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English Pages 469 Year 1921
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S tam fo rd Works 1921 Are&25 Acres-Nomber of Buildings 68
Shelburne Falls Works 1860
S tam ford Works 1870 O riginal Works
Newport,NY. 1840
Canadian Works 1921 Canadian Yale & Towne Limited S t. Catharines, Ontario
YALE PRODUCTS Builders’ Locks and Trim, Night Latches, Dead Locks, Padlocks, Cabinet and Trunk Locks, Bank Locks, Safe Locks, Prison Locks, Door Closers, Chain Blocks, Electric Hoists, Electric In dustrial Trucks, Carburetors
Catalog No. 25
“ Ya le
Ya l e
T H E Y A L E & T O W N E M A N U F A C T U R IN G C O M P A N Y General Offices and Works: S T A M F O R D , C O N N ., U . S. A . N ew
Y ork
O ffic e s :
C h ic a g o S a le s r o o m : C a n a d ia n The
Y a le
Y a le
T ow ne
E ast
E a s t L a k e S tr e e t, C h ic a g o ,
T ow ne C o .,
40t h
S tre e t;
L im it e d ,
St .
S a le s r o o m :
M urray
S tre e t
C a t h a r in e s ,
O n t a r io ,
C anada
E n g la n d
S t . A n d r e w s S t ., L o n d o n , E . C .
o n t e n t s PAGE
G eneral
N u m e r i c a l I n d e x .................................................................................
I n t r o d u c t o r y S e c t i o n .................................................................. 19 T ra d e - m ark s, P a te n ts a n d S y m b o l s .................................... 20 A B i t of H i s t o r y ......................................................................... 22 T h e Y a le C y lin d e r L o c k .......................................................... 25 L o c k S e c u r i t y ................................................................................ 26 M a ste r- k e y e d L o c k s ..................................................................28 M e ta ls a n d F i n i s h e s ..................................................................30 H a n d s a n d B e v e ls o f D o o r s ................................................... 32 O th e r Y a le P r o d u c t s ..................................................................35 B a n k L o c k s ....................................................................................... 36 P ris o n L o c k s ................................................................................ 40 C h a in B lo c k s a n d E le c tric H o i s t s .....................................45 E le c tric In d u s t r ia l T r u c k s ................................................... 49 P a d l o c k s ...............................................................................................53 N ig h t L a t c h e s a n d D e a d L o c k s ............................................ 109 B u i l d e r s ’ L o c k s ................................................................................ 141 E n t r a n c e D o o r H a n d l e s .......................................................... 203 C a s t D e s i g n s ....................................................................................... 217 W r o u g h t D e s i g n s ................................................................................ 253 M i s c e l l a n e o u s T r i m ......................................................................... 301 C a b i n e t L o c k s a n d T r u n k L o c k s ............................................ 321 D o o r C l o s e r s ....................................................................................... 415 K e y s a n d B l a n k s ................................................................................ 429
Copyright, 1921, by The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co. 2227-11-21-295
■ ^ ta ^ W a fe -
H IS volume presents the various lines of Yale products, and is complete as pertaining to the lines of shelf goods. The other lines are covered in more detail in their own catalogs, pub lished separately.
The complete line of products comprises the following: Y ale Y ale Yale Yale Yale
Builders’ Locks Yale Bank Locks Padlocks Yale Safe Locks Night Latches \ale Door Closers Cabinet and T runk Locks Yale Chain Blocks Prison Locks Yale Electric Hoists Yale Electric Industrial Trucks
In addition we are manufacturers of many kinds of locks for special purposes, such as automobile locking devices, locks for coach doors, for office fixtures, for slot machines, etc., concerning which correspondence is solicited. The same high standard of quality established for our earliest products, in design, workmanship and materials, has been extended to each addi tional product as the line has been increased, thus entitling all of them to be classed as “Yale Products,” this term indicating both quality and origin. In their production it is our aim that each shall be the best of its kind. Yale products are more diversified and their lines more complete, than ever before, and embody all of our latest inventions and improvements. They are produced under conditions which are unequalled in the indus tries they represent. Our works in Stamford, Connecticut, are the largest of their kind in the world, and completely fitted out with the most mod ern machinery and other equipment for maintaining the highest manu facturing efficiency. Our organization, both manufacturing and commer cial, is more extensive and competent than it has been at any time since we began business, in 1869 . All of our facilities are at the service of our customers, in constant readiness to justify every extension of the confidence and business with which we have so long and so liberally been favored. T he
Y ale
T ow ne
M a n u f a c t u r in g
September, 1921 .
C om pany.
