Who was Who in the People's Republic of China: With more than 3100 Portraits 9783110968231, 9783598113314

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Table of contents :
Standards of Inclusion
List of Abbreviations
Biographies A–O
Lai Chuanzhu - Lin Biao
Lin Boqu - Luo Zhanglong
Biographies P–Z
Wan Da - Wang Yang
Wang Yanli - Wu'er Kaixi
Zang Boping - Zhang Zizhai
Zhang Zongxun - Zuo Kun
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Who was Who in the People's Republic of China: With more than 3100 Portraits
 9783110968231, 9783598113314

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Who was Who in the People's Republic of China with more than 3,100 Portraits

by Wolfgang Bartke f

Volume 1 A-O

K G-Saur München 1997

A p u b l i c a t i o n of t h e I n s t i t u t e of A s i a n A f f a i r s . H a m b u r g

T h e I n s t i t u t e of A s i a n A f f a i r s p u r s u e s a n d p r o m o t e s r e s e a r c h o n c o n t e m p o r a r y A s i a n A f f a i r s . It c o o p e r a t e s o t h e r I n s t i t u t e s of r e g i o n a l s t u d i e s in H a m b u r g which t o g e t h e r f o r m the F o u n d a t i o n G e r m a n O v e r s e a s Institute. O p i n i o n s e x p r e s s e d in t h e p u b l i c a t i o n s of t h e I n s t i t u t e of A s i a n A f f a i r s a r e t h e a u t h o r s ' . T h e y d o n o t n e c e s s a r i l y r e f l e c t t h o s e of t h e I n s t i t u e .

T h e p u b l i c f i g u r e s s h o w n o n t h e c o v e r , f r o m left to r i g h t , a r e :



Former premier



F o r m e r l e a d e r of t h e C C P

Liu Shaoqi Former state president

Lin Biao Former defence minister

Jiang Qing F o r m e r l e a d i n g p r o t a g o n i s t of t h e C C P ' s u l t r a - l e f t ( " g a n g of f o u r " ) a n d late w i f e of M a o Z e d o n g

Chen Yun Former leading economic cadre a n d c h a i r m a n of t h e C e n t r a l A d v i s o r y C o m m i s s i o n

Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme

Bartke, Wolfgang: W h o w a s W h o in t h e P e o p l e ' s R e p u b l i c of C h i n a : w i t h m o r e t h a n 3 1 0 0 p o r t r a i t s / by W o l f g a n g B a r t k e . - M ü n c h e n : S a u r . ISBN 3-598-11331-5 NE: H ST V o l . 1. A - O . - 1997

@ G e d r u c k t auf s ä u r e f r e i e m Papier Printed on acid-free paper Alle R e c h t e v o r b e h a l t e n / All R i g h t s Strictly R e s e r v e d Κ. G. S a u r V e r l a g G m b H & C o . K G . M ü n c h e n 1997 P a r t of R e e d E l s e v i e r P r i n t e d in t h e F e d e r a l R e p u b l i c of G e r m a n y J e d e A r t d e r V e r v i e l f ä l t i g u n g o h n e E r l a u b n i s d e s V e r l a g s ist u n z u l ä s s i g . D r u c k / P r i n t e d by S t r a u s s O f f s e t d r u c k . M ö r l e n b a c h B i n d e n / B o u n d by T h o m a s B u c h b i n d e r e i . A u g s b u r g ISBN 3-598-11331-5


Vol 1 Preface Standards of Inclusion List of Abbreviations Biographies A-0

Vol 2

Standards of Inclusion List of Abbreviations.. Biographies P-Z

Preface Anybody engaged in studying the People's Republic of China needs biographical information. In view of this demand Wolfgang Bartke has kept track of and collected biographical data of leading personalities active in China from the fifties up to the mid-nineties for almost four decades. The fruits of this work were published in three editions of the Who's Who in the People's Republic of China (1981 by M.E. Sharpe Inc., New York, 1987 and 1991 by K.G. Saur, München). Owing to deaths, resignations and purges, a good many biographies included in the first and second editions were not included in the third edition, and an eventual fourth edition would have to leave out even more. Many students of contemporary China would certainly miss information on personalities who are deceased or no longer active but who in the recent past played a prominent role. This would be true, e.g., for Mao Zedong who figured only in the first edition. Moreover, due to the improved information policy since the late seventies, far more detailed personnel data have been disclosed in recent years so that also the biographies of historical personalities could profit a great deal by being rewritten. For all these reasons, Wolfgang Bartke and K. G. Saur decided to publish this Who was Who in the People's Republic of China. The present volume contains some 3,000 biographies, most of which have been included in one or more editions of the Who's Who. Not all persons included in this volume have died. Some resigned from their posts and thus no longer play an active role, while others had to leave China for political reasons or have disappeared for no identifiable reason. The date of death is only given when the death has been announced officially. However, many more people have probably died, although this is not recorded here. As to the criteria for inclusion, the user is referred to the "Standards of Inclusion" on page ix. Wolfgang Bartke started collecting data on the political leadership of the PR China in 1958 by systematically recording the careers of the respective personnel. The data were primarily drawn from the Chinese daily press, first of all from Xinhua News Agency News Bulletin, People's Daily (Renmin Ribao), reports from various media monitored by BBC in Summary of World Broadcasts, and numerous periodicals of the PR China. Pre-1958 information including data on the period before 1949 was collected in Taiwan archives during three research visits and, in addition, drawn from the publications of the Biographical Service of the former Union Research Institute in Hong Kong which stopped its publications in 1975. A Who's Who published for the first time in the PR China in 1989 has also been a valuable source. The recordings from all these source materials formed a unique archive in which, over the years, data on more than 70,000 names was accumulated. There are three types of references introducing new posts obtained by a cadre:

1. Government officials, such as ministers, ambassadors, and sometimes provincial and cultural cadres, are appointed. 2. Party cadres and cadres of mass organizations are elected (the higher cadres always need approval by the central leadership). 3. Identified indicates that a cadre was first recognized as holding the post at the given date, although his or her appointment or election may have occurred some time before. To render the biographies more readable, certain cumbersome terms have been abbreviated. For example, the "AllChina Federation of Trade Unions" is referred to as "Federation of Trade Unions". Since the book deals with China, it seemed permissable to dispense with "All-China" in this and other cases. Moreover, throughout the book a number of abbreviations have been used which are recorded in the "List of Abbreviations" on page x. Other terms occurring several times in a biography have been written out on their first occurrence and abbreviated subsequently. In order to keep the biographies manageable, some activities, particularly those pertaining to domestic affairs, have been left out. For instance, the signing of a trade agreement with a foreign trade delegation visiting Beijing by one of the vice-ministers of foreign trade is a routine activity not meriting a separate entry. Another example is the visit of the party secretary of Yunnan Province in Sichuan Province, again an activity which does not significantly contribute to enlarging our knowledge about the rank or career of the cadre in question. This work is published posthumously. Wolfgang Bartke did not live long enough to see his latest work published. He died in June 1995, after having finished the manuscript of Who was Who only a few weeks before. After his retirement from active work in the Institute of Asian Affairs in Hamburg, to whose staff he belonged from 1972 until 1990, Wolfgang Bartke, while wholeheartedly dedicating himself to preparing the Who was Who and a fourth edition of the Who is Who in the People's Republic of China, always stayed in close contact with the Institute. His former colleagues considered it their obligation to coordinate and prepare the publication of the present work. Among them Liu Jen-Kai deserves a special mention. He provided several biographies of people who died after Wolfgang Bartke stopped his work in Spring 1995 and updated the manuscript to May 1996. Moreover, Liu Jen-Kai was able to find answers to a number of questions that had been left open in the manuscript. Unfortunately, Wolfgang Bartke could not read the proofs nor could he write the preface and give final instructions or advice. His colleagues have tried to do their best to enable this useful reference work to appear in an appropriate form. Hamburg, June 1996

Institute of Asian Affairs


Standards of Inclusion Central Level Politburo Central Committee Secretariat Departments Military Commission Party School Government State Council Commissions Ministries Foreign Ministry, Departments Embassies Other State Organs National People's Congress CCP

Supreme People's Court Supreme People's Procuratorate Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Military, General Staff Departments Services Military Schools

Members, Alternative Members Members, Alternative Members General Secretary, Members Directors, Deputy Directors All Cadres President, Vice-presidents Premier, Vice-premiers Ministers, Vice-ministers Ministers, Vice-ministers Directors, Deputy Directors Ambassadors Directors, Deputy Directors Chairman, Vice-chairmen, Members, Standing Committee President, Vice-presidents Chief Procurator, Deputy Chief Procurators Chairman, Vice-chairmen Chief of Staff, Deputy Chiefs of Staff Director, Deputy Directors Commanders, Deputy Commanders, Political Commissars Commandants, Deputy Commandants

Mass Organizations Non-Communist Parties Political Organizations Sports Organizations Scientific and Other Organizations Below Central Level Military Regions Military Districts Provinces

CCP Administration

The Science Apparatus Academy of Sciences Institutes Academy of Social Sciences Institutes Other Central Academies Institutes Universities Institutes Colleges Cultural Field Writers, Poets, Painters, Sculptors, Musicians etc.

Chairmen, Chairmen, Presidents, Presidents,

Vice-chairmen Vice-chairmen Vice-presidents Vice-presidents

Commanders, Deputy Commanders Political Commissars Commanders, Political Commissars Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries Governors, Vice-governors

President, Vice-presidents Directors, Deputy Directors President, Vice-presidents Directors, Deputy Directors Presidents , Vice-presidents Directors, Deputy Directors Presidents , Vice-presidents Directors, Deputy Directors Directors, Deputy Directors


List of Abbreviations


Administrative Comte Autonomous Region All-China Federation of Trade Unions Chinese Academy of Sciences Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Centra] Committee Chinese Communist Party China Democratic League China Democratic National Construction Association Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Communist Youth League Food and Agricultural Organization Government Administrative Council Kuomintang Municipal People's Congress Municipal People's Government New Democratic Youth League National People's Congress People's Liberation Army Provincial People's Congress Provincial People's Government People's Republic of China Renmin Ribao (People's Daily) State Council United Nations Union of Socialist Soviet Republics Xinhua News Agency Young Men's Christian Association * *

Admin. Alt. Asst Assn Chm Cdr. Co. Col-gen. Com Comte Conf. Congr Corp. Cos CP


Administration Alternate Assistant Association Chairman Commander Company Colonel-general Commission Committee Conference Congress Corporation Chief-of-Staff Communist Party

Cult. Rev. Del. Dpt Distr Dpty Dir Dir-gen. Div. E Fed Gen-mgr. Gen-sec. Govt. Hon. HQ Ind. Inst. Intl Ltn-gen. Maj-gen. Mem. Mil. Min. Ν Natl NE NW Org. Polit. PR Pres. Prof. Prov. Reg Rev S SE Sec. Sec-gen. Stand. SW TU Univ Vice-chm Vice-gov. Vice-min. Vice-pres. W

Cultural Revolution Delegation Department District Deputy Director Director-general Division East Federation General -manager General-secretary Government Honorary Headquarter Industry Institute International Lieutenant-general Major-general Member Military Ministry, minister North National Northeast Northwest Organization Political People's Republic President Professor Province Region Revolution South Southeast Secretary Secretary-general Standing Southwest Trade Union University Vice-chairman Vice-governor Vice-minister Vice-president West

Biographies A-O


A Jia

council mem., Assn of Ballad Singers, 1963; accused by Jiang Qing of being a renegade, Feb 1967; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Feb 1967.

Started as an actor and later became a script-writer; went to Y an'an and joined Lu Xun Academy of Literature and Art, 1937; founded the Beijing Opera Inst, in Yan'an, 1942; dir., Natl Beijing Opera Theater, Dec 1959; author of the script for the modern Beijing opera The Red Lantern, 1963 (the creation of modern Beijing operas which means plays with a revolutionary content was supported by Jiang Qing); severly attacked at the beginning of the Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1978; vice-pres., Chinese Dramatists Assn, Nov 1979; hon. dir., China Beijing Opera Theater, Dec 1982; adviser, Assn for the Promotion of Intl Friendship, May 1985; named an opera theorist, Jun 1987; disappeared, Jun 1987.

Abulizi Muhemaiti

Ai Qing

Η, ΤΗ& . ^

* 1920 Huocheng County, Xinjiang fc ó ^ Belonged to the Uighur minority. Received a junior secondary education; deputy for Xinjiang to 1st NPC, Aug 1954-1959; served successively as vice-pres, Xinjiang Branch, People's Bank of China; head Central Office of Xinjiang; cdr., Xinjiang Public Security Forces; cdr., Ürümqi Garrison; vice-chm, Xinjiang Branch, CPPCC, 1960-82; vice-chm., Xinjiang AR People's Congr, Apr 1983; disappeared, Apr 1984.

Ah Ying * 1905 Wuhu County, Anhui Original name Qian Xingcun. Founded a middle school together with Li Kenong (former school-mate), May 1925; worked with Li in Chunye Bookstore, Shanghai, 1926; launched severe attacks on Lu Xun, 1927; editor-in-chief, Solar Monthly and Sea Breeze Weekly, 1928; started research in history of Qing Dynasty literature, 1929; joined CCP, 1929; during Sino-Japanese War, 1937-45, was once pres., Dadong Univ in Shanghai, founded a Cultural History Information Service in Shanghai, and then joined the New 4th Army as a literary worker and dir. of modern drama; head, Literary and Art Office, Tianjin Municipality Mil. Control Com, 1949; council mem., All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Jul 1949 - Cult. Rev.; dir., Cultural Bureau, Tianjin MPG, Mar 1950; council mem., Chinese Writers' Assn, Oct 1953; mem., Stand. Comte, Assn of Stage Artists, Oct 1953-1959; dpty sec-gen., All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Jun 1955; council mem., China-Cuba Friendship Assn, Dec 1962;

Publications: Creative Writing and Life; On Modern Chinese Literature; Contemporary Writers of China; Data on China's New Literary Movement; Index to the Historical Materials of Major Schools of China's New Literature; Notes on Novels; History of Novel Writing in Late Qing Dynasty; The Eve of Hurricane (collection of poetry); The Waste Land (collection of poetry); Sailing in the Night (novel).

Ai Qing


* 1908, Jinhua, Zhejiang deceased 1996, May 5 Graduated from middle school; enrolled in Painting Dpt, West Lake Nad Inst, of Fine Arts, Hangzhou; went to Paris in order to continue his study of painting, 1929; wrote his first poem, Gathering·, returned to China and joint the League of Left-Wing Artists in Shanghai, beginning of 1932; together with a friend organized Spring Soil Art Society; imprisoned for left-wing activities, Jul 1932; then really began to write poetry; his long poem, Dayan River - My Nurse, smuggled out of prison in 1933, brought him wide recognition; spent more than three years in prison; taught for a term at Wujin Girls' Normal School, Changzhou, first half of 1936; at that time published first selection of poems under the title Dayan River, taught for six months at Hengshan Village Normal School, Xinning, Hu'nan Prov., 1940; went to Chongqing, latter half of 1940; went to Yan'an, 1941; joined CCP, 1945; apart from some travelling around, stayed in Yan'an until 1945; after the Japanese surrender, became dpty dean, Literary and Art College, North China Union Univ, Zhangjiakou; took over the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing as an army representative, Jan 1949; four-month visit to the USSR, 1950; visits to Chile and Brazil, Jul 1954; married Gao Ying, 1956; accompanied the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda and the Brazilian poet Jorge Amado on China tour, Apr 1957; during the "Anti-Rightist Campaign" labelled a Rightist and banished to a state farm in Heilongjiang Prov.; transferred to Xinjiang, forced to do physical labor in the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, 1959; during Cult.Rev. his home was searched by Red Guards and many of his manuscripts taken away, 1967; heavily denounced, criticized publicly and paraded in the streets several times, until 1972; got permission to go to Beijing to have his eyes treated after his right eye


Ai Siqi

had gone blind, 1973; after 21 years of silence, allowed to publish again, 1978; identified as editor of the magazine Poetry, May 1979; visits to the Federal Republic of Germany, Austria and Italy, May 1979; identified as vicechm, Writers' Assn, Mar 1980; vice-pres., Chinese PEN Center, Apr 1980; invited by the Polignac Foundation and the Sorbonne to take part in intl forum on "Chinese Literature During the War of Resistance" in Paris, Jun 1980; visit to the U.S.A., Sep - Dec 1980; attended UNESCO Asian Writers' Conf. in Japan, Apr 1982; attended intl conf. on Chinese language and literature in Singapore, Jan 1983; deputy for Zhejiang Prov. to the 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC (Jun 1983 - Mar 1988); vice-chm, Intl Cultural Exchange Center, Jul 1984; hon. pres., Prose Poetry Society, Oct 1984; awarded Commandeur Dans L'Ordre des "Arts et Lettres" by the French President Mitterrand, Mar 1985. Ai Qing, who was married twice, is survived by five sons and three daughters, and his wife Gao Ying. Publications: Gathering (1931); The Red Flute (1932); Dayan River - My Nurse (1933) (translated into a dozen languages, including English, French, Japanese, German, Portuguese and Russian); Spring, Coal's Reply (1936); The Land Reborn, Snow Falls on the Chinese Land (1937); Wheelbarrow, Beggar, The Woman Mending Clothes, The North, Facing the Sun, The Bugler, He Dies a Second Time (1939); Torch (1940); Galloping on the Snow (1941); My Father, A Poem Dedicated to a Village (1942); Bai Family Village (1943); A City of the People, The Cuckoo (1945); The Ruby Red Star, Selected Poems of Ai Qing (published by the Kaiming Bookstore) (1950); Shuangjian Mountain, A Tale of the Hidden Guns (1953); Black Girl Singing, Reef, On a Chilean Cigarette Case, The Atlantic, On the Chilean Strait (1954); The Black Eel (1955); The Horse-headed Fiddle, Venus, the Morning Star (1956); Cruising on the Changjiang River (1957); Red Flag, Fossil, On the Crest of a Wave, In Praise of Light (1978); The Wall (meaning that of Berlin which he visited), The Great Colosseum of Ancient Rome, Tigerspotted Seashells (1979); Hong Kong (1980); Facing the Ocean, On the Clear and Bright Festival Rain Drizzles (1981); All Men are Brothers (1983). Among Ai's articles are:

1935-37 (at that time closely associated with Zhou Yang); after outbreak of Sino-Japanese War went to Yan'an, the Communist stronghold in Ν China, 1937; the next decade served successively as chief instructor, Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy; prof, of philosophy, Yan'an Univ; participant in the Party, sponsored "Rectification" (Zhengfeng) Campaign; editor of the cultural page of Jiefang Junbao; mem., Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt, 1937-47; dir., Philosophical Research Office, Ν China Univ, Jul 1948; mem., Natl Comte, China Fed of Democratic Youth, May 1949 - Jun 1953; delegate of social science workers to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, GAC, Oct 1949; council mem., Assn for Reforming Chinese Written Language, Oct 1949; mem., Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1949-Jul 1958; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 - Dec 1954; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950 - Jan 1953; prof., Marxist-Leninist Inst., CCP Central Comte, Jul 1950; forced to recant some statements in his works construed as being "bourgeois", 1952; mem., Stand. Comte, Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954 - Apr 1959; deputy for Guizhou to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959); vice-pres., Philosophy Society, 1954-60; mem., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955; dir., Pedagogic Research Office of Philosophy, Central Party School, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1958; vice-pres., Central Party School, Mar 1961 - death; deputy for Yunnan to 3rd NPC, Dec 1964; reportedly murdered by orders of Lin Feng (q.v.) and Yang Xianzhen (q.v.). Publications: The Methodology of Thinking; Outline of New Philosophy; Popular Philosophy; Philosophy and Life; Theory and Practice; Selected Works on Philosophy; Historical Materialism - A History of Social Development; On Problems of Thought Reform; Critique of Hu Shi's Pragmatism; What is Materialism and what is Idealism?; Lectures on the Principles of Dialectic Materialism; To Demolish Superstition and Assidously Study Philosophy.

Ai W u



Poetry and Propaganda, Poetry and the Times, The Beauty of Prose and Poetry, On Poetry, On Poets (1938-39); Understand the Writers, Respect the Writers (1942); Sixty Years of Chinese Poetry, Paris and Others (1980). Ai's only novel: Notes on the Oasis (1984)

Ai Siqi



* 1910 Tengchong County, Sichuan

deceased 1966, Mar 22 Received a higher education and studied philosophy in Japan. Joined CCP, 1935; editor, leftist periodicals Study Life, Cultural Battlefront, and Battlefront, Shanghai,

* 1904 Xinfan County, Sichuan deceased 1992 bon of a school teacher. Born under the name of Tang Daogeng; studied at Normal College of Chengdu; after graduation spent several years in Burma, Malaya and Singapore; returned to China and joined Shanghai "League of Leftist Writers", 1931; during Sino-Japanese War, 193745, engaged in writing in Guilin and Chongqing; teacher


at Chinese Language, Dpt of Chongqing Univ, 1948-49; prof, of Chongqing Univ, 1950; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964); during Cult. Rev. imprisoned for four years, 196771; first appearance after Cult. Rev.; head of a writer group, which visited several factories, Sep 1978; adviser of Writer's Assn, Jan 1985 - death. Publications: more than 40 books, among them: Nights in the South (collection of short stories, 1935); Homeward Journey (Collection of stories, 1937); Autumn Harvest (novel, 1939); When the Loom Waves Again (novelette, 1941); Burmese Sights (1943); Stones from Childhood (1945); Fertile Wildemess (1946); Hometown (1947); Wild Mountain (1948); My Youth (novelette, 1948); The Tragedy of a Woman (1949); Notes on Vagabonding (collection of essays, 1953); Steeled and Tempered (novel, 1958); Return at Night (1958); Wave Spray (collection of treatises, 1959); Spring Mist (novel, 1976).




* Ili, Xinjiang Belonged to Tatar minority (his Tatar name: Ashad); acting ehm., Xinjiang People's Democratic League, Oct 1949; council mem., Xinjiang PPG, Sep 1949 -Sep 1955; sec-gen., Office of Special Commissioner of Ili, Oct 1949; deputy for Xinjiang to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Nationalities Affairs Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954; vice-chm., Xinjiang AR People's Govt, Aug 1956 - Sep 1968; pres., Xinjiang Assn for Elimination of Illateracy, Oct 1956; dismissed for "local nationalism" from post of mem., Stand. Comte, Xinjiang AR, CP, May 1958; mem., China Athletic Fed, Feb 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Sep 1968.

Aisin Ghiorroh Pu Jie £ f f ^ f


* 1906 Beijing deceased 1994, Feb 27 Belonged to Manzhu minority; younger brother of Aisin Ghiorroh Pu Yi, China's latest emperor who reigned 1908-1911; convicted of war crimes and jailed, 1945; released from prison, 1959; deputy for Shanghai for 5th NPC, Feb 1978-1983; mem., friendship del. to Japan, Jul 1980; deputy for Liaoning to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988; to 8th, Mar 1993); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988; to 8th, Mar 1993); vice-pres., Society for the Study

Aisin Ghiorroh Pu Yi

of Sino-Japanese Relations, Sep 1984; adviser, Assn for Intl Friendly Contacts, Dec 1984; hon. dir., Welfare Fund for Handicapped, Mar 1986; invited to 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; vice-chm., Nationalities Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988 (reelected to 8th, Mar 1993); mem., Stand. Comte, Assn for Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China, Sep 1988; mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 8th NPC. Aisin Ghiorroh was married to Hiroko Sage, a Japanese.

Aisin Ghiorroh Pu Yi

X ff f .


* 1906, Feb 7, Beijing deceased 1967, Oct 17 Last emperor of the Qing Dynasty. Succeeded emperor Guangxu as emperor of China at the age of three, Nov 1908; forced to abdicate after the 1911 Revolution, Feb 12, 1912, but allowed to live in the Imperial Palace; reinstalled on the throne at the age of eleven during the short-lived Manzhu restoration movement, Jul 1917; driven from the Imperial Palace by warlord Feng Yuxiang and went to Tianjin to live in the Japanese Concession, 1924; left Tianjin for NE China ( = Manzhuria) two years after the Mukden (Shenyang) Incident, Sep 18, 1931, to become a puppet of the Japanese; made emperor of Manzhuguo by the Japanese, Mar 1934; visited Japan and received by emperor Hirohito, 1935; the Soviet Union's declaration of war against Japan on Aug 9, 1945 which capitulated only five days later, made the Soviet Union the successor of the Japanese in Manzhuguo; Aisin Ghiorroh was imprisoned by the Russians in Chita and Chabarowsk, 1945-50; appeared at Intl Court for trial of war criminals, Tokyo, Aug 1946; delivered to PR China, Aug 1950 and imprisoned in Fushun; appeared at trial for war criminals, Shenyang, Jul 1956; pardoned after general amnesty proclaimed by PR China, Sep 1959; worked in Beijing Botanic Garden, 1959-63; special invited delegate to 3rd CPPCC, Sep 1961; worked for Research Comte on Literary and Historical Materials, 3rd CPPCC, 1963 - death; mem., Natl Comte, 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964 - death. Married to Li Shuxian. Publications: From Emperor to Citizen, 1964.

Aisin Ghiorroh Pu Zuo


Aisin G h i o r r o h P u Z u o £




vice-min. of Food Ind, Sep 1960; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first reappearance: vice-min. of Commerce, May 1976; disappeared, Oct 1978.

An Jinhuai

* 1918 in Beijing Belonged to the Manzhu minority; cousin Aisin Ghiorroh Pu Yi, the last emperor of the Qing dynasty; his father was his first painting teacher; joined Song Feng Studio in Beijing, founded by one of his brothers, 1937; at the end of the 1940s, freed himself from the adherence to the styles of ancient painters and developed his own style; disappeared, 1984.

Aldan Oqir






Graduation from History Dpt, Henan Univ, 1948; made his name as excavator of remains from Shang dynasty in Zhengzhou; named as one of China's leading archeologists, Apr 1983; dir., Archeology Inst, of Henan Prov., Jun 1983; mem., Natl Comte, 7th CPPCC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.

An Lin

* 1929 Horqin Left Wing Middle Banner, Inner Mongolia A. belonged to the Mongolian minority. Joined CCP, 1947; mem., Central Comte, CYL, Nov 1957; sec., Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region (IMAR) Branch of CYL, Feb 1961; vice-chm., People's Congr of IMAR, Apr 1983 (reelected Jun 1988); disappeared, Nov 1990.

Amantur f5! St ^ fc * 1919 Tekes County, Xinjiang deceased 1983, May 29 Belonged to Kirgiz minority. Received a senior secondary education; served in several units against Nationalist Govt, 1938-45; 3rd sec., Kizilsu Autonomous Prefecture CP, 1957-61; dir., Supervisory Bureau, Xinjiang AR People's Govt, 1962- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first reappearance: vice-chm., Xinjiang AR People's Congr, Sep 1979 (reelected Apr 1983); dir., Xinjiang Medical College, 1981.

An Faqian * Pingyuan Prov. Served in Shanxi-Chahar-Shandong-Henan Border Reg People's Govt, 1948; Council mem., Pingyuan PPG, Jul 1950; mem., All-China Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Jul 1954; asst min. of Food Ind., Sep 1957;


* 1919 Xinzheng County, Henan Dir., Dpt of Finance and Trade, Beijing CP, 1979-81 mem., Stand. Comte of Beijing CP, Jun 1981 - Nov 1982 dir., Public Security Bureau, Beijing MPG, Jun 1981 vice-mayor, Beijing MPG, Sep 1981 - Aug 1984; 1st polit, commissar, Beijing People's Armed Police Corps, Mar 1983; vice-chm., Beijing Branch, CPPCC, May 1986; vice-chm., Advisory Com, Beijing CP, Dec 1987; disappeared, Dec 1987.

An Liqun



* 1933 Dalian City, Liaoning


Graduation from 2nd School attached to PLA Navy Academy, 1952; service as captain of a warship, 1966-69; dpty chief of staff, PLA Navy, Aug 1984; chief of staff, PLA Navy, Aug 1985; dpty cdr., E China Sea Fleet, PLA Navy, Nov 1987; made rear admiral, Sep 1988; disappeared, Sep 1988.

An Pingsheng 4ç


* 1912, Henan Dpty dir., Rural Work Dpt, S China Office, CCP Central Comte and concurrently sec-gen., Guangdong PPG, Nov 1953; deputy for Guangdong to 1st NPC, Oct 1954; dir., Office of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Conservancy, Guangdong PPG, Dec 1955; dir., Rural Work Dpt, Guangdong CP, Jul 1956 - Feb 1958; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Aug 1956- Jul 1961; sec., CCP Comte, Guangxi AR, Jul 1961 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm., People's Govt Guangxi AR, Jul 1961 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm., Rev Comte of Guangxi AR, Aug 1968 - Jan 1976; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Guangxi AR, Feb 1971 - Aug 1973; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977; to 12th CC, Sep 1982); sec., CCP Comte, Guangxi AR, Aug 1973 - Dec 1975; 1st sec., CCP Guangxi AR, Dec 1975- Jan 1977; ehm., Rev Comte, Guangxi AR, Mar 1976 - Jan 1977; 1st polit, commissar, Guangxi Mil. Distr, Apr 1976 - Jan 1977; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Yunnan Prov., Feb 1977 - Jul 1985; ehm., Rev Comte, Yunnan Prov., Feb 1977 - Dec 1979; 1st polit, commissar, Yunnan Mil. Distr, Feb 1977 - Feb 1979; 1st CCP sec., Kunming Mil. Reg, Feb 1977 - Jan 1979; deputy for Yunnan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; head, agricultural del. to Japan, May 1979; ehm., Yunnan PPC, Dec 1979 Apr 1983; head, friendship del. to Romania, Switzerland, Malta, May 1980; mem., Presidium, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; mem., Central Advisory, Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; head, CCP cadre's del. to Ν Korea, Aug 1991; disappeared, Aug 1991.

An Zhiwen


*1919, Shanxi Dpty dir., Research Office, NE China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1950; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, NE China People's Govt, Apr 1950- Nov 1952; dpty

An Zhiyuan

dir., Ind. Dpt, NE China People's Govt, Apr 1950 - Nov 1952; mem., State Planning Com, GAC, Nov 1952 - Oct 1954; vice-min., State Construction Com, SC, Nov 1954 Feb 1958; vice-min., State Planning Com, SC, Sep 1958 Cult. Rev.; mem. Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm., Rev Comte, Jilin Prov., Dec 1977 - Mar 1980; dpty head, machine building del. to Romania, Yugoslavia, Italy, Switzerland, Federal Republic of Germany (head: Zhou Zijian), Oct 1978; 1st vice-min.; 6th Min. of Machine Building, 1980; min., 6th Min. of Machine Building, Jun 1981 - May 1982; vicemin.; State Com for Restructuring Economy, SC, May 1982- Apr 1987; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; head, economic del. to U.S.A. and Japan, Apr 1985; adviser, State Com for Restructuring Economy, Jul 1987-1990; accompanied premier Zhao Ziyang to Poland, German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Pakistan, Sep 1987; pres., Society for the Study on Restructuring Economy, Oct 1987; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; mem., State Planning Com, Jul 1988; adviser, State Comte for Enterprise Management, Oct 1988; disappeared, Jan 1990.

An Zhiyuan


* Shanxi Dpty dir., Intl Transport Office, Min. of Railways, Sep 1963-1964; sec., Chinese embassy in USSR, Mar 1965 Aug 1971; mem., del. to UN General Assembly, Nov 1971; standing PRC representative at UN, Jan-May 1972; dir., Dpt for Intl Organizations and Conferences, Treaties and Laws. Min. of Foreign Affairs, Aug 1972-1975; head, del. to session of Economic Com for Asia and Far East (ECAFE) in Tokyo, Mar 1973; mem., del. to 29th UN General Assemly, Sep 1974; permanent representative, PRC mission to UN Geneva Office, Oct 1975 - Feb 1980; head, del. to 61st session of UN Economic and Social Council, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, Jul 1976; head, del. to UN "Common Fund for Integrated Commodity Program" Conf., Geneva, Mar 1977; head, del., to 24th UN Development Program (UNDP) Conf., Geneva, Jun 1977; head, del. to UN Law of the Sea Conf., March 1978; mem., del. to UN Conf. on Common Fund, Nov 1978; head, del. to UN Conf. on Prohibitions or Restrictions of the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons, Sep 1979; ambassador to Bulgaria, Aug 1980 - Dec 1982; ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany, Jan 1983 - Mar 1985; disappeared, Mar 1985.


An Ziwen

An Ziwen

4 ç ~f~

* 1910 Zizhou County, Shaanxi deceased 1980, Jun 25 Graduated from Suide Normal School in Shaanxi; subsequently studied at Beijing Normal College; joined CCP when student in Beijing; subsequently went to USSR for further studies, 1929; served as confidential secretary of Mao Zedong after return from USSR; imprisoned in Beijing by KMT, Sep 1931; signed an "anti-Communist declaration" together with Peng Zhen, Bo Yibo, Rao Shushi and others, Aug 1936; released shortly thereafter; secgen., HQ of 8th Route Army, 1937; leading cadre, Daiyue (Shanyin) Area CP in S Shanxi and of Daiyue Mil. Distr, 1942; dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1946^7; dpty dir. of this dpt, 1947-57; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954; to 3rd, Apr 1959 and 4th, Dec 1964); council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949- Dec 1954; mem., People's Control Com, GAC, Dec 1949 - Jan 1951; min. of Personnel, Sep 1950Oct 1954; acting dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1950- Aug 1952; dpty dir., Labor Employment Comte, GAC, Aug 1952; mem., Comte for Dafting Electoral Law, Jan 1953; acting dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1954 - Nov 1957; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959 and 4th, Jan 1965); mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1957 - Cult. Rev.; mem., CCP del. to 7th Congr of Bulgaria CP, Sofia, May 1958; mem., CCP del. to 11th Congr of Czechoslovak CP, Prague, Jun 1958; mem., CCP del to 5th Congr of German Socialist Unity Party, East Berlin, Jul 1958; published article in HQ, "People's Communes and the CCP", Dec 1959; published article in HQ, "The Training of Revolutionary Successors", Sep 1964; denounced as a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Sep 1967; first reappearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1978; vice-chm., Legal Com, NPC Stand. Comte, Feb 1979; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, by-elected, May 1979; vice-pres. and dpty sec., Central Party School, CCP Central Comte, May 1979; mem, CCP 11th Central Comte, by-elected at 4th Plenum, Sep 1979.

Bai Bin & ^ * 1919 deceased 1990, Nov 7 Cdr., 399th Regiment, 133rd Div., 45th Army, 1948; cdr., 134th Div., 45th Army, 1952; cos, 54th Army, 1953; dpty cdr., 54th Army, 1956; cdr., 54 Army, May 1967; dpty cos, Jinan Mil. Reg, 1972; cdr., Neizhangshan Fortress Distr, Jul 1981; dpty cdr., Jinan Mil. Reg, Jan 1984-1986.

Bai Dongcai




* Taiyuan, Shanxi Bora into a rich peasant family. Graduated from Taiyuan Normal School; CCP cadre in NE China, 1948; sec., Nanchang Distr CP and polit, commissar, Nanchang Mil. Distr in Jiangxi Prov., Jun 1949; dir., Party School, Nanchang Distr CP, 1952; mem., Jiangxi PPG, 1953; sec., Nanchang Distr CP, Jan 1955 - Nov 1956; sec., Jiangxi Prov. CP, Nov 1956- Cult. Rev.; deputy for Jiangxi to 2nd NPC, Jun 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); chancellor, Industrial Work Univ of Jiangxi Prov., Feb 1960Cult. Rev.; branded a capitalist-roader and purged, Dec 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm., Rev Comte of Jiangxi Prov., May 1970 - Dec 1979; dpty sec., Jiangxi Prov. CP, Dec 1970- Apr 1973; sec., Jiangxi Prov. CP, Apr 1973; alt. mem., CCP 10thCentral Comte, Aug 1973; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982); gov., Jiangxi PPG, Dec 1979 -Oct 1982; deputy for Jiangxi to 5th NPC, by-elected Aug 1980; 1st sec., Jiangxi Prov. CP, Sep 1982-Jun 1985; article in RMRB Aug 5, 1983, "Make a success of restructuring govt institutions in the revolutionary spirit studying streamlining govt institutions is a revolution" ; 1st polit. commissar, Jiangxi Mil. Distr, Sep 1984 -Jun 1985; resigned from his post as mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987. Remarks: Bai took care of Deng Xiaoping in Jiangxi after the fall of Lin Biao. Bai Hua



deceased 1993, Apr 3 Dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Tianjin Municipality CP; vice-chm., Rev Comte, Tianjin Municipality, Dec 1977 Jun 1980; mem., Natl Games Org. Comte, Jul 1979; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Tianjin Municipality CP, Aug 19791981; ehm,, Tianjin Industrial and Commercial Education Comte, Jan 1980; vice-mayor, Tianjin Municipality, Jun 1980 - Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, Tianjin Municipality CP, Jan 1982 - Oct 1985; vice-chm., Tianjin MPC, Apr 1983 - May 1988; deputy for Tianjin to 7th NPC, Mar 1988.


Bai Shi

Bai Hualing

Mem., Financial and Trade Work Comte, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1959; sec., CCP Secretariat, Liaoning Prov., Jun 1963 - Oct 1966; head, Liaoning del. to Ν Koreaa, Sep 1963; accused by Red Guards of repressing Li Suwen's criticism of Liaoning CP, Nov 1966; vice-chm., Rev Comte of Liaoning Prov., Jul 1971 -Nov 1977; head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Jul 1971; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Liaoning Prov., Dec 1971; sec., CCP Comte, Liaoning Prov., Sep 1979 - death.

* 1928 Shan County, Shandong Manager, Tianjin Construction Corp., 1962-71; served in urban construction work in Tianjin, 1972-85; mem., Stand. Comt, Tianjin CP, Oct 1985; vice-chm., Tianjin MPC, May 1988; disappeared, May 1988.

Bai Rubing


& %

* Shaanxi Graduated from Shanxi Univ, Taiyuan; prior to 1950 served successively as dpty polit, commissar of a div., dir. of Polit. Dpt of a PLA army, dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte; dpty sec., CCP Comte Liaoning Prov., 1950; dir., General Office, Min. of Ν China Affairs, Oct 1950 - Dec 1952; dir., General Office, Ν China Admin. Comte (NCAC), Dec 1951 - Feb 1954; council mem., NCAC, Dec 1951 Sep 1954; sec-gen., NCAC, Dec 1952- Feb 1954; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Tianjin Municipality, Jan 1955 - May 1956; vice-mayor, Tianjin MPG, Jan 1955 - May 1956; vice-min. of Electrical Equipment Ind., May 1956- Feb 1958; vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Sep 1959Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev.

Bai Junqing



* 1925 Aohan Banner, Inner Mongolia Service as magistrate of Aohan Banner, 1953-59; CCP cadre of Ju Ud League, 1959-68; vice-chm., People's Govt, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), Apr 1983 - Jun 1988; head, IMAR del. to Hong Kong, Nov 1985; vice-chm., IMAR People's Congr, Jun 1988; head, IMAR del. to Argentina, Aug 1988; disappeared, Jul 1989.

Bai Qian * 1918

é? db» ^

* 1906, Shaanxi Graduated from univ in Shanghai; engaged in Communist underground activities in his home prov., 1932; cadre of Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt, 1942; mem., NW Mil. and Admin. Comte (NWMAC), Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; vice-chm., Financial and Economic Comte, NWMAC, Mar 1950- Jan 1953; mem., NW Admin. Comte and vice-chm of its Fiancial and Economic Comte, Jan 1953 - Jul 1954; council mem., All-China Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Jul 1954 -Mar 1957; ehm., China Fed of Trade Cooperatives, Dec 1957; dir., Trade Bureau, Min. of Light Ind., Mar-Jul 1968; sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Jul 1958 - Cult. Rev., vice-gov., Shandong PPG, Nov 1958 - Dec 1963; deputy for Shandong to 2nd NPC, by-elected Jan 1961 (reelected to 3rd NPC, Aug 1964); gov., Shandong PPG, Dec 1963 -Cult. Rev.; branded a capitalist-roader and purged, 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Nov 1970; vice-chm., Rev Comte of Shandong Prov., Feb 1971 - Aug 1975; sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Apr 1971 - Jan 1974; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982); 1st polit, commissar, Jinan Mil. Reg, Jan 1974 - Dec 1979; 2nd sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Jan 1974 -Apr 1975; 1st sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Apr 1975 Dec 1982; ehm., Rev Comte of Shandong Prov., Aug 1975 - Dec 1979; deputy for Shandong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Presidium, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; polit, commissar, Jinan Mil. Reg, May 1981 -Dec 1982; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; disappeared, Nov 1987.

Bai Shi


& M deceased 1982, Nov 29

* 1927 Leting County, Hebei


Bai Shouyi, Djamal ai-Din

Graduation from Literature Dpt, Ν China Univ, 1947; served as a youth cadre and in other sections of Hebei Prov., 1952-1982; mem., Stand. Comte, Hebei Prov. CP Mar 1983 - Jul 1990; sec., Discipline Inspection Com, Hebei Prov. CP, May 1985 - Jul 1990; mem., Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); vice-chm., Hebei PPC, Sep 1990; disappeared, Sep 1990.

Bai Shouyi, D j a m a l al-Din



* 1909 Kaifeng City, Henan Belonged to Hui minority. Attended Wenzhi Univ in Shanghai and Zhongzhou Univ in Henan; enrolled in Chinese Studies Inst, of Beijing Yanjing Univ, in the history of philosophy, 1929; dir., History Dpt, Beijing Teacher's Univ, 1949; again dir., History Dpt, Beijing Teacher's Univ, 1963; vice-chm., Islamic Society, 1963; vice-pres., Sinn-Afghanistan Friendship Assn, 1963; deputy for Henan to 3rd NPC, Aug 1964; article in China Reconstructs, "The heritage of Chinese Muslims", Aug 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978; to 6th, Jun 1983); cadre of China Islamic Society, Mar 1976; mem., NPC del. to Iran and Kuwait, Nov 1976; dir., History Dpt, Beijing Teachers' Univ, Dec 1976; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); mem., State Nationalities Affairs Com, SC, May 1979-1983); mem., Draft Lawy Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; vice-chm., NPC Nationalities Affairs Comte, Oct 1979 Jun 1983; vice-chm., China Islamic Society, Apr 1980; mem., presidium History Society, Apr 1980; mem., Presidium, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; vice-chm., Academic Comte, State Nationalities Affairs Com, May 1981; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 6th NPC and mem. of its Credential Comte, Jun 1983; mem., NPC Nationalities Affairs Comte, June 1983 - Mar 1988; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1986; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1987; invited to 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; hon. pres., China Society for Study of Ming Dynasty, Aug 1989; disappeared, Aug 1989.

Bai Xiangguo



Polit, commissar, 123th Div., 41st Army, 1958; trained at PLA Polit. Academy, 1963; polit, commissar, 41st Army, 1966; ehm., Rev Comte of Shantou Special Distr, Guangdong Prov., Mar 1968; dir., Polit Dpt, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Jan 1969; vice-chm., Rev Comte, Guangdong Prov., Apr 1969; cadre in Min. of Foreign Trade, Apr 1970; min. of Foreign Trade, Dec 1970 - Oct 1973; head, trade del. to Sri Lanka, Jan 1971; head, trade del. to Romania, Feb 1971; mem., CCP and govt, del., to Ν Korea on 10th anniversary of Sino-Korean Friendship Pact (head: Li Xiannian), Jul 1971; head, govt. del. to France, Sep 1971; head, trade del. to Algeria and Italy, Oct 1971; head, trade del. to Egypt, Mar 1972; head, govt del. to Sudan, May 1972; head, trade del. to Pakistan, Jun 1972; head, trade del. to Canada, Chile, Peru, Aug 1972; head, trade del. to Hungary, Yugoslavia, Romania, Nov 1972; head, trade del. to Sri Lanka and Burma, Dec 1972; head, trade del. to the Netherlands and England, Jan 1973; dpty dir., PLA Logistics, Feb 1974-1983; disappeared, Aug 1984.

Bai Xiangyin Dpty dir., 1st Bureau of Min. of Foreign Trade, Jun 1953 - Sep 1956; dpty head, trade del. to USSR, Nov 1955; dpty head, trade del. to Ν Vietnam, Jim 1956; asst min., Min. of Foreign Trade, Oct 1956 - Jan 1961; vicemin. of Foreign Trade, Jan 1961 - Nov 1965; head, trade del. to PR Mongolia, Mar 1963; vice-min., of Construction Materials, Nov 1965-Dec 1974; head, govt del. to Poland, Jun 1972; vice-min., State Capital Construction Com, Jul 1977 - May 1979; deputy for Shaanxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dpty head, capital construction del. to Japan, May 1978; pres., China Society of Silicate Research, Jun 1980; vice-min., Min. of Building Materials Ind., Mar 1981 -May 1982; disappeared, May 1982.

Bai Xueshi

Publications: An Outline History of China

* 1915 Beijing




Graduated from middle school, 1933; at that time he took up painting; associate prof., Central Academy of Arts and Crafts and ehm, Beijing Society for the Study of Landscape Painting, 1983; toured U.S.A., Sep 1986; mem., Education and Cultural Comte, 7th CPPCC; Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988. Remarks: Bai initially taught himself to paint by copying the Mustard Seed Garden Manual on Painting, the Qing Dynasty treatise on painting. During his twenties he studied flower-and-bird painting and joined various art groups, including the Society for Researching Traditional Chinese Painting. He was most impressed by Li Chen, Fan Kuan and Guo Xi, painters of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) who are famous for their landscapes. After the founding of the People's Republic in China in 1949 he also turned to sketching factories and rural areas. From 1973 to 1980 he made three visits to Guangxi in order to get impressions of the Lijiang river. Some hundreds of sketches of that region led to paintings which made him famous, such as Myriad Peaks Contending and Riverside Village. Bai developed a personal style, combining heavy black ink with color wash to add texture and depth. He is influenced by various art forms, such as oil painting, woodblock printing, watercolor and gouache. These western forms are integrated in the specific characteristics of his Chinese paintings.

Bai Zhimin



* 1918 Qingjian County, Shaanxi Joined CCP, 1935; dir., Rural Work Dpt, NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1953; mem., Land Reform Comte, NW Admin. Comte, Jan 1954; dpty sec., Shaanxi Prov. CP, Mar 1956; sec., Shaanxi Prov. CP, Apr 1956; alt. sec., NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev. Comte of Fujian Prov., Jan 1978 - Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Fujian Prov. CP, Mar-Oct 1978; dpty dir., Party School, Fujian Prov. CP, Jun 1978-1979; sec., Fujian Prov. CP, Nov 19781979; vice-gov., Shaanxi PPG, Oct 1980-1981; dpty dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1981-1982; head, Party workers' del. to Ν Korea, Jun 1982; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Jan 1991.

Bainqen Erdeni Qoigyi Gyaincain

Bainma Dandzin



-2. * f

* 1931 Hualong County, Qinghai B. belonged to the Tibetan minority. Graduation from Medical Dpt, Beijing Medical College, 1957; service in hospitals and public health departments of Qinghai, Prov., 1975-81; vice-gov., Qinghai PPG, Nov 1981 (reelected Apr 1983 and Feb 1988); deputy for Qinghai to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Jan 1992.

Bainqen Erdeni Qoigyi Gyaincain

* 1938 Xunhua County, Qinghai deceased 1989, Jan 28 Born into a peasants family. The Bainqen Kapolija (the highest administration under Bainqen) through religious procedures confirmed him as the 10th incarnation of Bainqen and brought him to Gumbum (Ta-drh) monas try, the biggest in Qinghai, 1941; succeeded to the throne as 10th reincarnation of the 1st Bainqen, 1943; after occupation of Qinghai by the Communists, 1949, assured of Communist support against the Dalai Lama; sent a telegram to Mao Zedong and Zhu De asking for the "liberation" of Tibet, Jan 1950; first meeting with Mao in Beijing, Apr 1951; mem., Natl Comte of 1st CPPCC, Oct 1951; arrived in Lhasa after the occupation of Tibet by the PLA, Apr 1952; establishment of the Council of the Bainqen Lama in Xigaze, Jun 1952; hon. pres. of Chinese Buddhist Assn, May 1953 (founding session) - death; deputy for Tibet to 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Mar 1959); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Oct 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959); vice-chm, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1954; vice-chm, Preparatory Comte for Tibet AR (PCTAR), Apr 1956; with Dalai Lama, visited India and attended 2500th anniversary rites of Buddha, Nov 1956 - Jan 1957; after outbreak of Tibet revolt and escape of the Dalai Lama to India, acting ehm, PCTAR, Mar 1959- Dec 1964; vice-chm, 2nd NPC, Apr 1959 - Dec 1964; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; attended Beijing conf. on Nationalities Affairs Work, May 1962; ehm, Election Comte for Tibet


Ban-ma Dan-zeng

AR, Aug 1962; speech at NPC session 011 economic development of Tibet, Oct 1962; at a Buddhist meeting he denounced China's Tibet policy and openly spoke in support of Dalai Lama, 1964; accused of "opposing the people, the fatherland and socialism" and removed from post of acting ehm, POTAR, but remained mem, Dec 1964; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; mem., Stand. Comte, Tibet Branch, CPPCC, Sep 1965; during Cult. Rev. confined in labor camp and subsequently put in custody for nine years and eight month at Qincheng, the Beijing prison for prominent persons, 1966-1977; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; vice-chm, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Jul 1979- Sep 1980; reelected, hon. pres., Chinese Buddhist Assn, Jul 1980; deputy for Tibet to 5th NPC, by-elected Aug 1980 (reelected to 6th, Mar 1983 and to 7th, Jan 1988); vice-chm, 5th NPC, by-elected Sep 1980 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983 and to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; dpty head, NPC del. to Australia, Apr-May 1986; head, NPC del. to Nepal, where he spoke at the 15th General Conf. of the World Fellowship of Buddhists, Kathmandu, Nov 1986; head, NPC del. to Bolivia, Uruguay, Brazil, Oct 1988. Remarks: The last years of his life he lived together with a grand-daughter of Dong Qiwu, a former KMT general. He spent nearly 20 million yuan for the renovation of a number of major monas tries and temples in Qinghai.

Ban-ma Dan-zeng See Bainma Dandzin

Bao Guobao & ©


* 1898 Zhongshan County, Guangdong Graduated from Cornell Univ., U.S.A.; subsequently served successively as engineer of Youfeng Textile Factory in Zhengzhou, prof, of Zhejiang Provincial Ind. School, prof, of Shanghai Jiaotong Univ, dir. of Bureau of Electric Power of Natl Construction Com and as ehm, Board of Directors, Guangzhou Electric Power Plant; went over to the Communists, 1949, and made manager, Ν China Electric Power Company; dir., Dpt of Repair and Construction, Min. of Fuel Ind., GAC, Oct 1949; vicechm, Technological Comte, Min. of Electric Ind., Dec 1956; vice-pres., Electrical Engineering Society, 1958; deputy for Guangdong to 2nd NPC, Sep 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); dir., Electrical Ind. Admin. Bureau, Min. of Water Conservancy and Electric Power, SC, 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev.

Bao Houchang


* Jiangyin County, Jiangsu Cdr., Jiangnan Resist-Japan Volunteers Unit, 1938; chief of a company, 2nd Regiment, 1st Detachment, New 4th

Army, 1940; cdr., Advance Unit, 6th Div., New 4th Army, 1945; battalion polit, instructor, 11th Column, E China Field Army, 1947; conducted guerilla activities along Shanghai-Nanjing Railway, 1948; ehm, Wuxi Fed of TU, Jiangsu, 1950; vice-major, Wuxi MPG, 1950; mem., S Jiangsu People's Admin. Office, Dec 1950 - Nov 1952; mem., Jiangsu PPC, Feb 1955; sec., CCP Comte, Wuxi City, Jan 1956; mem., CCP Comte, Jiangsu Prov., Jul 1956; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Wuxi City, Oct 1957 Feb 1963; mem., Executive Comte, All-China Fed of TU, Dec 1957; alt. sec., CCP Comte, Jiangsu Prov., May 1960- Dec 1965; vice-gov., Jiangsu PPG, Jul 1961Cult. Rev.; sec., CCP Comte, Jiangsu Prov., Jan 1966 Cult. Rev.; branded a "capitalist-roader" and purged, Jan 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1979; sec., CCP Comte, Jiangsu Prov., Oct 1979 - Apr 1983; ehm, Jiangsu Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1980; disappeared, Oct 1986.

Bao Kerning

¿fe A


1988; mem., Science and Technology Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, CDL, Oct 1988; editorin-chief, Magma Rock Petrology, Nov 1988; disappeared, Jan 1991. Publications: Co author of The Fedrov Method Remarks: Chi pioneered petrofabric study in China and contributed to China's prospecting of Kimberlite diamond deposits.

* 1920 Shanxi Joined CCP, 1937; served in Shanxi-Hebei-ShandongHenan Border Reg, 1947; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Taihang Distr CP, 1948; sec., Yuci CP, Shanxi, Jun 1950; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanxi Prov. CP, Apr 1954; 1st sec., Taiyuan Municipality CP, Jul 1956 - May 1957; sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, May 1957 -Cult. Rev.; sec., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1963; denounced as a counterrevolutionary revisionist and supporter of Peng Zhen and purged, Apr 1967; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Tianjin Municipality, Jun 1970; renewed disappearance shortly afterwards; first reappearance: 2nd sec., CCP Comte, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, May 1976 - May 1978; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, May 1976 - May 1978; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987); 2nd sec., Guizhou Prov. CP, Jun 1978 - Jul 1980; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Guizhou Prov., Oct 1978 - Dec 1979; 1st sec., Guizhou Prov. CP, Jul 1980 - May 1985; 1st polit, commissar, Guizhou Mil. Distr, Jul 1980 - May 1985; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Guizhou Mil. Dstr, Oct 1982- May 1985; head, CCP del. to Yugoslavia, Oct 1984; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 19871992; disappeared, May 1992.

Chi Jishang (f) & fó

Chou Youwen * Hebei deceased 1983, Jun Commissioner, 18th Admin. Office, Hebei-Rehe-Liaoning Border Area, Mar 1947; vice-gov., Liaoxi PPG, 1949; vice-gov., Liaoning PPG, Aug 1954-Cult. Rev.; mem.. Stand. Comte, Liaoning CP, Oct 1960; deputy for Liaoning to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; alt. sec., Secretariat, Liaoning CP, Jul 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., May 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: Mem., Stand. Comte, Liaoning CP, Jun 1973-1979; vice-chm, Liaoning Rev Comte, Jan 1974- Dec 1977; mem., Birth Planning Leading Group, SC, Jul 1978.

Chu Chuanheng

Chu Chuanyu





Deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; cdr., Hubei Mil. Distr, Aug 1981-1983; mem., Stand. Comte, Hubei CP, Mar 1983-1985; vice-chm, Hubei PPC, Apr 1983-1986; disappeared, Jan 1986.

Chu Jiang

* 1917 Anlu County, Hubei Graduated from Geology Dpt, SW Associated Univ, 1941; attained Ph.D. from Bloomer College, U.S.A., 1949; associate prof., Qinghua Univ, 1950-52; prof., Beijing College of Geology, Mar 1953-1958; dpty dir., Wuhen Inst, of Geology, 1959- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again dpty dir., Wuhan Inst, of Geology, Mar 1981; mem., Scientific Council, CAS, Nov 1981; mem., Dpt of Earth Sciences, CAS, Jun 1985; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr

Vice-min. of Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental Protection, Oct 1983 - Apr 1988; vice-pres., Chinese Urban Science Society, Jan 1984; vice-chm, Comte for Examining the Project of Diverting Luan River Water to Tianjin, SC, Aug 1984; dpty head, State Leading Group for Housing System Reform, May 1988; disappeared, May 1988.


*1917 Jiangsu 1st sec., Suzhou Region CP, 1965-67; mem., Stand. Comte, Jiangsu CP, May 1976; sec., Nanjing Municipality CP, 1976-78; ehm, Nanjing Rev Comte, Mar 19771979; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; sec., Jiangsu CP, Dec 1977 - Mar 1983; 1st sec., Nanjing CP, Sep 1978 - Apr 1982; 1st sec., Discipline Inspection Com, Jiangsu CP, May 1979-1983; deputy for Jiangsu to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); ehm, Jiangsu PPC, May 1983 -Jan 1988; disappeared, Jul 1990.


Chu Tu'nan

& @

* 1899 Wenshan County, Yunnan deceased 1994, Apr 11 Studied history and geography in Beijing and joined circle studying Marxism; middle school teacher in Yunnan, 1923; joined CCP, 1926; imprisoned for Communist activities, Harbin, 1928-31; taught at schools in Beijing, Shandong, Henan and Shanghai, 1932-37; head, Literature and History Dpt, Yunnan Univ, 1937; joined CDL, 1943; attended Inaugural Session of CPPCC and made mem., 1st Natl Comte, Sep 1949; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Ass, Oct 1949 - Dec 1954; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte and ehm of its Cultural and Educational Comte, Jul 1950 - Jan 1953; ehm, Comte for Elimination of Illiteracy, GAC, Nov 1952- Oct 1954; mem., SW Admin. Comte and ehm of its Cultural and Educational Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; ehm, Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954- Cult. Rev.; delegate to Disarmament Conf., Stockholm, Jun 1954; deputy for Yunnan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., del. to Conf. of World Peace Council, Helsinki, Jim 1955; head, song and dance troupe to several Western European Countries, Sep 1955; mem., del. to Afro-Asian Solidarity Conf., Cairo, Dec 1957; vice-min., Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, SC, Mar 1958 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Jul 1958-1965; delegate to special session of World Peace Council, Stockholm, May 1959; head, cultural del. to Burma, Jan 1960; ehm, China-Latin America Friendship Assn, Mar 1960 - Cult. Rev.; head, friendship del. to Cuba, Apr 1961; head, friendship del. to Japan, Nov 1961; vice-chm, China Afro-Asian Society, Apr 1962 Cult. Rev.; head, acrobatic troupe to Pakistan and Burma, Oct-Dec 1963; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev.; pres., Chinese People's Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Apr 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jun 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jan 1972; dpty head, del. of Sino-Japanese Friendship Assn to Japan, Apr 1973; head, friendship del. to Japan, Sep 1975; adviser, Sino-Japanese Friendship Assn, Sep 1975; deputy for Yunnan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); vice-chm, Assn for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Sep 19781986; head, friendship del. to Great Britain, Belgium, France, Nov 1978; vice-chm, CDL, Jan 1979 - Jan 1986; mem., Credentials Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Apr 1980; mem., Presidium, 3rd Session of 5th NPC, Aug 1980; mem.,

Cui Jianmin

Presidium, 4th Session of 5th NPC, Nov 1981; pres., "Friends of Esperanto", Dec 1981-1987; head, friendship del. to Italy, May 1982; dpty head, del. to Japan (head: Wang Zhen), Sep 1982; mem., Chinese Comte, Council of Chinese and Japanese Non-Governmental Personages, Sep 1982; mem.; Presidium, 5th Session of 5th NPC, Nov 1982; mem., Credential Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1983; head, friendship del. to India, Mar 1983; mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; vice-chm, Foreign Affairs Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 - May 1986; pres., China-Latin America Friendship Assn, Jul 1984; acting ehm, CDL, Jan 1986 -Jan 1987; vice-chm, Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986 - Apr 1988; hon. ehm, CDL, Jan 1987 - death; permanent ehm, 5th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1987; invited to 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; adviser, Assn for the Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China, Sep 1988; hon. vice-pres., Society for People's Friendship Studies, Mar 1991; hon. pres., Society of Yellow River Culture and Economy, Mar 1994. Chu was married to Peng Shuduan. Publications: Chu translated foreign literature into Chinese, including Leaves of Grass, poems by Walt Whitman.

Ciren Lamu (f) See Tsering Lam (f)

Cui Hailong

Ά &

Cui belonged to the Korean minority. 3rd polit, commissar, Militia Dpt of Hunchun County in Jilin Prov., Apr 1966; activist in studying the Mao Zedong ideas, 1968; vice-chm, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Jilin Prov., May 1968; dpty polit, commissar, Yanbian Mil. Subdistr under Shenyang Mil. Reg, May 1968; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 - Aug 1973; sec., CCP Comte, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Nov 1971-1977; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); deputy for Jilin to 4th NPC, Jan 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; disappeared after the purge of the "Gang of Four", Nov 1976; accused in connection with Mao Yuanxia, Nov 1977.

Cui Jianmin

* 1932 Weihai County, Shandong


Cui Lin

Graduation from Planning Dpt, China People's Univ, 1962; serves as sec., Natl Defense Bureau, State Planning Com, 1962-65; service in several positions in 1st Min. of Machine Building, 1978-83; dir., Ind. and Transport Auditing Bureau under Auditing Admin., 1984-85; dpty auditor general, Auditing Admin., Apr 1985; removed from office, Apr 1995.

Rev.; sec., Tianjin CP, Apr 1964 -Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev. : mayor of Dalian City, Feb 1980-1982; sec., Dalian City CP, May 1980-1985; vice-chm, Liaoning PPC, Jul 1985 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Jan 1988.

Cui Tianmin Cui Lin

$ l SJ



* 1927 Huichun, Jilin Belonged to Korean minority. Polit, instructor in PL A units in Jilin Prov., 1946-49; dpty sec., CYL Branch, Yanbian Prefecture, 1950-54; dir., Metallurgical Bureau, Jilin PPG, 1977-82; ehm, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, 1982-83; vice-chm, Jilin PPC, Jun 1985 (reelected Jan 1985); disappeared, Apr 1990.

Cui Qun $ Economic plenipotentiary of PRC in Ν Vietnam, May 1960- May 1963; dir., Technical Import and Export Corp., Sep 1963 - Cult. Rev.; conducted negotiations in Beijing with a del. of petroleum ind. consultants from the Federal Republic of Germany, Jul 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; reactivated after Cult. Rev.: vicemin. of Foreign Trade, Dec 1977 - Mar 1982; head, trade del. to Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Jan 1979; mem., govt del. to Great Britain, Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, France (head: Hua Guofeng), Oct 1979; accompanied vice-premier Li Xiannian to Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand, May 1980; disappeared, Mar 1982.

Cui Ronghan


* 1912 Suide County, Shaanxi Participated in Ν Shaanxi Peasant Uprising, 1938; carried out Communist propaganda in home county, 1931; cooperated in organizing guerilla forces, May 1932; reorganized these forces into 2nd Regiment, 84th Div., Chinese Worker-Peasant Red Army, 1934; organized with Yang Dezhi Hebei-Shandong-Henan Detachment to include all troops in Hebei-Shandong border area under their command, Mar 1939; detachment first attached to 115th Div. in Shandong, later to 129th Div., 8th Route Army; dpty cdr., Shandong 2nd Column, 1945; dpty polit, commissar, PLA Railway Corps, Jul 1950; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; polit. commissar, PLA Railway Corps, Aug 1957; mem., Natl Defense Council, Jan 1965-1967; demoted to 2nd polit, commissar, PLA Railway Corps, May 1966; suspended from all posts because of committing mistakes of factionalism, Nov 1967; first reappearance after Cult. Rev.: Apr 1974; leading cadre, PLA 2nd Artillery, May 1975; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); adviser, PLA 2nd Artillery, Apr 1981; disappeared, May 1983.

Cui Wei



* 1922 Anguo County, Hebei Service in CCP and admin, positions of Tianjin Municipality, 1949-62; vice-mayor, Tianjin PPG, 1963 - Cult.

* 1921 deceased 1979, Feb 7 Joined the CCP 1931; initiated theatre movement and played sketches in the countryside, 1932; organized theatre classes in Shanghai, 1935-37; after outbreak of Sino-Japanese War, organized Shanghai No. 1 Theatre Troupe, Oct 1937; went to Communist center in Yan'an, 1938; joined CCP, 1938; taught at Drama Dpt, Lu Xun


Art Academy, Yan'an, 1940-42; dir., Drama Dpt, United Ν China Univ, 1948; pres., Academy of Fine Aits of Central-S China, 1950-54; started his film work, 1954; made dir., Beijing Film Studio, 1959; mem., friendship del. to Japan, Nov 1961; won the Best Actor Award for his leading role in Under the Red Flag, May 1962; deputy for Shandong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., CPPCC 5th Natl Comte, Feb 1978. Cui played leading roles in or directed: Night over Eastern Chahar, Throw Away the Whip, Join the 8th Route Army, Song Jingshi, Under the Red Flag, Song of the Youth, Little Soldier Zhang Ga, Red Flowers in the Tianshan, a.o.

Cui Xiufan

dpty dir., Animal Husbandry College, Qinghai Univ, 1966-67; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Qinghai Prov., Mar 1967-1976; ehm, Rev Comte, Qinghai Univ, 1968; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); dpty sec., Qinghai Prov. CP, Mar 1971-1976; disappeared, Oct 1976.

Da Pusheng, Nur Mohammed ϋ

« 1

Ψ- % t t

Locomotive driver; labor model of Shenyang, 1967; vicechm, Rev Comte of Shenyang Railway Admin., Aug 1968; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Liaoning Prov., Jan 1969; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th, Aug 1973); vice-chm, Liaoning TU, Jun 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, Liaoning CP, Jan 1974; disappeared, Sep 1976.

Cui Yitian # X & Practiced medicine in Shengjing Medical College, Shenyang, 1935; arrested by Japanese police; dir., Health Dpt, E China Mil. Reg, 1949; dir., Bureau of Public Health, Shanghai MPG, 1949-1952; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte and dir. of its Health Dpt, Mar 1950 - Jan 1953; mem., E China Admin. Comte and vice-chm of its Cultural and Educational Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; made self-criticism, admitting confusion under his admin., Apr 1953; vice-min. of Public Health, Oct 1954 - Cult. Rev.; council mem., Chinese Medical Society, Nov 1954; vice-pres., Chinese Medical Society, Aug 1956; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Jun 1957 - Nov 1958; mem., Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, SC, Mar 1958; dpty head, del. to 3rd Conf. of Socialist Countries' Ministers of Public Health, Prague, Sep 1958; vice-pres., China-Czechoslovakia Friendship Assn, Sep 1958 - Cult. Rev.; acting pres., Chinese Medical Society, Nov 1959; council mem., China Red Cross Society, Nov 1959; head, public health del. to Indonesia, Feb 1963; head, public health del. to Cuba and Sweden, Oct 1964; head, del. to 1st anniversary celebration of Zanzibar Revolution, Feb 1965; vice-chm, Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Apr 1966; branded a big renegade and purged, Jun 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1980; mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Aug 1980; disappeared, Aug 1980, Cui was married to Xue He.

Da Le

Dai Chuanzeng


Da belonged to the Tibetan minority. Sec., CCP Comte, Hainan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Prov., 1964;



* 1874 Liuhe County, Jiangsu deceased 1965, Jun 21 Da belonged to the Hui minority. Graduated from alAzhar Univ, Cairo, 1923; counsellor, Natl Mil. Council, 1938-48; mem., People's Polit. Council, Nationalist Govt,, 1942-48; vice-chm, Preparatory Comte, China Islamic Assn, Aug 1952; mem., CCP del. to World Peace Congr, Vienna, Dec 1952; vice-pres., China Islamic Assn, May 1953 - death; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd and 4th, Apr 1959 and Dec 1964); head, Religious Affairs Work Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Apr 1955 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959); adviser, CCP del. to Afro-Asian Conf., Bandung, Apr 1955; council mem., China-Indonesia Friendship Assn, 1955; head, Moslem del. on pilgrimage to Mecca, Jul 1955; mem., China Asian Solidarity Comte, Feb 1956; vice-pres., China-Egypt Friendship Assn, Nov 1956; pres., China-Syria Friendship Assn, Sep 1957; mem., del. to Afro-Asian Solidarity Conf., Cairo, Dec 1957; vice-pres., China-United Arab Republic Friendship Assn (after merger of Egypt and Syria), Feb 1958; mem., Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, SC, Mar 1958 - Sep 1959; council mem., Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Jul 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; mem., Nationalities Affairs Com, SC, Apr 1959; mem., China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, 1959; council mem., China-Africa Friendship Assn, Apr 1960; council mem., China Assn for Polit, and Legal Affairs, Mar 1961; mem., CCP del. to New Zealand, Apr 1963; reelected mem., Stand. Comte of CPPCC, Jan 1965.

Dai Chuanzeng * 1921 deceased 1990, Nov 18 Dai studied in Great Britain for a doctorate; returned to China, 1951; vice-chm, Nuclear Safety Comte, SC, Jun 1986; mem., Science and Technology Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; mem., Natl Academic Degrees Comte, Oct 1988; hon. dir., Inst, of Atomic Energy, Dec 1988.

Dai Fanglan

Dai Fanglan


Dec 1957; vice-chm, Anhui Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1960; vice-gov., Anhui PPG, Dec 1962 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Anhui to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; ousted from offices by Red Guards during Cult. Rev. and disappeared, Jan 1967.

Dai M o a n

* 1894 Hubei Prof, of Plant Protection Dpt, Beijing Agricultural Univ, 1954; dir., Fungus Research Office, CAS, 1954; pres., China Plant Pathology Society, 1954; deputy for Hubei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); council mem., China Fed of Natural Sciences Societies, Feb 1955; mem., Dpt of Biology and Geology, CAS, May 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, Dpt of Biology, CAS, Jun 1955; visited German Democratic Republic and received title of correspondent Academician from Agricultural Science Academy, Nov 1955; dir., Fungus Plant Pathology Inst., CAS. and prof, of Beijing Agricultural Univ, Apr 1956; mem., Chinese Science and Technology Assn, Dec 1958; pres., Society for Protection of Plants, Dec 1964; dir., Inst, of Mycology, CAS, Aug 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Dai Guangqian ^ ^ L fl'J Chm, Rev Comte, New China Shipyard in Guangdong Prov., 1977; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; disappeared, Dec 1978.

Dai Ji & * 1893 Jingde County, Anhui Graduated from Baoding Mil. Academy; cos, Fujian Army, cdr. of a company, then a battalion, 2nd Regiment, 1st Brigade, Nationalist Revolutionary Army (NRA), 1923; cdr., 30th Regiment, 10th Div., 4th Army, NRA, 1925; cdr., 24th Div., 1st Army, Guangdong Army, 1926; dpty cdr., 61st Div. and concurrently cdr. of its 8th Brigade, 1929; cdr., 61st Div., 1930; cdr., WusongShanghai Garrison command, 1931; Chinese delegate at truce negotiations with Japanese after outbreak of "Jan 28 Incident" at Shanghai, 1932; council mem., "People's Revolutionary Democratic Govt of the Republic of China", Fuzhou, 1933; head, Instruction Office, KMT Central Police Officer Training School, 1938; mem., Preparatory Comte, Shanghai Branch, China KMT Revolutionary Comte, 1948; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949; council mem., S Anhui Admin. Office, Dec 1950- Aug 1952; mem., Central Comte, China KMT Revolutionary Comte, 1952; council mem., Anhui PPG, Aug 1952; mem., E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Jan 1956; vicechm, Anhui Branch, China KMT Revolutionary Comte,

"3Ê 4 c

À ^^ h * 1934 Ningbo City, Zhejiang Graduation from Leningrad Agricultural Inst., 1959; prof, and dpty dir., Agro-Economy Dpt, NE China Agricultural Inst., 1972-87; dir., Education Com, Heilongjiang PPG, Jul 1984; vice-gov., Heilongjiang PPG, Jan 1988 - Dec 1992; pres., Chinese Skating Assn, Feb 1991; disappeared, Dec 1992.

Dai Nianci & & & * 1920 deceased 1991, Nov 12 Chief architect, Inst, for Building Research, May 1973; vice-pres., Chinese Architecture Society, Jun 1974; head architecture exhibition del. to Iran, Aug 1974; mem., NPC del. to Australia (head: Ulanhu), Sep 1974; deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); chief architect, Academy of Building Science, Jun 1979; mem., Presidium, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; vice-min., Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental Protection, May 1982 - Feb 1986; head, govt del. to Cameroon, May 1982; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; pres., Chinese Architecture Society, Oct 1984; mem., China-Spain Friendship Group of NPC, Mar 1986.

Dai Shunzhi Ä, M M Deputy for Jiangsu to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mayor of Nanjing Municipality, May 1988 - 1991; dpty sec., Nanjing Municipality CP, Jun 1989; mem., Stand. Comte, Jiangsu Prov. CP, Dec 1989; vice-gov., Jiangsu PPG, Dec 1989Apr 1992; disappeared, Apr 1992.

Dai Songen Ä fc & Researcher, Dpt of Biology, Geography and Geology, CAS, Jun 1955; dpty dir., Inst, of Seeds Breeding and Cultivation, Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Aug 1957; dpty dir., E China Inst, of Agricultural Sciences, Aug 1957; mem., scientific del. to USSR, Nov 1957; vicepres., Chinese Plant Society, Dec 1961; dpty sec-gen.,


Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Mar 1964; deputy for Shandong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec-gen., CAS, Jan 1979; mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Aug 1980; dpty dir., Postgraduate Inst., Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jun 1983; mem., Dpt of Biology, CAS, Jun 1985; disappeared, Jun 1985.

Dai Suli

Jg" ijf»!».

Dan Tong

Dai Wensai

t ì $

Ä & * 1911 Studied at Cambridge Univ, England. Dpty dir., Dpt of Mathematics and Astronomy, Nanjing Univ, Aug 1961; vice-pres., Chinese Astronomy Society, Aug 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., 1975; vice-pres., Chinese Astronomy Society, Sep 1978; dir., Astronomy Dpt, Nanjing Univ, Dec 1978; disappeared, Feb 1979.


* 1919 Xiangyuan County, Shanxi Joined CCP, 1937; CCP sec., Changzhi County, 1944-46; service in lower CCP positions in Henan Prov., 1949-59; mem., Stand. Comte and sec-gen., Henan Prov. CP, Mar 1960-1965; alt-sec., Henan Prov. CP, Aug 1965; head, Cult. Rev. Group, Henan Prov. CP, Sep 1966; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte, Henan Prov., Mar 1968; denounced by Red Guards as a "chameleon and little reptile who crept into the Rev Comte", May 1968; subsequently disappeared; again mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte, Henan Prov., Aug 1971 - May 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, Henan Prov. CP, Jul 1972 - Apr 1973; sec., Henan Prov. CP, Apr 1974- Mar 1981; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Henan Prov., May 1974- Sep 1979; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; vicepres., Party School, Henan Prov. CP, Dec 1977; vicegov., Henan PPG, Sep 1979-1981; 2nd sec., Henan Prov. CP, Mar 1981 - Dec 1982; acting gov., Henan PPG, May-Dec 1981; gov., Henan PPG, Dec 1981 -Dec 1982; chief cdr., Huanghe Flood Prevention HQ, Feb 1982; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982- Nov 1987; head, CCP goodwill del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1982; sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, Mar 1983 - Jun 1985; head, friendship del. to Romania, Aug 1984; ehm, Advisory Com, Liaoning Prov. CP, Jun 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; disappeared, Jul 1990.

Dai Weiran


Acting dir., Propaganda Dpt, Jiangsu Prov. CP, Mar 1973; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Jiangsu Prov. CP and concurrently 1st dpty dir., Party School of Jiangsu Prov., Oct 1977; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Jiangsu Prov., Dec 1977 Dec 1979; deputy for Jiangsu to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vicechm, Jiangsu PPC, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; disappeared, Apr 1983.

Publications on astrophysics and the evolution of celestial bodies.

Dai Xiaodong

& ft £

* Jiangsu Sec., CCP "Red Three Villages" Distr Comte, Shandong, 1939; polit, commissar, Rear Command, 5th Mil. Subdistr, Hebei-Shandong-Henan Mil. Distr., Jul 1946; council mem. and dir., Public Security Dpt, Pingyuan PPG, Jul 1950; chief procurator, Pingyuan People's Procuracy, Nov 1951; mem., Admin. Comte, All-China Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Jul 1954; visit to Poland, 1956; vice-chm, Board of Directors, All-China Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Mar 1958; vicegov., Guizhou PPG, Aug 1958 -Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand Comte, CCP Comte, Guizhou Prov., Oct 1961 -Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Feb 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Guizhou PPC, Jan 1980 - Apr 1983; disappeared, Apr 1983.

Dalizhaya See Darydzaya

Dan Tong

-Pr M

Dan belonged to the Hui minority. Dpty dir., Secretariat, Financial and Economic Comte, Hebei PPG, Sep 1953; vice-chm, Nationalities Affairs Com, SC, Dec 1960 - Aug 1965; vice-chm, China Fed of Democratic Youth, Apr 1962 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Chinese Islamic Assn, Nov 1963 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Shandong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., Nationalities Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; appeared regularly during Cult. Rev, 1967-77; named a cadre of the SC, May 1973; disappeared, Jul 1977.

Dao Anju

Dao Anju 7] 4ç & Dao belonged to the Dai minority. Deputy for Yunnan to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); ehm, Dai-Jingbo Autonomous Prefecture of Dehong, Yunnan Prov., Nov 1984; mem., NPC del. to Burma and Thailand (head: Ye Fei), Dec 1984; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC and mem. of its Nationalities Comte, by-elected Nov 1989; disappeared, Nov 1989.

Darydzaya fè * Ningxia D. belonged to the Mongolian minority. Mem., 6th Central Executive Comte, KMT, May 1945; head, Alashan Mongolian Banner, Ningxia, Dec 1949; council mem., Ningxia PPG, Dec 1949; vice-chm, Nationalities Affairs Comte, NW Mil. and Admin. Comte (NWMAC), Aug 1952; vice-chm, People's Govt, Alashan Banner Autonomous District, Oct 1952; vice-chm, Polit, and Legal Comte, NWMAC, Jan 1953; mem., NW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953; ehm, People's Govt, Ningxia Autonomous Region, May 1954; deputy for Gansu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (deputy for Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region since Jun 1957); mem., NPC Nationalities Comte, Sep 1954; vicechm, People's Govt, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IM AR), May 1957 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for IM AR to 2nd NPC, Jun 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); disappeared during Cult. Rev., Nov 1966.

Deng Baoshan S i t * 1893 Tianshui County, Gansu deceased 1968, Nov A clerk in govt troops in Xinjiang, before 1911; service in Yu Youren's Natl Peace Restoration Army, after 1911 Rev; when Yan Xishan and Geng Yuxiang joined forces against Chiang Kai-shek, made dpty cdr. of Natl Construction Army in Henan; became deputy to Yang Hucheng, dir. of Peace Restoration Office in Shaanxi, 1930; mem., Gansu Provincial Council, 1936; dpty cdr., 12th War Zone (cdr.: Fu Zuoyi) during Sino-Japanese War, 193745; mem., KMT 6th Central Executive Comte, May 1945; specially-invited delegate to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd -4th in Oct 1954, Apr 1959, Dec 1964); mem., NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, 1950 -Jan 1953; ehm of Gansu, 1950 Sep 1954; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1951 - Dec 1954; mem., NW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; deputy for Gansu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Presidium, 1st NPC, Sep 1954; mem., Budget Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 death; gov. of Gansu, Dec 1954 - Jan 1968; awarded "Order of Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; vice-chm, Central Comte, Rev Comte of Chinses KMT, Feb 1956 -death; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1965); ehm, Gansu Branch, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Oct 1961 - Cult. Rev.; accused by Red Guards bulletins of being a mem. of Liu Shaoqi's clique, Apr 1967.


Deng Chenxi Dpty dir., Head Office, Ν China Supply and Marketing Cooperatives and concurrently manager, Cooperative Bank, 1949; manager, SW Branch, People's Bank of China, Dec 1949- Jun 1952; dir., Banking Dpt, Chongqing Mil. Control Com, Dec 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte (SWMAC), Feb 1950- Jan 1953; dpty dir., Bureau of Cooperative Admin., SWMAC, Jul 1950; mem., Board of Directors, All-China Fed of Cooperatives (ACFC), 1952; mem., Board of Directors, SW Branch, ACFC, Jun 1952; dir., SW Branch, General Admin. Office, ACFC, Aug 1952; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, SW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Aug 1954; lecturer, Teachers Training Class, SW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, May 1953; vicechm, All-China Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives (ACFSMC), Jul 1954; head, ACFSMC del. to Romania, Aug 1954; mem., Foreign Trade Arbitration Comte, Apr 1956; head, ACFSMC del. to Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, May 1956; vice-min., 2nd Min. of Commerce, Apr-Sep 1958; vice-gov., Shandong PPG, Nov 1958-1961; sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Jul 19591960; vice-min. of Commerce, SC, Apr-Dec 1961; dpty dir., Finance and Trade Office, Dec 1961-1964; disappeared 1964.

Deng Chumin ^ Μ & * 1888 Shishou County, Hubei deceased 1981, Feb 4 Graduated from Waseda Univ, Japan; after his return, joined Nationalist Wuhan Govt and undertook leftist activities, 1926; following rift between KMT and CCP fled to Japan, 1927; after returning, taught at Sim Yat-sen Univ in Guangzhou, 1927; supported student movement in Guangdong and was expelled by local authorities, 1935; taught at Guilin Normal School, 1935; during Sino-Japanese War edited Minzhu Bao in Chongqing and subsequently Wei Minbao, 1937-46; went to Hong Kong and made dean of Dpt of Polit. Science and Law, Dade College, 1947; joined CDL, and elected mem. of its Central Comte, 1947; joined Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, and elected mem. of its Central Comte, 1947; mem., Control Comte, Hong Kong Branch, All-China Fed of Literature and Art, May 1948; mem., Preparatory Comte, Social Sciences Workers Congr, Jul 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, 3rd, 4th in Dec 1954, Apr 1959, Dec 1964); mem., Polit, and Legal Com, G AC, Oct 1949; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte of World Peace, Oct 1949; council mem., SinoSoviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949- Dec 1954; pres., Shanxi Univ, Dec 1949; council mem., Shanxi PPG, Dec 1949; mem., Ν China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Aug 1954; council mem., Chinese Polit. Science and Law Society, 1953; deputy for Shanxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd and 3rd, Dec 1958 and Oct 1964); vicegov., Shanxi PPG, Nov 1954-1958; vice-chm, Shanxi Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Nov 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Feb 1955 (reelected to 3rd

Deng Hong


and 4th, Apr 1959 and Jan 1965); vice-chm, Shanxi Branch of CPPCC, Mar 1955; mem., Central Comte, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Feb 1956; mem., Standing Comte, CDL, Feb 1956; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Jun 1956 (reelected to 2nd and 3rd, Apr 1959 and Jan 1965); vice-chm, Central Comte, CDL, Dec 1958 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., May 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: May 1971; deputy for Shanxi to 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978); mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978); vice-chm, Central Comte, CDL, Oct 1979 - death; mem., Presidium, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980. Publications: Outline of Political Science; Textbook of Chinese Social History; Talks on Political Problems in China; Outline of the History of Social Revolution.



* 1913 deceased 1991, Mar 16 Dir., 9th Bureau, 1st Min. of Machine Building, Sep 1958; dpty dir., State Admin. Bureau for Allocation of Materials, SC, Sep 1963 - Nov 1964; mem., State Economic Com, SC, Sep 1963 - Jan 1965; vice-min. for Allocation of Materials, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., CCP Comte of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), May 1971-1975; vice-chm, IMAR Rev Comte, Feb 19741975; vice-min. of Railways, Oct 1975 - May 1982; adviser, Min. of Railways, Aug 1982- Jun 1985; disappeared, Jun 1985.

Deng Diantao

^ &

Dpty dir., Admin. Office, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1958Apr 1967; sec. of a dpt under CCP Central Comte, Jul 1959; deputy for Jiangxi to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; branded a 3-anti element and purged, Apr 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1973; cadre of a dpt under CCP Central Comte, Oct 1977; deputy for Jiangxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978; mem., Presidium, 2nd Session, 5th NPC and mem. of its Budget Comte, Jun 1979; mem., Presidium, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; disappeared, Nov 1982.

Deng Fei Mayor of Nanchang, Oct 1950; dir., Economic Planning Bureau, All-China Fed of Cooperatives, Aug 1952; council mem., Jiangxi PPG, Feb 1954; council mem., AllChina Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives (ACFSMC), Jul 1954; vice-chm, ACFSMC, 1955-59; dir., Financial and Trade Dpt, Guangdong Prov. CP, Jun 1959; vice-min. of Food, Nov 1963 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev.

Deng Gang


* 1917 deceased 1991, Jun 2 Dir., New China News Agency (NCNA), 1948; mem., Preparatory Comte, Chinese Journalists' Assn, Jun 1949; dpty dir., NCNA, Feb 1956; head, journalists' del. to Ν Vietnam, Apr 1959; council mem., China-Latin America Friendship Assn, Mar 1960 - Cult. Rev.; sec., Chinese Journalists' Assn, Sep 1960 - Cult. Rev.; head, journalists' del. to Poland, Jan 1961; head, journalists' del. to Japan, Aug 1961; council mem., China-Cuba Friendship Assn, Dec 1962 - Cult. Rev.; mem., del. to Preparatory Conf. of the Afro-Asian Journalists' Conf., Jakarta, Feb 1963; vice-chm, China-Laos Friendship Assn, Mar 1963 Cult. Rev.; dpty head, del. to Afro-Asian Journalists' Conf., Jakarta, Apr 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty dir., NCNA, Jul 1971; head, journalists' del. to Albania, Aug 1971; head, journalists' del. to Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, Austria, Jan 1972; acting dir., NCNA, Nov 1974-1976; acting dir., Central Broadcasting Admin., Dec 1974- Feb 1976; dir., Central Broadcasting Corp., Feb-Dec 1976; disappeared, Nov 1976; first reappearance: dpty dir., Xinhua News Agency (XNA), Apr 1982-1983; head, XNA del. to Ν Korea, Apr 1982; adviser to XNA, May 1983; adviser to China Newspaper Operation and Management Assn, May 1988.

Deng Guozhong

gj &

Vice-gov., Shaanxi PPG, Dec 1979- May 1983; vicechm, Shaanxi PPC, May 1983; disappeared, Oct 1984.

Deng Hong * 1888 Liuyang County, Hunan Born into a peasant family; joined peasant uprising in home county, 1906; ehm of Peasants Assn in Liuyang, 1906; joined CCP, 1927; dir., Security Bureau, CCP Hunan-Hubei-Jiangxi Comte, Apr 1934; ehm, HunanHubei-Jiangxi Soviet Govt, Sep 1935; polit, commissar, Yan'an Mil. Depot, 1938; council mem., Jiangxi PPG, Dec 1949; dir., Agricultural Dpt, Jiangxi PPG, Mar 1950- Aug 1958; mem., Land Reform Comte, Jiangxi PPG, Sep 1950; vice-gov. of Jiangxi, 1956- Cult. Rev.; mem., Presidium, 3rd Congr of Literary and Art Workers, Jul 1960; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jan 1967.

Deng Hua

Deng Hua



first appearance after Cult. Rev.: May 1980; vice-pres., Academy of Medical Sciences, Jun 1980; head, medical del. to Ireland, Jun 1980; dir., Hematology Inst., Academy of Medical Sciences, Dec 1980; disappeared, Oct 1981.

Deng Jiatai * 1910 Chen County, Hunan deceased 1980, Jul 3 Joined Peng Dehuai during S Hunan Uprising, 1927; company polit, officer, 5th Red Army, 1928; polit, commissar, 2nd Regiment, 1st Div., 1st Front Army, 1931; served in 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; polit, commissar of a column under 8th Route Army (cdr.: Song Shilun), operating in E Hebei, Jul 1938; polit, commissar, Hebei-Chahar-Rehe-Liaoning Mil. Reg, Aug 1938; cdr., Liaoxi Mil. Distr and concurrently cdr., 6th Independent Div., 1940; cdr., 5th Mil. Subdistr, Shanxi-Hebei-Chahar Border Reg, 1944; cdr., W Liaoning Mil. Distr and principal of W Lianing Mil. and Polit. School, 1945; cdr., 7th Column, NE People's Liberation Army, 1947; cdr., 15th Army Corps, 4th Field Army, winter 1948/49; cdr., Guangzhou Garrison Command, and mem., Guangzhou Mil. Control Com, Oct 1949; dpty cdr., Guangdong Mil. Distr, Oct 1949; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949 - Jul 1951; led 15th Army Corps to occupy Heinan Island and made ehm, Hainan Mil. Control Com, Apr 1950; ehm, Hainan Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jun 1950; cos, S China Mil. Reg, Jun 1951; dpty cdr., Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951 - Sep 1954; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Nov 1951; cdr. in Battle of Shangganling, Korea, Oct 1952; received highest medal of Ν Korea, Mar 1953; deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; cdr., Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, Sep-Oct 1954; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954Dec 1964; cdr., Shenyang Mil. Reg, May 1955 - Nov 1959; made col-gen. and awarded orders of "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - Mar 1969; head, mil. del. to Yugoslavia and Bulgaria, Oct 1956; vice-gov., Sichuan PPG, May 1960May 1968; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th and 11th CCs, Aug 1973 and Aug 1977); dpty dir., Production and Construction Office, Sichuan PPG, Sep 1974; mem., Mil. Com, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1977 - death; dpty commandant, PLA Academy of Mil. Sciences, 1977 - death.


ïfi % fâ

* 1906 Specialist in hematology, CAS, Nov 1958; dir., Beijing Hospital for Internal Medicine, Aug 1961; head, medical del. to Albania, Jun 1964; deputy for Guangdong Prov. to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966;





* 1914 Jingmen County, Hubei Served in Cavalry Detachment, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937-40; served successively in NW Field Army and 1st Field Army, 1940-49: graduation from PLA Mil. Academy, 1954; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; cos, PLA Armored Corps, Oct 1955; cos, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Apr 1976; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988); dpty cdr., PLA Armored Forces, Aug 1978-1980; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., NPC del. to Venezuela and Argentina (head: Huang Hua), May 1985; mem., Law Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); disappeared, Feb 1992.

Deng Jiaxian

f m * 1924 Huaining County, Anhui deceased 1986, Jul 29 Graduated from Physics Dpt, SW Associated Univ, 1945; went to U.S.A. to study, 1948; obtained Ph.D. in physics from Purdue Univ, Indiana, 1950; subsequently returned to China; asst researcher and then deputy researcher, Inst, of Modern Physics and Inst, of Nuclear Energy, CAS, 1950-58; engaged in nuclear theoretical study, initiating China's nuclear theoretical research; joined Jiusan Society, 1951; joined CCP, 1956; transferred to 2nd Min. of Machine Building to head China's team of physicists working on the country's first atomic bomb, 1958; main responsible scientist for China's first atomic bomb which exploded 1964, Oct 16, and for China's first hydrogen bomb, exploded Jun 1967; mem., Dpt of Mathematics and Physics, CAS, 1981; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 -


death; vice-chm, Scientific and Technological Comte, Com for Science and Technology for Natl Defense, Jun 1986 - death. Remarks: Deng directed 15 of 32 nuclear tests China performed from 1964 until 1985. After his death he was officially named "the Father of two bombs". Deng was married to Xu Luxi, a prof, of anatomy and daugther of Xu Deheng (q.v.).

Deng Jie (f)


Graduated from Natl College of Arts; joined Socialist Youth League, 1922; joined CCP, 1923; under pseudonym of Deng Hegao served as sec., Dalian Distr CP, 1926; appointed by Chen Duxiu to sec., Manzhuria Prov. CP, Apr 1927; arrested by Japanese, Jul 1927; released by Japanese, Oct 1934 and went to Hangzhou; dir., Org. Dpt, Chinese Cultural Movement League, 1935; sec., CCP Shanghai Provisional Work Comte, Feb 1936; arrested again, Jul 1936; after release, went to Yan'an, 1937; head, Admin. Section, Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1938; mem., Govt Organs Productions Admin., GAC, Feb 1952; dir., Production Dpt, All-China Fed of Cooperatives, Jul 1952- Jul 1954; mem., Natl Comte, All-China Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Jul 1954; dpty dir., Central Handicrafts Bureau, SC, Nov 1954 - Mar 1958; dpty dir., Nanjing Agricultural College, Jul 1956; pres., Central Academy of Handicrafts and Fine Arts, Feb 1957; dpty dir., All-China Handicrafts Cooperatives (ACHC), Dec 1957-1964; dpty dir., Handicrafts Bureau, Min. of Light Ind., Mar 1958; vice-min. of Light Ind., Jun 1958 - Oct 1963; acting ehm, ACHC, Jul 19581959; ehm, ACHC, 1959-62; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; dir., Handicrafts Bureau, Min. of Light Ind., Oct 1962- Oct 1963; vice-min. of Petroleum Ind., Oct 1963 - Mar 1965; vice-min., 2nd Min. of Light Ind., Mar 1965 - Cult. Rev.; ehm, Guangzhou Branch, Chinese Women's Fed, Mar 1966; during Cult. Rev. branded a "renegade", "anti-revolutionary revisionist" and "Liu Shaoqi's Blackhand", May 1967; disappeared, May 1967.

Deng Tuo * 1911 Minhou County, Fujian deceased 1966, May 18 Joined Left-wing League of Social Scientists, 1930; joined CCP, 1930; participated in December 9 Student Movement, 1935; editor of Kangdi Bao (Resistance News, the CCP newspaper of Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Reg), 1938; editorial writer for Xinhua Daily, Chongqing, 1944-47; researcher, Policy Research Office, CCP Central Comte, 1948; mem., Higher Education Com, Ν China People's Govt, Jun 1949; mem., Preparatory Comte for All-China Journalists Assn (ACJA), Jul 1949; delegate of ACJA to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Beijing Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949; dpty managing dir., RMRB, Aug 1950- Dec 1957; editor-in-chief, RMRB, 1950-Jul 1959; one of the most regular contribu-

Deng Wenzhao

tors of Xuexi (Study), the most important CCP theoretical journal (renamed Red Flag in 1958), 1950-58; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Beijing CP, 1951-53; council mem., SinoIndian Friendship Assn, Jun 1952 - death; mem., Comte for Implementing Marriage Law, GAC, Jan 1953; head, journalists' del. to USSR, Jan 1954; council mem., Chinese People's Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958); council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1954; mem., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955; mem., journalist del. to Poland, Mar 1956; vice-chm, Intl Journalists Org., Mar 1956; managing dir., RMRB, Dec 1957-1958; council mem., China-United Arab Republic Friendship Assn, Feb 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Jul 1958; vice-pres., China-Poland Friendship Assn, Oct 1958; sec., Beijing Municipality CP, Jan 1959 - death; together with Wu Han and Liao Mosha, published 67 essays under the title Notes from the Three-Famify-Village in Frontline (these essays concern ancient and modern affairs, point out errors of the times and offer salutary advice using history as a mirror), Oct 1961 - Jul 1964; deputy for Beijing to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964- death; alt. sec., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Committee, Feb 1965; accused of being the "chief of the Three-Family Village" in RMRB, May 1966; persecuted to death in Cult. Rev., May 18, 1966. Publications: Evening Talks at Yanshan (published in Beijing Evening News), 1961-Sep 1962. Remarks: Deng's pen-name was Ma Nancun.

Deng Wenzhao

Χ Φ)

* Guangdong Chm, Board of Directors, Communist Huashang Bao, Hong Kong, before 1950; dpty dir., Trade Dpt, Guangdong PPG, Feb 1950; mem., executive Comte, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce (ACFIC), Nov 1953; deputy for Guangdong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd and 3rd, Sep 1958 and Sep 1964); mem., Guangdong PPC, Feb 1955; chm, Guangdong Branch, ACFIC, Mar 1956 -Dec 1962; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Aug 1956 Sep 1958; vice-chm, 2nd Executive Comte, ACFIC, Dec 1956 (reelected to 3rd, Feb 1960); dpty dir., Guangdong Provincial Polit. College, Feb 1957; vice-chm, China Export Commodities Fair in Guangzhou, Apr 1957; vicechm, Guangzhou Branch, China Comte for Promoting Intl Trade, Dec 1957; vice-chm, Guangdong Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1959- Dec 1963; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Nov 1961 - Cult. Rev; vice-chm, Guangdong Branch, CDNCA, Mar 1963; vice-chm, Guangdong Branch ACFIC, Mar 1963; vice-chm, Board of Directors, Guangdong Overseas Chinese Investment Corp., May 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Deng Xihou

Deng Xihou


% fë

* 1889 Yingshan County, Sichuan deceased 1964, Mar 30 Graduated from Baoding Mil. Academy; cdr. of a brigade under Liu Cunhou, 1918; cdr., 6th Div. under Liu Chengxun and concurrently pacification officer of Shunshu in Sichuan, 1920; gov. of Sichuan, 1924; cdr., 20th Army Nationalist Revolutionary Army, 1925; mem., Mil. Com, Nanjing Govt, 1927; cdr.-in-chief, 45th Army, 1935; dpty cdr.-in-chief, 6th Army, 1936; mem., KMT 6th Central Executive Comte, 1945; dpty chief, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Nationalist Govt, 1949; sent telegram to Communists announcing defection from KMT, Dec 1949; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte (SWMAC), Jul 1950 - Jan 1953; dir., Water Conservancy Dpt, SWMAC, Jul 1950; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, SWMAC, 1950Jan 1953; vice-ehm, SW Admin. Comte and mem. of its Financial and Economic Comte, Jan 1953 - Aug 1954; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jul 1958); mem., Nad Defense Council, Sep 1954 death; vice-gov., Sichuan PPG, Jan 1955; conferred order of "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., Central Comte, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Mar 1956 - death; vice-chm, Sichuan Branch, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Sep 1959 - death.

Deng Yifan


1*91 * 1912 Xingning County, Guangdong Joined Red Army, 1927; joined CCP, 1930; took part in Long March, 1934-35; dpty sec., Party Comte, PLA Polit. Inst., 1955; awarded order of "Liberation", 1st class, and made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dpty dean of Instructions, PLA Polit. Inst., 1959; dean of instructions, PLA Polit. Inst., Mar 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jan 1976; dpty polit, commissar, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Jun 1978-1982; mem., Stand. Comte, Party Comte, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Jun 1981; disappeared, Aug 1985.

Deng Yingchao (f)


* 1904 Guangshan County, Henan deceased 1992, Jul 11 Her father was an impoverished landlord who had been an army officer in the latter phase of Qing dynasty. After his death, her mother supported the family as a teacher. Received school education in Beijing and at Tianjin Normal School; here she took part in the May 4th Movement of 1919 and joined the Awakening Society founded by Zhou Enlai; together with Zhou and others, she helped to establish a society devoted to the study of new ideas, 1920; married to Zhou Enlai, 1925; joined CCP, 1925; elected alt. mem., Central Executive Council of KMT, 1926; hid in Shanghai after rift between KMT and CCP, 1927; participated with Zhou Enlai in 6th CCP Congr in Moscow, 1928; served in Org. Dpt of CCP Central Comte and as sec., General CCP Branch Comte of Departments Directly Under the Central Comte, 1929-31; assistant in Propaganda and Org. Departments, Jiangxi Soviet Area Bureau of CCP Central Comte, 1932; joined Jiangxi Soviet, 1933; alt. mem., CCP 6th Central Comte, by-elected at 5th Plenum, Jan 1934 (reelected to 7th CC, Jun 1945); took part in Long March 1934-35 (having contracted pulmonary tuberculosis shortly after its start, she had to be carried on a stretcher for most of it); sec., White Area Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte and subsequently head, Confidential Section of the Central Comte, 1935-36; helped by American journalist Edgar Snow, she escaped from Beijing after it was occupied by the Japanese, 1937; in charge of women's work at Hankou (today part of Wuhan) Office of the 8th Route Army, 1938; medical treatment in USSR, 193940; one of the CCP representatives to be elected mem. of the Polit. Council of the Nationalist Govt, 1941; mem., S China Bureau of CCP Central Comte and concurrently sec. of its Women's Work Comte, 1941-44; mem., Chongqing Wartime Comte for the Protection of Children, 1944; after the Sino-Japanese War ended, Deng and her husband were delegates at the Polit. Consultative Conf., trying mediate between CCP and KMT, 1945; after failure of these negotiations, returned to Yan'an, fall of 1946; board mem., Intl Women's Assn, 1947; acting sec., Women's Work Comte, CCP Central Comte, 1948; vicechm, All-China Women's Fed, Apr 1949- Sep 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 - Dec 1954; mem., Polit, and Legal Affairs Comte, GAC, Oct 1949Oct 1954; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 19949 - Dec 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, China Peace Comte, Oct 1950 - Jul 1958; mem., del. to 2nd World Peace Congr (head: Guo Moruo), Warsaw, Nov 1950; vice-chm, Chinese People's Comte for the Protection of


Children, Nov 1951 - death; mem., del. to 11th Council meeting of Women's Intl Democratic Fed, East Berlin, Dec 1951; deputy for Henan to 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd - 5th NPCs, 1958, 64, 75, 78); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Oct 1954 (reelected to 2nd -5th, 1959, 65, 75, 78); mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 (reelected to 9th - 12th CCs, Apr 1969, Aug 1973, Aug 1978, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985); 2nd sec., Women's Work Comte, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1956 - Cult. Rev.; head, women's del. to Ν Vietnam, Mar 1961; hon. pres., Chinese Nursing Assn, 1963 - death; vice-chm, Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, by-elected Dec 1976 (reelected to 5th NPC, Mar 1978); head, govt del. to Burma at invitation of pres. Ne Win, Feb 1977; visited Sri Lanka on invitation of Mrs. Bandaranaike, Apr 1977; visited Iran, Nov 1977; head, govt del. to Kampuchea, Jan 1978; hon. pres., Natl Women's Fed, Sep 1978 - death; mem., Politburo, CCP 11th Central Comte, by-elected 3rd Plenum, Dec 1978 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982- Sep 1985); 2nd sec., Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 - Sep 1982; head, NPC del. to Japan, Apr 1979; head of a del. to Ν Korea, May 1979; head, NPC del. to Thailand, Feb 1980; head, NPC del. to France, Jun 1980; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, Sep 1980; hon. pres. Chinese Nurses' Assn, May 1981 -Oct 1990; article in RMRB, May 29, 1981: "High Salute to Comrade Soong Ching Ling"; adviser to the Chinese Comte of the Council of Chinese and Japanese Non-governmental Personages, Oct 1982; ehm., 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 - Apr 1988; hon. ehm, Chinese People's Assn for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Feb 1984 - death; resigned from her positions as member of the Politburo and the Central Comte of the CCP, Sep 1985; hon. pres., China Population Welfare Foundation, Jun 1987 - death; hon. pres., China Society for People's Friendship Studies, Mar 1991 - death. Collected Works of Deng Yingchao published, Feb 1994.

Deng Yuzhi (f)


* 1900 Hubei Graduated from Jinling College in Nanjing; later studied at London School of Economics and received M.A. degree at Graduate School of New York Univ; served in Labor Dpt, Young Women's Christian Assn of China, 1928; executive mem., China Fed of Democratic Women, Mar 1949; attended Inaugural Session of CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Executive Comte, Chinese People's Relief Assn, Apr 1950; council mem., China Red Cross Society, Sep 1950; mem., E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Aug 1954; dpty dir., Dpt of Education and Propaganda, China Fed of Democratic Women, Apr 1953; mem., del. to World Women's Conf., Sweden, Apr 1953; executive sec., Young Women's Christian Assn in China, Apr 1953; deputy for Hubei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem. China Comte for Protection of Children, 1955; mem., Natl Comte, China Youth Fed, Apr 1958; vice-chm, 2nd Natl Congr of Chinese Christians, Jan 1961; mem., Stand. Comte, Three-

Deng Zihui

Self Patriotic Movement Comte of Protestant Churches of China, Dec 1964; mem., Presidium, Chinese Women's Fed, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Chinese Women's Fed, Sep 1983 - Sep 1988; dir.-gen., Young Women's Christian Assn in China, Sep 1983; vicechm, Three-Self Patriotic Movement Comte of Protestant Churches in China, Aug 1986; disappeared, Aug 1986.

Deng Zihui


* 1896 Longyan County, Fujian deceased 1972, Dec 10 Born into a family of small merchants. Graduation from middle school in Xiamen; continued studies for one year in Tokyo, 1916; joined CCP, 1926; together with Zhang Dingcheng organized peasant resistance in SW Fujian, 1927; together with Zhu De organized revolutionary base in the area, 1929; ehm of a small Soviet in W Fujian, 1930; attended 1st Congr of Soviets, Ruijin, Nov 1931; dir., Finance Dpt, Central Soviet Govt, Nov 1931 - Aug 1933; mem., Central Executive Comte, Chinese Soviet Republic, Nov 1931 - Feb 1934; demoted to alt. mem., Central Executive Comte, Chinese Soviet Republic, Feb 1934; during Long March left behind and led guerilla activities in S Fujian, 1934; established SW Fujian Mil. and Admin. Comte together with Zhang Dingcheng and became its vice-chm and concurrently dir. of its Finance Dpt, 1935-1937; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt. New 4th Army, 1938; polit, commissar, New 4th Army, 1941-44; mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Jun 1945 (reelected to 8th CC, Sep 1956 and to 9th CC, Apr 1969); sec., Central China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1945; ehm, Provisional Central Plains People's Govt, 1947; 3rd sec., Central Plains Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jan 1949; 2nd polit, commissar, 4th Field Army, Feb 1949; mem., Central People's Govt Council, Oct 1949 - Jun 1954; mem., People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, Oct 1949; 2nd polit, commissar, Central China Mil. Reg, Oct 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Com, GAC, Oct 1949-1952; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 - Dec 1954; vice-chm, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte (CSMAC), Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; ehm, Financial and Economic Comte, CSMAC, Mar-Dec 1950; 3rd sec., CentralS Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1950 - Jul 1952; 2nd sec., Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Bureau, Jul 1952; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, CSMAC, Nov 1952; vice-min., State Planning Com, Nov 1952-Sep 1954; vice-chm, Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; dir., Rural Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jul

Deng Zili


1953 - Sep 1956; deputy for Wuhan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; vice-premier, SC, Sep 1954- Jan 1965; dir., 7th Staff Office, Sep 1954 - Sep 1959; head, Party del. to Hungary, Mar 1955; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Mar 1956- May 1957; dir., Central Famine Relief Comte, SC, Jul 1957; deputy for Hubei to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); dir., Central Rood Prevention HQ, SC, May 1959; dir., State Office of Agriculture and Forestry, Sep 1959 - Oct 1962; vice-min., State Planning Com, Nov 1962; vice-chm, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965 - death. Deng was married to Chen Lan.

Deng Zili

^ S Λ

* 1920 Guang'an County, Sichuan Studied at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1939-40; served in lower CCP and mil. organs, 1941-49; served as CCP sec. of counties and prefectures, 1949-59; dpty dir., Sports Com, Sichuan PPG, 1975-78; dir., Cultural Bureau, Sichuan PPG, 1978-83; vice-chm, Sichuan Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1983; vice-chm, Sichuan PPC, May 1985 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Jan 1988.

Dengger Yeqili See Yang Wenjin

Ding Changhe

Τ -fe Η

Dir., Construction and Communications Dpt under Chongqing Municipality CP, Feb 1958; ehm, Chongqing TU, May 1960; deputy for Sichuan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; 1st sec., Chongqing Municipality CP, Jun 1979 Nov 1981; ehm, Chongqing MPC, Jun 1981; vice-gov. of Sichuan PPG, Mar 1982- Apr 1983; disappeared, Apr 1983.

Ding Changhua (f)

Di Jingxiang Vice-mayor, Jinan Municipality, Apr 1960; dpty sec-gen., Shandong PPC, Nov 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Shanghai Rev Comte, Sep 1979; head, Shanghai goodwill del. to Japan, Oct 1979; vice-chm, Shanghai MPC, Dec 1979 Jul 1985; disappeared, Jul 1985.

Di Jingxiang


Sec-gen., Financial and Economic Comte, NW Mil. and Admin. Comte (NWMAC), Mar 1950; mem., Labor Employment Comte, NWMAC, Sep 1952; vice-chm, NW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; mem., State Planning Com, Sep-Oct 1954; vice-min. of Light Ind., Oct 1954-1957; mem., scientific and technological del. to Hungary, Jun 1956; vice-min. of Food, Jun 1957 - Feb 1958; vice-min. of Light Ind., May 1958 - Sep 1959; disappeared, Sep 1959.

Di Zicai

1962; council mem., China-Cuba Friendship Assn, Dec 1962; head, TU del. to Algeria, Jan 1963; head, TU del. to Indonesia, Sep 1963; pres. Cadres School, All-China Fed of TU, Apr 1964; head, TU del. to Tanzania, Aug 1964; mem., Party and govt del. to Albania, Nov 1964; head, TU del. to Algeria, Mar 1965; head, TU del. to Egypt, Apr 1965; mem., del. to 4th Afro-Asian Solidarity Conf., Winneba in Ghana, May 1965; vice-chm, Assn for Cultural Relations and Friendship with Foreign Countries, Apr 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec., Qinghai Prov. CP, Aug 1973-1977; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Qinghai Prov., Jun 1975-1978; dpty head, del. to exhibition of PRC in Cologne, Federal Republic of Germany, Jun 1975; deputy for Qinghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Central Discipline Inspection Com under CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Dec 1983.



Mem., Executive Council, All-China Fed. of TU, May 1953; mem., Board of Directors, All-China Fed of TU, Dec 1957; head, TU del. to Cuba, Nov 1961; acting pres., Agricultural and Forestry Workers' TU, Dec 1962; head, del. to 4th Intl Conf. of Agricultural and Forestry Workers, Dec 1962; sec., All-China Fed of TU, Dec

Τ -fe ψ

Mem., Central Comte, CYL, Jul 1964; dpty for Jiangxi to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; head, Rocket Production Group of Xuwan People's Commune in Jinxi County, Jiangxi Prov., May 1965; vice-chm, Women's Fed, Jiangxi Prov., Sep 1973; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; mem., Rev Comte, Jiangxi Prov., Feb 1978; disappeared, Jun 1979.

Ding Chaowu



* Shaowu County, Fujian Received xiucai (1st degree scholar) of late Manzhou dynasty; in early years of Chinese Republic, mem. of Natl Congr and then ehm, KMT Fujian Prov. Branch; mem., KMT 6th Central Comte and mem. of its Executive Comte, 1945; ehm, Fujian Prov. Congr, May 1945; mem., Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, 1949; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte (ECMAC), Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; mem., People's Control Comte, ECMAC, Mar 1950; council mem., Shanghai MPG, Dec 1950; mem., E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Aug 1954; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd and 4th, Apr 1959 and Dec 1964); vice-gov., Fujian PPG, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; mem., 3rd Central Comte, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Feb 1956 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1958); council mem., Fujian Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1959; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jan 1967.


Ding Fangming


Ding Ling (f)

D i n g L i n g (£)


* 1921 Longkou, Shandong Joined CCP, 1938; sec., Qixiao County and then Laidong County CP, 1941^7; cadre, Propaganda Dpt, Shandong Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, 1953-55; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Shandong Prov. CP, Dec 1958; dpty dir., Cultural and Educational Dpt, Shandong Prov. CP, Mar 1960; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-gov., Shandong PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Shandong Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1983 (reelected, Sep 1988); disappeared, Sep 1988.

Ding Guoyu Τ ® 4i Mem., Armistice Comte in Korea, Nov 1953; ambassador to Afghanistan, Mar 1955 - Jul 1958; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; ambassador to Pakistan, Dec 1958 -Jul 1966; sec., Beijing CP, Nov 1966 - Oct 1977; mem., Stand. Comte, Beijing Rev Comte, Oct 1967; mem., friendship del. to Ν Korea (head: Zeng Siyu), Oct 1970; received Korean order "Natl Flag", 2nd class, Oct 1970; depty sec., CCP Comte and vice-chm, Rev Comte of Qinghua Univ, Jul 1972; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); vice-chm, Beijing Rev Comte, Mar 1974-1977; 3rd sec., Beijing CP, Oct 1977 Oct 1978; ehm, Beijing Branch, CPPCC, Dec 1977-1979; ambassador to Norway, Aug 1980 - Nov 1982; ambassador to Egypt, Dec 1982 - Dec 1984; mem., Foreign Affairs Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; mem., CPPCC del. to Pakistan (head: Qian Zhenying), Jun 1992; disappeared, Jun 1992.

Ding Keze Τ Τ H'J During the early phase of Cult. Rev., Ding served in Construction Corps of Heilongjiang Prov. as a youth sent to the countryside; ehm, TU of Wuxi City, Apr 1973; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); vice-chm, Rev Comte of Jiangsu Prov., May 1977-1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Jiangsu Prov. CP, Dec 1977; ehm, TU of Jiangsu Prov., Apr 1980-1983; mem., Executive Comte, ACFTU, Oct 1981 (reelected, Oct 1983); mem., Jiangsu PPC, Apr 1983; disappeared, Oct 1983.



* 1904 Changde, Hunan deceased 1986, Mar 4 Born under the name Jiang Bingzhi into a feudal family (her father studied in Japan and died when she was four). Studied at Zhounan Women's Middle School, Changsha, 1919-21; continued studies at a girl's school run by Communists, Shanghai, 1922-23; studied literature at Shanghai Univ, 1924; studied at Beijing Univ, fall of 1924-1927; began to write, 1927; together with Hu Yeping engaged in publishing work, Shanghai 1928; joined together with Hu League of Left-Wing Writers, 1930; by that time Ding and Hu had been living together for some time and in Nov 1930, a son was born to them; Hu arrested and executed by KMT, Feb 1931; Ding joined CCP, 1931; started to edit a left-wing magazine, 1931; arrested by KMT in Shanghai and sent to Nanjing Army Prison, 1933; released from prison, 1935; went to Yan'an and taught at AntiJapan Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1936; married Chen Ming, an actor and writer, 1937; editor of literary page of Jiefang Ribao (Liberation Daily), 1941; during Zhengfeng Campaign in 1942 severely criticized by propaganda cadre Zhou Yang continuing thus the literary debate of the mid1930s, during which she had lined up with Lu Xun against Zhou; went to work in army and countryside, 1943; as council mem. of All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles (ACFLAC) worked in border regions, 1944; council mem., Ν China Branch of ACFLAC, Aug 1948; mem. of del. to 2nd Congr, Women's Intl Democratic Fed (head: Cai Chang), Budapest, Dec 1948; mem., Executive Comte, Fed of Democratic Women, Mar 1949 - Sep 1957; dir., Literary and Art Section, Propaganda Dpt under CCP Central Comte, and editor of Literary Gazette, 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, and Chief, Editorial Board of ACFLAC, Jul 1949; vice-chm, All-China Literary and Art Workers, Jul 1949; delegate of ACFLAC to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Cultural and Educational Com, GAC, Oct 1949; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1949-1957; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949; dir., Central Literary Inst., Dec 1950; criticized for having contravened the Party's literary and policy at a meeting of the Propaganda Dpt of CCP Central Comte, Feb 1951; mem., Chinese People's Comte for Protection of Children, Nov 1951; delegate to centenary celebrations of Gogol's death in Moscow, and awarded the Stalin Prize, Mar 1952; vice-chm, Chinese Writers' Assn, Sep 1953-1957; council mem., Chinese People's Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; CCP Central Comte examined mistakes committed

Ding Qiusheng


in Literary Gazette and drew conclusion which Ding refused to accept, complaining that Zhou Yang was utilizing the organization to conduct sectarian activities and attack her, 1954; Chinese Writers' Assn called enlarged meeting of Party members to criticize anti-Party activities of Ding Ling and Chen Qixia (dpty editor of Literary Gazette) and enumerated four anti-Party crimes; Ding did not accept criticism and withdrew from Chinese Writers' Assn, 1955; Writers' Assn called enlarged meeting Jun-Sep 1957 during which Ding never admitted mistakes; Ding was one of the main targets of the "Anti-Rightist Campaign" following the Hundred Flowers Period, during which Zhou Yang again was her major opponent, 1957; dismissed from all Party and non-Party posts as a "rightist deviationist", Nov 1957. Forced to do physical labor (raising pigs and chicken) in a reclamation area in Heilongjiang Prov., 195869; at the start of the Cult. Rev., her room was raided several times by Red Guards who stealed all the manuscripts and notes she wrote during her stay in the reclamation area, 1966; imprisoned in a jail outside Beijing, 197075; sent to live in a mountain village in Shanxi Prov. with a monthly allowance to live on and the freedom to move about within the commune, 1975; there she staid until 1978 (two years after the fall of the "Gang of Four"!); returned to Beijing, 1978; mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Jun 1979; vice-chm, Chinese Writers' Assn (in which her former opponent, Zhou Yang, in the meantime a mem. of the CCP Central Comte, held the same position), Feb 1980- death; vice-pres., China PEN Center, Apr 1980 - death; visited U.S.A., Aug 1981; visited France, Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 - death; counselor, China Intl Cultural Exchange Center, Jul 1984 - death. Publications: Meng Ke; The Diary of Miss Sha Fei; 1930: Water, 1932: A Certain Night·, 1936-47: When I way in Xiacun Village; Night; In Hospital; 1948: Sunshine over the Sanggan River (awarded a 2nd Stalin Prize for Literature in 1951); 1945-55: Mother; The Birth of a Person; The Diary of a Person Committing Suicide; 1965: Du Wanxiang (story, revised 1976); 1981: During a Bitter Cold Day; 1983: The Collected Works of Ding Ling (5 volumes, published by the Hunan People's Publishing House).

Ding Qiusheng

Joined Red Army, 1930; joined CCP 1932; served in 3rd Red Front Army during Long March, 1934-35; dir., Polit. Dpt, 685th Regiment, 343rd Brigade of 115th Div. under 8th Route Army, 1937; followed Chen Guang to Shandong, 1939; dir., Polit. Dpt, S Shandong Mil. Distr, 1945; 5th polit, commissar, 3rd Column, E China Field Army, 1947; polit, commissar, 3rd Column, E China Field Army, 1948; participated in Huaihai Battle, 1948; polit, commissar, 22nd Army, 3rd Field Army, Feb 1949; dir., Polit. Dpt, 7th Army, 3rd Field Army and concurrently dir., Polit. Dpt, Zhejiang Mil. Dist, Mar 1950; polit, commissar, 7th Army, 3rd Field Army and concurrently, polit, commissar, Zhejiang Mil. Distr, 1951; made ltn-gen. and awarded order of "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; dpty polit, commissar, PLA Mil. Academy, 1959; delegate to 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; arrested under Xie Fuzhi's order for theft of confidential information concerning atomic energy from. Min. of Chemical Ind., Feb 1967; disappeared, Feb 1967.

Ding Shande

* 1911 Kunshan County, Jiangsu Studied at Paris Conservatory, 1947-49; there he composed the symphony The Long March·, jury mem. for Intl Chopin Competitions, Warsaw, 1960; vice-pres., Shanghai Conservatory, Apr 1962; vice-pres., Shanghai Branch, Musicians' Assn, Apr 1962; disappeared during Cult.Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult.Rev.: vicepres., Shanghai Conservatory, and vice-pres., Shanghai Branch, Musicians' Assn, Oct 1979; vice-pres., Shanghai Branch, Assn for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Jul 1980; vice-pres., Chinese Musicians' Assn, Sep 1980; head, group of pianists to 10th Intl Chopin Competitions, Warsaw, Sep 1980; mem., del. to Asian Composers Conf., Hong Kong, Mar 1981; disappeared, May 1986.

Τ fc Ding Sheng

* 1913 Hunan



* 1912 Jiangxi Attended Red Aimy School, 1930; joined 1st Front Army, 1930; joined CCP, 1932; took part in Long March, 193435; cdr. of a battalion, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; dpty cdr. of a vanguard regiment, 1940; cdr. of a regiment, 4th Column, Hebei-Rehe-Liaoning Mil. Distr, 1943; dpty cdr. of a brigade, 3rd Column, NE Democratic Allied Army, 1945; dpty cdr., 24th Div., 8th Column, NE Field Army, 1947; cdr., 135th Div., 45th Army, 4th


Field Army, 1949; acting cdr., 54th Army and led troops to Korean War, summer 1952; studied at Nanjing Mil. Academy, 1954; promoted to cdr., 54th Army and led troops to Tibet, 1956; order of "August 1st", 2nd class, 1957; made maj-gen., 1957; 1st dpty cdr., PLA Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Dec 1963; dpty cdr., Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Mar 1967; dpty cdr., Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Mar 1968; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); cdr., Guangzhou Mil. Reg, May 1970-1973; sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Dec 1970; ehm, Guangdong Rev Comte, Apr 1972 - Dec 1973; 1st sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Jul 1972 - Dec 1973; cdr., Nanjing Mil. Reg, Jan 1974-1976; disappeared, Oct 1976. Married to Meng Wenhong.

Ding Weizhi

Τ fâ &

* 1931 Weifang City, Shandong Completed graduate courses in philosophy at Central Inst, of Marxism-Leninism, 1955; researcher, Inst, of Modern History, CASS, 1973-75; dpty editor-in-chief, Historical Studies, 1975-80; editor-in-chief, Sociel Sciences in China, 1980-85; dpty sec-gen., CASS, Jun 1986; vice-pres., CASS, Mar 1988 - Sep 1990; disappeared, Sep 1990. Pablications: Changes of Confucianism; A Marxist Macroscopic Study of History.

Ding Xiaonong

~7~ ^

JR*^ k * 1931 Leshan County, Sichuan deceased 1989, Nov 11 Graduated from Economics Dpt, Sichuan Univ, 1955; joined CCP, 1965; dir., Production Coordination Bureau, 1st Min. of Machine Building, 1983-85; vice-min. of Machine Building Ind., Dec 1985 - Nov 1986, when the min. merged with Min. of Ordnance Ind. to form Com of Machine Building Ind.; vice-min., State Com of Machine Building Ind., Dec 1986 - Mar 1988, when com was incorporated into Min. of Machine Building and Electronics

Ding Xilin

Ind.; head, govt del. to Pakistan, Mar 1988; vice-min. of Materials, May 1988 - death; dir., Machinery and Electrical Equipment Import Screening Office, SC, Apr 1989.

Ding Xilin


* 1893 Daixing County, Jiangsu deceased 1974, Apr 4 Received M.Sc. from Birmingham Univ, Great Britain; asst prof, of Physics, Natl Central Univ; prof, of Physics, Beijing Univ and concurrently dir., Inst, of Physics, Academia Sinica, 1928-45; visited USSR with Guo Moruo at invitation of Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1943; prof, at Qingdao Univ, 1946; mem., Stand. Comte, Preparatory Comte, All-China Educational Workers Congr, Jul 1949; attended inaugural session of CPPCC, Sep 1949; vicemin. of Culture, Oct 1949- Mar 1958; mem., Cultural and Educational Com, GAC, Oct 1949 - Oct 1954; sec., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 - Dec 1954; mem., del. to USSR to participate in celebration of October Revolution, Nov 1949; vice-chm, Assn for Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Knowledge, Aug 1950 - Sep 1958; head, cultural del. to India and Burma, Sep 1951; mem., Comte for Reform of Chinese Written Language, GAC, Feb 1952 -Dec 1954; ehm, China-India Friendship Assn, Jun 1952; council mem., Chinese Dramatists Assn, Sep 1953-1960; head, friendship del. to India, Dec 1953; vice-chm, Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954-Cult. Rev.; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd and 3rd, Oct 1958 and Sep 1964); mem., Comte for Reforming Chinese Written Language, SC, Dec 1954; mem., del. to Asian Countries Conf., India, Mar 1955; led artistic troupe to Ν Vietnam, Aug 1955; dir., Beijing Library, Dec 1955 - death; mem., Chinese Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Feb 1956; mem., Comte for Popularization of Common Spoken Language, SC, Oct 1956; head, cultural del. to Cambodia, Nov 1957; vice-chm, Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, SC, Mar 1958 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, China Scientific and Technological Assn, Sep 1958 Cult. Rev.; mem., del. to Ν Korea (head: Guo Moruo), Sep 1958; vice-chm, Comte for Reforming Chinese Written Language, SC, Sep 1959; council mem., China-Africa People's Friendship Assn, Apr 1960; head, scientific del. to Poland, May 1960; mem., Natl Comte, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Aug 1960- Cult. Rev.; mem., China-Vietnam Friendship Assn, Aug I960; head, friendship del. to Ceylon, Sep 1960; vice-pres., China-African People's Friendship Assn, Jul 1961; mem., Executive Comte, China Red Cross Society, Oct 1961; vice-chm,


Ding Xiling

China-Afro-Asian Society, Apr 1962; head, ballet troupe to Burma, Jul 1962; pres., China-India Friendship Assn, Oct 1962; head, cultural del. to Algeria and Morocco, Sep 1963; head, friendship del. to Cambodia, Sep 1964; vicepres., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Feb 1967; vice-pres., China-United Arab Republic Friendship Assn, Feb 1968; servived Cult. Rev. unharmed. Ding was married to Li Yi. Publications: Elementary Experiments in Physics; After the Feast; A Wasp; Oppression; Weather of Beijing; Dear Husband; Until the Time When my Wife Returns; Three Dollars; Ding Xilin's One Act Plays.

Ding Xiling



Ding Ying




* 1888 Maoming County, Guangdong

, r y "vm- v..

* 1918 Yongcheng County, Henan Dir., Propaganda Dpt, Yongcheng County CP, 1946-49; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Shangqin Prefecture CP, 1949-51: dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Henan Prov. CP, 1951-64; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: editor-in-chief, South China (Nanfang) Daily, Jan 1977; head, journalists' del. to Australia and New Zealand, Jan 1977; ehm, Chinese Journalists' Assn, Aug 1980 - Apr 1983; head, journalists' del. to Somalia, Tanzania, Kenya, Congo, Mali, Senegal, Oct-Dec 1981; vice-chm, Chinese Journalists' Assn, Apr 1983 - Jan 1991; head, journalists' del. to USSR (being the first Chinese journalists' del. that has ever visited that country in two decades), Jun 1987; disappeared, Jan 1991.

Ding Yimin

ture, Shandong Prov., 1950-51; sec., NDYL, Xuzhou City, 1951-53; sec-gen., China Assn for Promoting Moslem Culture, 1954-58; dir., Construction Bureau, People's Govt of Ningxia AR, 1958-60; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Ningxia AR, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; vice-chm, People's Govt, Ningxia AR, Jan 1980-1983; vice-chm, People's Congr of Ningxia AR, Apr 1983-1988; vice-chm, Advisory Com, CCP of Ningxia AR, Sep 1988; disappeared, Sep 1988.




* 1921 Yishui County, Shandong Ding belonged to the Hui minority; joined CCP, 1939; served as vice-chm, China Moslem Assn, Central Shandong Distr and as polit, commissar, Central Shandong Moslem Detachment, 1945-48; sec., NDYL, Teng Prefec-

deceased 1964, Oct 14 Graduation from Agricultural Dpt, Imperial Univ, Toky, 1924; dean, Agricultural School under Zhongshan Univ, 1924; started to research in water-rice cultivation, 1924; discovered some wild-grown rice near Guangzhou, 1926; established rice nursery in Maoming, 1927; after years of research, cultivated new rice grain known as Zhongshan No. 1, 1933; specially-invited delegate to Guangzhou People's Congr, 1929; council mem., Guangzhou Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1949; mem., Guangzhou MPG, Mar 1950; deputy for Guangdong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd and 3rd, Oct 1958 and Sep 1964); vice-chm, Guangdong Branch of CPPCC, Jan 1955; mem., Guangdong PPC, Feb 1955 - death; dir., S China Agricultural College, May 1955 - death; mem., Editorial Board, Agricultural Journal, Jun 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, Dpt of Biology and Earth Science, CAS, Jun 1955; joined CCP, 1956; vice-chm, Guangdong Branch of CPPCC, 1956 - Feb 1959; dir., S China Agricultural Science Inst., Apr 1956; mem., Academic Comte, Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Mar 1957; pres., Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Mar 1957 - death; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Jun 1957; vice-pres., China Assn of Science and Technology, Sep 1958; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Apr 1957; mem., Party and govt del. to German Democratic Republic, Oct 1959; received medal from Czechoslovak Inst, of Agricultural Science, Dec 1959; hon. pres., Guangdong Branch, China Assn of Science and Technology, Jan 1964. Publication: The Cultivation of Water Rice in China


Ding Zhenyu



* 1913 Deng County, Henan Graduated from Economics Dpt, Henan Univ, 1936; graduated from London Univ, 1939; prof., Henan Univ, 1940-42; engineer in bureaux, Henan PPG, 1952 -Cult. Rev; disappeared in Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: adviser, Import and Export Management Com, Henan PPG, Dec 1981; vice-chm, Henan Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; mem., Economic Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.

Dong Biwu


' j k Â*

* 1886 Huang'an County, Hubei deceased 1975, Apr 2 Born into the family of a landlord. Received a classical education and became a xiucai (degree after the first state examination), 1901; further studies at a modern middle school in Wuchang; obtained a teaching position, 1911; resigned after the fall of the Qing Dynasty and joined Sim Yat-sen's Tongmeng hui (Revolutionary Party) fall of 1911; took part in political activities in Hubei, 1912; after failure of "Second Revolution", escaped to Japan and began to study law and joined KMT, 1913; KMT recalled him to China, 1915, to organize resistance against Yuan Shikai in Hubei; imprisoned for half a year and released 1916 after Yuan's death; completed law studies in Japan, 1916-17; returned and held minor admin, posts in Hubei, 1917-18; went to Shanghai and studied Marxism, 191920; first introduced to a group of Communist intellectuals around Li Hanjun (also Japan-trained), 1920; founded a middle school in Wuhan and established nucleus of Communist apparatus in Hubei, 1920-21; founding mem. of CCP, Shanghai, Jul 1921; subsequently set up a Party branch in Hubei; alt. mem., KMT Central Executive Comte, Jan 1926; until 1927, his polit, activities remained closer to the KMT than to CCP; after the rift between the two, he committed himself to the CCP, summer 1927; forced into hiding in Wuhan, disguised as a sailor, made

Dong Biwu

his way via Shanghai to Japan, Dec 1927; after eight months in Kyoto, went to USSR; arrived in Moscow, Sep 1928; attended Comintern-run Lenin School in Moscow, 1928-31; returned to China, 1932; went to Central Soviet in Jiangxi and made polit, dir., Red Army Academy, and principal of CCP Party School, 1933; alt. mem., CCP 6th Central Comte, elected at 5th Plenum, Jan 1934 - Nov 1938; mem., Central Executive Comte, Chinese Soviet Republic, Feb 1934; pres., Supreme Court, Chinese Soviet Republic, Feb 1934; took part in Long March, 193435; resumed position as principal of Party School, fall of 1935 - early 1937; assisted Zhou Enlai in negotiations with Chiang Kai-shek during Xi'an Incident, Dec 1936; after renewal of CCP-KMT cooperation made dir., Liaison Office of 8th Route Army in Xi'an, Sep 1937; made Communist liaison official with KMT Govt in Hankou and concurrently dir., CCP Yangtse Bureau, 1938; mem., KMT People's Polit. Council, Jul 1938-1947 (Dong did not attend sessions after 1944 due to tensions between CCP and KMT); the council moved to Chongqing, Oct 1938; mem., CCP 6th Central Comte, by-elected at 6th Plenum, Nov 1938 (reelected to 7th CC, Jun 1945; to 8th CC, Sep 1956; to the 9th, Apr 1969; to the 10th, Aug 1973); after Zhou Enlai left Chongqing for Yan'an, Jun 1943, Dong remained as chief Communist representative; Dong was the only Communist among ten delegates led by foreign min. Song Ziwen (T.V. Soong) to the founding session of the United Nations, San Francisco, Apr-Jun 1945; mem., Politburo of 7th CCP Central Comte, Jun 1945 (reelected to Politbüros of 8th CC, Sep 1956; 9th CC, Apr 1969; 10th CC, Aug 1973); assistant to Zhou Enlai in Chongqing in the attempt to negotiate a peace settlement with the KMT, Jan 1946 - Mar 1947; ordered to Yan'an, Mar 1947; ehm, Ν China People's Govt (the forerunner of the PRC), Aug 1948 - Oct 1949; mem., Nad Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954); mem., Central People's Govt Council, Oct 1949 Sep 1954); vice-premier, Govt Admin. Council, Oct 1949Sep 1954; ehm, Polit, and Legal Affairs Comte, Govt Admin. Council, Oct 1949 -Sep 1954; ehm, China Polit. Science and Law Assn, Apr 1953-1964; deputy for Hubei to 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; and to 3rd, Sep 1964); head, CCP and Govt del. to Bulgaria, Sep 1954; pres., Supreme People's Court, Oct 1954- Apr 1959; sec., Central Control Com, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1955-1959; head, CCP del. to Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic, May-Jul 1958; vicepres. of the PR China, Apr 1959-Cult. Rev.; hon. pres., China Polit. Science and Law Assn, Oct 1964; mem., Stand. Comte, Politburo of CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 - death; deputy for Hubei to 4th NPC, Jan 1975 - death; vice-chm, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 - death. Dong was married to He Lianzhi. Remarks: Selected Work's of Dong Biwu went on sale in Apr 1985.


Dong Chuncaì

sec., Shaanxi Prov. CP, Jul 1985 (reelected May 1988); mem., CCP 13th Central Comte, Nov 1987; disappeared, Sep 1989.

Dong Chuncai

Dong Minghui

* 1905 Daye County, Hubei deceased 1990, May 22 Studied at Guanghua Univ. Went to Yan'an, 1937; joined CCP, 1938; served in the fields of education and propaganda, 1938-49; dpty dir., Dpt of Education, NE Admin. Comte, Apr-Nov 1949; vice-chm, Cultural and Educational Comte and dpty dir.. Education Dpt, NE People's Govt, Apr 1950 - Nov 1952; mem., Stand. Comte, China Assn for Dissemination of Scientific and Technological Knowledge, Aug 1950 - Sep 1958; mem., cultural del. to Eastern Europe, Sep 1952; vice-min. of Education, Nov 1952 - Apr 1965; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954- Apr 1959; mem.. Comte for Reform of Chinese Written Language, SC, Dec 1954; mem., Motions Examination Comte, 1st NPC, Jul 1955 - Apr 1959; mem., Comte for Popularization of Common Spoken Language, SC, Feb 1956; vice-chm, China Assn for Elimination of Illiteracy, Mar 1956; mem., Central Comte, Chinese People's Assn for Promoting Democracy, Aug 1956 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, SC, Sep 1959 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, SC, Sep 1959- Cult. Rev.; mem., Comte for Sparetime Education, SC, Jan 1960; mem., Comte for Receiving and Resettling Returned Overseas Chinese, SC, Feb 1960; vice-chm, China-Latin America Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; delegate to Educational Conf., Ulan Bator, Aug 1961; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: adviser to Ministry of Education, Sep 1978; vice-min. of Education, Apr 1979 - May 1982; ehm, China Assn for Popularization of Science and Technology and Inventions, Aug 1979-1983; dpty head, Nursery and Child Welfare Work Leading Group, SC, Jan 1980; hon. pres., Chinese Abacus Assn, Apr 1980; pres., Chinese Education Society, Jun 1980- May 1983; ehm, Chinese Written Language Reform Comte, SC, Jun 1 9 8 0 - Sep 1984; pres., China Senior Citizens' Educational Society, Sep 1984; vicepres., Award Foundation for Teachers of Middle and Primary Schools and Kindergartens, Feb 1987.

Dong Jichang




* 1930 Hancheng County, Shaanxi Joined CCP, 1949; service as CCP sec. in several counties of Shaanxi Prov., 1954-73; dpty sec., Weinan Prefecture CP, 1978-83; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982- Nov 1987; sec., Shaanxi Prov. CP, Apr 1983; sec., Xi'an Municipality CP, Nov 1984 - Apr 1989; dpty




Worker, Wuhan Iron and Steel Works, 1969; mem., Presidium, CCP 9th Natl Congr, Apr 1969; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); sec., Wuhan Municipality CP, Apr 1972-1976; mem., Stand. Comte, Hupei Prov. CP, Apr 1972; mem., workers' del. to Albania, Apr 1972; ehm, Fed of TU, Wuhan Municipality, Jun 1973-1976; vice-chm, All-China Fed of TU, Hubei Prov., Jun 1973; cdr., Wuhan Militia, Aug 1976; disappeared, Oct 1976.

Dong Qiwu

* 1899 Hejin, Hebei deceased 1989, Mar 3 Graduated from Binye Mil. Academy, Taiyuan, 1924; cdr., Reserve Regiment, 9th Mixed Brigade, 2nd Army, Natl Revolutionary Army, 1925; served in Zhang Fakui's army, 1926; joined Fu Zuoyi's forces, 1927; regiment cdr., in 10th, 28th, 30th and 73th Div., 1930-34; trained at Lushan Training Corps, Natl Mil. Council, 1934; majgen. and brigade cdr. in 88th Div., Sep 1936; after outbreak of Sino-Japanese War made ltn-gen. and cdr., 101st Div., Dec 1937; cdr., Provisional 4th Army, 1940; cdr., 4th Cavalry Army, 1942; cdr., 35th Army, 1944; dpty cdr.-in-chief, Shanxi-Shaanxi War Area, 1945; dir., Polit. Dpt, 12th War Zone, Jul 1945; concurrently cdr., Provisional 3rd Army and cdr., Suiyuan Provincial Garrison Command, 1946; gov. of Suiyuan, Oct 1946; cdr., 3rd Army, Nationalist Govt, Jan 1947; dpty cdr-in-chief, NW China Mil. and Polit. HQ, Jul 1949; went over to the Communists, Sep 1949; ehm of Suiyuan Prov., Sep 1949 Jan 1953; mem., Natl. Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949Dec 1954; vice-chm, Suiyuan Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949 - Jun 1954; mem., Ν China Admin Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd: Mar 1959; 3rd: Sep 1964; 4th: Jan 1975; 5th: Feb 1978); mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; made col-gen. and conferred the order of "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959; to 4th, Jan 1965); dpty cdr., Beijing Mil. Reg, May 1968; visited Japan, Apr 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978); mem., Draft Laws


Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; named a cadre of Beijing Mil. Reg, Aug 1981; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; vice-chm, 5th CPPCC, byelected Dec 1981 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983 - Apr 1988); mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; joined CCP, Dec 1982; mem., Credentials Comte, 6th NPC, Mar 1983; executive ehm, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983; invited to CCP 13th Congr, Oct 1987.

Dong Xin ï ^ Deputy for Hebei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 - Apr 1959; mem., Secretariat, All-China Fed of TU, Feb 1957; mem., Executive Council and General Council, World Fed of TU, Jan 1958; mem., Executive Council, All-China Fed of TU, 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-gov., Jilin PPG, Apr 1980 - Apr 1984; head, Jilin del. to Ν Korea, Jul 1981; disappeared, Apr 1984.

Du Dianwu

Living Buddha, 1933; later sent to Sera Monastery to study Buddhisms; awarded the title of Geshi (highest scholarship in Lamaism), 1947; taught ancient Tibetan at Central Inst, of Nationalities, 1960s; during Cult. Rev., his teaching career was interrupted, 1967-77; vice-pres., China Society for the Study of Tibetan Buddhism, Apr 1979; associate prof., Central Inst, of Nationalities, Jan 1980; dpty dir., Research Inst, on Tibetans, Oct 1982; hon. pres., Tibet Academy of Social Sciences, Nov 1987; pres., Tibet Branch, Tibetan Studies Society, Dec 1987; mem., Natl Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Apr 1989. Among his publications: Recorded (1988).

Du Daozheng





Dong Xueyuan Sec., Xi'an Municipality CP, Mar 1957; dir., United Front Work Dpt, Xi'an Municipality CP, Aug 1962; vicechm, Shaanxi PPC, Dec 1979 - Apr 1985; disappeared, Apr 1985.

Dong Zhiyong ΐ ^ f üf Vice-min. of Forestry, May 1982 - Jun 1987; head, govt del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1982; head, govt del. to Bangladesh, Nov 1982; mem., Natl Agricultural Zoning Comte, Sep 1983; vice-pres., China Wildlife Conservation Assn, Dec 1983; head, science and technology del. to Ν Korea, Jun 1984; head, science and technology del. to Philippines, Mar 1985: head, science and technology del. to the Philippines, Apr 1987; dismissed as vice-min. of Forestry for serious dereliction of duty and serious bureaucratic mismanagement in connection with a disastrous forest fire in Heilongjiang Prov., Jun 1987; pres., China Forestry Society, Apr 1990; disappeared, Apr 1990.

D o n g g a Losang Chilai



* 1924 Dingxiang County, Shanxi During Sino-Japanese War, engaged in youth work in Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Reg, 1940-45; correspondent of XNA, 1945; dpty dir., Branch Office, XNA under PLA 20th Army Corps, 1947-49; service in branches of XNA in Hebei and Guangdong Provinces, 1950-1965; dir., Yancheng Evening News, 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., Home News Dpt, XNA, 1977-82; editor-in-chief, Guangming RB, Feb 1983 - Apr 1987; head, del. of this paper to Switzerland, Austria, France, Great Britain, Feb 1983; head, journalists' del. to Ν Korea, Apr 1984; head, journalists' del. to Ν Korea, Nov 1986; dir., Media and Publication Office, SC, Apr 1987- May 1988; hon. pres., Chinese Newspaper Operation and Management Assn, Mar 1988; deputy for Shanxi to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; dir., State Press and Publications Admin., May 1988- Jun 1989; disappeared, Jun 1989.

^ Du Dianwu


' «-M*.·

* 1926 Tibet D. belonged to the Tibetian minority. He was a former living Buddha; selected as Zhaxi Qoiling Monastery's 8th

* 1928 Luannan County, Hebei


Du Mengmo

Joined CCP, 1946; dir., Public Security Dpt, Heihe Prefecture, 1949-56; dpty sec., Heihe Prefecture CP, 1956 Cult. Rev.; commissioner, Suihua Admin. Office, 197881; sec., Mudanjiang Prefecture CP, 1982-87; vice-chm, Heilongjiang PPC, Jan 1988; disappeared, Jan 1992.

Du Mengmo Alt. mem., 2nd Central Comte, CDL, Feb 1956 - Dec 1958; vice-pres., Xinxiang Normal College, Henan, Dec 1956-1959; vice-chm, Henan Prov. Branch, CDL, Mar 1958; mem., 3rd Central Comte, CDL, Dec 1958; deputy for Henan to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; ehm, Henan Branch, CDL, May 1960; vice-gov. Henan PPG, Sep 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jan 1968.

Du Ping


Du Weiyou



* 1921 She County, Anhui Service as CCP sec. in counties and prefectures of Anhui, 1950-54; dpty dir., Financial and Trade Dpt, Anhui Prov. CP, 1954-56; sec., Liuan Prefecture CP, 1956 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Maanshan City CP, Nov 1978Jul 1983; vice-chm, Anhui PPC, Sep 1983 (reelected, Feb 1988); disappeared, Feb 1988.

-f D u Xiangguang Council mem., Chahar PPG, -Nov 1952; teacher on politico-economics in PLA Logistics Inst., May 1957; vicemin. of Finance, Oct 1964; arrested for having attempted to seize power in the Ministry of Finance and disappeared, Feb 1967.

* 1905 Püning County, Guangdong Polit, commissar of an intelligence group, 1st Front Army, 1932; during Long March: dir., Polit. Dpt of a regiment, later a division, 1st Front Army, 1934-35; polit, commissar, 770th Regiment, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; subsequently polit, commissar of various units, eventually dir., Polit. Dpt of 13th Army Group, 1949; polit, commissar, 15th Army Group under Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1950; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, Oct 1950; dir., Polit. Dpt, Shenyang Mil. Reg, 1954; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty polit, commissar, Shanyang Mil. Reg, Jul 1958 - May 1963; dpty polit, commissar, Nanjing Mil. Reg, May 1963; 3rd polit, commissar, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Dec 1964; 2nd polit, commissar, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Aug 1967- Aug 1969; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of Jiangsu Prov., Mar 1968; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); polit, commissar, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Aug 1969- Nov 1982; sec., Jiangsu Prov. CP, Dec 1970 (no later mention); alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; sec., CCP Comte, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Oct 1978 - Nov 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Jan 1992.

D u Xinbo fc ìt & Dir., Dpt of Finance and Commerce, Hebei Prov. CP, Nov 1959; vice-chm, Hebei Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1964; head, Hebei Prov. del. to USSR, Oct 1964. - Reactivated after Cult. Rev., Sep 1979; dir., Board of Directors, China International Trust and Investment Corp., Oct 1979; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Tianjin Municipality, Oct 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Tianjin CP, Oct 1979; vice-mayor of Tianjin MPG, Jun 1980; disappeared, Jun 1980.

Du Xingyuan




* 1914 Xiapu County, Fujian Dir., Propaganda Dpt, 4th Field Army, Oct 1950; dir., Propaganda Dpt., Polit. Dpt, Central-S China Mil. Reg, Sep 1952; asst min., 2nd Min. of Machine Building, Jun 1957 - Feb 1958; vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Sep 1959 - Sep 1960; vice-min., State Economic


Com., Sep 1960 -Nov 1962; vice-min., Min. of Water Conservancy and Electric Power, Nov 1962-1977 (uninterrupted); head, govt del. to Guinea, May 1970; head, govt del. to Ν Korea, Jun 1972; Chinese dir., Joint SinoKorean Hydro-Electric Power Corp. Yalu, Jun 1972; head, govt del. to Ν Korea, Nov 1974; deputy for Fujian to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Jan 1979Apr 1980; mem., Presidium, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; secretary-general, State Council, Mar 1981-1983; vice-chm, Central Greening Comte, Feb 1982; vicemin, State Com for Restructuring Economic System, May 1982 - Apr 1988; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; dpty sec-gen., 1st Session, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, byelected Oct 1983 (reelected Nov 1987); sec-gen., Finance Leading Group, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1984; disappeared, Nov 1987.

Du Xinyuan ÌS * 1907 Shanxi deceased 1985, Dec 18 Mem., Provisional Comte, Shanxi-Suiyuan Border Reg Peasants' Assn, Sep 1947; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Comte of W Sichuan Distr, Mar 1951; council mem., W Sichuan People's Admin. Office, Oct 1951; dir., Cultural and Educational Office, Sichuan PPG, Aug 1952; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Sichuan Prov. CP, Nov 1952; council mem., Sichuan PPG, Nov 1952; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, SW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; pres., Sichuan Branch, SinoSoviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1959; sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Oct 1959 -Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Sichuan Branch of CPPCC, Nov 1965; during Cult. Rev. savagely persecuted and locked up for five years, undergoing severe physical and mental suffering; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Dec 1975 - Feb 1983; deputy for Sichuan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); mem., Birth Planning Leading Group, SC, Jul 1978 - May 1982; ehm, Sichuan Branch of CPPCC, Oct 1978; mem., Credentials Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; ehm, Sichuan PPC, Dec 1979- May 1985; mem., Presidium, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; hon. pres., Sichuan Fed of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Dec 1981; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, Advisory Com, Sichuan CP, Feb 1983; mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 6th NPC, Jun 1983.

Du Xueran fc Miner in Henan Prov., 1977; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; disappeared, Aug 1977.

Du Yi fe h Du belonged to the Zhuang minority. Mem., Stand. Comte, CCP of Guangxi AR, Oct 1974; ehm, Peasant

Du Yijin

Assn, Guangxi AR, Dec 1974; sec., CCP of Guangxi AR, Dec 1974 (reelected Dec 1977); vice-chm, Rev Comte of Guangxi AR, Dec 1977; deputy for Guangxi AR to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; disappeared, Dec 1981.

Du Yide




* 1912 Huangpo County, Hubei Joined Red Army, 1929; joined CCP, 1930; cdr., Weinan Detachment in Shandong Prov., 1941; cdr., 2nd Mil. Subdistr under S Shandong Mil. Distr, 1946; polit, commissar, 6th Column, Central Plains Field Army, 1947; dpty cdr., 3rd Corps, 2nd Field Army, 1949; cdr., S Sichuan Mil. Distr and concurrently mem., SW China Mil. and Admin. Comte, 1950; cdr. of unknown units under Chinese "People's Volunteers" during Korean War, 1951; polit, commissar, Liida (Lüshun-Dalian) Garrison, 1953; dir., Polit. Dpt, PLA Navy, 1955; made vice-admiral, Sep 1955; dpty cdr., PLA Navy, 1961; dpty polit, commissar, PLA Navy, Dec 1965; during Cult. Rev. criticized and purged, 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1972; again dpty polit, commissar, PLA Navy, Sep 1975 - May 1978; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; polit, commissar, PLA Navy, Jun 1978-1980; mem., mil. friendship del. to Romania, Jun 1978; cdr., Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Apr 1980 - Dec 1982; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1989.

D u Yijin




* 1936 Guang'an County, Sichuan Graduation from Physics Dpt of Beijing Normal Univ, 1958; service as lecturer, Wannan Univ, 1958 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared, 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: prof, and subsequently also pres., Anhui Teachers' Univ, 1978-87; vice-gov., Anhui PPG, Feb 1988; disappeared, Apr 1991.


Du Yuming

Du Yuming



* 1905 deceased 1981, May 7 Cdr., NE China Safety Preservation HQ, 1948; captured by Communist troops as dpty cdr. of Suzhou HQ and KMT ltn-gen., 1949; later sentenced as a war criminal; pardoned, 1959; special delegate to 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev, 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev, Feb 1972; deputy for Shanghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; mem., Budget Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979. Du was married to Cao Xiuqing. He was the father-in-law of the American-Chinese Physics Nobel Prize Winner, Yang Zhenning.

Du Zheheng fe % # * Liaoning Mem., NE People's Govt (NEPG), 1949 - Jan 1953: dpr., Dpt of Agriculture and Forestry, NEPG, Jan 1950; vicechm, Cultural and Educational Comte, NEPG, Apr 1950 Sep 1954; vice-chm of Liaoning Prov., 1950; mem., NE Admin. Comte and dir. of its Agricultural Dpt, Jan 1953; ehm of Liaoning Prov., Aug 1954 - Feb 1955; dpty sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, Aug 1954; deputy for Benxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; gov. of Liaoning, Feb 1955 - Jun 1958; dpty sec., Liaoning CP, Aug 1956- Jun 1958; decorated with Korean Natl Flag Medal, 1st class, May 1958; accused by CCP Central Comte of being a mem. of renegade clique consisting of Wang Cheng, Song Li, Li Tao and others and sentenced to discipline according to Party regulations, Jun 1958; disappeared, Jun 1958.

Du Ziduan fe -f Acting dir., Admin, of Food Ind., Ministry of Light Ind., Mar 1964; vice-min. of Light Ind., Sep 1977-1980; head, scientific and technological del. to Albania, Oct 1977; head, light ind. del. to Yugoslavia, May 1978; vice-min. of Agriculture, Sep 1980; pres., China Food Processing Ind. Assn, Oct 1981; dir., General Bureau of Rural Enterprises, Min. of Agriculture, Nov 1981; disappeared, Jan 1982.

Du Ziwei




* 1932 Japan Graduation from Japanese univ, 1961; received a doctoral degree in medicine, 1969; worked as dir. of the Celebrai Surgery Dpt in a Japanese hospital, 1969-72; settled in PR China, 1972; dpty dir., Cranial Nerve Dpt, No. 1 Hospital, Suzhou Medical Inst., 1972-78; deputy for Jiangsu to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Jan 1988); dir., Suzhou Medical Inst., Feb 1979-84; vicechm, Jiangsu Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1983; vicechm, Jiangsu PPC, Feb 1988; mem., Overseas Chinese Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.

Duan Huanjing -fx. jfe 3L * 1911 Jiangxi Joined Red Army and participated in guerilla activities in Jiangxi-Hunan Border Reg, 1932; studied at Training School, 6th Red Army Corps, 1934; battalion cdr., 5th Red Regiment, Hunan-Jiangxi Border Reg., 1934; during Long March remained in Border Reg, 1934-35; cos, Hunan Guerilla Unit (successor of 5th Red Regiment), 1935; severely wounded, 1936; cdr. of a batallion, New 4th Army, Jul 1938; cdr., New 6th Regiment, New 4th Army, Jun 1940; again wounded in combat against the Japanese; cdr. of a brigade, E China Field Army, 1946; cdr., 31st Div., 11th Div., E China Field Army, 1948; dpty cdr., 29th Army, 3rd Field Army, 1949; cdr. (concurrently), Xiamen Garrison, Jun 1950; led units in an attack on the Jinmen Islands which ended in defeat, Oct 1950; cdr., 23rd Corps, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1952; dpty cdr., Jiangsu Mil. Dist, 1954; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; cdr., Jiangsu Mil. Distr, Dec 1963-1966; dpty cdr., Nanjing Mil. Reg, Jun 1970-1982; mem., mil. del. to Albania and Romania, Aug 1971; disappeared, Jul 1982. Duan was married to Li San.

Duan Yongkang


Duan Junyi

Duan Suquan

7 1 kft ! * 1910 Fan County, Henan Graduated from Engineering College of Jinan Univ, 1937; leading representative, Natl Students' Fed, mid-1937; after Marco Polo Bridge Incident, 1937, together with Jiang Nanxiang led students from Beijing and Tianjin to Nanjing for mil. training; dir., Admin. Office, HebeiShandong-Henan CP, 1947; sec., Hubei-Henan Distr CP, 1948; polit, commissar, Logistics Dpt, 2nd Field Army, 1949-50; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte and concurrently dir., Ind. Dpt, SW China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950; vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Aug 1952 - Aug 1958; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; vice-min., 2nd Min. of Machine Building, Aug 1958 - Sep 1960; min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Sep 1960 - Cult. Rev.; during Cult. Rev. branded a capitalist-roader and purged, 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Aug 1971-1976; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); vice-chm, Rev Comte, Sichuan Prov., Jan 1974-1976; min. of Railways, Feb 1977 -Oct 1978; article in HQ Feb 1978, "Railway transportation should march in the van of the rapid development of the national economy"; head, railway del. to Romania and Sweden, Aug 1978; ehm, Rev Comte, Henan Prov., Sep 1978 - Aug 1979; 1st sec., Henan Prov. CP, Sep 1978 Jan 1981; 1st polit, commissar, Henan Mil. Distr, Sep 1978 - Dec 1980; deputy for Henan to 5th NPC, by-elected Aug 1980; 1st sec., Beijing CP, Jan 1981 - Jul 1984; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Presidium, 12th Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected, Nov 1987); article in HQ Nov 16, 1982, "Party consolidation is a matter of prime importance for our Party"; deputy for Beijing to 6th NPC, Mar 1983; head, Beijing study group to Japan, Aug 1984; senior adviser to Beijing CP, Aug 1984; mem., Presidium, 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; mem., Presidium, 14th CCP Congr, Oct 1992; disappeared, Feb 1994.

Duan Luofu * 1911 deceased 1983, Oct 30 Vice-chm, Shenyang Preparatory Comte for China Association for Promotion Democracy, Dec 1952; dpty dir., Dpt of Education, NE China Admin. Comte, Mar 1954; vicemin. of Higher Education, Jul 1965; during Cult. Rev. branded a capitalist-roader and purged, Jan 1967; only appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1980.

* 1916 Chafing County, Hunan Served in units of Red Army, 1932-37; studied at Yan'an And-Japan Mil. and Polit. College, 1937; subsequently served in Polit. Dpt, 8th Route Army, 1938-45; cdr., Rehe (Jehol) Mil. Distr, 1945-49; studied at PLA Aviation School, 1950; cdr., Air Force, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951-53; cos, NW China Mil. Reg, 1955; graduation from PLA Mil. Academy, 1956; teacher at PLA Mil. Academy, 1962-70; dpty cdr., Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Jun 1970; dpty head, mil. del. to Congo (head: Su Yu), Jun 1970; leading cadre, Beijing Mil. Reg, Oct 1973-1977; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988); polit, commissar, PLA Mil. Academy, Jan 1981-1983; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1986; mem., Law Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1987; disappeared, Jul 1992.

Duan Yi


* 1917 deceased 1981, Apr 11 Mem., Hebei PPC, Feb 1955; vice-gov., Hebei PPG, Feb 1960-1964; sec., Jinan Municipality CCP, Oct 1964; mayor of Jinan MPG, Oct 1964 - Jun 1968; deputy for Shandong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; 1st sec., Jinan Municipality CP, Feb 1965 - Feb 1967; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Jinan Municipality, Jun 1968 and disappeared; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-min., 7th Min. of Machine-Building, Sep 1980 - death.

Duan Yongkang


* 1932 Yiyang County, Hunan deceased 1987, Aug 6 Duan received a univ education; joined CCP, 1953; 195582: Duan served successively as dpty dir. of a county tax bureau, div. head of the Tax Bureau of Jingzhou Commissioner's Office, dir. of Jingzhou Prefecture Finance Bureau; dpty sec., Jingzhou Prefecture CP, 1983-85; vicegov., Hubei PPG, Jan 1986 - death.


Duan Yun

Eqin Jamsu

Duan Yun Dir., Secretariat, Shanxi-Suiyuan Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, 1948-50; Dpty dir., General Office, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte (SWMAC), 1950-Sep 1951; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, Jul 1950 - Jan 1953; secgen., Land Reform Comte, SWMAC, Feb 1951; dpty dir., Finance Dpt, SWMAC, Feb 1951; mem., SW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; mem., Nad Comte, All-China Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Sep 1954; dpty dir., Premier's Office, SC, Nov 1954- Apr 1955; dpty dir., 5th Staff Office (Finance and Trade), SC, Apr 1955 - Sep 1959; dpty dir., Finance and Trade Office, SC, 1959; mem., Shandong PPC, 1964; deputy for Shandong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vicemin., State Planning Com, Oct 1973 - May 1982; dpty head, CCP workers and friendship del. to Romania, Oct 1973; adviser, economic del. to Japan, Mar 1973; mem., govt del. to Great Britain (head: Wang Zhen), Nov 1978; mem., Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 (reelected Sep 1982); dir., Board of Directors, China Intl Trust and Investment Corp., Oct 1979; head, economic investigation group to Greece, Nov 1979; hon. pres., Accounting Society of China, Jan 1980; head, economists' del. to Norway, Jun 1981; mem., del. to 2nd Sino-Japanese Ministerial Conf. (head: Gu Mu), Tokyo, Dec 1981; disappeared, Sep 1982.

Duan Zijun


4L A

* 1925 Qian Gorlos, Jilin E. belonged to the Mongol minority. Served as 1st CCP sec., Gorlos Autonomous County, 1956-66; deputy for Jilin to 2nd NPC, Mar 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964), disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty commissioner, Baicheng Admin. Office, Nov 1972-1980; vice-chm, Jilin PPC, Apr 1980 (reelected Apr 1983); disappeared, Apr 1989.

Fan Changjiang

tí -fc ÌJ-

-ft ~f ik

Dir., Bureau of Aviation Ind., Min. of Heavy Ind., Aug 1951; dpty dir., 4th Bureau, 2nd Min. of Machine Building, Feb 1953; vice-min., 3rd Min. of Machine Building, Oct 1963 - Cult. Rev; branded a' revisionist and purged, Jun 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; pres., China Society of Astronautics and Aeronautics, Sep 1978; vice-min., 3rd Min,, of Machine Building, Jan 1979- Jan 1982; head, del. to Le Bourget airshow in France, Jun 1979; adviser, 3rd Min. of Machine Building, Jan 1982-1983; deputy for Henan to 6th NPC, May 1983; vice-pres., China Natl Aero-Technology and Export Corporation, Sep 1986; disappeared, Sep 1986.

* 1908, Neijiang County, Sichuan Attended middle school in Chengdu; studied at KMT Party School, Nanjing,, 1927-29; studied at Beijing Univ, enrolling in journalism, 1930-32; after graduation worked for Da Gong Bao; published book, The Northwest Corner of China, 1935; with other founded Young Journalists Society, 1939; went to Hong Kong and foundetd China Commercial News, 1941; during Japanese occupation went to Ν Shaanxi and worked for New China News Agency, 1942-45; spokesman, CCP Shanghai Admin. Office, Shanghai, fall 1945; pres. New China News Agency, when peace negotiations between CCP and KMT broke off, Mar 1947; editor-in-chief, RMRB, Mar 1949; pres., Liberation Daily, after Communists captured Shanghai, May 1949Jun 1953; dpty dir., Press Admin., G AC, Oct 1949 - Aug 1952; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1949- Jul 1958; mem., Executive Council, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 - Dec 1954; principal, Beijing School of Journalism, Dec 1949; dpty sec-gen., Cultural and Educational Comte, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1952; visited German Democratic Republic, Feb 1953; mem., Executive Comte, All-China Fed of TU, May 1953 -Dec 1957; council mem., Assn. for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; dpty dir., 2nd Staff Office, SC, Nov 1954; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 - Apr 1959; mem., Comte for Popularizing Common Spoken Language, SC, Feb 1956;


mem. and concurrently dpty sec-gen., China Scientific Planning Com, SC, Mar 1956; sec-gen., Scientific Planning Com, SC, May 1957; mem., scientific and technological del. to USSR, Dec 1957; vice-chm, China Scientific and Technological Assn, Sep 1958; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); vicechm, Cultural and Educational Office, SC, Sep 1959 - Jul 1965; mem., Sparetime Educational Comte, SC, Jan 1960; council mem., China-Latin America Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; pres., China-Mongolia Friendship Assn, Aug, 1961; disappeared during Cult.Rev., 1967.

Fan Chaoli

ΐί 4ft M

* 1914 Xin County, Henan CoS, 769th Regiment, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; cdr. of a subdistr., Taihang Mil. Distr, 1944; cdr., 10th Column, Central Plains Field Army, 1947; cdr., 10th Brigade, 2nd Field Army, Feb 1949; cdr., S Sichuan Mil. Distr, Oct 1949; dpty cdr., Sichuan Mil Distr, 1952; dpty cdr., Jinan Mil. Reg, 1955; made ltn.-gen., Sep 1955; mem, Stand. Comte, Shandong Prov. Rev Comte, Mar 1967; dpty cdr., Jinan Mil. Reg, May 1975 - Sep 1982; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1982 - Nov 1987; disappeared, Sep 1985.

Fan Quan

1948-51; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Tianjin Municipality CP, 1951-53; dir., Beijing Daily, 1952 - Cult.Rev.; mem., journalists' deel to Moscow, Jan 1953; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Beijing CP, Dec 1953; deputy for Beijing to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Executive Comte, Chinese Women's Fed, Sep 1957; council mem., Sino-Syrian Friendship Assn, Sept 1957; council mem., China-United Arab Republic Friendship Assn, Feb 1958; mem, Stand. Comte, 2nd NPC, by-elected Mar 1960 -Dec 1964; vice-chm, Chinese Journalists' Assn, Mar 1960; council mem., China-Cambodia Friendship Assn. Dec 1960; dpty head, journalists' del. to Afro-Asian Journalists' Conf., Jakarta (head: Mei Yi), Apr 1963; dir. and editor-in-chief, RMRB Aug 1963; mem., Stand. Comte, Beijing CP, Mar 1964; vice-mayor of Beijing, Sept 1964 - Cult.Rev.; mem., CCP and govt del. to Albania (20th aniversary of liberation), Nov 1964; accused of being an accomplice of Peng Zhen and a loyal executor ot the "Three Family-Village" and purged, Jun 1966; first appearance after Cult.Rev., Sep 1974; vice-chm, Beijing MPC, Dec 1979-1987; adviser to Beijing Journalism Society, Feb 1980; ehm, Beijing Branch of CPPCC, Mar - Jul 1985; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Beijing CP, Dec 1987; disappeared, Dec 1987.

Fan Muhan Fan Deling

# &


Before political career served as a miner in Kailuan Coal Mine, Hebei Prov., alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 - Aug 1973; ehm., Hebei TU, Jul 1973; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1977); head, workers' del. to Romania, Aug 1974; deputy for Hebei to 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978 - Nov 1981); mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978 - dismission, Nov 1981); disappeared, 1978, Dec; RMRB Nov 21, 1982, published Fan's grave mistakes during Cult.Rev.

Fan Quan Fan Jin (f)

ft it 4%

Mem., State Planning Com, Nov 1956; vice-min., State Planning Com, Dec 1960; vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Jul 1965 - Cult.Rev.; head, govt del. to Hungary. May 1966; disappeared during Cult.Rev., Jun 1966; first appearance after Cult.Rev, May 1978; vice-min., 6th Min. of Machine Building, Jul 1979 - Oct 1980; vicemin., State Com of Machine Building Ind., Oct 1980May 1982; vice-min., State Planning Com, Sep 1984Apr 1988; pres., China Printing and Printing Equipment Assn, Sep 1987; disappeared, Sep 1987.

t í fa.

ΐ ί *Ê

* 1919 Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Studied at Nanjing Central Univ, 1937; went to Yan'an and studied at Central Party School, 1938; at that time she married Huang Jin (q.v.); war correspondent with General Polit. Dpt. of 8th Route Army, 1938-39; dir.; Central Hebei Review, 1939-42; editor-in-chief, Tianjin Daily,

* 1907 Wu County, Jiangsu deceased 1989, Jul Graduated from Beijing Union Medical College, 1931; researcher, Harvard Univ., U.S.A., 1937-38; dir., Tianjin Children's Hospital, 1951; ehm., Tianjin Branch, Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party (CPWDP), 1956; vice-chm, Tianjin Branch, CPPCC, Dec 1954 - Cult.Rev.; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, May 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); disappeared during Cult.Rev.; first ap-

Fan Ruoyu

pearance after Cult.Rev.: deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983, and to 7th, Mar 1988); pres., Tianjin Children's Hospital, Apr 1979; mem., CPWDP, Apr 1979; mem., Budget Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; vice-chm, Tianjin MPC, Jun 1980 - death.

Fan Ruoyu Ü· * 1912 deceased 1985, Jun 20 Dty editor-in-chief, HQ, Sep 1964-Cult.Ree.; head HQ del. to Ν Vietnam,Feb 1966; vice-pres., Higher Party School, CCP Central Comte and concurrently dir. of its Marxism-Leninism Research Office, May 1966; branded a bourgeoise revisionist and purged, Jul 1967; first appearance after Cult.Rev.: pres., Beijing Society of Scientific Socialism, Sep 1979; adviser, Party School, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1982 - death.

F a n R u s h e n g >iL * 1914 deceased 1984, Nov 20 Dpty dir., Org. Dpt, Beijing CP, Dec 1952; dir., Org. Dpt, Beijing CP, May 1955; sec., Beijing CP, Oct 1958 Cult.Rev.; first appearance after Cult.Rev.: mem., Discipline Inspection Com. CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 Sep 1982; sec., Tianjin Municipality CP, May 1979 -Mar 1983.

Fan Shiren >1L Λ Λ. * 1908 deceased 1986, Oct 31 Served in guerilla units under Ye Fei in Fujian, 1935; cadre in newly established CCP Comte of Fujian-Jiangxi, 1936; vice-chm, Heilongjiang Prov., 1948; vice-chm, Jiangxi Prov, Nov 1949-1951; 1st dpty sec., Jiangxi CP, Mar 1950-1951; mem., Central S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950; vice-min. of Posts and Telecommunications, Nov 1951- Aug 1961; deputy for Shandong to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); 2nd sec., CCP Comte, Fujian Prov., Sep 1962-Cult. Rev.; 2nd polit-Commissar; Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Feb 1963 -Cui. Rev.; publicly branded as Liu Shaoqi's agent in Fujian and purged, Aug 1968; first appearance after Cult.Rev., May 1980; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985.

Fan Wencai & X ^ Dir., Basic Contraction Admin., Min. of Coal Ind., Apr 1957; vice-min. of Coal Ind., Feb 1965 - Cul.Rev; disappeared, Oct 1969.




ft X

* 1893, Shaoxing County, Zhejiang deceased 1969, Jul 29 Attended Budong Middle School in Shanghai; graduated from Dpt of Chinese Literature, Beijing Univ, 1919; further studies in Japan, concentrating on Marxist theories, 1919-21; after return to China served successively as prof, of Nankai Univ, Beijing Univ, Beijing Normal Univ, Füren Univ and Sino-French Univ and Beijing Teachers College for Women, 1922-34; arrested as political criminal but released on intercession of Cai Yuanpei and Wang Jingwei and others, 1935; went to Yan'an, 1935; prof, of Henan Univ, 1936; after outbreak of Sino-Japanese War participated in Communist underground activities in Henan, 1937-39; went back to Yan'an, 1940, and taught at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1941-44; mem., Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt, 1941-45; pres., Northern Univ, Mar 1946; vice-pres., Ν China Univ and dir.. Research Dpt and History Dpt, 1946; made vicepres. , when Northern Univ and Ν China Univ combined, 1948; council mem., Ν China People's Govt, Aug 1948; mem., Stand.Comte, Comte for Reforming Chinese Written Language, Oct 1949; vice-chm., Preparatory Comte, China New Historical Society, 1950; dir., Inst, of Modern History, CAS, Jun 1950; vice-chm., China History Society, 1952; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; deputy for Henan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; deputy for Shandong to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; deputy for Zhejiang to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem. Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969. Publications: Modern History of China; General Comments of the Landscape Descriptions in Shuijinzhu (1929); Commentaries on Authentic History; Commentaries on the Classics (1933); Life of the Traitorous Executioner Zeng Guofan (1944); The Revolutionary Movement of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (1948); Short Revised Edition of Chinese History (1948).

F a n X i a o j u (f) % M * Jiangxi Started as poor peasant women; production team cadre in Xiushui County, Jiangxi, 1959; vice-chm., Xiushui County Rev Comte, Feb 1969; alt.mem., CCP 9th Central


Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); vicechm., Jiangxi Rev Comte, Feb 1971-1977; ehm., Jiangxi TU, Sep 1973-1977; disappeared Jan 1977.

Fan Xixian

f t ^ 'if

Mem., Guangdong PPC, Dec 1960; mem., Stand Comte, Guangdong Rev Comte, Jun 1973; vice-chm, Guangdong Rev Comte, Oct 1977 - Dec 1979; vice-chm,Guangzhou Foreign Trade Fair, Oct 1977; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; mem., Central Comte for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; vice-chm, Guangdong PPC, Apr 1983; disappeared, Dec 1984.

Fan Xuji

Fan Ziyu

ft ^

Head, supplies unit, 2nd Red Front Army, 1934; participated in Long March, 1934-35; dpty dir., Supplies Dpt, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; dir., Supplies Dpt, 62nd Corps, 18th Army, 1949; dir., Supplies Dpt, 2nd Field Army and concurrently of SW Mil. Reg, 1950; majgen. and head, 2nd Dpt (Material Supplies), PLA Logistics Dpt, Aug 1964; transferred to Min. of Commerce, 1968; min. of Commerce, Dec 1972-1977; head, govt del. to Botswana, Sep 1976; dpty dir., PLA General Logistics Dpt, Jun 1978-1982; mem., Central Greening Comte, Feb 1982; vice-chm, PLA Greaning Comte, Mar 1982; disappeared, Aug 1984.

ft %% #

* 1918 Deputy for Jiangsu to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; pres., Shanghai Jiaotong Univ, May 1980; disappeared, Jun 1982. Remarks: Fan was a noted mechanical engineer.

Fan Zhilun

Fang Fang



Fan Zuokai

Ü ff


Dpty sec., Rural Work Comte, Wuhan Municipality CP, Nov 1959; ambassador to Somalia, Sep 1970 - Jan 1975; ambassador to Mali, Sep 1975 - Dec 1978; asst min. of Foreign Affairs, Aug 1979-1982; ambassador to Iran, Apr 1983 - Nov 1985; disappeared, Jan 1986.


Fang Fang

* 1934 Fushun County, Sichuan Joined Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951 and became a squadleader; won lst-class merit in battle, 1952; service in operational and training divisions of PLA armies, 1971-78; served as cos and dpty cdr. of a division, 1978-81; graduation from Higher Mil. Academy, 1981; cdr. of a PLA division, 1981-83; dpty cos, Nanjing Mil. Reg, 1983-85; dpty cdr and cos Chinese People's Armed Police Force, Dec 1985-1990; made maj-gen., Sept 1988; disappeared, Feb 1990.

Fan Ziwen

ft "f" X

Attended 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, GAC, 1950; depty dir., Commodity Distribution Bureau, Financial and Economic Comte, GAC, Aug 1952 - Aug 1954; vice-min. of Foreign Trade, Nov 1954 - Jan 1959; vice-gov., Heilongjiang PPG, Sep 1958 - Sep 1964; disappeared, Sep 1964.

* 1904 Püning County, Guangdong deceased 1971, Sep 21 During May 4th Movement was head of Püning Student Union, 1919; studied at Peasant Movement Training Inst., Guangzhou, and joined CCP, 1924; returned to Püning to organize TU and student activities, winter 1924; joined KMT 2nd East Punitive Expedition and led peasants' uprisings, 1925; after Zhongshan Warship Incident, withdrew from KMT and went to Shantou (Swatow) to engage in peasants' and workers' movement, 1926; participated in uprisings in Fujian, 1927; engaged in CCP underground activities in Guangdong, 1928-30; polit, commissar of a guerilla unit, Fujian, 1932; leading cadre, Fujian Soviet Area, 1934; during Long March ordered by the Mil. Council ot the CCP Central Comte to stay behind and lead 9th Independent Regiment to conduct guerilla activities, 1934-36; forced to withdraw to mountainous border region of Guangdong-Fujian, 1938-41; sec., S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1942; after Japanese surrender, 1945,


Fang Gao

went to Beijing and served as polit, adviser to Y e Jianying, CCP, representative to Mil. Mediation Comte, 1946; after failure of CCP-KMT peace talks went to Hong Kong and then to Guangdong to direct local guerilla units against KMT, 1946; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; 3rd sec., S China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1949; vice-gov. of Guangdong, Oct 1949 - Feb 1955; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; mem., Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, GAC, Jun 1950; 5th sec., S China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1952; mem., Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; pres., Guangdong Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Nov 1953; deputy for Guangdong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; vice-min., Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, SC, Oct 1954; vice-chm.. Returned Overseas Chinese Assn, Oct 1956; deputy for Overseas Chinese to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1961; vice-chm., Comte for Receiving and Resettling Returned Overseas Chinese, SC, Apr 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Sep 1966; officially rehabilitated, Jul 1994.

Fang Gao


Dir., Guangdong Branch, Chinese People's Bank, 1950; dir., S China Branch, Chinese People's Bank, 1951; dir., College of Finance and Economics, China Associated Univ, Apr 1951; vice-chm., Financial and Economic Comte, Guangdong PPG, Feb 1954; dpty dir., Communications Dpt, S China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1955; dir. of this dpt, May 1958; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Dec 1961-1963; vice-pres., People's Bank of China, Oct 1963; mem., economic del. to Japan, Apr 1964; mem., bankers' del. to Indonesia, Aug 1965; head, bankers' del. to Albania, Dec 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vicepres., People's Bank of China, Apr 1 9 7 2 - May 1982; vice-pres., Bank of China, Nov 1972; head, banker's del. to Ν Korea, Nov 1972; vice-chm, Board of Directors, Bank of China, Nov 1977-1980; pres., Agricultural Bank of China, Jun 1981; pres., China Society for Rural Monetary, Jun 1981; disappeared, Jun 1981.

Fang Ming


Served in 4th Red Front Army, 1934; service in 2nd Field Army, 1949; made maj.-gen., Sep 1955; cdr. of a PLA unit, Hubei Mil. Distr, 1965; cdr., 15th Army, 1966; cdr., Wuhan Garrison, Oct 1967-1971; ehm., Wuhan Municipality Rev Comte, Aug 1968-1974; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1 9 6 9 - Aug 1973; 1st sec., Wuhan CP, Feb 1971-1974; disapppeared Aug 1974.

Fang Qiang


1909 Pingjiang County, Hunan During Nanchang Uprising, led a platoon under Zhu De, 1927; served in Soviet Govt of Pingjiang County, 1930; served in 4th Front Army, 1931; as cdr. of a guard battalion seriously wounded in Fujian, 1933; participated in Long March in Cadres Corps, 1934-35; cdr. of a regiment in 4th Front Army, 1935; taken prisoner by KMT forces in Xining, 1936; escaped from Lanzhou prison and went to Yan'an, May 1937; trained at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1937; cdr. of a regiment, 115th Div. (cdr.: Lin Biao), 8th Route Army, 1938; accompanied Lin Biao to USSR and subsequently studied at Moscow Red Army Academy, 1939; after his return to China, made cdr. of a division; together with Lin Biao ordered to Manchuria, 1945; cdr., Hejiang Mil. Distr, 1945; cdr., Fujin Mil. Subdistr, 1946; cdr., Jiamusi Mil. Distr, 1947; cdr., 30th Div., NE Field Army, 1948; cdr., 47th Army, 4th Field Army, 1948; cdr., 44th Army, 15th Group Army, 4th Field Army, Feb 1949; dpty cdr., S China Mil. Reg and concurrently dpty cdr.; Guangzhou Garrison Command, Oct 1949; council mem., Guangdong PPG, Mar 1950; 2nd dpty cdr., Guangdong Mil. Distr. Mar 1950; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jun 1951-1952; cdr., Central-S Naval Command, Jun 1952; dpty cdr., PLA Navy, Oct 1953 - Jan 1960; made vice-admiral, Sep 1955; commandant, Nanjing Naval Academy, Jun 1957; mem., mil del. to India (head: Y e Jianying), Jan 1958; vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine-Building, Jan 1960 - Sep 1963; minister, 6th Min. of Machine Building (responsible for naval ships), Sep 1963 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Natl Defense Council, Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev; head, del. to 34th Poznan Intl Fair in Poland, Jun 1965; during Cult. Rev. denounced as an agent of He Long and purged, Nov 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1972; cadre of SC, Oct 1973; leading mil. cadre, Jul 1975; disappeared again until 1979; dpty cdr., PLA Navy, Oct 1979 Sep 1982; head, PLA del. to Algeria, Apr 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Oct 1992; disappeared, May 1993.


Fang Zhichun

Fang Shaoyi

Fang Zhengping

* 1911 Zhongshan County. Guangdong Graduated from Sociology Department, Zhongshan Univ, 1937; prof., S China Univ, 1950-66; vice-chm, Guangzhou MPC, Sep 1981; vice-chm, Guangdong PPC, Jan 1988-1993; deputy for Guangdong to 7th NPC, Mar 1988 (reelected to 8th, Mar 1993); disappeared, Mar 1993.

* 1909 Pingjiang County, Hunan Served in 8th Red Army, 1930; polit, commissar of brigade, 5th Div., New 4th Army; dpty cdr., PLA S China Fleet, Aug 1954; made ltn.-gen., Sep 1955; dpty polit, commissar, Hainan Mil. Subdistrict, Feb 1957; polit, commissar, S China Sea Fleet, Nov 1958; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: polit, commissar, E China Sea Fleet, Oct 1979-1981; polit. commissar, PLA Navy, Jim 1981-1984; disappeared Aug 1984.

Fang Shengpu

7Γ i f if"

Dpty cdr., 15th Column, 62nd Army, 1948; council mem., Xikang PPG, Jul 1948; acting cdr., Xikang Mil. Distr, 1950; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; cdr. of a PLA army, Fujian, Nov 1957; leading military, Shaanxi Mil. Distr, Jul 1963; mem., Stand. Comte, Shangxi Rev Comte, Feb 1969; vice-chm, Shaanxi Rev Comte, Sep 1972-1977; leading cadre, Air Force, Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Oct 1972; mem., Stand. Comte, Shaanxi CP, May 19731977; disappeared, Jan 1977.

Fang Xinfang

Fang Zhichun


if ^ %

*1907 Dpty dir., Inst, of Bacteriology, CAS, Jul 1960; dpty dir., Inst, of Microbiology, CAS, 1981; mem., Dpt of Biology, CAS, 1983; disappeared, 1984. Remarks: Fang was known for his research in industrial biology.

* 1911 Yiyang County, Jiangxi Joined CYL, 1924; organized peasant uprising in Ν Jiangxi together with his brother Fang Zhimin (executed 1935 by KMT after having been taken prisoner as cdr. of 10th Red Workers' and Peasants' Army), 1927; cdr. of a contingent of 10th Red Workers' and Peasants' Army, 193031; operated with a guerilla unit in border regions of Jiangxi and Fujian, 1932-36; went to Yan'an, 1937, and soon afterwards to Moscow for medical treatment; returned to China, 1940; imprisoned by Sheng Shicai, governor of Xinjiang, 1942-46; escaped from prison and went to Yan'an, 1946; dir., Admin. Office, NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1947; dpty sec., Heilongjiang Prov. CP, 1948; joined PLA forces pushing to S China, spring 1949; vice-chm., Jiangxi PPG, Dec 1949-1955; vice-gov., Jiangxi PPG, Feb 1955 - Sep 1965; sec., Jiangxi CP, Aug 1956-1967; gov., Jiangxi PPG, Sep 1965-1967; denounced as a follower of Liu Shaoqi and purged, Sep 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm., Jiangxi Rev Comte, Nov 1977 - Dec 1979; deputy for Jiangxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; ehm., Jiangxi Branch, CPPCC, Mar 1981; mem., Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, May 1981 - Sep 1982; vice-chm., Jiangxi


Fang Zhongru

PPC, May 1981 - Apr 1983; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 -Sep 1985; disappeared Feb 1985.

Fang Zhongru ¿T 4 + ^ * 1901 Xianyang County, Shaanxi deceased 1983, Jun 5 Took part in Long March, 1934-35; Council mem., Gansu-Ningxia-Shaangxi Border Govt, 1939; dir., Logistics Dpt, PLA 1st Field Army, 1949; vice-mayor, Xi'an MPG, May 1949; mayor of Xi'an, Jun 1950 - Apr 1957; sec., CCP Comte, Xi'an, Sep 1953; deputy for Xi'an to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; pres., Xi'an Branch, Sino-Soviet Friedship Assn, Nov 1954; 2nd sec., Xi'an CP, Jan 1956; 1st sec., Xi'an CP, Dec 1956- Aug 1958; sec., CCP Comte, Shaanxi Prov., Aug 1956; deputy for Shaanxi to 2nd NPC, Aug 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Central Control Comte, CCP Central Comte, 1963 - Cul. Rev.; mem., NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1965; sec., CCP Comte, Gansu Prov., Aug 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand, Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978.

Fei G u o z h u # ® Leading military in Tianjin, Jun 1970; sec., Tianjin Municipality CP, May 1971-1978; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; polit, commissar, Hebei Mil. Distr, Dec 19801985; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Hebei Prov., Mar 1983; disappeared, May 1985.

Fei Y i m i n




* 1907 Wu County, Jiangsu deceased 1988, May 18 Studied in France; pres., Hong Kong edition of Dagong Bao\ 1949; became a successful businessman in Hong Kong, 1950-58; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Chinese Journalists' Assn, Apr 1962; led riotous activities in front of Hong Kong Govt House, May 1967; mem., Presidium of 4th NPC, Jan 1975; deputy for Guangdong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983, and to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Stand Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; vice-chm, Board of Directors, Jinan Univ, Oct 1978; pres., Hong Kong edition of Dagong Bao, Jun 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, by-elected Sep 1980 (reelected to 6th, Mar 1983); vice-chm, Chinese Journalists'

Assn, Apr 1983; mem., Law Comte, 6th NPC, June 1983; hon. dir.-in-chief, Welfare Fund for Handicapped, Mar 1984; vice-chm, Law Comte 7th NPC, Mar 1988. Fei was married to Su Wuzi.

Feng Baiju




* 1904 Qiongshan County, Guangdong

deceased 1973, Jul 19 Son of a stonecutter; graduated from 6th Normal School Qiongshan, 1925; further studies at Daxia Univ, Shanghai, 1925-26; joined CCP, 1926; organized guerilla units on Hainan Island, where he was born, 1926-27; led guerilla units on Hainan Island, 1926-50, eventually organized into an army numbering 10,000 men, often without connection to the CCP Central; 1st sec., Hainan Special Comte of CCP, 1929; cdr., Hainan Independent Div., Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, 1930-36; arrested by KMT forces together with his wife, 1936; released upon outbreak of Sino-Japanese War, 1937; recognized by KMT as cdr. of an independent unit of the Peoples' Anti-Japanese Self-Protection Corps, 1938; ehm, Hainan Provisional Govt, 1944; cdr. and polit, commissar, Hainan Column, 1944 - Apr 1950, when a unit of Lin Biaos' 4th Field Anna reached Hainan; vice-chm, Hainan Mil. and Admin. Comte, Apr 1950- Jul 1951; 1st sec., Hainan CCP Comte, 1950-53; mem., Guangdong PPG, Jan 1950; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, 1950-Jan 1953; cdr., Hainan Mil. Distr, 1950 - Feb 1953; mem., Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; transferred to Guangzhou, May 1953; vice-gov., Guangdong MPG, May 1953-1963; dir., United Front Work Dpt, S China Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1953; deputy for Guangdong to 1st NPC, Sep 1954-1959; mem., Natl Defense Council, Oct 1954-1964; dpty sec., Guangdong CP, Jun 1955 -Nov 1956; awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", Sep 1955; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - Cult. Rev.; sec., Guangdong CP, Nov 1956-1957; accused of fostering "localist activities", May 1958; vicegovernor, Zhejiang, PPG, Dec 1963 -Cui. Rev.; disapperaed, Mar 1968. - The former verdict of being a "localist" was postum officially taken from Feng, Mar 1983. Feng was married to Wang Huizhou.

Feng Bohua ^ tâ ψ Dir. Inst, for Planning Chemical Ind., Min. of Chemical Ind., Mar 1959; vice-min. of Chemical Ind., Jun 1978-


1984; head, chemical del. to Romania, Jul 1978; head, chemistry del. to Kuwait, May 1983; head, scientific and technological del. to Romania, May 1983; head, chemical del. to Morocco and Tunisia, Nov 1983; disappeared, Jun 1984.

Feng Ding ^ * 1902 Cixi County, Zhejiang deceased 1983, Oct 15 Joined CCP, 1926; graduated from Sun Yat-sen Univ, Moscow, 1930; served successively as editor-in-chief, Resist-the-Enemy News (paper of the New 4th Army); ehm, CCP Economic Affairs Comte, Shanghai; dpty dir., Central China College, Resist-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1937-48; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1949; vice-chm, Cultural and Educational Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950 - Nov 1952; mem., Chinese Society of Philosophy, 1952-61; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959, and to 4th, Jan 1965); mem., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955; prof., Beijing Univ, Jun 1958; council mem., Sino-Latin America Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; vice-pres., Beijing Branch, Chinese Society of Philosophy, May 1961; branded a revisionist and purged, Jul 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-pres., Beijing Univ, Nov 1978; vice-pres., Beijing Branch, Chinese Society of Philosophy, Jul 1979; adviser to Beijing Univ, Mar 1981; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Dec 1981. Publications: Communist View of Life·, Simple Truth·, Historical Mission of the Working Class.

Feng Guozhu fy © fe Council mem., China-Cuba Friendship Assn, Dec 1962; mem., del. to attend 8th Congr of Intl Democratic Lawyers' Assn, Prague, Apr 1964; vice-chm, Shanghai Branch, People's Peace Council, Oct 1964; council mem., Chinese People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Jan 1965-1972; leading mem., Shanghai Rev Comte, Jul 1967; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanghai Rev Comte, Sep 1967-1972; vicechm, Shanghai Rev Comte, Nov 1972-1976; head, Shanghai friendship del. to Japan, Jul 1974; head goodwill del. to Switzerland, Apr 1975; disappeared, Sep 1976.

Feng Hongda * 1930 Tianjin deceased 1993, Jul 19 Son of General Feng Yuxiang. After graduation from middle school, went with his father to U.S.A., 1947; studied at Baku Naval Staff College in USSR, 1948-53; after graduation returned to China, 1953; served as captain of a destroyer and in fleet or naval command organs, 1954-82; dpty dir., Dalian Naval Vessels College, Aug 1983-1985; dir. of this college, Sep 1985-1989; dpty cdr., PLA Navy Ν China Sea Fleet and vice-admiral, June 1990-death.

Feng Jixin

Feng Jinwen



* 1924 Suzhou City, Jiangsu Vice-mayor of Fuzhou, Oct 1964; dpty chief procurator, Supreme People's Procuracy, May 1982-1991; head, procuratorate del. to Japan, Apr 1986; mem., Motions Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; visited Ν Korea, Aug 1988; head procuratorate del. to Finland and Norway, May 1989; head, procuratorate del. to Indonesia, Oct 1991; disappeared, Oct 1991.


7% ^


deceased 1983, Sep 29 Mem., Supreme People's Procuratorate, Oct 1949- Oct 1954; dpty dir., Public Security Bureau, Beijing MPG, Nov 1949; dpty chief procurator, Beijing Procuracy, Jan 1951; vice-mayor, Beijing MPG, Feb 1955 - Sep 1964; dir., Public Security Bureau, Beijing MPG, Jun 1955; mem., Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, SC, Mar 1958; head, friendship del. to Romania, Sep 1959; visited Cuba, Mar 1961; sec., CCP Comte, Beijing Municipality, Nov 1962-1964; vice-pres., ChinaCuba Friendship Assn, Dec 1962; head, del. to participate in African Conf. of Local Authorities, Ghana, Mar 1963; sec., CCP Comte, Shaanxi Prov., Oct 1964; branded as a counterrevolutionary element and a follower of Peng Zhen and purged, Feb 1967; first appearance after the Cult. Rev., Aug 1978; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, by-elected Nov 1981; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982-death.

Feng Jixin 7% fe t f Chm, Control Comte, Heilongjiang PPG, Jan 1953; sec., Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Jul 1953-1964; vice-gov., Jiangsu PPG, Sep 1964 - Cui. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Jiangsu Prov. CP, Mar 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1973; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Gansu Prov., Dec 1977 Dec 1979; deputy for Gansu to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; sec., Gansu Prov. CP, May 1978 - Jan 1981; gov. of Gansu, Dec 1979 - Jan 1981; acting 1st sec., Gansu Prov. CP, Jan 1981 - Mar 1982; 1st polit, commissar, Gansu Mil. Distr, Sep 1981 - Mar 1983; 1st sec., Gansu Prov. CP, Mar 1982- Mar 1983; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr., Sep 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); article in RMRB, Nov 8, 1982, "Carry forward with major effort the spirit


Feng Lizu

of dedicating oneself to serving the people"; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982, disappeared, Feb 1991.

Feng Lizu· * 1926 deceased 1990, Aug 18 Dpty sec., Shandong Branch, CYL, Nov 1963 - Cui. Rev.; mem., Central Comte, CYL, Jul 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Shandong CP, Mar 1983; dir., Org. Dpt, Shandong CP, May 1985; vice-chm, Shandong PPC, May 1986 - Feb 1988; disappeared, Feb 1988.

Feng Mao ty % 1st sec., CCP Comte, Yinchuan Municipality, Jun 1961; deputy for Ningxia to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Ningxia to 6th NPC, May 1983; vice-chm, Ningxia PPC, Apr 1984; disappeared, Sep 1984.

Feng Mingwei



Feng Sutao

* 1906 Guangtong, Yunnan Studied at Sun Yat-sen Univ; participated in Gunagzhou Uprising, 1927; teacher at Shanghai Pudong Middle School, 1934-35; lecturer at Yunnan Univ, 1937-41; prof, of Beijing Agricultural Univ, 1953-57; ehm, Shanxi Prov Branch, CDL, 1959-65; vice-chm, Shanxi Prov. Branch of CPPCC, Jan 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Shanxi PPC, Dec 1979 (reelected Apr 1983 and Jan 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); vice-chm, Advisory Com, CDL, Oct 1988; disappeared, Oct 1988. Publications: History of Chinese Social Thinking

Feng Wenbin

* 1929 Shaoxing, Zhejing Joined CCP, 1948; graduated from Economy Dpt, FranceChinese Univ, 1949; dir., Org. Dpt, CP of Bejing Xicheng Distr, 1958 - Cult. Rev.; asst to mayor of Beijing MPG, 1982-83; dpty sec-gen., Beijing CP, 1982-83; sec., CP of Beijing Chaoyang Distr, 1983-84; vice-mayor, Beijing MPG, Aug 1984 - Jan 1988; head, Beijing friendship del. to Ν Korea, Jul 1985; visited U.S.A., accompanying two giant pandas, Apr 1987; vice-chm, Beijing Branch of CPPCC, May 1988; disappeared, May 1988.

Feng Pinde % & ^ Alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); worker, Shanghai Marine Transportation Bureau, Jan 1974; disappeared Oct 1977.



i t

* 1911 Pinjiang County, Henan Attended primary school in Shanghai for one year, 1919, and then an evening school; worked as a child laborer in a match factory, 1920-25; joined CYL, 1925; joined CCP, 1928; joined 4th Red Army in Fujian Prov., 1929; polit, commissar, Wireless Column, 4th Red Army, 1931; sec., Fujian Prov. CP, 1932; sec. CYL, 1935; engaged in youth work, 1936-44; dir., Youth Work Comte, CCP Central Comte, 1944; dir., Youth Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1947-53; mem., Executive Comte, Chinese Fed of Labor, 1948; sec. and mem., Central Comte, NDYL, 1949; participated in inaugural session of 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Supreme People's Court, Oct 1949; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949; mem., Provisional Board of Directors, China Fed of Cooperatives, Jul 1950; dir., Ind. Dpt, Tianjin Municipality CP, Sep 1952; mem., Financial and Economic Comte Tianjin MPG, May 1953; subsequently disappeared; first reappearance: cadre in dpt of CCP Central Comte, Oct 1977; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; associated dean of Academic Affairs, Party School under

Feng Youlan


CCP Central Comte, Aug 1978-1982; vice-pres., Party School under CCP Central Comte, May 1979-1982; dpty dir., General Office, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1979 May 1982; pres., Society of Research in the History of the CCP, Jul 1980; article in RMRB Nov 24, 1980, "On Socialist Democracy"; 1st dpty dir., General Office, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1981 - May 1982; article in HQ 1981/10, "Consciously implement the line of the 3rd Plenum of the 11th CCP Central Comte and advance firmly along the track of scientific Socialism", May 1981; ehm, Party Historical Data Collection Comte, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1981 -Aug 1988; dir., Party History Research Center, CCP Central Comte, May 1982; head, CCP workers del. to Ν Korea, Jun 1982; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Jun 1991.

Feng Xuan


•1915 Wujin County, Jiangsu deceased 1986, Jan 16 Joined CCP, 1936; sec.-gen., Executive Dpt, CCP Mil. Mediation Comte, 1946; mem., Lüshun-Dairen (Lüda) Municipal CCP Comte, 1950; min., Chinese legation in Switzerland, Dec 1950 - Jul 1956; and ambassador to Switzerland, Jul 1956 - Apr 1959; deputy for Sichuan to 2nd NPC, Jul 1958; dpty sec.-gen., SC, Apr 1059 - Mar 1965; mem., govt del to Geneva Conf. on Laos, May 1959; accompanied Chen Yi on return to China via Moscow, Jul 1959; vice-pres., China-Latin America Friendship Assn, Jul 1961; leading cadre in dpt of CCP Central Comte, Jul 1963; deputy for Jilin to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; dpty sec.-gen., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Mar 1965; accompanied Liu Shaoqi to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Burma, Mar-Apr 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jul 1966; first reappearance: leading cadre, Intl Liaison Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1972; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1978); dpty dir., Intl Liaison Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1973 Apr 1982; mem., CCP del. to Italy, Jul 1981; delegate to Natl Congr of French Socialist Party, Paris, Oct 1981; adviser, Intl Liaison Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com., CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; head, CCP visitors group to Spain, Jun 1983.

Feng Yin

* 1921

4 %

Studied at Iowa Univ, U.S.A. (his father studied in Germany); returned to China, 1953; later worked at Guanting reservoir; deputy for Henan to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; vicemin. of Water Conservancy and Electric Power, Jul 1980-May 1982; chief engineer, Min. of Water Conservancy and Electric Power, Feb 1984; mem., Study Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.

Feng Yingkui



Vice-gov., Jilin PPG, Apr 1980- Apr 1983; mayor of Changchun MPG, Jun 1980-1985; 2nd sec., Changchun CP, Jun 1980; head, Jilin del. to Ν Korea and Japan, SepOct 1980; head, Changchun friendship del. to Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, when both cities became sister cities, Nov 1981; deputy for Jilin to 6th NPC, May 1983; head, Changchun friendship del. to Birmingham, when both cities became sister cities, Jul 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, Jilin CP, May 1985; disappeared, Sep 1989.

Feng Youlan

4 & Ü

* 1895 Tanghe County, Henan deceased 1990, Nov 26 Awarded a provincial scholarship in his youth to study at China Academy in Shanghai; continued studies in Philosophy Dpt of Beijing Univ, 1915-18; entered Philosophy Dpt at Columbia Univ, New York, 1919, where he studied under John Dewey and Frederick J.E. Woodbridge; received his Ph.D., 1923, (dissertation title: A Comparative Study of the Ideal of the People)·, returned to China, 1923, and became prof, of Zhongzhou Univ at Kaifeng, Henan Prov.; prof., Zhongshan Univ in Guangzhou, 1925; taught philosophy at Beijing Yanjing Univ, 1927; dir., Philosophy Dpt and dean of the College of Arts, Qinghua Univ, 1928-32; lectured Chinese philosophy at several universities in England, 1933; dean of the College of Arts, SW Associated Univ in Kunming, 1938-45; dir., Philosophy Dpt, Qinghua Univ, 1945-46; visiting prof, on a Rockefeller grant, Univ of Pennsylvania, 1946-47; stayed in Hawaii, 1948; participated in land reform work, 1950; council mem., Henan PPG, Jul 1950; mem., cultural del. to India and Burma, Sep 1951; received hon. Ph.D. from New Dheli Univ, Nov 1951; council mem., Chinese Philosophy Society, Feb 1952; council mem., China-India Friendship Assn, May 1952; dir., Research Dpt of History of Chinese Philosophy under Beijing Univ, Jul 1954; mem., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955; mem., Central Comte, CDL, Jun 1955; criticized


Feng Yujiu

Hu Shi for his pragnaticism and unability to differ between idealism and materialism, 1955; during "Hundred Blossoms Campaign" criticized the disregard of experts' opinion, May 1956; delegate to conf. of European Cultural Assn, Venice, Oct 1956; Feng was criticized for his revisionist standpoint in philosophy, 1957-58 (these critics and Feng's defenses were widely published in China's daily press); mem., China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, May 1958; prof, of Beijing Univ, Aug 1958; publicly denounced as a counterrevolutionary element and purged, May 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1972; prof, of Beijing Univ, Apr 1972; disappeared again 1976; reactivated, Dec 1981, and named by XNA as "a leading scholar who has made invaluable contributions to the plan for compilation and publication of ancient books"; awarded an hon. doctor of letters degree by Columbia Univ, Sep 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC (reelected by 7th, Apr 1988); adviser to Intl Academy of Chinese Culture, Feb 1984. Publications: A Kind of Outlook on Life (1924); A History of Chinese Philosophy (Part One, 1930); A History of Chinese Philosophy (Part Two, 1933); Supplements to A History of Chinese Philosophy (1936); New Neo-Confucianism (1938); New Teachings of the World (1940); New Culture and Society (1940); New Origin of Men (1942); New Origin of Truth (1942); New Scholarship (1946); New Understanding of Speech (1948); A Short History of Chinese Philosophy, co-authored with Derk Bodde, New York (1948); Essays on A History of Chinese Philosophy (1958); Revised Edition of A History of Chinese Philosophy (1962); New History of Chinese Philosophy (1964).

Feng Yujiu


-f ¿L

* 1912 Served in Communications Dpt, Ν China People's Govt, 1948; dpty dir., General Bureau of Highways, Min. of Communications, Feb 1950; dpty dir., Transport Bureau, Min. of Communications, 1951; asst min. of Communications, Oct 1956 - Jan 1959; dir., Oceanic Transportation Bureau, Min. of Communications, Dec 1960; ambassador to Norway, Jan 1965-1967; ambassador to Mauritania, Jul 1969 - Apr 1973; ambassador to Nigeria, Nov 1973 - Jan 1979; ambassador to Hungary, Apr 1979 - Jan 1983; last appearance, Jan 1983. Feng was married to Tu Luo.

Feng Yunhe (f)



* 1898 Jinan, Shandong Born into a carpenter's family. As a child she worked as a maid servant; entered Beijing Teacher's College for Women, 1923; went to U.S.A. and studied chemical engineering at Ohio Univ, 1927-31, and received doctorate; worked in research laboratories of Berlin Univ and developed a process for making rayon fiber from bamboo, rice and sorghum stalks, 1932-39; returned to China, 1938, and made commissioner, Economic Comte at Nad Govt; later she was confounder of China Nad Construction Assn, Chongqing, 1942; succeeded in degumming ramie, 1946; participated in inaugural session of CPPCC, Sep 1949; technical adviser, Min. of Textile Ind., Nov 1949; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; hon. dir., Guangzhou Inst, of Chemistry, CAS, Apr 1981; adviser, Min. of Textile Ind., Apr 1982; won state award for developing a ramie fabric denaturation technology, 1982; inspected weaving ind. in Xinjiang AR, Oct 1987; disappeared, Jan 1988.

Feng Zhanwu ty & A, Alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and to 11th, Aug 1977); vice-chm., Jilin Prov. Rev. Comte, Oct 1974; disappeared, Aug 1977.

Feng Zhi


* 1905 Zhuo County, Hebei deceased 1993, Feb 22 Born into the family of a salt works dir.; attended 4th Municipal Middle School in Beijing, 1917-21; studied German literature, Beijing Univ, 1923-27; first publication of poems, 1923; middle school teacher in Harbin, 1927; assistent at Beijing Univ, 1928-29; studied German


literature and philosophy at Berlin and Heidelberg Univ, 1930-35; received Ph.D. from Heidelberg Univ for his study The Analogy between Nature and Spirit as a Stylistic Principle in the Poetry of Novalis, Jun 1935; teacher at Shanghai Tongji Univ, 1936-37; taught German language at SW Associated Univ in Kunming, 1939-46; prof, of Foreign Languages Dpt, Beijing Univ, 1946-64; mem., All-China Fed of Literature and Art Circles and mem., Chinese Writer's Assn, Feb 1950; visited several eastern European countries, Feb 1950; dir., Inst, of Foreign Languages and Literature, 1952; mem., del. to World Peace Conf. in Vienna, Dec 1952; visited USSR, 1953; deputy for Henan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955; joined CCP, 1956; head, writers' del. to Cuba, Dec 1963; dir., Inst, of Foreign Literature, CAS. Apr 1964 - Cult. Rev.; council mem., Chinese Writer's Assn, Apr 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: visited Scandinavian countries, 1977; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dir., Inst, of Foreign Literature, CASS, May 1978 - Dec 1980; visited Federal Republic of Germany on invitation of Max Planck Society, Jun 1979; visited Sweden and Denmark and nominated foreign member of Swedish Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, Apr 1980; vice-chm, Chinese Writer's Assn, Apr 1980 - death; vice-pres., Chinese PEN Center, Apr 1980 -death; mem., Natl Academic Degrees Comte, SC, Dec 1980; pres., Foreign Literature Society, Jul 1981; received Goethe Medal on behalf of Goethe Inst, of Federal Republic of Germany, Mar 1983; hon. dir., Inst, of Foreign Literature, CASS, Mar 1983 - death; deputy for Hebei to 6th NPC, May 1983; awarded the Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm Prize by the German Democratic Republic, Nov 1985; visited Federal Republic of Germany, Austria and German Democratic Republic, Jun 1987; awarded the Inter-Nations Prize by the Federal German Intl Exchange Center, Jim 1987; awarded the "Great Cross with Star" of the Federal Order of Merit by president Weizsäcker of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dec 1987; visited the Federal Republic of Germany and awarded the 1988 Friedrich Gundorf Prize for foreign Germanic scholars by the German Academy of Language and Fiction, May 1988; hon. pres., Assn of Returned Students from Germany, Jul 1988; hon. pres., Nordic Literature Society, Nov 1990; adviser, China-Germany Friendship Assn, Apr 1992. Feng was married to Yao Kekun. Remarks: Besides of Guo Moruo, Feng was the most prominent Chinese translator of German literature (Goethe, Heine, Nietzsche, Rilke). Publications: 27 Sonnnets (1941); Wu-Zixu (historical novel, 1946); Biography of Du Fu (1952; A Dark Cave; On Handling of Chinese Literaty Legacy; A Great Poet Who Built the Temple of Freedom (1955; Selected Poems of Du Fu (1956); A Short History of German Literature, (1959); Selected Poems of Feng Zhi (1980).

Fu Chengyi

Feng Zhongyun i t ^ * Jiangsu Prof., Harbin Technical College, 1937; polit, commissar, 3rd Army, Resist-Japan Allied Army, 1937; gov., Songjiang PPG, May 1946 - Aug 1952; council mem., NE People's Govt, Mar 1950 - Nov 1952; dir., Harbin Technical College, Feb 1950; deputy for Changchun to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; vice-min. of Water Conservancy, Oct 1954 - Feb 1958; dir., E China Water Conservancy College, Mar 1955-1958; awarded orders "August 1st" and "Independence and Freedom", both 1st class, Sep 1955; led team to survey dam sites in Heilongjiang Basin, Aug 1956; vice-pres., Water Conservancy Society, Apr 1957; mem., Comte for Water Conservancy and Prevention of Soil Erosion, May 1957; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Jan 1958; vice-min., Min. of Water Conservancy and Electric Power, Feb 1958 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Sungari River Basin Planning Com, May 1958; deputy for Jilin to 2nd NPC, Jul 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); vicepres., Electrical Engineering Society, 1965; disappeared 1965.



* 1935 Liquan County, Shaanxi Service as archivist in NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1951-54; reporter for Sports News, 1977-79; dpty dir., State Bureau of Archives, Mar 1985, head, archives del. to Colombia and Mexico, Jul 1986; dir., State Bureau of Archives, Dec 1988; disappeared, Feb 1991.

Fu Chengyi # ^ SL * 1909 Received Ph.D. from California Inst, of Technology, 1944; mem., Academia Sinica, 1946; physicist, working in Beijing, 1959; sec-gen., Chinese Geophysics Society, 1963; mem., presidium, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; dpty dir., Inst, of Geophysics, CAS, 1981-84; hon. dir., Inst, of Geophysics, May 1984; mem., Dpt of Earth Sciences, CAS, 1985; disappeared, 1985.


Fu Chongbi

Fu Chongbi



Graduation from Political Education Dpt, E China Teachers' Univ, 1957; cadre of Students' Assn and CYL, 1958-69; cadre, 1st Min. of Machine Building, 1977-83; dpty dir., Discipline Inspection Office, CCP Discipline Inspection Com, 1983-85; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sept 1985 (reelected, Nov 1987); disappeared, Oct 1992.


Fu Jize Led company in regiment (cdr.: Yang Chengwu) of 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938; continued to serve under Yang, 1940-45, and rose to cdr. of a regiment; polit, commissar of brigade in 2nd Column, Shaanxi-ChaharHebei Mil. Reg, 1946; dir., Polit. Dpt. 2nd Column, 1947; political commissar, 63rd Corps, PLA, 1951; entered Korean War with 63rd Corps, Feb 1951; cdr., 63 Corps, 1952; awarded order of "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., Natl Comte, 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; dpty cdr., Beijing Mil. Reg, Jul 1965 - Mar 1968; Fu was present at five Red Guards parades for Mao Zedong, AugNov 1966; vice-chm, Beijing Rev Comte (with its establishment), Apr 1967; cdr., Beijing Garrison, Apr 1967; criticized and purged, Mar 1968; first reappearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; dpty cdr., Beijing Mil. Reg, Jul 1975 - Nov 1982; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); cdr., Beijing Garrison, Mar 1978-1979; polit, commissar, Beijing Mil. Reg, Nov 1982 - Jun 1985; dpty head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Aug 1983; awarded "Freedom and Independence Medal" of Ν Korea, 1st class, Aug 1983; sec., CCP Comte, Beijing Mil. Reg, Nov 1984; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987).

Fu Chuanzuo




Cdr, 7th Brigade, 7th Column, 1st Group Army, 1948; cdr., 20th Div., 1st Field Army, 1949; dpty cdr., Air Force, Wuhan Mil. Reg, 1954; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 - Aug 1973; cdr., Air Force, Wuhan Mil. Reg. 1970-76; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; disappeared, Oct 1976.

Fu Jie



* 1935 Jiao County, Shandong



* 1918 deceased 1991, Aug 30 Head, Communist Section, Executive Office, KMT Mil. Mediation Dpt, 1946-47; made rear admiral, Sep 1955; cdr., Submarine Dpt, Qingdao Navy Base, 1957; dpty cos, PLA Navy, May 1960; mem., mil. del. to Burma (head: Zhang Aiping), Dec 1960; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Oct 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: cdr., S China Fleet, PLA Navy, Oct 1980; dpty cdr., PLA Navy, Jul 1981-1985; mem., mil. del. to Romania and Yugoslavia (head: Yang Dezhi), Jul 1984; 1st dpty cdr., Submarine Corps, PLA Navy, Oct 1984; head, PLA Navy del. to Thailand, Feb 1985; mem., Natl Comte, 6th CPPCC, Mar 1986; disappeared, Mar 1986.

Fu Kuiqing


I t ifr

* 1920 Yingshan County, Hubei Joined CCP. 1938, joined New 4th Army, 1939; rose in New 4th Army from company to regiment polit, commissar, 1940-49; served with Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951-53; dir. of polit, dpt and polit, commissar of a PLA army, 1964-69; cadre in Heilongjiang Prov., Oct 1970; sec., Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Aug 1971-1975; vice-chm, Heilongjiang Rev Comte, May 1972-1975; dpty polit, commissar, Shenyang Mil. Reg, Jul 1977 - Dec 1980; polit, commissar, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Mar 1981 - Jun 1985; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982- Nov 1987; polit, commissar, Nanjing Mil. Reg (after merger of Fuzhou and Nanjing Mil. Reg) Jun 1985 - Jun 1990; head, PLA visiting Group to Romania, Aug 1987; deputy for PLA to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., Stand Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1988; made ltn-gen., Sep 1988; disappeared, Jan 1992.


Fu Lianzhang



* 1894 Zhangting County, Fujian deceased 1968, Mar 29 Son of a stevedore; graduated from Changding Christian Mission Medical School; after failure of Nanching Uprising Fu treated many wounded and ill men of the Red Forces, among them Chen Gong and Xu Teli, 1927; joined CCP, 1927; began to work for Red Army and also became Mao Zedong's physician, 1929; founded Red Army School for Nurses, 1931, and Red Army Medical School, 1932; took part in Long March with 4th Front Army, 1934-36; crossed the Grassland three and the Great Snow Mountains seven times to help the wounded; dir., Medical Bureau at Yan'an, 1940; pres., China Medical Assn (CMA), 1950; council mem., China Red Cross Society, Aug 1950 - Oct 1961; dpty dir., Public Health Dpt, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, Jan 1951; vice-chm, Comte for Protection of Children, Nov 1951; vice-min. of Public Health, Aug 1952 - Sep 1959; hon. pres., China Pharmaceutical Society, Nov 1952; ehm, Intl Medical Exchange and Cooperation Comte, CMA, 1953-56; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; made ltn.-gen. and awarded order "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., Natl Comte, 2n CPPCC, Dec 1954; vice-chm., Comte for Interflow of Chinese and Western Medical Knowledge, CMA, 1956; mem., Stand Comte, 2nd CPPCC (reelected to 3rd, 1959 and 4th, 1965); mem., Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte of China, Jun 1965; during Cult. Rev. humilated and died after persecution; officially rehabilitated, Aug 1978; Publications: How to Prevent and Cure Contagrous Hepatitis (RMRB Feb 28, 1960), What is Diabetes (RMRB Aug 6, 1960).

Fu Xuewen (f)

Jul 1934; during Long March ordered to stay behind with guerilla units in Hunan-Hubei-Jiangxi border area, 193436; cdr., Hunan-Hubei-Jiangxi Mil. Reg, 1937; captain of subcolumn. New 4th Army operating in S Anhui, 1940; during S Anhui Incident broke through KMT encirclement and joined forces with New 4th Army in S Jiangsu, 1941; with reorganization of New 4th Army: dpty cdr., 7th Division, New 4th Army and concurrently sec., AnhuiJiangxi CCP Comte, 1942; ehm., Xuzhou Mil. Control Com, Jan 1950; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jan 1950 - Nov 1952; dpty sec., Shandong Subbureau, E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1950; vice-chm, Shandong PPG, Mar-Dec 1950; dpty dir., Combat Dpt, Revolutionary Mil. Council, Oct 1950-1952; dpty dir., Org. Dpt, General Staff,, Revolutionary Mil. Council, 1952 - Sep 1954; dir., Personel Dpt. PLA General Staff, Sep 1954-1958; made col-gen. and awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom", "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; dir., Basic Training Dpt, PLA General Staff, Dec 1955; dir., Mobilization Dpt, PLA General Staff, Oct 1958; deputy for PLA to 2nd NPC, Oct 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Natl Defense Council, Apr 1959; head, PLA del. to Algeria, Oct 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; reactivated after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; deputy for PLA to 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Feb 1978); mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978).

Fu Shenglin # É. 0 Mem., Land Reform Comte, Hunan PPG, Jul 1950: dpty dir., Exports Bureau, Min. of Foreign Trade, Jan 1953 Dec 1954; dpty head, trade del to Poland, Feb 1954; mem., Natl Comte, All-China Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Jul 1954; dir., Exports Bureau, Min. of Foreign Trade, Dec 1954; asst min. of Foreign Trade, Aug 1960 - Apr 1964; vice-min. of Foreign Trade, Apr 1964 - Cult. Rev.; head, trade del. to German Democratic Republic and Bulgaria, Mar 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Mar 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1980; disappeared, May 1980.

F u X u e w e n (f) Fu Qiutao





* 1907 Pingjiang County, Hunan deceased 1981, Aug 25 Joined CCP, 1929; led an unsuccessful attack from Jiangxi Soviet on Xishan near Nanchang, held by KMT troops,

* 1903 Yixing County, Jiangsu Graduated from Sim Yat-sen Univ in Moscow, 1927; engaged in Kindergarten and elementary education, 1930-42; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT,


Fu Ying

Oct 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., Assn for the Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China, Sep 1988; disappeared, Nov 1988. Fu was married to former KMT doyen Shao Lizi (q.v.).

Fu Ying # M * 1902 deceased 1979, Sep 7 Received doctorate from Michigan Univ, 1928; dir., Chemistry Dpt, Beijing Univ, 1954; mem., Dpt of Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry, CAS, May 1955; mem., Academic Comte, Inst, of Applied Chemistry, CAS, Jan 1956; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); vice-pres., Beijing Univ, Mar 1962 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev, 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Nov 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978. Remarks: Fu was a brother of Fu Zuoyi (q.v.). He was a noted plastic chemist.

Fu Yutian # i^J W Mayor and CCP sec., Changchun Municipality, May 1953; deputy for Changchun Municipality to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; asst min. of Urban Construction, Jun 19571958; vice-chm, People's Congr, Guangxi AR, Feb 1960 Cult. Rev.; sec., CCP Comte, Guangxi AR, Sep 1962 Cult. Rev.; branded a follower of Liu Shaoqi and purged, Feb 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1978; sec., CCP Comte, Jiangxi Prov., Apr 1979- Aug 1982; vice-chm, Jiangxi Rev Comte, Apr-Dec 1979; vice-governor, Jiangxi PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; the verdict of being a renegade was officially taken from him, Sept 1983; disappeared, Aug 1987.

Fu Zhong

General Polit. Dpt, 1947; delegate of PLA to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 - Dec 1954; dpty dir.. General Polit. Dpt, PLA General Staff, 1950; deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jul 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); made ltn-gen. and awarded order "Liberation" 1st class, Sep 1955; made col-gen., Jan 1959; mem., Natl Defense Council, Apr 1959 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Aug 1960; purged during Cult. Rev., 1967; first reappearance, Sep 1974; dpty dir.. General Polit. Dpt, PLA General Staff, Jul 1977-1982; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978-1983; again vice-chm., AllChina Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Jun 1978 - Nov 1988; dpty dir., PLA Physical Culture Guidance Comte, Jun 1978-1982; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985.

Fu Zhonghai # & Sec., Lüda (Lushun-Dalian) City CP, May 1960; vicechm, Liaoning PPC, Feb 1980 - Jul 1985; disappeared, Jul 1985.

Fu Zihe # -f fa Dir., Bureau of Ind. and Commerce, Qinghai PPG, Mar 1950; vice-chm, Scientific Work Comte, Shaanxi PPG, Aug 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Shaanxi CP, Jul 1963; vice-gov., Shaanxi PPG, Dec 1963 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Feb 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Shaanxi CP, May 1977; vice-chm., Shaanxi Rev Comte, Dec 1977-1979; vicemin., State Planning Com, Sep 1980- May 1982; dpty head, govt del. to European Economic Comte, Brussels, Mar 1981; disappeared, May 1982.

# Fu Zuoyi

* 1900 Xushui County, Sichuan deceased 1989, Jul 28 Worker-student in France and here cofounder of Paris Branch of CCP, 1919-22; joined CCP 1921; returned to China via USSR; having been engaged in Communist underground activities in Sichuan he became dir., Polit. Dpt, 4th Front Army, 1933; Long March with this army, 193436; instructor, Anti-Japanese Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1937; dir., Polit. Dpt, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938; editor-in-chief, New China Daily published in Chongqing, 1944; returned to Yan'an to serve in PLA




* 1894 Xiaoyi County, Shanxi deceased 1974, Apr 19 During 1911 Rev, student at Shanxi Mil. Primary School in Taiyuan; served as platoon leader in mil. unit organized by Shanxi students, 1912; entered Jinghe Officers Preparatory School, 1913; graduated from Boading Mil. Academy and became cdr. of regiment under Yan Xishan, 1925; defended Tianzhen against forces of Feng Yuxiang and promoted to cdr., 4th Brigade, 4th Army, summer 1926; made cdr., 14th Div., operating in Shanxi, Nov 1926;


Gan Ku

G. belonged to the Mongolian minority. Served successively as CCP cadre in his home county, in Henan Autonomous County and in Huangnan Autonomous Prefecture of Qinghai, 1950- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., Dpt of Animal Husbandry, Qinghai PPG, 1971-77; mem., Stand. Comte, Qinghai Prov. CP, Apr 1979-1983; vice-chm, Qinghai Rev Comte, Apr-Sep 1979; vice-gov., Qinghai PPG, Sep 1979 - Aug 1985; vice-chm, Qinghai PPC, Feb 1988; disappeared, Feb 1988.

declared his allegiance to KMT, 1927; captured the walled town Zhuozhou (now Zhuoxian), midway between Beijing and Baoding, Oct 1927; held Zhuozhou, but forced to surrender, Jan 1928; cdr., 5th Army Group, Jun 1928; cdr., 12th Div. and concurrently cdr., Tianjin Garrison Command, Sep 1928; cdr., 10th Army, 3rd Army Group, 1929; captured Jinan, Jun 1930; associated with Zhang Xueliang, reorganized his army and became cdr., 7th Army, Mar 1931; gov., Suiyuan Prov., Aug 1931; cdr., 35th Army, 1932; went to Beijing to announce his participation in anti-Japan cause and made defense cdr. of Chahar Prov., 1933; made cdr. with rank of full general, 7th Army Group and concurrently cdr., 59th Army, Mar 1933; captured Bailingmiao (in now Inner Mongolia) with cavalry and thus became known as hero in resisting Japanese aggression, 1933; mem., KMT 5th Central Comte, 1935; dpty cdr., 8th War Zone with HQ at Wuyuan, Suiyuan, 1937-45; repulsed Japanese attack on W Suiyuan, fall 1939; cdr., 12th War Zone, June 1945; when KMTCCP peace negotiations broke off, routed Communist troops at Zhangjiakou (Kalgan), Nov 1946; gov. of Chahar, Dec 1946; after 11th and 12th War Zones abolished and reorganized into Ν China Bandit-Suppression HQ appointed cdr., 1947; defeated by Communist army at battle of Beijing-Tianjin-Kalgan, Dec 1948; went over to the Communist side, Jan 1949, thus surrendering Beijing to the Communists; specially-invited delegate to 1st CPPCC; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; cdr., Suiyuan Mil. Distr, Oct 1949 - Mar 1950; council mem., Central People's Govt, Oct 1949; min. of Water Conservancy, Oct 1949 -Feb 1958; mem., People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, Oct 1949; ehm., Suiyuan Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1953 - Jan 1953; dpty dir., Central Rood Prevention Command, GAC, May 1951; deputy for Inner Mongolia to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; vice-chm., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954-1972; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, 1959 and 4th, 1965); awarded order of "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; visited meeting of World Peace Council, Stockholm, Apr 1956; successively visited USSR; min. of Water Conservancy and Electric Power, Feb 1958 - Oct 1972; deputy for Shanxi to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); vice-chm., 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965 - death. Fu was married to Liu Yunsheng.

Gan belonged to the Zhuang minority. Deputy for Guangxi to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Guangxi AR to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); vice-chm, People's Congr, Guangxi AR, Dec 1979 - Jul 1985; disappeared, Jul 1985.


Gan Ku




* 1926 Haiyan County, Qinghai

Gan Chunlei Gan belonged to the Hui minority. Dir., Polit. Dpt, 7th Mil. Subdistr, Shanxi-Hebei Mil. Distr, 1940^2; sec., CCP Comte, Cang County, Hebei Prov., Oct 1951; dpty dir., Staff Office, Nationalities Affairs Com, GAC, Dec 1951; sec-gen., Cultural Assn for Hui Minorities, May 1953; mem., Nad Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959, and to 4th, Dec 1964); dir., Staff Office, Nationalities Affairs Comte, SC, Feb 19561957; vice-min., Nationalities Affairs Com, SC, May 1957-1958; sec., CCP Comte, Ningxia AR, Oct 1958 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Apr 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; disappeared, Mar 1978.

Gan Huaiyi





* 1924 Fusui County, Guangxi

deceased 1993, Jul 25

Gan Siqi


Gan belonged to the Zhuang minority. Dpty dir., Handicrafts Bureau, Guangxi PPG, 1955-58; service as Party sec. in Counties of Guangxi, 1958-68; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec., Hechi Prefecture CP, 1973-73; dir., Bureau of Water Conservancy and Electric Power, Poeple's Govt of Guangxi AR, 1976-79; vice-chm, People's Govt, Guangxi AR, Dec 1979 - Jul 1985; ehm, People's Congr, Guangxi AR, Jul 1985 - Jan 1993; deputy for Guangxi AR to 7th NPC, Mar 1988 (reelected to 8th, Mar 1993); mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 8th NPC, Mar 1993; vice-chm, Stand. Comte, 8th NPC, Mar 1993 - death. Gan was married to Huang Jun; they had four children.

G a n Siqi



* 1903 Ningxiang County, Hunan deceased 1964, Feb 5 Son of a poor peasant; graduated from middle school in Changsha; joined CYL, 1925; studied at Sun Yat-sen Univ, Moscow, 1925-29; joined CCP, 1926; polit, officer, Hunan-Jiangxi base, 1930-32; polit, commissar, Hunan-Jiangxi Mil. Reg, 1932-33; dir., Finance Dpt and dir., Economic Dpt, Hunan-Jiangxi Soviet Govt, 1933; polit, commissar, 18th Div., 6th Red Army Corps, 193334; during Long March the 6th Corps joined He Long's 2nd Army Corps, Oct 1934, to form the 2nd Front Army, with Gan as dir. of its Polit. Dpt, 1934-36; dir., Polit. Dpt, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937^5; mem., CCP Comte, NW Shanxi Distr, 1938; cadre, NW PLA, 194648; dir., Polit. Dpt, 1st Field Army, 1948-49; dir., Polit. Dpt, NW Mil. Reg, 1949-50; vice-chm, Xi'an Mil. Control Com, 1949-50; mem., NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Oct 1949-1950; dpty polit. Commissar, Chinese "People's Volunteers" and concurrently dir. of its Polit. Dpt, Oct 1950- Nov 1952; awarded "National Hag Medal", the highest award of Ν Korea, Feb 1953; dpty dir., General Polit. Dpt, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council (abolished Sep 1954), Sep 1953 - Sep 1954; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, PLA General Staff, Sep 1954 - death; deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Oct 1954-1959; made col-gen. and awarded orders of "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", Sep 1955; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - death; dpty head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1958. Gan was married to Li Zhen, the only woman general officer in the PLA until 1988.

Gan Weihan



* 1908 Pingjiang County, Hunan deceased 1986, Apr I Joined CCP, 1927; polit, commissar in units of 4th Front Army, 1931-35; participated in Long March, 1934-35; served in 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937-44; dpty polit, commissar, New 4th Army, 1944; polit, commissar, New 4th Army, 1947; dir., Polit. Dpt, 20th Army Group 1949; served in unit under Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1950; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, NE China Mil. Reg, Mar 1951; dpty polit, commissar, NE China Mil. Reg, May 1951; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dir., Cadres Admin. Dpt, PLA General Polit. Dpt, Dec 1960- Cult. Rev.; mem., Friendship del. led by Zhou Enlai to Burma, Jan 1961; military leader in Chengdu Mil. Reg, Jul 1966; branded as anti-Mao-Lin element and purged, Apr 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1977; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; polit, commissar, Shenyang Mil. Reg, Mar-Jul 1978; 2nd polit, commissar, Shenyang Mil. Reg, Jul 1978; polit, commissar, Shenyang Mil. Reg, Jan 1979 - Mar 1980; dpty dir., PLA General Polit Dpt, Apr 1980 - Apr 1985; sec., Party Discipline Inspection Com, PLA HQ, Dec 1980; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; sec., Discipline Inspection Com. Mil. Com, CCP Central Comte, Jan 1983; mem., Central Com for Party Consolidation, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1983; head, PLA polit, work del. to N. Korea, Oct 1983.

Gan Yetao ^T Ml Before the foundation of the PRC, Gan served in various posts as political commissar in the PLA, the most significant of which was dir., Polit. Dpt, 1st Field Army; attaché, embassy in Ν Korea, Aug 1953-1955; counselor, embassy in Indonesia, Feb 1956-1958; ambassador to Finland, Jan 1959 - Jun 1962; dir., Dpt of Agreements and Laws, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Apr 1964-Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: ambassador to Afghanistan, Feb 1973 Jun 1977; ambassador to Madagascar, Aug 1979 - May 1982; pres. (one out of three), China-N Korea Friendship Assn, Jul 1984; head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1985; head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Dec 1991; vicepres., China-N Korea Friendship Assn, Feb 1992; disappeared, Feb 1992.


G an Zuchang


Gao Gang

Gao Dengbang

fe» * 1905, Yanbei, Lianhua County, Jiangxi

deceased 1986, Mar Joined Red Peasants' and Workers' Army, 1927; participated in Long March, 1934-35; severly wounded three times during Revolutionary War; serving as dir., Logistics Dpt, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, discharged on account of his injuries and returned to native village, 1957; Gan distinguished himself by initiating and implementing agricultural and irrigation projects in his native village, 1958-62; deputy for Jiangxi to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Jiangxi to 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Feb 1978); mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978); identified as maj-gen. of the PLA, Feb 1979; disappeared, May 1981.

Gao Chongmin



* 1892 Kaiyuan County, Liaoning deceased 1971 As mem. of Tongmenghui participated in China Natl Rev, 1911; pres., Chamber of Commerce of NE China, 1928, sec-gen., Hubei-Hunan Communist-suppression Command under dpty cdr. Zhang Xueliang, 1931; joined NE China People's Assn Against Japan, 1938; during Sino-Japanese War joined CDL; joined CCP, 1945; went from Chongging to Manzhuria to organize NE Branch of CDL, spring 1946; vice-chm, Admin. Comte, Joint Office, NE Regional Admin, Apr 1946 - Oct 1949; governor, Andong PPG, May 1946 - Oct 1949; head, NE Branch of CDL, 1946; vice-chm, NE People's Govt and uncurrently dir. of its Justice Dpt, Aug 1949 - Jan 1953; ehm, NE Branch, CDL, Sep 1949; mem., Nad Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954; to 3rd, Apr 1959; to 4th, Dec 1964); mem., Central People's Govt, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, CC of CDL, 1949; pres. NE Branch, Supreme People's Court, Apr 1950 - Sep 1954; vice-chm, NE Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; deputy for Heilongjiang to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Sep 1958; and to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959; and to 4th, Jan 1965); visited India, Mar 1955; vice-chm, CDL, Feb 1956 - Cui. Rev.; mem., NPC del. to Finland, Aug 1957; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd NPC, Apr 1959-1964; vice-chm, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; mem., China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Jun 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Oct 1967; died of persecution from false charges.

* 1915 Yanchuan County, Shaanxi Served in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt, 193538; served in Xinjiang and later in NW Mil. Reg, 193950; dir., Communications Dpt, 1st Field Army, 1949; dpty dir., Communications Dpt, NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950 -Dec 1952; dir., Admin. Office, Min. of Railways, Feb 1954- Mar 1956; dir., Govt Organs Admin. Bureau, SC, Mar 1956 - Feb 1966; dpty sec-gen., SC, Sep 1959 -Feb 1966; dir., Cooking School under Govt Organs Admin. Bureau, Sep 1960; dpty dir., Staff Office for Foreign Affairs, SC, Feb 1966; denounced as a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Jun 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1975; dpty sec-gen., CAS, Jul 1978; dpty sec-gen., NPC Stand. Comte, Nov 1979 - Jun 1986; dpty dir., General Office, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1981-1983; vice-chm, Soong Ching Ling Foundation, Dec 1982; deputy for Shaanxi to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); vice-chm, Overseas Chinese Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); disappeared, Aug 1992.

Gao Fengwu

& -2-

Dpty for Shandong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, Shandong PPC, Apr 1983; ehm, Procuratorial and Judical Work Comte, Shandong PPC, Nov 1983; disappeared, Feb 1984.

Gao Gang

* 1905 Hengshan County, Shaanxi deceased 1955 Born into the family of a small landlord; attended Yulin Middle School near home county; joined CCP, 1926; studied at Zhongshan Mil. and Polit. Academy in Xi'an (established by warlord Feng Yuxiang), fall-1926 - mid1927; cdr., 26th Red Army operating on Shaanxi-Gansu border, 1931; dir., Polit. Dpt, 15th Army Corps (formed


Gao Houliang

of 25th and 26th Red Army), 1935; cdr., Shaanxi-GansuNingxia Border Region's Peace Preservation Corps, 1937-45; sec., CCP Comte, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg, 1938-40; NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1940-45; mem., CCP 7th Central Comte and also mem. of its Politburo, Jun 1945 - death; cdr., Jilin-Heilongjiang Mil. Reg, 1946-47; dpty cdr. and dpty polit, commissar, NE Mil. Reg, 1947-48; cdr. and polit, commissar, NE Mil. Reg, 1949-52; sec., NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1949 -death; negotiated a one-year barter agreement between USSR and Manzhuria, Moscow, Jul 1949; ehm, NE People's Govt, Aug 1949 - death; attended inaugural session of CPPCC, Sep 1949; vice-chm, Central People's Govt Council, Oct 1949-1954; ehm, State Planning Com, Nov 1952 - death; last public appearance, Jan 20, 1954; at 4th Plenum of the 7th CCP Central Comte attacked (though not by name), Feb 1954; said to have died by his own hand. Remarks: Until 1994 we lack any official statements on the "Gao Gang affair"; the reason for his purge may be seen in a rivalry with Mao Zedong.

Gao Houliang i^) Maj-gen. in Nanjing Mil. Reg, Nov 1964; mil. leader in Beijing, May 1974; dpty polit, commissar, PLA Air Force, May 1976-1977; 2nd sec., CCP Comte, PLA Air Force, Jun 1977; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982); deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; polit, commissar, PLA Air Force, May 1978 - Jul 1985; mem., Presidium, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jim 1979; mem.. Presidium, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., mil. del. to Ν Korea (head: Geng Biao), Jun 1982; mem., Mil. Com, CCP Central Comte, Jun-Sep 1982; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; resigned as alt. mem. of CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

Gao Huanchang



a division and of S Xinjiang Mil. Subdistr, 1961-87; deputy for Xinjiang AR to 6th NPC, May 1983; cdr., Xinjiang Mil. Distr, Jul 1987-1992; mem., CCP 13th Central Comte, Nov 1987; disappeared, Apr 1992.

Gao Jianjun r§) ^ % Mem., Supervisory Comte, Gansu Prov., Mar 1950; 2nd dpty sec., CCP Comte, Gansu Prov., 1954-56; vice-chm, Gansu Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1955; sec., CCP Comte, Gansu Prov., Jul 1956-1960; deputy for Gansu to 2nd NPC, Apr 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); 2nd sec., CCP Comte, Gansu, Feb 1961; mem., NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jul 1966.

Gao Jinchun »®î * Shaanxi Studied at Central Party School, 1st class, 1935; polit, commissar, 1st Field Army, Dec 1949; vice-chm of Xinjiang, Dec 1949 - Oct 1955; ehm, Land Reform Comte, Xinjiang PPG, Sep 1952; vice-min. of Food, Nov 1952 Oct 1954; mem., Xinjiang Branch Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1954; vice-chm, Xinjiang, Oct 1955 - Oct 1956; vice-min. of Food, Oct 1956-1959; disappeared, Sep 1959; first reappearance: vice-chm, Gansu PPC, Dec 1979; disappeared Oct 1982.

Gao Jinming Sec., CCP Comte, Baotou City, Aug 1957; sec., CCP Comte, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), Jun 1964- Cult. Rev.; head, Cult. Rev. Group, CCP of IMAR, Aug 1966; mem., Preparatory Group, Rev Comte of IMAR, Jun 1967; vice-chm, Rev. Comte of IMAR, Nov 1967 - 1972; disappeared, Mar 1972.

Gao Jun ü Vice-min., 4th Min. of Machine Building, Jun 1964May 1982; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Dec 1983.


* 1924 Shen County, Hebei Joined 8th Route Army, 1940; served as staff officer in HQ of Northwest Field Army, 1947-48; graduated from PLA Mil. Academy, 1961; served successively as cdr. of

Gao Kelin Ü A * 1910 Shenmu County, Shaanxi Attended Shaanxi Normal School; joined CYL, 1930; together with Li Jingquan served in guerilla units in Daqing Mountains area, 1931-38; dpty dir., Inst, of Nationalities Affairs, Yan'an, 1941; sec., CCP Comte, Suiyuan Prov., 1948; dpty polit, commissar, Suiyuan Mil. Distr, Jun 1949- Aug 1952; mem., Nad Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; vice-chm, Mil. and Admin. Council, Suiyuan Prov., Dec 1949; sec., CCP Comte, Shaanxi Prov., Aug 1952 - Sep 1953;, mem., Ν China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953; dpty procurator-general, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Sep 1953 - Nov 1954; deputy for Guizhou to 1st


NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Sep 1958); vice-pres., Supreme People's Court, Nov 1954-1961; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte and mem. of its Central Control Com, Sep 1956 - Cult. Rev.; vice-pres., Sino-German Democratic Republic Friendship Assn, Oct 1958; head, friendship del. to German Democratic Republic, Sep 1959; deputy for Shaanxi to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; sec., NW China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1965 - Cult. Rev.; branded as a "three-anti-element" and purged, 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Shaanxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem.. Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978; vice-chm, Legal Com, NPC Stand. Comte, Feb 1979 - Jun 1982; vice-chm, Draft Laws Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Apr 1984.

Gao Keting


Gao Qiyun

¿h J&

Dpty sec., CCP Comte, Jinan Municipality, Feb 1954; mem., Shandong PPC, 1960; deputy for Shandong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; vice-gov., Shandong PPG, Mar 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Shandong CP, Aug 1977 - Mar 1983; vice-chm., Shandong Rev Comte, Aug 1977 - Dec 1979; sec., CCP Comte, Shandong Prov., Mar 1979 - Mar 1983; deputy for Shandong to 6th NPC, May 1983; disappeared, May 1983.

Ä #

Gao Shengxuan Sec., CCP Comte, Tibet AR, Aug 1971-1977; dpty cdr., Tibet Mil. Reg, Jan 1972-1975; vice-chm., Rev Comte, Tibet AR, Jun 1973-1977; dpty cdr., Tibet Mil. Distr, Sep 1975-1977; disappeared, Oct 1977:

Gao Shulan (f)


Vice-chm, Board of Directors, Fujian Investment Co., Jul 1952; mem., Board of Directors, Fujian Investment Co., Jul 1952; manager, Fujian Prov. Branch, People's Bank of China, Aug 1952; council mem., Fujian PPG, Dec 1953; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, Fujian PPG,

Ä vfr iá

Alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 - Aug 1977; head, youth del. to Romania, Oct 1974; cadre, Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1976; disappeared, Oct 1977.

Gao Shuxun

* 1918 Weinan County, Shaanxi Cdr., 22nd KMT Regiment, 1942-49; cdr. of a division, PLA NW Mil. Reg, 1949-50; dpty dir., Water Conservancy Bureau, Shaanxi PPG, 1954-59; dpty dir., Machinery Ind. Bureau, Shaanxi PPG, 1960-61; vice-chm, Shaanxi Prov. Branch, CPPCC, May 1983; vice-chm, Shaanxi PPC, May 1988; disappeared, May 1988.

Gao Panjiu

Dec 1953; vice-gov., Fujian PPG, 1956 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Fujian Prov. CP, Feb 1957; dir., Commercial Dpt, Fujian PPG, Mar 1958; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

rfj ¿L ψ

Polit, commissar, Central Shandong Mil. Distr, 1947; polit, commissar, Central-S Shandong Mil. Distr, Feb 1950; council mem., Shandong PPG and concurrendy dir. of its Dpt of Industry, Sep 1950; vice-gov., Quinghai PPG, Jun 1958 - Cult. Rev.; sec., Qinghai CP, Oct 1961 Cult. Rev.; deputy for Qinghai to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared in Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1978; sec., Shandong CP, Mar 1980Mar 1983; ehm., Shandong Branch, CPPCC, Mar 1980; deputy for Shandong to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); ehm., Advisory Com, Shandong CP, Jul 1983-1985.

Gao Lingyun

Gao Shuxun


* 1897 Yenshan County, Hebei deceased 1972, Jan 19 Cdr., Machinegun Battalion, 2nd Div., NW Army, Natl Govt Forces, 1922; cdr., 34th Brigade, 12th Div., Natl Govt Forces, 1925; cdr., 12th Div., Natl Govt Forces, 1927; cdr., 19th Div., 2nd Army Group, Natl Ravolutíonary Army, 1929; cdr., 17th Army, 1932; dir., Public Security Dpt, Hebei Prov., 1936; cdr., 8th Army, 1941; acting cdr.-in-chief, Hebei-Chahar War Zone, 1944; cdr.in-chief of this War Zone, 1945; went over to the Communists, Oct 1945; changed name of his army to "Natl Construction Army", Nov 1945; gov., Henan PPG, Feb 1946; delegate of 2nd Field Army to 1st CPPCC and elected mem. of its Natl Comte, Sep 1949-1954; Council mem., Hebei PPG, Apr 1950; vice-chm of Hebei PPC, Jan 1953-1954; deputy for Hebei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958; and to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Natl Defense Council, Sept 1954 - Cult. Rev.; vice-gov., Hebei PPG, Feb 1955 - Oct 1964; awarded order of "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; ehm, Hebei Branch, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Sep 1956-1960; mem., CC, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Dec 1958; ehm, Hebei Branch, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1960; vice-pres., Hebei Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Feb 1961; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.


Gao Tian

Gao Tian


ified as maj-gen., Nov 1963; dpty polit, commissar, Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Jun 1965-1976; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; disappeared, Oct 1976.

Gao Wen

* 1917 Huaian County, Jiangsu deceased 1994, Jun 19 Served successively as correspondent and editor-in-chief, Ν China Daily, 1935-37; correspondent of several papers and finally editor-in-chief, Kunming's Saodang Bao, 1938-45; sec-gen., CDL, 1947- Cult. Rev.; prof, of a Hong Kong college, 1948-49; dpty editor-in-chief, Guangming Ribao, Dec 1949 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again dpty editor-in-chief, Guangming Ribao, Oct 19721978; again sec-gen., CDL, Oct 1980 - Dec 1983; mem., CCP del. to Yugoslavia (head: Wang Shoudao), Oct 1980; council mem., XNA, Sep 1982; mem., Stand Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988; to 8th, Mar 1993); vice-chm, CDL, Dec 1983 - death; invited to 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987.

Gao Tie

Vice-pres., Harbin Technical Univ, Nov 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-pres., Beijing Univ, Sep 1978-1981; vice-min. of Building Materials, Jul 1981 - May 1982; disappeared, May 1982.

Gao Weisong ¿h tfß- % * 1916 Wayabao County, Shaanxi deceased 1985, Jan 18 Polit, officer in company of Red 28th Army operating in Shaanxi, 1935; polit, commissar. 1st Regiment, ShaanxiGansu-Ningxia Border Region, 1937; polit, commissar, 8th Regiment, Yan'an Garrison 3rd Brigade, 8th Route Army, 1943; polit, commissar, 10th Div., 4th Column, NW Field Army, 1947; polit, commissar of division, 1st Field Army, 1949; dir., Polit. Dpt. Qinghai Mil. Distr, 1953; dpty polit, commissar, Qinghai Mil. Distr, 195458; 2nd polit, commissar, Qinghai Mil. Distr, 1958-63; 2nd polit, commissar, Shaanxi Mil. Distr, 1963-65; ident-



* 1929 Yitong County, Jilin Cadre in several positions, Jilin PPG, 1946-66; dir., Light Ind. Bureau, Jilin PPG, 1978-85; vice-gov. of Jilin Prov., Jun 1985 (reelected, Jan 1988); head, Jilin del. to Oregon, U.S.A., Aug 1988; vice-chm, Jilin Prov. Branch of CPPCC, Feb 1990; disappeared, Aug 1990.

Gao Wenhua

Polit, commissar, 15th Army, 4th Army Corps, 2nd Field Army, 1949; sec., Kunming Municipality CP and concurrently mem., Yunnan PPG, 1950; made maj-gen. and awarded order of "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; dpty polit, commissar, PLA Air Defense HQ, Oct 1955; dir., Mass Work Dpt, PLA General Polit. Dpt, Mar 1963; disappeared, 1965; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: at funeral of Luo Ruiqing, Aug 1978; cadre in Guangzhou Mil. Reg, May 1979; dpty polit, commissar, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Jan 1980- Apr 1981; 2nd sec., CCP Comte, Xinjiang AR, Sep 1981 - Mar 1983; polit, commissar, Xinjiang Mil. Reg and concurrently 1st polit, commissar, Xinjiang PLA Production and Construction Corps, Jun 1982-1983; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 - Mar 1988; mem., Credentials Comte, 6th NPC, Mar 1984 - Mar 1988; head, del. to 73rd Conf. of Inter-Parliamentary Union, Lome, Mar 1985; mem., Law Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986- Mar 1988; mem., Internal and Judicial Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.


* 1907 deceased between 1991/04 and 1992/02 Awarded an M.Sc. degree by Colorado School of Mines, U.S.A., 1936; subsequently continued his studies at California Inst, of Technology; mem., Dpt of Mathematics and Physics, Academia Sinica, 1948; dpty, dir., Inst, of Geophysics, CAS, Jun 1950; deputy for Zhejiang to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958 and to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, Dpt of Earth Sciences, CAS, May 1955: pres., Chinese Geophysics Society, Sep 1958; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1973; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Inst, of Geophysics, CAS, Nov 1975; head, seismological study group to Japan, Nov 1975; head, geophysical study group visiting Iran, May 1976; ehm, Natl Comte for Geodesy and Geophysics, Aug 1977; head, del. to General Assembly of Intl Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Great Britain, Aug 1977; pres., Chinese Geophysics Society, Dec 1977; mem., UNESCO Intl Advisory Comte on Earthquake Risks, Dec 1977; deputy for Zhejiang to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983 and to 7th, Mar 1988); dpty dir., Inst, of Geophysics, CAS, Apr 1978- death; pres., Chinese Seismology Society, Nov 1979-1987; dir., Geophysics Inst., State Seismological Bureau; mem., Dpt of Earth Sciences, Jun 1985.

Gu Jingxin

M &

* 1907 Nanhui County, Shanghai deceased 1989, Oct 23 Graduated from Chemistry Dpt, Central Univ, 1928; received doctorate from Berlin Technical Univ, 1934; dean of Chemistry Faculty and prof, of Shanghai Tongji Univ, 1937-40; chief engineer, Kunming Yellow Phospohorus Plant, 1940-46; chief engineer, Chemical Industrial Div., E China Heavy Ind. Corp., 1949-50; chief engineer, Fushun No. 1 Petroleum Plant, 1951-57; dir. and chief engineer, Fushun Oil Designing Inst., Min. of Petroleum Ind., 1958-64; deputy for Liaoning to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958; chief engineer and dpty dir., Petrochemical Bureau, Liaoning PPG, 1964-68; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Liaoning


Gu Xiaobo

PPC, Feb 1980 -death; mem., Stand. Comte, CDL, and ehm of its Liaoning Branch, Mar 1983; vice-pres., Chemical Ind. and Engineering Society, 1984 - death.

1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Tianjin Municipality CP, Dec 1977-1978; deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978.

Gu Xiaobo

Gu Zhibiao & & Dpty cdr., Shanxi-Suiyuan Mil. Distr, 1941; dpty dir., Public Security Bureau, W Sichuan Admin. Office, 1949; chief procurator, Sichuan Prov. Procuracy, Jun 1957; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, by-elected Jun 1957 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958 and to 3rd, Oct 1964); vicechm, Sichuan Branch, CPPCC, Dec 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Presidium, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; deputy for Sichuan to 5th NPC, Mar 1978; vice-chm, Sichuan PPC, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; disappeared, Apr 1983.




* 1912 Hebei Vice-chm, Tianjin Municipality TU, Apr 1952 - Apr 1955; mem., Executive Comte, All-China Fed of TU, May 1953; ehm, Tianjin Municipality TU, Aug 1955; vice-chm, TU of Hebei Prov., Jul 1958-1960; deputy for Hebei to 2nd NPC, Oct 1958 - Dec 1964; vice-pres., Tianjin Broadcasting Correspondence Univ, 1959; ambassador to Sudan, Apr 1962 - Nov 1965; ambassador to Benin, Jun 1973 - Oct 1977; ambassador to Jordan, Dec 1977 - Apr 1982; vice-pres., China-Africa Friendship Assn, Jul 1984; last appearance, Jul 1984.

* 1912 Qingpu County, Shanghai Graduated from Pharmaceutics Dpt, Shanghai Univ, 1936; lectured at State Pharmaceutical Inst., London, 1940-44; prof, and dean of Pharmaceutical Dpt, Zhejiang Univ, 1949-53; dir., Zhejiang No. 1 Pharmaceutical Plant, 1950-53; pres., China Pharmacy Society, Jun 1981; cadre of Shenyang Pharmaceutical Inst., Jun 1981; vice-chm, Liaoning Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1983 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Jan 1988.

Gu Zhuoxin Μ + * 1910 Liaoning Sec., Finance Dpt, Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong Henan Border Reg Govt, 1946; vice-gov., Songjiang Prov., 1948; dir., Finance Dpt, NE China People's Govt, Oct 1949-1952; dir., Planning Comte for Financial and Economic Affairs, NE China People's Govt, Aug 1950 - Sep 1954; vicemin., State Planning Com, Nov 1954 - Sep 1963; mem., economic del. to Moscow, Feb 1959; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1954); mem., economic del. to Moscow, Apr 1961; sec., NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte and dir. of its Planning Comte, Oct 1963; branded a follower of Liu Shaoqi and purged, May 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev, Jun 1977; sec., Anhui Prov. CP, Oct 1977 - Jan 1981; vicechm, Rev Comte of Anhui Prov., Jan 1978 - Dec 1979; mem., govt del. to Federal Republic of Germany and France (head: Fang Yi), Oct 1978; ehm, Anhui PPC, Dec 1979 - Mar 1983; deputy for Anhui to 5th NPC, by-elected Feb 1980; mem., Presidium, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; 2nd sec., Anhui Prov. CP, Jan 1981 - Mar 1983; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; leading mem., Work Group in Charge of Streamlining Party and Govt Organizations, Apr 1983; head, Party workers del. to Ν Korea, Jun 1985; disappeared, Nov 1987.

Gu Yunting & -zr $ •1913 deceased 1983, Jul 11 Dpty dir., Organization Dpt, Hebei Prov. CP, Mar 1950; dpty sec., Hebei CP, May 1955-1957; sec., Hebei CP, Jun 1957 - May 1958; sec., Tianjin Municipality CP, May 1958 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Hebei CP, May 1959- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Feb

Guan Baojia * 1899 deceased 1981, Mar 24 Guan belonged to the Mongol minority. Deputy for Qinghai to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958; and to 3rd, Jul 1964); vice-chm, Haixi Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai, Nov 1959; vice-chm, Com for Minority Affairs, Qinghai PPC, Sep 1962: disappeared during

Gu Xueqiu





Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Qinghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, Qinghai PPC, Sep 1979 - death.

Guan Junting



Deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; cdr., Zhejiang Mil. Distr, Jun 1978-82; sec., Zhejiang Prov. CP, Oct 1978 - Mar 1983; disappeared. Mar 1983.

Guan Mengjue

£ Ψ Ä

Guan Wenwei

CCP Central Comte, Apr 1964 - Cult. Rev.; mem., CCP del. to Ν Korea (head: Song Renqiong), Apr 1965; denounced as a counterrevolutionary and purged, Jun 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1977; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem.. State Nationalities Affairs Com, May 1979 (confirmed Jun 1983 and Mar 1988); dpty chief procurator, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Feb 1980 - May 1982; mem., NPC del. to Great Britain, Malta, Greece (head: Hao Deqing), Feb 1981; adviser, Supreme People's Procuratorate, May 1982; deputy for Jilin to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., China-Brazil Friendship Group of NPC, Mar 1986; mem., Nationalities Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.

Guan Sushuang (f)

* 1912 Huaide County, Jilin deceased 1990, Jan 28 Belonged to Manzhu minority; graduation from Economics Dpt, NE Univ, 1933; editor, Beijing Foreign Affairs Monthly, 1936-37; associate prof., Henan Univ, 1941-42; dir., Education Bureau, Heilongjiang PPG, 1946-50; supervisory mem., NE People's Govt, 1950-54; dean, Economics Dpt, Jilin Univ, 1954; vice-chm, Jilin Branch, CDL, Sep 1962; vice-pres., World Economics Society, Apr 1980; vice-chm, Jilin Branch, CPPCC, Sep 1980; vice-chm, Jilin Branch, CDL, Jan 1981; vice-chm, Jilin Branch, Fed of Social Sciences, Jan 1982; vice-pres., Jilin Academy of Social Sciences, Jun 1983; prof., Economic Dpt, Jilin Univ, Dec 1983; mem., Central Comte, CDL, May 1984; ehm, Jilin Branch, CDL, Apr 1985; by-elected mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); vice-chm, CDL, Jan 1988; adviser, Assn for the Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China, Sep 1988.

Guan Shanfu

£ ¿4 Í

* 1906 Jilin G. belonged to the Manzhu minority. Graduated from Beijing Normal Univ; joined CCP when a student; participated in anti-Japan guerilla activities in NE China, 193536; studied at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1937; later served as dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Jilin-Liaoning Admin. Office, Manzhuria CP; sec-gen., Jilin Prov. CP, 1947; dpty sec-gen., United Front Work Dpt, NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1952; mem., NE Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; deputy for Jilin to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964); dir., United Front Work Dpt, Jilin Prov. CP, Sep 1955; sec., Jilin Prov. CP, Jul 1956 - Cult. Rev.; head, Jilin del. to October Rev celebrations in Vladivostok, Nov 1957; dir., Propaganda Dpt, NE China Bureau,

r * 1928 Wuhan, Hubei deceased 1992, Jan Guan belonged to the Manzhu minority. At the age of 15 apprenticed to an opera master. Only 3 years later, she became famous in Shanghai in the role of the heroine of Romance of an Iron Bow, 1946; mem., Yunnan Beijing Opera Troupe, 1947; performed in many places and had the chance to learn from China's best actor, Mei Lanfang, 1948-55; toured Eastern Europe with China Art Troupe, 1956; awarded a gold medal at the 6th World Youth Festival for her interpretation of two classical peaces, Beat Jiao Zan and Cizhou City, Moscow, 1957; barred from the stage dining Cult. Rev., 1966-76; vice-chm, Yunnan Branch, Women's Fed, Aug 1973-76; deputy for Yunnan to 5th NPC, by-elected Feb 1980 (reelected to 6th, May 1983, and to 7th, Mar 1988); dir., Beijing Opera Theater of Yunnan Prov. in Kunming, Apr 1980; this theater performed in France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, May-Aug 1980; vice-pres., Dramatists' Assn, Dec 1983; head, Beijing Opera troupe to Sweden and Finland, Jun 1984. Remarks: Guan created two pieces: Dainuo and Duosha Hebo, which depict the minority people of Yunnan.

Guan Wenwei

Ίτ χ J3-

* 1910 Danyang County, Jiangsu Born into a family of middle peasants; graduated from Wuxi Normal School; led a guerilla force of 2,000 men to the New 4th Army, 1940; ehm, Ν Jiangsu Admin. Comte, 1940; his forces merged with 1st Div., New 4th Army, 1941; delegate of E China Reg to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949;

G uan Zehai


mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Nov 1949 - Dec 1952; ehm, Wuxi Mil. Control Comte, Apr 1950; cdr., Jiangsu Mil. Distr, Sep 1952; dpty sec., Jiangsu CP, Nov 1952; mem., E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958, and to 3rd, Oct 1964); vice-gov., Jiangsu PPG, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; ehm. Scientific and Technological Comte, Jiangsu PPG, Jul 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983; disappeared. Mar 1987. Guan was married to Zhu Zhuwen.

Guan Zehai


Alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; identified as a cadre in Yunnan Prov., Sep 1977; disappeared, Dec 1978.

Guan Zhou


Vice-gov., Heilongjiang PPG, Sep 1964 - Jan 1967; vicechm, Financial and Trade Work Comte, Heilongjiang PPC, Oct 1964; mem., Stand. Comte, Heilongjiang CP, May 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, Heilongjiang Rev Comte, Jim 1974; vice-chm, Heilongjiang Rev Comte, Jun 1977-78; disappeared, Nov 1978.

1952 - Mar 1955; vice-gov., Anhui PPG, Mar 1955-56; sec., Anhui Prov. CP, Dec 1957 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Anhui to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958; vice-chm, Anhui Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Oct 1961; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Jan 1967.

Gui Peng



Polit, commissar, Jinan Railway Admin. 1950; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Min. of Railways, May 1954; asst min.. Ministry of Railways, Nov 1957 - Mar 1959; vice-gov., Anhui PPG, Nov 1958 - Cult. Rev.; alt. sec., Anhui CP, Apr 1961 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Anhui to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Jan 1967.

Guo Bingkun



Once served as dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Shaanxi Special Comte, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg; cdr. of a div. under New 4th Army, 1948; vice-min. of Internal Affairs, Jun 1957 - Feb 1963; cdr. of Militia for CCP Central Organs, Sep 1958; mem., friendship del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1958; dpty head, del. of demobilized soldiers to USSR, Oct 1959; made rear admiral, PLA Navy, 1963; dir., Polit. Dpt, PLA Navy HQ, Apr 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: leading military, Ν China Sea Fleet, PLA Navy, Nov 1975; disappered, Nov 1975.

Guang Renhong Guo Chao

* 1918 Tongcheng County, Anhui deceased 1991, Jul 7 Graduation from Law Dpt of Central Univ, 1939; studied in U.S.A., 1947-48; prof, at Shanghai Law College, 1948-49; prof, of Anhui Teachers College, 1952-58; prof, of Hefei Teachers College, 1958-66; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Nov 1978; again in former position as prof, of Hefei Teachers College, Dec 1978-85; deputy for Anhui to 6th NPC, May 1983; vice-chm, Anhui Branch, 6th CPPCC, Mar 1985 (reelected to 7th, Feb 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988 - death; vice-chm, China Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party, Nov 1988 - death.

Gui Linxi

Sec., Anqing Local Comte CP, Anhui, Jul 1950; mem., Ν Anhui Admin. Office, Dec 1950; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Anhui Prov. CP, 1952; council mem., Anhui PPG, Aug

IP ¿ í

Dir., Personnel Dpt, Min. of Trade, Oct 1949; dpty dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Secretariat, Guizho Prov., Jul 1950; vicegov., Yunnan PPG, Nov 1958 -Aug 1968; sec., Yunnan Prov. CP, May 1960 - Aug 1968; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Aug 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Apr 1973; dpty sec., Yunnan Prov. CP, Oct 1973-77; sec., Fujian Prov. CP, Oct 1979- Mar 1983; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Fujian Prov., Oct-Dec 1979; vice-gov., Fujian, Dec 1979 - Oct 1982; disappeared, Mar 1983.

Guo Cheng


* 1916 Guangxi deceased 1984, May 30 Belonged to Zhuang minority. Deputy for Guangxi to 1st NPC (reelected to 2nd, Mar 1959 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, People's Govt, W Guangxi Prov., Oct 1954; mem., Guangxi PPG, Feb 1955; vice-chm, Planning Comte, Guangxi PPG, Sep 1955; dir., Finance Dpt, Guangxi PPG, Nov 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, People's Govt, Guangxi AR, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983.

Guo Chengzhu

Φ &&

Once served as polit, commissar of a brigade, New 4th Army, polit, commissar of a div., Ν Field Army, and


polit, commissar of an army, 4th Field Army; made majgen., 1955; leading officer of Guangzhou Mil. Reg, 1956; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Febl963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Dec 1967.

Guo Chunyuan Vice-mayor, Tianjin MPG, Jul 1958 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Tianjin Municipality CP, Feb 1980 - Jan 1982; vice-mayor, Tianjin MPG, May 1980- Jun 1982; mem., govt del. to Norway and Great Britain (head: Kang Shien), May 1980; sec., Tianjin Municipality CP, Jan 1982 - Mar 1983; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; disappeared, Jan 1984.

Guo Dihuo



* 1905 Australia deceased 1986, Apr 9 Studied textile ind. at New Bedford Textile School in U.S.A.; returned to China, 1926; manager, 3rd Mill, Shanghai Wing On Textile Co., 1937; gen-mgr., Shanghai Wing On Textile Co., 1949; participated in 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jan 1950; mem., Shanghai MPG, Dec 1950; mem., Executive Comte and concurrently mem., Stand. Comte, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce (ACFIC), Oct 1953; deputy for Shanghai to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; asst gen-mgr., Shanghai Wing On Textile Co., Aug 1954 - Apr 1956; mem., Board of Directors, representing private shares, Bank of China, Nov 1954; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959, and to 4th, Dec 1964); mem., Shanghai MPC, Feb 1955 - Sep 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Comte, CDNCA, Apr 1955 - Feb 1960; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanghai Branch, ACFIC, Nov 1955; gen-mgr., State-Private Jointly Operated Shanghai Wing On Textile Co., Apr 1956 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Assn of Returned Overseas Chinese, Oct 1956 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Shanghai Branch, Assn for Promotion of Intl Trade, Nov 1956; mem., NPC del. to USSR, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Nov 1956; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Aug 1958 Feb 1968; deputy for Guangdong to 2nd NPC, Sep 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, Guangdong Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1959; ehm, Guangdong Branch, CDNCA, 1959- Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1965); vice-chm, CDNCA, Feb 1960- Cult. Rev.; dpty dir., Guandong Socialist Inst., Mar 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1972; deputy for Guandong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); mem., Comte to examine proposals, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; dir., Board of Directors, China Intl Trust and Investment Corp. (CITIC), Oct 1979death; vice-chm, CDNCA (Oct 1979- death); vicegov.. Guangdong PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; mem., Motions Examination Comte, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug

Guo Feng

1980; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; vice-chm, Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, Sep 1980; ehm, Guangdong Branch, CITIC, Dec 1980; mem., Motions Examination Comte, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; vice-chm, Guangdong PPC, Apr 1983 - death.

Guo Fang

Φ %

Mem., del. to 3rd Session of World Peace Council, East Berlin (head: Guo Momo), Jul 1952; elected mem., World Peace Council, Jul 1952; mem., del. to World Peace Council Conf., Budapest, Jun 1953; mem., del. to World Peace Council Conf., Vienna, Nov 1953; dpty dir., Rural Work Comte, CCP Secretariat, Hebei Prov., Jan 1954; mem., del. to World Peace Council Conf., Stockholm, Dec 1954; vice-chm, Hebei Prov. Branch, China Peace Council, Apr 1961; vice-gov., Hebei PPG, Dec 1962Cult. Rev.; sec., CCP Comte, China-N Korea Friendship People's Commune "Red Star" in Hebei, Jul 1963; dir., Rural Work Comte, CCP Secretariat, Hebei Prov., Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Hebei PPC, Feb 1980death.

Guo Feng


* Jilin After Sino-Japanese War, ordered to NE China to serve under Gao Gang in NE Democratic Allied Army, 1946; leading sec., Liaoxi Prov. CP, 1950-54; dir., Economic Planning Comte, Liaoxi PPG, 1951; dir., Personnel Dpt, NE People's Govt, 1952-53; dpty dir., Org. Dpt, NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1952-53; dir., Org. Dpt, NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1953-54; purged together with Gao Gang, 1954; first appearance after purge: 1st sec., Shenyang Municipality CP, Dec 1979; sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, Jan-Nov 1980; 1st sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, Nov 1980- Jun 1985; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); head, Liaoning goodwill del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1982; deputy for Liaoning to 6th NPC, Mar 1983; mem., Credentials Comte, 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; mem., Credentials Comte, 14th CCP Congr, Oct 1992; disappeared, Oct 1992.


Guo Fenglian (f)

Guo Hongjie

Guo Fenglian (f)



p ^ ^ ^ L


ι ÎL J^^^^ByH * 1948 Shanxi Born into a family of poor peasants. After elementary school started as a farm laborer, 1961; after a flood catastrophe in Dazhai, distinguished herself as leader of a female shock team called "Iron Maidens Team", 1963; joined CCP, 1966; Party sec., Dazhai Production Brigade (successor of Chen Yonggui), 1963; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanxi Rev Comte, Apr 1973 - May 1977; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Dazhai Production Brigade, Apr 1973 - May 1974; ehm, Rev Comte, Dazhai Production Brigade, May 1974 - May 1975; dpty head, goodwill del. to Japan, Sep 1974; mem., friendship del. to Mexico (head: Chen Yonggui), Sep 1975; vice-chm, Shanxi Rev Comte, May 1977 - 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanxi CP, May 1977-1979; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; deputy for Shanxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978; adviser, agricultural del. to U.S.A., Jul 1978; mem., Credentials Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; disappeared, Jul 1979; transferred to work with a fruit tree research inst. in Yuci County, Shanxi Prov., Dec 1982.

Guo Guangzhou

Í5 ^

Party sec., Guozhuang Production Brigade, Wakou People's Commune, Xiao County, Anhui Prov., 1964; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; dpty sec., Anhui CP, Jan 1971-1973; head, youth del. to Ν Korea, Jun 1971; sec., Anhui Branch, CYL, Apr 1973-1975; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; sec., Anhui CP, Jan 1974; deputy for Anhui to 4th NPC, Jan 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; disappeared, Jun 1977; on trial as follower of the "Gang of Four", Hefei, Jan 1984. Remarks: Guo became known as a model peasant. His brigade received a "red banner" in the mass movement of "In agriculture, learn from Dazhai".

Guo Hongtao



Dpty sec., Employees and Workers' Work Comte, CCP Comte, Jiangxi Prov., 1950; council mem., Jiangxi PPG, Mar 1950; mem., People's Control Comte, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Oct 1951; mem., Jiangxi PPC, Feb 1955; sec., CCP Comte, Nanchang Municipality, Dec 1956; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Nanchang Municipality, Nov 1958; alt. sec., CCP Comte, Jiangxi Prov., Feb 1960; vice-chm, Jiangxi Branch, CPPCC, Oct 1962; 1st polit, commissar, Nanchang Mil. Subregion, Jun 1965; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte, Jiangxi Prov., Jan 1968; vicechm, Rev Comte, Jiangxi Prov., May 1968; disappeared, May 1970.

* 1904 Mizhi, Shaanxi Joined CCP, 1927; sec., Shaanxi Prov. CP, 1928; arrested by Nationalist Govt, 1928, and held prisoner until 1933; dpty sec., Shaanxi-Gansu-Shanxi Border Distr CP, 1935; organized guerilla bases in Shandong Prov., 1937; sec., Shandong Prov. CP, 1940; dir., Railways Dpt, NE Democratic Allied Army, 1945; dir., Tianjin Railway Admin. Bureau, Oct 1949; vice-min. of Railways, Aug 19521958; dpty dir., 6th Admin. Office, SC, Nov 1954 - Sep 1959; dpty cdr., PLA Railway Corps., Jul 1958 - Cult. Rev.; vice-min., State Economic Com, Oct 1958 - Cult. Rev.; branded a traitor and "three-anti element" and purged, May 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.; Jan 1976; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; vice-min., State Economic Com, Oct 1978 - May 1982; mem., State Nationalities Affairs Com, May 1979; pres., China Communication and Transportation Assn, May 1982; adviser, State Economic Com, May 1982 - Jun 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); head, Leading Group for Port and Harbor Work, SC, Jan 1983-1986; dir., Energy Base Planning Office, SC, Mar 1986; disappeared, Nov 1987.


Guo Huaruo

IP ^


* 1904 Fuzhou Municipality, Fujian Joined CCP, 1925; graduated from Whampoa Mil. Academy, 1925; studied at Moscow Artillery School, 1927; CoS, Central Red Army HQ and subsequently instructor, Red Army School, 1928-34; participated in Long March, 1934-35; lecturer, Yan'an Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1936-40; commandant, Artillery School, 1944; cdr. of a column, New 4th Army, 1945; polit, commissar, 9th Army, 3rd Field Army, 1949; cdr., Wusong-Shanghai Mil. Distr, Oct 1949; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; cdr., 33rd Army, Jun 1951; mem., E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Oct 1954; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., Nanjing Mil. Reg, Aug 1957 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1965); disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1974; referred to again as mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, May 1975; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dpty commmandant, PLA Academy of Mil. Science, Feb 1978-82; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Dec 1983.

G u o J i a n (f) I|$ i t * 1913 Took part in anti-Japanese activities as student in Qinghua Univ, 1935; dir., Ind. and Commerce Dpt, Ν Jiangsu Admin. Office, 1950; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Com, Shanghai MPG, Aug 1953; mem., Executive Comte, Chinese Women's Fed (CWF), Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; ehm, Shanghai Branch, CWF, Nov 1958-61; mem., women's del. to Cambodia and Vietnam, Dec 1958; dpty head, del. to Afro-Asian Women's Conf., Cairo, Jan 1961; head, women's del. to Japan, Mar 1961; sec., CWF, Oct 1961; mem., women's del. to Indonesia, Dec 1961; mem., del. to World Conf. of Women for Disarmament, Vienna, Mar 1962; mem., women's del. to Cuba, Sep 1962; mem., del. to Executive Meeting of Intl Women's Democratic Fed, German Democratic Republic, Nov 1982; vice-chm, Sino-Cuban Friendship Assn, Dec 1962; visit to Moscow, Jun 1963; head, women's del. to Guinea, Feb 1964; head, del. to 6th Conf. of Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Comte, Algeria, Mar 1964; head, TU del. to Romania, May 1964; deputy for Hunan to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; head, women's del. to Bulgaria, Oct

Guo Linxiang

1964; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; vicechm, China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Jim 1965; head, del. to Intl Women's Democratic Fed Meeting, Salzburg, Austria, Oct 1965; head, women's del to Congo and Iraq, Feb 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-min. of Communications, Nov 1977 - May 1982; mem., Patriotic Health Campaign Comte, Apr 1978; head, del. of Society of Civil Engineering to U.S.A., Oct 1978; head, communications del. to the Netherlands, Nov 1980; head, del. to 12th Session, Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Org., London, Nov 1981; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; mem., Central Com for Guiding Party Consolidation, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1983; disappeared, May 1987.

Guo Kexin ^ Τ fê * 1923 Studied in Sweden; deputy for Liaoning to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Liaoning to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); dpty dir., Inst, of Metal research, CAS, Feb 1980; foreign mem., Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences, Feb 1980; granted a hon. doctorate of technology by the Swedish Royal Inst, of Technology, Oct 1980; vice-pres., Shenyang Branch, CAS, Oct 1980; mem., Dpt of Technological Sciences, CAS, Jim 1985; disappeared, Jun 1985. Guo was a researcher in the field of alloy structure.

G u o Li H5 t i * 1915 deceased 1976, Feb 20 Dpty dir. and chief engineer, First Automobile Plant in Changchun, 1956-62; vice-pres., China Automobile Engineering Society, Aug 1962; dir., First Automobile Plant in Changchun, 1962-64; deputy for Jilin to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Oct 1964Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Apr 1972; again named as vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Oct 1975 - death.

Guo Linxiang

* 1914 Yongfeng County, Jiangxi Served in Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, 1930; participant of Long March with 1st Front Army, 1934-35;

Guo Lu

studied at Anti-Japanese Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1937; polit, commissar of a regiment under 8th Route Army, 1941-42; dir., Polit. Dpt in Subdistr of Taihang Mil. Reg, 1942-44; polit, commissar of a div., E China Field Army, 1947; dpty polit, commissar, army under Ν China Mil. Reg, 1948-49; council mem., Ν Sichuan Admin. Office, Jul 1950; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty polit, commissar, Changdu Mil. Reg, Sep 1955 - Jul 1960; 2nd polit, commissar, Chengdu Mil.Reg, Jul 1960 Cult. Rev.; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., Stand. Comte, SW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1965; branded an anti-Party element and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1973; polit, commissar, PLA General Logistics Dpt, Jul 1974 - Nov 1975; polit, commissar, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Dec 1975 Sep 1979; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, Apr 1983); mem., Stand. Comte, CCP of Xinjiang AR, Aug 1978-1979; 3rd sec., CCP Comte, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Feb-Sep 1979; mem., Presidium, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; 1st polit, commissar, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Feb 1980- Dec 1983; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Jim 1980 - Jul 1985; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Presidium, 5th session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; polit, commissar, Nanjing Mil. Reg (after abolishing the post of 1st polit, commissars), Dec 1983 - Jul 1985; sec., Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Mil. Com, Jul 1985 - Jun 1990; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 -Nov 1987; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1986; dpty dir., PLA General Logistics Dpt, Jun 1986 - Dec 1989; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1987; mem., Presidium, 13th CCP Congr and vice-chm of its Credentials Comte, Oct 1987; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; appointed full general, Sep 1988; disappeared, Apr 1991.

Guo Lu # ^ Dir., Planning Bureau, Railway Dpt, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, 1949; dpty dir., Admin. Office, Min. of Railways, Dec 1949; dpty dir., Harbin Railway Admin. Bureau, Dec 1952; dir., Administrative Office, Min. of Railways, SC, Sep 1954; vice-min. of Railways, Sep 1959-70; head, railway study group to Ν Korea, SepOct 1965; head, railway del. to Ν Vietnam, Feb 1966; head, del. to 11th Directors' Conf., Railways Cooperatives Org. of Socialist Countries, East Berlin, May 1966; head, railway del. to Tanzania and Zambia, Nov 1969; dpty head, govt del. to Tanzania and Zambia (head: Fang Yi), Oct-Nov 1970; vice-min. of Communications, Oct 1970-76; head, govt del. to Yemen Arab Republic, Sep 1972; head, communications del. to Zambia, May 1973; vice-min. of Railways, Jun 1976; disappeared, May 1977.


Guo Moruo



* 1892 Leshan County, Sichuan deceased 1978, Jun 12 Born as fifth child into a family of merchants and landlords under the name of Guo Kaizhen. Received private tutoring in classical literature; attended 4 modern schools in home prov., 1906-13; his involvement in various strikes until 1911 twice led to his dismissal from school; forced by his family to marry but left his wife after just one week, 1912; studied medicine in Japan, 1914-23; from 1915 he also took up English, German and Latin; began to live together with the Japanese nurse Sato Tomiko, 1916 (this connection lasted until 1937 and brought them 5 children); became interested in literary studies, 1916, being particularly impressed by Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore and German poets; translated a number of poems by Tagore, 1917; began his own literary career with his first narrative, 1918; went for a short period to Shanghai working for a publishing company and preparing the publication of a collection of his own works under the title The Goddesses (Niishen), which immediately secured him wide recognition, 1920; graduated from Kyushu Imperial Univ in Fukuoka, 1923; returned to China and went to Shanghai, Mar 1923; turned to Marxism, 1924; started his political-literary activities, 1925; developed first contacts with prominent CCP leaders and joined KMT, 1925; dean of Sun Yat-sen Univ in Guangzhou and first contact with Mao Zedong, spring 1926; during KMT Northern expedition served in Polit. Dpt under Deng Yanda, Jul 1926; organized Polit. Dpt in KMT HQ, Sep 1926; after rift between KMT and CCP, Apr 1927, took Communist side; after failure of Nanchang Uprising fled to Hong Kong, Aug 1927; went to Japan again via Shanghai, early 1928, where he remained until 1937 - this decade being the richest in his literary career; after outbreak of SinoJapanese War returned to China leaving his Japanese family behind, 1937; together with Mao Dun (Shen Yanbing) and other literary friends founded "Resistance Society of Art and Literary Workers", 1938; head, Propaganda Section, Polit. Training Dpt, Natl Mil. Council, 1938-40; due to increasing antagonism between KMT and CCP his influence was gradually reduced, 1941; concentrated on his own literary work, 1941-45; visited USSR, Jun-Aug 1945; after Japanese capitulation advocated settlement between KMT and CCP, fall 1945; went to Hong Kong to escape increasing persecution of leftist intellectuals, late 1947; went to die Communists in Ν China, Nov 1948; head, Communist del. to 1st Session of World Peace Council, Mar 1949; vice-chm, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954 and 3rd, Apr 1959); mem., Cen-


trai People's Govt, Oct 1949 -Sep 1954; pres., CAS, Oct 1949 - death; ehm, Cultural and Educational Com, G AC, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; vice-pres., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949; vice-premier, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; ehm, Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Dec 1949 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, World Peace Council (WPC), Oct 1950-1964?; ehm, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1950Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Comte for Awarding Stalin Peace Prize, Jan 1953; mem., del. to funeral ceremonies for Stalin, Apr 1953; dpty head to WPC meeting, Vienna, Nov 1953; ehm, Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Apr 1954- Jun 1955; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; head, del. to WPC special meeting, East Berlin, May 1954; head, del. to Conf. for Easing Intl Tension, Stockholm, Jun 1954; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd-5th, 1958-78); vice-chm, Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd-5th, 1959-78); delegate to WPC meeting, Vienna, Jan 1955; head, del. to Asian Countries Conf., New Delhi, Mar 1955; delegate to World Peace Conf., Helsinki, Jun 1955; head, scientific del. to Japan, Dec 1955; ehm, China Asian Solidarity Comte, Feb 1956; vice-chm, Scientific Planning Com, SC, Mar 1956 - Nov 1958; head, del. to WPC meeting in Colombo, May 1957; mem., del. led by Mao Zedong to celebrations of 40th anniversary of October Rev, Moscow, Nov 1957; head, del. to Afro-Asian Solidarity Conf., Cairo, Dec 1957; head, del. to Conf. for Disarmament and Intl Cooperation, Stockholm, Jul 1958; pres., Univ of Science and Technology, Sep 1958 - Sep 1964; head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1958; joined CCP, Dec 1958; visited USSR, Apr 1959; head, del. to WPC meeting, May 1959; head, friendship del. to Cuba, Dec 1960; mem., friendship del. to Burma, Jan 1961; head, NPC del. to Indonesia, Aug 1961; council mem., Asian-African Society, Apr 1962- Cult. Rev.; first performance of Guo's drama Wu Zetian, Jun 1962; hon. ehm, Sino-Japanese Friendship Assn, Oct 1963; head, scientific del. to Albania, Mar 1964; head, Peace Council del. to Ν Vietnam, Jul 1964; retracts all his publications which "in comparison to the works of Mao Zedong may as well have remained unwritten", 1967; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and to 11th CC, Aug 1977); head, govt del. to wedding of Nepalese crown prince Birendra, Feb 1970; head, govt del. to Pakistan, Mar 1970; head, govt del. to funeral of Egyptian head of state Nasser, Sep 1970; vice-chm, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - death. Gua was married to Yu Liqun.

Guo received the following foreign scientific honors: LL.D. from Prague Univ, Apr 1949; hon. mem., Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Jun 1953; hon. mem., Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Nov 1953; mem., Polish Academy of Sciences, May 1954; hon. correspondent mem., East German Academy of Sciences, Sep 1956; hon. mem., Romanian Academy of Sciences, Sep 1957; hon. mem., Soviet Academy of Sciences, Jun 1958; foreign mem.,

Guo Peìyun

Czechoslovakia Academy of Sciences, Apr 1960; mem., Mongolian Academy of Sciences, May 1961; hon. LL.D. degree from Humboldt Univ, East Germany, Oct 1961. Publications: Goddesses (1921); Late Spring (1922); The Olive, Fallen Leaves, The Pagoda, Three Rebellious Women (1926); The Vase (1927); My Youth (1929); Studies on Ancient Chinese Society, The Black Cat (1930); Investigations on Oracle-Bone Inscriptions (1931); The Voice of War (1938); the dramas Guo Jianli and Qu Yuan (1942); In Northern Expedition (1943); The Bronze Age (1945); Underground Laughter (1947); The Song of Waves, Cicada (1948); In Honor of New China (1953); Hundred Flowers Blossom (1957); the drama Cai Wenji (1959). Translations: Goethe: The Sorrows of Young Werthers, Faust (partial); Schiller: Wallenstein·, Klopstock: Spring Celebrations·, Storm: Immensee·, Hauptmann: The Heretic of Soana·, Nietsche: Thus Spoke Zarathustra·, Marx: Critique of Political Economy·, Kawakami: Social Organization and Social Revolution·, Turgenjev: Virgin Soil·, Galsworthy: Strife·, Sinclair: King Coal, Petroleum·, Tolstoi: War and Peace.

Guo Musun If5 S ^ * 1920 Also known as Mooson Kwauk. Mem., Academic Degrees Comte, CAS, Feb 1981; dir., Inst, of Chemical Ind., CAS, Apr 1982-88; mem., Dpt of Chemistry, CAS, Jun 1985; researcher in the field of fluidization, Jun 1985; mem., Natl Comte, 7th CPPCC, May 1988; disappeared, May 1988.

