English for Public Administration

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Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

Министерство образования и науки России Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Казанский национальный исследовательский технологический университет»

Д.Р. Гиниятуллина, Г.Р. Фасхутдинова


Казань Издательство КНИТУ 2013

Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

УДК 802: 342.25 ББК 81.2 Англ: 67.99 (2) 1

Гиниятуллина Д.Р. English for Public Administration (Central, Regional and Municipal Administration) (Английский язык для студентов, обучающихся по направлению «Государственное и муниципальное управление» : учебное пособие / Д.Р. Гиниятуллина, Г.Р. Фасхутдинова; М-во образ. и науки России, Казан. нац. исслед. технол. ун-т. – Казань : Изд-во КНИТУ, 2013. – 104 с. ISBN 978-5-7882-1429-0 Содержит оригинальные тексты, посвященные вопросам государственного и муниципального управления, особое внимание уделено региональному управлению. Приведены упражнения на расширение словарного запаса студентов, а также теоретическая часть грамматики английского языка. Предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по направлению «Государственное и муниципальное управление» (профиль: «региональное управление»), а также для магистров и студентов, получающих дополнительную квалификацию «Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации». Пособие может представлять интерес для специалистов в области государственного и муниципального управления и лиц, занимающихся переводом англоязычной научно-технической литературы. Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета Казанского национального исследовательского технологического университета.

Рецензенты: д-р пед. наук, проф. И.И. Галимзянова канд. соц. наук, доц. А.А. Ахметшина

ISBN 978-5-7882-1429-0

© Гиниятуллина Д.Р., Фасхутдинова Г.Р., 2013 © Казанский национальный исследовательский технологический университет, 2013


Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

ВВЕДЕНИЕ Данное учебное пособие адресовано студентам высших учебных заведений, обучающимся по нефилологическим специальностям. Изменившиеся подходы к высшему образованию, связанные с ориентацией на вхождение России в единое европейское образовательное пространство, требуют решения новых задач и в области обучения иностранным языкам. В частности, обучение пониманию иноязычных текстов студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Государственное и муниципальное управление», выходит в настоящее время на одно из первых мест. Это обстоятельство объясняется той ролью, которую играет политика и социология в жизни государства, а значительные неудачи и нестабильность в этой области заставляют все чаще обращаться к анализу иноязычной литературы более развитых стран, что требует не просто знания иностранного языка, а специфического языка, относящегося к данной сфере человеческой жизнедеятельности. Следовательно, одной из задач обучения английскому языку является формирование у студентов умений работать с оригинальной англоязычной литературой по специальности. Цель предлагаемого пособия – обучение чтению по специальности в условиях систематического и градуированного процесса расширения языковых знаний студентов, формирование базовых умений, необходимых для понимания и извлечения информации из печатных источников, а также использования полученной информации в ситуациях, моделирующих реальную коммуникацию. Пособие предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Государственное и муниципальное управление» по направлению «региональное управление»; в том числе при подготовке магистров, студентов, получающих дополнительную квалификацию “переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации”, а также данное учебное пособие может представлять интерес для специалистов в области государственного и муниципального управления и лиц, занимающихся переводом англоязычной научнотехнической литературы. Материалы пособия содержат оригинальные тексты, посвященные вопросам государственное и муниципальное управления. Особое внимание уделено региональному управлению.


Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

Пособие состоит из 7 уроков, в состав которых входят учебные тексты и упражнения, связанные лексическими, смысловыми и грамматическими аспектами информационного обеспечения. Каждый урок имеет одинаковую структуру. В каждом уроке осуществляется деятельность, направленная на понимание и извлечение информации из текстов по специальности. Ведущее место в уроке занимают тексты, имеющие разную учебную целевую установку. Тексты содержат новые материалы для чтения и понимания с помощью стадии предтекстовой подготовки. После каждого текста – упражнения на расширение словарного запаса учащихся и повторения грамматических структур. При необходимости могут выполняться упражнения на повторение ранее изученного материала. В пособии преобладают упражнения на расширение словарного запаса учащихся, в том числе содержится теоретическая часть грамматики английского языка. Таким образом, предлагаемые задания ставят своей целью развить у обучающихся навыки использования соответствующих лексических единиц и грамматических структур и их применения во время работы с научно-технической литературой.


Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

UNIT 1. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PRE-TEXT EXERCISES 1. Give the initial forms of the following words: separation, politics, challenged, developed, organizational, inefficient, administrative, executive, professionalism, governance. 2. State to what parts of speech the following words belong: dissemination, era, governance, ideas, value, to improve, the dominance, organizational, new, responsibilities, focusing. 3. Check up if you can translate the following verbal forms correctly: to required – is required; to advocate – advocated; to build – is built; to consider – is considered; to develop – to have been developed; to come – to have come. 4. Match the word combinations with their Russian equivalents: 1. invention

a. современный

2. contemporary

b. учреждать

3. invite

c. подход

4. definition

d. приглашать

5. intent

e. определение

6. science


общественные дисциплины

7. social disciplines

g. намерение

8. establish

h. вносить вклад

9. approach



10. contribute




Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

TEXT A THE HISTORY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Some researchers state that public administration has no generally accepted definition. The scale of the subject is so grand and so questionable that it is easier to explain than define. The process of public administration consists of the actions involved in effecting the intent or desire of a government. It is thus the continuously active, “business” part of government, concerned with carrying out the law, as made by legislative bodies (or other authoritative agents) and interpreted by courts, through the processes of organization and management. Public administration dates back to Antiquity. Kings and emperors have required pages and tax collectors to administer the practical business of government. Lorenz von Stein, a German professor (19th century), is considered the founder of the science of public administration in many parts of the world. Von Stein taught that public administration relies on many disciplines such as sociology, political science, administrative law and public finance. In the United States of America, Woodrow Wilson (20th century) is considered the father of public administration. The separation of politics and administration advocated by Wilson continues to play a significant role in public administration today. However, the dominance of this idea was challenged by second generation scholars, beginning in the 1940s. The new generation of administrators built on the work of contemporary behavioral, administrative, and organizational scholars. Luther Gulick developed a comprehensive theory of organization that emphasized the scientific method, efficiency, professionalism, structural reform, and executive control. In the 1960s and 1970s, the government of the US came under fire as ineffective and inefficient. There was a call by citizens for efficient administration to replace ineffective, wasteful bureaucracy. Public administration would have to distance itself from politics. In the late 1980s the new theory, the New Public Management, was proposed by David Osborne and Ted Gaebler. The new model advocated


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the use of organizational ideas and values to improve the efficiency and service-orientation of the public sector. In the late 1990s, Janet and Robert Denhardt proposed a new public service model (the New Public Service). Their model for governance builds upon and expands the traditional role of the public administrator, which they call the Old Public Administration, and contrasts with the New Public Management. A successor to NPM is digital era governance, focusing on themes of reintegrating government responsibilities. One example of this is openforum.com.au, an Australian non-for-profit project which invites politicians, senior public servants academics, business people and other key stakeholders to engage in high-level policy debate. In recent history, academic journals and societies have been the source of substantial development to the field. Among the most established organizations related to public administration is the American Political Science Association (APSA). Providing a meeting place and interactive community, such organizations have contributed to the dissemination of knowledge and changed approaches to the field. With the invention of the Internet, many of these organizations have moved online, making communication quicker and information more easily accessible. VOCABULARY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

to claim – заявлять definition – определение intent – намерение development – развитие social disciplines – общественные дисциплины science – наука contemporary – современный invite – приглашать to establish – учреждать approach – подход to contribute – вносить вклад invention – изобретение


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ASSIGNMENTS 1. Answer the questions: A. In what century was public administration formed as a discipline? B. What does Luther Gulick’s theory of organization emphasize? C. Who used NPM approach in the 1990s and what for? 2. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones: A. Academic journals and societies made a great contribution to the science of public administration. B. Lorenz von Stein, is the founder of the science of public administration. C. Von Stein believed that public administration relies on administrative law and public finance. 3. Fill in the blanks: contributed, to invite A. The American Political Science Association have ________ to the spreading of knowledge of public administration. B. Nowadays there are some online non-commercial projects which ______ politicians, business people to join the discussion. 4. Read the following synonyms and find key word from Text A. A. B. C. D.

noteworthy, considerable; hold up, sustain, bear, maintain; liability, accountability; innovation, discovery, creation.


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5. Translate the following words into Russian: 1. invention

2. invite

3. definition

4. intent

5. establish

6. contemporary

7. approach

8. contribute

6. Discuss in pairs: A. Why do people study public administration? B. Do you think it is important for government officials to know history? Why? TEXT B CASE STUDY: NEW DEAL (POLITICAL IDEAS OF F. D. ROOSEVELT) New Deal, the domestic program of the administration of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt1 between 1933 and 1939, which took action to bring about immediate economic relief as well as reforms in industry, agriculture, finance, waterpower, labour, and housing, vastly increasing the scope of the federal government’s activities.


Franklin D. Roosevelt, in full Franklin Delano Roosevelt (born January 30, 1882, Hyde Park, New York, U.S.—died April 12, 1945, Warm Springs, Georgia), 32nd president of the United States (1933–45). The only president elected to the office four times, Roosevelt led the United States through two of the greatest crises of the 20th century: the Great Depression and World War II. He greatly expanded the powers of the federal government through a series of programs and reforms known as the New Deal.


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Roosevelt stressed equality of opportunity for all citizens and emphasized the importance of fair government regulations of corporate “special interests”. The New Deal worked to balance competing interests to create a fair deal for all sides: labor and management, consumer and business, developer and conservationist. Roosevelt recognized that his program was not perfectly neutral because the government needed to intervene more actively on behalf of the general public to ensure economic opportunity for all. Labor reform was probably the most revolutionary part of Roosevelt’s New Deal. His administration would have regulated minimum wage (allowing more goods to be bought), maximum hours (allowing jobs to be spread over a wide range of people), and prices (for fair competition). The New Deal had an important impact in the housing field. The New Deal sought to stimulate the private home building industry and increase the number of individuals who owned homes. Before the New Deal 4 out of 10 Americans owned homes. This was because the standard mortgage lasted only 5 to 10 years and had interest as high as 8%. Under the New Deal, Americans had access to 30-year mortgages, the standardized assessment and construction standards helped open up the housing market to more Americans. Indeed, forty years after the implementation of the New Deal, ⅔ of Americans were home owners. Roosevelt’s presidency characterized by the evolution of the role of government. The unique situation facing his administration forced them to reconsider what powers their government really had and to evolve new strategies for coping. VOCABULARY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

deal – сделка, соглашение, договор to intervene more actively – вмешиваться более активно to ensure equality of opportunities – гарантировать равенство возможностей consumer – потребитель settlement – регулирование, урегулирование labor – рабочие; трудящиеся minimum wage – минимальная заработная плата fair competition – честная конкурентная борьба, конкуренция на равных условиях


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9. mortgage – ипотека 10. to reconsider – пересмотреть 11. to evolve new strategies – развить новые стратегии

ASSIGNMENTS 1. Answer the questions: A. What does the term “New Deal” mean? B. What is meant by Labor reform? C. Why was it necessary for the government to intervene more actively on behalf of the general public? 2. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones: A. Roosevelt required stimulating the industry and reducing the taxes. B. Roosevelt required stimulating the building industry and reducing the number of home owners. C. “New deal” established maximum hours and minimum salaries for employees. 3. Fill in the blanks: сonsumer, reform A. The New Deal balanced the opposing interests of employees and employers, _________ and business, developer and ecologist. B. Labor ______ was the most radical component of Roosevelt’s New Deal.


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4. Match the word combinations with their Russian equivalents: 1. deal 2. to intervene more actively 3. to ensure equality of opportunities 4. consumer 5. settlement 6. labor 7. minimum wage 8. fair competition 9. mortgage 10. to reconsider 11. to evolve new strategies 5. Translate into English:

a) минимальная заработная плата b) гарантировать равенство возможностей c) вмешиваться более активно d) e) f) g) h)

потребитель соглашение, договор рабочие регулирование, урегулирование конкуренция на равных условиях i) пересмотреть j) ипотека k) развить новые стратегии

потребитель; гарантировать равенство возможностей; урегулирование; рабочие; честная конкурентная борьба, конкуренция на равных; пересмотреть; развить новые стратегии; сделка, соглашение, договор; трудящиеся. 6. Translate into Russian: deal; to intervene more actively; to ensure equality of opportunities; consumer; settlement; labor; minimum wage; fair competition; mortgage; to reconsider; new strategies. 7. Discuss in pairs: A. What would you do if you were Roosevelt? B. Which of Roosevelt’s decisions do you agree/disagree with? Why? C. Does Roosevelt appeal to you as a leader? Why?