------------------- (j B
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General Index Page
Corner bracket.......................... Counter board, night latc h .. . . Alameda design, c a s t .............. 218 Cupboard locks.......................... Announcement.......................... 5 Cylinder lock, the Y ale ............ Ashby design, cast .................. 219 Cylinders and rings................... Asylum locks............................. 197 Auxiliary spring attachm ent.. . 309 D B Bank locks................................. 36 Bars, connecting....................... 320 Bevel of doors........................... 32 Bicycle padlocks........................ 94 Bit of History, A ...................... 22 Blanks, key................................ 429 Blocks, chain............................. 45 Boards, cabinet lock................. 412 “ night latch................... 134 “ padlock........................ 103 Bolt knobs, mortise.................. 305 Bolts, mortise............................ 192 Box locks, cash.......................... 334 “ “ metal........................ 393 “ to o l.......................... 410 Boxes, letter............................... 308 Brackets, door closer................ 424 Braintree design, cast.............. 204 Builders’ lock construction. . . . 142 locks........................... 141 C Cabinet escutcheons................. 411 “ lock boards.................. 412 “ keys and blanks......... 443 “ locks............................. 323 C am s.......................................... 320 98 Cards, padlock.......................... Cash box locks.......................... 334 Cast designs, ornamental........ 217 “ plain.................... 240 “ metal door knobs.............303 Chain blocks.............................. 45 Chains, padlock........................ 95 Chest locks................................ 322 Chester design, cast.................. 220 Closer, domestic door............... 422 Closers, door.............................. 415 Combination locks.................... 37 Communicating door locks.. . . 176 Connecting bars......................... 320 screws.................... 320 Construction, door closer.........417 lock.................... 142 padlock.............. 54
G 426 139 Gateshead design, c a s t............ 223 354 Glass door knobs....................... 306 25 knobs, lock sets............... 252 318 Guard locks, r im ....................... 122 H
Dartmouth design, c a s t .......... 221 Dead locks, mortise.................. 182 “ r im ......................... 129 Dedham design, cast................ 208 Designs, by nam e...................... 6 by sym bol.................. 8 “ cast............................... 217 wrought...................... 253 Desk locks.................................. 344 roll to p .................... 337 Differential chain blocks.......... 48 Display block, rim night latch . 138 “ boards, cabinet lock.. . 412 night latch... . 134 “ padlock.......... 103 Door closer construction, Yale 417 “ and holder, Yale. . 420 “ brackets................. 424 domestic model. . . 422 “ closers............................... 415 handles, entrance............ 203 knobs, glass..................... 306 “ metal.................... 302 pottery................. 305 latches, screen................. 198 Doors, hands and bevel o f . . . . 32 Drawer locks.............................. 362 Dreux design, c a s t .................. 222 Drop ring handles..................... 315 Dum m y cylinder....................... 318
Indicators, lock......................... 165 Industrial electric trucks......... 49 Introductory section................. 19 J Jackson design, c a s t ................
30 L 31 426 Latch boards, nig h t................... 427 “ locks, rim ......................... 426 Latches, cylinder rim night.. . . 426 “ mortise knob.............. 181 mortise nigh t.............. 146 rim store door...........
134 124 110 192 188 133
432 192 199 166 200 302 320 306 302 305 305
Electric industrial trucks......... 49 Entrance door handles............. 203 Escutcheons, cabinet................ 411 97 Eyes, padlock............................
205 32 203 309 315 95 224 45 420 162
Key-bitting m achine................. Key changes............................... “ plates.................................. Keys and blanks....................... “ for builders’ locks......................................... Knob latches, mortise............... r im ..................... locks, mortise.................. “ r im ........................ “ roses.................................. screws............................... Knobs, door, glass.................... m etal................... “ pottery................ mortise b olt..................
Finishes, description o f............ “ list o f.......................... Flat bracket............................... for Gothic doors.. “ forround top doors Flush bracket............................ French window locks................ Front door locks........................
Hadley design............................ Hands and bevels of doors. . . . Handles, entrance door............ lever............................ ring drop .................... Hasps, padlock.......................... H atton design, cast.................. Hoists, chain and electric........ Holder, door closer................... Hotel locks.................................