Guo Peiyun


* 1909 Mengjin County, Henan Studied in Belgium and France, 1930-34; graduated from Paris Public Engineering College, 1934; returned to China, 1935; service as engineer and dir., Luolin and Luogong Road Engineering Divisions, Henan Prov. KMT Govt, 1935-38; water conservancy instructor of Guangxi Prov, KMT Govt, 1939-43; chief engineer, Gansu Prov. Water Conservancy, Forestry and Animal Husbandry Corp., 1943-47; supervisory engineer, Min. of Water Conservancy, 1947-49; dpty dir., Engineering Dpt, Huai River Harnessing HQ, 1955; dpty dir., Water Conservancy Bureau, Henan PPG, 1955-56; deputy for Henan to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966;


Guo Peng

first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Henan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983, and to 7th, Mar 1988); vice-chm, Henan Branch, CPPCC, 1978-82; vice-chm, Henan PPC, Apr 1983 - Jan 1988; last appearance, Mar 1988.

Guo Peng

* 1906 Liling County, Hunan deceased 1977, Jul 16 After Autumn Harvest Uprising in Hunan, joined Communist forces, 1927; cdr., 50th Regiment, 17th Div., 6th Red Army, 1934; participated in Long March, 1934-35; cdr., 5th Subdistr, Shanxi-Suiyuan Mil. Distr, Sep 1940; followed 15th Army Corps in crossing Tarim Desert, winter 1940; cdr., Shanxi-Chahar-Suiyuan Detachment, 1944; cdr., 359th Brigade, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1946; cdr., 259th Brigade, 2nd Column, NW PLA, 1947; cdr., 2nd Column, NW PLA, 1948; cdr., 2nd Army, 1st Army Group, 1st Field Army, 1949; cdr., S Xinjiang Mil. Distr, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, 1954; made ltn-gen. and awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Libe ation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; dpty cdr., Xinjiang Mil. Rig, Sep 1958-69; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; \ice-chm, Rev Comte, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Sep 1968; dpty cdr., Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Jun 1970; disappeared, Jul 1972.

Guo Qin'an

ny Ltd. and board ehm of Overseas Chinese Newspaper·, went to PR China and became gen-mgr. of Fujian Overseas Chinese Investment Corp., 1951; ehm, Fujian Prov. Branch, Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, Mar 1961; deputy for Fujian to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Fujian Prov. to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Jan 1988); vice-gov. of Fujian Prov., Dec 1979 - Oct 1982; vice-chm, Fed of Returned Oversease Chinese, Feb 1980; vice-chm, Fujian Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1982; vice-chm, Fujian PPC, Apr 1983 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Dec 1989.

Guo Shushen Φ f * 1904 Hubei Dir., Polit. Dpt, 15th Army Group, Red Army, 1935; dir., Polit. Dpt, PLA W Manzhuria Mil. Distr, Jun 1946; mem., Lüda (Liishun-Dalian) MPC, Oct 1951; ehm, Lüda Fed of TU, Oct 1951; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Lüda City, Sep 1953; sec., CCP Comte, Lüda City, Dec 1954; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Lüda City, Oct 1957; deputy for Liaoning to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958; mem., Central Control Comte, CCP Central Comte, 1963 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.; Nov 1974; deputy for Liaoning to 5th NPC,. Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978; dpty sec., Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 - Sep 1982; head, Party workers' del. to Romania, Aug 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Nov 1987. Guo Songnian




Vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, Dec 1979 - Mar 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanxi CP, Jan 1981-85; vice-chm, Shanxi PPC, Apr 1983 - May 1985; dpty dir., Energy Base Planning Office, SC, Jan 1984; disappeared, Jan 1987.

Guo Ruiren


* 1905 Indonesia Until 1951: G. worked successively as manager of Singapore Native Products Company, gen-mgr. of Asia Compa-

* 1931 Tianjin Graduation from Electrical Engineering Dpt, Qinghua Univ, 1954; until 1979, Guo served successively as a technician, engineer and dpty chief engineer in Energy Dpt of Liaoning Prov., Henan Prov. and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and finally as dpty dir., Energy Supply Bureau of Qingdao City; vice-mayor, Qingdao, Jul 1980; mayor of Qingdao, May 1986; deputy for Shandong to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; head, mayors' del. to France, Oct 1988; 1st sec., Qingdao City CP, Nov 1989-1990; mem., Stand. Comte, Shandong Prov. CP, Jun 1990; disappeared, Jun 1990.


Guo Xianrui

Guo Tao

Guo Weicheng

* 1927 Wei County, Hebei Studied at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1941; served in 2nd Field Army, 1949-50; cos, Artillery HQ, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951-53; served in artillery units and as dpty cdr. of a PLA div., 1960-68; successively dpty cos and cos, Nanjing Mil. Reg, 1970-79; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); cdr., Shanghai Garrison, Jul 1983 - Jul 1985; dpty cdr., Nanjing Mil. Reg, Jul 19851991; appointed ltn-gen., Sep 1988; disappeared, Jun 1991.

* 1912 Yi County, Liaoning Graduated from Dpt of Polit. Sciences, Fudan Univ, 1934; subsequently served as secretary of KMT marshal Zhang Xueliang; served in 111th Div. of KMT NE Army and as cdr. of its Railway Corps, 1947-48; went over to the Communists, 1949; cdr., Railway Corps, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951-54; maj-gen. and 2nd dpty cdr., PLA Railway Corps, Sep 1955 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; dpty cdr., PLA Railway Corps, Jan-Jul 1977; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Zhengzhou Railway Bureau, Jan-Jul 1977; vice-min. of Railways, Jul 1977 -Nov 1978; head, railway del. to France and Federal Republic of Germany, Sep 1978; min. of Railways, Nov 1978 - Sep 1981; head, railway del. to Japan, Mar 1979; mem., Natl Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; head, railway del. to Great Britain, Nov 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., Economic Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.

Guo Tianmin


Guo Weifan * 1905 Hongan County, Hubei deceased 1970 Graduated from 3rd class, Whampoa Mil. Academy, 1925; served in Natl Revolutionary Army, 1926-27; joined CCP, 1927; CoS, 9th Red Anny Corps, 1933; participated in Long March 1934-35; cdr., 2nd Mil. Subdistr, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Mil. Reg, 1939; dpty cdr., ShanxiChahar-Hebei Mil. Reg, 1943; cdr., Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Mil. Reg, 1946; cdr., 1st Column, Shanxi-ChaharHebei Field Army, 1948; cdr., 67th Anny, 20th Army Group, 1949; dpty cdr., 4th Army Corps, PLA 2nd Field Army and led troops to Yunnan, winter 1949; dpty cdr., Yunnan Mil. Distr, Dec 1949-1954; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950 - Jan 1953; council mem., Yunnan PPG, Aug 1950; mem., SW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; cdr., Yunnan Mil. Distr, Feb 19541957; made col-gen., and awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; dpty dir., General Training Dpt, PLA HQ, Mar 1957; mem., Natl Defense Council, Apr 1959 Cult. Rev.; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared, Oct 1969.

H5 ^ &

* 1914 Honghe County, Yunnan G. belonged to the Hani minority. Magistrate, Honghe County, 1952-54; vice-chm, Nationalities Com, Yunnan PPC, 1979-82; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., Nationalities Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.

Guo Xianrui * Shanxi Dpty dir., Supply and Marketing Dpt, Shaanxi-GansuNingxia Border Distr, 1947; dir., Assn of Cooperatives, Hebei Prov., 1950; dpty dir., Ν China Assn of Cooperatives, Jul 1952; mem., Board of Directors, All-China Fed of Cooperatives, Jul 1952- Nov 1953; mem., Executive

Guo Xilan

Comte, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Oct 19531956; mem., Board of Directors, All-China Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Nov 1953-1957; vice-chm, Board of Directors, All-China Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Dec 1957 - Cult. Rev.; vice-min. of Commerce, Aug 1960- Jul 1961; dir., Financial and Trade Admin., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Beijing Municipality, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; vice-mayor, Beijing MPG, Dec 1979 - Mar 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, Advisory Com, Beijing CP, Jun 1984; ehm, Comte on Aging, Beijing MPG, Jun 1984; disappeared, Jun 1984.

Guo Xilan IP % Ü * 1918 Shanxi deceased 1985, Aug 21 Dpty dir., Org. Dpt. CCP Secretariat, Xikang Prov., Oct 1950; council mem., Xikang PPG, Jun 1950; sec-gen., Work Comte, Tibet CP, Dec 1957; polit, commissar, Tibet Mil. Reg, Nov 1958; dpty sec., Work Comte, Tibet CP, May 1959 - Aug 1965; deputy for Tibet to 3rd NPC, Aug 1964; with the reorganization of Tibet CP Work Comte into the Secretariat of Tibet AR CP, appointed sec. and also made vice-chm of Tibet AR (equivalent of provincial vice-gov.), Sep 1965; vice-chm, Tibet Rev Comte, May 1971 - Aug 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP of Tibet AR, Jun 1973 - May 1977; dpty sec., CCP of Tibet AR, May-Nov 1977; sec., CCP of Tibet AR, Nov 1977 Mar 1983; 1st vice-chm, People's Govt of Tibet AR, Aug 1979 - Apr 1983; ehm, Advisory Com, CCP of Tibet AR, Dec 1983 - death.

Guo Yaoqing * * ft Belonged to Zhuang minority. Vice-chm, Guangxi Branch, Fed of TU, Jun 1973; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); dpty sec., Nanning Municipality CP, Sep 1975- Jun 1977; sec., Nanning Municipality CP, Jun 1977; ehm, Nanning Rev Comte, Nov 1977; polit, commissar, Nanning Militia Div., Sep 1978; disappeared, Dec 1978.

Guo Yufeng Dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, 64th Corps, PLA, 1958; dir., Polit. Dpt, Dalian Garrison, 1960; dir., Subdpt, Mil. Admin., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1968; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; dpty head, Party workers del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1972; cadre, Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1972; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1975 Oct 1977; disappeared, Oct 1977; officially named a follower of the "Gang of Four", Nov 1980.


Guo Zhifu ^ ^ Polit, commissar, Guangxi Mil. Distr, Nov 1977-1983; sec., CCP Comte, Guangxi Mil. Distr, Sep 1979; vicechm, People's Congr, Guangxi AR, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; disappeared, Apr 1983.

Guo Zihua # f & * 1895 Shandong deceased 1975, Dec 23 Joined CCP, 1926; after KMT-CCP split, engaged in CCP underground activities in Shandong, 1927; practised medicine, 1927-37; dir., United Front Work Dpt, Shandong Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1937-45; mayor, Jinan Municipality, Sep 1948 - Mar 1949; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949- Jan 1953; vice-gov., Shandong PPG, Mar 1950 - Jan 1953; asst min. of Public Health, Mar 1955 - Jan 1960; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; vice-pres., Medical Society, 1961 Cult. Rev.; vice-min. of Public Health, SC, Jul 1961 Cult. Rev.; mem., Natl Comte, 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Ha Feng'a Φ + Η * Horqin Left Front Banner, Jerim League, Inner Mongolia Belonged to Mongolian minority. During Japanese occupation of NE China served as banner chief and provincial councillor in Puppet Manzhou Govt; after V-J Day, 1945, with Buyanmandu organized Inner Mongolian People's Rev Party and with Russian support advocated autonomy; later organized Inner Mongolian People's Liberation Movement Comte at Wangyemiao; then formed E Mongolian People's Self Govt at Gugunmiao and became its vice-chm; later merged his organization with Fed of Inner Mongolian Self Govt Movement, set up by Ulanhu in Changjiakou (Kalgan) and made ehm of its E Mongolian Branch; mem., NE Admin. Council and ehm of its Nationality Comte, 1948; vice-chm, Inner Mongolia AR, Dec 1949 - Sep 1964; dir., Dpt of Culture and Education, People's Govt, Inner Mongolia AR, Apr 1950; mem., cultural del. to East European Communist countries, Sep 1952; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; pres., Inner Mongolia Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Feb 1957; ehm, Inner Mongolia Branch, People's Comte for World Peace, Nov 1962; mem., Natl Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; disappeared, Jan 1965.

Han Bangyan Sil * 1931 Chengdu City, Sichuan Graduation from Electrical Engineering Dpt, Sichuan Univ, 1952; joined CCP, 1952; attended Graduate School, Harbin Industrial Univ, 1952-55; served successively as tutor, lecturor, dpt sec., and registrar of Chengdu Univ of Science and Technology, 1955-78; vice-pres. and CCP sec., Chengdu Univ of Science and Technology, 1978-84;


dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Sichuan Prov. CP, Sep 1985; vice-gov., Sichuan PPG, Jan 1988; disappeared, Mar 1991.

Han Boping

# & Û

* 1906 Shanxi Sec., CCP Comte, Taiyuan Municipality, Mar 1950 - Jan 1953; mayor, Taiyuan MPG, Mar 1950 - Jan 1953; council mem., Shanxi PPG, Apr 1950 - Jun 1954; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Shanxi PPG, Aug 1950; mem., Ν China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, Ν China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; vice-min. of Textile Ind., Jun-Oct 1954; vice-min., 3rd Min. of Machine Building, Apr 1955 - May 1956; vice-min. of Electrical Equipment Ind., Sep 1956 - Feb 1958; disappeared, 1958; first reappearance, May 1980; subsequently disappeared again.

Han Dongshan

Han Fucai

& fâ f

& fâ "f

Dir., Planning Com, Beijing MPG, Mar 1982; vice-may or, Beijing MPG, Apr 1983-1988; head, mayors' del. to Japan, Nov 1983 - Jan 1984; mem., Stand. Comte, Beijing CP, Aug 1984 - Dec 1987; head, Beijing del. to Madrid and Washington, Sep 1985; head, Beijing del. to the Netherlands, Nov 1986; gen-mgr., China Kanghua Development Corp., Feb 1988; disappeared, Feb 1988.

Han Chunde

Han Fudong



* 1902 Henan deceased 1986, Jan 13 Cdr. of a battalion and later regiment, 25th Div., 9th Corps, 4th Red Front Army, 1933-34; participated in Long March, 1934-35; cdr., 25th Div., 4th Red Front Army, 1936; attended course at the Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, fall 1936; when Zhang Guotao came under attack, Apr 1937, Han was one of the initiators of an attempted coup against Mao Zedong; as a result, he was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment but released shortly afterwards at the beginning of the Sino-Japanese War, Jul 1937; cdr., Reserve Regiment, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, Oct 1937; participated in Batde of Luhezong against the Japanese, Feb-Mar 1938; cdr., 35th Brigade, Central China PLA, 1946; cos, Hubei Mil. Distr, 1950; council mem., Hubei PPG, Jan 1951; dpty cdr., Hubei Mil. Distr, 1952; cdr., Hubei Mil. Distr, Jan 1955; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; mil. attaché, embassy in Moscow, 1958-64; dpty cdr., Wuhan Mil. Reg, Dec 1964-1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; vice-chm, Hubei PPC, Jan 1980 - Apr 1983.

* 1929 Hualong County, Qinghai Han belonged to the Hui Minority. Magistrate of Hualong County, 1954-55; dir., Agricultural and Forestry Bureau, Haibei Autonomous Prefecture, 1962-66; sec., Minhe County CP, Dec 1977-1980; deputy for Qinghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-gov., Qinghai PPG, Nov 1981 Dec 1987; vice-chm, Qinghai PPC, Feb 1988; arrested for accepting 38,000 yuan worth of bribes, Mar 1991; sentenced to eight years of imprisonment, Nov 1991.

Han Fudong

# Í


Present at PLA Marksmanship Athletic Meeting, Oct 1955; dir., Athletic Bureau, PLA General Training Supervision Div., 1957; head, team attending 1st Intl Athletic Meeting Among Friendly Forces in German Democratic Republic, Oct 1958; senior colonel, May 1960; delegate to Winter Sport Competitions, Poland, Feb 1961; head, football team to Ν Korea, Nov 1962; head, football team to Burma, Jan 1963; delegate to Session of Sports Council of the Friendly Forces of Socialist Countries, Romania, Feb 1963; dpty dir., Mil. Training Div. of PLA General Staff, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again dir., Mil. Training Div., PLA General Staff, Aug 1964-1981; cadre, Physical Training Org. of PLA, May 1975; head, PLA sports del. to Iran, Feb 1977; observer at conf. of Intl Sports Council, Damuscus, Dec 1977; subsequently visited Iran; cadre, Mountaineering Assn, Apr 1978; dpty sec-gen., All-Army Physical Culture Guidance Comte, Jun 1978; ehm, PLA Sports Com, Jul 1978; head, PLA sports del. to 33rd Session of Intl Mil. Sports Council, Thailand, Jan 1979; dpty sec-gen., Natl Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; dpty dir., Mil. Training Dpt, PLA General Staff, Sep 1979; vice-chm, All-China Sports Fed, Sep 1979; head, PLA sports del. to 35th General Assembly of Intl Mil. Sports Council, Venezuela, Nov 1980; head, to 36th General Assembly, Hawaii, Nov 1981; head, to 37th, Nigeria, Nov 1982; to 38th, Zürich, Switzerland, Apr 1983; to 39th, Singapore, Apr 1984; head, team to 25th Shooting Championship of Intl Mil. Sports Council, Switzerland, Sep 1984; head, army sports del. to 42nd General Assembly of Intl Mil. Sports Council, Lisbon, Apr 1987; disappeared, Apr 1987.

Han Guang

Han Guang


pline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 - Ncv 1987; mem., Presidium, 13th CCP Congr and mem. of its Credentials Comte, Oct 1987; disappeared, Jun 1991.

Han Hongshu

* 1912 Jilin Attended middle school; joined CCP around 1930; after Manzhuria was occupied by Japanese, participated in organizing anti-Japanese volunteers, 1935; received further training in Moscow, 1936; sent by CCP to Xinjiang, 1937; dir., Propaganda Dpt of Anti-Imperialist Movement organized by gov. Sheng Shicai, 1938 (at that time known as Han Minguang); served as translator and instructor at Yan'an, 1940; ordered to Manzhuria, 1945, and made sec., CCP of NE China Reg; dir., Training Dpt, NE China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1946-48; dir., Public Security Bureau, Lüda (Port Arthur and Dairen), 1948; mem., NE People's Govt, Dec 1949- Jan 1953; sec., Lüda City CP, Dec 1949; mayor of Lüda, Nov 1950Aug 1954; mem., NE Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, NE Admin. Comte, Apr-Sep 1954; deputy for Fushun City to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; ehm, People's Govt and concurrently dpty CCP sec. of Heilongjiang Prov., Aug 1954- Jan 1955; gov., Heilongjiang PPG, Jan 1955-1956; 2nd sec., Heilongjiang CP, Jan 1955-1956; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; vice-min., State Science and Technology Com, Jan 1957 - Cult. Rev.; mem., State Scientific Planning Com, Jan 1957 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Liaoning to 2nd NPC, Mar 1959; ehm, Chinese Section, Sino-Soviet Com for Technical and Scientific Cooperation, Oct 1959; head, cultural del. to Hungary, Nov 1960; article in HQ No. 24, 1961, on problems of ind. and technology, Dec 1961; deputy for Heilongjiang to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; during Cult. Rev. heavily attacked, 1966, and finally purged, Feb 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jan 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; vicemin., State Capital Construction Com, Apr 1978- Mar 1981; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, by-elected at 3rd Plenum, Dec 1978 - Sep 1982; pres., Society on Economics of Capital Construction, Jul 1980-1985; min., State Capital Construction Com, Mar 1981 - May 1982; vicechm, Central Patriotic Sanitation Campaign Comte, Jul 1981 - Oct 1983; mem., del. to 2nd Sino-Japanese Ministerial Conf. (head: Gu Mu), Tokyo, Dec 1981; vice-chm, Central Greening Comte, Feb 1982 - May 1983; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; sec. and mem., Stand. Comte of Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; mem., Central Com for Guiding Party Consolidation, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1983; permanent sec., Central Com for Disci-

# % #

* 1933 Wuhan City, Hubei Served in departments of Hubei PPG, 1950-73; dpty dir., Finance Bureau, Hubei PPG, 1973-83; dpty dir., Fi narre and Trade Dpt, Hubei Prov. CP, 1983-85; dir., Office for Finance, Banking and Trade, Hubei PPG, 1986-88; vicegov., Hubei PPG, May 1988; disappeared, Sep 1992.

Han Jingcao

* 1918 Tang County, Hebei Joined CCP, 1939; ehm, Tang County Branch, Anti-Japanese Natl Salvation Society, 1939-40; head, Editorial Section, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Daily, 1945-47; dir., General Office, CP of WHenan Distr, 1948; dir., General Office, Kaifeng City CP, 1948-49; dpty sec-gen., Heran Prov. CP, 1951-52; dir., General Office, Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1958; 1st sec., Nanshi Distr CP, Shanghai, 1958-60; sec-gen., NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1960-Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., • 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Comte, Xinjiang AR, Oct 1978-1981; sec., CCP Comte, Xinjiang AR, 1978-81; vice-gov., Henan PPG, Jan 1982-Apr 1983; sec., CCP Comte, Henan Prov., Jan 1982 - Mar 1983; dir., Admin. Office, Henan Broadcasting and Television Univ, Jan 1982; vice-ctm, Advisory Comte, Henan CP, Aug 1984; disappeared, Sep 1989.


Han Kehua

Μ & ψ

Han Nianlong

Han Liping Dir., Bureau of Foreign Affairs, Min. of Communications, Oct 1973; council mem., Society of Civil Engineering, Apr 1975; head, del. of Society of Civil Engineering to Japan, Apr 1975; dir., Bureau of Foreign Affairs, Min. of Railways, Oct 1978; head, del. to Ulan Bator to the Joint Time Table Conf. of PR China, Ν Korea, PR Mongolia, Vietnam and USSR, Oct 1978; vice-min. of Railways, Sep 1981 - May 1982; vice-pres., Chinese Railways Society, Sep 1981; disappeared, May 1982.

* 1919 Nanle County, Henan Served in Communist mil. units in Hebei Prov., 1939-48; sec., Xiaogan Prefecture CP, 1949-52; dir., Ind. Dpt, Wuhan Municipality CP, 1953-57; mem., Stand. Comte, Wuhan Municipality CP, May 1954; dir., Dpt of State Operated Ind., Hubei Prov. CP, Jun 1958; vice-gov., Hubei PPG, May 1960-1964; ambassador to Hungary, Aug 1964-1967; ambassador to Guinea, Sep 1970 - Jun 1974; ambassador to Italy, Sep 1974 - Jun 1977; ambassador to France, Aug 1977 - Jan 1980; vice-min. of Foreign Affairs, Mar 1980 - Jan 1981; dir., General Admin. Bureau for Travel and Tourism, Jan 1981 - Apr 1988; head, tourism del. to Philippines, Dec 1983; head, tourism del. to U.S.A., Jun 1984; del. to 6th General Assembly of World Tourism Org., Sofia, Sep 1985; head, tourism del. to Hungary, Oct 1985; head, tourism del. to USSR, Jun 1987; delegate to 7th Session, General Assembly of World Tourism Org., Madrid, Sep 1987; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; vice-chm, Foreign Affairs Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jan 1991. Han was married to Guo Liwen (q.v.).

Han Liancheng

Han Ming

*1921 Yicheng County, Shanxi Joined CCP, 1937; dir., Org. Dpt, Yicheng County CP, 1938; sec. of Fengji and Liangcheng Counties CP, 194145; dpty sec., Youth Work Comte, Suiyuan Prov. CP, Dec 1949-1952; dir., Higher Education Admin. Bureau, SW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Mongolia-Suiyuan Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1954-1955; dir. and Party sec., Inner Mongolia Teachers' College, Oct 1957-1961; vice-gov., Qinghai PPG, Dec 1963 - Cult. Rev.; sec., Qinghai Prov. CP, Aug 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Sep 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: ehm, Cultural and Educational Office, Qinghai PPG, 1973-78; vice-chm, Qinghai PPC, Sep 1979 -Oct 1981; vice-chm, Inner Mongolia AR Branch of CPPCC, Sep 1983; disappeared, May 1988.

Han Nianlong

* 1908 Guyuan County, Ningxia deceased 1984, Feb 27 Cdr., 46th Nationalist KMT Army, 1946; went over to the Communists in Shandong, 1947; vice-chm, Lanzhou Mil. Control Com, Dec 1949; mem., NW China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949- Jan 1953; mem., NW China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953; dpty cos, NW Mil. Reg and cos 1st Field Army, Dec 1953; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 19541967; made ltn-gen. and awarded order "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; cos, Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Jun 1957; vicegov. Gansu PPG, Jan 1962 - Jan 1968; deputy for Gansu to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; criticized as an anti-Party sectionalist and purged, Jan 1968; first reappearance: mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; disappeared, Mar 1978.


& fe &

* 1910 Guizhou Once served as polit, commissar of a Red Army div.; with rank of colonel, mem. of Communist Section of Beijing Executive HQ of KMT and CCP Mil. Subcomte, 1946; polit, commissar of an army, 3rd Field Army, Oct 1949; dpty polit, commissar, Wusong-Shanghai Garrison HQ after occupation of Shanghai, Dec 1949; ambassador to Pakistan, Sep 1951 - Feb 1956; ambassador to Sweden,


Han Ningfu

May 1956 - Dec 1959; asst min., Min. of Foreign Affairs, Jan 1959- Apr 1964; concurrently dir., Staff Office in Min. of Foreign Affairs, May 1960; mem., govt del. to PR Mongolia (head: Zhou Enlai), May 1960; vice-min. of Foreign Affairs, Apr 1964 - May 1982; accompanied foreign min. Chen Yi to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Mar 1965; continued unharmed as vice-min. throughout the Cult. Rev., 1966-70; mem., CCP and govt del. to Ν Vietnam (head: Zhou Enlai), Mar 1971; dpty head, del. to Vietnam Conf., Paris, Feb 1973; mem., del. to crowning ceremonies for King Birendra of Nepal, Feb 1975; mem., govt del. to Pakistan, Apr 1975; mem., CCP and govt del. to Vietnam, Aug 1975; govt del. to Burma (head: Deng Yingchao), Feb 1977; mem., govt del. to Kampuchea, Burma, Nepal (head: Deng Yingchao), Jan 1978; dpty head, govt del. to Pakistan (head: Geng Biao), Jun 1978; mem., govt del. to Japan (head: Deng Xiaoping), Oct 1978; mem., CCP and govt del. to Kampuchea (head (Wang Dongxing); Nov 1978; head, govt del. to Vietnam, Apr 1979; accompanied Deng Yingchao to Ν Korea, May 1979; head, Chinese del. to 34th Session, UN General Assembly, Sep 1979; head, del. to meeting of consultants between high-level foreign min. officials of China and Japan, Tokyo, Mar 1980; accompanied Hua Guofeng to funeral of premier Ohira of Japan, Jul 1980; mem., govt del. to Burma and Thailand (head: Zhao Ziyang), Jan 1981; mem., goodwill del. to Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh (head: Zhao Ziyang), May 1981; acting foreign min., Jul 1981; head, govt del. to UN Conf. on Kampuchea, New York, Jul 1981; accompanied Zhao Ziyang to Singapore and Thailand, Aug 1981; mem., CCP and govt del. to Ν Korea (head: Zhao Ziyang), Dec 1981; mem., govt del. to Pakistan (head: Ji Pengfei), Mar 1982; awarded the High Award of Hilal-e-Quaid-i-Azam by pres. of Pakistan, Mar 1982; adviser to Min. of Foreign Affairs, May 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); head, friendship del. to Thailand, Oct 1982; visited Japan, Apr 1983; dir., Chinese Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Oct 1983-1991; visited U.S.A. to attend the "Dialogue of Distinguished Chinese and Americans", Sep 1984; visited Great Britain, Apr 1985; head, del. of Inst, of Foreign Affairs to Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Sep-Oct 1985; head, del. of same inst. to Federal Republic of Germany and France, Oct 1986; head, del. of same inst. to U.S.A., Mar 1987; visited Japan, Jun 1987; visited Japan, Jun 1990; disappeared, Mar 1991. Han was married to Wang Zhen, once dpty dir., Information Dpt in Min. of Foreign Affairs.

Han Ningfu

U t i

Sec-gen., Hubei PPG, 1950; dpty dir. and CCP sec., Wuhan Iron and Steel Works, Oct 1957; dir., Wuhan Iron and Steel Works, Oct 1961; vice-gov., Hubei PPG, Sep 1964 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Hubei Prov. CP, Jan 1973; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Hubei Prov., Sep 1979 -

Dec 1979; 2nd pres., Party School of Hubei Prov. CP. Oct 1977-1980; deputy for Hubei to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); gov. of Hubei Prov., Jan 1980 - Aug 1982; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr. Sep 1982; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC; ehm. Hubei PPC, Apr 1983 - May 1986; mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected, Nov 1987); mem.. Presidium, 4th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1986; disappeared, Nov 1987.

Han Ruijie Alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Sep 1982.

Han Shuying

# #


Executive ehm, Society on Dialectical Materialism, Jun 1982; vice-pres., Party School, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1984 - Jun 1988; head, Party School del. to Ν Korea, Jun 1984; vice-pres., Society for the Study of Sino-Japanese Relations, Sep 1984; vice-chm, Study Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.

Han Tianshi

CCP sec., Beijing Univ, Apr 1980-1982; head, del. of Beijing Univ to Yugoslavia, Aug 1981; mem., Presidium, CCP 12th Congr, Sep 1982; sec. and concurrently mem., Stand. Comte, Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; head, Party workers' del. to Ν Korea, May 1984; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; pres., Society for the Study of Oriental Culture, Jun 1990; disappeared, Jun 1990.


Han Tianyao



* 1915 Yangchu, Shanxi Graduated from Banking Dpt, Fudan Univ, 1933; dpty manager, Tianjin Branch, Bank of China, 1945-49; served successively as vice-pres., Tianjin Branch of People's Bank of China, dpty dir. of Tianjin Taxation Bureau, and dir. of Tianjin Admin, of Foreign Exchange Control, 1950-62; later he served successively as dpty general manager, Tianjin Branch of Bank of China, council mem., Society of Intl Finance, prof, at Tianjin Financial Inst., and vice-chm, Tianjin Branch of CDNCA; dpty dir., Tianjin Branch, Bank of China, May 1980; vice-chm, Tianjin MPC, Apr 1983 (reelected May 1988); disappeared, May 1988.

Han Wei

* 1906 Hubei Joined CCP, 1926; joined forces of Mao Zedong, Jinggang Mountains, 1927; cdr., 100th Regiment 34th Div., 12th Red Army Corps, 1933; dpty cos, Ν China Mil. Reg, May 1954; council mem., Changchun MPG, Jun 1954; made ltn-gen. and awarded orders "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", both 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1958 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); dpty cdr., Beijing Mil. Reg, Jan 1960; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Oct 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1974; disappeared again, Aug 1978.

Han Xiya

Han Xianchu

& ^

* 1913 Hongan County, Hubei deceased 1986, Oct 3 Joined Red Army, 1929, and CCP, 1930; regiment cdr., 4th Red Front Army, 1933; followed Zhang Guotao during Long March, 1934-36; studied at Anti-Japanese Mil. and Polit. Academy az Yan'an, 1936; cdr., 771st Regiment, 386th Brigade, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938; brigade cdr., Bohai Mil. Distr, 1939; transferred to Lin Biao's NE Democratic Allied Army, 1945; dpty cdr., 4th Column, NE Democtratic Allied Army, 1946; cdr., 4th Column, Jul 1947; cdr., 3rd Column, Jul 1947; directed 3rd and 4th Columns of NE Field Army in encircling Jinzhou, Sep 1948; dpty cdr., 12th Army Corps, 4th Field Army after occupation of Beijing, Feb 1949; dpty cdr., Hunan Mil. Distr, Aug 1949; council mem., Guangdong PPG, Mar 1950; ehm, Hainan Mil. and Admin. Comte, Apr 1950; vice-chm, Joint cos of PRC, Ν Korea and USSR at beginning of Korean War, Oct 1950; cdr., 13th Army Corps, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951-52; dpty cos, Chinese "People's Volunteers" and took part in cense-fire negotiations in Panmunjon, Jan 1952; trained at PLA Mil. Academy, 1953; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954- Cult. Rev.; made col-gen., and awarded orders "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", both 1st class, Sep 1955; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, May 1958- Apr 1969; cdr., PLA Fujian Front, Dec 1958 - Jan 1974; dpty cos, PLA General Staff, Nov 1965-1967; in spite of repeated Red Guard attacks during Cult. Rev. retained his position, 1966-67; ehm, Fujian Prov. Rev Comte, Aug 1968 -Jan 1974; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973; to 11th, Aug 1978 and to 12th, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985); 1st sec. Fujian CP, Apr 1971 - Jan 1974; cdr., Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Jan 1974- Jan 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, Mil. Com, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1980 - Sep 1982; head, del. of former "People's Volunteers" to Ν Korea, Oct 1982; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983; vice-chm, Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983. Han was married to Liu Zhi.

Han Xiya

Φ fê

Dpty sec-gen., Shanghai TU, Jan 1961; mem., TU del. to Japan, Jan 1961; sec-gen., Shanghai TU, Apr 1965; head, TU del. to Cuba, Apr 1965; dpty dir., Intl Liaison Dpt, All-China Fed of TU, Aug 1965; head, TU del. to Congo, Mali and Guinea, Aug-Sep 1965; head, del. to 16th Executive Meeting, World Fed of TU, Dec 1966; disappeared


Han Xu

during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.; mem., friendship del. to Japan, Apr 1973; cadre, Dpt of Intl Liaison, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1973; council mem., China-Japan Friendship Assn, Jan 1976; alt. sec., AllChina Fed of TU, Jul 1979 - Aug 1982; head, Seamen's TU del. to Japan, Feb 1981; head, TU del. to India, Jan 1982; mem., 10th Executive Comte, All-China Fed of TU, Oct 1983; article in RMRB Jul 3 "Perfect the socialist democratic system, consolidate the unity between the Party and the masses -exploring the TU issue in socialist society", Jul 1986; disappeared, Jul 1986.

friendship del. to Japan and U.S.A., Apr 1992; head, friendship del. to Switzerland, May 1991; head, friendship del. to Thailand, Dec 1992; head, friendship del. to Pakistan and Bangladesh, Feb 1993; mem., Stand. Comte, 8th CPPCC and ehm of its Foreign Affairs Comte, Mar 1993; head, friendship del. to South African Republic and Zimbabwe, Jun 1993; visited Israel, Nov 1993; accompanied Li Ruihuan to Nepal, India, Pakistan, Nov 1993. Han was married to Ge Qiyun.

Han Ying Han Xu





* 1924 deceased 1994, Jul 19 Majored in economics, Beijing Yanjing Univ, 1941; joined 8th Route Army, working under Nie Rongzhen, 1942; served as interpreter in Executive HQ for Mil. Mediation set up in Beijing consisting of representatives of KMT, the Communists and U.S. Govt, 1946; worked at UN Relief and Rehabilitation Admin. HQ in the Communist-led areas, 1947; started to work in Beijing MPG, 1948; official in Protocol Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Apr 1959; counselor, embassy in Moscow, Jul 1964- Mar 1965; dpty dir., Protocol Dpt, MFA, Sep 1969; mem., Party and govt del. to Ν Korea (head: Zhou Enlai), Apr 1970; dir., Protocol Dpt, MFA, Dec 1972Mar 1973; mem., del. to Vietnam Conf., Paris, Feb 1973; dpty head, Liaison Office of the PR China (forerunner of the embassy) in Washington, Mar 1973 - Jan 1979; dir., American and Oceanic Affairs Dpt, MFA, Mar 1979 May 1982; mem., mil. del. to U.S.A. (head: Geng Biao), May 1980; accompanied foreign min. Huang Hua to U.S.A., Oct 1981; vice-min. of Foreign Affairs, May 1982- Apr 1985; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected to 13th, Nov 1987 - Oct 1992); head, govt del. to Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Jamaica, Nov 1982; head, del. to 3rd UN Sea Law Conf., Jamaica, Dec 1982; head, MFA del. to Ν Korea, Jun 1984; head, govt del. to Antigua and Barbuda, Colombia, Guyana, Ecuador, NovDec 1984; ambassador to U.S.A., Apr 1985 - Jul 1989; received the U.S.-Asia Inst. 1986 Achievement Award, Feb 1986; ehm, Assn for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Oct 1989 - May 1994; head, goodwill del. to Japan and Cyprus, Apr 1990; head, friendship del. to Tunisia and Libya, May 1990; visited Japan and U.S.A., Sep 1990; head, friendship del. to Austria and USSR, May 1991; head, friendship del. to Cuba, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Chile, Sep-Oct 1991; head,

* 1935 Liaoning Son of a poor peasant; served as an engineer and later dir. of a mine under Datong Coal Mining Admin, in Shanxi Prov., 1960; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanxi CP, Jul 1971-1978; vice-chm, Shanxi Rev Comte, Jul 1971 - Oct 1978; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1978 - Sep 1982); sec., Shanxi CP, Nov 1974 Oct 1978; mem., economic del. to Great Britain and France, May 1978; 1st sec., CYL, Oct 1978 - Nov 1982 head, CYL del. to Romania and Yugoslavia, Mar 1979 head, CYL del. to Ν Korea, Jun 1979; by-elected mem. Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Jul 1979; head, CYL del. to Italy, Jul 1980; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; head, CYL del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1981; transferred to an unknown position and disappeared, Nov 1982.

Han Youtong (f)


* 1907 Heilongjiang deceased 1985, Mar 13 Hui minority. Studied at Law College, Beijing Univ; successively studied intl law, Imperial Univ, Tokyo; married Zhang Youyu during stay in Japan; after return to China, prof, at Northwestern Associated Univ; joined CDL, 1945; delegate to 2nd Conf. of Intl Fed of Democratic Women, Budapest, Oct 1947; mem., NE People's Govt and dir., Education Dpt, Songjiang PPG, Oct 1949; dpty


dir., Secondary School Education Dpt, Min. of Education, Dec 1949; dir.. Education Bureau, Tianjin MPG, Mar 1950; dpty dir., Ν China Branch, Supreme People's Court, Apr 1952; deputy for Heilongjiang to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Sep 1958 and 3rd, Oct 1964); associate presiding judge. Supreme People's Court, Nov 1954-1960; mem., Executive Comte, Fed of Democratic Women, Dec 1957; mem., China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte and Council mem., World Peace Council, Jul 1958; council mem., Sino-Iraq Friendship Assn, Sep 1958; pres., Higher People's Court, Ningxia AR, Dec 1958-1964; mem., jurists' del. to Japan, Mar 1961; mem., del. to Afro-Asian Legal Conf., Conakry in Guinea, and successively visited Algeria, Oct 1962; delegate to Congr of World Women's League, Moscow, Jun 1963; mem., jurists' del. to Tanganyika, Zaire, Guinea, SepNov 1963; council mem., China Asian African Society, Dec 1963; head, del. to 8th Congr of World Fed of Democratic Jurists, Budapest, Mar 1964; mem., del. to 10th World Conf. against Atomic Bombs in Japan, Jul 1964; sec.. Society of Polit. Science and Law, Oct 1964; mem., jurists' del. to Japan, Nov 1964; dpty dir., Law Inst., CAS, Nov 1964; head, scientists' del. to Somalia, Tanzania, Mali, Sudan, Sep-Oct 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1977; dpty dir., Law Inst., CASS, Feb 1978; head, jurists' del. to Austria, Dec 1979; vice-pres., Society for the Study of Marriage and the Family, Oct 1981; adviser, Law Inst., CASS, Jun 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC and dir. of its Legal Group, Jun 1983. Han was married to Zhang Youyu.

Han Zhenji W/T




- ^OHH


* 1905 Gaoyi County, Hebei deceased 1975 Joined CCP, 1933; served in 4th Front Army, 1934; cos, 44th Brigade, 115 Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; made ltn-gen. and awarded orders "August 1st". "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; military attaché, embassy in Moscow, 1958; dpty dir., General Logistics Dpt, PLA General Staff, Dec 1968.

Hao Deqing

Han Zheyi



* 1914 Yucheng, Shandong H. belonged to Hui minority. Joined CCP, 1938; served successively as dpty dir., Economic Dpt of Hebei-Shandong-Henan CP and dir. of its Admin. Office, 1945-49; vice-chm, Pingyuan PPG, Oct 1949; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, Pingyuan PPG, Aug 1950; mem., Ν China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Aug 1954; mem., State Planning Com and dir. of its Bureau of Allocations of Supplies, Aug 1954-1956; dir., Bureau of Allocation of Supplies, SC, Dec 1956 - Mar 1958; vice-min., State Economic Com, Mar 1958-1963; alt. sec., E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1961; deputy for Shanghai to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; sec., E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1977; vicechm, Rev Comte of Shanghai, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; sec., Shanghai CP, Jan 1978 - Mar 1983; deputy for Shanghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); head, economic del. to Great Britain and France, May 1978; dir., Ind. and Communications Office, Shanghai MPG, Jun 1978; mem., Budget Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; vice-mayor of Shanghai, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; head, del. to Intl Conf. on Population and Urban Future, sponsored by UN Fund for Population Activities, Rome, Sep 1980; head, friendship del. to Osaka, sister city of Shanghai, Nov 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC and vice-chm of its Financial and Economic Comte, Jun 1983 Mar 1988; dpty head, NPC del. to Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Egypt, Dec 1983; head, del. to Turkey, Apr 1985; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Apr 1988.

Hao Deqing 0 "fr * 1906 Shanxi Mem., W Sichuan Admin. Office, 1950; council mem., Sichuan PPG, Aug 1952; sec., CCP Comte, Chengdu Municipality, Jul 1954; ambassador to Hungary, Sep 1954 - Apr 1961; ambassador to Ν Korea, Jul 1961 - Nov 1965; dpty dir., Office of Foreign Affairs, SC, Nov 1965; vice-chm, Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Apr 1966; ambassador to Norway, Feb 1971 - Sep 1972; ambassador to Netherlands, Nov 1972 - Oct 1974; ambassador to Iran, Dec 1974- Jan 1977; dir., Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Mar 1977- Oct 1983; visited U.S.A., Jun 1977; deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, Mar 1983); mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC,


Hao Pingnan

Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Mar 1983); head, del. of Inst, of Foreign Affairs to Federal Republic of Germany and Luxembourg, Sep-Oct 1978; visited Australia, Nov 1978; visited Japan, Oct 1980; head, NPC del. to Great Britain, Malta, Greece, Feb 1981; mem., Foreign Affairs Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; disappeared, Jan 1987.

Hao Pingnan # -f Λ Sec., CCP Comte, Ordos Distr, Inner Mongolia, Nov 1955; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Bayannur League, Inner Mongolia, Apr 1960; dpty sec., CCP Tibet Work Comte, Jun 1965; sec., CCP Comte, Tibet AR, Sep 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Tibet Rev Comte, Dec 1974-1977; vice.min. of Radio and Television, May 1982Mar 1986; head, radio and TV del. to Pakistan, Feb 1983; head, radio and TV del. to Ν Korea, Mar 1985; disappeared, Mar 1986.

H a o Tianyi


* 1919 Yushe County, Shanxi deceased 1989, Sep 1st sec., CCP Comte, Handan Municipality, Hebei Prov., Sep 1953; vice-gov., Hebei PPG, Oct 1964 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Hebei Prov. CP, Jun 1965 -Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Feb 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Tianjin Municipality, Apr 1980 - Mar 1983; vicechm, Tianjin Rev Comte, Apr-Jun 1980; vice-mayor, Tianjin MPG, Jun 1980 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Advisory Comte, Tianjin CP, Dec 1983; disappeared, Dec 1988.

Hao Ting VT * 1915 Henan With rank of colonel and as cos served in CCP Section, Executive Dpt. Mil. Mediation Subcomte, 1946; attaché, embassy in Sweden, Dec 1950; attaché at PRC mission in Denmark, Oct 1953; chargé d'affaires ad interim in Denmark, Feb 1955-1956; ambassador to Afghanistan, Jul 1958 - May 1965; mem., Stand. Comte, China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, May 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., Foreign Affairs Bureau, CAS, Apr 1976-1979; mem., CAS del. to Japan, Jan 1979; disappeared, Sep 1979. Hao was married to Zhang Zhonge.

Hao Xiushan




* 1920 Wuchuan County, Inner Mongolia Joined CCP 1938; magistrate of Wuchuan County, 194546; cdr., Suiyuan-Mongolia Cavalry Detachment, 1946; cdr. of a regiment in Cavalry Div., Mongolian People's Self-Defense Corps, 1947-48; service in Polit. Dpt, Inner Mongolia Mil. Reg, 1948; dir., General Office, Nationalities Affairs Com, Suiyuan PPG, 1949-52; dpty dir., Water Conservancy Bureau, IM AR, 1954-66; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Ulanqab League, 1966-72; sec., Hohhot Municipality CP, 1972-75; 1st sec., Baotou City CP, 1978-80; vice-chm, People's Govt, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), Jan 1980 Apr 1983; vice-chm, People's Congr, IMAR, Apr 1983 - Jun 1988; deputy for IMAR to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; ehm, Advisory Com, CCP Comte of IMAR, Dec 1989; disappeared, Dec 1989.

Hao Zhizhai # & & Dpty dir., General Office, Min. of Water Conservancy, May 1954; dir., Guanding Reservoir Project Bureau, May 1954; asst min. of Water Conservancy, Oct 1956 - Feb 1958; sec-gen., Water Conservancy Society, Apr 1957-63; asst min. of Water Conservancy and Electric Power, Nov 1958 - Jul 1961; vice-min. of Water Conservancy and Electric Power, Jul 1961 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Water Conservancy Society, 1963 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared 1966.

Hao Zhongshi i * 1918 Jiangsu Attended Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1938; vice-chm, Land Reform Comte, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949; sec-gen., CCP Comte, Hubei Prov., Mar 1950; dpty sec., CCP E Guangdong Distr Comte, 1951; 2nd sec., CCP E Guangdong Distr Comte, Apr 1952; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Guangxi Prov., Feb 1954; vice-chm, Guangxi PPG, Sep 1954; vice-gov., Guangxi Prov., Feb 1955 - Jun 1957; sec., Guangxi CP, Sep 1956- Jun 1957; removed from posts because of mismanagement dealing with starvation in Guangxi, Jun 1957; dpty dir., Staff Office of Agriculture and Forestry, SC, Nov 1962- Cult. Rev.; cadre, Min. of Agriculture and Forestry, Oct 1970; head, agricultural del. to Japan, Jul 1972; vice-pres., Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, Jul 1972-1978; acting pres., Society of Agronomy, Mar 1973-1977; vice-min. of Agriculture and Forestry,


Nov 1973 - Feb 1979; head, del. to 17th Conf. of Food and Agriculture Org., Rome, Nov 1973; head, del. to 18th Conf. of Food and Agriculture Org., Rome, Nov 1974; head, govt del. to Upper Volta and Nigeria, Dec 1974; vice-min. of Agriculture, Feb 1979 - May 1982; head, agricultural del. to Thailand, Apr 1979; head, agricultural del. to Syria, Iraq and Jordan, Apr 1980; disappeared, Sep 1981.

Hatem, George See Ma Haide

H e B a o g u a n g (f)




He Bingyan

under PLA Logistics Dpt, Oct 1978 - Sep 1981; head, army surgeons' del. to Pakistan, Oct 1978; mem., Central Patriotic Sanitation Campaign Comte, Jul 1981 - Oct 1983; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

He Binghao H '4- & Sec., CCP Comte, Nanjing Municipality, May 1958; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Wuxi City, May 1960; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: Deputy for Jiangsu to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); vice-chm, Jiangsu PPC, Dec 1979-1987; mem., China-Argentina Friendship Group of the NPC, Mar 1986; disappered, Jul 1987.

H e Binglin

* 1934 Graduation from Shenyang Medical College, 1956; started research on prevention of Hepatitis, 1973; received award from Natl Science Congr, 1977; started to conduct hepatitis (B) vaccine research under prof. J.L. Melnick and Eugene C. Lai at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 1979; subsequently made important discoveries in hepatitis vaccine research; researcher at Shanghai Biological Products Research Inst., Jul 1982; deputy for Shanghai to 6th NPC, May 1983; dpty dir., Cell Biology Section, Shanghai Biology Inst., Oct 1984; disappeared, Dec 1984.

Dpty dir., Chemistry Dpt, Nanjing Univ, Nov 1962; deputy for Hebei to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; prof, of Nankai Univ in Tianjin, Jun 1979; mem., Dpt of Chemistry, CAS, Feb 1984; disappeared, Feb 1984. Remarks: He was known for his research in polymer chemistry.

He Bingyan He Biao I f M> * 1900 Hunan Joined Red Army led by He Long (probably a relative), 1928; subsequently active in the Red Army Medical Service; dir., Health Dpt, 2nd Front Army, 1933; dir., Health Section, 120th Div. (cdr. He Long), 8th Route Army, 1938; dir., Health Section, Shanxi-Suiyuan Mil. Distr, 1940; dir., Health Section, 1st Field Army, 1948; dir., Health Dpt, NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jan 1950; dir., Health Dpt, NW Mil. Reg, Apr 1951; vice-min. of Public Health, Oct 1954- Cult. Rev.; head, health del. to PR Mongolia, Aug 1958; vice-pres., Sino-Albanian Friendship Assn, Oct 1958; head, del. to 6th Conf. of Socialist Countries' Ministries of Health, German Democratic Republic, May 1961; council mem., Sino-Mongolian Friendship Assn, May 1962; mem., Natl Comte, 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1975; dpty dir., PLA Logistics Dpt, Oct 1978 - Sep 1982; head, Health Section


?f Pi


* 1913 Songzi County, Hubei deceased 1960, Jul 1 Joined He Long's troops, 1927; lost an arm in fighting, 1928; joined Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, 1929; studied at Red Army School, Ruijin, 1933; cdr., 6th Div., 2nd Red Front Army, Oct 1934; during Long March his div. and 5th Div. were vanguards, 1935; when 2nd and 4th Red Armies joined forces, remained cdr. of a div., fall 1936; cdr., 716th Regiment, 358th Brigade, 120 Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; cdr., 3rd Mil. Subdistr, NW Mil. Reg, 1940; cdr., Jianghan Mil. Distr, 1945; cdr., 1st Column, 1947; cdr., 1st Army, 1st Army Corps, 1st Field

He Bingzhang


Army, 1948; cdr., Qinghai Mil. Distr, Oct 1949-1952; mem., Qinghai PPG, Oct 1949-1952; cdr., Sichuan Mil. Distr, Oct 1952-1959; mem., SW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953; deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958); mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954; made col-gen. and awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; cdr., Chengdu Mil. Reg, Oct 1959; mem., Stand. Comte, Sichuan CP, Oct 1959.

He Bingzhang If £ • Asst min., Min. of Coal Ind., Nov 1955; ehm, Editorial Board, journal Coal Industry, Apr 1959; vice-min. of Coal Ind., Sep 1959-1961; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: Dir., Beijing Coal Research Inst., Jun 1975; head, del. to conf. of Intl Org. Comte of World Mining Conf., Düsseldorf, Federal Republic of Germany, Jun 1975; pres., Chinese Coal Mining Society, Nov 1975; head, del. to World Mining Conf., Düsseldorf, May 1976; vice-min. of Coal Ind., Feb 1978 Jan 1982; head, scientific and technological del. to Ν Korea, May 1978; head, scientific and technological del. to Ν Korea, Aug 1980; disappeared, Jan 1982.

He Changgong




* 1900 Huarong County, Hunan deceased 1987, Dec 29 Attended Yueyang Middle School and a technical middle in Hunan; went to France as a worker-student, 1919; joined CCP in France, 1922; after a year of studies in Belgium returned to China, 1924, and joined TU movement in home prov. ; joined Communist forces in Jinggang Mountains, fall 1927; polit, commissar, 6th Column, 5th Red Army (cdr. Peng Dehuai), 1929; acting cdr., 8th Red Army and captured Changsha, 1930; after retreat from Changsha made cdr., 8th Red Army, 1930; polit, commissar, 13th Red Army, 1932; dir. and polit, commissar, Red Army College, Ruijin, 1933; during Long March: polit, commissar, 8th Red Army, 1934-35; in dispute within CCP turned to the side of Zhang Guotao, 1935; arrived in Ν Shaanxi, 1936; lecturer, Anti-Japanese Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1937; vice-pres. of this academy, 1940-47; pres., NE Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1948; council mem., NE People's Govt, 1948; invited to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, GAC, Oct 1949; vice-min. of Heavy Ind., Oct

1949- Aug 1952; dir., Aviation Ind. Bureau, Min. of Heavy Ind., Aug 1951; vice-min. of Geology, Aug 19Í2 Cult. Rev.; deputy for Hunan to 2nd NPC, Jul 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelectedto 4th, Jan 1965); vice-chm, Comte on Terrestrial Stratification, SC, Nov 1959; head, geologists' del. to Hunga.7, Sep 1960; publicly branded as a deviationist and relie\ed of all posts, Oct 1966; first appearance after Cult. Re/., May 1975; again mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Sep 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978); dpty commandant, PLA Mil. Academy, Oct 1978 - Sep 1982; pres., Society on the Historical Figures of CCP, Dec 1979; by-elec£d vice-chm, 5th CPPCC, Sep 1980 - Jun 1983); mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; vice-chm, Literary and Historical Materials Research Comte, CPPCC, Feb 1981; mem., Stand. Comte, Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985.

He Changyun



"»s * 1930 Chaohu Prefecture, Anhui Joined PLA, 1949; graduated from Advanced Navy School in USSR, 1955; served as dpty captain of a Navy vessel, 1957-63; graduation from Navy Submarine School, 1964; captain of a Navy vessel, 1964-68; served successively as dpty polit, cvommissar and head of Naval Boat Detachment, PLA Navy HQ, 1969-81; dpty cdr. of a Bavai base, 1981-83; dpty cdr. of a Navy fleet, 1983-85; dpty polit, commissar, Ν Chinese Sea Fleet, PLA Navy, Jul 1986; made rear admiral, Sep 1988; disappeared, Sep 1988.

He Cheng


* 1901 Shehong County, Sichuan Joined CCP, 1925; during Long March: dir., Health Dpt, 1st Front Army, 1934-35; dir., Health Dpt, 8th Route Army, 1937-45; dir., Health Dpt, Rear Service Dpt, CCP Mil. Council, 1946-48; delegate of science workers to 1st

He Haoju


CPPCC, Sep 1949; vice-min. of Public Health, Dec 1949Jan 1956; dir.. Health Dpt, Revolutionary Mil. Council, Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; hon. ehm, Chinese Medical Society, Aug 1952; dir., Health Dpt, General Logistics Dpt, PLA General Staff, Jan 1953 - Jan 1956; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; accused of having sabotaged the policy of combining Western with Chinese medicine and relieved of his posts, Jan 1956; successively worked in several medical institutes; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; dpty dir., Logistics Dpt, Chengdu Mil. Reg, Jun 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev, 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1973; dpty dir., PLA General Logistics Dpt, Jun 1977-1979; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 -Sep 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC. He was married to Zhou Yuehua who died in 1977.

He Chenghua Ή fc Ψ Sec-gen., Gansu Prov. CP, Oct 1953; sec., Gansu CP, Jan 1960- Cult. Rev; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jan 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev: Mem., Stand. Comte, Shaanxi Prov. CP, Oct 1979; vice-chm, Shaanxi Rev Comte, Oct-Dec 1979; vice-gov., Shaanxi PPG, Dec 1979- Apr 1983; 1st sec., Xi'an Municipality CP, Sep 1982-1984; vice-chm, Shaanxi PPC, Nov 1984- Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.

He Chengxiang Ή A 'M Served in Manzhuria Prov. Comte, 1931; after Mukden (Shenyang) Incident, Sep 1931, went to Harbin; dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Comte, Manzhuria Prov., 1933; dpty dir., General Office, United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1949; dir., Admin. Affice, Cultural and Educational Com, GAC, Dec 1949 - Dec 1951; dir., Bureau of Religious Affairs, GAC, Jan 1952-1954; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; dir., Bureau of Religious Affairs, SC, Nov 1954Jul 1961; mem., Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, SC, Mar 1958; head, del. of Bureau of Religious Affairs to USSR, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, May 1958; council mem., China-Lebanon Friendship Assn, Aug 1958; vice-pres., China-Poland Friendship Assn, Sep 1958; council mem., China-Latin-America Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; vice-gov., Gansu PPG, Sep 1961 - Cult. Rev.; alt. mem., Secretariat, NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jan 1968.

He Gongkai Ή # Dpty dir., W European and Africa Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Aug 1956 - Mar 1957; council mem., Sino-Egypt Friendship Assn, Nov 1956; dpty dir., W Asia and Africa Dpt, MFA, Mar 1957 - Jun 1963; mem., Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Aug 1960; attaché, embassy in Cairo, Jun 1963-1966; counselor, embassy in Cairo, 1966-67;

dpty dir., W Asia and Africa Dpt, MFA, Jul 1970 - Aug 1972; mem., govt del. to Mali, Sep 1970; mem., govt del. to 2500 anniversary celebrations in Iran, Oct 1971; mem., del. to celebrations of 10th anniversary of independence of Tanzania, Nov 1971; dir., Africa Dpt, MFA, Aug 1971 Jan 1980; mem., del. to celebrations of independence of Mozambique, Jun 1975; mem., govt del. to Zaire (head: foreign min. Huang Hua), Jun 1978; mem., govt del. to Somalia, Gabon, Cameroon (head: Chen Muhua), Jul-Aug 1978; mem., govt del. to Congo (head: Geng Biao), Oct 1978; ambassador to Tanzania and concurrently to Seychelles, Feb 1980 - Mar 1985; concurrently ambassador to Comoros, Mar 1980 - May 1985; disappeared, May 1985.

He Guang


X' '


Vice-min. of Labor and Personnel, Aug 1983 - Sep 1986; vice-chm, Natl Comte for Workers' Education, Sep 19831986; vice-chm, State Economic Examination Comte, Oct 1983; vice-chm, Natl Comte for Safety Production, Jan 1985; mem., State Education Com, Jun 1985; pres., Assn for Vocational Technical Training, Jul 1985; vice-pres., Society of Chinese Cooperative Economy, Jan 1987; disappeared, Jan 1988.

He Guangyu Ή JL ψ Dpty cos, 5th Corps, 2nd Field Army, 1949; cdr., 17th Corps, 5th Army, 1952; dpty cdr., Guizhou Mil. Distr, Aug 1954; made major-gen., Sep 1955; cdr., Guizhou Mil. Distr, Aig 1965-1975; vice-chm, Guizhou Rev Comte, Aug 1969-1970; dpty-sec., Guizhou Prov. CP, May 1971-1975; cdr., Gansu Mil. Distr, Mar 1977-1978; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 - May 1983; dpty cdr., Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Oct 1979; disappeared, May 1981.

He Haoju



* 1922 Chengdu Municipality, Sichuan

He Jifeng

Sec., Weishi County CP, 1946-48; dpty dir., Yangtse River Shipping Bureau, 1950-58; vice-min. of Building Construction, 1958 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., Construction and Planning Com, Sichuan PPG, May 19741977; vice-chm, Sichuan Rev Comte, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; mem., friendship del. to Japan, Oct 1978; dir., Board of Directors, China Iati Trust and Investment Corp., Oct 1979; vice-gov., Sichuan PPG, Dec 1979May 1985; 2nd sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Jun 1980 - Mar 1983; ehm, Air Defense Comte, Sichuan Prov., Feb 1982; deputy for Sichuan to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988; to 8th, Mar 1993); mem., NPC del. to Mexico and Colombia (head: Peng Chong), Nov 1983; head, Sichuan del. to Kenya, Jan 1985; ehm, Sichuan PPC, May 1985 - Feb 1993; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1986.; mem., China-Cape Verde Friendship Group of NPC, Mar 1986; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1987; mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; deputy for Sichuan to 8th NPC, Mar 1993.

He Jifeng Ή % * 1897 Gaocheng County, Hebei deceased 1980, Jan 20 Graduated from Baoding Mil. Academy; 2nd lieutenant in 11th Div., NW Army and later 1st lieutenant in 42nd Regiment, 22th Div., 1923; captain and company cdr., Training Regiment, Army Inspector's Office, and later major and staff officer, 22nd Brigade, 11th Div., 1924; made battalion cdr., 1925; colonel and cdr., 47th Regiment, 16th Brigade, and then maj-gen. and cdr., 2nd Guards Brigade, 1926; cdr., 14th Brigade, 5th Div., and concurrently dpty cdr., 5th Div., 1927; staff officer, 29th Army, 1928; cdr., 110th Brigade, 37th Div., 29th Army, 1932; attended 1st graduating class, Lushan Training Corps, 1934; dpty cdr., Beijing Students Mil. Training Corps, 1934; made ltn-gen., and cdr., 179th Div., 1937; wounded in action in Hebei Prov., Nov 1937; secretly went to Yan'an to accept Communist training, early 1938; dpty cdr., 77th Army, 1938; cdr., 77th Army, 1943; dpty cdr., 33rd Group Army, and then dpty cdr., 3rd Pacification Zone under KMT Govt, 1946; dpty cdr., Xuzhou Garrison Command, winter 1947; together with Zhang Kexia (q.v.) and 20,000 men went over to the Communists, Nov 1948; made cdr., 34th Army, 11th Army Group, 3rd (Communist) Field Army, Jan 1949; delegate of 3rd Field Army to 1st CPPCC and made mem. of its Nad Comte, Sep 1949; mem., Ν China Admin. Comte, Feb 1953 - Sep 1954; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; vice-min. of Water Conservancy, Oct 1954 Feb 1958; awarded order "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; mem.. Water and Soil Conservancy Com, SC, May 1957; vice-min. of Agriculture, Sep 1958 - Cult. Rev.; vice-pres., Water Conservancy Society, Nov 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy (for unknown province) to 4th NPC, Mar 1974; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 death.


He Jinheng


* 1919 Penglai County, Shandong Joined CCP, 1938; trained at Mil. and Polit. Cadres' School, 8th Route Army, 1939; served successively in artillery of E China Field Army and 3rd Field Army, 1947-1950; cos of Artillery Div., Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1952-53; graduated from PLA Higher Artillery School, 1954; dean of Strategy Dpt, Higher Artillery School, 1954-56; served in Mil. Science Dpt, PLA Artillery Corps, 1956-62; commandant, Zhengzhou Artillery School, 1962-64; dpty cdr., PLA 2nd Artillery (Rocket Corps) Corps Base, 1968-75; cos, PLA 2nd Artillery Corps, 1975-81; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982- Nov 1987; dpty cdr., PLA 2nd Artillery Corps, Nov 1982; cdr., PLA 2nd Artillery Corps, Feb 19831985; deputy for PLA to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., Foreign Affairs Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1988; awarded "Independence Medal of Honor", Jul 1988; disappeared, Jul 1988.

He Jinnian ^f * Shaanxi Took part in Ν Shaanxi Uprising and set up 27th Red Army, 1934; cdr., 27th Red Army, 1935; studied at Workers' and Peasants' Inst, of Red Army, 1935; dpty cdr., Jilin-Heilongjiang Mil. Reg, 1945; served with parts of 359th Brigade and a cavalry unit in the Manzhurian Border Area, Oct 1946; dpty cdr. of an army corps, 4th Field Army, 1949; dpty cdr., NE China Mil. Reg, Aug 1950; mem., NE Mil. and Admin. Comte, Aug 1950 - Jan 1953; acting cdr., NE China Mil. Reg following the transfer of Gao Gang to Beijing, Jan 1953; relieved of his posts in connection with "Gao Gang Affair", Sep 1954; made majgen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., PLA Armored Forces, Dec 1972-1978; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; mem., mil. del. to France and Romania, Sep 1977; mem., mil. del. to Yugoslavia (head: Yang Yong), Jun 1978; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected, Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

He Lanjie Φ Ü Vice-pres., Ν China Branch, Supreme People's Court, Apr 1952 - Sep 1954; dpty chief-justice for criminal law, Supreme People's Court, Apr 1952 - Nov 1954; chief justice, Supreme People's Court, Nov 1954; chief justice for


civilian law, Supreme People's Court, 1963; deputy for Hubei to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; vice-pres., Supreme People's Court, Mar 1966; attacked by Red Guards and purged, Oct 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vicepres., Supreme People's Court, Apr 1973 - May 1982; mem., Judicial Comte, Supreme People's Court, Nov 1979 - May 1982; adviser. Supreme People's Court, May 1982 - Nov 1985; disappeared, Nov 1985.

He Linzhao Ή I t Mil. cadre, Beijing, May 1971; dpty polit, commissar, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Nov 1972-1981; sec., CCP Comte, Xinjiang AR, Jul 1973-1977; disappeared, Dec 1983.



* 1896 Sangzhi County, Hunan deceased 1969, Jun 9 Son of a minor mil. officer who belonged to the Gelaohui (Elder Brother Society), an important secret society; had only little schooling; killed local magistrate with chopping knife and escaped into mountains of W Hunan and E Sichuan, 1912; gathered around him some thousand men, occupied eight counties and became cdr. of this peasant army, 1912-1917; joined provincial army in Hunan, 1918, and rose to cdr. of a div.; garrison cdr. in small town in NW Hunan, 1925; joined Natl Revolutionary Army, 1925; successively served as cdr. of a regiment, cdr., 1st Div., 9th Army and cdr. of 20th Army, 1925-26; participated in Northern Expedition with his army, 1926; transferred to Wuhan with his forces, Dec 1926; participated in Nanchang Uprising, Aug 1927; after failure, with Ye Ting withdrew forces to Shantou, Sep 1927; here the Communist forces were again defeated; He escaped to Lufeng Soviet, organized by Peng Pai, and then fled to Hong Kong, Oct 1927; returned to Hunan via Shanghai and organized 6th Red Army on Hunan-Hubei border, Nov 1927; organized W Hunan Rev Comte and Front Line HQ with 2,000 men, Mar 1928; returned to Hunan-Hubei Border Reg and organized 1st and 4th Regiments with some 2,000 men, May 1929; established Sanzhi Soviet with Wu Daquan as ehm, led 2nd Red Army to defeat Bei Zifang at Lishui, Jun 1929; army reorgâûized into 2nd Army Corps with He as cdr., Jun 1930; mem., Central Executive Comte, Chinese Soviet Republic, Ruijin, Nov 1931 (reelected, Feb 1934); cdr., 3rd Red Army, Dec 1932; forced to withdraw forces to Shaanxi, Hebei and Guizhou, 1933; returned to SW Hubei, mid-1933; joined

He Long

forces with Ren Bishi's 6th Red Army Corps to form 2nd Red Front Army with He as cdr. and Ren as polit, commissar, Oct 1934; 2nd Red Front Army acted as rearguards during Long March, 1934-35; this army set out on its own leg of the Long March, Sep 1935; joined forces with Zhang Guotao's 4th Front Army, Xikang, Jun 1936; joined forces with 1st Front Army from Shaanxi at Huining, Oct 1936; led forces to Ν Shaanxi while Zhang Guotao marched 4th Front Army westward, fall 1936; cdr., 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; led 120th Div. across Huanghe to NW Shanxi, Sep 1937; led his div. into Central Hebei, fall 1938; established NW Shanxi Mil. Distr., 1939; cdr., Shanxi-Suiyuan Mil. Reg, spring 1940; cdr., Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia-Shanxi-Suiyuan Joint Command, 1940; led troops to fight Japanese on Dongpu Railway Line, summer 1940; mem., NW Shansi Admin. Office, Oct 1942; cdr., Garrison Force, 8th Route Army, 1943; concurrently Garrison cdr. and Joint Defense cdr., Ν Shaanxi Mil. Distr, May 1944; mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Jun 1945 (reelected to 8th, Sep 1956); cdr., Shanxi-Suiyuan PLA, 1947-48; cdr., NW PLA 1948-49; pres., NW Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1948; ehm, Xi'an Mil. Control Com, May 1949; cdr., 1st Field Army, Aug 1949; participated in Inaugural Session of CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Central People's Govt Council, Oct 1949Sep 1954; mem., People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, Oct 1949-1954; led units of 1st Field Army into SW China, coordinated with Liu Bocheng's 2nd Field Army, Nov 1949; organized together with Liu SW Mil. Reg with him as cdr., Feb 1950; vice-chm, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950 - Jan 1953; min., Physical Culture and Sports Com, GAC, Nov 1952 - Sep 1954; sec., SW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1952-1954; vice-chm, SW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; head, del. to Ν Korea to "comfort" the Chinese "People's Volunteers" there, Oct-Dec 1953; head, del. to Athlet Meeting, Moscow, Jul 1954; deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Presidium, 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959; to 3rd, Dec 1964); vice-premier, SC, Sep 1954-Cult. Rev.; min., Physical Culture and Sports Com, SC, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954-Cult. Rev.; head, CCP del. to 10th anniversary of founding of Polish Republic, Jul 1955; made marshal and awarded orders of "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; head, del. to attend inauguration of Pakistan Islamic Republic, Karachi, Mar 1956; mem., Presidium, CCP 8th Natl Congr, Sep 1956; mem., Politburo, CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Ν Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Burma, Pakistan, Nov-Dec 1956; accompanied Zhou Enlai to USSR, Poland, Hungary, Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Ceylon, Jan-Feb 1957; head, CCP del. to Ν Korea, OctNov 1960; vice-chm, Mil. Com, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1961 - Cult. Rev.; head, CCP and govt del. to German Democratic Republic, Oct 1961; ehm, China Preparatory Comte for 1st Games of New Emerging Forces (GANEFO), Jun 1963; head, del. to 1st GANEFO, Indo-


He Minxue

nesia, Nov 1963; returned home via Burma, Nov 1963; hon. ehm, Natl Comte, China Comte for GANEFO, Aug 1964; dpty head, CCP del. (led by Zhou Enlai) to attend anniversary celebrations of Oct Revolution, Nov 1964; branded a three-anti counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Jan 1967; died in prison. He was married to Xue Ming. Their son, He Pengfei, was made dpty cdr. of the PLA Navy in 1992. Their daughters He Jiesheng and He Xiaoming both served in the PLA in 1994.

He Minxue

If #


Participated in Nanchang Uprising, Aug 1927; cos, Joint Defense Anti-Japan Volunteers, Shandong-Jiangsi Mil. Distr, 1943; vice-gov., Fujian PPG, Feb 1959- Cult. Rev.; sec., CCP Comte, Fujian Prov., May 1961 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Fujian to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Fujian to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Jul 1979 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); 4th sec., Discipline Inspection Com, Fujian Prov. CP, Dec 1979; vice-chm, Fujian PPC, Dec 1974- Apr 1983; disappeared, Jun 1983. Remarks: He is the elder brother of He Zizhen (q.v.)

He Qifang

Ν Vietnam, Jul 1960; sec.,· Chinese Writers' Assn and dir., Literature Inst, CAS, Nov 1960; editor-in-chief. Literary Review (Wenxue Zhazhi); deputy for Sichuan to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; officially rehabilitated from the charge of "reactionary academic", Jul 1979. He was married to Mou Jueming. Publications: Home Again (collection of poetry, 1937); Songs of the Night (collection of poetry, 1943); Star Fire (collection of essays, 1946); Western Park (collection of essays, 1952); On Realism (series of lectures on literature, 1953); On Writings and Reading Poetry (1956); No Criticism; No Progress (collection of polit, and ideological writings, 1953-58); On Appreciation of Poetry (1962); Springtime of Literature and Arts (1964); Collected Works of He Qifang (six volumes, 1982).

He Qingji

* 1919 Jiangxi Dpty cdr. of regiment, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938; cdr., 28th Div., 10th Column, NE Field Army, Sep 1948; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; cdr., Liaoning Mil. Distr, Oct 1957 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev, Feb 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: Mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; adviser, Shenyang Mil. Reg, Feb 1981; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983; disappeared, May 1983.

He Shoulun

* 1910 Sichuan deceased 1977 Studied classical Chinese as a child; subsequently attended a modern middle school in Chengdu; graduated from Beijing Univ, 1936; awarded a literature prize by Ta Kung Pao for his poem Dream Sketches, 1936; lecturer, Lu Xun Academy of Arts, Yan'an, 1937; dir., Polit. Dpt, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938; ehm, Yan'an Branch, Fed of Writers and Artists and editor of its Dazhong Wenyi and became close associate of Zhou Yang, 1940-47; mem., Natl Comte, Fed of Democratic Youth, May 1949; delegate of this Fed to 1st CPCC, Sep 1949; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949-1954; dpty dir., Editorial Board, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Dec 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, Chinese Writers' Assn, Sep 1953; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; mem., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Editorial Board, People's Literature (Renmin Wenxue), Dec 1955; mem., Afro-Asian solidarity del. to

% )k fa

Ή If te

* 1926 Haicheng County, Liaoning Studied at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1944; dpty dir., Bureau of Ind. and Commerce, Heilongjiang PPG, 1948-49; served in commercial dpty, Heilongjiang PPG, 1952-62; dir., Office of Finance and Trade, Heilongjiang PPG, 1982-83; vice-gov., Heilongjiang PPG, Apr 1983 - Mar 1987; vice-chm, Heilongjiang PPC, Mar 1987 - Jan 1993; head, Heilongjiang del. to Ν Korea, Nov 1991; deputy for Heilongjiang to 8th NPC, Mar 1993.

He Tingyi


* 1912 Awarded order "Liberation" and made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cos, PLA Air Force, Sep 1965 - Cult. Rev.;


He Xiangning (f)

denounced as supporter of He Long and purged, Nov 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jan 1976; dpty cdr., PLA Air Force, May 1976-1984; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 - May 1983; mem., Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 - Sep 1982; mem., Nad Comte, 6th CPPCC, Mar 1983; disappeared, Aug 1984.

1983; the ministry was renamed Min. of Aeronautics Ind. with He remaining vice-min., Jun 1983 - Mar 1988; the minsitry was again renamed into Min. of Aeronautics and Astronautics Ind., with He remaining vice-min., May 1988; dir., Inst, of Aerospace Science and Technology, Sep 1988; visited 5th Asian Aerospace Exhibition in Singapore, Feb 1990; disappeared, Jan 1992.

He Wei

He Xian

* 1909 Henan deceased 1973, Mar 9 Born into a landlord family; graduated from Henan Provincial Normal School; joined CCP and engaged in CCP underground activities; imprisoned by KMT Govt for one year; went to Jiangxi Soviet Area; took part in Long March, 1934-35; trained at Central Party School, Yan'an, 1936; sent to S China to underground work; during SinoJapanese War served successively as sec. to Deng Zihui (q.v.) in his guerilla unit in Fujian Prov.; as polit, commissar, 18th Brigade, 6th Div., New 4th Army, 1937-45; dir., Polit. Dpt, 7th Div., New 4th Army, 1945; polit, commissar, 49th Army, 13th Army Corps, 4th Field Army, 1947-49; sec-gen., Wuhan Mil. Control Com, May 1949; dpty dir., Guilin Mil. Control Com, Nov 1949; mayor of Guilin, Jan 1950; council mem., Guangxi PPG, Feb 1950 - Oct 1952; dpty sec., Guangxi CP, Sep 1951 Sep 1952; sec., CCP Comte, Guangzhou Municipality, Oct 1952 - Oct 1954; mayor, Guangzhou MPG, Dec

deceased 1983, Dec 6 Pres., Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Macao, Nov 1960; deputy for Guangdong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; vice-chm, Board of Directors, Ji'nan Univ, Oct 1978; dir., Board of Directors, China Internad Trust and Investment Corp., Oct 1979; ehm, Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Macao, Oct 1979; pres., Asian Chinese Chess Fed, Apr 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 - death.

1952 - Oct 1954; mem., Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Oct 1954; deputy for Guangzhou to 1st NPC, Jul 1954; asst min. of Foreign Affairs, Nov 1954 - Nov 1957; ambassador to Ν Vietnam, Dec 1957 - Mar 1962; attended Laotian celebration of Aug 9th political coup d'etat, Aug 1961; head, economic and cultural del. to Laos, Jan 1962; 2nd sec., CCP Comte, Henan Prov., Aug 1962 - Jul 1964; ehm, Henan PPC, Apr 1963 - Jul 1964; min. of Education, Jul 1964 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Henan to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; head, friendship del. to USSR, Feb 1965; head, govt del. to Congo, Aug 1965; charged as counter-revolutionary and revisionist element and purged, Nov 1966.

He Wenzhi



* 1931 Qian County, Shaanxi Graduation from Qinghua Univ, 1952; worked as engineer in Hongdou Machinery Plant, Nanchang City, 1952-78; dir., Helicopter Inst, under 3rd Min. of Machine Building, 1979-80; vice-min. of Aviation Ind., May 1982 - Jun


He Xiangning (f)



* 1878 Hong Kong deceased 1972, Sep 1 Daughter of a businessman. Married Liao Zhongkai, 1897; together went to Japan, 1902, where He studied at Tokyo Girls Art School; together with husband joined Sun Yat-sen's Tongmenghui, 1905, He being the first woman to join this party; husband Liao soon became Sun's closest associate; studied painting at Ueno School of Art, Tokyo, 1908-10; returned to China, 1911, and worked together with husband for Sim; when Sun fled to Japan once again both followed him and spent the next decade in Tokyo, 1913-23; returned to China, 1923; half a year after Sun's death, husband Liao was assassinated, Aug 1925; the widow of both, Soong Ching Ling and He became the first women to be elected members, Central Executive Comte, KMT, Jan 1926; mem., Central Govt Council, 1928; went to Germany and France, 1930; mem., Executive Comte, Central Comte, KMT, 1931; during Sino-Japanese War lived in Hong Kong engaged in rendering relief to refugees, 1937-45; together with Tan Pingshan founded Three People's Principles Comrades Assn to oppose KMT, 1948; joined KMT Revolutionary Comte led by Li Jishen and elected mem., Central Comte, 1948; issued statement to join the Communist side, May 1948; returned to China from Hong Kong, Jan 1949; hon. ehm, Fed of Democratic Women, Mar 1949; invited to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949;


He Ximing

council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949; mem., Central People's Govt, Oct 1949; vice-chm, Comte for Implementation of Marriage Law, GAC, Jan 1953; hon. ehm, Women's Fed, Apr 1953; deputy for Overseas Chinese to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); ehm, Overseas Chinese Affairs Com SC, Sep 1954- Apr 1959; vice-chm, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959); vicechm, KMT Revolutionary Comte, Feb 1956 - Jan 1966; vice-chm, Stand. Comte, 2nd NPC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Jan 1965); vice-chm, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Aug 1960; ehm, Revolutionary Comte of the Chinese KMT, Aug 1960 - death. Children: Liao Mengxing (0, 1903-88 and Liao Chengzhi, 1908-83.

He Ximing


* 1910 Hunan Graduated from moscow Oriental Univ; dir., Ν Jiangsu Admin. Office, 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950 Jan 1953; council mem., Guangxi PPG, Mar 1950- Jun 1954; sec-gen., Guangxi PPG, May 1951; sec-gen., Guangdong PPG, May 1953; vice-chm, Guangdong PPC, Aug 1953; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Feb 1955; vicegov., Guangxi PPG, Aug 1957 - Cult. Rev.; sec., CCP Comte, Guangxi Prov., Feb 1958 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Guangxi to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; denounced as an agent of "China's Krushchov" in Guangxi and disappeared, Aug 1968.

He Yao


* 1923 Shenze County, Hebei Joined CCP, 1943; ehm, Jinxian People's Mil. Comte, 1945-46; dpty magistrate, Luancheng County, 1949-50; magistrate of Yanjiang County, 1950-53; sec-gen., Shanba Admin. Office, 1953-54; ehm, Financial and Economic Planning Com, Hetao Admin. Reg, 1955-56; sec-gen., Bayannur League CP in Inner Mongolia AR, 1957 - Cult. Rev.; criticized as a counterrevolutionary and purged, Sep 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: Vice-chm, People's Congr, Inner Mongolia AR, Apr 1983 - Jun 1988.

He Ying

Ή &

* 1914 Qionghai County, Guangdong

deceased 1993, Oct 3 Special commissioner, Guangzhou City CP, 1938; studied at Yan'an Marxist-Leninist College, 1939; lecturer at this college, 1941-44; service in dpts of CCP Central Comte, 1944-45; dir., Polit. Dpt in a div. of NE United Array, 1946-47; polit, commissar of a div., 4th Field Army, 1947-49; consul general in Jakarta, Mar 1950 - Oct 1952; dpty dir., Dpt of Asian Affairs, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Oct 1952 - Sep 1954; ambassador to PR Mongolia, Sep 1954 - Sep 1959; dpty dir., 1st Dpt of Asian Affairs, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Sep 1959 - Jan 1960; dir., Dpt of West Asian and African Affairs, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Jan 1960 - Feb 1962; council mem., Sino-African Friendship Assn, Apr 1960; ambassador to Tanganyika, Feb 1962 (remained ambassador when Tanganyika becama Tansania, 1964) - abouut 1967; concurrently ambassador to Uganda, Apr 1963 - Apr 1964; accompanied pres. Nyerere on China visit, Feb 1965; disappeared 1967; dpty dir., Dpt of West Asian and African Affairs, Jul 1970 May 1972; mem., del. to funeral of pres. Nasser of Egypt (head: Guo Moruo), Sep 1970; vice-min. of Foreign Affairs, May 1972 - May 1982; head, govt del. to Iraq, Jul 1974; mem., govt del. to Iran (head: Li Xiannian), Apr 1975; mem., govt del. to Zambia and Tanzania (inauguration of Tan-Zam Railway), Jul 1976; subsequently visited Zaire; accompanied Deng Yingchao to Iran, Nov 1977; visited Kuwait and Jordan, Jun 1978; mem., friendship del. to Sudan and Turkey (head: Ulanhu)), Nov 1978; mem., govt del. to Tanzania, Mozambique, Zambia, Zaire, Pakistan, Jan 1979; visited Kenya, Somalia, Oman, Lebanon, Yemen Arab Republic, Oct 1979; accompanied Chen Muhua to Tunisia, Morocco, Senegal, Mauritania, Liberia, Algeria, Mar 1980; head, del. to Intl Meeting on Humanitarian Assistance and Relief to the Cambodian People, held in Geneva, May 1980; visited Yugoslavia, Jun 1980; Chinese representative to 7 th Emergency Special Session of UN General Assembly on the Palestine Question, New York, Jul 1980; visited Great Britain, Aug 1980; head, del. to 38th Session of UN Economic and Social Com for Asia and Pacific (UNESCAP), Bangkok, Mar 1982; special envoy of Chinese govt to Turkey, Syria, Libya, Cyprus, Egypt, May 1982; adviser to Min. of Foreign Affairs, Jul 1982 - Jul 1984; vice-chm, China Natl Comte for "1983 World Communications Year", Dec 1982; friendship visits to Yugoslavia, Iran and Arab Republic of Yemen, Jan 1983; head, del. to 39th Session of UNESCAP, Bangkok, Apr 1983; deputy for Guangdong


bo 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1983); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); vice-chm, Overseas Chinese Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., NPC del. to Ν Korea (head: Chen Pixian), Jun 1984; mem., NPC del. to Burma ansd Thailand (head: Ye Fei), Nov 1984; adviser, China Assn for the Promotion of Ind Friendship, May 1985; head, NPC del. to symposium sponsored by Inter-Parliamentary Union on Disarmament, Mexico, May 1985; delegate to All-African Parliamentary Conf. on Population and Development, Harare in Zimbabwe, May 1986; successively visited Zambia; head, NPC del. to 76th Session of Inter-Parliamentary Union, Buenos Aires, Sep 1986; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1987; mem., Presidium, 1st Session of 7th NPC, May 1988; dpty head, NPC del. to Philippines (head: Ye Fei), Jan 1989; delegate to celebrations of Oman's 20th anniversary, Nov 1990; head, NPC del. to Philippines, Jun 1991; head, NPC del. to Iran, Sep 1991. He was married to Wang Hao.

H e Yiran % # M Vice-chm, Rev Comte, Guangxi AR, Dec 1977-79; vicechm, People's Govt, Guangxi AR, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Comte, Guangxi AR, May 1980 - Mar 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Guangxi AR, Feb 1981 - Mar 1983; disappeared, Mar 1983.

H e Yixiang ^ VÀ # * 1912 Joined a Communist guerilla unit in Sichuan, 1930; cdr. of a div. in Shandong Mil. Distr, 1945; cdr., 3rd Column, E China Field Army, 1946; cos, 11th Army Group, 3rd Field Army, which occupied Nanjing, Apr 1949; cos, Shandong Mil. Distr, Dec 1953; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; served in Zhejiang Mil. Distr, 1963; acting dir., Nad Defense Athletic Assn, Oct 1964; dpty cdr., Zhejiang Mil. Distr, Jun 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: Cdr., Shanghai Garrison, Jun 1978 - Jul 1981; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanghai CP, May 1979-1981; dpty cdr., Nanjing Mil. Reg, Jun 1979-1981; dpty head, Shanghai Air Defense Leading Group, Oct 1979; vice-chm, Shanghai MPC, Apr 1983; disappeared, Jul 1983. He was married to Wang Yuying.

He Youfa Φ & & Cdr. of a regiment, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Field Army, 1946; cdr., 12th Brigade of same army, Í947, which was reaorganized in 1948 to form the Ν China Field Army; dpty cdr., 192nd Div., 64 Corps, 19th Army, 1949; transferred with his units to Korean War, Feb 1951; cdr., 192nd Div., Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1952; cos, 64th Army, 1955; dpty cdr., 64th Army, 1959;

He Zhengwen

cdr., Jilin Mil. Distr, 1967-1983; vice-chm. Rev Comte, Jilin Prov., Mar 1967-1977; sec., CCP Comte, Jilin Prov., Mar 1971 - Apr 1983; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 - May 1983; ehm, Jilin Prov. Air Defense Comte, Jan 1982; adviser, Shanyang Mil. Reg, Jan 1984; disappeared, Mar 1984.

H e Z e h u i (f)



* 1914 Received doctorate from Berlin Univ, 1940; subsequently worked at Heidelberg Univ; after World War II started to work at Curie Inst., France; here she married Qian Sanqiang (q.v.) with whom she developed a new technique for splitting uranium (her most significant contribution to science were the demonstration of elastic collision of positive and negative electrons in a cloud chamber and the discovery of ternary fission of uranium with nuclear emulsion; finally, observed what she suspected to be the quarternary fission); returned to China, 1948; head, Counter Section, Low Energy Accelerator Laboratory, Inst, of Atomic Energy, CAS, 1950; researcher at Modern Physics Inst., CAS, 1953; mem., Executive Comte, All-China Women's Fed, Apr 1953; mem., del. to World Democratic Women's Conf., Copenhagen, Jun 1953; won 3rd prize of CAS Science Awards for her paper "Research into the process of preparing Nuclear Emulsoid", Jan 1957; deputy for Henan to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Presidium, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; dpty dir., Inst, of High Energy Physics, CAS, Mar 1978; mem., govt del. to Federal Republic of Germany and France (head: Fang Yi), Oct 1978; mem., Dept of Mathematics and Physics, CAS, Jun 1985; mem., General Assembly, CAS, Aug 1988; disappeared, Aug 1988.



y mFj&l * 1917 Tongjiang County, Sichuan


He Zhengzhang

Joined Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, 1932; cos of a cavalry regiment, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1939; cdr. of a subdistrict under Taiheng Mil. Reg, 1945-47; cos of a column, Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army, 1947-49; cdr. of a div. under 2nd Field Army, 1949-50; cos, Sichuan Mil. Distr, 1950-55; dpty cdr., Chengdu Mil. Reg, Jul 1955; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; graduation from PLA Mil. Academy, 1957; continued as dpty cdr., Chengdu Mil. Reg, 1957 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., May 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1974; again dpty cdr., Chengdu Mil. Reg, Sep-Dec 1974; head, militia del. to Syria, Sep 1974; dpty chief, PLA General Staff, Dec 1974 - Apr 1985; head, mil. del. to Sweden, Oct 1975; head, mil. del. to Mexico, Sep 1976; head, mil. del to Sri Lanka, Feb 1977; head, mil. friendship del. to Sudan and Somalia, Oct 1978; visited Mexico to attend 170th anniversary of Mexico's independence, Sep 1980; subsequently visited Yugoslavia; mem., Central Patriotic Sanitation Campaign Comte, Jul 1981; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983; dpty head, State Leading Group for the Settlement of Discharged Servicemen, Retired Mil. Cadres and Cadres who left Service for Recuperation, Nav 1983; head, mil. del. to Jordan, Oman, Pakistan, Dec 1984 - Jan 1985; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, by-elected Apr 1986 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); disappeared, Jan 1991. He was married to Wan Li.

He Zhengzhang Ή # Vice-min. of Textile Ind., Mar 1982- Apr 1988; mem., Economic Examination Comte, SC, Oct 1983; pres., Society of Textile Engineering, Oct 1984; disappeared, Apr 1988.

He Zhihua

IT &

H e Z i z h e n (f)

1>] - f


* 1909 Guanzhen, Yongxin City, Jiangxi

deceased 1984, Apr 19 Graduation from a missionary middle school in Yongxin; deeply influenced by her elder brother, He Minxue, joined CCP, 1926; sec., Yongxin Branch, CYL, 1927; met Mao Zedong when the Communists took Yongxin, 1928; soon later they married; made the Long March on Mao's side and wounded in combat, 1935; sent to Moscow for medical treatment, 1937; returned to China nine years after Mao had married his third wife, Jiang Qing, 1948; service in Financial Dpt, Shenyang MPG, 1948; dir., Women's Dpt, CCP Comte, Hangzhou Municipality, 1949; dir., Org. Dpt, Polit. Dpt, Shanghai Mil. Control Com, 1951; mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected at 4th Plenum, Jun 1979. Remarks: He had five children with Mao Zedong; only Li Min survived.

Hei Boli, Haji Hossain




deceased 1994, Apr 27 Head of an expert group to Algeria for the study of industrial and technological conditions, Oct 1963 - Jan 1964; vice-min. of Light Ind., Sep 1979 - Nov 1985; pres., China Food Society, Nov 1980; ehm, Dairy Products and Child Food Ind. Assn, Nov 1981; head, fact-finding del. to U.S.A., where he died, Apr 1994.

He Zhiyuan ^T & & Served in 5th Regiment, New 4th Army, 1939; polit, commissar, 26th Army, 1948; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; 2nd polit, commissar, Shandong Mil. Distr, Feb 19611976; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Shandong Prov., Nov 1969; mem., Stand. Comte, Shandong CP, Ost 1972; polit, commissar, Shandong Mil. Distr, Jun 1976-1980; 2nd polit, commissar, Shandong Mil. Distr, May 1980; disappeared, Mar 1984.

* 1918 Linqing County, Shandong H. belonged to Hui minority. Dir., Linqing Office, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937-39; CCP cadre in minor positions, Shandong Prov., 1940-49; served in Central Cadre School of Polit. Science and Law, 1952-56; secgen., People's Govt, Ningxia AR, 1959 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jul 1978; dpty dir., Polit. Div. under Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1978-1980; sec-gen., State Nationalities Com, Sep 1980; sec., CCP Comte, Ningxia AR, Jun 1982 - Jul 1983; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; ehm, People's Govt, Ningxia AR, Apr 1983 - Mar 1987; deputy for Ningxia AR to 6th NPC, May 1983; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Ningxia AR, Jul 1983-1986; head, Moslem friendship del. to Pakistan and Kuwait, Feb 1985; head, Moslem friendship del. to Egypt, Yemen Arab Republic, Saudi Arabia, Apr 1985; mem., Nationalities Comte, 6th


NPC, Jun 1985 - Mar 1988; ehm, People's Congr, Ningxia AR, Apr-Nov 1987; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; mem.. Economic Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jan 1991.

Hong Chaosheng

Hong Sisi

& «


& jft ±

* 1920 Received Ph.D. from Massachusetts Inst, of Technology, 1948; met British physicist Kurti, Aug 1964; deputy for Inner Mongolia AR to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; delegate to a scientific forum in Beijing, Jul 1966; dir.. Low Temperature Laboratory, CAS, 1980; vice-pres., China Physics Society, Feb 1983; mem., Dpt of Mathematics and Physics, CAS, Jun 1985; researcher in cryophysics, Jun 1985; dir., Cryogenics Center, CAS, Mar 1988; mem., Science and Technology Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; together with Zhou Yuan won the Hu Gangfu Physics Prize for the breakthrough in China's low temperature technology, Mar 1989; disappeared, Mar 1989.

Hong Jing (f)

Hong Y¡


* 1917 Fuzhou City, Fujian Graduated from Physics Dpt, Yanjin Univ, 1937; graduated from Postgraduate School of Qinghua Univ in Kunming, 1940; obtained M.A. from Rochester Univ, U.S.A., 1946; returned to China, 1951; worked successively as prof, and vice-pres., Harbin Technology Univ, 1952-66; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, CPPCC Branch, Heilongjiang Prov., Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Apr 1988.

* 1907 Singapore deceased 1989, May 11 Studied at Japanese univ; once served as editor-in-chief of Xin Zhonghua Bao in Sumatra, of Guanghu Ribao in Penang and as dir. of Nanjiang Wanbao in Singapore; also served as sec-gen., Singapore Overseas Chinese Fed for Promotion of Peace and Democracy in the Motherland, led by Chen Jiageng (Tan Kah Kee); mem., Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, GAC, Nov 1950; deputy for Overseas Chinese to 1st NPC, Oct 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958, and to 3rd, Sep 1964); visited Singapore, Jul 1955; dpty sec-gen., Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, Oct 1956; mem., Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, SC, May 1957; dpty dir., 2nd Dpt, Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, SC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1974; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dpty sec-gen., Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, May 1978 - Apr 1984; vice-chm, Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, Sep 1979 - death; vice-pres., Overseas Chinese History Society, Dec 1981; ehm, Board of Directors Council of XNA, Sep 1982; deputy for Fujian to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC and mem. of its Overseas Chinese Comte, Jun 1983 - Mar 1988; pres., Overseas Chinese History Society, Jul 1986 death; dir., China News Service Council, Oct 1987; ehm, Board of Directors, Hong Kong paper Zhongguo Xinwen She, Oct 1987; adviser, Overseas Chinese Comte, 7th NPC, Jul 1988 - death. Publication: Experiences on Foreign Land.

Hong Yi

& ft

Publication: Dynamic and Heat Nature of Solids.

Hong Peilin



* 1916 deceased 1989, Dec 20 Dir., Dpt of Public Health, Jiangsu PPG, Aug 1962; vicechm, Rev Comte, Jiangsu Prov., Jun-Dec 1979; vicegov., Jiangsu PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, Jiangsu CP, Oct 1981 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Jiangsu PPC, Jun 1984; last appearance, Apr 1987.

§S®: ***** ! a·!

•¡4 * 1924 Lingshou County, Hebei Dpty dir., Finance Com, Zhangjiakou Admin. Office, 1953-55; cadre, Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1959-66; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Hebei Prov., Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; vice-gov., Hebei PPG, Feb


Hou Baolin

1980 - May 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, Hebei Prov. CP, Aug 1980 - Mar 1983; vice-chm, Hebei PPC, May 1988; disappeared, May 1988.

Hou Baolin

I t ^ f t

* 1916 deceased 1993, Feb 4 Hou belonged to the Manzhu minority. He became known as a cross-talk actor and comedian. Deputy for Beijing to 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5-7th, 1978, 83, 88); mem., Presidium, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; vicepres., Assn of Ballad Singers, Nov 1979; prof., Dpt of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Univ, Jim 1980; mem., Presidium, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; instructor, Central Broadcasting Art Troupe, Sep 1983; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1986; mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, Assn for the Peaceful Reunification of China, Sep 1988. Among his publications: Selected Comic Dialogues.

Hou Debang


1935; went to Germany and successively to U.S.A., 1937; established W China New Alkali Plant at Jianwei, Sichuan Prov., 1938; made hon. mem. by British Chemical Ind. Society, Oct 1943; awarded Hon. D.Sc. by Columbia Univ, Jun 1944; awarded Medal of Brilliant Star by KMT Govt, Apr 1945; went to U.S.A. to plan design new chemical factory for Hunan Prov. and to conduct negotiations for borrowing U.S.S 16 million, 1946; technical dir., Tata Chemical Factory in India, 1947; went to U.S.A. for 6th time, 1948; returned to China, Apr 1949; mem., Preparatory Comte, 1st Natural Science Workers Congr, Jul 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954); mem.. Financial and Economic Comte, GAC, Oct 1949; vice-chm. Fed of Scientific Societies, Aug 1950 pres., China Chemistry Society, Aug 1951; mem., Executive Comte, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Nov 1952; deputy for Jiangsu, 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., scientific del. to India, Dec 1954 Jan 1955; mem., Central Comte, China Democratic Natl Construction Assn, Apr 1955; mem., Dpt of Technical Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Mar 1956; mem., del. to World Peace Council meeting, Stockholm, Apr 1956; successively visited Italy; mem., del. to World Peace Conf., Colombo, May 1957; vice-min. of Chemical Ind., Mar 1958; vice-chm, Scientific and Technology Assn, Sep 1958; council mem., ChinaIraq Friendship Assn, Sep 1958; pres., Chemical Engineering Society, Apr 1959; mem., CCP and govt del. to Romania, Aug 1964; head, chemical ind. del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1964. Remarks: In 1925 Hou developed the Red Triangle brand soda, which won a gold medal at the World Expo in Philadelphia, U.S.A. In 1939 he developed the combination method for soda production, a breakthrough in the world's soda industry, a method later named after him as Hou's Method. It raised the salt utilityrate to over 95 per cent, simplifies the production procedure and lowers costs. Publications: Alkali Manufacturing Industry (in English), 1942.

* 1890 Fuzhou, Fujian deceased 1974, Aug 26 Graduated from Fujian-Anhui Railroad School, 1908; won Qinghua Univ Boxer Indemnity Fund scholarship to study in U.S.A., 1910; received B.S. degree from Massachusetts Inst, of Technology, 1917, and Ph.D. in chemistry, Columbia Univ, 1920; chief engineer Yongli Alkali Manufacturing Co. at Danggu, Hebei Prov., 1920; supervised construction of alkali factory which started production, 1922; inspection trip to U.S.A., 1931; supervised construction of factory for manufactoring soda ash and caustic soda, 1932; went to U.S.A. again to study plans for ammonia factory, 1933; manager Yongli Ammonia Factory,

H o u Jie fé & Dpty dir., Ind. and Communications Dpt, Tibet CP, Feb 1960; dir., Communications Dpt, Tibet AR, Dec 1962; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP of Tibet AR, Dec 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: Vice-chm, People's Govt, Tibet AR, Aug 1979- Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, Tibet CP, Jul 1982 - Mar 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, Advisory Comte, Tibet CP, Dec 1983; disappeared, Oct 1984.


Hou Jingru


Hou Shujun

County, 1973; vice-chm, Hebei Branch, Chinese Women's Fed, Jul 1973; deputy (for Hebei?) to 4th NPC and mem. of its Stand. Comte, Jan 1975; received by Hua Guofeng a nationally renowned educated youth, Aug 1979; disappeared, Aug 1979.

Hou Renzhi fe ^ * 1902 Yongcheng County, Henaii deceased 1994, Oct 25 Mera., 1st graduating class, Whampoa Mil. Academy, 1924; subsequently served in Nationalist Army successively as cos, 91st Army, cdr., 21st Div., dpty cdr., 92nd Army and cdr., 17th Army Group, with rank of ltn-gen.; fled to Hong Kong, 1949; returned to PR China, 1952; mem., 2nd Natl Comte, CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Mar 1959; to 4th Dec 1964); alt. mem., Central Comte, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Feb 1956; mem., Central Comte, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Dec 1958 Cult. Rev.; mem., Natl Defense Council, Apr 1959 - Dec 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Sep 1972; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983; to 7th, Apr 1988 - Mar 1993); vice-chm, Beijing MPC, Dec 1979-1985; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Sep 1981 - Dec 1992; vice-pres., Chinese People's Assn for Peace and Disarmament, Jun 1985; invited to 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; vice-chm, CPPCC Comte of Fraternity for Reunification of the Motherland, Jun 1988-1993; ehm, Assn for the Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China, Sep 1988 - death; pres., Whampoa (Huangpu) Mil. Academy Alumni, Oct 1988 - death; vice-chm, 7th CPPCC, Mar 1989 (reelected to 8th, Mar 1993 - death); hon. ehm, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Dec 1992 death; executive ehm, 1st Session, 8th CPPCC, Mar 1993.


* 1911 Studied history an Yanjing Univ, early 1930s; studied at Liverpool Univ, England and received Ph.D., 1946-49; returned to China, 1949; taught successively at Yanjing and Beijing Univ, 1951-60; dir., Dpt of Geology and Geography, Beijing Univ, Feb 1961; vice-pres., Chinese Geography Society, 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again vice-pres., Geography Society, Jun 1979; prof, of Beijing Univ, Jan 1980; admitted to CCP, Jul 1980; hon. pres., Society on Deserts, Oct 1980; ehm, Beijing Admin. Comte for Preservation of Historic Relics, Jun 1981; mem., Dpt of Earth Sciences, CAS, Jun 1985; adviser to Intl Academy of Chinese Culture, May 1988; disappeared, Mar 1991.

Hou Shujun

Hou Jun (f) fë M

* 1947 Finished education at Liangxing Middle Sçhool in Beijing, 1962; joined CCP, 1966; dpty CCP sec. and vice-chm Rev Comte, Baodi County, Tianjin, 1971; led by Hou, a group of educated young people undertook to cultivate 1,120 mou of wasteland for agricultural utilization, 1972; CCP sec. and vice-chm, Rev Comte, Doujiaqiao Production Brigade in Shigezhuang People's Commune, Baodi

* 1927 Wendeng County, Shandong Joined 8th Route Army, 1945; graduated from NE PLA Aviation School, 1949; served as group and regiment cdr. in Air Force of Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea (shot down two enemy planes), 1951-53; cdr. of a regiment, PLA Air Force, 1953-58; graduation from Red Flag Air School of USSR, 1959; served successively as dpty cdr. and cdr. of an Air Force div., 1959-69; dpty cdr. of an Air Force corps, 1969-78; cdr., Air Force, Chengdu Mil. Reg, Sep 1985-1989; dpty cdr., Chengdu Mil. Reg, Feb 1988; made ltd-gen., Sep 1988; disappeared, Jan 1991.

Hou Tong

Hou Tong


Publications: History of Ancient Chinese Thought; General History of Chinese Thought; A Course on New Philosophy ; The Three People's Principles and the New Democracy; translated Karl Marx' Das Kapital into Chinese.

Hou Xueyu

Visited France on several occasions before the foundation of the PRC; vice-chm, Comte for Promotion of Intl Trade, 1963; visited Intl Trade Fair in Lyon, France, Mar 1964; successively visited Paris and Venice; head, del. to Chinese Economic Construction Exhibition in Ethiopia, Oct 1964; head, trade del. to Austria, Dec 1964; mem., Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Jun 1965; head, del. to 5th Conf. of the Afro-Asian Economic Cooperation Conf., Casablanca, Morocco, May 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Assn. for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Feb 1979; head, friendship del. to Colombia and Venezuela, May 1979; head, friendship del. to Nepal, Dec 1980; head, friendship del. to U.S.A., Sep 1981; disappeared, Jul 1982.

Hou Wailu



* 1902 Jiexiu County, Shanxi deceased 1987, Sep 14 Born into a landlord family; graduated from Beijing Normal College and later went to France under a work-study program; expelled from France, 1923, and made his way back to China via Moscow; prof, of history, Beijing Univ, 1924; imprisoned by KMT Govt for Communist activities, 1935-37; dean of studies, Nad Revolutionary Univ, Shanxi, 1938; worked for China Academic Worker's Assn and the Sino-Soviet Cultural Assn, Chongqing, 1941-44; editor of New Tide of Thought (a weekly supplement of Wenhui Bao), 1946; fled to Hong Kong, 1948; dir., History Dpt, Beijing Normal Univ, Oct 1949-1950; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, GAC, Dec 1949 - Oct 1954; pres., NW Univ in Xi'an, Mar 1950-1958; mem., del. to 2nd World Peace Congr, Prague, Oct 1950; council mem., History Society and Philosophy Society, 1951; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958 and to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955 - Cult. Rev.; head, scientific del. to Mongolia and Romania, Jul 1955; dir., Inst, of History, CAS, Mar 1961 - Cult. Rev.; dpty dir., People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Oct 1962; mem., academic del. to Japan, Nov 1963; branded as a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Oct 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: Deputy for Shanxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 - May 1983; cleared from false charges made during Cult. Rev., May 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, by-elected May 1984; hon. dir., History Inst., CAS, May 1984.

# *£

* 1912 He County, Anhui deceased 1991, Apr 16 Graduated from Agricultural Dpt, Central Univ, 1937; obtained Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State Univ, U.SA., 1949; served successively in Inst, of Botany, CAS; as prof, of Qinghua Univ, Beijing Normal Univ and Beijing Univ; mem., Biology Dpt, CAS, and as vice-pres., Ecological Society, 1950-83; deputy for Anhui to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, and men. of its Financial and Economic Comte, Jun 1983; pres., Society of National Resources, Oct 1983; mem., Biology Dpt, CAS, Jun 1985; dir. of a div., Inst of Botany, CAS, Dec 1985; vice-chm, China-Venezuela Friendship Group of NPC, Mar 1986; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; mem., Economic Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988. Publications: Indicator Plant of Chinese Acid; Calcium and Solinized Soil; China's Vegetation; China's Vegetation Geography and the Chemical Composition of its Dominant Plants.

Hou Yong


* 1922 Gaoyang County, Hebei Joined CCP, 1940; sec., Houlu County CP, 1949-50; head, Secretariat Office of ehm of Ν China Admin. Com, 1952-54; dpty head, Mass Work Section of General Office, CCP Central Comte, 1959-60; dpty head, Research Office, NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1960-66; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec-gen., CCP Comte, Inner Mongolia AR, 1975-1979; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Inner Mongolia AR,


Dec 1977 - fall 1978; vice-gov., Anhui PPG, Mar 19791 985; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Anhui CP, Mar 1990; disappeared. Mar 1990.

Hou Zhenya fé & • 1 9 1 6 Longqi County, Fujian Dpty dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Comte, Fujian Prov., 1954-58; dir., Personel Dpt, Fujian CP, 1954; deputy for Fuzhou to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; dir., Org. Dpt, Fujian CP, Feb 1959; deputy for Fujian to 2nd NPC, Feb 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); sec., Fujian CP, May 1964- Cult. Rev.; denounced as an agent of "China's Khrushchov" in Fujian and purged, Aug 1968.

H o u Zonglian






* 1900 Haicheng County, Liaoning Graduated from Manzhu Medical School, 1920; subsequently studied in Japan, Austria and Germany; received doctor of medicine degree from Kyoto Univ, Japan, 1926; served successively as prof, of Beijing Univ, dir. of Fujian Medical College, Xi'an Medical College and Medical Inst, of NW Univ, 1931-50; dir., NW Medical College, 1954-66; deputy for Shaanxi to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.; Deputy for Shaanxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); dir., Xi'an Medical College, Jun 1979; vice-chm, Shaanxi PPC, Dec 1979 - Jun 1988; ehm, Shaanxi Branch, Science and Technology Assn, Nov 1981; mem., Stand. Comte Jiusan Society, Jul 1984; vicechm, Central Advisory Com, Jiusan Society, 1989. Remarks: Hou was engaged in study of common neurophysiology and cause of acupunture analgesia.

Hu Bingyun $ ^ Participated in Long March; cdr. of a regiment, New 4th Army, 1938; cdr. of a brigade, 1946; cdr. of a corps, 3rd Field Army, 1949; cdr., Fuzhou Garrison, Sep 1952; cos, Fujian Mil. Distr, 1955; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Feb 1960; cdr., Shaanxi Mil. Distr, Feb 1964 - Sep 1967; transferred to Central Mil. Leadership, Sep 1967-1970; cadre in Sichuan Prov., Oct 1974; cdr., Shaanxi Mil. Distr, Jul 1977 - Jan 1981; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; sec., CCP Comte, Shaanxi Prov., Sep 1978-1980; dpty cdr., Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Sep 1978-1980; vice-chm, Shaanxi PPC, Dec 1979; disappeared, Nov 1982.

Hu Feng

H u D e h u a (f)



* 1925 Shangyu County, Zhejiang Worked in Students' Com, Shanghai CP, 1944-46; served in Shanghai Branch, CYL, 1949-55; editor-in-chief, New Children's Journal, 1955-58; dpty dir., Shanghai Juveniles' and Children's Publishing House, 1958-63; mem., Central Comte, CYL, Jul 1964; deputy for Zhejiang to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1977; sec., CYL, Oct 1978 - Dec 1982; ehm, CYL Summer Camp Comte, Jul 1979; pres., Young Pioneers Work Society, Aug 1979; vice-chm, Natl Council for Cultural and Art Work for Children, May 1981-1984; sec., All-China Women's Fed, Jun 1981; deputy for Yunnan to 6th NPC, May 1983 Mar 1988; mem., Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Comte, Jun 1983 - Mar 1988; head, women's del. to Brazil, Dec 1984; mem., China-Australia Friendship Group of NPC, Mar 1986; delegate to Meeting of Parliamentary Women of the 77th World Inter-Parliamentary Conf., Managua, Apr 1987; deputy for Zhejiang to 7th NPC and mem. of its Law Comte, Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1988; mem., Internal and Judical Affairs Comte, 7th NPC, Sep 1988; disappeared, Sep 1988.

Hu Feng



* 1903 Yidu County, Hubei deceased 1985, Jun 8 Born into a laborer's family. Attended school in Nanjing and joined CYL, 1923-25; went to Japan, 1928; earned his living by writing political essays; expelled from Japan for leftist activities, 1933; joined League of Left-wing Writers, founded by Lu Xun, Shanghai 1934; as a nonconformist Hu did not agree with the official Communist theory that literature has to reflect class struggle - although understanding himself as a Marxist. His main contrahent in these days was Zhou Yang (q.v.) who later should rise in the Communist hierarchy as a supervisor of its literary policy. After outbreak of Sino-Japanese War went to


Hu Hong

Chongqing, 1937; Mao Zedong's "Talks on Art and Literature", held 1942 an Yan'an, that literature has to be a political instrument, found his opposition; together with some friends he began to publish the magazine Xiwang (Hope), Jan 1945, meant as an instrument against the doctrinairism of the Communist left-wing circles; the article On Subjectivism, published in its first edition, was rebuffed by the officiai Party line represented by Zhou Yang and Hu was forced to abandon his magazine; he, nevertheless, was elected mem., Stand. Comte, Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Jul 1949 (one of its vice-chm: Zhou Yang); mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Feb 1950-1953; presented a report to the CCP Central Comte in which he opposed its literature policy blaming it as sterile, Jule 1954; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; again attacked the Party's literature policy, Nov 1954; directed by Zhou Yang, a campaign was started aiming at the liquidation of Hu and his followers, 1955; RMRB published letters between Hu and his followers, in this context accusing him of planning the overthrow of the Party leadership, May 1955; Hu presented a self-criticism which the Party did not accept, May 13, 1955; deprived of all his posts and imprisoned, Jul 18, 1955; released from prison, 1979 (3 years after Mao Zedong's death and the fall of the "Gang of Four"); Hu's membership in the Chinese Writer's Assn was restored, Oct 1981; RMRB published an article by Hu, A little reminiscences, describing the launching of the journal Qiyue (July) and the background to the publication of an article in the first issue entitled Mao Zedong on Lu Xun, Oct 12, 1981; by-elected mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC and identified as adviser, Inst, of Literature and Art under Min. of Culture, Nov 1981; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Dec 1981 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); adviser to Writers' Assn, Dec 1981; mem., Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Jun 1982.

Hu Hong



•1918 Chongqing City, Sichuan Studied at Shanghai Chizhi College, 1938; joined CCP, 1938; served as CCP cadre in several counties, 1939-49; CCP cadre in several prefectures, 1950-59; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vicechm, Rev Comte, Jiangsu Prov., Oct 1975 - Dec 1979; sec., Jiangsu Prov. CP, May 1977 - Jul 1985; deputy for Jiangsu to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Birth Planning Leading Group, SC, Jul 1978- May 1982; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; ehm, Fujian PPC, Apr 1983 - Oct 1985; deputy for Fujian to 6th NPC,

May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); ehm, Advisory Com, Fujian Prov. CP, Jul 1985; mem., Internal and Judical Affairs Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Sep 1989. Hu was married to Min Huasheng.

H u Jiabin % if % * 1907 deceased 1985, Feb 12 Mem., Nationalities Affairs Com, SC, 1958 - Cult. Rev.; vice-min., Nationalities Affairs Com, SC, Apr 1979 May 1982; ehm, Academic Comte, Nationalities Affairs Com, SC, May 1981; deputy for Qinghai to 6th NPC, May 1983.

Hu Jicheng ^ M A Made maj-gen., Sep 1955; leading person, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Aug 1960; leading person, Chengdu Mil. Reg, May 1968; dpty cdr., Chengdu Mil. Reg, Oct 1969; cdr., Sichuan Mil. Distr, Jun 1976-1978; deputy for the PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; disappeared, Jul 1982.

H u J i n d i (f) $ "k # Alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); vice-chm, Shaanxi Prov. Branch, Fed of TU, Dec 1976; mem., Stand. Comte, Shaanxi CP, Oct 1977; disappeared, Dec 1978.

H u Jingyun ¿A ^ * 1904 Hebei Dpty dir., Bureau of Ind. and Commerce, Shanxi-HebeiShandong-Henan Border Reg, 1940; gen-mgr., Bank of S Hebei, 1941; dpty dir., Finance Inst., Shanxi-HebeiShandong-Henan Border Reg, 1945; gen-mgr., Shuihua Bank, 1946; dpty gen-mgr., People's Bank of China, Dec 1948; vice-pres., People's Bank of China, Nov 1949Nov 1963; gen-mgr., People's Insurance Corp., Oct 19491954; mem., Stand. Comte, Board of Directors, representing Govt Shares, Bank of China, Apr 1950 - Jul 1957; mem., Board of Directors, representing Govt Shares, Bank of Communication, May 1950 - Jul 1957; vice-pres., Society of Monetary Science, Oct 1950; ehm, Joint Board of Directors, Joint State-Private Operated Banks, May 1951; mem., Central Organs Production Com, GAC, Feb 1952; pres., China Agricultural Bank, Nov 1963 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Shanxi to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: pres., Insurance Society, Dec 1979; vice-pres., People's Bank of China, May 1980 - May 1982; head, banking del. to Yugoslavia, May 1980; disappeared, May 1982.

H u Jinkui # & Ä Dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Comte, Hubei Prov., Feb 1960; vice-chm, Hubei Branch, CPPCC, Jul 1964;


deputy for Hubei to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Oct 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: in his former position as dir.. United Front Work Dpt, Hubei CP, Oct 1973-1980; vice-chm, Hubei Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1976; deputy for Hubei to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, Hubei PPC, Jan 1980; disappeared, Feb 1982.

Hu Kaìming

Hu Juewen


Hu Jiwei ft ¿fr Ή*

* 1916 Weiyuan County, Sichuan Studied at W China United Univ and Sichuan Univ, 193537; editor-in-chief, Border Region Masses Journal, 193839; dir.; NW Bureau of XNA, 1949-52; dpty dir., Information Bureau, NW China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950- Jan 1953; associate editor, RMRB, May 1954; head, journalists' del. to USSR, Apr 1956; dpty editor-inchief, RMRB, Jun 1958; deputy for Sichuan to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: cadre of dpt under CCP Central Comte, Jan 1976; editor-in-chief, RMRB, Apr 1977-1983; deputy for Sichuan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988); head, RMRB del. to Ν Korea, May 1978; head, journalists' del. to Yugoslavia and Romania, Jul 1978; mem., Presidium, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; pres., Beijing Journalism Studies Society, Feb 1980; ehm, Journalists' Assn, Aug 1980 - May 1983; dir., RMRB, May 1982 - Nov 1983; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; vice-chm, Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); pres., Fed of Journalism Societies, Dec 1984; criticized by members of NPC Stand. Comte for having supported the students during the unrest Apr-Jun 1989, Jul 1989; dismissed from his NPC positions, Mar 1990; disappeared, Jul 1989.

Hu Jizong ft M £ * 1920 deceased 1974, Jul 4 Joined CCP, 1938; mem., Hunan PPG, Feb 1955; sec., Hunan CP 1956-63; vice-gov., Hunan PPG, Dec 1957 Jul 1958; vice-gov., Gansu PPG, Apr 1963 - Jan 1968; deputy for Gansu to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; vice-chm, Gansu Rev Comte, Jan 19668- Sep 1970; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); 1st vice-chm, Gansu Rev Comte, Sep 1970 -death; sec., Gansu CP, Feb 1971 - death.

* 1895 Jiating County, Jiangsu deceased 1989, Apr 16 Studied at Beijing Industrial Inst, and successively worked as engineer at Hanyang Iron Works, 1918; dir., Engineering Dpt, Shanghai Tongji Univ, 1919; established and managed a machine factory in Shanghai, 1921; manager, Hengda Textile Factory, 1924; established an electric motors factory in Huangtu, 1930; founded China United Machine Company, 1933; after outbreak of Sino-Japanese War, 1937, played a significant role in the evacuation of important factories into the interior; these he subsequently managed with HQ in Chongqing, 1937-45; founded together with Huang Yanpei and Shi Fuliang the China Democratic Natl Construction Assn (CDNCA), 1945; delegate of CDNCA to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Affairs Comte, GAC, Oct 1949 Sep 1954; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; mem., Stand. Comte, CDNCA, Jul 1952; mem., E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; with establishment of All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce, mem. of its Stand. Comte, Nov 1953; deputy for Shanghai to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd through 6th, 1958-83); vice-chm, CDNCA, Apr 1955; head, CDNCA del. to German Democratic Republic, Jul 1957; vice-chm, Shanghai Branch, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Jan 1959; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd NPC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 3rd through 6th, 1965-83); dir., Shanghai Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Jul 1959; vice-chm, CDNCA, Mar 1960 - Oct 1979; vice-mayor of Shanghai, Jul 1962 - Feb 1967; ehm, Shanghai Branch, CDNCA, Sep 1962; Hu survived Cult. Rev. without coming under attack, 1967-69; vice-chm, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, 1978 and to 6th, 1983) - Apr 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978- Jun 1983; ehm, CDNCA, Oct 1979 - Dec 1987; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; hon. pres., Equipment Management Society, Dec 1982; hon. ehm, CDNCA, Dec 1987. Hu was married to Shen Fangeheng.

Hu Kaiming



Vice-gov., Hebei PPG, Feb 1955; dir., Industrial Dpt, CCP Comte, Hebei Prov., May 1953; supervisor of ballots at 8th Natl Congr of CCP, Sep 1956; mem., Stand. Comte, Hebei CP, Jun 1958; 1st sec., CCP Comte of Zhangjiakou, Oct 1960; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: Vice-chm, Anhui


Hu Liangcai

PPC, Jan 1980- Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, Anhui CP, Feb 1980 - Apr 1983; dpty head, Anhui Leading Group for Family Planning, Feb 1980; deputy for Anhui to 6th NPC, May 1983; disappeared, May 1983.

Hu Liangcai

% ^


Worker in Xinjiang Autonomous Reg, Nov 1968; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and to 11th CC, Aug 1977); vicechm, Xinjiang Rev Comte, Aug 1969 - Aug 1979; ehm, Xinjiang TU, Sep 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, Xinjiang CP, Jun 1978; disappeared, Dec 1978.

Hu Lijiao


Worked as a translator in Shanghai, 1935; went to Yan'an, 1938; dpty cdr., Jiangsu-Anhui Mil. Distr, 1947; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Employment Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Aug 1952; mem., State Planning Com, Oct 1954 - Apr 1957; dir., Planning Bureau for Light and Textile Ind., State Planning Com, Mar 1956; vice-min. of Food Ind., Jim 1957 - Feb 1958; sec., Lüda (Lüshun-Dalian) City CP, Apr 1958; deputy for Liaoning to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); mayor of Lüda, Jun 1959; pres., Lüda Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Feb 1960; acting 1st sec., Lüda City CP, Aug 1964; struggled against by Red Guards and disappeared, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-min. of Textile Ind., May 1978 Feb 1982; disappeared, Feb 1982. Hu was married to Liang Hua.

Hu Qiaomu

* 1914 Took part in Long March as a mem. of the "Little Devils", 1934-35; dir., Org. Dpt, E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1950; vice-chm, People's Control Com, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950; vice-min. of Finance, Oct 1954-1958; dir., Cadre School, Min. of Finance, 1957-58; 1st sec., Songjiang Distr CP, Heilongjiang, Jul 1958; vice-pres., People's Bank of China, Dec 1961 - Jan 1966; deputy for Guizhou to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; acting pres., People's Bank of China, Jan 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; dpty sec., Henan Prov. CP, Oct 1975 - Oct 1977; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Henan Prov., Jan 1976 - Nov 1977; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985); 2nd sec., Henan Prov. CP, Oct 1977 - Jan 1981; 1st vicechm, Rev Comte, Henan Prov., Nov 1977 - Sep 1979; deputy for Henan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; ehm, Henan PPC, Sep 1979- Jan 1981; 2nd sec., Shanghai CP, Feb 1981 - Jul 1985; ehm, Shanghai MPC, Apr 1981 - Apr 1988; deputy for Shanghai to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; resigned from his post as mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1985; Hu's son Hu Xiaoyang executed for rape, Feb 19, 1986; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1986; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1987; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; disappeared, Nov 1987. Hu was married to Gu Ming.

Hu Ming * in India




* 1912 Yancheng County, Jiangsu deceased 1992, Sep 28 Born into a family of wealthy landowners. His father, a well-known politician, had at one time been a member of the Beijing Parliament. After attending middle school in Yangzhou, Jiangsu, Hu studied physics at Beijing Qinghua Univ, 1930-32; joined CCP, 1935, and worked for Shanghai CP, 1936-37; engaged in journalism and publishing work for CCP in Shaanxi Prov., 1938-45 (at this time helped edit Chinese Youth together with Jiang Nanxiang); succeeded Chen Boda as Mao Zedong's sec., 1945; accompanied Mao to negotiations with Chiang Kaishek, Aug-Oct 1945; made dir. of XNA, 1948; made mem., 1st Natl Comte of CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Natl Comte, Fed of Democratic Youth, Oct 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, Assn for the Reform of the Chinese Language, Oct 1949; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949; mem., Central Comte, NDYL, Oct 1949; council mem., China Peace Council, 1950; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1950 - Cult. Rev.; published book Thirty Years of the CCP, 1951, which reaches 2.8 million copies by the end of 1952; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC and member of its Stand. Comte, Oct 1954 (reelected to both posts in 1958 and 1964 to 2nd and 3rd NPCs); dpty sec-gen., CCP Central Comte, Oct 1954; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956- Cult. Rev.; alt. mem., Secretariat of CCP Central Comte, Sep 1956 Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Comte to Phoneticize the Chinese Language, Oct 1956; mem., CCP del. to Moscow, Nov 1956; mem., CCP del. to Moscow, Nov 1960; at the beginning of Cult. Rev. under attack and relieved of all


posts, Aug 1966; humilated by Red Guards in a demonstration and denounced as a supporter of Liu Shaoqi and as a "three-anti element", Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; cadre in a dpt of CCP Central Comte, Sep 1975; deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978-1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 19781983; pres.. Academy of Social Sciences, Mar 1978 - Aug 1982; mem.. CCP 11th Central Comte, elected at 3rd Plenum, Dec 1978 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982)- Nov 1987; visited Japan, Jan 1979; vice-chm, Legal Com, Stand. Comte of 5th NPC, Feb 1979; vice-chm, Draft Laws Comte, 2nd Session of 5th NPC, Jun 1979; dpty sec-gen., CCP Central Comte, Sep 1979 - Sep 1982; head, del. of CASS to Romania and Yugoslavia, Nov 1979; pres., Statistical Society, Nov 1979; dir., Office of Comte for Editing and Publication of Mao Zedong's works, 1979; mem., Secretariat of 11th CCP Central Comte, elected at 5th Plenum, Feb 1980 - Sep 1982; hon. ehm, Beijing Journalism Society, Feb 1980; mem., Presidium, 3rd Session of 5th NPC, Aug 1980; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; hon. pres., Society of Polit. Science, Dec 1980; mem., Presidium, 4th Session of 5th NPC, Nov 1981; article in HQ No. 23, "Some Problems on the Present Ideological Front", Dec 1981; sec- gen., Constitution Revision Comte, Apr 1982; article in HQ No. 8, "On Bourgeois Liberalism", Apr 1982; mem., Politburo of CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 Nov 1987; article in RMRB Sep 24, 1982, "On the Practice of Communist Ideology"; hon. pres., CASS, Oct 1982 - death; article in RMRB Nov 29, 1982, "Wishes Which Follow Grief", in which Hu calls for more concern for people who work to hard; ehm, Academic Degrees Comte, SC, Mar 1983 - Oct 1988; adviser to Central Com for Guiding Consolidation, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1983; hon. pres., China Wildlife Conservation Assn, Dec 1983; article in RMRB Jan 27, 1984, "On Humanism and Alienation"; hon. pres., Shakespeare Research Society, Dec 1984; hon. pres., Wu Yuzhang Foundation, Jul 1986; hon. consultant of Jin Yuelin Foundation, Jul 1987; mem., Stand. Comte, 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; resigned from positions in Politburo and Central Comte and elected mem., Stand. Comte of Central Advisory Com under CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987 - death; article in RMRB Mar 29, 1990, "Strengthen the Study, Propagation of and Education in Party History"; hon. pres., Society for the Study of China's War of Resistance Against Japan, Jan 1991; article in RMRB Apr 28, 1991, marking the publication of the 60-volume second edition of the Collected Works of Lenin·, article in RMRB Jun 25, 1991, "How CCP Developed Marxism-Leninism" - written to commemorate CCP's 70th founding anniversary; article in first 1992 issue of Xuexi (Study), "Why Did China Make "Leftist' Mistakes for 20 Years?"; 3rd volume of Collected Works of Hu Qiaomu and Hu Qiaomu Remembers Mao Zedong published, Dec 1994. Married to Gu Yu. Publications: Thirty Years of the Communist China.

Party of

Hu Shangli

Hu Qicai ft ^r t

* 1914 Hongan County, Hubei Joined Red Army, 1930; joined CCP, 1931; rose from fighter to dpty cdr. of an army, during which wounded six times, 1931-47; cdr., 12th Div., 4th Field Army, 1948; delegate of 4th Field Army to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; dpty cdr., 41st Army, 4th Field Army, Oct 1949; cdr., Liaodong Mil. Distr, 1950; council mem., Liaodong PPG, May 1950; made Itn-gen. and awarded orders "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", both 1st class, Sep 1955; dpty cdr., PLA Engineering Corps, Nov 19551976; disappeared, Jan 1976.

Hu Ronggui


$ "fr

Made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dir., Polit. Dpt, Yunnan Mil. Distr, Aug 1957; dpty polit, commissar, Kunming Mil. Reg, Aug 1966; then disappeared; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: Dpty polit, commissar, Kunming Mil. Reg, May 1978; polit, commissar, Kunming Mil. Reg, Jun 1980-1983; deputy for the PLA to the 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 - Apr 1988.

Hu Rulei




* 1926 Dingxiang County, Shanghai Graduation from History Dpt, Qinghua Univ, 1952; served as prof, of Hebei Teachers' College, 1956-85; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988. Publications: Study of Form of Chinese Feudal Society; Peasant War in Late Tang Dynasty; Biography of Li Shimin.

Hu Shangli ft & fa Polit, commissar, Henan Mil. Distr, Sep 1976-1982; vicechm, Rev Comte, Henan Prov., Dec 1977- Sep 1979;


Hu Song

sec., CCP Comte, Henan Prov., Jan 1978 - Mar 1983; deputy for Henan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; disappeared, May 1984.

Hu Tiyun




Hu Song $ & * Guangdong Peasant on Hainan Island, Guangdong, 1976; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Auf 1977; vice-chm, Guangdong Peasants' Assn, Dec 1977; disappeared, Dec 1978.

H u Songjie


* 1934 Wuyang County, Henan Graduation from Economic Dpt, Nankai Univ, 1958; served at Economics Inst, of Nankai Univ, 1958 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Finance Com, Xuchang Prefecture, 1979-83; sec-gen., Henan PPG, 1983-84; vice-gov., Henan PPG, Apr 1985 - May 1993; mem., Stand. Comte, Henan Prov. CP, Nov 1990-1993; vicechm, Henan Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1993; disappeared, Apr 1993.


Γ" 4 -

^ »

* 1932 Jiahe County, Hunan Worked as associate researcher, Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 1956-60; cadre, Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Dpt, People's Govt, Tibet AR, 1965-69; dir., Agricultural Bureau, People's Govt, Tibet AR, 1974-80; dpty dir., Dpt of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, People's Govt, Tibet AR, 1981-86; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Tibet AR, Mar 1983; vice-chm, People's Congr, Tibet AR, Aug 1988; disappeared, Jul 1990.

H u Tingji




Hu Wei $ * 1915 Henan Cdr. of a battalion, 2nd Div., New 4th Army, 1942; cdr. of a regiment, 2nd Column, E China Mil. Reg, 1946; cdr., 61st Div., 21st Army, 3rd Field Army, 1949; during Korean War: cos, 21st Army, Chinese "People's Volunteers", 1951-53; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; cdr., 21st Army, 1960; cdr., Shaanxi Mil. Distr, 1968-74; vice-chm, Shaanxi Prov. Rev Comte, 1968-74; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); sec., Shaanxi CP, Mar 1971-1974; dpty cos, PLA Gen. Staff, Dec 1974-1976; disappeared, Dec 1976.

H u Xiaoqin

* 1931 Kaiping County, Guangdong Graduation from Central China Agricultural Inst., 1954; lecturer, Henan Agricultural Inst., 1954- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: prof., Henan Agricultural Inst., Sep 1978; vice-gov., Henan PPG, Apr 1983 - Jan 1988; vicechm, Henan PPC, Jan 1988; disappeared, Jan 1988.



* 1918 Taiyuan, Shanxi Joined Shanxi Natl Salvation League, 1936; joined CCP, 1937; sec., Yangcheng County CP, 1938-40; dpty sec., Xinxiang City CP, 1949; dpty dir., Policy Research Office, Shanxi Prov. CP, 1949-51; dir., Statistics Bureau, Shanxi PPG, 1952-53; dpty dir., Planning Com, Shanxi PPG, 1954-55; dpty dir., Finance and Economic Dpt, Shanxi Prov. CP, 1955-58; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanxi Prov. CP, Nov 1958; dpty dir., Org Dpt, Shanxi Prov. CP, May 1959; dir. of this dpt, Jul 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance


after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Shanxi PPC, Dec 1979 -Apr 1983; dir., Org. Dpt, Shanxi Prov. CP, Jan 1980-1983; dpty head. Party workers del. to Romania, Jun 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanxi Prov. CP, Jun 1982; vicechm, Advisory Com, Shanxi Prov. CP, Sep 1985; disappeared, Sep 1985.

* 1935 Zhao County, Hebei Joined CCP, 1949; staff officer, PLA 66th Army, 195056; leader of oil drilling team, Karamay Oilfield, 1956-60; dpty dir., E China Transportation Bureau, 1975-89: dir., Central China Oil Prospecting Bureau, Feb 1982; sec., Puyi City CP, Jun 1987; alt. mem., CCP 13th Central Comte, Nov 1987; vice-gov., Henan PPG, Jan 1988; dpty sec., Henan Prov. CP, Apr 1988; disappeared, Aug 1989.

Hu Xikui




deceased between 1969-72 Vice-pres., Ν China People's Revolutionary Univ, 1948 Oct 1949; vice-pres., Chinese People's Univ, Mar 1950 Dec 1963; mem., Beijing MPC, Feb 1955; sec., CCP Comte, Chinese People's Univ, Jan 1958; deputy for Hubei to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958; council mem., China-Latin America Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; sec., Secretariat, NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jan 1964 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Gansu to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; accused of being a follower of Bo Yibo and a renegade of the Liu Shaoqi clique, and purged, Feb 1967; a memorial service for Hu was held Jan 1, 1979.

Hu Yaobang




* 1915 Liuyang County, Hunan deceased 1989, Apr 15 Joined "Children's Corps" during Autumn Harvest Uprising, 1927; engaged in youth work for Central Party Leadership in Jiangxi Soviet Govt, 1933; participant of Long

Hu Yaobang

March, 1934-35; dir.. Org. Dpt, CYL, fall 1935; studied at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1936; dir., Org. Dpt, General Polit. Dpt, 18th Army Corps, 1941; dir., Org. Dpt, Revolutionary Mil. Council, 1947; dir., Polit. Dpt, in regiment of 2nd Field Army, Jan 1949; mem., Central Comte, NDYL, Apr 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 - Dec 1964; dir., Polit. Dpt, 18th Army Corps, 2nd Field Army and dir., Ν Sichuan Admin. Bureau, Dec 1949; polit, commissar, Ν Sichuan Mil. Distr, Dec 1949 -Aug 1952; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950-1952; sec., NDYL, Aug 1952-1957; mem., Executive Comte, All-China Fed of TU, May 1953 - Dec 1957; head, del. to session of World Fed of Democratic Youth, Bucharest, Jul 1953, and elected vicechm of the World Fed (until Aug 1959); deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Mar 1959 and to 3rd, Jan 1965); vice-chm, Com for Elimination of Illiteracy, Mar 1956; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, being its youngest mem., Sep 1956; with reorganization of NDYL into CYL, 1st sec. of CYL, May 1957-1964; head, del. to 6th World Youth Festival, Moscow, Jul 1957; head, friendship del. to Albania, Sep 1962; deputy for Sichuan to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; 3rd sec., NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte and acting 1st sec., Shaanxi Prov. CP, Mar 1965; back in central leadership and engaged in youth work, Jan 1966; attacked by Red Guards as a follower of Liu Shaoqi's anti-Party clique and purged, Jan 1967; first reappearance: Apr 1972; referred to as a cadre in the CAS, Nov 1975; referred to as a SC cadre, Jan 1976; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 and to 13th CC, Nov 1987); vice-pres., Central Party School, Oct 19771980; dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1977Dec 1978; deputy for Anhui to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978; mem., Party and govt del. to Kampuchea, Nov 1978; mem., Politburo, CCP Central Comte, elected by 3rd Plenum, Dec 1978 (reelected to Politburo of 12th CC, 1982 and 13th CC, Nov 1987); 3rd sec., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, Dec 1978 - Jun 1981; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jan 1979 - Feb 1980; sec-gen. (mishuzhang), CCP Central Comte, Jan 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Politburo, CCP Central Comte, by-elected at 5th Plenum, Feb 1980 (reelected to Politburo of 12th CC, Sep 1982)- Nov 1987; gen-sec. (zongshuji), CCP Central Comte, Feb 1980 - Jan 1987; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; ehm, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1981 - Sep 1982; deputy for Beijing to 6th NPC, Mar 1983; head, Party del. to Romania and Yugoslavia, Apr 1983; ehm, Central Com for Guiding Party Consolidation, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1983; head, goodwill del. to Japan, Nov 1983; head, Party del. to Ν Korea, May 1984; visited Australia, New Zealand, Western Samoa, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Apr 1985; twoday unofficial visit to Ν Korea, May 1985; visited Great Britain, FR Germany, France and Italy, Jun 1986; the enlarged meeting of the Politburo accepted Hu's resignation as gen-sec. of the


Hu Yimin

CCP Central Comte, Jan 16, 1987; deputy for Sichuan to 7th NPC, Jan 1988. Hu was married to Li Chao.

Hu Yimin





% #



•1917 Pingyao County, Shanxi Joined CCP, 1935; served in NW Shanxi Mil. Distr, 8th Route Army, 1941-42; polit, instructor in a training regiment, 1944-45; ordered to Shenyang, 1950; dpty sec., Shenyang Municipality CP, Nov 1954; sec., Shenyang Municipality CP, Sep 1956; sec-gen., Liaoning Prov. CP, Dec 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Liaoning Prov. CP, Dec 1960; alt. mem., Secretariat, Liaoning Prov. CP, 1962 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Nov 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, Jun 1973 - Mar 1983; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Liaoning Prov., Mar 1977 - Dec 1979; vice-gov., Liaoning PPG, Jan 1980 - Apr 1983; deputy for Liaoning to 6th NPC, May 1983 - Mar 1988; 1st sec., Dalian City CP, Sep 1983; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Liaoning Prov. CP, Jun 1985; disappeared, May 1987.

Hu Yizhou

Hu Yuzhi


* 1928 Shanghai Became an aviation engineer and later an employee for a KMT airline; came back to PR China via Hong Kong and joined Civil Aviation Admin, of China (CAAC), 1949; served in ground crew of Beijing Branch of CAAC, 196677; dir., Beijing Civil Aviation Maintenance Bureau, 1977-80; dpty dir., Beijing Regional Admin, of CAAC, 1980; dpty dir.-general, CAAC, Nov 1982; dir.-general, CAAC, Apr 1985 - Mar 1991; head, del. to 26th Session, ICAO Assembly, Montreal, Sep 1986; the SC gave Hu a disciplinary action of demerit, first grade, for his responsibility for several serious airplane crashes, Mar 1988; visited U.S.A., Jun 1990; visited Indonesia, Jan 1991; mem., Natl Comte, 7th CPPCC, by-elected Mar 1991; disappeared, Mar 1991.

* 1897 Shangyu County, Zhejiang deceased 1986, Jan 16 Received classical education as a child; continued studies at Shaoxing Middle School where Lu Xun was one of his teachers; subsequently enrolled at Hangzhou Foreign Language School; editor, Shanghai Commercial Press, 1920; chief editor, Dongfang Zazhi (Eastern Journal), one of the most prestigious journals of the time, 1921; became known for articles on domestic and foreign affairs and translated several European literary works into Chinese, 1921-30; visited U.S.A. and USSR advocating Esperanto movement, 19930-31; published book Impressions of Moscow, 1931; joined "China League for Civil Rights" organized by Soong Ching Ling, 1933; co-editor of journal Shijie Zhishi (World Knowledge), 1934; at beginning of Sino-Japanese War published several anti-Japanese articles in Journal Dikang (Resistance), 1937; worked under Guo Moruo in Propaganda Dpt of Central Mil. Council, Natl Govt, 1938; together with Fan Changjiang established Intl News Agency at Ruilin, 1939; published newspaper Nan Yang Siang supported by Tan Kah-Kee (Chen Jiageng), Singapore, 1940; after outbreak of Pacific War, 1941; took leading part in organizing anti-Japanese resistance by overseas Chinese; fled to Indonesia when Singapore fell to the Japanese, 1942-45; returned to Singapore, again editing various newspapers there, 1945-48; went to Communist-occupied Ν China, 1948; editor-in-chief, Guangming Ribao, Mar 1949-1957; delegate to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Cultural and Educational Com, GAC, Oct 1949- Sep 1954; dir., Publication Admin., GAC, Oct 1949- Sep 1954; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 - Dec 1964; dpty dir., Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Dec 1949-1967; mem., Stand. Comte, CDL, Dec 1949; ehm, China Esperanto Assn, Mar 1951; council mem., Sino-Indian Friendship Assn, May 19521962; sec-gen., CDL, May 1953 - Dec 1958; mem., Stand. Council, Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; deputy for Shanghai to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd through 5th NPCs), vice-chm, Comte for Reforming Chinese Written Language, SC, Nov 1954; delegate to council meeting, World Peace Council, Stockholm, Nov 1954; vice-chm, Sino-Indonesian Friendship Assn, Jun 1955; mem., China World Peace Council, Mar 1956-1966; mem., del. to Congr of Disarmament, Stockholm, Jul 1958; vice-chm, CDL, Dec 1958 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Liaoning to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd - 5th NPCs); dpty sec-gen., 2nd NPC, Mar 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Feb 1965); mem., del. to World Peace


Council meeting, Stockholm, May 1959; vice-min. of Culture, Sep 1959 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Sino-Latin America Friendship Assn, Mar 1960 - Cult. Rev.; mem., NPC del. to Indonesia and Burma, Aug 1961; vice-chm, China Asia-African Society, Apr 1962 - Cult. Rev.; head, friendship del. to Nepal, Feb 1964; head, cultural del. to Romania, Jun 1964; vice-chm, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1964; vice-chm, Sino-Nepalese Friendship Assn, Aug 1965; at beginning of Cult. Rev. attacked by Red Guards, 1966, but survived without loss of positions, 1967-69; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 Jun 1979; mem., Draft Laws Comte, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; by-elected vice-chm, 5th CPPCC, Jul 1979 (reelected to 6th, 1983); ehm, China Esperanto League, Sep 1979; vice-chm, CDL, Oct 1979 - Sep 1985; hon. ehm, Chinese Publishers' Assn, Dec 1979; vice-chm, Chinese Written Language Reform Comte, May 1980- Sep 1984; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; mem., Chinese Comte, Council of Chinese and Japanese Non-Governmental Personages, Sep 1982; council mem., XNA, Sep 1982; deputy for Zhejiang to 6th NPC, May 1983; vicechm, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; mem., Honor Patronage Comte, Universal Esperanto Assn, Jul 1984; adviser, Chinese Written Language Reform Comte, Sep 1984; acting ehm, CDL, Sep 1985 - death. Hu was married to Shen Zijiu.

Hu Zhaoheng $ Bg ê j * Henan Dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Comte, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), Dec 1953; council mem., People's Govt, IMAR, Aug 1954; vice-chm, Planning Comte, People's Govt, IMAR, Oct 1954; ehm, Planning Com, People's Congress, IMAR, Sep 1955; dir., Propaganda Dpt, IMAR CP, Sep 1958; alt. sec., IMAR CP, Apr 1960; vice-pres., IMAR Branch, China-Mongolia Friendship Assn, Jul 1961; mayor, Tianjin MPG, Dec 1963; sec., CCP Comte, Tianjin Municipality, May 1964; deputy for Hebei to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; mem., Preparatory Group, Tianjin Rev Comte, Sep 1967; branded a renegade and purged, Jul 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Tianjin Rev Comte, Jim-Dec 1978; mem., Birth Planning Leading Group, SC, Jul 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Tianjin Municipality, Sep-Dec 1978; vice-min. of Public Health, Feb 1979 May 1982; dir., Pharmaceutical Admin., SC, Mar 1981; disappeared, Feb 1982.

Hu Ziang

H u Ziang

% -f


* 1896 Chongqing, Sichuan deceased 1991, Nov 19 Graduated from Beijing Univ's College of Agriculture, 1923; subsequently principal of a middle school in Sichuan and then until 1937 successively service as dir., Border Affairs Dpt under 24th Sichuan Army and dir., Chongqing Waterworks; after 1937 Hu worked for the govt in some important fields, such as ehm, Huakang Bank and mem., Natl Legislative Yuan; participated in 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Financial and Economics Affairs Comte, GAC, Oct 1949- Oct 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, CDNCA, Dec 1949; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte and concurrently mem. of its Financial and Economics Comte, Jan 1950 - Jan 1953; vice-mayor of Chongqing, Jan 19*50; mem., SW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Oct 1954; vice-chm, Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Dec 1953; deputy for Chongqing to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; vice-chm, CDNCA, Apr 1955-1988; dpty head, NPC del. to USSR, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Nov 1956; ehm, Sino-Syrian Friendship Assn, Sep 1957; ehm, Sino-Egyptian Friendship Assn, Feb 1958; deputy for Sichuan to 2nd NPC, Oct 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964; to 4th, Jan 1975; to 5th, Feb 1978); mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1975 and to 5th, Mar 1978); mem., NPC del. to Guinea, Mali, Central African Republic, Congo, Mar 1965; survived the Cult. Rev. without coming under attack, 1966-69; represented the Stand. Comte of NPC on occasions of domestic political importance, 1970-75; vice-chm, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983 and to 7th, Apr 1988); ehm, All-China Fed of Industry and Commerce, Oct 1979 - Nov 1988; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, Sep 1980; head, industrial del. to Hong Kong, Nov 1980; adviser, Equipment Management Society, Dec 1982; head, industrial del. to Hong Kong, Jan 1983; executive ehm, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983; dir. general, China Ind. Commerce and Economic Service Center, Dec 1984; ehm, China Ind., Commerce and Development Corp, Apr 1985; invited to 13th Congr of CCP, Oct 1987; hon. ehm, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Nov 1988 - death.


Hu Ziying (f)

Hu Ziying (f)


* 1907 Shanghai deceased 1982, Nov 30 Worked in Shanghai banks, 1929-36; founded Women's Assn for Promotion of Democracy, Shanghai, Sep 1945; joined CDNCA, Dec 1945 and elected mem. of its Stand. Comte, Dec 1945; went to Beijing and formally declared her allegiance to the Communists, fall of 1948; mem., Executive Comte, Fed of Democratic Women (FDW), Apr 1949 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Fed of Democratic Youth (FDY), May 1949 - Jun 1953; delegate of CDNCA to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; sec., Financial and Economic Comte, Oct 1949 - Oct 1954; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1949 - Jul 1958; mem., Shanghai MPG, Dec 1950- Feb 1955; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Shanghai MPG, Jul 1951; council mem., Shanghai Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1951; mem., Executive Comte, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Oct 1953 - Dec 1956; deputy for Shanghai to 1st Ν PC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Central Comte, CDNCA, Apr 1955 - Cult. Rev.; mem., del. to World Peace Congr, Helsinki, Jun 1955; sec-gen., Shanghai Branch, Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Dec 1955; vice-chm, Shanghai Branch, FDW, May 1956; for her safety published article in RMRB criticizing her husband, Zhang Naiqi, Jul 1957; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; vice-min. of Commerce, Sep 1959 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1973; deputy (for Shanghai?) to 4th NPC, Feb 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; dir., Board of Directors, China Intl Trust and Investment Corp., Oct 1979; vice-chm and sec-gen., Fed of Industrialists and Businessmen, Oct 1979; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; vice-chm, Children's Foundation, Aug 1981.

Hua Linsen

ψ fa A

Alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; vice-chm, Jiangsu Prov. Rev Comte, Dec 1970-1976; head, workers del. to Tanzania, Nov 1971; ehm, Jiangsu Branch, Fed of TU, Jul 1973-1976; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; vice-chm, Suzhou City Rev Comte, Apr 1975; dpty sec., Suzhou CP, Oct 1975; imprisoned as a counterrevolutionary, Feb 1979; sentenced to 19 years imprisonment, Jan 1980.

Hua Luogeng

'ψ ?


* 1910 Jindan County, Jiangsu deceased 1985, Jun 6 After elementary and middle school studied at vocational school in Shanghai. Due to lack of further financial support helped his father in running a small business, continuing his mathematical studies in spare time. Published a treatise On Mathematics which caught the attention of the mathematician Xiong Qinglai, dir. of Mathematics Dpt in Qinghua Univ, 1929; subsequently became Xiong's assistant; soon Hua's articles appeared in American, English, Soviet, Japanese and Indian science journals, 1931-35; prof, at Qinghua Univ, 1936; studied under research scholarship of China Educational Foundation at Cambridge Univ, 1936-38; prof., SW Associated Univ in Kunming, 1938-45; guest prof, in USSR, 1945-46; guest prof., Univ of Illinois, fall 1946-1950; returned to China, Feb 1950; dir., Mathematics Dpt, Qinghua Univ, Feb 1950; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1950 - Jul 1958; joined CDL, Jan 1951; dir., Inst, of Mathematics, CAS, Feb 1951-1985; vice-pres., Mathematics Society, Nov 1952; mem., CAS del. to USSR, Feb 1953; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; delegate to conf. on disarmament, Stockholm, Jun 1954; attended conf. of World Peace Council, East Berlin, Jul 1954; deputy for Beijing to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1954-1960; dir., Mathematics Society, 1954-84; delegate to Conf. of Asian Countries, New Delhi, Apr 1955; dpty dir., Dpt of Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry, CAS, May 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, CDL, Feb 1956; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Mar 1956- Nov 1958; by-elected mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Jun 1956 (reelected to 2nd - 6th NPCs); mem., World Peace Council, 1956; deputy for Jiangsu to 2nd NPC, Oct 1958; dir., Dpt of Applied Mathematics and Electronic Calculating Machines, Univ of Science and Technology, Sep 1960; vice-pres., Univ of Science and Technology, Apr 1961; deputy for Beijing to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964 (reelected to 4th and 5th NPCs); mem., friendship del. to Japan, Apr 1973; vice-pres., CAS, Mar 1978 May 1981; head, scientific del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1978; vice-chm, CDL, Oct 1979; visited France, Federal Republic of Germany and Great Britain, Nov 1979; vice-pres., Assn for Science and Technology, Mar 1980; head, mathematicians del. to Hong Kong, Jun 1980; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; vice-chm, Children's Foundation, Aug 1981; elected foreign academician by U.S. Natl Academy of Sciences, Apr 1982; deputy for


Jiangsu to 6th NPC, Jun 1983; hon. dir.-in-chief, Welfare Fund for Handicapped, Mar 1984; by-elected vice-chm, 6th CPPCC, Apr 1985. Publications: On Old Numbers; Cumulative Prime Numbers (1941, translated into Russian, 1946; and into English, 1965); Multi-Variables and Functions (won CAS award 1957); Introductions to Mathematics, 1957; Introductions to Advanced Mathematics, 1963.

Hua Nan Ψ fà Dpty sec-gen., Propaganda Section, PLA General Polit. Dpt., Nov 1973; dir., Liberation Army Daily, Oct 19751983; mem., mil. friendship del. to Romania, Jun 1978; head, PLA journalists del. to Romania, Aug 1979; dpty dir., PLA General Polit. Dpt., Apr 1980 - Apr 1985; head, PLA journalists del. to Ν Korea, May 1980; ehm (one of six), Chinese Journalists' Assn, Aug 1980 - Apr 1983; dpty dir., Party Literature Research Center under CCP Central Comte and concurrently vice-chm, Com for Collecting Party-Historical Data under CCP Central Comte, May 1982; visited U.S.A., Aug 1984; disappeared, Sep 1984.

HuaYuqing ψ ^ * 1908 deceased 1985, Mar 12 Vice-mayor, Wuhan MPG, May 1960; ehm, Wuhan Branch, CDNCA, Apr 1961; deputy for Hubei to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dir., Board of Directors, China Intl Trust and Investment Corp., Oct 1979; vice-chm, Executive Comte, Fed of Industrialists and Businessmen and ehm of its Hubei Branch, Oct 1979; vice-gov., Hubei PPG, Jan 1980 - Aug 1982; mem., Motions Comte, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982.





* 1910 Zunyi, Guizhou deceased 1989, Feb 28 Attended middle school in Hankou, affiliated with Boone Univ, an American missionary college; subsequently studied engineering science at Jiaotong UniVin Shanghai and later polit, economy at Waseda Univ in Japan; returned to China, 1935; worked for Shanghai Customs Admin., 1936-37; during Sino-Japanese War, editor-in-chief of Front Daily, 1937-45; ousted from this paper, 1945; wrote for New China Magazine, 1945-46; dpty editor-in-chief,

Huan Xiang

Shanghai Wenhui Bao in which he sharply attacked the Nationalist Govt, 1947; at this time joined CCP; went to Hong Kong and joined CDL, fall 1947; went to Communist area in Ν China, 1948; mem., del. to World Peace Conf. in Prague (head: Guo Moruo), Mar 1949; delegate to 1st CPPCC and elected dpty sec-gen., Sep 1949; dir., W Europe and Africa Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Oct 1949 -Jun 1954; sec., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 -Dec 1954; council mem., Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Dec 1949; mem., del. to Geneva Indochina Conf. (head: Zhou Enlai), Apr 1954; chargé d'affaires to Great Britain, Sep 1954 - Mar 1962; adviser to del. to Laos Conf. in Geneva, Jul 1961; adviser to del. to Laos Conf. in Geneva, Jan 1962; asst min. of Foreign Affairs, Apr 1964 Cult. Rev.; deputy for Guizhou to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; accompanied foreign min. Chen Yi to Pakistan, Syria, Algeria, Guinea, Sep 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: ambassador to Belgium and to European Community, Apr 1976 - Mar 1978; concurrently ambassador to Luxembourg, Sep 1976Mar 1978; vice-pres., CASS, Sep 1978 - Nov 1982; head, economic del. to Yugoslavia and Romania, Nov 1978; head CASS del. to U.S.A., Apr 1979; head, scientific del. to Japan, Dec 1979; pres., China Intl Law Society, Feb 1980; head, CASS del. to Japan, Apr 1980; visited Morocco, Apr 1980; visited Great Britain, May 1980; head, CASS del. to Philippines, Feb 1981; hon. pres., Society for History of Sino-Foreign Relations, May 1981; visited Mexico, Sep 1981; head, CASS del. to Sweden and FR Germany, Oct 1981; vice-pres., Chinese Law Society, Jul 1982; visited Japan, Oct 1982; vice-chm, Chinese Comte, Council of Chinese and Japanese Non-governmental Personages, Oct 1982; adviser to CASS, Nov 1982; deputy for Guizhou to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC and vice-chm of its Foreign Affairs Comte, Jun 1983 - Mar 1988; head, social science del. to Hongkong, Sep 1983; mem., NPC del. to Italy, France, European Community, Luxembourg (head: Chen Pixian), Sep 1983; hon. pres., China Latin America Society, May 1984; dir., Center of Intl Studies, SC, Jul 1984; hon. pres., Society of Intl Relations, Aug 1985; head, NPC del. to 74th Interparliamentary Conf., Ottawa, Aug 1985; sec-gen., Research Center of Ind Problems, SC, Oct 1985; head, del. to session of UN Economic and Social Com, Bangkok, Oct 1985; adviser, Inst, of Federal German Studies, Dec 1985; RMRB cites Huan's "recent book" Round the World (Zhongzheng Shijie), Jan 1986; head, scientists del. to U.S.A., Mar 1986; pres., China Asia-Africa Society, Mar 1986; delegate to 28th General Meeting of the London-based Intl Inst, of Strategic Studies on the theme "East Asia, the West and Infi Security and Prospects for Peace", Kyoto, Sep 1986; head, NPC del. to France, Italy, Egypt, Oct 1986; head, del. to 5th Pacific Economic Cooperation Conf., Vancouver, Nov 1986; ehm, Natl Comte for Pacific Economic Cooperation, Jun 1987; mem., Executive Comte, Inter-Parliamentary Union, Oct 1987; elected hon. fellow, London School of Economics and Polit. Science, Dec 1987; reelected mem.,


Huang Bingwei

Foreign Affairs Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; visits Mexico, Apr 1988; head, del. to 79th Spring Meeting of World Interparliamentary Union, Guatemala City, Apr 1988; head, del. to 6th General Meeting of Pacific Economic Conf., Osaka, May 1988; ehm, Assn for the Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China, Sep 1988.

Huang Bingwei * 1913 Studied at Sun Yat-sen Univ, Moscow, 1931-34; Rockefeller Foundation fellow, 1935, and researched geomorphology; lecturer, Zhejiang Univ, 1939-43; mem., National Resources Com, 1942-49; prof., Zhejiang Univ, 194449; dpty dir., Inst, of Industrial Economic Resources, E China Bureau of Capital Construction, 1949-53; mem., Dpt of Biology and Earth Sciences, CAS, May 1955; vicepres., Geographic Society, 1956; acting dir., Inst, of Geography, CAS, Mar 1957; dir., Inst, of Geography, CAS, Jan 1962; council mem., Sino-African Society, Apr 1962; deputy for Guangdong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; dpty dir., Inst, of Geography, CAS, Mar 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., Inst, of Geography, CAS, Feb 1974-1985; head, scientists del. to Australia and New Zealand, Feb 1974; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978; head, del. to geographers to U.S.A., Sep 1978; pres., Geographic Society, Jan 1980; hon. corresponding mem., Royal Geographic Society of Great Britain, Jun 1980; mem., Academic Degrees Comte, CAS, Feb 1981; deputy for Guangdong to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Dpt of Earth Sciences, CAS, Jun 1985; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1986; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1987; disappared, Mar 1987.

Huang Bingxiu (f) ^ fa % Alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Aug 1973 - Sep 1977; vice-chm, Peasants Assn, Hunan, Dec 1973 - Feb 1976; disappeared, Sep 1977.

Huang Changshui


* 1908 Huian County, Fujian deceased 1980, Jul 29 Graduated from Shanghai Jinan Univ; vice-chm of an antiJapanese Assn organized by overseas Chinese in the Philippines, 1937; went to Hong Kong, around 1939; until 1949 he held the following positions there: board ehm, Juanzhang Co.; ehm, Hong Kong-Philippines Import and Export Co.; ehm, Hong Kong Commercial and Industrial Club; dir., Fujianese Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong; attended inaugural session, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, GAC, Oct 1949; vice-chm, Hong Kong-Macao Branch Comte for Promoting the Sale of Govt Bonds, Apr 1950; vice-chm, Preparatory Comte for the Fed of Ind. and Commerce (FIC), Jun

1952; ehm, Guangdong Branch, FIC, Aug 1952 - Cult. Rev.; vice-mayor, Guangzhou MPG, Jan 1953-1958; mem., Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; ehm, Board of Directors, Guangzhou Investment Corp, Oct 1953; vice-chm, FIC, Dec 1953 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Overseas Chinese to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, CDNCA, Apr 1955; mem., Foreign Trade Arbitration Comte, Feb 1956; vice-chm, Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, SC, Oct 1956 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Assn for Returned Overseas Chinese, Oct 1956 - Cult. Rev.; criticized the CCP bureaucracy at a forum of Democratic Parties in Guangzhou, May 1957; vice-chm, Guangzhou Branch, China Comte for Promoting Intl Trade, Dec 1957; mem., Construction Comte, Overseas Chinese College, Mar 1961; went to Hong Kong to attend funeral of mother, Sep 1961; attended Natl Day celebrations, Beijing, Oct 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Nov 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: Deputy for Guangdong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm. Executive Comte, Fed of Industrialists and Businessmen, Oct 1979 - death. Huang was married to Xie Fenying.

Huang Chenglian

& &

Alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); named a cadre of Gansu Prov., Oct 1970; disappeared, Sep 1976.

Huang Da deceased 1978, Jun 20 Dir., Commerce Dpt, Lüshun-Dairen Admin. Office, 1949; dpty dir., Trade Dpt, NE People's Govt, Apr 1950; mem., Sino-Soviet Changchun Railroad Joint Control Comte, Dec 1952; vice-gov., Liaoning PPG, Feb 1955 May 1968; mem., Stand. Comte, Liaoning CP, Nov 1957; head, Liaoning del. to Ν Korea, May 1960; alt. sec., Liaoning CP, Apr 1962; sec., Liaoning CP, Dec 1963 May 1968; accused of being a renegade and enemy agent, Jun 1968; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Oct 1969; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: Mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; vice-chm, Liaoning Branch, CPPCC, May 1978.

Huang Daoqi

* 1924 Xiangtan County, Hunan


Huang Feng

Graduated from Dpt of Social Affairs, Zhongshan Univ, 1947; CPP sec. and magistrate of Hengyang County, 1949-56; cadre in Propaganda Dpt, Hunan Prov. CP, 1956-61; dir., United Front Work Dpt, Zhuzhou City CP, 1979-82; mem., Stand. Comte, Hunan Prov. CP, Feb 1983 - Jun 1985; dir., Org. Dpt, Hunan Prov. CP, Mar 1984 - Jun 1985; vice-chm, Hunan PPC, Jul 1985 - Jan 1988; deputy for Hunan to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.

Huang Dufeng

Huang Demao

* 1913 Jieyang County, Guangdong Learnt under famous artist Gao Jianfti at Chunshui Art Inst, when still young; went to Japan, 1936, to attend several art schools; returned to China after beginning of SinoJapanese War, 1937; settled in Hong Kong and founded Contemporary Art Monthly, 1938; when the Japanese conquered Hong Kong, went to home prov. Guangdong, 1941; joined S China Art School (here his onetime teacher Gao Jianfu headed the Dpt of Traditional Painting); returned to Hong Kong, 1949, to study with famous artist Zhang Daqian; lived in Jakarta, 1950-60, travelling extensively and holding exhibitions almost every year in different cities in Indonesia and in Singapore; returned to China and made teacher at Guangxi Inst, of Fine Arts in Nanning, 1960; during Cult. Rev. labeled a "reactionary element", 1966; Red Guards looted his studio; forbidden to paint and sent to do physical labor in the outskirts of Nanning; allowed to paint again, 1972; officially rehabilitated, 1978; vice-pres., Guangxi Branch of CPPCC, Dec 1979 (reelected, Jan 1988); prof., Guangxi Inst, of Fine Arts and vice-pres., Guangxi Branch, Chinese Artists' Assn, Oct 1982; disappeared, Jan 1988.


Deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dpty cdr., Kunming Mil. Reg, Jun 1981 - Jun 1985; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Jun 1985.

Huang Dingchen

* 1901 Haifeng, Guangdong deceased 1995, Jan 7 Studied medicine at Tokyo Univ, 1921-28; practised medicine and served in Shanghai Anti-Japan League, 1928-35; practised medicine in Macao, Guangzhou, Guilin, Kunming, Chongqing, 1935-48; joined China Zhi Gong Dang (CZGD) and became mem. of its Stand. Comte, and dir. of its Org. Dpt, 1947 - Cult. Rev.; attended 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; dir., Medical Admin., Min. of Public Health, Oct 1949; pres., China Assn for Prevention of Tuberculosis, Aug 1953; deputy for Guangdong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964), vice-pres., Chinese Medical Society, Jim 1956 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, All-China Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, Oct 1956; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1972; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983; to 7th, Apr 1988 - Mar 1988); pres., Permanent Council, China Anti-Tuberculosis Assn, Jun 1978; ehm, CZGD, Oct 1979- Apr 1988; mem., Constitution Revision Comte SC, Sep 1980; vice-pres., Chinese Medical Society, Mar 1982- Jun 1986; vice-pres., All-China Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, Apr 1984; head, CZGD del. to Canada and U.S.A., Jun 1984; vice-chm, China Intl Cultural Exchange Center, Jul 1984; head, CZGD del. to U.S.A., Sep 1987; invited to 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; hon. ehm, CZGD, Apr 1988 - death.

# & %

Publications: Huang Dufeng's (seven volumes until 1985).

Huang Feng

Collected Paintings


* 1930 Wangkui County, Heilongjiang Graduation from Higher Party School, 1957; dpty editorin-chief, Harbin Daily, 1957 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; mem., Stand. Comte, Heilongjiang CP, Nov 1985 - Jun 1988; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Nov 1985 - Mar 1987; vice-gov., Heilongjiang PPG, Jan 1988 - Mar 1990; disappeared, Mar 1990.

Huang Huoqing


Huang Huoqing

* 1900 Hubei Participated in May 4th Movement, 1919; joined CCP and worked in Labor Dept, CCP Central Comte, 1926; graduated from Beijing Univ (?), 1927; active in students and peasants movements, 1928-32; participated in Long March in 4th Red Front Army, commanded by Zhang Guotao who had opposed orders by Mao Zedong, 193436; pres., Tianjin Branch, People's Univ, Mar 1949; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949Dec 1954; ehm, Tianjin Branch, All-China Fed of TU, May 1952 - Mar 1953; acting sec., Tianjin CP, Aug 1952Mar 1953; sec., Tianjin CP, Mar 1953 - Aug 1956; mem., Executive Comte, All-China Fed of TU, May 1953-1956; ehm, Tianjin Branch, CPPCC, Sep 1953; ehm, Tianjin Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Nov 1953-1958; deputy for Tianjin to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954; mayor of Tianjin, Jan 1955 - Apr 1958; 1st sec., Tianjin CP, Aug 1956Jun 1958; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; 1st sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, Oct 1958 - Cult. Rev.; polit, commissar, Liaoning Mil. Distr, Feb 1960; sec., NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1963 - Cult. Rev.; mem., CCP del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1963; branded as a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1977; deputy for Liaoning to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; chief procurator, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte (by-elected at 3rd Plenum), Dec 1978- Sep 1982; dir., Special Procuratorate for the Trial of Lin Biao and Jiang Qing Counterrevolutionary Cliques, Sep 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982- Nov 1987; mem., Presidium, 13th Congr of CCP, Oct 1987.

Huang Huoxing

Joined Red Army, 1930; polit, instructor, Red Army College, Ruijin, 1931; during Long March remained in Jiangxi-Fujian border region, 1934-36; dpty cdr., 4th Regiment, 2nd Column, New 4th Army, 1937; cdr., 2nd Column, New 4th Army, 1940; polit, commissar of a brigade, 6th Div., New 4th Army, 1942; polit, commissar, 12th Column, E China Field Army, 1947; polit, commissar, 29th Army, 3rd Field Army, Feb 1949; vice-chm, Xiamen (Amoy) Mil. Control Com, Oct 1949; cdr., Xiamen Garrison, Oct 1949; dpty polit, commissar, Fujian Mil. Distr, 1954; made ltn-gen. and awarded order "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; dpty chief procurator, Supreme People's Procuratorate and chief procurator, Military Procuracy, Nov 1955; deputy for Jiangxi to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; mem., Bills Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; disappeared 1971.

Huang Jia

* 1921 Lipu County, Guangxi Sec., Guilin City CP, 1941; polit, commissar, NE Guangxi Guerilla Force, 1944-45; polit, commissar, PLA Yunnan-Guangxi-Guizhou Border Column, 1947-49; sec., Longzhou Prefecture CP, 1950-52; dir., Yangtse Daily, 1972-76; ehm, Economic Com, People's Govt, Guangxi AR, 1979-83; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Comte, Guangxi AR, Nov 1983; vice-chm, People's Congr, Guangxi AR, Jul 1985 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Jan 1988.

Huang Jiasi

"H" i v JL

* 1909 Luoan County, Jiangxi

deceased 1971, Apr

* 1906 deceased 1984, May 14 Completed studies at Beijing United Inst, of Medicine, 1933; received M.S. in medicine from Michigan Univ, 1943; mem., Preparatory Comte, Assn of Natural Science Workers, Jun 1949 - Aug 1950; dpty dir., Shanghai Medical College, Sep 1952 - Sep 1958; mem., del. to World Medical Conf., Vienna, May 1953; deputy for Jiangxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jun 1958 and to


3rd, Oct 1964); delegate to Congr. of Soviet surgeons, Moscow, Jan 1955; mem., Dpt of Biology and Earth Science, CAS, Jun 1956 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Jun 1957; mem., scientific and technical del. to USSR, Nov 1957; mem., del. to Conf. on Disarmament and Intl Cooperation, Stockholm, Jul 1958; vice-chm, Scientific and Technological Assn, Sep 1958; pres., Academy of Medical Sciences, Sep 1959 - Cult. Rev.; council mem., World Fed of Scientific Workers, Sep 1957; dir., China Medical College, Aug 1960; appointed corresponding mem., Soviet Academy of Medical Sciences, Jun 1961; dpty head, del. to Intl Tumor and Cancer Conf., Moscow, Jul 1962; vice-pres., Medical Society, Sep 1964; vice-chm, Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Jun 1965; accused as a "capitalist-roader" and disappeared, Sep 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again pres., Academy of Medical Sciences, May 1974 Dec 1982; head to WHO Conf. in Geneva, May 1974; again vice-pres., Chinese Medical Society, Jun 1978; head, medical del. to U.S.A., May 1979; head, Biological-medical-engineering Group under State Scientific and Technological Com, Nov 1979; vice-pres., Assn for Science and Technology, Mar 1980; head, medical del. to Japan, May 1980; mem., Natl Academic Degrees Comte, SC, Dec 1980; mem., presidium, CAS, May 1981; dir., Beijing Medical College, Sep 1981 - Oct 1982; pres., Surgery Society, Sep 1981; hon. dir.-in-chief, Welfare Fund for Handicapped, Mar 1984.

Huang Jingyao

actress named Lang Ping who later married Mao Zedong under the name of Jiang Qing; worked in CCP underground, Qingdao, 1933-35; sec., CCP Comte, Beijing Municipality and concurrently dir. of its Propaganda Dpt, 1936-37; delivered a report on the student movement, Yan'an, May 1937; sec., CCP Comte, Shanxi-ChaharHebei Border Govt, 1938-1944; head, Polit, and Educational Dpt, Fuping Mil. Academy (probably a branch of the Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy at Yan'an), Feb 1938; mayor, Zhangjiakou (Kalgan) MPG, Aug - Nov 1945; dpty sec., CCP of Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Govt, 1945-48; mem., Ν China People's Govt and vicechm of its Finance and Economics Comte, 1948-49; mayor, Tianjin MPG, 1949-53; sec., CCP Comte, Tianjin Municipality, 1949-53; mem., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1950; mem., Ν China Admin Comte, Nov 1951 - Sep 1953; min., Technological Com, SC, May 1956 - death; min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Aug 1952 - death; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956- death; vice-min., Scientific Planning Com, SC, May 1957 - death. At the time of his death, Huang was married to Fan Jin whom he married in Yan'an.

Huang Jingbo

Huang Jie * 1910 Baisha, Taishan County, Guangdong

deceased 1966, Nov Returned overseas Chinese; mem., 1st Executive Comte, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce (ACFIC), Nov 1953 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1956); deputy for Guangdong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Sep 1958 and 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Guangdong PPC, Feb 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangdong Branch, Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese (FRO), Oct 1956; vice-chm, Guangdong Branch, CPPCC, Dec 1957 - Dec 1963; mem., Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, SC, Apr 1959 - death; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Nov 1961 - death; vice-chm, Guangdong Branch, ACFIC, Jan 1962; vice-chm, FRO, Jan 1962death; vice-chm, Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, Guangdong PPC, Feb 1964 - death.

Huang Jing * 1911 Shaoxing County, Zhejiang deceased 1958, Feb 10 Born under the name of Yu Qiwei. Among his uncles were Yu Dawei who held cabinet posts in the Nationalist govt and another who was an adviser to the Japanese-sponsored Hebei-Chahar Polit. Council in mid-1930s. Huang studied physics at Shandong Univ in Qingdao, 1931; joined CCP, 1932; arrested and imprisoned for a short time, 1932; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Comte of Qingdao, 1933; in Qingdao had an affair and probably was married with a young

* 1919 Suide County, Shaanxi Youth and CCP cadre in several counties, 1936-44; dir., Finance Dpt, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt, 1944-49; polit, commissar, Logistics Dpt, 1st Field Army, 1949; dpty dir., Finance and Economy Dpt, Gansu PPG, 1950-52; vice-min. of Food, 1955-59; vice-gov., Shaanxi PPG, 1959 - Cult. Rev. ; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Guangdong Prov., Feb 1978- Dec 1979; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Dec 1979 - Nov 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangdong Prov. CP, Jun 1980 -Nov 1982; acting gov., Qinghai PPG, Dec 1982; gov., Qinghai PPG, Apr 1983 - Aug 1985; sec., Qinghai Prov. CP, Apr 1983 - Jul 1985; head, Qinghai del. to Australia, May 1984; dpty head, governors' del. to U.S.A., Apr 1985; mem., Natl Comte, 6th CPPCC, by-elected Mar 1986; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Apr 1988.

Huang Jingyao Dpty cdr., Heilongjiang Mil. Distr, Dec 1959-1967; cdr., Shaanxi Mil. Distr, Nov 1967-1977; vice-chm, Rev

Huang Kai


Comte, Shaanxi Prov., Nov 1967-1977; sec., CCP Comte, Shaanxi Prov., Mar 1971-1978; sec., CCP Comte, Ningxia AR, and concurrently cdr., Ningxia Mil. Distr and dpty cdr., Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Oct 1978; disappeared, Oct 1978.

Huang Kai


Relieved from position of asst min. of Petroleum Ind., Jun 1959; dpty sec., Yan'an Municipality CP, Oct 1964; deputy for Sichuan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-min. of Petroleum Ind., Jul 1978; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Dec 1983.

Huang Kecheng

^ JL "ft

Bishi), Oct 1950 (reelected lo 8th CC, Sep 1956); dpty cos, PLA, Nov 1952 - Oct 1954; mem., State Planning Com, G AC, Nov 1952 - Oct 1954; deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Sep 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; dir., PLA Logistics Dpt, Oct 1954 - Dec 1956; vice-min. of Natl Defense, Oct 1954 - Sep 1959; made full general and conferred orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; sec., Secretariat, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1956 - Sep 1962; cos, PLA, Oct 1958 -Sep 1959; demoted following the purge of Peng Dehuai, Oct 1959; vicegov. Shanxi PPG, Dec 1965; branded as a Rightist opportunist and purged, Aug 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Aug 1977; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte (by-elected at 3rd Plenum), Dec 1978 - Sep 1982; permanent sec., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 Sep 1982; mem.. Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; 2nd sec., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 -Sep 1985.

Huang Liang (f) * 1902 Yongxing County, Hunan deceased 1986, Dec 28 Graduated from Hengyang No. 3 Normal School; completed 1st training course, Whampoa Mil. Academy, 1924; joined CCP, 1925; participated in Autumn Harvest Uprising, Hunan, Sep 1927; after failure followed Mao Zedong to Jinggang Mountains, 1928; cdr. of div. in 3rd Red Army Corps (cdr.: Peng Dehuai), 1930-32; polit, commissar, 4th Div. and later dir., Polit. Dpt, 3rd Army Corps, 1932; took part in Long March with 1st Red Front Army, 1934-35; dir., Org. Dpt, Yan'an CP, 1936; dir., 5th Branch School of Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1937; served in Logistics Dpt, 8th Route Army, 1938; polit, commissar of brigade, 8th Route Army, 1940; cdr., 5th Column, 8th Route Army, 1940; cdr., Ν Jiangsu Mil. Reg and concurrently sec. Ν Jiangsu CP, 1941; cdr., 3rd Div., New 4th Army, 1941; alt. mem., CCP 7th Central Comte Apr 1945 - Jun 1950; after the end of the Sino-Japanese War, Huang was one of military officers under Lin Biao organizing troops in NE China, 1945; cdr., Jilin-Liaoning Mil. Reg, 1946; dpty cdr., Liaoning-Rehe (Jehol) Mil. Reg, 1946; cdr., 2nd Column, NE Field Army, 1948; contributed decisively in 4th Field Army to defeat KMT troops as well as to the occupation of Beijing and Tianjin, 1948-49; ehm, Tianjin Mil. Control Com, Jan 1949; sec., Hunan CP, Aug 1949- Nov 1952; vice-chm, Hunan Mil. and Admin. Comte, Aug 1949; polit, commissar, Hunan Mil. Distr, Aug 1949 Nov 1952; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jan 1950 - Nov 1952; mem., Hunan PPG, Mar 1950 - Nov 1952; mem., CCP 7th Central Comte (by-elected after death of Ren



* 1920 Received Ph.D. from Cornell Univ, U.S.A., 1949; returned to China with husband Liu Jingxu and their fiveyear-old daughter, 1956; subsequently research work in the fields of natural products, steroids and anti-cancer drugs (one of her achievements was the appearance of N-formylsarcolysine, a medicine highly effective for treating lymphomas and multiple myeloma); mem., Scientific Council, CAS, Nov 1981; research fellow, Inst, of Materia Medica, Academy of Medical Sciences, Jan 1982; mem., Dpt of Chemistry, CAS, Jun 1985; mem., Women and Youth Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988. Publication: Editor of Drug Therapy of Cancer.

Huang Lin


Took part in Nanchang Uprising, Jul 1927; after failure followed He Long's army in its retreat, Aug 1927; dpty polit, commissar, Nanchang Garrison, Aug 1948; council mem., Jiangxi PPG, Mar 1950; sec., CCP Comte, Nanchang Municipality, Mar 1950; mem., Jiangxi PPC, Feb


1955; dir., Communications Work Dpt, CCP Comte, Jiangxi Prov., Feb 1957 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Jiangxi CP, Oct 1957 - Cult. Rev.; vice-gov., Jiangxi PPG, Oct 1962- Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Jiangxi Branch, CPPCC, Ocxt 1963; branded a renegade and counterrevolutionary and purged, May 1968. χ

Huang Liqing



m v±_

deceased 1988, May Maj-gen. of PLA Air Force and of Shenyang Mil. Reg, Aug 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jul 1975; dpty polit, commissar, PLA Air Force, Nov 1975-1982; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., mil. friendship del. to Romania, Jun 1978; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987.

Huang Luobin




Cdr. of a PLA div., 1949; council mem., Ningxia PPG, Dec 1949; vice-gov., Gansu PPG, Oct 1958-1964; altsec., Gansu Prov. CP, May 1960; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1981; sec., CCP Comte, Xinjiang AR, Jun 1981 - Mar 1983; ehm, Gansu Prov. Branch, CPPCC, May 1983; ehm, Advisory Com, Gansu Prov. CP, Dec 1983-1990; mem., Credentials Comte, 13th CCP Congr, Nov 1987; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Com, Nov 1987; disappeared, Jul 1990.

Huang Qihan

Huang Oudong * 1907 Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Joined CCP, 1932; participated in Long March, 1934-35 cdr. of a regiment, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937-Φ4 cdr. of a brigade, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1945 dir., Supplies Dpt, Nongjiang Mil. Distr, fall 1945; dir. Construction Dpt, Heilongjiang PPG, 1948; sec., Shenyang Municipality CP and vice-mayor, Shenyang, Oct 1949 - Jun 1952;.mayor of Shenyang, Jun 1952-1953; 2nd sec., Shenyang CP, Jun 1952-1954; deputy for Shenyang to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, Aug 1954 - Sep 1956; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; 1st sec., Liaoning CP, Sep 1956 - Jun 1958; 2nd sec., Liaoning CP, Jun 1958 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Liaoning to 2nd NPC, Oct 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); gov. of Liaoning, Dec 1958 - Cult. Rev.; sec., NE China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1963 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; reactivated after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Liaoning Rev Comte, Feb 1973 - Jan 1980; sec., Liaoning CP, Apr 1973 - Nov 1977; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; 3rd sec., Liaoning CP, Nov 1977 - Dec 1978; chm, Liaoning Branch, CPPCC, Aug 1978; 2nd sec., Liaoning CP, Dec 1978- Dec 1979; chm, Liaoning PPC, Feb 1980 - Apr 1983; deputy for Liaoning to 5th NPC, byelected Feb 1980; adviser, Liaoning CP, Jul 1980; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 Sep 1985.

Huang Qihan

# £ j5l

Huang Mingda Counselor, embassy in Burma, Apr 1965-1966; chargé d'affaires ad interim in India, Jun 1970 - Oct 1971; ambassador to Sri Lanka and to the Maldives, Mar 1973 May 1977; ambassador to Afghanistan, Sep 1977-1980; ambassador to Burma, Jul 1982-1985; disappeared, 1985.

Huang Minwei Chm, Electric Ind. Workers TU, Dec 1957 - Sep 1960; ehm, TU of Water Conservancy and Energy Workers, Oct 1960; head, TU del. to Cuba, Mar 1961; acting ehm, TU of Agriculture and Forestry Workers, Apr 1961; head, TU del. to Ghana and Chile, Jul 1961; mem., Executive Comte, All-China Fed of TU (ACFTU), Apr 1962; head, TU del. to Poland, May 1962; head, TU del. to Ghana, Mar 1964; sec., ACFTU, Aug 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec. ACFTU, Apr 1978- Oct 1981; vice-chm, ACFTU, Oct 1978 - Aug 1982; mem., Central Com for Inspecting Discipline, CCP Central Com, Dec 1978; head, TU del. to 12th Congr of Federal German Fed of TU, West Berlin, May 1982; mem., 10th Executive Comte, ACFTU, Oct 1983; disappeared, Dec 1983.

* 1912 Debao County, Guangxi H. belonged to the Zhuang minority. Studied in U.S.A., 1942-45; editor-in-chief of a Chinese newspaper in New York, 1946; worked with New York World Trade Company, 1946-47; adviser to Guangxi KMT Govt, 1948-49; served in Shanghai Foreign Trade Bureau and Customs Office, 1951-55; dpty manager, Shanghai Textile Export Corp., 1955-61; vice-chm, Guangxi Branch, CPPCC, Dec 1977; chm, Guangxi Branch, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Nov 1980; mem., Natl Comte, 6th CPPCC, Apr 1986; mem., Stand Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Apr 1988.

Huang Qingqu

Huang Qingqu




* 1929 Longyan County, Fujian deceased 1989, Jan 23 Graduated from Mechanical Engineering Dpt, Dalian Engineering Inst., 1954; graduate courses in precision instruments, Harbin Polytechnical Univ, 1957; lecturer and prof., Harbin Polytechnical Univ, 1957 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; associate research fellow, Guangdong Inst, of Testing and Analysis, 1982; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Jul 1984 - Jan 1988; vicechm, China Zhi Gong Dang, Apr 1986 - death; vice-chm, Guangdong Branch of CPPCC, Jan 1988 - death; mem., Natl Comte, 8th CPPCC, Mar 1988 - death.

Huang Qingxi Mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Feb 1950; dir., Organization Dpt, CCP of S Anhui Distr, Mar 1950; dir., Water Conservancy Dpt, Nanjing Univ, Dec 1952; dir., Organization Dpt, E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1955; mem., Dpt of Science and Technology, CAS, May 1955; dir., Organization Dpt, CCP Comte, Shanghai Municipality, Feb 1962; vice-min. of Internal Affairs, Feb 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1973; vice-min. of Public Security, Oct 1973-1980; cadre of a dpt under CCP Central Comte, May 1975 - Jun 1977; vice-min. of Civil Affairs, Jan 1981 - May 1982; disappeared, May 1982.

Huang Qixiang * 1898 Mei County, Guangdong deceased 1970, Dec 10 Studied at Guangdong Mil. Primary School and graduated from 6th class, Baoding Mil. Academy; after graduation, retained to be captain of company at Baoding Mil. Academy; went to Guangxi and became mil. officer under Shen Hongying; later served in 1st Div. under Deng Jing in Guangdong; teacher at Whampoa Mil. Academy, 192425; during Northern Expedition, cdr. of a regiment in Zhang Fagui's 4th Army, 1926-27; after split of Nanjing and Hankou Govt, Zhang organized 2nd Front Army with Huang as dpty cdr. ; when 2nd Front Army was crushed by the forces loyal to govt, escaped to Shanghai and joined KMT Action Comte under Deng Yanda; when Li Jishen organized Chinese Republican Govt in Fujian Prov., went there and became head of cos, 1933; after failure of Fujian Uprising, escaped to Hong Kong, where he married; went to Germany with his wife; after outbreak of Sino-Japanese War, returned to China and became dpty dir., Polit. Dpt

under Chen Cheng's army, 1937; dpty cdr., 6th war zone under Chen Cheng, 1938; mem. and vice-chm, Central Work Comte, China Peasants and Workers Democratic Party (CPWDP), the successor of KMT, Action Comte, 1938; head, Nationalist mil. del. to Germany, Jan 1949; went to Hong Kong and issued manifesto denouncing Chiang Kai-shek, and later on went to Ν China to the Communist, fall-1949; specially invited delegate to 1st CPPCC and elected mem. Natl Comte, Sep 1949 reelected to 2nd, Oct 1954 and to 3rd, Apr 1959, and to 4th, Dec 1964); council mem., Chinese People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Dec 1949; mem.. Central Comte, CDL, Dec 1949 - Feb 1958; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte (CSMAC), 1949; dir., Judical Dpt, CSMAC, Mar 1950- Jan 1952; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1950 - Jul 1958; mem., Central Comte, CPWDP, Nov 1951; sec-gen., CPWDP, Nov 1951 - Feb 1958; vice-chm, Polit, and Legal Comte, CSMAC, Jan 1952- Jan 1953; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, Feb 1953 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954); deputy for Guangdong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Nad Defense Council, Sep 1954- Feb 1958; vice-min., Physical Culture and Sports Com, SC, Oct 1954 - Aug 1958; vicechm, China Comte for Olympic Games, Jan 1956; vicechm, CPWDP, Apr 1957 - Feb 1958; branded a rightist, Feb 1958; officially removed from list of rightists, Sep 1959; mem., scientific del. to Moscow, Apr 1961. Huang was married to Guo Xiuyi.

Huang Rong "H" $ Belonged to Zhuang minority; served in KMT army and later went over to the Communists; deputy for Guangxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958 and to 3rd, Nov 1964); mem., NPC Nationalities Comte, Feb 1958; vice-chm, Guangxi Branch, CPPCC, Nov 1964; pinged in Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Guangxi Rev Comte, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; deputy for Guangxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983 and to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 - Sep 1982; mem., State Nationalities Affairs Com, May 1979-1983; ehm, Guangxi PPC, Dec 1979 Jul 1985.

Huang Rongchang

* 1924




Worked as carpenter in his youth; started work in Chongqing Iron and Steel Company, 1950; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Oct 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Sep 1964 and to 3rd, Oct 1964); improved or built more than 200 pieces of equipment and solved important problems in iron and steel production, 1954-74; dir., Dpt for Bridge Construction, Min. of Railways and Party sec., Chengdu Railway Office, Nov 1959; dpty chief engineer, Chongqing Iron and Steel Company, Feb 1966; deputy for Sichuan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); disappeared, Jun 1983.

Huang Ronghai



* Jiangxi Joined Red Army, 1930; joined CCP, 1934; during Long March served in Polit. Dpt, 1st Red Front Army, 193435; served in 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; cdr., of a regiment, 7th Div., operating in Zhili Gulf Mil. Distr, 1945; dpty cdr., 17th Div., 6th Column, NE Field Army, 1947; cdr., 128th Div., 4th Field Army, Jan 1949; cos, 43rd Corps, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951-53; dpty cdr., 43rd Corps, 1955; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; studied at PLA Mil. Academy in Nanjing, 1956; cdr., Guangdong Mil. Distr, 1965-70; vice-chm, Guangdong Rev Comte, Feb 1968-1973; ehm, Guangzhou Rev Comte, Feb 1968-1972; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and to 11th CC, Aug 1977); dpty cdr., Guangzhou Mil. Reg, May 1971-1982; 1st sec., Guangzhou Municipality CP, May 1971-1972; adviser, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Oct 19831984; disappeared, Dec 1984.

Huang Shu

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Alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Dec 1983.

Huang Shunxing

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Huang Tifei

Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; council mem., Agronomy Society, Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1988; voted against Three Gorges Dam Project, NPC Session, Apr 1992; disappeared, Apr 1992.

Huang Shuze

Dir., Health Care Office, Min. of Public Health, Jun 1961-1963; accompanied pres. Liu Shaoqi to Indonesia, Cambodia and Vietnam, Apr-May 1963; vice-min. of Public Health, Apr 1965 Cult. Rev.; head, public health del. to Cambodia, Dec 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Dec 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jan 1973; vice-min. of Public Health, May 1973 - May 1982; head, del. to World Health Organization Conf. in Geneva, May 1983; head, del. to UN Conf. on World Population, Budapest, Aug 1974; head, public health del. to Ν Korea, Dec 1975; mem., Central Patriotic Health Campaign Comte, SC, Apr 1978; head, public health del. to Burma, Sep 1978; pres., China Geriatrics Society, Apr 1982; adviser, Min. of Public Health, Nov 1982 - Jan 1985; disappeared, Jan 1985.

Huang Songling * 1898 Hubei deceased 1972, Nov 28 Sec., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Comte, Hubei Prov. and concurrently editor-in-chief of CCP secret Magazine Changzhiang, 1927; served as prof, in Beijing, 1935-36; dir., Cultural and Educational Comte, Tianjin Mil. Control Com, 1949; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Comte, Tianjin Municipality, 1949; mem., Tianjin MPG, Jan 1950 - Nov 1952; ehm, Cultural and Educational Comte, Tianjin MPG, Nov 1952; vice-min. of Higher Education, Nov 1952- Feb 1958; mem., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Comte on Popularizing the Common Spoken Language, SC, Feb 1956; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Jun 1957; mem., scientific and technical del. to USSR, Nov 1957; prof, of Polit. Science and Economy, Economics Dpt, Chinese People's Univ, May 1958; deputy for Hubei to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Planning Com, SC, Jan 1961; vice-pres., Chinese People's Univ, Oct 1962 - Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Huang Tifei

* 1923 Zhanghua County, Taiwan Graduated from agricultural high school in Japan, 1943; mem., Taidong County Council in Taiwan, 1957-64; mem., Taiwan's Legislative Yuan, 1972-81; settled in Beijing, 1985; deputy for Taiwan to 7th NPC, Dec 1977; ad/iser, Academy of Agricultural Science, Dec 1987; mem., Education, Science, Culture and Public Health




* 1905 Nan County, Hunan


Huang Wei

Served under KMT general Feng Youxiang, 1924; dir., Nanjing Peace Daily, 1940-48; sec-gen., Tianjin Branch, CPPCC, 1950-54; vice-chm, Tianjin Branch, CPPCC, May 1980 (reelected May 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Dec 1981; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jan 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); disappeared. May 1988.

Comte, Jiangxi PPG, Jan 1952; vice-gov., Jiangxi PPG, Feb 1955; ehm, Planning Comte, Jiangxi PPC, Mar 1957; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte of Jiangxi, 1958; alt. sec., Jiangxi CP, Nov 1961; mem., Preparatory Group, Jiangxi Rev Comte, Oct 1967; vice-chm, Jiangxi Rev Comte, Jan 1968-1975; mem., Stand. Comte, Jiangxi CP, Feb 1972-1975; disappeared, Mar 1975.

Huang Wei

Huang Xiandu



* 1903 Jiangxi deceased 1989, Mar 20 Graduated from Whampoa Mil. Academy, 1st training class, 1924; took part in "encirclement and suppression" campaigns against Communist forces, 1932-35; rose from regiment to army cdr., 1928-48; dir., Education Dpt, KMT Central Mil. Academy and dir., 6th School of the Central Mil. Academy at Guilin in Guangxi, 1937-45; Jiang Jingguo, son of Chiang Kai-shek, was once in charge of political work under Huang's direction when he was dpty supervisor of the Org. and Training Dpt of KMT Youth Corps and cdr. of this corps; being one of Chiang Kai-skek's most trusted generals Huang headed eleven "crack" divisions under the generalissimo's personal command; as cdr. of the 12th Army Corps used poison gas against Communist forces during Huai-Hai Campaign, Nov 1948; taken prisoner by Communist forces, Dec 15, 1948; sentenced as a war criminal for 25 years imprisonment, 1950; pardoned as war criminal, Mar 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, 1983 and to 7th, 1988); mem., Comte of Fraternity for Unification of the Motherland under 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, Assn for the Peaceful Reunification of China, Sep 1988.

Huang Wenming "ft" Χ * 1915 Cadre, 1st Red Front Army, 1934; polit, commissar, 2nd Regiment, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Mil. Distr, 1937; polit, commissar, 66th Corps, 20th Army, 1949; made majorgeneral, Sep 1955; responsible cadre, PLA Polit. College, 1958; polit, commissar, PLA Signal Corps, 1963-74; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); disappeared, May 1977.

Huang Xian "It" Dir., W Jiangxi Admin. Office, 1950; dir., Civil Affairs Dpt, Jiangxi PPG, Sep 1950; mem., Polit, and Judical

"ft" ' i f Ê L

* 1907 Shangrao, Jiangxi Graduated from China College, Shanghai, 1932; dir., Shangrao Education Bureau, KMT Govt, 1934-35; magistrate of Shangrao County, 1940-41; dpty dir., Advisory Office, Jiangxi PPG, 1951-53; vice-chm, Jiangxi PPC, Apr 1983 (reelected Feb 1988); disappeared, Sep 1989.

Huang Xiang



* 1905 Changyang County, Hubei deceased 1990, Jan 26, in U.S.A. Surrendered his KMT 92nd Army to the Communists, 1949; served in Ministry of Water Resources and Electric Power, 1951; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Comte, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, 1963; mem., Natl Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; held photographic exhibition, Beijing, Oct 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Jun 1988); won several medals abroad with his photos.


Huang Xinting


* 1913 Mianyang, Hubei Joined CYL, 1929; joined guerilla unit under 2nd Frond Army, 1930; cdr., 12th Regiment, 4th Div., 2nd Front Army, 1935; participated in Long March in this unit, 1934-35; cdr., 716th Regiment, 358th Brigade, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; operating with his unit in Central Hebei, 1939; cdr. of an independent brigade, 1940-44; cdr. of a brigade under 1st Column, NE Field Army, 1945; cos, 1st Column, NE Field Army, 1947; dpty cdr., 1st Corps (renamed from 1st Column), Feb 1949; dpty cdr. and soon later cdr., 1st Army, 1st Field Army, 1951; his 1st Army was renamed to 1st Corps, with Huang as cdr. and sent to Korean War, 1952; Huang led 1st Corps in combat at Injim River, Apr-Jun 1953; attended a course at PLA Mil. Academy, Nanjing, Jul 1953-1955; dpty cdr., Chengdu Mil. Reg, Jul 1955; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; cdr., Chengdu Mil. Reg - Cult. Rev.; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., Natl Defense Council, Jan 1965; criticized in connection with He Long and relieved of all posts, May 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jul 1974; cdr., PLA Armored Forces, Sep 1975-1980; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected to 13th CC, Nov 1987); disappeared, Aug 1991.

Huang Yaguang Mem., Financial and Economic Comte, NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950; dir., NW Branch, People's Bank of China, Oct 1950 - Feb 1953; vice-pres., People's Bank of China, Sep 1953 - Dec 1961; leading revolutionary cadre in Fujian Prov., Feb 1967; vice-chm, Fujian Rev Comte, Aug 1968-1975; sec., CCP Comte, Fujian Prov., Apr 1971-1975; vice-chm, Fujian Branch, CPPCC, Mar 1975; disappeared, Oct 1975.

Huang Yan

"ft" %

* 1917 Liuan County, Anhui Became a Young Pioneer leader in the Soviet Government in Liuan, 1931; dpty cdr. of a guerilla unit, New 4th Army, operating in Hebei Prov., 1941; CCP sec., JiangsuAnhui Border Reg, 1945; dpty sec., Ν Anhui Distr CP, 1949; attended 1st Session of CPPCC, Sep 1949; dpty polit, commissar, Ν Anhui Mil. Distr, Dec 1949-1952;

Huang Yanpei

mem., Land Reform Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950 - Nov 1952; 2nd sec., Anhui Prov. CP, Aug 1952-1955; vice-gov., Anhui Prov., Aug 19521955; deputy for Anhui to the 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958 and to 3rd, Nov 1964); gov. of Anhui, Mar 1955 - Cult. Rev.; sec., Anhui CP, May 1957-1963; alt. sec., Anhui CP, Jan 1964 - Cult. Rev.; branded as an agent of Liu Shaoqi and purged, Apr 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; vice-chm, Anhui PPC, Dec 1979 - Mar 1985; disappeared, Mar 1985.

Huang Yanpei

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* 1879 Chuansha County, Jiangsu (now Shanghai) deceased 1965, Dec 21 Orphaned at early age and brought up by relatives; classical education until 1898; studied at modern Nanyang College, 1902-03; returned to home county and founded public primary school; imprisoned by Manzhu Govt for a short period for revolutionary speech; avoided penalty through intervention of missionary W. Burke; after release, went to Japan; administrative officer of Jiangsu, 1912; worked for newspaper in Shanghai, 1914; published article serially as Diary of a Tour of Education Inspection, 1914-15; sec. of a Chinese industrial mission to U.S.A., 1915; vice-chm, Education Assn, Jiangsu Prov., 1916; studied vocational education in Japan, 1917; published A History of the Ruin of Chinese Commerce, 1917; cofounder of Jinan Univ, which was largely supported by overseas Chinese, 1917; mem., Xinjiang Educational Com, 1923; published Brief History of Chinese Education, 1930; mem., Defense Advisory Council, 1937; mem., Stand. Comte, People's Polit. Council, Jul 1938; mem., Supreme Nad Defense Council, 1939; dispatched to Manila to supervise sale of Chinese war bonds, 1940; participated in formation of League of Chinese Democratic Polit. Groups, 1941; ehm, Nad Sales Comte for Chinese War Bonds, 1943; founded CDL, 1944; mem., Economic Reconstruction Comte, People's Polit. Council, 1944; published Rebirth of China, 1945; published Outlook Weekly, 1945; organized the CDNCA, Aug 1945; participated in Political Consultative Conf., Jan 1946; lived in retirement in Shanghai, until Feb 1949; mem., Preparatory Comte for 1st CPPCC, Jun 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC (reelected to 2nd - 4th, 1954, 59, 65); council mem., Central People's Govt, Oct 1949 - Oct 1954; vicepremier, GAC, Oct 1949 - Oct 1954; min. of Light Ind., Oct 1949- Oct 1954; vice-pres., Sino-Soviet Friendship


Huang Yaomian

Assn, Oct 1949-1960?; mem., Stand. Comte, CDL, Dec 1949 - death; ehm, Society of Vocational Education, Apr 1950; mem., Stand. Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1950-1958; ehm, CDNCA, Jul 1952 death; deputy for Jiangsu for 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, 1958 and 3rd, 1964); vice-chm, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959 and 3rd, Jan 1965); vice-chm, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959 and 4th, Jan 1965); dpty head, friendship del. to Mongolia, Aug 1959. Huang was married to Yao Weijun.

Huang Yaomian

15 8R«

* 1902 deceased 1987, Sep 3 Deputy for Guangdong to 1st NPC, Oct 1954 - Mar 1959; branded a "rightist", Nov 1956; the "rightist" label was taken from him, Dec 1961; special delegate to 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: Dir., Literature Dpt, Beijing Teachers Univ., Aug 1980; council mem., XNA, Sep 1982; mem., CDL, Nov 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 - death; adviser, Chinese Writers' Assn, Jan 1985.

Huang Yaonan


Dir., Personnel Office, Financial and Economic Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte (ECMAC), Dec 1949; dir., Personnel Bureau, ECMAC, Mar 1950; dpty dir., Personnel Dpt, ECMAC, Oct 1951; dir., Polit, and Legal Dpt, CCP Comte, Anhui Prov., Oct 1959; mem., Stand. Comte, Anhui CP, Apr 1960; vice-gov., Anhui PPG, May 1960 - Sep 1964; vice-chm, Anhui Branch, CPPCC, May 1960; sec., Anhui CP, 1962-67; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Feb 1967.

Huang Yongsheng


Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; cdr., 3rd Subdistr, ShanxiHebei-Chahar Mil. Reg, 1938; cdr., 2nd Training Brigade, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1945; cdr., 23rd Subdistr, Hebei-Rehe (Jehol) Mil. Dist, 1946; cdr., ReheLiaoning Mil. Distr, 1947; cdr., 8th Column, NE Field Army, 1947; dpty cdr., 12th Army Group, 4th Field Army, Jan 1949; 1st dpty cdr., Guangxi Mil. Distr, Sep 1949; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950 - Jan 1953; dpty cdr., S China Mil. Reg, Jun 19511953; cdr., Guangzhou Garrison, Aug 1952; cdr., S China Mil. Reg, Feb 1953; dpty cdr., 4th Field Army and concurrently dpty cdr., Central-S China Mil. Reg, Mar 1954; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; made full general and awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; cdr., Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Dec 1955-1968; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; mem., mil. del. to Ν Vietnam, Dec 1961; sec., Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1964 -Cult. Rev.; ehm, Guangdong Rev Comte, Feb 1968; cos, PLA General Staff, Mar 1968; head, Party and govt del. to Albania, Nov 1968; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; mem., Politburo, CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; head, Party and govt del. to Ν Korea, Jun 1970; purged in connection with Lin Biao affair, Sep 1971; sentenced to 18 years' imprisonment and depriviation of polit, rights for five years for having led a counterrevolutionary clique, Jan 1981; released from prison due to poor health, 1982.

Huang Yongyu




* 1910, Xianning County, Hubei deceased 1983, Mar Served as private in guards corps of Natl Govt, 1927; took part in Nanchang Uprising, Aug 1927; took part in Autumn Harvest Uprising led by Mao Zedong, Sep 1927; after failure followed Mao to Jinggang Mountains, Oct 1927; cdr., Guards Regiment, Red Army HQ, 1930; cdr., 3rd Regiment, 1st Div., 1st Front Army, 1932; participated in Long March, 1934-35; studied in 1st class, Red Army College, 1936; cdr., Independent Regiment, 115th

* 1924 Fenghuang County, Hunan H. belonged to the Tujia minority; his father was principal of an elementary school, his mother a teacher who had studied art; his uncle was the writer Shen Congwen (q.v.); entered one of the ten best secondary schools in China, Xiamen (Amoy), 1936; here he came into contact with Western art through a teacher who had studied in Paris; expelled from school for fighting with a classmate, the son of a landlord, 1939; worker in a porcelain factory, 1942; wandered through various places in S China, 1943-44; led a woodcut assn in Shanghai, 1946-48; art editor, Hong Kong Da Gong Bao, 1949-53; lecturer, Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, 1953; later made associate prof., disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again associate prof., Central Academy of Fine Arts, Aug 1979; visited Australia, Mar 1982; exhibition of his works in Bonn, capital of Federal Republic of Germany, Dec 1983; prof., Central Academy of Fine


Arts, 1984; council mem., Chinese Artists' Assn, 1984; adviser, Assn for Intl Friendly Contacts, Dec 1984; vicepres., Chinese Artists' Assn, May 1985; awarded the order "Commendatore" by pres. Cossiga of Italy, Apr 1986; invited to 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; mem., Nationalities Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988. Remarks: Huang was known for both his woodcuts and paintings, concentrating on paintings only in the 1970s. In his woodcuts he was influenced by Chinese folk woodcut techniques and Western techniques. Huang was married to Zhang Meixi. Publications: Huang Yongyu's Paintings (album, published in Hong Kong, 1980); There way Such a Time (collection of poems).

Huang Youmou


Huang Yun

Huang Yuchen * 1917 Funing County, Hebei Received a senior secondary education; dir. of polit, dpt in a regiment, 359th Brigade, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938; polit, commissar, 2nd Army Group, 1948; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Infantry School of Lanzhou Mil. Reg, 1951; polit, commissar, No. 10 Agricultural Div., Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, 1956; sec., Party Group of Xinjiang Iron and Steel Production Command, 1959; dpty dir., Economic Com, Xinjiang AR People's Congr, 1979; vice-chm, Xinjiang AR People's Congr, Apr 1983; last appearance, Apr 1984.

Huang Yukun




deceased 1988, Jul 9 Mem., 1st Natl Comte, Scientific and Technical Assn, Sep 1958; mem., Jiu-san Society, Dec 1958; vice-pres., Guangzhou Branch of CAS, Apr 1960; vice-pres., Guangzhou Branch of CPPCC, Dec 1960; vice-pres., Central-S Branch of CAS, Apr 1961; council mem., Guangdong PPG, Dec 1963; vice-pres. of Jinan Univ, May 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1972; deputy for Guangdong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); vice-chm, Guangdong PPC, Dec 1979 - Jan 1988.

Huang Yu

* 1922 Lianshui County, Jiangsu deceased 1989, Jul Joined CCP, 1939; dpty sec., Huaiyin County CP, 194547; magistrate of Huaiyin County, 1947-49; sec., Fengyang County CP, 1949-52; sec-gen., Chu County CP in Anhui Prov., 1953; dir., Ind. and Communications Dpt, Anhui Prov. CP, 1955-59; 1st sec., Ma'anshan City CP, 1960 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec., Anqing Prefecture CP, 1971; 1st sec., Bengbu City CP, Nov 1973; deputy for Anhui to 5th NPC, Feb 1978-1983; vice-gov., Anhui PPG, Dec 1979 -Feb 1988; ehm, Economic Com, Anhui PPG, Jan 1982; vice-chm, Anhui PPC, Feb 1988 death.

* 1917 Xingguo County, Jiangxi Cadre, 3rd Army HQ, 1934; participated in Long March, 1934-35; served successively in 115th Div., 8th Route Army and as polit, commissar in NE Column, 1937-46; polit, commissar of a div., 4th Field Army, 1948-50; transferred to PLA Air Force, 1950; polit, commissar of an Air Force div., 1950; polit, commissar, Air Force Corps, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951-53; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty polit, commissar, Shenyang Mil. Reg, 1957; polit, commissar, Beijing Mil. Reg, Jul 1961; dir., Polit. Dpt, PLA Air Force, Mar 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty dir., General Polit. Dpt, PLA, Sep 1975 -Apr 1985; head, del. of vacationing PLA officers to Romania, Sep 1979; vice-pres., Special Court for the Trial of Lin Biao and Jiang Qing Counterrevolutionary Cliques, Sep 1980; vice-chm, Natl Comte for Promoting Socialist Ethics, Mar 1983; dpty for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, by-elected Apr 1985 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); vice-chm, China-Argentina Friendship Group of NPC, Mar 1986; mem., Law Comte, 6th NPC (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); head, del. of PLA veterans to Algeria, Jun 1986; mem., NPC Credentials Comte, Apr 1989; disappeared, Aug 1991.

Huang Yun * 1921 Yangchun County, Guangdong Joined CCP, 1938; sec., Yangchun County CP, 1946; cdr. of a regiment, Central Guangdong Anti-Japanese Liberation Army, 1945-46; cadre, Party School, E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1947-49; sec., Guilin City CP,


Huang Zhaotian

1954-56; in same position, 1961 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jul 1973; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Comte Guangxi AR, Oct 1973-1976; sec., Liuzhou City CP, Feb 19771979; vice-chm, People's Govt, Guangxi AR, Dec 1979 Apr 1983; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Guangxi AR, Mar 1983 - Jun 1985; ehm, Advisory Com, CCP Comte, Guangxi AR, Jun 1985; disappeared, Dec 1990.

Huang Zhaotian * 1916 Xingguo County, Jiangxi Born into a family of poor peasants. Joined Red Army, 1929; made Long March with 1st Red Front Army, 193435; attended course at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1937; made chief of a company, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938; cdr., 1st Div., 1st Column, E China Field Army, 1947; dpty cdr., 58th Div., 3rd Field Army, 1949; cdr., PLA 58th Div., Oct 1950; made colonel, Sep 1959; dpty cdr., Wenzhou Garrison, 1961; cdr., Jiangsu Mil. Distr, Jun 1970- Aug 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Jiangsu Prov., Dec 19771983; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, People's Armed Forces Comte, Jiangsu CP, Oct 19791981; vice-chm, Jiangsu Branch, CPPCC, Mar 1981; disappeared, Nov 1981.

Huang Zhen


Sino-Indian border conflict, Nov-Dec 1962; visited Indonesia, Burma, Cambodia and Ν Vietnam, Apr-May 1963; accompanied Zhou Enlai to United Arab Republic, Algeria, Morocco, Albania, Tunisia, Ghana, Mali, Guinea, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somali, Burma, Pakistan, Ceylon, Dec 1963 - Feb 1964; head, del. to Jakarta for preliminary talks on the planned 2nd Afro-Asian Conf. in Indonesia, Apr 1964; ambassador to France, Apr 1964- Mar 1973 (suspended from early 1967 to May 1969 while answering criticism in Beijing); deputy for Beijing to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and to 11th CC, Aug 1977); in his capacity as ambassador to France, conducted preparatory negotiation for the establishment of diplomatic relations with Chile, San Marino, Turkey, Belgium, Australia and Spain, 1970-72; head, PRC Liaison Office in Washington (equivalent to embassy), Mar 1973 - Nov 1977; min. of Culture, Dec 1977 - Mar 1981; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1977- Sep 1979; mem.. Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; head, cultural del. to Ν Korea, May 1979; 1st dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1979 - May 1982; head, cultural del. to Romania, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Tunisia, Oct-Nov 1979; head, Party and govt del. to Iraq, Jul 1980; head, cultural del. to Philippines, Aug 1980; min., State Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Mar 1981 -May 1982; head, cultural del. to Australia and New Zealand, Apr 1981; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); mem., Central Com for Party Consolidation, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1983; hon. ehm, Assn for the Promotion of Intl Friendship, May 1985; mem., Stand. Comte, Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1988); pres., China-U.S.A. Friendship Assn, Jan 1986. Huang was married to Zhu Lin.

Huang Zhengqing * 1909 Tongcheng County, Anhui deceased 1989, Dec 10 Graduated from Shanghai Art Academy and joined CCP, 1931; cdr., 13th Regiment, 3rd Army Corps (cdr.: Peng Dehuai), early 1934; after crossing the Jinsha River during Long March wrote the plays A Broken Sandal and March Forward with Force, 1935; before the end of Long March worked in 15th Army Corps, 1935; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Border Reg under 18 th Army Corps, 1944; dir., Polit. Dpt, Taihang Mil. Distr, 1945; with rank of major-general, was dir., Communist Section of Mil. Mediation Dpt in Beijing, 1946; imprisoned by Nationalist Govt, 1946-47; polit, commissar, 9th Column, Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army, Aug 1947; transferred to Central Plains Field Army, fall 1947; ambassador to Hungary, Jim 1950 - Jun 1954; ambassador to Indonesia, Sep 1954 - Apr 1961; vice-min. of Foreign Affairs, Apr 1961 - Apr 1964; head, govt del. to Burma, Ceylon, Indonesia, United Arab Republic, Ghana, Guinea to inform the respective govts of the Chinese position in

JL ^

* 1903 Litang County, Xikang H. belonged to the Tibetan minority (Tibetan name: Lozong Zewong); cdr., KMT Peace Reservation Corps in Labuleng, 1938-49; mem., 6th Central Executive Comte, KMT, May 1945; went over to the Communists, 1949; mem., Gansu PPG, Dec 1949; dpty dir., Dpt of Agriculture and Forestry, Gansu PPG, Mar 1950; mem., NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jun 1950 - Jan 1953; dpty dir., Dpt of Animal Husbandry, NW Mil. and Admin. Cointe, Aug 1952; vice-chm, NW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Aug


1954; ehm, Gannan Tibetan Prefecture in Gansu, Sep 1953; deputy for Gansu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958); vice-gov., Gansu PPG, Dec 1954Sep 1964; mem., Natl Defense Council, Apr 1959; vice-chm, Gansu Branch, CPPCC, Jun 1960; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vicegov., Gansu PPG, Dec 1979 - May 1983; vice-chm, Gansu Branch, CPPCC, Dec 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); disappeared, Apr 1988.

Huang Zhizhen

elected to 6th, May 1983); mem., Presidium, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; ehm, Tianjin Branch, CPPCC, Jun 1980; head, Tianjin del. to Sarajevo, a sister city of Tianjin, Jun 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); head, del. to 73rd Conf. of Inter-Parliamentary Union, Lomé, Mar 1985; mem., Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); deputy for Inner Mongolia AR, Mar 1988; disappeared, Apr 1988.

Huang Zhiyong Huang Zhicheng

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h * 1952 Taiwan Piloted an F-5F fighter from Taiwan to PR China, Aug 1981 (at that time he had been major and flight instructor with the Supervision Office of Nr. 5 Wing of KMT Air Force); one day after his crossing over, appointed dpty commandant of an aviation academy; mem., Nad Comte, 6th CPPCC, Nov 1982; council mem., Fed of Taiwan Compatriots, Mar 1985; dpty dir., Dpt in charge of mil. academies and school, PLA Air Force HQ, Jun 1986; joined Beijing Branch, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Oct 1986; disappeared, Sep 1987.

* 1914 Chongyi County, Jiangxi Joined Red Army, 1929; dir., Polit. Dpt, Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy., Yan'an, 1938; dir., Polit. Dpt, 12th Army Corps, 4th Field Army, 1949; dir., Polit. Dpt, Hunan Mil. Distr, 1950; dpty polit, commissar, Hunan Mil. Distr, 1951-53; dpty polit, commissar, PLA Engineering Corps, 1954-58; made ltn-gen. and awarded order "Liberation", Sep 1955; polit, commissar, PLA Engineering Corps, 1958-65; polit, commissar, PLA Armored Force, Nov 1965-1969; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; dpty dir., PLA General Polit. Dpt, Nov 1969-1972; disappeared, Mar 1972.

Huang Zhigang

Huang Zhizhen


* 1916 Xin County, Shanxi Sec., Shenchi County CP, 1948-49; sec., CCP Comtes, Xingxian and Linfen Prefectures, 1950-54; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Shanxi Prov. CP, 1954-58; alt. sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, Oct 1959; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1963; alt. sec., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1966; during Cult. Rev. branded a "three-anti-element" and purged, Apr 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1977 ; 2nd sec., Tianjin Municipality CP, Dec 1977- Mar 1983; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Tianjin Municipality, Dec 1977 May 1980; deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (re-

* 1920 Hengfeng County, Jiangxi deceased 1993, Feb 5 Joined CCP, 1935; during Long March remained in E Jiangxi as leader of a guerilla unit; after outbreak of Sino-Japanese War his unit was incorporated into New 4th Army as 5th Regiment of the 3rd Detachment; dpty dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Comte of Qiqihar City, 1945; sec., CP of Shangrao County in Jiangxi Prov., Jul 1949; commissioner of Shangrao Admin. Office, 1950-52; dir., United Front Work Dpt, Jiangxi Prov. CP, 1954; vice-chm, Jiangxi Branch, CPPCC, Jan 1955; mem., Jiangxi PPG, Jan 1955; alt. sec., Jiangxi Prov. CP, Mar 1962; deputy for Jiangxi to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during


Huang Zhizhong

Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Apr 1972; mem., Stand. Comte, Jiangxi Prov. CP, Mar 1973; sec., Jiangxi Prov. CP, Apr 1973-1978; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 - Aug 1977; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Jiangxi Prov., May 1977-1978; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th, 1982); mem., Birth Planning Leading Group, SC, Jul 1978 - Mar 1981; sec., Hubei Prov. CP, May 1979; vice-chm. Rev Comte of Hubei Prov, Aug-Dec 1979; vice-gov., Hubei PPG, Jan 1980- Apr 1983; dpty dir., People's Armed Forces Comte, Hubei Prov. CP, Aug 1981; acting gov., Hubei PPG, Aug 1982; gov., Hubei PPG, Apr 1983 - Jan 1986; deputy for Hubei to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); dpty sec., Hubei Prov. CP, Dec 19831986; head, CCP del. to Burundi, Jul 1984; ehm, Hubei PPC, May 1986- death; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1987. Remarks: After the fall of Lin Biao, Huang took care of Deng Xiaoping in Jiangxi.

Huang Zhizhong Mem., Supervisory Comte, NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jan 1950 - Jan 1953; council mem., Ningxia PPG, 1954; alt. mem., Central Comte, CDL, Feb 1956; vice-chm, People's Council, Ningxia AR, Oct 1958 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Central Comte, CDL, Dec 1958; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); ehm, Ningxia Branch, CDL, Feb 1961; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, People's Congr, Ningxia AR, Jan 1980 (reelected, Apr 1983); disappeared, Apr 1983.

Huang Zhong


1957; mem., Sparetime Education Comte, SC, Jan 1960; vice-pres., Sino-Hungarian Friendship Assn, Jul 1961; head, table-tennis team to Guinea, United Arab Republic, Mali and Sudan, Apr-Jun 1962; head, sports del. to Indonesia, Nov 1962; head, athletic del. to attend Preparatory Conf. for Games of New Emerging Forces (GANEFO), Djakarta, Apr 1963; dpty head, del. to 1st GANEFO, Oct 1963; head, sports del. to Cuba, May 1964; vice-chm, Natl Comte for GANEFO, Aug 1964; head, sports del. to Indonesia, Apr 1965; head, sports del. to Cambodia, May 1965; mem., Stand. Comte, China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Jun 1965; mem. of a group of 35 Chinese delegates to the planned 2nd Afro-Asian Conf. in Algiers (which was postponed), Jun 1965; attended GANEFO Presidium Conf., Cairo, Jul 1965; visited Ν Korea, Jul 1965; head, sports del. to Cambodia, Jan 1966; vice-chm, Assn for Cultural Relations and Friendship with Foreign Countries, Apr 1966; head, del. to participate in 1st Asian GANEFO, Phnom Penh, Nov 1966; branded a counterrevolutionary element and purged, May 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1975; cadre, Physical Culture and Sports Com, SC, Jan 1976; head, del. to 3rd AsianAfrican-Latin American Table-Tennis Games, Mexico, Oct 1976; vice-min., Physical Culture and Sports Com, Jul 1978 - May 1982; vice-pres., All-China Sports Fed, Sep 1978; dpty head, sports del. to 8th Asian Games, Bangkok, Dec 1978; mem. and dpty sec-gen., Natl Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; vice-pres., Chinese Olympic Comte, Mar 1982; adviser, Physical Culture and Sports Com, SC, Sep 1982 - Jun 1985; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 Nov 1987; head, del. to the Assembly of the Assns of Natl Olympic Comtes, Los Angeles, Jan 1983; pres., Wushu (Martial Arts) Assn, Jan 1983-1986; head, sports del. to Hungary and Poland, May 1983; awarded a silver Olympic order by the Intl Olympic Comte for his contributions to the Olympic movement in China, Feb 1986; disappeared, Feb 1986. Huang was married to Wu Li.

Huang Zhongxue

* 1922 Xinfan County, Sichuan Studied at Qinghua Univ and later graduated from Southwestern Associated Univ; subsequently pursued advanced studies for two years in U.S.A.; dpty sec-gen., All-China Athletic Fed, Jun 1952 - Oct 1956; head, del. to World Sports Meet, Helsinki, Jul 1952; leader, athletics team, Chinese del. to 3rd World Youth Congr, Bucharest, Jul 1953; dpty sec-gen., Physical Culture and Sports Com, GAC, Feb 1954 - Oct 1956; vice-chm, Physical Culture and Sports Com, SC, Oct 1956 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, All-China Athletic Fed, Oct 1956; council mem., ChinaEgypt Friendship Assn, Oct 1956; dpty head, athletic team, del. to World Youth Social Gathering, Moscow, Jul


Polit, commissar of a div., Central Plains Field Army, 1947; dpty polit, commissar, 11th Army, 3rd Army Corps, 2nd Field Army, 1950; made rear admiral, Sep 1955; dir., Polit. Dpt, Qingdao Naval Base, PLA Navy, Mar 1957; dir., Polit. Dpt, PLA unit No. 1227, Aug 1958; min., 6th Min. of Machine Building, Jun 19641975; deputy for Hubei to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared, Jan 1975; first reappearance: dpty polit, commissar, East China Sea Fleet, PLA Navy, Jul 1981; polit, commissar of his fleet, May 1982; disappeared, Jul 1983.


Huang Zongdao

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* 1921 Xiaogan County, Hubei Graduated from Chemistry Dpt, Nanjing Univ, 1945; lecturer, Nanjing Univ, 1950-53; dpty dir., S China Inst, of Tropical Plants, 1953 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again dpty dir., S China Inst, of Tropical Plants, Oct 78; head, guayule investigation group to Mexico, Oct 1978; pres., Society of Tropical Crops, Jan 1982; dir., Hunan Tropical Crops Inst., May 1983; vice-chm, Science and Technology Comte, Min. of Agriculture, A n i m a l Husbandry and Fishery, Nov 1983; vice-chm, Hainan PPC, Aug 1988; disappeared, Aug 1988.

Huang Zuolin


* 1906 Tianjin deceased 1994, May Born into a rich family. Entered Anglo-Chinese College, a missionary school in his home town, 1917; graduated 1925; subsequently went to England to study at Birmingham Univ; soon attracted by Woodbrook College in outskirts of Birmingham, where he studied psychology and history of religion; here H. also came into contact with performing arts; wrote and directed short play West and East, 1926; his satirical play Chinese Tea was well received, even by G.B. Shaw, who wrote him; graduated, 1929; returned to China and succeeded his farther as a senior clerk in a trading company; the following years translated writing of Lu Xun, Lao She and Ding Ling into English, published in Beijing and Tianjin; went to New York and married Jin Yunzhi (stage name Dan Ni), 1935; both went to England and were admitted into London College of Drama founded by French director Saint-Denis; H. studied direction and Jin stagecraft; H. received M.A., 1937 (his thesis based on the performance of Shakespeare's plays in different periods); on their way back to China they participated in 5th Festival of Drama in Moscow; at recommendation of playwright Cao Yu, they went to Chongqing (then capital of Nationalist Govt) to teach at Natl Theater

Hui Yuyu

Inst.; dir., Shanghai People's Art Theater, 1950; deputy for Shanghai to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-chm, Shanghai Branch, Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Nov 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jan 1979; vice-chm, Chinese Dramatists' Association, Feb 1980; head, del. of drama-directors to Federal Republic of Germany, Feb 1980; again dir., Shanghai People's Art Theater, Apr 1984. Remarks: During his career, Huang staged more than a hundred plays. He was the first to introduce Bertolt Brecht to China with his Mother Courage and Her Children and The Life of Galileo. In addition he directed twelve films. Among his publications are: A Short History of Performance of Shakespearean Plays; The Chinese and Western Theater: A Study in Contrasting Techniques; Mei Lanfang, Stanislavsky, Brecht, A Study in Contrast; The Function of a Theater Director.

Huang Zuozhen * 1913 deceased 1991, Jan 24 Made maj-gen., Sep 1955; attended five of Mao Zedong's receptions of Red Guards, Beijing, Aug-Nov 1966; dpty polit, commissar, Beijing Mil. Reg, Oct 1966; mem., Stand. Comte, Beijing Rev Comte, Apr 1967 ; 2nd polit, commissar, Beijing Garrison, Aug 1967; sec-gen., Beijing Rev Comte, Feb 1968-1971; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and to 11th CC, Aug 1977); vice-chm, Beijing Rev Comte, Nov 1970-1979?; sec., Beijing CP, Mar 1971-1978; mem., Central Patriotic Health Campaign Comte, SC, Apr 1978; disappeared, May 1980.

Hui Shigong Mem., Shaanxi PPG, Dec 1954; dir., Ind. Dpt, Shaanxi PPG, 1958; vice-gov., Shaanxi PPG, Dec 1963 -Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Shaanxi CP, May 1964-Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., May 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Shaanxi Prov., Oct 1977 - Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Shaanxi CP, Jan 1978 - Apr 1983; deputy for Shaanxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); vice-gov., Shaanxi PPG, Dec 1979- Apr 1983; disappeared, May 1983.

Hui Yuyu

& ^


* 1909 Guanyun County, Jiangsu deceased 1989, Jul Joined CCP, 1928, while studying at normal school; once served in New 4th Army; dir., Polit. Dpt, PLA 3rd Field Army, 1949; dir., Ν Jiangsu Admin. Office, 1950- Nov 1952; vice-chm, Comte for Harnessing Huai River, Oct 1950; mem., Jiangsu PPC, Nov 1952; mayor and CCP sec., Nanjing Municipality, 1954- Feb 1955; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958


Hui Zhongquan

and to 3rd, Oct 1964); gov., Jiangsu PPG, Feb 1955 Cult. Rev.; sec., Jiangsu CP, Jul 1955 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Feb 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Jiangsu Prov., Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; deputy for Jiangsu to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, Jiangsu CP, May 1978 - Mar 1979; ehm, Jiangsu Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1979; sec., Jiangsu CP, Mar 1979 - Mar 1983; head, Jiangsu del. to Japan, Sep 1979; gov., Jiangsu PPG, Dec 1979- Jul 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - death; mem., Motions Comte, 5th Session, 5th NPC. Hui was married to Gu Qing.

sec., Jilin City CP, 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: 1st sec., Yongji Prefecture CP, 1973-75; 1st sec., Jirem League CP, 1976-77; 1st sec., Siping Prefecture CP, 1977-82; mem., Stand. Comte, Jilin Prov. CP, Apr 1983; vice-gov., Jilin PPG, Sep 1983 - May 1985; vice-chm, Armed Forces Comte, Jilin Prov. CP, Jul 1984; vice-chm, Jilin PPC, Jun 1985; ehm, Jilin PPC, Jan 1988-Jan 1993; deputy for Jilin to 7th NPC, Mar 1988 (reelected to 8th, Mar 1993); mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 7th NPC, Mar 1988.

Huo Shilian Hui Zhongquan




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deceased 1968, Apr 1 Mem., Financial and Economic Comte and concurrently dir., Agriculture and Forestry Dpt, NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950- Jul 1952; sec., CCP Hainan Distr Comte, 1953 - Jun 1954; vice-min. of Forestry, Jun 1954Cult. Rev.; deputy for Shaanxi to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; vice-chm, Comte for Water and Soil Conservation along Huanghe Midstream, Dec 1964; Hui died of persecution.

Huo Bingquan Deputy for Henan to 2nd NPC, Mar 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); disappeared during Cult. Rev.; deputy for Henan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, Henan PPC, Sep 1979; disappeared, Nov 1980.

Huo Fan



Sec-gen., CCP Secretariat, Guangxi AR, Sep 1958; alt. sec., CCP Secretariat, Guangxi AR, Sep 1964- Cult. Rev.; branded a bourgeois revisionist and purged, May 1967; first appearance after the Cult. Rev.: vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, Aug 1981 - Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanxi CP, Oct 1981 -Mar 1983; vice-chm, Shanxi PPC, Apr 1983; disappeared, Jan 1987.

Huo Mingguang



* 1921 Mengyin County, Shandong CCP cadre in several counties, 1946-52; sec., Yanbian Prefecture CP, 1952-53; dir., Judical Bureau, Jilin PPG, 1955-59; dpty sec., Tonghua Prefecture CP, 1960-64;

* 1914 Joined CCP, 1932; sec., Qinghe Distr CP in Shandong, 1937; polit, commissar, 3rd Detachment, Shandong Column, New 4th Army, 1938; dir., Civil Affairs Dpt, Zhejiang PPG, 1950; sec-gen., Zhejiang PPG, Feb 1951; council mem., Zhejiang PPG, Sep 1951; vice-gov., Zhejiang PPG, Dec 1954- Nov 1955; sec., Zhejiang Prov. CP, Feb 1957 - Oct 1965; ehm, Zhejiang Branch, SinoSoviet Friendship Assn, Apr 1957-1965; pres., Zhejiang Univ, May 1957 -Mar 1958; deputy for Zhejiang to 2nd NPC, Jan 1958; visited Poland, May 1960; 1st sec., Shaanxi Prov. CP, Dec 1965 - Cult. Rev.; sec., NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Shaanxi Prov. CP, Jun 1973 -Jan 1977; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Shaanxi Prov., Jul 1973 - Jan 1977; ehm, Rev Comte, Ningxia AR, Jan 1977 - Feb 1979; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Ningxia AR, Jan 1977 - Feb 1979; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; deputy for Ningxia AR to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; 1st polit, commissar, Ningxia Mil. Distr, Oct 1978 - Feb 1979; min. of Agriculture, Feb 1979 - Oct 1980; head, del. to World Conf. on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development, Rome, Jul 1979; head, agricultural del. to Great Britain and Federal Republic of Germany, Aug 1979; head, agricultural del. to U.S.A. and New Zealand, Jul 1980; 1st sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, Nov 1980 - Apr 1983; polit, commissar, Shanxi Mil. Distr, Jan 1981 - Apr 1983; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC; ehm, Advisory Com, Shanxi Prov. CP, Jan 1984 - Jul 1985; disappeared, Nov 1987.


Ji Chaoding

zmik Ismayil Yashengnoff

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Lsmayil belonged to the Uighur minority. Deputy for Xinjiang to the 2nd NPC, Mar 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); dir., Rural Work Dpt, CCP Comte, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Jul 1960; vice-chm, People's Govt, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Sep 1979 - Apr 1983; ehm, Xinjiang Branch of CPPCC, Dec 1985; disappeared, Jul 1987.

Janzhong Zhaxi Doje

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* 1925 Mainling County, Tibet J. belonged to the Tibetan minority. Served in Tibet Govt, 1950-53; served in Jiqiao Prefecture, 1956-58; dpty commissioner, Nyingchi Prefecture, 1960-64; vice-mayor, Lhasa City, 1964-65; dpty dir., Bureau of Agriculture and Livestock Breeding, People's Govt, Tibet AR, 1965-68; vice-chm, Tibet Branch of CPPCC, 1977-82; vice-chm, People's Congr, Tibet AR, Apr 1983 (reelected, Aug 1988); disappeared, Aug 1988.




deceased 1982, Feb Belonged to Mongolian minority. Deputy for Inner Mongolia AR to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958; deputy for Heilongjiang to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Inner Mongolia AR, Jun 1979; vice-chm, NPC Nationalities Comte, Oct 1979; pres., Inner Mongolia Agricultural, Animal Husbandry and Forestry Modernization Research Society, Mar 1980.

Ji Chaoding

JI ^


* 1903 Fenyang, Shanxi deceased 1963, Aug 9 Also known as C.T. Chi; pen-names: R. Dooping, Hansu Chan, Futien Wang. Son of Ji Gongquan (education commissioner of Shanxi Prov. in the 1930s) and Harriet Levine (seperated from husband mid-1940s and returned to U.S.A.). Attended Beijing Qinghua Univ; received B.A. from Univ of Chicago, 1926; joined CCP while in U.S.A., 1926; went to Europe, winter 1926; interpreter for a Chinese group who had gone to Moscow with Borodin after KMT-CCP split, 1927; worked for CCP del. to 6th Comintern Congr, Moscow, 1928; attended 2nd Congr of Anti-Imperialism League, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Jul 1928; returned to U.S.A., 1929; worked for China

Bureau, Central Comte, CP of U.S.A., and contributed to Daily Worker, its organ, New York; mem., Editorial Board, China Today, 1933-36; received Ph.D. from Columbia Univ, 1936; awarded Seligman Economics Prize for his thesis "Key Economic Areas in Chinese History", 1936; research mem., Inst, of Pacific Relations, Yosemite, California, 1937; editor, Amerasia, Mar 1937 - Feb 1941; lecturer, New School for Social Research, New York, 1938-39; vice-pres., Universal Trading Corps., New York, 1940-41; returned to China, 1941; sec-gen., Currency Stabilization Board, Min. of Finance, Chongqing, 1941-43; sec-gen., Foreign Exchange Control Com, Min. of Finance, Chongqing, 1943-45; sec-gen., Chinese del. to Intl Monetary and Financial Conf., Bretton Woods, Canada, 1944; dir., Economic Research Dpt, Central Bank of China, 1946-48; adviser, Chinese del. to session, UN Economic Council on Asia and Far East (ECAFE), Octacamund, India, Jun 1948, and to session at Lapstone, Australia, Dec 1948; went over to the Communists, early 1949; dir., Research Dpt, People's Bank of China, Apr 1949; asst gen-mgr., Bank of China, Shanghai, Jun 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, GAC, Oct 1949 Oct 1954; attended meeting of Initiating Comte for Holding an Intl Economic Conf., Copenhagen, Oct 1951; dpty dir., Planning Bureau, Financial and Economic Comte, GAC, Nov 1951 - Aug 1952; mem., del. to Intl Economic Conf., Moscow, Apr 1952; sec-gen., China Council for Promoting Intl Trade (CCPIT), May 1952 - death; vicechm, Research Comte, Chinese People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, 1952-55; mem., Executive Comte, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Nov 1953; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relation to Foreign Countries, May 1954 death; mem., del. to meeting of World Peace Council, East Berlin, and to Intl Conf. for Easing World Tension, Stockholm, Jun 1954; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959); council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1954; vice-chm, CCPIT, Aug 1955 - death; ehm, Foreign Trade Arbitration Comte, CCPIT, Apr 1956 -death; dpty head, cultural del. to Italy, Apr 1956; head, CCPIT del. to Paris Expo, May 1956; dpty head, cultural del. to Switzerland, May 1956; head, del. to Vienna Expo, Sep 1956; head, trade del. to Switzerland, Apr 1957; head, del to Hanover Industrial Fair, May 1957; mem., del. to meeting of World Peace Council, Colombo, May 1957; head, economic and technological mission to Great Britain, Oct-Dec 1957; mem., del. to 1st Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Conf., Cairo, Dec 1957 - Jan 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Jul 1958 - death; mem., del. to Congr on Disarmament and Intl Cooperation, Stockholm, Jul 1958; council mem., China-Iraq Friendship Assn, Sep 1958; dpty head, del. to 1st AfroAsian Economic Conf., Cairo, Dec 1958; delegated to Afro-Asian Consultative Meeting on Economic Cooperation, Djakarta, May 1959; mem., del. to special meeting, World Peace Council, Stockholm, May 1959; head, del. to Vienna Expo, Sep 1959; head, exhibition del. to World Agricultural Fair, New Delhi, Dec 1959; vice-pres., Chi-

Ji Chunguang

na-Latin America Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; mem., del. to 2nd Afro-Asian Solidarity Conf., Conakry, Apr 1960; dpty head, del. to 2nd Afro-Asian Economic Conf., Cairo, Apr-May 1960; mem., exhibition del. to Syria, Oct-Nov 1960; mem., del. to meeting of Afro-Asian Solidarity Org., Beirut, Nov 1960; head, industrial and agricultural del. to Burma, Jan 1961; head, del. to 3rd Afro-Asian Economic Conf., New Delhi, Dec 1961; council mem., China Afro-Asian Society, Apr 1962; delegate to meeting of Afro-Asian Org. for Economic Cooperation, Cairo, May 1962; head, del. to Asian Economic Seminar, Colombo, Oct 1962; head, economic and trade del. to Brazil, Nov 1962; council mem., China-Cuba Friendship Assn, Dec 1962; head, economic and trade del. to Mexico, Jan 1963; dpty head, del. to 3rd Afro-Asian Solidarity Conf., Tanganyika, Jan 1963; last appearance, Jul 23, 1963.


1971-1973; mem., Politburo, CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to Politburo, 11th CC, Aug 1977); 1st polit, commissar, Beijing Mil. Reg, Jan 1974- Aug 1978; vice-premier, Jan 1975 - Mar 1978; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; accompanied Hua Guofeng (q.v.) to Romania, Yugoslavia, Iran, Aug 1978; removed from all CCP and State positions at 5th Plenum, CCP 11th Central Comte, Feb 1980; dpty dir., China Intl Travel Service, Jun 1980.

Ji Fang


Publications: Militarist Wars and Revolution in China (1929), Soviet China (1932); Wartime Economic Development in China (1939).

Ji Chunguang CCP sec., Yushu County, Qinghai Prov., 1950; council mem., Qinghai PPG, Feb 1951; dir., Dpt of Unity Front Work, Qinghai CP, Sep 1956; vice-gov., Qinghai PPG, Dec 1963 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Qinghai Branch, CPPCC, Mar 1964; dpty sec., Qinghai CP, Feb 1966 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Qinghai CP, Dec 1973 - Aug 1979; dir., Office of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Qinghai Rev Comte, Oct 1974; vice-chm, Qinghai Rev Comte, Dec 1977 - Aug 1979; vice-chm, Qinghai PPC, Sep 1979-1982; dpty sec., Qinghai CP, Sep 1979-1982; deputy for Qinghai to 5th NPC, by-elected Aug 1980; vice-chm, Sichuan PPC, Apr 1983; disappeared, Mar 1984.

Ji Dengkui

* 1923 deceased 1988, Jul 13 1st sec., Luoyang City CP, Nov 1959; alt. mem., Secretariat, Henan Prov. CP, Jul 1966-1971; during Cult. Rev. played leading role in power struggle in Henan, 1967; vice-chm, Henan Rev Comte, Jan 1968-73; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and to 11th CC, Aug 1977); alt. mem., Politburo, CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; sec., Henan CP, Mar

* 1890 Qidong, Jiangsu deceased 1987, Dec 17 Graduated from Baoding Mil. Academy; instructor, Whampoa Mil. Academy, 1925; dir.. Org. Dpt under Polit. Dpt, Natl Revolutionary Army during Northern Expedition, 1926; after KMT-Communist rift, 1927, engaged in publication of journals in Shanghai; joined Provisional Action Comte of KMT ("Third Party") founded by Deng Yanda, 1930; mem., Fujian "People's Revolutionary Govt" of Cai Tingkai and Jiang Guangnai, Nov 1933; after failure of this govt arrested but soon released; joined New 4th Army, 1937; served successively as clim, Ν Jiangsu People's Govt, dpty dir., Ν Jiangsu Admin. Council and leading mem. of Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party (CPWDP) after its reorganization from "Action Comte for Chinese Natl Liberation" (successor to KMT Provisional Action Comte since 1935), 1947; vice-min. of Communications, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; dir., Gen. Office, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1949; mem., Central Executive Bureau, CPWDP, Dec 1957 -Dec 1958; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, 1958; to 3rd, 1964; to 4th, 1975; to 5th, 1978); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Oct 1954; vice-gov., Jiangsu, Feb 1955 - Dec 1958; ehm, CPWDP, Dec 1958 -Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, 1965); mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965 (reelected to 4th, 1975 and to 5th, 1978); vice-chm, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, 1983); again ehm, CPWDP, Jan 1979 - Jan 1987; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; executive ehm, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983; hon. ehm, CPWDP, Jan 1987; invited to 13th Congress of CCP, Nov 1987.

Ji Guixin

M tè

Vice-chm, Rev Comte, Sino-Vietnamese Friendship People's Commune, Zhangping County, Beijing Municipality, 1975; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comtee, Aug 1977; disappeared, Aug 1977.


Ji Hanxing

>iíf JL

J¡ Yinglin

Sep 1949; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte (CSMAC), Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; vice-pres., Henan Univ, Dec 1949 - Sep 1951; vice-chm of Henan, Jul 1950 - Feb 1955; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, CSMAC, Jul 1950 - Jan 1953; pres., Henan Univ, Sep 1951 - Jun 1954; council mem., History Society, 1952 - death; mem., Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; mem., Editorial Board, Historical Studies (Lishi Yanjiu), 1953 - death; acting pres., Henan Normal College, Apr 1954 - Jun 1956; deputy for Henan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1958); vice-gov., Henan PPG, 1955 - death; pres., Zhengzhou Univ, Oct 1956 - death; mem., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, May 1957 - death; joined CCP, Jul 1959; pres., Henan and Zhengzhou Branches, Assn for Cultur Relations with Foreign Countries, Sep 1960; council mem., China-Cambodia Friendship Assn, Dec 1960.

* 1921 Penghai County, Shandong Teacher, Shandong Party School, 1940-42; cadre in a county and subsequently in Shangshui City, 1949-53; dir., Financial and Trade Dpt, Henan PPG, 1953-60; 2nd sec., Zhumadian Prefecture CP, 1961 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: 1st sec., Zhoukou Prefecture CP, 1978-80; 1st sec., Xinxiang Prefecture CP, 1981-82; vice-gov., Henan PPG, Apr 1983 - Jun 1985; vice-chm, Henan PPC, Jun 1985 (reelected , Jan 1988); disappeared, Jan 1988.

Ji Wenmei

Ji Hua

Pres., NW China Poly technical Univ, Nov 1982; deputy for Shaanxi to 6th NPC, May 1983; pres. of the Society of Aeronautics, Oct 1984; disappeared, Oct 1984.



* 1925 Jinchu County, Jiangsu Served as cadre in counties and prefectures, 1943-54; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Dougan Machinery Factory, 1954-57; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Harbin Electric Engineering Inst., 1958 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty dir., Party School, Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Nov 1977-1981; dpty sec., Polit. Science and Law Comte, Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Oct 1981-1987; vice-chm, Heilongjiang PPC, Jan 1988; disappeared, Oct 1989.

Ji Long


Dpty head, del. to ECAFE meeting, Tokyo, Apr 1973; vice-min. of Light Ind., May 1982 - Nov 1985; mem., Society of Price Economics, Jul 1982; mem., Economic Examination Comte, Oct 1983; disappeared, Nov 1985.

Ji Ming


Vice-min. of commerce, Mar 1982 - Jan 1988; mem., Leading Group for Reassignment of Retired Armymen and Cadres, Jan 1988; disappeared, Jan 1988.

Ji Wenfu

$ X "ifî

* 1896 Ji County, Henan deceased 1963, Oct 10 Studied at Beijing Univ, majoring in philosophy; subsequently successively taught at alma mater, Qinghua Univ and Beijing Normal Univ; dir., Dpt of Literature and History, Henan Univ, 1933; imprisoned twice during SinoJapanese War by KMT authorities for leftist leaning; went to liberated area in Henan and participated in founding of Central Plains Univ, Jun 1948; delegate to 1st CPPCC,


Ji Yatai * Tumd Banner, Inner Mongolia deceased 1968, Mar 12 Belonged to Mongolian minority. Studied together with Ulanhu and Kui Bi at Mongolian-Tibetan School, summer 1923; came in contact with CCP through Li Dazhao, winter 1923; joined CCP, 1924; one of founders of CCP front organization, Inner Mongolia People's Revolutionary Party, fall 1925; mem., Grand Alliance of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers, Zhangjiakou, winter 1925; ambassador to Mongolian PR, Jul 1950 - Jun 1954; dir., United Front Work Dpt, Inner Mongolia Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1954-1955; council mem., Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR) People's Govt, Aug 1954 Apr 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959, and to 4th, Jan 1965); dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP IM AR Comte, 1955 - Cult. Rev.; vice-pres., China-Mongolia Friendship Assn, Oct 1958; vice-chm of IMAR, Aug 1960; dpty head, friendship del. to Mongolian PR, Sep 1960; pres., IMAR Branch, China-Mongolian Friendship Assn, Jul 1961; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP IMAR, 1961 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Central Control Com, CCP Central Comte, 1963; vice-chm, IMAR Branch, CPPCC, May 1965; branded as a bourgeois element and purged, 1967; officially rehabilitated, Jan 1979.

Ji Yinglin



Deputy for Jilin Prov. to 2nd NPC, Mar 1959 (reelected to 3rd, 1964); alt-mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; disappeared, Dec 1978.

Ji Zhaoqing

Ji Zhaoqing & J& Dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Comte, Hunan Prov., Feb 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Comte, Hunan Prov., Nov 1979-1981; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Hunan Prov., Jan 1980- Feb 1983; vice-chm, Hunan PPC, May 1983; disappeared, May 1985.

Ji Z h o n g p u # fr * 1913 Dir., Dpt of Medical Edcuation, Min. of Public Health, Apr 1960; pres., Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Mar 1978-1982; pres., Society for the Study of the Combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicines, Nov 1981; vice-pres., Assn for Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nov 1981; disappeared, May 1982.

Jia Chongzhi t Dpty dir., Ind. Dpt, Shanxi PPG, Oct 1949; dir., Ind. Dpt, Shanxi PPG, Sep 1952; dir., Shanxi Mining College, Feb 1963; vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, Dec 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Mar 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanxi CP, Jun 1983-1985; disappeared, Jan 1987.

Jia Huaiji t 'ft Ambassador to New Guinea, Feb 1976 - Nov 1979; concurrently ambassador to Cape Verde, Oct 1976 - Dec 1979; ambassador to Ghana, Apr 1980 - Jul 1985; vicepres., China-USSR Friendship Assn, Nov 1985; disappeared, Nov 1985.

Jia Huisheng Pi. Vice-min. of Coal Ind., Jan 1976 - Mar 1982; head, coal ind. study group to Federal Republic of Germany, Feb 1978; head, coal ind. study group to Yugoslavia, Apr 1978; mem., Central Greening Comte, SC, Feb 1982; disappeared, Feb 1982.

Jia Jiumin ff X ^ Polit, commissar, Taihang Mil. Distr, 1946; commissioner, Nanping Admin. Office, Fujian Prov., 1950; dir., Communications Dpt, Fujian PPG, Sep 1952; vice-gov., Fujian PPG, Feb 1955-1959; sec., CCP Comte, Fujian Prov., Dec 1958 - Dec 1962; 2nd sec., CCP Comte, Fujian Prov., Jan 1963 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1977; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Fujian Prov., Oct 1977 - Jan 1978; vice-chm, Fujian Branch, CPPCC, Jun 1978; 3rd sec., Discipline Inspection Comte, Fujian CP, Dec 1979; vice-chm, Fujian PPC, Dec 1979-1982; deputy for Fujian to 6th Ν PC, May 1983; disappeared, May 1983.


Jia J u n



* 1917 Yicheng County, Shanxi deceased 1989, Dec 2 Joined Shanxi Sacrifice League, 1937; served as sec. of Rural Work Dpt, Shanxi CP, 1965-66; vice-chm, Shanxi Rev Comte, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; sec., Shanxi CP, Sep 1979; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Shanxi CP, Jul 1985; mem., Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987 - death.

Jia L i n f a n g 1!" Ü Dir., Jingyang Mining Admin. Bureau, Shanxi, 1950; dpty dir., Managing Dpt, Min. of Fuel Ind., Aug 1950; dir., Staff Office, Min. of Coal Ind., Nov 1957; vice-min. of Coal Ind., Nov 1963 - Cult. Rev.; head, coal ind. del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1964; head, govt del. to Poznan Fair, Poland, Jun 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Guizhou Prov., Dec 1977; vice-min. of Coal Ind., Mar 1980 - Jan 1982; disappeared, Feb 1982.

Jia Qingli t fc ^ Dpty dir., Lanzhou Oil Refinery, Jul 1963; vice-min. of Chemical Ind., Jan 1980-1983; a letter of Jia's self-criticism was published in RMRB, Dec 15, 1983.

Jia Qiyun Ά & ¿L Council mem., W Sichuan Admin. Office, Jul 1950 - Aug 1952; mem., CCP W Sichuan Distr Comte, Jul 1950; sec., CCP Comte, Wenjiang Distr, Sichuan, Feb 1952; dpty dir., Statistics Bureau, SC, Nov 1954-1958; dir., Statistics Bureau, SC, Sep 1958 - Jul 1961; 1st sec., CCP Guizhou Prov. Comte, Jul 1965; branded a capitalistroader, Aug 1967; dragged out for trial at several struggle meetings, Jan-May 1968; disappeared, May 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1975; 1st sec., CCP Yunnan Prov. Comte, Oct 1975 - Jan 1977; ehm, Rev Comte, Yunnan Prov., Oct 1975 - Jan 1977; polit, commissar, Kunming Mil. Reg, Nov 1975 - Jan 1977; disappeared, Jan 1977.

Jia Ruoyu Ü" & ^ * Hunan Participated in Long March, 1934; served in Jiaodong Mil. Distr, 1946-48; cos, 32nd Army, 1949; made maj-


gen., Sep 1955; dir., Beijing Mil. Museum, Aug 1960 Cult. Rev.; sec-gen., General Polit. Dpt, PLA General Staff, Jul 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev. 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dean, PLA Mil. Academy, Aug 1978; dpty commandant, PLA Mil. Academy, Nov 1979; adviser, PLA Mil. Academy, Jul 1984; disappeared, Jul 1984.

Jia Shi


Π m

* 1920 deceased 1989, Sep 4 Dir., Finance Dpt, Shenyang Municipality, 1949; dpty dir., Foreign Trade Dpt, Min. of Commerce, Jul 1950 Oct 1952; dpty dir., 2nd Bureau, Min. of Foreign Trade, Oct 1952 - Apr 1958; dir., 2nd Bureau, Min. of Foreign Trade, Apr 1958 - Aug 1960; asst min. of Foreign Trade, Aug 1960 - Apr 1964; vice-min. of Foreign Trade, Apr 1964-1969; disappeared, Nov 1969; first appearance thereafter, Sep 1975; again vice-min. of Foreign Trade, Apr 1977 -Mar 1982; vice-min., Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, Mar 1982 - Jan 1986; ehm, China Council for Promotion Intl Trade, Jan 1986; awarded the Great Cross with Star of the Order of Merit by pres. Weizsäcker of FR Germany for his contributions to Sino-German trade, Sep 1987; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988. Visits to foreign countries: 1967: Romania, Poland, Pakistan; 1968: Ν Korea; 1978: Syria, Jordan; 1980: Sri Lanka; 1981: Cyprus, European Community; 1982: Burma, Bangladesh, U.S.A., Iran; 1983: USSR, Australia, U.S.A., Colombia, Peru, Chile, Italy; 1984: U.S.A., Canada, France, Belgium, European Community, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Italy, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, Panama, Portugal, Belgium; 1985: Great Britain, FR Germany, Netherlands, USSR, Chile, Belgium; 1986: Austria, USSR, Singapore, Italy, Finland; 1987: Japan, Hong Kong, India, Great Britain, Spain, France, Indonesia, Thailand, Saudi Arabia; 1988: Cuba, Brazil, Netherlands, Japan, New Zealand.

Jia Tingsan If Ä * 1912 Tang County, Hebei deceased 1984, Mar 3 Dpty dir., Ind. Bureau, Beijing MPG, 1949; dir., Public Utilities Bureau, Beijing MPG, Nov 1949; dir., Ind. Dpt, CCP Comte, Beijing, Feb 1953-1965; vice-mayor, Beijing MPG, Feb 1955 - Aug 1965; head, Beijing del. to Yugoslavia, Sep 1957; mem., Stand. Comte, Beijing CP, May

Jia Yunbiao

1958; deputy for Beijing to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; transferred to work in Planning Com, SC, Oct 1965; heavily attacked as a favorite of Peng Zhen and purged, Mar 1967; first appearance after the Cult. Rev.: dpty sec., CCP Comte, Guizhou Prov., May 1971-1977; vice-chm, Guizhou Rev Comte, Apr 1973 - Oct 1978; sec., Guizhou CP, Sep 1977 - Mar 1978; deputy for Guizhou to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; 2nd sec., Guizhou CP, Apr-Jun 1978; 3rd sec., CCP Comte, Beijing Municipality, Oct 1978 Nov 1982; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Beijing, May-Dec 1979; ehm, Beijing MPC, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; ehm, Advisory Comte, Beijing CP, Nov 1982 - death; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, by-elected, Oct 1983.

Jia Tuofu f fei * 1912 Shenmu County, Shaanxi deceased 1967, May 7 Graduated from Suide Normal School, Shaanxi; joined CYL, 1927; led student movement at Suide Normal School; later engaged in CCP underground activities in Ν Shaanxi and Xi'an; dir., Org. Dpt, Shaanxi CP, 1931; dir., Sabotage Div., Polit. Dpt, Red Army HQ, 1934; during Long March.with Polit. Dpt, 1st Red Front Army, 1934-35; sec., CCP Comte, Shaanxi Prov., 1935; sec., NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1937; dpty dir., NW Financial and Economic Office, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ninxia Border Reg Govt, 1946; mem., Finance and Economic Comte, Ν China People's Govt, Aug 1948 - Oct 1949; sec., Xi'an Municipal CCP Comte, May 1949; mayor, Xi'an MPG, May 1949 - Jun 1950; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, GAC, Nov 1949; ehm, Financial and Economic Comte NW Mil. and Admin. Comte (NWMAC), Mar-Aug 1950; mem., NWMAC, Mar 1950Jan 1953; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, NWMAC, Aug 1950; mem., NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1950; mem., Executive Comte, NW Branch, All-China Fed of Labor, 1950; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, GAC, Aug 1952 - Oct 1954; vice-min., State Planning Com, GAC, Sep 1953 - Oct 1954; deputy for Henan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1958); min. of Light Ind., Sep 1954 - May 1956; dir., 4th Office, SC, Oct 1954- Sep 1959; mem., Scientific Planning Com, Mar 1956 - Jun 1957; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956- death; vice-min., State Economic Com, SC, Dec 1956 - Sep 1959; vice-min., State Planning Com, Sep 1958-1961; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; disappeared, Apr 1959. Remarks: The disappearance has to be seen in connection with Peng Dehuai who fell into disgrace at the Lushan Conf. of the CCP, Aug 1959.

Jia Yunbiao fá Vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, Oct 1964- Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Shanxi Rev Comte, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, Dec 1979; disappeared, Mar 1980.

Jia Zhen

Jia Zhen


Ά >K

Dir., Secretariat, Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1950; dir., Personnel Office, GAC, Nov 1950 - Oct 1954; council mem., Chinese Architecture Society, Oct 1953; dpty dir., Bureau of Urban Construction, SC, 1956; vice-chm, Chinese Architecture Society, Feb 1957-1958; asstmin. of Urban Construction, Jun 1957; sec., CCP Comte Tianjin Univ, Aug 1958; vice-pres., Higher Party School, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1963 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Shandong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1977; cadre, Beijing Normal Univ, Sep 1978; disappeared, May 1980.

Jian Bozan

Nov 1958; council mem., China-United Arab Republic Friendship Assn, Feb 1958; mem., Editorial Board, Journal of Archaeology, 1959 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Nationalities Affairs Com, SC, Sep 1959; vice-pres., China-Burma Friendship Assn, Nov 1959 - Cult. Rev.; vice-pres., Beijing Univ, Mar 1962 - Cult, rev.; council mem., ChinaAfro-Asian Society, Apr 1862; branded a reactionary scholar-tyrant by RMRB, Dec 15, 1966; committed suicide together with wife. Publications: The Recent World Capitalist Economy; The Process in the Teaching of Historical Philosophy; An Outline of Chinese History; A Collection on Historical Questions.

$ fâ Ψ Jian Xianfo (f)

* 1898 Daoyuan County, Hunan deceased 1966 Belonged to Uighur minority. Graduated from Wuchang Commercial School; studied at Univ of California, 192425; adviser to Cao Kun, the Beiyang warlord, 1925; participated in Northern expedition, 1927; imprisoned in Shanxi for leftist tendencies, 1927; worked under Shang Zhen, gov. of Suiyuan Prov., 1927-28; sec. to Tan Zhen, vice-pres., KMT Judical Yuan, 1929; deputy for Shanxi to 4th KMT Congr, Nov 1931; accompanied Tan to Germany, Italy, France, U.S.A. and Japan, 1935; joined CCP before outbreak of Sino-Japanese War, 1937; founded Changsha Branch, Sino-Soviet Cultural Assn, 1937; taught at People's Inst., Lantian, Hunan, 1938; dir archaeological survey in Hong Kong, 1948; mem., del. to 1st World Peace Conf., Prague, Apr 1949; attended 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, GAC, Oct 1949- Sep 1954; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 - Dec 1954; mem., Nad Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1950 - Cult. Rev.; prof., Central Nationalities Inst., Sep 1951; mem., Nationalities Affairs Com, GAC, Oct 1951 - Sep 1954; council mem., China-Burma Friendship Assn, May 1952- Cult. Rev.; mem., Editorial Board, Historical Studies, Nov 1953; dir., Historical Dpt, Beijing Univ, Jun 1954 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Hunan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958, and to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Nationalities Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Jan 1965); mem., Stand. Comte, Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Jim 1955; council mem., China-Indonesia Friendship Assn, Jun 1955; mem., scientific del. to Japan, Dec 1955; council mem., China-Egypt Friendship Assn, Oct 1956; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Jun 1957 -

* 1915 Cili County, Hunan Joined Red Army on graduation from normal school, 1934; married Xiao Ke (q.v.) before the Long March, during which she became pregnant, 1934-35; during Long March worked in Propaganda Dpt, 6th Army Group, 2nd Red Front Army, 1934-36; dir., Cadre Management Dpt, Min. of Power Ind., 1979; vice-min. of Power Ind., 1980 - Mar 1982; mem., Central Com for Disciplin Inspection under CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987. Jian is the younger sister of Jian Xianren (q.v.).

* 1909 Cili County, Hunan Joined CCP in her high school days; took part in Long March with 2nd Red Front Army, 1934-36; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978-1983; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, 12th CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 (reelected, Sep 1982) - Sep 1985. Jian is the elder sister of Jian Xianfo (q.v.)

Jiang Guangnai


Jiang Baodi (f)



Jiang Feng


Worker in Zhejiang Province, 1969; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and to 11th, Aug 1977), ehm, Zhejiang TU, Jul 1973-1982; mem., Stand. Comte, Zhejiang CP, Jul 19731983; mem.. Stand. Comte, Zhejiang Rev Comte, Jul 1974- Dec 1977; vice-chm, Zhejiang Rev Comte, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; disappeared, Feb 1983.

Jiang Chunfang

* 1912 deceased 1987, Dec 17 Active in Communist underground, NE China, 1932; worked for Translation News edited by Xia Yan in Shanghai, 1937; co-edited Daily Translation News together with Meiyi, 1938; editor-in-chief Time Weekly, 1941; editor-inchief of Soviet Literature and Art Weekly, 1942; dpty dir., Bureau for Compilation and Translation of Works of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1954-1959; disappeared until 1978; mem., Stand. Comte 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th CPPCC, 1983) mem., China Encyclopedia Publishing House, Nov 1979 hon. pres., Society for the Study of Soviet Literature, Mar 1918; editor-in-chief, Encyclopedia of China, Aug 1980; adviser, Translations and Compilations Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jim 1982; pres., Translators' Association, Jun 1982; head, Work Group for Culture, CPPCC, Natl Comte, Mar 1987.

Jiang Dongping

7J~ &

Vice-pres., Chinese People's Bank, Dec 1960 - Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-min. of Finance, Oct 1973-1978; mem., Birth Planning Leading Group, SC, Jul 1978; disappeared, Jul 1978.

* 1910 Shanghai deceased 1982, Sep 13 Born into a worker's family; participated in woodcut study group sponsored by Lu Xun, 1931; took part in activities of Shanghai left-wing artists, 1931-36; went to Yan'an, 1937; dean, Art Dpt, Lu Xun Art Inst, at Yan'an, 193943; dir., Fine Arts Dpt, Arts School under Ν China Associated Univ, 1946-49; dir., Central Fine Arts Inst., 1950-57; vice-chm, Artists' Assn, 1950 - Jan 1958; deputy for Shanghai to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (lost this mandate, Jan 1958); criticized during anti-Rightist campaign, 1957; disappeared until 1977; mem., CPPCC 5th Natl Comte, 1977; art adviser to Min. of Culture, May 1979; ehm, Chinese Artists' Assn, Nov 1979; head, engravers del. to France, Mar 1981. Jiang is thought as the founder of the Chinese revolutionary woodcut art.

Jiang Guangnai



* 1888 Dongguan County, Guangdong

deceased 1967, Jun 8 Studied at Guangdong Army Primary and Middle School; graduated from 1st Cavalry Class, Baoding Mil. Academy, 1922; battalion cdr., 4th Regiment, 1st Div., Guangdong Army, 1923; cdr. of regiment, Guangdong Army, 1924; dpty cdr., 10th Div., 4th Army, Natl Revolutionary Army (NRA), 1925; cdr., 10th Div. on Northern Expedition, 1926; dpty cdr., 11th Army, NRA, 1926; cdr., 11th Army, 1927; cdr.-in-chief, 19th Route Army, 1930-32; cdr., Shanghai-Wusong Garrison, 1931; won intl renown in the stubborn resistance of 10th Route Army to the Japanese in Shanghai, Jan 1932; gov. of Fujian Prov., Dec 1932; together with Cai Tingkai and others, staged Fujian Revolt, Nov 1933; after failure, fled to Hong Kong and organized Chinese Natl Revolutionary League together with Li Jishen and others, 1934; returned to China upon outbreak of Sino-Japanese War, 1937; mem., Natl Mil. Council, 1937; cdr.-in-chief, 4th War Zone, 1939-44; dpty cdr.-in-chief, 7th War Zone, 1944; mem., KMT Central Control Comte, May 1945; together with Cai Tingkai founded KMT Assn for Promoting Democracy, Guangzhou, 1946; merged KMT Assn for Promoting Democracy with Three People's Principles Comrades Assn to form KMT Rev Comte, Hong Kong, Jan 1948; mem., Central Comte and Executive Comte, KMT Rev Comte, Jan 1948; left Hong Kong for Communist occupied Ν China, fall of 1948; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep

Jiang Hua

1949; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949- Dec 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Comte, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Nov 1949 - death; council mem., Guangdong PPG, Jan 1950; council mem., Beijing MPG, Oct 1951; min. of Textile Ind., Apr 1952 death; delegate to World Peace Council, Vienna, Nov 1953; deputy for Guangdong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Sep 1958, and to 3rd, Sep 1964); head, del. to Leipzig Intl Fair, Feb 1955; vice-chm, Beijing Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1955-1967; ehm, Beijing Branch, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Oct 1959 - death; mem., NPC del. to Ν Vietnam, Sep 1962. Jiang was married to Huang Wanxia.

Jiang Hua

* 1907 Hunan Jiang belonged to the Yao minority. Graduated from Hubei Normal School; joined CCP, 1926; sec., Pingxiang County CP, 1927-28; cadre, Polit. Dpt, 4th Army, Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, 1928-29; polit, commissar, 3rd Red Army, 1933-34; took part in Long March, 1934-35; polit, commissar, Yan'an City Garrison, 1935-37; dir., 4th Bureau, 8th Route Army, 1937-45; dir., Polit. Dpt. Shandong Mil. Distr, 1946-49; dpty sec., Zhejiang Prov. CP, 1952; council mem., Zhejiang PPC, Jan 1955; ehm, Zhejiang Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1955; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; 1st sec., Zhejiang Prov. CP, Sep 1956- Cult. Rev.; polit, commissar, Zhejiang Mil. Distr, Mar 1957 - Cult. Rev.; sec., E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Sep 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 - Aug 1977; pres., Supreme People's Court, Jan 1975 - Jun 1983; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; article in HQ, "Act in strict accordance with the new constitution", May 1978; pres., Special Court for the Trial of Lin Biao and Jiang Qing Counterrevolutionary Cliques, Sep 1980; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, Sep 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982- Oct 1992; mem., Presidium, 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; mem., Presidium, 14th CCP Congr, Oct 1992; disappeared, Oct 1992. Remarks: Jiang was married to Wu Zhonglian who committed suicide during the Cult. Rev.


Jiang Jinliu ^ ^ Cdr., Hunan Mil. Distr, Jun 1983-1989; mem., Stand. Comte, Hunan Prov. CP, Jun 1985.

Jiang Kexuan * 1931 Born into a landlord family; graduated from Electric Motor Dpt, Harbin Polytechnical Univ, 1954; subsequently entered Changchun Passenger Train Plant as a technician; joined a group working on feasibility studies of subways and put in charge of the design and manufacture of electrical equipment, 1957; began major technological renovations of the electric devices on passenger trains which were made in the 1930s, 1963; started to develop China's first subway train, which made its first run in Beijing 1969, 1966; mem., Stand. Comte, Jilin Prov. Branch, CPPCC, 1982; senior engineer, Changchun Passenger Train Plant, Aug 1987; disappeared, Aug 1987. Remarks: Subway trains built by Changchun Passenger Train Plant are running in Beijing, Tianjin and Pyongyang. Jiang was married and had four sons.

Jiang Lindong Sr ^ £ Leading mil. cadre, Beijing, Oct 1972; leading mil. cadre, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Feb 1972; dpty polit. commissar, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Feb 1975; dpty polit, commissar, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Apr 1976-1982; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; adviser, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Nov 1982; disappeared, Aug 1985.

Jiang Liyin ÌJWorker in Locomitive Dpt, Fuzhou Railway Bureau, 1968; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and to 11th CC, Aug 1977); ehm, Fujian Prov. TU, Jul 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, Fujian CP, Jul 1973-1978; deputy for Fujian to 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th NPC, Feb 1978); mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; removed from position, Jun 1981); sec., Fujian CP, Jun 1973-1978; disappeared, Apr 1978.

Jiang Longji ¿J- f k * Shaanxi Delegate of educational workers to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, and concurrendy dir. of its Education Dpt, NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950 - Jan 1953; vice-pres., Beijing Univ, Oct 1952 Dec 1959; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958), 1st sec., CCP Comte, Beijing Univ, May 1957; pres., Lanzhou Univ, Dec 1961 Cult. Rev.; deputy for Gansu to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; publicly criticized at the beginning of the Cult. Rev., Jul 1966; disappeared, Jul 1966.

Jiang Nanxiang


Jiang Ming


Served in Central China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, early 1940s; followed Liu Shaoqi to Yan'an, 1942; dir., Trade Admin. Bureau, Ν China People's Govt, 1949; head, Trade Planning Office, Planning Dpt, Financial and Economic Comte, G AC, Jun 1950-1952; dpty dir., Foreign Trade Dpt, Min. of Trade, Apr 1952-1954; dpty head, trade del. to Moscow, Nov 1953; dir., 1st Bureau, Min. of Foreign Trade, Dec 1954-1955; vice-min. of Foreign Trade, Jun 1955 - Cult. Rev.; head, del. to Damascus Intl Fair, Sep 1955; head, trade del. to Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Dec 1955 - Jan 1956; head, trade del. to Egypt, Oct 1956; council mem., China-Syria Friendship Assn, Sep 1957; council mem., China-Egypt Friendship Assn, Feb 1958; head, trade del. to PR Mongolia, Jan 1959; head, trade del. to Ν Korea, Feb 1960; dir., Bureau of Customs Admin., Min. of Foreign Trade, Oct 1964; head, trade del. to Romania, Nov 1964; head, trade del. to Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Feb-Apr 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-min., Scientific and Technological Com, SC, Jun 1978 - May 1982; head, del. to UN Conf. on Science and Technology for Development, Vienna, Aug 1979; head, govt del. to Great Britain, Dec 1981; head, govt del. to Philippines, Mar 1982; disappeared, Apr 1982.

Jiang Muyue /- 1 Dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, ACTFU, Dec 1955; dpty sec-gen., Preparatory Comte, Nad. Conf. of Outstanding Workers, Mar 1956; council mem., China-Ceylon Friendship Assn, Sep 1962; dpty dir., Foreign Language Publishing and Distribution Admin. Bureau, SC, Oct 1963 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: cadre, Foreign Languages Publishing and Distribution Admin., SC, Nov 1974; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dir., Preparatory Comte for an English-language Daily, Nov 1980; sec., Chinese Journalists' Assn, Apr 1983; publisher China Daily, China's first English-language daily, May 1983; visited U.S.A., May 1983; disappeared, Jun 1986.

Jiang Nanxiang




* 1910 Shaoxing County, Zhejiang deceased 1988, May 3 Graduated from Qinghua Univ; joined CCP about 1932; went to Yan'an, 1941; co-edited with Hu Qiaomu Chinese Youth magazine, 1945; led a work team of 90 youths to NE China, Sep 1945; established NE Democratic Youth Alliance, which later became the New Democratic Youth League (NDYL), Aug 1946; dpty sec., NDYL and dir. of its Org. Dpt, 1949-50; mem., Nad Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949- Dec 1954; mem., Cultural and Education Comte, Central Govt Admin. Council, Oct 1949 - Oct 1954; mem., China Peace Council, Oct 1950 - Jul 1958; council mem. and sec., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1951 - Dec 1954; sec., NDYL, Sep 1952-1953; dean of Qinghua Univ, Nov 1952; mem., Stand. Comte, CPPCC, Feb 1953 - Dec 1954; deputy for Beijing to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, 1958 and to 3rd, 1964); alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; mem., Central Comte, CYL (successor of NDYL), May 1957 - Cult. Rev.; 1st sec., Qinghua Univ CP, Sep 1957; ehm, Sino-Albanian Friendship Assn, Oct 1958; vice-min. of Education, Jan 1960- Oct 1964; head, CCP del. to Albania, Feb 1961; vice-min. of Higher Education, Oct 1964 - Jan 1965; min. of Higher Education, Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev.; attacked as supporter of Peng Zhen and branded as "black gangster of the Three-Family Village", 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; vice-chm, Tianjin Municipality Rev Comte, Jul 1977 - fall 1977; vice-min., State Scientific and Technological Com., Dec 1977 - May 1982; deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; min. of Education, Jun 1979 - May 1982; head, govt del. to Italy, Netherlands, Great Britain, Sep 1979; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte (by-elected at 4th Plenum), Sep 1979 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985); head, govt del. to FR Germany, France, U.S.A., May-Jun 1980; vice-chm, Natl Academic Degrees Comte, SC, Dec 1980; 1st vice-pres., Central Party School, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; pres., Higher Education Society, May 1983; mem., Central Com for Party Consolidation, CCP 12th Central Comte, Oct 1983; head, educational del. to FR Germany, Nov 1983; visited Romania, Jun 1984; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected, Nov 1987). Jiang was married to Ou Tangliang.


Jiang Qing (f)

Jiang Qing (f)


* 1913 Zhucheng County, Shandong

deceased 1991, May 14 Born under the name of Li Yunhe. Her parents separated when she was still a young child. Her mother then moved together with Jiang Qing to Jinan, capital of Shandong; after elementary school enrolled in Taian Acting School (in return for free instruction, the pupils of the school agreed to work for an unspecified period of time for the theatrical experimentation group of the school), 1929; began an affair with the head of the acting school, Zhao Taimou, and went with him to Qingdao, 1930, where Zhao became a lecturer at the newly established univ.; Zhao very soon became involved with Yu San who was then one of the best known actresses of both classical Chinese and modern Western theater; Jiang herself turned to Yu San's brother, Qiwei, who worked underground for the Communists under the assumed name of Huang Jing. It was probably on his recommendation that Jiang became a mem. of the CCP, 1931; this liaison, too, was of short duration. Jiang returned to Jinan and met the film critic Ma Jiliang, also known as Tang Na; she and Ma, simultaneous with three other couples who were all involved in the film ind., married in 1934; acted under the assumed name of Lang Ping in minor roles in several films produced in Shanghai, 1934-37; an affair with a film director called Zhang Min led to a divorce from Tang Na, 1937 (widely publicized in the Shanghai press; Tang went to the U.S.A. in 1947 and owned a Chinese restaurant in Paris in 1966); went to Yan'an, 1938, and joined the Lu Xun Art Institute, where she first met Mao Zedong. Within less than a year they decided to marry (their plan met with some resistance, however, because at that time Mao was still married to He Zizhen, who had shared with him the period from Jinggangshan through the Long March; although the old Party Cadres held to He's side, Mao insisted on a divorce; eventually a compromise was found under which Mao was permitted to marry Jiang under the condition that she restrict herself to the role of housewife and not become active in politics). Mem., Cinema Dpt, Min. of Culture, 1950-54; embarked on the ambitious task of reforming the Beijing opera (giving it a revolutionary content while retaining its classical form), in which she was encouraged by Mao but not by the leading cultural cadres, 1962; deputy for Shandong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; assured Yao Wenyuan of her support in attacking the drama Hai Rui Ba Guan (The Dismissal of Hai Rui) by the leading writer and cultural cadre Wu Han (in which Hai Rui stands for the former min. of Natl De-

fense Peng Dehuai who was purged in 1959); this attack was directed against Wu Han's superior Peng Zhen, a member of the CCP Politburo and newly appointed head of the Cultural Revolutionary Group, Nov 1965; under the pseudonym of Gao Zhu, Jiang attacked the Beijing Party leadership in an article in RMRB, Feb 1966; the previous Cultural Revolutionary Group under Peng Zhen was abolished and replaced by a new one under Chen Boda (in this group Jiang assumes the role of adviser), May 1966; cultural adviser to the PLA, Nov 1966 (from now on Jiang belonged to the leading advocates of the Cult. Rev.); frequent appearances during the first half of 1967 and official praise for her contribution to literature and art; her encouragement of the Red Guard to "Attack when justified but defend with force" led to excesses in Jul and Aug 1967 for which she is held responsible; forced to recall publicly the Red Guards to their studies, Sep 1967; the Red Guards were disbanded, thus ending the influential position Jiang had gained during the Cult. Rev., Aug 1968; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); mem., Politburo, 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to PB of 10th, Aug 1973); the purge of Chen Boda, head of the Cultural Revolutionary Group during the Cult. Rev., and of Lin Biao, 1970 and 1971, together with articles in the press against the policy "Left in appearance but right in reality", led to doubts concerning the political future of the radical group headed by Jiang; Jiang took part in all important Party and govt functions and was, in addition, mainly seen attending Chinese theater performances, 1972-73; since autumn 1973 she gained an additional role in the field of foreign policy by accompanying high ranking foreign visitors to non-theatrical functions; Jiang continued her activities, 1974, but with an emphasis on foreign policy from 1975 onward; purged together with Wang Hongwen, Zhang Chunqiao and Yao Wenyuan - since that time officially called the "Gang of Four" - Oct 1976; sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve and permanent depriviation of political rights, Jan 1981; the death sentence was reduced to life inprisonment, Jan 1983; released from custody on bail for medical treatment, May 4, 1991; committed suicide, May 14, 1991.

Jiang Qixian Vice-min. of State Farms and Land Reclamation, Oct 1956 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Preparatory Comte, Agricultural Machinery Society, 1961; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Apr 1972; disappeared, Sep 1975.


^» 'fl 'fl

Jiang Weiqing

Jiang Shengjie

* 1915 deceased 1992, Dec 28 Dpty dir., Beijing Inst, of Atomic Energy, Nov 1972: head, scientists' del. to Pakistan, Nov 1972; head, atomic energy del. to France, Nov 1974; vice-min., 2nd Min. of Machine Building, (responsible for atomic energy and weapons), Feb 1980 - May 1982; vice-pres., Nuclear Society, Feb 1982-1984; named a chemical nuclear engineering specialist, Nov 1980; dir., Nuclear Energy Panel under State Scientific and Technological Com, Nov 1980; adviser, Energy Research Society, Jan 1981; vice-chm, Energy Advisory Comte, State Energy Com, Oct 1981; head, Isotope Application Speciality Group, State Scientific and Technological Com, Feb 1982; ehm, Science and Technology Comte, Min. of Nuclear Ind., Oct 1982 - Mar 1988; deputy for Heilongjiang to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); pres., Nuclear Society, Mar 1984-1988; head, del. of Nuclear Society to U.S.A., Nov 1984; dir., State Bureau of Nuclear Safety, Nov 19841990; vice-min. of Nuclear Ind., Mar 1985 - Mar 1988; head, nuclear del. to Japan, Mar 1985; head, nuclear safety del. to Federal Republic of Germany and Switzerland, May 1985; head, nuclear del. to Belgium, May 1986; ehm, Expert Comte for Safety in China's Nuclear Power Ind., Jun 1986; head, nuclear energy del. to Finland, Jun 1987; mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., Dpt of Chemistry, CAS, Jan 1992.

Jiang Siyi

Jiang Wen

* 1907 Yangzhou, Jiangsu Polit, commissar, 6th Div., New 4th Army, 1944-45; cadre, Central China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1946; polit, commissar in various mil. units, 1946-48; mem., Nanjing Mil. Control Com, Apr 1949; dpty sec., Nanjing Municipality, CP, Apr 1949-1953; delegate of 3rd Field Army to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Control Com, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950 - Jan 1953; mem., Nanjing MPG, Mar 1950 - Nov 1953; mem., E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Aug 1954; 2nd sec., Jiangsu Prov. CP, Nov 1953 - Jan 1955; sec., Jiangsu Prov. CP, Jan 1955 - Jul 1956; 1st sec., Jiangsu Prov. CP, Jul 1956 - Cult. Rev.; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; ehm, Jiangsu Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Dec 1956 - Cult. Rev.; 1st polit, commissar, Jiangsu Mil. Distr., Feb 1960 - Cult. Rev.; sec E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1966; branded a follower of Liu Shaoqi and purged, Mar 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev..: alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 Aug 1977; 1st sec., Jiangxi Prov. CP, Jan 1975 - Sep 1982; ehm, Rev Comte of Jiangxi Prov., May 1975 - Dec 1979; article in HQ, "Continue to strengthen the dictatorship of the proletariat in rural areas", May 1975; 1st polit, commissar, Jiangxi Mil. Distr, Sep 1976 - Sep 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Secretariat, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Jun 1977- Sep 1982; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; deputy for Jiangxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; polit, commissar, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Jun 19781981; mem., Presidium, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; pres., Party School, Jiangxi Prov. CP, Sep 1979 - Sep 1982; mem., Presidium, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; head, Party activists' del. to Romania, Sep 1980; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected, Nov 1987); mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; disappeared, Jul 1991.

S 41 Jiang Wen

* 1920 Tianjin Joined 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; polit, commissar of a div., 2nd Field Army, 1949; polit, commissar in Polit. College under SW Mil. Reg, 195d-53; vice-pres., PLA Polit. Academy, Oct 1982; vice-pres., Academy of Mil. Sciences, Aug 1985; made ltd-gen., Sep 1988; disappeared, Sep 1988. Publication: Editor-in-chief Works of the PLA.

of History




Attended Telephone Communication School, Ruijin, 1933; head, Field Communications Company, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; cdr., field communications battalion, Shanxi Mil. Distr, 1939; dir., Field Communications Dpt, HQ of NE China Field Army, 1947; dir., Field Communications Dpt, 4th Field Army, 1949; headed the Field Communications Unit, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1950; commandant, PLA Field Communications School, 1958; dir., Field Communications Dpt, PLA General Staff, 1959; deputy for the PLA to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; leading military, Wuhan Mil. Reg, Jul 1967; dpty cdr., Wuhan Mil. Reg, Jan 1974-1975; dir., Signals Dpt, PLA General Staff, Sep 1977; mem., mil. del. to France and Romania, Sep 1977; deputy for PLA to the 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., mil del. to Sweden and Italy (head: Zhang Aiping), Jun 1978; dir., Communications Dpt, PLA General Staff, May 1979-1980; mem., Procuratorial Comte, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Feb


Jiang Wengui

1980; procurator of the Special Procuratorate for the Trial of Lin Biao and Jiang Qing Counterrevolutionary Cliques, Sep 1980; dpty chief procurator, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Sep 1981- Sep 1985; head, procuratoral del. to Thailand, Mar 1983; disappeared, Sep 1985.

Jiang Wengui deceased 1989, Jan 18 Evicted from India where he held the position of manager, Calcutta Branch, Bank of China, Mar 1961; vice-pres., Bank of China, Mar 1979-1985; gen-mgr., Hong Kong Branch, Bank of China, May 1983-1985; vice-chm, Assn for Promotion of Intl Friendship, May 1985.

Jiang Xieyuan


* 1915 Longshi County, Jiangxi deceased 1990, May 6 Took part in Long March in 1st Red Front Army, 193435; cdr. of battalion, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 193844; cdr. of regiment, E Shandong Mil. Distr, 1945; cdr., 34th Regiment, 12th Army Corps, NE China Joint Democratic Army, 1946; cdr., 12th Div. NE China Field Army, 1948; cdr., 133rd Div., 4th Field Army, 1949; cos, 41st Army Corps, 1950; trained at a mil. academy, 1955; maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., 41st Army Corps, 1961-66; cdr., 41st Army Corps and cdr., Shantou Garrison, 1966-67; dpty cdr., Guangzhou Mil. Reg, 1968-82; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Auf 1973), demoted to alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; disappeared, Sep 1983.

Jiang Yiwei * 1920 deceased 1993, Jan 25 Mem., Academic Council, Inst, of Industrial Economics, CASS, Jan 1980; dpty editor-in-chief, Economic Management (Jingji Guanli), Feb 1981 - Nov 1982; vice-pres., Industrial Economics Society, Mar 1984; dir., Inst, of Industrial Economics, CASS, Jul 1984 - Nov 1985; deputy for Sichuan to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., Law Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; pres., Chongqing Academy of Social Sciences, Mar 1988 - death. Publications: Technological Process and China's Socialist Construction; Introduction to Enterprise Management.