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TEXT C THE PRESENT AND FUTURE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION In recent years there has been great scholarly and scientific interest in organization, and a resultant outpouring of essays, books, and research reports designated by the term theory of organization. It is the view of some that organization itself, as a widespread social phenomenon, warrants the full concentration of many students. Within Public Administration proper, perhaps the area of greatest current scholarly activity is the comparative study of public administration. This exposure to foreign, often non-Western, governmental systems and cultures has stimulated a sense of “comparativeness” and raised questions either about the appropriateness or the sheer possibility of transferring familiar administrative devices or applying what had been presumed to be good. Recent years have seen the rapid development of various physical devices of significance for administration and a parallel development of various systems of logical thought applicable to the practice of, and to research on, administration. The former include a range of new machines, mostly electronic, that greatly extend the range of the hand and, particularly, the brain. These devices, of which the electronic computer in its various forms is the best known, perform certain work, particularly the storage, retrieval, and manipulation of data and the making of complex calculations, with such speed and accuracy that they open up a new range of human experience and potentialities. The systems of logical thought that have been newly developed for or applied in administration include certain branches of mathematics and certain quasi-mathematical systems of precise statement and reasoning. The effect of these developments is to open new and enlarged opportunities for increasing administrative efficiency and rationality – both directly, through application of what is already known or already exists, and indirectly, through opening opportunities for new types of research on problems of organization and management. An example of direct application is operations research, which combines various specialized competences to analyze systems and solve problems. Simulation is an example of the expanded potentialities for research. The new physical inventions, plus new or improved systems of logical thought, permit an


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unprecedented type and scale of simulation. Certain administrative situations (for example, decision-making problems) can be reproduced in their essentials, thus helping to solve a perennial problem of social science: how to control and repeat experiments. Many of these machines, logical systems, and what might be called social technologies, such as operations research, are now used in various branches of public administration; in some branches, such as military logistics and tax administration, they are widely used. The future of Public Administration is engaged with the future of political science, on the one hand, and with administrative science, on the other. From its beginnings it has represented a joining of certain interests of political science with the “management” movement. It still granted all the additional factors, the new developments, the broadened spectra. What meaning and importance will be given to the Public in Public Administration, whether it will evaporate or remain significant, perhaps even become more significant, will depend on what developments take place in political science and in the social sciences. VOCABULARY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

a research – исследование a comparative study – сравнительное исследование technical assistance programs – программы технической помощи complex calculations – сложные вычисления to permit – позволяют to broaden – расширять movement – движение to solve a problem – решить проблему to reproduce – воспроизводить to represent – представлять tax administration – налоговое ведомство to evaporate – исчезать, потерять значение


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ASSIGNMENTS 1. Answer the questions: A. What two theories in public administration have recently been introduced? B. What do general systems theory students think of human organization? C. Why has Comparative Public Administration become popular? D. What will the future meaning and importance of public administration depend on? E. What recent advances in technology are mentioned in the text? Why? 2. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones: A. Operations research combines various specialized competences to analyze systems and to find a solution. B. The advanced arrangement of logical thought allow to broaden the variety of simulation. C. The present of Public Administration deals with the potential knowledge of political science and with administrative science. 3. Fill in the blanks: solve, comparative, reproduced

A. The ________ study of public administration has a considerable attention of scientists. B. Decision-making process can be ______ in its fundamentals thanks to the new physical innovations. C. Operations research links a range of specific competences with the purpose of observing, examining and evaluating systems and _______ problems. 4. Translate into Russian:


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программы технической помощи; решить проблему; вычисления; сравнительное исследование; исчезать; значение.

сложные потерять

5. Match the word combinations with their Russian equivalents: 1. research a. сложные вычисления 2. technical assistance b. расширять programs 3. complex calculations c. программы технической помощи 4. permit d. представлять 5. broaden e. расширять 6. a comparative study f. позволяют 7. movement g. сравнительное исследование 8. reproduce h. движение 9. represent i. исследование 10. evaporate j. потерять значение

6. Read the following synonyms and find the key word from Text C: a. b. c. d. e. f.

investigate, examine, explore; aid, support, backing; computation, reckoning, adding up; allow, sanction, authorize; widen, expand, enlarge; appropriate, related, valid, fitting.

7. Discuss in pairs: A. What invention of mankind do you consider the most important? B. What technological innovations have appeared in the last ten years? C. How can these innovations be used in public administration?


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TEXT D CASE STUDY: CONTEMPORARY VISION OF DEMOCRACY (B. OBAMA) The American President Barack Obama began his political career in 1996. His main goals include: 1. supporting economic security and jobs for Americans; 2. emphasizing the need to change the tax code to eliminate deductions for businesses that outsource jobs; 3. advocating cutting payroll taxes; 4. 5. eliminating tax breaks for the extremely wealthy. Obama seems to be modeling his presidency on government “for the people”, not on the strengthening of a democracy “by the people”. As a result, his practice has too often looked more like “politics as usual” than a new politics. The health care initiative was a classic example of this. President Obama set the goal that by 2020, the United States will once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world, and has fought to lower the cost of college for parents and students by passing a tax credit worth up to $10, 000 and making Pell Grant (1) awards larger and more widely available. And he reformed the student loan system, ending government subsidies for banks and using the savings to help more Americans afford their loan payments. Obama’s administration pushed the Affordable Care Act, which established a new Patient Bill of Rights intended to eliminate healthinsurance practices deemed unfair to consumers, such as limits on lifetime coverage. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act: • One million young adults have health insurance thanks to the new rule that enables young adults up to age 26 to be covered through a parent’s private health insurance plan. • Seniors receive a 50% discount on brand-name drugs. Nearly 1.3 million seniors have already received the discount. • Nearly 19 million seniors have already received one or more free preventive services and 1.3 million seniors have already received a free Annual Wellness Visit. • Insurance companies must spend at least 80% of premium dollar on health care, not overhead, advertising and bonuses. More than 165 million are now getting a better value for their insurance dollar.


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President Obama’s years of public service are based around his unwavering belief in the ability to unite people. Notes: 1) Pell Grants - гранты Пелла (государственные студенческие стипендии имени сенатора К. Пела). гранты Пелла предоставляются студентам колледжа, еще не получившим степень бакалавра. VOCABULARY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

tax code – налоговый кодекс health care – здравоохранение, медицинское обслуживание thanks to – благодаря premium dollars – инвестиционные доллары to eliminate tax breaks – устранять налоговые льготы discount – скидка bonus – премия payroll taxes – налог на зарплату (взимаемый в размере определённого процента от суммарных расходов предприятия на зарплату) 9. Pell Grants awards – гранты Пелла VOCABULARY STUDY SET OUT is a phrasal verb • set out your stall • to start a journey synonyms or related words for this sense of set out to start a journey: depart, embark on, sail, sally, set forth, set off, set out, start, start off, start out... to explain, describe, or arrange something in a clear and detailed way, especially in writing synonyms or related words for this sense of set out to make something easier to understand: explain, define, put across, interpret, clarify, run through, set out, lay out, get across…


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• to put something where it can be seen or used synonyms or related words for this sense of set out general words meaning to put something somewhere: put, place, position, set, lay, balance, pile, settle, set out, put down... • to start doing or working on something in order to achieve an aim synonyms or related words for this sense of set out to start doing something: start on, begin, set about, embark on, get down to, start, dive in, get around to, go to, take over... ASSIGNMENTS 1. Answer the questions: A. What is Obama’s policy concerning the education issues? B. What is Obama’s policy concerning the health care issues? C. Should insurance companies spend at least 80% of premium dollar on health care according to the Obama’s democracy?

2. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones: A. The political career of President B. Obama started in 1997. B. Obama would like to eliminate tax breaks for the exceptionally prosperous people. C. President B. Obama’s public administration desires to connect people around a policy of purpose. 3. Fill in the blanks:

loan, premium, insurance

A. Obama brought to an end government subsidies for banks, supporting Americans to meet the expenses of their ___ payments.


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B. Insurance companies have to pay out more than 79 % of _____ dollar on advertising and additional benefits. C. More than 150 million people are getting a better rate for their _______ dollar. 4. Translate into English: наше здравоохранение; благодаря этому процессу; инвестиционные доллары; устранять налоговые льготы; налог на зарплату; гранты Пела; качественное медицинское обслуживание; “Медикэр” покрывает некоторые услуги по профилактике заболеваний. 5. Translate into Russian: discount on brand-name drugs; to eliminate tax breaks; payroll taxes; health-care; thanks to this grants; the health care initiative; thanks to this new system. 6. Discuss in pairs: A. What do you know about how people live in the USA? B. How is our life different from the one in the USA? C. What would you do if you were the President of the USA? GRAMMAR STUDY Gerunds A gerund is a verbal that ends in -ing and functions as a noun. The term verbal indicates that a gerund, like the other two kinds of verbals, is based on a verb and therefore expresses action or a state of being. However, since a gerund functions as a noun, it occupies some positions in a sentence that a noun ordinarily would, for example: subject, direct object, subject complement, and object of preposition.


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Gerund as subject:

Gerund as direct object:

Gerund as subject complement:

Gerund as object of preposition:

Traveling might satisfy your desire for new experiences. (Traveling is the gerund.) The study abroad program might satisfy your desire for new experiences. (The gerund has been removed.)

They do not appreciate my singing. (The gerund is singing.) They do not appreciate my assistance. (The gerund has been removed)

My cat's favorite activity is sleeping. (The gerund is sleeping.) My cat's favorite food is salmon. (The gerund has been removed.) The police arrested him for speeding. (The gerund is speeding.) The police arrested him for criminal activity. (The gerund has been removed.)

A gerund phrase is a group of words consisting of a gerund and the modifier(s) and/or (pro) noun(s) or noun phrase(s) that function as the direct object(s), indirect object(s), or complement(s) of the action or state expressed in the gerund, such as:


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The gerund phrase functions as the subject of the sentence. Finding a needle in a haystack would be easier than what we're trying to do. Finding (gerund) a needle (direct object of action expressed in gerund) in a haystack (prepositional phrase as adverb) The gerund phrase functions as the direct object of the verb appreciate. I hope that you appreciate my offering you this opportunity. my (possessive pronoun adjective form, modifying the gerund) offering (gerund) you (indirect object of action expressed in gerund) this opportunity (direct object of action expressed in gerund) The gerund phrase functions as the subject complement. Tom's favorite tactic has been jabbering away to his constituents. jabbering away to (gerund) his constituents (direct object of action expressed in gerund) The gerund phrase functions as the object of the preposition for. You might get in trouble for faking an illness to avoid work. faking (gerund) an illness (direct object of action expressed in gerund) to avoid work (infinitive phrase as adverb) The gerund phrase functions as the subject of the sentence. Being the boss made Jeff feel uneasy. Being (gerund) the boss (subject complement for Jeff, via state of being expressed in gerund) Punctuation A gerund virtually never requires any punctuation with it. Points to remember! • A gerund is a verbal ending in -ing that is used as a noun. • A gerund phrase consists of a gerund plus modifier(s), object(s), and/or complement(s). • Gerunds and gerund phrases virtually never require punctuation.


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UNIT 2. REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION (THEORY AND PRACTICE) PRE-TEXT EXERCISES 1. Give the initial forms of the following words: regional, person, manages, region, organization, agency, location, service, conduct, operations, area, manager, business, government, geographical, customers. 2. State to what parts of speech the following words belong: carry, meet, individual, service, selling, ensure, the board, secure, keep, facilitate, locate, use, the establishment, the logic, devise. 3. Check up if you can translate the following words correctly: principal, descriptions, board, relationship, identifies, annual, ongoing, brochures, facilities, legislative, issues, background, prepares, position, maintenance. 4. Match the word combinations with their Russian equivalents: 1. administrative a) оценивать образовательные потребности региона divisions 2. to carry out b) административное деление responsibilities 3. enable c) наблюдать 4. to assess the d) постановления местных educational needs of властей the region 5. to develop long- range e) выполнять обязанности plans 6. by-law f) разрабатывать долгосрочный план 7. to oversee g) позволять 8. to evaluate h) порученный 9. fiduciary i) оценивать


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TEXT A REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION Public administration is a feature of all nations, whatever their system of government. Within nations public administration is practiced at the central, intermediate, and local levels. Indeed, the relationships between different levels of government within a single nation constitute a growing problem of public administration. Regional administration implies authorities functioning within the administrative sectors of ministries, which enable ministries to carry out their responsibilities at a regional and local level. The functions of regional administration are the following: • assesses the educational needs of the region, and plans programs to meet those needs; • develops long-range plans based on the goals and values of the regional membership; • oversees and evaluates the implementation of long-range plans; • accepts fiduciary responsibility for the region; • monitors subdivision compliance with corporate and regional bylaws, international policies and administrative procedures; • provides counseling to individual subdivisions; • ensures open communication at all levels of the region. Russia consists of 83 federal subjects (members of the Federation). These federal subjects are of equal federal rights in the sense that they have equal representation – two delegates each – in the Federation Council (upper house of the Federal Assembly). They do, however, differ in the degree of autonomy they enjoy. Six types of federal subjects are distinguished – 21 republics, 9 krais, 46 oblasts, 2 federal cities, 1 autonomous oblast, and 4 autonomous okrugs. Autonomous okrugs are the only ones that have a peculiar status of being federal subjects in their own right, yet at the same time they are considered to be administrative divisions of other federal subjects (with Chukotka Autonomous Okrug being the only exception). VOCABULARLY 1. administrative divisions – административное деление 2. to enable – позволять


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3. to assess the educational needs of the region – оценивать образовательные потребности региона 4. to develop long-range plans – разрабатывать долгосрочный план 5. to oversee – наблюдать 6. to evaluate – оценивать 7. fiduciary – порученный ADD TO YOUR ACTIVE VOCABULARY 1. to carry out responsibilities – выполнять обязанности 2. by-law – постановление местных властей ASSIGNMENTS 1. Answer the questions: A. B. C. D. E. F.

What is a growing problem of public administration? What are the functions of regional administrator? What does a regional administrator assess? What does a regional administrator develop? What does a regional administrator oversee and evaluate? What does a regional administrator supervise?

2. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones: A. Public administration is a characteristic feature of some nations. B. Regional administration should maintain open communication at some regions. C. Supervising and estimating the proper execution of long-term procedures is one of the functions of regional administration. D. There are 82 federal subjects in Russia. 4. Translate into English: административное деление региона; выполнять обязанности; позволять действовать самостоятельно; постановление местных властей; наблюдать за действиями; оценивать действия; порученное


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дело; тщательно оценивать образовательные потребности региона; разрабатывать долгосрочный план для потребностей региона. 5. Translate into Russian: to develop long-range plans; by-law; to oversee; to evaluate; fiduciaryadministrative divisions; to carry out responsibilities; enable; to assess the educational needs of the region. 6. Translate into English: выполнять обязанности постановление местных властей наблюдать разрабатывать долгосрочный план административное деление оценивать образовательные потребности региона позволять порученный оценивать

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TEXT B THE DUTIES OF A REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION The principal duties of a regional administrator can be summed up as following. A. Oversees all district programs and directs the work of district personnel to ensure annual and long-range goals are being met. B. Reviews and updates the District’s policy book and position descriptions for Board of Supervisors as needed. C. Assesses the need for conservation work within the district in cooperation with various federal, state and local agencies. Recommends actions and programs to the board to meet these needs.


