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Your (Engfish Listening Lessons Учебно-методическое пособие для развития навыков аудирования. (часть 1) Под редакцией проф. И.А.Горшеневой
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Учебно-методическое пособие для развития навыков аудирования «Your English Listening Lessons» предназначено для проведения аудиторных и факультативных занятий по английскому языку с курантами 1-го и 2-го курсов В данное пособие включены 12 аудиозаписей, начитанных носителями английского языка, по теме «Работа полиции в Великобритании и США». Процесс овладения навыками аудирования является одним из основных и самых сложных при изучении иностранного языка. Следует также учитывать, что аудирование всегда сопряжено с психологическим напряжением. Исходя из отмеченных особенностей, каждая аудиозапись, включенная в данное пособие, сопровождается заданиями, позволяющими настроить обучающегося на восприятие иностранной речи. Весь комплекс заданий дополнен упражнениями на развитие навыков слухового восприятия и понимания прослушанной информации на иностранном языке, а также заданиями продуктивного характера (реферирование и оценка прослушанной аудиозаписи, постановка и обсуждение проблемных вопросов). Аудиозаписи, содержащиеся в пособии, расположены с учетом нарастания трудностей и увеличения объема звучания. Данное пособие также может быть использовано в ходе самостоятельной работы курсантов, поскольку настоящее пособие снабжено скриптами аудиозаписей. Пособие рассчитано на 12-14 часов аудиторных занятий.
Unit 1.
Track 1, Track 2, Track 3. Задание 1. Соедините части А и В, чтобы получить словосочетания. A catch illegal patrol to be to be to be to spend traffic Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4.
В a lot of time divorced drug smugglers immigrants in caviar in the desert married single
Desert - пустыня; Smuggler - контрабандист; Caviar - икра; Poaching - браконьерство.
Задание 2. Прослушайте тексты 1, 2 и 3 и скажите, соответствуют ли эти высказывания содержанию текстов. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Saladin Yaseen works for the desert police. Ed Garcia is divorced. Igor Asimov’s rank is Captain. Igor Asimov works for the transport police. Ed Garcia deals with a lot of illegal immigrants. Major Igor Asimov deals with crimes related to poaching and smuggling. Ed Garcia hopes for a promotion to Senior Patrol Officer soon.
Задание 3 . Заполните пропуски в тексте, затем прослушайте текст 2 и проверьте правильность выполненного задания. Igor Asimov is 34 . Не is (1 )____________ and has one daughter. He lives and works in Saratov in Southern Russia. He works for a division of the (2)_______ and patrols the Volga River. His rank is (3) _____________.
Asimov deals with crimes related to (4) ___________ catches drug smugglers andpeople who trafficin caviar. 1. 2. 3. 4.
A. divorced A. Border Police A. Major A. illegal immigration
B. B. B. B.
single Desert Police Captain poaching
and smuggling. He
C. C. C. C.
married Transport Police Patrol officer promotion
Задание 4. Соедините части А и В, чтобы получить предложения. А Saladin Yaseen
Igor Asimov
Ed Garcia
В is divorced works for the transport police. is patrol officer. has two children. deals with crimes related to poaching and smuggling. hopes for a promotion. is single. deals with a lot of illegal immigrants. spends a lot of time on patrol in the desert. works for US Border Patrol.
Задание 5. Составьте несколько предложений о своей будущей работе, используя следующие словосочетания: Work for ... Deal with... Spend a lot of time on ... Hope for a promotion... Unit 2.
Track 06. Задание 1. Соедините слова (А) с их определениями (В).
А 1. constable
2. accident
3. vehicle
4. emergency
5. post mortem
В 1. a peace officer with limited policing authority, typically in a small town; 2. a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action; 3. an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury; 4. a medical examination of a dead person's body in order to find out how they died; 5. a thing used for transporting people or goods, esp. on land, such as a car, truck, or cart;
Задание 2. Прослушайте текст и расшифруйте сокращения, которые Вам знакомы. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Задание 3. Прослушайте текст еще раз и расшифруйте все аббревиатуры. Unit 3.
Track 11. Задание 1. Прослушайте и запишите числительные.
Задание 2. Прослушайте еще раз и проверьте, правильно ли Вы записали числительные. Unit 4.