Jiang Yizhen

~~~ -A·

Studied at Red Army Medical School in Jiangxi Soviet, 1933; participated in Long March, 1934-35; worked under Norman Bethune in Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Reg, 1938; dir., Bethune Medical College, 1942-43; vice-chm, Land Reform Comte, Fujian PPG, 1951; vice-pres., Peasants' Fed, Fujian Prov., 1951; dir., Agriculture and Forestry Dpt, Fujian PPG, Aug 1952; vice-gov., Fujian PPG, Jan 1955; dir., Fujian Agriculture College, Feb 1955; dpty sec., Fujian Prov. CP, Aug 1955; sec., Fujian Prov.

CP, Jun 1956; mem., Ballot Comte, 8th CCP Congr, Sep 1956; gov. of Fujian, Feb 1959 - Dec 1962; deputy for Fujian to 2nd NPC, Feb 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-min. of State Farms and Land Reclamation, Oct 1962 - Sep 1964; vice-min. of Agriculture, Oct 1964 Cult. Rev.; branded a "three-anti" element, paraded through streets of Beijing as a deviationist and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; min. of Public Health, Nov 1977 - Apr 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; vice-chm. Central Patriotic Health Campaign Comte, Apr 19781981; vice-chm, Birth Planning Leading Group, SC, Jul 1978; head, public health del. to Ν Korea, Dec 1978 ; 2nd sec., Hebei Prov. CP, May 1979- Mar 1983; vice-chm. Rev Comte, Hebei Prov., May 1979 - Jan 1980; article in RMRB, Nov 11, 1979, "Life is like burning fire" (commemorating the 40th anniversary of the death of the Canadian surgeon Norman Bethune); ehm, Hebei PPC, Feb 1980 - Aug 1982; deputy for Hebei to 5th NPC, by-elected, Aug 1980; mem., Presidium, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected, Nov 1987); mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; disappeared, Nov 1987.

Jiang Yonghui


* 1916 Ruijin, Jiangxi deceased 1991, Feb 13 Served in 1st Red Army Corps, 1933-34; during Long March cdr. of a company, 5th Regiment, 1st Red Army, 1934-35; served in 685th Regiment, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937-38; cdr. of a battalion, Eastern Advanced Detachment, the main force of the 115th Div., 1939-40; cdr. of a battalion, 6th Regiment, 2nd Training Brigade, 115th Div., 1941-43; cdr., 2nd regiment, 1st Div., NE Democratic Allied Army (cdr.: Lin Biao), 1945; chief of staff, 1st Div., NE Field Army, 1947; cdr., 1st Div., NE Field Army, 1948; his troops occupied Tianjin, Jan 1949; his division was redesignated the 112 Div. of 38th Army, a part of the 4th Field Army, Feb 1949; led his 112th Div. into the Korean War, Oct 1950; made cdr., 38th Army, 1952; transferred to Beijing Garrison Command, Jun 1953; training at Beijing Mil. Academy, 195456; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; cdr., 64th Army under Liida (Lüshun-Dairen) Garrison Command, 1956; cdr., Ltida Garrison Command, 1962; dpty cos, Shenyang Mil. Reg, Jan 1965, dpty cdr., Shenyang Mil. Reg, Sep 1968 Oct 1983; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973; to 11th CC, Aug 1977; to 12th CC, Sep 1982) - Nov 1987; cdr., Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Nov 1983 - Jun 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987 - death. «

Jiang Yun


Dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Comte, Shaanxi Prov., 1957 Mar 1958; council mem., Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Aug 1960; alt. sec., Secretariat, CCP Comte, Ningxia


AR, Mar 1964- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Apr 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty editor-in-chief, HQ, Jun 1981 - May 1982: head, HQ del. to Romania, Jul 1981; dir.. Central Inst, of Nationalities, Aug 1984; disappeared, Aug 1984.

Jiang Yutian

-tr -ί-


Jiao Liren

PPG, 1946; council mem., Shanxi PPG and concurrently dir. of its Financial and Economic Comte, Apr 1950; dpty dir., Financial Dpt, Ν China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953; vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanxi CP, Jul 1956; deputy for Shanxi to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Shanxi PPC, Dec 1979; deputy for Shanxi to 6th NPC, May 1983; disappeared, May 1983.

Jiao Linyi

* 1927 Siyang County, Jiangsu Joined New 4th Army, 1943; polit, instructor of a company in E China Field Army, 1947-48; dpty cdr. of a battalion, 3rd Field Army, 1949-50; graduation from PLA Air Force Aviation School, 1952; group cdr. in PLA Air Force, 1952-55; rose from regiment to corps cdr., 195580; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); cdr., Air Force, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Nov 1983; dpty cdr., Nanjing Mil. Reg, Sep 1988; made ltngen., Sep 1988; disappeared, Jul 1991.

Jiang Zehan ft Vice-pres., China Society of Mathematics, Sep 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1977; vice-pres., China Society of Mathematics, Apr 1978; mem., Dpt of Mathematics and Physics, CAS, Jan 1979; prof., Beijing Univ and pres., Beijing Branch, Society of Mathematics, Nov 1979; disappeared, Nov 1979. Remarks: Jiang was known for his research in topology.

Jiao Dexiu & Û % 1st sec., CCP Comte, Xinyang Prefecture, Hubei Prov., Jul 1960; mem., Stand. Comte, Hubei CP, May 19731979; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Hubei CP, Aug 1973-1979; dir., Party School, Hubei CP, Oct 1977-1979; vice-chm, Hubei PPC, Sep 1983-1986; disappeared, Jan 1986.

Jiao Guonai & © Λ * 1906 Guangling County, Shanxi Joined CCP while studying at Taiyuan Jinsan Highschool, 1928; later graduated from Beijing Normal Univ; when Japanese troops attacked Taiyuan, 1937, organized his students at Zhengzhen Highschool into guerilla units operating around Wudai Mountain area; dir., 5th Admin. Office, S Shanxi Border Distr, 1940; dir., Finance Dpt, Ν Chahar Admin. Office, 1942; council mem., Chahar




2nd sec., Dongjiang Distr CP, Guangdong Prov., 1952; vice-mayor of Guangzhou Municipality, Nov 1955 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Guangdong to 2nd NPC, Oct 1954; sec., Guangzhou CP, Nov 1958 - Mar 1965; 2nd sec., Guangzhou CP, Mar 1965 - Mar 1973; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; vice-chm, Guangzhou Rev Comte, Aug 1969 - Mar 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangdong CP, Mar 1972; 1st sec., Guangzhou CP, Mar 1973 - Mar 1979; ehm, Guangdong Rev Comte, Mar 1973-1978; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977 and to 12th CC, Aug 1982); sec., Guangdong CP, Jul 1975 - Nov 1979; deputy for Guangdong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Feb 1980 - Jun 1985; ehm, Hunan PPC, Jul 1985 - Jan 1988; deputy for Hunan to 6th NPC, Jan 1986 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988).

Jiao Liren A Dir., Yumen Oil Production Distr and concurrently dir., Yumen School of Engineering, 1958; dpty head, petroleum study group to Canada, Sep 1972; vice-min. of Petroleum and Chemical Ind., Dec 1975-1978; vice-min. of Petroleum Ind., Jul 1978; leader, liaison group sent by the Central Party Rectification Work Guidance Com to Shanxi, Feb 1984; disappeared, Oct 1986.


Jiao Ruoyu

Jiao Ruoyu


Jie-er-ge-le See Jargal

Jin Baoshan

* 1916 Ye County, Henan Editor, Gong Li Bao (Bulletin of Generally Acknowledged Truth), ajournai run by CCP, 1936-37; served successively as county magistrate, prefectural commissioner and CCP Sec. in Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Area, 1939-45; served successively as vice-mayor and CCP sec. of Shenyang Municipality and polit. Commissar, 2nd Independent Div., Liaoning Mil. Distr, 1945-49; vice-mayor, Shenyang MPG, 1949 - Aug 1954; vice-chm, Shenyang Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Sep 1953; deputy for Shenyang to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 - Mar 1959; sec., Shenyang Municipality CP, Nov 1954; 1st sec., Shenyang Municipality CP, Sep 1956; mem., Stand. Comte, Liaoning Prov. CP, May 1960; ambassador to Ν Korea, Nov 1965-67; ambassador to Peru, Dec 1971 - Jan 1976; ambassador to Iran, May 1977 - Aug 1979; min., 8th Min. of Machine Building, Sep 1979 - Jan 1981; 2nd sec., Beijing CP, Jan 1981 - Nov 1982; mayor of Beijing, Apr 1981 - Mar 1983; head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1981; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, by-elected Nov 1981; mem., Central Comte for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; head, Beijing del. to Japan, Oct 1982; sec., Beijing CP, Nov 1982 Aug 1984; sec., Discipline Inspection Com, Beijing CP, Nov 1982-1987; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; disappeared, Nov 1987. Jiao was married to Xu Guang.

Jiao Shanmin Dir., Planning Office for Light Ind., Central Bureau for Financial and Economic Planning, GAC, Jun 1950; asst min., Min. of Construction, Jan 1955; vice-min. for Building Materials, Jun 1957; sec., Gansu Prov. CP, Feb 1958; vice-min. for Textile Ind., Aug 1966; attacked during Cult. Rev. and purged, 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Nov 1970; vice-min. for Light Ind., Apr 1972-1977; head, industrial del. to Ν Vietnam, Oct 1977; vice-min. of Textile Ind., May 1978-1980; head, textile study group to Japan, Nov 1978; dir., State Personnel Affairs Bureau, Sep 1980 - May 1982; vice-min. of Labor and Personnel, May 1982 - Sep 1986; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 Nov 1987; deputy for Gansu to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; vicechm, Internal and Judical Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Nov 1991.


* 1891 Shaoxing, Zhejiang deceased 1984, Nov 11 Received M.B. from Chiba Medical College, Japan, 1918; upon return to China served successively as physician at Beijing Quarantine Hospital, prof., Tianjin Army Medical School, dir., Central Preventive Medicine Inst, and dir., Public Health Bureau, Hangzhou Municipality; subsequently furthered his studies in medicine at John Hopkins Univ, U.S.A. and received M.D., 1927; after return to China served successively as dir., Central Preventive Medicine Inst., dir., Hygiene Dpt, Min. of Public Health and specialist in Public Health Div., Min. of Interior; dpty dir., Public Health Div., Min. of Interior, 1938; dir., Public Health Div., Min. of Interior, 1940; vice-min. of Public Health, 1948-49; served as chief medical adviser, UNICEF, 1949; returned to China Mainland via Hong Kong, Jan 1950; dir., Technical Div., Min. of Public Health, GAC, Oct 1950; dir., Technical Office, Min. of Public Health, Nov 1950; council mem., China Medical Society, Aug 1951; council mem., China Red Cross Society, Sep 1951; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954; made self-criticism at 2nd Meeting, 2nd CPPCC, Feb 1956; dpty head, Medical Section, 2nd CPPCC, Apr 1956; dir., Public Health Dpt, Beijing Medical College, Mar 1957; pointed out at "Bloom and Contend" symposium that "although there has been improvement in Partynon-Party relations in central and local health and medical agencies, considerable problems still exist in operations, work methods and position assignments", Apr 1957; therefore criticized and condemned as "Rightist"; relieved from "Rightist" label and made dir., Technical Office, Min. of Public Health, SC, Dec 1960; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: by-elected mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Jun 1979. Publications: Theory of Public Health Admin, at Local Level in War-Time; School Health Education.

Jin Baosheng


* 1927 Jinxiu County, Guangxi Jin belonged to the Yao minority; deputy for Guangxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Feb 1959; to 3rd, Sep 1964); sec., Dayaoshan County CP, Nov 1962; disap-


peared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Guangxi AR to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., State Nationalities Affairs Com, May 1979 Jun 1983; vice-chm, People's Govt, Guangxi AR, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Guangxi AR, Mar 1983 - Jan 1988; vice-chm. People's Congr, Guangxi AR, Jan 1988; disappeared, Jan 1988.

Jin Cheng


* Hebei Dir., Public Relations Dpt, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt, 1939; vice-pres., Hebei Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Nov 1949; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Comte, Hebei Prov., Apr 1950; council mem., Hebei PPG, Apr 1950; cadre, United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jan 1952; asst min., Min. of Aquatic Products, Feb 1956 - Sep 1959; vice-min. of Aquatic Products, Sep 1959 - Jun 1964; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1962 - Cult. Rev.; vicechm, Liaison Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Mar 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1975; mem., Stand Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; disappeared, May 1980.

Jin Ming

Jin Hongsheng

* 1938 Nantong City, Jiangsu Graduation from Yangzhou Finance School, 1955; served in Finance Dpt, Sichuan PPG, 1956-61; sec., Banking and Finance Office, Sichuan PPG, 1961-66; joined CCP, Jan 1966; sec., Finance and Trade Office, Sichuan PPG, 1967-70; sec., Finance Dpt, Sichuan PPG, 1971-74; dpty dir., Enterprise Finance Office, Sichuan PPG, 1974-77; dpty dir., Finance Dpt, Sichuan PPG, 1977-79; vice-chm, Import and Export Com, Sichuan PPG, 1979 - Mar 1983; gen-mgr., Sichuan Changjiang Enterprise Corp., Mar 1983 - Feb 1985; dir., Foreign Economic and Trade Bureau, Sichuan PPG, Feb 1985; vice-gov., Sichuan PPG, Feb 1988; disappeared, Feb 1988.

Jin Jian Jin Deqin



& fk

Gen-mgr., London Branch, Bank of China, Jan 1981; pres., Bank of China, Aug 1982 - Mar 1985; head, bank del. to Bangladesh and Pakistan, Feb 1983; head, bank del. to Panama, Apr 1983; head, bank del. to Japan, Oct 1983; council mem., People's Bank of China, Feb 1984; head, bank del. to Romania, Hungary, Poland, Jun 1984; head, bank del. to Australia, Nov 1984; head, bank del. to Japan, Dec 1984; vice-chm, Board of Directors, Industrial Bank of China Intl Trust and Investment Corp. (CITIC), Jul 1986; pres. and concurrently ehm, Board of Directors, CITIC Industrial Bank, May 1987; disappeared, Jan 1990.

Jin Feng


2nd sec., Party Comte, Guiyang Municipality, Dec 1977; vice-chm, Guizhou Prov. Branch, CPPCC, May 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, Guizhou CP, Jul 1979 - Mar 1983; 1st sec., Guiyang Municipality CP, Jul 1980-1982; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; sec., Discipline Inspection Comte, Guizhou CP, Mar 1983; disappeared, Oct 1984.

Jin Guixiang (f)

Ψ té #

Mem., women's del. to Albania, Sep 1964; deputy for Hebei to 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Feb 1978); mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978); mem., Birth Planning Leading Group, SC, Jul 1978-1981; mem., Party Group, Min. of Education, Oct 1978; disappeared, May 1981.

* 1923 Beijing Jin belonged to the Manzhu minority. Joined CCP, 1948; youth work cadre in Beijing Dongdan Distr, 1952-55; served successively as dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt and Org. Dpt. Beijing Branch of CYL, 1935-63; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty head of a div., Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1978-79; sec., Beijing Branch of CYL, 1979-82; mem., Stand. Comte, Beijing CP, Nov 1982; ehm, Beijing Branch, Chinese Youth Fed, Jul 1984; dpty sec., Beijing CP, Aug 1984- Dec 1987; hon. dir., Beijing Youth Inst., Sep 1985; head, del. of youth educators to German Democratic Republic and USSR, Sep 1985; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, by-elected Sep 1985 (reelected to 13th CC, Nov 1987); vice-min. of Justice, Jan 1988; disappeared, Jan 1990.

Jin Ming


*1908 Shandong Born into a middle-class tradesman's family. Served as Mao Zedong's orderly during Jianggangshan times; parti-


Jin Minghan

cipated in Long March, 1934-35; cadre in Huaihai Distr, New 4th Army, 1942; dpty polit, commissar, Hunan Mil. Distr, Aug 1949; mem., Hunan PPG, Mar 1950; ehm, Land Reform Comte, Hunan PPG, Jul 1950; vice-ehm, Hunan Prov., Feb 1952 - Feb 1955; dpty sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Oct 1952; sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Feb 1953 Feb 1955; vice-min. of Finance, Sep 1953 - Dec 1961; deputy for Shandong to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); alt. sec., Central S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1961; council mem., Sino-Laotian Friendship Assn, Mar 1963; sec., Central S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1956 - Cult. Rev.; branded a capitalist-roader and pinged, Jan 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1978; sec-gen., SC, Apr 1979- Jan 1980; mem., State Financial and Economic Com, Jul 1979 - Jan 1980; 1st sec., Hebei Prov. CP, Jan 1980 - Jun 1982; polit, commissar, Hebei Mil. Distr, Jun 1980 - Jun 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); head, go-chess del. of high-ranking officials to Japan, Mar 1986; disappeared, Nov 1987.

Jin Minghan



1958 - 1960; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC (reelected to 5th, 1978; and to 6th, 1983); polit, commissar, PLA Artillery, Jun 1978-1980; mem., Presidium, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; mem.. Presidium, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981.

Jin Shuwang ^ ^ l£ Dpty dir., General Office, Min. of Personnel, Nov 1950; dpty dir., Personnel Bureau, SC, Mar 1955 - Jun 1959; vice-chm, Comte for State Arrangements, SC, Nov 1963 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-min., State Organizational Com, Sep 1981 - May 1982; disappeared, May 1982.

Jin Taijia




/) vX

* 1922 Mulan County, Heilongjiang Jin belonged to the Korean minority. Joined CCP, 1946; polit, instructor of Training Batallion, NE Democratic United Army, 1946-48; cadre, Civil Affairs Dpt, NE Admin. Com, 1948-49; dir., Org. Dpt, Helong County CP, 1949-51; sec., Yanji County CP, 1953-54; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Yanbian Korean Prefecture, 1955 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, 1971-75; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, Jilin Prov. CP, Jan 1978; deputy for Jilin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Comte to Examine Proposals, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; mem., Motions Comte, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; vice-chm, Jilin Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Oct 1983 (reelected Jan 1988); head, Jilin del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1989; disappeared, Sep 1989.

Jin Rubo á r - b fá * 1910 deceased 1984, Mar 27 Mem., Yunnan PPC, Feb 1955; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; cadre, Kunming Mil. Reg, Nov 1955; dpty polit, commissar, Yunnan Mil. Distr, Aug 1957 - Aug 1958; polit, commissar, Logistics Dpt, Chengdu Mil. Reg, Aug

* 1934 Hailin County, Heilongjiang deceased 1993 Jin belonged to the Korean minority. Graduation from Korean Language Inst., 1956; served successively as editor and dir., Culture and Literature Dpt, Yanbian People's Publishing House, 1956-84; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988 (reelected to 8th, Mar 1993); mem., Nationalities Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988. Publications: The Road of Hometown (collection of poems); Folk Songs of Korean Nationality; Selected Folk Stories of the Korean Nationality.

Jin Xianzhai




* 1904 Seoul, Korea deceased 1990, Sep 4 Jin belonged to the Korean minority. Graduated from Beijing Union Medical College, 1931; studied at New York State Univ and obtained a Ph.D. in medicine, 1937-39;


dir., Tianjin People's Hospital, 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, Jiusan Society, Oct 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988).

Jin Xiru

& %

Belonged to Manzhu minority. Deputy for Shanghai to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); vicepres., Chongqing Univ, Dec 1960; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Sichuan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); again vice-pres., Chongqing Univ, Aug 1980; disappeared, May 1983.

Jin Xun Deputy for Jiangsu to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Jiangsu Prov., Jul 1978 (reelected Apr 1983); dir., Finance Office, Jiangsu PPG, Aug 1978; vice-gov., Jiangsu PPG, Dec 1979 (reelected Apr 1983) Feb 1985; disappeared, Feb 1985.

Jin Yuelin

& & &

* 1895 Changsha, Hunan deceased 1984, Oct 19 B.S. from Univ of Pennsylvania; Ph.D. from Columbia Univ, 1920; prof, of philosophy, Qinghua Univ, 1926; during Sino-Japanese War lectured in U.S.A. and subsequently taught at SW Associated Univ, 1937-48; returned to Beijing, 1948; mem., Preparatory Comte, China New Philosophical Society, Jul 1949; prof., Dpt of Philosophy, Qinghua Univ, Feb 1950; dean, Arts Faculty, Qinghua Univ, Feb 1950; dir., Dpt of Philosophy, Qinghua Univ, 1951; council mem., Chinese Philosophical Society, 1952; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959); mem., Editorial Board, New Construction magazine, Feb 1954; mem., Higher Schools Working Comte, Beijing Branch, CDL, Jun 1954; mem., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, May 1955 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Central Comte, CDL, Feb 1956; mem., China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Feb 1956; delegate to Intl Philosophers' Conf., Warsaw, Jul 1957; mem., cultural del. to Italy and Great Britain, May 1958; made public self-criticism concerning logic, May 1959; dpty dir., Inst, of Philosophy, CAS, Apr 1961 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Yunnan to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty dir., Inst, of Philosophy, CASS, Jan 1980 - death; pres., China Logic Society, Jun 1980 - death. Publications: Logic - a University Course; Epistemology; On Logos, and Internal and External Relations (in English).

Jin Zhao

& fà

Dpty dir., Central Broadcasting Admin. Bureau, Mar 1955 - Cult. Rev.; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship

Jin Zhonghua

Assn, Aug 1960; council mem., Sino-Cuban Friendship Assn, Dec 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Apr 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Nov 1972; dpty dir., Central Broadcasting Admin., Mar 1973-1981; head, broadcasting del. to Iran, Apr 1977; head, broadcasting del. to Yugoslavia, Jun 1979; vice-pres., Beijing Journalism Society, Feb 1980; head, TV and broadcasting del. to Burma, Mar 1981; adviser, Min. of Radio and Television, May 1982; mem., Nad Comte for Judging Senior Journalists' Titles, Feb 1983; head, radio and TV del. to Philippines, May 1983; head, del. of Min. of Radio and TV to Portugal, Jun 1984; pres., Television Artists' Assn, Apr 1985; vice-pres., Society of Radio and Television, Apr 1987; disappeared, Apr 1987.

Jin Zhaodian

^ ^


Deputy for Hubei to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1976; sec., CCP Comte, Fujian Prov., Jan 1977- Mar 1983; vice-chm, Fujian Rev Comte, Oct 1977 - Dec 1979; vice-gov., Fujian PPG, Dec 1979 - Mar 1983; ehm, People's Armed Forces Comte, Fujian PPC, Feb 1982; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; disappeared, Sep 1985.

Jin Zhifu

Jl A

Chm, Preparatory Comte, Coal Miners' TU, 1948-50; ehm, 1st Natl Comte, Coal Miners' TU, Nov 1950 (reelected Aug 1955); delegate of Fushun Municipal TU to 7th Congr of All-China Fed of TU (ACFTU), May 1953; council mem., World Fed of TU, Oct 1953; deputy for Fushun to 1st NPC, Sep 1954; head, coal miners' del. to Scotland, Apr 1955; alt. council mem., 4th World Fed of TU, Apr 1957; mem., Executive Comte, ACFTU, Dec 1957 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Hebei to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958; chm, Liaoning Prov. Branch, Fed of TU, Jun 1959Cult. Rev.; vice-pres., Liaoning Prov. Branch, SinoSoviet Friendship Assn, Nov 1959; council mem., ChinaAfrican Friendship Assn, Apr 1960; head, TU del. to Ν Vietnam, Apr 1962; head, TU del. to Cuba, Apr 1963; head, TU del. to Czechoslovakia, Apr 1964; deputy for Liaoning to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., NPC del. to visit African countries, Mar 1965; mem., Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Jun 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vicepres., ACFTU, Nov 1979- Aug 1982; head, TU del. to Somalia, Oct 1980; mem., Executive Comte, ACFTU, Oct 1983; disappeared, Oct 1983.

Jin Zhonghua



* Jiaxing County, Zhejiang deceased 1968, Apr 3 Editor-in-chief, Kaiming Bookstore, Shanghai, 1935; published Life Daily (Shenghuo Ribao) in Hong Kong (lasted only 2 months); returned to Shanghai and published Life Weekly (Shenghuo Xinqigan), 1936; together with Zheng

Jin Zumin

Zhentuo and Shen Zijiu and others published Natl Weekly (Guomin Zhougan), Shanghai, 1937; editor, World Knowledge (Shijie Zhishi), Hong Kong, 1938; editor, Xingdao Ribao, Hong Kong, 1938-41; mem., Preparatory Comte, Journalists' Assn, Jul 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte (ECMAC), Dec 1949- Dec 1952: editor-in-chief, News Daily (Xinwen Ribao), Shanghai, Dec 1949-1957; council mem., Chinese People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Dec 1949; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte and concurrently dir., Dpt of Culture, ECMAC, Mar 1950Dec 1952; vice-chm, Shanghai Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1951; dir., China News Service, Dec 1952; mem., E China Admin. Comte, and concurrently mem. of its Cultural and Educational Comte, Dec 1952 - Aug 1954; mem., del. to World Peace Council Meeting, Vienna, Nov 1953; mem., World Peace Council, Nov 1953; mem., del. to World Peace Council Meeting, East Berlin, May 1954; deputy for Shanghai to 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958, and to 3rd, Dec 1964); vice-pres., Chinese Journalists' Assn, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; mem., del. to World Peace Council Meeting, Stockholm, Nov 1954; vice-mayor, Shanghai MPG, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; mem., del. to Asian Countries Conf., New Delhi, Apr 1955; head, journalists' del. to Intl Conf of Journalists, Helsinki, Jun 1956; vice-pres., Chinese Journalists' Assn, Jul 1956 - Cult. Rev.; council mem., China Welfare Inst., Aug 1956; mem., Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, SC, Mar 1957 - Cult. Rev.; vice-pres., Shanghai Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Nov 1957 - Cult. Rev.; mem., del. to 1st Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Conf., Cairo, Dec 1957; dir., Shanghai Wen Huí Bao, Mar 1958Cult. Rev.; pres., Shanghai Branch, Chinese Journalists' Assn, Mar 1958; head, journalists' del. to Romania, May 1958; vice-pres., China-Romania Friendship Assn, Sep 1968; ehm, Shanghai Branch, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Sep 1958; mem., del. to special meeting of World Peace Council, Stockholm, May 1959; head, journalists' del. to USSR, Nov 1959; head, journalists' del. to Austria, Dec 1959; ehm, Editorial Board, China Reconstructs, 1959- Cult. Rev.; council mem., China-Latin America Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; delegate to 3rd Peace Congr, Syria, Mar 1960; council mem., ChinaAfrica Friendship Assn, Apr 1960; head, journalists' del. to Austria, Oct 1960; attended October Rev celebrations, Moscow, Nov 1960; mem., del. to World Peace Council Meeting, New Delhi, Mar 1961; dpty head, del. to World Congr for General Disarmament and Peace, Moscow, Jul 1962; head, journalists' del. to Hungary, Aug 1962; head, friendship del. to Cuba, Aug 1963; head, acrobatic troupe to tour France, Federal Republic of Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Feb - Jul 1964; vicechm, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Jim 1965; pres., Shanghai Branch, China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Jan 1966; purged, Aug 1966. Remarks: A memorial service for Jin was held in Shanghai 1978, Dec 8. Among Jin's publications are: Youth and Life, How to Read Intl News and Women Problem.


Jin Z u m i n ^ ^ Worker of a Shanghai electro-machinery factory, 1966; leading cadre, Shanghai Revolutionary Rebels' HQ, led by Wang Hongwen (q.v.), 1967; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969- Aug 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanghai CP, Jun 1971; visited Ν Korea, Sep 1971; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanghai Rev Comte, Mar 1972; vice-chm, Shanghai Rev Comte, Nov 1972; vice-chm, Shanghai TU, Apr 1973; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; head, workers' del. to Great Britain, Jun 1974; deputy for Shanghai, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; disappeared, Sep 1976.

Jing Bowen X * 1931 Vice-pres., Harbin Industrial Univ, 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Mar 1983 - Jun 1988; dir., Higher Educational Bureau, Heilongjiang PPG, Jul 1983; pres., Skating Assn, Mar 1985; vice-gov., Heilongjiang, May 1985 - Jan 1988; disappeared Jan 1988.

Ju Kangjie



Asst min. of Electrical Manufacturing Ind., Jun 1957 Feb 1958; mem., Scientific and Technological Com, SC, Mar 1959 - Jun 1964; ehm, Preparatory Comte, Society for Technology and Instrument-Production of Weights and Measures, 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: pres., Natl Inst, of Metrology, Jun 1978; dpty dir., Bureau of Metrology, SC, Sep 1980 - May 1982; pres., Society of Metrology and Measurement, Oct 1980; disappeared, Oct 1980.

Ju Zan ê Ψ * 1907 deceased 1984, Apr 9 As Buddhist monk delegate of democratic religious circles to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Stand. Comte and dpty sec., Buddhist Assn, May 1953; vice-pres., Buddhist Assn, Jun 1957; attended Conf. of World Peace Council, Ceylon, Jun 1957; mem., Stand. Comte, China Peace Council, Jul 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; council mem., China-Laos Friendship Assn, Dec 1960; dpty dir., Beijing Inst, of Buddhism, Sep 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1980; vice-pres., Buddhist Assn, Dec 1980 - death; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 -death.


Kambarhan (f)



* 1922 Awat County, Xinjiang deceased 1994, Jan 16 K. belonged to the Uighur minority. Studied at Alma Ata Dancing School and Moscow Dancing College, 1935-42 dancer with Dacheng Song and Dance Troupe, 1942-49 dean, Nationalities Dpt, NW China Art College, 1950-54 dean, Art Dpt, Xinjiang Art College, 1954-59; vice-pres., Xinjiang Art School, 1959-83; vice-ehm, China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Nov 1979 - Nov 1988; vicechm, Chinese Dancers' Assn, Nov 1979; vice-chm, Xinjiang AR Branch of CPPCC, Feb 1980 (reelected Jan 1988); hon. ehm, Chinese Dancers' Assn, Dec 1991.

Kan Guanqing

Kang Keqing (f)

Graduated from Taiwan Univ; subsequentlty persued her studies in U.S.A., Federal Republic of Germany and Italy; obtained a doctor's degree in chemistry from Chicago Univ; returned to PR China, 1972; started to work as a researcher in Fuzhou Inst, of Structure of Matter under CAS, 1972; mem., Stand. Comte, Chinese Youth Fed, May 1979-1983; associated research fellow, Fuzhou Inst, of Structure of Matter, CAS, May 1983; vice-chm, Fujian PPC, May 1983 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Jan 1988.

Kang Jianmin

Kang Keqing (f) * 1916 Beijing Graduated from Yanjing Univ, Beijing, 1938; obtained Ph.D. in medicine from Beijing Union Medical College, 1943; worked in Beijing Tuberculosis Hospital, 1946-49; studied in U.S.A., 1949-50; dir., Beijing Tuberculosis Hospital, 1950; vice-chm, Beijing Branch of CPPCC, Mar 1983; pres., Tuberculosis Society, Jan 1988; mem., Executive Comte, Paris-based Intl Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases, Jan 1988; disappeared, Jan 1988.

Kang Beisheng ( f )

J k i l

* 1941 Jiaxing County, Zhejiang


M- ^


* 1916 deceased 1977, Jan 18 Cdr., Cavalry Regiment, 359th Brigade, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; polit, commissar of a regiment, Dajinshan Cavalry Detachment, 1938-40; cdr., 2nd Cavalry Brigade, Suiyuan-Mongolia Mil. Distr., 1946; cdr., Cavalry Div., Shanxi-Suiyuan Field Army, 1947-48; defeated Sun Lanfeng's Army Group near Wulanhua in Suiyuan, Feb 1949; accepted surrender of Sun's forces, Sep 1949; cdr. of a unit under Lanzhou Mil. Reg., 1954; made majgen., Sep 1955; sided with Mao-Lin faction and supported Liu Xianchuan, cdr. of Qinghai Mil. Distr against Yang Zhishen and Wang Zhao, Feb 1967; led troops into Qinghai and arrested Wang Zhao, Mar 1967; dpty cdr., Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Aug 1967-1971; cdr., Ningxia Mil. Distr, Feb 1968; ehm, Ningxia Rev Comte, Apr 1968-1977; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); 1st sec., Ningxia CP, Aug 1971 death.


* 1911 Wan'an County, Jiangxi deceased 1992, Apr 22 Daugther of a fisherman. When one month old given away to a peasant family; joined CYL, 1927; ran away from her foster parents and joined Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army on Jinggang Mountains, 1928; married Zhu De, cdr. of the Communist forces, 1929; engaged in women's work, 1930; joined CCP, 1931; after 6 month training at Red Army College, given a lectureship, 1933; cdr., Women's Dpt of Red Army and concurrently in charge of supervising field medical services, 1934; took part in Long March, 1934-36, during which she was engaged in organizational and propaganda work; studied successively at Party School and Ami-Japan Mil. and Political Academy, 1936-37; served in Polit. Dpt. of 8th

Kang Lin

Route Army, 1938; accompanied husband to negotiations with generals of the Natl Army in Luoyang and Xi'an, Aug 1940; mem., Preparatory Comte for foundation of Democratic Women's Fed (DWF), Dec 1948; mem., Stand. Comte, DWF, 1949 - Sep 1957; attended 1st CPPCC and elected mem. of its Natl Comte, Sep 1949 death; mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 Dec 1954; mem., del. to session of World Peace Council, Moscow, Oct 1950; dpty head, del. to Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, Oct 1953; deputy for Henan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958); sec., DWF, Sep 1955-Sep 1957; vice-chm. Women's Fed (WF; successor of DWF), Sep 1957 - Aug 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, China World Peace Council, Jul 1958; deputy for Jiangxi to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1975; to 5th, Feb 1978; and to 6th, May 1983); mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 6th, Mar 1978); mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985); vice-chm, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983, and to 7th, Apr 1988); vice-chm, Patriotic Health Campaign Comte, Apr 1978 - Oct 1983; head, CCP friendship del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1979; vice-chm, Natl Comte in Defense of Children, Apr 1980; head, del. to World Conf. of the UN Decade of Women. Copenhagen, Jul 1980; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; ehm, Natl Comte to Coordinate the Work for Children, May 1981; ehm, Children's Foundation, Aug 1981; head, women's del. to Japan, Apr 1982; ehm, WF, Aug 1982 - Sep 1988; ehm, Soong Ching Ling Foundation, Dec 1982; ehm, Natl Comte for the Defense of Children, Jan 1983; mem., Central Com for Guiding Party Consolidation under CCP Central Comte, Oct 1983; hon. dir.-in-chief, Welfare Fund for Handicapped, Mar 1984-1988; head, women's del. to Yugoslavia and Romania, May 1984; resigned from post of mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1985; ehm, Women and Youth Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; hon. ehm, Women's Fed, Sep 1988 - death.

Kang Lin * 1917 Jiangxi Born into a middle-class peasant family. Bodyguard of Chen Yi, 1934; remained with Chen during time of Long March in area of former Jiangxi Soviet, 1934-35; served in New 4th Army, 1938; cdr., independent regiment, Central China Mil. Reg, 1945; cdr., 72 Div., 24th Corps, 3rd Field Army, 1949; dpty cdr., 24th Corps, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951-53; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte, Fujian Prov., Aug 1968; cdr., PLA 28th Corps, Sep 1968; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and to 11th CC, Aug 1977); dpty cdr., Beijing Mil. Reg, May 1972-1980; dpty head, mil. del. to Algeria, Jun 1972; mem., mil. del. to Tunisia, Oct 1977; adviser, Beijing Mil. Reg, Jun 1981; disappeared, Sep 1984.


Kang Maozhao M ^ 'S •1914 Wuhan, Hubei deceased 1994, Nov 5 Before the foundation of the PRC, Kang served as a polit, commissar in various units of the PLA; cultural attaché, embassy in India, Dec 1950; mem., del. to Nepal to negotiate the establishment of diplomatic relations, Jul 1955; attaché, embassy in Nepal, Aug 1955; attaché, embassy in Afghanistan, Jul 1956; counselor, embassy in Afghanistan, Jul 1957 - May 1959; dpty dir., Information Dpt. Min. of Foreign Affairs, Jun 1959 - Jun 1964; accompanied premier Zhou Enlai to Burma and India, Apr 1960; chargé d'affaires ad interim in Yugoslavia, Oct 19641966; ambassador to Cambodia, Jun 1969- Aug 1974; ambassador to Mauritania, Jan 1975 - Feb 1978; ambassador to Belgium, May 1978 - Feb 1981; ambassador to Luxembourg and to the European Community, Jun 1978 Jan 1981; dpty head, govt del. to 2nd Special Session of UN General Assembly on Disarmament, Jun 1982.

Kang Mingcai M W t Cdr., Zhejiang Mil. Distr, Jun 1982 - Dec 1985; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983; disappeared, Dec 1985.

K a n g p a e r g a n (f) See Kambarhan

Kang Sheng



* 1898 Jiaonan County, Shandong deceased 1975, Dec 16 Born as son of a landlord. After primary school attended middle school attached to Shanghai Univ; joined CCP, 1925; dir., Org. Dpt, Shanghai CP, 1925-28; mem., Central Control Com, CCP Central Comte, 1928-30; arrested for a short time, 1930; dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1931-33; sent to Moscow to study Soviet security and intelligence techniques, 1933; in absentia elected mem., Central Executive Comte, Chinese Soviet Republic, Feb 1934; elected alt. mem., Executive Comte, Comintern, 1935; left Moscow and went to Yan'an, 1937; vice-pres., Central Party School, 1938; dir., Social Affairs Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1940; mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Apr 1945 (reelected to 8th CC, Sep 1956; 9th CC, Apr 1969; 10th CC, Aug 1973); mem., Politburo, 7th CC, Apr 1945- Sep 1956; gov., Shandong, Mar 19491955; 1st sec., Shandong CP, Mar 1949 - Jan 1955; sec., Shandong Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, May 1949-


Oct 1954; mem., Central People's Govt Council, Oct 1949 - Oct 1954; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jan 1950 - Dec 1952; mem., E China Admin. Comte, Dec 1952-1954; head, CCP del. to German Democratic Republic, Mar 1956; alt. mem., Politburo, CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - Aug 1966; accompanied Zhou Enlai to 21st Congrof CPSU, Jan-Feb 1959; deputy for Shandong, 2nd NPC, May 1959 (reelected to 3rd, 1965, and to 4th, 1975); vice-chm, 3rd CPPCC, May 1959 - Jan 1965; observer to Warsaw Treaty Polit. Consultative Meeting, Moscow, Feb 1960; visited Romania, Jun 1960; visited USSR, Nov 1960; accompanied Liu Shaoqi to Ν Korea, Sep 1961; accompanied Deng Xiaoping to USSR, Sep 1961; mem.. Secretariat, CCP Central Comte, Sep 19621969; accompanied Zhou Enlai to 22nd Congr of CPSU, Oct 1961; accompanied Deng Xiaoping to USSR, Jul 1963; accompanied Zhou Enlai to USSR, Nov 1964; vicechm, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1975); adviser, Cultural Rev Group, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1966; head, CCP del. to Albania, Oct 1966; mem., Politburo and mem. of its Stand. Comte, Aug 1966 (reelected to 9th CC, Apr 1969 and to 10th CC, Aug 1973). Remark: Post mortem expelled from CCP, Oct 1980.

Kang Yoiighe

Campaign Comte, Apr 1978 - Oct 1983; head, govt del. to Brazil and U.S.A., May 1979; mem., State Financial and Economic Com, Jul 1979- Mar 1981; head, govt del. to Norway and Great Britain, May 1980; received a demerit, first grade, for his failure to handle the capsizing of "Bohai No. 2" off-shore drilling rig promptly and conscientiously, Aug 1980; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; min. of Petroleum Ind., Mar 1981 - May 1982; state councillor, SC, May 1982 - Apr 1988; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; visited Japan, Jun 1985; head, govt del. to Peru and Chile, Jul 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987 Oct 1992; mem., Presidium, 14th CCP Congr, Oct 1992; disappeared, Oct 1992.

Kang Yonghe

A & fa

Kang Shien

* 1915 Huaian County, Hebei deceased 1995, Apr 21 Born into a landlord family. Joined 8th Route Army when a student of Qinghua Univ, 1937; served successively as dir., Polit. Dpt, Yanmen Mil. Distr and dir. Polit. Dpt of a div. under 1st Field Army, 1946-49; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, NW China Mil. and Admin. Comte (NWMAC), Mar 1950; dir., Petroleum Admin. Bureau, NWMAC, Jan 1952; criticized as a bourgeois individualist during "Three-anti Campaign", Aug 1952; dir., Petroleum Admin., Min. of Fuel Ind., Jul 1953 - Jul 1955; asst min., Min. of Petroleum Ind., Aug 1955 - Oct 1956; head, petroleum del. to USSR, Oct 1955; vice-min. of Petroleum Ind., Oct 1956- Cult. Rev.; deputy for Heilongjiang to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; attacked as a collaborateur of Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping, Nov 1966; accused of being a henchman of Yu Qiuli and purged, May 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1971; cadre in Min. of Fuel and Chemical Ind., Sep 1973 - Jan 1975; min. of Petroleum and Chemical Ind., Jan 1975- Feb 1978; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987); min., State Economic Com, Mar 1978 - Mar 1981; vice-premier, Mar 1978 - May 1982; vice-chm, Central Patriotic Health

* 1915 Tianjin Chm, Communist Workers' Fed in Shanxi Prov., 1937; organized workers of Taiyuan City to form guerilla units against the Japanese, 1937; studied at Yan'an Mil. and Polit. College and Party School, 1941-43; dir., Polit. Dpt, 7th Branch School, Anti-Japanese Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1943-45; mem., General Council, World Fed of TU (WFTU), 1948; mem., Executive Comte, All-China Fed. of Trade Unions (ACFTU), 1948; delegate of ACFTU to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Nad Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954), chm, Shanxi Prov. Branch, ACFTU, Nov 1949- Feb 1952; council mem., Shanxi PPG, Aug 1950; chm, Ν China Labor Comte, ACFTU, Apr 1952; mem., Executive Comte, ACFTU, May 1953; delegate to 3rd Congr, WFTU, Vienna, Sep 1953; head, TU del. to USSR, Nov 1953; deputy for Shanxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); delegate to May Day celebrations, Jakarta, May 1957; delegate to 4th Congr of WFTU, Leipzig, Sep 1957; mem., Secretariat, ACFTU, Dec 1957; alt. mem., Executive Comte, WFTU, Jan 1958; council mem., Sino-Iraq Friendship Assn, Sep 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, WFTU, Jun 1960; council mem., Sino-African Friendship Assn, Jun 1960; head, TU del. to Cuba, Oct 1960; delegate to 22nd Session, Executive Comte, WFTU, East Berlin, Jan 1961; head del. to Joint Conf. of WFTU and Free German TU, East Berlin, Sep 1961; head, friendship del. to 44th anniversary of October Rev, Moscow, Nov 1961; head, TU del. to PR Mongolia, Apr 1962; head, del. to WFTU Congr, Budapest, May 1962; delegate to Session of World Peace Council, Moscow, Jul 1962; subsequently attended Conf.


Kang Zhijie

against Atomic Bombs, Tokyo, Jul 1962; head, TU del. to Japan, Aug 1962; mem., CCP del. to Bulgaria, Nov 1962; head, del. to Congr of Polish Fed of TU, Warsaw, Dec 1962; delegate to Session of WFTU, Sofia, Apr 1964; mem., solidarity del. to Ν Vietnam, Nov 1964; vice-chm, China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Jun 1965; head, del. to 26th Session, WFTU Executive Comte, Prague, Jul 1965; head, TU del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1965; head, del. to 6th WFTU Conf., Warsaw, Oct 1965; head, del. 32nd Session, WFTU Executive Comte, Cyprus, May 1966; head, TU del. to Japan, Nov 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., Labor Bureau, State Planning Com, Jul 1974; dir., Labor Bureau, SC, Nov 1977 - May 1982; deputy for Shanxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-pres., ACFTU, Apr 1978 - Aug 1982; vice-min., State Planning Com, Mar 1980- May 1982; head, TU del. to Denmark, Aug 1980; vice-chm, Motions Examination Comte, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; ehm, Organizing Comte for Intl Year of Disabled Persons, Apr 1981; pres., Society of Labor Science, Jan 1982; adviser, ACFTU, Feb 1982;: dir., Intl Affairs Comte, ACFTU, Feb 1983; adviser, Min. of Labor and Personnel, Feb 1983; head, TU del. to Australia and New Zealand, Mar 1983; mem., 10th Executive Comte, ACFTU, Oct 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, by-elected Apr 1986 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., Economic Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jan 1991.

Kang Zhijie

Kang Zhiqiang


* 1912 Xingyu County, Jiangxi deceased 1986, Nov 1 Joined Red Workers' and Peasants' Army, 1930, and CCP, 1932; polit, commissar, 687th Regiment, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938; polit, commissar, 9th Brigade. 3rd Div., New 4th Army, 1945; polit, commissar, 2nd Column, E China PLA, 1948; dir., Wenzhou Mil. Control Com (in Zhejiang), 1952; cdr., 23rd Army, 1955; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; polit, commissar, E China Sea Fleet, PLA Navy, Dec 1957; dir., Nanjing Naval College, Mar 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first reappearance: polit, commissar, Ν China Sea Fleet, Aug 1978; dpty polit, commissar, PLA Navy.

Kang Zhonglun

M i f fè


* 1921 Ding County, Hebei Dir., Public Security Bureau, Wuhu City, 1951-54; dpty dir., Public Security Bureau, Anhui PPG, 1954-55; dir., Huainan Mining Admin., 1955-65; manager, Helanshan Coal Ind. Corp., 1965- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: ehm, Economic Com, People's Govt, Ningxia AR, Nov 1977; vice-chm, People's Govt, Ningxia AR, Jan 1980-1981; vice-gov., Anhui PPG, Mar 1982- Apr 1983; vice-chm, Anhui PPC, Sep 1983 (reelected Feb 1988); disappeared, Feb 1988.

* 1932 Chongqing City, Sichuan deceased 1991, Oct 12 Dir., Chuankang Woolen Mill, 1954-60; dir., Ind. Bureau, Leshan Prefecture, 1963-65; vice-chm, Economic Com, Leshan Prefecture, 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: ehm, Economic Com, Leshan Prefecture, Sep 1978; dir., Light Ind. Bureau, Sichuan PPG, Mar 1980-1985; vicemin. of Light Ind., Nov 1985; pres., Light Ind. Society, Jun 1987; disappeared, Jul 1988.

Ke Bonian

* 1904 Guangdong

deceased 1985, Aug 9


Graduated from Law Dpt, Sun Yat-sen Univ, Guangzhou; continued studies in U.S.A.; moved to Australia and then Singapore; in Singapore worked for Malayan CP; returned to China, 1932, and joined CCP; edited Dictionary of Economics and Handbook of America for Nanjiang Book Store, 1933-35; head, Compilation and Translation Section, CCP del. to Military Mediations Executive Com, 1946; dir., Research Office, Intl Liaison Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1948; dir., Dpt of American and Australian Affairs, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Dec 1949 - Nov 1954; council mem., Intl Assn of Democratic Legal Workers, Sep 1951; delegate to Conf. of Intl Fed of Democratic Jurists (IFDJ), Vienna, Apr 1952; vice-pres., Society of Polit. Science and Law, Apr 1953; head, del. to conf. of IFDJ, Vienna, Jan 1954; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Indochina Conf., Geneva, Apr 1954; ambassador to Romania, Nov 1954- Apr 1959; council mem., Sino-African Friendship Assn, Apr 1960; dpty head, del. to Conf. of IFDJ, Sofia, Oct 1960; dpty head, jurists' del. to Japan, Mar 1961; ambassador to Denmark, Oct 1963-1967; dpty dir., Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Jun 1972-1980; disappeared, Sep 1979.

Ke Zhao

Ke Qingshi

Ke belonged to the Mongol minority. Chm, Supervision Comte, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), 1949; sec., Working Comte, CYL IM AR, 1949; mem., IMAR Branch of Chinese Peace Council, 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP of IMAR, Sep 1978; chm, Nationalities Affairs Com, People's Govt, IMAR, Aug 1979; vice-chm, People's Congr of IMAR, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; vicechm, Advisory Com, CCP of IMAR, Dec 1984; disappeared, Jul 1985.

* 1900 Wuhu City, Anhui deceased 1965, Apr 9 Attended normal school in Nanjing; dir., Polit. Dpt, 8th Red Army, 1930; sec., Anhui CP, 1930; dir., Org. Dpt, Hebei Prov. CP, 1931; sec-gen. (bi-shu-zhang), CCP Central Comte, 1933; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1938-44; dir., Civil Affairs Office, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Reg Govt, 1946; mayor, Shijiazhuang Municipality, Dec 1947 - Apr 1949; mem., Nanjing Mil. Control Com, Oct 1949; vice-mayor of Nanjing, Nov 1949 - May 1950; 1st sec., Nanjing CP, Mar 19501952; mayor of Nanjing, May 1950-1952; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, May 1950- Sep 1952; mem., E China Admin. Comte, Sep 1952-1954; vice-gov., Jiangsu PPG, Nov 1952-1955; 1st sec., Jiangsu CP, Nov 1952Jan 1955; polit, commissar, Jiangsu Mil. Distr, Nov 1952 - Jan 1955; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 - Dec 1958; sec., Shanghai Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1955-1962; 1st sec., Shanghai CP, Feb 1955 death; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; mem., Politburo, CCP Central Comte, by-elected at 2nd Plenum, May 1958; mayor of Shanghai, Nov 1958 - death; deputy for Shanghai to 2nd NPC, Mar 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Jan 1965); 1st sec., E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jan 1961; 1st polit, com., Nanjing Mil. Reg, Mar 1962; vicepremier, SC, Jan 1965.

Ke Lin

Ke Zhao fa JG


Pres., People's Court of Guangdong Prov., Oct 19581961; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Jan 1961 - Dec 1963; vice-chm, Guangdong PPC, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; disappeared, Apr 1983.

Li Xun

* 1913 Shaodong County, Hunan deceased 1983, Mar 20 Graduation from Hunan Univ, 1936; went to England to study metallurgy, 1937; after receiving Ph.D., research fellow at Univ of Sheffield, where he did pioneer work in research on the elements of steel, 1941-48; further studies in U.S.A., 1948-50; mem., Dpt of Technology, CAS, Mar 1951; dir., Inst, of Metals, NE Branch of CAS, 1952; vice-pres., China Society of Metal Physics, Jan 1956; mem., Central Comte, Jiusan Society, Feb 1956; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, May 1957; ehm, Editorial Board, Metals Journal, Jun 1957; deputy for Liaoning to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); dir., Inst, of Metals Research, CAS, Dec 1961; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Liaoning to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-pres., China Metallurgy Society, Jan 1979; vice-chm, Liaoning PPC, Feb 1980; pres., Shenyang Branch, CAS, Aug 1980; mem., Academic Degrees Comte, CAS, Feb 1981; vice-pres., CAS, and dir. of its Dpt of Technical Sciences, May 1981; head, CAS del. to India, Dec 1981; mem., Award Comte for Natural Science, Scientific and Technological Com, SC, Jul 1982. Remarks: In collaboration with others, Li carried out comprehensive investigations into the effects of cold working on steel. He also contributed to research on uranium, the production of tank and aeroplane materials and a number of other key metallurgical problems in China.

* 1929 Shuangcheng County, Heilongjiang Studied at Northeast Univ, 1946-47; served in NE Democratic Allied Army, 1947-50; graduation from People's Univ of China, 1951; cadre, Org. Dpt, NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1952-54; served successively as cadre in Secretariat, Ind. Dpt and Transport Work Dpt under CCP Central Comte, 1955-60; service in Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1960- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: CCP sec. of a plant under Min. of Electronics Ind., 1973-78; dir. of a bureau, Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1979-83; mem., State Com of Restructuring Economy, Feb 1984; dpty sec., Work Comte for Organs under Central Comte of CCP, Oct 1986; disappeared, Oct 1991.

Li Yanlu * Yanji County, Jilin After Mukden (Shenyang) Incident, together with Li Du and Ma Zhanshan organized Anti-Japan Natl Salvation Army with himself as cos, 1931; when Li Du and his units retreated into Soviet Union, remained in Ningan, Heilongjiang, to organize Anti-Japan Allied from remnant forces, 1933; later made cdr., 4th Army, NE Anti-Japan Allied Army; appealed to Chiang Kai-shek for mil. assistance, 1935; went to Yan'an to train working personnel for NE provinces, 1938; later conducted guerilla activities in Rehe (Jehol) area; ehm, Hejiang PPG, Feb 1946 - Oct 1949; mem., NE People's Govt, Aug 1949; vice-chm, Songjiang PPG, Dec 1949 - Aug 1954; mem., NE Admin. Comte, 1953 - Sep 1954; vice-chm, Heilongjiang PPC, Aug 1954Feb 1955; deputy for Heilongjiang to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Sep 1958, and to 3rd, Sep 1964); vicegov., Heilongjiang PPG, Feb 1955 - Sep 1964; head, Heilongjiang del. to Soviet Union, Nov 1958; ehm, Heilongjiang Branch, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Apr 1960; vice-chm, Heilongjiang Branch, CPPCC, Sep 1962- Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., May 1966; first appearance ¿ t e r Cult. Rev.: deputy for Heilongjiang to 4th NPC, May 1973 (reelected to 5th, Feb 1978); mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, May 1973 - Feb 1978; disappeared, May 1981.

Li Yanshou

$ fö &

Dpty dir., Cult. Rev., Group Hubei Prov. CP, Sep 1966; mem., Stand. Comte, Hubei CP, Apr 1973-77; dpty dir.,


Li Yao

Central Broadcasting Admin., SC, Jul 1978-1980; head, broadcasting del. to the Philippines, Dec 1978; vice-min. of Food, Mar 1980 - Mar 1982 (when the ministry was incorporated into the new Ministry of Commerce); dpty dir.-gen., Admin, for Ind. and Commerce, Jan 1985; ehm, Consumers Assn, Jan 1985; disappeared, Jul 1985.

Li Yao



* 1911 Jinzhai County, Anhui Participant in Pingjiang Uprising, 1928; polit, instructor, 4th Column, 4th Red Army, 1929; participated in Long March, 1934-35; served in 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; polit, commissar, Dajingshan Cavalry Detachment, 1938; dir., Polit. Dpt, 8th Column, NW Field Army, 1947; dir., Polit. Dpt, 8th Army, 1st Field Army, 1949; dpty polit, commissar, 19th Army, 2nd Field Army, 1950; polit, commissar of same army, 1951; dir., Transportation Section, PLA General Rear Services Dpt, Apr 1953; made maj-gen. and awarded order "Liberation", Sep 1955; dpty polit, commissar, PLA General Logistics Dpt, May 1957 - Cult. Rev.; identified ltn-gen., Feb 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: cadre, Central mil. leadership, Jul 1973; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985.

Li Yaosong ^ fa Alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); ehm, Ningxia Autonomous Reg Branch, Fed of TU, 1970; disappeared, Sep 1976.

Li Y a o w e n

^ M ï


Joined CCP, 1937; polit, commissar of a div., 8th Column, E China Field Army, 1948; polit, commissar, 26th Corps, 3rd Field Army, 1949; cdr., 26th Army under

Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korean War, 1950-53; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Jinan Mil. Reg, 1955; made majgen., Sep 1955; dir., Polit. Dpt, Jinan Mil. Reg, 1958; trained at PLA Higher Mil. Academy, 1962-63; dpty polit, commissar, Jinan Mil. Reg, 1964; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of Shandong Prov., Feb 1967; mem., CCP and govt del. to Ν Korea, Jul 1971; vice-min. of Foreign Affairs, Jul 1971 - Apr 1972; ambassador to Tanzania, Apr 1972 - Jan 1976; concurrently ambassador to Madagascar, Jan 1973 - Jun 1974; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; polit, commissar, Natl Defense Scientific and Technological Com, Oct 19771980; polit, commissar, PLA Navy, Jan 1981-1989; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; made full general, Sep 1988; head, PLA del. to Ν Korea, Apr 1990; disappeared, Apr 1990.

Li Y e



* 1928 Zhenping County, Henan Served successively in the general offices of Min. of Petroleum Ind. and the State Planning Com, 1958-68; served successively as chief of Production Section, Jiangshan Oilfield and as dpty dir., Research Inst, under Min. of Petroleum Ind., 1969-75; service in Shengli Oilfield and Zhongyuan Oil Exploration Bureau, 1975-83; deputy for Shandong to 6th NPC, May 1983; sec., CCP Comte of Shengli Oilfield and concurrently sec., Dongying City CP, Feb 1984; vice-gov., Shandong PPG, May 1986 - Feb 1988; vice-chm, Shandong PPC, Feb 1988; disappeared, Feb 1988.

Li Yilin 4 £ Vice-min. of Chemical Ind., Oct 1964 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Jilin to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; head, trade del. to Leipzig Fair, Mar 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; vicemin. of Fuel and Chemical Ind., Nov 1974 - Jan 1975; vice-min. of Petroleum and Chemical Ind., Nov 1975 Feb 1978; vice-min. of Chemical Ind., Sep 1978; disappeared, Apr 1981.


Li Yimeng

# ""

Li Youjiu

Li Yindan

+ & -ft

Sec., Guangxi Branch, Work Comte of NDYL, Feb 1951; mem., Control Comte, Guangxi PPG, May 1951; sec., Rural Work Comte, Guangxi CP, Jun 1951; council mem., Guangxi PPG, Dec 1952; ehm, Planning Com, Guangxi PPG, Sep 1955; vice-chm, Guangxi AR, Dec 1963 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP of Guangxi AR, May 1967; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Aug 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Guangxi AR PPC, Dec 1979 - Jul 1985; disappeared, Jul 1985. * 1903 Peng County, Sichuan deceased 1990, Dec 4 Studied at Shanghai and Suzhou universities. Joined "Creation Society" founded by Guo Muruo and others and started his literary career; during Northern Expedition served in the Polit. Dpt of Nationalist Rev. Army's Polit. Dpt, 1926; took part in Nanchang Uprising, 1927; joined Jiangxi Soviet, 1929, and made dir., Bureau for Polit. Security in the Secret Service Dpt; during Long March dir., Propaganda Section in Polit. Dpt, 1st Front Army, 1934-35; sec., Shaanxi Prov. CP, 1937; sec-gen., New 4th Army, 1938-40; sec., Huaihe Prefecture CP and of NJiangsu Reg CP, 1941-45; dir., Propaganda Dpt, E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1946-47; dpty sec., Lüda (Liishun-Dalian) Region CP, 1947-49; mem., del. to 1st Session of World Peace Council (WPC), East Berlin, Apr 1951; council mem., World Peace Council, Jul 1952; delegate to WPC Session, Vienna, Dec 1953; delegate to WPC Session in East Berlin, May 1954; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; sec., WPC, Sep 1954-1957; delegate to WPC Session Vienna, Jan 1955; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Mar 1955; delegate to WPC Congress, Helsinki, Jun 1955; delegate to WPC Session, Stockholm, Mar 1956; ambassador to Burma, Mar 1958 - Sep 1963; dpty dir., Staff Office for Foreign Affairs, State Council, Apr 1964-1966; dpty dir., Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Dec 1964-1967; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; dpty dir., Intl Liaison Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1975-1981; head, del. of Party workers to Yugoslavia and Romania; dpty sec., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 Sep 1982; pres., Assn for Intl Understanding of China, Sep 1981 - death; adviser to Intl Liaison Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); head, friendship del. to Japan, Sep 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987) - death; visited Italy, Sep 1987; mem., Presidium, 13th CCP Congress, Oct 1987; head, friendship del. to Thailand, Jan 1988. Publications: In the 1950s Li collated and annotated several collections of poems written in the five dynasties (907960). - Translated Selected Works of Marx.

Li Yiqing

* 1907 Xiyang, Shanxi Head, Public Security Bureau, Shanxi-Hebei-ShandongHenan Border Region Govt, 1941; mem., Zhengzhou Mil. Control Com, Oct 1948; dir., W Hunan Admin. Office, Jan 1949; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte (CSMAC), Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; vice-chm, Finance and Economic Comte, CSMAC, Jul 1950 - Jan 1953; ehm, Farmland Investigation and Verification Comte, CSMAC, Sep 1952; mem., Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; gen-mgr., Wuhan Iron and Steel Joint Enterprise Corp., Nov 1957-1-961; alt. sec., Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1961-1965; ehm, Scientific and Technological Comte, Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jan 1963; sec., Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1965 - Cult. Rev.; branded a capitalist-roader and a renegate and purged, Jan 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-min. of Posts and Telecommunications, Oct 1978 - May 1982; deputy for Shanxi to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; mem., Law Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986; disappeared, Apr 1986.

Li Yizhang * 1918 deceased 1981, Jul 26 Mem., Stand. Comte, Jiangxi Prov. CP, Oct 1977; deputy for Jiangxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Jiangxi Prov., Feb 1978 - Dec 1979; vice-chm, Jiangxi PPC, Dec 1979 - death.

Li Youjiu



* 1917 Fujian Sec., Guangxi Autonomous Reg CP, Mar 1960; branded a capitalist-roader and purged, May 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Gansu Prov. Rev Comte, Dec 1977 - May 1978; deputy for Gansu to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-min. of Agriculture and Forestry, May 1978 Feb 1979; dpty head, agricultural del. to Romania, FR Germany and France, Aug 1978; vice-min. of Agriculture, Jul 1979 - May 1980; head, del. to 9th Session of UN World Food Council, New York, Jun 1983; adviser, NPC Law Comte, Jun 1987 (reappointed Jul 1988); disappeared, Jul 1988.

Li Youwen


Li Youwen



• 1 9 0 1 Liaobei Province deceased 1984, Apr 19 Graduated from Sun Yat-sen Univ in Moscow; vice-chm, Liaobei PPG, 1946-47; mem. and sec-gen., NE People's Govt, Dec 1949 - Aug 1952; ehm, Jilin PPG, Aug 1952 Feb 1955; deputy for Jilin to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jul 1958, and to 3rd, Oct 1964); gov. of Jilin, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; sec., Jilin CP, Oct 1957 - Cult. Rev.; branded a "democratic personage" with serious problems and purged, Mar 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Jilin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, Jilin PPC, Apr 1980- Apr 1983; mem., Central Advisory, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - death.

Li Yu


* 1905 Shandong deceased 1986, May 30 Joined CCP, 1929; graduation from Jilu Univ in Shandong, 1930; served in Communist Jiangsu-Shandong-Henan-Anhui Mil. Reg, 1937; polit, commissar, 1st Shandong Column, 1938; polit, commissar, Shandong Corps, 1940; dpty polit, commissar, Shandong Mil. Distr, 1944; served in New 4th Army, 1945; alt. mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Jun 1945; gov. of Communist-held parts of Shandong Prov., 1945-49; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Nov 1949-1953; mem., Shanghai MPG, Dec 1950; ehm, Civil Construction Comte, Shanghai MPG, 1951; charged with a "patriarchal style of work", "arrogance and the abuse of his positions" and stripped of his positions in CCP and govt, mid-1952; vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Jun 1954 - Sep 1959; mem., Board of Directors, Bank of Communications, Dec 1954; vicemin., Min. of Agricultural Machinery, Sep 1959- Jan 1965; vice-min., 8th Min. of Machine Building (the renamed Min. of Agricult. Machinery), Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev.; branded as a counterrevolutionary and purged, Feb 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1980; mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Aug 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 - death.

Yunnan Prov. CP, 1958-65; Wenshan Prefecture CP, 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Dali Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan, 1973-75; sec-gen., Yunnan Prov. CP, 1975-79; 1st sec., Kunming Municipality CP, 1979-83; CCP sec., Nankai Univ, 1983-88; vice-chm, Tianjin Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1987; vice-chm, Tianjin MPC, May 1988; disappeared, Feb 1991.

Li Yuan


* 1911 Hunan Joined CCP, 1930; cdr. of a regiment, 29th Div., NE Field Army, 1948; dpty cos, 140th Div., 47th Army, 1950; dpty cdr., 140th Div., Apr 1951; cdr., 140th Div., 1952; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cos, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Nov 1964; cdr., 47th Army, based in Changsha, Hunan Prov., 1966; received by Mao Zedong in Changsha and named head, Preparatory Group for Hunan Rev Comte, Sep 1967; ehm, Hunan Rev Comte, elected with its establishment, Apr 1968; cdr., Hunan Mil. Distr, 1968-70; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and 11th CC, Aug 1977); dpty cdr., Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Jul 1977; disappeared, May 1980.

Li Yuang


Li Yuhua (f) Li Yuan



* 1898 Chongqing, Sichuan Graduated from Agricultural College of Beijing Univ; dir., Ν China General Bureau of Revenue, mid-1949; dir., Customs Admin., Min. of Finance, Dec 1949; mem., Admin. Comte, All-China Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Jul 1954; asst min. of Finance, Nov 1956 Apr 1959; vice-gov., Shandong PPG, Nov 1958 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Shandong CP, Apr 1959; mem., Rev Comte, Shandong Prov., Mar 1967; disappeared, Mar 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vicechm, Shandong PPC, Dec 1979; disappeared, Dec 1981.




* 1922 Pingyuan County, Shandong Graduated from Journalism Dpt, Yanjing Univ, 1945; editor with RMRB in Ν China, 1946-49; dpty editor-inchief, Yunnan Daily, 1950-53; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Yunnan Prov. CP, 1953-57; dpty dir., General Office,

* 1912 Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Graduated from Medical College, Beijing Univ, 1934; completed postgraduate studies in Japan, 1937; prof., Fujian Medical College, 1937-46; prof., Taiwan Teachers' Univ, 1947-48; prof., Zhejiang Medical College, 194849; served as prof., Zhejiang Medical Univ and dir., Zhe-


jiang Childcare Hospital, 1950-64; deputy for Zhejiang to 3rd Ν PC, Oct 1964; dir., Zhejiang Inst, of Children's Health, Apr 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Zhejiang Prov. to 5th Ν PC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, Zhejiang PPC, Dec 1979 (reelected Apr 1983 and Jan 1988); disappeared, Nov 1990. Publication: Infant Acute Leukosis.

Li Yukui Asst min. of Posts and Telecommunications, May 1956 Jan 1959; dir., Investment Admin., Min. of Posts and Telecommunications, Sep 1956; vice-min. of Posts and Telecommunications, Feb 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Nov 1971; dpty dir., Bureau of Telecommunications, SC, Jan 1973; vice-min. of Posts and Telecommunications, Oct 1973-1984; head, telecommunications del. to Canada, Apr 1979; head, posts and telecommunications del. to France, Belgium, Netherlands, Sep 1979; head, del. to Conf. of the Intl Telecommunications Union, Nairobi, Kenya, Sep 1982; disappeared, Oct 1984.

Li Y u n c h a n g


Li Zaihan

Machine Building TU, Nov 1957; head, TU del. to Japan, Nov 1957; pres., Machine Building TU, Jul 1960; dpty head, TU del. to Japan, Aug 1962; head, del. of Machine Building TU to Soviet Union, Oct 1962; dir., Intl Liaison Dpt, ACFTU, Apr 1963; council mem., Sino-Japanese Friendship Assn, Oct 1963; deputy for Heilongjiang to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; council mem., Chinese People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Oct 1964; ambassador to Dahomey, Feb 1965; following the severing of diplomatic relations between Dahomey and PRC, Li returned to Beijing, Jan 1966; ambassador to Ν Korea, Mar 1970-1976; ambassador to Switzerland, Aug 1976 - Jul 1982; vice-min. of Labor and Personnel, May 1982 - Sep 1986; head, del. to Intl Labor Conf., Geneva, Jun 1984; head, labor del. to Japan, Apr 1985; disappeared, Sep 1986.

Li Yunhe




* 1908 Leting, Hebei Attended NW Mil. Academy; commanded Anti-Japan United Forces at Fengrun, Hebei Prov., 1937; cdr., 4th Column, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Mil. Distr, 1938; cdr., Shanxi-Rehe-Chahar Mil. Distr, 1940; cdr., Hebei-ReheLiaoning Mil. Distr, 1945; participated in 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; vice-min. of Communications, Oct 1949 - Jul 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1965); mem., Central Control Com, CCP Central Comte, 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jun 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Jul 1979 - Jun 1983; vice-min. of Justice, Jun 1980 - May 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, May 1992. Remarks: Li is a nephew of Li Dazhao, co-founder of the CCP.

Li Y u n c h u a n # i r Jll * 1919 Shandong Sec-gen., Machine Building TU, Jan 1956; vice-pres.,

* 1921 Dingxiang County, Shanxi Dpty dir., Dpt for Ind. and Communications, CCP Comte, Xinjiang AR, May 1960; dir., Office for Ind. and Communications, Xinjiang Rev Comte, Oct 1974; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Xinjiang AR, May 1977-1979; vicechm, People's Govt, Ningxia AR, Jan 1980 (reelected Mar 1983); dpty sec., CCP Comte, Ningxia AR, Feb 1982 - Oct 1985; ehm, Ningxia AR Branch, CPPCC, Oct 1985 (reelected Aug 1988); disappeared, Aug 1988.

Li Yutang # i £ * 1916 deceased 1984, Feb 1 Council mem., Shanxi PPG, Aug 1952; vice-min., 5th Min. of Machine Building, Jan 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: cadre of SC, Oct 1973; deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vicemin. of 5th Min. of Machine Building, Oct 1978-1979; head, machine building del. to attend the foundation of a Chinese-aided factory at Wah, Pakistan, May 1979.

Li Zaihan # 4 ^ Chm, "Mao Zedong Thought" Provisional Rev Comte, Guizhou Prov., Feb 1967; 1st polit, commissar, Guizhou Mil. Distr, May 1967; dpty polit, commissar, Kunming Mil. Reg, May 1967; chm, Guizhou Prov. Rev Comte, Jul 1968; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; disappeared, Jul 1969.


Li Zaiwen

Li Zaiwen * 1916 Shandong Mem., Executive Comte and concurrently dir., Org. Dpt, ACFTU, Aug 1948; vice-chm, Shijiazhuang Union of Railroad Staff Members and Workers, Aug 1948; delegate of ACFTU to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; dir., General Office, ACFTU, Dec 1952; sec., ACFTU, May 1953 - Dec 1962; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 - Mar 1959; mem., Presidium, Natl Conf. of Outstanding Workers in All Trades and Professions, Apr 1956; mem., Presidium, Natl Congr of TU Activists, Aug 1957; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); head, govt del. to Mongolian PR, Nov 1959; head, ACFTU del. to Cuba, Apr 1960; vice-gov , Shandong PPG, Jan 1961 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Shandong CP, Apr 1961 - Cult. Rev.; alt. sec., Shandong CP, Jul 1964- Nov 1965; sec., Shandong CP, Nov 1965 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Mar 1967.

Li Zehou

+ ft %

* 1931 Changsha, Hunan Research fellow, Inst, of Philosophy, CASS, Oct 1985; deputy for Hunan to 7th NPC and mem. of its Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Comte, Mar 1988; Li is among 33 poets, journalists and writers who signed an open letter asking the authorities to release polit, prisoners, Feb 1989; elected mem., Intl Inst, of Philosophy in Paris, Apr 1989; invited to teach at Tübingen Univ in Germany but not allowed to leave the country, Aug 1991.

Li Zewang

* ^


Counselor, embassy in Moscow, Feb 1959 - Apr 1960; dpty dir., Dpt for American and Australian Affairs., Min. of Foreign Affairs, Apr 1964-1965; chargé d'affaires ad interim, embassy in Tanzania, Nov 1971-1972; ambassador to Hungary, Mar 1973 - Dec 1976; ambassador to Poland, Apr 1977 - Dec 1982; ambassador to Romania, Mar 1983 - Jan 1985; ambassador to USSR, Mar 1985 Jul 1987; mem., Foreign Affairs Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; head, friendship del. to USSR, Aug 1988; vicepres., Sino-USSR Friendship Assn, Aug 1988; disappeared, Aug 1988.

Li Zhaoji

Joined CCP, 1951; graduation from Dpt of Electrical Machinery, Shanghai Datong Univ, 1951; worked as radio control engineer, 1952-76; dpty head, telecommunications del. to Chile, Great Britain, Switzerland, France, Aug-Sep 1971; council mem., Electronics Society, Nov 1976; dpty head, electronics del. to Japan, Nov 1976; served successively as dpty dir., Shanghai No. 18 Radio Factory, dpty gen-mgr. and senior engineer of Shanghai TV Ind. Corp. and as dpty dir., Instrument and Meters Ind. Bureau, Shanghai MPG, 1977-82; dir., Communications Engineering Inst., Apr 1978; vice-min., 4th Min. of Machine Building, May 1978 - May 1982; vice-mayor, Shanghai MPG, Apr 1983 - Apr 1988; head, Leading Group for the Absorption of Foreign Funds, MPG, Dec 1987; disappeared, Dec 1987.


* 1907 Liuyang County, Hunan deceased 1990, Mar 11 Given away by her parents at the age of six; escaped from her husband's family, 1926; joined CCP, 1927; participated in Long March, 1934-35; dir., Cadres Section, Polit. Dpt, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 19938; dir., Cadres Section, Shanxi-Suiyuan-Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Joint Forces Command, 1941; dir., Cadres Section, Polit. Dpt, NW Field Army, 1945; mem., executive Comte, Fed of Democratic Women, Mar 1949; delegate of 1st Field Army to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; sec-gen., Polit. Dpt, Chinese "People's Volunteers" (CPV) in Korea, Nov 1951; dir., Polit. Dpt, CPV, Jan 1953; head, women's del. to USSR, Oct 1953; deputy for Hunan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Sep 1958, and to 3rd, Oct 1964); made maj-gen. (the only female general of PLA until 1988) and awarded order "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, PLA Navy, Sep 1955; dir., Cadres Section, PLA General Polit. Dpt, Nov 1956-1958; dpty chief procurator, PLA Military Procuratorate, Dec 1958; head, women's del. to Albania, Sep 1964; survived Cult. Rev. unharmed, 1966-76; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978; adviser, Org. Dpt, PLA General Polit. Dpt, Aug 1980; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985. Li was married to Gan Siqi, a mil. leader and alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte.

* 1934

Li Zheren


Li Zhen


Li Zhengyou


* 1905 Henan Son of a rich peasant; graduated from univ; participated in Long March, 1934-35; battalion and later regiment cdr.; 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937-45; dir., Public Security Bureau, Beihai Distr, 1946; polit, commissar, 18th Brigade, 6th Column, Central Plains Field Army, 1947; polit, commissar, 36th Div., 12th Corps, 2nd Field Army, Feb 1949; mem., People's Supervisory Comte, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, May 1950 - Dec 1952; polit, commissar, 12th PLA Corps, Sep 1950; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Liaoning Mil. Distr., 195758; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt. Shenyang Mil. Reg, Jul 19581963; dir., Polit. Dpt, Min. of Railways, Sep 1963; vicemin. of Public Security (in this capacity entrusted with the investigation of offenses committed by PLA cos Luo Ruiqing), Jan 1967 - Oct 1972; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); min. of Public Security, Oct 1972 - Jan 1975; dpty polit, commissar, PLA Logistics Dpt, Dec 1975-1978?; last appearance, Aug 1978.

Li Zhengguang


Dpty dir., Technological Dpt, Min. of Textile Ind., Aug 1958; vice-pres., China Society of Textile Technology, May 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult Rev., Sep 1974; vice-min. of Textile Ind., Jul 1978-1981; pres., China Assn of Textile Enterprise Management, Aug 1981; disappeared, Aug 1981.

Li Zhengting

# i


* 1936 Sichuan Graduated from Xinan Agricultural Inst, and later specialized in the crossbreeding of rice; lecturer, Kunming Inst, of Agriculture and Forestry, 1960; dpty dir., Rice Research Office under Yunnan Agricultural Academy, 1979; vice-gov., Yunnan PPG, Apr 1983 - May 1988; deputy for Yunnan to 6th NPC, May 1983; disappeared, May 1988.

Li Zhenjun

* 1920 Fenghuan County, Hunan Li belonged to the Miao minority. Studied at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. College, Yan'an, 1937; polit, instructor at this college, 1938-44; dpty polit, commissar, PLA Unit 6900, in Hunan Prov., Oct 1967; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte, Hunan Prov., Oct 1968; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Hunan Prov., May 1970-1977; dpty polit, commissar, Hunan Mil. Distr, Aug 1970-1977; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Changsha Municipality, Sep 1970; mem., Stand. Comte, Hunan Prov. CP, Dec 1970; sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Aug 1973-1978; disappeared, Sep 1978; first reappearance: dpty polit, commissar, Chinese People's Armed Police Force and dir. of its Polit. Dpt, Apr 1983; polit, commissar, Chinese People's Armed Police Force, Oct 1984-1985; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; mem., Nationalities Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.

Li Zheren * 1918 Shenmu County, Shaanxi Served as CCP sec. in counties and prefectures, 1938-49; dpty CCP sec., Harbin Municipality, 1952-56; dpty dir., Rural Work Dpt, Henan Prov. CP, Sep 1957; vice-min. of Labor, Apr 1964 - Cult. Rev.; branded a follower of Liu Shaoqi and purged, Feb 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1977; dir., Bureau of Weights and Measures, SC, Apr 1979- Oct 1979; sec., Fujian Prov. CP, Nov 1979- Mar 1983; 1st sec., Discipline Inspection Comte, Fujian Prov. CP, Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; dpty sec., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987 - Oct 1992; head, CCP del. to Poland, Jun 1988; mem., Credials Comte, 14th CCP Natl Congr, Oct 1992; disappeared, Oct 1992.


+ % A

* Pinglu County, Shanxi Leading cadre, Natl Liberation Vanguard, Tianjin, 1936; after Marco Polo Bridge Incident, went to S Shanxi to establish base, 1937; served in CCP Secretariat, Taiyue Reg, May 1945; dir., Policy Research Dpt, Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1949; mem., Provisional Board of Directors, All-China Fed of Cooperatives, Jul 1950; dir., Dpt of Agriculture, Min. of Ν China Affairs, GAC, Nov 1950; dpty dir., Financial and Economic Comte, Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1950; mem., Ν China Mil. and Admin. Comte and dir. of its Trade Bureau, Jun 1952; mem., Board of Directors, All-China Fed of Cooperatives, Jul 1952-1954; vice-min. of Foreign Trade, Jan 1953 - Sep 1959; mem., Executive Comte and concurrently mem., Standing Comte, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce (ACFIC), Oct 1953; head, commer-


Li Zhimin

cial del. to PR Mongolia, Apr 1954; deputy for Hunan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; head, trade del. to USSR, Nov-Dec 1955; head, trade del. to USSR, Jan 1957; head, trade del. to Poland, Apr 1957; vice-min. of Commerce, SC, Sep 1959 - Apr 1961; dpty dir., General Bureau of Economic Relations with Foreign Countries, SC, Apr 1961; mem., Economic Planning Com, SC, Sep 1963 - Dec 1964; dpty dir., General Bureau of Allocation of Materials, SC, Sep 1963 - Nov 1964; vice-min. for Allocation of Materials, Dec 1964 - Cult. Rev.; vice-min., Economic Com, SC, Nov 1965 - Cult. Rev.; branded an anti-Party element and purged, Jan 1967.

Li Zhimin

-φ- & &

Li Zhizhong


* 1921 Pendai County, Shandong CCP sec. in home county, 1940-49; dpty dir., Finance and Trade Dpt, Jiangsu Prov. CP, 1956-61; dpty sec., Suzhou City CP, 1962- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., Public Security Bureau, Jiangsu PPG, Oct 1975-1977; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Jiangsu Prov., Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; vice-gov., Jiangsu PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Jiangsu PPC, May 1985; disappeared, Sep 1988.

Li Zhongxuan * 1906 Liuyang County, Hunan deceased 1987, Nov 16 Joined CCP, 1929; cdr. of a regiment, 3rd Red Army Corps, 1930; served in 1st Front Army, 1932-34; participated in Long March, 1934-35; polit, commissar, 19th Corps, 1st Field Army, 1949; council mem., Shaanxi PPG, 1949; mem., NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, 1950; polit, commissar, 19th Corps, Chinese "People's Volunteers" (CPV) in Korea, Feb 1951 - Feb 1953; dir., Polit. Dpt, CPV, Feb 1953 - Aug 1954; dpty polit, commissar, CPV, Aug 1954 - Oct 1955; deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; polit, commissar, CPV, Oct 1955-1957; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; identified as col-gen., Feb 1958; head, mil. del. to Algeria, Oct 1963; polit, commissar, PLA Mil. Academy, Oct 1963 - Cult. Rev.; branded as a "three-anti element" and relieved of all posts, 1967; first appearance after the Cult. Rev.: mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); polit, commissar, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Oct 1973-1980; head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1975; adviser, Mil. Com, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1980-1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; deputy for Liaoning to 6th NPC, May 1983; pres., China - N Korea Friendship Assn, Sep 1984.



Mil. attaché, embassy in Indonesia, Aug 1965; dpty Beijing Garrison, Oct 1977; dpty cdr., Beijing Mil. Apr 1978-1983; 1st dpty cdr., Beijing Garrison, 1980-1981; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983; Beijing Garrison, Apr 1984; disappeared, Feb 1985.

Li Zhongyi

* +

cdr., Reg, Feb cdr.,


Asst min. of Textile Ind., SC, Oct 1956 - Jan 1959; vicemin. of Textile Ind., Jun 1960- Feb 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Sichuan PPC, Dec 1979- Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, Advisory Com, Sichuan CP, Mar 1983; disappeared, Apr 1983.

Li Zhongyuan



Vice-chm, Rev Comte, Tianjin Municipality, Dec 1977 Jun 1980; dpty cdr., Qingdao Garrison, Aug 1979-1980; vice-mayor, Tianjin MPG, Jun 1980 - Apr 1983; vicechm, Tianjin MPC, Apr 1983 - May 1988; disappeared, May 1988.

Li Zhuang


Dir., Home Dpt and mem., Editorial Dpt, RMRB, Apr 1963; deputy for Hebei to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1977; dpty editor-in-chief, RMRB, Apr 19771982; head, RMRB del. to Ν Korea, May 1979; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; editor-in-chief, RMRB, Nov 1983 - Apr 1986; head, RMRB del. to France, Sep


1985; deputy for Hebei to 7th NPC and mem. of its Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Comte, Mar 1988; disappeared, Jun 1991.

Li Zhuchen

£ &

Li Zichao

Li Zhuoran




* 1881 Yongshun County, Hunan deceased 1968, Oct 7 Graduated from Chemistry Dpt, W Higher Normal School, Changde, Hunan; taught at industrial middle school, Changsha, 1909; studied at Electricity and Chemistry Dpt, Asakusa Inst, of Industry, Tokyo, 1912-18; returned to China, 1918; introduced to noted industrialist Fan Xudong and as result decided to dedicate himself to industry; technician in Jiuda Salt Co., Hebei, 1919; joined Yongli Alkali Manufacturing Plant, 1920; soon became asst manager of the concern; after outbreak of Sino-Japanese War, left Tianjin for Sichuan Prov., 1937; went to NW China to survey chemical resources, 1941; ehm, All-China Assn of Industries, 1941; after end of SinoJapanese War, went back to Ν China to continue work with salt and alkali manufacturing, 1945; joined CDNCA, Oct 1945; attended Political Consultative Conf. in Chongqing as representative of non-partisans, Oct 1945; genmgr., Jiuda Salt Co., 1947; dir., Tianjin Branch, Yongli Alkali Manufacturing Co., 1947; declared allegiance to Communists, Jan 1949; industrial delegate to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Central People's Govt, Oct 1949- Sep 1954; ehm, Tianjin Branch, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce (ACFIC), Oct 1950; mem., Stand. Comte, CDNCA, Nov 1950; attended intl economic conf. in USSR, Mar 1952; vice-chm, Chinese People's Comte for Promotion of Intl Trade (CPCPIT), May 1952; mem., del. to World Peace Congr, Vienna, Dec 1952; vice-chm, Ν China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; vice-chm, ACFIC, Oct 1953 - death; deputy for Tianjin to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Presidium, 1st NPC, Sep 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959); vicepres., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1954; vice-chm, CDNCA, Apr 1955 - death; vice-chm, Study Comte, 2nd CPPCC, 1956-Apr 1959; min. of Food Ind., SC, May 1956- Feb 1958; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, May 1957; managing dir., Bank of Communications, representing public shares, Jul 1957; min. of Light Ind., Feb 1958 - death; deputy for Hebei to 2nd NPC, Oct 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., CCP and govt del. to German Democratic Republic (head: Nie Rongzhen), Oct 1959; dpty head, friendship del. to USSR, Feb 1960; subsequently attended Leipzig Spring Fair; vice-chm, Motions Examination Comte, 2nd NPC, Mar 1960; mem., govt del. to Burma, Dec 1960; dpty head, NPC del. to Indonesia and Burma, Aug 1961; mem., NPC del. to Ν Korea, Apr 1962; vice-chm, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; disappeared, Oct 1965.

* 1903 Hunan deceased 1989, Nov 9 Studied in France and later in Moscow Workers' Univ and Leningrad Mil. and Polit. Univ; returned to China, 1930; dir., Polit. Dpt, 1st Red Army Corps, 1932; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Red Army, 1933; during Long March: dir., Polit. Dpt, 5th Red Army, 1934-36; taught at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1937; dir., Propaganda Dpt, NW China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1940; followed Lin Biao to Manchuria, 1945; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, NE China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1946-48; dir. of this Dpt, 1948; mem., NE China People's Govt and dir. of its Cultural and Educational Comte, Aug 19491952; vice-chm, NE China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 Sep 1954; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1954- Cult. Rev.; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd and 4th, 1959 and 1964); criticized Gao Gang during session of CCP Central Comte, Mar 1955; council mem., Sino-Korean Friendship Assn, Sep 1958; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first reappearance, Oct 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978- Jun 1983; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985.

Li Zhuping Dir., Civil Affairs Office, CCP Jiangsu - Anhui Admin. Office, 1937-45; dir., Construction Bureau, Min. of Textile Ind., Jun 1955 - Oct 1956; asst min. of Textile Ind., Oct 1956- Apr 1964; vice-min. of Textile Ind., Apr 1964- Cult. Rev.; branded a renegade and purged, Jun 1967; last appearance, Jun 1967.

Li Zichao

* 1921 Yi'nan County, Shandong Cadre in his home county, 1944-49; sec-gen., Shandong Prov. Branch, CYL, 1950-52; sec-gen., Shandong PPC, 1966; dir., Petrochemical Plant, Shengli Oil Field, 1972-

Li Ziguang

73; sec-gen., United Front Work Dpt, Shandong Prov. CP, 1975-77; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Shandong Prov., Apr 1977 - Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Shandong Prov. CP, Sep 1977 - Jan 1980; deputy for Shandong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Feb 1980 Mar 1983; ehm, Shandong Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1983; disappeared, Feb 1991.

Li Ziguang Chm of Rehe (Jehol), 1948; dir. Rural Work Dpt, Hebei Prov. CP, Aug 1953 - Jan 1954; vice-gov., Hebei PPG, 1956 - Apr 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Hebei Prov. CP, May 1960 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Hebei to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; vice-chm, Hebei Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Sep 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Li Zisong See Li Tsusung

Li Ziyuan * 1920 Wei County, Hebei deceased 1986, Jul 9 Joined CCP, 1938; mem., Rural Reform Comte, Guangdong PPG, Jan 1952; dpty dir., Rural Work Dpt, Guangdong CP, Feb 1956 - Jan 1958; dir. of this dpt, Feb 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangdong CP, Feb 1963; dpty sec., Guangdong CP, Mar 1965; accused as a follower of Zhao Ziyang and purged, Oct 1967; first reappearance: cadre in Sichuan, Dec 1975; sec., Sichuan CP, Jan 19771979; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; vicechm, Sichuan Rev Comte, Dec 1977; disappeared, Feb 1979.


KMT, Dec 1924; cdr., 7th Army, Natl Revolutionary Army, Mar 1926; alt. mem., KMT Central Control Comte, 1926; during Northern Expedition participated in Jiangxi Campaign, 1926; supported Chiang Kai-shek after KMT-CCP split, 1927; cdr.-in-chief, 4th Group Army, Feb 1928; mem., State Council, Nationalist Govt, Oct 1928; branded as plotter against Govt, relieved of posts and expelled from KMT, Mar 1929; went to Hong Kong; returned to Guangxi and established Natl Salvation Army with himself as cdr., Nov 1929; mem., KMT Central Executive Comte and pacification commissioner of Guangxi, Apr 1932; worked to reconstruct Guangxi by introducing the three-self and three-reservation policy, 1932-37; attempted to end semi-independence in Guangdong, 1936; cdr.-in-chief, 5th War Zone, Aug 1937-45; gov. of Anhui, Oct 1937; dir., Field HQ, KMT Mil. Affairs Com, Mar 1945; dir., presidential HQ in Beijing after V-J Day, 1945; vice-pres., Nationalist Govt, Apr 1948; acting pres., Republic of China, Jan 1949 - Feb 1950; attempted to negotiate peace settlement with CCP, 1949; fled to Hong Kong, Dec 1949; went to U.S.A., Dec 1949; returned to China, Jul 1965; vice-chm, Preparatory Comte for the centennial of Sun Yat-sen's birth, Oct 1965. Li was married to Guo Dejie who died 1966.

Li Zugen


Alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); vice-chm, Jiangxi Prov. Branch, All-China Fed of TU, Aug 1973-1980; disappeared, Aug 1980.

Li Zuopeng



Li Zongren

* 1892 Guilin, Guangxi deceased 1969, Jan 30 Born into a peasant family. Studied at Guangxi Army Primary School and joined Revolutionary Alliance; returned home during Wuchang Uprising, 1911; fought in nati protection movements; wounded twice in battle and made bataillion cdr., 1918; led about 1,000 troops into mountains near Yulin and built up force at Beilin, 1921; joined Chen Jiongming's Guangdong Army and left to become cdr., 2nd Route Army, Guangxi Autonomous Army, 1922; declared his neutrality in Guangxi-Guangdong conflict; cdr., Guangxi Anti-Rebel Army, Jul 1924; joined

* 1914 Ji*an County, Jiangxi Company leader, 28th Regiment, 4th Red Army, 1932-34; during Long March: cdr. of a battalion, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div., 1st Front Army, 1934-35; joined CCP, 1936; staff officer, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937-45; cos, NE Democratic Allied Army, Jan 1946; cos, Guangdong Mil. Distr, Jun 1950; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1951 - Jan 1953; dpty commandant, Central-S Mil. and Polit. Academy, Jul 1951; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., Navy Command Guangdong Mil. Distr, May 1956; dpty cdr., PLA Navy, Dec 1963-1969; mem., Natl Defense Council, Jan 1965; 1st polit, commissar, PLA Navy, Jun 1967; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte and mem. of its Politburo, Apr 1969; dpty chief, PLA General


Staff, Jul 1969; head, Party and govt del. to Ν Korea, Jun 1970; disappeared, Sep 1971; as a mem. of the "Lin Biao and Jiang Qing Cliques" sentenced to 17 years' imprisonment and depriviation of polit, rights for five years, Jan 1981; released from prison due to poor health, summer 1982.

Lian Guan

Liang Biye

Lian Yin



a t * 1929 Licheng County, Shanxi deceased 1992, May 28 Graduation from Dpt of Ind. and Economy, People's Univ of China, 1954; service as a cadre in Min. of Heavy Ind., 1954-56; service in Min. of Metallurgical Ind., 1958-63; dir., Cadres Dpt, Min. of Metallurgical Ind., 1972-83; dir. of a bureau in Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 198388; vice-min. of Civil Affairs, Aug 1988 - death.

* 1906 Dapu County, Guangdong Engaged in progressive youth activities in Vietnam when young; joined CCP, 1927; served in S China Branch of Natl Salvation Fed, 1936; mem., Working Com, Hong Kong and Macao CP, 1937; sec., Hong Kong Office of 8th Route Army, 1938; mem., S China Subbureau, CCP Central Comte and dpty sec., Working Com of Hong Kong and Macao CP, 1946; delegate of Liberated Areas of S China to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, G AC, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; dir., 3rd Office, United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1949; dpty sec-gen., NPC Stand. Comte, Oct 1957 - Cult. Rev.; deputy of Overseas Chinese to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., NPC del. to Indonesia, Burma (head: Guo Moruo), Aug 1961; ehm, ChinaLaos Friendship Assn, Mar 1963; dpty dir., People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Oct 1964; mem., NPC del. to Guinea, Mali, Central African Republic, Congo, Mar 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: Sep 1972; ehm, China-Laos Friendship Assn, Oct 1973; dpty sec-gen., NPC Stand. Comte, Sep 1974; dpty dir., Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs, SC, Jun 1978-1984; vice-chm, Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, Jan 1979-84; vice-chm, Board of Directors Quanzhou Overseas Chinese Univ, Fujian, Jan 1979; vice-pres., Society of Overseas Chinese History, Dec 1981; disappeared, Apr 1984. Lian was married to Lin Lang.

Liang Biye



* 1916 Ji'an County, Jiangxi Polit, commissar, 1st Div., 1st Column, Allied Democratic NE Army, 1945; dpty polit, commissar, 13th Army Corps, 1949; dpty dir., Org. Dpt, Polit. Dpt, CentralS China Mil. Reg, Oct 1950; mem., Supervisory Comte, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1950; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Central-S China Mil. Reg, Jun 1955; made ltn-gen. and conferred "Liberation" order, 1st class, Sep 1955; dpty polit, commissar, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, Oct 1957 - Oct 1958 (withdrawal from Korea); mil. leader, Jinan Mil. Reg, Jun 1960-1962; mem., mil. del. to PR Mongolia, Mar 1961; dpty dir., PLA General Polit. Dpt, Apr 1962- Cult. Rev.; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; attacked by Red Guards as a "sworn supporter of Luo Ruiqing", Apr 1966; branded a "three-anti-element" and purged, Dec 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Feb 1978); again dpty dir., PLA General Polit. Dpt, Jan 1975-1982; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985); deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., mil. friendship del. to Romania, Jun 1978; mem., Credentials Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; dpty head, mil. del. to Ν Kora (head: Geng Bino), Jun 1982; mem., Mil. Com, CCP Central Comte, Jun-Sep 1982; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov


Liang Changwu

1982; polit, commissar, PLA Academy of Mil. Science, Aug 1985-1986; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987).

1983); ehm, Guangdong TU, Feb 1978; vice-chm, Guangdong PPC, Dec 1979 - Aug 1985; disappeared, Aug 1985.

Liang Guobin Liang Changwu

Jfc i j

Mem., Head Office, All-China Supply and Marketing Cooperatives (ACSMC), Jul 1954-1957; council mem., ACSMC, Jul 1954-1956; vice-min. of Forestry, Jul 1961 Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jun 1970; vice-min. of Agriculture and Forestry, Nov 1971 - Feb 1979; head, agricultural del. to Albania, Jan 1975; head, agricultural del. to Ν Korea, Apr 1977; head, agricultural del. to Cameroon, Nov 1977; dpty dir., General Forestry Bureau, SC, Oct 1978; vice-min. of Forestry, Sep 1979; disappeared, Dec 1981.

Liang Chengye

^ A Jk

Belonged to Zhuang minority. Deputy for Guangxi Autonomous Region to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; ehm, Guilin City Rev Comte, Jul 1979-1980; vice-chm, Guangxi PPG, Dec 1979- Apr 1983; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Jun 1987.

Liang Feibiao

& 1



* 1909 deceased 1980, Mar 5 Once served as dir., Military Tribunal, New 4th Army, 1940; dir., Public Security Dpt, Fujian PPG, Aug 1949; mem., CCP Comte, Fujian Prov., Apr 1950; council mem., Fujian PPG, Oct 1950 - May 1952; dpty dir., Public Security Dpt, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte (ECMAC), May 1952 - Jan 1953; vice-chm, Comte on Legal Affairs, ECMAC, Oct 1952 - Jan 1953; dpty dir., Public Security Dpt, E China Admin. Comte (ECAC), Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; vice-chm, Comte on Legal Affairs, ECAC, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; mem., Comte for Implementing Marriage Law, ECAC, Jan 1953-Jun 1954; deputy chief procurator, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Nov 1954 - Feb 1958; vice-min. of Public Security, Feb 1958 - Oct 1964; council mem., China Polit. Science and Law Society, Aug 1958; mem., Natl Comte, 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; sec., CCP Comte, Shanghai Municipality, Oct 1965 - Cult. Rev.; vice-mayor, Shanghai MPG, Dec 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Feb 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Shanghai MPC, Dec 1979 - death.

Ü γΟ-

Liang Huaxin

* 1913 Yinchuan, Ningxia deceased 1990, Feb Graduation from Chemical Engineering Dpt, NW China Engineering Inst., 1941; principal, Shiyong Vocational School, 1942-49; principal, Yinchuan 2nd Middle School, 1954-59; served in Chemistry Dpt, Ningxia Univ, 196165; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: prof., Ningxia Agricultural College, 1979-80; dpty dir., Ningxia Agricultural College, 1981-83; vicechm, Ningxia AR PPC, Apr 1983 - death; deputy for Ningxia AR to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988).

^ ~t~ "

Liang belonged to the Zhuang minority. Deputy for Guangxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Sep 1958, and to 3rd, Oct 1964); dir., Nationalities Affairs Comte, Guangxi AR, Nov 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., United Front Work Dpt, Guangxi CP, Dec 1973-1974; sec-gen.; Guangxi CP, Jul 1977-1981; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangxi CP, Sep 1977 - Mar 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, May 1978; vice-chm, People's Congr of Ningxia AR, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; disappeared, Apr 1983.

Liang Jia





Liang Guang Deputy for Guangdong to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-chm, Guangdong Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1960; ehm, Guangdong TU, Aug 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Sep 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Guangdong TU, Jun 1973; deputy for Guangdong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May

* 1921 Guangzhou, Guangdong Served as polit, commissar in mil. units in SW China, 1944-49; successively CCP sec. in Wenshan and Simao Prefectures, 1951-58; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Guang-


dong Prov CP, Mar 1958; sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Nov 1963; sec., Guangzhou Municipality CP, Jan 1964 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec., Yunnan Prov. CP, Jan 1984 - Jul 1985; ehm, Yunnan Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Oct 1985 - Apr 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Jan 1992.

Liang Jintang

S # W

* Laixi County, Shandong deceased 1977, Feb Senior colonel, PLA Engineering Corps in Shanghai, Sep 1957; dpty polit, commissar, Jiangsu Mil. Distr, Jan 1965-1969; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte, Jiangsu Prov. Nov 1969-1970; dpty sec., Anhui Prov. CP, Jan 1971-1973; polit, commissar, Anhui Mil. Distr, Feb 1971-1973; sec., Anhui Prov. CP, Oct 1973 - death; 2nd polit, commissar, Anhui Mil. Distr, Oct 1973 - death.

Liang Jiquan



Liang belonged to the Zhuang minority. Sec., Guangxi AR Branch, CYL, Jun 1973-1977; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangxi AR CP, Jun 1974-1977; deputy for Guangxi AR to 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Feb 1978); mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978); mem., Credentials Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; disappeared, Nov 1982.

Liang Kaixuan

Liang Lingguang



$$ lit

* 1939 Boluo County, Guangdong Became a worker in a Guangzhou electro-machinery factory, 1955; profiled as a Red Guard, 1966; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; vice-chm, Guangdong Rev Comte, Jun 1969-77; head, youth del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1972; ehm, Guangdong Branch, All-China Fed of TU, Jun 1973-1976; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; disappeared, Jan 1977.

Liang Jiqing

Liang Shuming

^ tifi

Vice-gov., Jiangxi PPG, Dec 1979- Jul 1985; dir., Economics Comte, Jiangxi PPG, Mar 1980; dir., Science Comte, Jiangxi PPG, Aug 1980; vice-chm, Jiangxi PPC, Jul 1985 - Nov 1988; disappeared, Nov 1988.

* 1916 Yongcheng County, Fujian Received middle school education; joined CCP, 1940; served in Northward Advance Column, New 4th Army, 1940; cdr., 9th Regiment, 3rd Brigade, 1st Div., New 4th Army, 1945; cdr., 9th Mil. Subdistr, Central Jiangsu Mil. Distr, 1948; cos, 29th Army, PLA, Feb 1949 - Apr 1952; mayor, Xiamen City, Sep 1949; council mem., Fujian PPG, Oct 1950; mem., Stand. Comte, Fujian Prov. CP and concurrently dir. of its Ind. Work Dpt, Jun 1956; vice-gov., Fujian PPG, Aug 1956 - Aug 1968; deputy for Fujian to 2nd NPC, Feb 1959; alt. sec., Fujian Prov. CP, May 1960- Aug 1968; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Fujian Prov. CP, Apr 1976; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Fujian Prov., Apr 1976 - Feb 1978; min. of Light Ind., Mar 1978 - Nov 1980; head, light ind. del. to Japan, Apr 1979; sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Nov 1980- Jul 1985; 1st sec., Guangzhou Municipality CP, Nov 1980 - Jul 1985; deputy for Guangdong Prov. to 5th NPC, by-elected Nov 1981 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); head, Guangzhou friendship del. to Los Angeles, Dec 1981; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; head, goodwill del. to Philippines, Nov 1982; gov., Guangdong PPG, Apr 1983 - Aug 1985; visited Macao, Aug 1983; pres., Jinan Univ in Guangdong, Oct 1983; head, Guangdong goodwill del. to Japan, Mar 1984; head, gov.s' del. to Great Britain, Nov 1984; ehm, Advisory Com, Guangdong Prov. CP, Sep 1985 - May 1988; deputy for Guangdong to 7th NPC and vice-chm of its Overseas Chinese Comte, Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1988; head, NPC del. to Venezuela and Peru, Aug 1990; head, NPC del. to Italy and Belgium, Sep 1991; disappeared, Sep 1991.

Liang Shuming

^ vfc %

deceased 1988, Jun 23


Liang Sicheng

Born into a family of gentry-scholars. Joined Chinese Revolutionary League's Beijing-Tianjin Branch, 1912; invited by Cai Yuanpei to teach for Philosophy Dpt of Beijings Univ, 1918; published his first book East and West Cultures and their Philosophy, 1921; devoted himself to philosophy and the study of theory and practice in rural construction, 1920s-30s; helped initiate the China Democratic League, 1940; took part in Political Consultative Conf., Chongqing, 1946; criticized for his philosophical theories, 1957; special delegate to 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1973; by-elected mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Sep 1980 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983 and to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; co-founder of Cultural Academy of China, 1984; incited to 13th Congr of CCP, Oct 1987. Publications: East and West Cultures and Their Philosophy (1921); The Last Awakening of the Chinese National Self-Salvation Movement (1932); Theory on Rural Construction (1937); Main Ideas in Chinese Culture (1949); Human Life (1984); Outline of Orient Learning (1986),

Liang Sicheng

?fc &


* 1910 Tokyo deceased 1972, Jan 9 Attended Qinghua Academy on return to China; after graduation went to U.S.A. on Boxer Idemnity Fund scholarship, studying first in Cornell Univ, 1924; M.A. from Univ of Pennsylvania, 1927; received M.Sc. of Harvard Univ, 1928; dir., Dpt of Architecture, Northeastern Univ of Shenyang, 1928; taught at Qinghua and Beijing Univ, 1932-33; research fellow, Academia Sinica, 1941; dir., Dpt of Architecture, Qinghua Univ, 1946; visiting prof., Yale Univ, 1947; received hon. doctorate from Princeton Univ, 1948; full mem., Academia Sinica, 1948; invited to take part in the redesignation of Beijing after its capture by the Communists, 1949; participated in 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; council mem., Beijing MPG, Nov 1949; prof, and dir., Dpt of Architecture, Qinghua Univ, Mar 1951 Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Planning Comte, Beijing MPG, Nov 1952- Cult. Rev.; mem., CAS del. to USSR, Feb 1953; mem., Natl Comte, Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Oct 1953; vice-pres., Chinese Architecture Society, Oct 1953 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Beijing to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Aug 1958, and to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Beijing MPC, Feb 1955; mem., Technical Science Dpt, CAS, May 1955 - Cult. Rev.; prof, of architecture, Qinghua Univ and ehm, Beijing City, Construction

Comte, Jun 1955; severely criticized for his "rightist architecture theories" in opposition to Mao Zedong's order to dismantal three ancient gates in front of Tiananmen Gate and his efforts to save other ancient buildings in Beijing, Nov 1955; wrote confession, 1956; mem., Central Comte, CDL, Feb 1956; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Comte, CDL, Dec 1958 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; dpty head, architecture del. to Cuba, Sep 1961; joined CCP, Dec 1961; head, architecture del. to Mexico and Brazil, Oct 1963; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; head, architecture del. to attend 8th Intl Architecture Conf., Paris, Jul 1965; branded a " reactionary academic authority" and purged, Jan 1968. Publications: The Tang Temples and Palaces We Know (1932); Principles of Manzhu Architecture (1934); Construction of the Confucius Temple at Qufu and Its Repair Plan (1932); Northern Wei Architecture Represented in Yungang Grottoes.

Liang Weilin ^ & # * Guangdong Dir., Hong Kong Branch, New China News Agency (acting as PRC representative in Hong Kong), May 1955 Dec 1977; deputy for Guangdong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Guangdong Prov., Dec 1977 Dec 1979; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Dec 1979- Apr 1983; head, Guangdong del. to Thailand, Apr 1983; ehm, Guangdong Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1983; disappeared, Oct 1984.

Liang Xi ^ ^ * 1884 Wuxing County, Zhejiang deceased 1958, Dec 10 Studied in Japan and graduated from Agriculture Dpt, Waseda Univ, Tokyo; after returning to China served successively as pres., China Agricultural Society; dir., Forestry Dpt under Agricultural School of Natl Central Univ; dir., Forestry Dpt under Agricultural School of Zhejiang Univ; mem., Emergency Comte, Central Univ in Nanjing, before Battle of Xuzhou, 1948; mem., Stand. Comte, Preparatory Comte, All-China Conf. of Natural Science Workers, Jun 1949; ehm, China Natural Science Workers Assn, Jun 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954); min. of Forestry and Reclamation, Oct 1949- Sep 1954; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1949- Jul 1958; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, G AC, Oct 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1950 - Jul 1958; council mem., Jiusan Society, Dec 1950; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1950 - Dec 1954; deputy for Anhui to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958); min. of Forestry, Sep 1954 - death; pres., Chinese Forestry Society, 1955; mem., Dpt of Biology


and Earth Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955; vice-chm, Jiusan Society, Feb 1956 - death; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Mar 1956; mem., NPC del. to Soviet Union and East Europe, Nov 1956; vice-chm, Comte for Water and Soil Conservation, SC, May 1957; vice-chm, Assn for Dissemination of Scientific and Technological Knowledge, Sep 1958.

Liang Xiang

& ife

Liao Bokang

Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; cdr., 13th Regiment, 5th Training Brigade, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1939; cdr., 1st Brigade, 1st Div., NE Democratic Allied Army, 1945; cdr., 1st Div., NE Democratic Allied Army, 1946; cdr., 10th Column, NE Field Army, 1948; cdr., 38th Army, 10th Army Corps, 4th Field Army, 1949; dpty cdr., 10th Army Corps, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1950-53; cdr., Guangdong Mil. Distr, 1955; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dpty polit, commissar, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, 1957; cdr., Chengdu Mil. Reg, May 19671971; vice-chm, Sichuan Prov. Reg Comte, Jun 19681971; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; 2nd sec., Sichuan CP, Aug 1971; disappeared, Oct 1971.

Liang Yao

* 1919 Kaiping County, Guangdong Received a univ education; joined CCP, 1936; successively served in Org. Dpt under CCP Central Comte, sec. of a branch under Central Party School and in Shenyang CP, 1937-49; dir., Financial Comte, Guangzhou MPC, 1950; ehm, Planning Comte, Guangzhou MPG, 1953; sec., Guangzhou CP and vice-mayor of Guangzhou, Sep 1960 Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jan 1974; vice-chm, Guangzhou Rev Comte, Jan 1976-1980; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangdong CP, May 1977-1979; 2nd sec., Guangzhou CP, Oct 1977; vice-chm, Guangdong Rev Comte, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Mar 1981 - Aug 1985; visited Hong Kong, Oct 1981; mayor of Shenzhen, Jun 1982-Aug 1985; mem., del. to Seminar of the Reform of China's Foreign Trade System, Brussels, Jul 1982; sec., Shenzhen City CP, Aug 1982; deputy for Guangdong to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Jun 1988) - Feb 1990; dpty head, Preparatory Group for establishment of Hainan Prov., Feb 1988; gov. of Hainan Prov., Aug 1988 - Sep 1989 when dismissed for abusing power for personal interests; dpty sec., Hainan CP, Sep 1988 - Sep 1989.

Liang Yingyong



^ M fâ

Dpty sec-gen., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, -Sep 1954; mem., Planning Com., SC, Sep-Oct 1954; mem., Construction Com, SC, Oct 1954 - Apr 1957; vice-min. of Chemical Ind., Mar 1957 - Cult. Rev.; branded a big renegade and accused of being a trusted minister of Bo Yibo, Jan 1967; disappeared, Jan 1967.

Liao Bokang Liang Xingchu


Dpty dir., Central Cooperative Affairs Admin. Bureau, Comte of Financial and Economic Affairs, GAC, Oct 1949 - Oct 1952; vice-chm, Preparatory Board of Directors, All-China Fed of Cooperatives, Nov 1950; vice-chm, Board of Directors, All-China Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives (ACFSMC), Nov 1953 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Executive Comte and concurrently mem., Stand. Comte, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Dec 1956; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); vice-min. of Commerce, Aug 1960 - Dec 1963; head, ACFSMC del. to USSR, Jul 1961; head, ACFSMC del. to USSR, Oct 1963; head, ACFSMC del. to Romania, Sep 1965; head, ACFSMC del. to Japan, May 1966; disappeared, May 1966.

# tà Λ


* 1913 Ji'an County, Jiangxi deceased 1985, Oct 5 Joined Red Army and CCP, 1930; during Long March: cdr., 3rd Battalion, 5th Regiment, 1st Front Army, 193435; dpty cdr., 685th Regiment, 343rd Brigade, 115th

* 1924 Chongqing City, Sichuan Graduated from Economics Dpt, Central Univ, 1945; mem., Central Comte, CYL, May 1957; sec., Chongqing Branch of CYL, May 1960; sec., Chongqing Branch of Youth Fed, Jan 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1978; vice-pres.,


Liao Chengmei

Chengdu Branch, CAS, Oct 1978-1983; sec., Chongqing Municipality CP, Mar 1985 - May 1988; ehm, Sichuan Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1988; disappeared, Sep 1989.

Liao Chengmei

& Â ^z

Cdr. of a regiment, E China Field Army, 1947; cdr., 88th Div., 30th Army, 3rd Field Army, 1949; cadre, E China Security Forces, 1950; maj-gen. in Nanjing Mil. Reg, Aug 1964; mil. leader, PLA Unit 6408, based in Anhui Prov., Mar 1968; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Anhui Prov., Apr 1968; polit, commissar, Higher Artillery Technical School, Sep 1968-1973; cdr., PLA 2nd Artillery (Rocket Corps), 1974-80; disappeared, May 1980.

Liao Chengzhi

* 1908 Tokyo, Japan deceased 1983, Jun 10 Son of Liao Zhigao (closest confidant of Sun Yat-sen and assassinated in 1925) and He Xiangning (q.v.). Received first education at Catholic school in Japan; continued studies at school attached to Lingnan Univ in Guangzhou, 1919-25; went back to Japan to study at Waseda Univ, 1925; expelled from univ because of revolutionary activities, 1928; sailed to Europe as a seaman and attempted to organize Chinese seamen on foment strikes in the ports of Marseilles, Antwerp, Rotterdam, and Hamburg; arrested in Hamburg, 1932 and deported; returned to China via Moscow, 1932; arrested by Nationalist Govt in Shanghai but soon released on his mother's personal petition to Chiang Kai-shek, 1932; joined Communist 4th Front Army in Sichuan, 1934; when main Long March forces under Mao Zedong passed through Sichuan, Liao joined them, 1935, and proceeded to Ν Shaanxi; dir., Publication Office, CCP Central Comte, 1936; editor, Liberation Press, 1937-38; sent to Hong Kong as CCP representative and as purchasing agent for the Communist 8th Army, 1938 - Dec 1941; underground activities in Communist guerilla base in Guangdong, 1942 - May 1943; imprisoned by KMT, May 1943; in absentia elected alt. mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Jun 1945; released from prison, Jan 1946; assistant to Zhou Enlai, Shanghai, 1946; sec., S China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1947-49; dir., New China News Agency, 1949; mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Mar 1949 (reelected to 8th CC, Sep 1956); dpty sec., NDYL, Apr 1949-1951; ehm, Fed of Democratic Youth (FDY), Apr 1949 - Mar 1958; head, del. to Intl Youth Festival, Budapest, Jul 1949; vice-chm, World Fed

of Democratic Youth (WFDY), Jul 1949; vice-chm, Overseas Chinese Affairs Comte, G AC, Oct 1949-1959; mem., Polit, and Legal Affairs Comte, GAC, Oct 1949; vicechm, China Peace Comte (CPC), Oct 1949 - Cult. Rev.; delegate to Congr of Intl Union of Students, Prague, Jul 1950; delegate to WFDY meeting, Vienna, Nov 1950; delegate to WFDY meeting, Budapest, Apr 1951; sec., NDYL, 1951; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1951-1956; delegate to World Peace Council (WPC) meeting, Vienna, Dec 1952; mem., Labor Employment Comte, GAC, 1952-54; mem., del. to Stalin's funeral, Mar 1953; sec., Central Comte, NDYL, Jul 1953; delegate to WPC meeting, East Berlin, Nov 1953; deputy for Overseas Chinese to 1st Ν PC, Oct 1954 (reelected to 2nd, 1958 and to 3rd, 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Oct 1954 (reelected to 2nd, May 1959 and to 3rd, Jan 1965); delegate to WPC meeting, Sweden, Nov 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Dec 1954 - Cult. Rev.; mem., del. to Afro-Asian Conf. in Bandung, Apr 1955; delegate to WPC meeting in Finland, Jun 1955; mem., Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Jul 1955; accompanied Soong Ching Ling (widow of Sun Yat-sen) on goodwill tour to India, Burma, Pakistan, Dec 1955 - Jan 1956; vice-chm, China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Feb 1956 - Jul 1958; delegate to WPC meeting, Colombo, May 1957; dpty head, Red Cross del. to Japan, Dec 1957; dpty dir., Foreign Affairs Office, SC, Mar 1958-1962; ehm, Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Jul 1958-1965; delegate to WPC meeting, Sweden, Jul 1958; delegate to WPC meeting, USSR, Feb 1959; ehm, NPC Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, Apr 1959-1964; delegate to WPC meeting, Sweden, May 1959; vice-chm, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, May 19591962; visited India, Apr 1959; ehm, Com for Receiving and Resettling Returned Overseas Chinese, SC, Feb 19601965; head, del. to 2nd Afro-Asian Solidarity Conf. in Conakry, Guinea, Apr 1960; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Cambodia, May 1960; delegate to WPC meeting, Sweden, Jul 1960; accompanied Li Fuchun to Ν Vietnam, Sep 1960: mem., CCP del. to USSR, Nov 1960; chancellor, Overseas Chinese Univ at Quanzhou, Fujian, Jan 19611965; head, del. to WPC session, New Delhi, Mar 1961; head, del. to WPC meeting, Stockholm, Dec 1961; ehm, Sino-Japanese Friendship Assn, Oct 1963; head, del. to WPC meeting, Warsaw, Nov 1963; head, del. to 4th Afro-Asian Solidarity Conf in Winneba, Ghana, Nov 1964; head., del. to WPC meeting in Italy, Dec 1964; attacked by Red Guards and purged, 1967; first reappearance, Aug 1971; reactivated as ehm, Sino-Japanese Friendship Assn, Jan 1972; head, friendship del. to Japan, Apr 1973; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977 and 12th CC, Sep 1982); mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 - death; dpty head, NPC del. to Romania, May 1977; deputy for Guangdong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); vice-chm, 5th NPC, Mar 1978; dir., Overseas Chinese Office, SC, Sep 1978; accompanied Deng Xiaoping to Japan, Oct 1978; hon. ehm, Fed of Overseas Chi-


nese, Dec 1978; pres., Overseas Chinese Univ in Quangzhou, Jan 1979; head, friendship del. to Japan, May 1979; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; vicechm,. National Comte for Defense of Children, Oct 1980; hon. pres., Overseas Chinese History Society, Dec 1981; mem., Politburo, CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982; conferred a hon. doctorate of law by Waseda Univ, Japan, Oct 1982; ehm, Chinese Comte, Council of Chinese and Japanese Non-governmental Personages, Oct 1982; adviser to Soong Ching Ling Foundation, Jun 1983. Liao was married to Jing Puchun; their son, Liao Hui, became a mem. of CCP 12th Central Comte in 1985.

Liao Gailong Adviser, Beijing Journalism Society, Feb 1980; vicepres., Society of Research in History of CCP, Jul 1980; dpty dir., Central Party Historical Data Research Office (re-named May 1982), Aug 1981; dpty dir., Party History Research Center, CCP Central Comte, May 1982; vicechm, Com for Collecting Party Historical Data, CCP Central Comte, May 1982 - Aug 1988; pres., Middle East Society, Jul 1982; editor-in-chief, Who's Who in China, Current Leaders, 1989; disappeared, Nov 1988.

Liao Haiguang




Polit, commissar of regiment, 5th Div., New 4th Army, 1941; dir., Polit. Dpt, 13th Brigade, 5th Div., 1942; polit, commissar, 13th Column, E China Field Army, 1947; polit, commissar, 31st Army, 3rd Field Army, 1949; polit, commissar, Fujian Mil. Distr, 1954; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dir., Polit. Dpt, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, 1955; dpty polit, commissar, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, 1958 Jun 1983; dpty head, PLA friendship del. to Ν Korea and received Korean order "Freedom and Independence", 1st class, Sep 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, Party Comte, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Jun 1977 - Jun 1983; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; disappeared, Jul 1985.

Liao Hansheng

Liao Hansheng

* 1911 Sangzhi County, Hunan Liao belonged to the Tujia minority. Joined Communist guerilla forces under He Long in Henan-Hubei Border Area, 1929; took part in Long March, 1934-35; during Sino-Japanese War, 1937-45, served successively as polit, commissar, 6th Div., 2nd Front Army; polit, commissar, 715th Regiment, 358th Brigade, 120th Div (cdr.: He Long), 8th Route Army; dpty polit, commissar, 358th Brigade and finally its polit, commissar; dpty polit, commissar, 1st Column in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Area, 1946; polit, commissar, 1st Column, NE Liberation Army, 1947; polit, commissar, 1st Corps, 1st Field Army, 1949; mem., NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Oct 1949Jan 1953; ehm, Qinghai Mil. and Admin. Comte, Oct 1949; vice-chm, Qinghai PPG, Mar 1950; dpty cdr., Qinghai Mil. Distr, Mar 1950-1954; mem., NW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Aug 1954; dpty polit, commissar NW China Mil. Reg, Apr 1954-65; deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 - Mar 1959; vice-min. of Natl Defense, Oct 1954 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Natl Defense Council, Oct 1954 - Cult. Rev.; made ltn-gen. and awarded orders of "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom", "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956- Cult. Rev.; commandant, PLA Mil. Academy, Nov 1957; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; sec., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1973; polit, commissar, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Apr 1975; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985); 1st polit, commissar, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Dec 1977Jan 1980; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988); dpty head, mil. del. to Yugoslavia (head: Yang Yong), Jun 1978; head, mil. del. to Gabon, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Mar 1979; 1st polit, commissar, Shenyang Mil. Reg, Feb 1980 - Oct 1982; vice-chm, Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); ehm, Central Patriotic Public Health Campaign Comte, Oct 1983 - Nov 1988; head, NPC del. to Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Mar-Apr 1984; ehm, NPC Credentials Comte, Mar 1984; executive ehm, 3rd Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1985; head, NPC del. to Switzerland and Luxembourg, Jun 1985; resigned as mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1985; head, NPC del. to Cape Verde, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Oct 1985; executive ehm, 4th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1986; head, NPC del. to Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Sep 1986; permanent ehm, 5th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1987; mem., Presidium,

Liao Luyan


13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; head, NPC del. to Spain and Portugal, Nov 1987; executive ehm, 1st Session, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; ehm, Foreign Affairs Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; hon. pres., Sports Aviation Assn, Jun 1988; head, NPC del. to Egypt and Syria, Nov 1988; head, NPC del. to Thailand, Oct 1990; hon. pres., Society for Promotion of Chinese Cultural Exchanges and Cooperation, Jun 1992; mem., Presidium, 14th CCP Congr, Oct 1992; head, NPC del. to Bangladesh, Nepal, India, Nov 1992; disappeared, May 1993. Remarks: Liao is a nephew of He Long; he was married to Yang Bailin, a younger sister of Yang Shangkun.

Liao Luyan

4 * 1913 Nanjing City, Jiangsu deceased 1972, Jan Joined CCP, 1932; in KMT prison, mid-1930s; subsequently: service in Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte; sec-gen., Policy Research Office, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1949; dpty dir., Councillors' Office, G AC, Dec 1949Sep 1950; dpty dir., Policy Research Office, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1950; dir., Councillors' Office, G AC, Aug 1950 - Aug 1952; dpty sec-gen., G AC, Aug 1952 Sep 1954; sec-gen., Labor Employment Comte, GAC, Aug 1952 - Sep 1954; dpty dir., Rural Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1953-1959; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; min. of Agriculture, Sep 1954-1967; accompanied Ulanhu to PR Mongolia, Nov 1954; dpty dir., 7th Staff Office, SC, Nov 1955 - Sep 1959; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; mem., Scientific Planning Com, May 1957 - Nov 1958; head, agricultural del. to Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, USSR, Jul-Sep 1957; head, agricultural del. to Ν Korea, Jan 1959; dpty dir., Agriculture and Forestry Office, SC, Sep 1959-1967; head, agricultural del. to PR Mongolia, Dec 1959; vicechm, Spare-Time Education Comte, SC, Jan 1960-1967; branded a big renegade and follower of Liu Shaoqi and purged, Apr 1967.

Liao Mosha


* 1907 deceased 1990, Dec 27 Worked as a journalist in Shanghai, 1930s; mem., Preparatory Comte for Journalists' Assn, Jul 1949; dir., Education Dpt, Beijing Municipality CP, Feb 1957; mem., workers' del. of Moscow, Nov 1958; vice-chm, Beijing Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1959; mem., friendship del. to Moscow, Feb 1961; dir., United Front Work Dpt, Beijing CP, Sep 1961 - Cult. Rev.; together with Wu Han and Deng Tuo published several essays entitled Notes of the Three-Family Village in Qinxian (Frontline), an organ of Beijing CP, 1961-64; vice-chm, Beijing Branch, CPPCC, Dec 1962; head, Peace Council del. to Japan, Apr 1964; branded as a revisionist in connection with his activities in the Three-Family Village and purged, May 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1979; adviser, Beijing Journalism Society, Feb 1980; pres., Tourist Economy Society, Dec 1980; vice-chm, Beijing Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1982 - Mar 1985; mem., Natl Comte, 7th CPPCC, Mar 1988. Publications'. A Tour of Xianyang (1943); O Phoenix! O Phoenix! (1944); Departure from Tin (1947).

Liao Rongbiao

* 1912 Jiangxi deceased 1979, May 2 Joined Red Army, 1929; joined CCP, 1931; attended Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Univ, Yan'an, 1937; cos, Shandong Resist-Japan Guerilla Contingent, Oct 1937; organized his force into 3rd Detachment, Shandong Column, 8th Route Army, Mar 1938; cdr., 4th Detachment, Shandong Column, 1940; cdr., 4th Brigade, Shandong Column, 1941; cdr., Taishan Mil. Distr, 1943; cdr., 4th Div., Shandong Mil. Distr, 1945; led troops to NE China, 1946; cdr., 32nd Corps, 3rd Field Army, Mar 1949; cdr., Shandong Mil. Distr, and concurrently cdr., Ji'nan Garrison, 1950; dpty cdr., E China Security Command, based in Shanghai, 1951-1955; dpty cdr., Shanghai Garrison, Jul


1955; made ltn-gen. and cdr. of Shanghai Garrison, Sep 1955; cdr., Anhui Mil. Distr, Oct 1959; mem., Anhui PPC, Sep 1964; dpty cdr., Nanjing Mil. Reg, 1967-1978; adviser, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Dec 1978; disappeared, Dec 1978.

Lin Biao

Liao Zhigao


Dir., Chengdu Railway Bureau, Jan 1960; deputy for Sichuan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-min. of Railways, Aug 1978 - May 1982; 2nd CCP sec., Chengdu Railway Bureau, Aug 1978; disappeared, May 1982.

* 1908 Qianning County, Xikang Graduated from Beijing Qinghua Univ; subsequently teacher in Yaan, Xikang Prov.; in nearby Maogong (here the main Communist forces under Mao Zedong were joined by Zhang Guotao's 4th Front Army in the winter of 1934-35) Liao joined Red Army; in latter part of Long March served in a vanguard unit under Liu Bocheng, 1936; subsequently trained at Central Party School in Yan'an; engaged in guerilla tasks in Xikang and Sichuan Provinces, 1937-45; dir., Yaan Mil. Control Comte, in Xikang Prov., Nov 1949; polit, commissar, Xikang Mil. Distr, Feb 1950- Jul 1955; sec., CCP Comte, Xikang Prov. and concurrently gov. of Xikang PPG, Mar 1950 Jul 1955; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950 Feb 1953; mem., SW China Admin. Comte, Feb 1953 Aug 1954; deputy for Xikang (abolished 1955) to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Nationalities Affairs Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 - Dec 1964; sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Nov 1956-1965; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, May 1958 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Sichuan to 2nd NPC, Feb 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); 1st sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, May 1965 - Cult. Rev.; sec., SW China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, May 1965 - Cult. Rev.; ehm, Sichuan Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Dec 1965; accused of being a sworn follower of Li Jingquan and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 - Aug 1977; 1st sec., Fujian Prov. CP, Jan 1975 - Feb 1982; ehm, Rev Comte, Fujian Prov, Jan 1975 - Dec 1979; polit, commissar, Fuzhou Mil. Reg and 1st polit. commissar, Fujian Mil. Distr, Feb 1975 - Feb 1982; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; deputy for Fujian to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; article in HQ, Feb 1978, "Give free rein to the masses to smash the assaults of urban and rural capitalist forces": head, Party workers' del. to Romania, Aug 1979; ehm, Fujian PPC, Dec 1979 - Feb 1982; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Com, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; disappeared, Nov 1987.

Liao Zhengguo

Lin Biao

deceased 1972, Apr 16 Engaged in guerilla activities in Fujian Prov., 1934; served in 6th Regiment, 3rd Detachment, New 4th Army, 1938; cdr., 2nd Battalion, 6th Regiment, 1st Detachment, New 4th Army, 1939; cdr., 1st Regiment, 1st Brigade, Central Jiangsu Mil. Distr, Feb 1944; cdr., 1st Div., 1st Column, E China Field Army, 1947; cdr., 58th Div., 20th Army, 8th Army Group, 3rd Field Army, 1949; led his troops to Korean War, 1950; dpty cdr., 20th Army, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, Nov 1950; dpty cdr., Shanghai Garrison, Nov 1960; made maj-gen. and promoted to cdr., Shanghai Garrison, Nov 1965; vicechm, Shanghai Rev Comte, Jul 1967; disappeared, Oct 1967; officially rehabilitated, Jun 1979.

* 1907 Huanggang County, Hubei deceased 1971, Sep 13 Born under the name of Lin Yurong as son of a petty landowner and owner of a small handicraft factory, and when this went bankrupt became a purser on a Yangtze

Liao Shengdong

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* 1919 Changting County, Fujian Joined Red Army, 1932; joined CCP, 1934; took part in Long March, 1934-35; chief of Confidential Affairs Section, 1st Independent Detachment, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937^0; studied at Yan'an Central Party School, 1943; manager of a branch bank, NE Bank, 1946-47; manager, Guangxi Prov. Branch, People's Bank of China, 1949-55; vice-chm, Economic and Financial Com, Guangxi PPG, 1954-55; dir., Dpt of Finance and Commerce, People's Council of Guangxi AR, Jan 1961; mem., banking del. to Indonesia, Aug 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, CCP of Guangxi AR, Dec 1975-1979; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Guangxi AR, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; vice-chm, People's Govt, Guangxi AR, Dec 1979 Apr 1983; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Guangxi AR CP, Sep 1985; disappeared, Sep 1985.

Liao Shiquan

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Lin Boqu

(Changjiang) river boat. Joined CCP, 1925; studied in 4th class, Whampoa Mil. Academy, Oct 1925-1926; joined Ye Ting's Independent Regiment during Northern Expedition, 1926; rose from platoon leader to cdr. of a batallion, 1926-27; took part in Nanchang Uprising, Aug 1, 1927; together with Zhu De retreated to Jinggang Mountains and joined forces with Mao Zedong to form the 4th Red Army, 1928; cdr., 28th Regiment, 4th Red Army, Aug 1928; cdr., 1st Column, 4th Red Army, 1929; cdr., 4th Army, 1st Army Corps, 1930; mem., Central Executive Comte, Chinese Soviet Republic, Nov 1931; mem., Central Revolutionary Mil. Council, Chinese Soviet Republic, Nov 1931; cdr., 1st Army Corps, 1st Front Army, 193234; during Long March: cdr., 1st Army Corps, 1934-35; pres., Red Army Academy, 1936-37; cdr., 115th Div., 8th Route Army, Jul 1937; ambushed Itagaki Div. at Pingxing pass on Hebei-Shanxi border inflicting heavy casualties on the Japanese, Sep 1937; wounded in W Shanxi, spring 1938; went to Moscow for medical treatment, late 1938 (or early 1939); returned to Yan'an, Feb 1942; vice-pres., Central Party School, Mar 1942; together with Zhou Enlai negotiated term of cooperation with KMT and American diplomats, Chongqing, Oct 1942 - Jun 1943; pres., Red Army Academy, 1943-45; mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Jun 1945 (reelected to 8th CC, Sep 1956 and 9th CC, Apr 1969); after the Japanese surrender, Aug 1945, led 30,000 Communist soldiers to Manchuria, added by others to form the NE Democratic Allied Army; in spring of 1946 Lin's troops numbered about a quarter of a million which received a considerable store of weapons from Russian occupation forces; sec., NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1946; cdr.-in-chief, NE Democratic Allied Army, 1947; cdr., and polit, commissar, NE PLA (the reorganized NE Democratic Allied Army), Feb-Nov 1948; cdr., 4th Field Army (the reorganized NE PLA), Nov 1948; Lin's troops numbering 800,000 marched into Beijing, Jan 1949; crossed with his army the Yangzi (Changjiang), Apr 1949; cdr., Central China Mil. Reg, Jun 1949; sec., Central China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Central People's Govt Council and mem., People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, Oct 1949; cdr., Central-S Mil. Reg, Dec 1949; ehm, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Feb 1950 - Jan 1953; commandant, PLA Central-S Mil. and Polit. Academy in Wuhan, Feb 1950; ehm, Finance and Economics Comte, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Aug 1950 - Jan 1953; vice-chm, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, Nov 1951-1954; mem., Planning Com, SC, Nov 1952-1954; deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Sep 1958 and 3rd, Nov 1964); vice-premier, SC, Sep 1954 - death; vice-chm, Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Politburo, CCP 7th Central Comte, elected at 5th Plenum, Apr 1955 (reelected to 8th CC, Sep 1956 and 9th CC, Apr 1969); made (one of ten) marshals and awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; vice-chm, CCP 8th Central Comte and mem., Stand. Comte, Politburo, 8th


Central Comte, by-elected at 5th Plenum, May 1958 (reelected to 9th CC, Apr 1969); min. of Natl Defense, Sep 1959 - death; vice-chm, Mil. Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1965 - death; according to official statements, Lin attempted a coup d'état with the aim of succeeding Mao Zedong as leader of the CCP, Sep 1971; after the failure of this coup, the aircraft in which Lin allegedley attempted to flee to USSR was shot down over the People's Republic of Mongolia. - There are serious doubts about this theory of Lin's attempted coup. Rather, it may be assumed, that Mao Zedong consented in the purge of Lin by Mao's wife, Jiang Qing, in an attempt to secure her own succession to the Party leadership. Lin was married to Liu Ximing at Yan'an, 1937, to have a son and a daughter with her; later married Ye Qun, his sec. in the Politburo.

Lin Boqu




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* 1886 Lingling County, Hunan deceased 1960, May 29 Son of a landlord. Studied at Changde Normal School, Hunan, 1904; went to Japan on govt scholarship and studied at Tokyo Normal School and Zhuo Univ, 1904; met Sun Yat-sen and became one of the first members of Tongmenghui, 1905; back in China under orders of Tongmenghui, 1906; engaged in revolutionary work against the Manzhus, 1906-11; after overthrow of the Manzhus, served briefly in Hunan, PPG, 1912; after the failure of the "second revolution" against Yuan Shikai, fled to Japan to assist Sun Yat-sen in raising funds, 1913; retained to China, 1915; contacted Li Dazhao, the famous radical professor at Beijing Univ, 1918; arranged contacts between Comintern representative Maring and Sun Yatsen, 1921, joined CCP soon after its foundation, 1921; convinced Sun Yat-sen to ally with USSR and CCP, 1922; dpty dir., General Affairs Dpt, KMT, Jan 1923; alt. mem., KMT Central Executive Comte (one out of 17 among the others: Mao Zedong and Zhang Guotao), Jan 1924; dir., KMT Peasants' Dpt, Jan-Apr 1924; in the same position again, Jan-May 1926; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd KMT Central Executive Comte and ehm of its Finance Examination Comte, Jan 1926; during Northern Expedition: dir., Polit. Dpt, Hunanese 6th Army, mid-1926; sec-gen., KMT's Mil. Council, Mar 1927; after Chiang Kai-shek's anti-Communist coup in Shanghai, Apr 12, 1927, took part in Communist led Nanchang Uprising, Aug 1, 1927; after failure of uprising fled to Hong Kong, went to Japan to reach Moscow, summer 1928; studied at Moscow Sun Yat-sen Univ, 1928-30; taught at Eastern


Industrial Univ, Vladivostok, 1930-32; returned to China and went to Chinese Soviet Republic, Nov 1932; people's commissar (equivalent to minister) for Finance and also for Natl Economy, Aug 1933 - Long March; mem., Central Executive Comte, Chinese Soviet Republic, Feb 1934; during Long March in charge of Red Army's Supply Dpt, 1934-35; key assistant of Zhou Enlai in negotiations with Chiang Kai-shek during Xi'an Incident, Dec 1936; ehm, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt, 1937-48; dir., Xi'an Office, 8th Route Army, 1937; after establishing the new united front between KMT and CCP became mem. of the seven-mem. Communist del. to newly formed People's Polit. Council, Nationalist Govt, mid-1938-1941; (from this time until 1941, Lin divided his time between Chongqing, where he worked under Zhou Enlai as a mem. of the CCP liaison mission and the Border Reg Govt in Ν China); mem., CCP 6th Central Comte, elected at it's 6th Plenum, Nov 1938 (reelected to 7th CC, Jun 1945 and 8th CC, Sep 1956; major CCP negotiator with KMT officials and American diplomats, spring 1944; mem., Politburo, CCP 7th Central Comte, Jun 1945 (reelected to 8th CC, Sep 1956); mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; sec-gen., People's Govt Council, Oct 1949- Oct 1954; head, friendship del. to USSR, May 1951; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, Feb 1953; deputy for Hunan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Sep 1958); vice-chm, NPC Standing Comte, Oct 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959); head, NPC del. to PR Mongolia, Sep 1959.

Lin Danqiu


* 1906 Ninghai County, Zhejiang deceased 1981 Studied at Shanghai's Datong Univ, at Shanghai Univ and then at Shanghai College of Art; began to write, 1930; joined China League of Left-wing Writers, 1935, and made mem. of its Executive Comte; subsequently worked for a Shanghai newspaper and magazine; after 1949 served successively as editor of RMRB, vice-pres. of Hangzhou Univ, and council mem., Chinese Writers' Assn; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Zhejiang Prov. CP, 1965; branded an anti-Party element and purged, Jul 1966. Among his publications: Collections of short stories, essays and travel notes. Lin also translated many foreign novels into Chinese.

Lin Feng

Lin Feng

* 1906 Wangkui County, Heilongjiang

deceased 1977, Sep 29 Studied polit, economy, Beijing Univ and subsequently Waseda Univ, Tokyo. Sec., Beijing CP, 1934; sec., Tianjin CP, 1935; dpty sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, 1937; dir., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1937; polit, cadre, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; sec., Shanxi-Suiyuan Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, 1942-45; polit, commissar, Shanxi-Suiyuan Mil. Reg, 1942-45; mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Jun 1945 (reelected to 8th CC., Sep 1956); mem. (later sec.) NE China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1945-53; dir., Org. Dpt, NE China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1946-49; polit, commissar, Liaoning-Jilin Mil. Reg, 1946; ehm, NE Admin. Comte, 1946-49; mem., Shenyang Mil. Control Com, 1948; ehm, NE Admin. Comte, 1948 - Aug 1949; vice-chm, NE People's Govt (NEPG), Aug 1949-1952; ehm, People's Supervision Comte, NEPG, 1949-50; ehm, Higher Education Comte, NEPG, 1949-52; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949-1954; mem., Central People's Govt Council, Oct 1949; 1st dpty sec., NE China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1952-19564; vice-chm, NE Admin. Comte, Jan 1953-1954; deputy for Shenyang (Mukden) to 1st NPC, Aug 1954-1959; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 - Apr 1959; dir., 2nd Staff Office (in charge of culture and education), SC, Oct 1954-1956; vice-chm, Assn for Elimination of Illiteracy, Mar 1956 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Scientific Planning Com, SC, May 1957 - Nov 1958; deputy for Heilongjiang to 2nd NPC, Sep 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); vice-chm, Stand. Comte, 2nd NPC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Jan 1965); ehm, Sparetime Education Comte, SC, Jan 1960; pres., Higher Party School, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1963 - Cult. Rev.; accompanied Liu Shaoqi to Ν Korea, Sep 1963; head, NPC del. to Moscow, May 1965; branded a "three-anti-element " and an accomplice of Liu Shaoqi and purged, Apr 1967. Lin was married to Guo Mingqiu.


Lin Haiyun

Lin Haiyun


Dir., Foreign Business Office, Trade Dpt, Ν China People's Govt, 1948; dir., General Office, Min. of Trade, Dec 1949- Jan 1950; dir., Foreign Trade Dpt. Min. of Trade, Mar 1950 - Oct 1952; dir., Customs Admin., Min. of Foreign Trade, Dec 1954; asst min. of Foreign Trade, Jan 1955 - Oct 1956; head, trade del. to Finland, May 1956; vice-min. of Foreign Trade, Oct 1956-1977; head, trade del. to Ν Vietnam, Jul 1957; head, trade del. to Romania, German Democratic Republic, Mar-Apr 1958; head, trade del. to Burma, Pakistan, Dec 1962 - Jan 1963; head, trade del. to Cuba, Dec 1963; deputy for Fujian to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; acting min. of Foreign Trade, Feb 1965-1970; head, trade del. to Albania, Nov 1965; head, trade del. to Sri Lanka, Nov 1966; head, govt del. to Nepal to attend inauguration of Kathmandu-Kodari road, May 1967; head, govt friendship del. to Guinea, Sep 1967; head, govt trade del. to Albania, Dec 1967; head, trade del. to Pakistan and Sri Lanka, Dec 1968 -Jan 1969; head, trade del. to Albania and Guinea, Jan 1970; mem., Stand. Comte. 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; disappeared, May 1980.

Lin Hanxiong


* 1929 Huanggang County, Hubei Graduation from Moscow Power Ind. Inst, (together with Li Peng), Jul 1954; dir.-gen., Tangshan Construction HQ, 1975-79; pres., Energy Research Society, Jan 1981-1985; engineer, Scientific and Technological Com, Jan 1981; mem., State Economic Com,, Feb 1984; dir., General Office, Leading Group for Development of Rural Energy (head: Li Peng), May 1984; mem., Chinese Comte, Council of Chinese and Japanese Non-Governmental Personages, Jun 1984; dir., State Admin, for Building Materials Ind., Sep 1984; deputy for Hubei to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; min. of Construction, Apr 1988; head, govt del. to Iraq, Oct 1988; head, govt del. to Malaysia, Dec 1988; vice-chm, Central Greening Comte, Feb 1989; head, govt del. to Federal Republic of Germany, Apr 1989; removed from his position as min. of Construction for "violating discipline", Mar 1991; disappeared, Mar 1991.

Lin Hujia



Lin Handa Delegate of China Assn for Promoting Democracy (CAPD) to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; dean of Yanjing Univ, 1950; dir., Social Education Dpt, Min. of Education, Dec 1950; vice-chm, Com for Elimination of Illiteracy, GAC, Nov 1952; deputy for Shanghai to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; vice-min. of Education, Nov 1954- Jan 1959; mem., Comte for Reforming the Chinese Written Language, SC, Dec 1954; mem., del. to World Peace Conf., Helsinki, Jun 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, CAPD, and concurrently dir. of its Organization Dpt, 1955; vice-chm, CAPD, Feb 1956 - Jan 1958; mem., Comte for Popularizing Common Spoken Language, SC, Feb 1956; sec-gen., Assn for Elimination of Illiteracy, Mar 1956; labelled a "rightist", Jan 1958 - Sep 1959; mem., Stand. Comte, CAPD, Dec 1958Cult. Rev.; deputy for Liaoning to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966. Among his publications: The Chinese Language Phoneticized; Phonetic Vocabular in Guoyu; A New Standard Language.

* 1916 Changduo County, Shandong Received univ education in Shanghai; council mem., Zhejiang PPG, Jan 1951; dir., Rural Work Dpt, Zhejiang Prov. CP, Jan 1951; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Zhejiang Prov. CP, Mar 1951; dpty sec., Zhejiang Prov. CP, Oct 1955; sec., Zhejiang Prov. CP, May 1957 - Cult. Rev.; during Cult. Rev. branded a "rightist deviationist opportunist" and purged, Apr 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; sec., Shanghai CP, Jan 1977 - Jun 1978; vice-chm, Shanghai Rev Comte, Jan 1977 - Jun 1978; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985); 1st sec., Tianjin Municipality CP, Jun-Oct 1978; ehm, Rev Comte, Tianjin Municipality, Jun-Oct 1978; 1st sec., Beijing CP, Oct 1978 - Jan 1981; ehm, Rev Comte of Beijing, Oct 1978 - Dec 1979; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, by-elected May 1979; head, Beijing friendship del. to Japan, Nov 1979; mayor of Beijing, Dec 1979 - Jan 1981; 1st polit, commissar,


Beijing Mil. Reg, Feb 1980 - Jan 1981; 1st polit, commissar Bejing Garrison, Feb 1980 - Jan 1981; head, Beijing goodwill del. to Yugoslavia and France, Oct 1980; minister of Agriculture, Mar 1981 - May 1982; head, CCP and govt del. to Iraq, Jul 1981; head, del. to 21st FAO Conf., Rome, Nov 1981; mem., del. to 2nd Sino-Japanese Ministerial Conf., Tokyo (head: Gu Mu), Dec 1981; min. of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fishery, May 1982 Jun 1983; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; head, agricultural del. to Philippines, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nov 1982; head, State Leading Group to direct construction of the Gansu Prov. Corridor commercial grain base, Jan 1983-1986; resigned as mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); adviser, State Leading Group for Economic Development Poor Areas, Jun 1986; disappeared, Nov 1987.

Lin Kewu



Dpty sec-gen., People'c Govt, Guangxi AR, Mar 1958; deputy for Guangxi AR to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); sec-gen., People's Govt, Guangxi AR, Feb 1960; vice-pres., Guangxi AR Branch, China-N Vietnam Friendship Assn, Aug 1960; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, People's Congr of Guangxi AR, Dec 1979 - Jul 1985; disappeared, Jun 1986.

Lin Liming



* 1910 Guangdong deceased 1977, Aug 19 Joined CCP, 1933; Party sec., Zhabei Distr, Shanghai Municipality, 1935; vice-chm, Guangdong Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Jan 1955 - Feb 1959; dpty sec., S China Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1955; dpty sec., Guangdong CP, Aug 1955- Nov 1956; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Dec 1959; 1st Party sec., Hainan Distr, Jul 1958; vice-chm, Comte for Receiving and Resettling Returned Overseas Chinese, Guangdong PPG, Feb 1960; head, friendship del. to Ν Vietnam, Jul 1963; deputy for Guangdong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; vice-chm, Guangdong Fed of Poor and Lower-Middle Peasants, Jun 1965; acting gov. of Guangdong, Aug 1965 - Jan 1967; branded a capitalist roader, Jan 1967; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangdong Rev Comte, Feb 1968; vice-chm, Guangdong Rev Comte, Jan 1970 - death; sec., Guangdong CP, Jan 1973 - death; dpty dir., Guangzhou Spring Fair, Apr 1973; alt. mem.,

Lin Liru

CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 - Aug 1977; served as dir., Guangzhou Spring and Autumn Fairs, 1974-77; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 18, 1977; Lin died only one day later. Lin was married to Yu Zhen.

Lin Lin



* 1910 Fujian Graduated from Beijing Univ; continued studies in Japan, 1933-36; dir., Literature and Art Section, Propaganda Dpt, S China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1953; dpty dir., Cultural Bureau, Guangdong PPG, Dec 1953; mem., Guangzhou Section, Chinese Writers' Assn, Mar 1955; sec-gen., Sino-Indonesian Friendship Assn, Jun 1955; cultural attaché, embassy in India, Oct 1955; dpty sec-gen., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Apr 1959; dpty sec-gen., Liaison Comte, Permanent Bureau of Afro-Asien Writers, Aug 1959; dpty head, cultural del. to Burma, Jan 1960; mem., Stand. Comte, Sino-African Friendship Assn, Apr 1960; mem., del. to Conf. of Afro-Asian Writers in Japan, Mar 1961; head, artists' del. to Japan, Sep 1963; dpty sec-gen., Sino-Japanese Friendship Assn, Oct 1963; mem., China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Jun 1965; sec., Assn for Cultural Relation with Foreign Countries, Apr 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Assn for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Jun 1973-1986; pres., Society for the Study of Japanese Literature, Nov 1979; vice-chm, Calligraphers' Assn, Apr 1982; head, friendship del. to Ireland, May 1983; dpty head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Jul 1983; vice-pres., Sino-Japanese Friendship Assn, Jul 1983; head, friendship del. to Japan, Aug 1983; head, friendship del. to Iraq, Apr 1984; adviser, Society for the Study of Sino-Japanese Relations, Sep 1984; head, friendship del. to Libya, Algeria, Sudan, Tunisia, Oct 1984; head, friendship del. to Somalia, Dec 1985; mem., Natl Comte, 7th CPPCC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.

Lin Liru


* 1888 Xinyi County, Guangdong deceased 1977, Jan 20 Graduated from Tokyo Senior Normal School, and Beijing Normal College; once served as instructor, Education Dpt, Beijing Women's Normal School, and prof, of Beijing Normal College; established Xiangqin Normal College in Guangdong, 1934; and served as its dir., later after merge


Lin Ping

of Xiangqin College and Guangdong College of Arts and Science, made dir. of the new college, 1936; when Japanese troops invaded Guangzhou, led faculty and students to Ν Guangdong, 1938; dir., Guilin Normal College, 194445; went to Communist area in Ν China, 1947, and engaged in educational work; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; dir., Dpt of Secondary Education, Min. of Education, Dec 1949-1950; pres., Beijing Normal Univ, Jul 1950 - Nov 1952; vice-min. of Education, G AC, Nov 1952 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Henan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1958, and to 3rd, Sep 1964); head, educational del. to Ν Vietnam, Jun 1959; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1974; no further positions.

Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1954; dir., Labor Bureau, Guangzhou PPG, Nov 1954-1955; mem., Guangdong PPC, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; vice-go v., Guangdong PPG, Aug 1957 - Dec 1965; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Guangdong Prov., Aug 1957 - Cult. Rev.; ehm, Guangdong Fed of TU, Aug 1957; ehm, Guangdong Branch, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Jan 1959; head, Guangdong Party and Govt del. to Ν Vietnam, Aug 1960; pres., Guangdong Branch, SinoVietnam Friendship Assn, Aug 1960; dir., Guangdong Inst, of Socialism, 1961; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; charged of having been an associate of the "underground HQ" of "provincialism" in Guangdong and purged, Jan 1968.

Publication: Essentials of Ethics. (1928).

Lin Qiaozhi (f) Lin Ping






* 1923 Longkou, Shandong Served as youth and CCP cadre in Shandong, 1941-49; cadre of CYL and CCP in Shandong, 1950-64; mem., Stand. Comte, Shandong Prov CP, Sep 1978 - Mar 1983; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Shandong Prov. CP, Jul 1979 Mar 1983; sec., Shandong Branch of CYL, Feb 1981; vice-chm, Shandong PPC, Apr 1983 - Feb 1988; ehm, Educational, Scientific, Cultural and Public Health Work Comte, Shandong PPG, Nov 1983; disappeared, Jun 1989.

Lin Qiangyun * 1900 Xinhui County, Guangdong Once served as ehm, Shanghai Seamen's Union; worked in Pearl River Harbor, 1937; cdr., Communist Pearl River Column, 1942; ordered by CCP Guangdong Comte to organize Ν Guangdong HQ for guerilla activities operating in region of Five Mountain Ranges and E River, 1945; mem., Presidium, 6th All-China Labor Congr, Harbin, Aug 1948; mem., 6th Executive Comte, ACFTU, Aug 1948-May 1953; council mem., Guangdong PPG, Jan 1950; dir., Labor Bureau, Guangdong PPG, Jan 1950 Aug 1957; ehm, Guangdong Fed of TU, 1950-53; ehm, S China Branch, Seamen's Union, Aug 1951; vice-chm, Central-S Fed of TU, Sep 1952; mem., 7th Executive Comte, ACFTU, May 1953 - Dec 1957; deputy for Guangdong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Sep 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-pres., Guangdong

* 1901 Xiamen City, Fujian deceased 1983, Apr 22 Also known under the name of Lim Kha-ti. Graduated from Union Medical College in Beijing with a Ph.D. degree, 1929; went to England, 1932, to study at London Medical College; went to U.S.A., 1940, to study at Medical School under Univ of Chicago; returned to China after founding of PRC, 1950; mem., Natl Comte for the Protection of Children, Nov 1951; mem., Executive Council, Women's Fed, Apr 1953; dir., Dpt of Obtetrics and Gynecology, Beijing Medical College, Apr 1953; vice-chm, Beijing Branch, Women's Fed, Mar 1954; deputy for Beijing to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Aug 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964; 4th, Feb 1975 and 5th, Feb 1978); mem., Dpt of Biology and Earth Sciences, CAS, May 1955; ehm, Birth Control Comte, China Medical Society, Mar 1957; vice-chm, Medical Society, May 1957; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 - Dec 1964; vicepres., Academy of Medical Sciences, Mar 1964; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965 (reelected to 4th, Feb 1975 and to 5th, Mar 1978); dir., Dpt of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Anti-Imperialist Hospital, Beijing, Nov 1971; mem., medical del. to U.S.A., Canada, France, Oct 1972; head, goodwill del. to Iran for the inauguration of the direct air link between Beijing and Teheran, Nov 1974; vice-pres., China Medical Assn, Jun 1978; vicepres., All-China Women's Fed, Sep 1978; mem., friendship del.to Great Britain, Belgium, France, Nov 1978. Lin was editor-in-chief of Advances in Gynecology, Gynecological Oncology and other publications of popular medical sciences.


Lin Shaonan (f)



Lin Xiao

3rd sec., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1965; branded as a member of the "Liu-Deng Clique" and purged, Apr 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; deputy for Hebei to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 Sep 1985.

Lin Weixian * 1924 Xinzhou County, Hubei Joined CCP, 1940; polit, instructor in a sub-mil. area command under Central Plains Area Command, 1942-44; div. chief, All-China Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Hubei Prov., 1957-58; dpty dir., Commercial Bureau, Hubei PPC, 1965-70; dir., Financial Bureau, Hubei PPG, 1976-78; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Hubei Prov., Jan 1978 - Dec 1979; vice-gov., Hubei PPG, Jan 1980 Aug 1982; vice-chm, Hubei PPC, Apr 1983-1986; deputy for Hubei to 6th NPC, May 1983; vice-chm, Hubei Branch, CPPCC, May 1988; disappeared, May 1988. Lin was married to Zhang Tixue (q.v.).

Lin Sheng



* 1931 Penglai County, Shandong Cadre of CYL in Liaoning Prov., 1949-60; mayor, Fuxin City, Sep 1980; vice-gov., Liaoning PPG, Jul 1985 (reelected Jan 1988); vice-chm, Social Culture Admin. Comte, Liaoning PPG, Jul 1989; vice-chm, Liaoning Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Mar 1992; disappeared, Mar 1992.




* 1912 Jinzhai County, Anhui deceased 1985, Jul 28 Son of a poor peasant. Joined CYL, 1929; joined Red Army, 1929; joined CCP, 1932; during Long March ordered to stay behind with his regiment at Heshan forming part of a guerilla unit of 1,700 men, 1934; this unit reorganized to 28th Red Army, 1935, in which Lin led a regiment; cdr. of a regiment, New 4th Army, 1941; sec., Anhui CP, 1941; cdr., 21st Brigade, New 4th Army, 1945; cdr., 7th Div., 3rd Column, NE China Liberation Army, 1946; cdr., 22nd Corps, 3rd Field Army, 1949; dpty cdr., Shanghai Garrison, 1950; cdr., Security Forces, E China Mil. Reg, 1951; cdr., Zhejiang Mil. Distr, Jul 1955; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; mem., Natl Defense Council, Apr 1959 - Cult. Rev.; dpty cdr., Nanjing Mil. Reg, Nov 1964-1969; dpty cdr., Wuhan Mil. Reg, May 1970-1979; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - death.

Lin Xiao

Lin Tie

fa * 1904 Sichuan deceased 1989, Sep Graduated from Guangdong Agricultural Institute, 1927; polit, commissar of district, Shaanxi-Hebei-Chahar Mil. Reg, 1946; Party sec., Central Hebei, 1947; delegate of Ν China to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Hebei PPC, Nov 1949-1952; sec., Hebei CP, Dec 1949- Aug 1956; polit, commissar, Hebei Mil. Distr, Nov 1952-1957; mem., Ν China Admin. Comte, Feb 1953-1954; deputy for Hebei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958, and 3rd, Sep 1964); 1st sec., Hebei CP, Aug 1956 Cult. Rev.; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; ehm, Huai River Harnessing Comte, May 1957; CCP delegate to Congr of CP of Belgium, Brussels, Apr 1960;

* 1920 Wei County, Hebei Service as CCP cadre in counties, 1941-49; cadre in Anyang Prefecture, 1951-80; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; vice-chm, Henan PPC, Jun 1985 (reelected Jan 1988); dpty dir., Party Rectification Office, Henan Prov. CP, Jul 1985; deputy for Henan to 7th NPC, by-elected Feb 1989; ehm, Henan Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Dec 1992; disappeared, Dec 1992.


Lin Xiude

Lin Xiude


% tk

* Fujian Dir., United Front Work Dpt, Fujian Prov. CP, 1954; council mem., Fujian PPG, Feb 1955; vice-chm, Fujian Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1956; professorship for socialist education at Fujian Normal College, Mar 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Fujian Prov. CP, Mar 1958 - Aug 1960; mem., Presidium, Natl Conf. of Literary and Art Workers, Jun 1960; alt. mem., CCP Secretariat, Fujian CP, Aug 1960 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Preparatory Comte for Overseas Chinese Univ, Mar 1961; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Fuzhou Municipality, Jan 1963; vice-chm, Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, SC, Apr 1964 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; dir., Overseas Chinese Section, 4th CPPCC, Mar 1965; vice-chm, Comte for Receiving and Resettling Returned Overseas Chinese, Fujian PPC, and concurrently dpty head of its General Office, Sep 1966; heavily attacked during Cult. Rev. and purged, Apr 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; dpty dir., Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs, SC, Apr 19781983; dpty dir., General Office, SC, Feb 1980; dir., China News Service, May 1981; disappeared, Apr 1983.

Lin Ying



Lin Yishan



Served in 4th Field Army, 1949; dir., Chang Jiang River Conservancy Com, Dec 1949; mem., Huai River Control Com, Nov 1950; mem., Financial and Economic Affairs Comte, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1951; dir., Jing River Stream-dividing Engineering Com, Apr 1952; dir., Chang Jiang River Planning Office, Min. of Water Conservancy and Power, Jan 1958; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first reappearance: attended funeral of Zhou Enlai, Jan 1976; deputy for Hubei to 5th NPC (reelected to 6th, May 1983); mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); ehm, Chang Jiang Valley Long-range Planning Com, Oct 1979; ehm, Gezhouba Engineering and Technology Comte, Dec 1982; dir., Chang Jiang Planning Office, Jul 1984; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986; disappeared, Jan 1988.

Lin Yixin fa — 'tt

* 1914 Qiongshan County, Hainan Island, Guangdong Graduated from Fujian Univ, 1943; served successively as prof, of Nanchang Univ, Jiangxi Normal College, Jiangxi Univ and as research fellow of Moscow Univ, 1949-71; pres., Hainan Univ, Nov 1985; vice-chm, Hainan PPC, Aug 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, CDL, Oct 1988; hon. pres., Hainan Univ, Mar 1989; disappeared, Mar 1989.

Lin Yinru



Dpty dir., Financial and Trade Dpt, CCP Comte, Shaanxi Prov. CP, Apr 1959; vice-gov., Shaanxi PPG, Sep 1964 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Shaanxi Prov., Jan-Dec 1979; vice-chm, Shaanxi PPC, Dec 1979 - May 1983; disappeared, May 1983.

Sec., Xiamen City CP, Jan 1950; mem., CCP Comte, Fujian Prov., Jul 1952; dpty dir., Organization Dpt, Fujian Prov. CP, Sep 1952; deputy for Fujian to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Feb 1959, and to 3rd, Sep 1964); chief, Fujian People's Procuracy, 1955 - Mar 1957; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Fujian CP, Jan-Aug 1956; sec., CCP Comte, Fujian CP, Feb 1957 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Fujian Branch, CPPCC, Aug 1959 - Cult. Rev.; ehm, Comte for Receiving and Resettling Returned Overseas Chinese, Fujian PPC, Mar 1960-Cult. Rev.; vicechm, Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, Aug 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Aug 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1972; sec., CCP Comte, Fujian CP, Jul 1975-1979; vice-chm, Fujian Branch, CPPCC, Mar 1977; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Fujian Prov., Jun 1978Dec 1979; vice-chm, Board of Directors, Quanzhou Overseas Chinese Univ, Jan 1979; dpty dir., Overseas Chinese Office, SC, Jan 1980-1983; dpty dir., General Office, SC, Feb 1980; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Dec 1983.

Lin Yu (f)



Deputy for Beijing to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; associate research fellow,


Inst, of Semi-conductors, CAS, Apr 1985; mem., Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986; disappeared, Apr 1986.

Lin Yueqin (f)


Lin Zun

ese del. to 32nd UN General Assembly, Sep 1977; chargé d'affaires ad interim, embassy in Iran, Sep 1978; min., embassy in U.S.A., May 1980 - May 1983; ambassador to Syria, Oct 1983 - Apr 1986; vice-pres., Asia-Africa Society, Mar 1986; disappeared, Mar 1986.

ft Lin Zhong

* 1914 Jinzhai County, Anhui Cadre, Women's Transport Battalion, 4th Front Army, 1933; participated in Long March, 1935-36; married Luo Ronghuan (one of the later ten PLA marshals), Yan'an, 1937; mem., Executive Council, Chinese Women's Fed, Nov 1957; made colonel of PLA, 1961; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1972; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 - Mar 1988; mem., Credentials Comte, 6th NPC, Mar 1984; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1986; mem., Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986 - Mar 1988; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1987; mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., Internal and Judicial Affairs Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Jan 1994.

Lin Zesheng



Asst. min., of Heavy Ind., Jan 1955 - May 1956; asst. min. of Metallurgical Ind., Jun 1957 - Sep 1959; vicemin. of Metallurgical Ind., Sep 1959 - May 1982; head, scientific and technological del. to Yugoslavia, Apr 1980; disappeared, May 1982.

Lin Zhaonan




Counsellor, embassy in Egypt, Jul 1956; counsellor, embassy in United Arab Republic, Mar 1959-1964; dpty dir., Dpt of W Asia and Africa, Min. of Foreign Affairs, AprSep 1964; mem., govt del. to Preparatory Session of 2nd Afro-Asian Conf., Jakarta (head: Chen Yi), Apr 1964; dpty dir., W Asia and Ν Africa Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Sep 1964- Cult. Rev.; adviser, govt del. to 2nd Afro-Asian Conf. in Algiers, Jun 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Oct 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty dir., W Asia and Ν Africa Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Nov 1975-1977; mem., govt del. to Sudan, May 1976; acting dir., W Asia and Ν Africa Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Jun 1977-1978; alt. representative, Chin-



Dpty dir., Personnel Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Jun 1958; counsellor, embassy in Hungary, Nov 1962-1964; counsellor, embassy in Bulgaria, May 1965 - Cult. Rev.; counsellor, embassy in Albania, Jul 1969-1970; ambassador to Algeria, Aug 1971 - Mar 1975; ambassador to Mozambique, Jun 1975 - Jan 1977; asst min. of Foreign Affairs, May 1978 - May 1982; mem., govt del. to Congo, Guinea, Mali, Ghana, Nigeria (head: Geng Biao), Oct 1978; dir., Polit. Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Aug 1979; ambassador to Italy, Mar 1983-1986; economic and technological adviser, Jilin PPG, May 1987; disappeared, May 1987.

Lin Zun


* 1905 Linshen County, Fujian deceased 1979, Jul 16 Graduated from British Naval Academy; once served as cdr. of a mine-laying team, dpty mil. attaché , and cdr. of 2nd Fleet, Nationalist Navy; led 25 ships with naval personnel to surrender to the Communists, Nanjing, Apr 1949; specially-invited delegate to 1st CPPCC and elected mem. of its Natl Comte, Sep 1949; led del. to Vladivostok to receive from USSR eleven gunboats converted from Japanese commercial ships, winter 1949; dpty cdr., Naval Command, E China Mil. Reg and dpty cdr., 7th Fleet, 1950; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958); mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954- Cult. Rev.; made rear admiral and awarded order "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; vice-pres., PLA Naval Academy, May 1959; deputy for Jiangsu to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; first reappearance, Apr 1974; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978.


Lin Zuyi

Lin Zuyi

Graduation from Ν Jiangsu Agricultural College, 1956; lecturer at his alma mater, 1978-83; vice-gov., Jiangsu PPG, Apr 1983 - Apr 1992; deputy for Jiangsu to 6th NPC, May 1983; vice-chm, Jiangsu PPC, Mar 1992; disappeared, Mar 1992.


Ling Yun

* 1931 Quanzhou City, Fujian Graduation from Dalian Shipping Inst., 1954; rose from a captain to gen-mgr. of Shanghai Ocean Shipping Company, 1957-81; vice-min. of Communications, Jun 1985 Oct 1992; delegate to 15th Assembly Session, UN Intl Maritime Org., London, Nov 1987; head, communications del. to Singapore, Jan 1989; head communications del. to U.S.A., Oct 1991; head, communications del. to Poland, Oct 1992; disappeared, Oct 1992.

Ling Qihan



* 1917 Vice-min. of Public Security, Feb 1964-1966; deputy for Shandong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first reappearance, Sep 1975; vice-min. of Public Security, Dec 1975 - May 1982; deputy for Shanghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; accompanied premier Hua Guofeng to France, FR Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Oct 1979; min. of State Security, Jun 1983 - Sep 1985; visit to Yugoslavia, Mar 1984; disappeared, Mar 1986.

Ling Yuxun



^ 9 0 6 ShangrKu deceased between 1991/04 and 1992/02 Studied at Shanghai Aurora Univ; studied polit, science at Leuven Univ, Belgium, 1927-29, and obtained Ph.D. in Law from Brussels Univ, 1931; prof., Law Inst, under Suzhou Univ, 1932-33; served successively as dir., Protocol Dpt, Foreign Min. of KMT Govt and as ministercounselor in the embassy in France, 1940-49; joined the Communist side, Oct 1949; council mem., Peolpe's Inst., of Foreign Affairs, 1950-58; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected, Dec 1981 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983, and to 7th, Apr 1988); adviser, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Mar 1985.

Ling Qihong

ck. Mt

* 1926 Guiyang City, Guizhou Graduation from Economics Dpt, Guizhou Univ, 1950; served in NE China Planning Com, 1950-52; served in a bureau, State Planning Com, 1952-56; service in State Economic Com, 1956-58; sec., Office, State Capital Construction Com, 1958-61; sec., Office, State Planning Com, 1962-70; dpty dir., State Bureau of Materials and Equipment, 1982-85; dpty head, Leading Group for Price of Means of Production, May, 1987; vice-min. of Materials, May 1988 - Apr 1990.

Liu Ang (f)

* 1933 Qidong County, Jiangsu

M %

Deputy for Sichuan to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); dpty dir., Premier's Secretariat, May 1960- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Dec 1973-1979; vice-min., Min. of Agricultural Machinery, Sep 1979; disappeared, Oct 1979.


Liu Bangxian


Dir., Financial and Trade Dpt, CCP Comte, Shaanxi Prov., Jan 1958; vice-gov., Shaanxi PPG, Dec 1963 Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Shaanxi Prov., Oct 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., May 1968.

Liu Baotian

% Φ

* Hubei Dir., Civil Affairs Dpt, Liaodong PPG, 1949; dpty dir., Civil Affairs Dpt, NE People's Govt, Aug 1949; council mem., Liaodong PPG, May 1950 - Jun 1954; sec-gen., NE Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Shenyang Municipality, Aug 1954 - Sep 1956; mayor Shenyang MPG, Aug 1954 -Cult. Rev.; vice-gov., Liaoning PPG, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; sec., CCP Comte, Shenyang Municipality, Oct 1958 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Liaoning to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Natl Comte, All-China Fed of Youth, Jan 1965; charged of being one of the persecutors of Li Suwen (q.v.), Sep 1966; removed from all posts and purged, May 1968.

Liu Bin


* 1915 Guidong County, Hunan Graduated from Civil Engineering Dpt, Xiangjing College; worked under Liu Shaoqi in Gansu as a sec., 193941; went to NE China, 1946; dpty dir., Civil Transport Dpt, Western Manzhurian Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1951; dir., Bureau of Iron and Steel Ind., Min. of Heavy Ind., Aug 1951; dpty dir., Finance Dpt, Liaoxi PPG, Jan 1953; asst min., Min. of Heavy Ind., Feb 1955 - Feb 1956; vice-min. of Metallurgical Ind., Feb 1957 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Jun 1957; mem., scientific and technological del. to USSR, Nov 1957; mem., 1st Natl Comte, Assn of Science and Technology, Dec 1958; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966. Remarks: Liu's sister, Liu Ying, was married to Zhang Wentian.

Liu Binglin

*'] ^

* 1908 deceased 1982, Mar 10 Council mem., Shandong PPC, Mar 1955; dir., Polit, and Legal Dpt, CCP Comte, Shandong Prov., Jul 1957; mem., Stand. Comte, Shandong CP, Jul 1958; vice-gov., Shandong PPG, Jan 1961; alt. sec., Shandong CP, May 1962; sec., Shandong CP, Feb 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Shandong Rev Comte, Nov 1977 Dec 1979; deputy for Shandong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, Shandong PPC, Dec 1979 - death.

Liu Binyan

Liu Bingyan





* 1915 Li County, Hebei Joined 8th Route Army, 1937; regiment cdr. in ShanxiChahar-Hebei Mil. Reg, 1942-46; cdr., 194th Div., 65th Army, 19th Army Corps, 1949; dpty cos, PLA Air Defense HQ, May 1955; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; leading cadre, PLA Air Forse HQ, Jul 1958; vice-min., 3rd Min. of Machine Building, Sep 1960-1964; branded a capitalistroader and purged, 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: cadre of SC, Dec 1975; deputy for Shanghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dir., General Bureau, 8th Min. of Machine Building, Feb 1979- Sep 1981; sec., Hebei Prov. CP, Mar 1982 - Mar 1983; acting gov., Hebei PPG, Aug 1982 -Apr 1983; ehm, Hebei PPC, Apr 1983 - Jun 1985; deputy for Hebei to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986 - Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Apr 1988.

Liu Binyan

* 1925 Harbin, Heilongjiang Son of a railway clerk who served as a translator; forced to leave school due to disunion of his parents; published first story, 1939; joined underground CCP, Tianjin, 1944; began to work for Beijing Youth Daily, 1951; during "Hundred Flowers Campaign" labeled a "rightist" due to his criticism of bureaucracy in his first literary works, Jul 1957; subsequently sent to work on a state farm and ousted from CCP; during Cult. Rev. again branded a "rightist" and "counterrevolutionary", 1966; rehabilitated, 1979; published reportage Between Men and Monsters, 1979; invited to a literary conf. in San Francisco, Oct 1981; his reportage A Difficult Take-Off won best reportage prize, Mar 1983; visited France, Apr 1983; sec., Chinese Writers' Assn, Apr 1983 - Jan 1985; vice-chm, Chinese Writers' Assn, Jan 1985; reporter with RMRB, May 1985; again expelled from CCP, Jan 1987; transferred from


Liu Bocheng

RMRB to Chinese Writers' Assn, Apr 1987; lectures at Harvard Univ, U.S.A., Mar 1988; visited Federal Republic of Germany, Jun 1988; in Paris, Liu joined Yan Jiaqi, Wuer Kaixi, Su Shaozhi and others and proposed to establish the "Front of Democratic China", Jul 1989; Liu's books put on the black list issued by the State Press and Publications Admin., Jul 1989; present in Paris when the "Fed for Democracy in China" was founded, an opposition group in exile with Yan Jiaqi as ehm and Wuer Kaixi as vice-chm, Sep 1989; RMRB Nov 3, 1989 named Liu "scum of the Chinese nation"; officially deprived of his membership in the Chinese Writers' Assn, Nov 1989; visited Taiwan, Dec 1989; studied at Princeton Univ., U.S.A., the changes in Eastern Europe and how they can be applied to China, 1990-91. Among his publications are: On the Bridge-Building Site (report, 1954); Inside Report of the Paper (report, 1956); Between Men and Monsters (reportage, 1979); Selection of Reportage by Liu Binyan (1980); Speaking Out is Better than Silence (reportage, 1980); Mud under White Coat (1984); The Second Kind of Loyalty (1985); China on the 36th Floor (1986).

Liu Bocheng



* 1892 Kai County, Sichuan deceased 1986, Oct 7 Son of a travelling musician who enabled him an expensive education. However, as the son of a musician, placed at the bottom of the social hierarchy in traditional China, Liu was not admitted to the Xiucai examination although he qualified in all other respects. Studied at Chengdu Mil. Academy, graduating shortly before Revolution of 1911; began his mil. career in forces under general Xiong Kewu who fought the Manzhu garrison after the revolution; during the following years Liu repeatedly distinguished himself for bravery and was wounded several times; following the loss of one eye during this period, he became known as the "one-eyed dragon" (du-yan long); under influence of Sichuan scholar and revolutionary Wu Yuzhang, he began to support the Communist cause, early 1920s; joined CCP, May 1926; joined Northern Expedition as cdr., 15th Army, summer 1926; played significant role in Nanchang Uprising, Aug 1927; after failure left for USSR to study initially at Moscow Infantry School and then Red Army Univ (Frunze Mil. Academy), 1928-30; returned to China, summer 1930; joined main Communist forces in Jiangxi Soviet and made pres., Red Army School, 1931-34; cos, Central Revolutionary Mil. Coun-

cil, 1932; mem., Central Executive Comte, Chinese Soviet Republic, Feb 1934; during Long March: cdr. of brigade of Red Army cadets and concurrently cos, 1st Front Army, 1934-35; during this time also commanded vanguard units, successively leading them through the most difficult terrain in Xikang Prov., where the hostile mountain tribes of the Miao allowed the Communist forces unhindered passage after Liu, who spoke their language, had pledged friendship with the tribal chief, 1934; cdr., 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Jun 1945 (reelected to 8th CC, Sep 1956; 9th CC, Apr 1969; 10th CC, Aug 1973; 11th CC, Aug 1977); cdr., Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan PLA, mid-1947; cdr., Central Plains Liberation Army, fall 1947; Liu's troops renamed 2nd Field Army, 1948, and fought its way across Yangtze River; occupied Nanjing and made ehm, Nanjing Mil. Control Com, Apr 1949; mayor of Nanjing, May 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Central People's Govt Council and mem., Revolutionary Mil. Council, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; 2nd sec., SW China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1949; ehm, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950; pres., PLA Mil. and Academy in Nanjing, 1951-57; vice-chm, Revolutionary Mil. Council, Jun-Sep 1954; deputy for PLA to 1st Ν PC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd - 5th, 1958, 1964, 1975, 1978); vice-chm, NPC Standing Comte. Sep 1954-1959; vicechm, Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 -Cult. Rev.; dir., PLA General Training Dpt., Oct 1954 - Nov 1957; made one of ten marshalls and awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", Sep 1955; mem., Politburo, 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 (reelected to Politbüros of 9th CC, Apr 1969; 10th CC, Aug 1973 and 11th CC, Aug 1977)- Sep 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, Mil. Affairs Com, CCP Central Comte, May 1958; vice-chm, NPC Stand. Comte, May 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Jan 1965; 4th, Jan 1975 and 5th, Mar 1978) - Sep 1980; vice-chm, Mil. Com, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1982 - death. Liu was married to Wang Ronghua.

Liu Changsheng

* 1902 Haiyang County, Shandong deceased 1967, Jan 28 Son of a poor peasant. Received 3 years of schooling, 1913-17; went to Vladivostok, 1920, where he worked as a cobbler, log-roller and longshoreman, - 1935; attended night school in Vladivostok, early 1920s; joined CCP, 1928; during his stay in USSR also engaged in labor union work; returned to China, 1935 and went to Yan'an; cadre,


NW Executive Bureau, Fed of Labor, 1936-37; mem., Jiangsu Prov. CP, 1938; dir., Policy Research Office, E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1942; dir., Polit. Dpt, 6th Div., New 4th Army, 1943; alt. mem., CCP 7th Centra] Comte, Jun 1945; mem., Stand. Comte, Executive Comte, All-China Fed of Labor (reorganized in 1953 into ACFTU), Aug 1948; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanghai CP, 1949-52; mem., Shanghai MPG, 1950-55; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, 1950-52; mem., E China Admin. Comte, 1952-54; pres., E China TU Cadres' School, 1952; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, by-elected Feb 1953; sec., World Fed of TU, Apr 1953-1957; vice-chm, ACFTU, May 1953; full-time staffmen, World Fed of TU with HQ in Vienna, Jun 1953-1957; mem., World Peace Council, Jun 1953; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Sep 1958 and to 3rd, Nov 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Oct 1954 (reelected to 2nd, May 1959 and 3rd, Jan 1965); mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; vice-pres., World Fed of TU, Oct 1957 - death; ehm, China-Africa People's Friendship Assn, Apr 1960 - death; mem., Stand. Comte, China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Jun 1965. In his capacity as a cadre of the ACFTU, the China Peace Council and the China-Africa Friendship Assn Liu led numerous delegations abroad: Albania: 1955, 1957; Austria, 1953; Australia; 1960; Belgium: 1960; Bulgaria: 1957; Burma: I960, 1961; Chile: 1959; Czechoslovakia: 1954, 1963; Dahomey: 1961; Finland: 1955; France: 1955; German Democratic Republic: 1957, 1961; Ghana: 1961; Guinea: 1961; Hungary: 1958, 1962; Indonesia: 1961; Iraq: 1959; Italy: 1956, 1960; Mali: 1961; Nigeria: 1961; North Korea: 1959; North Vietnam: 1963; Poland: 1959; Romania: 1957; Senegal: 1961; Togo: 1961: Upper Volta: 1961; USSR: 1952, 1956, 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961; Yugoslavia 1957.

Liu Changyi


Liu Chunfu

Liu Chonggui

Liu Chun

M M-

* Jiangxi Born into a landlord family; joined CCP, 1936; dir., Research Dpt, Yan'an Nationalities Inst., Sep 1941; joined China Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party (CPWDP), 1948; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), and concurrently dir. of its Org. Dpt, Oct 1949; delegate of IMAR to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Nationalities Affairs Com, GAC, Oct 1949; dpty dir., Central Nationalities Inst., Nov 1949; mem., Inner Mongolia Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1949; mem., People's Govt, IMAR, Jan 1 9 5 0 - Aug 1954; mem., Central Comte and mem., Central Executive Bureau, CPWDP, Nov 1951 - Cult. Rev.; vice-min., Nationalities Affairs Com, Nov 1 9 5 2 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Guizhou to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Comte for Popularization of Common Spoken Language, SC, Feb 1956; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, May 1957; ehm, Preparatory Comte, Nationalities Research Inst., CAS, Oct 1957; deputy for Yunnan to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1961 - Cult. Rev.; dir., Central Nationalities Inst., Jul 1961 -Cult. Rev.; mem., Credentials Comte, and mem., Nationalities Comte, 3rd NPC, Dec 1964; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, May 1967; only appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1975; disappeared, Sep 1975.

Liu Chunfu

* 1914 Hongan County, Hubei Joined Red Army, 1929, and CCP, 1931; cdr. of a brigade, New 4th Army, 1942; dpty cdr. of a corps, 3rd Field Army, 1949; transferred to PLA Navy, 1950; made rear admiral, Sep 1955; dpty cdr., Ν China Sea Fleet, PLA Navy, 1955; made vice-admiral, Feb 1958; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1965); disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first reappearance: dpty cdr., Nanjing Mil. Reg, Mar 1975-1979; dpty cdr., Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Jan 1979-1982; disappeared, Sep 1983.


Mil. attaché with rank of senior colonel, embassy in Ν Vietnam, 1961-64; dpty cdr., Guangxi Mil. Distr, Sep 1964-1970; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Guangxi AR, May 1970 - Dec 1979; 2nd polit, commissar, Guangxi Mil. Distr, May-Dec 1970; polit, commissar, Guangxi Mil. Distr, Jan 1971-1982; dpty sec., Guangxi AR CP, Feb 1971 - Aug 1974; sec., Guangxi AR CP, Aug 1974 - Apr 1977; 2nd sec., Guangxi AR CP, Apr 1977-1983; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; disappeared, Feb 1983.

M &


" I-M·»· ΐ X·" ¿¿5? i

* 1925 Qixia County, Shandong Served as CCP cadre in counties and prefectures, 1952-82; vice-gov., Sichuan PPG, Apr 1983 - Jan 1988; dir., Birth Control Leading Group, Sichuan PPG, Aug 1986; vicechm, Sichuan Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1988; disappeared, Feb 1988.


Liu Chunqiao

Liu Chunqiao

M M-

* 1920 Changde County, Hunan As a child forced to support himself by begging; subsequently worked for 2 decades as a farm laborer; made his name as a progressive producer; ehm, Rev Comte, Caijiagang People's Commune, Changde County, Jan 1969; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); Party sec., Caijiagang People's Commune, Apr 1970; mem., Stand. Comte, Hunan CP, Aug 1971-1981; vice-chm, Hunan Branch, Peasants' Fed, Dec 1973; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; vice-chm, Hunan PPC, Dec 1979; disappeared, Dec 1981.

Liu Cikai

* 1913 Deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); pres., Qinghua Univ, Sep 1978 - Jul 1983; visited U.S.A., 1980; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; hon. pres., Qinghua Univ, May 1984; dir., Scientific and Technological Guide, Nov 1986; disappeared, Jun 1986.

Liu Dagang



* Jiangsu Dpty dir., Public Security Dpt, Liaodong PPG, 1951; dir., Public Security Dpt, Jilin PPG, Jan 1953; vice-gov., Jilin PPG, Jul 1958-1963; mayor, Jilin MPG, Jul 19581963; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Jilin Municipality, Mar 1960Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Jilin PPC, Apr 1980-1987; head, Jilin del. to Changang Prov. in Ν Korea, Aug 1981; disappeared, Jul 1987.

Liu Cunxin

Liu Da

& fè

* 1926 Qingyun County, Shandong Joined 8th Route Army, 1938; rose from company to battalion polit, instructor, 1944-50; graduation from PLA Air Force Aviation School, 1952; rose from group to div. cdr., 1954-72; cdr. of a mil. area command, 1974-75; dir., Civil Aviation Admin, of China, 1975-77; dpty cdr., Air Force, Shenyang Mil. Reg, Nov 1981-1987; made ltn-gen., Sep 1988; polit, commissar, Air Force, Shenyang Mil. Reg, Dec 1988; disappeared, Dec 1988. Remarks: Liu is the younger brother of Liu Cunzhi.

* 1905 Received Ph.D. degree from Univ of Rochester, U.S.A., 1949; cadre in CAS Secretariat, Apr 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, Dpt of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, CAS, May 1955; mem., Academic Comte, Inst, of Applied Chemistry, CAS, Jan 1956; dpty dir., Inst, of Chemistry, CAS, Mar 1959; dir., Inst, of Chemistry, CAS, Nov 1960; deputy for Jiangsu to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; dpty dir., Inst, of Applied Chemistry, CAS, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first reappearance, Sep 1974; dir., Inst, of Chemistry, CAS, Dec 1977-1980; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; deputy for Jiangsu to 6th NPC, May 1983; hon. dir., Inst, of Chemistry, CAS, Sep 1983; mem., Dpt of Chemistry, CAS, Jun 1985; disappeared, Jun 1985.

Liu Daifeng

M &


* Shanxi Dpty dir., Logistics Dpt, 2nd Field Army, 1950; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte (SWMAC), Jul 1950 - Jan 1953; vice-chm and sec-gen., Financial and Economic Comte, SWMAC, Sep 1950; mem., Presidium, Trade Fair, SWMAC, Jul 1952; mem., SW Admin. Comte and vice-chm of its Fiancial and Economic Comte, Jan 1953 Sep 1954; vice-gov., Yunnan PPG, Feb 1955; vice-min.,


State Economic Com, SC, Dec 1956 - Sep 1959; vicemin., State Capital Construction Com, SC, Oct 1958 - Jan 1961; vice-min., State Planning Com, SC, Jan 1961 -Sep 1963; dpty dir., State Price Control Comte, Sep 1963; branded a big renegade and purged, Apr 1967; first and concurrently last appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1980.

Liu Dan

Liu Daoyu

Liu Daosheng




M #

* 1910 deceased 1989, Sep 5 Studied economics at Anhui Univ; ehm, Zhejiang Branch, Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Dec 1963; removed as vice-pres. of Zhejiang Univ, branded a bourgeois element and purged, Jun 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Zhejiang PPC, Dec 1979 - Jun 1985; deputy for Zhejiang to 6th NPC, May 1983; hon. pres.., Zhejiang Univ, Jun 1983; dir., General Office, Zhejiang PPC, Jul 1983.

Liu Daosheng


* Shandong Attended senior middle school, 1929; joined CYL, 1929; mem., Central Comte, NDYL, Apr 1949; dpty sec-gen., E China Work Comte, NDYL, Sep 1950; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Oct 1950 - Jan 1953; dpty sec., NDYL, 1952; mem., E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953; vice-chm, NDYL, Jun 1953; head, del. to youth festival in Czechoslovakia, Jul 1953; head, youth del. to USSR, Mar 1954; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Sep 1958); dpty dir., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955 - Cult. Rev.; dpty sec-gen., State Planning Com, May 1957; mem., CAS del. to USSR, Nov 1957; branded a "renegade" and purged, Nov 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Beijing CP and concurrently dir. of its Propaganda Dpt, May 1979; pres., Beijing Society of CCP History, May 1981; ehm, Preparatory Comte, Beijing Fed of Social Science Societies, May 1981; sec., Beijing CP, Jun 1981 - Nov 1982; ehm, Beijing Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1983 - Mar 1985; ehm, Fed of Societies of Social Sciences, Jul 1983; ehm, Chinese Written Language Reform Comte, Sep 1984-1985; ehm, State Comte on Language Planning, Jan-Apr 1986; ehm, State Comte for Spoken and Written Language Work, Apr 1986 - Feb 1988; mem., Natl Comte, 7th CPPCC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.

* 1915 Chaling County, Jiangxi Joined Communist forces in Hunan-Jiangxi Border Area, 1932; trained at Red Army College in Ruijin (with Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping as his teachers), 1933; cadre, Polit. Dpt, 22nd Div., Guangdong-Jiangxi Mil. Reg, 1934; participated in Long March, when his unit suffered heavy casualties in battles with KMT troops, 1934-35; polit, commissar, 4th Mil. Subdistr, Shaanxi-Hebei-Chahar Mil. Reg, 1938; cdr., 10th Mil. Subdistr, 1942; polit, commissar, Shanxi-Chahar Mil. Distr under Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Mil. Reg, 1945; polit, commissar of a column, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Field Army, 1946; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Field Army, 1947; polit, commissar, PLA Navy HQ, 1950; dpty polit, commissar, PLA Central-S China Navy HQ, Aug 1954; made viceadmiral and given orders "Aug 1st", "Independence and Freedom", "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; dpty cdr., PLA Navy, Aug 1958; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; during Cult. Rev. heavily attacked together with Su Zhenhua and purged, Dec 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jul 1972; again dpty cdr., PLA Navy, Mar 1973; mem., mil. del. to Albania, Jul 1973; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977- Sep 1982; mem., mil. del. to France and Romania, Sep 1977; 1st dpty cdr., PLA Navy, Jul 1978-1982; head, PLA Navy del. to Pakistan, Nov 1980; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

Liu Daoyu

M il

* 1933 Graduation from Chemical Dpt, Wuhan Univ, 1958; as a postgraduate student expelled from USSR for having distributed anti-Soviet papers, Jun 1963; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-pres., Wuhan Univ, 1979; pres., Wuhan Univ, Aug 1981; awarded "National Order of Merit" by French pres. Mitterand, May 1985; disappeared, May 1985.


Liu Ding

Remarks: Liu specialized in metallic organic and inorganic chemistry.

Liu Ding

M &

* 1903 deceased 1986, Jul 25 Joined CCP, 1924; arrested in Germany, 1925; subsequently studied in USSR; imprisoned in Shanghai, then in Nanjing, 1931; after release worked for "Assn for Students studied in Russia", an organ under KMT Blue Shirt Society; dpty dir., Enterprise Dpt, Ν China People's Govt, Sep 1948 - Oct 1949; participated in 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; vice-min. of Heavy Ind., G AC, Oct 1949 - Aug 1952; mem., Stand. Comte, Fed of Scientific Societies, Aug 1950; vice-min., 2nd Min. of Machine Building, Aug 1952-1955; asst min., 2nd Min. of Machine Building, Feb 1955 - Apr 1957; council mem., Society of Mechanical Engineering, Aug 1955; vice-min., 2nd Min. of Machine Building, Apr 1957 - Feb 1958; vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, May 1958 - Sep 1960; vice-min., 3rd Min. of Machine Building, Sep 1960 - Cult. Rev.; pres., China Mechanical Enginnering Society, 1960; dpty dir., General Bureau for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries, SC, Apr 1961-1964; vice-pres., Mechanical Engineering Society, 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); vice-pres., Society of Mechanical Engineering, Sep 1978 - Dec 1981; hon. pres., Society of Mechanical Engineering, Dec 1981 - death. Remarks: Liu was a founder and one of the principal leaders of China's military industry.

Liu Fang

del. to Japan, Oct 1977; vice-min., 6th Min. of Machine Building, Jun 1979 - May 1982; mem., govt del. to Norway, Great Britain (head: Kang Shien), May 1980; disappeared, Jun 1982.

M ìk

Dir., Mining Bureau, Fushun MPG, Jun 1950; dpty dir., General Control Bureau of Petroleum, Min. of Industry, Aug 1953; mem., del. to 1st Sino-Romanian Scientific and Technological Conf., Sep 1953; trade counselor, embassy in USSR, Oct 1954; asst min., Min. of Petroleum Ind., Aug 1955 - Sep 1959; mem., scientific and technological del. to USSR, Nov 1957; vice-min. of Petroleum Ind., Sep 1959 - Dec 1963; head, govt. del. to Iraq, Jul 1962; ambassador to Romania, Feb 1964 - Dec 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; vice-min. of "Natl Defense Ind." (referred to by Vietnamese press), Oct 1974; acting pres., Society of Shipbuilding Engineers, Oct 1977; head, shipping

Liu Fei

* 1898 Liling County, Hunan deceased 1983, Apr 8 Company leader, 5th Route Army in Guangxi, 1923; ltncol. in Guangzhou HQ of Nationalist Revolutionary Army, 1924; posted to Front HQ of Joint Expedition Forces of Yunnan-Guangxi and made colonel, 1925; staff mem., General HQ, Nationalist Revolutionary Army, 1926; attended infantry school and mil. academy in Japan, 192734; made maj-gen. and dir., Training Dpt, Guangxi Militia Cadres School, 1935; after outbreak of Sino-Japanese War made mem., Natl Defense Council, KMT Central Comte and dir., Operation Dpt, 1st Ministry, Mil. Affairs Council, 1937; dir., 1st Dpt of Mil. Law and Order, 1938; vice-min., Min. of Mil. Order, 1940; mem., Natl People's Congr, KMT Govt, 1945; alt. mem., KMT Executive Council, 1945; dpty chief of General Staff, responsible for counter intelligence and war planning, 1946; representative of National Govt at a last attempt to secure a ceasefire with the CCP, Beijing, Apr 1949; after failure went over to the Communist side, Apr 1949; carrying out secret instructions by CCP, he unsuccessfully attempted from Hong Kong to persuade the provincial commanders of Hunan, Guangxi and Guangdong to capitulate, Jun 1949; special-invited delegate to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; dpty head, Research Group, Natl Defense Council, Oct 1949; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949- Jan 1953; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Comte, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Dec 1949 - death; dir., Dpt of Water Conservancy, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950; mem., Comte for Jin River Flood Prevention, Aug 1952; mem., and concurrently vice-chm of Education and Cultural Comte, Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 -Oct 1954; deputy for Hunan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd - 5th, 1958, 1964, 1975, 1978); mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1965); mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, 1978); mem., Draft Laws Comte, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; vice-chm, Central Comte, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Oct 1979; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; vice-chm, 5th CPPCC, Dec 1981.


Liu Guangtao

Publications: The Philosophy of War; The Philosophy of Tactics; Modern Military Technology; Modern Knowledge on National Defense.

Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev: vicegov., Shaanxi PPG, Dec 1979 - May 1983; disappeared, May 1983.

Liu Fei

Liu Geping


* 1906 Hongan County, Hubei deceased 1984 Joined CCP and Red Army, 1930; dir., Polit. Dpt, 6th Regiment, New 4th Army, 1939; severely wounded in the breast during campaign of Gushan, Sep 1939; cdr., 16th Brigade, 4th Div., New 4th Army, 1941; cdr., 1st Brigade, 1st Div., New 4th Army, 1947; cdr., 2nd Div., 1st Column, E China PLA, 1948; cdr., 59th Div., 20th Army, 3rd Field Army, 1949; cdr., 20th Army, 1950; cdr., S Anhui Mil. Distr, Jan 1951 - Aug 1952; cdr., Anhui Mil. Distr, 1952; mem., Anhui PPC, Aug 1952; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., Shanghai Garrison, Nov 1957 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev.

Liu Feng

M +

* 1913 Hubei Served in 4th Front Army, 1934; served in 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938; cdr., 13th Army, 2nd Field Army, 1949; dpty cdr., Air Force, Wuhan Mil. Reg and majgen., 1958; polit, commissar, Wuhan Mil. Reg, Jul 19671971; vice-chm, Hubei Rev Comte, Aug 1968-1971; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; 2nd sec., Hubei CP, Mar 1971; disappeared, Jul 1971.

Liu Gang


3rd sec., Henan Prov. CP, Apr 1954; dir., Tractor Factory No 1 in Luoyang, Aug 1958; vice-pres., NW Technical Univ in Xi'an, Aug 1960; alt. mem., Secretariat, NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1963; dir., Propaganda Dpt, NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1975; branded as a counterrevolutionary, Jun 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1978; sec., Tianjin CP, May 1979; vicechm, Tianjin Rev Comte, May 1978 - Jun 1980; vicechm, Tianjin MPG, Jun 1983; disappeared, Sep 1983.

Liu Geng

M Jk

Mayor, Xi'an MPG, Mar 1957; sec., Xi'an Municipality CP, Oct 1959- Cult. Rev.; ehm, Shaanxi Prov. Branch, Chinese Peace Council, Jan 1964; disappeared during

*'] &

* 1912 Hebei Belonged to Hui Minority. Joined CCP, 1931; vice-pres., E China People's Revolutionary Univ in Suzhou, 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, Presidium, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Central People's Govt Council, Oct 1949-1954; vice-chm, Nationalities Affairs Com and mem., Polit, and Legal Affairs Com, Govt Admin. Council, Oct 19491954; vice-pres., Central Nationalities Inst., Beijing, May 1950 - Mar 1955; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, May 1952-1958; deputy for Tianjin to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Stand. Comte and ehm of its Nationalities Com, Oct 1954 (reelected to 2nd NPC, May 1959); pres., Central Nationalities Institute, Mar 1955 Jul 1961; vice-chm, China Asian Solidarity Comte, Feb 1956 - May 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Dec 1956 (reelected Apr 1959); mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 (reelected to 9th, Apr 1969); mem., Control Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1956-1960; deputy for Ningxia AR to 2nd NPC, Oct 1958; ehm, Ningxia AR, Oct 1958-1960; sec., Ningxia AR CP, Oct 1958-1960; deputy for Hebei to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., Nationalities Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, Dec 1965-1967; ehm, Shanxi Rev Comte, Oct 1967; polit, commissar, Beijing Mil. Reg, Oct 1967; 1st polit, commissar, Shanxi Mil. Distr, Oct 1967; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; disappeared, Sep 1969.

Liu Guangtao

M 3L %

Polit, commissar, 8th Div., 3rd Column, NE Field Army, 1947; dir., Polit. Dpt, 40th Corps, 4th Field Army, 1949; polit, commissar, 40th Corps, 1964; vice-chm, Heilongjiang Prov. Rev Comte, Oct 1969-1971; dpty polit, commissar, Shenyang Mil. Reg, May 1970; polit, commissar, Heilongjiang Mil. Distr, May 1970; 2nd sec., Heilongjiang CP, Aug 1971 - Mar 1977; 1st vice-chm, Heilongjiang Rev Comte, Aug 1971 - Mar 1977; alt. mem., CPP, 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; 1st sec., Heilongjiang CP, Mar-Dec 1977; ehm, Heilongjiang Rev Comte, MarDec 1977; 1st polit, commissar, Heilongjiang Mil. Distr,


Liu Guanyi

Mar-Dec 1977; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; disappeared, Dec 1977. Liu was married to Wei Shenghua.

Liu Guanyi

Μ 1Γ

M "fr


* 1922 Shen County, Shandong Served as CCP cadre in counties and prefectures, 1940-77; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Sichuan Prov., Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; mem., Natl Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; vice-gov., Sichuan PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Sichuan PPC, Apr 1983 (reelected Jan 1988), disappeared, Jan 1988.

Liu Haisheng



Dir., Education Dpt, Gansu PPG, Aug 1963; vice-chm, Gansu PPC, Dec 1979 (reelected May 1983); disappeared, Sep 1983.


Alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982; dpty sec., Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region CP, Mar 1983; disappeared, Nov 1984.

Liu Guojun


Sec-gen., Shandong Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, spring 1949; dpty head, del. to World Peace Conf., Vienna, Dec 1952; sec-gen., Chinese People's Comte for World Peace (CPCWP), Dec 1952 - Jul 1958; council mem., CPCWP, 1953; mem., Stand. Comte, Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954 Apr 1959; deputy for Hebei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., del. to Asian Countries Conf., New Delhi, Mar 1955; council mem., Chinese People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Jul 1955; dpty sec-gen., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, 1956 - Apr 1959; mem., NPC del. to USSR, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Nov 1956; mem., Stand. Comte, CPCWP, Jul 1958; head, del. of China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte to Ν Vietnam, Jul 1961; vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, Oct 1964 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanxi CP,, Jan 1967; vice-chm, Shanxi Rev Comte, Mar 1967; branded a chameleon and purged, May 1968.

Liu Guiqian

Liu Haiquan

Liu Haisu

M > £ JH


* 1886 Nanjing, Jiangsu deceased 1978, Mar 8 Received Ph.D., from Wisconsin Univ, U.S.A.; after return from U.S.A. until founding of PRC served successively as: prof, of philosophy at Nanjing Univ; dir. of Chinese Section of Nanjing Univ Library; dir. of Editorial Section of Beijing Univ Library; mem., China Philosophy Society, and mem., Society of Library Science; council mem., Jiangsu PPG, Nov 1952; mem., Executive Comte and Stand. Comte, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce (ACFIC), Nov 1953; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958, and to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Jiangsu PPC, Feb 1955; mem., Central Comte, CDNCA, Apr 1955; vice-chm, Jiangsu Branch, ACFIC, Nov 1955; vice-gov., Jiangsu PPG, Aug 1956 - Cult. Rev.; gen-mgr., Jiangsu Dazheng Textile, Printing and Dyeing Corps, May 1957; vice-chm, Jiangsu Branch, CDNCA, Nov 1957; vice-chm, ACFIC, Mar 1960; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Mar 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1972; elected deputy for Jiangsu to 5th NPC, Mar 19, 1978 (eleven days after his death).

* 1896 Changzhou, Jiangsu deceased 1994, Aug 7 Bora into a feudal family under the name of Pan Jifang; his father, as a young man, joined the peasant insurgents of the Taiping heavenly Kingdom; his mother was the youngest granddaughter of the famous Qing dynasty writer Hong Liangji; Liu received a classical education and later studied classical literature and history at Shengzheng Academy; after 1911 Revolution, set up Shanghai Academy of Painting and Fine Arts together with friends (predecessor of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts); lectured at Beijing Univ and held first exhibitions, 1918; went to Japan, 1919 to investigate fine art and art teaching; held exhibition at Asahi Shimbun Agency in Tokyo, 1927 (then a fugitive in Japan); during first tour of Europe, 1929-31, made friends with painters in various countries; second tour to Europe, 1933-35, presiding several exhibitions of modern Chinese painting and lecturing in Berlin, Hamburg, Düsseldorf (Germany), the Hague and Amsterdam (Netherlands), Geneva, Berne (Switzerland); exhibition of his work in Paris, 1934, and London, 1935; held several exhibitions in SE Asia, 1937-49; labeled a "rightist" during "Hundred Flower Campaign", 1957; during Cult. Rev. Liu was

Liu Hongwen


beaten and publicly humilated, his home raided by Red Guards at least twenty times, 1966-76; exhibition in Hong Kong of 150 of his paintings covering the period 1924-80 (at the end of the exhibition, he donated as a contribution to a fund for PR China's fine art education one million Hong Kong $, which was the price of his painting entitled The Huangshan, sold at the exhibition), Jan 1981; awarded a gold medal by Italian National Academy of Art and invited to be a mem., Jun 1981; pres., Nanjing Academy of Fine Arts, Jun 1981; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, May 1984 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988 -Mar 1993); awarded a hon. doctorate in fine arts from U.S. World Univ, Jun 1984; hon. pres., Nanjing Academy of Fine Arts, Jun 1984 - death; exhibition of his paintings in Tokyo and Osaka, May 1985; won title of honor of "Commandeure de l'ordre des arts et des lettres" awarded by the French Min. of Culture, Apr 1988; received hon. doctor degree of letters from Hong Kong Univ, Mar 1991. Among his publications: On the Six Principles of Chinese Paintings; Art World of Western Painting; Art World of Traditional Chinese Paintings; Biography of Jean Francois Millet; Biography of Paul Cezanne. Liu was married to Xia Yingqiao, also a painter; She donated 900 paintings left by Liu Haisu to the state, Nov 29, 1994.

Liu Hansheng jL Served in 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938; cadre in Min. of Railways, Mar 1950; dpty dir., Intl Dpt, Fed of Labor, Apr 1952; sec-gen., Asia-Australia Liaison Bureau under World Fed of TU, Mar 1953; 1st sec., Tangshan Municipality CP, Mar 1956; vice-min. of Geology, Sep 1959- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Dec 1983.

Liu Hanzhen


* 1926 Anhua County, Hunan Studied at Guizhou Univ; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Guizhou Prov. CP, 1977-79; vice-chm, Construction Com, Guizhou PPG, 1979-83; sec-gen., Guizhou Prov. CP, 198385; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); sec., Dis-

cipline Inspection Com, Guizhou Prov. CP, Oct 1987; mem., Stand. Comte, Guizhou Prov. CP, Aug 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 8th CPPCC, Mar 1993; expulsed from CPPCC for "deceptive behavior", Mar 1994.

Liu Haotian

}φ· 3 L

* 1912 Ningdu County, Jiangxi deceased 1984 Joined CCP, 1931; polit, commissar, 2nd Regiment, 1st Detachment, New 4th Army, 1938; polit, commissar of a brigade, New 4th Army, 1942; polit, commissar, 9th Column, E China PLA, 1948; polit, commissar, 27th Army, 3rd Field Army, 1949; dpty polit, commissar, 9th Army Group, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1950-53; dpty polit, commissar, Nanjing Senior Infantry Officers' School, 1954; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; polit, commissar, PLA Naval Academy, 1960; 1st polit, commissar, E China Sea Fleet, PLA Navy, 1963-68; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; disappeared, Apr 1971.

Liu Heqiao




* 1931 Fengrun County, Hebei Joined PLA, 1948; graduated from Aviation School of PLA Air Force, 1950; rose from squadron leader to dpty cdr. of a div., 1950-62; trained at PLA Air Force Academy, 1962-63; cdr. of a div., 1964-67; dpty cdr. of a corps, 1968-76; dpty cdr., Air Force under Guangzhou Mil. Reg, 1977-87; dpty cdr., Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Oct 1987; cdr., Air Force, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Oct 1987; disappeared, Mar 1992.

Liu Hongwen ^ X * 1916 deceased 1979, Jan 30 Council mem., Henan PPG, Jul 1950; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, Henan CP, Sep 1950; mem., Stand. Comte, Henan CP and dir. of its United Front Work Dpt, Apr 1958; deputy for Henan to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (re-


Liu Hui

elected to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-chm, Henan Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1960; council mem., China-Africa Friendship Assn, Jun 1960; council mem., China-Cuba Friendship Assn, Dec 1962; council mem., China-Japan Friendship Assn, Oct 1963; ehm, Henan Branch, Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Oct 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Sep 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., mem., Stand. Comte, Henan CP, Jul 1973; vice-chm, Henan Rev Comte, Jul 1974 - death; deputy for Henan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dpty sec., Henan CP, Apr 1978 - death.

Liu Hui M # CCP sec., Kailan Coal Mine, Jun 1959; vice-min. of Coal Ind., Mar 1982 - Jun 1985; disappeared, Jun 1985.

L i u Huinong M & £ Mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, and concurrently dpty dir. of its Communications Dpt, 1950; mem., Chang Jiang (Yangtse) Flood Prevention Engineering Comte, Apr 1952; vicechm, Board of Directors, Mingsheng Shipping Co., Jun 1953; dir., Chang Jiang Navigation Bureau, Min. of Communications, Jul 1953; vice-mayor, Wuhan MPG, Jan 1955; dpty cdr., Wuhan Flood Prevention HQ, Jun 1955; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Wuhan Municipality, Dec 1955; mayor, Wuhan MPG, Apr 1958 - Cult. Rev.; sec., Wuhan CP, Aug 1958 - Cult. Rev.; polit, commissar, Hankou Mil. Subdistr, Jun 1960; deputy for Hubei to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Mar 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Hubei Prov. CP, Jan 1978 - Mar 1983; 2nd sec., Wuhan CP, Jan 1978-1983; deputy for Hubei to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; ehm, Rev Comte, Wuhan Municipality, Mar 1978 - Dec 1979; head, Hubei friendship del. to Japan, Sep 1979; ehm, Wuhan MPC, Dec 1979 - Nov 1981; vice-chm, Advisory Comte, Hubei CP, Dec 1983; disappeared, Oct 1984. Liu was married to Zhang Linsu.

L i u Huixian



* 1912 Lianhua County, Jiangxi Graduated from Tangshan Engineering College, 1933; obtained Ph.D. in dynamics from Cornell Univ, U.S.A., 1937; prof., Zhejiang Univ and SW Associated Univ, 1944-46; worked successively as engineer with New York

Engineering Company and prof, at an engineering inst. in U.S.A., 1947-51; prof., Qinghua Univ, 1951-52; dir., Civil Engineering Inst., CAS, 1952 -Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Inst, of Engineering Mechanics, CAS, Sep 1975; led del. to 1st Intl Symposium od Induced Seismicity, Canada, Sep 1975; deputy for Heilongjiang to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988); dir., Harbin Inst, of Mechanical Engineering, CAS, Apr 1978; vice-chm, Heilongjiang PPC, Dec 1979 - Jan 1988; ehm, Heilongjiang Prov. Branch, Jiusan Society, Oct 1981; ehm, Chinese section, Sino-U.S. Bilateral Workshop on Earthquake Engineering, Sep 1982; mem., Dpt of Technological Sciences, CAS, Jun 1985; ehm, Assn of Seismic Engineering, Jun 1988; vice-chm, Heilongjiang Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Jan 1988; disappeared, Oct 1989. Publications: On Earthquake Seismic Engineering.




L i u Jian M M Once served as dpty cdr., 104th Div., 35th Army; dpty dir., Dpt of Industry, Zhejiang PPG, 1950; dpty dir., Dpt of Agriculture and Forestry, Zhejiang PPG, Feb 1951; dir. of this dpt, 1954; dir., Dpt of Ind. and Communications, Aug 1958-1964; vice-chm, Capital Construction Com, Zhejiang Prov. CP , Nov 1959; sec., Zhejiang Prov. CP, Jul 1964; vice-gov., Zhejiang PPG, Sep 1964 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev.

L i u Jianqing M M * 1928 deceased between 1991/04 and 1992/02 Graduation from Literary and Art Dpt, United Univ of Ν China, 1947; later served as dpty dir.; Editing Dpt, Wenyi Bao; dpty editor-in-chief, RenminWenxue (People's Literature), Sep 1978-1990; mem., writers' del. to "Horizonte" Festival, W Berlin, Jun 1985; mem., Party Group, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, May 1986; head, cultural del. to Burma, Nov 1987; sec-gen., AllChina Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Nov 1987; deputy for Beijing to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., 5th Natl Comte, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circels. Nov 1988; permanent sec., All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Jan 1989 - death.

L i u Jianxun ΐ W} * 1908 Yangcheng County, Shanxi Graduated from Taijuan Normal School; joined CCP, 1935; polit, commissar, 3rd Detachment, "Dare-To-Die Corps", 1938; polit, commissar, 13th Mil. Subdistr, Taihang Mil. Reg, 1945; with rank of ltn-col. served temporarily as CCP section chief, Mil. Subcommittee at KMTCCP peace negotiations chaired by general George Marshall, 1946; 2nd sec., Hubei Prov. CP, Mar 1950-1956;


mem., Central-S China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Oct 1951 - Jan 1953; mem., Hubei PPG, Oct 1951; polit, commissar, Hubei Mil. Distr, 1952-56; mem., Central-S China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953-1954; deputy for Hubei 1st NPC, Aug 1954; dpty dir., Rural Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jan 1956-1957; 1st sec., Guangxi Prov. (after Mar 1958: AR) CP, Jan 1956 - Oct 1961; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, by-elected at 2nd Plenum, May 1958; 1st sec., Henan Prov. CP, Jul 1961-1966; mem., Henan PPC, Sep 1964; ehm, Henan Section, CPPCC, Sep 1964; sec., Central-S China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1965 - Cult. Rev.; sec., Beijing Municipality CP, Oct 1966 - Aug 1967; 2nd sec., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1966; accused of carrying out a bourgeois reactionary line, Jan 1967; made a self-examination during a Red Guard rally, Beijing, Mar 1967; head, Preparatory Group, Henan Rev Comte, Aug 1967; 1st polit, commissar, Henan Mil. Distr, Aug 19671978; dpty polit, commissar, Wuhan Mil. Reg, Oct 19671969; ehm, Henan Prov. Rev Comte, Jan 1968-1978; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and to 11th CC, Aug 1977); polit, commissar, Wuhan Mil. Reg, Sep 1969-1978; 1st sec., Henan CP, Mar 1971-1978; dir., Party School, Henan CP, Dec 1977; deputy for Henan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 Nov 1980; disappeared, Apr 1978.

Liu Jianzhang Employee in admin, of a cooperative in Yan'an, 1936; council mem., People's Govt, Shanxi-Hebei-ShandongHonan Border Area, 1946; vice-min. of Communications, Ν China People's Govt, 1948; dir., Railway Admin. Bureau of Zhenzhou, 1951-52; mem., Natl Comte of AllChina Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Jul 1954; vicemin. of Railways, SC, Oct 1954- Cult. Rev.; mem., communications del. to Ν Vietnam, Dec 1954; head, railway del. to Ν Korea, Feb 1955; dpty head, del. of architects to Cuba and Mexico, Jun 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again vice-min. of Railways, Apr 1975 - Sep 1981; head, railway del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1975; deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Natl Patriotic Health Campaign Comte, Apr 1978; mem., Natl Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; vice-pres., All-China Sports Fed, Sep 19791981; ehm, Board of Directors, Society of Railways, Nov 1979; min. of Railways, Sep 1981 - May 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 Oct 1992; deputy for Tianjin to 8th NPC, Mar 1993.

Liu Jin

Mem., Chahar Prov. CP, 1945; mem., Henan PPG, Dec 1949- Jun 1954; dpty sec., Henan Prov. CP, Jul 1950; dir., Ind. Dpt and concurrently vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Nov 1950-1952; vice-min. of Geology, Aug 1952 - Apr 1957; dpty dir., 3rd General Office, May 1955 - Apr 1957; delegate to Intl Conf. on Establishment of a Joint Nuclear Research Inst., Moscow, Mar 1956; vice-min., 2nd Min. of Machine Building, Sep 1959; min., 2nd Min. of Machine Building, Sep 1960- Cult. Rev.; mem., Natl Comte, 4th CPPCC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1978; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Henan Prov., Dec 1978 - Sep 1979; gov., Henan PPG, Sep 1979 - Dec 1981; sec., Henan Prov. CP, Sep 1979-1981; deputy for Henan to 5th NPC, by-elected Aug 1980 - May 1983; 1st sec., Henan Prov. CP, Jan 1981 - Aug 1984; ehm, Henan PPC, Dec 1981 - Apr 1983; 1st polit, commissar, Henan Mil. Distr, Feb 1982 - Aug 1984; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); (leading) sec., Henan Prov. CP, Aug 1984-May 1985; disappeared, Nov 1987.

Liu Jieting Sec., Yibin Distr CP, Sichuan Prov., 1958-62; dismissed from all positions, expelled from CCP and imprisoned for 2 years, 1962; rehabilitated, 1967; installed in his former position as sec., Yibin Distr CP, 1967-70; dpty polit, commissar, Chengdu Mil. Reg, 1967-69?; vice-chm, Sichuan Rev Comte, 1968-70; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; disappeared, May 1970; imprisoned again as a member of the "Gang of Four", Jul 1978. Liu was married to Zhang Xiting.

Liu Jin


Mem., Executive Comte, All-China Fed of TU, May 1953; mem., Hubei Prov. CP, Sep 1955; dir., Dpt of Ind. and Communications, Hubei Prov. CP, Jul 1956; dir., Communications Dpt, Hubei Prov. CP, Oct 1959; vicegov., Hubei PPG, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Hubei PPC, Jan 1980 - Apr 1983; disappeared, Jan 1984.

Liu Jinfeng

Liu Jinfeng


Μ ψ


disappeared during Cult. Rev., Nov 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: CCP sec., IMAR, Feb 1975 - death; vice-chm, Rev Comte, IMAR, Feb 1975 - Dec 1979; deputy for IMAR to 5th NPC, Feb 1978.

Liu Jingzhi

* 1926 Li County, Hebei Served as cadre in counties and districts of Tianjin Municipality, 1950-Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Tianjin Municipality, Dec 1977 - Jan 1980; dir., Agricultural Com, Tianjin MPG, Jan 1980; vice-mayor, Tianjin MPG, Jun 1980-1986; dpty sec., Tianjin CP, Apr 1988 - Jan 1989; sec., Discipline Inspection Com, Tianjin CP, Jan 1989- Dec 1990; deputy for Tianjin to 7th NPC, byelected, Mar 1990; ehm, Tianjin Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1990; disappeared, Oct 1991.

Liu Jingfan

*] * it

Liu Jinxuan

deceased 1990, Aug 9 * 1914 Shaanxi Joined a Communist guerilla unit in Shaanxi, 1935; dpty sec-gen., Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg, 1941; acting ehm of this border reg, 1949; vice-chm, People's Control Comte, GAC, Dec 1949; sec-gen., Austerity Examination Comte, GAC, Dec 1951; deputy for Henan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; vice-min. of Supervision, Oct 1954 Apr 1955; vice-min. of Geology, May 1955 - Apr 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; vice-min. of Civil Affairs, Oct 1978 May 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - death. Liu was married to Li Jianbin.

Liu Jingping * Hebei deceased 1980, May Dpty dir., Dpt of Ind. and Commerce, People's Govt of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), 1950; dir., Trade Dpt, IMAR People's Govt, May 1951; council mem., IMAR People's Govt, Aug 1954; dir., Financial and Trading Dpt, CCP Comte of IMAR, Sep 1957; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte of IMAR, Nov 1958; vicechm, People's Council of IMAR, Aug 1960 - Cult. Rev.;



* 1919 deceased 1993, Jan 16 Dpty dir., Press Office, NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1953; editor-in-chief, Jilin Ribao, Jul 1960; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1965; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Mar 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty dir., New China News Agency, Aug 1978-1982; head, journalists' del. to Tunisia, Pakistan, Turkey, Iraq, Oct 1978; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 - Sep 1982; mem., Natl Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; head, journalists' del. to Ν Korea; head, journalists' del. to Thailand, Dec 1980; dpty dir.-gen., XNA, Jun 1981 - Oct 1982; sec., CCP Comte, Jilin Prov., Oct 1982- Apr 1985; ehm, Jilin Branch, CPPCC, Oct 1985; disappeared, Mar 1986.


* 1908 Hunan deceased 1984, Apr 27 Joined Red Army, 1930; joined CCP, 1933; participated in Long March, 1934-35; dpty regiment cdr. in 386th Brigade, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; cdr. of a column, Taiyue Mil. Distr, 1939; cdr., 12th Independent Brigade, Taiyue Mil. Distr, 1944; dpty cdr., 38th Army, Hebei-Shandong-Henan Mil. Distr, 1946; cdr., 19th Army, 2nd Field Army, and concurrently cdr., S Shaanxi Mil. Distr, 1949; council mem., Shaanxi PPG, Dec 1949; cdr., Shaanxi Mil. Distr, Jul 1950; cdr., 1st Army, PLA Railway Corps, 1955; trained at PLA Tactical Concentrated Training Group and subsequently made ltn-gen., 1958; dpty cdr., PLA Railway Corps, 1959-1980?

Liu Jiping

% ~f~

deceased 1961, Oct 5 Dpty dir., Budget Bureau, Polit, and Legal Affairs Com, GAC, 1950; dpty dir., Supply Office, Govt Organizations Affairs Bureau, GAC, Dec 1950; dpty dir., Govt Organizations Affairs Bureau, SC, May 1956 - death.


Liu Jiping



Dir., Education Dpt, Jiangsu-Anhui Reg Govt, 1946; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, and concurrently mem. of its Cultural and Educational Comte, Mar 1950 Nov 1952; dpty dir., S Jiangsu Admin. Office and concurrently dir. of its Cultural and Educational Dpt, Mar 1950; sec., Shanghai MPG, Jul 1952; ehm, Labor Employment Comte, Shanghai MPG, Aug 1952; council mem., Shanghai Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1952; mem., CCP Comte, Shanghai Municipality, Mar 1953; vice-mayor, Shanghai MPG, May 1953-1960; vice-chm, Shanghai Branch, CPPCC, 1956; dir., Education and Public Health Dpt, Shanghai CP, Jun 1958 - Oct 1959; sec., CCP Comte, Shandong Prov., Oct 1959-1963; vice-min. of Education, SC, Sep 1963 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Anhui to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; head, educational del. to Ν Vietnam, Dec 1964; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1973; curator, Beijing Library, Oct 19741978; chief librarian, Beijing Library, Oct 1978-1981; pres., Society of Libraries, Aug 1979; vice-min. of Culture, SC, Sep-Oct 1981; adviser, Min. of Culture, Oct 1981; disappeared, Oct 1981.

Liu Junjie


Liu Kaifeng

Suiyuan Regional CP; transferred to NE China, winter 1945 and made dir., Mass Movement Dpt, CCP Comte of Liaodong Prov., 1945; mem., Stand. Comte, Jilin Prov. CP and concurrently dir. of its Org. Dpt, 1947; dpty polit, commissar, 6th Southbound Cadres' Work Group, Feb 1948; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Jiangxi Prov. and concurrently dir. of its Org. Dpt, Jun 1948; council mem., Jiangxi PPG, Mar 1950; ehm, Land Reform Comte, Jiangxi PPG, Sep 1950; ehm, Jiangxi Peasants' Assn, Dec 1950; dpty sec., Jiangxi CP, Jan 1953; deputy for Jiangxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jun 1958, and to 3rd, Oct 1964); 2nd dpty sec., Jiangxi CP, Dec 1954 - Feb 1957; sec., Jiangxi CP, Feb 1957 - Cult. Rev.; pres., Jiangxi Communist Labor Univ, Aug 1958; disappeared during Cult. Rev., May 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1972; mem., Stand. Comte, Jiangxi CP, Apr 1973; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Jiangxi Prov., Oct 1977 - Dec 1979; deputy for Jiangxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm., Jiangxi PPC, Dec 1979 Apr 1983; sec., Jiangxi CP, Mar 1980 - Mar 1983; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 death.

Liu Junyi



Worker at Guangzhou Steel Rolling Mill, 1968; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangdong Prov. Rev Comte, Oct 1968; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); ehm, Labor Congr, Guangdong, Jan 1971; mem., workers' del. to Romania, Mar 1971; sec., Guangdong Branch, CYL, Jun 1973-1976; head, youth del. to Algeria, Nov 1973; sec., Guangzhou Branch, CYL, Dec 1974-1976; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangzhou CP, Aug 1976; disappeared, Oct 1976. * 1923 Wendeng County, Shandong Received middle school education; joined CCP, 1942; served in Donghai Mil. Subdistr, 1943; sec., Xixia Prefecture CP, 1951; dir., Urban Work Comte, Guangdong Prov. CP, 1958; sec., Shaoguan Prefecture CP, 1964Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Mar 1981 - Aug 1985; vice-chm, Guangdong PPC, Aug 1985 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Jan 1988.

Liu Junxiu

M ik


* 1904 Suichuan County, Jiangxi deceased 1985, Aug Joined CCP, 1926; worked in W Hunan Distr, 1934; accompanied 6th Red Army Corps (led by Ren Bishi) to Sichuan-Hunan border region to join forces with He Long's 2nd Front Army, Oct 1934; when leading 49th Regiment of Red Army on way to suppress rebellion in Shidiqi, was captured by KMT troops; on way to execution ground, managed to escape and rejoined Ren Bishi, Jan 1935; attended training course at Central Party School, Yan'an, 1936; subsequently made dir., Org. Dpt, Shanxi-

Liu Kaifeng



Graduated from Beijing Normal Univ; dir., Education Dpt, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Reg Govt, 1941-46; went to United Middle School to urge students to join 8th Route Army, 1946; dpty dir., Dpt of Education, Ν China People's Govt, Sep 1948 - Oct 1949; dir., Admin. Office, Min. of Education, GAC, Nov 1949 - Nov 1952; vicemin. of Higher Education, Nov 1952- Feb 1958; dir., Cultural and Educational Planning Bureau, State Planning Com, Mar 1954; dpty sec-gen., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Mar 1956 - May 1957; vice-min. of Education, SC, Feb 1958 - Cult. Rev.; vice-pres., China-Germany (E) Friendship Assn, Sep 1958- Cult. Rev.; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); mem., Physical Culture and Sports Com, SC, Sep 1959; head, educational del. to Ν Korea, Jul 1964; mem., Presidium, 2nd Natl Games, Sep 1965; head, educational del. to United Arab Republic and Guinea, Mar 1966; branded a counterrevolutionary element and purged, Jan 1967.


Liu Kaiji

Liu Kaiji




Liu Kan

Μ &

Sec., CCP Comte, Shenyuan County, Shanxi, 1942; polit, commissar, "Shenyuan Beleagured Command" a resistJapan org., Oct 1942; dpty dir., Rural Work Dpt, CCP Comte, Shanxi Prov., Dec 1953; vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, 1957 -Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Com for Control of Sea and River Channels, Shanxi PPC, May 1957; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Mar 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Apr 1976; vice-chm, Shanxi PPC, Dec 1979; disappeared, Dec 1980.

Liu Kaiqu

* 1926 Leting County, Hebei Graduated from Chinese Dpt, Qinghua Univ, 1948; philosophy teacher, Central Party School, 1949 - Cult. Rev.; dpty dir., Policy Research Office, State Agricultural Com, 1980-82; dpty dir., Rural Policy Research Center, Secretariat, CCP Central Comte, May 1982-1988; dpty dir., Rural Policy Research Center, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1988; disappeared, Feb 1988.


Liu Kun * 1904 Xiao County, Anhui deceased 1993, Jun 25 Attended an art school in Beijing for seven years; subsequently went to Nanjing to work under Cai Yuanpei in the Min. of Education; went to Paris to study sculpture at the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts, 1928; returned to China and began to teach at State School of Arts in Hangzhou, 1933; completed his first large-scale sculpture, 1935; served as prof, at Chongqing Art School, 1937-45; prof, at Hangzhou Art School, 1946; started to work on the monument to the war heroes, later to be erected in the center of Tianmen Square in Beijing, including ten bas-reliefs, presenting 100 years of China's history since the Opium War, 1949; vice-mayor of Hangzhou Municipality and dir., Hangzhou State School of Arts, 1953; deputy for Zhejiang to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, 1958 and to 3rd, 1964); dir., China Art Gallery in Beijing, 1959; vice-pres., Artists' Assn, May 1960- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult.Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev. in his former position as dir. of China Art Gallery, Sep 1975 - death; again vice-pres., Artists' Assn, Aug 1979 - death; curator, China National Art Gallery, Jun 1982-1987; vice-pres., Central Academy of Fine Arts, Jun 1982 - death; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); head, National Urban Sculpture Planning Group, Apr 1984; curator, China Museum of Fine Arts, Nov 1987 - death. Publication: Collection of Liu Kaiqu's Arts.

Essays on Fine

M &

Dpty dir., Afforestation Bureau, Min. of Forestry, Mar 1958; dpty dir., General Office of State Forests, Min. of Forestry, Feb 1964; deputy for Hunan to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty dir., Forestry Admin. Bureau, Min. of Agriculture and Forestry, Aug 1978; vice-min. of Forestry, May 1979 - Apr 1986; disappeared, Apr 1986.

Liu Kun Dir., Inst, of General Resaerch and Planning., Min. of Building, Mar 1959; vice-min., State Economic Com, SC, Jul 1981 - May 1982; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Sep 1985); disappeared, Sep 1985.

Liu Lanbo

Μ Μ &

* 1904 Fengcheng County, Liaoningdeceased 1982, Mar 5 Attended Nankai Middle School and Beijing Univ. Joined CCP, 1928; dir., Org. Dpt, Party Work Comte, 2nd NE Cavalry Div., 1932-34; sec., Upper Level Work Comte, NE Army, 1934-36; sec., Work Comte, NE Army, 193637; sec., Party Comte, General Council for Natl Salvation in NE China, 1937-38; section chief, United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1939; mem., Liaodong


Prov. CO, 1945; sec., Andong Prov. CP, 1946-47; vicegov., Andong PPG, 1946-47; mem., NE Admin. Comte, 1946-49; gov., Andong PPG, 1947-49; gov., Liaodong PPG, 1949-50; dpty sec., Liaodong CP, 1949-50; mem., NE People's Govt, Aug 1949-1950; dpty dir., Industry Dpt, Min. of Fuel Ind., 1950-52; vice-min. of Fuel Ind, May 1950 - Jun 1955; head, govt del. to Czechoslovakia, Jul 1954; depty for Benxi Municipality for 1st NPC, Aug 1954; head, govt del. to USSR, Feb 1955; min. of Electric Power, Jun 1955 -Feb 1958; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Committee, Sep 1956; vice-min. of Water Conservancy and Electric Power, Jun 1958; deputy for Liaoning to 2nd NPC, Sep 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., NPC del. to Ν Korea, Apr 1962; board mem., Electrotechnical Society, 1963; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; branded as a bourgeois counterrevolutionary and purged, Mar 1967;first appearance after Cult. Rev.: min. of Power Industry, Feb 1979 - Mar 1981; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, by-elected by 4th Plenum, Sep 1979; adviser to SC, Mar 1981. Remarks: Liu was the youngest brother of Liu Duoquan, once Nationalist gov. of Rehe (Jehol) Prov.

Liu Liangmo

M ft M

Alt. mem., Fed of Democratic Youth and program dir. of Chinese YMCA Assn, 1949; mem., Chinese Peace Comte, Oct 1949; alt. mem., Central Comte, CDL, Nov 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, Fed of Democratic Youth, Jun 1953; mem., Stand. Comte, Comte for Protestant Churches for Three-self Patriotic Movement, Jul 1954; vicechm, Shaghai Comte for Promoting Patriotism among Protestants, May 1955; vice-chm, Youth Fed (successor of Democratic Youth Fed), Apr 1958; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); vice-chm, Shanghai Branch, Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, May 1978; vice-chm, Shanghai Branch, CPPCC, Nov 1981 (reelected Apr 1983); disappeared, Jun 1983.

Liu Lifeng



• 1 9 1 8 Yishui County, Shandong Served in Shandong Column, 8th Route Army, 1939-42; served in E China Field Army and 8th Army, 1945-49;

Liu Linyuan

polit, commissar of a div., Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1950-53; dir., Org. Dpt, Shandong Mil. Distr, 1953-56; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Jinan Mil. Reg, 1965-72; dir., Polit. Dpt, PLA General Logistics Dpt, 1972-75; dpty polit, commissar, PLA 2nd Artillery (Rocket Corps), Feb 1980; polit, commissar, PLA 2nd Artillery, Feb 1983; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Presidium, 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; mem., Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; appointed ltn-gen., Sep 1988; disappeared, Sep 1988.

Liu Lin

* 1918 Wendeng County, Shandong Served as CCP sec. in several counties, 1941-49; commissioner, Laiying Admin. Office, 1950-52; sec., Nanjing Municipality CP, Apr 1958; 1st sec, Xuzhou City CP, 1961-64; sec., Suzhou City CP, 1965-67; cadre, Jiangsu Mil. Distr, Jun 1970; dpty cdr., Jiangsu Mil. Distr, May 1977; mem., Stand. Comte, Jiangsu Prov. CP, Dec 1977; vice-gov., Jiangsu PPG, Dec 1979-Jul 1982; dpty head, fiendship del. to Italy, May 1982; 1st sec., Nanjing Municipality CP, May-Nov 1982; 2nd sec., Jiangsu Prov. CP, Jul 1982- Apr 1983; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; ehm, Advisory Com, Jiangsu Prov. CP, Dec 1984; disappeared, Sep 1989.

Liu Linyuan



* Yunnan Sec., Staff and Workers Work Comte, CCP Comte, Yunnan Prov., 1950; council mem., Yunnan PPG and concurrently dir. of its Labor Bureau, Aug 1950; ehm, Yunnan Fed of TU, Feb 1953; mem., 8th Executive Comte, ACFTU, Dec 1957; vice-pres., Yunnan Branch, ChinaVietnam Friendship Assn, Aug 1960; vice-chm, Yunnan Branch, CPPCC, Oct 1960; vice-gov., Yunnan PPG, Jul 1962 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Yunnan CP, Nov 1962; deputy for Yunnan to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; vicechm, Yunnan Branch, Chinese People's Comte for Defense of World Peace, Dec 1964; pres., Yunnan Branch, China-Vietnam Friendship Assn, Aug 1965; branded a black gangster and purged, Aug 1968.


Liu Lizhen (f)

L i u L i z h e n (f)




* 1929 Zhidan County, Shaanxi Graduation from Shenyang Medical Univ, 1955; dir., Xi'an Medical Sciences Inst., 1974-80; vice-chm, Shaanxi PPC, Dec 1979 (reelected May 1983 and Jun 1988); dir., hospital attached to Shaanxi Inst, of Traditional Medicine, Oct 1980-1984; disappeared, Aug 1990.

Comte, Yunnan Prov. CP, 1972; dpty sec., Yunnan Prov. CP, Oct 1973 - Sep 1975; sec., Yunnan Prov. CP, Sep 1975 - May 1979; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985); 2nd sec., Yunnan Prov CP, May 1979 - Feb 1980; head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Jun 1979; gov. of Yunnan, Dec 1979 - Mar 1983; sec., Yunnan CP, Apr 1980 - Mar 1983; deputy for Yunnan to 5th NPC, by-elected Aug 1980 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; ehm, Yunnan PPC, Apr 1983 Aug 1985; resigned as alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte and elected mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1986; disappeared, Jan 1992. Liu was married to Guo Xuezhen.

Liu Mingjiu Liu Mingbang Deputy for Henan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958, and to 3rd, Sep 1964); sec., Legal Comte, CCP Comte, Henan Prov., Feb 1959; mem., Stand. Comte, Henan CP, Jan 1965- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Nov 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Henan PPC, Sep 1979 - Jun 1985; disappeared, Jim 1985.

Liu Mingfu M A Dpty sec-gen., Economic Planning Comte, NE People's Govt, Aug 1952; mem., Natl Comte, All-China Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Jul 1954; mem., State Planning Com, SC, Oct 1954; dir., Commercial Planning Bureau, SC, 1955; vice-min., State Planning Com, SC, Jul 1957- Cult. Rev.; accompanied premier Zhou Enlai to Mongolia, Jun 1960; dpty dir., General Bureau for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries, SC, Apr 1961 - Sep 1964; disappeared, Sep 1964. Publication: Commerce in the First Five-Year Plan (1956).

Liu Minghui ^ * 1915 Sicheng County, Jiangxi Received junior middle school education; joined CCP, 1933; later served in 8th Route Army; council mem., Chongqing MPG, 1950; dir., Public Security Bureau, Chongqing MPG, Apr 1951; mayor, Chongqing MPG, Jul 1952; vice-gov., Yunnan PPG, Feb 1955-1963; mem., Yunnan del. to Burma, Apr 1957; sec., Yunnan Prov. CP, Mar 1958 - Cult. Rev.; head of Yunnan CP del. to Burma, Dec 1960; acting gov. of Yunnan, Jan 1964 - Feb 1965; deputy for Yunnan to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; at the height of Cult. Rev. criticized together with Yan Hongyan (1st sec., Yunnan CP) as a counterrevolutionary revisionist, but suffered no loss of influence, 1967; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Yunnan Prov., Aug 1968 - Dec 1979; mem., Stand.

2') « 4


• "fesgPî J P SBEffi*· ^ S ·•: eH

* 1900 Haicheng County, Liaoning Graduated from NE Army Mil. Academy, 1920; officer in Mixed Brigade of Garrison Guards, Inspector's Office of 3 NE Provinces, 1920-22; served in 3rd and 4th Army Groups Joint HQ, Zhenyuan Army, 1925-28; dir., KMT Liaoning PPG Industrial and Construction Bureau, 192628; during Sino-Japanese War, resided in Tianjin, 193745; vice-chm, Liaoning Branch, CPPCC, 1980 (reelected 1988); vice-chm, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Oct 1980 Nov 1988; mem., Law Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988.

Liu Mingjiu



* 1919 Fan County, Henan deceased 1990, Dec 22 Served in Hebei-Shandong-Henan Mil. Reg, 1940-48; dpty dir., Labor Bureau and subsequently of Civil Affairs Bureau, Pingyuan PPG, 1948-52; served successively as manager, Non-Ferrous Metals Ind. Machinery Installation Co. under Min. of Heavy Ind., manager Machinery Installation Co. under Min. of Metallurgical Ind.; manager of


Liu Ningyi

Zhengzhou Aluminium Co. and as Party sec., Building Research Inst., Min. of Metallurgical Ind., 1952-64; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first reapperance after Cult. Rev.: dpty dir., State Bureau of Surveying and Cartography, 1978; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978-1987; vice-min. of Supervision, Jun 1987 - Aug 1989.

Liu Minsheng Μ Κ * 1916 Shandong deceased 1978 Studied in USSR; delegate of E China Reg to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; pres., E China Branch, Supreme People's Court, May 1950; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950 - Jan 1953; vice-chm, Shandong PPG, Jul 1950; mem., E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958, and to 3rd, Sep 1964); vicegov., Shandong PPG, Mar 1955 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Shandong Branch, CPPCC, Sep 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Feb 1967; firstly named after Cult. Rev. as deputy for Shandong for 5th NPC, Feb 1978, when he was already dead.

Liu Nianzhi

M &


* 1912 Dinghai County, Zhejiang Son of the owner of a match factory. Studied in Great Britain, finally economics at Cambridge Univ, 1927-34; asst. manager, China Match Materials Plant in Chongqing, 1942-52; manager, Shanghai Zhonghua Woollen Mill, 1952-56; deputy for Shanghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Budget Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; vice-chm, Executive Comte, China Fed of Industrialists and Businessmen, Oct 1979; mem., NPC del. to Thailand (head: Deng Yingchao), Feb 1980; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; vice-chm, Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, Sep 1980 - Dec 1989; dpty head, del. of non-governmental personages to Japan, Oct 1982; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; vice-chm, Shanghai MPC, Apr 1983 - Jul 1985; vice-chm, Fiancial and Economic Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 - Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1986; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1987; invited to 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1992.

* 1906 Mancheng County, Hebei deceased 1994, Feb 15 Graduated from Hebei Normal School; participated in May 30th Movement, 1925; joined CCP, 1925; labor organizer and agitator at Kailuan coal mines in his home prov., 1927; about 4 years in jail between 1928-32; once more imprisoned for leading a strike in the Tangshan area, 1932-37; worked for labor movement in Shanghai, 193743; ordered to Yan'an, 1943; leader of Labor League in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg, 1944; mem. of Zhou Enlai's del. to negotiations with KMT officials in Chongqing, winter 1945-46; ehm, Preparatory Comte of the Liberated Areas TU Fed, 1946-1948; vice-chm, All-China Fed of Labor, Aug 1948; dir., Intl Liaison Dpt, Fed of Labor, Nov 1948-1955; council mem., World Fed of Trade Unions (WFTU), Jun 1946; alt. mem., Executive Comte, WFTU, 1949-51; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949-1954; vice-pres., WFTU, 1949- Oct 1957; vice-chm, China Peace Comte, Oct 1949-1950; sec-gen., China Peace Comte, 1950- May 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, China Peace Comte, 1950; mem., World Peace Council (WPC), 1950-55; vice-chm, All-China Athletic Fed, 1952-56; sec., ACFTU, May 1953 - Dec 1957; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; council mem., Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Jul 1954; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Oct 1954 (reelected to 2nd, May 1959 and to 3rd, Jan 1965); vice-chm, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1954; mem., WPC Executive Comte, 1955; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; dpty dir., Staff Office of Foreign Affairs, SC, Mar 1958 - Sep 1959; vice-chm, China Peace Comte, Jun 1958; ehm, ACFTU, Aug 1958 Cult. Rev.; ehm, Sino-Iraq Friendship Assn, Sep 1958; ehm, China-Cuba Friendship Assn, Dec 1962; deputy for Hebei to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; vice-chm, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; vice-chm, Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Jun 1965; mem., Secretariat, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1966; branded as a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Apr 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jun 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Jul 1979 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); dpty sec-gen., 5th CPPCC, Sep 1979 Jun 1983; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1980 - May 1982; sec-gen., Constitution Revision Comte, Nov 1982; head, CPPCC del. to German Democratic Republic, Sep 1985; head, CPPCC del. to the Netherlands, Oct 1987. In his capacities as leader of the TU, the Peace Comte and the Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries,


Liu Peishan

Liu undertook numerous visits abroad which are listed following in the alphabetic order of the countries: Algeria: 1963; Austria: 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954; Belgium: 1957; Burma: 1951; Central African Republic: 1965; Ceylon: 1957; Congo: 1965; Czechoslovakia: 1947, 1949, 1950, 1962; Egypt: 1957, 1961; Finland: 1955, 1956; France: 1947, 1949; German Democratic Republic: 1952, 1985; Ghana: 1965; Great Britain: 1950; Guinea: 1960, 1965; Hungary: 1948, 1949; 1950; 1953; India: 1955, 1956, 1961; Indonesia: 1961, 1965; Italy: 1948, 1956; Japan: 1955, 1960, 1964, 1965; Mali: 1965; Netherlands: 1987; New Zealand: 1963, 1966; North Vietnam: 1964; Pakistan: 1951; Poland: 1950, 1954, 1963; Romania: 1949, 1950, 1954; Sweden: 1954, 1956, 1961; Tanganyika: 1963; USSR: 1946, 1950; 1957, 1959, 1960, 1963; Yugoslavia: 1947, 1955. Liu was married to Li Shuying.

Liu Peishan



•1912 Chaling County, Hunan deceased 1968 Son of a poor peasant. Cdr., 3rd Regiment, 6th Red Army Corps, operating in Hunan-Jiangxi border area, 1934; cdr. of a regiment in Jiangxi Independent Regiment, 1937; this regiment was incorporated as 1st Regiment, 2nd Column of the newly established New 4th Army, Oct 1937; cdr., 7th Column, E China PLA, 1946; dpty polit, commissar, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Aug 1949; cdr., Fuzhou Mil. Control Com and polit, commissar, Fujian Mil. Distr, Dec 1950; polit, commissar, 10th Army Group, 1951; dpty cdr., 28th Army, Aug 1952; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dpty polit, commissar, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, 1957; deputy for PLA to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); cdr., Fujian Front Garrison Force, Feb 1959; mem., Natl Defense Council, Jan 1965; his last appearance: May Day Celebration, Beijing, 1968; said to have been forced to commit suicide.

Liu Peizhi *»] & Dir., State Farms Bureau, Min. of Agriculture, GAC, Nov 1953; deputy for Harbin Municipality to 1st NPC, Oct 1954; asst min., Min. of State Farms and Land Reclamations, Oct 1956-1959; ehm, Heilongjiang Branch, Assn for Ind. and Commerce, Jul 1957; deputy for Heilongjiang to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-chm, Heilongjiang Branch, CPPCC, Nov 1962; branded an anti-Party element and purged, Aug

1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-min. of Agriculture, Jun 1980- May 1982; mem., Central Patriotic Sanitation Campaign Comte, Jul 1981; mem., Central Greening Comte, Feb 1982; disappeared, May 1982.

Liu Peng M Jfi Dir., Construction Bureau for Miyun Dam, Mar 1960; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Shandong Prov., Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; vice-gov., Shandong PPG, Dec 1979-1986; ehm, Economic Com, Shandong PPG, Sep 1983; acting 1st sec., CCP Comte, Qingdao City, Jul 1984; mem., Stand. Comte, Shandong CP, Aug 1986; sec., Qingdao CP, Aug 1986; disappeared, Aug 1986.

Liu Pinyi, Yeya Haj M o h a m m a d * 1899 jt'J & — Vice-chm, China Islamic Assn, Feb 1961 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1973; mem. from religious circles to 5th Natl Comte of CPPCC, Feb 1978; again in his former position as vice-chm, China Islamic Assn, Aug 1981; disappeared, Jul 1982.

Liu Piyun Μ ^ * Sichuan deceased 1983, Jul Studied at Yan'an Marxism-Leninism Inst., 1938; dpty dir., S Sichuan Admin. Office, Mar 1950; dir., Teaching Instruction Dpt, Min. of Higher Education, GAC, Aug 1952; vice-pres., Nankai Univ in Tianjin, Jun 1954 - Sep 1958; vice-pres., Tianjin Branch, Society of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Mar 1958; vice-gov., Yunnan PPG, Nov 1958 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Yunnan CP, Jan 1959; sec., Yunnan CP, Sep 1961-1962; mem., Presidium, 2nd Natl Games, Sep 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Aug 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1978; pres., Yunnan Univ, Apr 1978; vice-chm, Yunnan Branch, CPPCC, May 1980.

Liu Qing M if Mem., China Natl Machinery Import and Export Corp., Sep 1958; mem., trade del. to Federal Republic of Germany, Sep 1958; gen-mgr., China Natl Machinery Import and Export Corp., Jun 1973-1978; head, Chinese pavilion, Bagdad Fair, Sep 1975; head, trade del. to India, Feb 1978; vice-chm, Intl United Shipping and Investment Corp., Sep 1980; managing dir., China Corp. of Shipbuilding Ind., Apr 1981; vice-min., 6th Min. of Machine Building, Sep 1981 - May 1982, when the min. was abrogated; disappeared, May 1982.

L i u Q i n g y a n g (f) M fê # * 1902 Tianjin, Hebei Studied at Beijing Normal College; participated in May 4th Movement, 1919; joined Zhou Enlai's Awakened So-

Liu Ruisen


ciety, 1919; after graduation from Beijing Teachers' College for Women went to France under Work-Study Program, 1924; married Zhang Shengfu in France; after return to China, worked in training class for women sponsored by He Xiangning; after Sep 18 Incident organized with husband Ν China Assn for Natl Salvation, 1931; joined forces with nati salvation units in S China and organized nation-wide Fed for Natl Salvation, 1936; opened China Women's Middle School in Hong Kong, 1941; after fall of Hong Kong to Japan went to Chongqing and joined Democratic Polit. League (predecessor of CDL); mem., Central Comte, CDL, Sep 1944; after V-Day took charge of Tianjin Branch of CDL; later disputed with husband on political matters and went alone to Communist-occupied areas in Ν China; mem., Executive Comte, All-China Democratic Women's Fed (ACDWF), Apr 1949 - Cult. Rev.; principal, Beijing New China Women's Vocational School, Apr 1949; delegate of ACDWF to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, GAC, Oct 1 9 4 9 - Oct 1954; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, Comte for Implementation of Marriage Law, GAC, Feb 1953; deputy for Hebei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958, and to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954; mem., Hebei PPC, Feb 1955; mem., del. to World Peace Congr, Helsinki, Jun 1955; dpty sec-gen., China Red Cross Society, Nov 1955-1965; mem., women's del. to Pakistan, Nov 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Comte, CDL, Feb 1956; council mem., China-Pakistan Friendship Assn, May 1956; ehm, Beijing Branch, ACFDW, Sep 1957; vice-chm, ACFDW, Sep 1957; ehm, Hebei Branch, CDL, Dec 1958; mem., Legal Comte, 2nd NPC, Apr 1959; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1965); vicepres., China Red Cross Society, Oct 1961 - Jul 1966; pres., China Red Cross Society, Jul 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967.

Liu Qisheng


Sec-gen., Wuhan Municipality CP, Jul 1950; dir., 2nd Bureau, 1st Min. of Machine Building, Feb 1958; vicemin., 3rd Min. of Machine Building, Nov 1960- Oct 1962; vice-min., 2nd Min. of Machine Building, Dec 1962 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Liu Ren



* 1909 Sichuan deceased 1973, Oct 26 Graduation from Moscow Univ, around 1935; dir., Org. Dpt, Northern Subbureau, Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1941; dir., Org., Dpt, Beijing CP, 1949; vicechm, Financial and Economic Comte, Beijing MPG, Dec 1950; ehm, Beijing Branch, ACFTU, 1950; dpty sec., Beijing CP, Mar 1951-1955; mem., Executive Comte, ACFTU, May 1953 - Dec 1957; deputy for Beijing to 1st NPC, Aug 1 9 5 4 - Apr 1959; 2nd sec., Beijing CP, Jan 1955-1966; ehm, Beijing Branch, CPPCC, May 1955-

1966; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; polit, commissar, Beijing Garrison, Jun 1960-1962; sec., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1964; became one of the first victims of the Cult. Rev., May 1966; imprisoned, Nov 1966; put under public trial during struggle-rally against Peng Zhen, Dec 1966; died as victim of the "Gang of Four" without being allowed to be visited by his family members until his last day.

Liu Ruilong

M & &

* 1909 Nantong County, Jiangsu deceased 1988, May 25 Studied in USSR; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Comte, Sichuan-Shaanxi Reg, 1933; mem., CCP Comte, HubeiJiangsu-Anhui Border Reg and concurrently dir., Border Reg Admin. Office, 1941; mem., United Front Work Dpt, Central China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1945; vicechm, Land Reform Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950 - Jun 1952; sec., Rural Work Dpt, E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1950; vicemin. of Agriculture, Aug 1952 - Jan 1961; head, agricultural del. to Burma, Feb 1955; mem., Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, SC, Apr 1957; vice-chm, Water and Soil Conservation Comte, SC, May 1957; pres., China-Bulgaria Friendship Assn, Oct 1958; head, scientific and technological del. to Bulgaria and Albania, Oct 1960; sec., E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1961; branded an anti-Party element and purged, Mar 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; vice-min. of Agriculture, May 1981 - May 1982; deputy for Jiangsu to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; mem., NPC Credentials Comte, Mar 1984; mem., Law Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986.

Liu Ruiqing

Dpty Party sec., Maan Coal Mine, Guangdong Prov., 1976; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; disappeared, Dec 1978.

Liu Ruisen


Dpty sec-gen., CCP Comte, Jiangxi Prov., 1950; council mem., Jiangxi PPG, Mar 1950; 1st sec., CCP Secretariat, S Jiangxi Distr, Jan 1957-1960; sec., CCP Comte, Jiangxi Prov., Oct 1 9 5 9 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Preparatory Group for Jiangxi Provincial Rev Comte, Oct 1967; mem., Jiangxi Provincial Rev Comte, Feb 1968; disappeared, Feb 1968.


Liu Shaoqi

Liu Shaoqi



* 1898 Ningxiang County, Hunan deceased 1969, Nov 12 Born into a rich peasant family. Studied in Changsha at Hunan First Normal School where Mao Zedong and Cai Hesen established "New People's Study Society" (Xin-min xue-Hui), 1917-18; visited special school in Baoding which prepared students for their stay in France, 1918-19; joined Socialist Youth League, Shanghai, Aug 1920; left for Moscow, early 1921; studied about half a year at newly opened Communist Univ of the Toilers of the East, 1921; also joined CCP, 1921; returned to China, spring 1922; assigned to work with Zhang Guotao in Secretariat of Chinese Labor Unions with HQ in Shanghai, 1922; assigned to Anyuan mining area in Pingxiang, W Jiangxi, one of the largest industrial enterprises in China, mid1922; dir., Anyuan Labor Org., Feb 1923 - Jan 1925; assigned to Shanghai to work in Labor Comte under CCP Central Comte, Feb 1925; vice-chm of the newly established All-China Fed of Labor (ACFL), May 1925-1932; organized strikes in Wuhan, 1926; mem., CCP 5th Central Comte, May 1927 (reelected to 6th CC, Jul 1928; to 7th CC, Jun 1945 and to 8th CC, Sep 1956); made mem., Central Control Com, CCP Central Comte at CCP's 6th Congr, Moscow, Jul 1928; dir., Workers' Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1928; worked in CCP underground in Shanghai and Manzhuria, 1929; mem., Executive Bureau, Profintern (the labor arm of Comintern), Aug 1930; mem., Politburo, CCP 6th Central Comte, elected at 4th Plenum, Jan 1931 (reelected to Politbüros of 7th CC, Jun 1945 and 8th CC, Sep 1956); mem., Central Executive Comte, Chinese Soviet Republic, elected in absentia, Nov 1931; worked in Shanghai underground 1931-32; went to Ruijin, autumn 1932; ehm, ACFL, Nov 1932; vice-commissar for Labor, Council of People's Commissars, Chinese Soviet Republic, Apr 1933; Long March initially with 8th and then 5th Army Corps, finally dir., Polit. Dpt, 3rd Army Corps (cdr.: Peng Dehuai), 1934-35; sec., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, early 1936; dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, May 1937 - Dec 1938; lectured at Yan'an Marx-Lenin Inst., latter half of 1938; dir., Central Plains Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1938-1940; worked again as lecturer at Yan'an Marx-Lenin Inst., Feb 1939; published his first works, among them How to Be a Good Communist, Jul 1939; served in various units of New 4th Army in Henan, Anhui and Jiangsu, Oct 19391940; polit, commissar, New 4th Army, Jan 1941 - Nov 1942; sec., Central China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jan 1941-1942; mem., Secretariat, CCP Central Comte, 1943-45; vice-chm, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council,

1943-54; published Liquidation of Menshevik Thought in the Party, Jul 1943; speech on revised Party constitution, known under the title On the Party at 7th Party Congr, Jun 1945; hon. ehm, ACFL, 1948-1957; vice-chm, World Fed of TU, Jun 1949-1953; attended inaugural session of 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; vice-chm, Central People's Govt Council, Oct 1949-1954; ehm, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949-1954; head, del. to Moscow for 19th Congr of CPSU, Oct 1952; deputy for Beijing tp 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Sep 1958 and 3rd, Oct 1964); ehm, NPC Stand. Comte, Sep 1954; vice-chm, CCP Central Comte and mem., Stand. Comte, Politburo, 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - Cult. Rev.; replaced Mao Zedong as state president, Apr 1959; head, govt del. to USSR, Nov 1960; state visits to Indonesia, Burma, Cambodia, Ν Vietnam, Apr-May 1963; state visit to Ν Korea, Sep 1963; visited Pakistan, Afghanistan, Burma, Mar-Apr 1966; attended 7 of Mao Zedong's 8 receptions of Red Guards, Beijing, Aug-Nov 1966; made his first "self-criticism" before a work Conf. of CCP Central Comte, Oct 23, 1966; accused by Beijing wall-posters as "supreme leader of black gang", Nov 1966; branded by Red Guard tobloids as "China's Khrushchov" and "the No. 1 Party person in authority taking the capitalist road", Jan 1967; together with wife Wang Guangmei struggled by Red Guards and forced to recite quotations from Mao's works, Beijing, Jan 26, 1967; officially denounced as "a renegade, traitor and scab hiding in the Party, a lackay of imperialism, modern revisionism and the KMT reactionaries" and formally expelled from CCP and all posts, enlarged 12th Plenum, CCP 8th Central Comte, Oct 1968; post mortem rehabilitated by 5th Plenum, CCP 11th Central Comte, Feb 1980. Liu was married to 6 wifes; the first - during his Moscow studies - was a Russian; the second: He Baozhen, married in 1922 and executed in Nanjing, 1933; third: Xie Fei, made the Long March and married Liu in 1935, 1941 discarded by him; fourth: Wang Qian, an army nurse, whom he had divorced; fifth: Wang Zhen, married Liu for only a few months; sixth: Wang Guangmei, married 1946. Liu had three sons (Liu Yunbin, Liu Yunruo, Liu Yunzhen) and four daughters (Liu Aiqin, Liu Tao, Liu Pingping, Liu Tingting).

Liu Shaowen

M H iL

* 1912 deceased 1981, Jun 9 Served in 1st Red Front Army during Long March, 193435; polit, instructor of a company, Independent Regiment, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938; polit, instructor, 3rd Regiment, 5th Mil. Subdistr, Hebei-Chahar-Shanxi Mil. Reg, 1941; polit, commissar of same regiment, 1945; dir., Polit. Dpt of a division under Ν China Field Army, 1948; service in 65th Corps, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1950-53; dir., Polit. Dpt, 65th Corps, 1954; polit, commissar, 65th Corps, 1955; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; made ltn-gen., 1958; dpty polit.


com., Shanxi Mil. Distr, Nov 1959; dpty polit, commissar, Beijing Garrison, 1962; 2nd polit, commissar, Beijing Garrison, Dec 1965; with the establishment of Beijing Rev Comte elected mem. of its Stand. Comte, Mar 1967-1972; sec., CCP Comte, Beijing Municipality, Mar 1971-1975; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - death.

Liu Shaowen

*'] jr


Liu Shihong

Made model peasant, 1955; representative of Agricultural Production Cooperatives to Natl Conf. of Advanced Production Workers, May 1956; deputy for Liaoning to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-chm, Liaoning Rev Comte, May 1968-1976; ehm, Banjin Reclamation Distr Rev Comte in Liaoning, Nov 1968; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); mem., Stand. Comte, Liaoning CP, Jun 19711977; head, goodwill del. to Albania, Nov 1974; sec., Liaoning CP, Nov 1975-1977; disappeared, Feb 1977.

Liu Shi

* 1905 Xinyang County, Henan deceased 1987, Apr 10 Studied at Moscow Sun Yat-sen Univ and Leningrad Mil. and Polit. Univ; sec., Red Army HQ, during early stage of Long March, 1934-35; sided with Zhang Guotao during Long March, Aug 1935; arrived in Ν Shaanxi with 4th Front Army, winter 1936; made ltn-gen. and awarded orders of "August 1st", "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; dpty dir., Operation Dpt, PLA General Staff, 1957; mem., mil. del. to Egypt, Sep 1960; dpty dir., Intelligence Dpt, PLA General Staff, Jul 1963; dir. Intelligence Dpt, PLA General Staff, Apr 1964; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., mil. del. to Algeria, Oct 1964; 3rd polit, commissar, Beijing Garrison, May 1967; disappeared during Cult. Rev., May 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: Sep 1974; adviser, PLA General Staff, Nov 1983.

Liu Shengbiao

M ^L #

Mem., State Planning Com, SC, Jun 1959 - Jun 1964; mem., State Economic Com, SC, Sep 1963 - Dec 1964; dpty dir., State Bureau for Allocation of Materials, SC, Sep 1963 - Nov 1964; deputy for Heilongjiang to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; vice-min., Min. for Allocation of Materials, Dec 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Liu Shengtian

*'J %

Father once manager of Shaanxi Prov. Bank and quite wealthy. Participated in student movement to request govt to stop civil war and resist Japan, Dec 1935; with other students, wanted to meet Chiang Kai-shek, but stopped by general Zhang Xueliang, 1936; went to Yan'an, 1937; mem., Presidium, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg, Jan 1941; vice-chm, Yan'an Sports Meet, Sep 1942; dir., Educational Dpt, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region Govt, May 1944; dir., Education Bureau, Beijing MPG, Feb-Oct 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, Fed of Educational Workers, Jul 1949; delegate of educational workers to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; dir., Inspection Dpt, Min. of Education, GAC, Dec 1949; dir., Normal Education Dpt, Min. of Education, GAC, Jul 1952; vice-min. of Education, Nov 1952 - Sep 1959; head, cultural del. to Albania, Nov 1955; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Jun 1967; rightist label removed, Dec 1961; disappeared, Dec 1961.

Liu Shi

M £

Mem., Central Comte, CYL, May 1957 - Cult. Rev.; dir., Org. Dpt, ACFTU, Aug 1957; mem., Executive Comte, ACFTU, 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev, 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, 9th Executive Comte, ACFTU, Oct 1981; sec., ACFTU, Oct 1981 - Nov 1985; mem., Central Greening Comte, Feb 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, Natl Comte for Promoting Socialist Ethics, Mar 1983; vice-chm, Natl Comte for Workers' Education, Sep 1983; head, TU del. to Sudan, Arab Republic of Yemen, Iraq, Mar 1985; disappeared, Nov 1985.

M & Ή Liu Shihong

* Liaoning

M Φ &

Dir., Cadre Dpt, Shanxi Mil. Distr, Jun 1958; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Shanxi Mil. Distr, Mar 1959; dpty polit, commissar, Shanxi Mil. Distr, Mar 1965; polit, commissar, Shanxi Mil. Distr, Nov 1970; sec., Taiyuan Municipality CP, Nov 1972; ehm, Taiyuan Rev Comte, Nov 1972; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanxi CP; sec., CCP Comte, Hunan Prov., Apr 1976 - Feb 1983; polit, commissar, Hunan Mil. Distr, Apr 1976-1980; vice-chm, Hunan PPC, Dec 1979 - May 1983; disappeared, May 1983.

Liu Shunyuan

Liu Shunyuan


M M >L

* 1903 Served in Communist Fujian-Guangdong-Jiangxi Border Reg, 1938; polit, commissar, Jinan Garrison, 1948; sec., CCP Comte, Jinan Municipality, 1949; dpty dir., Planning Bureau, Financial and Economic Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, 1952; dpty sec-gen., E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953-1954; vice-gov., Jiangsu PPG, Feb 1955-1958; alt. mem., Jiangsu CP, Jul 1955; sec., Jiangsu CP, Dec 1957 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Nanjing Branch, CPPCC, Dec 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; dpty sec., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Com, Dec 1978 - Sep 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; disappeared, Nov 1987.

Liu Shusheng

M M 4-

* 1926 Mengcun County, Hebei Joined CCP, 1946; served in Yunnan Prov. border area, 1954-60; CCP cadre in Lancang Autonomous County and Simao Prefecture, 1961 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: CCP sec., Dali Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Prov., Nov 1977-1981; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; dpty sec., Yunnan Prov. CP, Sep 1982Sep 1990; head, del. of Yunnan CP to Ν Korea, Jul 1987; ehm, Yunnan Prov. Branch, CPPCC, May 1988; disappeared, Sep 1990.

Liu Shuxun


deceased 1986, Jun 5 Dpty dir., Heilongjiang Prov. Branch, Chinese People's Bank, Mar 1955; vice-pres., Nanjing Engineering Inst., Dec 1956; ehm, Jiangsu Prov. Branch, China Peasants and Workers Democratic Party (CPWDP), Mar 1958; deputy for Jiangsu to 2nd NPC, Oct 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Central Comte, CPWDP, Dec 1958; vicemayor, Nanjing MPG, Nov 1959; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1972; deputy for Jiangsu to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); vice-chm, CPWDP, Oct 1979 - Dec 1983; vice-chm, Jiangsu PPC, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; dir., Nanjing Engineering Inst., Dec 1983 - death.

Liu Shuzhou



Sec-gen., Nanjing MPG, Dec 1950; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, Shanghai CP, Nov 1954; vice-chm, Shanghai Branch, CPPCC, May 1955-1964; dir., United Front Work Dpt, Shanghai CP, Dec 1955; deputy for Shanghai to 1st NPC, by-elected Jim 1956 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-mayor, Shanghai MPG, Sep 1956-1964; alt. mem., Shanghai CP, Nov 1958-1962; pres., Shanghai Branch of CAS, Nov 1958; dpty head, friendship del. to USSR, Nov 1959; sec., Shanghai CP, Nov 1962 - Cult. Rev.; pres., Shanghai Jiaotong Univ, Sep 1963; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1965; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Apr 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1975; vice-pres., Assn for Science and Technology, Jun 1978; disappeared, Jan 1982.

Liu Simu

*] & &

Liu Shutian

* 1921? Served in Red Army, 1937-45; started to work in water conservancy, 1956; later made one of the leaders of the giant Gezhouba dam water control project; vice-min. of Water Conservancy, Sep 1981 - Mar 1982; gen-mgr., China Hydraulic Power Construction Corp., 1983.

* 1903 deceased 1985, Feb 20 Author of World Knowledge, 1930; wrote for Mass, published in Hong Kong, 1947-48; deputy for Guangdong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Sep 1958, and to 3rd, Sep 1964); council mem., Chinese People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Jul 1955; mem., Central Comte, CDL, Feb 1956; named a noted specialist in intl law, Apr 1959; council mem., China Afro-Asian Society, Apr 1962; dpty dir., Inst, for Study of Intl Relations, CAS, Dec 1962; delegate to Congr of Scholars in African Studies, Ghana, Dec 1962; mem., Stand. Council, Chinese People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Dec 1964; mem., China Afro-Asian


Solidarity Comte, Jun 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev, 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., Inst, of World History, CASS, May 1980 - death; hon. pres., China African History Society, Mar 1980; hon. pres., Society for the Study of Japanese History, Jul 1980; head, del. to 15th Intl Conf. on Historical Sciences, Bucharest, Aug 1980; council mem., XNA, Sep 1982.

Liu Wenhui

Liu Wei

M fä

Publication: Co-author of World Knowledge (1930).

Liu Tianfu

M ^


* 1926 2nd sec., W Guangdong Distr CP, Nov 1952; dpty dir., General Office, Central-S China Mil. Reg, Dec 1953; dir., Ind. Dpt, Guangdong Prov. CP, Sep 1957; vice-chm, Scientific Work Comte, Guangdong PPG, Apr 1958; vicegov., Guangdong PPG, Sep 1958 - Cult. Rev.; alt. sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, May 1960- Apr 1962; sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Apr 1962; alt. sec., Central-S China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Guangdong Prov., Jan 1973 - Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangdong Prov. CP, Dec 1973 - Nov 1977; vice-chm, Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair, Apr 1974; head, friendship del. to Laos (inauguration of direct airlink), Mar 1975; vice-chm, Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair, Oct 1977; sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Nov 1977; deputy for Guangdong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; ehm, Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair, Apr 1979; vicegov., Guangdong PPG, Dec 1979- Mar 1981; gov., Guangdong PPG, Mar 1981 - Apr 1983; hon. pres., Guangdong Ecology Society, Jul 1981; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; head, Guangxi AR Liaison Group, Central Com for Guiding Party Rectification, Jan 1985; head, CCP del. to Ivory Coast and Sierra Leone; disappeared, Apr 1992.

Liu Tianrui

M il

* 1930 Luannan County, Hebei Served successively as dir., Shenyang Telecommunications Bureau and dir., Liaoning Prov. Posts and Telecommunications Bureau, 1979-88; dir.-gen. of Posts, Mar 1988; vice-pres., Philately Fed, Feb 1990; disappeared, Feb 1990.

* 1916 Xingguo County, Jiangxi Joined Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, 1931; joined CCP, 1933; participated in Long March, 1934-35; served in 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938-42; served in Shandong Mil. Distr successively as polit, commissar of a div. under E China Field Army and of an army under 3rd Field Army, 1943-50; mem., 8th Bureau, Min. of Public Security, Dec 1949; dir. of a bureau, Min. of Public Security, 1950-55; vice-min. of Geology, May 1955 - Apr 1957; vice-min., 2nd Min. of Machine Building, Mar 1961 - Cult. Rev.; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973; to 11th CC, Aug 1977); min., 2nd Min. of Machine Building, Mar 1978 May 1982; head, scientific and technological del. to Italy, May 1980; deputy for Jiangxi to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., NPC Credentials Comte, Mar 1984; mem., Foreign Affairs Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Apr 1988.

Liu Wenhui



* 1893 Day i County, Sichuan deceased 1976, Jun 24 Attended Chengdu Army Primary School, Shaanxi Army Middle School and Beijing Army Preparatory School; graduated from 2nd class of Baoding Mil. Academy, 1916; served in 2nd Army, Sichuan Army, 1916; battalion cdr. in 4th Brigade, 2nd Div., Sichuan Army, 1917; made cdr. of a regiment, 1918; made cdr. of Independent Brigade, 8th Div., Sichuan Army, 1920; cdr., 9th Div., Sichuan Army, 1923; cdr., 31st Div., Sichuan Army, 1925; dpty mil. gov. of Sichuan Prov., fall of 1925; moved to Sichuan-Xikang Border Area, absorbed troops of Xikang Production Corps and occupied Xikang, 1926; cdr., 24th Army, Natl Revolutionary Army, 1927; cdr., Sichuan-Xikang Frontier Defense Force, Natl Revolutionary Army, 1928; gov. of Sichuan, Mar 1929; ehm, Construction Comte, Xikang Prov., Dec 1934; cdr., 4th Pacification Area, Sichuan, 1935; cdr., 5th Army Group, 1937; gov. of Xikang, 1939; cdr., Xikang Army Area, 1940; mem., KMT 6th Central Executive Comte, 1945; dpty cdr., Sichuan-Xikang Pacification Command and cdr., SichuanXikang Frontier Defense Force, 1945; mem., 1st Natl Assembly, 1947; cdr., 24th KMT Army and cdr., Xikang Garrison Command, 1949; surrendered to the Communists, Dec 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Jun


Liu Xiangping (f)

1950 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954); vice-chm, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950 - Jan 1953; vice-chm, SW Admin. Comte, Feb 1953 - Sep 1954; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jul 1958, and to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, 1958, and to 4th, 1964); vice-chm, Sichuan Branch, CPPCC, Jan 1955; awarded Order of Liberation, 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Comte, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Feb 1956 - Cult. Rev.; min. of Forestry, Apr 1959- Cult. Rev.; Liu survived the Cult. Rev. unharmed; deputy (for Shanghai?) to 4th NPC, Jan 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 - death. Liu was married to Yang Yunguang.

Liu Xiangping (f)

Μ 'M 9r

Sec., Kunming Municipality CP, Apr 1959; deputy for Yunnan to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; min. of Public Health, Jul 1973; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; head, public health del. to Albania, Oct 1975; head, govt del. to Tunisia; disappeared, Oct 1976. Liu was married to Xie Fuzhi (q.v.).

Liu Xiangsan


Liu Xianquan

* 1914 Changting County, Fujian Served in 3rd Company, 105th Regiment, 35th Div., 12th Red Army, 1930; made Long March with 1st Front Army, 1934-35; cdr. of a battalion, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; dir., Polit. Dpt, Bohai Mil. Distr, 1945; polit, commissar of a div., 1st Column, NE Field Army, 1948; dpty polit, commissar, 47th Army, 1949; with 47th Army in Korean War, 1950-53; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; polit, commissar, 38th Army, 1958; dir., Polit. Dpt, Shenyang Mil. Reg, Sep 1960; cdr., Qinghai Mil. Distr, Jul 1963 Apr 1967; cdr., Inner Mongolia Mil. Reg, Apr 1967 - Jul 1967; ehm, Qinghai Prov. Rev Comte, Aug 1967; cdr., Qinghai Mil. Distr, Feb 1968-1969: dpty cdr., Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Feb 1968-1969; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); 1st sec., Qinghai CP, Mar 1971-1975; mem., Cult. Rev Group, SC, Aug 1971; dpty head, Cult. Rev. Group, SC, Jun 1972-1974; cadre, Jinan Mil. Reg, Dec 1975; adviser, Jinan Mil. Reg, Feb 1981; disappeared, Oct 1984.

Liu Xiansheng

* 1910 Deng County, Henan Served in Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, 1931-32; service in 1st Front Army, 1933-34; took part in Long March, 1934-35; trained at Anti-Japanese Mil. and Polit. College, Yan'an, 1937-38; studied at Yan'an Marxism-Leninism Inst., 1939-40; cadre, General Polit. Dpt, 8th Route Army, 1942-44; mil. cadre in Heilongjiang Prov., 1945-47; dir., Admin. Bureau, NE Coal Mine, 1947; dir., Admin. Bureau for Coal Mines, Min. of Fuel Ind., Jan 1951; asst min. of Fuel Min.; Feb-Aug 1955; asst min., Min. of Coal Ind., Aug 1955 - Apr 1957; vicemin. of Coal Ind., Apr 1957- Jul 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Apr 1975; vice-min. of Water Conservancy and Electric Power, Feb 1977 - Feb 1979; vice-min. of Water Conservancy, May 1979 - Mar 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); disappeared, Jan 1991.

M 'w


t t

* 1910 Xiangtan, Hunan deceased 1977 Participated in Autumn Harvest Uprising as company chief, 2nd Regiment, 1st Div., Red Army, 1927; after failure fled to Hunan-Jiangxi border region; cdr., 3rd Regiment, Hunan-Jiangxi Independent Div., 1931; served in 8th Red Army and 6th Red Army Corps, 1931-34; dpty cdr., 2nd Regiment, 1st Detachment, New 4th Army, 1938; cdr., 3rd Brigade, 1st Div., New 4th Army, 1942; cos, 6th Div., New 4th Army, 1945; cos, Ν Jiangsu Army Group, E China Field Army, 1947; participated in Ν Jiangsu and Huai-Hai campaigns, 1948; dpty, 8th Army Group, 3rd Field Army, Feb 1949; led his troops to cross Changjiang (Yangtze), Apr 1949; cdr., S Jiangsu Mil. Distr, 1949; cdr., Jiangsu Mil. Distr, 1952; made ltngen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., Nanjing Mil. Reg, 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967.


Liu Xianzhi

M & &

Liu Xichang

Liu Xiao

M &

Dpty for Shandong to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); deputy for Shandong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); vice-gov., Shandong PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Shandong Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1983; disappeared, May 1983.

Liu Xianzhou

* ' J fà

* 1891 Wan County, Hebei Studied at Chongshi Middle School, Baoding, Hebei, 1906; joined Tongmenghui (Revolutionary Alliance), 1908; participated in 1911 Revolution; made unsuccessful attempt to dynamite a railway bridge to stop movement of Manzhu troops, 1911; teacher at Yude Middle School, Baoding, 1912; admitted to Preparatory Dpt, Beijing Univ, spring 1913; studied mechanical engineering in Hong Kong Univ, 1914-18, graduating with 1st class honors; received Ph.D. from London Univ, 1920; subsequently worked as prof, at Yude Middle School, Tianjin College, Hebei Univ, 1921-23; pres., Beiyang Univ in Tianjin, 1924; prof., NE Univ in Shenyang and dean, Tangshan College, 1927-31; prof., Mechanical Engineering Dpt, Qinghua Univ, 1932; prof., SW Associated Univ, Mar 1932; one of 4 professors, sent by Qinghua Univ to U.S.A. for further studies, Mar 1946; took up research on agricultural machine-building, Univ of Illinois and inspected six states along Missisippi Valley; returned to China, Aug 1947; vice-pres., Qinghua Univ, Dec 19491964; mem., Stand. Comte, Assn for Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Knowledge, Aug 1950; mem., Ν China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; deputy for Hebei to 1st NPC, 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958, and to 3rd, Oct 1964); vice-pres., Mechanical Engineering Society, Aug 1954; mem., Dpt of Technological Sciences, CAS, May 1955 - Cult. Rev.; joined CCP, Jun 1955; 1st vice-pres., Qinghua Univ, May 1961; pres., Agricultural Machinery Society, Mar 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev. Publications: English-Chinese Dictionary of Engineering Terms; China's Position in the History of Thermo Engines; Chinese Inventions in Power-Transmission; Chinese Inventions of Timepieces; A History of Chinese Inventions in Mechanical Engineering; Activities of the Revolutionary Alliance in the Northeast Before 1911 Revolution.

V * 1907 Xiangtan, Hunan deceased 1988, Jun 11 Son of a small landlord and teacher. Graduated from higher primary school, 1922; further studies at an American mission and a modern school in Nanjing, 1923-25; continued studies for 6 months at Polit. Science Inst, at Wusong in Shanghai, 1925-26; joined CCP, 1926; after KMT-CCP rift worked in middle school near Shanghai, 1927; worked with salt workers at Pudong, 1927-28; jailed for one year, Jun 1928-1929; again imprisoned in Shanghai, 1930-31; worked in Party apparatus in Fujian Prov., 1932; sec., Fujian CP, 1933; mem., Central Executive Comte, Chinese Soviet Republic, Feb 1934; made Long March in Polit. Dpt, 1st Front Army, 1934-35; sec., Jiangsu Prov. CP, 1941-45; alt. mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Jun 1945; sec., Shanghai CP, 1947-49; 2nd sec., Shanghai CP, 1949-55; dir., Org. Dpt, Shanghai CP, 1949-51; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Feb 1950 - Dec 1952; ehm, People's Supervision Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Feb 1950; council mem., Shanghai MPG, 1950-55; mem., E China Admin. Comte, Jan 19531954; dir., Org. Dpt, E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1952-54; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959, and 4th, Jan 1965); ambassador to USSR, Jan 1955-1962; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; vice-min. of Foreign Affairs, May 1963 - Apr 1967; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Moscow, Nov 1964; ambassador to Albania, Apr 1967; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, May 1968; first reappearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 Sep 1985.

Liu Xichang

*»] % §

Entered polit, scene as a "Red Guard" from Guanghua Sawmill in Beijing, 1967; with establishment of Beijing Rev Comte elected mem. of its Stand. Comte, Apr 19671977; mem., "Red Guard" del. to 5th Congr of Albanian Youth Fed, Jun 1967; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973, and to 11th CC, Aug 1977); ehm, Rev Comte, Guanghua Sawmill, Sep 1969; mem., Stand. Comte, Beijing CP, Apr 19711978; vice-chm, Beijing Branch, All-China Fed of TU, Apr 1973-1978; vice-chm, Beijing Rev Comte, Jun 1976 Dec 1977; disappeared, Dec 1978.


Liu Xigeng

Liu Xigeng M % Jk Vice-chm, Rev Comte, Jiangsu Prov., Dec 1977 - May 1978; dpty head, agricultural del. to Japan, May 1978; vice-min. of Agriculture and Forestry, Jun 1978 - Feb 1979; vice-min. of Agriculture, May 1979 - May 1982; head, del. to 15th Session of FAO Regional Conf. for Asia and the Pacific, New Delhi, Mar 1980; adviser, Min. of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fishery, Sep 1982; disappeared, Sep 1982.

L i u Xilin




Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected by 4th, Dec 1964); mem., Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, SC, Sep 1959 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978.

Liu Xinglong M X f k Maj-gen. and dpty cdr., Guangdong Mil. Distr and concurrently cdr. of Guangzhou Garrison, Jun 1959; cdr., Guangdong Mil. Distr, May 1965-1967; leading mil. cadre, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Dec 1970; dpty cos, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Oct 1972-1980; mem., mil. del. to Congo, Zaire (head: Chi Haotian), Jun 1978; disappeared, Oct 1980.

Liu Xingyuan


•1911 Shenze County, Hebei Graduated from Beijing Normal Univ, 1934; lectured at NW China Univ, 1946-49; middle school principal in Chongqing, 1951 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Sichuan PPC, Apr 1983 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Oct 1989.

Liu Xing Μ Í Dir., Polit. Dpt of a PLA army, 1948; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte (S WM AC), Jul 1950- Jan 1953; dpty dir., Communications Dpt, SWMAC, Jul 1950; dpty dir., Industrial Dpt, SWMAC, Oct 1951; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, SW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 -Sep 1954; mem., Planning Com, SC, Sep 1954; mem., State Construction Com, SC, Nov 1954; vice-min., State Construction Com, Dec 1956- Feb 1958; vice-min., 6th Min. of Machine Building, SC, Oct 1963 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev, 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., CCP Comte, Xinjiang AR, May 1971-1975; vice-gov., Sichuan PPG, Oct 1981 - Apr 1983; disappeared, Apr 1983.

Liu Xing M * 1906 Shaoyang, Hunan deceased 1981, Aug 7 Joined CCP in early life; participated in Autumn Harvest Uprising in Hunan, 1927; after failure followed Mao Zedong to Jinggang Mountains and engaged in political work in Red Army, 1934; served in Enemy Work Dpt, General Polit. Dpt, 18th Group Army, 1940; council mem., Hunan PPG, Mar 1950- Jan 1953; sec-gen., CCP Comte, Hunan Prov., Mar 1950; chief procurator, People's Procuracy, Hunan Prov., Dec 1951-1953; dir., Beijing Inst, of Geology, Jan 1953 - Jul 1958; vice-min. of State Farms and Land Reclamation, Nov 1958 -Cult. Rev.; mem.,

* 1908 Ju County, Shandong Joined Red Army and CCP, 1931; polit, cadre in unit of New 4th Army, 1940; dir., Polit. Dpt, Pinghai Mil. Distr in Shandong, 1943; cos, 3rd Div., New 4th Army, 1945; polit, commissar, 1st Column, NE Field Army, 1947; head, Cadre Dpt, Polit. Dpt, 4th Field Army, Jan 1949; head, Cadre Dpt, Polit. Dpt, 4th Field Army, Jan 1949; head, Cadre Dpt, Polit. Dpt, Central-S China Mil. and Admin. Comte, 1950-53; dpty polit, commissar, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Jun 1955; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; 2nd polit, commissar, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Dec 1963; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., Natl Defense Council, Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev.; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and to 11th CC, Aug 1977); ehm, Guangdong Rev Comte, May 1969 - Apr 1972; 1st polit, commissar, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, May 1969 - Apr 1972; 1st sec., Guangdong CP, Dec 1970 - Jul 1972; 1st Party sec. and ehm, Rev Comte, Sichuan Prov., Feb 1973 - Jan 1976; 1st polit, commissar, Chengdu Mil. Reg, Feb 1973 - Jan 1976; cdr., Chengdu Mil. Reg, Jan 1976 - Oct 1977; vice-chm, Sichuan Rev Comte, Apr 1976 - Nov 1977; disappeared shortly after reelection to mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977.

Liu Xinquan & Dir., Polit. Dpt, 14th Div., 5th Column, NE Field Army, 1948; dpty polit, commissar in a div. of 42nd Corps, 4th Field Army, 1949; mem., Pres., Congr of Battle Heroes, Sep 1950; polit, commissar, 42nd Corps, 1953; maj-gen.


of PLA unit in Guangdong, Nov 1959; asst min., Min. of Foreign Affairs, May 1960 - Apr 1964; vice-min. of Foreign Affairs, Apr 1964 - Jun 1966; branded as a counterrevolutionary revisionist on the charge of having supressed Red Guards' activities at Beijing Inst, of Foreign Languages and purged, Jun 1966; ambassador to USSR, Nov 1970 - Mar 1976; ambassador to Albania, Sep 1976-1978; dpty dir., Intl Liaison Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1979 - May 1982; mem., CCP del. to Yugoslavia (head: Peng Chong), Oct 1980; head, CCP del. to Ν Korea, May 1981; CCP representative to 20th anniversary of independence of Burundi, Jun 1982; adviser, Intl Liaison Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1982-1983; head, Party workers' visiting group to Romania, Jul 1982; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Dec 1983.

Liu Xiufeng

M % ^

Liu Xiyao

Dpty dir., 3rd Bureau, Min. of Foreign Trade, Feb 1955; dir., 4th Bureau, Min. of Foreign Trade, May 1960; mem., del. under Zhou Enlai visiting ten African nations, Dec 1963 - Feb 1964; asst min., Min. of Foreign Trade, Apr 1963 - May 1977; representative at Sino-Japanese Memorandum Trade Office, Mar 1970; head, economic del. to Japan, Sep 1973; head, Chinese pavilion at That Luang Fair in Laos, Oct 1975; vice-min. of Foreign Trade, May 1977; head, exhibition group to Japan, Sep 1977; head, del. to Conf. of Trade Ministers of UN Economic and Social Comte for Asia and the Pacific, India, Aug 1978; pres., Chinese Section, Sino-Japanese Joint Comte for the Long-term China-Japan Trade Agreement, Mar 1979; head, trade del. to Japan, Mar 1979; head, del. to 5th UN Conf. on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Manila, May 1979; dir., Board of Directors, China Intl Trust and Investment Corp. (CITIC), Oct 1979-1983; head, trade del. to Japan, Jul 1981; head, trade del. to New Zealand and Australia, Sep 1981; mem., Chinese Comte, Council of Chinese and Japanese Non-Governmental Personages, Sep 1982; head, trade del. to Japan, Nov 1983; Chinese trade representative in Japan, Jan 1986; vice-chm, Foreign Affairs Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.

