Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology - Quantum Physics [3 ed.]
Nine years has passed since the 1992 second edition of the encyclopedia was published. This completely revised third edi
Pages 228
Year 2001
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Table of contents :
Glossary......Page 1
Classical Electrodynamics......Page 2
Photons......Page 3
Quantum Electrodynamics......Page 4
Electrons and Positrons......Page 5
Divergences and Renormalization......Page 6
An Assembly of Photons......Page 7
The Quantized Electromagnetic Field......Page 8
Interactions of Photons and Atoms......Page 9
Spontaneous Emission—Einstein’s A Coefficient......Page 10
Thomson Scattering......Page 11
Relativistic Theory......Page 12
Covariant Quantization of the Electromagnetic Field......Page 13
Symmetries and Conservation Laws......Page 14
The S Matrix and Feynman Diagrams......Page 15
The Lamb Shift......Page 16
The Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Electron......Page 17
Interaction of Photons and Leptons......Page 18
References......Page 19
Glossary......Page 20
Some Basics of Wave Mechanics......Page 21
General Aspects of Nuclear and Electronic Dynamics: Born-Oppenheimer Approximation......Page 23
Computational Tools for Bound States......Page 26
Variational Methods......Page 28
Nonvariational Methods......Page 29
Density Functional Theory......Page 30
Early Transition State Theory......Page 31
Rigorous State-to-State Quantum Reactive Dynamics......Page 32
See also the Following Articles......Page 35
References......Page 36
Glossary......Page 37
The Problem of Constructing the Baryon Wave Functions......Page 38
Principles of QCD......Page 39
Perturbation Theory......Page 42
Renormalization Group Method......Page 47
Operator-Product Expansion......Page 50
e+e- Annihilations......Page 53
q ¯q Jets in e+e- Annihilations......Page 58
References......Page 61
Quantum Hall Effect......Page 62
Integral Quantum Hall Effect......Page 63
Disorder and QHE Plateaus......Page 64
Model Hamiltonian......Page 66
Composite Fermions......Page 67
FQHE......Page 68
Computer Experiments......Page 69
Fractional Charge......Page 70
Spin Physics......Page 71
Exactness of Hall Quantization......Page 72
Pairing of Composite Fermions......Page 73
References......Page 74
Glossary......Page 76
Classical-Mechanical Treatment of the Single-Electron Ion......Page 77
Electromagnetic Radiation Predictions of Classical Physics......Page 78
New Foundations of Mechanics......Page 79
Essential Relations for Quantum Mechanics......Page 80
Einstein’s Concept of Light as an Energy Quantum......Page 81
Intensity Peaks in Optical Spectra......Page 83
Bohr Quantized Energy Levels for Hydrogen Atom......Page 84
Optical Spectrum of Hydrogen......Page 86
The Laser......Page 87
Development of the Wave Equation for Transverse Vibrations......Page 88
Phase Velocity of Waves......Page 89
Development of the Wave Equation for Electromagnetic Waves......Page 90
Superposition Solutions......Page 91
Group Velocity of Waves......Page 92
Development of the de Broglie Relation......Page 94
Dispersion Relation for Free Particles......Page 96
Energy–Momentum Relations for Particles with Potential Energy......Page 97
Dispersion Relations for Particles with Potential Energy......Page 98
Master Equations for Particles with Potential Energy......Page 99
The Schrodinger Equation......Page 100
Probability Current Density......Page 101
Piecewise Constant Potential Energy Problems......Page 102
Incident Beam with Particle Energy Exceeding Both Steps......Page 103
Incident Beam with Particle Energy below First Step Only......Page 106
Incident Beam with Particle Energy Below Both Steps......Page 109
Introduction......Page 110
Three-Dimensional Potential Energy Square-Well Problem......Page 111
The Harmonic Oscillator Potential......Page 112