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D. Maintains a cooperative working relationship with all natural resource agencies operating within the district. E. Identifies sources and recommends actions to the board to secure operating funds for the district. Administers district grants, donations and agreements and coordinates with staff to keep them informed of status of grants. F. Develops and manages district’s annual budget. G. Ensures a public information and education program continues to be an ongoing process. H. Responsible for developing quarterly newsletter, annual district newspaper insert, brochures, advertisements and flyers as needed. I. Ensures the proper maintenance and use of all district equipment and facilities. J. Monitors and informs the Board of Supervisors of state and national legislative issues that affect conservation districts. Contacts legislators on the Board of Supervisor’s position of these issues. K. Keeps District Board of Supervisors informed of issues which the District may have an interest in. Compiles background information to facilitate the decision-making and policy-setting function of the District Board of Supervisors. L. Prepares and compiles materials for the monthly Board of Supervisors meetings, including agendas, correspondence and other information. M. Develops the district’s annual plan of work, long-range plan and annual report. VOCABULARY 1. to update – модернизировать, усовершенствовать, приводить в соответствие с современными стандартами 2. to maintain – поддерживать, защищать, отстаивать (закон, мнение) 3. to identify – устанавливать, определять, идентифицировать, отождествлять; определять, устанавливать 4. to monitor – наблюдать, надзирать; отслеживать, контролировать, следить, смотреть (за чем-л.) 5. annual plan – годовой план, план на год


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ASSIGNMENTS 1. Answer the questions: A. What do we mean by regional administration? B. Why does a regional administrator oversees all district programs and directs the work of district personnel? C. What materials does a regional administrator review and update? D. What materials does a regional administrator prepare and compile for the monthly Board of Supervisors meetings? E. Does a regional administrator develop or manage district’s annual budget? 2. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones: A. A regional administrator cooperates with some natural resource agencies operating within the country. B. A regional administrator develops and manages district’s financial arrangements. 3. Fill in the blanks: Board, conservation A. Compiling agendas, correspondence and other information for the monthly ________ of supervisors meetings is in control of a regional administrator. B. A regional administrator evaluates the need for _________ work within the district.


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4. Translate into English:

1. приводить в

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

соответствие с современными стандартами следить за выполнением плана устанавливать годовой план контролировать деятельность рабочих. поддерживать модернизировать

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5. Translate into Russian: to identify the relations; the following annual plan; to update; the board; to assess; to maintain the relationships; identifies the priorities; monitors all the programs. 6. Discuss in pairs: A. What kind of personality should a regional administrator have in order to successfully execute his duties? B. Can any manager become a good regional administrator? C. Do you think it is hard to be a regional administrator? Why? TEXT C CASE STUDY: THE PROBLEMS OF REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION IN THE US AND CANADA Both the US national government and the provincial government of Ontario have dealt with the issue of regional administration. Their regional administration comprises decentralized field offices. Within the US, the president has directed major departments to locate field offices in the same cities and to use uniform regional boundaries. He also has charged ten assistant directors of his Office of


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Management and Budget (OMB) with responsibility for “coordinating” the work of the offices in the ten regions. Because it would imply that OMB officials are “in command” of the regions, they have been prohibited from living in those regions; they commute infrequently from Washington. Because each agency guards its prerogatives, interaction between departmental field offices is erratic, and virtually no joint planning processes have been initiated with state and local governments. In Ontario, the Committee on Government Productivity (COGP), after examining the problem of provincial field offices, restricted its recommendations to the establishment of “tiered ministries” in Toronto. The Committee assumed that regional offices could be located together only if a “regional minister” were “in command” of the collectivity. This posed so many theoretical and practical difficulties that the idea of regionalism was abandoned for the time being. Exploring the behavior of organizations committed to the logic of traditional administrative theory, it is better to favour non-hierarchical interactive policy processes in which no single individual or level of government is clearly responsible for decision outcomes. All must be responsible. This is especially significant for federal systems, because it is not possible to devise clear chains of command for planners or policymakers. There must be set up interaction between departmental field offices and joint planning processes have to be initiated with state and local governments. VOCABULARY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

to uniform – унифицировать behavior – поведение to prohibit – запрещать to initiate – начать, приступать, положить начало to restrict – ограничивать to assume – допускать, предполагать to abandon – отказываться (от чего-л.), прекращать (что-л., делать что-л.) 8. field offices - периферийные отделения


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ASSIGNMENTS 1. Answer the questions: A. What are the problems of regional administration in the US and Canada? B. Why do they encounter them? C. Who must be responsible for regional administration in the US and Canada? 2. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones: A. Regionalism was neglected in Canada because many scientists found difficulties dealing with it. B. Investigating the performance of organizations, non-hierarchical interactive policy processes is the most appropriate. C. In federal systems it is possible to work out comprehensible chains of command for policy-makers. 3. Fill in the blanks: A. Both in Canada and the USA communication between departmental field _____ is irregular, and no cooperative forecast has been initiated with state and local governments. a) offices b) officer c) official B. It is hard to distinguish the precise sequence of ____ _________in the federal systems of Canada and the USA. a) command b) commanding c) restriction 4. Complete each sentence using a word derivationally related to the word given in brackets: A. I suppose cost shouldn’t be a _____ factor. (decision) B. They are under the _____ of very qualified social workers. (supervise)


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C. _____ administration was paying attention to the developing nations and the analysis of “transitional societies”. (compare) D. A number of industrialized nations are supplying _____ countries with new technologies. (develop) E. _____ your baggage before you leave home. (insurance) F. They must behave in a way which will be _____ suitable. (social) G. These societies became _____ during this century. (industry) H. They are the best part of my _____ team. (manage) I. These people are well qualified _____ . (academy) J. In a short time public administration developed a theory and a method of _____ of its own. (investigate) 5. Translate into English: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l)

m) n) o) p) q) r) s)

отказываться (от чего-л.) допускать начать прекращать выполнять обязанности постановление местных властей наблюдать приступать ограничивать разрабатывать долгосрочный план модернизировать оценивать образовательные потребности региона положить начало позволять порученный оценивать унифицировать поведение административное деление

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t) u) v) w) x) y)

следить за выполнением плана устанавливать годовой план контролировать деятельность рабочих поддерживать приводить в соответствие с современными стандартами

– – – – – –

6. Which words can you derive from the following: 1. 2. 3. 4.

organize restrict assume recommend

a) b) c) d)

initiate administer cooperate interact

7. Match the words with their equivalent: 1. to assume 2. to restrict 3. to organize

a) to state the boundary of something b) to take upon yourself c) to put in order

8. Discuss in pairs: A. What is your opinion of the US Government? B. What would you do to improve the federal systems of the US and Canada?


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UNIT 3. LOCAL AUTHORITIES IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD PRE-TEXT EXERCISES 1. Give the initial forms of the following words: typical, examples, include, the city, town, borough, bodies, generally, made, cities, stipulated, different, types, called, variously 2. State to what parts of speech the following words belong: tax, libraries, social services, housing, council, governed, central, local, waste management, waste, collection, single, collection, education. 3. Check up if you can translate the following words correctly: tax collection, demarcation, empowerment, municipal services to track the requests, engage, social services, housing, council, the culture of the organization. 4. Compare the following pairs of words and translate them: determine – determination; policy – political; administrate – administration; govern – government; confront – confrontation; check – checking, empower – empowerment. 5. Match the word combinations with their Russian equivalents: 1. 2. 3. 4.

district cities/towns stipulate to be deprived of rights

a. b. c. d. e.

5. urban-type settlements


6. okrugs 7. rural administrations (selsovets) 8. volost 9. rural localities 10. township

устанавливать быть лишенным прав район посёлки городского типа сельские населённые пункты графство, поселок городского типа

g. сельские администрации h. волость i. города j. округ


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TEXT A LOCAL AUTHORITIES No modern country can be governed from a single location only. The affairs of municipalities and rural areas must be left to the administration of local governments. Accordingly, all countries have at least two levels of government: central and local. A number of countries also contain a third level of government, which is responsible for the interests of more or less large regions. There are several different types of local government in Russia. Type I. A one-tier regional state administration together with onetier local government administrations. In this model, local government bodies are generally made up of large cities and raions and enjoy full fiscal rights stipulated by federal legislation. Type II. A two-tier regional state administration together with onetier local government administrations where local governments are deprived of important rights. (municipalities formed at the sub-raion level are deprived of some powers established by federal legislation, particularly) budgetary rights. Type III. One-tier structure regional state administration together with a two-tier local government structure in which some local governments are subordinate to others, in violation of federal legislation. The first tier of local governments is comprised of big cities and raions; the second level of sub-raion cities and other populated areas within cities or raions. The above-mentioned types of municipal organization can be combined within regions. For example, Tyumen oblast has 295 municipalities; of these, four are large cities, two are raions, and the rest are small townships.


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VOCABULARLY 1. a one-tier regional state administration – одноуровневая областная администрация 2. district – район 3. city/town – город 4. to stipulate – устанавливать 5. to be deprived of rights – быть лишенным прав 6. urban-type settlement – посёлок городского типа 7. okrug – округ 8. rural administration (selsovet) – сельская администрация 9. volost – волость 10. rural localities – сельские населённые пункты 11. township – графство, поселок городского типа 12. violation of federal legislation – нарушение федерального законодательства ASSIGNMENTS 1. Answer the questions: A. What is the first tier of local governments comprised of? B. Can a modern country be governed from a single location?


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C. How many levels of government do all countries have? 2. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones: A. All countries include a third level of government, which is responsible for the interests of less large regions. B. The problems of municipalities and rural areas must be left to the administration of state governments. 3. Translate into Russian: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

district cities/towns stipulate to be deprived of rights urban-type settlements okrugs rural administrations (selsovets) volost rural localities township

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4. Translate into English: 1. устанавливать 2. район 3. сельский населённый пункт 4. жизнь в поселке городского типа 5. права жителей данного округа 6. быть лишенным прав 7. город 8. графство 9. волость 10. обязанности сельской администрации


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5. Translate into Russian: a one-tier regional state administration; fiscal rights; to be deprived of some powers; township; violation of federal legislation is not common; this district; cities; stipulate; to be deprived of rights; some people live in urbantype settlements; rural administrations should; volost; rural localities must be responsible for. 6. Discuss in pairs: A. What problems may occur if rural administrations are unfamiliar with their own duties? B. What other types of local government can you suggest to Russia? C. Do you agree with this division of administration? 7. Read Text A again and retell it in short.

TEXT B LOCAL AUTHORITIES IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES There are several different types of local government at the municipal level in the USA. Local governments generally include two tiers: counties, also known as boroughs in Alaska and parishes in Louisiana, and municipalities, or cities/towns. In some states, counties are divided into townships. Municipalities can be structured in many ways, as defined by state constitutions, and are called, variously, townships, villages, boroughs, cities, or towns. Various kinds of districts also provide functions in local government outside county or municipal boundaries, such as school districts or fire protection districts. In Canada the administration of local governments of different provinces includes towns, villages, parishes, rural municipalities, townships or hamlets.


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Functions and powers of the local authorities in England: Arrangement Upper tier authority Lower tier authority waste management, housing, waste collection, education, libraries, social council tax collection, local services, transport, strategic Shire counties planning, licensing planning, consumer protection, police Unitary authorities Metropolitan counties

Greater London

housing, waste management, waste collection, council tax collection, education, libraries, social services, transport, planning, consumer protection, licensing housing, waste collection, council tax collection, education, libraries, social services, transport, planning, consumer protection, licensing, police transport, strategic planning, regional development, police

housing, waste collection, council tax collection, education, libraries, social services, local planning, consumer protection, licensing

Although local government has been broadly defined as that element of the governmental structure which deals with affairs of peculiarly local significance, there is no immutably fixed line of demarcation between its responsibilities and those of the Central Government. The allocation of functions between local and central Government changes constantly as circumstances warrant. There is a wide range of powers and functions for which local authorities as a whole or as individual units may have varying degrees of responsibility. VOCABULARLY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

demarcation – разделение waste management – управление отделом по утилизации отходов social services – социальные услуги consumer protection – защита прав потребителей housing – жилье


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6. 7. 8. 9.

waste collection – сбор отходов tax collection – сбор налога, взимание налогов licensing – лицензирование council tax – муниципальный налог (взимается с домовладельцев или арендаторов дома, квартиры; размер налога определяется государством в зависимости от оценочной стоимости дома) ASSIGNMENTS

1. Answer the questions: A. What are the types of local government at the municipal level in the USA? B. How many tiers do local governments generally include? C. What are the functions and powers of the local authorities in England? D. Does the allocation of functions between local and central government change constantly? 2. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones: A. The US local authorities usually include three tiers: counties, boroughs in Alaska and parishes in Louisiana, and municipalities, or cities/towns. B. Local government deals with affairs of local consequence. 2. Fill in the blanks: powers, boroughs, townships, different, authorities A. Municipalities are named as __________, villages, _________, cities, or towns. B. There is a wide selection of _________ and functions for which local ______ have _______ extent of accountability. 4. Translate into Russian: licensing housing consumer protection social services waste collection tax collection waste management

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5. Translate into English: социальные услуги; защита прав потребителей; жилье; сбор отходов; сбор налогов; лицензирование; управление отделом по утилизации отходов. TEXT C CASE-STUDY: CITIZEN RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT This case study shows the City of Calgary’s (a city in the province of Alberta, Canada) current effort to develop – in concert with Motorola, a new “311” system of citizen relationship management. It’s goals are: to improve customer service capacities in an integrative fashion across municipal operations; to forge a 311 – based system for improving service delivery and responsiveness to Calgary’s population. The following specific goals were set: • communicate Calgary’s image; • provide and receive information; • offer customers convenient services; • introduce operational efficiencies; • enrich the community of Calgary. Everyone is familiar with 9-1-1. You have an emergency, you call 9-1-1, and a coordinated operations centre takes your call. It’s a great system. 3-1-1 will be similar, but it ia for non-emergency service from the City. That means no longer flipping through the Blue Pages to track down the right department. A person dials 3-1-1 or go to the 3-1-1 website, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You are connected to a coordinated operations centre. They’ll make sure your request gets to the right department. As with all municipalities that have adopted the goal of deploying 311 codes in their communities, the potential what this concept can achieve extends far beyond the introduction of a new telephone number. 311 denotes a shift toward a model of citizen service via transparency and empowerment accorded through not only the single-point access to all municipal services but also the ability of citizens to track their requests and the processing of such requests by the municipal authority. Four essential lessons arise from the case-study:


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• the importance of effective planning and preparation prior to engaging a private sector partner; • the central role of strong stakeholder buy-in at both the organizational and political levels; • the necessity and value of fostering a team-based approach between government staff and private sector partners (making use of trust to positively inter-link both parties in a process); • the utility of viewing a service improvement or transformation initiative as an effort encompassing wide-scale changes to both the structures and the culture of the organization. The realization of 311 denotes not only the leveraging of specialized tools and competencies from the private sector but also aligning this relationship with industry with the internal processes and strategies of the City. The emergence of 311 denotes the next phase of such integrative thinking in a multi-channel environment.