* 1911 Wan County, Hebei Joined CYL, 1924; imprisoned in Baoding, 1926; after release, made sec., CCP Comte, home county, 1926; after underground activities in Tianjin, arrested again and imprisoned for 9 years, 1926-35; after release made dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Comte, Hebei Prov., 1935; underground activities in Baoding, 1937; received training in Yan'an, 1939; engaged in cadres work, 1943; served successively as sec., CCP Comte, Zhangjiakou City and ehm, Zhangjiakou Consultative Council, 1944-45; mayor of Shijiazhuang, Aug 1979; vice-mayor, Tianjin MPG and concurrently vice-chm of its Financial and Economic Comte, Sep 1949; dir., Org. Dpt, Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1951; vice-chm, Ν China Admin. Comte, Dec 1951 - Sep 1954; ehm, Financial and Economic Comte and concurrently dir., Ind. Bureau, Ν China Admin. Comte, 1951; mem., Central Organs Production Admin., G AC, Feb 1952; dpty sec., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1953; vice-min. of Building, early Sep 1954; min. of Building, late Sep 1954-1964; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 - Apr 1959; head, building construction del. to USSR, Aug 1955; deputy for Hebei to 2nd NPC, Oct 1958; mem., govt del. to Poland, May 1960; head, educational del. to United Arab Republic, Mar 1964; branded an anti-Party element and purged, Jan 1967.

* Jilin deceased between 1969-72 Attended Moscow Sun-Yat-sen Univ; worked in CCP Comte, Hebei Prov., 1930; imprisoned by Nationalist Govt, 1931-36; chief, Cadres Section, Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte and concurrently dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Comte, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxi Border Region, 1939; dir., Org. Dpt, Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, 1948; council mem., Jilin PPG, May 1950 - Sep 1954; sec., CCP Comte, Jilin Prov., May 1950; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Jan 1956 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959, and to 4th, Dec 1964); dpty sec., Control Comte, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1956-Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1949 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1965); branded a follower of Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping and purged, Mar 1967. A memorial service for Liu and others was held Jan 25, 1979.

Liu Xiwen

Liu Xiyao

* 1916 Shanxi



Liu Xiwu

M %

Μ Φ &

* 1916 Changsha, Hunan


Liu Xiyuan

Attended Wuhan Univ; joined CCP, 1937; served as CCP sec. in counties and prefectures, 1938-49; sec., Hongshan Distr CP in Hubei Prov., 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Comte and concurrently vice-ehm, Land Reform Comte, Hubei PPG, 1950; 1st dpty sec., Hubei Prov. CP, Dec 1953 - Mar 1954; vice-min., State Technology Com, Feb 1957; vice-min. State Science and Technology Com, Sep 1959 - Sep 1963; disappeared, Oct 1963; reappearance: alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973; to 11th CC, Aug 1977); head, Science and Education Group, SC, Mar 1972; min., 2nd Min. of Machine Building, Jan 1975; min. of Education, Jan 1977 - Jan 1979; vice-gov., Sichuan PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Nov 1980 - Feb 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Apr 1986 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); disappeared, Apr 1988.

Liu Xiyuan

Liu Xuechu *f W Dir., Nanjing Engineering College, Dec 1961; vice-min. of Education, SC, Dec 1978 - May 1982; mem., Natl Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; disappeared, May 1982.

Liu Xuexin M # Vice-min. of Metallurgical Ind., Dec 1977 - May 1982; vice-pres., Chinese Metals Society, Aug 1978; mem., govt del. to Sweden (head: Ma Yi), Jun 1979; disappeared, May 1982.

Liu Yalou

*>] &


M & iL

* 1917 Ji'an County, Jiangxi Joined Red Army, 1930 and CCP, 1932; polit, commissar, 3rd Column, NE Field Army, 1947; dpty dir., Youth Dpt, General Polit. Dpt, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, Feb 1953 - Oct 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, Democratic Youth Fed, Jun 1953; made-maj-gen. and awarded order "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; sec., New Democratic Youth League, Oct 1955; vice-chm, Democratic Youth League, Feb 1956; mem., youth del. to German Democratic Republic, Mar 1956; deputy for Hubei to 1st NPC, by-elected, Jun 1956 (reelected to 2nd, Sep 1958); council mem., China-Nepal Friendship Assn, Sep 1956; head, youth del. to Albania, Nov 1956; head, youth del. to Japan, Mar 1957; sec., CYL, May 1957; head, youth del. to India and Burma, Oct 1957; ehm, All-China Youth Fed (successor of Democratic Youth Fed), Apr 1958; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Apr 1959; head, CYL del. to 7th World Youth Festival, Vienna, Austria, Jul 1959; vice-chm, World Fed of Democratic Youth, Aug 19591965; council mem., China-Africa Friendship Assn, Apr 1960; dpty polit, commissar, Lanzhou Mil. Reg, May 1970-1972; identified as ltn-gen., Jun 1972; mil. cadre in Guansu Prov., Sep 1972; dpty polit, commissar, Nanjing Mil. Reg, 1973-81; mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; disappeared, Dec 1981.

* 1911 Wuping County, Fujian deceased 1965, May 7 Graduated from middle school. Joined CCP and Red Army, 1929; polit, commissar, 11th Div., 4th Army, 1932; Long March: polit, commissar, 2nd Div., 1st Front Army, 1934-35; cdr., 1st Div., 1st Front Army, fall 1935; dpty cdr., 2nd Column, Shaanxi-Gansu Detachment, Jan 1936; studied at Red Army Academy and subsequently at Anti-Japanese Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1936-37; served at latter as dir. of its Training Dpt and later dean of education, 1937; mil. training at Frunze Mil. Academy in USSR, 1938-42; commandant of a motorized army school at Yan'an, 1942-45; cos, NE Democratic Allied Army (cdr.: Lin Biao), 1946-48; cos, NE PLA, 1948; cos, 4th Field Army, 1949; cdr., PLA Air Force, Aug 1949death; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Moscow, Aug 1952; deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Natl Defense Council, Oct 1954 (reelected Apr 1959 and Jan 1965); made col-gen. and awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; head, Air Force del. to USSR, Jun 1956; mem. of Mao Zedong's del. to USSR to attend 40th anniversary celebrations of Russian October Revolution, Nov 1957; vice-min. of National Defense, Sep 1959- death; mem., goodwill del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1960; mem., mil. del. to Ν Vietnam, Dec 1961; head, mil. del. to Cuba, Jul 1963; accompanied vice-premier Li Xiannian to Romania, Aug 1964; visited Pakistan, Sep 1964. Li was married several times. His second wife was a daughter of Su Zhaozheng, an early Communist leader, whom he married during his Moscow years. In 1964 he was married to Zhai Yunying.


Liu Ya'nan M & Vice-ehm, Rev Comte, Hunan Prov., Nov 1977 - Dec 1979; deputy for Hunan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Natl Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; vice-gov., Hunan PPG, Dec 1979; disappeared, Dec 1981.

Liu Yangqiao M ^T * 1911 deceased 1980, Aug 17 Polit, commissar, 6th Subdistr, Shaanxi-Suiyuan Mil. Distr, 1946; dpty sec-gen., SW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jan 1951; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte (SWMAC), Sep 1951; mem., Land Reform Comte, SWMAC, Oct 1951; dir., Admin. Office, Industrial Work Comte, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1956; vice-pres. and 1st Party sec., Wuhan Univ, Mar 1958; vice-pres., Wuhan Branch, CAS, Jun 1959; sec., Hubei Prov. CP, Apr 1960; vice-min. of Higher Education, Dec 1964 - Cult. Rev.; branded a capitalist reader and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1973; cadre of State Admin. Bureau for Museums and Archeological Data, May 1973; head of del. to U.S.A. for an exhibition of archeological discoveries, Dec 1974; cadre, Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Oct 1975; sec., Foreign Affairs Bureau, CASS, Apr 1978; sec-gen., CASS, May 1978; head, del. of CASS to Australia, Mar 1979; vice-min of Education, May 1979 death.

Liu Yanqing



* 1923 Yangquan, Shanxi Cadre, Yuxian County and Xin County Admin. Office, 1947-52; service in Procuratorate, Shanxi Prov., 1952-58; service in departments of Shanxi PPG, 1958 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty-editor-in-chief, Shanxi People's Publishing House, 1972-75; dpty dir., Publications Bureau, Shanxi PPG, 1975-83; chief procurator, Shanxi Prov., Sep 1983; vice-chm, Shanxi PPC, Jan 1988; disappeared, May 1990.

Liu Yifu

L i u Y a x i o n g (f)



* 1901 Xing County, Shanxi deceased 1988, Feb 21 Studied at Taiyuan Normal School for Girls, 1917-21; and at Beijing Teachers' College, 1923-26; joined CCP, 1926; studied at Moscow Sun Yat-sen Univ, 1927-28; took part in organizing guerilla forces in home prov., 1937-45; sec., Changchun City CP in Jilin Prov., 1946-47; mem., Executive Comte, All-China Women's Fed, Apr 1949 Mar 1967; mem., NE People's Govt, Aug 1949 - Nov 1952; delegate of Women's Fed to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; vice-min. of Labor, Nov 1952 - Jun 1964; deputy for Changchun City to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; deputy for Jilin to 2nd NPC, Jul 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Central Control Com, CCP Central Comte, 1963; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; denounced as a follower of Liu Shaoqi and purged, Mar 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: by-elected mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Jul 1979 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983).

Liu Yifu



* 1919 Zaozhuang City, Shandong Joined CCP, 1938; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Yi'nan County CP, 1939; dpty dir., S Shandong Branch, XNA, 1945-47; sec., Licheng County CP, 1948-49; section chief in Propaganda Dpt, Zhejiang Prov. CP, 1950-51; Party sec., Zhejiang Univ, 1952-55; dir., Education Dpt, Zhejiang PPG, 1955 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Zhejiang Prov., Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; vice-gov., Zhejiang PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; ehm, Scientific and Technological Com, Zhejiang PPG, Apr 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, Advisory Com, Zhejiang CP, Dec 1983; pres., Party School, Zhejiang Prov. CP, Dec 1983; vicechm, Advisory Com, Zhejiang Prov. CP, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.


Liu Yin

Liu Yin

M %

* 1909 deceased 1985, May 26 First morse transmitter of China News Agency, 1931; ehm, Preparatory Comte for Telecommunications Workers TU, Seo 1949; ehm, Postal and Telecommunications Workers TU, Mar 1950 - Aug 1953; vice-min., 2nd Min. of Machine Building, Nov 1954 - Feb 1958; when the min. was incorporated into 1st Min. of Machine Building; vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Jun 1958-1960; vice.-min., 3rd Min. of Machine Building, Sep 1960 - Sep 1963; head, scientific and technological del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1961; vice-pres., China Electronics Society, Nov 1962; vice-min., 4th Min. of Machine Building, Jun 1963 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Jiangxi to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: cadre of SC, Oct 1973; vice-min., 4th Min. of Machine Building, Apr 1975 -May 1982; vice-pres., China Electronics Society, Apr 1975; head, electronics del. to Japan, Nov 1976; deputy for Jiangxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; head, electronics del. to Federal Republic of Germany, May 1979; pres., China Electronics Society, Sep 1979-1983; ehm, Board of Directors, China Natl Electronic Technology Import and Export Corp., Mar 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 death.

Liu Ying (f)


* 1905 Changsha, Hunan Joined CCP, 1925; her first husband was killed by KMT forces, 1927; studied in Moscow, late 1920s; participated in Long March with 1st Front Army working with Hu Yaobang in Propaganda Dpt, CYL, 1934-35; married Zhang Wentian (q.v.) around 1935; mem., Central Comte, CYL, 1936; assistant min., Min. of Foreign Affairs, Jan 1955; dir., Personnel Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Jun 1958; deputy for Henan to 2nd NPC, Apr 1959; disappeared together with husband, 1961; first reappearance: mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; mem., Presidium, 14th CCP Congr, Oct 1992.

Liu Yingxian Liu Ying


* 1924 Xian County, Hebei Youth and CCP cadre in Hebei Prov., 1940-49; dpty sec., Hebei Prov. Branch, NDYL, 1950-53; 1st sec., Handan City CP, 1957 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Hebei Prov., 1973 - Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Hebei Prov. CP, Jan 1978; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 Sep 1982; dpty sec., Hebei Prov. CP, Jun 1982 - Mar 1983; vice-chm, Hebei PPC, Apr 1983 (reelected May 1988); deputy for Hebei to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, May 1988.


^ ^


1st sec., embassy in Congo, Aug 1964 - Cult. Rev.; chargé d'affaires ad interim in Congo, Mar 1972; ambassador to Gabon, Aug 1974 - Nov 1979; concurrently ambassador to Sao Tome and Principe, May 1976 - Nov 1979; ambassador to Guinea Bissau, Apr 1980 - Apr 1984; concurrently ambassador to Cape Verde, Apr 1980 - Sep 1983; dir., General Office, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Feb 1985; disappeared, Feb 1985. Liu was married to Li Xiyou.

Liu Yongsheng * 1903 Shanghang County, Fujian deceased 1984, Jan 7 Attended county primary school, where Zhang Dingcheng was teacher; under Zhang's influence joined CCP, 1928, and at the same time Zhang's Communist guerilla unit; rose in Zhang's army from company to regiment cdr., 1929-34; remained behind with 140 men when Zhang led force northward, Mar 1938; soon later ordered to go to S Anhui, but returned to Nanchang after having reached Jinhua; later went alone to W Fujian and expanded guerilla band from 12 men to more than 20,000, fall of 1938; engaged in guerilla activities until 1945; made cdr., Yongding Mil. Subdistr, Sep 1945; cdr., Fujian-Guangdong-Jiangxi Border Reg Column, Apr 1949; joined forces with PLA 4th Field Army at Huizhang, 1949; subsequently incorporated his troops; dpty cdr., Fujian Mil. Distr, Oct 1950; mem., Fujian PPG, Oct 1950; mem., Land Reform Comte, Fujian PPG, May 1951; deputy for Fujian to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Feb 1959, and to 3rd, Sep 1964); made maj-gen., 1957; dpty cdr.,


Fuzhou Garrison Command, Dec 1957; vice-gov., Fujian PPG, Feb 1959 - Cult. Rev.; cdr., Fujian Mil. Distr, Aug 1959; alt. mem., Central Control Comte, CCP Central Comte, 1963; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of Fujian Pro v., Oct 1968; disappeared, Oct 1968; first reappearance: vice-chm, Rev Comte of Fujian Prov., Auf 1975 (reelected Jan 1978) - Dec 1979; dpty head, Leading Group for Family Planning, Fujian Rev Comte, Feb 1977; deputy for Fujian to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, Fujian PPC, Dec 1979 - death. Liu was married to Huang Yueying.

Liu Yongye


1975; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988); polit, commissar, Natl Defense Scientific and Technological Com, SC, Feb 19811983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., Law Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); disappeared, Jun 1992.

Liu Yuanxuan



* 1909 Fuzhou City, Fujian Graduated from Ind. Dpt, Fudan Univ, 1933; worked successively as manager of Jianji Company, manager of Zhongxing Enterprize Company, and Fuzhou Electricity Company (all in Fujian Prov.), 1935-49; vice-mayor, Fuzhou MPG, 1955-57; vice-chm, Fujian Prov. Branch, CDNCA, Oct 1980; vice-chm,. Fujian PPC, Apr 1983 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Jan 1988.

Liu Youguang

Liu Yii'e (f)




¡É? * 1914 Jing County, Hebei Imprisoned by KMT in Beijing, 1936; cadre, Polit. Dpt, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1939; polit, commissar, 13th Brigade, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1946; polit, commissar, 13th Army, 2nd Field Army, 1949-50; dir., Polit. Dpt, Yunnan Mil. Distr, Aug 1950; dir., Polit. Dpt of a corps, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 195154; dpty commandant, Harbin Mil. Engineering College, 1955; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; polit, commissar, No. 5 Research Inst., Min. of Natl Defense, 1957-64; deputy for PLA to 2nd NPC, Jun 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-min., 7th Min. of Machine Building, May 1965Cult. Rev.; during Cult. Rev. branded a renegade and purged, Feb 1967; first appearknee after Cult. Rev., Sep

* 1911 Day i County, Sichuan Served in KMT army successively as cdr. of a brigade, div. and corps, 1937-49; went over to the Communist side with his 24th KMT Army at Yaan in Xikang Prov., 1949; dpty cdr., Xikang Mil. Distr, 1950-53; dir., Civil Affairs Dpt, Xikang PPG, 1953-55; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); vice-chm, Sichuan PPC, Jan 1989; vice-chm, Sichuan Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1993.

Liu Yudi M & * 1923 Cang County, Hebei Joined 8th Route Army, 1938; served in 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1940-41; studied in Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. College, Yan'an, 1941-42; graduated from NE Aviation School, 1948; served successively as squadron and group cdr., Air Force, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951-53 (shot down six enemy planes; named 1stclass combat hero); colonel, PLA Air Force, Sep 1964; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; cdr., Air Force, Beijing Mil. Reg, Oct 1979-1989; deputy fo PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); dpty cdr., Beijing Mil. Reg, Jan 1988; made ltn-gen., Sep 1988; disappeared, Sep 1988.

L i u Y u ' e (f)



1935 Muping County, Shandong


Liu Yumin

Joined Xiangtan Textile Printing and Dyeing Mill, 1953; succeeded in attending 1,050 spindles at her post, 1954; named "advanced nati worker", 1956; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Xiangtan Textile Printing and Dyeing Mill, 197172; dpty sec., Xiangtan City CP, 1972-73; sec., Hunan Prov. Branch, CYL, 1977; ehm, Hunan Prov. Branch, All-China Fed of TU, May 1982; vice-chm, Hunan PPC, Jan 1988; mem., Presidium, All-China Fed of TU, Oct 1988; disappeared, Oct 1992.

Liu Yumin

Κ deceased during Cult. Rev. Once worked for Shanxi Prov. Govt under Yan Xishan; dir., Industrial Dpt, Fujian PPG, 1949; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, Fujian PPG, Nov 1950; manager, Engineering Co., Min. of Building, early 1955; asst min. of Building, May 1956 - Feb 1958; vice-min. of Building, Aug 1958 - Mar 1965; head, building del. to Ν Korea, Jun 1963; deputy for Shanxi to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; vice-min., State Capital Construction Com, SC, Apr 1965; branded a capitalist-roader and revisionist and purged, Feb 1967. Remarks: A memorial service for Liu was held Jan 24, 1979.

responsible for the students' unrest in Beijing, Mar-Jun 1989; went into excile, 1989; visiting prof, at Colorado Univ, 1994.

Liu Zengkun


* 1923 Hejian County, Hebei Graduated from Shanghai Fudan Univ; worked successively as dir., Yongli Chemical Ind. Company and dir., Yongli Dagu Factory, 1948-66; dir., Bureau of Chemical Ind., Tianjin MPG, 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, Tianjin Municipality CP, Mar 1983 - Oct 1985; vice-mayor, Tianjin MPG, Apr 1983 -Oct 1985; vice-chm, Tianjin MPC, Oct 1985 (reelected May 1988); disappeared, May 1988.

Liu Zhen



L i u Y u n b o (f) M ^r ill * 1905 Studied medicine in Germany, 1930s; deputy for Sichuan to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; deputy for Sichuan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988); vice-chm, Sichuan PPC, Dec 1980 (reelected Apr 1983); dpty dir., Inst, of Advanced Medical Studies, Jun 1983; disappeared, Mar 1988. Remarks: Liu was a noted gynecologist and pedriatrician.

Liu Zaifu



* 1941 Fujian Dir., Inst, of Literature, CASS, Mar 1985 - Apr 1987; named a literary critic, Nov 1985; article in RMRB, Sep 9, 1986, "Hold high the sacred banner of humanism"; dismissed from his post as editor-in-chief, Literary Critics (Wenxue Pinglun), Apr 1987; Chinese Literature 1987/III published his short story Banyan, the March of Life, Jun 1987; mem., writers' del. to France, May 1988; reappointed dir., Inst, of Literature, CASS, Oct 1988; named

* 1915 Xiaogan County, Hubei deceased 1992, Aug 20 Polit, commissar of a unit, Red Army, 1935; wounded in action near Yuanzhaitou, summer 1935; studied at AntiJapan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Ν Shaanxi, 1936; cdr., 10th Brigade, 4th Div., New 4th Army, 1941; after Japanese capitulation ordered to Manchuria (under Lin Biao) and made cdr. of Jilin-Heilongjiang Mil. Reg, 1945; involved as part of NE Field Army in the battle at Tianjin, Jan 1949; dpty cdr. of an army corps, Oct 1950; council mem., NE China People's Govt, Oct 1951 - Jan 1953; made col-gen. of PLA Air Force, Sep 1955; mem., mil. del. to USSR, Nov 1957; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, by-elected May 1958 - Cult. Rev.; dpty cdr., PLA Air Force, 1959; commandant, Air Force Academy, Sep 1965; accused of having conspired with Cheng Jun to stage a coup d'etat with support of He Long, Jan 1967; forced to "struggle session" in front of 40,000 people and purged, Sep 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Aug 1977; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (confirmed by 12th CC, Sep 1982) - Sep 1985; cdr., Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Sep 1977 - Feb 1979; 3rd CCP sec., Xinjiang AR, Sep 1977 - Feb 1978; 2nd CCP sec., Xinjiang AR,


Mar 1978 - Feb 1979; 2nd sec., Party Comte, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Feb-Jun 1979; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; resigned from his position as mem., 12th CCP Central Comte and elected mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 - death.

Liu Zheng


* 1929 Changsha, Hunan Studied at Hunan Univ; sec. of Zhou Hui (dpty sec., Hunan Prov. CP), 1950; sec., Changsha County CP, Mar 1956; dir., Office of Policy Research, Hunan Prov. CP, 1960; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt for Agriculture and Forestry, Hunan Prov. CP, Feb 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec., Hengdong County CP, 1974; dpty sec., Shaoyang Distr CP in Hunan Prov., 1976; mem., Stand. Comte, Hunan Prov. CP, Mar 1982; sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Feb 1983 Jun 1985; gov., Hunan PPG, May 1983 -Jul 1985; deputy for Hunan to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., gov.s 1 del. to U.S.A., Apr 1985; dpty sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Jul 1985-1989; ehm, Hunan Prov., Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1988; disappeared, Aug 1989.

Liu Zhenyuan


* 1935 Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Graduation from Zhongnan Mining Ind. College, 1955; joined CCP, 1956; went to USSR to study at Bayikov Metallurgical Inst., 1956; obtained associate doctor's degree, 1960; worked at Shanghai Metallurgical Inst., 1960Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., Shanghai Metallurgical Inst., CAS, Jan 1979; vice-mayor of Shanghai, Apr 1983 (reelected Apr 1988); visited Bulgaria, Apr 1989; disappeared, Sep 1992.

Liu Zhijian

M & %

I »: m ·

* 1912 Pingjiang County, Hunan

Liu Zhiming

TU cadre, 1930; joined CYL, 1930; joined Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, 1931; took part in Long March, 1934-35; dir., Propaganda Section, Polit. Dpt, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; stayed in USSR, 1939-44; dir., Polit. Dpt, army corps in Shanxi-Hebei-ShandongHenan Mil. Reg, 1947; dpty polit, commissar, 4th Army, 2nd Field Army, Feb 1949; dir., Propaganda Dpt, General Polit. Dpt, Revolutionary Mil. Council, 1950; awarded orders of "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class and made maj-gen., Sep 1955; mem., mil. del. to USSR, Jun 1957; dpty dir., PLA General Polit. Dpt, Jan 1958; ltn-gen., Apr 1958; dpty head, defense sports del. to Leipzig, German Democratic Republic, Apr 1958; vice-chm, Sino-Cuban Friendship Assn, Dec 1962; head, friendship del. to USSR, Sep 1963; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; mem., Natl Defense Council, Jan 1965; during Cult. Rev. branded an anti-Mao element and purged, Feb 1967; first apppearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; polit, commissar, Kunming Mil. Reg, Dec 1975 - Feb 1979; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; sec., CCP Comte, Kunming Mil. Reg, Oct 1978 - May 1979; 1st polit, commissar, Kunming Mil. Reg, Feb 1979 - Oct 1982; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Kunming Mil. Reg, Oct 1979; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, by-elected Aug 1979; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; article in RMRB Oct 22, 1982, "Foster the revolutionary spirit of dedication to Communism"; resigned as mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1989.

Liu Zhiming


* 1906 Liaoning Joined CCP, 1928; teacher in Legal and Polit. College, Shanghai, 1930; went to Yan'an, 1937; dir., Education Dpt, Central Party School, 1940; followed Communist troops to NE China, 1945, and made sec., Cultural Work Comte, NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1945-1949; mem., Stand. Comte, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles (ACFLAC), Jul 1949 - Cult. Rev.; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1949; council mem., NE People's Govt, Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; dir., Dpt of Culture, NE People's Govt, Apr 1950 - Jan 1953; vice-chm, Cultural and Educational Comte, NE People's Govt, Apr 1950; vice-chm, NE Branch, SinoSoviet Friendship Assn, Sep 1952; mem., NE Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; vice-min. of Culture, G AC, Sep 1953 - Jun 1955; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese Writers' Association, Sep 1953; mem., Editorial Board, Northeast Literature and Art, Sep 1954; vice-min. of Culture, SC, Jun 1955 - Sep 1959; pres., China-Romania Friendship Assn, Sep 1958; vice-chm, ACFLAC, May 1963 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Natl Comte, 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Jun 1967.


Liu Zhiqiang

Liu Zhiqiang



Natl model laborer of Hunan Rubber Plant, 1976; alt., mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; disappeared, Dec 1978.

Liu Zhong

jt>] &

Joined CCP and Red Army, 1929; praticipated in W Fujian Uprising, 1929; polit, commissar, 2nd Sub-District, Taiyou Distr, 1945; cdr. of a brigade under Chen Geng's Army Corps, Sep 1945; cdr., 15th Column, Xu Xiangqiang's Army Corps, Jul 1948; cdr., 62nd Army, 18th Army Group, 1949; mem., W Sichuan People's Admin. Office, 1950; ehm, Yaan Mil. Control Com and concurrently cdr., Xikang Mil. Distr, Feb 1950; led troops under Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951-?; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; economic representative in Ν Vietnam, Apr 1963; dpty commandant, Inst, of Advanced Mil. Science, Mar 1966; disappeared, Jul 1975.

Liu Zhonghou


* 1924 Wuxi City, Jiangsu Joined CCP, 1942; sec., Dongtai County CP, 1946-48; served in Policy Research Office, Central China Working Com, CCP Central Comte, 1949; dir., General Office, Supervision Com, Jiangsu PPG, 1951-54; sec., Qidong County CP, 1957 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Yancheng Prefecture CP, 1975-77; vice-min. of Education, Nov 1977-1979; mem., State Nationalities Affairs Com, SC, May 1979-1983; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Jiangxi Prov., Jun 1982 - Mar 1983; general cdr., Jiangxi Flood Prevention Command, Jun 1982; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Jiangxi Prov. CP, Sep 1985; disappeared, Sep 1985.

Liu Zhongrong



* 1902 Yiyang County, Hunan deceased 1980, Mar 27 Studied at Moscow Sun Yat-sen Univ; returned to China, 1927; according to Taiwan sources, he was a Communist agent inside the KMT from about 1936; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Dec 1958); dir., Beijing Inst, of Foreign Languages, Jan 1955; dpty dir., Beijing Inst, of Foreign Languages, Jan 1959; mem., Central Comte, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Mar 1956; deputy for Hunan to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first apperance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Sep 1972 - death; deputy for Hunan to 4th NPC, Jul 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; vice-chm, Central Comte, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Oct 1979 - death.

Liu Zhuanlian


* 1912 Chafing County, Hunan Joined CCP, 1930; served in 2nd Front Army, 1933; participated in Long March, 1934-35; cdr., 717th Regiment, 359th Brigade, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938; cos, 359th Brigade, 1942; cdr., 359th Brigade, 1946; cos, 1st Column, NW Field Army, 1947; dpty cdr., 1st Column, NW Field Army, 1948; cdr., PLA 1st Army, 1951; cdr. of army with Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1953; dpty cdr. of an army group in Korea, 1954; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; cdr., Lüshun-Dalian (Port Arthur-Dairen) Garrison, Feb 1958; dpty cdr., Ν China Sea Fleet, PLA Navy, Aug 1961; dpty cdr., Shenyang Mil. Reg, Jun 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev, 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

Liu Zhuofu



Took part in 11th Olympic Games, Berlin, as mem. of Chinese basketball team, Aug 1936; served in Central Hebei Admin. Office, 1938; worked at HQ of 120th Div., 8th Route Army, NW Shanxi, early 1940; as leader of "Combat" basketball team of 120th Div., led his team in winning all matches held in Yan'an, Sep 1940; served in Independent 4th Brigade, NW Shanxi, Sep 1942 -Aug 1945; dpty manager, NW General Trading Corp., 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Comte and concurrently dpty dir. of its Trade Dpt, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte,


Jul 1950 - Jan 1953; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, and concurrently dpty dir. of its Trade Dpt, SW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Oct 1954; vice-min. of Trade, SC, Oct 1954 - Sep 1955; vice-min. for Purchase of Agricultural Products, SC, Sep 1955 - Dec 1956; vice-min. of Urban Services, SC, Mar 1957; vice-gov., Yunnan PPG, Mar 1958 - Dec 1963; sec., CCP Comte, Yunnan Prov., Dec 1958 - Cult. Rev.:; head, Yunnan Party and govt del. to Ν Vietnam, Jun 1960; pres., Yunnan Branch, ChinaVietnam Friendship Assn, Aug 1961; vice-min., Com for Price Control, SC, Sep 1963 - Cult. Rev.; branded a "revisionist element" and purged, Feb 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Hebei to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dir., State Bureau of Commodity Prices, Oct 19791982; pres., Prices Society, Dec 1980; adviser, State Admin. of Commodity Prices, Dec 1982; deputy for Yunnan to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Law Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; disappeared, Jun 1983.

Liu Zihou



* 1911 Hebei Studied in Beijing, 1931; dir., Finance Dpt, Henan-Hubei Border Reg Admin. Office, 1947; mem., Control Com, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949 -Jan 1953; mem., Hubei PPG, Mar 1950-1952; dir., Org. Dpt, Hubei CP, Mar 1950; vice-gov., Hubei PPC, Feb 19521954; 2nd sec., Hubei CP, Feb 1952; mem., Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953-1954; gov., Hubei PPG, Jul 1954 - Jan 1956; dir., Sanmen Gorge Project, 1956; transferred to Hebei Prov. and made gov., Apr 1958; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, elected at 2nd Plenum, May 1958; polit, commissar, Hebei Mil. Distr, Jul 1958; sec., Hebei CP, Jul 1958-1964; deputy for Hebei to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); sec., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1963; 2nd sec., Hebei CP, Mar 1964; Liu was one of the few leading provincial cadres who survived the Cult. Rev., though severely attacked by Red Guards, without loss of influence, 1966-67; 1st vice-chm, Hebei Rev Comte, Feb 1968- Apr 1973; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and to 11th CC, Aug 1977) - Sep 1982; 1st sec., Hebei CP, May 1971 Jan 1980; ehm, Hebei Rev Comte, Apr 1973-1979; head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Aug 1974; polit, commissar, Beijing Mil. Reg, Mar 1975-1979; forced to make a selfcriticism for Hebei's slowness in carrying out Party policies and clearing up problems left over from the Cult. Rev.; Mar 1979; criticized as a leftist and disappeared,

Liu Zizai

Feb 1981; by-elected mem., Natl Comte, 6th CPPCC, Mar 1986; by-elected mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Apr 1986; disappeared, Apr 1986. Married to Liu Dong.

Liu Zijiu -f ^ * 1901 (05) Shandong?, Henan? deceased 1988? Dir., Org. Dpt, Henan Prov. CP, 1937; sec., W Henan Distr CP, 1942; studied at Central Party School at Yan'an, 1944; alt. mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Jun 1945-1950; dir., Polit. Dpt, Ν Hubei-Henan Mil. Subdistr under New 4th Army, 1946-49; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Central Plains Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1949; mem., Finance and Economic Comte, G AC, Oct 1949 - Oct 1954; dir., Culture and Education Comte, All-China Fed of Labor (ACFL), 1949-53; vice-chm, Educational TU, 1950-53; visited USSR, Apr 1952; mem., Executive Comte and Secretariat, ACFTU, 1953-61; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov, 1958); head, TU del. to Burma, Jan 1955; head, TU del. to Czechoslovakia, May 1955; vice-min. of Labor, Apr 1955-1961; branded as a renegade and purged, 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1978; disappeared, Dec 1978.

Liu Zimo M -f fé Dir., Finance Dpt, People's Govt, Xinjiang AR, Apr 1963; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Xinjiang AR, Jun-Sep 1979; vice-chm, People's Govt, Xinjiang AR, Sep 1979 - Apr 1983; adviser, People's Govt, Xinjiang AR, Apr 1984; disappeared, Apr 1984.

Liu Ziyi η f H Deputy for Guizhou to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958-1964; dir., Education Dpt, Guizhou CP, Dec 1958; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Sichuan Prov. CP, May 1965; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Sichuan Prov. CP, Jul 1978-1983; vice-chm, Sichuan PPC, Dec 1979 - May 1985; disappeared, May 1985.

Liu Zizai *·] - f A * Hunan Mem., Liaodong PPG, May 1950; vice-chm, Liaodong TU, May 1950; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, May 1953 - Sep 1954; vice-chm, Cultural and Educational Comte, NE Admin. Comte, Sep 1953 - Sep 1954; vice-min. of Higher Education, Nov 1954 - Feb 1958; pres., Higher Educational Admin. Cadres' Academy, Dec 1956 - Jan 1960; vice-min. of Education, SC, Nov 1958 - Jun 1964; head, educational del. to Bulgaria, Romania, USSR, Dec 1958 - Feb 1959; vicechm, China-Africa Friendship Assn, Apr 1960; vice-min. of Higher Education, SC, Aug 1964 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Natl Comte, 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; disappeared, during Cult. Rev., 1966.


Long Guangqian

Long Guangqian

m i t t

* 1943 Before the Cult. Rev. worked in the Geology Office in Qinghai Prov., 1965, and entered the political scene as a Red Guard; mem., Stand. Comte, Qinghai Rev Comte, 1968-77; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); mem., Stand. Comte, Qinghai CP, Jan 1974-1977; vice-chm, Qinghai Branch, All-China Fed of TU, Jan 1974; disappeared, Oct 1977.

Long Nian

M* &

* 1933 Tianchang County, Anhui Cadre, Bureau of Heavy Ind., Bengbu City, 1958-67; mem., Stand. Comte, and dpty sec., Bengbu City, 197685; mayor of Bengbu City, May 1985; vice-gov., Anhui PPG, May 1987 - Feb 1993; vice-chm, Anhui Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1993.

1931; mem., KMT Central Control Comte, 1935; during Sino-Japanese War, due to construction of Burma Road, forces of KMT Central Govt entered Yunnan, 1937-40; dir., Chiang Kai-shek's Yunnan HQ in Kunming, 1940; mem., KMT 6th Central Control Comte, May 1945; when Du Liiming engineered a coup in Kunming, fled to Chongqing and became ehm, Mil. Council and then gov. of Yunnan, 1945; due to manifestation of opposition against Chiang Kai-shek, had to flee to Hong Kong, 1948; with 44 KMT members, gave a reception to reporters and issued signed manifesto "Our Recognition and Stand with Regard to the Chinese Revolution at the Present Stage", Aug 1949; specially-invited delegate to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Central People's Govt, Oct 1949; vice-chm, SW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Aug 1954; deputy for Yunnan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Presidium, 1st Ν PC, Sep 1954; vice-chm, Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Feb 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959); vice-chm, Central Comte, Rev. Comte of the Chinese KMT, Feb 1956; mem., NPC del. to USSR and Eastern Europe, Nov 1956; labelled a rightist, Feb 1958; Long's label of rightist was removed one day after his death, Jun 28, 1962. Long was married to Gu Yingqiu. Remarks: Long's half brother was Lu Han (q.v.).

Long Zehui

J¿ # >C

Long Shujin * 1917 Platoon leader, 1st Front Army, Feb 1935; company leader, 685th Regiment, 343 Brigade, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; battalion cdr., 3rd Div., New 4th Army, 1940; cdr., 2nd Training Regiment, Shandong Mil. Distr, 1943; brigade cdr., 7th Div., Bohai Mil. Distr, 1946; cdr., 17th Div., 6th Column, NE Field Army, 1947; dpty cdr., 43rd Army, 4th Field Army, 1949; cdr., Guangdong Mil. Distr, 1958; cdr., Hunan Mil. Distr, Sep 1961; mem., Hunan PPC, Mar 1962; mem., Stand. Comte, Hunan CP, 1963-67; 1st vice-chm, Hunan Rev Comte, Apr 1968; ehm, Xinjiang AR Rev Comte, Sep 1968-1972; cdr., Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Nov 1968-1972; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; disappeared, Feb 1972.

Long Yun

ik ^

* 1885 Chaotong County, Yunnan deceased 1962, Jun 27 Long belonged to the Yi minority. Graduated from Yunnan Mil. Inst.; cdr. of 5th Army under Tang Jiyao's army when it attacked Guangxi, 1924; after Tang's one-man rule was overthrown, a comte was established with Long as a mem., 1927; supported Chiang Kai-shek's Northern Expedition and became ehm of Yunnan; mem., KMT Mil. Council, cdr. of 38th Army under Nationalist Revolutionary Army, and cdr.-in-chief of 13th Route Army, 1928; alt. mem., 4th Executive Comte, KMT Central Comte,

* 1910 Zhaotong, Yunnan deceased 1991, Mar 3 Belonged to Yi minority. Graduated from KMT Central Mil. Academy, 1932; served in KMT army, successively as cdr. of a division, the 93rd Corps and of the 13th Army under the 4th Army Group, 1945-49; went over to the Communists, 1949; dir., Forestry Dpt, Yunnan PPC, Aug 1956-1958; alt. mem., Central Comte, Revolutionary Comte of the KMT, Nov 1958; vice-chm, Yunnan Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1964; vice-chm, Yunnan Branch, Revolutionary Comte of the KMT, Jul 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; ehm, Yunnan Branch, Revolutionary Comte of the KMT, Oct 1980; vice-chm, Stand. Comte, CPPCC, Jun 1983 - Mar 1988; vice-chm, Yunnan PPC, Aug 1985 (reelected May 1988); -death.


Lou Erkang




* 1910 Shaoxing City, Zhejiang deceased 1991, Apr 29 Graduated from Electric Motors Dpt, Zhejiang Univ, 1933; taught at Qinghua Univ, Beijing, 1934-35; studied in Germany, 1936-37 and Great Briatin, 1938-39; served successively as engineer in Kunming No 1 Factory and Shanghai Factory of the Central Electric Equipment Plant, 1940-45; chief engineer, Shanghai Cable Factory, 194955; chief engineer, Shenyang Cable Factory, 1955-66; deputy for Liaoning to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); dpty chief engineer, NE Electric Machinery Manufacturing Company, 1966-69; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1969; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Liaoning to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983, and to 7th, Mar 1988); vice-chm, Liaoning PPC, Feb 1980 - death; council mem., Chinese Electric Technology Society, May 1981. Remarks: Lou led design and production of China's first 500-KW ultra-light tension cable.

Lou Ningxian Jr * 1910 Shanghe County, Shandong Dpty dir., Staff Office, Tianjin MPG, 1950; dir., Press and Publication Dpt, Tianjin MPG, Apr 1950; dpty secgen., Tianjin MPG, 1952; council mem., Tianjin MPG, Jan 1953; vice-mayor, Tianjin MPG, Jul 1958 - Dec 1963; vice-pres., Tianjin Broadcasting and Correspondence Univ, Feb 1959; vice-pres., Tianjin Branch, Chinese People's Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Jan 1962; ehm, Comte for Spare-time Education, Tianjin MPG, Dec 1962; vice-pres., Nankai Univ, Jul 1964; pres., Tianjin Branch, Chinese People's Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Dec 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Lozong Zucheng & ^ Ä "Ä * 1926 deceased 1981, Nov 15 L. belonged to the Tibetan minority. Deputy for Tibet AR to 3rd NPC, Dec 1964; pres., Tibet People's Court, Sep 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Tibet Rev Comte, Dec 1975 - Aug 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte of Tibet AR, Jan-Nov 1977; dir., Farm Production and Livestock Breeding Dpt, Tibet Rev Comte, Mar 1979; vice-chm, People's Govt, Tibet AR, Aug 1979 - death.

Lu Dingyi

Lu Dadong



Sec., Leshan Distr CP, Sichuan Prov., 1950; dir., Ind. Dpt, Chongqing City CP, May 1954; dpty sec., Chongqing City CP, Oct 1955; sec., Chongqing City CP, May 1957-1972; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Chongqing City, Jun 1968 - Apr 1974; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th, Aug 1973); mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte, Sichuan Prov., Jun 1972- Nov 1977; 2nd sec., Chongqing City CP, Jun 1972-1976; ehm, Rev Comte, Chongqing City, Apr 1974; 1st sec., Chongqing City CP, May 1976-1978; sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Apr 1977 - Aug 1980; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985); vicechm, Rev Comte, Sichuan Prov., Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; gov. of Sichuan, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; head, Sichuan del. to Yugoslavia, Mar 1980; deputy for Sichuan to 5th NPC, by-elected Aug 1980; 2nd sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Sep 1980 - Feb 1983; mem., gov.s' del. to U.S.A. (head: Xi Zhongxun), Oct 1980; made self-criticism because of slow progress of industrial development in Sichuan, Oct 1981; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Sichuan Prov. CP, Feb 1983 - Apr 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, Sichuan Prov. CP, Feb 1983-1985; dir., State Office in charge of readjustment, Jun 1985; resigned as mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1985; mem., Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Sep 1989.

L u Dingyi



* 1906 Wushi, Jiangsu deceased 1996, May 9 Joined CCP, 1925; graduated from Xi'an Jiaotong Univ; subsequently continued studies in USSR; took part in 6th CCP Congr in Moscow, 1928, and later in a Comintern congr; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CYL, 1930; went to Chinese Soviet Area at Ruijin, 1931; cadre, Propaganda Dpt, Red Army General Polit. Dpt, 1933; participated in Long March, 1934-35; dir., Propaganda Dpt, 8th Route Army, 1937; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1945 -


Lu Dongming

Jun 1953; mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Jun 1945 (reelected to 8th CC, Sep 1956 - Cult. Rev.); Communist delegate to negotiations with Nationalist Govt, 1946; participated in inaugural session of 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; vice-chm, Culture and Education Comte, GAC, Oct 1949; mem., Assn for Reform of the Chinese Language, Oct 1949; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949; mem., Natl Comte, China Peace Comte, Oct 19491958; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1953 - Oct 1954; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Aug 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954- Apr 1959; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1954 Cult. Rev.; delivered the later famous speech on the subject "Let a hundred flowers blossom", May 26, 1956; alt. mem., Politburo, CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Comte for Popularization of the Common Spoken Language (putonghua), 1956; mem., Assn for the Elimination of Illiteracy, 1956; accompanied Mao Zedong to Moscow (40th anniversary of October Rev), Oct 1957; vice-premier, SC, Apr 1959 - Cult. Rev.; mem., CCP del. to Conf. of 81 Communist Parties (head: Liu Shaoqi), Moscow, Nov 1960; mem., Secretariat, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1962- Cult. Rev.; min. of Culture, Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev.; head, Party and govt del. to German Democratic Republic, May 1965; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Dec 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jan 1979; vice-chm, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Jul 1979 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983 Apr 1988); mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, by-elected Sep 1979 - Sep 1982; hon. pres., Society of Contemporary Chinese History, Jun 1980; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987 - Oct 1992); article in RMRB Dec 24, 1983, "Apply Mao Zedong Thought to do a good job in Party rectification" commemorating Mao's 90th birthday); article in RMRB May 7, 1986, "Historical review of v A hundred flowers blooming and a hundred schools of thought contending' - in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the vdouble-hundred policy'"; mem., Presidium, 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; mem., Presidium, 14th CCP Congr, Oct 1992; disappeared, Oct 1992. Lu's wife was executed by the Nationalists in 1928 (they had two children); his second wife, Yan Weibing, by whom he had three children by 1947, died Mar 15, 1986.

Lu Dongming

* 1930

fir £



Received a middle school education. Started construction of a small power plant in Fu'an County, Fujian Prov., 1953; awarded a gold medal for his efforts on quality in Mindong Electric Machinery Company in Fujian, 1979; vice-gov. of Fujian, Oct 1982; gen-mgr., E Fujian Electrical Machinery Company, Oct 1982; dismissed as Fujian's vice-gov. for moral laxity, Dec 1983. Married to Chen Youhua, the daughter of a former KMT general.

Lu Guang Dpty dir.. Industrial Work Dpt, CCP Comte, Heilongjiang Province, Apr 1960; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Heilongjiang Prov., Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Heilongjiang CP, May 1978 - Apr 1983; vicechm, Heilongjiang PPC, Apr 1983; deputy for Heilongjiang to 6th NPC, May 1983; disappeared, Nov 1985.

Lu Han Ρ vX * 1896 Chaotong, Yunnan deceased 1974, May 13 Lu belonged to the Yi nationality. Graduated from Yunnan Mil. Academy, 1912; served subsequently in various units of Yunnan military forces; commissioner of Finance, later commissioner of Construction, Yunnan Prov. Govt, after Northers Expedition, 1929; cdr., 10th Route Army, AntiRebel Force, 1930; cdr., 60th Army, 1937; cdr., 30th Army Corps, 1938; cdr., 1st Group Army engaging in battles in Jiangxi, Hunan, Anhui, 1939; returned to Yunnan for defense of Sino-Vietnamese Border, 1941; made concurrently cdr. of Yunnan-Vietnam Border Defense HQ, 1944; cdr., 1st Area Army, Mar 1945; mem., Central Comte, KMT, May 1945; after victory over Japan appointed to accept Japanese surrender in Vietnam; succeeded Long Yun as gov. of Yunnan, Oct 1945; cdr., Yunnan Army, Nationalist Group Army to fight against Communists in NE China, 1947; soon returned to Yunnan and continued as gov., 1947; openly declared allegience to Communists upon being assured of keeping Yunnan gov. ship, Dec 1949; ehm, Yunnan Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949; vice-chm, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950- Jan 1953; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, byelected Nov 1951; vice-chm, SW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Aug 1954; deputy for Yunnan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958, and to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964); mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 -Cult. Rev.; mem., NPC Stand. Comte, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd NPC, Apr 1959, and to 3rd NPC, Jan 1965); vicemin., Physical Culture and Sports Com, SC, Oct 1954 Cult. Rev.; awarded order of "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., Central Comte, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Feb 1956; head, physical culture del. to USSR, Jul 1956; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Dec 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; unharmed during Cult. Rev. Lu Han was also known as Lu Yongheng; his half brother was Long Yun (q.v.).


Lu Jinlong

Lu Hong

Cadre in departments under Fujian Prov. CP, 1951-52; sec., General Office, E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1952-53; sec., General Office, Supreme People's Procuratorate, 1955 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again sec., General Office, Supreme People's Procuratorate, 1973-75; dir., General Office, Min. of Justice, 1982-85; vice-min. of Justice, Jun 1985 - Dec 1992; visited Thailand, Apr 1988; disappeared, Dec 1992.

* 1926 Lii County, Shandong Sec., CYL, Jiaozhou Prefecture, 1953-55; 1st sec., Dingtao City CP, 1955-58; 1st sec., Chengwu and later Jinxiang County CP, 1958 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec., Jining Prefecture CP, 1973-76; sec., Dezhou Prefecture CP, 1978-83; vice-gov., Shandong PPG, Apr 1983 Feb 1988; vice-chm, Shandong PPC, Feb 1988 - Apr 1993; deputy for Shandong to 8th NPC, Mar 1993.

Lu Jindong

Lu Huansheng

Mem., Central Comte, CYL and dir. of its Org. Dpt, Jul 1953; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Comte, CYL, Mar 1960; sec., CYL, Jul 1964 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Hebei to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; mem., youth del. to Albania, Apr 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first reappearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1973; cadre, Physical Culture and Sports Com, Oct 1975; head, sports del. to Thailand, May 1976; head, sports del. to Singapore, May 1978; vice-min., Physical Culture and Sports Com, Jun 1978Jun 1985; vice-pres., All-China Sports Fed, Mar 1979; head, sports del. to Yugoslavia, Dec 1980; head, sports del. to 11th Olympic Congr, Baden-Baden, FR Germany, Sep 1981; vice-pres., Chinese Olympic Comte, Sep 1981; head, govt del. to Benin to attend the dedication ceremony of Cotonou stadium built with Chinese aid, Nov 1982; head, sports del. to Ν Korea, Dec 1982; head, sports del. to Morocco, Jul 1983; head, sports del. to Japan, Sep 1983; head, sports del. to Yugoslavia and Italy, Nov 1983; dpty head, Chinese Olympic team to Summer Olympic Games, Los Angeles, U.S.A., Jul 1984; head, sports del. to German Democratic Republic and Spain, Oct-Nov, 1984; disappeared, Jun 1985.


iW -

* 1932 Nantong City, Jiangsu Graduation from Water Conservancy Dpt, Tianjin Univ, 1955; lecturer at Tianjin Univ, 1957 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty dir., Tianjin Water Conservancy Inst., 1980-81; dir., Water Conservancy Bureau, Tianjin MPG and concurrently dir., Admin, for Project of Diverting Water from Luanhe Reiver to Tianjin, 1981-88; vice-mayor, Tianjin MPG, May 1988 - Aug 1993; vice-chm, Tianjin Branch, CPPCC, Jun 1993. Publication: Editor-in-Chief of German-Chinese Water Consenancy-Hydroelectric Engineering Dictionary.


% %

* 1932 Wuxing County, Zhejiang

Lu Jinlong fit 4 : & Model industrial worker, 1973; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); dpty Party sec., Xuzhou Mining Bureau, Jiangsu Prov., May 1977; disappeared, Dec 1977.

Lu Leshan (f)

Lu Leshan (f)


p /fc

chine Building, Dec 1979 - May 1982; mem., Stand. Comte and dpty sec-gen., 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Aprt 1988); vice-chm, Education and Cultural Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Sep 1989.

Lu Ruilin

* 1917 Xintao, Hubei Graduated from Education Dpt, Yanjing Univ, 1938; graduated from Toronto Univ, Canada, 1949; returned to China, 1950; subsequently started to work as prof, at Beijing Teachers' Univ; vice-pres., Beijing Pre-School Education Society, 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, All-China Women's Fed, Apr 1983; visited Belgium, 1983; vicechm, All-China Women's Fed, Sep 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, CDL, Oct 1988; visited U.S.A., 1989; disappeared, Jun 1992. Lu was married to Lei Haipeng. Publication: Maria Montessori's Pre-School Education

Lu Ping

* 1908 Wuxiang County, Shanxi Joined CCP, 1932; advanced from company to regimental cdr., Red Army, 1932-38; studied at Anti-Japanese Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1937; polit, commissar, 5th Subdistrict, Taihang Mil. Distr, 1939; polit, commissar of a brigade, 121st Div., 8th Route Army, 1940-43; cdr., 3rd Mil. Distr, Taihang Mil. Distr, 1943; cdr., 16th Brigade, 1946; cdr., 13th Subdistrict, Taihang Mil. Distr, 1947; polit, commissar, 62nd Army, 18th Army Group, 2nd Field Army, 1949; vice-chm, Xikang PPG, Mar 1950 - Jun 1954; dpty polit, commissar, Xikang Mil. Distr. Mar 1950-1954; cos, PLA Armored Forces, Sep 1954; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., PLA Armored Forces, Mar 1956 - Nov 1958; dpty cdr., Kunming Mil. Reg, Nov 1958-1976; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Yunnan Prov., Aug 1968 - Aug 1973; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); sec., Yunnan CP, Jun 1971- Apr 1973; 1st sec., Guizhou Prov. CP, Aug 1974-1976; dpty cdr., Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Nov 1977; adviser, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Sep 1981; disappeared, Sep 1981.

Lu Shaowu

* 1914 Changchun City, Jilin As a student of Beijing Univ engaged in "Dec 9 Student Movement", 1935; went to Yan'an, 1938; subsequently cadre in youth affairs; sec., Kowloon (Hong Kong) CP, 1946; dir., Youth Work Comte, All-China Fed. of Trade Unions, 1948-52; mem., Stand. Comte, NDYL, Apr 1949 - Dec 1952; attended 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 - Dec 1954; dir., Polit. Dpt, Min. of Railways, Jul 1950; dir., Harbin Railway Admin. Bureau, Dec 1952 - Nov 1954; vice-min. of Railways, Oct 1954-Oct 1957; vice-pres., Beijing Univ, Oct 1957 - Jun 1960; deputy for Heilongjiang to 2nd NPC, Sep 1958; vice-pres., Sino-Romania Friendship Assn, Oct 1958 - Jul 1961; council mem., Sino-Latin American Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; pres., Beijing Univ, Jun 1960- Cult. Rev.; pres., Sino-Romanian Friendship Assn, Aug 1961; deputy for Beijing to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; during Cult. Rev. attacked by the first big character poster, posted by Nie Yuanzi (Dazi bao), May 1966; denounced as a revisionist and purged, Jun 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: hon. pres., China Vacuum Society, Dec 1979; vice-min., 7th Min. of Ma-


Ρ ^


* 1913 Yongning County, Guangxi Lu belonged to the Zhuang minority. Cos, 5th Div., 3rd Red Army Corps, Nov 1934; during Long March cdr. of a battalion and then a regiment, 1934-36; mem., Guangxi PPG, 1949; ehm, Wuming Mil. Control Com, 1949; cdr. of a div., 13th Group Army, 4th Field Army, 1950; dpty cdr., Guangxi Mil. Distr, Dec 1953 - Jun 1955; deputy for Guangxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958, and to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-gov., Guangxi PPG, Feb 1955 - Mar 1958; cdr., Guangxi Mil. Distr, Jun 1955; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Guangxi Prov., Mar 1957; vice-chm, People's Govt, Guangxi AR, Mar 1958 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Comte for Receiving and Resettling Returned Overseas Chinese, SC, Apr 1963; mem., Motions Examination Comte, 3rd NPC, Dec 1964; mem., Presidium, 2nd Natl Games, Sep 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Nov 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Guangxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; disappeared, Feb 1978.


Lu Sheng



Lu Xuzhang

Lu Xusheng




L· W K Í * 1911 Guangdong Joined Red Army, 1932; cdr., Independent Batallion, Red 3rd Regiment in Fujian Prov., 1934; cdr., 4th Regiment, 2nd Column, New 4th Army, 1937; dpty cdr., 3rd Brigade, 1st Div., New 4th Army and concurrently dir., Polit. Dpt, 3rd Subdistr, Central Jiangsu Mil. Distr, 1941; dir., Polit. Dpt, 4th Column, E China Field Army, Jan 1946; polit, commissar, 4th Column, E China Field Army, 1948; polit, commissar, 23rd Army, 3rd Field Army, Feb 1949; while leading 23rd Army across Yangtze River (Changjiang), clashed with British battleship and caused international dispute, Apr 1949; polit, commissar, 29th Army, summer 1949; polit, commissar, Fujian Mil. Distr, 1953; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dir. Polit Dpt, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Jul 1959; dpty polit, commissar, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Aug 1964-1976; mem., Stand. Comte, Party Secretariat, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Jun 1977-1980; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; adviser, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Jun 1978-1981; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983; disappeared, Oct 1986.

Lu Tianji

Α Φ if

Miner in Zhaozhuang Coal Mine in Shandong Prov., 1968; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and to 11th CC, Aug 1977); ehm, Shandong Branch, All-China Fed of TU, Jul 1973-1978; mem., Stand. Comte, Shandong CP, Jan 1977; disappeared, Dec 1978.

Lu Xuebin fife Ψ M, * 1912 Cixi County, Zhejiang Dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Ν Anhui Distr Comte, 1950; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950- Jan 1953; vice-gov., Anhui PPG, 1956-65; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte of Anhui Prov., Dec 1957; alt. sec., Secretariat, Anhui CP, Jan 1959-1965; alt. sec., Secretariat, CCP Comte, Xinjiang AR, Sep 1965; charged of having supported Peng Dehuai and purged, Mar 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, People's Congr, Xinjiang AR, Sep 1979 - May 1985; disappeared, May 1985.

* 1931 Shazhou County, Jiangsu Graduation from Metallurgical Dpt, Beijing Iron and Steel Inst., 1957; served as engineer and finally dir., Daye Steel Plant, 1960-82; vice-min. of Metallurgical Ind., Sep 1986 - Apr 1988; vice-min. of Materials, May 1988; disappeared, May 1988.

Lu Xuzhang



* 1911 Ningbo, Zhejiang Graduated from Shanghai College of Commerce; manager, Guangda Huahong, a Hong Kong overseas trade company, before 1949; dpty dir., Commerce Dpt, E China Mil. and Admin. Coipte, Feb 1950; manager, China Import and Export Corp., Mar 1950; mem., del. to Intl Economic Corp., Moscow, Apr 1952; dir., 3rd Bureau, Min. of Foreign Trade, Sep 1953; mem., Central Comte, CDNCA, Apr 1955; dpty head, trade del. to Japan, Apr 1955; asst min. of Foreign Trade, Jun 1955 - Oct 1956; head, economic del. to PR Mongolia, Mar 1956; vicemin. of Foreign Trade, Oct 1956- Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Dec 1956; head, trade del. to Yugoslavia, Jan 1958; head, trade del. to Albania, Mar 1958; head, trade del. to Egypt, Dec 1958; head, trade del. to Finland, May 1959; head, trade del. to Cuba, Jul 1960; head, trade del. to Egypt, Jan 1961; head, trade del. to Mali, Feb 1961; representative of PRC at independence celebrations of Sierra Leone, Apr 1961; head, trade del. to Great Britain, Switzerland, Netherlands, Burma, Hong Kong, Mar-May 1963; head, trade del. to Mali, Jul 1964; representative of PRC attending 1st anniversary of Congolese Rev., Brazzaville, Aug 1964; head, trade del. to Niger, Dahomey, Central African Republic, Sep 1964; head, trade del. to Ceylon, Oct 1964; representative of PRC attending independence celebrations in Kenya, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev. at mourning ceremonies for Zhou Enlai, Jan 1976; dir.,

Lu Yanhao


Intl Travel Service, May 1978; dir., General Admin, for Travel andTourism, Jan 1979 - Oct 1980; head, tourism del. to Egypt and Malta, Jan 1980; head, travel and tourism del. to U.S.A., Sep 1980; vice-min., Administrative Com on Import and Export Affairs, Jul 1981 -Mar 1983; vice-min., Foreign Investment Com, SC, Sep 1981 - Mar 1982; vice-min. of Foreign Trade, Nov 1981 - Mar 1982; head, trade del. to Venezuela, Brazil, Cuba, Mar 1982; vice-chm, China Intl Cultural Exchange Center, Jul 1984; adviser, Min. of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, Mar 1985 - Jan 1986; adviser, Assn for Promotion of Intl Friendship, May 1985; mem., Natl Comte, 7th CPPCC, May 1988; disappeared, May 1988.

57; labeled a rightist, 1957, and forbidden to publish or exhibit his works until 1976; prof, at Zhejiang Inst, of Fine Arts, 1982; council mem., Chinese Artists' Assn, 1982; mem., Board of Directors, Research Academy of Chinese Painting, 1982; deputy for Zhejiang to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); disappeared, Mar 1988. Remarks: Lu's paintings were exhibited in Hangzhou, Beijing, Hong Kong and in further exhibitions at home and abroad; he was especially known for his landscape paintings. Publications: 3 painting albums; Some Opinions on Landscape Paintings.

Lu Yanhao


# Lu Zhian ^ -5r Polit, commissar, Qinghai Mil. Distr., Oct 1970-1981; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Qinghai Prov., Mar 1971-1978; sec., Qinghai CP, Apr 1979; disappeared, May 1981.

" f * .

t Ö 1) * 1898 Hua County, Shaanxi deceased 1972, May 22 Graduated from Beijing Univ; studied at Sun Yat-sen Univ, Moscow, 1925-27; returned to China together with Deng Xiaoping, 1927; sec., CCP Comte, Shaanxi Prov., 1927; arrested and imprisoned by Song Zheyuan's troops, 1929; released when Yang Hucheng entered Shaanxi and


sent to study in France, 1930-33; after return to China, worked for Yang, 1933-36; supervisor, Mass Movement Comte, CCP Comte of Ν Shaanxi, 1937; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Comte, Hubei Prov., 1938; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Mil. Reg, 1939; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Shanxi-Suiyuan Border Govt, 1947; directed attack on Shijiazhuang, 1947; polit, commissar, PLA 19th Army Corps, Feb 1949; ehm, Ningxia Mil. Control Com, Aug 1949; sec., CCP Comte, Ningxia Prov., Aug 1949; ehm of Ningxia, Dec 1949 - May 1952; mem., NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jun 1950 - Jan 1953; ehm. Financial and Economic Comte, Ningxia PPG, Aug 1950-1951; sec., CCP Comte, Shaanxi Prov., May 1952 - Sep 1954; vice-chm of Shaanxi, Nov 1952 - Sep 1954; mem., NW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; deputy for Shaanxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; ambassador to Ν Korea, Sep 1954Feb 1956; ambassador to India, Apr 1956 - Jul 1962; concurrently ambassador to Nepal, Apr 1956-1960; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956- Cult Rev.; ambassador to USSR, Nov 1962 - Jun 1966; mem., CCP del. led by Deng Xiaoping to negotiate with CPSU, Jun 1963; deputy for Gansu to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., CCP and Govt del. led by Zhou Enlai to Moscow to attend 47th anniversary celebration of October Rev., Nov 1964; during Cult. Rev. struggled against by Red Guards, branded a big renegade and purged, Dec 1967; died during Cult. Rev.; a memorial service for Pan was held Feb 26, 1979. Pan was married to Yao Shuxian.

Pan Zinian # ^ * 1895 Yixing, Jiangsu Graduated from Philosophy Dpt, Beijing Univ; successively served in following positions: teacher, Baoding Higher Middle School, prof., Beijing Sino-French College, dean, Social Science Dpt, Shanghai Chunzhi College, and prof., Shanghai Polit. Science and Law College; joined CCP, 1926; went to Soviet area in Jiangxi, 1928; helped organize League of Left-Wing Writers in Shanghai, 1930; arrested with Ding Ling for Communist activities in Shanghai and imprisoned in Suzhou, May 1933; released from prison, Jun 1937; dir., Xinhua Daily News, 1938-45; went to Yan'an, 1947; vice-pres., Central Plains College, 1948; council mem., Central Plains Provisional Govt, Mar 1949; dir., Cultural-Takeover Dpt, Wuhan Mil. Control Com, May 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949-1954; pres., Central Plains College, Dec 1949 - Jun 1954; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte (CSMAC), Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; dir., Education Dpt and vice-chm, Cultural and Educational Comte, CSM AC, Mar 1950 - Jan 1953; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1951 - Dec 1954; mem., Nationalities Affairs Comte, CSM AC, May 1952 - Jan 1953; mem., Central-S Admin. Comte (CSAC), Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; vice-chm, Cultural and Educational Comte, CS AC, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected I to 2nd, Oct 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); council mem.,


Chinese Philosophy Society, Sep 1954; dir., Philosophy Inst., CAS, Jun 1955 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955; mem., Awards Comte, CAS, Oct 1955; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Mar 1956; mem., del. to Intl Philosophical Conf., Poland, Aug 1957; council mem., China Afro-Asian Society, Apr 1962; dpty head, Cult. Rev. Group, Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, 1966; branded a big renegade and purged, May 1967. Brothers: Pan Hannian (q.v.), Pan Shu (q.v.).

Panchen L a m a See Baingen Erdeni Qoigi Gyaincain

Pei C h a n g h u i

JL i ?

4 :

Pei Lisheng

Pei Dean




* 1927 Nanchang, Jiangxi Graduated from Agronomy Dpt, Zhongzheng Univ, 1949; dean, Jiangxi Agricultural Inst., 1952-66; cadre, Agricultural Bureau, Jiangxi PPG, 1980-82; mem., Stand. Comte, Jiangxi Prov. CP and concurrently dir. of its Rural Work Dpt, 1982-88; vice-chm, Jiangxi PPC, Feb 1988; disappeared, Sep 1989.

Pei J i a n z h a n g ^ % ^ * 1927 Shandong Acting chargé d'affaires in Great Britain, May 1971; ambassador to New Zealand, May 1973 - Apr 1979; ambassador to Papua New Guinea (concurrently), Oct 1977 Apr 1979; ambassador to Libya, Sep 1979-1983. Pei was married to Pan Jin. * 1897 Weifang City, Shandong deceased 1992, Mar 22 Graduated from Baoding Mil. Academy; dpty cdr., Xi'an KMT Pacification HQ, 1945-48; cdr., KMT 5th Army and then 7th Army, 1948-49; lieutenant-general, 1948; went over to the Communists in Sichuan, 1949; vice-chm, Ν Sichuan Admin. Office, Mar 1950; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950 - Jan 1953; mem., SW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Aug 1954; deputy for Sichuan to 1st Ν PC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jul 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954- Cult. Rev.; awarded order of "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., Central Comte, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Mar 1956; vice-mayor, Chongqing MPG, Sep 1958 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Sichuan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Jan 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); mem., Budget Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; vice-chm, Central Comte, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Oct 1979 - Nov 1988; vice-chm, Sichuan PPC, Dec 1979-1987; hon. vice-chm, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Nov 1988 - death.

Pei Lisheng




* 1907 Yuanzhu, Shanxi Graduated from Qinghua Univ and later studied at Moscow Univ; joined CCP at young age; joined Sacrifice for Natl Salvation League, established by Yan Xishan, 1936; went to Yan'an around 1939 and served in Social Affairs Dpt, CCP Central Comte; dir., Shanyin (Daiyue) Admin. Office, 1946; mayor of Taiyuan MPG, early 1949; vicechm of Shanxi Prov., Dec 1949; dir., Ind. Dpt, Shanxi PPG, Aug 1950; gov., Shanxi PPG, Mar 1952-1957; 2nd sec., CCP Comte, Shanxi Prov., Dec 1953-1957; mem., State Scientific Planning Com, SC, Mar 1956; sec-gen., CAS, Apr 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Jiusan Society, Dec 1958 - Cult. Rev.; vice-pres., Stratigraphy Society, Apr 1959; head, CAS del. to USSR, Feb 1960; vice-pres., CAS, Aug 1960 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Shanxi to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; head, scientists del. to Albania, Apr 1966; branded a "three-anti element" and purged, Feb 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1978; vicechm, Science and Technology Assn, Apr 1978-1986;


Peí Mengfei

head, scientific and technological del. to U.S.A., May 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983; adviser, Assn for the Promotion of Intl Friendship, May 1985; head, del. of scientists to Great Britain, Nov 1985; disappeared, Sep 1986.

1979; dir., Board of Directors, China Intl Trust and Investment Corp., Oct 1979; vice-mayor, Shanghai MPG, Dec 1979 -Apr 1983; adviser to Shanghai MPG, May 1983; vice-chm, Shanghai MPC, Jul 1985 - Apr 1988; disappeared, Apr 1988.

Pei Mengfei

Pei Yangshan

j L ~ X

* Shandong Graduated from Jinan Middle School; sec., CCP Comte, Tainan Distr, 1939; ehm, Henan Prov. Branch, Peasants Assn, 1950; mem., Henan PPG, Jul 1950; dpty dir., Financial and Commercial Dpt, CCP Central Comte, May 1957; sec., CCP Comte, Shandong Prov., Jul 1958; pres., Shandong Branch, CAS, Oct 1958; sec., CCP Comte, Gansu Prov., Dec 1963 - Cult. Rev.; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Jun 1968.

R ^


Served in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg, 1941; mem., Stand. Comte, Hebei Province CP, Nov 1959; alt. sec., Hebei Prov. CP, Apr 1961; 1st sec., Discipline Inspection Comte, Hebei Prov. CP, Mar 1980-1981; sec., Hebei Prov. CP, Apr 1980-1981; disappeared, Nov 1981.

Pei Yingwu

i t *


Pei Wenzhong

* 1903 Gu'an County, Hebei deceased 1982, Sep 18 Graduated from Beijing Univ; subsequently continued his studies at Paris Research Inst, of Ancient Creatures and then at London Univ; after his return to China, conducted archaeological excavations in Ν China where he discovered the skull of the Peking Man near Zhoukoudian, Henan Prov., 1929; research fellow, Geological Research Inst., CAS, 1934; went to London for further studies, 1935; attended World Peace Congr, Paris, 1949; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949; council mem., Hebei PPG, Apr 1950; council mem., China Fed of Dissemination of Science and Technology, Aug 1950; mem., Comte for Higher Education, Ν China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953; mem., Central Comte, Jiusan Society, Mar 1953; mem., Dpt of Biology, Geology and Geography, CAS, May 1955; council mem., Sino-Indonesian Friendship Assn, Jim 1955; dir., Inst, of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleo-Anthropology, CAS, Feb 1956; hon. mem., Royal British Anthropological Inst., Jan 1958; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1973; dpty dir.-gen., Chinese Society of Archaeology, Apr 1979; pres., Assn of Natural Science Museums, Dec 1980; curator, Beijing Natural History Museum, Dec 1980.

Pei Xianbai

& & &

Deputy for Shanghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Shanghai Municipality, May 1978 - Dec

* 1929 Zhengjiang City, Jiangsu Graduation from Mechanics Dpt, Shanghai Jiaotong Univ, 1951; engineer in Heavy Ind. Bureau, State Planning Com, 1951 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty dir., Raw Materials Bureau, State Planning Com, 1975-82; dir., Ind. Production Bureau, State Planning Com, 1982-87; vicechm, People's Govt, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Jun 1988 - Dec 1991; disappeared, Dec 1991.

Pei Zhouyu * 1910? Special commissioner in charge of polit, security, 28th Red Army, 1936; dir., Polit. Dpt, Suiyuan Mil. Distr and concurrently dpty polit, commissar, 8th Army, 1st Field Army, 1949; mem., Suiyuan Mil. and Admin. Comte, 1949; polit, commissar, PLA 69th Army, 1953-64; majgen, Jul 1960; chief, PLA units in Baoding, Hebei, Feb 1964; dpty polit, commissar, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Aug 1965-1975; 3rd polit, commissar, PLA Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Oct 1965-1968; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Xinjiang AR, Sep 1968-1977; polit, commissar, PLA Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Dec 1968-1977; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); 1st CCP sec., PLA Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Nov 1974; dpty polit, commissar, PLA Armored Forces, 1981; disappeared, 1991.


Peng De Ij Mem., State Construction Com, SC, Dec 1956 - Feb 1958; vice-min. of Communications, May 1960 - Jun 1964; head, govt del. to Ν Yemen, Sep 1963; delegate to independence ceremony of Uganda, Oct 1963; 1st CCP sec., Dalian Oceanic Transportation College, Jun 1964; branded a renegade and follower of Liu Shaoqi and purged, Feb 1967.

Peng Dehuai

Ij Û


* 1898 Xiangtan County, Hunan deceased 1974, Nov 29 Bom into a family of rich peasants; lost mother at early age; sent by step-mother to old style Chinese school; subsequently studied in so-called modern school where teacher taught him not to believe in filial worship; left home and worked as a cowherd, coal-miner, shoemaker's apprentice, sodium-miner and dyke-builder, 1909-15; enrolled in Hunan Army, 1916; made platoon leader, 1917; plotted to overthrow Hunan gov., Fu Liangzhuo, failed and escaped, 1918; arrested and released, 1920; company leader in Cheng Qian's army, 1921; sent to Hunan Mil. Academy, 1922; after graduation became battalion cdr. in 2nd Div., KMT Hunan Army, 1924; joined KMT during Northern Expedition, 1926; married middle-school girl Liu Kunmo, 1926; cdr. of a brigade under KMT general He Jian, 1927; joined CCP, Apr 1928; cdr., 1st Regiment, 5th Independent Div. and concurrently acting brigade cdr., 1928; in defiance of orders to suppress the local peasantry, Peng, with assistance of CCP peasant organizer Teng Daiyuan staged the Pingjiang Uprising, Jul 1928; reorganized force of 2,000 troops, into 5th Red WorkerPeasant Army and established Hunan Soviet Govt, Jiil 1928; led force to Jinggangshan to be incorporated into Red 4th Army and himself assumed dpty cdr., Oct 1928; held base on Jinggangshan while Mao Zedong and Zhu De took Red 4th Army on an expedition, Dec 1928; attacked by KMT forces and withdrew to Ruijin to rejoin Mao and Zhu, Jan-Mar 1929; launched first attack on Changsha, Apr 1930; re-grouped 5th Red Army into 3rd Red Army Corps, and appointed dpty chief, Hunan Soviet Govt, Jun 1930; merged 3rd Red Army Corps with Zhu De's 1st Army Corps to form 1st Red Front Army, Aug 1930; sided with Mao Zedong at Futian Incident, Dec 1930; mem., Central Executive Comte, Chinese Soviet Republic, Nov 1931; stormed Huizhou, Jiangxi, Jan 1932; attacked Zhikou, Jul 1932; vice-chm, Central Revolutionary Mil. Council, Aug 1932; Peng was one of the major figures in

Peng Dehuai

repelling the Nationalists' 4th Annihilation Campaign, spring 1933; mem., CCP 6th Central Comte, elected at 5th Plenum, Jan 1934 (reelected to 7th CC, Jun 1945, and to 8th CC, Sep 1956); mem., Central Executive Comte, 2nd Chinese Soviet Natl Congr, Feb 1934; started Long March as cdr., 3rd Army Corps, 1st Red Front Army, Oct 1934; at Party Session at Zunyi elected mem. Politburo, CCP 6th Central Comte, Jan 1934 (reelected to Politburo of 7th CC, Jun 1945, and to Politburo of 8th CC, Sep 1956); joined forces with Xu Xiangqian's 4th Red Front Army and reorganized his troops into 3rd Red Army, Jul 1935; followed Mao Zedong after Maoergai Conf., Jul 1935; assumed command after Shaanxi-Gansu Detachment of Resist-Japan Red Army organized, Sep 1935; 3rd Red Army merged with Xu Haidong's 15th Red Army Corps to form 1st Front Army with Peng as cdr., Sep 1935; vice-chm, NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Feb 1936; dpty cdr.-in-chief, 8th Route Army, Aug 1937; married Pu Anxiu, 1938; cdr.-in-chief, Front Line HQ in Taihang Mountains, 8th Route Army, 1940; launched "Battle of 100 Regiments", Aug-Dec 1940; sec., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1941-43; cos, Mil. Com, CCP Central Comte and concurrently dpty cdr.-in-chief, PLA, 1945; after KMT army occupied Yan'an, remained in Ν Shanxi to direct operations and made cdr., PLA NW Field Army, Mar 1947; recovered Yan'an and made cdr., NW Mil. Reg and concurrently cdr., PLA 1st Field Army, Apr 1948; liberated Xi'an, Lanzhou, Xining and Yinchuan, May-Sep 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 - Dec 1954; vice-chm, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, Nov 1949 - Sep 1954; vice-chm, Mil. Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1949 - Nov 1952; ehm, NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Nov 1949 - Jan 1953; 1st sec., NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1949; cdr. and polit, commissar, PLA Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Dec 1949; cdr., Chinese "People's Volunteerts" in Korea, Oct 1950 Sep 1954; mem., State Planning Com, G AC, Nov 1952 Sep 1954; signed Korean armistice agreement, Kaesong, Jul 1953; deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd. Mar 1959); vice-premier, SC, Sep 1954 - Jan 1965; min. of Natl Defense, Sep 1954 - Aug 1959; vicechm, Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Jan 1965; head, CCP and govt del. to German Democratic Republic, May 1955; made marshall and awarded orders of "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; attended Warsaw Conf. as observer and visited USSR, Sep 1955; accompanied Mao Zedong to Moscow for celebration of 40th anniversary of October Rev, Nov 1957; head, mil. del. to Poland, German Democratic Republic, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Apr-Jun 1959; visited Moscow and Mongolia, Jun 1959; opposed Mao Zedong's economic policies at 8th (Lushan) Plenum, CCP 8th Central Comte, Jul 1959; replaced as min. of Natl Defense by Lin Biao, Sep 1959; travelled to Hunan, Jiangsu and other provinces, collecting materials on economic situation, May 1960; 3rd vice-chm, Construction Comte, SW Bureau,

Peng Deqing


CCP Central Comte, winter 1965; arrested by Beijing "Red Guards" in Changsha and taken back to Beijing, Dec 24, 1966; was interrogated, resulting in a "confession", Dec 1966 - Jan 1967; together with Zhang Wentian put under struggle and then paraded through the streets, Jul 26, 1967; officially branded a capitalist roader, Aug 1967. Remarks: Peng was imprisoned in Dec 1966 and died in prison. Peng was married to Pu Anxiu (q.v.).

Peng Deqing

% Ä

* 1915 Jiangxi Joined CCP at young age; polit, commissar of a regiment, New 4th Army, 1942; dir., Polit. Dpt, 10th Brigade, 6th Div., New 4th Army, 1945; cdr., 12th Div., E China Field Army, 1947; dpty cdr., 22nd Army, 3rd Field Army, Jan 1951; cdr., 27th Army, 3rd Field Army, 1954; made rear admiral, Sep 1955; dpty cdr., E China Sea Fleet, PLA Navy, Jun 1956-1965; cdr., Xiamen Naval Base in Fujian Prov., 1959; cdr., PLA Navy Unit 1072, 1960; vice-min. of Communications, Apr 1965; head, shipping del. to Albania (5th Session, Admin. Council, Sino-Albanian Shipping Corp.), Apr 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1975; again vice-min. of Communications, Oct 1975 1981; head, shipping del. to Albania (11th Session, Admin. Council, Sino-Albanian Shipping Corp.), Apr 1976; head, shipping del. to U.S.A., Apr 1979; head, goodwill mission to Thailand, Oct 1980; min. of Communications, Mar 1981 - May 1982; pres., Navigation Society, Oct 1981; head, govt economic del. to Nepal, Jan 1982; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); head, CCP del. to Ν Korea, Aug 1987; disappeared, Nov 1987.

Peng Dixian

and Admin. Comte, Jan 1950; mem., Sichuan PPG, Aug 1952; pres., Sichuan Univ, Jan 1953-1961; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958, and to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Central Comte, CDL, Feb 1956; ehm, Sichuan Branch, CDL, Sep 1959; vicechm, Sichuan Branch, CPPCC, Sep 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Sichuan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983, and to 7th, Jan 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978-1983; vice-chm, Central Comte, CDL, Oct 1979 - Oct 1988; vice-gov., Sichuan PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Sichuan PPC, Apr 1983 - Jan 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 -Mar 1988; vice-chm, Advisory Comte, CDL, Oct 1988 - death.

Peng Guangwei

% iH tf*

Chm, Sichuan Prov. Branch, ACFTU, Sep 1962; head, TU del. to Hungary, Apr 1963; deputy for Sichuan to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; head, del. of model workers to Cuba, Dec 1964; mem., Executive Council, ACFTU, Dec 1964; ambassador to German Democratic Republic, Jun 1972 Nov 1977; ambassador to Nepal, Oct 1978 - Apr 1981; ambassador to Yugoslavia, Jul 1981 - Nov 1983; disappeared, Nov 1983.

Peng Guihe



Alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); mem., Stand. Comte, Yunnan Prov. CP, Feb 1973-1976; chm, Yunnan Prov. Branch, All-China Fed of TU, Jun 1973-1976; disappeared, Jan 1977.

Peng Jiaqing

Η &

* 1909 Meishan County, Sichuan

deceased between 1991/04 and 1992/02 Graduated from Kyushu Imperial Univ in Japan, 1935; subsequently worked as an assistant in Economic Dpt of that univ and translated Kanae Hatano's On Modern Economics into Chinese; served successively as prof, of NW Associated Univ, Wuhan Univ and Sichuan Univ, 193849; joined CDL and became ehm of its W Sichuan Comte, 1945; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, SW Mil.

* 1909 Ji'an County, Jiangxi Polit, commissar, 4th Column, NE PLA, 1947; dpty polit, commissar, Jiangxi Mil. Distr, Dec 1949; mem., Jiangxi PPG, Mar 1950-1954; dpty polit, commissar, Shandong Mil. Distr, Sep 1954-1959; ltn-gen., Nov 1957; dpty polit, commissar, Jinan Mil. Reg, Feb 1959; dpty polit, commissar, PLA General Logistics Dpt, Nov 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: cadre, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Jan 1974-1981; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); adviser, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, May 1985; disappeared, Nov 1987.


Peng Lin


* 1914 Ji'an County, Jiangxi Joined Red Army, 1930; joined CCP, 1932; cdr. of a div., Ν China 1st Column, 1947; dpty cdr., 66th Army, 20th Army Corps, 1949; dpty cdr., Tianjin Garrison, Feb 1953; made vice-admiral, Sep 1955; cdr., Lüshun (Pon Arthur) Naval Base under PLA Navy, Oct 1957; polit, commissar, Ν China Sea Fleet, PLA Navy, May 1958; cadre of the 4th Min. of Machine Building, 1969; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983; disappeared, Jun 1983.

Peng Shaohui

Korea, 1951; hospitalized until 1953; dir., Construction Bureau for Yangtse (Changjiang) Bridge near Wuhan, Jun 1954; vice-chm, Comte for Construction of the Yangtse Bridge near Nanjing, Oct 1958; dir., Engineering Bureau for the Construction of the Yellow River Bridge, Apr 1960; vice-min., Science and Technology Com, SC, May 1963 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-min. of Communications, SC, Apr 1972 - Dec 1975; vice-min., Capital Construction Com, Dec 1975 - May 1982; mem., govt del. to France, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany (head: Gu Mu), May 1978; head, capital construction del. to Japan, Jun 1980; vice-min., Economic Com, SC, May 1982-1983; hon. ehm, China Intl Engineering Consulting Corp., Aug 1982; vice-min., State Planning Com, SC, Mar 1983 - Jul 1985; mem., Leading Group for Reassignment of Armymen, Oct 1983; disappeared, Sep 1987.

Peng Mingzhi


Peng Mengyu Mem., Jiangxi PPC, Feb 1955; sec-gen., Jiangxi PPC, Oct 1957; vice-gov., Jiangxi PPG, Jun 1958 - Jan 1968; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec-gen., Jiangxi Prov. CP, head, friendship del. to Romania, May 1977; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Jiangxi Prov. and concurrently vicechm, Rev Comte, Jiangxi Prov., Sep 1977; deputy for Jiangxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, People's Govt, Inner Mongolia AR, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Inner Mongolia AR, Sep 1980; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Inner Mongolia AR, Jun 1983 - Dec 1984; adviser to People's Govt of Inner Mongolia AR, Jun 1983; dpty dir., NE China Planning Office of Energy and Transport, SC, Jul 1983; disappeared, Dec 1983.

Peng Min

* 1905 Changning County, Hunan Cdr., Jiangsu-Shandong-Henan Detachment, operating in Huaibei, summer 1940; cdr. of a brigade, 3rd Div., New 4th Army, 1945; cdr., PLA Nanning Garrison, 1950; council mem., Guangxi PPG, Mar 1950- Feb 1951; ambassador to Poland, Jul 1950- Sep 1952; dpty cdr., Guangxi Mil. Distr, 1953-54; cdr., Wuhan Garrison, 1955; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); mil. leader in Beijing, Oct 1969; dir., Intelligence Subdepartment, PLA General Staff, 1970; deputy for the PLA to the 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978; disappeared, May 1981.

Peng Shaohui Joined CCP at a young age; repaired a bridge across Sungari River with the help of Soviet advisers as cdr. of a PLA railway corps, 1948; soon later supervised the repair of the important railway links between Siping and Changchun and between Tianjin and Bukou; cdr., PLA Railway Corps, 1950; commanded for two years the units of the PLA Railway Corps under the Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1950-52; severely wounded in action in

%% #

1906 Xiangtan Prefecture, Hunan deceased 1978, Apr 25


Peng Sike

Participated in Pingjiang Uprising led by Peng Dehuai, 1928; later served in 5th Red Army under Peng; wounded during a skirmish in right leg, Mar 1929; cdr., 1st Div., 3rd Red Army Corps under Peng, 1933; lost left arm in battle at Guangzhang, Jiangxi Pro v., 1933; participated in Long March, 1934-35; cdr., 358th Brigade, 120th Div (cdr. He Long), 8th Route Army, 1938; head, 7th Branch, Anti-Japanese Mil. and Polit. Academy, located near Yan'an, 1943; cdr., 7th Column under the command of Xu Xiangqian in the border regions of Shanxi-HebeiShandong-Henan, 1948; cos, PLA 1st Field Army and concurrently cos, NW Mil. Reg, Aug 1952; mem., NW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953; dpty cdr., NW Mil. Reg, Apr 1954; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; dpty chief, PLA General Staff, Jun 1955 - death; made col-gen. and awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", Sep 1955; dpty dir., PLA General Training Dpt, Nov 1956-1958; deputy for PLA to 2nd NPC, Mar 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964, and 4th, Jan 1975); mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd NPC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Jan 1965, and 4th, Jan 1975); head, del. to Winter Athletic Meet of Friendly Armies of Socialist Countries, Warsaw, Jan 1961; head, mil. del. to Sweden, Sep 1963; mem., CCP del. to Albania, Oct 1966; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973, and to 11th CC, Aug 1977); mem., mil. del. to Ν Korea (head: Chen Xilian), Apr 1972; mem., Presidium, 11th Congr of CCP, Aug 1977. Peng was married to Zhang Wei.

Peng Sike

$ M &

* Dongke Front Banner, Jerim League, Inner Mongolia Dir., Org. Dpt, E Inner Mongolia Branch, Fed for Autonomous Movement of Inner Mongolia, 1945; participated in Inaugural Session of CPPCC, Sep 1949; dpty dir., Staff Office, Nationalities Affairs Com, GAC, Dec 1949; council mem., People's Govt, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), Dec 1949 - Jun 1954; vice-chm, IMAR Branch of CPPCC, Mar 1960; council mem., China-Africa Friendship Assn, Apr 1960; vice-chm, People's Govt, IMAR, Aug 1960 - Cult. Rev.; vice-pres., IMAR Branch, China-Mongolia Friendship Assn, Jul 1961 -Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1978; vice-chm, IMAR Branch of CPPCC, May 1979; ehm, IMAR Branch, Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, Jun 1980; disappeared, Aug 1982.

Peng Tao


* 1913 Poyang, Jiangxi deceased 1961, Nov 14 Joined CYL, 1927, and CCP, 1932; CYL sec., Hebei Prov., 1933; conducted revolutionary activities among students and workers in Beijing and Tianjin, 1933; one of leaders of Dec 9 Movement, 1935; served successively as sec., W Hebei Local Comte, dir. of Propaganda Dpt, CCP Comte of Teihang Mountain Reg, and sec. of CCP W Anhui Distr, 1937-46; polit, commissar, 3rd Column 2nd

Field Army, 1947; mem., S Sichuan Admin. Office, 1950; ehm, Financial and Economic Comte, S Sichuan Admin. Office, 1950; dir., Beijing Tax Bureau, Feb-Jun 1950; 2nd sec., CCP Comte, S Sichuan Distr, Jul 1950; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950 - Jan 1953; mem., SW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; 2nd sec., CCP Comte, Chongqing Municipality, Jun 1953; vicemin., State Planning Com, SC, Oct 1954 - Sep 1959; min. of Chemical Ind., May 1956 -death; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, May 1958 - death; vice-min., State Planning Com, SC, Apr 1960 - death; head, chemical del. to Poland, Oct 1960.

Peng Xiaoqian


* 1897 Xiao County, Jiangsu Dir., Henan-Anhui-Jiangsu Admin. Office, 1947; vicechm, Henan-Anhui-Jiangsu Border Reg Govt, 1948; council mem., Central Plains Provisional Govt and dir. of its Agricultural Dpt, Mar-Dec 1949; council mem., Henan PPG, Nov 1949; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte (CSMAC), Mar 1950 - Jan 1953; mem., Financial and Economic Dpt, CSMAC, Mar 1950; mem., Comte for Practising Austerity and Economy, CSMAC, Nov 1951; mem., Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; vice-gov., Henan PPG, Nov 1956 - Sep 1966; branded a "3-anti element" and disappeared, Sep 1966.

Peng Youjin

I j # 4s*

* 1914 Dazhu County, Sichuan Studied at College of Law and Commerce under Beijing Univ; teacher at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. College, Yan'an, 1937-39; worked as editor of Chongqing newspapers and concurrently as prof, of SW College, 1940-49; mem., Control Com, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, 1951 Sep 1954; mem., Standing Comte, China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Jun 1956; cadre, United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Apr 1988); sec-gen., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1978 - Jun 1983; dpty sec-gen., 5th CPPCC, Aug 1980; sec-gen., 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 - Oct 1985; dpty head, CPPCC del. to Nepal, Aug 1985; vice-chm, Motions Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jan 1991.


Pi Dingjun


* 1914 Jinzhai County, Anhui deceased 1976, Jul 7 Joined Chinese Worker-Peasant Red Army, 1929; joined CCP, 1931; served in 3rd Company, 1st Battalion, 34th Regiment, 12th Div., 4th Red Army Corps, 1932; participated in Long March 1934-35; dpty cdr. of a regiment, 4th Red Front Army, 1935; dpty cdr. of a regiment, 344th Brigade, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938; cdr. of a regiment and concurrently cdr., sub-distr of Taihang Mil. Reg, Mar 1944; cdr., 1st Brigade, 1st Column, Central Plains Mil. Reg, Oct 1945; cdr., 6th Div., New 4th Army, Jun 1946; cdr. of a div., 6th Column, E China PLA, 1947; dpty cdr., 6th Column, E China PLA, 1948; cdr., 24th Army and led troops to Korean War, 1952; later made dpty cdr. and then cdr., 9th Army Group, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1953; attended PLA Nanjing Mil. Academy, 1954; dpty cdr., Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Jan 1955-1969; made ltn-gen. and awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Fujian Prov., Aug 19681970; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th, Aug 1973); leading person, Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Oct 1970; sec., CCP Comte, Gansu Prov., Feb 19711973; cdr., Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Dec 1972-1973; cdr., Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Jan 1974 -death; mem., Presidium, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; head, mil. friendship del. to Sudan, May 1975; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Apr 1976. Remarks: Pi died in a helicopter accident off the coast of Fujian. - He was said to be a son-in-law of Zhu De (q.v.), who died one day before him.

Ping Jiesan


* 1903 Hebei Graduated from Beijing Univ and later studied at Sun Yatsen Univ in Moscow; dir., United Front Work Dpt, Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1951; deputy for Hebei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1956 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1965); sec-gen., 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; in Cult. Rev. branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 - Sep 1982; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jan 1979 - May 1982; mem., State Nationalities Affairs Com, Jan 1979-1983;

Pu Shouchang

mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Jul 1979 Jun 1983; mem., CPPCC del. to U.S.A. (head: Wang Shoudao), Oct 1981; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; adviser, United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; mem., Executive Comte, China Welfare Inst., Oct 1986; adviser, Assn for the Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China, Sep 1988; disappeared, Sep 1988.

Pu Anxiu (f)

$ 4ç i f

* 1918 Jiading County, Shandong deceased 1991, May 2 Studied at Beijing Teachers' Univ, 1937; joined 8th Route Army, 1938; subsequently served as head, Education Section, Polit. Dpt, 8th Route Army; married the later marshal Peng Dehuai, 1940; attended Central Party School, Yan'an, 1943; cadre, Research Office, Women's Com, CCP Central Comte, 1945-46; dir., Labor Dpt, Min. of Light Ind., 1953-56; dpty CCP sec., Beijing Teachers' Univ, 1958 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Jiangsu to 2nd NPC, Mar 1959 - Dec 1964; disappeared with husband Peng Dehuai, May 1960; first appearance after 1960: mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 - Nov 1987; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988 - death.

Pu Shouchang * 1922 Jiangsu Sec., Premier's Secretariat, SC, Jan 1960; adviser, Chinese del. to Laos Conf., Geneva, May 1961; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir. of a dpt under State Planning Com, Sep 1977; adviser of the Foreign Min., Jan 1979; special assistant of a govt del., led by Deng Xiaoping, to U.S.A., Jan 1979; mem., govt del. to France, Federal Republic of Germany, Great Britain, Italy (head: Hua Guofeng), Oct 1979; vice-min. of Foreign Affairs, Apr 1980 - May 1982; dpty head, del. to Intl Meeting on Cooperation and Development, Cancun, Mexico (head: Huang Hua), Jul 1981; accompanied Huang Hua to Venezuela and Colombia, Aug 1981; accompanied Zhao Ziyang to Intl Meeting on Cooperation and Development, Cancun, Mexico, Oct 1981; successively visited U.S.A.; head, del. to "New Delhi Consultations" on North-South Relations, Feb 1982; disappeared, Feb 1982.






Qi Moujia


κ . ".'íppfcíí

* 1939 Dengqen County, Tibet P. belonged to the Tibetan minority. Dpty CCP sec., Dongfeng Chromium Mine, 1967-74; vice-chm, Economy Planning Com, People's Govt, Tibet AR, 1978-79; vicechm, People's Govt, Tibet AR, Jul 1980 - Apr 1983; vicechm, People's Congress, Tibet AR, Apr 1983 (reelected Aug 1988); disappeared, Jul 1990.

Qi Guo


Α. * 1933 Gaoyang County, Hebei Service in Epidemic Prevention Div., Ν China Mil. Reg, 1947-49; studied in Biochemistry Dpt, Beijing Univ, 1951-53; continued studies at Moscow Pharmaceutical Plant, 1954-56; dpty dir., Huabei Pharmaceutical Plant, 1956-73; dir., Pharmaceutical Bureau, Min. of Chemical Ind., 1973-78; dpty dir., State Pharmaceutical Admin. Bureau, Jun 1978-82; dir. of this bureau, Apr 1983-1993; head of a pharmaceutical del. to U.S.A., Dec 1990; disappeared, Mar 1993.

Qi Shan ^ ¿4 * 1920 Tonghai County, Yunnan Studied at a teachers' school; joined CCP, 1939; later worked in various positions, mainly related to industrial production in Yunnan; deputy for Yunnan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-gov. of Yunnan, Feb-Apr 1983; vice-chm, Yunnan PPC, Apr 1983 - Aug 1985; deputy for Yunnan to 7th NPC, Mar 1988. * 1917 Linfen County, Shanxi Joined CCP, 1937; Party sec., Jiaxiu and Qinyuan County, 1938-41; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Taiyue No. 3 and successively No. 2 Prefecture, 1941-47; dpty sec., HubeiShaanxi Border Area CP; sec-gen., Shaanxi PPC, Oct 1949; 3rd sec., S Xinjiang District CP, Jan 1956; dir., Dpt of Ind. and Communications, Xinjiang Autonomous Region (XAR) CP, Jul 1957; mem., Stand. Comte, XAR CP, Mar 1958; dpty sec., XAR CP and ehm, Xinjiang TU, Aug 1959; sec., XAR CP, Sep 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Xinjiang Rev Comte, Sep 1977 -Sep 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, XAR CP, May 1978-1979; sec., XAR CP, Nov 1982- Oct 1985; vicechm, Advisory Com, XAR CP, Oct 1985; disappeared, Jul 1987.

Qi J u n ^ Vice-pres., China Silicate Research Society, Oct 1974; vice-min. of Building Materials, Sep 1980 - May 1982; managing dir., China Natl New Building Materials Corp., Sep 1980; dpty head, building materials del. to U.S.A., Sep 1980; disappeared, May 1982.

Qi Shouliang % fc 1st Party sec., W Hunan Autonomous Prefecture, Mar 1959; 1st Party sec. and ehm, Rev Comte, Changsha Municipality, Mar 1977-1978; vice-chm, Hunan Rev Comte, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; deputy for Hunan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, 1983 and to 7th, 1988); dpty head of agricultural del. to Japan, May 1978; vicechm, Hunan PPC, Dec 1979 - Jan 1988.

Qi Tian ® Vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Apr 1978 May 1982; head, machine building del. to Yugoslavia, Apr 1978; disappeared, May 1982.

Qi Wenjian ^ X & Sec., CCP Comte, Xuchang Distr, Henan, 1952; vicechm, Financial and Economic Comte, Henan PPG, Jun 1952; vice-gov., Henan PPG, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; ehm, Planning Com, Henan PPC, Feb 1955; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jan 1968.


Qi Yanming



* Wanping County, Hebei deceased 1978, Oct 21 Belonged to Mongol minority. Majored in Chinese classics at Beijing Univ; taught successively at schools in Beijing; lecturer, Sino-French Univ in Beijing, 1933; prof., China Univ, 1935-36; went to Yan'an, 1937; later: secgen., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte; secgen., CCP del. in peace negotiations with KMT in Beijing, Apr 1949; dir., Chairman's Office, Central People's Govt, Oct 1949- Oct 1954; dir., Secretariat, G AC, Oct 1949-1952; mem., Central Organs Production Admin. Com, Mar 1952; deputy for Hebei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, 1959 and 3rd, Sep 1964); dpty sec-gen., SC, Oct 1954 - Mar 1965; dir., Experts Bureau, SC, May 1956-1958; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Jun 1957 - Nov 1958; vice-min. of Culture, Feb 1960 - Apr 1965; pres., China-Cambodia Friendship Assn, Dec 1960Apr 1966; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, May 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1978; adviser, Academy of Social Sciences, Jul 1978.

Qi Yiding ^ — Τ Mem., Central Comte, NDYL, Apr 1949; ehm, Shijiazhuang Branch, CPPCC, 1954; vice-min., 4th Min. of Machine Building, Jun 1964-1968; head, govt del. to Intl Expo, Budapest, May 1965; survived Cult. Rev. unharmed; disappeared, Aug 1978.

Qi Yuanjing

Ä X ^ ^ t

* 1929 Wuhan, Hubei deceased 1994, Nov 4 Attended Yan'an Univ and Yan'an Natural Science Inst., 1942-45; studied at Harbin Polytechnical Univ, 1948; studied at Architecture Inst., Leningrad, 1951-56; served successively as engineer, dpty dir. and dir., Beijing Iron and Steel Inst., 1956-82; vice-min. of Metallurgical Ind.,

Qian Changzhao

May 1982 - Sep 1985; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; min. of Metallurgical Ind., Sep 1985 - Mar 1993; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1985 - Nov 1987; mem., CCP 13th Central Comte, Nov 1987 (reelected to 14th CC, Oct 1992); accompanied premier Li Peng to Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Nov 1988; head, govt del. to Ν Korea, Mar 1989; special envoy of Chinese Govt to inauguration of pres. Menem of Argentina, Jul 1989; head, metallurgical del. to Australia, May 1990; mem., Presidium, 14th CCP Congr, Oct 1992; deputy for Hubei to 8th NPC, Mar 1993 - death; mem., Stand. Comte, 8th NPC and vice-chm of its Environment and Resources Protection Comte, Mar 1993 - death.

Qian Changzhao



* 1910 Changshu County, Jiangsu deceased 1988, Oct 14 Studied at London School of Economics and graduated from Univ; official in Nationalist Govt, 1928; vice-min. of Education, 1931-32; sec-gen., Planning Comte, Natl Defense Council, 1932-34; dpty sec-gen., Natl Resources Com, Natl Mil. Council, 1934-38; vice-chm, Natl Resources Com, Min. of Economics, 1938; alt. mem., Executive Comte, 6th KMT Central Comte, 1945; ehm, Natl Resources Com, 1946; went abroad to study industry, 1948; joined the Communists, 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Affairs Comte, G AC, Oct 1949; dpty dir., Planning Bureau, Financial and Economic Affairs Comte, GAC, Dec 1949; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, 1958, and to 3rd, 1964); member, Central Comte, Revolutionary Comte of the Chinese KMT, Feb 1956; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Comte, Revolutionary Comte of the Chinese KMT, Dec 1958 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: attended mourning ceremony for Li Siguang (q.v.), May 1971; renewed mention as mem., Stand. Comte, Revolutionary Comte of the Chinese KMT, Sep 1972; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978- Sep 1980; vice-chm, Revolutionary Comte of the Chinese KMT, Oct 1979; dir., Board of Directors, China Intl Trust and Investment Corp., Oct 1979; vice-chm, 5th CPPCC, Sep 1980 (reelected by 6th, 1983, and 7th, 1988); hon. pres., Kun Opera Society, Mar 1986; pres., Poetry Society, May 1987; invited to 13th Congress of CCP, Oct 1987. Qian was married to Shen Xingyuan.


Qian Chongshu

Qian Chongshu


* 1882 Haining County, Zhejiang deceased 1965, Dec 28 Received Ph.D. from Harvard Univ; returned to China, 1916; taught successively at Nanjing Agricultural School, Dongnan Univ, Beijing Agricultural Univ, Qinghua Univ, Xiamen Univ, Sichuan Univ and Fudan Univ; dean, College of Agriculture, Fudan Univ, Jun 1950; dir., Inst, of Systematic Botany, CAS, Jun 1950; pres., China Botanical Society, Jul 1951 -death; dir., Inst, of Botany, CAS, Feb 1954 - death; deputy for Zhejiang to 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1958, and to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Dpt of Biology and Earth Sciences, CAS, May 1955 - death; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; council mem., China-Africa Friendship Assn, Apr 1960; vice-chm, Beijing Branch, Scientific and Technological Assn, Jul 1963; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965.

Qian Diqian

4% fa - f

• 1 9 1 9 Taicang County, Jiangsu deceased 1988 Attended Ν Shaanxi College, 1938; joined CCP, 1938; served in Anti-Japanese Mil. and Polit. College, 1939; chief, Propaganda Section of a Brigade, Central Plains Field Army, 1947-48; dir., Propaganda Dpt of a column, Central Plains Field Army, 1948-49; joined in crossing Yangtse and Guangxi campaigns; joined Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea (CPVK), 1951; awarded order of "Independence and Freedom", 3rd class, and order of "Liberation", 2nd class, Sep 1955; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CPVK and concurrently dir., CPVK Branch of Xinhua News Agency, 1956-59; named senior colonel, Nov 1958; served in Propaganda Dpt, PLA General Polit. Dpt, 195964; mem., mil. del. to United Arab Republic, Sep 1960; mem., mil. del. to Burma, Dec 1960- Jan 1961; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, PLA General Staff, 1964-75; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Kunming Mil. Reg, 1979-83; polit, commissar, PLA Polit. Academy and concurrently acting dir., Liberation Army Daily (Jiefang Junbao), 1983-85; vice-chm, Chinese Journalists' Assn, May 1985 - death; head, journalists' del. to Kuwait, May 1985; vice-pres., PLA Natl Defense Univ, Dec 1985 - death; deputy for PLA to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; made ltn-gen., Sep 1988.

Qian Duansheng


* 1899 Shanghai deceased 1990, Jan 21 Attended Nanyang Middle School; studied at Qinghua

Univ, 1917-19; went to U.S.A.; received B.A. from Univ of Ν Dakota, 1920, and Ph.D. from Harvard Univ, 1924; after return to China lectured at National Beijing Univ and Natl Beijing Normal Univ; later served in Intl Section, KMT Central Propaganda Dpt, and as dir., Cultural Dpt, Natl Govt; prof, of polit, science, Law College under Natl Central Univ in Nanjing, 1937; belonged to staff of SW Associated Univ in Kunming, 1937; accompanied Hu Shi to U.S.A., 1937; mem., People's Polit. Council, 1938-49; attended study meeting inVirginia, U.S.A., 1939, and again in 1945; dean, Law College, Natl Beijing Univ, 1945-49; visiting scholar to Harvard Univ, 1948; joined the Communists, 1949; delegate of social science workers to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, G AC, Oct 1949-1954; vice-chm, Beijing Branch, CPPCC, Nov 1949-1958; dpty dir., Chinese People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Dec 1949-1964; vice-chm, Educational Workers' TU, Aug 1950-1958; dean, Law College, Beijing Univ, Feb 1951; mem., Central Comte, CDL, May 1952; dir., Beijing College of Polit. Science and Law, Nov 1952-1958; vice-pres., Beijing Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Nov 1952; vice-pres., Polit. Science and Law Society, Apr 1953-1958; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954-1958; deputy for Shanghai to 1st NPC, Sep 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954-1958; head, scientific del. to India, Jan 1955; mem., del. to World Peace Council meeting, Helsinki, Jun 1955; mem., World Peace Council, Jul 1955; mem., del. to World Peace Council meeting, Stockholm, Apr 1956; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, May 1957-1958; mem., del. to World Peace Council meeting, Colombo, Jun 1957; branded as a "rightist" and relieved of most of his posts, Mar 1958; relieved from the designation of "rightist", Dec 1961; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1973; mem., Inst, of Intl Affairs, Dec 1980; hon. pres., Chinese Society of Political Science, Apr 1981; vice-pres., China Law Society, Jul 1982; deputy for Shanghai to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC and vice-chm of its Law Comte, Jun 1983; hon. pres., China Law Society, May 1986. Publications: History of Political Institutions under the Republic (1937); The Government and Politics of China (Harvard Univ Press, 1950).

Qian Fuxing


Mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983; vice-chm, Taiwan Democratic Self-Govt League, Dec 1983; research fellow, Inst, of Mechanics, CAS, Dec 1983; disappeared, May 1986.


Qian Jiaju

- f % J®

* 1910 Wuyi County, Zhejiang Studied at normal school in home prov.; graduated from Dpt of Econopmics, Beijing Univ, 1932; lecturer, Economics Dpt, Law College under Beijing Univ, 1935; lectured at Guangxi Univ in Guilin, 1936-37; went to Hong Kong, 1944; subsequently became editor of Weekly Economic Supplement of Wen Hui Bao and a leading figure of Hong Kong Branch of CDL; taught at Hong Kong Dade College, 1946; mem., Stand. Comte, China Fed of Democratic Youth, May 1949-1953; delegate of Natl Salvation Association to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, G AC, Dec 1949 - Oct 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, CDL, Dec 1949; dpty dir., State Admin, of Private Enterprises, Jan 1950 - Oct 1954; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CDL, May 1953; dpty dir., State Admin, of Ind. and Commerce, Nov 1954 - Cult. Rev.; mem., friendship del. to USSR, May 1955; mem., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955; dpty head, del. to comfort the Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, Feb 1956; mem., State Scientific Planning Com, Nov 1956Nov 1958; dpty dir., Beijing Socialism Inst., 1957 - Cult. Rev.; made self-criticism for having signed the article "Some views on the question concerning our country's regulation governing science" in Guangming Ribao Jun 9, 1957; during Cult. Rev. branded as a follower of the Liu Shaoqi line, Jun 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Scientific Council, CAS, Jun 1981; mem., CPPCC Natl Comte, Jun 1981; again mem., Stand. Comte, CDL, Jun 1981; adviser, CAS, Oct 1981; vice-pres., Chinese Numismatic Society, Jun 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); vice-chm, CDL, Jan 1987; invited to 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; vice-chm, Economic Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; adviser, Assn for the Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China, Sep 1988; after students' unrest of Jun 1989 left China for France, Nov 1990; disqualified from participation of CPPCC Natl Comte for leaving China and publishing articles against Chinese govt, Mar 1991.

Qian Junrui

Qian Jiaming

* 1930 Huzhou County, Zhejiang Served in Shanghai Metallurgical Machinery Repair Plant, 1958-62; cadre, Metallurgical Ind. Bureau, Shanghai MPG, 1963-65; section chief and later dir., Jiangxi Steel Mill, 1965-82; mem., Stand. Comte, Jiangxi Prov. CP, Mar 1983 - Jun 1985; ehm, Economic Comte, Jiangxi PPG, Dec 1983; vice-gov., Jiangxi PPG, Jul 1985 (reelected Feb 1988); vice-chm, Jiangxi PPC, Mar 1991; disappeared, Mar 1991.

Qian Jun


* 1905 Guangshan County, Henan Studied navigation in Moscow; polit, commissar, Aviation Bureau under 4th Red Front Army, 1931-32; dpty cdr., Taishan Mil. Subdistr, Jan 1934; cdr., Central Shandong Mil. Distr, 1950; dpty cdr., Zhejiang Mil. Distr, Jul 1955; appointed ltn-gen., Sep 1955; ehm, Anhui Mil. Control Comte, Mar 1967 - Jul 1968; dpty cdr., Nanjing Mil. Reg, Jul 1968-1975; disappeared, Apr 1975.

Qian Junrui

Publications: China's Internal Debt; An Outline of New Finance; An Outline History of Chinese Money.

* 1903 Wuxi City, Jiangsu deceased 1985, May 25 After graduation from Jiangsu College of Education studied in Japan, 1921-23; joined CCP, 1926; mem., Inst, of Agriculture and chief editor of two of its scientific journals, 1934-36; during Sino-Japanese War worked succès-


Qian Lingxi

sively as a writer in Shanghai and later propaganda worker, New 4th Army, 1937-45; editor, New China News Agency, 1946-47; vice-chm, Higher Education Comte, Ν China People's Govt, 1948; dir., Culture and Education Bureau, Beijing Mil. Control Com, Apr 1949; vice-chm, All-China Fed of Democratic Youth, May 1949-1953; delegate to 2nd Congr of World Fed of TU, Warsaw, Jun 1949; vice-min. of Culture, Oct 1949-1952; mem., Culture and Education Comte, G AC, Oct 1949-1952; secgen., Culture and Education Comte, GAC, 1952-54; mem., govt del. to funeral of Stalin. Moscow, Mar 1953; head, friendship del. to USSR, Apr 1954; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, 1958 and to 3rd, 1964); dpty dir., 2nd Office, SC, Oct 1954 - Sep 1959; vice-min. of Culture, Oct 1954 - Sep 1963; mem., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955; head, cultural del. to Moscow, Jul 1956; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; dpty head, Party del. to USSR, Oct 1957; dpty dir., Culture and Education Office, SC, Sep 1959 - Jul 1965; mem., Party del. to USSR, Nov 1959; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Dec 1959; mem., Spare-time Education Comte, SC, Feb 1960; during Cult. Rev. branded as a capitalist-roader and purged, Jun 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., Inst, of World Economics, CASS, Jan 1979 - Dec 1982; delegate to 9th Annual Symposium of the European Management Forum, Davos, Switzerland, Feb 1979; adviser of Society for the Study of the Future, Mar 1979; pres., Society of World Economics, Apr 1980; started lecturing tour in U.S.A., Dec 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Dec 1980 (reelected to 6th, 1983); adviser to Fed of Economics Societies, Mar 1981; adviser to CASS, Dec 1982; head, social sciences del. to Hong Kong, Sep 1983; adviser, Economic Research Center, SC, Nov 1983.

Qian Linzhao

Qian Lingxi

* 1915 Wuxi City, Jiangsu CCP cadre in counties and prefectures, 1940-49; dpty sec., Hangzhou Municipality CP, 1951-52; dir., 3rd Bureau, 3rd Min. of Machine Building, 1953-59; vice-chm, Industrial Com, Shanghai CP, 1959-62; vice-chm, Economic Com, E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1962 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Chongqing City CP, Nov 1972; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Sichuan Prov., Dec 1977 - Jul 1978; 1st sec., Chongqing City CP, Apr-Jul 1978; min., 4th Min. of Machine Building, Aug 1978May 1982; head, machine building del. to France, Nov 1978; head, electronic ind. del. to Japan, May 1980; deputy for Guizhou to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC and mem. of its Financial and Economic Comte, Jun 1983 (reelected to both positions to 7th NPC, Apr 1988); mem., NPC del. to 75th Session of Inter-Parliamentary Union, Mexico City, Apr 1986; mem., NPC del. to PR Mongolia (head: Peng Chong), Jun 1987; deputy for Sichuan to 7th NPC, Jan 1988; disappeared, Feb 1992.


• 1 9 1 6 Wuxi City, Jiangsu Deputy for Liaoning to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; deputy for Liaoning to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988); dpty dir., Dalian Engineering Inst., Jan 1980; admitted into CCP, Jun 1980; pres., China Mechanics Society, May 1982; dir., Dalian Engineering Inst., May 1982; mem., Dpt of Technological Sciences, CAS, Jun 1985; disappeared, Mar 1988. Remarks: Qian was a specialist in engineering-structure mechanics.

l|& J&

* 1907 Studied at London Uni ν and in France; study tour to U.S.A., 1947-48; sec-gen., Academia Sinica, 1948-49; deputy for Shandong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; vice-pres., Chinese Academy of Science and Technology, Jan 1979 Mar 1987; mem., Academic Degrees Comte, CAS, Feb 1981; mem., Dpt of Mathematics and Physics, CAS, Jun 1985; adviser, Chinese Academy of Science and Technology, Apr 1987; Qian was one of 42 intellectuals who signed an open letter to China's leadership, asking for democratization, freedom of speech, release of political prisoners and increased funding of education, Mar 1989; disappeared, Mar 1989. Remarks: Qian was a physicist.

Qian Min


Qian Ning


* 1922 deceased 1986, Dec 6 Studied at Iowa Univ, U.S.A.; returned to China and became mem. of CAS, 1955; worked at Liujiaxia reservoir at Yellow River, 1956; head, research group for lower Yellow River, 1958; vice-chm, Sedimentation Comte, Society of Hydraulic Engineering, Mar 1980; prof., Hydraulic Engineering Dpt, Qinghua Univ, May 1980; mem., Dpt of Technological Sciences, CAS, Jun 1985. Publications: The Development of the River-bed of the Lower Huanghe; Dynamics of Silt Motion.

Qian Sanqiang


* 1913 Wuxing County, Zhejiang deceased 1992, Jun 28 His father, Qian Xuntong, was a historian and one of the leaders of the "May Fourth Movement" of 1919 and also a well-known contributor of the journal New Youth (Xin Qingnian). - Qian Sanqiang studied physics at Qinghua Univ in Beijing, graduating in 1936; during the following year he did research work in the Physics Dpt at Academia Sinica; having won a govt scholarship, went to France together with his wife He Cehui, fall of 1937; studied nuclear physics at the prestigious Curie Inst., Paris, 1937-44; received a doctorate in physics from Univ of Paris, 1943; won the Henry de Parville Award for Physics at the French Academy for a new technique for the fusion of uranium atoms which he had discovered together with his wife, 1946; adviser to del. of Chinese Nationalist Govt to Paris UNESCO Conf., 1946; mem., Board of Directors, (Communist) World Fed of Scientific Workers, 1947; returned to China, 1948, and made prof, in nuclear physics at Qinghua Univ; remained in Beijing when the capital was occupied by Communist forces in 1949; mem., (Communist) del. to meeting of World Peace Council, Prague, Apr 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, Fed of Democratic Youth, May 1949; attended 1st CPPCC and elected mem. of its 1st Natl Comte, Sep 1949; executive sec.,

Qian Sanqiang

Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 - Dec 1954; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, G AC, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1949-1958; dpty dir., Inst, of Modern Physics, CAS, May 1950-1951; dpty dir., Planning Bureau, CAS, May 1950; dir., Physics Dpt, Qinghua Univ, Jun 1950; mem., Stand. Comte, All-China Fed of Scientific Societies, Aug 1950 -Sep 1958; mem., del. to 2nd World Peace Conf., Warsaw, and subsequently to World Youth Conf., Vienna, Nov 1950; conducted extensive field research in 1950 for the exploration of uranium deposits and other radioactive minerals in China, mainly in Xinjiang and NE China; dir., Inst, of Modern Physics, CAS, Mar 1951 ( in 1958 this institute was renamed Inst, of Atomic Energy); vice-pres., China Physics Society, Jan 1952; mem., del. to Oslo session of World Peace Council, Mar 1952; subsequently visited Sweden; mem., del. to Vienna session of World Peace Council, Dec 1952; led CAS del. to USSR to promote scientific cooperation between China and USSR, Feb 1953; Qian's stay in Moscow coincided with the death of Stalin; Qian was made a mem. of the del. headed by Zhou Enlai to attend the funeral (until May); mem., World Peace Council, Jim 1953; vicechm, All-China Fed of Democratic Youth, Jun 1953, sec-gen., CAS, Apr 1954 - May 1961; dir., Inst, of Physics, CAS, Jul 1954 - Aug 1958; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; joined CCP, 1954; mem., Dpt of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, CAS, Jun 1955; mem., Awards Comte, CAS, Oct 1955; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Mar 1956 - Nov 1958; delegate to Moscow to Conf. of Plenipotentiaries of 11 Communist countries to discuss establishment of Joint Nuclear Research Center at Dubna near Moscow, Mar 1956; reported CAS on China's contribution to the Research Center of Dubna, May 1957; in the course of the rectification campaign, Qian attacked several scientists, among them nuclear physicist Qian Weichang, who was subsequently denounced as a rightist deviatonist, Jun 1957; mem., workers' del. to Moscow to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the October Rev, Oct 1957; dir., Inst, of Atomic Energy, CAS, Aug 1958-1978; mem., Natl Comte, Science and Technology Assn, Sep 1958; represented China at a conf. of the eleven Communist countries participating in the nuclear research center at Dubna, Dec 1960; dpty secgen., CAS, May 1961 - May 1964; deputy for Heilongjiang to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; in the course of the Cult. Rev. criticized as a "capitalist-roader" and as a "secret agent", Jun 1968; first public appearance after 1968: Apr 1973; dpty sec-gen., CAS, Oct 1975-1977; head, CAS del. to Australia, Jun 1977; head, CAS del. to Romania and Yugoslavia, Dec 1977; deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-pres., CAS, Mar 1978-1984; head, CAS del. to Belgium and France, Jun 1978; vice-pres., Physics Society, Aug 1978- Feb 1983; mem., Dpt of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, CAS, Jan 19791984; pres., Zhejiang Univ, Feb 1979-1984; vice-chm, Comte for Promotion of Intl Measurement, SC, Mar 1979; head, CAS del. to Australia, Mar 1979; mem., Comte to


Qian Songyan

Examine Proposals, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; dpty dir., Award Comte for Natural Science, State Scientific and Technological Com, May 1980; hon. pres., China Nuclear Society, Jun 1980; mem., Motions Examination Comte, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; head, scientific del. to U.S.A., Dec 1980; vice-chm, Natl Academic Degrees Comte, SC, Dec 1980 - Oct 1988; dir., Dpt of Mathematics and Physics, CAS, May 1981-1984; vicepres., Society of Research in Dialects of Nature, Nov 1981; pres., Society for Study of Scientific and Technological Policies, Jul 1982; pres., China Society of Physics, Feb 1983 - Mar 1987; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); counselor, China Intl Cultural Exchange Center, Jul 1984; awarded "Remise de la Légion d'Honneur" medal by French pres. Mitterrand, May 1985; special adviser, CAS, May 1985; ehm, Natl Comte for Unifying Natural Science and Technological Terms, Jun 1985; vice-pres., Assn for Science and Technology, Jun 1986- May 1991; hon. pres., China Physics Society, Mar 1987; vice-chm, Science and Technology Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; adviser, Assn for the Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China, Sep 1988; hon. adviser to CAS, Dec 1990; hon. pres., Assn for Science and Technology, May 1991. Qian was married to He Cehui.

Qian Songyan

Publications: A Few Points on Brushworks; Selected Paintings of Qian Songyan. Remarks: Qian was a freehand landscape painter who devoted himself to the study of traditional painting since his youth.

See Ah Ying

% +

* 1933 Graduation from Architectural Dpt, Tongji Univ, 1955; dir., Shanghai Civil Architectural Design Inst., 1982; pres., China Architectural Society, 1983; vice-chm, Construction Com, Shanghai MPG, 1983; sec-gen., Shanghai PPG, Apr 1985; vice-mayor of Shanghai, Oct 1986 - Apr 1988; dpty head, Shanghai Leading Group for Absorption of Foreign Funds, Dec 1987.

Qian Ying (f)

4% &

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* 1898 Yixing County, Jiangsu deceased 1985, Sep 4 Born into a private tutor's family of scholars since four generations; studied at Jiangsu No. 3 Normal School, 1918-23; taught art in middle schools at Suzhou and Wuxi, 1924; worked as an art teacher, 1925-56; joined the newly established Jiangsu Studio of Chinese Painting, 1957; director of this studio, 1961; deputy for Jiangsu to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, 1983); dir., Jiangsu Studio of Chinese Painting; council mem., Chinese Artists' Assn and mem., All-China Fed of Literary and Art Workers, 1982.

Qian Xingcun

Qian Xuezhong

^ tP

* 1903 Xianning County, Hubei deceased 1973, Jul 26 Joined CCP while working at Yuliua Spinning Mill, Wuhan, 1926; imprisoned by Natl Govt during anti-Communist coup, Apr 1927; released from prison, 1937; dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Comte, Hubei Prov., 1937; dpty dir., Org. Dpt, Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1949; sec. of the bureau's Women's Work Comte, Dec 1949; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte (CSMAC), Jan 1950 -Nov 1952; vice-chm, People's Control Comte, CSMAC, Jan 1950 - Sep 1951; dir., Personnel Dpt, CSMAC, Sep 1951 - Nov 1952; vice-chm, People's Control Comte, G AC, Nov 1952 - Sep 1954; mem., Executive Comte, Democratic Women's Fed, Apr 1953; deputy for Shandong, 1st NPC, Oct 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958); min. of Supervision, Sep 1954 - Apr 1959; dpty sec., Disciplinary Inspection Comte, CCP Central Comte, 1954; dpty sec., Control Comte, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1955 - Cult. Rev.; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; mem., del. to USSR, Nov 1958; min. of Internal Affairs, Apr 1959 - Nov 1960; deputy for Hubei to 3rd NPC, Dec 1964; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; during Cult. Rev. branded a counterrevolutionary element and purged, Jan 1968.

Qian Yinglin


Took part in "Dec 9 Student Movement", Beijing, 1935; dir., Planning Bureau, Min. of Railways, Nov 1949;


mem., Stand. Comte, Railways Org. Investigation Comte and mem. of its Depot Stock Survey, Mar 1950; asst min. of Railways, Feb 1955 - Oct 1957; dir., Tangshan Railway College, Oct 1957 - Mar 1960; dir., Beijing Railway Inst., Mar 1960 - Feb 1963; dir., Beijing Railway Bureau, Mar 1960; vice-min. of Railways, Oct 1960 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Qian Zhonghan

Qian Zhiguang

Qian Yongchang

* 1933 Shanghai Graduation from Dalian Ocean Shipping College, 1953; joined CCP, 1953; worked his way up from third officer of a ship to captain of the first China-made 17,000 dwt ocean liner, 1954-75; gen. manager, China Natl Ocean Shipping Co., 1976; vice-min. of Communications, May 1982 - Jul 1984; vice-pres., China Communications and Transportation Assn, May 1982; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected to 13th CC, Nov 1987); min. of Communications, Jul 1984 - Jun 1990; head, communications del. to Norway, Nov 1984; mem., govt del. to 4th Sino-Japanese Govt Members Conf., Tokyo (head. Gu Mu), Jul 1985; head, economic and trade del. to Iraq and Madagascar, Dec 1985; head, communications del. to Poland, Apr 1986; head, govt del. to Colombia, Jul 1986; head, communications del. to Federal Republic of Germany, Netherlands, European Community, Belgium, Sep 1988; head, trade del. to Iraq, Apr 1990; visited Greece, Jun 1990; removed as min. of communications for "abusing power to seek personal gains" and disappeared, Mar 1991.

Qian Zhidao

4% & i l

Dpty dir., Dpt of Technological Sciences, CAS, Dec 1964; vice-pres., Beijing Univ of Science and Technology, Aug 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Academic Degrees Comte, CAS, Feb 1981; mem., Dpt of Chemistry, CAS, 1983; disappeared, 1983. Remarks: Qian was a researcher in organic chemistry.

* 1900 Shanghai deceased 1994, Feb 5 After training in business admin, joined Jiangxi Soviet Govt, 1932; head, Commerce Dpt, Jiangxi Soviet Govt, 1934; took part in Long March, 1934-35; dir., Commerce Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1935; dir., CCP Liaison Office in Xi'an, 1939; dir., Liaison Dpt, 18th Army, 1940-43; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, GAC, Oct 1949 Sep 1954; vice-min. of Textile Ind., Oct 1949-1970; deputy for Shandong to 2nd NPC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 3rd, 1964); mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and to 11th, Aug 1977); min. of Light Ind., Jul 1970 - Feb 1978; head, govt del. to Iraq, Jul 1970; head, del. to Zagreb Trade Fair in Yugoslavia, Apr 1971; min. of Textile Ind., Mar 1978 - Mar 1981; adviser to SC, Mar 1981; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985. Qian was married to Liu Ang.

Qian Zhonghan


* 1911 Wuxi City, Jiangsu Graduated from Electric Motors Dpt, Jiaotong Univ, 1933; studied in Great Britain, 1934-37; served successively as prof., Zhejiang Univ, SW Associated Univ and Central Univ, 1937-49; dir., Engineering Inst, under Nanjing Univ, 1949-52; dir., Nanjing Engineering Inst., 1952 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again dir., Nanjing Engineering Inst., 1980-85; mem., Dpt of Technological Sciences, CAS, Jun 1985; named a researcher in the field of thermodynamics, Jun 1985; hon. dir., Nanjing Engineering Inst., Nov 1985; ehm, Jiangsu Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Jan 1988; disappeared, Jan 1988. Publications: Rough Emulation of Thermal Engineered Objects; Mechanical Theory and New Methods for Medal Degradation.


Qiang Jianhua

Qiang Jianhua fé ^L -

Oiao Guanhua

Vice-chm, Qinghai PPC, Apr 1983 - Feb 1988; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Xining Municipality, May 1983-1985; disappeared, Aug 1987.

Qiang Xiaochu fé ft W

* Anting County, Shaanxi 2nd sec., Songjiang Prov. CP, Jul 1951; ehm, People's Govt, Songjiang Prov., Jun 1952 - Jun 1954, when Songjiang was merged into Heilongjiang Prov.; dpty sec., Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Oct 1954; head, Heilongjiang del. to USSR, May 1956; sec., Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Jul 1956Cult. Rev.; 1st sec., Song River Distr CP, Aug 1958; alt. sec., NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1961; dpty polit, commissar, Heilongjiang Mil. Distr, Nov 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1975; dpty head, CCP workers' del. to Romania, Apr 1980; sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Apr 1980-Nov 1981; vice-gov., Shandong PPG, Dec 1980Nov 1981; 1st sec., Jilin Prov. CP, Nov 1981 - May 1985; 1st polit, commissar, Jilin Mil. Distr, Jul 1982 May 1985; mem.. CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 Nov 1987; article in RMRB Oct 20, 1982, "Maintaining political unity with the Central Comte is the guarantee for creating a new situation"; head, Jilin Prov. del. to Ν Korea, Aug 1983; sec., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 - Nov 1987; dpty head, Leading Group for the Rectification of Party Style Within Central Departments, Jan 1986; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; disappeared, Nov 1987.

Qiang Zixiu

È %

Delegate of peasants to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; sec., CCP Comte, Lanzhou Municipality, Apr 1950; 1st dpty sec., CCP Comte, Gansu Prov., Apr 1955; sec., CCP Comte, Gansu, Oct 1956- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jan 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vicechm, Gansu PPC, Dec 1979; disappeared, Oct 1981.

* 1912 Yancheng County, Jiangsu deceased 1983, Sep 22 Graduation from Qinghua Univ, 1933; further studies, Univ of Tokyo, 1933-35; further studies, Tübingen Univ, Germany and receiving a Ph.D., 1935-37; worked under Zhou Enlai, mainly in Chongqing, 1942-46; dir., S China Branch, New China News Agency, 1946-49; mem., S China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1947-49; dpty dir., General Office, Central People's Govt, Oct 1949 - Oct 1954; dir., Intl News Bureau, Press Admin., G AC, Dec 1949 Aug 1952; vice-pres., Inst, of Foreign Affairs (IFA), Dec 1949-1972; acting dir., Asian Affairs Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, 1950; adviser, PRC del. to UN Security Council to debate Taiwan question, Oct-Dec 1950; dir., Compilation and Translation Board, IFA, 1952-55; adviser, PRC del. to Geneva Conf., Apr 1954; accompanied Zhou Enlai to India, Burma, Mongolia, Jun-Jul 1954; assistant min. of Foreign Affairs, Oct 1954 - Apr 1964; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Afro-Asian Conf., Bandung, Apr 1955; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Ν Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Burma, Pakistan, USSR, Poland, Hungary, Afghanistan, Nepal, Ceylon, Nov 1956 - Feb 1957; accompanied Liu Shaoqi to Ν Korea, Sep 1963; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Albania, Ν Africa, Burma, Pakistan, Ceylon, Dec 1963 - Feb 1964; vice-min. of Foreign Affairs, Apr 1964- Nov 1974; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; min. of Foreign Affairs, Nov 1974 Dec 1976; disappeared Nov 1976; reappearance: adviser, Assn for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Feb 1983. Visits abroad: Albania: 1963, 1966, 1972; Algeria: 1963; Burma: 1954, 1956, 1960, 1963, 1964; Cambodia: 1956, 1960; Ceylon: 1964; Egypt: 1963; Ethiopia: 1964; France: 1972, 1975; German Democratic Republic: 1954; Federal Republic of Germany: 1974; Ghana: 1954; Great Britain: 1972; Guinea: 1964; India: 1954, 1956, 1960; Indonesia: 1955, 1963, 1964, 1965; Mali: 1964; Mongolian People's Republic: 1954; Morocco: 1964; Nepal: 1960; North Korea: 1963; North Vietnam: 1956, 1960, 1963; Pakistan: 1957, 1964, 1966, 1972; Poland: 1954; Romania: 1966; Somalia: 1964; Sudan: 1964; Switzerland: 1954, 1961, 1962; Tunisia: 1964; United Nations: 1950, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976; USSR: 1954, 1964. Qiao was married to Gong Peng (deceased 1970) and then to Zhang Hanzhi. His son, Qiao Zonghuai, became an alt. mem. of the CCP Central Comte in Sep 1985.


Qiao Jiaqin


Vice-chm, Rev Comte, Tibet AR, Oct 1977 - Aug 1979; mem., Natl Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; vicechm, People's Govt, Tibet AR, Aug 1979 -Apr 1983; pres., Mountaineering Assn, May 1980-1984; dpty dir., General Admin. Bureau of Travel and Tourism, Mar 1982-1984; head, tourists group to Hungary and Poland, Jun 1983; disappeared, Jun 1984.

Qiao Mingfu


* 1912 Xia County, Shanxi Served in units of Communist forces, 1940-46; sec., Xiaogan Prefecture CP, 1947-51; cadre in Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1952-63; dpty dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1963 - Cult. Rev.; during Cult. Rev. purged in connection with Bo Yibo, Apr 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1978; sec., Henan Prov. CP, Mar 1979 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Henan PPC, Sep 1979 - Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); head, Shaanxi Liaison Team of the Central Comte for Guiding Party Rectification, Jan 1984; mem., Cultural and Historical Data Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.

Qiao Peixin


Dir., NW China Branch, People's Bank of China, 195053; dpty dir., Agricultural Bank of China (a People's Bank subsidiary), Feb 1951 - Mar 1955; dir., NW China Branch, People's Bank of China, Dec 1953-1955; dir., Agricultural Bank of China, Mar 1955; dpty dir.-gen., People's Bank of China, Mar 1955; mem., Com for Overseas Chinese Affairs, SC, Mar 1955 - Sep 1959; dir.-gen., Bank of China, May 1955 - Cult. Rev.; head, govt del. to German Democratic Republic, May 1958; head, govt del. to PR Mongolia, Dec 1959; vice-pres., People's Bank of China, Jun 1971; acting pres., People's Bank of China, Dec 1971-1975; head, banking del. to Albania and Romania, Oct 1972; head, banking del. to Tanzania, Dec 1972; acting dir., Bank of China, Jul 1974; head, banking del. to Japan, Apr 1975; head, banking del. to Ν Korea, Nov 1975; ehm, Board of Directors, Bank of China, Mar 1976; vice-pres., Bank of China, Jun 1978 - Jul 1979; head, banking del. to France and Italy, May 1979; hon. pres., Bank of China, Jul 1979; dpty head, People's Bank del. to U.S.A., Apr 1980; pres., China Finance Society, Apr 1987; mem., Economic Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.

Qiao Zhimin

Qiao Xiaoguang






WSm * 1918 Guangcong County, Hebei Sec., Changde Distr CP, Hunan Prov., 1950; sec-gen., Guangxi Prov. CP and dir. of its Org. Dpt, 1952-54; ambassador to Ν Korea, Feb 1956 - Jul 1961; sec., Guangxi AR CP, Dec 1961; 2nd sec., Guangxi AR CP, Jul 1965 Cult. Rev.; acting 1st sec., Guangxi AR CP, Oct 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of Guangxi AR, Aug 1972; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangxi AR CP, Aug 1972; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Guangxi AR, Oct 1973 - Feb 1977; sec., Guangxi AR CP, Aug 1974 May 1976; head, Birth Planning Leading Group, People's Govt, Guangxi AR, Jan 1975; mem., Presidium, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; head, friendship del. to Pakistan and Sri Lanka, Nov 1975; 2nd sec., Guangxi AR CP, May 1976 Feb 1977; 1st sec., Guangxi AR CP, Feb 1977 - Jun 1985; ehm, Rev Comte, Guangxi AR, Feb 1977 - Dec 1979; 1st polit, commissar, Guangxi Mil. Distr, Mar 1977 - Jun 1985; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987); deputy for Guangxi AR to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; head, Party workers' del. to Romania, Aug 1980; mem., Presidium, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; ehm, Guangxi Branch of CPPCC, Jan 1982; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; made self-criticism on his own factionalist practices, Jun 1983; head, Guangxi del. to Kumamoto, Japan, Apr 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; disappeared, May 1992.

Qiao Xueting

# #


Dpty cdr., Air Force, Chengdu Mil. Reg, Jul 1982; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Nov 1982.

Qiao Zhimin



Vice-chm, Rev Comte, Sichuan Prov., Dec 1977- Dec 1979; vice-gov., Sichuan PPG, Dec 1979- Apr 1983; dpty sec-gen., Polit, and Legal Comte, Sichuan CP, Aug 1981; adviser, Sichuan PPG, Feb 1984; disappeared, May 1986.


Qilin Wandan

Qilin Wandan

As fa B£ -fr

* 1935 Xinlian Village, Zhongdian County, Yunnan Born into a family of Tibetan serfs; made a serve himself at the age of seven; ran away from his slave-owner and joined a PLA unit, 1951; soon later returned to native village to organize a group of former slaves into an auxiliary militia which supported local PLA in fighting Tibetan rebels during spring 1952; wounded during Tibetan uprising while trying to support a PLA unit, 1957; took part in Natl Militia Congr in Beijing, 1960; sec., Party Comte in his home village, 1960; during early phase of Cult. Rev. declared an anti-Party element and exposed to criticism, 1966; rehabilitated after PLA sent a group to support the Left in his home area, Mar 1967; mem., Yunnan Prov. Rev Comte and ehm, Dongwan People's Commune Rev Comte, Aug 1968; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Diqing Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Prov., Nov 1968; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and to 11th, Aug 1977); Party sec., Xinlian Production Brigade, Zhongdian County, Jan 1970; called "Eagle of the Snow Mountains" in China Reconstructs, May 1970; dpty sec., Yunnan CP, Oct 1973; head, friendship del. to Ν Vietnam, Nov 1974; ehm, Peasants' Fed, Yunnan, Jul 1976; at own request transferred to Zhongdian County in Diqing Autonomous Prefecture to set up an agricultural mass org. on the model of Dazhai, Oct 1976; disappeared, Dec 1977.


Ind. and Transport, CCP Central Comte, 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: CCP sec., Beijing Poly technical Univ, 1974-77; dpty editor-in-chief, RMRB, Apr 1978 May 1982; mem., Birth Planning Leading Group, SC, Jul 1978 - Mar 1981; mem., Legal Com, 5th NPC, Apr 1980Jun 1983; head, RMRB del. to Spain, May 1980; head, RMRB del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1981; editor-in-chief, RMRB, May 1982 - Dec 1985; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; vice-chm, Chinese Journalists' Assn, Apr 1983-1988; dir., Intl Culture Publishing House of China, Feb 1984; head, RMRB del. to New York when his paper started its overseas edition, Jun 1985; deputy for Guizhou to 7th NPC and mem. of its Internal and Judical Affairs Comte, Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1988; criticized Li Peng's work report at 5th Session, 7th NPC, Mar 1992; disappeared, Jul 1992.

Qin Chuanhou

Qin Hezhen



Sec., CCP Comte, Jinan Municipality, Apr 1959; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Shandong Prov., Jun 1973; vice-chm, Shandong Rev Comte, Jan 1977 -Dec 1979; sec., CCP Comte, Shandong Prov, Jan 1977 - Mar 1983; deputy for Shandong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 19083); vice-gov., Shandong PPG, Dec 1979Apr 1983; ehm, Shandong PPC, Apr 1983 - Jun 1985; disappeared, Sep 1985.

Qin Jialin * 1919 Chishui County, Guizhou Joined League of Chinese Left-Wing Writers, 1936; joined NW Anti-Japanese United Army, 1936; editor of literature page, Northwest Cultural Daily, 1937; studied at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. College and Central Party School, Yan'an, 1937; cadre, Cultural Work Com, NW China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 193949; cadre, Information Bureau and Propaganda Dpt, NW China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1949-64; cadre, Polit. Dpt for

Once served as dir., Security Dpt, 3rd Army Group, National Army; dpty cdr., W Anhui Mil. Distr, 1948; went over to the Communists, 1949; council mem., S Sichuan Admin. Office and concurrently dir. of its Public Security Dpt, Jul 1950; procurator, Procuratorate, S Sichuan Admin. Office; vice-gov., Sichuan PPG and concurrently dir. of its Public Security Dpt, Dec 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Sichuan Prov., Feb 1973 Feb 1983; sec., Polit, and Legal Comte, Sichuan CP, Aug 1981; vice-chm, Sichuan PPC, Apr 1983; disappeared, Mar 1984.

^ ^


Editor of Yanfu News at the Communist guerilla base at Yanfu, Jiangxi Prov., 1945-47; counsellor, Chinese mission in Great Britain, Jun 1957 - Oct 1962; dpty dir., Information Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Oct 1962 - Mar 1965; dir., Information Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Mar 1965 - Cult. Rev.; ambassador to Syria, Jun 1969 May 1974; dir., Information Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Aug 1974 - Dec 1976; ambassador to Denmark, Aug 1977-1981; ambassador to Morocco, Oct 1982-1983; disappeared, May 1983.


Qin Lisheng


Dpty sec., CCP Comte, Xikang Prov. and concurrently council mem., Xikang PPG, Oct 1950; mem., Rural Reform Comte, SW China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1951 - Jan 1953; dpty sec-gen., CAS, 1957-67; head, CAS del. to Moscow, Jul 1962; mem., scientific del. to Ν Korea, Jul 1965; branded as anti-Party element and purged, Feb 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again dpty sec-gen., CAS, May 1971 - Feb 1979; head, CAS del. to Cuba (10th anniversary Cuban Academy of Sciences), Feb 1972; head, scientists' del. to Zaire, Mar 1976; deputy for Beijing to 5 th Ν PC, Feb 1978; dpty head, CAS del. to Japan (head: Zhou Peiyuan), Sep 1978; vice-chm, Natl Com of the PRC for UNESCO, Feb 1979; head, scientific del. to Egypt, Dec 1979; mem., CAS del. to U.S.A., Jun 1980; mem., Presidium, CAS, May 1981; dpty sec., CCP Leading Group, CAS, Nov 1981; adviser to CAS, Sep 1982; vice-chm, Motions Comte, 5th Session, 5th Ν PC, Nov 1982; deputy for Shanxi to 6th NPC, May 1983; vice-pres., China Wildlife Conservation Assn, Dec 1983; ehm, Natl Comte on Man and Biosphere, Dec 1983; mem., China-Brazil Friendship Group, 6th NPC, Mar 1986; disappeared, Mar 1986.

Qin Lizhen

Among his publications are: First Step to Appreciate World Literature (1948); New China's Culture and Education (1950); The Shells (novel, 1956); Du Meizong, the Demobilized Soldier (novel); Collecting Shells on the Seashore of Art; Raging Seas (novel, 1982).

Qin Wencai



Vice-min. of Petroleum Ind., Mar 1979 - May 1982; dpty gen-mgr., Petroleum Corp. of China, May 1980-1986; pres., China Natl Offshore Oil Corp., May 1982 - Mar 1987; gen-mgr., China Natl Petroleum Corp., Aug 19821985; head, petroleum del. to Spain and France, Apr 1985; disappeared, Mar 1987.

Qin Yingji


D %

Dir., Visa Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, 1950; dpty dir., Consular Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Oct 1955 - Jun 1958; dir., Consular Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Jun 1958 - Feb 1962; mem., Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, SC, Sep 1959; ambassador to Norway, Apr 1962 - Jan 1965; ambassador to Zambia, Feb 1965-1972; dir., Consular Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Jan-Jul 1974; ambassador to Sweden, Jul 1974 - May 1979; ambassador to New Zealand, Dec 1979 - Nov 1983; disappeared, Nov 1983. Qin was married to Li Huawen.

Qin Mu

Qin Yingji

& &

* Zhenghai County, Guangdong deceased 1992, Oct 14 Born under the name of Lin Juefu into the family of a landlord. Representative of Hong Kong to 1st All-China Congr of Literary and Art Workers, Beijing, Jul 1949; mem., People's Congr, Guangdong Prov., Aug 1954; editor of Guangzhou paper Yangcheng Wanbao, Jun 1960; vice-chm, Guangzhou Branch, Chinese Writers' Assn, Sep 1961; mem., writers' del. to PR Mongolia, May 1962; mem., writers' del. to Cuba, Aug 1962; vice-chm, Guangdong Prov. Branch, Writers' Assn, Dec 1962; criticized for opposing revolutionary literature and art, Jun 1966; denounced as an anti-Communist veteran and purged, Sep 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: elected council mem. of XNA, Sep 1982; deputy for Guangdong to 7th NPC, Mar 1988 - death; mem., 5th Natl Comte, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Nov 1988 - death; ehm, Guangdong Branch, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Jan 1989 - death. Qin was married to Wu Zifeng.

* 1915 Donglan County, Guangxi Qin belonged to the Zhuang minority. Joined Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, 1929; attended Nationalities College and Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1937-38; service as regiment and dpty dir. cdr., New 4th Army, 1939-48; dir., Public Security Dpt, Hebei PPG, 1949- Mar 1950; council mem., Guangxi PPG, Mar 1950; dir., Public Security Dpt, Guangxi PPG, Jul 1950; cdr., 6th Div., Public Security Forces, Jul 19501951; ehm, Guixi Autonomous Prefecture, 1952-56; mem., Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; deputy for Guangxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964); vice-chm, People's Govt, Guangxi Prov., Sep 1954-1955; vice-gov., Guangxi PPG, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; sec., Guangxi Prov. CP, May 1957 - Cult. Rev.; ehm, Guangxi Branch, Sino-Vietnamese Friendship Assn, Aug 1960; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1972; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte, Guangxi AR, Dec 1972; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Guangxi AR, Aug 1974 - Dec 1979; sec., Guangxi AR CP, Aug 1974 - Mar 1983; head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Apr 1975; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982- Sep 1985); ehm, Guangxi Branch, CPPCC, Mar 1979 (reelected, May 1983); ehm, People's Govt, Guangxi AR, Dec 1979- Apr 1983; deputy for Guangxi AR to 5th NPC, by-elected Aug 1980 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); head, Guangxi del. to Italy, Jun 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangxi AR CP, Mar 1983 - Jun 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; head, CCP del. to Laos, Dec 1991; disappeared, Dec 1991.


Qin Zhenwu

Qin Zhenwu

Qiu Chuangcheng

φ] Λ

Qin belonged to the Tong minority. Vice-chm, Guangxi AR PPC, Dec 1979 - Jul 1985; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983; disappeared, Oct 1984.




* 1924 Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia Q. belonged to the Mongol minority. Admitted to Hohhot Inst, of Mongolian Studies, 1938; graduation from NE Univ, 1941; studied science and engineering in Japan, 1941-45; returned and taught at Inner Mongolia College at Chifeng, 1945; together with friends founded Inner Mongolian Mil. and Polit. Univ in Qiqihar, 1948; served as personal sec. of Ulanhu, ehm of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), 1950-53; dir., Mongolian Language Research Office under Central Inst, of Nationalities, 1954; prof, of newly established Univ of IMAR, Oct 1957 - Cult. Rev; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for IMAR to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); vice-pres., IMAR Univ, Jun 1983; mem., Nationalities Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Mar 1991. Publications: An Outline of the Mongolian Language Family and Its Dialects (1957); the following titles were published in the 1980s: Modern Mongolian Grammar; Classification of Dialects in the Mongolian Language; On Qidan Characters; Mongolian-Chinese Dictionary; Tu and Mongolian Languages.

* 1912 Pingjiang County, Hunan deceased 1982, Feb 21 Joined Red Army, 1928; trained at Red Army Univ, 1933; wounded during Long March, Mar 1935; studied artillery techniques, Moscow, 1936; polit, commissar, Artillery Regiment, 8th Route Army, 1938; polit, commissar, Artillery School, 1945; polit, commissar, NE Special Column, 1947; dpty cdr., PLA Artillery Force, 1951-54; visited USSR, Aug 1952; dpty polit, commissar, PLA Artillery Force, 1954-57; appointed ltn-gen. and awarded "Liberation" order, Sep 1955; polit, commissar, PLA Artillery Force, 1957-60; deputy for PLA to 2nd NPC, Jun 1958; cdr., PLA Artillery Force, Mar 1960-1963; min., 5th Min. of Machine Building, Sep 1963-1967; deputy for Hunan to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., Natl Defense Council, Jan 1965; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; disappeared, May 1973.

Qiu Guoguang


Served in 4th Field Army, 1949; maj-gen., Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Aug 1963; dir., Logistics Dpt, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Jan 1964; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Guangdong Prov., Feb 1968-1972; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 - Aug 1973; dpty cdr., Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Nov 1971-1977; disappeared, Aug 1978.

Qiu Huizuo



Qing-ge-er-tai See Qingartai

* 1914 Xingguo County, Jiangxi Polit. Commissar of a unit under 4th Field Army, 1949; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Henan Mil. Distr, Apr 1949; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, S China Mil. Reg, Jan 1952-1954; dpty polit, commissar, Guangdong Mil. Distr, 1953-54; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, 4th Field Army, Dec 1953-1954; appointed ltn-gen. and awarded "Liberation" order, Sep 1955; polit, commissar, Guangdong Mil. Distr, 1956; dir., PLA General Logistics Dpt, 1959-71; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., Natl Defense Council,


Jan 1965; dpty dir., PLA Cult. Rev. Group, Aug 1967; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; mem., Politburo, CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; dpty chief, PLA General Staff, Feb 1969; disappeared, May 1971; found guilty "of organizing a counterrevolutionary clique, of conspiring to overthrow the government" and sentenced to 16 years imprisonment, Jan 1981; released from prison due to poor health, Jul 1982; in 1988 he lived together with his wife in Xi'an in a three-room flat, receiving 200 yuan a month for living expenses.

Qiu Wenyi

Qu Wu

Qu Jing

Qu Wu



r m Ά m y wm • ν


#) &

Dir., Finance and Tade Dpt, CCP Comte, Liaoning Prov., Sep 1957; dpty dir., Financial and Economic Comte, Liaoning PPC, Mar 1964; vice-gov., Liaoning PPG, Oct 1964 - May 1968; disappeared, Oct 1968.

ü p

* 1927 Luchuan County, Guangxi CCP cadre in counties of Guangxi, 1945-67; dpty CCP sec., Luocheng County, 1970-74; commissioner and CCP sec., Qinzhou Prefecture, 1974-85; sec-gen., People's Congr, Guangxi AR, 1985-87; vice-chm, People's Congr, Guangxi AR, Jan 1988; disappeared, Jan 1988.


& X


* 1927 Eijin Horo Banner, Inner Mongolia Q. belonged to the Mongol minority. Received the hereditary title "Prince of Ordos" from his father and also became the 34th linear descendent of Genghis Khan, Jul 1949 (this title was granted to an ancestor of his by a Qing dynasty emperor, connected with the rule over 130,000 square kilometers of Ordos Highlands); the Central Govt of PRC abolished all titles and privileges, 1950; dpty head, People's Govt, Ih Ju League, 1952; persecuted during Cult. Rev., 1966-76; politically rehabilitated, 1979, and offered reinstatement into his former position in Ih Ju League, but Q. decided to give up the post; since that time worked as an historian; disappeared, 1988. Publications: Two Memoirs (1982); History Highlands (6 volumes, 1987).



* 1898 Weinan County, Shaanxi deceased 1992, Jun 13 Studied in private school, Xi'an, 1919; pres., Shaanxi Student Union, participated in "May 4th Movement" 1919; studied at Moscow Univ, 1926-29; after return served in Nationalist Govt until 1949, holding successively offices as mem., KMT Legislative Yuan, dir. of Civil Affairs Dpt of Xinjiang Provincial Govt and mayor of Dihua (now Ürümqi); went over to the Communists, Sep 1949; mem., NW China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; mayor of Ürümqi, Dec 1949-1950; dpty sec-gen., GAC, Sep 1950- Sep 1954; executive sec., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1950 - Dec 1954; mem., Solidarity Comte, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Nov 1952; mem., NW China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; deputy for Henan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1958); dpty sec-gen., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Oct 1954; dpty sec-gen., Central Comte, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Dec 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Feb 1956; dpty dir., Counsellors' Office, SC, Jul 1957 - Jan 1959; mem., Legal Comte, 1st NPC, Feb 1958 - Apr 1959; mem., NPC del. to Finland, Mar 1958; vice-chm, Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1958 - Nov 1965; head, opera troupe to Switzerland, Sep 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1965); head, cultural del. to Afghanistan, Jun 1959; ehm, Sino-Hungarian Friendship Assn, Aug 1959 - Cult. Rev.; head, artistic troupe to Sudan, Feb 1960; vice-chm, Sino-African Friendship Assn, Apr 1960 - Cult. Rev.; head, artistic troupe to Morocco, Jun 1960; head, friendship del. to Hungary, Apr 1961; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; again mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Sep 1974; deputy for Shaanxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; mem., NPC del. to Japan (head: Deng Yingchao), May 1979; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Oct 1979 - Sep 1985; mem., CPPCC del. to Yugoslavia (head: Wang Shoudao), Oct 1980; vicechm, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); dir., CPPCC Office to Promote China's Reunification,

Quan Xingyuan


Sep 1983; pres., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1984; acting ehm, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Sep 1985 - Feb 1987: ehm, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Feb-Dec 1987; invited to 13th Congr of CCP, Oct 1987; hon. ehm, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Dec 1987 - death; adviser to Assn for the Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China, Sep 1988.

ance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Hubei to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Jun 1978Mar 1981; min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Mar 1981 - May 1982; ehm, Board of Directors, China Automotive Ind. Corp., May 1982 - Jun 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 -death.

Publication: On Soviet-German War.

Rao Shoukun

% ψ

Quan Xingyuan fa Jf. ¿Ji * Hebei Mem., Supervision Comte, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), 1950; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, IM AR People's Govt, 1951; dir., Ind. Dpt, IMAR People's Govt, Sep 1951; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, IMAR People's Govt, Sep 1951; council mem., IMAR People's Govt, Aug 1954; dir., Ind. Dpt, IMAR CP, Apr 1957; mem., Stand. Comte, IMAR CP, May 1957; alt. sec., IMAR CP, May 1960; sec., IMAR CP, Aug 1963; denounced as counterrevolutionary and arrested, Apr 1967; leading revolutionary cadre of Inner Mongolia, Jun 1967; mem., Stand. Comte, IMAR Rev Comte, Nov 1967; dir., Polit. Dpt, IMAR Rev Comte, Feb 1968; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Mar 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Gansu Prov., Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; dir., Ind. and Communications Office, Gansu PPG, Sep 1978; disappeared, Dec 1979.

Ran Guiying (f)

-ft- tt Ht

Head, Daping Production Brigade, Dingxi County, Gansu Prov., Oct 1976; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; disappeared, Dec 1978.

Ran Yannong



Dpty dir., Rural Work Dpt, CCP Secretariat, Wuhan Municipality, Nov 1959; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Guizhou Prov., Nov 1977 - Dec 1979; vice-gov., Guizhou PPG, Jan 1980 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Guizhou PPC, Apr 1983; deputy for Guizhou to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.

Rao Bin



* 1913 Jilin deceased 1987, Aug 29 Studied at Shanghai Univ; served in 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; mayor, Harbin Municipality, 1949; dpty 1st sec., CCP Comte, Harbin Municipality, Jan 1950; sec., CCP Comte, Songjiang Prov., Jun 1950 - Jun 1954; vicechm, Songjiang Prov., Oct 1951 - Jun 1954; manager, Changchun No. 1 Automobile Manufacturing Plant, Feb 1954; vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Jan 1960Jun 1961; vice-min., Economic Com, SC, Jul 1961 -Oct 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appear-

* 1915 Dexing County, Jiangxi Cdr. of a regiment, Red Army, before 1945; cdr. of a brigade, Central China Field Army, 1946; made vice-admiral and awarded order of "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; dpty cdr., E China Sea Fleet, PLA Navy, Dec 1958; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Aug 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: cdr., Ν China Sea Fleet, PLA Navy, Jan 1979 - Jan 1980; cdr., Jinan Mil. Reg, Feb 1980 - Jun 1985; deputy for PLA, 5th NPC, by-elected Aug 1980 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); 2nd sec., CCP Comte, Jinan Mil. Reg, Jul 1981 - Jun 1985; head, PLA del. to Yugoslavia and Romania, Sep 1981; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1986; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1987; disappeared, Jul 1991.




* 1903 Linchuan County, Jiangxi deceased 1955, Mar 2 Graduated from middle school in Nanchang, 1920; studied at Shanghai Univ, early 1920s; joined CCP, 1925; organizer of workers movement, 1925-26; after split between KMT and CCP, 1927, escaped to U.S.A. with Russian help; his whereabouts during the next decade are uncertain: some sources see him in Canada, others in France, East Europe and others imprisoned in Manchuria; dpty polit, commissar, New 4th Army, 1939; captured by Nationalist forces during Southern Anhui Incident, Jan 1941; continued as dpty polit, commissar, New 4th Army (under Liu Shaoqi as polit, commissar), Dec 1941; dpty sec., Central China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1941; polit, commissar, New 4th Army, 1943; sec., E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1944; mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Jun 1945; polit, adviser to Ye Jianying, CCP


representative to Mil. Mediation Comte, Beijing, 1946; polit, commissar, E China Field Army, 1946; polit, commissar, E China PLA, 1947-48; polit, commissar, 3rd Field Army, Jan 1949; sec., Shanghai Municipality CP, May 1949; polit, commissar, E China Mil. Reg, Jun 1949; sec., E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1949; ehm, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949 Jan 1953; mem., Central People's Govt Council, Dec 1949-1954; mem., People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, Dec 1949-1954; ehm, E China Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, 1949; 1st sec., E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte and concurrently 1st sec., Shanghai Municipality CP, 1951; dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1952; mem., CCP del. to USSR, Nov 1952; mem., State Planning Com, GAC, Nov 1952; mem., Executive Comte, All-China Fed of TU, May 1953; taken into custody, Feb 1954; accused of having conspired with Gao Gang in an inter-Party alliance and purged, Apr 1955. Rao was married to Lu Cui.

Rao Xing


Mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Ν Sichuan Admin. Office, Jun 1950; sec-gen., CCP Comte, Ν Sichuan Distr, Jul 1950; asst min. of Water Conservancy, Oct 1956 - Oct 1957; dpty dir., Central Meteorological Bureau, Nov 1957 - Oct 1964; head, meteorological del. to Ν Vietnam, Mar 1964; deputy for Hunan to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; dir., Central Meteorological Bureau, Oct 1964 Cult. Rev.; denounced as a counterrevolutionary and purged, Apr 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1974; cadre in Central Meteorological Bureau, Sep 1975; head, meteorological del. to Japan, Dec 1978; director, Central Meteorological Bureau, Sep 1979 - May 1980; disappeared, May 1984.

Rao Xingli


Ren Baige

Rao Zhengxi



* 1911 Zhongxiang County, Hubei Joined CCP, 1932; dpty polit, commissar, PLA 1st Field Army, 1949; mem., Xinjiang Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, and mem., Xinjiang PPG, Dec 1949; mayor of Üriimqi Municipality CP, Aug 1952-1953; sec., Ürümqi CP, Aug 1952; dir., Public Health Div., General Logistics Dpt, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, Nov 1953; made ltn-gen. and awarded order "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; dir., Public Health Div., PLA General Logistics Dpt, Dec 1957; mem., mil. del. to India, Jan 1958; dpty dir., PLA General Logistics Dpt, Jul 1958 - Cult. Rev.; branded as a "three anti-element" and purged, Sep 1967; reappearance Jul 1974; dpty dir., PLA General Logistics Dpt, Apr-Dec 1978; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 (reelected Sep 1982) - Sep 1985; disappeared, 1985.




* Hubei Natl model agricultural worker, 1953; deputy for Hubei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); ehm, "October" Production Cooperative, Xishui County, Hubei, Mar 1956; mem., Pres. of Natl Congr, Progressive Production Cooperatives, Dec 1958; vice-chm, Fed of Poor and Lower-Middle Peasants of Hubei, May 1966-1970; vice-chm, Hubei Rev Comte, Feb 1968-1977; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973; to 11th CC, Aug 1977; and to 12th CC, Sep 1982); mem., Stand. Comte, Hubei CP, Jan 1972 - Mar 1983; ehm, Hubei Peasants' Fed, Dec 1973-1977; vice-chm, Hubei PPC, Jan 1980 - Apr 1983; disappeared, Apr 1985.

* 1909 Liuyang County, Hunan Joined Red Army and CCP, 1930; cdr., 12th Brigade, 4th Div., New 4th Army, 1940; dpty cdr., 9th Column, Central China Mil. Reg, 1945; cdr., Huaibei Advance Army under E China Field Army, late 1946; cdr., 30th Army, 3rd Field Army, Feb 1949; led troops in crossing Changjiang and fought in battle of Shanghai, 1949; joined forces of Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1950-53; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., Shanghai Garrison, Sep 1955-1961; cdr., Shanghai Garrison, Feb 1961-1967; dpty cdr., Nanjing Mil. Reg, Mar 1967-1974; leading military, Air Force, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Oct 1975-?; disappeared, Jan 1984. Rao was married to Wang Shuzhi.

Ren Baige


£} X

* 1906 Sichuan deceased 1986, Aug 23 Once served as a book-dealer in Shanghai; dir., Culture


Ren Bishi

Section, Polit. Dpt, 2nd Field Army, 1949; mem., AllChina Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Jul 1949; delegate of this fed to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; council mem., SinoSoviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949-1954; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Chongqing Municipality CP, Dec 1949; dpty dir., Cultural and Educational Dpt, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jun 1950 - Jan 1953; dpty dir., Cultural and Educational Comte, SW Admin Comte, Feb 1953 - Sep 1954; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; deputy for Chongqing to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; vice-gov., Sichuan PPG, Jan 1955 - Jul 1958; mayor of Chongqing Municipality, Jan 1955 - Cult. Rev.; dpty sec., Chongqing CP, Oct 1955-1956; sec., Chongqing CP, Aug 19561959; deputy for Sichuan to 2nd NPC, Jul 1958; 1st sec., Chongqing CP, Nov 1959 - Cult. Rev.; branded a collaborator of Li Jingquan and purged, May 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; adviser to Sichuan CP, May 19801983; vice-chm, Sichuan Branch, CPPCC, May 19801985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - death.

Ren Bishi



* 1904 Xiangyin County, Hunan deceased 1950, Oct 27 Bom into the family of a rich peasant. Attended 1st Middle School in Changsha and Hunan Normal School, graduating in 1920; went to Shanghai, joined Socialist Youth League and studied Russian language; studied at Univ of the Toilers of the East, Moscow, 1921-24; joined CCP, 1922; returned to Shanghai, 1924, and taught Russian at Shanghai Univ, 1924; mém., Central Comte, CYL, Jan 1925-1928; dir., Organization Dpt, CYL, 1925-27; sec., CYL, May 1927- mid-1928; mem., CCP 5th Central Comte, May 1927 (reelected to 6th CC, Jul 1928, and to 7th CC, Jun 1945); arrested for CCP underground activities, Sep 1928- Mar 1929; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Jiangsu Prov., Mar 1929; mem., Yangtze (Changjiang) Bureau, CCP Central Comte and concurrently sec., Wuhan Municipality CP and sec., Hubei Prov. CP, Nov 1929- Oct 1930; mem., Politburo, CCP 6th Central Comte, elected at 4th Plenum, Jan 1931 (reelected to Politburo of 6th CC, Jun 1945); mem., Central Bureau for the Soviet Areas, Jan 1931; dir., Organization Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1931-1933; mem., Central Executive Comte, Chinese Soviet Republic (established at Ruijin), Nov 1931-1934; sec., CCP Comte of Hunan-Jiangxi Bor-

der Reg and concurrently polit, commissar, Hunan-Jiangxi Mil. Reg, May 1933 - Jan 1934; ehm, Polit. Comte, 6th Army Corps, which joined He Long's 2nd Army Corps at the beginning of the Long March, Oct 1934; after spending the winter in NE Guizhou, the 2nd and 6th corps were reorganized to the 2nd Front Army with Ren as its polit, commissar, Apr 1935-1936; dir., Polit. Dpt, 8th Route Army, Jun 1937-1938; medical treatment in Moscow, 1938-40; cadre, Secretariat, CCP Central Comte, 194045; sec., Secretariat, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1945 death; hon. ehm, New Democratic Youth League (where Ren made his last speech), Mar 1949 - death; when PRC was inaugurated in Oct 1949, Ren was the only top Party leader to receive no position in the new government; he was instead sent to Moscow for medical treatment in early 1950; returned to Beijing, mid-1950; he died of cerebral hemorrhage. Ren was married to Chen Zongying with whom he had 5 children.

Ren Gebai fe X & * 1916 Xingping County, Shaanxi Received a junior secondary education; later worked as an accountant with Shaanxi Prov. CP; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Shaanxi Prov. CP, 1945; sec., CYL of Xinjiang Prov., 1953; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Üriimqi Municipality, Aug 1959; mem., People's Council, Üriimqi Municipality, Jul 1961; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Apr 1978; 1st sec., Üriimqi Municipality CP, Feb 1980-1984; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Secretariat, Xinjiang AR, Aug 1980- Mar 1983; dir., Organization Dpt, CCP Secretariat, Xinjiang AR, Mar 1981; vice-chm, PPC of Xinjiang AR, Apr 1983 - Jun 1986; disappeared, Jun 1986.

Ren Guozhang fè ® ^ Ren belonged to the Zhuang minority. Deputy for Guangxi to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; vice-chm, People's Congress, Guangxi AR, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; disappeared, Apr 1983.

R e n M a n j u n (f) & X £ Deputy for Fujian to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; vice-chm, Fujian PPC, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; disappeared, Apr 1983.

B Ren Mingdao ^ JÎ i t . Sec., CCP Comte, Aba Autonomous Prefecture of Tibetan in Sichuan Prov., 1956; 1st sec. of this prefecture, Jan 1962; sec., CCP Comte, Tibet AR, Sep 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Sichuan Prov., Nov 1975 - Mar 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Sichuan CP, Jun 1976 - Mar 1983; head, friendship del. to


Romania, Jun 1976; deputy for Sichuan to 5 th Ν PC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); disappeared, May 1983.

Ren Puzhai

disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-min. of Commerce, Nov 19731979; mem., Natl Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; disappeared, Jul 1979.

Ü 4 h ^Γ

Dir., Construction Bureau, Min. of Building Construction, Dec 1960; vice-min. of Building Construction, Aug 1971 - Jan 1975; head, govt del. to Algeria, Aug 1971; acting ehm, Chinese Society of Building Construction, Apr 1973; vice-min., Capital Construction Com, SC, May-Dec 1978; mem., economic del. to England and France, May 1978; vice-min. of Building Materials, Jul 1981; disappeared, Jul 1981.


Ren Sizhong

* Gansu Mem., Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt, 1949; attended 1st CPPCC and elected mem., 1st Natl Comte, Sep 1949; dir., Dpt of Ind. and Commerce, NW Branch, CDL, 1949; mem., NW Mil. and Admin. Comte and dir. of its Civil Affairs Dpt, Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; vice-chm, Lanzhou Mil. Control Com, 1950; mem., NW General Branch, CDL, Jan 1953; mem., NW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 -Sep 1954; alt. mem., 2nd Central Comte, CDL, May 1953; mem., 3rd Central Comte, CDL, Dec 1958 Cult. Rev.; deputy for Gansu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Mar 1959); vice-gov., Shaanxi PPG, Jul 1959 - Dec 1961; vice-gov., Gansu PPG, Dec 1961 - Sep 1964; disappeared, Sep 1964.

Renqin Zhamusu See Eqin Jamsu


Vice-mayor, Changchun Municipality, Apr 1961; ehm, Rev Comte, Changchun Municipality, Mar 1968; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Mar 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., CCP Comte, Changchun Municipality, Sep 1978-1980; acting ehm, Rev Comte, Changchun Municipality, Sep 1978-1979; dpty head, Jilin Prov. del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1978; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Changchun Municipality, Jim 1980; 1st polit, commissar, Changchun Mil. Subdistrict, Jun 1981; vice-gov., Jilin PPG, Aug 1982; disappeared, Aug 1982.

Ren Quansheng




Ren Qingyuan

Ren Rong



* Shandong Council mem., Liaodong PPG, May 1950- Jun 1954; dir., Commerce Dpt, Liaodong PPG, Nov 1950- Jun 1954; dir., NE Storage Dpt, Min. of Commerce, Feb 1953; ehm, Assn of Paper and Writing Utensils, Apr 1957; dir., Bureau of Textile Trade, Min. of Commerce, Jun 1958; vice-min. of Commerce, Apr 1964 - Cult. Rev.;

* 1917 Cangxi County, Sichuan Joined Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, 1933; joined CCP, 1934; took part in Long March, 1934-35; served in battalion and brigade, 8th Route Army, and subsequently as polit, commissar of a di v., NE Field Army, 1937-49; dir., Org. Dpt and later Polit. Dpt, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1950-53; polit, commissar, 46th Corps, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1952; Chinese mem., Korean Truce Com, 1954; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; graduation from PLA Polit. Academy, 1958; mem., Chinese Section, Cease-Fire Com, Panmunjong, Nov 1960; dpty polit, commissar, Tibet Mil. Reg, Sep 1965; during Cult. Rev. denounced as an "ally of the bandits", Aug 1967, without, however, suffering polit, setback; vice-chm of (newly established) Rev Comte of Tibet AR, Sep 1968 - Aug 1979; polit, commissar, Tibet Mil. Reg, Jun 1970 (this Mil. Reg was reduced to the status of Mil. Distr in 1971); 1st sec., of (newly established) CCP Secretariat of Tibet AR, Aug 1971 - May" 1980; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 Aug 1977; 1st polit, commissar, Tibet Mil. Distr, Sep 1975 - May 1980; head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Dec 1976; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977- Sep 1982; ehm, Rev Comte, Tibet AR, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; deputy for Tibet AR to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; ehm, Tibet Branch, CPPCC, Aug 1979- May 1980; head, Tibet friendship del. to Nepal, Apr 1980; leading military, Wuhan Mil. Reg, Mar 1981; dpty polit, commissar, Wuhan Mil. Reg, Jan 1982-Jun 1985; demoted to alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982- Nov 1987; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Apr 1988.

Ren Sizhong fe % & * 1914 (1920?) Polit, commissar of a regiment, NE Field Army, 1947; dir., Polit. Dpt, 135th Div., 4th Field Army, 1949; dpty polit, commissar, 135th Div., Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951-53; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; polit, com., 42nd Army, based in Guangzhou Mil. Reg, 1960;


Ren Tie

dir., Polit. Dpt, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, 1967; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and to 11th CC, Aug 1977); polit, commissar, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, May 1971-1974; transferred to Shandong Prov., May 1975; dpty polit, commissar, Jinan Mil. Reg, Mar 1977-1979; adviser, Jinan Mil. Reg, Aug 1981-1987; disappeared, Jul 1987.

Ren Tie Ü & Alt mem., CCP 13th Central Comte, Nov 1987; sec., Baotou City CP, Dec 1987; disappeared, Dec 1987.

Ren Wuzhi


w L · •B

ι : WM

* 1929 Xing County, Shanxi Served in counties of Xinjiang and worked for South Shanxi Daily, 1950-58; worked in Editorial Dpt, Tibet Daily, 1959-65; dpty sec-gen., CCP Secretariat, Tibet AR, 1966-82; dir., 2nd Bureau, United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1982-83; acting dir., State Bureau of Religious Affairs, Dec 1983; dir., State Bureau for Religious Affairs, Jul 1984 - Sep 1992; mem., Motions Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Sep 1992.

Ren Xinmin



•1915 Ningguo County, Anhui Studied in Nanjing; obtained doctorate in engineering dynamics from Michigan Univ, U.S.A., 1948; researcher, Mil. Science Research Office, E China Mil. Reg, 195052; prof., Artillery Engineering Dpt, Harbin Mil. Engineering College, 1952-56; dir., Research Inst., Min. of Natl Defense, 1956-65; deputy for Beijing to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; dpty dir., Research Inst., 7th Min. of Machine Building, 1965-71; scientific cadre in Beijing, Oct 1973; deputy for Shanghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983; to 7th, Apr 1988); dir.,

Inst, of Space Technology, Jul 1978 - Jan 1981; pres., Astronautics Society, Aug 1978; head, austronautics del. to Japan, Aug 1978; head, space technology del. to U.S.A., Nov 1978; mem., Comte to Examine Proposals, 2nd Session; 5th NPC, Jun 1979; mem., Comte to Examine Proposals, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; pres., Academy of Space Technology, Jan 1981 - Jun 1983; mem., Motions Comte, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; mem., Dpt of Technological Sciences, CAS, Jun 1985; ehm, Science and Technology Comte, Min. of Astronautics Ind., Nov 1985; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); ehm, Board of Directors, Chinese Society of Astronautics, Nov 1987; mem., Board of Directors, Intl Academy of Astronautics, Nov 1987; deputy for Anhui to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., Natl Academic Degrees Comte, Oct 1988; named general designer of rockets and satellites, Dec 1988; named chief architect of China's Satellite Telecommunications Project, Jul 1990; disappeared, Jul 1990.

R e n Yili — ti Dpty dir., Finance Dpt, Zhejiang PPG, 1949; mem., Zhejiang PPC, Jan 1955; vice-gov., Zhejiang PPG, Nov 1958 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Zhejiang to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Mar 1968.

Ren Ying ii JÈL Cdr., Guizhou Mil. Distr, Dec 1979-1983; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Guizhou Mil. Distr, Oct 1982; vice-chm, Guizhou PPC, Apr 1983; disappeared, Dec 1983.

Ren Ying te Vice-min., State Nationalities Affairs Com, Jul 1983 - Jul 1986; disappeared, Jul 1986.

Ren Yinglun Dir. of a dpt, Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Feb 1960; council mem., China-Latin America Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; dpty sec-gen., Assn for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Jul 1961; council mem., China-Cuba Friendship Assn, Dec 1962; vice-min., Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, SC, Mar 1966; vice-pres., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Apr 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jun 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vicechm, Shanxi PPC, Dec 1979 - May 1985; disappeared, May 1985.

Ren Zhibin # Ik A Service in New 4th Army, 1945; council mem., Shandong PPG, Feb 1951; sec-gen., Shandong Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1951; sec., Anhui Prov. CP, Jul 1962 - Cult. Rev.; branded a reactionary element and


purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1974; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 Sep 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, Anhui Prov. CP, Oct 1977; sec-gen., Anhui Prov. CP, May 1978; dir., State Admin. Bureau of Museums and Archaeological Data, SC, Jun 1980-1982; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Apr 1982 - Jun 1983; head, ceramics del. to Japan, Apr 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

Ren Zhiheng

# 4L 'Jé

Vice-min. of Coal Ind., May 1978-1982; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, Sep 1982; disappeared, Dec 1983.

Ren Zhonglin

-fír ή* fa

Rigdzin Wanggyal

ning Mil. Distr, Sep 1978-1980; mem., Credentials Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; head, Liaoning del. to Ν Korea, Jul 1979; head, CCP worker's del. to Romania and Yugoslavia, Sep 1979; article in HQ 1980/3, "Socialist construction should follow the basic socialist economic law"; mem., Presidium, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; 1st sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Nov 1980 - Jul 1985; head, Guangdong del. to Hong Kong, Oct 1981; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; deputy for Guangdong to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); 1st polit, commissar, Guangdong Mil. Distr, May 1983 - Jul 1985; article in RMRB Jun 10, 1983, "On the reform of the cadre system"; mem., CCP del. to Japan (head: Qiao Shi), Oct 1984; resigned from post of mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, and elected mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); hon. pres., Guangdong Consumers' Council, Feb 1988; disappeared, Oct 1992.

Renzeng Wangjie See Rigdzin Wanggyal

Rigdzin Wanggyal * 1925 Yi County, Hebei Commissioner, Xianning Prefecture, 1965-67; dpty sec., Jingzhou Prefecture CP, 1971-75; 1st sec., Xiaogan Prefecture CP, 1975-77; dpty sec., Hubei Prov. CP, Sep 1978-1981; dir., Ind. and Commerce Admion., SC, Jun 1982-1989; visited Switzerland, Federal Republic of Germany, Great Britain, Jun 1986; pres., Self-Employed Worker's Assn, Dec 1986; deputy for Hubei to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Aug 1989.

Ren Zhongyi



* 1913 Wei County, Hebei Joined CCP, 1935; served in Liaodong Prov., 1946; sec., Lüshun-Dalian Branch, Democratic Youth League, Oct 1951; deputy for Harbin to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; 2nd sec., Harbin Municipality CP, Nov 1954; 1st sec., Harbin Municipality CP, Sep 1956 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Heilongjiang to 2nd NPC, Sep 1958 - Dec 1964; sec., Heilongjiang CP, Feb 1961 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Heilongjiang Prov. CP, May 1973 - Mar 1977; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Heilongjiang Prov., Aug 1973 - Mar 1977; 1st vice-chm, Rev Comte, Liaoning Prov., Mar 1977 Sep 1978; 2nd sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, Mar 1977 - Sep 1978; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985); deputy for Liaoning to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; 1st sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, Sep 1978 - Nov 1980; ehm, Rev Comte, Liaoning Prov., Sep 1978- Jan 1980; 1st polit, commissar, Liao-


Ht H i


* 1936 R. belonged to the Tibetan minority. Once served as a slave. He became known as an agricultural model worker having made land arable at an elevation of 4,200 m in Nyama People's Commune (has since been known as a "Dazhai on the Tibet Plateau"); mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Secretariat, Tibet AR, Mar 1974-1978; sec., CP of Nyama People's Commune, Nov 1974; deputy for Tibet AR to 4th NPC, Jan 1975; sec., Lhünze County CP, Jul 1976; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 Sep 1982; deputy for Tibet AR to 6th NPC, May 1983; disappeared, May 1983.


Kong Yi

Rong Yi


Mar 1951; vice-gov., Hebei PPG, Feb 1955 - Apr 1960; dir., Rural Work Dpt, Hebei CP, Jun 1957; sec., Jilin Prov. CP, Apr 1960-1979; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; ehm, Shanxi PPC, Dec 1979 - Jan 1988; sec., Shanxi CP, Mar 1980 - Mar 1983; deputy for Shanxi to 5th NPC, by-elected Aug 1980 (reelected to 6th, 1983 and to 7th, 1988).


* 1923 Cixi County, Zhejiang Graduation from Beijing Agricultural Univ. 1951; lecturer and later prof., Beijing Agricultural Univ, 1956 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: prof., Beijing Agricultural Univ, 1978-1979; vice-pres., China Assn of Food Ind., Apr 1984; vice-chm, Beijing MPC, Mar 1985 - Feb 1993; deputy for Beijing to 8th NPC, Mar 1993. Remarks: Rong was engaged in study of domestic animal nutriology.

Rong Zihe Â


* 1905 Lingqiu County, Shanxi Graduated from Shanxi Univ; mem., Shanxi Natl Salvation Sacrifice League, 1935; leader of Shanxi 3rd Dare-toDie Column operating in Shanxi-Henan Border Reg, 1938; joined the guerilla forces under Bo Yibo, 1940; vice-chm, Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Border Govt, 1941; min. of Finance, Ν China People's Govt, 1948; vice-min. of Finance, Oct 1949 - Jul 1961; managing dir., Bank of Communications, Dec 1954; dpty head, goodwill del. to Cuba, Jul 1964; dir., Finance and Trade Office, NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, byelected Jul 1979 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); pres. of Chinese Finance Society, Jan 1980; hon. pres., Central Inst, of Finance and Economics, Apr 1985; disappeared, Nov 1989.

Rouci Tuerti See Ruzi Turdi

Ru Fuyi

# λ —

Cos, Chengdu Mil. Reg, Jan 1960; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1977; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Sichuan Prov., Dec 1977; deputy for Sichuan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dpty cdr., Chengdu Mil. Reg, Feb 1980; disappeared, Nov 1981.

Ruan Bosheng


* 1912 Tangshan County, Hebei Joined CCP, 1937; sec., Dong County CP, Hebei Prov.,

Rui Mu

Ä vK

* 1908 Zhejiang Studied in Germany and France; prof, of law, Beijing Univ, Jan 1962; council mem., Assn of Polit. Science and Law, Feb 1962; dir., Board of Directors, China Intl Trust and Investment Corp., Oct 1979-1983; prof., Dpt of Law, Beijing Univ, Oct 1979; mem., Legal Com, 5th NPC, Nov 1979 - Jun 1983; dpty dir., Inst, of Law, CAS, Mar 1980; vice-pres., China Intl Law Society, Mar 1983; visited Japan to serve on the jury of an intl tribunal on the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, Mar 1983; council mem., Assn of Intl Understanding of China, Mar 1983; disappeared, Apr 1983.

Ruzi Turdi

* 1921 Turpan County, Xinjiang deceased 1982, Jul 24 R. belonged to the Uighur minority. Son of poor peasants. At the age of eight he worked together with his father as a farm laborer in the service of a landlord. He was said to have owned his first pair of trousers at the age of twelve. Joined CCP, 1952; organized the first cooperative in Turpan County, 1955; established the first people's commune in Turpan County, 1958; initiated the utilization of melted snow from the Tianshan which eventually led to the construction of a canal, involving 1,000 members of his people's commune, 1962; R. was responsible for the afforestation of protective belts of forests, 1964; vice-chm of Turpan County, 1966; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and to 11th CC, Aug 1977); ehm, Rev Comte and concurrently CCP sec. of Turpan County, Jan 1971; article in HQ: "The Implementation of a Correct Political Line Requires a Correct Attitude Towards the Masses", Nov 1973; disappeared, Aug 1977.


Sa Kongliao




* 1907 Beijing deceased 1988, Oct 16 Born into a Mongolian family from Sichuan. Graduated from Beijing Univ and joined CCP as a student; editor of World, a supplement to Beijing Evening News and concurrently lecturer in journalism at Beijing's Peoples Univ, 1933; cofounder of the National Salvation Society, 1935; editor-in-chief, Shanghai newspaper Li Bao, 1936; left Japanese occupied Shanghai together with Shen Yanbing (Mao Dun) and other left-wing writers via Hong Kong to Dihua (now Ürümqi), 1937, to work as editor-in-chief of Xinjiang Ribao (Xinjiang Daily) and as lecturer at Xinjiang Univ; prosecuted by Sheng Shicai, gov. of Xinjiang; fled to Hong Kong, 1938; here he edited Guangming Ribao, 1939; after Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, 1941, moved to Guilin in Guangxi Prov.; arrested because of anti-government activities, 1943; in prison wrote Remarks on Vocational Training for Youths, General Thoughts on Scientific Journalism, From Hong Kong to Xinjiang, and the novelette The Coward·, moved to a reeducation camp in Chongqing, 1944; released, Jun 1945; editor, Huasheng Ribao, Hong Kong, 1946; mem., Stand. Comte, Fed of Democratic Youth, May 1949; representative of National Salvation Society to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949- Dec 1954; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949- Dec 1954; dpty dir., News Admin., G AC, Oct 1949 - Aug 1952; dir., Bureau of Press Photos in News Admin., G AC, Dec 1949- Aug 1952; mem., Central Comte, CDL, Dec 1949-Jan 1956; sec-gen., Guangming Ribao, Dec 1950; mem., Minorities Affairs Com, GAC, Oct 1951 - Sep 1954; dpty dir., Press Admin., GAC, Aug 1952 - Sep 1954; vice-chm, Propaganda Council, CDL, May 1953 -Feb 1956; mem., Stand. Comte, Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958 and to 3rd, Oct 1964); vice-chm, Minorities Affairs Com, SC, Oct 1954- Sep 1959; mem., cultural del. to Albania, Nov 1954; council mem., SinoIraq Friendship Assn, Sep 1958 - Cult. Rev.; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CDL, Dec 1958 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1965); council mem., Sino-African Friendship Assn, Apr 1960 - Cult. Rev.; mem., China Literary Society, Aug 1960; council mem., Sino-Albanian Friendship Assn, Nov 1960 - Cult. Rev.; mem., govt del. to Indonesia, Mar 1961; vice-chm, Sino-Indonesian Friendship Assn, Jul 1960-1966; head of an opera troupe to Hong Kong and Macao, Apr 1963; dpty head, friendship del. to Indonesia,


Jan 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Mar 1973 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978 and to 6th, Jun 1983); dpty sec-gen., 5th CPPCC, Aug 1978; mem., State Nationalities Affairs Com., May 1979-1982; vicechm, Central Comte, CDL, Oct 1979 - Oct 1988; adviser to Beijing Journalism Society, Feb 1980; dpty head, CPPCC del. to U.S.A. (head: Wang Shoudao), Nov 1981; council mem., XNA, Sep 1982; hon. pres., Univ of Nationalities, Apr 1985; invited to 13th Congr of CCP, Oct 1987.

Sai F e n g Ε Κ Dpty dir., Beijing Construction College, Apr I960 - Dec 1962; vice-min. of Geology, Apr 1981 - May 1982; disappeared, May 1982.

Saifulayev # "t # ^ À * 1918 Turpan, Xinjiang S. belonged to the Uigur minority. Received a senior secondary education; deputy for Xinjiang to 1st NPC, Oct 1954; later held the following posts: head, Educational Bureau, Yining City, and magistrate of Qapqal County; dpty dir., Organization Bureau, 1961; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: commissioner to Hami Prefecture, 1979; vice-chm, Xinjiang Branch, CPPCC, Aug 1980; mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Aug 1980; vice-chm, People's Congr, Xinjiang AR, Apr 1981-1984; deputy for Xinjiang AR to 6th NPC, May 1983; disappeared, Apr 1984.







* 1922 Horqin Leftwing Middle Banner, Inner Mongolia S. belonged to the Mongolian minority. Magistrate of his home banner, 1946-48; dpty dir., Org. Dpt, Jirem League CP, 1950-53; magistrate of this league, 1957-59; dpty CCP sec. of the league, 1959 - Cult. Rev; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Jilin Prov., Dec 1977-1979; head, animal husbandry del. to Australia, Oct 1978; mem., Nationalities Affairs Com, SC, May 1979; vice-chm, People's Congr, Inner Mongolia AR, Nov 1980 (reelected Apr 1983 and Jun 1988); disappeared, Jul 1989.


S ampo Tsewong-Rentzen

Sha Feng

Sampo Tsewong-Rentzen deceased 1976? S. belonged to the Tibetan minority and was of nobel origin. Served as a Kaloon (senior official), Tibet Local Govt, Dec 1953 - Apr 1959; mem., Preparatory Comte for Tibet AR, Apr 1956; dir., Lhasa Special Distr Admin. Office, Aug 1956; dpty cdr., Tibet Mil. Reg, Mar 1959 Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Preparatory Comte for Tibet AR, Apr 1959; mem., Natl Defense Council, Apr 1959 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Lhasa Mil. Control Com, Sep 1959; vice-chm, Preparatory Comte, CPPCC Tibet Comte, Oct 1959; vice-chm, Tibet Branch, CPPCC, Dec 1959 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Election Comte for Tibet AR, Aug 1962; identified as maj-gen., Dec 1963; delegate of nati minorities to 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964 - Jan 1965; during Cult. Rev. branded as head of a renegade clique and disappeared, Feb 1967. S. was married to Yuzhen Zhuge.


wr «






Cdr. of a regiment, NE Democratic Allied Army (cdr.: Lin Biao), 1949; min. of Agriculture and Forestry, Nov 1970-1975; head, govt del. to Mauritania, Nov 1970; head, govt del. to Somalia, Oct 1971; head of an agricultural del. to Albania, Jun 1972; head of an agricultural del. to Romania, Aug 1972; head of a govt del. to Turkey, Oct 1973; head of a govt del. to Australia, Oct 1974; head of an agricultural del. to Yugoslavia and Algeria, Sep 1977; disappeared, Aug 1978.

Sanggyai Yexe See Tian Bao

Sha Mengbi, Hai Yusuf

Sangpo Caiwang-Renzeng See Sampo Tsewong-Rentzen

Sarsibik Istik % ft Φ


3 #

A Sha Qianli

* 1925 Tekes County, Xinjiang S. belonged to the Kirgiz minority. Served in Xinjiang Nationality Army, 1944-49; cdr. of a PLA regiment, 1950-55; dpty dir., Bureau of Wasteland Surveying, Xinjiang PPG, 1956-59; dpty dir., Bureau of Farmland Reclamation, People's Govt, Xinjiang AR, 1959 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Com of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, People's Govt, Xinjiang AR, 197882; dpty cdr., Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, 1982-84; vice-chm, People's Congr, Xinjiang AR, Jun 1984; disappeared, Jan 1988.

Se-yin-ba-ya-er See Sainbair

& Ψ %

* 1904 deceased 1972, Nov 23 Dpty dir., China Islamic Inst., Aug 1963; vice-chm, China-Afghanistan Friendship Assn, Aug 1963; vice-chm, China Islamic Assn, Nov 1963 - death; deputy for Hebei to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964.


* 1901 Wu County, Jiangsu deceased 1982, Apr 26 Graduated from Shanghai School of Law, i929; subsequently practiced in Shanghai; cofounder of Natl Salvation Society, 1935; when the society was banned, he became one of "seven arrested gentlemen", Nov 1936; released on outbreak of Sino-Japanese War, 1937; joined Communist oriented Natl United Front, 1937; delegate of Natl Salvation Society to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; dpty sec-gen., Shanghai MPG, Dec 1949; vice-min. of Commerce, Oct 1949 - Aug 1952; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1949Nov 1954; vice-chm, Fed of Democratic Youth, 1950-53; mem., Board of Directors, representing public shares, Bank of China, May 1950; head, trade del. to USSR, Apr 1952; vice-min. of the newly established Min. of Economics, Aug 1952- Sep 1954; sec-gen., All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce (ACFIC), Oct 1953-1957; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958, and to 3rd, Oct 1964); min. of Local Ind., Sep 1954 - May 1956; mem., Standing Board of Directors, Bank of China, Dec 1954; mem., CCP and govt del. to German Democratic Republic, May 1955; mem., Central Comte, CDL, Feb 1956 - Cult. Rev.; min. of Light Ind., May 1956- Feb 1958; vice-chm, ACFIC, Dec 1956Cult. Rev.; min. of Food, Feb 1958 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Central Comte, CDNCA, Nov 1958; survived the Cult. Rev. unpurged; named a "patriotic person", Oct 1970 -


Shan Yinzhang

Oct 1973; deputy for Shanghai to 4th NPC (reelected to 5th, Feb 1978); mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978); dpty sec-gen., 4th NPC, Mar 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978); vice-chm, Legal Com, 5th NPC, Feb 1979; vice-chm, Draft Laws Comte, 2nd Session of 5th NPC, Jun 1979; vice-chm, Executive Comte, All-China Fed of Industrialists and Businessmen, Oct 1979 -death; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; vice-chm, 5th CPPCC, Sep 1980 - death.

Sha Tuo

Sha Ting

* 1926 Morin Dawa Banner, Inner Mongolia Sha belonged to the Ewenki minority. Polit, commissar, Training Regiment, Inner Mongolia Self-Defense Corps, 1947-48; service in Party School, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), 1950-56; head, Theoretical Section, Propaganda Dpt, CCP of IMAR, 1956-64; dpty editor-in-chief, Practice magazine, 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., vice-pres., Party School, IMAR CP, 1976-81; pres., Teachers' Univ, IMAR, 1981-88; vice-chm, People's Congr, IMAR, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jul 1989.

v}~ VT

* 1904 An County, Sichuan deceased 1992, Dec 12 Born into a landlord family. Graduated from a teacher's college, 1926; started his career as a novelist in Shanghai in close connection to Lu Xun; joined League of LeftWing Writers, 1931; served for a short time in forces of the later marshal He Long, 1938; went to Yan'an, 1939; editor of Literary and Art Front, Chongqing, 1940; mem., Stand. Comte, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Jul 1949-Cult. Rev.; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, SW Mil. and Admin. Council, 1950 - Jan 1953; council mem., W Sichuan Admin. Office, 1950; visit to German Democratic Republic, Oct 1952; council mem., Chinese Writers' Assn, Oct 1953; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd and 3rd NPCs, 1958 and 1964); mem., People's Council, Sichuan Province, Jan 1955; during "100 Flower Campaign" urged severe punishment of Hu Feng and followers, Jul 1955; council mem., China-Pakistan Friendship Assn, May 1956; mem., writers' del. to Japan, Mar 1961; managing editor, Sichuan Literature, Jul 1966; branded an anti-Party element and purged, Oct 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: editor of People's Literature, Nov 1977; dir., Inst, of Literature, CASS, Nov 1978-1979; vice-chm, Chinese Writers' Assn, Nov 1979. Publications: He Long (reportage, 1940); Native Cake; Shipping Route; March with the Army; Friendship; Caged Animals (novel); Gold Mine (novel, 1951); The Law of Brutes; The Seeder; Passing the Barrier (short novel); Wind and Waves; Summer Night; Returning Home (novel); The Transition (collection of short stories); Lu Jiaxiu (collection of short stories); Selected Works of Sha Ting (4 volumes).

Sha Wenhan




Participated in 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Oct 1949 - Jan 1953; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Comte, Zhejiang Prov., 1949; dir., Education Dpt, Zhejiang PPG, 1949; vice-chm of Zhejiang Prov., 1951 - Nov 1952; pres., Zhejiang Univ, Oct 1952; mem., E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; deputy for Zhejiang to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; gov., Zhejiang PPG, Jan 1955 - Dec 1957; ehm, Zhejiang Comte on Studies of Dialectical Materialism, Apr 1955; branded a "rightist" and purged, Dec 1957. Sha was married to Chen Xiuliang who was also branded a "rightist" in Dec 1957.

Shan Yinzhang


Vice-chm, Rev Comte of Guangdong Prov., May 19701977; dpty polit, commissar, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Jan 1976-1984; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Dec 1984; mem., Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985; disappeared, Sep 1985.


Shang Jingcai

Shang Jingcai

M ^

Shang Zhitian


Dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Comte, Qinghai Prov., Jun 1961; vice-gov., Qinghai PPG, Sep 1979 - Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, Advisory Com, CCP Secretariat, Qinghai Prov., Apr 1983; disappeared, Apr 1983.

Shang Zijin * 1921 Teng County, Shandong Sec-gen., Taishan Prefecture CP, 1943-44; cadre, Propaganda Dpt, Shandong Prov. CP, 1950-53; dir., Education Bureau, Shandong PPG, 1953-54; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Zhejiang Prov. CP, Nov 1961; vice-chm, Zhejiang Prov. Branch, China Peace Council, Oct 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Natl Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; vice-chm, Zhejiang PPC, Apr 1983 - Jan 1988; ehm, Zhejiang Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Jan 1988; disappeared, Nov 1990.

Shang Ming


Dpty dir., Goods Bureau, Min. of Commerce, Oct 1960; dpty gen-manager, China Insurance Co., Nov 1973; dir. of a dpt, People's Bank of China, Apr 1977; vice-pres., People's Bank of China, Dec 1980 - May 1982; adviser, People's Bank of China, May 1982; head, Bank of China del. to annual meeting of Intl Monetary Fund, Jan 1983; ehm, Board of Directors, People's Insurance Company, Jul 1983-1986; council mem., People's Bank of China, Feb 1984; head, del. of People's Bank to 12th Annual Conf. of African Development Bank, Brazzaville, May 1985; head, del. to Annual Conf. of African Development Bank, Harare, Zimbabwe, May 1986; visited U.S.A., Mar 1987; special adviser, People's Bank of China, Mar 1987; mem., Economic Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.

Shang Zhigong


Deputy for the PLA to the 6th NPC, May 1983; vice-min. of Railways, Feb 1984 - Jul 1987; disappeared, Jul 1987.

Ά Τ 4$

Dir., Commerce Dpt, Hunan PPG, Jun 1955; dpty dir., Office of Finance, Food and Commerce, Hunan PPG, May 1957; vice-gov., Hunan PPG, Jul 1958 -Cult. Rev.; alt. mem., CCP Secretariat, Hunan Prov., Sep 1958; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Hunan Prov., Jul 1971 - Nov 1979; head, friendship del. to Albania, Jul 1976; vice-gov., Hunan PPG, Dec 1979-1983; vice-chm, Hunan Branch of CPPCC, Apr 1981; disappeared, Oct 1984.

Shao Jingwa

W # *Â

Vice-chm, Textile Workers' TU, Jul 1950-1965; mem., Presidium, Natl Congr of Progressive Workers, Apr 1956; mem., Executive Comte, ACFTU, Dec 1957 -Cult. Rev.; ehm, Textile Workers' TU, Apr 1965 - Cult. Rev.; head of a TU del. to German Democratic Republic, Jun 1965; head of a TU del. to Ceylon, Nov 1965; head of a TU del. to German Democratic Republic, May 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec., CCP Comte, Ningxia AR, Aug 1971 - Apr 1978; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Ningxia AR, Oct 19711978; sec., CCP Comte, Ningxia AR, Apr 1978-Mar 1983; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Dec 1983.

Shao Lizi


* 1881 Shaoxing County, Zhejiang deceased Dec 1967 Born into a landlord family. Graduated from Zhendan College, Shanghai; influenced by reform movement led by Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao attended Fudan Univ founded by Liang for advanced studies; worked for Shanghai Minli Bao, 1914; editor-in-chief, Minguo Ribao, 1917-25; joined Marxism Research Society, 1920; dean of education, Shanghai College, 1925; sec-gen., Whampoa Mil. Academy, Guangzhou, 1925; mem., KMT Central Executive Comte, 1926; sec-gen., Natl Revolutionary Army, 1927-31; ehm, Jiangsu Prov. Govt, 1932; ehm,


Shaanxi Prov. Govt, 1933-36; dir., KMT Propaganda Dpt, 1937-38; ambassador to USSR, 1940-42; sec-gen., People's Polit. Council, 1943; mem., 6th KMT Central Control Comte, May 1945; delegate of KMT to KMTCCP Political Consultative Conf., 1946; representative of KMT to KMT-CCP peace talks, Apr 1949; went over to the Communists, 1949; mem., Natl Comte, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Jul 1949; specially invited delegate to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, CPPCC, Sep 1949 -death; mem., GAC, and concurrently mem. of its Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, Oct 1949; council mem., Assn for Reforming Chinese Written Language, Oct 1949; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Nov 1949 - death; council mem., Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs, Nov 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1950 - death; deputy for Zhejiang to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958, and to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., NPC Stand. Comte, Sep 1954 - death; mem., Comte for Reforming Chinese Written Language, SC, 1955; mem., CCP and govt del. to Czechoslovakia, Apr 1955; mem., CCP del. to World Peace Congr, Helsinki, 1955; mem., NPC del. to Inter-Parliamentary Union, Jul 1955; mem., Comte for Standardization and Popularization of Common Spoken Language, SC, Feb 1956; mem., World Peace Council, Mar 1956; mem., del. to World Peace Council meeting, Stockholm, 1957; mem., Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, SC, Feb 1959; vice-chm, SinoSoviet Friendship Assn, May 1957- death; vice-pres., Chinese Academy of Socialism, May 1959.

Shao Quanlin W M * 1902 Ningbo, Zhejiang Together with Zhou Yang and Tian Han participated in activities of League of Left-Wing-Writers, 1931; established publishing house in Guilin, Guangxi, 1937; dpty editor-in-chief, Sanlian Bookstore in Shanghai, 1946; ehm, Planning Comte, Cultural and Educational Com (CEC), GAC, Dec 1949 - Feb 1952; mem., All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, 1949-53; dpty sec-gen., CEC, GAC, Feb 1951 - Sep 1954; mem., Austerity Examination Comte, GAC, Dec 1951; editor-in-chief, People's Literature, Jun 1953 - Nov 1955; vice-chm, Chinese Writer's Assn, Sep 1953 - Aug 1960; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jul 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964); sec., Chinese Writers' Assn, Feb 1956; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Apr 1959- Cult. Rev.; council mem., China-Vietnam Friendship Assn, Jun 1961 - Cult. Rev., criticized for advocating "bourgeois" literary writing and for implementation of his theory about "people in the middle", 196465; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and a capitalist-roader and purger, Jan 1967. - Verdict of being a traitor overturned, Jul 1979. Shao was married to Ge Qin.

Shao Wenjie

Publications: The Hero (novel); The Inn (novel); Lin Linzai (drama); The Unicorn Fortress.

Shao Shiping Λ -f * 1899 Geyang County, Jiangxi deceased 1965, Mar 24 Son of a poor peasant. Studied in private school, 1906; worked on a farm, 1909; reentered elementary school, 1917; after May 4th Movement, with Fang Zhimin organized student demonstrations, 1919; entered Nanchang No. 1 Middle School and concurrently helped publish New Jiangxi Magazine and China Youth; after graduation given scholarship to study in Beijing Normal College; joined CYL and CCP, 1925; organized student demonstrations against government, 1926; went back to home county to engage in peasant movement; sec., CCP Comte, Fuliang County and concurrently sec., CCP Comte, Jingdezhen City, 1927; together with Fang Zhimin, led peasant uprising in Geyang and Hengfeng, 1927; sec., CCP Comte of Hengfeng County and concurrently polit, commissar of Hengfeng Guerilla Forces, 1928; with only 40 rifles, fought enemy and won battle, May-Jun 1928; forces reorganized into 5th Independent Regiment, Jiangxi WorkerPeasant Red Army, 1928; ehm, NE Jiangxi Soviet Govt, 1928; reorganized forces into 10th Red Army, 1930; organized Soviet Govt on a mountain in Jiangxi with less than 20 people, all armed with spears; went with men down mountain and attacked a company of KMT soldiers who were trying to encircle him, 1932; ehm, Fujian-Zhejiang-Jiangxi Soviet Govt and concurrently cdr., FujianZhejiang-Jiangxi Mil. Reg, May 1933; served on staff of Central Party School, Ruijin, 1934; during Long March, polit, commissar, 10th Army, 1934; joined 4th Front Army on way to Xikang and made sec., CCP Comte, Xikang Prov., 1935; mem., CCP Northern Bureau, 1937; vicepres., 2nd Branch, Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1937; dir., Food Bureau, Shanxi-Chahar-Henan Border Region Govt, 1938; joined Central Party School in Yan'an, 1944; delegate to CCP 7th Congr, 1945; sec., CCP Comte, Nunjiang Prov., 1946; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, NE Admin. Comte, 1947; mem., Nanchang Mil. Control Com, Jun 1949; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Jiangxi Prov., Jun 1949; mem., Natl. Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Oct 1949 - Jan 1953; ehm of Jiangxi, Oct 1949 Feb 1955; deputy for Jiangxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jun 1958, and to 3rd, Oct 1964); gov. of Jiangxi, Feb 1955 - death; 2nd sec, CCP Comte, Jiangxi Prov., Feb-Sep 1956; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - death; sec., CCP Secretariat, Jiangxi Prov., Feb 1957 - death; pres., Jiangxi Branch, CAS, Jul 1958; mem., Preparatory Comte, 1st Natl Games, Sep 1958 (reelected to 2nd Games, Jan 1965); mem., E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1965.

Shao Wenjie ^ X & Vice-chm, Planning Comte, Henan PPG, Jan 1955; vice-

Shao Ziyan


gov., Henan PPG, Nov 1956- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jan 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Henan PPG, Oct 1979 - Jun 1985; vicechm, Henan Branch, Fed of Philosophy and Social Science Associations, Oct 1981; deputy for Henan to 6th NPC, May 1983; disappeared, May 1985.

Shao Ziyan


Shen Congwen




Mem., State Economic Com, SC, Oct 1963; mem., Executive Council, ACFTU, 1963; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, May 1975-1979; vice-pres., Chinese People's Univ, Jan 1981; disappeared, Jan 1981. She Jide & & ^ Polit, commissar of artillery units, Fujian Front, Dec 1958; maj-gen. of Fujian Front, Aug 1964; leading military, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Mar 1971; sec., CCP Comte, Jiangxi Prov., Feb 1973; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 - Aug 1977; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Secretariat, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Jun 1977; disappeared, Jan 1979.

Shen Bochun ψ tâ & * 1898 deceased 1979, Jul 13 Dpty dir., Dpt of Secretaries, GAC, Dec 1949; dir., Dpt of Secretaries, GAC, 1951; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959, and to 4th, Dec 1964); dpty sec-gen., CPPCC, Dec 1954 - Cult. Rev.; dpty dir., Bureau of Govt Offices Admin., SC, Mar 1955 - Mar 1958; dpty sec-gen., Shanghai Branch, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Dec 1956; vice-chm, Comte for Study of Literary and Historical Source Materials, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; dpty sec-gen., Preparatory Comte, centennial of Sun Yat-sen's birth, Oct 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1974; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected, Jul 1979.

S h e n C h u y u n (f) vfc m ir Hangzhou textile worker, 1977; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Shangcheng Distr, Hangzhou Municipality, Feb 1985; disappeared, Feb 1985.

* 1902 Fenghuang, Hunan deceased 1988, May 10 Belonged to Tujia minority. Born under the name of Shen Yuchuan into a family with a mil. tradition; started service in a military unit, 1917-21; went to Beijing for studies, 1922; published first work, 1924; helped Ding Ling and others edit the magazines Man's World and Red and Black, 1927-28; by 1942, nearly 70 collections of his stories and essays had been published; at that time he worked as professor at Beijing University; later he taught at universities in Shanghai, Wuhan and Kunming; returned to Beijing 1946; Shen became a target of the Communist literary critic being labelled a "bourgeois writer", 1950; after a suicide attempt he was given a post at the Museum of Chinese History, 1952 (since that time Shen did not write fiction anymore, instead of he published studies on silk, porcelain, costumes and bronze mirrors); during the Cultural Revolution Shen was compelled to live in a small room - a large quantity of his books were sold as waste paper, his house was searched eight times, 1966-69; sent for physical labor to a marshland near Yunmeng Lake in Hubei Province, Nov 1969; rehabilitated and made research fellow at the Institute of History under the Academy of Social Sciences, Aug 1978; Shen's novelette The Border Town, written in 1934, adapted to a film, 1980; mem., All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Jun 1982 - death; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); adviser to the Chinese Writers' Association, Jun 1985 - death. Shen was married to Zhang Zhaohe. Among Shen's novels are: Winter in Kunming; Border Town; Xiaxiao (name); The Ox; The Husband; The Vegetable Plot; Sanson; Guisheng (name); Travels in Hunan; Western Hunan (2 volumes with autobiographic essays); Among his non-poetic publications are: The Lacquerware of the Warring State Period; The Bronze Mirrors of the Tang and Song Dynasties; The Designs of Chinese Silk; The Art of Dragon and Phoenix; A Study of Costumes and Adornments in Ancient China.

Shen Guang φ i t * Shandong Head, Telecommunications Group, CCP Section, Executive Dpt, KMT-CCP Mil. Mediation Office, 1946-47; head, Suplly Dpt, Beijing Central Telecommunications General Bureau, Oct 1949; dir., General Office, Min. of


Posts and Telecommunications, Oct 1949 - Jan 1955; asst min., Min. of Posts and Telecommunications, Jan 1955 Apr 1956; vice-min., Min. of Posts and Telecommunications, Apr 1956-1978; head of a postal del. to Cuba, Oct 1961; adviser to Min. of Posts and Telecommunications, Sep 1981; disappeared, Sep 1981.

Shen Hong

Shen Junru

Shen Jian

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* 1906 Zhejiang Apprentice in the firm of a cotton trader; his extraordinary talent for mechanics enabled him to set up a machine tool factory in Shanghai; moved factory to Hankou, 1937; joined CCP, 1938; subsequently went to Communist base in Shaanxi as chief engineer of Anzhai Arsenal, which produced light firearms as well as agricultural and textile equipment; as "father of industry in the border region", Shen laid the foundation for light ind. in the Communist controlled areas; praised as a "labor hero", 1944; engineer, Ind. Bureau, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Reg, 1948; engineer, Ν China People's Govt, Aug 1948; took part in 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Moscow, Jan 1950; dir., Dpt of Heavy Ind., Planning Bureau in Financial and Economic Com, G AC, Jun 1950; dir., Org. Dpt, Engineering Society, Aug 1954; vicemin., 3rd Min. of Machine Building, Apr 1955 - May 1956; vice-min., Min. of Electrical Equipment, Jun-Nov 1957; vice-min. of Coal Ind., Nov 1957 - Sep 1959; head, coal ind. del. to Yugoslavia, Nov 1957; vice-min., Min. of Agricultural Machinery, Sep 1959- Dec 1961; vicepres., Society of Mechanical Engineering, May 1960; vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Dec 1961 - May 1980; head, scientific and technological del. to Hungary, Nov 1963; deputy for Heilongjiang to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; head, scientific and technological del. to Hungary, Jul 1966; deputy for Shanghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983 - Apr 1988); vice-pres., China Society of Mechanical Engineering, Sep 1978; mem., Draft Laws Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; vice-min., Machine Building Ind. Com, SC, Mar 1980 - May 1982; pres., China Society of Mechanical Engineering, Dec 1981; mem., Credentials Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1983; deputy for Zhejiang to 6th NPC, May 1983; vice-chm, Law Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; awarded a gold medal by UN World Intellectual Property Org., Sep 1985; mem., Dpt of Technological Sciences, CAS, Oct 1985; disappeared, Oct 1985.

* 1914 Hebei deceased 1992, Mar 23 Graduated in English from Beijing Teachers' College; dir., Secretariat of General Office, Mil. Council, GAC, Oct 1949 - Sep 1950; counselor at embassy in India, Sep 1950 - Jul 1958; dpty dir., Dpt of American and Australian Affairs, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Jul 1958 - Feb 1959; dir. of this dpt., Feb 1959 - Nov 1960; council mem., Sino-Latin American Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; ambassador to Cuba, Nov 1960 - Jan 1964; dpty dir., Chinese People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Dec 1964; survived Cult. Rev. without coming under attack, 1966-70; cadre of Intl Liaison Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1971; dpty dir. of this dpt, Aug 1973-1979; head, Wuhan Acrobatic Troupe visiting Latin America, Feb 1974; dpty head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Aug 1974; head, Wuhan Acrobatic Troupe visiting Senegal, Feb 1975; mem., CCP and govt del. to Hanoi to attend the 30th anniversary celebrations of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, Aug 1975; head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Apr 1977; mem., CCP and govt del. to Kampuchea (head: Chen Yonggui), Dec 1977; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; mem., CCP and govt del. to Ν Korea (head: Hua Guofeng), May 1978; mem., CCP and govt del. to Kampuchea (head: Wang Dongxing); Nov 1978; head, CCP del. to Mexico to the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Revolutionary Institutional Party, Feb 1979; ambassador to India, Mar 1980 - Jim 1984; mem., Foreign Affairs Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988 - death. Shen was married to Xiong Youzhen.

Shen Junru

¥) \%

* 1875 Jiaxing County, Zhejiang deceased 1963, Jun 10 Born into a mandarin's family. S. was a jinshi of Qing dynasty (title awarded by the emperor to classical scholars who passed the highest examinations); graduated from law college in Tokyo; dpty dir., Zhejiang Prov. Bureau of Councillors, Feb 1909; organized group of friends in


Shen Ling

Shanghai to petition Manzhu govt for convening a Natl Assembly, 1910; dir., Zhejiang Prov. Police Bureau, Oct 1910; with group of revolutionaries organized secret organization for revolution, Oct 1911; sec-gen., Zhejiang Prov. Govt, 1927; dean, Shanghai Law College and ehm, Shanghai Lawyers Assn, 1930; chief founder of Alliance for Protection of People's Rights, 1932; cofounder of Natl Salvation Assn, Shanghai Dec 1935; issued declaration in response to CCP declaration of Aug 1935, urging for KMT-CCP cooperation against Japanese, Jan 1936; organized Natl Salvation Fed of All Circles with himself as ehm, May 1936; when becoming more markedly proCommunist, with six other responsible members arrested by Nationalist authorities, Shanghai Nov 1936; released after outbreak of Sino-Japanese War, Jul 1937; published together with Zou Daofen the fortnightly People's Resistance, 1937; mem., Natl Defense Advisory Council representing the Natl Salvation Assn and concurrently mem., People's Polit. Council, 1938-1945; joined CDL and became one of its leaders, 1941; delegate of CDL to KMT Polit. Consultative Council, 1946; when CDL outlawed, fled to Hong Kong, 1947; CDL issued manifest to oppose KMT, Jan 1948; vice-chm, Preparatory Comte for 1st CPPCC, Jun 1949; delegate of CDL to 1st CPPCC, and elected vice-chm, Sep 1949- death; vice-pres., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949; pres., Supreme People's Court, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; mem, Central People's Govt, Oct 1949; mem., Legislative Affairs Com, GAC, Dec 1949; vice-chm, Central Comte, CDL, Dec 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1950-1958; ehm, Comte for Implementation of Marriage Law, GAC, Jun 1953; mem., Constitution Drafting Comte, GAC, Jan 1953; vice-pres., Society for Polit. Science and Law, 1953 - death; deputy for Shanghai to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958); vice-chm, NPC Stand. Comte, Sep 1954 - death; acting ehm, CDL, Feb 1955; ehm, CDL, Feb 1956- death; mem., Presidium, commemorating Lu Xun's 80th birthday, Sep 1961.

Shen Ling



Shen Ping


Worker at Cotton Mill No. 6 in Zhengzhou, 1965; head, "Worker-Rebels HQ", Zhengzhou Municipality, Sep 1966; ehm, Workers Congr, Zhengzhou, Oct 1967; with the establishment of Rev Comte of Henan Prov., elected mem. of its Stand. Comte, Jan 1968-1973; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 - Aug 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Secretariat, Henan Prov., Mar 1971-1978; mem., workers' del. to Albania, Apr 1971; head, workers' del. to Romania, Jul 1972; demoted to alt. mem.,

Φ +

Dpty dir., Finance Dpt, Fujian PPG, Nov 1950; dir., Finance Dpt, and council mem., Fujian PPG, Nov 1952; dir., Customs Admin., Min. of Finance, Oct 1958; vicemin. of Finance, Dec 1961 - Feb 1965; disappeared, Feb 1965.

Shen Ping

vfc - f

Dpty dir., Public Relations Office, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Oct 1952; consul-general in Geneva, Jul 1955 - Apr 1959; dpty dir., 1st Dpt of Asian Affairs, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Apr 1959 - Dec 1962; mem., govt del. to Indonesia, Mar 1961; counsellor at the Chinese mission in Great Britain, Dec 1962; chargé d'affaires, mission in Great Britain, Oct 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Oct 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: ambassador to Italy, Apr 1971 - Jun 1974; dir., Dpt of Asian Affairs, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Aug 1975 - Jul 1981; mem., CCP and govt del. to Hanoi to attend the 30th anniversary celebrations of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, Aug 1975; mem., govt del. to Kampuchea (head: Deng Yingchao), Jan 1978; mem., govt del. to Pakistan (head: Geng Biao), Jun 1978; mem., govt del. to Japan (head: Deng Xiaoping), Oct 1978; mem., govt del. to Japan (head: Hua Guofeng), May 1980; mem., govt del. to Thailand (head: Zhao Ziyang), Jan 1981; ambassador to Thailand, Aug 1981 - Jul 1985; concurrently ambassador to Kampuchea, Apr 1983 - Jul 1985; disappeared, Jul 1985.

Shen Qiyi


1st sec., CCP Comte, Yushu Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Prov., Nov 1960; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Qinghai Prov., Dec 1977- Aug 1979; vice-gov., Qinghai PPG, Sep 1979 - Apr 1983; ehm, Qinghai Branch of CPPCC, Apr 1983; disappeared, Sep 1989.

Shen Maogong

CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); ehm, Henan Branch, All-China Fed of TU, Sep 1973; disappeared, Dec 1978; named a "counterrevolutionary, to be dealt with seriously" by XNA, 26 Sep 1979.

& Λ


* 1910 Delegate to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; dpty sec-gen., Assn for the Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Knowledge, Aug 1950; deputy for Anhui to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958, and to 3rd, Oct 1964); vicepres., Beijing Agricultural Univ, Dec 1956; dir., Inst, of Vegetation Protection under the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Mar 1957; mem., Far East Region under the (Communist) World Fed of Scientific Workers, Feb 1958; vice-pres., Agronomy Society, 1960; vice-pres., Chinese Society of Plant Protection, 1961; head, scientists' del. to Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Marocco, Algeria, Apr 1964; vicepres., China-Afghanistan Friendship Assn, Mar 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again vice-pres., Agronomy Society, Sep 1973; head, agricultural del. to Japan, Aug 1975; deputy for Hebei to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dpty dir., Ν China Agricultural College, Jun 1978; dpty dir., Beijing Agri-

Shen Tu


cultural Inst., Jul 1980; vice-pres., Agricultural Univ in Beijing, May 1982; sec., Assn for Science and Technology, Mar 1980 - Oct 1985; disappeared, Oct 1985. Remark: Shen was known as a plant pestologist.

Shen Qizhen

Shen Tu

& @

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* 1906 Changsha City, Hunan deceased 1993, Jun 16 Studied at Medical Colleges under Tongji and Zhongshan Universities, 1923-27; graduation from Medical College of Imperial University in Tokyo, 1931; 1933-37: successively ran a private clinic, served as medical adviser to Dagong Bao in Tianjin and founded Medical Knowledge Magazine·, dir., Health Dpt under New 4th Army, 193742; dpty dir., Health Dpt, Central Mil. Com, CCP Central Comte, Yan'an 1943-46; arranged for materials in Shanghai and Hong Kong to be sent to the PLA, 1946-49; dir., Dalian Medical College, 1950-52; dir., Sanitation Research Inst, under Min. of Public Health, Dec 1952 Cult. Rev.; mem., del. of CAS to USSR, Feb 1953; deputy for Hunan to 1st Ν PC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, 1958 and to 3rd, 1964); mem., Dpt of Biology and Geology, CAS, Jun 1955; council mem., China-German Democratic Republic Friendship Assn, May 1960; vicepres., Academy of Medical Sciences, Oct 1960- Cult. Rev.; mem., CAS del. to Hungary, Jun 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Feb 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; again made vice-pres., Academy of Medical Sciences, Oct 1978-1982; vice-pres., Chinese Red Cross Society, Feb 1979-1989; vice-chm, China Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party, Oct 1979 - Nov 1988; mem., CCP del. to Romania, Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Jul 1982 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983 and to 7th, Apr 1988); dir., Medical and Public Health Section, Natl Comte, 6th CPPCC, vice-chm, China Intl Cultural Exchange Center, Jul 1984; mem., Dpt of Biology, CAS, Jun 1985; vice-chm, Medicine, Health and Sports Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988 - Mar 1993.

Manager, Sino-Soviet Civil Aviation Corp., Oct 1954; mem., civil aviation del. to Moscow (head: Wu Faxian), Jan 1955; dpty dir., Bureau of Civil Aviation, Min. of Communications, Apr 1959 - Mar 1962; head, aviation del. to Ceylon, Jun 1959; head, aviation del. to Ceylon, Jun 1961; head, aviation del. to Ν Vietnam, Nov 1961; vice-chm, Civil Aviation Admin, of China, SC, Mar 1962 - Cult. Rev.; head, del. visiting an aircraft factory in France, Oct 1962; head, aviation del. to Pakistan, Aug 1963; head, aviation del. to Cambodia, Nov 1963; head, aviation del. to Burma, Jul 1965; head, aviation del. to USSR for revision of the Sino-Soviet Civil Aviation Agreement, Feb 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty dir., Civil Aviation Admin of China, SC, Oct 1973; head, aviation del. to Switzerland, Oct 1973; head, del. to session of Intl Civil Aviation Org. (ICAO), Montreal, Sep 1974; head, aviation del. to Federal Republic of Germany, Sep 1975; head, aviation del. to Ν Korea, Apr 1976; head, aviation del. to 22nd session of ICAO, Canada, Sep 1977; dirgen., Civil Aviation Admin, of China (CAAC), Jan 1978 Apr 1985; head, del. to 14th Meeting of civil aviation directors of Asian Pacific Region, Kathmandu, Nepal, Nov 1978; head, civil aviation del. to Thailand and Burma, Jan 1979; head, del. to 23rd Session of ICAO, Sep 1980; head, civil aviation del. to U.S.A. to celebrate inauguration of Sino-American air services, Feb 1981; head, civil aviation del. to Romania and Yugoslavia, Oct 1981; mem., Central Greening Comte, SC, Feb 1982; head, del. to 18th Meeting of Director-generals of Civil Aviation in Asia, Singapore, Jul 1982; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Oct 1987; head, CAAC work group to S Korea in case of a hijacked Chinese plane, May 1983; head, del. to 24th Session of ICAO, Sep 1983; head, goodwill del. to Pakistan, Apr 1984; head, CAAC del. to Ν Korea, Jun 1984; head, goodwill del. to Australia, Sep 1984; vice-chm, Assn for Promotion of Intl Friendship, May 1985; ousted from CCP at 7th Plenum of CCP 12th Central Comte for violating discipline governing the conduct of those involving in foreign affairs and seeking personal gains by abusing his authorities and power, Oct 1987.


Shen Xinfa

Shen Xinfa


* 1913 Wanzai County, Jiangxi deceased 1993, Jan 7 Joined Red Army, 1930; joined CCP, 1932; served in Org. Dpt of a div. in 15th Army Group, 1935-37; served in Yan'an Garrison, 8th Route Army, 1937-42; dir., Polit. Dpt, Mil. Sub-Distr of Shanxi-Suiyuan Mil. Reg., 194547; polit, commissar of a distr. in Suiyuan Mil. Distr., 1949-50; dpty sec., Control Comte, CCP Comte, Inner Mongolia AR, Jul 1956; vice-chm, People's Govt, Inner Mongolia AR, Oct 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Nov 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1972; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Secretariat, Inner Mongolia AR, Feb 1974-1979; vice-chm, People's Govt, Inner Mongolia AR, Aug 1974-1979; vice-chm, People's Congr, Inner Mongolia AR, Dec 1979-1982; deputy for Inner Mongolia AR to 6th NPC, May 1983; vice-chm, Rectification Office, CCP of Inner Mongolia AR, Mar 1984; vice-chm, Advisory Com, CCP of Inner Mongolia AR, Dec 1984; vice-chm, Discipline Inspection Com, CCP of Inner Mongolia AR, Nov 1987 - death.

Shen Yanbing

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* 1896 Tongxiang County, Zhejiang

deceased 1981, Mar 27 Internationally known under his penname Mao Dun. Born into a family of wealthy landowners; after completing elementary school, studied at Hehai Technical College in Nanjing and subsequently continued his studies at Beijing Univ; earned first literary recognition as editor of The Commercial Press, 1918; published his first theoretical article on the question, "What are the Writers Tasks?", 1920; cofounder (together with Ye Shengtao) of Society for the Study of Literature, 1921; joined CCP, 1921 (together with his brother Shen Zemin who later became a mem. of the CCP 6th Central Comte, 1931 until his death, 1934); during Northern Expedition in charge of publications in General Polit. Dpt, Natl Revolutionary Army, 1926; together with Mao Zemin (a younger brother of

Mao Zedong) edited newspaper Republic, fall of 1926; after rift between KMT and CCP retired from political work, 1927, and left CCP, 1928; published trilogy Darkness, comprising Disillusion, Agitation and Pursuit (published under pseudonym Mao Dun), which made him famous, 1928; together with Lu Xun founded League of Left-wing Writers, 1930; editor-in-chief, Literary Front magazine, 1938; dir., College for Art and Literature at Xinjiang Univ in Ürümqi, 1939-41; worked under Guo Moruo in Propaganda Subdepartment of Polit. Dpt, Nationalist Govt, Chongqing, 1942-45; founded a literary magazine, Shanghai; fall of 1945; visited USSR, 1946-47; published Short Story Monthly in Hong Kong, 1948; went to Beijing after Communist occupation, spring 1949; vicechm, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles (ACFLAC), Jul 1949 - Nov 1979; delegate of ACFLAC to 1st CPPCC and made mem. of its Stand. Comte, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd-4th, Dec 1954, Apr 1959, Dec 1964); mem., Central People's Govt Council, Oct 1949Sep 1954; vice-chm, Cultural and Educational Com, GAC, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1949 - Cult. Rev.; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 Dec 1954; mem., Comte for Drafting Constitution, GAC, Jan 1953; head, cultural del. to Poland, Jan 1953; ehm, Chinese Writers' Assn, Sep 1953 - death; mem., del. to World Peace Council (WPC) meeting, Vienna, Nov 1953; mem., del. to WPC meeting, East Berlin, May 1954; council mem., Chinese People's Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; delegate to Conf. for Easing Intl Tension, Stockholm, Jun 1954; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958, and to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-pres., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1954 - Cult. Rev.; editor of Translation and Chinese Literature, 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, WPC, 1954; mem., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955; head, del. to WPC meeting, Helsinki, Jun 1955; mem., del. to Inter-Parliamentary Union, Jul 1955; vice-chm, Asian Solidarity Comte, Feb 1956 Jul 1958; mem., Comte for Standardization and Popularization of Common Spoken Language, SC, Feb 1956; head, del. to Asian Writers Conf., India, Dec 1956; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, May 1957 - Nov 1958; mem., del. to USSR for celebrating October Rev, Nov 1957; vice-chm, China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Jul 1958; pres., China-Poland Friendship Assn, Sep 1958; head, del. to Afro-Asian Writers Conf., USSR, Oct 1958; head, del. to Soviet Writers Conf., May 1959; head, cultural del. to Poland, Aug 1960; head, writers del. to 2nd Afro-Asian Writers Conf., Cairo, Feb 1962; head, del. to World Conf. on Disarmament and Peace, Moscow, Jul 1962; vice-chm, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; survived Cult. Rev. without coming under personal attack; deputy for Shandong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; hon-chm, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Nov 1979; pres., Lu Xun Studies Society, Dec 1979; editor-in-chief, Chinese Literature, Jan 1980; vicepres., Chinese PEN Center, Apr 1980; hon. pres., Society


for the Study of the Dream of Red Mansions, Jul 1980; before his death, he contributed 250,000 yuan towards the establishment of the Mao Dun Literary Prize, to be given every three years; on his death-bed, he asked in a letter to the CCP for rejoining the posthumously which was granted on 31st March 1981. Shen was married to Kong Dezhi. Publications: Books: Disillusion, Agitation and Pursuit (1927-28); Twilight (1931-32); Spring Silkworm (1932); The Lin Family Store (1932); Autumn Harvest (1933); Corruption (1941); The Frosted Maple-leaf is as Red as the February Flower (1942); The Qingming Period (1945); A Visit to the Soviet Union (1946). Translations: The Snowman (1949); The Peach Garden (1949); The Russian Problem (1953); The People Are Immortal (1956). Essays: On Xu Zhimo; On Luo Huasheng; On Miss Xie Bingxin; On Lu Xun; What Is Literature?; Literature and Life; The Responsibility and the Endeavor of Students of the New Literature; Talks on Western Literature; The Study of Novels; The Study of Chinese Mythology.

Shen Yinluo

'X S

Sheng Pihua

tral Comte, 1951-52; 2nd sec., CCP Comte, Rehe (Jehol) Prov. and concurrently ehm, Rehe Prov. Govt, 1952-54; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Fushun City, 1954-66; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jul 1972; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Anshan City, 1972-79; sec., CCP Comte, Liaoning Prov., Aug 1979 - Mar 1983; hon. pres., Liaoning Branch, Chinese Energy Society, Jul 1980; article in HQ No. 22 on heavy ind. in Liaoning, Nov 1981; deputy for Liaoning to 6th NPC, May 1983; dir., NE China Energy and Transport Planning Office, SC, Dec 1983; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Liaoning Prov. CP, Jun 1985; disappeared, Jun 1985.

Shen Zhiwei


* 1925 Henan Counselor, embassy in Bulgaria, May 1971 - Jun 1972; chargé d'affaires ad interim, embassy in Greece, Nov 1972-1974; dpty dir., Dpt of American and Ocean Affairs, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Jul 1975-1978; mem., govt del. to Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Guyana (head: Geng Biao), Aug 1978; ambassador to Kiribati, Dec 1981 - Sep 1985; concurrently ambassador to Fiji, Mar 1982 - Feb 1985; concurrently ambassador to Vanuatu, Mar 1982 Sep 1985; disappeared, Sep 1985.

& Sheng Pihua

* 1920 Vu County, Jiangsu Studied at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. College, Yan'an, 1938-39 service in 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 193943; service in a regiment, 1st Column, Zhongyuan Mil. Distr, 1945-47; cadre, Polit. Dpt of brigade, 2nd Field Army, 1948; polit, commissar, Jinghan Mil. Distr, 1949; service in Polit. Dpt, Hubei Mil. Distr, 1951-52; dpty dir., PoSt. Dpt, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, 1956-60; manager and Pary sec., Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., 1964-82; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; sec., Hibei Prov. CP, Nov 1982 - Dec 1983; dpty sec., Hubei Frov. CP, Dec 1983-1985; ehm, Hubei Prov. Branch, CPPCC, May 1988; disappeared, Aug 1988.

Shen Yue

Φ £


* 1917 Hin City, Jilin Studied it Beijing Normal Univ, 1938; joined CCP, 1938; sec., CCP Comte, Xing County, 1939-42; head, ShanxiSuiyuan No. 1 Admin. Office, 1943-46; dir., Jinan Admin. Ofice, 1947-48; sec., CCP Comte, Jilin City, 194950; dir. Policy Research Office, NE Bureau, CCP Cen-

& &


* 1881 Ningbo City, Zhejiang deceased 1961, Feb 9 Worked as an apprentice in his youth; founder and manager of Shangyuan Enterprise, Shanghai; organized Hongmian Restaurant, Shanghai; boycotted Japanese goods after Mukden (Shenyang) Incident, 1931; supported anti-Japanese activities after outbreak of Sino-Japanese War, 1937; discontented with Nationalist Govt, supported Communists, 1945; ehm, Stand. Comte, Shanghai Branch, CDNCA, 1945; participated in Shanghai leftist del. to Nanjing to appeal to Nationalist Govt to cease campaign of supressing Communists, Jun 1946; because of pro-Communist activities in Shanghai, suspected by authorities and fled to Hong Kong, 1948; participated in 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Com, GAC, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; vice-mayor, Shanghai MPG, Dec 1949 death; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949Jan 1953; ehm, Shanghai Branch, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, 1950; vice-chm, CDNCA, Jun 1952 death; vice-chm, E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954, and concurrently mem. of its Polit, and Legal Comte; vice-chm, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Oct 1953 - death; deputy for Shanghai to 1st NPC, Augt 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958); mem., Budget Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954; vice-pres., Shanghai Branch, SinoSoviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1954 - death; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 - death; ehm, Shanghai Branch, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Feb 1955; ehm, Shanghai Branch, CDNCA, Jun 1956 -death; vicechm, Shanghai Comte for Sale of 1957 Govt Bonds, Feb 1958 - death. Sheng was married to Jin Riying.

Shi Bangzhi


Shi Bangzhi & % * 1916 Hunan Belonged to Miao minority. Led guerilla units in W Hunan during revolutionary period; ehm, People's Government, W Hunan Autonomous Prefecture, Jan 1953; deputy for Hunan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd and 3rd Ν PCs, 1958 and 1964); mem., govt del. to Tibet, Mar 1956; ehm of newly established W Hunan Autonomous Prefecture of Miao and Tujia, Sep 1957; mem., Chinese People's Comte for Defense of World Peace, Jul 1958; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Hunan Prov., Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; vice-chm, Hunan PPC, Dec 1979 (reelected, May 1983); disappeared, Jun 1984.




wm* «SS» i


latest» * 1921 Weishi County, Henan Joined CCP, 1938; studied at Anti-Japanese Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1938; staff officer in 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1940-43; sec., CCP Comte, Xishui County, Hubei Prov., 1953; sec., CCP Comte, Hunaggang Prefecture, 1965-66; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Jingzhou Prefecture, 1972-78; dir., Dpt of Rural Work, CCP Secretariat, Hubei Prov., 1978-79; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Secretariat, Hubei Prov., 1979; vice-gov., Hubei PPG, Jan 1980 - Aug 1982; vice-chm, Hubei PPC, Apr 1983 Feb 1992; disappeared, Feb 1992.

Shi C h u n l a i MCounselor, embassy in Zimbabwe, Apr 1980; dir., Dpt of African Affairs, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Feb 1985; ambassador to Mexico, May 1987 - Aug 1990; concurrently ambassador to Belize, Aug 1987 - Oct 1989, when PRC broke off diplomatic relations; ambassador to Australia, Sep 1990 - Nov 1993.

Shi Fuliang fo ί Λ * 1898 Jinhua, Zhejiang deceased 1970, Nov 29 Born under the name of Shi Cuntong; joined CYL while studying at Zhejiang No. 1 Normal School; published "On Abolition of Filial Piety" in school publication Tide of Zhejiang and dismissed from school; one of founders of CCP, 1921; because of CCP membership forced to leave for Japan, where he studied economics, 1921-24; teacher of Lecture Study Society, Shanghai, 1925; instructor at

Whampoa Mil. Academy, Guangzhou, 1926; during Northern Expedition dir. of Polit. Dpt, 1st Training Div., Natl Revolutionary Army, 1926; dir., Polit. Dpt, Wuhan Central Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1926; renounced his CCP membership, Apr 1927; engaged in translating Japanese books on social sciences, 1927; during Sino-Japanese War, dir., Economic Research Dpt, Bank of Sichuan, and established printing plant, 1937-42; with Huang Yanpei, Zhang Naiqi and others, organized CDNCA, and made mem. of its Stand. Comte, Dec 1945; went back to Shanghai and headed Shanghai Branch of CDNCA, Nov 1946; met Mao Zedong at Shijiazhuang, 1948; taught at Fudan Univ, 1948-49; attended inaugural session of CPPCC, Sep 1949, and made mem. of its Natl Comte; dir., Org. Dpt, CDNCA, Sep 1949; dpty dir., Labor Dpt, GAC, Dec 1949-1954; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1951 - Dec 1954; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, 1952-58; mem., Stand. Comte, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Oct 1953 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jul 1958, and to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Mar 1959, and to 3rd, Jan 1965); vicechm, CDNCA, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev. Shi was married to Zhong Fuguang.

Shi G e n g


* 1926 Ji County, Hebei Studied at Ν China Associated Univ, 1946; service in Financial and Economic Com, GAC, 1950-53; service in General Affairs Bureau, SC, 1954-55; service in Trade Dpt, CCP of Xinjiang AR, 1959-62; dpty dir., Finance and Trade Office, People's Govt, Xinjiang AR, 1962 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec-gen., CCP of Xinjiang AR, 1978-85; sec., Discipline Inspection Com, CCP of Xinjiang AR, Oct 1985; mem., Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; disappeared, Sep 1989.

Shi G u a n g h u a


ψ deceased 1985, Oct 10 1st sec., CCP Comte, Jirem League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), Jun 1960; vice-chm, IMAR


PPG, Dec 1979- Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, IMAR, Mar 1983; sec., Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Comte, IMAR, Dec 1984 - death.

Shi Huaibi

Shi Junjie

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* 1907 Wuxing, Shanxi Graduated from Taiyuan Police Training School; served in admin, of Tunliu County and Taiyuan Municipality, 193848; dir., Admin. Office, Ministry of Labor, Dec 1949; dir., Research Office, Stand. Comte, NPC, 1958; mem., jurists del. to Japan, Apr 1958; vice-gov., Yunnan PPG, Jan 1964 - Jan 1966; vice-chm, Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, SC, Feb 1966 - Cult. Rev.; head, cultural del. to Afghanistan and Pakistan, May 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec-gen., Rev Comte, Shanxi Prov., Oct 1973; vice-chm, Rev Comte Shanxi Prov., May 1977 - Dec 1979; deputy for Shanxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Nationalities Affairs Com, SC, May 1979; mem., Comte to Examine Proposals, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; vice-min. of Civil Affairs, Feb 1980 May 1982; mem., Motions Examination Comte, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; mem., Motions Comte, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; disappeared, Nov 1982.

Shi Jian

Shi Liang (f)

* 1925 Pingshan County, Hebei Joined CCP, 1943; CCP cadre of counties, and prefectures in Anhui Prov., 1952-66; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., CCP Comte, Caohu Prefecture, Nov 1977-1979; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Secretariat, Anhui Prov., Mar 1980- Mar 1990; dpty sec., CCP Secretariat, Anhui Prov., Mar 1983 - Mar 1990; ehm, Anhui Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1986 (reelected Feb 1993); disappeared, Feb 1993.

Shi Liang (f)



& %

* 1924 Qingyuan County, Hebei Dpty dir., Tianjin Municipality Branch, XNA, 1956-60; dpty editor-in-chief, Tianjin Daily, 1960 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: editor-in-chief, Tianjin Daily, 1977-83; sec-gen., Tianjin MPC, Apr 1983; vice-chm, Tianjin MPC, Apr 1983 (reelected May 1988); disappeared, May 1988.

Shi Jiyan * 1910 deceased 1983, Jul 21 Editor-in-chief, Shanxi Daily, 1950; vice-chm, Cultural and Educational Comte, Shanxi PPG, Jun 1952; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanxi CP, Oct 1955; vice-pres., Shanxi Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Nov 1957; head, tourist group to USSR, Apr 1962; sec-gen., Shanxi CP, Jan 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Shanxi PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983.

* 1900 Changzhou City, Jiangsu deceased 1985, Sep 6 Both her grandfathers were jinshi (highest rank in the imperial examination system); attended a girls' school in home town; graduated from Shanghai Law College, 1926; joined KMT during Northern Expedition, 1926-27, and headed Training Dpt under Polit. Dpt of Revolutionary Army; turned against Chiang Kai-shek after rift between KMT and CCP, Apr 1927; subsequently imprisoned for two months; went to Shanghai to practice law, 1928, specializing on political cases and also fighting for women's rights; together with others organized the National Salvation Assn (NSA), 1936, calling upon resistance to the Japanese invadors and to stop the anti-Communist policy; arrested by KMT together with six other leaders of the NSA (Sha Qianli, Zhang Naiqi, Zou Daofen, Shen Junru, Wang Zaoshi, Li Gongpu), Nov 1936; these "Seven Gentlemen" were released soon after the outbreak of the SinoJapanese War, Jul 1937; Shi spent the war years in Chongqing, 1937-45; the NSA and five other political groups joined to form the League of Democratic Political Organizations, 1941, to become the China Democratic League in 1944 with Shi as a member of its Central Committee; returned to Shanghai, 1946, again practicing law; although CDL was outlawed Nov 1947, Shi rose to member of its Standing Comte, 1948; elected alt. mem., Board of Directors, World Fed of Democratic Women (WFDW),

Shi Lin


a Communist front, dominated by the Soviet Union, Dec 1948; head, del. of All-China Fed of Democratic Women (ACFDW) to Congr of Women's Union of France, May 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd - 4th, 1954, 1959, 1964); min. of Justice, Oct 1949 - Apr 1959; mem., State Law Com and mem., Polit, and Legal Affairs Comte, SC, Oct 1949 - Oct 1954; accompanied Soong Ching Ling to World Peace Congr, Vienna, Dec 1952; elected vice-chm of CDL, 1953-79; vice-chm, ACFDW, Apr 1953 - Sep 1983; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd - 4th NPCs, 1959, 1964, 1973); head, jurists' del. to USSR, Apr-Jul 1955; head, women's del. to Czechoslovakia, Jun 1956; head, women's del. to India, Dec 1956 - Jan 1957; head, women's del. to Syria, Oct 1957; head, jurists' del. to Ceylon, Jan 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, NPC, Apr 1959 -death; survived Cult. Rev. unharmed, 1966-73; vice-pres., 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; deputy for Shanghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, 5th NPC, by-elected Jul 1979 (reelected to 6th NPC, Jun 1983) -death; ehm, CDL, Oct 1979 - death; deputy for Jiangsu to 6th NPC, May 1983 -death; executive ehm, 3rd Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1985. Married to Lu Zhaohua, a Shanghai lawyer, until about 1948.

Shi Lin


* 1918 deceased 1991, Apr 13 Designated adviser to 2nd Afro-Asian Solidarity Conf. in Algier, which was canceled, Jun 1965; vice-min., Min. of Economic Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1973 Mar 1982; head, govt del. to Pakistan, Jan 1977; deputy for Shanghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; head, govt del. to Philippines, Oct 1978; head, scientific and technical del. to Romania, Nov 1978; head, scientific cooperation del. to Bangladesh, Mar 1979; mem., Draft Laws Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; head, govt del. to Pakistan, May 1980; accompanied foreign min. Huang Hua to Nigeria, Guinea, Mali, Senegal, Ghana, Nov-Dec 1981; adviser to min. of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, May 1982 - Jan 1986; head, del. to 29th Session of UNDP Governing Council, Geneva, May 1982; mem., NPC del. to Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines (head: Peng Chong), Nov 1982; delegate to Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77, Buenos Aires, Apr 1983; pres., China Intl Economic Cooperation Society, Jul 1983; head, govt del. to Comoros, Jul 1985; dir., China Intl Economic Information Center, Feb 1986 - death.

Shi Ruwei



* 1903 deceased 1983, Jan Received a doctorate from Yale Univ, U.S.A., 1934; delegate of natural sciences organizations to 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954; council mem., Beijing Branch of Physics Society, Dec 1954; mem., Dpt of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, CAS, May 1955; mem., Presidium, China

Educational TU, Aug 1956; dir., Inst, of Applied Physics, CAS, Jun 1957 - Cult. Rev.; vice-pres., China Physics Society, Oct 1963; deputy for Guangxi to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; delegate to physics symposium, Beijing, Jul 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev. in his former position as dir., Inst, of Applied Physics, CAS, Jun 1972; head, del. of physicists to Canada, Jun 1972; vice-pres., China Physics Society, Aug 1978 - death.

Shi Shengrong

Jl ^

* 1919 Shanmu County, Shaanxi Service as CCP cadre in counties, 1945-49; CCP sec., Ulanqab League, Inner Mongolia, 1950-63; sec., Baotou City CP, 1963 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec., Bayannur League CP, 1972-78; ehm, Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Com, People's Govt, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), 1978-80; mem., Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; ehm, IMAR Branch of CPPCC, Sep 1984 (reelected Jun 1988); disappeared, Jul 1989.

Shi Shuhan



deceased 1966, Aug Dpty dir., Dpt of Public Health, NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950; public procurator, People's Procuracy, Heilongjiang Prov., Jan 1956; mem., friendship del. to Burma, Dec 1956 - Jan 1957; vice-min. of Public Health, Jul 1965 - death; reportedly committed suicide during Cult. Rev.

Shi Xiangsheng


Vice-gov., Henan PPG, Feb 1955 - Dec 1958; sec., CCP Comte, Henan Prov., Sep 1957-1959; vice-pres., Beijing Agricultural Univ, Mar 1966 - Cult. Rev.; branded a "three-anti element" and purged, Apr 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-pres., Academy of Agrosciences, Aug 1978; vice-min. of Water Conservancy, May 1980 - Mar 1982; disappeared, Mar 1982.

Shi Ximin

& ^ &

* 1912 Pujiang County, Zhejiang deceased 1987, Oct 17 Joined CCP, 1929; participated in founding Xinhua Daily,


1937; war correspondent with New 4th Army, 1941; editor, New China Daily, Chongqing, 1944; dir., New China Daily, Nanjing, 1949; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP of Jiangsu Prov., Nov 1952; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP of Shanghai Municipality, Nov 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP of Shanghai Municipality, Jul 1958; alt. sec., CCP of Shanghai Municipality, Feb 1959; dpty head, del. to USSR to attend the 44th anniversary of October Rev, Nov 1961; head, del. to World Peace Congr, Osaka, Nov 1962; sec., CCP of Shanghai Municipality, Aug 1964 Apr 1965; vice-chm, Shanghai Branch of CPPCC, Oct 1964; vice-min. of Culture, Apr 1965 - Cult. Rev.; branded an anti-Mao element and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1975; cadre of the State Council, Dec 1975; adviser to Beijing Journalism Society, Feb 1980; dpty sec-gen., Academy of Social Sciences, Oct 1980-1983; vice-chm, Comte for Editing and Publishing the Works of Guo Moruo, Nov 1982; head, journalists del. to Yugoslavia, Jun 1983; hon. dir., Inst, of Journalism under CASS, Jun 1983 - death. Publication: Traces of Times (collection of Shi's reports).

Shi Xinshan



Mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Hunan Prov., Sep 1979 - Jun 1985; sec., CCP Comte, Changsha Municipality, Nov 1979; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Changsha Municipality, Feb 1981-1985; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; sec., Discipline Inspection Comte, CCP of Changsha Municipality, May 1983-1987; disappeared, Jun 1989.

Shi Xiyu


Vice-min. of Railways, Jan 1985 - Apr 1986; dpty head, State Leading Group for Port and Harbor Work, Feb 1987; again vice-min. of Railways, Dec 1989 - Jun 1993; head, railways del. to Ν Korea, Feb 1991; disappeared, Jun 1993.



Shi Yulin

and Cryopedology, Mar 1980; dir., Inst, of Glaciology and Cryopedology, CAS, Feb 1981-1984; hon. dir., Lanzhou Inst, of Glaciology and Cryopedology, CAS, Feb 1985; mem., Dpt of Earth Sciences, CAS, Jun 1985; initiator of an open letter to China's leadership putting forward an appeal for the release of political prisoners, Mar 1989; disappeared, Mar 1989.

Shi Ying



* 1908 deceased 1966, Dec 13 Dir., Customs Admin., NE People's Govt, Nov 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Council (ECMAC), Dec 1949- Jan 1953; dir., Dpt of Ind. and Commerce, ECMAC, Jan 1950; vicechm, Financial and Economic Comte, Fujian PPG, Nov 1950 - Aug 1952; dir., Dpt of Commerce, and concurrently sec-gen., Fujian PPG, Nov 1950 - Sep 1952; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, ECMAC, Aug 1952; council mem., Fujian PPG, Nov 1952 - Aug 1954; mem., Shanghai MPC, Feb 1955; dir., Light Ind. Office, Shanghai MPC, Feb 1955; dpty dir., Admin, for Foreign Economic Relations, SC, Apr 1961 - Jul 1962; vice-mayor, Shanghai MPG, Jul 1962 - death; mem., Com for Foreign Economic Relations, SC, Oct 1964 - death; ehm, Shanghai Branch, Assn for Promoting Intl Trade, May 1965 - death; ehm, China Export Clothing Exchange Comte, Feb 1966; dir., Shanghai Clothing Fair, Mar 1966.

Shi Yizhi



* 1910 Yangcheng County, Shanxi Joined CCP, 1932; studied at Taiyuan Branch of AntiJapan Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1938; served in ShanxiHenan Office of CCP, 1940; dir., 4th Admin. Distr under Shanyin (Daiyue) Admin. Office, 1941; dir., Civil Affairs Section of Taiyuan Admin. Office, 1946; dir., Polit. Dpt. 4th Army, 1948; dpty dir., S Shaanxi Admin. Office and sec-gen. of Shaanxi PPG, Dec 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Shaanxi PPG, Mar 1950; vice-gov., Shaanxi PPG, Nov 1955 - Mar 1961; sec., Xi'an Municipality CP, Mar 1961; disappeared, 1962; first reappearance: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Shaanxi Prov., Sep 1979; vice-chm, Shaanxi PPC, Dec 1979; deputy for Shaanxi to 5th NPC; by-elected Dec 1980; disappeared, Dec 1980.

Shi Yulin Vice-chm, Rev Comte, Ningxia AR, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; vice-chm, People's Congr, Ningxia AR, Jan 1980 Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP of Ningxia AR, Mar 1981 - Mar 1983; vice-chm, Advisory Com, CCP of Ningxia AR, Jul 1983; disappeared, Jul 1984. * 1919 Dir., Glaciological and Cryopedological Dpt, Dpt of Geography, CAS, Mar 1965; head, scientific group which accompanied the alpinist team in conquering Mt. Xixabangma (8012 m), Mar 1965; pres., Society of Glaciology

Shi Zhaotang

Shi Z h a o t a n g




f i

* 1909 Liujiang County, Guangxi Graduation from Philosophy Dpt, Zhongshan Univ, 1932; studied in Japan, 1935-37; worked successively as prof, of Guangxi, Xiamen and Hong Kong universities, 1943-50; dpty dir., Guangxi Teachers' College, 1953-55; vice-chm, Guangxi Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Mar 1955; dir., Dpt of Education, Guangxi PPG, May 1955; deputy for Guangxi to 2nd Ν PC (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); vice-chm, Guangxi Branch, CDL, Nov 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Guangxi AR 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); again vice-chm, Guangxi Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1979; vice-chm, People's Congr, Guangxi AR, Dec 1979 (reelected Apr 1983 - Jan 1988); vice-pres., Guangxi Univ, May 1983; disappeared, Jan 1988. Publications: An Outline of Science; Scientific Methodology-

Shi Zhiren & & 4=* 1899 Changli County, Hebei Studied mechanical engineering at Univ of Hong Kong; received M.S. degree from Massachusetts Inst, of Technology, U.S.A.; after return worked successively as dir., Mechanics Dpt under Beiyang Univ, engineer and factory chief of Beijing-Mukden (Shenyang) Railways, dir. of Engineering Dpt of Nanjing-Shanghai and ShanghaiHangzhou-Ningbo Railways, chief engineer of Min. of Railways under Nationalist Govt, dir. of Railway Admin. Bureau of Beijing-Tianjin Area; joined the Communists, 1949; vice-min. of Railways, Oct 1949 - Cult. Rev.; dir., General Engineering Bureau, Min. of Railways, Mar 1950; pres., Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering, Sep 1951-1959; dpty dir., Org. Dpt, China Fed of Natural Sciences, 1952; deputy for Hebei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958, and to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Dpt of Technological Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955; mem., Awards Comte, CAS, Oct 1955; head, railway del. to German Democratic Republic, Poland and Hungary, 1956; head, railway del. to United Arab Republic, Mar 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Shirob Yaltso



* 1882 Xunhua County, Qinghai


deceased unknown date, Cult. Rev. Sh. belonged to the Tibetan minority and was a Living Buddha. Novice in a monastry as a child; entered Drepung Monastry near Lhasa, 1896; received a Tibetan ecclesiastical degree, 1916; collated a new edition of the Tibetan Tripitaka and fell in disfavor with the 13th Dalai Lama because of unauthorized emendations in it, 1917-20; went to China proper via India, 1936; lectured successively at Central Univ, Zhongshan, Beijing, Qinghua and Wuhan Univ, 1936-39; pres., Assn for Promotion of Tibetan Culture, Chongqing, 1941; executive dir., China Assn for Promotion of Border Culture, 1942; Sh. was one of the 3 representatives from Tibet for Natl Govt's 3rd People's Polit. Council, Oct 1942; alt. mem., 6th Supervisory Comte of KMT, May 1945-1949; vice-chm, Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Com of Nationalist Govt, 1947-49; went over to the Communists, 1949; vice-go v., Qinghai PPG, Dec 1949; mem., NW Mil. and Admin. Comte (NWMAC), Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; vice-chm, Nationalities Affairs Comte, NWMAC, Mar 1950; mem., Culture and Education Comte, NWMAC, Mar 1950; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Jun 1950 (reelected to 2nd-4th, 1954, 1958; 1964); promoter of China Buddhist Assn, Nov 1952; mem., NW Admin Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; vice-pres., Buddhist Assn, Jun 1953; acting pres., China Buddhist Assn, Oct 1953 - Aug 1955; vice-gov., Qinghai PPG, Feb 1954 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Qinghai to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jul 1958); mem., Nationalities Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959); delegate of religious circles to 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd and 4th, Apr 1959 and Dec 1964); head, Buddhist del. to Burma, Apr 1955; pres., Buddhist Assn, Aug 1955 - death; mem., China Asian Solidarity Comte, Feb 1956; head, Buddhist del. to 4th Conf. of World Buddhist, Kathmandu, Nov 1956; successively visited India; mem., China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Jul 1958; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Jul 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 - Dec 1964; mem., del. to meeting of World Peace Council, Stockholm, May 1959 (head: Guo Moruo); mem., Nationalities Affairs Com, SC, Sep 1959; head, Buddhist del. to Burma, Dec 1960; head, del. to escort Teeth of Buddha to Ceylon, Jun 1961; head, del. to 6th Conf. of World Buddhists to Cambodia, Nov 1961; vice-pres., World Buddhists Friendship Assn, Nov 1961; council mem., China Afro-Asian Society, Apr 1962; dir.,


Inst, of Buddhism, Sep 1962; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 2nd NPC, Nov 1963; disappeared Jul 1966, probably purged.

Shou Hanqing

• ^


Vice-min. of Textile Ind., Oct 1980 - Mar 1982; pres., Society for the Study of Technology and Economic Management in the Textile Ind., Aug 1981; disappeared, Mar 1982.

Shu Jicheng

Shu Sheyu See Lao She


Prov., Dec 1977; dpty commandant, Academy of Mil. Sciences, Jan 1979-1981; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Jul 1979; ehm, China Calligraphers' Assn, May 1981; mem., All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Jun 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; hon. ehm, China Calligraphers' Assn, Apr 1985; disappeared, Apr 1985.

Shuai Mengqi (f)

^ JL A

# fa- A

Pilot of a PLA Navy Air Force unit, 1958; shot down an American made RB-57 jet reconnaissance plane from Taiwan over mainland China, Feb 1958; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; shot down another US unmanned high altitude reconnaissance plane, Mar 1965; delegate to Congr of Activists from PLA Navy in the study of Mao Zedong's works, Dec 1967; dpty cdr., "Eagles Regiment" under E China Sea Fleet, Dec 1967; mem., Presidium, 9th CCP Natl Congr, Apr 1969; alt. mem., 9th CCP Central Comte, Apr 1969; disappeared, May 1973.


Si-ma-yi Ya-sheng-nuo-fu


* 1906 Dongxiang County, Jiangxi Graduated from 1st Normal School in Jiangxi, 1927; joined CCP, 1927; head, Propaganda Section in Polit. Dpt, 2nd Div., 1st Army Corps of Red Army, 1931; participant of Long March, 1934-35; dir., Polit. Dpt, ShanxiChahar-Hebei Mil. Distr, 1939-45; dir., Polit. Dpt of New 4th Army and of Shandong Mil. Distr, 1945-46; dir., Polit. Dpt, 3rd Field Army, 1949-52; dir., Polit. Dpt, E China Mil. Reg, 1949-52; dir., Propaganda Dpt, E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1949-1954; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte and dir. of its Culture and Education Comte, Feb 1950 - Jan 1953; ehm, Supervision Comte for Institutions of Higher Learning in E China, Aug 1952; ehm, Study Comte on Party Cadres, E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1952; vicechm, E China Branch, China Peace Council, Nov 1952; mem., E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Aug 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1953-54; vice-chm, E China Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Mar 1953; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd NPC, 1958); 1st sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Jan 1955-1960; mem., Shandong PPG, Mar 1955-1960; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956-Cult. Rev.; polit, commissar, Jinan Mil. Reg, Sep 1959-1960; sec., Shaanxi Prov. CP, Jan 1964 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Shaanxi to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; branded an anti-Mao element and purged, Mar 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Shaanxi

* 1897 Hunan Joined CCP, 1926; studied in USSR, 1928; engaged in organizing workers, Shanghai, 1930; dir., Women's Dpt, Jiangsu CP, 1932; imprisoned by KMT and heavily tortured which led to the loss of sight in one eye, 1932-37; mem., Executive Comte, All-China Fed of Democratic Women (Apr 1949 - Sep 1957) and also dir. of its Org. Dpt, Apr 1949 - Apr 1953; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949-1957; mem., Supervision Comte, G AC, Oct 1949- Oct 1954; deputy for Hunan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd and 3rd, 1958 and 1964); head, women's del. to Ν Vietnam, May 1956; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Central Control Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1956-Cult. Rev.; dpty dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1957- Cult. Rev.; mem., Executive Comte, Natl Women's Fed, Sep 1957 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Control Com, CCP Central Comte, 1961 Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Oct 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Jul 1979 - Sep 1982; mem., Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Mar-Sep 1982; adviser, Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, May 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Oct 1992. Shuai was married to Xu Zhizhen.

Si-ma-yi Ya-sheng-nuo-fu See Ismayil Yashengnoff


Situ Huimin

Situ Huimin


Song Chengzhi

iÉm^l jÉ κ * 1909 deceased 1987, Apr 4 Studied art at Tokyo Art Academy, 1928-31; became leader of progressive Chinese cinema; one of China's earliest researcher on synchronous recorder for sound films, he worked as recordist developing and printing engineer, and director; sent to U.S.A. to study studio management, 1946; further studies in USSR, 1951; dir. of newly set up Natl Film Science and Technology Inst., 1958; dpty dir., Film Ind. Admin Min. of Culture, Jul 1959; dpty dir., Cinema Bureau, Min. of Culture, Feb 1961; council mem., Sino-Czechoslovakian Friendship Assn, Mar 1962; head, film del. to Japan, Apr 1962; head, film del. to 3rd Afro-Asian Film Festival in Indonesia, Apr 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Nov 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1975; vice-min. of Culture, Aug 1978 May 1982; mem., State Nationalities Affairs Com, May 1979; dpty dir., Television Drama Art Comte, Min. of Culture, Jan 1982; pres., Society of Motion Pictures and Television Engineering, Mar 1982; vice-chm, Chinese Film Assn, Jul 1982; mem., del. to 2nd World Conf. on Cultural Work, Mexico City (head: Zhu Muzhi), Jul 1982; council mem., XNA, Sep 1982; deputy for Guangdong to 6th NPC, May 1983; vice-chm, Overseas Chinese Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 - death; head, del. of Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese to U.S.A., Aug 1984.

Song Changgeng


Mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of Qinghai Prov., Aug 1967; polit, commissar, Qinghai Mil. Distr, May 19681973; dpty sec., Qinghai Prov. CP, Mar 1971; sec., Qinghai Prov. CP, Nov 1972; 1st polit, commissar, Qinghai Mil. Distr, Aug 1973; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Qinghai Prov., Oct 1976- Dec 1977; 2nd polit, commissar, Qinghai Mil. Distr, Mar 1977-1978; polit, commissar, Jiangxi Mil. Distr, Oct 1982; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983; disappeared, May 1983.

* 1917 Jinzhai County, Anhui Took part in Long March with W Front Army, 1936; battalion cdr., Artillery Regiment, 8th Route Army, 193841; dpty div. cdr.. Artillery Column, NE Field Army, 1948; served with 4th Field Army in Korean War as cdr. of an artillery div., 1950; dpty cdr., Artillery Command, NE Mil. Reg, 1951; commandant No. 5 PLA Artillery School, 1952-56; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., PLA Artillery, Feb 1965-1978; mem., mil. del. to Pakistan, Mar 1977; mem., mil. del. to Yugoslavia (head: Yang Yong), Jun 1978; cdr., PLA Artillery, Jun 19781982; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., Law Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., NPC del. to Uruguay, Panama, Cuba, Aug 1986; disappeared, Feb 1992.

Song Guang


Dpty dir., Public Security Bureau, Shenyang MPG, May 1951; vice-mayor, Shenyang MPG, Oct 1955 - Cult. Rev.; sec., Shenyang CP, Nov 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Nov 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Liaoning to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; ehm, Rev Comte of Shenyang Municipality, Jun 1979; mayor of Shenyang MPG, May 1980- Jun 1981; sec., Shenyang CP, Nov 1980 - Jun 1981; head, Shenyang friendship del. to Sapporo, sister city of Shenyang, Nov 1980; vice-pres., Supreme People's Court and dir. of its Economic Div., Jun 1981 - May 1982; adviser to the Supreme People's Court, May 1982; disappeared, May 1982.

Song Jiehan


Deputy for Jilin to 2nd NPC, Mar 1959; 1st sec., Changchun Municipality CP, Jun 1960 - Cult. Rev.; ehm, Changchun Branch of CPPCC, May 1962; alt. sec., CCP Comte, Jilin Prov., Oct 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Aug 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte of Jilin Prov., Dec 1977 Mar 1980; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Jilin Prov., Jan 1978 Aug 1979; sec., CCP Comte, Jilin Prov., Aug 1979 - Apr 1983; head, Jilin Party del. to Ν Korea, Aug 1982; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection under CCP Central


Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Jilin Prov. CP, Apr 1983 - May 1985; disappeared, Mar 1986.

Song Jiwen

Song Peizhang

Song Keren Vice-min of Commerce, Sep 1977-1983; mem., Central Patriotic Public Health Campaign Comte, Oct 1983; mem., State Economic Examination Comte, Oct 1983; disappeared, Dec 1983.

jf* Song Li


Deputy for Lüda to 1st NPC, Oct 1954; deputy for Liaoning to 2nd NPC, Aug 1958; mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Jun 1979; 2nd sec., Dalian City CP, Aug 19811984; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); ehm, Liaoning Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Mar 1982 (reelected Apr 1983); disappeared, Oct 1990. * 1916 Dingyuan County, Anhui Dir., Financial Bureau, Nanjing MPG, Oct 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jan 1950 - Jan 1953; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, E China Admin Comte, Jan 1953 - Aug 1954; dir., Tax Bureau, Shanghai MPG, Jan 1953; dir., Office of Finance, Food and Trade, Shanghai MPG, Oct 1955; vice-mayor of Shanghai, Jan 1957- Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanghai CP, Mar 1962- Cult. Rev.; deputy for Shanghai to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; during Cult. Rev. branded a revisionist and paraded through Shanghai, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: pres., Shanghai Higher People's Court, Dec 1977; vicemin. of Light Ind., Jan 1978; acting min. of Light Ind., Mar 1981; min. of Light Ind., Sep 1981 - May 1982; pres., China Light Ind. Society, Feb 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); pres., China Quality Control Assn, Oct 1984; disappeared, Jan 1991.

Song Kanfu fc ^


* 1910 Jiangxi deceased 1991, Apr 4 Sec., CCP Comte, Sha City in Hubei Prov., Dec 1949; council mem., Hubei PPG, Mar 1950; mem., Financial and Economic Comte and dir., Labor Bureau, Hubei PPG, Sep 1950; ehm, Hubei TU, Oct 1950; vice-mayor, Wuhan MPG, Nov 1952-Jan 1955; 2nd sec., Wuhan CP, Oct 1954 - Jan 1956; mayor of Wuhan MPG, Jan 1955 - Jul 1957; 1st sec., Wuhan CP, Jan 1956 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Hubei CP, Mar 1958; prof., Wuhan Univ, Jun 1958; sec., Wuhan CP, Jun 1962- Cult. Rev.; denounced as an anti-Party element and purged, Jun 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jan 1974; sec., Hubei Prov. CP, Aug 1975-1977; vice-chm, All-China Fed of TU, Oct 1978 - Oct 1981; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; head, Fujian Prov. Liaison Group, Central Com for Guiding Party Rectification, Jan 1985.

Song Lin Dir., Dpt of Finance and Commerce, Qinghai Prov. CP, Mar 1960; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Qinghai Prov., Dec 1977 - Aug 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Qinghai Prov. CP, May 1978; vice-gov., Qinghai PPG, Sep 1979 - Apr 1983; head, Qinghai Prov. Environment Protection Leading Group, Mar 1980; dpty sec., Qinghai Prov. CP, Sep 1981 - Apr 1983; ehm, Qinghai PPC, Apr 1983 - Feb 1988; deputy for Qinghai to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., NPC del. to Venezuela and Argentina (head: Huang Hua), Mar 1986; mem., Presidium, 4th Session of 6th NPC, Mar 1986; mem., Presidium, 5th Session of 6th NPC; disappeared, Aug 1987.

Song Menglin Mem., Ν Anhui Admin. Office, Dec 1950; dir., Org. Dpt, Anhui Prov. CP, May 1957; alt sec., Anhui Prov. CP, Oct 1959; sec., Anhui Prov. CP, Nov 1959; vicegov., Anhui PPG, May 1960 - Sep 1964; disappeared, Sep 1964.

Song Naide

% Ή

During Sino-Japanese War: CCP magistrate of Founing, 1941; cadre, Changsha Mil. Control Com, Jan 1950; dir., Finance Dpt, Hunan PPG, Jan-Mar 1950; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950 - Jan 1953; mem., Hunan PPG, Mar 1950 - Sep 1954; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, Hunan PPG, Jul 1950- Sep 1954; vice-min. of Local Ind., Oct 1954 - May 1956; vice-min. of Light Ind., Sep 19561963; mem., Natl Comte, Scientific and Technological Assn, Sep 1958; deputy for Anhui to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958; disappeared, 1964.

Song Peizhang Joined 4th Red Front Army, 1932; polit, commissar of a regiment, Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Mil. Reg, 1948;


Song Qïngling (f)

dir., Polit. Dpt of a div., 2nd Field Army, 1949; dpty polit, commissar, 179th Div., Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1950-53; polit, commissar, 179th Div., 1954; dir., Polit. Dpt, 60th Army, 1961; dpty polit, commissar, 60th Army, 1966; dpty polit, commissar, Anhui Mil. Distr, Nov 1968; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Anhui Prov., Feb 1969-1975; sec., Anhui Prov. CP, Sep 19711975; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 - Aug 1977; ehm, Rev Comte, Anhui Prov., Jun 1975-1977; 1st sec., Anhui CP, Jun 1975-1977; 1st polit, commissar, Anhui Mil. Distr, Jul 1976; disappeared, Jun 1977.

Song Qingling (f) See Soong Ching Ling

Song Qingyou


Vice-chm, Shandong Prov. TU, Jul 1973; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte of Shandong Prov., May 1977; disappeared, Dec 1978.

Song Renqiong


* 1909 Liuyang County, Hunan Graduated from Liuyang High School and joined CCP, 1926; subsequently graduated from Whampoa Mil. Academy; joined Communist forces in Jinggangshan, 1927; cadre, Polit. Dpt, 5th Red Regiment (reorganized from 26th Route Army of Nationalist Army which had defected to the Communists), 1932; during Long March polit, commissar, Red Army Cadre Corps, 1934-35; service in 28th Army Group, Red Army, 1936; polit, commissar, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; operated with a cavalry regiment in Hebei Prov., 1938; organized "Death Corps" in Shanxi Prov., 1942; teacher at Central Party School, 1943-45; alt. mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Jun 1945 - Sep 1956; served successively as cdr. S Hebei Mil. Distr, cdr., Central Hebei Mil. Distr, and polit, commissar, 4th Army Corps, 1946-49; ehm, Nanjing Mil. Control Com (after Nanjing was occupied by 2nd Field Army under Liu Bocheng), Apr 1949; dpty polit, commissar SW China Mil. Reg, Mar 1950; ehm, Yunnan Mil. Control Com, Mar 1950; mem., SW China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950 - Jan 1953; vice-chm, SW China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Aug 1952 - Jan 1953; vice-chm, SW China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Aug 1954; 1st sec., SW

Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1953; mem., Natl Defense Council, Oct 1954; made army general and awarded orders of "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956- Cult. Rev.; dpty sec-gen., CCP Central Comte, Sep 1956; min., 3rd Min. of Machine Building, Nov 1956 - Feb 1958; min., 2nd Min. of Machine Building, Feb 1958; deputy for Yunnan to 2nd Ν PC, Nov 1958 -Dec 1964; 1st sec., NE China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1961; mem., CCP del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1963; polit, commissar, Shenyang Mil. Reg, Apr 1964; vice-chm, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; 1st Polit, commissar, Shenyang Mil. Reg, Dec 1965; alt. mem., Politburo, 8th Central Comte, by-elected at 11th Plenum, Aug 1966; repeatedly attacked by Red Guards, 1967; branded a renegade, traitor, and "the biggist capitalist-roader in NE China", May 1968; publicly humilated in Beijing and disappeared, Jul 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; deputy for Sichuan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Sep 1980; minister, 7th Min. of Machine Building, Mar-Dec 1978; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, by-elected at 3rd Plenum, Dec 1978 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985); dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 - Jan 1983; vice-chm, Credentials Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; head, Party workers' del. to Yugoslavia and Romania, Jul 1979; mem., Secretariat, CCP Central Comte, by-elected at 5th Plenum, Feb 1980 - Sep 1982; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; article in RMRB Jun 30, 1981, "Close unity of the old, middle-aged and young cadres is an important guarantee for carrying forward the Party's cause pioneered by our predecessors"; mem., Politburo, 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; article in RMRB Oct 2, 1982, "Build a good cadre contingent according to the principle that they must be more revolutionary, younger in average age, more educated and competent"; article in HQ No. 24/1982, "Educate Party members in the new Party constitution, make ideological preparations for the Party rectification", Dec 1982; visited Italy on invitation of CP of Italy, Aug 1983; adviser, Central Com for Guiding Party Consolidation, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1983; hon. pres., Chinese Volleyball Assn, Aug 1984; resigned as mem. of Politburo and Central Comte, 12th Central Comte, Sep 1985; vice-chm, Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 - Dec 1992; visited Hungary, Jun 1987; mem., Stand. Comte, 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; deputy for Yunnan to 7th NPC, Jan 1988; mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte and concurrently ehm, Credentials Comte, 14th CCP Natl Congr, Oct 1992; disappeared, Oct 1993. Song was married to Zhong Yuelin.

Song Renyuan


Dir., United Front Work Dpt, Jilin Prov. CP, Mar 1960; deputy for Jilin to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; after Cult. Rev.: again dir., United Front Work Dpt, Jilin Prov. CP, Jun


1978; mem., Stand. Comte, Jilin Prov. CP, Dec 1979; vice-chm, Jilin PPC, Apr 1980; vice-chm, Jilin Branch of CPPCC, Apr 1981; disappeared, Oct 1982.

Song Richang


burns such as those caused by napalm. Others are the onstage reconstruction of the nose or ear, total reconstruction of the male genitalia in one operation, the "uplift operation" for the repair of a cleft palate and the forearm flap. Song was married to Wang Qiaozhang.


Dir., Civil Affairs Dpt, Admin. Office, CCP of Central Jiangsu Prov., 1937; dir., Provisions Dpt, New 4th Army, 1945; vice-chm, Org. Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte (ECMAC), Mar 1950 - Dec 1952; dpty secgen., ECMAC, 1951; dir., Civil Affairs Dpt, ECMAC, Mar-Dec 1952; dpty dir., General Office, CAS, Feb 1954; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; vice-mayor, Shanghai MPG, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanghai CP, Jul 1956; ehm, Financial and Economic Comte, Shanghai MPC, 1956; vice-chm, Shanghai Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn (SSFA), Jul 1959 Jan 1966; ehm, Shanghai Branch, SSFA, Jan 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Sep 1966. Song was married to You Yun.

Song Ruyao

Song Shilun

S- M

* 1914 Haicheng County, Liaoning Graduated from the College of West China Union Univ, Chengdu; studied at Univ of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U.S.A., 1942-48; returned to China, 1949; subsequently worked as dir., Stomatological Hospital attached to Huaxi Univ; led a surgical team during Korean War, 1951-52; later he trained China's first generation of plastic surgeons and founded the first plastic surgery hospital in China; delegate to Intl Conf. on Facial Plastic Surgery, Los Angeles, U.S.A., May 1983; made hon. mem., American Society of Facial Plastic and Reconstruction Surgery, May 1983; mem., Central Comte, China Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party, Dec 1983 (reelected Nov 1988); pres., Chinese Plastic Surgery Society, Dec 1983; dir., Beijing Orthopedic Hospital, Jun 1984; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; mem., Medicine, Health and Sports Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Nov 1988. Publications: Stomatology; Repair of the Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate; Plastic Surgery Treatment and Hand Injuries. Remarks: Song has developed many plastic surgery procedures which are used both in China and abroad. One is the extended skin graft, a method of treatment for severe

Song Shaowen * 1906 Tunliu County, Shanxi Graduated from Economics Dpt, Beijing Univ; subsequently teacher at Shanxi Normal School and later dean of studies, Shanxi Training Center for Mil. and Admin. Cadres; due to Communist activities imprisoned, 1934-36; after outbreak of Sino-Japanese War: head, Propaganda Dpt, Natl Salvation Sacrifice League, 1937; ehm, ShanxiChahar-Hebei Border Region Govt, 1939; visited USSR, 1943; mayor of Zhangjiakou, 1945; sec., Financial and Economic Comte and dir., Agricultural Dpt, Ν China People's Govt, 1948-49; delegate to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; dir., Planning Bureau, Financial and Economic Com, GAC, Dec 1949 - Aug 1952; mem., Financial and Economic Com, GAC, Dec 1949 -Sep 1954; accompanied Zhou Enlai to USSR, Aug 1952; vice-min. of Light Ind., Sep 1953 - Sep 1954; dpty dir., 4th Staff Office, SC, Nov 1954 - Sep 1959; vice-min., State Economics Com, Nov 1956 - Sep 1959; vice-min., State Capital Construction Com, Oct 1958 - Jan 1961; vice-chm, State Planning Com, Nov 1962 - Cult. Rev.; delegate to 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1980; vice-min., Com for Machine Building Ind., May 1981 - May 1982; mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Nov 1981; deputy for Shanxi to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; adviser to State Planning Com, Jun 1983; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986; disappeared, Apr 1987.

Song Shilun


£ H %

* 1907 Liling County, Hunan deceased 1991, Sep 17 Attended middle school in Hunan; graduated from Whampoa Mil. Academy; subsequently officer of Nationalist Army in Fujian Prov., 1925; joined CCP, 1927; led guerilla unit in Jiangxi Prov., 1928; cos, 20th Red Army, 1930; attended Red Army Mil. Academy in Ruijin, 1933; subsequently cos, 15th Red Army; Long March with 1st Red Front Army (?), 1934-35; cdr. of a regiment, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; cdr., Song (Shilun) - Deng

Song Shuanglai


(Hua) Column, E Hebei (here became widely known by organizing uprisings in 17 counties and strikes in Kailuan coal mines), 1938; cdr., 4th Column, 8th Route Army and concurrently dpty cdr., Hebei-Rehe-Liaoning Mil. Distr, 1940; trained at CCP Central Party School at Yan'an, 1940; cdr., 7 th Di v., New 4 th Army, 1942; led his units into Fuzhou, 1945; dir., Planning and Executive Dpt, CCP Section, Mil. Mediation Com, 1946; cdr., 10th Column, E China Field Army and cdr., Bohai Mil. Distr, 1947; cdr., 28th Army Corps, 1948; cdr., 28th Army, 10th Army Corps, 3rd Field Army, 1948; cdr., 9th Army Group and cdr., Wusong-Shanghai Garrison Command, May 1949; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949 - Jan 1950; led troops to Korean War to serve as cdr., East Front of Chinese "People's Volunteers", Oct 1950; commandant, Nanjing Higher Infantry School, Sep 1954; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; made col-gen and awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom", "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; vice-pres., Academy of Mil. Sciences, 1958 - Cult. Rev.; head, mil. del. to Iraq, Jul 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev., May 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1972; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; pres., Academy of Mil. Sciences, Sep 1973 - Feb 1986; head, PLA friendship del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1973; awarded Korean order "Natl Flag", 1st class, Sep 1973; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Oct 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - death; mem., Presidium, 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987.

Song Shuanglai


* 1926 Wuqiang County, Hubei Joined 8th Route Army, 1940; joined CCP, 1941; served in PLA units from company to battalion level, 1941-49; cited as a combat hero, 1950; graduation from PLA Mil. Academy, 1960; dir., Polit. Dpt of a PLA div., Sep 1965; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 - Aug 1977); dpty polit, commissar of a PLA unit in Shanxi Prov., Oct 1976; polit, commissar, PLA Army School in Shijiazhuang, Nov 1982; deputy for PLA to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; made ltn-gen., Sep 1988; polit, commissar, PLA Ground Forces Command Academy, Dec 1988; disappeared, Dec 1988.

Song Shuhua

£ èt ψ

* 1929 Xiyang County, Shanxi Served as CCP cadre of counties and prefectures and finally as mayor of Xingtai City, 1949-63; served successively as CCP sec. and 1st sec. of Zhangjiakou Prefecture, 197583; vice-gov., Hebei PPG, May 1985 (reelected May 1988); disappeared, Jul 1991.

Song Xilian


* 1907 Xiangxiang County, Hunan deceased 1993, Feb 14 Studied in 1st class, Whampoa Mil. Academy, 1924-25; graduation from Tsiba Infantry School in Japan, 1930; successively cdr. of 36th KMT Div. and 71st KMT Army, 1931-40; cdr., 11th KMT Group Army, 1941-45; cdr., Xinjiang Garrison Command, 1946-48; dpty cdr.-in-chief, KMT Central China Suppression HQ and concurrently cdr. of 14th KMT Corps, Aug 1948; taken prisoner by the Communists in Sichuan Prov., fall of 1949; subsequently convicted as a war criminal; released from prison by special amnesty, Dec 1959; special delegate to 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th and 7th, Jun 1983 and Apr 1988); vice-pres., Whampoa Mil. Academy Alumni, Mar 1988 - death; mem., Comte of Fraternity for Reunification of the Motherland under the CPPCC Natl Comte, Jun 1988 -death. Remarks: Since 1984 Song resided in U.S.A.

Song Yangchu * 1914 deceased 1984, Oct 31 Dpty dean of Education, Central League School, NDYL, 1951; vice-pres. of that school, Mar 1953 - Oct 1954; mem., State Planning Com, SC, Oct 1954 -Jun 1964; dir., Heavy Ind. Planning Bureau, State Planning Com, Dec 1955; vice-min., State Planning Com, Sep 1959 - Jun 1964; vice-min., State Economic Com, Apr 1964- Jan


1966; vice-min., State Capital Construction Com, Apr 1965 - Feb 1966; accused of being prime schemer of the incident in Society of Water Conservancy and Electric Power, Feb 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Feb 1966; first reappearance , Oct 1970; again in his former position as vice-min., State Capital Construction Com, May 1972-1975; deputy for Shanghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; head, capital construction del. to Japan, May 1978; min. of Building Materials, Apr 1979 - May 1982; head, building materials del. to U.S.A., Sep 1980; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 - death. Publications: Metallurgical Ind. in the First Five Year Plan.

Song Yimin


Vice-chm, Rev Comte of Shandong Prov., Dec 1977 Dec 1979; vice-gov., Shandong PPG, Dec 1979- Apr 1983; adviser, Shandong PPG, Oct 1983; disappeared, Jul 1987.




