate the house when we move in. I know that the old owners (repaper and paint) (3) ............................... the rooms last year, but still there is much work to do. You (forget) (4) ............................... that they (ruin) (5) ............................... the garden when they (build) (6) ............................... the garage.

Ex 6.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Сейчас половина восьмого. Семья собирается (get ready for) на работу. Светлана одевается наверху в своей спальне. Дети завтракают и смотрят телевизор внизу в кухне. Они делают завтрак сами (themselves). Скоро они отправятся в школу. ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................




2. Марк ездит на работу на (by) поезде. Он любит ездить на работу на поезде. Когда он едет на работу на поезде, он может читать утренние газеты. Когда он возвращается (go back) домой на поезде, он отдыхает после работы. После обеда он будет проверять домашнее задание у своих детей. Иногда он ремонтирует что-нибудь в доме. ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... 3. У его жены много дел (have much to do) после работы. Она делает работу по дому. В субботу они вместе (together) будут убирать дом и делать покупки. Им нужно также купить мебель для нового кабинета Марка в подвальном помещении. Они хотят купить письменный стол, кресло и книжные полки. ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................

Ex 7.

It’s a survey on daily routine. Use the prompts to make questions. Read the answers first. Это социологический опрос, касающийся распорядка жизни людей. Используйте данные слова для составления вопросов. Прочтите сначала ответы.

1. get up / early? .................................................................................................................. No, not every day. I’m a nurse. Some days I work in the morning, some in the afternoon. 2. go to work / by public transport / drive? ............................................................................ I prefer to use public transport. There is no problem with parking. 3. wear / uniform / to work? .................................................................................................... No, I don’t. I work in an office. 4. lunch / have? ................................................................................................................... I like having lunch with my colleagues in a small café outside. 5. how often / do the shopping after work? .............................................................................. Never, I do the shopping with my husband on Saturdays. 6. buy clothes / wear to work / where? .................................................................................... I prefer to buy my clothes at Harrods, when they have sale, of course. 7. the head of your department / handsome? ......................................................................... Our boss is a woman, and she is ugly, that’s why, I think, she is always angry.



Don’t live to eat, but eat to live. Не жить, чтобы есть, а есть, чтобы жить. (proverb)

9.1 Our Food FRUITS







kiwi fruit

orange cherry



banana watermelon



cucumber onions

cabbage lettuce

carrots beans mushrooms


green peas


Ex 1.

Look at “The Healthy Eating Plate1”. A. First listen to the words in the Memory Box and then read the advice given by Harvard Medical School. B. Tell about your “Eating Plate” using the model. Посмотрите на схему здорового питания. А. Сначала прослушайте слова в Memory Box, а затем прочтите советы, которые дают специалисты Harvard Medical School. В. Используя модель, расскажите, какие продукты вы предпочитаете.


Today millions of people think about the food they eat. They want their food to be good and healthy. Scientists advise2: fill half of your plate with vegetables and fruits and a quarter of your plate with whole-grains. Healthy protein: fish, chicken, beans can make up the rest (остальное). Use vegetable oils. Complete your meal with a cup of water, tea or coffee with little or no sugar. Stay active – it is half of the secret of being fit and slim.

Notes: 1 тарелка 2 советовать

food – пищевые продукты/ 2 еда healthy food – здоровое питание science/scientist – наука/ученый dairy products – молочные продукты milk – молоко cream – сливки butter – масло cheese – сыр yoghurt – йогурт whole-grains – цельно-зерновые продукты bread – хлеб cereals – крупы 

The Healthy Eating Plate Use vegetable oils for cooking and on salad. Limit butter.


The more vegetables – the better. Potatoes and French fries don’t count as vegetables!!! Eat plenty of fruits of all colours.




Drink water, tea or coffee with little or no sugar. Limit milk or other dairy products. Have one small glass of juice a day. Don’t drink sugary drinks. Eat whole-grains like brown rice, whole-grain bread and pasta. Limit white rice and white bread.

Choose fish, chicken, turkey, beans. Limit red meat, bacon and sausage.

Harward Medical School Harward Health Publications


Now I see that my “Eating Plate” isn’t healthy: I don’t eat much vegetables, and I like red meat. I’m a vegetarian: I don’t eat meat, and I eat a lot of vegetables, fruit and beans. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. .................................................................................

sausage – колбаса ham – ветчина bacon – бекон sweets – сладости cake – торт, пирожное

Ex 2.



rice – рис pasta – макароны meat – мясо beef – говядина pork – свинина chicken – курица turkey – индейка fish – рыба drinks – напитки fruit juice – фруктовый сок beer – пиво wine – вино mineral water – минеральная вода oil – растительное масло sugar – сахар salt – соль egg – яйцо

What are the ingredients of a traditional Russian borsch? What do you need to make some sandwiches? Write two shopping lists. Какие продукты вам нужны, чтобы приготовить традиционный русский борщ и сделать несколько бутербродов? Напишите два списка продуктов.

.................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ....................

....... ................................. ....... ................................. ....... ................................. ....... ................................. ....... ................................. ....... .................................




Ex 3.

Singular or plural for the words in brackets? Put A/AN/ONE where necessary. Использовать слова в скобках в единственном или во множественном числе? Где необходимо, поставьте A/AN/ONE.

1. You should eat more ...... (fruit) ................. . 2. There were cakes and ...... (fruit) ................. on the table. I had some grapes, cherries and plums. 3. We have a lot of ...... (potato) ................. and ...... (carrot) ................. in our kitchen garden this year. 4. Don’t put ...... (onion) ................. into the salad. I hate ...... (onion) ................. . – May I put only ...... small (onion) ................. ? 5. The doctor said that our child should eat ...... (carrot) ................. a day, but he doesn’t like ...... (carrot) ................. . 6. We’re having a picnic. Shall I buy ...... (wine) ................. or beer? 7. They serve only Spanish ...... (wine) ................. here, I don’t like them, they are too sweet. I prefer French (wine) ................. , they are much better.

USE OF ARTICLES WITH NOUNS OF MATERIAL (MILK, WATER, MEAT, AIR, WINE, SNOW, OIL, etc.) ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ АРТИКЛЯ С ВЕЩЕСТВЕННЫМИ ИМЕНАМИ СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫМИ – в общем смысле – артикль не используется:  My son doesn’t drink milk, but he likes yoghurt. – если существительное имеет индивидуализирующее определение или это понятно из ситуации – используется определённый артикль THE.  The bread you bought at the new bakery was very good.  The bread isn’t fresh. Where did you buy it? – неопределенный артикль (A/AN) используется, только если перед названием продукта стоит определение или речь идёт об одной порции: In a café: – They give a very good coffee here.  An ice and a coffee, please. (одна порция)


Grammar SINGULAR or PLURAL? ЕДИНСТВЕННОЕ или МНОЖЕСТВЕННОЕ ЧИСЛО? 1. Многие названия продуктов питания являются неисчисляемыми именами существительными (можно посчитать только меры веса или объёма): Butter – one kilo of butter, milk – two liters of milk. Неисчисляемые имена существительные не имеют множественного числа. Однако некоторые из них могут использоваться и в форме множественного числа. В этом случае они обозначают разные сорта или виды продуктов: fruit – fruits, wine – wines, food – foods.  The French always have red wine with dinner.  French wines are very good. 2. Когда слова potatoes, carrots, onions являются названием вида овощей (картофель, морковь), они используются во множественном числе.  We don’t need to buy potatoes, we have some at home.  Carrots are good for the eyes. Эти слова также могут использоваться в единственном числе: a potato (одна картофелина), a carrot (один корешок моркови), an onion (луковица).  I need one carrot and one onion for the soup.

Ex 4.

Fill in the articles ZERO, THE or A/AN where necessary. Вставьте артикли ZERO, THE или A /AN, где это необходимо. (ZERO – ноль – значимое отсутствие артикля)

1. Would you like some tea? There is ...... tea in the teapot. ...... tea is hot. 2. I don’t have ...... tea for breakfast, I always have ...... coffee with ...... cream and ...... sugar. 3. Would you have ...... bread and ...... butter as well? – No, thank you. I’d like a toast with ...... jam. 4. I like ...... fish, but ...... fish they serve here is not fresh. 5. My daughter doesn’t eat ...... red meat, only ...... chicken or ...... fish. And she is so thin! 6. She doesn’t eat ...... butter either. It’s a pity! ...... butter her grandmother makes herself is so good. 7. Men can’t live without ...... water and ...... food. 8. ...... food we buy at the supermarket isn’t always healthy. 9. ...... water is very cold, you can’t go swimming here. 10. I’d like some milk, please. – We have only ...... nonfat milk. Good, that’s ...... milk I always buy. 11. Sometimes after work he has ...... beer or two. 12. They give ...... excellent beer in our village pub.



You are going to hear Connie and James discussing what they need for a picnic. A. What does Connie/James want to buy for the picnic? Write two lists. B. Say why Connie didn’t like James’s shopping list. Конни и Джеймс обсуждают, какие продукты нужно взять с собой на пикник. А. Что хочет купить для пикника Конни/Джеймс? Напишите два списка. В. Объясните, почему Конни не понравился список Джеймса. А Connie ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... James ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ......................................................................

В ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................




PRONOUNS MANY/MUCH МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ MANY/MUCH Тип существительного Русский язык


Исчисляемые существительные

Неисчисляемые существительные

MANY  You’ve bought too many rolls1, we are only four.

MUCH  Don’t put much sugar in your tea, you’d better take some honey.

A LOT OF  We don’t need to do the shopping today. We have a lot of food in the fridge and a lot of apples and plums in the cellar.

Ex 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Translate the pairs of words from Russian into English. Переведите на английский язык пары слов.

много рек ........................................ много тарелок .................................. много бутылок .................................. много чая .......................................... много груш ........................................ много снега ...................................... много цыплят .................................... много денег ...................................... много деревьев ................................

        

много воды ............................................ много супа .............................................. много сока .............................................. много лимонов ...................................... много работы ........................................ много лет ................................................ много мяса ............................................ много машин .......................................... много яблок ............................................


Ex 6.

Fill in the spaces with MUCH/MANY or A LOT OF. Заполните пропуски местоимениями MUCH/ MANY или A LOT OF.

1. There isn’t ................... time left, and we have to do ................... things before the party. 2. Please, don’t put ................... pepper on the meat. 3. Will there be ................... guests at the party? 4. I never eat 1

слишком много булочек 134

Many/much обычно употребляются в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях (со значением «немного», «мало»).  There aren’t many apples on the apple-tree.  You’re not right. There isn’t much salt in the salad.  Is there much work to do? В утвердительных предложениях значение «много» в основном передаётся a lot of.  In summer we eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.

................... bread with dinner. 5. Should I buy ................... bottles of Pepsi? 6. I don’t drink ................... milk, I have milk only when I’m ill. 7. I don’t eat ................... mangoes, I’m allergic to them. 8. They drink ................... tea in England. 9. There aren’t ................... supermarkets in our town, but we have ................... small shops. 10. As our father is fond of fishing, we eat ................... fish at home.

BUT! so much/many, too much/ many («так много, слишком много»)  The boy had a stomachache (боль в животе) yesterday because he ate too much French fries and too many nuts.


Неисчисляемые существительные

FEW LITTLE  Sorry, I can’t make a cake for tea today: I have few eggs and very little milk and flour (мука). НЕСКОЛЬКО – A FEW  There are a few pears left.

Ex 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

НЕМНОГО – A LITTLE  There is only a little juice in the pitcher.

Translate the pairs of words from Russian into English. Переведите на английский язык пары слов.

мало окон .......................................... мало снега ........................................ мало фруктов .................................... мало солнца ...................................... мало деревьев .................................. мало хлеба ........................................ несколько стаканов .......................... немного места (space) ...................... немного соли .................................... немного масла .................................. несколько мальчиков ........................

          


мало воздуха .......................................... мало пшеницы (wheat) ............................ мало витаминов ...................................... мало цветов ............................................ мало травы ............................................ мало сыра .............................................. немного сока .......................................... несколько столов .................................... несколько человек .................................. несколько яиц ........................................ немного шума (noise) ..............................



– – – –

– –

Hello, Lynn. I haven’t seen you for ages. You look be on a diet – быть на диете great, you’ve lost weight and you look younger. Are put on weight – поправиться lose weight – похудеть you on a diet? be hungry – быть голодным Thank you. Well, I won’t call it a diet. I just don’t eat be thirsty – хотеть пить (1) (2) ..................... red meat, only ..................... chicken and fish two-three times a week. But I eat (3) ..................... vegetables: (4)..................... cucumbers and tomatoes. Yes, and I have (5)..................... lettuce (a big bowl) with (6)..................... olive oil and (7)..................... cottage cheese or (8)..................... chicken for dinner. And what about fruits? I eat (9)...................... apples and oranges, (10)..................... apples and two oranges a day, and (11)..................... bananas, they are fattening. And is that all you do? I also take very (12)..................... sugar and butter, maybe once a week. And very (13) ..................... bread, two slices a day. And do you remember how (14)..................... rolls (булочки) I ate at university? Oh, don’t remind me! I also drink (15)..................... water, two liters a day, very (16)..................... fruit juice and no milk. And that’s all, I think. And do you go to a fitness club? Not really, but I walk the dog three times a day, so I walk (17)..................... .

9.2 The Weekly Shopping frozen foods fresh meat counter

canned goods


fresh produce 136


Fill in the gaps with MUCH/MANY, A LOT OF, LITTLE/FEW, A LITTLE/A FEW. Some variants are possible. Вместо пропусков вставьте MUCH/MANY, A LOT OF, LITTLE/FEW, A LITTLE/A FEW. Возможны различные варианты ответов.


Ex 8.

frozen foods – свежезамо4 роженные продукты dairy products – молочные продукты fresh meat counter – мясные продукты fresh produce – овощи и фрукты baked goods – выпечка bread – хлеб canned goods – консервы groceries – бакалея beverages – напитки checkout counter – касса cash register – кассовый аппарат cashier – кассир

dairy products

groceries baked goods bread cash register checkout counter cashier



Colin and Lynn are at the supermarket. A. Listen to their conversation twice. In the shopping list tick () the things they were going to buy. B. Look at the picture above and say where they are going to buy those things. Колин и Лин сейчас в супермаркете. A. Прослушайте их разговор и отметьте в списке продукты, которые Колин и Лин собираются купить. B. Посмотрите на рисунок супермаркета выше и скажите, в каких отделах магазина они собираются купить эти продукты. А

£ £ £ £ £ £

Ten bottles of water Orange juice Three bottles of milk Butter Vegetables Meat

£ £ £ £ £

Olive oil Breakfast cereal Coffee Fruit Sausage

B ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ 137



At the Checkout – So, that’s 55 pounds and 92 pence, please, madam. – Let’s see, I’m afraid I don’t have enough cash, so I’ll have to pay with my credit card.


– Certainly, madam.

cash – деньги наличными pay with/by a credit card – платить по банковской карточке enough – достаточно change – сдача

Ex 9. Who says what? Match the sentences to the people and put them in the right order. Sales assistant (A), customer (C). Кто что говорит? Соотнесите реплики диалога с его участниками и поставьте реплики в логической последовательности. Продавец (А), покупатель (С).

At the Cheese Counter

£ £ 1 £ £ £ £

£ £ A £ £ £ £

No, thanks. Then I’ll take a pound of Stilton and a piece of Cheddar instead. Anything else? Whose turn (очередь) is it? Yes, but only goat’s milk cheese. Mine. Three slices of Gouda, please. Do you have any soft cheese?


9.3 Small Shops


NOTE е и служб быта, которы Названия магазинов а егд вс , де каждом горо можно встретить в ем кл ти ар ым ределенн употребляются с оп baker’s, the grocer’s, the s, er’ tch bu THE: the wsagent’s, the post ne e the greengrocer’s, th . office, the barber’s, etc чески и не связано с ри то ис ь Это сложилос ого магазина. указанием конкретн

Ex 10. Read the text. Write a list of goods you can buy in each of these small shops. Прочтите текст и напишите небольшой список продуктов, которые вы можете купить в каждом из этих магазинов.

In small towns and villages there used to be (раньше было) lots of small shops. However the small shop in the UK is almost a thing of the past. Many villages have lost their local “corner shop” or post office because of the supermarkets and big shopping centres.



Small shops are often run (вести дело) by families. They usually specialize in some certain goods. In small towns and villages you can find the butcher’s, the greengrocer’s, the baker’s, the dairy, the newsagent’s and the general store. In these shops prices are often higher, than in supermarkets as they cannot buy their stock (запас) in large quantities (количество). However there is a friendlier atmosphere and personal service. Some small shops even deliver to the home, newsagent’s especially will deliver a newspaper to the door.




buy – покупать sell – продавать deliver – доставлять go shopping / do the shopping – делать покупки salesman/woman (shop assistant) – продавец/продавщица customer/shopper – клиент/покупатель goods – товары butcher’s – мясной магазин greengrocer’s – овощной baker’s – булочная dairy – молочный магазин newsagent’s – магазин периодических изданий general store – различные товары



............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................





Ex 11.

Listen and then read the dialogue. Прослушайте и прочтите диалог.



Ex 12.

Hi, Connie. Back from the bakery already? I bought 10 rolls for tomorrow. Great. And what’s in the other bag? Stones. Stones? From the baker? Yes, I asked the saleswoman what these little cakes with chocolate and raisins are called and she said “stones”. Haha! You misunderstood. They are called scones.

Read the text, complete the sentences with the names of the shops in which Sara did the shopping. Прочтите текст, заполните пропуски названиями магазинов, в которых Сара делала покупки.

Sara Smith, who lives in a small town in Passadena, went shopping. At 8 a.m., Sara got into her car and drove to Barget, (1) ... the general store ..., a mile away. Barget was having a holiday sale. Sara bought a toaster for $29.95. The regular (обычный) price was $39.95. She paid by credit card. She had a long shopping list. She needed some vegetables, so she had to go to (2) ................ . Sara also wanted to talk to the shopkeeper, Mrs Green, about their Garden Club. Sara didn’t have any bacon left and she


At the Bakery

bread – хлеб white/rye/wholegrain – белый/ ржаной/цельнозерновой roll/ban – сдобная булочка cake – торт, пирожное pie – пирог croissant – круасан pancakes – блины flour – мука

Grammar PRONOUN “SOME” МЕСТОИМЕНИЕ “SOME” С неисчисляемыми существительными: «Некоторое количество, немного» (на русский язык не переводится)  Buy some sugar and cocoa, please.  She added some oil to the mixture. С исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе: «Несколько, какие-то, какиенибудь»  Sara bought some cakes.  But she forgot to buy some muffins. Местоимение SOME также используется в формулах вежливости, которые имеют форму вопроса, но по сути не являются вопросами.  Would you like some cake?  Some more coffee, please?


wanted some pork chops for their Saturday dinner. So, (3) ................ was the next on her list. Then Sara dropped in to (4) ................ , she didn’t have any fresh rolls for breakfast. On her way home, Sara stopped at MilkPlus, (5) ................ , to buy three cartons of nonfat milk. She remembered that she didn’t have any butter in the fridge, she bought some butter, too. The milk and the butter were $3.50. Sara got 50 cents back in change. She forgot to drop in to (6) ................ to buy the newspaper for John. She knew, John would be upset. Sara arrived home at 10 a.m. John and the kids were still sleeping. She woke them up and made a nice hot breakfast for everyone.

PRONOUN “ANY” МЕСТОИМЕНИЕ “ANY” С неисчисляемыми существительными: в том же значении в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях  Have you bought any sugar?  There isn’t any milk in the fridge. С исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе: в том же значении в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях  They didn’t have any eggs.  Did she buy any rolls?

Ex 13. Complete the sentences with SOME or ANY. Заполните пропуски местоимениями SOME или ANY. 1. Would you like (1) ................ tea, Bella? – What shall we have for tea, mum? – I have got (2) ................ milk and flour. I might make (3) ................ pancakes very quickly. – But we don’t have (4) ................ eggs! – It’s a pity! 2. I’ll make you (5) ................ sandwiches to eat on the train. I’ve got (6) ................ ham and cheese. – Great! But do you have (7) ................ vegetables? I’d like to have (8) ................ cucumbers or tomatoes, too. 3. Look, I’ve made a wonderful omelette for lunch: just (9) ................ mushrooms, (10) ................ ham and cheese. – Did you add (11) ................ onions? I hate onions! 4. Would you like (12) ................ coffee? – With pleasure. Excuse me, have you got (13) ................ coffee cream? 5. We have to do the shopping today. We don’t have (14) ................ meat or fish. – Do we have (15) ................ vegetables? – None. And we don’t have (16) ................ dairy products. – Then you’re right, we have to go shopping.




9.4 Containers and Quantities a tub of yoghurt

a bottle of mineral water

a carton of milk/eggs a box of biscuits/chocolates a tin of fish

a jar of jam/ mayonnaise a bag of flour/chips a pack of cigarettes

a can of Coca Cola/ tomato soup

а package of croissants/hot dogs a bunch of flowers/ radish

a cup of coffee a piece of pizza/cake

Ex 14. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

a bowl of soup a glass of milk/ juice

Buy the following items: Купите следующие продукты:

a ...................... of bread (буханка) a ...................... of pizza (кусок) a ...................... of peanuts (пакет) a loaf of bread a ...................... of milk (бутылкa) a ...................... of butter (фунт) a ...................... breakfast cereal (коробка) a ...................... of tea (чашка) a ...................... of fish sticks (упаковка) 142

a slice of bread/ cheese

Ex 15.

Amy, James and Connie went camping. Amy is at the village grocer’s, the only shop in the area. She has got a long shopping list. Look at the pictures on the left and help Amy to buy the foods. Fill in the spaces with the names of containers. Эмми, Джеймс и Кони отдыхают в кемпинге. Эмми в единственном магазине в округе. У нее большой список продуктов. Посмотрите на рисунки слева и помогите Эмми сделать покупки. Вместо пропусков втавьте названия упаковок продуктов.



Good morning. Well, I need a (1) ............................. of salt and three (2) ............................. of fish, please. Here you are. And do you have any hot dogs? I need three (3) ............................. of these and two (4) ............................. of milk. Coming right away. Well, I’d also like a (5) ............................. of pasta and a (6) ............................. of ketchup. Do you need a big box or small one? A big box, please, and I need a (7) ............................. of red wine, three (8) ............................. of beer and a big (9) ............................. of chips. Anything else? No, thank you. How much is it? It’s 12 pounds, 73 pence; please. Can I pay by credit card?



Lynn is at the greengrocer’s. Listen to the dialogue twice and: A. Tick () the vegetables and fruits she bought. B. Listen again and write how much of each she bought. Лин в овощном магазине. Прослушайте диалог дважды и: А. Отметьте овощи и фрукты, которые она купила. В. Прослушайте диалог ещё раз и напишите, какое количество каждого из них она купила. NOTE be on offer – в продаже (имеются)


В. ....................................................................... ...................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ...................................................................... 143



Ex 16.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Мне, пожалуйста, пакет молока и буханку хлеба. 2. Одно пиво, пожалуйста, и несколько пакетов чипсов. 3. Сколько стоят персики, пожалуйста? 4. Мне нужен один пакет муки и фунт сахара, пожалуйста. 5. Могу я заплатить по банковской карте? 6. Сумка очень тяжёлая. Я купила бутылку растительного масла, несколько баночек йогурта и пачку риса. 7. Я кладу в это яблочное варенье мало сахара и немного лимонного сока. 8. Купи, пожалуйста, немного салата и фунт фасоли. 9. На столе было много еды и различные фрукты и вина. 10. В зале было много людей, но мало столов. 11. Ты купил пирожные? После школы придут друзья наших детей. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................

Reader’s Corner 9

Ex 17.

Read the story. Прочтите рассказ.

A. Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense. Listen and check your answers. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующем времени. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы. The train (stop) (1) ............................. at a little station. A passenger (look) (2) ............................. out of the window of the train carriage and (see) (3) ............................. a woman who (sell) (4) ............................. cakes. The man (not / have breakfast) (5) ............................. in the morning. He (be) (6) ............................. hungry and (want) (7) ............................. to buy a cake. The woman (stand) (8) ............................. rather far from the carriage. The man (not/want) (9) ............................. to get off to buy a cake himself because he (be afraid) (10) ............................. to miss the train. He (see) (11) ............................. a boy who (walk) (12) ............................. along the platform near the carriage. He (call) (13) ............................. the boy and (ask) (14) ............................. him, “How much (15) ............................. a cake (cost) ............................. ?” 144

“Threepence, sir”, (answer) (16) ............................. the boy. The man (give) (17) ............................. him a sixpence and said, “Bring me a cake, and with another threepence buy a cake for yourself”. The boy (take) (18) ............................. the money and (go) (19) ................................... to the woman. A few minutes later the boy (return) (20) ............................. . He (eat) (21) ............................. a cake. He (give) (22) ............................. the man threepence change and (say) (23) ............................. , “The woman (have) (24) ............................. only one cake left, sir”.

B. Unfortunately, the items of the plan for retelling the story have got mixed up. Put them in the right order. Retell the story according to the plan using the key words below. К несчастью, пункты плана для пересказа перепутались. Восстановите их правильный порядок и перескажите рассказ по этому плану, используя данные ключевые слова.




The man asks for help See a boy; walk along; cost; give sixpence; for yourself



A woman selling cakes stand; buy a cake; get off; be afraid; to miss the train



The traveler at a little station stop; look out; train carriage; be hungry; see a woman


The boy returns Eat a cake; give threepence change; only one


Ex 18.

Read the story. Прочтите рассказ.

A. Fill in the articles: A/AN/THE/ZERO. Listen and check your answers. Вставьте соответствующие артикли: A/AN/THE/ZERO. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.

A Bad Customer ............ man went into ............ shop and asked for ............ pound of ............ apples which cost one shilling. ............ shopkeeper gave them to him. Then ............ man asked, “Can I exchange ............ apples for ............ pound of plums? ............ price is the same.” ............ shopkeeper agreed, she took ............ apples back and gave him ............ plums. ............ man took them and was going to leave ............ shop. ............ shopkeeper asked him for ............ money. “............ money for what?” asked ............ man. “............ money for ............ plums”, said ............ shopkeeper. 145



“But I gave you ............ apples for ............ plumes”, answered ............ man. “Well, then, ............ money for ............ apples.” “But you still have your apples,” said ............ man and walked out of ............ shop.


Guided summary. Complete the story. Краткий пересказ по заданной схеме. Завершите предложения.

A man came into ........................... . And asked for ........................... . The apples cost ........................... . Then he saw nice ........................... . The price was ........................... . The man asked if he could ........................... . The shopkeeper ........................... and ........................... . When the man was leaving ……………………………………………………………............................. . The man looked surprised, he said ………………………………………………..............................… . Then the shopkeeper wanted ........................... . “But I gave you ........................... ”, he said and ........................... .

Ex 19.

Read the story. In each pair of sentences below choose the right one. Add your own sentences and retell the story. Прочтите рассказ. В каждой паре предложений ниже выберите одно, полностью соответствующее содержанию текста. Перескажите рассказ, добавив свои предложения.

A Melting Storey by M. Twain One winter evening a country shopkeeper was about to close his shop for the night. He went out to shut the windows from outside and through the glass he noticed how a man in the shop quickly took a pound of butter from a shelf and hid it in his hat. “What fun I’ll have”, the shopkeeper said to himself as he thought of a way to punish the man for stealing. “I say, Seth,” said the shopkeeper, as he came in, and closed the door after him. Seth already had his hand on the door, ready to leave the shop as quickly as possible. “I say, Seth, sit down. On such a cold night as this, it is very pleasant to sit in a warm room”. Seth didn’t know what to do. He had butter in his hat and he wanted to get out of the shop at once. But the shopkeeper took Seth by the shoulder and made him sit close to the stove in a corner among boxes and barrels. “We’ll make it a little warmer, Seth,” the shopkeeper said as he opened the stove and put some sticks inside. “If you are not warm enough, you’ll freeze when you go out on a night like this.” Seth already felt the butter melting, and he jumped up and said he must go. “Not until you are quite warm, Seth. I’ll tell you a story,” said the shopkeeper as he made Seth sit down again. 146

“But I must go to my cows. They … are hungry …. I must go and feed them.” Poor Seth, he didn’t know what to do. The butter began to melt and came pouring from under his hat down into eyes and mouth. The shopkeeper was talking as if nothing was happening and continued to put sticks into the stove. The butter was now pouring down the poor man’s face and neck and even down his body into his boots, so that he was in a perfect bath of oil.” “Well, good night, Seth,” said the shopkeeper smiling, “if you really want to go.” Then he added, as Seth started out of the door, “I say, Seth, I think the fun I had out of you is worth nine pence so I won’t charge you for that pound of butter in your hat.”


£ £

a) Through the window glass the shopkeeper saw a man who was looking for something on the shelf of his shop. b) Through the window glass the shopkeeper saw that a man hid a pound of butter in his hat.


£ £

a) The shopkeeper wanted to punish the man. b) The shopkeeper wanted to make the man pay for the butter.


£ £

a) The shopkeeper didn’t let the man leave the shop without paying for the butter. b) The shopkeeper didn’t let the man leave the shop.


£ £

a) The shopkeeper made Seth put the sticks into the stove. b) The shopkeeper made Seth sit down by the stove in the corner.


£ £


£ £

a) The shopkeeper didn’t show that he noticed the butter pouring down the man’s face. b) The shopkeeper didn’t notice the butter pouring down the man’s face. a) The shopkeeper didn’t charge Seth nine pence for the butter because of the fun he had had. b) The shopkeeper charged Seth nine pence for the butter.



10.1 In the Kitchen Kitchen is often called the heart of home. It is not only the place where we cook food. Modern women go out to work. They are busy and have less time to cook. The role and design of the family kitchen has greatly changed. Family often eat in the kitchen and invite friends over to dinner. So, kitchens have to be convenient (удобный) and “look good”. 1


freezer fridge/ refrigirator

sink microwave




cupboard/kitchen cabinet

washing mashine wastebin


Ex 1. – – –

Translate into English the parts of the dialogue given in Russian. Переведите на английский язык реплики диалога, написанные на русском языке.

While I study at university, I rent a flat. Is it nice? Мне она нравится. В квартире одна комната, маленькая кухня, ванная комната и холл. ...................................................................................................................................... В квартире есть мебель? ...................................................................................................................................... Yes, it’s furnished1. And what about the kitchen? В кухне есть шкаф для посуды, холодильник и плита. ...................................................................................................................................... Perfect. Everything you need for the time being (на данный период).

– – – – –

cooker/stove frying pan bottle





pitcher plate cup saucer kettle





table cloth napkin




fork 1

меблированный 149



Ex 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Look at the pictures of the kitchen above and answer the questions. Посмотрите на изображение кухни выше и ответьте на вопросы.

What is there on the table? ................................................................................................ What is there on the cooker? ............................................................................................ What is there on the cupboard next to the cooker? ............................................................... What is there hanging on the wall? .................................................................................... What is there on the shelf? ...............................................................................................

Ex 3.

make tea? .................................................................................................................... fry fish? ........................................................................................................................ make soup? .................................................................................................................. eat soup? ...................................................................................................................... drink some juice? – ... a glass ... cut bread? .................................................................................................................... have some coffee? ........................................................................................................ eat some meat? ............................................................................................................



Listen to Eric telling about his kitchen. Match the household appliances in column A with their functions in column B. Прослушайте рассказ Эрика о его кухне. В колонке В подберите слова, которые описывают, для чего используется каждый предмет из списка А.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

A Electric cooker Fridge Freezer Oven Microwave Washing machine Dishwasher Cupboards

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

What do we need to ... Какие предметы на кухне нам нужны, чтобы ...

cook – готовить еду bake – печь keep/store – хранить freeze – замораживать wash – стирать, мыть wash up – мыть посуду dry – вытирать насухо

B cook food quickly make meals wash clothes keep plates and cups freeze food keep food cool bake cakes wash cups and plates 1









10.2 Making a Meal

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Ex 4.

Listen to the text and then read it. Find in the text and write down the phrases that mean: Прослушайте, а затем прочтите текст. Найдите в тексте и запишите следующие выражения:

открыть холодильник ...................................................................................................... вынуть из пакета ............................................................................................................ разрезать сосиску ........................................................................................................ поджарить сосиску ........................................................................................................ тосты готовы ................................................................................................................ добавить ломтики лука и яблока ...................................................................................... сделать бутерброд ........................................................................................................

A Good Sandwich Gordon was hungry. He opened the refrigerator. “There must be something in here to eat,” he thought. There was – a single (единственный) hot dog.



He took it out of its package and put a small frying pan onto the stove. He turned on the gas. Then he poured a little bit of vegetable oil into the pan. He sliced the hot dog in half lengthwise (вдоль). Then he put the two halves in the pan. About a minute later, he turned each half over. After another minute, he took the hot dog out of the pan. Gordon put two slices (ломтик) of bread into the toaster.

COOKING – приготовление еды meal – еда, принятие пищи be hungry – быть голодным be thirsty – хотеть пить eat (ate) – есть boil – кипеть, варить fry – жарить (в масле) roast – жарить (на огне) pour – наливать

When the toasts were ready, he put mustard (горчица), mayonnaise, and ketchup on one slice. Then he added two slices of onion. On top of (поверх) the onions, he placed the hot dog. On top of the hot dog, he put a couple of slices of apple. Then he added some bits of hot (острый) green chili, and then put the top piece of toast onto the chili bits. “Ahh, what a sandwich!” he thought, as he sat down to eat. PREPOSITIONS put in (the pan) – положить в put into (the toaster) put onto (the cooker) – поставить на pour into – налить в take out of – вынуть из turn on/off (the gas) – включить/выключить turn over – перевернуть




Ex 5.

Fill in the gaps with the right prepositions. Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами.

1. Mother poured some water ................. the pot and put it ................. the cooker. 2. She turned ................. the gas. 3. After the water boiled, she put some vegetables ................. the boiling water. 4. She added some herbs («зелень») ................. the boiling soup. 5. She put some pieces of meat ................. the pan and fried them. 6. Ten minutes later she turned the pieces .................. 7. When the meat was ready, she turned ................. the gas. 8. She took the meat ................. the frying pan and put it ................. a plate. 9. Dinner was ready, mother put a bottle of red wine ................. the fridge. 10. She put three plates, spoons, forks and knives ................. the table.


Ex 6.

Listen to the text and then read it. Put the recipes of pasta and salad in the correct order. Прослушайте и затем прочтите текст. Установите правильную последовательность в рецептах приготовления пасты и салата.

The Light Eater Oscar hadn’t eaten all day, but that was okay. Many scientific studies (научные исследования) said that the less people eat, the longer they live. Oscar wanted to live long. So, he decided to have only two meals a day. Sometimes he ate only one meal a day.

When the water in the pot began to boil, he took a box of pasta1 from the cupboard. He added two cups of pasta to the boiling water and set the timer. While the pasta was cooking, Oscar took a cucumber out of the fridge. He peeled it, sliced it, salted the slices, and ate them all while he read a popular weekly news magazine. Finished with the cucumber, he sliced a pear and ate it. The timer went off. The pasta was ready. Oscar put it into a bowl. He added a tablespoon of butter to the hot pasta. Then he poured the lemon juice onto the pasta. 1

итальянские макаронные изделия 152


It was 11 p.m. Oscar peeled and ate a banana. He filled a pot with water, put the pot on the stove, and turned on the gas. Then he sliced six radishes, salted them lightly, and ate them. Then he washed and ate two celery stalks. After that, he ate a half COOKING – cup of nuts. He cut a lemon in half, and then приготовление еды squeezed all the lemon juice into an empty cup. fill (with) – наполнить cut – резать/нарезать chop – мелко нарубить slice – нарезать ломтиками; ломтик peel – очищать (фрукты/овощи); кожура grate – натереть (на тёрке) squeeze – выжимать add – добавить mix (up) – смешивать stir (up) – размешать serve – подавать (еду) strain off – отцеживать (через дуршлаг)

He chopped up part of a red onion and mixed it into the pasta. He stirred a can of fish into the pasta. He grated parmesan cheese onto the pasta. He sat down at his dining room table, and began eating. When Oscar finished the pasta, he poured cold nonfat milk into a large glass, sat down, and drank it with half a bar of chocolate. “Now, that was worth waiting for the meal”, he thought.

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

Pasta Set the timer. Add the sauce to the pasta. Fill a pot with water. Add some pasta to the boiling water. Put the pasta in a bowl. Add some butter. Prepare the sauce: mix some chopped onion, a can of fish and some lemon juice. Grate parmesan cheese onto the pasta. Boil the water. Strain off the hot water from the pasta. Cook the pasta.


Ex 7.

£ £ £ £ £ £ £

Vegetable salad Add some olive oil. Salt the vegetable mixture. Wash the vegetables: cucumbers, lettuce, radish, tomatoes. Shred the lettuce. Peel the cucumbers. Mix up the vegetables with the oil. Slice tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes.

Listen and then complete the sentences with words/phrases from the dialogue. Listen again to check your answers. Прослушайте диалог и дополните предлoжения словами/фразами из прослушанного текста. Прослушайте ещё раз и проверьте свои ответы.


Look, this advertisement (объявление) says that the restaurant “Paris” is giving a prize to (1) ................. from a private person. ANNE: You’re not going to… BOB: Yes, (2) ................. in caramel sauce will beat all the rest. ANNE: I feel sorry (3) ................. already. BOB: And when I win I’ll treat you all to (4) ................. . ANNE: Thanks, just don’t, please, (5) ................. your fish in caramel sauce for us.




THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE Мы часто объясняем настоящую ситуацию тем, что что-то произошло. В английском языке для этого используется the Present Perfect Tense, которое показывает, что действие завершено и в настоящем времени имеется результат этого действия. Правильные глаголы + -ed HAVE + Past Participle Неправильные глаголы (см. Appendix 3) В данном случае HAVE – вспомогательный глагол. Он указывает время, лицо и число и своего значения не имеет. КРАТКАЯ ФОРМА I / you / we / they have done I’ve / you’ve / they’ve done He /she / it has done he’s / she’s / it’s done  I have washed all the vegetables, now you can make the salad.

Ex 8.

Explain the present situation by saying what has happened. Use the Present Perfect Tense of the verb in brackets. Скажите, что произошло, чтобы объяснить настоящую ситуацию. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect Tense.

1. The plate is empty. Sam and Dave (eat) ............. ............... all the sandwiches. 2. Why are you upset? Jane (break) ............................ my favourite cup. 3. I (peel) ............................ the apple. Now you can grate it. 4. Don’t put salt into the soup. Mother already (add) ............................ some. 5.The water isn’t boiling. – Oh, I (turn off) ............................ the gas. 6. Why are you crying? Look, I (chop) ............................ three onions. 7. I (slice) ............................ the vegetables, now you can add some oil.

The Present Perfect Tense обычно употребляется с такими наречиями как already – уже, yet – ещё не («уже» в вопросе), just – только что, ever – когда-либо (в вопросе), never – никогда. Обратите внимание на место указанных наречий: HAVE already DONE just never  Have you ever made an Irish stew?  I have already boiled the water. ВОПРОСИТЕЛЬНАЯ ФОРМА: Вспомогательный глагол have, как обычно, выдвигается на место перед подлежащим.  I’m going to serve the pasta. Have you added any butter to the pasta? – Yes, I have.  Have you washed the vegetables? – No, I haven’t. ОТРИЦАТЕЛЬНАЯ ФОРМА: Краткая форма Have + not done  haven’t donе Has + not done  hasn’t done  It’s 8 o’clock and you haven’t finished your breakfast yet.


Ex 9.

Ananda is teaching Liz how to make curry sauce. She gave her the recipe and now she is checking if everything is done right. A. Look at the recipe, ask questions and give a positive or negative answer as in the model. B. Ananda explains to Liz what she has done wrong. Ананда учит Лиз готовить соус карри. Она дала Лиз рецепт соуса и теперь проверяет, всё ли сделано правильно. A. Посмотрите на рецепт, задайте вопросы и дайте положительный или отрицательный ответ по модели. B. Ананда объясняет Лиз, что она сделала неправильно.

The Curry Sauce A

 1. Served with small biscuits, French bread or potato chips.  2. 3.

 4. 5. 6.

Have you bought some French bread or potato chips? — Yes, I have. Mix up some cream cheese with mayonnaise. ........................................................................................................................... Chop one onion. ........................................................................................................................... Grate an apple and stir into the cheese mixture. ........................................................................................................................... Add two teaspoonfuls of curry. ........................................................................................................................... Put a little salt and pepper. ...........................................................................................................................

В. You’ve done everything right, Liz, but you haven’t chopped ............................................ ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................

That’s why it doesn’t taste good.

Ex 10.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Pay attention to the “signal words” to use the Present, Past or Future Simple, the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect Tense in its right place. Переведите предложения на английский язык. Обратите внимание на «сигнальные слова», которые указывают на применение the Present, Past or Future Simple, the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect Tense.

1. Что ты делаешь? – Я варю курицу. Я никогда не жарю мясо. Я на диете. 2. А ты жаришь рыбу? – Да, вчера я жарила рыбу на ланч. 3. Я уже сварила суп (soup), мы можем обедать. 155



– Спасибо, но я не ем суп. – Но вчера же ты ела суп. – Это был холодный фруктовый суп, я его люблю. 4. Мне нравится твой салат. Как ты его делаешь? – Я режу oвощи очень мелко или тру их на терке. – Завтра я сделаю такой (such a) салат. 5. Пока я варю кофе, ты можешь нарезать хлеб и сделать тосты. – Я только что сделал тосты. Вот они на тарелке. 6. Не вари кофе, я завариваю чай. Я уже нарезала сыр и сделала апельсиновый сок. 7. Марк уже почистил картошку. Включи газ и поставь сковороду на плиту. Мы будем жарить картошку (в масле). 8. Пожалуйста, добавь немного соли в суп и переверни мясо на сковороде. ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................


A. B. C. D.

Ex 11. Read the text.

Complete the sentences with the phrases (A–G ). Listen and check your answers. Прочтите текст. Дополните предложения в тексте фразами (A–G). Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.

with a broom do in the house all over the place with a duster

E. in the right place F. a vacuum-cleaner G. some dust

A Woman’s Work is Never Done


The mother of a family has a lot of work to (1) . There (2) is always on the floor. So, she sweeps the floor (3) or cleans it with (4) (vacuum-cleans it). There is always some dust on the furniture, too. She dusts the furniture (5) .







10.3 Cleaning and Tidying Up do the rooms/flat – убирать в комнатах/в квартире clean – чистить, приводить в порядок tidy up – убирать, приводить в порядок dust – пыль, вытирать пыль duster – тряпка, щетка для вытирания пыли sweep – подметать vacuum-clean/do the vacuumcleaning – чистить пылесосом broom – метла/веник mop – швабра be all over the place – быть разбросанным по всей квартире be (in) a mess – быть в беспорядке/«вверх дном»

Mother doesn’t like when the things are (6) is (7) .”


£ . She says, “The right thing –

Doing the rooms, cooking meals, washing and washing up take a lot of time. There is always something to do. Woman’s work is never done.



Lynn and Colin are going to do the spring cleaning of their flat. Listen to the dialogue twice and say who did what. Лин и Колин собираются делать весеннюю уборку в квартире. Прослушайте дилог два раза и скажите, какую работу выполнял каждый член семьи.

PROMPTS: cobwebs – паутина treat to – угостить








Ex 12.


Listen to the dialogue and then read it. Answer the questions. Прослушайте и прочтите диалог. Ответьте на вопросы.

I hate spring cleaning! But you’ve always been a good girl, you have to help your mother. And what about you? Your room is a mess, and the study is awful. I’ve got two left hands when it comes to cleaning. What do you think about a cleaner? I think Mum would be very happy.

1. Do the children want to help mother do the spring cleaning? Why do you think so? ..................................................................................................................................... 2. Why does James think that Amy has to help mother? ..................................................................................................................................... 3. Why does Amy think that James has to do most (большую часть) of the work? ..................................................................................................................................... 4. What does James suggest (предлагать)? ..................................................................................................................................... 5. What do you think the idiom “have two left hands” means? .....................................................................................................................................




Ex 13. Teddy’s grandmother is ill. In the morning Teddy came to help his granny with the housework. It’s 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Teddy wants to go and play football with his friends. He calls his mother. Look at the pictures and say what he has/hasn’t done. Use the prompts. Бабушка Тедди заболела. Он пришёл помочь ей. Посмотрите на картинки и скажите, какую работу Тедди выполнил и что он не сделал.

I’ve done everything you told me to do, mum. Can I go and play football, pease?



1. Do the shopping – I’ve done the shopping.

2. Vacuum-clean the living-room ..................................................................... .....................................................................



3. Wash the kitchen floor ..................................................................... .....................................................................

4. Make lunch ..................................................................... .....................................................................


5. Wash-up the dishes / put in the dishwasher

6. Repair the TV set / never do it ..................................................................... .....................................................................

— I haven’t washed-up the dishes, I put them into the dishwasher.

7. Water the flowers / forget ..................................................................... .....................................................................

– Ex 14.

– – – – – –

Lynn, Amy and James’s mother, calls to talk to the cleaner, Mrs Neat. Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense (Present Perfect, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous). Мама Эми и Джеймса звонит, чтобы поговорить с миссис Нит, которая убирает их квартиру. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующем времени.

Hello, Mrs Neat. I call just to ask if you (find) .................................... everything you need. Yes, Mrs Morris. I (come) .................................... two hours ago. I (do) .................................... James’ room now. I’m sorry, it’s such a mess. Never mind. I already (clean) .................................... the kitchen and I just (finish) .................................... the living-room. Great! .................................... you (vacuum-clean) .................................... the carpet in the living-room? Certainly, Mrs Morris. I (do) .................................... it the first thing I came. 159



– – –

Thank you. .................................... you (tidy up) .................................... the bedroom? I (do) .................................... it later, after the James’s room. Yes, certainly. .................................... you (dust) .................................... the books in the study? Oh, no. I (forget) .................................... . I (do) .................................... it right away (сейчас же). Thank you, Mrs Neat. Everything (be) .................................... perfect, as usual.

– –


Reader’s Corner

Read a passage of the book and match the headings (A–F) below to the paragraphs (1–5). There is one extra heading in the list. Прочтите отрывок из повести и подберите заголовки (A–F) к абзацам текста (1–5). В списке есть один лишний заголовок. A. Montmorency’s Contribution B. George Suggests Making an Irish Stew C. A Great Success of the Irish Stew

D. Peeling Potatoes E. The Cook Book Instructions F. The Other Ingredients

Three Men in a Boat (to Say Nothing of the Dog) by Jerom K. Jerom (adapted) 1.




We decided to go back to one of the Shiplake islands, and put up (расположиться) there for the night. It was still early when we got settled (устроиться), and George said that, as we had plenty of time, it would be great to try a good, slap-up (на скорую руку) supper. He said he would show us what could be done up the river in the way of cooking, and suggested that, with the vegetables and the remains (остатки) of the cold beef and general odds and ends (всякая всячина), we should make an Irish stew. It seemed a fascinating idea. George gathered wood and made a fire (костер), and Harris and I started to peel the potatoes. I had never thought that peeling potatoes was such a difficult job. It turned out (оказаться) to be the biggest thing that I had done. We began cheerfully, but the happy mood was gone by the time the first potato was finished. The more we peeled, the more peel was left on; by the time we had got all the peel off, there was no potato left. George came and had a look at it – it was about the size of a peanut. He said: “Oh, that won’t do! You're wasting (пропадать зря) them. You must scrape (скрести) them.” So we scraped them, and that was harder work than peeling. We worked steadily for five-and-twenty minutes, and did four potatoes. We said we should require (требовать) the rest of the evening for scraping ourselves. I never saw such a thing as potato160

scraping for making a fellow in a mess. It seemed difficult to believe that the potatoscrapings in which Harris and I stood could have come off four potatoes. 3.




George said it was absurd to have only four potatoes in an Irish stew, so we washed halfa-dozen or so more, and put them in without peeling. We also put in a cabbage and about half a packet of peas. George stirred it all up, and then he said that there was a lot of room left, so we picked out all the remnants (остатки), and added them to the stew. There were half a meat pie and a bit of cold boiled bacon left, and we put them in. Then George found half a tin of canned salmon, and he emptied that into the pot. He said that was the advantage (преимущество) of Irish stew: you got rid of (избавиться) such a lot of things. I fished out a couple of eggs that had got broken, and put those in. I forget the other ingredients, but I know nothing was wasted; and I remember that, towards the end, Montmorency, our dog, who had watched our work with great interest, appeared with a dead water-rat (крыса) in his mouth, which he wished to present as his contribution (вклад) to the dinner. We had a discussion as to whether the rat should go in or not. Harris said that he thought it would be all right. But George said he had never heard of water-rats in Irish stew, and he would rather not try experiments. Harris said: “If you never try a new thing, how can you tell what it’s like? Such men as George hamper (препятствовать) the world’s progress. Think of the man who first tried German sausage!”



It was a great success, that Irish stew. I don’t think I ever enjoyed a meal more. There was something so fresh and piquant about it. Here was a dish with a new flavour (аромат), with a taste (вкус) like nothing else on earth. And it was nourishing (питательный), too. As George said, there was good stuff in it. The peas and potatoes might have been a bit softer, but we all had good teeth, so that did not matter much: it was a poem – a little too rich, perhaps, for a weak stomach, but nutritious. We finished up with tea and cherry tart.

Ex 15.

Make a list of ingredients the friends used to make the Irish stew. Составьте список продуктов, которые друзья использовали для ирландского рагу. THE INGREDIENTS:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Potatoes .....................................

6. ..................................... ..................................... 7. ..................................... ..................................... 8. ..................................... ..................................... 9. ..................................... .....................................


THE ENGLISH MEALS Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. Ешь вволю, а пей в меру. (proverb)

11.1 When and What the Englishmen Eat 1

Ex 1. Read the text. Fill in the gaps with the words or phrases from the box below. Listen and check your answers. Прочтите текст. Заполните пропуски данными ниже словами или фразами. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.


For dinner  meals  dinner a very light meal  twelve and two It’s tea or supper.  the biggest meal a kind of ritual  a cup of tea  lunch supper  a packed lunch  after supper a glass of milk  is drinking tea cold meat or fish The English take four (1) ............................ a day: breakfast, (2) ............................ , tea, dinner or (3) ............................ . In England breakfast is between seven and nine, lunch time is between (4) ........................... , tea is between four and six and (5) ............................ or supper time is between seven and ten. In some English houses lunch is ............................ to work.


meal – еда, принятие пищи light/heavy meal – лёгкая/обильная еда main meal – самая плотная/основная еда (в течение дня) breakfast – завтракать lunch – есть ланч HAVE tea – пить чай dinner – обедать supper – ужинать have (salad) for lunch /dinner, etc – есть (салат) на ланч/обед packed lunch – ланч, принесённый из дома

............................ of the day. Some people take



Tea is (8) ............................ called afternoon tea. It consists of (9) ............................ and a cake. This has become (10) ............................ . At this time everything stops for tea in England. The whole nation (11) ............................ . Some Englishmen have their dinner late in the evening. (12) ............................ they have meat or fish, vegetables, pudding and fruit. Many English working class families eat dinner in the daytime. They have their last meal between five and seven. (13) ............................ . For supper they usually have (14) ............................ and a cake or a cup of tea and a sandwich, some have also (15) ............................ . Then they usually try to have a good walk (16) ............................ : “After dinner sleep a while, after supper walk a mile.”

Ex 2.

The English families often eat their meals together. What are the meals called in the morning, at noon, in the afternoon, and in the evening? Read the text in ex 1 again and write when the Englishmen usually have their meals and what they are called. Английские семьи любят вместе садиться за стол. Как называется еда утром, в полдень, днем и вечером? Прочтите текст упр. 1 ещё раз и напишите в какое время англичане обычно едят и как называется эта трапеза. Morning




seven — nine o’clock Time ............................................................................................................................ breakfast Meal ............................................................................................................................ USE OF ARTICLES WITH THE NAMES OF MEALS: BREAKFAST, LUNCH, TEA, DINNER, SUPPER, etc ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ АРТИКЛЯ С СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫМИ: BREAKFAST, LUNCH, TEA, DINNER, SUPPER, etc 1. Обычно эти существительные употребляются без артикля.  Mother was cooking lunch.  They were at dinner when I called. 2. Если существительное имеет определение или это понятно из ситуации, используется определённый артикль THE.  The dinner he gave us last night was delicious.  He told us that the lunch was badly served. 3. При наличии перед существительным описательного определения, используется неопределённый артикль (A/AN).  We had a grand dinner at his place. 4. В устойчивых словосочетаниях: have breakfast/lunch/dinner/ supper артикль не употребляется.




Ex 3.

Fill in the gaps with the right article: ZERO/A/AN/THE. Заполните пропуски соответствующим артиклем: ZERO/A/AN/THE.



First listen to the words in the Memory Box and then listen to six interviews. A. After listening to the interviews twice, fill in the first two columns of the chart below. B. Listen to the interviews again and fill in the third column of the chart. Сначала прослушайте слова в Memory Box, а затем прослушайте интервью. А. После двух прослушиваний заполните первые две колонки таблицы. В. Прослушайте интервью ещё раз и заполните третью колонку.


1. Shall we ask him to ............ dinner? 2. What do you do after ............ breakfast? 3. He told us the news at ............ dinner we had at the club. 4. My mother likes to read books after ............ supper. 5. After ............ heavy supper Englishmen usually go for a long walk. 6. It’s time to have ............ dinner. 7. My son doesn’t like ............ lunch he gets at school. 8. He is often hungry before ............ lunch because he doesn’t eat much for ............ breakfast. 9. They had ............ nice supper after the theatre. 10. He couldn’t work because he ate too much at ............ dinner. 11. We had cold meat for ............ supper. 12. I’ll never forget ............ lunch I had with her. 13. I take ............ packed lunch to work. TRADITIONAL ENGLISH DISHES

porridge – овсяная каша cereal – зерновые хлопья для завтрака sunnyside-up eggs – яичницаглазунья baked beans – тушёная фасоль pancakes – оладьи meat pie – мясной пирог Yorkshire pudding – йоркширский пудинг meatballs – фрикадельки steak – бифштекс beef stew –тушёная говядина roast beef – жаренная на огне / запечённая говядина pork/mutton chop – свиная/баранья отбивная fried chicken – жареная курица mixed vegetables – гарнир из варёных овощей mashed potatoes – пюре


NOTE Yorkshire pudding is a dish that originated in Yorkshire, England. It is made from eggs, milk and flour mixed and baked in the oven. It is usually served with roast beef.



PRESENTER: Good evening and welcome to our programme “Look at life”. The magazine Modern English published an article about English food. That’s what the author writes: “The English are not interested in food. Their food is standardised, and, in general, rather dull (скучная). They like their food to be the same (одинаковый) from day to day, from January to January.” Do you agree with this? So, today our topic (тема) is “The English Meals”. There are six people with me in this studio. They are going to speak about their meals.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A. Speaker


B. Things she/he likes to eat




.................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................

Ex 4.

Match the meals in column A with the food which the English eat in column B. The words in column B can be used more than once. Найдите соответствие между названием еды в колонке A и блюдами, которые англичане едят в это время в колонке B. Слова в колонке В могут повторяться.

A Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon tea Supper

B roast beef toast bacon and eggs pork chops cake mixed vegetables salad sandwich cold meat fish coffee Yorkshire pudding cheese porridge tea lamb stew

Breakfast: .......................................................... .......................................................................... Lunch: .............................................................. .......................................................................... Dinner: .............................................................. .......................................................................... Afternoon tea: ..................................................... .......................................................................... Supper: .............................................................. ..........................................................................




Ex 5. Read the text.

A Traditional English Tea In England, you have tea many times a day. English people are tea-drinkers. The English drink 165 million cups a day! You have tea for breakfast, then you have tea at 11 o’clock in the morning, then you have tea after lunch, then you have tea for tea, then after supper and again at 11 o’clock at night.


Сomplete the Memory Box with the words from the text. Answer the questions. Прочтите текст. Дополните Memory Box словами из текста. Ответьте на вопросы.

.................. .................. .................. pie .................. .................. sugar .................. marmalade honey

– чай 4 – кофе – пирожное, торт – пирог – печенье – сладости, конфеты – сахар – варенье – джем – мёд

The traditional time for tea is four or five o'clock. It is known as afternoon tea or “five o’clock”. Traditionally, afternoon tea consists of tea with milk and sugar. In Britain they often have sandwiches with a traditional English tea. The sandwiches can be made of cucumber, fish paste, ham, smoked fish or egg. The English have a sweet tooth (сладкоежки), that’s why they also have scones with jam or clotted cream, cakes, biscuits and sweets with their tea.

1. When do the English usually have afternoon tea? .................................................................................... 2. What does a traditional English tea consist of? .................................................................................... 3. What are the sandwiches made of? ......................................................................................................................................... 4. Do you have tea with milk and sugar? ........................................................................................................................................ 5. Are all the things the Englishmen have with tea healthy? Why? ........................................................................................................................................


NOTE The scone is a small British bread of Scottish origin. It’s easy and quick to make. Scones are usually eaten with clotted (сгущённый) cream or jam.


Ex 6.


Tobias is on a school exchange visit in Great Britain. He is living in an English family. At breakfast the hostess asks him some questions. Write these questions and the answers. Pay attention to the signal words and choose the right tense: the Present Simple or the Present Perfect (see p. 154). Тобиас находится в Великобритании по школьному обмену. Он живёт в английской семье. Во время завтрака хозяйка дома задаёт ему вопросы. Напишите эти вопросы и ответы. Обратите внимание на сигнальные слова и выберите правильное время глагола: the Present Simple or the Present Perfect (см. стр. 154).

Have you ever had grapefruit juice before? (often) ... I often drink /have ... it.

2. (eat bacon and grilled tomatoes) Have ......................................................................... for breakfast? (never ) No, I haven’t. We ......................................................................... for breakfast. 3. (drink English tea) ................................................................................................... ? (usually) No, at home we ......................................................................... Chinese tea. 4. (try scones with clotted cream) ................................................................................................... ? (never) No, I ......................................................................... scones with clotted cream before. But I’d like to try them.

11.2 Eating Out Where can we go out for a meal? Match the descriptions (a–g) to the pictures (1–7). Sign the pictures with the words from the Memory Box. Для слов (1–7) в Memory Box найдите описание (a–g). Поставьте под фотографиями слова из Memory Box.


Ex 7.

1. ............................................


restaurant – ресторан café – кафе canteen – столовая (в учреждении) coffee-shop – кофейня pub – паб fast-food restaurant – ресторан быстрого обслуживания snack-bar – закусочная



2. ............................................

3. ............................................

4. ............................................ 5. ............................................

a. A place where you can buy and eat simple meals, snacks (лёгкая закуска) and soft drinks (no alcoholic drinks). b. A place where you can buy such food as hamburgers served quickly after you ordered it. c. A place where you can have a larger and more special meal and alcoholic drinks. d. A place that sells coffee, tea, cakes, sandwiches and snacks.

6. ............................................

e. In Britain a place where people can buy and drink alcoholic drinks. At lunchtime it serves some food as well. f.

A place in a factory, office or shop where the workers can have meals.

g. A place where you can have a small quick meal. 7. ............................................


Ex 8.

Steve invites Ann out for dinner. Listen and then read the dialogue. On Monday Ann tells her friend Jessica about the dinner at the tavern “Three Knights.” Complete the sentences with the words /phrases from the dialogue. Стив приглашает Анну на обед в ресторан. Прослушайте и затем прочтите диалог. В понедельник Анна рассказывает своей подруге Джессике об обеде в таверне “Three Knights”. Дополните предложения словами/фразами из диалога.



go out for dinner (a meal/lunch, etc) – пойти в ресторан/кафе (есть вне дома) book/reserve a table – заказать столик a table for (two) – столик на (двоих) order – заказывать, заказ deliver– доставлять waiter – официант serve – подавать menu (card) – меню

STEVE: Shall we go out for dinner this evening? ANN: I’d love to. STEVE: Where would you like to go? We can go to a Mexican, Chinese or Italian restaurant. ANN: I want good plain food tonight. STEVE: Then I know the right restaurant for us – an old tavern “Three Knights”. They serve traditional English dishes. ANN: Great! I’ve never been there. STEVE: Then we should book a table right away. They are always packed (быть заполненным) in the evening. ANN: And could we look up their menu in the Internet and place an order as well? By the evening I’ll be very hungry. STEVE: Good idea! I also hate waiting. When we come to the restaurant, the dinner will be ready.

Last night Steve invited me for .......................... at .......................... . That evening I didn’t want to go to .......................... restaurant. I just wanted .......................... food. He said they serve .......................... dishes at “Three Knights”. I gladly agreed. Steve said they are always .......................... in the evening. So, we .......................... a table. We also looked up .......................... in the Internet and placed .......................... as well. By the time we came to the tavern, our dinner had been .......................... .



What does it taste like? taste – пробовать/быть на вкус well-cooked – хорошо приготовленный delicious – очень вкусный taste good – быть вкусным




Read the dialogue and complete the sentences with the words from the box. There are three extra words you don’t need to use. Прочтите диалог и дополните предложения словами из списка.

serve  drink  main course  bottle first course  starters  choice  cup prawn cocktail  sea food  order

In the Fish Restaurant


Ex 9.

choice – выбор starters – холодные закуски main course – второе/горячее блюдо meal of the day – комплексный обед for the first/main course – на первое/на второе prawn cocktail – креветочный коктейль smoked salmon – копчёный лосось caviar – икра sea food – морепродукты

WAITER: Good evening to you, sir and madam. Are you ready to (1) .................... ? COLIN: Indeed we are. For the (2) .................... , I’ll have (3) .................... and my wife will have smoked salmon. LYNN: And for the (4) .................... I’d like the carp in lemon sauce and my husband will have the (5) .................... with rice. WAITER: Certainly, good (6) .................... . Would you like anything to (7) .................... ? LYNN: Yes, please. We’ll have a (8) .................... of white wine.

Ex 10. Who says what? Guest or Waiter? Match the sentences to the people and put them in the logical order. Guest (G) или Waiter (W). Поставьте фразы в логической последовательности и отметьте, кто произносит каждую фразу: гость (G), официант (W).

£ £ £ G £ £ £ £ £ £

£ £ £ 1 £ £ £ £ £ £

I think I’ll order the lamb stew with vegetables and rice. Would you like separate bills or together? What would you like to drink? Hello, we need a table for six people. We’ll have mineral water only. Would you like to have some cheese before dessert? For the main course we’d like pork chops with mashed potatoes. No, thank you. Bring us the bill, please. Would you like the meal of the day or will you be ordering from the menu? Have you decided on anything yet?


Sending out for a pizza It’s Friday evening and Amy and Vicky don’t want to cook anything to eat. They want to order a pizza from the new Pizza Hut which opened nearby.

Amy: Hi, I’d like to order two pizzas. You do deliver, don’t you? Waiter: Yes, we do. Delivery is free. Amy: I’d like a four-cheese pizza and a pine-apple-chicken pizza. Waiter: Right. Delivery within half an hour. Amy: Thank you.



Connie lives in the USA. She is visiting her Aunt Mary in Chester. They are going to have lunch in a small restaurant. A. Listen to their dialogue twice and answer the questions: Прослушайте диалог два раза и ответьте на вопросы: What does Aunt Mary order? ................................................................................................. What does Connie order? ......................................................................................................... What is Yorkshire pudding like? ............................................................................................... B. Listen again and write down any three questions the waiter asked the guests. Прослушайте ещё раз и запишите любые три вопроса, которые официант задал гостям. 1. ...................................................................................................................................... 2. ........................................................................................................................................ 3. ...................................................................................................................................... 171




The Present Perfect

Повторяющееся действие, факт в прошлом

Действие завершено к определённому моменту в настоящем, имеется результат have asked has already/yet, just, ever/never

asked yesterday, last week, in 1990, 5 years ago  I tried Yorkshire pudding in England last year.  Did you try scones when you were in England?  I didn’t eat scones but I saw them.

 I have never been to this restaurant.  Have you tried stewed mutton yet? Is it well-done?  I haven’t tried it yet, but I want to. HAVE HAD HAVE + Participle II    I have already had lunch.

Ex 11.

Use the right form of the verbs in brackets: the Past Simple or the Present Perfect. Pay attention to the signal words. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующее время: the Past Simple or the Present Perfect. Обратите внимание на «сигнальные слова».

1. ....................... you (order) ....................... your meal yet? – I (order) ....................... the main dish forty minutes ago and it (not arrive) ....................... yet. 2. Are you going to lunch? – I (have) just ....................... a cup of coffee and a biscuit. I have a lot of work to do at the moment. 3. Hi, dear, we are home! We’re hungry as wolves. Is dinner ready? – I (come) ....................... home an hour ago, but I (make) ....................... it by your arrival. 4. ....................... you (be) ....................... to this new restaurant yet? – Yes, ....................... . I (be) ....................... there last Saturday. 5. “Where is our pizza?” I wonder. – They (deliver) already ....................... it. I (tell) ....................... you about it half an hour ago. 6. ....................... you ever (try) ....................... scones? – Yes, I ....................... . When I was in York, Mary (serve) ....................... scones for tea every day. They are very much like muffins. 7. ....................... you (serve) ....................... table 8 yet, John? They are complaining (жаловаться). – Yes, I ........................ I (serve) ....................... this table five minutes ago. Their dish (not be) ....................... ready. 8. Ann, I’d like to invite you to dine out with me. I (book) already ....................... a table. You (promise – обещать) ....................... the other day. 172

Ex 12.

Translate into English the parts of the dialogue given in Russian. Переведите на английский язык реплики диалога, написанные на русском языке.


Well, this is a nice cafe, Colin. Что ты собираешься (хочешь) заказать? (1) ..................... .............................................................. ? СOLIN: Well, для начала я возьму салат из помидоров, а на горячее я буду есть пасту. (2) .............................................................................................................. . STAN: That’s pretty healthy. A что ты возьмёшь на десерт? (3) ................................. ............................................................................. ? COLIN: I think I won’t have dessert. I’m trying to watch my weight (следить за весом).

Ex 13. Put one of the following words in each space in the sentences below. Заполните пропуски данными ниже служебными словами. to  in  of  for  than by  on (x2)  up  out 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

I like to eat .............. . Do you like to go .............. fast-food restaurants? I like a simple café more .............. a big restaurant. I’m fond .............. Italian food. I hate to wash .............. dishes. Let’s do it tomorrow! Shall we call a taxi or go .............. metro (tube)? I’m hungry. What’s .............. the menu today? What would you have .............. dessert? Oh, look, the menu is lying over there .............. the table. I’ll have chicken .............. mushroom sauce.


MENU CARD STEAK ............................................8.95 FISH PIE ........................................7.65 LAMB AND APRICOT PIE ............8.95 FISH AND CHIPS ..........................5.30 ROAST CHICKEN ..........................9.95 BEEF STEW ..................................8.95 ENGLISH LAMB STEAK ..............9.95 SMOKED FISH ............................10.50



Ex 14.

Find word partners that go together. Draw a line to connect words in column A with those in column B. Найдите словосочетания: соедините слова в колонке А со словами в колонке В.

A book pay order make go out a light packed deliver place

Ex 15.

B a reservation a table for dinner the bill pizza an order a meal lunch supper

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Вы готовы сделать заказ? ....................................................................................................................................... 2. Я хотел бы заказать столик на четверых. ....................................................................................................................................... 3. У нас в Pizza Hut доставляют пиццу бесплатно. ....................................................................................................................................... 4. Во многих семьях ланч – самая плотная еда в течение дня. ....................................................................................................................................... 5. Традиционный английский чай обычно в пять часов, поэтому (that’s why) англичане называют его “five o’clock”. ....................................................................................................................................... 6. Я беру ланч с собой из дома. ....................................................................................................................................... 7. Мой сын любит яичницу-глазунью и оладьи. ....................................................................................................................................... 8. Наши друзья пригласили нас на обед. ....................................................................................................................................... 9. Они подали свиные отбивные с картофельным пюре и отварные овощи. ....................................................................................................................................... 10. На десерт был яблочный пирог и шоколадный торт. ....................................................................................................................................... 11. Мой муж каждый день ест на завтрак овсяную кашу. ....................................................................................................................................... 12. Официант принёс меню. В меню был богатый (wide) выбор блюд. ....................................................................................................................................... 174



Reader’s Corner

NOTE let/allow – разрешать forbid (forbade) – запрещать perhaps – возможно might drink/have (smth) – возможно выпил бы/съел бы

Listen and then read the story. Прослушайте и прочтите рассказ.

The Luncheon by Somerset Maugham (adapted) It was twenty years ago. I was living in Paris then. I was young and hardly made two ends meet.1 She had read a book of mine and had written to me about it. I answered, thanking her. Some time later I received from her another letter. She would be in Paris and would like to meet me. She asked me if I would give her a little luncheon at Foyot’s (a restaurant at which the French senators eat). I couldn’t afford (позволить себе) it, but I was too young to say no to a woman. I answered that I would meet her at Foyot’s on Thursday at half past twelve. She was not so young as I expected and rather talkative. I was startled when the menu was brought, for the prices were much higher than I had expected. “I never eat anything for luncheon,” she said. “I never eat more than one thing. A little fish, perhaps. I wonder if they have any salmon.” It was not on the menu, but I asked the waiter if there was any. Yes, they had a beautiful salmon. I ordered it for my guest. The waiter asked her if she would have something while it was being cooked. “No,” she answered, “I never eat more than one thing. But I might have a little caviare. I never mind (возражать) caviare.” My heart sank a little2, but I told the waiter to bring caviare. For myself I chose the cheapest dish on the menu – a mutton chop. Then came the question of drink. “I never drink anything for luncheon,” she said. “Neither do I,” I answered quickly. “Except white wine,” she went on, “These French white wines are so light.” “What would you like?” I asked her. “My doctor won’t let me drink anything but champagne.” I think I turned a little pale3. I ordered half a bottle. I said that my doctor had absolutely forbidden me to drink champagne. 175



“What are you going to drink, then?” “Water.” She ate the caviare and she ate the salmon. “I can’t eat anything more, but as I’m in Paris I might have some of those giant asparagus,” she said. I knew they were very expensive. “Madame wants to know if you have any of those giant asparagus,” I asked the waiter. I hoped he would say no. But he assured (заверил) me that they had some so large, so splendid. I ordered them. Panic seized me4. I was afraid that I didn’t have enough money to pay the bill. The asparagus appeared. I watched the woman eat them. At last she finished. “Coffee?” I said. “Yes, just an ice-cream and coffee,” she answered. I ordered coffee for myself and an ice-cream and coffee for her. Then a terrible thing happened. While we were waiting for the coffee, the waiter brought a large basket full of huge peaches. They cost a fortune (состояние). My guest took one. The bill came. I paid it. I had only a little left for a very small tip. “Follow my example,” she said as we shook hands, “and never eat more than one thing for luncheon.” “I’ll do better than that,” I answered. “I’ll eat nothing for dinner tonight.” “Humorist!” she cried. But I have had my revenge at last. Today she weighs twenty-one stone (133 kilograms).

Ex 16.

Fill in the gaps with the words from the list below where necessary. Заполните пропуски служебными словами из данного ниже списка. for (x2)  on (x2)  than  of

1. I never eat anything ......... luncheon. 2. I never eat more ......... one thing. 3. Salmon wasn’t ......... the menu. 4. I ordered it ......... my friend. 5. For myself I ordered the cheapest thing ......... the menu – a mutton chop. 6. I watched ......... the woman eat asparagus. 7. We talked ......... art and literature. 8. Follow ......... my example and never eat more than one thing for luncheon.