Track 13. Задание 1. Соедините части А и В по смыслу. А 1. be 2. carry 3. put on 4. to protect 5. to save
В 1. on duty 2. one’s life 3. somebody 4. one’s uniform 5. one’s kit
Notes: 1. kit - набор, комплект; 2. shift - смена; 3. bullet-proof vest - пуленепробиваемый жилет; 4. handcuffs - наручники; 5. taser - специальное оружие, используемое полицией. Внешне напоминает электрический фонарик. С расстояния в 5 м в тело преследуемого выпускаются две небольшие стрелки с зарядом в 15 тыс. вольт, которые временно парализуют преступника, не вызывая отдаленных последствий; 6. baton - полицейская дубинка; 7. pepper spray - газовый баллончик.
Задание 2. Прослушайте текст и выберите то снаряжение, которое полицейский берет с собой на смену. A bullet-proof vest, a metal detector, a helmet, handcuffs, a gun, a taser, a pepper spray, a light for life, a baton, a radio, a holster, uniform boots, a knife, an alcohol and drug testing. Задание 3. Расположите слова в предложениях в нужном порядке. 1. Start / shift / my / 1 / 7 o’clock / at. 2. Put on / my / my / equipment / uniform / belt / 1 / and. 3. ‘Batman belt” / protects / life / my / save / the life / could / and / person / another / of. 4. Has / my / handcuffs / belt / a gun and its holster / a taser / a baton / pepper spray / and. Unit 5.
Track 14. Задание 1. Соедините части А и В по смыслу. A 1. arrive 2. be ready for 3. it takes me some time 4. join 5. patrol 6. monitor 7. collect
В 1. the downtown area 2. my partner 3. our patrol car 4. at the police station 5. the street activity 6. to prepare my kit 7. my late shift
Задание 2. Прослушайте текст и расположите события в том порядке, в котором: они встречаются в аудиозаписи. I join my partner. We collect our patrol car. I arrive at the police station at 22.00. I go to the conference room for 23.00 briefing. I prepare my kit and get ready for my shift.
We patrol the downtown area and monitor the street activity. Задание 3. Заполните пропуски в тексте, прослушайте еще раз и проверьте правильность выполненного задания. 22.00 I ________ at the police station ready for _______________. I go on duty at 23.00, but I always arrive early because it takes me some time to prepare ___________ and get ready for my shift. I go to _____________ in good time for the 23.00__________. I join ____________ and we collect our____________. We patrol____________ and monitor________________ . It’s early in the evening and all is quiet. It’s a hot evening, but I like the warm weather. Unit 6.
Track 15. Задание 1. Соедините слова (А) с их определениями (В). A 1. victim 2. mental health problem 3. injury 4. incident 5. assault
В 1. a physical attack 2. a violent event, such as assault 3. problems relating to disorders or illnesses of the mind 4. physical damage or hurt 5. a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action
Задание 2. Прослушайте текст и ответьте на вопросы. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
What do the police officers do when they get their first call? How old is the victim of the reported crime? Which problems does she have? What do the police officers do to find the victim? Where do they find the girl? Why do the police officers return to the police station?
Задание 3. Расположите события в том порядке, в котором они встречаются в аудиозаписи. The victim has injuries on her face. The victim of the reported crime is not at home. We do some address checks. We drive to the address the control room gave us. We find the girl at a neighbour’s house. We get our first call. We return to the police station to complete a crime report for assault. We talk to the girl and get some information about the incident. Unit 7.
Track 22. Задание 1. Прослушайте текст и найдите соответствия. 1. countries use the database regularly. 2. a vehicle is stolen in the UK. 3. a vehicle is stolen in the US. 4. were recovered in 2007 with the help of the database. 5. records of reported stolen motor vehicle in the database at the end of 2007. Note: ASF-SMV - Automated Search Facility Stolen Motor Vehicle автоматическая система поиска угнанных автомобилей. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Every 2 minutes Every 26.4 seconds More than 4.8 million 151 More than 37,000
Задание 2. Заполните пропуски в тексте, прослушайте еще раз и проверьте правильность выполненного задания. stolen vehicles ; is stolen; fewer than half; at the end of 2007; use; the international criminal police organization; to recover. In the UK a vehicle___________ every 2 minutes. In the US, this happens every 26.4 seconds. The police find_____________ of these vehicles.
INTERPOL —_______________ - has an international database with details of _________ . This is the Automated Search Facility Stolen Motor Vehicle (ASFSMV) database. _____________ , the database had more than 4.8 million records of reported stolen motor vehicle. 151 countries_______ the database regularly. In 2007, the ASF-SMV database helped police____________ more than 37,000 motor vehicles worldwide Unit 8.
Track 29. Задание 1. Соедините части А и В по смыслу, чтобы получить следующие словосочетания: Обвиняться в опасном вождении; привести к дорожно-транспортному происшествию; пользоваться мобильным телефоном; лишиться водительского удостоверения; платить штраф; заявить о ДТП в полицию; отправиться в тюрьму; управлять большегрузным транспортным средством. A
1. be convicted of 1. a fine 2. cause 2. a mobile phone 3. use 3. an accident 4. lose 4. dangerous driving 5 .to pay 5. one’s driving license 6. report an accident 6. to prison 7. go 7. to the police 8. drive 8. an HGV Note: HGV - Heavy Goods Vehicle - the legal term in the United Kingdom for goods vehicles over 3.5 tones Gross Vehicle Weight. Задание 2. Прослушайте текст и скажите соответствуют ли следующие предложения тексту или нет. 1. In the UK you are allowed to use your mobile phone while driving. 2. In the UK you are convicted of dangerous driving if you cause an accident because you are using a mobile phone. 3. If you don’t stop at a red traffic light and you hit another vehicle, you will automatically go to prison.
4. If the accident is very serious and you kill someone, you may also go to prison for up to 14 years. 5. You must stop if you have an accident, and you must report it to the police. 6. Failure to report an accident, or driving away after you have an accident, are not serious offences. 7. If you drive away after you have an accident you may have to pay a fine of up to 5 pounds. 8. If you offend too often you lose your license. 9. The highest fines are for speeding offences, and for driving after drinking too much alcohol. 10.The penalty is higher if you drive a bus or an HGV.
Задание 3. Прослушайте текст еще раз и сравните наказания за нарушение Правил дорожного движения в России и Соединенном Королевстве, используя следующие словосочетания: Be convicted of dangerous driving; cause an accident; use a mobile phone; stop at a red traffic light; lose your driving license; pay a fine; go to prison; report the accident to the police; penalty for traffic offences; penalty points; speeding offences; drive after drinking too much alcohol; drive a bus or an HGV. Unit 9.
Track 32. Задание 1. Соедините слова (А) с их определениями (В). А 1. suspect
В 1. a person thought to be guilty of a crime or offence
2. warning 2. a police officer's truncheon 3. underage 4. fine
3. a pair of lockable linked metal rings for securing a prisoner's wrists
5. offence
4. a breach of a law or rule; an illegal act
6. handcuffs
5. a sum of money exacted as a penalty by a
7. baton
court of law or other authority 6. below the required or standard age, especially below the legal age for voting or drinking
7. a statement that warns of something or that serves as a cautionary example Note: Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) provide visible, uniformed presence on the streets and also deal with anti-social behavior. Задание 2. Прослушайте текст и выберите правильный ответ. 1. Police Community Support Officers can arrest people or interview suspects. Yes
2. Police Community Support Officers can confiscate alcohol and tobacco from underage drinkers. Yes
3. Police Community Support Officers deal with serious offences. Yes
4. Police Community Support Officers deal with minor offences. Yes
5. Police Community Support Officers carry handcuffs or batons at the moment. Yes
6. Police Community Support Officers carry only a radio. Yes
7. The job of PCSOs is to support frontline policing. Yes
Задание 3. Замените подчеркнутые слова словами из аудиозаписи затем прослушайте текст и проверьте правильность выполнения задания. A: So, what’s your job? В: I’m a Police Community Support Officer. At the moment, we can’t arrest people or ask suspects questions, but we can issue orders and fines. And I can seize alcohol and tobacco from young drinkers. A: So, you can’t deal with serious crimes? B. Now, no. We handle minor offences. The police officers carry out any dangerous tasks. As a PCSO, it’s my job to support frontline policing. A. And do you patrol with police officers, or ...? B: No. I generally patrol alone on my bike. A: And do you have any equipment? B: Just a radio. We don’t carry bracelets or truncheon at the moment. A: Your work. What do you like most about your work? B: The freedom, I think. And the fact that what I do makes such a difference to community life. I have time to speak to people in the community. I can get to know them and I can offer help and support when they need it. Unit 10.
Track 33. Задание 4. Прослушайте 5 диалогов и скажите, какими из этих проблем занимаются полицейские (две проблемы лишние). 1. drinking and disturbances in the town 1. centre 2. making some inquiries about car 2. crime 3. imposing a fine for skateboarding and 3. smoking in a wrong place 4. meeting about the increase in rubbish 4. dumping 5. meeting about anti-social behavior 5. 6. shooting in the shopping center 7. examining the CCTV (камера видеонаблюдения)
Unit 11.
Track 46. Задание 1. Соедините слова (А) с их переводом (В). 1. ATM -automatic teller machine 1. заявить о краже 2. to report a theft 2. красть, воровать 3. wallet 3. бумажник, портмоне 4. guide book 4. сообщник 5. thieve^ 5. водительское удостоверение 6. accomplice 6. вори 7. steal (stole, stolen) 7. путеводитель 8. endorse 8. подписываться (под документом) 9. driving license 9. банкомат
Задание 2. Прослушайте текст и расположите события в том порядке, в котором они встречаются в аудиозаписи. A young girl came to the man and asked him to buy some flowers. He didn’t have any change. He got his money - 100 euros . He heard a noise behind him. He looked for the wallet in the hotel and on the square. He put his wallet in the bag. He went to the ATM to withdraw some cash. The accomplice of the young girl stole the wallet. The man discovered that he didn’t have his wallet The man entered his PIN number. The man put 100 euros in his wallet. The young man needed some money. The young man reported the theft to the police. The young man went back to the hotel to meet his girlfriend. Задание 3. Прослушайте текст еще раз и поставьте вопросы в нужное место. 1. And had you endorsed your cheques? 2. And where did you put your wallet? 3. Anything else?
4. Can you tell me what else was in your wallet? 5. I’ll just get a crime report form and take down all the details, if that is OK? 6. What did you do next? 7. Where was the ATM? A: Oh, hello. I’d like to report a theft. Someone has just stolen my wallet. B: OK. Tell me what happened. A: Well, I needed some money, so went to the ATM to withdraw some cash. And... B :_____________________ A: Oh, here in the city center, on Heroes’ Square. The First National Bank. B: OK, go on. A: Well, I was entering my PIN number when I heard a noise behind me, so I turned round, but there was no one there. I then got my money - 100 euros - and put it in my wallet. B :________________________ A: In this bag with my camera and guide book and all my things. B :____________________________ A: I went back to my hotel near Heroes’ Square to meet my girlfriend. I was walking across the square when a young girl came to me and asked me to buy some flowers. But I didn’t have any change. Anyway, about five minutes later, back in the hotel, I discovered that I didn’t have my wallet. I looked in the hotel and on the square, but I couldn’t find it. B: Unfortunately there are a lot of thieves like this in the area. They work in pairs. Probably while you were talking to the girl with the flowers, her accomplice stole your wallet.__________________________ A: I had two credit cards, but I’ve already cancelled them. B: Good._______________ A: Well, I had two traveler’s cheques for 50 euros, plus the 100 euros from the machine. B :________________ A. Endorsed? I’m sorry I don’t understand. B: Signed them. A: Ah, I understand. No, I hadn’t endorsed them. Oh ... I’ve just remembered. There was also my driving license. That is all. B: Now_________________________ Задание 4. Ответьте на вопросы и составьте рассказ о том, почему молодой человек обратился в полицию.
1. Why did the young man go to the ATM? 2. Where was the ATM? 3. What happened when the man was entering his PIN number? 4. How much money did he get? 5. Where did he put his money? 6. Why did hy go back to his hotel? 7. What did a young girl ask him when he was walking across the square? 8. Did he buy any flowers? Why? 9. When did he discover that his wallet was stolen? 10. Where did he look for his wallet? 11 .What did he do then? 12. What did the police officer think about the theft?
Unit 12. Track “ Crime”.
Задание 1. Соедините слова (А) с их определениями (В). А 1 . burglary 2. nightmare 3. retirement 4. break-in 5. prove 6. damage 7. prevention 8. insurance
В 1. an illegal forced entry of a building , typically to steal something 2. a frightening or unpleasant dream 3. the action or fact of leaving one's job and ceasing to work 4. illegal entry of a building with intent to commit a crime, especially theft 5. an arrangement by which a company or the state undertakes to provide a guarantee of compensation for specified loss, damage, illness, or death 6. the action of stopping something from happening or arising 7. demonstrate the truth or existence of (something) by evidence or argument 8. physical harm of something
Задание 2. Соедините части А и В по смыслу, чтобы получить словосочетания. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Victims To have one’s house Worth an entry the perfect house this sort to call to feel sorry the insurance to keep an eye
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
burgled for one’s retirement in the Guinness Book of Records of the crime of trouble the police for somebody company on one’s home
Задание 3. Прослушайте интервью и скажите, что из этих вещей было украдено. A television, money, books, a computer, a video, a burglar alarm. Задание 4. Прослушайте текст интервью и скажите, соответствуют ли следующие утверждения тексту. 1. The Saunders have been burgled eight times. 2. They bought the house for its views. 3. They thought they might have problems when they bought the house. 4. They think they know who the burglars are. 5. The burglars haven't stolen anything valuable from the Saunders. 6. They do not lock the door. 7. The Crime Prevention Officer doesn't think there is anything they can do to stop the burglars. 8. The Saunders do not have a burglar alarm. 9. The Crime Prevention Officer thinks it's always the same burglars who break into the Saunders' house. 10. Burglars like to steal things which have been bought recently.
Appendix. Unit 1. Track 01. Saladin Yaseen is 31 years old. He lives in the city o f Petra in Jordan. He is married with two children and works for Jordanian desert police. His rank is Captain. Yaseen spends a lot o f time on patrol in the desert. Track 02. Igor Asimov is 34. He is divorced and has one daughter. He lives and works in Saratov in Southern Russia. He works for a division o f the transport police and patrols the Volga River. His rank is Major. Asimov deals with crimes related to poaching and smuggling. He catches drug smugglers and people who traffic in caviar. Track 03. Ed Garcia is 28 and lives in Santa Teresa in New M exico, USA. He is single and works for the Us Border Patrol. His rank is Patrol Officer, but he hopes for a prom otion to Senior Patrol Officer soon. Garcia patrols the US/M exican border. He deals with a lot o f illegal imm igrants who try to come to the US without visas. He also catches smugglers. There is a lot o f drug smuggling across the border. Unit 2. Track 06. 11. PC - that’s easy, it’s police constable. 12. CID - that stands for criminal investigation department. 13. A and E is for accident and emergency - the department in a hospital that first deals with emergencies. 14. PM - post mortem, when you cut up a dead body to find out why the person died. 15. IT - that’s another easy one - information technology. 16. MOP - the British Police use a lot - this one stands for “m em ber o f the public”. 17. ANPR - is a system we use a lot. It stands for automatic num ber plate recognition. 18. ARV - that’s an armed response vehicle. 19. CV - curriculum vitae. You send one o f those when you apply for a job. 20. FYI - you see it a lot in emails. It means for your information. Unit 3. Track 11. 1. Fifteen 2. Five hundred thousand, six hundred and forty eight 3.
One million, thirty-three thousand four hundred and eighty- four
4. Sixty-five m illion, eight hundred thousand 5. Thirty-four thousand and fifty-four 6. Six hundred and eighty-eight 7. Two thousand, nine hundred 8. Five m illion, seventy-three thousand and nine Unit 4. Track 13. When I am on duty - for about eight hours a day - I always carry my kit, that is all my equipment. At 7 o’clock, when I start my shift, I put on my bullet-proof vest, which could save my life that day. Then, I put on my uniform with my badge and two pins. Finally, I put on my equipment belt. Some officers call it their ‘Batman belt’: it has all the tools that protect me and could save my life - or the life o f another person. My belt is three years old and has handcuffs, a gun and its holster, a taser. A baton, my radio and pepper spray. Unit 5. Track 14.
22.00 I arrive at the police station ready for my Saturday late shift. I go on duty at 23.00, but I always arrive early because it takes me some time to prepare my kit and get ready for my shift. I go to the conference room in good time for the 23.00 briefing. I join my partner and we collect our patrol car. W e patrol the downtown area and m onitor the street activity. It’s early in the evening and all is quiet. It’s a hot evening, but I like the warm weather. Unit 6. Track 15. 01.20 We get our first call and drive to the address the control room gave us. We arrive but the victim o f the reported crime is not there. She is a 19-year-old girl who has mental health problems. We now need to find her so we get details o f people she knows and do some address checks. 01.50 We find the girl at a neighbour’s house and can see that she has injuries on her face. We talk to her and get inform ation about the incident. We then return to the police station to complete a crime report for assault. Unit 7. Track 22.
In the UK a vehicle is stolen every 2 minutes. In the US, this happens every 26.4 seconds. The police find fewer than h a lf o f these vehicles. INTERPOL - the international criminal police organization - has an international database with details o f stolen vehicles. This is the Automated Search Facility Stolen M otor Vehicle (ASFSMV) database. At the end o f 2007, the database had more than 4.8 m illion records o f reported stolen motor vehicle. 151 countries use the database regularly. In 2007, the ASF-SMV database helped police to recover more than 37,000 m otor vehicles worldwide. Unit 8. Track 29. In the UK, if you are convicted o f dangerous driving, for example if you cause an accident because you are using a m obile phone, or if you don’t stop at a red traffic light and you hit another vehicle, you will automatically lose your driving license, and you may also have to pay an unlimited fine. If the accident is very serious and you kill someone, you may also go to prison for up to 14 years. You m ust stop if you have an accident, and you m ust report it to the police. Failure to report an accident, or driving away after you have an accident, are serious offences. You may have to pay a fine o f up to 5,000 pounds and you might go to prison for up to six months. The penalty for most other traffic offences is a fine o f some kind, and penalty points on your license. This means you lose your license if you offend too often. The highest fines are up to 2,500 pounds for speeding offences, and up to 5,000 pounds for driving after drinking too much alcohol. The penalty for talking on a mobile phone when you are driving is 1,000 pounds but this goes up to 2,500 if you driving a bus or an HGV. Unit 9. Track 32. A: So, what exactly do you do? B: I’m a Police Community Support Officer. At the moment, we can’t arrest people or interview suspects, but we can issue warnings and fines. And I can confiscate alcohol and tobacco from underage drinkers. A: so, you can’t deal with serious offences? B. At the moment, no. We deal with minor offences. The police officers carry out any high-risk tasks. As a PCSO, it’s my job to support frontline policing. A. And do you patrol with police officers, or ...? B: No. I mostly patrol alone on my bike. A: And do you carry any equipment? B: Just a radio. We don’t carry handcuffs or batons at the moment. A: Your work. What do you like most about your work?
В: The freedom, I think. And the fact that what I do makes such a difference to community life. I have time to speak to people in the community. I can get to know them and I can offer help and support when they need it. Unit 10. Track 33. B: Good m orning Mrs. Obamu. C: Oh, Good morning, Officer. Can I help you? B: I’m just making some enquiries, Mrs. Obamu. It’s about all the recent car crime. I’m asking all the residents... D: Delta Tango three. Complaints o f drinking and disturbances in Playmount Square in the town center. Caller says there are young people skateboarding. Can you deal’ over? B: Received. I’m on my way. Well this is a surprise. Morning, boys. Morning, Darren. Come on, guys. I don’t know how many tim es I’ve told you now. You know you can’t skateboard round here. Come on move! And you, Christophe. Out! This is an official warning. If I catch you again... 3. B: Hello, everybody. I think it’s time to start now ... OK ... So, thank you for coming. We/re having this m eeting because the residents are worried about the increase in rubbish dumping, so we need to discuss how we can prevent this ... 4. D: Hello Mr.James. I’m DSW alker and this is Anna Hislop, our Community Support Officer. W e’ve come to look at the CCTV. E. Thanks for coming by. I’ll take you up to the control room, then. We can see the whole shopping centre from there. D: It’s the CCTV footage from Saturday night w e’d loke to see’ please, Mr.James. If any o f the group are from the estate, Anna can identify them easily. B: If Jonah Leeson was there, I’m sure I can identify him. 5. B: Hello boys and girls. Now, can anyone tell me what they think anti-social behavior is? F: Miss, Miss! B: Yes, W hat’s your name? F: Alison. B: OK Alison, so what do you think anti-social behavior might be? F: Is it smoking, Miss?
Unit 11. Track 46. A: Oh, hello. I’d like to report a theft. Someone has just stolen my wallet. B: OK. Tell me what happened. A: Well, I needed some money, so went to the ATM to withdraw some cash. A nd... B: Where was the ATM ? A: Oh, here in the city center, on H eroes’ Square. The First National Bank. B: OK, go on.
A: Well, I was entering my PIN number when I heard a noise behind me, so I turned round, but there was no one there. I then got my money - 100 euros - and put it in my wallet. B: And where did you put your wallet? A: In this bag with my cam era and guide book and all my things. B: W hat did you do next? A: I went back to my hotel near H eroes’ Square to meet my girlfriend. I was walking across the square when a young girl came to me and asked me to buy some flowers. But I didn’t have any change. Anyway, about five minutes later, back in the hotel, I discovered that I didn’t have my wallet. I looked in the hotel and on the square, but I couldn’t find it. B: Unfortunately there are a lot o f thieves like this in the area. They work in pairs. Probably while you were talking to the girl with the flowers, her accomplice stole your wallet. Can you tell me what else was in your wallet? A: I had two credit cards, but I’ve already cancelled them. B: Good. Anything else? A: Well, I had two traveler’s cheques for 50 euros, plus the 100 euros from the machine. B: And had you endorsed your cheques? A. Endorsed? I’m sorry I don’t understand. B: Signed them. A: Ah, I understand. No, I hadn’t endorsed them. Oh ... I’ve ju st remembered. There was also my driving license. That is all. B: Now, I’ll just get a crime report form and take down all the details, if that is OK? Unit 12. Track Crime Interviewer: Good afternoon. Today on Crime Check we are going to talk about "repeat victims", people who are victim s o f crime more than once. First o f all we bring you the sad story o f Ruth and Harold Saunders from Hull, who have had their house burgled no fewer than eight times in the last 3 years. W orth an entry in the Guinness Book o f Records you m ight think, but for Ruth and Harold, it's no joke. Ruth, why do you think you've been burgled so many times? Ruth: I wish I knew. It's a nightmare. We bought this house because it looks out onto the playing fields and we thought it was the perfect house for our retirement. Interviewer: When were you first burgled? Ruth: Oh, three years ago, just a week after we had moved in. It was as if the burglars were waiting for us. Interviewer: Do you feel sorry that you moved there now? Ruth: Oh definitely. If we had known we were going to have this sort o f trouble, we wouldn't be living here we would chosen somewhere safer. But now we can't even sell the house because everyone knows the burglars like it! No one will buy it. We can't escape from this neighbourhood. W e're ju st waiting for the next breakin. Interviewer: Do you know who the burglars are? Ruth: We think so, but we can never prove anything. You see, people can watch the house from the playing fields, and there are a number o f youths who we see watching the house. They hang around there smoking in the afternoons. I'm frightened to go to the shops in case they break in while I'm away. Interviewer: Have you tried calling the police?
Ruth: Yeah, several tim es, but these youths always get away by running into the woods on the other side o f the playing fields, and the police don't bother to go after them. Interviewer: And what have you had stolen? Ruth: Oh all sorts o f things on different occasions. They never take much, but they always seem to come back. They've taken the television twice. If we'd known they were going to come back, we wouldn't have bought a new television after the first burglary, but a week after we bought it, the burglars broke in again. Interviewer: W hat else have they taken? Ruth: Oh, apart from the television and the video, nothing very valuable, but then we don't have anything else which is very valuable. It's annoying really, and they do a lot o f damage when they break in. I sometimes think we should leave a door open. If we left the door open, at least they could come in without doing any damage! Interviewer: So what are you going to do about this situation? Ruth: What can we do about it? We'd be happier if we'd stayed in our old house. If we still lived there, I'm sure we w ouldn't have been burgled once. We were there for forty years without a single problem. Interviewer: M arylyn Brookes, you are C hief Crime Prevention Officer for South Yorkshire police. Is there really nothing they can do? CPO: No, there are things they can do though I must say first that I do feel sorry for them. Interviewer: Well, what can they do? CPO: If I were them, I'd have had a burglar alarm put in straightaway. In fact, I'm surprised the insurance company hasn't insisted on that already. Ruth: Well, they have said that but we can't afford one o f those! We only have our pension, and burglar alarms cost thousands o f pounds. CPO: Well, have you thought o f putting a burglar alarm box on the wall? That puts some thieves off. Also, you should talk to the neighbours and ask them to keep an eye on your home when you're out. Interviewer: But why do the burglars keep coming back to the Saunders' house? I mean eight times is a lot, isn't it? CPO: Well, there are several things here. Obviously it is easy to watch the house from the playing fields, and also burglars tend to talk amongst themselves. They tell each other which houses are easy to break into, and what things the houses still have in them. Also they wait a few months until they think the owners have replaced the things that were stolen. After all, burglars prefer to steal som ething that's brand new. And another thing you have to consider is...
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