Studied in Taiyuan, 1937; joined 120th Div. of 8th Route Army, 1937; mem., Preparatory Comte, Chengdu Fed of TU, Jan 1950; mem., CCP Comte, W Sichuan Distr and dir. of its Org. Dpt, Jul 1950 - Aug 1952; 2nd sec., CCP Comte, Chengdu Municipality, Jul 1950 - Aug 1952; vicemin. of Geology, Aug 1952-Cult. Rev.; council mem., Chinese Geology Society, Feb 1954; mem., State Planning Com, SC, May 1957 - Nov 1958; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Song Yiping


— -f

* 1916 Shishou County, Hubei Went to USSR to study at Moscow Intl Lenin Inst., 1933; attended 7th Congr of Communist Internationale, Moscow, 1935; alt. executive mem., Young Communists' Internationale, Moscow, 1936; returned to China, 1938; trained at Young Cadres School, Yan'an, 1941; mem., Stand. Comte, Youth Com, CCP Central Comte, 1941-45; accompanied Jiang Nanxiang to lead a youth work team from Yan'an to NE China, Sep 1945; founded NE Democratic Youth League, 1946; ehm, Financial Com, Jilin

Song Yuhe

Prov. CP, 1946-48; mem., Executive Comte and sec., New Democratic Youth League, May 1949-1954; attended 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; 3rd sec., Wuhan Municipality CP, Sep 1954; sec., Wuhan Municipality CP, Oct 1956 - Apr 1965; deputy for Hubei to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); head, Hubei Prov. del. to Ukraine, Jun 1963; vice-chm, State Com. for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Apr 1965 - Cult. Rev.; head, govt del. to France, Sep 1965; head, cultural del. to Ν Korea, Feb 1966; vice-chm, Assn for Cultural and Friendly Relations with Foreign Countries, Apr 1966; during Cult. Rev. denounced as an anti-Mao element and purged, Feb 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Apr 1974; cadre of SC, Sep 1975; cadre, CASS, Aug 1977; deputy for Beijing to 7th NPC, Feb 1978; sec-gen., CASS, Jun 1979; vicepres., CASS, Nov 1979-1981; sec., Work Comte for Central Govt Organs, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1981-1985; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; dpty secgen., SC, Feb 1983 - Apr 1988; deputy for Hubei to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); vice-chm, Credentials Comte, 6th NPC, Mar 1984 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); ehm, China-Venezuela Friendship Group of the NPC, Mar 1986; mem., Foreign Affairs Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); disappeared, Sep 1990.

Song Youtian

^ Ί ®

Mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte of Shaanxi Prov., Jul 1977 - Apr 1983; vice-gov., Shaanxi PPG, Dec 1979 Apr 1983; deputy for Shaanxi to 6th NPC, May 1983; disappeared, May 1983.

Song Yuhe fc té- fa * 1902 Hunan deceased 1970, Dec 12 Polit, commissar, Broadcasting Station, 12th Army, Central Red Army, Oct 1931; chief, Service Section, HQ of Central Red Army, Feb 1933; Long March with 1st Red Front Army, 1934-35; dir., Supply Dpt, New 4th Army, 1936; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949; vice-min. of Food Ind., Dec 1949 - Dec 1950; mem., Financial and Economic Com, G AC, 1950 - Sep 1954; vice-min. of Building, Aug 1952 - Mar 1965; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jul 1967.


Song Zexing

Song Zexing

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•1917 Shanghai Graduated from Economics Inst., Nankai Univ, 1943; obtained Ph.D. from College of Economics, Cambridge Univ, England, 1948; associate prof., NE Inst, of Finance and Economics, 1953-58; deputy for Liaoning to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Liaoning to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988); prof, of Liaoning Univ, Jun 1979; vice-pres., Liaoning Univ, Jan 1980; made mem., Royal Society of Great Britain, Jan 1980; vice-pres., World Economics Society, Apr 1980; admitted to CCP, Jun 1980; mem., economic del. to Great Britain (head: Xu Dixin), May 1981; hon. dir., Economic Management School, Liaoning Univ, Mar 1987; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Sep 1991. Publication: On the Imbalance of Capitalist Countries.

Song Zhenming


PS * 1926 deceased 1990, Jun 13 Mem. of petroleum del. to Canada, Sep 1972; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Daqing Oil Field, Mar 1974; cadre of State Council, Jan 1976; CCP sec. and ehm of Rev Comte, Daqing Oil Field, May 1976; vice-min. of Petroleum and Chemical Ind., Nov 1976 - Feb 1978; min. of Petroleum Ind., Mar 1978 - Aug 1980; head, govt del. to Iraq, Jul 1978; head, govt del. to Iran, Aug 1978; mem., govt del. to Brazil and U.S.A. (head: Kang Shien), May 1979; mem., govt del. to Norway and Great Briatin (head: Kang Shien), May 1980; deputy for Henan Prov. to 6th NPC, May 1983; head of the Group for Construction and Development of Zhongyuan Oil Field under Min. of Petroleum Ind., Jun 1983; gen-mgr., China Natl Oil Development Corp., Dec 1985.

Song Zhenting

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* 1920 deceased 1985, Feb 15 Attended Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy in Yan'an, 1937; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Jilin Prov. CP, Mar 1955-1960; dir., Cultural and Educational Dpt, Jilin Prov. CP, Oct 1956 - Cult. Rev.; prof., NE People's Univ, Jul 1958; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Jilin Prov. CP, May 1960 Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Jilin Prov. CP, Feb 1962 - Cult. Rev.; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Aug 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Jilin Prov. CP, Dec 1977; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Jilin Prov., Dec 1977 - Mar 1979; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Jilin Prov. CP, Apr 1978 Mar 1979; article in RMRB Jul 8, 1978: "The story of Lenin reminds me of a test question"; dean of education, Party School, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1979; superintendent of the school, May 1980; head of Party School del. to Italy, Dec 1982.

Song Zhihe

£ JL fa

* 1915 Dongsan, Hebei Studied at Beijing China College; joined CCP, 1937; magistrate of Donghe in Hebei, 1939; dir., 1st Admin. Distr, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Reg, 1940; sec-gen., HebeiChahar Admin. Office, 1943; council mem. and sec-gen., Chahar PPG, Nov 1945; council mem., Henan PPG, 1949; mayor of Zhengzhou Municipality, Aug 1950; mem., Henan PPG, Feb 1955; sec., CCP Comte of Henan CP, Jul 1959-1965; vice-min. for Allocation of Materials, Aug 1965 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Xinjiang Autonomous Region (AR), Mar 1970-1979; sec., CCP Comte of Xinjiang AR, May 1971-1980; vice-chm, People's Govt, Xinjiang AR, Sep 1979; disappeared, Sep 1981.

Song Zhiyuan

Jl 7L·

* 1930 Chengdu, Sichuan Graduated from Electrical Machinery Engineering Dpt, Sichuan Univ, 1952; engineer in Min. of Posts and Telecommunications, 1956-63; studied at Ericson Company, Sweden, 1963-64; dpty dir., Designing Inst., Min. of Posts and Telecommunications, 1964-1973; studied telephone network management in U.S.A., 1982; dpty dir., Capital Construction Bureau, Min. of Posts and Telecommunications, 1982-84; vice-min. of Posts and Telecommunications, Nov 1984 - Jun 1991; disappeared, Jun 1991.

Soong Ching Ling (f)


Song Zhong

Soong Ching Ling (f)


Acting ehm, Table-Tennis Assn (TTA), Mar 1971-1978; dpty sec-gen., table-tennis team visiting Japan, Mar 1971; council mem., Intl TTA and delegate to its meeting in Yugoslavia, Jun 1972; head, sports del. to Nigeria, Jan 1973; sec-gen., Chinese Athletics Fed, Feb 1973; dpty head, Chinese team to 32nd Table-Tennis World Championship in Yugoslavia, Mar 1973; dpty head, sports del. to Iran, Dec 1973; hon sec-gen., Asian Table-Tennis Championship in Japan and head, Chinese team competing in this championship, Mar 1974; head, Chinese team to 2nd Afro-Asian-Latin American Table-Tennis Competitions in Lagos, Nigeria, Jun 1975; head, Chinese team to SE Asian Games in Bangkok, Dec 1975; head, del. to meeting of Asian Badminton Assn, Bankok, Mar 1976; head, del. to 3rd Congr of Asian TTA, Pyongyang, Apr 1976; head, del. to 5th Arab Table-Tennis Competitions in Rabat, Morocco, Jul 1977; head, sports del. to Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, Chile, May 1978; sec-gen., Chinese Olympic Comte, Mar 1979; delegate to Executive Board Session of Intl Olympic Comte (I.O.C.), Lausanne in Switzerland, Mar 1979; head, sports del. to Italy and Puerto Rico, Jun 1979; mem., Natl Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; delegate to Executive Board Conf. of I.O.C., Nagoya, Japan, Oct 1979; disappeared, Oct 1979.

Song Ziyuan


* 1917 deceased 1987, Apr 27 Ordered to Tibet, 1952; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Tibet Autonomous Region, Nov 1977- Mar 1983; sec., CCP Comte, Tibet Autonomous Region, Mar 1983-1985.

Songgi Ishi See Tian Bao

£ )k &

* 1890 Shanghai deceased 1981, May 29 Born into a rich Christian family. Her father, Charles Jones Soong, was educated in U.S.A. and was an early supporter of Sun Yat-sen. Soong Ching Ling attended the McTyeire School for Girls in Shanghai. In 1908 she and her younger sister Meiling sailed for U.S.A. to continue their education at the Wesleyan College for Women in Macon, Georgia; returned to China, 1913, after having received a bachelor's degree; en route to Shanghai she stopped in Tokyo where she met Sun Yat-sen, whome she offered her services; married Sun after his divorce from his first wife, 1915; until his death in 1925 she remained his closest assistant; made mem., KMT Central Executive Comte, 1926; mem., Govt Council, 1927; strongly condemned rift between KMT and CCP, spring 1927; disappointed over failure of Nanchang Uprising, Aug 1927, left for Europe, spending most of her time in Moscow and Berlin, 1927-31, shortly interrupted in Jun 1929 when she attended the state burial of Sun Yat-sen in Nanjing; after return to China, lived in French Concession in Shanghai, 1931-37; after Mukden (Shenyang) Incident in Manchuria, Sep 1931, organized hospital care for wounded soldiers, 1931; co-organized and made ehm of China League for Civil Rights (1936 reorganized to Natl Salvation Assn), 1932; went to Hong Kong after Shanghai fell to the Japanese, Nov 1937; established China Defense League, Jun 1938; used her political influence to collect funds from abroad, particularly from the China Aid Council in U.S.A., 1939-41; fled to Chongqing after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and Hong Kong, Dec 1941; openly criticized Chiang Kai-shek's anti-Communist policy, 1941-45; reinstated mem., KMT Central Executive Comte, 1945; mem., Stand. Comte, KMT Central Executive Comte, 1946; delegate to Natl Assembly, 1946; adviser to Natl Govt, 1947; reorganized her China Defense League into China Welfare Fund, 1947; made hon. ehm, KMT Revolutionary Comte, organized by dissident KMT general Li Jishen, Jan 1948; hon. ehm, All-China Fed of Democratic Women, Apr 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; vice-chm, Central People's Govt Council, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; vice-chm, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn (SSFA), Oct 1949 - Dec 1954; ehm, Chinese People's Relief Assn, Apr 1950; hon. ehm, All-China Democratic Women's Fed, 1950 - death; awarded Stalin Prize, Sep 1951; ehm, Chinese People's Comte for the Protection of Children, Nov 1951 - Cult. Rev.; head, del. to World Peace Congr, Vienna, Dec 1952; mem., Stand. Comte, World Peace Council, Dec 1952; mem., Comte

Su Gang


for Drafting Constitution, Jan 1953; deputy for Shanghai to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd - 5th NPCs in 1958, 1964, 1975, 1978); vice-chm, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 Mar 1959; vice-chm, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 -Apr 1959; ehm, SSFA, Dec 1954; head, goodwill missions to India, Burma, Pakistan, Dec 1955 - Feb 1956; visited Indonesia, Aug 1956; mem. of Mao Zedong's historic del. to Moscow for 40th anniversary of Russian Revolution, Nov 1957; vice-chm of PRC, Apr 1959 - Jan 1975; visit to Ceylon, Feb 1964; vice-chm, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978); hon. pres., Lu Xun Studies Society, Dec 1979; permanent ehm, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; vice-chm, Constitution Revision Comte, Sep 1980; received degree of hon. doctor of laws from Univ of Victoria in Canada, May 8, 1981; accepted as mem. of CCP, May 15, 1981; conferred the title of "hon. ehm of PRC", May 16, 1981. Sisters: Soong Ai-ling (Mme H.H. Kung, a financier and polit, figure); Soon Mei-ling (Mme Chiang Kai-shek); brothers: T.V. Soong (once a prominent figure in the Nationalist govt); T.L. Soon (Sung Tzu-liang) and T.A. Soon (Sung Tzu-an).

Su Gang


Su Hua

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* 1922 Quanjiao County, Anhui deceased 1989, Aug 19 Joined CCP, 1939; dpty sec., Quanhe County CP, 194748; dpty magistrate, Quanjiao County, 1949; sec., Jiangpu County CP, 1950-52; sec., Dingyuan County CP, 195354; commissioner, Chu County Admin. Office, 1954-56; dpty sec., Bengbu Prefecture CP, 1957-58; dpty sec., Maanshan City CP, 1959-63; Party sec., Huainan Chemical Fertilizer Plant, 1963 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., Anqing Petrochemical Works, 1973-80; sec., Anqing City CP, Mar 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP of Anhui Prov., Mar 1983 - Dec 1984; deputy for Anhui to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); vice-chm, Anhui PPC, Mar 1985 - death.


* 1920 Leling County, Shandong Studied at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. College, Yan'an, 1938; joined CCP, 1939; CCP sec. in counties and prefectures of Hubei Prov., 1948-53; CCP sec., No. 1 Wuhan Cotton Mill, 1953-54; dpty sec., Hubei Prov. CP, 195459; mem., Stand. Comte, Hunan Prov. CP, Jun 1960 - Jul 1965; alt. mem., Secretariat, Hunan Prov. CP, Jul 1965 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jan 1977; dpty sec., Guizhou Prov. CP, Jul 1977 - Apr 1978; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Guizhou Prov., Jul 1977 - Dec 1979; sec., Guizhou Prov. CP, Apr 1978 - Jul 1985; gov., Guizhou MPG, Jan 1980 Mar 1983; deputy for Guizhou to 5th NPC, by-elected Aug 1980 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; ehm. Advisory Com, Guizhou Prov. CP, Sep 1985; disappeared, Jun 1989.

Su Jie & Dpty dir., Qiqihar Railway Admin. Bureau, 1952 - Aug 1955; dpty dir., Harbin Railway Bureau, Aug 1955; dir., Communications Work Dpt, CCP of Liaoning Prov., Nov 1959; vice-min. of Railways, Dec 1960 - Oct 1971; vicemin. of Communications, Oct 1971 - Sep 1975; head, govt del. to Zambia, Aug 1974; vice-min. of Railways, Sep 1975; dpty head, govt del. to inauguration of Tanzania-Zambia Railway, built with Chinese assistance, Jun 1976; disappeared, Dec 1978.

Su Jing



* 1910 Haicheng County, Fujian Leader of a company, then a battalion, 12th Red Army, 1st Front Army, 1932-34; joined CCP, 1936; mil. training in USSR, around 1936; dpty cdr., 359th Brigade, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938-42; dir., 1st Office, 4th Field Army HQ, 1949; delegate of 4th Field Army to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Central-S China Mil. and Admin. Comte, 1950 - Nov 1952; dpty cos, Central-S China Mil. Reg, Aug 1950; service in General Staff of Chinese


"People's Volunteers" (CPV) in Korea, 1951-53; dpty dir., Operational Dpt, CPV General Staff, 1954; made ltn-gen. and conferred order "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; dpty cdr., Guangdong Mil. Distr, 1956-57; dpty dir., Dpt of Inspection of Combat Strength, PLA General Staff, 1957-65; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th and 11th CCs, Aug 1973 and Aug 1977); vice-min., State Planning Com, Sep 1975-1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; vice-chm, Birth Planning Leading Group, SC, Jul 1978; disappeared, May 1979.

Su Jingguan * 1906 Huangchuan County, Henan

deceased 1964, May 26 Studied at Tianjin Naval Hospital; after graduation joined CYL, 1927; joined CCP, 1928; entered Red Army, 1929 (first medical doctor of it); medical work for 4th Red Army, 1930-34; participant of Long March, 1934-35; dir., Army Hospital of 8th Route Army, 1939; dpty head, Relief and Liaison Group, CCP Mil. Mediation Subcomte, 1946; reorganized health system for CCP after occupation of Beijing, spring 1949; mem., Cultural and Educational Com, G AC, Oct 1949 - Oct 1954; vice-min. of Public Health, Oct 1949 - death; worked for Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1950; hon. pres., Chinese Medical Assn, Aug 1950- death; mem., Stand. Comte, Fed of Natural Sciences Workers, Aug 1950 - Sep 1958; council mem., China Red Cross Society, Aug 1950 - death; mem., Natl Comte for Protection of Children, Nov 1951; head, del. to 18th Intl Red Cross Conf., Toronto, Jul 1952; hon. pres.,, China Pharmaceutical Society, Nov 1952; delegate of medical circles to 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954; mem., Executive Comte, China Red Cross Society, Oct 1961 - death. Su was married to Zhang Qinqiu.

Su Xiaokang

Su belonged to the Mongolian minority. Joined CCP and China Anti-Imperialist League, 1932; served as CCP cadre in counties and prefectures, 1937-49; vice-gov., Suiyuan PPG, Mar 1952 - Jan 1954; vice-chm, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), Jan 1954-1957; dpty sec., CCP of IMAR, Jan 1954 -Oct 1956; deputy for IMAR to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964); polit, commissar, Inner Mongolia Mil. Reg, Oct 1954-1956; mem., Nationalities Comte, 1st NPC, Nov 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Mar 1959); sec., CCP of IMAR, Oct 1956 - Aug 1957; 1st sec., Baotou City CP, Aug 1957 - Cult. Rev.; lectured at Inner Mongolia Univ, Sep 1958; sec., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, May 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Oct 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1980; dir., Beijing Engineering Inst, under Qinghua Univ, Jun 1980-1986; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); disappeared, Jan 1991.

Su Shaozhi

Su Xiaokang Su Junlu

¿fc fit

* 1917 deceased 1981, Jun 1 Dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Jilin Mil. Distr, Jul 1959; polit, commissar, Jilin Mil. Distr, Aug 1973-1980; vice-chm, Jilin PPC, Apr 1980 - death.

Su Qianyi

* 1913 Togtoh County, Suiyuan



* 1923 Beijing Responsible person, Inst, for Research of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, CASS, Sep 1979; dpty dir. of this inst., Aug 1981; dir. of the inst., Nov 1984 - Oct 1988; dpty dir., Inst. of Marxist Studies, Oct 1985; pres., Society for the Study of Theory and Practice of Mao Zedong Thought, Oct 1986 (dismissed Jul 1989); visited Switzerland, Aug 1987; article in RMRB Mar 5, 1988, "Two historic tasks of reform"; Su is one of 33 writers and scholars who signed an open letter asking the authorities to release political prisoners, Feb 1989; proposed together with Wuer Kaixi, Yan Jiaqi, Liu Binyan and others the "Front of Democratic China", Paris, Jul 1989.


Teacher, News Dpt, Beijing Broadcasting Inst., 1987; produced TV series River Elegy (six parts), 1988; Su is one of 33 poets, journalists and writers who signed an open letter asking the authorities to release polit, dissidents, Feb 1989; reporter of RMRB, Feb 1989; XNA Jul 18, 1989 criticized River Elegy for negating the necessity of practicing socialism in China; Su's publications were put on a blacklist issued by State Press and Publications Admin, Jul 1989; dismissed from his position in the Broadcasting Inst. and expelled from CCP, Sep 1989; asked for polit, asylum in France (wife and son remained in China), Sep 1989; present in Paris when the "Fed for Democracy in China" was founded, an opposition group in exile with Yan Jiaqi as ehm, Wuer Kaixi as vice-chm, Wang Runnan as gen-sec. and Su himself as council mem., Sep 1989; officially deprived of his membership in Chinese Writers' Assn, Nov 1989; Su was among 22 Chinese dissidents given a research project at Princeton Univ, U.S.A., 1990-91.

Su Yiran

Su Yiran




* Si County, Anhui Council mem., S Anhui Admin. Reg, Dec 1950; dir., Public Security Bureau, S Anhui Admin. Reg, Aug 1952; mem., Anhui PPC, Mar 1955; vice-gov., Anhui PPG, 1957-63; mem., Stand. Comte, Anhui Prov. CP, 1957; alt. mem., Secretariat, Anhui Prov. CP, Feb 1959-1963; sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Aug 1964- Cult. Rev.; vicegov., Shandong PPG, Oct 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Shandong Prov., Feb 1971 - Dec 1979; dpty sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Apr 1971 - Jan 1977; sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Jan 1977 -Dec 1982; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987); 1st polit, commissar, Shandong Mil. Distr, Sep 1978 - Jun 1985; gov. of Shandong, Dec 1979 - Dec 1982; 1st sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Dec 1982 - Mar 1983; sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Mar 1983 - Jun 1985; ehm, Advisory Com, Shandong Prov. CP, Jun 1985-1988; hon. dir., Shandong Welfare Fund for Handicapped, Dec 1986; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; disappeared, Apr 1991.

Su Y u

* 1907 Huitong County, Fujian deceased 1984, Feb 5 Attended middle in Hunan and 2nd Normal School in Changde; joined CYL, 1926; dismissed from school for Communist agitation, subsequently joined Student Battalion in Ye Ting's Independent Regiment of 4th Nationalist Army, spring 1927; joined CCP, 1927; took part in Nanchang Uprising, Aug 1927; after failure joined Mao Zedong and Zhu De at Jinggang Mountains, 1928; cdr., 64th Red Div. (which first belonged to 22nd Red Army under Chen Yi, later transferred to Lin Biao's army), 1930-32; dpty cdr., 7th Red Army Corps, 1933; cos, 10th Army Corps (formed after merger of Fang Zhimin's 10th Army and Xun Huaizhou's 7th Army), Jul 1934; during time of

Long March Su continued to engage in guerilla activities in the border regions of Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangxi; wounded in action and lost an arm, around 1936; Su's forces were incorporated into 2nd Column of New 4th Army, with him as polit, commissar, 1937-41; cdr., 1st Div. of reorganized New 4th Army, 1941-46, and cdr., Central Jiangxi Mil. Distr, 1941-44; cdr., Jiangsu-Zhejiang Mil. Distr, 1944-46; alt. mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Jun 1945 - Sep 1956; dpty cdr., New 4th Army, 1946-48; dpty cdr., E China Field Army (reorganized from New 4th Army), Mar 1948 - Feb 1949; dpty cdr., E China Mil. Reg, 1948^9; dpty cdr., 3rd Field Army (reorganized from E China Field Army), Feb 1949; vicechm, Shanghai Mil. Control Com, May 1949; attended 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; ehm, Nanjing Mil. Control Com, Nov 1949-1951; mem., People's Revolutionary Mil. Council (PRMC), Oct 1949 - Oct 1954; vice-chm, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jan 1950 - Dec 1952; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Feb 1950; dpty cos, PRMC, Feb 1952; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Moscow, Aug 1952; vice-chm, E China Admin. Comte, Dec 1952 - Oct 1954; deputy for PL A to 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd - 5th NPCs, 1959, 1964, 1975, 1978); mem., Natl Defense Council, Oct 1954 - Cult. Rev.; cos of PLA, Nov 1954 - Oct 1958; made senior-general and given orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 (reelected to 9th, 10th, 11th CCs, 1969, 1973, 1977); mem., mil. del. to USSR (head: Peng Dehuai), Nov 1957; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Ν Korea, Feb 1958; vice-min. of Natl Defense, Sep 1959-1980; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965 (reelected to 4th and 5th NPCs, 1975 and 1978); mem., Mil. Com, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1975-1982; mem., Stand. Comte, Mil. Com of CCP Central Comte, Jul 1977 - Sep 1982; article in RMRB, Jul 29, 1977, "In memory of Chen Yi"; 1st sec., CCP Comte, PLA Mil. Science Academy, Mar 1978; head, mil. del. to Ν Korea and conferred the Korean order "National Flag", 1st class, Aug 1978; mem., friendship del. to Japan, May 1979; vice-chm, 5th NPC, Sep 1980 - Jun 1983; 1st polit, commissar, PLA Mil. Science Academy, Sep 1980 - death; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 -death. Su was married to Zhu Jing.

Su Yu



deceased 1989, Nov Vice-pres., People's Court, Shandong Prov., Jul 1950; dir., Bureau of Metallurgical Ind., Liaoning PPG, Nov 1959-1963; vice-gov., Liaoning PPG, Jul 1963 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Liaoning Prov., Mar 1973-1978; sec., CCP of Liaoning Prov., Aug 1976-1978; head, friendship del. to Romania, Aug 1976; sec., Dandong City CP, Sep 1978; head, friendship del. to


Ν Korea, Sep 1978; CCP of Anhui Prov., Mar 1979 Mar 1983; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Anhui Prov., MarDec 1979; vice-gov., Anhui PPG, Oct 1981 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Anhui PPC, Apr 1983 - death; head, Anhui del. to Federal Republic of Germany, Feb 1986.

Su Zhenhua




Su Ziheng

Su Ziehen # if * Shaanxi Sec-gen., Special Party Branch of 4th Group Army, National Govt Forces, 1948; went over to the Communists and made council mem., Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt, 1948; delegate to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., NW Branch of CDL, Sep 1949; council mem., Shaanxi PPG, Dec 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Comte and dpty dir., Forestry Dpt, Shaanxi PPG, Mar 1950; deputy for Shaanxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd and 3rd NPCs, Aug 1958 and Sep 1964); mem., Central Comte, CDL, Aug 1958; vice-gov., Shaanxi PPG, Dec 1963 - May 1968; disappeared, May 1968.

Su Ziheng * 1912 Pingjiang County, Hunan deceased 1979, Feb 7 Took part in Pingjiang Uprising, 1928; subsequently joined Peng Dehuai's forces on way to Jinggangshan; joined CCP, 1930; commander of a company under Lin Biao, 1931; polit, commissar, 13th Regiment, 5th Div., under 3rd Army Corps (cdr.: Peng Dehuai), 1933; took part in Long March, 1934-35; attended 1st training course of Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1936; polit, commissar, 343rd Brigade, 115th Div. (cdr.: Lin Biao), 8th Route Army, 1937; contributed to Lin's victory over the Japanese in Battle of Pingxing Pass, Sep 1937; polit, commissar, Training Regiment, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1939; polit, commissar, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Mil. Distr, 1940; polit, commissar of an army corps, 2nd Field Army, 1949; ehm, Guiyang Mil. Control Com, Dec 1949; polit, commissar, Guizhou Mil. Distr and CCP sec., Guizhou Prov., Dec 1949 - Feb 1954; council mem., Guizhou PPG and ehm of its Financial and Economic Comte, Dec 1949-1953; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950Jan 1953; dpty polit, commissar, 2nd Field Army, 1951-53; cdr., Guizhou Mil. Distr, Feb 1954; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; dpty polit, commissar, PLA Navy, 1954 - Aug 1957; made admiral and conferred orders "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", first class, Sep 1955; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - Cult. Rev.; polit, commissar, PLA Navy, Aug 1957; Su commanded the naval units of the PLA in the Strait of Taiwan in the conflict with the Taiwan Govt, 1958; introduced a tactic of close combat into the Navy which involved attacks at a distance of 200 m, 1959-64; accused of having planned a coup d'état together with He Long and subsequently disappeared, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1972; dpty cdr., PLA Navy, Oct 1972; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); alt. mem., Politburo, CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 - Aug 1977; 1st CCP sec. of Shanghai, and ehm, Shanghai Rev Comte, Nov 1976; mem., Politburo, CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - death; 1st polit, commissar, PLA Navy, Dec 1977 - death; deputy for Shanghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; 1st sec., CCP Comte, PLA Navy, Jul 1978 death.



t f

* 1905, Zhanghua City, Taiwan deceased 1996, May 31 Went to Japan to study, 1919; entered Dpt of Applied Chemistry, Engineering College, Tohok Imperial Univ, Japan, 1927; joined CCP, 1928; graduated from this univ, 1937; researcher, Japanese-run perfumery, Taiwan, 1937-40; served successively as associate prof., Chemistry Dpt, Beijing Univ, researcher, Chemistry Inst., Industrial Dpt of Shanxi-Qahar-Hebei Mil. Area Command, and as researcher, Chemistry Inst., Dalian Univ, 1941-49; organized Lüda Special Branch of Taiwan Democratic Self-Govt League and was its dpty dir., 1949; served successively as head of the Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Sections, Planning Bureau, CAS, Oct 1952; research fellow, Inst, of Chemistry and Inst, of Photochemistry, CAS (until 1966); delegate of the Taiwan Democratic Self-Govt League at the 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC Natl Comte, Jan 1965; disappeared during Cult.Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult.Rev., Feb 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC Natl Comte, Mar 1978 (confirmed by the 6th and 7th CPPCCs in Jun 1983 and Apr 1988); identified as prof, of chemistry, Dec 1978; identified as research fellow, Inst, of Photosensitivity, CAS, Jun 1979; vice-chm, General Office, Taiwan Democratic Self-Govt League, Oct 1979 - Dec 1983; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, Sep 1980; judge, Special Court for the Trial of Lin Biao and Jiang Qing Counterrev Cliques, Sep 1980; ehm, Taiwan Democratic Self-Govt League, Dec 1983; invited to the 13th Congr of the CCP, Oct 1987; hon. ehm, Taiwan Democratic SelfGovt League, Dec 1987; advisor, Assn for the Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China, Sep 1988; mem., 8th CPPCC Natl Comte, Mar 1993; joined CCP again, 1995.



Conducted research in extracting essence from jasmine and other flowers; made contributions to ordnance industry in Shanxi-Qahar-Hebei Mil. Area Command in developing chemicals for the industry, 1945-49; made achievements in synthesizing acetaldehyde and other chemicals; got good results in synthesizing chemicals for film industry.

Suhe & fa S. belonged to the Dagur minority. Mem., Stand. Comte, CCP of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), Mar 1983; vice-min., Nationalities Affairs Com, SC, Sep 1984 - Jun 1986; deputy for IMAR to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Apr 1984.

Sun Chengpei



* 1915 Huantai County, Shandong deceased 1990, Oct 20 Studied at Beijing Law and Business College, 1934-37; worked successively as editor-in-chief of New Sichuan Daily and as mem. of Beijing Chinese and Foreign Language Publishing House, 1938-46; joined Jiusan Society, 1946; dir., Editorial Office, Guangming Ribao, 1949-54; editor-in-chief, New Construction magazine, 1954-58; dpty dir., Culture Bureau, Beijing MPG, 1955-66; mem., Stand. Comte and sec-gen., Jiusan Society, Dec 1958 Cult. Rev.; dpty sec-gen., 4th CPPCC, Mar 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, 1983 and to 7th, 1988); vicechm, Central Comte, Jiusan Society, Oct 1979 - death; dpty head, CPPCC del. to Romania, Dec 1979; council mem., Assn for Intl Understanding of China, May 1982; dir., Executive Bureau, Jiusan Society, Dec 1983; invited to 13th Congress of CCP, Oct 1987; vice-chm, Motions Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988.

Sun Daguang

lb λ


* 1917 Shou County, Anhui Dir., NE China Shipping Bureau, Oct 1949-1953; dir., Planning Dpt, Min. of Communications, Sep 1953 - Jan 1955; dir., NE China Naval Academy, Oct 1953 - Jul 1954; asst. min., Min. of Communications, Jan 1955 - Jul 1958; head, del. to Intl Coastal Shipping Conf., Scheveningen, Jun 1955; vice-min. of Communications, Jul 1958 - Jul 1964; ehm, Law of the Sea Arbitrage Com, China Council for Promotion of Intl Trade, Jan 1959; Chinese ehm, Sino-Albanian Shipping Corp., May 1962; head, shipping del. to Albania, May 1962; subsequently visited United Arab Republic; min. of Communications, Jul 1964 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Anhui to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; mem., Natl Defense Council, Jan 1965; head, communications del. to Ν Vietnam, Mar 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Apr 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; dir., Natl General Geological Bureau, Dec 1975-1980; deputy for Shanghai for 5th NPC, Feb 1978; head, geological del. to Federal Republic of Germany and France, May 1978; head, geological del. to U.S.A. and Canada, Apr 1979; minister of Geology, Sep 1979 - May 1982; min. of Geology and Minerals, May 1982 - Sep 1985; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982- Sep 1985; visited Japan, May 1983; ehm, Natl Comte on Mineral Reserves, May 1984-1986; visited Australia, Jun 1984; head, geological del. to Portugal and Nigeria, Jun 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

Sun Daren


Publications: Sun is the writer of the Beijing opera The Battle of Guandu.

* 1935 Fuyang County, Zhejiang Graduation from History Dpt, Shandong Univ, 1957; worked in History Inst., CAS, 1957-60; prof., Shaanxi Teachers' Univ, 1960- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again prof., Shaanxi Teachers' Univ, 1979-83; vice-gov.,


Shaanxi PPG, May 1983 (reelected Jun 1988); deputy for Shaanxi to 6th NPC, May 1983 - Mar 1988; vice-chm, Shaanxi Prov. Branch, Chinese Assn of Social Science Societies, Nov 1983; disappeared, Sep 1989. Publication:

Sun Jingwen

Sun Jian



Ancient China's Peasant Wars.

Sun Guozhi ^ © >& Dir., Transport Dpt, Hunan Prov. CP, Sep 1958; dir., Communications and Transport Dpt, Hunan Prov. CP, Jan 1959; dir., Bureau of Irrigation, Agriculture and Forestry, Hunan PPC, Apr 1964; sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Aug 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Hunan Prov. CP, Aug 1973; ehm, Planning Comte, Rev Comte of Hunan Prov., Jan 1977; sec., Hunan Prov. CP, May 1977 - Feb 1983; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Hunan Prov., Nov 1977 Dec 1979: deputy for Hunan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); mem., economic del. to Great Britain and France, May 1978; mem., Credentials Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; gov., Hunan PPG, Dec 1979 - May 1983; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; mem., Stand. Comte, Hunan Prov. CP, Feb 1983 - Jun 1985; ehm, Hebei PPC, Jun 1985; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1986; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1987; disappeared, Mar 1987.

Sun Han


• iRBl

* 1929 Wuxi City, Jiangsu Studied at Central Univ, 1948 and joined CCP, 1948; served successively as researcher and pres. of Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 1977-83; vice-pres., Chinese Agronomy Society, Jan 1983; dpty sec., Jiangsu Prov. CP, Apr 1983 - Dec 1989; prof., Nanjing Agricultural Univ, May 1983; deputy for Jiangsu to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); disappeared, Sep 1989. Publications: China's Comprehensive Agricultural Outline; Jiangsu's Comprehensive Agricultural Outline; Jiangsu Agricultural Geography.

* 1933 Worker in Tianjin, 1973; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 - Aug 1977; vice-premier, Jan 19751977; head, govt del. to Zambia and Tanzania to inaugurate the Tanzam Railway, built with Chinese assistance, Jul 1976; disappeared, Jun 1977.

Sun Jingwen



* 1916 Huanghua County, Hebei Studied at Party School, Yan'an, 1937; served with Xinhua Daily in Chongqing, 1938-48; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Chahar Province CP, Oct 1949; mayor of Zhangjiakou City, Jun 1950; mem., Chahar PPG, Jul 1950; vice-gov., Chahar PPG, 1951-1954; 2nd sec., Chahar Prov. CP, Jan 1952-1954; dir., Urban Construction Bureau, Min. of Building, Aug 1954 - Apr 1955; mem., State Construction Com, Oct 1954 - Jan 1958; vice-min. of Urban Construction, Jun 1957 - Feb 1958; vice-min. of Building, Apr 1958 - Sep 1959; vice-min. of Petroleum Ind., Sep 1959 Cult. Rev.; vice-min., State Capital Construction Com, Apr 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Tianjin Municipality, Jun-Dec 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, Tianjin Municipality CP, Sep-Dec 1975; vice-min. of Petroleum and Chemical Ind., Apr 1976 Feb 1978; head, petroleum del. to U.S.A. and Japan, Jan 1978; deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; min. of Chemical Ind., Mar 1978 - Mar 1982; mem., goodwill del. to Japan (head: Yu Qiuli), Apr 1980; deputy for Hebei to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., NPC Credentials Comte, Mar 1984 (reelected Apr 1988); mem., Financial and Economic Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); disappeared, Apr 1988.


Sun Jixian

Sun Jixian

Sun Kehua


* 1911 Cao County, Shandong deceased 1990, Apr 13 Joined CCP and Red Army, 1931; cdr., 1st Battalion in 1st Regiment of 1st Div. under 1st Front Army, May 1935; during Long March his unit had a significant part in the battles preceding the crossing of Dadu River; cdr. of a battalion, 129th Div. of 8th Route Army, operating along Tianjin-Bukou Railway, Aug 1937; led vanguard team of 129th Div. to build a base in southern Hebei Prov., Nov 1937; cdr., 2nd Subdistr of Shandong Mil. Distr, Mar 1939; cdr., 3rd Subdistr of Central Shandong Mil. Distr, 1944; his forces were incorporated into 8th Column of E China Field Army and he was made dpty cdr. of the column and concurrently cdr. of its 22nd Div., Nov 1946; cdr., 8th Column, Jul 1947; cdr., 22nd Army under 3rd Field Army, Feb 1949; studied in Dpt of Battles, Nanjing Mil. Academy, Mar 1955; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dpty commandant, Beijing Mil. Academy, 1963; dpty cdr., Jinan Mil. Reg, Jun 1972-1980; adviser, Jinan Mil. Reg, Jan 1981.

Sun Junren



Vice-pres., China Electronics Society, 1963; head, Chinese Section, Sino-Cuban Com for Scientific and Technical Cooperation, May 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again vicepres., China Electronics Society, May 1978; head, electronics del. to U.S.A., May 1978; vice-min., 4th Min. of Machine Building, Dec 1978-1982; dpty dir., Inst, of Electronics, CAS, Jul 1979-1984; dir., Inst, of Electronics, CAS, May 1984-1986; pres., China Electronics Society, Oct 1984; ehm, Electronics Amateurs' Assn, Feb 1989; disappeared, Feb 1989.

Sun Junyi

Vice-chm, Cultural and Educational Comte, Qinghai PPG, 1952 - Jan 1955; mem., Qinghai CCP, Jan 1955; dir., Propganada Dpt, Qinghai Prov. CP, Feb 1955 - Nov 1956; vice-gov., Qinghai PPG, Nov 1956-1961; vicepres., Qinghai Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1957; acting gov. of Qinghai, Jun-Jul 1958; deputy for Qinghai to 2nd NPC, Jul 1958 - Dec 1964; mem., Stand. Comte, Qinghai CCP, Nov 1960-1967; mem., Stand. Comte, Qinghai PPC, Dec 1960; disappeared, Aug 1967.

^ ^L

* 1923 Julu County, Hebei Served as CCP cadre in several counties, 1942-50; dpty dir., Qinchuan Machinery Plant in Xi'an, 1951-58; dir., NW Optical Equipment Factory, 1958-66; dir., Natl Defense Ind. Office under Shaanxi PPG, 1970-81; ehm. Economic Com, Shaanxi PPG, Feb 1981; vice-gov., Shaanxi PPG, Jan 1982-1986; vice-chm, Shaanxi PPC, Mar 1986 (reelected Jun 1988); deputy for Shaanxi to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Aug 1990.

Sun Lanfeng



* 1894 Teng County, Shandong deceased 1987, Feb 27 Cdr., 3rd Army, 8th KMT War Zone, 1939-43; cdr., 9th KMT Army Corps and concurrently acting gov. of Chahar Prov., 1948; went over to the Communists together with Fu Zuoyi (q.v.), 1949; invited to 1st CPPCC and made mem. of its Natl Comte, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd - 4th, 1954, 1958, 1964); vice-chm, Suiyuan PPG, Oct 19491954; vice-chm, Suiyuan Mil. and Admin. Comte, Oct 1949-1954; vice-chm, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR) Branch of CPPCC, Mar 1954; mem., Com for Construction of the New Mausoleum for Genghis Khan, Apr 1954; vice-chm of IMAR, Jun 1954 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, IMAR Branch of Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Feb 1957; vice-chm, IMAR Branch of Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, May 1960; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for IMAR to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); vice-chm, IMAR Branch of CPPCC, Jan 1979; vice-chm, IMAR People's Congr, Dec 1979 (reelected Apr 1983).


Sun Xiaofeng

Sun Xiaocun

Sun Shangqing





teà * 1930, Taoan County, Jilin deceased 1996, Apr 29 Studied at Univ of Medical Sciences, 1947; finished postgraduate course in economics, People's Univ of China, 1954; researcher, Inst, of Economics, CAS, 1955-66; engaged in economic research, State Planning Com, 1973-78; identified as dpty dir., Economics Inst., CASS, Sep 1979; identified as dpty sec-gen., CASS, Nov 1982; mem., China-Japan Friendship Comte, Mar 1984; vicepres., Society for the Study of Sino-Japanese Relations, Sep 1984; identified as dpty dir.-gen., State Economic, Technological and Social Development Center, May 1986; identified as pres., Marketing Assn, Mar 1991; deputy for Liaoning Prov. to the 8th NPC, Mar 1993; mem., NPC Financial and Economic Comte, Mar 1993; dir., Development Research Center, SC, May 1993.

Sun Weiru


* 1894 Chang'an County, Shaanxi Graduated from Beijing Mil. Academy; cdr., 38th Div., 1932; cdr., 17th Div. under Yang Fuchen's Army, Nationalist Revolutionary Army, 1930; concurrently pacification Emissary for Gansu Prov., 1931; cdr., 38th Army, 1932; gov., Shaanxi Prov., 1936; cdr., 31st Army Corps, 1938; cdr.-in-chief, 4th Group Army, 1942; participated in Central China campaign, subsequently dpty cdr.-inchief, 1st War Zone, 1944; mem., Executive Comte, KMT 6th Central Comte, May 1945; cdr.-in-chief, 6th War Zone, Jul 1945; accepted surrender of Japanese forces in Wuhan area, Sep 1945; dpty chief, Wuhan Office of the Generalissimo, Mar 1946; delegate to Natl Assembly for Draftins Constitution, Nov 1946; mem., Strategic Advisory Com, 1947; mem., Natl Assembly, Dec 1947; surrendered to the Communists at Xi'an, 1949; mem., Polit, and Legal Affairs Comte, NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Nov 1949; vice-chm, Shaanxi PPC, Nov 1949; mem., Land Reform Comte, NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, 1950; mem., NW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Shaanxi PPG, Jan 1953 Sep 1954; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Shaanxi Branch of CPPCC, Mar 1955; mem., Central Comte, KMT Revolutionary Comte, Feb 1956 - Cult. Rev.; ehm, Shaanxi Branch, KMT Revolutionary Comte, 1957; vice-gov., Shaanxi PPG, Aug 1958Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

* 1906 Yuhang County, Zhejiang deceased 1991, May 4 Graduation from French-Chinese Univ in Beijing, 1929; served in Rural Rejuvenation Com, KMT Executive Yuan, 1933-35; mem., Agricultural Economy Study Assn, 1936; imprisoned as a result of the "Seven Gentlemen Case" of the Natl Salvation Assn, 1937; dpty dir., Grain Purchase Com, 3rd KMT War Zone, 1939-41; ran a tea factory in Shanghai, 1946-48; at the same time prof, at Shanghai College of Law and Political Science, 1946-48; mem., Preparatory Comte, China New Economic Society, Feb 1949; delegate of Natl Salvation Assn to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Affairs Comte, G AC, Oct 1949-1954; manager, China Vegetable Oil Company, Dec 1949; mem.. Stand. Comte, CDNCA, Mar 1950; dir., Beijing Agricultural College, Oct 1951 - Feb 1960; vice-chm, Beijing Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Feb 1953; mem., Stand. Comte, Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, 1958 and to 3rd, 1964); mem., China Asian Solidarity Comte, Feb 1956-1958; sec-gen., Admin. Office, Chang Jiang (Yangtse) Basin Planning Comte, Jul 1958; vice-chm, Sino-Vietnamese Friendship Assn, Oct 1958 Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1965); head, friendship del. to Ν Vietnam, Aug 1960; council mem., Sino-Romanian Friendship Assn, Apr 1965; branded as a henchman of Liu Shaoqi and purged, Jun 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1972; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); managing dir., Bank of China, and dir., China Intl Trust and Investment Corp., Oct 1979-1985; vice-chm, CDNCA, Oct 1979 (reelected Nov 1983); mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980-1987; pres., Central Socialist Academy, Nov 1983; vice-chm, China Industry, Commerce and Economy Development Corp., Apr 1985; invited to 13th Congress of CCP, Oct 1987; vice-chm, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988 -death; ehm, Cultural and Historical Comte, CPPCC, Jun 1988 death.

Sun Xiaofeng

& Κ

Vice-min. of Petroleum Ind., Feb 1965 - Dec 1970; acting ehm, Chinese Section, Sino-Romanian Comte for Scientific and Technological Cooperation, Oct 1967; ehm, Chinese Section, Sino-Albanian Comte for Scientific and Technological Cooperation, Feb 1968; head, scientific and


Sun Xiqi

technological del. to Albania, Dec 1969; head, scientific and technological del. to Romania, Sep 1970; vice-min. of Fuel and Chemical Ind., Jan 1971 - Jan 1975; head, scientific and technological del. to Ν Korea, Dec 1971; head, scientific and technological del. to Romania, May 1973; head, scientific and technological del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1973; vice-min. of Petroleum and Chemical Ind., Jan 1975 - Feb 1978; head, scientific and technological del. to Ν Korea, Nov 1975; head, scientific and technological del. to Romania, Apr 1976; mem., Patriotic Health Campaign Comte, SC, Apr 1978; vice-min. of Petroleum Ind., Jun 1978 - May 1982; first vice-chm, Jinling Petrochemical Corp., Jan 1982; ehm, Fushun General Petroleum and Ind. Corp., Mar 1982; disappeared, Mar 1982.

Sun Xiqi


Head of a section, Org. Dpt, Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1952; dpty dir., Personnel Dpt, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Aug 1952 _ Jan 1953; dir., Personnel Dpt, Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Oct 1954; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Maoming City, 1956 - Feb 1959; dir., 4th Bureau of Construction, Min. of Building, Mar 1959; dir., Harbin College of Building, Dec 1962; vice-gov., Heilongjiang PPG, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Sep 1967.

Sun Xuemei (f)

pated at forum on "The Role of Natl Economy under Socialism", Prague, Apr 1960; visit to USSR, Sep 1961; subsequently branded a rightist deviationist, accused of having joined the opposition to the Party line, 1964; branded a reactionary bourgeois revisionist at the beginning of the Cult. Rev. and subsequently imprisoned for more than 7 years, Jun 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1977; adviser, Inst, of Economics, CAS, Apr 1978; dpty head, economic del. to Yugoslavia and Romania, Nov 1978; officially rehabilitated, Jul 1979; adviser of the Society for the Study of the Distribution of the Means of Production, Mar 1980; adviser of the China Prices Society, Dec 1980; delegate to the 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - death; honored as a "model Communist", Dec 1982; hon. dir., Inst, of Economics, CASS, Dec 1982. Publications: Co-editor of National Salvation Handbook (1937); translated Concise Dictionary of Philosophy by M. Rozentale and P. Udena (1940); Several Theoretical Questions Concerning Socialist Economy (1979).

Sun Yi

3'l· If fá

Alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; disappeared, Dec 1978.

Sun Yefang


» *

* 1908 Wuxi County, Jiangsu deceased 1983, Feb 22 Born under the name of Xue Eguo. Joined CCP, 1924; went to study in USSR, 1925-30; entrusted with cultural and united front work, Shanghai, 1938; wrote editorials for China Daily, Shanghai, summer 1939; served with Central China Party School, 1941; dpty dir., Ind. Dpt, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte and concurrently mem. of its Financial and Economic Comte, Dec 1949 - Dec 1952; same positions in E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; dir., Shanghai College of Finance and Economics, 1950 - Dec 1953; dpty dir., State Statistical Bureau, Nov 1954-Aug 1961; mem., del. of Statistical Bureau to USSR, Jul 1956; acting dir., Inst, of Economics, CAS, Apr 1958; visit to USSR, May 1959; partici-

* 1904 Dacheng County, Hebei Graduated from Baoding Mil. Academy; joined CCP, 1937; service successively as a cdr. of a regiment, brigade, div., commandant of Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Reg Mil. and Polit. School and head of 2nd Branch School of Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy in SE Shanxi, 1937-45; dpty cdr., Central Hebei Mil. Distr., 1946; cdr., 7th Column and concurrently cdr., E Hebei Mil. Distr, Jun 1948; dir., Baoding Mil. Control Com, 1948; cdr., 68th Army, winter 1949; council mem., Hebei PPG, Mar 1950; cdr., Hubei Mil. Distr, Feb 1951; later led troops to Korean War: cdr. of Right Wing Army, 1951 - Feb 1952; cdr., 16th Group Army, 4th Field Army, Mar 1952; returned from Korea and made dpty cdr., Ν China Mil. Reg, Dec 1952; cdr., Special Group Army, 1953; awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom", "Liberation", all 1st class and appointed ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dpty dir., Dpt of Military Schools, PLA General Staff, Feb 1959 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jul 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; vice-pres., PLA Armymen's Assn, Nov 1979; adviser of PLA General Staff, Mar 1982; adviser for youth work of PLA General Staff, May 1982; article in RMRB Sep 22,


1982; "Party cadres are always the public servants of the people"; hon. pres., China Senior Citizens' Educational Society, Sep 1984; disappeared, Sep 1985.

Sun Youyu



Sun Yuguo



Vice-chm, Preparatory Comte for Society of Measuring Techniques and Instruments, 1963; vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Nov 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Mar 1973-1980; head, scientific and technological del. to Czechoslovakia, Sep 1974; head, scientific and technological del. to Czechoslovakia, Nov 1976; dpty head, economic del. to Great Britain and France, May 1978; accompanied Hua Guofeng to Yugoslavia, Aug 1978; dir., Specialized Academic Section for Measuring and Testing Techniques, Apparatus and Meters under the State Scientific and Technological Com, Dec 1979; disappeared, May 1980.

Sun Yueqi

Sun Zhiyuan


* 1893, Shaoxing, Zhejiang deceased 1995, Dec 9 Visited Fudan Public School, Shanghai; studied mining engineering, Beiyang Univ, Tianjin, and Beijing Univ; studied at Mining Dpt of Graduate School, Stanford Univ, and at Columbia Univ, New York, 1929-1932; chief engineer and gen-mgr., Zhongfu Coal Mines, Jiaozuo, Henan Prov., 1937; later opened four coal mines in Sichuan Prov. and China's first oil field at Yumen, Gansu Prov.; ehm, Resources Comte under KMT; min. of economics; crossed over to the Communists in Beijing via Hong Kong, 1949; dpty dir., Planning Bureau, Finance and Economic Comte, People's Govt, Nov 1949; dpty dir., Gen.Admin., Kailuan Mines, 1954(7); injured during severe earthquake which striked Tangshan, Jul 1976; vicechm, Hebei PPC, Feb 1980 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Dec 1981 - Nov 1988; identified as advisor to the Min. of Coal Ind., Dec 1981; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC Natl Comte, June 1983 (reelected to the 7th, Apr 1988; until Mar 1993); invited to the 13th Congr of the CCP, Oct 1987; vice-chm, Economic Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988 - Mar 1993; ehm, Assn for the Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China, Sep 1988; ehm, Central Inspection Comte, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Nov 1988; hon. ehm, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Dec 1992.


* 1941 When China and USSR clashed at the Ussuri in Jan 1969 Sun became a hero of that incident; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 - Aug 1977; deputy for the PLA to 4th Ν PC, Jan 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; dpty cdr., Shenyang Mil. Reg, Aug 1975 - Jan 1977; managing dir. of a factory in Shenyang, 1985.

Sun Yuting




* 1911 Xia County, Shanxi Received junior teachers' school education; joined CCP, 1927; polit, commissar, Taiyue Mil. Subdistr, 1940; dpty sec., 9th Distr Comte of Shaanxi-Shanxi Distr CP, 1948; dir., Polit. Dpt, 5th Group Army, 2nd Field Army, 1949; dpty dir., Civil Affairs Dpt, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte (S WM AC), Jun 1950 - Dec 1952; vice-chm, Nationalities Affairs Comte, SWMAC, Aug-Dec 1952; sec., Border Work Comte, Yunnan Prov. CP, Oct 1956; dir., United Front Work Dpt, Yunnan Prov. CP, 1958; vice-chm, Yunnan Branch, CPPCC, Mar 1958; sec., Yunnan Prov. CP, Oct 1959 - Cult. Rev.; during Cult. Rev. denounced as a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Aug 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec., Yunnan Prov. CP, Apr 1979 -Mar 1983; mem., State Nationalities Affairs Com, May 1979 - Jun 1983; vice-chm, Yunnan PPC, Dec 1979 - Aug 1985; deputy for Yunnan to 5th NPC, by-elected Nov 1981 (reelected to 6th NPC, May 1983); disappeared, Aug 1985.

Sun Zhiyuan

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* 1911 Hebei deceased 1966, Oct 11 Graduated from college; joined CYL, 1929; joined CCP, 1930; editor, Life Magazine, Shanghai, 1936; head, 10th Admin. Area, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Reg, 1939; polit, commissar, Suiyuan-Mongolia Mil. Reg, 1943; CCP mem., Jining Executive Group, Mil. Mediation Subcomte, Feb 1946; polit, commissar, 7th Column, Ν China Mil. Reg, fall 1948; delegate of 1st Field Army to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; sec-gen., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte (SWMAC), Jul 1950 - Nov 1952; representative at talks with Tibetans on "peaceful liberation" of Tibet, May 1951; ehm, Labor Employment Comte, SWMAC, AugNov 1952; dpty sec-gen., GAC, Nov 1952 - Oct 1954; vice-chm, Labor Employment Com, GAC, Nov 1952 Oct 1954; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; dpty


Sun Zuobin

dir., 3rd General Office (heavy ind. and construction), SC, Oct 1954 - Sep 1959; vice-min., State Construction Com, Oct 1954 - Dec 1956; vice-min., State Economic Com, Nov 1956 - Apr 1961; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, May 1958 - death; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 - Dec 1964; min., 3rd Min. of Machine Building, Jan 1961 - death; mem., Natl Defense Council, Jan 1965 - death.

Sun Zuobin

^ ft %

Dpty sec., CCP Comte, Gansu Pro v., 1949; mem., Gansu PPG, 1950; ehm, People's Control Comte, Gansu PPG, Mar 1950; dpty dir., United Front Work Comte, NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1953; vice-chm, Nationalities Affairs Comte, NW Admin. Comte, May 1953Jun 1954; 2nd sec., CCP Comte, Qinghai Prov., Mar 1954 - Oct 1956; deputy for Qinghai to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; gov. of Qinghai, Dec 1954 - Mar 1958; sec., CCP Comte, Qinghai Prov., Oct 1956 - Mar 1958; expelled from CCP because of alleged anti-Party activities, Mar 1958; first reappearance: mem., Natl Games Org. Comte, Jul 1979; vice-chm, Shaanxi PPC, Dec 1979 - May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC; disappeared, Feb 1985.

Tan Furen

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* 1910 Renhua County, Guangdongdeceased 1970, Dec 18 Served in 1st Red Front Army, 1934; dir., Polit. Dpt, 7th Column, NE Field Army, 1946; dpty polit, commissar, 7th Column, NE Field Army, 1948; dpty polit, commissar, 44th Army, 4th Field Army, 1949; dir., Polit. Dpt, Guangzhou Garrison HQ, Oct 1949; polit, commissar, 44th Army, Mar 1950; dpty polit, commissar, Guangxi Mil. Distr, 1953; polit, commissar, Guangxi Mil. Distr, 1954; council mem., Guangxi PPG, Sep 1954 - Feb 1955; dpty polit, commissar, Wuhan Mil. Reg, Jul 1955; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; polit, commissar, Wuhan Mil. Reg, 1960; deputy for PLA (Wuhan Units) to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; chief judge, Mil. Judical Court, Supreme People's Cort, 1965; polit, commissar, PLA Engineering Corps, Aug 1965; polit, commissar, Kunming Mil. Reg, May 1968 - death; ehm, Rev Comte, Yunnan Prov., Aug 1968 - death; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 death.

Tan Gaosheng

* 1916 Wujin County, Jiangsu Graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong Univ, 1939; obtained doctorate in aeronautics, mathematics and mechanics from Cornell Univ, U.S.A., 1949; worked successively as researcher, Univ of Notre Dame and Illinois Inst, of Technology, 1950-56; returned to China, 1956; subsequently researcher and later dpty dir., Inst, of Mechanics, CAS, 1956- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Academic Degrees Comte, CAS, Feb 1981; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., Dpt of Mathematics and Physics, CAS, Apr 1985; disappeared, Apr 1985.

Tan Guansan


* 1908 Hunan deceased 1985 Joined CCP, 1926; served in 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937-40; dpty polit, commissar, 11th Column, Central Plains Field Army, 1947; polit, commissar, 18th Army, 2nd Field Army, 1950; led troops with Zhang Guotao to Tibet, winter 1950-51; accompanied Tibetan peace del. to Beijing, and, when arrangement of peaceful liberation was agreed upon, led PLA to Lhasa, Apr 1951; dpty sec., CCP Tibet Work Comte, Nov 1951 - Aug 1965; polit, commissar, Tibet Mil. Reg, Feb 1952-1965; accompanied Dalai and Panchen Lama to Beijing, Sep 1954; made ltngen., Sep 1955; mem., Preparatory Comte for Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR), Apr 1956; mem., Stand. Comte, TAR, Mar 1959; acting representative of the Chinese Central Govt in Tibet during the uprising, Mar 1959; ehm, Tibet Branch of CPPCC, Dec 1959 - Sep 1965; delegate of CCP to 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev.; sec., CCP of TAR, Sep 1965 - Cult. Rev.; vice-pres., Supreme People's Court, Jul 1967-1970; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978-1983.


Tan Qilong

Tan Jiashu

Tan Pingshan

mS^. Él· * 1909 Chaling County, Hunan

* 1886 Gaoming County, Guangdong

deceased 1987, Aug 11 Served in Training Group, 24th Div., 11th Army, Wuhan Natl Govt Forces, 1926; participated in Nanchang Uprising, 1927; after failure, escaped to home county with severe wounds; engaged in guerilla warfare in home region; cdr. of a regiment, Ref 6th Army Corps, 2nd Front Army, 1933; during Long March, dpty cdr., 17th Div., Red 6th Army Corps, 1934-35; attended Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1936; sent to USSR for aviation training, 1938; made ltn-gen. and dpty cdr. of PLA Air Force and awarded orders of "August 1st" and "Liberation", both 1st class, Sep 1955; disappeared, Oct 1970.

Tan Kah Kee

\% - f vlf

deceased 1956, Apr 2 Graduated from Beijing Univ; mem., CCP 3rd Central Comte, Jun 1923 (reelected to 4th CC, Jan 1925, and to 5th CC, May 1927); mem., Politburo, CCP 5th Central Comte, May-Aug 1927; participated in Nanchang Uprising, Jul 1927; left CCP together with others and founded "Chinese Revolutionary Party" (Third Party), Dec 1927; co-founder of "League of Comrades of Three People's Principles", 1945; mem., Central People's Govt Council and concurrently mem., Govt Admin. Council, Oct 1949 Sep 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Dec 1949 - death; deputy for Guangdong to 1st NPC, Sep 1954 - death; vice-chm, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Jan 1956 - death.

See Chen Jiageng

Tan Qilong Tan Kaiyun

Head, Org. Section, Polit. Dpt, NE Mil. Reg, 1950; mem., Control Comte, NE People's Govt, May 1950Sep 1954; mem., Comte for Retired Soldiers and Rehabilitation Affairs, NE People's Govt, 1950; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Shenyang Mil. Reg, 1958; polit, commissar and majgen., Liaoning Mil. Distr, Jan 1959; 3rd polit, commissar, Liaoning Mil. Distr, Sep 1963; trained at PLA Polit. Academy, 1964; dpty polit, commissar, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, May 1965-1974; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Mar 1969; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Jun 19701974; cadre, Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Nov 1974-1977; disappeared, Feb 1978; reappearance: mem., Central Discipline Inspection Com under CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Sep 1982.

Tan Liren





Vice-chm, Economic Com, Liaoning PPG, Dec 1965; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Liaoning Prov., May-Dec 1979; dir., Economic Com, Liaoning PPG, Jun 1979; vice-gov., Liaoning PPG, Jan 1980 - Apr 1983; co-head, economic del. to Federal Republic of Germany, Apr 1980; pres., Liaoning Branch of Chinese Energy Society, Jul 1980; adviser, Liaoning PPG, Jan 1984; disappeared, Jan 1984.

* 1912 Jiangxi Severely wounded as cadre of a Communist guerilla unit in Hunan-Hubei-Jiangxi Border Reg., Jul 1937; polit, commissar, guerilla unit in Zhejiang Prov., 1943; polit, commissar E Zhejiang Corps, New 4th Army, 1944; polit, commissar, 7th Army Corps, 1948; dpty sec., Zhejiang Prov. CP, May 1949 - Aug 1952; dpty polit, commissar, Zhejiang Mil. Distr, May 1949; sec., Youth Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, May 1949; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950 - Jan 1953; vice-chm, People's Govt, Zhejiang Prov., Sep 1951 - Nov 1952; sec., Zhejiang Prov. CP, Aug 1952 - Dec 1954; ehm, People's Govt, Zhejiang Prov., Nov 1952 - Dec 1954; acting ehm, People's Govt, Shandong Prov., Dec 1954 - Mar 1955; 2nd sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Jan 1955 - Sep 1956; ehm, Shandong Branch, CPPCC, Jan 1955; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 (reelected to 9th CC, Apr 1969 Aug 1973); sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Sep 1956-1961; gov. of Shandong, Nov 1958-1964; deputy for Shandong to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); 1st


Tan Shanhe

sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Oct 1961-1966; 1st polit, commissar, Jinan Mil. Reg, Oct 1964-1967; sec., E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jan 1966; criticized by Red Guards but not purged, Feb 1967; cadre of Fujian Prov., Oct 1970; sec., Fujian Prov. CP, Apr 1971 - Oct 1972; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Fujian Prov., Jan-Oct 1972; cadre of Zhejiang Prov., Oct 1972; sec., Zhejiang Prov. CP, Feb-Jun 1973; 1st sec., Zhejiang Prov. CP, Jun 1973 Mar 1977; ehm, Rev Comte, Zhejiang Prov., Jul 19731977; 1st polit, commissar, Zhejiang Mil. Distr, Jul 1973Mar 1977; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977; to 12th CC, Sep 1982 Sep 1985); ehm, Rev Comte, Qinghai Prov., Mar 1977 Aug 1979; 1st sec., Qinghai Prov. CP, Mar 1977 -Dec 1979; 1st polit, commissar, Qinghai Mil. Distr, Mar 1977-1979; deputy for Qinghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; head, Party Workers' del. to Romania, Mar 1979; head, agricultural and animal husbandry del. to Australia and New Zealand, Apr 1979; ehm, Qinghai PPC, Aug 1979; 2nd see., Sichuan Prov. CP, Jan 1980; 1st sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Mar 1980 - Feb 1983; article in RMRB Apr 28, 1980, "Communist Party members must dare to combat erroneous tendencies"; head, friendship del. to Japan, Jul 1980; article in HQ Jul 16, 1981, "Have profound faith in the Party Central Comte, unite to work for the four modernizations"; 1st polit, commissar, Sichuan Mil. Distr, Oct 1982 -Feb 1983; ehm, Advisory Com, Sichuan Prov. CP, Feb 1983 - Jul 1985; head, Party goodwill del. to Ν Korea, Apr 1983; head, CCP del. to Switzerland, May 1985; resigned from posts as mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987): hon. dir., Shandong Prov. Branch, China Welfare Fund for Handicapped, Dec 1986; head, CCP del. to Czechoslovakia, Sep 1989; disappeared, Sep 1989. Tan was married to Y an Yongjie.

Tan Shanhe




Aug 1978; mem., Presidium, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; mem., Presidium, 3rd Session, 5th NPC; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; polit, commissar, Ürümqi Mil. Reg, Mar 1984 - Jun 1985; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Xinjiang AR, Mar 1984 - Oct 1985; sec., CCP Comte, Ürümqi Mil. Reg, Aug 1984 - Jun 1985; resigned from post as mem., CCP 12th Central Comte and elected mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987) - death.

Tan Shaowen

* 1929 Xinjin County, Sichuan deceased 1993, Feb 3 Graduation form Textile Engineering Dpt of NW Engineering Inst., 1952; served in Hebei Textile Engineering Inst., 1958-67; dir., Tianjin Textile Engineering Inst., 1978-80; vice-chm, Cultural Com, Tianjin MPG, 198182; sec., CCP of Tianjin Municipality, Apr 1983 - Feb 1985; dpty sec., CCP of Tianjin Municipality, Feb 1985 Oct 1989; ehm, Tianjin Branch of CPPCC, May 1988 Apr 1990; sec., CCP of Tianjin Municipality, Oct 1989 death; mem., Presidium, 14th CCP Congr, Oct 1992; mem., CCP 14th Central Comte, Oct 1992 - death; mem., Politburo, CCP 14th Central Comte, Oct 1992 - death.

Tan Shengbin



Mem., People's Control Comte, NW Mil. and Admin. Comte (NWMAC), Apr 1950; sec-gen., People's Control Comte, NWMAC, 1950; mem., Polit, and Legal Comte, NWMAC, Aug 1952; asst min. of Supervision, Aug 1955 - Jun 1958; sec., Secretariat of Qinghai Prov., Jul 1958: dpty see., Secretariat of Qinghai Prov., May 1965 Aug 1968; disappeared, Aug 1968.

Tan Weixu * 1915 deceased 1991, Jun 22 Cdr., Engineering Corps, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korean War, 1951; made maj-gen, Sep 1955; attended course at PLA Mil. Academy, 1956; leading mil., in Beijing, May 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1974; mil. leader, in Beijing, Sep 1975; cdr., PLA Engineering Corps, Jun 1977-1982; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 Mar 1983; mem., mil. del. to Ν Korea (head: Su Yu),

^ 5C


* 1911 Wujin County, Jiangsu


deceased 1992


Graduated from Central Polit. Univ., 1942; sec., Polit. Dpt, KMT Mil. Command and subsequently adviser to KMT NW Mil. and Admin. HQ, 1944-45; pres., Xinjiang Daily, 1946-49; went over to the Communists, 1949; dpty sec-gen., NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, 1950 - Jan 1953; dir., Light Ind. Bureau, Shaanxi PPG, 1959-66; vicegov., Shaanxi PPG, Dec 1979 - May 1983; ehm, Shaanxi Branch, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Oct 1981; ehm, Shaanxi PPC, May 1983 - Jun 1988; deputy for Shaanxi to 6th Ν PC, May 1983; ehm, Shaanxi Branch, CPPCC, Oct 1985; mem., Presidium, 5th Session of 6th NPC, Mar 1987; vice-chm, Central Inspection Comte, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Nov 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Mar 1990 - death.

Tan Wenrui


* 1922 Xinhui County, Guangdong Graduated from Journalism Dpt, Yanjing Univ, 1945; editor, Ta Kung Pao, Tianjin, 1946-47; Ta Kung Pao correspondent in Beijing and Hong Kong, 1948-49; editor of RMRB, 1950-60; RMRB correspondent in Ecuador and Brazil, 1962; commentator of RMRB, 1963 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: adviser, del. to UN General Assembly on Disarmament, New York, May 1978; mem., govt del. (head: Hua Guofeng) to France, Great Britain, Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Oct 1979; dpty editor-inchief, RMRB, Sep 1981; head, RMRB del. to Romania and Greece, Sep 1981; head, journalists' del. to Japan, Sep 1982; editor-in-chief, RMRB, Apr 1986 - Jun 1989; vicechm, Chinese Journalists' Assn, Dec 1986; head, journalists' del. to Japan, Dec 1987; visited USSR, Apr 1989; disappeared, Apr 1989. Publications: Thorny Roses (polit, satire poems); translation of novels by Russian and German writers.

T a n W e n z h e n (f)

if X


Sec., You County CP in Hunan Prov., May 1977; alt. mem., 11th Central Comte, CCP, Aug 1977; disappeared, Dec 1978.

Tan Yingji

T a n Xilin

i% #


K l

* 1908 Changsha City, Hunan deceased 1970 Graduated from 5th Artillery Class, Whampoa Mil. Academy, 1926; platoon leader, Independent Regiment, 4th Army, 1926-27; participated in Nanchang Uprising, 1927; subsequently fled southward with He Long and Ye Ting; followed Zhu De and Chen Yi in Yizhang Uprising, 1928; fled to Jinggang Mountains with Zhu De, Apr 1928; moved to W Fujian with Zhu and Mao Zedong, 1929; staff officer, 12th Red Army, 1930; cdr. of an artillery regiment, 1931; instructor in Artillery School, 1932; during Long March service as engineering instructor, Cadres Regiment, assisting Engineering Corps in building bridges over Wu River, Jan 1935; cdr. of a guerilla detachment north of Changjiang under Chen Yi, 1937; cdr., 14th Regiment, 4th Detachment, New 4th Army, 1939; operating in S Anhui and along Tianjin-Bukou Railway; cdr. and polit, commissar, 6th Brigade, 2nd Div., New 4th Army, 1941; acting cdr., 7th Div., New 4th Army, Mar 1944; cdr., Mil. Distr, Central Anhui, 1944; cdr., 7th Div., New 4th Army, Jul 1944; principal, 10th Branch School, Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1944; cdr., 7th Column, E China Field Army, 1946; dpty cdr., Shandong Mil. Distr and concurrently dpty cdr., 11th Group Army, 3rd Field Army, Feb 1949; ehm, Qingdao Mil. Control Com, May 1949; ambassador to Czechoslovakia, Sep 1950 - Oct 1954; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; mem., Natl Comte, 4th CPPCC; dpty cdr., Beijing Mil. Reg, Oct 1966 - death.

T a n Yingji



* Donglan County, Guangxi Tan belonged to the Zhuang minority; graduated from Yan'an Red Army Academy and Yan'an Nationalities College; subsequently served as cdr. of a regiment and dpty cdr. of a div. under New 4th Army, 1938-45; dir., Public Security Dpt, Hebei PPG, 1949; dpty dir., Public Security Dpt, Guangxi PPG, Mar 1950; ehm, Nationalities Affairs Comte, Guangxi PPG, Mar 1950; mem., Central-S Branch, Supreme People's Procuracy, Apr 1950; pres., Guangxi People's Procuracy, Dec 1951; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jan 1952 - Jan 1953; ehm, W Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Distr, 1952; mem., Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1953; deputy for Guangxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-chm of Guangxi, Sep 1954 Feb 1955; mem., Nationalities Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954


Tan Yizhi

(reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959; to 3rd, Jan 1965); vice-gov., Guangxi PPG, Feb 1955 - Mar 1958; ehm, W Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Prefecture, Mar 1956; head, Guangxi del. to Ν Vietnam, Aug 1956; sec., Guangxi Prov. CP, May 1957 - Mar 1958; vice-chm, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Reg (GZAR), Mar 1958 - Cult. Rev.; sec., CP of GZAR, Aug 1960 - Cult. Rev.; ehm, Guangxi Branch, China-Vietnam Friendship Assn, Aug 1960; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

T a n Yizhi



* 1907 Yishan County, Guangxi Graduated from 2nd Class, Whampoa Mil. Academy, 1925; subsequently served in Whampoa Mil. Academy; later served successively as dpty cdr., 4th Regiment, 2nd Training Div.; cdr., 2nd Battalion, 4th Regiment, 2nd Training Div.; cdr., 22nd Regiment, 4th Div.; staff officer, Independent Brigade, 4th Div.; dir., Staff Office, 25th Div.; cdr., 149th Regiment, 75th Brigade, 25th Div., cos 25th Div.; cdr., 73rd Brigade, 25th Div.; cos 52nd Army; cdr., 204th Youth Div.; dpty cdr., 6th Army; cdr., 205th Youth Div.; cdr., 8th Army Group and concurrently cdr. of its 52nd Army; cdr., Nanjing Garrison Command; mem., National Assembly, 1947; went over to Communist side, Aug 1949; alt. mem., Central Comte, K M T Rev Comte, Mar 1 9 5 6 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); mem., Natl Defensice Council, Apr 1959 (reelected Jan 1965) Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again named as mem., Central Comte, K M T Rev Comte, Mar 1975; disappeared, Jan 1979.

Xinjiang Mil. Reg), Nov 1983; mem., Central Advisor/ Com, CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

Tan Yubao

Tan T a n Youlin



Identified as maj-gen., Apr 1960; dpty cdr., PLA Engineering Corps, 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; mil. cadre in Xinjiang, Jan 1977; dpty polit, commissar, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Feb 1978; vice-chm, People's Congr, Xinjiang AR, Sep 1979 - Apr 1983; polit, commissar, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Feb 1980-1983; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, by-elected Aug 1 9 8 0 - Mar 1983; 2nd sec., CCP Comte, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Mar 1981; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; polit, commissar, Lanzhou Mil. Reg (when Lanzhou Mil. Reg merged with



* 1898 Hunan deceased 1980, Jan 10 Chm, Hunan-Jiangxi Soviet Govt, Oct 1933; during Long March, ordered to remain in Hunan-Jiangxi Border Reg, Oct 1934; chm, Hunan-Jiangxi Mil. and Admin. Comte, 1935; joined forces with S Hunan Guerilla Column, May 1935; guerilla units under Tan and Liu Beiran reorganized into 1st Regiment, 2nd Column, New 4th Army, Oct 1937; mem, Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; vicechm, Hunan PPG, Mar 1950; chm, Control Comte, Hunan PPG, Mar 1950; mem., Control Comte, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Sep 1951 - Dec 1952; mem., Polit, and Legal Comte, Hunan PPG, Nov 1951; deputy for Hunan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd and 3rd, Jul 1958 and Sep 1964); vice-gov., Hunan PPG, Feb 1955 - Sep 1964; dpty sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Dec 1955 Sep 1959; supervisor of ballots, CCP 8th Congr., Sep 1956; sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Nov 1956 - Cult. Rev.; principal, Party School, Hunan Prov. CP, Sep 1957; mem., Central Control Comte, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1962 -Cult. Rev.; mem., Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1964 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1965 -Cult. R e v . ; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Presidium, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; deputy for Hunan, 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 - death; vice-chm, Hunan PPC, Dec 1979 - death.


* 1922 Dpty sec-gen., Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Sep 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Jan 1960; vicemin. of Public Health, Mar 1978 - Jan 1985; delegate to 32nd UN World Health Assembly, Geneva, May 1979; head, medical del. to Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Jun 1980; head, public health del. to India, Dec 1982; head, public health del. to Ν Korea, Nov 1983; vice-pres., Chinese Red Cross Society, Sep 1985 - Feb 1990; head, del. to 4th Session, General Assembly of the League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Geneva, Oct 1985; vice-chm, League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Oct 1989; disappeared, Feb 1990.




* 1899 deceased 1976, May 7 Chief engineer, Tanggu New Harbor Construction Bureau, Nationalist Govt, Aug 1947; chief engineer, Harbor Construction Co., General Bureau of Navigation Work, Min. of Communications, May 1953; mem., Urban Construction Comte, Tianjin MPG, May 1953; deputy for Tianjin

Tan Zhenlin


to 1st Ν PC, Aug 1954; deputy for Hebei to 2nd NPC, Oct 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); dpty dir., 1st Navigation Engineering Bureau, Min. of Communications, Dec 1958; vice-min. of Communications, Sep 1959 - Cult. Rev.; vice-pres., China Civil Engineering Society, Sep 1962; vice-pres., Water Conservancy Society, 1964; mem., Natl Comte, 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1973.

Cult. Rev.; branded an anti-Party element and purged, Sep 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jan 1975; named as cadre of the Central Mil. Leadership, Sep 1975; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 - Mar 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 - Mar 1983; vice-chm, NPC Legal Com, Feb 1979; vice-chm, Draft Laws Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; mem., Presidium, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC.

Tan Zheng

Tan Zhengwen


* 1907 Xiangxiang County, Hunan deceased 1988, Nov 6 Joined CCP, 1927; took part in Nanchang Uprising, 1927; followed Mao Zedong to Jianggang Mountains, 1928; served temporarely as Mao's personel sec., 1928; participated in numerous battles against KMT troops, 1931-34; made Long March probably with Lin Biao's 1st Army Corps, 1934-35; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, 8th Route Army, 1938^5; dpty polit, commissar, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg, 1943-45; alt., mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Jun 1945 - Sep 1956; after Japanese capitulation, Aug 1945, in charge of recruiting troops in Manchuria under Lin Biao, 1946; staff mem., NE Democratic Allied Army (NEDAA), 1946; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, NEDAA, 1947; polit, commissar, NE PLA, early 1948 - NE PLA was renamed 4th Field Army, Nov 1948; vice-chm, Tianjin Mil. Contr Com, Jan 1949; vice-chm, Beijing Mil. Control Com, Feb 1949; ehm, Wuhan Mil. Control Com, May 1949; dir., Polit. Dpt, Central China Mil. Reg, May 1949; dpty polit, commissar and concurrently dir., Polit. Dpt, 4th Field Army, 1949-50; 3rd polit, commissar, Central-S Mil. Reg, Oct 1949; 3rd sec., S China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1949; first dpty sec., Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1951-54; polit, commissar, 4th Field Army, 1952-54; polit, commissar, Central-S Mil.Reg, 1952-54; mem., Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; deputy of PLA to 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd NPC, Mar 1959); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954- Mar 1959; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Dec 1959; vice-min. of Natl Defense, Oct 1949- Mar 1965; dpty dir., PLA Polit. Dpt, Oct 1954 - Dec 1956; conferred orders of "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom", "Liberation", all 1st class, and made senior general, Sep 1955; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956- Cult. Rev.; mem., Secretariat, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1956 - Sep 1962; dir., PLA General Polit. Dpt, Dec 1956 - Sep 1964; mem., mil. del. to USSR, Nov 1957; vice-gov., Fujian PPG, Mar 1966-

W& X

* 1910 Zixing County, Hunan deceased 1961, Dec 12 Bora into a poor peasant family. Joined CCP and took part in S Hunan Uprising, 1927; followed Mao Zedong to Jinggang Mountains, 1927; dir., Defense Bureau, FujianJiangxi Mil. Distr, 1932-34; took part in Long March, 1934-35; dir., Executive Dpt, NW Defense Bureau, 1935; held following post during Sino-Japanese War: dir., Security Office, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt; dpty dir., Security Office, Social Dpt of CCP Central Comte; dir., Social Dpt, Shanxi-Suiyuan Subbureau of CCP Central Comte; dir., Public Security Bureau Shanxi-Suiyuan Border Reg Govt; dpty dir., Social Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1937-45; dir., Public Security Bureau, Beijing MPG, Jan 1949; dir., Social Dpt S China Subbureau of CCP Central Comte, Dec 1949; council mem., Guangdong PPG and dir. of its Public Security Dpt, Dec 1949; principal, Guangdong Public Security Cadres' School, Jan 1950; mem., Central-S Branch, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Apr 1953; dpty procurator-general, Supreme People's Procuratorate, 1953 - death.

Tan Zhenlin

* 1902 You County, Hunan deceased 1983, Sep 30 Son of a mining company employee; school education limited to three years; joined CCP, 1926; took part in Autumn Harvest Uprising organized by Mao Zedong, Sep 1927; followed Mao to Jianggangshan; sec., Special Comte, Hunan-Jiangxi Border Region, Sep 1928; polit, commissar, 12th Red Army, Jul 1930; mem., Central Executive Comte, Chinese Soviet Republic and concurrently mem. of its Central Revolutionary Mil. Council, Nov 1931; cdr., Fujian Mil.Distr, 1931-32; during Long March left behind to undertake guerilla operations along the Fujian-Jiangxi border, 1934; vice-chm, SW Fujian Mil. and Admin. Comte, and concurrently dir. of its Mil.

Tang Dequan

Dpt, 1935-37; after outbreak of Sino-Japanese War Tan's forces were reorganized into People's Anti-Japanese Volunteers, Aug 1937; Ye Ting united all scattered guerilla units of the region to form the New 4th Army with Tan commanding its 3rd Detachment, Apr 1938; ordered to S Jiangsu, Apr 1940, to reactivate remnants of guerilla forces; organized three guerilla columns consisting of 2,000 men, Oct 1940; ordered to Jiangsu-Zhejiang border area and his detachment renamed 6th Div. of New 4th Army, Sep 1941-1946; sec., CCP Comte of Jiangsu-Anhui Border Reg, 1942; mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Jun 1945 (reelected to 8th CC, Sep 1956); cdr., 6th Div., E China PLA, 1946-47; dpty polit, commissar, Central China Mil. Reg, 1946-47; polit, commissar, E China PLA (cdr.: Xu Shiyou), Oct-Dec 1947; ehm, Jinan Mil. Control Com, Sep 1948; dpty polit, commissar, 3rd Field Army and dpty polit, commissar, E China Mil. Reg, Apr 1949-1954; ehm, Hangzhou Mil. Control Com, May-Aug 1949; sec., CCP Comte, Zhejiang Prov., 1949-52; gov., Zhejiang PPG, Aug 1949 - Nov 1952; polit, commissar, Zhejiang Mil. Distr, Sep 1949-1952; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte (ECMAC), Jan 1950 - Aug 1952; vice-chm, ECMAC, Aug-Dec 1952; 3rd sec., E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1952; vice-chm, E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; gov., Jiangsu PPG, Nov 1952 - Feb 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 -Apr 1959; mem., CCP del. to Italy to attend 4th Congr of Communist Party of Italy, Jan 1955; mem., CCP del. led by Zhu De to 20th Congr of CP of USSR in Moscow (where Khrushchev delivered his famous "secret speech" denouncing Stalin), Feb 1956; dpty sec-gen., CCP Central Comte, Mar 1956; mem., Secretariat, CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Politburo, CCP 8th Central Comte, May 1958 Cult. Rev.; dpty dir., Rural Work Comte, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1958 - Cult. Rev.; head, CCP del. to Hungary, Nov-Dec 1959; deputy for Shanghai to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-premier, SC, Apr 1959- Cult. Rev.; vice-min., State Planning Com, Nov 1962 - Cult. Rev.; dir., Staff Office of Agriculture and Forestry, SC, Nov 1962- Cult. Rev.; mem., Funeral Committee for Luo Ronghuan, Dec 1963; mem., Presidium, 1st Session of 3rd NPC, Dec 1964; mem., Funeral Committee for Ke Qingshi, Apr 1965; at the height of Cult. Rev., Tan participated in the "February Adverse Current" opposing the decisions passed by the 10th Plenum of the CCP Central Comte in an attempt to outlaw the Red Guards, Feb 1967; branded a renegade and counterrevolutionary revisionist, May 1967; purged, Jul 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); deputy for Hunan to 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th NPC, Feb 1978); vice-chm, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th NPC, Mar 1978); article in RMRB Jul 29, 1977, "In Memory of Chen Yi"; mem., Presidium, 11th CCP Congr, Aug 1977; mem., Presidium, 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Presidium, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; ehm, Budget Comte, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; mem.,


Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; mem., Presidium and permanent ehm, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; vice-chm, Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - death; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982. Tan was married to Ge Huimin, alias Tian Bingxiu.

Tang Dequan

ìh tk


* 1915 Zhenhai County, Zhejiang Graduated from Dynamic Engineering Dpt, Zürich Engineering Univ, Switzerland, 1941; engineer with Swiss Brown Bo veri Company, 1942-46; prof., Shanghai Tongji Univ, 1947-48; worked with Brown Boveri in Hong Kong, 1949-51; served successively as prof., China Mining Inst, and dir. of its Machinery and Electrical Dpt, 1951 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1980; mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Aug 1980; vice-chm, Energy Advisory Comte, State Economic Com, Oct 1981-1982; dpty dir., Coal Mining Inst., Oct 1981; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., Science and Technology Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jan 1991. Publications: Operation of Gas Turbine and Internal Combustion Engine·, chief editor of Equipment for Mine Ventilation and of Drainage and Air Compression.

Tang Guizhang



* 1901 Nanjing, Jiangsu deceased 1990, Nov 28 Studied at Chinese Language Dpt, SE Univ (now Nanjing Univ), specializing in "Ci", a verse for which originated in the Tang Dynasty and became fully developed in the Song Dynasty (it employs strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes and has a fixed number of lines and words). Graduation, 1928; then taught Chinese language at No. 1 Girls' Middle School in Nanjing and history at the Central


Mil. Academy; taught at United Univ, Chongqing, 1944; returned to Nanjing, 1945; prof, at Nanjing Teachers College, 1952; again identified as prof, at Nanjing Teachers College, 1982. Publications: Notes ad Commentaries on Three Hundred Song Dynasty "Ci" (1934); Notes and Commentaries on "Ci" by Two Southern Tang Dynasty Emperors (1936); Notes and Commentaries on Ci" (1937); Notes on the Song Dynasty "Ci" (1953); Sequel Notes to Song Dynasty "Ci" (1953).

Tang Hongguang

M % JL

* 1921 Tanghe County, Henan Studied at Central Party School, Yan'an, 1944; served as CCP sec. and magistrate in counties, 1945-49; vice-pres., Cadre School, Liaoxi Prov., 1950-52; dpty sec-gen., Liaoxi PPG, 1952-54; sec-gen., Liaoning Prov. Branch, China Peace Council, May 1958; vice-chm, Liaoning Prov. Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1964; head, Liaoning friendship del. to USSR, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Liaoning Prov., Feb 1978 - Dec 1979; vice-chm, Liaoning PPC, Feb 1980 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Sep 1989.

Tang Kebi (f)


Alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th, Aug 1977); deputy for Sichuan to 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Feb 1978); mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 - Feb 1978; sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Dec 1976 - Dec 1978; dpty head, friendship del. of Party workers to Ν Korea, Dec 1976; demoted to mem., Stand. Comte, Sichuan Prov. CP, Jan 1979-1983; mem., Presidium, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jan 1979; mem., Presidium, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; dpty sec., Suining County CP, Sichuan Prov., Dec 1981; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; disappeared, Feb 1983.

Tang Mingzhao

Tang Liang


mhjéü * 1910 Linyang County, Hunan deceased 1986, Nov 20 Son of a laborer; no school education; joined CCP, 1930; served in Communist guerilla unit in SE Jiangxi Prov., 1930; polit, instructor, 1st Company, 2nd Div., 3rd Red Army, 1931; service in 386th Brigade, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1939-41; dir., Polit. Dpt, Hebei-ShandongHenan Mil. Reg, 1941; polit, commissar of an army corps operating in Shandong (cdr.: Chen Siqu), 1947; dir., Polit. Dpt, E China Field Army, Jun 1948; dir., Polit. Dpt, 3rd Field Army (renamed E China Field Army), May 1949; dpty sec., Nanjing Municipality CP, Oct 1949; vice-chm, Nanjing Mil. Control Com, Nov 1949; mem., Presidium, Nanjing MPC, Nov 1949; vice-mayor, Nanjing MPG, Dec 1949 - Dec 1950; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949 - Dec 1952; mem., E China Admin. Comte, Dec 1952- Aug 1954; dir., Polit. Dpt, E China Mil. Reg, Jan 1953 -Mar 1954; dpty polit, commissar, E China Mil. Reg, Mar-Aug 1954; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 - Mar 1959; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; polit, commissar, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Nov 1954-1965; made col-gen. and conferred orders of "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", both 1st class, Sep 1955; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, elected at its 2nd Plenum, May 1958 (reelected to 9th-llth CCs: Apr 1969, Aug 1973, Aug 1977); 2nd polit, commissar, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Jul 1965; unknown position central mil. leadership, 1969-76; polit, commissar, PLA Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1976-82; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - death.

Tang Mingzhao



* 1910 Guangdong Studied at Qinghua Univ and subsequently at Univ of California; editor-in-chief, Overseas Chinese Daily, New York, 1945-49; returned to China, 1950; dpty dir., Liaison Dpt, China Comte for Resisting U.S.A. and Aiding Korea, Oct 1950; council mem., China Comte for World Peace, 1951; delegate to World Peace Council (WPC) meeting, Vienna, Nov 1953; delegate to WPC meeting, E Berlin, May 1954; council mem., China Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; deputy for Overseas Chinese to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1959; to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., del. to Asian Countries' Conf. (head: Guo Moruo), New Delhi, Mar 1955; delegate to WPC Congr., Helsinki, Jun 1955; dele-


Tang Nianci

gate to WPC Special Council Meeting, Stockholm, Mar 1956; mem., del. to WPC Council Meeting (head: Guo Moruo), Colombo, May 1957; mem., del. to Afro-Asian Solidarity Conf., Cairo, Dec 1957; delegate to Conf. on World Disarmament and Intl Cooperation, Stockholm, Jul 1958; delegate to WPC Special Council Meeting, Stockholm, May 1959; council mem., China-Latin America Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; mem., del. to Afro-Asian Solidarity Conf., Conakry, Guinea, Apr 1960; delegate to WPC Council Meeting, New Delhi, Mar 1961; mem., del. to Conf. on Disarmament and World Peace, Moscow, Jul 1962; council mem., China-Cuba Friendship Assn, Dec 1962; mem., del. to 3rd Afro-Asian, Solidarity Conf., Tanganyika, Jan 1963; delegate to WPC Council Meeting, Warsaw, Nov 1963; mem., del. to 10th World Conf. Against Use of Nuclear Weapons, Japan, Jul 1964; mem., del. to World Conf. for Supporting Vietnam Against U.S. Aggression (head: Liu Ningyi), Hanoi, Nov 1964; mem., del. to 4th Afro-Asian Solidarity Conf. (head: Liao Chengzhi), Accra, Ghana, May 1965; vicechm, China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte and vice-chm, China Council for World Peace, Jun 1965; head, del. to Conf. on Abolishment of Foreign Bases, Jakarta, Oct 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1970; cadre, Dpt for Intl Liaison, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1971; mem., del. to 26th Session, UN General Assembly, Nov 1971; under-secgen. of UN, Apr 1972-1979; adviser, Dpt of Intl Liaison, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1981-1983; vice-pres., Assn for Intl Understanding of China, Jul 1983; visited Federal Republic of Germany and Austria, Sep 1983; mem., Natl Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Jul 1989.

Tang Nianci

M & &

Deputy for Jiangsu to the 7th NPC, Mar 1987 (reelected to 8th, Mar 1993); mem., Stand. Comte, China Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party, Nov 1988; vice-chm, Jiangsu PPC, Apr 1989- Apr 1993; disappeared, Apr 1993.

Tang Peisong

went to U.S.A., received Ph.D. from John Hopkins Univ in Boston, 1930; worked at Laboratory of Physiology at Harvard Univ concentrating on energetics of celluar and plant respiration and photosynthesis, 1931-33; returned to China, 1933; subsequently set up a laboratory for cell and plant physiology at Natl Wuhan Univ; during Sino-Japanese War, 1937-45; worked with Qinghua Univ, then evacuated to Kunming; returned with univ to Beijing, 1946; helped to expand Inst, of Agriculture into College of Agriculture, 1947-49; Tang's college merged with two others to form Beijing Agricultural Univ, of which he became one of three deputies on the Governing Board, 1950; dir., Inst, of Plant Physiology, CAS, 1952 - Cult. Rev.; vice-pres., China Society of Plant Physiology and concurrently dpty dir., Inst, of Botany, CAS, Nov 1963; ddeputy for Hubei to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1977; research fellow, Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry under Beijing Inst, of Botany, CAS, Jul 1977; dir., Inst, of Botanies, CAS, Oct 1977 - 1982; mem., Presidium, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; pres., China Society of Botany, Nov 1978; visited U.S.A., 1979; head, del. to Intl Botanical Congr, Sydney, Aug 1981; mem. of first group of scientists of PRC who visited Taiwan since 1949; Jul 1992; disappeared, Jul 1992. Publications: An Experimantal Study of Germination of Wheet Seeds Under Water (1931); The Effects of CO and Light on the Oxygen Consumption and on CO2 production by Germinating Seeds of Lupins Albus (1932); On the Rate of Oxygen Consumption by Tissues and Lower Organism of Oxygen Tension (1933); Studies on the Kinetics of Cell Respiration (1936); Green Thraldom (1949); Fifty Years of Plant Physiology in China (1980); Aspects of Botany in China (1981).

Tang Ping


% fc

* 1903 Xishiu County, Hubei Born into a family of classical Chinese scholars (his father was assassinated in 1918, at that time min. of education in the Central Govt); received grammar school education in Tokyo; graduated from Qinghua Univ, 1917; subsequently

* 1903 Liuyang County, Hunan deceased 1968 Joined CCP, 1929; staff head, Logistics Dpt, Mil. Com, CCP Central Comte, 1948; head, Currency Planning Section, Financial and Economic Planning Bureau, GAC, Jun 1950; cos, Logistics Dpt, CCP Mil. Com, 1950; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty dir., Financial Dpt, PLA Logistics Dpt, 1956; ltn-gen., Aug 1961; dir., Financial Dpt, PLA Logistics Dpt, 1962 - death.


Tang Pingzhu Dir., Polit. Dpt, 385th Brigade, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1940; dpty dir., Propaganda Section, Polit. Dpt, 8th Route Army, 1941; dir., Propaganda Section, Polit. Dpt, Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army, 1947; dir., Polit. Dpt, 12th Army, 2nd Field Army, 1949; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, PLA Chongqing Garrison, Dec 1949; dpty polit, commissar, 12th Army, 1952; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dpty editor-in-chief, Liberation Army Daily (Jiefang junbao), Dec 1958 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Chinese Journalists' Assn, Jul 1966; dpty editor-in-chief, RMRB, Aug 1966; acting managing editor, RMRB, Oct 1966; mem., PLA Cult. Rev. Group, Jan 1967; accused of being a counterrevolutionary revisionist, Jan 17, 1967; responsible cadre, RMRB, Mar 1967; disappeared, Nov 1967.

Tang Qishan


1954; deputy for Hunan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd and 3rd, Jul 1958 and Sep 1964); mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; vice-gov., Hunan PPG, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Motions Examination Comte, 3rd Session, 1st NPC, Jun 1956; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 1st NPC, Feb 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Feb 1958 (reelected to 2nd and 3rd, Apr 1959 and Jan 1965); mem., Motions Examination Comte, 1st Session, 2nd NPC, Apr 1959; mem., Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, May 1959 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966. Publication: The Rise and Fall of Zhao Hengti (in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the 1911 Rev).

Tang Tao

M lí


Mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte, Henan Prov., Jan 1968; mem., No. 1310 locomotive team, Jan 1968; dpty dir., Rev Comte, Zhengzhou Railway Bureau, May 1968; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Henan Prov., Jul 1968; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); mem., Stand. Comte, Henan Prov. CP, Jul 1972-1976; sec., Zhengzhou Municipality CP, Feb 19741976; sec., CCP Comte, Zhengzhou Railway Bureau, Feb 1974; deputy for Henan to 4th NPC, Jan 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; disappeared, Oct 1976.

Tang Shengzhi

Tang Tao

M ÔL ^

* 1891 Dongan County, Hunan Joined Students Army during 1911 Rev, Changsha, 1911; graduated from Baoding Mil. Academy, 1915; cdr. of a brigade in Hunan Army, 1923; cdr., 8th Army and concurrently general cdr., Fighting Front, Nationalist Rev Army, 1926; captured Changsha and made acting gov. of Hunan, 1926; captured Hanyang, Sep 1926; cdr.-in-chief, West Route Army, marching northward along BeijingHankou Railway, Feb 1927; led army into Henan and joined forces with Henan Army to fight against NE Army under Zhang Zuolin, Mar 1927; during KMT split between Hankou and Nanjing, took orders from Hankou Govt, Jun 1927; Chiang Kaishek launched punitive expedition against him, discharged him from KMT, and he escaped to Japan, fall 1927; participated in abortive revolt in Guangdong and Guangxi and made mem. of insurgent govt which soon failed, 1931; membership in KMT reinstated and elected alt. mem., KMT 5th Central Comte, 1935; mem., KMT 5th Central Executive Comte, May 1935; went over to the Communist side, 1949; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; vice-chm, Hunan Branch of CPPCC, Mar 1950; vice-chm of Hunan, Mar 1950- Feb 1955; mem., Land Reform Comte, Hunan PPG, Jul 1950; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Nov 1951 (reelected to 2nd-4th; 1954, 1959; 1964); mem., Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep

* 1913 Zhenghai County, Zhejiang deceased 1992, Jan 4 Born into an illiterate peasant family. Attended a Shanghai primary school and later a junior middle school, 1926-29; became a sorter in a Shanghai post office, 1929; started writing for the column "Free Remarks" of the Shanghai Paper Shen Bao, 1933; Among his first essays were The Rain in My Village, The Sea, and Homesick·, met Lu Xun for the first time, 1934; deputy for Shanghai to 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Feb 1978); vice-pres., Society of Lu Xun Studies, Sep 1981; delegate to 28th Conf. of the European Assn of Chinese Studies, Cambridge, Jul 1982; research fellow, Inst, of Chinese Literature, CASS, Jun 1983; pres., China Fiction Society, Oct 1984; mem., Natl Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988 - death. Publications: Analyses From a Tao Diagram (collection of essays); 1936: The Sea and the Sky (collection of essays); 1940: Projection (collection of essays); Long and Short Articles; 1941: A Collection of Faggots·, 1946: An Addendum to the Complete Works of Lu Xun; 1947: My Shallow Views, 1951: A Sequel to the Addendum to the Complete Works of Lu Xun; 1956: The Seas and the Mountains (collection of essays on Lu Xun); later: The Artistic Features of Lu Xun's Essays; 1977: A History of Modern Chinese Literature (3 volumes); 1981: The Story of Lu Xun.

Tang Tiaqji

Tang Tianji




* 1904 Anren County, Hunan Graduated from 1st class, Whampoa Mil. Academy, 1925; joined CCP, 1926; battalion representative of 36th Army under Tang Shengzhi, May 1927; chief, 1st Company, Special Service Battalion, 20th Army (cdr.: He Long), 1927; after Nanchang Uprising, stayed behind to establish contacts with Mao Zedong, Aug 1927; participated in S Hunan Uprising, winter 1927; Party representative, 2nd Battalion, 28th Regiment, 4th Red Army, 1928; dir., Polit. Dpt, 5th Div., Red Army, 1932; took part in Long March; winter 1936 followed 4th Red Front Army westward to Ν Shaanxi; attended Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1937; leader of a guerilla unit in Shanxi-Honan Border Reg, 1937; polit, commissar, 344th Brigade, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; cdr., Shanxi-Henan Guerilla Column, 1938; cdr., 4th Mil. Subdistr and cdr., 2nd Detachment of Taiyue Column, 1938; later made cdr., 6th Brigade and concurrently cdr., 21st Mil. Subdistr; cdr., Shanxi-Hebei-Henan-Shandong Border Reg Column, 1946; later sent to NE China and made dpty cdr., Yanji Mil. Distr; dpty polit, commissar, Jilin Mil. Distr, 1948; dpty polit, commissar and concurrently dir., Polit. Dpt, Wuhan Garrison Command, May 1949; dpty polit, commissar, Hunan Mil. Distr, Aug 1949; polit, commissar, 21st Army Corps, Nov 1949; council mem., Hunan PPG, Mar 1950; polit, commissar, 12th Army Group, 1951; cdr.-in-chief, PLA Engineering HQ for Dividing Jin River, Jun 1952; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Oct 1952 - Jan 1953; dir., Civil Engineering Dpt, Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953; polit, commissar, PLA Air Defense Force, Oct 1953-1954; dpty dir., PLA General Logistics Dpt, Sep 1954-1969 (?); made ltn-gen. and awarded orders of "August 1st", "Liberation", both 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978; disappeared, May 1981.

Tang Yanjie




* 1909 Changsha, Hunan deceased 1988, Jul 31 Joined Red Army, 1930; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; commandant, PLA Mil. Academy, Oct 1956- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Aug 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985. Remarks: Tang was a prominent leader on the national defense science and technology front.

Tang Yuanbing


7L· M

* 1909 Nantong, Jiangsu Graduated from Economics Dpt, Law and Polit. Science Univ, Tokyo, 1937; gen-mgr., China Textile Enterprise Co. and later manager, Hangjiang Cotton Mill, 1938-49; vice-chm, Consultative Com, Zhejiang PPG, 1950-55; vice-chm, Zhejiang Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Mar 1961; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., Board of Directors, China Intl Trust and Investment Corp., Oct 1979; vice-chm, CDNCA, Oct 1979 - Jun 1988; ehm, Zhejiang Prov. Branch, Fed of Industrialists and Businessmen, Oct 1979; vice-gov., Zhejiang PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; again vice-chm, Zhejiang Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1983 (reelected Jan 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); disappeared, Nov 1989.

Tao Hengxian


Tang Zhe



* 1905 Guang'an County, Sichuan Graduated from Medical College, Tongji Univ, 1930; prof, of this college, 1944-48; dir. of it, 1949-54; dpty dir., Dpt of Public Health, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Oct 1949- Jan 1953; dir., Wuhan Medical College, 1955 -Cult. Rev.; mem., Central Comte, CDL, Dec 1958; ehm, Hubei Prov. Branch, CDL, Sep 1959; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Hubei PPC, Jan 1980 (reelected Apr 1983); again ehm, Hubei Prov. Branch, CDL, Oct 1981; vice-chm, Hubei Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Oct 1981; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983; disappeared, Apr 1985. Publications: Tand was editor-in-chief of Dictionary of Practical Medical Phrases; German, English and Chinese Dictionary of Medical Terms.

Tang Zhenxu

M & %%

* 1911 Wuxi, Jiangsu Graduated from Dpt of Civil Engineering, Jiaotong Univ in Tangshan, 1935; obtained master's degree from Cornell Univ, U.S.A., 1937, and doctorate in water conservany from same univ, 1940; worked as a hydraulic designer for EBASCO Co. in U.S.A., 1941^5; served successively for Gaoxiong Harbor Admin, in Taiwan and as dir., Forest Products Admin. Bureau, Taiwan PPG, 1945-48; crossed over to the Communists, 1949, and made dir., Tangshan Engineering Inst.; dir., Inst, of Railway Technology under Min. of Railways, 1950; vice-pres., Academy of Railway Sciences, 1954- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: hon. pres., Academy of Railway Sciences, Oct 1986; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; vice-pres., Assn of Chinese Students Returned from Western Countries, May 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, Assn for the Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China, Sep 1988; disappeared, Sep 1988.

Tang Zhongfu

M & &

* Hunan Once awarded the title of "Advanced Producer"; mem., Stand. Comte, Chinese Workers' Representatives Assn, Hunan Prov., 1968; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte, Hunan Prov., Apr 1968; worker of an electric tube factory, Apr 1968; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); mem., Stand. Comte, Hunan Prov. CP, Aug 1973; ehm, Trade Union, Hunan Prov., Aug 1973; cdr., Militia of Changsha Municipality, Jan 1974; branded a "backbone element of the Gang of Four" and imprisoned, Nov 1976; sentenced to ten years imprisonment, Nov 1982.

Tang Ziqi


Dir., Forestry Admin. Bureau, Min. of Forestry and Land Reclamation, Dec 1950; asst min. of Timber Ind., Jun 1957 - Feb 1958; vice-min. of Forestry, Sep 1959 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-min. of Forestry, Sep 1980 May 1982; disappeared, May 1982.

Tao Hanzhang

* 1917 Jiangxi Served in NE Field Army; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cos, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, 1960; dpty cdr., Guangxi Mil. Distr, Feb 1964; cos, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty commandant, PLA Mil. and Polit. Academy, May 1974 - Jan 1978 (when the academy divided into PLA Mil. Academy and PLA Polit. Academy); dpty head, mil. friendship del. to Tanzania, Jun 1974; head, del. of PLA Mil. Academy to Great Britain, Oct 1978; dpty commandant, PLA Mil. Academy, Sep 1979-1983; mem., Natl Comte, 6th CPPCC, by-elected Mar 1986; mem., Foreign Affairs Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.

Tao Hengxian



Sec-gen., China Society of Machine Building Engineers and sec-gen., China Mechanics Society, 1962; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1977; sec-gen., China Society of Mechanical Engineers, Sep 1978; vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Sep 1981 - May 1982; head, scientific and technological del. to Hungary, Oct 1981; sec., China Assn for Science and Technology, Sep 1982; chief engineer, Min. of Machine Building Ind., Nov 19831986; vice-pres., China Mechanical Engineering Society, Nov 1983; mem., Natl Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Apr 1988.

Tao Li


Tao Li

1977; polit, commissar, State Com of Science, Technology and Ind. for Natl Defense, Sep 1974; adviser, State Com for Restructuring the Economic System, Apr 1985; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Jan 1991.


T a o Qi

* 1920 Penglai County, Shandong deceased 1990, Feb Party cadre in Shandong and Pingyuan Prov., 1940-52; served in departments of 1st Min. of Machine Building, 1952-58; dir., Shanghai Jiangnan Wharf, 1958-60; Party sec., Shanghai Jiangnan Wharf, Jul 1960; dir., Technology Bureau, State Economic Com, 1 9 6 0 - Cult. Rev.; mem., State Economic Com, Oct 1963 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: Party sec., Baotou Iron and Steel Corp., 1972-77; dpty dir., State Bureau of Goods and Materials, SC, 1977-79; vice-min., Com of Machine Building, SC, 1980-82; vice-min., Com for Restructuring Economic System, SC, Feb 1982 - Jun 1985; mem., govt economic del. to Iran, Turkey, Kuwait, Algeria (head: Zhang Jingfu), Feb 1985; adviser, Com for Restructuring Economic System, SC, Jul 1987; dpty for Shandong to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., NPC Financial and Economic Comte, Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1987 death.

Tao Lujia




Ik mÊfemrjÊi '·

* 1917 Liyang County, Jiangsu Joined CCP, 1936; served successively as CCP sec. in counties and prefectures and as polit, commissar, Taihang Mil. Distr, 1937-49; vice-chm, Cultural and Education Comte, Shanxi PPG, Aug 1950; polit, commissar, Shanxi Mil. Distr, Sep 1952; dpty sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, Nov 1952; sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, Dec 1952; 1st sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, Nov 1953 - May 1965; deputy for Shanxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 - Mar 1959; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, elected at 2nd Plenum, CCP 8th Central Comte, May 1958 - Cult. Rev.; 1st polit, commissar, Shanxi Mil. Distr, Feb 1963; sec., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1965; vice-min., State Economic Com, May 1965 - Cult. Rev.; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Feb 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1973 - Aug



Mem., Maritime Arbitration Com, Jan 1950; vice-min. of Communications, Apr 1964 - Dec 1980; ehm, China Section, Sino-Albanian Shipping Stock Co., Mar 1965; head, economic del. to Nepal, Jan 1975; dpty head, govt and mil. del. to Sudan (head: Zhang Zhen), May 1979; disappeared, Dec 1980.

T a o Shuzeng



* 1896 Xinzhou County, Hubei Graduated from Yanjing Univ, 1921; served as prof, of Henan Univ, 1931-35; dir., Guangzhou Harbor Bureau under KMT Min. of Communications, 1947-48; prof, of Wuhan Univ, 1949-50; dir., Communications Bureau, Hubei PPG, 1950-55; mem., Natl Comte, Fed of Natural Sciences Societies (FNSS), Aug 1950 - Sep 1958; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd and 4th, Apr 1959 and Dec 1964); mem., Technological Advisory Comte for Construction of Changjiang (Yangtse) River Bridge in Wuhan, 1955; mem., Hubei PPC, Feb 1955; dir., Water Conservancy Dpt, Hubei PPC, 1955-62; alt. mem., 3rd Central Comte, Rev Comte of the Chinese K M T , Feb 1956 - Dec 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, FNSS, Jul 1957 - Sep 1968; ehm, Wuhan Branch, FNSS, Aug 1957; vice-pres., China Civil Engineering Society, Apr 1958; mem., 4th Central Comte, Rev Comte o f the Chinese K M T , Dec 1958; ehm, Hubei Branch, Rev Comte of the Chinese K M T , Oct 1961 - Cult. Rev.; vice-gov., Hubei PPG, 1961 - Cult. Rev.; ehm, Hubei Branch, FNSS, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Presidium, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; ehm, Hubei Branch, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Jan 1979; vice-chm, Hubei PPC, Jan 1980-1986(7); vice-chm, Hubei Branch, CPPCC, Oct 1981; disappeared, Jan 1986.

T a o T a o (f)



Vice-min. of Petroleum and Chemical Ind., Nov 19751977; vice-min. of Chemical Ind., Jun 1978-1982; mem.,


Birth Planning Leading Group, SC, Jul 1978; ehm, Board of Directors, China Chemical Ind. Society, Dec 1978; mem., Central Patriotic Sanitation Campaign Comte, Jul 1981-1983; deputy for Guangdong to 6th NPC, May 1983 - Mar 1989; mem., China-Venezuela Friendship Group of NPC, Mar 1986; mem., Natl Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1989; disappeared, Apr 1989.

Tao Yong Φ Κ * 1911 Si County, Anhui deceased 1967, Jan 21 Worked as a miner; joined Red Army, 1929; joined CCP, 1931; cdr. of a cavalry regiment, 1936; cdr., 2nd Regiment, 1st Column, New 4th Army, 1938; sent by Chen Yi to march north across the Changjiang and capture Dajiao City, thus laying foundation for future development of Ν Jiangsu Soviet Distr, Winter 1939 - spring 1940; during Sino-Japanese War, cdr. of 3rd Brigade, 1st Div. and concurrently cdr., Sea Defense Regiment, New 4th Army, 1940-45; cdr., 3rd Column, New 4th Army, 1945; cdr., PLA 8th Column, E China Reg, 1945; cdr., Ν Jiangsu Coastal Defense Command, 1946; as cdr., 4th Column, E China Field Army, participated in Battle of S Shandong, Mar 1947; cdr., 23rd Army, 8th Army Corps, 3rd Field Army, 1949; cdr., Hangzhou Garrison Command, 1950; dpty cdr., Zhejiang Mil. Distr, 1951; reassigned to PLA Navy, 1952; cdr., E China Sea Fleet, 1955 - death; made vice-admiral, Sep 1955; died "under merciless persecution" during Cult. Rev., Jan 1967 (XNA Jan 9, 1978); officially rehabilitated, Jan 1979.

Tao Zhiyue


Tao Zhong

1949; mem., NW China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jan 1950 - Jan 1953; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Nov 1951; mem., NW China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Aug 1954; deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd and 3rd, Mar 1959 and Sep 1964); mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; cdr., PLA Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; appointed col-gen. and awarded order of "Liberation", Sep 1955; dpty cdr., Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Nov 1957 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1965); disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1974; deputy for PLA to 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978); mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978); mem., Presidium, 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Presidium, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); mem., Comte to Examine Proposals, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; vice-chm, Hunan PPC, Dec 1979 - Jul 1985; mem., Motions Examination Comte, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; joined CCP, Oct 1982; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; vice-chm, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 - Mar 1988; invited to 13th CCP, Oct 1987.

Tao Zhong



1891 Ningxiang County, Hunan deceased 1988, Dec 26 Graduation from Baoding Mil. Academy, 1916; served successively as battalion and regiment cdr. of Hunan Army, 1917-25; cdr., 3rd Div., 40th Army, and took part in Northern Expedition, 1928; cdr., 8th Div., operating against Communist units in Jiangsu and then Gansu, 1932-36; cdr., 76th Army, 1937; cdr., 1st Army, 1938; dpty cdr., 34th Army Group, 1940; cdr., 37th Army Group, 1943; cdr., Henan Garrison HQ, 1944; dpty cdr., 8th War Zone, 1945; cdr., Xinjiang Garrison HQ, 1946; dpty dir., Generalissimo's HQ in NW China, Oct 1946; vice-chm, NW Pacification HQ and concurrently cdr., Xinjiang and West of Huanghe Garrison HQ, 1948; went over to the Communists, Sep 1949; cdr., PLA 22nd Army Corps and concurrently dpty cdr., Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Dec

* 1929 Wujiang County, Jiangsu Graduated from Harbin Engineering Univ, 1955; lecturer and then prof., Xi'an Jiaotong Univ, 1955 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev: dir., Inst, of Mechanical Engineering, Jiaotong Univ, 1978-81; dir., Science and Education Dpt, Shaanxi CP, 1981-83; mem., Stand. Comte, Shaanxi Prov. CP and concurrently dir. of its Org. Dpt, Apr 1983-1988; vice-chm, Shaanxi PPC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Aug 1990.


Tao Zhu

Tao Zhu


* 1908 Qiyang County, Hunan deceased 1969, Nov 30 Served in Natl Revolutionary Army during Northern Expedition, 1926; participated in Guangzhou Uprising, Dec 1927; freed 18 arrested CCP cadres in a raid, Xiamen, 1930; CCP cadre in Fujian Prov., 1930; during time of Long March, he led guerilla forces in Hubei Prov.; united his forces with those under Li Xiannian to form the 5th Div. of New 4th Army, 1941; mem., Shenyang Mil. Control Com, 1948; cos, Beijing-Tianjin Front HQ, Jan 1949; vice-chm, Wuhan Mil. Control Com, May 1949; ehm, Wuhan Mil. Control Com, Dec 1949; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte (CSMAC), Feb 1950 - Jan 1953; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, 4th Field Army (cdr.: Lin Biao), Feb 1950-1954; mem., Finance and Economics Comte, CSMAC and acting sec., Guangxi Prov. CP, Jul 1951; 4th sec., S China Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1952; mem., Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Aug 1954; acting sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, May 1953; acting sec., S China Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1953 -Jul 1955; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Jun 1953; acting gov., Guangdong PPG, Oct 1953; gov., Guangdong PPG, Feb 1955 - Aug 1957; sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Feb 1955 Aug 1957; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte - Cult. Rev.; 1st sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Aug 1957 - Mar 1965; polit, commissar, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Sep 1957 Cult.Rev.; vice-chm, Com for Receiving and Resettling Returned Overseas Chinese, SC, Mar 1960; mem., CCP del. to 22nd Congr of CPSU in Moscow (head: Zhou Enlai), Oct 1961; 1st sec., Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1961; deputy for Guangdong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; vice-premier, Jan 1965; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1966; mem., Secretariat, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1966; mem., Politburo, CCP Central Comte and also mem. of its Stand. Comte, Aug-Dec 1966; last appearance, Dec 29, 1966; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Sep 1967; officially rehabilitated, Dec 1978. Tao was married to Zeng Zhi.

Teng Daiyuan

jj^ ^

* 1904 Mayang County, Hunan deceased 1974, Dec 1 Graduated from 1st Hunan Normal School; joined CCP, 1926; during Northern Expedition, conducted peasant uprisings in outskirts of Changsha, 1926; after KMT-CCP split, went to Jiangxi Soviet Area and did polit, work in Red Army, 1927; took part in Pingjiang Uprising, 1928; served in Peng Dehuai's 5th Red Army, Jul 1928; with Peng joined forces with Mao Zedong and Zhu De on Jinggang Mountains, Oct 1928; guerilla activities with Peng Dehuai in Jiangxi-Hunan-Hubei Border Reg, 1929; polit, commissar, 3rd Red Army, 1930; wounded in battle, 1931; mem., Central Executive Comte, Chinese Soviet Republic at Ruijin, Nov 1931; studied mil. tactics in Moscow College for Chiefs of Staff, 1932; polit, commissar, 3rd Front Army, 1933; Long March with 1st Red Front Army, 1934-35; sent to Xinjiang to regroup Xu Xiangqian's troops, 1937; dpty cos, 8th Route Army, 1938; cos, Central Mil. Com, directing operations in SE Shanxi, 1940; principal, 6th Branch School of Anti-Japan Polit, and Mil. Academy, Jun 1940; dpty cos, PL A, 1942; mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Jun 1945 (reelected to 8th, 9th and 10th CCs in Sep 1956, Apr 1969 and Aug 1973); dpty cdr., Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army, Sep 1945; CCP representative, NE Mil. Mediation Sub-Comte, Apr 1946; dpty cdr., Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Mil. Reg, 1947; dpty polit, commissar, Central Plains Field Army, 1948; mem., Ν China People's Govt, Aug 1948; dir., Dpt of Railroads, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, 1949; dpty polit, commissar, 2nd Field Army, Apr 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd-4th, Dec 1954, Apr 1959, Dec 1964); mem., Polit, and Legal Com, G AC, Oct 1949; dpty cdr., Ν China Mil. Reg, Oct 1949; min. of Railways, Oct 1949- Jan 1965; cdr., PLA Railways Corps, Jul 1950; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1951 - Dec 1954; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954Cult. Rev.; mem., govt del. to Ν Korea, Aug 1955; head, railway del. to PR Mongolia for ceremony for throughtrain service between China and PR Mongolia, Dec 1955; head, railway del. to Poland and German Democratic Republic, Jul 1956; vice-chm, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965 Cult. Rev.


Teng Haiqing

J& &

* 1909 Jinzhai County, Anhui Joined CCP, 1932; joined Red Army, 1932; cdr., 11th Brigade, 4th Div., New 4th Army, 1945; cdr., 9th Brigade, 3rd Div., Central China Field Army, 1946; cdr., 62nd Div., 21st Army, 7th Army Group, 3rd Field Army, spring 1949; cdr., 21st Army and sent to Korean War, 1950-54; dpty dir., Operations Dpt, PLA Navy, 1956; dpty cdr., Beijing Mil. Reg, Feb 1963-1967; acting cdr., Inner Mongolia Mil. Reg, Jun 1967; ehm, Rev Comte, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Nov 1967; cdr., Inner Mongolia Mil. Distr, Jun 1968; mem., Presidium, 9th CCP Congr, Apr 1969; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 -Aug 1973; dpty cdr., Beijing Mil. Distr, 1973-75; unknown position in Jinan Mil. Reg, Sep 1976; disappeared, Oct 1977.

Teng Weizao

J®· & Ife

* 1917 Vice-pres., Nankai Univ, Apr 1980; vice-chm, China World Economics Society, Apr 1980; dir., Economics Inst., Nankai Univ, May 1980; pres., Nankai Univ, Oct 1981; disappeared, Oct 1983.

Tian Bao

Tian Han

T. belonged to the Tibetan minority; born under the name of Songgi Ishi. He and both his brothers were Lamas; with establishment of Poba Govt following occupation of Tangba by Red Army troops, 1935, Tian was made dir., Youth Dpt and head, Young Pioneers Group, as well as polit, commissar of newly established Poba Div., which joined Red Army on its march to Shaanxi, 1935; graduated from Nationalities Inst., Yan'an, 1944; minority delegate to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 - Oct 1954; mem., SW China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950 - Feb 1953; council mem., Xikang PPG, Oct 1950 - Jan 1952; ehm, Ganzi Autonomous Prefecture of Tibetans, Xikang Prov., Dec 1950- Jul 1955; council mem., Sichuan PPG, Oct 1952 - Jan 1955; mem., SW China Admin. Comte, Feb 1953 - Sep 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, by-elected Feb 1953 Dec 1954; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Mar 1959; to 3rd, Oct 1964); vice-gov., Xikang Prov., Jan-Jul 1955 when Xikang was merged into Sichuan; vice-gov., Sichuan PPG, Jul 1955 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, NPC Nationalities Comte, Jun 1956 - Dec 1964; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - Apr 1969; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Ganzi Autonomous Prefecture, Dec 1957; mem., Stand. Comte, Sichuan Prov. CP, Aug 1958 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Sichuan Prov., May 1968-1969; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973; to 11th CC, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982); vice-chm, Rev Comte, Tibet AR, Aug 1969 - Aug 1979; polit, commissar, Tibet Mil. Distr, Sep 1970 - Oct 1976; sec., CCP Comte, Tibet AR, Aug 1971 - Nov 1980; 2nd polit, commissar, Tibet Mil. Distr, Oct 1976 - Nov 1980; deputy for Tibet AR to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; head, Tibet friendship del. to Nepal, Sep 1978; ehm, Reception Comte for Returned Tibetan Compatriots, Jan 1979; mem., Credentials Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; ehm, People's Govt, Tibet AR, Aug 1979 - Nov 1980; mem., NPC del. to France (head: Deng Yingchao), Jun 1980; vice-gov., Sichuan PPG, Mar 1981Apr 1983; sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Sep 1981 - Feb 1983; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Sep 1989.

Tian Han


^ %

* 1917 Tangba, Xikang (now part of Sichuan)

* 1898 Changsha, Hunan deceased 1968, Dec 10 Bora under the name of Tian Shouchang into a rich peasant family. Studied at Changsha 1st Normal School and subsequently at Tokyo Higher Normal School; joined Creation Society founded by Guo Moruo, Zheng Fangwu and

Tian Huagui

Yu Dafu, 1920; returned from Japan and stayed in Shanghai to work as editor of Zhonghua Book Company, 1921; founded Nanguo Half-Monthly, 1922; founded Nanguo Movie and Drama Society, 1923; founded Nanguo Arts Inst., 1924; organized Nanguo Movie and Drama Society into drama troupe to tour cities, 1927; directed three films in 1927: Go to the People, The Sound of Broken Flute, Dream in Spring Beside a Lake·, joined League of Leftwing Writers, 1929; joined CCP, 1932; conducted Yihua Movie Co. in Shanghai, 1933; arrested by KMT Govt along with Yang Hansheng, Jan 1935; released from jail, 1936; during Sino-Japanese War, wrote numerous resistJapan dramas and assisted in united front work, 1937; head, 6th Div., 3rd Bureau, Polit. Dpt, Mil. Affairs Com of National Central Govt and engaged in propaganda work, 1938; went to Kunming, 1944; after victory over Japan returned to Shanghai, 1945; managing editor of News and Arts Month, 1946; worked for CCP, 1948; ehm, Chinese Dramatists Assn, Jul 1949 - death; mem., Stand. Comte, Fed of Literary and Art Circles (FLAC), Jul 1949; delegate of FLAC to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Cultural and Education Com, GAC, Oct 1949; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 -Dec 1954; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1949; dir., Arts Bureau, Min. of Culture, Oct 1949; dir., Bureau of Drama and Opera Improvement, Min. of Culture, Dec 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, Chinese Society of Folk Literature, Mar 1950; council mem., Chinese Writers Assn, Oct 1953; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jul 1958); published two articles to appeal for improving living conditions of actors, 1956; expressed sympathy for playwright Wu Zuguang, who was labeled a Rightist, 1957; mem., del. to celebrate October Rev, Moscow, Oct 1957; published his historial drama Guan Hanqing to hint at oppression of intelligentsia, 1958; dir., Drama Monthly, Sep 1958; council mem., China-Latin America Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; vice-chm, FLAC, Aug 1960 - death; council mem., China-Afro-Asian Society, Apr 1962; council mem., China-Japan Friendship Assn, Oct 1963; RMRB Feb 1, 1966, branded Tian's drama Xie Yaohuan, written in 1961, a "poisonous weed"; himself branded a capitalist roader and brought to death in prison, Dec 10, 1968; posthumously rehabilitated in 1979. Tian was married to Yi Shuyu.

Publications: Dramas: The Song of Spring Return, Marco Polo Bridge, The Song of the Beauty, The Will to Live, Tremble, Garbage Box, Unanimity, Patient's Room No. 5, Tumultous Toll, Seven Women in Strom, Comrade-in-arms, Moonlight Sonata, Mother of Abyssinia, The Night When a Tiger was Caught, Night Talks in Suzhou, The Tragedy on the Lake, The Death of a Well-known Actor, The Sound of an Ancient Pool, The Dancing of the Fire, The Death of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Carmen, The Legend of the White Snake, Violin and Rose, An Evening in a Coffee


House, Three Modern Females, Single Combat, Golden Times, Fishermen's Songs on River, Story of Heros and Heroines, Good-bye Hong Kong (written with Xia Yan and Hong Shen), Korean War, Princess Wenzheng of Tang Dynasty, Xie Yaohuan, Song of Thirteen-Mausleum Reservoir, The Petititon of Sun An. Film Scripts: The Glory of Maternity, Three Modern Ladies, Return to the Front, March of Triumph, The Survival of Nationalities, Go to the People, The Sound of a Broken Flute, Dream in Spring Besides a Lake, Children of Troubled Times. Operas: Test in Love, Story of a White Snake Fairy, Story of Golden Fishscales, Story of the WestChamber. Translations into Chinese: Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet; Oscar Wilde: Salome; several modem Japanese dramas.

Tian Huagui

Φ Ψ "fr

* Guangdong Bom into a poor peasant family. CCP sec., Huangshandong Production Brigade of Shiba People's Commune, Guangdong Prov., Apr 1968; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Guangdong Prov., Jul 1968 - 1975; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); vice-chm, Peasants' Assn, Guangdong Prov., Dec 1974; disappeared, Nov 1977.

Tian Junliang

® % ^

* Guizhou Dean of Studies, Guizhou College of Polit. Science and Law, Jul 1950; prof., Chinese Dpt, Guizhou Univ, Jul 1950; council mem., Guizhou PPG, Jul 1950; dpty dir., Dpt of Education and Culture, Guizhou PPG, Jul 1950; deputy for Guizhou to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd and 3rd, Nov 1958 and Oct 1964); mem., Guizhou PPC, Feb 1955; vice-chm, Guizhou Branch of CPPCC, Feb 1955; dir., Education Dpt, Guizhou PPC, 1958; vicechm, Guizhou Branch, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, May 1960; vice-gov., Guizhou PPG, Jan 1964 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Credentials Comte, 1st Session, 3rd NPC, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Guizhou PPC, Jan 1980; disappeared, Feb 1981.

Tian Min

® %

* 1927 Lulong County, Hebei


Service in finance bureaux of prefectures, 1949-66; sec., Liuzhou City CP, Nov 1980-1987; vice-chm, People's Congr, Guangxi AR, Jan 1988; disappeared, Jan 1990.

Tian Ping

Tie Ying

Tian Ying

S? &

37 *f

Council mem., Guangzhou MPG, Dec 1952 - Sep 1954; vice-chm, Preparatory Comte, All-China Fed of Handicraft Ind. Cooperatives (ACFHIC), Dec 1954; vice-chm, ACFHIC, Dec 1957; dpty dir., Central Bureau of Handicraft Ind., SC, Oct 1962 - Feb 1965; mem., Natl Comte, 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; vice-min. of Light Ind., SC, Mar 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Tian Shixing



Deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dpty cdr., Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Jan 1982 -Jun 1985; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Oct 1982.

Tian Weixin

Ή tfc

Polit, commissar of a div., 2nd Column, Central Plains Field Army, 1948; polit, commissar, 16th Army Corps, 2nd Field Army, 1952; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Shenyang Mil. Reg, Mar 1966; dpty dir., General Polit. Dpt, PLA General Staff, Dec 1969; mem., mil. del. to Ν Korea (head: Chen Xilian), Apr 1972; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; disappeared, Dec 1976.

Tian Weiyang

* 1924 Darning County, Hebei Dpty dir., Commercial Bureau, Hubei PPG, 1956-58; sec., Yichang City CP, 1959- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec., Yichang Prefecture CP, 1973-77; ehm, Construction Com, Hubei Rev Comte, Jan 1978 - Dec 1979; vice-chm, Hubei Rev Comte, Jan 1978 - Dec 1979; vicegov., Hubei PPG, Jan 1980 - Jan 1986; mem., Hubei del. to U.S.A., Jul 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, Hubei Prov. CP, Mar 1983; vice-chm, Hubei PPC, May 1986; deputy for Hubei to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.



Tian Zhong

Φ ff

* 1917 Shunyi, Beijing Municipality deceased 1984, Dec 7 Graduated from a senior secondary school; dpty dir., S Xinjiang Admin. Office under Xinjiang PPG, Sep 1954; sec-gen., Xinjiang PPG, May 1957; vice-chm, Xinjiang Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Feb 1961; vicechm, People's Govt, Xinjiang AR, Apr 1964 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Xinjiang AR to 3rd NPC, Nov 1964; dpty dir., Production Office under People's Govt on Xinjiang AR, Mar 1967; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Mar 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec-gen., Rev Comte of Xinjiang AR, Mar 1978; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Xinjiang AR, Aug 1978 - Aug 1979; vice-chm, People's Govt, Xinjiang AR, Sep 1979 - death; deputy for Xinjiang AR to 6th NPC, May 1983 - death.

Tie-mu-erh Da-wa-mai-t'i * 1906 Hubei deceased 1977 Joined Red Army and CCP, 1929; cdr., Independent Brigade, operating in Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Mil. Reg and Rehe (Jehol)-Liaoning Mil. Reg, 1946; cdr., Independent Div. under Rehe-Liaoning Mil. Reg, 1947; dpty cdr., 11th Column under NE Field Army, 1948; cdr., 48th Army, 4th Field Army, Feb 1949; dpty cdr., Hunan Mil. Distr, 1951; concurrently head, Construction Dpt under Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte and also cdr., HQ for the Engineering Project to Divert Flooding from Jingjiang River, 1952; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; cdr., Guizhou Mil. Distr, Aug 1958; mem., Guizhou PPC, Sep 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Guizhou Prov. CP, Feb 1965; dpty cdr., Kunming Mil. Reg, Aug 1965; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Yunnan Prov., Feb 1973; disappeared, May 1975.

See Timur Dawamat

Tie Ying

* 1916 Jiangxi

Timur Dawamat

Once served in New 4th Army; polit, commissar of a div., E China Field Army, 1948; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, 9th Army, 3rd Field Army, 1949; sec., Zhoushan County CP, Zhejiang Prov., 1965; sec., Zhejiang Prov. CP, Jun 1972-1977; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Zhejiang Prov., Sep 1972-1977; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 - Aug 1977; ehm, Rev Comte, Zhejiang Prov., Mar 1977 - Dec 1979; 1st sec., Zhejiang Prov. CP, Mar 1977 Apr 1983; 1st polit, commissar, Zhejiang Mil. Distr, Mar 1977 - Apr 1983; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985); 1st sec., CCP Comte, Zhejiang Mil. Distr, Nov 1977 - Apr 1983; deputy for Zhejiang to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); head, Party workers del. to Romania and Yugoslavia, Oct 1978; ehm, Zhejiang PPC, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; article in RMRB Apr 21, 1980, "Deal correctly with different opinions and perfect democratic centralism"; article in RMRB Nov 17, 1982, "Use the greatest enthusiasm to strengthen education among Party members"; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; ehm, Advisory Com, Zhejiang Pprov. CP, Dec 1983 - Dec 1988; resigned as mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; disappeared, Jan 1991. Tie was married to Su Peilan.

Timur Dawamat i ¿ & ék T. belonged to the Uighur minority. 1st sec., CCP Comte, Toksun County, Xinjiang AR, Jun 1960; vice-chm, People's Council, Xinjiang AR, Apr 1964 -Cult. Rev.; deputy for Xinjiang AR to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; mem., Nationalities Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; dpty dir., Production Office, People's Govt of Xinjiang AR, Mar 1967; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of Xinjiang AR, Sep 1968; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Sep 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Xinjiang AR to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.

Ting M a o S * 1913 Liaoning Ting belonged to the Mongolian minority. Joined CCP, 1936; battalion polit, instructor and then polit, commissar of a regiment, 1936-38; trained at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit Academy, Yan'an, 1939; battalion polit, instructor, Daqingshan Column, Shanxi-Suiyuan Mil. Distr, 1943; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Inner Mongolia Mil. Distr, 1947; dir., Polit. Dpt, Inner Mongolia Mil. reg, Oct 1952; dpty polit, commissar, Inner Mongolia Mil. Reg, Aug 1955 Cult. Rev.; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Apr 1979; 2nd polit, commissar, Inner Mongolia Mil. Distr, Jun 1979-1981; 2nd sec., CCP Comte, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), Jul 1979 - Mar 1983; ehm, IMAR People's Congr, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; deputy for IMAR to 5th NPC, by-elected Aug 1980; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Presidium,


12th CCP Congr, Nov 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; disappeared, Jul 1989.

T o n g Dizhou




* 1901 Shandong deceased 1979, Mar 30 Received Dr.Sc. from Univ of Brussels, 1934; mem., Preparatory Comte, Natural Science Workers Conf., 1949; dpty dir., Inst, of Experimental Biology, CAS, May 1950; dean, School of Sciences, Shandong Univ, May 1951; vice-pres., Shandong Univ, Oct 1951 - Jul 1957; council mem., Society for the Study of Oceans, Seas, Lakes and Swamps, Jan 1954; dpty dir., Inst, of Marine Studies, Jan 1954; vice-chm, Shandong Prov. Branch, CDL, Jun 1954; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd: Nov 1958; 3rd: Sep 1964 ; 4th: Jan 1975); mem., Shandong PPC, Mar 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, Shandong Branch of CPPCC, Mar 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, Dpt of Biology and Geology, CAS, Jun 1955; mem., Awards Comte, CAS, Oct 1955; mem., Central Comte, CDL, Feb 1956; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Mar 1956; dpty dir., Dpt of Biology and Geology, CAS, Jun 1956; sec., Comte for Studies of Fisheries in Western Pacific, Jun 1956; article in Guangming RB, "Some Opinions On Problems Concerning Our Scientific System", Jun 1957; attended Conf. on Study of Fisheries in Western Pacific, Moscow, Aug 1957; his article in Guangming RB regarded as proposing a reactionary program; admitted mistakes, Oct 1957; dir., Dpt of Biology, CAS, Jan 19581967; mem., Natl Comte, China Scientific and Technological Assn, Sep 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Comte of CDL, Dec 1958-1968; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965 (reelected to 4th: Jan 1975; 5th: Jun 1978); Tong survived the Cult. Rev. unharmed; head, biologists' del. to Japan, Nov 1973; mem., Presidium, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; mem., CAS del. to Australia, Jun 1977; mem., Presidium, 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Presidium, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 - death; vice-pres., CAS, Mar 1978- death; vice-pres., 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - death; dir., Inst, of Zoology, CAS, Jul 1978 - death; joined CCP, Jan 1979. Tong was married to Ye Fufen.

Tong Guogui " è SI "ff * Hubei Cdr. of a battalion, 769th Regiment, 385th Brigade, 129th


Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; later engaged in guerilla warfare in Taihang Mountains area; cdr. of a regiment, 2nd Mil. Subdistr, Taihang Mil. Distr, 1945; dpty cdr., of an independent brigade, 1947; cdr., 9th Brigade, 3rd Column, Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Mil. Distr, 1948; cdr., 33rd Div., 11th Army, 2nd Field Army, 1949; led his troops to Korean War, 1951; cos, 26th Army, May 1954; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., 26th Army, 1958; cdr., 26th Army, 1961; cdr., Shandong Mil. Distr, Jul 1964-1975; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of Shandong Prov., Feb 1967; cdr., Hunan Mil. Distr, Dec 1975Dec 1979; sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Nov 1976-1978; vicechm, Rev Comte of Hunan Prov., Nov 1977 - Dec 1979; disappeared, Sep 1981.

Tu Changwang

1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1972; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1973 - May 1982; mem., Presidium, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); vice-chm, Com for Collecting Party Historical Data, CCP Central Comte, May 1982; disappeared, Sep 1984.

Tseren Lam (f)



Tong Shaosheng * 1904 Chongqing, Sichuan deceased 1983 After leaving school engaged in shipping business, 1926; manager, Minsheng Industrial Co., Chongqing, 1949; council mem., Chongqing MPG, Oct 1951 - Jun 1954; mem., Presidium, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Oct 1953; mem., Executive Comte, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Nov 1953; deputy for Sichuan to 1st Ν PC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jul 1958, and to 3rd, Oct 1964); asst gen-mgr, Minsheng Steamship Co., Sep 1954; mem., Central Comte, CDNCA, Dec 1955 - Cult. Rev.; vice-gov., Sichuan PPG, 1957 -Cult. Rev.; dir., Communications Dpt, Sichuan PPC, Jan 1964 - Cult. Rev.; branded a revisionist and purged, May 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); deputy for Sichuan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, CDNCA, Jan 1979; vice-chm, Sichuan Branch, CPPCC, Jan 1979; mem., Comte to examine proposals, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; dir., Board of Directors, China Intl Trust and Investment Corp., Oct 1979; vice-chm, Central Comte, CDNCA, Oct 1979 -death; vice-chm, Sichuan, PPC, Dec 1979 - death; ehm, Board of the Changjiang (Yangtse) Enterprize Co., Jun 1980; mem., Motions Examinations Comte, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, 1980; mem., Motions Examinations Comte, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982.

Tong Xiaopeng


Studied at Chinese Worker-Peasant Red Army College, Jun 1936; sec-gen., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1956; supervisor of ballots, CCP 8th Natl Congr, Sep 1956; deputy for Sichuan to 2nd NPC, Jul 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); dir., Premier's Office, SC, Apr 1958 - Cult. Rev.; dpty sec-gen., SC, Sep 1959- Cult. Rev.; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Burma, Dec 1960 - Jan 1961; accompanied Zhou Enlai to United Arab Republic, Algeria, Morocco, Albania, Tunisia, Ghana, Mali, Guinea, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Dec 1963 - Jan 1964; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Pakistan, Burma, Indonesia, Ceylon, Feb 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Aug

* 1927 Tibet Tseren Lam belonged to the Tibetan minority. In her youth she served as a slave. Later she worked as an agricultural worker; mem., People's Congr, Tibet AR, Sep 1965; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Tibet AR, Jan 1969; sec., CCP Comte, Kyidpa People's Commune, Feb 1969; ehm, Kyidpa People's Commune, Feb 1971; deputy for Tibet AR to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, People's Congr of Tibet AR, Aug 1979; head, Tibet goodwill del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1982; disappeared, Oct 1982.

Tu Changwang


* 1906 Hubei deceased 1962, Jun During student days in England, participated in revolutionary activities, 1934; during Sino-Japanese War, engaged in democratic movements in China; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954); council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949; dpty sec-gen., Natl Comte, Fed of Natural Science Workers, Aug 1950; dir., Central Bureau of Meteorology, GAC, 1950; mem., Central Comte, Jiusan Society, Dec 1950; dpty dir., China Meteorology Inst., Apr 1951-1959; sec-gen., Jiusan Society, Sep 1952; delegate to Congr of World Fed of Scientific Workers (WFSW), Budapest, 1953; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; deputy for Hubei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1958); mem., Credentials Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959); dir., Central Bureau of Meteorology, SC, Oct 1954 - death; mem., Dpt of Biology and Earth Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955; hon. sec., WFSW, Aug 1955; delegate to Intl Conf. on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, Aug 1955; sec-gen., Central Comte, Jiusan Society, Feb 1956 - Dec 1958; delegate to West Pacific Region Liaison Conf. for Intl Earth Survey Year, Tokyo, Feb 1957; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, May-Nov 1957; sec.,


Tu Guangchi

China Fed of Science and Technology, Sep 1958; vieechm, Jiusan Society, Dec 1958; died in Beijing after long illness.

Tu Guangchi




* 1920 Huangpi County, Hubei Graduated from Geology Dpt, SW Associated Univ, 1944; obtained Ph.D. from Minnesota Univ, U.S.A., 1949; deputy for Guizhou to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); pres., China Society of Mineral-Rocks Geochemistry, Jan 1980; mem., Academic Degrees Comte, CAS, Feb 1981; dir., Dpt of Earth Sciences, CAS, May 1981-1990; dir., Guiyang Inst, of Geochemistry, CAS, Dec 1985; vice-chm, Guizhou PPC, May 1987; mem., Natl Academic Degrees Comte, Oct 1988; disappeared, Dec 1990. Remarks: Tu put forward ten characteristics concerning the formation of iron ore in China.


% Ü


* 1906 Tumd Banner, Suiyuan deceased 1988, Dec 8 Bom into a family of Mongol feudal aristocrats. Received a Chinese education; studied together with his brother Yun Ren at the Mongolian-Tibetan School in Beijing, 1922-24; joined CYL, 1924; took part in 1st Congr of People's Revolutionary Council of Inner Mongolia, Zhangjiakou (Kalgan), 1925; studied Marxism-Leninism and technical subjects at Far East Univ, Moscow, winter 1925-1930; returned to China and started to teach at an elementary school, 1930; underground work for the CCP in Suiyuan, 1931; personal secretary to Fu Zuoyi (q.v.), 1931; section chief, Polit. Dpt of Fu's 3rd Cavalry Regiment, 1931; worked with the anti-Japanese Mongol resistance, 1933; fought against Japanese at Bailingmiao, 1935; made polit, commissar, Suiyuan Mongolian Peace Preservation Corps, 1937; cdr. of a brigade, Mongolian Independence Banner,

stationed at Yimeng, 1937-39; went to Yan'an and made dir., Education Dpt, Nationalities Inst., 1940; ehm, Nationalities Affairs Comte, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt, 1941; recruited and trained Mongolian cadres for the CCP, 1942^43; organized a Communist base in the Ju (Ikechao) League, Suiyuan Prov., 1944; alt. mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Jun 1945; after the Japanese capitulation, Aug 1945; sent to Chahar Prov. to persuade the eastern Mongolia Autonomous Govt to join the Communists; ehm, Joint Comte for Mongolian Autonomy, Feb 1946; ehm, People's Govt of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), May 1947 - Cult. Rev.; cdr. and polit, commissar, Inner Mongolian Self-Defense Army, May 1947; sec., Inner Mongolia Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, 1948; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949- Dec 1954; mem., Central People's Govt Council (CPGC), Oct 1949-1954; vice-chm, Minorities Affairs Com and mem., Polit, and Legal Affairs Comte, CPGC, Oct 1949-1954; mem., Executive Board, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949; cdr. and polit, commissar, Inner Mongolia Mil. Reg, Dec 1949 - Cult. Rev.; leading sec., CCP of IMAR, 1949 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm of newly established Suiyuan Mil. and Admin. Comte, 1950-52; ehm, Suiyuan Prov. Govt, Feb 1952; dpty for IMAR to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd: Mar 1959; 3rd: Sep 1964); vice-premier, SC, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; ehm, Nationalities Affairs Com, SC, Sep 1954 - Cult.Rev.; vice-chm, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Sep 1954; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; 1st sec., CCP of IMAR, 1955; appointed col-gen. and awarded the order "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; head, del. to crowning ceremonies of King Mahendra of Nepal, Apr 1956; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; alt. mem., Politburo of 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; pres., Univ of IMAR in Hohhot, Jun 1957; mem., del. to USSR, Oct 1957; visited PR Mongolia, Aug 1959; head, CCP guest del. to 16th Congr of CP of France, May 1961; ehm, IMAR Branch of CPPCC, May 1961; head, CCP and Govt del. to PR Mongolia, Jun 1961; head, CCP and Govt del. to German Democratic Republic, Oct 1964; 2nd sec., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1965; branded a "ruler in an independent kingdom" at the height of the Cult. Rev. and dismissed from all offices, Jun 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977 and to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985); deputy for IMAR to 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th: Feb 1978; 6th: May 1983; 7th: Mar 1988); vice-chm, Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978); dpty head, del. to 30th founding anniversary of Democratic Republic of Vietnam, Aug 1975; head, NPC del. to Iran and Kuwait, Nov 1976; dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1977 - Apr 1982; mem., Politburo of 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985); head, NPC del. to Australia and New Zealand, Sep 1977; vice-pres., 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; head, friendship del. to Sudan and Turkey, Nov 1978; sec-gen., 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun


1979; head, CCP del. to Romania, Nov 1979; article in HQ 80/5, "Reread premier Zhou Enlai's speech at the Qingdao forum on nationality work - commemorating the 82nd anniversary of the birth of premier Zhou", May 1980; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; article in RMRB, Jul 14, "The glorious course of regional autonomy of minority nationalities", Jul 1981; executive ehm, 1st Session, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; vice-pres. of the PR China, Jun 1983 - Apr 1988; resigned from his posts as member of the Central Comte and mem. of the Politburo, Sep 1985; mem., Presidium and executive ehm, 1st Session, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; vice-chm, Stand. Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1988 - death. Ulanhu was married to Yun Liwen.

Wan Da


Wan Lilang

Joined CCP, 1937; service in Communist guerilla units in Hubei Prov., 1938-39; staff officer, S Jiangsu HQ, New 4th Army, 1940^1; rose from battalion to regiment cdr. in Jiangsu Mil. Distr and E China Field Army, 1941-50; dpty cdr. of a div., Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951-54; cdr. of a PLA div., 1954-58; graduation from Basic Dpt, PLA Mil. Academy, 1959; served successively as dpty cdr. and cdr. of a PLA army, 1964-72; dpty cdr., Beijing Mil. Reg, Sep 1972-1974; mem., PLA study group to Albania, Sep 1972; head, PLA del. to Zanzibar, Jan 1974; dpty polit, commissar, Beijing Mil. Reg, Feb 1975 - Oct 1982; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; polit, commissar, Chengdu Mil. Reg, Nov 1982 - May 1990; head, mil. del. to Romania, Aug 1984; sec., CCP Comte, Chengdu Mil. Reg, Sep 1984; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; appointed full general, Sep 1988; disappeared, Jan 1990.

Wan Jianzhong

* 1918 Lin County, Henan Joined CCP, 1937; dpty sec., Yiyang Distr CP, Hunan Prov., Mar 1952; dir., Rural Work Dpt, Hunan Prov. CP, May 1957; sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Dec 1965; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte, Hunan Prov., Jan 1970; vicechm, Rev Comte, Hunan Prov., May 1970- Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Hunan Prov. CP, Dec 1970; sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Aug 1973 - Mar 1979; vice-chm, Peasants' Fed, Hunan Prov., Dec 1973; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 Nov 1987); 2nd sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Apr 1979 - Feb 1983; ehm, Hunan PPC, Dec 1979 - May 1983; deputy for Hunan to 5th NPC, by-elected, Aug 1980; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, Hunan Prov. CP, Feb 1983 - Jun 1985; ehm, Advisory Com, Hunan Prov. CP, Jun 1985; disappeared, Aug 1989.

Wan Haifeng

Jj &

* 1920 Guangshan County, Henan


7j ì ^


* 1917 Daye County, Hubei deceased 1991, June Graduated from NW Agricultural College, 1945; studied in the U.S.A., where he obtained a Ph.D., 1945-50; prof, at NW Agricultural College, 1950-56; deputy for Shaanxi to 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first reappearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., NW Agricultural College, Feb 1981-1988; vice-chm, Shaanxi PPC, May 1988 - death.

W a n Lilang



Worker of Hongdu Mechanical Plant, Jiangxi Prov., 1966; organized Jinggangshan Corps to struggle against anti-Maoists in the plant, Jan 1967; responsible person, Preparatory Comte, Jiangxi Proletarian Rebels Great Alliance, Oct 1967; dir., Jiangxi Comte on Great Alliance of Proletarian Revolutionaries, Dec 1967; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Jiangxi Prov., Jan 1968-1978; deputy for Jiangxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; disappeared, Oct 1978; named a ringleader of the "Gang of Four", Aug 1980; sentenced to 14 years of imprisonment, Jan 1983.


Wan Runnan

Wan Runnan



* 1946 Graduation from Qinghua Univ, 1971; worked as a railwayman and as a middle school teacher, 1971-75; transferred to Computer Center, CAS, 1976; left his academic job, 1984, to establish Stone Group Corp. with 20,000 yuan (5,400 US$) on Zhongguancun, the "electronic street" in NW Beijing's Haidian Distr, the nucleus of a computer empire; Wan's Stone Group owned fixed assets of 30 million yuan and took 300 million yuan (22 percent of China's total computer sales) deriving mostly from the MS-2401 Chinese English typewriter, which was compatible with the IBM personel computer with a speed of 200 words per minute, 1987; the Stone Group served as channel for overseas support for Beijing's student movement, May 1989; Wan succeeded in leaving PR China, Jun 1989; Wan's publications were put on the blacklist issued by State Press and Publications Admin., Jul 1989; together with Yan Jiaqi and Wuer Kaixi in Chicago at the "1st Congr. of Chinese Students and Scholars in U.S.A.", Jul 28, 1989; expelled from CCP and from his position in the Stone Group, Aug 1989; sec-gen., "Fed for Democracy in China", an opposition group in exile with Yan Jiaqi as ehm, Paris, Sep 1989; visited Taiwan, Jan 1990; attended a polit, seminar in Taiwan, Oct 1991.

Wan Xiaotang



* 1916 Qihe County, Shandong deceased 1966, Sep 19 Joined CCP, 1937; served successively as polit, instructor of a battalion, dpty dir. of the polit, dpt of a regiment and dir. of Public Security, Hebei-Shandong-Henan Admin. Office, 1938-49; dpty dir., Public Security Bureau, Tianjin MPG, Mar 1950 - Jun 1952; dir., Public Security Bureau, Tianjin MPG, Jun 1952; procurator, Tianjin People's Procuracy, Jun 1952; dir., Polit, and Legal Comte, Tianjin MPG, Dec 1952; dir., Social Affairs Dpt, Tianjin CP, 1953; vice-mayor, Tianjin MPG, Jan 1955 - Apr 1958; 1st sec., Tianjin CCP, Jun 1958 - death; sec., Hebei Prov. CP, Oct 1958 -death; deputy for Hebei to 2nd NPC, Oct 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); polit, commissar, Militia Group, Tianjin PPC, Jun 1960; branded a capitalist roader and committed suicide.

Wan Yi

7T 4 i

* 1907 Jin County, Liaoning Wan belonged to the Manchu minority. Graduated from NE Mil. Academy; cdr., 333rd Regiment, 111th Div., NE Army (cdr.: Zhang Xueliang), 1932; cdr. of a brigade in KMT 111th Div., National Army, 1937; operated against Japanese along Jiangsu-Shandong Border Reg, 1937; joined CCP secretly, 1938; went over to the Communists with 1,500 troops in S Shandong, Aug 1939; dpty cdr. of a Communist division, 1939; dir., CCP Jiangsu-Anhui Admin. Bureau, early 1945; alt. mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Apr 1945 (reelected to 8th CC, Sep 1956); cdr., Artillery HQ of Red Army, 1945; ordered to proceed to Liaoning from Shandong and Hebei, Aug 1945; 4th dpty cdr.-in-chief, NE Democratic Allied Army and concurrently cdr., 1st Column, Jilin-Liaoning Mil. Distr, 1946; mem., NE Admin. Comte, 1948; cdr., 1st Column, NE Field Army, 1948; entered Ν China with Lin Biao, fall of 1948; cdr., Special Task Corps, 4th Field Army, Apr 1949; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950 - Jul 1951: dpty cdr., PLA Artillery, Jun 1950 - Aug 1952; vice-min., 2nd Min. of Machine Building, Aug 1952 - Nov 1954; cdr., PLA Paratroopers, 1952; deputy for Shenyang to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 - Mar 1959; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; adviser to Chinese observers del. to Congr of European States for Defense of Peace and Security in Europe (Warsaw Pact), Warsaw, May 1955; made ltn-gen. and awarded orders of "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Jun 1957 Nov 1958; dir., Dpt of Mil. Equipment, PLA General Polit. Dpt, May 1958; vice-chm, China Scientific and Technological Assn, Sep 1958 - Cult. Rev.; branded as a follower of Peng Dehuai and purged, Nov 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1977; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; mem., Presidium, CCP 12th Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; adviser, PLA General Logistics Dpt, Oct 1982; disappeared, Dec 1983.


W a n g Ao



* 1920 Lin County, Shanxi Served as CCP cadre in Lin and Jingle counties, 1940-49; service in Org. Dpt, SW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1951-60; dpty dir. of this bureau, 1961 -Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Discipline Inspection Com, Sichuan Prov. CP, Feb 1979-1985; deputy for Sichuan to 6th Ν PC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1983); vice-chm, Sichuan PPC, May 1985 - Feb 1993; deputy for Sichuan to 8th NPC, Mar 1993.

WangBaidan J L £} -E. * Heilongjiang? Mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; greeted an artist troupe from Albania in Harbin, capital of Heilongjiang Province, Dec 1969; disappeared, Dec 1969.

W a n g Baide -Ï- I f i f · * Heilongjiang? Vice-chm, Heilongjiang Prov. Branch, All-China Fed of TU, Jul 1973; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; disappeared, Sep 1976.

Wang Baoren -Ï* 1906 Received Ph.D. from London Univ, 1935; dpty dir., Inst, of Organic Chemistry, CAS, Aug 1951; dpty dir., Dpt of Oligomers Chemistry and Physics, Univ of Science and Technology, Jul 1957; dpty dir., Inst, of Chemistry, CAS, Apr 1964; deputy for Shandong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1978; dpty dir., Inst, of Chemistry, CAS, May 1980; chief engineer, Coal Chemistry Inst., CAS, May 1981; mem., Dpt of Chemistry, CAS, Jun 1985; disappeared, Jun 1985. Publications: Oligomers of the Polysiloxane Series, in Chinese Science No. 5, 1964; Oligomers - An Epoch-making New Material, in New Construction Nos. 10-11, 1964; Oligomers and Technical Development, in Chinese Science Bulletin No. 9, 1965.

Wang Bicheng

W a n g Baosen - i ^ A * 1935, Beijing deceased 1995, Apr 4 Joined CCP, 1955; graduated from Xuanwu Red Banner Spare-Time Univ, Beijing, 1963, majoring in polit, economy; served as section mem., dpty div. chief, div. chief, dpty dir. and dir., Beijing Municipal Bureau of Finance, 1955-88; asst to mayor of Beijing, 1988-91; vice-mayor of Beijing, 1991 (reelected Feb 1993); mem., Stand. Comte, Beijing CP, Dec 1992; committed suicide ahead of facing an investigation into economic irregularities.

W a n g Bicheng


* 1912 Macheng County, Hubei deceased 1989, Mar 13 Bom into a family of poor peasants. Joined Red Army, 1929; joined CCP, 1930; cdr. of a battalion, New 4th Army, 1938; cdr., 2nd Brigade, 1st Div., New 4th Army, 1941-45; cdr., 6th Div., New 4th Army, 1945-47; cdr., 6th Column, East China PLA, 1947^8; cdr., 24th Corps, 7th Army Corps, 3rd Field Army, 1949; dpty cdr., Zhejiang Mil. Distr, 1949-51; mem., Zhejiang PPG, 1951; cdr., Zhejiang Mil. Distr, 1951; dpty cdr., 9th Army Group, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, Aug 1952; cdr., 9th Army Group, Feb 1953-1955; deputy for PLA to the 1st NPC, Aug 1954; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; cdr., Shanghai Garrison, Dec 1955-1961; mem., Shanghai MPC, Jan 1957-1961; dpty cdr., Nanjing Mil. Reg, Sep 1961-1967; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; 1st dpty cdr., Kunming Mil. Reg, May 1970 - Nov 1972; 2nd sec., Yunnan Prov. CP, Jun 1971-1975; 1st vice-chm, Rev Comte of Yunnan Prov., Nov 1972-1975; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); sec., Yunnan Prov. CP, Jan 1976-1978; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Yunnan Prov., Jan 1976 - Dec 1978; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; cdr., Wuhan Mil. Reg, Jan 1979 - Jan 1980; dpty commandant, PLA Academy of Mil. Science, Jan 1980-1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 Sep 1985. Wang was married to Chen Ying.

Wang Bingjun

Wang Bingjun






* 1919 Anlong County, Guizhou Wang belonged to the Buyi minority. Magistrate, Anlong County, 1955-58; sec., CCP Comte, S Guizhou Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, 1958-64; dpty dir., Education Bureau, Guizhou PPG, Feb 1978; vice-gov., Guizhou PPG, Dec 1981; vice-chm, Guizhou PPC, Feb 1983; deputy for Guizhou to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988; to 8th, Mar 1993); mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1988 - Mar 1993.

Wang Bingnan

* 1908 Sanyuan County, Shaanxi deceased 1988, Dec 22 Bom into the family of a wealthy landlord. As young man served as sec. to Shaanxi Warlord Yang Hucheng; sent to Germany by Yang to study; joined CCP in Berlin, 1931; married Anna von Kleist, 1935; returned to China, 1936, and worked under Yang Hucheng; one of the planners of the "Xi'an Incident", in which Chiang Kai-shek was arrested, Dec 1936; subsequently went to Yan'an to serve in the Communist Headquarters; during Sino-Japanese War, in charge of liaison work during time of CCP-KMT alliance, Chongqing, 1938-45 (for some time Zhou Enlai's personal sec.); sec., CCP del. to CCP-KMT peace talks, Nanjing 1946; dpty dir., Foreign Affairs Section, CCP Central Comte, 1946-Nov 1949; dir., General Office, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Oct 1949 - Jan 1955; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 - Dec 1954; dir., USSR and Eastern Europe Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Nov 1949 - Oct 1954; sec-gen. of Chinese del. led by Zhou Enlai to Indochina Conf., Geneva, Apr 1954; asst min., Min. of Foreign Affairs, Oct 1954 - Mar 1955; ambassador to Poland, Jan 1955 - Apr 1964 (from Aug 1955 to Apr 1964, Wang conducted 120 ambassadorial talks in this capacity with the U.S. ambassador in Warsaw, at the time the only official channel of communication between Beijing and Washington); deputy for Liaoning to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958; mem., del. to enlarge Laos


Conf., Geneva, May-Jul 1961; vice-min. of Foreign Affairs, Apr 1964 -Cult. Rev.; deputy for Shaanxi to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; during Cult. Rev. accused of "collaboration with foreign countries" and branded a traitor, Feb 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: ehm, Assn for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Aug 1975 - Feb 1986; head, friendship del. to Japan, Mar 1976; head, friendship del. to Iran, Somalia, Iraq, Sep 1977; head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1977; head, friendship del. to Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; head, friendship del. to Romania, Apr 1978; head, friendship del. to Thailand and Philippines, Mar 1979; head, friendship del. to Federal Republic of Germany, Austria, Italy, May-Jul 1979; head, friendship del. to U.S.A. and Canada, Aug 1979; hon. pres., China Society for the Study of German Histroy, Aug 1980; head, friendship del. to Japan, Oct 1980; head, friendship del. to Luxembourg, Great Britain, Ireland, Netherlands, Nov 1980; head, friendship del. to attend 25th anniversary of Japan-China Cultural Exchange Assn, Mar 1981; visited New Zealand, Western Samoa and Australia, May 1981; head, friendship del. to Spain and Portugal, Jun 1981; head, friendship del. to Colombia and Ecuador,Oct 1981; head, friendship del. to Pakistan and Bangladesh, Feb 1982; vice-chm, Chinese Comte, Council of Chinese and Japanese Non-governmental Personages, Sep 1982 - death; head, friendship del. to U.S.A., Sep 1982; head, friendship del. to Japan, Oct 1982; chief representative of PRC to Internati Conf. in Support of the Struggle for the Namibian People for Independence and the Workshop for Non-governmental Organizations Concerned with the Question of Namibia, held in Paris, Apr 1983; deputy for Hubei to 6th NPC, Jun 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC and mem. of its Foreign Affairs Comte, Jun 1983; head, friendship del. to Poland, German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, USSR, Apr-May 1984; head, friendship del. to Netherlands, Federal Republic of Germany, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Oct-Nov 1984; ehm, Chinese Organizing Comte for the Internati Peace Year (in 1986), May 1985; adviser, Assn for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Feb 1986 - death; hon. mem., Federal German - China Friendship Assn, Jan 1987. Wang's second wife was Yao Shuxian.

Wang Bingshi


Dpty dir., Economic Com, Jiangsu PPG, Mar 1964; vicechm, Rev Comte, Jiangsu Prov., Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Jiangsu Prov. CP, Dec 1977 -Apr 1983; ehm, Staff and Workers' Education Admin. Comte, Jiangsu PPG, Feb 1982; 1st sec., Nanjing Municipality CP, Dec 1982 - May 1983; deputy for Jiangsu to 6th NPC, May 1983; vice-chm, Jiangsu PPC, Jun 1984; ehm, Financial and Economic Comte, Jiangsu PPC, Aug 1984; disappeared, Jul 1987.


Wang Bingxiang

Stalin's funeral, Mar 1953; subsequently mem., mil. del. to Bulgaria and Hungary; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; dpty cdr., PLA Air Force, Dec 1954-1965; made ltn-gen. and awarded "Order of Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., mil. del. to Yugoslavia and Bulgaria, Oct-Nov 1956; deputy of PLA to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; min., 7th Min. of Machine Building, Jan 1965Cult. Rev.; repeatedly attacked by Red Guard bulletins, 1966-68; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; disappeared, May 1971.

* 1916 Ning County, Gansu Sec., Ning County CP, 1947; CCP cadre, Guanzhong and Longdong Prefectures, 1948-49; dir., Personnel Dpt, Gansu PPG, Aug 1952; vice-gov., Gansu PPG, Dec 1959Cult. Rev.; sec., Gansu Prov. CP, Jan 1960 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Gansu to 2nd NPC, by-elected Mar 1960; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-gov., Gansu PPG, Dec 1979 May 1983; sec., Gansu Prov. CP, Aug 1981 - Mar 1983; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; ehm, Gansu Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Oct 1985; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; mem., Economic Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Nov 1988.

Wang Bingyun

Wang Caoü

Ì #


* 1917 deceased 1984, May 11 Dir., Rural Work Dpt, Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Aug 1960; vice-gov., Heilongjiang PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; vicechm, Heilongjiang PPC, Apr 1983 - death.

Wang Chaozhu




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Wang belonged to the Buyi minority. Mem., State Nationalities Affairs Com, May 1979-1983; vice-gov., Guizhou PPG, Jan 1980 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Guizhou PPC, Apr 1983 - Jan 1988; deputy for Guizhou to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., Nationalities Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Apr 1988.

Wang Bingzhang

Wang Chongji


* 1918 Changqing County, Shandong Worker since a child; joined CCP, 1959; as one of the responsible engineers he contributed to the construction of the Yangtse Bridge in Nanjing, completed in 1968; mem., Presidium, CCP 9th Natl Congr, Apr 1969; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973; to 11th CC, Aug 1977); vice-chm, Rev Comte of Jiangsu Prov., Aug 1970; ehm, TU of Jiangsu Prov., Jim 1973; head, workers' del. to Romania, Jun 1974; disappeared, Jan 1982.

Wang Chongji

* 1914 Anyang County, Henan Received secondary education in Anyang; enroled in a radio technical school, Kaifeng, 1929; joined Feng Youxiang's div., 1930; defected to the Communists with 26th Route Army of National Govt Forces, winter 1931; served in 2nd Div., 1st Red Front Army, 1932; cdr., 4th Training Brigade, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; attended Red Army Univ, Moscow, 1938; cdr., Hebei-ShandongHenan Mil. Reg, 1947; cdr., 11th Column, Central China Field Army, 1948; dpty cos, PLA Air Force, 1950-52; cos, PLA Air Force, Aug 1952 -Dec 1954; mem., del. to


% ;jL

* 1928 Yancheng County, Jiangsu Graduation from Shanghai Univ, 1948; service in E China Bureau of Textile Ind., 1949-55; service in Bureau of Textile Ind., Shanghai MPG, 1960- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: manager, Shanghai Cotton Textile Co., 1976-79; dpty


Wang Chonglun

dir., Bureau of Textile Ind., Shanghai MPG, 1979-81; dpty dir., Planning Com, Shanghai MPG, 1981-87; vicechm, Shanghai MPC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Jun 1989.

Chong), Oct 1980; pres., Beijing Food Ind. Assn, Oct 1981; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Beijing CP, Nov 1982; disappeared, Mar 1983.

Wang Chonglun

Wang Congwu

iL % fà

* 1927 Worker of Anshan Iron and Steel Co., responsible for eight innovations in the manufacture of cutting tools and made nati model worker, 1950s; deputy for Liaoning to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jan 1973; worker-engineer and mem. of friendship del. to Japan, Apr 1973; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Jan 1978; deputy for Liaoning to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., NPC del. to Venezuela, Mexico, Canada (head: Ji Pengfei), Jun 1978; chief mechanical engineer of Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Jul 1978; vice-chm, All-China Fed of TU, Oct 1978 (confirmed Oct 1983); dir., Production Dpt, All-China Fed of TU, Apr 1979; mem., Budget Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; mem., Natl Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; head, TU del. to Federal Republic of Germany, Sep 1981; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982; ehm, Natl Comte for Workers Technical Corp., Dec 1982; mem., State Economic Examination Comte, Oct 1983; mem., 10th Executive Comte and sec., All-China Fed of TU, Oct 1983; dpty head, State Council's Leading Group for General Survey in China's Ind., Feb 1984; vice-chm, Natl Comte for Safety in Production, Jan 1985; head, del. to 13th Intl Exhibition of Inventions and New Techniques, Geneva, Apr 1985; disappeared, Jul 1985.

Wang Chun



Chm, Beijing Branch, Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives (FSMC), 1950; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Beijing MPG, Dec 1950; council mem., FSMC, Aug 1952 - Nov 1953; chm, Planning Comte, Beijing MPC, Jul 1957; vice-mayor of Beijing, Jul 1960 - Cult. Rev.; head, urban construction del. to Pyongyang, Nov 1963; mem., CCP Comte, Beijing Municipality, Jun 1964-Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Apr 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte of Beijing, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; sec., Beijing CP, Mar 1979 - Nov 1982; vice-mayor of Beijing, Dec 1979 Mar 1983; mem., CCP del. to Yugoslavia (head: Peng

* 1905 Henan As a child went begging with mother; joined CCP, 1927; subsequently Communist underground work in home prov.; studied at Moscow Sun Yat-sen Univ, 1930-34; served successively as polit, commissar of a di v., an army corps and an army and in addition temporarely as dir., Org. Dpt, Central Plains Bureau, CCP Central Comte and as sec., Hebei-Shandong-Henan Border Reg Govt, 193744; alt. mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Apr 1945 - Sep 1956; dir., Rural Work Dpt, Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1950-1951; dir., Org. Dpt, Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1 9 5 2 - Sep 1953; mem., Ν China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jan 1952 - Jan 1953; 1st dpty sec., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1953-1956; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959; to 4th, Jan 1965); mem., CCP del. to 2nd Congr, Ν Korean Workers' Party, Apr 1956; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - Cult. Rev.; dpty sec., Central Control Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1956 - Cult. Rev.; mem., CCP del. to Hungary, Nov 1959; pres., Central Party School, Sep 19611963; during Cult. Rev. branded a "three-anti element" and purged, May 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 May 1983; dpty sec., Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 - Sep 1982; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; sec., Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 Sep 1985; mem., Central Com for Guiding Party Consolidation, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1983-1987; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

Wang Dacheng


Sec-gen., Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt, Oct 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Comte and concurrently dir. of its Ind. Dpt, NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Aug 1950 - Jan 1953; vice-min. of Textile Ind., Oct 1954Cult. Rev.; reported at 69th Session, 2nd NPC, Nov 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Natl Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; disappeared, Jul 1979.


Wang Danbo

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Wang Debao

Wang Dazhong

Dir., Finance and Commerce Dpt, Jilin Prov. CP, Aug 1959; mayor, Shenyang MPG, Aug 1981 - Apr 1983; sec., Shenyang Municipality CP, Mar 1983 - Apr 1985; ehm, Shenyang MPC, Apr 1983; deputy for Liaoning to 6th NPC, May 1983; ehm, Advisory Com, Shenyang Municipality CP, Apr 1985; disappeared, Sep 1989.

Sec., Tangshan City CP, 1950; mem., Control Comte, Guangxi PPG, May 1951; vice-min. of Textile Ind., Mar 1958 - Sep 1959; deputy for Guangxi AR, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978; disappeared, Dec 1978.

Wang Daoyi

Wang De

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* 1925 Putai, Shandong Dpty sec., Heilongjiang Prov. Branch, NDYL, 1950-55; alt. mem., Central Comte, NDYL, Jun 1953; sec., CYL, Changchun No. 1 Motor Vehicle Plant, 1955-60; mem., Central Comte, CYL, May 1957; sec., CYL, Jul 1964 Cult. Rev.; head, youth del. to Romania, Mar 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: cadre of a dpt, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1974; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; mayor of Lanzhou Municipality, 1982-86; mem., del. of Gansu Prov. to New Zealand, Dec 1984; vice-chm, Gansu PPC, May 1986 (reelected Feb 1988); disappeared, Jun 1989.

Wang Daren


* 1910 Hunan Polit, commissar of a regiment, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1943-45; dir., Polit. Dpt, 16th Brigade, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1946; dir., Polit. Dpt, 13th Mil. Subdistr, Taihang Mil. Distr, 1947; council mem., Taiyuan MPG, Jun 1950; mem., Stand. Comte, Taiyuan Municipality CP, Feb 1951; sec., Taiyuan Municipality CP, Oct 1953-1957; alt. sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, Nov 1958 Sep 1964; sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, Oct 1964 - Cult. Rev.; accused as a "three-anti element" and "capitalist-roader" by Red Guards and purged, Oct 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Nov 1974; mem., Presidium, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; dpty sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, Dec 1975 - Mar 1977; sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, Apr 1977 - Oct 1979; vicechm, Rev Comte, Shanxi Prov., Dec 1977 -Dec 1979; deputy for Shanxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; sec., Jilin Prov. CP, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; head, Jilin del. to Ν Korea, Aug 1980; ehm, Advisory Com, Jilin Prov. CP, Apr 1983 - May 1988; deputy for Jilin to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); disappeared, May 1988.


* 1906 Hunan Cadre, Fujian Prov. CP, who took part in operation to rescue a number of imprisoned Communists, May 1930; sec., CCP Comte W Guangdong Distr, Oct 1952-1953; 2nd sec., Guangzhou Municipality CP, Oct 1954; mem., S China Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1954; 1st sec., Gungzhou Municipality CP, May 1955 - Mar 1965; ehm, Guangzhou Branch of CPPCC, Jun 1955 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Guangdong Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1959 - Cult. Rev.; alt. sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, May 1959 - Nov 1962; sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Nov 1962 Cult. Rev.; alt. sec., Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1965 - Cult. Rev.; branded as a renegade and follower of Tao Zhu and purged, Oct 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, May 1979 - Mar 1983; requested to be elected to central leading organs, Sep 1982; disappeared, Oct 1989. Wang was married to Yi Zhu.

Wang Debao

* 1918 Studied at Washington Univ, St. Louis, Missouri, and did research under prof. Carl and Gerty Cori (Nobel prize winners in 1947), 1948-49; received Ph.D. from Western Reserve Univ, Cleveland, Ohio, 1951; returned to China, 1954; established China's first nucleic acid laboratory, 1955; dir., Nucleic Acid Laboratory under Inst, of Biochemistry, CAS, Jan 1982; visited U.S.A., May 1982;


Wang Degong

mem., Dpt of Biology, CAS, Jun 1985; mem., Natl Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Apr 1988. Remarks: Wang has made important contributions in the studies of enzymes in nucleic acid metabolism and the primary structure of T-RNA. Publications: More than 20 academic papers, seven of which were published in the U.S. journal Methods of Enzymology.

Wang Degong

Deputy for Sichuan to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); pioneer of the rural responsibility system from Wenjiang Prefecture, Jun 1983; ehm, Chengdu MPC, Nov 1983; disappeared, Mar 1988.

Wang Deshan



Alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; disappeared, Sep 1976. Remarks: Wang probably was a cadre of Inner Mongolia AR.

Wang Deyan


France and received a doctorate, 1941; remained in France and worked at Natl Center for Scientific Research and in Paul Langevin Laboratory in Paris, 1942-55; returned to China, 1956; deputy for Anhui to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); dir., Acoustics Inst., CAS, Feb 1961 - Cult. Rev.; mem., scientific del. to France, Jul 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: representative of PRC to UN Seabed Conf., Geneva, Jun 1973; council mem., Society of Oceanography, Mar 1975; head, oceanographic del. to Japan, Mar 1975; pres., China Society of Instruments and Meters, Apr 1979; dir., Inst, of Acoustics, CAS, Apr 1979-1985; pres., China Society of Acoustics, Jun 1979; led a group of researchers on a science ship to S China Sea, 1980; visited France and conferred a silver medal by Society of Acousticians of the French Language, Jun 1981; visited France, Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983; hon. dir., Inst, of Acoustics, CAS, Aug 1985; mem., Dpt of Mathematics and Physics, CAS, Aug 1985; dir., Dpt of Mathematics and Physics, CAS, Sep 1985; disappeared, Jun 1989. Publications: Underwater Erchang).

W a n g Dinglie




* Wan County, Sichuan Took part in Long March; cdr. of a regiment, ShanxiHebei-Shandong-Henan Mil. Distr, 1939; cdr. on an independent div. in Hubei Mil. Distr, 1945; later served in 2nd Field Army; maj-gen. and dpty polit, commissar, Air Force Command of Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Sep 1962; mem., Presidium, Guangdong PPC, Dec 1963; dpty cdr., Air Force Command, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Nov 1965 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jul 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jan 1976; cos, PLA Air Force, Apr 1976-1982; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); head, Air Force observation group to Air Show in England, Sep 1978; head, Air Force del. to Pakistan, Sep 1980; dpty cdr., PLA Air Force, Jan 1983 - Jul 1985); disappeared, Jul 1985.

Wang Dongning X



* 1931 Shanghai Studied banking at Qinghua Univ and Central College of Finance and Economics; graduation, 1953; subsequently joined Bank of China; joined Hong Kong Branch, Bank of China, 1966; dpty gen-mgr., Hong Kong Branch, Bank of China, 1983; vice-pres., Bank of China, May 1984; pres., Bank of China, Jul 1985 - Dec 1993; ehm, Board of Directors, Bank of China, Sep 1986 - Dec 1993; head, bank del. to Japan, Oct 1986; accompanied vice-premier Tian Jiyun on goodwill mission to Japan, Jan 1987; visited Federal Republic of Germany when Bank of China opened Frankfurt Branch, May 1987; named one of Asia's top two bankers of 1987 by Hongkong based Asian Finance, Jan 1988; head, Bank of China del. to Pakistan, Mar 1988; head, Bank of China del. to Ν Korea, Aug 1988; head, banking del. to Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Mar 1989; head, banking del. to Japan, Oct 1989; head, banking del. to New Zealand, Sep 1990; disappeared, Aug 1993.

W a n g D e y i (f)





Dpty dir., Legal Advisory Panel, All-China Women's Fed (ACWF), Jul 1983; law teacher of Beijing Univ, Jul 1983; sec., ACWF, and mem. of its Stand. Comte, Sep 1983 Sep 1988; head, women's del. to Nepal, Jan 1986; mem., Executive Comte, ACWF, Sep 1988; disappeared, Sep 1988.

Wang Dezhao



* 1905 Assistant at Beijing Normal Univ; subsequently studied in

* 1917 Wei County, Hebei Joined CCP, 1931; sec., Wei County CP, 1939-40; dpty sec., Yudong Prefecture CP, Hebei, 1941; dpty dir., Dpt


of Social Affairs, S Hebei Distr CP, 1949; dpty dir., Public Security Dpt, Hebei PPG, Feb 1951; dir., Polit, and Legal Dpt, Hebei Prov. CP, May 1962 - Cult. Rev.; dir., Public Security Dpt, Hebei PPC, Feb 1963; vice-gov., Hebei PPG, Oct 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Feb 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again vice-gov., Hebei PPG, Feb 1980 - Apr 1983; vicechm, Advisory Com, Hebei Prov. CP, May 1985; disappeared, May 1985.

Wang Dongxing

¿Í- £


* 1916 Jiangxi Joined Jiangxi Soviet, 1932; served in a guard unit, 1933; participated in Long March, 1934-35; mem., bodyguard of Mao Zedong, 1936; instructor, 1st Battalion, Central Guard Regiment, 1937; cdr. of Mao Zedong's bodyguard during a Communist withdrawal, 1947; head, security Dpt, Staff Office, CCP Central Comte, 1949; dir., Security Office, Secretariat of G AC, Oct 1949-1953; accompanied Mao Zedong to Moscow, Dec 1949; dir., 8th Bureau, Min. of Public Security, Dec 1949; vice-min. of Public Security, Dec 1955 -Jan 1959; vice-gov., Jiangxi PPG, Jun 1958-1960; again vice-min. of Public Security, Dec 1960 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Jiangxi to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; accompanied pres. Liu Shaoqi to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Burma, Mar 1966; took prominent part in demonstrations at beginning of Cult. Rev., latter part of 1966; dir., General Office, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1967; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973; to 11th CC, Aug 1977 - Feb 1980); alt. mem., Politburo, 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 - Aug 1973; mem., Politburo, 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977 - Feb 1980); vice-chm, CCP Central Comte and concurrently mem., Stand. Comte, Politburo, 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Feb 1980; 1st vice-pres., Party School, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1977; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; head, CCP and govt del. to Cambodia, Nov 1978; removed from all Party and state positions at 5th Plenum, 11th CCP Central Comte, Feb 1980; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987. Remarks: As cdr. of the Security Forces for Politburo members living in Beijing, Wang played a keyrole in the purge of the "Gang of Four", Oct 1976.

Wang Enmao

Wang Duo -Ï- Φ Sec-gen., Yan'an Nationalities College, 1941; dir., Org. Dpt, Inner Mongolia Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, 1949; council mem., People's Govt, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), Oct 1949; deputy for IMAR to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., People's Council of IMAR, Mar 1955; dpty dir., Economic Construction Comte, People's Congr of IMAR, Mar 1955; dir., Org. Dpt, Inner Mongolia Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1955; sec., IMAR CP, Jul 1956 - Cult. Rev.; lecturer, Inner Mongolia Univ, Sep 1958; branded a capitalist-roader and purged, Jun 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vicechm, IMAR Rev Comte, May 1975 - Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, IMAR CP, Jan 1977; head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, May 1977; deputy for IMAR to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); sec., IMAR CP, Aug 1978 - Aug 1979; ehm, IMAR Fed of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Jul 1979; mem., Natl Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; permanent sec., IMAR CP, Aug 1979 - Mar 1983; ehm, Advisory Com, IMAR CP, Dec 1984; disappeared, Dec 1984.

Wang Enhui & & Vice-chm, Rev Comte of Tianjin Municipality, Dec 1977Jun 1980; deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Tianjin friendship del. to Japan, Sep 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, Tianjin CP, Apr 1979 - Mar 1983; vicechm, Tianjin MPC, Jun 1980 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Tianjin Branch of CPPCC, Mar 1983; disappeared, Jan 1984.

Wang Enmao



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* 1912 Yongxin County, Jiangxi Joined Communist guerilla unit together with father and two brothers, 1927; joined CCP, 1930; polit, commissar of a Red Army unit, 1934; participated in Long March, 1934-35; attended Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1936; cdr. of a regiment, 359th Brigade, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938; dir., Polit. Dpt, 359th Brigade, 1942; dpty polit, commissar, 359th Brigade, 1943; transferred to Hunan and established together with Wang Zhen Hunan People's Anti-Japanese Natl Salvation Army, Nov 1944; dpty polit, commissar of this army until Japanese capitulation, Aug 1945; polit, commissar, 359th Brigade, 1946-49; Wang's unit was subordinated to Peng Dehuai's 1st Field Army, Feb 1949, which conquered Xinjiang, autumn 1949; ehm, Kashi (Kashgar) Mil. Con-


Wang Feng

trol Com, Oct 1949; mem., Xinjiang Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1949 - Oct 1955; mem., Xinjiang PPG, Oct 1949 - Oct 1955; polit, commissar, 1st Field Army, Dec 1949; mem., NW China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950 - Jan 1953; sec., Xinjiang Prov. CP, 1952-1954; polit, commissar, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, 1952; 1st sec., Xinjiang Prov. CP, 1954 - Oct 1955; deputy for Xinjiang to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 - Mar 1959; mem., People's Congr, Xinjiang AR, Sep 1955; awarded orders of "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Xinjiang AR, Oct 1955 - Cult. Rev.; head, animal husbandry del. to USSR, Apr 1956; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - May 1958; cdr., Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Oct 1956- Cult. Rev.; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, elected at 5th Plenum, May 1958; ltn-gen. of PLA, Mar 1963; mem., Natl Defense Council, Jan 1965; sec., NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1965; 1st sec., CP of PLA Xinjiang Construction Corps, Mar 1966; during Cult. Rev. exposed to criticism, 1968; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 - Aug 1973; dpty polit, commissar, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Dec 1975 - Dec 1976; 1st sec., Jilin Prov. CP, Mar 1977 - Oct 1981; ehm, Rev Comte, Jilin Prov., Mar 1977 - Dec 1979; 1st polit, commissar, Jilin Mil. Distr, Mar 1977 - Oct 1981; dpty cdr., Shenyang Mil. Reg, Aug 1977; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985); deputy for Jilin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dpty polit, commissar, Shenyang Mil. Reg, Feb 19781981; pres., Jilin Party School, Apr 1978 - Oct 1981; head, Jilin del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1978; head, friendship del. to Romania, Aug 1979; 1st CP sec., Jilin Mil. Distr, Nov 1979 - Oct 1981; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Xinjiang AR, Oct 1981 - Oct 1985; 1st polit, commissar, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Jun 1982 - Aug 1985; deputy for Xinjiang to 6th NPC, May 1983; head, Xinjiang science del. to U.S.A., Oct 1984; polit, commissar, Xinjiang Mil. Distr, Aug 1985 - Mar 1986; resigned from post of mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1985; ehm, Advisory Com, CCP Comte, Xinjiang AR, Oct 1985-1990; vice-chm, 6th CPPCC, Apr 1986 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988 - Mar 1993); head, CPPCC del. to Hungary and Bulgaria, Aug 1987; mem., Presidium, 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; head, CPPCC del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1989; mem., Presidium, 14th CCP Congr, Oct 1992; disappeared, Feb 1993.

Wang Feng


* 1910 Lantian County, Shaanxi

Joined CYL as a student of Beijing Univ; served in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg, temporarely as cdr., Guanchong Garrison, 1937-45; cdr., Kushan Mil. Distr and concurrently polit, commissar, 38th Red Army, 1946; dir., United Front Work Dpt, NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1947-52; ehm, Minorities Affairs Com, NW China Mil. and Admin. Comte (NWCMAC), Mar 1950 - Jan 1953; mem., Land Reform Comte, NWCMAC, 1951 - Jan 1953; dir., NW Nationalities Inst., Mar 1951-1959; mem., Polit, and Legal Affairs Comte, NWCMAC, Aug 1952; vice-min., Minorities Affairs Com, GAC, Nov 1952 - Sep 1954; ehm, Minorities Affairs Com, NW China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; deputy for Qinghai to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 - Mar 1959; vice-min., Nationalities Affairs Com, SC, Oct 1954-1964; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1955-1958; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, May 1958 - Cult. Rev.; 1st sec., Ningxia Prov. CP, Jun 1958 - Feb 1961; deputy for Ningxia AR to 2nd NPC, Mar 1959 - Dec 1964; 1st sec., Gansu Prov. CP, Apr 1961 - Cult. Rev.; sec., NW China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1964; deputy for Gansu to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; branded a "capitalist three-anti element" and purged, Sep 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; 2nd CCP sec., Xinjiang AR, Sep 1977 - Jan 1978; 1st vice-chm, Rev Comte, Xinjiang AR, Sep 1977 - Jan 1978; 2nd polit, commissar, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Sep 1977 - Jan 1978; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Xinjiang AR, Jan 1978 - mid-1981; ehm, Rev Comte, Xinjiang AR, Jan 1978 - Sep 1979; 1st polit, commissar, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Jan 1978-1981; deputy for Xinjiang AR to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; principal, Party School, Xinjiang AR, May 1978-1981; head, agricultural del. to U.S.A., May 1979; article in RMRB Apr 12, 1980, "Strengthen thinking and raise consciousness of the need to implement the "guiding principles'"; mem., NPC del. to France (head: Deng Yingchao), Jun 1980; mem., Presidium, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); head, Leading Group in charge of implementing the policy governing the relatives of persons who went over to Taiwan, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1983; vice-chm, 6th CPPCC, by-elected Apr 1987 - Apr 1988; mem., Presidium, 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; disappeared, Feb 1988.

Wang Feng (f)

* 1910 Wuxi, Jiangsu



Graduated from Sociology Dpt, Natl Central Univ in Nanjing, 1933; asst dir., China General Tea Company, Chongqing, 1942-44; joined CDL, 1945; associate prof., Shanghai Mercantile Ship School, 1945; advanced studies at Social Services College, Columbia Univ, New York, 1947-48; served in Min. of Justice, 1950-59; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Oct 1979; judge, Beijing People's Court, 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, by-elected Apr 1985 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988), disappeared, Apr 1988.

Wang Guangwei

Wang Fuxiang


* 1926 Xining, Qinghai Graduation from Water Conservation Dpt, NW Engineering College, 1950; subsequently until 1980: engaged in water conservancy work and directed or designed over 20 water conservation projects; dpty dir., Water Conservation Bureau, Qinghai PPG, 1980; vice-gov., Qinghai PPG, Nov 1981; disappeared, Feb 1982.

Wang Guanchao Wang Feng'en




Received only three years' primary education and was a child-worker at 13; later worked in Shenyang Electric Transformer Factory and made a name in technical innovations; foreman in this factory, Apr 1956; promoted worker-engineer, 1958; teacher in Dpt of Electric Engineering, NE Engineering College, Sep 1958; deputy for Liaoning to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); up to 1959, Wang had been rated as a labor model of Shenyang Municipality for seven consecutive years; named a "fivegood" pace-setter of Shenyang Municipality, Jul 1962; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Liaoning Prov., May 1968-1977; asst chief engineer, Shenyang Electric Transformer Factory, May 1968; mem., Presidium, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; vice-chm, Capital Construction Comte, Liaoning Rev Comte, Mar 1975; dpty head, trade del. to Sweden and Switzerland, Sep 1975; disappeared, Sep 1977.

Wang Fengyuan

J£- i t


Dpty dir., Army Work Dpt, NE Mil. Reg, 1949; vicechm, E China Comte for Allocation of Materials in Warehouses, Mar 1950; dir., Dpt of Commodity Supplies, Planning Bureau, Financial and Economic Com, GAC, Jun 1950 - Sep 1954; mem., State Planning Com, Oct 1954 - Dec 1956; dpty dir., Commodity Supplies Bureau, SC, Dec 1956 - Sep 1959 (transferred into State Economic Com, Mar 1958); vice-min., State Economic Com, SC, Sep 1959 - Nov 1965; disappeared, 1966.

Wang Fu


Council mem., Beijing Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949; supervisor of ballots, 8th CCP Congr, Sep 1956; dpty dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1958-1964; alt. sec., NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, May 1964; sec., Secretariat, NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Oct 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; dpty chief procurator, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Dec 1978 - May 1982; adviser, Supreme People's Procuratorate, May 1982 - Sep 1983; deputy for Shandong to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC and mem. of its Nationalities Comte, Jun 1983; disappeared, Aug 1985.


Dir., Harbin Measuring Tools and Knives Factory, Jan 1955; dpty dir., 2nd Admin of Machinery Ind., 1st Min. of Machine Building, 1956; 1st sec., Lanzhou Municipality CP, Sep 1958; 2nd sec., Lanzhou Municipality CP, Nov 1962 ; 2nd sec., Harbin Municipality CP, Jun 1965 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-gov., Jilin PPG, Apr 1980; head, Jilin Prov. del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1980; disappeared, Aug 1982.

W a n g Guanglin



Alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); vice-chm, TU of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Jul 1973; disappeared, Sep 1976. Remarks: Wang probably was a worker of Baotou Iron and Steel Works.



Dir., Secretariat of Nunjiang PPG, 1948; council mem. and dpty sec-gen., NE People's Govt, Apr 1950-1952; sec-gen., United Front Work Dpt, NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1951; dir., General Office, NE People's Govt, 1952 - Oct 1953; dpty sec-gen., State Planning Com, GAC, Oct 1953 - Sep 1954; mem. and sec-gen., State Planning Com, GAC, Nov 1954 - Feb 1956; vicemin., State Planning Com, SC, May 1 9 5 6 - Cult. Rev.; dpty dir., Agricultural and Forestry Staff Office, SC, Dec 1960 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Shandong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; vice-chm, Bills Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; mem., NPC del. to Guinea, Mali, Central African Republic, Congo (head: Liu Ningyi), Mar 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: named a govt cadre, Sep 1975; disappeared, Dec 1976.


Wang Guangxi

Wang Guangxì

3L f ~

Wang Guangzhong

* 1930 Qingyang County, Gansu Cadre, Tax Bureau, Gansu PPG, 1950-63; service in Finance and Banking Bureau, People's Govt, Tibet AR, 1971-77; dir., Finance Dpt, People's Govt, Tibet AR, 1978-83; sec-gen., People's Govt, Tibet AR, Dec 19841987; vice-chm, People's Congr, Tibet AR, Jul 1987 (reelected Aug 1988); disappeared, Dec 1992.

Wang Guangyu

_3L f ~


* 1919 Huoqiu County, Anhui Joined CCP, 1938; polit, commissar, Independent Regiment, New 4th Army, 1945^6; CCP cadre in prefectures of Henan, Anhui and Jiangsu, 1947-49; sec., Fuyang Prefecture CP, 1950-52; mem., Land Reform Comte, Ν Anhui Admin. Office, Mar 1951; dir., Rural Work Dpt, Anhui Prov. CP, Jul 1954-1956; dir., Anhui Agricultural College, Oct 1956; vice-gov., Anhui PPG, 1957 - Cult. Rev.; sec., Anhui Prov. CP, Oct 1959 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Anhui Prov. CP, Feb 1974 - Mar 1983; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Anhui Prov., Aug 1975 - Dec 1979; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987); adviser, agricultural del. to Japan, May 1978; head, Agricultural Science and Technology Leadership Group, Anhui Prov. CP, Feb 1979; head, Party workers del. to Yugoslavia, Oct 1981; ehm, Armed Forces Comte, Anhui PPG, Nov 19811985; dpty sec., Anhui Prov. CP, Mar 1983 - Dec 1984; ehm, Anhui PPC, Mar 1985 - Feb 1988; deputy for Anhui to 6th Ν PC, by-elected Mar 1987 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1992.



•1921 Pei County, Jiangsu CCP sec. in several counties, 1940-49; CCP sec., Xinyang Prefecture, 1952-53; dir., Machinery Bureau, State Planning Com, 1955-58; vice-chm, Planning Com, NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1960 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Liaoning Prov., Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Liaoning Prov. CP, May 1978 - Jun 1985; vice-gov., Liaoning PPG, Jan 1980 - Jul 1985; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; mem., del. of provincial leaders to Japan, Apr 1984; vice-chm, Liaoning PPC, Jul 1985 -Jan 1988; ehm, Liaoning PPC, Jan 1988; deputy for Liaoning to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1992.

Wang Guanlan Ì ^ M * 1905 Linhai County, Zhejiang deceased 1982, Jan 19 Attended Linhai Normal School; joined CYL, 1925; joined CCP, 1926; studied at Sun Yat-sen Univ, Moscow, 1927-30; went to Jiangsi Soviet area, 1930; editor of Red China, 1932; dir., Polit. Dpt, 1st Front Army, 1934; took part in Long March, 1935-36; mem., Land Reform Comte, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt, 1936; contracted serious gastro-intestinal disease which kept him in bed most of time for many years, 1935-40; delegate to CCP 7th Natl Congr, 1945; seriously ill again and on brink of death several times, Apr-May 1945; followed CCP Central Comte in its evacuation from Yan'an to Shanxi-Suiyuan border area, winter 1945; vice-min. of Agriculture, Aug 1952 - Oct 1954; recovered completely from illness after an operation, Beijing 1953; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected 3rd and 4th, 1959 and 1964); dpty dir., Rural Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1958 - Cult. Rev.; dpty dir., Staff Office for Agriculture and Forestry, SC, Nov 1962 - Cult. Rev.; pres., Beijing Agricultural Univ, Jun 1964- Cult. Rev.; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Mar 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Apr 1972; cadre of SC, May 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; elected deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Aug 1980 - death; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Sep 1980 death; adviser, Min. of Agriculture, Sep 1980 - death. Wang was married to Xu Mingqing.


Wang Guofan


® &

* 1923 Zunhua County, Hebei Joined CCP, 1940; mem., Xipu Agricultural Cooperative in his home county, 1952 (this particular poor cooperative soon was cited as a "symbol of the whole nation" by Mao Zedong and Wang became an agricultural model worker known throughout China); mem., Presidium, Natl Congr of Model Worker Groups, Jun 1958; CCP sec. of Xipu Production Brigade of newly established Jianming People's Commune in Zunhua County, Sep 1958; deputy for Hebei to 2nd NPC, Mar 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., TU del. to Iraq, Dec 1966; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of Hebei Prov., Feb 1968; ehm, Rev Comte, Xipu Production Brigade, Apr 1968; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and to 11th CC, Aug 1977); CCP sec. and ehm, Rev Comte of Zunhua County, Jul 1971; article in HQ 1975/5, "Maintain and Continue the Revolutionary Spirit by Studying the Instructions of Chairman Mao on Agricultural Cooperation"; disappeared, Aug 1977.

Wang Guoquan

* 1916 Henan Participated in inaugural session of CPPCC, Sep 1949; sec., Rehe (Jehol) Prov. CP, Jan 1950; deputy for Rehe to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; gov., Rehe Prov., Feb-May 1955 when Rehe was abolished; ambassador to German Democratic Republic, Jim 1957 - Jan 1964; deputy for Hebei to 2nd NPC, Oct 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Aug 1964); ambassador to Poland (in this capacity he succeeded Wang Bingnan at the Sino-U.S.A. Ambassadorial Tasks in Warsaw, Apr 1964-1967); reactivated, Oct 1970; vice-pres., SinoJapanese Friendship Assn, Aug 1971; head, del. to attend funeral of Matsumura, Tokyo, Aug 1971; ambassador to Australia, May 1973 - Jul 1976; ambassador to Italy, Sep 1977 - Sep 1978; vice-min. of Civil Affairs, Apr 1980 May 1982; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; deputy for Henan to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Stand.

Wang Haisu

Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 - Mar 1988; vice-chm, Nationalities Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 - Apr 1986; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); head, goodwill del. to Bangladesh, Mar 1985; vice-chm, Foreign Affairs Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986 Mar 1988; vice-pres., China Ind., Commerce and Economy Development Corp., Mar 1987; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1987; head, NPC del. to Hungary, Bulgaria, German Democratic Republic, Poland, Sep 1987; vice-chm, Comte of Fraternity for Reunification of the Motherland, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; pres., ChinaGerman Democratic Republic Friendship Association, Jul 1988; disappeared, Jul 1988.

Wang Guorui



Mem., Gansu PPC, Oct 1958; vice-gov., Gansu PPG, Sep 1964- Jan 1968; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of Gansu Prov., Feb 1968; mem., Stand. Comte, Gansu Prov. CP, Jun 1974-1976; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Gansu Prov., Nov 1974-1976; vice-chm, Gansu Prov. Branch of CPPCC, May 1983 - May 1985; disappeared, May 1985.

Wang Haishan



* 1910 Wuhan, Hubei deceased 1990 Served in Communist guerilla unit, Hubei-Hunan Border Reg, 1939; cdr., 15th Brigade, 5th Div., New 4th Army, 1941; cdr., Hubei-Shaanxi Mil. Distr, 1946; cdr., 5th Mil. Subdistr, Sichuan-Hubei-Shaanxi Mil. Reg, 1949; cdr., Railway Garrison Command under Central China Mil. Reg, Sep 1950; vice-chm, Control Comte, Hubei PPG, Sep 1950; visited Ν Korea, Sep 1953; dir., Personnel Dpt, Hubei PPG, Jun 1954; vice-gov., Hubei PPG, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Hubei Prov. CP, Nov 1958 - Cult. Rev.: disappeared during Cult. Rev., Feb 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vicechm, Rev Comte of Hubei Prov., May 1973 - Dec 1979; vice-chm, Hubei PPC, Jan 1980 - Apr 1983; disappeared, Mar 1984.

Wang Haisu

Ü ^


Vice-chm, Rev Comte of Jiangsu Prov., Dec 1977 1979; vice-gov., Jiangsu PPG, Dec 1979 - Jul mem., Stand. Comte, Jiangsu Prov. CP, Apr 1980 1983; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Jiangsu Prov. CP, Sep disappeared, Sep 1983.

- Dec 1982; - Apr 1980;

Wang Haiyan

Wang Haiyan





* 1929 Muping County, Shandong Cadre of CYL in counties and prefectures, 1950-65; CCP cadre in counties and prefectures, 1974-85; dir., Org. Dpt, Heilongjiang Prov. CP, 1955-88; dpty sec., Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Jun 1988 - Oct 1991; pres., Heilongjiang Party School, Dec 1990; sec., Discipline Inspection Com, Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Oct 1991 - Apr 1993; head, Heilongjiang del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1991; disappeared, Jan 1992.

Wang Han -ί^ * 1911 Yancheng County, Jiangsu deceased 1981, Jan 2 Son of a big landlord; joined CCP when in college, 1932; sec., CCP Comte of Ν Hubei, 1939; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, 5th Div., New 4th Army, 1940; left 5th Div. because of ill health, 1944; chief, Industrial Section, Urban Work Comte, CCP Central Comte, 1944; vice-chm, People's Control Comte, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte (CSMAC), Sep 1951 - Jan 1953; mem., Polit, and Legal Comte, CSM AC, Jan 1952 - Jan 1953; mem., Central-S Admin. Comte (CSAC), Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; ehm, People's Control Comte, CSAC, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; vicechm, People's Control Com, GAC, Jun-Sep 1954; vicemin. of Supervision, Oct 1954 - Jul 1958; alt. mem., Control Comte, CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - Jul 1958; accused of attacking socialism and Marxism-Leninism and branded a "rightist", Dec 1957; SC passed but did not publish judgement on his case, Jul 1968; first reappearance, May 1980; no new position.

Wang Hanjie

i L /5L

* 1917 Jinjiang County, Fujian Shop assistant in the Philippines, 1933-39; joined New 4th Army, 1939; cdr. of a detachment, Chinese Nationals Anti-Japanese Guerillas in the Philippines, 1944-46; polit, commissar in Communist guerilla units in Fujian Prov., 1946-49; dir., Overseas Chinese Comte, Fujian PPG, Mar 1960; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, Fujian Prov. CP, May 1961; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Fujian to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-pres., All-China Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, Apr 1984 (reelected Dec 1989); mem., Natl Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Dec 1989.

Wang Hefeng i ^ · ^ * 1915 Heilongjiang Imprisoned by National Govt, 1931-37; later worked in Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte; sec., Taiyue Distr CP, 1948; dpty sec., Harbin Municipality CP, Nov 1950; sec. of Harbin CP, May 1951; dpty sec., Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Sep 1951 - Nov 1956; alt. mem., Control Com, CCP 8th Central Comte; sec., Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Nov 1956- Cult. Rev.; head, Supervisory Group, NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jan 1967; branded a "renegade" and purged, Apr 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1978; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Dec 1983.

Wang Heshou



Wang Hanfu -Í- & Dpty dir., W Hunan People's Admin. Office, Hunan PPG, Nov 1950; dir., Bureau of Geological Materials, Min. of Geology, Feb 1958; dir., Bureau of Geology, Hunan PPG, Jul 1959; vice-gov., Hunan PPG, Sep 1964 Cult. Rev.; mem., Presidium, 2nd Natl Games, Sep 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Apr 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Hunan PPC, Dec 1979 - May 1983; disappeared, Nov 1983. * 1908 Tangshan County, Hebei Studied at Tangshan Engineering College; joined CCP, 1925; arrested by KMT for TU activities, Apr 1927; released shortly afterwards and went to Moscow to continue studies at Sun Yat-sen Univ; dir., Propaganda Dpt, NE China CP, 1930; cadre, Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte,


Wang Hongwen

1940; polit, commissar, Heilongjiang Mil. Distr, 1946; min. of Industry, People's Govt of NE China, Jul 1949; min. of Heavy Ind., G AC, Aug 1952-1954; accompanied Zhou Enlai to USSR, Aug 1952; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 - Apr 1959; min. of Metallurgical Ind., May 1956 - Dec 1964; ehm, Construction Com, SC, May 1956 - Feb 1958; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Hebei to 2nd Ν PC, Mar 1959 - Dec 1964; head, govt del. to inauguration of the blast furnace of Traicau Mine, Ν Vietnam, Dec 1963; deputy for Liaoning to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; 1st sec., Anshan City CP, Jul 1965; branded a capitalist-roader and purged, Apr 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec., Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 - Sep 1982; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, by-elected at 4th Plenum, Sep 1979 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985); permanent sec., Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 Sep 1985; vice-chm, Central Com for Guiding Party Consolidation, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1983-1987; resigned from position as mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1985; 2nd sec., Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 - Nov 1987; mem., Presidium, 13th CCP Congr, Nov 1987; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; disappeared, Jul 1989.

qian), 1932; moved into Sichuan Prov. under command of Zhang Guotao and made cdr., 4th Army, 4th Front Army, 1934-36; trained at Yan'an Anti-Japanese Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1936-37; cdr., 385th Brigade, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; polit, commissar, S Hebei Mil. Distr, 1939; cdr., W Shandong Mil. Distr, fall of 1939; cdr. of a column, 18th Army Group, 1940; service in New 4th Army, 1942-45; cdr., S Hebei Mil. Distr, 1945; dpty cdr., Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Honan Mil. Distr and concurrently cdr. of its 6th Column, 1946; moved southward with Liu Bocheng and made cdr. of 10th Column and cdr. of Dungbo Mil. Distr, 1947; dpty cdr., Central Plains PLA, 1948; cdr., 17th Army Corps, 4th Field Army, 1949; dpty cdr., Hubei Mil. Distr, May 1949; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Feb 1950- Sep 1951; cdr., Hubei Mil. Distr, Mar 1950 - Sep 1951; mem., Hubei PPG, Mar 1950; dpty cdr., PLA Navy, Sep 1951-1977; deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jul 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; made admiral and awarded orders of "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; dpty head, mil. del. to Yugoslavia, Oct 1956; mem., PLA Cult. Rev. Group, Jan 1967 ; 2nd polit, commissar, PLA Navy, Jun 1967; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th, Aug 1973); disappeared, May 1977.

Wang Heting

Wang Hongwen

* 1910 Jiangyin County, Jiangsu Received a univ education; 1950 - Cult. Rev. he served successively as dir. and concurrently chief engineer, Water Conservancy Dpt of Xinjiang People's Govt; dpty dir. and concurrently chief engineer, Engineering Section of Xinjiang Mil Distr; dir., Xinjiang Region Water Conservancy Dpt; deputy for Xinjiang AR to 3rd NPC, Nov 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; vice-chm, People's Congr, Xinjiang AR, Feb 1981; deputy for Xinjiang AR to 6th NPC, May 1983; disappeared, Apr 1984.

Wang Hongkun


Participated in peasant uprisings along Hubei-Henan-Anhui border area, 1927; cdr. of a battalion, Red Army, 1930; cdr. of a regiment, 10th Div., 4th Front Army, 1931; cdr., 10th Div., 4th Front Army (cdr. Xu Xiang-



* 1935 Changchun, Liaoning deceased 1992, Aug 3 Born into a family of poor peasants. Joined PLA when still a boy; service with Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1950-53; worked at No. 17 Cotton Mill in Shanghai, fall of 1953; published a wall poster together with six others which attacked the "capitalist management" of his factory, Jun 12, 1966 (this poster was later praised by Mao Zedong as the "first significant wall poster of the Great Proletarian Cult. Rev."); during visit to Beijing accused the Shanghai Party leadership to suppress rebel groups and received support of the Cult. Rev. Group led by Jiang Qing and was received by Mao and Lin Biao, Sep 1966; organized several thousand workers to besiege the Shanghai Party building and called upon the Party leadership to offer criticism, Oct 9, 1966; a "petition group" numbering 10,000 and organized by Wang travelled to Beijing by rail and presented their accusations against the Shanghai Party leadership, Oct 11, 1966; Wang organized a mass demonstration in Shanghai at which Zhang Chunqiao (q.v.) declared the "Revolutionary Rebel HQ of the

Wang Huaixìang


Shanghai Workers" a legal org., Nov 13, 1966; due to support of Jiang Qing's Cult. Rev. Group Wang was able to eliminate other rebel groups and succeeded in isolating the old Party leadership, Dec 1966; the "Revolutionary Rebels HQ of the Shanghai Workers" led by Wang published together with eleven other workers' organizations a declaration addressed to Shanghai citizens in which the CCP Municipal Comte was accused as capitalist-roader, Jan 5, 1967; Wang organized a mass demonstration against Shanghai's Party leadership, Jan 6, 1967; headed by Zhang Chunqiao and Wang, revolutionary rebels took over the leadership of Shanghai and founded the "Provisional Comte of the Shanghai People's Commune" (based on the model of the Paris Commune), comprising five labor representatives, two peasants and soldiers respectively, and one "revolutionary cadre" and one "Red Guard representative" each - with Wang as one of the five labor representatives, Feb 5, 1967; on official instruction from Beijing the Shanghai People's Commune was replaced by the "Shanghai Rev Comte", Feb 24, 1967 (with Zhang Chunqiao as ehm and Wang as vice-ehm); Wang became ehm, Rev Comte of the Shanghai No. 17 Cotton Mill, Mar 1967; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); head, workers' del. to Albania, 1970; sec., CCP Comte of Shanghai, Jan 1971 Oct 1976; polit, commissar, Shanghai Garrison, Apr 1972; ehm, Shanghai TU, Apr 1973; vice-chm, Presidium, 10th CCP Congr, Aug 1973; mem., Politburo and vice-chm, CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 - Oct 1976; arrested together with Jiang Qing, Zhang Chunqiao and Yao Wenyuan (since now the "Gang of Four"), Oct 1976; sentenced to life imprisonment and permanent depriviation of political rights, Jan 1981; hospitalized for treatment of liver complaint, 1986.

Wang Huaixìang


In Korean War polit, commissar of a div., later dpty polit, commissar of a corps, 1950-54; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty polit, commissar, Jilin Mil. Distr, 1962; during Cult. Rev., supported Mao-Lin to purge Zhao Lin, Luo Kunshan, and promoted to polit, commissar, Jilin Distr, 19671977; ehm, Rev Comte of Jilin Prov., Mar 1968-1977; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); 1st sec., Jilin Prov. CP, Mar 19711977; mem., Presidium, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; dir., Polit. Dpt, Hubei Mil. Distr, Nov 1977; disappeared, Nov 1977.

Wang Huamin * 1918 deceased 1977, Nov 27 Dpty dir., Dpt of Commerce, Hunan PPG, Jul 1950; dpty dir., Bureau for Trade and Medical Supplies, Min. of Commerce, SC, Jun 1955; dpty manager, China Pharmaceutical Co., Jun 1956; manager, China Food Co., Feb 1964; vice-min. of Commerce, SC, Apr 1964 - Cult.

Rev.; mem., Preparatory Comte, 2nd Natl Games, Jan 1965; during Cult. Rev. removed from all posts, 1967; only appearance after Cult. Rev., 1976, Jan 15.

Wang Huide

& &

Mem., Editorial Dpt, RMRB, Apr 1964; participant at scientific forum, Beijing, Jun 1966; subsequently disappeared, Jun 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Apr 1974; cadre in a dpt of CCP Central Comte, May 1974; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dir., Bureau for Translation of the Works of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1978 - May 1982; head, del. of this bureau to Romania, Apr 1979; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1981-1986; article in HQ Feb 16, 1982, on the reestablishment of theoretical education; pres., Society of the History of the Intl Communist Movement, Aug 1982; vice-chm, Study Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.

Wang Huiqiu




JiËL * 1911 Wan'an County, Jiangxi Attended Marxist-Leninist Inst., Moscow, 1935-37; polit, commissar of a column, Central Plains Field Army, 1947; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, 5th Group Army, 2nd Field Army, 1949; dir., Polit. Dpt, Guizhou Mil. Distr, 1950; mem., Guizhou PPG, 1950; dpty polit, commissar, Guizhou Mil. Distr, 1951; dir., Polit. Dpt, PLA Air Force, Mar 1955; made ltn-gen. and awarded order of "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; dpty polit, commissar, PLA Air Force, Nov 1964; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 Aug 1973; polit, commissar, PLA Air Force, Jun 1969; dpty cdr., Shenyang Mil. Reg, May 1975-1978; disappeared, Oct 1981.

Wang Huzhen

>JL ^J

* 1896 Studied abroad; took part in the project of harnessing the Huai River, the first huge water conservancy project the PR China undertook, 1952; deputy for Anhui to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958 and to 3rd, Oct 1964); chief engineer for Sanmen Gorge Reservoir, 19561959; dir., Beijing Inst, of Water Conservancy and Electric Power, 1960; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Hebei to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Award Comte for Natural Sci-

Wang Jianshi


enee, Siate Com for Science and Technology, May 1980; mem., Dpt of Technological Sciences, CAS, 1983; disappeared, 1983.

Wang Jian'an



Among Wang's publications are: Design Theories and Computation of Hydraulic Tunnels; Computer Method Used in Underground Construction.

Wang Jiadao Ü % Üt * 1915 Once served as div. cdr. of 3rd Field Army; and as dpty cdr. of 23rd Army, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951-53; maj-gen., Jun 1963; cdr., Heilongjiang Mil. Distr, Oct 1964-1976; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Heilongjiang Prov., Jan 1967 - Jun 1973; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); 1st sec., CCP Comte, Heilongjiang Prov., Aug 1971 - Mar 1974; ehm, Rev Comte of Heilongjiang Prov., Jun 1973-1976; dpty cdr., Shenyang Mil. Reg, Sep 19731977; disappeared, Sep 1977.

Wang Jian $> Vice-chm, Rev Comte of Shanghai, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanghai CP, Sep 1978-1983; dir., Polit, and Judical Office, Shanghai MPC, Nov 1978; vicemayor, Shanghai MPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Shanghai MPC, Jul 1985 - Apr 1988; disappeared, Apr 1988.

Wang Jian

' Hongan'County, Hubei deceased 1980, Jul 25 Joined Red Army, 1927; dir., Polit. Dpt, 4th Red Front Army, 1933; polit, commissar, 4th Front Army, 1934; participated on Long March, 1934-35; attended Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, winter 1936; dpty cdr., Shandong Mil. Distr. Oct 1941; cdr., Central Shandong Mil. Distr, 1946; cdr., 8th Column, E China Field Army, 1947; cdr., 7th Army Corps, 3rd Field Army, Apr 1949; cdr., Zhejiang Mil. Distr, May 1949 - Aug 1952; attended Inaugural Session of 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Feb 1950 - Jan 1953; council mem., Zhejiang PPG, Jan 1951; led 21st, 23rd and 24th Armies to participate in Korean War and made cdr. of 9th Army, winter 1952-55; dpty cdr., Shenyang Mil. Reg and concurrently commandant, Mil. Engineering College in Harbin, 1955; made col-gen., Sep 1955; awarded order of "Liberation", 1st class, Jun 1957; deputy for PLA to 2nd NPC, Jul 1958; mem., Natl Defense Council, Apr 1959 Cult. Rev.; dpty cdr., Jinan Mil. Reg, Dec 1963-1969; leading military, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Jun 1970-1975; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 - death; mem., Presidium, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; adviser, Mil. Com, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1980 - death.

i£W a n g Jianshi

* 1915 Ding County, Hebei Graduated from Agricultural College, Natl Central Univ, 1941; worked as teacher in agricultural schools, 1942-49; prof, and later vice-pres., Hebei Agricultural Univ, 1951 Cult. Rev.; deputy for Hebei to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; vicepres., China Society for Crops, Jan 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Hebei to 5th NPC, Jan 1978; again vice-pres., Hebei Agricultural Univ, Dec 1979-1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Apr 1988. Publications: Crop Seed; Cultivation and Science of Fine Strain Cultivation; Wheat Cultivation.

^ a - k

* 1905 Jiangsu Received Ph.D. in economics from Munich Univ, Germany, 1937; manager, Chapei Power Plant, Shanghai, 1948; executive dir., Board of Directors, China Intl Trust and Investment Corp. (CITIC), Oct 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanghai Fed of Industrialists and Businessmen, Oct 1979; permanent dir., CITIC, Jul 1988; disappeared, Jul 1988.


Wang Jiaxiang

W a n g Jiaxiang

JE. ^


* 1905 Jing County, Anhui deceased 1974, Jan 25 Attended St. James Mission School at Wuhu City, -1924; enrolled at Shanghai Univ and joined CCP, 1925; studied at Sun Yat-sen Univ in Moscow, 1926-30; attended 6th CCP Congr held in Moscow, Jun-Jul 1928; became one of the "28 Bolsheviks" and returned to China, May 1930; sec., CCP Comte for League of Left-Wing Writers, and published Workers Circular (in English), Shanghai, 1930; mem., CCP 6th Central Comte, elected at 4th Plenum, Jan 1931 - Jun 1945; assigned to the central revolutionary base at Ruijin together with Ren Bishi, summer 1931; dir., General Polit. Dpt, Red Army, Nov 1931; vice-chm, Revolutionary Mil. Council under Central Executive Comte of Chinese Soviet Republic, Nov 1931; mem. and People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Central Executive Comte of Chinese Soviet Republic, 1931 - Long March; alt. mem., Politburo, 6th Central Comte, elected at 5th Plenum, Jan 1934 - Oct 1938; took part in Long March, 1934-35 and severely wounded; medical treatment in USSR, fall of 1935-37; dir., Polit. Dpt, 8th Route Army, 1938-46; mem., Politburo, 6th Central Comte, byelected at 6th Plenum, Nov 1938 - Jun 1945; after having contracted tuberculosis, medical treatment in Vladivostok, 1944-45; alt. mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Apr 1945 Mar 1949; mem., NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte and dir. of its Propaganda Dpt, 1947-49; mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, elected at 2nd Plenum, Mar 1949 (reelected to 8th CC, Sep 1956); delegate of CCP to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; ambassador to USSR, Oct 1949- Apr 1951; vicemin. of Foreign Affairs, Oct 1949 - Oct 1959; CCP delegate to Congr of Socialist Unity Party of German Democratic Republic, Jul 1950; dir., Intl Liaison Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1951; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1951; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Indochina Conf., Geneva, Apr 1954; mem., CCP del. to 20th Congr of CPSU (head: Zhu De), Feb 1956; sec., Secretariat, CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956- Cult. Rev.; mem., CCP del. to USSR, Poland, Hungary, Jan 1957; mem., del. to USSR to attend celebrations of Oct Rev, Oct 1957; mem., CCP del. to Poland, Mar 1959; head, CCP del. to Great Britain, Mar 1959; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1965); accused as a traitor and purged, Nov 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1973; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 - death. Wang was married to Zhu Zhongli. Publication: The CCP and the Revolutionary War.

WangJinchuan J'l Dir., Foreign Affairs Bureau, Guangdong PPC, Mar 1960-1965; council mem., Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Jun 1961-1965; counsellor, embassy in Albania, Jan 19661967; chargé d'affaires ad interim, embassy in Ν Vietnam, Dec 1971; ambassador to Senegal, Jun 1972 - Aug 1977; ambassador to Ethiopia, Nov 1977 - Jan 1981; ambassador to Mozambique, Jun 1981 - Oct 1982; disappeared, Oct 1982.

Wang Jingsheng J£- "if Alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; head, youth del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1975; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Liaoning Prov., Sep 1975; disappeared, Oct 1975. Remarks: Wang probably was a worker.

W a n g J i n l i n g (f) ^ 4: & Alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; disappeared, May 1980.

W a n g Jinshan

J3L iiT vLj

* 1915 Hongan County, Hubei deceased 1978, May 10 Joined Red Army, 1930; joined CCP, 1932; dpty cdr. of a regiment, 386th Brigade, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, Jul 1937; studied at Party School, Yan'an, 1940; dpty cdr., Taiyue Column, in Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Liberated Area, 1945; dpty cdr., 2nd Field Army (cdr.: Liu Bocheng), 1948-55; cdr., Chongqing Garrison, Nov 1949; vice-chm, Chongqing Mil. Control Com, Dec 1949; cdr., E Sichuan Mil. Distr, Dec 1949 - Aug 1952; vice-chm, E Sichuan Admin. Office, Dec 1949 - Aug 1952; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950 - Jan 1953; vicemin. of Public Security, Aug 1950 - Apr 1963; made Ungen. and awarded orders of "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; disappeared 1963; first reappearance: mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - death.

Wang Jinshan -£· " k ^ Chm, All-China Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Hebei Prov., Jul 1954; mem., Hebei PPC, Feb 1955; vice-gov., Hebei PPG, Oct 1958-1967; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Hebei Prov., Jul 1971 - Dec 1979; mem.,


Stand. Comte, Hebei Prov. CP, Feb 1975; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982); sec., Hebei Prov. CP, Oct 1977 - Feb 1981; vice-gov., Shandong PPG, Dec 1981 - Apr 1983; dpty head, friendship del. to Italy (head: Chu Tunan), May 1982: vice-chm, Advisory Com, Shandong Prov. CP, Dec 1983-1987; resigned from his post as alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1985; disappeared, Jul 1987.

Wang Jiyuan

Wang Jinyou Alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; sec., CCP Comte of Shangwang Production Brigade, Hongshan People's Commune, Shaoxing County, Zhejiang Prov., Oct 1977; mem., Stand. Comte, Zhejiang Prov. CP, May 1978; deputy for Zhejiang to 6th NPC, May 1983; disappeared, May 1983.

W a n g Jinzi W a n g Jinxi






* 1923 Yumen City, Gansu deceased 1970, Nov 15 Worked as a sheep-herder in childhood, later as a coalbearer; became a worker in Yumen Oilfield, 1937; leader, No. 1259 well-drilling team, No. 3 Brigade, Geological Survey and Exploitation Co., Yumen Petroleum Admin. Bureau, 1959; elected model worker, Oct 1959; led 32 workers from Yumen to Daqing Oilfield in Heilongjiang Prov., 1960; deputy for Heilongjiang to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., Bills Comte, 1st Session, 3rd NPC, Dec 1964; "5-good-pacesetter", Min. of Petroleum Ind., May 1966; dpty cdr., Well-Drilling HQ, Daqing Oilfield, May 1966; vice-chm, Rev Comte for Daqing Oilfield, 1967; nati labor model, 1968; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 - death. Remarks: Wang became known nation-wide as the "IronMan".

Wang Jinxiang * Jiangxi deceased 1982 Joined CCP, Jan 1934; mem., Central Executive Comte, Chinese Central Soviet Republic, 1934; dir., Public Security Bureau, Changchun Municipality, 1948; dir., Public Security Dpt, NE Admin. Comte, 1948; dir., Public Security Dpt, NE People's Govt, Aug-Nov 1949; attended Inaugural Session, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Supreme People's Procuratorate, Oct 1949; chief procurator, NE Branch, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Jan 1950 - Sep 1954; vice-chm, NE Admin. Comte (NEAC), Jan 1953 Sep 1954; ehm, Polit, and Legal Comte, NEAC, Jan 1953; mem., NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1954; vice-min. of Public Security, Oct 1954 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; during Cult. Rev. branded a close follower of Luo Ruiqing and purged, 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - death.

Dpty sec., CCP Comte, Xiyang County, Shanxi Prov. (a Dazhai-type county), 1975; sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, Mar 1977-1978; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Shanxi Prov., Sep 1977-1978; deputy for Heilongjiang to the 5th NPC, Feb 1978; sec., Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Feb 1978; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Heilongjiang Prov., Sep-Dec 1979; disappeared, Dec 1979.

Wang Jiyuan .2L & 7 L * Indonesia Once was a co-founder of Life News in Indonesia and served as its pres.; Board mem., China News Agency, Nov 1952; dpty dir., Dpt of Culture, Education and Propaganda, Com of Overseas Chinese Affairs, G AC, 1953-54; mem., 2nd Natl Comte, CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959); mem., Chinese Athletic Assn, 1955; mem., Stand. Comte and dpty sec-gen., Assn of Returned Overseas Chinese, Oct 1956 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, SC, Sep 1959; dpty dir-gen., China News Agency, Sep 1960 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vicechm, Rev Comte of Liaoning Prov., Jan 1978 - Dec 1979; dir., Board of Directors, China Intl Trust and Investment Corp., Oct 1979; vice-gov., Liaoning PPG, Feb 19801982; mem., Stand. Comte, Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, Jun 1981; council mem., XNA, Sep 1982; disappeared, Sep 1982.


Wang Jun (f)

W a n g J u n (f)

Wang Juqian

* 1921 Rongcheng County, Shandong Served in Theatrical Troupe, 8th Route Army, 1938-39; studied at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. College, Yan'an, 1939; dpty dir., Civil Affairs Bureau, Andong City, 194749; vice-chm, TU Branch, Harbin Municipality, 1953-63; ehm, TU Branch, Harbin Municipality, Apr 1963; head, del. of Heilongjiang Prov. TU to Bulgaria, Apr 1963; mem., del. to Congr of Intl Problems of Women's Work, Bucharest, May 1964; wife of Lü Qi'en (then 1st sec., Harbin Municipality CP), Jul 1965; head, Harbin TU del. to German Democratic Republic, Apr 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-gov., Heilongjiang PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; head, Heilongjiang del. to Ν Korea, Aug 1982; vice-chm, Heilongjiang PPC, Apr 1983 - Jan 1993; deputy for Heilongjiang to 7th NPC, Mar 1988 (reelected to 8th, Mar 1993); mem., NPC del. to Bangladesh, Nepal, India (head: Liao Hansheng), Nov 1992.

* 1906 Henan deceased 1975, Feb 26 Studied civil engineering; M.S. degree Cornell Univ, U.S.A., 1928; dpty dir., General Bureau of Engineering, Min. of Railways, Dec 1949; mem., Presidium, Natl Conf. of Combat Heroes and Model Worker, Sep 1950; named model railway worker, Dec 1950; deputy for Henan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Mar 1959, and to 3rd, Sep 1964); chief engineer, Min. of Railways, Jul 1955; chief engineer in project of Changjiang (Yangtse) Bridge in Wuhan, Oct 1956; mem., Technology Dpt, CAS, Jun 1957; mem., Party and govt del. to USSR, Oct 1957; mem., 8th Executive Comte, All-China Fed of TU, Dec 1957; vice-min. of Railways, Sep 1959 - Cult. Rev.; vice-pres., China Civil Engineering Society, Sep 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1973; no new position until death.

Wang Kewen Wang Junshao



* 1938 Son of a poor peasant; forced to begging with his mother in childhood; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; dpty Party sec., Gongzhangling Iron Mine, Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Oct 1977; the Wang Junshao Brigade, consisting of 99 men, in 1977 produced 3,5 million tons of ore, double the state quota; CCP sec., Gongzhangling Mine, Jan 1978, cited as a model worker, May 1978; initiator of the nati emulation among joint ore extracting and transport teams of open-cut metallurgical mines, Dec 1978; disappeared, Dec 1978; charged with having falsified production figures, Aug 1980.

£ί- M 'M

_3L ^L


* 1916 deceased 1993, Jan 26 Dir., Finance Dpt, Hubei PPG, 1950; sec-gen., Wuhan MPC, 1954; vice-mayor, Wuhan MPG, Jan 1955; dir., Dpt of Finance and Commerce, Wuhan CP, Jul 1955; acting mayor, Wuhan MPG, Oct 1957; sec., Wuhan CP, Feb 1959; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; sec., Wuhan CP, May 1971 - Feb 1973; 1st sec., Wuhan CP, Feb 1973 - Feb 1978; sec., Hubei Prov. CP, Feb 1973 Feb 1978; sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, Mar 1978 - Mar 1983; hon. pres., Shanxi Branch, Capital Construction Economics Research Assn, Dec 1981; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; dpty sec., Shanxi CP, Mar 1983 - Jul 1985; ehm, Advisory Com, Shanxo CP, Jul 1985 - Mar 1991.

Wang Kuancheng

* 1906 Ningbo City, Zhejiang

j£. ^


deceased 1986, Dec 3


Originally a merchant in Shanghai; moved to Hong Kong, 1949; made big profit during Korean War; elected ehm, Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong, 1954 (reelected Apr 1968); delegate to 2nd Session, 2nd CPPCC, 1955; around 1958 while PRC exported large quantities of building materials, entered into construction business and became multi-millionaire; during riot in Hong Kong caused by Cult. Rev. elected vice-chm of Struggle Comte, May 1967; deputy for Guangdong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, Board of Directors, Jinan Univ, Oct 1978; mem., Budget Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; dir. Board of Directors, China Intl Trust and Investment Corp., Oct 1979; vice-chm, General Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong, Oct 1979; ehm, General Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong, Jul 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 - death.

Wang Kuang




j£. H.

· é

iRí -m«*

* 1917 Dongguan County, Guangdong Studied at Inst, of Marxism-Leninism and Central Party School, Yan'an, 1941; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Polit. Dpt, Jianghan Mil. Distr, 1945-46; correspondent of XNA, 1947-49; Southern Daily, 1950-55; Guangdong Prov. Branch, XNA, Oct 1950; council mem., Guangdong Prov. Branch, Chinese Journalists' Assn, 1950; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, S China Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1952; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Guangdong Prov. CP, Apr 1956-1962; dir., Shangyu magazine in Guangdong, Jun 1958; mem., Cultural del. to Poland (head: Shen Yanbing), Aug 1960; alt. sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Jan 1962; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1962 - Cult. Rev.; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, 1963; branded a "three-anti element" and purged, Sep 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jul 1977; dir., State Publication Admin. Bureau, Mar-Jul 1978; dir., Hong Kong Branch of XNA, Jul 1978 - Jun 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, by-elected Jul 1979 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983; to 7th, Apr 1988); adviser, State Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, Dec 1984; disappeared, Dec 1989.

Wang Ktinlun

W a n g K u n (f)



Engaged in art work since her early years; she was the first actress to play Xier, the leading role of the modern opera The White Haired Girl (praised by Mao Zedong who saw her on several occasions); deputy for Hubei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964); disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1977; mem., Presidium, 11th CCP Congr, Aug 1977; mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; officially rehabilitated, Apr 1978; mem., Dongfang Song and Dance Ensemble, Jul 1978; acting dir., Dongfang Song and Dance Ensemble, Dec 1978; led this ensemble to performances in Thailand, Dec 1978; head, song and dance ensemble to Sudan, Dec 1980; head, song and dance ensemble to Algeria and Morocco, Jan 1981; head, song and dance ensemble to Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Pakistan, Feb 1982; dir., Dongfang Song and Dance Ensemble, Feb 1982; awarded the "Star of Distinction" by Pakistan, Mar 1987; disappeared, Mar 1987. Wang was married to Zhou Weishi.

Wang Kuncheng - Í · fy Dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Liaoning Prov. CP, 1955; dir., Dpt of Culture and Education, Liaoning Prov. CP, 1957-64; vice-gov., Liaoning PPG, Sep 1964- Cult. Rev.; during Cult. Rev. branded a revisionist and purged, Feb 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Liaoning PPC, Feb 1980-1983; vice-chm, Liaoning Province Branch of CPPCC, Apr 1983; disappeared, Oct 1984. Wang was married to Ma Jingming.

Wang Kunlun



* 1902 Wuxi, Jiangsu deceased 1985, Aug 23 Graduated from Beijing Univ; as a student, joined Assn of Comrades of Democracy; instructor at Whampoa Mil. Academy, 1924; legislator of Nationalist Govt Legislative Yuan, 1933; alt. mem., 5th Central Executive Comte,


Wang Lanxi

KMT, 1935; mem., Propaganda Dpt, KMT Central Comte, 1936; ehm, Sino-Soviet Cultural Assn, influenced by leftists, 1943; attacked National Govt, 1944; withdrew from KMT and joined Assn of Comrades of Three People's Principles, 1945; went to U.S.A. and participated in anti-govt activities led by Feng Youxiang, 1947-48; joined the Communists, spring 1949; mem., 4th Group for Drafting Govt Organizational Law to Preparatory Comte, CPPCC, Jun 1949; attended Inaugural Session of CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949Oct 1954; mem., G AC, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, KMT Rev Comte, Nov 1949 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1950 - Jul 1958; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Apr 1951 - Dec 1958; executive sec. and council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1951 Dec 1954; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 Mar 1959; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959 and to 3rd, Jan 1965); vice-mayor of Beijing, Feb 1955 -Cult. Rev.; head, del. to May Day celebrations in Moscow, May 1955; deputy for Beijing to 2nd NPC, Aug 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); head of an opera troupe to Cambodia, Nov 1960; vicepres., Sino-Cambodian Friendship Assn, Dec 1960; vicechm, Association for Cultural Relations and Friendship with Foreign Countries, Apr 1966; during Cult. Rev. jailed for seven years; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Nov 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Mar 1976 - death; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978-1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978-1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; vice-chm, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Jul 1979 (confirmed by 6th, Jun 1983); vice-chm, Central Comte, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Oct 1979; hon. pres., Society of the Study of the Dream of the Red Mansions, Jul 1980; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; ehm, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Sep 1981 - death; executive ehm, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983. Wang was married to Cao Mengjun. Publication: Personalities in the Dream of the Red Mansions'.

Wang Lanxi

Î. £


* Sichuan After a career as an actor of modern drama, engaged in united front activities; editor, Jianghuai Daily, 1942; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Ν Jiangsu Distr CP, 1943; mem., film del. to USSR, summer 1949; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Central-S Mil. Reg, Oct 1949; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, Central-S Mil. and Admin Comte, Mar 1950; dir., Polit. Dpt, Hunan Mil. Distr, Oct 1951; dpty dir., Film Bureau, Min. of Culture, Jun 1952; acting dir., Film Bureau, Min. of Culture, Jun 1953; mem., All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Oct 1953 - Cult. Rev.; council mem., Chinese Writers' Assn, Oct 1953; head, film del. to USSR, Jun 1954; dir., Film Ind. Admin.,

Min. of Culture, May 1956; asst min. of Culture, May 1956 - Jan 1959; dir., Beijing Central Film Inst., Jun 1957 - Jan 1959; mem., cultural del. to USSR, Nov 1957; council mem., Chinese Assn of Film Workers, Aug 1960; dir., Cultural and Educational Dpt, Guangdong Pro v. CP, Nov 1962; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1963; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Oct 1964; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Jan 1966; branded a "capitalist-roader" and "threeanti element" and purged, Feb 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-min. of Culture, Jan 1978 - May 1982; head, film del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1979; vice-min., State Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Mar 1981 - May 1982; head, cultural del. to Kuwait and Cyprus, Feb 1982; vice-chm, Comte for Cultural Exchange with Foreign Countries, Min. of Culture, Feb 1984; vicechm, China Intl Cultural Exchange Center, Jul 1984; mem., Foreign Affairs Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.

W a n g Lei



* 1914 Shandong Dpty manager, NW China Branch, People's Bank of China, Mar 1949; manager, Xi'an Branch, People's Bank of China, Sep 1949; Board mem., Communications Bank of China, May 1950; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, SW China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950; mem., Preparatory Comte, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Jun 1952; vice-min. of Commerce, Jan 1953 - Feb 1958; vice-min., 1st Min. of Commerce, Feb-Sep 1958; again vice-min. of Commerce, Sep 1958 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Shandong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; head, trade del. to Ν Korea, May 1965; dir., Polit. Dpt, Min. of Commerce, Feb 1966; dpty sec-gen., Beijing Rev Comte, Jul 19701973; mem., Stand. Comte, Beijing CP, Mar 1971; vicechm, Beijing Rev Comte, May 1973-1977; dpty head, goodwill del. to Japan, Sep 1974; min. of Commerce, Mar-Jul 1978; head, agricultural del. to Federal Republic of Germany, Romania, France, Aug 1978; sec., Beijing CP, Nov 1978; vice-chm, Beijing Rev Comte, Nov 1978; min. of Commerce, Feb 1979 - Mar 1982; head, goodwill del. to Thailand, Feb 1979; vice-min., State Economic Com, May 1982 - Jun 1985; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; head, economic del. to USSR, Apr 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.


W a n g Li


f j

* 1900 Bobai County, Guangxi deceased 1986, May 3 Expelled from Shanghai Nanfang Univ for participating in student movement, 1922; enrolled in Qinghua Univ, 1922; studied at Univ of Lyon, France, and received Ph.D., 1924-31; lecturer at Qinghua and Beijing Univ, 1931-37; prof, at Guangxi Univ and SW Associated Univ, during Sino-Japanese War, 1937-45; dean, College of Arts, Guangzhou Lingnan Univ, 1945; council mem., Guangzhou MPG, Mar 1950; mem., S China Branch, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Dec 1953; prof., Chinese Dpt, Zhongshan Univ in Guangzhou, Dec 1953; mem., Comte for Reforming Chinese Written Language, SC, Dec 1954; mem., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955; dir., Chinese Language Teaching-Research Group, Beijing Univ, Oct 1955; mem., Comte for Popularization of Common Spoken Language, SC, Feb 1956; mem., Stand. Comte, Chinese People's Comte for Defense of World Peace, Jul 1958; branded a bourgeois scholar and purged, Aug 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., scientists' del. to Great Britain, Oct 1972; prof., Dpt of Chinese Language and Culture, Beijing Univ, Aug 1978; vice-chm, Chinese Written Language Reform Comte, SC, May 1980- Sep 1984; hon. pres., China Linguistics Society, Oct 1980; delegate to 30th founding anniversary of Japan-China Inst, in Tokyo, Oct 1981; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 death; adviser, Chinese Written Language Reform Comte, SC, Sep 1984 -death; set up a scholarship fund of 100,000 yuan to encourage language research in China, after having received this sum as payment for his latest work, The Collected Works of Wang Li, Jul 1985. Other publications: A Study of Lao Zi (1928); Grammer of Spoken Chinese, Chinese Phonetics (1981); co-author of History of Chinese Linguistics.

W a n g Li Î D * 1918 Huaian County, Jiangsu Bom into a landlord family; in his youth joined KMT and served as polit, instructor, 57th Army, Natl Govt Forces; joined CCP, 1939; cadre, Propaganda Dpt, Shandong Prov. CP, 1941-43; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt Bohai CP, 1945-49; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Shanghai Municipal CP, 1949; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Shijiazhuang City CP, Dec 1950; section chief, Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1952-53; chief, 9th Section, Intl Liaison Dpt,

Wang Liang

CCP Central Comte, 1954-64; mem., del. to World Disarmament Conf. (head: Shen Yanbing), Moscow, Jul 1962; dpty dir., Intl Liaison Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1964; worked under Cult. Rev. 5-man Group, 1966; mem. and sec., Cult. Rev. Group, CCP Central Comte, May 1966 - Oct 1967; after purge of Tao Zhu (then dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte), took charge of CCP propaganda work, Jan 1967; with Xie Fuzhi and others sent to Wuhan to handle Cult. Rev., problems there, Jul 1967; beaten up by PLA units and Red Guards, placed under struggle and paraded on streets in Wuhan, Jul 20, 1967; escaped to Beijing, Jul 22, 1967; 1st associate editor of Red Flag, Jul-Oct 1967; dismissed from all posts, Oct 1967; arrested and disappeared, Jan 1968.

W a n g Li .3- Λ . * 1917 Shanxi Vice-min., 5th Min. of Machine Building, Feb 1966; subsequently disappeared; first reappearance: SC cadre, Sep 1974; again vice-min., 5th Min. of Machine Building, Apr 1977-1979; mem., govt del. to Romania (head: Chen Muhua), Apr 1978; dir., Scientific and Technological Comte, Min. of Ordnance, Jul 1980 -Mar 1984; pres., Chinese Ordnance Society, Jul 1980; disappeared, Mar 1984.

Wang Lianfang JH% * 1920 Yanshan County, Hebei Wang belonged to the Hui minority; received middle school education; joined CCP, 1938; 1939-49: successively served in Hebei-Shanxi Border Area, in the Party Comte of Hehai Area, as vice-mayor of Changzhou City and as office head under the Nationalities Affairs Comte of the CCP Central Comte; dir., Yunnan Nationalities Inst., 1953; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, Yunnan Prov. CP, 1958; vice-chm, Nationalities Affairs Comte, Yunnan PPG, Mar 1962 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Yunnan PPC, Apr 1983; dir., Nationalities Work Comte, Yunnan Prov. CP, Sep 1983; disappeared, Oct 1985.

Wang Liang i R. Sec-gen., Hubei Prov. CP, Dec 1957 - Oct 1959; sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, Nov 1959 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Liaoning Prov., May 1968; disappeared, May 1968.

Wang Libin


Wang Libin


* 1930 Xishui County, Hubei Service as CCP sec. in counties of Hubei Prov., 1965-66; dpty dir., General Office, Hubei Prov. CP, 1972-73; mem., Stand. Comte, Hubei Prov. CP, 1973-78; 1st sec., Enshi Prefecture CP, 1978-82; vice-gov., Hubei PPG, Apr 1983-1985; vice-chm, Hubei PPC, May 1988; disappeared, May 1988.

Wang Lin

Wang Linhe



Wang became known as a model industrial worker and later as a worker-engineer. Vice-chm, Youth Fed of Shanghai, Nov 1962; dpty dir. of an electronics factory in Shanghai, 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977- Sep 1982; head, workers del. to Ν Korea, Apr 1978; ehm, Shanghai Branch of All-China Fed of TU, Apr 1978; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, May 1985.


During Long March, polit, instructor of a Red Army unit, 1934-35; served in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg, 1938; mem., CCP Comte, Tangshan City, Hebei 1949; dir., General Office, Min. of Fuel Ind., Aug 1950 - Oct 1954; deputy for Tianjin to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; vice-min. of Fuel Ind., Oct 1954 -Jul 1955; mem., CCP and govt del. to Czechoslovakia, May 1955; vice-min. of Electric Power, Aug 1955 - Feb 1958; mem., scientific and technological del. to Czechoslovakia, Sep 1955; mem., Huanghe Project Comte, SC, Sep 1957; mem., Songhua River Basin Project Comte, Jan 1958 - Feb 1959; sec., Shaanxi Prov. CP, Feb 1959 - Cult. Rev.; alt. mem., Secretariat, NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1963; sec., NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1976; sec., Shaanxi Prov. CP, Oct 19771980; 1st sec., Xi'an Municipality CP, Oct 1977-1980; deputy for Shaanxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; head, Xi'an friendship del. to Japan, Apr 1978; vice-min. of Power Ind., May-Dec 1980; mem., govt del. to Norway and Great Britain (head: Kang Shien), May 1980; vice-min., State Energy Com, Jan 1981 - May 1982; dir., Office for Building the Economic Zone in the Changjiang (Yangtse) Delta, Feb 1983; ehm, Economic Zone Office, Shanghai MPG, Aug 1983; vice-chm, China-Spain Friendship Group of NPC, Mar 1986; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; disappeared, Nov 1987.

Wang Liusheng

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•1912 Sichuan Polit, commissar, 22nd Regiment, 8th Brigade, 3rd Div., New 4th Army, 1946; polit, commissar, 22nd Corps, 3rd Field Army, 1949; dir., Polit. Dpt, 22nd Corps, 1951; dpty polit, commissar, 22nd Corps, 1955; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty polit, commissar, Nanjing Garrison, Aug 1959; 2nd polit, commissar, Shanghai Garrison, 1964; dir., Polit. Dpt, Nanjing Mil. Reg, 1966; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973; to 11th CC, Aug 1977; to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985); dpty polit, commissar, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Aug 1969-1971; 1st polit, commissar, Wuhan Mil. Reg, Feb 1972 - Sep 1977; 2nd sec., Hubei Prov. CP, Aug 1972 May 1977; leading cadre in Central Mil. Leadership, Jun 1977; polit, commissar, PLA Engineering Corps, Jan 1982-1983; resigned from position as alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

Wang Luming



* 1920 Dongguang County, Hebei Served in guerilla detachment at Tianjin-Pukou Railway, 1945-46; CCP sec. of counties and prefectures in Hebei Prov., 1946-58; dir., Org. Dpt, Hebei Prov. CP, May


Wang Ning

1959; alt. sec., Hebei Prov. CP, Nov 1961; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Hebei Prov., Apr 1975-1977; vicegov., Heilongjiang PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; dpty sec., Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Jan 1980 - Feb 1982; deputy for Heilongjiang to 5th NPC, by-elected Feb 1981; sec., Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Feb 1982 - Mar 1983; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Sep 1983 (reelected Jul 1985); dpty dir., State NE China Planning Office, Sep 1985-1987; ehm, Advisory Com, Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Jun 1988; disappeared, Sep 1989.

sports del. to Turkey, Dec 1977; mem., Central Patriotic Health Campaign Comte, Apr 1978 - Oct 1983; head, sports del. to Tunisia, May 1978; head, sports del. to Yugoslavia and Romania, Oct 1978; head, sports del. to Federal Republic of Germany, Great Britain, France, Jun 1979; vice-chm, Natl Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; head, sports del. to Mexico, Nov 1979; polit, commissar, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Jul 1981 - Jun 1985; 2nd sec., CCP Comte, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Oct 1981 - Jun 1985; deputy for PLA to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Apr 1988.

Wang Maoquan

Wang Min (£)




Mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 - Feb 1978; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; present at Spring Festival in Shijiazhuang, Feb 1978; disappeared, Dec 1978.

Wang Meiji (f)

i l l

* 1944 Tianbai County, Guangdong Born into a poor peasant's family; received middle school education; mem., Rev Comte, Guangdong Prov., 1968; named a model worker, 1968; CCP sec., Baisha Production Brigade, Xiaoling People's Commune, Tianbai County, Guangdong Prov., Oct 1972; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1977; vice-chm, Women's Fed, Guangdong Prov., Oct 1973; disappeared, Oct 1976.

* 1929 Haiyan County, Zhejiang Graduation from Chemistry Dpt, Qinghua Univ, 1950; served successively as dpty dir. and dir., Beijing Chemical Plant, 1956-73; dpty dir., Chemical Ind. Bureau, Beijing MPG, 1977-83; dir., Planning Dpt, Min. of Chemical Ind., Feb 1983; vice-min. of Chemical Ind., Sep 1984Nov 1990; disappeared, Nov 1990.

Wang Meng Wang Ming See Chen Shaoyu

* -¿i "lW JisM .-Il

* 1920 Yanshan County, Hebei Joined 8th Route Army, 1937; joined CCP, 1938; battalion polit, commissar, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 194042; dir. of regimental polit, dpt, W Shandong Mil. Distr, 1943; dir., div. polit, dpt in 2nd Field Army, 1949; polit, commissar of a PLA div., 1951-54; graduation from PLA Mil. Academy, 1955; polit, commissar, PLA 2nd Polit. School, 1955-61; polit, commissar, 38th Army, 1962-67; mil. leader of PLA Unit 4800, in Hebei Prov., Aug 1968Oct 1969; dpty polit, commissar, Beijing Mil. Reg, Feb 1970; min., Physical Culture and Sports Com, Oct 1971 Sep 1974; head, sports del. to Iran, Dec 1973; mil. cadre, Wuhan Mil. Reg, Apr-Dec 1976; again min. of Physical Culture and Sports (after purge of Zhuang Zedong), Mar 1977 -Sep 1981; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987); head,

Wang Mingzhang



Mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanghai CP, May 1978; sec., Shanghai Branch, CYL, Jun 1978; pres., China Society for the Study of Young People, May 1980; disappeared, May 1981.

Wang Ning


* 1923 Xiangfen County, Shanxi Dpty dir., Public Security Bureau, 1948-49; cadre, Social Affairs Dpt, S China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1950-


Wang Peiren

52; dir., Public Security Bureau, Guangdong PPG, 1956 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Guangdong Rev Comte, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangdong Prov. CP, Dec 1977; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Jan-Apr 1980; dir., Public Security Bureau, Guangdong PPG, Dec 1980; sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Mar 1983 - Jul 1985; sec., Discipline Inspection Comte, Guangdong Prov. CP, Mar 1983; dpty sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Jul 1985; ehm, Advisory Com, Guangdong Prov. CP, May 1988; disappeared, Oct 1989.

Wang Peiren Vice-mayor, Tianjin MPG, Jan 1964; vice-chm, Tianjin MPC, Jun 1980 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Advisory Comte, Tianjin CP, Dec 1983; disappeared, Dec 1983.

Wang Peiyu Vice-pres., Zhengzhou Univ, Jun 1964; criticized as an anti-Party element and purged, Jul 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Henan PPC, Apr 1983 - Jun 1985; Party sec., Zhengzhou Univ, May 1983; disappeared, May 1984.

Wang Pingshan



* 1926 Fuzhou, Fujian Graduated from Radio Dpt, Xiamen Univ, 1948; completed postgraduate studies at Physics Dpt, Lingnan Univ, 1951; served successively as teacher of middle school, attached to S China Teachers' College and vice-principal, Guangzhou 61st Middle School, 1952 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chancellor, S China Teachers' College, 1979-82; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Apr 1983-1987; vice-chm, Guangdong Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Jan 1988; disappeared, Jan 1988.

Wang Pinqing

l Ä ^

* 1930 Suibin County, Heilongjiang Cadre, Foreign Trade Bureau, Shenyang MPG, 1948-49; dpty sec., CYL Com, Min. of Foreign Trade, 1960-61; dpty gen-mgr., China Natl Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Import and Export Corp., 1971-75; commercial counselor, embassy in Romania, Jul 1977; gen-mgr., China Natl Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Import and Export Corp., 198082; asst min., Min. of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, Mar 1982 - Jan 1986; head, trade del. to Cuba, Mar 1984; mem., govt del. to Japan (head: Li Peng), Aug 1984; head, trade del. to Bangladesh, Dec 1984; accompanied Hu Yaobang to Australia, New Zealand, Western Samoa, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Apr 1985; vice-min., Min. of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, Jan 1986May 1990; accompanied premier Zhao Ziyang to Romania, Yugoslavia, Greece, Spain, Turkey, Tunisia, Jul 1986; head, trade del. to Albania, Dec 1986; head, trade del. to Poland, Jan 1987; head, trade del. to USSR, Mar 1987; vice-chm, State Tariff and Tax Regulation Office, Mar 1987 - May 1990; permanent dir., China Intl Trust and Investment Corp., Jul 1988 - May 1990; head, trade del. to USSR, Mar 1989; head, trade del. to Greece, May 1989; dpty dir., Hong Kong Branch, XNA, May 1990; disappeared, May 1990.

Wang Qian



* 1917 Although a long-standing mem. of CCP, served as a Nationalist Govt official, among others as sec-gen., Civil Affairs Dpt, Shanxi Prov. Govt; sec., Changzhi Distr CP, 1951; dpty dir., Rural Work Dpt, Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1953; sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; dir., Rural Work Dpt, Shanxi Prov. CP, Sep 1960; gov. of Shanxi Prov., Dec 1965 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Shanxi to 3rd NPC, by-elected Dec 1965; 2nd sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, Jul 1966; accused of having turned Shanxi into a center for resurrecting the capitalist system and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 -Aug 1977; again sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, Jan 1974 - Sep 1975; vice-chm, Shanxi Rev Comte, Jan 1974Sep 1975; 1st sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, Sep 1975 - Oct 1980; ehm, Shanxi Rev Comte, Sep 1975 - Dec 1979; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; deputy for Shanxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; 1st polit, commissar, Shanxi Mil. Distr, Feb-Dec 1979; sec., Sichuan


Prov. CP, Nov 1981 - Feb 1983; 1st sec., Chongqing Municipality CP, Nov 1981-1983; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; deputy for Sichuan to 6th NPC, May 1983; (leading) sec., Chongqing Municipality CP, Aug 1983 -Mar 1985; resigned as alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986; disappeared, Nov 1987.

Wang Qimei * Yunnan deceased between 1969 and 1972 Wang belonged to the Yi minority. Cdr., 1st Mil. Subdistr Henan-Anhui-Jiangsu Mil. Reg, 1947; cdr., 5th Mil. Subdistr, Shandong-Jiangsu-Henan-Anhui Mil. Reg, Apr 1948; polit, commissar of a div., 11th Column, Central Plains Field Army, Oct 1948; dpty polit, commissar, 18th Army, 2nd Field Army, Sep 1949; ehm, Lu County Mil. Control Com, Sichuan, Dec 1949; cdr., PLA vanguard units entering Lhasa, Sep 1951; dpty polit, commissar, Tibet Mil. Reg, Feb 1952 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Chamdo to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Nationalities Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959, and to 3rd, Jan 1965); made maj-gen., Sep 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, Preparatory Comte for Tibet AR, Apr 1956; ehm, People's Liberation Comte for Chamdo Distr, Apr 1956; dpty cdr., Tibet Mil. Reg, Apr 1956 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Tibet to 2nd NPC, Mar 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Dec 1964); sec., CCP Comte of Chamdo Distr, Apr 1961; dpty sec., CCP Tibet Work Comte, Mar 1962 - Sep 1965; sec., CCP Comte of Tibet AR, Sep 1965 -Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Tibet Branch of CPPCC, Sep 1965; accused of being Liu Shaoqi's representative in Tibet, Sep 1968; purged, Feb 1969 and reported to have committed suicide.

Wang Qingzheng

rfr jí-

Principal, Qiqihar Middle School, Jan 1950; vice-chm, Heilongjiang Prov. Branch of CPPCC, Apr 1952; delegate of Qiqihar to 1st Heilongjiang People's Congr, Aug 1954; mem., Heilongjiang PPC, Jan 1955; vice-gov., Heilongjiang PPG, Dec 1956 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Heilongjiang to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jan 1967.

Wang Quanguo



* 1913 Yunxin County, Jiangxi Joined Red Army, 1934; served in 4th Field Army, 1948; vice-mayor of Guilin City, 1950; dir., Polit. Dpt, Henan Mil. Distr, Nov 1953; dpty polit, commissar, Henan Mil. Distr, Mar 1960; 3rd polit, commissar, Henan Mil. Distr, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Guangdong Prov., Jun 1975 - Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangdong Prov. CP, Feb 1977; sec., Guangdong Prov CP, Apr 1978-1982; mem., govt del. to France, Switzer-

Wang Renzhong

land, Belgium, Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany (head: Gu Mu), May 1978; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Dec 1979-1982; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; sec., Hubei Prov. CP, Mar-Dec 1983; dpty sec., Hubei Prov. CP, Dec 1983; disappeared, Oct 1984.

Wang Rensan


Dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Jiangsu Prov. CP, Nov 1958; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Suzhou City, Dec 1961; council mem., Chinese People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Mar 1965; dpty dir., W Asia and Ν Africa Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Aug 1965-1966; ambassador to Chad, Apr 1973 - May 1977; ambassador to Liberia, Jul 1977-1980; ambassadore to Botswana, May 1981 - Jul 1983; disappeared, Jul 1983.

Wang Renzhong

jï- fê: 1§[

* 1917 Jing County, Hebei deceased 1992, Mar 16 Joined CCP, 1933, and moved to Jiangxi Soviet; took part in Long March, 1934-35; subsequently studied at Ν Shaanxi Univ; dir., S Hebei Admin. Office of ShanxiHebei-Shandong-Henan Border Govt, 1936; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Comte, S-Hebei Reg, 1938; sec, CCP Comte, 5th Prefecture in S Hebei, 1939-40; dir., Org. and Propaganda Dpt, CCP Comte, S Hebei Reg, 1940-42; dpty dir., S Hebei Admin. Office, 1943-47; dir., S Hebei Admin. Office, 1948-49; vice-chm, , Hubei PPG, Jun 1949- Feb 1952; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Central-S China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950 - Jan 1953; vice-mayor, Wuhan MPG, Feb 1952 Jan 1955; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Wuhan Municipality, Feb 1952 - Apr 1954; ehm, Wuhan Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Nov 1952 - Jan 1955; mem., Central-S China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; 1st sec., Wuhan CP, Apr-Sep 1954; deputy for Wuhan to 1st NPC, Sep 1954; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Hubei Prov., Sep 1954 Cult. Rev.; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, by-elected May 1958 - Cult. Rev.; 2nd sec., Central-S China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1961; polit, commissar, Wuhan Mil. Reg, Mar 1963; branded a bourgeois reactionary and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Ree.: 2nd sec., CCP Comte, Shaanxi Prov., Sep-Dec 1978; 1st vicechm, Shaanxi Rev Comte, Sep-Dec 1978; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, by-elected at 3rd Plenum, Dec 1978 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 and to 13th CC, Nov


Wang Rongzhen (f)

1987); vice-premier, Dec 1978 - Sep 1980; min. of State Agricultural Com, Feb 1979 - Aug 1980; head, Leading Group of SC on Educated Youth Settled in the Countryside, Aug 1979; head, govt del. to Yugoslavia, Denmark, Netherland, Belgium, Switzerland, Sep-Oct 1979; mem., Secretariat, 11th Central Comte, by-elected by 5th Plenum, Feb 1980- Sep 1982; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1980 - Mar 1982; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; mem., Presidium, 12th Congress of CCP, Sep 1982; deputy for Shaanxi to 6th NPC, May 1983; vice-chm, Stand. Comte, 6th NPC and concurrently ehm of its Financial and Economic Comte, Jun 1983 - Apr 1988; head, NPC delegation to Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Egypt, Dec 1983 - Jan 1984; head, NPC del. to Poland and German Democratic Republic, Jun 1985; head, NPC del. to Canada and U.S.A., Sep 1985; hon. pres., China Urban Economics Society, Apr 1986; mem., Presidium, 13th Congr of CCP, Oct 1987; head, NPC del. to Sudan, Morocco, Libya, Nov-Dec 1987; vice-chm, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988 - death; head, CPPCC del. to Pakistan, Nov 1990.

Wang Rongzhen (f)

han Municipality CP, 1960-61; dpty sec., Xiaogan Prefecture CP, 1961-62; 1st sec., Xianning Prefecture CP, 197382; mem., Stand. Comte, Hubei Prov. CP, Mar 1983; vice-chm, Hubei PPC, May 1986; disappeared, May 1986.

Wang Ruiting



Head, textile export group to Indonesia, Jun 1962; vicemin. of Textile Ind., Jul 1979 - Sep 1985; dir., Yizheng General Chemical Fibre Plant, Mar 1980; head, textile del. to Bangladesh, Dec 1983; disappeared, Sep 1985.


& $

* 1931 Beijing Graduation from Biology Dpt, Nankai Univ, 1952; served as engineer, Ν China Pharmaceutical Plant, 1956-78; dir., No. 3 Guilin Pharmaceutical Plant, 1978-83; vice-chm, People's Govt, Guangxi AR, Apr 1983 (reelected Jan 1988); vice-pres., Guangxi Branch, CAS, Apr 1983; disappeared, Jan 1992. Remarks: Wang was engaged in selection and production of antibiotics.

* 1932 Yin County, Zhejiang Graduation from Civil Engineering Dpt, St. John's Univ, Shanghai, 1952; further studies in USSR, 1954-56; engineer, Anshan Iron and Steel Corp., 1956-58; section chief, Jiuquan Iron and Steel Corp., 1958-61; section chief, Baotou Iron and Steel Designing Inst., 1961-64; service in Construction HQ, Jiayuguan Area, 1973-80; served successively as dpty manager and manager, Jiuquan Iron and Steel Corp., 1980-86; vice-min., Min. of Metallurgical Ind., Feb 1986; disappeared, May 1988.


Wang Runsheng

iL )T¿j



Wang Ruisheng

* 1928 Nangong County, Hebei Sec-gen., Xiangyang Prefecture CP, 1954-56; dpty dir., General Office, Hubei Prov. CP, 1959-60; dpty sec., Wu-

* 1919 Beijing Studied at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. College, Yan'an, 1937; dpty dir., Commercial Bureau, Yantai City, 194546; manager, Dalian Duhua Co., 1946-49; commercial attaché, embassy in Poland, Dec 1950; commercial attaché, embassy in E Germany, Sep 1955; trade counselor, embassy in Cambodia, Mar 1962-1964; dpty dir., 5th Dpt, Min. of Foreign Trade, Nov 1964; dir. of a dpt, Min. of Foreign Trade, Jul 1969; mem., trade del. to Chile and Peru, May 1971; permanent representative of PRC at UN, May 1972; head, del. to Session of UN Eco-


nomic and Social Council, Geneva, Jun 1973; disappeared for unknown reasons, Oct 1973-1977; vice-min. of Foreign Trade, Apr 1977 - Mar 1982; head, del. to Intl Fair, Bagdad, Sep 1977; head, trade del. to Bulgaria and German Democratic Republic, Jan 1978; deputy for Beijing to 5th Ν PC, Feb 1978; head, trade del. to Cuba, Mar 1978; head, trade del. to Romania, Yugoslavia, Apr 1978; head, trade del. to Sri Lanka, Dec 1978; head, trade del. to Bangladesh, Mar 1980; head, trade del. to Pakistan, Mar 1981; head, trade del. to Mexico, Chile, Nov 1981; head, trade del. to German Democratic Republic and Bulgaria, Feb 1982; dir., General Admin, of Customs, SC, May 1982 - Jan 1985; deputy for Zhejiang to 6th NPC, May 1983; adviser, Min. of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, Jan 1985 - Jan 1986; mem., China-Australia Friendship Group of NPC, Mar 1986; deputy for Tianjin to 7th NPC, Mar 1988 (reelected to 8th, Mar 1993); mem., Financial and Economic Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988 - Mar 1993; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1988 - Mar 1993.

Wang Shangrong




* 1915 Shishou County, Hubei Studied at Sun Yat-sen Univ, Moscow, 1925; participated in Nanchang Uprising, 1927; joined Communist forces on Jinggangshan, 1928; joined CCP, 1931; served under Xiao Ke as cdr. of a regiment, later a brigade, Red Army, 1931-34; during Long March cdr. of a unit under 2nd Front Army, 1934-35; dpty cdr., 359th Brigade, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937-38; studied at Frunze Mil. Academy, USSR, 1939-41; cdr., 1st Mil. Sub-Distr, Shanxi-Suiyuan Mil. Distr, 1942-45; cdr., 1st Independent Brigade, 8th Route Army, 1946-48; cdr. of an army corps, 1st Field Army, Feb 1949; cdr., Qinghai Mil. Distr, Sep 1949-1951; mem., Qinghai PPG, Dec 19491951; dpty dir., Operations Dpt, PLA General Staff, Aug 1952 - Oct 1954; made ltn-gen. and awarded Orders of "August 1st" and "Liberation", both 1st class, Sep 1955; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, by-elected at 2nd Plenum, May 1958 - Cult. Rev.; dir., Operations Dpt, PLA General Staff, May 1959 - Cult. Rev.; during Cult. Rev. accused of being a follower of He Long and purged, Sep 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty chief of PLA General Staff, Dec 1974-1980; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; head, mil. del. to Tunisia, Oct 1977; head, mil. del. to Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Switzerland, Yugoslavia, Sep 1979; head, goodwill mil. del. to Thailand, Nov 1979; mem., Central

Wang Shaochuan

Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; disappeared, Sep 1985. Wang was married to Huang Ke.

Wang Shaoao -Î^ * 1888 Wujiang County, Jiangsu deceased 1970, May 31 Also known as Wang Quechen. Prior to 1911 Rev, organized Independent Party with Zhang Dayan (which later merged with Chinese Republic Assn into United Party and was soon reorganized into Republican Party); after establishment of Republic of China, mem., 1st Natl Assembly and concurrently mem., Tianjin Constitution Drafting Comte, 1912; in Natl Assembly, organized small group, with himself as dir., Polit. Dpt; during Constitution Protection Campaign, went to Guangzhou with other congressmen and convened the Congr in Exigency, at which Sun Yat-sen was elected Marshal of the Campaign, 1924; during Northern Expedition, organized alliance of provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Jiangxi to support the expedition, 1926; after Northern Expeditionary Army took over Shanghai, met Chiang Kai-shek in Nanchang at recommendation of Zhang Chun, 1927; joined Chen Jitang to resist Japan and oppose Chiang Kai-shek; then joined Feng Yuxiang's anti-govt activities; imprisoned in Nanjing by Nationalist Govt, Apr 1936 - Aug 1937; during Sino-Japanese War, organized guerillas in Taihu area; after mutiny of some of his forces, forced to flee to Hong Kong; after the war, went to Shanghai and in cooperation with Ma Xulun, Xu Guangping, Zhou Jianren and others, organized China Assn for Promoting Democracy (CAPD), himself assuming mem., Stand. Comte, 1945; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954; to 3rd, Apr 1959; to 4th, Dec 1964); vice-min. of Finance, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 - Dec 1954; vice-chm, CAPD, May 1950- Cult. Rev.; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, China Democratic National Construction Assn, Apr 1955 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Study Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Mar 1956; vice-chm, Budget Comte, 1st NPC, Jun 1956 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959); mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1965); mem., Budget Comte, 4th NPC, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jul 1966.

Wang Shaochuan ií- f J'l Dir., Polit. Dpt, Ν Jiangsu Mil. Distr, 1950; mem., Ν Jiangsu People's Admin. Office, Dec 1950 - Nov 1952; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; leading military, Fujian Mil. Distr, Jan 1957; vice-min. of Building Construction, Jul 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-min. of Communications, Jul 1980; dpty head, friendship del. to Japan, Jul 1980; disappeared, Jul 1980.


Wang Shaoyan

Wang Shaoyan




* 1903 Tengchong County, Yunnan Received middle school education; served successively as ehm, Board of Directors, Maoheng Trade Co., and dir., Yunmao Textile Mill, 1939-50; council mem., Yunnan PPG, Aug 1950; mem., Executive Comte, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Nov 1953; deputy for Yunnan to 1st Ν PC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Central Comte, CDNCA, Apr 1955; ehm, Yunnan Prov. Branch, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Nov 1955; vice-gov., Yunnan PPG, Jan 1964Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Dec 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Yunnan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelcted to 6th, May 1983); dir., Executive Board, China Intl Trust and Investment Corp., Oct 1979-1983; ehm, Kunming Branch, CDNCA, Oct 1979; vice-chm, Yunnan PPC, Dec 1979 - Aug 1985; mem., Stand. Comte, CDNCA, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.

Wang Shaoyong 'J? J^ * Anhui Attended Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1938; head, CCP Section, Executive Dpt, Mil. Mediation Office, 1946-47; dir., Social Affairs Dpt, Shandong Prov. CP, 1951; mem., Shandong PPC, Mar 1955; accused of "taking the route of a rich peasant" and purged, 1955; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1964; alt. sec., Shanghai CP, May 1965 - Feb 1967; dpty head, Cult. Rev. Group, Shanghai CP, Oct 1966; leading mem., Shanghai Rev Comte, Mar 1967; vice-chm, Shanghai Rev Comte, Sep 1969-1976; disappeared, Aug 1976.

W a n g Shichao

Received middle school education; joined CCP, 1938; served in Lincheng Youth Natl Salvation Assn, 1943; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Lincheng County CP, 1950; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Binhai Area CP, 1952; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP of Mingy i Prefecture, 1954; dpty sec., Honghe Prefecture CP, 1963 - Cult. Rev.; dir., Kunming Iron and Steel Works, 1978; 1st sec., Kunming Municipality CP, 1980; vice-gov., Yunnan PPG, Aug 1981 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Yunnan PPC, Apr 1983 - Aug 1985; disappeared, Sep 1985.

Wang Shiguang i i JL Vice-pres., China Electronics Society, Apr 1962; vicemin., 4th Min. of Machine Building, Jun 1963 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1975; again vice-min., 4th Min. of Machine Building, Feb 1978; mem., economic del. to Great Britain and France (head: Gu Ming), May 1978; disappeared, Aug 1978.

W a n g Shijun




* 1927 Lianshui County, Jiangsu Studied at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. College, Yan'an, 1944; served in 3rd Div., New 4th Army, 1945-46; service in NE Mil. Reg, 1948; head, regimental operation section, 4th Field Army, 1948-50; served successively in a public security army and in the Personnel Dpt of a PLA Navy base, 1951-58; graduation from PLA Navy Academy, 1960; dpty dean, PLA Navy Submarine School, 1960-63; dpty dir., Operation Dpt, PLA General Staff, 1969-80; dpty commandant, PLA Air Force Radar Academy, Aug 1980; commandant of the academy, Mar 1985; dpty commandant, PLA Navy Academy for Commanding Officers, Sep 1986; made rear admiral, Sep 1988; disappeared, Sep 1988.


* 1921 Linshu County, Shandong

W a n g Shitai Φ * 1909 Luochuan County, Shaanxi Attended middle school in Yan'an; subsequently engaged in guerilla activities in Shaanxi; founded a Soviet in Shaanxi-Gansu Border Reg, 1932; cdr. of a regiment, 26th Red Army, 1933; dpty cdr., Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg, 1934; dpty cdr. (cdr.: He Long), Joint Defense HQ, Shanxi-Suiyuan-Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia, 1941; cdr., Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg HQ, 1946; cdr., 4th


Corps, 1st Field Army, 1947; polit, commissar, 2nd Army Corps, 1st Field Army, 1949; took part in 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., NW Mil. and Admin. Comte CNWMAC), Dec 1949; vice-chm, Gansu PPG, Dec 1949 Nov 1952; ehm, Financial and Economic Comte, NWMAC, Mar 1950 -Aug 1952; dir., NW Bureau of Railway Technology, 1951; mem., NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1951; vice-min. of Railways, Aug 1952 Oct 1954; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sepl954 - Cult. Rev.; vicemin., State Construction Com, Nov 1954 - Feb 1958; head, group of technicians visiting USSR, Nov 1954; head, communications del. to Ν Vietnam, Dec 1954; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - Cult. Rev.; sec., Gansu Prov. CP, Aug 1961 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Gansu to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1965 - Cult. Rev.; branded a capitalist-roader and oppressor of the masses and purged, Apr 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 - Feb 1978; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; vice-chm, Gansu Rev Comte, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; deputy for Gansu to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); head, goodwill del. to Yugoslavia, May 1978; ehm, Gansu Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Mar 1979; mem., Budget Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; ehm, Gansu PPC, Dec 1979 - May 1983; mem., Presidium, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, Gansu Prov. CP, Jul 1981 - Mar 1981; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; disappeared, Nov 1988.

Wang Shufeng

1965 - Cult. Rev.; branded a lackey of Liu Shaoqi and purged, Apr 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Nov 1973; disappeared, Nov 1973.

Wang Shiyuan


# X-

* 1941, Heze Prefecture, Shandong deceased 1995, Aug 15 Graduated from Engine Dpt, Beijing Inst, of Aeronautics, 1964; joined CCP, 1964; engineer of 7th and 8th Min. of Machine-Building Ind., 1964-80; sec. of dir., State Admin, of Complete Equipment, 1981-82; dpty chief of Over-all Planning Section, dpty chief of Circulation Section, dpty dir., General Office, dpty sec-gen., sec-gen., and dir., Comprehensive Planning and Experiment Div., State Com for Restructuring Economy, 1982-93; vicemin., Com for Restructuring Economy, Jun 1993.

Wang Shouguan * 1923 Deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); commended for outstanding achievements in the field of astronomy, Feb 1978; vice-pres., China Society of Astronomy, Sep 1978; dpty dir., Beijing Observatory, CAS, Oct 1978; dir., Astrophysics Research Center, Univ of Science and Technology, Oct 1978; head, del. of astronomers to Federal Republic of Germany, Nov 1978; head, NPC del. to Austria, Romania, Federal Republic of Germany (head: Yang Shangkun), May 1981; dir., Beijing Observatory, CAS, May 1981 - Feb 1989; mem., Dpt of Mathematics and Physics, CAS, Jun 1985; deputy for Fujian to 7th NPC, Jan 1988 (reelected to 8th, Mar 1993); disappeared, Mar 1993.

Wang Shixian

Wang Shucheng

Dir., Industrial Work Dpt, Jiangxi Prov. CP, Jan 1960; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; deputy for Jiangxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); vice-gov., Jiangxi PPG, Dec-1979 - Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, Jiangxi Prov. CP, Oct 1980; dpty sec., Jiangxi Prov. CP, Jun 1981 - Mar 1983; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Jiangxi CP, Jun 1985; disappeared, Sep 1985.

Sec-gen., Hubei Prov. CP, Dec 1955; sec., Hubei Prov. CP, Dec 1957 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Hubei Prov.. Rev Comte, Feb 1968 - Oct 1974; subsequently disappeared; dpty sec., Henan Prov. CP, Aug 1979-1980; vice-chm, Hubei Prov. Rev Comte, Aug-Sep 1979; vicegov., Henan PPG, Sep 1979 - Nov 1980; cadre in Hubei Prov., Jan 1982; disappeared, Feb 1983.

Wang Shiying

& JÊ

Vice-chm, Shanxi Prov., Aug 1949- Feb 1955; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Shanxi PPG, 1950; ehm, Polit, and Legal Comte, Shanxi PPG, Jun 1952; vice-chm, Shanxi Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1954; deputy for Shanxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1958); vicegov., Shanxi PPG, Feb 1955 - Apr 1956; dpty sec., Shanxi CP, May 1955 - Jan 1957; gov., Shanxi PPG, Apr 1956-1957; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1965); mem., Control Comte, CCP Central Comte, 1963 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Fujian to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan

Wang Shufeng

* 1923 Luoyang, Henan

Ì #





Wang Shusheng

Magistrate of Ruichang County, Jiangxi Prov., 1950-51; sec., Ruichang County CP, 1952-53; dir., Urban Work Dpt, Jiujiang Prefecture CP, 1954-60; sec-gen., Jiujiang Prefecture CP, 1960-63; dpty sec., Jiujiang Prefecture CP, 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; sec., Jinggangshan Prefecture CP, 1977-82; dpty sec., Jiangxi Prov. CP, Mar 1983 -Jun 1985; ehm, Jiangxi PPC, Jul 1985 - Feb 1988; deputy for Shanxi to 6th NPC, by-elected Jan 1986 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); disappeared, Mar 1988.

Wang Shusheng


3 L ^j" Ρ

* 1905 Macheng County, Hubei deceased 1974, Jan 7 Son of a landlord. Attended higher primary school; joined CCP, 1926; guerilla leader in Hubei Prov., 1930-33; cdr., 25th Army, 4th Red Front Army, 1934; dpty cdr., 4th Red Front Army during Long March, 1935-36; remained with Zhang Guotao in western Sichuan, winter 1935-36; studied at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1936; cdr., W Henan Mil. Distr, 1937^6; dpty cdr., Central Plains Mil. Reg and concurrently cdr. of its 1st Column, 1939; cdr., Henan-Hubei Mil. Reg, 1948; dpty cdr., Hubei Mil. Distr, 1949; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949- Jan 1953; mem., Hubei PPG, Dec 1949; cdr., Hubei Mil. Distr, Oct 1950-1954; 3rd dpty cdr., Central-S Mil. Reg, Feb-Sep 1954; deputy for Hubei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 - Apr 1959; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; vice-min. of Natl Defense, Oct 1954 - death; mem., Hubei PPC, Feb 1955 Feb 1968; made full general and awarded Orders of "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; dir., PLA General Ordnance Dpt, 1956; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 (reelected to 9th CC, Apr 1969; to 10th CC, Aug 1973); mem. of Peng Dehuai's 12-member mil. del. to seven countries in eastern Europe and PR Mongolia, Apr-Jun 1959; vicepres., Academy of Mil. Science, 1972 - death. Wang was married to Yang Ju.

W a n g S h u z h e n (f)

¿ i à ^

* 1930 Tianjin Became a child-laborer in a factory after the death of her father; joined CCP, 1952; worker of Tianjin State-run No. 4 Cotton Mill, 1953; assessed as a labor model of Tianjin Municipality for 8 consecutive years 1953-60; Tianjin activist in the study of Mao Zedong's works, 1961; mem., Stand. Comte, Tianjin CP, May 1971; sec., Tianjin Branch of CYL, Apr 1973; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 - Aug 1977; head, youth del. to Japan, Jan 1974; vice-chm, Preparatory Comte for Natl Games, Feb 1975; vice-chm, Tianjin Rev Comte, Feb 1975 - Dec 1977; sec., Tianjin CP, Apr 1975-1977; dpty head, women's del. to Mexico, Jun 1975; deputy for Hebei to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; disappeared, Feb 1978.

W a n g Sihua



* 1904 Jiangsu deceased 1978, Jul 23 Studied Marxist Economics in Japan; prof, of economics, Judicature and Commerce College, Beijing, before 1937; went from Shanghai to Yan'an and worked for Editorial Board, 8th Route Army magazine, 1938; dir., Research Dpt of Politics and Economics, Central Party School, Yan'an, 1938-39; worked in Financial and Economic Office, Yan'an, 1940; dir., Investigation and Statistics Dpt, Financial and Economic Comte, NE People's Govt, 1949 - Sep 1954; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, NE People's Govt, Apr 1950 - Sep 1954; dpty dir., State Statistics Bureau, Nov 1954 - Jul 1961; mem., Editorial Board, Economic Research, Jun 1955; inspected agricultural statistics in India, Dec 1956 - Jan 1957; dir., State Statistics Bureau, Jul 1961 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Hebei to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966. Publications: A Course on Political Economy, 1941; Political Economy, 1949.

Wang Tao

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* 1916 Shandong Dpty dir., Central-S Shandong Admin. Office, Shandong PPG, 1949- Jul 1950; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Shandong PPG and concurrently dpty dir. of its Agriculture and Forestry Dpt, Jul 1950 - May 1953; vicechm, Shandong Branch, Fed of TU, Apr 1953; mem., TU del. to USSR for May Day celebrations, May 1953;


mem., 7th Executive Comte, ACFTU, May 1953 - Dec 1957; deputy for Hubei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-chm, Preparatory Comte, China Society of Silicate, Dec 1956; asst min., Min. of Building Materials Ind., Feb 1957 - Feb 1958; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, May 1957 - Nov 1958; dir., Cement Research Inst., Min. of Building Materials Ind., Feb 1958; pres., Tongji Univ, Shanghai, Apr 1960 -Dec 1962; dpty dir., Beijing College of Technology, Dec 1962 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Council, China Building Society, May 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., May 1966.

Wang Ti


* 1912 Shanxi Alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); vice-chm, Rev Comte, Shanxi Prov., 1971-76; ehm, Shanxi Prov. Branch, All-China Fed. of TU, Jun 1973-1976; sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, Nov 1973-1976; disappeared, Oct 1976; named a "Black hand of the 'Gang of Four'", Nov 1977. Remarks: Wang became known as a worker of Yangchuan Coal Mine in Shanxi.

Wang Tingdong

JE. i l


