Xiantian Bagua Zhang: Gao Style Bagua Zhang - Circle Form 9781848193598, 9780857013194, 9781848192256, 9780857011725, 9781848191402, 9780857011152, 9781787750432, 9781787750449

With clear instruction and expert guidance, this fully illustrated guide to Bagua Zhang teaches all you need to know abo

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English Pages 482 Year 2020

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Table of contents :
Xiantian Bagua Zhang
Of related interest
Title page
Caveat and disclaimer
Foreword by Sifu Sebastian González of Barcelona
1. Introduction
Introduction to the Author: Tang Cheong Shing (鄧昌成)
The Way of My Bagua Zhang (我之八卦掌成長之路)
Other Bagua Zhang styles
My training adventures
My teaching
2. The Origin and Development of Bagua Zhang
Creation of the name: the Eight Trigrams
The foundation thinking of Bagua Zhang is rooted in philosophy
The Changes of Bagua Zhang
The history of Dong Hai Chuan
The Branches of Bagua Zhang
The True Features of Bagua Zhang
Gao’s branches
THE Legend of Master Gao Yi Sheng
THE Legend of Master Wu Meng Xia—Bagua Zhang Research Expert
The legend of Master Han Mu Xia—The strange hero of the martial arts world
The legend of master Ho Ho Choy and Dragon style Bagua Zhang
The legend of Master Zhang Zhun Feng—Gao Bagua Zhang in Taiwan
3. Basic Exercises and System
Three Basins and palm definitions
Explanation and application
Bagua Zhang Five Elements Steps exercise (五行步)
Bagua Zhang Kicking Pole exercise (踢樁)
Bagua Zhang walking steps exercises
Bagua Zhang leg-stretch exercises
Bagua Zhang spin circle exercises
Bagua Zhang Five Elements Power exercises
Ten Heavenly Stems exercises (八卦掌 十天干)
The names of the Ten Heavenly Stems: Tian Gan or ten individual exercises
Bagua Zhang conditioning
Bagua Zhang static stance
4. Eight Mother Palms
Theory of Gao style Bagua Zhang
Requirements: eight guiding principles
Bagua Zhang Xian Tien Eight Mother Palms
Wuji Palm: Beginning
Xian Tien Eight Mother Palms (先天八母掌)
Variations of the Eight Mother Palms
Bagua Zhang Eight Mother Palm linking form
Eight Mother Palm Application
Applied Bagua Zhang (八卦掌用法): Eight Mother Palm two-men exercises (先天八母掌 對練法)
Fundamental concepts of training in Bagua Zhang Chin Na
Chin Na in Bagua Zhang sequence
Speed and flexibility in Chin Na
Bagua Zhang drilling Chin Na form (八卦掌擒拿 對練兩路)
Bagua Zhang Chin Na routines (八卦掌 八母掌 擒拿套路)
practicing Bagua Zhang walking (八卦掌走步練法提要)
The health benefits of Bagua stepping (八卦掌走步與健康)
The health aspect of the Eight Mother Palms
Health is accumulated
5. Eight Big Palms
Single Palm Change
Bagua Zhang Xian Tien Eight Big Palms
Bagua Zhang Five Dragons Palm Linking Form
Penetrating Change Palm (穿化掌)Eight Big Palm linking form 1
Dragon Style Palm (龍形掌) Eight Big Palm linking form 2
Application of THE Eight Big Palm Linking Form
Application of Xian Tien Zhang: Eight Big Palm (先天八大掌) Circle Method
Xian Tien Zhang Eight Big Palm Practicing Method (先天八大掌 練法)
Applied Bagua Zhang
Application of Double Palm Change
Eight Big Palm Linking Drill Form (鄧昌成。霍東成演式)
6. Bagua Nei Gong
Bagua Nei gong Turn Waist Palm (八卦轉掌內功)
Secret manuscript—The Heart Transmission of How to Reach Dao: The secret way to Nei gong
Teaching Mother Palms and Big Palms in Taiwan in 2018

Xiantian Bagua Zhang: Gao Style Bagua Zhang - Circle Form
 9781848193598, 9780857013194, 9781848192256, 9780857011725, 9781848191402, 9780857011152, 9781787750432, 9781787750449

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