VOCABULARLY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

to flip – перелистывать to dial – набирать (номер телефона) to adopt – принять citizen service – городская служба transparency – прозрачность empower – уполномочивать, снабжать полномочиями; поручать (сделать что-л. от чьего-л. имени) municipal services – муниципальные услуги to track the requests – проследить запрос to engage – заниматься the culture of the organization – культура организации to denote – означать leverage – усиливать specialized tools – специальные инструменты the private sector – частный сектор to align – выстраивать


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ASSIGNMENTS 1. Answer the questions: A. B. C. D.

What does this case study show? What specific goals were set? What are essential lessons that arise from the case-study? What does the emergence of 311 denote in a multi-channel environment?

2. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones: A. This case study demonstrates the City of Calgary’s experience to improve an old “311” system of citizen relationship management. B. It’s goal is to provide the public with quick, easy access to the City of Calgary’s government services and information while maintaining the highest possible level of customer service. C. 3-1-1 will be for emergency service. D. 3-1-1 will help to eliminate flipping through the Blue Pages to trace the right subdivision. 3. Fill in the blanks: necessary, processing, emergence, dial A. All citizens will be able to track their requests and the _________ of such requests by the local authority. B. The __________ of 311 indicates the next chapter of an integrative philosophy across municipal procedures. C. People may _____ 3-1-1 and get the necessary information any day of a week.


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4. Translate into Russian: the private sector to flip to adopt demarcation to dial citizen service. social services council the culture of the organization municipal services engage housing district cities/towns stipulate to be deprived of rights urban-type settlements okrugs rural administrations (selsovets) volost transparency municipal services to engage to denote specialized tools to align empowerment to track the requests the culture of the organization to leverage tax collection empowerment to track the requests

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –


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5. Translate into English: прозрачность, усиление, муниципальные услуги, проследить запрос, заниматься, перелистывать, набирать (номер телефона), принять, городская служба, культура организации, означать, усиливать, специальные инструменты, частный сектор, выстраивать.

6. Discuss in pairs: A. Do you think it is important to plan the project well prior to implementing it? B. Do we need to improve a team-based approach between government staff and private sector partners in Russia? 7. Find the topical sentence of each passage of Text B and make a short summary of the text using the topical sentences you have found.


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UNIT 4. THE THEORY OF MANAGEMENT PRE-TEXT EXERCISES 1. Give the initial forms of the following words: planning, organizing, leading, controlling, strategic, corrective taking, contributing, to motivate, action, leadership. 2. State to what parts of speech the following words belong: manager’s, taking, actions, to ensure, role, work-related, activities, contributing, objectives, accomplishment. 3. Check up if you can translate the following verbal forms correctly: to develop – to have developed; to read – was reading; to ask – asked; to follow – will have followed; to control – was controlled; to use – has been used; to design – is designed. 4. Compare the following pairs of words and translate them: to operate – operator; achieve – achieving; to allocate – allocating; to complete – completion; to manage – management; to establish – establishment. TEXT A FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT Strategic planning (3 or more years) involves analyzing competitive opportunities and threats, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, and then determining how to position the company to compete effectively in their environment. Management operates through a variety of functions, classified as • planning, • organizing, • leading, • controlling (the P-O-L-C structure).


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Planning involves setting objectives and determining a course of action for achieving those objectives. Strategic planning (3 or more years) involves analyzing competitive opportunities and threats, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, and then determining how to position the company to compete effectively in their environment. Tactical planning is intermediate-range (one to three years) planning that is designed to develop relatively concrete means to implement the strategic plan. Operational planning is short-term (less than a year) planning. It is designed to develop particular action steps that sustain the strategic and tactical plans. Organizing. Managers are responsible for organization of the company and this includes developing an organizational structure and allocating human resources to guarantee the completion of objectives. Organizing at the level of the company involves deciding how best to departmentalize jobs into departments to synchronize efforts effectively. Leading involves the social and informal sources of influence that one can use to motivate action taken by others. Studies of motivation present important information about the ways in which workers can be motivated to make productive effort. Studies of leadership style offer information concerning questions, such as, “What makes a manager a good leader?” and “In what situations are definite leadership styles most appropriate?” The controlling function involves monitoring the firm’s performance to make sure the objectives are being met. Controlling consists of three steps: • establishing performance standards, • comparing actual performance against standards; • taking corrective action (if necessary). Controlling (or coordinating) should not be confused with control in the behavioral or manipulative sense. Instead, this function of management concerns the manager’s role in taking necessary actions. Thus a manager will guarantee that the work-related activities of subordinates are consistent with and contributing toward the accomplishment of objectives.


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VOCABULARY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

strategic planning – стратегическое планирование tactical planning – тактическое планирование operational planning – операционное планирование setting objectives – постановка целей the strengths and weaknesses of the organization – сильные и слабые стороны организации responsible – ответственный to allocate human resources – распределять человеческие ресурсы сompletion – завершение to guarantee the completion of objectives – гарантировать достижение целей appropriate – подходящий to take actions – предпринять действия to sustain the strategic and tactical plans – поддерживать стратегический и тактический планы opportunities and threats – возможности и угрозы leadership – руководство to ensure – гарантировать, обеспечивать sources of influence – источники влияния necessary – необходимый


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ASSIGNMENTS 1. Answer the following questions. A. What are the management functions that comprise the P- O- L- C structure? B. What is planning? C. What purpose does organizing serve? D. What purpose does leading serve? E. What is the function of controlling? F. What are the three steps controlling consists of? 2. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones: A. Tactical planning deals with the execution of the strategic plan. B. The task of leading includes inspiring other to take necessary actions. 3. Fill in the blanks: planning, opportunities, strategic, tactical, weaknesses, threats

A. When a manager makes a plan he has to analyze competitive _____ and _________, the strengths and _________ of the organization in order to decide how to manage his company to compete effectively with other firms. B. Operational ________ is necessary to formulate actual ways to maintain the ___________ and the ________plans. 4. Match the word combinations with their Russian equivalents: 1. setting objectives 2. responsible 3. allocating human resources 4. to guarantee the completion of objectives

a. распределение человеческих ресурсов b. постановка целей c. гарантировать достижение целей d. ответственный


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5. Translate into English: постановка целей; ответственный; распределение человеческих ресурсов; завершение; гарантировать достижение целей; подходящий; предпринять действия; поддерживать стратегический и тактический планы; возможности и угрозы; руководство; источники влияния; необходимый. 6. Translate into Russian: tactical planning; operational planning; short-term planning; to develop particular action steps; the strategic and tactical plans; developing an organizational structure; allocating human resources, to guarantee the completion of objectives, sources of influence. 6. Translate into English: постановка целей; ответственный руководитель; распределение человеческих ресурсов организации; гарантировать достижение целей компании. 8. Discuss in pairs: A. Should planners take into consideration the strengths of an organization’s employees? Or should the employees be chosen according to the planner’s decisions? B. What kind of personality characteristics should a controller have to best accomplish the organization’s objectives? C. Is one type of planning (organizational, tactical, or operational) more significant than the others to the strength of the organization? TEXT B LEVELS OF MANAGEMENT Management has the following three levels: • top level management, • middle level management, • low level management.


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Top level management is in charge of framing policies of the organization. Top level management consists of board of directors, managing director, general manager and senior managers. Top level management performs these functions: • determining objectives of the organization; • formulating abroad policies of the organization; • taking important business decisions; • selecting future course of action (in view of economic policies, public opening and other social, national and international factors); • accumulating the resources needed; • providing course of action to medium level managers. Middle level management is the link between top level and low level management. Important functions of the middle level management are: • determining organizational system of the departments. • giving instructions to low level managers which they receive from the top level management. • motivating subordinates for higher productivity and awarding them for their outstanding performance. • compiling statistical reports for top level management and preparing records of the department. Low level management. These managers have job titles such as: office manager, shift supervisor, department manager. Following are important functions performed by the low level management: • assigning jobs and tasks to various workers, • instructing and supervising workers for day to day activities, • being responsible for the quality as well as quantity of production, • maintaining good relations in the organization, • providing training to the workers, • arranging necessary materials, machines, tools etc. • motivating workers. Top managers do considerably more planning, organizing and coordinating (or controlling) than do managers at any other level. On the other hand, they do much less leading. Most of the leading is done by supervisors. The amount of planning, organizing and coordinating decreases down the hierarchy of management; leading increases as you shift down the hierarchy of management.


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VOCABULARY 1. top (executive) manager – высший исполнительный руководитель 2. top management – высшее исполнительное руководство, высшая администрация 3. middle managers – руководители среднего звена 4. first-line managers – руководители низшего звена 5. general manager – генеральный управляющий; директор предприятия 6. goal – цель, задача 7. to be in charge of something – быть ответственным за что-либо 8. in view of … – в соответствии с … 9. required instructions – необходимые инструкции 10. to assign jobs and tasks – распределять работы и задания 11. to provide – обеспечивать 12. to compile statistical reports – составлять статистические отчеты 13. to increase – увеличивать 14. to decrease – уменьшать ASSIGNMENTS 1. Answer the questions: A. B. C. D.

What levels has management? What functions does the top level management perform? What functions does the middle level management perform? What functions does the low management perform?

2. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones: A. All key assessments are made at the top level management. B. The simple elements of leading are made by supervisors. 3. Translate the following sentences into Russian: A. Middle level management receive reports of actual performance from their low level managers.


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B. Without coordination among these three levels of management the company cannot prosper. C. Middle level managers do considerably less planning, organizing and coordinating than do top level managers. D. The amount of planning, organizing and coordinating decreases down the hierarchy of management. E. All key decisions are made at this level. 4. Find the topical sentence of each passage of Text B and make a short summary of the text using the topical sentences you have found. TEXT C MANAGEMENT STYLES An autocratic management style is when a manager makes a decision alone. The manager conveys the decision to staff and they have to work within the scope of that decision. For example, in order to deliver good customer service, managers instruct all staff to follow company’s guidelines for dealing with customers. Advantages of autocratic management style: • quick decision making; • effective when employing many low skilled workers. Disadvantages of autocratic management style: • no two-way communication so can be de-motivating; • creates “them and us” attitude between managers and workers. In a democratic management style, the manager allows the employees to take part in decision-making process. This style can be positive when complex decisions need to be made that require a range of special skills. Advantages of a democratic management style: • authority is delegated to workers which is motivating; • everyone has the opportunity to contribute ideas to the decision; • useful when complex decisions are required that need specialist skills. Disadvantages of a democratic management style: • mistakes or errors can be made if workers are not skilled or experienced enough;


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• the decision-making process could be severely slowed down unless decision processes are streamlined. In laissez-faire management style the manager lets the employees manage themselves and there is no delegation taking place from the management. This style is often called “hands off” managership as the manager evades his duties and does not direct the employees. Advantages: • this style is positive only in the case when the employees are very responsible and in case of creative jobs where a person is guided by his own aspirations; • little direction is required; Disadvantages: • makes the employees lose their sense of direction and focus; • the disinterest of the management causes the employees to become less interested in their job and their dissatisfaction increases. A manager should always remember that the typical management styles are suited for specific types of environments.

VOCABULARY 1. an autocratic management style – авторитарный (автократический) стиль управления 2. an democratic management style – демократический (соучаствующий) стиль управления 3. an laissez-faire management style – либеральный (попустительский) стиль управления 4. environment – окружающая среда 5. advantages – преимущества 6. disadvantages – недостатки 7. to give orders – отдавать приказы 8. decision-making process – процесс принятия решения 9. to make a decision – принять решение 10. customer service – обслуживание клиентов 11. to encourage creativity – поощрять творчество 12. human relation – человеческие отношения 13. the majority – большинство


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ASSIGNMENTS 1. Answer the questions: A. B. C. D.

How can you describe laissez-faire management? In what management style little direction is required? What management style is time-consuming? What are the advantages and disadvantages of laissez-faire management? E. What are the advantages and disadvantages of laissez-faire management? F. What are the advantages and disadvantages of laissez-faire management? G. What management style is appropriate when controlling large numbers of low skilled workers is required? 2. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones: A. An autocratic management style is when a manager doesn’t make a decision alone. B. The manager conveys the decision to staff and they must to work within the scope of that decision. C. For example, in order to deliver good customer service, managers instruct all staff to follow company’s guidelines for dealing with customers. D. In laissez-faire management style, the manager allows the employees to take part in decision-making process. E. A democratic management style can be positive when simple decisions need to be made that require a range of special skills. 3. Choose the correct word or word combination: A. How long ________________ in sales? • • •

you worked have you been working will you work


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B. What are some of the ______________________ of the project you’re working on? • • •

objective objectives object

C. I was ___________________ developing the company’s current projects. • • •

responsible for responsible of responsive for

4. Discuss in pairs: A. Do you have to be born with the correct qualities or can you be taught to be a good manager? B. Which style would you pick?


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UNIT 5. MANAGEMENT ROLES PRE-TEXT EXERCISES 1. Give the initial forms of the following words: interpersonal, informational, decisional, requiring, determining, raises, allocations, agreements, preferred, improved, categories, addition, require, handler, defective, decisional, units, likely, allocations. 2. State to what parts of speech the following words belong: to monitor, the environment, local newspaper, the broad, improve, plan, assign, expand, make, address, deal, employees, reach, work, secure, broad, direct, employees, follow, subordinates, top, share. 3. Check up if you can translate the following word combinations correctly: decisional roles; to develop; innovative; goods; services; to reach; to negotiate; to develop; to look; to require; to work; to compete; to support; the broad categories; to assign resources to develop innovative goods and services; correct a problem; a recall of defective products; specific allocations. 4. Match the word combinations with their Russian equivalents: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

give commands hire train work quality commitment encompass influence work units successful working relationships 10. trade organization officials


a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

качество работы включать нанимать единицы работы обязательства обучать требовать давать команды слияния и поглоще-ния других компаний хорошие рабочие

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11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

make contact a researcher utilize resources require an unanticipated problem

17. 18. 19. 20.

negotiate attempt preferred price overtime hours

отношения влияние использовать ресурсы сверхурочные часы сотрудничать стараться должностные лица торговой организации q. исследователь r. рекомендуемая цена s. установить контакт t. неожиданная проблема

k. l. m. n. o. p.

TEXT A DECISIONAL ROLE In addition to the broad categories of management functions, managers in different levels of the hierarchy perform different managerial roles. These roles were categorized by researcher Henry Mintzberg, and they can be grouped into three major types: decisional, interpersonal, and informational. Decisional roles require managers to plan strategy and utilize resources. There are four specific roles that are decisional. The entrepreneur role requires the manager to assign resources to develop innovative goods and services, or to expand a business. Most of these roles will be held by top-level managers, although middle managers may be given some ability to make such decisions. The disturbance handler corrects unanticipated problems facing the company from the internal or external environment. For example, a manager must resolve conflicts among subordinates or between manager's department and other departments. Managers at all levels may take this role. First-line managers may correct a problem halting the assembly line or a middle level manager may attempt to address the aftermath of a store robbery. Top managers are more likely to deal with major crises, such as requiring a recall of defective products. The third decisional role, that of resource allocator, involves determining which work units will get which resources. Top managers are likely to make large, overall budget decisions, while middle managers may make more specific allocations. In some organizations, supervisory


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managers are responsible for determining allocation of salary raises to employees. Finally, the negotiator works with others, such as suppliers, distributors, or labor unions, to reach agreements regarding products and services. First-level managers may negotiate with employees on issues of salary increases or overtime hours, or they may work with other supervisory managers when needed resources must be shared. Middle managers also negotiate with other managers and are likely to work to secure preferred prices from suppliers and distributors. Top managers negotiate on larger issues, such as labor contracts, or even on mergers and acquisitions of other companies. VOCABULARLY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

a researcher – исследователь to utilize resources – использовать ресурсы to require – требовать an unanticipated problem – неожиданная проблема to resolve a conflict – уладить конфликт negotiate – сотрудничать to attempt – стараться, пытаться preferred price – рекомендуемая цена overtime hours – сверхурочные часы mergers and acquisitions of other companies – слияния и поглощения других компаний ASSIGNMENTS

1. Answer the questions: A. What do the decisional roles require from a manager? B. Who deals with labor contracts? C. What level managers are likely to make large, overall budget decisions? 2. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones: A. These roles were classified by Henry Minter.


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B. A manager is obliged to resolve all the conflicts that arise in the organization. C. Overtime hours, wage increases are the questions that first-level managers may discuss with employees. D. The negotiator deals with labor unions to sign the contracts concerning products and services. 3. Match the word combinations with their Russian equivalents: 1. utilize resources 2. overtime hours 3. mergers and acquisitions of other companies 4. researcher 5. negotiate 6. preferred price

a. слияния и поглощения других компаний b. сверхурочные часы c. рекомендуемая цена d. требовать e. вести переговоры f. использовать ресурсы

4. Translate into Russian: unanticipated problems; utilize resources; overtime hours; mergers and acquisitions of other companies; the negotiator; different levels; they can be grouped; require managers; to plan strategy and utilize resources; corrects unanticipated problems. 5. Translate into English: исследователь; требовать; неожиданная проблема; сотрудничать; стараться; пытаться; рекомендуемая цена; сверхурочные часы; слияния и поглощения других компаний; использовать ресурсы. 6. Complete the table: (interpersonal role, informational role, decisional role)


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role entrepreneur disturbance handler resource allocator negotiator monitor disseminator spokesperson figurehead leader liaison

7. Discuss in pairs: A. Why is management theory important? B. Is a good manager always a good leader? TEXT B INTERPERSONAL ROLE Interpersonal roles require managers to direct and supervise employees and the organization. The figure head is typically a top of middle manager. This manager may communicate future organizational goals or ethical guidelines to employees. The head chef of a well-known restaurant greeting customers at the door and the president of a bank congratulating a new group of trainees are all examples of the figurehead role. While the figurehead role is routine, its importance should not be overlooked. At the interpersonal level, it provides members and non-members alike with a sense of what the organization is about and the type of people the organization recruits. A leader acts as an example for other employees to follow, gives commands and directions to subordinates, makes decisions and mobilizes employee support. This role involves leadership directly: the manager is responsible for hiring and training his own staff, motivating. These duties may require direct contact with subordinates. However, establishing expectations regarding work quality, decision-making responsibility, or time commitments to the job are all outcomes of the leader role. The role encompasses relationships with subordinates, including motivation,


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communication, and influence. Managers must be leaders at all levels of the organization. Lower-level managers often look to top management for this leadership example. In the role of liaison, a manager must coordinate the work of others in different work units, establish alliances between others. This role is particularly critical for middle managers, who must often compete with other managers for important resources, yet must maintain successful working relationships with them for long time periods. The manager makes contacts inside and outside the organization with a wide range of people: subordinates, clients, business associates, government, trade organization officials, and so on. The liaison role is enacted when managers make contact with other individuals, who may or may not reside in the organization, in order to complete the work performed by their departments or work units. Examples of these activities are social functions, attending a welcoming or farewell reception, greeting customers at the door, or congratulating a graduating class of trainees. An auto assembly plant supervisor may call a tire supplier to determine the amount of inventory available for next week. Quite often, managers are required to obtain information or resources outside their authority. Ultimately, the liaison role enables a manager to develop a network for obtaining external information which can be useful for completing current and future work activities. Recruits, gives commands, hiring, training, work, quality, commitments, encompasses, influence, work units, successful working relationships, trade organization officials, make contact, work activities. VOCABULARLY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

interpersonal role – межличностная роль organizational goals – цели организации to maintain – поддерживать, сохранять alliance – блок, объединение, союз, федерация to share resources – разделять ресурсы to give commands – давать команды hire – нанимать train – обучать work quality – качество работы commitment – обязательства encompass – включать


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12. 13. 14. 15.

influence – влияние work units – единицы работы successful working relationships – хорошие рабочие отношения trade organization officials – должностные лица торговой организации 16. make contact – установить контакт ASSIGNMENTS 1. Answer the questions: A. What is the role of a leader? B. What is the role of a figure head ? C. What is the role of a liaison? D. Is the role of a liaison particularly critical for top managers? 2. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones: A. A liaison has social and legal responsibilities, he is expected to be a source of inspiration, people look up to him as a person with authority. B. A leader provides guidance for the department or perhaps the entire organization, manages the performance and responsibilities of everyone in the group. C. The figure head must communicate with internal and external contacts, need to be able to network effectively on behalf of the organization. 4. Translate into Russian: give commands hire train work quality commitment encompass influence work units successful working relationships trade organization officials make contact

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TEXT C INFORMATIONAL ROLE Informational roles are those in which managers obtain and transmit information. The monitor evaluates the performance of others and takes corrective action to improve that performance. Monitors also watch for changes in the environment and within the company that may affect individual and organizational performance. Monitoring occurs at all levels of management, although managers at higher levels of the company are more likely to monitor external threats to the environment than are middle or first-line managers. The role of disseminator requires that managers inform employees of changes that affect them and the organization. They also communicate the company’s vision and purpose. Managers at each level disseminate information to those below them, and much information of this nature trickles from the top down. Finally, a spokesperson communicates with the external environment, from advertising the company’s goods and services, to informing the community about the direction of the organization. The spokesperson for major announcements, such as a change in strategic direction, is likely to be a top manager. But, other, more routine information may be provided by a manager at any level of a company. For example, a middle manager may give a press release to a local newspaper, or a supervisor manager may give a presentation at a community meeting. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

VOCABULARLY to evaluate – оценивать to disseminate – распределять strategic direction – стратегическое направление the environment – окружающая среда performance – работа, выполнение to inform employee – информировать рабочего advertising – реклама from the top down – сверху вниз presentation – презентация the direction of the organization – направление компании local newspaper – местная газета


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1. 2. 3. 4.

ADD TO YOUR ACTIVE VOCABULARLY announcement – объявление to gain access – получить доступ duty – обязанность enterprise – предприятие

ASSIGNMENTS 1. Answer the questions: A. What is the informational role of a manager? B. What does the monitor do? C. What is the role of a spokesperson? D. What is the role of a disseminator? E. Who may give a press release to a local newspaper? 2. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones: A. Monitoring happens at some levels of administration although managers at superior levels are more likely to detect external threats to the environment than are top or first-line managers. B. Disseminator notifies employees of alterations of any kind that influence them. C. The duty of a spokesperson is communicating with the external environment, from advertising issues to informing the company’s personnel about the course of the organization. 3. Fill in the blanks: to transmit, strategic direction, a press release, a spokesperson, vision, to give a presentation A. The spokesperson for major announcements, such as a change in ________, is a top manager. B. For example, a middle manager may give a press release to a local newspaper, or a supervisor manager may ___ ____________at a community meeting. C. Finally, __________ communicates with the external environment. D. Informational role: managers at all levels of the company obtain and ________ the necessary information. E. Informing the employees about the company’s ___________and purpose is the duty of disseminator.


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4. Translate into Russian: disseminate information; advertising; strategic direction; presentation; announcements; unanticipated problems; utilize resources; overtime hours; mergers and acquisitions of other companies; the negotiator; different levels; they can be grouped; require managers; to plan strategy and utilize resources; corrects unanticipated problems; the direction of the organization; a researcher; utilize resources; require; an unanticipated problem; negotiate; attempt; preferred price; overtime hours; mergers and acquisitions of other companies; a researcher; performance; inform employees; evaluates; the environment. 5. Translate into English: направление компании; информировать рабочего о планах компании; реклама; презентация; объявление; окружающая среда; работа; выполнение; предприятие; сверху вниз; стратегическое направление; местная газета; объявление; исследователь; требовать; неожиданная проблема; сотрудничать; стараться; пытаться; рекомендуемая цена; сверхурочные часы; слияния и поглощения других компаний; использовать ресурсы. 6. Match the following terms with their definition: A. Entrepreneur 1. A managerial role involving sharing information about the company with followers. B. Disturbance handler 2. A managerial role dealing with unexpected issues and complications. C. Disseminator 3. The role of a manager involving performing symbolic duties for the company. D. Figurehead 4. A managerial role dealing with identifying future problems and working out solutions to them, while also seeking to improve the company.


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7. Find the word that doesn’t match the synonyms: A. B. C. D. E.

duty, task, data management, direction, supervision, vision division, taking apart, disconnection, connect reply, answer, comeback, come planned, projected, anticipated, performed

8. Read and translate the texts into Russian: (1) There is a well-known definition that “Leaders do the right thing and managers do things right”. A more standard definition is usually something like “managers work toward the organization’s goals using its resources in an effective and efficient manner”. (2) Note that there are different types of managers. A project manager is in charge of developing a certain project, e.g., development of a new building. A functional manager is in charge of a major function, such as a department in the organization, e.g., marketing, sales, engineering, finance, etc. A product manager is in charge of a product or service. Similarly, a product line manager is in charge of a group of closely related products. General managers are in charge of numerous functions within a company or department. Notes: a) a project manager – руководитель проекта b) a functional manager – функциональный руководитель c) a product line manager – управляющий предметнопроизводственной специализацией 9. Try to: a) describe the interpersonal roles of a manager; b) describe the informational roles of a manager; c) describe the decisional roles of a manager.


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GRAMMAR STUDY PASSIVE VOICE The passive voice is a grammatical construction (specifically, a "voice") in which the subject of a sentence or clause denotes the recipient of the action (the patient) rather than the performer (the agent). The passive voice in English is formed periphrastically, with an auxiliary verb (usually be or get) plus a participle (usually the past participle) of a verb, usually a transitive verb. For example, Caesar was stabbed by Brutus uses the passive voice. The subject denotes the person (Caesar) affected by the action of the verb. The counterpart to this in active voice is Brutus stabbed Caesar, in which the subject denotes the doer, or agent, Brutus. A sentence featuring the passive voice is sometimes called a passive sentence, and a verb phrase in passive voice is sometimes called a passive verb. English allows a number of passive constructions which are not possible in many of the other languages with similar passive formation. These include promotion of an indirect object to subject (as in Tom was given a bag) and promotion of the complement of a preposition (as in Sue was operated on, leaving a stranded preposition). Use of the English passive varies with writing style and field. Some publications' style sheets discourage use of the passive voice, while others encourage it. Although some purveyors of usage advice, including George Orwell and William Strunk, Jr. and E. B. White discourage the English passive, its usefulness is recognized in cases where the patient is more important than the agent. Identifying the English passive The passive voice is a specific grammatical construction; not every expression that serves to take focus away from the performer of an action is classified as an instance of passive voice. The essential components of the English passive voice are a form of the auxiliary verb be (or sometimes get), and the past participle of the main verb denoting the action. For example: ... that all men are created equal… We have been cruelly deceived. The captain was struck by a missile. I got kicked in the face during the fight.


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(For exceptions see Passives without a past participle below.) The agent (the doer of the action) may be specified, using a prepositional phrase with the preposition by, as in the third example, but it is equally possible to omit this (agentless passive). For example, Caesar was stabbed is a grammatical full sentence, in a way that stabbed Caesar and Brutus stabbed are not. Agentless passives are common in scientific writing, where the agent may be irrelevant (e.g. The mixture was heated to 300°C). A distinction is also made between the above type of clause, and those of similar form in which the past participle is used as an ordinary adjective, and the verb be or similar is simply a copula linking the subject of the sentence to that adjective. For example: I am excited (right now). This would not normally be classed as a passive sentence, since the participle excited is used adjectivally to denote a state, not to denote an action of excitation (as it would in the passive the electron was excited with a laser pulse). Sentences which do not follow the pattern described above are not considered to be in the passive voice, even if they have a similar function of avoiding or marginalizing reference to the agent. An example is the sentence. A stabbing occurred, where mention of the stabber is avoided, but the sentence is nonetheless cast in the active voice, with the verbal noun stabbing forming the subject of the simple past tense of the verb occur. (Similarly There was a stabbing.) Occasionally, however, writers misapply the term “passive voice” to sentences of this type. An example of this loose usage can be found in the following extract from an article from “The New Yorker” about Bernard Madoff (bolding and italics added; bold text indicates the verbs misidentified as passive voice): Two sentences later, Madoff said, “When I began the Ponzi scheme, I believed it would end shortly, and I would be able to extricate myself, and my clients, from the scheme.” As he read this, he betrayed no sense of how absurd it was to use the passive voice in regard to his scheme, as if it were a spell of bad weather that had descended on him . . . In most of the rest of the statement, one not only heard the aggrieved passive voice, but felt the hand of a lawyer: “To the best of my recollection, my fraud began in the early nineteen-nineties.” The intransitive verbs would end and began are in fact in the active voice. Although the speaker uses the words in a manner that subtly diverts responsibility from him, this is not accomplished by use of passive voice.


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Examples of misuse of the term are also found in Strunk and White’s influential “The Elements of Style”. Professor Geoffrey Pullum notes that three out of four “passive voice” examples given in that book do not in fact contain passives: “There were a great number of dead leaves lying on the ground” (no sign of any passive); “It was not long before she was very sorry that she had said what she had” (again, no sign of the passive); “The reason that he left college was that his health became impaired” (here became impaired is an example of the adjectival, not passive, use of the past participle). Usage and style. Many language critics and language-usage manuals discourage use of the passive voice. This advice is not usually found in older guides, emerging only in the first half of the twentieth century. In 1916, the British writer Arthur Quiller-Couch, criticized this grammatical voice: Generally, use transitive verbs, that strike their object; and use them in the active voice, eschewing the stationary passive, with its little auxiliary its’s and was’s, and its participles getting into the light of your adjectives, which should be few. For, as a rough law, by his use of the straight verb and by his economy of adjectives you can tell a man’s style, if it be masculine or neuter, writing or 'composition'. Two years later, in 1918, in “The Elements of Style” Cornell University Professor of English William Strunk, Jr. warned against excessive use of the passive voice: The active voice is usually more direct and vigorous than the passive . . . This rule does not, of course, mean that the writer should entirely discard the passive voice, which is frequently convenient and sometimes necessary . . . The need to make a particular word the subject of the sentence will often . . . determine which voice is to be used. The habitual use of the active voice, however, makes for forcible writing. This is true not only in narrative concerned principally with action, but in writing of any kind. Many a tame sentence of description or exposition can be made lively and emphatic by substituting a transitive in the active voice for some such perfunctory expression as there is or could be heard. In 1926, in the authoritative “A Dictionary of Modern English Usage” (1926), Henry W. Fowler recommended against transforming active voice forms into passive voice forms, because doing so "...sometimes leads to bad grammar, false idiom, or clumsiness."


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In 1946, in the essay Politics and the English Language (1946), George Orwell recommended the active voice as an elementary principle of composition: "Never use the passive where you can use the active." “The Columbia Guide to Standard American English” (1993) stated that: Active voice makes subjects do something (to something); passive voice permits subjects to have something done to them (by someone or something). Some argue that active voice is more muscular, direct, and succinct, passive voice flabbier, more indirect, and wordier. If you want your words to seem impersonal, indirect, and noncommittal, passive is the choice, but otherwise, active voice is almost invariably likely to prove more effective. Krista Ratcliffe, a professor at Marquette University, notes the use of passives as an example of the role of grammar as "...a link between words and magical conjuring [...]: passive voice mystifies accountability by erasing who or what performs an action [...]." Reasons for using the passive voice Jan Freeman, a reporter for “The Boston Globe”, said that the passive voice does have its uses, and that "all good writers use the passive voice”. For example, despite Orwell's advice to avoid the passive, his Politics and the English Language (1946) employs passive voice for about 20 percent of its constructions. By comparison, a statistical study found about 13 percent passive constructions in newspapers and magazines. Passive writing is not necessarily slack and indirect. Many famously vigorous passages use the passive voice, as in this example: • For of those to whom much is given, much is required. (John F. Kennedy's quotation of Luke 12:48 in his address to the Massachusetts legislature, 9 January 1961.) The principal criticism against the passive voice is its potential for evasion of responsibility. This is because a passive clause may omit the agent even where it is important: • We had hoped to report on this problem, but the data were inadvertently deleted from our files. However, the passive can also be used to emphasize the agent, and it may be better for that role than the active voice, because the end of a clause is the ideal place to put something you wish to emphasize: • Don't you see? The patient was murdered by his own doctor!


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Similarly, the passive may be useful when modifying the agent, as heavily modified noun phrases also tend to occur last in a clause: • The breakthrough was achieved by Burlingame and Evans, two researchers in the university's genetic engineering lab.


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UNIT 6. CROSS-CULTURAL MANAGEMENT PRE-TEXT EXERCISES 1. Give the initial forms of the following words: understand, establish, appear, get, know, adopt, schedules, reinforce, meet, those, be, follow, as, ensure, be, play, gather, external, succeed, schedules, participate. 2. State to what parts of speech the following words belong: contribute, meet, take, senior, generate, inspire, ensure, discuss, play, gather, feel, have, risk, thoroughly, schedules, performance, expect, work, meet, get, discuss, make. 3. Check up if you can translate the following verbal forms correctly: external, succeed, schedules, participate, feel, have, risk understand, establish. TEXT A MANAGEMENT IN RUSSIA Intercultural adaptability is essential when working in Russia and you need to understand the importance of an open and honest approach. It is important to establish your credentials and authority quickly since Russians respect both status and technical expertise. Although they value firmness and dignity, it is advisable to appear approachable and friendly as well. Management in countries of the former Soviet Union is a complex, constantly evolving state-of-affairs, each country moving towards a market economy (with its accompanying protocols) at a different pace. Cross-cultural communication will be more successful if you recognize that although Russians may initially appear stiff and reserved, they often warm up when socializing. Relationships are often developed in after-hours socializing. Most Russians do not trust people who are “all business”. Meals and entertainment provide a venue to get to know you as a


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person. An indication that you have successfully developed a personal relationship is being asked for a favor by that person. Although courtesy is important in all business relationships, this is especially true in Russia. Businesspeople have long memories for behavior they deem insensitive. Small slights that might be overlooked elsewhere are remembered here. Russia has a low tolerance for change and risk. Failure is perceived as a learning process that encourages confidence in future ventures. In Russian culture failure causes a long-term loss of confidence by the individual as well as by others. Russia is a moderate time culture and traditionally schedules and deadlines are viewed as flexible. However, the expectations of intercultural and global expansion have caused the Russians to adopt relatively strict standards of adhering to schedules. When working with people from Russia, it’s advisable to reinforce the importance of the agreed-upon deadlines and how that may affect the rest of the organization. Successful cross-cultural management will depend on the individual’s ability to meet deadlines. In general, many businesses retain a strong hierarchical structure. Employees show respect to those in positions of authority. Russians generally value age, rank, and protocol. Managers tend to be dictatorial and autocratic. They expect their subordinates to follow established procedures without question. Subordinates do not publicly challenge their manager, as it would make the manager lose dignity and respect. Managers are not comfortable empowering employees. Cross-cultural knowledge and understanding of the hierarchical system is essential. Subordinates are comfortable being dictated to as it is often the only way they have seen business conducted. Some younger, more entrepreneurial Russians may find the old ways tiring and timeconsuming, especially if they have lived in a foreign country. VOCABULARY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

to appear – появляться behavior – поведение to trust – доверять a favor – одолжение loss of confidence – потеря уверенности deadline – крайний срок


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7. to encourage – поощрять 8. time-consuming – требует много времени 9. accept – принимать ASSIGNMENTS 1. Answer the questions: A. What is it like being a manager in Russia? B. What is the role of a manager in Russia? C. What approach to change, time and priorities do Russian managers have? D. Who makes final decisions in Russian businesses? E. What are the Russian communication and negotiation styles? 2. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones: A. It is recommended not to make any mistakes in your business because Russians will definitely remember it. B. Russians consider hierarchical system as time-consuming. C. Deadlines are flexible in Russia. 3. Translate into Russian: Meetings and negotiations are slow in Russia. Russians, especially middle-aged and older do not like being rushed. It takes time for Russians to become warm towards foreign businesspeople. In the first meeting it is best if you appear dignified and firm, yet approachable. Once a relationship is established, allow yourself to be seen as reliable, down to earth, and sincere. Hierarchy is important to Russians. Make sure you have written materials available in both English and Russian to avoid any possible crosscultural misunderstanding. Likewise, hire an interpreter if you need to. Be sure to bring all the copies of everything you need from your home country. Faxes, copy machines, and computers may not be readily available outside of Moscow. Russians are not always comfortable trying new ways of doing things. Do prepare your team in advance so that you have a unified front in the meeting. Russians may lose their temper, walk out of the meeting, or threaten to terminate the relationship in an attempt to coerce you to change


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your position. Nothing is final until the contract is signed. Even then, Russians will modify a contract to suit their purposes. Make sure you have an expert in Russian law review your contract thoroughly. Contracts should be translated into both Russian and English. 4. Complete each sentence using a word derivationally related to the word given in brackets: A. The majority do not _____ that there has been any discrimination. (acceptable) B. This idea is good but _____ of such a plan will be difficult. (implement) C. They need to spend less on _____ . (administrative) D. I am not _____ to sign coontracts. (authorize) E. Many civil servants are sure that they can _____ better than the politicians. (government) F. This public corporation is fully _____ to Parliament. (accountability) G. She is a _____ in Eastern European affairs. (special) H. It is the Prime Minister's _____ residence. (officer) 5. Discuss in pairs: A. Do you agree on everything with the author of the text? B. What problems may occur if a foreign businessman is unfamiliar with the Russian culture? C. Do you think it is easy to do business with Russians? Why? TEXT B MANAGEMENT IN THE USA To ensure successful cross-cultural management when working in the U.S, you should treat all people with an equal amount of respect and deference, focus on schedules and maximizing time, and expect that people will want to be dealt with as individuals. In the U.S. there is a sense that all people in the company have an important role to play and all are valued for their input. Therefore, managers consult employees to gather background information and often have them share in the decision-making process.


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The American working environment has changed drastically. With one eye on costs and the other on retention, employers are increasingly offering part-time or shared jobs, or outsourcing to external contractors. Change is constant as companies are restructured, work teams become “virtual”, and flexible work arrangements become more common. Cross-cultural communication will be more effective when working in the United States when you remember that the most productive managers in the United States recognize and value the specialized knowledge that employees at all levels bring. Employees expect to be consulted on decisions that affect them and the greater good of the organization. Cross-cultural management is more likely to succeed if you understand that businesses in the U.S. have a high tolerance for risk and a ready acceptance for change. The underlying mindset is that change, while difficult, usually brings improvements and enhancements with it. The U.S. is a controlled-time culture. Global and intercultural expansion has meant adherence to schedules is important and expected. Missing a deadline is a sign of poor management and inefficiency, and will shake people’s confidence. Successful intercultural management will depend on the individual’s ability to meet deadlines. American managers are viewed as facilitators – people who help employees do their best work – and not simply decision makers. They empower employees and expect them to take responsibility. Employees freely cross management levels and speak directly to senior managers. This freedom is particularly apparent at meetings, where everyone in attendance is encouraged to participate openly. Cross-cultural management is more likely to succeed if you understand the mindset behind the work force. In the United States, groups collaborate well together as teams. Members are generally chosen to participate based on tangible skills or the knowledge base they bring, and are equally welcome to contribute to any discussion that may arise. They are encouraged to generate new ideas that may further the direction of the plan or spawn a new track entirely. In successful, dynamic teams, all members are valued for their actual and potential contribution, and all are treated with equal respect. The American negotiating style tends to be a “hard sell” – sometimes characterized as sledgehammer subtlety combined with


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missionary zeal. A strong pitch may sound boastful but is meant to inspire confidence and trust. It is also consistent with the penchant for logical reasoning, directness and comfort with self-promotion. VOCABULARY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

employer – работодатель employee – работник working environment – рабочая среда part-time job – неполная занятость decision – решение decision-making process – процесс принятия решения ASSIGNMENTS

1. Answer the questions: A. What is it like being a manager in the USA? B. What is the role of a manager in the USA? C. What approach to change, time and priorities do American managers have? D. Who makes final decisions in American businesses? E. What are the American communication and negotiation styles? 2. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones: A. Americans don’t favor risk. B. You can miss a deadline in the USA and successfully sign a contract. C. An American employer can suggest part-time jobs to his employees. 3. Translate into Russian: (1) American negotiators may have little familiarity with, or patience for, the formal business protocol, indirect communication style, or consensual decision-making practices of other countries (a fact that savvy international negotiators often use to their advantage). Their focus is on the


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short term and the “big picture” – securing the best deal in a timely manner. Their approach is informal, cordial and straightforward. (2) The U.S. team will reveal its position and expect the other party to engage in a competitive bargaining process. If an impasse is reached, American tenacity, creativity, and persuasiveness will come to the fore. Despite the “hard sell” tactics, negotiating partners should not feel pressured into making a decision. The Americans expect their counterparts across the table to be similarly pragmatic and single-minded in trying to secure a favorable deal. 4. Complete each sentence using a word derivationally related to the word given in brackets: A. I assume cost shouldn’t be a _____ factor. (decision) B. They are the worst part of my _____ team. (manage) C. He kept calling his employee up to _____ some new task to him. (assignment) D. To save the lives of hostages, we should _____ with terrorists. (negotiations) 5. Retell the text using this plan: a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

being a manager in the US; the role of a manager; approach to change; approach to time and priorities; decision making process; boss or team player; communication and negotiation styles.

6. Discuss in pairs: A. What information in the text do you find most important? B. What problems may occur if a foreign businessman is unfamiliar with the American culture? C. Do you think it is easy to do business with Americans? Why?


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TEXT C MANAGEMENT IN THE UK To ensure successful cross-cultural management you should treat all people with respect and not to waste anyone’s time. This means that you should arrive at meetings prepared and ready to discuss the matter at hand. Expect your British colleagues not to be very emotive with their facial expressions and word choices. And keep in mind, the British are known for their dry wit. In the UK, even though traditional organizations may be somewhat hierarchical, there is a sense that most people in the company have an important role to play and are valued for their input. Therefore, managers lose no respect by consulting employees to gather background information or by sharing the decision-making process. Employees expect to be consulted on decisions that affect them and the greater good of the organization, and not doing so may have a negative impact on moral for those who want to feel responsible for the success of the organization. Cross-cultural communication will be more effective when working in the United Kingdom when you remember that the most productive managers in the United Kingdom recognize and value the specialized knowledge that employees at all levels bring. The United Kingdom’s intercultural adaptability and readiness for change is developing all the time. The United Kingdom is seen to have a medium tolerance for change and risk. It is important for innovations to have a track record or history noting the benefits if they are to be accepted and implemented. The fear of exposure, and the potential of embarrassment that may accompany failure, brings about aversion to risk and the need to thoroughly examine the potential negative implications so some intercultural sensitivity may be required. The UK is a controlled-time culture. Global and intercultural expansion has meant that adherence to schedules is important and expected. Missing a deadline is a sign of poor management and inefficiency, and will shake people’s confidence. People in controlled-time cultures tend to have their time highly scheduled, and it’s generally a good idea to provide and adhere to performance milestones. Since the British respect schedules and deadlines, it is not unusual for managers to expect people to work late in


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order to meet target deadlines. Successful intercultural management will depend on the individual’s ability to meet deadlines. The management style in the United Kingdom is undergoing a metamorphosis, so you will find a variety of styles. In old-line businesses, the managing directors are the overall decision-makers. In other industries, managers strive for consensus and make a concerted attempt to get everyone’s input before a decision is reached. The manager may still make the ultimate decision, after consultation with the staff. Teamwork is becoming increasingly important in most organizations. The British believe the best ideas and solutions often come from having many stakeholders meet to discuss an issue. They also prefer for the highest-ranking person to make the decision (and then perhaps clear it with someone at a higher level), so decision-making can be laborious. British managers praise employees, although not generally in public. Subordinates expect their efforts to be recognized and rewarded. Most British are suspicious if praise is excessive or undeserved. VOCABULARY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

word choices – выбор слов track record – достижения (в какой-л. области) to waste time – тратить время embarrassment – смущение track – путь, дорога stakeholders – заинтересованные стороны; заинтересованные круги old-line – традиционный; консервативный solution – решение to avoid – избегать high-ranking – высокопоставленный highest ranking – занимающий доминирующее положение (в сообществе) ASSIGNMENTS

1. Answer the questions: A. What is it like being a manager in the UK? B. What is the role of a manager in the UK?


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C. What approach to change, time and priorities do British managers have? D. Who makes final decisions in British businesses? 2. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones: A. The British make decisions relatively quickly. B. The British welcome any kind of change and tolerate risk. C. British managers praise employees in public and subordinates suppose their efforts are rewarded. D. The British choose to make decisions alone rather than together with their subordinates. 3. Translate into Russian: In United Kingdom, groups collaborate well together as teams. Members are generally chosen to participate based on tangible skills or the knowledge base they bring, and are equally welcome to contribute to any discussion that may happen. They are encouraged to generate new ideas that may further the direction of the plan or spawn a new track entirely. In successful, dynamic teams, all members are appreciated for their actual and potential contribution, and all are treated with equal respect. Communication will be direct and reserved. Avoid confrontational behavior or high-pressure tactics. Avoid displays of emotion and do not argue on the basis of feelings. Decision-making is slow and deliberate, so patience may be a necessary cross-cultural attribute. It is a good idea to send a letter summarizing what was decided and what the next steps are. 4. Discuss in pairs: A. What information in the text do you find most important? B. What problems may occur if a foreign businessman is unfamiliar with the British culture? C. Do you think it is easy to do business with the British? Why? 5. Find the topical sentence of each passage of Text C and make a short summary of the text using the topical sentences you have found.


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UNIT 7. MANAGERIAL PERSPECTIVE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PRE-TEXT EXERCISES 1. Give the initial forms of the following words: create, save, see, resemble, protect, guard, a limited, creativity, purchase, satisfy, avoid, punish, prevent, control, public, work. 2. State to what parts of speech the following words belong: manager’s, pluralist, necessary, political, to save, the constitution, increasing, avoid friction, dull-witted, rights, increasingly. 3. Check up if you can translate the following words correctly: responsiveness, constitution, frequently, behavior, conflicting, maintaining, agencies, maximizing, huge, friction, pluralist, democracy, perspective, recognition, separation, administration, inflation, reduction, education, organization, revolution, globalization. 4. Match the word combinations with their Russian equivalents: 1. accountability

a) создавать

2. the separation of powers 3. to create

b) политическое предприятие c) подотчетность

4. political endeavor

d) разделение власти

TEXT A PERSPECTIVES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION The Political perspective is the pluralist democracy model. The fundamental values of the political perspective are representation, responsiveness, accountability, and separation of powers: the purpose of the


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doctrine of separation of powers in the American constitution was not to avoid friction, but to create friction to save the people from abuse of power. The political perspective also grew out of recognition that the policyadministration dichotomy was mythical and public administration, in reality, is necessary a political endeavor. In the United States, because the constitution does not provide a solid foundation for the existence of government agencies and bureaus, they “more or less perforce are in the business of building, maintaining, and increasing their political support. They lead and in large part are led by the diverse groups whose influence sustains them. Frequently they lead and are led in conflicting directions. This is not due to incapacity to see the contradictions in their behavior but is a result of the contradictory nature of their support.” The Legal Perspective view public administration as applying and enforcing the law in concrete circumstances, and a process marked increasingly by judicialization (i.e. the tendency for administrative processes increasingly to resemble courtroom procedures) and by a growing concern for protecting and maximizing individual rights through legal procedures in administrative activities. The legal perspective values stressed by the legal perspectives: procedural due process, individual substantive rights and equal protection of the laws, equity in the sense of substantive fairness in the result of conflicts between private parties and the government, and constitutional integrity. Managerial public administration emerged in the second half of this century as a form of coping with the fiscal crisis, as a strategy of making the administration of the huge services the state took on less expensive and more efficient, and as a device to protect the public patrimony against corruption. VOCABULARLY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

accountability – подотчетность, ответственность the separation of powers – разделение власти to create – создавать political endeavor – политическое предприятие a solid foundation – твердый фундамент circumstances – обстоятельства to resemble – напоминать


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8. equal protection – равная защита 9. constitutional integrity – конституциональная целостность 10. fiscal crisis – финансовый кризис ASSIGNMENTS 1. Answer the questions: A. B. C. D.

What is the core of the political perspective ? What are the principles of the legal perspective ? What are the fundamental values of the managerial perspective ? When did managerial public administration emerge?

2. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones: A. Managerial public administration appeared in 2000. B. The Political Perspective of public administration is concerned with applying the law in concrete circumstance. C. The appearance of managerial public administration was a model that showed a strategy of making the administration of the huge services the state took on less expensive. 4. Translate into Russian: equal protection

political endeavor

to create

the separation of powers

to resemble

a solid foundation


constitutional integrity

fiscal crisis 5.


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6. Which words can you derive from the following:

A. B. C. D.

constitute protect separate corrupt

– constitution – – –

7. Read the following synonyms and find key word from Text A: a) b) c) d) e)

look like, be similar to, look a lot like; answerability, responsibility; division, taking apart, disconnection; hard, firm, concrete; make, produce, generate.

8. Translate into English: –

подотчетность, ответственность разделение власти


политическое предприятие

твердый фундамент



равная защита

конституциональная целостность

8. Translate into Russian: A. Public administration is a field of study and an occupation. B. In the late 1980s, yet another generation of public administration theorists began to displace the last.


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C. The history of public administration and management theory is one of changing understandings of the relationship between employees and managers, between the organization and the community, and between organizations. D. It is not a history in which theories are built incrementally, or additively, simply by adding new information to what has gone before. E. Instead, theories seem to be led by changes in political thought and cultural values, which influence the way in which relationships are conceptualized. 9. Find the topical sentence of each passage of Text A and make a short summary of the text using the topical sentences you have found. TEXT B MANAGERIAL PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Managerial public administration is a form of coping with the financial crisis, a strategy of making the administration of the huge services the state took on less expensive and more efficient, and a device to guard the public patrimony against corruption. Some basic characteristics of managerial public administration: • outcome-oriented; • citizen-oriented; • assumes that politicians and civil servants are entitled to a limited degree of trust; • uses as strategy decentralization and the incentive to creativity and innovation; • controls public managers through the device of management contracts. While bureaucratic public administration is process-oriented, strictly defining legal procedures to hire personnel, to purchase goods and service, and to satisfy citizens’ demands, managerial public administration is result-oriented. Bureaucracy concentrates itself in processes, in spite of the high inefficiency involved, because it believes that this is the safer way to avoid favouritism and corruption. Controls are preventive; they come a priori. Besides the bureaucracy realizes that to punish deviations is often difficult, if not


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impossible; thus, it prefers to prevent them through strict legal means. Finally, bureaucracy has no alternative but to control legal procedures. In contrast, managerial public administration assumes that nepotism and corruption are to be fought. This does not require rigid procedures. They might have been necessary when patrimonialist values were dominant, but not now, when the mixing of private and public patrimony is universally rebuked. Rent seeking is usually a more subtle and sophisticated way of privatizing the state, demanding new counterstrategies. Managerial administration, decentralization, the delegation of authority and responsibility to public managers, the strict control of the achievement of the agreed-upon performance indicators, is not only a much more efficient way of managing the state, it is also more effective in fighting these new forms of state privatization. VOCABULARLY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

managerial – менеджеристский to copе – справляться outcome-oriented – ориентированный на результат process-oriented – ориентированный на процесс innovation – инновация strict – строгий rigid procedures – жесткие процедуры ASSIGNMENTS

1. Answer the questions: A. What are the essential characteristics of managerial perspective of PA? B. Is managerial public administration result-oriented or process-oriented? C. What does politicians and civil servants are entitled to according to managerial public administration? D. What is a much more efficient way of managing the state?


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2. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones: A. Managerial public administration can liquidate the financial crisis of the country. B. Bureaucratic public administration firmly impose legal procedures to purchase goods and service. C. According to managerial public administration civil servants have unlimited degree of trust.

3. Fill in the blanks: managerial, oriented, process A. Managerial public administration is not ________-oriented. B. ___________ public administration is citizen-___________. 4. Translate into Russian: One current trend in Public Administration is toward a belief that decentralization is more efficient and effective than centralized administration. This is led by the political changes of the past election (although at a deeper level, it began with Ronald Reagan’s election in the early 1980s), as well as changes in management theory typified by quality circles and quality management organizations. There is a distrust of bureaucracy and a sense that leadership from the center is too often out of touch with the peripheries, and too often insulated from everyday realities, whether in public or private organizations. 5. Translate into English: менеджеристк ий; справляться с заданием; ориентированный на результат; строг о по порядк у; жесткие процедуры были направлены на изменение; ориентированный на процесс; инновация в данной области.


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6. Find the topical sentence of each passage of Text B and make a short summary of the text using the topical sentences you have found. TEXT C CASE-STUDY: MANAGERIAL PERSPECTIVE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (MARGARET THATCHER) Margaret Hilda Thatcher (born 13 October, 1925) is a British politician and the longest-serving (1979-1990) British prime minister since 1827, and the only woman ever to have held the post. A Soviet journalist nicknamed her the “Iron Lady”, which later became associated with her uncompromising politics and leadership style. Mrs. Thatcher’s Government sought to expose the public sector to a more private sector approach to managing its resources. Those parts that could not actually be sold off were bludgeoned with the twin cudgels of greater pressure on the 3Es – Effectiveness, Efficiency and Economy – and a stronger regulatory regime through the National Audit Office and Audit Commission. The Thatcher government and beyond The Thatcher government’s economic policies were an embodiment of its desire to attack inflation and cut public expenditure, and to reduce the public sector borrowing requirement. The reduction of public expenditure was applied across almost all public areas including social services, education, housing, the environment and social security. Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative government set out to reform the political and economic boundaries of Britain. The aim was to substitute markets for political hegemony in approaches to public organizations and services. The objectives of performance management both before and after 1979 were basically the same in terms of accountability for public spending, and improving the quality of public services. What distinguished the period from 1979, however, was the political imperative for change, backed by the language of “reform” and “revolution”. The management revolution in the civil service is not just concerned with cost cutting and increased efficiency, essential though that is. It involves targeting investment more closely to identified needs and


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ensuring that these needs are met in the most effective way. It also means making the best use of people, and so improving personnel management as well as financial management. The dramatic changes in public-funded services took place in a changing international environment, marked by the spread of capitalism, globalization and technological revolution. VOCABULARLY 1. twin cudgels – спаренный 2. to cut public expenditure – сократить общественно-государственные расходы (расходы на государственные нужды) 3. borrowing requirement – потребность в заимствованиях 4. the political and economic boundaries – политические и экономические границы 5. to identify – отождествлять 6. the spread of capitalism – распространение капитализма ASSIGNMENTS 1. Answer the questions: A. B. C. D.

Who is Margaret Thatcher? What were the aims of M. Thatcher’s policy? Why did M. Thatcher change the public administration? Were the objectives of performance management both before and after 1979 the same in terms of accountability for public spending, and improving the quality of public services? E. Is the management revolution in the civil service concerned with cost cutting and increased efficiency? 2. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones: A. M. Thatcher’s nickname was the “Iron Lady”. B. The Thatcher government wanted to decline public expenditure. C. The reduction of public expenditure was not applied in education.


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C. Translate into Russian: invest




a solid foundation

constitutional integrity

fiscal crisis


the separation of powers



constitutional integrity

fiscal crisis

political endeavor

a solid foundation


equal protection

political endeavor


the separation of powers



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4. Fill in the table and translate the words into Russian: verb 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A. B. C. D. E.

govern embody manage invest require administer reduce educate organize globalize

noun – government – – – – – – – – –

5. Find the synonyms of the following words from the previous exercise: 1. 2. 3. 4.

administer, direct, supervise, deal with; provide, supply, spend, put in; need, entail, oblige; decrease, lessen, cut.

6. Translate into Russian: seek to expose; twin cudgels; cut public expenditure; borrowing requirement; the political and economic boundaries of Britain; the spread of capitalism in Russia; technological revolution. 7. Translate into English: реформировать политические и экономические границы Великобритании; отождествлять с этим государством; стремиться подвергнуть критике; спаренный; сократить общественногосударственные расходы; потребность в заимствованиях; распространение капитализма в Италии.


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8. Find synonyms to the words in italics: a) b) c) d) e)

a wish to attack inflation reduce public expenditure the drop of public expenditure the goals of performance management imperative for adjustment TEXT D THE PROBLEMS OF MANAGERIAL PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES

Managerial public administration involves a change of management strategy, but this strategy must be put to work in a reformed administrative structure. The general idea is decentralization, delegation of authority. But it is necessary to be more specific, defining clearly the sectors the state operates, the types of ownership, and the kinds of administration that are more suited. Any modern state counts four sectors: the strategic core, exclusive activities, nonexclusive services, and the production of goods and services for the market. The strategic core is where law and policies are defined, and their enforcement is in the last instance assured. It is formed by the parliament, the courts, the presidency, or the prime minister, its ministers, the top civil servants, major local authorities, and the governors and their secretaries when the political system is federal. In the United States, all universities are public non-state organizations. They may be called “private” or “state-controlled” but, as a matter of fact, the “private” are not profit-oriented and the “statecontrolled” do not have civil servants. They are partially financed or subsidized by the state – the “private” less than the “state-controlled” – but they are all independent bodies controlled by boards that represent civil society and – in minority form – the government. In the United Kingdom, universities and hospitals used to be statecontrolled. They are no longer; they are now “quasi-nongovernmental organizations” (QUANGOS). They were not privatized. They were changed from state control to public control. There are three possibilities in terms of nonexclusive services. They may remain state-controlled, they can be privatized, or they may be financed or subsidized by the state but controlled by society and


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transformed into public non-state organizations. In managerial public administration the state is not viewed as a producer or as just a regulator that guarantees contracts and property rights but as a “financier” (or “subsidizer”) of the nonexclusive services. The subsidy may be given directly to the public non-state organization, it may be given directly to the citizen in the form of vouchers. VOCABULARY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

delegation of authority – делегирование полномочий decentralization – децентрализация to assure – гарантировать the Prime Minister – премьер министр board – совет in minority – в меньшинстве property rights – права собственности voucher – ваучер ASSIGNMENTS

1. Answer the questions: A. What are the sectors any modern state counts? B. What establishments are changed from state control to public control in the US? C. What establishments used to be state-controlled in the United Kingdom? 2. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones: A. The problems of managerial public administration in Canada are connected with the decentralization and many other questions. B. All US universities are governed by boards comprised of civil society. C. Managerial public administration in foreign countries is closely connected with the delegation of authority.


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3. Match the key word with the synonyms:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

key word involve change delegation necessary ownership strategic exclusive defined

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

synonyms allocation, designation planned, intentional possession, rights distinct, definite engage, occupy elite, special alter, adjust essential, required

4. Translate into Russian: boards of supervisors property rights in terms of involves some characteristic features necessary actions exclusive to create a solid foundation to resemble constitutional integrity decentralization assured in minority vouchers delegation of authority change ownership accountability the separation of powers political endeavor circumstances equal protection

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –


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fiscal crisis – enforcement – the prime minister of the United – States is in charge of formulating

5. Translate into English: делегирование полномочий, вопросы децентрализации, премьер министр, совет директоров, в меньшинстве, права собственности, гарантировать. 6. Find the topical sentence of each passage of Text D and make a short summary of the text using the topical sentences you have found. GRAMMAR STUDY Some passive constructions. Canonical passives. In the most commonly considered type of passive clause, a form of the verb be (or sometimes get) is used as an auxiliary together with the past participle of a transitive verb; that verb is missing its direct object, and the patient of the action (that which would be denoted by the direct object of the verb in an active clause) is denoted instead by the subject of the clause. For example, the active clause: • John threw the ball. contains threw as a transitive verb with John as its subject and the ball as its direct object. If we recast the verb in the passive voice (was thrown), then the ball becomes the subject (it is "promoted" to the subject position) and John disappears: • The ball was thrown. The original subject (the agent) can optionally be re-inserted using the preposition by. • The ball was thrown by John. The above example uses the verb be (in the past tense form was) to make the passive. It is often possible to use the verb get as an alternative


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(possibly with slightly different meaning); for example, the active sentence "The ball hit Bob" may be recast in either of the following forms: • Bob was hit by the ball. • Bob got hit by the ball. The auxiliary verb of the passive voice (be or get) may appear in any combination of tense, aspect and mood, and can also appear in nonfinite form (infinitive, participle or gerund). See the article on English verb forms for more information. Notice that this includes use of the verb be in progressive aspect, which does not normally occur when be is used as a simple copula. Some examples: • The food is being served. (present progressive passive) • The stadium will have been built by next January. (future perfect passive) • I would have got injured if I had stayed in my place. (conditional perfect passive with get) • It isn't nice to be insulted. (passive infinitive) • Having been humiliated, he left the stage. (passive present participle, perfect aspect) Prepositional passive. It is also possible, in some cases, to promote the object of a preposition. This may be called the prepositional passive, or sometimes the pseudo-passive (although the latter term can also have other meanings, particularly in descriptions of other languages). • They talked about the problem. → The problem was talked about. In the passive form here, the preposition is "stranded"; that is, it is not followed by an object. The prepositional passive is common especially in informal English. However some potential uses appear grammatically unacceptable; compare the following examples given by Pullum: • Someone has slept in this bunk. → This bunk has been slept in. (fully acceptable) • Someone has slept above this bunk. → ??This bunk has been slept above. (barely acceptable) The second sentence appears unacceptable because sleeping above a bunk does not change its state; the verb phrase been slept above does not express a "relevantly important property" of the bunk.


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It is not possible to promote a prepositional object if the verb also has a direct object. For example: • Someone has put a child in this bunk. → *This bunk has been put a child in. (unacceptable) Stative and adjectival uses a type of clause that is similar or identical in form to the passive clauses described above has the past participle used to denote not an action, but a state being the result of an action. For example, the sentence The window was broken may have two different meanings: • The window was broken, i.e Someone or something broke the window. (action, event) • The window was broken, i.e. The window was not intact. (resultant state) The first sentence is an example of the canonical English passive as described above. However the second case is distinct; such sentences are not always considered to be true passives, since the participle is being used adjectivally; they are sometimes called false passives. If they are considered to be passives, they may be called stative (or static, or resultative) passives, since they represent a state or result. By contrast the canonical passives, representing an action or event, may then be called dynamic or eventive passives. The ambiguity in such sentences arises because the verb be is used in English both as the passive auxiliary and as the ordinary copular verb for linking to predicate adjectives. When get is used to form the passive, there is no ambiguity: The window got broken cannot have a stative meaning. (For ways in which some other languages make this distinction, see Passive voice: Stative and dynamic passive.) If a distinct adjective exists for the purpose of expressing the state, then the past participle is less likely to be used for that purpose; this is the case with the verb open, for which there exists an adjective open, so the sentence The door was opened more likely refers to the action rather than the state, since in the stative case one could simply say The door was open. Past participles of transitive verbs can also be used as adjectives (as in a broken doll), and the participles used in the above-mentioned "stative" constructions are often considered to be adjectival (in predicative use). Such constructions may then also be called adjectival passives (although they are not normally considered true passives). For example: • She was relieved to find her car.


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Here, relieved is an ordinary adjective, though it derives from the past participle of relieve. In other sentences that same participle may be used to form the true (dynamic) passive: He was relieved of duty. When the verb being put into the passive voice is a stative verb anyway, the distinctions between uses of the past participle become less clear, since the canonical passive already has a stative meaning. (For example: People know his identity → His identity is known.) However it is sometimes possible to impart a dynamic meaning using get as the auxiliary, as in get known with the meaning "become known". Passive constructions without an exactly corresponding active Some passive constructions are not derived exactly from a corresponding active construction in the ways described above. This is particularly the case with sentences containing content clauses (usually that-clauses). Given a sentence in which the role of direct object is played by such a clause, for example • They say (that) he cheats. it is possible to convert this to a passive by promoting the content clause to subject; in this case, however, the clause typically does not change its position in the sentence, and an expletive it takes the normal subject position: • It is said that he cheats. Another way of forming passives in such cases involves promoting the subject of the content clause to the subject of the main clause, and converting the content clause into a non-finite clause with the to-infinitive. This infinitive is marked for grammatical aspect to correspond to the aspect (or past tense) expressed in the content clause. For example: • They say that he cheats. → He is said to cheat. • They think that I am dying. → I am thought to be dying. • They report that she came back / has come back. → She is reported to have come back. • They say that she will resign. → e.g. She is said to be going to resign. Some verbs are used almost exclusively in the passive voice. This is the case with rumor, for example. The following passive sentences are possible: • He was rumored to be a war veteran. / It was rumored that he was a war veteran.


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but it is not possible to use the active counterpart *They rumored that he was a war veteran. (This was once possible, but has fallen out of use.) Another situation in which the passive uses a different constuction than the active involves the verb make, meaning "compel". When this verb is used in the active voice it takes the bare infinitive (without the particle to), but in the passive voice it takes the to-infinitive. For example: • They made Jane attend classes. • Jane was made to attend classes. Passives without a past participle Rarely, the passive voice can be expressed without the use of the past participle, as in • That rash needs looking at by a specialist. Here "looking at by a specialist" is a noun phrase serving as the object of the active verb "needs"; in the noun phrase the implied subject is rash, which is the patient of the verb look at, and the agent specialist appears in a prepositional "by" phrase.


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БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ 1. Backhaus J. G. Two centuries of local autonomy. – New York: Springer, 2011. – p. 114 2. Dollery B., Robotti L. The theory and practice of local government reform. – The Lypiatts, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2008. – 310 p. 3. Cox R.W. Ethics and integrity in public administration: concepts and cases. – New York: M.E. Sharpe, 2009. – 268 p. 4. Holzer M., Schwester R. W. Public Administration: an introduction. – New York: M.E. Sharpe, 2011. – 490 p. 5. O'Leary R., Slyke D. Van, Kim S. The Future of public administration around the world: the minnowbrook perspective. – Georgetown University Press, 2010. – 322 p. 6. Phares D. Governing metropolitan regions in the 21st century. – Armonk, New Yok, London: M.E. Sharpe, 2009. – 308 7. Tarallo M.A. Public Administration: Key issues challenging practitioners. – Bloomington: AuthorHouse, 2012. – 122 p. 8. Янина С.Л., Закоморская Е.А. Английский для экономистов: Учебное пособие для студентов экономических факультетов вузов. – Москва – Ростов-на-Дону: Изд. центр «МарТ», 2003. – 126 с. 9. Королькова В.А. Коммерческий русско-английский словарьсправочник. – М., 1992. – 192 с. 10. Шевелева С.А. Учебник английского языка для вузов. – М.: Юнити, 1998. – 276 с. 9. Воронцова И.И., Ильина А.К. Английский язык для студентов экономических факультетов. – М.: РГГУ, 1992. – 144 с. 10. www.britannica.com 11. http://www.ipac.ca/documents/ND17Feb20091.pdf


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ВВЕДЕНИЕ……………………………………………………………......3 UNIT 1. Public Administration……………...…………………………..…5 UNIT 2. Regional Administration………………………………...……...23 UNIT 3. Local Authorities in the Contemporary World….……...……….34 UNIT 4. The Theory of Management……………………………...……..46 UNIT 5. Management Roles………...……………...……………...……..57 UNIT 6. Cross-Cultural Management……………..…..……………….....73 UNIT 7. Managerial Perspective of Public Administration........................84 БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ…………………………………………………….. 103

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Лицензия № 020404 от 6.03.97 г. Подписано в печать 18.06.13 Бумага офсетная 6,5 уч.-изд. л. 103

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Формат 60×84/16 6,04 усл. печ. л. Заказ «С»

Издательство Казанского национального исследовательского технологического университета Офсетная лаборатория Казанского национального исследовательского технологического университета 420015, Казань, К.Маркса, 68