* 1923 Pingding County, Shanxi CCP sec. in counties and prefectures, 1943-50; dir., General Office, Pingyuan Prov. CP, 1951-52; sec-gen., Henan Prov. CP, 1956-57; 2nd sec., Xinxiang Perefecture CP, 1962- Cult. Rev., disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Shanxi Prov., Jan 1971 - Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanxi Prov. CP, Feb 1973; dpty head, goodwill del. to Pakistan (inaugural flight of Chinese Airline to Karachi), Oct 1974; sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, Nov 1975-1982; dpty head, agricultural del. to U.S.A., Jul 1978; vice-chm, Shanxi PPC, May 1985; ehm, Shanxi PPC, Jan 1988; deputy for Shanxi to 7th NPC, Mar 1988 (reelected to 8th, Mar 1993); disappeared, Mar 1993.

Wang Wei

Wang Wei


1919 Suning County, Hebei Studied at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. College, Yan'an, 1940; served in New 4th Army, 1942-46; sec., Huang'an County CP, 1947-48; dpty sec., Xiaogan Prefecture CP, 1949-50; sec., NDYL, 1950-52; ehm, Youth Work Comte, CCP Central Comte, 1952; sec., Central-S Working Comte, NDYL, 1953; mem., Stand. Comte, NDYL, Jul 1953-1957; deputy for Henan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; head, youth del. to Czechoslovakia, Jan 1955; sec., C Y L (successor of NDYL), May 1957; head, youth del. to Poland and Hungary, Oct 1958; deputy for Hebei to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., friendship del. to USSR, Feb 1960; head, students' del. to Executive Meeting of Intl Students' Fed, Prague, Aug 1960; head, youth del. to Japan, Jan 1963; head, C Y L del. to Ν Korea, Nov 1963; ehm, All-China Youth Fed., Jan 1963 - Cult. Rev.; attacked by Red Guards and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vicemin. of Public Health, Mar 1978 - Jan 1984; vice-min., State Family Planning Com, May 1982 - Dec 1983; vicechm, Natl Comte for the Defense of Children, Jan 1983; min., State Family Planning Com, Dec 1983 - Jan 1988; head, family planning del. to Mexico, Jul 1984; head, family planning del. to Pakistan, Apr 1985; adviser, China Population Welfare Foundation, Jun 1987; mem., Presidium, 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; deputy for Shandong to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; vice-chm, Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1988; head, del. of Family Planning Assn to U.S.A., Nov 1988; vice-pres., Family Planning Assn, Nov 1988; head, NPC population and health del. to Vietnam, Jun 1992; mem., NPC del. to Bangladesh, Nepal, India (head: Liao Hansheng), Nov 1992; disappeared, Nov 1992.

Wang Wei


* 1915 Henan Dpty dir., Harbor Affairs Bureau Lüshun-Dalian MPG, 1951; ehm, Youth Work Comte, CCP Central Comte, 1952-53; dpty sec., Central-S Work Comte, NDYL, 195354; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Comte, NDYL, Jul 1953 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Henan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; head, youth del. to Czechoslovakia, Jan 1955; dir., Org. Dpt, NDYL, Feb 1956 - May 1957; head, youth del. to Ν Vietnam, Oct 1956; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Comte, and sec., Secretariat, C Y L (successor to NDYL),


Wang Weicai

May 1957 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Natl Comte, All-China Youth Fed, Apr 1958; head, youth del. to Poland, Oct 1958; deputy for Hebei to 2nd NPC, Oct 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., friendship del. to Moscow, Feb 1960; head, students del. to meeting of Intl Students Union, Prague, Aug 1960; head, students del. to Iraq, SepOct 1960; head, CYL del. to Japan, Jan 1963; head, CYL del. to Ν Korea, Nov 1963; ehm, All-China Youth Fed, Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev.; attacked by Red Guards and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again named ehm, All-China Youth Fed, Jan 1979; disappeared, Jan 1979.

Dpty representative, Chinese del. to 28th UN General Assembly, Sep 1973; vice-pres., Bank of China, Sep 1979-1982; head, del. to opening of Luxembourg Branch, Bank of China, Sep 1979; manager, Bank of China Branch Office in London, Nov 1979; vice-chm, Board of Directors, Bank of China, May 1980-1982; dir., State Admin, of Exchange Control, May 1980; vice-gov., representing PRC in IMF, May 1980-1982; signed loan agreement with U.S. Export-Import Bank, Washington, Oct 1981; council mem., People's Bank of China, Feb 1984; disappeared, Feb 1984.


^ M

* 1903 Ci County, Hebei deceased 1984, Mar 21 Graduated from 7th Normal School of Hebei; dir. of a commerce school in his home county, 1930; hitherto a KMT mem., joined CCP, 1932; captured by Nationalist troops as mem. of a guerilla unit, 1933; released as result of KMT-CCP United Front, 1937; polit, commissar of an army, 2nd Field Army, 1949; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Aug 1950- Jan 1953; dpty dir., People's Control Comte, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Aug 1950 Jan 1953; 3rd sec., Chongqing Municipality CP, Oct 1951 - Jun 1954; mem., Chongqing MPG, Oct 1951 - Jun 1954; dpty dir., SW Office, All-China Labor Fed, Apr 1952; mem., Executive Comte, ACFTU, May 1953 - Dec 1957; deputy for Wuhan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Control Comte, CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - Cult. Rev.; vice-min. of Justice, Sep 1956- Apr 1959; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); vice-pres., Supreme People's Court, Sep 1959 Cult. Rev.; alt. mem., Stand. Comte, Control Comte, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1962 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1975; named again as mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Dec 1975 - Mar 1978; named again as vice-pres., Supreme People's Court, Mar 1978 - May 1982; mem., Judical Comte, Supreme People's Court, Nov 1979.




Served in Polit. Dpt, Wuhan Air Force Command, 1957; responsible cadre, Shanghai Air Force Command, Dec 1966; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanghai Rev Comte, Feb 1967; polit, commissar, Shanghai Air Force Command, Dec 1967; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; vice-chm, Shanghai Rev Comte, May 1970; disappeared, Feb 1971. Remarks: Hong Kong Ming Pao reponed Jul 5, 1982, "Wang recently was sentenced to 14 years' imprisonment and deprived of his polit, rights for three years."

Wang Weiqun

Wang Weicai

Wang Weigang

Wang Weiguo

-Ï- &

Dir., Ind. Dpt, Pingyuan PPG, Jan 1952; dir., Engineering Bureau, 1st Tractor Factory in Luoyang, 1955; vicegov., Henan PPG, Dec 1958 - Jan 1968; mem., Stand. Comte, Henan Prov. CP, 1960; sec., Luoyang Municipality CP, Apr 1960; alt. sec., Henan Prov. CP, Sep 1964 Jan 1968; mem., Stand. Comte, Henan Rev Comte, Feb 1969; mem., Stand. Comte, Henan Prov. CP, Jul 1972; dpty sec., Henan Prov. CP, Apr 1973-1977; vice-chm, Henan Rev Comte, Jan 1974-1977; 2nd CCP sec., Zhengzhou Railway Bureau, Jan 1977; head, friendship del. to Romania, Aug 1977; named "a person who violated laws and offended discipline" and disappeared, Nov 1978.

Wang Weizhi


Sec., Jixi City CP, Heilongjiang, May 1960; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Heilongjiang Prov., Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; deputy for Heilongjiang to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, Heilongjiang Branch of CPPCC, Jul 1981 (reelected Apr 1983); disappeared, Apr 1984.

Wang Weizhou


^ -fr

* 1886 Xuanhan County, Sichuan deceased 1970, Jan 10 Son of a landlord. During early years, worked for 1st Volunteers Army of Sichuan and made acquaintance with Zhu De and Liu Bocheng, 1915; went to Japan, 1918; and from there to Korea, 1919; studied in Russia, 1919 - Aug 1920; opened a school in Xuanhan near his home county, 1925; instigated abortiva "Guanghan" Uprising with Wu Yuzhang, 1927; joined CCP, 1928; commanded Communist guerilla units in E Sichuan, 1929-32; joined forces of Xu Xiangqian at Tongnanba Soviet in NE Sichuan, 1933; at 2nd All-China Congr of Soviets elected in absentia


mem. of its Central Executive Comte, Ruijin, Feb 1934; cdr., of newly established 32nd Army, 1934; cdr., 33rd Army, 2nd Front Army, winter 1934; went with 2nd Front Army to Xikang, spring 1935; arrived in Ν Shaanxi, 1936; dpty cdr., 385th Brigade, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937-39; cdr. of this brigade, 1940-45; dir., E Gansu Admin. Office, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt, 1940; alt. mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Jun 1945; followed Zhou Enlai to negotiations to Chongqing, fall 1945; dpty sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Apr 1946; went back to Ν Shaanxi, 1947; cpty cdr., Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia-Shanxi-Suiyuan Joint Garrison Forces, May 1948; cdr., PLA Xi'an Mil. Distr, May 1949; dpty cdr., PLA NW Mil. Reg, Aug 1949 -Jul 1950; attended Inaugural Session of 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; vice-chm, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950 - Jan 1953; ehm, Nationalities Affairs Comte, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950 Jan 1953; dpty cdr., SW Mil. Reg, Jul 1950; dir., SW Nationalities Inst, in Chengdu, Apr 1951; dir., United Front Work Dpt, SW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1951; vice-chm, SW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; accompanied He Long to Ν Korea, Oct-Nov 1953; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jul 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959; to 3rd, Jan 1965); mem., Credentials Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - Mar 1969; mem., Control Comte, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1956; council mem., China-Poland Friendship Assn, Jul 1959; head, friendship del. to Poland, Jul 1959; head, del. of demobilized soldiers to USSR, Oct 1959; mem., CCP del. to PR Mongolia, Jun 1961; mem., Stand. Comte, Control Comte, CCP Central Comte, 1961 - Apr 1969.

Wang Wenbo

ì ì

gen-mgr., State Machinery, Electrical Applicances, Light Ind. and Textile Investment Corp., Aug 1988 - Aug 1991; disappeared, Aug 1991.

Wang Xi



* 1920 Guangling County, Shanxi Joined Shanxi Sacrifice League, 1936; joined CCP, 1940; magistrate of Wenshui County, 1948-49: sec., CCP Comte, Wenshui County, 1949-50: dpty dir., Personnel Dpt, Suiyuan PPG, 1951-52; vice-mayor Baotou MPG, 1960-64; sec., Baotou CP, 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., CCP Comte, Hohhot Municipality, 1972-75; ehm, Planning Com, People's Govt, Inner Mongolia AR, 197579; vice-chm, People's Govt, Inner Mongolia AR, 197982; vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, May 1982 - Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanxi CP, Jun 1983 - Jul 1985; vice-chm, Shanxi PPC, May 1985-1986; vice-chm, Shanxi Prov. Branch, May 1986; disappeared, Jan 1988.

Wang Xian

-3L %


* 1912 Graduation from Qinghua Univ, 1934; studied at London Royal College, 1936-39; manager, State-Operated China Salt Corp., Jan 1950-1954; dir., Internal Trade Dpt, Min. of Trade, Mar 1950 - Aug 1952; vice-chm, Shop Employees TU, Aug 1951 - Dec 1955; asst min., Min. for Procurement of Agricultural Products, Apr-Dec 1956; asst min., Min. of Urban Services, Apr 1957 - Feb 1958; vicemin. of Commerce, Aug 1960 - Nov 1964; deputy for Fujian to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; dir., Beijing College of Commerce, Oct 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vicechm, Advisory Com, State Energy Com, Oct 1981; chief engineer, Inst, of Petroleum Exploration and Development, Oct 1981; mem., Dpt of Earth Sciences, CAS, 1983; disappeared, 1983.

Wang Wenzhe

Wang Xian



Dpty dir., Inst, for Planning of Paper Production, Min. of Light Ind., Oct 1958; vice-min. of Light Ind., Feb 1981 Apr 1988; head, trade del. to Czechoslovakia, Dec 1986;

JHL * 1921 Yi County, Hebei Joined CCP, 1939; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Yi County, 1945-46; sec., CCP Comte, Laishui and Fangshan Counties, 1946-48; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Comte, Pingxi Prefecture, 1948-50; 2nd sec., CCP Comte, Tongxian Prefecture, 1950-55; commissioner, Tongxian Admin. Office, 1956-58; dpty dir., Rural Work Dpt, Beijing CP, May 1958; head, Construction Bureau for the Miyun Dam, Mar 1960; dpty dir., Agricultural Office, Beijing MPG, 1962 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Beijing Rev Comte, Sep 1977 - Dec 1979; sec., Beijing CP, Apr 1979 - Nov 1982; vice-chm, Beijing PPC, Dec 1979 Mar 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, Beijing CP, Nov 1982 Aug 1984; dpty dir., Afforestation Comte, Beijing PPG, Mar 1985; ehm, Advisory Com, Beijing CP, Aug 1986; disappeared, Oct 1991.


Wang Xiangjun (f)

Wang Xiangjun (f)



Mem., Stand. Comte, Shanghai Rev Comte, Feb 19731976; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; ehm, Shanghai Women's Fed, Sep 1973; disappeared, Oct 1976.

Shandong Prov., Feb 1967-1969; 1st polit, commissar, Jinan Mil. Reg and concurrently 1st polit, commissar, Shandong Mil. Distr, Jun 1967; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; disappeared, Oct 1969. Remarks: In 1978 Wang was named an agent of Lin Biao.

Wang Xiangtian

Wang Xin


Polit, commissar of a regiment, 29th Div., 10th Column, Central Plains Field Army, 1947-48; polit, commissar, 29th Div., 15th Army, 1950; took part in Korean War, Mar 1951-1953; dir., Polit. Dpt, 15th Army, 1954; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty polit, commissar, 15th Army, 1958; polit, commissar, 15th Army, Nov 1964; cdr., 15th Army, 1966; 2nd polit, commissar, Henan Mil. Distr, Aug 1967; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Henan Prov., Jan 19681972; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; sec., Henan Prov. CP, Mar 1971; disappeared, May 1973. * 1930 Changsha, Hunan Graduation from History Dpt, Hunan Univ, 1952; served successively as dpty dir. and dir.. Education Bureau, Hunan PPG, 1973-82; mem., Stand. Comte, Hunan Prov. CP, Feb 1983; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Hunan Prov. CP, Dec 1983 -Dec 1987; vice-gov., Hunan PPG, Jul 1985 (reelected Jan 1988); dpty sec., Hunan Prov. CP, May 1987 - Oct 1990; vice-chm, Hunan PPC, Apr 1991; disappeared, Apr 1991.

Wang Xiaoyi


Pres., People's Court, Tianjin Municipality, Aug 1950; head, Mil. Law Court, Tianjin Mil. Control Com, Mar 1951; dpty sec-gen., Tianjin MPG, Jul 1953; dir., United Front Work Dpt, Tianjin CP, May 1957; dir., United Front Work Dpt, Hebei Prov. CP, May 1958; vice-chm, Hebei Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1959; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; mem., Stand. Comte, Hebei Prov. CP, Oct 1961; leading cadre, Beijing Rev Comte, Jul 1967; responsible person, Foreign Affairs Section, Beijing Rev Comte, Jul 1972; council mem., Assn for Friendly Relations with Foreign Countries, Nov 1972; dpty sec-gen., Beijing Rev Comte, Jun 1973-1977; vice-chm, Beijing Rev Comte, Dec 1977 -Dec 1979; head, Beijing friendship del. to Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Great Britain, Sep 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, Beijing CP, Mar 1979 - Nov 1982; vice-mayor, Beijing MPG, Dec 1979- Mar 1983; pres., Beijing Branch, Assn for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Jul 1981; mem., Stand. Comte, Advisory Com, Beijing CP, Nov 1982; disappeared, Jul 1984.

Wang Xiaoyu Dpty polit, commissar of a div., 8th Route Army, 1942; dpty chief procurator, Shandong Prov. People's Procuracy, 1956; vice-mayor, Qingdao MPG, Jan 1967; organized Qingdao Municipal Comte of Revolutionary Rebels to support Mao-Lin faction, Jan 1967; ehm, Rev Comte of

Wang Xinsan



Mem., Fushun MPG, Jun 1950; sec., CCP Comte, Fushun Municipality, Jun 1950; mem., State Planning Com, Oct 1954- Dec 1956; dir., Fuel Ind. Planning Bureau under Planning Com, Feb 1956; vice-min., State Planning Com, Nov 1956 - Jun 1963; disappeared, Jun 1964; first reappearance: vice-min. of Coal Ind., Apr 1979 - Jan 1982; vice-min., State Energy Com, Oct 1980- May 1982; disappeared, May 1982.

Wang Xinting


* 1908 Xiaogan County, Hubei deceased 1984, Dec 11 While young participated in peasant uprisings; dir., Polit. Dpt, 31st Red Army, 1933; took part in Long March, 1934-35; polit, commissar, 386th Brigade, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; studied at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit Academy, Yan'an, 1938; again with 386th Brigade, participated in the famous "Battle of 100 Regiments", 1940; dir., Polit. Dpt, 1st Independent Div., ShanxiHebei-Shandong-Henan Border Reg, 1941; ehm, Armed Forces Comte, Taiyue Mil. Distr, 1942; dpty polit, commissar, Taiyue Mil. Distr, 1944; cdr., Taiyue Mil. Distr and concurrently cdr., 8th Column under 129th Div., 1946; cdr., 60th Army, 1949; dpty cdr., W Sichuan Mil. Distr and ehm, Chengdu Mil. Control Com, Nov 1949; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, SW Mil. Reg, Feb 1950; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950 - Jan 1953; mem., SW


Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; polit, commissar, SW Mil. Reg, Aug 1953 - Feb 1954; deputy for PLA to 1st Ν PC (reelected to 2nd, Mar 1959 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; made col-gen. and awarded orders of "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; cdr., Jinan Mil. Reg, Jun 1957 - Mar 1959; sec., Party Comte, Jinan Mil. Reg, Jul 1958 - Mar 1959; transferred to PLA HQ in Beijing, Mar 1959; dpty chief, PLA General Staff, Nov 1963-1972; dpty dir., PLA Cult. Rev. Group, Jan 1967; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 - Aug 1973; on several occasions named a "leading mil. person", 1973-78; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - death. Wang was married to Lei Cuifeng.

Wang Xinyuan Ì X. * 1902 Changsha, Hunan deceased 1969, May 2 Graduated from Nanyang Univ (former body of Shanghai Communications Univ); imprisoned for more than one year because of Communist activities, 1927; head of a section, Navigation Admin. Bureau, Min. of Communications, 1930; leading sec., Guizhou Enterprise Co. (owner of many factories and mines), 1938-45; asst manager, Qingdao Branch, China Textile Construction Co., 1946; joined Society for Promotion of Democracy and Industrial Circles, a satellite org. of CDNCA, 1948; joined CDNCA and subsequently went over to the Communists, Jun 1949; delegate of CDNCA to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954); council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 - Dec 1954; vice-min. of Light Ind., Oct 1949 - Feb 1965; mem., Stand. Comte and vice-chm, Org. Comte, CDNCA, Nov 1950; dpty head, to Leipzig Intl Fair, Feb 1955; dpty for Hunan to 2nd NPC, Jul 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-min., 1st Min. of Light Ind., Feb 1965 - death. Remarks: A memorial meeting for Wang was held 1979, Dec 24.

W a n g Xiping -ϊ- Φ ^ Dir., 4th Bureau, 2nd Min. of Machine Building, 1953; asst min., 2nd Min. of Machine Building, 1957 - Feb 1958; vice-min. of Communications, 1979- May 1982; mem., Central Greening Comte, 1982; disappeared, Aug 1983.

Feb Jun Mar Feb

W a n g X i u x i u (f) Ì % % Mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; disappeared, Oct 1977.

Wang Xiuzhen (f)

W a n g X i u y i n g (f)




* 1908 Baoding City, Hebei Her parents were teachers. Attended Yanjing Univ and the Nursing School of Beijing Union Medical College; after graduation furthered studies at Columbia Univ, U.S.A., and obtained a M.S. degree in 1935; after return to China she taught public health and nursing; 1931-49: Wang served as associate prof, of the Nursing School under Beijing Union Medical College and also investigated health conditions among Yi and other minority people in Sichuan Pro v.; during Korean War took in charge of training course for 50 head nurses, 1950; head, Nursing Dpt, Beijing No. 2 Medical College, 1961; deputy for Jiangsu to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; deputy for Heilongjiang to 6th NPC, May 1983; Wang is one of 36 nurses world-wide, who were awarded by the Geneva-based Intl Red Cross the Nightingale Medal for outstanding services, Jul 1983; nursing adviser for Beijing Tongren Hospital, Jul 1983; vice-chm, Women's Fed, Sep 1983 - Sep 1988; vice-pres., Nursing Assn, Oct 1983; received an hon. fellowship of the Royal College of Nursing at its 1986 Congr, Blackpool, England, Apr 1986; disappeared, Oct 1990.

W a n g X i u z h e n (f)



Worker, Shanghai No. 30 Cotton Textile Mill, 1966; at the beginning of the Cult. Rev. took active part in posting up wall papers and seizing power of CCP Comte of the mill, autumn 1966; leading mem., Shanghai Workers Revolutionary Rebel HQ, Nov 1966; mem., Shanghai Municipal Rev Comte, May 1967; ehm, Rev Comte, Shanghai No. 30 Cotton Textile Mill, Jan 1969; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); mem., Stand. Comte, Shanghai Municipal Rev Comte, Nov 1969; mem., Party and govt del. to Albania, Nov 1969; vice-chm, Shanghai Municipal Rev Comte, May 1970-1976; dpty head, workers del. to Chile (head: Ni Zhifu), Oct 1970; sec., Shanghai Municipality CP, Jan 1971-1976; head, workers del. to Albania, May

Wang Xueming


1972; vice-chm, Shanghai Branch, Fed of TU, Apr 1973; mem., friendship del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1973; deputy for Shanghai to 4th NPC, Jan 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; disappeared, Oct 1976. Remarks: In 1980 Wang was a witness in the trial against Zhang Chunqiao. In 1982 she was sentenced to 17 years imprisonment.

Wang Xueming

-ί- rf

* 1915 Heilongjiang deceased 1978, Jul 16 Dir., Finance Bureau, Songjiang PPG, 1948-49; dpty dir., Finance Dpt, NE People's Govt, Oct 1949 - Jan 1953; negotiated with USSR for hand-over to China of hitherto jointly-operated Changchun Railway, Dec 1952; mem., NE Admin. Comte and concurrently dpty dir. of its Financial and Economic Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; vicegov., Liaoning PPG, Sep 1954 - Feb 1955; vice-min. of Finance, Nov 1954 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Natl Comte, 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Wang Xuewen

j£. ψ X.

* 1895 Graduated from Kyoto Univ, Japan; translated Karl Marx's Das Kapital into Chinese; editor of Study, a polit, and economic magazine, published during 1949-58; mem., Preparatory Comte, New Economic Research Society, 1949; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1951; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 - Apr 1959; mem., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, May 1955; mem., China Asian Solidarity Comte of China, Feb 1956; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; hon. pres., Das Kapital Research Society, May 1981; honored by a celebration meeting marking the 55th anniversary of taking up his theoretical and educational work, May 1982; disappeared, May 1982.

Wang Yahui

Univ, Jul 1949; pres., Xiamen Univ, Apr 1950; mem., Educational Workers Assn, Aug 1950; deputy for Fujian to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Feb 1959; to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-chm, Fujian Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Jan 1955 - 1964; mem., Dpt of Philisophy and Social Sciences, CAS, May 1957 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Editorial Board, Economic Research, 1957; joined CCP, 1957; mem., CCP and govt del. to Burma, Jan 1958; pres., Fujian Prov. Branch, CAS, Mar 1960; council mem., China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte. Apr 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966. Publications: Translation (together with Guo Dali) Marx's Das Kapital, Adam Smith's Wealth of the Nations and Ricardo's Principles of Political Economy and Taxation.

Wang Yanchang


·±· 0



Consul, Consulate General in Bombay, Jan 1960-1962; chargé d'affaires in Denmark, Aug 1969 - Feb 1971; head, Trade Office of Council for Promotion of Intl Trade, Peru, Sep 1971; counselor, embassy in Peru, Aug 1972-1975; editor-in-chief, Guangming Ribao, Mar 1977; cadre in dpt of CCP Central Comte, May 1977; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; ambassador to Guyana, Aug 1978 - Jan 1983; ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago, Nov 1979 - Feb 1983; asst min. of Foreign Affairs, Nov 1984 - Nov 1987; working visit to Ν Korea, Apr 1986; mem., Central Discipline Inspection Com, C C P Central Comte, Nov 1987; disappeared, Nov 1987.

Wang Yanchun Imprisoned as a CCP mem. by K M T authorities, 1934-37; 2nd sec., CCP E Guangdong Distr Comte, Sep 1952; 2nd dpty sec., Hubei Prov. CP, Oct 1955 -Jul 1956; sec., Hubei Prov. CP, Jul 1956; prof., Wuhan Univ, Jun 1958; 2nd sec., Hubei Prov. CP, Jul 1960-1962; sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Feb 1962 - Jun 1965; 2nd sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Feb 1962; acting 1st sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Jul 1966Jan 1967; attacked by Red Guards and purged, Jan 1967. Wang was married to Liu Yun.


* 1930 Studied at Zoology Dpt, Beijing Univ, 1948-52; mem., Inst, of Experimental Biology, CAS, 1952-56; postgraduate studies at CAS, 1956-60; research work at MaxPlanck Inst, of Virology, Federal Republic of Germany, 1981-83; dir., Shanghai Inst, of Cytobiology, CAS, Jun 1985; mem., Natl Comte, 7th CPPCC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.

Wang Ya'nan * 1901 Fujian Studied economics in Germany and USSR; prof., Zhongshan Univ, Guangzhou, lecturing on advanced economics, 1940; prof., Xiamen Univ, Jul 1946; prof., Qinghua

Wang Yang Took part in Long March, 1934-35; cdr., of a regiment, Shandong Prov., 1939; dpty cdr., 5th Div., 2nd Column, NE Field Army, 1948; cdr., 116th Div., 39th Army, 4th Field Army, 1949; led 116th Div. into Korean War, 1950; subsequently disappeared; dpty leader, Guangdong Corps, Public Security Forces, Mar 1963; mil. cadre, Jilin Mil. Distr, Aug 1967 - Dec 1971; mil. leader in Beijing, Mar 1972; cadre of State Council, May 1973; min., 7th Min. of Machine Building, Jan 1975 - Feb 1978; dpty cdr., Beijing Mil. Reg, Sep 1978; disappeared, Aug 1984.


W a n g Yanli



" 1 9 1 3 Youyang County, Sichuan Graduated from Economics Dpt, Fudan Univ, 1940; manager, Qiming Electric Co., Chengdu, 1944-49; dir., Electrical Bureau, Chengdu MPG, 1956; deputy for Sichuan to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Sichuan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Oct 1979; vice-chm, Sichuan PPC, May 1985 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Mar 1988.

Wang Yanxin

j L

* 1929 Zhenhai County, Zhejiang Graduation from Shanghai Textile Engineering Inst., 1951; dpty office dir., Ind. Dpt, People's Govt, Ningxia AR, 1962-64; dpty sec., Longde County CP, 1972-76; dir., General Office, People's Govt, Ningxia AR, 197983; vice-chm, People's Govt, Ningxia AR, Apr 1983 May 1988; vice-chm, People's Congr, Ningxia AR, May 1988; disappeared, May 1988.

Wang Yao 3 L %% * 1914 deceased 1989, Dec 27 Graduated from Dpt of Chinese, Qinghua Univ and the Section of Chinese Literature, Graduate School of Qinghua Univ; prof., Dpt of Chinese Literature, Beijing Univ, Sep 1979; vice-pres., Society of Lu Xun Studies, Sep 1981. Publications: History of China's New Literature; A Collection of Essays on Chinese Literature of Middle Ancient Times; Lu Xun and Literature; A Collection of Essays on Works by Lu Xun, Li Bai etc.

Wang Yaoting

Wang Yaohua M - -+· Sec. of Min. County CP, Gansu Prov., 1950; dpty dir., Financial Dpt, Gansu PPG, Oct 1950; dir., Ind. Dpt, Gansu PPC, Nov 1956; mem., Stand. Comte, Gansu Prov. CP, May 1958; alt. sec., Gansu Prov. CP, Jar. 1960; 1st sec., Lanzhou Municipality CP, Jan 1963 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Aug 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1977; again 1st sec., Lanzhou Municipality CP, May 1979; vice-chm, Gansu PPC, May 1983; disappeared, May 1985.

Wang Yaolun




* 1917 Taijiang County, Guizhou Wang belonged to the Miao minority. Head, Education Section, Taijiang County, 1945-49; pres., People's Court, Taijiang County, 1950-51; vice-chm, SE Guizhou Miao and Zhuang Autonomous Prefecture, 1956 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Guizhou to 2nd NPC, Sep 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jun 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 - Apr 1988; deputy for Guizhou to 7th NPC and mem. of its Nationalities Comte, Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1988; vice-chm, Guizhou PPC, May 1988; disappeared, May 1988.

W a n g Yaoting

ì ) ® ^ .

Dpty dir., Textile Import and Export Corp. and dir., Rio de Janeiro Branch, China Council for Promotion of Intl Trade, Apr 1964; arrested together with eight other Chinese by Brazilian authorities for subversive activities, Apr 1964; sentenced to ten years imprisonment by the 2nd Mil. Court, 1st Brazilian Region, Dec 1964; released due to massive protests by the Chinese govt and several intl organizations, Apr 1965; head, Chinese Economic and Trade Exhibition, Rome, Sep 1972; ehm, China Council for Promotion of Intl Trade, Jun 1973 - Jan 1986; head, trade del. to Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Sep-Oct

Wang Yeqiu


1973; head, trade del. to Philippines, Nov 1973; head, friendship del. to Japan, Jul 1974; head, trade del. to Japan, Sep 1974; head, trade del. to Sweden and Switzerland, Sep 1975; head, trade del. to Thailand, Dec 1975; head, trade del. to Belgium, Apr 1976; head, trade del. to Australia, May 1977; head, exhibition del. to Sapporo, Japan, Jul 1977; head, trade del. to U.S.A., Sep 1977; head, trade del. to United Arab Emirates, Jan 1978; head, trade del. to ASEAN Trade Fair, Manila, May 1978; mem., govt del. to Japan (head: Gu Mu), Sep 1979; head, trade del. to India, Nov 1979; head, economic del. to Federal Republic of Germany, Apr 1980; head, economic and trade del. to Austria, May 1982; head, trade del. to Spain and Portugal, Jun 1982; head, trade del. to Thailand, Nov 1982; head, trade del. to Australia, Apr 1983; head, export exhibition del. to Turkey, Jun 1983; head, trade del. to Switzerland, Apr 1984; mem., govt del. to Japan (head: Li Peng), Aug 1984; adviser, China Assn for Promotion of Intl Friendship, May 1985; visited Singapore, Jul 1985; head, trade del. to Indonesia, Aug 1985; head, trade del. to German Democratic Republic, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Sep 1985; head, trade del. to United Arab Emirates und Kuwait, Jan 1986; adviser, China Council for Promotion of Intl Trade, Jan 1986; mem., Natl Comte, 7th CPPCC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.

Wang Yeqiu

í .

* Anhui deceased 1987, Oct Dir., Office of Cultural Objects, Min. of Culture, Feb 1961; visited Japan, Aug 1963; deputy for Hebei to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; named a "patriotic person", Oct 1970; dir., Admin, of State Cultural Objects, May 1973; head, exhibition del. to France, May 1973; head, exhibition del. to Japan, Jun 1973; dir., Admin. Bureau for Museums and Archaeological Data, SC, May 1974; head, exhibition del. to Japan, Oct 1974; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978); head, del. to a Chinese archaeology exhibition in Australia, Jan 1977; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; present at opening of Archaeological Finds Exhibition in Hong Kong, Apr 1978; visited Sweden to attend Lu Xun Exhibition, Sep 1978; hon. pres., Archaeological Society, Apr 1974; mem., Presidium, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; mem., Presidium, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; subsequently disappeared, Nov 1982.

W a n g Yi i # * 1921 deceased 1981, Sep 22 Started journalist career, Yan'an, 1937; sent to NE China, 1945; associate editor, RMRB, 1953-57; head, journalists' del. to Czechoslovakia, Nov 1955; dpty editor-in-chief, RMRB, May 19957 - Cult. Rev.; 1st sec., Journalists' Assn, Mar 1960- Cult. Rev.; dpty dir., Shanghai Commercial Press, Aug 1964; council mem., China Comte for Afro-Asian Solidarity, Jun 1965; head, RMRB del. to Romania, Aug 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Apr 1973; vice-chm, Beijing Branch, Chinese Journalism Society, Feb 1980; again 1st sec., Journalists' Assn, Aug 1980- Apr 1983; head, journalists' del. to Switzerland and Belgium, Sep 1980; vice-chm, Natl Comte for Judging Senior Journalists' Titles, Feb 1983; vice-chm, Journalists' Assn, Apr 1983.

W a n g Yi -Í. — Maj-gen., PLA, Sep 1964; commanding officer, Beijing Mil. Reg, Oct 1969; cdr., Tianjin Garrison, May 19701978; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Tianjin Municipality, May 1970-1978; sec., Tianjin Municipality CP, May 19711977; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; disappeared, Aug 1978.

Wang Yifu i — A * 1906 Shenyang, Liaoning Graduated from Beijing Normal College; taught Russian at Lu Xun Art Academy, Yan'an, 1937; studied in MarxismLeninism Inst., 1944; mem., NE People's Govt and dpty dir. of its Civil Affairs Comte, Dec 1948 - Nov 1952; pres., NE People's Univ, Oct 1951 - Nov 1952; vice-min. of Internal Affairs, Nov 1952 - Cult. Rev.; mem., NE Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; mem., del. to Asian Conf. on Legal Work, Calcutta, Jan 1955; council mem. and dpty sec-gen., China Polit. Science and Law Society, Mar 1956 - Aug 1958; ehm, Editorial Board, Polit. Science and Law Study, Mar 1956; head, del. to Ν Korea, Feb 1958; dpty dir., State Statistics Bureau, SC, Jul 1961Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Aug 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec., Tianjin Municipality CP, Mar 1980 - Mar 1983; vice-chm, Tianjin Rev Comte, Mar 1980- Jun 1980; vice-chm, Tianjin MPC, Jun 1980 - Apr 1983; vice-pres., Statistics Society, May 1981; vice-pres., China Law Society, Jul 1982; disappeared, Jul 1982.

W a n g Yilun -2- — fe Sec., Harbin Municipality CP, Oct 1949; mayor, Harbin MPG, Dec 1952; dpty sec., Sonjiang Prov. CP, Sep 19531954; deputy for Heilongjiang to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; dpty sec., Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Oct 1954 - Sep 1956; sec., Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Sep 1957 - Cult. Rev.; vicegov., Heilongjiang PPG, Sep 1958 - Cult. Rev.; pres.,


Heilongjiang Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Feb 1961; pres., Heilongjiang Branch, Sino-Korean Friendship Assn, Jul 1965; head, Heilongjiang goodwill del. to USSR, Sep 1965; branded an anti-Party element and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vicechm, Rev Comte of Heilongjiang Prov., Feb 1973 - Dec 1979; sec., Heilongjiang Prov. CP, May 1973-1981; deputy for Heilongjiang to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; sec., Discipline Inspection Com, Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Feb 1981; vice-gov., Heilongjiang PPG, Jan 1981 - Apr 1983; ehm, Heilongjiang Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1981; 1st sec., Discipline Inspection Com, Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Apr 1981; retired from all posts, Nov 1983; disappeared, Oct 1984.

W a n g Yilun * Rehe (Jehol) Polit, commissar, Ν Rehe Mil. Distr, Hebei-Rehe-Liaoning Mil. Reg, 1946; participated in Inaugural Session of CPPCC, Sep 1949; ehm, Financial and Economic Comte, People's Govt, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), Apr 1950- Dec 1954; mem., Inner Mongolia Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1950; vice-chm, People's Govt, IMAR, Jun 1954- Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, IMAR CP, Sep 1957; lecturer, IMAR Univ, Sep 1958; sec., IMAR CP, Apr 1960 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for IMAR to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; branded a capitalist roader and purged, Jul 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., IMAR CP and 1st sec. of its Discipline Inspection Com, Oct 1979; vice-chm, People's Congr of IMAR, Dec 1979; disappeared, Aug 1982.

W a n g Yinglai


Wang Yishi

Japan, Jan 1978; deputy for Shanghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); pres., Shanghai Branch, CAS, Jun 1978; pres., China Society of Biochemistry, May 1979; head of a research team which took part in synthesizing yeast alanine (T-RNA), Feb 1982; hon. dir., Shanghai Inst, of Biochemistry, CAS, 1983; mem., Dpt of Biology, CAS, Feb 1985; awarded title of "honorary academician" by Academy of Sciences of Hungary, Dec 1986; foreign mem., Academy of Sciences of Czechoslovakia, Jan 1989; disappeared, Jan 1989.

W a n g Yingxian ¿ l í t Vice-min. of Water Conservancy and Electric Power, Aug 1965; visited Albania, Jul 1969; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Aug 1970. Publication: Maple and Oak (novel), 1964.

W a n g Yiping -Ïf" Dir., Tax Bureau, Shanxi PPG, Dec 1949; council mem., Shanghai Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1952; dir., Org. Dpt, Shanghai CP, 1956; dpty dir., Bureau of Food Grains, Beijing MPG, Sep 1957; dir. of this bureau, Sep 1958; alt. mem., Secretariat, Shanghai CP, Feb 1964; sec., Shanghai CP, Apr 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Shanghai Rev Comte, Nov 1972 -Dec 1979; sec., Shanghai CP, Jan 1977- Mar 1983; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; head, friendship del. to Japan, Mar 1978; mem., Executive Council, China Welfare Inst., Jun 1978; mem., Birth Planning Leading Group, SC, Jul 1978-1981; vice-mayor of Shanghai, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

W a n g Yishi

* 1910 Obtained Ph.D. in chemistry from Cambridge Univ, England, 1941; researcher, Preparatory Office, Medical Inst., CAS, Jan 1950; dpty dir., Inst, of Physiology and Biochemistry, CAS, Jun 1950; mem., Dpt of Biology and Earth Sciences, CAS, May 1955; mem., Central Comte, Jiusan Society, Feb 1956; dir., Inst, of Biochemistry, CAS, Mar 1958; head, del. to 5th Intl Conf. of Biochemists, Moscow, Aug 1961; deputy for Shanghai to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1974; mem., CAS del. to Australia, Jun 1977; dir., Shanghai Inst, of Biochemistry, CAS, Jan 1978-1983; head, del. of scientists to



* 1926 Fuzhou City, Fujian Cadre, Financial and Trade Office, Fujian PPG, 1962-66; dir., Fujian Prov. Branch, All-China Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, 1978-80; ehm, Xiamen Special Economic Zone, 1981-82; dpty sec., Xiamen City CP, 1982-83; mem., Stand. Comte, Fujian Prov. CP, Mar 1983 - Jul 1985; sec-gen., Fujian PPG, Nov 1983; vice-


Wang Yizhi

gov. of Fujian Prov., Mar 1984 - May 1987; vice-chm, Fujian PPC, May 1987 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Jan 1988.

W a n g Yizhi i 4 1 H * Shanxi Sec., Fuan County CP, Fujian, Aug 1952 - Nov 1954; dpty dir., Admin. Bureau, Min. of Light Ind., Nov 1954 Nov 1955; dir., Bureau of Food Ind., Min. of Light Ind., Nov 1955 - Jun 1957; asst min. of Food Ind., Jun 1957 Feb 1958; mem., Natl Comte, All-China Fed of Handicraft Cooperatives, Dec 1957; asst min. of Light Ind., Feb 1958 - Jul 1960; vice-min. of Light Ind., Jul 1960 - Feb 1965; vice-min., 1st Min. of Light Ind., Feb 1965-1970; vice-min. of Light Ind., Jul 1971-1978; disappeared, Jun 1978.

Wang Yongxing

J£- 4 c


* 1925 Longkou, Shandong Joined 8th Route Army, 1945; awarded title of Shandong Model Laborer, 1957; deputy for Shandong to 3rd NPC, Dec 1965; sec., CCP Comte, Xiatingjia Production Brigade, Dalüjia People's Commune, Huang County, Shandong Prov., Dec 1965; dpty sec., Huang County CP, 1974-78; deputy for Shandong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988; to 8th, Mar 1993); mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983; to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., NPC del. to Venezuela, Mexico, Canada (head: Ji Pengfei), Jun 1978; disappeared, Mar 1993.

Wang You M Deputy for Shanghai to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); dpty dir., Inst, of Organic Chemistry, CAS, Jul 1966; mem., scientific del. to Romania, Jul 1966; engaged in works to simplify the original synthesis of thymidylyc acid, 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Shanghai to 6th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Academic Degrees Comte, CAS, Feb 1981; dir., Shanghai Inst, of Organic Chemistry, CAS, Jan 1982; dpty chief of the research team which took part in synthesizing yeast alanine (TRNA), Feb 1982; mem., Dpt of Chemistry, CAS, Jun 1985; hon. dir., Shanghai Inst, of Chemistry, CAS, Nov 1985; disappeared, Nov 1985.

Wang Youping * 1910 Joined CCP, 1931; graduated from univ; took part in Long March, 1934-35; dir., Polit. Dpt, Henan-AnhuiJiangsu Border Area, 1947; ambassador to Romania, Jul 1950 - Nov 1954; ambassador to Norway, Dec 1954 Aug 1958; ambassador to Cambodia, Sep 1958 - Feb 1962; adviser, Min. of Foreign Affairs, May 1963; accompanied pres. Liu Shaoqi to Cambodia, May 1963; ambassador to Cuba, Jan 1964-1967; deputy for Shandong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; ambassador to Ν Vietnam, Jun 1969Aug 1974; ambassador to Malaysia, Jan 1975 - Apr 1977; ambassador to USSR, Aug 1977 - Sep 1979; deputy for Shandong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-min. of Foreign Affairs, Sep 1979-1982; head, Chinese del. to talks on normalization in Moscow, Sep 1979; mem., NPC del. to Thailand (head: Deng Yingchao), Feb 1980; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987. Wang was married to Shi Hongchao.

Wang Yuan - Î - X^ Cadre, Inst, of Mathematics, CAS, Jul 1978; mem., Scientific Council, CAS, Mar 1981; dir., Inst, of Mathematics, CAS, Jun 1985 - Oct 1985; mem., Dpt of Mathematics and Physics, CAS, Jun 1985; mem., Natl Comte, 6th CPPCC, Mar 1986 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); pres., China Mathematics Society, Jun 1989; disappeared, Jun 1989. Remarks: Wang became known as a researcher in number theory.

Wang Yueyi



Dpty dir., Marketing Bureau, Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, 1952; mem., All-China Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Jul 1954; vice-chm, AllChina Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Jun 1963; visited Romania, Jun 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: ambassador to Austria, Sep 1971 - Aug 1974; ambassador to Kenya, Sep 1974 - Jan 1979; head, Chinese del. to 3rd Session of UN Environmental Protection Program, Nairobi, Apr 1975; head, Chinese del. to 19th Session of UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org., Nairobi, Nov 1976; permanent representative to UN Environment Program, May 1978; ambassador to Turkey, Mar 1979-1981;


dpty dir., General Admin, for Travel and Tourism, SC, Apr 1982-1985; head, del. to World Conf. on Tourism, Mexico, Aug 1982; head, del. to 5th World Travel Market, London, Nov 1984; disappeared, Sep 1985.

Wang Yumin


Wang Yusheng

Comte for World Peace, Jul 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1965); vicechm, China Assn of Newspaper Workers, Jun 1959; council mem., China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Apr 1962 Cult. Rev.; council mem., Sino-Japanese Friendship Assn, Oct 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Aug 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1973; mem., friendship del. to Japan, Apr 1973; vice-chm, Sino-Japanese Friendship Assn, Aug 1973 - death; mem., Presidium, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; head, workers' del. to Japan, Nov 1976; deputy for Hebei to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 - death; adviser, Beijing Branch, Chinese Journalism Society, Feb 1980. Publications: Sixty Years of Sino-Japanese volumes).

M . * 1921 Laiwu County, Shandong CCP sec. in counties of Shandong Prov., 1940-53; dpty sec., Zhoushan Prefecture CP, 1953 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: 1st sec., Wenzhou Prefecture CP, 1977-80; dpty dir., Org. Dpt, Zhejiang Prov. CP, Feb 1980-1983; vice-chm, Zhejiang PPC, Feb 1988; disappeared, Feb 1988.

Wang Yunsheng



* 1900 Tianjin deceased 1980, May 30 Attended college but did not graduate; after underground activities for CCP, arrested by Tianjin Garrison HQ, 1925; released, 1926; reporter, Tianjin Commercial Daily, 1926; 1928-36: served as editor of Ta Kung Pao (Tianjin) and later in charge of its weekly supplement Guowen Weekly, editor-in-chief, Ta Kung Pao (Chongqing), 1938; dir., Ta Kung Pao (Chongqing), 1942; went to Shanghai, Dec 1946; went to Hong Kong, Jun 1948; went to Beijing, end of 1948; managing editor, Ta Kung Pao (Shanghai), May 1949 - Jan 1953; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954; to 3rd, Apr 1959; to 4th, Jan 1965); mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; mem., Shanghai MPG, Dec 1950 - Jun 1954; pres., Shanghai Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1952; dir., Ta Kung Pao (Tianjin), Jan 1953; mem., Ν China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; mem., Executive Comte, Fed of Industry and Commerce, Nov 1953 - Dec 1956; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; deputy for Hebei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964); vice-chm, All-China Journalists Assn, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1954 - Apr 1959; mem., del. to World Peace Congr, Helsinki, Jun 1955; council mem., Chinese People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Jul 1955; mem., China Asian Solidarity Comte, Feb 1956; mem., del. to World Conf. Against Use Atomic Bombs, Nagasaki, Aug 1956; mem., NPC del. to USSR, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Nov 1956; mem., Chinese People's

Wang Yuqing







jS * 1911 Jiangyin County, Jiangsu Joined League of Left-Wing Writers, 1934; joined Natl Salvation Assn in NW China, 1936; studied at Inst, of Marxism-Leninism, Yan'an, 1939; served successively in Org. Dpt of CCP Central Comte and as dpty manager, Liida City Far East Electric Co., 1946-49; dpty gen-mgr., Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Jan 1953; dpty dir., Iron and Steel Bureau, Min. of Metallurgical Ind., Nov 1957; vicemin. of Metallurgical Ind., Jun 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, by-elected Mar 1987 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., Economic Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988. Remarks: Wang served as Chen Yun's senior sec. for a long time.

Wang Yusheng

jïL J L ïk-

* 1927 Kaiyuan County, Liaoning Served as CCP sec. and magistrate of counties, 1946-67; served successively as sec. of Lanxi County CP and of

Wang Yutian


Suihua Prefecture CP, 1972-80; sec., Nenjiang Prefecture CP, 1980-81; mem., Stand. Comte, Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Mar 1983 - Jun 1988; dir., Rural Work Dpt, Heilongjiang Prov. CP, May 1984-1987; vice-chm, Heilongjiang PPC, Jan 1988; disappeared, Jan 1988.

Wang Yutian




* 1914 deceased 1977, Dec 11 Dpty dir., Logistics Dpt, Special Corps, PLA Central-S Mil. Reg, 1950; counsellor, embassy in German Democratic Republic, Mar 1951 - Feb 1956; adviser to Chinese observers attending Security Conf., Moscow, Dec 1954; accompanied Zhu De to attend 2nd Congr of Romanian Workers Party, Dec 1955; adviser to Nie Rongzhen when attending Warsaw Treaty Nations' meeting, Prague, Jan 1956; dpty dir., Protocol Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Apr 1956 - Apr 1958; acting dir., Protocol Dpt, MFA, Sep 1957 - Apr 1958; dir., Dpt of Socialist Countries, MFA, Apr 1958 - Jan 1959; dir., Dpt for USSR and East Europe, MFA, Jan-Jun 1959; ambassador to Sudan, Jun 1959 - Apr 1962; dir., W Asian and African Affairs Dpt, MFA, Jun 1962 - Jan 1964; mem., CCP del. to Yemen, Sep 1963; successively visited Uganda, Oct 1963; accompanied Chen Yi to Nairobi to attend celebration of Kenyan Independence, Dec 1963; accompanied Zhou Enlai to visit African Countries, Dec 1963 - Feb 1964; ambassador to Kenya, Feb 1964 - Feb 1967; ambassador to Congo, Jun 1969 - Dec 1972; ambassador to Federal Republic of Germany, Feb 1973-1974.

Wang Yuzhen


^ deceased 1966, Mar Dir., Org. Dpt, Hubei Prov. CP, Oct 1955; sec-gen., Hubei Prov. CP, Nov 1959 - Oct 1965; mem., Natl Comte, All-China Youth Fed., Apr 1962; mem., del. of Hubei Experimental Opera Troupe to Japan, Sep 1963; deputy for Hubei to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; sec., Hubei Prov. CP, May 1965; 2nd sec., Wuhan Municipality CP, Oct 1965; vice-mayor, Wuhan MPG, Oct 1965 - death.

golia CP, 1947; dpty cdr., Inner Mongolia Mil. Reg and concurrently chief procurator of Inner Mongolia, 1948; delegate of Inner Mongolia to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Nationalities Affairs Com, GAC, Nov 1949- Sep 1954; dir., Public Security Dpt, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), Nov 1949; head, del. to PR Mongolia to attend 30th anniversary of Mongolian Rev, Jul 1951; mem., Stand. Comte, Suiyuan-Mongolian Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1952; vice-chm, People's Council, IMAR, Jun 1954 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for IMAR to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jun 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., govt del. to PR Mongolia, Dec 1955; order of "Independence and Freedom", 1st class, Aug 1957; mem., IMAR del. to USSR, Nov 1957; ehm, River Control Comte, IMAR People's Congr, Mar 1959; council mem., Sino-Latin America Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; sec., IMAR CP, May 1960- Cult. Rev.; mem.. Stand. Comte Rev Comte of IMAR, Nov 1967; disappeared, Nov 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Jul 1979; vice-chm, IMAR Branch of CPPCC, May 1980; disappeared, Dec 1982.

Wang Ze -Î# * 1923 Yunnan Graduated from SW Associated Univ; consul-general in Mandalay (Lashio), Burma, Jun 1955 - Jul 1961; consul general in Dacca, Pakistan, Nov 1965-1967; ambassador to Nepal, Jul 1969 - Aug 1972; ambassador to Mauritius, Sep 1972 - Jan 1977; ambassador to Peru, May 1977 Apr 1981; ambassador to Mexico, Jul 1981 - Oct 1982; ambassador to Sweden, Feb 1983 -Sep 1984; deputy for Jiangxi to 6th NPC, May 1983; disappeared, Sep 1984.

Wang Zemin





W a n g Zaitian -Î- 4 ^ * Horchin Left Middle Banner, Jerim League, Inner Mongolia Born under the name of Namjilsereng, W. belonged to Mongolian minority. Mem., Central Comte, Inner Mon-

* 1921 Penglai County, Shandong Dir., Production Dpt, Jiangxi Prov. TU, 1952-53; served successively as dir., General Office, and dpty sec-gen., Jiangxi Prov. CP, 1955 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Com for Provincial Organs, Jiangxi Prov. CP, 1975-78; sec-gen., Jiangxi Prov. CP, 1979-80; dir., Org. Dpt, Jiangxi Prov. CP, 1981-83; vice-chm, Jiangxi PPC, Apr 1983 (reelected Feb 1988); deputy for Jiangxi to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Sep 1989.


Wang Zenong

l í


* 1907 Wuyuan County, Jiangxi Graduated from Agricultural College under Shanghai Labor Univ, 1931; graduation from State Agricultural Inst, in Belgium, 1937; prof., Fudan Univ, Chongqing, 1938-41; researcher, Jiangxi Tea Inst., 1942-44; prof., Jiangxi Agricultural School and later Fudan Univ, 1944-52; prof., Anhui Univ, 1952-54; pres., Chinese Tea Society, Sep 1964; deputy for Anhui to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Anhui to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); vice-chm, Anhui Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1981 (reelected Feb 1988); again pres., Chinese Tea Society, Dec 1983; hon. ehm, Anhui Prov. Branch, Jiusan Society, Feb 1992; disappeared, Feb 1992.

Wang Zhanping

& "f"

Judge in Supreme People's Procuracy, 1963; mem., Judical Comte, Supreme People's Court, Nov 1979; judge, Special Court for the Trial of Lin Biao and Jiang Qing Counterrevolutionary Cliques, Sep 1980; dir., 1st Criminal Div., Supreme People's Court, Dec 1980; vice-pres., Supreme People's Court, Jun 1981; mem., Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Jun 1984.

Wang Zhao Polit, commissar, 12th Brigade, 3rd Army Group, Ν China Field Army, 1948; polit, commissar, 64th Army, 19th Army Group, 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; vice-min. of Public Security, Oct 1954 - Jul 1961; visited Czechoslovakia, Jun 1955; visited German Democratic Republic, Aug 1956; council mem., Polit. Science and Law Society, Aug 1958; dir., Public Security Inst., Jan 1959; acting 1st sec., Qinghai Prov. CCP, Oct 1961; 2nd sec., Qinghai Prov CP, May 1962 - Cult. Rev; gov., Qinghai PPG, Dec 1963 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Qinghai to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., Nationalities Affairs Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; 2nd polit, commissar, Qinghai Mil. Distr, Jul 1965; 1st sec., Qinghai Prov. CP, May 1966; branded an agent of "China's Khrushchov" and purged, Dec 1967.

Wang Zhaozhi

Wang Zhao


'7Γ t£4

* 1923 Zouping County, Shandong 1st sec., Yichun City CP in Heilongjiang, 1957-63; sec., Heihe Prefecture CP, 1973-78; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Heilongjiang Prov., May 1978 - Dec 1979; sec., Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Jul 1981 - Mar 1983; 2nd sec., Harbin Municipality CP, Oct 1981-1984; ehm, Heilongjiang Branch of CPPCC, May 1985 (reelected Jan 1988); mem., CPPCC del. to Pakistan (head: Qian Zhengying), Jun 1992; disappeared, Jun 1992.

Wang Zhaoquan


Dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Comte of Nanjing Municipality, May 1956; vice-mayor, Nanjing MPG, Feb 1958; vice-chm, Nanjing Branch, CPPCC, Oct 1961; head, friendship del. to USSR, Jul 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., United Front Work Dpt, Jiangsu Prov. CP, Jan 1980; mayor of Nanjing MPG, Apr 1981 - Apr 1983; dpty sec., CCP Comte of Nanjing Municipality, Jul 1981; head, Nanjing del. to Florence, Italy, when both towns became sister cities, Oct 1981; vice-chm, Jiangsu Prov. Branch of CPPCC, Apr 1983; disappeared, Apr 1985. Wang was married to Zhang Guang.

Wang Zhaozhi

Í $ >&

* 1900 Haicheng County, Liaoning deceased 1989, Mar 28 Graduated from NE Mil. College, 1924; studied in Japan; returned to China, 1929; rose from battalion cdr. to cdr. of Officers Detachment under KMT 12th Army, 1929-48; went over to the Communists and served at PLA E China Officers Training Corps, 1948; dpty sec-gen., Harbin Municipality Branch of CPPCC, 1957 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; vice-chm, Heilongjiang Prov. Branch of CPPCC, 1977-79; vice-chm, Heilongjiang PPC, Dec 1979 - death; ehm, Heilongjiang Branch, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Oct 1981; mem., Stand.


Wang Zhen

Comte, Central Comte, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Dec 1982; hon. ehm, Heilongjiang Branch, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Jun 1988.

Wang Zhen



Γ, I L ^À * 1908 Liuyang County, Hunan deceased 1993, Mar 12 Son of a poor peasant. Started working as a railway worker, 1923; mem., Railway Workers' Assn, 1924; joined CCP, 1927; took part in a workers uprising, Changsha, 1927; two weeks after their marriage his wife was executed by KMT troops, 1927; joined the Red Army, 1929; helped organize a small band of troops known as Red Vanguards, Mar 1930; his unit of 4,000 men became the 6th Army of Red Vanguards and joined Peng Dehuai's troops in Changsha, Jul 1930; polit, commissar of regiment under Independent 1st Div. (cdr.: Liu Bocheng), Sep 1930; polit, commissar of the Independent 1st Div., Feb 1932; wounded in summer of 1932; dir., Polit. Dpt, 17th Div. (cdr.: Xiao Ke), 1933; mem., Central Executive Comte, Chinese Soviet Republic, Feb 1934; polit, commissar, 6th Red Army Corps under 2nd Front Army (cdr.: He Long), during Long March, 1934-36; cdr., 359th Brigade, 120th Div (cdr.: He Long), 8th Route Army, 1937; Wang and his 350th Brigade of 10,000 men was moved to Nanniwan, a desolated wasteland south of Yan'an to reclaim the land aside from normal garrison duties, Dec 1941-1944; the 359th Brigade joined the New 4th Army, Nov 1944; Wang, together with Wang En-mao and Wang Shoutao established the Hunan People's Anti-Japanese Salvation Army, May 1945; alt. mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Jun 1945 - Sep 1956; cos, Shanxi-Suiyuan, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Mil. Reg, 1946-47; cdr., 2nd Column, NW PLA (cdr.: Peng Dehuai), 1947-48; cdr., 1st Army Group, 1st Field Army (reorganized from NW PLA) and entered Tihua (now Ürümqi), capital of Xinjiang, Oct 1949; dpty cdr., Xinjiang Mil. Distr, Dec 1949-1951; ranking sec., Xinjiang Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1949- mid-1952; mem., Xinjiang PPG and ehm of its Finance and Economics Comte, Dec 1949; mem., NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jan 1950 - Jan 1953; mem., Natl Comte, All-China Fed of Democratic Youth, 1949-53; dpty cdr., NW Mil. Reg, Sep 1952 - Jan 1954; mem., NW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953-1954; cdr. and polit, commissar, PLA Railway Corps, Feb 1954 - May 1956; deputy for PLA to the 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Natl Defense Council, Oct 1954 - Cult. Rev.; made col-gen. and awarded the orders of "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955;

min. of State Farms and Land Reclamation, May 1956 Cult. Rev.; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 (reelected to 9th CC, Apr 1969; 10th CC, Aug 1973; 11th CC, Aug 1977; 12th CC, Sep 1982); head, agrotechnical del. to Japan, Oct-Dec 1957; deputy for Heilongjiang to the 2nd NPC, Mar 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-chm, Comte to Resettle Returned Overseas Chinese, SC, Feb 1960; mem., NPC del. to Ν Vietnam, Sep 1962: during Cult. Rev. sent to work in a farm, 1968-72; head, goodwill del. to Japan for the establishment of a direct air link between China and Japan, Sep 1974; vice-premier, SC, Jan 1975 - Sep 1980; deputy for Heilongjiang to the 5th NPC, Feb 1978; head, govt del. to Great Britain and Switzerland, Nov 1978; mem., Politburo of the 11th Central Comte, by-elected by 3rd Plenum, Dec 1978 (reelected to Politburo of 12th CC, Sep 1982), mem., Stand. Comte, Mil. Com under CCP Central Comte, May 1979 Sep 1982; mem., State Financial and Economic Com, Jul 1979 - Mar 1981; article in RMRB Sep 27, 1979, "Fight heroically and build up a pioneering Enterprise through ordous labor - some recollections of the liberation and building of Xinjiang"; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; article in RMRB Oct 16, "People of all nationalities unite to build a well-to-do and civilized socialist Xinjiang", Oct 1980; mem., 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; article in HQ Jan 16, 1982, "Study history, display patriotic spirit"; spent vacation in Romania, May 1982; pres., Party School under CCP Central Comte, May 1982 - Mar 1987; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; head, govt del. to Japan, Sep 1982; adviser, Chinese Comte of Council of Chinese and Japanese Non-Governmental Personages, Oct 1982; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; deputy for Hebei to 6th NPC, May 1983; hon. pres., China-Japan Friendship Assn, Jul 1983; adviser, Central Com for Guiding Party Consolidation, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1983 - Oct 1987; hon., dir.-in-chief, Welfare Fund for Handicapped, Mar 1984; head, friendship del. to Japan, Apr 1984; ehm, Chinese Comte, Council of Chinese and Japanese NonGovernmental Personages, Jun 1984; hon. pres., China Assn for Intl Friendly Contacts, Dec 1984 (reelected Jan 1992); head, friendship del. to Japan, Jul 1985; resigned from his positions as mem. of the Central Comte and mem. of the Politburo, Sep 1985; vice-chm, Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 - Nov 1987; head, del. to 3rd Meeting of Sino-Japanese Non-Governmental Council, Tokyo, Apr 1986; visited Singapore and Thailand, May 1986; pres., Award Foundation for Teachers of Middle and Primary Schools and Kindergartens, Feb 1987; head, goodwill del. to Japan, Apr 1987; mem., Stand. Comte, Presidium of 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; deputy for Xinjiang AR to 7th NPC, Jan 1988; mem., Presidium, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; vice-pres. of the People's Republic of China, Apr 1984 -death; hon. pres., Society for People's Friendship Studies, Mar 1991; announced to donate his corneas after death to the Chinese people, Oct 1991; mem., Stand. Comte, Presidium of 14th CCP Congr, Oct 1992.




* 1909 Wujin County, Jiangsu deceased 1978, Aug 13 Attended middle school; entered school for technicians specializing in telecommunications, 1928; assigned to 18th Div., Nationalist Army, 1929; captured by the Communists in battle and assigned to his specialized work at Red Army HQ, 1930; head, 1st Signal Communications Branch, Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, 193134; joined CCP, 1934; participated in Long March, 1934-35; dir., 3rd Bureau, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, 1936-45; concurrently dir., Telecommunications School of 8th Route Army, 1937; dir., Telecommunications Bureau, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, May 1949; mem., All-China Fed of Democratic Youth, May 1949-1953; representative of PLA HQ to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; vice-min. of Posts and Telecommunications, Oct 1949 - Sep 1953; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Moscow to negotiate the transfer of Changchun Railway to China, Aug 1952; made ltn-gen. and awarded orders of "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; pres., China Electronics Society, Jun 1956-1961; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, May 1957 - Nov 1958; cdr., PLA Signal Corps, May 19571963; deputy for PLA to 2nd NPC, Apr 1959; min., 4th Min. of Machine Building, May 1963 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Heilongjiang to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., Natl Defense Council, Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev.; head, govt del. to Leipzig Intl Fair in German Democratic Republic, FebMar 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., May 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1972; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); min., 4th Min. of Machine Building, Jan 1975 death. Remarks: Wang once served as dpty chief of the PLA General Staff.

Wang Zheng JÎ^ * Liaoning Dir., Propaganda Dpt, Liaodong Prov. CP, 1950; council mem., Liaoning PPG, May 1950 - Aug 1954; deputy for Liaoning to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; 2nd sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, Apr 1955 - Sep 1956; sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, Oct 1957 -Oct 1958; accused of heading an anti-Party clique consisting of Song Li, Du Zheheng, Li Tao and others, and "sentenced to discipline according to Party regulations", Jun 1958; disappeared, Jun 1958.

Wang Zhi

Wang Zhenjiang

jEL 41-

* 1925 Guangzong County, Hebei Served successively with Hebei-Shandong-Henan Daily and Northeast Jiangxi Daily, 1945-49; cadre, Propaganda Dpt, Guizhou Prov. CP, 1954-57; dpty dir., Public Health Bureau, Guizhou PPG, 1960- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: 1st sec., Bijie Prefecture CP, 1975-77; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Guizhou Prov., Nov 1977 - Dec 1979; vice-gov., Guizhou PPG, Jan 1980 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Guizhou PPC, Apr 1983 (reelected Jan 1988); deputy for Guizhou to 8th NPC, Mar 1993.

Wang Zhenwen

41- i C


* 1919 Chiping County, Shandong Joined CCP, 1938; studied at Anti-Japanese Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1938; polit, instructor, Health Dpt, Logistics Bureau, Shanxi-Suiyuan Mil. Distr. 1940-45; served successively as dir., Polit. Dpt and polit, commissar of a regiment under NW Field Army, 1948-51; dir., Polit. Dpt of a div. under NW Field Army, 1952; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Yanqi Prefecture, Xinjiang, 1954-60; sec., CCP Comte, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang AR, 1961 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., CCP Comte, Kashi Prefecture, Xinjiang AR, 1976-78; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Xinjiang AR, Feb 1978 - Sep 1979; deputy for Xinjiang AR to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, People's Congr of Xinjiang AR, Sep 1979 - Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte and sec-gen., CCP Comte of Xinjiang AR, Mar 1983 Oct 1985; vice-chm, Advisory Com, CCP Comte of Xinjiang AR, Oct 1985; disappeared, Jul 1987.

Wang Zhi JE. ± Polit, commissar of a regiment, Guangdong-Guangxi Column, 1945; polit, commissar of a div., 3rd Field Army, 1948; participated in Huaihai Campaign, 1948; polit.


Wang Zhiguo

commissar, 7th Div., Public Security Forces, 1952; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; polit, commissar, Public Security Force, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, 1955; dpty polit, commissar, Fujian Mil. Distr, 1959; polit, commissar, 28th Army, 1964; dpty polit, commissar, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Mar 1973-1982; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Secretariat, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Jun 1977-1980; deputy for PLA to the 5th Ν PC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, Fujian PPC, Dec 1979; disappeared, Oct 1985.

Wang Zhiguo

-ï- >& ©

Wang Zhongfang

* 1921 Dir., General Office, Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1979-1981; dpty sec-gen., CASS, Jul 19791981; dir., Law Research Inst., CASS, Jul 1979-1983; vice-min., State Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Mar 1981 - May 1982; head, Gansu Song and Dance Ensemble to Ν Korea, Jun 1981; head, cultural del. to Congo, Zaire, Kenya, Seychelles, Jul 1981; permanent vice-pres., Chinese Law Society, Nov 1983 - Aug 1985; visited U.S.A., Jul 1984; pres., Chinese Law Society, Aug 1985-1988; counselor, Asian Law Society, Nov 1986; mem., Law Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Aug 1988.

Wang Zhonglu

* 1923 Wutai County, Shanxi Joined CCP, 1940; polit, instructor of a battalion, Ν China 1st Independent Brigade, 1945; service as Party cadre in Xiangyin County and Xiangtan City, Hunan Prov., 1949- Cult. Rev.; dpty dir., Rural Work Dpt, Hunan Prov. CP, Oct 1972; mem., Stand. Comte, Hunan Prov. CP, Aug 1973; vice-chm, Peasant Assn, Hunan Prov., Dec 1973-1977; sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Oct 1977- Feb 1983; mem., Schistosomiasis Prevention Leadership Group, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1978; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Hunan Prov., Apr-Dec 1979; vice-gov., Hunan PPG, Dec 1979 - May 1983; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Hunan Prov. CP, Jun 1985; disappeared, Jun 1989.

Wang Zhiqiang


Wang belonged to the Hui minority. Dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, Ningxia Prov. CP, Oct 1951; mem., Preparatory Comte for Ningxia AR, Jun 1958; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Yinchuan Municipality, Oct 1958 - Sep 1960; mayor of Yinchuan MPG, 1958; vice-chm, People's Council, Ningxia AR, Oct 1958; dismissed from all posts on charge of "local nationalism", Sep 1960: vice-chm, Rev Comte of Ningxia AR, Apr 1968; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); dpty sec., CCP Comte, Ningxia AR, Aug 19711977; disappeared, Jan 1977.

Wang Zhong

-Í- t

* 1906 deceased 1981, Nov 3 Dir. of Secretariat and mem., Land Reform Comte, Hubei PPG, 1950; asst min. of Food Ind., Feb 1957 - Feb 1958; vice-gov., Anhui PPG, Nov 1958 -Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Anhui Prov. CP, Oct 1966-1975; vicechm, Rev Comte of Anhui Prov., Apr 1971-1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - death.



* 1930 Xiaoshan County, Zhejiang Served in Supply and Marketing Cooperatives in Zhejiang Prov., 1950 - Cult. Rev.; dir., Finance Dpt, Zhejiang PPG, 1978-83; sec-gen., Zhejiang PPG, 1983-87; vicegov., Zhejiang PPG, Nov 1987; disappeared, Jul 1991.

Wang Zhongqing

Φ ~ßt

Dpty dir., Education Dpt, Shanxi PPG, 1949; dpty dir., Cultural and Education Dpt, Shanxi PPG, Aug 1950; dir., Office of Culture and Education, Shanxi PPC, Dec 1955; vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, Apr 1956- Cult. Rev.; mem., Preparatory Comte for 1st Natl Games, Sep 1958; deputy for Shanxi to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958; head, Shanxi sport team to 1st Natl Games, Sep 1959; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Mar 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, Dec 1979; disappeared, Oct 1981.

Wang Zhongyin

¿ Λ - ί

Dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Shandong Prov. CP, 1953; dir., Dpt of Education and Culture, Shandong Prov. CP, Oct 1957; mem., Scientific Work Comte, Shandong PPC, Dec 1957; sec-gen., Shandong Prov. CP, Jul 1958; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Shandong Prov. CP, Mar 1959; vicepres., Shandong Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Aug 1963; head, tourists group to USSR, Aug 1963; mem., Stand. Comte, Shandong Prov. CP, Aug 1965; vice-gov., Shandong PPG, Dec 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Feb 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Shandong Prov. CP, May 1979;


vice-chm, Rev Comte, Shandong Prov., Aug-Dec 1979; vice-gov., Shandong PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; ehm, Shandong Branch, Fed of Writers and Artists, Jul 1980; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; sec., Discipline Inspection Com, Shandong CP, Jul 1983; disappeared, Nov 1987.

Wang Zigang

1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Shandong Prov. CP, Aug 1956-1958; removed from all posts as a mem. of a "sectarian clique against the Party", May 1958; vice-chm, AllChina Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives (ACFSMC), Oct 1962; head, cooperatives del. to Japan, Jul 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966: first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again vice-chm, ACFSMC, May 1982; mem., Natl Comte, 7th CPPCC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.

Wang Zhuguang Wang Zhuxi

* 1924 Guangzong County, Hebei Served in minor Party positions in home county, 1942-49; dpty dir., General Office, CCP Comte, Changde Prefecture, 1949-51; dpty dir., Policy Research Office, Guangxi Prov. CP, 1951-53; sec-gen., Rural Work Dpt, Guangxi Prov. CP, 1953-57; sec., CCP Comte, Pingle Prefecture, 1957-58; sec., CCP Comte, Wuzhou Prefecture, 1959-65; sec., CCP Comte, Guilin Prefecture, 1965-67; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: 1st sec., Nanning Municipality CP, Dec 19781981; ehm, Agricultural Com, People's Govt, Guangxi AR, 1981-83; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Guangxi AR, Mar 1983 - Jun 1985; vice-chm, People's Govt, Guangxi AR, Apr 1983 - Jun 1985; vice-chm, Advisory Com, CCP Comte, Guangxi AR, Jun 1985; disappeared, Jun 1985.

Wang Zhuochao


* Gan County, Jiangxi Mem., Central-S Branch, People's Supreme Procuracy, 1949; dir., Social Affairs Dpt, Jiangxi Prov. CP, Mar 1950; council mem., Jiangxi PPG, Sep 1950; chief procurator, People's Procuracy, Jiangxi Prov., Nov 1951; vicegov., Jiangxi PPG, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Jiangxi Prov. CP, Dec 1958 - Cult. Rev.; head, friendship del. to USSR, Sep 1964; during Cult. Rev. criticized of grave mistakes and purged, Jan 1967.

Wang Zhuoru



* 1911 Henan Sec., S Shandong Distr CP, 1940; dir., Bohai Admin. Office and concurrently polit, commissar, Bohai Mil. Distr, 1948; dir., Commerce Dpt, Shandong PPG, Jul 1950; mem., Preparatory Comte, All-China Fed of Cooperatives, Jul 1950; vice-chm, Shandong PPG, Jan 1953Feb 1955; vice-gov., Shandong PPG, Feb 1955 - May



* 1911 deceased 1983, Jan 30 Received D.Sc. (physics) from Cambridge Univ, Great Britain, 1938; prof., Qinghua Univ, 1951; mem., Dpt of Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry, CAS, May 1955; vice-pres., Beijing Univ, Apr 1962; vice-chm, Beijing Branch, Assn of Science and Technology, Jul 1963; vicepres., China Physics Society, Oct 1963; deputy for Hubei to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: Present at the reception given by Zhou Enlai for the U.S.-Chinese Nobel Prize Winner Yang Zhenning (Wang once was his tutor), Jul 1972; vice-pres., Beijing Univ, Aug 1978 - death; head, univ del. to Yugoslavia and Romania, Aug 1978; vice-chm, Central Comte, Jiusan Society, Oct 1979 death; joined CCP, Feb 1980; mem., Chinese Written Language Reform Comte, May 1980.

Wang Zida


Dpty sec., Hangzhou Municipality CP, Aug 1954; ehm, Hangzhou MPC, Dec 1954; sec., Hangzhou CP, Apr 1957- Jul 1963; mayor, Hangzhou MPG, Sep 1962Cult. Rev.; dpty sec., Hangzhou CP, Jul 1963 - Jul 1973; ehm, Rev Comte, Hangzhou Municipality, Mar 19681975; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Zhejiang Prov., Mar 19681975; sec., Hangzhou CP, Jul 1973; disappeared, Apr 1975. Wang was married to Ma Qiaoda.

Wang Zigang


-f M

Dir., 3rd Bureau, Rev Mil. Council, Central People's Govt, Oct 1949; dir., Bureau of Telecommunication, Min. of Posts and Telecommunications, Oct 1949-1951; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese Postal Union, Mar 1950; vice-min. of Posts and Telecommunications, Sep 1952 - Cult. Rev.; head, telecommunications del. to Ν Vietnam, Dec 1954; head, telecommunications del. to Yugoslavia and PR Mongolia, Feb 1956; pres., China Electronics Society, 1963; vice-pres., Zhengzhou Univ, Nov 1964; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; during Cult. Rev. branded a capitalist-roader and revisionist and purged, Apr 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, May 1973 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978); again pres., China Electronics Society, Nov 1976 - Jul 1979; vice-min., 4th Min. of Machine Build-


Wang Zimu

ing, Nov 1977 - Oct 1978; min. of Posts and Telecommunications, Nov 1978 - Mar 1981; head, posts del. to France, Belgium, Netherlands, Sep 1979; head of a posts del. to U.S.A., Oct 1980; dir., Inst, of Communications, Dec 1980-1983; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

Wang Zimu * Heilongjiang Vice-chm of Heilongjiang Prov., Sep 1950-1954; vicemayor, Anshan MPG, Sep 1954; mayor of Anshan MPG, Feb 1955-1957; vice-gov., Liaoning PPG, 1957 - Cult. Rev.; dir., Scientific Work Comte, Liaoning PPC, Dec 1958; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Wang Ziye

5- - f

Delegate representing publishing circles to 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954; dir., People's Press, Apr 1960; council mem., Sino-Romania Friendship Assn, Aug 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Shanghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dpty dir., State Publications Admin., Jun 1979-1982; ehm, Foreign Philosophical Works Translation Comte under Inst, of Philosophy, CASS, Feb 1980; ehm, Chinese Publishers' Assn, Mar 1980, deputy for Anhui to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., NPC del. to Brazil, Peru, Ecuador (head: Liao Hansheng), Mar 1984; mem., Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Comte, 6th NPC, Mar 1985 Mar 1988; mem., Natl Comte, 7th CPPCC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.

Wang Ziyi




Studied in Youlin Middle School and leader of students union, organizing strikes, winter 1923; joined CCP, 1928; dir., Civil Affairs Dpt, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt, Dec 1949; mem., NW Mil. and Admin. Comte (NWMAC), Jan 1950 - Nov 1952; dir., Civil Affairs Dpt, NWMAC, Mar 1950- Nov 1952; dir., Personnel Dpt, NWMAC, Oct 1951 - Nov 1952; vice-min. of Internal Affairs, Nov 1952 - Sep 1959; disappeared, Sep 1959.

Wang Zonghuai

* 1915 Jiangxi



Joined Red Army, 1930, and CCP, 1932; took part in Long March, 1934-35; studied at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1938; dir., Youth Section, General Polit. Dpt, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council (PRMC), Oct 1950 -Mar 1953; dpty sec-gen., General Polit. Dpt, PRMC, Mar 1953 - Sep 1954; sec. and mem., Stand. Comte, NDYL, Jun 1953 - May 1957; delegate of NDYL to 2nd CPPCC and elected mem., Natl Comte, Dec 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959); made ltn-gen. and given "Order of Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; dpty head, Cadres Section, PLA General Polit. Dpt, Oct 1955 - Feb 1956; dir., Youth Dpt, PLA General Polit. Dpt, Mar 1956; dpty commandant and polit, commissar, PLA Polit. Academy, Nov 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jan 1976; mem., 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; dpty polit, commissar, PLA 2nd Artillery (Rocket Corps), Feb 1980-1982; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Sep 1982.

Wang Zuwu

íH- ^

* 1929 Liny i County, Shanxi Graduation from Beijing Agricultural Univ, 1952; dean, Agricultural Dpt, Hebei Agricultural Univ, 1958 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-pres., Hebei Agricultural Univ, 1981-83; vice-gov., Hebei PPG, Apr 1983 (reelected May 1988); vice-chm, Hebei Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1990; disappeared, Apr 1990.

Wei Bingkui



* Liaoning Worker and sec., CCP Branch, Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Jul 1966; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Anshan City, May 1968; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); vice-chm, Rev Comte of Liaoning Prov., Aug 1969-1977; head, workers del. to Romania, Mar 1971; head, workers del. to Japan, Mar 1973; ehm, Liaoning Prov. Branch, All-China Fed of TU, Jun 1973; deputy for Liaoning to 4th NPC, Jan 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, Sep 1975; disappeared, Jan 1977.


Wei Chengdong



* 1928 Du'an County, Guangxi Wei belonged to the Zhuang minority; served as CCP sec. and magistrate of several counties, 1950-66; served successively as commissioner of Qinzhou and Hechi Admin. Offices, 1978-83; sec., Hechi Prefecture CP, 1983-85; sec., Hechi Prefecture CP, Mar 1985; sec., Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Comte of Guangxi AR, Jun 19851990; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

Wei Fengying (f)

mayor, Nanning Municipality, 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Nanning Municipality CP, Mar 1982; mayor, Nanning MPG, Mar 1982; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Guangxi AR, Mar 1983 - Oct 1987; ehm, People's Govt, Guangxi AR, Apr 1983-1989; mem., Presidium, 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; disappeared, Sep 1989.

Wei Fengqi £ & Sec-gen., Shanxi PPG, Aug 1950; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Shanxi PPG, Jan 1951; council mem., Shanxi PPG, Dec 1953; mem. and sec-gen., Shanxi PPC, Feb 1955; vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, Oct 1964 - Cult. Rev.; branded a traitor and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, Dec 1979; disappeared, Jun 1981.

W e i F e n g y i n g (f) Wei Chuantong I t fê & * 1907 Dpty dir., Liaison Section, General Polit. Dpt, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, Oct 1949-1954; sec-gen., PLA General Polit. Dpt, Jun 1955-1958; made maj-gen. and given order of "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, SC, Mar 1958-1960; dpty dir., Propaganda Section, PLA General Polit. Dpt, Jun 1958 - Cult. Rev.; mem., friendship del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1958; vice-pres., SinoKorean Friendship Assn, Oct 1958; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jul 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1975; mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; referred to as a poet, Feb 1978; pres., PLA Art Academy, Sep 1979-1986; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983; head, Cultural Group under 6th CPPCC, Sep 1984; disappeared, Sep 1986.

Wei Chunshu




* 1922 Xiangzhou County, Guangxi Wei belonged to the Zhuang minority; joined CCP, 1941 sec., Working Com, Guilin City CP, 1948-49; polit commissar, Xiang County Guerilla Detachment, 1949-50 CCP sec. in several counties of Guangxi Prov., 1950-56 dir., Communications Bureau, Guangxi PPG, 1957-58




* 1935 Liaoning Daughter of a laborer who died when she was three; had to beg for food with mother; head of a street women section, 1951; became apprentice at NE Machinery Works, Shenyang, 1954; soon appraised as a model apprentice working at a stamping machine; joined CCP, 1954; delegate to Shenyang Conf. of Labor Models, Apr 1956; organized a spare-time group for technical innovations which succeeded in introducing 173 innovations (for this she was named a model worker of Liaoning Prov.), 1958; deputy for Liaoning to 2nd NPC, Mar 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); named a nati labor model, 1964; in Beijing and exhibition was held under the title "The Achievements of Comrade Wei Fengying, a Good Worker of Chairman Mao" (on that occasion named a worker-engineer of NE Machinery Factory), Oct 1966; active participation in the Cult. Rev. in her native prov. but also representing mass organizations in Beijing, 1967; particularly noted for uniting three rival rebel groups, 1967; vice-chm of newly established Rev Comte of Liaoning Prov., May 1968 Nov 1977; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th, Aug 1973); mem., women's del. to Ν Korea, there awarded the Korean order "National Flag", 1st class, Oct 1970; mem., Stand. Comte, Liaoning Prov. CP, Jun 1971; article in Beijing Review, Dec 19, 1972, "Always Belong to the Working Class"; ehm, Women's Fed


Wei Guoqing

of Liaoning Prov., Aug 1973; head, women's del. to Congo, Mar 1974; (demoted to) alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; disappeared, Jul 1978.

Wei Guoqing


* 1913 Donglan County, Guangxi deceased 1989, Jun 14 Wei belonged to Zhuang minority. Received secondary education; served in 7th Army, Nationalist Revolutionary Army during Northern Expedition, 1926; joined the Communists, 1929; participated in Baisi Uprising in Guangxi, 1929; cdr. of a regiment, 7th Workers-Peasants Army, 1930; followed this army to Jiangxi Soviet, 1931; cdr. of a regiment, 3rd Army Corps, 1st Red Front Army, 1932; followed 3rd Army Corps in Long March, 1934-35; cdr. of a detachment, New 4th Army, 1938; cdr., 8th Brigade, 3rd Div., New 4th Army, 1941; cdr., 4th Div., New 4th Army, 1944; cdr., 2nd Column, E China PLA, 1946; dpty polit, commissar, 10th Army Corps, 3rd Field Army, Feb 1949; polit, commissar of this corps, Aug 1949; mayor of Fuzhou and concurrently ehm, Fuzhou Mil. Control Com, Aug 1949; dpty polit, commissar of newly established Fuzhou Mil. Reg and concurrently dpty polit, commissar, 10th Army Corps, 1950; head, mil. advisory mission to Ν Vietnam, 1950; deputy for Guangxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 19541956; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954- Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Com for Nationalities Affairs, SC, Oct 1954-May 1957; gov., Guangxi PPG, Feb 1955; made col-gen. and awarded orders of "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - Apr 1969; sec., Guangxi Prov. CP, Jan 1957; ehm, Preparatory Comte for establishment of Guangxi Autonomous Reg (GAR), Sep 1957; Guangxi Prov. became GAR, Mar 1958; Guo became ehm (renamed from gov.) of GAR, Mar 1958; 2nd sec., GAR CP, Mar 1961; 1st sec., GAR CP, Oct 1961; 1st polit, commissar, Guangxi Mil. Distr, Feb 1964- Cult. Rev.; ehm, Guangxi Branch, CPPCC, Dec 1962; vice-chm, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965 (reelected to 4th, Mar 1978); sec., Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1966; 2nd sec., Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1966; 1st polit, commissar, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Mar-Sep 1967; head, Preparatory Group for Rev Comte of GAR, Nov 1967; ehm, Rev Comte of GAR, Aug 1968- Oct 1975; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973; to 11th CC, Aug 1977; to 12th CC, Sep 1982) mem., CCP

del. to attend mourning ceremonies for Ho Chi-minh (head: Zhou Enlai), Sep 1969; again 1st sec., GAR CP, Feb 1971 - Oct 1975; mem., Politburo, 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to Politburo of 11th CC, Aug 1977; 12th CC, Sep 1982); 1st polit, commissar, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Jan 1974-1978; vice-chm, Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978; to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988); 1st sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Oct 1975 - Sep 1977; ehm, Rev Comte, Guangdong Prov., Oct 1975 - Sep 1977; dir., PLA General Polit. Dpt, Sep 1977 - Sep 1982; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 - May 1983; article in RMRB Jun 22, 1981, "Give play to the power of the Party's polit, work at the turning point in history"; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; deputy for Henan to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); executive ehm, 1st Session, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; resigned from his position as mem. of the CCP Politburo and Central Comte, Sep 1985; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1986; permanent ehm, 5th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1987; mem., Presidium, 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; mem., Presidium and executive ehm, 1st Session, 7th NPC, Mar 1988. Wei was married to Xu Qiqian.

Wei Heng


Dir., Org. Dpt, Shanxi Prov. CP, 1951 - Jun 1952; ehm, People's Control Comte, Shanxi PPG, Jun 1952; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanxi Prov. CP, Nov 1952; vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, Apr 1956- Dec 1958; sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, Jul 1956 - Dec 1958; gov., Shanxi PPG, Dec 1958 Dec 1965; deputy for Shanxi to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); head, govt del. to Poland for 29th Intl Exhibition, Jun 1960; 1st sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, Jul 1965 - Cult. Rev.; ehm, Shanxi Branch of CPPCC, Dec 1965; 1st polit, commissar, Shanxi Mil. Distr, Feb 1966; branded a capitalist roader and purged, Aug 1967.



* 1914 Donglan County, Guangxi deceased 1987, Feb 3 Belonged to Zhuang minority. Joined Red Army, 1929; engaged in guerilla warfare in Henan-Hubei-Anhui Border Distr, 1932; participated in Long March, 1935-36; subsequently attended Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy; cdr. of a battalion, 688th Regiment, 344th Brigade, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; cdr. of a brigade, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938-45; cdr., 4th Subdistr, He-


bei-Shandong-Henan Mil. Distr, 1940; cdr., 16th Independent Brigade, Hebei-Shandong-Henan Mil. Distr, 1946; cdr., 61st Army, 18th Army Group, 2nd Field Army, 1949; cdr., Ν Sichuan Mil. Distr, Feb 1950; led 60th Army to Korean War, Mar 1951; 60th Army encircled and destroyed by enemy forces, May 1951 (5,000 men were captured, many of whom later went to Taiwan); attended Nanjing Mil. Academy, 1954; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., Chengdu Mil. Reg, Oct 1958 - Cult. Rev.; accused by Red Guards of having "suppressed the revolutionary rebels" and called to Beijing for self-criticism, May 1967; present at a demonstration in Chengdu, May 1970; subsequently disappeared; first reappearance: again dpty cdr., Chengdu Mil. Reg, Oct 1974-1982; deputy for PLA to 5th Ν PC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, Sichuan Prov. CP, Jan 1979; dpty Party sec., Chengdu Mil. Reg, Jul 1981-1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - death.

Wei Jinfei


* 1903 deceased 1983, Oct 17 Sec-gen., Central Plains Provisional Govt, Mar-Nov 1949; dpty dir., Financial Dpt, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte (CSMAC), Mar-Jun 1950; dpty sec-gen., CSMAC, Jun 1950; dir., General Office, CSMAC, Jun 1950 - Jan 1953; vice-mayor, Guangzhou MPG, Jan 1953Aug 1956; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Aug 1956 -Nov 1961; dir., Guangzhou Export Products Fair, 1957-64; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangdong Prov. CP, Nov 1959; alt. sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Dec 1962- Oct 1963; dpty dir., Office of Finance and Trade, SC, Oct 1963 Cult. Rev.; accused of being a deserter and renegade by Zhao Ziyang and purged, Oct 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: adviser to Min. of Commerce, Jun 1978; disappeared, May 1980.

Wei Jinshui

I t "k

* 1906 Longyan County, Fujian After W Fujian Peasant Uprising, joined Worker-Peasant Red Army, 1929; leading cadre, Longyan County CP, 1931-34; led 8th Regiment, Red Independent Army, 1934; dir., Polit. Dpt, SW Fujian 3rd Mil. Subdistr, Apr 1935; ehm, Longyan Mil. and Admin. Comte, Apr 1937; during initial period of Sino-Japanese War, Communist guerillas in W Fujian reorganized into 2nd Column, New 4th Army, and transferred north, Wei remained in W Fujian to conduct guerilla warfare under Fang Fang, 1938; mem., CCP W Fujian Special Comte, Jan 1941; polit, commissar, Fujian-Guangdong-Guangxi Column, 1948; council mem., Fujian PPG, 1950; mem., Land Reform Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Feb 1950 - Jan 1953; sec., Rural Work Comte, Fujian Prov. CP, Mar 1950; mem., E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; vicegov., Fujian PPG, Mar 1956- Dec 1962; sec., Fujian Prov. CP, Aug 1956 - Aug 1968; gov., Fujian PPG, Dec 1962 - Aug 1968; deputy for Fujian to 3rd NPC, Sep

Wei Longxiang

1964; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Fujian Prov., Aug 1968; subsequently disappeared; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1976; vice-chm, Fujian Branch of CPPCC, May 1981; deputy for Fujian to 5th NPC, by-elected Nov 1981; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Jun 1987.

Wei Lihuang

* 1897 Hefei County, Anhui deceased 1960, Jan 17 Cdr., 9th Regiment, 3rd Div., 3rd Army, Natl Revolutionary Army, spring 1926; joined Northern Expedition and made cdr. of a div., 1926; dpty cdr., 9th Army, 1st Army Corps, Northern Expedition Force, Feb 1928; cdr., 9th Army, 1929; captured Jinjiacai in Hubei-Honan-Anhui Border Reg from Communist forces under Zhang Guotao, 1929; mem., KMT Central Executive Comte, 1935; made full general, 1935; after outbreak of Sino-Japanese War, dpty cdr., 2nd War Zone under Yan Xishan, and concurrently cdr., Southern Front Line, Jul 1937; cdr., 1st War Zone, and concurrently ehm of Henan, summer 1938; cdr-in-chief (cic), Chinese Expedition Army in Burma, 1942; dpty cic, Nationalist Army, 1942; sent to Europe and U.S.A. to study mil. affairs, 1942; returned to China, end of 1947; cic, NE Bandit-Suppression Army, and concurrently dpty dir., NE HQ of Chiang Kai-shek, 1948; removed from posts as result of defeat of battle at Shenyang, Nov 1948; went to Hong Kong via Nanjing, early 1949; returned to China, Mar 1955; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC; by-elected, Jan 1956; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Feb 1956; studied at Beijing Inst, of Socialism, Sep 1956 - Jun 1957; deputy for Anhui to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 - death; vice-chm, Natl Defense Council, Apr 1959 - death; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Apr 1959 - death. Wei was married to Han Quanhua.

Wei Longxiang


* 1912 Dongguang County, Hebei


Wei Minghai

Studied traditional Chinese medicine in Beijing, 1932-34; practiced medicine on his own, 1934-50; adviser, Traditional Chinese Medicine Dpt, Min. of Public Health, 1950-70; head, Traditional Chinese Medicine Section, Beijing Hospital, 1970; vice-pres., Assn of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nov 1978; vice-pres., Chinese Red Cross Society, Mar 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); disappeared, Apr 1988.

Wei Minghai


* 1921 Luochuan County, Shaanxi CCP sec. in counties and prefectures of Shaanxi Prov., 1948-66; 1st sec., Baoji City CP, 1978-82; ehm, Agricultural Com, Shaanxi PPG, 1982-83; vice-chm, Shaanxi PPC, Apr 1985 (reelected Jun 1988); disappeared, Aug 1990.

Wei Que

and Popularization of Common Spoken Language, SC, Feb 1956; head, cultural and educational workers del. to Ν Vietnam, Aug 1956; mem., Motions Examination Comte, 2nd NPC, Apr 1959; vice-pres.. Overseas Chinese Univ, Jul 1964; deputy for Guangdong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; disappeared, Feb 1978.

Wei Siqi

Í & &

* 1922 Dongyang County, Zhejiang Graduated from Anshun Army Medical College, 1943; dir., Minzhong Chemical Plant in Chongqing, 1954-60; vice-mayor Chongqing MPG, 1982-83; vice-chm, Chongqing MPC, Jul 1983-1987; vice-chm, Sichuan Prov. Branch, Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party, Jun 1985; vice-chm, Sichuan PPC, Jan 1988; disappeared, Jan 1988.

% Í&

* 1896 Zhongshan County, Guangdong Also known as Wei Pengdan. Studied in England, then entered Columbia Univ, U.S.A., majoring in philosophy and education and received Ph.D. from Univ of Chicago; after returning to China, taught at Lingnan Univ, Zhongshan Univ (Guangzhou) and Wuhan Univ; later became dir., Dpt of Education, Guangdong Prov. Govt; participated on Northern Expedition and became dir., Dpt of Europe and America, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Nationalist Govt; principal of YMCA Middle School in Shanghai, 1937; published Communist-sponsored Translation Daily, 1938; went to Communist area in Ν Jiangsu, 1941; participated in establishment of Jianghuai Univ and made its pres., 1942; vice-chm, Jiangsu-Anhui Border Reg Govt, Dec 1944; pres., E China Revolutionary Univ, 1948; vice-mayor of Shanghai, May 1949 - Jan 1950; attended Inaugural Session of CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Cultural and Educational Com, GAC, Oct 1949 - Oct 1954; vicemin. of Education, Oct 1949- Sep 1959; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1949; vice-chm, Comte for Protection of Children, Nov 1951; head, cultural and educational del. to USSR and East European countries, Sep 1952; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958); vicechm, Comte for Reform of Chinese Written Language (CRCWL), SC, Dec 1954 - Jul 1964; head, cultural del. to Ν Korea, Nov 1955; mem., Comte for Standardization

Wei Wei

* 1920 Zhengzhou, Henan Joined Red Army and received training at Yan'an, 1937; service in a unit in Ν China, 1939-49; Wei became known for his reportages in the Korean War, 1950-53; deputy for Henan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Central Comte, CYL, 1957; mem., cultural del. to Ν Vietnam, Jul 1965; criticized for his novel Who is Most Amiable? and purged, 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jan 1978; dir., Cultural Office, Polit. Dpt, Beijing Mil. Reg, Sep 1978; sec., Chinese Writers' Assn, Dec 1981 - Jan 1985; awarded the Mao Dun Literature Prize for his novel The East, Dec 1982; awarded the PLA Literature and Art Prize for the same novel, Jul 1983; pres., China - Ν Korea Friendship Assn, Jul 1984; head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Jun 1987; disappeared, Dec 1991.


Publications: Who is Most Amiable? (collection of novels); Fighters and Our Country; The East (novel); Happy Flowers Blossom for Heroes; Free Ideas in Spring; Continually (collection of poems); Incessant Labor (collection of poems, 1964); co-author of: Suppress the Aggressors (opera); Raging Wind (novel); Red Strom (script).

Wei Yuming

Wei Yuming



Wei Wenbo * 1905 deceased 1987, Nov 15 Studied at Wuzhang Polit. Science and Law School, 1925; joined CYL, 1925; went to Beijing and imprisoned for some time, 1929; chief, United Front Work Section, Ν Changjiang (Yangtse) River Command, New 4th Army, Nov 1939; dir., Dingyuan-Fengyang-Xuxian Joint Admin. Office, 1940; dpty dir., Office of Joint Defense on Western Longhai Railway, 1941; worked in Guangxi and fell sick, Oct 1942; went to Yan'an for polit, study, Mar 1943; vice-chm, Polit, and Legal Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Feb 1950 - Jan 1953; chief procurator, E China Branch, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Apr 1950 - Nov 1952; sec-gen., E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1950 - Sep 1952; vice-min. of Justice, Nov 1952 - Feb 1956; council mem., Polit. Science and Law Society, Apr 1953; dpty sec., Shanghai Municipality CP, Jul 1955 - Sep 1956; sec., Shanghai Municipality CP, Oct 1956- Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Shanghai Branch, CPPCC, Nov 1958 - Sep 1964; dir., Shanghai Inst, of Socialism, Nov 1958-1961; ehm, Rural Work Comte, Shanghai Municipality CP, Jun 1959- Cult. Rev.; alt. sec., E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jan 1964 - Mar 1966; deputy for Jiangsu to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964 - Cult. Rev.; sec., E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1966 - Cult. Rev.; branded a traitor and follower of Liu Saoqi and purged, Apr 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec., Central Discipline Inspection Comte, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 - Sep 1982; min. of Justice, Sep 1979 May 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, by-elected at 2nd Plenum, Oct 1983 - Sep 1985. Wei was married to Li Jing.

Wei Xingzheng


Alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; named a model quarryman of Xiaoling Branch of Harbin Cement Plant in Heilongjiang Prov., disappeared, Dec 1978.

* 1924 Economic counselor, embassy in Ghana, Nov 1965-1966; cadre of SC, Sep 1970; mem., economic del. to Albania, Nov 1971; dir. of a dpt, Min. of Economic Relations with Foreign Countries, Oct 1974-1977; head, economic del. to Ν Vietnam, Dec 1974; vice-min. of Economic Relations with Foreign Countries, Feb 1977 - Mar 1982; mem., govt del. to Romania (head: Chen Muhua), Apr 1978; head, del. to UN Technical Cooperation Conf., Buenos Aires, 1978; head, scientific and technical del. to Thailand, Nov 1978; delegate to UN Industrial Development Org. HQ, Vienna, Dec 1979; head, del. to UNIDO Conf., New Delhi, Jan 1980; head, economic del. to Burma, Jun 1980; vice-min., Foreign Investment Com, Oct 1980Mar 1982; dpty head, govt del. to European Community, Brussels, Mar 1981; vice-min., Administrative Com for Import and Export, Mar 1981 - Mar 1982; head, economic del. to Kuwait, Oct 1981; vice-min., Min. of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, Mar 1982 - Jan 1986; mem., economic del. to Federal Republic of Germany (head: Chen Muhua), May 1982; head, del. to UNIDO meeting, New York, Jun 1982; head, economic del. to Italy, Jul 1982; head, economic del. to Philippines, Dec 1982; head, economic del. to Iraq, Jun 1983; head, economic del. to German Democratic Republic, Dec 1983; head, economic del. to Denmark and Federal Republic of Germany, Apr-May 1984; head, economic del. to Austria, Feb 1985; mem., govt economic del. to Iraq, Turkey, Kuwait, Algeria (head: Zhang Jingfu), Mar 1985; head, govt economic del. to Malaysia, Jul 1985; accompanied premier Zhao Ziyang to Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Oct 1985; ehm, China World Trade Center, Mar 1986; pres., China Assn of Enterprises with Foreign Investment, Jun 1988; permanent dir. of China Intl Trust and Investment Corp., Jul 1988; head, buying mission to Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, France, Great Britain, Germany, May-Jun 1991; disappeared, Jun 1991.


Wei Yunyu (f)

Wei Yunyu (f)


Wei Zhimin




Vice-gov., Heilongjiang PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; dir., Public Security Office, Heilongjiang PPG, Sep 1981; vice-chm, Heilongjiang PPC, Apr 1983; disappeared, Oct 1984.

Wei Zuzhen * 1931 Beijing Graduation from Western Languages Dpt, Beijing Univ, 1955; lecturer at Shanxi Univ, 1956-64; prof., Taiyuan Polytechnical Univ, Dec 1982; vice-chm, Shanxi PPC, Apr 1983 (reelected Jan 1988); deputy for Shanxi to 8th NPC, Mar 1993; disappeared, Mar 1993.

Wei Zhangping

Wen Fushan

* 1920 Xiangzhou, Guangxi Wei belonged to the Zhuang minority. Cdr. of a regiment, Central Guangxi Guerilla Detachment, 1948-49; served as CCP sec. and magistrate of counties in Guangxi, 1949-54; deputy for Guangxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964); disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vicechm, People's Congr, Guangxi AR, Apr 1983 - Jul 1985; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983; again vicechm, People's Congr, Guangxi AR, Jan 1988; disappeared, Jan 1988.

Wei Zhenwu




* 1913 deceased 1980, Jan 5 Dpty dir., Mass Movement Comte, NE Admin. Comte, 1946; dpty dir., Dpt of Agriculture and Forestry, NE Admin. Comte, 1949- Sep 1954; dir., Bureau of NE State-Owned Farms Admin., Min. of Agriculture, Oct 1954 - May 1956; asst min. of Agriculture, Apr 1955 Sep 1959; mem., Comte for Water and Soil Conservation, Min. of Agriculture, May 1957; dpty head, agricultural del. to Japan, Oct 1957; vice-min. of Agriculture, Apr 1960 - Sep 1965; head, goodwill del. to World Agricultural Exhibition, Cairo, Mar 1961; head, scientific and technological del. to Bulgaria, Nov 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte of Jilin Prov., Dec 1977- Dec 1979.



* 1912 deceased 1982, Oct 11 Polit, commissar, 24th Div., 8th Column, NE Democratic Allied Army, 1948; polit, commissar, 135th Div., 45th Army, 4th Field Army, Mar 1949; polit, commissar, 54th Army, Aug 1952; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; council mem., Shanghai Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Nov 1955; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 Aug 1973; polit, commissar, Guangxi Mil. Distr, Jan 1971; sec., CCP Comte, Guangxi AR, Feb 1971 - Feb 1973; disappeared, Feb 1973; reappearance: noticed at Army Day in Guangxi AR, Jul 1982.

& Ffr

* 1917 Qin County, Shanxi Joined Natl Salvation League, 1936; joined CCP, 1938; magistrate in Zhangyuan County, 1941-42; dpty commissioner, Taiyue 2nd Admin. Office, 1943-49; commissioner, Minhou Admin. Office, 1950-52; dir., General Office, Fujian Prov. CP, 1952-53; dpty dir., Rural Work Dpt, Fujian Prov. CP, 1953-54; dpty dir., Financial and Trade Dpt, Fujian Prov. CP, 1955-59; 1st sec., Minhou Prefecture CP, May 1959 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Longyan Prefecture CP, 1975-78; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Fujian Prov., Oct 1978 - Dec 1979; vice-gov., Fujian PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, People's Armed Forces Comte, Fujian PPG, Jun 1982; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Fujian Prov. CP, Jul 1985; disappeared, Jul 1985.


Wen Jiasi fëj %

* 1905 Xishui County, Hubei Graduated from Shanghai Aurora Univ, 1925; studied at two universities in France, 1928-33; lecturer, Beijing Univ, 1934-37; prof., SW Associated Univ, 1938-45; co-founder of CDL, 1943; mem., Central Comte, CDL, 1943; mem., Stand. Comte and sec-gen., CDL, Dec 1958Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Oct 1972 (reelected to 5th, Feb 1978; to 6th, Jun 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988); prof., Beijing Univ, Feb 1978; again mem., Stand. Comte, CDL, Dec 1978; vice-chm, Beijing MPC, Dec 1979-1986; ehm, Beijing Branch, CDL, Oct 1981; vice-chm, CDL, Dec 1981-1988; invited to 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; vice-chm, Advisory Com, CDL, Oct 1988; disappeared, Oct 1988.

Wen Niansheng

NPC, Aug 1958 - Dec 1964; sec., Henan Prov. CP, May 1962 - Sep 1965; gov. of Henan Prov., Oct 1963 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Henan to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964 ; 2nd sec., Henan Prov. CP, Sep 1965 - Cult. Rev.; during Cult. Rev. branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Oct 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: 1st sec., Heilongjiang Prov. CP and concurrently 1st sec., Harbin Municipality CP, Mar 1979 - Mar 1981; head, Harbin friendship del. to Niigata, Japan, Dec 1979; minister of Posts and Telecommunications, Mar 1981 - Jul 1984; head, postal del. to Japan, Sep 1981; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; vice-chm, Chinese Natl Comte for "1983 World Communications Year", Dec 1982; head, postal del. to Belgium, May 1983; head, del. to 19th Congr of Universal Postal Union, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, Jun 1984; subsequently visited German Democratic Republic, Jun 1984; adviser to Min. of Posts and Telecommunications, Oct 1984; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

Wen Niansheng

Publications: Translator of Selected Poems of Victor Hugo; Le Rouge et le Noir by Stendhal.

Wen Minsheng

Mb À.


* 1916 Yuangu, Shanxi Worked under the communications system of the CCP in Shanghai, 1931; trained at CCP Party School in Ruijin, 1933; polit, commissar, 2nd Subdistr, Henan-Hubei Mil. Distr, 1938; polit, commissar, NW Hubei Mil. Distr, 1947; sec., Jinzhou Distr CP in Hubei Prov., Mar 1950; dpty sec-gen., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte (CSMAC), Mar 1950-1952; mem., Polit, and Legal Affairs Comte, CSM AC, Jan 1952 - Jan 1953; dpty dir., Public Security Dpt, CSMAC, Feb 1952 - Jan 1953; dir., Polit. Dpt, Public Security Forces, Central-S China Mil. Reg, Feb-Jun 1954; vice-chm, Guangdong PPG, Oct 1954 - Feb 1955; dir., Social Affairs Dpt, S China Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, Jan-Oct 1955; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Feb 1955-1956; sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Oct 1955 - May 1962; deputy for Guangdong to 2nd

* 1906 Jiuyang County, Hunan deceased 1968 Once a railroad worker. Joined Red Army, 1930; graduated from Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1937; later graduated in Artillery course, Moscow Mil. and Polit. Academy; cdr. of Independent Brigade in Guanzhong Mil. Subdistr, 1939; cdr., Yan'an Garrison Command, 1941; followed Lin Biao to NE China and made cdr., Ximan Independent Div., E Liaoning Mil. Distr, 1945; cdr., 10th Column, NE Field Army, 1947; cos, 1st Group Army, NE Field Army, 1948; cos, 12th Group Army, 4th Field Army, 1949; dpty cdr., 12th Group Army and concurrently deputy cdr., Hunan Mil. Distr, 1950; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, 1950- Jan 1953; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Hunan PPG, 1950; dpty cos, Central-S Reg and concurrently 4th Field Army, 1952; dpty cdr., Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Sep 1955- Cult. Rev.; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; head, Cult. Rev. Group, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Mar 1967; last appearance, Dec 1967. Remarks: Wen was persecuted to death by the "Gang of Four" (XNA Nov 20, 1980) and officially rehabilitated in Aug 1978.


Wen Xianglan (f)

Wen Xianglan (f)

i l

* 1933 Lushan County, Henan Daughter of poor peasant. Head of an agricultural production cooperative in Lushan County, 1952; joined CCP, 1954; delegate to Natl Congr of Activists of Socialist Construction, 1955; ehm, Hezhuang People's Commune, Lushan County, Oct 1958; mem., Presidium, Natl Congr of Progressive Agricultural Work Groups, Dec 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte, Henan Prov., Jan 1968; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973; to 11th CC, Aug 1977); ehm, Rev Comte, Hezhuang People's Commune, Apr 1969; mem., Stand. Comte, Henan Prov. CP, Apr 1973-1980; ehm, Henan Branch, Women's Fed, Sep 1973; disappeared, May 1980.




1955; cos, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Jul 1958-1962; mem., mil. del. to Indonesia, Apr 1959; accompanied Ye Jianying to Ν Vietnam, Dec 1961; dpty cdr., Guangzhou Mil. Reg, 1962 - Dec 1967; dpty chief, PLA General Staff, Dec 1967; cdr., Beijing Garrison Command, Mar 1968; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; disappeared, Jun 1970.

Wen Zhengyi

Weng Dujian

* 1922 Wuan County, Hebei Served as CCP cadre in counties and prefectures of Hebei Prov., 1948-79; mem., Stand. Comte, Fujian Prov. CP, Mar 1983 - Jul 1985; vice-chm, Fujian PPC, Oct 1985 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Jan 1988.

Wen Yucheng



M &


* 1907 deceased 1986, May 28 Mem., State Nationalities Affairs Com, SC, 1958; prof., 2nd History Inst., CAS, Feb 1962; vice-pres., Nationality Research Society, May 1979; pres., Chinese Society of Mongolian History, Aug 1979; delegate to Congr of Intl Central Asian Culture Study Assn, Paris, Nov 1979; subsequently elected council mem. of the assn; dpty dir., Nationalities Inst., CAS, Jul 1981 -death; vice-pres., Intl Assn for the Study of the Cultures of Central Asia, Apr 1982 - death. Publication: The History of the Yuan Dynasty.

Wu Bo

* 1915 Xingguo County, Jiangxi deceased 1989, Oct 29 Joined Red Army, 1929; took part in Long March with 4th Red Front Army, 1934-35; served in 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; cdr., 53rd Regiment, 10th Brigade, 6th Div., New 4th Army, 1941; cdr. of a regiment in Independent 5th Brigade, Shandong Column, 1942; dpty cdr., 5th Brigade, 1944; dpty cdr., Independent Div., Shandong Column, 1945, and moved to NE China; cdr. of a subdistr in Songjiang Mil. Distr, 1946; cdr., 10th Div., 4th Column, NE Field Army, 1947; dpty cdr., 41st Army, 4th Field Army, 1949; cdr., 41st Army, 1950; followed Huang Yongsheng to Korean War, 1952; returned 1953 and attended Mil. Academy; made ltn-gen., Sep


Wen belonged to the Korean minority. Mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 (reelected Sep 1982); mem., State Nationalities Affairs Com, May 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Jul 1979 - Jun 1983; vice-min., State Nationalities Affairs Com, Jan 1981 - May 1982; adviser, State Nationalities Affairs Com, Nov 1982 - Jul 1986; head, minorities' livestock breeding study group to New Zealand, Nov 1982; mem., Central Patriotic Public Health Comte, Oct 1983; disappeared, Jul 1986.


Dpty dir., Finance Dpt, Ν China People's Govt, Aug 1948 - Sep 1949; dir., General Office, Min. of Finance, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; vice-min. of Finance, Aug 1952 Cult. Rev.; supervisor of public shares, Bank of China, May 1957; dpty gen-mgr., Head Office, People's Bank of China, Dec 1960- Dec 1961; deputy for Anhui to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; mem., Motions Examination Comte, 3rd NPC, Dec 1964; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, May 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 - Sep 1982; min. of Finance, Sep 1979 - Aug 1980; gov. of World Bank, representing PRC, Jun-Sep 1980; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; deputy for Henan to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, and vice-chm of its Financial and Economic Comte, Jun 1983; disappeared, Dec 1985.


W u Changyou


Ê k ^ ^




Wu De

deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; dir., Polit. Dpt, Beijing Mil. Reg, Jun 1965; dpty polit, commissar, Beijing Mil. Reg, Nov 1969 - 1983; 2nd sec., Tianjin Municipality CP, May 1971 - Aug 1977; 1st vice-chm, Rev Comte of Tianjin Municipality, Apr 1974 - Nov 1977; dpty head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1975; adviser, Beijing Mil. Reg, Sep 1983; disappeared, Feb 1985.



* 1926 Qinghe County, Hebei Joined 8th Route Army, 1944; served in Central Plains Field Army, 1948; dpty cdr. of a regiment, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951-54; graduation from PLA Mil. Academy, 1960; rose from regiment to corps cdr. in PLA Air Force, 1961-78; dpty cdr., Air Force, Wuhan Mil. Reg, 1978-85; sec., Discipline Inspection Com, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Nov 1986; mem., Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; made Itn-gen., Sep 1988; disappeared,, Sep 1988.

Wu Chunren & Once served in 1st Red Front Army; cdr., 46th Regiment, 16th Div., NE Field Army, 1948; cdr., 127th Div., 43rd Army Corps, 4th Field Army, 1950; dpty cdr., 43rd Army Corps, 4th Field Army, 1953; cdr., 43rd Army Corps, 1956; maj-gen. of units in Guangdong Prov., Jan 1965; dpty cdr., Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Dec 1967-1977; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969- Aug 1973; leading cadre, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Jan 1978; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Oct 1978; dpty cdr., Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Jan 1982; disappeared, Jul 1982.

Wu Congshu Chm, All-China Fed of TU Anhui Prov. Branch, Jun 1973; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, Anhui Prov. CP, May 1956; disappeared, May 1977. Remarks: In Jan 1984 Wu was on trial in Hefei as a follower of the "Gang of Four".

W u Dai A ^ * Funing County, Jiangsu Service in a unit of Red Army, 1933; polit, instructor of a company, 2nd Front Army, 1934; service in Guard Company of 1st Front Army, 1935; dir., Polit. Dpt in a regiment, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1940; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, 1st Div., Democratic Allied NE Army, 1946; polit, commissar, 1st Div., 1st Column, NE Field Army, 1948; dir., Polit. Dpt, 38th Army, 1950; dpty polit, commissar, 38th Army, 1951; polit, commissar, 38th Army, 1953; maj-gen., PLA units in Lüda (Lüshun-Dalian), Feb 1961;

W u Dasheng J&Cadre of PLA unit, Nanjing Mil. Reg, 1967; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Jiangsu Prov., Mar 1968-1973; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); 1st polit, commissar, Jiangsu Mil. Distr, Dec 1969-1976; sec., Jiangsu Prov. CP, Dec 1970-1976; disappeared, Oct 1976.

W u De



* 1909 Tangshan City, Hebei Joined CCP as a student of China Univ in Beijing; organized youths in home prov. for guerilla activities, 1931; engaged in Communist propaganda work at Kailuan Coal Mine, 1932; one of leaders, Tangshan labor strike, 1935; trained in intelligence work, Yan'an, 1940; subsequently responsible for labor org. in Hebei, Chahar, Rehe, Liaoning; polit, commissar of a regiment, 8th Route Army, 1942; sec-gen., Polit. Dpt, Shaanxi-Chahar-Hebei Mil. Distr, 1945; mem., Executive Comte, All-China Fed of TU and dir. of its Ν China Admin. Office, Aug 1948; sec., Tangshan City CP, Oct 1948; vice-min. of Fuel Ind., Oct 1949-1950; sec., Pingyuan Prov. CP, 1950 - Nov 1952; dpty sec., Tianjin Municipality CP, Aug 1952 - Sep 1956; vice-mayor Tianjin MPG, Aug 1952 - Jun 1953; pres., Tianjin Univ, Oct 1952; mem., Ν China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953-1954; mayor of Tianjin, Jun 1953 - Jan 1955; deputy for Tianjin to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; sec., Jilin Prov. CP, Mar 1955; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - Apr 1969; 1st sec., Jilin Prov. CP, Sep 1956 - Jun 1966; polit, commissar, Jilin Mil. Distr, Feb 1960- Jun 1966; sec., NE China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1963 - Jun 1966; mem., CCP del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1963; 1st polit, commissar, Jilin Mil,. Distr., Dec 1963; following the purge of Beijing CP Comte, Wu was made 2nd sec., Beijing CP, Jun 1966; acting mayor of Beijing, Jul 1966; vice-chm (newly established) Rev Comte of Beijing, Apr 1967-1972; 1st polit, commissar, Beijing Garrison, Apr 1968; mem., CCP and govt del. to

Wu Defeng

Albania, Nov 1968; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973; to 11th CC, Aug 1977 - Feb 1980); sec., Beijing CP, Mar 1971-1973; ehm, Beijing Rev Comte, Jun 1972 - Oct 1978; 1st sec., Beijing CP, Mar 1973 - Oct 1978; 2nd polit, commissar, Beijing Mil. Reg, Jan 1974 - Apr 1976; vice-chm, Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978); deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; removed from all CCP and state positions at 5th Plenum, CCP 11th Central Comte, Feb 1980; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987. Remarks: There is a "hearsay" that Wu De was Li Dazhao's son and a brother of Li Baohua.

Wu Defeng

* 1895 Hubei deceased 1976, Dec 11 Graduated from Hubei Provincial Normal School when Dong Biwu was proctor; later studied at Natl Higher Normal College, Wuchang; mem. of KMT in Hubei and contributed considerable money to its maintenance; secretly joined CCP, 1926; established Zhongshi Middle School; mem., KMT Hubei Prov. Comte and concurrently mem., Wuchang Municipal Govt, 1927; wanted by Nationalist Govt following Nanchang Uprising, 1927; went to Jiangxi Soviet, 1932; mem., Executive Comte, Central Soviet Govt, Jan 1934; participated in Long March, 193435; dpty dir., Security Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1940; 1st Party sec. and mayor of Wuhan Municipality, May 1949; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte (CSMAC), Dec 1949 - Feb 1952; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, CSM AC, Dec 1949 - Feb 1952; during "Three-anti" movement removed from all posts for protecting corrupt Party members Zhou Jifang (vice-mayor of Wuhan) and Song Ying (dpty dir. of Public Health Bureau), Feb 1952; vice-pres., China Polit. Science and Law Society, Apr 1953 - Oct 1964; sec-gen., Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1954; deputy for Hubei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; dpty dir., 1st Staff Office, SC, Oct 1954- Sep 1959; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, May 1957 - Nov 1958; deputy for Shandong to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; dpty dir., Staff Office for Polit, and Legal Affairs, SC, Sep 1959; mem., del. to 7th Congr of Intl Democratic Workers, Sofia, Oct 1960; vicepres., Supreme People's Court, Apr 1961-1971; mem., Stand. Comte, China-Cuba Friendship Assn, Dec 1962; mem., Central Control Comte, CCP Central Comte, Jan


1963 - Cult. Rev.; pres., China Political Science and Law Society, Oct 1964; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 - death. Wu was married to Qi Yuande.

Wu Disheng

A &

* 1935 Xihua County, Henan deceased 1993, Nov 24 Graduated from NE Engineering Inst.; served successively as engineer and dir., Shenyang Wire Plant, 1956-84; vicemayor, Shenyang MPG, 1984-86; mayor, Shenyang MPG, Apr 1986 - death; deputy for Liaoning to 7th NPC, Mar 1988 (reelected to 8th, Mar 1993); killed in a helicopter crash in the Negev Desert during a visit to Israel, Nov 24, 1993.

Wu Faxian

& ïk %

* 1915 Yongfeng County, Jiangxi Sec., CYL Branch, 3rd Regiment, 1st Div., 1st Red Army Corps, 1935; as polit, commissar, 2nd Regiment, 2nd Div., 1st Red Army Corps, won merit in Battle of Quanzizhen, Apr 1936; polit, commissar, 685th Regiment, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; led troops from Shanxi to Shandong, 1938; cdr., Jiangsu-Shandong-Henan Detachment, 8th Route Army, 1940; polit, commissar, Huaihai Mil. Subdistr, New 4th Army, 1942; dir., Polit. Dpt, 3rd Div., New 4th Army, 1944; followed Huang Kecheng to NE China and made dpty polit, commissar, Jilin Heilongjiang Mil. Distr, Oct 1945; polit, commissar, 2nd Column, NE PLA, 1946; dpty polit, commissar, 1st Group Army, NE Field Army, 1948; participated in Battle of Tianjin, Jan 1949; polit, commissar, 13th Group Army, 4th Field Army, Mar 1949; dpty polit, commissar, Guangxi Mil. Distr, Mar 1950; council mem., Guangxi PPG, Mar 1950; dpty polit, commissar, PLA Air Force, Aug 1952 - Mar 1955; mem., Management Dpt, SinoSoviet Civil Aviation Co., Dec 1954; made ltn-gen. and awarded orders of "August 1st", "Independence and Free-


dom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; head, civil aviation del. to Burma, Oct 1955; polit, commissar, PLA Air Force, Sep 1957; deputy for PLA to 2nd NPC, Jul 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Natl Defense Council, Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev.; cdr., PLA Air Force, Aug 1964-1970; dpty chief, PLA General Staff, May 19681970; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte and mem., Politburo, 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; disappeared, May 1970. Remarks: A special court found Wu guilty of having "organized and led a counterrevolutionary clique for the purpose of overthrowing the people's democratic dictatorship" in connection with the "Lin Biao Affair" and sentenced him to 17 years of imprisonment and depriviation of political rights for five years, Jan 1981; released from prison due to poor health, Jul 1982.

Wu Fushan


Wu Guixian (f)

Wu Gengmei


* 1906 Changzhou City, Jiangsu deceased 1990, Jun 1 Graduated in chemistry from Yokohama Industrial School, 1932; founded pencil factory in Shanghai, 1934; founded pencil factory in Harbin, 1949; attended Inaugural Session of CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Com, GAC, 1950-54; manager, Shanghai Writing Instruments Industrial Co., 1954-58; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Dec 1981 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983: to 7th, Apr 1988); hon. ehm, China Assn of Writing Instrument Manufactors, Feb 1983; vice-chm, CDNCA, Jun 1988.

Wu Guangtang

* 1912 Ji'an County, Jiangxi Trained at Red Army Worker-Peasants Univ, 1936; polit, commissar of a regiment in 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; polit, commissar, W Liaoning Mil. Distr, 1947; polit, commissar, 7th Column, NE Field Army, 1948; polit, commissar, 44th Army, 4th Field Army, Mar 1949; dpty polit, commissar, Guangzhou Garrison, Oct 1949; mem., Guangzhou MPG, Mar 1950; dpty polit, commissar, Air Force, Central-S China Mil. Reg, Feb 1951; polit, commissar, Air Force, Central-S China Mil. Reg, Jun 1954; polit, commissar, Air Force, Guangzhou Mil. Reg., Sep 1954; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; cdr., Air Force, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Feb 1958; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1973; dpty cdr., Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Mar 19741975; dpty cdr., PLA Air Force, Apr 1977 - Dec 1982; dpty head, mil. del. to Ν Korea, May 1977; awarded Korean order "National Flag", 2nd class, Jun 1977; dpty for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; head, del. to Aeronautics and Space Show, Le Bourget, France, Jun 1979; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); head, Shanghai Liaison Group, Central Com for Guiding Party Rectification, Mar 1984; mem., Liaison Group for Guiding Party Rectification, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1984; disappeared, Nov 1987.

* 1915 Shanxi Graduated from Shanxi Univ; magistrate of Yulin County, Shanxi, 1937; magistrate of Wuxiang County, Shanxi, 1940; cdr. of a battalion in a Communist army, 1940; commissioner, 3rd Taihang Admin. Distr, 1943; dir., Agricultural Dpt, Shanxi PPG, Jun 1949-1952; vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, Jan 1966; denounced as a "capitalist-roader" and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Nov 1979; vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, Nov 1980 - Mar 1983; ehm, Shanxi Branch of CPPCC, Apr 1983; disappeared, Oct 1984.

Wu Guixian (f)

^ ü W

* 1937 Shaanxi Born into a family of poor peasant; at the age of 14 apprentice at a cotton mill; model worker from NW Cotton Mill No. 1 in Xianyang, Shaanxi Prov., 1963; commended as an "activist in the study and application of Mao Zedong Thought", 1964; active participation in the Cult. Rev., 1966-67; article in RMRB, "Follow the instructions of Mao Zedong and set an example of the revolutionary spirit of promoting production", May 1968; mem., CCP



9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973; to 11th CC, Aug 1977); article in HQ, "Fight to defend the revolutionary line of Chairman Mao", Jan 1970; dpty sec., Shaanxi Prov. CP, Mar 1971 - Jun 1973; mem., workers del. to Albania, Apr 1972; sec., Shaanxi Prov. CP, Jun 1973 - Jan 1975; alt. mem., Politburo, CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 - Aug 1977; dpty head, Party and govt del. to Albania, Nov 1974; vicepremier, SC, Jan 1975; disappeared, Sep 1977.

Wu Han


China-Nepal Friendship Assn, Jul 1961; together with Liao Mosha and Deng Tuo, published a series of essays entitled "Notes of the Three-Family Village" in Frontline, Oct 1961 - Jul 1964; vice-pres., China Afro-Asian Society, Apr 1962; head, friendship del. to Nepal, Oct 1962; head, del. to Iraq, Nov 1962; pres., Beijing Television Univ, Sep 1964; vice-chm, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Jun 1965; mem., govt del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1965; Wu's play Hai Rui Dismissed From Office criticized by Yao Wenyuan in RMRB, an event marking the beginning of the Cult. Rev., Nov 1965; subject to "struggle" for the first time, May 1966; together with Fan Jin and others placed under mass struggle and purged, Dec 1966. Remarks: Wu died of persecution from false charges of the "Gang of Four". His play Hai Rui Dismissed From Office was officially rehabilitated in Dec 1978. Publications: Mirror of History; The Biography of Zhu Yuanzhang; The Collapse of the Yuan Empire and the Founding of the Ming Dynasty; The Carrer of Hu Yingling.

* 1909 Yiwu County, Zhejiang deceased 1969, Oct 11 Born into a poor family. Graduated as a worker-student from History Dpt of Qinghua Univ, 1934; lecturer on history of Ming dynasty, Qinghua Univ, 1934-37; prof, of history, Yunnan Univ, 1937; lecturer, SW Associated Univ in Kunming, 1938^5; joined CDL, 1944; prof, of Qinghua Univ, 1946-48; mem., Stand. Comte, CDL, Jan 1947 - Cult. Rev.; moved to Communist-occupied areas of Ν China, autumn 1948; returned with the Communists to Beijing, early 1949; dean, College of Arts, and dir., History Dpt, Qinghua Univ, Mar 1949 - Feb 1950; sec-gen., All-China Fed of Democratic Youth, May 1949 - Jun 1953; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954); mem., Cultural and Educational Com, G AC, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; council mem., SinoSoviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949- Dec 1954; mem., del. to celebration of October Rev, Moscow, Oct 1949; vice-mayor of Beijing, Nov 1949- Cult. Rev.; council mem., China Red Cross Society, Aug 1950; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, Beijing MPG, Dec 1951 Feb 1955; vice-chm, Admin. Comte, Qinghua Univ, Mar 1951-1952; vice-pres., Beijing Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Mar 1951; council mem., Historical Society, 1951; ehm, Beijing Branch, CDL, Jan 1953 Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Beijing Branch, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace (CPCWP), May 1953; vice-chm, All-China Fed of Democratic Youth, Jun 1953 - Apr 1958; deputy for Beijing to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Aug 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Budget Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959; to 3rd, Dec 1964); mem., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955 - Cult. Rev.; head, cultural del. to India, Feb 1956; council mem., Sino-Indian Friendship Assn, Apr 1956- Cult. Rev.; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC. Feb 1958; leader, song and dance troupe to France, Apr 1958; vice-chm, CDL, Dec 1958 - Cult. Rev.; mem., goodwill del. to Cuba, Dec 1960; vice-pres.,

Wu Hao

^ &

Chm, Henan Prov. Branch, All-China Fed of TU, 1953; dir., Dpt of Industry, Henan Prov. CP, Jul 1954; mem., Henan PPC, Feb 1955; mem., 8th Executive Comte, All-China Fed of TU, Dec 1957; sec., Henan Prov. CP, May 1959-1965; vice-min., 5th Min. of Machine Building, SC, Mar 1966; disappeared, Mar 1966.

Wu Hongbin

^ %

* 1899 Tianshui County, Gansu Wu belonged to the Hui minority. Graduated from Beijing Univ, 1930; engaged in resistance movement when Japanese attacked Shanghai, 1932; organized Hui People Assn against Japan and for Natl Salvation, Dec 1935; engaged in democratic movement in Gansu for a considerable period; set up Lanzhou Branch of CDL, 1945; vice-chm, Lanzhou Mil. Control Com, Aug 1948; mayor of Lanzhou, Aug 1949 - Jun 1958; mem., Stand. Comte of 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954 ; 3rd, Apr 1959; 4th, Dec 1964); mem., Nationalities Affairs Com, GAC, 1949; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 - Dec 1954; mem., Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1950 - Jul 1958; mem., NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1950 - Jan 1953; mem., NW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; deputy for Gansu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Gansu PPC, Dec 1954; mem., Central Comte, CDL, Feb 1956 - Dec 1958; chm, Gansu Branch, CDL, Sep 1958; vice-chm, Gansu Branch, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Comte, CDL, Nov 1958 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Gansu to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC,


Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); vice-chm, Gansu PPC, Dec 1979 - May 1983; vice-chm, Gansu Branch, CPPCC, May 1983; disappeared, May 1983.

Wu Jingtian

Served in 8th Independent Regiment, Red Army, in W Fujian, 1934; leading cadre, guerilla force in W Fujian, 1938; sec., Fujian Work Comte for NDYL, Apr 1950; council mem., Fujian PPG, Oct 1950; dir., Org. Dpt, Fujian Prov. CP, Nov 1954; mem., Fujian PPC, Feb 1955; sec., Fujian Prov. CP, Aug 1956 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, of (newly established) Rev Comte of Fujian Prov., Aug 1968 - Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Fujian Prov. CP, Nov 1976; sec., Fujian Prov. CP, Oct 1978 Mar 1983; vice-gov., Fujian PPG, Dec 1979 - Oct 1982; ehm, Fujian Branch of CPPCC, Feb 1980; head, Fujian friendship del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1980; ehm, Fujian Prov. Comte on the Reconstruction of the old Revolutionary Bases, Jan 1982; disappeared, May 1983.

1973; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; head, cancer study group to U.S.A., Apr 1978; dir., Cancer Inst., CAS, May 1978; dir., Tumor Hospital, Academy of Medical Sciences, May 1978; visited Great Britain and France and awarded hon. fellowship by Royal College of Radiologists of Great Britain, Jun 1978; head, del. to 12th Intl Cancer Congr, Buenos Aires, Oct 1978; elected mem., Executive Comte, Intl Union Against Cancer, Oct 1978; elected hon. fellow by American College of Radiology, Dec 1982; visited France, Apr 1983; deputy for Guangdong to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC and mem. of its Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Comte, Jun 1983; vice-chm, All-China Red of Returned Overseas Chinese, Apr 1984; pres., China Anti-Cancer Society, Apr 1984; ehm, Chinese Cancer Foundation, Oct 1984; awarded Natl Order of Merit by French pres. Mitterand, Sep 1985; hon. dir., Inst, of Oncology, Chinese Acad, of Medical Sciences, Sep 1985; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1986.

Wu Huanxing

Wu Huojin

Wu Hongxiang

Wu Jian

* 1912 Mauritius deceased 1986, Oct 30 Sent by his family to study in China; after graduation from medical faculty of Shanghai Jindan Univ, service as resident physician at the Radium Inst., one of China's first cancer hospitals, founded in 1931 by a Sino-Belgian trust; went to Belgium, 1937, and admitted to work in Dpt of Radiology and the Tumor Center of Brussels Univ; enrolled at Royal Cancer Hospital, London, specializing in the use of radiation for cancer treatment, 1939; obtained diploma, 1942; worked until 1946 as assistant radiologist in charge of radiotherapy at Hammersmith, the teaching hospital attached to British Postgraduate Medical School of London Univ; returned to China, 1946; reorganized Radium Inst, and appointed to chair radiology at Natl Jiangsu Medical College; established the first laboratory of radiology for PLA Medical Academy, 1952; dir., Shanghai Radium-Therapy Sanitarium, Jul 1953; attended World Medical Conf., Vienna, Jul 1953; deputy for Overseas Chinese to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); dir., Ulcer Hospital, Academy of Medical Sciences, Sep 1957; mem., del. to Intl Medical Conf., France, Oct 1957; dir. of newly established Cancer Research Inst., Academy of Medical Sciences, 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jun 1972; mem., friendship del. to Japan, Apr

-le ÌC

Alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; Party sec., Longqiao Brigade of a people's commune in Wu County, Jiangsu Prov., Jan 1979; disappeared, Jan 1979.


* 1920 Meng County, Henan Joined CCP, 1938; section chief, Salt Ind. Bureau, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt, 1942; dir., Cultural Bureau, Ningxia PPG, 1952; ehm, Ningxia Prov. Branch, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, 1956; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Gansu Prov. CP, Aug 1959; mem., Stand. Comte, Gansu Prov. CP, Nov 1960; ehm, Gansu Branch, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, 1963; during Cult. Rev. branded a "rightist" and purged, Jul 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again mem., Stand. Comte, Gansu Prov. CP, and dir. of its Propaganda Dpt, Oct 1981; vice-chm, Gansu PPC, May 1983 - Feb 1988; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Gansu Prov. CP, Mar 1986; disappeared, Sep 1989.

Wu Jingtian Once imprisoned by KMT authorities before Sino-Japanese War; dir., Communications Dpt and mem., Financial and


Wu Jinnan

Economic Comte, Ν China People's Govt, 1948; dpty dir., Railway Dpt, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, 1949; vice-min. of Railways, Oct 1949 - Cult. Rev.; vicechm, Warehouse Materials Checking Com, Min. of Railways, Mar 1950; dir., Polit. Dpt, Min. of Railways, Apr 1964 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Heilongjiang to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; head, railway del. to Ν Vietnam, May 1965; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and together with Lü Zhengcao (min. of Railways) paraded on Tiananmen Square, Jan 1967; disappeared, Jan 1967.

Wu Jinnan

& Ψ jÍ}

* 1908 Xingning County, Guangdong Attended middle school; joined a local worker-peasant army, 1928; sec., Meixian County CP, Guangdong, 1929; polit, commissar, Red Guard Contingent, Wuhua County, Guangdong, 1930; dir., Enemy Forces Work Section, Polit. Dpt, 3rd Red Army Corps, 1933; participated in Long March, 1935; dir., Enemy Forces Work Section, Polit. Dpt, 1st Front Army, 1936; underground activities in Guangxi and Guangdong, 1937-48; sec., Beijiang County CP, Guangdong, Jul 1950; deputy for Guangdong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 - Apr 1959; sec., Guangxi Prov. CP, Nov 1957- Mar 1958; sec., CCP Comte, Guangxi Autonomous Region (GAR), Mar 1958 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Guangxi to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., Preparatory Comte for GAR Rev Comte, Nov 1967 - Aug 1968; branded a reactionary gangster and purged, Aug 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of GAR, Oct 1975; disappeared, May 1980.

Chemical Fertilizer Plant, 1982-84; dpty dir. and then dir., Planning Com, Shanxi PPG, 1984-87; vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, Jun 1988; disappeared, Sep 1990.

Wu Kaizhang * 1904 deceased 1986, Nov 19 Sec., Xinjiang Autonomous Region CP, Jul 1959; vicechm, Rev Comte of Shandong Prov., Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Apr 1978 - Mar 1983; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Shandong CP, Jul 1984 - death.

Wu Kaizhi

* 1896 Shandong Served under He Long, 1927; dir., Polit. Dpt, 3rd Red Army Corps, 1933; dir., Dpt of Polit. Defense, Polit. Dpt, 8th Route Army, 1937; dir., Mil. Law Dpt, Garrison Command, Shanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg, 1943; dir., Mil. Law Dpt, PLA General Staff, 1945; vice-pres., Supreme People's Court, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; mem., Polit, and Legal Com, GAC, Nov 1949; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 - Mar 1959; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959; to 4th, Jan 1965); mem., Control Comte, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1956; mem., Stand. Comte, Control Comte, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1961 - Cult. Rev.; vice-pres., Mil. Court, 1963 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cui. Rev., 1966.

Wu Kehua Wu Jinquan


& ψ


* Henan 1st class agricultural model worker of Huaiyang County, Henan, 1951; attended Henan Conf. of Agricultural Model Workers, Jan 1952; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973; to 11th CC, Aug 1977); vice-chm, Sichuan Prov. Branch, All-China Fed of TU, Oct 1974; disappeared, Dec 1978.

Wu Junzhou

^ {£ ^


* 1932 Luancheng County, Hebei Worked in Taiyuan Chemical Works, 1957-59; Party sec., Taiyuan Chemical Fertilizer Plant, 1979-82; dir., Shanxi

* 1913 Yiyang County, Jiangxi deceased 1987, Feb 13 After apprenticeship as a carpenter, enrolled at Xinjiang Mil. School in Jiangxi, 1929; joined CCP and Red Army, 1929; during Long March served in 37th Regiment, 5th Army Corps, 1934-35; sent to USSR for further mil. training, 1935; staff officer, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938; cdr. of a regiment, Shandong Column, 1940; cdr., 5th Brigade, Shandong Column, 1942; cdr., 3rd Mil. Subdistr, E Shandong Mil. Distr and concurrently cdr., 5th Div., Shandong Field Army, 1943; cdr., 4th Column, Liaodong Mil. Distr, NE Democratic Allied Army, 1946; cdr., 4th Column, NE PLA, 1948; cdr., 41th Army, 4th Field Army, 1949; mem., Guangdong PPG, Mar 1950; cdr., S Bank of E River Pacification Command, Guangdong, 1950; cdr., 15th Corps, 4th Field Army and concurrently cos, S China Mil. Reg, 1951; dpty cdr., 13th


Army Group, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1953; cos, Air Force, Central-S Mil. Reg, 1954; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; cdr., PLA 40th Army, 1956; dpty cdr., Jinan Mil. Reg, Jun 1958 - May 1965; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., Natl Defense Council, Jan 1965; cdr., PLA Artillery Force, Jun 1965; criticized as a "three-anti element" and purged, Aug 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jul 1974; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; cdr., Chengdu Mil. Reg, Oct 1977 - Feb 1979; dpty for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; cdr., Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Jun 1979 - Jan 1980; cdr., Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Feb 1980- Oct 1982; 2nd sec., CCP Comte, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Jul 1980 - Oct 1981; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Oct 1981 Oct 1982; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - death; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982. Wu was married to Zhang Ming.

Wu Kejian

^ JL

* 1900 Hunan Graduated from CCP Central Party School, Yan'an; participated in Inaugural Session of CPPCC, Sep 1949; secgen., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte (ECMAC), Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; mem., Personnel Comte, ECMAC, Mar 1950 - Jan 1953; ehm, Labor Employment Comte, ECMAC, Aug 1952- Jan 1953; mem., E China Admin. Comte (ECAC), Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; ehm, Labor Employment Comte, ECAC, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; dir., Research Dpt, China Polit. Science and Law Society (CPSLS), 1953 - Oct 1964; dir., United Front Work Dpt, E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1954; deputy for Shanghai to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; dpty sec-gen., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, 1955 - May 1959; mem., NPC del. to USSR and Eastern Europe countries, Nov 1956; head, polit, and legal del. to Japan, 1958; vice-gov., Sichuan PPG, Jul 1958-1960; mem., Stand. Comte, CPSLS, Aug 1958 - Oct 1964; disappeared, Oct 1964; appearance after Cult. Rev.: adviser, Beijing Journalism Society, Feb 1980; mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Aug 1980; disappeared, Aug 1980.

Wu Lan (f)

* 1921


Wu Maosun

Wu belonged to the Mongolian minority. She once was a guerilla fighter and known to fight from horseback with a gun in each hand; elected deputy for Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR) to 2nd NPC, Jun 1958; mem., Nationalities Comte, 2nd NPC, Mar 1959 - Dec 1964; ehm, IMAR Branch of Chinese Women's Fed, Apr 1959; visited PR Mongolia, Aug 1959; disappeared, Apr 1961; first reappearance, Jan 1981; sec., All-China Fed of TU, Mar 1981 - Aug 1982; vice-pres., Society for the Study of Marriage and the Family, Oct 1981; mem., Stand. Comte, Executive Comte of All-China Fed of TU, Oct 1981 - death; dir., Women's Dpt, All-China Fed of TU, Apr 1982 - death.

Wu Liangping


* 1908 Fenghua County, Zhejiang deceased 1986, Oct 3 Born into a merchant's family. Attended Jinqi Elementary School (in which Chiang Kai-shek once studied), later Nanyang Middle School in Shanghai and then studied at Xiamen Univ and Shanghai Daxia Univ; after May 30 Incident, led students in anti-Japanese activities, 1925; joined CYL, 1925; studied at Moscow Sun Yat-sen Univ, 1926-28; before returning to China, travelled through Germany, France, Belgium, England, 1929; engaged in Communist underground activities in Shanghai and translated three Marxist classics: History of Socialism, AntiDiihring and The Materialistic Interpretation of History and Dialectism, 1929-31; imprisoned for a year by Natl Govt, 1931-32; went to Jiangxi Soviet and made mem., People's Economic Comte, Chinese Central Soviet Govt, 1932; during Long March, served in Polit. Dpt, 1st Red Army Corps, 1934-35; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, and concurrently lecturer at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1936; alt. sec., Shanghai CP, 1952; dpty sec., Enterprise Admin. Comte, E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1952; vice-min. of Chemical Ind., Mar 1958 - Dec 1963; mem., State Economic Com, Nov 1963 - Cult. Rev.; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, May 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; adviser, Central Party School, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1980; vice-chm, Jiangsu Prov. Branch of CPPCC, Oct 1981; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - death.

Wu Maosun

deceased 1987, Apr 5

* 1911 Anhui deceased 1984, Aug 5 Graduated from Natl Central Univ; subsequently worked for Nationalist Govt, 1933; council mem., KMT Chongqing Municipal Govt, 1937-45; studied law at Columbia Univ, New York, 1946-48; went to Hong Kong and joined KMT Revolutionary Comte, 1948; attended Inaugural Session of CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Central Comte, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Nov 1949 - Feb 1956; secgen., Chinese People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Dec 1949 - Dec 1964; dpty sec-gen., Chinese People's Comte

Wu Minda

for World Peace, Oct 1950- Jun 1958; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Jun 1952; mem., Stand. Comte, All-China Youth Fed, Jun 1953; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 -Apr 1959; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Feb 1956 -Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Jul 1958; mem., del. to Conf. on Disarmament and Intl Cooperation, Stockholm, Jul 1958; deputy for Anhui to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Stand. Council, ChineseAfrican People's Friendship Assn, Apr 1960; mem., Executive Comte, China Red Cross Society, Oct 1961; council mem., China-Afghanistan Friendship Assn, Aug 1963; dpty dir., Chinese People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Dec 1964; mem., Bills Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; mem., NPC del. to Guinea, Mali, Central African Republic, Congo (head: Liu Ningyi), Mar 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jul 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Sep 1972; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; adviser, Chinese People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Jul 1978; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Oct 1979 death; judge of the Special Court for the Trial of Lin Biao and Jiang Qing Counterrevolutionary Cliques, Sep 1980; dpty dir., Chinese People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Jun 1982 - death; deputy for Anhui to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, and vice-chm of its Foreign Affairs Comte, Jun 1983 - death; dir., Executive Bureau, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Dec 1983; mem., NPC del. to 71st Conf. of Inter-Parliamentary Union, Geneva, Apr 1984.


W u Mingyu




* 1931 Deqing County, Zhejiang Studied at Lixin Accounting School in Shanghai; dpty dir., Investigation and Research Office, CAS, 1963 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir. of a dpt under State Scientific and Technological Com, Jan 1979; mem., govt del. to U.S.A. (head: Deng Xiaoping), Jan 1979; mem., Natl Agricultural Zoning Comte, Sep 1983; dir., Natl Research Center for Science and Technology for Development, Oct 1983; vice-min., State Scientific and Technological Com, Feb 1985 - Apr 1987; pres., Intl Book Fair in Beijing, Sep 1986; dpty dir-gen., State Economic, Technological and Social Development Research Center, Apr 1987; adviser, Science and Technological Legal Society, Nov 1988; disappeared, Mar 1992.

W u Nansheng



W u Minda

* 1929 Suzhou City, Jiangsu Graduation from Mechanics Dpt, Datong Univ, 1952; served successively as lecturer and prof, of Zhejiang Univ, 1952 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., Experimental Factory under Zhejiang Univ, 1979-82; dpty sec., Zhejiang Prov. CP, Mar 1983 - Dec 1988; associate prof., Mar 1983; vice-gov., Zhejiang PPG, Apr 1983 - Feb 1988; mem., friendship del. to Austria, Jun 1985; ehm, Economic and Planning Com, Zhejiang PPG, Mar 1987; vicechm, Zhejiang PPC, Feb 1988-1993; deputy for Zhejiang to 7th NPC, Mar 1988 (reelected to 8th, Mar 1993); disappeared, Mar 1993.

* 1922 Chaoyang, Guangdong Vice-chm, Shantou Mil. Control Com, Oct 1949; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Hainan Distr CP, Mar 1953; dpty sec., Hainan Distr CP, Jan 1955; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Guangdong Prov. CP, 1957; dpty sec-gen., Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1961; during Cult. Rev. branded a capitalist-roader and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Oct 1977; sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Apr 1978 - Jul 1985; ehm, Management Comte for Guangdong Special Economic Zones, Apr 1980-1984; ehm, Guangdong Prov. Branch of CPPCC, Sep 1985 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Oct 1989.


W u Ping



W u Quanqing

* 1922 Yao County, Shaanxi Service in 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1941-45; CCP cadre in counties and prefectures, 1946 - Cult. Rev.; sec., Yichun Prefecture CP, 1977-79; sec., Nanchang Municipality CP, 1979-83; dpty sec., Jiangxi Prov. CP, May 1981 - Mar 1983; 1st sec., Nanchang Municipality CP, Feb 1983-1985; vice-chm, Jiangxi Prov. Branch of CPPCC, May 1983; ehm, Jiangxi Prov. Branch of CPPCC, Sep 1985 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Sep 1989.

W u Q u a n h e n g (f)

Wu Rukang



Head, "Iron Drill Team", Daqing Oil Field, 1972; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982); ehm, Rev Comte of Daqing Oil Field, Feb 1978; disappeared, Sep 1982.



* 1918 Changchun County, Jiangsu Graduation from Suzhou Women's Normal School, 1935; reporter and editor with Xinhua Daily and China News Service in Hong Kong, 1936-46; sec., All-China Women's Fed, Jan 1961 - Cult. Rev.; mem., women's del. to Tunisia, May 1961; mem., women's del. to Mali, Jan 1962; mem., del. to session of World Peace Council, Moscow, Jul 1962; head, del. to session of Intl Women's Fed, East Berlin, Nov 1962; head, women's del. to Pan-American Women's Congr, Cuba, Jan 1963; dpty head, del. to Congr of Intl Women's Fed, Moscow, Jun 1963; head, women's del. to Algeria, Oct 1963; deputy for Sichuan to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; head, women's del. to Austria, Mar 1965; vice-chm, Assn for Cultural Relations and Friendship with Foreign Countries, Apr 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1978; again sec., All-China Women's Fed, Sep 1978 - Sep 1983; dpty head, women's del. to Yugoslavia, Apr 1979; dpty head, Nursery and Child Welfare Work Leading Group, SC, Jan 1980; vice-chm, Soong Ching Ling Foundation, Dec 1982; head, women's del. to Egypt, May 1983; received a medal from UNICEF, Sep 1985; vice-chm, Women and Youth Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.

* 1915 Bazhong County, Sichuan Joined Red Army and CCP, 1932; once served in 1st Red Front Army, 1934; attended Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1937; cdr., 2nd Regiment, Shandong Column, 1945; dpty cdr., 5th Column, NE Field Army, 1946; cdr., S Liaoning Mil. Distr, 1946; cdr., Independent 1st Div., Liaonan Mil. Distr, summer 1947; cdr., 5th Column, NE Field Army, 1948; cdr., 124th Div., 42nd Army, 13th Army Group, 4th Field Army, 1949; led 42th Army to Korean War, 1950-54; attended PLA Mil. Academy in Nanjing, 1954; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., S China Sea Fleet and concurrently cdr. of its Hainan Command, May 1957-1959; cdr., S China Sea Fleet, PLA Navy, Aug 1959-1968; dpty cdr., PLA Navy, Oct 19681972; mem., CCP and govt del. to Albania (head: Huang Yongsheng), Nov 1968; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; disappeared, Apr 1972.

W u Rukang

* 1916





Wu Ruoan (f)

Received Ph.D. from Washington Univ, 1949; vice-pres., Anatomy Society, Nov 1962; mem., Inst, for Vertebrate Paleontology, 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: head, archaeological del. to Ν Vietnam, Dec 1979; head, study group to Tanzania and Kenya, Jul 1977; dpty dir., Inst, of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleonthropology, CAS, Jul 1980; mem., del. of China's Beijing ape-man exhibition in Japan, Jul 1980; pres., Chinese Anatomy Society, Sep 1980; editor-inchief, Chinese Journal of Anthropology, Jun 1982; mem., Dpt of Earth Sciences, CAS, 1985.

nan Universities, 1939-49; dir., Agricultural Bureau, Henan PPG, 1950-55; deputy for Henan to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Henan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988); vice-chm, Henan Prov. Branch of CPPCC, Oct 1981; vice-chm, Henan Prov. Branch, Assn for Science and Technology, Oct 1981; vice-chm, Henan PPC, Apr 1983 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Mar 1988.

Wu Shengmin Publications: Giant Ape (Gigantopithecus); more than 200 articles on paleonthropology.

Wu Ruoan (f)



*1900 Jinshan, Shanghai Teacher of Nanjing Women Teachers School and Tongji Univ, and principal of Nanjing Girls Middle School, 1930-45; principal, Shanghai Mingli Middle School for Girls, Apr 1953 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Shanghai to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, China Assn for Promoting Democracy (CAPD), Aug 1956; ehm, Shanghai Branch of CAPD, Sep 1958; vice-chm, Shanghai Branch, CPPCC, Mar 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1978; deputy for Shanghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); vicechm, Central Comte, CAPD, Oct 1979; vice-chm, Shanghai PPC, Dec 1979-1987; vice-chm, Central Advisory Com, CAPD, May 1988; disappeared, May 1988.

Wu Shaokui

H fô

* 1923 Sui County, Henan deceased 1982, Jan 9 Attended junior middle school; joined Red Army, 1935; joined CCP, 1937; medical and polit, cadre in units of Red Army, 1938-47; dir., Polit. Dpt of major training unit of 2nd Field Army, 1948; 1950-78: served successively as polit, commissar of a contingent in a mil. academy, polit, commissar of 2nd contingent of Plateau Warfare Dpt under SW Mil. Academy, dpty dir. of a dpt in Harbin Mil. Engineering Inst., polit, commissar of a PLA div., and as dir., Financial and Economic Dpt of Yunnan Prov. CP; vice-gov., Yunnan PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; vicechm, Yunnan PPC, Apr 1983 - death.

Wu Shengrong

Wu Shengxiu


^ ^ %

Counselor, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt, Jan 1941; dpty dir., Dpt of Enterprises, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt, 1949; mem., Baoji Mil. Control Com, Shaanxi, 1950; dpty dir., Industrial Dpt, NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950; vice-min. of Local Ind., Oct 1954 - May 1956; vice-min. of Light Ind., Jun 1957 Sep 1959; vice-chm, People's Congr, Ningxia Autonomous Region (NAR), Oct 1958 - Cult. Rev.; sec., NAR CP, Oct 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Wu Shi * 1905 Jiashan County, Anhui Graduated from Jinling Univ, 1929; obtained doctorate from Minnesota Univ, U.S.A., 1938; worked successively as prof, at Agricultural Inst, of Guangxi, Jinling and He-


Cdr. of a battalion, later a regiment, 1st Training Brigade, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938; dpty cdr., 16th Div., 1st Field Army, 1949; cdr., 16th Div., Oct 1949; training in PLA Mil. Academy, 1953; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cos, Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Sep 1955; cos, Lanzhou Mil. Reg, 1960; disappeared, 1960; first reappearance: dpty cdr., Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Feb 1975-1980; cdr., Qinghai Mil. Distr, Jul 1977 - Jun 1983; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; sec., Qinghai Prov. CP, May 1978 Apr 1983; vice-chm, Qinghai PPC, Sep 1979 - Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, Qinghai Prov. CP, Apr 1983 - Jul 1985; disappeared, Jul 1985.


Dir., Social Dpt., Guizhou Prov. CP, 1950; dir., Public Security Dpt, Guizhou PPG, Jul 1950; vice-gov., Guizhou PPG, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; sec., Guizhou Prov. CP, May 1961; deputy for Guizhou to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964;


branded a renegade and purged, Jun 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte of Guizhou Prov., Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; deputy for Guizhou to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988); dpty sec., Guizhou Prov. CP, Aug 1980-1983; ehm, Guizhou PPC, Apr 1983 - May 1985; disappeared, Mar 1988.

W u Su ^z Λ" Sec., Guizhou Prov. CP, Feb 1960 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte of Guizhou Prov., Nov 1977 - Dec 1979; vice-chm, Guizhou PPG, Jan 1980 May 1985; mem., Stand. Comte, Guizhou Prov. CP, Aug 1980 - Mar 1983; disappeared, May 1985.

W u Tao % * 1915 Wu belonged to the Mongolian minority. Polit, commissar of a PLA army corps, 1949-53; dir., Polit. Dpt, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, Mar 1954; made maj-gen. and awarded order of "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; dpty polit, commissar, Inner Mongolia Mil. Reg, Mar 1960; polit, commissar, Inner Mongolia Mil. Reg, Apr 1967-1975; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), Nov 1967 - Dec 1977; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); sec., IMAR CP, May 1971-1977; 1st polit, commissar, Inner Mongolia Mil. Distr, and concurrently dpty polit, commissar, Beijing Mil. Reg, Nov 1975-1977; disappeared, Sep 1977; reappeared once as dpty polit, commissar, Beijing Mil. Reg, Aug 1981; finally disappeared, Aug 1981. Wu was married to Geng Zhen.

W u Tingqiu


Wu Xian'en

pality Branch of CDL, Oct 1981; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); disappeared, Apr 1988. Publications: On Nature of Japanese Society Before and After Taika Era Reforms; Meiji Restoration and Meiji Regime.

W u Tongming ^ ^ Wu belonged to the Miao minority. Deputy for Guizhou to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Nationalities Affairs Comte, 2nd NPC, Mar 1959; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Guizhou to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, Guizhou PPC, Apr 1983; disappeared, Dec 1983.

W u Xian ^ % Vice-mayor, Hangzhou MPG, Oct 1949 - Apr 1955; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Zhejiang PPG, 1951; vice-gov., Zhejiang PPG, Jan 1955 - Mar 1968; mayor, Hangzhou MPG, Apr 1955 - Sep 1962; sec., Hangzhou Municipality CP, Oct 1955- Apr 1957; sec., Zhejiang Prov. CP, Mar 1957- Mar 1968; 1st sec., Hangzhou CP, Apr 1957 - Mar 1968; pres., Hangzhou Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1957; deputy for Zhejiang to 1st NPC, by-elected Jan 1958 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd Sep 1964); mem., Rev Comte of Zhejiang Prov., Mar 1968; accused for planning "February Adverse Current" and purged, Dec 1968. Wu was married to Zhang Ming.

W u Xian'en




* 1910 Shaoxing, Zhejiang Studied at Beijing Univ, 1928-32; graduated from History Dpt, Tokyo Imperial Univ, 1936; worked successively as lecturer at Shandong Univ and prof, of Sichuan and Wuhan Univ, 1936-49; prof., Nankai Univ, 1950 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: pres., Society for the Study of Japanese History, Jul 1980; vice-chm, Tianjin Municipality Branch of CPPCC, Oct 1981; vice-chm, Tianjin Munici-

* 1907 Hongan County, Hubei deceased 1987, Nov 1 Group leader of some 30 Red Guards operating in Soviet area of Hubei-Henan-Anhui Region, 1928; joined CCP, 1929; dir., Logistics Dpt, Red Hongan 1st Independent Div., 1931; cadre (above regimental level), 4th Red Front Army, 1934; followed this army on Long March, 193435; dir., Mil. Depot Dpt, 30th Army, 4th Red Front Army, Mar 1936; dpty dir., Logistics Dpt, Shanxi-ChaharHebei Mil. Distr, 1947; dir., Logistics Dpt, Hubei Mil. Distr, Sep 1950; mem., Financial and Economic Comte and concurrently dir., Financial Dpt, Hubei PPG, Sep 1950; made ltn-gen. and awarded orders of "August 1st"


Wu Xianwen

and "Liberation", both 1st class, Sep 1955; CCP sec., Logistics Dpt, Beijing Mil. Reg, Jun 1957; dir., Logistics Dpt, Beijing Mil. Reg, Nov 1958; dpty cdr., Beijing Mil. Reg, Dec 1968-1977; disappeared, Aug 1978.

Wu Xianwen




deceased 1985, Apr 3 Researcher, Inst, of Zoology, Academia Sinica, before 1950; dpty dir., Inst, of Hydrobiology, CAS, Jun 1950 Cult. Rev.; mem., Dpt of Biology and Earth Sciences, CAS, May 1955; mem., Central Comte, Jiusan Society, Feb 1956 -Cult. Rev.; mem., Research Comte on Fishing Ind. in the West Pacific, Aug 1957; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); vicepres., Chinese Society of Aquatic Products, Dec 1963; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; dir., Inst, of Limnology, CAS, May 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; vice-chm, Hubei PPC, Jan 1980- death; dir., Inst, of Hydrobiology in Wuhan, CAS, Aug 1980; pres., Wuhan Branch, CAS, Nov 1981; hon. pres., Chinese Society of Limnology, Dec 1981.

Wu Xianzhong

Wu Xinquan


* 1925 Mem., del. to 27th Congr of Intl Surgery Society, Tokyo, 1976; dpty dir., Nankai Hospital in Tianjin, Dec 1979; vice-pres., China Society for the Study of the Combination of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicines, Nov 1981; dir., Tianjin Medical College, Jan 1988-1994; disappeared, 1994. Remarks: Wu devoted research on treating acute abdominal illness by a combination of traditional Chinese and Western schools medicine.

* 1912 Pingjiang County, Hunan Joined Red Army, 1930; dir., Polit. Dpt, 223rd Regiment, 75th Div., 25th Army, 15th Red Army Corps, 1936; dir., Polit. Dpt, 688th Regiment, 344th Brigade, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938; polit, commissar of a regiment, 10th Brigade, 4th Div., New 4th Army, 1942; dir., Polit. Dpt, Huaihai Mil. Distr, 1944; transferred to NE China, 1945; cdr., 6th Div., 2nd Column, NE Field Army, 1947; dpty cdr., 39th Army, 4th Field Army, Jan 1949; cdr., 39th Army, and led troops to Korean War, Oct 1950; dpty cos, NE Mil. Reg, Nov 1953; cos, Shenyang Mil. Reg, Jul 1955; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., Shenyang Mil. Reg, Apr 1957-1960; dpty polit, commissar, PLA Artillery HQ, Dec 1960; Wu was named year by year as a leading military in Beijing, 1969-78; disappeared, Dec 1978; first reappearance: mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Dec 1983.

Wu Xinyu



* 1905 Shi County, Shanxi Graduated from Beijing Teachers College; subsequently continued studies in Japan; worked as principal, Chengren Middle School, Taiyuan, later taught in Nationalist School, Beijing; dir., Polit. Dpt, 8th Training Regiment, New Shanxi Army, 1937; joined Communists, 1939; dir., Shanxi-Suiyuan Border Area Admin. Office, and dir., S Shanxi Admin. Office, 1945-48; mem., Ν China People's Govt, Aug 1948 - Sep 1949; attended Inaugural Session of CPPCC, Sep 1949; vice-min. of Internal Affairs, Oct 1949 - Dec 1953; vice-chm of Shanxi, 1949 - Apr 1950; deputy for Shanxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Bills Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 -Jun 1956; vice-chm, Bills Comte, 1st NPC, Jun 1956- Apr 1959; mem., NPC del. to USSR, Romania and Czechoslovakia (head: Peng Zhen), Nov 1956 - Jan 1957; council mem., China Polit. Science and Law Society, Aug 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd NPC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Jan 1965); head, friendship del. to Cuba, Dec 1961; dpty sec-gen., 2nd NPC, Sep 1962 (reelected to 3rd, Jan 1965); vice-chm, China Polit. Science and Law Society, Oct 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Sep 1972 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1975; to 5th, Jun 1983); again dpty sec-gen., NPC, Mar 1975 - Jun 1983; deputy for


Shanxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, Legal Com, 5th Ν PC, Feb 1979; vice-chm, Draft Laws Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; pres., China Law Society, Jul 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; mem., Credentials Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1983; mem., Politics and Law Com, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1983; disappeared, Dec 1983.

Wu Xue -si 1 Γ Pres., Youth Art Academy, Jun 1953; mem., Central Comte, NDYL, Jul 1953; mem., Central Comte, CYL, Oct 1957; dir., China Youth Theater, Feb 1960; council mem., Chinese Union of Stage Artists, Aug 1960; sec., Chinese Union of Stage Artists, Jun 1964; mem., AllChina Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Aug 1964; mem., friendship del. to Cuba, Sep 1964; deputy for Sichuan to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Apr 1974; SC cadre, Jan 1975; cadre of All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, May 1975; mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; dir., 2nd Arts Bureau, Min. of Culture, Jul 1978; head, architects del. to Ν Korea, Jul 1978; vice-min. of Culture, Apr 1981 - May 1982; council mem., Chinese Children's Foundation, Sep 1981; dpty head, music and dance troupe to Ν Korea, Jul 1982; vice-pres., Chinese Dramatists' Assn, Jul 1982; dir., China Youth Art Theater, Jul 1982; dir., Art Com, Min. of Culture, Nov 1982; disappeared, Nov 1982.

W u Xuezhi IT ^ Mem., Financial and Economic Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte (ECMAC), Oct 1949- Jan 1953; dir., Trade Dpt, ECMAC, Mar 1950- Jan 1953; vice-chm, Shanghai Branch, Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Feb 1951; mem., Organs Production Admin. Comte, ECMAC, Mar 1952; mem., Preparatory Comte, Fed of Ind. and Commerce (FIC), Jun 1952; vice-min. of Commerce, Jan 1953 - Feb 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, FIC, Oct 1953; head, del. to Intl Fair in Czechoslovakia, Mar 1955; vicechm, FIC, Apr 1955 - Cult. Rev.; head, del. to Intl Fair in Yugoslavia, Sep 1956; vice-min., 1st Min. of Commerce, Feb-Sep 1958; vice-min. of Commerce, Sep 1958 Cult. Rev.; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); branded an anti-Party element and purged, Apr 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); vice-chm, Executive Comte, All-China Fed of Industrialists and Businessmen, Oct 1979; disappeared, Jun 1983.

Wu Xuezhou Φ Ά * 1902 Jiangxi deceased 1983, Oct 31 Studied in Darmstadt, Germany, and then at California Inst, of Technology, 1931; dir., Inst, of Chemistry, Academia Sinica, around 1946-48; mem., Cultural and Educa-

Wu Yaozong

tional Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Oct 1949 -Jan 1953; dir., Inst, of Physics and Chemistry, CAS, Jun 1950 - Dec 1957; mem., Central Comte, Jiusan Society, Sep 1952; mem., E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954; mem., Dpt of Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry, CAS, Jun 1955 - Cult. Rev.; dir., Inst, of Applied Chemistry, CAS, Jan 1956 - Cult. Rev.; mem., scientific del. to USSR, Nov 1957; deputy for Jiangxi to 2nd NPC, Jun 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Comte, Jiusan Society, Dec 1958; ehm, Changchun Branch, Jiusan Society, Sep 1959; deputy for Jilin to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; mem., Motions Examination Comte, 3rd NPC, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Jilin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); mem., Dpt of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, CAS, Jan 1979; mem., Comte to Examine Proposals, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; dir., Changchun Inst, of Applied Chemistry, CAS, Oct 1979; vice-chm, Jilin PPC, Apr 1980 - death; mem., Motions Examination Comte, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; mem., Motions Examination Comte, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982.

W u Yannong * 1910 Hebei Until foundation of PRC, worked successively as editor, Ta Kung Pao, Tianjin and Shanghai; vice-chm, Central Hebei Admin. Office; sec-gen., Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Reg Govt; dpty dir., Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Daily. Sec-gen., Tianjin MPG, Mar 1950 - Jan 1953; vice-mayor, Tianjin MPG, Apr 1950; mem., Ν China Admin. Comte, Apr 1952 - Jan 1953; mem., Stand. Comte, Tianjin CP, Jan 1953; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Tianjin CP, Mar 1953; ehm, Tianjin Branch, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Aug 1954; ehm, Tianjin Branch of CPPCC, Mar 1955; dpty sec., Tianjin CP, Apr 1955 - Jul 1956; sec., Tianjin CP, Jul 1956 - Jul 1958; sec., Hebei Prov. CP, Apr 1958 - Mar 1965; vice-min., State Economic Com, Mar 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

W u Yaozong ^k π * 1893 Shunde, Guangdong deceased 1979, Sep 17 Graduation from Beijing School of Revenue; worked in Customs Office in Guangzhou and Yinkou and in Revenue Office in Beijing; dir., Students Club, YMCA, Beijing 1920; went to study at Columbia Univ and Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1924; received Ph.D. from Columbia Univ, 1927; returned to China and worked in YMCA as dir., Students Dpt, 1927-30; dir., YMCA Publications, 1931; sec-gen., All-China YMCA, 1932; lecturer, Huaxi Univ in Chengdu and concurrently edited Tianfeng Magazine (a Christian publication), 1938-45; secgen. and concurrently dir., Publishing Dpt of YMCA, 1946-48; mem., Stand. Comte, All-China Fed of Democratic Youth, May 1949 - Jun 1953; delegate of religious


Wu Yifang (f)

circles to 1st CPPCC, and elected mem., Natl Comte, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954); mem., Polit, and Legal Com, G AC, Oct 1949; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte (ECMAC), Oct 1949 - Jan 1953; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 - Dec 1954; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, ECMAC, Mar 1950; vice-pres., Chinese People's Relief Assn, Apr 1950; mem., Stand. Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1950; mem., del. to meeting of World Peace Council (WPC), East Berlin, Feb 1951 and Jun 1952; council mem., Shanghai Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1952; mem., del. to WPC, Vienna, Dec 1952; council mem., WPC, Dec 1952; mem., E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, by-elected Feb 1953 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954); mem., del. to WPC meeting, Budapest, Jun 1953; mem., del. to WPC meeting, Vienna, Nov 1953; mem., Stand. Comte, Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954 - Cult. Rev.; ehm, Christian ThreeSelf Patriotic Movement, Jul 1954 - Cult. Rev.; mem., del. to meeting of WPC, Stockholm, Dec 1954; deputy for Shanghai to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959; to 3rd, Jan 1965); mem., del. to meeting of WPC, Colombo, Jul 1955; mem., del. to meeting of WPC, Colombo, May 1957; mem., del. to meeting of WPC, Stockholm, May 1959; vice-chm, Shanghai Branch, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1960; mem., Motions Examination Comte, 3rd NPC, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Shanghai to 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Feb 1978); mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978); ehm, Self-Reliance Patriotic Movement Comte of the Protestant Churches of China, Feb 1977 - death. Publications: Cultivation of Life; Guide for Youth; Youth in the Time of Change.

W u Y i f a n g (f)


tional Council, Nationalist Govt, 1947-48; pres., China Branch, Intl Democratic Women's Fed (IDWF), 1947; specially-invited delegate to 1st CPPCC and mem., Natl Comte, Sep 1949; prof., Yanjing Univ, 1949-52; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace (CPCWP), Oct 1949 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Chinese People's Comte for Protection of Children, Nov 1951; mem., Jiangsu PPG, Nov 1952; vice-chm, Nanjing Branch, CPCWP, Aug 1953; vice-chm, Christian Three-Self Patriotic Movement, Jul 1954 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Jiangsu PPC, Feb 1955; mem., del. to World Peace Congr, Helsinki, Jun 1955; dir., Education Dpt, Jiangsu PPC, Sep 1955-1958; mem., Stand. Comte, China Assn for Promoting Democracy (CAPD), Feb 1956; vice-gov., Jiangsu PPG, Aug 1956 Cult. Rev.; visited Japan, Dec 1956; Mem., Executive Comte, All-China Democratic Women's Fed, Sep 1957 Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Jiangsu Branch, CPCWP, Sep 1957; vice-chm, Assn for Promoting Christianity, Jan 1961; ehm, Jiangsu Branch, Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Feb 1961; ehm, Jiangsu Branch, CAPD, Jan 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: Oct 1971; deputy for Jiangsu to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); vicepres., All-China Women's Fed, Sep 1978 -death; visited her alma mater, the Michigan Univ, 1979; vice-chm, CAPD, Oct 1979 - death; vice-gov. of Jiangsu PPG, Dec 1979- Apr 1983; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; hon. ehm, Three-Self Patriotic Comte of the Protestant Church of China, Oct 1980 - death; again ehm, Jiangsu Prov. Branch of CAPD, Feb 1981 - death; vice-chm, Jiangsu Prov. Branch of CPPCC, Mar 1981 death; hospitalized, Dec 1983.

W u Youheng

JjL ^



* 1893 Wuchang County, Hubei deceased 1985, Nov 10 Born into an impoverished feudal family. Attended Jinghai Middle School in Suzhou and Jinling Girls College in Nanjing; continued studies in U.S.A. and received Ph.D. from Michigan Univ.; vice-pres., Assn of Chinese Students in U.S.A., 1925-26; returned to China, 1927; prof., Natl Beijing Higher Girls' Normal College, 1927; dir., Jinling Girls College, 1928; delegate to Intl Women's Congr, Chicago, 1933; ehm, Assn for Promoting Christianity, 1935; mem., Stand. Comte, Society for Protection of Children in Wartime, 1939; mem., Presidium, People's Polit. Council of Nationalist Govt, 1940; mem., Chinese del. to Founding Session of United Nations, San Francisco, Mar 1945; dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Nanjing Univ, 1945; mem., Natl Assembly for Dafting the Constitution of the Republic of China, 1946; mem., Na-

Vice-chm, Guangdong PPC, Apr 1983 - Aug 1985; vicepres., China Fed of Journalism Societies, Dec 1984; pres., Guangdong Prov. Branch, Chinese Journalism Society, Dec 1984; disappeared, Aug 1985.


Wu Youxun


* 1897 Gaoan County, Jiangxi deceased 1977, Nov 30 Graduated from Nanjing Teachers' College; studied in U.S.A. with govt scholarship; received doctorate in physics from Univ of Chicago; lecturer, Inst, of Physics, Uni ν of Chicago; returned to China, 1926; faculty mem., Jiangxi Univ; prof, of Physics, Natl Southeastern Univ; prof, of Qinghua Univ and of Beijing Univ, 1928; during Sino-Japanese War, dean, College of Science, SW Associated Univ in Kunming, 1937^45; pres., Natl Central Univ, 1945; prof., Natl Jiaotong Univ, 1946; mem., Preparatory Comte for Fed of Natural Sciences Societies, Jul 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954; to 3rd, Apr 1959); mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Dec 1949-1958; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte (ECMAC), Dec 1949-1952; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, ECMAC, Mar 1950-1952; dir., Education Dpt, ECMAC, Mar 1950 - Jan 1951; vice-chm, Fed of Natural Sciences Societies, Aug 1950; dir., Inst, of Modern Physics, CAS, Jun 1950; vice-pres., CAS, Dec 1950 - death; dir., Dpt of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, CAS, Apr 1954; deputy for Jiangxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jun 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964; to 4th, Jan 1975); mem., Motions Examination Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959); mem., Awards Comte, CAS, Oct 1955; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Mar 1956; vice-chm, China Assn for Science and Technology, 1958 - death; head, scientific del. to German Democratic Republic, Mar 1959; mem., Bills Comte, 2nd NPC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Jan 1965), mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; head, CAS del. to Hungary, Oct 1959; head, scientific del. to Romania, Mar 1960; head, CAS del. to England to participate in 300th anniversary of Royal Society, Jul 1960; head, scientific del. to Bulgaria and Romania, Apr 1961; head, scientific del. to USSR, Jun 1961; mem., Executive Comte, China Red Cross Society, Oct 1961; mem., scientific del. to Bulgaria, Jun 1963; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1975); head, scientific del. to Ν Korea, Jul 1965; mem., Presidium, 4th NPC, Jan 1975. Wu was married to Wang Lifen. Remarks: Wu survived the Cult. Rev. unharmed.

Wu Yunfu

W u Yude

Si i


At the age of 13, Wu entered a factory as a child-laborer. Vice-chm, Shenyang Municipal Rev Comte, May 1968; worker of No. 5 Construction Team of Shenyang Municipal Building Construction Co., 1968; joined CCP, Apr 1969; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; ehm, Shenyang Branch, All-China Fed of TU, Apr 1974; dpty head, worker's del. to Ν Korea, Apr 1974; mem., Stand. Comte, Liaoning Prov. CP, May 1976; 1st sec., Shenyang Municipality CP, May 1976; disappeared, Feb 1977.

W u Yunfu j i - z z 0$ * 1908 Zhejiang Graduated from radio training class, Shanghai, 1930; polit. dir., Red Army Central Radio Station in Jiangxi Soviet area, 1931; participated in Long March, 1934-35; dir., Xi'an Office, 8th Route Army, 1937; as maj-gen., was chief, Relief Liaison Group, CCP Section, Mil Mediation Dpt, 1946-47; participated in Inaugural Session, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Executive Comte and concurrently sec-gen., Chinese People's Relief Assn, Apr 1950; mem., Stand. Comte, China Red Cross Society (CRCS), Aug 1950; head, CRCS del. to Intl Red Cross Conf., Monaco, Oct 1950; mem., del. to Intl Red Cross Conf., Toronto, Jul-Aug 1952; head, del. to Red Cross meeting in Geneva, Dec 1952; vice-chm, Welfare Assn for the Blind, Jul 1953; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954- Apr 1959; mem., Red Cross del. to Japan (head: Li Dequan), Oct-Nov 1954; ehm, Welfare Comte for the Deaftnute, Feb 1956; vice-min. of Public Health, Oct 1956 - Sep 1959; mem., Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, SC, Mar 1958; vicepres., CRCS, Jul 1959; reappointed vice-min. of Public Health, Jan 1960 - Apr 1963; council mem., China-Latin America Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; head, del. of Chinese Relief Assn to Japan, Nov 1961; mem., Control Comte, CCP Central Comte, 1962; mem., Stand. Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Jun 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Aug 1966.

Wu Yuzhang

Wu Yuzhang




* 1878 Rong County, Sichuan deceased 1966, Dec 12 Bom into a large landlord family; attended private school in Chengdu, 1892; influenced by the reformers Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao, when studying at Xuchuan Academy in Zigong, Sichuan, 1898; tutored children of a landlord, 1900-01; took and failed in competitive examination of imperial system, 1902; went to study in Japan, 1903; joined Sun Yat-sen's Tongmenhui, 1905; started Sichuan Magazin in Tokyo to spread revolutionary ideas, 1907; magazine banned in 1908 and Wu sentenced to six months imprisonment, but granted a reprieve, 1909; took part in assassination attempts against Duan Fang, Manchu viceroy in Wuchang, 1909; graduated from Okay ama No. 6 Higher School, 1910; returned to China, mid-1910; staged uprising in Sichuan when Nationalist revolutionaries launched attack on Wuchang, Oct 1911; provisional govt of Republic of China was set up Jan 1, 1912; became head, General Office, Secretariat, President's Office, Jan 1912; established Sichuan Branch of Work-Study Society for studying in France, Apr 1912; after failure of "second revolution" (against Yuan Shikai), Yuan ordered Wu's arrest, 1913; fled to France, Dec 1913; studied at Paris Law College, 1914-16; returned to China via Russia, Feb 1917; subsequently worked in Mil. Govt in Guangzhou, 1917; returned to Sichuan, 1921; joined CCP, 1925; established Sino-French School, 1925; attended 2nd KMT Natl Congr, Nov 1925; alt. mem., 2nd KMT Central Comte, Jan 1926; mem., 3rd KMT Central Stand. Comte, Mar 1927; participated in Nanchang Uprising, Aug 1927; after failure, fled to USSR and entered Sun Yat-sen Univ, Moscow, 1928; together with Lin Boqu and Qu Qiubai worked out method of romanizing Chinese written language, 1929; taught at Far Eastern Workers' Leninist School, Vladivostok, 1930; attended 1st Congr for Romanizing Chinese Characters, Vladivostok, 1931; attended 7th Comintern Congr, Moscow, Jul 1935; sent to Paris to set up Natl Salvation Times to propagate "anti-Japanese people's united front", 1935; returned to Moscow and taught at Communist Univ of the Toilers of the East, Nov 1936; after outbreak of Sino-Japanese War returned to Paris, Nov 1937; engaged in anti-Japanese propaganda work; attended Intl Peace Conf., London, Feb 1938; returned to China, Apr 1938; mem. (one of seven Communists), 1st KMT People's Polit. Council, Chongqing, Aug 1938; mem., CCP 6th Central Comte, by-elected at 6th Plenum, Nov 1938 (reelected to 7th CC, Jun 1945; 8th CC, Sep 1956); mem., HQ of Revolutionary Mil. Council, Yan'an, Nov 1939; pres., Lu Xun Art Academy,

1939; pres., Yan'an Univ, 1940-44; ehm, Cultural Comte, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt, 1941; mem., CCP del. to Chongqing Polit. Consultative Conf., Jan 1945 and Dec 1945; sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Apr 1945; after KMT-CCP peace talks broke off, returned to Yan'an, 1947; pres., Ν China Univ, 1948 - Mar 1950; attended Inaugural Session of 1st CPPCC and elected mem. of its Natl Comte, Sep 1949; mem., Central People's Govt, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; mem., Polit, and Legal Affairs Comte, GAC, Oct 1949- Nov 1954; pres., Chinese People's Univ, Dec 1949- death; vice-pres., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, 1949 - death; ehm, China Educational TU, Aug 1950 - death; hon. pres., All-China Fed of Natural Science Societies, Aug 1950; ehm, Comte for Reforming Chinese Written Language, Jan 1953; mem., CCP del. to mourn Stalin's death, Moscow, Mar 1953; mem., Executive Comte, ACFTU, May 1953 - death; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jul 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959; to 3rd, Jan 1965); mem., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955; vice-pres., Chinese Assn for Elimination of Illiteracy, 1956; dir., Inst, of Socialism, 1956 - death; mem., Stand. Comte, Comte for Reforming Chinese Written Language, SC, 1959; vice-chm, Preparatory Comte, centennial of Sun Yat-sen's birth, Oct 1965.

Wu Zhen


* 1922 Fuping County, Hebei Cadre in Agricultural Dpt, Ν China People's Govt, 194849; cadre in Min. of Agriculture, 1950-61; dpty head, exhibition del. to New Delhi, Dec 1959; head, trade del. to Finland, Feb 1961; dpty dir., 3rd Office under Min. of Foreign Trade, Apr 1961; head, trade del. to Cuba, Dec 1961; dpty head, trade del. to Cuba, Apr 1962; vice-min. of Agriculture, Apr 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jun 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice.mayor, Tianjin Municipality, Jun 1980 - Oct 1985; head, Tianjin friendship del. to Philadelphia, U.S.A., Dec 1980; dpty sec., Tianjin Municipality CP, Jun 1981 - Mar 1983; sec., Tianjin Municipality CP, Mar 1983; head, Tianjin del. to Tunisia, Oct 1983; dpty sec., Tianjin Municipality CP, Feb 1985 - Apr 1988; ehm, Tianjin Branch of CPPCC, Apr 1987; deputy for Tianjin to 7th NPC, Mar 1988 (reelected to 8th, Mar 1993); ehm, Tianjin PPC, May 1988 - Jun 1993; mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 8th NPC, Mar 1993; disappeared, Mar 1993.


W u Zhichao




* 1914 Shanghai deceased 1990, Oct 16 Graduation from Chemistry Dpt, Shanghai Univ, 1936; continued his studies at Michigan Univ, U.S.A., 1936-38; engineer in Kunming Chemical Plant, 1939-40; dir., Tianchu Gourmet Powder Factory in Chongqing, 1940-47; manager, Shanghai Tianchu Gourmet Powder Factory, 1950-53; board ehm, Hong Kong Tianchu Gourmet Powder Chemical Ind. Co., 1954; dpty dir., Admin. Bureau for Agricultural People's Commîmes, Jul 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; executive dir., Board of Directors, China Intl Trust and Investment Corp. (CITIC), Oct 1979; vice-chm, CDNCA, Oct 1979 - Jun 1988; ehm, Shanghai Branch, Fed of Industrialists and Businessmen, Oct 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988 death; permanent director of CITIC, Jul 1988 - death.

W u Zhichuan

Mz &

Wu Zhong


* 1921 Yihuang County, Jiangxi Served in E China Field Army and in Org. Dpt of a PLA army, 1946-49; dpty dir., General Office, Zhejiang PPG, 1950-51; dir., Rural Work Dpt, Zhejiang Prov. CP, 195157; dir., Agricultural Economic Research Office, Zhejiang PPG, 1963 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty dir., Agricultural Office, Zhejiang PPG, 1977-81: vice-gov., Zhejiang PPG, May 1981 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Zhejiang PPC, Apr 1983 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Feb 1988.



* 1929 Changshu County, Jiangsu Studied at Beijing and Shandong Universities; later served as reporter for XNA in Shandong Prov.; editor with Sentinel and People's Front, 1955 - Cult. Rev.; editor-in-chief, Jiefang Junbao (Liberation Army Daily), Dec 1986; vicechm, Chinese Journalists' Assn, Dec 1986; disappeared, Dec 1987. Publications: On Commentary Writing.

W u Zhifu ^ £ Β * 1906 Qi County, Henan deceased during Cult. Rev. Dir., Polit. Dpt, 4th Div., New 4th Army, 1937; guerilla activities in E Honan Prov., 1938; vice-pres., 4th Branch, Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1940; dpty cdr. and concurrently polit, commissar, 4th Div., New 4th Army, 1944; dir., Henan-Anhui-Jiangsu Börder Reg Bank, 1947; 1st vice-chm, Central Plains Provisional Govt, early 1948; pres., Henan Univ, Jan 1949; ehm of Henan Prov., May 1949; attended Inaugural Session of 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte (CSMAC), Oct 1949 - Jan 1953; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 - Dec 1954; mem., Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; 2nd sec., Henan Prov. CP, Apr 1954 - Oct 1956; deputy for Henan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1958); gov., Henan PPG, Feb 1955 - Oct 1961; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - Cult. Rev.; 1st sec., Henan Prov. CP, Aug 1958 - Jul 1960; delegate to 12th Congr of CP of Finland, Apr 1960; polit, commissar, Henan Mil. Distr, Apr 1960; 2nd sec., Henan Prov. CP, Oct 1961 - Aug 1962; ehm, Henan Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Oct 1961; sec., Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1962 - May 1967; branded a capitalist roader and purged, May 1967.

W u Zhiyuan ^ & ^ Vice-chm, Yunnan Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1961; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, Yunnan Prov. CP, Apr 1978; vice-chm, Yunnan Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Jul 1978; vice-chm, Yunnan PPC, Jan 1980 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Hunan PPC, May 1983 - Jul 1985; disappeared, Jul 1985.

W u Zhong Ü: & * 1918 deceased 1990, Feb 26 Participated in Long March with 1st Front Army, 1934-


Wu Zhonghua

35; joined CCP, 1936; chief of company, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; served as cdr. of a battalion, later regiment Hebei-Shandong-Henan Mil. Reg, and then cdr. of a brigade, Henan-Anhui Mil. Distr, 1939-45; cdr. of a brigade, Central Plains Field Army, participating in HuaiHai Campaign, Oct 1948; cdr., 52nd Div., 18th Army Corps, 2nd Field Army, Feb 1949-1954; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; cdr., 1st Div., PLA Armored Forces, 1956; dpty cdr., Armored Forces, Shenyang Mil. Reg, 1963; dpty cdr., Beijing Mil. Reg, Aug 1968 - May 1974; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973; to 11th CC, Aug 1977); sec., Beijing Municipality CP, Apr 1971 - Sep 1977; cdr., Beijing Garrison Command, May 1974 - Sep 1977; dpty cdr., Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Oct 1977; disappeared, Apr 1979.

W u Zhonghua




•1917 Suzhou City, Jiangsu deceased 1992, Sep 19 Graduated from Mechanics Dpt, United SW Univ, 1940; went to U.S.A., 1944; obtained doctorate in mechanical engineering from Massachusetts Inst, of Technology, 1947; research scientist at U.S. National Advisory Comte for Aeronautics, 1948-49; published paper "A General Theory of Three-Dimensional Flow in Subsonic and Supersonic Turbomachines of Axial, Radial and Mixed Flow Types", 1950; prof, of mechanical engineering at Brooklyn Polytechnical Inst., 1951-53; returned to China, 1954, and made prof, in Dynamic Engineering Dpt of Qinghua Univ; won 2nd class Natl Prize for Natural Science for his study of gas turbines, 1956; mem., Dpt of Technical Sciences, CAS, and dir., Inst, of Mechanics, CAS, 1957; visited USSR and Czechoslovakia, May 1957; mem., editorial board of Chinese Journal of Dynamics, 1959; mem., Natl Comte, 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first reappearance, Sep 1974; head, aeronautics del. to Federal Republic of Germany, Apr 1976; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978-1983; pres., China Engineering Thermophysics Assn, May 1978; dpty dir., Inst, of Mechanics, CAS, Nov 1979; joined CCP, 1980; dir., Engineering Thermophysics Inst., CAS, Oct 1980- Jan 1989; mem., Academic Degrees Comte, CAS, Feb 1981; mem., Presidium and executive ehm, CAS, May 1981; vice-chm, Energy Advisory Comte, State Energy Com, Oct 1981; won 2nd-class Natl Prize for Natural Sciences for his universal theory of 3-dimensional flow for impeller machines and its development, 1982; pres., China Society of Thermophysics, Jan 1983; deputy for Jiangsu to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, and mem. of its Education, Science, Culture and Public

Health Comte, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th NPC, Apr 1988); hon. mem., Chinese Assn for Science and Technology, May 1991 - death. Wu was married to Li Minhua, a researcher in solid mechanics. Among his papers are: A Theory of Direct and Inverse Problems of Compressible Flow Past Cascade Arbitrary Blade Sections in Turbomachines; The Tables of Properties of Gas.

W u Zuomin ft & * 1904 Shandong deceased 1984, Feb 4 Dir., Logistics Dpt, 13th Army, 4th Army Corps, PLA 2nd Field Army, 1949; vice-mayor of Taiyuan, 1949; mem., Yunnan PPG, Sep 1950 - Jan 1955; dir., Financial Dpt, Yunnan PPG, Aug 1950; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Aug 1950 Jan 1953; vice-gov., Yunnan PPG, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Yunnan Prov. CP, Oct 1958; alt. sec., Yunnan Prov. CP, Jan 1961 - Cult. Rev.; head, Yunnan Prov. del. to Ν Vietnam, Mar 1963; deputy for Yunnan to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1979; vice-chm, Yunnan PPC, Jan 1980 - Apr 1983.

W u ' e r Kaixi




* 1968 Yining County, Xinjiang AR W. belonged to the Uighur minority (his Uighur name: Ürkesh Daolet); entered Education Dpt, Beijing Normal Univ, 1988; during Beijing students' unrest, W. became the most prominent student leader, Apr 1989; May 18, 1989: Together with Wang Dan he is the most outspoken student leader at the meeting with Li Peng, Li Tieying and Li Ximing at the Great Hall of the People; Jun 13: After the crushing of the students' unrest put as No. 2 on the wanted order of the Min. of Public Security; Jul 12: After his flight from PRC he showed as a copy of the "Goddess of Democracy" in Paris; Jul 20: Together with Yan Jiaqi, Wan Runnan and others he proposed in Paris to establish the "Front of Democratic China"; Jul 28: Joined the "First Congr of Chinese Students and Scholars in U.S.A." in Chicago; elected in Paris vice-chm of "Fed for Democracy in China", an opposition group in exile (ehm: Yan Jiaqi), Sep 1989; together with Chai Ling, Li Lu and Wang Dan awarded the Reebok Prize (given to human rights fighters under 30) in Boston, U.S.A., Nov 1989; visited Japan and Australia, Dec 1989; visited Taiwan, Oct-Nov 1990.


Xabchung Garbo

Xia Nai

Xia Bangyin Worker at Hanyang Steel Rolling Mill, Jun 1968; vicechm, Rev Comte, Hanyang Steel Rolling Mill, Sep 1968; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Hubei Prov., Sep 1968; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th, Aug 1973); vice-chm, Hubei Branch, ACFTU, Jun 1973; imprisoned as a follower of the "Gang of Four", Feb 1977.

* 1929 Haiyan County, Qinghai deceased 1991, May 30 Belonged to Tibetan minority; became 8th Xabchung Garbo Living Buddha in Deqing Monastery in Guide County; head Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai, 1953-64; deputy for Qinghai to 1st NPC, Oct 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Sep 1958 and to 3rd, Oct 1964); dir., Nationalities Affairs Com, Qinghai PPG, 1965-66; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Qinghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983 and to 7th, Mar 1988); vicechm, Qinghai PPC, Sep 1979 - death; pres., Qinghai Branch, Buddhist Assn, Sep 1981 - death; vice-pres., Buddhist Assn, Aug 1981 - death; ehm, Nationality Affairs Com, Qinghai PPC, Dec 1983.

Xi Guoguang

Xia-cong Ga-bu See Xabchung Garbo

Xia Guangya

Κ 3Í &

Vice-chm, Rev Comte, Heilongjiang Prov., Aug 19711977; mem., Stand. Comte, Heilongjiang CP, May 19731977; polit, commissar, Heilongjiang Mil. Distr, May 1977-1982; deputy for the PLA to the 5th NPC, Feb 1978; disappeared, Jul 1982.

Xia Guozhi

Κ S >&

% 0 3L

Vice-min. of Public Security, Jim 1978 - May 1982; again in the same position as vice-min. of Public Security, May 1985 - Apr 1988; disappeared, Apr 1988.


# fé &

* 1934 deceased 1984, Sep 21 Belonged to Tibetan minority. Dpty sec., Haixi Autonomous Prefecture CP, Qinghai Prov., 1976; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; vice-chm, Qinghai Rev Comte, Dec 1977 - Aug 1978; vice-gov. of Qinghai, Sep 1979-1981.



Dpty cdr., Tibet Mil. Distr, Feb 1975; cdr., Tibet Mil. Distr, May 1976-1982; sec., CCP Comte, Tibet AR, Nov 1977 - Mar 1983; disappeared, Mar 1977.

Xi Zhanyuan

* 1928 Tangshan, Hebei Graduation from Physics Dpt, Qinghua Univ, 1952; served in Geological Prospecting Bureau, Min. of Geology, 1955-63; engineer, Geophysics Inst, under Min. of Geology, 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: cadre, Geological Bureau, Beijing MPG, 1974-79; dir., Science and Technology Dpt, Min. of Geology, 1979-82; vice-min. of Geology and Minerals, May 1982 - Jul 1990; head, geology del. to Hungary, Sep 1986; vice-pres., China Society of Geology, Nov 1982; disappeared, May 1988.

Xia Nai



M h ÍL

Sec., ACFTU and dir. of its Social Insurance Dpt, Dec 1957; deputy for Hebei to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958; ehm, Executive Comte, ACFTU, 1963; vice-min. of Labor, Aug 1965- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty chief procurator, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Sep 1979 - May 1982; adviser, Supreme People's Procuratorate, May 1982; disappeared, May 1982.

1901 Wenzhou Zhejiang

deceased 1985, Jun 19

Xia Shihou

Born into a feudal family, his father was a well-to-do merchant who owned a silk shop, some land and houses. Visited middle school in Shanghai and successively studied history at Qinghua Univ in Beijing; received B.A. degree, 1934; studied archaeology on grant of scholarship in England, 1935-39, and received Ph.D.; continued studied in Cairo, 1940-41; returned to China, 1941; prof, of archaeology at Zhejiang Univ, 1949; council mem., China Historical Society and dpty dir., Inst, of Archaeology, CAS, 1950; mem., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955; prof, of Beijing Univ, 1957; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, May 1957 - Nov 1958; council mem., Sino-United Arab Republic Friendship Assn, Feb 1958; deputy for Shandong to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); joined CCP, Jun 1959; dir., Inst, of Archaeology, Sep 1962; delegate to 15th Pakistan Historians Congr, Karachi, May 1963; council mem., Sino-Korean Friendship Assn, Sep 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: reception of premier Zhou Enlai for U.S. pres. Richard Nixon, Feb 1972; head, archaeological group to Albania, Sep 1972; dir., Inst, of Archaeology, CASS, Sep 1972; head, archaeological del. to Peru and Mexico, Apr 1973; corresponding fellow, British Academy, 1974; head, archaeological del. to Iran, Oct 1977; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; head, archaeological del. to Greece, Apr 1978; pres., Archaeological Society, Apr 1979; dpty head, del. of CASS to Japan, Jun 1979; delegate to Symposium on Bronze Age in China, New York, Jun 1980; head, del. to Intl Conf. on Historical Sciences, Bucharest, Aug 1980; mem., Academic Degrees Comte, SC, Dec 1980; lectured at Univ of Kansas, Washington Center of Asia Society in New York, in Boston, Los Angeles and San Francisco, spring 1981; vice-pres., CASS, Oct 1982; corresponding mem., Inst, of Archaeology of Fed. Rep. of Germany, Apr 1983; deputy for Zhejiang to 6th NPC, May 1983; pres., Archaeological Society, Aug 1983; foreign mem., Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, Dec 1983; foreign associate, U.S. National Academy of Sciences, May 1984. Xia was married to Li Xiujun. Publications: The Present Situation of Archaeology in China (New China Monthly, Sep 1954), A Critique of the Capitalist Thinking in the Hu Shi School of Archaeology (New China Monthly, Jun 1955), The Gradual Development of Archaeological Work in China (RMRB, Feb 28, 1956), Report on the Excavations at Huxian (editor), The Silver Coins of the Persian Saxon Dynasty Recently Discovered in China (Kaoqu, Feb 1957), Report on the Excavations at Changsha (editor), Studies in Chinese Archaeology, (1961), Essays on the Archaeologic Science, (1979).

Xia Shihou ϊ Φ & Mem., Hubei PPC, Feb 1955; vice-gov., Hubei PPG, Oct 1962 - Cult. Rev.; dpty head, HQ of Fighting Drought in


Hubei Prov., Jun 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jul 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte of Hubei Prov., Jun 1973 - Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Hubei Prov. CP, Jan 1978; dpty cdr., Hubei Mil. Distr, Aug 1979-1980; vice-chm, Hubei PPC, Jan 1980 - Apr 1983; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

Xia Yan



* 1900 Hangzhou, Zhejiang deceased 1995, Feb 6 Bora under the name of Shen Duanxian. Graduated from Hangzhou Technical College, 1919; subsequently continued studies at Kyushu Technical Inst.; took part in Northern Expedition, 1926-27; founded a drama club which published the journal Art, 1929; together with Lu Xun organized China League of Left-Wing Writers, 1930; worked in Minxing Motion Picture Co. and wrote the film script The Torrent·, subsequently revised Mao Dun's book Spring Silkworms into a play and wrote Twenty-four Hours in Shanghai and Tenets for Girls, 1931; worked in newly established Tiandong Co. and wrote The Goddess of Freedom, 1934; translated into Chinese Mother by Maxim Gorki and Women and Socialism and also edited National Construction Daily and New China Daily, 1934; published together with Guo Moruo Communist-sponsored Salvation Daily, Shanghai, 1937; editor-in-chief, Translation News, Dec 1937; worked under Li Kenong (q.v.), 1938-39; left Salvation Daily and went to Hong Kong, 1941; editor-inchief, Huashang Pao, Hong Kong, 1948; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, May 1949; vice-chm, Cultural Affairs Com, Shanghai Mil. Control Com, May 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles (ACFLAC), Jul 1949; delegate of E China to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; council mem., Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1949; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 - Dec 1954; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte (ECMAC), Dec 1949 -Dec 1952; dir., Dpt of Asian Affairs, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Dec 1949 -Aug 1952; dir., Cultural Bureau, Shanghai MPG, Jan 1950 - Dec 1953; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, ECMAC, Mar 1950 - Dec 1952; ehm, Shanghai Branch, ACFLAC, Oct 1950; mem., Shanghai MPG, Dec 1950; mem., E China Admin. Comte, Dec 1952 - Aug 1954; mem., Presidium, ACFLAC, Sep 1953; council mem., Chinese Writers' Assn, Oct 1953; council mem., China Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954 -Cult. Rev.;


deputy for Shanghai to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; vice-min. of Culture, Oct 1954 - Apr 1965; ehm, E China Branch, Chinese Writers' Assn, Oct 1954; dir., Shanghai People's Theater, Oct 1954; council mem., Sino-Indian Friendship Assn, Oct 1954; during 1954 Xia wrote the following plays: Under the Eaves of Shanghai, Qiu Jin's Biography, A Tale of the City of Sorrows, Sai Jin Hua, The Fascist Germs, The Protection of Heart, Within a Year, The Extending Grass, The Realm of Fragrant Grass, A Test·, council mem., Chinese People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Sep 1955; ehm, China-Czechoslovakia Friendship Assn, Oct 1958; deputy for Shandong to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-chm, China Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Apr 1959; head, del. to Intl Book Fair, Leipzig, German Democratic Republic, Jul 1959; dpty head, cultural del. to Cuba, Dec 1960; mem., cultural del. to Burma, Jan 1961; dpty head, del. to Conf. of Afro-Asian Writers, Cairo, Feb 1962; won prize as best film-script writer for The Revolutionary Family, Apr 1962; council mem., China-Cuba Friendship Assn, Dec 1962; criticized for movie The Lin Family Shop (original a story of Mao Dun and made into a film script), May 1965; branded of being an agent of Liu Shaoqi in the literary and art circles and purged, Aug 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1977; vice-chm, Sino-Japanese Friendship Assn, Feb 1978-1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 -Jun 1983; again vice-chm, China Assn for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Apr 19781984; vice-chm, ACFLAC, Jun 1978 - Nov 1988; adviser, Min. of Culture, Jan 1979-1983; ehm, China Film Artists' Assn, Nov 1979-1987; vice-pres., Chinese PEN Center, Apr 1980; head, friendship del. to Japan, Sep 1980; adviser, Chinese Writers' Assn, Dec 1981; article in HQ Feb 16, 1982, "Some views on current film-making"; RMRB Jun 25, 1982, published Xia's opening speech at 2nd Plenum, 4th Comte, ACFLAC, Jun 1982; head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Aug 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; mem., Chinese Comte, Council of Chinese and Japanese Non-governmental Personages, Sep 1982; pres., SinoJapanese Friendship Assn, Jul 1983; adviser, Society for the Study of Sino-Japanese Relations, Sep 1984; mem., 5th Natl Comte, ACFLAC, Nov 1988; hon. pres., China Society for Japan Studies, Feb 1990. Other publications: Selected Works of Xia Yan (published by Sichuan Publishing House in 1987), consisting of four volumes (the 1st includes eight plays, the 2nd an assortment of plays, one-act plays and film scripts - 13 in all, the 3rd comprises Xia's reportage, the 4th his essays and prose); Monograph on Xia Yan (two volumes and a chronicle of his work and titles of his articles from 1918 to 1989, published 1990).

Xia Zhixu (f)

Xia Yun

Κ fe

* 1913 deceased 1987, Jun 8 Dpty dir., Industrial Dpt, NE People's Govt, Aug 1952; dir., General Office, Min. of Heavy Ind., Jun 1954; vicemin. of Heavy Ind., Jun 1954 - May 1956; vice-min. of Metallurgical Ind., Jun 1957 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; no reappearance but his death was mentioned by XNA Jun 28, 1987.

Xia Zhengnong

It &

Council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1951; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Shandong Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1953; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Oct 1954 - Apr 1959; sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Nov 1956; sec., Jinan Municipality CP, Mar 1960; dir., Propaganda Dpt, E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jan 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Mar 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Shanghai CP, May 1979- Mar 1983; 1st Party sec., Fudan Univ, May 1979-1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 Nov 1987; mem., 5th Natl Comte, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Nov 1988; disappeared, Nov 1988.

Xia Zhixu (f)


* 1906 Haining County, Zhejiang deceased 1987, Dec 22 Daughter of a minor official in Sichuan, who died in 1911; attended first modern girl school in Hubei Prov.,

Xían Henghan


Wuchang 1918; joined Socialist Youth League and soon later CCP, 1922; dismissed from school after supporting a Communist teacher who had been discharged, fall 1922; worked for Socialist Youth League in Beijing, 1924; married Zhao Shiyan who had just returned from studies at Univ of the Toilers of the Far East in Moscow, 1925; husband Zhao (a mem., CCP 5th Central Comte) following KMT-CCP rift arrested and executed, Jul 1927; went to Moscow with her two little sons and enrolled at Univ of the Toilers of the Far East, 1929; returned to China 1931 and detained in Manzhouli for six months; imprisoned in Shanghai, 1933-37; released after amnesty granted as a result of KMT-CCP United Front, 1937; entrusted by CCP mainly with organizational duties both on regional and central levels, 1937-49; mem., Central-S China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950 - Nov 1952; dir., Staff Office, Min. of Light Ind., Jul 1954 - Feb 1955; deputy for Guangdong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; asst. min. of Light Ind., Feb 1955 - Jun 1957; asst min. of Food Ind., Jun 1957 - abolishment Feb 1958; vice-min. of Light Ind., May 1960; deputy for Zhejiang to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; after seperation of Min. of Light Ind. into 1st and 2nd Min. of Light Ind., continued as vice-min. of 1st Min., Feb 1965; head, women's del. to Albania, Oct 1967; the 1st and 2nd Min. of Light Ind. rejoined from the Min. of Light Ind. with Xia continuing as vice-min., 1971-79; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; mem., Comte for Patriotic Health Campaign, SC, Apr 1978; mem., Central Advisory Com., CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987.

Xian Henghan

& 'is.

M^jk * 1911 Tianyang County, Guangxi Joined Red Army, 1929, and CCP, 1931; polit, commissar, 50th Regiment, 6th Red Army Corps, 1934; dir., Polit. Dpt, 716th Regiment, 358th Brigade, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; dir., Polit. Dpt, Jianghan Mil. Distr, Central Plain Mil. Reg, 1945; dir., Polit. Dpt, 1st Column, NW PLA, 1948; dpty polit, commissar, 1st Army, 1st Field Army, and concurrently dpty polit, commissar, Qinghai Mil. Distr, 1949; polit, commissar, Qinghai Mil. Distr, 1950; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, NW Mil. Reg, 1951; dir. of this dpt, 1954; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; polit, commissar, Lanzhou Mil. Reg, 1955; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; ehm, Gansu Prov. Revolutionary Comte, Jan 1968-1976; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); 1st sec., Gansu CP, Feb 1971-1977; disappeared, Jun 1976.

Xiang Hua (f)


Mem., Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; vice-pres., Part-time Univ of Law for Court Cadres, Dec 1987; disappeared, Dec 1987.

Xiang Shouzhi

Ψ &

* 1917 Xuanhan County, Sichuan Joined 25th Red Army, 1934; during Long March, cadre in 75th Div., 25th Army, 1934-35; joined CCP, 1936; trained at Ν Shaanxi Red Army School, 1936; rose from company to regiment cdr. in 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938-43; cdr. of a regiment, Taihang Mil. Distr (cdr.: Li Da), 1943-45; cdr., 2nd Independent Brigade, Taihang Mil. Distr, 1947; cdr., 44th Div., 15th Army (cdr.: Qin Jiwei), 2nd Field Army, 1948-1950; cdr. of div., Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951-53; served successively as dpty cdr. and then cdr. of a PLA army, 1954-59; graduation from PLA Higher Mil. Academy, 1960; commandant, PLA Artillery Academy, 1960-65; dpty cdr., PLA Artillery Corps, 1965-75; cdr., PLA 2nd Artillery Corps (Rocket Corps), 1975-77; dpty cdr., Nanjing Mil. Reg, Oct 1977 - Oct 1982; dpty head, PLA touring group to Ν Korea, Sep 1979; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 -Nov 1987; cdr., Nanjing Mil. Reg, Nov 1982Jun 1990; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, Apr 1983; head, mil. del. to Romania, Aug 1984; mem., Presidium, 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; appointed col-gen., Sep 1988; head, PLA del. to Tunisia and Jordan, Oct 1988; disappeared, Jul 1990.

Xiang Xiaoshu

1*7 #

* 1925 Rongcheng County, Shandong Joined 8th Route Army, 1940; cdr. of a battalion in E China Field Army, 1948; cos of a regiment, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951-53; graduation from PLA Mil. Academy, 1961; served successively as cdr. of


a div., an army and as dpty polit, commissar of the Air Force under Shenyang Mil. Reg, 1964-85; cdr., Liida Garrison, Nov 1985; deputy for PLA to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; made ltn-gen., Sep 1988; disappeared, Sep 1988.

Xiao Guichang

Jilin Prov., Jul 1982-1983; 1st sec., Changchun Municipality CP, Sep 1982 - May 1985; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Jilin CP, May 1985 - ?

Xiao Daosheng Xiang Zhonghua

it Ψ

Xiao Fangzhou * 1911 Xupu County, Hunan deceased 1981, Jun 5 Took part in Pingjiang Peasant Uprising, 1928; served in 3rd Red Army Corps, 1930; joined CCP, 1930; served in 1st Red Front Army, 1935; temporarely editor of Red China journal, 1937; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt under Polit. Dpt, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Mil. Reg, 1945; editor-in-chief, New China journal (renamed from Red China), 1945; dpty polit, commissar, PLA Armored Forces, Dec 1953; made ltn-gen. and awarded order "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; polit, commissar, PLA Armored Forces, Dec 1958-1971; deputy for PLA to 2nd NPC (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); during Cult. Rev. consistently referred to as a "responsible mil. cadre", 1966-69; dpty chief, PLA General Staff, Jun 1972 - Oct 1977; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); head, mil. del. to Peru, Mar 1974; head, mil. del. to Romania, Sep 1974; head, mil. del. to Yugoslavia, May 1975; polit, commissar, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Oct 1977; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978.

Xiao Chun


* 1924 Shen County, Hebei Joined CCP, 1939; head, Renhe County Youth Natl Salvation Corps, 1940-42; dir., Org. Dpt, Qingyuan County CP, 1947-49; sec., Fu County CP, 1949-53; successively 1st sec., Dandong City and Jinzhou City, 1954-58; dpty polit, commissar, Shaanxi Mil. Distr, Nov 1964-1971; sec., CCP Comte, Shaanxi Prov., May 1965-1979; vicechm, Shaanxi Rev Comte, May 1968-1979; vice-gov., Jilin PPG, Apr 1980 - Aug 1982; dpty sec., CCP Comte,



* Jilin Graduated from Changchun Engineering College; at the beginning of Cult. Rev., joined the "rebels" in Changchun and was responsible person of Jilin Provincial Red Guards Congr, 1967; vice-chm, Jilin Prov. Rev Comte, Mar 1968; sec., CCP Comte, Jilin Prov., Mar 1971-1974; disappeared, Nov 1974.


Dpty sec-gen., China Comte for Promotion of Intl Trade, Mar 1955 - Oct 1960; head, Chinese pavilion, trade fair in Brno, Czechoslovakia, Sep 1956; vice-chm, Marine Arbitrage Comte, Jan 1959 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Sino-African Friendship Assn, Apr 1960- Cult. Rev.; sec-gen., China Comte for Promotion of Intl Trade, Oct 1960 - May 1964; head, economic exhibition del. to Algiers, Sep 1963; council mem., Sino-Japanese Friendship Assn, Oct 1963; vice-chm, China Comte for Promotion of Intl Trade, Mar 1964 - Cult. Rev.; dpty head, economic exhibition in Osaka, May 1964; mem., China Economic and Trade Exhibition in Pakistan, Mar 1966; head, trade del. to Turkey, Dec 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, China Comte for Promotion of Intl Trade, Apr 1973-1981; head, Chinese economic exhibition in Turkey, Aug 1973; head, exhibition del. to Japan, Sep 1974; head, trade del. to Bahrein and the United Arab Emirates, Apr 1975; head, Chinese industrial exhibition, Cologne, Federal Republic of Germany, Jim 1975; head, exhibition del. to Bahrein, Nov 1976; head, exhibition del. to Switzerland, Apr 1977; head, exhibition del. to Sapporo, Jul 1977; head, economic del. to the Philippines, Mar 1978; ehm, Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitrage Com under the China Comte for Promotion of Intl Trade, May 1981; disappeared, May 1981.

Xiao Guichang



Dpty sec., CCP Comte, Guangzhou Municipality, Jul 1950; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Guangzhou MPG, Jun 1951; 2nd sec., CCP Comte, Guangzhou,


Xiao Han

1952; vice-min. of Chemical Ind., Apr 1957 - Cult. Rev.; head, scientific and technological del. to German Democratic Republic, Jul 1962; mem., CCP and govt del. to German Democratic Republic, May 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Aug 1966.

Xiao Han


* 1924 Qinghe County, Hebei CCP sec., Anxiang County, 1949-51; dir., Policy Research Office, Guangxi Prov. CP, 1951-53; sec., Liuzhou City CP, 1954-1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Nanning Municipality CP, 1973-76; sec., CCP Comte, Guangxi AR, 1977-79; vice-chm, People's Govt, Guangxi AR, 1979-83; vice-chm, Shandong PPC, Jun 1985 (reelected Feb 1988); disappeared,, Jun 1989.

Xiao Han





Xiao Hongda



1st sec., CCP Comte, Liuzhou City, Apr 1960; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte, Guangxi AR, Dec 1970; vicechm, Rev Comte, Nanning Municipality, Dec 1970; mem., Stand. Comte, CP of Guangxi AR, Feb 1974-1983; sec., Nanning Municipality CP, Feb 1974-1975; sec., CP of Guangxi AR, Feb 1975 - Mar 1983; 1st sec., Nanning Municipality CP, Jul 1977-1978; deputy for Guangxi to 5th Ν PC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, Guangxi PPG, Dec 1979 Jan 1982; dir., Party School, Guangxi CP, May 1983; disappeared, May 1983.

Xiao Han

Sec., Kailuan Coal Mine Party Comte, 1973; vice-min. of Coal Ind., Oct 1975; min. of Coal Ind., Jul 1977 - Feb 1980; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 Sep 1982; vice-min., Economic Com, SC, Mar 1980May 1982; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 Sep 1985; disappeared, Sep 1985.

* 1918 Chaoyang County, Guangdong Joined New 4th Army, 1939; cadre, Polit. Dpt, New 4th Army, 1941-42; editor, Kangdi Bao journal, 1943-44; served in Polit. Dpt, NE Democratic United Army, 194647; served successively in Polit. Dpt of Central-S Mil. Reg and as dir. of Ye Jianying's Office, 1950-57; studied at Beijing Aeronautics Inst., 1958-60; cadre in Economy Com and then in Propaganda Dpt of Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1963-65; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1965; head, Staff Office under Cult. Rev. Group of Central-S Bureau, Jan 1967; subsequently disappeared; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1976; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangdong Prov. CP, Jan 1977; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985; elevated to dpty sec. of this com, Nov 1987; disappeared, Nov 1988.

Xiao Hua


i r ^ * 1916 Xingguo County, Jiangxi deceased 1985, Aug 12 Joined Youth Training Class organized by Mao Zedong at Xingguo, 1929; served under Lin Biao in 1st Red Army, 1929; joined CCP, 1930; head, Youth Section, Polit. Dpt, 1st Red Army Corps, 1932; cdr. and polit, commissar Young Communist Intl Div., 1933; polit, commissar, 15th Div., Red Army, spring 1934; during Long March served in Youth Section under General Polit. Dpt, Red Army, early 1935; cdr., 2nd Div., 1st Red Army Corps, Apr 1936; joined 2nd and 4th Red Front Army, Oct 1936; after reorganization of Red Army into 8th Route Army made dir., Org. Section under Polit. Dpt, 115th Div., 1937; polit, commissar, 343rd Brigade, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938; cdr., Shandong-Hebei Border Reg, Jul 1938; polit, commissar, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, Mar 1939; cdr., W-Shandong Mil. Distr, 1939; cdr., S Manchuria Field Army, 1945; polit, commissar, Liaodong Mil. Distr, Apr 1946; polit, commissar, 12th Army


Group, Oct 1948; mem., Central Comte, NDYL, Apr 1949 - Jun 1953; mem., Natl Comte, Fed of Democratic Youth (FDY), May 1949 - Jun 1953; head, youth del. to Hungary, Jul 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; delegate to funeral of G.M. Dimotrov, Bulgaria, Oct 1949; successively visited Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, USSR, Oct-Nov 1949; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1949 - Dec 1967; dpty dir., General Polit. Dpt, Revolutionary Mil. Council, Dec 1949 - Sep 1964; dir., Cadres Dpt, Revolutionary Mil. Council, Dec 3953; deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; made colgen. and awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; dpty sec., Central Control Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1956; dir., Cadres Dpt, PLA General Staff, Dec 1956; mem., mil. del. under Peng Dehuai visiting 7 East European countries and PR Mongolia, Apr-Jun 1959; dpty sec-gen., Mil. Council, CCP Central Comte, 1961-1967; dpty head, mil. del. to Ν Vietnam, Dec 1961; dir., General Polit. Dpt, PLA General Staff, Sep 1964 -Jan 1968; mem., Natl Defense Council, Jan 1965; vice-chm, PLA Cult. Rev. Group, Jan 1967; accused of being a supporter of Liu Shaoqi, Aug 1967; accused of being a counterrevolutionary double-dealer and purged, Jan 1968; during Cult. Rev. imprisoned for 7 years; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; polit, commissar, Lanzhou Mil. Reg, May 1977; 1st polit, commissar, Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Jun 19771983; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982); deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Mil. Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1979 - Sep 1982; head, PLA del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1979; vice-chm, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983; head, CPPCC del. to Egypt, Dec 1983.

Xiao Huanhui


Deputy for Guangdong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; vice-chm, Guangdong Branch, CPPCC, Dec 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Guangdong PPC, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Hainan (Island) Region, Jul 1981; vicechm, Advisory Com, Guangdong CP, Mar 1983; disappeared, Mar 1983.

Xiao Jian


* 1923 Putian, Fujian

Xiao Jingguang

Served successively in Ind. Dpt of Fujian PPG as dir., Fuzhou Paper Mill, 1950-56; dir., Planning Com, Fujian PPG, 1956 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: served successively as dpty dir. and dir., Economy Com, Fujian PPG, 1978-86; vice-chm, Fujian PPC, Jan 1988; disappeared, Jan 1988.

Xiao Jingguang



* 1903 Shashi County, Hunan deceased 1989, Mar 29 Born into the family of a minor landlord. Studied at First Middle School in Changsha (where Mao Zedong had studied a few years previously), - 1920; attended Russian language course in Shanghai organized by Comintern agent Woitinsky, 1921; joined CCP, 1922; studied at Univ of the Toilers of the East, Moscow, 1922-24; studied at Whampoa Mil. Academy, 1st class, 1924; took part in Northern Expedition, 1926-27; after KMT-CCP rift sent by CCP to study at Univ of the Red Army, USSR, 192830; head of mil. school in Communist occupied area, W Fujian which later merged with Red Army School at Ruijin, 1931; polit, commissar, 5th Red Army Corps, winter 1931; taught at Army College, 1934; cos, Cadres Regiment, Red Army, during Long March, 1934-35; cdr., 29th Independent Army, 1936-37; after outbreak of SinoJapanese War and new united front between KMT and CCP, cos 8th Route Army and cdr., Rear Guards Army Group, 1937; cdr., Red Cavalry, 1938; worked for NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1942; alt. mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Apr 1945; cdr., Ν Manchurian Mil. Reg, 1947-48; dpty cdr., 4th Field Army, May 1949; cdr., Wuhan Garrison, Jun 1949; cdr., Hunan Mil. Distr, Dec 1949; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jan-Sep 1950; cdr., PLA Navy, Sep 1950 -Dec 1979; deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; vice-min. of Natl Defense, Oct 1954-1978; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1954; ehm, Chinese Comte, Sino-Soviet Joint Mil. Comte and signed handover protocol related to LüshunDairen, May 1955; made army general and awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 (reelected to 9th throuh 11th CCs) - Sep 1982; mem., mil. del. to USSR, Nov 1957; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1975 and to 5th, Feb 1978); mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1975 and 5th, Mar 1978); no setback during Cult. Rev.; 2nd Party sec., PLA

Xiao Junying


Navy, Jul 1978 - Dec 1979; vice-chm, Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, by-elected Jul 1979 - Jun 1983; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 Sep 1985.

Xiao Junying

# Ä


* 1903 Dabu County, Guangdong Attended Guangdong Univ and graduated from Waseda Univ, Tokyo; after return from Japan served in Polit. Dpt, 1st Nationalist Army; later taught at Guangzhou Sun Yatsen Univ; editor-in-chief, Hong Kong Ta Tung Pao, 1947; went over to the Communists, Nov 1948; attended 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; council mem., Guangdong PPG, Oct 1949; mem., Central Comte, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Nov 1949; dpty dir., Culture and Education Dpt, Guangdong PPG, Jan 1950; dir., Cultural Dpt, Guangdong PPG, Feb 1955; council mem., Sino-India Friendship Assn, Apr 1956; deputy for Guangdong to 2nd NPC, by-elected Nov 1961 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); ehm, Guangdong Branch, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Sep 1962; vice-chm, Guangdong Branch, CPPCC, Dec 1963; dir., Office of Higher Education, Guangdong PPG, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jan 1977; ehm, Guangdong Branch, CPPCC, Jan 1979; mem., Comte to Examine Proposals, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte, Chinese KMT, Oct 1979; vice-chm, Guangdong PPC, Dec 1979-1984; disappeared, Jan 1984.

Xiao Lun


Deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-pres., China Society for Application Atomic Energy in Agronomy, Jun 1979; pres., China Society of Isotopes, Apr 1984; dir., Isotope Dpt, Inst, of Atomic Energy under Min. of Nuclear Ind., Apr 1984; mem., Dpt of Chemistry, CAS, Jun 1985; disappeared, Jun 1985.

Xiao Peng

posium on Fishing Techniques, Mexico, Dec 1979; head, fishery del. to Norway, May 1981; vice-min. of Agriculture, Animal Hasbandry and Fishery, May 1982-1986; head, govt del. to Rwanda, Jun 1982; delegate to 1st World Fisheries Conf., Rome, Jun 1984; pres., China Peasant Sports Assn, Sep 1986; disappeared, Mar 1992.

Xiao Quanfu




* 1914 Cdr., 14th Regiment, Hebei-Rehe-Liaoning Mil. Distr, 1939; cdr., 26th Div., 9th Column, NE China Field Army, 1947; cdr., 137th Div., 46th Corps (formerly 9th Column), 4th Field Army, 1949; dpty cdr., 46th Corps, 1950; led 46th Corps to Korean War 1952; cdr., 46th Corps, 1953; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; voluntarily served for a period as group leader of a company, 1958; dpty cos, Shenyang Mil. Reg, 1963; dpty cdr., Shenyang Mil. Reg, Dec 1965-1979; cdr., Ürümqi Mil. Reg, Feb 1980 - Jun 1985 (when Ürümqi Mil. Reg merged with Louzhou Mil. Reg); 3rd Party sec., Ürümqi Mil. Reg, Aug 1981 -Feb 1984; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; head, PLA del. to Romania, Sep 1983; dpty Party sec., Xinjiang Mil. Distr, Aug 1984 - Jun 1985; resigned as mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1985; mem., Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

Xiao San (Emi Siao)



Dpty dir., Communications Dpt, Guangdong PPG, Mar 1958; vice-chm, China Fishery Assn, Oct 1963; head, fishery del. to Japan, Oct 1963; vice-min. of Marine Products, Dec 1963 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Apr 1972; vice-min. of Agriculture and Forestry, Jun 1972-1978; acting ehm, China Fishery Assn, Feb 1973; head, govt del. to Tanzania, Jan 1974; mem., friendship del. to Mexico (head: Chen Yonggui), Apr 1975; head, govt del. to Mexico to attend inauguration of pres. Lopez Portillo, Nov 1976; ehm, China Fishery Assn, May 1977; head, fishery del. to Japan, Jul 1977; head, del. to 19th Session of Food and Agriculture Org. (FAO), Rome, Nov 1977; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; dir., State Aquatic Products Bureau, Aug 1978-1982; head, fishery del. to Japan, Oct 1978; attended Intl Sym-

* 1896 Xiangxiang County, Hunan deceased 1983, Feb 4 Bora under the name Xiao Aimei (the name Emi was given him by his friends for his enthusiasm for Rousseau's Emile); graduated from Changsha Normal School where he had been a schoolmate of Mao Zedong; one of the first members of New People's Study Society, founded by Mao, 1918; studied at Moscow Oriental Univ, 1920-25; joined CCP, 1921; in Moscow translated Pushkin's poems and wrote poems himself; returned to China, 1925; went


back to USSR shortly after rift between KMT and CCP, 1927; stayed there until 1939 and served as editor-inchief, Chinese edition of Intl Literature magazine; pres., Lu Xun Art Academy, Yan'an, 1939; prof of an Arts College under Ν China Associated Univ, 1945; attended Pushkin memorial service in Moscow, 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Jul 1949; delegate to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; dpty secgen., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1949 - Dec 1954; dir., Bureau of Cultural Relations, Min. of Culture, Dec 1949; council mem., Chinese Comte for World Peace, Oct 1950 - Jul 1958; mem. of del. to meeting of World Peace Council (WPC) in Bulgaria and elected its council mem., Feb 1951; attended 2nd Conf. of WPC in Norway and elected its sec., Oct 1951; mem., del. to WPC meeting in East Berlin, Jun 1952; ehm, Foreign Literature Comte, Chinese Writers' Assn, Oct 1953; attended WPC meeting in Vienna, Nov 1953; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; delegate to WPC meeting in East Berlin, May 1954; mem., cultural del. to Chile, Jul 1954; deputy for Hunan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958); delegate to WPC meeting in Stockholm, Nov 1954; mem., Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, SC, Mar 1958; mem., del. to Afro-Asian Writers Conf., Tashkent, Oct 1958; vice-chm, China-Hungary Friendship Assn, Sep 1959; vice-chm, China-Latin America Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; visited Ν Vietnam, Jun 1960; sec., Chinese Writers' Assn, Aug 1960; editor-in-chief, Poems of Revolutionary Martyrs, Nov 1961; during Cult. Rev. jailed as a foreign agent and absent from public life for over ten years; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Nov 1979; adviser to Chinese Writers' Assn, Dec 1981; vice-pres., China PEN Center, Apr 1982. Xiao was married to the German Eva Sandberg. Among his publications: Comrade Mao Zedong as a Young Man, In Memory of Some Persons, On Lu Xun.

Xiao Siming

& Bfl


* 1910 Jiangxi Cdr. of a battalion, Independent Regiment, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; council mem., Shanxi PPG, 1949; acting cdr., Shanxi Mil. Distr, Aug 1952; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; cdr., Tianjin Garrison Command, Oct 1956; cdr., Hebei Mil. Distr, Nov 1960; 2nd polit, commissar, Hebei Mil. Distr, Jun 1965; vice-chm, Tianjin Rev Comte, Dec 1967-1968; mil. cadre in Beijing, Oct 1970; 3rd polit, commissar, Wuhan Mil. Reg, Jan 1972; polit, commissar, Wuhan Mil. Reg, Oct 1974; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; disappeared, May 1980.

Xiao Tong



Dpty dir., Bureau of Urban Construction, Building Ministry, Aug 1963; vice-pres., China Society of Architecture, Jan 1978; head, architectural del. to Federal Republic of

Xiao Weiyiu

Germany and Austria, Jan 1978; dir., Board of Directors, China Intl Trust and Investment Corp., Oct 1978-1986; dir.-gen., State Admin, of Building Construction, Oct 1978 - May 1982; pres., China Building Engineering Corp., Mar 1981 - Apr 1986; vice-min. of Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental Protection, May 1982 - Feb 1986; head, govt del. to Iraq, May 1984; disappeared, Apr 1986.

Xiao Wangdong



* 1910 Ji'an Prefecture, Jiangxi deceased 1989, May 11 Joined Red Army, 1927; joined CCP, 1929; cdr. of a unit, New 4th Army, 1938; dir., Polit. Dpt, 2nd Div., New 4th Army, 1945; polit, commissar, 29th Army, 1949; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; Party sec., Ν Jiangsu Distr, Dec 1949 - Apr 1950; mem., E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, E China Mil. Reg, Feb 1954; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dpty polit, commissar, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Feb 1956 - Apr 1961; deputy for PLA to 2nd NPC, Jul 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); polit, commissar, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Sep 1961-1964; mem., Natl Defense Council, Jan 1965- Jul 1967; vice-min. of Culture, Apr 1965 - Jul 1967; after purge of Lu Dingyi functioned as acting min. of culture, Feb 1966; denounced as a capitalist-roader and counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Jul 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: polit, commissar, Jinan Mil. Reg, Apr 1976- Jan 1980; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; 1st polit, commissar, Jinan Mil. Reg, Feb 1980 - Sep 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com., CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987). Xiao was married to Xin Ping.

Xiao Wenjiu




Polit, commissar of a unit under 1st Red Front Army, during Long March, 1934-35; cdr. of an independent regiment, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938; cdr., 6th Column, 3rd Army Group, Ν China Field Army, 1948; cdr., 68th Army, 1949; dpty cdr., Shanxi Mil. Distr, Feb 1950; cos, 20th Army Group and sent to Korean War, 1951; cdr., 68th Army in the Mundanni campaign, Oct 1951; made maj-gen. and dpty cdr., 20th Army Group; cos, Beijing Mil. Reg, Apr 1965; dpty cdr., Beijing Mil. Reg, Feb 1966-1976; adviser, Beijing Mil. Reg, Apr 1981; disappeared, Apr 1981.


Xiao Xiangrong

Xiao Xiangrong




* 1910 Mei County, Guangdong deceased 1976, Mar 23 Joined CYL while studying in high school; took part in uprising at home county, 1927; later went to Fujian and edited a CCP newspaper; took part in Long March, 193435; editor-in-chief, Military and Political Magazine, Yan'an, 1938; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Ν Shaanxi Joint Defense Command, 1941; dir., Polit. Dpt, 15th Army Group, Oct 1949; polit, commissar, Guangzhou Garrison, 1949; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP S China Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1949; dir., S China Daily, Dec 1949; dir., Polit. Dpt, Guangdong Mil. Distr, Jan 1950; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950-1952; dir., General Office, Revolutionary People's Mil. Council, Apr 1952; dir., General Office, Min. of Natl Defense, Sep 1954; mem., CCP del. to Warsaw Conf., May 1955; made ltn-gen. and awarded orders of "August 1st" and "Liberation", both 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., mil. and friendship del. to USSR, Nov 1957; mem., mil. del. to India, Jan 1958; mem., mil. goodwill del. to Indonesia, Apr 1959; accompanied marshal He Long to Ν Korea, Oct 1960; mem., mil. del. to Ν Vietnam, Dec 1961; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Dec 1964; branded as an anti-Party element and follower of Luo Ruiqing and purged, Dec 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; dpty polit, commissar, PLA Science and Technology Com for Natl Defense, May 1975 death.

Xiao Xuanjin # & & Cdr. of a regiment, 20th Div., 4th Column, E China Field Army, 1947-48; dpty cdr., 74th Div., 25th Corps, 3rd Field Army, 1949; cdr., 74th Div., 25th Corps, 3rd Field Army, 1951; sent to Korean War with 74th Div., 1952; made colonel, Sep 1955; subsequently attended a course at PLA Mil. Academy; dpty cdr., 24th PLA Corps, 1960; made maj-gen., 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty cdr., Beijing Mil. Reg, Apr 1974-85; deputy for the PLA to the 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985; disappeared, Sep 1985.

XiaoYan Ä M Dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Min. of Education, Sep 1965; vicemin. of Education, Jun 1978 - May 1982; dean, College for Professional Journalism, Sep 1983; disappeared, Sep 1983.

Xiao Yuanli $ * 1910 Jiangxi Joined CYL, 1927; cdr., 18th Brigade, 6th Column, Pingyuan PLA, 1946; cdr., NE Jiangxi Mil. Distr, 1949; polit, commissar, Jiangxi Mil. Distr, Jun 1953; cdr., Jiangxi Mil. Distr, Apr 1955; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Jan 1956; cdr., Guangzhou Garrison, Aug 1960- Cult. Rev.; dpty polit, commissar, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Aug 1972-1981; adviser to Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Feb 1981; disappeared, Jan 1984.

Xie Beiyi & ~~ * 1920 Henan deceased 1982, Oct Mem., Economic Com, SC, Nov 1956 - Dec 1964; dpty dir.. Bureau of Allocation of Materials, SC, Sep 1983 Nov 1964; vice-min. of Material Allocation, Nov 1964 Cult. Rev.; vice-min., Capital Construction Com, Apr 1965 - May 1982; adviser of an iron and steel del. to Austria, Great Britain, FR Germany, Netherlands, Apr 1978; mem., govt del. to Japan, Sep 1979; head, economic del. to Japan, Nov 1979; mem., govt del. to Japan, May 1980; head, govt del. to U.S.A., Aug 1980; vice-min., Foreign Investment Com, Aug 1980 - Mar 1982; vice-min., Min. of Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental Protection, May 1982.

Xie Fang ^ * 1907 Liaoning deceased 1984, Apr 9 Graduated from 21st infantry class of Tokyo Mil. Academy; joined NE Army under Zhang Xueliang, 1922; later went to Moscow where he graduated from Sun-Yat-sen Univ; joined CCP, around 1936; served in Central Party School, Yan'an, 1943; dir., Propaganda Section, Polit. Dpt, NE Mil. Reg, 1945; dpty cdr., 2nd Columns, NE Field Army, 1947; cos, 1st Army Group, 1948; cdr., Changsha Garrison, 1949; cos, 13th Army Group under Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1950; dpty cos, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951; cos, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1953; dpty dir., Mil. Training Dpt, Mil. Affairs Comte, 1954; deputy for Jilin to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty dir., Operation Dpt, PLA General Staff, Sep 1956; cdr., 4th Brigade, Atomic Weapons Tactical Training Group, Feb 1957; dir., Training Dpt, PLA Mil. Academy, Sep 1963; mem., mil. del. to Sweden (head: Peng Shaohui), Sep 1963; dean at PLA Infantry College, Nanjing, Mar 1966; branded as a follower of He Long and purged, Nov 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Aug 1978; article in RMRB Nov 3, "General cdr. Peng Dehuai in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and aid Korea", Nov 1980; dpty commandant, PLA Logistics Academy, Oct 1982; dpty head, mil. del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1982; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983.


Xie Fumin itt & Κ * 1910 Gui County, Guangxi deceased 1974, Jul 31 Xie belonged to the Zhuang minority. Graduated from Guangxi Normal School; subsequently taught at middle school and joined CCP; stirred up riots in Donglan and Fengshan districts, 1927-28; studied at Red Army College, Ruijin, 1934; took part in Long March in Polit. Dpt, 6th Div., 3rd Red Army, 1934-36; during famine in Guangxi instigated peasants to rise up in support of Communists, 1945; polit, commissar, 43rd Army, 4th Field Army, 1949; dir., Wuzhou Mil. Control Com, 1950; mayor of Wuzhou and council mem., Guangxi PPG, Mar 1950; polit, commissar, Wuzhou Subdistr, Guangxi Mil. Distr, Mar 1950; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Guangxi Prov. and concurrently sec. of its Comte for Discipline Inspection, 1951; dir., Org. Dpt, Guangxi CP, Jul 1952; 2nd sec., Guangxi CP, Jul 1954; deputy for Guangxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958, and to 3rd, Oct 1964); vice-chm, Nationalities Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959); vice-chm, Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, by-elected Jun 1956 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959, and to 3rd, Jan 1965); mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Jul 1958; vicechm, Nationalities Affairs Com, SC, Dec 1960 -Cult. Rev.; ehm, Nationalities Affairs Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965.

Xie Fuzhi

ìfà %

Xie Gaofeng

1st NPC, Oct 1954; cdr., Kunming Mil. Reg, 1954-56; polit, commissar, Kunming Mil. Reg, 1954-59; made col-gen. and awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", Sep 1955; 1st sec., Yunnan CP, 1955-59; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 (reelected to 9th CCP, Apr 1969); min. of Public Security, Sep 1959 - death; dir., Polit, and Legal Affairs Office, SC, Sep 1959-1961; dir., Internal Affairs Office, SC, May 1963; cdr., PLA Public Security Force, Nov 1963-1965; polit commissar, PLA Public Security Force, Jun 1964 - death; deputy for Yunnan to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; vice-premier, Jan 1965 - death; mem., Natl Defense Council, Jan 1965 - death; dpty head, CCP and govt del. to Romania, Albania, Algeria, Egypt, Pakistan, Burma, Mar-Apr 1965; alt. mem., Politburo, CCP 8th Central Comte, elected at 11th Plenum, Aug 1966- Apr 1969; ehm, Rev Comte, Beijing Rev Comte, Apr 1967 - death; 1st polit, commissar, Beijing Mil. Reg, Apr 1967 - death; mem., Politburo, 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969- death; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Beijing Municipality, Mar 1971 death. Remarks: Xie was expelled from the CCP, 1980, Oct 31. Xie was married to Liu Xiangping.

Xie Gaofeng




* 1908 Hongan County, Hubei deceased 1972, Mar 26 Joined CCP and Mao Zedong's forces at Jinggang Mountains, 1931; participated in Long March, 1934-35; polit, commissar, 386th Brigade, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938-46; polit, commissar of the 5 brigades under 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1940; dpty cdr., Taiyue Mil. Distr, 1940-42; head, Taiyue Branch, Anti-Japanese Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1942; polit, commissar, 4th Column, Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan PLA, 1947; dpty cdr. and polit, commissar, 4th Army Corps (successor of the 4th Column), 1948; cdr., 10th Army, 3rd Army Corps, 2nd Field Army, 1949; mem., Chongqing Mil. Control Com, Dec 1949-1951; sec., E Sichuan Distr CP, 1950-52; mem., E Sichuan People's Admin. Office, 1950-52; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950 -Jan 1953; (ranking) sec., CCP Comte Yunnan Prov., Jan 1953; mem., SW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Oct 1954; polit, commissar, SW Mil. Reg, 1953-54; polit, commissar, Yunnan Mil. Distr, Dec 1953-1959; deputy for Yunnan to

* 1914 Ledu County, Qinghai Cdr. of a regiment in KMT Forces, 1941-45; dir. of a grain depot in Shaanxi Supply Zone, 1946-47; crossed over to the Communists, 1948; council mem., Qinghai PPG and mem. of its Nationalities Affairs Com, Feb 1951; mem., Central Comte, CDL, Dec 1958; ehm, Qinghai Prov. Branch of CDL, Nov 1962; dir., Civil Affairs Dpt, Qinghai PPG, Aug 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vicechm, Qinghai PPC, Sep 1979 (reelected Apr 1983 and Feb 1988); disappeared, Feb 1988.

Xie Gaojue


Xie Gaojue



* 1933 Chengdu, Sichuan Graduation from Postgraduate Class, Beijing Posts and Telecommunications Inst., 1958; served in Machinery Research Inst, under 4th Min. of Machine Building, 197082; dir., Scientific and Technological Dpt, Min. of Electronics Ind., 1982-84; vice-min. of Electronics Ind., Jan 1985 - Mar 1988; vice-min. of Posts and Telecommunications, Aug 1988 - Jul 1993; disappeared, Jul 1993.

Chm, Soviet Govt in Hengshan County, 1936-37; magistrate of Fu and Zizhou Counties, 1941-46; mayor and CCP sec., Yan'an City, 1947; commissioner, Weinan Admin. Office, 1948-49; dir., Agriculture and Forestry Dpt, Shaanxi PPG, Feb 1950; council mem., Shaanxi PPG, Jan 1953; vice-gov., Shaanxi PPG, Nov 1956-64; sec., Shaanxi Prov. CP, Jun 1961-1964; vice-min., State Com. for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries, Dec 1964-1970; disappeared during Cult. Rev., May 1970; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Shaanxi Prov. CP, Mar 1979; vice-chm, Shaanxi Rev Comte, Mar-Dec 1979; vice-gov., Shaanxi PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; 1st vice-chm, Ν Shaanxi Rev and Construction Comte, Jan 1980; deputy for Shaanxi to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., Foreign Affairs Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); disappeared, Apr 1988.

Publications: Author of a book on facsimile signals.

Xie Huangtian

Xie Gaozhong

Vice-chm, Rev Comte, Liaoning Prov., May 1978 - Jan 1980; sec., CCP Comte, Liaoning Prov., May 1978 - Aug 1979; vice-gov., Liaoning PPG, Feb 1980-Apr 1983; head, Liaoning del. to Ν Korea, Jul 1981; vice-chm, Liaoning PPC, Apr 1983; disappeared, Dec 1985.

r§J » è

Vice-chm, Rev Comte, Xinjiang AR, Feb 1978 - Aug 1979; vice-chm, People's Govt, Xinjiang AR, Sep 1979 Apr 1983; 1st dpty cdr., PLA Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Jun 1982; disappeared, Apr 1983.

Xie Hechou



* Guangxi Xie belonged to the Zhuang minority. Mem., Guangxi PPG, Mar 1950; dir., 1st Section, Nationalities Affairs Com, G AC, Jun 1954; deputy for Guangxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Feb 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Nationalities Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959 and to 3rd, Jan 1965); vicechm, Nationalities Affairs Com, SC, May 1957 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Physical Culture and Sports Com, SC, Sep 1959; mem., Natl Comte, China Comte for Games of New Emerging Forces, Aug 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-min., Nationalities Affairs Com, SC, May 1979 - May 1982; disappeared, May 1982.

Xie Jialin

itt 'fr


Xie Jiatang


Ì& %


Worker in machine factory in Chengdu, Sichuan Prov., 1968; mem., Stand. Comte, Sichuan Rev Comte, Feb 1969; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); disappeared, Oct 1976.


Served in 4th Field Army, 1949; polit, commissar of a div., PLA 54th Corps; polit, commissar, 54th Corps, Jan 1958; polit, commissar, Lhasa Garrison, Apr 1958; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th, Aug 1973); sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Aug 1971-1977; leading cadre, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Jan 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Oct 1978; adviser, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Apr 1981; disappeared, Mar 1982.

X i e J i n g y i (f) * 1915 Jingbian County, Shaanxi

ift %


* 1920 Prof., Inst, of High Energy Physics, CAS, Jun 1979; vicepres., Chinese Particle Accelerator Society, Oct 1980; dpty dir., Inst, of High Energy Physics, CAS, Nov 1982; mem., Dpt of Mathematics and Physics, CAS, Jun 1985; pres., Chinese Particle Accelerator Society, Jan 1989; disappeared, Jan 1989.

Xie Jiaxiang Xie Huaide


T& #


* 1944 Became personal sec. of Jiang Qing, 1966; cadre of a dpt,


CCP Central Comte, Oct 1970; head, youth del. to Chile, Aug 1971; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Qinghua Univ, Aug 1971-1976; mem., Stand. Comte, Beijing Municipality CP, Jun 1971; CCP sec., Qinghua Univ, Jul 1972; sec., Beijing Branch, CYL, Apr 1973-1976; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Beijing Municipality, Mar 1974-1976; sec., Beijing Municipality CP, Nov 1974-1976; deputy for Beijing to the 4th NPC and mem. of its Stand. Comte, Jan 1975; purged together with Jiang Qing, Oct 1976.

Xie Wangchun (f)

Xie Liang


* 1915 Xingguo County, Jiangxi

Xie Juezai

iÜ Ä


* 1883 Ningxiang County, Hunan deceased 1971, Jun 19 Born into a landlord's family. Passed examination for Xiucai degree, 1898; teacher of Mao Zedong at Hunan 1st Normal School in Changsha, 1917-18; one of the first members of New People's Study Society, founded by Mao, 1918; editor-in-chief, Tongxin Ribao, Changsha, 1920; joined KMT, 1924; founded Xiangjiang Middle School in Changsha, edited Popular Daily and joined CCP, 1925; during Northern Expedition dir., Supply Management Dpt, Natl Revolutionary Forces, 1926; after KMT-CCP rift forced to flee to Shanghai, 1927; underground activities, W Hunan Soviet Area, 1928-29; captured by KMT forces but soon released due to his scholarly appearance, 1932; joined Jiangxi Soviet, 1933; secgen., Central Soviet Govt and for some time personal sec. to Mao Zedong, 1934; took part in Long March, 1934-35; served in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt, 193637; CCP representative in Lanzhou, 1937; vice-pres., Central Party School, 1939; vice-chm, Shanxi-Gansu Ningxia Border Reg Govt, 1940-49; concurrently dpty sec., NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1943; dir., Justice Dpt, Ν China People's Govt, 1948-49; delegate to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Polit, and Legal Affairs Comte, G AC, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; min. of Internal Affairs, Oct 1949 - Apr 1959; pres., Univ. of Polit. Science and Law, Nov 1949; vice-chm, Chinese People's Relief Assn, Apr 1950; vice-pres., Polit. Science and Law Society, 1953-64; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958); alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; pres., Supreme People's Court, Apr 1959 - Jan 1965; hon. pres., Political Science and Law Society, Oct 1964; vice-chm, 4th CPPCC; during Cult. Rev. unscathed. Xie was married to Wang Dingguo. Publications:/! Collection on "No Delusions" Mao Zedong Story.

and The

deceased between 1991/04 and 1992/02 Trained at Red Army Univ, Ruijin, 1933; subsequently polit, commissar of a regiment, 5th Army Group, 1934; participated in Long March, 1934-35; polit, commissar of a div., Western Army of Red Army, 1936; wounded in Gansu, and left leg amputed; attended Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. College, Yan'an, 1937; dir., Rear Office, 115th Div. under 8th Route Army, 1938; subsequently served in Logistics Dpt, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia-Shanxi-Suiyuan Joint Defense Corps, -1947; dir., Polit. Dpt, Hebei-Shandong-Henan Mil. Reg, 1948-49; made maj-gen., Sep 1956; served subsequently as polit, commissar of Shijiazhuang Infantry School, polit, commissar of PLA Artillery, and as dpty polit, commissar of PLA Artillery Corps, 1956-80; ehm, Assn of Physically Disabled, Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988 - death.

Xie Lihui



* 1907 Wuwei County, Anhui Graduated from Physics Dpt of National Univ, 1931; served successively as prof., Chongqing and Jiaotong Univ, 1935-39; prof., SW Normal College, 1951-58; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Oct 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Mar 1959; to 3rd, Oct 1964); dpty dir. and then dir., Chengdu Telecommunications Engineering Inst., 1958-61; vice-chm, Sichuan Prov. Branch, Jiusan Society, Jul 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); disappeared, Apr 1988.

X i e W a n g c h u n (f) H i % MCadre in Hubei Prov., 1968; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and 11th CC, Aug 1977); vice-chm, Hubei Branch, Women's Fed, Jul 1973; disappeared, Sep 1976.


Xie Wenqing

Xie Wenqing


* 1922 Wuzhi County, Henan Served in 2nd Column, 8th Route Army, 1940-41; studied at Yan'an Mil. College and Russian Language School, 1941-42; worked successively as reporter of XNA, Qunzhong Daily and Tianjin Daily, 1946-49; worked successively as chief correspondent for XNA in Warsaw and Moscow and dir., XNA Hong Kong Branch, 1950-66; mem., Editorial Dpt, XNA, Aug 1970; head, journalists' del. to Romania, Aug 1970; head, journalists' del. to Cambodia, Apr 1975; cadre, XNA Intl News Dpt, Apr 1975; article in Observation Post No. 3, Jun 20, 1981, "Self-Portrait and Self-Vindication" (on Soviet concept of friendship); vice-min. of Radio and Television, May 1983 - Mar 1986; vice-pres., China Assn for Wildlife Conservation, Dec 1983; head, broadcastings del. to Japan, Nov 1984; head, broadcastings del. to German Democratic Republic, Jul 1985; Xie remained vice-min. when his ministry was renamed Min. of Radio, Cinema and Television, Mar 1986- Jul 1987; vice-pres., China Society for Studies of Radio and Television, Oct 1986; vice-chm, Chinese Journalists' Assn, Dec 1986 - Jan 1991; mem., Natl Comte, 7th CPPCC, Mar 1988; disappeared, 1991. Publications: Commentaries on Current Affairs; Reports from Battlefields.

Xie Xinhe i t t Mr % * 1913 deceased 1979, Dec 22 Sec., CCP Comte, Hebei-Shandong-Henan Border Reg and concurrently commissioner of the Admin. Office of its 1st Special Distr, 1947; council mem., Guizhou PPG and concurrently dpty dir. of its Civil Affairs Dpt, Jul 1950; sec., CCP Comte, Guiyang Municipality, Jul 1954; vicechm, Guizhou Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1955; dpty sec-gen., CAS, 1956; mem., Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, SC, Sep 1958; council mem., Assn for Science and Technology, Dec 1958; vice-min., 2nd Min. of Light Ind., SC, Mar 1965; vice-min. of Light Ind., SC, Sep 1970 - death; head, govt del. to Mali, Sep 1970; head, govt del. to Guinea, Nov 1971; pres., Light Ind. Society, Jun 1977; deputy for Shandong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; pres., China Arts and Crafts Society, Aug 1979.

Xie Xinying



* 1923 Zaoqiang County, Hebei Served successively as CCP sec. of Taoyuan and Nan Counties, 1951-52; 1st sec., Shaoyang Prefecture CP in Hunan Pro v., 1956 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Hunan PPC, May 1983 - Jul 1985; again vice-chm, Hunan PPC, Dec 1986 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Jan 1988.

Xie Xuegong



Served in Taiyuan Mil. Control Com, 1949; vice-chm, Shanxi PPG, Aug 1950 -Jun 1952; dpty sec., Shanxi CP, Dec 1950 - Jun 1952; vice-min. of Foreign Trade, Nov 1952- Jun 1958; dir., College of Foreign Trade, Dec 1954 - Jun 1958; head, trade del. to Ν Vietnam, Feb 1956; sec., Hebei Prov. CP, Aug 1958 - Cult. Rev.; sec., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, May 1963 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Inner Mongolia to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and to 11th CC, Aug 1977); vicechm, Tianjin Municipality Rev Comte, Sep 1969 - Jun 1978; 1st sec., Tianjin CP, May 1971 - Jun 1978; head, Tianjin friendship del. to Japan, Jun 1975; deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; disappeared, May 1978.

Xie Youfa



* 1917 Xingguo County, Jiangxi


Served under Xu Xiangqian in Shandong Prov., 1939; dir., Org. Section, Polit. Dpt, PLA Shandong Column, 1940-43; dpty polit, commissar, 9th Army Group, 3rd Field Army, 1949; polit, commissar, 9th Army Group, which was ordered to Korean War, 1950; made ltn-gen. and awarded order of "Liberation", Sep 1955; polit, commissar, PLA Engineering Academy in Harbin, Sep 1955; pres. of this academy, Jun 1963; cadre, Dpt under CCP Central Comte and disappeared, May 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty polit, commissar, Shenyang Mil. Reg, Jun 1980-1982; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983; disappeared, May 1983.

Xie Yunqing >it * 1911 deceased 1986, May 28 Dpty dir., Finance and Commerce Dpt, CCP Comte, Heilongjiang Prov., Feb 1960; vice-gov., Heilongjiang PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, Heilongjiang CP, Feb 1981 - Mar 1983.

Xie Zhenghao ift & & Cos, PLA E China Sea Fleet and rear admiral, Apr 1964; cdr. of a naval base, E China Sea Fleet, Aug 1967; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte, Zhejiang Prov., Mar 19681969; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Zhejiang Prov., Sep 19691973; sec., CCP Comte, Zhejiang Prov., Jan 1971-1973; dpty cdr., E China Sea Fleet, Dec 1975-1982; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, E China Sea Fleet, Jul 1981; cdr., E China Sea Fleet, May 1982 - Oct 1985; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983; sec., Party Comte, E China Sea Fleet, Oct 1983; disappeared, Aug 1985.

Xie Zhengrong ìtì $ * 1918 deceased 1977, Dec 4 Joined CCP, 1935; cdr., 191st Div., 64th PLA Corps, Sep 1951; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; cdr., Jilin City Garrison, May 1958; cdr., Jilin Mil. Distr, Jan 1968; sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Aug 1971-1976; vice-chm, Sichuan Rev Comte, Apr 1973-1977; dpty cdr., Chengdu Mil. Reg, Apr 1973; cdr., Sichuan Mil. Distr, Sep 1974 - Jun 1976; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977.

Xie Zhenhua ift ψ Cdr. of an independent regiment, New 4th Army, 1945; cos, 3rd Army, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1952; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., 3rd Army, 1957; trained at PLA Mil. Academy, 1958; cdr., Jilin City Garrison, Aug 1958 - Cult. Rev.; commanded the PLA 69th Corps in Shanxi Prov. in support of Rev Comte established there, 1967; mil. leader in Shanxi Prov., Oct 1967; cdr., Shanxi Mil. Distr, May 1970 - Apr 1971; 1st sec., Shanxi Prov. CP (following the reestablishment of the CCP Secretariat in Shanxi), Apr 1971-1973; ehm, Rev Comte, Shanxi Prov., Nov 1972-1973; alt. mem., CCP

Xin Yuling

10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 - Aug 1977; dpty cdr., Shenyang Mil. Reg, Aug 1978 - Oct 1982; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; polit, commissar, Kunming Mil. Reg, Oct 1982 - Jun 1985; sec.. Party Comte, Kunming Mil. Reg, Jul 1983 - Jun 1985; article in RMRB, Sep 26, 1983, "Leading cadres must play an exemplary role in improving Party Work Style"; sec., Yunnan Prov. CP, Jul 1984 - Jul 1985; resigned as mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

Xin Junjie i t ik & Vice-chm, Rev Comte, Hubei Prov., Jun 1970-1975; cdr., Hubei Mil. Distr, Jun 1970-1975; mem., Stand. Comte, Hubei CP, May 1973-1975; cdr., Jiangxi Mil. Distr, Nov 1975 - May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Jiangxi Prov., May 1977- Jun 1985; vice-chm, Jiangxi Rev Comte, Feb 1978 - Dec 1979; head, Polit, and Legal Leadership Group, Jiangxi CP, Mar 1979; vice-chm, Jiangxi PPC, Apr 1983 - Jun 1985; disappeared, Jul 1985.

Xin Yuanxi 'W" > L % Vice-min. of Finance, Sep 1978; head, economic study group to Yugoslavia and Romania, Sep 1978; vice-mayor, Shanghai MPG, Apr 1982 - Apr 1983; disappeared, Apr 1983.

Xin Yuling



* 1921 Born into a poor peasants family; orderly for the Candían physician Norman Bethune, 1938; delegate to 28th Soviet Surgery Congr, Moscow, May 1965; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dir., Chest Surgery Dpt, Beijing Tuberculosis Research Inst., Mar 1978; Xin's surgery was named for having performed 1,400 lung operations under accupuncture anesthesia, Jun 1979; dir., Beijing Tuberculosis Research Inst., Sep 1981; dir., Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital, Oct 1984; vice-pres., Chinese Medical Assn, Nov 1984; disappeared, Nov 1984.


Xing Anmin

Xing Anmin

Distr CP of Beijing, 1958 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Changping County CP, 1973-77; dpty dir., Economic Com, Beijing PPG, 1978-83; vice-chm, Beijing CCP, Mar 1985; disappeared, Mar 1985.

Xing Yanzi (f) * 1924 Shulu (Xinji) County, Hebei Sec., Zhao County CP, 1947-49; dpty dir., Org. Dpt, Tianjin Prefecture CP, 1951-57; dpty sec., Tianjin Prefecture CP, 1961 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Hebei Prov. CP, 1974-81; dir., Ind. and Communications Dpt, Gansu Prov. CP, Mar 1982; vicechm, Gansu PPC, May 1983 (reelected Feb 1988); disappeared, Jun 1989.

Xing Bai


* 1923 Rugao County, Jiangsu CCP and civil cadre in counties of Jiangsu Prov., 194449: vice-pres., Nantong Hospital, 1950-51; cadre in departments of Jiangsu PPG, 1951-57; 1st sec., Haian County CP, 1957-60; dpty dir., Personnel Bureau, Jiangsu PPG, 1961 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec., Wuxi City CP, 1975-79; sec., Nantong City CP, 1979-83; sec., Discipline Inspection Com, Jiangsu Prov. CP, Dec 1984; vice-chm, Jiangsu PPC, Jan 1988; disappeared, Jul 1989.

Xing Jun

* 1920 Shen County, Hebei Party cadre in counties of Hebei Prov., 1940-49; dpty dir., Ind. Dpt, Beijing CP, 1953-58; 1st sec., Chaoyang


* 1940 Tianjin Daughter of a factory dir. Graduation from middle school, 1958, and successively went to the countryside as an agricultural worker thus anticipating a development on her own initiative which a decade later made rural work compulsolry for educated youth; distinguished herself by her work in Sijiazhong Brigade of Dazhongzhuang People's Commune; joined CCP, 1960; mem., Natl Comte, CYL, Dec 1962; deputy for Hebei to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; mem., Hebei Prov. Rev Comte, Feb 1968; mem., Hebei CP and mem., Baodi County CP, May 1971; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Dazhongzhuang People's Commune, Baodi County, Hebei, Apr 1973; mem., friendship del. to Japan, Apr 1973; vice-chm, Hebei Branch, CYL, May 1973; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977 and to 12th CC, Sep 1982); sec., Tianjin CP, May 1975-1977; ehm, Tianjin Rev Comte, Dec 19751978; head, friendship del. to Romania, Dec 1975; disappeared, Mar 1985.

Xing Yimin


Mem., Supreme People's Court, Nov 1954; mem., Foreign Arbritation Comte, China Assn for Promoting Intl Trade, Mar 1956; dpty dir., 2nd Court of Criminal Cases, Supreme People's Court, Sep 1962; vice-pres., Supreme People's Court, Mar 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Oct 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec-gen., 5th NPC, May 1978 - Jun 1983; mem., NPC del. to Great Britain, Malta, Greece (head: Hao Deqing), Feb 1981; mem., NPC del. to Sri Lanka and Nepal (head: Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme), Mar 1983; deputy for Shanxi to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Law Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 - Mar 1988; mem., NPC del. to 71st Conf. of Inter-Parliamentary Union, Geneva, Apr 1984; mem., China-Cape Verde Friendship Group of 6th NPC, Mar 1986; mem., Internal and Judical Affairs Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.


Xing Zitao

- f fä

Sec., CCP Comte, Shenyang Municipality, Feb 1965; vice-chm, Zhejiang PPC, May 1981 - Jun 1985; sec-gen., Zhejiang PPC, May 1981; disappeared, Jun 1985.

Xiong Fu



Xiong Jinding

7th, Apr 1988); head, HQ del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1984; mem., Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Jun 1991. Publications: On Socialist Democracy·, editor of: Simple Explanation of Mao Zedong's Philosophic Thinking; Dictionary of Political Parties of the World.

Xiong Huang

* 1915 Linshui County, Sichuan Studied at Sichuan Univ; studied at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1938; served in Polit. Dpt of Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1939; dir. of Editorial Dpt and editor-in-chief, Xinhua Daily, Chongqing, 193947; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Central Plains Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1948-49; mem., Preparatory Comte, Chinese Journalists' Assn, Jul 1949; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1949-51; dir., Information and Publication Bureau, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950- Jan 1953; dir., Changjiang Ribao (Yangtse River Daily), Mar 1950; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1952-56; council mem., China Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; mem., scientific del. to Japan, Sep 1955; mem., China Asian Solidarity Comte, Feb 19561958; sec-gen., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1956; accompanied premier Zhou Enlai to Ν Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Burma, Pakistan, USSR, Poland, Hungary, Afghanistan, Nepal, Ceylon, Nov 1956 - Feb 1957; adviser to del. to Geneva Conf., May 1961; mem., CCP del. to Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic, Nov 1962 - Jan 1963; mem., Natl Comte, 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; council mem., China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Jun 1965; dir-gen. of XNA, Mar 1966; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Mar 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1973; deputy for Sichuan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - May 1983; editor-inchief of HQ, Oct 1978 - Sep 1987; head, HQ del. to Romania, Sep 1979; vice-chm, Chinese Journalists' Assn, Feb 1980; head, HQ del. to Yugoslavia, May 1981; article in HQ 81/09, "A probing discussion of the Party's position and role in national life", Sep 1981; article in HQ 82/05; "On the principle of democracy in the relationship between leaders and the masses", May 1982; article in HQ No. 18, "Study the report to the 12th Party Congr from the high plane of the Communist ideology", Sep 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 (reelected to

Ά fi

* 1913 Linyang County, Hunan Served in 6th Front Army, 1932-34; participated in Long March, 1934-35; service in 120th Di v., 8th Route Army, 1938-45; polit, commissar of a div., 1st Field Army, 1946-49; polit, commisar of a subdistr, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, 1955; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Oct 1954; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dir., Polit. Dpt, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Feb 1957; dpty polit, commissar, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Jul 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: cadre in Xinjiang, Dec 1976; polit, commissar, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Mar 1982-1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); disappeared, Apr 1988.

Xiong Jinding

Ά i t ¿T

* 1886 Hunan deceased 1973, Jan Student of Xu Teli (q.v.), around 1915; worked for Xinhua Daily, Chongqing, 1941; specially-invited delegate to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd-4th CPPCCs, 1954, 58, 64) Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Control Comte, China Relief Assn, Apr 1950; vice-pres., China Red Cross Society, Aug 1950- Cult. Rev.; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, 1951 - Jul 1958; delegate of social welfare organizations to 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd and 4th, Apr 1959 and Dec 1964); mem., Executive Comte and Stand. Comte, China Red Cross Society, Oct 1961; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Xiong Kewu

Xiong Kewu * 1885 Jingyan County, Sichuan deceased 1970, Sep 2 Graduated from Japanese mil. academy; met Sun Yat-sen in Japan and joined Tongmenghui (Revolutionary Alliance), Jul 1905; together with Huang Xing led attack on yamen of gov. of Guangdong and Guangxi; after overthrow of Manchu regime, went to home prov. and then back secretly to Guangzhou via Japan and participated in the Yellow Flower Knoll Uprising, Mar 1911; cdr. of a div. and defense commissioner of Chongqing, 1912; joined the forces against Yuan Shikai, Aug 1913; was defeated near Chongqing, Sep 1913, and subsequently sought refuge in Japan; left Japan for Shanghai, Oct 1915; went to Yunnan via Hong Kong; when expeditionary forces began operation from Yunnan, accompanied Cai E's army to Sichuan, 1916; when the local Sichuan troops were reorganized into 5 divisions after the death of Yuan Shikai, made cdr. of 1st Div.; border defense commissioner of Sichuan, 1917; ousted Liu Zunhou and became mil. gov. of Sichuan, 1918; assumed leadership of Sichuan mil. commanders in demanding the evacuation of Yunnan and Guizhou armies from Sichuan, May 1920; departed Sichuan, 1921; returned to Sichuan and occupied Chengdu, May 1923; cdr.-in-chief, Sichuan Army, Jun 1923; captured Chongqing, Oct 1923; driven out and retreated into Guizhou with his troops, Feb 1924; mem., KMT Central Executive Comte, Mar 1924; ordered by Zhao Hengti to leave Hunan when he arrived there with his troops (was also troubled by dissension in his own ranks), 1925; placed under arrest by Chiang Kai-shek, Oct 1925; detained at Humen Military Fort and remained a prisoner for two years; mem., Natl Govt Council, Sep 1927; imprisoned for a time in connection with plot to oust mil. leader, Xu Chongzhi, 1929; mem., KMT Executive Comte, Dec 1931; lived in retirement in Hong Kong, 1934-45; mem., 6th Central Control Comte, KMT, May 1945; before the fall of Chengdu to the Communists (27 Dec 1949), instigated surrender of Sichuan to Communist troops under command of Liu Bocheng; vice-chm, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; vice-chm, SW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Oct 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, byelected Feb 1953; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jul 1958, and to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959, and to 3rd, Jan 1965); vice-chm, KMT Rev Comte, 1955 - Cult. Rev. Publication: Personal Experience in the Yellow Flower Knoll Uprising (1961).


Xiong Xianghui

if! Φ)

* 1919 Fengyang County, Anhui Studied at Qinghua Univ; obtained M.A. in social sciences from Western Reserved Univ, Cleveland, U.S.A., 1948; returned to China, 1949; dpty dir., Information Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, 1952-60; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954-1960; dir., Information Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Aug 1960; adviser to del. at Laos Conf., Geneva, May 1961; chargé d'affaires, Chinese mission in London, Mar 1962 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Oct 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Sep 1970; ambassador to Mexico, Apr 1972 - Aug 1973; dpty head, Chinese del. to UN Security Meeting, Panama, Mar 1973; cadre of a dpt under CCP Central Comte, Oct 1973-1977; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; mem., govt del. to Great Braitain, Nov 1978; dpty dir., Chinese People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Nov 1978; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jan 1979-1982; vice-chm, Board of Directors, China Intl Trust and Investment Corp., Jun 1983-1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Apr 1988.

Xiong Yingdong

Í¿ #

* 1913 Jinshi, Hunan Graduation from Economics Dpt, Qinghua Univ, 1939; served successively as accounting commissioner, Chief Accounting Office of KMT Govt, and as general checker of Yongli Bank, 1941-49; dpty manager, Dahua Textile Mill in Xi'an, 1949-57; deputy for Xi'an to 1st NPC, May 1955; deputy for Shaanxi to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Shaanxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Budget Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; vice-chm, Executive Comte, All-China Fed of Industrialists and Businessmen, Oct


1979 - Dec 1988; vice-chm, Shaanxi PPC, Dec 1979 (reelected Apr 1983 and Jan 1988); mem., Cape Verde Friendship Group of 6th NPC, Mar 1986; disappeared, Aug 1990.

Xu Bing

Xu Baokui

Xiong Yingtang fë M "È Cdr., 1st Regiment, 7th Div., New 4th Army, 1945; dpty cdr., Shanghai Garrison, Nov 1957-1966; acting cdr., Zhejiang Mil. Distr, Jul 1967; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Zhejiang Prov., Mar 1968-1972; cdr., Zhejiang Mil. Distr, Mar 1968-1972; disappeared, Jan 1972.

Xiong Zhaoren



Made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cos, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Dec 1959-1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Oct 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Apr 1977; dpty cos, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Oct 1980-1982; vice-chm, Fujian Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1982; disappeared, Mar 1982.

Xirao Jiacuo

* 1909 Hangzhou, Zhejiang Graduated from Philosophy Dpt, Yanjing Univ, 1932; curator, Xuehai Library in Guangzhou, 1934-35; prof., Beijing Central Univ, 1935-39; prof., Beijing Univ, 194041; worked successively as prof, at Franco-Chinese Univ and Beijing Univ, 1950 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Oct 1979; editor-in-chief of United News, 1980-83; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); vice-chm, Cultural and Historical Data Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jan 1991.

See Shirob Yaltso

Xoikang Tubadain Nyima

f l


Xu Biaojun


Alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; disappeared, Dec 1978.

Xu Bing

* 1921 Lhasa, Tibet deceased 1991, Jan 8 Belonged to Tibetan minority and used to be a feudal noble and an official of the fifth rank in Tibet Government, before 1950; vice-chm, Tibet Branch, Chinese Youth Fed, 1950-60; mem., Central Comte, CYL, May 1957; dpty sec., Tibet Work Comte, CYL, May 1959; ehm, Tibet Branch, Chinese Youth Fed, Aug 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Tibet Autonomous Region People's Congr, Apr 1983 (reelected Aug 1988) - death.

* 1899 Nangong County, Hebei deceased 1970 Born under the name of Xing Pingzhou into a wealthy gentry family. His father was a member of the Beijing parliament after the 1911 Revolution. After graduation in China, studied economics at Univ of Berlin, 1922-24; joined CCP while in Germany; furthered studies at Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen) Univ, Moscow, fall 1924-1927; went to work for CCP in Shandong Prov., 1927; soon arrested by provincial warlord Sun Liangcheng and held in prison, 1928-30; subsequently joined Communist underground in Shanghai and later in Beijing; in Beijing served also as prof., Northeast Univ (removed from Manchuria after Japanese invasion, 1931), 1936; translated Marx' Manifesto of the Communist Party and other works of Engels, Lenin and Stalin into Chinese, 1937-39; served as sec. to Zhou Enlai in Chonqing, 1940-45; sec., Communist del. at Beijing KMT-CCP Executive HQ, 1945-46; transferred to Shandong, 1946; vice-mayor, Jinan MPG, 1948 - Jan

Xu Biniti


1949; vice-mayor, Beijing MPG, Jan 1949-1950; attended 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949-Dec 1954; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1949 -Mar 1965; vice-min. of Personnel, Sep 1950 - Sep 1954; dpty secgen., CPPCC Natl Comte, May 1953-1954; visited Ν Korea, Oct-Dec 1953; mem., Natl Comte and sec-gen., 2nd CPPCC, Nov 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959); deputy for Shandong to 1st Ν PC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd NPC, May 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Jan 1965); deputy for Guizhou to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; vice-chm, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; dir., United Front Work Comte, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1965; head, song and dance troupe to several Afro-Asian countries, 1967 Mar 1968; disappeared, Mar 1968; Xu died of persecution from false charges. (XNA Mar 18,1979) Xu was married to Zhang Xiaomei.

Xu Binru ^ $ ^ * 1900 deceased 1990, May 24 Dir., Highway Bureau, Ν China People's Govt, 1948; dir., Highway Bureau, Min. of Communications, GAC, Oct 1949-1954; dir., Highway Bureau, Min. of Communications, SC, Oct 1954-1957; mem., China Peasants and Workers Democratic Party (CPWDP), May 1957; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, representing CPWDP, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); dir., Beijing Revolutionary Museum, Jul 1961 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); mem., Presidium, CPWDP, Aug 1978; vicechm, CPWDP, Oct 1979 - Nov 1988; hon. dir., Museum of Chinese Revolutionary History, Dec 1983; invited to 13th Congr of CCP, Oct 1987.

Xu Binzhou


when this min. was renamed 8th Min. of Machine Building, Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jul 1970; cadre, 1st Min. of Machine Building, Oct 1970; vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Feb 1972 - May 1982; head, del. to Pakistan to inaugurate China-aided foundry and forge at Taxila, Feb 1977; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Jul 1979 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983; to 7th, Apr 1988); disappeared, Jan 1991.

X u Boxin


* 1903 Sichuan deceased 1984, Mar 27 Manager, San Lian Book Co., merger of Shenguo, Dushu and Xinzhi Book Stores, 1930; dpty dir., Press and Publication Dpt, Shanghai Mil. Control Com, May 1949; delegate of China Assn for Promoting Democracy (CAPD) to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1954; to 3rd, Apr 1959 and to 4th, Dec 1964); mem., Central Comte, CDL, Dec 1949-Cult. Rev.; dpty dir., General Office, Publications Admin., GAC, Dec 1949-1952; dpty sec-gen., CAPD, Apr 1950 - Dec 1958; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jul 1958 and to 3rd, Oct 1964); dpty sec-gen., CPPCC, Dec 1954- Cult. Rev.; sec-gen., CAPD, Dec 1958 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Feb 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Sep 1972 (reelected to 5th, Apr 1979 and to 6th, Jun 1983); deputy for Sichuan to 5th, Feb 1978; dpty sec-gen., 5th CPPCC, Aug 19781983; vice-chm, CAPD, Aug 1978- death; vice-chm, Chinese Publishers' Assn, Mar 1980; disappeared, Nov 1983.

Xu Cai

* 1912 Hongan County, Hubei Cdr. of an independent brigade in Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Mil. Reg, 1944; dpty cdr., 6th Column, Ν China Field Army, 1947; cdr., 68th Corps, 20th Army under direct command of PLA HQ, Feb 1949; joined Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, Jul 1950; trained at a mil. inst., 1953; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dpty polit, commissar, Inst, of Mil. Affairs, Jun 1958; vice-min., Min. of Agricultural Machinery, Apr 1960; continued as vice-min.



Mem., Central Comte, CYL, Jul 1964; editor-in-chief, Sports Daily (Tiyu Bao), Jul 1978; acting pres., Sports


Press Assn, May 1979; mem., Nati Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; vice-min., Physical Culture and Sports Com, SC, May 1982 -Jun 1985; head, Chinese youth team to the World Youth Soccer Championships in Mexico, May 1983; pres., China Sports Press Assn, Sep 1983; vice-chm, Martial Arts (Wushu) Assn, Aug 1984; head, sports del. to Romania and Czechoslovakia, Sep 1984; head, sports del. to Ν Korea, Nov 1984; vice-pres., Chinese Sports Fed, Mar 1986; director, Chinese Wushu Research Inst., Jun 1986; disappeared, Jun 1986.

Xu Changyu # & & Maj-gen., Oct 1958; vice-min., 3rd Min. of Machine Building, Mar 1979- Jan 1982; dir., Aeronautical Research Inst., Apr 1980; adviser, 3rd Min. of Machine Building, Jan 1982; disappeared, Jan 1982.

X u Chi Dir., Planning Dpt, Min. of Heavy Ind., Mar 1950 - Feb 1955; asst min., Min. of Heavy Ind., Feb 1955 - May 1956; asst min., Min. of Metallurgical Ind., Jun 1957 Sep 1959; vice-min., Min. of Metallurgical Ind., Sep 1959-1966; vice-chm, Sichuan Prov. Rev Comte, May 1968 - Feb 1978; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and to 11th CC, Aug 1977); sec., Sichuan CP, Aug 1971 - Feb 1978; vicemin. of Metallurgical Ind., Apr 1978; vice-pres., China Metallurgical Society, Aug 1978; head, metallurgical del. to Canada, U.S.A., Mexico, Aug 1978; vice-min., State Com for Machine Building Ind., Aug 1980; mem., govt del. to Canada and U.S.A., Aug 1980; disappeared, Aug 1980.

Xu Chonglin




* 1906 Jiang'an County, Sichuan Graduated from Engineering Dpt, Beijing Univ, 1931; dir., Dacheng Tannery in Chongqing, 1941-49; mem., SW Admin. Comte, 1953-54; vice-chm, Sichuan Prov. Branch of CPPCC, 1956 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again vice-chm, Sichuan Branch of CPPCC, Dec 1977; vicechm, Sichuan Branch, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Feb 1980-1985; deputy for Sichuan to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); vice-chm, CDNCA, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.

Xu Chubo

Xu Chongqing * 1892 Panyu County, Guangdong Studied at Imperial Univ, Tokyo, specializing in philosophy and education; after graduation studied at Graduate School of same univ, specializing in educational research; participated in 1911 Revolution; until 1948 served successively as: dir., Education Bureau, Guangzhou Municipality; mem., Educational Admin. Comte, Natl Govt; dir., Dpt of Education, Guangdong Prov. Govt (GPG); dir., Finance Dpt, GPG; dir., Civil Affairs Dpt, GPG; pres., Natl Sun Yat-sen Univ in Guangzhou; went over to the Communists together with Zheng Qian, 1949; made pres. of Sun Yat-sen Univ, 1949- Cult. Rev.; mem., Guangzhou MPG, Feb 1950- Jan 1955; mem., Guangdong PPG, Jan 1952; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, 1952; mem., Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; vice-chm, Cultural and Educational Comte, Guangdong PPG, May 1954; deputy for Guangzhou to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; ehm, Guangzhou Branch, China Assn for Promoting Democracy, Aug 1954; vice-chm, Guangzhou Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, China Assn for Promoting Democracy, Aug 1956; vice-chm, Guangdong Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1957 - Dec 1963; deputy for Guangdong to 2nd NPC, Sep 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, CDL, Dec 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; vice-chm, Guangdong Branch, Society of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Mar 1960; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Nov 1961 - Cult. Rev.; ehm, Guangdong Branch, CDL, Jan 1962; ehm, Guangzhou Branch, China Assn for Promoting Democracy, Jan 1962; mem., Budget Comte, 3rd NPC, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Aug 1966.

XuChuan t f jll * 1930 deceased 1991, Mar 6 Mem., Stand. Comte, Sichuan Prov. CP and dir. of its Propaganda Dpt, Jun 1983-1990; editor-in-chief, Sichuan Ribao, Jul 1984; vice-chm, Chinese Journalists' Assn, Jan 1991 - death.

Xu Chubo fà £ i t * 1896 Wei County, Hebei deceased 1982, Jul 10 Graduated from History and Geography Dpt, Zhili Normal College; served successively until 1949 as: dir., Education Bureau in his home county; teacher of Sino-Japanese Middle School in Tianjin; teacher at Girls Middle School attached to Beijing Normal Univ; teacher at Hebei High School and at Beijing Municipal No. 1 Middle School; delegate of Beijing and Tianjin to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; principal, Beijing No. 1 Middle School, Dec 1949; mem., Beijing MPG, Dec 1949; delegate of educational circles to 2nd CPPCC, Sep 1954; mem., Beijing MPC, Feb 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, China Assn for Promoting Democracy (CAPD), Aug 1956 - Cult. Rev.; delegate of CAPD to 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec


Xu Daben

1964); head, Cultural and Educational Section, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Nov 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, May 1973 (reelected to 5th CPPCC, Apr 1978); mem., Stand. Comte, CAPD, Aug 1978 - death.

Xu Daben



Dpty dir., State Enterprises Dpt, Ν China People's Govt, Sep 1948 - Oct 1949; vice-min. of Fuel Ind., Jul 1953 Jul 1955; vice-min. of Coal Ind., Aug 1955 - Oct 1964; mem., Presidium, TU for Coal Mine Workers, Aug 1955; vice-min. of Agricultural Machinery, Oct 1964 - Jan 1965; vice-min., 8th Min. of Machine-Building Ind., Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Apr 1972; disappeared, Apr 1972.

Xu Daoqi



* 1914 deceased 1989, Dec 22 Dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Comte, Hubei Prov., Jul 1953-1956; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, Central-S Admin. Comte, Jul 1953 - Sep 1954; sec., Hubei CP, Feb 1956 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Preparatory Comte, Wuhan Branch, CAS, Jan 1958; mem., CCP del. to Poland (head: Bo Yibo), May 1960; deputy for Hubei to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; head, Cult. Rev. Group of Hubei CP, Sep 1966; branded a supporter of Liu Shaoqi and purged, Feb 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Hubei Rev Comte, Jan 1978 - Dec 1979; sec., Hubei CP, Apr 1979- Mar 1983; mem., Natl Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; ehm, Hubei Branch, CPPCC, Jan 1980; hon. pres., Hubei Research Society on the New 4th Army, Mar 1982; ehm, Advisory Com, Hubei CP, Dec 1983 Dec 1988.

Xu Deheng


journals Revolutionary Review and Man Vanguard which were banned after rift between KMT and CCP, 1927; prof, of Beijing Univ and strong advocate of resistance against Japanese following "Incident of Sep 18", 1931; after outbreak of Sino-Japanese War founded school in home prov. for training mil. and polit, cadres, 1937; together with friends founded Democracy and Science Society (DSS) when he was mem., People's Polit. Council under Nationalist Govt, 1944; after end of Sino-Japanese War DSS was renamed Jiusan (Sep 3) Society (JSS), 1945; returned to Beijing Univ, 1945; mem., 4th People's Polit. Council, Nationalist Govt, Jul 1947; organized celebration at Tiananmen and gave welcoming speech for Communist forces entering Beijing, Jan 1949; together with Guo Momo sent by Communists to World Peace Conf., Apr 1949; mem., Stand. Comte of reorganized Beijing Univ, May 1949-1952; delegate of JSS to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Natl Comte, CPPCC, Sep 1949-Jun 1953; mem., Polit, and Legal Comte, G AC, Oct 1949 - Oct 1954; vicechm, Legal Affairs Comte, G AC, Oct 1949 - Oct 1954; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1949 - Jul 1958; ehm, JSS, Dec 1949-Dec 1987; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, Feb 1953 (reelected to 2nd, Feb 1954 and 3rd, Apr 1959); deputy for Jiangxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jun 1958; to 3rd, Dec 1964; to 4th, Jan 1975); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 - Jun 1956; delegate to World Peace Conf., Stockholm, Nov 1954; min. of Aquatic Products, May 1956 - Cult. Rev.; head, del. to World Peace Conf., Pyongyang, Aug 1958; vice-chm, CPPCC, Jan 1965 - Jun 1983; vice-chm, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978, and to 6th, May 1983) - Apr 1988; deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); joined CCP, Apr 1979; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; invited to 13th Congr of CCP, Oct 1987; hon. ehm, JSS, Jan 1988. Publication: Xu translated Karl Marx's The Poverty of Philosophy.


X u Dixin

* 1890 Jiujiang County, Jiangxi deceased 1990, Feb 8 Participated in Rev of 1911 and expedition against Yuan Shikai; studied at Beijing Univ and as a student later took a major part in May 4th Movement, 1919; after graduation went to Europe to study sociology and economics at univ of Paris and London; returned to China, 1924; lectured at various universities and gained reputation of a leftist prof. ; together with other members of the KMT left wing edited




* 1902 Jieyang County, Guangdong deceased 1988, Feb 8 Joined CYL as a student at Guangzhou Sun Yat-sen Univ, 1925; dismissed from univ after Nanchang Uprising, Aug 1927; primary school teacher, Shantou (Swatou), 1927; several attempts to complete studies at Xiamen and Fudan Univ failed; eventually graduated from Shanghai Inst, of Economics, 1933; worked in Communist underground in


Shanghai, 1934-35; arrested 1935 and only released after outbreak of Sino-Japanese War and a new united front between CCP and KMT, 1937; after initially working for Xinhua Ribao (New China) published in Hankou (now part of Wuhan), for the remaining war period engaged in united front work in Hankou, Chongqing, Nanjing and Shanghai, 1937-45; vice-ehm, Financial and Economic Affairs Comte, E China Mil. Reg, Sep 1949; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Affairs Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jan 1950 - Jan 1953; dir., Bureau of Ind. and Commerce, Shanghai MPG, Jan 1950 - Nov 1954; supervisor, representing public shares, Bank of China, Mar 1950; mem., Shanghai MPG, Dec 1950 - Jun 1954; mem., Council for Promotion of Intl Trade, May 1952; vice-chm, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Dec 1953 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Jun 1954; dpty dir., 8th Admin. Office. SC, Oct 1954 - Sep 1959; dir., Central Admin, of Ind. and Commerce, Nov 1954-1959; supervisor, Bank of China, Dec 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, China Democratic Natl Construction Assn, Apr 1955; mem., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1956 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Guangdong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first reappearance, 1975; deputy for Guangdong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); dir., Inst, of Economics, CASS, May 1978-1985; head, del. of academics to 26th Conf. of the European Assn of Chinese Studies, Rome, Aug 1978; vice-pres., CASS, Nov 1978-1982; hon. pres., China Society of Foreign Economic Theories, Oct 1979; hon. pres., China Insurance Society, Dec 1979; head, economic del. to Hong Kong, Mar 1980; adviser, China Society of World Economics, Apr 1980; pres., Population Science Society, Feb 1981; head, economic del. to Great Britain, May 1981; pres., Das Kapital (by Marx) Research Society, Dec 1981; mem., Chinese Comte, Council of Chinese and Japanese Non-governmental Personages, Sep 1982; adviser to CASS, Jan 1983; mem., Nationalities Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 - Apr 1986; mem., social science del. to Hong Kong, Sep 1983; pres. Shantou Univ, Jan 1984-1986; pres., Society of Ecological Economics, Feb 1984; head, del. to meeting of Asian Parliamentarians on Population, Tokyo, Feb 1985; mem., Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986. Publications: On Economy (1947), On the Collapse of Chinese Economy (1947), The Birth of New China (1947), The Road for China's Economy (1949), A Brief History on Economism, (1950); On Bureaucratic Capital (1951), Analysis on China's Natl Economy During the Transition Period (1957).

Xu Feiqing

Xu Fangchun

* 1921 Yibo City, Shandong Joined 8th Route Army, 1938; served successively in Shandong Column and NE Democratic United Army, 1941-47; cdr. of a regiment in 4th Field Army, 1949; cdr. of a PLA div., 1951-53; graduation from PLA Mil. Academy, 1954; served successively as cdr. of a div. and dpty dir., Operational Dpt, PLA General Staff, 1955-69; dpty cdr., Hunan Mil. Distr, Aug 1973; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988); dpty cdr., Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Nov 1982- Jun 1985; vice-pres., PLA National Defense Univ, Feb 1986; made ltn-gen., Sep 1988; disappeared, Sep 1988.

Xu Feiqing

ίφ 1 -fr

* 1921 Ba County, Hebei Served in 1st Column, Central Plains Mil. Reg, 1945-46; dpty magistrate, Yunfang County, 1948-49; cadre, Finance Dpt, Central-S Mil. Reg, 1950-53; cadre in dpt of Min. of Finance, 1953-60; dpty dir., Finance and Trade Office, NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1960 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-mayor of Xi'an Municipality, 1977-79; dir., Finance Dpt, Gansu PPG, Jul 1980; vicegov., Gansu PPG, Mar 1983-1985; vice-chm, Gansu PPC, May 1985; ehm, Gansu PPC, Feb 1988 - Jan 1993; head, gov.s' del. to Austria, Dec 1990; deputy for Gansu to 8th NPC, Mar 1993; disappeared, Nov 1994.


Xu Guangda

Xu Guangda

t f


ì à

* 1908 Changsha, Hunan deceased 1969 Born under the name of Xu Dehua; also known as Xu Hao; graduated from 2nd class, Whampoa Mil. Academy, 1924; rose from company to batallion cdr., 2nd Front Army, Nationalist Army under Zhang Fakui, 1925-26; participated in Nanchang Uprising, Aug 1927; wounded in battle at Sanheba, Oct 1927; some time later went to Moscow and studied at Oriental Univ; dean in Education, Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1938; dir., Intellegence Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1940; cdr., 2nd Independent Brigade, 120tb Div., 8th Route Army, 1942; cdr., 2nd Subdistr, Shanxi-Suiyuan Mil. Reg, 1942; cdr., Yanmen Mil. Distr, 1943; cdr., 109th Div., 18th Red Army Corps, 1945; served with rank of maj-gen. as head of CCP Section, 29th Mil. Mediation Subcomte at Benxi, 1946; commanded mil. activities in Taiyuan-Dadong area, 1947; cdr., 3rd Column, Shanxi-Suiyuan Mil. Distr, 1947; cdr., NW PLA, 1948; cdr., 2nd Army Group, 1st Field Army, 1949; mem., NW Mil. and Admin. Council, Dec 1949- Sep 1951; cdr., PLA Armored Forces, Aug 1952-1966; deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954; made army general and awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956- Jan 1967; mem., mil. del. to USSR (head: Peng Dehuai), Nov 1957; vice-min. of Natl Defense, Sep 1959 - Jan 1967; head, friendship del. to USSR, Sep 1960; head, mil. del. to PR Mongolia, Mar 1961; head, govt del. to Algeria, Oct 1962; head, mil. del. to USSR, May 1965; head, mil. del. to Albania, Jul 1966; charged of having followed He Long's anti-Party activities, Jan 1967; placed under struggle, Sep 1967; died in prison. Xu was married to Zou Jinghua.

X u G u a n g p i n g (f)

ifr Γ

- f

Soon after birth her parents engaged her to be married to a son of a corrupt and conservative family; dissatisfied with engagement, left home and went to study at Beijing Girls Normal College; while at college, ehm of its Students Union; led a student movement to oust the principal, and was suspended from school, May 1925; upon graduation, married Lu Xun, then prof, at Beijing Girls Normal College; instructor, Guangzhou Women Normal School, 1926; went with Lu Xun to Shanghai, Sep 1927; gave birth to son Zhou Haiying, 1928; organized the Recovery Society, Shanghai, 1935; husband Lu Xun died, 1936; arrested and tortured by Japanese army for underground activities, 1937; editor-in-chief, Shanghai Women's SemiMonthly, 1938; together with Mao Xulun, Wang Shao'ao and Zhou Jianren organized China Assn for Promoting Democracy (CAPD) and became mem. of its Stand. Comte, 1945; vice-chm, China Democratic Women's Fed (CDWF), Mar 1949- Apr 1953; council mem., Fed of Literary and An Circles (FLAC), Jul 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954; to 3rd, Apr 1959 and to 4th, Dec 1964); dpty secgen., G AC, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; mem., del. to USSR to participate in celebration of October Rev, Oct 1949; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1949; executive sec., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949-1954; mem., Central Comte, CAPD, Apr 1950 - Feb 1956; council mem., Women's Intl Democratic Fed, 1950; mem., Comte for Implementing Marriage Law, G AC, Jan 1953; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, by-elected Feb 1953 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954; to 3rd, Apr 1959 and to 4th, Jan 1965); vice-chm, CDWF, Apr 1953 -Sep 1957; dir., Literary Foundation Comte, Chinese Writers' Assn, Oct 1953-1956; head, women's del. to USSR, Oct 1953; deputy for Guangzhou to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959, and to 3rd, Jan 1965); head, Zhejiang Opera Troupe to German Democratic Republic, Jun 1955; head, del. to World Conf. for Prohibiting Use of Atomic Bombs, Nagasaki, Japan, Aug 1956; vice-chm, Central Comte, CAPD, Sep 1956 - death; vice-chm, China Women's Fed, Sep 1957 - death; visited USSR, Oct 1957; mem., Stand. Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Jul 1958 - death; mem., del. to Conf. on Disarmament, Stockholm, Jul 1958; deputy for Guangdong to 2nd NPC, Sep 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-pres., China-Czechoslovakia Friendship Assn, Oct 1958; mem., del. to Afro-Asian Writers' Conf., Tashkent, Oct 1958; vice-pres., Sino-African People's Friendship Assn, Apr 1960; vice-chm, FLAC, Aug 1960 - death; head, women's del. to Japan, Mar 1961; mem., NPC del. to Ν Vietnam, Sep 1962.

Publications: A Comforting Souvenir; On Lu Xun's Life; A Memoir of Lu Xun.

* 1907 Panyu County, Guangdong

deceased 1968, Mar 3

Xu Guangxiao & J L f Asst min. of Culture, SC, May 1956 - Jan 1961; council mem., China-United Arab Republic Friendship Assn, Feb


1958; vice-min. of Culture, SC, Feb 1960 - Apr 1967; vice-pres., China-Bulgaria Friendship Assn, Jul 1961; head, cultural del. to Cuba, Sep 1963; accused of being a counterrevolutionary revisionist, Apr 1967; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Apr 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jan 1973; named a cadre of SC, May 1973; disappeared, May 1980.

Xu Guangyi




* 1916 Pingchang County, Sichuan Joined Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, 1932; took part in Long March with 4th Front Army, 1935-36; studied at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1937; polit, commissar, Eastern Column, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938; head, Cadre Education Section, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1939-40; served in Polit. Dpt, SHebei Mil. Distr, 1942-45; dir., Cadres Detachment, 2nd Field Army, 1947-48; dir., Logistics Dpt in a corps of 2nd Field Army, 1949-50; dir., People's Armed Forces Dpt, SW Mil. Reg, 1951-54; cos, Logistics Dpt, SW Mil. Reg, 1954-55; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; cos, Logistics Dpt, PLA General Staff, 1956-64; vice-min., Min. of Geology, 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); vice-min., Com for Science, Technology and Ind. for Natl Defense, 1975-80; dpty dir., Logistics Dpt, PLA General Staff, 1980-85; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Jan 1991.

Xu Haidong

1938; cdr., 4th Detachment, 359th Brigade which went southward to resist the Japanese, 1945; cdr., 5th Brigade, 2nd Column, NW Field Army, 1948; cdr., 5th Div., 6th Army, taking part in the occupation of Xinjiang, 1949; dpty cdr., 2nd Army, 1950; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., S Xinjiang Mil. Distr, 1956; dpty cdr., Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Apr 1960-1973; 1st dpty cdr., Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Jul 1973-1975; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dpty cdr., PLA Engineering Corps, Jul 1973; disappeared, May 1980.

Xu Guozhen % © & * 1905 Shaanxi Joined Red Army, 1927; battalion cdr., 6th Regiment, 2nd Brigade under Joint Defense Army of Five Provinces including Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia, 1944; cdr., E Shaanxi Mil. Distr, 1947; cdr., 11th Div., 4th Column, NW Field Army, 1948; dpty cdr., 4th Army, 1st Field Army, 1949; dpty cdr., Gansu Mil. Distr, 1950; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; cdr., Gansu Mil. Distr, 1956; mem., Gansu PPG, Oct 1958; dpty cdr., Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Aug 1964-1970; mem., Rev Comte, Gansu Prov., Jan 1968; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Gansu Prov., Apr 1969-1975; mem., Stand. Comte, Gansu CP, Oct 1974; disappeared, Nov 1976.

Xu Guozhi # © & Vice-pres., China Society of Operations Research, May 1980; research fellow, Inst, of Systems Science, CAS, May 1980; dpty dir., Inst, of Systems Science, CAS, 1982; Xu was among 42 intellectuals who signed an open letter to China's leadership, asking for democratization, freedom of speech, release of polit, prisoners and increased funding of education, Mar 1989; dir., Inst, of Systems Science, CAS, Apr 1989; disappeared, Apr 1989.

Xu Haidong Xu Guofu # @ A Cdr., 9th Div., 3rd Column, NE Democratic Allied Army, 1947; cdr., 120th Div., 40th Army, 4th Field Army, Feb 1949; participated in battle of Hainan, spring 1950; entered into Korean War, Oct 1950; cos, 40th Army, 1951; encountered British forces on west front, 1952; encountered U.S. and Turkey forces on west front, 1953; after Korean War entered mil. college for training; after graduation made dpty cdr., 40th Army and later promoted to cdr.; dpty cdr., Wuhan Mil. Reg, Oct 1967; mem., Rev Comte, Hubei Prov., Feb 1968; leading military, Wuhan Mil. Reg, Apr 1976 - Jan 1982; disappeared, Jan 1982.

Xu Guoxian © t Dpty cdr., 718th Regiment, 359th Brigade, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, Aug 1937; cdr. of the said regiment,




* 1900 Dawu County, Hubei deceased 1970, Mar 25 After 4 years of primary school became apprentice in porcelain factory, 1910; joined army, 1922; joined CCP, 1925; participated in Huang'an Uprising, 1927; successively organized 25th Red Army, of which he was cdr., 1927; led uprisings in Henan-Hubei-Anhui border area, 1928; organized 32nd Red Div. in Henan, 1930; joined forces with Xu Xiangqian's 31st Div. to form 4th Red


Xu Jianchun (f)

Frot Army, 1931; when main forces of 4th Red Front Army left Hubei-Henan-Anhui border area and marched to Sichuan, remained with 25th Red Army, fall 1932; led his units to W Anhui, 1933; cdr., 2nd Vanguard of ResistJapan Red Army (renamed from 25th Red Army), 1934; led 25th Red Army to Shaanxi Prov., 1935; joined forces with 26th and 27th Red Armies and formed 15 th Red Army Corps with himself as cdr., Sep 1935; cdr., 344th Brigade, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937-38; dpty cdr., North of Yangtze HQ and mem., Central Mil. Council, 1939; cdr., Shandong-Jiangsu-Henan Mil. Reg, 1944; dpty cdr., 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1945; dpty head, Mil. Liaison Office in PR Mongolia, winter 1946; mem., People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, Jun 1954; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954-1967; made army general and awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956. Remarks: During the Communist Revolution Xu had been wounded eight times. The Beijing Dagong Bao reported on Aug 1st, 1957 that Xu had been bed-ridden for 18 years - Beijing Radio reported on Jan 23rd, 1979 that "Lin Biao and the "Gang of Four' forced Xu to leave Beijing for Zhengzhou..., and ordered their sworn followers in Henan to put him to death. "

Xu Jianchun (f)


Xu Jianguo


* Hubei Mem., CCP Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Region Comte, 1943; dir., Security Dpt, Ν China People's Govt, Oct 1948; dir., Public Security Bureau, Tianjin MPG, Jan 1949 - May 1952; mem., Supreme People's Procuratorate, Oct 1949- Sep 1954; pres., People's Procuracy, Tianjin Municipality, Sep 1950 - May 1952; vice-mayor, Tianjin MPG, Jan 1951 - May 1952; dir., Public Security Bureau, E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; pres., People's Procuracy, Shanghai Municipality, Sep 1952-1956; vice-mayor, Shanghai MPG, Jun 1953-1959; vice-min. of Public Security, Sep 1954 - Jan 1959; sec., CCP Comte, Shanghai Municipality, Oct 1956 - Apr 1959; ambassador to Romania, Apr 1959 - Jan 1964; ambassador to Albania, Aug 1964 - Jan 1967; arrested by Red Guards, Apr 1968; disappeared, Apr 1968.

Xu Jiansheng

* 1935 Ye County, Shandong As an intellectual youth Xu went to the countryside, 1951; awarded title of Natl Model Worker, 1954; mem., Central Comte, CYL, Sep 1956 (reelected Jul 1964); head, Xiyu People's Commune in Yi County, Shandong Prov., Jul 1958; deputy for Shandong to 2nd NPC, Mar 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-chm, All-China Youth Fed, Jan 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Shandong Prov. Branch, CYL, Jun 1973-1980; mem., Stand. Comte, Shandong Prov. CP, Jun 1973-1980; vice-chm, Shandong PPC, Dec 1979 (reelected Apr 1983); disappeared, Jan 1992.


S" ^

Sec-gen., New China News Agency, 1948; sec-gen., Guizhou PPG, Jun 1950; dir., United Front Work Dpt, Guizhou CP, Jun 1954; deputy for Guizhou to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958, and to 3rd, Oct 1964); vice-gov., Guizhou PPG, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Guizhou CP, Nov 1956; sec., Guizhou CP, Oct 1961 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jul 1972; cadre of a dpt under CCP Central Comte, Oct 1973-1976; dpty sec., Guizhou CP, Dec 1977 - Mar 1983; 1st sec., Guiyang Municipality CP, Dec 1977-1980; ehm, Guizhou PPC, Jan 1980 - Apr 1983; deputy for Guizhou to 5th NPC, by-elected Aug 1980 (reelected to 6th, May 1983 and to 7th, Mar 1988); disappeared, Mar 1988.

Xu Jiatun

if %

* 1916 Rugao County, Jiangsu


Joined CCP, 1938; served successively as CCP sec. in various counties, polit, commissar in subarea of Jiangsu Mil. Distr and polit, commissar of a div. under PLA 29th Army, 1938-49; sec., Fuzhou Municipality CP, 1950; sec., Nanjing Municipality CP, 1954; dpty sec., Jiangsu Prov. CP, Jul 1955; sec. Jiangsu Prov. CP, Oct 1956 Cult. Rev.; pres., Jiangsu Prov. Branch, CAS, Jul 1958; vice-gov., Jiangsu PPG, Oct 1958 - Cult. Rev.; during Cult. Rev. branded a revisionist and purged, Mar 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte of Jiangsu Prov., Dec 1970 - Mar 1977; sec., Jiangsu Prov. CP, Sep 1975 - Mar 1977; 1st sec., Jiangsu Prov. CP, Mar 1977 - Apr 1983; ehm, Rev Comte of Jiangsu Prov., Mar 1977 - Dec 1979; 1st polit, commissar, Jiangsu Mil. Distr, Mar 1977 - Apr 1983; article in HQ Jul 1977, "A Party comte should be a promotion comte"; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985); head, Party workers' del. to Romania, Oct 1977; dir., Party School, Jiangsu Prov., Oct 1977; deputy for Jiangsu to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); mem., govt del. to Japan (head: Gu Mu), Sep 1979; head, Jiangsu friendship del. to Australia, Nov 1979; ehm, Jiangsu PPC, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; article in RMRB Apr 16, 1980, "The most fundamental guiding principles for inner-Party polit, life"; 1st sec., Party Comte, Jiangsu Mil. Distr, Feb 1982-1983; 1st dir., Hong Kong Bureau of XNA, Jun 1983 - Jan 1990; resigned as mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); mem., Presidium, 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; deputy for Guangdong to 7th NPC, Jan 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1988; visited U.S.A., Aug 1988; left PRC for U.S.A., Apr 1990; removed from his positions in NPC for leaving PRC on his own accord, Feb 1991; expelled from CCP and removed from Central Advisory Com under CCP Central Comte, Mar 1991; resided in Los Angeles, Jul 1991.

Xu Jie

i ^ t ¿fe

Xu Jinqiang

hui to 1st NPC (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964); dpty dir., Dpt of Biology and Earth Sciences, CAS, May 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, CDL, Feb 1956; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Mar 1956-1957; mem., scientific and technological del. to USSR, Nov 1957; hon. member, Paleontology Society of USSR, Sep 1958; pres., Academy of Geological Sciences, Aug 1959; head, govt del. to Tanzania, Feb 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: cadre, State Bureau of Geology, May 1973; head, geological del. to Federal Republic of Germany, May 1973; head, geological del. to Romania, Jul 1977; acting pres., Chinese Geology Society, Jul 1977 - Oct 1979; deputy for Anhui to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); dpty dir., State Geological Bureau, Apr 1979-1983; vice-pres., Chinese Geology Society, Oct 1979; adviser, Min. of Geology, Apr 1981; mem., Credentials Comte, 6th NPC, Mar 1984; visited Federal Republic of Germany and awarded the Leopold von Buch Prize by the German Geologic Assn, Sep 1985; mem., Dpt of Earth Sciences, CAS, Oct 1985; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1986; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1987; disappeared, May 1987.

Xu Jingxian

Mem., Stand. Comte, Shanghai Rev Comte, Aug 1967; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th, Aug 1973); vice-chm, Shanghai Rev Comte, May 1970-1976; sec., Shanghai CP, Jan 1971-1976; head, Shanghai Dance Drama Troupe to Ν Korea, Apr 1972; disappeared, Oct 1976; together with "Gang of Four" sentenced to 18 years imprisonment, Aug 1982.

Xu Jinqiang * 1900 Tiantai County, Zhejiang Graduated from Imperial Uni ν in Tokyo; successively held following posts until 1949: editor-in-chief of South Seas Masses News in Malaya, prof, at New China Arts College in Shanghai and prof, at Zhongshan Univ in Guangzhou; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; pres., Anhui Univ, 1951; vice-chm, Anhui PPG, Aug 1952 - Feb 1955; vicemin. of Geology, Jun 1954 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for An-


deceased 1976, Jul 21 Dpty dir., General Bureau of Petroleum, Min. of Fuel Ind., Aug 1950; asst min. of Petroleum Ind., May 1956 Sep 1959; dir., Lanzhou Oil Refinery, Oct 1958-1963; vice-min. of Petroleum Ind., Mar 1963-1968; acting min. of Chemical Ind., Nov 1968; vice-min. of Fuel and Chemical Ind., Jun 1971-1974; head, chemical del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1971; head, chemical ind. del. to Federal Republic of Germany, Jim 1974; min. of Coal Ind., Jan 1975 - death. Xu was married to Tang Yalan.


Xu Kongrang

Xu Kongrang


* 1933 Gushi County, Henan Office sec. in Org. Dpt of Beijing CP, 1950-53; cadre, Industrial Dpt, Beijing CP, 1953-65; dpty dir., Beijing Watch Factory, 1965-74; dir., Beijing Camera Plant, 1974-78; sec. of an office in General Office, Beijing MPG, 1978-81; office dir. in Polit. Science and Law Com, Beijing CP, 1982-84; adviser, NPC del. to Japan (head: Peng Zhen), Apr 1985: sec-gen., Polit, and Law Com, CCP Central Comte, May 1985 - Sep 1988; dpty sec., NPC Stand. Comte, Mar 1986; disappeared, May 1992,


and later in 4th Field Army, 1947-50; polit, commissar of a regiment, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951-52; dir. of a Polit. Dpt in a div. of a PLA Air Force, 1953-59; polit, commissar of a div. and then of a corps of PLA Air Force, 1960-74; dpty polit, commissar, Air Force of a Mil. Reg, 1974-75; dpty polit, commissar, PLA Air Force, Oct 1978 - Dec 1988; made ltn-gen., Sep 1988; disappeared, Dec 1988.

X u Leijian




Mem., Executive Council, All-China Fed of TU, 1963; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Shandong Prov., May 1977 - Mar 1983; mem., Natl Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; vice-gov., Shandong PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Shandong PPC, Apr 1983-1988; deputy for Shandong to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.

X u L i n g r e n (f)


& &

Vice-chm, Chinese Students' Fed, Sep 1960; head, students' del. to Egypt, Feb 1961; head, del. to congr. of Palestine students in Gaza, Oct 1962; head, friendship del. to Algeria, Nov 1962; head, students' del. to Romania, Aug 1963; alt. mem., Central Comte, CYL, Jul 1964; mem., China Afro-Asian Solidarity del. to Ghana, May 1965; sec-gen., Chinese Students' Fed, Jun 1965; head, students' del. to France, Aug 1965; head, youth del. to Guinea, Sep 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., May 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty dir., Inst, of Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, CASS, Nov 1983; head, academic study group to USSR, Nov 1983; head, scientific del. to Poland, Nov 1984; dir., Inst, of Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, CASS, May 1985; mem., Foreign Affairs Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; pres., Chinese Society of Soviet and East European Studies, May 1991; disappeared, May 1991.

* 1929 Taicang County, Jiangsu Graduation from Beijing Agricultural Univ, 1951; completed postgraduate studies at Nanjing Agricultural College, 1953; started grassland research in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), 1953; mem., Stand. Comte, IMAR CP, Mar 1983; associate prof., IMAR Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Inst., Apr 1983; vice-chm, People's Congr of IMAR, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1989.

Xu Liqing

j z . yfr

Xu Lefu

* 1922 Linqu County, Shandong Joined 8th Route Army, 1938; studied at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1940-41; polit, instructor, New 4th Army, 1942-46; polit, cadre, NE Allied Army

* 1910 Jinzhai County, Anhui deceased 1983, Jan 6 Studied at Nankai Univ in Tianjin; joined Red Army, 1929, and CCP, 1930; probably participated in Long March, 1934-35; served in Polit. Dpt, 3rd Army, 1st Red Front Army, 1936; studied at Yan'an Party School, 193839; polit, work in 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1940; polit, commissar, New 4th Army, 1942; cdr., 5th Div.,


1st Army Group, 1st Field Army, Feb 1949; dir., Polit. Dpt, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Oct 1949; dpty sec., Xinjiang Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1949; dpty dir., Cadres Dpt, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, Aug 1952; deputy for PL A to 1st Ν PC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958 and to 3rd, Oct 1964); dpty dir., Cadres Dpt, PLA General Staff, Sep 1954; made ltn-gen. amd awarded orders "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", both 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; dpty dir., General Polit. Dpt, PLA General Staff, Aug 1963-1967; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd Ν PC, Jan 1965-1967; dpty dir., PLA Cult. Rev. Group, Jan 1967; purged Aug 1967; first reappearance: Jul 1973; reactivated in his position as mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Oct 1973; polit, commissar, Jinan Mil. Reg, Jan 1974-1976; dpty dir., General Polit. Dpt, PLA General Staff, Apr 1976-1979; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; 2nd polit, commissar, Chengdu Mil. Reg, Apr 1980 - Sep 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982.

Xu Maijin Dir., General Office, New China Daily News, Chongqing, 1938; mem., Cultural Affairs Comte, Beijing Mil. Control Com, May 1949; attended 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; dir., General Office, Press Admin, and concurrently dir., Broadcasting Admin. Bureau, GAC, Dec 1949 - Aug 1952; dir., General Office, Culture and Education Comte, GAC, Oct 1951 - Oct 1954; dpty sec-gen., Chinese Journalists' Assn, Sep 1954; dpty dir., Broadcasting Admin. Bureau, SC, Oct 1954- Sep 1959; dpty dir., 2nd Staff Office, SC, Jun 1957 - Sep 1959; dpty dir., General Office of Culture and Education, SC, Jun 1959 - Aug 1964; mem., Spare-time Education Comte, SC, Mar 1960; dpty dir., Cultural and Educational Section, 3rd CPPCC, Nov 1960; dir., Office of Culture and Education, SC, Aug 1964- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Jul 1979 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); adviser, Min. of Culture, Oct 1979; head of a Beijing Opera troupe to Canada, Oct 1979; adviser, Beijing Branch, Journalism Society, Feb 1980; disappeared, Jun 1983.

Xu Mengxia



* 1919 Guan County, Shandong

Xu Qihai

Dir., Polit. Dpt, 2nd Column, 10th Army of 2nd Field Army, 1948-49; dir., Org. Dpt, Sichuan Prov. CP, 195055; sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, May 1958 -Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Oct 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte. Sichuan Prov. CP, Feb 1973; 1st sec., Chengdu Municipality CP, Feb 1973; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Chengdu Municipality, Feb 1973; sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Jan 1976-1982; 1st sec., Chengdu Municipality CP, Jan 1976-1981; ehm, Chengdu Rev Comte, Jan 1976 -Dec 1979; 1st sec., Discipline Inspection Com, Sichuan Prov. CP, Feb 1979 - Feb 1983; head, friendship del. of Party workers to Romania, Aug 1981; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; mem., Stand. Comte, Sichuan Prov. CP and sec. of its Discipline Inspection Com, Feb 1983 - Jul 1985; ehm, Advisory Com, Sichuan Prov. CP, Jul 1985 (reelected Apr 1988); disappeared, Sep 1989.

Xu Pingyu



Mem., Govt Offices Production Management, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1952; sec-gen., Shanghai MPG, Aug 1953; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; mem., Shanghai MPC, Feb 1955; head, art troupe on visit to Europe, Jul 1956; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Shanghai CP, Mar 1958; head, Guangzhou opera troupe to Ν Vietnam, Feb 1959; dir., Cultural Bureau, Shanghai MPC, Mar 1959; vice-min. of Culture, Feb 1960- Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, China-Latin America Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; vice-pres., China-Africa Friendship Assn, Apr 1960; mem., Natl Comte, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Aug 1960; vice-pres., China-Bulgaria Friendship Assn, Sep 1961; head, cultural del. to Ν Korea, Dec 1962; head, cultural del. to Albania, Oct 1963; during Cult. Rev. accused of being a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Apr 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1975; disappeared, Jan 1979.

Xu Qihai



* 1911 Henan Born under the name of Xu Shaolin into a family of poor peasants; joined CYL and a local unit of peasant guerillas, 1928; this unit was reorganized into the 3rd Regiment, 3rd Div., 1st Red Army, 1930; participated in Long March, 1934-35; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; commandant Guangzhou Mil. and Athletic College, Mar 1962; mil. leader in Guangxi, Jul 1968; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte, Guangxi AR, Oct 1970 - Nov 1977; dpty cdr., Guangxi Mil. Distr, Jan 1971-1975; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Guangxi AR, Oct 1974-1978; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Guangxi AR, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; mem., Natl Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; vice-chm, People's Govt, Guangxi AR, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; pres., China Acrobatic Gymnastics Assn, Sep 1980; head, del. to 4th World Acrobatic Gymnastics Championships, Poznan in Poland, Sep 1980; disappeared, Apr 1983.


Xu Qiwen

Xu Qiwen

Xu Shaofu

^ ^

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* 1910 deceased 1977, Jan 13 Council mem., Hunan PPG, Mar 1950; dir., Public Security Dpt, Hunan PPG, Jul 1950; vice-gov., Hunan PPG, Feb 1955 - Jul 1958; sec., CCP Comte, Hunan Prov., Nov 1958 - Cult. Rev.; ehm, Hunan and Changsha Branches, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Jan 1964; deputy for Hunan to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Dec 1966; no reappearance, but his death was mentioned by Changsha Radio, 18 Jan 1977.

Xu Qixiao



* 1912 Macheng County, Hubei Joined Red Army, 1929; platoon leader of a company in 1st Red Front Army, 1930; head of a company, 25th Army, 1935; cdr. of a battalion, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; dpty cdr., 11th Brigade, Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army, 1947; concurrently cdr. of W Henan Mil. Distr, 1948; took part in battle at Lake Huai, fall 1948; cdr., 43rd Div., 2nd Field Army, Feb 1949, which finally occupied Yunnan Prov., 1950; underwent mil. training, 1951; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cos, Kunming Mil. Reg, Aug 1964; dpty cdr., Kunming Mil. Reg, Nov 1966-1982; deputy for PLA to the 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; disappeared, Nov 1987.

Xu Sen

Sec., Shenyang Municipality CP, Sep 1956; alt. sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, Oct 1962 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 - Sep 1982; sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, May 1979 - Jun 1985; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; ehm, Liaoning Prov. Branch of CPPCC, Jul 1985 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Mar 1992.

Xu Shenji



* 1923 Hanjiang County, Jiangsu deceased 1991, May 31 Served in S Shandong Mil. Distr, 1947; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Jinan City CP, 1955-65; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Shandong Prov. CP, 1966-67; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., 1973; served successively as sec-gen. and dir., Research Office, Shandong CP, 1973-79; sec-gen., Shandong CP, 1984-86; vice-chm, Shandong PPC, May 1986 - death.

* 1901 Hongan County, Hubei Joined Red Army, 1930 and CCP, 1931; cdr. of a regiment, 4th Red Front Army, 1932; cdr., 92nd Div., 31st Red Army, summer 1933; engaged in battles in Sichuan and Xigang Provinces with outstanding combat records, 1934-36; followed Zhang Guotao to Yan'nan, winter 1936; cdr., 771st Regiment, 386th Brigade, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, Aug 1937; his troops suffered heavy losses in battle at Nianzuguan against Japanese forces, Nov 1937; participated in "Battle of One Hundred Regiments" against Japanese, 1940; studied at Yan'an Party School, 1941; dpty cdr., New 4th Brigade, 1942-45; cdr., New 4th Brigade, 1945-48; dpty cdr., 1st Column, 3rd Field Army, 1948; cdr., 66th Army, Ν China Field Army, Feb 1949; transferred to PLA Air Force, 1950; cdr., Air Force, Ν China Mil. Reg, Jul 1950; led his Air Force Units into Korean War, 1951-53; made ltn-gen. and awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; dpty cdr., PLA Air Force, Jul 1956-1966; purged together with two other dpty cdrs. of PLA Air Force, Cheng Jun and Liu Cheng after the so-called "Anti-Mao Incident" in the Air Force, Jan 1967; first reappearance, Sep 1974; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 (reelected Sep 1982) - Sep 1985; disappeared, Sep 1986.


Xu Shijie

Xu Shiyou fö-tit ¿L


* 1920 Chenghai County, Guangdong

deceased 1991, Jul 27 Joined CCP, 1937; dpty dir., Dpt of Agriculture and Forestry, Guangdong Prov. CP, 1963; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Hainan Admin. Reg, Guangdong, 1964; during Cult. Rev. forced to work in the countryside, 1966-70; sec., CCP Comte, Zhaoqing Prefecture, Guangdong, 1971; sec., Guangzhou Municipality CP, May 1983 - Nov 1986; vice-chm, Advisory Comte, Guangdong CP, Feb 1987; head, Preparatory Group for Establishment of Hainan Prov., Sep 1987; mem., CCP 13th Central Comte, Nov 1987 - death; deputy for Guangdong to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; sec., Party Comte, Hainan Mil. Distr, Jun 1988; ehm, Hainan PPC, Aug 1988 - death; sec., CCP Comte, Hainan Prov., Sep 1988 - Jul 1990. Xu was married to Pan Luanhui; four sons and two daughters.

Xu Shiping


Xu Shiyou


* 1925 Shuyang County, Jiangsu Cadre in battalion, Huai-Hai Mil. Distr, 1946-48; cadre in regiment, 3rd Field Army, 1948-49; polit, commissar of a fleet, PLA Navy, 1950-51; graduated from navy school in USSR, 1953; served in vessels of PLA Navy, starting as a captain, 1953-64; service in Mil. Training Dpt, PLA General Staff, 1965-69; cos of a fleet, PLA Navy, 1970-77; dpty commandant, PLA Navy Surface Vessel School, 1977-83; dir., Training Dpt, PLA Navy Academy, Oct 1983; dpty commandant, PLA Navy Academy for Commanding Officers, Nov 1986; appointed vice-admiral, Sep 1988; disappeared, Sep 1988.

* 1906 Xin County, Henan deceased 1985, Oct 22 Born into a poor peasant's family. From his 8th-16th year lived in famous Shaolin Temple where he cultivated wushu; began mil. career in forces of warlord Wu Peifu; joined Communist guerilla units under Xu Xiangqian, 1930; cdr., 34th Regiment, 4th Red Front Army (cdr.: Xu Xiangqian), 1931; retreated with this army to Ν Sichuan, 1932; dpty cdr., 4th Front Army, 1933; during Long March 4th Front Army joined forces with main forces under Mao Zedong at Maogong, Jun 1935, but seperated soon later; cdr., Cavalry Regiment, fall 1935; reached Communist base in Shaanxi, 1936; studied at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1937; accused of taking Zhang Guotao line and imprisoned for some time; later sent back to continue studies at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy; dpty cdr., 385th Brigade, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; cdr. of a brigade under Xu Xiangqian in Shandong, 1938; cdr., Qinghe Mil. Distr, 1942; cdr., Bohai Mil. Distr, 1944; cdr., 9th Column, E China PLA and concurrently cdr., Jiaodong Mil. Distr, 1945; cdr., coastal defense installations of Yantai (Chefoo) and Weihaiwei, 1946; cdr., E Front Army Corps, E China Field Army, 1947; this unit renamed to 11th Army Corps under 3rd Field Army, Aug 1948; PLA delegate to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; cdr., Shandong Mil. Distr, 1949; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; mem., E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Aug 1954; deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954-1967; cdr., Nanjing Mil. Reg, Nov 1954 - Jan 1974; made col-gen. and awarded orders "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", Sep 1955; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - Apr 1969; vice-min. of Natl Defense, Sep 1959-1973; mem., CCP and govt del. to Albania, Nov 1964; mem., Secretariat, E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1966-1967; self-criticism during Cult. Rev. and under protection of Kang Sheng survived without losses of positions, 1967; ehm, Jiangsu Prov. Rev Comte, Mar 1968 - Dec 1973; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th, Aug 1973; to 11th, Aug 1977); 1st sec., Jiangsu CP, Dec 1970 - Dec 1973; cdr., Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Jan 1974 Feb 1980; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; cdr. of PLA forces which invaded Vietnam, 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Mil. Com, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1980-1982; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; vicechm, Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982.

Xu Shouxuan


Xu Shouxuan * Liaoning Dpty dir., Personnel Bureau, Financial and Economic Comte, G AC, Jan 1950; dpty sec-gen., Financial and Economic Comte, GAC, Sep 1951; vice-mayor, Changchun MPG, Aug 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, CDL, Aug 1954; vice-gov., Jilin PPG, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Jilin to 2nd NPC, Jul 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Jilin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, Jilin Branch, CPPCC, Jan 1979; vicechm, Jilin PPC, Apr 1980 - Apr 1983; disappeared, Apr 1983.

Xu Teli



Govt, Ruijin, 1930; mem., Executive Comte, Soviet Govt, Nov 1931; head, Lenin Normal School, Ruijin, 1932; took part in Long March, being the oldest person, 1934-35; principal, Yan'an Normal School, 1935; dir., Educational Dpt, Ν Shaanxi Soviet Govt, 1937; on 60th birthday Mao Zedong called him most beloved and respected teacher, Feb 1937; CCP representative in Changsha, 1937-38; dir., Yan'an Inst, of Natural Sciences, 1940; dpty dir., propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1942-58; mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Apr 1945 (reelected tp 8th, Sep 1956); CCP delegate to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Central People's Govt Council, Oct 1949 - Oct 1954; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, GAC, Oct 1949 - Oct 1954; mem., Assn for Reforming Chinese Written Language, Oct 1949; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949; deputy for Hunan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jul 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959 and to 3rd, Jan 1965).

Xu Tiangui

* 1877 Changsha, Hunan deceased 1968, Nov 28 Born into a poor peasants family. Attended private tutorial school irregularly due to poverty, 1886-92; private tutor, 1895-1905; studied at Changsha Normal School; established primary school in Changsha and learnt algebra, geomtry during leisure time, 1905; taught in middle school in Changsha and used education for propagating revolution; once when lecturing on foreign aggression against China, broke into lamentation and chopped one of his fingers, using the blood to write 4 Chinese characters "please convene the Natl Assembly" and sent it to Beijing, 1906; teacher at Zhounan Girls Middle School, Changsha, 1907; studied educational facilities in Japan, 1909; joined Sun Yat-sen's Revolutionary Alliance, 1911; took part in 1911 Revolution; principal, Changsha Girls' Normal School, 1911-14; teacher, Hunan No. 1 Normal School when Mao Zedong was a student, 1915; because of disdemeanor, Mao would have been expelled from school, had Xu and some other teachers not interceded for him, 1915; while teaching at normal school, also dir. of an orphanage, 1918; after May 4th Movement went to Beijing to join work-study program promoted by Cai Hesen and Mao Zedong; soon later left for France to study under this program, 1919; studied at Paris and Lyon Univ, also worked in metal plant and as cook and also worked for one year in Germany and Belgium, 1921-24; established Changsha Girls Normal School, 1924; joined KMT, 1925; dir., Workers-Peasants Dpt, Changsha Branch of KMT, 1925; after Changsha Uprising, fled to Wuhan and joined CCP, 1927; sent to Jiangxi by CCP to participate in Nanchang Uprising, Jul 1927; studied at Moscow Sun Yat-sen Univ, 1928-30; dir., Education Dpt, Central Soviet Provisional



Dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Hunan Prov. CP, Jan 1960; acting dir. of same dpt, Dec 1965; mem., Stand. Comte, Hunan CP, Sep 1979; dpty sec-gen., Hunan CP, Jan 1980-1982; vice-chm, Hunan PPC, Jul 1985; disappeared, Jul 1985.

Xu Xiangqian



* 1901 Wutai County, Shanxi deceased 1990, Sep 21 Son of a landowner who had passed state examinations for xiucai (first degree) in imperial China. After elementary school worked for a short period in a book shop, but soon returned to studies at Taiyuan Teachers College, completed 1923; entered Whampoa Mil. Academy without his parents' consent to participate in its first training course, 1924; took part in Northern Expedition, 1925; taught at Wuchang Mil. and Polit. Academy (a branch of Whampoa Mil. Academy), 1926 - Jun 1927; joined CCP, May 1927, and went to Guangzhou to work in the Communist underground; one of the organizers of Guangzhou Uprising, Dec 1927; after its failure retreated to Hailufeng Soviet which had been founded by Peng Pai in Guangdong Prov.; established together with Zhang Guotao a Communist base in the border region of Hubei-Henan-Anhui, 1929; here the 31st Red Workers' and Peasants' Div. was created I from modest beginnings and was integrated into the 4th


Army; the div. grew to 30,000 men, 1932; Xu and his div. were driven by KMT forces in Sichuan Prov., 1932; from there pushed through to join the Communist forces on the Long March, summer 1935; after the purge of Zhang Guotao, with whom Xu had been closely associated, forced to undergo self-criticism at Yan'an, 1936; dpty cdr., 129th Div, 8th Route Army, 1937; led parts of the 115th and 129th Div. into Hebei Prov. to operate behind the Japanese lines, 1938; set up guerilla units in Shandong Prov., 1939, in which he played a significant role until 1941; served under He Long as dpty cdr., Joint Defense Command (in charge of the forces in the border regions of Shanxi-Suiyuan and of Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia), 1942-46; mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Jun 1945 (reelected to 8th - 12th CCs, 1956-82) - Sep 1985; cdr. of the troops in the border regions of Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan, 1947, and together with troops of Peng Dehuai inflicted heavy losses on KMT troops; his troops integrated into Ν China Mil. Reg (cdr. Nie Rongzhen), 1948, Xu taking the post of dpty cdr.; occupied Taiyuan, capital of his home prov., Apr 1948; delegate to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem. and cos, Revolutionary Mil. Council, Oct 19491954 (these appointments Xu held only nominally because ailing health forced him to retire for several years); deputy for PLA tp 1st NPC and also mem. of its Stand. Comte, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd - 4th NPCs, 1958-72); vicechm, Natl Defense Council, Oct 1954 - Cult. Rev.; made marshal of the PLA (one of ten) and awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955: vice-chm, Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965 (reelected to 4th NPC, 1975); mem., Politburo, CCP 8th Central Comte, Jan 1967 - Apr 1969; head, Cultural Revolution Group in the Mil. Com of CCP Central Comte, Jan-Jul 1967; criticized for sabotating the Cult. Rev. and opposing Lin Biao, May 1967; vice-chm, Mil. Com, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1969 - Sep 1985; head, govt del. to Sri Lanka, May 1973; head, mil. del. to Albania, Jul 1973; article in RMRB Sep 19: "Always uphold the principle that the Party commands the guns", Sep 1977; deputy for the PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vicepremier, Mar 1978 - Sep 1980; min. of National Defense, Mar 1978 - Mar 1981; article in RMRB Mar 5: "Life of service, pillar of strength (in memory of Zhou Enlai)", Mar 1978; article in HQ: "Heighten vigilance, be prepared against war", Aug 1978; article in HQ: "Strive to achieve modernization in national defense", Oct 1979; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; vice-chm, Central Mil. Com, Jun 1983 -Nov 1987; resigned from his positions as mem. of Politburo, Central Comte and vice-chm of Mil. Com under CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985; pres., Whampoa Mil. Academy Alumni Assn, Noe 1986. Remarks: On Xu's own request, his ashes were sqattered in the mountains of Dabie, Daba and Taihang and the Hexi corridor, where he had once been a military commander.

Xu Yixin

Xu Ya M. * 1915 deceased 1982, Nov 19 Mayor of Fuzhou MPG, Jan 1950 - Jan 1957; mem., Fujian PPC, Feb 1955; sec., CCP Comte, Fuzhou Municipality, Jan 1956; vice-gov., Fujian PPG, Aug 1956Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP of Fujian Prov., Jan 1959; alt. sec., Fujian CP, Jan 1962 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Aug 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Fujian CP, Nov 1976; sec., Fujian CP, Aug 1979 - death; vic€-gov., Fujian PPG, Dec 1979 - Oct 1982.

Xu Yifang

#r U


* 1907 Pinghu County, Zhejiang Graduated from Fudan Univ, 1928; served in Min. of Communications under KMT Govt, 1939; dpty dir., Sichuan Xikang Road Admin., 1943-45; dpty dir., Industrial Bureau, Shanghai MPG, 1946-55; dir., Urban Engineering Bureau, Shanghai MPG, 1958 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Shanghai Branch of CPPCC, Apr 1983 (reelected Apr 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); disappeared, Jun 1989.

X u Yixin



* 1911 Quzhou County, Hebei deceased 1995, Mar Participated in Northern Expedition, 1926; participated in Nanchang Uprising, 1927; studied at Sun Yat-sen Univ, Moscow, 1928-31; staff officer, 4th Front Army, 193234; took part in Long March, 1934-35; dir., Polit. Dpt, Lu Xun Literary and Art Academy, Yan'an, 1937-39; service in United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1940; served in other departments of CCP Central Comte, 1941-45; dir., Polit. Dpt, Shenyang Garrison, 1948-49; dpty dir., Dpt of USSR and Eastern Europe, Min. of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Jun 1950; dir. of this dpt, Aug 1952;


Xu Yuancun

mem., govt del. to Moscow (head: Zhou Enlai), Aug 1952; ambassador to Albania, Jun 1954 - May 1957; ambassador to Norway, Apr 1958 - Mar 1962; ambassador to Syria, Mar 1962 - Dec 1965; vice-min., MFA, Jan 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Nov 1969; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: ambassador to Pakistan, Aug 1979 - Apr 1983: mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988). Xu was married to Lu Hong.

vice-min. of Light Ind., Jan-May 1982; deputy for Guizhou to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC and mem. of its Financial and Economic Comte, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); pres., China Arts and Crafts Society, Oct 1984; vice-chm, China-Brazil Friendship Group, 6th NPC, Mar 1986; disappeared, Jul 1992.

X u Zailian Xu Yuancun

% 7L


tf £


* 1919 Vice-min. of Coal Ind., Nov 1979 - Mar 1982; ehm, Natl Mining Comte, Oct 1977; head, coal ind. del. to Romania, Sep 1979; adviser, Min. of Coal Ind., Sep 1982; disappeared, Sep 1982.

Xu Zhimeng



* 1926 She County, Hebei Served in General Office, Central Comte of CYL, 195253; worked in No. 1 Motor Vehicle Plant, 1964-67; CCP sec., No. 1 Motor Vehicle Plant, 1982-85; vice-chm, Jilin PPC, Jun 1985 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Aug 1990.

Xu Yunbei



* 1914 Liaocheng, Shandong Dir., Propaganda and Org. Dpt, W Shandong CP, 193940; CCP sec., Hebei-Shandong-Henan Border Area, 194146; dpty sec., Guizhou Prov. CP, Jul 1950- Nov 1952; council mem., Guizhou PPG, Jul 1950; mem., Land Reform Comte, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Feb 1951 Nov 1952; vice-min. of Public Health, Nov 1952-1964; dpty sec-gen., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Mar 1956 Jun 1957; deputy for Shandong to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958; dpty sec., Comte for Prevention and Cure of Schistosomiasis, SC, Sep 1959; head, public health del. to Ν Vietnam, Nov 1963; deputy for Guizhou to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; min., 2nd Min. of Light Ind., Feb 1965; branded a rightist bourgeois and purged, May 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Apr 1972; vice-chm, Beijing Rev Comte, Aug 1972-1977; mem., Stand. Comte, Beijing CP, Apr 1975; head, goodwill del. to Albania, Romania, May 1975; disappeared again, Jul 1977; reapperanace: May 1980;

* 1909 Jinjiang County, Fujian deceased 1990, May 9 Graduation from Shanghai Qunzhi Univ, 1930; worked as teacher and dean of studies, Hongguang School, Philippines, 1930-41; cdr., Overseas Chinese Anti-Japan Volunteers in the Philippines, 1942-45; dir., Overseas Chinese Traders Magazine and ehm, Philippine Hong Society, 1945-48; returned to China, 1949; manager, Fujian Overseas Chinese Service Co., 1953-56; dpty gen-mgr., China Travel Service and manager of its Beijing Branch, 195869; mem., Stand. Comte, Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, 1978; vice-chm, China Zhi Gong Dang, Jun 1983 Dec 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); vice-chm, Overseas Chinese Comte, CPPCC, Jun 1988; hon. ehm, China Zhi Gong Dang, Dec 1988.

Xu Zhongfu




Cultural attaché, embassy in Pakistan, 1955; counselor, embassy in Sweden, Oct 1956- Apr 1961; dir., General Office, Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Mar 1963; cultural counselor, embassy in United Arab Republic, Jun 1964-1967; counselor, embassy in Canada, Jan 1971-1973; ambassador to Chile, Mar 1973 Oct 1977; ambassador to Argentina, Jan 1978-1981; ambassador to Brazil, Mar 1982 - May 1985; awarded a "Natl Medal of Great Cross" by Brazil, May 1985; disappeared, May 1985.


Xu Zirong

% ^f 3Ê

* 1908 Henan deceased between 1969 and 1972 Joined CCP, 1925; served in 5th Div., New 4th Army, 1944; polit, commissar, 1st Brigade, 1st Column, Central Plains Mil. Reg, 1945; dir., Personnel Bureau, Min. of Public Security, Dec 1949-1951; dir., Staff Office, Min. of Public Security, Jan 1950-1952; vice-min. of Public Security, Apr 1952 -Cult. Rev.; mem., Labor Employment Comte, GAC, Aug 1952; mem., Comte for Implementation of Marriage Law, GAC, Jan 1953; deputy for Henan to 1st NPC, Oct 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1958, and to 3rd, Sep 1964); alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 - Dec 1964; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; dpty dir., Internal Affairs Office, SC, Aug 1965; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Mar 1968; a memorai! service for Xu was held in Beijing, 25 Jan 1979.

Xue Guangjun * 1916 deceased 1983, Mar 11 Sec-gen., Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1966; denounced by Red Guards as a renegade and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte, Guangdong Prov., Oct 1976; vice-chm, Guangdong Rev Comte, May 1977 - Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangdong CP, Sep 1979; vicechm, Guangdong PPC, Dec 1979- Aug 1981; vice-gov., Guangdong PPC, Aug 1981 - death.

Xue Hongfu

Xue Shaoqing

sec., CCP Comte, Ningxia AR, Mar 1981 - Mar 1983; ehm, Advisory Com, Ningxia CP, Jul 1983; disappeared, Jan 1984.

Xue Jianhua

%Μ Ψ

Dpty dir., 2nd Bureau, United Front Work Comte, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1978; mem., Nationalities Affairs Com, SC, May 1979; vice-min., Nationalities Affairs Com, Apr 1983 - Jul 1986; mem., CPPCC del. to Nepal, disappeared, Jul 1986.

Xue Jinda



Mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; mem., Stand. Comte, ACFTU, Oct 1978; disappeared, Dec 1978.

Xue Jinlian (f)


& 4È.

Sec., Inner Mongolia Branch, CYL, Jun 1973-1978; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); disappeared, Dec 1978.

Xue Ming (f)


% M

* 1919 Y an'an, Shaanxi Joined CCP, 1937; service in Trade Bureau, ShaanxiGansu-Ningxi Border Reg Govt, 1941; service in Logistics Dpt, NW Field Army, 1947-49; served in Logistics Dpt, 1st Field Army, 1949; council mem., Qinghai PPG, Dec 1949; dir., Commerce Dpt, Qinghai PPG, Jan 1953; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, Qinghai PPG, Dec 1953; dir., Finance and Commerce Dpt, CCP Comte, Qinghai Prov., Jan 1957; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Work Comte, Qaidam Baisin (an important oil producing area), Jun 1958; sec., CCP Comte, Qinghai Prov., Apr 19601971; vice-chm, Qinghai Rev Comte, Aug 1967 - Dec 1979; dpty sec., Qinghai CP, Mar 1971-1977; dpty sec., CCP Comte, Ningxia AR, Apr 1978 -Mar 1981; vicechm, People's Govt, Ningxia AR, Jan 1980 - Apr 1983;

* 1916 Ba County, Hebei As a student worked in Communist underground in Beijing; went together with Ye Qun (later wife of Lin Biao) to Yan'an, 1938; married (the later marshal) He Long, 1942; served in Propaganda Dpt, Beijing CP, 1954-58; dir., He Long Office, 1958-66; deputy for 5th NPC, Mar 1975; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); disappeared, Jan 1994. Xue had one son (He Pengfei) and two daughters (He Jiesheng, He Xiaoming).

Xue Shaoqing



/ W

Made maj-gen., PLA Air Force, and awarded "Liberation" order 1st class, Sep 1955: vice-min., 3rd Min. of Machine Building, Sep 1960 - Mar 1965; leading cadre, PLA Air Force, May 1970; dpty cdr., PLA Air Force, Apr 1972-1978; adviser, PLA Air Force, Apr 1981; disappeared, Apr 1981.


Xue Tao

Xue Tao



Dir., Financial and Trade Dpt, CCP Comte, Yunnan Prov., Aug 1958; alt. sec., Yunnan CP, Apr 1964 - Jan 1966; sec., Yunnan CP, Jan 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jul 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec., Yunnan CP, Sep 1977 - Mar 1983; disappeared, Mar 1983.

Xue Ximei (f)



* 1951 Henan Born into a worker's family; graduated from No. 18 Middle School in Zhengzhou; became "Red Guard" and received by Mao Zedong, Beijing, autumn 1966; together with 71 schoolmates settled down in Guangguo People's Commune, Jia County, Henan Prov., Aug 1968; made dpty CCP sec., Guanggu People's Commune, 1973; deputy for Henan to 4th NPC and also mem. of its Stand. Comte, Jan 1975; dpty sec., Henan Branch, CYL, Mar 1975; received by Hua Guofeng as a representative of rusticated youth, Aug 1979; disappeared, Aug 1979.

Xue Yan


* 1921 Hancheng County, Shaanxi Dir., Public Security Bureau, Changchun City, 1948-50; dir., Public Security Bureau, Jilin PPG, 1950-52; vicemayor, Guangzhou MPG, 1954; sec., Guangzhou CP, Jun 1960; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Sep 1981 - Mar 1983; sec., Guangzhou CP, Nov 1981; ehm, Guangzhou Branch of CPPCC, Nov 1981; vice-chm, Guangdong PPC, Apr 1983 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Jan 1988.

Xue Yugu (£)


A &

Studied in England in the 1950s; dpty dir., Inst, of Microbiology, CAS, Nov 1978; dir. of this institute, Jun 1985-1986; one of 42 intellectuals who signed an open letter to China's leadership asking for démocratisation, freedem of speech, release of polit, prisoners and increased funding of education, Mar 1989; disappeared, Mar 1989.

Xue Zizheng




* 1905 Liangshan County, Sichuan deceased 1980, Jul 3 Studied in Shanghai College and later in USSR; served in

Red armies as cdr. of regiment and polit, commissar of a div.; mem., Ν Fujian Soviet Govt Council, Oct 1931; accused to have erred in following Li Weihan's line, 1933; as maj-gen. served as cos, CCP Section, Mil. Mediation Dpt, 1946 - Jan 1947; cos, 5th Div., New 4th Army, 1947-48; cos, Ν China Mil. Reg, 1948-49; council mem. and sec-gen., Beijing MPG, Nov 1949; dir., Beijing Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1949; mem., Urban Planning Comte, Beijing MPG, Apr 1950; vicemayor, Beijing MPG, Feb 1955 - Aug 1957; vice-min., Economic Com, SC, Dec 1956- Apr 1958; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1959 - Cult. Rev.; alt. mem., Central Control Com, CCP Central Comte, 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1979; 1st dpty sec-gen., 5th CPPCC, May 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Jul 1979; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1979 death.

Yan Baohang


* 1895 Haicheng County, Liaoning Graduated from Fengtian Senior Normal School; studied in Edinburgh Univ, Great Britain; after return to China, worked for opium prohibition and promotion of social welfare; sec-gen., Liaoning Prov. Branch of YMCA, 1929; delegate to 3rd Pacific Region Problems Investigation Group, 1929; after Mukden (Shenyang) Incident, Sep 18, 1931, organized with Zhou Jingwen NE Natl Salvation Assn; later went to Nanjing to promote New Life Movement; participated in organizing CDL, 1944; participated in organizing CDNCA, led by Huang Yanpei and Hu Juewen, Dec 1945; went to Harbin and went over to the Communists, winter 1946; mem., NE Admin. Comte, 1947; gov. of Liaobei Prov., 1948 - Oct 1949; attended Inaugural Session of CPPCC, Sep 1949; council mem. and sec-gen., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949; dpty dir., General Office, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Dec 1949; mem., Executive Comte, Chinese People's Relief Assn, Apr 1950; dpty sec-gen., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1951 - Dec 1954; visited Mongolian People's Republic, Feb 1952; visited Bulgaria, Sep 1954; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959; to 4th, Dec 1964); council mem., China Polit. Science and Law Society, 1955; dir., Treaty and Law Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Apr 1957 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Yan Dakai



* 1915 Hebei Participated in student movements, Beijing and Tianjin, 1936-37; joined CCP, 1937; studied at Party School, 1938; vice-gov., Hebei PPG, Jun 1954 -Dec 1962; dpty sec., Hebei Prov. CP, Jun 1955; sec., Hebei Prov. CP, Nov 1956 - Oct 1967; 2nd sec., Tianjin Municipality CP,


Oct 1967; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Dec 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte, Tianjin Municipality, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; sec., Tianjin Municipality CP, Dec 1977 - Mar 1983; ehm, Tianjin MPC, Jun 1980 - Apr 1983; deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, byelected Aug 1980; head, Tianjin del. to Japan, Sep 1981; mem., Central Advisory COM, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

Yan Fusheng


* 1904 Liling County, Hunan deceased 1984, Apr 7 A cow-herd since a child; engaged in Communist underground work in his home county, 1927; joined CCP, 1927; polit, commissar, 717 Regiment, 359th Brigade, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; dpty polit, commissar, Guangdong Mil. Subdistr, 1940-43; polit, commissar, 28th Div., 10th Column, NE Field Army, Oct 1948; dpty polit, commissar, 47th Army, 4th Field Army, 1949; polit. commissar, 47th Army, 1950; dir., W Hunan Admin. Office, Nov 1950: mem., Hunan PPC, Feb 1955; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; polit, commissar, Hunan Mil. Distr, May 1960; dir., Polit. Dpt, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Oct 1961; dpty polit, commissar, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, 1963 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Dec 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1975; leading cadre, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Jan 1976-1982; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 death.

Yan Guxing


M If

* Liaoning Vice-chm, Rehe (Jehol) Prov., 1949- Oct 1951; mem., NE People's Govt and ehm of its Comte for Cooperative Enterprises Admin., Dec 1949- Jan 1953; ehm, NE Branch, All-China Fed of Cooperatives, Jul 1950; council mem., All-China Fed of Cooperatives, Jul 1952 - Jul 1954; mem., NE Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; vice-chm, All-China Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Jul 1954 - Cult. Rev.; vice-min. of Commerce, Sep 1959 - Dec 1963; dir., Beijing College of Commerce, Dec 1960 - Dec 1963; deputy for Liaoning to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev.

Yan Jiaqi

Yan Hongyan

η L· η

* 1909 Anding, Shaanxi deceased 1967, Jan Served as soldier under warlord Jing Yuexiu, Ν Shaanxi, 1924; joined CCP, 1925; formed Communist guerilla unit near Hancheng, Ν Shaanxi, 1927; leader, W Shanxi Guerilla Band, 1930; cdr., 1st Contingent, W Shanxi Guerilla Band, Chinese Worker-Peasant Red Army, summer 1931; joined forces with other guerilla units, Ν Shaanxi, Sep 1931; joined forces with units of Shaanxi-Gansu Red Army, Nov 1932; cdr., 26th Army, Chinese Worker-Peasant Red Army, Dec 1932; received mil. training in USSR, 1934; served in Xu Donghai's 15th Army Corps, Oct 1935; worked under Liu Shaoqi in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg, 1938; dpty cdr., 3rd Column, Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army, 1947; dpty polit, commissar, 3rd Column, 2nd Field Army, 1948; dir., Polit. Dpt, 3rd Army Corps, 2nd Field Army, 1949; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950 - Jan 1953; dir., E Sichuan Admin. Office, Aug 1950; dir., People's Court, E Sichuan Admin. Office, Aug 1950; dpty polit, commissar, E Sichuan Mil. Distr, Oct 1950; vice-chm of Sichuan, Aug 1952 - Jan 1955; dpty sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Aug 1952; 1st dpty polit, commissar, Sichuan Mil. Distr, Nov 1952; mem., SW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; cdr., PLA 11th Army, Feb 1954; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jul 1958); mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954- death; vice-gov., Sichuan PPG, Jan 1955-1959; made col-gen. and awarded orders of "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956- death; sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Apr 1958-1959; 1st sec., Yunnan Prov. CP, Sep 1959death; vice-min., Com for Receiving and Resettling Returned Overseas Chinese, SC, Feb 1960; 1st polit, commissar, Yunnan Mil. Distr, Mar 1964 -death; deputy for Yunnan to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964 - death; branded an antiParty and anti-Maoist element and committed suicide, Jan 1967.

Yan Jiaqi * 1942 Graduated from Univ of Science and Technology, majoring in applied mathematics; later studied philosophy at the academy's Graduated School; dir., Inst, of Polit. Science, CASS, Feb 1985 - Oct 1988; vice-pres., China Polit. Science Society, Nov 1986; visited Hong Kong, Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, Assn for the Peaceful Reuni-

Yan Jinsheng


fication of China, Sep 1988; fled China after the smashing of the students' unrest on June 4th, Jun 1989; in Paris Yan together with Wuer Kaixi, Wan Runnan, Liu Binyan and others proposed to establish the "Front of Democratic China", Jul 20, 1989; attended "First Congr of Chinese Students and Scholars in U.S.A.", Chicago, Jul 28, 1989; the Press and Publication Admin, of PRC put Yan's publications on a blacklist, Jul 1989; dismissed from his post as mem., Stand. Comte, Chinese Youth Fed, Jul 1989; expelled from CASS, Aug 1989; in Paris elected ehm of "Fed for Democracy in China", an opposition group in exile, Sep 24, 1989; boarded "Goddess of Democracy" Radioship in Keelung, Taiwan, to pay his respects to the crew members, May 1990; visited Taiwan again, Jun 1991; in exile in U.S.A., 1994. Yan is married to Gao Nie. Publications: Ten Years of the Cultural Revolution; On Top Leaders; Ideological Autobiography. Remarks: Yan was among the first to advocate the abolition of lifelong tenure for Party and state leaders.

Yan Jinsheng




Yan Jun


deceased 1980, Nov 12 Dir., 3rd Subbureau, Jianghan Admin. Bureau of Ind. and Commerce, Central Plains Liberation Area, Jul 1948; mem., 1st Wuhan MPC, Aug 1954; dpty dir., Capital Construction Dpt, Wuhan CP, Nov 1954; dpty dir., Industrial Dpt, Hubei Prov. CP, 1957; vice-gov., Hubei PPG, Sep 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Hubei Prov. CP, 1973-77; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Hubei Prov., Nov 1976 - Dec 1977.

Yan Kelun




deceased 1988, Nov Sec-gen., Shaanxi Prov. CP, Dec 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, Shaanxi Prov. CP, Jun 1957; alt. sec., Shaanxi Prov. CP, Aug 1958; sec., Shaanxi Prov. CP, Oct 1963 Cult. Rev.; vice-gov., Shaanxi PPG, Oct 1964 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Shaanxi to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; paraded as an anti-Party element by Red Guards and purged, Xi'an, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Shaanxi Prov. CP, Apr 1978 - Apr 1983; head, del. of CCP activists to Romania, Jun 1981; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 Sep 1985; ehm, Shaanxi PPC, Apr 1983 - May 1988; deputy for Shaanxi to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1986.

Yan Kuiyao

* 1918 Chaling County, Hunan Served in 2nd Front Army, 1934; participated in Long March, 1934-35; cdr. of a regiment, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1942; polit, commissar, 3rd Div., NW Field Army, 1947; polit, commissar of a div., 1st Field Army, 1949; polit, commissar, 1st PLA Army, 1952; service in Korean War with 1st Army, Dec 1952-1958; made majgen., Sep 1955; based in Henan Prov. after return from Korea, 1958; graduation from PLA Higher Mil. Academy, 1962; dir., Polit. Dpt, Wuhan Mil. Reg, 1964-1965; vice-min. of Culture and dir. of the ministry's Polit. Dpt, Apr 1965-1967; by Red Guards accused as a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Apr 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Shaanxi Prov. CP, Jul 1973-1975; dpty polit, commissar, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Jan 1976 - Aug 1977; dpty dir., PLA General Polit. Dpt, Oct 1977 - Apr 1985; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Central Greening Comte, Feb 1982; vice-chm, PLA Greening Comte, Mar 1982-1988; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, by-elected Mar 1985 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); sec., Discipline Inspection Com, under Central Mil. Com, Jul 1985; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, by-elected Apr 1987 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Apr 1988.




* 1904 Jia County, Shaanxi Graduated of 2nd class Whampoa Mil. Academy, 1925; took part in Eastern Expedition of Nationalist Revolutionary Army; cdr., 2nd Special Regiment, Xi'an Pacification Office, 1937; defected to the Communists and joined 18th Army Groupe; cdr., Shaanxi-Gansu Border Reg Garrison, 1946; cdr., 120th Div., Shanxi-Suijuan PLA, 1947; cos, 1st Field Army, spring 1949; mem., NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949; dir., Construction Bureau, Railway Trunk Line, NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Sep 1950 Aug 1951; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 Apr 1959; made ltn-gen. and awarded orders "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", both 1st class, Sep 1955; dpty cdr., Jinan Mil. Reg, Aug 1958-1963; served in PLA General Staff, Oct 1963; dpty commandant, PLA Senior Mil. Academy, Mar 1966; 2nd polit, commissar, Jinan Mil. Reg, Jan 1968; mil. leader in unknown posi-


tions in Beijing, 1969-77; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Apr 1984.

Yan Tongmao




* 1922 Shen County, Hebei Joined 8th Route Army, 1938; cdr. of a battalion, ShanxiChahar-Hebei Mil. Reg and later Ν China Mil. Reg, 1945-50; cdr. of a regiment, Chinese "People's Volunteer's" in Korea, 1951-54; cdr. of a PLA div., 1954-61; graduation from Basic Dpt, PLA Mil. Academy, 1962; rose from div. to corps cdr., 1962-82; deputy for PLA to 5th Ν PC, Feb 1978; leading mil., Tianjin Garrison, Sep 1979; dpty cdr., Beijing Mil. Reg, Feb 1983-1988; cdr., Beijing Garrison, Mar 1986-1989; made ltn-gen., Sep 1988; disappeared, Jun 1989.

Yan Wuhong

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* 1925 Dingxiang County, Shanxi CCP cadre in counties of Shanxi, 1944-48; cadre, Shanxi Prov. Branch, CYL, 1949; CCP sec. in home county, 1951-54; served successively as CCP sec. of Yangquan and Datong Mining Bureau, 1955-67; dir., Datong Mining Bureau, 1971-75; dir., Power Bureau, Shanxi PPG, 1975-79; vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, Dec 1979- Jan 1988; vice-chm, Shanxi PPC, Jan, 1988; deputy for Shanxi to 7th Ν PC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Jul 1989.

Yan Xinmin

* 1902 Shaanxi deceased 1988, Aug 15 Studied economics at Frankfurt Univ in Germany and Vienna Univ in Austria; returned to China, 1924, and served in Control Yuan, Natl Govt; during Sino-Japanese War edited People's Times magazine in Chongqing; editor, China Review, organ of Chinese Peasants' and Work-

Yan Youmin

ers' Democratic Party (CPWDP), Shanghai, 1946; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, CPWDP, Jan 1947; went over to the Communists, 1949; attended Inaugural Session of 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; councillor, G AC, Oct 1949; mem., Central Executive Bureau, CPWDP, 1951; deputy for Xi'an to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Study Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Mar 1956; dpty dir., Central Nationalities Inst., May 1957; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Central Comte, CPWDP, Aug 1957; deputy for Shaanxi to 2nd NPC, Aug 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Central Comte, CPWDP, Dec 1958; mem., Nationalities Affairs Com, 3rd NPC, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Nov 1973; deputy for Shaanxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); vicechm, Central Comte, CPWDP, Oct 1979 - death; judge, special Court for the Trial of Lin Biao and Jiang Qing Counterrevolutionary Cliques, Sep 1980; mem., Legislative Work Com, Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Dec 1983; invited to CCP 13th Congr.

Yan Xiufeng




* 1914 deceased 1983, Nov 28 Worked in Shanxi Prov. Govt, 1936; dpty dir., S Shanxi Admin. Office, around 1947; vice-mayor, Chengdu MPG, Jan 1950; dpty dir., W Sichuan Admin. Office, 1950; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jim 1950 - Jan 1953; dir., office for ehm of Sichuan, Aug 1952; dpty polit, commissar, W Sichuan Mil. Distr, Oct 1952; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, SW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; mem., Sichuan PPC, Jan 1955; dpty sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Mar 1955; ehm, Planning Comte, Sichuan PPC, Apr 1956; sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Jul 1956; sec., Secretariat, SW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1964- Cult. Rev.; branded a renegade and traitor and purged, Jul 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1979; mem., Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1980 - Sep 1982; adviser, Sichuan Prov. CP, Sep 1980 death.

Yan Youmin

* 1918 Shaanxi Vice-min. of Public Security, Oct 1964 - Aug 1965; dpty dir., Staff Office of Civil Affairs, SC, Aug 1965 - Cult. Rev.; accused by Red Guards as being a follower of Luo Ruiqing and purged, Mar 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1975; sec., Shanghai CP, Jan 1977-1980; vice-chm, Shanghai Rev Comte, Jan 1977 - Dec 1979; deputy for Shanghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dpty head, municipal admin, del. to U.S.A., Sep 1978; mem., Credentials Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; head, Shanghai Air Defense Leading Group, Oct 1979; ehm, Shanghai MPC, Dec 1979 - Apr 1981; sec., Anhui Prov. CP, Dec 1981 - Mar 1983; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982- Nov

Yan Zheng


1987; deputy for Shaanxi to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Law Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; mem., Internal and Judical Affairs Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.

Yan Zheng


Dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, 21st Army, Nov 1956; maj-gen., Sep 1962; dpty polit, commissar, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, May 1964; mem., core group, Rev Comte of Fujian Prov., Jan 1970; polit, commissar, Chengdu Mil. Reg, Aug 19751977; polit, commissar, Wuhan Mil. Reg, Oct 1977 - Jun 1985 (when Wuhan Mil. Reg merged with Jinan Mil. Reg); deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, by-elected Aug 1980; sec., CCP Comte, Wuhan Mil. Reg, Jul 1981 - Jun 1985; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; disappeared, Nov 1987.

Yan Zhongchuan


•1911 Sichuan Sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Aug 1961 - Cult. Rev.; vicegov., Sichuan PPG, Nov 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Feb 1975 - Feb 1983; deputy for Sichuan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); mem., govt del. to Federal Republic of Germany and France, Oct 1978; hon. pres., Sichuan Prov. Branch, Fed of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Dec 1981; mem., Stand. Comte, Advisory Com, Sichuan Prov. CP, Feb 1983; ehm, Sichuan Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1983; disappeared, Sep 1989.

Yang Chengzhong


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* 1915 Shanxi Served in 3rd Detachment, Shenfu Guerilla Force, Ν Shanxi, 1932; served as company chief and then cos of a regiment, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937-42; cdr., 49th Regiment, 17th Div., 6th Column, NE PLA, 1947; cos, 128th Div., 4th Field Army, 1949; attended Senior Mil. Academy, 1958; cos, 43rd Army, 1961; made majgen., 1961; dpty cdr., 43rd Army, 1963; cos, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Dec 1967; responsible cadre, Preparatory Group, Rev Comte of Guangdong Prov., Dec 1967; vicechm, Rev Comte of Guangdong Prov., Feb 1968- Oct 1969; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; dpty chief, PLA General Staff, Oct 1969; mem., economic del. to Ν Vietnam, Sep 1971; disappeared, Sep 1971. Remarks: Yan's disappearance is probably connected with the Lin Biao affair.

Yang Bolan (f)

Yang Chao

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* 1938 Became a child-worker in Qingdao No. 6 Cotton Factory, 1948; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; weaver, No. 6 Cotton Factory in Qingdao, Feb 1974; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; disappeared, Sep 1976.

Yang once worked at the Madame Curie Laboratory in France; deputy for Gansu to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); dpty dir., Lanzhou Inst, of Modern Physics, CAS, Sep 1976; head, del. to European Conf. of Heavy Ion Nuclear Physics, Sep 1976; deputy for Gansu to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); head, plasma and nuclear physics del. to U.S.A., Jun 1978; dir., Lanzhou Inst, of Modern Physics, CAS, Oct 1978-1983; vice-pres., Univ of Science and Technology, Mar 1979; pres., Nuclear Physics Society, Oct 1980; vice-pres., Nuclear Research Society, Nov 1982; hon. dir., Lanzhou Inst, of Modern Physics, CAS, Jan 1983; disappeared, May 1983.

Yang Chun (f)



Mem., Land Reform Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte (ECMAC), Mar 1950-Jan 1953; dpty dir., Textile Ind. Admin., ECMAC, Sep 1952; mem., Stand. Comte, Democratic Women's Fed, Apr 1953-1957; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; deputy for Henan to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); sec., CCP Comte, Beijing Medical College, Feb 1961; mem., solidarity del. to Ν Vietnam (head: Liu Ningyi), Jan 1964; vice-min., Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Mar 1966; vice-pres., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Apr 1966; subsequently disappeared; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jun 1978; vice-pres., China Red Cross Society, Dec 1978; mem., State Nationalities Affairs Com, May 1979; representative to Red Cross Societies meeting, Geneva, Oct 1979; subsequently visited Federal Republic of Germany;


vice-min. of Public Health, Jan 1981 - May 1982; head, Red Cross del. to Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, May 1982; head, Red Cross del. to Ethiopia, Jan 1985; head, Red Cross del. to Nepal, Apr 1985; mem., Natl Comte, 7th CPPCC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988. Yang was married to Li Chang.

Yang Chunfu


Sec., Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Reg, 1945; mayor of Zhangjiakou (Kalgan), 1946; polit, commissar, PLA 51st Army, May 1949; dir., Cadres Dpt, PLA Air Force, 1950; vice-min., 2nd Min. of Machine Building, Jun 1954- Feb 1958; sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, Feb 1958 Nov 1966; 1st sec., Shenyang Municipality CP, Nov 1965 - Nov 1966; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Liaoning Prov., May 1968-1972; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); dpty sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, Jan 1971; head, workers' del. to Romania, Sep 1972; sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, Apr 19731976; head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Dec 1973; mem., CCP del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1975; disappeared, Oct 1976.

Yang Chunmao


Sec., Anshan City CP, Feb 1951; pres., Society of Architecture, Oct 1953-1960; asst min., Min. of Building Construction, Jan 1955 - Jun 1956; vice-min. of Building Construction, Jun 1956- Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, China Assn for Promoting Democracy, Aug 1956; vice-pres., Society of Architecture, Sep 1960-1964; vicepres., China-Poland Friendship Assn, Jul 1961; pres., China Society of Architecture, Aug 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jul 1972; vice-pres., China-Poland Friendship Assn, Jul 1972; vice-chm, Assn for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Jul 1972; disappeared again, Jul 1972; reappearance: deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); vice-chm, Beijing MPC, Dec 1979 - Mar 1985; mem., NPC del. to Colombia, Guyana, Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago (head: Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme), Feb 1981; mem., NPC del. to Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines (head: Peng Chong), Nov 1982; sec-gen., Beijing MPC, Mar 1983 - Mar 1985; vice-pres., China-Poland Friendship Assn, Jul 1984; disappeared, Jul 1985.

Yang Dayi

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Yang Dezhi

School, 1964; dpty cdr., Hunan Mil. Distr, Mar 1968 Mar 1969; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Hunan Prov., Apr 1968-1975; cdr., Hunan Mil. Distr, Mar 1969-1975; dpty sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Dec 1970 - Aug 1973; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Aug 1973-1975; cdr., Liaoning Mil. Distr, May 1976-1981; mem., Stand. Comte, Liaoning Prov. CP, Dec 1977 (reelected Sep 1979); disappeared, Jan 1982.

Yang Deyuan

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* 1922 Xiamen, Fujian deceased 1990, Feb Attended middle school; joined CCP, 1937; served as Party sec. in counties of his home prov., 1945-47; dir., Polit. Dpt, 6th Detachment, Central Guangdong Column, 1949; dir., CCP Comte, Office of S Guangdong Reg, 1950; sec., Xihui County CP, 1953-54; sec., Zhaoqing Prefecture CP, 1966-67; sec., Foshan Prefecture CP, 1975-81; deputy for Guangdong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Mar 1981 - Jan 1988; secgen., Guangdong PPG, Jun 1981; head, Guangdong goodwill del. to Australia, May 1986; deputy for Guangdong to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; adviser, Guangdong PPG, Apr 1988; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Guangdong Prov CP, May 1988 - death.

Yang Dezhi

%# &


Once served in 1st Red Front Army; cdr. of a regiment, 64th Brigade, 8th Column, NE Democratic Allied Army, 1946; dpty cdr., 1st Div., 1st Column, NE Field Army, 1947; took part in Tianjin Battle, Jan 1949; cdr., 112th Div., 38th Army, 4th Field Army, Mar 1950; joined Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea with 38th Army, Oct 1950; cos, 38th Army, Oct 1951; after armistice of Korean War, promoted to dpty cdr., 38th Army, 1954; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; training at PLA Mil. Academy in Nanjing, 1956-58; commandant, Guilin Infantry

* 1911 Zhuzhou, Hunan deceased 1994, Oct 25 Born into a blacksmith's family; shepherd for a landlord, 1921; worked temporarily in Anyuan coal mines, 1924; railway construction laborer, 1926; joined Communist troops after failure of Nanchang Uprising, 1927; joined CCP, 1928; cdr. of a regiment, 1st Front Army, 1934; during Long March, participated in conquering bridge over Dadu River, May 1935; cdr., 685th Regiment, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; cdr. of several troops in Hebei-Shandong-Henan Border Reg, 1940-46; his units

Yang Diankui

were reorganized to form the 19th Army Corps, 1947; occupied Yinchuan in Ningxia, Sep 1949; ehm, Yinchuan Mil. Contr Com and concurrently cdr., Ningxia Mil. Distr, Oct 1949; mem., NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jan 1950; transferred with his 19th Corps to Korea and made dpty cdr., Chinese "People's Volunteers", Feb 1951 - Oct 1954; cdr., Chinese "People's Volunteers", Oct 1954 Mar 1955; mem., Natl Defense Council, Oct 1954 - Cult. Rev.; trained at PLA Mil. Academy in Nanjing, Mar 1955; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956- Oct 1967; cdr., Jinan Mil. Reg, 1958-73; 2nd sec., Shandong Prov. CP, 1958; col-gen., 1958; deputy for Shandong to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., mil. del. to countries of Eastern Europe and PR Mongolia (head: Peng Dehuai), Apr 1959; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Shandong Prov., May 1967 - May 1971; head, mil. del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1967; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Oct 1967 (reelected to 9th CC, Apr 1969; to 10th CC, Aug 1973; to 11th CC, Aug 1977; to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987); 1st sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Apr 1971 - Dec 1973; ehm, Rev Comte, Shandong Prov., May 1971 - Dec 1973; cdr., Wuhan Mil. Reg, Jan 1974 - Dec 1978; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Wuhan Mil. Reg, Jul 1976 - Dec 1978; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); dpty head, mil. del. to Ν Korea (head: Su Yu), Aug 1978; awarded Korean order "Freedom and Independence", 1st class, Aug 1978; cdr., Kunming Mil. Reg, Feb 1979- Jan 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, Mil. Com under CCP Central Comte, Feb 1980- Sep 1982; mem., Secretariat, CCP Central Comte, by-elected at 5th Plenum, Feb 1980 - Sep 1982; chief, PLA General Staff, Mar 1980 - Nov 1987; vice-min. of Natl Defense, May 1980-1982; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; article in Jiefang Junbao Jun 26, 1981, "The strength of confidence"; visited Belgium, France, Great Britain, Switzerland, Jul 1981; article in RMRB Jul 5, 1981, "Resolutely uphold the CCP's absolute leadership of the army"; article in HQ 1981/13, "Unsweringly uphold our Party's absolute leadership over the army - in commemoration of CCP's 60th anniversary"; head, mil. del. to Pakistan, Nov 1981; mem., Politburo, CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 Nov 1987; visited Thailand, Jan 1983; dpty sec., Mil. Com under CCP Central Comte, Mar 1983; mem., Central Mil. Com, Jun 1983 - Apr 1988; head, mil. del. to Romania and Yugoslavia, Jul 1984; hon. pres., Chinese Mountaineering Assn, Sep 1984; head, mil. goodwill del. to Italy and Turkey, Oct 1985; visited U.S.A. on invitation of W.J. Crowe, ehm of U.S. Joint Chief of Staffs, Apr-May 1986; visited Japan on way back from U.S.A., May 1986; head, mil. del. to Bangladesh and Thailand, Jan 1987; article in Jiefang Junbao Jan 3, 1987, "Implement security regulations seriously and strive to make a success of security work in the new period"; mem., Stand. Comte, 13th CCP Congr, Oct-Nov 1987; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987 - Oct 1992; received "Red Star Medal of Honor", 1st class, Jul 1988; senior adviser, Chinese Society of Mil.


Sciences, Jan 1991; mem., Presidium, 14th CCP Congr, Oct 1992. Yang was married to Shen Gejun.

Yang Diankui Sec., Nanle County CP, Henan, May 1960; vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Apr 1964-1970; vice-min. of Metallurgical Ind., Dec 1970 - Feb 1976; disappeared, Feb 1976.

Yang Disheng * Shandong In Communist guerilla unit after outbreak of Sino-Japanese War; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Qinghe Distr CP, Shandong, 1939; mem., Central Comte, NDYL and dir. of its Research Office, Apr 1949 - Jun 1953; attended Inaugural Session of CPPCC, Sep 1949; sec., Shandong Prov. Branch, NDYL, 1951; sec., Shanxi Prov. Branch, CYL, 1956; vice-chm, Min. of Building Materials, Jul 1965 Cult. Rev.; branded a renegade and purged, Jun 1967.

Yang Dongchun * 1900 Hunan deceased 1979, Sep 25 Studied at Beijing Univ, 1921; established Marxist Research Inst., Nov 1921; principal, Guangxi Normal School, 1947-49; promoter, China New Historical Research Society, Jul 1949; pres., Guangxi Univ, Dec 1949Jan 1954; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte (CSMAC) and mem. of its Cultural and Educational Comte, Dec 1949- Jan 1953; council mem., Guangxi PPG, Mar 1950-Sep 1954; mem., Central-S Admin. Comte and mem. of its Cultural and Educational Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; deputy for Guangxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem. and sec-gen., Stand. Comte, China Assn for Promoting Democracy (CAPD), Aug 1956-1958; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1965); dpty sec-gen., SC, Sep 1959- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1972; deputy for Guangxi AR to 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Feb 1978); mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978); mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1975; vice-chm, CAPD, Jul 1975 - death; mem., Presidium and Draft Laws Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC. Publications: A New Look at Materialism (1929); Outline History of Chinese Culture (1931); Lectures on History of Chinese Culture (1932); Ancient Society (1935).

Yang Gaojian


Yang Dongsheng

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* 1918 Jinchuan County, Sichuan deceased 1982, Nov 13 Yang belonged to the Tibetan minority. Joined CCP, 1950; sent to Tibet and worked successively as dpty dir., Org. Dpt, Working Comte of Tibet CP and as its sec., 1950-55; dir., Civil Affairs Office, Preparatory Comte for the Establishment of Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR), Apr 1956; sec., TAR CP, Sep 1965-1977; head, friendship del. to Nepal, Jun 1966; vice-chm, Rev Comte, TAR, Sep 1968-1977; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - death; vice-min.. Nationalities Affairs Com, SC, May 1979 - May 1982; head, nationalities work study del. to Yugoslavia, Jul 1980; ehm, People's Congr of TAR, Apr 1981 - death; mem., Central Patriotic Sanitation Campaign Comte, Jul 1981; deputy for Tibet to 5th NPC, by-elected Nov 1981.

Yang Fuxing

* 1929 Jone County, Gansu Yang belonged to the Tibetan minority. Graduated from Senior Officers Class, Nanjing Ground Forces Academy, 1947; cdr., KMT Peace Preservation Corps at Taominlu, 1947-49; crossed over to the Communists, Jun 1949; dir., Admin. Office, Jone County, 1950-53; dpty head, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, 1953-65; deputy for Gansu to 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964); disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty dir., NW Inst, for Nationalities, 1972-80; vice-chm, Gansu PPC, Jan 1981 (reelected May 1983 and Feb 1988); disappeared, Jun 1989.

Yang Fuzhen (f) Yang Fangzhi



* 1906 Henan Studied at Sun Yat-sen Univ, Moscow, 1925; returned to China, 1927; subsequently worked in Admin. Office, CCP Central Comte; imprisoned, 1935-37; sec-gen., Propaganda Dpt, Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, May 1950; dpty sec-gen., Financial and Economic Comte, GAC, May 1950; dpty sec-gen., SC, Oct 1954; dir., Foreign Experts Work Bureau, SC, Nov 1954 -Oct 1964; dir., Secretariat of SC, Sep 1959; during Cult. Rev. branded a renegade and purged, Jun 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., Bureau of Foreign Experts, SC, Jul 1979 - May 1981; adviser, Bureau of Foreign Experts, SC, May 1981; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Jul 1982 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); dpty head, tourist group to USSR, Aug 1984; vice-pres., Assn of Western Returned Students, Dec 1986; disappeared, Dec 1986.

Yang Fuqing

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* 1930 Shanghai Born into poor peasant family which perished when still a child; after working for a landlord, went to Shanghai at age of 14; joined CCP, 1949; weaver at Shanghai No. 1 Cotton Textile Mill, 1950; during 1st Five Year Plan repeatedly named outstanding and model worker. 1953-57; Shanghai delegate to Natl Congr of Young Activists for Socialist Construction, Apr 1956; deputy for Shanghai to 2nd NPC, Mar 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); named as activist in the study of Mao Zedong works, Jul 1966; article in the local press, "The Philosophy of Weaving", Nov 1966; mem., Shanghai Rev Comte, May 1968; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969- Aug 1973; vice-chm, Shanghai Rev Comte, May 1970-1979; vicechm, Shanghai Branch, All-China Fed of TU, Apr 1973; demoted from mem. to alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); mem., Stand. Comte, Shanghai CP, Jan 1977; head, friendship del. to Romania, Aug 1978; disappeared, Mar 1980.


* 1890 Hebei deceased 1978, Feb 22 Vice-pres., China Industrial Cooperatives Assn, Feb 1950; councillor, GAC, Feb 1950; mem., Hebei PPG, Apr 1950; mem., Hebei PPC, Feb 1955; deputy for Hebei to 2nd NPC, Oct 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); vicemin. of Aquatic Products, Jan 1960- Cult. Rev.; pres., China Aquatic Products Society, Dec 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1974; disappeared, Mar 1977.

Yang Gaojian

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* 1913 Hunan Began to study theology, 1925; graduated from a seminar in Wuhan and ordained priest, 1938; bishop of Changde Diocese in Hunan Prov., Dec 1979; dpty sec-gen., AllChina Patriotic Catholic Assn, Feb 1980; vice-chm, AllChina Patriotic Catholic Assn, May 1980; dpty-dir., Natl Admin, of the Chinese Catholic Church, Jun 1980; dpty

Yang Gongsu

dir., Chinese Catholic Bishop's College, Jun 1980; mem., Religion Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.


Yang Guofu


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Yang Gongsu Dpty dir., Office for Foreigners, Tianjin MPG, 1949; signed in Lhasa Sino-Indian Protocol on Transferring Indian Postal, Telegraph and Telephone Services and Equipment in Tibet to China, Apr 1955; mem., govt del. to Nepal (head: Pan Zili), Aug 1956; council mem., China-Nepal Friendship Assn, Sep 1956; dir., Foreign Affairs Office, Preparatory Comte for Tibet Autonomous Region (PCTAR), Jun 1957; mem., govt del. for border talks to India, Aug-Sep 1960; dir., Liaison Office, PCTAR, Jan 1961; dpty dir., 1st Dpt of Asian Affairs, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Oct 1963; ambassador to Nepal, Jan 1966 -Jun 1967; cadre, Dpt of Asian Affairs, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Jun 1970; cadre, Admin. Bureau for Travel and Tourisms, SC, Oct 1971-1978; head, tourists del. to Iran, May 1974; mem., Presidium, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; ambassador to Vietnam, Dec 1978-1980; ambassador to Greece, 1980 - Aug 1982; adviser, China Assn for the Promotion of Intl Friendship, May 1985; disappeared, May 1985.

Yang Guangli

* 1905 Anhui deceased 1982, Feb 4 Joined CCP, 1930; dpty cdr., 3rd Brigade, Shandong Column and concurrently cdr., Bohai Mil. Distr, 1943; cdr., 7th Div., NE Democratic Allied Army, 1945; dpty cdr., 6th Column, NE PLA, Dec 1946; dpty cdr., 14th Army Group, 4th Field Army, Feb 1949; 2nd dpty cdr., Jiangxi Mil. Distr, Nov 1949; council mem., Jiangxi PPG, Jan 1950; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., Jinan Mil. Reg, Oct 1955-1970; council mem., Shandong PPG, 1955; mem., Natl Comte, 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of Shandong Prov.. Apr 1968; leading military, Jinan Mil. Reg, 1976-80; mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCCdeath.

Yang Hansheng


Once served as a PLA army polit, commissar; cadre, Jiangsu Prov. CP, Oct 1967; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Jiangsu Prov., Mar 1968 - Dec 1977; ehm, Rev Comte, Nanjing Municipality, Mar 1968-1973; dpty sec., Jiangsu Prov. CP, Dec 1970; sec., Jiangsu Prov. CP, Feb 1976; head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Apr 1976; disappeared, Oct 1976.

Yang Gui

Constructor of Red Flag Canal in Hebei Prov., 1972; sec., Lin County CP, Hebei, Jan 1973; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973-1977; cadre (probably vicemin.), Min. of Public Security, Aug 1975-1976; disappeared, May 1977.

* 1902 Gao County, Sichuan deceased 1993, Jun 7 Born under the name of Ouyang Jixiu; graduated from Social Science Dpt, Shanghai Univ, 1925; joined CCP, 1925; took part in Nanchang Uprising, 1927; after failure went to Shanghai and published journal Earth and Spring under pseudonym of Hua Han; joined Creation Society, led by Guo Moruo and others, Shanghai, 1928; sec., CCP Group, Union of Chinese Left-Wing Writers, 1930; wrote a number of film scripts, 1933-35; imprisoned together with Tian Han, 1935-36; chief sec., 3rd Bureau (dir.: Guo Moruo), Polit. Dpt, Mil. Affairs Com of Nationalist Central Govt, 1938; during Sino-Japanese War, published several plays, 1940-44; returned to Shanghai, 1945; subsequently worked in the field of literature and propaganda, 1946-49; vice-chm, Fed of Literary and Art Circles (FLAC), Jul 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; dpty sec-gen., Cultural and Educational Com, G AC, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace (CPCWP), Oct 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, China Folk Literature Society, Feb 1950; sec., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1951 - Dec


1954; sec-gen., FLAC, Sep 1953 - Cult. Rev.; council mem., Chinese Writers' Assn, Oct 1953; dpty head, friendship del. to USSR, Apr 1954; vice-chm, Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954 Cult. Rev.; mem., cultural del. to Poland, Jun 1954; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jul 1958); council mem., Sino-Indonesian Friendship Assn, Jul 1955; mem., Natl Comte, China Asian Solidarity Comte, Feb 1956 - Jul 1958; council mem., Assn of Stage Artists, Apr 1956 - Cult. Rev.; dpty head, del. to USSR, Oct 1957; mem., Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, SC, Mar 1958 -Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, CPCWP, Jul 1958; mem., Natl Comte, China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Jul 1958 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, FLAC, Aug 1960- Cult. Rev.; mem., Natl Comte, 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; branded a capitalistroader, Sep 1966; struggled against together with Tian Han and purged, May 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jan 1979; again vice-chm, FLAC, May 1979 - Nov 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Jul 1979 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); mem., friendship del. to Japan, Mar 1981; adviser, Chinese Writers' Assn, Jan 1985 - death. Publications: Novel: Earth and Spring Filmscripts: Iron Board and Red Tears; A Sad Song of Life; The Roaring Tide of the China Sea; The Death of Li Xiuzheng; The Peasants of North China; One Heartedness in Life and Death. Stage plays: The Annals of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom; The Heroes Among Masses; A Double Faced Man; The Native Village in White Clouds; Lights from Ten Thousands Households; The Volunteers.

Yang Haolu




Organized Eastern Route Command of S Changjiang (Yangtse) Resist-Japan Volunteers, Dec 1938; set up Resist-Japan Cadre Training Class, 1940; mem., Shandong PPG, Mar 1949; council mem. and dir., Dpt of Ind. and Commerce, Shandong, PPG, May 1949 - Mar 1950; dpty dir., Trade Dpt, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950 - Jan 1953; dir., Foreign Trade Admin. Bureau, E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; head, del. to Intl Fair in Lyon, France, Apr 1955; dir., 4th Bureau, Min. of Foreign Trade, Apr 1956; asst min. of Foreign Trade, Oct 1956 - Apr 1961; vice-min. of Foreign Trade, Apr 1961 -Cult. Rev.; head, trade del. to Cuba, Apr

Yang Jianbai

1962; head, trade del. to United Arab Republic, Jul 1963; opened Guangzhou Autumn Fair, Oct 1963; opened Guangzhou Autumn Fair, Oct 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jul 1967.

Yang Huanmin # & Cadre, Air Force Command, E China Mil. Reg, 1950; participated in Korean War, 1951-54; dpty cdr., Air Force, Nanjing Mil. Reg, 1955; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; cdr., Air Force, Lanzhou Mil. Reg, 1968; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; cdr., Air Force, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Oct 1977; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; disappeared, Oct 1979.

Yang Huiquan


* 1932 Pingyuan County, Shandong Joined CCP, 1949; sec., CYL, Changde Prefecture, 195766; dpty sec., Changde Prefecture CP, 1979-80; commissioner, Changde Admin. Office, 1980-83; vice-gov., Hunan PPG, May 1983 - May 1989; head, govt del. to Upper Volta, Jul 1984; disappeared, May 1989.

Yang Jianbai



* 1909 Tianjin Graduated from Yanjing Univ, 1933; teacher in middle schools, 1934-49; principal, Nankai Middle School, 194951; dpty dir., Education Bureau, Tianjin MPG, 1954-60; dpty dir., Tianjin Teachers College, 1960 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988); research fellow, Inst, of Economics, CASS, Feb 1980; vice-chm, Tianjin MPC, Jun 1980 (reelected Apr 1983 and May 1988); disappeared, May 1988.


Yang Jiarui

Publications: Basic Theoretical Questions of Statistics; The Ration Between Agriculture, Light Ind. and Heavy Ind. and the Ration Between Consumption and Accumulation - A Study of Their Intrinsic Connections.

Yang Jiarui * 1908 Shaanxi Guerilla leader in NW Hubei, 1930; cdr., 3rd Battalion, 26th Regiment, 9th Di v., 2nd Red Army Corps, 1931; cdr. of a regiment, 2nd Red Front Army, 1935; battalion cdr., 716 Regiment, 358th Brigade, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; studied at Moscow Red Army Academy, 1939; cdr., 1st Mil. Subdistr, NW Shanxi Mil. Distr, 1943; cdr. of a brigade, Shanxi-Suiyuan Field Army, 1946; cdr., 15th Div., 6th Column, NW Field Army, 1948; cdr., 19th Div., 7th Army, 1st Field Army, 1949; cdr., Shaanxi Mil. Distr, Jan 1953-1964; mem., Shaanxi PPC, Jan 1955; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; deputy for PLA to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); dpty cdr., Lanzhou Mil. Reg, May 1964 - Cult- Rev.; mem., NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1966; struggled by Red Guards, May 1967; mem., Rev Comte of Gansu Prov., Jan 1968; subsequently disappeared; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Apr 1976; again dpty cdr., Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Jun 1979; vice-chm, Gansu PPC, Dec 1979; disappeared, Feb 1980.

Yang Jie


* 1916 deceased 1992, May 5 Dpty cos, PLA Armored Forces, 1966; cadre of SC, May 1968; min. of Communications, Feb 1971 - Dec 1974; head, govt del. to Pakistan, Feb 1971; head, communications del. to Poland, Sep 1971; representative of PRC to celebrations for Independence of Burundi, Dec 1971; subsequently visited Tanzania; head, govt del. to Zambia, Jan 1972; head, govt del. to Ν Vietnam, Apr 1972; vice-min. of Posts and Telecommunications, Jan 1976-1978; dpty polit, commissar, PLA Capital Construction Engineering Corps, Apr 1979; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983; disappeared, May 1983.

Yang Jieren Manager, Ν China Paper Corp., 1950; dpty dir., Dpt of Paper Ind., Min. of Light Ind., Jan 1951; dir., Paste and Paper Inst., Min. of Light Ind., Nov 1958; vice-gov., Shandong PPG, Dec 1965 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of Shandong Prov., Feb 1967; disappeared during Cult. Rev. after self-criticism, Mar 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Shandong PPC, Dec 1979 (reelected Apr 1983); disappeared, Jun 1985.

Yang Jue


Dir., Org. Dpt and sec., Pingyuan Prov. CP, 1949-53; mem., Executive Comte, ACFTU, May 1953 - Dec 1957;

dpty sec., Henan Prov. CP, 1953 - Oct 1956; mem., Henan PPC, Feb 1955; ehm, Henan Prov. Branch, ACFTU, Oct 1955; sec., Henan Prov. CP, Dec 1956 - Jun 1958; together with Pan Fusheng suspended from posts after being branded a rightist, Jun 1958; sec., Henan Prov. CP, Jan 1964; vice-min., State Economic Com, SC, Nov 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1975; responsible person, Ν China Coordination Region Preparatory Group, Jul 1977; dpty dir., General Forestry Bureau, SC, Aug 1978; head, forestry del. to Federal Republic of Germany, Mar 1979; vice-min. of Forestry, Jul 1979 -Mar 1982; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; dpty dir., Rural Development Research Center, SC, Nov 1983; disappeared, Nov 1983.

Yang Jun

* 1922 Fuzhou, Fujian Studied at Tongji Univ; editor, Xinhua Daily, Chongqing, 1946-47; dir., Shenyang Chemical Plant, 1948-51; studied in USSR, 1951-54; dir., Jilin Chemical Fertilizer Plant, 1955-57; manager, Jilin Chemical Ind. Co., 1958 65; dpty manager, Chemical Materials Co. under Min. of Chemical Ind., 1965-69; served in Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Co., 1970-78; vice-min., State Scientific and Technological Com., May 1982 - Jul 1985; head, scientific and technological del. to France and Greece, Apr 1984; ehm, Natl Examination Comte for Science Award, Mar 1985; head, scientific and technological del. to Sweden, May 1985; mem., govt del. to USSR (head: Li Peng), Jul 1985; ehm, China Scientific and Technological Exchange Center, Jul 1985; adviser, NPC Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Comte, Jun 1986 (reelected to 7th NPC, Mar 1988); dpty head, Leading Group for Marine Sources, Nov 1986; pres., China Society on Instrumental Analysis, Dec 1986; deputy for Fujian to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC and mem. of its Credentials Comte, Apr 1988; adviser, China Science and Technology Legal Society, Nov 1988; disappeared, Nov 1988.

Yang Junsheng * Jiangsu Took part in Long March with 1st Front Army, 1934-35; took part in Battle of Pinxin Guan as chief, 9th Company, 686th Regiment, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, Aug 1937; battalion and then regiment cdr. under Yang Yong in


Shandong Prov., 1939; cdr. of a regiment, 1st Column, Hebei-Shandong-Henan Mil. Reg, 1945; cdr. of a brigade, Central Plains Field Army, 1947; cdr. of adiv., 2nd Field Army, 1949; cdr., Artillery Command, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951-53; training at (Soviet?) artillery school, 1954; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; training in PLA Mil. Academy, 1959-1962; cdr., 16th Army, based in Jilin Prov., 1963; dpty cdr., Beijing Garrison, Jun 1968; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973; to 11th CC, Aug 1977); vice-chm, Beijing Rev Comte, Jun 1969-1973); sec., Beijing CP, Mar 1971-1974; polit, commissar, Beijing Garrison, Sep 1973; mem., friendship del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1973; disappeared, May 1980.

Yang Keng

Yang Kecheng

Jt, Ä

Vice-chm, Shanghai Rev Comte, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; dir., Education and Public Health Office, Shanghai Rev Comte, Jun 1978; pres., Shanghai Branch, China Red Cross Society, Sep 1978; mem., Natl Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; vice-mayor, Shanghai MPG, Dec 1979 Apr 1983; head, table tennis del. to Japan representing China's cities, Jun 1982; adviser, Shanghai MPG, Jul 1983; vice-chm, Organizing Comte, 5th Natl Games, Sep 1983; vice-chm, Shanghai Branch CPPCC, Jul 1985; disappeared, Jul 1985.

* 1910 Dali County, Yunnan Yang belonged to the Bai minority. Graduated from Economics Dpt, Central Univ, 1932; obtained M.A. in industrial and commercial management from Harvard Univ, U.S.A., 1934; worked successively as prof., Yunnan Univ and manager of Yunnan Gold Bank, 1940-50; mem., Yunnan PPG, 1950-53; ehm, Kunming Municipality Branch, CDNCA, 1954-57; disappeared, 1957; first reappearance: vice-gov., Yunnan PPG, Jan 1980 - Apr 1983; ehm, Yunnan Prov. Branch, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Nov 1981; vice-chm, Yunnan Prov. Branch, CDNCA, Nov 1981; vice-chm, Yunnan Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, Central Comte, CDNCA, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.

Yang Kanghua

Yang Keng

Yang Kai

# 'IS

Dir., Polit. Dpt, Dongjiang Column, Aug 1943; leading military, Ν Guangdong Command, Aug 1945; dir., Polit. Dpt, E River Column, 1947; dir., Polit. Dpt, GuangdongGuangxi Column, 1949; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Guangdong Mil. Distr, 1950; council mem., Guangzhou MPG, Mar 1950; polit, commissar, 5th Public Security Div., Central-S Mil. Reg, Nov 1951; 3rd sec., Central Guangdong Distr CP, 1953; vice-chm, Cultural and Educational Comte, Guangdong PPG, Oct 1954; dir., Cultural and Educational Dpt, Guangdong Prov. CP, Apr 1957 - Aug 1961; mem., workers' del. to USSR (head: Liu Ningyi), Nov 1958; head, Guangzhou Opera troupe to Ν Vietnam, Feb 1961; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Nov 1961 - Cult. Rev.; dir., United Front Work Dpt, Guangdong Prov. CP, Dec 1961; pres., Jinan Univ in Guangzhou, Jun 1964 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Guangdong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; branded a capitalist-roader and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Nov 1972; vicechm, Rev Comte of Guangdong Prov., Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; mem., Natl Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Dec 1979- Apr 1983; ehm, Scientific and Technological Comte, Guangdong PPG, Mar 1980; pres., Jinan Univ, May-Oct 1983; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Guangdong Prov. CP, May 1983; disappeared, Dec 1985.

* 1920 Ding County, Hebei Studied at Yan'an Univ, 1944; dir., Shenyang Motor Vehicle Plant, 1950; cadre, Ind. Dpt, NE People's Govt, 1950-52; vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Nov 1973 - May 1982; head, motor vehicle ind. study group to Federal Republic of Germany, Apr 1978; head, machine building del. to Argentina, Oct 1981; vice-min. of Machine Building Ind., May 1982 - Jul 1985; pres., Machine Building Ind. Quality Control Assn, Jul 1982; mem., govt del. to Japan (head: Li Peng), Aug 1984; deputy for Henan to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Jul 1992.

Yang Li

Yang Li



Yang Ligong

* 1928 Ningbo, Zhejiang Joined CCP, 1949; studied at Ν China Joint Univ and subsequently at Central Party School, 1950-52; cadre, Planning Section in Communications Dpt, NE Admin. Comte, 1953; graduation from Print Dpt, Central Art College, 1958; service in offices of Guandong PPG, 1963 - Cuit. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty dir., Economic Dpt, Guangdong PPG, 1974-78; dir., General Office and the dpty sec-gen., Guangdong PPG, 1978-83; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Apr 1983 - Jan 1988; head, Guangdong friendship del. to Zaire, Jul 1983; vice-chm, Guangdong PPC, Jan 1988; deputy for Guangdong to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, May 1990.

Yang Lieyu




* 1918 Tongliang, Sichuan deceased 1993, Nov 10 Graduated from Wuhan Univ, 1942; chief engineer, Xingguo Industrial and Mining Co., Chongqing, 1946-51; chief engineer, Jinghua Co., Dalian, 1951-52; prof., Dalian Shipping Inst., 1953 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., Inst, of Ship Metal Materials affiliated with Dalian Shipping Inst., 1978-84; vice-chm, China Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party, Jan 1987 (reelected Nov 1988); deputy for Liaoning to 7th NPC, Mar 1988 (reelected to 8th, Mar 1993); mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1988 (reelected to 8th, Mar 1993). Publication: editor of Metals and Their Heat Treatment.



* 1919 Xin County, Shandong Service as CCP sec. in counties, 1938-47; sec-gen., Nanyang Prefecture CP, 1948-49; sec., Nanyang Prefecture CP, 1951-1953; 1st dpty dir., Luoyang No. I Tractor Factory, May 1953; dir. of the factory, Nov 1959-1962; vice-min., Min. of Agricultural Machinery, Oct 1962 Jan 1965; the ministry was reorganized into 8th Min. of Machine Building with Yang remaining as vice-min., Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-min. of Agriculture, Jul 1970; vice-min. of Agriculture and Forestry, Sep 1971 - Feb 1978; head, scientific and technological del. to Bulgaria, Sep 1973; head, Chinese Section, Sino-Bulgarian Com for Scientific and Technological Cooperation, Sep 1974-1976; head, scientific and technological del. to Bulgaria, Sep 1975; head, del. to Conf. of Food and Agriculture Org. (FAO), Rome, Nov 1975; head, agricultural del. to Philippines, Mar 1976; deputy for Shandong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); min. of Agriculture and Forestry, Mar 1978; min. (newly established) Min. of Agricultural Machinery, Feb 1979 -May 1982; head, del. to Intl Agricultural Fair, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, May 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., NPC del. to Venezuela and Argentina (head: Huang Hua), May 1985; mem., Overseas Chinese Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986 Mar 1988; head, friendship del. to Italy, Jul 1987; deputy for Henan to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Sep 1989.

Yang Lin * 1915 Shashi County, Hubei Graduated from Wuhan Univ; head, del. to Intl Fair, Indonesia, Aug 1953; dpty dir., 3rd Bureau, Min. of Foreign Trade, Mar 1954; dpty head, trade del. to Indonesia, Jun 1954; commercial attaché, embassy in Indonesia, Jun 1955; dpty dir., Bureau for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries, SC, Apr 1961 - Jun 1964; head, experts del. to Burma, Sep-Oct 1961; vice-min., Com for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries, SC, Oct 1964 Cult. Rev.; head, economic del. to Indonesia, Mar 1965; accompanied foreign min. Chen Yi to Indonesia, Aug 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Oct 1967.


Yang Maojia (f)



* 1932 Guide County, Qinghai Yang belonged to the Tibetan minority. Chm, Women's Fed, Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Prov., 1959-62; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Qinghai Prov. Branch of All-China Women's Fed, 1963 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty dir., Qinghai Inst, for Nationalities, Feb 1980; vice-go v., Qinghai PPG, Nov 1981 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Qinghai PPC, Apr 1983 (reelected Feb 1988); disappeared, Dec 1988.

Yang Meisheng

* 1905 Xiangtan, Hunan deceased 1978, Jan 9 Once a tailor; participated in Linyang Autumn Harvest Uprising, 1927; served in Hunan-Jiangxi Independent Div., 1931; participated in Long March, 1934-35; cdr. of a regiment, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; followed Lin Biao to NE China, 1945; cdr. of a Brigade, HebeiChahar-Liaoning Mil. Distr, 1946; dpty cdr. of a column, NE Field Army, 1948; cdr. of an army, 4th Field Army, 1949; cos, 21st Army Corps, 4th Field Army, 1950; dpty cdr., Hunan Mil. Distr, 1952; cdr., Hunan Mil. Distr, 1954 - Sep 1961; mem., Hunan PPC, Feb 1955; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); training at Beijing Senior Mil. Academy, 1961; dpty cdr., Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Oct 1963 - death.

Yang Qiqing

Yang Mingxuan



* 1891 Shaanxi deceased 1967, Aug Graduated from Beijing Normal College; dir., Education Dpt, Shaanxi Prov. Govt, 1927; vice-chm, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt, 1948; mem., Natl Games, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., NW Mil. and Admin. Comte (Ν WM AC), Dec 1949- Jan 1953; council mem., Shaanxi PPG, Dec 1949 - Sep 1954; chm, NW Branch of CDL, 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, CDL, 1949 - death; chm, Cultural and Educational Comte, NWMAC, Mar 1950 - Jan 1953; vice-chm, NW Admin. Comte and concurrently chm of its Cultural and Educational Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; deputy for Gansu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959); dpty dir., Central Inst, of Socialism, Sep 1956- death; dir., Guangming Ribao, Beijing, Nov 1957; vice-chm, Central Comte, CDL, Dec 1958 - Dec 1963; mem., Friendship del. to PR Mongolia, Aug 1959; mem., NPC del. to Ν Korea, Apr 1962; chm, CDL, Dec 1963 - death; vicechm, Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965 - death; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965 - death.

Yang Qiliang

^ ^


Polit, commissar of a PLA div., 1949; counsellor, embassy in Poland, Dec 1950-1960; ambassador to Morocco, Jul 1961 - Cult. Rev.; ambassador to Algeria, Jul 1969 - May 1971; ambassador to Nigeria, Jul 1971 - Sep 1973; dir., Polit. Dpt., Min. of Foreign Affairs, Apr 1974-1976; ambassador to Portugal, Aug 1979 - Dec 1983; disappeared, Dec 1983.

Yang Qiqing


* 1911 Hunan deceased 1978, Nov 24 Participated in Pingjiang Uprising under Peng Dehuai, Hunan, 1929; served in 3rd Army Corps, 1931-37; before Central Red Army reached Ν Shaanxi, sent by Mao Zedong to work with 15th Army Corps, Nov 1935; dir., Section of Anti-Subversion Task, Polit. Dpt, 18th Army Group, 1937-45; dpty dir., Public Security Dpt, Ν China People's Govt, Aug 1948; attended Inaugural Session, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; dir., Polit. Protection Bureau, Min. of Public Security, Oct 1949 - Dec 1950; mem., Polit, and Legal Com, G AC, Oct 1949; procurator, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Nov 1949; vice-min. of Public Security, Nov 1949 - May 1952; chief procurator, Central-S

Yang Shangkui

Branch, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Mar 1951; dir., Public Security Dpt, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte (CSMAC), Mar 1952 - Jan 1953; vice-chm, Polit, and Legal Comte, CSM AC, Mar 1952; dir., Public Security Dpt, Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; reappointed vice-min. of Public Security, Oct 1954 -Cult. Rev.; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Afro-Asian Conf., Bandung, Indonesia, Apr 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1965); head, public security del. to PR Mongolia, Jul 1962; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Mar 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; again mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Apr 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978).

Yang Shangkui # & Í" * 1903 Xingquo County, Jangxi deceased 1986, Jul 7 Joined CCP, 1928; sec., home county CP, 1929; at start of Long March, ordered to remain behind and conduct guerilla operations in Jiangxi-Guangdong border area, 1934; dpty sec., CCP Special Comte for Jiangxi-Guangdong Border Reg, Dec 1934; his guerilla unit was incorporated into New 4th Army, 1938; dpty sec-gen., Liaodong Sub-Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1946; sec-gen. and mem., Stand. Comte, Jilin Prov. CP, 1947; dpty sec., Jiangxi Prov. CP, May 1949- Jul 1952; mem., Jiangxi PPG, Aug 1950 - Jan 1955; dpty sec., Jiangxi Prov. CP, Jul 1952 - Oct 1953; sec., Jiangxi Prov. CP, Oct 1953 Sep 1956; polit, commissar, Jiangxi Mil. Distr, Oct 1953; ehm, Jiangxi Branch of CPPCC, Jan 1955; 1st sec., Jiangxi Prov. CP, Sep 1956 - Cult. Rev.; 1st polit, commissar, Jiangxi Mil. Distr, Dec 1964 -Cult. Rev.; sec., E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1965 - Cult. Rev.; branded a capitalist-roader and purged, Feb 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1972; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Jiangxi Prov., Apr 1973 - Dec 1979; sec., Jiangxi Prov. CP, Mar 1975 - Mar 1983; deputy for Jiangxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; ehm, Jiangxi PPC, Dec 1979Apr 1983; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985.

Yang Shaoqiao # # Dpty dir., Admin. Office, Henan-Shaanxi-Hubei Border Reg, 1948; dpty dir., Finance Dpt, Central Plains Provisional People's Govt, Mar-Dec 1949; dir., Communications Dpt, Henan PPG, Mar 1949; dpty dir., Finance Dpt, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte (CSMAC), Mar 1950 Jan 1953; mem., Stand. Comte, Rehabilitation Comte, CSMAC, Aug 1950; mem., Comte for Retrenchment and Austerity, CSMAC, Nov 1951; vice-chm, Comte for Land Assessment and Production Appraisal, CSMAC, Sep 1952; dpty dir., Finance Dpt, Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; asst to Min. of Finance, Feb 1955 Apr 1959; vice-min. of Food, Feb 1960; deputy for He-


nan to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem.. Rev Comte of Beijing Municipality, May 1967; disappeared, May 1967. -Only appearance after Cult. Rev., 1980, May 17.

Yang Shifa


Dir., Industrial Dpt, Shanghai CP, 1953 - Feb 1958; 1st sec., Yangpu Distr CP, Feb 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanghai CP, Apr 1959 - Cult. Rev.; dir., Org. Dpt, Shanghai CP, Oct 1964; branded a revisionist and purged, Jan 1969; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Shanghai Rev Comte, Jun 1978 - Dec 1979; ehm, Scientific and Technological Com, Shanghai MPG, Sep 1978; dpty sec., Shanghai CP, May 1979 - Mar 1983; dpty head, Shanghai del. to Federal Republic of Germany, Spain, Italy, Jun 1979; vice-mayor, Shanghai MPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Shanghai Branch of CPPCC, Apr 1983; disappeared, Nov 1991.

Yang Shixian

* 1896 Huaining County, Anhui deceased 1985, Feb 19 Studied chemistry in U.S.A. and received a doctorate from Yale Univ, 1931; after return to China successively held following positions: prof, and concurrently dean, School of Science, Nankai Univ; dir., Chemistry Dpt, SW Associated Univ, and visiting prof., Univ of Indiana, U.S.A.; attended Inaugural Session of CPPCC, Sep 1949; council mem., Tianjin MPG, Aug 1950; ehm, Univ Affairs Comte, Nankai Univ, Aug 1950-1952; mem., Stand. Comte, Chinese Chemistry Society, Aug 1951; vice-pres., Nankai Univ, Oct 1952-1957; ehm, Cultural and Educational Comte, Tianjin MPG, Oct 1952; ehm, Tianjin Branch, China Association for Promoting Democracy (CAPD), Jan 1953-1963; vice-pres., Tianjin Branch, SinoSoviet Friendship Assn, Nov 1953; deputy for Tianjin to 1st NPC, Aug 1954- Mar 1959; mem., Stand. Comte, Dpt of Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry, CAS, Jun 1955 - Cult. Rev.; pres., Chinese Chemistry Society, Aug


1956; mem., Stand. Comte, CAPD, Aug 1956 -Cult. Rev.; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, May 1957; pres., Nankai Univ, Aug 1957 - Cult. Rev.; mem., NPC del. to Finland, Aug 1957; mem., scientific and technological del. to USSR, Nov 1957; deputy for Hebei to 2nd NPC, Oct 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); pres., Hebei Prov. Branch, CAS, Feb 1961; dir., Inst, of Organic Chemistry, Nankai Univ, Dec 1963; disappeared, Aug 1964; first reapperance: mem., Presidium, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); again pres. of Nakai Univ, Oct 1979 - Oct 1981; hon. pres., Nankai Univ, Oct 1981 - death.

Yang Shoushan

# #


Dpty dir., Logistics Dpt, PLA 2nd Field Army, 1949; mem., S Sichuan Admin. Office, Aug 1950- Aug 1952; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, S Sichuan Admin. Office, Dec 1950; asst min., Min. of Electric Ind., Jun 1957 - Feb 1958; vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Sep 1960- Cult. Rev.; mem., Beijing Rev Comte, May 1967; disappeared during Cult. Rev., May 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Beijing CP, Jun 1971 - May 1978; vice-chm, Beijing Rev Comte, Oct 1973 - May 1978; dpty sec., Beijing CP, Feb-May 1978; vice-min. of Public Health, Jul 19781981; ehm, Natl Comte of Sanitation Standards, Feb 1981; mem., Central Patriotic Health Campaign Comte, Sep 1981; disappeared, Sep 1981.

Yang Shuo


* 1913 Shandong Alt. mem., Natl Comte, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Cirtcles, Jul 1949 - Oct 1953; council mem., Chinese Writers' Assn (CWA), Oct 1953; council mem., ChinaUnited Arab Republics (Egypt + Syria) Friendship Assn, Feb 1958; dpty sec-gen., Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Jul 1958; dpty sec-gen., China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Jul 1958; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); council mem., China-Latin America Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; mem., Stand. Comte, China-Africa People's Friendship Assn, Apr 1960; dpty sec-gen., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Apr 1960; mem., del. to 2nd Afro-Asian Solidarity Conf., Conakry in Guinea, Apr 1960; ehm, Foreign Literature Comte, CWA, Aug 1960;

Yang Tianshou

mem., del. to meeting of Afro-Asian Writers Conf., Sep 1960; vice-pres., Beijing Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Feb 1961; mem., writers' del. to Japan, Mar 1961; mem., del. to 2nd session, Afro-Asian Writers Conf., Cairo, Feb 1962; mem., del. to World Conf. for Disarmament and World Peace, Moscow, Jul 1962; mem., del. to 8th World Conf. Against Use of A + H Bombs, Japan, Aug 1962; mem., del. to 2nd Afro-Asian Legal Workers Conf., Guinea, Oct 1962; mem., del. to 3rd Afro-Asian Solidarity Conf., Tanganyika, Jan 1963; head, writers' del. to meeting of Afro-Asian Writers Conf., Jakarta, Jul 1963; mem., del. to 9th Conf. Against Use of Atomic Bombs, Japan, Aug 1963; mem., del. to Afro-Asian Solidarity Conf., Algeria, Mar 1964; mem., del. to Afro-Asian Writers' Conf., Ghana, May 1964; vice-chm and concurrently sec., China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Jun 1965; mem., del. to Conf. Against Use of Atomic Bombs, Jul 1965; head, del. to Afro-Asian Solidarity Conf. in Japan, Mar 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jun 1966.

Yang Tianfang

^ ^ àfc

Dir., Personnels Dpt, Min. of Heavy Ind., Mar 1950; vice-mayor, Shenyang MPG, Aug 1959; vice-min. of Forestry, Feb 1963-1966; dpty head, Qinghua Univ Work Team, Jun 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jun 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-min. of Forestry, Nov 1979; head, forestry machinery study mission to Sweden and Finland, Nov 1979; disappeared, Nov 1979.

Yang Tianshou

# ^


* 1899 Tianjin Graduated from Qinghua Shool, 1920; obtained M.A. in political economy from Columbia Univ, U.S.A., 1923; dir., Service Bureau in Min. of Health under KMT Govt, 1927-29; gen-mgr., Hebei Provincial Bank, 1933-37; worked successively as gen-mgr. of Jiuan Trust Co. and as manager of Tianjin Peasants' and Workers' Bank, 193848; manager, Dongya Woolen and Linen Mill and then adviser to Tianjin Woolen Textile Co., 1950 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); ehm, Tianjin Investment and Consultation Service Co., Sep 1981; vice-chm, Tianjin Branch of CPPCC, Oct 1981 (reelected Mar 1983 and

Yang Tingbao


May 1988); ehm, Tianjin Branch of CDNCA, Oct 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Comte, CDNCA, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.

Yang Tingbao %

Yang Weijin

# it %


deceased 1982, Dec Graduated from Univ of Pennsylvania, U.S.A., and returned to China, 1927; vice-chm, Intl Union of Architects, 1957-65; deputy for Henan to 2nd NPC, Mar 1959; vicepres., Chinese Architecture Society, Jul 1961 - Oct 1980; head, architecture del. to Cuba, Jan 1963; head, del. to 7th Intl Architecture Congr, Cuba, Sep 1963; successively visited Mexico, Oct 1963; deputy for Jiangsu to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; dir., Nanjing Engineering Inst., Jul 1966; head, engineering del. to Japan, Jun 1973; head, educational del. to U.S.A., Nov 1977; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Nanjing Engineering Inst., Nov 1977-1978; deputy for Jiangsu to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-gov., Jiangsu PPG, Dec 1979 - death; pres., Chinese Architecture Society, Oct 1980-death; dpty dir., Nanjing Engineering Inst., Oct 1980 - death. Remarks: Yang helped design the Monument to the People's Heroes in Tiananmen Square.

* 1927 Otog m anner, Inner Mongolia Yang belong: 1 to the Mongolian minority. Served as staff officer, 3rd Contingent, Chinese-Mongol Detachment, NW China I 1. Reg, 1947-49; dir., Public Security Dpt, Haixi Mongi Tibetan-Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Pro 1953-55; dpty dir., Qaidam Admin. Com, 1955; ehm, . íaixi Mongol-Tibetan-Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, 11.1 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., ·66; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: C C P sec., Qaidai Admin. Com, 1978-80; vice-chm, Qinghai PPC, Nov 1 '·· :ì 1 (reelected Apr 1983 and Jan 1988); disappeared, Fc 1988. Remarks: \ .;ig's Tibetan name was Dengger Yeqili.

Yang Wanxuan

Yang Xi.î idong


Dpty sec., Lishi Distr CP, Shanxi, 1949; attended Inaugural Session, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; sec-gen., Xikang Prov. CP, Oct 1950; council mem., Xikang PPG, Oct 1950; dir., Rural Work Dpt, Xikang Prov. CP, Jan 1954; after Xikang Prov. was abolished as an administrative unit, dpt dir., Rural Work Comte, Sichuan Prov. CP, Jul 1955; made dir., Dec 1959; vice-gov., Sichuan PPG, Aug 1963 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Sichuan to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Aug 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Oct 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1975; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Sichuan Prov., Oct 1977 - Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Sichuan Prov. CP, Jul 1978; sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Jan 1 9 7 9 - Feb 1983; ehm, Advisory Com, Sichuan Prov. CP, Feb 1983; disappeared, Jul 1987.

Yang Weiping

Ä M-

Dpty sec., Henan Prov. CP, Apr 1954 - Oct 1956; mem., Henan PPC, Feb 1955; vice-chm, Henan Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; sec., Henan Prov. CP, Mar 1957 - Cult. Rev.; branded a revisionist and purged, May 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte of Anhui Prov., Jan 1978 - Dec 1979; sec., Anhui Prov. CP, Jun 1978 - Mar 1983; vice-gov., Anhui PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; ehm, Anhui PPC, Apr 1983; deputy for Anhui to 6th NPC, Mar 1983; disappeared, Jun 1983.

JL £

* 1908 Received D degree from Cornell Univ, U.S.A., 1937; dean, Collep of Agriculture, Wuhan Univ, 1948; attended Inaugural Session, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; vice-min. of Agriculture, Oct 1 9 4 9 - Cult. Rev.; council mem., SinoSoviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 - Dec 1954; dpty dir., China Fed of Scientific Societies, 1952; delegate to 3rd Congr, World Fed of Scientific Workers, Budapest, Sep 1953; deputy for Henan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Motions Examination Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959; to 3rd, Dec 1964); mem., Party del. to Albania (head: Li Xiannian), Nov 1954; mem., CCP del. to Hungary (head: Deng Zihui), Mar 1955; mem., China Asian Solidarity Comte, Feb 1956; pres., Chinese Society of Agriculture, Mar 1 9 5 6 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Academic Comte, Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Mar 1957; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, May 1957 - Nov 1958; mem., scientific del. to USSR, Nov 1957; head, agricultural del. to German Democratic Republic and Czechoslovakia, Jul 1958; mem., Assn of Science and Technology, Dec 1958; council mem., China-Albania Friendship Assn, Feb 1960; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1972; again pres., Chinese Society of Agriculture, Jan 1978; adviser to Min. of Agriculture and Forestry, Jun 1978; vice-pres., Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jul 1978; adviser to agricultural del. to Japan, Sep 1978; vice-min. of Agriculture, Sep 1979 - May 1982; head, Agricultural Work Group, CPPCC Natl Comte, Feb 1983; hon. pres., Assn of Agricultural Science Societies, May 1983; disappeared, May 1983.


Yang Xianyi Ii ÜSBKiÍBHMíMBi S "


* 1914 Tianjin Born into the family of a rich banker; gra .ated from a missionary school, 1934; subsequently went > England to study Greek, Latin, French and English ..erature; returned to China, 1940; taught English at se ral universities, 1940-42; worked in Translation Bui ;u of KMT Govt, 1943-48; went over to the Comnr siists, 1949; worked for Foreign Literature Publishing luse, 1952 Cult. Rev.; mem., writers' del. to Australi Mar 1980; executive dir., Chinese Literature, Jan 15 • •; editor-inchief, Chinese Literature, Jan 1982; mem., uiucation and Cultural Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; di< ipeared, Jun 1988. Yang was married to Gladys Young. Publications: Together with his wife transi; . 1 into English: Li Xiao (collection of poems by Qu jan), 1953; Selected Works of Lu Xun, 1956; The Schonrs (novel of Wu Jingzi of Qing dynasty), 1957; The Dre un of the Red Mansions (first complete translation of all 120 chapters), 1980.

Yang Xianzhen

* 1896 Xun County, Hubei deceased 1992, Aug 25 Studied at Russian Language Inst.; graduated from Beijing Normal Univ; apparently studied philosophy in Germany; subsequently attended Moscow Communist Univ of Toilers of the East; after graduation became dir., Publications Dpt, Far East Bureau of Comintern; returned to China about 1931 and went to Jiangxi Soviet area; went back to Moscow, around 1934; head, China Dpt, Soviet Union's Foreign Language Press, 1936-40; returned to China, 1941; ehm, Party History Comte, CCP Central Comte, 1943; visited Soviet Union again, 1946-47; dpty dir., Marxist-Leninist Inst., CCP Central Comte, 1949- Apr 1955; council mem., Chinese Polit. Science and Law Society, 1953; dpty dir., Theoretical Education Div., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1954; deputy for Hubei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1958); dir., Marxist-Leninist Inst., CCP Central Comte, Apr-Sep 1955; mem., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955; pres., Higher Party School (renamed from Marxist-Leninist Inst.), Sep 1955 - Dec 1961; mem., Awards Comte, CAS, Oct 1955; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; elevated to mem., CCP 8th Central Comte at its 5th Plenum, May 1958; mem., Stand.

Yang Xilìn

Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); advocated theory of "two combine into one" against Mao's theory of "one divides into two" at Higher Party School, Nov 1963; subject of severe criticism, 196465; branded a rightist deviationist and purged, Jun 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1978; adviser of Higher Party School, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Jul 1979 Jun 1983; a report of RMRB Aug 21, 1979 says that the attacks on the philosopher Yang Xianzhen and his comrades 15 years ago were a political frame-up; article in Guangming RB May 22, 1980; "The Socialist economy should be planned diversified and flexible"; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985.

Yang Xiguang



* 1915 Wuhu County, Anhui deceased 1989, May 14 Joined CCP, 1936; served in 49th Army, NE Army and subsequently in Chongqing Chinese Journalist Society, 1937-39; studied at Yan'an Marxist-Leninist College, 1940; service in United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1941-45; dpty polit, commissar, Officer Training Regiment, E China Mil. Reg, 1945-49; dir., Propganda Dpt, Fujian Prov. CP, Nov 1950; dir., Press and Publicatios Office, Fujian PPG, Nov 1950; mem.. Stand. Comte, Fujian Prov. CP, Aug 1952; ehm, Cultural and Educational Comte, Fujian PPG, Aug 1954; vice-pres., Fudan Univ, Jun 1955; dir., Education and Public Health Dpt, Shanghai CP, Aug 1958; editor, Liberation Daily, Shanghai, Oct 1958; alt. sec., Shanghai CP, Apr 1965 - Cult. Rev.; accused by Red Guards of being a revisionist, Jan 1967; branded an agent for Liu Shaoqi, RMRB, Dec 1967; struggled against at public rally and purged, Apr 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Shanghai Rev Comte, May 1976-1978; editor-in-chief, Guangming RB, 1979-1983; ehm, Chinese Journalists' Assn, Aug 1980 Apr 1983; head, journalists' del. to Japan, Dec 1981; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); article in Guangming RB Jun 7, 1986; on the need to overcome phobia about importing culture and ideas.

Yang Xilin



Pres., Higher People's Court, Qinghai Prov., Dec 1977 Sep 1979; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; vice-chm, Qinghai PPC, Apr 1983; disappeared, Jan 1984.

Yang Xiufeng

Yang Xiufeng


% %

death; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; requested not to be elected to central leading organs, Sep 1982. Yang was married to Sun Wenshu.

Yang Xiushan

* 1897 Qian'an County, Hebei deceased 1983, Nov 26 Graduated from Dpt of History and Geography, Beijing Normal Univ; enrolled at Univ of Paris, 1929; after returning to China, served as prof., Hebei Normal College for Girls and dir., Dpt of Education, Hebei Prov. Govt; prof., Beijing Normal Univ, 1933-37; lecturer, 3rd Summer Camp for People's Volunteers organized by Liberation Vanguard, 1937; at beginning of Sino-Japanese War carried out guerilla activities with a group of students in Baoding area, 1937; joined Liu Shaoqi in Shanxi-ChaharHebei Region and his guerilla group incorporated in 8th Route Army, summer 1938; dir., S Hebei Admin. Office, Aug 1938; dir., Joint Office for Guerillas in S Hebei, 1939; joined CCP, 1939; ehm, Shanxi-Chahar-ShandongHenan Border Reg Govt, 1941-48; 3rd vice-chm, Ν China People's Govt, Aug 1948 - Oct 1949; ehm, Control Comte, and concurrently mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Ν China People's Govt, 1948; ehm of Hebei Prov., Aug 1949- Nov 1952; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949-1954; vice-min. of Higher Education, Nov 1952 - Oct 1954; deputy for Hebei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958); mem., Motions Examination Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959); min. of Higher Education, Sep 1954 - Feb 1958; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Mar 1956; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956- Cult. Rev.; dpty dir., 2nd Staff Office, SC, Jun 1957 -Sep 1959; vice-min., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Jun 1957; min. of Education, Feb 1958 - Jul 1964; head, educational del. to Poland, German Democratic Republic, USSR, Feb-Mar 1958; pres., China Vietnam Friendship Assn, Oct 1958; dir., Staff Office of Culture and Education, SC, Sep 1959 -Jul 1965; head, friendship del. to Ν Vietnam, Dec 1959; head, CCP del. to Ν Vietnam, Aug 1962; head, educational del. to Albania, Sep 1963; head, educational del. to United Arab Republic, Algeria, Mali, Guinea, Zanzibar, Apr 1964; min. of Higher Education, Jul-Dec 1964; pres., Supreme People's Court, Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev.; branded a black gangster, Sep 1966; attempted to commit suicide, Jan 1967; displayed at a mass rally and purged, May 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; deputy to 4th NPC, Jan 1975; deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; vice-chm, Legal Comte, 5th NPC, Feb 1979 - Jun 1983; hon. pres., Chinese Education Society, Apr 1979 - May 1983; vice-chm, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Sep 1980 - Jun 1983; mem., Constitution Revision Com, SC, Sep 1980; hon. pres., Chinese Law Society, Jul 1982-


% ¿r

* 1914 Mianyang, Hubei Polit, commissar, 18th Regiment, 6th Div., 2nd Front Army, 1935; trained at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1936; polit, commissar, 716th Regiment, 358th Brigade, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938; dpty cdr., 358th Brigade, 1940; cdr., 3rd Mil. Subdistr, Shanxi-Suiyuan Mil. Distr, 1942; cdr. of an independent brigade operating in Shanxi-Suiyuan Mil. Distr, 1945; cdr. of a div. in 3rd Column of NW Field Army, 1947; dpty cdr., 3rd Army of 1st Field Army, 1949; cdr., 3rd Army, 1950; cdr., 1st Army, Chinese "People's Volunteers" (CPV) in Korea, 1952; dpty cdr., 3rd Army Group, CPV, 1953; studied at Nanjing PLA Mil. Academy, 1954; awarded medals of "August 1st" and "Liberation" and made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; mem., mil. del. to Yugoslavia (head: Deng Hua), Oct 1956; dpty dir., Dpt for Mil. Academies, PLA General Staff, Oct 1956; mem., mil. del. to PR Mongolia, Mar 1961; dpty cdr., Wuhan Mil. Reg, Oct 1963 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Mar 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1976; cadre, Central mil. leadership, Jun 1978; mem., Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 - Sep 1982; dir., PLA Logistics Inst., Aug 1981 - Jan 1985; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

Yang Yepeng

# *+ &

Once served as cdr., 2nd Mil. Subdistr, Suiyuan Mil. Distr; dpty cdr., Suiyuan Mil. Distr, 1949; mem., Suiyuan Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949 -Jun 1954; council mem., Suiyuan PPG, Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; dpty cdr.; 3rd Group Army, 2nd Field Army, 1952; mem., People's Council, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Apr 1955; sec., CCP Comte, Nanjing Chemical Ind. Co., Mar 1961; vice-min. of Chemical Ind., SC, Jan 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again vice-min. of Chemical Ind., SC, Jun 1978; disappeared, Jun 1978.


Yang Yichen * 1910 Henan Cadre, Shandong Mil. Distr, 1947; dir., S China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1949; mem., Henan PPG, Apr 1950; dir., Org. Dpt, Henan Prov. CP, Jul 1950; ehm, Control Com, Henan PPG, Jan 1951; 2nd sec., Guangzhou Municipality CP, Aug 1952; dir., Org. Dpt, S China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1952; dir., Ind. Dpt, S China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1954; mem., Guangdong PPC, Aug 1954; deputy for Guangdong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; 2nd sec., S China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1954 - Jul 1955; min. for Procurement of Agricultural Products, Jul 1955 - Nov 1956; min. of Urban Services, Nov 1956 - Feb 1958; min., 2nd Min. of Commerce, Feb-Sep 1958; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, May 1958; dir., Dpt of Commerce, Qinghai PPG, Nov 1958; vice-gov., Hebei PPG, Feb 1963 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Hebei Prov. CP, Jun 1963 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Nov 1966. - Officially rahabilitated, Feb 1980.

Yang Yimu

# — ^

Dir., Enterprise Bureau, Lanzhou Mil. Control Com, 1949; council mem., Gansu PPG, Dec 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Gansu PPG, Mar 1950; sec., Lanzhou Municipality CP, Apr 1955; 1st sec., Lanzhou Municipality CP, Aug 1957; vice-gov., Gansu PPG, Sep 1964- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte of Ningxia AR, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; dir., Bureau of Complete Sets of Machinery and Equipment, SC, Sep 1981; deputy for Shaanxi to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.

Yang Yingjie

# £

Chm of Beian, Heilongjiang, 1948; vice-chm, Heilongjiang Prov., 1949 - Aug 1952; vice-min., State Planning Com, Oct 1954 - Sep 1959; vice-chm, Editorial Board, Planned Economy, 1957; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, May 1957; vice-gov., Hebei PPG, Apr 1958-63; mem., Stand. Comte, Hebei Prov. CP, 1958; again vicemin., State Planning Com, Oct 1962- Nov 1965; disappeared, Nov 1965.

Yang Yizhou * 1900 Xintang County, Hebei Mem., Preparatory Comte, Tianjin Branch, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Jun 1949; council mem., Tianjin MPG, Nov 1949; manager, Zhongfang Co., Tianjin, - Oct 1950; dpty dir., Textile Admin. Bureau, Ν China Mil. and Admin Comte, Oct 1950; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Tianjin MPG, May 1953; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959); vicemayor, Tianjin MPG, Jan 1955 - Dec 1963; mem., Cen-

Yang Yong

tral Comte, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, Feb 1956 Cult. Rev.; vice-gov., Hebei PPG, Apr 1958 - Cult. Rev.; chm, Tianjin Branch, Rev Comte of Chinese KMT, May 1958; deputy for Hebei to 2nd NPC, Oct 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); vice-chm, Hebei Branch of CPPCC, Oct 1958; vice-chm, Hebei Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Jul 1959; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Yang Yong

Κ ; ; Ϋ* fτ ' 1 mS m,

* 1912 Liuyang County, Hunan deceased 1983, Jan 6 Joined CCP, 1930; studied at Red Army School, 1933; polit, commissar, 10th Regiment, 4th Div., 3rd Red Army Corps, summer 1934; participated in Long March, 193435; polit, commissar, 686th Regiment, 343rd Brigade, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; took part in Battle of Pingxiang Pass as dpty cdr. of 686th Regiment, Sep 1937; cdr., 3rd Brigade, 115th Div., and concurrently dpty cdr., W Shandong Mil. Distr, 1939; Yang's brigade incorporated into Yang Dezhi's units to form Hebei-Shandong-Henan Mil. Reg with Yang Dezhi as cdr. and Yang Yong as dpty cdr.. Mar 1939; participated in Battle of One Hundred Regiments, Hebei Prov., Aug 1940; cdr., W Shandong Mil. Distr, 1941; Yang's forces expanded to 1st Column, Sep 1945; participated in several battles in Shandong and Henan, Jan-Mar 1947; followed Liu Bocheng's Central Plains Field Army, Aug 1947; cdr., 7th Column Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army, 1947; cdr., 5th Army Group, 2nd Field Army, Jun 1948; took part in Huai-Hai Battle, Nov 1948; led army to cross Changjiang (Yangtze River), Apr 1949; dpty cdr., 2nd Field Army, 1949; mem., Guiyang Mil. Control Com, Nov 1949; chm of Guizhou Prov., Dec 1949 - Feb 1954; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950; dpty cdr., Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, Mar 1954 - Mar 1955; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; cdr., Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, Mar 1955 - Oct 1958; made col-gen., Sep 1955; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; decorated by Korean Govt with Natl Flag Order, 1st class, Oct 1958; cdr., Beijing Mil. Reg, Jun 1959-1962; mem., govt del. to Ν Korea (head: He Long), Oct 1960; dpty chief, PLA General Staff, May 1962 - Cult. Rev.; head, mil. del. to Algeria, Nov 1964; head, del. to Ν Korea (15th anniversary of Chinese "People's Volunteers" entry into Korean War), Oct 1965; branded a three-anti element, Feb 1967; placed under struggle at rally in Beijing and purged, Jun 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jul 1972; 2nd sec., Party Comte and concurrently vice-chm, Rev Comte of Xinjiang


Yang Yongyi

AR, Jul 1973; cdr., Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Jul 1973 - Aug 1977; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977; to 12th CC, Sep 1982); head, mil. del. to Ν Vietnam, Feb 1975; head, mil. del. to Ν Korea, May 1977; conferred Korean order "Freedom and Independence", 1st class, Jun 1977; again dpty chief, PLA General Staff, Oct 1977; deputy for PLA to 5th Ν PC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978; vice-chm, Patriotic Health Campaign Comte, Apr 1978; head, mil. del. to Yugoslavia, Jun 1978; head, mil. del. to Great Britain, Jul 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Mil. Com CCP Central Comte, Feb 1980; 2nd sec., Party Comte, PLA General Staff, Jan 1982; mem., Secretariat, 12th CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - death. Yang was married to Lin Bin.

Yang Yongyi



* 1941 Funing County, Jiangsu Graduation from Nanjing Engineering College, 1965; vice-gov., Jiangsu PPG, Apr 1983 - Aug 1990; deputy for Jiangsu to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., NPC del. to Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development, New Delhi, Feb 1984; ehm, Family Planning Com, Jiangsu PPG, Jul 1985; disappeared, Aug 1990.

Yang Yunyu (f) * 1914 Henan Mem., Executive Comte, All-China Democratic Women's Fed (ACDWF), Mar 1949; vice-chm, ACDWF, 1950; mem., friendship del. to May Day celebrations, Moscow, Apr 1951; vice-chm, Beijing Branch, ACDWF, Mar 1952; judge, Beijing People's Court, Mar 1952; sec., Intl Democratic Women's Fed (IDWF), 1954; delegate to IDWF Executive Comte Meeting, Jan 1954; deputy for Henan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 - Apr 1959; delegate to World Mothers Conf., Lausanne, Switzerland, Jim 1955; sec., ACDWF, Sep 1957; mem., del. to Afro-Asian Women's Conf., Colombo, Feb 1958; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Jul 1958 - Cult. Rev.; council mem., Sino-Albanian Friendship Assn, Sep 1958; deputy for Shandong to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Physical Culture and Sports, SC, Sep 1959; mem., Stand. Comte, China-Africa People's Friendship Assn, Apr 1960; head, del. to IDWF Conf., Warsaw, Nov 1960; head, del. to Afro-Asian Women's Conf., Cairo, Jan 1961; head, del. to IDWF

Conf., Budapest, Sep 1961; women's del. to Albania, Oct 1961; head, del. to IDWF Executive Council Meeting, Bamako, Mali, Jan 1962; head, del. to World Women Conf. on Disarmament, Vienna, Mar 1962; head, del. to IDWF Conf., Prague, May 1962; head, del. to IDWF Conf., East Berlin, Nov 1962; delegate to 3rd Conf. of Tunisian Women's Fed., Tunis, Dec 1962; delegate to IDWF Conf., East Berlin, Jan 1963; head, del. to IDWF Conf., Moscow, Jun 1963; head, women's del. to Japan, Jun 1964; head, del. to IDWF Conf., Sofia, Oct 1964; mem., del. to Intl Conf. for Resisting-US and AidingVietnam, Hanoi, Nov 1964; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; vice-chm, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Jun 1965; head, women's del. to German Democratic Republic, May 1966; head, women's del. to Romania and Albania, Jul 1966; head, women's del. to Japan, Dec 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: cadre in Min. of Education, Oct 1976; dpty head, del. to 19th Meeting of UNESCO's General Conf., Nairobi, Oct 1976; delegate to 102nd UNESCO Conf., Paris, Apr 1977; mem., UNESCO Executive Council, Apr 1977-1980; dir., Foreign Affairs Dpt, Min. of Education, Apr 1978; delegate to 104th UNESCO Conf., Paris, Apr 1978; dpty head to 20th Meeting of UNESCO's General Conf., Paris, Oct 1978; vice-chm and sec-gen., Natl Com of the PRC for UNESCO, Jan 1979-1983; vice-min. of Education, Apr 1979 - May 1982; ehm, Natl Comte on Defense of Children, Jan 1980; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Dec 1983.

Yang Zhantao

^ & &

Council mem., Jilin PPG, and dir. of its Civil Affairs Dpt, Nov 1949; mem., Jilin PPC, Feb 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, Jilin Prov. CP, Jan 1956; vice-gov., Jilin PPG, Oct 1957 - Cult. Rev.; ehm, Com for Price Control, Jilin PPC, May 1957; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte of Jilin Prov., Jan 1978 - Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Jilin Prov. CP, Sep 1979; vice-gov., Jilin PPG, Apr 1980 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, People's Air Defense Comte, Shenyang Mil. Reg, Nov 1981; vice-chm, Jilin PPC, Apr 1983 - May 1985; deputy for Jilin to 6th NPC, May 1983; disappeared, Mar 1986.


Yang Zhicheng



* 1903 Sansui County, Guizhou deceased 1967, Feb 1 Joined CCP and Red Army, 1927; graduated from 5th class, Whampoa Mil. Academy, Jul 1927; participated in Nanchang Uprising, 1927; joined Mao Zedong on Jinggang Mountains, 1928; 1929-48: served successively as dpty cdr. of 4th Red Army, administrator of Red Army Univ and Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, polit, commissar of Logistics Dpt under NE Field Army; dir., Logistics Dpt of Central-S Mil. Reg, Dec 1949 - Sep 1954; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte (CSMAC), Jan 1950- Jan 1953; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, CSMAC, Mar 1950; dir., Light Ind. Dpt, CSMAC, Mar 1950; dpty dir., PLA Inspectorate of Armed Forces, Sep 1954; made col-gen. and awarded orders of "August 1st" and "Liberation", Sep 1955; deputy for PLA to 2nd NPC, Jul 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Natl Defense Council, Apr 1959 - death; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965 - death.

Yang Zhihua (f)

^t ψ

* 1900 Xiaoshan County, Zhejiang deceased 1973, Dec Born into an industrial and commercial landlord's family. Attended a professional school in Hangzhou and Hangzhou Girls' Normal School; went to Xiaoshan, Zhejiang, and ran a peasant school, 1921; joined CYL, 1922; went to study in Sociology Dpt of Shanghai Univ, Dec 1923; joined CCP, 1924; married Qu Qiubai, Oct 1925; dir., Women's Dpt, CCP Central Comte, May 1927; engaged in Communist underground activities, 1927; put on the KMT wanted list, 1927; went to Moscow, 1928; returned to Shanghai, 1930; Qu Qiubai was arrested and killed by KMT in 1935; subsequently Yang returned to Moscow; returned to China from USSR and arrested by warlord Sheng Shicai in Xinjiang together with Mao Zemin and Chen Tanqiu, 1942; released and went to Yan'an, 1946; served as sec., Women's Comte, CCP Central Comte and sec., Women's Comte in Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan

Yang Zhilin

Reg, 1937-44; dpty dir., Women's Work Dpt, ACFTU, Aug 1948; mem., Executive Comte, ACFTU, Aug 1948 Cult. Rev.; mem., Executive Comte and mem., Stand. Comte, All-China Women's Fed (ACWF), Mar 1949 Cult. Rev.; head, Intl Liaison Dpt, (ACWF), Apr 1949; delegate of ACFTU to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Sep 1949 - Dec 1954; dpty sec-gen., Comte for Implementing Marriage Law, G AC, Feb 1953; dir., Women's Work Dpt, ACFTU, Apr 1953 - Cult. Rev.; mem., del. to 2nd Congr of World Fed of TU, Vienna, Sep 1953; dpty head, women's del. to celebration of 36th anniversary of October Rev., Moscow, Nov 1953; deputy for Shanghai to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Credentials Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959; to 3rd, Dec 1964); head, women's del. to Czechoslovakia, May 1956; vice-chm, ACWF, Sep 1957 - Cult. Rev.; mem., friendship del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1958; council mem., China-Cambodia Friendship Assn, Dec 1960; mem., NPC del. to Ν Korea, Apr 1962; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Control Com, CCP Central Comte, 1963 - Cult. Rev.; head, women's del. to Ν Korea, May 1964; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; imprisoned during Cult. Rev., May 1966; died in prison, Dec 1973.

Yang Zhilin

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* 1911 Tumd Banner, Suiyuan deceased 1992, Sep 10 Attended normal school; suspected of being a Communist, sentenced to two years imprisonment, 1931; organized guerilla bands in Tumd Banner, 1933-37; met He Long and ordered to reorganize his guerillas to form a cavalry brigade of 300 men and join Li Jingquan's forces, 1938; vice-chm, Suiyuan-Mongolia Border Reg Admin. Office, 1946; ehm of Suiyuan Prov., Jun-Oct 1949; vice-chm of Suiyuan Prov., Dec 1949; mem., Suiyuan Mil. and Admin. Comte, Feb 1950; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, Suiyuan PPG, Oct 1950; vice-chm, People's Govt, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), Aug 1952-1962; sec., IMAR CP, Nov 1952; mem., Construction Comte for Removing Remains of Jenghis Khan to a new tomb, 1954; ehm, IMAR Branch of CPPCC, Dec 1954; 2nd sec, IMAR CP, Dec 1955 - Jul 1956; sec., IMAR CP, Oct 1956-1962; head, IMAR del. to USSR, Nov 1957; lectured at Inner Mongolia Univ, Sep 1958; 1st sec., Qinghai Prov. CP, Apr 1962 - Cult. Rev.; sec., NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1965 - Cult. Rev.; 1st polit, commissar, Qinghai Mil. Distr, Jul 1965; denounced as a follower of Liu Saoqi and Deng Xiaoping and purged, Feb 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Natl Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; sec., Gansu Prov. CP, Apr 1979 - Apr 1981; ehm, Gansu Prov. Branch of CPPCC, Apr 1981; adviser, Gansu Prov. CP, Apr 1981; mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Nov 1981; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, by-elected Mar 1990 death.


Yang Zhongjian

Yang Zhongjian

Y a n g Z o n g (f)

* 1897 Shaanxi deceased 1979, Jan 15 Graduated from Beijing Univ, 1923; received Ph.D. from Univ of Munich, Germany, 1927; chief technician, China Geology Society, 1928; pres., NW Univ, 1949; mem., Comte for Unification of Technological Terms, Cultural and Educational Comte, GAC, May 1950; dir., Compilation and Translation Bureau, CAS, Jun 1950; council mem., China Paleontology Society, 1953; dir., Inst, of Vertebrate Paleontolgy, CAS, Dec 1953; deputy for Henan to 1st Ν PC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1958); mem., Stand. Comte, Dpt of Biology and Earth Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955; mem., Central Comte, Jiusan Society, Feb 1956 - Dec 1958; vice-chm, Comte for Compilation, Translation and Publication, CAS, May 1956; pres., China Society of Paleontology, Apr 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Comte, Jiusan Society, Dec 1958 - Cult. Rev.; dir., Inst, of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleanthropology, CAS, Feb 1964; deputy for Shaanxi to 3rd Ν PC, Sep 1964; head, scientific del. to Syria, Dec 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1973; deputy for Shaanxi to 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Feb 1978); dir., Inst, of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleanthropology, CAS, Jun 1978 - death.

* 1938 Tibet Yang belonged to the Tibetan minority; she became known as a peasant who succeeded in improving soil; dpty dir., Leap Forward Commune, Jiacha County, Shannan Distr, Tibet AR, Mar 1969; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); ehm, Rev Comte, Xianfeng People's Commune, Jiacha County, Mar 1974; mem., Stand. Comte, CP Comte, Jiacha County, Mar 1975; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Jiacha County, Mar 1975; disappeared, Oct 1977.

Yang Ziyuan


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Yang Zongxin Dir., Foreign Affairs Dpt, People's Govt, Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR), Oct 1965; mem., Stand. Comte, TAR CP, Jan 1975 - Mar 1983; vice-chm, TAR Rev Comte, Sep 1977 - Aug 1979; vice-chm, People's Govt, TAR, Aug 1979 - Dec 1985; head, Tibet goodwill del. to Nepal, Oct 1984; adviser to People's Govt of TAR, Aug 1988; disappeared, Aug 1988.

Yang Zuocai




Vice-min., State Capital Construction Com, SC, Sep 1959 - Jan 1961; vice-min., State Planning Com, SC, Jan 1961 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966. Only appearance after Cult. Rev., 1978 Dec 13.

Yangling Doje

* 1928 Mei County, Guangdong Graduated from Arts College under Zhongshan Univ, 1949; served successively in Bureau of Metallurgical Ind., Guangzhou MPG, and as workshop dir. in Guangzhou Iron and Steel Plant, 1950-64; dir., Technological Section, Guangzhou Metallurgical Ind. Corp., 1964-73; dir., Guangzhou Alloy Steel Plant, 1978-80; dir., Economic Com, Guangzhou PPG, 1983-84; vice-mayor, Guangzhou MPG, Oct 1985; mayor, Guangzhou MPG, Jun 1988 Jun 1990; disappeared, Jun 1990.



β" Í Í

* 1931 Batang County, Sichuan Y. belonged to the Tibetan minority. Joined CCP, 1949; served as dpty sec., Sichuan Branch of CYL, 1956 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: 1st sec., Dege County CP, 1973-74; 1st sec., Aba Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture CP, 197579; vice-gov., Sichuan PPG, Dec 1979 - Mar 1981; sec.,


CP of Tibet AR, Jun 1981 - Jun 1985; vice-chm, People's Govt, Tibet AR, Aug 1982 - Apr 1983; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; ehm, Tibet Branch of CPPCC, Apr 1983 -May 1986; dpty sec., CP of Tibet AR, Jun-Nov 1985; vice-chm, Sichuan Prov. Branch of CPPCC, Feb 1988; deputy for Sichuan to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.

Yao Ke



Dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, Anhui Prov. CP, 1954; vice-chm, Anhui Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1955; dir., United Front Work Dpt, Anhui Prov. CP, 1956-63; vice-gov., Anhui PPG, Nov 1958 - Cult. Rev.; concurrently dir., Dpt of Coal Ind., Anhui PPC, 1960; mem., Stand. Comte, Anhui Prov. CP, Jun 1960- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Yao Lianwei

it Ä

* 1935 Shaanxi Alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); vice-chm, Shaanxi Prov. Branch, All-China Fed of TU, Jul 1973; deputy for Shaanxi to 4th NPC, Jan 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; disappeared, Sep 1976.

Yao Wenyuan

Yao Xueyin

O n e Hundred Flower Campaign", Yao was actively participated in the criticism of "rightist deviationist" writers, 1957; became a protégé of Zhang Chunqiao, 1957; mem., Natl Comte, All-China Youth Fed, Apr 1958 (reelected Apr 1962); criticized the composer Debussy as bourgeois in an article in Literary Journal, 1963 (his close association with Jiang Qing, and later Mao Zedong, dated from about this time when both turned to Shanghai as a result of opposition in Beijing); published article in RMRB, Nov 30, 1965, "Notes on the New Historical Play v Hai Rui Dismissed from Office'", (marking the start of Cult. Rev.); (the play, written by historian and vice-mayor of Beijing Wu Han, is an allegory in defense of former min. of Natl Defense, Peng Dehuai, who had been dismissed in 1959); took part for the first time in a Beijing demonstration in support of the Cult. Rev., Aug 1966; mem., Cult. Rev. Group, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1966; 2nd sec. and dpty dir., Shanghai People's Commune, Feb 1967 (a few days later, the Shanghai People's Commune was renamed the Shanghai Rev Comte with Yao as a vice-chm); one of three chiefs, Literary and Art Section, Cult. Rev. Group, CCP Central Comte, May 1967; head, Red Guard del. to Albania, Jun 1967; mem., Politburo and Central Comte, 9th CCP Central Comte, Apr 1969 (in both positions reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); 2nd sec., Shanghai Municipality CP, Jan 1971 (no later official reference in this post); head, Party and govt del. to Albania, Nov 1974; mem., Presidium, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; on 6th October, 1976 purged together with Jiang Qing, Zhang Chunqiao and Wang Hongwen, who since became known as the "Gang of Four"; sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment and deprivation of polit, rights for five years, Jan 1981.

Yao Xueyin


^ ì i

* 1931 Zhuji County, Zhejiang Son of Yao Benzi, a well-known leftist writer during the 1930s; served in Shanghai Section, NDYL, 1951; council mem., Shanghai Branch, Chinese Writers' Assn, Nov 1951; correspondent, Literary Journal (Wenhui Bao), Nov 1951; began to advocate an orthodox literary line, adhering closely to Mao Zedongs Thoughts, in opposition to the then generally liberaly tendency in literature (his article "Hu Feng's Three Methods of Falsifying Marxism" was a significant cause of the purge of Hu), 1955; during the

* 1910 Deng County, Henan Began writing 1938; council mem., Anti-Japanese War Assn under All-China Art and Literary Circles, 1940; prof., Daxia Univ, Shanghai, 1946; became a professional writer, 1951; mem., Wuhan Branch, Chinese Writers' Assn, 1953; accused of being a "rightist", 1957; mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; ehm, Hubei Prov. Branch, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Sep 1981; pres., China Society for Contemporary Literature, Jul 1982; awarded the Mao Dun Literature Prize for the 2nd volume of his novel Li Zicheng, Dec 1982; attended "Rose Festival", Marseille, Nov 1984; adviser, Chinese Writers' Assn, Jan 1985; mem., 5th Natl Comte, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Nov 1988; disappeared, Dec 1991.


Yao Yilin

Among his publications: Niu Quande and the Reddish Turnips; When Flowers Blossom in Spring; A Love Story on the Battlefield; Li Zicheng (historical novel about a Ming dynasty peasant uprising), 1st volume, 1963; 2nd vol, 1977; 3rd volume, 1981; 4th volume, 1984 ; 5th volume, 1986.

Yao Yilin

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* 1917 Guichi County, Anhui deceased 1994, Dec 11 Attended a teachers college in Anhui; became known as one of the initiators of anti-Japanese demonstrations, Beijing, Dec 9, 1935; studied at Qinghua Univ and graduated in chemistry; 1937-49 served successively as: sec-gen., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte; sec., Tianjin City CP; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Hebei Prov. CP; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Hebei-Rehe (Jehol)-Chahar Reg CP; sec-gen., Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Subbureau and Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Bureau under CCP Central Comte; dir., Commerce Dpt, Ν China People's Govt, Jan 1949; vice-min. of Commerce, Oct 1949- Feb 1960; dir., Central School for Commerce Cadres, Oct 1950; deputy for Jiangxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 - Mar 1959; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, elected at 2nd Plenum, May 1958; dpty dir., Bureau of Finance and Commerce, SC, Sep 1959; dpty dir., Bureau of Finance and Commerce, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1959; min. of Commerce, Feb 1960- Cult. Rev.; head, trade del. to Ν Vietnam, Mar 1964; dir., Polit. Dpt, Dpt of Finance and Commerce, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1964; branded a "three-anti element" of the Peng Zhen clique and purged, Mar 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jul 1973; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 - Aug 1977; vice-min. of Foreign Trade, Dec 1973 Aug 1978; head, trade del. to Ν Korea, Jan 1974; 1st dpty min. of Foreign Trade, Apr 1977; head, trade del. to Austria and Netherlands, Apr 1977; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982; to 13th CC, Nov 1987 - Oct 1992); min. of Commerce, Aug 1978 - Feb 1979; vice-premier, SC, Jul 1979 - Mar 1993; sec-gen., State Financial and Economic Com, Jul 1979Mar 1981; dpty sec-gen., CCP Central Comte, Aug 1979- Sep 1982; mem., Secretariat, CCP 11th Central Comte, elected at 5th Plenum, Feb 1980 -Sep 1985; dir., General Office, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1980 - May 1982; min., State Planning Com, Aug 1980- Jun 1983; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; alt. mem., Politburo, CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982Sep 1985; visited Japan, Apr 1983; delegate to 6th Session of UN Conf. on Trade and Development, Belgrade,

Jun 1983; special envoy of PRC Govt to funeral of Indira Gandhi, Nov 1984; head, govt del. to USSR, Jul 1985; mem., Politburo, CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected to PB of 13th CC, Nov 1987 - Oct 1992); head, goodwill del. to United Arab Emirates, Oman, Kuwait, Nov 1985; visited U.S.A. and subsequently World Transportation and Telecommunications Fair, Vancouver, Canada, May 1986; head, economic del. to USSR, May 1987; minister, State Planning Com, Jun 1987 - Dec 1989; mem., Stand. Comte, 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; mem., Stand. Comte, Politburo, 13th CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987 - Oct 1992; head, govt del. to Federal Republic of Germany and Czechoslovakia, Oct 1988; ehm, Three Gorges Project Examination Comte, SC, Dec 1988; head, CCP and govt del. to German Democratic Republic, Oct 1989; acting premier, Dec 1990; visited Malaysia and Singapore; mem., Presidium and Stand. Comte, 14th CCP Congr, Oct 1992; hon. ehm, Society of Administrative Management, May 1993.

Yao Zhe

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* 1906 Shaoyang City, Hunan deceased 1979, May 27 Studied at military-polit, school, Hunan, 1928; took part in Pingjiang Uprising, 1928; served in 8th Detachment, 5th Red Army, Jinggang Mountains, Dec 1928; leader, 4th squad, 8th Detachment, 4th Column, Jan 1929; dpty cdr., 358th Brigade, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; cdr., Daqing Mountain Detachment, Suiyuan Prov., 1938; cdr., Suiyuan-Mongolia Mil. Reg, 1946; cdr., 8th Column, NW Field Army, 1947; cdr., 8th Army, 1st Field Army, Feb 1949; cdr., Suiyuan Mil. Distr, 1949; mem., Suiyuan Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Suiyuan PPG, Dec 1950; vice-chm, Suiyuan Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Jan 1951; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dpty commandant Nanjing Higher Infantry School, 1956; dpty cdr., Wuhan Mil. Reg, Jun 1961 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Mar 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again dpty cdr., Wuhan Mil. Reg, Jan 1974-1977; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - death.


Ye Daoying



Ye Jianying

Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Beijing MPC, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; prof, and specialist in children's hygiene, Mar 1980; hon. dir., Inst, of Children's Health, Beijing Medical Univ, 1982; vice-pres., Chinese Education Society, May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); disappeared, Jan 1991. Publications: editor-in-chief of Hygiene for Children; volume on Children's Hygiene in China Medical Encyclopedia.

* 1906 Mei County, Guangdong deceased 1989, Mar 29 Studied at Zhongshan Univ and Shanghai Univ of Law and Polit. Science, 1924-29; tax commissioner of Guangdong Finance Dpt, 1930-31; gen-mgr of a Hong Kong company, 1949-51; council mem., Guangzhou MPG, 1953-60; mem., Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, SC, 1960-74; counsellor in SC, 1974-77; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983; to 7th, Apr 1988). Remarks: Ye was a younger brother to Ye Jianying (q.v.).

Ye Gongchuo * 1881 Guangdong Supervisor of Railways, Manchu Govt; vice-min. of Communications, Nationalist Govt, 1914; min. of Railways, Nationalist Govt, 1931; mem., Board of Directors, Comte for Management of Sino-British Boxer Indemnity, KMT, 1936; mem., Comte for Cultural and Educational Affairs, GAC, Jan 1951; mem., Stand. Comte for Reforming Chinese Written Language, SC, 1956-58; vicepres., Society on Chinese Painting, Apr 1957; pres., Chinese Painting Academy, May 1957; mem., Board of Directors, representing state shares, Bank of Communications, Jul 1957; removed from label of being of rightist, Sep 1959; mem., Presidium, 3rd Congr of Literary and Art Workers, Jul 1960; mem., Natl Comte, Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Aug 1960; mem., Natl Comte, 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Ye Gongshao (f)



* 1908 Panyu (Shiqiao) County, Guangdong Graduated from Yanjing Univ, 1931; obtained doctorate in medicine from Beijing Union Medical College, 1935; further studies in U.S.A., 1947-48; prof., Beijing Teachers Univ, 1950- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult.

Ye Jianying

*t M


* 1897 Mei County, Guangdong deceased 1986, Oct 22 Ye belonged to the Hakka minority. Born into the family of a wealthy merchant; spent part of his youth in Singapore and Hanoi; attended primary school in Guangzhou; graduated from 12th course of Yunnan Mil. Academy, 1919; worked with Sun Yat-sen and KMT, 1922-23; instructor, Whampoa Mil. Academy, 1924-25; cos, 21st Div., 1st Natl Revolutionary Army (cdr.: He Yingqin), 1925-26; during Northern Expedition, cos, 12th Div., 4th Nationalist Army, 1926; took part in Nanchang Uprising, Aug 1927; joined CCP, 1927; participated in Guangzhou Uprising, Dec 1927; subsequently fled to Hong Kong; studied mil. science in Moscow, 1928-30; returned to China, 1931; joined Jiangxi Soviet, 1932; cos, Revolutionary Mil. Council, Central Executive Comte, Chinese Soviet Republic, 1932; head, Red Army School, 1932-33; cos, 1st Front Army, 1933; mem., Central Executive Comte, Chinese Soviet Republic, Feb 1934; during Long March, cos, 1st Front Army, 1934-35; responsible for friendly contacts with KMT general Zhang Xueliang, 1936, and one of the Communist negotiators after arrest of Chiang Kaishek after Xi'an Incident, Dec 1936; cos, 8th Route Army, mid-1937; dir., Communist liaison office in Nanjing, Jul 1937; dean of Nationalists' Guerilla Warfare Training Center, late 1938; worked together with Zhou Enlai in the Communist liaison mission in Chongqing, mid-1939; resumed position as cos, 8th Route Army, spring 1941; mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Jun 1945 (reelected to 8th CC, Sep 1956; to 9th, Apr 1969; to 10th, Aug 1973; to 11th, Aug 1977; to 12th, Sep 1982); mem., seven-mem. Communist group (head: Zhou Enlai) to negotiate a cease-fire agreement with KMT, Jan 1946; after failure, returned to Yan'an, Jan 1947; dpty cos, PLA units, 1947-49; ehm, Beijing Mil. Control Com, Jan 1949; mayor of Beijing, Jan 1949; cdr. and polit, commissar of

Ye Jizhuang

both S China Mil. Reg and Guangdong Mil. Distr, mid 1949 - Jan 1953; gov. of Guangdong and mayor of Guangzhou, 1949-52; 1st sec., S China Bureau under Central-S China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1949-52; mem., Central Govt Council amd concurrently mem. of its Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, Dec 1949-1954; mem., Revolutionary Mil. Council, Dec 1949 - Sep 1954; vice-chm, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Feb 1950 - Jan 1953; pres., S-China Univ, 1950; pres., Guangzhou Branch, Central-S Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1951; sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, 1951-54; acting cdr., Central-S Mil. Reg, Oct 1952; vice-chm,. Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 Sep 1954; vice-chm, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, Jun 1954; deputy for Guangdong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959; to 3rd, Jan 1965); vice-chm, Natl Defense Council, Oct 1954 - Cult. Rev.; dir., Dpt for Supervising Combat Strength of the PLA, Oct 1954-1960; made (one of ten) marshals of the PLA and awarded orders of "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; head, mil. del. to Burma, Dec 1956; commandant and polit, commissar, PLA Academy of Mil. Sciences, Mar 1958; head, mil. del. to India, Mar 1958; head., mil. del. to Poland, Oct 1958; deputy for PLA to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); dpty head, CCP del. to Ν Vietnam, Sep 1960; mem., friendship del. to Ν Korea (head. Liu Shaoqi), Sep 1963; vice-chm, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965-1975; mem., Secretariat, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1966 - Apr 1969; mem., Politburo, CCP 8th Central Comte, Jan 1967 (reelected to PB of 9th CC, Apr 1969; to 10th, Aug 1973; to 11th, Aug 1977; to 12th, Sep 1982); vice-chm, Mil. Com, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1967 - Sep 1985; mem., CCP and govt del. to Ν Vietnam to attend mourning ceremonies for Ho Chi-minh, Sep 1969; dpty head, CCP and govt del. to Ν Vietnam. Mar 1971; vice-chm, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1973 - Sep 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, Politburo of 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th, Aug 1977; to 12th, Sep 1982); min. of National Defense, Jan 1975 - Feb 1978; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; ehm, Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; ehm, Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; mem., Central Mil. Com, Jun 1983 - Sep 1985; resigned from his position as member of the Politburo and its Stand. Comte, mem., of the CCP Central Comte, and vice-chm of CCP Mil. Com, Sep 1985; Biography of Ye Jianying published, Apr 1995. Ye was married to Zeng Xianzhi.


Ye Jizhuang

*t #


* 1893 Xinxing County, Guangdong

deceased 1967, Jun 27 Bora into the family of a prosperous businessman; studied law; joined CCP, 1925; engaged in polit, work for CCP, 1926-28; dir., Polit. Dpt, 7th Red Army, Guangxi, winter 1929; dir., General Supply Dpt and concurrently polit, commissar, Red Worker-Peasant Army, 1931; people's commissar of trade, Chinese Soviet Republic's govt, Nov 1931; during Long March, polit, commissar, Supply Dpt, 1st Front Army, 1934-35; dir., Mil. Supply Dpt and later dir., Rear Service Dpt, 8th Route Army, Aug 1937-1941; dir., Supply Dpt, PLA General Staff HQ, 1941; dir., Logistics Dpt, General HQ, NE Democratic Allied Army, 1945; dpty cos, NE Democratic Allied Army, 1946; mem., NE Admin. Comte and concurrently vice-chm of its Financial and Economic Comte, Aug 1948; dir., Foreign Trade Dpt, NE Admin. Comte, 1948; mem., NE People's Govt, 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, G AC, Oct 1949; min. of Trade, Oct 1949 -Aug 1952; head, trade del. to USSR, Apr 1950; min. of Foreign Trade, Aug 1952 - death; ehm, Financial and Economic Comte, G AC, Oct 1952 - Oct 1954; head, trade del. to USSR, Nov 1952; mem., del. to mourn Stalin's death, Mar 1953; subsequently visited Hungary; head, trade del. to USSR, Jan 1954; dpty dir., 5th Staff Office, SC, Oct 1954 - death; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954; mem., del. to Afro-Asian Conf., Bandung, Apr 1955; head, trade del. to Sudan, Apr 1956; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - death; delegate to Conf. of Council of Mutual Economic Cooperation, Moscow, May 1958; attended Intl Poznan Fair, Poland, Jun 1958; deputy for Guangdong to 2nd NPC, Sep 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); dpty dir., Office of Finance and Trade, SC, Sep 1959; head, trade del. to USSR and PR Mongolia, Apr 1961; head, trade del. to Ν Korea and Ν Vietnam, Jan 1962; head, trade del. to Burma, Feb 1962; mem., Party and govt del. to Ν Korea (15th anniversary of founding), Sep 1963; mem., del. to World Peace meeting in Italy, Nov 1964.

Ye Junjian


* 1915 Hubei Editor, Chinese Literature, Oct 1958; mem., writers' del. to Japan, Mar 1961; mem., del. to Afro-Asian Writers Conf., Cairo, Feb 1962; deputy for Hubei to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first ap-


pearance after Cult. Rev., Jan 1978; mem., del. to 63rd World Esperanto Congr, Sofia, Sep 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, China Esperanto League, Aug 1979; delegate to 64th World Esperanto Congr, Lucern, Switzerland, Aug 1979; mem., Chinese PEN Center; delegate to Intl PEN Club's 1980 annual meeting, Yugoslavia, May 1980; delegate to 65th World Esperanto Congr, Stockholm, Aug 1980; subsequently visited Denmark; del. to Assembly of Intl PEN Center, Copenhagen, Feb 1981; delegate to Intl PEN Club's 1981 annual meeting, Lyon, France, Sep 1981; delegate to intl writers meeting, Cyprus, Nov 1981; sec., Chinese Writers' Assn, Dec 1981 - Jan 1985; vicepres., China PEN Center, Apr 1982; delegate to Conf. of Intl PEN Club, London, Apr 1982; head, del. to 46th Conf. of Intl PEN Club, Caracas, Venezuela, Sep 1983; subsequently visited Mexico, Oct 1983; ehm, Com for Chinese and Foreign Literary Exchange, Chinese Writers' Assn, Nov 1985; Education and Cultural Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, CDL, Oct 1988; disappeared, Oct 1988. Publications: The Mountain Village; The Fly South; The Ignorant and the Forgotten; Three Seasons and Other Stories; Ye translated C.H. Andersen's fairy tales.

Ye Juquan

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* 1896 Huzhou County, Zhejiang Studied traditional Chinese medicine, 1914-18, successively practiced it; taught at Suzhou School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1936-37; served successively as dir., Jiangsu Inst, of Traditional Medicine and dpty dir., Public Health Bureau, Jiangsu PPG, 1954- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jun 1979; served successively as vice-pres., Jiangsu Prov. Branch of Academy of Medical Sciences, dpty dir. of Nanjing Pharmaceutical Inst, and as vice-chm of China Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party, 198088; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Apr 1988. Publications: Modern Practical Chinese Medicines; Clinical Application of Classic Prescriptions.

Ye Laishi


Mem., Comte for Reforming Chinese Written Language (CRCWL), G AC, 1952; dpty dir., Inst, of Languages,

Ye Peiying (f)

CAS, May 1955; mem., Comte for Popularising Common Spoken Language, SC, Feb 1956; sec-gen., CRCWL, SC, Dec 1958; vice-chm, CRCWL, Sep 1959 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Esperanto League, Dec 1959; deputy for Jiangsu to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jul 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Nov 1973; cadre, Comte for Reforming Chinese Written Language (CRCWL), Feb 1975; again vice-chm, Esperanto League, Oct 1975; vice-chm, CRCWL, May 1980- Sep 1984; acting ehm, Esperanto League, Jun 1984; adviser, CRCWL, Sep 1984; disappeared, Aug 1986.

Ye Lin


* 1912 Jiangsu Mem., State Planning Com, Oct 1954- Dec 1956; vicemin., State Economic Com, Dec 1956 - Cult. Rev.; dir., Supervisory Board, All-China Fed of Handicraft Industries, Oct 1963 - Cult. Rev.; head of a work team sent to Qinghua Univ by Liu Shaoqi, Jun 1966; engaged in antiRed Guard activities at Qinghua Univ during which three persons were killed which provoked severe counterattacks against Ye, Apr 1967; subsequently disappeared; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Beijing Rev Comte, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; mem., govt del. to France, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany (head: Gu Mu), May 1978; sec., Beijing CP, Mar 1979 -Nov 1982; dir., Board of Directors, China Intl Trust and Investment Corp., Oct 1979-1983; vicemayor of Beijing, Dec 1979 - Mar 1983; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Beijing CP, Nov 1982; deputy for Beijing to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 - Apr 1988; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); head, NPC del. to USSR, Nov 1986; mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1992.

Ye Peiying (f)

*t %


* Malaya Teacher, Central Conservatory of Music, May 1978; deputy for Beijing to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., NPC del. to Ν Korea (head: Chen Pixian), Jun 1984; mem., ChinaSpain Friendship Group of NPC, Mar 1986; associate prof, of Central Conservatory of Music, Mar 1987; deputy for Guangdong to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., Overseas Chinese Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; mem., Stand.


Ye Qun (f)

Comte, Assn for Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China, Sep 1988; mem., Executive Comte, All-China Women's Fed, Sep 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, China Zhi Gong Dang, Dec 1988; disappeared, Dec 1988.

Ye Qun (f)

mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, by-elected Apr 1987 (reelected Apr 1988)- death; mem., Stand. Comte, Assn for the Peaceful Reunification of China, Sep 1988 - death.

Ye Shengtao

r m

^r Ñ

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* 1920 Fujian Graduated from Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1937; correspondent of Literary Gazette, May 1957; dpty dir., Dpt of Intermediate Vocational Education, Min. of Education, Aug 1959; attended Cult. Rev. rally of literary and art circles, Beijing, Nov 1966; dir., Admin. Office for 1st vice-chm (Lin Biao), Mil. Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1966; mem., PLA Cult. Rev. Group, Jan 1967; mem., Cult. Rev. Group, Mil. Com, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1967; dpty chief, PLA Cult. Rev. Group, Aug 1967; mem., Presidium, 9th CCP Congr, Apr 1969; mem., Politburo and Central Comte, 9th CCP Central Comte, Apr 1969; disappeared, Sep 1971. Ye was married to Lin Biao.

Ye Renshou



* 1921 Taibei, Taiwan deceased 1991, May 5 Graduation from Taibei Industrial Special School; dir., Rongxinghao Manufacturing Plant in Taibei, 1939-45; settled in mainland China, 1948; gen-mgr., Rongding Rubber Plant and Rongda Cement Plant, 1950-51; moved his factories to Luoyang, Henan Prov., 1954; served successively as dir., Luoyang Cement Plant and dpty dir., Heavy Ind. Bureau, Luoyang City Govt, 1956-77; vicechm, Henan Branch, CPPCC, 1976 (reelected Apr 1983); deputy for Henan to 5th NPC, Jan 1978; vice-chm, Henan PPC, Sep 1979 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Henan Branch, Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Jul 1980; dpty head, del. of Taiwan born Chinese to Japan, Jul 1980; council mem., Taiwan Democratic Self-govt League, Dec 1983 - death;

* 1893 Suzhou, Jiangsu deceased 1988, Feb 16 Graduated from middle school; worked as a primary school teacher; as a senior primary school teacher, 191722; founded Poetry Monthly, 1922; moved to Shanghai to work as editor of Commercial Press, 1923; edited Chinese for Students Series (textbooks for middle schools) and Short Story Magazine and Women Magazine, 1923-31; together with Zheng Zhentuo, founded Poetry Reciting Society, 1925; during Sino-Japanese War, worked in Education Dpt, Govt of Sichuan Prov., 1937; prof., Sichuan Univ, 1938-45; stayed in Hong Kong, 1948-49; ehm, Textbook Editing Comte, Education Dpt, Ν China People's Govt, Mar 1949; mem., Natl Comte, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, 1949- Cult. Rev.; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949-1954; dpty dir., Publications Office, G AC, Oct 1949-1954; mem., Comte for Reforming Chinese Written Language, GAC, Feb 1952; council mem., Chinese Writers' Assn, Oct 1953; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-min. of Education, Oct 1954 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Comte for Popularizing Common Spoken Language, SC, Feb 1956; mem., del. to Asian Writers Conf., New Delhi, Dec 1956; dir., People's Education Press, Mar 1958; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1973; deputy for (?) to 4th NPC, Jan 1975; deputy for Jiangsu to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); vice-chm, Central Comte, China Assn for Promoting Democracy, Oct 1979 Sep 1984; hon. pres., Society for the Study of Teaching Chinese Language in Primary Schools, Jul 1980; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; adviser, Min. of Education, Dec 1981; adviser, Chinese Writers' Assn, Dec 1981; dir., Central Inst, of Culture and History, Feb 1983; vice-chm, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 - death; acting ehm, China Assn for Promoting Democracy, SepDec 1984; ehm, China Assn for Promoting Democracy, Dec 1984 - Jun 1987; hon. ehm, China Assn for Promoting Democracy, Jun 1987 - death; invited to 13th Congr of CCP, Oct 1987. Ye was married to Hu Molin.


Publications: Collections of Writings; Gemo (Barrier), 1922; Huozai, 1923; Xian Xia (Below the Horizon), 1925; Cheng Zhong (In Town), 1926; Weiyan Ji (Undefeated), 1928; Sisan Ji (Written at the Age of 43), 1936. Autobiographical novel: Ni Huanzhi (Schoolmaster Ni Huanzhi). Others: Straw Man; Wen Xin; Stone Statue of an Ancient Hero; General Talks on Writing; Misunderstanding; A Configuration; Firing Line; The Scarecrow (children's tales), A Life; A Stroll at Dawn; A Friend; Bitter Herbs; How Mr. Pan Weathered the Storm; Resistance; A Declaration; A Tale of a Town; A Year of Good Harvest; Night; A Package. 1987: Ye Shengtao's Works, published by Jiangsu Educational Publishing House.

Ye Song

CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959); mem., Dpt of Science and Technology, CAS, May 1955 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Academic Comte, Metallurgical Inst., CAS, Dec 1955; dir., Inst, of Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy, CAS, Apr 1958 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Fujian to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965 - death. - Officially rehabilitated, Jul 1978.

Yi Lirong


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* 1915 Yingshan County, Hubei In early years, joined Communist guerilla unit in Hubei; dpty dir., Public Security Dpt, Fujian PPG, Nov 1950; made dir. of the dpt, Dec 1951; dir., Social Affairs Dpt, Fujian Prov. CP, Dec 1951; mem., Fujian PPC, Feb 1955; vice-gov., Fujian PPG, 1956- Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Fujian Prov. CP, Jun 1960; sec., Fujian Prov. CP, Mar 1964 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Fujian Prov., Aug 1968; disappeared, Aug 1972.

Ye Zhiqiang



Dir., Metallurgical Bureau, Hebei PPC, Oct 1959; vicechm, Economic Comte, Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1964; vice-min. of Metallurgical Ind., Mar 1965 May 1982; head, metallurgical del. to Albania, Oct 1973; pres., Metallurgical Society, Sep 1977; head, metallurgical del. to Japan, Oct 1977; deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dir.-gen. in charge of Baoshan Steel Project to be built by Japan, Dec 1978; vice-chm, Board of Directors, China Non-Ferrous Metals Ind. Co., Sep 1984; disappeared, Sep 1984.

Ye Zhupei

Yi Meihou

* 1898 Xiongtan County, Hunan Joined New People's Society (founded by Mao Zedong), 1918; dir., Changsha Cultural Salon, 1918-20; graduated form Hunan School of Commerce, 1920; worked under Chen Duxiu (sec-gen. of CCP), 1921; delegate of laborers from Hunan Prov. at Labor Conf., Guangzhou, 1922; together with Liu Shaoqi and Li Lisan organized workers of Anyuan Coal Mine, 1923; ehm, Hunan Peasants Assn, 1924-27; mem., CCP 5th Central Comte, May 1927-1928; after rift between CCP and KMT, fled to Japan, Nov 1927; left CCP, 1928; returned to China and joined KMT, 1931; subsequently worked for Shanghai Labor Assn; sec-gen., China Fed of Labor, 1943; accused of corruption by KMT Govt, 1946; mem., Executive Comte, Communist-orientated Fed of TU, Aug 1948; invited to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Polit, and Legal Comte, GAC, Dec 1949; dir., Labor Protection Dpt, ACFTU, 1951; deputy for Hunan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); dpty sec-gen., CPPCC, Aug 1954 - Cult. Rev.; dpty sec-gen., ACFTU, Dec 1957 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Jul 1979 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983; to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., 10th Executive Comte, ACFTU, Oct 1983-1988; disappeared, Jan 1991. Remarks: Yi was a schoolmate of Mao Zedong.

Yi Meihou


*t $ W

* 1909 Fujian deceased 1971, Nov 24 Studied at Colorado School of Technology; received M.S. from Univ of Pennsylvania, U.S.A., 1935; sec., Secretariat, CAS, Apr 1954 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd

* 1909 Chenghai County, Guangdong

deceased 1994, May 29


Yi Yaocai

Went to Thailand in early years; later served as manager, Thai Aviation Co., as ehm of Fed for Natl Construction and Salvation of Overseas Chinese in Thailand; joined CDL, 1946; mem., Thai Chinese Chamber of Commerce, 1947; delegate of Overseas Chinese to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., State Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, Oct 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Jul 1953; ehm, Guangzhou Branch, Fed of Returned Oversease Chinese, Oct 1953; deputy for Guangdong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964); vice-chm, Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, Oct 1956 - Cult. Rev.; head, trade del. to Hong Kong, May 1958; ehm, Guangdong Prov. Branch, Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, Jan 1962 - Cult. Rev.; mem., China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Jun 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., May 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1972; again ehm, Guangdong Prov. Branch, Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, Feb 1978; deputy for Guangdong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988; to 8th, Mar 1993); vice-chm, Board of Directors, Jinan Univ, Oct 1978; again vice-chm, Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, Dec 1978 - death; mem., Budget Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; vice-chm, Guangdong PPC, Dec 1979 Feb 1993; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, by-elected Apr 1987 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988 - Mar 1993); mem., Overseas Chinese Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988 (reelected to 8th, Mar 1993).

Yi Yaocai Made maj-gen. and awarded order of "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; commanding officer, PLA Ν China Fleet, Oct 1968; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; disappeared, May 1970.

Yin Changmin (f)


* 1923 Qingjiang County, Jiangxi Graduated from Biology Dpt, Zhongshan Univ, 1945; lectured at Nanchang Univ, 1946-53; associate prof., Hunan Teacher's College, 1954- Cult. Rev.; awarded nati title of "March 8th Red Banner Pacesetter", 1959; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1979; prof., Hunan Teachers' College, Sep 1979-1981; dir., Hunan Teachers' College, Jul 19811983; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982; vice-chm, Hunan Prov. Branch, Assn for Science and

Technology, Nov 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, Hunan Prov. CP, Feb 1983 - Jun 1985; vice-chm, Hunan Prov. Branch of CPPCC, Jul 1985; promoted to mem., CCP 12th Central Comte at its 6th Plenum, Sep 1986; demoted to alt. mem., CCP 13th Central Comte, Nov 1987; ehm, Hunan Prov. Branch, Assn for Science and Technology, Dec 1987; disappeared, Feb 1988. Remarks: Yin was engaged in classification of spiders.

Yin Da


* Henan Dpty dir., Inst, of Archaeology, CAS, 1950; deputy for Henan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); 2nd dpty dir., Inst, of History, CAS, 1955 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955 - Cult. Rev.; mem., del. of CAS to Japan, Nov 1955; mem., Academic Comte, Inst, of Archaeology, CAS, Jan 1956; mem., Comte for Compilation, Translation and Publication, CAS, May 1956; ehm of this comte, 1957; mem., Editorial Board, Archaeological Bulletin, 1959; dir., Inst, of Archaeology, CAS, Jan 1963 - Cult. Rev.; branded a capitalist roader and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec-gen., Society of Archaeology, Apr 1979; officially rehabilitated, Jul 1979; adviser, Inst, of Archaeology, CASS, Jun 1983; disappeared, Jun 1983. Publications: Sub-colonial and Semi-feudalistic China; Two-Road Struggle in Archaeological Work (1959); Revolution of Historical Studies Has to be Pushed to the End (HQ 1966/3).

Yin Hongzhang

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* 1908 Received Ph.D. in botany from California Inst, of Technology, 1937; dpty dir., Inst, of Plant Physiology, CAS, Jun 1955 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Dpt of Biology and Earth Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955; vice-pres., Society of Plant Physiology, Nov 1963; deputy for Shanghai to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: pres., Society of Plant Physiology, 1980; dir., Inst, of Plant Physiolgy, 1983; hon. dir., Inst, of Plant Physiology, CAS, May 1984; mem., Dpt of Biology, CAS, Jun 1985; disappeared, Jun 1985.

Yin Linping * 1908 Xingguo County, Jiangxi deceased 1984, Sep 8 Born into a peasant family; engaged in guerilla activities, Fujian Prov., 1934-36; sent to work in Guangdong Prov., 1936; polit, commissar, E River Column and sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, 1943; medical treatment in Hong Kong after being wounded twice, 1945: as maj-gen., Red Army, served as CCP representative in Guangdong Mil. Mediation Dpt, Feb 1946; dpty sec., S China Subbureau,


CCP Central Comte, 1947; cdr. of PLA units in Guangdong, 1949; mem., Guangdong PPG, Dec 1949; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; dpty polit, commissar, Guangdong Mil. Distr, Jul 1950; deputy for Guangdong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 - Apr 1959; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Feb 1955 - Sep 1958; alt. Guangdong Prov. CP, Mar 1957; dir., Org. Dpt, Guangdong Prov. CP, Oct 1958; sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Feb 1961 -Cult. Rev.; branded a three-anti element and purged, Jul 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Guangdong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; vice-chm, Guangdong Branch, CPPCC, Dec 1979; sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Feb 1980 - Mar 1983; ehm, Guangdong Branch, CPPCC, Oct 1980; hon. pres., Guangdong Branch, Society of CCP History, Jun 1981; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - death. Yin was married to Yu Hui.

Yong Longgui

1952; council mem., Paleontology Society, 1952; dpty dir., Beijing Inst, of Geology, Jan 1953 - Feb 1963; pres., Paleontology Society, 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, Dpt of Biology and Earth Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955; mem., Central Comte, Jiusan Society, Feb 1956; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Mar 1956; dpty dir., Dpt of Biology and Earth Sciences, CAS, Mar 1957; dpty dir., Terrestrial Stratification Comte, CAS, Nov 1959; dir., Dpt of Earth Sciences, CAS, Feb 1960; mem., Stand. Comte, Editorial Board, Science Journal, Oct 1963; deputy for Hebei to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1973; deputy for Hebei to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dir., Dpt of Earth Sciences, CAS, Apr 1979 - May 1981; pres., Paleontology Society, Apr 1979 - death. Publications: The Annonites of the Latter Part of the Ancient Age in China; The Voléanos of the 4th Age in Shanxi; Formation and Development of Geology; Progress of the Study of Ancient Biology in China.

Yin Yuan Ying Yiquan (f)

Manager, Anshan Iron and Steel Co., 1982; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982; sec., Anshan City CP, Jan 1983; disappeared, May 1983.

Yin Zanxun

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* 1922 Shanghai Chm, Women's Fed, Caohu Prefecture, 1950-52; vicechm, Anhui Prov. Branch, ACFTU, 1956-60; vice-chm, Anhui Prov. Branch, All-China Women's Fed, Jul 1973; dpty head, women's del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1977; chm, Anhui Prov. Branch, Women's Fed, Mar 1978; vice-chm, Anhui PPC, Jan 1980 (reelected Apr 1983 and Feb 1988); disappeared, Feb 1988.

Yong Longgui

* 1901 Pingxiang, Hebei deceased 1984, Jan 27 After receiving a doctorate from Lyons Univ, France, studied paleontology under C.H. Depelret, 1931; returned to China, 1932; worked as researcher, Inst, of Geological Survey, Min. of Ind., Natl Beijing Academy of Science, 1933; conducted geological research in Yunnan Prov., 1934-36; dir., Inst, of Ancient Biology, 1937; went to the Commmunist side, Apr 1949; mem., Preparatory Comte for All-China Congr of Natural Sciences Workers, Jun 1949; dir., Paleontology Research Section, Nanjing Inst, of Geology, Sep 1950; council mem., Geology Society,


15 i U i

Dpty dir., Inst, of Economics, CAS, 1951; dir., Dpt of Industrial research, State Planning Com, 1957; dir., Dpt of World Economics, State Planning Com, Jun 1959; council mem., China-Latin America Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; delegate to Asian Economics Seminar, Colombo, Oct 1962; mem., del. to 3rd Afro-Asian Solidarity Conf., Dar es Salaam, Jan 1963; prof, of economics, Jan 1963; council mem., Sino-Japanese Friendship Assn, Dec 1963; vice-chm, Comte for Promoting Intl Trade, Apr 1964; dpty head, del. to Afro-Asian Economics Seminar, Pyongyang (head: Nan Hanchen), Jun 1964; mem., Executive Counsil, Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Dec 1964; mem., del. to 2nd Afro-Asian Conf., Algiers, Jun 1965; mem., del. to 11th World Conf. Against Nuclear Weapons (head:

Yong Wentao


Liu Ningyi), Japan, Jul 1965; vice-pres., Assn for Cultural and Friendly Relations to Foreign Countries, Apr 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Sep 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., Planning Bureau, State Scientific and Technological Com, May 1981; council mem., Assn for Intl Understanding of China, Aug 1983; adviser, Law Comte, NPC Stand. Comte, Sep 1983; disappeared, Nov 1984.

Yong Wentao # X * Guizhou Dir., General Office, Economic Planning Com, NE China People's Govt, 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, Economic Planning Com, NE China People's Govt, May 1950; dir., Forestry Dpt, NE China People's Govt, Aug 1952; mem., NE China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953; vice-min. of Forestry, Sep 1953 - Oct 1956; vice-min. of Timber Ind., Oct 1956 - Feb 1958; vice-min. of Forestry, Dec 1968 - Cult. Rev.; sec-gen., Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1961 - Cult Rev.; sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Mar 1965 - Cult. Rev.; 1st sec., Guangzhou Municipality CP, Jun 1965 - Cult. Rev.; criticized as a follower of Tao Zhu and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Nov 1972; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Guangdong Prov., Feb 1973-1976; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangdong Prov. CP, Jan 1974; sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Jan 1976; vicemin. of Education, Apr 1977-1978; deputy for Guangdong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978: head, educational del. to Japan and Canada, Oct 1978; vice-min. of Forestry, Oct 1979- Sep 1980; pres., Society of Forestry Economics, Sep 1980; min. of Forestry, Sep 1980 - May 1982; head, forestry del. to New Zealand and Australia, Oct 1980; vice-chm, Central Greening Comte, Feb 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); mem., NPC del. to Sri Lanka, Nepal, Mar 1983; adviser, Min. of Forestry, Mar 1983; mem., Central Com for Guiding Party Consolidation, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1983-1987; disappeared, Feb 1989.

You Taizhong


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J B p s

* 1918 Guangshan County, Henan Joined CCP, 1934; during Long March, polit, instructor of a company, 4th Front Army, 1935-36; trained at AntiJapanese Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1937; battalion and then regiment cdr., 129th Div., 8th Route Army,

1939-42; awarded title of "Combat Hero", 2nd class, in Yushe Battle of Hundred Regiment Campaign, 1940; cdr. of brigade, Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army (cdr.: Liu Bocheng), 1947; took part in Battle of Huaihai, late 1948; cdr. of a div., 2nd Field Army, Mar 1949; cdr. of a div., Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 19511953; dpty cdr., 12th Army, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1954; appointed maj-gen., Sep 1955; graduated from Basic Dpt, PLA Higher Mil. Academy, 1960; cdr., PLA 27th Army, based at Wushi, 1961; ehm, Rev Comte, Wushi City, Mar 1968; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969- Aug 1973; 1st sec., CP of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), May 1971 Oct 1978; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977; to 12th CC, Sep 1982 Nov 1987); cdr., IMAR Mil. Distr, Aug 1973-1978; ehm, IMAR Rev Comte, Feb 1974 - Nov 1978; dpty cdr., Beijing Mil. Reg, Nov 1975 - Dec 1979; dir., Party School, IMAR CP, Oct 1977; deputy for IMAR to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; cdr., Chengdu Mil. Reg, Jan 1980- Oct 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, Sichuan Prov. CP, Jan 1982; cdr., Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Nov 1982 - Nov 1987; sec., Party Comte, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Oct 1983; head, PLA del. to Ν Korea, Jun 1985; mem., Presidium, 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; appointed full general, Sep 1988; 2nd sec., Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Mil. Com, Sep 1988-1993; disappeared, 1993.

Y u A i f e n g (f)




Dir., Obstetrics Dpt, Tianjin General Hospital, 1950; mem., Tianjin MPG, Mar 1951-1955; mem., Executive Comte, China Democratic Women's Fed, Apr 1953 Cult. Rev.; mem., del. to World Women's Congr, Copenhagen, Jun 1953; deputy for Tianjin to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; vice-chm, Tianjin Branch, China Democratic Women's Fed, Aug 1955; deputy for Hebei to 2nd NPC, Mar 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); dir., Obstetrics Dpt, Tianjin Medical College Hospital, Aug 1961; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1974; again dir., Gynacology and Obstetrics Dpt, Tianjin Medical College Hospital, Apr 1974; deputy for Tianjin to 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Feb 1978; to 6th, May 1983); mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978; to 6th, Jun 1983); disappeared, Jun 1983.


Yu Dafu

Yu Haocheng

Yu Guanghan

* 1901 Shaoxing, Zhejiang deceased 1993, May 15 Graduation from Jinling Univ in Nanjing, 1924; studied biology and received Ph.D., Iowa Univ, U.S.A., 192832; pres. of newly established Beijing Agricultural Univ, 1949; vice-pres., Society of Plant Protection, Feb 1953; mem., Dpt of Biology and Earth Sciences, CAS, May 1955; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, by-elected, Jan 1956 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959; to 4th, Dec 1964); corresponding mem., Lenin Academy of Agrosciences, Moscow, 1957; mem., Academic Comte, Academy of Agricultural Science, Aug 1959; pres., Botanical Society, Aug 1962; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); again named pres., Beijing Agricultural Univ, May 1982-1984; mem., Dpt of Biology, CAS, Jun 1985; hon. pres., Beijing Agricultural Univ, 1984 - death. Remarks: Yu made his name as a researcher in microbiology. Yu was married to Chen Yuzhao.


i 17v I ν

* 1911 Jiangsu Once worked in a Shanghai textile mill; joined New 4th Army, 1940; sent to Moscow for training, 1944; dpty dir., Labor Dpt, NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1948; dir., 1st Bureau, Min. of Personnel, Sep 1950; asst min., Min. of Labor, Feb 1955 - Jan 1960; vice-min. of Labor, Feb 1961 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: ehm, Natl Comte on Aging, Jan 1984-1987; hon. pres., China Gerontology Society, Apr 1986; disappeared, Feb 1987.

Yu Guangmao Yu Fujing


* 1923 Fuzhou, Fujian Graduated from College of Ind. and Commerce, Tianjin, 1945; architect in Beijing-Tianjin Jitai Construction Co., 1945-49; lecturer at Jingu Univ and chief engineer, Tianjin Construction Co., 1952-55; dpty dir., Building Engineering Bureau, Tianjin MPG, 1955 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: chief engineer, Construction Com, Tianjin, 1973-80; vice-mayor of Tianjin, Jun 1980 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Tianjin PPC, Apr 1983 - May 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Oct 1984; disappeared, May 1988.

Cdr. of a div., E China Field Army, 1946; cdr. of a div., 3rd Field Army, 1950; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., Shanghai Garrison, Nov 1966; 1st dpty cdr., Anhui Mil. Distr, Jun 1972; cdr., Anhui Mil. Distr, Jan 19751982; dpty sec., Anhui Prov. CP, Feb 1977 - Aug 1978; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, Anhui Prov. CP, Sep 1978-1982; sec., CCP Comte, Anhui Mil. Distr, Dec 1979; permanent sec., Anhui Prov. CP, Apr 1981; disappeared, Jul 1982.

Yu Guangsheng Sec., Changchun Branch, Mil. Mediation Dpt, Jan 1947; mem., Natl Comte, Fed of Democratic Youth, May 1949 Jun 1953; dir., Railway Bureau, NE People's Govt, May 1949; council mem., NE People's Govt, Oct 1949; ehm, Board of Directors, Changchun Railway Co., Apr 1950; special commissioner to NE, Min. of Railways, Jun 1950; mem., Chinese Section, Sino-Soviet Joint Comte, Changchun Railway Co., Dec 1952; deputy for Heilongjiang to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 - Mar 1959; vice-min. of Railways, SC, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; head, railway del. to France, Mar 1958; took care of repair work of Huanghe (Yellow River) Bridge for Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, Jul 1958; mem., Natl Comte, Assn for Science and Technology, Dec 1958; head, railway del. to 7th Conf. of Railway Ministers of Socialist Countries, Ulan Bator, Jun 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Yu Haocheng Mem., Stand. Comte, Polit. Science Society, Jul 1982; vice-pres., Polit. Science Society, Jul 1986; head, Qunzhong Publishing House, Jul 1987; named a well-known


Yu Hongli

jurist, Jan 1988; Yu is one of 42 intellectuals who signed an open letter to China's leadership asking for démocratisation, freedom of speech, release of political prisoners and increased funding of education, Feb 1989; put on the wanted list of the Min. of Public Security after the June 4th Incident, Jun 1989; expelled from CCP, Jun 1990; released from prison, Jan 1991.

Y u Hongli Τ & Alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; cdr., Shanxi Mil. Distr, Jan 1986-1991; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanxi Prov. CP, Mar 1991; disappeared, Mar 1991.

Yu Hongliang ~ f té Ä Vice-chm, Heilongjiang Prov. Branch, All-China Fed of TU, Jul 1973; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); sec., Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Sep 1973-1977; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Heilongjiang Prov., Dec 1977; disappeared, Feb 1978.

Dir., Propaganda Dpt, Jingdong County CP, 1953-60; sec., Jingdong County CP, 1954 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: CCP sec., Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture CP, 1978-83; mem., Stand. Comte, Yunnan Prov. CP, Mar 1983 - Jul 1985; cadre, Kunming Mil. Reg, Apr 1984; vice-chm, Yunnan PPC, Aug 1985 (reelected May 1988); disappeared, May 1988.

Y u Jianting Vice-min. of Light Ind., May 1978 - May 1982; vicepres., Light Ind. Society, Oct 1978 - Nov 1979; head, scientific and technological del. to Czechoslovakia, Dec 1978; dpty head, light ind. del. to Japan, Apr 1979; head, scientific and technological del. to Czechoslovakia, Sep 1980; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Dec 1983.

Yu Huiyong

Y u Jie "f & * 1917 Shandong deceased 1971, Dec 20 Sec-gen., Songjiang Prov. CP, - Jun 1952; vice-chm of Songjiang Prov., Jun 1952 - Aug 1954; vice-chm of Heilongjiang Prov., Aug 1954 - Feb 1955; dir., Rural Work Comte, Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Nov 1954; vice-gov., Heilongjiang PPG, Feb 1955 - Sep 1958; dir., Nunjiang Admin. Bureau, Sep 1958; 2nd sec., Nunjiang CCP Local Comte, Oct 1959; alt. sec., Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Mar 1961 - Jan 1967; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of Heilongjiang Prov., Feb 1968; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Heilongjiang Prov., Jul 1970- death; sec., Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Aug 1971 - death.

deceased between 1977 and 1985 Cadre of SC, Sep 1970; mem., Culture Group, SC, May 1971-1974; dpty head, Culture Group, SC, Mar 1974 Aug 1975; visit to Algeria, Sep 1974; min. of Culture, SC, Aug 1975 - Oct 1976; disappeared, Oct 1976. Remarks: Yu was a composer of "revolutionary operas" supported by Jiang Qing. Purged with the "Gang of Four" he later committed suicide.

Y u Jie ^ & Studied in Soviet Union for seven years; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, NW Mil. and Admin. Comte (NWMAC), Mar 1950- Jan 1953; dir., Trade Dpt, NWMAC, Mar 1950 - Jan 1953; dir., Trade Bureau, NW Admin. Comte, Jan-Dec 1953; vice-min. of Food, Nov 1954 - Jul 1961; vice-min. of Commerce, Jun 1962 - Nov 1963; deputy for Hunan to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; disappeared, Mar 1978.


Y u Huoli




* 1930 Shiping County, Yunnan

Yu Ke f t * 1910 Wangtao, Shanxi Graduated from Moscow Sun Yat-sen Univ; after return to China, served successively as council mem., ShaanxiGansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt, dir., Polit. Dpt of a div., dpty polit, commissar of an army, and teacher of the Central Party School; dir., Polit. Dpt, Jilin-Liaoning Mil. Reg, 1946; dir., Public Security Bureau, Changchun MPG, Oct 1948; vice-chm of Jilin Prov., May 1950 - Oct 1951; dpty chief procurator, NE Branch, Supreme Peo-


pie's Procuratorate, Oct 1951 - Dec 1953; vice-ehm of Heilongjiang Prov., Dec 1953 - Aug 1954; vice-gov., Jilin PPG, Aug 1954 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Jilin Prov. CP, Oct 1955; alt. sec., Secretariat, Jilin Prov. CP, Jun 1961 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jul 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec., Jilin Prov. CP, Oct 1977 - Jan 1980; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Jilin Prov., Jan 1978 - Mar 1980; deputy for Jilin to 5th Ν PC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); mem., Budget Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; sec., Jilin Prov. CP, Jan 1980 - Apr 1983; gov., Jilin PPG, Apr 1980 - Mar 1982; ehm, Jilin PPC, Apr 1983 - Jun 1985; mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 6th NPC; disappeared, Mar 1986.

Yu Lijin



* 1913 Daye County, Hubei deceased 1978, Dec 2 Joined Red Army, 1928; joined CCP, 1930; participated in Long March as regimental level cadre, 1934-35; dir., Polit. Dpt, Training Regiment, New 4th Army, before Southern Anhui Incident, Jan 1941; dpty commandant, E China Branch School of Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, - Aug 1941; dir., Polit. Dpt, Shandong Field Army, 1947; polit, commissar, 8th Army Corps, 3rd Field Army, 1949; dir., Polit. Dpt, E China Mil. and Polit. Academy, May 1949; dir., Polit. Dpt, PLA Mil. Academy, 1951; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; polit, commissar, Air Force, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Dec 1955; polit, commissar, PLA Air Force, Jun 1965 - Cult. Rev.; mem., PLA Cult. Rev. Group, Jan 1967; branded a counterrevolutionary and purged, Mar 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jul 1974; polit, commissar, Civil Aviation Admin, of China, Apr 1975-1977; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 - death.

Yu Lin -f fa Dir., Org. Dpt, Taiyuan Municipality CP, 1950; council mem., Taiyuan MPG, Jun 1950; pres., Songjiang Prov. Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Jan 1953; ehm, Culture and Education Dpt, Songjiang PPG, Jun 1953; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Nov 1954 May 1955; pres., Heilongjiang Prov., Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Nov 1957-1961; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Jan 1959- Jan 1961; mem., Stand. Comte, Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Feb 1960; council mem., China-Africa Friendship Assn, Apr 1960; dpty

Yu Ming

dir., Propaganda Dpt, NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1961 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Jilin Prov. CP, Jan 1980 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Jilin Prov. CP, Apr 1983 - May 1985; deputy for Jilin to 6th NPC, May 1983; head, Jilin Prov. del. to Ν Korea, Jul 1984; disappeared, Mar 1986.

Yu Mei ~f M * 1914 Jiangsu deceased 1980, Sep 2 Principal, Shandong Communications School, 1947; principal, E China Communications School, 1948; dpty dir., Transport Dpt, PLA 3rd Field Army, 1949; mem., Financial and Economic Comte and concurrently dpty dir., Communications Dpt, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Sep 1949 - Nov 1952; dpty dir., Navigation Admin. Bureau, Min. of Communications, GAC, Dec 1949; dir., Navigation Admin. Bureau, Min. of Communications, GAC, Oct 1951; dir., Bureau of Harbor Admin., Shanghai MPG, Nov 1951-1955; dpty dir., Transport Div., PLA General Logistics Dpt, 1955; dir., Marine Transportation Bureau, Min. of Communications, Apr 1955; asst min. of Communications, Oct 1956 - Jan 1959; dir., Bureau of Marine and River Navigation, Min. of Communications, Jul 1959; vice-min. of Communications, Apr 1960-1976; head, communications del. to Albania, May 1964; head, shipping del. to Albania, Apr 1972; head, shipping del. to Poland, Oct 1972; head, shipping del. to Chile, Feb 1973; head, shipping del. to France, Nov 1973; head, shipping del. to Poland, Nov 1976; vicemin., State Capital Construction Com (?), 1977(?).

Yu Ming


* 1922 Raoyang County, Hebei Sec., Xiuning County CP, 1944-46; polit, commissar, S Anhui Mil. Distr, 1947-50; polit, commissar of a regiment in Railway Corps, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1950-54; polit, commissar of a div., PLA Railway Corps, 1954-64; dpty dir., Ind. Communications and Polit. Dpt, NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: 1st sec., Yulin and then Xianyang Prefectures CP, 1975-81; dir., Rural Work Dpt, Shaanxi Prov. CP, 1981-83; vice-chm, Shaanxi PPC, May 1983 (reelected Jun 1988); disappeared, Jun 1988.

Yu Mingtao

Yu Mingtao



Cadre, Lingli Special Distr, Hunan Prov., 1952; dir., Ind. Dpt, Hunan CP, May 1957; sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Oct 1959; mem., Stand. Comte, Central-S China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1963; during Cult. Rev. criticized as an anti-Party element and purged, 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte of Hunan Prov., Dec 1971-1977; mem., Stand. Comte, Hunan Prov. CP, Feb 1972; 1st sec., Changsha Municipality CP, Jul 1973 Aug 1977; sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Aug 1973 - Aug 1977; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987); vice-chm, Rev Comte of Shaanxi Prov., Oct 1977 - May 1979; sec., Shaanxi Prov. CP, Nov 1977 - Mar 1983; deputy for Shaanxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; ehm, Rev Comte of Shaanxi Prov., MayDec 1979; adviser, agricultural del. to U.S.A. (head: Wang Feng), May 1979; mem., Credentials Comte, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; gov. of Shaanxi Prov., Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; head, Shaanxi del. to Minnesota, U.S.A., Oct 1982; sec., Henan Prov. CP, Mar-Jun 1983; auditor-general of the State Auditing Admin., Jun 1983 Mar 1985; visited Spain and France, Sep 1984; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; disappeared, Nov 1987. Yu was married to Wang Rongying.

Yu Peiwen i ^ X Dpty dir., Foreign Affairs Office, Shanghai MPC, 1950; council mem., Shanghai Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1951; dir., Foreign Affairs Office, Shanghai MPG, Oct 1954 - Oct 1955; council mem., Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Jul 1955; dpty dir., Dpt of American and Australian Affairs, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Oct 1957; dir., Protocol Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Apr 1958; accompanied foreign min. Chen Yi to Laos Conf., Geneva, May 1961; mem., govt del. to USSR, Jul 1961; accompanied pres. Liu Shaoqi to Indonesia, Burma, Cambodia, Ν Vietnam, Ν Korea, Apr-Sep 1963; accompanied premier Zhou Enlai to Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Albania, Tunisia, Somalia, Ghana, Mali, Guinea, Ethiopia, Sudan, Pakistan, Indonesia, Ceylon, Dec 1963 - Feb 1964; ambassador to Sudan, Jan 1966-1967(7); ambassador to Ethiopia, May 1971 - Jul 1974; ambassador to Austria, Sep 1974 - Feb 1980; head, del. to UNIDO, Conf., New York, Feb 1978; permanent representative of PRC to Geneva Office of UN, Feb 1980 - Jul 1982; vice-chm, Assn for Promotion of Intl Friendship, May 1985; disappeared, May 1985.

Yu Ping i t 9r During Sino-Japanese War, sec. of a CCP distr comte in Anhui Prov.; dpty sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, Nov 1954 Sep 1956; sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, Apr 1958; deputy for Liaoning to 2nd NPC, Oct 1958; alt. sec., NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jan 1961 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Jilin to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; branded an agent of Liu Shaoqi and purged, May 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty chief procurator, Supreme People's Procuratorate, May 1978; head, del. of Supreme People's Procuratorate to Romania, Sep 1979; dpty dir., Special Procuratorate for the Trial of Lin Biao and Jiang Qing Counterrevolutionary Cliques, Sep 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Dec 1981; disappeared, Dec 1981.

Yu Pingbo

-fr - f

* 1900 Suzhou, Jiangsu deceased 1990, Oct 15 Son of Yu Bijun, an expert in classical literature. Spent his childhood with his great-grandfather Yu Yue, a renowned scholar of the Qing Dynasty. Entered Pingjiang High School in Suzhou, 1915, and Beijing Univ, 1916; married his cousin Xu Baoxun, 1917; graduation from Beijing Univ, 1920; went to study in Great Britain, 1920, but due to financial problems forced to return to China only four months later; taught at Hangzhou 1st Normal School, 1921; at that time he became acquainted with Hu Shi who influenced him greatly; lecturer at Chinese Literature Dpt, Shanghai Univ, 1923; taught at Beijing Yanjing Univ, 1924-28; lecturer, Chinese Literature Dpt, Qinghua Univ, 1928; started writing prose, 1930; and subsequently published several books; when Qinghua Univ moved to S China, 1937, Yu stayed behind to take care of his parents; prof, of Beijing Univ, 1945; joined CDL and Jiusan Society, 1945; research fellow, Literature Inst., Beijing Univ, 1950; criticized in the campaign against bourgeois idealism, 19543; at the beginning of the Cult. Rev. detained for two years with many other well-known scholars, 1966; with his wife sent to the "Cadre School" at Xi County, Henan Prov., with all his colleagues in the Literature Inst., Nov 1969 - Jan 1971; returned to Beijing, Jan 1971; the Chinese Literature Inst, held a celebration of the 65th anniversary of Yu's academic activities, Jan 1986; visited Hong Kong, 1987. Among his books are: The Swallow Knows the Grass; Miscellanies; More Miscellanies.


Yu Xinqing

appearance after Cult. Rev.: again mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Mar 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - death.

Yu Ruihuang

Yu Shusheng

* 1906 Yihuang County, Jiangxi Graduated from Physics Dpt, Central Univ, 1929; obtained doctorate in physics from Manchester Univ, England, 1937; prof., SW Associated Univ, 1939^5; prof., Qinghua Univ, 1946-48; dean, Physics Dpt, Jilin Univ, 1952 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again dean, Physics Dpt, Jilin Univ, 1972-79; vice-chm, Jilin PPC, Apr 1980 (reelected Apr 1983 and Jan 1988); mem., Dpt of Mathematics and Physics, CAS, Jun 1985; disappeared, Jun 1989. Remarks: Yu was an expert in the field of X-ray crystallization, metalphysics and solid-state physics.

Yu Sang

-f &

Mem., CCP and govt del. to German Democratic Republic to attend 80th birthday of pres. Pieck (head: Zhu De), Dec 1955; council mem., Sino-Latin America Friendship Assn, Aug 1961; vice-min. of Public Security, Oct 19641983; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973; to 11th CC, Aug 1977); demoted from mem. to alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Dec 1983.

Yu Shude

¥ i tk

* 1893 Fengrun County, Hebei deceased 1982, Feb 18 Graduated from Law College in Tianjin and Jinling Univ in Nanjing; graduated from Economics Dpt, Tokyo Univ; joined CCP, 1922; prof., Zhejiang Polit. Science and Law School and Beijing Univ; responsible cadre, Beijing Branch, KMT Executive Comte, 1924; polit, instructor, Whampoa Mil. Academy, 1926; left CCP after KMT-CCP rift, 1927; dir., Ν China Special Work Comte, Wuhan Nationalist Central Govt, 1927; during Sino-Japanese War: prof., CCP Party School, and later dir., Dpt of Cooperatives, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt; service in Enterprise Admin. Dpt, NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1948; dpty dir., Central Bureau of Cooperative Admin, under Financial and Economic Com, G AC, Oct 1949; council mem., Fed of Cooperatives, Aug 1950; vice-chm, All-China Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Jul 1954 -Cult. Rev.; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959; to 4th, Dec 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first


Served in 769th Regiment, 385th Brigade, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; maj-gen., Jan 1958; dir., Polit. Dpt, Chengdu Mil. Reg, May 1959; dpty polit, commissar, Chengdu Mil. Reg, Oct 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Oct 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Nov 1974; mem., Rev Comte of Sichuan Prov., Dec 1977; dpty polit, commissar, Chengdu Mil. Reg, Apr 19781981; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Jul 1987.

Yu Tianfang



* Heilongjiang Graduated from Qinghua Univ, Beijing; joined CCP, 1931; 1931-37: English teacher in Qiqihar Normal College, meanwhile organized anti-Japan salvation assn; principal of a middle school in Fujin County; dean of education, 11th Army, NE Anti-Japan Allied Army; dir., Polit. Dpt, 1st Div. in NW Expedition conducted by CCP Ν Manchuria Comte, 1937; cdr., 11th Army; special commissioner, 3rd Route Army, NE Anti-Japan Allied Army, and polit, commissar, 6th Detachment, 3rd Route Army, 1942; arrested by Japanese in Qing'an and imprisoned in Beian, Dec 1944; killed Japanese guard and broke jail, Jul 1945; mem., Beian Admin. Comte, Feb 1946; dpty polit, commissar, Heilongjiang Mil. Distr, 1954; vice-chm of Heilongjiang Prov., Aug 1954 -Feb 1955; vice-gov., Heilongjiang PPG, Feb 1955 - Sep 1958; dir., Harbin Normal College, Apr 1957; head, Heilongjiang del. to Amur Prov., USSR, Nov 1957; sec., Mudanjiang City CP, Jul 1961; vice-chm, Heilongjiang Prov. Branch of CPPCC, Aug 1965 - Cult. Rev.; during Cult. Rev. branded a counterrevolutionary element and purged, Nov 1967.

Yu Xinqing


* 1899 Hefei, Anhui Educated in Christian missionary school; during early years, religious minister in Kaifeng, Henan; invited by Feng Yuxiang (mil. gov. of Henan), to be chaplain in his army, 1922; accompanied Feng to Soviet Union, 1927;

Yu Xiu

subsequently stayed in U.S.A. for three years; after return to China made special commissioner to inspect education in Henan and Shanxi; participated in Fujian Revolt and made council mem., Fujian Prov. People's Revolutionary Govt, established by Li Jishen, 1933; ehm, Economics Comte of this govt, Nov 1933; (govt collapsed in 1934); dir., Polit. Dpt, Hebei-Chahar War Zone under Lu Zhonglin, 1937; went to Chongqing under protection of Feng Yuxiang, 1939; ehm, Planning Comte, 1st War Zone under Sun Lianzhou, 1943; found engaging in espionage for CCP and imprisoned in Beijing, fall 1947; during KMT-CCP negotiations released and went to Hong Kong, late 1948; went to CCP-occupied area, spring 1949; dpty sec-gen., Preparatory Comte, CPPCC, Jun 1949; delegate of KMT Rev Comte to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954; to 3rd, Apr 1959 - Dec 1964); dpty dir., Admin. Office, GAC, and concurrently dir. of its Protocol Bureau, Nov 1949; mem., Central Comte, KMT Rev Comte, Nov 1949; vice-chm, Beijing Branch of CPPCC, Nov 1949 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, 1950-58; vicepres., Beijing Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1950; dir., Govt Organs Affairs Bureau, GAC, Dec 1950; mem., del. to World Peace Congr, Vienna, Dec 1952; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); dpty sec-gen., Stand. Comte, NPC, Oct 1954- Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Comte, KMT Rev Comte, Feb 1956 - Dec 1958; dpty dir., NPC General Office, May 1959; vice-min., Nationalities Affairs Com, SC, Jan 1960 - Apr 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Yu Xiu & % Once served as dean of studies, Shandong Univ; pres., Shandong Normal College, Oct 1952; vice-gov., Shandong PPG, May 1956 - Cult. Rev.; dpty dir., Culture and Education Comte, Shandong Prov. CP, Jan 1957; mem., Presidium, 1st Natl Games, Sep 1959; mem., Comte for Receiving and Resettling Overseas Chinese, SC, Apr 1963; dismissed from all positions in the case of Wu Han, Deng Tuo and Liao Mosha (the three-family village) and purged, Jun 1966.


Yu Yi

- f

* 1925 Ye County, Shandong Served successively as dpty dir., Jiangbei Machine Building Factory of Jilin; chief engineer, director and Party sec. of Qiqihar Machine Building Factory; dpty dir., Dpt of Natl Defense Ind., Heilongjiang PPG; and vice-min., 5th Min. of Machine Building; min. of Ordnance Ind., May 1982; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; disappeared, Jan 1983.

Yu Yichuan

- f


* 1917 Nanpi County, Hebei Graduated from CCP Party School; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, 4th Army Corps, 2nd Field Army, 1949; mem., Yunnan PPG, 1949; dir., Polit. Dpt, Yunnan Mil. Distr, 1949; dpty sec., Yunnan Prov. CP, 1951; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Yunnan Prov. CP, Jul 1951; 2nd sec., Yunnan Prov. CP, May 1955 - Mar 1957; vice-chm, Yunnan Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Oct 1955 - Mar 1958; sec., Yunnan Prov. CP, Mar 1957 - Oct 1964; gov., Yunnan PPG, Mar 1958 - Oct 1964; deputy for Yunnan to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); sec., Control Comte, Zhejiang Prov. CP, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.; vice-gov., Henan PPG, Sep 1979 - Nov 1980; dpty sec., Henan Prov. CP, Oct 1979 Jul 1981; vice-chm, Henan PPC, Nov 1 9 8 0 - Apr 1983; sec., Henan Prov. CP, Jul 1981 - Mar 1983; ehm, Advisory Com, Henan Prov. CP, Aug 1984; disappeared, Sep 1985. Yu was married to Wang J ing.

Y u Yifu - f 4 1 A * 1911 Baiquan County, Heilongjiang

deceased 1982, Jun 11 Studied at Qinghua Univ; after Mukden (Shenyang) Incident, principal of "Manchuguo" Higher School; subsequently served under general Zhang Xueliang; following


Xi'an Incident organized NE Natl Salvation Assn, 1938; edited bi-monthly Count er-Attack, Wuhan 1938; subsequently worked for Chongqing City CP; went to Communist-occupied area in Ν China via Hong Kong, fall of 1945; ehm of Nanjiang Prov., 1946-48; participated in Inaugural Session, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; ehm of Heilongjiang Prov., Dec 1949 - Nov 1952; mem., NE People's Govt, Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; council mem., SinoSoviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1951 - Dec 1954; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, May 19531958; deputy for Harbin to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; sec., Jilin Prov. CP, Jun 1960- Cult. Rev.; ehm, Jilin Prov. Branch, CPPCC, 1961; council mem., Jilin PPC, Aug 1962; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 -death; cadre in Jilin Prov., Jun 1978; vice-chm, Jilin Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Sep 1980 - death. Yu was married to Du Guifu. Publications: Which Road Should the Northeast People Follow? (1946); To Inherit and Give Play to the Excellent Tradition of the CCP (1962).

Yu Zhan



* 1921 Yingshan County, Hubei deceased 1992, Mar 11 Studied at Anti-Japanese Mil. and Polit. College, Yan'an, 1938; served in Central Mil. Com under NE Mil. Reg, 1939-49; 1st sec., embassy in Poland, 1950-54; counselor, embassy in Poland, Jan 1955 - Mar 1957; dpty dir., Dpt of Socialist Countries, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Mar 1957 - Oct 1958; dpty dir., Dpt of USSR and Socialist Countries, MFA, Oct 1958 - Sep 1964; dir. of this dpt, Sep 1964-1971; vice-min. of Foreign Affairs, May 1972-1978; dpty head, Party and govt del. to Romania, Aug 1974; mem., Party and govt del. to Albania and Yugoslavia, Nov-Dec 1974; mem., Party and govt del. to Romania, Yugoslavia, Iran (head: Hua Guofeng), Aug 1978; disappeared, Dec 1978; reappearance: ambassador to Canada, Oct 1983 - Oct 1986; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988 - death; mem., Foreign Affairs Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988 - death. Yu was married to Zuo Yi.

Yuan Hanqing

Yuan Fanglie

λ %

* 1929 Yinan County, Shandong Joined CCP, 1946; served successively as dpty dir., Finance and Trade Dpt and sec., Changshan County CP, Zhejiang 1954-58; sec., Qu County CP, Zhejiang, 197075; dpty sec., Jinhua Prefecture CP, 1975-77; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Zhejiang Prov., Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Zhejiang Prov. CP, May 1978 - Apr 1983; vice-gov., Zhejiang PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; 1st sec., Wenzhou Prefecture CP, Jan 1983-1985; sec., Judical and Public Security Comte, Zhejiang Prov. CP, Oct 1985-1987; pres., People's Higher Court, Zhejiang Prov., May 1988; disappeared, May 1988.

Yuan Hanqing

^ M

* 1905 Nandong, Jiangsu Graduated from Chemistry Dpt, Qinghua Univ; obtained Ph.D. from Illinois Univ, U.S.A., 1932; prof., Beijing Univ and Natl Central Univ, 1938-46; attended 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Central Comte, Jiusan Society, Feb 1950- Cult. Rev.; dir., Popular Science Bureau, Min. of Culture and concurrently prof., College of Science and Engineering under Beijing Univ, Mar 1950; mem., Nationalities Affairs Com, GAC, Sep 1951; mem., del. to Congr of World Peace Council, Warsaw, Dec 1952; editor-in-chief, Commercial Press, Jun 1953; council mem., Chinese Chemistry Society, 1955; mem., Dpt of Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry, CAS, Jun 1955; dir., Inst, of Science Informations, CAS, Oct 1956; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, May 1957; mem., Natl Comte, 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., Dpt of Chemistry, CAS, Jun 1985; disappeared, Apr 1988. Publication: Selected Thesis on Chinese Chemical History.


Yuan Jun

Yuan Jun

Yuan Shengping

Ä Ik.

* 1924 Qidong County, Jiangsu Joined CCP, 1940; joined New 4th Army, 1941; served successively in Central China Field Army, E China Field Army and 3rd Field Army, 1946-49; cdr. of a regiment, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951-54; rose from PLA div. to corps cdr., 1961-69; graduation from PLA Mil. Academy, 1979; dpty cdr., Shenyang Mil. Reg, Jan 1982-1986; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected to 13th CC, Nov 1987); dpty head, PLA del. to Ν Korea (head: You Taizhong), Jun 1985; dpty commandant, Natl Defense Univ, Jun 1988; appointed ltn-gen., Sep 1988; dir., Postgraduate Inst., Natl Defense Univ, Dec 1988; disappeared, Jul 1990.

Yuan Renyuan


* 1899 Liuyang County, Hunan deceased 1986, Jan 2 Attended middle school; joined CCP, 1928; organized Shimen Uprising, Hunan, 1928; subsequently went to Shanghai; served in 7th Red Army with Deng Xiaoping and Zhang Yunyi, Aug 1929; took part in Long March, 1934-35; trained at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1937; dir., Polit. Dpt, 359th Brigade, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938; polit, commissar, Suide Mil. Subdistr, summer 1945; during KMT-CCP peace negotiations, CCP representative at NE 34th Group, Mil. Mediation Com, 1947; vice-chm of Jilin Prov., Aug 1948; vice-chm, Hunan PPG, Mar 1950-1953; vice-min. of Internal Affairs, Dec 1953 - May 1958; sec., Qinghai Prov. CP, Jun 1958-1962; gov., Qinghai PPG, Jul 1958-1962; deputy for Qinghai to 2nd NPC, Jul 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Control Comte, CCP Central Comte, 1962 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Oct 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1972; deputy for Shanxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978- Jun 1983; dpty sec., Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 - Sep 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985.

Served in 1st Front Army, 1934; took part in Long March, 1934-35; polit, commissar, 1st Battalion, Independent Regiment, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; polit, commissar, 3rd Regiment, operating in 1st Subdistr, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Mil. Reg, 1939; polit, commissar, 3rd Div., Shandong Liberation Army, 1945; polit, commissar, 40th Army, 4th Field Army, 1949; mem., Hainan Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jun 1950; sent to Korean War, Oct 1950; dpty dir.. Cadre's Dpt, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1952; made ltn-gen. and awarded order of "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; dir., Polit. Dpt, Beijing Mil. Reg, Oct 1955; cdr., Beijing Garrison, Nov 1959; mem., Shandong PPG, Jan 1960; vice-gov., Shandong PPG, Dec 1960; dpty polit, commissar, Jinan Mil. Reg, Dec 1961; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte, Shandong Prov., Feb 1967; polit, commissar, Jinan Mil. Reg, Feb 1968-1973; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969- Aug 1973; 2nd sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Apr 1971-1973; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Shandong Prov., May 1971-1973; disappeared, Jun 1973; first reappearance, Aug 1978; the charges that Yuan had been a follower of Lin Biao, were declared to be false, Feb 1979; polit, commissar, Beijing Mil. Reg, Jan 1980-1982; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr, Sep 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

Yuan Yelie



* 1904 Wugang County, Hunan deceased 1976, Aug 8 Cdr., 3rd Battalion, 72nd Regiment, 24th Div., Nationalist 11th Army, Jul 1927; took part in Nanchang Uprising, Aug 1927; caught by Nationalists and put into Jiangsu Reformatory, 1931-36; served in New 4th Army, 193841; cdr., Bohai Mil. Subdistr, Shandong Mil. Distr, 1946; cdr., 10th Column E China Field Army, 1947; 1st dpty cdr., Jinan Garrison HQ, Sep 1948; dpty cdr., Shandong Mil. Distr, Sep 1949; cdr., 37th Army, 11th Group Army, 3rd Field Army, 1949; participated in Korean War, 1951; cdr., E China Fleet, PLA Navy, Aug 1952-1956; made rear admiral, Sep 1955; dpty cdr., PLA Navy, 1957; mem., mil. del. to Poland, Oct 1958; vice-min. of Aquatic Products, SC, Apr 1960- Cult. Rev.; deputy for Shandong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; during Cult. Rev. branded a traitor and purged, Jan 1967; post mortem officially rehabilitated, Jan 1979.


Yuan Zhen

A &

Dir., Propaganda Dpt, Hubei Prov. CP, Mar 1951; dpty dir., Industrial Dpt, Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jan 1952; dpty dir., Urban Work Dpt, Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, May 1954; 2nd sec., Anshan City CP and concurrently manager of Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Dec 1955; dir., Anshan Iron and Steel College, Sep 1958 - Sep 1963; 1st sec., Anshan Iron and Steel Co. CP, Feb 1959; sec., Anshan City CP, Jun 1960; sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, Jan 1967; 1st sec., Taiyuan Municipality CP, Jan 1967; vice-ehm, Rev Comte of Shanxi Prov., Apr 1967; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Oct 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Anhui Prov. CP, Jul 1979; vice-chm. Rev Comte of Anhui Prov., Jul-Dec 1979; sec., Anhui Prov. CP, Nov 1982 Mar 1983; dpty sec., Anhui Prov. CP, Mar 1983 - Dec 1984; head, Anhui Prov. del. to U.S.A. and Canada, Sep 1984; ehm, Advisory Com, Anhui Prov. CP, Dec 1984; disappeared, Dec 1984.

Yuan Ziqin

Yue Zhijian

Yue Songsheng

Yue Weifan

* 1908 Shanghang County, Fujian deceased 1968 Joined CCP, 1930; dir., Polit. Dpt, Taiyue Mil. Distr, 1946; polit, commissar, 15th Column under Xu Xiangqian's army corps, Jul 1948; polit, commissar, 60th Army, 1950; dpty polit, commissar, W Sichuan Mil. Distr, 1951-55; polit, commissar, Chengdu Garrison, 1952; dpty polit, commissar, PLA General Logistics Dpt, 1955; made ltn-gen. and awarded order of "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; dir., Polit. Dpt, PLA General Staff, 1962; dpty dir., PLA General Polit. Dpt, Jul 1966; disappeared, Oct 1967.

Yuan Ziyang


* 1909 Beijing Graduated from Huiwen Middle School in Beijing and Youcai Vocational School in Tianjin; manager, Beijing Tongrendang Drug Store, belonging to Yue's family; ehm, Beijing Xingye Investment Co., 1948-52; mem., Beijing MPG, Mar 1951; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Beijing MPG, Mar 1951; dpty judge, Beijing People's Court, Mar 1952; vice-chm, Beijing Branch, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce (ACFIC), Mar 1952; mem., Executive Comte, ACFIC, Nov 1953; deputy for Beijing to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Aug 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-mayor, Beijing MPG, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, CDNCA, Apr 1955; mem., China Asian Solidarity Comte, Jun 1956; mem., NPC del. to USSR, Nov-Dec 1956; vicechm, ACFIC, Apr 1957 - Cult. Rev.; ehm, Beijing Branch of ACFIC, Apr 1957; mem., Budget Comte, 2nd NPC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Dec 1964); vice-chm, Beijing Branch, CDNCA, Mar 1962; mem., China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Jun 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

& & M>

Once served as special commissioner S-Shanxi Central Admin. Distr; dir., Yuncheng Admin. Distr, Shanxi, Jun 1950; vice-mayor, Taiyuan MPG, Apr 1954; mayor, Taiyuan MPG, Aug 1955-1964; deputy for Shanxi to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); sec., Taiyuan Municipality CP, Dec 1959; sec., Nanjing Municipality CP, Sep 1965- Cult. Rev.; mayor in Nanjing MPG, Sep 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; sec., Taiyuan Municipality CP, Feb 1980; disappeared, Oct 1984.

Yue Xiaoxia



Mem., Stand. Comte, Yunnan Prov. CP, Oct 1974-1978; dir., Office of Ind. and Communications, Rev Comte of Yunnan Prov., Nov 1976; vice-gov., Henan PPG, Sep 1979 - Dec 1984; vice-chm, Henan PPC, Jun 1985 - Jan 1988; disappeared, Sep 1989.

Ü "f" M

* 1898 Yishui County, Shandong Magistrate of Yishui County, Shandong, 1939; commissioner, 3rd Admin. Distr, Hebei-Shandong-Henan Admin. Office, 1947; sec-gen., Central Plains People's Govt, 1950; sec-gen., Pingyuan PPG, 1950; council mem., Pingyuan PPG, Jul 1950 - Nov 1952; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Pingyuan PPG, Aug 1950; sec-gen., Shandong PPG, Nov 1952; mem., Shandong PPC, Feb 1955; vice-gov., Shandong PPG, May 1955 - Oct 1958; branded a rightist, Oct 1958; vice-pres., Agricultural Bank of China, Nov 1963 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Yue Zhijian

& %

Alt. mem., Central Comte, NDYL, Apr 1949; mem., Natl Congr of Railway Model Workers, Sep 1951; dir., State Bureau for Scientific and Technological Cadres, Apr 1964; vice-min., State Scientific and Technological Com, Apr 1964; accused of being a revisionist, Feb 1967; participated in Natl Day celebration, Beijing, Oct 1969; head, CAS del. to Albania, Sep 1970; head, CAS del. to Ν Korea, Apr 1971; acting sec-gen., CAS, Mar 1973; head, scientific del. to Romania, Apr 1973; head, scientific del. to Ν Vietnam, Nov 1973; head, CAS del. to Albania, Mar 1975; pres., Society of Standardization, Aug 1978; dir.,


Yue Zongtai

State Bureau of Standardization, Oct 1978-1981; vicepres., Recommendation and Examination Comte in charge of Classifying Inventions, State Scientific and Technological Com, Apr 1979; vice-min., State Economic Com, Jun 1979; pres., Assn of Quality Control, Aug 1979; head, del. to 11th General Assembly of Intl Org. for Standardization, Geneva, Sep 1979; disappeared, Nov 1981.

Education, Dec 1979- May 1982; pres., China Adult Education Society, Apr 1981; mem., Natl Comte, 7th CPPCC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.

Zang Kejia

M. &


Yue Zongtai

* 1920 Qin County, Shanxi Served as CCP sec. of counties and prefectures in Shanxi Prov., 1940-49; vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, May 1960-1961; cadre in Ind. and Communciations Dpt, Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1965; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Hebei Prov., Dec 1977 - Jan 1980; vice-gov., Hebei PPG, Feb 1980- Mar 1983; dpty sec., Hebei Prov. CP, Sep 1980 - Mar 1983; vice-chm, Hebei PPC, Apr 1983 (reelected May 1988); disappeared, May 1988.

Y u n Shiying




Yun belonged to the Mongolian minority. Vice-mayor of Baotou City, Sep 1961; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; dir., Public Security Bureau, People's Govt of IMAR, Sep 1978; sec., IMAR CP, Nov 1978 - Mar 1983; vice-chm, People's Govt, IMAR, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); Head, Discipline Inspection Group in Min. of Public Security, Sep 1990; disappeared, Sep 1990.

Zang Boping M. "f Vice-mayor of Shijiazhuang, Oct 1949; 2nd CCP Comte, Beijing Aviation College, Sep 1958; vice-pres., Nankai Univ, Aug 1964- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-min. of

* 1905 Zhucheng County, Shandong Bora into a familiy of officials and literates; studied at First Normal School of Jinan; joined Northern Expedition Army, 1926; trained at Wuhan Branch, Whampoa Mil. Academy, 1927; enrolled in Qingdao Univ, 1930; first poems appeared in magazines, 1932; graduated from Chinese Dpt of Shandong Univ, 1934; stayed in Chongqing, 1938-45, where he edited the literary weekly Kangzhan Wenyi·, editor-in-Chief, Shanghai Cultural Information monthly, 1946-48; council mem., Chinese Writers' Assn, Oct 1953; council mem., China-Cambodia Friendship Assn, Sep 1956; editor-in-chief, Shikan (Poetry), Oct 1958; deputy for Shandong to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); sec., Chinese Writers' Assn, Jun 1959; council mem., All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Aug 1960; vice-chm, Chinese Writers' Assn, Aug 1960; during Cult. Rev. branded an anti-Party element and purged, Mar 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: adviser, Chinese Writers' Assn, Dec 1981; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); disappeared, Mar 1993. Among his publications: Stigma (collection of poems, 1934); Canal (collection of poems, 1935); My Honey (political ironic verses, 1946); later: Thoughts on Learning to Compile Verse (collection of critiques); Poetry and Life (memories); Selected Poems of Zang Kejia; Collected Works of Zang Kejia (6 volumes).

Zeng Chuanliu # * 1904 Hubei deceased 1983, Oct 20 Polit, commissar, 31st Army, 4th Army Corps, 1943; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Central South Mil. and Admin. Comte (CSMAC), Mar 1950; dpty dir., Commerce Dpt, Central Plains Provisional People's Govt, 1950; dir., Materials Admin. Bureau, CSMAC, 1950 Jan 1953; vice-chm, Financial and Economic Comte, CSMAC, Apr 1952 - Jan 1953; mem., Central-South Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; mem., Stand. Comte and Executive Comte, All-China Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Oct 1953; deputy for Henan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954


(reelected to 2nd, Dec 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-min. of Commerce, Oct 1954 - Feb 1958; vice-min., 1st Min. of Commerce, Feb-Sep 1958; vice-min. of Commerce, Sep 1958 - Nov 1963; mem.. Motions Examination Comte, NPC, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1974; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983).

Zeng Delin

1983 (reelected Jan 1988); mem., NPC del. to Mexico and Colombia (head: Peng Chong), Nov 1983; disappeared, Jan 1988.

Zeng Guohua


© ψ


Mem., Central Comte, CYL, May 1957; alt. mem., Secretariat, CYL, Mar 1960 -Jul 1964; disappeared, Jul 1964; first reappearance: deputy for Sichuan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-min., Min. of Education, Nov 1979 - May 1982; vice-chm, Natl Council for Cultural and Art Work for Children, May 1981; dpty head, sports del. to Romania, Jul 1981; mem., Central Greening Comte, SC, Feb 1982; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982-1986; head, Party cadres visiting group to France, Jul 1983; vice-chm, Natl Comte for Workers' Education, Sep 1983; mem., Central Patriotic Public Health Campaign Comte, Oct 1983 - Nov 1988; pres., Society for the Study of Ideological-Political Education in Institutes of Higher Learning, Dec 1984; dpty head, Central Leading Group for Education of Cadres, Jan 1985; mem., Education and Cultural Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jim 1988; disappeared, May 1992.

Zeng Dingshi

Zeng Hanzhou

t Κ &

* 1910 Wuhua County, Guangdong deceased 1978 Joined Red Army, 1931; joined CCP, 1932; leader, 3rd Company, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div., 1st Red Army Corps, 1936; leader of shock force at crossing Hunaghe, Feb 1936; battalion cdr., 685th Regiment,. 343rd Brigade, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; led his battalion to Hebei Prov. and organized it into a guerilla detachment, Sep 1937; joined forces with Tianjin Detachment and led the troops into Hebei-Shandong Border Distr, Apr 1938; cdr., 5th Independent Brigade in Jiangsu-Shandong border, 1942; cdr., 2nd Instruction Brigade, 115th Div., Jan 1943; led his troops to NE, 1945; cdr., 7th Div., 3rd Column, NE Field Army, 1946; dpty cdr., 3rd Column, 1948; cos, 2nd Army Corps, 1948; cos, 13th Army Corps, 4th Field Army and cos Guangxi Mil. Distr, 1949; cos, 15th Army Corps and cos, Guangdong Mil. Distr, 1950; dpty cdr., Air Force, Central-S Mil. Reg, 1951; led his force to Korean War, 1951; cdr., Air Force, Shenyang Mil. Reg, 1955; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., PLA Air Force, 1968; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; disappeared, May 1971.

Zeng Hanzhou * 1920 Jiexi County, Guangdong Studied at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1939; service as Party cadre in Jinan Municipality and Xuzhou Prefecture, 1946-49; sec. of CCP Comtes in Guandong Prov., 1951-56; mem., Guangdong PPC, Dec 1960; ehm, Planning Com, Guangdong PPG, Sep 1964 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Guangdong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988); vice-chm, Rev Comte of Guangdong Prov., JanDec 1979; dir., Board of Directors, China Intl Trust and Investment Corp., Oct 1979; dpty head, Guangdong del. to Australia (head: Xi Zhongxun), Nov 1979; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; co-chm, Guangdong Foreign Economic Work Comte, Jul 1981; visited Hong Kong, Oct 1981; vice-chm, Guangdong PPC, Apr



Dir., General Office, Supreme People's Court (SPC), 1954; dpty sec-gen., SPC, Jun 1954; chief judge, SPC, Nov 1954-1960; mem., Judical Comte, SPC, Feb 19551960; 1st chief judge, Court of Criminal Cases, SPC, 1963; vice-pres., SPC, Mar 1966-1983; mem., Judical Comte, SPC, Nov 1979; vice-pres., Special Court for the Trial of Lin Biao and Jiang Qing Counterrevolutionary Cliques, Sep 1980; adviser to SPC, Sep 1983; disappeared, Sep 1983.

Zeng Jingbing


Zeng Jingbing * 1913 Fujian At time of Long March, went from Jiangxi to northern Fujian, where he organized a guerilla unit, later named the Fujian-Zhejiang-Jiangxi Column with himself as cdr., mid-1930s-1946; sec., Fujian Prov. CP, 1939-48; alt. mem., 7th CCP Central Comte, Jun 1945 - Sep 1956; merged forces with PLA in Jiangxi, May 1949; sec-gen., Fujian Prov. CP, Oct 1950; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, and mem., of its Land Reform Comte, 1950Jan 1953; mem., Fujian PPC, Dec 1951-1954; pres., Fujian People's Court, Mar 1952; mem., Land Reform Comte, E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; dpty sec., Fujian Prov. CP, Dec 1953 - Aug 1956; ehm, Fujian Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Jan 1955; mem., Fujian PPG, Feb 1955; disappeared, Feb 1955.

Zeng Mei


* 1907 Cdr., 2nd Beiyue Subdistr, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Mil. Distr, 1943-44; cdr. of a brigade, Shanxi-Chahar 1st Column, 1946; cdr. of a div., 66th Army, 1949; cos, 20th Army Corps, Feb 1952; dpty cos, Beijing-Tianjin Garrison HQ, Mar 1953; cos, Beijing-Tianjin Garrison HQ, 1954; made maj-gen. and awarded "Order of Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; cdr., Beijing Garrison, Mar 1964; 2nd polit, commissar, Hebei Mil. Distr, Aug 1966; vicechm, Rev Comte, Hebei Prov., Feb 1968 - Dec 1977; polit, commissar, Hebei Mil. Distr, Oct 1969-1980; mem., Stand. Comte, Hebei Prov. CP, Jul 1970; mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; disappeared, Nov 1981.

Zeng San

& -H.

* 1905 Hunan deceased 1990, Nov 28 Operator, Central Broadcasting Station, Red Army, Jiangxi, 1931; dpty dir., Admin. Office, CCP Central Comte, 1950; dir., Party History Research Office, CCP Central Comte, 1951; deputy for Hebei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; dir., State Archives Bureau, Nov 1954 - Cult. Rev.; dpty dir., General Office, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1956Cult. Rev.; council mem., Sino-Albania Friendship Assn, Sep 1958; dir., Central Archives Library, Oct 1959Cult. Rev.; head, archives del. to Albania, Sep 1965; accused for providing secret archives to USSR and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte,, Dec 1978 - Sep 1982; dpty dir., General Office, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1979 - May 1982; curator, Central Archives of China, Oct 1979; hon. pres., Local History and Chronicles Assn, Aug 1981; hon. pres., Archives Society, Nov 1981; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; adviser, General Office, CCP Central Comte, May 1983; disappeared, Dec 1983.

Zeng Shan

W ^

* 1899 Xingguo County, Jiangxi deceased 1972, Apr 16 Son of a school teacher. Took part in Guangzhou Uprising, 1927; ehm, Jiangxi Provincial Soviet Govt, Dec 1930; mem., Central Bureau of Soviet Areas, Jan 1931; mem., Central Executive Comte, Chinese Soviet Republic, Nov 1931; commissar for Internal Affairs, Chinese Soviet Republic, Feb 1934; during time of Long March operated with local guerillas in Jiangxi-Zhejiang-Fujian border region, 1934-36; eventually joined New 4th Army, 1938; sec., SE Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, 1938; dir., Org. Dpt., Central China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 194145; mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Jun 1945 (reelected to 8th CC, Sep 1956, and to 9th CC, Apr 1969); pres., Central China Reconstruction Univ, 1945; vice-chm, Jinan Mil. Control Com, Sep 1948; mem., Finance and Economics Comte, Ν China People's Govt, Oct 1948; vicemayor, Shanghai MPG, May 1949; head, E China Branch, People's Bank of China (with jurisdiction over banking in Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang), May 1949 - Jun 1950; ehm, E China Finance and Economics Comte, Sep 1949; mem., GAC, Oct 1949-1954; mem., Finance and Economic Comte, GAC, Oct 1949-1954; min. of Textile Industry, Oct 1949- Aug 1952; vice-chm, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte (ECMAC), Jan 1950- Jan 1953; ehm, Finance and Economic Comte, ECMAC, Jan 1950 - Jan 1953; dir., Huai River Harnessing Com, Oct 1950 - Nov 1952; min. of Commerce, Aug 1950 - Nov 1956; vicechm, Finance and Economic Comte, GAC, Aug 19521954; vice-chm, E China Admin. Comte and concurrently dir. of its Finance and Economic Comte, Jan 1953 - Oct 1954; ehm, Supervisory Comte, Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Jul 1954; dpty dir., 5th Staff Office, SC (concerned with finance and trade), Oct 1954 -Feb 1957; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959 and to the 4th, Dec 1964); head, CCP del. to Albania, May 1956; head, CCP del. to Sweden, Dec 1957; dir., Communications Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jan 1958-1960 (?); deputy for Shandong to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd NPC, Apr 1958 - Dec 1964; min. of Internal Affairs, Nov 1960 - death; head, CCP del. to Albania, Feb 1961; head, CCP del. to Norway, Mar 1961; head, CCP del. to Austria, Apr 1961; mem., Party and govt del. to German Democratic Republic, May 1965; head, govt del. to Congo (Brazzaville), Aug 1966.


Zeng Shaoshan



* 1914 Jinzhai County, Anhui Attended Red Army College, Jiangxi Prov.; joined CCP, 1933; during Long March, advanced from battalion to regiment cdr. in Red Army, 1934-36; cos, 769th Regiment, 385th Brigade, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 193841; cdr., New 10th Brigade, 129th Div., 1941; cdr., 2nd Mil. Subdistr, Taihang Mil. Reg, 1942; cos, 3rd Column, Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong Mil. Distr, 1946; dpty cdr., 3rd Column, Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong Mil. Distr., 1948; cdr., 19th Army, 2nd Field Army when directing the crossing of the Changjiang (Yangtse), Apr 1942; dpty cdr., E Sichuan Mil. Distr, Dec 1949 - Aug 1952; council mem., E Sichuan Admin. Office, 1950; cdr., 12th Army, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951-53; dpty cdr., 3rd Army Group, 1953-54; cdr., Lüshun-Dalian Garrison, 1955; mem., Sino-Soviet Joint Mil. Com, May 1955; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., Shenyang Mil. Reg, 1959-68; polit, commissar, Shenyang Mil. Reg, Apr 1968-1978; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973; and to 11th CC, Aug 1977); 2nd sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, Jan 1971-1975; head, PLA friendship del. to Romania, Jun 1975; 1st sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, Sep 1975-1978; ehm, Liaoning Rev Comte, Sep 1975-1978; 2nd sec., CCP Comte, Shenyang Mil. Reg, Jun 1977; deputy for Liaoning to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 - May 1983; adviser, Jinan Mil. Reg, Feb 1981; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; disappeared, Jun 1983.

Zeng Sheng

t ÔL

* 1910 Huiyang County, Guangdong Born under the name of Zeng Zhensheng; attended school in Hong Kong; went to Australia with his father to live in Sidney for six years; after return to China, studied at Guangzhou Zhongshan Univ; leader of student movement in Guangzhou propagating "December 9 Movement", initiated by CCP, 1935; in order to escape arrest for

Zeng Siyu

Communist activities he fled to Hong Kong and signed on as a seaman on "Queen Mary"; when Hong Kong was occupied by Japanese, he organized seamen and students to form a guerilla union, 1938; this unit was integrated as "New Brigade", 3rd Guerilla Corps, 4th War Zone, into Guangdong Guerilla HQ of Nationalist Government, 1939; Zeng revolted with his unit against Nationalist Govt, Mar 1940; joined a Communist guerilla unit operating in Area of Guangzhou-Kowloon Railway; cdr., of this unit, Nov 1943; vice-chancellor, Mil. and Polit. Univ in Shandong Prov., 1946; returned as cdr. of his old guerilla unit in Guangdong Prov., 1947; subsequently played important part in numerous battles, particularly the Battle of Huaihai; council mem., Guangdong PPG, Jan 1950; dpty cdr., Guangdong Mil. Distr and concurrently cdr. of Pearl River (Zhu Jiang) Mil. Subdistr, Jul 1950; mem., S China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1952; deputy for Guangdong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Sep 1964); made rear admiral, Aug 1957; vice-gov., Guangdong PPG, Dec 1960 - Cult. Rev.; mayor of Guangzhou, Dec 1960- Cult. Rev.; sec., Guangzhou CP, Mar 1961; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangdong Prov. CP, Mar 1963; acting ehm, Spring Fair in Guangzhou, May 1964; head, Guangzhou del. to Albania, Jun 1964; ehm, Guangzhou Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Nov 1964; 3rd sec., Guangzhou CP, Mar 1965; during Cult. Rev. heavily attacked by Red Guards and purged, Mar 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep; 1974; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978); vice-min. of Communications, Oct 1975 - Feb 1979; head, communications del. to Great Britain, Nov 1975; deputy for Guangdong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; head, del. to 10th IMCO Session, London, Nov 1977; min. of Communications, Feb 1979 - Mar 1981; head, govt marine shipping del. to Thailand, Mar 1979; pres., China Marine Navigation Society, Apr 1979 - Oct 1981; head, communications del. to France and Italy, Sep 1979; head, communications del. to Philippines, Dec 1979; adviser to CS, Mar 1981 May 1982; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Presidium, 12th CCP Congr., Sep 1982; mem., Central Advisoiy Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; disappeared, Dec 1989. Zeng was married to Ruan Qunying.

* 1911 Jinfeng County, Jiangxi

Zeng Tao


Joined Red Army, 1930; joined CCP, 1932; during Long March, battalion and later regiment cdr., 1st Red Front Army, 1934-36; dir., Polit. Dpt, 686th Regiment, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; polit, commissar, 8th Mil. Subdistr, Shandong Mil. Distr, 1941; cdr., 3rd Independent Brigade, 1943; cdr., 2nd Mil. Subdistr, Hebei-Shandong-Henan Mil. Distr., 1945; cdr., 4th Column, Ν China PLA, 1948; cdr., 64th Army, 19th Army Group, 1st Field Army, Feb 1949; cdr., 64th Army, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951 -Jul 1953; dpty cdr., Shenyang Mil. Reg, 1955-67; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; mem., CCP del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1963; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1975, and to 5th, Feb 1978); cdr., Wuhan Mil. Reg, Aug 1967 - Dec 1973; ehm, Rev Comte of Hubei Prov., Feb 1968-1973; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973; to 11th CC, Aug 1977); head, friendship del. to Ν Korea and awarded Korean order of "National Flag", 1st class, Oct 1970; 1st sec., Hubei Prov. CP, Mar 1971-1973; cdr., Jinan Mil. Reg., Jan 1974-1980; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Jinan Mil. Reg, Oct 1976; adviser, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Jul 1980; disappeared, Jan 1984.

Zeng Tao



* 1914 Taixing County, Jiangsu Studied at Anwu Youth Training Class, Yan'an, 1937; CCP sec. in prefectures of Zhejiang Prov., 1938-40; dir., CCP E Shandong Office, 1945-46; dpty sec., Zhenjiang Prefecture CP, 1949-52; dpty sec., Shanghai CP, 195256; sec-gen., Shanghai MPC, Sep 1956; council mem., Sino-Latin American Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; head, Havana Branch of XNA, May 1960 - Mar 1961; adviser, del. to Laos Conf., Geneva, May 1961; sec-gen., Foreign Affairs Office, SC, Aug 1961 - Nov 1962; ambassador to Algeria, Nov 1962-1967; ambassador to Yugoslavia, Aug 1970 - Apr 1973; ambassador to France, May 1973 - Feb 1977; dpty dir. of XNA, Apr 1977; head, journalists' del. to Denmark, Great Britain, Italy, Nov 1977; dir. of XNA, Dec 1977-1981; mem., Patriotic Health Campaign Comte, Apr 1978; head, journalists' del. to U.S.A. and Canada, Aug-Oct 1978; head, XNA del. to Yugoslavia and Romania, Aug 1979; dpty sec-gen., NPC Stand. Comte, Nov 1979-1983; head, XNA del. to Japan, Mar 1980; mem., NPC del. to France (head: Deng Yingchao), Jun 1980; executive ehm, Chinese Journalists' Assn, Aug 1980 - Apr 1983; head, XNA del. to Ν Korea, Apr 1981; dir-gen. of XNA, Jun 1981 - Aug 1982; visits to Federal Republic of

Germany, Spain, France, Sep-Oct 1981; adviser to XNA, Aug 1982; head, journalists' del. to Egypt and India, Jan 1983; deputy for Jiangsu to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC and concurrently vice-chm of its Foreign Affairs Comte, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); dpty head, NPC del. to Mexico and Colombia (head: Peng Chong), Nov 1983; dpty head, NPC del. to 71st Conf. of Inter-Parliamentary Union, Geneva, Mar 1984; head, del. to 72nd Conf., Geneva, Sep 1984; adviser, China Assn for the Promotion of Intl Friendship, May 1985; accompanied Zheng Tuobin to 2nd Ministerial Meeting between PRC and European Community, Brussels, May 1985; head, NPC del. to European Community, France, Italy, Oct 1985; head, NPC del. to Uruguay, Panama, Cuba, Aug 1986; head, NPC del. to Federal Republic of Germany and Sweden, Sep 1987; ehm, ChinaEurope Parliamentary Friendship Group, Dec 1987; deputy for Henan to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; spokesman and dpty sec-gen., 1st Session, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; head, NPC del. to Norway and Finland, Sep 1988; head, NPC del. to European Community and Sweden, Dec 1988; head, NPC del. to 81st Conf. of Inter-Parliamentary Union, Budapest, Mar 1989; delegate to first World-Wide Inter-Parliamentary Conf. on Disarmament, Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany, May 1990; head, NPC del. to U.S.A., Feb 1991; head, NPC del. to Indonesia, Sep 1992: disappeared, Sep 1992. Zeng was married to Zhu Liqing.

Z e n g X i a n z h i (f) t & fè * Xiangxiang County, Hunan Grew up in Changsha; during early years studied in Japan. Sec-gen., Preparatory Comte, All-China Democratic Women's Fed (ACDWF), Mar 1949; dpty sec-gen., ACDWF, Aug 1949; dir., Secretariat and alt. mem., Executive Comte, ACDWF, Aug 1949; dir., Admin. Dpt, ACDWF, Sep 1952; mem., Presidium and mem., Stand. Comte, ACDWF, Apr 1963 - Cult. Rev.; sec., Secretariat, ACDWF, Apr 1953; deputy for Hunan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., CCP del. to World Peace Congr, Helsinki, Jun 1955; mem., Presidium and mem., Executive Comte All-China Women's Fed (ACWF, successor of ACDWF), Sep 1957; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964; to 5th, Mar 1978); mem., Fed of Ind. and Commerce, 1962- Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978); head, women's del. to Romania, Sep 1965; vice-pres., ACWF, Sep 1978; disappeared, Dec 1978. Zeng was married to Ye Jianying.


Zeng Xisheng

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* 1904 Zixing County, Hunan deceased 1968, Jul 15 Trained at Whampoa Mil. Academy and joined CCP, 1925; during Northern Expedition served in 2nd Div. of 8th Nationalist Army, 1926 - mid-1927; successively guerilla fighter in border region of Anhui-Jiangxi; staff mem., Central Revolutionary Mil. Council, Ruijin, 1930; participated in Long March with 1st Red Front Army, 1934-35; served in Intelligence Dpt of New 4th Army, 1938-40; polit, commissar, 7th Div., New 4th Army, Feb 19411945; dir., Work Dpt for the KMT-controlled areas, E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1942; ranking officer in 11th Div., 7th Column, E China PLA (cdr.: Chen Yi), 1947-49; cdr., Ν Anhui Mil. Distr and sec., Party Comte of Ν Anhui, 1949-52; mem., Ν Anhui People's Admin. Office, 1950-52; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jan 1950 - Dec 1952; dpty dir., Huai River Harnessing Com under Min. of Water Conservancy, Nov 1950; gov., Anhui PPG, Aug 1952 - Mar 1955; (ranking) CCP sec. of Anhui Prov., Aug 1952 (the "ranking" became the "first" sec., 1956) - 1960; mem., E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; polit, commissar, Anhui Mil. Distr, Feb 1953; deputy for Anhui to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, 1958); mem., Anhui PPG, Mar 1955-1960; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - death; pres., Anhui Univ, Oct 1958; 1st polit, commissar, Anhui Mil. Distr, Jun 1960; lsr sec., CCP Comte of Shandong Prov., Nov 1960 - Apr 1961; 2nd sec., E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1961; again 1st sec., CCP Comte of Anhui Prov., Apr 1961 Sep 1962; sec., SW China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1966; branded a capitalist-roader and purged, Aug 1967; an official memorial service for Zeng was held in Babaoshan Cemetary, Jul 18, 1978.

Zeng Yifan t — Imprisoned in Jiangsu for Communist activities, 1936; released after CCP-KMT unity front, 1937; dpty sec-gen., Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1950; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte (CSMAC), Mar 1950; vice-chm, Retrenchment and Austerity Comte, CSM AC, Nov 1951; dpty sec-gen., SC, Sep 1954 - Mar 1965; dir., Counsellors Office, SC, Sep 1959 - Cult. Rev.; vice-min., State Planning Com, SC, Nov 1963; deputy for Sichuan to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; mem., Motions Examination Comte, 3rd NPC, Dec 1964; dpty sec-gen., 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; branded a renegade and disappeared, Jun 1967.

Zeng Zesheng

Zeng Yongquan

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* 1906 Hunan Dpty dir., Ν China Mil. and Polit. College, 1949 - Feb 1950; counsellor, Chinese embassy in Moscow, Feb 1950; ambassador to Poland, Sep 1952 - Jan 1955; ambassador to German Democratic Republic, Jan 1955 - Jun 1957; vice-min. of Foreign Affairs, Jun 1957 - Jan 1966; mem., govt. del. to Czechoslovakia, Jun 1961; mem., CCP and govt del. to German Democratic Republic, Oct 1961; ambassador to Romania, Jan 1966 - Jun 1969; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); disappeared, Jun 1983. Zeng was married to Xu Peiru.

Zeng Yongya It 0 * 1919 Yudu County, Jiangxi Attended middle school. Took part in Long March, 193435; cadre in 1st Mil. Subdistr, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Mil. Distr, 1938; leader of a guerilla detachment, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1939; cdr., 14th Mil. Subdistr, E Hebei Mil. Distr, 1941; cdr., 25th Div., 9th Column, NE Field Army, 1947; cdr., 136th Div., 46th Army, 1948; led troops to Korean War as dpty cdr., later cdr. of 46th Army, 1951-54; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., Tibet Mil. Distr, 1964; acting cdr., Tibet Mil. Distr, Jun 1967; ehm, Rev Comte, Tibet AR, Sep 1968; cdr., Tibet Mil. Distr, Sep 1968-1970; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 - Aug 1973; dpty cdr., Shenyang Mil. Reg, May 1974-1978; adviser to Shenyang Mil. Reg, May 1981; disappeared, Jul 1985.

Zeng Zesheng Ψ ^ É. * 1902 Yongshan County, Yunnan deceased 1973, Feb 22 Graduated from Yunnan Mil. Academy; graduated from 4th Call, Whampoa Mil. Academy, 1925; leader of a company, Officers Training Regiment, 5th Div., 1928; cdr. of a battalion, 6th Regiment, 3rd Brigade, 1930; dpty cdr., 184th Div. and concurrently cdr. of its 105th Regiment, 1940; cdr., 182nd Div., 1942; cdr., 60th Nationalist Army under Long Yun, garrisoning in Yunnan Prov., Nov 1945; cdr., 63rd Div., Nationalist Army, 1946; ordered to Vietnam to accept surrender of Japanese, Jan 1946; transferred with force to NE China and made dpty cdr., 1st Army Group and concurrently cdr. of its 60th Army, Jan 1948; defected to Communists with 26,000 soldiers in Changchun, Oct 1948; cdr., PLA 50th Army,

Zeng Zhaolun


Jan 1949; attended Inaugural Session, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950; led 50th Army to Korean War, 1951; mem., NE Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; deputy for Changchun Municipality to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; awarded "Order of Liberation", 1st class and made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; deputy for Jilin to 2nd NPC, Jul 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1965); disappeared, Mar 1972.

Zeng Zhaolun

f &S

* 1903 Xiangxiang, Hunan Graduated from Qinghua Univ; studied at Massachusetts Inst, of Technology, 1923-26, and received Ph.D. in chemical engineering; subsequently continued studies in England; returned to China, 1927; associate prof., Dpt of Chemistry, Central Univ, Nanjing, 1927; prof, of this univ., 1931; prof., Chemistry Dpt, Beijing Univ, 1934; after outbreak of Sino-Japanese War, organized survey team to Qinghai and Tibet, 1937-38; prof., SW Associated Univ, 1940; joined CDL, 1944; mem., Central Executive Comte, CDL, Oct 1945; went with wife to U.S.A. to study atomic anergy, 1945-46; stayed in Hong Kong, 1947-48; returned to Beijing, Mar 1949; mem., Higher Education Com, Ν China People's Govt, Jun 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd-4th 1954, 1959, 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, Central Comte of CDL, 1949 - Feb 1958; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, 1949; mem., Cultural and Educational Com, GAC, Oct 1949; dir., Dpt of Higher Education, Min. of Education, Dec 1950; dean, Beijing Univ, Dec 1950; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, 1950-58; vice-min. of Education, Jan 1951 Nov 1952; council mem., Society of Chemical Ind., 1952; vice-min. of Higher Education, Jun 1953 - Oct 1957; vicechm, Fed of Natural Science Workers, May 1954 - Feb 1955; deputy for Hunan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Dpt of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, CAS, Jun 1955; mem., Awards Comte, CAS, Oct 1955; pres., Society of Chemical Ind., 1956-60; council mem., ChinaEgypt Friendship Assn, Nov 1956; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, May 1957 - Feb 1958; during anti-Rightist movement, supported Luo Longji and severely attacked by Guo Moruo, Huo Luogeng, Qian Sanqiang and others, 1957; admitted mistakes in public, Jul 1957; dir., Chemistry Dpt, Wuhan Univ, Apr 1958 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Central Comte, CDL, Dec 1958 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966. Zeng was married to Yu Dayin, a graduate of Shanghai Univ, who later studied at Oxford Univ, England, and in France. Publications: Experimental Methods for Making Dynamite; Introductory Studies on Chemical Warfare; Reaction from Classification of Organic Substances and Experiments for its Identification.

Zeng Zhi (f)



* Yizhang, Hunan Joined CCP, 1933; dpty dir., Ind. Dpt, Central Plains Provisional People's Govt, 1948; dpty dir., Ind. Dpt, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950 -Jan 1951; dir. of this dpt, Jan 1951 - Jan 1953; deputy for Guangzhou to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; dpty sec., Guangzhou Municipality CP, Jul 1955 - Jul 1958; sec., Guangzhou Municipality CP, Jul 1958; deputy for Guangdong to 2nd NPC, Sep 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); alt. sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Jul 1963 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; during Cult. Rev. criticized together with husband and purged, 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978); deputy for Jiangxi Prov. to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dpty head, CCP workers' del. to Ν Korea, Aug 1978; dpty dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1978-1982; vicemin. of Communications, Sep 1979- May 1982; mem., economic group to U.S.A. (head: Rong Yiren), May 1980; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); vice-chm, Credentials Comte, NPC Stand. Comte, Mar 1983; disappeared, Oct 1992. Zeng was married to Tao Zhu.

Zha-xi Wang-xu See Zhaxi Wangqug

Zhai Xiangdong

^ fà &

Dpty dir. of a dpt, CCP Hebei Prov. Comte, and chief, Rural Section, Rectification Officer, CCP Hebei Prov. Comte, 1957; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Hebei CP, Sep 1958; editor-in-chief, Hebei Ribao, Jun 1959; council mem., Journalists' Assn, Mar 1960; deputy for Hebei to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; editor-in-chief, Beijing Ribao and Beijing Wanbao, after they were reorganized due to connections with the "Three-Family Village" anti-Party clique, Jun 1966; attacked by Red Guards and purged, Dec 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Natl Comte for Judging Senior Journalists' Titles and concurrently mem., Admin. Comte, Renmin Ribao, Feb 1983; head, Renmin Ribao del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1983; disappeared, Oct 1983.


Zhang Aiping

Zhang Aiping

* 1907 Hongan County, Hebei Dpty cdr., 9th Army, 4th Front Army, early 1934; participant of Long March, 1934-36; moved from Xikang to Ν Shaanxi with his army, 1936; cdr., 2nd Student Brigade, Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1937; engaged in guerilla activities in Shanxi, Chahar and Hebei, 193740; dpty cdr., 3rd Mil. Subdistr, W Hebei Mil. Distr, 1941; dpty cdr., Hebei-Rehe(Jehol)-Liaoning Mil. Reg, 1945; cdr., E Hebei Mil. Distr, Jul 1946; cdr., 46th Brigade, 1st Army Corps, 4th Field Army, 1950; took part in Korean War, winter 1950; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1951 - Jan 1953; cdr., Public Security Forces, Central-S China Mil. Reg, 1952; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Apr 19561978(7); deputy for PLA to 2nd NPC, Jul 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Natl Defense Council, Apr 1959 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangdong Rev Comte, Feb 1967; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Nov 1982.

Zhan Da'nan I i i ) * Shanxi Cdr. of a battalion, Bingxi Vanguard Army, 1935; cdr. of a regiment in same army, 1938; cdr., 5th Heavy Weapons Brigade, 1947; dpty cdr., 27th Corps, 3rd Field Army, 1952; cdr., 28th Army, 1961; made maj-gen. and dpty cdr., Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Nov 1965; dpty cdr., Nanjing Mil. Reg, Nov 1972-1982; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; deputy for PLA to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.

Zhan Jingwu Cdr., Henan Mil. Distr, Jun 1983-1988; dpty sec., Henan Prov. CP, Jan 1985-1987; disappeared, Jan 1988.

J t vf-

* 1910 Da County, Sichuan Born into a landlord family; studied at high school in home county; joined CCP, 1928; worked in Shanghai Communist underground, 1928-29; organized peasants in Nantong into guerilla units and took part in their uprising, 1930; dir., Org. Dpt, Young Pioneers Corps in Jiangxi Soviet, 1931; trained at Red Army College, Ruijin, 1933; alt. mem., Central Executive Comte of "Soviet Republic of China", Jan 1934; during Long March dir. of Polit. Dpt of a div. under 3rd Red Army Corps and later polit, commissar of 11th Regiment which crossed as vanguard the Dadu River, 1934-35; acting cdr., Cavalry Regiment under Mil. Com of CCP, 1936; instructor, Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, autumn 1936; cdr., 4th Column, 6th Detachment, New 4th Army, 1938; as cdr. of a regiment, set up guerilla base in Anhui Prov., 1939; cdr., Huaibei Corps, New 4th Army, 1940; joined with three other units to form 3rd Div. of New 4th Army with Zhang as dpty cdr., Jan 1941; dpty cdr., 3rd Div., New 4th Army, 1941-42; cdr., 4th Div., New 4th Army, 194345; dpty cdr., Central China Mil. Reg, 1945-46; cos, 3rd Field Army, 1948; cos, E China Mil. Reg, 1950; cdr., 7th Army Corps, 3rd Field Army, Jan 1952- Jan 1954; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Sep 1952-Jan 1953; mem., E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Aug 1954; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; dpty chief, PLA General Staff, Sep 1954; made ltn-gen. and awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., mil. del. to India, Jan 1958; made col-gen., Jan 1958; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, by-elected at 2nd Plenum, May 1958; head, mil. del. as part of friendship del. to Burma, Dec 1960- Jan 1961; during Cult. Rev. branded a counterrevolutionary and purged, 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1973; min., Scientific and Technological Com for Natl Defense, Dec 1975 Sep 1982; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985); again dpty chief of PLA General Staff, Oct 1977 - Nov 1982; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978; head, mil. goodwill del. to Sweden and Italy, Jun 1978; head, mil. del. to Brazil, Feb 1980; vicepremier, Sep 1980 - May 1982; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; dpty sec-gen., Mil. Com under CCP Central Comte, Oct 1982 - Nov 1987; min. of Natl Defense, Nov 1982 - Apr 1988; state councillor, SC, Nov 1982 - Apr 1988; mem., Central Mil. Com, Jun 1983 - Nov 1987; visits to U.S.A. and Canada, Jun 1984;


Zhang Bangying

visits to Pakistan, Romania, Portugal, Jul 1985; dpty sec-gen., Central Mil. Com, May 1986; head, mil. del. to Italy and Great Britain, Sep 1986; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987 Oct 1992; mem., Presidium, 14th CCP Congr, Oct 1992. Zhang was married to Li Youlan.

Publications: An Outline History of European Literature; An Outline History of New Literature; Studies on "A Dream of Red Mansions "; Collected Works of Zhang Bilai; Zhang also translated English and Russian books.

Zhang Bin Zhang Bangying

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* 1907 Yao County, Shaanxi Joined Communists when they entered his native area after Long March; served in various offices mainly as cadre in organization departments, 1939-49; vice-chm, Shaanxi PPG, Dec 1949 - Jan 1951; dir., Public Security Dpt, Shaanxi PPG, Mar 1950; 3rd sec., Xinjiang Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1951-1958; mem., NW China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Nov 1954; dir., Polit. Dpt, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Dec 1953; deputy for Xinjiang to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., NPC del. to Finland, Aug 1957; dpty dir., Communications Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, May 1958 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1965); mem., Sparetime Education Comte, SC, Jan 1960; alt. sec., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1963 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); sec., Discipline Inspection Com, Shaanxi Prov. CP, Jul 1985 Dec 1988; disappeared, Jul 1989.

Zhang Bilai


Dpty dir., General Admin, of Electrical Ind., Ν China People's Govt, 1949; dpty dir., General Admin, of Electrical Ind., Min. of Fuel Ind., Aug 1950; delegate to 1st Wuhan MPC, Aug 1954 (reelected 1961); vice-min., Min. of Water Conservancy and Electric Power, Jun 1964 - Feb 1979; head, govt del. to Albania to inaugurate the Vau i Dejes Power Plant built with Chinese aid, Oct 1971; head, electric power mission to Romania, Fed. Rep. of Germany and France, Dec 1977 - Feb 1978; vice-min., Min. of Power Ind., Sep 1979; disappeared, May 1980.

Zhang Bin



Vice-gov., Shaanxi PPG, Jan 1982 - Jun 1988; acting gov., Shaanxi PPG, Aug 1985; disappeared, Sep 1989.

Zhang Binggui

if^ "If

& ψ * 1918 Won praise as a model worker in the candy section of Beijing Department Store, 1975; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (confirmed by 6th NPC, 1983); mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 (confirmed by 6th NPC, 1983); mem., Financial and Economic Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986 - Mar 1988; disappeared, Apr 1988.

* 1914 Kaili County, Guizhou deceased 1991, Dec 5 Studied at Zhejiang Univ; lecturer and then prof., Guilin Teachers' Univ, 1942-46; joined CDL, 1946; served successively as prof, of NE China Univ and NE China Teachers' Univ, 1953-54; dir., Dpt for Middle Schools, People's Education Publishing House, 1955-62; mem., Central Comte, CDL, and concurrently dpty dir. of its Propaganda Dpt, Apr 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-pres., China Society for the Study of the "Dream of the Red Mansions", Jul 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); vice-chm, Study Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, CDL, Oct 1988; disappeared, Oct 1988.

Zhang Bochuan

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Belonged to Hui minority. Vice-pres., E China Univ, 1948; dpty dir., Higher Education Dpt, Min. of Education, 1951; dir., Comprehensive Univ Education Dpt, Min. of Education, 1953; mem., CAS del. to USSR, Feb 1953; vice-chm, Assn for Promotion of Hui Culture, May 1953-1958; vice-pres., Wuhan Univ, Jun 1954; ambassador to Finland, Jun 1962 - Jul 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev.

Zhang Bojun * 1896 Tongcheng, Anhui Studied at Foreign Languages Dpt, Wuchang Higher


Normal School; studied philosophy at Berlin Univ, 192225; joined KMT and soon later CCP, 1926; after KMTCCP split left CCP and organized Third Political Party, 1927; participated in short-lived Fujian People's Govt, Nov 1933; fled to Japan via Hong Kong, Jan 1934; returned to Hong Kong, 1935; after outbreak of Sino-Japanese War, mem., Advisory Comte set up by KMT, 1937; worked in People's Polit. Council, KMT Govt, Chongqing, 1938-41; joined League of Chinese Democratic Political Groups (predecessor of CDL) and made dir. of its Org. Dpt, Sep 1944; attended 1st session, 4th People's Polit. Council, Jul 1945; went to Hong Kong when CDL was outlawed by Nationalist Govt, 1947; mem., Stand. Comte for CPPCC, Jun 1949; dir., Guangming Ribao, Jun 1949 -Nov 1957; delegate of CDL to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954 and to 3rd, Apr 1959); mem., GAC and mem. of its Financial and Economic Comte, Oct 1949; min. of Communications, Oct 1949- Feb 1958; mem., Board of Directors, Communications Bank, May 1950; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1950- Jul 1958; mem., del. to 2nd World Peace Congr, Warsaw, Nov 1950; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1951 - Dec 1954; ehm, Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party (CPWDP), Nov 1951 - Feb 1958; mem., del. to attend Stalin's funeral, Mar 1953; dpty head, del. to comfort Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, Sep 1953; mem., del. to meeting of World Peace Council, East Berlin, May 1954; mem., del. to Intl Conf. for Easing World Tension, Stockholm, Jun 1954; deputy for Anhui to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; vice-chm, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 - Apr 1958; mem., Standing Board of Directors, Communications Bank, Dec 1954; vice-chm, CDL, Feb 1956-Feb 1958; criticized the CPPCC for formalism and lack of democracy at conf. of CPWDP, Jul 1956; dpty head, NPC del. to USSR, Romania and Czechoslovakia, Nov 1956; ehm, Local Work Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Feb 1957; suggested establishment of a "political designing institute" during the Hundred Flowers period, and was then criticized, Jun 1957; branded a "Rightist" and dismissed as min. of Communications and from positions in CDL, CPWDP and CPPCC, Feb 1958; made public expression of repentance, May 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CDL, Dec 1958; mem., Central Comte, CPWDP, Dec 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; special invited delegate to 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev. Zhang was married to Li Jiansheng.

Zhang Boxiang

Zhang Boquan

* 1913 Hanchuan County, Hubei deceased 1994, Mar 23 Graduated from Whampoa Mil. Academy, 1930; cdr., 95th KMT Div., 1947-48; led his troops to the Communist side, 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangdong Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Dec 1977; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, by-elected Apr 1987 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988; to 8th, Mar 1993).

Zhang Bosen

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Mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Hunan PPG, 1950; mem., Hunan PPC, Feb 1955; dir., Financial Dpt, Hunan PPG, Dec 1957; vice-gov., Hunan PPG, Jul 1958 Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Hunan CP, Nov 1958; deputy for Hunan to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; alt. sec., Hunan CP, Jul 1964; mem., Preparatory Group, Hunan Rev Comte, Sep 1967; vice-chm, Hunan Rev Comte, Apr 1968-1977; disappeared, Jan 1977; arrested as a follower of the "Gang of Four", May 1979; expelled from CCP, Apr 1984.

Zhang Boyuan


* 1909 Tianjin Dean, (Communist-run) Northern Univ, Mar 1946; dir., Education Dpt, Henan PPG, 1950; vice-pres., Henan Univ, 1950-54; dir., Culture and Education Dpt, Henan CP, 1956; vice-gov. of Henan, Dec 1958 - Cult. Rev.; ehm, Science and Technology Comte, Henan PPG, 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Zhang Boxiang


* 1918 Laiwu County, Shandong Joined CCP and 8th Route Army, 1938; served successively as dpty polit, commissar of a brigade in E China Mil. Reg and dir. Org. Dpt, Shandong Mil. Distr, head,


Zhang Caiqian

Cadres Dpt, General Polit. Dpt, PLA General Staff, 195875; maj-gen., Jul 1964; dir., Org. Dpt, General Polit. Dpt, PLA General Staff, 1981; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; sec., Discipline Inspection Com, Central Mil. Com, Jul 1985 - Nov 1987; mem., Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; dpty sec., Discipline Inspection Com under Mil. Com of CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; made Ungen., Sep 1988; disappeared, Sep 1988.

Zhang Caiqian


* 1912 Anhui Cadre, 5th Div., New 4th Army, 1942; cdr. of a brigade, 1st Corps, Central Plains Mil. Reg, and concurrently cdr., 4th Mil. Distr in S Hubei, 1945; leader of guerilla units in WHenan, 1946; council mem., Hubei PPG, Mar 1950; cos, Hubei Mil. Distr, Mar 1950; cdr., 44th PLA Army Corps, 1951; cos, 13th Army, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1952-54; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; cos, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Sep 1955; dpty cdr., Nanjing Mil. Reg, Apr 1958-1970; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973; to 11th CC, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982); dpty chief, PLA General Staff, Jun 1971 -Jan 1980; head, mil. del. to Pakistan, Jan 1974; head, mil. goodwill del. to Zambia, Oct 1974; head, mil. del. to Japan and Mexico, Sep 1978; head, mil. del. to Bangladesh, Feb 1979; head, mil. friendship del. to Pakistan, Oct 1979; cdr., Wuhan Mil. Reg, Feb 1980- Nov 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); dir., Wuhan Strategy Research Society, Jul 1988; disappeared, Jul 1988. Zhang was married to Po Tao.

Zhang Cangong


* 1929 Manzhouili, Jilin Dpty sec., Rural Com, Hohhot City CP, 1958-63; dpty sec-gen., Hohhot City CP, 1963-71; vice-mayor of Hoh-

hot, 1978-83; mayor of Baotou City, 1983-84; sec., Baotou City CP, 1985-87; vice-chm, People's Congr, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region CP, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jul 1989.

Zhang Canming