Use of the Schrodinger Equation for the Hydrogen Atom and One-Electron Ions......Page 113
Many-Electron Atoms and Ions......Page 117
Failure of Classical Physics for Electrical Currents in Solids......Page 118
Periodic Potential for Crystalline Solids......Page 119
Metals......Page 121
Insulators......Page 122
Superconductors......Page 123
References......Page 124
Glossary......Page 126
The A and B Coefficients of Einstein......Page 127
Two-State Atom and Maxwell–Bloch Equations......Page 128
p Pulses and Pulse Area......Page 131
Photon Echoes......Page 132
Relaxation......Page 134
Cross Section and the B Coefficient......Page 136
Strong Field Criterion and Saturation......Page 137
Semiclassical Laser Theory......Page 138
Coherence of Light......Page 139
Photon Counting......Page 142
Quantum Mechanical States of Light......Page 143
Fully Quantized Interactions......Page 145
Quantum Light Detection and Statistics......Page 147
Superradiance......Page 148
Two-Level Single-Mode Interaction......Page 150
AC Stark Effect and Resonance Fluorescence......Page 151
Tests of Quantum Theory......Page 152
Two-Photon Laser......Page 154
Teleportation......Page 155
References......Page 156
Glossary......Page 157
Mechanical Energy......Page 158
Entropy......Page 159
Boltzmann Statistics......Page 161
The Extrapolated Formulas......Page 162
Planck’s Empirical Law......Page 163
The Quantum Theory of Blackbody Radiation......Page 164
Difficulties with Planck’s Theory......Page 165
Einstein’s Theory of Light Quanta......Page 166
The Quantum Theory of Specific Heat......Page 167
Debye’s Derivation of Planck’s Radiation Law......Page 168
Postulate III......Page 170
Consequences of Bohr’s Theory......Page 172
Transition to Quantum Mechanics......Page 173
After Quantum Mechanics: Modern Developments in Foundations of Quantum Physics......Page 174
An Advantage of Uncertainty: Quantum Computing......Page 176
References......Page 179
Glossary......Page 180
Geometrical Structures......Page 181
Principle of General Covariance......Page 182
Absolute Time and Space......Page 183
Light Cones......Page 184
Lorentz Invariance......Page 185
The Space–Time Metric......Page 186
The Principle of Equivalence......Page 187
Field Equations......Page 188
Clocks, Rods, and Coordinates......Page 189
The Schwarzschild Field, Event Horizons, and Black Holes......Page 190
Fields with Matter—Gravitational Collapse......Page 192
Gravitational Radiation, the Quadrupole Formula......Page 193
Gravitational Red Shift......Page 194
Solar System Tests—The PPN Formalism......Page 195
Planetary Motion......Page 196
Time Varying G......Page 197
The Binary Pulsar......Page 198
Gravitational Wave Detection......Page 199
Hawking Radiation and Black Hole Thermodynamics......Page 200
Quantum Gravity......Page 201
See also the Following Articles......Page 202
References......Page 203
Glossary......Page 204
Observers, Reference Frames, and Other Preliminaries......Page 205
The Galilean Transformation......Page 206
Galilean Relativity Principle......Page 207
The Michelson–Morley Experiment......Page 208
Lorentz Transformations......Page 209
Inertial Reference Frames......Page 210
Time Dilation in Relativity......Page 211
Derivation of the Lorentz Transformation......Page 212
Minkowski Diagrams and World Lines......Page 213
Proper Length and Lorentz Contraction......Page 214
Nonrelativistic Doppler Effect for Sound Waves......Page 215
Relativistic Doppler Effect for Electromagnetic Waves......Page 216
The Twin Paradox......Page 217
The Pole and Barn Paradox......Page 220
Relativistic Treatment of Energy and Momentum......Page 221
Relativistic Momentum......Page 222
Relativistic Energy and the Momentum-Energy Four-Vector......Page 223
Conversion Between Different Forms of Energy......Page 225
Force and Newton’s Second Law in Relativity......Page 226
Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics......Page 227
References......Page 228