Essential Guide to WordPress for All Levels (2024 Collection: Forging Ahead in Tech and Programming)

This comprehensive guide is designed for users of all levels, ensuring that you can harness the full potential of this p

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Table of contents :
What is WordPress?
Benefits of Using WordPress
Installing WordPress
Setting up a Local Development Environment
Understanding the WordPress Dashboard
Customizing General Settings
Exploring Themes and Plugins
Creating and Managing Posts
Creating and Managing Pages
Understanding Categories and Tags
Managing Media Files
Configuring Permalinks
Anatomy of a WordPress Theme
Creating a Child Theme
Customizing the Header and Footer
Working with Template Files
Implementing Custom Post Types and Taxonomies
Introduction to WordPress Plugins
Creating a Basic Plugin
Adding Custom Shortcodes
Implementing Plugin Options and Settings
Using Hooks and Filters
Understanding the WordPress REST API
Consuming External APIs in WordPress
Creating Custom REST API Endpoints
Working with the WordPress Plugin API
Extending the WordPress Theme Customizer API
Securing the WordPress Installation
User Roles and Permissions
Protecting Against Common Vulnerabilities
Implementing Two-Factor Authentication
Regular Backups and Updates
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for WordPress
Caching Strategies for WordPress
Optimizing Database Queries
Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)
Load Balancing and High Availability
Server and Infrastructure Optimization
Setting up a Multisite Network (Intro)
Setting up a Multisite Network
Managing Multiple Sites in a Network
Multilingual Websites with WordPress
Translating Themes and Plugins
Multilingual SEO Strategies
Introduction to WordPress E-Commerce
Introduction to WordPress E-Commerce
Setting up an Online Store with WooCommerce
Customizing WooCommerce Templates
Common WordPress Issues and Errors
Debugging WordPress with WP_DEBUG
Using Debugging Plugins and Tools
Analyzing Server Logs
Implementing AJAX Functionality
Building Custom REST API Clients
Analyzing Website Performance Metrics
Performing Security Audits
Security Scanning Tools and Techniques
Hardening WordPress Installation
Implementing Web Application Firewalls
Regular Security Maintenance
Preparing for Website Deployment
Continuous Integration and Deployment

Essential Guide to WordPress for All Levels (2024 Collection: Forging Ahead in Tech and Programming)

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