* 1914 Sichuan Dpty dir., E China Branch, Fed of TU, Feb 1952 - Oct 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, E China Branch, Chinese Peace Council, Jul 1952 - Oct 1955; mem., Polit, and Legal Comte and concurrently dpty dir., Labor Dpt, E China Admin. Comte, Oct 1952 - Oct 1954; mem., TU del. to May Day celebrations in Moscow, Apr 1953; dir., Consular Affairs Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Oct 1955 Mar 1957; ambassador to Ceylon, May 1957 - Aug 1962; ambassador to Mongolian PR, Sep 1963-1966; first reappearance, Feb 1972; ambassador to Yemen Arab Republic, Feb 1973 - Jul 1975; ambassador to Finland, Sep 1975 Nov 1978; vice-min. of Foreign Affairs, Mar 1979 - May 1982; mem., govt del. to Fiji, Mar 1979; representative of PR China at celebrations of Fiji's tenth anniversary of independence, Oct 1980; head, govt del. to Intl Conf. on Assistance to Refugees in Africa, Geneva, Apr 1981; dpty procurator general, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Sep 1983 - Sep 1985; head, procuratoral del. to Sri Lanka, Aug 1984; disappeared, Sep 1985.

Zhang Ce



* 1919 Mishui, Shaanxi Joined CCP as a youth and infiltrated KMT service, becoming a mem. of the Treaty Comte under Min. of Foreign Affairs, 1937; cadre under Gao Gang in NE China, 1945; vice-gov., Xing'an Prov., 1948; sec., Songjiang Prov. CP, Oct 1949 - Sep 1952; vice-min. of Communications, Nov 1952 - Oct 1954; involved in purge of Gao Gang, but pardoned after self-criticism, 1953; dpty secgen., SC, Nov 1954 - Apr 1958; sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, May 1958 -May 1968; 1st sec., Xi'an Municipality CP, Aug 1958; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Rev Comte of Shaanxi Prov., Sep 1973 - Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Shaanxi Prov. CP, Sep 1973; sec., Shaanxi Prov. CP, Nov 1977 - Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978- Jun 1983; mem., Birth Planning Leading Group, SC, Jul 1978 - Mar 1981; dpty sec., Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 - Sep 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.


Zhang Chunqiao

Zhang Chen (f) ffc 4fc

Admin. Comte, Aug 1950 - Jan 1953; council mem., Guangdong PPG, Aug 1950; polit, commissar, Logistics Dpt, PLA Central-S Mil. Reg, Feb 1954; made ltn-gen. and awarded order "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; dir., PLA Logistic School, 1960; mem., mil. friendship del. to Burma, Dec 1960; dpty dir., PLA General Logistics Dpt, Oct 1965-1968; polit, commissar, PLA General Logistics Dpt, 1968-76; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); disappeared, Oct 1977.

* 1918 Xin'an County, Henan County magistrate in liberated areas, before 1949; until 1981 she served as dir., Org. Dpt, Wuhan Enterprise Party Comte; dpty dir., Tianjin No. 2 Cotton Textile Mill; vice-chm, Planning Com, Shenyang MPG; dpty dir., 13th Bureau, 2nd Min. of Machine Building; dir., 1st Bureau, 2nd Min. of Machine Building. - Minister of Nuclear Ind., May 1982 - Jun 1983; adviser, NPC Financial and Economic Comte, Mar 1986; deputy for Henan to 7th NPC and mem. of its Financial and Economic Comte, Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Oct 1989.

Zhang Chong

Zhang Chengzong Dpty dir., Org. Dpt, Shanghai Municipality CP, Sep 1950; dpty dir., E China Textile Bureau, Min. of Textile Ind., Sep 1952; dir. of this bureau, Oct 1955; dir., Bureau of Textile Ind., Shanghai MPG, Jun 1959-1962; vicemayor, Shanghai MPG, Jul 1962 - Cult. Rev.; head, Shanghai friendship del. to USSR, Feb 1965; denouced as a counterrevolutionary and paraded in Shanghai, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., United Front Work Dpt, Shanghai CP, Mar 1978-1983; vice-chm, Shanghai Rev Comte, May-Dec 1979; vice-chm, Shanghai Branch, CPPCC, May 1979-1983; vice-chm, Shanghai MPC, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; disappeared, Oct 1983.

Zhang Chiming

* 1900 Luxi County deceased 1980, Oct 30 Native of Yi. Educated at Bijie Officers' School in Guizhou. In young years joined group of bandits after having killed the murderer of his father. Surrendered to Yunnan Army, 1917; served in this and later 38th KMT Army, div. cdr. in 1927; brigade cdr., 1931; cdr. of New 3rd Army, 1938; cdr., 2nd Route Army, 1940; delegate to Constitutional Assembly, 1946; changed over to the Communists, 1947; vice-gov., Xinjiang, 1947-49; delegate for Yi minority to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; vice-gov., Yunnan, Mar 1950; mem., SW Mil. and AC, Jul 1950 Jan 1953; mem., SW AC, Jan 1953-1954; deputy for Yunnan to lst-3rd NPCs, Aug 1954 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; vice-chm, Rev Comte Yunnan, Sep 1975 - Dec 1979; deputy for Yunnan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-pres., 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; vicechm, Yunnan PPC, Dec 1979.

Zhang Chunqiao

& &

* 1917 Xin County, Henan Joined CCP, 1935; dir., Polit. Dpt, 3rd Div., New 4th Army, 1941; dir., Polit. Dpt, Hebai-Rehe (Jehol) Mil. Distr, 1945; dir., Polit. Dpt, 4th Army Corps, NE Field Army, 1947; dpty polit, commissar, 6th Army Corps, NE Field Army, 1948; polit, commissar of an army corps, 4th Field Army, 1950; mem., Hainan Island Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jun 1950- Jan 1953; mem., Central-S Mil. and

* 1917 Juye County, Shandong Mem., Shanghai Branch, Chinese Left-Wing Writers, 1936; cadre of Communist guerillas operating in E and Ν China behind Japanese lines, 1942-43; dpty dir., Information and Publications Bureau, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950; dpty dir., E China Branch, New China News Agency, Mar 1950; mem., journalists' del. to USSR (head: Deng Tuo), Jan 1954; managing dir., Jiefang Junbao (PLA daily, based in Shanghai), Apr 1954; vice-chm, Shanghai Branch, Chinese Journalists Assn, Apr 1955; acting sec., Literary and Art Work Comte, Shanghai CP, Oct 1955; mem., Secretariat, Shanghai CP, Jun 1958; vice-chm, Shanghai Branch, Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Sep 1959; council mem., Sino-Latin American Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Shanghai CP, Apr 1963; alt. sec.,


Zhang Daowu

Shanghai CP, Feb 1964; sec., Shanghai CP, Mar 1965; dpty head, Cultural Revolutionary Group in CCP Central Comte, Oct 1966; sec., E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1966; Zhang is one of the initiators of demonstrations by "Revolutionary Rebels", Jan 1967; ehm and 1st CCP sec., Shanghai People's Commune, Feb 5-24, 1967; Shanghai People's Commune was renamed Shanghai Rev Comte with Zhang remaining ehm, Feb 24, 1967; delegate from Shanghai Rev Comte in establishment of Beijing Rev Comte, Apr 1967; conducted celebration in Shanghai of 25th anniversary of publication of Mao Zedong's Yan'an Talks on Literature and Art, May 1967; 1st polit, commissar, Nanjing Mil. Reg and concurrently of Shanghai Garrison, May 1967; CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); mem., Politburo, 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to PB of 10th CC, Aug 1973); 1st sec., Shangai CP, Jan 1971; mem., Stand. Comte, Politburo, 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; vice-premier, Jan 1975; head, CCP del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1975; dir., PLA General Polit. Dpt, Oct 1975; purge of "Gang of Four", including Zhang, Oct 1976; sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve and permanent depriviation of political rights, Jan 1981; the death sentence reduced to life imprisonment, Jan 1983. Zhang was married to Li Wenjing.

Chemical Ind. Dpt, Dalian (Dairen) Univ, 1949; deputy for Lüshun-Dalian to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, Dpt of Technical Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955; mem., Central Comte, CDL, Feb 1956 (reelected Dec 1958); mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Jun 1957 - Nov 1958; mem., scientific del. to USSR, Nov 1957; dir., Petroleum Inst., CAS, Feb 1958; deputy for Liaoning to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Aug 1964); vicepres., Chemical Society, 1963; dir., Inst, of Chemical Physics, CAS, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first reappearance: mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; mem., Dpt of Chemistry, CAS, 1980; disappeared, 1980. Zhang was known for his research in surface chemistry.

Zhang Daowu

* 1911 Jia County, Shaanxi deceased 1992, Jan 15 Leader of Communist guerilla units in Ν Shaanxi, 193235; dir., Civil Transport Section, Polit. Dpt, 15th Army Corps, 1936; studied in 1st class (for cadres of regimental level and higher), Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1936; dpty polit, commissar, Daqinshan Cavalry Brigade, operating in Inner Mongolia, 1942; cdr. of an army, 1st Field Army, 1949; dpty cos, 1st Field Army, 1950; dir., Public Security Dpt, NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1952 - Mar 1953; mem., NW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 Nov 1954; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; made Itn-gen. and awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; cdr., Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Sep 1958-1968; sec., NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1964 - Cult. Rev.; vicechm, Rev Comte, Gansu Prov., May 1968-1969; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); cdr., PLA Artillery Corps, Nov 1969; mem., CCP and govt del. to Albania, Nov 1969; head, mil. del. to Guinea and Mali, May 1971; mem., Mil. Com, CCP Central Comte, May 1971-1977(7); mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Nov 1981; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987).

Dir., Bureau of Salt Admin., Min. of Finance, Mar 1950; mem., Executive Comte, Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Nov 1953-1955; mem., Natl Comte, Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Jul 1954-1956; asst min. of Light Ind., Feb-Nov 1956; asst min. of Food Ind., Jun 1957 Feb 1958; vice-min. of Light Ind., Sep 1959; disappeared during Cult. Rev.

Zhang Dawei

ΐ ^ λ Λ

Mayor, Hefei MPG, Apr 1983-1984; vice-gov., Anhui PPG, Dec 1984 - Feb 1988; disappeared, Feb 1988.

Zhang Dayu Received Ph.D. from Dresden Univ, Germany, 1933; subsequently further studies in U.S.A.; after return to China: prof., Chemical Ind. Dpt, Univ of Communications, Shanghai; left Shanghai via Hong Kong to Communistcontrolled NE China, fall of 1948; dir., Science Inst, and

Zhang Dazhi

Zhang Dazhong



Dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Beijing CP, Sep 1958 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1988; sec., Chinese Journalists' Assn, Aug 1980-1985;


editor-in-chief, Beijing Daily, Sep 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, Beijing CP, Nov 1982; sec-gen., Beijing CP, Jan 1984; vice-chm, Beijing CCP, Mar 1985 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Jan 1988.

Zhang Dinghong

Zhang Dingcheng fé ^


Zhang Defu fé fè M

* 1928 Wendeng County, Shandong deceased 1991, Jun 16 Joined 8th Route Army, 1944; chief of company in NE Democratic United Army, 1947-48; cdr. of a battalion, 4th Field Army, 1949; rose from regiment to army cdr., 1952-78; graduation from PLA Mil. Academy, 1980; dpty cdr., Xinjiang Mil. Distr, Nov 1982-1989; made ltn-gen., Sep 1988; dpty cdr., Chengdu Mil. Reg, May 1990death; died in aircraft accident, Jun 1991.

Zhang Desheng


* 1909 Yulin, Shaanxi deceased 1965, Mar 4 Graduated from Ν Shaanxi Public School; joined CYL, 1927, and CCP, 1930; dir., Org. Dpt, Fugu County CP, Shaanxi, 1930-32; dir., Org. Dpt, Gansu-Ningxia-Qinghai Special Distr Comte, 1932-33; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Hanzhong Distr CP, 1933-35; polit, cadre, 4th Front Army, 1935-36; sec., Party Comte, Guanzhong Distr, Shanxi, 1938-41; sec-gen., NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1939-45; dir., United Front Work Dpt, NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1939-45; sec., Guanzhong Subdistr Party Comte,. Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg, 1942; sec., Shaanxi CP, 1946; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, 1st Field Army, 1947-49; sec., Gansu Prov. CP, Sep 1949-1954; dpty dir., Lanzhou Mil. Control Com, 1949; polit, commissar, Gansu Mil. Distr, Sep 1949-1954; mem., NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949- Jan 1953; vice-gov., Gansu PPC, 1950-54; ehm, Land Reform Comte, Gansu PPG, Mar 1951; dpty dir., Org. Dpt, NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1951-54; mem., NW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 Nov 1954; dir., Logistics Dpt, PLA NW Mil. Reg, 1953; deputy for Gansu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; dir., United Front Work Dpt, NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1954-1955; 1st sec., Shaanxi CP, Dec 1954 -death; ehm, Shaanxi Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1955-1961; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - death; 1st polit, commissar, Shaanxi Mil. Distr, 1960 - death; 2nd sec., NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1963 - death.

* 1898 Yongding County, Fujian deceased 1981, Dec 16 Son of poor peasants; after teaching at primary school in home village attended course at Guangdong Peasants Seminar in Guangzhou led by Mao Zedong, 1922; organized peasants' associations, 1923-26; set up Communist guerilla units, temporarely ehm W Fujian Soviet Govt, 1927-28; leader of guerilla unit which called itself 21st Army, 1933; during Long March led guerilla activities in FujianJiangxi Border Reg, 1934-35; joined guerilla forces of Deng Zihui and Tan Zhenlin, 1935; established SW Fujian Mil. and AC becoming its ehm, 1935; his troops became 2nd Detachment of New 4th Army (cdr. Ye Ting), 1937; after Southern Anhui incident of Jan 1941, when the New 4th Army was virtually destroyed by the KMT allies, Zhang became cdr. of reorganized 4th Army (cdr.: Chen Yi), 1941; engaged in training units of PLA, 1947-49; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, Govt AC, Oct 1950; mem., E China Mil. and AC, Oct 1950 - Jan 1953; ehm, Fujian PPG, Oct 1950; sec., Fujian CP, Oct 1950- Oct 1954; ehm, Polit, and Legal Comte, E China Mil. and AC, Oct 1952 - Jan 1953; vice-chm, E China AC's Polit, and Legal Comte, Jan 1953 - Jul 1954; deputy for Fujian to lst-5th NPCs, Oct 1954 - death; chief procurator, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Oct 1954-1969(7); mem., CCP Central Comte, Sep 1956 - death; mem., Central Control Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1956-1969(7); head, procurators' del. to Ν Vietnam, Nov 1964; vice-chm, NPC Standing Comte, Jan 1975 - Sep 1980.

Zhang Dinghong fé ^


* 1927 Cixi County, Zhejiang Worker, Shanghai Radio Factory, 1952-61; dir., Zhonghua Shipyard in Shanghai, 1961-83; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanghai CP, Mar 1983; mem., Central Discipline Inspection Com, by-elected Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); sec., Discipline Inspection Com, Shanghai CP, Mar 1986 - Oct 1992; deputy for Shanghai to 8th NPC, Mar 1993.

Zhang Dongchuan


Zhang Dongchuan

& ;n

Zhang Fan


* 1917 Cofounder o f Y a n ' a n Beijing Opera Inst., 1942; mem., cultural del. to Cuba, Dec 1960; mem., del. to World Youth Festival in Finland, Jul 1962; head, Beijing Opera troupe to Japan, Dec 1963; mem., stage artists del. to USSR, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first reappearance: dir., Performing Arts Bureau, Min. of Culture, Apr 1980; dir., China Beijing Opera Theater, Dec 1982; disappeared, Dec 1982.

Zhang Dongsun

& Ih

* 1886 Hangzhou, Zhejiang Also known as Zhang Dongsheng and Zhang Shengxin. Received a degree in Western philosophy from Tokyo Imperial Univ; sec. in Min. of Internal Affairs under Sun Yat-sen's Nanjing Provisional Govt, Dec 1911; editor, Great Republican Daily, Shanghai, 1912; sec-gen., Natl Assembly, 1916; editor-in-chief, China Times, Shanghai, 1917-25; a leading figure in the science-philosophy debates, 1923; worked successively as acting pres., China Inst., Woosung, and as dean, College of Arts, Guanghua Univ, Shanghai, 1925-29; prof, of philosophy, Yanjing Univ, Beijing, 1929-52; together with others, founded Natl Socialist Party, and became one of its leaders, 1934; arrested by Japanese for his anti-Japanese stand and sentenced to 18th months' imprisonment, Dec 1941; sentence suspended for 3 years after six months' imprisonment, during which he thrice attempted suicide, Jun 1942; dir., Secretariat, Central Comte, CDL, Chongqing, 1944; secgen., CDL, 1946; left Natl Socialist Party when it was reorganized into Social Democratic Party, Aug 1946; one of supporters for "peaceful liberation" of Beijing when the PLA laid siege to the city, Dec 1948 - Jan 1949; delegate of CDL to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; council mem., Central People's Govt, Oct 1949 - Oct 1954; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, G AC, Oct 1949; mem., Central Politbureau, CDL, and concurrently dir., Cultural and Educational Comte, Dec 1949-1952; council mem., Chinese People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Dec 1949-1951; council mem., Society of Philosophy, 1951; underwent public criticism and self-examination thrice for being a "counterrevolutionary element" during ideological reform campaign at Yanjing Univ, Feb 1952; removed from all govt and academic posts, 1952; again criticized for "siding" with Luo Longji in the past during "anti-rightist struggle", Jul 1957. Zhang was married to Wu Shaohong. Publications: Translation of Henri Bergson's Creative Evolution (1918); Knowledge and Culture (1940); Thought and Society (1942); Consciousness and Democracy (1946).

* 1909 Liuyang County, Hunan Joined CCP, 1929; dpty cdr. and concurrently cos, 1st Brigade, 1st Div., New 4th Army, 1945; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dpty dir., PLA Infantry Institute, Nanjing, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty cdr., Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Jan 1981; disappeared, Feb 1982.

Zhang Fengshi


* Hebei Dpty sec-gen., Tianjin MPG, Mar 1950; council mem., Tianjin MPG, Apr 1950 - Feb 1952; dir., Bureau of Motor Vehicle Ind., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Oct 1955-1959; vice-min., Min. of Agricultural Machinery, Jan 1960-1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

Zhang Fugui

& % it

* 1919 Wendong County, Shandong Bom into a poor peasant's family. Lost parents at the age of 13. Joined CCP around 1945; named a model agricultural worker in native village, 1949; made model agricultural worker of Shandong, 1950; in a number of publications Zhang criticized Liu Shaoqi as an advocate of private plots for peasants, 1960-62; deputy for Shandong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte, Shandong, Mar 1967 - May 1969; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th and 11th CCs, 1973 and 1977); vice-chm, Shandong Rev Comte, May 19691979; ehm, Shandong Peasants' Fed, May 1975-1976; vice-chm, Shandong People's Congr, Dec 1979 - Jun 1985.

Zhang Fuheng

M fé

Worker of Tianjin No. 1 Machine Factory, 1968; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC,


Aug 1973 and to 11th CC, Aug 1977); mem., workers del. to Romania, Jul 1972; mem., Stand. Comte, Tianjin CP, Jul 1972; vice-chm, Tianjin Rev Comte, Jul 19721977; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Tianjin No. 1 Machine Tool Factory, Jul 1972; ehm, Tianjin TU, May 1973; disappeared, Jul 1981.

Zhang Guohua

Zhang Guanghou

Zhang Gensheng

* 1923 Anping County, Hebei Joined CCP, 1938; sec., Zhujiang County, Guangdong Prov., Mar 1951; sec., Beijiang Distr CP, Guangdong Prov., Feb 1952-1955; sec-gen., Guangdong Prov. CP, Feb 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Gungdoñg Prov. CP, Mar 1961; alt. sec., , Guangdong Prov. CP, Oct 1962; during Cult. Rev. denounced as a supporter of Tao Zhu and purged, Nov 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Aug 1972; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Gunagdong Prov., Apr 1973-1977; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangdong Prov. CP, Dec 1973; dpty dir., Guangzhou Foreign Trade Fair, Oct 1974-1977; sec., Guangdong Prov. CP, Jul 1975-1977; vice-min. of Agriculture, Oct 1977 - Feb 1979; mem., govt del. to France, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany (head: Gu Mu), May 1978; dpty head, agricultural del. to U.S.A. (head: Wang Feng), May 1979; sec., Jilin Prov. CP, Mar 1980-1985; head, Jilin Prov. del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1981; gov. of Jilin Prov., Jun 1982 - Apr 1983; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; dpty sec., Jilin Prov. CP, Mar 1985-1986; dpty dir., Rural Development Research Center, SC, Jul 1986; deputy for Hebei to 7th NPC and vice-chm of its Financial and Economic Comte, Mar 1988; disappeared, Sep 1992.

Zhang Gexin


* 1937 deceased 1987, Jan 26 Awarded for his significant advances in the research on deficient value and singular direction of meromorphic functions (Zhang had affirmatively answered 4 problems about asymtotic values before), Feb 1978; associated research fellow, Inst, of Mathematics, CAS, Apr 1978; delegate to an intl symposium on analysis, Zürich, Apr 1978; joined CCP, Aug 1978; CCP sec., Inst, of Mathematics, CAS, Feb 1983; sec., Assn for Science and Technology, Oct 1983.

Zhang Guofan

& ©


* 1904 Anlu County, Hubei Educated in Great Britain; received Ph.D. from Uni ν of Iowa, U.S.A., 1935; served successively as prof., Engineering College, Beiyang Univ, Univ of Shanghai, Lingnan Univ, and NW Engineering College, 1938-49; dean of studies, Beiyang Univ, Jul 1949-1951; council mem., Tianjin MPG and concurrently dir. of its Education Bureau, Jul 1949; mem., Org. Dpt, Fed of Scientific Societies, Aug 1950; pres., Tianjin Univ, 1951 - Oct 1952; vice-chm, Tianjin Branch, CDL, Dec 1952; mem., Ν China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; vice-pres., Tianjin Univ, Jan 1953; deputy for Hubei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Tianjin MPC, Jan 1955; pres., Tianjin Univ, Jan 1956 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, CDL, Feb 1956; vice-mayor, Tianjin MPG, 1957 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Hebei to 2nd NPC, Oct 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); ehm, Tianjin Branch, CDL, Mar 1959; pres., Tianjin Branch, Scientific and Technical Assn, Dec 1960; vice-chm, Tianjin Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Feb 1961; vice-chm, Hebei Branch, CDL, Oct 1961; disappeared during Cult. Rev.


* 1916 Suining County, Jiangsu Studied at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1938; joined CCP, 1938; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Central Shandong CP, 1939; sec., Taian County CP, 1945; dir., Propaganda Dpt and subsequently sec., Jianyang Prefecture CP, 1949-58; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Fujian Prov. CP, Aug 1959; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Fujian CP, Nov 1977; vice-chm, Fujian Rev Comte, Jan 1978 -Dec 1979; mem., National Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; vice-gov., Fujian PPG, Dec 1979; vice-chm, Advisor)' Com, Fujian Prov. CP, 1985; disappeared, Nov 1988.

Zhang Guohua

& ® ψ

• Κ Γ ^

* 1914 Yongxin County, Jiangxi

deceased 1972, Feb 21


Zhang Guoji

Joined Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, 1929; dir., Propaganda Team, Polit. Dpt, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; polit, commissar, 9th Subdistr, HebeiShandong-Henan Mil. Distr. 1944; cdr., Henan-JiangsuAnhui Mil. Distr, 1947; cdr., Jiangsu-Shandong-HenanAnhui Mil. Distr, 1949(7); cdr., PLA Tibet Advance Army, spring 1950; cdr., 18th Army Corps, 5th Army, 2nd Field Army, 1950; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950 - Feb 1953; one of representatives of Central Govt and signed "Agreement for Peaceful Liberation of Tibet" with Tibet peace-negotion del. in Beijing, May 23, 1951; led PLA units into Tibet, arriving in Lhasa, Oct 1951; cdr., Tibet Mil. Reg, 1952-67; dpty sec., Work Comte, Tibet CP, 1952-62; mem., SW Admin Comte, Feb 1953 - Nov 1954; 1st sec., Party Comte, Tibet Mil Reg, 1953-68; deputy for Tibet to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd and 3rd, 1959 and 1964); mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954-1967; appointed ltn-gen. and conferred orders of "Independence and Freedom", "Liberation", 1st class and "August 1st", 2nd class, Sep 1955; 2nd sec., Work Comte, Tibet CP, Jan 1963 - Aug 1965; 1st sec., Tibet CP, Sep 1965 - May 1968; 1st polit, commissar, Chengdu Mil. Reg, 1967-72; ehm, Rev Comte, Sichuan Prov., May 1968-1972; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969- death; 1st sec., Sichuan CP, Aug 1971 - death.

Zhang Guoji

& ©

Zhang Guojian

U %

* 1912 Fujian deceased 1962, Jul 21 Brought up in a family of Chinese tobacco factory workers' in Java, Indonesia; studied at unknown univ; returned to China and joined CCP, 1927; served in Defense Bureau, Jiangxi Soviet Govt, 1934; participated in Long March with 30th Army, 1934-36; dir., Polit. Dpt, Ν Shaanxi Public School, 1938(7); dpty sec., Zhangjiakou Municipality CP and concurrently dir. of its Social Dpt, 1941-43(7); dpty sec., Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Central Bureau and concurrently dir. of its Social Dpt, 1946(7); chief, Business Section, Communications Dpt, Ν China People's Govt, Nov 1948 - Oct 1949; mem., Board of Directors, Central Air Transport Co., Dec 1949; head, Communications and Transportation Planning Section, Central Financial and Economic P l a n n i n g Bureau, Financial and Economic Comte, GAC, Jun 1950; dpty dir., 6th Staff Office, SC, Nov 1954 - Sep 1959; dpty sec-gen., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Mar 1956- May 1957; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, May 1957 - Nov 1958; vice-min., State Economic Com, SC, Sep 1959 death.

Zhang Guoquan

Cadre, State Capital Construction Com, May 1972-1975; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973-1977; disappeared, Jan 1976.

Zhang Guosheng


1 * 1894 Yiyang County, Hunan deceased 1992, Aug 30 Graduation from Hunan Teachers School, 1920; worked as teacher and principal at highschool for overseas Chinese in Indonesia, 1920-27; participated in Nanchang Uprising, 1927; again in Indonesia as principal of schools, 1928-58; returned to China and by-elected deputy for overseas Chinese to 1st NPC, 1958 (reelected to 2nd-4th NPCs, 1958, 1964, 1975); principal of a school for returned overseas Chinese, 1959; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th and 7th, 1983 and 1988); dpty dir., Research Inst, of Literature and History, May 1978; vice-chm, Beijing Branch, Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, Jul 1980; curator, Beijing Inst, of Culture and History, Mar 1983; ehm, Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, Apr 1984 - Dec 1989; hon. pres., Society on History of Overseas Chinese, Jul 1986; hon. ehm, Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, Dec 1989 - death.

* 1912 Yicheng County, Shanxi Dir., Liaison Dpt, Suiyuan - Inner Mongolia CP, 194345; dir., Polit. Dpt, 1st Army, NW Field Army, 1947-49; vice-gov., Qinghai PPG, 1954-55; sec., Qinghai Prov. CP, Aug 1959; sec., Xi'an Municipality CP, Aug 1963 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Qinghai Prov. CP, Nov 1974; ehm, Qinghai Rev Comte, AprDec 1979; permanent sec., Qinghai Prov. CP, Apr 19791983; gov. of Qinghai Prov., Sep 1979 - Dec 1982; head, friendship del. to Romania, Dec 1982; ehm, Advisory Comte, Qinghai Prov. CP, Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); disappeared, Apr 1988.


Zhang Guozhen



deceased 1987(?) Vice-gov., Jiangxi PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Jiangxi PPC, Apr 1983 - Jul 1985.

Zhang Hanfu

polit, commissar of a group army; dpty polit, commissar, Chinese People's Armed Police Force, Dec 1985 - Feb 1990; made maj-gen., Sep 1988; disappeared, Feb 1990.

Zhang Hanfu Zhang Haifeng

% %

* 1920(?) Sec., Hebei Prov. CP, Feb 1952; sec-gen., Wuhan MPG, Aug 1953; 1st CCP sec., Sanmenxia City, Henan Prov., Nov 1957; sec., Party Comte, Sanmenxia Construction Bureau, Nov 1958; sec., Guizhou Prov. CP, Oct 19591963; ambassador to German Democratic Republic, Feb 1964-1966; ambassador to Romania, Jun 1969-1973; ambassador to Yugoslavia, Aug 1973 - Apr 1978; vice-min., Min. of Foreign Affairs, Jun 1978-1982; mem., Party and govt del. to the funeral of Josip Broz Tito (head: Hua Guofeng), May 1980; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; deputy for Jiangxi to 6th NPC, May 1983; head, Liaison Group of the Central Com for Guiding Party Rectification stationed in Hunan Prov., Mar 1984; disappeared, Jul 1984.

Zhang Haitang



Mem., Liaoning PPC, Feb 1955; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cos, Liaoning Mil. Distr, Oct 1959; dpty cdr., Liaoning Mil. Distr, Mar 1960-1971; vice-chm, Liaoning Rev Comte, Jul 1971; mem., Stand. Comte, Liaoning CP, Dec 1971; cdr., Liaoning Mil. Distr, Dec 1971-1974; cdr., Yunnan Mil. Distr, Oct 1975-1981; vice-chm, Yunnan Rev Comte, Feb 1977; mem., Stand. Comte, Yunnan CP, Feb 1977; dpty cdr., Kunming Mil. Reg, Mar 19791981; mem., Natl Games Organizing Comte, Jul 1979; vice-chm, Yunnan PPC, Jan 1980 - Apr 1983; disappeared, Dec 1983.

Zhang Haitian


* 1934 Tieling County, Liaoning Served in tank unit, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1952-54; rised from company to regiment cadre in PLA Armored Corps, 1956-70; cos of a div., armored units, Shenyang Mil. Reg, 1970-79; served successively as dir., Polit. Dpt and polit, commissar of an armored corps, 1979-83; dpty polit, commissar of a group army, 1983-84; graduated from Higher Mil. Academy, 1985; subsequently

* 1905 Changzhou City, Jiangsu deceased 1972, Jan 1 Studied at Beijing Qinghua Univ; went to U.S.A. for graduate studies in polit, science and economics, 1924(?)29(?); further studies in USSR, 1929-31; after return to China, went to Shanghai and joined leftist intellectuals including Ai Siqi and co-founded magazine Study Life·, arrested by Natl Govt and sentenced to life imprisonment, 1934; released from prison, 1937; during Sino-Japanese War: editor-in-Chief, New China Daily (Xinhua ribao), a Communist paper published in Chongqing and concurrently sec. of Zhou Enlai, 1937-45; served as sec. and interpreter for Dong Biwu at San Francisco Conf. to draft constitution for UN, Apr 1945; editor, Mass Magazine, Shanghai, 1946; after KMT Govt closed this paper moved to Hong Kong and resumed publishing from there, Jan 1947 - Dec 1948; dir., Alien Affairs Dpt, Tianjin MPG, May-Oct 1949; vice-min. of Foreign Affairs, Oct 1949 Cult. Rev.; ehm, Treaty Comte, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Oct 1949 - Apr 1957; council mem., Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Dec 1949- Cult. Rev.; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC, Sep 1954; mem., Zhou Enlai's del. to Afro-Asian Conf., Bandung in Indonesia, Apr 1955; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; mem., Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, SC, Mar 1958; visited India, Feb 1958; visited Iraq and Egypt, Apr 1959; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Burma, India, Nepal, Apr 1960, and to Cambodia, Ν Vietnam, May 1960; mem., PRC del. to Geneva Conf., May 1961 - Jun 1962 (for large part of the conf. was acting head of del.); deputy for Henan to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., Party and govt del. to Algeria, Oct 1964; mem., govt del. to Cambodia, Nov 1964; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Romania, Albania, Algeria, Egypt, Pakistan, Burma, Mar-Apr 1965; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Pakistan and Tanzania, Jun 1965; mem., govt del. led by Zhou Enlai to abortive 2nd Afro-Asian Conf., Algeria, Jun 1965; accompanied Liu Shaoqi to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Burma, Mar-Apr 1966; pres., ChinaCambodia Friendship Assn, Apr 1966; branded a "Threeanti" element and purged, 1966; at a memorial meeting for Zhang, foreign min. Huang Hua stated that Zhang died under cruel persecution by Lin Biao and the "Gang of Four", Sep 19, 1979. Zhang was married to Gong Pusheng.


Zhang Hanying

Zhang Hanying

NPC, Jan 1975); dpty, Party sec. of a survey team at Daqing oil field, 1965; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Daqing oil field, 1971-76; visited Romania, 1972; mem., Stand. Comte, Heilongjiang CP, 1973-76; sec., Heilongjiang CYL, Apr 1974; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; named "one of the Gang of Four's hidden henchmen", Nov 1977.

Zhang Huadong * 1900 Heze, Shandong Studied at Fudan and Beijing Universities; studied at Univ of Illinois, 1924-25; graduation in civil engineering from Cornell Univ, 1926; lecturer at Natl Qingdao Univ and Beiyang Univ, 1927-28; chief engineer, Shandong River Conservancy Com, 1928-30; chief engineer, Huludao Harbor Development Project (gulf of Liaodong), 1930-32; chief engineer, Ν China Water Conservancy Com, 193336; ehm, Changjiang (Yangtse) Conservancy Com, 194041; ehm, Huanghe Conservancy Com, 1942-43; mem., Natl Water Conservancy Com, 1943-49; vice-min. of Water Conservancy, 1950-58; mem., Comte for Fed of Scientific Societies, 1950-58; visited Hungary, 1953; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd and 3rd in 1958 and 1964); pres., Water Conservancy Society, Apr 1957 - Cult. Rev.; vice-min. of Water Conservancy and Electric Power, Mar 1958 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; dpty dir., Bureau of Agriculture in Min. of Forestry, May 1975-77(7); mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th in 1983); pres., Society of Water Conservancy and Power, Jan 1979; pres., Society of Hydraulic Engineering, 198083(7). Publications: River Harnessing, The Yellow River Problem, The Control of Yellow River Flood.

Zhang Hengyun Mem., 9th CCP Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); vice-chm, Gansu TU, 1973-76; mem., Stand. Comte, Gansu CP, 1975-76; disappeared, Nov 1976.

Zhang Hongchi

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* 1914 Shenyang Municipality, Liaoning Belonged to Hui minority. Joined NE Salvation Assn while a student at NE Univ, 1933; manager, China Import Co., Mar 1950; dpty dir., Trade Dpt, NE People's Govt, 1950; dir., Import Bureau, Min. of Foreign Trade, May 1953 -Jun 1957; mem., Assn for Promotion of Hui Culture, May 1953; dpty head, trade del. to German Democratic Republic, Mar 1954; dpty head, trade del. to German Democratic Republic, Oct 1955; commercial counsellor, embassy in USSR, Sep 1956 - Jun 1962; acting dir., 2nd Bureau, Min. of Foreign Trade, Mar 1962; dir. of this bureau, May 1962; dpty head, trade del. to Albania, Nov 1963; led economic and trade exhibition del. to Japan, Mar 1964; vice-chm, China Council for Promotion of Intl Trade, Mar 1964-1968; head, light ind. del. to Ν Korea, Nov 1964; head, del. of Chinese exhibition, Brazzaville, Jul 1965; head, del. to 12th Intl Damascus Fair in Syria, Aug 1965; head, del. of Chinese exhibition, Bucharest, Sep 1965; disappeared, Mar 1968.

Zhang Huailian

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Shepherd before joining PLA; flight lieutenant of an airborne div., shot down an unmanned U.S. reconnaissance aircraft over Guangxi, Nov 1964; made PLA captain after having shot down another unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, Jan 1965; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); cdr., 1st Flight Div., PLA Air Force, Oct 1978; disappeared, Sep 1979.

Zhang Huaisan

Mem., Central Comte, CYL, Jul 1964-76(7); deputy for Heilongjiang to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964 (reelected to 4th

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deceased 1993, Feb Dir., Public Utility Bureau, Tianjin MPG, 1953; sec., Tianjin CP, Jul 1958 -Cult. Rev.; branded as a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Feb 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1979; sec., Tianjin CP,


Mar 1979 - Mar 1983; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Tianjin, Mar 1979 - Mar 1980; ehm, Advisory Comte, Tianjin CP, Dec 1983.

Zhang Huchen

capitalist road and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after the Cult. Rev., May 1973; deputy for Shanxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; adviser to CAS, Apr 1979-81(7); mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982.


Dir., Finance Dpt, S Shanxi Admin. Office, 1949; dir., Finance Dpt, W Sichuan Admin. Office, Jul 1950 - Aug 1952: council mem., Sichuan PPG, Nov 1952; mem., Sichuan PPC, Jan 1955 - Cult. Rev.; dir., Finance Dpt, Sichuan PPC, Dec 1956; vice-gov., Sichuan PPG, Oct 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared, May 1968.

Zhang Huilan (f)

Zhang Jianmin

iC Ü

Zhang Jiahua



After studies in U.S.A. returned to China, 1955; dpty dir., Inst, of Atomic Physics, CAS, 1963; pres., Society of Nuclear Science and Technology, 1978; pres., Shanghai Nuclear Society and mem., Shanghai Nuclear Inst, under CAS, Nov 1979; researcher in radioisotopes.

Zhang Jianglin


Dpty cdr., Qinghai Mil. Distr, Jun 1967; 1st vice-chm, Qinghai Rev Comte, Aug 1967-1977; dpty head, CCP Qinghai Core Group, Mar 1968; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); cdr., Qinghai Mil. Distr, Aug 1969-1977; 2nd sec., Qinghai CP, Mar 1971-1977; disappeared, Feb 1977.

Zhang Jianmin Zhang was the first ever woman teacher of China to receive a doctor's degree in physical education. Vice-pres., All-China Sports Fed, Mar 1979 - Apr 1989; vice-pres., Chinese Olympic Comte, Sep 1986; received a UNESCO special award in recognition of her contributions to physical education and sports, being the first Chinese to win this honor, Oct 1986; prof, of anatomy, Shanghai Physical Culture Inst., Jun 1987; vice-chm, Medicine, Health and Sports Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Apr 1989. Remarks: Zhang was China's forerunner in dynamic anatomy studies and one of the founders of women's sport in China.

deceased 1991, May 29 |i Univ; joined Inst, of Social Sciences, 1927; coauthor with Chen Hansheng of report, The Deviation of the Mou, ppaganda Dpt, Shanxi-Suiyuan Distr CP, China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Nov vice-chm, Cultural and Educational Comte, NW China, Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950 Jan 1953; vice-pres., CAS, Jan 1953-1958; mem., scientists' del. to USSR, Feb 1953; dpty dir., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Apr 1954-1955; deputy for Shanxi to 1st NPC, Sep 1954; dpty sec-gen., State Scientific Planning Com, Mar 1956-1957; deputy for Inner Mongolia to 2nd NPC, Jun 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); dpty dir., Office of Culture and Education, SC, Sep 1959 - Cult. Rev.; criticized as a power holder of the

* 1920 Shijiazhuang, Hebei Joined CCP, 1938; CCP cadre in counties and prefectures of Henan Prov., 1940-49; served successively as sec. of Zhengzhou Prefecture CP and 1st sec. of Xinxiang Prefecture CP, 1952-61; dir., Org. Dpt, Henan Prov. CP, 196265; sec., Guizhou Prov. CP, 1965-67; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of Guizhou Prov., Mar 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, Guizhou Prov. CP, Mar 1975; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Guizhou Prov., May 1975-1977; vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, Oct 1978-1985; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982- Nov 1987; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanxi Prov. CP; Mar 19831984; vice-chm, Shanxi PPC, May 1985 - Jan 1988; deputy for Shanxi to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Jul 1989.


Zhang Jiashu

Zhang Jiashu



Apr 1959); dpty dir., 2nd Office, SC, 1957 - Sep 1959; dir., Office of Culture and Education, SC, Sep 1959 - Nov 1965; vice-chm, Sparetime Education Comte, SC, Feb 1960; delegate to 19th Congr of CP in Sweden, Jan 1961; visited Ν Korea, Sep 1963; visited Ν Vietnam, Sep 1964; branded as a bourgeois reactionary element and purged, Jan 1967.

Zhang Jie, Haj Mohammed Ali * 1892 deceased 1988, Feb 25 Joined Jesuits in young years; bishop of Shanghai Diocese and vice-chm, China Patriotic Catholic Assn, Shanghai Branch, May 1960; disappeared, Dec 1964; mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; again bishop of Shanghai Diocese, Dec 1979 - death; vice-chm, China Patriotic Catholic Assn, May 1980- death; dir., Natl Administrative Com, Chinese Catholic Church and head of Chinese Catholic Bishops' College, Jun 1980 - death; deputy for Shanghai to 5th NPC, Aug 1980; mem., Stan. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Dec 1981 (reelected to 6th in Jun 1983).

Zhang Jichun


* 1899 Liling County, Hunan deceased 1968, Oct 2 Joined Red army during Hunan Uprising, 1927; worked with Shanghai Fed of TU, 1928-29; arrested by Shanghai Municipal Council of Intl Settlement, Aug 1929; dir., Polit. Dpt of div. under 5th Red Army, 1931-34; instructor and later dir. of Polit. Dpt, Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Univ in Yan'an, 1937-42(7); alt. mem., 7th CCP Central Comte, Apr 1945 - Sep 1956; dir., Polit. Dpt, ShanxiHebei-Shandong-Henan Mil. Reg and dir., Polit. Dpt, Central Plains Field Army, 1945; dpty polit, commissar, 2nd Field Army, 1947; ehm, Zhengzhou Mil. Control Com, Oct 1948; ehm, Chengqing Mil. Control Com, Nov 1949; polit, commissar, PLA 2nd Field Army, Jan 1950; dir., Polit. Dpt, PLA SW Mil. Reg, Feb 1950; dpty cdr., 2nd Field Army, May 1950; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Council, Jul 1950 - Jan 1953; dir., Organization Dpt, SW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1950; mem., SW Admin. Council, Jan 1953-1954; dpty sec., SW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1953 - Oct 1954; dpty cdr. and polit, commissar, PLA SW Mil. Reg, Oct 1953 - Oct 1954; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (confirmed by 2nd and 3rd NPCs in 1958 and 1964); dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1954-1966; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd,

* Shandong deceased 1987, Oct 15 Native of Hui; Imam of Yan'an Mosque, 1937-45; cadre in various offices in Anshan City, 1950; council mem., Sino-Pakistan Friendship Assn, May 1956; vice-chm, Islamic Society, Dec 1956; vice-chm, Sino-United Arab Republic Friendship Assn, Feb 1958; dpty dir., Inst, of Islamic Theology, Mar 1958; mem., SC Com of Nationalities Affairs, Sep 1959; council mem., Sino-African Friendship Assn, Apr 1960; head of pilgrims group to Mecca, Apr 1964; deputy for Henan to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; head of del. to Asian Islamic Conf. in Bandung, Feb 1965; vice-chm, Chinese Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Jun 1965; dpty head, friendship del. to United Arab Republic, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Sudan, Pakistan, Mar-Apr 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Apr 1966; reactivated, Sep 1972; deputy for Hebei to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, Islamic Assn, Oct 1978 - Apr 1980; head, Islamic del. to Libya, May 1979; mem., SC Nationalities Affairs Com, May 1979-1982; head of pilgrims group to Mecca, Oct 1979; head, islamic del. to Iran, Jan 1980; ehm, Islamic Assn, Apr 1980 - Mar 1987; mem., Executive Comte, Islamic Council for Coordination in Asia and World Islamic League, Jan 1981; head, Islamic del. to Iraq and Jordan, Mar 1982; deputy for Ningxia AR to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983; mem., NPC Credential Comte, Mar 1984; mem., Nationalities Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986.

Zhang Jiecheng


Served in 689th Regiment, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1938; cdr. of a brigade, NE Field Army, which captured Tianjin, 1949; cdr. of a div., 4th Field Army, Nov 1950; dpty cdr. and cos, PLA 39th Army, Oct 1952; made majgen., Sep 1955; cdr., 39th Army, May 1963; dpty cdr., Shenyang Mil. Reg, Sep 1966-1968; dpty cdr., Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Nov 1968-1981; cdr., Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Nov 1968-1973; vice-chm, Rev


Comte, Xinjiang AR, Feb 1978 - Aug 1979; dpty polit, commissar, Shenyang Mil. Reg, Mar 1984; disappeared, Aug 1985.

Zhang Jiguang Asst min. of Forestry, Apr-Oct 1957; dpty dir., Beijing College of Forestry, Oct 1957; dpty dir., NE College of Agriculture, Jul 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967.

Zhang Jihui


Zhang Jingtao Dpty sec-gen., CCP Shanghai Municipality Comte, Apr 1959; 1st sec., CCP Qingdao Municipality Comte, Jan 1962; deputy for Shandong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mayor, Qingdao MPG, Jun 1965; stripped of all positions when revolutionary rebels seized power in Qingdao, Jan 1967; disappeared, Jan 1967.

Zhang Jingwu


* 1927 Yongzheng County, Shandong Zhang was born as son of a poor peasant. Joined CCP, 1945; training at Shenyang PLA Air Force Academy, 1948; pilot in 12th Squadron, 4th Air Force Div., 1949; joined PLA forces in Korean War, 1951; shot down wellknown U.S. fighter pilot A. Davis and conferred merit "Combat Hero, 1st Class", Feb 1952; promoted cdr., 4th Air Force Div. fleet and awarded Ν Korean order "Freedom and Independence", Nov 1952; returned to Shenyang Mil. Reg, 1954; appointed ltn-col. and cdr., 12th Squadron, 4th PLA Air Force Div., Sep 1955; training in USSR, Sep 1955-1956; cdr., 1st Air Batallion, 1st PLA Air Force Div., 1958; cdr., 1st Air Force Div., 1965-73; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (confirmed by 10th and 11th Central Comtes 1973 and 1977); mem., friendship del. to Ν Korea and awarded order "National Flag", 1st class, by Ν Korean Govt, Oct 1970; dpty cdr., PLA Air Force, 1974-78(7); mem., mil. del. to Pakistan; mem., mil. del. to Yugoslavia, Jun 1978; disappeared, Jun 1978.

Zhang Jingning

Zhang Jingwu



* 1911 Taishan County, Guangdong Graduated from Guangdong Univ, 1930; studied in Japan, 1933-35; worked successively as prof, of Guangdong and Guangxi Univ and of Guilin Teachers' College, 1937-50; vice-chm, Nationalities Affairs Com, People's Govt, Guangxi AR, 1958-67; deputy for Guangxi AR to 3rd Ν PC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty dir., Guangxi Nationalities Inst., 1979-80; vice-chm, People's Congr, Guangxi AR, Apr 1983 - Jul 1985; again vice-chm, People's Congr, Guanxi AR, Jan 1988; disappeared, Jan 1988.

* 1906 Linli County, Hunan deceased 1971 Guerilla fighter in Anhui Prov., 1929; participated in Long March (?), 1934-35; cdr., Shandong Column, 8th Route Army, 1939; cdr., 1st (?) Shandong Column under Shandong General Commad, 1941; cos, Joint Defense HQ, 8th Route Army, 1943-45; cdr. of a brigade, 120th Div., 1945; cdr., 5th Div., New 4th Army, 1946; chief of section (rank: maj-gen.), CCP del. to Beijing Executive HQ of 3-man Mil. Subcomte, 1946; mem., Xi'an Mil. Control Com and subsequently cdr., Xi'an Garrison, 1949; cos, SW Mil. Reg, 1949; dir., People's Armed Forces Dpt, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, Oct 1950-1951; dir., Staff Office, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, Jan 1951; as representative of Central Govt negotiated and signed the "Agreement of Measures for Peaceful Liberation of Tibet" with representatives of Tibet Local Govt, May 1951; representative of the Central People's Govt in Tibet, Jun 1951-54; sec., CCP Tibet Work Comte, Nov 1951 - Aug 1965; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jul 1958, and to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959, and 4th, Jan 1965); chief, Staff Office of the president of the PRC (Mao Zedong until Apr 1959 and then Liu Shaoqi), Jul 1955 - Cult. Rev.; made ltn-gen. and awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", Sep 1955; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956-1967; 1st polit, commissar, Tibet Mil. Reg, 1956-65; sec., Tibet Work Comte, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1956-1959; 1st sec., Tibet Work Comte, CCP Central Comte, 1959-64; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; sec., Secretariat, SW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1965-1967; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, May 1966 - Jun 1967; branded as a bourgeois reactionary and purged, Jun 1967; in prison since 1967; he was subjected to appaling torture and beating; his right arm was broken and his left elbow dislocated; finally in 1971, he was persecuted to death; memorial for Zhang, Aug 27, 1979.

Zhang Jiiiong


Zhang Jinong

Zhang Junhua

Cadre of SC, Jan 1976; vice-min of Water Conservancy and Electric Power, Dec 1976 - Feb 1979; head of the survey for Changjiang (Yangzi) water diversion to Ν China, Aug 1978; vice-min. of Water Conservancy, Apr 1979 - Mar 1982; head, govt del. to Tunisia, Aug 1979; mem., govt del. to Yugoslavia, Denmark, Netherlands and Belgium (head: Wang Renzhong), Sep 1979; mem., Central Patriotic Sanitation Campaign Comte, Jul 1981-1983; gen-mgr., China Intl Water and Electric Corp., Jun 1983; disappeared, Jan 1985.

Counsellor, embassy in Tanzania, Mar 1973 - Aug 1977; ambassador to Benin, Jan 1978 - Mar 1982; ambassador to Zambia, Jul 1982 - Oct 1984; ambassador to Iraq, Dec 1984 - Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.

Zhang Jinxian



Cdr., Guangdong Mil. Distr, May 1983-1992; dpty cdr., People's Armed Forces of Guangdong Prov., Jan 1984; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangdong Prov. CP, Apr 1987; deputy for PLA to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; made maj-gen., Sep 1988; disappeared, Feb 1992.

Zhang Jun

Zhang Junxiang

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* 1918 deceased 1989, Oct 17 Mem., Stand. Comte, Hubei Prov. CP, Sep 1976 - Mar 1983; dpty dir., Ind. Office, Hubei PPG, Jun 1977; vicechm, Hubei Rev Comte, Aug-Dec 1979; vice-gov., Hubei PPG, Jan 1980 - Aug 1982; vice-chm, Hubei PPC, Apr 1983-1986(7); dir., Broadcasting and Television Station of Hubei Prov., Dec 1983.

Zhang Juhui


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* 1914 Zhenjiang County, Jiangsu Studied at Beijing Qinghua Uni ν and later at Yale Univ, U.S.A., where he received a M.A. degree; back in China, became active in the cinema ind. and also as a playwright; council mem., Fed of Literary and Art Circles, 1950; mem., cultural del. to India and Burma, Sep 1951; council mem., China-Burma Friendship Assn, 1952; council mem., Dramatists' Assn, 1955; mem., China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Feb 1956; joined CCP, May 1956; speech before the CPPCC on the theme "Let hundred flowers blossom", Mar 1957; article in RMRB May 1, 1958; "Shi Hui is an extreme rightist in the Motion Picture Field" (Shi was a film actor); dir., Shanghai Motion Picture Production Co., Jul 1958; dir., Shanghai Film Bureau, Oct 1960; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Shanghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, Mar 1983); head, film del. to Italy, Jun 1978; cadre, Cinema Bureau, Min. of Culture, Jun 1978; dpty dir., Cinema Bureau, Min. of Culture, Mar 1979; dir., Shanghai Film Bureau, Sep 1981; disappeared, May 1983. Publications: The American President Liner, A Model Teacher of Myriad Generations, Tales of a Small Town.

* 1919 Shounguang County, Shandong Polit, commissar of a regiment, 4th Column, Taiyue Mil. Distr, 1945-48; sec., Puer Prefecture CP, 1950-56; polit, commissar, Public Security Army, Kunming Mil. Reg, 1956-57; dpty polit, commissar, Yunnan Mil. Distr., 1958-61; polit, commissar, No. 5 Research Academy, Min. of Natl Defense, 1962-65; CCP sec., No. 1 Research Academy, 7th Min. of Machine Building, 1965-66; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.; vice-min., 7th Min. of Machine Building, 1975-82; min. of Astronautics Ind., May 1982 - Jun 1985; head, technological del. to Federal Republic of Germany and Italy, Feb 1984; received serious disciplinary warnings from the CCP for being responsible in smuggling 180,000 color TV sets worth about 40 million US$, Feb 1986; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC; disappeared, Jan 1991.

Zhang Kai


Mem., 10th Administrative Office, Central Hebei Branch Office, Shanxi-Hebei-Chahar Border Region, 19947; mem., Nanjing Mil. Control Com, 1949; vice-mayor, Nanjing Municipality, 1949; vice-pres., Shenyang Munie-


ipality TU, 1952; vice-chm, Comte for Implementation of Marriage Law, E China AC, 1953; dir., Polit. Dpt, E China Mil. Reg, 1953; vice-min. of Public Health, 1954-66; alt. mem., 8th Executive Comte, ACFTU, 1957; deputy for Liaoning to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958; mem., Sparettme Education Comte of SC, Jan 1960-1966; pres., China-Afghanistan Friendship Assn, 1963; deputy for Anhui to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; head, public health del. to Ν Vietnam, Aug 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jul 1978; mem., SC Birth Planning Leading Group, Jul 1978 - Mar 1981; mem., Com for Inspecting Discipline, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 - Nov 1987; min. of Civil Affairs, Jul 1980 - May 1982; vice-pres., Civil Affairs Research Society, May 1985.

Zhang Kaifan

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* Anhui Mem., Ν Anhui People's Admin. Office,. Aug 1951; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, Anhui CP, Jun 1952; vicegov., Anhui PPG, Aug 1954 - Cult. Rev.; dpty sec., Anhui CP, Jul 1956 - Sep 1956; sec., Anhui CP, Sep 1956 Cult. Rev.; deputy for Anhui to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; branded as a follower of Peng Dehuai and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Anhui Section, CPPCC, Feb 1977; 2nd sec., Comte for Discipline Inspection, Anhui CP, Feb 1979-1982; sec., Anhui CP, Mar 1979 - Apr 1982; vice-chm, Anhui Rev Comte, Mar-Dec 1979; adviser, Anhui CP, Apr 1982; ehm, Anhui Branch, CPPCC, Oct 1982; disappeared, Mar 1984.

Zhang Lan

pline Inspection Com, Hebei CP, Dec 1983; vice-chm, Hebei PPC, Jun 1985-1987; deputy for Gansu to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.

Zhang Kexia

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* 1901 Tong County, Hebei deceased 1984, Jul 7 Graduated, 9th class, Infantry Div., Baoding Mil. Academy; furthered mil. studies in USSR and after return made cos, 33rd Group Army, Natl Govt Forces; during SinoJapanese War served as dpty cos in "Christian" general Feng Yuxiang's army; changed over to the Communists as dpty cdr., KMT 3rd Pacification Area and concurrently cdr., Xuzhou Garrison Command, bringing with him 23,000 men, Nov 1948; made cdr., 33rd Army, 3rd Field Army, Jan 1949; participated in occupation of Shanghai, May 1949; cos, Shanghai Garrison Command, Dec 1949; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949-Jun 1953; mem., E China Admin. Comte and dir. of its Agriculture and Forestry Dpt, Jan 1953 - Oct 1954; vice-min. of Forestry, Oct 1954 - Cult. Rev.; awarded order of "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; pres., Forestry Society, Aug 1959 - Cult. Rev.; head, forestry del. to USSR, Feb 1960; mem., Natl Comte, 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first reappearance, Apr 1972; elected deputy of unknown prov. to 4th NPC, Feb 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; disappeared, Jan 1981.

Zhang Lan


Zhang Kaijing * 1905 Jiangxi deceased 1991, Feb 3 Dir. of Mobilization for Communist forces in W Fujian, 1931; served in Central Workers' and Peasants' Democratic Govt in Ruijin, fall of 1931; during Long March ordered to stay behind and served as polit, commissar of Communist guerilla forces, 1935-37; cdr. of a battalion, 3rd Regiment, New 4th Army, 1938; staff mem., HQ of People's Resist - Japan Volunteer Forces South of Changjiang (Yangtse), subordinated to New 4th Army, 1940; cos, 16th Brigade, 6th Div., 1945; dpty cdr., Pingyuan Mil. Distr, 1949; made maj-gen. and awarded order "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; cdr., Heilongjiang Mil. Distr, Nov 1956 - Cult. Rev.; dpty cdr., Shenyang Mil. Reg, Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev.; vice-gov., Jilin PPG, May 1966; purged during Cult. Rev., Mar 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Jilin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, Jilin PPC, Apr 1980; disappeared, Oct 1982.

Zhang Kerang

iti a a

Mem., Stand. Comte, Hebei Prov. CP, Sep 1979- Mar 1983; vice-chm, Hebei Rev Comte, Sep 1979 - Jan 1980; vice-gov., Hebei PPG, Feb 1980 - Apr 1983; sec., Disci-

* 1872 Nanchong City, Sichuan deceased 1955, Feb 9 Bom into a scholarly family. Towards the end of Qing dynasty joined the reformist group which favored constitutional monarchy for China; head, Railroad Protection Comrades' Assn, Sichuan, during 1911 Revolution; gov. of Sichuan, 1920-21; dir., Sichuan Normal College, 1926; pres., Chengdu Univ, 1928-31; mem., KMT People's Polit. Council, 1937; ehm, League of Chinese Democratic Polit. Groups (predecessor of CDL), 1941; ehm, CDL, Sep 1944 - death; placed under house arrest by KMT Govt when CDL was outlawed, Nov 1947; fled to Hong Kong, 1948; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954); vice-chm, Central People's Govt, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; mem., Comte for Drafting the Constitution, Jan 1953; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Sep 1954; vice-chm, Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954; vice-chm, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954; vice-pres., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1954.


Zhang Leping

Zhang Leping

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* 1910 Haiyan County, Zhejiang

deceased 1992, Sep or Oct Born as son of a poor village schoolteacher. Apprentice, 1924; later worked as a day laborer and street vendor; finally managed to make a living by painting advertisements and designs for businessmen; at that time he created the figure of a scrawny waif named San Mao (Three Hairs), appearing for the first time in a newspaper in 1935 and since evoked the sympathy of millions of Chinese children; editor-in-chief, Cartoon World, a monthly magazine, Sep 1985.

Zhang Liankui

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* 1912 deceased 1978, Apr 22 Mem., with rank of colonel, CCP del. to Beiping Executive HQ of 3-man Mil. Subcomte, 1946; dir., 2nd Bureau, 2nd Min. of Machine Building, 1953 - Jun 1954; vicemin, 2nd Min. of Machine Building, Jun 1954 - Feb 1958; vice-min, 1st Min. of Machine Building, Sep 1959 Sep 1960; min., 3rd Min. of Machine Building, Sep 1960Jan 1961; vice-min., 3rd Min. of Machine Building, Apr 1961 - Oct 1963; vice-min., 5th Min. of Machine Building, Oct 1963; deputy for Shanxi to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult,. Rev., Oct 1970; first reappearance, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte,. 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978.

Zhang Lin

Publications: Wandering of Three Hairs (1945); later: Three Hairs Emancipated; Three Hairs Hailing Liberation.

Zhang Liang Dir., Admin, of Pharmaceutical Ind., Min. of Light Ind., Jul 1955; dir., Admin. Bureau, Min. of Chemical Ind., 1957; dpty dir., Shanghai No. 1 Medical College, Jun 1963; vice-min. of Chemical Ind., Oct 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared, 1966.

Zhang Liangqi


* 1922 Wutai County, Shanxi Joined 8th Route Army, 1937; served in 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1945; service in a brigade, NW Field Army, 1948; cdr. of a regiment, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1952-54; graduated from PLA Mil. Academy, 1961; rose from div. to army cdr., 1961-83; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983; dpty commandant, PLA Mil. Academy, Mar 1984; the PLA Mil. Academy merged with Natl Defense Univ with Zhang as its vice-pres., Dec 1985-1994; made ltn-gen., Sep 1988; disappeared, Jan 1994.

Zhang Linchi

* 1923 Huzhou County, Zhejiang Graduated from Dpt of Electric Engineering, Jiaotong Univ, 1946; lecturer, Jiaotong Univ, 1948-51; teacher, Nanjing Naval School, 1951-61; prof., Mil. Engineering Inst., Univ of Science and Technology for Natl Defense, 1962-78; pres., Univ of Science and Technology for Natl Defense, Dec 1984-1990; appointed maj-gen., Sep 1988; disappeared, Jul 1990. Publications: Theoretical Electric Engineering; Automatic Control System for Aircraft.


Dpty dir., Agricultural Dpt, Ν China People's Govt, 1948; dir., Staff Office, Min. of Agriculuture, Dec 1949; vice-min., Min. of Agriculture, Oct 1951 - Oct 1956; head, peasants' del. to USSR, May 1952; vice-min., State Farms and Land Reclamation, Oct 1956-1966; posted to Hejiang Reg in Heilongjiang after discovery of Daqing oil field, 1960-64(7); sec., Heilongjiang CP, 1966-78; vicechm, Heilongjiang Rev Comte, Oct 1971 - Dec 1977; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977); pres., Dairy Farming Assn, Dec 1982; disappeared, Dec 1982.


Zhang Lingbin


Zhang Mengxu

purged after Red Guards seized power in Sichuan, 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1977; mem., Stand. Comte, Sichuan CP, Jan 1978-1982; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; disappeared, Sep 1989.

Zhang Lixiong * 1902 Pingjiang County, Hunan deceased 1987, Jul 14 Joined CCP, 1926; Long March with 1st Red Front Army, 1934-35; engaged in logistics works in Shanxi-Rehe (Jehol)-Hebei Mil. Reg, 1946-48; dpty dir., Rear Service Dpt, Rev mil. Council, Oct 1949- Sep 1954; dpty dir., Logistics Dpt, PLA HQ, Sep 1954-74(7); appointed ltngen. and awarded order "Liberation", Sep 1955; deputy for PLA to 2nd and 3rd NPCs, Jul 1958-1972; alt. mem., 9th-11th CCP Central Comte, Apr 1969- Apr 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985.

Once served in the staff under Xu Xiangqian and as polit, commissar, 2nd Div. and 13th Army; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; cadre, Kunming Mil. Reg, Sep 1962; dpty polit, commissar, Kunming Mil. Reg, Mar 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Oct 1967; first reappearance: polit, commissar, Jiangxi Mil. Distr, Sep 1976-1980; mem., Stand. Comte, Jiangxi CP, May 1977-79(7): deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; adviser, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Aug 1981; disappeared, Mar 1982.

Zhang Longxiang

Zhang Linzhi


* Hebei deceased 1967, Dec Took part in Long March, 1934-35; polit, commissar, 3rd Army Corps, 2nd Field Army, Apr 1949; vice-mayor of Nanjing, May 1949; Party sec., Chongqing Municipality, Nov 1949-1950; 2nd sec., Chongqing CP, Jul 1950-1952; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950 - Feb 1953; vice-min., Min. of Heavy Ind., Aug 1952- Apr 1955; deputy for Hebei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954-1958; visited Czechoslovakia, 1954; min., 3rd Min. of Machine Building, Apr 1955 -May 1956; min. of Power Equipment Ind., May 1956 - Feb 1958; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - death; min. of Coal Ind., Sep 1957 death; deputy for Yunnan to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958-1964; visited Poland, Dec 1959; head, govt del. to opening of Chinese Economic Exibition in Bucharest, Sep 1956; branded as a counterrevolutionary and purged, Mar 1967; persecuted to death in Dec 1967, (RMRB Jan 23, 1979).

Zhang Lixian

\ Xfty


* 1926 Graduation from Qinghua Univ, 1937; Ph.D. in philosophy from Toronto Univ, Canada, 1942; postgraduate research fellow, Chemistry Dpt of Yale Univ, U.S.A., 1943-?; prof, of Beijing Univ, Jun 1978; vice-pres., Beijing Univ., Aug 1978 - May 1981; head, scientists del. to Belgium; vice-pres., Society of Biochemistry, May 1979; visited Australia, Jan 1981; pres., Beijing Univ, May 1981 - Apr 1984; head, Beijing Univ del. to FR Germany, Apr 1982; mem., Award Comte for Natural Science, SC Scientific and Technological Com, Jul 1982.

Zhang Mengxu

* 1918 deceased 1986, Apr 3 Polit, commissar, Hunan Mil. Distr, May 1970 - Jul 1977; vice-chm, Hunan Rev Comte, Sep 1970 - Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Hunan CP, 1971-73; sec., Hunan CP, 1973-77; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; 2nd polit, commissar, Hunan Mil. Distr, 1977-80.

Zhang Lixing


& Λ


Sec-gen., Sichuan PPC, Jan 1958; council mem., ChinaAfrica People's Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; vice-gov., Sichuan PPG, Oct 1960; alt. sec., Sichuan CP, Oct 1966;

Sec-gen., Hunan PPG, Sep 1949; council mem., Hunan PPG, Mar 1950 and concurrently mem. of its Financial and Economic Comte, Jul 1950; vice-chm, Hunan PPC, Nov 1954; vice-gov., Hunan PPG, Feb 1955 - Sep 1964; sec., Hunan CP, Oct 1960-1964; deputy for Hunan to 2nd NPC, by-elected Jan 1961; dpty dir., Staff Office of Culture and Education, SC, Jun 1964 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Hunan to 2nd NPC, Sep 1964; branded as a bourgeois reactionary, Jan 1967; disappeared thereafter.

Zhang Min


Zhang Min

1957 - Cult. Rev.; council mem., China-Pakistan Friendship Assn, Feb 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, China Assn for Promoting Democracy, Jul 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); researcher, Inst, of Industrial Economics, CASS, Jan 1984; mem., Foreign Affairs Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988. Publications: International Disarmament; International Politics; Basic Knowledge of Modern Diplomacy.

* 1925 Ding County, Hebei Polit, commissar of a battalion, NE Field Army, 1948-51; cdr. of a regiment, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1952-54; graduation from PLA Artillery Academy, 1960; served at a base under State Com for Science and Technology for Natl Defense, 1975-82; cdr. of this base, 1976-82; cos, State Com for Science and Technology for Natl Defense, Nov 1982; made ltn-gen., Sep 1988; disappeared, Aug 1990. Remarks: Zhang took part in directing launching of China's first experimental telecommunications satellite.

Zhang Ming (f)


Vice-min. of Civil Affairs, Feb 1984 - Sep 1986; vicepres., Red Cross Society of China, Jun 1985; head, Red Cross del. to Ν Korea, Jun 1987; vice-chm, Chinese Social Welfare Lottery Comte, Jul 1987; mem., Women and Youth Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.

Zhang Minghe

& BJ] H

Dpty dir., Public Security Bureau, Beijing MPG, Nov 1949; mem., Comte for Checking of Warehouses, Beijing MPG, Mar 1950; vice-gov., Hebei PPG, Oct 1954-1963; mem., Stand. Comte, Hebei CP, May 1960; disappeared, 1963.

Zhang Mingyang

Zhang Naiqi * 1898 Qingtian County, Zhejiang deceased 1977, May 13 Bora into a merchant family; graduated from Hangzhou Commercial School, 1920; rose from clerk to asst manager of Zhejiang Industrial Bank in Shanghai, 1920-30; founded China Commercial Agency to report banking, financial and commercial activities, Shanghai, 1927; in face of threat of Japanese invasion organized Natl Salvation Assn together with Sha Qianli, Shih Liang, Zou Taofen, Shen Junru, Wang Zaoshi and Li Gongpu, 1936; these "Seven Gentlemen" were imprisoned by KMT Govt for endangering the Chinese Republic, Nov 1936-1937; after release from prison upon outbreak of Sino-Japanese War, made commissioner of Finance, Anhui Provincial Govt, 193839; gen-mgr., Upper Sichuan Industrial Corp. in Chongqing, 1940-49; mem., Central Comte, China Democratic Natl Construction Assn (CDNCA), Dec 1945; fled to Hong Kong, 1947; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954; to 3rd, Apr 1959) Mar 1963; mem., GAC and concurrently mem. of its Financial Economic Comte, Oct 1949; council mem., SinoSoviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949- Dec 1954; mem., Borad of Directors, Bank of China, Mar 1950; mem., Stand. Comte, Chinese People's Comte for Word Peace, Oct 1950-1958; mem., economic del. to USSR, Apr 1952; mem., Council for Promotion of Intl Trade, May 19521958; vice-chm, Central Labor Employment Comte, GAC, Jul 1952; vice-chm, CDNCA, Mar 1953; vice-chm, Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Dec 1953; deputy for Sichuan to 1st Ν PC, Aug 1954; min. of Food, Sep 1954 - Feb 1958; council mem., Bank of China, Dec 1954; criticized "secretarían and doctrinaire way of thinking", May 1957; officially branded as a "rightist" and dismissed from all positions, Jan 1958. After divorce from Hu Ziying, Zhang married Yang Meizhen.

* 1906 Ninghai County, Zhejiang deceased 1991, Jul 4 Graduated from Fudan Univ, 1929; editor, Oriental Magazine and Shanghai Commercial Press, 1930-42; prof., Fudan Univ, 1942-49; dir., World Culture Publishing House, 1950-54; dpty editor-in-chief, People's Publishing House, 1954-56; dpty dir., Inst, of Domestic Issues,

Publications: Economic Panic and Economic Reform in China (1935); Currency and Financial Problems of China (1936).

Zhang Naizhao Dpty dir., Central Meteorological Bureau, SC, Nov 19541976; vice-pres., China Meteorology Society, 1963;


head, meteorological del. to Switzerland, Jul 1972; head, del. to 25th Meeting of World Meteorological Org. (WMO), Geneva, Sep 1973; mem., Executive Comte, WMO, Sep 1973; head, del. to 26th Meeting of WMO, Geneva, May 1974; head, meteorological del. to Pakistan, Oct 1974; disappeared, Jan 1976.

Zhang Pengtu

1949; mem., People's Control Comte, G AC, Dec 1949; vice-chm, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949 Jan 1953; vice-chm, Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 Jun 1954; vice-pres., Central-S Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Nov 1953; deputy for Hubei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1958 and 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1958 and to 3rd, Jan 1965).

Zhang Nansheng Zhang Panshi

* 1905 Liancheng County, Fujian deceased 1989, Sep Graduation from Xiamen Univ; during Long March 1st polit, commissar, regiment of polit, security under Bureau of Polit. Security under CCP Central Comte, 1934-35; polit, commissar, 37th Regiment, 5th Red Army, 1935; service in 2nd Field Army, 1949; delegate of this army to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; dpty cdr., 20th Army, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951; 1st dpty cdr., Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea (?), 1953; conferred North Korean order "Natl Flag", 1st class, Oct 1953; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, Oct 1953; appointed ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dir., Polit. Dpt, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1956-57; dpty polit, commissar, Beijing Mil. Reg, 1957-76; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983.

Zhang Nanxian


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* 1874 Mianyang County, Hubei deceased 1968, Sep 11 Also known as Zhang Yichi. Council mem., Guangdong Provincial Govt and concurrently dir. of its Construction Dpt, 1927; council mem., Hubei Prov. Govt and concurrently dir. of its Finance Dpt, 1928; dir., Civil Appointments Dpt, Examination Yuan, KMT Govt, 1929; ehm, Zhejiang Provincial Govt, 1930; ehm, Hubei KMT Comte, 1932; mem., Advisory Council, 4th KMT People's Polit, council, 1934; specially invited delegate to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Central People's Govt, Oct

& M &

* Shanxi Imprisoned, 1931; mem., Preparatory Comte, Journalists' Assn, Jul 1949; attended 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1950 - Sep 1954; head, Cultural and Educational Section, Min. of North China Affairs, G AC, Oct 1950; mem., Ν China Admin. Comte, 1951 - Sep 1954; ehm, Cultural and Educational Comte, Ν China Admin. Comte, Apr 1953; vice-chm, Ν China Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Apr 1953; 4th sec., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Mar-Sep 1954; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Sep 1954 - Apr 1959; vice-chm, Study Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Mar 1956; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte - Cult. Rev.; disappeared, 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Jun 1979 (reelected to 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983); mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Jul 1979 (confirmed by 6th, Jun 1983); disappeared, Jun 1983.

Zhang Peng


Chm, Business Management Assn, Sep 1979; dir., Economic Com, Beijing MPG, Sep 1979; vice-mayor, Beijing MPG, Dec 1979 (reelected Mar 1983) - Aug 1984; adviser, Beijing MPG, Feb 1988; disappeared, Feb 1988.

Zhang Pengtu

Λ @

* 1913 deceased 1985, Dec 11 Dir., General Office, People's Control Comte, CCP Central Comte, Mar 1950; asst min., Min. of Supervision, Apr 1957 - Jun 1958 (when min. was abolished); vicegov., Gansu PPG, Sep 1958-1962; sec., Gansu Prov. CP, Aug 1959-1962; responsible cadre, Inner Mongolia AR, Oct 1966- Nov 1967; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first reappearance: vice-chm, Inner Mongolia AR Rev Comte, Jan 1978 - Dec 1979; dpty sec., Inner Mongolia AR CP, Nov 1978 - Mar 1983; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Inner Mongolia AR CP, Dec 1984.


Zhang Pinghua

Zhang Pinghua

& -f

Feb 1983-1987; hon. dir., Old Age magazine, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988. Zhang was married to Tang Mulan.

Zhang Qian (f)

* 1906 Hunan During Long March served in 2nd Front Army, 1934-35; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, 120 Div., 8th Route Army, 1936; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Shanxi-Suiyuan Mil. Distr, 1942; dir. of this dpt, 1947; sec., Wuhan Municipality CP, May 1949; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte and concurrently mem. of its Financial and Economic Comte, Mar 1950 - Jan 1953; mem., Fianancial and Economic Comte, Wuhan MPG, Jul 1951; demoted to dpty sec., Wuhan CP, Feb 1952; 2nd sec., Wuhan CP, Mar 1953; 1st sec., Wuhan CP, Mar 1954; ehm, Wuhan Branch, CPPCC, Mar 1955; 3rd sec., Hubei Prov. CP, Jul 1955; 2nd sec., Hubei Prov. CP, 1956; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, May 1958; 1st sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Oct 1959 - Cult. Rev.; polit, commissar, Hunan Mil. Distr, Apr 1960; sec., Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1962; mem., CCP del. to German Democratic Republic, Jan 1963; deputy for Hunan to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; dpty dir., Dpt of General Affairs, Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1966; criticized in connection with Tao Zhu as a "counterrevolutionary double of Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping" and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Shanxi Prov. CP, Apr 1971 - Apr 1973; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Shanxi Prov., Feb 1972 - Feb 1973; 2nd sec., Hunan Prov. CP, May 1973-1977; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 (reelected to 11th CC, Aug 1977 Sep 1982); 1st vice-chm, Rev Comte, Hunan Prov., Nov 1973-1977; polit, commissar, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Dec 1973-1977; ehm, Hunan Peasants' Fed, Jan 1974; head, friendship del. to Romania, Oct 1975; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1977 - Dec 1978; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978; article in HQ, "Restore and carry forward the three great work styles initiated by chairman Mao Zedong - commemorating Mao's 85th birthday", Dec 1978; mem., Comte to Examine Proposals, 2nd Session, 5th NPC, Jun 1979; 1st vice-min., State Agricultural Com, Jul 1979 - May 1982; adviser, agricultural del. to Great Britain and Federal Republic of Germany (head: Huo Shilian), Jul 1979; mem., Presidium and of Motions Examinations Comte, 3rd Session, 5th NPC, Aug 1980; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1981; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; mem., Chinese Comte, Council of Chinese and Japanese Non-Governmental Personage, Sep 1982; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 5th NPC, Nov 1982; adviser, State Rural Development Research Center,



* 1922 deceased 1974, Mar 20 Mem., Drama Society of New 4th Army, 1943; mem., women's del. to Pakistan, Nov 1955; council mem., China-Pakistan Friendship Assn, May 1956; mem., Executive Comte, Women's Fed, Sep 1957; head, women's del. to Cambodia, Nov 1958; vice-pres., China-Cambodia Friendship Assn, Dec 1960; accompanied Chen Yi to Geneva and Moscow, May-Jul 1961; accompanied Chen Yi and Liu Shaoqi to Indonesia, Burma, Cambodia and Ν Vietnam, Apr-May 1963; accompanied Chen Yi and Zhou Enlai to Burma, Pakistan, Ceylon, Feb 1964; deputy for Hubei to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; accompanied Chen Yi and Zhou Enlai to Djakarta to attend 10th anniversary celebrations of Bandung Conf. and successively to Burma, Apr 1965; accompanied Chen Yi and Liu Shaoqi to Pakistan, Afghanistan and Burma, Mar-Apr 1966; head, friendship del. to Cambodia, Nov 1966; attacked for having supressed revolutionary leftists, forced to make selfcriticism thrice and publicly humilated, Dec 1966 - Jan 1967; disappeared, Feb 1967. Zhang was married to Chen Yi.

Zhang Qilong

& &

* 1900 Liuyang County, Hunan deceased 1987, Jun 3 Attended Changsha Normal School and became teacher; joined CCP, 1924; after Changsha Incident of May 21, 1927 set up a Communist guerilla unit; 1st vice-chm, Hunan-Jiangxi Soviet and cdr., Hunan-Jiangxi Mil. Distr, 1928-32; sentenced to 14 months imprisonment by the Communists for assisting in escape of captured KMT general Zhang Chao and supporting the counterrevolutionary Liu Renwu, 1933; sec., Liaodong Prov., CP, 1950; mem., NE China AC, Oct 1951 - Jan 1953; vice-chm, Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Nov 1951; mem., Natl Comte, CPPCC, Dec 1954-1959; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956-1967; visited USSR, Jul 1957; visited Hungary, Dec 1957; deputy for Hunan to 2nd NPC, Jul 1958 - Sep 1964; dpty dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1958-67; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd NPC, Apr 1959- Dec 1964; mem., Spare-time Education Comte, 1960; deputy for Heilongjiang to 3rd NPC, Sep


1964-1967; relieved of all posts, 1967; deputy for Jiangsu to 5th-6th NPCs, Feb 1978 - Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; dpty sec., Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 Sep 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985.

Zhang Qingfu fé Ä



Dir., Shenyang Agricultural College, 1957; CCP sec., Liaoning Branch, Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Mar 1961; vice-gov., Liaoning PPG, Oct 1961 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared, May 1968.

Zhang Qinqiu (f)

Zhang Quan (f)



Dir., Polit. Dpt, Mil. Supply Dpt, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, 1950; dir., General Office, Min. of Forestry, Dec 1950; vice-min. of Forestry, Oct 1956 - Sep 1958; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); disappeared during Cult. Rev.

Zhang Qingtai

Zhang Riqing

* 1903 Zhejiang Studied at Shanghai Univ; graduated from Moscow Sun Yat-sen Univ, 1925; subsequently worked as Russian translator, Moscow, 1925-30; in Moscow she married Shen Zemin, a brother of Shen Yanbing (Mao Dun); returned to China, 1930; followed husband to Anhui-HenanHubei Soviet Area and made dir., Polit. Dpt, 4th Front Army, 1932; polit, commissar, E Sichuan 3rd Army, 4th Front Army, Jan 1933; polit, commissar, Women's Corps during Long March; after death of Shen Zemin, 1934, married Chen Changhao, 1935; arrived with remnants of 4th Front Army in Ν Shaanxi, 1936; together with Feng Wenbin and Hu Qiaomu conducted Youth Training Class in Xi'an, Dec 1936; taught at Ν Shaanxi Public School and Yan'an Women's Univ, 1940; worked in Women's Comte, CCP Central Comte, 1941-48; mem., Executive Comte, China Democratic Women's Fed (CDWF), Mar 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; vicemin. of Textile Ind., Oct 1949 - Cult. Rev.; council mem., and executive sec., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 - Dec 1954; visited Romania, Sep 1953; head, Textile Ind. del. to USSR, Dec 1953; deputy for Zhejiang to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958 and 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Executive Comte, ChinaWomen's Fed (successor of CDWF), Sep 1957 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Natl Comte, 4th CPPCC, Dec 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966.

* 1919 Yixing County, Jiangsu deceased 1993, Jun 16 Graduation from Natl Conservatory of Music, Chongqing, 1942; taught successively at Qingmuguan Conservatory of Music in Chongqing and at Beijing Teachers' Univ, 194247; obtained a masters degree in music from the graduate school of a conservatory of music in U.S.A., 1951; served successively as actress with Central Exeprimental Opera Theater, head of the Music Teaching Class at Harbin Opera Theater and as dpty dir. of the Inst, of Traditional Chinese Music, 1951-66; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Sichuan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 - Mar 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); vice-pres., Central Conservatory of Music, May 1984 - death. Remarks: Zhang won fame with the leading role in the opera The Woman Who Was Led Astray.

Zhang Renchu fé fe- Φί

* 1909 Hongan County, Hubei deceased 1969 Joined Red Army, 1929, and CCP, 1932; cdr., 294th Regiment, 4th Red Route Army, 1935; participated in Long March as cdr., 2nd Battalion, 4th Regiment, 1st Group Army, 1st Red Route Army, Aug 1935; led his unit from Maoerkai into the Grasslands, 1935; advanced from battalion to div. cdr. under 8th Route Army (?), 1937-45; cdr., 8th Column, 1947; cdr., 26th Army, 9th Army Group, 3rd Field Army, Feb 1949; led his unit into Korean War, Nov 1950-1953; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); dpty cdr., Jinan Mil. Reg, Aug 1961 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared, 1966.

Zhang Riqing

9 rfr

Chief of staff, 3rd Regiment, 2nd Contingent, New 4th Army, 1939; chief of staff, 10th Subdistr, Central Hebei


Zhang Rongsen

Mil. Distr, 1942(7); polit, commissar, 65th Army, 1951; commandant, Fujian Branch, PLA Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1952; 2nd polit, commissar, Shanxi Mil. Distr, 1960; dpty polit, commissar, Beijing Mil. Reg, 1967-69; vicechm, Rev Comte, Shanxi Prov., 1967-68; maj-gen., 1967; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969-1973; disappeared, Dec 1969; cadre, Wuhan Mil. Reg, 1978-81; adviser, Wuhan Mil. Reg, 1981-83; disappeared, Feb 1983.

Zhang Rongsen * 1917 deceased 1984 Commandant, Nanjing PLA Higher Army Inst., 1964; sec., Guizhou Prov. CP, May 1971 - Mar 1978; vicechm, Guizhou Rev Comte, Mar-Dec 1977; dpty cdr., Kunming Mil. Reg, Dec 1977-1978(7): leading cadre, Air Force of Nanjing Mil. Reg, May 1981; disappeared, May 1981.

Zhang Ruguang


Zhang Ruoxian



During the revolution, Zhang worked together with the Canadian doctor Norman Bethune; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty dir., Health Dpt, PLA Logistics Dpt, Nov 1961; dpty dir., PLA Logistics Dpt, Oct 1973; dir., Health Dpt, PLA Logistics Dpt, Nov 1978 - Oct 1978; led del. of PLA surgeons to Romania, Nov 1975; mem., Birth Planning Leading Group, SC, Jul 1978 - Mar 1981; head, mil. medical services del. to France and Federal Republic of Germany, Dec 1978; head, mil. surgeons del. to Federal Republic of Germany, Dec 1979; disappeared, Dec 1982.

Zhang Ruifang (f)

deputy for Shanghai to 4th NPC, Jan 1973; mem., friendship del. to Japan, Apr 1973; returned to screen, Jan 1978; mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; head, Shanghai Drama Troupe, Nov 1980; head, del. to 1st Manila Intl Film Festival, Jan 1982; delegate to New Youth Intl Film Festival in India, Nov 1983; vice-chm, Shanghai Branch of CPPCC, Jul 1985 (reelected Apr 1988); disappeared, Oct 1990. Zhang starred on stage in Angry Cry; Every Tree Looks Like Enemy; The Family (by Cao Yu after Ba Jin's novel); Qu Yuan; Flower of White Poplar; Beijing People: The Roaring River; her leading roles in movies: On Songhua River; Mother; Great River Flows On; Jingling Spring Water.


* 1925 Hailun County, Heilongjiang Service in Finance Bureau, Heilongjiang PPG, 1950-64; served successively as CCP sec. of Fuyu and Baiquan Counties, 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec. and then sec., Nenjiang Prefecture CP, 1978-83; sec-gen., Heilongjiang PPG, Aug 1983-1985; vice-chm, Heilongjiang PPC, May 1985 (reelected Jan 1988); deputy for Heilongjiang to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Oct 1989.

Zhang Shaopeng

* 1918 Beijing Studied at Beijing Specialized School of Arts, 1935-36; took up acting, 1937; performed in anti-Japanese street play Put Down Your Whip, 1938; joined CCP, 1938; during the war years in Chongqing she created several roles that were widely acclaimed and founded her reputation as one of China's most popular actresses, 1940-45; invited by NE Film Studio to act leading roles, 1946; joined Shanghai Film Studio, 1950; mem., del. to AfroAsian Solidarity Conf., Cairo, 1957; mem., dramatists' del. to Japan, 1958; during Cult. Rev. branded a "blackline person", 1967; imprisoned for more than two years;


* 1920 Xiong County, Hebei Served in NW Field Army, 1949-50; service in Xinjiang Mil. Reg, 1950-64; dpty dir., Ind. Dpt, CCP of Xinjiang AR, 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty dir., Economic Com, CCP of Xinjiang AR, 1977-79; dpty sec., Discipline Inspection Com, CCP of Xinjiang AR, 1979-86; vice-chm, People's Congr, Xinjiang AR, Jun 1986 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Jan 1988.


Zhang Shengsan * Jiangxi Graduated from Beijing Univ; dpty dir., NE Admin, of State Farms, Min. of Agriculture, Oct 1954; dir., General Admin, of State Farms, and concurrently mem., Construction Comte of State Friendship Farms, Min. of Agriculture, Dec 1954; dir., Bureau of Livestock Breeding, Min. of State Farms, May 1959; vice-min. of State Farms, Apr 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared, 1966.

Zhang Shengzhen

^ Ρ

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Counsellor, embassy in Afghanistan, Aug 1955; counsellor, embassy in Hungary, May 1956 - Jun 1957; dpty dir., Protocol Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Apr 1958 - Feb 1960; dpty dir., 1st Asian Affairs Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Feb-Jul 1960; ambassador to Nepal, Aug 1960 Cult. Rev.; reactivated after Cult. Rev., Nov 1972; ambassador to Somalia, Mar 1975 -Apr 1979; ambassador to Spain, Aug 1980 - May 1984; disappeared, May 1984. Married to Ye Wen.

Zhang Shijun

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* 1911 Anhui deceased 1991, Jun 2 Dir., Agriculture and Forestry Bureau, Heilongjiang PPG, Sep 1950; dir., Forestry Dpt, Heilongjiang CP, Sep 1958; deputy for Heilongjiang, Sep 1964; vice-min. of Forestry, SC, Apr 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first reappearance: vice-chm, Heilongjiang Rev Comte, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Heilongjiang CP, Sep 1978 - Dec 1979; vice-min. of Forestry, Jan 1980; head, forestry del. to Ν Korea, Aug 1980; disappeared, Apr 1981.

Zhang Shiying

1977 - Apr 1980; sec., Jilin CP, Sep 1979 - Mar 1983; vice-gov., Jilin PPG, Apr 1980 - Aug 1982; ehm, Import and Export Administrative Comte, Jilin PPG, Oct 1981; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Jilin CP, May 1985.

Zhang Shizhao

^ i Φ]


Belonged to Zhuang minority. Deputy for Guangxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958 and to 3rd, Nov 1964); disappeared during Cult. Rev.; first reappearance, Oct 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, Guangxi AR CP, Jan 1979 - Jun 1984; dir., Org. Dpt, Guangxi AR CP, Jul 1980; vice-chm, Guangxi AR PPC, Apr 1983; disappeared, Oct 1984.

Zhang Shijie

Zhang Shizhao

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* 1918 Shanxi Dir., General Office, Heilongjiang Prov. CP, 1951; council mem., Heilongjiang PPG, Oct 1951; dpty sec., Heilongjiang CP, Jun 1953; dir., Rural Work Dpt, Heilongjiang CP, Jul 1955; dpty head, Jilin Prov. friendship del. to 40th anniversary celebration of the October Rev in Vladivostok, Nov 1957; vice-gov., Jilin PPG, Jul 1961 - Mar 1968; alt. sec., Jilin CP, Feb 1964- Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Jilin Rev Comte, Mar 1968; disappeared, Aug 1970; reappearance: Aug 1974; dpty sec., Jilin CP, Oct 1977 - Aug 1979; vice-chm, Jilin Rev Comte, Dec

* 1881 Changsha, Hunan deceased 1973, Jul 1 Entered Nanjing Mil. Academy, 1902; together with Huang Xing founder of Huaxing hui, 1903; imprisoned on suspicion of an assasination plot, 1904; after release studied English in Tokyo, 1905-06; studied polit, economy at Univ of Edinburgh, Scotland, 1908-11; editor of Shanghai Minli Bao, Independent Weekly and vice-chancellor of Beijing Univ, 1911-14; founded Tiger Magazine, May 1914; senator of Hunan Natl Assembly, 1916; mem., Guangzhou del. to hold peace talks with Beijing govt, Shanghai 1919; stayed in Great Britain, 1921-22; chancellor, Beijing Agricultural Inst., Nov 1922 - Jun 1923; min. of Justice and successively min. of Education in provisional govt of Duan Qirui, Nov 1924 - Nov 1925; toured Europe, 1928-30; began Law practice in Shanghai, 1931; dean, Shanghai College of Law, 1936; mem., People's Political Council, 1938-48; delegate of KMT Govt for peace negotiations with CCP, early 1949; delegate to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., CPPCC Natl Comte, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd and 3rd, 1954 and 1959); mem., Polit, and Legal Comte, G AC, Oct 1949; deputy for Hunan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd and 3rd, 1958 and 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; dir., Central Inst, for Cultural and Historical Studies, Jul 1961-1973; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965 - death. 1st wife: Wu Ruonan (married in Japan), 2nd wife: Xi Zhen. Publications: Collection of Tiger Magazine, Miscellaneous Essays of Zhang Shizhao in Changsha, Short Stories by Noted Authors.

Zhang Shizhong


Zhang Shizhong


Mem., CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; sec., Hebei CP, Nov 1982 - May 1985; gov. of Hebei, Apr 1983 - Mar 1986; dpty sec., Hebei CP, May 1985 - May 1986; (leading) sec., Inner Mongolia Autonomous Reg CP, Mar 1986 - Sep 1987; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; disappeared, Nov 1987.

Zhang Shuzhi * 1929 Worker of New China News Agency's printing office, 1968; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Oct 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); mem., Secretariat, Beijing CP, Apr 1971-1973; vice-chm, Beijing TU, Apr 19731976; deputy for Beijing to 4th NPC and mem. of its Stand. Comte, Jan 1975; mem., workers del. to Albania; disappeared, May 1977; described as a member of the "Gang of Four", Nov 1978.

Zhang Shu



Chargé d'affaires ad interim, embassy in Iraq, Jul 19701971; dpty dir., W Asia and Ν Africa Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Jan 1972; dir., W Asia and Ν Africa Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs,. Dec 1982 - Aug 1983; ambassador to European Community, to Belgium and to Luxembourg, Sep 1983 - Aug 1985; ambassador to Japan, Sep 1985 - Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.

Zhang Shude

^ M t

* 1915 Service in 3rd Red Army, 1932; during Long March led body-guard of He Long (q.v.), 1934-35; cdr., 1st Battalion, 15th Regiment, 2nd Front Army, 1936; cdr., 1st Battalion, 715th Regiment, 358th Brigade, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; cdr., of a regiment, 1st Column, NW Field Army; cdr., Xi'an Garrison, 1950; cdr., 7th Div., 1st Army, Chinese People's Volunteers in Korea, 1951-54; appointed maj-gen., Sep 1955; cdr., Henan Mil. Distr, Jul 1964-1977; deputy for Henan to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; sec., Henan CP, Mar 1971-1977; mem., Stand. Comte, Henan Rev Comte, Jan 1968-1973; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Henan Prov., May 1973-1977; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; disappeared, Jun 1977.

Zhang Sixue

& ψ

M &

deceased 1988, Apr Sec., Harbin Municipality CP, Jul 1957; dpty sec-gen., NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Aug 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; mem., Stand. Comte, Liaoning Prov. CP, Jun 1973 - Oct 1977; vice-chm, Liaoning Rev Comte, Sep 1973 - Nov 1977; sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, Oct 1977 - Jan 1980; sec., Henan Prov. CP, Feb 1980 Mar 1983; dpty head, Party activists' del. to Romania, Sep 1980; vice-chm, Henan PPC, Apr 1983 - Mar 1985; ehm, Henan PPC, Mar 1985 - death; deputy for Henan to 7th NPC, Mar 1988.

* 1929 Hongtong County, Shanxi Served in Org. Dpt, Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1953-54; graduated from Electrical Machinery Dpt, Qinghua Univ, 1964; served successively in Ind. Bureau and Machinery Ind. Bureau, People's Govt, Xinjiang AR, 1965-82; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP of Xinjiang AR, Mar 1983; dpty sec., CCP of Xinjiang AR, Oct 1985-1990; dir.. Economic Work Comte, CCP of Xinjiang AR, Dec 1985; disappeared, Apr 1990.

Zhang Shuguang Zhang Sizhou

* 1923

V® V^

* 1923 Sichuan Prov. Natl agricultural model worker, 1952; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, 1959 and to 3rd, 1964); mem. of one of the first people's communes, the Mianfeng People's Commune, 1958; Party sec., Mianfeng People's Commune, Jianyang County, Sichuan, 1964; vice-chm, Sichuan Rev Comte, May 1968-1975; alt. mem., 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); disappeared, May 1975.


Zhang Su


* 1901 Wei County, Hebei deceased 1988, Jul 22 Served under "Christian general" Feng Yuxiang in his Chahar-Suiyuan Army, 1933; mem., Administrative Comte, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Reg Govt, and also mem. of its Ind. Dpt, 1938-45; mayor of Kalgan City, 1945-46; gov., Chahar Prov., 1946- May 1951; mem., Ν China People's Govt and dir. of its Beiyue Administration Office, 1948-49; represented "Liberated treas of Ν China" at 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; council mem., SinoSoviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949; vice-chm, Ν China AC, Central Govt Administration, 1951-54; chief of justice, Ν China Branch Court, Supreme People's Court, 1952-54; vice-pres., Supreme People's Court, 1954; deputy for Hebei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958 and to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, and ehm, Bills Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected 2nd NPC, Apr 1959 and 3rd NPC, Jan 1965); dpty sec-gen., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Oct 1954 (reelected 2nd NPC, Apr 1959); accompanied Soong Ching-ling to Indonesia, Burma, Aug 1956; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, May 1958 - Cult. Rev.; mem., friendship del. to PR Mongolia, Apr 1959; mem., del. to special meeting of World Peace Council, Stockholm, May 1959; mem., friendship del. to USSR, Feb 1961; mem., NPC del. to Ν Korea, Apr 1962; dpty chief procurator, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Sep 1962 - Jan 1964; mem., NPC del. to Ν Vietnam, Sep 1962; ehm, Legislative Comte, NPC, Jan 1963; head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1964; vice-chm, Polit. Science and Law Society, Oct 1964; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, May 1967; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 Jun 1983; dpty chief procurator, Supreme People's Procuratorate, May 1978 - May 1982; mem., NPC Legal Comte, Jun 1982- Jun 1983; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP 12th Central Comte, Oct 1983 - Sep 1985.

Zhang Tianfang * 1893 Tengchong County, Yunnan deceased 1984, Jul 31 Studied political economics at Waseda Univ, Tokyo; after his return to China worked mainly in the bank business finally becoming asst manager of Kunming Peasants' Bank, 1948; manager, Yunnan Kapok Co., Kunming, 1949; mem., Economic and Financial Comte, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte and concurrently mem., Yunnan PPG, Aug 1950; mem., Central Comte, KMT Revolutionary Comte, Nov 1950 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Economic and Fi-

Zhang Tïanyi

nancial Comte, Yunnan PPG and concurrently dir. of its Bureau of Agriculture and Forestry, May 1951; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959); deputy for Yunnan to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-chm, Yunnan Branch, CPPCC, Jun 1960; ehm, Yunnan Branch, KMT Revolutionary Comte, Oct 1960; dir., Civil Affairs Dpt, Yunnan PPC, Jun 1963; vice-gov., Yunnan PPG, Jan 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1968; first reappearance: deputy for Yunnan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); vice-chm, Yunnan PPC, Dec 1979 (reelected Apr 1983).

Zhang Tianmin Dir., Production Dpt, NE China People's Govt, Aug 1950; mem., Executive Comte, Fed of Trade Unions (FTU), May 1953; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., TU del. to Austria, Apr 1956; ehm, Building Construction Workers' TU, Jun 1957; mem., Friendship del. to USSR, Sep 1960; vice-pres., China-Cambodia Friendship Assn, Dec 1960; council mem., China-Ceylon Friendship Assn, Sep 1962; head, TU del. to Japan, Nov 1962; sec., FTU, by-elected Dec 1962; head, del. to 4th Intl Congr of Building Construction Workers and Timber and Building Material Workers, Budapest, Sep 1963; mem., Budget Comte, 3rd NPC, Dec 1964; head, TU del. to Ν Vietnam, Jun 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first reappearance: deputy for Jilin Prov. to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., 9th Executive Comte, FTU, Oct 1981; disappeared, Oct 1981.

Zhang Tianyi

ffc A

* 1906 Nanjing, Jiangsu deceased 1985, Apr 28 Graduated from highschool, 1924; started to study painting but forced to finish financial reasons; started writing, 1928; mem., Editorial Board, People's Literature, 1949; adviser to Writers' Assn, Dec 1981; mem., Editorial Board, People's Literature, 1982. Publications: A Year (novel), The Cog-Wheel (novel), In the City (novel), Pursuit (collection of short stories), Counter-Attack (collection of short stories), United (collection of short stories), Spring Breeze (collection of short stories), Fellow countrymen (collection of short stories), Collected Works of Zhang Tianyi (1986); among his chil-


Zhang Tianyun

dren's tales: Great King Tutu, The Big Wolf, The Story of Luo Wenying, The Secret of the Magic Gourd, Big Lin and Little Lin.

Zhang Tianyun

Zhang Tiemin


Acting mayor, Xi'an MPG, Feb 1982; mayor, Xi'an MPG and concurrently CCP sec., Xi'an CP, Jan 1983 - Nov 1984; vice-chm, Shaanxi PPC, Apr 1985; disappeared, Apr 1985. * 1912 Hongan County, Hubei deceased 1980, Jul 8 Cadre in 4th Red Front Army during Long March, 193435; cdr. of a regiment, 344th Brigade, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; dpty cdr., 10th Brigade, 4th Div., New 4th Army, 1940; dpty cdr., 19th Brigade, 3rd Div., New 4th Army, 1941; dpty cdr., Independent 2nd Div., Democratic Allied Army, 1945; dpty cdr., Jilin-Heilongjiang Mil. Distr, 1945; cdr., 4th Div., 2nd Column, NE Field Army, 1947; cdr., 6th Div., 2nd Column, NE Field Army, 1948; dpty cdr., 47th Army, 1949; cdr., 47th Army, Chinese People's Volunteers in Korea, 1951-54; cdr., 13th Army, 1954-58; appointed ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., Fuzhou Mil. Reg, 1958-64; dpty dir., Operations Dpt, PLA General Staff, 1965-66; dpty dir., Logistics Dpt, PLA General Staff, 1966-75; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 - Aug 1973.

Zhang Tiejun fé &


* 1921 Xiyang County, Shanxi deceased 1990, Oct 10 Dir., Public Security Bureau, Jiamusi City Govt, 1946-47; dir., Public Security Bureau, Hejiang City, Laoxi (later Liaoning) Prov., 1950-66; mem., Stand. Comte and dpty sec-gen., Liaoning CP, Jul 1978 - Jun 1985; dir., Security Bureau, Liaoning PPG, Feb 1979; vice-gov., Liaoning PPG, Feb 1980 - Apr 1983; deputy for Liaoning to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th NPC, Mar 1988); vicechm, Liaoning PPC, Jul 1985 - death.

Zhang Tiesheng


* 1950 Xincheng County, Liaoning Attended middle school in home county; sent to manual work in Wanghai People's Commune, Xincheng County, Oct 1968; followed his mother to Date Mountain Production Brigade in White Pagoda People's Commune, Xincheng County, Oct 1969; passed the college entrance examination although he turned in a blank examination paper, Jul 1973; played up by the official Chinese press as a heroic act, aiming at the existing examination system considered as ridicule; started to study at Tieling Agricultural College in Liaoning, 1973; mem., youth del. to Japan, Jan 1974; deputy for Liaoning to 4th NPC, Jan 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; after downfall of the "Gang of Four" named a counterrevolutionary element, Jan 1977; publicly branded as a counterrevolutionary at demonstration in Shenyang, Mar 1977; sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment and deprived of political rights for three years, Mar 1983.

Zhang Tingfa

* 1917 Sha County, Fujian



Joined Red Army, 1933; took part in Long March, 193435; awarded order of "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; dpty cos, PLA Air Force, Oct 1956; maj-gen., May 1958; dpty cdr., PLA Air Force, Feb 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1973; again dpty cdr., PLA Air Force, Jul 1975; concurrently polit, commissar, PLA Air Force, Oct 1976; cdr., PLA Air Force, Apr 1977 - Jul 1985; 1st sec., CP Secretariat, PLA Air Force, Jun 1977; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985); mem., Politburo of 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to PB of 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985); deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; head, air force del. to Pakistan, Mar 1979; article in RMRB Mar 26, 1980; "Leading cadres must take the lead in correcting Party style"; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; mem., CCP del. to Ν Korea (head: Li Xiannian), Oct 1980; head, PLA Air Force del. to Algeria, Oct 1980; head, PLA Air Force del. to Thailand, Mar 1981; article in Fortnightly Conversation Aug 10, 1981, "Unite and look forward, devote ourselves wholeheartedly to the four modernizations"; head, mil. del. to Belgium, Oct 1982; pres., Spare-Time Univ for Cadres of Air Force Organs, Jan 1983; ehm, Air Force Academic Research Comte, May 1983; visted Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, Jul 1984; article in RMRB Apr 12, 1985; "Further strengthen and improve political work in the new period"; visited France and Great Britain, Jun 1985; resigned as mem. of CCP Politburo and Central Comte, Sep 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

Zhang Tixue

& &

interim in Congo Stanleyville, Jul 1961; presented his letter of accreditation to Gizenga, Aug 1961; returned to China after embassy has been closed down, Sep 1961; dpty dir., 1st Asian Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, May 1962 - Sep 1964; accompanied vice-min. of Foreign Affairs Huang Zhen to Burma, Indonesia and Ceylon, NovDec 1962; accompanied ehm of the Physical Culture and Sports Com, He Long, to Games of New Emerging Forces in Indonesia, Nov 1963; dir., 1st Asian Affairs Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Sep 1964 - Cult. Rev.; accompanied foreign min. Chen Yi to Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nepal, Mar 1965; accompanied pres. Liu Shaoqi to Pakistan, Afghanistan and Burma, Mar-Aug 1966; ambassador to Pakistan, Jun 1969 - Aug 1974; head of Chinese del. to the 2500th anniversary celebrations in Iran, Oct 1971; ambassador to Egypt, Sep 1974 - May 1977; ambassador to Federal Republic of Germany, Aug 1977 - Oct 1982; dir., Foreign Affairs Bureau, Min. of Natl Defense, Nov 1982-1985; adviser, Inst, of Federal German Studies, Dec 1985; last appearance, Dec 1985.

Zhang Tongyu fc ffi & Dpty dir., Jiujiang Mil. Control Com, May 1949; asst min. of Geology, Oct 1956 - Jan 1960; dir., General Office, min. of Geology, May 1959; deputy for Hebei to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first reappearance: dpty dir., State Bureau for Geology, SC, Jul 1977 - Oct 1979; vice-min. of Geology, Oct 1979May 1982; vice-min. of Geology and Minerals, May 1982 - Apr 1988; mem., Natl Comte, 6th CPPCC, byelected Mar 1986; disappeared, Apr 1988.


* 1915 Huanggang County, Hubei deceased 1973, Sep 3 Cdr. of a guerilla unit, E Hubei, 1938; cdr., 4th Mil. Subdistr, Hubei-Henan Mil. Distr, 1940; cdr., 14th Regiment, 5th Div., New 4th Army, 1941; cdr., Changjiang Mil. Distr and successively cdr., 3rd Mil. Distr, HenanHubei-Anhui Mil. Distr, 1945; cdr., E Hubei Mil. Distr, 1946; sec., Hubei Prov. CP, 1949; council mem., Hubei PPG, 1950-54; 1st dpty sec., Hubei CP, Mar 1954 - Jul 1956; vice-chm, Hubei PPG, Aug 1954 - Feb 1955; deputy for Hubei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd and 3rd NPCs, 1958 and 1964); vice-gov., Hubei, Feb 19551956; gov. of Hubei, 1956-68; sec., Hubei CP, Oct 19561965; polit, commissar, Hubei Mil. Distr., Jan 19631964; 1st polit, commissar, Hubei Mil. Distr, 1964-73; 2nd sec., Hubei CP, Jul 1965-1966; vice-chm, Hubei Rev Comte, Feb 1968-1973; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); sec., Hubei CP, Mar 1971 - death; polit, commissar, Wuhan Mil. Reg, Jan 1972 - death. Married to Lin Shaonan.

Zhang Tong

Zhang Wangwu


* 1919 Mil. attaché in India, Sep 1956-1960; chargé d'affaires ad

Zhang Wanfu


Π ψ


* 1924 Deputy for Shanxi to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Shanxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 Apr 1983; identified as worker of Datong Cowl Mining Admin., Mar 1985; disappeared, Mar 1987.

Zhang Wangwu

Hi -ψ

* 1906 Henan Once served as polit, commissar, 1st Mil. Subdistr, Henan-Hubei Mil. Distr and polit, commissar, E Hubei Mil.

Zhang Weijiong


Distr; later together with Zhang Tixue engaged in guerilla activities in mountainous border region between Henan and Hubei; sec., E Hubei Distr CP, 1945; dpty dir., Financial and Economic Dpt, Centra] Plains Distr, 1947; dpty sec-gen., Hubei PPG, Mar 1950; mem. and sec-gen., Financial and Economic Comte, Hubei PPG, Sep 1950; sec-gen., Hubei PPC, Feb 1955; vice-gov. of Hubei PPG, Feb 1950- Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Hubei CP, Sep 1966; branded as an anti-Party element and purged, Apr 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Hubei Rev Comte, Jan 1980 - Apr 1983; disappeared, Oct 1984.

Zhang Weijiong



* 1888 Xikang Mem., SW China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949Feb 1953; vice-chm, Xikang PPG, Mar 1950; mem., SW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; deputy for Xikang to 1st Ν PC, Aug 1954; vice-gov., Xikang PPG, Jan-Jul 1955; mem., Central Comte, KMT Rev Comte, Feb 1956 (reelected Dec 1958); vice-mayor, Chengdu MPG, May 1957-1964; deputy for Sichuan to 2nd NPC, Jul 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); vice-gov., Sichuan PPG, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., May 1968.

Zhang Weimin

& ^


Mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; vice-min. of Culture, Mar 1976; disappeared, Sep 1976. Remarks: Zhang probably led a PLA div. during the Korean War. He was purged after the fall of the "Gang of Four" and later sent to Liaoning Prov. and assigned to work at the grassroot level.

Zhang Weizhen



* in Hunan As a worker at Hunan No. 1 Textile Mill was engaged in revolutionary activities, 1922; as worker of Jardine Textile Mill in Shanghai organized strike in connection with "May 30th Movement", 1925; after having been imprisoned twice he was one of the organizers of the Japanese textile mill strikes, Shanghai, 1935; organized TU in native Hunan prov., 1937; mem., Executive Council, Fed of Labor, 1948; pres., NE Political Univ for Workers, 1949; delegate to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; council mem., NE People's Govt, Nov 1949 - Jan 1953; dir., Labor Dpt, NE People's

Govt, Sep 1952 - Sep 1954; mem., NE Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; mem., TU del. to USSR; mem., General Council, World Fed of TU, Oct 1953-63(7); deputy of Benxi City to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; head of TU del. to PR Mongolia, Apr 1955; sec., Executive Council, Fed of TU, Dec 1957 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Shanghai to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd NPC, 1964); disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1977; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; sec., Fed of TU, Apr 1978 - Oct 1978; adviser, Fed of TU, Feb 1979; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Sep 1982.

Zhang Wenbi

& X

Once served in 1st Front Army; during Long March stayed behind; joined his guerilla force with New 4th Army, 1938, and made cdr. of a detachment; dir., Polit. Dpt, E Zhejiang Column, New 4th Army, Jun 1945; polit, commissar of a regiment, 1st Div., New 4th Army, 1946; served in E China Field Army, 1947-48; served in 3rd Field Army, 1949; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty polit, commissar, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Dec 1955; polit, commissar, Unit 6408, Nanjing Mil. Reg, 1965; vice-chm, Anhui Prov. Rev Comte, Apr 1968; polit, commissar, Anhui Mil. Distr, Apr 1968-1970; cadre, Min. of Water and Electric Power, Jun 1970; min. of Water and Electric Power, Oct 1972 - Dec 1974; cdr., Zhejiang Mil. Distr, Oct 1975-1978; sec., Zhejiang CP, Oct 1975-1978; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; disappeared, May 1978.

Zhang Wenbin

& X &

Mem., Jilin Prov. People's Council, Feb 1955; dir., Xinjiang Oil Admin. Bureau, Min. of Petroleum Ind., Oct 1957; vice-min. of Petroleum Ind., Feb 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first reappearance: head, petroleum study group visiting Iran and dir., Petroleum Research and Exploitation Society, May 1972; vice-min. of Fuel and Chemical Industries, Oct 1973 - Sep 1975; vicemin. of Petroleum and Chemical Ind., Sep 1975-1978; head, petroleum del. to Norway, Sep 1975; vice-min. of Petroleum Ind., Mar 1978 - May 1982; gen-mgr., China Natl Petroleum Corp., Aug 1978-1982; adviser to Min. of Petroleum Ind., Sep 1983; last appearance, Sep 1983.


Zhang Wencai

Zhang Wenjin

^ Si f

* 1904 Hangzhou, Zhejiang Graduated from Horticulture Dpt, Nanjing Univ, 1927; received doctorate in horticulture from London Univ, 1937; subsequently worked as a researcher in orange experimental farm in California; worked successively as prof., Chengdu Univ, and dir., Jiangjin Orange Demostration Farm, 1939-48; prof., Wuhan Univ, 1950-52; dean of Gardening Faculty, Central China Agricultural Inst., 1952 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: cadre in a dpt of CCP Central Comte, Jan 1976; prof., Central China Agricultural Inst., Mar 1978; deputy for Hubei to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); vice-pres., Chinese Horticulture Society, Aug 1979; awarded 10,000 yuan for his contribution to China's orange production, Jan 1985; received by Hu Yaobang as an outstanding scientist, Feb 1985; vice-chm, Hubei Prov. Branch, CPPCC, May 1988; disappeared, May 1988. Publication: Practical Cultivation of Orange.

Zhang Wenguang

» i t


Mem., Stand. Comte, Hunan Prov. CP, Sep 1979 - Jan 1983; vice-gov., Hunan PPG, Dec 1979 - May 1983; sec-gen., Hunan PPG, Jun 1980; disappeared, May 1985. Remarks: Zhang was a well-known philatelist.

Zhang Wenhai


Zhang Welzin


Vice-mayor, Changchun MPG, Oct 1948; mayor, Changchun MPG, Aug 1950; sec., Changchun CP, 1956; mayor, Jilin City, May 1958; deputy for Jilin to 2nd NPC, Jul 1958; vice-gov., Jilin PPG, Jun 1959; sec., Jilin Prov. CP, 1960; branded as a "black commander" and purged, Mar 1967; disappeared, Mar 1967.

X "t

* 1914 Beijing deceased 1991, Feb 18 Studied at Beijing Yanjing (Yenching) Univ and at Sun Yat-sen Univ in Moscow; part-work and part-study program in Germany, 1927-31; graduation from SW Associated Univ in Dpt of Mechanical Engineering, 1943; served in 8th Route Army Office in Chongqing and as interpreter for Zhou Enlai with CCP del. in Nanjing, 1945-47; head, Compilation and Translation Div., External Affairs Group, CCP Central Comte, 1947-49; dir., Overseas Chinese Office, Tianjin MPG, 1952; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Geneva Indochina Conf., Apr 1954; accompanied Zhou Enlai to India and Burma, Jun 1954; dpty dir., Dpt of Asian Affairs, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Dec 1954 - Jul 1957; mem., govt del. to Pakistan, Mar 1956; dir., Dpt of Asian Affairs, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Jul 1957 - Dec 1958; dir., 1st Dpt. of Asian Affairs, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Dec 1958-1964; mem., govt del. to Burma, India, Nepal, Apr 1960; mem., del. to Sino-Indian border negotians, New Delhi, Aug-Oct 1960; mem., del. to SinoBurman border negotiations, Rangoon, Nov-Dec 1960; mem., govt del. to Indonesia and Burma, Apr 1963; mem., govt. del. to Burma, Feb 1964; mem., del. to the preparatory meeting of the 2nd Afro-Asian Solidarity Conf., Jakarta, Apr 1964; mem., govt del. to Burma, Dec 1964; mem., govt del. to celebrations of 10th anniversary of Bandung Conf., Apr 1965; mem., govt del. to Indonesia, Aug 1965; ambassador to Pakistan, Jul 1966-1967; mem., Chinese section at Sino-Soviet border negotiations in Beijing, Oct 1969; present at talks between Zhou Enlai and Henry Kissinger, Oct 1971; dir., Western Europe, America and Australian Dpt, Min. of Foerign Affairs, Dec 1971-1972; present during negotiations between Zhou Enlai and U.S. president Nixon, Feb 1972; asst min., Min. of Foreign Affairs, May 1972-1973; mem., del. to Vietnam Conf. in Paris, Feb 1973; ambassador to Canada, Sep 1973 - May 1976; mem., govt del. to UN Law of the Sea Conf., May 1977; vice-min. of Foreign Affairs, Jan 1978-1982; accompanied Deng Xiaoping to U.S.A., Jan 1979; head, del. to Intl Conf. on Indochina Refugees in Geneva, Jul 1979; accompanied Hua Guofeng to France, Federal Republic of Germany, Great Britain and Italy, Oct 1979; head, del. to Geneva Meeting of the Disarmament Com, Jan 1980; head, govt del. to Spain and Portugal, Feb 1980; accompanied Li Xiannian to Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand, Feb 1980; head, del. to 37th Session of UN Economic and Social Com for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Mar 1980; visits to U.S.A. and France, Mar 1980; head, govt del. to Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru,


Zhang Wenju

Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Apr 1981; head, del. to 36th UN General Assembly, Sep 1981; visited Malta, Oct 1981; visits to Australia and New Zealand, Mar 1982; head, govt del. to UN Conf. on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, Vienna, Aug 1982; ambassador to U.S.A., Feb 1983 - Mar 1985; confered a hon. degree, doctor of human letters by the Univ of Nebraska, U.S.A., Mar 1985; pres., Assn for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Feb 1986; head, friendship del. to Japan, Apr 1986; head, goodwill del. to Austria and Finland, May 1986; head, friendship del. to German Democratic Republic and Hungary, Nov 1986; visited Pakistan, Mar 1987; head, friendship del. to Federal Republic of Germany and Switzerland, Apr 1987; head, friendship del. to USSR, Nov 1987; head, friendship del. to Thailand, Jan 1988; deputy for Tianjin to 7th NPC and vice-chm of its Foreign Affairs Comte, Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1988; visited Australia, Jun 1988; head, friendship del. to Mongolia, Jul 1988; hon. pres., Assn of Returned Students from Germany, Aug 1988. Zhang was married to Zhang Y ing.

Zhang Wenju

& X

* 1933 Sanmenxi City, Henan Graduation from Geology Dpt, Nanjing Univ, 1953; worked in geological teams in NE China, 1953 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: engineer and dir., Geological Bureau, Jilin PPG, 1979-81; dir., Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Heilongjiang PPG, 1981-85; vicemin. of Geology and Mineral Resources, Nov 1985; visited German Democratic Republic, Sep 1987; head of a geological del. to Brazil, Nov 1992; disappeared, Nov 1992.

Zhang Wentian

& $

* 1900 Nanhui County, Shanghai


deceased 1976, Jul 1

Also known under his pen name Luo Fu. Born into a rich peasants's family. Graduated from Wusong Middle School, Shanghai, 1916; studied at Hehai School of Engineering, 1917-19; befriended with Shen Zemin (q.v.), the younger brother of Shen Yanbing (pen name: Mao Dun), 1918; worked with Shanghai Commercial Press, 1919-20; studied in Japan together with Shen Zemin, Nov 1920 May 1921; further studies at Univ. of California, U.S.A., 1921; editor, Zhonghua Book Co., Shanghai, 1922; taught in a normal school, Sichuan, 1923; joined Society for Literary Studies (led by Shen Yanbing) and began writing and also translating works of D'Annunzio, Oscar Wilde, Tolstoy and Turgenev, 1923; joined CCP, 1925; sent by CCP to USSR for study at Sun Yat-sen Univ, 1926; attended 6th CCP Congr in Moscow, Jun 1928; returned to China in the company of Comintern official Pavel Mif with group comprising among others Chen Shaoyu, Qin Bangxian, Shen Zemin, Wang Jiaxiang and Yang Shangkun who were to be known as "28 Bolsheviks", May 1930; dir., Peasants Dpt, CCP Central Comte and editorin-chief, CCP central organ Red Flag, 1930; CCP 6th Central Comte, elected at 4th Plenum, Jan 1931 (reelected to 7th CC, Apr 1945 and to 8th CC, Sep 1956); mem., Politburo, CCP 6th Central Comte, elected at 4th Plenum, Jan 1931 (reelected to Politburo, 7th CC, Jun 1945); dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, May 1931; dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1931; went to Ruijin, early 1933, and became sec., Secretariat, Jiangxi Soviet Distr and dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte; mem., Central Executive Comte, Chinese Soviet Republic and ehm of its People's Council, Jan 1934 - beginning of Long March, Oct 1934; sec-gen., CCP Central Comte, elected at Zunyi Conf., Jan 1935-1945; lecturer at Red Army Academy, Baoan, 1936; pres., Marx-Lenin Inst., 1940; mem., Stand. Comte, NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1945-50; Party sec. and polit, commissar, Hejiang Prov. (absorbed by Heilongjiang, 1949), 1945-46; vicechm, Financial and Economic Comte, NE Admin. Comte, 1949-50; Party sec., Liaodong Prov., 1949-50; mem., NE People's Govt, Aug 1949 - Nov 1952; ambassador to USSR, Apr 1951 - Jan 1955; vice-min., Min. of Foreign Affairs, Apr 1954 - Sep 1959; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Geneva Conf. on Indo-China, and then on visits to East Berlin, Warsaw, Moscow, Apr-Jul 1954; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959); council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1954; alt. mem., Politburo, CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956-Cult. Rev.; visited Pakistan and Indonesia, May-Jun 1957; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Ν Korea, Feb 1958; attended Conf. of Foreign Ministers of Warsaw Pact Countries, Warsaw, Apr 1959; accused of being a Rightist opportunist at Lushan session of 8th CCP Central Comte, supporting Peng Dehuai's criticism of the "Three Red Flags" policy, Aug 1959; dismissed from his posts as vice-min. of Foreign Affairs, Sep 1959; research fellow, Economic Inst., CAS, 1960; made public statements defending himself against the anti-Party charges,


1960; carried out research work in Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Hunan and, as a result, presented memorandum to Mao Zedong advocating a free market policy, 1962; during Cult. Rev. attacked as a follower of Peng Dehuai and as a Party "capitalist roader", Aug 1967. Zhang was married to Liu Ying (q.v.). Publications: Youthful Dream (novel); The Journey (novel); The Lomin Line in Jiangxi. Translations: The Rire, by Henry Bergson; The Ballad of Reading Gaol, by Oscar Wilde; The Waltz of the Dogs, by Leonid Andreyev; and other works of Tolstoy, Turgenev and D'Annunzion.

Zhang Wenyou



* 1909 deceased 1985, Feb 11 Deputy for Hebei to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first reappearance: dir., Inst, of Geology, CAS, Mar 1978; vice-chm, Structural Geological Comte under Society of Geology, Mar 1979; head, del. to 26th Intl Geology Congr, Paris, Jul 1980; mem., Presidium, CAS, May 1981. Remarks: In his research Zhang combined geomechanics with geological history in his approach to tectonic research. His new fault-block theory supplemented the theories pf geomechanics, geosyncline, platform and plate.

Zhang Wenyu

& X.


Zhang Xi

bao (Science Bulletin), a CAS publication, Jul 1959; vicechm, Editorial Board of Zhongguo Kexue (Scientia Sinica), 1961; present at Zhou Enlai's reception for AmericanChinese Nobel Prize winner Yang Zhenning, Aug 1972; mem., del. of scientists to Great Britain, Oct 1972; council mem., Chinese Physics Society, May 1973; head, physicists' del. to U.S.A., May 1973; deputy for Shanghai to 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Feb 1978); mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978; to 6th, Jun 1983); dir., Inst, of High Energy Physics, CAS, Jul 1977-1983; visited Japan, Jul 1977; joined CCP, Aug 1978; Chinese ehm, PRC-U.S.A. Joint Comte of Hight Energy Physics, Jun 1979; vicepres., China Nuclear Society, Feb 1980; mem., Award Comte for Natural Science, State Scientific and Technological Com, May 1980; head, del. to 2nd Meeting, China-U.S. Joint Comte of Hight Energy Physics, Washington, Jul 1980; mem., Presidium, CAS, May 1981; pres., China High Energy Physics Society, Jul 1981; deputy for Anhui to 6th NPC, May 1983; don. dir., Inst, of Hight Energy Physics, CAS, May 1983; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1986; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1987; disappeared, Mar 1987. Zhang was married to Wang Chengshu.

Zhang Wenzhi

& X

Deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Oct 1958 and to 3rd, Oct 1964); ehm, Shipbuilding Society, Nov 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first reappearance, Oct 1973; deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dpty dir., Beijing Iron and Steel Inst., Oct 1978; vice-pres., Metallurgical Society, Jan 1979; disappeared, Mar 1979.

Zhang Wenzhou

* 1909 Graduated from Yanjing Univ, 1931; went to further studies to Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, England, 1934; received Ph.D. in physics from Cambridge Univ, 1938; subsequently returned to China; went to U.S.A. to teach high energy physics at Princeton Univ, 1943 (here the later Nobel Prize winner Yang Zhenning was among his students); studied the correlation between subatomic particles, the muon and the nucleón and discovered the existence of the mu-mesonic atom, 1948-49; returned to China together with his wife Wang Chengshu, 1956; mem., Stand. Comte, Dpt. of Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry, CAS, May 1957; worked at the Joint Nuclear Research Inst, of the Socialist Countries at Dubna primarely in the field of neutron physics including experiments with the then newly developed electrostatic generator, 1957-60; deputy for Liaoning to 2nd NPC, Dec 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); vice-chm, Editorial Board of Kexue Tong-

* 1911 deceased 1986, Jan 2 cos, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951-53; dpty cdr., PLA Armored Forces, Oct 1965; mem., del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first reappearance: again dpty cdr., PLA Armored Forces, Nov 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983; disappeared, Jun 1983.

Zhang Xi


* 1912 Pingxiang County, Hebei deceased 1959, Jan 8 Attended 4th Normal at Xiangtai and joined CYL, 1931; imprisoned for Communist activities, 1932-36; joined CCP while in prison, 1934; during Sino-Japanese War, 1937-45, served successively as sec., Hebei-ShandongHenan Border Reg CP; sec., Tainan Distr CP; sec., W Henan Distr CP; polit, commissar, W Henan Mil. Distr; sec., Henan Prov. CP, 1949-52; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, and mem., Central-S Bureau CCP Central Comte, Dec 1949 - Nov 1952; mem., Henan PPG, Jul 1950; Finance and Economic Comte, Henan

Zhang Xiang


PPG, Dec 1950 - Nov 1952; polit, commissar, Henan Mil. Distr, Aug-Nov 1952; mem., State Planning Com, G AC, Nov 1952 - Oct 1954; vice-min., State Planning Com, SC, Oct 1954 - death; CCP delegate to 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954; mem., Central Comte, Jiusan Society, Feb 1956 - Dec 1958; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 - death; dpty dir., Inst, on Oceanic Living Creatures, CAS, Oct 1957; mem., Scientific Work Comte, Shandong PPG, Dec 1957; deputy for Shandong to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958; pres., Oceanography Society, Dec 1958; died of cancer, Jan 8, 1959.

sec-gen. of this com, 1957-64; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., Bureau of Agriculture and Livestock Breeding, People's Govt, Tibet AR, 1974-76; dpty sec., CCP of Tibet AR, Jun 1981 - Mar 1983; ehm, Discipline Inspection Com, CCP of Tibet AR, Dec 1983 - Nov 1985; vice-chm, Advisory Com, CCP of Tibet AR, Jun 1984 - Nov 1985; ehm, Advisory Com, CCP of Tibet AR, Nov 1985; disappeared, Jul 1989.

Zhang Xiangtong (H.T. Chang) Zhang Xiang



* 1919 Dawu County, Hubei Served successsively as head of a sanatorium and dpty dir. of a hospital under New 4th Army, 1939-46; dir., 1st Field Hospital, E China Field Army, 1946-47; dpty head, Health Div., E China Mil. Reg, 1950-58; graduation from PLA Logistics Academy, 1960; served successively as head, Health Div. and dpty dir., Logistics Dpt, Nanjing Mil. Reg, 1961-68; dpty dir., Public Health Dpt, PLA General Logistics Dpt, Jul 1976; head, medical officers del. to Peru, Jul 1976; dir., Public Health Dpt, PLA General Logistics Dpt, Oct 1981; head, medical officers del. to U.S.A., Oct 1981; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982- Nov 1987; dpty dir., PLA General Logistics Dpt, Jan 1983-1985; mem., Central Patriotic Public Health Campaign Comte, Oct 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th CPPCC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Jan 1991.

* 1903 (1907?) Received Ph.D. from Yale Univ, U.S.A., 1946; deputy for Hebei to 2nd NPC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 3rd NPC, 1964); physiologist in Biology Dpt, CAS, Mar 1961; research scientist in Inst, of Physiology, CAS, Feb 1965; attended medical conf. in Cuba, Feb 1965; lectured in FR Germany, Switzerland, France, Japan, Sweden (1974-80); deputy for Shanghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th NPC, 1983); dir., Brain Research Laboratory of Shanghai Inst, of Physiology, CAS, 1978-85(7); won the "Threshold" Prize for 1980 for his contributions to the study of analgesic principles of acupuncture, sharing 50,000 US$ with two other prize-winners, Jun 1980; invited to become a Fogarty Intl Scholar, at Fogarty Intl Center, Dpt of Health, Education and Welfare of U.S.A., Aug 1980; hon. dir., Brain Research Laboratory, Shanghai Inst, of Physiology, CAS, Jun 1985.

Zhang Xianyang Zhang Xiangming

* 1919 Nanxiong County, Guangdong Studied at Ν Shaanxi College, 1938; served in CounterEspionage Dpt, New 4th Army, 1941-45; served in Security Dpt, Henan-Anhui-Jiangsu Border Area, 1946-49; entered Tibet with PLA forces, 1950; dpty dir., Social Affairs Dpt, CCP Tibet Working Com, 1951-53; dpty


* 1916 Service in 4th Red Front Army, 1935; body guard of Zhu De (q.v.), 1935-38; cdr. of a company, 1940; studied at Yan'an Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1942; service in Hebei-Shandong-Henan area, 1943; cdr., 45th regiment, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1946; dpty cdr., 20th Brigade, 7th Column, Shanxi-Shandong-Henan Mil. Reg, 1947; dpty cdr., 29th Div., 10th Army in 3rd Army Corps of 2nd Field Army, 1949; cdr. of a div. under 15th Army, 1953; dpty cdr., 15th Army, 1960; dpty cdr., Wuhan Mil. Reg, 1973; dpty cdr., Fuzhou Mil. Reg, 197682(7); disappeared, Jul 1982.


Zhang Xijun

Zhang Xianyue fé. 'jf-

Comte for Implementation of Marriage Law, Beijing MPG, Mar 1953; mem., del. to World Women's Congr, Copenhagen, Apr 1953; deputy for Beijing to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Aug 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Executive Comte, Women's Fed (successor of DWF), Sep 1957; ehm, Beijing Branch, Women's Fed, 1957; council mem., China-Africa People's Friendship Assn, Apr 1960; disappeared, Mar 1966. Zhang was married to Xu Bing.

* 1911 Jinzhai County, Anhui Cdr. of a brigade in 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; cadre in Logistics Dpt, NW Field Army, 1949; dir., Logistics Dpt, Lanzhou Mil. Reg, Feb 1955; appointed ltngen. and conferred order of "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; dpty dir., PLA Logistics Dpt, May 1964-1980; head, del. of war veterans to Yugoslavia, Oct 1978; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, 6th NPC.

Zhang Xiaoqian

Zhang Xiaodong Vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, Feb 1955 - Dec 1958; dir., Rural Work Comte, Shanxi CP, Nov 1959; vice-gov., Qinghai PPG, Dec 1963 - Cult. Rev.; stripped of office when rebels seized power in Qinghai, Jan 1967; last appearance, Jan 1967.

Zhang Xiaolou

* 1914 deceased 1990, Sep 14 Dir., Beijing Ophtalmological Inst, and dpty dir., Tongren Hospital in Beijing, May 1981; awarded a gold medal for his outstanding merits in ophtalmological research by the Intl Org. Against Trachoma (IOAT), May 1981. Remarks: Together with prof. Tang Feifan, Zhang in 1954 succeeded in isolating and cultivating Chlamydozoa Trachomatics for the first time in the world.

Zhang Xiaomei (f)

& ft fa

* 1901 Lingxiang, Hebei Representative, Fed of TU, during Sino-Japanese War; mem., Executive Comte, Democratic Women's Fed (DWF), Apr 1949- Sep 1957; mem., Beijing MPG, Feb 1951; ehm, Beijing Branch, DWF, Feb 1951; vice-chm,

* 1897 Hunan deceased 1987, Aug 3 Studied at Xiangya Medical College; studied at John Hopkins Univ, U.S.A., 1926-27; worked at Stanford Univ, U.S.A., 1933-34, where he discovered the correct relationship between blood volume and the concentration of plasma protein; associate prof., Union Medical College, 1935-36; dean, Xiangya Medical College, 1937-48; prof, at Beijing Union Medical College, 1949; prof, of Internal Medicine Dpt, China Medical Univ, Dec 1953; mem., CAS, Dpt of Biology, Geography and Geology, May 1955 - Cult. Rev.; mem., scientific del. to USSR, Nov 1957; mem., Scientific and Technological Assn, Sep 1958 -Cult. Rev.; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (confirmed by 4th and 5th in 1964 and 1978); dir., Internal Medicine Dpt, Inst, of Medicine, Apr 1960 Cult. Rev.; vice-pres., China Medical Univ, Apr 1962 Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; reappeared after Cult. Rev., May 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (confirmed by 6th in 1983); hon. pres., Internal Medicine Society, Dec 1980; vice-pres., Academy of Medical Sciences, Dec 1980; mem., Scientific Council, CAS, Sep 1981; editor-in-chief, Chinese Internal Medicine Journal, Aug 1982.

Zhang Xijun * 1899 deceased 1988, Mar 20 Received medical degree from Chicago Univ, 1926; physiological research work in Switzerland and Great Britain, 1932-33; returned to China, 1934; joined Beijing's Union Medical College, 1935; received attention from the world's top physiologists for his research on the pituitary gland, 1937; prof, at Medical Science Univ, 1959; mem., medical del. to Great Britain, Dec 1960; prof. Academy of Medical Sceinces, 1982; mem., Dpt of Biology, CAS, Jun 1985.

Zhang Xintai

Zhang Xintai



* 1937 Li County, Hebei Jopined CCP, 1956; graduation from Tangshan Railway Inst., 1959; lecturer at this inst., 1959-63; served successively as technician and dpty dir. of Bridge Engineering Bureau under Min. of Railways, 1977-80; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; vice-min. of Railways, May 1983; dismissed as vice-min. and expelled from CCP for taking bribes, Apr 1990; disappeared, Apr 1990.

Zhang Xiqin * 1916 Dpty cdr., 2nd Subdistr, NW Shanxi Mil. Distr, 1937; dir. Office, cos, 1st Workers Armed Self-Defense Brigade, 2nd War Zone; mem., Shanxi-Suiyuan Bureau, CCP Central Comte, and dir., Admin. Office, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, 1945; cos, 2nd Column, 2nd Army, 1st Army Group, 1st Field Army, 1947; cos, 2nd Army, 1st Army Group, 1st Field Army, 1949; cos, Xinjiang Mil. Reg and concurrently cdr., Ürümqi Garrison, Dec 1949; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Nov 1955 - Cult. Rev.; dpty cdr., Nanjing Mil. Reg, Oct 1975-1982; head, PLA del. to Romania, Sep 1976; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; disappeared, Aug 1982.

Zhang Xiruo

science at Beijing College of Law and Politics and Beijing Univ, taught as prof, of Natl Central Univ in Nanjing, 1921-24; rejoined KMT, 1924; dir., Dpt of Higher Education, Min. of Education, 1927-28; dir., Dpt of Polit. Science, Qinghua Univ, 1929; after outbreak of SinoJapanese War, evacuated with Qinghua Univ to Kunming to become dir., Polit. Science Dpt, Natl SW Associated Univ, 1938-45; mem., 3rd and 4th Nationalist-sponsored People's Political Councils, 1942^7; attacked KMT and contacted CCP, 1944; resumed teaching at Qinghua Univ, autumn 1945; delegate to Communist World Peace Congr, Prague, Apr 1949; vice-chm, Comte for Higher Education, Ν China People's Govt, May 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954, to 3rd, Apr 1959 and to 4th, Jan 1965); council mem., Central People's Govt, Oct 1949-1954; vice-chm, Polit, and Legal Comte, G AC, Oct 1949-1954; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949-1960(7); dir., Chinese People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Dec 1949 -death; min. of Education, Nov 1952 - Feb 1958; deputy for Beijing to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1954 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954 -Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Central Comte for Popularizing Standard Spoken Chinese, Feb 1956; vice-pres., Assn for Elimination of Illiteracy, Mar 1956; min., Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, SC, Feb 1958 -Cult. Rev.; suffered no setback during Cult. Rev. Zhang was married to Yang Jingren.

Zhang Xiting (f)

Zhang Xiuchuan

* 1889 Chaoyi County, Shaanxi deceased 1973, Jul 18 Studied English in spare-time class, China Public School, Shanghai, 1908-09; joined Sun Yat-sen's Tongmenhui, 1909-12; went to U.S.A. to further his studies at Columbia Univ, 1913; after graduation did graduate work at Columbia Univ and the London School of Economics where he studied under Harold Laski, a famed British left-wing intellectual; he also attended universities in Paris and Berlin; returned to China around 1920; taught polit.

& Φ

Sec., Yibin City CP, Sichuan, 1960-66; accused by Control Comte of Sichuan CP of disciplinary offences, 1966; reinstated in Yibin by decision of CCP Central Comte, Apr 1967; mem., Preparatory Group for Sichuan Rev Comte, May 1967; vice-chm, Sichuan Rev Comte, May 1968; alt. mem., 9th CCP Central Comte, Apr 1969; disappeared, May 1970; imprisoned as a follower of the "Gang of Four", Jul 1978.

& %

* 1915(?) Served in 2nd Div., 1st Red Front Army, 1934; dir., Polit. Dpt, 685th Regiment, 343rd Brigade, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; polit, commissar, 16th Regiment, 1st Instruction Brigade, Hebei-Shandong-Henan Border Reg, Sep 1942; dir., Polit. Dpt, Liaonan Mil. Distr, 1945; dir., Polit. Dpt, 5th Column, NE Field Army, 1947; dpty polit. commissar, 42nd Army, 4th Field Army, 1949; transferred to PLA Navy, 1950; made rear admiral, Sep 1955; cdr., Lüshun Naval Base, 1956; dpty polit, commissar, Ν China Sea Fleet, PLA Navy, 1958; dir., Polit. Dpt, PLA Navy, Dec 1964; mem., PLA Cultural Revolution Group, Aug 1967; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; disappeared, May 1971.


Zhang Xiufu

% A

* 1934 Haiyang County, Shandong Dir., Org. Dpt and successively dpty sec., Xianju County CP, 1970-78; dpty dir., Public Security Bureau, Zhejiang Prov. Govt, 1978-83; mem., Stand. Comte, Zhejiang CP, Mar 1983-1985; dir., Public Security Dpt, Zhejiang Govt, Sep 1983 - Dec 1985; polit, commissar, Chinese People's Armed Police Force, Dec 1985 - Feb 1990; appointed maj-gen., Jan 1989.

Zhang Xiulong


* 1919(?) Joined 2nd Front Army, 1934; the battalion in which he served had only 3 guns, the rest being equipped with spears; wounded in action, 1937(7); later served in a guerilla unit; dpty cdr., Central Plains Mil. Distr, 1946; cdr., 9th Div., E China Field Army, 1947; shortly afterwards this unit was reorganized into the 66th Div., 3rd Field Army; appointed maj-gen., Sep 1955; training at mil. college, 1959; dpty cdr., Zhejiang Mil. Distr, Oct 1963; cdr., Zhejiang Mil. Distr, Dec 1965; purged for anti-Mao activities, Jul 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jan 1974; cdr., Hubei Mil. Distr, Apr 1976-1980; mem., Stand. Comte, Hubei Prov. CP, Aug 1977; vice-chm, Hubei Rev Comte, Jan 1978 - Dec 1979; deputy for Hubei to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dpty cdr., Wuhan Mil. Reg, Sep 1978-1980; vice-chm, Hubei PPC, Jan 1980 - May 1986; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983 (confirmed by 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983.

Zhang Xiushan


* Hengshan City, Shaanxi Studied at Party School, Yan'an, 1938; dpty polit, commissar, NE Mil. Reg, 1949; mem., NE People's Govt and ehm of its People's Supervision Comte, 1950-52; dir., Org. Dpt, NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1950-53; mem., NE Admin. Comte and ehm of its People's Supervision Comte, 1952-54; 2nd sec., NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1952-54; purged in connection with the Gao Gang affair, 1954; first reappearanece: vice-min., State Agricultural Com, Jun 1981 - May 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); mem., Central Com for Guiding Party Consolidation, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1983; disappeared, Nov 1987.

Zhang Xudeng

Zhang Xiushu

% ßt

* 1903(?) Sichuan Studied at Chengdu Higher School, 1918; engaged in Communist activities after "May 4th Movement", 1919; worked in educational field; mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, 1950; council mem., W Sichuan Admin. Office, 1950; mem., Land Reform Comte, W Sichuan Admin. Office, Jun 1951; dpty dir., Cultural and Educational Office, Sichuan PPG, Aug 1952; council mem., Sichuan PPG, Nov 1952; deputy for Sichuan for 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jul 1958, and to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Sichuan PPC, Jan 1955; vice-gov., Sichuan PPG, 1956 - Cult. Rev.; vicechm, Sichuan Assn for Illiteracy Elimination, May 1958; ehm, Sichuan Branch, People's Comte for World Peace, May 1960; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first reappearance: mem., Presidium, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; vice-chm, Sichuan Branch, CPPCC, Aug 1978; deputy for Sichuan to 5th NPC, Mar 1978; vice-chm, Sichuan PPC, Dec 1979 - May 1985; hon. pres., Society for the Study of the Tang Dynasty Poet Du Fu, Jim 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, Advisory Comte, Sichuan CP, Feb 1983; disappeared, May 1985.

Zhang Xiuzhu



Chm, Harbin Fed of TU, Nov 1949; dpty dir., Dpt of Cultural and Educational Affairs, All-China Fed of Trade Unions (ACFTU), Apr 1952; mem., Executive Comte, ACFTU, May 1953; sec., Secretariat, ACFTU, May 1953 - Dec 1962; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 3rd, Apr 1959, and to 4th, Dec 1964); mem., TU del. to Yugoslavia, Sep 1955; mem., People's Comte for Protection of Children, 1955-56; head, TU del. to German Democratic Republic, Apr 1957; head, TU del. to France, Jun 1957; head, TU del. to Poland, Apr 1958; mem., TU del. to USSR, Mar 1959; mem., Com of Physical Culture and Sports, SC, Sep 1959; mem., Sparetime Education Comte, SC, Feb 1960; mem., Natl Comte, Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Aug 1960; head, TU del. to Indonesia, Aug 1960; head, TU del. to USSR, Apr 1961; dpty dir., Office of Agriculture and Forestry, SC, Nov 1962; branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, 1967; first reappearance, Apr 1972; sec., ACFTU, Apr 1978; vice-min. of Stand. Farms and Land Reclamations, Jan 1980; disappeared, Sep 1980.

Zhang Xudeng


* 1925 Rongcheng County, Shandong Joined 8th Route Army, 1942; served successively in Jiadong Mil. Distr, NE Democratic United Army and NE Field Army, 1945-51; dpty cdr. of a PLA div., 1952-59; graduation from PLA Mil. Academy, 1963; rose from div. to army cdr., 1965-79; cdr., Guangxi Mil. Distr, Jun 1980- Oct 1982; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982- Nov 1987; dpty cdr., Guangzhou Mil. Reg,

Zhang Xuesi


Nov 1982 - Jun 1985; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Dec 1984; sec., Discipline Inspection Com, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Apr 1986; mem., Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; made ltn-gen., Sep 1988; disappeared, Sep 1988.

Zhang Xuesi

ψ &

* 1914 Haicheng County, Liaoning

deceased 1970, May 29 Born as 4th son of late Manchurian warlord Zhang Zuolin, and younger half-brother of general Zhang Xueliang; graduated from 10th (Infantry) class, Central Mil. Academy, Jan 1937; after Xi'an Incident (Dec 1936) visited Zhang Xueliang, then under house arrest ordered by Chiang Kai-shek; went over to the Communists, 1939; cdr., 13th Mil. Subdistr, Chahar-Hebei Mil. Distr, 1942(7); set up 7th Branch of Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy in Zhangjiakou and recruited youths from Manchuria and Beijing-Tianjin area to organize them into NE Column under his command, 1944; cdr., Hebei-Rehe(Jehol)-Liaoning-Bingxi Mil. Subdistr, 1945; led his troops back to Manchuria after end of Sina-Japanese War, autumn 1945; Communist gov. of Liaoning and concurrently cdr., Liaoning Mil. Distr, Nov 1945; when Nationalist forces recovered Shenyang (Mukden), withdrew to Jiamusi, Heilongjiang and made vice-pres., Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1946; vice-chm, NE Admin. Comte and concurrently gov. of Liaodong, 1948; council mem., NE People's Govt, Aug 1949 - Jan 1953; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949-1954; commandant, PLA Navy Academy, Apr 1950; concurrently cdr., NE River Fleet, Apr 1952; mem., NE Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; deputy for Liaoning to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 - Mar 1959; made rear admiral, Sep 1955; dpty dir., Logistics Dpt, PLA Navy, Sep 1955; mem., mil. goodwill del. led by Peng Dehuai to Eastern Europe and Mongolian PR, Apr-Jun 1959; cos, PLA Navy, Sep 1966; purged soon later and whereabouts unknown; officially rehabilitated, Dec 1978.

Admin. Office, Feb 1951; mem., CCP S Jiangsu Distr Comte, Feb 1951; mem., Land Reform Comte, E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Aug 1954; sec-gen., E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1954; dpty sec-gen., Journalists' Assn, 1955-56; dpty head, Premier's Office, SC, Apr 1955 - Apr 1958; mem., China Asian Solidarity Comte, Mar 1956; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Ν Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Burma, Pakistan, Nepal, Afghanistan, USSR, Poland and Hungary, Dec 1956 - Feb 1957; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Ν Korea, Feb 1958; dpty dir., Office of Foreign Affairs, SC, Mar 1958 - May 1967; mem., China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, May 1958 May 1967; mem., Stand. Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Jul 1958 - May 1967; dpty sec-gen., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, May 1959; dpty dir., Staff Office for Foreign Affairs, SC, Mar 1960- Cult. Rev.; council mem., China-Africa People's Friendship Assn, Apr 1960; accompanied Zhou Enlai to Burma, India, Nepal and Cambodia, Apr-May 1960; accompanied foreign min. Chen Yi to Laos Conference, Geneva, May-Jul 1961; council mem., China-Africa Friendship Assn, Apr 1963; deputy for Shandong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; accompanied Zhou Enlai to 2nd Afro-Asian Conf., Algiers, Jun 1965; vice-pres., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Apr 1966 - Cult. Rev.; head, Cult. Rev. Work Team, Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, SC, May-Jul 1966; dir., Foreign Affairs Polit. Dpt, CCP Central Comte, May 1967; branded as an anti-Party element, adventurist and political pickpocket, May 1967; disappeared, May 1967.

Zhang Yan Govt cadre, Sep 1974; dpty head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Nov 1976; vice-min., State Planning Com, Apr 1978-1979; adviser, educational del. to Japan and Canada, Oct 1978; disappeared, Jan 1979; reappearance: pres., Science and Technology Univ for Natl Defense, Sep 1983; last appearance, Sep 1983.

Zhang Xuexuan

Zhang Yancheng

* Liaoning Commissioner, Office of Donghua Special Com, 1950; council mem., Liaodong PPG, May 1950- Jun 1954; vice-chm, Liaodong, Jun 1952 - Jun 1954; vice-chm, Liaoning Prov., Aug 1954- Feb 1955; vice-chm, Liaoning Branch, CPPCC, Mar 1955; dir., United Front Work Dpt, Liaoning CP, Oct 1955 - May 1957; vice-gov. of Liaoning PPG, 1956- Dec 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Liaoning CP, Jul 1958; disappeared 1959.

Alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; vice-chm, Shandong TU, Jul 1973; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; deputy for Shandong(?) to 4th NPC and mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; disappeared, Oct 1976.

Zhang Yan


Sec., CCP Songjiang Distr Comte, 1950; mem., Land Reform Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950- Jan 1953; mem., Land Reform Comte, S Jiangsu

Zhang Yaoci



Mem., Presidium, 9th CCP Congr, Apr 1969; during the mourning ceremonies for Mao Zedong mentioned as heading the team of doctors who had treated Mao, Sep 1976; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; accompanied Hua Guofeng to Ν Korea, May 1978; dpty dir., General Office, CCP Central Comte, May 1978; accompanied Hua Guofeng to Romania, Yugoslavia and Iran, Aug 1978; disappeared, Dec 1978.


Zhang Yaohua



* 1930 Until 1982 served successively as dpty dir., Textile Ind. Dpt, Jiangsu PPG and as dpty gen-dir., HQ for making preparations to build the Yizheng Chemical Fiber Ind. Co.; mayor, Nanjing MPG, Apr 1983 - Feb 1989; visited the Netherlands when Nanjing and Eindhoven became sister cities, Oct 1985; deputy for Jiangsu to 7th NPC, Mar 1988 (reelected to 8th, Mar 1993); vice-chm, Jiangsu PPC, Apr 1989 - Apr 1993; sec., Nanjing CP, Apr 1989; disappeared, Apr 1993.

Zhang Yibai

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deceased 1983 Participated in Northern Expedition during which he was wounded seriously, 1926; imprisoned by KMT Govt for Communist activities, 1931-37; went to Communist areas in Ν China, 1937; dpty dir., Civil Affairs Dpt, ShaanxiGansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt, 1938; dpty dir., Personnel Bureau, Financial and Economic Comte, GAC, Nov 1949-1950; dpty dir., 3rd Bureau, Min. of Personnel, Nov 1950- Oct 1954; dir., State Personnel Bureau, SC, Oct 1954 - Mar 1959; vice-min. of Internal Affairs, Sep 1959 - Jun 1964; vice-mayor, Jinan MPG, Aug 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first reappearance: dpty sec-gen., 5th CPPCC, May 1979 - Jul 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983.

Zhang Yingcai

& &


* 1924 Wanzhuang County, Shanxi Joined Red Army, 1939; political constructor of a company, 1945; cdr. of a battalion, 1947; chief of staff of a regiment, 2nd Field Army, 1949; named "National combat hero" during Korean War, 1950; cdr. of a regiment, 1951; chief of staff of a div. under SW Mil. Reg, 1954; deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; dpty cdr., 39th Div., 13th Army Corps, 1961; cdr., 39th Div., 1966; dpty cdr., 13th Army Corps, 1968; alt. mem., 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); dpty cdr. of a PLA unit, Chengdu Mil. Reg, May 1976; disappeared, May 1976.

Zhang Yixiang

Zhang Youjun

Leader of a squad, 3rd Red Army Corps, 1929; cdr. of a battalion, 3rd Red Army Corps, 1932; during Long March engaged in guerilla activities in Fujian Prov., 1934-35; cdr., of a battalion, New 4th Army, 1937; cdr. of a brigade, New 4th Army, 1944; dpty cdr., 20th Army, 1949; cdr., 20th Army, 1950; dpty cdr., 9th Army Corps, Chinese People's Volunteers in Korea, 1950-54; training at Nanjing PLA Mil. Academy, 1955; appointed ltn-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., Nanjing Mil. Reg, Jul 1957-1958; dpty cdr., Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Jun 1958-1964; dpty dir., Training Dpt, PLA General Staff, Aug 1964-1968; cdr., PLA Railway Corps, Jun 1968-1975(7); mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973).

Zhang Yongli



Joined CCP at young age; dir., Salt Admin. Bureau, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg, 1946-49; dpty dir., Finance Dpt, Guangdong PPG, 1950; vice-chm, Guangzhou MPG Comte for Controlling and Freezing American Properties, 1950; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte and concurrently vicechm of its S China Branch, 1950; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, Central-S Admin. Comte, and concurrently vice-chm of its S China Branch, Jan 1953 - Nov 1954; S China commissioner, Min. of Foreign Trade, 1953; council mem., Guangdong PPG, Aug 1954 - Feb 1955; deputy for Guangdong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 - Apr 1959; mem., Guangdong PPC, Feb 1955-1957; vice-min. of Urban Services, Mar 1957 - Feb 1958; the Min. of Urban Services is reorganized to form the 2nd Min. of Commerce with Zhang continuing as vice-min., Feb 1958; the 2nd Min. of Commerce is merged with the 1st Min. of Commerce forming the Min. of Commerce with Zhang remaining vice-min., Sep 1958 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first reappearance, Jun 1975; vice-min. of Commerce, Jul 1975-1980; disappeared, May 1980.

Zhang Youjun

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* 1913 Liuyang County, Hunan

deceased 1990, Apr 5

* 1939 Zhongshan, Guangxi Zhang belonged to the Yao minority. Graduation from History Dpt, Guangxi Nationalities Inst., 1963; worked in Annals Library, Guangxi AR, 1963-70; teacher in middle school, 1970-78; served successively as prof, and dir. of Guangxi Nationalities Inst., 1978-87; deputy for Guangxi


Zhang Youxuan

AR to 7th Ν PC, Mar 1988; mem., Nationalities Comte, Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Mar 1992. Publication: Collection of Research Papers on the Religion of the Yao People.

Zhang Youxuan

A. $

Lectured in mechanical engineering, before 1949; dir., Bureau of Machinery Admin., Ind. Dpt, NE People's Govt, Jun 1952; mem., State Planning Com, SC, Oct 1954 - Apr 1957; vice-min., Technology Com, SC, Jan 1957 - Nov 1958; vice-min., Scientific and Technological Com, SC, Nov 1958 - Jan 1967; visited USSR, Aug 1959; adviser to del. attending 6th Conf. of World Fed of Scientific Workers, Warsaw, Sep 1959; mem., cultural del. to Japan, Nov 1961; branded as a capitalist-roader and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: attended mourning ceremonies for Zhou Enlai, Jan 1976; vice-min., 6th Min. of Machine Building, Sep 1978 - May 1982; pres., Society of Shipbuilding Engineers and genmgr., Chinese Shipbuilding Corp., Nov 1978 - Jun 1982; head, shipbuilding study group to Japan, Nov 1978; vicepres., Board of Directors, State Shipbuilding Corp., Jun 1982; disappeared, Jun 1982.

Zhang Youyu

losophy and Social Sciences, CAS, Dec 1960; mem., CAS del. to USSR, Jun 1961; visited Indonesia and Burma, Aug 1961; head, del. to 2nd Afro-Asian Conf. in Guinea, Oct 1962; head, scientific del. to Japan, Nov 1963; mem., Standing Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; head, friendship del. to North Vietnam, Sep 1965; branded a capitalist revisionist and purged, Jan 1967; by-elected mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Jun 1979 - Jun 1983; vice-pres., CASS, 1980-83; vice-chm, Legal Com., 5th NPC, Apr 1980; vice-chm, Chinese Written Language Reform Comte, May 1980; pres., Society of Polit. Science, Dec 1980 - death; vice-pres., Law Society, Jul 1982-1983; deputy for Beijing to 6th NPC, May 1983-1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC and mem. of its Law Comte, Jun 1983 - Apr 1988; pres., Law Society, Nov 1983 -Aug 1985; hon. pres., Law Society, Aug 1985 - death; pres., Taofeng Foundation, Jun 1987; hon. pres., Procuratorate Society, Mar 1988; adviser, Law Comte, 7th NPC, Jul 1988 - death. Zhang was married to Han Youtong.

Zhang Yuanpei

* 1913 deceased 1981, Oct 15 Mem., with rank of rear admiral, mil. goodwill del. to United Arab Republic, Sep 1960; officer with Qingdao Garrison units, 1964; mil. cadre in SC, May 1969; dpty dir., PLA Logistics Dpt, Dec 1975-1980(7); deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978.

Zhang Yue

* 1887 Lingshi, Shanxi deceased 1992, Feb 26 After graduation from Beijing Univ of Polit. Science and Law worked as journalist for Shanghai Zhongmei; later studied at Tokyo Inst, of Polit. Science and Law; prof., Law Inst, of Beijing Univ, 1931; later editor-in-chief of Beijing World News; mgr. of XNA (CCP paper in Chongqing), 1945; dpty sec., Sichuan CP, 1945; adviser to CCP del. at Nationalist Govt's Polit. Consultative Conf., 1946; vice-chm, Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Border Reg. Govt, 1947; vice-mayor of Tianjin MPG, Jan 1949 - Sep 1949; mem., 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; vice-mayor, Beijing MPG, Nov 1949 - Aug 1958; mem., North China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; deputy for Beijing to lst-3rd NPCs, 1954-67; dpty sec., Beijing CP, Feb 1956; mem., Beijing del. to USSR and several East European countries; sec., Beijing CP, Jun 1958; dir., Inst, of Legal Research, CAS, Apr 1959; ehm, Sino-Burmese Friendship Assn, Nov 1959; head, del. to 7th Congr of World Fed of Democratic Jurists in Sofia, Oct 1960; dpty dir., Dpt of Phi-

& ^L



Dpty dir., Western European and African Affairs Dpt, Min. of Foreign Affairs, 1952 - Feb 1956; council mem., Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Jul 1955; dpty head, Office of Chinese Trade Representative in Cairo, Feb-Jul 1956; counsellor, embassy in Egypt, Jul 1956 - Feb 1958; counsellor, embassy in United Arab Republic, Feb-Dec 1958; counsellor, embassy in Yemen, Jan 1959 -Apr 1961; ambassador to Somalia, Jun 1961 - Jun 1964; ambassador to Sudan, Sep 1974 - Dec 1978; ambassador to Italy, Feb 1979 - Sep 1982; disappeared, Sep 1982.

Zhang Yufan


Sec., CCP Comte, Trade Dpt, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte (ECMAC), Aug 1952- Jan 1953; mem., Labor Employment Comte, ECMAC, Aug 1952; sec., CCP Comte, Trade Dpt, E China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 Nov 1954; dir., Polit. Dpt, Min. of Commerce, Oct 1954; vice-min. of Commerce, Nov 1954 - Feb 1957; vice-min. of Aquatic Products, Feb 1957 - Jun 1964; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, May 1957 - Nov 1958; mem., scientific and technological del. to USSR, Nov 1957; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967.


Zhang Yuhua



Zhang Yun

Zhang Yun (f)



Chiif of staff, Artillery Forces, Shenyang Mil. Reg, 1959; dpr·' polit, commissar, Wuhan Mil. Reg, Sep 1967-1980; sec, Hubei Prov. CP, Mar 1971-1978; mem., Stand. Conte, Party Secretariat, Wuhan Mil. Reg, Jun 19771983; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; dpty polit, commissar, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Feb 1983-1983; adviser, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Nov 1983; disapp e a r , May 1985.

Zhang Yuhuan fé JL

* 1922 Xingtai, Hebei CCP cadre in counties of Hebei Prov., 1943-49; sec., Zheayuan Prefecture CP, 1952-57; 1st sec., SE Guizhou Miao-Dong Autonomous Prefecture CP, 1958-64; dir., Agr.culture and Forestry Office, Guizhou PPG, 1964 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Guizhot Prov. CP, Feb 1974 (reelected Mar 1983); vicegov., Guizhou PPG, Jan 1980 - Apr 1985; ehm, Agricultura) Office, Guizhou PPG, Mar 1980-1985; ehm, Guizhou PPC, May 1985 - Jan 1993; head, friendship del. to Austria, May 1985; deputy for Guizhou to 7th NPC, Mar 198S (reelected to 8th, Mar 1993); disappeared, Mar 199?.

Zhang Yumin


* 1927 Nanjing, Jiangsu Graduated from Polit. Science Dpt, Fudan Univ, 1945; ehm, E China Branch, Chinese Students' Fed, 1949-51; dpty sec., Fujian Prov. Branch, CYL, Dec 1961; mem., Central Comte, CYL, Jul 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Stand. Comte, Fujian Prov. CP, Mar 1983 (reelected Jul 1985); vice-chm, Fujian PPC, Jan 1988; vicechm, Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Comte, Fujian PPC, Feb 1988; disappeared, Oct 1989.

* 1904? (1916?) Wuxi, Jiangsu(?) Studied at Fudan Univ in Shanghai; founding mem. of Democratic Women's Fed and elected mem. of its Executive Council, Apr 1949; mem., E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949- Jan 1953; mem., Rural Reform Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950 - Jun 1954; dir., Women's Work Dpt, E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1952; sec-gen., Democratic Women's Fed, Dec 1952; vice-chm, Democratic Women's Fed, Apr 1953; dpty head, del. to Intl Democratic Women's Fed Gogr in Copenhagen, Jun 1953; deputy for Anhui to 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (confirmed by 2nd in 1958 and 3rd in 1964); sec., Democratic Women's Fed, Apr 1955 - Sep 1957; alt. mem., CCP Central Comte, Sep 1956; 3rd sec., Women's Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1957; vicechm, Women's Fed (hitherto Democratic Women's Fed), Sep 1957; head, del. to 4th Congr of Intl Democratic Women's Fed in Vienna, May 1958; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; vice-chm, Women's Fed, Apr 1978 - Dec 1978; dpty sec., Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 - Sep 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987.

Zhang Yun


* Taiyuan, Shanxi Born into a landlord family. Sec., CCP Central Guangdong Distr Comte, Apr 1952; dir., Org. Dpt, CCP W Guangdong Distr Comte, Sep 1952; sec., CCP W Guangdong Distr Comte, Jul 1955; 1st sec., CCP Hainan Distr Comte, Sep 1956 - Jul 1958; dir., Industrial Dpt, Guangdong CP, Mar 1959; alt. sec., Guangdong CP, Feb 1962- Cult. Rev.; put under struggle after Red Guards seized power in Guangdong, Feb 1967; disappeared, Feb 1967.


Zhang Yunyi

Zhang Yunyi

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* 1892 Wenchang County on Hainan Island, Guangdong deceased 1974, Nov 19 Studied at Guangzhou Army Primary School; graduated from Baoding Mil. Academy, 1919; served successively in staff of 1st Di v., Guangdong Army; staff officer in Li Jishen's 4th Army under Natl Revolutionary Army; during Northern Expedition as chief of staff, 25th Div., 4th Army, 2nd Front Army, 1927; participated in Nanchang Uprising, Aug 1927; after uprising reorganized his guerilla unit into 4th Red Div., 1927; together with Deng Xiaoping organized Baisi Uprising, Sep 1929; led Yujiang Uprising and set up Yujiang Soviet Govt and became cdr., 7th Red Army, Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, Oct 1929; led his forces W Jiangxi, Feb 1931; joined forces with Mao Zedong, Jul 1931; mem., Central Executive Comte, Chinese Soviet Govt, Nov 1931; dir., Operations Bureau, Revolutionary Mil. Council, 1931; cos, 1st Front Army, Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, 1932; sent Fujian People's Govt formed by Li Jishan and Cai Tingkai, 1933; took part in Long March with Central Red Army, 1934-35; cos, Central Revolutionary Mil. Council, Aug 1936; cdr., 3rd Detachment, New 4th Army, Nov 1937; cdr., Ν Changjiang Command, New 4th Army, 1939; during S-Anhui Incident cos, New 4th Army, Jan 1941; dpty cdr., New 4th Army and concurrently cdr., 2nd Div., 1941-45; mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Apr 1945 (reelected to 8th CC, Sep 1956; 9th CC, Apr 1969; 10th CC, Aug 1973); dpty cdr., E China Mil. Reg, 1946; cdr., Shandong Mil. Distr, 1947; took part in Huai-Hai Battle, Nov 1948 - Jan 1949; took part in Battle of Shanghai, May 1949; delegate of PLA to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; council mem., Central People's Govt, Oct 1949- Sep 1954; 2nd sec., S China Subbureau, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1949-1954; dpty cdr., S China Mil. Reg, Nov 19491953; cdr., Guangxi Mil. Distr, Dec 1949- Feb 1955; sec., Guangxi Prov. CP, Dec 1949- Feb 1955; gov., Guangxi Prov., Dec 1949 - Feb 1955; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; vice-chm, Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; deputy for Guangxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd NPC, 1958 and to 3rd, 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd NPC, Apr 1959 and to 3rd, Jan 1965); mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954-1967(7); appointed army general, Sep 1955; received order "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom", "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; dpty sec., Control Com, 8th CCP Central Comte, 1963-69. Zhang was married to Han Bi.

Zhang Yuzhe



* 1902 Minhou County, Fujian deceased 1986, Jul 21 Went to study in U.S.A., 1923; received Ph.D. from Univ. of Chicago, 1929; later served as dir., Inst, of Astronomy, Academia Sinica; academic work in U.S.A., 1946-48; dir., Purple Mountain (Zijinshan) Observatory in Nanjing, 1957-84; deputy for Jiangsu to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; ehm, Astronomy Society; Jun 1973; Harvard Univ named one asteroid "Zhang" in honor of him, 1976; deputy for Jiangsu to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); hon. dir., Purple Mountain Observatory, Sep 1984; visited U.S.A., Sep 1984. Remarks: Zhang was the first Chinese astronomer to discover a minor planet which was named "Chunghua" (China), winter 1928. He has made a thorough and comprehensive study on the orbit of Halley's comet and its history. He led the members of his observatory in the discovery of several hundreds asteroids, 63 of which have been named and numbered by the Intl Astronomical Union. Zhang's major works include On Astronomy and Questions Concerning the Orbits of Man-Made Satellites.

Zhang Zaiwang


* 1918 Nanjing, Jiangsu Studied at Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1939; joined CCP, 1940; teacher of polit, science at Shanxi-HebeiShandong Mil. and Polit. College, 1940-48; cadre, Polit. Dpt of a corps, 1st Field Army, 1949-50; dir., Policy Research Office, Ν Sichuan Prov. CP, 1950-52; Party sec., Agriculture College, Fujian Prov., 1957-62; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Fujian Prov CP, 1962 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., Propaganda Dpt, Tianjin Municipality CP, 1975-78; CCP sec. of Nankai Univ, Jun 1979; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 -Nov 1987; sec., Tianjin Municipality CP, Nov 1982-1984; ehm, Tianjin MPC, Apr 1983 - May 1988; deputy for Tianjin to


6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); dpty sec., Tianjin Municipality CP, Nov 1984 - Oct 1985; head, Party Rectification Leading Group, Tianjin Municipality CP, Feb 1985; head, CCP goodwill del. to Ν Korea, Aug 1985; head, Tianjin del. to Italy, Sep 1987; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1988; disappeared, Mar 1991.

Zhang Ze



* 1919 Haicheng County, Liaoning

deceased 1991, May 26 Joined CCP while studying at NE China Univ, 1938; ehm, Youth Fed, Yan'an City, 1941-45; CCP cadre in Jirem Ligue and vice-pres., E Mongolia Mil. and Polit. Cadres School, 1945-52; sec., CYL, 1952-61; deputy for Liaoning to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., China Olympic Comte, Jan 1956; mem., Central Comte, CYL, May 1957; CCP sec., Shaanxi Prov. Comte, Aug 1961 - Cult. Rev.; ehm, Shaanxi Branch, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Jul 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Oct 1966; first reappearance: mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; CCP sec., Shaanxi Prov. Comte, Nov 1 9 8 2 - Apr 1983; ehm, Advisory Com, Shaanxi CP, Oct 1983 - death.

Zhang Zhao

Zhang is believed to have studied forestry sciences in Great Britain; mem., Inst, of Forestry and Pedology, CAS, and dir., Dpt of Afforestation, Min. of Forestry and Reclamation, Dec 1950-1952; dir., Afforestation Bureau, Min. of Forestry, Mar 1955 - Oct 1958; asst min. of Forestry, Jul 1 9 5 6 - Sep 1959; mem., technological del. to USSR, Nov 1957; vise-pres., Forestry Society, Nov 1958; vice-min. of Forestry, May 1960 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; first reappearance, Sep 1975; vice-min. of Forestry, Feb 1978; dpty dir., State Admin, of Aquatic Products; head, fishery del. to Denmark and Iceland, Jun 1980; disappeared, Jun 1980.

Zhang Zhengde

Workers, Algeria, Sep 1964; head, del. to 5th Conf. of Oil Workers' TU, Indonesia, May 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first reapperance: mem., Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978; disappeared, Dec 1978.

Zhang Zhen


Zhang Zhen


Dir., Chemical Ind. Bureau. Min. of Heavy Ind., Aug 1954 - Mar 1957; vice-pres., Chemical Ind. Society, 1956-66; vice-min. of Chemical Ind., Mar 1957-1965; visited Romania, Dec 1964; visited Ν Korea, Oct 1965; disappeared, 1967; vice-min., Min. of Petroleum and Chemical Ind., 1975 - Feb 1978; min., 5th Min. of Machine Building, Mar 1978 - May 1982; dpty dir., Natl Admin, for Building Materials, 1978-80(7); ehm, Ν China Ind. Corp., 1980-82(7); deputy for Hebei to 6th NPC, May 1983 - Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC and mem. of its Financial and Economic Comte, Jun 1983 Mar 1988; mem., NPC del. to Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Sep 1986; disappeared, Sep 1989.

* Luoshan County, Henan Graduated from Japanese Mil. Academy; cdr., 13th KMT Army; cdr., 19th KMT Army and alt. mem., Supervisory Comte, KMT 6th Central Comte, May 1945; cdr., Central China Pacification HQ and gov. of Henan Prov., 1948; went over to the Communists with his troops, which were incorporated into PLA 4th Field Army, May 1949; cdr., 51st Army, 4th Field Army, Aug 1949; attended 1st CPPCC and elected mem. of its Natl Comte, Sep 1949; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; mem., Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Aug 1954; dpty cdr., Hubei Mil. Distr, Jan 1953; mem., Physical Culture and Sports Com, G AC, Nov 1953 - Oct 1954; deputy for Henan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 - Feb 1958; awarded order of "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; mem., Central Comte, KMT Rev Comte, Feb 1956; vice-gov., Henan PPG, Nov 1956; criticized for "rightist deviation", 1957; purged as a "rightist" and disappeared, Feb 1958.

Zhang Zhenchuan

^(L J t

Deputy for Shandong to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Executive Council, Fed of TU, Jul 1961; ehm, Oil Workers' TU, 1963; head, del. to 4th World Congr of Oil Workers and to a railway workers conf., Warsaw, May 1963; mem., del. to Congr of Oil



Vice-chm, People's Congr, Hebei Prov., Apr 19831988(7); deputy for the PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983 - Mar 1988; cdr., Hebei Mil. Distr, May 1983-1986(7)

Zhang Zhengde Zhang Zhaomei

* 1906 Anhui Dir., Civil Affairs Dpt, People's Govt, Rehe (Jehol) Prov., 1951-55; vice-gov., Rehe Prov., Feb 1955 - Jul 1955; vice-gov., Liaoning Prov., Dec 1958 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Liaoning CP, Sep 1963 - Cult. Rev.; dpty sec., Liaoning CP, Sep 1966 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared, May 1968; deputy for Liaoning to 5th-6th


Zhang Zhidi

NPCs, Feb 1978 - Mar 1988; dir., Rural Work Dpt, Liaoning CP, Jun 1979- May 1980; sec., Liaoning CP, May 1980 -Mar 1983; visited Ν Korea, Aug 1980; ehm, People's Congr of Liaoning, Apr 1983 - Jan 1988.

Zhang Zhidi



Zhang Zhixiang



Vice-chm, Peasants' Assn, Hubei Prov., Dec 1973; alt. mem., CCP Central Comte, Aug 1977; disappeared, Sep 1979.

Zhang Zhirang


* 1894 Wujin County, Jiangsu deceased 1978, Apr 26 Studied at Fudan Univ in Shanghai and later received M.A. from Graduate School of Columbia Univ, U.S.A.; on return from his studies abroad, successively served as magistrate, Shanghai Supreme Court; prof., Law College, Fudan Univ; made his name as defense lawyer for socalled "Seven Gentlemen" (Shen Junjii, Zhang Naiqi, Sha Qianli, Shi Liang, Zou Taofen, Wang Zaoshi, Li Gongpu) who founded the Natl Salvation League in order to convince the KMT Govt to follow a more sincere anti-Japanese policy, 1936; detained by KMT authorities for agitating for resistance against Japan, late 1936; edited Natl Weekly together with others, Shanghai, Aug 1937; upon outbreak of Sino-Japanese War, evacuated with Fudan Univ to Chongqing, 1937; during war edited periodical Wenjia (Digest) in Chongqing; after end of war, 1945, taught at Shanghai Fudan Univ, 1945; after breakdown of KMT-CCP peace talks, actively agitating student protests and asked by Fudan Univ pres. Zhang Yi to resign from his post of dean of Law College, 1948; left Shanghai for Hong Kong where he lived for a short period before sailing to Ν China, early 1949; took part in drafting "The Organic Law of the People's Govt" and "The Marriage Law", Jun-Sep 1949; mem., Stand. Comte and mem., Preparatory Comte, Polit. Science and Law Society, Jun 1949; attended 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; vice-pres., Supreme People's Court, Oct 1949 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Polit, and Legal Comte, and mem., Legislative Affairs Com, GAC, Oct 1949; vice-pres., Polit. Science and Law Society, Apr 1953 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st Ν PC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Aug 1958 and 3rd, Oct 1964); led jurist del. to Asian Lawyers' Conf., Calcutta, Jan 1955; mem., China Asian Solidarity Comte, Feb 1956 - Cult. Rev.; head, jurist del. to 6th Conf. of Intl Assn of Democratic Lawyers, Brussels, May 1956; council mem., China-Egypt Friendship Assn, Nov 1956; mem., Bills Comte, 2nd NPC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Jan 1965); led jurist del. to Afro-Asian Lawyers' Conf., Tokyo, Mar 1961; council mem., China Afro-Asian Society, Apr 1962; pres., China-Ceylon Friendship Assn, Sep 1962; mem., Natl Comte, 4th CPPCC, Dec 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first reappearance, May 1974; deputy (for unknown prov.) to 4th NPC, Mar 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978.

* 1910 Mem., Stand. Comte, All-China Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Jul 1949; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Ν China Mil. Reg, Aug 1952; vice-min. of Culture, Oct 1954 - Mar 1958; head, theater group to Intl Theater Festival, Paris, May 1955; subsequently visited Belgium and Czechoslovakia, delegate to World Conf. of Capital Mayors on behalf of Peng Zhen, Florence, Oct 1955; head, cultural del. to PR Mongolia, Mar 1957; vice-min., State Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Mar 1958 - Cult. Rev.; mem., del. to Conf. on Disarmament and Intl Cooperation (head: Guo Moruo), Stockholm, Mar 1958; pres., China-PR Mongolia Friendship Assn, Sep 1958-1961; vice-chm, Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Apr 1959- Cult. Rev.; mem., del. to Session of World Peace Council (head: Guo Moruo), Stockholm, May 1959; head, cultural del. to Bulgaria, Nov 1959; council mem., Sino-Latin American Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; council mem., Sino-African Friendship Assn, Apr 1960; head, cultural del. to Greece, May 1960; acting sec-gen., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1960; mem., friendship del. to Burma (head: Zhou Enlai), Dec 1960; head, friendship del. to PR Mongolia, Jul 1961; head, cultural del. to Ν Korea, Apr 1962; head, cultural del. to Ν Vietnam, Dec 1962; vice-pres., Sino-Cuban Friendship Assn, Dec 1962; head, friendship del. to Cuba, Dec 1963; during Cult. Rev. branded a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Jul 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty dir., Intl Liaison Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1978 - Feb 1982; head, del. of Party workers to Romania, Sep 1978; mem., CCP del. to Romania (head: Ulanhu), Nov 1979; head, del. of Party workers to Venezuela, Guayana, Mexico, Mar 1981; vice-pres., Assn for Intl Understanding of China, Sep 1981; adviser, Intl Liaison Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1982; head, Party friendship del. to Congo, Gabon, Rwanda, May 1982; visited the Netherlands, Oct 1982; deputy for Gansu to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC and mem. of its Foreign Affairs Comte, Jun 1983; head, friendship del. to Panama, Aug 1983; mem., NPC del. to USSR (head: Zhang Zhenxian), Mar 1985; head, del. of Assn for Intl Understanding to Turkey and Morocco, Apr 1985; pres., China-Brazil Friendship Group of NPC, Mar 1986; head, NPC del. to 75th Session of Inter-Parliamentary Union, Mexico City, Apr 1986; head, NPC del. to 77th Session of Inter-Parliamentary Union, Managua, Nicaragua, Apr 1987; head, friendship del. to Turkey, Jun 1987; visits to Mauritania and Sudan, Oct 1988; visited Philippines, Dec 1990; disappeared, Dec 1990.


Zhang Zhixiu

& $f


* 1916 Jiangsu Joined Red Army, 1932; took part in Long March, 193435; studied at Red Army Academy, 1936; served in 1st Detachment, New 4th Army, 1938; served in 7th Div., New 4th Army, 1942-46; service in 26th Army, 3rd Field Army, 1948; participated in conquering Shanghai with this Army, 1949; sent to Korean War with 26th Army, 195052; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., 26th Army, Jul 1956; cdr., PLA units stationed in Yantai (Zhifu), Nov 1957; participated in May Day celebrations in Beijing, May 1968; cadre, Jinan Mil. Reg, Jul 1970; dpty cdr., Jinan Mil. Reg, Feb 1971 - Oct 1975; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Shandong Prov., Feb 1971-1975; dpty sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Apr 1971-1975; dpty cdr., Kunming Mil. Reg, Dec 1975 - Jan 1980; dpty sec., Yunnan Prov. CP, Feb-Sep 1977; vice-chm, Rev. Comte, Yunnan Prov., Feb 1977 - Dec 1979; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982); sec., Yunnan Prov. CP, Sep 1977 - Aug 1979; vice-chm, Yunnan PPC, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; cdr., Kunming Mil. Reg, Feb 1980 - Jun 1985 (when Kunming Mil. Reg merged with Chengdu Mil. Reg); 2nd sec., CCP Comte, Kunming Mil. Reg, Jul 1980- Jun 1985; resigned as mem., CCP 12th Central Comte and made mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

Zhang Zhiyi


Zhang Zhizhong

Dec 1949-1953; dir., United Front Work Dpt, Central-S Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1950; vice-chm, Nationalities Affairs Comte, Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, 1951; vice-chm and sec-gen., Nationalities Affairs Com, GAC, 1952-54; mem., Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953-1954; deputy for Hubei to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1955 - Cult. Rev.; dpty dir., 8th Staff Office, SC, Jun 1955; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Feb 1957 (reelected to 3rd, 1959 and 4th, 1965); mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; denounced as a renegade and purged, May 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Jul 1979; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1980 - May 1982; adviser, United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, May 1982 - death. Zhang was married to Shi Jian.

Zhang Zhiyuan

* 1922 Yuyao County, Zhejiang Served as CCP cadre in counties and prefectures, 1945-49; CCP cadre in Lüda City and NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1961-66; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Liaoning Prov., Jan 1978 - Dec 1979; ehm, Scientific and Technological Com, Rev Comte, Liaoning Prov., Sep 1979; vice-gov., Liaoning PPG, Jan 1980 -Jul 1985; head, Liaoning del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1980; hon. pres., Liaoning Prov. Branch, China Higher Education Society, May 1982; vice-chm, Liaoning PPC, Jul 1985 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Jan 1988.

Zhang Zhizhong

* 1911 Hanyang, Hubei deceased 1983, May 11 Left his family to avoid a marriage contracted by his family, 1929; studied at Wuchang Arts Inst, and Hubei Rural Normal College, 1929-32; imprisoned by KMT, 1932; dir., Polit. Dpt, 15th Brigade, 5th Div., New 4th Army; imprisoned again by Natl Govt in Xinjiang, 1942-46; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, Central Plains Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1947; sec-gen., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949-1953; vice-mayor, Hanyang MPG,



* 1890 Chao County, Anhui deceased 1969, Apr Joined student mil. group to help overthrow Qing dynasty, 1911; studied at mil. school, 1912-14; studied at Baoting Mil. Academy, 1914-17; service in Sun Yat-sen's S-Mil. Govt, 1917; cdr., Cadets' Corps and Officers' Regiment


Zhang Zhong

of Whampoa Mil. Academy, 1924; chief of staff, 2nd Div., Natl Rev Army, 1925; dir., Training Dpt, Natl Rev Army, 1926; dean, Wuhan branch of Whampoa Mil. Academy, Sep 1926-1927; inspection tour to U.S.A., Europe and Japan, 1927 - Jan 1928; dir., Mil. Admin. Dpt, Natl Mil. Council and dir., Education Dpt, Central Mil. Academy in Nanjing, 1928; dir., Wuhan HQ of Chiang Kai shek during punitive expedition against Feng Yuxiang 1930; visit to Europe, 1931; dean, Central Mil. Academy 1932 - Apr 1937; cdr., 5th Army in defending Shanghai against Japanese forces after outbreak of August 31 Inci dent, 1932; cdr., 4th Route Army to suppress Fujian re volt, 1933; expelled to Communist forces from Jiangxi 1934; mem., 5th Central Executive Comte, KMT, 1935 cdr., Nanjing-Shanghai Distr, 1937; cdr., 9th Group Ar my in Shanghai at outbreak of Sino-Japanese War, 1937 gov. of Hunan, Oct 1938 - Jan 1939; chief aide-de-camp to Chiang Kai-shek, 1940; head, Polit. Training Dpt, Mil Affairs Com, Sanmin Zhuyi Youth Corps, 1940-46; or dered to Yan'an to invite Mao Zedong to Chongqing for negotiations, Auf 1945; escorted Mao back to Yan'an, Oct 1945; senior KMT representative in numerous negotiations with CCP, 1945-49; dir., NW HQ of KMT forces, 194648; gov. of Xinjiang, Mar 1946 - May 1947; administrator, Mil. and Polit. Affairs for NW Provinces, 1948; went over to the Communists as chief KMT delegate to peace talks with CCP in Beijing after talks broke down, Apr 1949; elected mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; council mem., Central People's Govt, Oct 1949- Oct 1954; mem., People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, Oct 1949 - Oct 1954; vice-chm, NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Nov 1949 - Jan 1953; mem., Stand. Comte, KMT Revolutionary Comte, Nov 1949; vice-chm, NW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Nov 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, Feb 1953 (reelected to 2nd-4th: 1954, 59, 65); deputy for Gansu to 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd 1959); vice-chm, Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954-1967(7); mem., Party and govt del. to Poland, Jul 1955; conferred "Order of Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; vice-chm, KMT Revolutionary Comte, 1956-69; dpty head, NPC del. to Ν Korea, Apr 1962; deputy for Anhui to 3rd NPC, Dec 1964; vice-chm, Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965. Zhang was married to Hong Xihou.

Zhang Zhong

& &

* 1907 deceased 1990, Dec 7 Dir., Admin. Office, NW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1953-1954; dpty dir., Archives Bureau, SC, Mar 1955 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first reappearance: mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978; dir., State Archives Bureau, Aug 1979; head, archives del. to 9th Intl Congr on Archives, London, Sep 1980; disappeared, Sep 1980.

Zhang Zhong

^ &

Mem., 1st Front Army, 1934; probably participated in Long March, 1934-35; led company in 686th Regiment, 343th Brigade, 115th Div, 8th Route Army, 1937; cdr. of a regiment, Central Plains Field Army, 1947; dpty cdr., PLA 52nd Div., 1949; cdr., 54th Div., 18th Army, 1950 (in this post in charge of the construction of the XikangTibet road); dpty cdr., Gansu Mil. Distr, 1959-69; vicechm of the newly established Gansu Rev Comte, Jan 1968; cdr., Gansu Mil. Dist, Sep 1970-1975; mem., Stand. Comte, Gansu Prov. CP, Feb 1971; sec., Gansu CP, Jun 1973-1975; cdr., Guizhou Mil. Distr, Oct 1976-1978; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, Guizhou Prov. CP, Aug 1978; disappeared, Oct 1978.

Zhang Zhonghan



* 1914 Hebei deceased 1980, Mar 9 Regiment cdr., 4th Div., 2nd Red Army Corps, 1934; cdr., 719th Regiment, 359th Brigade, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937-43; polit, commissar, 3rd Detachment, 359th Brigade, 1944; cdr., 6th Brigade, 2nd NW Column, 1947; cdr., 6th Div., 2nd Army, 1st Army Group, 1st Field Army, 1949; led his troops to reclaim land in Yanji and Heijing areas of Xinjiang, 1949; dpty polit, commissar, Xinjiang Mil. Reg, Nov 1953; dpty polit, commissar, Xinjiang Production and Constructiopn Corps, 1954-67; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; vice-min. of State Farms and Land Reclamation, Oct 1956 - May 1967; head, land reclamation del. to Ν Vietnam, Feb 1961; deputy for Xinjiang to 3rd NPC, Dec 1964; 2nd polit, commissar, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Aug 1965-1967; accused of being a mem. of an anti-Party clique, May 1967; condemned as Liu Shaoqi's agent in Xinjiang, Sep 1968, and disappeared; first reappearance, Aug 1978.

Zhang Zhongliang


* 1912 Fuping (Yao?) County, Shaanxi


deceased 1983, Feb Joined peasant movement, 1928; served a jail sentence for Communist activity; attended Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1936; served successively as dpty cdr., 3rd Garrison Brigade, Defense Forces of Shaanxi-GansuNingxia-Shanxi-Suiyuan Area; polit, commissar, 1st Garrison Brigade of Guanchuo(?) Distr in Shanxi-GansuNingxia Border Area; and cdr., Peace Keeping Corps,


1937-47; dpty polit, commissar, Defense Forces HQ and mem., Shaanxi Prov. CP, 1947; polit, commissar, 1st Field Army, 1948-49; sec., Qinghai Prov. CP, Sep 19491954; vice-gov., Qinghai PPG, Oct 1949 -Nov 1952; mem., NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Nov 1949 - Jan 1953; polit, commissar, Qinghai Mil. Distr, Mar 1950 Sep 1954; gov., Qinghai PPG, Nov 1952 - Sep 1954; mem., NW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; deputy for Gansu to 1st NPC, Jul 1954; acting sec., Gansu Prov. CP, Aug 1954; 1st sec., Gansu CP, Feb 1956 - Sep 1961(7); alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, elected at 2nd Plenum, May 1958; disappeared for unknown reasons, Sep 1961; first reappearance: sec., Jiangsu Prov. CP, Jan 1966; followed by another disappearance; reappearance: vice-chm, Jiangsu Rev Comte, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; deputy for Jiangsu to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; sec., Jiangsu CP, Jun 1979-1981; vice-chm, Jiangsu PPC, Dec 1979-1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982.

Zhang Zhongshi f M t £ * 1902 deceased 1987, Feb 13 Studied in USSR, 1926-30; went to Yan'an, 1940; dpty dir., Bureau for Translations of the Works of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin under CCP Central Comte, May 1961 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first reappearance: cadre of the CCP Central Comte, Oct 1973; dir., Beijing Tourism Admin., Sep 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983.

Zhang Zhusheng jL Vice-gov., Shandong PPG, Nov 1958 - Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Shandong PPC, Dec 1979-1987; ehm, Financial and Economic Comte, Shandong PPC, Nov 1983; disappeared, Jul 1987.

Zhang Zigao

££ -ψ


Dean, Qinghua Univ in Beijing, 1939; joined CCP, 1958; non-partisan democratic delegate to 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; pres., Beijing Univ, May 1961; vice-pres., Qinghua Univ, Nov 1962- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev.

Zhang Zizhaì

Z h a n g Ziyi & -f* 1904 Liling County, Hunan deceased 1981, May 31 Joined CCP, 1925; participated in guerilla activities in Jinggang Mountain area and in Long March, 1931-36; cdr. of a regiment, 6th Red Army, 1934; Party sec., Hunan-Hubei-Sichuan-Guizhou Distr, 1935; went to Moscow for medical treatment, 1937; returned to China, 1940, and posted in Xinjiang to work in the underground; arrested by Xinjiang Govt, 1942-46; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, SW Mil. Reg, 1949; mem., SW China Mil. and Admin. Comte and concurrently vice-chm of its Educational Comte, Jun 1950 - Jan 1953; mem., SW China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Oct 1954; dir., Propaganda Dpt, SW China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1953-1958; vicepres., SW Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Feb 1954; mem., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1958 Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1965); mem., Central Control Com, CCP Central Comte, 1963; branded as a "member of the Tao Zhu Gang" and purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1975; renewed mention in his previous post as a mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Sep 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978).

Zhang Zizhai -ψ * 1913 Jianchuan County, Henan Belonged to Bai minority. Received a higher education; joined CCP, 1938, when studied at Anti-Japan Mil. and Polit. Academy at Yan'an; editor, Xinhua Ribao in Chongqing, 1941-44(7); dpty sec-gen., Yunnan PPG and concurrently mem. of its Nationalities Affairs Comte and dpty dir. of its Cultural and Educational Dpt, Aug 1950; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, Yunnan CP, Oct 1950; deputy for Yunnan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Yunnan PPC, Feb 1955; mem., Preparatory for Dali Bai Nationality Autonomous Distr in Yunnan, Aug 1955; head, Dali Bai Nationality Autonomous Distr in Yunnan, Nov 1955; mem., Nationalities Affairs Comte, 2nd NPC, Apr 1959; sec-gen., Yunnan PPC, Jun 1960; dir., Nationality Work Comte, Yunnan PPG, 1963; vice-chm, Yunnan Branch of CPPCC, 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, Yunnan Rev Comte, Apr-Dec 1979; vice-chm, Yunnan PPC, Dec 1979 - Apr 1985; deputy for Yunnan to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983; mem., Nationalities Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986; disappeared, Mar 1987.

Zhang Zongxun

Zhang Zongxun



* 1908 Weinan County, Shaanxi Studied at Whampoa Mil. Academy, Wuhan Branch, 1927; at Autumn Harvest Uprising led 6th Company, 1st Div., 1927; cdr., 64th Div., 12th Red Army, 1928-29; studied at Red Army Univ, Ruijin, 1933; during Long March cdr. of a div., 1st Red Front Army, 1934-35; dean of studies, Red Army Univ, Yan'an, 1935; cdr., 358th Brigade, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937-45; alt. mem., CCP 7th Central Comte, Apr 1945 (reelected to 8th CC, Sep 1956); cdr., 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 194647; cdr., 1st Column, NW PLA and successively dpty cdr., NW PLA, 1947^9; cdr., 2nd Army Group, 1st Field Army, 1949; ehm, Lanzhou Mil. Control Com, 1949; dpty cdr., 1st Field Army, 1949-52; dpty cdr., PLA NW Mil. Reg, 1949-54; mem., NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jan 1950 - Jan 1953; chief procurator, NW Branch, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Jun 1950 - May 1953; dpty chief of staff, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, Nov 1952 - Sep 1954; mem., NW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Nov 1954; mem., del. to Stalin's funeral, Mar 1953; deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954-1967(7); dpty chief, PLA General Staff, Sep 1954-1967(7); appointed col-gen., Sep 1955; conferred orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom", "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; dpty dir., PLA General Training Dpt, 1956-59; accompanied Peng Dehuai (q.v.) to East Europe and Mongolia, Apr-Jun 1959; visited United Arab Republic and Albania, Sep-Oct 1960; branded as a follower of He Long (q.v.) and purged, 1967; reactivated, Jul 1973; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; dir., PLA General Logistics Dpt, Feb 1975; disappeared, Feb 1977.

purged, Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vicechm, Anhui Rev Comte, Jan 1978 - Dec 1979; deputy for Anhui to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); vice-chm, Anhui PPC, Dec 1979; disappeared, Oct 1984.

Zhao Anbo



* 1913 Studied at 1st High School in Tokyo; cadre, Foreign Affairs Bureau, NE People's Govt, 1948; adviser, Chinese Red Cross Society, Feb 1953; mem., Red Cross del. to Japan, Oct 1954; council mem., Chinese People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Jul 1955; mem., del. to World Conf. Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs in Hiroshima, Aug 1955; council mem., Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Jul 1958; dpty head, del. to 6th Conf. Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs in Hiroshima, Jul 1960; vice-pres., China Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Aug 1960; dpty head, del. to 9th Conf. Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs in Hiroshima, Aug 1963; sec-gen., Sino-Japanese Friendship Assn, Oct 1963; head, del. of Chinese Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte to Japan, Feb 1964; vice-pres., China Afro-Asian Solidarity Comte, Jun 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jan 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: adviser, Sino-Japanese Friendship Assn, Mar 1978; vice-pres., Society for the Study of Sino-Japanese Relations, Sep 1984; mem., Natl Comte, 7th CPPCC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.

Zhao Baoxing


Zhang Zuliang

• 1 9 1 1 Shangcheng County, Henan

deceased 1961, May 13 Joined Red Army, 1931, and CCP, 1932; participated in Long March, 1934-35; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; cos Nanjing Mil. Reg, Dec 1959 - death.

Zhang Zuoyin


Dpty dir., Agriculture and Forestry Dpt, Ν Anhui Admin. Office, Jul 1951; dir., Dpt of Water Conservancy and Electric Power, Anhui PPG, Oct 1958; vice-gov., Anhui PPG, May 1960 - Jan 1967; branded a revisionist and

* 1927 Changli County, Hebei Dir., General Office, Org. Dpt, Anhui Prov. CP, 197880; chief procurator of Anhui Prov., Sep 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, Anhui Prov. CP, Dec 1984 (reelected Mar 1990); sec., Discipline Inspection Com, Anhui Prov. CP, Dec 1984; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Mar 1990.

Zhao Beike

M M &

Dir. of a metallurgical Corp. in Anshan, Jan 1958; mem., State Economic Com, SC, Dec 1964; vice-min., Capital Construction Com, SC, May 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty sec-gen., CAS, Sep 1978; dpty head, scientific del. to


Ν Korea (head: Hua Luogeng), Oct 1978; head, del. to China's Peking ape-man exhibition in Japan, Jul 1980; disappeared, Jul 1980.

Zhao Bingnan

^ j&j i^j

* 1898 deceased 1984, Jul 5 Belonged to Hui minority. Deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Mar 1975 (reelected to 6th, Mar 1983); vice-chm, Preparatory Comte, Society for Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jun 1978; vice-pres., Society for Physicians and Pharmacists Practizing Traditional Chinese Medicine, May 1979; vice-chm, Beijing Branch, Islamic Assn, Dec 1979; dir., Beijing Inst, of Chinese Medicine, Mar 1983.

Zhao Boping

* 1909 Shaanxi Mem., Drama Comte, Yan'an Literary and Art Assn, May 1944; dpty commissar for eduacation, Govt of ShaanxiGansu-Ningxia Border Reg, 1946; dpty sec., Xi'an Municipality CP, Oct 1949 - Jun 1951; mem., People's Govt, Shaanxi Prov., Dec 1949 - Jan 1955; dir., Work Dpt, NW China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949 - Jan 1953; Party sec., Xi'an Municipality, Juni 1951 - May 1954; mem., NW China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Nov 1954; dir., Propaganda Dpt, NW China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, May 1953 - Aug 1954; 1st Party sec., Xi'an Municipality, May 1954 - Dec 1956; deputy for Shaanxi, 1st NPC, Aug 1954; vice-gov., Shaanxi, Jan 1955 - Oct 1959; 2nd sec., Shaanxi CP, May 1955 - Dec 1956; sec., Shaanxi CP, Dec 1956 - Jan 1963; by-elected alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, May 1958; gov. of Shaanxi, Oct 19591963; dpty sec-gen., NPC Stand. Comte, Jan 1963; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1978; vice-min., State Family Planning Com, Feb-May 1982; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983; disappeared, Jim 1983.

Zhao Cangbi

Zhao Chaogou

Security Dpt, Sichuan PPG, 1956; mem., Stand. Comte, Sichuan Prov. CP, Jul 1956; vice-gov., Sichuan Prov., Jul 1958 - Cult. Rev.; sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Dec 1959 Cult. Rev.; deputy for Sichuan to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1975; sec., Sichuan Prov. CP, Jan 1976-1977; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985); min. of public Security, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; dpty head, Central Polit, and Judical Group, Oct 1978; article in HQ, "Strengthen the concept of the legal system and act strictly according to law", Aug 1979; head, public security del. to Federal Republic of Germany, Jun 1980; mem., Politics and Law Com, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1983 - Sep 1988; polit, commissar, Chinese People's Armed Police Force, Apr-Jun 1983; resigned as mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

Zhao Changchun


Dir., Org. Dpt, Wuhan Municipality CP, Oct 1959; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, Min. of Foreign Trade, May 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first reappearance: dir., General Office, Min. of Foreign Trade, Dec 1977; vicemin. of Foreign Trade, Nov 1978 - Mar 1982; head, trade del. to Japan, Jan 1979; head, trade del. to Liberia, Senegal and to 28th Casablanca Intl Fair, Morocco, Apr 1979; disappeared, Feb 1982.

Zhao Chaogou

M & * 1910 Rulan County, Zhejiang

* 1916 Qingjian County, Shaanxi Public security cadre in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg, 1939-48; dpty dir., Public Security Bureau, Nanjing MPG, Mar 1949; dpty dir., Public Security Dpt, SW China Mil. and Admin. Comte, 1950- Jan 1953; dir., SW China Public Security Inst., 1951; dpty dir., Public Security Dpt, SW China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953; dir., Public

deceased between 1991/11 and 1992/02 Graduation from Economics Dpt, China College, 1930; editor-in-chief, Zhaobao News and dpty editor-in-chief of Xinming Evening News in Chongqing, 1936-46; dpty editor-in-chief of Shanghai Xinmin News and of Xinmin Evening News, 1946-52; editor-in-chief, Xinmin News and Xinmin Evening News, 1953-64; deputy for Sichuan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; deputy for Shanghai to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, Journalists' Assn, Mar 1960; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Shanghai to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; council mem., XNA, Sep 1982; vice-chm, Journalists' Assn, Apr 1983; editor-inchief, Xinming Evening News, Apr 1983; vice-chm,

Zhao Chongde


Shanghai Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1983 (reelected Apr 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, May 1984 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, CDL, Oct 1988 - death.; adviser to Journalist Assn, Jan 1991 death. Publication: A Month in Yan'an.

Zhao Chongde j ^ f Ü Dpty head, trade del. to Poland, Dec 1964; dpty head, trade del. to Poland, Feb 1965; dir. of a bureau, Min. of Foreign Trade, Nov 1971; thereafter disappeared; first reappearance: vice-min. of Foreign Trade, Sep 1981 - Mar 1982; visited Baghdad Intl Fair, Sep 1981; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Sep 1982.

Zhao Chuqi M. t h & * 1922 Xiaoyi County, Shanxi Joined CCP, 1941; served in Luliang Admin. Office, 1948; sec., Xiangtan Prefecture CP, 1950-54; sec., Yueyang Prefecture CP, 1955 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., Org. Dpt, Hunan Prov. CP, 1972-77; mem., Stand. Comte, Hunan Prov. CP, May 1977; sec., Hunan CP, Oct 1977 - Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, Hunan Rev Comte, Nov 1977 - Feb 1978; sec., Gansu CP, Jul 19781981; sec., Hunan CP, Sep 1981-1985(7); vice-chm, Advisory Com, Hunan CP, Jun 1985; disappeared, Aug 1985.

Zhao Dan


1948; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); during Cult. Rev. imprisoned for five and a half year, 1967-73, and during this time badly treated both physically and mentally, being kept in solitary confinement; sent to the countryside to do hard physical labor, 1974-76; rehabilitated after the fall of the "Gang of Four" and returned to his family as a wrack, 1976; lived at Liuzhou, Guangxi AR, concentrating on painting, 1977 - death; council mem., Assn of Film Artists and vice-chm of its Shanghai Branch, 1979. Zhao's most important films: 1936: Crossroads (together with the 16 years old Bai Yang, which brought both instant fame); 1937: Street Corner Angel·, 1947: Rhapsody in Happiness·, 1948; Faraway Love; 1949: Crows and Sparrows·, 1956: Li Shizhen (a pharmacologist of the Ming Dynasty): 1957: Lin Zexu (a national hero in the movement to ban opium in 1840); 1959: Nie Er (in the role of the composer); 1963: Red Crag\ 1964: For ever alive in Flames of Revolution (in the role of an underground Communist). Publication: My Screen Characters (1979).

Zhao Dezun M tk Leading CCP sec., Heilongjiang Prov., 1950-54; dpty dir., Org. Dpt, NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1951; gov., Heilongjiang PPG, 1952-53; dir., Rural Work Dpt, NE Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1953(?)-54; purged in connection with the Gao Gang - Rao Shushi affair, 1954; first reappearance: vice-chm, Heilongjiang Rev Comte, Aug-Dec 1979; sec., Heilongjiang CP, Aug 1979- Mar 1983; ehm, Heilongjiang PPC, Dec 1979- May 1985; deputy for Heilongjiang to 5th NPC, by-elected Aug 1980 (reelected to 6th, Apr 1983); disappeared, May 1985.

Zhao Erlu

* 1915 Nantong, Jiangsu deceased 1980, Oct 10 Born under the name of Zhao Fen'gao. Attended Shanghai Academy of Arts, 1932-34; changed to the theater, 1935; first stage role as Tihon in Aleksandr Ostrowski's Storm, 1935; married his first wife, Yu Luxi, in a wedding ceremony with two other couples: his boy friend Gu Ery i and Du Xiaojuan; and Tang Na, a film and theater critic, and Lan Ping (the later wife of Mao Zedong, known under the name of Jiang Qing), 1937; played the Romeo in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet·, went to Chongqing, 1938; imprisoned in Xinjiang, 1939-44; after release went back to Chongqing, 1944; returned to Shanghai after the end of the Sino-Japanese War, 1945; married Huang Zongying,




* 1905 Guoyangzhen County, Shanxi

deceased 1967, Feb 2 Graduated from Taiyuan Middle School; joined CCP, 1927; joined Red Army, 1927; cdr., 28th Regiment, 4th Red Army, 1929; chief, regiment-level supply unit, 1st Red Army Corps, 1931(7); during Long March dir., Supply Dpt, 1st Red Front Army, 1934-35; studied in 1st Class, Anti-Japan Mil. Academy at Yan'an, 1936; service

Zhao Fusan


in 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; successively served as cdr., Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Mil. Reg; cdr., HebeiShanxi Column; cos, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Mil. Reg, 1937-45; chief, CCP section, Beijing Executive HQ, 3man Mil. Sub-Comte team, 1946; mem., Central Bureau, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Reg, 1947; cos, Ν China Mil. Reg, 1948-49; mem., Govt Council, Ν China People's Govt, 1948-49; cos, Ν China Mil. Reg, 1948-49; cos, 4th Field Army, Jan 1949; dpty cos, Central-S Mil. Reg, Jan 1950; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jan 1950; cos, 4th Field Army, May 1950; dir., Ordnance Dpt, Rear Service Dpt, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, 1952; min., 2nd Min. of Machine Building, Aug 1952 - Feb 1958; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 19541967; received orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", 1st class, Sep 1955; appointed col-gen., Sep 1955; mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956-1967; min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Feb 1958 - Sep 1960; deputy for Sichuan, 2nd NPC, Jul 1958; vice-chm, State Economic Com, Sep 1960-1967; dpty dir., Natl Defense Ind. Office, State Council, 1962-67; visited USSR, Jul 1963; deputy for Guangxi, 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; attacked by Red Guards for being a close friend of He Long, Jan 22, 1967; deceased 11 days later (probably suicide).

Zhao Fasheng £ * 1905 Dir., Ind. and Commerce Dpt, Jiangxi PPG, 1950; board mem., Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Jul 1954; asst min. of Purchase of Agricultural Products, Sep 1955 - Dec 1956; vice-chm, Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Feb 1957; vice-min. of Food, Sep 19591972; vice-min. of Commerce, Dec 1972-1978(7); deputy for Jiangxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Birth Planning Leading Group, SC, Jul 1978 - Mar 1981; vice-min. of Food, Nov 1981 - Mar 1982, when the ministry was incorporated into the new Min. of Commerce; disappeared, Nov 1982.

Zhao Feng Μ Φ Service in 3rd Field Army, 1949; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973); cadre, Shandong Mil. Distr, 1973; dpty head, Shandong People's Air Defense Leading Group, Mar 1979; vice-chm, Shandong Rev Comte, Dec 1979-1982 (?); cdr., Shandong Mil. Distr, Dec 1979- mid 1983; disappeared, Mar 1984.

Zhao Fusan Zhao Fan M. J t Dpty dir., Natl Bond Sales Comte, Beijing MPG, Dec 1953; dir., Rural Work Dpt Beijing CP, Dec 1955; dirgen., Miyun Reservoir Construction Project (near Beijing Ming tombs), Dec 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, Beijing CP, Aug 1964; vice-mayor, Beijing MPG, Sep 1964 Cult. Rev.; sec., Beijing CP, Apr 1965 - Cult. Rev.; branded as a renegade and follower of Peng Zhen, Mar 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-min. of Agriculture and Forestry, Mar 1978 - Feb 1979; dir., State Agricultural Reclamation Admin. Bureau, Apr 1978-1979; head, agricultural del. to Canada, Aug 1978; vice-min. of State Farms and Land Reclamation, Jun 1979 - May 1982; head, state farms del. to Yugoslavia, Jun 1979; head, agricultural del. to Mozambique, Zambia, Zaire, Dec 1980; disappeared, Mar 1983. Zhao was married to Guo Shun.

Zhao Fangxiong ^ i f i life * 1908 Wujin County, Jiangsu Studied at Moscow and Leningrad Universities; vicepres., Qinghua Univ and concurrently prof, of its Mathematics and Dynamics Dpt, Nov 1962; deputy for Jiangsu to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first reappearance: mem., Presidium, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; vice-pres., Qinghua Univ, Apr 1980; disappeared, Apr 1980.


i L -Ξ-

* 1926 Shanghai Graduated from Shanghai St. John's Univ, 1946; dpty sec-gen., Beijing Christian Youth Assn, 1949-53; prof, of Christian theory at Yanjing Union Theology College and sec., China Christian Society, 1953-64; mem., Stand. Comte, Three Self Patriotic Movement of the Protestant Churches of China (TSPMPCC), Jan 1961; vice-chm, TSPMPCC, Jun 1964-1966; research at Inst, of World Religions, CASS, Jun 1964-1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty dir., Inst, of World Religion, CASS, Apr 1979-1985; mem., 5th CPPCC, by-elected Jun 1979 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); sec-gen. for academic exchange, CASS, Jun 1980; vice-chm, TSPMPCC, Jan 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 - Mar 1988; vice-chm, Assn for Promotion of Intl Friendship, May 1985; vicepres., CASS, Sep 1985 - Apr 1990; invited by Louvain Univ, Belgium, to give lectures, Oct 1985; delegate to an intl seminar with the theme of "Dialogue is the universal basis of peace", Rome, Jul 1986; vice-chm, Natl Com for UNESCO, Jul 1986; PRC representative to 125th meeting of UNESCO Executive Board and made mem., UNESCO

Zhao Hongzhang

Executive Board, Paris, Sep 1986; invited to 13th CCP Congress, Nov 1987; deputy for Shanghai to 7th NPC, mem. of its Stand. Comte and its Foreign Affairs Comte, Mar 1988 - Jun 1990; delegate to UNESCO meeting in Paris, where he criticized the repression of the students' unrest in Beijing, Jim 8, 1989; declared his decision to stay in France, Jun 12, 1989; officially dismissed from his positions in the NPC, Jun 1990. Publications: History of Christianity; Dictionary of Religious Phrases (co-editor).

Zhao Hongzhang


Zhao Jin

M &

Counsellor, Chinese embassy in PR Mongolia, Aug 19601964; ambassador to Bulgaria, Mar 1971 - Jul 1975; ambassador to Yemen Arab Republic, Sep 1975 -Dec 1979; ambassador to Rwanda, Jul 1982-1984(7); disappeared, Jul 1983.

Zhao Jinke

M &

Zhao Jinsheng Succeeded in breeding Pima No. 1, a disease-resistant, high-yield variety of wheat, 1948; prof., NW Agricultural College in Shaanxi Prov., 1949; attended Natl Congr of Model Workers, 1950; by 1955 the Pima No. 1 was planted on 45,000,000 mou; mem., Rev Comte, NW Agricultural College, 1967; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1973; deputy for Shaanxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Natl Comte for Examining and Approving Crop Varieties, Dec 1981; mem., Dpt of Biology, CAS, Jun 1985; disappeared, Mar 1988.

Zhao Jianmin * Shandong Joined CCP, 1932; arrested by Nationalist Govt, 1936; cdr. of an Independent Brigade in SHebei Prov., 1945; vice-chm, Guiyang Mil. Control Com, Nov 1949; dir., Communications Dpt, SW China Mil. and Admin. Comte (SWMAC), 1951; mem., Finance anmd Economic Comte, SWM AC, 1952; vice-min. of Railways, 1952-55; gov. of Shandong Prov., 1955-58; sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Aug 1955-1960; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC, by-elected Jun 1956; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; sec., Yunnan Prov. CP, Jun 1963 - Cult. Rev.; during Cult. Rev. branded a renegade and purged, Jul 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1978; vice-min., 3rd Min. of Machine Building, Dec 1980 - May 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); vice-chm, Yunnan Prov. Branch, CPPCC, Sep 1987; disappeared, Nov 1987.


* 1906 Received B.Sc. from Beijing Univ, 1932; further studies at Columbia Univ, New York, 1933-37; mem., Inst, of Geology, Academia Sinica, 1939; dir., Wuhan Inst, of Geology and Paleontology, CAS, 1981; hon. dir., Wuhan Inst, of Geology and Paleontology, CAS, 1984; mem., Dpt of Earth Sciences, CAS, 1985. Remarks: Zhao is known for his research in stratigraphie paleontology.



* 1903 Shulu County, Hebei Graduated from Civil Engineering Dpt, Hong Kong Univ, 1927; worked successively as prof, of Hebei Engineering College and of NW Engineering College, 1933-47; dir., Hebei Engineering College, 1948-51; prof., Tianjin Univ, Aug 1961; vice-pres., Tianjin Univ, Mar 1964; deputy for Hebei to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988); again vice-pres., Tianjin Univ, Sep 1980; vice-pres., Tianjin Branch, China Scientific and Technological Assn, Mar 1981; ehm, Tianjin Branch, CDL, Oct 1982; vice-chm, Tianjin Branch, CPPCC, Oct 1982 (reelected May 188); disappeared, May 1988. Publications: Compiler of Harbor Engineering; and River Mouth Dynamics.

Zhao Jiuzhang



* 1909 Zhejiang Received Ph.D. from Berlin Univ., 1937; dir., Inst, of Meteorology, Academia Sinica, 1945; lectured at Univ of Chicago, 1945; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954; to 3rd, Apr 1959); dir., Geophysics Inst., CAS, May 1950 - Cult. Rev.; council mem., Meteorological Society, 1952; mem., Central


Comte, Jiusan Society, Sep 1952; mem., CAS del. to USSR, Feb 1953; mem., Dpt of Biology and Earth Science, CAS, Jun 1955 -Cult. Rev.; mem., scientific del. to Japan, Feb 1957; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, May 1957; adviser, scientific and technological del. to USSR, Nov 1957; pres., China Geophysics Society, Feb 1958-1960; deputy for Yunnan to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., scientific del. to Bombay, India, Jan 1960; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965; mem., scientific del. to Sweden, May 1965; disappeared, May 1968. Publications: Geophysics Physics (1965).

Zhao Jun

M -?·


Vice-chm, Tianjin Rev Comte, Dec 1977 - Jun 1980; deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Sep 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); vice-mayor, Tianjin MPG, Jun 1980 - Apr 1983; vice-chm, Tianjin MPC, Apr 1983; disappeared, Mar 1986.

Zhao Lin

Zhao Mingjian (f)


* 1928 Ningming County, Guangxi Zhao belonged to the Zhuang minority. Chm, Women's Fed, Longzhou Prefecture, 1950-51; mem., Presidium, All-China Women's Fed, Sep 1957; vice-chm, Women's Fed, Guangxi AR, Dec 1958 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Guangxi AR, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-chm, People's Congr, Guangxi AR, Dec 1979 (reelected Apr 1983 and Jan 1988); chm, Women's Fed, Guangxi AR, Mar 1981; deputy for Guangxi AR to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, All-China Women's Fed, Sep 19831988; disappeared, Jan 1988.

Zhao Mingsheng



* Jiangxi Imprisoned by KMT Govt, around 1935; sec., Taiyuan Municipality CP, 1937; followed 1st Field Army into Sichuan, fall of 1949; dpty sec., Ν Sichuan Distr CP, Jul 1950 - Dec 1952; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950 - Dec 1952; mem., SW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 Aug 1954; dpty sec., Sichuan CP, Nov 1954; vice-chm, Sichuan Branch, CPPCC, Jan 1955; sec., Jilin Prov. CP, Oct 1956; 2nd sec., Jilin CP, Nov 1960- Cult. Rev.; acting 1st sec., Jilin CP, Jul 1966; branded as a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, Feb 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Dec 1978 -Mar 1983; vice-chm, Shandong Rev Comte, MarDec 1979; ehm, Shandong PPC, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; deputy for Shandong to 5th NPC, by-elected Aug 1980; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; disappeared, Sep 1987.

Zhao Lizhi

pearance: vice-chm, Shanxi Rev Comte, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; deputy for Shanxi to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vicegov., Shanxi PPG, Dec 1979; disappeared, Feb 1982.

in China, (1953), Deep Space

1st CCP sec., SE Shanxi Prefecture, May 1959; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Dec 1977 - Oct 1979; vice-gov., Shanxi PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; ehm, Family Planning Comte, Shanxi PPG, Jan 1984; disappeared, Jan 1984.

Zhao Jun

Zhao Minxue



Dir., Ind. and Communications Dpt, Taiyuan Municipality CP, Mar 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, Taiyuan CP, Jul 1960- Cult. Rev.; sec., Taiyuan CP, Sep 1964- Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Jan 1967; first reap-

* 1929 Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Graduated from Electric Motors Dpt, Datong Univ, 1952; served in bureau, 1st Min. of Machine Building, 1957-82; vice-min., Min of Machine Building Ind., May 1982Nov 1986; head, technology del. to Hungary, Sep 1985; vice-min., Min. of Machine Building and Electronics Ind., May 1988 - Oct 1989.

Zhao Minxue



Deputy for Anhui to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Anhui to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983, and 7th, Mar 1988); vice-chm, Anhui Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1981; vice-chm, Anhui Branch, CDL, Feb 1981; vice-chm, Anhui PPC, Mar 1981 - Feb 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.


Zhao Pengfei

Zhao Pengfei


Field Army, 1949-50; cdr., PLA Navy, Central-S Mil. Reg, Jun 1954; cdr., S-China Fleet, PLA Navy, Feb 1956-1960; vice-min., 3rd Min. of Machine Building, Sep 1960 -May 1963; identified as vice-admiral, Jun 1959; dpty cdr., PLA Navy, Nov 1964 - ?; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969; disappeared, Jan 1972.

Zhao Qingjing


* 1920 Yi County, Hebei Zhao belonged to the Manchu minority. Cadre, Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1939; cadre, Admin. Office, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Area Govt, 1942; dir., Ind. Dpt, People's Govt, Chahar Prov., 1946; dir., Construction Bureau, Beijing MPG, Dec 1949; dpty dir., Finance and Economic Com, Beijing MPG, Aug 1953; procurator, Supreme People's Procuracy, Apr 1954; dpty dir., General Office, Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, 1956; council mem., Beijing MPC, Aug 1958; vice-mayor of Beijing, Jul 1960Nov 1964; dpty sec-gen., SC, Oct 1963; deputy for Hebei to 4th NPC, Oct 1964; during Cult. Rev. denounced by Red Guards as a counterrevolutionary revisionist and purged, May 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1977; vice-chm, Beijing Rev Comte, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983; to 7th, Mar 1988; to 8th, Mar 1993); head, Beijing del. to U.S.A., Sep 1978; ehm, Beijing MPC, Dec 1979 - Feb 1993; sec., Beijing CP, Oct 1980 Aug 1984; vice-mayor of Beijing, Jan 1981 - Apr 1983; ehm, Beijing Branch of CPPCC, Oct 1981; head, Beijing del. to Sri Lanka, Feb 1982; mem., NPC del. to Ν Korea, Aug 1984; mem., Nationalities Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986 - Mar 1988; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1987; mem., Presidium, 1st Session, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1993.

* 1922 Xihua County, Henan Polit, instructor of a battalion, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Training Div., 1943-48; rose from polit, commissar in Logistics Dpt in regiment to army, 1949-62; cadre in NE Admin., Min. of Farm Reclamation, 1965 -Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dpty CCP sec., Xinggan Mountains Prefecture, 1970-75; dir., State Farm Admin., Heilongjiang PPG, 1976-87; vice-chm, Heilongjiang PPC, Jan 1988; disappeared, Oct 1990.

Zhao Qimin

Zhao Shoushan

Μ & Κ

Zhao Qiyang


Head, Beijing opera troupe to Burma, Feb 1966; mem., Fed of Literary and Art Circles, Nov 1979; vice-min. of Culture, Apr 1981 - May 1982; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982; disappeared, Dec 1983.

^ vii


* 1910 Lantian County, Shaanxi Joined Red Army, 1928; service in 4th Red Front Army, 1933; service in 28th Red Army, 1933-35; service in 4th Detachment, New 4th Army, 1938; polit, commissar in regiment, 4th Detachment, New 4th Army, 1939; served in Ν Jiangsu Command, New 4th Army, 1942; polit, commissar, 5th Brigade, 2nd Div., New 4th Army, 1944; polit, commissar, 7th Column E China Field Army, 194548; dpty polit, commissar in army corps, 25th Army, 3rd

* 1893 Hu County, Shaanxi deceased 1965, Jun 20 Born into a peasant family and did not receive much formal education. After graduation from an army surveying school, joined Yang Hucheng's army in which he rose to brigade cdr. and cdr. of Hanzhong Garrison, S Shaanxi; recalled from mil. operations against Communists in Ν Shaanxi to undertake garrison duties in Xi'an after Xi'an Incident, Dec 1936; after outbreak of Sino-Japanese War, cdr., 17th Div., 38th Army, and achieved brilliant


combat record in successful defense of Zhongdiao Mountains against Japanese forces; cdr., 38th Army, Jun 1938; transferred to Gansu and made cdr.-in-chief, 3rd Group Army, 1941; joined CCP, 1942; cdr.-in-chief, 4th Group Army, 1945; escaped to Communist occupied areas in Ν China, Mar 1947; dpty cdr., (Communist) NW Field Army, 1947; 2nd dpty cdr., 1st Field Army (reorganized from NW Field Army), 1948; vice-ehm, Xi'an Mil. Control Com, Aug 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Dec 1949 Dec 1952; gov., Qinghai PPG, Jan 1950 - Nov 1952; gov., Shaanxi, Nov 1952 - Oct 1959; mem., NW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Jun 1954; dpty head, del. to comfort Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, Oct 1953; deputy for Shaanxi to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Aug 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); awarded order of "Liberation", Sep 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, Shaanxi CP, Nov 1958-1965; dpty head, workers' del. to USSR, Nov 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd NPC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Jan 1965); mem., Natl Defense Council, Apr 1959 death; mem., Party and govt del. to German Democratic Republic., Oct 1959.

Zhao Shouyi

ψ —

* 1917 Weinan County, Shaanxi deceased 1988, Jun 13 Mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Shaanxi CP, Mar 1958; pres., Shaanxi Branch of CAS, Apr 1958; alt. sec., Shaanxi CP, May 1958; sec., Shaanxi CP, Jan 1963; 2nd sec., Shaanxi CP, May 1964; purged as a capitalist-roader and successor of Gao Gang, Sep 1966; sent by special directive of CCP Central Comte to Anhui to deal with difficulties within the local leadership, Jun 1977; sec., Anhui CP, Oct 1977 - Dec 1981; vice-chm, Anhui Rev Comte, Jan 1978 - Dec 1979; deputy for Anhui to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dir., Party School, Anhui CP, Feb 1978Dec 1981; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jan 1982 -May 1982; min., Min. of Labor and Personnel, May 1982- Sep 1985; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; mem., State Science and Technology Leading Group, Jan 1983; head, del. to 69th Session of Intl Labor Org. in Geneva, Jim 1963; lead Party and govt del. to Congo, Jul 1984; led labor and personnel del. to Italy, Apr 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com., CCP Central Comte, Sep 1985 - Nov 1987.

Zhao Wenfu

Zhao Shuli

¿¿ M

* 1906 Jinshui County, Shanxi deceased 1970, Sep 23 Born into the family of a poor peasant. Began education at a village school; later attended middle school; joined an anti-warlord movement, sponsored by students, Shanxi, 1926; as a result imprisoned for a short time, 1927; wrote for local newspapers, early 1930's; served as distr head in the local admin., 1937; joined 8th Route Army and assigned to special cultural work in Taihang mountains, 1939; published the newspaper New Masses, 1940; spoke at a forum on literature and art to echo Mao Zedong's "Yan'an Talks", 1942; moved his paper to Beijing and renamed it Workers' Paper, 1949; mem., Natl Comte, Fed of Democratic Youth, May 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, Fed of Literary and Art Circles (FLAC), Jul 1949 (reelected 1953 and 1960); delegate of FLAC to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Natl Comte, Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, Oct 1950; council mem., Writers' Assn, Sep 1953; deputy Henan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jan 1959); ehm, Union of Chinese Ballad Artists, Aug 1958; deputy for Shanxi for 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; denounced as a harbinger of the counterrevolutionary, revisionist line in literature, Feb 1967; murdered Sep 23, 1970; rehabilitated, Oct 1978. Publications: The Marriage of Young Blacky (novel, 1943); Rhymes of Li Youcai (novel, 1943); Change in Li Village (novel, 1945); The Evil Cannot Owerpower the Good (novel, 1948); Sanliwan Village (novel, 1955); Tempering (novel, 1958); Selling Tobacco Leaves (novel); The Old Quotas (novel); Practical Worker Pan Yongfu (novel); The Old Squire Yang (novel).

Zhao Tingguang


Zhao belonged to the Yao minority. Vice-chm, Wenshen Yao Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Prov., Sep 1965; deputy for Yunnan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dpty sec., Yunnan CP, Mar 1983 - Jul 1985; mem., Stand. Comte, Yunnan CP, Jul 1985; disappeared, Jul 1985.

Zhao Wenfu

& Χ "it

deceased 1990 Dpty dir., Org. Dpt, Henan Prov. CP, 1950; dir., Personnel Dpt, Henan People's Govt, Jan 1952; deputy for Henan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, 1958 and 3rd, 1964); vice-gov., Henan, Feb 1955 - Cult. Rev.;


Zhao Wenjin

sec., Henan CP, Oct 1956 - Cult. Rev.; branded as a capitalist-roader and purged, Nov 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, Henan CP, Dec 1978; sec., Henan CP, Mar 1979 -Mar 1983; vicechm, Henan Rev Comte, May-Aug 1979; ehm, Henan Branch, CPPCC, Oct 1979; by-elected deputy for Henan to 5th Ν PC (reelected to 6th, 1983 and to 7th, 1988); ehm, Henan People's Congr, Apr 1983 - Jun 1985.

Zhao Wenjin & χ Sê •1914 Guangxi Cdr. of a battalion, 28th Army, 1938; dpty cdr., regiment of Western Beijing Vanguard Army (cdr.: Xiao Ke), 1940; cdr. of a regiment, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Training Corps, 1944; cdr. of a div., NE China Liberation Army, 1947; cdr. of a div., 4th Field Army, 1949; led his unit in the Korean War, 1952; dpty cdr., 54th Army, 1953; dispatched to Tibet, 1954; dpty cdr., Tibet Mil. Reg, Aug 1962-1975; mem., Sichuan Prov., Rev Comte, Dec 19771979; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; cdr., Sichuan Mil. Distr, Sep 1978-1982(7); dpty cdr., Chengdu Mil. Reg, Sep 1978; disappeared, Jul 1988.

Zhao Wenlong



* 1920 Yi County, Hebei Zhao belonged to the Manchu minority. Joined 8th Route Army, 1938; cdr. of a regiment, Hebei-Chahar-ReheLiaoning Mil. Reg, 1943-45; served successsively as regiment cdr. and cos of Beijiang Command under Guangdong-Jiangxi-Hunan Border Column, 1946-50; service in dpt of Supreme People's Procuratorate, 1950-59; dpty procurator, Henan Prov., 1979-83; chief procurator, Henan Prov., Sep 1983-1987; vice-chm, Henan PPC, Jan 1988; deputy for Henan to 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.

1950; chief procurator, Gansu Provincial Procuracy, 1956; vice-gov., Gansu PPG, Sep 1964- Cult. Rev.; disappeared, Jan 1968.

Zhao Wucheng ^ ϋς Dpty sec., Zhengzhou Municipality CP, Aug 1950; 2nd sec., Guangzhou Municipality CP, Mar 1955-1964; 2nd sec., Tianjin Municipality CP, Jun 1964-1966; sec., Hebei Prov. CP, Sep 1965; vice-chm, Tianjin Rev Comte, Jun 1970 - Dec 1979; head, Tianjin friendship del. to Japan, Apr 1974; sec., Tianjin CP, Aug 1975 - Sep 1977; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; 2nd sec., Tianjin CP, Sep-Dec 1977; 3rd sec., Tianjin CP, Dec 1977-1980; vice-min., State Capital Construction Com, Apr 1980- May 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

Zhao Xinchu ¿ ¿ ^ M * 1915 Hubei deceased 1991, Nov 15 Sec., CCP Huanggang Distr, Hubei Prov., Apr 1952; sec., CCP Secretariat, Hubei Prov., May 1957 - Apr 1965; vice-gov., Hubei PPG, Dec 1958 - Sep 1964; vicemin. of Culture, Apr 1965 - Cult. Rev.; denounced as a counterrevolutionary and purged, 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Hubei Prov. CP, Jul 1973 - Apr 1975; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973 Aug 1977; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Hubei Prov., Jan 1974 Apr 1975; 1st sec., Hubei Prov. CP, May 1975 - Sep 1978; ehm, Rev Comte, Hubei Prov., May 1975 - Sep 1978; 1st polit, commissar, Hubei Mil. Distr, Jul 1975 Sep 1978; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 Sep 1982; deputy for Hubei to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; visited U.S.A., Jul 1978; vice-min., State Planning Com, Oct 1978 - Feb 1980; min. of Food, Feb 1980 - May 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - death.

Zhao Xingyuan

i t

Zhao Wenpu ^ χ -jf· * 1917 deceased 1982, Jul Party sec., Beijing Railway Office, Jul 1960; vice-min. of Railways, Jul 1978 - May 1982.

Zhao Wenxian M X. Dir., Security Office, Xianyang Branch, Shaanxi-GansuNingxia Border Reg, 1947; council mem., Ningxia PPG, Dec 1949; dir., Public Security Dpt, Ningxia PPG, Mar

* 1925 Licheng County, Shandong Joined 5th Brigade, Shandong Column, 8th Route Army, 1942; soon became known as "little hero" and "hero with golden face" because of his bravery; cdr. of a company, Shandong Column, 8th Route Army, 1945-46; cdr. of a battalion, NE Field Army, 1947-48; conferred the title of


"War Hero", 1948; cdr., 353rd Regiment, 118th Div., 40th Army, 4th Field Army, 1949; in Hainan Island Campaign, captured Haikou City and destroyed a KMT Front HQ and a K M T artillery corps, 1950; visited USSR, 1950; cdr. of a regiment, Chinese "People's Volunteers" in Korea, 1951-54; attended Nanjing PLA Mil. Academy, 1955-57; made ltn-colonel, Sep 1955; cdr., 353rd Regiment, 118th Div., 1958; deputy for PLA to 2nd NPC, Mar 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); cos, 118th Div., 1962; dpty cdr., 118th Div., 1965; cdr., 118th Div., 1966; alt. mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973; to 11th CC, 1977 - Sep 1982); dpty cdr. of a PLA army, 1970-73; polit, commissar, Heilongjiang Mil. Distr, 1973-83; mem., Stand. Comte, Heilongjiang Prov. CP, Sep 1978 (reelected Mar 1983); mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; dpty cdr., Liida Garrison, 1984-85; polit, commissar, Liida Garrison, 1985-88; mem., Central Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; appointed ltn-gen., Sep 1988; disappeared, Dec 1988. Remarks: Zhao was awarded special-class merit citation twice and great merit citation six times, and won titles of "Combat Hero" and "Hero of Various Fields".

Zhao Xingzhi

M · î·** ψ

* 1905 Hongan County, Hubei deceased 1985 Joined CCP, 1926; mem., Hubei-Henan-Anhui Border Reg Govt, 1931; dir., Logistics Dpt, 4th Field Army, Dec 1949; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte (CSMAC), Dec 1949- Jul 1951; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, CSMAC, Aug 1950; mem., Stand. Comte, Demobilization Comte, CSMAC, Aug 1950; dpty dir., General Logistics Dpt, People's Rev Mil. Council, Feb-Mar 1954; deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Mar 1959 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Oct 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959 and to 3rd, Jan 1965); mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; dpty dir., PLA General Logistics Dpt, Mar 1955; made col-gen. and awarded orders of

* 1898 Shaoxing, Zhejiang deceased 1976, Jan 8 Bora into an upper class family. His father, who passed the state examinations in 1898, never held an official position. Zhou spent his early years in the house of his grandfather, a high-ranking state official in Huaian. There he studied the classics in preparation for the state examinations. In 1909 he moved to his father's elder brother's home in Shenyang. Enrolled in Nankai Middle School in Tianjin, 1913, and soon played a leading role in the student movement; graduation from Nankai Middle School, 1917; studied at Waseda Univ and Japan Univ, 1917-19; confined studies at the American missionary Nankai Univ in Tianjin, 1919; his leading participation in student demonstrations during May 4th Movement led to his arrest and six months imprisonment, 1919; shortly after release joined a group of young intellectuals going to France as worker-students, 1920; with Cai Hesen, Li Lisan, Wang Ruofei and others organized Socialist Youth League, Paris, 1921; dir., Propaganda Dpt, European Branch of CCP, 1922; traveled to Belgium and Germany, 1923-24; returned to China, 1924; ehm, Guangdong-Guangxi Regional Comte, CCP, 1924; after founding the KMT-CCP united front: dir., Training Program, Polit. Training Dpt, Natl Revolutionary Army (NRA), 1924; acting dir., Polit. Dpt, Whampoa Mil. Academy (headed by Chiang Kaishek), 1925; established at academy a strong Communist base; married Deng Yingchao in Tianjin, 1925; during Northern Expedition dir., Polit. Dpt, 1st Div., 1st Army, NRA and became special commissioner, E River Admin. Council, 1925-26; arrested in Shantou (Swatow) and detained for a short time after Zhengshan gunboat incident, Mar 1926; engaged in organizing workers' armed uprisings in Shanghai just prior to arrival of NRA, Oct 1926 Mar 1927; barely escaped alive from events following the rift between KMT and CCP, Apr 1927; sec., Mil. Comte, CCP Central Comte, May 1927; mem., CCP 5th Central Comte, May 1927 (reelected to 6th through 10th, without interruption until death); alt. mem., Politburo, CCP 5th Central Comte, May 1927 - Jul 1928; one of the main organizers of Nanchang Uprising, Aug 1927; escaped to Hong Kong, Oct 1927; attended 6th Congr of CCP in Moscow and elected mem. of Politburo, Jul 1928 (reelected to


7th-10th without interruption until death); dir., CCP Mil. Comte, 1929; joined Jiangxi Soviet, 1931; vice-chm, Mil. Council of newly established Chinese Soviet Govt, Nov 1931; sec., Secretariat of CCP Central Comte, 1932-56; 1st polit, commissar, 1st Red Front Army, 1932; vicechm, CCP Central Comte and vice-chm, Revolutionary Mil. Comte, 1933; accompanied Mao Zedong on Long March, Oct 1934 - Oct 1935; secret negotiation with KMT general Zhang Xueliang in Xi'an for a united front against the Japanese invadors, 1936; head of CCP del. to conf. in Xi'an convoked by Zhang shortly after kidnapping of Chiang Kai-shek in Xi'an Incident, Dec 1936; head, CCP del. to Nanjing for negotiations on KMT-CCP united front against Japan, Feb 1937; head, CCP del. to KMT People's Polit. Council forum, 1938; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, KMT Mil. Affairs Com, Hankou, 1938; broke his arm in fall from horse, Yan'an and went to Moscow for medical treatment, Sep 1939; attended together with Zhu De as observer, 5th Soviet Congr of USSR, Moscow, 1939; leading CCP liaison officer in Chongqing, 1940-45; vicechm, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, CCP Central Comte, Jun 1945; accompanied Mao Zedong to Chongqing for talks with KMT, Aug 1945; one of 7 CCP delegates to Polit. Consultative Conf. convened by KMT for rapprochement with CCP, Jan 1946; returned to Yan'an after breakdown of negotiations, Nov 1946; moved to Beijing to organize a Communist nati govt, Mar 1949; delegate of CCP to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; vice-chm, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 - Dec 1954; premier, Oct 1949 - death; min. of Foreign Affairs, Oct 1949 - Feb 1958; vice-chm, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, Oct 1949 - Oct 1954; hon. dir., Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Dec 1949; joined Mao Zedong in negotiations with Stalin, Moscow, Jan 1950; signed 30-year Friendship and Assistance Pact, Feb 1950; head, del. to USSR to negotiate for return of Manchurian Railway and extension of Soviet occupation of Port Arthur (Liishun), Sep 1952; head, del. attend Stalin's funeral, Mar 1953; head, del. to attend funeral of Klement Gottwald, pres. of Czechoslovakia, Mar 1953; head, del. to Geneva Conf. on Indochina, Apr 1954; visited India, Burma, Ν Vietnam, Jun-Jul 1954; returned to Geneva for resumption of conf. and successively visited German Dem. Rep., Poland, USSR, Mongolian PR, Jul 1954; deputy for Beijing to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, 1958 and to 3rd, 1964); ehm, Natl Comte, CPPCC, Dec 1954-1967(7); head, del. to Afro-Asian Conf., Bandung, Apr 1955; mem., Stand. Comte, Politburo, 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 (reelected to 9th CC, Apr 1969 and 10th CC, Aug 1973); visits to Ν Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Burma, Pakistan, Nov-Dec 1956; visited USSR, Poland, Hungary, Jan 1957; visits to Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Ceylon, Jan-Feb 1957; visited Ν Korea, Feb 1958; head, del. to attend 21st Congr of CP USSR, JanFeb 1959; visits to India, Burma, Nepal, Cambodia, Ν Vietnam, Mongolia, Apr-May 1960; head, 400-men friendship del. to Burma, Dec 1960; head, del. to Moscow to attend 22nd Congr of CP USSR - left abruptly before end of congr after Khrushchov repeatedly attacked "Stalin-

Zhou Erfu

ism and cult of personality", Oct 1961; visits to Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Albania, Tunisia, Somalia, Ghana, Mali, Guinea, Ethiopia, Sudan, Dec 1963 - Jan 1964; head, govt del. to Pakistan, Indonesia, Ceylon, Feb 1964; visited Burma, Jul 1964; head, Party and govt del. to Moscow to attend 47th anniversary of October Rev, Nov 1964; visits to Romania, Algeria, Egypt, Burma, Indonesia, Pakistan, Mar-Apr 1965; visits to Egypt, Pakistan, Tanzania, Algeria, Jun 1965; visits to Romania, Albania, Pakistan, Jun 1966; head, Party del. to funeral of Ho-Chiminh, Ν Vietnam, Sep 1969; head, Party and govt del. to Ν Korea, Apr 1970; head, Party and govt del. to Ν Vietnam, Mar 1971.

Zhou Erfu

M ¿ó


* 1914 Nanjing, Jiangsu Attended Nanjing YMCA Middle School; graduated from Foreign Languages Dpt, Shanghai Guanghua Univ, 1933 (during his studies he was editor of Literary Miscellany and the monthly Novelist); went to Yan'an, 1938; subsequently worked as a press cadre in Ν and then NE China, 1939-46; editor-in-chief, Hong Kong journal Northern Literature, 1947-49; alt. mem., All-China Fed. of Literary and Art Circles, Jul 1949; sec., United Front Work Dpt, E China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Oct 1949; mem., Culture and Education Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950; mem., Culture and Education Com, Shanghai MPG, Jul 1953; dpty dir., United Front Work Dpt, Shanghai CP, Jul 1953; council mem., Chinese Writers' Assn, Sep 1953; dpty head, cultural del. to India and Burma, Nov 1954; dpty head, cultural del. to Indonesia, Jun 1955; council mem., Sino-Indonesian Friendship Assn, Jun 1955; council mem., Sino-Indian Friendship Assn, Apr 1956; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, Shanghai CP, Mar 1958; council mem. and sec-gen., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Apr 1959; mem., State Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Sep 1959; council mem., China Peace Council, Jan 1960; vice-chm, Sino-Latin American Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; council mem., Sino-African Friendship Assn, Apr 1960; head, del. to Latin American Conf., Mexico, Feb 1961; head, cultural del. to Cuba, Mar 1961; vice-chm, Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Jul 1961; council mem., Sino-Cuban Friendship Assn, Dec 1962; head, cultural del. to Japan, May 1963; vice-chm, Sino-Japanese Friendship Assn, Dec 1963; vice-chm, Assn for Cultural Relations and Friendship with Foreign Countries, Apr 1966; during Cult. Rev. branded a capitalist-


Zhou Fengming

reader and purged, Jun 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., May 1978; dpty sec-gen., 5th CPPCC, Aug 1978; vice-min. of Culture, Dec 1978 - May 1982; dpty head, cultural del. to Japan (head: Huang Zhen), May 1979; dpty head, cultural del. to Romania, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Tunisia (head: Huang Zhen), Oct 1979; vice-min., Com for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Mar 1981 - May 1982; dpty head, cultural del. to Australia and New Zealand (head: Huang Zhen), Apr 1981; vice-chm, China Calligraphers' Assn, May 1981; head, writers' del. to Italy, Nov 1982; vice-chm, Assn for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Mar 1983; head, friendship del. to Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, Aug-Sep 1983; head, friendship del. to Japan, Oct-Nov 1985; expelled from CCP and removed from all other positions for having visited the Yasukuni Jinja Shrine in Japan, at which Japanese war criminals are honored, Mar 1986; the People's Publishing House published his novel The Fall of Nanjing, 1987; disappeared, Mar 1986.

Foreign Affairs, Oct 1949; dpty dir., Chinese People's Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Dec 1949; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte and concurrently vice-chm of its Cultural and Educational Comte, Mar 1950 - Jan 1953; council mem., Red Cross Society, Sep 1950 - Oct 1961; mem., Central-S Admin. Comte and concurrently vice-chm of its Cultural and Educational Comte, Jan 1953 - Oct 1954; council mem., Polit. Science and Law Assn, Apr 1953; deputy for Anhui to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958, and to 3rd, Oct 1964); editor, Polit. Science and Law Studies journal, 1954; mem., NPC del. to InterParliamentary Union, Jul 1955; vice-chm, Foreign Trade Arbitration Comte, China Council for Promotion of Intl Trade, Apr 1956 - Cult. Rev.; observer, 11th session, World Fed of UN Associations, Geneva, Sep 1956; visited Great Britain, Sep 1956; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, May 1957 - Nov 1958; mem., Natl Comte for World Peace, Jul 1958; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; a memorial service for Zhou was held eight years after his death, Jan 25, 1979.

Publications: Mourning in Shanghai (translated into English, Japanese, Vietnamese); The Story of Dr. Bethune (translated into Japanese); Swallow Cliffs (translated into Japanese); Children of Xiliushui (translated into Russian); Spring in the Valley; People's Soldiers; When Niu Yonggui Was Wounded; Touring the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Region (translated into Japanese); A New Starting Point (collection of essays); Mourning in Shanghai (3rd volume, 1979); The Fall of Nanjing (first in a six-book series Spirit of the Great Wall, 1987); The Yangzi River Rushes On (second of the series, 1988).

Publications: Modem European Foreign Relations (1927); Introductions to Intl Law (1929); Modern European Political History (1932); Winning the Peace in the Pacific.

Zhou Fengming

jfj X


* 1919 deceased 1980, Jan 26 Vice-mayor, Hangzhou MPG, Dec 1958 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Stand. Comte, Hangzhou CP, Mar 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: mem., Central Disciplin Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978; vice-min., Economic Com, SC, May 1979.

Zhou Gengsheng

Zhou Guang * 1912 Henan deceased 1977, Apr 24 Dir., General Bureau Public Security, Liida (Lüshun-Dairen) Admin. Office, Jan 1951; vice-mayor, Liida MPG, Apr 1951; vice-mayor, Changchun MPG, Sep 1953 - Aug 1954; mayor, Changchun MPG, Aug 1954 - Jul 1958; council mem., Jilin PPC, Feb 1955; vice-gov., Jilin PPG, Jul 1958 - Mar 1968; head, Chinese Section, Yalu-Tyumen River Freight Cooperation, Dec 1962; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Jilin Prov., Mar 1968; disappeared, Sep 1970.

Zhou Guanwu


« i


* 1888 Changsha, Hunan deceased 1971, Apr 20 Received M.A. from Edinburg Univ, 1918, and doctor of law, Paris Univ, 1920; after return to China served as editor of Commercial Press, prof, of law at Beijing Univ, mem. of Central Law and Polit. Comte, National Govt and mem., Stand. Comte, KMT Tutelage Programming and Practice Comte, prof, and concurrently dir., Law Dpt, Beijing Univ; dean, Law College, Wuhan Univ, 1933; mem., Examination Comte, Academia Sinica, Jul 1935; lectured in U.S.A. and Canada, 1939-45; vice-pres., Wuhan Univ, 1945; delegate to Natl Assembly for Drafting Constitution, 1946; went over to the Communists, summer 1949; prof., Wuhan Univ, Aug 1949; adviser, Min. of

* 1917 Served in Red Army units in Shandong Prov., 1937-45; cos, Guxi Mil. Subdistr in Jiangxi Prov., 1949; volunteered to work at Shijingshan Iron and Steel Plant, 1950; vice-min., Min. of Metallurgical Ind., Aug 1978-1980; gen-mgr., Beijing Shougang Iron and Steel Co., Sep 1978Feb 1995; deputy for Beijing to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988; to 8th, Mar 1993); mem., NPC Foreign Affairs Comte, Mar 1991 - Mar 1993; mem.,


Presidium, 2nd Session, 8th NPC, Mar 1994; retired from Shougang Steel Complex after his son Zhou Beifang (head of Shougang Concord (Hong Kong) International Enterprises Ltd.) had been detained for his interrogation in connection with an economic crime case, Feb 1995.

Zhou Guanwu

Ji] "|f iL

* 1902 Ji'an County, Jiangxi deceased 1987, Mar 3 Joined Red Army, 1930; joined CCP, 1932; polit, commissar, 6th Instructional Brigade, 115th Div., 8th Route Army, 1939; polit, commissar, Bohai Mil. Distr, 1945; polit, commissar, 10th Column, E China Field Army, 1948; dpty polit, commissar, Zhejiang Mil. Distr, Jul 1955; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; 2nd polit, commissar, Zhejiang Mil. Distr., Jan 1957; visited USSR, Nov 1958; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964; dpty polit, commissar, Nanjing Mil. Reg, Oct 1967; disappeared, Feb 1977.

Zhou Huan

head, trade del. to USSR, Jan 1964; vice-min., MFT, Apr 1964 - Mar 1982; head, trade del. to Guinea and German Democratic Republic, May 1968; dpty head, govt and mil. del. to Algeria, Oct 1969; head, trade del. to Ν Korea and United Arab Republic, Mar 1970; head, trade del. to German Democratic Republic, Jun 1970; head, del. to Damascus Fair, Aug 1970; head, del. to Algiers Trade Fairs, Sep 1970; head, trade del. to Guinea, Jan 1971; head, trade del. to Chile and Peru, Apr 1971; head, trade del. to Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, PR Mongolia, May-Jun 1971; head, trade del. to USSR and Guyana, Aug 1971; head, trade del. to Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Sep-Oct 1971; head, trade del. to Cuba, Feb 1972; head, del. to UN Conf. on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Santiago, Apr 1972; head, trade del. to Italy, Sep 1972; head, trade del. to Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic (Leipzig Trade Fair), Hungary, Mar 1973; head, trade del. to Tunisia and Algeria, Feb 1974; head, del. to UNCTAD Conf. in Nairobi, May 1976; head, trade del. to Guinea, Jan 1979; head, survey team on port admin, to Romania, Apr 1979; mem., govt del. to Burma, Thailand (head: Zhao Ziyang), Jan 1981; head, trade del. to Hungary and USSR, Jun 1981; pres., China Society of Intl Trade, Jul 1981; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); mem., Economic Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.

Zhou Huan


Zhou Hongbao Jfl % Mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; named a leading cadre in Min. of Education, Feb 1975; disappeared, Oct 1976.

Zhou Huamin

M it


* 1914 Renqiu County, Hebei Studied at Law Inst., Beijing Univ, 1937; joined 8th Route Army, 1938; cadre, Trade Admin., Hebei Prov., 1940-42; dir., Ind. and Commercial Bureau, Taiyuan City, 1948-49; council mem., Shanxi PPG, Aug 1949; manager, China Natl Metals and Electric Equipment Corp., 1952-56; dir., Import and Export Dpt, Min. of Foreign Trade (MFT), 1956-60; mem., trade del. to German Democratic Republic, May 1958; asst min., MFT, May 1960 - Apr 1964; dpty head, trade del. to USSR, Mar 1961; dpty head, trade del. to USSR, Apr 1963; dpty

* 1909 Dongguo County, Liaoning Joined Red Army, 1930; during Long March with 1st Red Front Army, 1934-35; service in Polit. Dpt, 8th Route Army, 1938; dpty dir., Polit. Dpt, NE Mil. Reg, 1948 council mem., NE People's Govt, Aug 1949 - Jan 1955 delegate of NE Liberated Area to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 dpty polit, commissar, NE Mil. Reg, Aug 1952; mem., NE Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Aug 1954; deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; polit, commissar, NE Mil. Reg, Aug 1954; made col-gen. and awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; polit, commissar, Shenyang Mil. Reg, 1955; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; recuperating from unknown illness, Hangzhou, Jun 1958; again polit, commissar, Shenyang Mil. Reg, Dec 19581959; sec., Liaoning Prov. CP, 1960 - May 1968; branded a capitalist-roader and purged, May 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1978; adviser, Cultural Section, PLA General Polit. Dpt, Jul 1981; disappeared, Jul 1981.


Zhou Hui

Zhou Hui

Ά &

1982 - Nov 1985; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; head, machine building del. to Romania, Hungary, Federal Republic of Germany, Aug-Sep 1983; dpty head, State Leading Group for Foreign Investment in China, Oct 1986; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; disappeared, Nov 1987.

Zhou Jianren Mem., Hunan PPG, Feb 1955; dpty sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Mar 1956; sec., Hunan Prov. CP, Dec 1957; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-min. of Communications, Oct 1977; mem., economic del. to Great Britain and France, May 1978; 1st sec., CP of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), Oct 1978 - Dec 1984; vice-chm, Rev Comte of IMAR, Oct 1978 - Dec 1979; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, by-elected at 3rd Plenum, Dec 1978 (reelected to 12th CC, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987); 1st polit, commissar, IMAR Mil. Distr, Jun 1979-1986; head, Part}' workers' del. to Romania, Jun 1980; article in RMRB Dec 18, 1982, "Further implement and perfect various responsibility systems including vall-round contract system'"; (leading) sec., IMAR CP, Dec 1984 - Mar 1986; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; disappeared, Nov 1987.

Zhou Jiannan


* 1917 Jixin County, Jiangsu Dir., Electronic Instruments Admin. Bureau, 1st Min. of Machine Building, Sep 1954; asst min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Apr 1956 - Apr 1957; asst min., Min. of Electric Power Ind., Jim 1957; dir., Bureau for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries, SC, Apr 1961-1964; vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Oct 1961 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Apr 1978- May 1982; vice-pres., Mechanical Engineering Society, Oct 1978; head, machine building del. to Japan, Oct 1978; vice-min., State Com for Foreign Investments, Oct 1979- Mar 1982; mem., govt del. to Norway and Great Britain (head: Kang Shien), May 1980; vice-min., Admin. Com on Import and Export Affairs, Feb 1981 - Mar 1982; visited Japan, Apr 1981; ehm, Board of Directors, Market Publishing Corp., Sep 1981 - May 1982; min. of Machine Building Ind., May

Ά 4


* 1887 Shaoxing County, Zhejiang deceased 1984, Jul 29 Bom into the family of a wealthy landlord and younger brother of the writer Lu Xun (Zhou Shuren); received a univ education; lectured as prof, of biology at various universities; remained in Shanghai during Japanese occupation, 1937-45; stayed in Hong Kong, 1946-47; moved to Communist controlled Ν China, 1948; served in Education Dpt, Ν China People's Govt, 1948; delegate to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; dpty dir., Publications Admin, G AC, Oct 1949 - Oct 1954; vice-gov., Zhejiang Prov., Oct 1949-1955; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949 - Dec 1954; dir., Cultural and Education Dpt, China Assn for Promoting Democracy (CAPD), Apr 1950; deputy for Zhejiang to 1st NPC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd, 1959 and to 3rd, 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Oct 1954; vice-min. of Higher Education, Oct 1954 - Jan 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954; vice-chm, CAPD, Jun 1955-1956; pres., ChinaNepal Friendship Assn, Sep 1956; mem., Stand. Comte, Central Comte, China Democratic League (CDL), Dec 1956; gov. of Zhejiang, Jan 1958- Mar 1968; pres., Hangzhou Branch, CAS, Jun 1958; ehm, Zhejiang Branch, CDL, Sep 1961; sec., Zhejiang CP, May 1962 Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965 (reelected to 4th, 1975 and 5th, 1978); mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and 11th CC, Aug 1977); deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, 1983); acting ehm, CAPD, Jan 1979; ehm, CAPD, Oct 1979.

Zhou Junming

Ji] &

* Jueshan County, Henan Head, Communist guerilla unit, Zhumadian area, Henan, 1932; trained at Jiangxi Soviet Area, 1933; under direction of CCP Henan-Hubei Border Reg Comte, engaged in subversive activities in Tiemushan area, Henan, Jun 1935; expanded sphere of activities to Pingshizhen, Mar 1936;


head, guerilla force, S Henan, 1937; cdr., 4th and 5th Detachment, New 4th Army, 1939; cdr. of a regiment, New 4th Army, Nov 1939; dpty cos, PLA E China Mil. Reg, Oct 1951 - Oct 1954; dpty cos, PLA 3rd Field Army, 1951 - Oct 1954; vice-min. of Water Conservancy, Nov 1954 - Feb 1958; vice-min. of Forestry, Sep 19581961; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); branded an arch renegade and disappeared, Nov 1967.

Zhou Kangmin During Long March in charge of economic affairs, 193435; manager, Salt Co., Longdong, 1944; manager, China Cereals Corp., 1950; mem., Natl Comte, Fed of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Jul 1954; asst min. of Food, Feb 1955 -Mar 1959; vice-min. of Food, Sep 1960 - Dec 1964; dpty head, commercial del. to Ν Vietnam, Mar 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev. Zhou was married to Shi Zhen.

Zhou Keqin

J§\ &

Comte, Hunan Prov., Oct 1949; council mem., Hunan PPG, Mar 1950; dir., Personnel Dpt, Hunan PPG, Jan 1952; deputy for Hunan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jul 1958, and to 3rd, Sep 1964); dpty sec., Hunan CP, Jan 1955 - Sep 1956; vice-gov., Hunan PPG, Jul 1958 - Aug 1964; sec., Hunan CP, Apr 1960-1964; vicechm, Hunan Branch, CPPCC, Mar 1962; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Oct 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Nov 1977; deputy for Hunan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; sec., Hunan CP, Apr 1979 - Feb 1983; ehm, Hunan Branch, CPPCC, Apr 1979; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; disappeared, Mar 1985.

Zhou Libo




* 1937 Jianyang County, Sichuan deceased 1990, Aug 5 He was the eldest of his parents' seven children. After three years of primary school and one year at junior middle school he worked as an apprentice in a sugar refinery in Chengdu. Studied at an agrotechnical school, 1953-58; began writing, 1955; started to work in a people's commune in the suburbs of Chengdu, 1959; joined Sichuan Branch, Writers' Assn, 1979. Publications: 1955: Grandpa Yuan, the Salt Miner (short story); 1963: At the Edge of the Well (short story); 1965 (?): The Hope (short story); 1977: The Brother and Sister of the Shi Family (collection of short stories); 1980: Xu Mao and his Daugthers (novel; awarded the 1982 Mao Dun Literature Prize); Forget-Me-Not (short story, won a national award); 1981: The Moon Does Not Know My Heart (short story, won another award).

Z h o u Li

Zhou Libo

JD * L

* 1907 Ling County, Hunan Graduated from 3rd Hunan Normal School; during Long March stayed behind with a guerilla unit which operated in the area of the former Jiangxi Soviet, 1934-35; underground activities in Hunan, 1936-49; dir., Org. Dpt, CCP

* 1908 Yiyang County, Hunan deceased 1979, Sep 25 Studied economics at Shanghai Workers' Univ; worked as proof-reader with a Shanghai publisher, 1931-32; imprisoned for participating in a printers' strike, Feb 1932 - Aug 1934; joined League of left-wing writers and CCP, 1934; worked for newspapers and magazines, Yan'an, 1936-38; taught at Yan'an Lu Xun Art Inst., 1939-42; published novel The Hurricane, 1949 (later won the Stalin Literary Prize); deputy for Hunan to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958, and to 3rd, Sep 1964); settled down in the country-side, 1955; branded a "favorite of Liu Shaoqi" and disappared, Sep 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jan 1978; mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978 - death. Publications: A Stream of Smelted Iron (novel, 1954); Behind the Iron Gate (collection of short stories, 1955); Great Change in a Mountain Village (novel, 1958); On the Threshing Floor (collection of stories, 1960).

Zhou Lin

Zhou Lin


JH &

six months at Shanghai No. 6 People's Hospital, 1973; deputy for Henan to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th NPC, Jun 1983 May 1988; mem., Presidium, 4th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1986; mem., Presidium, 5th Session, 6th NPC, Mar 1987; mem.. Presidium, 1st Session, 7th NPC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1992.

Zhou Ming'an Graduated from Guizhou Univ; mayor, Xuzhou MPG, 1948; sec-gen., Shanghai MPG, Mar 1949; vice-chm, Guizhou Prov., Oct 1951; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Oct 1951 - Jan 1953; mem., SW Admin. Comte, Feb 1953 - Oct 1954; gov. of Guizhou Prov., Feb 1955 Cult. Rev.; sec., Guizhou Prov. CP, Feb 1955 - Aug 1956; deputy for Guizhou to 1st NPC, by-elected Jun 1956 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); 1st sec., Guizhou Prov. CP, Sep 1956 - Jan 1965; polit, commissar, Guizhou Mil. Distr, Aug 1958; council mem., Sino-African People's Friendship Assn, Apr 1960; branded a capitalist-roader and revisionist and purged, Jun 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1975; vicemin. of Education, Dec 1977 - May 1982; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; sec., Beijing Univ CP, Sep 1978-1980; head, education del. to Venezuela, Oct 1981; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); adviser to Min. of Education, Aug 1983 - Jun 1985; deputy for Yunnan to 7th NPC, Mar 1988 (reelected to 8th, Mar 1993); disappeared, Mar 1993.

Zhou Liqin (f)



Agricultural laborer, Gelong Production Brigade, Weiwang People's Commune of Jiading County, Shanghai Municipality, 1968; mem., presidium, 9th CCP Congr, Apr 1969; vice-chm, Shanghai Rev Comte, May 19701977; mem., friendship del. to Japan, Apr 1973; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; disappeared, Sep 1977.

Zhou Lirong

ji] 3/] -3c

deceased 1983, Jul 31 Deputy for Liaoning to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; vice-gov., Liaoning PPG, Feb 1980 - death.

Zhou Mingzhen

j§\ ty ^

* 1919 Received Ph.D. from Princeton Univ, U.S.A., 1951; returned to China, 1952; sec-gen., Society of Paleontology, 1963; after Cult. Rev. again sec-gen., China Society of Paleontology, Apr 1979; dpty dir., Inst, of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleonthropology, CAS, May 1980; conferred the title of hon. mem. by Society of Vertebrate Paleontology of U.S.A., May 1980; dpty dir., Beijing Natural History Museum, May 1980; vice-pres., China Society of Paleontology, May 1980; dir., Inst, of Vertebrate Paleontology and Pelonthropology, CAS, Jul 19811984; head, CAS del. to Japan, Jul 1981; pres., China Assn of Natural Science Museums, Oct 1984; mem., Dpt of Earth Sciences, CAS, Jun 1985; dir., Beijing Natural History Museum, Aug 1988; Zhou is among 42 intellectuals who signed an open letter to China's leadership, asking for democratization, freedom of speech, release of polit, prisoners and increased funding of education, Mar 1989; disappeared, Mar 1989.

;fl ^ Zhou Peiyuan

Iff ^ Graduated from Shanghai No. 1 Medical Colige, 1958; subsequently went to work in Dancheng County, Henan Prov.; started studying microsurgery, 1970; studied for

* 1902 Yixing, Jiangsu

deceased 1993, Nov 24


Born into the family of a rich landlord; graduated in physics from Qinghua Univ, Beijing, 1924; went to U.S.A., 1925; obtained master's degree from Univ of Chicago, 1926; received doctorate in physics from California Inst, of Technology, 1928; research work at Leipzig Univ in Germany and Zürich National Industrial Univ of Switzerland, 1928-29; assumed professorship in Physics at Qinghua Univ, 1929; worked at Inst, of Advanced Studies in Princeton, U.S.A., and took part in seminar on relativity under Albert Einstein's direction, 1935-36; rejoined faculty of Qinghua Univ, 1937, which had been moved to Kunming and incorporated together with Beijing and Nankai Universities into the Natl United SW Univ; again in U.S.A., 1943-47, and here engaged in research projects for U.S. Navy, dealing with, among others, the launching of torpedos from aircraft; returned to Qinghua Univ, spring 1947; pres., Physics Society, 1948-83; attended internati conf. on dynamics, London, Nov 1949; council mem., Fed of Scientific Societies, Aug 1950; mem., friendship del. to England, Oct 1950; mem., del. to 2nd World Peace Congr, Warsaw, Nov 1950; 1952: Zhou submitted to an "inquiry" in which he confesses to an earlier suspicion that the PRC would not tolerate free scientific research and that he had been persuaded to visit U.S.A. for a third time by U.S. Govt special agents; mem., Central Comte of Jiusan Society, Sep 1953; leaved Qionghua for Beijing Univ, Sep 1953; mem., del. to 3rd World Peace Congr, Budapest, Sep 1953; deputy for Jiangsu to 1st Ν PC, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd - 4th NPCs); with the establishment of the four major departments of CAS, made mem., Dpt of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, May 1955; mem., del. to celebrations of 200th anniversary of Moscow Univ, Jun 1955; mem., del. to session of World Fed of Scientific Workers, East Berlin, Sep 1955; council mem., World Fed of Scientific Workers, Mar 1956; addresses 9th Intl Conf. on Applied Mechanics, Brussels, Sep 1956; vice-pres., Beijing Univ, Dec 1956; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Jun 1957-1958; delegate to 1st "Pugwash Conf." (named after the native town of its initiator, the American industrialist Cyrus Eaton, who brought together outstanding scientists from both western and socialist countries in these conferences), Canada, Jul 1957; mem., del. to session of World Fed of Scientific Workers, Helsinki, Aug 1957; mem., del. to 40th anniversary of October Rev, Moscow, Nov 1957; vice-pres., Dynamics Society, Feb 1958; took part in 2nd Pugwash Conf., Canada, Mar 1958; mem., World Peace Council, Jul 1958-1965; sec., Assn for Science and Technology, Sep 1958; vice-chm, Jiusan Society, Dec 1958 - Jan 1988; joined CCP, Jan 1959; mem., Stand. Comte, CPPCC, Apr 1959 - Feb 1978; sec-gen., del. to Congr of World Fed of Scientific Workers, Warsaw, Sep 1959; delegate to a scientific congr in New Delhi, Jan 1960; dir., Inst, of Modern Physics, CAS, Mar 1960; council mem., Sino-African Friendship Assn, Mar 1960; mem., del. to session of World Fed of Scientific Workers, Budapest, Oct 1960; took part in 6th Pugwash Conf., Moscow, Nov 1960; mem., del. to session of World Peace Council, New Del-

Zhou Peiyuan

hi, Mar 1961; mem., del. to session of World Fed of Scientific Workers, Sofia, Apr 1961; head, del. to World Conf. Against Atomic Bombs, Tokyo, Aug 1961; mem., del. to session of World Fed of Scientific Workers, Geneva, Sep 1961; head, del. to 7th Congr, World Fed of Scientific Workers and elected vice-chm, Sep 1962; head, CAS del. to Albania, Nov 1962; vice-pres., Assn for Science and Technology, Sep 1963 - Dec 1977; head, CAS del. to 100th anniversary of Bucharest Univ, Oct 1964; head, del. to 8th Congr, World Fed of Scientific Workers, Budapest, Jun 1965; mem., friendship del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1970; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Beijing Univ, Oct 1970; dpty dir., Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Apr 1972-1977; head, scientific del. to Federal Republic of Germany, May 1974; head, scientific del. to France, Jul 1974; head, scientific del. to U.S.A., Sep 1975; acting pres., Assn for Science and Technology, Dec 1977 - Mar 1980; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; vice-pres., CAS, Mar 1978 - May 1981; pres., Beijing Univ, Jun 1978 - Mar 1981; head, CAS del. to Japan, Sep 1978; head, educational del. to U.S.A., Oct 1978; dpty dir., Comte for the Promotion of Internati Measurement, Mar 1979; head, CAS del. to Italy, Mar 1979; pres., Assn for Science and Technology, Mar 1980 - Jun 1986; head, CAS del. to U.S.A., Apr 1980; mem., Award Comte for Natural Science, State Scientific and Technological Com, May 1980; awarded hon. degree of doctor of law by Univ of Princeton, Jun 1980; vice-chm, 5th CPPCC, by-elected Sep 1980 (reelected to 6th, 1983; to 7th, 1988; to 8th, 1993); mem., Constitution Revision Comte, Sep 1980; mem., Natl Academic Degrees Comte, SC, Dec 1980; head, CPPCC del. to Romania, Oct 1981; vice-pres., Society of Research in Dialectics of Nature, Nov 1981; head, CPPCC del. to Japan, May 1982; hon. pres., Mechanics Society, May 1982 - death; head, del. to 19th Session of Internati Council of Scientific Union, Cambridge, England, Sep 1982; hon. pres., Physics Society, Nov 1982 death; pres., China-Poland Friendship Assn, Jul 1984; pres., Chinese People's Assn for Peace and Disarmament, Jun 1985; visited Brazil, Jul 1985; delegate to UN Symposium of Experts on Peace, Warsaw, Jan 1986; subsequently visited Hungary and the German Democratic Republic; hon. pres., Assn for Science and Technology, Jun 1986 death; vice-pres., Award Foundation for Teachers of Middle and Primary Schools and Kindergartens, Feb 1987; invited to 13th CCP Congr, Oct 1987; ehm, Jiusan Society, Jan 1988 - Dec 1992; ehm, Foreign Affairs Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; head, del. to internati conf. on striving for establishment of a non-nuclear weapons zone, East Berlin, Jun 1988; head, CPPCC del. to Romania and Czechoslovakia, Oct 1988; hon. ehm, Jiusan Society, Dec 1992 - death; vice-chm and executive ehm, 1st Session, 8th CPPCC, Mar 1993. Zhou was married to Wang Dicheng.

Zhou Ping

Zhou Ping


JÜ - f

1959; council mem., Shanghai Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1959; vice-pres., E China Branch, CAS, Feb 1964; disappeared, Sep 1964. Publications: Behavior of Fluorite in Blast Furnace; The Change of Fluorite in Iron Ores from Baotou in IM3 Experimental Blast Furnace.

Zhou Renjie * 1931 Changtu County, Liaoning Graduation from Chemical Dpt, Dalian Engineering Inst., 1955; studied at Moscow Automotive Power Inst., 195658; served successively as engineer in 2nd Inst, and in Nuclear Fuel Plant under 2nd Min. of Machine Building, 1958-63; dpty dir., Nuclear Fuel Bureau, Min. of Nuclear Ind., 1982-83; accompanied vice-premier Li Peng to Federal Republic of Germany, May 1984; vice-min. of Nuclear Ind., May 1984 - Jul 1987; vice-pres., Chinese Nuclear Ind. Society, May 1984; delegate to 29th Conf. of Intl Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Sep 1985; chief delegate of PRC to IAEA, Sep 1988; vice-min., State Com of Science and Technology, Sep 1988-1993; head, govt del. to Pakistan, Apr 1989; visited France, Sep-Oct 1990; dir., China Natl Nuclear Safety Admin., Sep 19901993; visited Czechoslovakia and Poland, Mar 1991; disappeared, Jan 1993.

Zhou Qiuye

jU 4k *f

Counselor, embassy in Yugoslavia, Apr 1955 - May 1961; dir., 2nd Dpt of Asian Affairs, Min. of Foreign Affairs, Jul 1961 - May 1964; mem., govt del. to Cambodia and Ν Vietnam, Jul 1961; ambassador to Congo, May 1964 Cult. Rev.; sec-gen., Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Sep 1971; head of a dance and theater troop to Albania, Sep 1971; head, dance and theater troop to Yugoslavia, Nov 1971; dpty dir., Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Oct 1974 - Aug 1976; ambassador to Australia, Aug 1976 - Mar 1978; ambassador to Yugoslavia, Jul 1978 - Jan 1981; dpty dir., Inst, of Foreign Affairs, Feb 1984; disappeared, May 1984.

Zhou Ren * 1884 Nanjing Received M.M.E. from Cornell Univ, U.S.A., 1915; dean, Univ of Communications, Shanghai, 1921; dir., Technical Dpt, Academia Sinica, 1928; dir., Inst, of Engineering, Academia Sinica, 1936; CAS, 1948; dir., Engineering Experiment Laboratory, CAS, Jun 1950; deputy for Shandong to 1st NPC (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Dpt of Technology and Science, CAS, May 1955; dir., Inst, of Metallurgy and Ceramics, CAS, Jun 1956; pres., Metallurgical Society, Nov 1956; mem., Natl Comte, Assn for Science and Technology, Sep 1958; vice-pres., Shanghai Branch, CAS, Dec 1958; pres., Shanghai Univ of Science and Technology, Sep

* 1912 Hunan Cdr., 8th Regiment, 3rd Garrison Brigade, 8th Route Army, 1945; cdr., 1st Rehe Column, Hebei-Rehe-Liaoning Mil. Reg, 1946; cdr., 33rd Div., NE Field Army, 1948; dpty cdr., 48th Army, 4th Field Army, 1949; dpty cdr., PLA Navy Central-S China, 1952; made vice-admiral and awarded orders of "August 1st" and "Liberation", Sep 1955; dpty cdr., E China Sea Fleet, PLA Navy, Oct 1959; cdr., E China Sea Fleet, PLA Navy, Mar 1969-1970; dpty cdr., PLA Navy, Sep 1974; dpty head, mil. del. to Romania, Sep 1974; disappeared, Jan 1976; first reappearance: mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 (reelected Nov 1987); disappeared, Nov 1987.

Zhou Renshan

ß\ fe- dj

* Qinghai deceased 1984, Nov 30 Dir., Org. Dpt, CCP Comte, Qinghai, Nov 1949; council mem., Qinghai PPG, Dec 1949-1954; mem., Nationalities Affairs Comte, NW Mil. and Admin. Comte, May 1951 Jan 1953; dir., United Front Work Dpt, Qinghai CP, Sep 1952; mem., Nationalities Affairs Comte, NW Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Oct 1954; deputy for Qinghai to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Nationalities Comte, 1st NPC (reelected to 2nd and 3rd NPCs); dpty sec., Qinghai CP, Feb 1955 - Oct 1956; sec., Qinghai CP, Oct 1956 - May 1957; dpty sec., CCP Tibet Working Comte, May 1957 Aug 1965; deputy for Tibet to 2nd NPC, Mar 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Dec 1964); vice-chm, Preparatory Comte for Tibet AR, Sep 1961 - Sep 1965; accompanied Panchen Lama to Xinjiang, Nov 1961; sec., CCP Comte, Tibet AR and concurrently vice-chm, Tibet AR People's Govt, Sep 1965 - Cult. Rev.; branded as an agent of the "Chinese Khrushchev" ( = Liu Shaoqi) in Tibet and purged, Sep 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jun 1978; sec., CCP Comte, Xinjiang AR, Jul 1978 - Jun 1979; 2nd sec., CCP Comte, Xinjiang AR, Jun 1979 - Aug 1980; dpty

Zhou Shiguan


head, CCP workers' del. to Romania, Jun 1980; vice-chm, Legal Com, 5th NPC, Sep 1981; adviser, Law Comte, Ν PC Stand. Comte, Sep 1983.

Zhou Rongxin

3Ê Jb-

Dir., General Office, Financial and Economic Comte, GAC, Oct 1949 - Nov 1950; dpty sec-gen., Financial and Economic Comte, GAC, Oct 1949 - Aug 1952; dpty secgen., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1949; 2nd sec., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jul 19501952; mem., Nationalities Affairs Com, GAC, Sep 1951Sep 1954; mem., Comte for Production Managements, GAC, Mar 1952; vice-min. of Building, Aug 1952 - Mar 1958; pres., Architecture Society, Oct 1953 - Mar 1958; mem., scientific and technical del. to USSR, Nov 1957; pres., Zhejiang Univ, May 1958-1960; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Zhejaing Prov., Aug 1958-1960; ehm, Scientific Work Comte, Zhejaing CP, Aug 19581960; vice-min. of Education, Jul 1961 - Mar 1963; dpty sec-gen., SC, Mar 1963; acting sec-gen., SC, Oct 1963 Jan 1965; ehm, State Org. Com, SC, Nov 1963; deputy for Inner Mongolia AR to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; sec-gen., SC, Jan 1965 - Cult. Rev.; branded a "capitalist reader", Jan 1967; placed under struggle and purged, Dec 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1972; min. of Education, Jan 1975; disappeared, Jan 1976.

Zhou Shaoxun

Zhou Shidi


* 1934 Tianjin Studied at PLA Navy Artillery School, 1951; served in repair section of a navy base, 1956-58; served successively as dir. of Polit. Dpt, polit, commissar of the Signal Station, dir. of Polit. Dpt, dir. of Org. Dpt and finally polit, commissar in a Navy Ship Detachment, 1958-85; polit, commissar, S China Fleet, PLA Navy, Nov 1985; alt. mem., CCP 13th Central Comte, Nov 1987; appointed rear admiral, Sep 1988; disappeared, Sep 1988.

I * Ψ



* 1900 Hainan Island, Guangdong deceased 1979, Jun 30 Studied in Mil. Preparatory School, Guangzhou; graduated from 1st Class, Whampoa Mil. Academy, 1924; joined CCP, 1924; during Northern Expedition: cos, Independent Regiment (cdr.: Ye Ting), 1925-26; dpty cdr., 25th Div., 1927; led his troops to participate in Nanchang Uprising, Aug 1927; after failure joined Zhu De in guerilla activities in Guangdong and Jiangxi, 1927-28; deserted troops, fled to Hong Kong and on to Japan, 1928; upon return joined Third Party (established Dec 1927 by Deng Yinda and Zhang Bojun), 1928; cdr. of a regiment under Cai Tingkai during Fujian Uprising; after failure escaped to Communist guerillas in W Fujian, 1932; instructor, Red Army Univ at Ruijin, 1933; during Long March: service in 2nd Red Front Army, 1934-35; cos, 120th Div., 8th Route Army, 1937; cos and dpty polit, commissar, Shanxi-Suiyuan Mil. Distr, 1944; dpty cdr., Shanxi-Suiyuan Mil. Distr, 1945; dpty cdr., 1st Army Corps, Ν China Field Army, 1948; mem., Taiyuan Mil. Control Com, Apr 1949; cdr., 18th Army Corps, 1st Field Army, May 1949; mayor of Chengdu, Jan 1950-1951; vice-chm, Chengdu Mil. Control Com, Jan 1950; cdr., W Sichuan Mil. Distr, Feb 1950; dpty cdr., SW Mil. Reg, Jul 1950; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950 - Feb 1953; cdr., PLA Air Defense Command, 1951 - Sep 1956; commandant, PLA Paratroopers' School, Jun 1952; deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 - Cult. Rev.; appointed col-gen. and awarded orders of "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; dir., Training Dpt, PLA General Staff, Feb 1957; cdr., PLA Air Defense Command, Feb 1959-?; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965); mem., Central Control Comte, CCP Central Comte, 1962; accompanied Deng Xiaoping to USSR, Jul 1963; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978.

Zhou Shiguan

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* 1892 deceased 1983, Dec 9 Mem., Stand. Comte, CDNCA, Dec 1945 - Cult. Rev.; attended 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Chinese People's Comte for World Peace, 1952; delegate representing CDNCA to 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 (reelected to 32rd, Apr 1959, and to 4th, Dec 1964); dpty dir., Org. Dpt, CDNCA, Apr 1955; mem., Fed of Ind. and Commerce,


Zhou Shizhao

Feb 1959; dpty sec-gen., CDNCA, Oct 1962; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th CPPCC, Jan 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); vice-chm, Central Comte, CDNCA, Oct 1979 -death.

Zhou Shizhao

M #


Classmate of Mao Zedong at Changsha No. 1 Normal School, 1917; taught at Xiuye Primary School, Changsha, 1919; on Mao's return from Shanghai, invited him to stay and teach at his school, and Mao accepted the offer, 1919; editor of Hunan Popular News, 1921; mem., Hunan PPC, Feb 1955; dpty dir., Education Dpt, Hunan PPC, Sep 1955; dir., Changsha No. 1 Normal School, Apr 1957; deputy for Hunan to 2nd NPC, Jul 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-gov., Hunan PPG, Jul 1958 - Cult. Rev.; dir., Education Dpt, Hunan PPC, Aug 1958; ehm, Hunan Branch, CDL, Oct 1958 - Cult. Rev.; mem., 3rd Central Comte, CDL, Dec 1958; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Apr 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Hunan to 4th NPC and mem. of its Stand. Comte, Jan 1975; disappeared, Jan 1976.

Zhou Shizhong

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merce, Nov 1953 - Cult. Rev.; deputy for Tianjin to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., NPC Budget Comte, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd NPC, Mar 1959); mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Dec 1954 - Apr 1959; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, by-elected Jun 1956 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959, and to 3rd, Jan 1965); mem., NPC del. to USSR and East Europe, Nov 1956; mem., del. to 1st Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Conf., Cairo, Dec 1957 - Jan 1958; deputy for Hebei to 2nd NPC, Oct 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); disappeared during Cult. Rev., Dec 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: deputy for Hebei (?) to 4th NPC, Jan 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Feb 1978, and to 6th, May 1983); deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983); vice-chm, Executive Comte, Fed of Industrialists and Businessmen, Oct 1979 - death; ehm, Tianjin Branch, Fed of Industry and Commerce, Apr 1980; vicechm, Tianjin PPC, Jun 1980 - death; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; vice-chm, Tianjin Branch, CPPCC, Oct 1982; vice-chm, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 death. Zhou was married to Zuo Daoyu.

Zhou Taihe

Ά & &

Editor of HQ, Nov 1960; mem., Discipline Inspection Com, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 - Sep 1982; vicemin., State Com for Restructuring Economic System, May 1982 - Jun 1985; adviser, State Com for Restructuring Economic System, Jul 1985; mem., Economic Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; vice-pres., Society for the Study on Restructuring Economic System, Dec 1988; disappeared, Dec 1988.

Zhou Wenlong Cadre, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Feb 1960; cos, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Jul 1963; maj-gen., Jan 1964; cadre, Central Mil. Leadership, 1967-74; mil. cadre in Hubei Prov., Sep 1976; mem., Stand. Comte, CP Comte, Wuhan Mil. Reg, Jun 1977-1981; dpty cdr., Wuhan Mil. Reg, Mar 1978Nov 1982; vice-chm, People's Anti Air Defense Comte, Wuhan Mil. Reg, Dec 1981 - Nov 1982; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Nov 1987; cdr., Wuhan Mil. Reg, Nov 1982 - Jun 1985; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; vice-pres., Wuhan Strategy Research Society, Jul 1988; disappeared, Jul 1990.

Zhou Shutao

Ά èt


* 1890 Dongzhi County, Anhui deceased 1984, Feb 14 Gen-mgr., Jixin Cement Co. in Tianjin, 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954); mem., Financial and Economic Comte, GAC, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; vice-mayor, Tianjin MPG, Jan 1950 Cult. Rev.; mem., Ν China Admin. Comte, Feb 1953 Aug 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, Fed of Ind. and Com-

Dir., Logistics Dpt, PLA Ν China Mil. Reg, 1950-54; dpty dir., Warehouse Admin. Comte, Ν China Admin. Comte, Jan 1953; vice-min. of Petroleum Ind., Aug 1955Cult. Rev.; ehm, Chinese Section, Sino-Romanian Comte for Scientific and Technological Cooperation, 1955 - Cult. Rev.; mem., Presidium, Petroleum Workers' TU, Feb 1956; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 - Dec 1964; vice-pres., Sino-Romania Friendship Assn, Jul 1961 - Cult. Rev.; head, scientific and technological del. to German Democratic Republic and Romania, Jun-Jul 1966; disappeared during Cult. Rev., Aug 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Dec 1978; mem., Natl Comte, 5th CPPCC, Nov 1981; disappeared, Jul 1982.


Zhou Xiaoyan (f)


* 1922 Wuhan, Hubei Daughter of a banker; graduated from Shanghai Music School, 1938; subsequently continued studies in France majoring in Western vocal music, 1939-45; performed concerts in Luxembourg, London, Paris, Geneva, Berlin, Prague and Warsaw, 1946-47; returned to China, 1948; gave her first concert in Shanghai, May 1948; subsequently started teaching at Shanghai Conservatory of Music; attended 1st Natl Congr of Cultural Workers, Dec 1949; took part in rural land reform movement, 1950; deputy for Hubei to 1st NPC, Oct 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958; to 3rd, Aug 1964); joined CCP, 1955; during "Hundred Plower Campaign" her Western style of singing was condemned as bourgeois trash and she decided to abandon her coloratura soprano style, 1957; vice-chm, Shanghai Branch, Chinese Musicians' Assn, Jul 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: cadre of Literary and Art Circles of 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; dpty head, performing arts company visiting U.S.A., Jun 1978; subsequently visited Federal Republic of Germany and Hong Kong; dir., Vocal Dpt, Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Jun 1978; vice-chm, Chinese Musicians' Assn, Nov 1979; vice-pres., Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Sep 1981 (reelected May 1985); disappeared, Jun 1985.

Zhou Xiaozhou


Zhou Xinfang

Zhou Xihan

M #


* 1913 Lincheng County, Hubei Served in 4th Red Front Army, 1933; won denotation of merit in defense of Wanyuan following withdrawal of 4th Red Front Army from its base in Hubei-Henan-Anhui border area into Ν Sichuan via Henan and Shanxi, 1933; cos, 385th Brigade, 129th Div., 8th Route Army, 1939; took part in "Battle of 100 Regiments", fall 1940; dpty cdr., 2nd Subdistr, Taiyue Mil. Distr, 1943; cos, Taiyue Column, Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army 1945; cdr., 12th Brigade Taiyue Mil. Distr, 1946; cdr. 10th Brigade, 4th Column, Central Plains Field Army 1947; cdr., 13th Army, 4th Army Corps, PLA 2nd Field Army, Aug 1950; cos, PLA Navy, Aug 1952 - Oct 1960 appointed vice-admiral, Sep 1955; awarded order "Libera tion", Sep 1955; dpty cdr., PLA Navy, Oct 1960-1977(7) mem., mil. goodwill del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1960; deputy for PLA to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; disppeared, Feb 1978.

Zhou Xinfang




* 1912 Xiangtan County, Hunan deceased 1966, Dec 26 Private sec. of Mao Zedong, winter 1936; studied at AntiJapan Mil. and Polit. Academy, Yan'an, 1936; engaged in Communist underground activities in Hunan, 1938-41; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Comte, Hunan Prov., Aug 1949; council mem., Hunan PPG, Mar 1950; vice-chm, Land Reform Comte, Hunan PPG, Jul 1950; sec., W Hunan Distr CP, 1952-53; sec., CCP Comte, Hunan Prov., Nov 1952; vice-gov., Hunan PPG, Feb 1955 - Jul 1958; ehm, Hunan Branch, CPPCC, Feb 1955 - Dec 1958; 1st sec., Hunan CP, Sep 1956- Oct 1959; polit, commissar, Hunan Mil. Distr, Apr 1958-1959; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, May 1958; disappeared, Oct 1959 (probably in connection with the ousting of marshal Peng Dehuai); accused of being a ringleader against the CCP Central Comte and Mao Zedong, Jan 1968. Remarks: On 30th May 1979 a memorial service was held for Zhou. In the eulogy he was described as "a victim of persecution by Lin Biao and the Gang of Four".

* 1895 Ningbo County, Zhejiang deceased 1975, Mar 8 Beijing opera singer, debuted at age of seven; after performances in Beijing and Tianjin went to Shanghai, 1913; performed his first opera Zhanjingtang, 1939; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; ehm, Shanghai Union of Beijing Opera Singers, Jan 1950; council mem., Shanghai Branch, Fed of Literary and Art Circles (FLAC), Jul 1950; deputy for Shanghai to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, 1958 and to 3rd, 1958); mem., Shanghai MPC, Feb 1955; dir., Shanghai Beijing Opera, Jan 1957; produced Beijing opera Hai Rui Admonishes the Emperor, spring 1959; vice-pres., Shanghai Branch, Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Jun 1959-1966; vice-chm, FLAC, Aug 1960; directed modern Beijing opera Yang Liju, but ordered to stop during rehearsals because of its "reactionary" nature, 1963; branded a revisionist, Jan 1966; criticized for his Hai Rui Admonishes the Emperor, Jun 1966; disappeared, Jun 1966.


Zhou Xing

Zhou Xing



Polit. Science and Law Society, Aug 1959; dpty dir., Inst, of Jurisprudence, CAS, Aug 1959 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966. Zhou was married to Li Wenyi. Publications: New Treatise on Obligation Chapter of the Civil Code; New Treatise on the General Provisions of the Obligation Chapter; A Study of the Civil Code; A Study of the Obligation Chapter.

* 1905 Yongfeng County, Jiangxi deceased 1975, Oct 3 Bom into a handicraftsman's family; took part in Donggu Peasant Uprising, Jiangxi Prov., 1927; cdr. of a guerilla unit in Hunan, 1929; during Long March: dpty dir., Security Dpt, 1st Red Front Army, 1934-35; dpty cdr., Nanjing Garrison, 1949; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte (SWMAC), Jul 1950; chief procurator, SW Branch, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Jul 1950; mem., SW Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1950; vice-chm, Polit, and Legal Comte, SWMAC, Feb 1952; vice-min. of Public Security, Sep 1954 - Feb 1958; dpty procurator, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Jun 1958 - Sep 1962; deputy for Yunnan to 2nd NPC, Nov 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); visits to Hungary and Czechoslovakia, Nov-Dec 1962; sec., Shandong Prov. CP, Jun 1963; gov., Yunnan Prov., Feb 1965; sec., Yunnan CP, Feb 1965; vice-chm, Yunnan Rev Comte, Aug 1968; 1st sec., Yunnan CP, Jun 1971 - death; ehm, Yunnan Rev Comte, Nov 1972 death; polit, commissar, Kunming Mil. Reg, Aug 1973; 1st polit, commissar, Kunming Mil. Reg, Jan 1974. Married to Yang Yuying.

Zhou Xinmin Ά & * 1897 Tongcheng County, Anhui Graduate of Anhui Prov. College of Law and Polit. Science; graduate of Graduate School, Meiji Univ, Japan, 1926; successively served at his alma mater, Hebei Prov. College of Polit. Science, China Public School in Wusong and Shanghai Law College and served as sec., Yunnan and Guizhou Office under Economic Development Com, Natl Polit. Council, 1927-37; mem., Central Comte, CDL, Sep 1944; went to Hong Kong to engage in anti-Natl Govt activities, late 1947; attended Inaugural Session of 1st CPPCC and made mem., 1st Natl Comte, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954; to 3rd, Apr 1959; to 4th, Dec 1964); dpty dir., General Office, Central People's Govt, and concurrently mem. and sec-gen., Supreme People's Procuracy, Oct 1949; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1949 - Dec 1954; mem., Stand. Comte and dir., Secretariat, CDL, Dec 1949; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CDL, Dec 1953; dpty sec-gen., Natl Comte, 2nd CPPCC, Feb 1954; deputy for Anhui to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Bills Comte, 1st NPC, Aug 1954; mem., Common Spoken Language Popularization Comte, SC, Feb 1956; mem., del. to Conf. on Disarmament and Intl Cooperation, Stockholm, Jul 1958; council mem., China

Zhou Yang

jfj h b

* 1907 Yiyang County, Hunan deceased 1989, Jul 31 Born under the name of Zhou Qiying; entered Great China Univ, Shanghai, 1926; went to Japan to study literature, 1928; arrested for participation in leftist demonstrations, 1929; returned to China, 1930; sec-gen., League of LeftWing Writers (headed by Lu Xun), Jan 1931; joined CCP, 1932; editor of Literary Gazette monthly, 1932; in response to the Japanese threat, Communist cultural policy in 1936 shifted from "proletarian literature" to "literature of national defense". This led to a sharp controversy, and eventually a rift, among Communist writers. Zhou took up a position against Ba Jin, Hu Feng and Feng Xuefeng and rejected some of Lu Xun's theses. Went to Yan'an, fall 1937; dir., Education Dpt, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg Govt, 1938; dpty dir., Lu Xun Arts Inst., Mar 1940; dean of studies, Yan'an Univ, 1941; pres., Yan'an Univ, 1944; vice-pres., Ν China Associated Univ, 1945-49; pres., Ν China Univ, 1946-47; followed invitation from left-wing American Cultural circles to U.S.A., 1947-48; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1949-54; dir., Literary Gazette weekly, Beijing, 1949; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1949Jul 1966; vice-chm, Fed of Literary and Art Circles (FLAC), Jul 1949- Jul 1966; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, 1954; 3rd, Apr 1959; 4th, Dec 1964); mem., Cultural and Educational Comte, GAC, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; vice-min. of Culture, Dec 1949 - Sep 1954; dir., Arts Bureau, Min. of Culture, Dec 1949 - Feb 1951; council mem., Assn for Reforming Chinese Written Language, Oct 1949 - Nov 1954; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1949 - Dec 1954; vice-chm, Writers' Assn, Sep 1953 - Jul 1966; council mem., Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, May 1954; deputy for Guangdong to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Sep 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); head, writers' del. to USSR, Dec 1954; led nation-wide against Hu Feng who finally was purged as a coun-


terrevolutionary, 1955; mem., Dpt of Philosophy and Social Science, CAS, Jun 1955 - Jul 1966; mem., Work Comte for Popularization of Standard Spoken Language, SC, Feb 1956; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Mar 1956; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; dpty head, writers' del. to Asian Writers' Conf., New Delhi, