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English Pages [33] Year 1952
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c~Mus~ . ••
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Plications du cour)Lnt electrique, des O)ICi\lationa radio electrique~ et des phenomenes photoelectriquea a la realisation d'instruments de musique. 1930
Bradley , D.K. Airphonic music Coupleu~. E. & Givelet, A. Acoustiqueorgue electriq,ue , ~ote de MM. Coupleux et Givelet presentee par M. Ferriee. Cqupleux , E. & Givelet, A. L'orgue electroniQue Dunsheath, J. All musical instruments in one. Givelet , A. Electronic organs Goldsmith, A.N. The Music ot the electron. ; Jullien. Application du couf~t electrique, des oscillations r&dioelec~riques et des phe~omenes photo electriques a la realisation des instruments de musiQue. Photo- organ produces any tone one desires. The R.C.A. Theremin
National dea Arta et Metiers 1929, pp. 141 - 189 (Paris)
Sackbut. Feb. 1930. Comptes Rendu~ de l'Academie des Sciences. Seance du 6e Octobre 1930, Vol. 191, pace 557 ; Rev. Gen. de l ' electr. Vol. 28 Dec. 1930, pp.895-900 (Paris) Projectioq Engineering. Aug.1930. (New York) Revue Generale de l'Electricite Dec. 6, 1930. (Paris) Electronics. Vol. 1, Sept. , 19~0. (New l'ork) La Vie Tech. et Indust. Jan. and Feb. 1930. pp. 1011-1016, 1093-1097. (Parh) Dun's International Review. July 1930. (New York) Radio Broadcast. Feb. 1930 (New York) tireless World, 16 July, 1930.
Raven- Hart , R. · Martenot musical oscillator. Raven - Hart, R. Neon musical oscillator Wireless World. 10 Dec. · 1930. Saraga , w. [A new electronic instrument] Funktechnische Monatshette. Oct, 1930 (Berlin) Funk : Wochenschritt des Schultze. [Electrical Music] Fµnkwesens. 27 June , 1930. Journal ot the Acoustical Soc. Seashore, C.E. Some new instruments in ot America, July 19SO. (New the Iowa laboratory tor the psychology York) ot music. Funk : lochenschritt des Trautwein, FJ [Electro- musical Funkwesens. 13 June, 1930 (Berlin) instruments La Nature. July 15 , 1930. Weiss , ~· Un Appareil de musique (Paris) photoe lectriQue
1930 (cont.)
\'i'e~ ss, -f.· p1ano j
I The Spielman photoelectric
E. Nouv,eauxinstruments de mus ique radioe lectriqu~. Wolf, s. K. Artificially controlled reverberation ~eiss,
1931 Dumas, ~· Les instruments de musique radio- electriques ; les appareils Theremin et Martenot Free , E.E. The Electrical future of music. Das Hellertion , ein neues elektrisches Musikinstrument Lyon , Eric R. Electrostatic inductor alternator New all - electric pipeless organ Raven - Hart , R. Electrical • cello. Raven - Hart , R. & Trautwein, F. Recent European developments in electronic musical instruments. Schillinger , J. Electricity; a musical liberator Shower , E.G. & Biddulph , R. Heterodyne oscillator capable of producing notes of pure sinusoidal form at any frequency. Tone Control 1932 Bunting, T.R. Pitch control for an electronic musical instrument Couple11ix . E. & Givelet [ Electronic organJ Culver , Charles A. An Electrostatic alternator
La Nature. No. 2836. 1 July, 1930. pp. 8- 10 (Paris) La Nature. 15 Sept. 1930. (Paris) Journal, Society of Motion Picture Engineers. Apr.1930 , p.390 (Washington)
Genie Civil. (Paris)
Vol. 98.
7 Feb. 1931.
Radio News. July, 1931. (New York) Funk Bastler. 3 July, 1931. (Berlin) Kansas Academy of Science. Vol. 34 1931. pp. 24 - 27. Wireless World. 22 July, 1931. Wireless World. Vol. 28. 27 May, 1931 Electronics. July 1931. pp. 18, 19 and 42. (New York) Modern Music VIII. No.3, 1931. (New York) Journal of the Acoustical Soc. of America 1931 - 32. (New York) Experimental Wireless (now Wireless Engineer). Sept . 1931. Electronics. Sept. 1932. pp. 287w9, (New York). (For correct ions to typographical errors see ibid. Oct . 1932. p.322) , Le Genie Ci v 11 1932. (Par is) Physics (now Journal of Applied Physics) Vol. 2 , June 1932. pp. 448- 56. (U.S.A.)
- 9-
1932 (cont. ) Electrical Musical Instruments at the Radio- Bildfunk- Fernsehen tur Alle. Sept . 1932. (Stuttgart) Berlin Radio Exhibition Electroakustische Musikinstrumente Rundfunk Jahrbuch 1932. (Berlin) und ihre Bauart Eremeef , I. Electronic music System Scient. American. Nov. 1932. of electro - magnets and toothed phonic pp. 308-309 . (New York) wheels developed by I. Eremeef. Givelet , A. The Coupleux -Givelet Genie Civil. Vol. 101. 10 Dec. electronic organ (Summary account) page 592 (Paris) 1932. , , Givel~t , A. L' Orgue electronique,, Genie Civil. Vol. 100. 5 March systeme Coupleux - Qivelet ; de l ' eglise 1932 . (Paris) de Villemomble pres Paris Querrier , L. Historique et principes Industrie Electrique July 10, qes ~ecentes ap~licat~Ollfa de la lampe July 25 , 1932 (Paris) a 3 electrod~s a la,generation de sons musicaux et a la creation de nouveaux instruments de musique. The New Music of electronic oscilElectronics. March 1932. pp. 86lations ; the latest instruments of 87, 114. (New York) Theremin , Ranger and Miessner . Raven - Hart , R. Development of · Nineteenth Century {Now Twentieth electrical music. Century). May 1932. Saxl , Irving J. Music from electrons Radio News. Aug.1932. {New York) stokowski , L. New horizon in music Journal of the Acoustical Soc. of America 1932. {New York) Vierling , O. Elektrische Musik Electrotechnische Zeitschrift. Vol.53. 18 Feb . 1932 {Berlin) Vierling, Oskar . Das Elektrische Zeitschrift , Verein Deutscher Musikinstrument lngenieure. June 25, 1932. July 30 , 1932. (Berlin) 1933
Denton , Clifford E. The Trautonium: a new musical instrument E)ren, D. Music instruments of the future .I Givelet, M.A. L• orgue electronique Coupleux - Givelet Janovsky , W. Elektrische Musik -instrumente , ihre Wirkungweise und Aufgeben
Radio Craft , March 1933 , p.522 (New York) Chesterian. Nov - Dec. 1933
Societe d ' encouragement pour L• Industrie Nationale: Bull. Feb. 1933 (Paris) Elektrotechnische Zeitschift. July 13 , 1933. July 27 , 1933 (Berlin)
-101933 (cont.) La CJoix , J. d,e. La musique par l ' electricite Lemare, E.H. The Photo - e lectric organ Miessner , B.F. Electronic musical instruments of Europe and U.S. Popper , P. Wonders of electrical music. Raven- Hart , R. Keyboard and loud speaker : the Neo - Bechstein electrical piano Raven- Hart , R. The Electronic organ at ' Poste Parisien' . Rosen , H. Synthetic sound Swinburne , J . The Kedol The Trautonium Blake , G. G. Radiometric condensers and inductances . 1934
Chapin , E.K. & Firestone , F. A. Influence of phase on tone quality and 1 oudnes s. Chatel , E. [ Heterodyne wavemeters] Electricity and music The Electronde . r Electronic musical instrument worked off 4. 5 Volt dry battery: for use with radio receiver] Eremeef . WCAV' s photocell organ with wide ~ film pitch and tone - quality sound tracks. Givelet , A. [ The Electronic organ , parti~ larly the Coupleux- Givelet organj Gr e ig , J. Some notes on the stabi lis i ng of high frequ e ncy power amplifiers . Hill iard , J . K. Synthe tic r everb e rat i on .
Technique Moderne. June 1, 1933. {Paris) Musical Opinion , Oct. 1933. Correspondence Nov. Dec. 1933. Electronics. March 1933. pp. 65, 72. (New York) Listener. 20 Sept. 1933 Wireless World. 27 Jan. 1933. Wireless World.
22 Dec. 1933.
Wireless World. 3 Feb. 1933. Musical Opinion. Aug - Sept. 1933 Telefunken Zeitung (now Telefunken Hausmitteilungen) . Aug.1933. Royal Society of Arts Journal, 22 Dec. 1933. Journal of Acoustical Society of America. Vol. 5, Jan. 1934, pp. 173 ~ 80. Onde Electrique. 13 May 1934. (Paris) World Radio. 9 Feb. 1934 Electrician 5 Jan. 1934. Vol. 112 No. 2901 , p. 18. Electronics. May 1934 , p.157 (New York) L' Onde Electrique. April 1934. Vol. 13 , No. 148, pp. 157- 171 (Paris) Journal , Institution of Electrical Engineers. Vol. 76 , 1935. Communications. (New York)
Aug.1934. p. 62
- 11 -
1934 (c ont.) Koc k, W. E. Der induktive Glimment l a dungs os zil)ator und seine Anwendungsmoglichkeiten Kot owski , P. & Germann , w. Das Tr a uton i um. .. (single tone e l ec tronic instrument) Sammis, F. M. The Polytone Si lbar , R. G. Electronic music from v !brat ing r e eds... (electronic pi ano) Stabilising Frequency
Zeitschrlft tur Tecbnisohe Pbysik. No. 15. 1934. (LeiPZil) Elektrische Nacbricbten- Technik. Vol 11 No. 11 , Nov. 1934. (Berlin) Radio- Craft. Ma.y 1934. (New York) Electronics. Vol . 7 No.7 , July 1934. (New York) Ex per !mental Wireless.
(now Wireless Engineer) Nov. 1934. The inhaus , Erich. Die MechanischAtlantis - Buch der Musik. 1934. e l ek trischen Musikverhaften (Berlin) Toulon , P. [ rhe Application of Revue Generale de l'Electricite photoelectric cells to the synthjis Vol. 35, No. 10. 10 March, 1934. r f sounds in musical instruments pp. 297· 8. ,_Pho toe lectr ic organ or Cel lulophone Toulon , P. [ The Cellulophone ] Revue d' Acoustique. Ma.y- July, Nov. 1934 (Paris) Vierling , O. Die Elektroakustische Zeitshrift, Verein Deutscher In1eniOrgel. eure. Vol.78, No.42. 20 Oct. 1934 (Berlin) Oura , H. L. & Electrical and Musical Experimental Wireless (Now Wireless Industries Ltd. Regulating tone. Engineer) . Oct. 1934. Leonhardt , R.W . P. Electrical Electrical Review. March 9, 1934. musical instruments. Method for minimising the tendency General Radio Experimenter . f or two oscillators to pull into Cambridge (Mass.) April, 1934. step as zero beat is approached. Miess ne r , B. F. The application of Proceedings, Radio Club of America. e l ec tronics to the piano. Jan. 1934. Music e lec trically produced. Musical Opinion. Dec. 1934. New mus ic of electrons •• • electronic Electronics. Vol.7, No.2, Feb. 1934. (New York) vi ol i n ... vlola ••. gultar and ·Po llyt one · organ . . . illus.
193 5 [Compton] e l ec tronic organs El ect r ica l music Elect r ica l or gan tones : (Bourn ' s Electrostatic Or gan)
Choir. Dec. 1935. World Radio . Feb. 15 , 1935, p.15 Wireless World. 24 May , 1935.
- 121935 (cont.) The [ Hammond ] electronic organ Hammond electric organ makes debut In tune with the times : Hammond organ. Kaufmann , Samuel. Music from whirling discs . Kock , Winston E. Generating sine waves with a gas discharge tube. Kurtz, E.B . & Larsen, M. J . An Electrostatic audio generator Miessner , B.F. The Design conside rations for a simple and versatile electronic music instrument. Moullin , E. B. & Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co . Constant - frequency generators. New Electronic organ based on alternator principle . The Orgatron stokowski , L. New vistas in music Toulon , P. An apparatus for the synthesis of sounds by photo ~ electric cell : Cellulophone organ TS!lllon, P. The Cellulophone LPhotocell organ : the synthjis of undamped and damped sounds WCAU' s Photona organ 1936
Blake , G.G. Electrically produced music (heterodyne method) Blake , G.G. Electr ically produced music , (the Ethonium) Kassel , Edward. Electronic music fundamentals Mi ess ner , B. F. El ec troni c music and instrument s . [ survey ]
Musical Opinion. Sept. 1935. Diapason. 1 May , 1935 : (Chicago) f.1odern Plastics. May 1935. ( New York ) Radio News. July 1935.
(New York )
Electronics. March 1935. (New York) Electrical Engineering. Sept. 1935. (New York) Journal. Acoustical Society of America. Vol . 6, No.3 , pp. 181 - 7. Jan. 1935 (U.S.A.) Wireless Engineer. Mar. 1935. Electronics. May 1935. (New York) Music Trades Rev. Aug. 1935. (New York) Atlantic Monthly. Jan. 1935. (U.S.A.) L' Onde Electrique. Vol.14, No . 165 Sept . 1935 , pp . 555 ~ 568 (Paris) L' Onde Electrique. Vol. 14 , No. 168. Dec. 1935, pp. 821 - 33. (Paris) Electronics. April 1935. (New York) Royal Society of Arts Journal. Vol . 84 . 1 May , 1936. pp. 630- 650 Nature. Vol. 137. 4 April . 1936. Rad 10 .. craft . April , May , June , July , Aug • • Sept. , Oct ., Nov. 1936 (New Yor k) Proceedings , Institute of Radio Engineering. Vol. 24 , No. 11 , pp. 1427 - 1463. (New York)
1936 (cont.) Miessner. ment~.
etc . .J
Electronic music instru[1st year•s sales results
R&dio Engineering. May 1936. Vol.16, No.5 ,p. 19. (New York)
generators make millions of tones Raven - Hart, R. Electronic music Raven - Hart , R. Recent developments in electrical music . Vierlin~. o. Das Foerster-Elektrochord Lelectronic grand piano] ~iniature
Electrical West. Vol.7 . No.1, July 1936 . (San Francisco) Discovery. July 1936. Nineteenth Century (now Twentieth Century), Aug. 1936. Zeitschrift. Verein Deutscher Ingenieure. Vol. 80, No.35, 29 Aug. 1936, pp. 1069- 74. (Berlin) Whitlock, Percy. Organ of the future? Musical Times. Nov. 1936. (The Hammond electronic organ) 1937
Aschoff, W. Electro - acoustic musical Naturwissenschaften. 10 Sept. 1937. instruments. (Berlin) Baggalby, W. The Hammond Organ : a Wireless World. 13 Aug. 1937. new electro- acoustical musical instrument. Proceedings , American Musicological Barbour , J . M. Music and electricity Soc. 1937 (New York) Choveaux , Nicholas. Headlights on Musical Opinion. April 1937. the Hammond electric organ. ' Electronic music Electrician. 18 Dec. 1936. 15 Jan. 1937. Galpin , F. W. The Music of electricity Proceedings, Musical Association 1937- 8. Goldsmith , Alfred N. Electricity Modern Music 1937. (New York) becomes music. Hammond electric organ Nature . Vol. 139. 19 June 1937. Huth, A. Radio - electric instruments Monthly Musical Record. March 1937. Jarvis , C.M. Hammond all - electric Electrical Review. 13 Aug. 1937 organ. Proceedin1s , Music Teachers• NatioMiessner, B.F. The electronic piano nal Association 1937. (U.S. A.) Miess ner , B.F. Electronic piano IUectronics . Vol. 10, No.11 Nov. 1937. (New York) produced commercially Punktechnische Monatshefte. Dec. [ New paths in electrical music] 1937. (Berlin ?)
- 14193 7 (cont . )
Staples, H.J . The Hammond organ Swing music f rom cathode rays ; patent issued to M. Davis Two electronic musical instruments from Germany ; He l lertion and Trautonium. Vierling, O. Praktischer Einsatz der Elektrischen Orgel auf des Dietr ich-Eckart-Buehne... (electric organ) . Walker, R.H. An Elect rophonic exploration . Westerby , Herbert . Electronic organs
Choir. June 1937. Electronics. Jan. 1937 .
Begun, s. & Wolf , S.K. Synthetic reverberation. Davis , P. Electricity makes family organ hum ; Hammond organ. E~ectronic musical instruments. LRecent development including violin and guitar·] Floyd , W.F. The Hammond organ : a report . Galpin, F.W. The Music of electricity.
Communications. Vol. 18. No. 8. August 1938, p. 8. (New York) Nations Business. Feb. 1938. (Washington) Communications. Vol. 18. No. 2. Feb. 1938. (New York).
(New York)
El ectronics. Vol. 10, No. 1 L Nov. 1 937. ( New York). Elektronische Zeitung. No. 4. 28 Jan . 1937 . (Berlin ? ) Musical Opinion.
Vol. 58, p. 90- 1.
Dec. 1937.
Musical Times . Feb. 1937. Apr. 1937.
Goldsmith , A.N. Electricity becomes music. How to make a 3 octave electronic organ for $ 20. Lloyd , L. S. Church and organ music ; electronic organs & the phonodeik. New system of telecommunications uses tone generator from the Hammond electric organ. Strong , J . New Principle of electro ~ nic music ; the Electropiano. ~alker , R.H. An Electrophonic explo ration.
Music Teacher.
April 1938.
Proceedings of Musical ·Association , (Now Royal Musical Association). Vol. 64, 1938. Modern Music. Vol. XV. No. 1. 1 938. (New York). Radio - Craft. Sept. 1938. p. 143 (New York). Musical Times. Sept. 1938. pp.
682 - 5.
Science. 15 July , 1938. (Mass.)
Radio News. March 1938. (New York) . Musical Opinion. Jan. April , May 1938.
- 15· 1938 (cont. ) Whit loc k, Percy. The pipelese organ \i' illiamson , C. The frequency ratios of the tempered scale.
Musical Times. July 1938. Journal. Acoustical Society o! America. Oct. 1938. p.135 (New York)
193 9 Blazi ng new trails for music; L. Hammond invented electric organ and Novachord. Dostal , F. Electronic church chimes El ect ronic ;-usic El ect ronic nu!:' ic El ect ronic musical instruments Fishe r , S.T. Electrical production of musical tones. Goldmark , P.C. & Hendrick, P.s. Synthetic reverberation. Hammond, L.
The Novachord
Jeans , Sir James. Electrical Music Uer rill , F.D . Jr . Novachord ••. (a new Hammond instrument) . Me rrill , F. D. Practical design for an electronic piano. New music of electrons Novachord, a new musical instrument Novachord , a new electrical musical instrument Polk H. S. Contactless volume control for elect ric organs. Stauffer , L. H. Eltperimental elec ~ tronic violin. Storytone: developed by R. C.A. engineers in collaboration with Story & Clark Piano Company.
Pop. Mech. Aug. 1939 (New York ). Electronics. Aug. 1939 (New York) Electrician. Mar. 10- 17 , 1939. Electrician. 29 Sept. 1939. Musical Opinion. April 1939. Society of Motion Picture Engineers Journal. Vol. 32. March 1939. pp. 280- 97. (Washington). Proceedings, Institute of Radio Engineering. Dec. 1939. p. 741 (New York). Science. 10 Feb. 1939. suppl. p.6 (Cambridge, Mass.) Electrician. 3 March, 1939. Electronics. Vol. 12 No. 11. Nov. 1939, pp. 16· 19, 92-3. (New York) Electronics. Vol. 12 No. 5. Ma,y 1939. (New York) Electronics. Vol. 12. No. 2. Feb. 1939. (New York) . Scientific American. April 1939. (New York) Science. 10 Feb. 1939. (Washington) Electronics. Vol. 12, No.9 Sept. 1939. (New York) Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 10 No. 2. Feb.1939. p. 96- 100. (U.S. A.) Scientific American. Nov. 1939. (New York).
-161939 (cont .) sucner. Electronics: for and against Taylor , G.S. Electone : an electro nic piano. Trautwein , F. [Approximate calculations of tempered scales and their applications to jotating - generator electric organs. Williamson , C. A design for a key board instrument .
Musical Opinion. 1939. Electronics. Vol. 12. No. 1. Jan. 1939 . (New York). Akustische Zeitschrift. July 1939 . p. 261. (Leipzig). Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Oct. 1939. (New York ).
1940 Bode , H. Bekannte und neue Klange durch elektrische Musikinstrumente.
Daniel , N. I . Elect r onic music Hammond , L. Artificial reverberation for electronic organ music. The Novachord , a miracle in music Gilbert , J . C. G. Development in electronic musical instruments Givelet , A.J. Instruments de musique electronique et evolution de l ' orgue sans tuyaux . Hammond , L. The Solovox Hughes , L. E. C. Electronic music (Survey of commercially obtainable instrUJ1ents ). Kent , E.L. New electronic musical instrwnent. Merrill , F. D. Jr . Design for electronic reed organ. Richardson , E.G. The Production and analysis of tone by electrical means Winch , G.T. & Midgley , A.M. Electronic musical instrument s and develo PDent of pipe less organ.
Funktechnische Monatshefte No. 5. May 1940 . (Berlin). Ass. Suisse des Electriciens , Bull . Vol. 33. No. 17. 26 Aug. 1942. (Zurich). Communications . July 1940. (New York) Electronics . Vol . 13. No . 3 . March 1940. (New York) . Science and Discovery . 1940. (U. S.A.) Musical Opinion . Oct. 1940. Societe Francaise des Electriciens Bulletin. vol. 10. No. 115. July to Dec . 1940 . p. 447-61. (Par is). Science. 4 Oct . 1940 . suppl. p.12. (Washington). Nature . 3 Feb.1940. Journal Acoustical Society of America. Vol . 11 , No.a. Jan. 1940. p . 352- 6. (New York) . Electronics . Vol. 13, No. 4 , Apr 11 1940. pp. 42 - 5 , 97 ~ 8. (New York). Proceedings , Musical Assen. (now Royal Musical Assen . ) Vol . 66. 1939- 40. Journal , Institute of Electrical Engineers . Vol . 86, No. 522. p. 51747 . June 1940.
- 171940 (cont. ) •inch , G. T. & Midgley, A. M. Electro· nic musica l ins truments and the development of the pipeless organ .
Elec trician. 5 Jan.1940. Vol . 124 p. 9.
1941 gphraim, B. Electronic vibrato control for amplifiers . Kransz , P.A. Electronic musical instruments (including the Eremeef organ). Jupe , J . H. Types and characteristics of electronic musical instruments. Merrill , F.D. Jr.
Pepinsky, A. Trends in acceptable tone quality as evidenced in modern musical instruments . Stokley, J . New electrical musical instrument invented by R.W. Bumstead Symphony at home : Solovox , instrument designed to be used as adjunct to piano employs moulded plastics. Vellard, L. Electronic musical instruments and the progress of the pipeless organ. Wilson , W. Electrical Music
1942 Bode , H. rKnown and novel sounds from electrical musical instruments
Fisher , S.T. An Engineer looks at music. R>rter , B.H. Non ~ metal shields; colloidal graphite films . Wright . G. M. 'Sonovox • sound effects . with electro - acoustic •vocal cords ' •• demonstrated in 'The Reluctant dragon•.
Electronics. Vol.14. No.2. Feb.1941. (New York). Proceedings , Institute of Radio Engineers . Vol.29 . No. 9. Sept.1941 p.526 . Summary only. (New York). Electronics and Television and S.W. World. (now Electronic Engineering) Jan.1941. Electronics. Vol.14. No.3. March 1941. p. 30- 2. (New York). Acoustical Society of America Journal . Vol.12. No . 3. Jan.1941 . p. 403 · 4. (New York) . Science 93. Supp. IO. 16 May 1941. cwashington) . Modern Plastics . Feb.1941. (New York). Revue G~n~rale de l'Electricit~ Apr 11 1941. (Par is). Junior Institute Engineers Journal. Vol . 51, part 6. March 1941. pp. 142 ~ 157. Bulletin. Association Suisse des Electriciens. Vol . 33, No.17. 26th Aug. 1942. (Zurich). Journal , Engineering Institute of Canada. Oct.1942. (Montreal). Electronics. April 1942. (New York). Wireless World . Vol. 48. No.1. Jan. 1942.
1943 Aldous
D. \V.
Synthetic Reverberation
Electronic Engineering. Aug. 1943.
1944 Fisher S. T. Argument for electronic music . bibliog. Lewer , S.K. Audio - frequency generator. Lewer , s. K. Experiments with electronic organs . Lewer , S. K. Future of electronic music. Lewer , S.K. Problems in electric organ design. What is synthet ic sound ?
Electronics. Vol.17. No. 5. May 1944 . (Discussion Dec. 1944) (New York). Wireless World. Jan.1944 Electronics . Vol . 17. No.12. Dec. 1944 . (New York). Electronic Engineering. Vol.17. Nos . 196 , 198. June , August 1944. pp. 32 ~ 4. 124 - 6. Electronic Engineering. Vol.17. No. 199. Sept. 1944. pp. 149 ~ 52 , 161. Wireless World. March 1944.
1945 (Chicago) .
Goodsell , W. G. Electronic composiQ tion of music. Piano of the future : dynotone , combining electronic piano with radio and phonograph reproduction. Saraga , W. Electronic musical instruments.
Radio News . July 1945.
Campbell , R. E. & Greenlee , L. E. Photo-e lectric organ Greenlee , L. E. Photoelectric tone generator : patterns rotated through light beams generate fundamental and nine harmonics. Lowery , H. Electronics and the future of organ building. A novel solo auxiliary. The Hammond solovox . Wente . E. C. , Lovell , C. A. & Muller J.F A hundred element tone synthesiser
Radio News . Vol . 35. Nos . 6, 7 . June , July 1946. (Chicago). Sept . Electronics ~ Vol . 19. No . 9. 1946 . pp . 93 - 5. (New York) .
Radio News .
March 1945. (Chica.go)
Electronic Engineering. Vol.17. No . 209. July 1945. pp . 601- 3.
Musical Times .
July 1946.
The Ideal Kinema.
December 5 , 1946.
Journal 9 Acoustical Society America. July 1946. (New York) .
- 191947 Blake , F. C. El ectronic musical Practical Wireless . July , Aug . Sept. Oct. 1947. in s trume nt s Cas t e ll an, J ean. Les Grands argues Science et Vi e . Mar.1 947 . pp. J 15 126. (Paris). et l ' e l ec tricit o Conroy , Harold. Simple elect ronic Radio - Craft. Jan.1947 . (New York ) . or gan. Organ. April 1947. Douglas , A. Electronic musical instruments ; some s ugges tions. Journal , Acoustical Society of Miessner , B.F. Electronic musical instruments. Ameri ca, July 1946. (New York). Stolzenberger , E. Bibliography of Broadcast Engineers Journal. Mar ch el ect rica l and electronic musical 1947. (New York) . instruments. Wells , Winston. Elec tronic Organs Audio Engineering. Aug. and Sept. Parts 1 ~ 2. 1947. (New York ). 1948 Bells without bells : St r omberg Carlson buys Liberty Carillons . Douglas , A. Consonata new musical instrument. Douglas , A. Electrophonic music. Douglas, A. Electronic music . Greenlee , E. Electron music with the Fototone . Long, T. H. Electronic organ. 0
Miller, P. M. Solovox piano attachment. Parmenter , R. L. String music pi ck ~ up.
Wells , w. Design of electronic organs : Part 3. Wells, w. Design of e lectronic organs; Part 4 .
Business , June 1948. (U.S. A.). Electronic Engineer , Vol . 20 No . 249. November 1948. Froc Royal Musical Association. vol . 75. 1948. Musical Opinion . May - Nov . 1948. Radio - Craft . Aug. 1948. p.30. (New York) . Electronics . Vol. 21. No. 5. May 1948. (New York) . Radio and Television News . Dec . 1948. (Chicago). Radio uCraft . March 1948. p. 26. (New York) . Audio Engineering. Vol . 32. No. 4 April 1948. (Pittsfield , Mass.) Audio Engineering . Vol . 32. No.9. September 1948. (Pittsfield , Mass .)
1949 Building an e lect ronic organ . (Series of seven articles). Converts piano to organ
Mec hanics Ju ly 2D - Sept. 9, H:Me . Electronics . Aug. 1949.
(New York) .
20 1 949 (cont.) Douglas Al a n. The Hammond spinet. a new mus i cal inst rument. Dur gin , C. Boston hear s Ondes Mart enot. Goodel l J . D. & Swedr en E. Design of a pipeless or gan . Douglas , A. The Hammond Spi net . Ondes Martenot Sc hult z. E. J . Simple el ectr onic musical inst r uments ; t he Ther e min Watson . R. B. Composer ' s music box . electro ~ acoustic tone generator .
Electronic Engineering. Deceabcr 1949. \!us ica l Acer ica. Dece ber HH~ . (New York). Electronics. Vol.2~ , o.s. Au~u~t 1949. (New York). El ectron ic Engineering. Dec. 1949. pp . 461 3. Newswee k . Nov. 1949. (New York) Rad Jo and Television News. October 1949. (Ch icago). Journal Ac ous tic a l Society of America. Vol. 21. No. 3 . ita,y 194 9. (New York).
1950 Boltz , C. L. The Elect r ophonic organ Di s c over y . June 1950. PP 190· 4. Douglas . A, The Baldwi n electronic Electronic Engineering . Dec. 1950. organ pp . 507 ~ 11 Douglas , Alan . A stroboscopic tuner Electronic Engineering. Ma,y 1950. for musical instruments . Electronic Engineering . Dec . 1950 . Douglas , A. The Solovox. An Electronic musical oscillator . Mechanics Dec.15, 1950 . p . 154. Radio and Television News . August Kirk, J . Electronic musical novelty. 1950. (Chicago) . Vuillermoz , E. Odd concerto : for Christian Sc . Monitor (Magazine Ondes Martenot and orchestra. Section) . Mar . 11 , 1950 . Illus .
1951 Electronic Musical Instruments . I. Electro-- magnetic tone .,wheels Martin , Constant . Recent progress of electronic music . Meacham, L. A. Electronic music for four : novel wobble organ . Strassner , Robert M. Gas ·diode e 1ec tron jc or gan i llus . Douglas , A. The Compton Electrone
Mechanics . Mar . 16 , 1951 . Organ .
April 1951 .
Electronics. 2 February , 1951 . (New York) . Electronics . Vol.23. No. 1. (New York) . 4 Januar y 1951. Elect r onic Engineering . June 1951 .
Five octave electronic organ Mechanics. May 16 , 1952. PP.66 - 67 Meacham, L.A. Tomorrow 's electronic Popular Mechanics. Jan.1952. barbershop quartet. pp. 237 - 40. (Chicago).
This is a partial list only. United States and British Patents extend only to 1940 1 wi th a few late r i tems u German Patents are listed only to 1930 , and French to 1928 , with many omissions o BRITISH 8725/1897 10363/1888 100358 153300 244133 254437 271259 286768 315286 332272 334376 342952 344373 347082 353918 359125 359967 364415 365309 365883 369837 369838 370475 371641 371642 374013
Cahill L. de Forest Waltz & Meuser Theremin Matthews Zouchermann Brackensey Spielman Midgley J, Compton Coupleux & Give let N. V. Phi 11 ps Lertes & Helberger Langer & Halmagyi Matthews Coupleux & Givelet Driescher Hitchcock Coupleux & Givelet Lertes & Helberger Lertes & Helberger Ranger Carlson Young Driescher
378068 378069 378070 379151 380470 380781 381210 381676 387376 388036 388733 390574 390623 390768 391029 393821 393822 401241 401537 401733 403204 403365 403444 404524 405278 408645
Coupleux & Give let ·coupleux & Givelet Coupleux & Give let Rouzet Trautwein Midgley Mac Cullum Konemann Winch Bourn Prisner Luedtke Hardy & Goldthwaite Hal11agyi & Langer Coupleux & Givelet Coupleux & Givelet Coupleux & Givelet Compton Palmgren Bour n Halmagyi & Langer Trautwein Bourn Leithauser et . al Vier ling A. E.G.
· 23 408998 409647 409684 409751 410119 410238 410451 410910 411217 412279 414352 415716 416998 418898 421662 422735 430874 432960 433050 433380 434421 435529 436207 438681 440199 442379 446352 447627 448193 449302 451798 453846 454502 454720
Vierling Puget Vierling Robb E. M. I. Ltd. Coupleux Coupleux
454783 455324
A. E.G.
Vierling Vierling Marconi's Wireless T. Co. Midgley Jacobs Hobson Nernst Coupleux & Givelet Hobson Bourn Bourn Bourn or Midgley Bechstein Forster Winch Mac!adyen Lewer Bourn Bourn Bourn Hobson Heschke Bourn Hammond Midgley J
459439 464863 474838 477653 478142 482284 487220 489170 489179 489695 491267 493320 494165 494768 494759 495271 498128 498130 499330 499370 499771 501339 501397 501520 501685 501733 503598 505763 507478 512943 520137 52705,8
Midgley L . M. T. Bourn Midgley Pontencier Kock
Werndl Midgley Midgley Macfadyen Macfadyen Midgley Midgley Midgley Hammond Bourn ·sourn Scott Midgley Midgley Midgley Hammond Midgley Bourn Bourn Midgley Davis Bourn Ropobl Taylor Frohman & T~lor Biggs Midgley Wurlitzer
\ •
- 24 527080 529304 539752 541911 543228 643846 653340 657292
Baldwin Piano Co. Wurlitzer Baldwin Piano Co. Hammond Hammond Constant Martin Constant Martin Constant Martin UNITED STATES
20831 Hammond (Re- issue) 21137 Hammond (Re- issue) 580035 Cahill 973391 Severy 1107261 Cahill 1137544 Severy & Sinclair 1190332 Severy Cahill 1213803 Cahill 1213804 Severy 1218324 Cahill 1295691 van der Bijl 1309764 Miller 1376288 Hammond 1510476 L. de Forest 1543990 Bone 1580112 There min 1661058 w. Harden 1677632 Potter (Amer . Tel. Co.) 1678872 1707115 1778374 1809503
Dierdorf Spielmann Bethenod
1819820 1832402 1847119 1865428 1886687 1893250 1899884 1901895 1901896 '1905996 1906607 1911309 1912293 1914173 1915858 1915859 1915860 1915861 1924713 1929027 1929028 1929029 1929030 1929031 1929032 1933294 1933295 1933296 1933297 1933298 1933299 1935215 1937389
E.L. Kent N. Langer Lertes & Helberger Bethe nod Jacobs (Miessner Inv. Inc.) Severy Severy Ranger Ranger Coupleux & Givelet Jacobs Coupleux & Givelet Miessner Severy Miessner Miessner & Jacobs Miessner & Jacobs Jacobs Eremeeff Miessner Miessner Miessner Miessner Miessner Miessner & Jacobs Jacobs Miessner Jacobs Miessner Miessner Vierling Severy Langer
- 25v 'r
1941870 1947020 1948169 1953753 1956350 1957392 1958866 1961159 1963668 1967238 1967239 1977832 1979633 1980911 1980912 1990023 1990024 1991522 1992316 1992317 1992438 1993890 1995316 1995317 2001391 2001392 2001708 2007302 2014741 2015014 2017542 2018924 2020557
Severy Ranger Eremeeff Firestone Hammond Coupleux & Givelet Severy Miessner Miessner & Jacobs Goldthwaite - Hardy Goldthwaite-Hardy Miessner Miessner Coupleux & Givelet Coupleux & Givelet Eremeeff Eremeeff Ranger Loar Loar Miessner Langer Loar Loar Miessner Miessner Curtis Miessner Les ti Hoschke Langer Ranger Loar
Curtiss Vierling (Miessner Ind. Inc.) Miessner
Eremeeff Eremeef f Eremeeff Miessner Langer Ranger Langer Ranger Langer Langer Baldwin Davies Fisher Hammond Goldsmith Hammond Hammond Hammond Baldwin ... Williams Baldwin Hammond Hammond Smiley Hammond Hammond Baldwin George George
2026342 2027073
2031764 2033232 2033440 2035238 2035836 2039651 2039659 2040439 2044360 2046463 2053268 2055714 2099204 2105318 2117002 2126464 2126682 2139023 2142580 2148478 2159505 2161706 2173888 2176525 2184424 2185635 2203432 2203569
~ 26 ~
2211205 2211540 2211888 2214764 2215124 2216513 2219539 2221097 2221188 2221814 2230429 2233258 2233948 2224729 2225299 2227068 2229755 2230836 2234490 2234728 2241027 2241363 2243337 2243728 2245338 2245354 2250065 2250258 2251051 2251-052 2252184 2252708 22537~2
Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Baldwin Firestone Riechers Koehl Hammond & lleinema Reid Baldwin Hammond Baldwin Hammond Demuth Curtis Manatt Hammond Gilbert Langer Bumstead Hammond Hammond Zuck Hammond Mo oz Koehl Firestone Hammond Hammond Langer Doud en Hammond & Stevens
2254284 2254366 2258241 2258990 2260412 2262179 2262494 2266030 2273768 2274199 2276389 2276390 2281493 2281495 2285132 2287105 2292757 2293499 2294178 2295524 2296125 2297829 2300609 2294861 2301869 2301870 2301871 2302457 2305575 2310429 2314496 2318144 2318935
Hanert Hammond Demuth Lundie Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Fisher Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond ·Weathers et. al. Kannenberg Hathaway Fisher J Han-art Hanert Traub Hammond Zuck Fuller Hammond Hancock Hanert Midgley Koehl Hanert Hammond Darke Fisher
- 27-
:318936 t319087 :323231 :323232 t323242 :323282 t323392 1327720 133'2 076 1340001 !340002 •142333 ,571 91 ·:--05 56 6 J~S 56 7 ;~5,568
376493 182413 383553 ,3 92184 :4 03664 "?, 9226
432152 :478867 :480131 :4 80132 t4 95581 :4 98367 ·199244 500820 500821 :501172 1506451
Fisher Riens tra Mer r ill Mi ess ner Rienstr a Kock Hammond & Geor ge Koehl Hammond & Hanert McKellip McKel lip & Ford Hanert Hammond Langer Langer Langer Land & Grabau Hanert Johnston Phillips Langer Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond
2508514 2509923 2514490 2540727 2541 0 51 2543628 2543629 2560568 2562908 2565512 2577752 2577753 2580424 2583566
Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond
GERMAN 33507 618301 626179 645397 679520 694184 732197 736107 74722 115631 181151 183948 184101 190001 247838
Lorenz o. Vierling o. Vierling o. Vierling o. Vierling o. Vierli ng o. Vierling o. Vi er ling PoE. Singer Cahill Cahill Cahill Cahill Cahi l l K. Ochs
- 28259876 354046 357466 391521 422794 443535 469775 530257 533999 536597 536855 539611 544748
Eisemann K. Fiala Hoffmann E. Hugoniot o. Fischer R. Michel Trautweln Driescher H. Driescher A. Schmalz J. Mager J. Mager J . Mager
658686 659864 664305 664358 666807 672968 673375 851589 866254
FRENCH 22866 22867 22868 265721 338982 343221 481526 509695 541656 550370 559855 605132 695373 612433 612433 617296 646473
E. Hugoniot
E. Hugoniot E. Hugoniot Cahill Cahill ·Cahill L. de Forest E. Hugoniot E. Hugoniot E. Hugoniot E. Hugoniot A. Douilhet Givelet Goldberg & Sohne L. Theremin Convers & Zouckermann Societe des Recherches et dea Perfectionnements Industriels
J. Jeuneu & M. Alonso P. Toulon R. Bertrand J. Bethe nod E. Marte not R. Pechardre R. Kapp Baldwin Piano Co. Baldwin Piano Co.
Electronic musical instruments •••
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