449 27 307 429
G eneral Index—C ontinued Page
120 Locks, prison............................. 40 199 “ rim dead........... 129 and 199 195 “ guard..................... 122 198 “ knob..................... 200 154 “ latch..................... 124 119 “ nig h t....................... 130 151 “ s a f e . . . : ........................... 38 Letter boxes............................... 308 “ deposit.................... 39 sliding door.................... 178 Lever handle plates.................. 307 11 steel b a r........................... 123 handles............................. 309 store door...................... 153 Lock construction..................... 142 switchboard box............ 392 indicators.......................... 165 sub-treasury.................. 390 picking............................... 27 tool box.......................... 410 26 security............................. tru n k .............................. 398 sets..................................... 241 wardrobe........................ 381 BT and D T design, Locksmiths’ repair tools.......... 450 w rought................................... 296 Lorraine design, cast................ 226 . Lock sets, G N plain, cast . . . . 249 G T plain, cast........ 245 M “ Nubian, wrought . . 255 Pavian, w rought. . . 260 Malaga design, cast................... 228 Rubian, w rought. . . 265 Master-key records................... 29 systems.................. 29 Syrian, wrought . . . 270 Master-keyed locks.................. 28 TS, plain, cast . . . . 241 Metal box locks......................... 393 Utopian, plain, w r t. 275 doorknobs..................... 302 Winonian, plain,wrt. 281 Metals and finishes................... 30 Yardian, plain, wrt. 286 Miscellaneous trim ................... 301 Zenobian, w rought. 290 Mortise b o lt............................... 192 “ with glass knobs . . 252 knobs........................... 305 “ strikes, types o f ............... 145 deadlocks................... 182 Locker locks............................... 347 knob latches............... 192 Locks, asylum ............................ 197 night latches............... 188 b a n k ................................ 36 Motor car locks.......................... 395 bevel o f.......................... 34 Motorcycle padlocks................ 94 “ board, cabinet...............412 Mystic design............................ 209 “ builders’ ......................... 141 “ cabinet............................. 317 N “ cash box........................... 334 Navarro design, cast................ 211 “ chest................................. 322 Newcastle design, c a s t............ 229 “ com bination.................... 37 Newport design, cast................208 “ communicating door .. . 176 Night latch display boards.. . . 134 cupboard........................ 354 “ latches and dead locks . . 109 “ desk.................................. 344 “ mortise............... 188 drawer............................. 362 “ rim ...................... 110 “ French w indow ............... 181 “ locks, rim ......................... 130 “ fro n td o o r........................ 146 Nubian design, wrought.......... 254 guard, r im ...................... 122 Numerical index........................ 9 “ hand o f............................ 33 “ hotel................................. 162 O “ locker............................... 347 11 master-keyed.................. 28 Office locks.................................. 157 “ metal box ........................ 393 Offset brackets........................... 427
95 Padlock chains.......................... " construction, pintum bler................................... 54 Padlock construction, levertum bler................................... 61 Padlock display boards............ 103 eyes............................. 97 h a sp s........................... 97 “ keys and b la n k s ........ 439 Parts and repairs...................... 320 of door closers................. 419 for domestic door closer.. 423 Patents, trade-marks, etc........ 21 Pavian design, wrought........... 259 Piedmont design, cast.............. 230 Plain designs, BT and DT, wrt. 294 GN , cast............ 248 G R , cast........... 314 “ GT, c a s t ...........244 “ TS, cast............. 240 Plates for thumb-turns,etc.. . . 307 “ key.................................. 307 Pottery door knobs.................. 305 Prison locks................................ 40
Latches, rim n ig h t.................... “ k n o b .................... schoolhouse............... screen door................. store door................... tubular rim night. . , “ vestibule.....................
“ ‘‘ “
mortise dead................... k n o b ................. motor c a r........................ office................................
182 P 166 395 Padlocks..................................... 157 I Padlock cards............................
&. T O W N E
Q Quebec design, cast.................. 205 Queenstown design, cast.......... 231 R Railroad padlocks..................... 71 Repairs and parts..................... 320 Repair parts, door closer........ 419 “ tools, lock...................... 440 Riberac design, cast.................. 232 R im dead locks............ 129 and 199 store door latch................ 133 guard locks........................ 122 “ knob latches...................... 199 “ locks......................... 200 latch lock.......................... 124 “ night latches...................... 110 “ lo c k s ....................... 130 “ steel bar locks.................. 123 Ring handles, drop.................... 315 Rings, cylinder........................... 318 Roll top desk locks................... 339 Roses, k nob................................ 302 Rubian design, wrought.......... 264 Rudgwick design, cast................... 233 S
Safe deposit locks..................... 39 “ locks................................... 38 53 Schoolhouse la tc h e s ................. 195 98 Screen door latches................... 198
General Index—Continued 47 320 320 320 178 425 427 316 309 46 31 123
Screw-geared chain blocks . . . . Screws, connecting.................... “ side knob...................... Set screws.................................. Sliding door locks..................... Soffit brackets........................... for Gothic doors Spindles...................................... Spring, auxiliary attachm ent . . Spur-geared chain block.......... Standard finishes, list o f .......... Steel-bar locks........................... Store door latch, rim dead locking .................................... Store door locks........................ Strikes, types of lock................ Sub-treasury locks.................... Switchboard box locks .......... Syrian design, wrought............
Tee handle plates.................. . . Thumb-turn plates................ . . Thumb-turns......................... .. Tool box locks....................... . . Tools, lock repair .............. . . Trade-marks, patents, e tc ... . . Trim, miscellaneous.............. . . Trucks, electric industrial. . . . . Trunk locks........................... . . Tubular rim night latches. .. . Types of lock strikes............ .
Vestibule latches..................... 307 307 307 410 422 21 301 49 398 119 145
W Wardrobe locks........................ Warwick design, cast.............. Wellesley design, cast............ W ilton design, c a s t ................ W inonian design, wrought . . . W rought designs, ornamental. p la in .......... metal door knobs. ..
381 235 236 237 280 254 274 302
Yardian design, wrought........ Y um a design, cast...................
U 145 390 392 Utopian design, wrought . . . 269 Urbita design, c a s t ...........
285 238
Z 274 234 Zenobian design, wrought........ 289
D E S IG N S A R R A N G E D B Y S Y M B O L Symbol
254 259 264 269 274 280 289
Plain .............................. . 248 O H “ . 314 O J " . 244 O L Winonian, brass (cast). . 280 O N
H a tto n ..................... . . . 224 Jackson.................... . . . . 225
D artm o uth .................... . 221 PN Piedm ont....................... . 230 Queenstown................... 231 ON QY Quebec.......................... . 205 W ilton ............................ . 237 SA D e d h a m ........................ . 208 SB Warw ick........................ . 235 SD SW Alam eda........................ . 218 Riberac.......................... . 232 T M
New port .................... .. . . 208
Nubian, steel........... Pavian, “ ........... Rubian, “ ........... Syrian, “ ........... Utopian, “ ........... Winonian, “ ........... Zenobian, “ ..........
Plain .............................
Nubian, brass.......... Pavian, “ .......... Rubian, “ .......... Syrian, “ .......... Utopian, “ .......... Winonian, “ .......... Yardian, “ .......... Zenobian, “ ..........
Plain .............................
NU Winonian, iron (cast). . 280 N Y
. . . . . . .
294 . . . . . . . .
10 TW
254 259 J D 264 J W 269 274 KA
2S0 R R
285 MG 289
294 NC
Gateshead..................... . 223 Rudgwick...................... . 233
UH U M 220
Chester.......................... U rb ita ............................ . 234 Y u m a ............................. 238 X L
D esign
N avarro................... . . . . 211
Newcastle................ Y a tto n .....................
229 204
A shby................... . . . 219 Braintree................. ___ 204 Wellesley.................
... .
222 236
. . . . 209
P la in .......................
H a d le y ............... M alag a ...................
. . . . 205
Plain ........................
228 214
Numerical Index No. 0 1 FI HI SA1 W1 W1 1SN 2
2A 2C 2SN H2 N2 S2 SA2 Y2 W 2M 2 'A
3A 3AN 3 H3 N3 W3 WA3 W 3M 3K Y3 4A 4AN S4 S4 SA4 Y4 5 G5 H5 6 6 6B G6 S6 S6 7 7 7B G7 W7 W 7KC 8 8 8 8
D escrip tio n
Latch Key blank. Board “ ........ Lock Key blank. Lock.......... C h a in ........ Key blank. Lock
192 434 412 103 332 446 387 95 439 129 129 129 96 105 98 332 332 165 387 439 95 95 132 106 98 445 387 387 439 165 96 96 332 446 332 165 132 134 107 434 439 95 135 332 446 131 434 95 138 387 387 131 432 439 443
“ . C h a in ........ Board........ Card.......... Lock.......... Indicator. . Lock.......... Key blank. C h ain ........ Lock Board........ Card.......... Key blank. Lock.......... Key blank. Indicator. . C h a in ........ Lock Key blank. Lock Indicator. . Lock Board Key blank. “ . C h a in ........ Board........ Lock Key blank. Lock Key blank. C h a in ........ Board........ Lock “ .......... “ .......... Key blank. “ . “ .
N o.
D escription
8A 8B 8B 8C 8F 8W 8Y S8
Kev blank It (4
8} 2 9 9 9SA 9SN 9SZ G9 W9 10 10 10 10B G10 11 11 11 11A 11B 11C 11F G il TS11 TS11J W12J4 12T 13 13 13T 14 14T 15T 15X F15 16 16 16T 17
Key blank. “ “
432 432 95 432 432 131 131 332 439 443 123 95 95 95 136 387 434 443 123 95 137 129 433 439 433 433 433 433 139 448 409 387 96 434 439 96 434 96 96 307 414 434 439 96 434 130 443 448 120 120 446 333 333 333 37
19 19 20 20RB S21 SA21 S22 SA22 024
C h a in ........ Key blank. “ “ Lock.......... 11
Lock.......... C h ain........ “