1 2 3 4

Едва сводил концы с концами. Моё сердце упало. Я побледнел. Меня охватила паника. 176

Ex 17.

Read the story again and write a simple dialogue between the author (A), his guest (G), and the waiter (W), using the prompts below. Прочтите текст ещё раз и используя данные ниже слова, напишите простой диалог между автором, его гостьей и официантом.

I never eat anything for luncheon. I never eat more than one thing. A little fish perhaps. fish / salmon? The lady would like some fish. Have you got any salmon?

G: eat / for luncheon / never eat / more than / a little fish

A: W: Yes / something / while cook ....................................................................................................................................... G: No / a little caviar ....................................................................................................................................... A: bring / some caviar / a mutton chop ....................................................................................................................................... W: drink? ....................................................................................................................................... G: white French wine /champagne ....................................................................................................................................... A: half a bottle / water / not allow ....................................................................................................................................... W: anything else? ....................................................................................................................................... G: giant asparagus ....................................................................................................................................... A: have / giant asparagus? ....................................................................................................................................... W: Yes, large and splendid ....................................................................................................................................... A: coffee? ....................................................................................................................................... G: coffee and ice-cream ....................................................................................................................................... A: two coffees and ice-cream ....................................................................................................................................... G: Thank you for the luncheon. Follow my example and never eat more than one thing

for luncheon.


FIT and HEALTHY A sound mind in a sound body. В здоровом теле здоровый дух. (proverb)

Keeping fit doesn’t only mean (значить) looking good. If you want to keep fit and healthy, you have to get some exercise. You don’t have to run for hours, or spend several hours at a gym, or play football or tennis, or ride a bike. You can just do simple things.



12.1 How to Keep Fit KEEPING FIT 1

be in good shape / keep fit – быть в хорошей форме be healthy – быть здоровым do


You will hear six people telling what they do to keep fit. A. Listen and read the phrases in the Memory Box first. Then listen to the interviews twice and match each person with one of the pictures. B. Listen again and write what the person does to keep fit. А. Прослушайте и прочтите фразы в Memory Box , затем дважды прослушайте интервью и поставьте номер говорящего у соответствующей картинки. В. Прослушайте ещё раз и напишите, что делает этот человек для поддержания формы. 178



sports – заниматься спортом morning exercises – делать утреннюю зарядку aerobics – заниматься аэробикой jogging – бегать трусцой skiing – кататься на лыжах swimming – плавать horse-riding – кататься на лошади dancing – заниматься танцами football – играть в футбол tennis – играть в теннис golf – играть гольф badminton – играть в бадминтон










Ex 1.





Fill in the spaces with the words from the box. Listen and check your answers. Заполните пропуски словами из данного ниже списка. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.

did some sport  jog  to keep fit  to run  about six miles  jogging

Getting Back in Shape I’m glad I decided to come (1) .................... with you, Vicky. It’s high time I (2) .................... again. VICKY: Yup, there is no better way (3) .................... than jogging. AMY: So, how far are we going (4) .................... , then? Do you go by distance or by time? VICKY: Both. I (5) .................... through the forest to the lake, round the lake and back again. It’s (6) .................... that takes me one hour. AMY:






Придаточное предложение

Если сказуемое главного предложения – в настоящем времени, то сказуемое придаточного предложения может быть выражено любым временем глагола.  She says that the Fielding Sports Center is in Saddle Brook.  She explains to me that they will give us two extra hours free.  Patty says that she was a member of this Sport club and she liked it.

Ex 2.


Colin read an advertisement of the Fielding Sport Centre. He makes a call to the Sports Centre for more information. Lynn is busy making dinner and Colin reports the information to Lynn. Use the reporting verbs given in brackets. NOTE Колин прочел рекламное объявление спортивного Some Useful Verbs центра. Он звонит в спортивный центр, чтобы say smth (to smb) – говорить получить дополнительную информацию. Лин tell smb smth add – добавить занята приготовлением обеда, и Колин передает admit – признавать ей, что ему отвечают. При переводе в косвенную explain (to) – объяснять речь используйте данные в скобках глаголы. remark – заметить mention – упоминать

1. “Saturday mornings we are not open.” (say)

She says that Saturday mornings they are not open.


2. “The fitness room and sauna are open from Tuesday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.” (add) .......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... 3. “We have such sports as tennis, badminton and squash.” (explain) .......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... 4. “Your wife can do aerobics on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 to 11 a.m.” (say) .......................................................... .......................................................... ..........................................................

 Step Classes  Table tennis  Swimming  Indoor Golf And much more!!!

SIGN IN and START A NEW ACTIVE LIFE! Fielding Sports Center 27 Park Road Saddle Brook Opening hours: Tues – Fri 8 a.m. – 10 p.m. Sat 1 p.m. – 7 p.m. For more information, please call 0192 323 3039


5. “There is a snack bar at our Fitness Centre.” (mention) ...................................................................................................................................... 6. “Our snack bar serves some hot meals after 5 p.m.” (add) ......................................................................................................................................

Ex 3.

Report what the people who gave the interview told about their sport activity. Расскажите, что сказали люди, которые давали интервью, о своих занятиях спортом. REPORTED SPEECH. THE SEQUENCE OF TENSES КОСВЕННАЯ РЕЧЬ. СОГЛАСОВАНИЕ ВРЕМЕН

1. Laura Martin: “I don’t have much time for a fitness club. I go to work by bike.”

Laura said she didn’t have much time for a fitness club. She went to work by bike.

В английском языке, чтобы перевести прямую речь в косвенную, нужно соблюдать правило согласования времён.

2. Stan: “I go jogging in winter, too. There is no snow here.” ............................................................................ ............................................................................ 3. Mary: “I will not go dancing tomorrow evening. I’m ill.” ............................................................................ ............................................................................ 4. Alan: “I attend a fitness centre twice a week and go to the sauna.” ............................................................................ ............................................................................ 5. Barbara: “ I walk to work and I never take the lift.” ............................................................................ ............................................................................ 6. Sandra Robinson: “I’m too busy to go to the swimming-pool on weekdays.” ............................................................................ ............................................................................

Это значит, что если в главном предложении («он сказал/объяснил») используется прошедшее время, то в придаточном предложении («что…») также должно быть использовано одно из прошедших времён. При этом изменяются (согласно логике) некоторые местоимения, определения и обстоятельства, которые были использованы в прямой речи: here this these now today yesterday tomorrow

      

there that those then that day the day before the next day

Согласно простому практическому правилу в этом случае все времена, которые использовались в прямой речи, сдвигаются на одну ступеньку вниз: Прямая речь

Косвенная речь

Present Simple (do/does)

Past Simple (did)

Present Continuous (am/is/are doing)

Past Continuous (was/were doing)

will, can  Lynn:

would, could “I

go to work by bike today”.

 Lynn said (that) she went to work by bike that day.




Ex 4.

Read the dialogue. Report the underlined sentences. Прочтите диалог. Передайте в косвенной речи подчеркнутые предложения.

At the Fitness Club LYNN:




Thanks for taking me into the fitness club as a guest, Patty. This way I can see what it is like. (2) I’m sure you’ll love it, Lynn. Everyone is so friendly here. So, what do we do first? (3) I have no idea what to do. (4) Normally I start on the exercise bike. After that I use the machines and then go to the sauna. That sounds great. Let’s go.

1. Lynn thanked Patty for taking her into .............................................................. the fitness club as a guest. She said .............................................................. that way she could see what it was like. .............................................................. 2. Patty said .............................................................. .............................................................. 3. Lynn admitted .............................................................. .............................................................. 4. Patty explained to Lynn .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. ..............................................................

12.2 Common Problems back





ribs chest



lever arm

leg knee





How are you today?

I am very well/fine, thanks. I don’t feel well. I’m afraid I caught a cold.

well – хорошо себя чувствовать (don’t) feel well – плохо себя чувствовать ill – чувствовать себя больным fall ill/come down (with) – заболеть catch (a) cold – простудиться common cold – обычная простуда flu (influenza) – грипп

I feel ill. Could you call the doctor, please?


Ex 5.

Listen and then read the story. Complete the Memory Box with the words from the text. Прослушайте и затем прочтите рассказ. Дополните Memory Box словами из текста.

A man fell ill with flu. His wife, Helen, called the doctor. She was very much worried. Her husband was running a temperature. He coughed and sneezed all the time. He had a bad headache, a stomachache, a sore throat, and a running nose. The doctor examined the patient and gave him some medicine. The colour of the medicine was black. The man’s wife was very nervous and she made a bad mistake. She gave her husband black ink (чернила) instead of the medicine. When she found out her mistake, she panicked. Her husband had a good sense of humour, he said: “Bring me some blotting paper (промокательная бумага). I’ll eat it up and soon will be well again.”



A Bad Mistake

COMPLAINTS/SYMPTOMS – жалобы/симптомы ..................... – иметь температуру ..................... – кашлять sneeze – чихать ..................... – головная боль have a headache – болит голова stomachache – боль в животе ..................... – боль в горле ..................... – насморк doctor – врач nurse – медсестра call the doctor – вызвать врача





Общее правило: если сказуемое – сложная глагольная форма (is running, has fallen), мы ставим вспомогательный глагол перед подлежащим. Если нет вспомогательного глагола (jog, took), мы ставим do/does/did. The Present Simple

The Present Continuous

The Past Simple

DO/DOES + Подлежащее + Глагол (в базовой форме)

IS/ARE + Подлежащее + Глагол -ing

DID + Подлежащее + Глагол (в базовой форме)

Is he sneezing all the time? Do you have a headache? Does your wife give you the medicine? Are you staying in bed?

A neighbour calls Helen to ask her how her husband was doing. Listen to the words in the Memory Box first. Use the prompts below to make the neighbour’s questions. Соседка звонит Helen узнать, как себя чувствует её муж. Прослушайте слова в Memory Box. Затем, используя данные ниже слова, составьте вопросы соседки.

1. how / he / feel? ... How does he feel? ... 2. you /call the doctor? ................................................................. 3. your husband / run a temperature ? ................................................................. 4. the doctor / take the temperature? ................................................................. 5. he / have stomachache? ................................................................. 6. the doctor / examine him? ................................................................. 7. the doctor / sound his lungs? .................................................................


Ex 6.

Did you call the doctor? Did you go to work yesterday?

AT THE DOCTOR’S SURGERY – В кабинете врача

examine (a patient) – обследовать больного take the temperature – измерить температуру sound one’s heart/lungs – прослушать сердце/легкие write out a prescription – выписать рецепт send/take to hospital – отправить/ отвезти в больницу take (a) medicine (for) – принимать лекарство

8. the doctor / sound his heart? ................................................................. 9. the doctor / write out a prescription? ................................................................. 10. your husband /often / fall ill? ................................................................. 184



Ex 7.

Listen and then read the dialogue. In the sentences below put the verb in brackets in the right tense. Прослушайте и прочтите диалог. В предложениях ниже поставьте глагол в скобках в соответствующем времени.



drops ointment Take every 4 hours. Take three times a day. Put/apply on your arm.


At the Chemist’s CHEMIST: How can I help you, madam? LYNN: I’d like to collect this prescription, please. CHEMIST: Let’s see. We’ve got aspirin, a painkiller and nasal drops. We’ve got everything except the nasal drops. Shall I order them for this afternoon? LYNN: Would it be OK if I come at six in the evening? CHEMIST: Yes, please. We’re closing at 6.30. And here is your receipt.



Lynn (come) ...................... to the chemist’s. She (want) ...................... to collect the prescription. The chemist said they (have) ...................... aspirin and the painkiller but they (not have) ...................... the nasal drops. He said he (can order) ...................... the nasal drops. Lynn replied she (come) ...................... at six o’clock.

NOTE receipt – квитанция prescription – рецепт collect a prescription – получить лекарства по рецепту



Ex 8.

Read the text about flu, fill in the spaces with the words from the box. Прочтите текст о гриппе. Заполните пробелы словами из данного списка.

coughing  painkillers  a high temperature is sore  aches  sneezing  flu shot  cough flu  medicines  drops

Influenza Influenza, or flu, attacks about one billion people annually (ежегодно).

The symptoms are like those of a bad cold but more serious. If you come down with flu, you feel weak, you have (3) ....................... , you (4) ....................... frequently (часто), your throat (5) ....................... , and your body (6) ....................... . For most people, the treatment is to stay at home, get lots of bed rest, drink lots of fluids (жидкость), and take (7) ....................... such as aspirin, (8) ....................... , and nasal (9) ....................... . Symptoms usually go away within two weeks.


Flu is an illness caused by a virus. It spreads (распространяется) through the air by (1) ....................... , (2) ....................... , or simply talking. It is not caused by cold only. TREAT/TREATMENT – лечить, лечение сause – вызывать stay in bed/get bed rest – соблюдать постельный режим take (a) medicine (for) – принимать лекарство prevent/prevention – предотвращать, предохранение give an injection/shot – делать укол annual flu shot – ежегодная прививка против гриппа


Ex 9.

Translate the phrases in brackets. Переведите фразы в скобках.



....................... season in the US is usually from December to March. The best prevention, of course, is to get an annual (11) ....................... as winter begins.

PAIN or ACHE? ache – длительная бо ль pain – резкая внезапн ая боль We use ACHE for: he ad, tooth, stomach, ear , back. (headache, too thache, stomachache , earache, backache)  I have a bad headac he. PAIN for other parts of the body:  I have pain in my ch est.

1. The child was crying the whole night, (у него болело ухо) ................................. . 2. (У Тома была боль в груди – chest) ................................. , everybody thought (он простудился) ................................. , but it was a heart attack. 3. The small child said (у него болит зуб) ................................. , but the doctor explained (у него болит горло) ................................. . 186

4. (Роза плохо себя чувствовала, у нее болел правый бок – side) ................................. , it was her lever (печень). 5. When a person comes down with flu, (у него болит голова) ................................. . 6. Do you often have (боль в спине) .................................?


12.3 Injuries

burn one’s hand

cut one’s finger

INJURIES – телесные повреждения be injured/hurt – получить телесные повреждения break (broke) – сломать bone – кость burn – ожог, обжигать suffer a burn – получить ожог cut – порезать, порез wound – получить ранение; рана bandage up (a leg/wound) – забинтовывать/наложить повязку

hurt one’s back

break one’s leg


bruise one’s ribs

wound one’s head


NOTE hurt = injure – повредить, поранить  She hurt (injured) her knee when she fell off the bike.  He was badly injured in the accident. hurt – сильно болеть  His leg really hurts.



Ex 10.

Translate the words/phrases in brackets from Russian into English. Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык.

A 79-year-old man (получил телесные повреждения) ................................................ on Saturday at Burger Prince restaurant. Herman Sherman (получил ожог) (2) ................................................ when a young waitress fell down and spilt (пролить) a cup of coffee into his lap. The waitress (повредила колено) (3) ................... ............................. and (порезала руку) (4) ................... ............................. on the broken cup. (1)

NOTE treat (for) – лечить (пр оцесс) cure – вылечить, лече ние (результат) heal up – заживать (about a wound, burn)  Many doctors treate d his daughter, but nobody could cure her illness.





Though the old man refused (медицинская помощь) (5) ................................................ , the manager (вызвал скорую помощь) (6) .................... ............................ . Before Herman Sherman was taken to (больница) (7) ...................... .......................... , the restaurant manager gave him two free certificates – one for an extra-large coffee and one for the restaurant’s newest sandwich, the McRap. The doctor also (забинтовал) (8) ................................................ the waitress’s leg and hand. She was rather angry. She was badly (9) ................................................ and she wouldn’t be able to work for some days. She said she would probably sue (подать в суд на) Herman Sherman. She said it was the man’s fault (вина) for ordering something that she might be able (могла бы) to spill. MEDICAL AID – медицинская помощь call an ambulance – вызвать скорую помощь X-ray – рентгеновский снимок take an X-ray– сделать рентген put one’s leg in plaster – наложить гипс на ногу bruise – (n) ссадина, синяк; (v) поставить синяк advise/advise against – советовать/ не советовать

One day Lynn fell off her bike on the way to work. Her colleague drove her to the doctor. Listen to what the doctor said and mark the sentences true (T), or false (F). Correct the false sentences. Прослушайте, что сказал доктор и отметьте предложения: правильно (T), неправильно (F). Исправьте неверные предложения. TRUE FALSE 1. The doctor looked at Lynn’s leg and said it wasn’t broken. .......................................................................................................... 2. Lynn had a lot of bruises on her ribs. .......................................................................................................... 188

£ £

£ £

3. Lynn badly hurt her knee. .......................................................................................................... 4. The doctor allowed Lynn to go to work. .......................................................................................................... 5. Lynn should have a complete rest until everything is healed up. .......................................................................................................... 6. The doctor put a bandage on Lynn’s ribs. ..........................................................................................................

Ex 11.

£ £ £ £

£ £ £ £

Complete the sentences. Choose the right word from the list. Дополните предложения. Выберите соответствующее слово из списка ниже. treat  cure  heal up

1. Which doctor ....................... your daughter? 2. It was a bad wound, it ....................... very slowly. 3. The doctors cannot guarantee a ....................... for cancer. 4. He coughed, they ....................... him for common cold, but it was allergy. 5. The ointment was very good and the bruises ....................... very quickly. 6. How do they ....................... influenza? 7. The Princess fell ill. All the King’s doctors ....................... his daughter, but nobody could ....................... her.

Ex 12. Must or mustn’t do? When Patty calls Lynn, she tells her what the doctor told her. Make sentences according to the model. Когда Пэти звонит Линн, она рассказывает ей, что сказал врач. Составьте предложения по модели. 1. Don’t go to work.

MODAL VERB “MUST” Используется когда мы хотим: 1. приказать/указать что-либо или дать настотельный совет: «должен»  You must see the doctor immediately. 2. сказать, что мы осознаём свой долг:  Patty: I must visit Lynn, she might need my help.

2. Stay in bed. 3. Take the medicine. 4. Put the ointment on your bruises twice a day. 1 . 5. Don’t move your arm

Отрицательная форма – передаёт запрещение: «нельзя»  You mustn’t go to work by bike for a month.

6. Don’t remove2 the bandage. 7. Have a complete res t.

1. You mustn’t go to work. .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. 1 2

двигать снимать 189



12.4 In an Emergency Ward 9


Colin doesn’t feel well. Actually, he has intense pain. Listen to Colin and Lynn’s conversation twice and say: Прослушайте разговор Колина и Лин два раза и скажите: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


what happened ............................................................. what pains he has got ..................................................... what Lynn suggests doing .............................................. what Colin wants to do ................................................... what Lynn decides to do in the end ......................................................

Ex 13.

Listen and then read the dialogue. Lynn wants to write an e-mail to Colin’s parents. She doesn’t know how to break the news to them, Edna has a weak heart. In her e-mails not everything is true to the fact. Tick () the false sentences. Write the correct e-mail. Прослушайте и прочтите диалог. Лин хочет написать e-mail родителям Колина. Она не знает, как сообщить им о болезни Колина, у Эдны слабое сердце. Не всё в её письмах соответствует действительности. Отметьте неверные предложения. Составьте верное сообщение.

In the Hospital


DOCTOR: Dr Miller, emergency ward. Where do you have pains? COLIN: There, in my stomach. DOCTOR: You have appendicitis. We have to operate right away. emergency ward – (зд.) приёмное COLIN: How long will I have to stay here? отделение скорой помощи feel pain (in) – ощущать боль (в) DOCTOR: If everything runs well, you’ll need a slight/dull/intense/sharp pain – week’s rest in the ward. лёгкая/тупая/сильная/острая боль COLIN: It’s a minor operation, isn’t it, major/minor operation – тяжёлая/ Doctor? небольшая операция operate on smb for – оперировать кого-либо по поводу They had to operate on Colin for his appendicitis.


Message (HTML)

File Edit View Insert Format Tools Actions Help

From Subject

File Edit View Insert Format Tools Actions Help

From Subject

[email protected] about health

Message (HTML)

File Edit View Insert Format Tools Actions Help

From Subject

about health


[email protected]

Без артикля – когда существительное обозначает не конкретный предмет, а его предназначение.  to go to hospital (лечь в больницу);  to be in hospital (лечиться в больнице)

about health

............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. .............................................................

Ex 14.

[email protected]

Yesterday evening I took Colin to the doctor’s. £ The doctor examined him and found out it was gastritis. £ He said they had to operate right away. £ The doctor said Colin must get lots of bed rest at home. £

Yesterday evening Colin was taken to hospital. £ The doctor examined him and prescribed something for his stomach. £ He said they had to examine Colin at the hospital. £ Colin will have to stay in hospital for some days. £

Message (HTML)

Обычные правила употребления артикля, когда существительное обозначает предмет.  When our friend was ill we went to the hospital to visit him (ходили в определённую больницу как посетители).

Read the article and do the crossword puzzle. Прочтите статью и решите кроссворд.

What Happens at the Dentist’s Office? Your teeth are an important part of your smile, and they also help you look great in pictures. It's important to visit your dentist every six months for a checkup to keep your teeth strong and healthy. The most common cause of toothache is cavities which are formed by bacteria in the mouth. When you visit your dentist for a checkup, he will look at your teeth to check for any problems. He will examine your teeth carefully and may take X-rays of your teeth looking for cavities. If you have 191




cavities, the dentist will give you a filling. A filling is a way to restore a bad tooth. If you don’t get the filling, you may lose the tooth. One day it can be removed. It will spoil (испортить) your smile!


mouth – рот tooth (teeth) – зуб cavity (in teeth) – дупло fill a tooth – пломбировать зуб filling – пломба remove/pull out a tooth – удалить зуб dentist – зубной врач checkup – проверка make an appointment (for) – записаться на прием

1. The doctor who takes care of your teeth. 2. You go to the dentist for a ........................ to see if you have any problems with your teeth. 3. A small amount (количество) of metal or plastic that a dentist puts in a hole in a tooth. 4. The space (пространство) where your teeth are. 5. A small hole (дырка) in a tooth. 6. When you are happy or pleased, you usually ........................ . 7. The hard (твёрдый) white objects in your mouth. 1 2


i t !

3 4 5 6 7

Ex 15. Who says what? The dentist or Colin? Match the sentences to the people: The dentist (D), Colin (C). Put the sentences in the logical order. Listen and check your answers. Поставьте фразы в логической последовательности и отметьте, кто произносит каждую фразу: зубной врач (D), Колин (C). Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.

At the Dentist

£ £ £ D £ £

£ £ £ £1 £

OK, I’ll try and do it more often. Good. Now on your way out, you can make an appointment for the next checkup. And, do I need any fillings? Ok, Mr Morris, the examination is over. No, not this time, but you really need to brush your teeth at least twice a day. 192

Ex 16.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Переведите на английский язык.

1. У вас есть аспирин? У меня болит голова. 2. У меня болит зуб. – Ты должен пойти к врачу. 3. У моего сына весной аллергия (get hey-fever), он всё время чихает. 4. Мой муж простудился, у него температура и насморк. 5. Мы вызвали врача, и он выписал антибиотики (antibiotics). 6. Мой сын много занимается спортом. Он никогда не простужается. 7. В ноябре дети должны получать ежегодную прививку против гриппа. 8. Он заболел в понедельник. Во вторник у него была высокая температура. Думали, что у него просто простуда, но оказалось (it turned out to be) воспаление лёгких. 9. Врач прослушал его лёгкие, сделал рентген и отправил его в больницу. Сейчас ему делают уколы каждые четыре часа. 10. Шкаф моей бабушки полон лекарств: таблетки, микстуры, капли, мази. Она любит лечить нас от простуды. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................


Reader’s Corner

Listen to the story and then read it. Прослушайте рассказ и прочтите его.

What a Day! The day started very well for Ethel Stoketon yesterday, but it got worse. It was a day many people could find difficult to believe. Sometimes strange things happen. Ethel Stoketon got up early as usual. She felt a bit ill and had a slight temperature but she had a lot of Christmas shopping to do, so she went to the shopping center. At 9.30 a.m. she was walking past Woolworth’s, and stepped on a banana peel. She fell and broke her right arm and two fingers on her right hand. That’s not all. John Severius and his daughter Carmen were walking next to her, and Ethel fell into them and knocked them down (сбить с ног), too. John Severius was smoking a cigarette. When they fell, he burnt his daughter’s nose. He also hurt his knee and couldn’t stand up. His daughter, except for the nose, was still all right, so she called an ambulance. It got there in minutes. The driver of the ambulance had a bad cold. As he was driving them to the hospital just at the corner of Highgate Hill and Magdala Avenue, he sneezed. He crashed into a bakery delivery van. The driver of the van got a broken arm and a lot of whipped cream (взбитые сливки) on his back. The ambulance driver could still drive, so the 193



bakery van driver got in next to Carmen Severius who in the crash lost a tooth and they went on to the hospital. They got to the hospital with no more accidents (несчастный случай). But when they were making an X-ray of Ethel’s arm, part of the X-ray machine fell off and hurt her shoulder. They put her in the best room of the hospital. When we talked to Ethel this morning, she said, “Funny thing is – I don’t ever eat bananas!” (from “Take off 2”)

Ex 17. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Answer the questions: Ответьте на вопросы:

Why did Ethel Stoketon fall down? Why did John Severius and his daughter Carmen fall down? Why did the car accident happen? How did Ethel hurt her shoulder?

Ex 18. What injuries did Ethel, John Severius, his daughter Carmen and the van driver get? Write four lists. Какие повреждения получили Ethel, John Severius, его дочь Carmen и водитель грузового фургона? Напишите четыре списка. John Severius

Ethel Stoketon

1. broke her right arm

The van driver .............. ........................... .............. ........................ ........................... ................. ........................ ................. ........................ .................


Ex 19.

......................................... ......................................... ......................................... verius Carmen Se ..... .................. .................. ..... .................. .................. ..... .................. ..................

Listen to the story and then read it. Answer the questions below. Прослушайте рассказ и прочтите его. Ответьте на вопросы.

The Doctor’s Help There was a bookseller in a small town who didn’t like to spend his money. One day a big box of books fell down and hurt his foot. “Go to the doctor,” his wife said, “and show him your foot.” “No,” he said, I’ll wait until the doctor comes into the shop next time. Then I’ll ask him what to do about my foot. If I go to see him, I’ll have to pay him.” 194

The next day the doctor came into the shop and bought some books. As the bookseller was wrapping up (заворачивать) the books, he told him about his bad foot. The doctor looked at it. “Yes,” said the doctor. You must put that foot in hot water every night. Then you must put some ointment on it.” He took a piece of paper and wrote out a prescription on it. “Buy this and put it on your foot before you go to bed every night,” he said. “Thank you,” said the bookseller. “And now, sir, here are your books.” “How much do the books cost?” asked the doctor. “Two pounds.” “Good,” said the doctor. “I won’t need to pay anything.” “Why not?” asked the bookseller in surprise. “You asked me to look at your foot. I did so and wrote out a prescription. If people come to my house, I ask them to pay one pound for a small thing like that. But when I go to their house, I want two pounds. And I came here, didn’t I?”

1. What treatment did the doctor suggest for the bookseller’s injured foot? ..................................................................................................................................... 2. Why didn’t the doctor have to pay for the books? ..................................................................................................................................... 3. How much would it cost if the bookseller went to see the doctor? .....................................................................................................................................

Ex 20. Guided summary. Complete the story. Краткий пересказ по заданной схеме. Завершите предложения. There was a bookseller in .......................................... who .......................................... One day a big box .......................................... and .......................................... The bookseller decided to wait till .......................................... The doctor came to the shop .......................................... The bookseller showed him .......................................... The doctor looked at .......................................... and .......................................... The doctor bought some books but he didn’t .......................................... because when he went to .......................................... And the books cost two pounds.

REVISION 3 (UNITS 9–12) Ex 1. Which words belong together? Put these words into four lists. Из данных ниже слов составьте четыре списка. peel  baker’s  mixture  porridge  pills  grocer’s  sunnyside-up eggs grate  ointment  butcher’s  boil  pancakes  drops  supermarket roast  dairy  slice  mutton chop  pudding shops




grocer’s, slice, ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................

Ex 2. Find word partnerships. Match the beginning of the phrase in column A with its ending in column B. Draw a line to connect them. Образуйте фразы. Соедините линией начало фразы в колонке А с её концом в колонке В. А Be in Bandage up Do Pay Annual Get Reserve Be running Do Order Common


В by credit card a table bed rest good shape a wound flu shot the vacuum-cleaning the main course a high temperature cold the weekly shopping

Ex 3.

Fill in the spaces with the prepositions from the list. Заполните пробелы соответствующими предлогами из списка. against  out  on (х3)  down  over  for (х4) in (х3)  with  up  with  of

1. .............. Saturdays we always go .............. .............. dinner. 2. We book a table .............. two. 3. Nelly is .............. good shape because she is constantly .............. a diet. 4. She is afraid to put .............. weight. 5. We mostly eat vegetables. I’m constantly mixing .............. salads dreaming .............. a good piece of meat. We have salads .............. lunch, dinner and supper. 6. I read some articles where doctors advise .............. such a diet. It didn’t help. 7. On Tuesday I came .............. .............. flu. 8. I felt ill, but I was happy. I stayed .............. bed reading books. 9. I took pills .............. my headache, though I didn’t have any. 10. The room was .............. a mess, the things were all .............. the place, but nobody was angry .............. me.

Ex 4.

Read the sentences below and find two dialogues. Decide which sentences go with headlines A and B. The first sentences are done for you. Прочтите данные ниже предложения и найдите в них два диалога, соответствующие заголовкам А и В. Первые предложения диалогов отмечены.

A. Before Breakfast

£ B £ £ £ £ £ £ A £ £ £

£ 1 £ £ £ £ £ £ 1 £ £ £

£ £ £ £ £ £

B. A Football Player Injured

Are you playing today? I prefer to have breakfast at a quarter to eight. I don’t like coffee. I prefer tea. My mother always serves tea for breakfast. I don’t like toast! My family serves sweet rolls for breakfast. What a pity! It is such an important match. I’ll take you to the doctor in my car. When would you like to have breakfast? No, I’m not. I hurt my knee the other day. I can hardly (едва) walk. How are we going to travel together, I wonder? Do you like coffee with milk or black coffee? You mustn’t walk at all. Lie down and put a compress on your knee. Do you have jam and butter with your toast? At eight o’clock. Thank you. The doctor said I should have the x-ray taken first.




Ex 5.

Add the right article A/AN, THE, ZERO or pronouns SOME/ANY where necessary. Дополните предложения артиклями A/AN, THE, ZERO или местоимениями SOME/ ANY где это необходимо.

1. “We won’t eat ............... meat for ............... lunch today, we’ll have ............... fish.” Robin said. 2. ............... fish was very fresh, it tasted delicious. We also had ............... asparagus. ............... dinner was excellent. 3. “Buy ............... cheese, ............... ham, and ............... bread for supper, please. We don’t have ............... cheese, ham and bread,” Lynn told Colin. 4. When I came over, Patty made ............... coffee. ............... coffee was very strong. Unfortunately Patty didn’t have ............... cream. 5. This café is very expensive. ............... coffee and ............... sandwich cost eight Euro. 6. When I have ............... headache, I take ............... aspirin and go to ............... bed. 7. Have you had ............... breakfast yet? 8. Rosa tasted ............... wine. It was good, but she didn’t drink ............... wine. She could have only a little beer at ............... lunch. 9. Oh, ............... water is warm. I don’t like ............... warm water. Don’t you have ............... cold water in the fridge? 10. The ambulance took ............... injured people to ............... hospital. We must go to ............... hospital to see them.

Ex 6.

Read the text. Complete the sentences with the words from the list below. Прочтите текст. Заполните пробелы словами из данного списка.

bag  came down  boxes  bottles  greengrocer’s  canned food  shopping chemist’s  tins  fruit  shopping list  pills  housework  fresh produce washing  dairy products  grocer’s  drops  carton

Shopping It was Friday – the shopping day. Once a week, the Wilsons went (1) ........................... . But this week Nelly Wilson (2) ........................... with a bad cold and her husband Brat had to do the shopping alone. Nelly helped him make a (3) ........................... . The shopping list was very long. First he went to the 99 Cent store, the (4) ........................... , to get two (5) ........................... of pasta, three (6) ........................... of fish and a (7) ........................... of flour. They needed a lot of (8) ........................... : lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, and carrots. Nelly also wanted him to buy a lot of (9) ........................... : peaches, grapes, and apples. So, Brat Wilson went to the (10) ........................... . He easily found everything. The fruits and vegetables filled up four plastic bags. He drove to Albertson's, which sold (11) ........................... and bought a pound of cheese, three (12) ........................... of milk, two packages of butter, and a (13) ........................... of eggs. Then Brat had to go to the supermarket to buy some (14) ........................... as Nelly won’t be able to cook these days. He parked his car in front of the (15) ........................... to buy some (16) ........................... for Nelly’s headache and some (17) ........................... for her running nose. She simply must get 198

well as soon as possible. Brat wasn’t at all sure (быть уверенным) he could manage the (18) ........................... alone for a long time. He didn’t want to think about the vacuum-cleaning and (19) ........................... which he was to do on Saturday.

Ex 7.

The Morris family is having a barbecue party. Read the dialogue. Fill in the gaps with the words from the list. Семья Моррис устраивает приём с грилем. Прочтите диалог. Заполните пропуски словами из списка. many/much  few/little  a lot of  a few/a little

A Barbecue Party – – – – – – –

– – – – –


Hello, Mr Bridges! Good Morning, Mrs Morris. How can I help you? Colin’s got a new job, and we are having a barbecue party in our garden. I’m completely at a loss (быть в полной растерянности). How (1) ................... people are coming? We are having (2) ................... of guests, about thirty people. That’s why I need (3) ................... of meat and vegetables. How (4) ................... meat do you need? I don’t know, about five kilos, I guess. I’m worried about having too (5) ................... food. If you have (6) ................... idea about all those things, you’d better call a catering service1. They will send you (7) ................... people to help and advise on everything. I know (8) ................... (four or five) very good firms. Thank you, Mr Bridges. A wonderful idea. Have you got enough tables and chairs? How (9) ................... tables have you got? I haven’t got (10) ................... tables and I have got (11) ................... garden chairs (maybe ten). I can give you (12) ................... tables, I have got some in my cellar. Thank you, it was a great idea about a catering service. They’ll supply (доставить) everything, I think.

фирма, которая поставляет готовые блюда и обслуживает гостей во время приёма. 199



Ex 8.

A day before the barbecue party Lynn made a check-list of the things to do. Now she and Colin are checking the arrangements. Use the suggested verbs in the corresponding tense form to complete the sentences. За день до приёма с грилем Лин подготовила список дел. Она и Колин проверяют, всё ли готово к приему гостей. Напишите предложения, поставьте данные глаголы в соответствующем времени.

1. you / tidy up the big veranda? Have you tidied up the big veranda? do it / yesterday. Amy and James did it yesterday. 2. you /mow the lawn (стричь газон)? ..................................................................................... mow / last Saturday / you /forget. ........................................................................................ 3. the wine merchant / deliver the wines? ................................................................................. they / send the wines / three days ago. ................................................................................ 4. you / buy candles (свечи)? ................................................................................................ We / buy / together / a week ago. ...................................................................................... 5. Speak to / Mr Tableron about the menu? .............................................................................. Be going / do it right away (сейчас же). ...............................................................................

Ex 9.

Lynn speaks to the catering firm and then tells Colin what they said. Лин разговаривает с обслуживающей фирмой. Затем она рассказывает Колину, что они сказали.

1. “Mr Bridges is bringing the meat today.”

They said that Mr Bridges was bringing the meat that day. 2. “You should order the wines yourself. We don’t know what wines you prefer.” ....................................................................................................................................... 3. “We are going to make a hundred sandwiches.” ....................................................................................................................................... 4. “We have already brought plates, glasses, forks and knives to your place.” ....................................................................................................................................... 5. “We are going to send four people to serve.” ....................................................................................................................................... 6. “We always make salads right before the party.” ....................................................................................................................................... 7. “We’ll do the washing-up after the party.” .......................................................................................................................................


PEOPLE AT WORK No pain, no gain. electrician engineer


lorry driver

Без труда не выловишь и рыбку из пруда. (proverb)


13.1 What Do They Do? Where Do They Work? 1

Ex 1.


Write what these people do. Use one word from box A and one from box B. Listen and check your answers. NOTE Напишите, в чём заключается работа этих люfit – монтировать дей. Чтобы составить предложение, возьмите plant – сажать; расте ние одно слово из колонки А, другое из колонки В. goods – товары Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.

MODEL: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

An engineer plans and builds machines.

A mechanic ....................................................... A barber ........................................................... A waiter ........................................................... A lorry driver ...................................................... An architect ...................................................... A journalist ....................................................... An electrician .................................................... A gardener ........................................................ A shop assistant ................................................ A teacher ......................................................... A secretary ....................................................... A pilot .............................................................. 201

A repairs shaves and cuts serves delivers designs plans and builds writes fits and repairs plants flies sells teaches does

B goods articles goods trees and flowers people food and drinks men’s hair paper work machines electrical things cars buildings planes


NOTE Различие между слов ами WORK и JOB JOB – a position (мест о работы)  He has found a job as a bus-driver. WORK – what person does (деятельность, процесс)  She works from mo rning till night.

Who are you? I’m Brian Green. What are you? I’m a gardener. What do you do?

Ex 2.


Fill in the gaps with the right article A/AN, THE, ZERO. Заполните пропуски соответствующими артиклями A/AN, THE, ZERO.

1. He was ..... engineer, but in Germany he has been out of ..... work for a year. 2. It was difficult to find ..... work during the depression. 3. My father isn’t at home, he is at ..... work now. 4. He was offered ..... job at a bakery. 5. You should have some knowledge and experience (знания и опыт) for ..... work. 6. She is ..... good typist, but nobody needed ..... typists nowadays. 7. After the accident he lost ..... job. He thought, “When I’m in America, I can get ..... better job. 8. He was ..... painter, he earned his living by painting houses. 9. ..... security guard came, he is waiting for you at the door. 10. What time do you get to ..... work? 11. What do you want for

USE OF ARTICLES WITH NOUNS DENOTING A PROFESSION ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ АРТИКЛЯ С НАЗВАНИЯМИ ПРОФЕССИЙ С названиями профессий после глаголов BE, BECOME – A/AN.  Mr Gram is a teacher.  He became a doctor like his father. В остальных случаях – подчиняется общим правилам.  We invited a designer to decorate our house.  The designer who decorated our house works for Art International.

USE OF ARTICLES WITH NOUNS “WORK” and “JOB” ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ АРТИКЛЯ СО СЛОВАМИ “WORK” и “JOB” 1. Артикль A/AN со словом work не употребляется (неисчисляемое существительное) Go to work – идти на работу Look for work – искать работу Be at work – быть на работе Be out of work – быть без работы 2. Употребление определенного артикля THE – по общим правилам.  They like the work they are doing now. 3. Существительное job – исчисляемое, использование артикля подчиняется общим правилам.  They offered him a good job.  They paid for the job well.



..... work? 12. He is ..... good cook, but he is also out of ..... work. 13. He has lost ..... good job. 14. She is ..... waitress. It’s ..... hard job for an old woman. 15. He was hungry and tired. He was looking for ..... work the whole day. 16. Jamil was ..... good mason (каменщик) and he was given ..... job.


Ex 3.

Read the words in Memory Box and match them with the list of job titles below. Write sentences as in the model. Прочтите слова в Memory Box и подберите место работы для людей из данного ниже списка. Напишите предложения по модели.

MODEL: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


at/in a school at/in a hospital at/in a bank at/in a hotel at/in an office at/in a factory in a shop in a restaurant on a farm for a large firm at an airport on the building site

An engineer works at a factory.

A mechanic (garage) ........................................................................................................ A waiter ........................................................................................................................... A teacher ....................................................................................................................... A farmer ......................................................................................................................... A manager ...................................................................................................................... A turner (токарь) ............................................................................................................ A gardener ....................................................................................................................... A shop assistant ............................................................................................................. A secretary ..................................................................................................................... A pilot ............................................................................................................................

Ex 4.

Complete the sentences with the words/phrases from the Memory Box. Listen and check your answers. Дополните предложения словами/фразами из Memory Box. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.


1. I’m a flying control officer. I work at an airport. I work ... shifts .... . One day I work ....................... which starts at 6 a.m. and every other day I work ....................... which begins at 8 p.m. My work is very intensive, but WORKING HOURS I ....................... rather a good salary. a full-time job – работать 2. I’m a housewife. Though I don’t go out полный рабочий день to work, I am busy from morning till HAVE a part-time job – работать неполnight. I have a ....................... job. With ный рабочий день a family of six, a house and a garden flexitime – иметь гибкий график  I work 60–70 hours a week. Of course, 203





I work ......................., no salary, no holidays, but I love them all! 3. I’m a student. I work on weekends and during my summer holidays. It’s a ....................... job. I have to ........................ I don’t get any scholarship (стипендия). 4. I’m a painter. I work in advertising (реклама). I work from home. I can plan my day, I have ........................ . Sometimes I work ....................... and then sleep till noon (12 o’clock).


shifts – работать по сменам а night/day shift – работать в ночную/дневную смену overtime – работать сверхурочно far into the night – работать за полночь

earn – зарабатывать do smth for a living/earn one’s living – зарабатывать на жизнь



You are going to listen to the talk-show. You will hear five people telling about their work. A. After listening to the interviews twice, fill in the first three columns of the chart below. B. Listen to the interviews again and fill in the fourth and the fifth column of the chart. Прослушайте talk-show. Вы услышите пять интервью. А. После двух прослушиваний заполните первые три колонки таблицы. В. Прослушайте интервью ещё раз и заполните четвёртую и пятую колонки.

NOTE tips – чаевые от depend on – зависеть зов вы ой чн но – ll ca night

PRESENTER: Good evening everybody and welcome to our programme “Look at Life”. We all have to work to earn our living, but not all people like the work they do. For many people it’s a great problem. Today’s programme is called “Good and Bad Jobs”. There are five people with me in this studio today. They will tell you what they like and what they dislike about their jobs.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



Working hours

Things they like

Things they dislike






.................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................


Ex 5. What do they do? Match the professions in column A with the work they do in column B. Найдите соответствие между словами – названиями профессий в колонке А и работой, которую выполняют эти люди, в колонке В.


A A hairdresser A florist A car mechanic A baker A website designer An astronaut An office clerk A vet A nurse A bricklayer A window dresser 2

Ex 6.








a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k)

B flies a rocket. makes websites for the Internet. builds houses. does people’s hair. helps sick people. makes bread and cakes. works in a flower shop. repairs cars. types letters, organizes meetings. decorates shop windows. looks after sick animals.

10 11


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

hairdresser – парикмахер (жен.) baker – пекарь сlerk – клерк vet – ветеринар nurse – медсестра bricklayer – каменщик turner – токарь

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Мой сын механик. Он работает не на заводе, а в гараже. Он ремонтирует машины. ...................................................................................................................................... 2. Моя жена медсестра. Она работает в больнице. Она зарабатывает немного. ...................................................................................................................................... 3. Майк работал учителем в школе. Ему не нравилась эта работа. Теперь он работает в банке. ...................................................................................................................................... 4. Елена работает в магазине, которым владеет (own) её дядя. Она работает неполный рабочий день, так как она студентка. ...................................................................................................................................... 5. У меня трое детей. Я работаю на дому. У меня гибкий график работы. ...................................................................................................................................... 205



6. Петр Савин – архитектор, а начинал он работу каменщиком на стройке. ...................................................................................................................................... 7. Доктор Смол сегодня работает в утреннюю смену. Вы можете прийти в 9 утра? ......................................................................................................................................

13.2 Self-Employed People There are people who work for themselves. They keep or run a small business. Very often it is a family business: an antique shop, a family hotel, a workshop (мастерская), a hairdresser’s salon, or a small café. This is the main street of Chester. It is the centre of trade (торговля) and small business. It is a busy shopping street. There are also some cafes, hotels, hairdresser’s salons, florist’s and antique shops, pharmacies and tailor’s ateliers. Many people work here. Most of them own these small businesses. They are self-employed.



I keep an antique shop. It has been in our family for generations (поколения).




I own this beauty salon. We have a lot of customers. I employ two hairdressers who work shifts. 206

I’m a florist. I run this florist’s shop.

SMALL BUSINESS – малое предприятие employ – нанимать на работу be self-employed – иметь собственное дело keep/run – вести дело /руководить own/owner – владеть, владелец customer – клиент


I work in a small hotel. I’m selfemployed. This is a family hotel.



My great-grandfather, my grandfather and my father were chemists. I’m a chemist, too. This pharmacy is our family business.

Jack always has his suits made by Mrs Band who keeps a tailor’s atelier in Main Street. 7.

Ex 7.

I’m a bookseller. I keep this bookstore. I’ve known all our customers for many years.

Fill in the gaps with the words from the list. Заполните пропуски словами из списка.

immigrant  customers  next door  earn  owners  supermarkets  to keep  shops

A Shop Owner Tells His Story Like many other (1) ........................ of corner (2) ........................ in large British cities, I came to England from India as an (3) ........................ . My (4) ........................ come in the evening between10 p.m. and 11 p.m. when large (5) ........................ have long closed their doors. My flat is right (6) ........................ to the shop, and it is no problem for me (7) ........................ my shop open until midnight. I don’t (8) ........................ much, but it’s enough to live on. 207



Ex 8.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Я – вебдизайнер. Я делаю вебсайты для разных фирм. Мои клиенты – владельцы малых предприятий. 2. Мой муж владеет малым предприятием. Он работает «на себя». Это семейный бизнес. Он нанял на работу наших детей и мою сестру. 3. Отто содержит антикварный магазин. Он унаследовал (inherit) дело своего отца. 4. Мой сын ветеринар, он лечит больных животных. 5. Я познакомилась с молодым человеком, который содержит отель. Он сказал, что я могу работать менеджером в его отеле. 6. Конни владеет цветочным магазином. Она сама управляет своим магазином. 7. Иммигранты часто не могут найти работу. Они открывают свои маленькие предприятия: магазины, мастерские. Так (that way) они могут заработать на жизнь. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................

13.3 Choosing the Way  How does one choose a job out of the hundreds that there are in the world?  What are you good at?  What do you enjoy doing?  Are you interested in machines or do you like working with people?





You will listen to Dave who tells his father what he wants to be and explains why. Read the words in the NOTE first. Then listen to the dialogue twice and complete the sentences below with the words from the dialogue. Вы услышите, как Дэвид рассказывает своему отцу, кем он хочет быть и объясняет почему. Прочтите слова в NOTE. Затем прослушайте диалог дважды и дополните данные ниже предложения словами/фразами из диалога.

NOTE mix a dough – замешивать тесто ready-made – готовый the rest – остальное

Dave told his father that he wanted to be a ........................ because it was a very easy job. A baker has only to ........................ a ........................ , the ........................ does the rest. The father reminded him that two weeks before he wanted to be a ........................ , then he wanted to be a ........................ . He also told Dave that a baker has to ........................ ........................ every day. Dave didn’t like it at all. He said he would be a ........................ instead. -ING FORM or TO-INFINITIVE? Если в предложении используются два глагола (“want to read, like reading”), то форма второго глагола зависит от глагола, за которым он следует: в английском языке за одними глаголами следует ing-form, а за другими to-infinitive. Вот некоторые из них: Verb + -ing

Verb + to-infinitive

like, enjoy, fancy, dislike, hate, be interested in, be good at, be bored with, start, begin, finish

want, decide, agree, hope, offer, plan, refuse, advise, etc.

 He was good at repairing cars.  He began studying Spanish.

 He wanted to become a designer.  He decided to study painting.


Это правило относится к структуре языка, и глаголы следует просто запомнить.

Ex 9.

be good at – быть сильным в чём-либо be interested in – интересоваться choose – выбирать train – обучаться, готовиться take up a course – пройти курс обучения look for work – искать работу get an invitation for an interview – получить приглашение на интервью get an offer – получить предложение apply for a job – формально обратиться за работой find/get a job – найти/получить работу career – карьера

-Ing form or to-infinitive? Read the story of John Andrews’s career. Look at the list of verbs in the Grammar section and decide on the form of the verb in brackets. Прочтите историю карьеры Джона Эндрюса. Посмотрите на список глаголов в табличке выше и выберите форму глагола в скобках.

John Andrews began (wear) (1) ..................... glasses when he was a small boy. When he was finishing school, his parents advised him (start) (2) ..................... training as an optician. John agreed (take up) (3) ..................... the course. He was interested in (help) (4) ..................... the people who had the same problems as he had. He decided (be) (5) ..................... an optician. He enjoyed (study) (6) ..................... , it was easy for him. He even planned (open) (7) ..................... his own business in the future. When he finished 209



the course, he started (look for) (8) ..................... a job. He began (look through) (9) ..................... “wanted” («требуется») column in magazines. He applied for the jobs and got some offers. He refused (work) (10) ..................... in pharmacies. He wanted (start) (11) ..................... his career in a specialized shop. At last he got such an offer. He applied for the job. He got an invitation for an interview. He got the job as an optician in the town where he lived. Ten years later he became a partner.

13.4 Looking for a Job 6


You’ll hear David telling his friend about his new job. Listen to the dialogue twice. A. For questions (1–4) choose the answer (a–c) which you think best according to the text. B. Complete the sentences. Use the right form of the verb in brackets. Дэвид разговаривает с другом о своей новой работе. Прослушайте диалог дважды. А. Подберите правильный ответ (а–с) на вопросы (1–4). В. Завершите предложения, поставьте глагол в скобках в соответствующую временную форму. A


1. Why does David look smart? a) He is going out. b) He is meeting Professor Roberts. c) He is going to Professor Robert’s lecture.

When the friends met, David’s friend said that he (look) (1) ............ ........... very smart. David explained that he (be meeting) (2) .................... Professor Roberts.

2. What is Professor Roberts famous for? a) He is a famous Polar explorer. b) He is a famous scientist. c) He is a famous scientific explorer.

His friend knew that Professor Roberts (be) .................... a famous polar explorer. David said he (be going) (4) .................... to be his assistant.


3. What job has David got? a) David is going to be а famous explorer, too. His friend said he (be) (5) .................... b) David is going to work on the same problem. lucky. He thought David (travel) (6) ........... .............. all over the world in the future. c) David is going to be his assistant. 4. Why is David so lucky? a) He is going to earn a lot. b) He is going to travel a lot. c) He is going to be famous. 1





Ex 10.

Combine the following pairs of sentences. Use the conjunctions in brackets. Соедините следующие пары предложений. Используйте союзы в скобках.


1. They went to England. They left school. (after)

They went to England after they had left school. 2. John worked as a builder. He began to study architecture. (before) ............................................................................ 3. She wrote the letter. She went to the post office. (after) ............................................................................ 4. Harold couldn’t leave for home. He finished the work. (before) ............................................................................ 5. I understood the problem. He explained. (after) ............................................................................ 6. Jerry applied for the job. He graduated from university. (after) ............................................................................ 7. My brother studied French. He went to work in Lyon. (before) ...........................................................................


NOTE by – к, у, при, около

Используется с подобными обстоятельствами времени: by the end of the last week, by 5 o’clock yesterday, before he came, when he called которые показывают, что: 1. действие было завершено к определённому моменту в прошлом:  They had finished the work before I came.  He had arrived to work by 6 a.m. yesterday. 2. одно действие закончилось до начала другого действия: 1


Past Perfect

2 Past Simple

 He had worked in a bank before he left for Spain.

Если действия совершались друг за другом в близкой последовательности (цепь действий), используется the Past Simple. Past Simple


Past Simple

 Ida came to the USA and started learning English.

Ex 11.

Read Ida’s story. Use the verbs in brackets in the right tense form: the Past Simple or Past Perfect. Прочтите историю Иды. Поставьте глагол в скобках в соответствующем времени: the Past Simple or Past Perfect.

Getting a Job in a Restaurant Ida (live) (1) ... had lived ... in Columbia before she (move) (2) ... moved ... to America. Her main reason for coming was to give her 13-year-old son a better education. She (divorce) (3) ...................... Perry’s father after her son (be born) (4) ...................... . She was bringing up her son alone. Before she (come) (5) ...................... to the USA Ida (be) (6) ...................... a successful manager in her home country. She (save) (7) ...................... a lot of money before 211



she (move) (8) ...................... to New York. Or she (think) (9) ...................... that she (save) (10) ...................... a lot of money. In America she (start) (11) ... started ... her own business and (fail – потерпеть неудачу) (12) ... failed ... . It was a great risk, she (know) (13) ...................... it would leave her with little money. She (not study) (14) ...................... English before she (move) (15) ...................... to America. American business people (not be) (16) ...................... patient; they (not want) (17) ...................... to talk to a person they (not understand) (18) ...................... . In Columbia he (not imagine) (19) ...................... it would take her long to speak good English. Now she (have) (20) ...................... no money left. Ida (have) (21) ...................... to go to work. Her boyfriend was sorry. She (be) (22) ...................... a business woman in her homeland, and in the USA (want) (23) ...................... to work as a waitress. “I’m having an interview tomorrow,” Ida told her boyfriend. – “You'll be lucky to make $8 an hour,” her boyfriend Tony said. “What kind of money is that?” Ida replied he (forget) (24) ...................... about the tips. “That's where the big money is,” she said, laughing.

Ex 12. What should you do to find a job? Find the logical sequence of the steps you should take. Что нужно сделать, чтобы найти работу? Найдите логическую последовательность шагов, которые нужно предпринять.

£ £ £ £ £

get an invitation for an interview think what kind of job you want get ready for an interview read the advertisements in the “Situations Vacant” column apply for the job by letter

A letter of application Joan Berwick 13 Queen Street Bath, SU52 OZ September, 10, 2011

Mr Nigel Moon 15 North Road Warwick, Lanc. ZD 10 PK

Dear Mr Moon, I saw your advertisement in the “Evening Star,” I would like to apply for the job of a secretary. I enclose (прилагать) the reference letter (рекомендательное письмо) from my teacher. I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Joan Berwick 212



These phrases can help you to introduce yourself:

Good afternoon. My name is … . I have an appointment for an interview with … . Hello! I’m … . Good morning, Mrs Page. My name is ... . I’m phoning about your advertisement in … .

USE OF THE PAST PERFECT TENSE IN REPORTED SPEECH ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ THE PAST PERFECT TENSE В КОСВЕННОЙ РЕЧИ The Past Perfect Tense применяется при преобразовании прямой речи в косвенную. Прямая речь

Косвенная речь

Past Simple (did)

Past Perfect (had done)

Present Perfect (have done)

Past Perfect (had done)

 “My father worked on the building site then”, he said.  He said that his father had worked on the building site at that time.

Ex 13. Report what the boy told about his father’s dream. Передайте в косвенной речи рассказ мальчика о мечте своего отца. 1. “My father dreamt to be a lorry driver.” (say)

The boy said that his father had dreamt to be a lorry driver. 2. “But his parents wanted him to go to university.” (say) ....................................................................................................................................... 3. “At university he studied economics.” (remark) ....................................................................................................................................... 4. “On graduation from university he got a job as manager in a bank.” (remember) ....................................................................................................................................... 5. “Father wasn’t happy.” (mention) ....................................................................................................................................... 6. “The work was extremely boring.” (explain) ....................................................................................................................................... 7. “He didn’t like working in the office.” (think) ....................................................................................................................................... 213



8. “One day he left the job and went to Spain.” (say) ....................................................................................................................................... 9. “In Spain he taught English at school.”(say) ....................................................................................................................................... 10. “He wasn’t a good teacher.” (admit) ....................................................................................................................................... 11. “He was sacked (уволить).” (say) ....................................................................................................................................... 12. “He went back home to England.” (tell) ....................................................................................................................................... 13. “There was no job for him in England.” (mention) ....................................................................................................................................... 14. “One day he saw an advertisement in a newspaper: “Lorry driver wanted”. (tell) ....................................................................................................................................... 15. “He applied for the job and got it.” (say) .......................................................................................................................................

So in the end he became a lorry driver.


Reader’s Corner

Listen and then read a passage of the novel “Pictures in the Hallway.” Match the headings (A–F) below to the paragraphs (1–5). There is one extra heading in the list. Прослушайте и прочтите отрывок из романа. Подберите соответствующие заглавия (A–F) из списка ниже к абзацам текста (1–6). В списке одно лишнее заглавие. A. The Talk with the Owner of the Firm B. Letters to the Firm C. The Mother Visits Mr Anthony

D. Johnny Is Fourteen E. Archie Helps His Brother to Find a Job F. Johnny Hands in the Letters

Coming of Age by Sean O’Casey (adapted) 1.




Johnny was getting on in years now. He was tall and thin, with masses of hair. A few days before his fourteenth birthday, he could manage to read, missing the biggest words the stories in the magazines, and different penny adventure (приключение) books. So, he knew nearly as much as it was necessary, and was ready to take his place in the world and do some work as soon as he could get a job. Every day Archie, his elder brother, looked through the “Situations Vacant” column in the daily newspaper trying to find some work for Johnny. 214

Early on one fine morning in April, mother woke up Johnny. “Get up like a good boy, Archie has just found the very thing for you,” she said. Johnny got up, washed his face and dressed, then he sat down by the fire to listen to what Archie had to say. Archie opened the newspaper and read out: “A smart and honest boy is wanted. One who has just left school is preferred. Apply by letter to Hyndim, Leadem & Co. Henry Street, Dublin.” “You see,” said Archie, “it is the best job for you. And a fine big firm, the biggest in the city.” 3.


“Now you run down to your sister Ella and ask her to write a letter for you applying for the job, and another letter from her as a school teacher, saying that Johnny was a good boy and the most attentive at his lessons,” advised Archie. “Let her sign it E. Benson, so as not to show that it was written by a woman.” “Hurry off now to your sister. On your way there buy some ink, paper and envelopes, perhaps Ella has none. Then hurry back. Mrs Middleton, our neighbour, promised to loan her son’s new coat. It will be waiting for you,” mother said. Johnny put on his old coat and hurried to his sister’s. On his way he bought paper, ink and a pen at a shop. When he came to his sister’s, he told her what his elder brother had read from the newspaper and what she had to do for him. She washed her hands quickly and began writing. When the first letter was finished she gave it to Johnny to copy. Johnny very slowly and with great care wrote the following: Dear Sirs, I have seen in today’s newspaper that your firm is in need of an honest and smart boy, and that you prefer one that has just finished school. I venture (осмеливаться) to say that I have all the necessary qualities, and as I have just left school, I wish to offer myself as a candidate for the position. Very respectfully your’s, John Casside

Ella then wrote another letter: St Mary’s National School Dominick Street The bearer, John Casside, has been a pupil in this school, during which peсriod I have always found him a smart, honest and a good boy, and, at all times most attentive to his studies. I feel sure he will perfectly satisfy (удовлетворять) any employer who will give him a job to do. E. Benson School-Teacher



Johnny hurried home with the letters; there he put on the coat, loaned to his mother by Mrs Middleton, and quickly ran out again to find the firm. At last, he entered the great shop and asked the clerk where he could hand in a letter that answered the advertisement. The clerk explained to him where to find Mr Anthony who would read the letter. 215



Mr Anthony was in a little office. He was a tall thin man with watery blue eyes that looked attentively at Johnny. Johnny, with his cap held respectfully under his arm, handed the two letters to the man, who was Anthony Dovergull, one of the two brothers, owners of the big firm. 5.


Ex 14.

Mr Anthony took the letters from Johnny, read them silently, and looked at Johnny. Johnny was glad he had a new overcoat on him. “You are Irish, young man, aren’t you?” he asked. “Oh, yes, of course, sir,” answered Johnny. “Well, we’ll try you,” said Mr Anthony. “You can start tomorrow morning. Hours, eight till six; wages, three shillings and six pence a week, rising, of course, every year. Now you can go.” And he continued the work he was doing when Johnny handed him the letters.

Pick out the key-words from each part of the story following the headings you’ve given to the parts. Use them to retell the story. Из каждой части рассказа, заглавия к которым вы подобрали, выберите ключевые слова. Используйте их для пересказа текста.


get on in years; tall and thin; can read penny adventure books; was ready to do some work.

2. 3. 4. 5.

....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................

Ex 15. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Find in the text the following phrases: Найдите в тексте следующие фразы:

подрастать ................................................................................................................... пропуская самые большие слова .................................................................................... грошовые приключенческие книжонки ............................................................................. просматривать ............................................................................................................... ежедневная газета ........................................................................................................ смышлёный и честный мальчик ........................................................................................ обратиться за работой письмом ...................................................................................... одолжить новое пальто ................................................................................................ быть внимательным на уроках .......................................................................................... необходимые качества .................................................................................................. вручить письмо .............................................................................................................. рабочие часы: с 8 до 6 ................................................................................................... зарплата: 3 шиллинга 6 пенсов в неделю .........................................................................


14.1 CITY LIFE 1

A Question Some people live in the country, Where the houses are very small, Some people live in the city Where the houses are very tall, But in the country where the houses are small, The gardens are very big, And in the city where the houses are tall, There are no gardens at all. Where would you rather live? (by E. Segal)



£ £ £ £ £ £

7. 8.

£ £



10. 11. 12. 13.

£ £ £ £

Most people know each other. A TOWN/CITY A large place to live. 2 population – население It is crowded. public transport – общественный People are more friendly and chatty. транспорт There is a public transport system there. services – система бытовых услуг cultural activity – культурная жизнь There are skyscrapers and high-rise capital – столица buildings there. scenery – пейзаж It is a small quiet place to live. convenient – удобный crowded – наполненный народом It is convenient to live in: it offers a lot of quiet – тихий, спокойный services. The air is clean and the scenery is beautiful there. There are lots of places to go out. NOTE There are small houses with gardens in this place. A country (t he world is di There are a lot of different shops there. vided into countries ) – страна It offers lots of cultural activity (museums, The country (land away from towns) – сель theatres, cinemas). ская местнос ть


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A. Match these statements to each of the two places: a city/town (T) or a place in the country (C). Mark them correspondingly. Какому из указанных мест соответствуют эти предложения: большому городу (Т) или сельской местности (С)? Подберите соответствующие предложения и отметьте их (Т) или (С). В. Choose the right sentences and tell about the place you live in. Подберите соответствующие предложения и расскажите о месте, в котором вы живёте.


Ex 1.

............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................


Ex 2.

Match the place to its definition. Translate the words in the box. Найдите в списке соответствующее слово для данного определения. Переведите эти слова. a town  a village  the capital  a city  the country

1. ...................... is a large and important town. 2. ...................... is a place in a country where its Government meets. 3. ...................... is land away from towns and cities. 4. ...................... a group of houses together with some other buildings such as church, school in a country area. 5. ...................... a place with many streets and buildings where people live and work.

Ex 3.

Insert articles where necessary. Вставьте артикли, где это необходимо.

1. We’ve seen things in Paris. We’ve been to ...... opera and to ...... ballet. 2. Maycomb was ...... old town. 3. He must be in ...... town already. 4. There is a good film at ...... cinema, or we could go to ...... theatre, or we could stay at ...... home and watch ...... television. 5. Have you seen ...... ballet at ...... Opera House? It’s new. 6. Every Saturday my daughter goes to ...... disco, she loves dancing. 7. I’ve never been in ...... town where you were born. 8. Our old nurse spent her youth in ...... country. Before she came to live with us, she had never been to ...... town. 9. If you live in ...... country, life in ...... town seems fantastic. 10. Nowadays people seldom go to ...... cinema, they watch TV. 11. When we go on holiday to some country, we always visit ...... capital of this country.

Grammar USE OF ARTICLES WITH THE WORD “TOWN” УПОТРЕБЛЕНИЕ АРТИКЛЯ СО СЛОВОМ “TOWN” Слово town, при противопоставлении этого понятия сельской местности (the country), употребляется без артикля.  I can’t go to town tomorrow, it’s harvest time now.  He spent 20 years in town, he isn’t used to country life. Если имеется ввиду конкретный город, артикль употребляется по общим правилам.  I want to go to the town I was born in.  Would you rather live in a town or in the country? В отличие от слова town, существительное country всегда употребляется с определённым артиклем TНЕ.  At the weekend we always go to the country.

Некоторые группы слов всегда употребляются с определённым артиклем THE, например, c формами развлечений, которые можно найти в городе: the theatre, the cinema/movie, the opera, the ballet, the disco.  Have you been to the cinema or the disco lately? Слово capital также употребляется с определённым артиклем – такой город в стране один.  London is the capital of Great Britain.




Ex 4.

Choose the correct word underlined in each sentence. Выберите соответствующее слово из двух, подчёркнутых в каждом предложении.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Have you been to Grimpton? It’s not a very nice part/ place. It’s good to get away from the city and visit the field/country. Paris is the head/capital of France. You can get a bus from here to the city central/centre. Would you rather live in a city, a small town or a villa/village? When you leave the land/country, you have to show your passport. David comes from a small centre/town in Wales. Everest is the highest mountain in the world/earth.

Ex 5.

Match each word in the box with a description. Найдите в списке описанное слово. block of flats  station  cinema  hotel  library police station  restaurant  theatre

hotel You can stay here. ....................... You can borrow books from here. ....................... You can watch a film here. ....................... You can catch a train here. ....................... You can see a play here. ....................... You can live here. ....................... You can have dinner here. ....................... You can ask for help here. .......................

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.



You will listen to an announcement about a sightseeing tour of London. A. Listen to the announcement twice and tick () the statements you heard. There are two extra answers which you don’t need to use. B. On the tourist map of London mark the sights mentioned in the announcement. А. После двукратного прослушивания отметьте предложения, упоминавшиеся в объявлении. В списке есть два лишних ответа. В. На туристической карте Лондона отметьте достопримечательности, о которых шла речь в объявлении. 1. 2. 3.

£ £ £

You’ll see the major sights of London. You can take great pictures free there. You’ll go on the double-deck bus. 220

There is a lunch break at 12 o’clock. You can get on and off at every stop. The ticket lasts 24 hours. You can see everything from the top of the bus.

NOTE observation wheel – колес о обозрения



£ £ £ £


4. 5. 6. 7.


SIGHTSEEING TOUR – осмотр достопримечательностей sight/place of interest - достопримечательность bridge – мост tower – башня fortress – крепость palace – дворец cathedral – собор square – площадь street – улица avenue – проспект double-deck bus – двухэтажный автобус




The Definite Article THE

No Article

– Public/historical buildings, churches

 the Bank of England, the Winter Palace, the Tower of London

 Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Buckingham Palace

– Theatres, cinemas

 the Globe, the Bolshoy, the Odeon, the Arbat

 Her Majesty’s Theatre

– Museums

 the British Museum, the Hermitage, the Tate Gallery  Hyde Park, St. James’s Park

– Parks – Restaurants

 the Cage Royal

 Leoni’s

– Hotels

 the Hilton

 Brown’s

– Stations and airports

 Heathrow, Sheremetyevo

– The names of streets and squares

 High Street, Trafalgar Square

Ex 6.

In each of the following sentences the article THE has been left out at least once. Read the sentences and mark where THE should be. The number in brackets tells you how many times THE should occur. В каждом из следующих предложений артикль THE пропущен, по крайней мере, один раз. Прочтите предложения и отметьте (), где должен стоять артикль THE. Цифра в скобках показывает, сколько раз должен употребляться артикль THE в этих предложениях.

 Royal Hotel in ........ Albert Street near ........ 1. When we were in London, we stayed at ........ Trafalgar Square. (1) 2. On the first morning we went to ........ British Museum and had lunch at ........ MacDonald’s in ........ Church Street. (1) 3. In the evening we went to a pub just off ........ Leicester Square, then we went to a play at ........ National Theatre. (1) 4. Next day we went to ........ – Houses of Parliament and ........ Westminster Abbey and had lunch at ........ Peking  Evening Standard newspaper and found there was a good Restaurant. (2) 5. We looked in ........ film at ........ Odeon cinema near ........ Piccadilly Circus. (2)


Ex 7.

Edna and George are in London. They are listening to the announcement about the tour of London and discuss if they should take it. Read the dialogue and render the underlined questions in Reported Speech. Прочтите диалог и передайте подчеркнутые вопросы в косвенной речи.

EDNA: What do you think, George? GEORGE: That’s not a bad idea. We’ll see all the important sights. EDNA: Would you like to go by taxi? (1)

Edna asked if George would like to go by taxi. GEORGE: I don’t want to go by taxi, it’s too expensive. And I’d like to listen to the guide. EDNA: By the way, have they got a guide? (2) We should ask about that. ............................................................................................................................. GEORGE: Is it expensive, I wonder? (3) ............................................................................................................................. EDNA: I don’t think so. Look, how many people want REPORTED to take the tour. It can’t be that expensive. (4) GENERAL QUESTION GEORGE: Is lunch included? Remember, when we КОСВЕННЫЙ ОБЩИЙ ВОПРОС, were in Paris, lunch was included. I’ll ask him. предполагающий ответ: ДА/НЕТ ................................................................. Какие шаги необходимо выпол................................................................. нить для перехода в косвенную EDNA: Are there many stops? (5) I’d like to know how речь: long it takes. We should certainly ask that, 1. Превратить вопросительное предtoo. ложение в повествовательное: ................................................................. подлежащее + сказуемое .................................................................  Is it far from here?  It is GEORGE: Can we use the ticket the next day, (6) if we far from here. start after lunch?  Do you sometimes go on tours ................................................................. of European capitals?  You sometimes go on tours ... ................................................................. 2. После вводных слов (he asked) EDNA: That’s a good question. Shall we see Victoria (7) поставить связующее «ли» – IF. and Albert Museum? I’ve read a book 3. Если необходимо, применить about Queen Victoria and I want to visit it. (8) правило согласования времён. Have you read the book, George? “it is far…”  He said it was ................................................................. far… ................................................................. She added “you go on tours…”

they sometimes went on tours... Косвенный вопрос обычно вводится глаголами: ask, want to know, wonder (интересоваться) asked He wanted to know wondered



it was far from there. we went on tours of European capitals.



GEORGE: No, I haven’t. Does the bus stop at Hyde Park? (9) I’d like to have a look at the park. They speak so much about it. ............................................................................................................................. EDNA: Can we have the plan of the tour? (10) Then we won’t have to ask so many questions. ............................................................................................................................. GEORGE: You’re quite right. And do you remember all our questions, dear? (11) Let’s go and ask him. .............................................................................................................................

Ex 8.

Edna and George ask the sales person all the questions they wanted. Render the questions in Reported Speech. Эдна и Джордж задают вопросы продавцу билетов на автобусную экскурсию. Передайте их вопросы в косвенной речи.

1. How many sights are we going to see?

George asked how many sights they were going to see. 2. How many stops does the bus make? ............................................................................ 3. What time does the tour begin? ............................................................................ 4. When does the last bus leave? ............................................................................ 5. What parks are we going to see? ............................................................................ 6. How much is the ticket? ............................................................................ 7. What language does the guide speak? ............................................................................ 8. Where can we get the information booklet? ............................................................................

Ex 9.

REPORTED SPEСIAL QUESTION КОСВЕННЫЙ СПЕЦИАЛЬНЫЙ ВОПРОС При переводе в косвенную речь специального вопроса (where, when, how, why, how many, etc) так же, как и в случае с общим вопросом, изменяется порядок слов предложения и применяется правило согласования времён. Однако связующее «ли» – IF – не требуется. Его роль будет выполнять вопросительное слово.  Michael: “Where does the bus stop?”  Michael wanted to know where the bus stopped.  Michael: “Where is the last stop ?”  Michael asked where the last stop was.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Мы поехали в Париж – столицу Франции, так как хотели увидеть достопримечательности Парижа. 2. В Париже всё (everything) красиво: и большие площади, и маленькие улочки, река и мосты. 3. Мы любовались (admire) соборами, дворцами, парками. 4. Население Парижа – около 12 миллионов. 5. На улицах и в общественном транспорте очень много народа (наполнены народом). 6. Когда мы ехали в Париж на автобусе (by bus), мы проезжали (go through) маленькие французские города. Они тоже очень милые и 224

спокойные. 7. В этих маленьких городках узкие улицы и мало народа. В центре каждого маленького городка всегда есть большая площадь с собором. 8. Нам очень понравилась Франция: её красивые большие и малые города и пейзажи в сельской местности. ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................

14.2 Finding Your Way About cross-roads

go left /turn left traffic lights

city block

go right /turn right

Ex 10.

Reаd the text. A. Complete the Memory Box with the words from the text. B. Find in the text five reasons for Mr Johson being late. Прочтите текст. А. Дополните Memory Box словами из текста. В. Найдите в тексте пять причин опоздания мистера Джосона.

Mr Johnson Was Late It was Saturday afternoon. Mrs Green invited Mr Johnson to tea. He came late because he lost his way. He left his house early and took the tube but instead 225


go straight ahead

ASKING FOR DIRECTIONS – попросить объяснить, как добраться directions – указание пути give directions – объяснить, как добраться give wrong directions – неправильно объяснить, как добраться ............................. – сесть на метро/ автобус get on/off a bus/train – войти/выйти из автобуса /поезда ............................. – добраться (до) ............................. – повернуть налево/направо ............................. – в конце дороги it takes (half an hour) – это занимает (полчаса) lose one’s way – заблудиться



of getting off at Archway Street he got off one station late. There was a street map in the station but he couldn’t find Jackson Road on it. He decided to ask the way. A man told him to turn left at the end of the road and then right at the traffic lights. Mr Johnson followed his directions and found himself in Jackson Place. He had to take a bus to get to № 58, Jackson Road. The Greens lived at №57, which is on the opposite end of Jackson Road. So Mr Johnson had to go back. It took him another ten minutes to get to the Green’s house. So he certainly came late. В. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

... He lost his way. ... ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................



You will hear two people asking the way. Listen to each dialogue twice and draw the routes. Прослушайте оба диалога дважды и обозначьте маршрут на схеме.

1. to the post office 2. to the supermarket SUPERMARKET

Oxford Street

Ma in



rk S Co

West Street

River Street





River Street







North Street



Albert Park




Listen to the dialogues again. Fill in the missing words in these mini-dialogues. Прослушайте диалоги ещё раз. Вставьте пропущенные слова/фразы в эти минидиалоги.

1. –

....................... me, can you tell me the ....................... to Palace Square? Yes, ....................... . It is ....................... from here. Go to the ....................... of the street and ....................... left. Thank ....................... very ........................ You’re ....................... . Excuse ....................... , can ....................... the way to the City Library? Sorry, I’m a ....................... here. ...................... me, ...................... tell me the ...................... to the ...................... ? Yes, just ....................... . Turn ....................... and then ....................... , and the Railway Station is at the bottom ....................... . ....................... for your help. No ....................... .

– – 2. – – – –

– –

Ex 12.

– –

It’s Alice’s first visit to New York. She has been dreaming to see the Museum of National History, but she doesn’t know where it is. She asks the policeman to give her directions. She is with her friend from France who doesn’t understand English. Alice explains Louise what the policeman said. Render the policeman’s explanations in the Reported Speech. Предайте объяснения полицейского в косвенной речи.

Excuse me, Officer, how can we get to the Museum of National History, please? (1) Go straight ahead along this street up to the traffic lights. (2) Then turn left and continue to the post office. (3) At the corner by the post office turn left and continue two more blocks. (4) Turn left again and continue four more blocks. (5) Then turn left again and continue one more block. (6) The museum will be on your left. 227



Ex 11.

POLITE LANGUAGE Excuse me, how can I get to…? Excuse me, can you tell me the way to…? Yes, just a minute. Yes, of course. Sorry, I’m a stranger* here. Thanks very much. – You are welcome. Thanks for your help. – No problem. *

Я не знаком с этим районом/городом

REPORTED COMMAND and REQUEST КОСВЕННЫЙ ПРИКАЗ или ПРОСЬБА В косвенной речи приказ или просьба, как и в русском языке, выражается инфинитивом (to go). Косвенный приказ или просьба вводится глаголами: tell, order (приказывать), advise (советовать), offer (предлагать), warn (предостерегать), ask  The teacher: “Children, wait for me at the bus stop.” The teacher told the children to wait for her at the bus stop.  A woman in the street: “Will you help me find the museum on the city map?” A woman asked me to help her find the museum on the city map. Если приказ или просьба имеют отрицательную форму, перед инфинитивом ставится частица not.  The teacher: “Don’t cross the street here.” The teacher warned the children not to cross the street there.



1. The policeman told us to go straight ahead along 2. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. 3. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. 4. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. 5. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. 6. He said ..................................................................... .................................................................................

this street.

Ex 13. Choose the correct word or phrase. Выберите соответствующее слово или фразу. 1. Excuse me, how do I ................. to the post office from here? a) find b) get c) come 2. When you come to the end of the street, turn ................. . a) to left b) the left c) left 3. Could you tell me the ................. to the bus station, please? a) road b) direction c) way 4. ................. the next turning on the right. a) Make b) Go c) Take 5. How ................. is it from here to the museum? a) far b) distance c) journey 6. Go ................. at the traffic lights. a) over b) straight on c) through 7. The cinema is ................. the left. a) on b) at c) by

Ex 14.

Translate the directions into English. Переведите объяснение пути на английский язык.

Пройдите до конца New Street и поверните налево на Main Street. ........................................................................................................................................... Идите вниз по Main Street, затем поверните направо на Oxford Street. ........................................................................................................................................... Идите вниз по Oxford Street и поверните налево у кафетерия на North Street. ........................................................................................................................................... Идите вниз по North Street примерно (for about) 50 метров. Спортивный центр будет с левой стороны. ........................................................................................................................................... 228

Ex 15.

Study the prepositions in the Grammar Section. Look at the pictures and write sentences. Познакомьтесь с предлогами в грамматической таблице. Посмотрите на картинки и напишите предложения.

MOVING IN SPACE ДВИЖЕНИЕ В ПРОСТРАНСТВЕ along – по/вдоль  We went along the street /the river. across – через /по (поверхности)  They went across the field. through – через (сквозь)  The road went through the forest. over – через (что-то высокое)  We had to go over a bridge. up/down – вверх/вниз  Go up/down the street.



He crossed .................................. the street at .................................. the traffic lights. ..................................

.................................. .................................. ..................................




.................................. .................................. ..................................

.................................. .................................. ..................................

.................................. .................................. ..................................




.................................. .................................. ..................................

.................................. .................................. ..................................

.................................. .................................. ..................................


NOTE Cross the street/road – перейти через улицу/дорогу  He crossed the street at the traffic lights.




Ex 16. Giving directions. Fill in the missing prepositions to complete the directions. Завершите предложения, вставьте пропущенные предлоги. for  opposite  next  down  at on  past  over  to  ahead Go straight (1) ................ then turn left (2) ................ the baker’s. Continue (3) ................ the road (4) ................ two miles. Go (5) ................ the roundabout, turn left and then take the second right. You’ll go (6) ................ a car park (7) ................ your left with a garage (8) ................ (9) ................ it. At the end of this road is a bank and (10) ................ the bank is the station.

14.3 Life in the Country There are people who were born and spent their whole life in the country. They are farmers and the people living in villages or small country towns.

On the Farm farmer’s house

pasture cattle-shed yard sheep tractor


Farmer John Field is working on his farm. He grows vegetables and corn. He raises sheep. He has got a big apple orchard. He sells the vegetables at the market.




vegetable/kitchen garden


Ex 17.



Listen and then read the article about farming. A. Look through the text again and make four lists below. B. Answer the question by filling in the chart. Прослушайте и затем прочтите текст о работе фермеров. А. Просмотрите текст еще раз и составьте четыре приведенных ниже списка. В. Ответьте на вопрос, заполнив табличку.

Farming in the Past and Today

AGRICULTURE plant – сажать, растение grow – расти, выращивать raise – выращивать care for – ухаживать crop – урожай, сельскохозяйственная культура corn – кукуруза wheat – пшеница oats – овес cattle – крупный рогатый скот cow – корова bull – бык sheep – овца horse – лошадь pig – свинья

A modern farm does not need many people to work on as it was before. In the 19th century farming was done with simple machines and horses. Most farmers planted lots of different crops and cared for many different animals. Farmers planted corn, oats, wheat and raised cattle (cows and bulls) and pigs. Women planted large gardens of potatoes, carrots, lettuce, pumpkins, beans and radishes. They also cared for chickens and sold eggs. In the 20th century, as machinery developed (развить), farms got bigger. As farms got bigger, they stopped planting lots of different crops and didn’t raise many different animals. Iowa farmers, for example, planted just corn and soybeans. Others raised pigs or cattle with some field crops. 231



Today to be a successful (успешный) farmer you should have special education and business skills. Many farmers study the business and practice of agriculture at universities. A

1. What farmers do on a farm

Grow different crops .................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

they plant 2. The crops .. corn ............................ .. .................... .. ...... .................... .................... .......... .. .................. 3. The animals they raise .................... 4. What wom cattle en do on a fa .................................................. rm p ............la..n..t....vegetable .................................................. ................s.... .......... .................... .................................................. .................... .. ........ .................... .................... ..........

B. What are the four main differences between an old and a modern farm? An old farm

Modern farm

does not need many people to work on .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... women worked on the farm, too ....................................................................................................................................

1. 2. 3. 4.



There is a welcoming tea-party in the vicarage (дом священника) for the people who have recently come to live in the area. The vicar spoke welcoming words and some people told why they decided to move to the country. А. Listen to the people twice and tick () the reasons they gave for their move. There are three letters you don’t need to use. В. Listen to the text again and write the number of the speaker. А. Прослушайте два раза, что сказали эти люди, и отметьте причины их переезда. В списке три лишних предложения. В. Прослушайте текст ещё раз и отметьте у предложения номер говорящего.

6  £ £ ££ ££

Clean country air is good for the children. I’m self-employed, I needed space to work. In a village the price of houses are much lower. 232


a. b. c.

NOTE hectic – лихорадочный





f. g.

££ ££


££ 7

We missed the quietness of the countryside and we wanted to raise our children on the land. We got tired of stressful city life. We wanted to have our own garden. In the country people are much friendlier. I’ve always wanted to open a boarding house for animals. I was able to do it when I moved to the country. Life in London is very expensive, our pension was not enough to live in London.

Ex 18. Read the text. Complete the sentences with the words from the list below. Listen and check your answers. Прочтите текст. Дополните предложения словами из списка. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.

Busy in the Garden the hedge  more pleasant  a lot tidier  mowed the lawn gather the crop  the roses  to plant  weeds perfect  waters  the garden Could there be anything (1) ..................... than working in the garden? In the morning Betty looked at (2) ..................... critically.

Afterwards she (6) ..................... the flowerbeds and takes care of (7) ..................... . Then she (8) ..................... the flowers and the grass, too. There has been no rain for the last three weeks. Betty looks at the apple trees. “There are a lot of apples this year. It’s time to (9) ..................... ,” she thinks. When she is finished, she is quite exhausted (без сил) but happy that the garden looks (10) ..................... . In the evening Roger will have (11) ..................... the bushes they got yesterday.



Her husband Roger still hasn’t (3) ..................... , so that is the first thing she does. Now the lawn looks (4) ..................... . Then she tidies up (5) ..................... which marks the boundary (граница) between her garden and the neighbours. GARDEN WORK mow the lawn – стричь газон water – поливать hedge – живая изгородь weed – сорняк, пропалывать сорняки flowerbed – клумба bush – куст crop/harvest – урожай bear a crop – дать урожай gather the crop/apples – собирать урожай/яблоки



Ex 19.

Report the questions people ask when they discuss gardening and country life. Передайте в косвенной речи вопросы, которые задают люди в разговоре о саде и жизни в сельской местности.

1. A former colleague: “What do you enjoy doing in the country?”

A former colleague asked me what I enjoyed doing in the country. 2. A neighbour: “What vegetables did you plant in your kitchen garden?” ........................................................................................................................................ 3. The greengrocer: “How much potatoes have you got this year?” ........................................................................................................................................ 4. My wife: “Where are you going to plant these bushes?” ........................................................................................................................................ 5. A customer: “How fast do these bushes grow?” ........................................................................................................................................ 6. A member of the Garden Club: “How often do you weed the flowerbeds?” ........................................................................................................................................ 7. Mr Meadow: “Why did you move to the country, Mrs Spring?” ........................................................................................................................................ 8. My friend Mrs Meadows: “Who is coming to visit you this weekend?” ........................................................................................................................................

Ex 20. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Переведите предложения на английский язык. 1. Моя бабушка живёт в деревне. У неё есть корова, свиньи, большой огород и яблоневый сад. 2. Когда мы приезжаем летом в деревню, мы помогаем ей ухаживать за её огородом и цветами. 3. Утром мы пропалываем огород, а вечером поливаем его. 4. Работы в деревне много. Люди работают в поле, где они выращивают пшеницу и кукурузу. 5. Бабушка работает на ферме, она ухаживает за скотом и свиньями. 6. Весь день (the whole day) коровы на пастбище. 7. Дедушка плотник (carpenter), он ремонтирует хлев и дома в деревне. 8. В этом году в саду много яблок. Мы собираем яблоки. 9. У бабушки во дворе (yard) нет клумб, но вдоль (along) забора она сажает цветы. 10. В августе все (everybody) работают в поле, они собирают урожай. ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................



Reader’s Corner

Listen and read the article. Прослушайте и прочтите статью.

The Advantages1 of Living in a Small Town Although for many people living in small towns can be boring, those who settled down (обосноваться) in such towns wouldn't leave it for the world2. People leave their small hometowns for various reasons: some people can’t find work. Others want to get a good education. For some young people it seems boring and they move to large cities looking for entertainment (развлечения). But there are things in small towns that can be much more enjoyable and richer than life in large cities. The friendships you make in small towns are truly deep and everlasting. These are not friendships based on social status or bank balance. They are based on the character and nature of the person. Friends are friends in the real sense of the word. They are the people you can rely on in times of need. True, you have friends in large cities too, but often friends don't have time for each other because of the hectic rhythm of life in a large city. Housing is far cheaper in a small town than it is in a large city. The same amount of money can buy you a big, spacious (просторный) place in a small town, while it will buy you a tiny onebedroom flat in a city. If you would like to open up your own business, it is better to start it in a small town because there is less competition (конкуренция) there. It is easy to establish yourself (упрочить свое положение) in a small town first, and then start expanding to larger cities. Your contacts in a small town will be very helpful. Life in smaller towns thus tends to be less stressful than life in metropolitans. Of course, everyone has to cope with stress, but in general life moves at a slower, more relaxed pace (ритм). This means less health complications and better physical and mental health in general.

Ex 21.

A. Write out from the text 3–4 key-words for each of the five columns. Выпишите из текста 3–4 ключевых слова для каждой из пяти колонок.

Reasons for Leaving a Small Town



Starting a New Business

Better Physical Health

Lack of entertainment faithful friends ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ 1 2

преимущества ни за что на свете 235



B. Use the key-words to tell about the advantages of living in a small town. Используйте эти ключевые слова, чтобы рассказать о преимуществах жизни в маленьком городе. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................


Ex 22. Listen and read a passage of the novel. Прослушайте и прочтите отрывок из романа.

Winter Solstice by Rosamunder Pilcher (adapted) After her husband had died and she had left the stage, Elfrida thought of leaving London. With her little savings (сбережения) she bought a small cottage in a village. The village was Dibton in Hamshire, and here Elfrida had come to live eighteen months ago, living London for ever and making for herself a new life. The village was rather ordinary and dull. The house was a tiny railway-worker’s cottage. That was all she needed and could afford (позволить себе). At first she felt a bit lonely, but now she couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. So by now there was a comfortable familiarity about it all. She knew who lived in this house, in that cottage. People called her by her name. “Morning, Elfrida,” or “Lovely day, Mrs Phipps.” In some families the man of the house caught a fast train to London in the morning and returned home after work late in the evening. Others had lived here all their lives in small stone houses that had belonged to their fathers and their grandfathers before that. Some people came to live here as they worked at the electronics factory in the neighbouring town. It was all very ordinary, just what Elfrida needed. That morning Elfrida closed the front door of her cottage, walked down the narrow path, through the gate and went towards the Post Office and General Store. She passed the pub called the Dibton Coach-house, and the church. That was the best thing about living here. You can walk across the square to the village shop, you can walk down the street to the butcher, and on the way home you can drop in the newsagent’s and pick up a weekly newspaper. At the end of the street she saw Oscar Blundell. He and his wife Gloria were the first friends Elfrida made in Dibton. They took her under their wing and through them she met others, very important and well-to-do families. Other people came into her life one by one as Elfrida went about her daily business: Mrs Jennings, who ran the village shop and the post-office; Mr Hodkins, who did rounds once a week with his greengrocer’s van; Albert Meddows, who answered her advertisement for garden help. Once the Vicar and his wife invited Elfrida to supper. 236

From time to time old friends from her theatre days came from the city to visit her. They had to sleep in her workroom where she made beautiful cushions for an interior-decorating firm in Sloan Street. When they were leaving, they asked her: “You’re all right, aren’t you, Elfrida? You don’t want to come back to London, do you? You are happy, aren’t you?” And she always answered that she was perfectly happy and would spend the twilight (сумерки) of her days there.

Ex 23. Look through the text again and answer the questions. Посмотрите текст ещё раз и ответьте на вопросы. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What kind of house did Elfrida buy? ................................................................................ Why did she come to live in this small village? .................................................................. What people lived in the village? .................................................................................... Why didn’t she feel lonely any more? .............................................................................. What was the best thing about living in the village? .......................................................... What did Elfrida answer to her London friends’ questions? ..............................................

Ex 24. Guided summary. Complete the story. Завершите краткий пересказ по заданной схеме. After Elfrida’s husband ...................... , she ...................... and came ...................... . She bought ...................... . There were ...................... people in the village. At first she felt lonely, but soon she ...................... . She knew ...................... in Debton. The people were ...................... to her. That day she ...................... . She walked to ...................... . It was the best thing about ...................... . You can walk everywhere. When friends from ...................... to visit her, she always told them she didn’t want ...................... she was ...................... .



15.1 The Public Transport A visitor to the United Kingdom can be surprised by the British public transport network. It is very big and useful. London has the underground (“The Tube”), which is the oldest and the second biggest underground railway in the world. But most British transport is above ground. In London and other cities you can take a city bus, a tram or a taxi. Even smaller cities have an extensive (обширный) bus system. Much of Britain is rural (сельская местность), but you can get by bus to most places.

Ex 1.

Match these words with the pictures. Подпишите фото, используя слова из списка ниже. walk  taxi  bicycle  сar  train  underground  tram  bus

1. .........................

2. .........................


3. .........................

5. .........................

6. .........................


4. .........................

7. .........................

Ex 2.

8. .........................

Complete the sentences, using the photo-prompts in ex 1. Look at the number in brackets. Завершите предложения. Номер в скобках – это используемый вид транспорта, который мы видим в упр. 1.

traffic – движение, транспорт car bus Go by tram train underground/ metro take a taxi/bus/car to go to work go on foot = walk The weather is nice, let’s walk to the station. I always take the car to go to the supermarket.

Wanda lives in a big city. When she comes to her native village, people ask her a lot of questions. 1. – How do people in your city get to work? – Well, there is the underground. Many people go to work (6) ......................... or (4) ......................... . 2. There are also trams, but they run in the city centre only. So people don’t often go to work (2) ......................... . Plants and factories are mostly on the outskirts (окраина) of the city. So people often go to work (3) ......................... . 3. – And you? – I always (8) ......................... to work. My office is not far from my apartment. But last week it was raining so I (2) .......................... . 4. Do you go (1) ......................... anywhere? – I don’t often use the car in the city. I usually (1) ......................... to go to the fitness club which is in the suburbs. Sometimes I go to the theatre (7) ......................... because you can never find a place to park the car. 5. What about Denis, your son, does he (8) ......................... to school? – No, he usually goes to school (5) ......................... . But when it is cold, he goes to school (2) ......................... .




Grammar PREPOSITIONS WITH FORMS OF TRANSPORT ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ПРЕДЛОГОВ С ВИДАМИ ТРАНСПОРТА Вид транспорта, который мы используем для передвижения (без артикля, притяжательного местоимения и других определителей)

Пассажир внутри данного вида транспорта

by car /by bus /by train / by bicycle on foot

in the car / in Nick’s van /in a taxi / in his lorry on the bus / on my bicycle / on a local train

(можно использовать различные виды определителей)

“IN” for cars and taxis “ON” for bicycles and public transport  I go to work by bus. I usually read on the bus.  Jim goes shopping on his bicycle. Mrs Marple came in a taxi.

Ex 3.

Complete the sentences with the prepositions from the box. Заполните пропуски предлогами из списка ниже.

Get in(to) / get out of a car/ taxi – сесть в / выйти из машины/такси Get on(to) / get off a bicycle/ bus/train – сесть на / сойти с велосипеда/автобуса/поезда  The driver helped the old lady get out of the taxi.  He got into his car and started the engine.  Emma got off the bus one station late.

in  on  by  off  into  out of 1. Jane usually goes to work ................ bike or ................ foot. 2. I don’t use my car very often. I prefer to go ................ metro. 3. I saw Nick this morning. He was ................ the bus. 4. It was too late, so I came home ................ a taxi. 5. It was very cold. At last the bus arrived and I got ................ the bus. 6. He missed his stop and had to get ................ the train at the next stop. 7. It takes about half an hour to get home ................ my bike and about fifteen minutes ................ the bus. 8. The bus was so crowded that I could hardly get ................ it. 9. We drove to the airport ................ a taxi. 10. I’ve broken my leg. I can’t go ................ car. I have to go to work ................ bus. 11. My grandmother is rather old. She can’t get ................ the car herself. I always help her.


Ex 4.

Fill in the gaps with MUST, MUSTN’T or SHOULD, SHOULDN’T. Sometimes two variants are possible: an order or advice. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами MUST, MUSTN’T or SHOULD, SHOULDN’T. Иногда возможны два варианта: просто совет или настоятельный совет (указание).

1. Don’t you see the traffic sign (дорожный знак)? You .................. stop here. You .................. be more attentive, you often miss traffic signs. 2. If you want to get to the Historical Museum, you .................. get off at this stop. 3. We .................. hurry, the bus is leaving in fifteen minutes. 4. It’s a direct train, we .................. change lines. 5. In Germany you .................. eat on the bus, it’s a rule (правило). One .................. follow (исполнять/следовать) all the rules here. 6. Peter, I’m worried about you. Remember to buy a ticket, you .................. buy a return ticket, it’s cheaper. And don’t miss your stop, you .................. count the stops. 7. I think you .................. go by metro, it takes only 10 minutes to get there. 8. Could you tell me where I .................. get off, please? 9. If you don’t go to a Sport Center, you .................. go on foot more. 10. You .................. turn right here, there is a traffic sign. You .................. go strait and then turn right at the traffic lights.

MODAL VERBS: OBLIGATION AND ADVICE МОДАЛЬНЫЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ: ВЫРАЖЕНИЕ ДОЛЖЕСТВОВАНИЯ Глагол MUST передаёт при/указание и настоятельный совет – «должен»:  Peter goes to school alone for the first time. His mother says, “Don’t forget, you must take number 14 bus.” “You must cross the street at the traffic lights.” (настоятельный совет, почти приказ) Отрицательная форма MUSTN’T передаёт запрещение – «нельзя, запрещается»:  You mustn’t smoke at petrol stations. Глагол SHOULD выражает пожелание, совет в мягкой вежливой форме – «надо», «следует».  It’s too late. I think you should take a taxi. Можно также дать совет в отрицательной форме, используя SHOULDN’T.


 You shouldn’t read on the bus, it’s bad for the eyes. (совет, пожелание)

go/run – ходить (о транспорте) change buses/lines – пересаживаться на другой автобус/линию метро stop – останавливаться bus stop – остановка автобуса single/return ticket – билет в один конец/ туда и обратно

MUSTN’T – «запрещается» SHOULDN’T – «не надо, не следует»

The buses run every ten minutes. We changed trains at Stockport.





Ex 5.

Read the dialogues. Complete the sentences with the words from the list. There are three extra words which you don’t need to use. Listen and check your answers. Прочтите диалоги. Заполните пропуски словами из списка. В списке три лишних слова. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы. underground  change  ticket  station  stops get off  goes  get on  single

1 – – – – –

Which bus (1) ............ to Queens, please? You need the 70. But you’ll have to (2) ............ to the 73 at University. Thank you. Could you tell me where the bus (3) ............ , please? Over there, at the end of the street. Thanks.

2 – – – – – – –

Excuse me, where can I buy the bus (4) ............ ? You pay the driver when you (5) ............ the bus. Thank you. You are welcome. (on the bus) A (6) ............ to University, please. Could you tell me where I should get off. Certainly, ma’am. Thank you.

USE OF THE DEFINITE ARTICLE WITH THE WORDS “SAME”, “RIGHT”, “WRONG”, etc. ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ОПРЕДЕЛЕННОГО АРТИКЛЯ “THE” С НЕКОТОРЫМИ СЛОВАМИ-ОПРЕДЕЛИТЕЛЯМИ Мы ставим определенный артикль THE перед такими определителями существительного, как: same – такой/тот же When I go to work, I take the same bus every day. right – правильный Is it the right train for Pushkin? wrong – неправильный You are going in the wrong direction. next – следующий We waited for the next bus for about 15 minutes. last – последний The last train is at 11.34 p.m.


Ex 6.


Listen and reаd the dialogues. A. Complete the Memory Box with the words from the text. B. Complete the sentences below with the words from the Memory Box. Прослушайте и прочтите диалоги. А. Дополните Memory Box словами из текста. В. Дополните предложения ниже словами из Memory Box.

1 – – – – –

Is this the right bus for the airport? No, you should have taken a number 25, not 26. You’re going in the wrong direction. Where can I change the buses, please? Get off at the next stop and take a number 12 to the Market Place. Thank you.



2 – – – –

A CITY PUBLIC TRANSPORT .......................... – автобус идёт (до) run every 10 minutes – ходить каждые 10 минут wrong bus – автобус не идёт (до) in the wrong direction – не в том направлении .......................... – быть переполненным/много народа .......................... – следующий автобус .......................... – ближайшая станция метро

I usually take 8:15 bus when I go to University. Look, this bus is overcrowded. Let’s wait for the next bus. We don’t have the time, we’ll be late then. The buses run every twenty minutes. Let’s go by underground then. Where is the nearest underground station?

B. 1. When we don’t know the city well, we often ask if it is the ........................ bus ........................ the city centre or some other place. We might go in the ........................ . If we have to ........................ buses or metro lines, we should know where to ........................ . 2. In Moscow the buses are often ........................ . Sometimes you have to wait 10–15 minutes for the ........................ bus. The buses ........................ every 15–20 minutes. That’s why it’s better to go ........................ underground. Underground trains run every 2–3 minutes.

Ex 7. A. B. C. D.

Read the text. Decide where the phrases (A–G) below go into the text (1–7). Прочтите текст. Вставьте фразы (A–G) в соответствующее место в тексте (1–7).

was opened stations (270) large part of Greater London the second largest metro system

E. call the whole underground F. passenger journeys G. underground railway

World’s First Underground


The London Underground serves a (1) and some parts of England: Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and Essex. It is the oldest (2) in the







world, the first section of which (3) in 1863. Londoners (4) . The Tube, although (хотя) that term originally applied (относиться) only to the deep-level lines.


The Underground has 402 kilometres (250 miles) of tracks (пути), making it (5) in the world (6) after the Shanghai Metro. It also has one of the largest numbers of . In 2007, more than one (7) billion of were recorded. It is the third busiest metro system in Europe, after Moscow and Paris. The Tube is an international icon for London.



£ £ £ £ £ £ £

Find the logical order of the following dialogue parts. Listen and check your answers. Поставьте реплики диалога в логической последовательности. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.

No, the fare depends on (зависеть) the distance you travel. Take the Victoria line. I like it, it is not so complicated (сложно). It’ll take (you) about 10 minutes, I think. Thank you. In Moscow there is one fixed fare. With one ticket you can travel as far as you like. Are the underground fares a fixed price?

it takes (me)15 minutes to get to … – дорога до… занимает 15 минут/ мне требуется 15 минут, чтобы добраться до… How long will it take to get there? – сколько времени требуется/как долго добираться до…? fare – плата за проезд

Could you tell me how long it would take to get there? Excuse me, can you tell me which line goes to Regent’s Street? Yes, take the Victoria line to Oxford Circle. Then change to Waterloo. Do I have to change lines?


1 £ £ £

Ex 8.



NOTE How many/m uch – «скольк о» количестве п редметов/вещ – о ества How long – «сколько» долго) – о вр (как емени  How man y stops is the stadium?  How long will it take m e to get there?




You are going to listen to a survey (социологический опрос) on Public Transport in the area. The interviewers are at Moskovsky Railway Station in St. Petersburg. They ask people some questions. A. Listen to the interviews. Then fill in the table. B. Complete the sentences below the table, using the words from the interviews. А. Прослушайте интервью и заполните таблицу. В. Завершите предложения, используя слова/фразы из интервью.

A Speaker 1. 2. 3.


Changing buses/lines

Time en route (в пути)

...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................

B The first speaker ...................... at Avtovo. She took a ...................... to Moskovsky Railway Station. It ...................... 15 minutes to get to Moskovsky Railway Station. The second speaker ...................... in Kupchino. He ...................... to Kupchino Metro Station, then he ........................ at Technologichesky Institute. It ...................... about 45 minutes to ...................... Moskovsky Railway Station. The third speaker usually goes to Moskovsky Railway Station ...................... , because he needs ...................... . Sometimes he ...................... . It takes him about ...................... to get ...................... .

Ex 9.

Translate the phrases in brackets from Russian into English. Переведите фразы в скобках на английский язык.

1. – –

How do you (добираетесь до супермаркета) ......................................................... ? Today I came (в супермаркет после работы) ......................................................... . (Я приехала на метро.) .............................................................. . Usually we do the weekly shopping on Saturday, and (мы приезжаем на машине). ............................... ..................................... . (Как долго вы добирались до супермаркета) ......................................................... from your workplace?




Half an hour, I work in Sutton. (Когда мы едем на машине, это занимает 10 минут. Мы живём недалеко от магазина). .................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. .

2. – – – – –

(Как вы добираетесь до супермаркета?) .............................................................. ? By bus, I don’t usually buy much. (Сколько времени это отнимает?) ........................................................................ ? Only ten minutes. I work in this part of the city. (Вы всегда ездите в супермаркет на автобусе?) ........................................................ .................................. ? Sometimes I (еду за покупками на машине) ............................................................ , but not often.

Review REPORTED SPEECH КОСВЕННАЯ РЕЧЬ “I took a train to Regent Street,” he said.  He said he had taken a train to Regent Street. “We’ll go there by bus”, she explained.  She explained (that) they would go there by bus. “Is it the right bus to the Main Station, please?”  She asked if it was the right bus to the Main Station. “Where can I buy the ticket, please?”  She asked where she could buy the ticket.

Ex 10.

Render the dialogue in Reported Speech. Передайте диалог в косвенной речи.

In a London Bus LADY: Conductor, shall we soon come to house № 5 in Oxford Street? CONDUCTOR: Yes, madam, we shall be there in ten minutes.


(In ten minutes) Here you are, madam, here is your house. Shall I stop the bus? Oh, thank you very much. I don’t want to get off. I only wanted to show my little dog the house where he was born.

.................................................................................... ................................................................................... ................................................................................... .................................................................................. 246

15.2 Travelling Who lives sees much. Who travels sees more. (angolian proverb)

 How do we travel? By bus / by car – by road By train – by rail By plane – by air By boat / by ship – by sea

express train

local train





travel – путешествовать travel/travelling – путешествие journey – длительное путешествие trip – короткая поездка tour(of) – турне, поездка (по городам/странам) go on а journey/trip/tour(of) – отправиться make в путешествие/поездку I like travelling. I don’t like to travel alone. I’m looking for a travelling companion. We were on a day’s trip to Manchester. We made a tour of the city.

ship 247



Ex 11.

Fill in the gaps with the words from the list. Заполните пропуски словами из списка. by road  trips  by air  travelling (x2)  by rail  make trips make tours  travel(x3)  journeys  by sea

It’s difficult to imagine (представить себе) modern life without (1) .................... . Millions of people (2) .................... every day. They can travel (3) .................... , (4) .................... , (5) .................... , or (6) .................... . They make long (7) .................... for pleasure or short (8) .................... on business. People .................... because they want to see the world with their own eyes. They (10) .................... of different countries and cities. People who live in the country (11) .................... to big cities. Those who live in cities prefer to (12) .................... to places where they can enjoy nature. (13) .................... helps people discover (открывать для себя) new things. (9)

Travelling by Train 5

Ex 12.

Listen and then read the story. Render the story in reported speech. Прослушайте и прочтите рассказ. Передайте его содержание в косвенной речи.

It Is Safe to Cross the Tracks A little lady approach the trainmaster at Wappinger Junction and said “What time does the train for the North go by?” “3:30,” said the trainmaster.

“4:17,” said the trainmaster. A third time she approached and demanded, “What time does the train for the East pass here?” “Tonight at 8.00,” he answered. Once more she approached him. “What time does the train for the West leave?” “There won’t be another train for the West until tomorrow evening,” said the trainmaster. The woman looked happy.


A few minutes later she asked, “What time does the train to the South arrive?” railway station – железнодорожная станция junction – узловая станция trainmaster – главный кондуктор train – поезд carridge/car – вагон compartment – купе restaurant car – вагон-ресторан tracks – рельсовый путь leave – отправляться, уезжать arrive – прибывать go by / pass – проходить (мимо) miss a train/bus – пропустить поезд/автобус



“Come along, Willy,” she cried to the little boy on the platform. “It’s safe to cross the tracks now.”

NOTE ARRIVE IN a city or a country: in India, in Oslo. ARRIVE AT other smaller places or events: at the station, at the restaurant, at the party.

....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... .......................................................................................


£ £ £ 1 £ £ £ £ £ 7

Ex 13.

Find the logical order of the following dialogue parts. Listen and check your answers. Установите реплики диалога в логической последовательности. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.

When does the next train leave? The trains to Blackpool run every hour. It arrives at 6.30. We are running half an hour late today. How often do the trains to Blackpool run? What platform does it leave from? When does it arrive in Blackpool? The next train leaves in fifteen minutes. It leaves from platform 6.

Ex 14.

Listen to the dialogue and then read it. Read the sentences below and fill in the missing information. Прослушайте и прочтите диалог. Прочтите предложения ниже и внесите недостающую информацию.

I’d like to reserve a seat on train number 243 to Dover for the 18th of December. Are there seats still available? Just a moment. I’m awfully sorry, but that train doesn’t run on Sundays. Have a look at the timetable and choose a suitable (подходящий) date. You’ll find us at www.railtickets.uk. Thank you.


At the Booking-office booking-office – касса book/reserve a seat – заказать билет in advance – заранее be available – иметься в наличии timetable – расписание nonsmoking car – вагон для некурящих

The passenger wanted to ............................................. on train number 243 for ........................ ..................... . 249



The passenger asked if the seats ............................................. . At the booking-office the clerk told him that the ............................................. on Sundays. The clerk suggested looking at ............................................. and choose a ............................................. .

Ex 15.

Translate the phrases in brackets from Russian into English. Переведите фразы в скобках на английский язык.

1. I’d like a first class (билет в оба конца) ............................................. to Dover, please. 2. When does (поезд прибывает) ............................................. ? 3. Let’s (посмотрим на расписание) ............................................. to see when (наш поезд отправляется) ............................................. . 4. What (платформы отправляется наш поезд) ............................................. from? 5. I’d like a (место в вагоне для некурящиx) ............................................. . 6. Is there (вагон-ресторан) ............................................. in this train?

Travelling by Plane Many people prefer flying because it is the fastest and most convenient (удобный) way to travel for long distances.

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

This small article appeared in the newspaper. Read it and number the events in the box in the order they happened. Эта небольшая заметка появилась в газете. Прочтите её и пронумеруйте предложения согласно тому, как происходили события, описанные в заметке.

The plane took off without the pilot. The plane had mechanical trouble. The pilot got out to restart the engine. Carol Hall couldn’t understand anything. The plane climbed to 2,000 feet. The plane started to move across the airfield. The pilot called the emergency service. The pilot landed at Grimes Field.



Ex 16.

plane – самолёт 8 engine – двигатель airfield – взлётное поле runway – взлётно-посадочная полоса take off – взлетать land – приземляться climb – набирать высоту

THE UNUSUAL STORY Carol Hall looked out of her office window and couldn’t understand what was going on. A yellow plane was moving along the runway ready for take-off, but its movement was rather unusual. A moment later the pilot rushed into her office and called emergency service. His plane had left without him. The plane got faster and faster, took off into the air, and climbed to 2,000 feet. The pilot explained that his plane began to have mechanical trouble, and as he landed at Grimes Field, the engine stopped. He got out to restart the engine by turning the propeller. As he did so the engine started, the plane began to move across the airfield without the pilot and took off. (from Developing Grammar in Context)


NOTE nonstop flight – беспосадочный полёт direct flight – прямой рейс confirmation of the flight – подтверждение заказа



You are going to listen to a dialogue at the airline bookingoffice. Larry Ernst is booking a flight to Seattle. A. Listen to the dialogue twice and tick () the sentences that are true. B. Complete the e-mail to his girlfriend Sandra. A. Прослушайте диалог дважды и отметьте предложения, которые соответствуют содержанию диалога. B. Внесите недостающую информацию в его e-mail подруге Сандре. А 1.


2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

£ £ £ £ £

7. 8.

£ £



B Larry Ernst wants to book a flight to Seattle for the end of August. He wants to book a nonstop flight. The plane leaves at 20.06. The plane leaves rather early, at 6.20. Larry wants to book two single tickets. He wants to book two return tickets for August 26. A return ticket is $960. Larry Ernst will get the tickets in about two weeks. The airline will send him confirmation of the flight in about two weeks. 251

Message (HTML)

File Edit View Insert Format Tools Actions Help

From Subject

[email protected] about flight

Hi, Sandra, We’re flying to .......... . Booked .......... tickets. We are leaving on .......... at ........... Don’t get upset about the time, there was no other .......... flight on that day. Love, Larry.



Ex 17.

What are the questions for the following answers? Напишите вопросы для следующих ответов.



Passengers on flight 302 to New York are now boarding at gate 32A. Last call for passengers on flight 302 to New York!




flight 302 New York

– – – – – – – – –

board a plane/train/ship – сесть в самолёт/поезд/пароход boarding – посадка boarding pass – посадочный талон check-in – регистрация (пассажиров) departure gate – выход на посадку luggage – багаж hand luggage – ручная кладь piece of luggage – предмет багажа


Check-in/begin? (1) ........................................................................................................... It has already begun. Passengers on flight 302 to New York are boarding at gate 32A. How many pieces of luggage? (2) ........................................................................................ I’ve got two suitcases and this handbag. You can take this handbag as hand luggage. Departure gate? (3) ............................................................................................................ Here is your boarding pass. Gate number 37D. When/arrive? (4) ................................................................................................................ You are arriving in New York at 1.00 p.m. Pacific Time.

Ex 18. Translate the phrases in brackets from Russian into English. Переведите фразы в скобках на английский язык. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Has the plane to Frankfurt (уже приземлился) ............................................................... ? (Мы прибываем) .................................................. to Madrid at 11 a.m. (Я лечу) .................................................. to Paris next week. We’re (приземлимся через 10 минут) .......................................................................... . I’d like (билет в один конец) .................................................. to Liverpool for the beginning of July. 252

6. Are there any (прямые рейсы) .......................... ................................ to Copenhagen tomorrow? 7. Here is your (посадочный талон) ........................... .............................. . 8. (Регистрация билетов) ........................................ begins at 9.30. 9. Where is (ваш багаж) ........................................ , please? – (У меня три места багажа: два чемодана и сумка.) ................................................ ......................................................................... . 10. Listen! They’re announcing (посадку) .................... ...................... .

Ex 19.

Choose the correct word or phrase. Выберите соответствующее слово или фразу.

1. There was a notice at the airport which said, “............ to France!” a) We’ll come b) Well came c) Welcome 2. We ............ the train and decided to get a bus. a) were late b) missed c) forget 3. Jim’s ............ to Amsterdam is at 3.45 p.m. a) flight b) fly c) flying 4. Excuse me, what time does the train ............ in London? a) reach b) come c) arrive 5. What time does this train ............ ? a) part b) leave c) go out

Grammar THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE BE + -ing Помимо обозначения длительного действия, The Present Continuous Tense употребляется, когда мы говорим о будущем запланированном действии. Говорящий в значительной степени уверен в его осуществлении. Соответственно, в вопросах о планах и намерениях также используется The Present Continuous Tense.  He is leaving for Moscow tomorrow.  When are we landing? (см. Appendix 1)

Travelling by Ship ship


ocean liner 253

boat Unit


Memory Box. Заполните пропуски словами из Memory Box. 1. When does the ship to Amsterdam ................... ? 2. We had a lovely ................... with a private terrace. It was very expensive. 3. The captain and the ................... of the ship were very friendly. 4. Three friends and a dog ................... down the Thames. 5. The family went on ................... from New York to Plymouth. 6. There were three swimming pools on ................... the ship. 7. The ship was very big, it had three ................... . 8. Mr Thompson ................... the ship in Salvador, he was sailing to England.


Ex 21.


Ex 20. Fill in the spaces with the words from the

SEA VOYAGE – морское путешествие


board a ship – сесть на корабль sail (along/up/down) – плыть, отплывать go on a voyage – отправиться в путешествие по воде board – борт on board the ship – на борту корабля deck – палуба cabin – каюта captain – капитан crew – экипаж

Complete the advertisement for travelling by sea. Choose the best phrase from (A–I) to fill in the gaps (1–9). Listen and check your answers. Завершите рекламу морского путешествия. Выберите фразу или слово (A–I) из данных в списке, чтобы заполнить пробелы (1–9 ). Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.

A. ocean liner B. boats C. first-class restaurant

D. sail E. on deck F. by sea

Take advantage of everything

G. go on a voyage H. cabin I. board

Travelling (1) ................... is very popular. Our ocean liners offered on board and you’ll have ................... along the seacoast (морское побережье). Smaller (3) a great time! ................... sail up the river. When you (4) ................... , you can visit different cities or countries and other places of You’ll definitely go on another voyage interest. next year! Sailing on an (5) ................... is a great choice (выбор) for a family holiday. You have a nice (6) ................... and enjoy fresh air sitting (7) ................... . There are lots of activities on (8) ................... the ship: you can go to a fitness centre, get a massage, relax by a swimming pool, watch movies, go skating, and more! You dress up for dinner in a (9) ................... or sit in a bar. (2)


Ex 22. Find word partnerships. Match the words in column A with those in column B to form a phrase. Образуйте фразу: соедините слова в колонке А со словами в колонке В.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

A Book Nonsmoking Arrive at The plane A return Buses Nonstop A piece of Board The plane Check-in


a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k.

a ship the station flight a seat car takes off ticket landed run every 20 minutes time luggage

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


Reader’s Corner

Listen and read the story. Прослушайте и прочтите рассказ.

The Man Who Took Notice of Notices1 My uncle Tom used to work on the railway. It wasn’t a big station. Only about two trains a day stopped there. Tom was a station-master, chief porter and signalman all in one; in fact Tom did any work that came along, and there wasn’t a happier man in the whole of England. The chief cleaner Tom cleaned the waiting room of the station every day. The chief polisher Tom polished the chairs. The chief ticket collector Tom sold and collected tickets – sometimes there were as many as four tickets a day. Tom ran the station very well. Tom was very strict about the “rules.” He knew what a passenger was allowed to do and what he wasn’t allowed to do; where a passenger was allowed to smoke and where he wasn’t allowed to smoke. He was there for 50 years and he had never missed a single day and then he had to retire. Well, a little “farewell ceremony” was planned by the Railway Company. A man from the head office came to the station for the ceremony. On behalf2 of the company he thanked Tom for his work and gave him a small cheque as a present. Tom was very pleased, of course, but he said: “I don’t need the money, but can I have, instead, something that will remind me of the happy days I have spent here? Could the Company let me have a part of an old railway carriage, just one compartment? It doesn’t matter how old and broken it is; I want to put it into my back garden and every day I could go and sit in it.” 255



About a week later a compartment was sent and placed in his back garden. Tom worked at it. He cleaned, painted and polished it and in a week or so it looked very nice. One day, about a year after Tom retired we decided to visit him. It was a bad day for a visit, it was raining hard. We knocked but there was no answer. However, the door wasn’t locked and we went in. There was no one inside and we went out into the back garden. Sure enough, he was there, but he wasn’t sitting in the carriage, he was outside, on the step of the carriage, smoking a pipe. His head was covered with a sack (мешок) and the rain was running down his back. “Hello Tom,” I said, “why are you sitting there, why don’t you go inside the carriage out of the rain?” “Can’t you see?” said Tom, “the carriage they sent me was a nonsmoker3”. Note: 1 (зд.) табличка 2 от имени 3 вагон для некурящих

Ex 23. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Where did Tom work? What kind of station was it? What were Tom’s duties and responsibilities? How did Tom run the station? What was Tom’s attitude (отношение) to his work? How long had he been working at the station? Why did the Railway Company organize a little party for Tom? What present did they give Tom? Why did they give Tom such a present? Why was Tom sitting on the steps of the carriage on a rainy day like that?

Ex 24. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Переведите предложения на английский язык. 1. Том руководил работой этой маленькой станции очень хорошо. ....................................................................................................................................... 2. Особенно строго он относился к выполнению правил. ....................................................................................................................................... 3. Он знал, что разрешается и что не разрешается делать на железнодорожной станции. ....................................................................................................................................... 4. Он проработал на станции 50 лет и не пропустил ни единого дня. ....................................................................................................................................... 5. Пришёл день, когда ему пришлось уйти на пенсию. ....................................................................................................................................... 256

6. Компания поблагодарила Тома за работу и подарила ему чек на небольшую сумму. ....................................................................................................................................... 7. Он попросил подарить ему вместо чека купе от старого вагона. ....................................................................................................................................... 8. Том помыл, покрасил и отполировал старое купе. Оно выглядело прекрасно. ....................................................................................................................................... 9. Том поставил купе в саду позади дома. ....................................................................................................................................... 10. «Идёт дождь, почему ты не сидишь внутри вагона?», спросили Тома гости. ....................................................................................................................................... 11. «Это вагон для некурящих,» – ответил Том. .......................................................................................................................................


Listen and then read the story. Прослушайте и прочтите рассказ.

Blackmail A great liner stopped some way from the port. The captain said to the passengers: “You can visit the port if you want to, but you must be back on board at 5:30 as the ship is to sail off at 6 o’clock.” The ship was far too big to dock in the port and all the day the local boatmen had to take the passengers to and from the liner. At about 5 o’clock Miss Merryweather made up her mind to return to the liner. “Will you take me over to the liner?” she asked a boatman. “I shall, for 5 dollars.” “Isn’t it a bit too expensive? I’d like to pay you 3 dollars. If you don’t agree, I can always take another boat.” After a good deal of arguing the boatman agreed to take her over for 3 dollars. When they were about two hundred yards from the liner, the boatman stopped. “Is anything the matter?” asked Miss Merryweather. “Nothing at all,” the boatman answered. “Either you pay me 5 dollars, or you can sit here and watch the ship sail away.” She had to pay the money as she didn’t want the ship to sail away without her.

Ex 25. Guided summary. Complete the story. Краткий пересказ по заданной схеме. Завершите предложения. A great liner stopped ...................... . The captain allowed the passengers ...................... but he told them to ...................... by 5:30 as the ship ...................... . One lady decided to ...................... but she didn’t want to ...................... . The boatman agreed to ...................... but when they were not far from the ship he ....................... The lady had to pay the money as she ...................... .

REVISION 4 (UNITS 13–15) Ex 1.

Fill in the missing words in the sentences and do the crossword puzzle. Решите кроссворд, вставив в предложения соответствующие слова. 9




10 1


2 15






18 6 7


Across 1. Travelling by plane is fast and ......................... . 2. Railway ......................... are the rails (рельсы) that a train travels along. 3. During rush hours (час пик) buses and trains are always ......................... . 4. She booked a ......................... ticket, so that she could go to Bath and back. 5. I lived with my parents in a village. After leaving school, I went to ......................... to study at college. 6. If we don’t know how to get to some place in a city, we ask for ......................... . 7. A ......................... works in a restaurant serving food and drink. 8. A ......................... takes care of people’s health.

Down 9. The ......................... of a ship is a floor in the open air which you can walk on. 10. Metro = ......................... 258

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

A ......................... is a team of people working on a ship. To ......................... means “move forward across the sea or lake.” Planes take off or ......................... at the airport. We take our ......................... to do the weekly shopping. We don’t go on foot or by bus. To ......................... means “get on a ship or plane.” A ......................... is a place that you can take when you’re on a train, on a bus, or a plane. I have a wonderful view from my ......................... . It looks out on the park. He lives in an old narrow ......................... № 21. It’s not far from the park.

Ex 2. Find word partnerships. Match the beginning of the phrase in column A with its ending in column B. Draw a line to connect them. Образуйте фразы. Соедините линией начало фразы в колонке А с её концом в колонке B.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

A Work Weed Go Keep Change Be good Cross Make a tour Mow Gather Be We lost

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l.


B the crop at painting shifts of the city our way buses sightseeing the lawn a hotel the street the flowerbed self-employed

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Ex 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Choose the correct word underlined in each sentence. Выберите соответствующее слово из двух, подчёркнутых в каждом предложении. Mark works for an Australian job/company. I’d like a back/return ticket to London, please. Ann got a job as a typewriter/typist. When I had a toothache, I went to the doctor’s/dentist’s. The bus station/stop to the shopping centre is on the opposite side of the street. Bob trained as an electrician/electric. If you don’t hurry, we’ll lose/miss the bus. Helena has found a work/job in a bank.




Ex 4.

Fill in the spaces with the prepositions from the list where necessary. Заполните пробелы соответствующими предлогами из списка, где это необходимо. up  of  into  opposite  off (x2)  by  on (x2)  for across  along  down  from  to  through (x2)  in

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12.

Sue got ............... her car and drove away. The shopping centre is far away, we can’t go ............... foot. Jane arrived ............... home at 4.00. Mr Stevense works ............... a large firm. His father kept ............... a bookshop which is ............... the bank. Farmer Joe Horse works ............... the field, and his wife Mary takes care ............... the chickens. We went ............... the river and ............... a small wood to get ............... the farm. To change ............... buses you should get ............... at the next stop. The plane took ............... and climbed ............... 2,000 feet. In this small town all the shops are not far ............... her house: she can walk ............... to the greengrocer’s, ............... the street to the butcher’s and ............... the street to a small supermarket. Before he became an architect, he had worked ............... a building site. He earned ............... his living ............... repairing old TV sets.

Ex 5.

Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Choose the right article where necessary. Заполните пропуски словами из списка. Выберите соответствующий артикль, где это необходимо. farmer  trip  electrician  plane  journey  boat  taxi go  gardener  lawyer  travel (x2)  sailor  bike  architect

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

When the ............... took off, Tom felt nervous. After he was arrested, Paul was allowed to phone his ............... . I prefer to ............... by air. It’s much faster than going by train. Once a week, a/an ............... comes and cuts the grass. This house was designed by a well-known ............... . It was a business ..............., we didn’t have time to do the sights. David didn’t enjoy being a/an ............... because he got seasick. When the lights went out, the manager called a/an ............... . Joe saw a ............... coming down the street. He shouted, and it stopped. People ............... hundreds of miles to see the pyramids. They are unique. He made his first ............... to Africa in 1847. 260

12. He is a/an ............... , he raises cattle. 13. Peter enjoyed his voyage across the Atlantic in his new sailing ............... . 14. Tina got off her ............... and pushed it uphill.

Ex 6.

Render the jokes in Reported Speech. Перескажите шутки в косвенной речи.

1. She Felt Nervous “What will happen if we strike a large iceberg?” a nervous passenger asked the captain. “The iceberg will pass on (продолжит свой путь) as if nothing has happened,” answered the captain. The old lady, who has read “The Titanic”, looked very happy. ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................

2. On a Bus When a young girl got on a bus, an old man near the door tried to stand up. She put her hand on his arm and said, “Thank you, but please, don’t do that. I can stand.” “But…,” tried to say something the old man. “I can’t take your seat,” the girl said. “My dear girl,” the old man said at last, “you may take my seat or not, but I want to get off at the next stop.” ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................

Ex 7.

A. Complete the sentences with the words from the list. B. Retell the story in Reported Speech. A. Дополните предложения словами из списка. В. Перескажите рассказ в косвенной речи.

pay  earned  broke down  repaired  high school  fix  teacher  in your car won’t take  missing the sports  take me home  have some coffee A young (1) ................... , who teaches electronics at the local (2) ................... , sometimes (3) ................... some extra money repairing TV sets. One evening, when Mr Brown’s TV set 261




................... , he drove to the teacher’s house and brought him back to (5) ................... it. After working on it for some hours he (6) ................... it. Mr Brown asked the teacher to (7) ................... and cake with his family. While they were eating, Mr Brown asked the teacher how much he had to (8) ................... him for the work. “Well,” the teacher said thoughtfully, “you brought me (9) ................... here, and you’re going to (10) ................... . You gave me coffee and a piece of cake. That’s why I (11) ................... any money for the work.” “But,” he added, “it will be two dollars for (12) ................... news.”

Ex 8.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Скажите, пожалуйста, на какой остановке мне нужно пересесть на другой автобус? ....................................................................................................................................... 2. Мой сын студент, он работает неполный рабочий день. Когда он закончит (graduate from) университет, он будет работать полный рабочий день. ....................................................................................................................................... 3. Летом мы работали на ферме. ....................................................................................................................................... 4. Когда мы живём в нашем загородном доме, мы редко ездим в город. ....................................................................................................................................... 5. Я не люблю ходить пешком. Я предпочитаю ездить на машине. ....................................................................................................................................... 6. В большом городе в общественном транспорте много народа. ....................................................................................................................................... 7. Скажите, пожалуйста, когда отправляется поезд в Москву? ....................................................................................................................................... 8. Скажите, пожалуйста, когда начинается регистрация на рейс 846 в Париж? ..................................................................................................................................... 9. Я мечтаю отправиться в путешествие на пароходе. ....................................................................................................................................... 10. Я хочу быть поваром в большом ресторане. Я прошёл курс обучения и ищу работу. ....................................................................................................................................... 11. Я люблю жить в сельской местности. Мне не нравится жить в большом многоквартирном доме. .......................................................................................................................................



16.1 Our Planet – the Earth Ex 1.

Read a short description of the Earth. Complete the Memory Box with the words from the text. Прочтите краткое описание планеты Земля. Дополните Memory Box словами из текста.


The Earth is the planet where we all live. Planet Earth travels in space. It is a very special planet. It has a rocky surface, water, and atmosphere. It is the only planet in the Solar System where animals and plants live.



..................... – планета ..................... – космос ..................... – поверхность Solar System – солнечная система ..................... – животные ..................... – растения rocky – твёрдый, каменистый

1. Названия планет пишутся с большой буквы без артикля: Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Mercury, кроме: the Earth, the Sun, the Moon. 2. only – только the only – единственный



A. B. C. D. E.

Ex 2.

Decide where the phrases (A–E) go into the text. There are three extra numbers in the text that you don’t have to fill. Listen to the text and check your answers. Вставьте фразы (A–E) в определённое место в тексте. В тексте три лишних номера, которые не должны быть заполнены.

The River Nile is the world’s longest river. It covers about a third of the Earth. Between the continents there are oceans and seas. The Sahara, in the northern part of Africa, is the world’s biggest desert. The world’s biggest freshwater lake is Lake Superior in the USA and Canada.

The Map of the World


The map of the world shows the seven continents. (1) More than two-thirds of the world is covered with salty water. (2) There are five great oceans: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, the Southern and the Arctic. (3) The largest ocean is the Pacific Ocean. (4) The Arctic Ocean is the smallest one. It is also the coldest. For most of the year, it is frozen over. (5) The Mediterranean Sea is the largest of the seas.

£ £



£ It snakes through Africa.

Deserts are the driest places on the Earth. Sometimes no rain falls in the desert for years. (8) Some deserts are covered with vast seas of sand. There are also rocky deserts. They are covered with pebbles (камешки).




The map also shows rivers, mountains, deserts, and lakes. (6) huge lakes, called the Great Lakes.



It is one of the group of five

continent – континент ocean – океан sea – море river – река lake – озеро waterfall – водопад desert – пустыня sand – песок freshwater – пресная вода cover (in/with) – покрывать freeze – замерзать


Без артикля Africa, Asia

Океаны, реки, моря, каналы, пустыни

Артикль THE Когда название имеет уточняющее определение The Africa I saw was different from what I had read about it. the Pacific, the Neva, the Black Sea, the Suez Canal, the Gobi


lake Baikal

the Baikal


– вершины Elbrus, Everest

– горные цепи the Urals, the Alps


– отдельные острова Madagasсar, Corfu

– группы островов the Bermudas, the British Isles

Ex 3.


Fill in the definite article THE where necessary. Вставьте определённый артикль THE, где это необходимо.

Эти географические названия употребляются без артикля: Canada, Berlin, Petrovka.

.......... Great Britain is situated to the north-west of .......... Europe. It is the ninth largest island in the world, and the largest European island. It is also the largest of .......... British Isles.

а) когда название страны, города или деревни имеет уточняющее определение  The Paris he was born in...  In his book W. Scott described the England of the Middle Ages.

Most of .......... England, .......... Scotland, and .......... Wales are on the island of .......... Great Britain. Their capital cities are .......... London, .......... Edinburgh, and .......... Cardiff.

b) когда название страны включает в себя слова: State(s), Kingdom, Union, Republic, Emirates

The UK lies between .......... North Atlantic Ocean and .......... North Sea. It is only 35 km from the coast of .......... France. It is separated from .......... Europe by .......... English Channel. .......... Northern Ireland has a land boundary (граница) with .......... Republic of Ireland. Now the Channel Tunnel links .......... UK with .......... France. 265

Исключением являются случаи:

the United States of America, the United Arab Emirates, the Republic of Ireland, etc Следующие географические названия нужно запомнить. Они всегда употребляются с определенным артиклем THE: the Netherlands, the Ukraine, the Congo, the Crimea, the Caucasus, the Hague.



There are many rivers in .......... Britain but they are not very long. The principal rivers are .......... Severn, .......... Trent and .......... Thames . .......... Severn is the longest river. It is about 2000 miles long. The highest waterfall is 370 feet high. But the most important river is .......... Thames. It is navigable all the year round.

Ex 4.

Match the beginnings A with the endings B of the sentences describing the relief map of Great Britain. В описании рельефа поверхности Великобритании соедините начало предложения в колонке А с его концом в колонке В.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

£ £ £ £ £ 1 £


Some parts of Great Britain are flat and others are mountainous. A The surface of Eastern and Northern Ireland is flat, but the surface There are mountains in the north and in the west of England, but all the rest In the north-western part of England there are many beautiful lakes. The Cheviot Hills separate England from Scotland. Scotland is a land of mountains. The chain of mountains in Scotland is called the Grampians. There are no great forests on the British Isles today.

THE SURFACE OF GREAT BRITAIN mountain – гора chain of mountains – горная цепь peak – вершина, высшая точка highland(s) – плоскогорье, (pl) горная местность hill – холм plain – равнина valley – долина forest – лес stream – ручей

B a. Its highest peak is Ben Nevis. It is the highest peak not only in Scotland but in the whole Great Britain as well. b. The Highlands of Scotland are among the oldest mountains in the world. c. Historically, the most famous forest is Sherwood Forest in the east of England, to the north of London. It was the home of Robin Hood, the famous hero of a number of legends. d. This part of the country is called Lake District. e. of the territory is a vast plain. f. of Wales and Scotland is hilly and mountainous. 266

Ex 5.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

In the texts above find adjectives to match the nouns below. В прочитанных текстах подберите прилагательные к данным существительным.

mountain – .......................................................... hill – .................................................................... plain – ... flat ...................................................... navigation – ......................................................... north – ................................................................ south – ................................................................ west – ................................................................. east – .................................................................

Ex 6.

USE OF ARTICLES WITH GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES АРТИКЛЬ С ГЕОГРАФИЧЕСКИМИ НАЗВАНИЯМИ (2) Названия четырёх сторон света употребляются с определённым артиклем: the South, the North, the West, the East Названия регионов, в которых присутствуют эти слова, также употребляются с определённым артиклем: the North of England, the South of Spain, the East of Russia. Следующие выражения используются без артикля: northern England, southern Spain, from East to West, from North to South.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Поверхность России очень разнообразна (extremely diverse). В России есть горы и равнины, холмы и леса. ....................................................................................................................................... 2. Так как (as) Земля – тёплая планета, на ней могут жить люди, животные и растения. ....................................................................................................................................... 3. Океаны занимают две трети поверхности планеты Земля. ....................................................................................................................................... 4. В северо-западной части Англии много красивых озёр. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. 5. Бен-Невис – самая высокая вершина гор Шотландии. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. 6. Шервудский лес недалеко от Ноттингема – самый большой лес Великобритании. ........................................................................... ............................................................................ 7. Большая часть (most part) Северной Ирландии равнинная, а Уэлс имеет холмистую поверхность. ........................................................................... ............................................................................




bank of a river, canal

coast – land bordering the sea: sea shore and land near it

shore of a sea or lake


beach – shore covered with sand or pebbles

seaside – place, town, etc by the sea, especially a holiday resort

Ex 7.

Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Дополните предложения словами из списка. beach  field  forest  banks  hill  island shore  coast  mountain  river  sea

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

We couldn’t cross the .................... because there wasn’t a bridge. At the back of the farm was a large .................... with 5 horses. Most fish live in the .................... . Maria climbed the .................... and looked down from the top. The hill was covered with thick .................... of tall trees. Tina lived on a small .................... in the middle of the Aegean Sea. Our school is on the top of a small .................... . After his swim, Jim rested on the .................... . A river flows between its .................... . He had a big house on the .................... of Lake Geneva. They are going to build big hotels on the .................... .


Ex 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Choose the correct word underlined in each sentence. Из двух подчёркнутых в предложении слов выберите подходящее по смыслу.

I like beautiful green plains /flats of Ireland. There is a wonderful view from the peak/top of the hill. Beside the road there were forests/gardens full of animals and plants. Helen wanted to spent her holidays in a foreign island/land. The boys camped next to a small lake/ocean in Scotland. Kate stayed in a small village in the country/outside. From the ship, Mark could see the distant coast/side of France. His house is on the south shore/bank of the river. THE PASSIVE VOICE СТРАДАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ЗАЛОГ Страдательный залог (The Passive Voice) используется, когда мы не можем или не хотим сказать, кто совершил действие. Глагол в страдательном залоге показывает, что действие совершается не самим подлежащим, а над подлежащим. The Simple Tense Passive Правильные глаголы + -ed BE + Participle II Неправильные глаголы III форма (см. Appendix 3) I He/She/It We/You/They

am is are


will be



Чтобы показать, кем совершается действие, используется предлог BY.

Сравните предложения в страдательном и действительном залоге: He asks. – Он спрашивает. He is asked. – Его спрашивают. Columbus discovered America. – Колумб открыл Америку. America was discovered by Columbus. – Америка была открыта Колумбом.

Ex 9. MODEL: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Express the following sentences in the Passive as in the model. Перепишите предложения в страдательном залоге, сохранив их содержание. Water covers two-thirds of the world. – Two-thirds of the world is covered with water.

The map shows all the continents, oceans and seas. ........................................................... They call the chain of mountains in Scotland the Grampians. ................................................. The Cheviot Hills separate England from Scotland. ............................................................... The Pacific Ocean covers about a third of the Earth. ........................................................... They call the group of five huge lakes the Great Lakes. ......................................................... Vast seas of sand cover some deserts. .............................................................................. 269



16.2 The Universe 2


The Earth is one of the planets that ................ around the Sun. The planets travel around the Sun in huge ................ . The Sun is ................ from the Earth. The Sun is very hot. It is 6,0000C on the ................ . The Earth gets the ................ and ................ needed for life from the Sun.

B. Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B. В колонке A найдите описание слов в колонке B. А 1. 2. 3. 4.

The Sun The Earth The Sun and the planets The Earth, Venus, and Mars

£ £ £ £

a. b. c. d. 270


You will hear a passage from an article about the Solar System. Read the words in the Memory Box first. A. While listening fill in the gaps in the summary of the passage. Прочтите слова в Memory Box. Во время прослушивания текста заполните пропуски в в его кратком пересказе.

SOLAR SYSTEM – солнечная система go/move/travel around – двигаться вокруг huge – огромный path – траектория orbit – орбита heat – тепло light – свет

В are called the Solar System. are rocky planets. is one of the planets of the Solar System. is our local star.

Ex 10.

Render the jokes in reported speech. Передайте содержание шуток в косвенной речи.

Review REPORTED SPEECH  “Astronomers have studied space for thousands of years,” the teacher said to the children. The teacher told the children that astronomers had studied space for thousands of years.  “Why do astronauts flow around in the spaceship?” a pupil asked. A pupil wanted to know why astronauts flew around in the spaceship.

That’s a Question! The teacher said, “Children, you know that the Earth goes round the Sun.” Then Mike asked, “Oh, what does the Earth do at night when there is no Sun?” ................................................................................. .................................................................................

 “Is a star a planet?” a pupil asked. A pupil wondered if a star was a planet.

Which is brighter? “Which is brighter – the Sun or the Moon?” the teacher asked Steve. “The moon!” answered Steve. “You see, it shines at night when it is dark and the Sun shines only in daytime when it is not dark. Everybody knows that”. ............................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................


Ex 11. Active or Passive? Choose the correct verb form underlined in the sentences. Listen and check your answers. Выберите соответствующую форму глагола из двух подчёркнутых в предложении. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.

There is a thick layer of air all over the Earth. It calls/ is called the Earth’s atmosphere. Air is made up/made up of several different gases. The gases mixed/are mixed together. The atmosphere is made/makes the Earth safe to live on. It keeps out/is kept out harmful rays from the Sun. It also is kept/keeps the Earth warm.



The Earth’s Atmosphere

THE ATMOSPHERE sky – небо layer – слой ray – луч safe – безопасный harmful – вредный keep – сохранять, держать keep out – не допускать make up – составлять




Complete this small text about Moon. Use the underlined prompts and make sentences in the Passive. Завершите небольшой текст о Луне. Составьте предложения в страдательном залоге, используя подчёркнутые слова.


Ex 12.

moon – спутник dust – пыль reflect – отражать

A huge cloud of stars / call / a galaxy A huge cloud of stars is called a galaxy.

The Moon


A moon is a ball of rock that moves around a planet. The Earth’s only moon / call / the Moon. (1) ............................................. .............................................................................. . The Moon is Earth’s travelling partner in space. It is a freezing, cold, dusty ball, where there is no air or water. The Moon / see / in the dark sky because the Sun’s rays / reflect / from the Moon’s surface. (2) ...................................................... ........................................................................................... .

SPACE AGE – космическая эра



watch – наблюдать spaceship/spacecraft – космический корабль astronaut/cosmonaut – космонавт scientist – учёный man-made – искусственный launch – запускать explore/exploration – исследовать/ исследование

Ex 13. Ask questions to the underlined parts of the sentences. Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым частям предложения.

How the Space Exploration Began For hundreds of years people on the Earth watched planets moving across the sky through telescopes. In the 20th century the Space Age began. Rockets which 272

QUESTIONS IN THE PASSIVE VOICE ПОСТРОЕНИЕ ВОПРОСА В СТРАДАТЕЛЬНОМ ЗАЛОГЕ Вопросительное предложение в Passive Voice строится по обычной схеме: вспомогательный глагол (am, is, are, was, were) ставится перед подлежащим:  In the 20th century space rockets were built. When were space rockets built?  Robot spacecraft was sent to Mars. Was robot spacecraft sent to Mars? Отрицание в страдательном залоге: вспомогательный глагол am, is, are, was, were + NOT  Spacecrafts weren’t sent to Pluto, it’s very far from the Earth.

could fly into space – space rockets – were built. People could take a close look (увидеть с близкого расстояния) at their neighbours in the Solar System. 1. In October, 1957 the first man-made object Sputnik 1 was launched into space.

When was the first man-made object Sputnik 1 launched into space? 2. In November 1957 a dog Laika was sent into space in a spacecraft Sputnik 2. It helped scientists understand if people could live in space. What living creature (существо) ......................................... .......................................................................................... ? 3. On the 12th of April, 1961 the first spaceship with a man on board – Yuri Gagarin – was launched into the Earth’s orbit. What spaceship ................................................................. .......................................................................................... ? 4. In 1966 a robotic spacecraft landed on the Moon. The photos of the Moon’s surface were taken and sent to the Earth. How .................................................................................... ? 5. In 1969 two American astronauts were brought to the Moon and back in an American spacecraft. What astronauts .................................................................................... ? 6. In 1972 Mars was explored by a Russian space probe Mars 2. How .................................................................................... ?

Ex 14.

Fill in the spaces with the prepositions from the list where necessary. Заполните пробелы предлогами из списка, где это необходимо. in (x2)  on  into  around  over  out  by  from  for

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Why do people want to go ................. space? Astronomers watched ................. stars and planets ................. thousands of years. Planets travel ................. space. There is a thick layer of air all ................. the Earth. The atmosphere keeps ................. harmful rays from the Sun. It also keeps ................. the Earth warm. You can’t walk ................. the surface of some planets. The Sahara is the hottest place ................. the world. The planets move ................. the Sun. The Sun is 150 million km ................. the Earth. Scientists explore ................. other planets of the Solar System ................. robotic spacecrafts. 273



Ex 15.

Translate the sentences or phrases in brackets from Russian into English. Переведите предложения или фразы в скобках на английский язык.

1. Since ancient times people have (наблюдали за звездами) ................................................. 2. Only in the 20th century we were able to (послать в космос космические корабли) .............. ................................................. 3. Космонавты – это люди, которые путешествуют в космическом пространстве. ....................................................................................................................................... 4. Они исследуют Луну и другие планеты солнечной системы. ....................................................................................................................................... 5. Они летят в космос на космических кораблях. ....................................................................................................................................... 6. To study distant planets scientists (запускают в космос) ................................................. space probes. 7. (Искусственные) ................................................. Earth satellites (вращаются вокруг Земли) .................................................. . Они посылают на Землю фотографии Луны и других планет. ...............................................................................................................


Reader’s Corner

Listen and read the article. Прослушайте и прочтите статью.

The Bermuda Triangle. A Mystery of the Ocean by Hugh Corrigan Ever since man started to explore outer space, we have thought of Earth as a place which has no more mysteries for us to explain. But there is one part of the Western Atlantic Ocean that has a very strange history. It lies between Florida and Bermuda. In this area, over 100 ships and planes have vanished (исчезать) since 1945! “The Hoodoo Sea”, “the Graveyard (кладбище) of the Atlantic” and “the Devil’s Triangle” – this area has many names, but it is best known as “the Bermuda Triangle”. The three points (угол) of the triangle known as “the Bermuda Triangle” are Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico. From 1945 until the present day over 1,000 lives have been lost in this area without trace (след) – no bodies have been found! Many small boats and light aircraft have vanished in this area. But so have large ships. One of these was the Marine Sulphur Queen which was 150 metres long. Another was the USA Cyclops which disappeared along with all the 309 people she was carrying. 274

What makes these losses even more mysterious is the fact that no S.O.S. signals are ever received from the ships and boats which disappear. Also, these things happen in good weather and without warning (предупреждение). Ships just seem to vanish into thin air.1 This fact has led some people to suggest all sorts of strange explanations. For example, some people believe that the planes fly into a “hole in the sky” from which they are unable to escape. Others think that the ships that have disappeared have been the victims of the beings (существа) from outer space who have taken them to some unknown world! Some people point out that the Bermuda Triangle is one of the two places on Earth where a magnetic compass does not point towards the magnetic north and that because of this navigators often find themselves off the course and in danger. Some people believe that the Bermuda Triangle does not exist and that all the accidents (несчастный случай) that have happened there are simply coincidence (совпадение). Note: 1

кажется, просто испарились

Ex 16.

Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Where is the Bermuda Triangle situated (находиться)? 2. What are the three points of the Bermuda Triangle?

Ex 17.

Explain why: Объясните почему:

1. This place is called “The Hoodoo Sea”, “the Graveyard of the Atlantic” and “the Devil’s Triangle.” ....................................................................................................................................... 2. These tragedies are thought to be (считаться) mysterious. .......................................................................................................................................

Ex 18. Find in the text the explanations that are given for the disappearance of the ships and planes. Найдите в тексте, как объясняют исчезновение кораблей и самолётов. a) ..................................................................................................................................... b) ..................................................................................................................................... c) ..................................................................................................................................... 275




Listen and read an article about The Universe. Прослушайте и прочтите статью о Вселенной.

The Universe Our night sky is full of shining objects. These are stars. A star is a huge ball of gas that gives out light and heat. Some stars are smaller than our Sun, some are thousands of times bigger. All the stars you can see in the night sky are a part of a huge star cloud called the Milky Way. The Milky Way is our galaxy. It contains billions of stars. The Universe contains the Sun, the Earth, other planets, everything in our galaxy, and billions of other galaxies. It also contains all the empty space in between. Most astronomers think that the Universe was made more than 15 billion years ago in a great explosion called the Big Bang. Astronomers have studied space for thousands of years. People used to think that the Earth was at the centre of Universe. The Italian astronomer Galileo showed that they were wrong.

Ex 19.

Draw a line to connect the words in column A with their definitions in column B. Соедините линиями слова в колонке А с их описанием в колонке В.

A 1. A star 2. A Galaxy 3. The Universe

B a. contains the Solar System, our Galaxy, billions of other galaxies, and the empty space in between. b. is a huge ball of gas that gives out light and heat. c. is a star cloud.

Ex 20. Add more details to these. Дополните эти утверждения содержащейся в тексте информацией. 1. The Milky Way is our galaxy. ....................................................................................................................................... 2. People used to think that the Earth was at the centre of Universe. .......................................................................................................................................



Seasons I'm glad I live Where seasons change – I like my world To rearrange.

17.1 The Seasons of the Year 1

Ex 1.

Listen and read the poem about the seasons. Прослушайте и прочтите стихотворение о временах года.

Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall







Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall There are seasons, four in all.





Look outside and you will see Just what season it will be!






a nu















NOTE BrE: autumn AmE: fall




(a child’s poem)






Weather changes, sun and rain and snow, Leaves fall down and flowers grow.



Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall There are seasons, four in all.



Match the season with its description. Write the name of the season. Прочтите описание и напишите название времени года.

Why Do Seasons Happen?


Ex 2.

The Earth is tilted over (наклонена) to one side as it moves round the Sun. As the year goes by, different places get different amount (количество) of heat from the Sun. That’s how the four seasons happen. Each season has different weather.

Spring (1)


season – время года winter – зима spring – весна summer – лето autumn – осень weather – погода warm – тёплый cold – холодный sunshine – солнечный свет, хорошая погода frost – мороз



..................... is the warmest season. The days are very long, with many hours of sunshine.


..................... is the coldest season, with frost and snow. The days are shorter and it gets dark earlier in the evening. In (3) ....................., leaves fall from the trees. Animals and birds are getting ready for winter.

In (4) ....................., the weather begins to get warmer. Trees and plants grow leaves and flowers.


May Monday Summer Winter

Обычно без артикля

The – при наличии индивидуализирующего определения

A/An – при наличии описательного определения

 I saw him in May/ on Monday.

 We’ll always remember the May of 1945.  We met in the winter of 1995.

 A cold May is a usual thing here.

 I like summer.


 It was a beautiful spring.

Устойчивые словосочетания

 early/late spring (autumn, winter, summer)

Fill in articles where necessary. Заполните пропуски соответствующими артиклями, где это необходимо.


Ex 3.

NOTE rather – довольно quite almost – почти

1. You see, .......... winter is a bad time for me, I’m often ill. 2. .......... summer drew to an end and .......... early autumn. 3. It was .......... spring, .......... nice warm May. 4. There was going to be election (выборы) soon, this was .......... spring of 1955. 5. It was .......... cold autumn, rainy and windy. 6. Do you remember .......... summer of 2001? – Of course, it was .......... summer we spent in Denmark, wasn’t it? 7. When did you start your new job? – It was .......... first Monday after Christmas. 8. The new semester begins on .......... Tuesday, doesn’t it? – I don’t think so, .......... ninth of January is .......... Monday this year. 9. It is 10 degrees above zero, I can’t believe my eyes. – .......... warm winter is a usual thing here. 10. It is usually very cold in .......... winter in Norway. 11. It’s the end of .......... June, and it’s rather cool in the evening. 12. I find it quite unusual, it’s always hot in .......... summer here.


Ex 4. Read the text. Fill in the gaps with the words from the list. Listen and check your answers. Прочтите текст. Заполните пропуски словами из списка. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.

flowers  longer  is followed  Autumn  shines brightly blossom  is covered  awakens  which is called turn yellow  warm countries  often rains  hot usually fine  become  rises  are golden  frozen over snow  skating and skiing  to the ground

When spring comes nature (1) ......................... from its long winter sleep. The days become (2) ......................... and the nights become shorter. The ground (3) ......................... with green grass and the first (4) ......................... . The air is fresh, the sky is often blue and the sun (5) ......................... . The trees are in full (6) ......................... . Spring (7) ......................... by summer. The weather ......................... in summer, but it can be very (9) ......................... especially in July. (8)



Every Season Has the Charm of Its Own awaken (from) – просыпаться shine – светить, сиять blossom – цветение; расцветать cloudy/cloudless – облачный/безоблачный follow – следовать fall – падать rain – дождь; идёт дождь snow – снег; идёт снег Indian Summer – «бабье лето» there is nothing like – нет ничего лучше





......................... begins in September. The days (11) ......................... shorter and the NOTE nights longer. The leaves (12) ........................ , Изменение состояния: red and brown and fall (13) ......................... . turn yellow/red – пожелтеть/покраснеть become longer/shorter – становиться длиннее/ Most birds fly away to (14) ......................... . короче There is a short spell (промежуток) of dry get colder/darker – похолодать/темнеть sunny weather in September, (15) .............. gеt wet through – промокнуть до нитки .................. ‘Indian Summer’. It is a beautiful grow old – постареть time: it’s warm, the sky is cloudless, the trees around (16) ......................... . But gradually it gets colder and colder. It (17) ........................... in October and November which makes autumn an unpleasant season. In winter the sun sets early and (18) ........................... late. The rivers and lakes are (19) ......................... . Everything is covered with (20) ......................... . Sometimes it is very cold, about 25–300C below zero. Winter is a good time for sports. People go (21) ......................... . I like all the seasons, but I think there is nothing like late spring.

Ex 5.

The seasons of the year are different in different countries. What can you say about the seasons in your country? The model below can help you describe the seasons. В разных странах времена года протекают по-разному. Дайте краткое описание времён года в своей стране. Предлагаемая модель может помочь вам.

Spring Summer Autumn Winter

in .................... is normally .................... and .................... .

Spring in Italy is normally sunny and warm. .............................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................

Ex 6. Do the crossword puzzle. In the texts of ex 2 and 4 find “word partners” for the words below. В текстах упражнений 2 и 4 подберите «пару» для данных ниже слов и решите кроссворд.

Across 1. grass – ... flowers ... 2. green 3. sleep


4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

snow dark climate blossom frost

1\9f 2

Ex 7.




Down 9. hot 10. cold 11. west 12. south 13. animals – ... trees ...


l o w e r s


4 5



t r e e 8s


Listen and read the poem. Write what people do at different seasons of the year. Прослушайте и прочтите стихотворение. Напишите, что делают люди в различные времена года. Different Things at Different Times

January, February, middle of March, Brrr! In the cold I’m stiff as starch!1 Let’s make a snowball, sled2 down a hill. Wintertime, wintertime, time to chill3!

make snowballs ......................... ......................... .........................

April, May, to the middle of June, Ahh! What a nice cool afternoon! Let’s fly a kite, and plant pretty flowers. Springtime, springtime, time for showers! July, August, middle of September. Ouch! Got a sunburn I’ll always remember! Let's go swimming, let’s eat a peach. Summertime, summertime, time for the beach! October, November, middle of December. Hey! each day grows shorter than September! Let's see the leaves fall, let's bake a cake Autumntime, autumntime, time for a rake3! (Meish Goldish) 1 2 3 4

......................... ......................... .........................

......................... ......................... .........................

......................... ......................... .........................

жёсткий как накрахмаленная вещь sled (разг.) = sledging – кататься на санках продрогнуть сгребать граблями листья 281



Climate Climate is the type of weather a place usually has over the whole year. Different places have different climates depending on the type of weather they get during the year.


17.2 The Climate and Weather CLIMATE mild – мягкий temperate – умеренный mountain – горный tropical – тропический influence – влиять If the place where you live has warm summers and cool winters, it has a temperate climate. 5


You will listen to an article about the climate of the British Isles. A. After listening to the article twice, tick ( ) the statements that are wrong, correct them. Прослушайте статью два раза и отметьте неверные утверждения, исправьте их. 1.




3. 4. 5.

£ £ £



The climate of the British Isles is influenced by the Arctic Ocean. Summers are not so warm as they usually are on the Continent. Winters are as cold as they are on the continent. Great Britain has a mild climate. As the Island of Great Britain is small, there are no great temperature changes. The weather changes very often.

B. Listen again and fill in the chart. Прослушайте статью ещё раз и заполните таблицу. TEMPERATURE (North/South, East/West)




The North is colder than the South. ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................


Ex 8.

Fill in the spaces with AS ... AS and NOT SO ... AS according to the meaning. Заполните пропуски вставив AS ... AS и NOT SO ... AS в соответствии со смыслом предложения.

1. Sub-tropical zones are ............ hot ............ tropical regions, but they have dry and rainy seasons. 2. Temperate areas are ............ cold ............ Polar Regions which are cold all the time. 3. In winter mountain climate is almost (почти) ............ cold ............ in northern Siberia. 4. Mountain climate has ............ much snow and rain ............ some northern regions. 5. Desert climate is ............ dry ............ the climate of Central Asia. But in Central Asia it is ............ hot ............ in desert areas. 6. It rains in St Petersburg almost ............ often ............ in England, but the winter in St Petersburg is ............ warm ............ in England.

Ex 9.

Grammar Помимо сравнительной степени прилагательных, для сравнения предметов и явлений используют также следующие формулы: as ... as – так(ой) же … как not so ... as – не так(ой) … как  In Italy summers are as hot as in Spain.  In the North of Germany it is not so hot as in southern Europe.

Read the joke and render it in Reported Speech. Прочтите шутку и передайте её содержание в косвенной речи.

The English Climate An English army colonel who was about to retire (уйти на пенсию) was asked what he was going to do. He said, “I am thinking of buying a farm in New Zealand.” “Why not a farm in England?” was the question. “England!” he cried. “Don’t you know the English climate? I was born in England, I fought for England, I will die for England if necessary. But the one thing nobody can make me do is to live in England.” ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................




17.3 What is the Weather Like Today? Ex 10. Active or Passive? Use the verb in brackets in the right form of the Simple Tense. Страдательный или действительный залог? Поставьте глагол в скобках в соответствующую форму the Simple Tense.

The Weather The weather happens because the sun (heat) ........................ the air. When the air (heat up) ........................ , it (move) ........................ around the Earth’s atmosphere. Heat and cold (spread) ... spread ... evenly around the Earth. That’s how wind (produce) ........................ . The weather (affect – влиять) ........................ what people do and wear every day. The weather forecast is important for pilots and captains, for farmers and drivers, for many other people. People always (listen) ........................ with interest what the weather will be like the next day. Every city and town (publish) ........................ its newspaper. The weather forecast (publish) ........................ in the newspaper every day.


Ex 11.

Listen and read the dialogue. Answer the questions. Прослушайте и прочтите диалог. Ответьте на вопросы.

Bad Weather

1. What was the weather forecast for the day? ................................................................................ 2. What doesn’t Connie like about the English climate? ................................................................................ 3. Where is Connie from? ................................................................................ 284


CONNIE: The weather forecast predicted good weather and now it has been raining for days on end. DAVE: There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing. CONNIE: That’s a stupid saying. I like England, but this constant rain… DAVE: What is the weather like in Germany? CONNIE: It rains there, too.

THE WEATHER CAN BE: nice/lovely wonderful /beautiful awful/nasty

4. Does it rain there, too? ...................................................................................................................................... 5. Can you explain the meaning of the word “predict”? ...................................................................................................................................... 6. What does the saying “There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing” mean? ......................................................................................................................................

Ex 12.

Listen and read the poem. Write what each weather sigh mean. Прослушайте и прочтите стихотворение. Напишите, что символизирует каждый значок.



Rain-Rain Rain, rain falls on the street, mud in puddles cleaning my feet. Thunder, thunder rumble and roar, close the windows and lock the door. Clouds, clouds black and gray, heavy with water to drop all day. Sun, sun is breaking through, clouds are moving, the rain stops too. Rainbow, rainbow across the skies, see-through1 colours to tickle my eyes. (by James Hörner )


 1. ......................

WEATHER FORECAST – прогноз погоды cloud/cloudy – облако/облачно wind/windy – ветер/ветрено blow – дуть hurricane – ураган shower – ливень drizzle – моросить; моросящий дождь thunder – гром lightning – молния thunderstorm – гроза roar – греметь puddle – лужа mud – грязь wet – мокрый; сыро dry – сухой; сухо ice – лёд rainbow – радуга

 

2. ... cloudy with some spells of sunshine ...

3. ......................

4. ...................... 5. ... fog/foggy ... 6. ...................... 7. ...................... 8. ......................


прозрачный 285



Ex 13. Match each weather word in the list with its description. Прочтите описание и подберите соответствующее слово из списка.

Weather Words Wind  Clouds  Rain  Temperature  Sunshine  Snow  Hurricanes 1. 2. 3. 4.

..................... gives us heat and light. It warms the air and dries the land. ..................... are made from tiny water droplets. Dark clouds mean rain is on the way. ..................... measures how hot the air is, in degrees of Celsius or Fahrenheit. ..................... is air moving around. Winds can be light like a breeze, or strong, like a gale (штормовой ветер). 5. ..................... bring very strong winds that blow down trees and roofs of houses. 6. ..................... is drops of water that fall from clouds. Rainfall is very good for plants. 7. ..................... is made from tiny bits of ice. It falls instead of rain when it is very cold.

Ex 14.

Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Заполните пропуски словами из списка.

freezing  lightning  rain  raining  snowing snow  sunny  windy 1. It’s .................... , take your umbrella. 2. If it’s .................... tomorrow, we’ll go to the beach. 3. Suddenly there was a flash of .................... and then loud thunder. 4. I’m .................... ! Can I borrow your thick pullover? 5. It was very .................... yesterday so Jim flew his kite (воздушный змей). 6. We had a very heavy .................... yesterday and I got wet through. 7. Look, it’s .................... ! All the cars are white. 8. The road across the mountains is blocked with .................... .

QUESTIONS TAGS РАЗДЕЛИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ВОПРОС Задавая этот вопрос, мы ожидаем получить подтверждение своим словам («не правда ли?» «не так ли?» «да?») Этот тип вопроса представляет собой повествовательное предложение + краткий общий вопрос, который строится по законам образования общего вопроса: выбор вспомогательного глагола зависит от глагола-сказуемого повествовательного предложения. Если предложение утвердительное, то краткий общий вопрос отрицательный:  It is warm today, isn’t it? – Yes, it is.  It rained yesterday, didn’t it? Yes, it did.  You have a lot of rain here, don’t you? – Yes, we do. Если предложение отрицательное, то вопрос утвердительный:  You haven’t been in a desert, have you? – No, I haven’t.  It wasn’t snowing yesterday, was it? – No, it wasn’t.  It won’t be hot tomorrow, will it? – No, it won’t.


Ex 15. MODEL:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Use question tags to complete these questions. Завершите эти предложения разделительным вопросом. It never snows in Africa, does it? It is drizzling, isn’t it? It won’t rain for a long time, will it? The ship lost her masts in the gale, didn’t it? It hadn’t cleared by noon yesterday, had it?

It doesn’t rain in Sahara, ............................ ? It was about 45 degrees in Mexico last summer, ............................ ? You should always carry an umbrella in London, ............................ ? It doesn’t look like spring, ............................ ? You see lightning before you hear thunder, ............................ ? You never have hurricanes in Germany, ............................ ? They don’t have fogs in Tashkent, ............................ ? There are no thunderstorms in winter, ............................ ? We have never had such a long summer, ............................ ? Summer temperatures in this area can’t be very high, ............................ ? We had the first frost of the season last night, ............................ ? We have had very cold weather these last two days, ............................ ?

Ex 16.

Match the weather forecast in column A with its translation in column B. В колонке В найдите перевод для прогноза погоды в колонке А.

That is how the weather forecasts look in the English newspapers.

Mainly dry, sunny and warm, but a little cloudier with isolated showers further north. General situation: continuing warm with plenty of sunshine, but cloudier with scattered showers in the northern Britain and across Ireland.

         15




1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

A Warm, dry and sunny Rain or drizzle, sunny periods Cloudy, rain at times Showers, strong winds Cloudy and cool Dry but cloudy; rather cold Cloudy with some spells of sunshine Quite foggy in places

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.


B облачно, временами дождь облачно и прохладно тепло, сухо и солнечно сухо, но облачно, довольно холодно моросящий дождь, с прояснениями ливни, сильный ветер местами сильный туман облачно с некоторыми прояснениями Unit



You are going to listen to the weather forecast for three days. Listen to the forecast twice and fill in the chart. Прослушайте прогноз два раза и заполните таблицу. The day of the week

During the day



NOTE fog/foggy – ту ман, туманн о some spells of sunshine – некоторые прояснения облачности

At night

The temperature

1. ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ 2. ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ 3. ........................................................................................................................................

Ex 17.

Choose the correct word. Подберите соответствующее слово.

1. The sky was full of dark .................. . a) clouds b) rain 2. Before the storm started, we heard .................. . a) booming b) thunder 3. It was very cold and the river was .................. . a) frozen b) iced 4. It won’t rain for a long time. It’s only a .................. . a) shower b) bath 5. When the wind .................. , all the trees move. a) whistles b) blows 6. We sat on the beach and enjoyed the .................. . a) sunshine b) sunburn 7. It started raining, and everyone got .................. . a) watery b) wet 8. The ship didn’t leave because there was a .................. . a) shower b) storm


Ex 18. Look at the weather signs and write the weather forecast for the next day. Use adjectives to characterize the weather (windy, sunny, wet, etc) Посмотрите на обозначение погодных условий и напишите прогноз погоды на следующий день. Для характеристики погоды используйте прилагательные (windy, sunny, wet, etc). Moscow:

-20°C -22°C

It will snow in Moscow tomorrow. It is going to be rather cold: minus 20—22°C.

  




............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................

 


   


............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................

Ex 19.

Translate the parts of the dialogues from Russian into English. Переведите реплики в диалогах на английский язык.

1 – – – –

Ник, ты слышал прогноз погоды на завтра? .................................................................... Yes, why? Mother says we’ll go to the park tomorrow, если не будет дождя ......................................... ................................................ . Not very good, I’m afraid. Утром дождь, и довольно холодно днём .................................... ................................................ .

2 – – – –

Какая сегодня погода? .................................................................................................. Довольно холодно и ветрено. ....................................................................................... Какая температура? ....................................................................................................... Five degrees below zero.

3 – – – –

Всё ещё идёт снег? ....................................................................................................... Yes, it is. It doesn’t seem to stop. Fine! Let’s пойдём играть в снежки. ............................................................................... A very good idea! 289



4 – – – –

Очень жарко. Я думаю, будет гроза. .............................................................................. Я думаю, ты прав. Видишь эти тучи? .............................................................................. Я даже (even) вижу молнию. .......................................................................................... No wonder.


Reader’s Corner

Listen to the fairy tale and then read it. Прослушайте и прочтите сказку.

The Twelve Months (A Slavic Tale) There was once a widow who had two daughters, Helen, her own child, and a stepdaughter Marouckla. She loved Helen, but hated the poor orphan (сирота) because she was far prettier than her own daughter. Marouckla could not understand why her stepmother was angry with her. She did the hardest work about the house without any help. Helen, meanwhile, did nothing but dress herself in her best clothes. But Marouckla never complained. She grew ever sweeter and more charming. And the stepmother became even more tyrannical because Helen’s ugliness increased. So the stepmother determined to get rid of (избавиться) Marouckla. One day in the middle of winter Helen wanted to have some wood-violets (лесные фиалки). “You must go up the mountain and find me violets. I want some to put on my gown. They must be fresh and sweet-scented (aроматные),” she cried to Marouckla, “But, my dear sister, whoever heard of violets blooming in the snow?" said the poor orphan. “How dare you disobey me?” cried Helen. “If you do not bring me some violets from the mountain forest I will kill you.” The stepmother also added her threats (угрозы). The weeping girl made her way to the mountain. Long she wandered (бродить) in the wood and lost her way. She was hungry, and shivered (дрожать) with cold. Suddenly she saw a light in the distance. Upon the highest peak burned a large fire, around the fire sat twelve strange men. Of these the first three had white hair, three were not quite so old, three were young and handsome, and the rest still younger. They were the Twelve Months of the Year. At first Marouckla was afraid, but she was freezing and she begged (взмолиться): “May I warm myself at your fire? I am chilled by the winter cold.” The great January raised his head and answered: “What brings you here, my daughter? What are you looking for?” “I am looking for violets,” replied the girl.


“This is not the season for violets. Don’t you see the snow everywhere?” said January. “I know well, but my sister Helen and my stepmother have ordered me to bring them violets from your mountain. If I return without violets, they will kill me. I pray (молить) you, good men, tell me where I can find the flowers.” Here the great January arose and went over to the youngest of the Months: “Brother March, you take the highest place.” Immediately March stood up and waved his wand over the fire. The flames (пламя) rose toward the sky, the snow began to melt (таять) and the trees to blossom. The grass became green. It was spring, and the meadows were blue with violets. “Gather them quickly, Marouckla,” said March. Joyfully she picked up the flowers. Soon she gathered a large bunch, thanked the Months and ran home. Helen and the stepmother were surprised at the sight of the flowers. “Where did you find them?” asked Helen. “Under the trees on the mountain-side,” said Marouckla. Helen did not even thank her stepsister for the violets. The next day she wanted some strawberries. “Run,” said she, “and fetch me strawberries from the mountain. They must be very sweet and ripe (спелый).” “But whoever heard of strawberries ripening in the snow?” exclaimed Marouckla. “If I don't have my strawberries, I will kill you,” said Helen. Then the stepmother pushed Marouckla into the yard and closed the door. The unhappy girl made her way toward the mountain and to the large fire round which sat the Twelve Months. The great January occupied the highest place. And again the great January raised his head and asked: “Why did you come here? “I am looking for strawberries,” said she. “We are in the midst of winter,” replied January, “strawberries do not grow in the snow.” “I know,” said the girl sadly, “but my sister and stepmother have ordered me to bring them strawberries. If I do not bring them strawberries, they will kill me.” The great January arose, crossed over to the Month opposite him and said: “Brother June, you take the highest place.” June obeyed, as he waved his hand over the fire, the earth was covered with green grass, and various flowers blossomed in the forest. It was summer. Under the bushes there were masses of ripe strawberries. “Gather them quickly, Marouckla,” said June. Joyfully she thanked the Months, and having filled her apron (фартук), ran happily home. 291



Helen and her mother wondered at seeing the strawberries. “Wherever did you find them?” asked Helen crossly (сердито). “Right up in the mountains. Those from under the beech (берёза) trees are not bad,” answered Marouckla. Helen gave a few to her mother and ate the rest herself. On the third day she took a fancy for some fresh red apples. “Run, Marouckla,” she said, “and bring me fresh red apples from the mountain.” “Apples in winter, sister? Why, the trees have neither leaves nor fruit!” “Go this minute,” cried Helen as usual. The poor girl went weeping up the mountain, across the deep snow, and on toward the fire round which where were the Twelve Months. When the great January raised his head, Marouckla told him that that time her stepsister and stepmother sent her to bring red apples from the mountain. “If I return without them, they will kill me,” she added. The great January asked his brother September to help Marouckla. Brother September waved his hand over the fire. At first Marouckla didn’t see red apples. Then she noticed a tree which grew at a great height, and from the branches of this hung the bright red fruit. September ordered her to gather some quickly. The girl was happy, she shook the tree. First one apple fell, then another. “That is enough,” said September, “run home.” Thanking the Months she returned home joyfully. Helen and the stepmother wondered at seeing the fruit. “Where did you gather them?” asked the stepsister. “There are more on the mountain-top,” answered Marouckla. “Then, why didn’t you bring more?” said Helen angrily. “I shook the tree twice. One apple fell each time. Some shepherds (пастухи) would not allow me to shake it again, but told me to return home.” “Listen, mother,” said Helen. “Give me my coat. I will bring some more apples myself. I shall be able to find the mountain and the tree. She put on her warmest coat and went to the mountain. Snow covered everything. Helen wandered in the snow for a long time. Then she saw a light above her, and went up to the mountain-top. There was the fire, and the Twelve Months. She came nearer and warmed her hands. She did not ask permission (разрешение), nor did she speak one polite word. “What brought you here? What are you looking for?” asked the great January severely. "I am not obliged (обязана) to tell you, old greybeard. What business is it of yours?” she replied, turning her back on the fire and going toward the forest. The great January frowned (нахмурился), and waved his wand over his head. Instantly the sky covered with clouds, snow fell in large flakes (хлопья), an icy wind howled (завывать) round the mountain. The mother kept on waiting for her, but Helen did not return. Then she put on her warm coat and went in search of her daughter. Snow fell in huge masses. No voice answered her cries. 292

Day after day Marouckla worked, and prayed, and waited, but neither her stepmother nor her sister returned. They had been frozen to death on the mountain. Now Marouckla had a small house, a field, and a cow. In course of time an honest farmer came to share them with her, and their lives were happy and peaceful. (Chodzko Alexander, adaptor)

Ex 20. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Did the twelve months look the same? ............................................................................... 2. What did they look like? ..................................................................................................... 3. Describe the Twelve Months..............................................................................................

Ex 21.

What did Helen want Marouckla to bring her from the forest? What did Helen herself want to find in the forest? Fill in the chart. Что Елена велела Марукле принести из леса? Что она сама хотела найти в лесу? Заполните таблицу.

Helen’s wish

The Month

The Weather/Nature description

1. ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ 2. ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ 3. ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ 4. ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................

Ex 22. Complete the tag-questions. Завершите разделительные вопросы. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The widow loved her own daughter and hated the poor orphan (сирота), .......................... ? The stepdaughter was far prettier than widow’s own daughter, .......................... ? Helen didn’t do anything but dressed up, .......................... ? It wasn’t spring when Helen wanted to have some wood-violets, .......................... ? The men who were sitting around the fire looked rather strange, .......................... ? It was March who helped Marouckla to find wood-violets, .......................... ? Helen did not even thank her stepsister for the violets, .......................... ? Helen and her mother couldn’t believe that the poor orphan found ripe strawberries in the winter forest, .......................... ?


IT’S TIME TO RELAX A holiday is like love – anticipated with pleasure, experienced with discomfort, and remembered with nostalgia. Отпуск как любовь – предвкушается с удовольствием, протекает не всегда приятно, вспоминается с тоской. (saying)



Ex 1.

Listen and read the poem. Find a title for the poem. Прослушайте и прочтите стихотворение. Найдите в тексте название для этого стихотворения.


18.1 Where to Go

................................ In the mountains Or by the sea That’s where I’m happy That’s where I’d like to be No more cars And no more planes Only bicycles And trains Walking Swimming Wind and sun This holiday is real fun.

NOTE BrE: holiday AmE: vacati on

be/go on holiday – быть/поехать в отпуск winter/summer holiday – отпуск зимой/ летом camping holiday / go camping – отдых в кемпинге pitch up a tent – поставить палатку walking holiday – поход (обычно в горах) go hiking – идти в поход go caravanning – отдыхать в передвижном домике на колесах take a coach-tour (of) – поехать на автобусную экскурсию go on a sea voyage – отправиться в морское путешествие holiday camp – летний лагерь family holiday – отпуск всей семьей the holidays – каникулы During the school holidays the children took a coach-tour of England.


Ex 2.

Look at the pictures. What type of holiday is it? Use the words from list A to sign the pictures. What type of holiday do you prefer? Use the model and the words from list B to explain why. Посмотрите на фотографии. Из списка А подберите слова и напишите, какой это тип отдыха. Используя модель и слова из списка В, скажите, как вы предпочитаете проводить отпуск, объясните почему. A


winter holiday


walking holiday


camping holiday


stay at a hotel


rent a holiday house




holiday camp


go caravanning


      


Good – better – the best Cheap – cheaper – the cheapest Comfortable – more comfortable – most comfortable

    

walking holiday ........................





........................ ........................

A. I prefer ... I don’t like ... B. It’s ... I prefer a walking holiday, it’s more exciting. I don’t like staying at a hotel, it’s boring.

............................................................................. ............................................................................. ............................................................................. ............................................................................. ............................................................................. ............................................................................. .............................................................................

........................ ........................

........................ ........................




Ex 3.

Read a letter to a newspaper travel column. Fill in the gaps with a verb from the box in the Present Perfect Tense. Прочтите письмо, которое написал читатель в колонку путешествий. Заполните пробелы глаголами из списка в Present Perfect Tense. be  be  give  go up  have (x2)  hear like  read  return  visit  read

Dear Sue, Can you give me advice about a good place to go? I (1) ... have read ... your travel page every week for the past year, and really respect your advice. I (2) ........... not ........... a holiday for a very long time, but this summer my company (3) ...................... me four weeks’ holiday, so I want to go somewhere really exciting. I (4) ........... always ........... travelling and (5) ...................... lots of exciting trips in the past. This year I’m not sure where I want to go. I (6) ........... already ........... to Africa and Asia but I (7) ........... never ........... South America, so maybe that’s where I should go. A friend of mine (8) ........... recently ........... from Brazil and she has some fantastic photographs of the carnival in Rio. However, I (9) ...................... that this trip to Rio is quite expensive and the cost of the flight (10) ........... just ........... . (11) ........... you ever ........... to Brazil yourself?

Ex 4.

Review THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE I/we have already visited London. never just recently Have you had a holiday this year? Have you ever gone camping? We haven’t been on holiday yet.

Read the text. In the text find some phrases which can help explain the statements in A and add more detail in B. Прочтите текст. В тексте найдите фразы, которые помогут объяснить утверждения в задании А и дополнить некоторые детали к утверждениям в задании В.

In Need of a Holiday Summer is here and both Colin and Lynn feel that they have been working too hard lately. Therefore they decide that it is high time to book a well-earned holiday, somewhere at the seaside where they can both relax and have a good rest. Colin has picked up some brochures from the travel agent’s and both he and Lynn look through them together. 296


Although they want sun, sea and sand, they also agree that they don’t want to travel too far and even consider (рассматривать) the possibilities of staying in England for their summer holiday.

it’s high time – пора travel agent’s/agency – бюро путешествий travel – путешествовать, ехать have a good time – хорошо провести время have a good rest – хорошо отдохнуть relax – расслабиться, отдохнуть

A. Explain why: 1. Lynn and Colin are thinking about a holiday because ............................................................. 2. Colin and Lynn feel they need a holiday because ................................................................................ 3. Colin has picked some brochures from the travel agent’s ..................................................................... 4. They want to go to the seaside ......................................................................................... B. 1. 2. 3.


Add more detail: They decide to have a holiday somewhere ........................................................................ They are thinking about staying at a hotel by the sea, but ....................................................... Looking for their holiday location, they ..............................................................................


Lynn and Colin are at the travel agent’s. They are booking a holiday. Read the words in the Memory Box first, and then listen to the dialogue. Write down the three suggestions they’ve got from the travel agent. Прочтите слова в Memory Box, затем прослушайте диалог. Напишите, что предложили Лин и Колину в туристическом агентстве.


The suggestions Lynn and Colin have got at the travel agency: 1. ...................................................................... 2. ...................................................................... package holiday – в стоимость 3. ...................................................................... поездки включены дорога, гостиница и питание all-inclusive – стоимость отеля включает питание и прохладительные напитки half-board – стоимость отеля включает завтрак и ужин discount – скидка




Ex 5.

Choose the correct form of the underlined verbs. Из двух подчеркнутых глаголов выберите соответствующую форму.

А. ЕСЛИ… 1. John and Rob are best friends. This summer they decided to go on holiday together. If they want / will want to go without their parents, they will have / have to work first to earn some money. 2. If they go / will go together, they have / will have to agree where to go. Rob wants to go to France and John would like to go to Italy. 3. John said, “If you will agree / agree to go with me to Italy, I am / will be happy to go with you to France.” 4. “If we stay / will stay two weeks in each country, we see / will see a lot of places there.” 5. “If we spend / will spend two weeks in France and two weeks in Italy, it costs / will cost more money.” 6. “If we will work / work two weeks longer, we earn / will earn enough money for the holiday in both (оба) countries.” The boys are really looking forward to the trip.

Grammar CONDITIONAL SENTENCES УСЛОВНЫЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ В отличие от русского языка, в английских условных придаточных предложениях (после союза IF – если), употребляется настоящее, а не будущее время. Type I:


IF + Present Simple .., will + verb  Если погода будет хорошей, мы пойдём на пляж. If the weather is fine, we will go the beach. Type II:


IF + Past Simple .., would + verb  Если бы у нас был отпуск

B. ЕСЛИ БЫ… летом, мы бы пошли в поход. 7. Peggy’s school is going on a bus tour of Spain. She is If we had a summer holiday, we would go hiking. afraid she won’t enjoy it. If her parents said / would say it was a bad idea, she was happy / would be happy. But they say it is a nice trip. 8. If it didn’t take / wouldn’t take three hours on the plane, she didn’t worry / wouldn’t worry. She is afraid of flying. 9. “If it wasn’t / wouldn’t be so hot in Spain, it will be / would be much more pleasant,” Peggy thinks. 10. If she liked / would like Spanish food, she will be / would be much happier. The only good thing about the trip was Spanish music and dance that she loved.


Ex 6.

Use the right form of the verbs in brackets. Listen and check your answers. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующую форму. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.

The Baxters are Planning Their Holiday Trio Scotland! Dad, you know it always rains in Scotland! If it (not/rain) (1) ................. .............. , Scotland would be OK. I didn’t get brown in Wales last year and I don’t think I will get brown this year in Scotland. If we went somewhere sunny, I (be) (2) ........................... happy. MRS BAXTER: Okay, it’s late. We will talk about it tomorrow.



(The next evening) MR BAXTER: I’m sure if you (look) (3) ........................... at it positive, we would have a good holiday in Scotland. MRS BAXTER: If you (not play) (4) ........................... golf every day, Bill, I will gladly go to Scotland. BETTY: Mum, if you don’t go for long walks every day like last year, it (be) (5) ........................... much better. It was so boring! MRS BAXTER: The beautiful countryside and the fresh air will be good for you, Betty. BETTY: If I (can) (6) ........................... lie on the beach all day, I will get nice and brown. MR BAXTER: Where shall we stay? There are some nice hotels in these brochures. MRS BAXTER: I’m afraid if we (stay) (7) ........................... at a hotel, it will be much too expensive. We could rent a caravan again. MR BAXTER: I am not spending two weeks in an uncomfortable caravan. It was horrible! If we (rent) (8) ........................... a caravan again, I (not go) (9) ........................... .

Ex 7.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Мы с мужем отдыхаем два раза в год. Сейчас это не отдых всей семьей, т.к. наши дети предпочитают активный отдых. ......................................................................................................................................... 2. Зимой они ездят в горы кататься на лыжах, а летом они любят отдыхать в кемпинге у моря или озера. ......................................................................................................................................... 3. Мой друг и я часто ездим в отпуск в нашем передвижном домике на колесах. Это интересно. Мы видим много красивых мест. ......................................................................................................................................... 4. Зимой мы отдыхаем в какой-либо южной стране. Мы обычно останавливаемся в отеле у моря. ......................................................................................................................................... 5. Мои родители любят ездить на автобусные экскурсии. ......................................................................................................................................... 6. Во время каникул наши дети отправятся в поход по холмам Шотландии. ......................................................................................................................................... 7. В этом году мы будем отдыхать зимой. .........................................................................................................................................




18.2 Where to Stay hotel


holiday flat/apartment


Ex 8.

Listen to the words in the Memory Box first and then read the text. Find in the text four things that make Lynn and Colin admire the hotel. Прослушайте слова в Memory Box и прочтите текст. Найдите в тексте четыре обстоятельства, которые заставляют Лин и Колина восхищаться своей гостиницей.


inn stay in/at a hotel – остано3 виться в гостинице book a hotel – заказать гостиницу per night – в сутки single/double room – комната на одного/двух человек suite – номер-люкс lobby – фойе porter – швейцар facilities – удобства и бытовые службы гостиницы luxury/luxurious – роскошь/роскошный

A Magnificent Hotel Colin and Lynn have booked two weeks at a hotel in Dorset and when they arrive they are very pleasantly surprised. The hotel seems to have everything, even a porter who carries their luggage to the lobby and shows them to their room. The room is also magnificent (великолепный) and very luxurious. It has a big double bed, satellite television and a well-stocked mini bar. The hotel also offers such facilities as a sauna, a fitness room and an open-air swimming pool. Colin and Lynn are certain that they are going to enjoy their stay very much. Lynn and Colin think the hotel magnificent and luxurious because: 1. ............................................................................ 2. ............................................................................ 3. ............................................................................ 4. ............................................................................ 300

Ex 9.

Complete the Past Simple questions for the given answers. Составьте вопросы в Past Simple для данных ответов.

Did you have a good time?


Yes, we did. The hotel was simply luxurious. Where ............................................................... ? In a luxury hotel in Dorset next to the beach. Why .................................................................. ? Our travel agent suggested this possibility and he was right. How much ......................................................... ? Don’t ask! It was very expensive, but we enjoyed ourselves so it didn’t matter (не имеет значения)! Was .................................................................. ? Yes, wonderful! We ate fantastic seafood every night. How long .......................................................... ? Two weeks. It was really long enough.

2. 3.


5. 6.


£ £ 1 £ £ £ £ £ £ £

Ex 10.

Review THE PAST SIMPLE QUESTIONS Did you go on holiday in August? Was the service OK? When did you come back from your holiday?

Mrs Reyfield calls a hotel to book a room. She talks with the receptionist. Read the sentences in columns A and B and decide to which of them (Mrs Reyfield or the receptionist) the sentences in each column belong. Write the names in A and B. Put the sentences in the dialogue order. The first sentences are marked for you. Listen and check your answers. Прочтите предложения в колонках А и В и решите, кому принадлежат реплики в обеих колонках (миссис Рейфилд или работнику гостиницы). Напишите имена в А и В. Поставьте реплики в порядке диалога. Первые реплики диалога отмечены. Прослушайте и проверьте свои ответы.

A. ................................... How long will you be staying? It’s eighty four euro. Good afternoon, San Felice Hotel. May I help you? Certainly. For what date, please? So, Mr and Mrs Reyfield. Double room with a bath for March the 23rd, 24th and 25th. Is that correct? Thank you for choosing San Felice Hotel and have a nice day. Goodbye. What kind of room would you like, madam? Will you give me the name, please? Certainly, madam. Just a moment, please, I’ll check our room plan. Yes, we have a room on the 4th floor with a splendid view. 301

£ £ £ 1 £ £ £ £ £ £

B. ................................... Yes, that’s right. Thank you. Fine. How much is the room per night? Three nights. Yes. I’d like to book a room, please. That’s fine. Er... double room with a bath. I’d like to have a room with a view of the lake. Goodbye. Mr and Mrs Reyfield, that’s R-E-Y-F-I-EL-D. March the 23rd.



Ex 11.

Translate the parts of the dialogue from Russian into English. Переведите реплики диалога на английский язык.

HOTEL CLERK: Hello. Sunnyside Inn. May I help you? MAN: Я бы хотел заказать номер в гостинце на 21-е Марта. .............................................................................. HOTEL CLERK: Just a moment. Let me check our computer. The 21st of May, right? MAN: No. March, not May. HOTEL CLERK: Well, у нас есть один номер-люкс со спальней, гостиной и сауной. ...................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................. MAN: Сколько стоит номер-люкс в сутки? .................................................................................................................... HOTEL CLERK: It’s only $200 dollars. MAN: Oh, это для меня очень дорого. У вас нет более дешёвых номеров на 22-е или 23-е марта? ........................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... HOTEL CLERK: Okay, у нас есть несколько свободных номеров на 20-е марта. ..................................................................................................................... MAN: Well, how much is the room for the 20th? HOTEL CLERK: It’s $80 dollars. MAN: Okay, that’ll be fine. HOTEL CLERK: All right. Назовите, пожалуйста, ваше имя. ............................................................................... MAN: Bob Maxner. HOTEL CLERK: Не могли бы вы назвать своё имя по буквам, Mr Maxner? ............................................................................. MAN: M-A-X-N-E-R. HOTEL CLERK: Okay, Mr Maxner, we’re looking forward to seeing you on March 20th. Goodbye. MAN: Thank you. Goodbye.


Patty is calling to the Holiday Homes Co to rent a holiday flat. Read the advertisement and answer Patty’s questions. Пэтти звонит в компанию Holiday Homes, чтобы снять квартиру для отдыха. Прочтите рекламу компании и ответьте на вопросы Пэтти.



Ex 12.

let – сдавать rent – снимать holiday flat/apartment – квартира, снимаемая на время отдыха low season – мёртвый сезон high season – разгар сезона be available – (зд.) быть свободной


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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Holiday apartment to let in Lelystad, Holland Ref: 041 Type: furnished

Bedrooms: 1 Sleeps: 2–4 people Location: 10 minutes from the marina (пристань для яхт) See more photos


Price: 60 € – low season, 80 € – high season For more details phone (091) 800 51 27 49 Ask about availability Holiday Ideas Villas with pools Rural retreats

Romantic breaks City breaks


Family holidays Beach holidays

Where in Holland is the apartment? .................................................................................... How many bedrooms are there? ......................................................................................... Is there any furniture? ...................................................................................................... How many people can sleep in the apartment? .................................................................... How far is it from the yacht club? ...................................................................................... How much does the apartment cost in August? ...................................................................




18.3 What to Do


NOTE stroll – прогу лк seagull – чай а ка fancy – предп олагать



Read the words in the Note list, then listen to Lynn and Colin’s conversation. Tick () the things that they mention. There are three extra letters which you don’t need to use. Прочтите слова в Note. Прослушайте разговор Лин и Колина во время прогулки. Отметьте предложения, темы которых были упомянуты в разговоре. В списке три лишних предложения. 1.


2. 3.

£ £



5. 6. 7. 8.

£ £ £ £

Colin wonders what Patty and Dave are doing at that moment. Colin enjoys the stroll along the beach. Lynn is happy because she doesn’t have to do any housework. Colin doesn’t like the sound of waves and the seagulls. They feel absolutely happy. Lynn wants to lie in the sun. Colin suggests they should go dancing. Lynn suggests going to the fitness room before the meal.

HOLIDAY CARDS There is a nice tradition to send holiday cards to friends and relatives. These pictures usually show the places where people are staying for their holiday.


Ex 13. Read Lynn and Colin’s holiday card to their friends. In its text find five proofs that they are having a very nice holiday. Прочтите открытку Лин и Колина своим друзьям. Найдите в тексте пять доказательств того, что Лин и Колин очень хорошо проводят свой отпуск.

August, 17 Dear Patty and Dave, We are having a lovely time here in Dorset. The weather is fantastic and the hotel is, too. We’re spending a lot of time relaxing and doing nothing more than taking a gentle stroll along the seafront, having a swim in the sea or just lying in the sun. The food is here terrific, too. We’ve found a lovely little sea-food restaurant where we go every day, but I’m afraid I’m putting on weight. To keep in good shape, we go to the fitness room or play tennis with the nice people we met at the hotel. We wish you were here! Love, Lynn and Colin

............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. .............................................................


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


AT THE SEASIDE relax – расслабиться take a stroll – прогуливаться go for a walk – пойти на прогулку have a swim – купаться, поплавать lie in the sun – загорать go dancing – танцевать go out for a meal – обедать/ужинать вне отеля go sightseeing – осматривать достопримечательности play tennis/mini-golf – играть в теннис/ мини-гольф



Ex 14.

James and his friends went white water rafting in Scotland. He sends an e-mail to his parents. Because of a computer error, some odd sentences got into his e-mail. Tick () the wrong sentences. Джеймс с друзьями в Шотландии сплавляется на плоту по горной реке. Он отправил e-mail своим родителям. Из-за компьютерной ошибки в его e-mail попали случайные предложения. Отметьте () эти предложения.

Message (HTML)

File Edit View Insert Format Tools Actions Help

From Subject

[email protected] greetings


Dear Mum and Dad, £ Greetings from the River Tay where the water is too cold for us to go swimming. £ This week we're in Palma-de-Majorca, which is a lovely island town. £ The scenery in Scotland is absolutely beautiful. £ Dad, it’s not raining here as you kept saying. £ Tonight we're going for a horse-ride along the seafront. £ We're having a great time! £ The place is full of tourists who came to the annual Brazilian Carnival. £ Mum, don’t worry. White water rafting is adrenalin pumping, but it is not at all dangerous. £ The bus is rather comfortable. £ We follow the rule: safety first, fun second. £ I’ll write you again when we are in Kirk. £ What about you? How are your holidays? What is the weather like? Love, James

white water rafting


AN ACTIVE HOLIDAY go boating/sailing – кататься на лодке/ яхте go rafting – сплавляться на плоту go swimming – купаться, плавать

Read Vicky’s letter and complete the Memory Box with the words from the text. Прочтите письмо Вики и дополните Memory Box словами из текста письма.


Ex 15.

IN THE COUNTRYSIDE – в сельской местности/деревне make up one’s mind – принять решение .............................. – живописный пейзаж .............................. – сменить обстановку summer house – дачa .............................. – осматривать окрестности .............................. – собирать грибы/ягоды go fishing – ловить рыбу go cycling – кататься на велосипеде .............................. – бродить, гулять stay in town – остаться в городе

August, 18th Dear Lynn and Colin, Thank you for your letter. You asked where we were going to spend our holiday. At last we have made up our mind and went to visit Alan’s parents who live in a small village on the coast. I thought it would be rather a boring holiday. But now I’m happy we didn’t go to one of those crowded holiday places. In the morning, the sun is shining and the birds are singing. You open the window and look out across the garden to the fields and woods. You can’t see the sea from the bedroom window, but you can hear it. We have a quick breakfast and go wandering through the woods to the picturesque lake. It is in this lake that Alan and his father go fishing every morning. And I go to the wood to pick up mushrooms and berries. I got to love the quietness of the countryside, the fresh air, the picturesque scenery. It’s a complete change and the best place to relax. We are sending you some photos of the place and the photo of the fish Alan caught the other day. With love, Vicky and Alan.




Ex 16.

Fill in the spaces with the words from the list. There are two extra words you don’t need to use. Заполните пропуски фразами из списка. В списке две лишних фразы.

holiday house  coach-tour  summer holidays  explore the countryside a sea voyage  a camping holiday  go fishing  go boating  lying  stay in town picking up mushrooms and berries  complete change  pitching up fishing  active  a holiday camp  in the country  sightseeing 1. During (1) ........................ we never (2) ........................ we usually go on a trip. 2. When I was a child, our family usually lived in our (3) ........................ in summer. Now I find it boring. 3. As we decided to have (4) ........................ we bought a nice tent and a boat. 4. I’ve always dreamt to see some European capitals so I bought a (5) ........................ of Europe. It is the cheapest way to see a lot of cities. 5. I enjoy quiet life (6) ........................ . For me it is the best holiday. You can (7) ........................ or (8) ........................ . 6. I wanted to (9) ........................ with my friends, but the parents didn’t allow me to do that. 7. Amy and her friend Bernard went (10) ........................ in London. 8. Vicky liked (11) ........................ in the wood, but Alan didn’t, he loved (12) ........................ in the lake. 9. Young people like an (13) ........................ holiday, for them (14) ........................ in the sun is boring. 10. There is nothing like (15) ........................ a tent by a lake and go swimming in the morning and in the evening. 11. When I was a boy I went to (16) ........................ every summer.

Reader’s Corner 6

Ex 17.

Listen and read the article. In the article find some information about: Прослушайте и прочтите статью. Найдите в этой статье информацию о:

a) reasons why young people go to summer camps ......................................................................................................................................... b) different kinds of camps ......................................................................................................................................... c) the people who look after the youngsters ......................................................................................................................................... d) what parents and their children expect to get out of summer camps .........................................................................................................................................


Going to a Camp For a lot of families who live in America and Great Britain summer holidays can be a problem. Many mothers work fulltime, and there is no one at home to look after the kids while they are off school. So holiday camps are the ideal solution (решение) for many families. About five million American youngsters between 6 and 21 set off for camp every summer. Going to camp is a part of life for millions of them. They can choose among 10,000 camps throughout the USA. Going to camp is becoming popular in Britain, too. Most of the camps offer traditional activities such as hiking, riding as well as singing round the camp fire. But there are other kinds of camps, where some kids can get help to improve their grades (оценки) at school. Hi-tech camps teach computer skills. Athletic camps are also very popular. Youngsters can improve their skills in tennis, golf, or other sports with a training programme of about 30 hours a week. They are looked after by counselors (воспитатель) who are often university students and other young people doing summer jobs. A number of these counselors come from abroad. What do parents and their children expect to get out of summer camps? There are a few weeks of healthy outdoor living. Many choose camps especially for the social skills such as making friends, living and working together, and becoming independent (независимый). The young people are often a little nervous and many are homesick at first but usually they settle in very quickly. In the end they often find that some of their best friends are from the camp, not from school. And when they have grown up, they like to send their own kids to camp.


Listen and read the story. Прослушайте и прочтите рассказ.

The Most Unusual Trip When Mr Nicholas Scotti of San Francisco was given a three weeks’ holiday, he decided to fly back to his birthplace in Italy to visit his relatives. This trip can be called one of the strangest tales of tourism. The plane made one-hour fuel (топливо) stop at Kennedy Airport, and Mr Scotti thought he had arrived to Italy. He got out and spent two days in New York without realizing (не понимая) that he was not in Rome. When his nephews were not there to meet him he thought they were in the traffic jam (транспортная пробка) they had mentioned in their letters. He noticed that there were no famous landmarks (знаменитые здания) of Rome in the Rome he had arrived in. “They had been replaced (заменить) by these awful modern buildings,” he guessed. 309



Another strange fact was that many people spoke English with an American accent. “The Americans had come to live everywhere,” came an awful thought. “Furthermore, it is because of them the street signs are written in English,” he thought. Mr Scotti spoke very little English, he asked a policeman in Italian the way to the bus station and he was answered in fluent (беглый) Italian (of course, it was a great coincidence!). The policeman he was handed to (передать) after twelve hours on a bus didn’t speak Italian. “The Roman police force employs people who can’t even speak Italian!” he shouted, and there was a short argument. Finally an interpreter was called. “There must be a mistake,” he guessed, “I’ve arrived to the wrong country.” But he changed his opinion when he was raced (ездить с большой скоростью) to the airport in a police car with screaming sirens. Still sure Mr Scotti told his interpreter “I am in Italy – that’s how they drive!”

Ex 18. Match Mr Scotti’s explanations with the strange things that he noticed in the city he took for Rome. Мистер Scotti дал объяснение всем странным явлениям, которые он увидел, как он считал, в Риме. Найдите в тексте странные явления, соответствующие его объяснениям. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

His nephews were not at the airport to meet him. Mr Scotti thought that his nephews were in a traffic jam they had written about. ....................................................................................................................................... The famous landmarks of Rome had been replaced by these awful modern buildings. ....................................................................................................................................... The Americans had come to live everywhere. ....................................................................................................................................... It is for the Americans who had come to live everywhere. ....................................................................................................................................... The policemen spoke fluent Italian. ....................................................................................................................................... The Roman police force employs people who can’t even speak Italian.

Ex 19.

Find in the text the answer to the question: Найдите в тексте ответ на вопрос:

What fact changed Mr Scotti’s guess that he had arrived to the wrong country? ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................

REVISION 5 (Units 16–18) Ex 1.

Read the article about Siberia. Fill in the spaces with the words from the list. There are three extra words in the list which you don’t need to use. Прочтите статью о Сибири. Заполните пропуски словами из списка. В списке три лишних слова. mountainous  rivers  west  space  peak  ocean  surface  Lake plains  flow  north  channel  mountains  forests

The Relief Map of Siberia Siberia occupies the major part of northern Asia: from the Urals in the (1) .................... to the Pacific (2) .................... in the east, and from the Arctic Ocean in the (3) .................... to the border of the Middle Asia in the south. The main part of Siberia is occupied by biggest flat country in the world.


.................... , the

Southern Siberia is (5) .................... . The biggest (6) .................... are the Altai and the Sayans. The highest (7) .................... of the mountains is Beluha – 4506 meters high. There are more than 2000 rivers on the territory of Siberia. One of the greatest (8) .................... in the world, the Ob, is in Siberia. Most of the Siberia rivers (9) .................... to the Arctic Ocean. (10) .................... Baikal is the pearl of Siberia. It is the world’s oldest and deepest lake. Siberian taiga is one of the biggest natural (11) .................... left in the world.

Ex 2.

Insert right articles where necessary. Вставьте соответствующий артикль, где это необходимо.

1. ....... Africa is ....... very big continent lying to ....... south of ....... Europe and to ....... southwest of Asia separated from them by ....... Suez Canal. Less than one hundred years ago ....... men knew nothing about ....... middle of ....... continent. 2. Teckle comes from ....... very old country on ....... Nile. It is called ....... Ethiopia. Teckle came to ....... St Petersburg to study at the St Petersburg University. 3. Several rivers run into ....... sea at ....... New-York. ....... most important river is ....... Hudson River which flows into ....... Atlantic Ocean. 4. My friends travel a lot. This year they are going to fly to ....... Canary Islands. 5. ....... Caucasus is situated between ....... Black Sea and ....... Caspian Sea. 311


Ex 3. Active or Passive?

Complete the article about Mercury. Put the verbs in brackets in the Simple Tense Passive or Active. Завершите статью о планете Меркурий. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в the Simple Tense Passive or Active.

NOTE Обратите внимание на место наречия: well always is/was done often never


In old Roman legends, Mercury (be) (1) .............................. a swift-footed messenger (быстроногий гонец) of the Gods. The planet Mercury well (name) (2) .............................. , for it is the swiftest of the planets. It (make) (3) .............................. its yearly journey in only 88 days. One side of Mercury constantly (turn) (4) .............................. to the Sun. We always (see) (5) .............................. the side of Mercury which (light) (6) .............................. by the Sun. On the side which (heat) (7) .............................. by the Sun, Mercury’s temperature is about 300 degrees Centigrade. The dark side never (warm) (8) .............................. by the Sun. It is about 150 degrees below zero. So Mercury is the hottest and the coldest of the planets. It is the nearest planet to the Sun, too. It always (see) (9) .............. .................... near the Sun before sunrise or soon after sunset. That’s why it often (call) (10) .............................. the morning or evening star, though (хотя) it is really a planet.

Ex 4.

Complete the holiday card from Tara to her friend Trundle. Замените рисунки соответствующими словами.

Dear Trundle, Hello from Rimini. We are in a wonderful (1) . Do you know where it is? It is by the (2) and near the (3) , too. The first two days , but now it's (5) . We go (6) were (4) every morning. The is fantastic. In the in the (8) afternoons we sometimes ride (7) or go and look at the (9) . Lots of love. Tara

1. .................... 6. ....................

2. .................... 7. ....................

3. .................... 8. ....................


She sells sea shells on the seashore

Trundle Snow 30 New Read CH2 2LB Chester England

4. .................... 9. ....................

5. .................... 10. ....................

Ex 5.

Barry writes a letter to his girlfriend Nora. Read the letter. Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense form. Sometimes two variants are possible. Прочтите письмо, поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующем времени. В некоторых случаях возможны два варианта.

July, 12th London Dear Nora, I arrived in London safely and the weather is really nice. (1) If you (come) .......................... soon, we (have) .......................... a really nice holiday here. My hotel is quite cheap, but it is in the centre of the city and close to the underground station. I had to take a room without a private bathroom because it was the only room left. (2) If I (find) .......................... a better hotel in the centre, I (book) .......................... another room for us. (3) If you (not mind) .......................... , we (stay) .......................... in this hotel. It’s very conveniently situated. (4) If you (bring) .......................... your laptop, it (be) .......................... great, because you can get internet access in the room. I’m going to write articles to my paper and send some photos. The sights are great. The problem is that I’ve forgotten my address book. (5) If you (find) .......................... it somewhere in my flat, (bring) .......................... it with you, please. See you soon. Love, Barry.

Ex 6.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Тебе необходим отдых. Это полная перемена обстановки. Ты будешь купаться и загорать, кататься на лодке. После отдыха ты будешь чувствовать себя гораздо лучше. ...................................................................................................................................... 2. Я люблю отпуск летом, особенно если погода хорошая. ...................................................................................................................................... 3. Наша семья любит природу. Мы часто отправляемся в походы. ...................................................................................................................................... 4. Это очень хороший отдых, не нужно заказывать билеты или бронировать гостиницу. ...................................................................................................................................... 5. Когда мы идём в поход, мы живём в палатках на берегу озера. ...................................................................................................................................... 6. Мы любим осматривать окрестности или ловить рыбу. ...................................................................................................................................... 7. Летом наша семья всегда живёт на даче. Мы ходим в лес, собираем грибы и ягоды, катаемся на велосипедах. ...................................................................................................................................... 8. Я мечтаю о морском путешествии. Я хочу увидеть экзотические острова и страны. ...................................................................................................................................... 313



Look at the weather map and complete the weather forecast. Дополните прогноз погоды согласно обозначениям на карте.

Tomorrow it ........................ in Scotland with ........................ winds. In Midlands it ........................ in the morning and ........................ in the afternoon. In the south of Great Britain it ........................ and warm.

Ex 8. Word Partnerships. Match the words in column A with those in column B to form a phrase. В колонке A найдите соответствующие слова для слов в колонке B для образования фразы. A 1. Move around 2. A flash of 3. Explore 4. Heavy 5. Keep out 6. Package 7. Launch 8. Go 9. Weather 10. Stay 11. Lie 12. Take 13. Book

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m.

B forecast a coach-tour holiday the Sun the planet in the sun lightning a room on holiday rain a rocket the rays at a hotel

  

Ex 7.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Ex 9. Review of tenses. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present or Past Simple, or the Present Perfect Tense. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в the Present or Past Simple, or the Present Perfect Tense. June, 8th Majorca Dear Mum and Dad, We (enjoy) ... have enjoyed ... our holiday so far. We (spend) ....................... a lot of time on the beach. Yesterday we (go sightseeing) ....................... in the small town nearby. Luckily, the weather (be) ....................... fine, it (not rain) ....................... . Tim (learn) ....................... windsurfing, I (not try) ....................... it yet. I think it’s dangerous! Our holiday (be) ....................... great fun! We (make) ....................... some friends. We (have) ....................... a nice dinner and (go dancing) ....................... after the sightseeing tour yesterday. ....................... you (receive) ....................... my other postcards? Love, Monika.

APPENDICES Appendix 1 English Tenses (Active)

Времена английского глагола (действительный залог) Simple



Perfect Continuous

... verb

be + -ing

have + III форма

have been + -ing


ask(s) – Регулярное повторяющееся действие. usually/generally always/never often/seldom sometimes – Факт. – Будущее действие (по расписанию, графику).


asked took

have has



– Длительное дей– Действие закончиствие (процесс), лось к определёнпротекающее в данному моменту в ный момент. настоящем. now, at present, – Результат. at the moment already/yet/just – Будущее запланироever/never ванное действие. lately/recently this week/today by now/for/since was asking were

had asked

have been asking has – Длительное действие, которое началось в прошлом и всё ещё протекает в данный момент. for a month/a long time since 5 o’clock how long/since when..?

had been asking

– Действие в прошлом. – Длительное дейcт– Действие закончи– Длительное прошедyesterday вие (процесс), солось к определёншее действие, котоlast week вершавшееся в ному моменту в рое началось до 3 days ago момент или период прошлом. определённого моin 1982 в прошлом. by 5 o’clock yesterday мента в прошлом и when I was a child ... at 5 yesterday before he came ещё продолжалось в from 5 to 6 yesterday by the end of the last тот момент. all day long/the whole year He had been working day – При согласовании for 2 hours, when my brother came. when we came времен. will ask


am is are

will be asking

will have asked

will have been asking

– Длительное будущее – Действие в будущем. – Длительное дей– Действие закондействие, которое tomorrow ствие (процесс) кочится к определённачнётся ранее моnext week торое будет соверному моменту в мента в будущем и in 3 days шаться в определёнбудущем. будет ещё соверin 2037 ный момент или by 5 o’clock tomorrow шаться в этот момент. период в будущем. when he comes When you come I’ll at 5 tomorrow by next summer have been working from 5 to 6 tomorrow for 2 hours. for 3 days next week all day long tomorrow when he comes


Appendix 2 Regular Verbs: Spelling Rules

Правильные глаголы: правила правописания Базовая форма

3-е лицо ед. число Present Simple

Формы с -ing

Формы с -ed

+ -s

+ -ing

+ -ed





Оканчивается на:

+ -es

-sh -ch -ss -x -z -o

finishes reaches passes mixes buzzes echoes

finishing reaching passing mixing buzzing echoing

finished reached passed mixed buzzed echoed

finish reach pass mix buzz echo

Оканчивается на -e dance

-e опускается перед -ing или -ed dances




Оканчивается на согласную + -y

-y  -ies



Односложный глагол, оканчивающийся на одну гласную + согласная


tied -y  -ied



удвоение последней согласной перед -ing или -ed dipping


кроме -w, -x, -у: rowing, boxing, playing.


Двусложный глагол, оканчивающийся на одну гласную + -l travel

age, agree, disagree, dye, free, knee, singe, referee, tiptoe

-ie  -y перед -ing

Оканчивается на -ie




В AmE допускается: traveling, traveled. travels




Appendix 3 List of Irregular Verbs

Список неправильных глаголов Base Form

Past Simple

Past Participle


been xÄgåz


bear xÄcèz become xÄfDâ^ãz begin xÄfDÖfåz blow xÄäèsz break xÄêÉfâz bring xÄêfkz build xÄfäÇz burn xÄbWåz buy xÄ~fz catch xâñ`z choose x`eòz come xâ^ãz cost xâmëíz cut xâ^íz do xÇez dream xÇêgãz drink xÇêfkâz drive xÇê~fîzz eat xgíz fall xÑiäz feel xÑgäz fight xÑ~fíz find xÑ~fåÇz fly xÑä~fz forbid xÑèDÄfÇz forget xÑèDÖÉíz forgive xÑèDÖfîz freeze xÑêgòz

was xïmòz were xïbWz bore xÄiz became xÄfDâÉfãz began xÄfDÖñåz blew xÄäez broke xÄêèsâz brought xÄêiíz built xÄfäíz burnt xÄbWåíz bought xÄiíz caught xâiíz chose x`èsòz came xâÉfãz cost xâmëíz cut xâ^íz did xÇfÇz dreamt xÇêÉãíz drank xÇêñkâz drove xÇêèsîz ate xÉíX=Éfíz fell xÑÉäz felt xÑÉäíz fought xÑiíz found xÑ~såÇz flew xÑäez forbade xÑèDÄÉfÇz forgot xÑèDÖmíz forgave xÑèDÖÉfîz froze xÑêèsòz

born xÄiåz become xÄfDâ^ãz begun xÄfDÖ^åz blown xÄäèsåz broken xÄêèsâåz brought xÄêiíz built xÄfäíz burnt xÄbWåíz bought xÄiíz caught xâiíz chosen x`èsòåz come xâ^ãz cost xâmëíz cut xâ^íz done xÇ^åz dreamt xÇêÉãíz drunk xÇê^kâz driven xÇêfîåz eaten xgíåz fallen xÑiäåz felt xÑÉäíz fought xÑiíz found xÑ~såÇz flown xÑäçsåz forbidden xÑèDÄfÇåz forgotten xÑèDÖmíåz forgiven xÑèDÖfîåz frozen xÑêèsòåz

30 31 32 33 34 35 36

get xÖÉíz give xÖfîz go xÖçìz grow xÖêèsz have xÜñîz hear xÜfèz hurt xÜbWíz

got xÖmíz gave xÖÉfîz went xïÉåíz grew xÖêez had xÜñÇz heard xÜbWÇz hurt xÜbWíz

got xÖmíz given xÖfîåz gone xÖmåz grown xÖêèsåz had xÜñÇz heard xÜbWÇz hurt xÜbWíz

37 38 39 40

keep xâgéz know xåèsz learn xäbWåz leave xägîz

kept xâÉéíz knew xåàez learnt xäbWåíz left xäÉÑíz

kept xâÉéíz known xåèsåz learnt xäbWåíz left xäÉÑíz

рождать становиться начинать(-ся) дуть ломать приносить строить гореть, жечь покупать ловить, схватить выбирать приходить стоить резать делать видеть сны; мечтать пить ехать; гнать; везти есть падать чувствовать бороться, сражаться находить летать запрещать забывать прощать замерзать, замораживать получать; становиться давать идти, ехать расти, выращивать иметь слышать повредить, ушибать; обидеть держать, хранить знать учиться оставлять, уезжать


be xÄgz

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29


Base Form

Past Simple

Past Participle


lend xäÉåÇz

lent xäÉåíz

lent xäÉåíz

42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

let xäÉíz lie xä~fz light xä~fíz lose xäeòz make xãÉfâz mean xãgåz meet xãgíz pay xéÉfz put xésíz read xêgÇz ride xê~fÇz ring xêfkz rise xê~fòz run xê^åz

let xäÉíz lay xäÉfz lit xäfíz lost xämëíz made xãÉfÇz meant xãÉåíz met xãÉíz paid xéÉfÇz put xésíz read xêÉÇz rode xêèsÇz rang xêñkz rose xêèsòz ran xêñåz

let xäÉíz lain xäÉfåz lit xäfíz lost xämëíz made xãÉfÇz meant xãÉåíz met xãÉíz paid xéÉfÇz put xésíz read xêÉÇz ridden xêfÇåz rung xê^kz risen xêfòåz run xê^åz

56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67

say xëÉfz see xëgz sell xëÉäz send xëÉåÇz shake xpÉfâz shave xpÉfîz shine xp~fåz show xpèsz sing xëfkz sit xëfíz sleep xëägéz smell xëãÉäz

68 69

speak xëégâz spell xëéÉäz

said xëÉÇz saw xëiz sold xëèsäÇz sent xëÉåíz shook xpsâz shaved xpÉfîÇz shone xpmåz showed xpèsÇz sang xëñkz sat xëñíz slept xëäÉéíz smelled xëãÉäÇz smelt xëãÉäíz spoke xëéèsâz spelt xëéÉäíz

said xëÉÇz seen xëgåz sold xëèsäÇz sent xëÉåíz shaken xpÉfâåz shaved xpÉfîÇz shone xpmåz shown xpèsåz sung xë^kz sat xëñíz slept xëäÉéíz smelled xëãÉäÇz smelt xëãÉäíz spoken xDëéèsâèåz spelt xëéÉäíz

70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

spend xëéÉåÇz spill xëéfäz stand xëíñåÇz sweep xëïgéz swim xëïfãz take xíÉfâz teach xíg`z tell xíÉäz think xqfkâz throw xqêèsz understand x?^åÇèDëíñåÇz wake xïÉfâz wear xïcèz win xïfåz write xê~fíz

spent xëéÉåíz spilt xëéfäíz stood xëísÇz swept xëïÉéíz swam xëïñãz took xísâz taught xíiíz told xíèsäÇz thought xqiíz threw xqêez understood x?^åÇèDëísÇz woke xïèsâz wore xïiz won xï^åz wrote xêèsíz

spent xëéÉåíz spilt xëéfäíz stood xëísÇz swept xëïÉéíz swum xëï^ãz taken xíÉfâåz taught xíiíz told xíèsäÇz thought xqiíz thrown xqêèsåz understood x?^åÇèDëísÇz woken xïèsâåz worn xïiåz won xï^åz written xêfíåz

81 82 83 84

Translation давать взаймы, одалживать позволять; сдавать в наём лежать зажигать, освещать терять, проигрывать делать; заставлять значить; подразумевать встречать платить класть читать ездить верхом звонить; звенеть подниматься бежать; вести дела, управлять говорить, сказать видеть продавать посылать трясти брить(-ся) сиять, светить показывать петь сидеть спать пахнуть; нюхать говорить писать или произносить слово по буквам тратить проливать стоять мести плавать брать обучать, учить рассказывать думать бросать понимать просыпаться; будить носить выигрывать писать

Appendix 4 Expressions with the Verb “to be”

Распространённые выражения с глаголом “to be” to be glad (pleased) to be happy (delighted) lo be hungry to be thirsty to be ill (healthy) to be ready for smth to be late for smth to be 5 minutes late to be sorry lo be (un)comfortable to be out of place to be proud of smth/smb to be sure of smth to be certain of smth to be mistaken to be surprised at smb to be angry with smth to be busy with smth to be to blame Who’s to blame? to be for (against) smth to be present to be absent to be right to be wrong to be afraid to be tired to be situated

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

быть радостным (довольным) быть счастливым быть голодным (хотеть есть) хотеть пить быть больным (здоровым) быть готовым к чему-л. опаздывать куда-л. опаздывать на 5 минут сожалеть чувствовать себя (не)удобно чувствовать себя неуютно (не к месту) гордиться чем-л./кем-л. быть уверенным в чём-л. быть уверенным в чём-л. ошибаться удивиться кому-л. быть сердитым на кого-л. быть занятым чем-л. быть виноватым Кто виноват? быть за (против) чего-л. присутствовать отсутствовать быть правым ошибаться, быть неправым бояться быть уставшим быть расположенным


Literature 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.

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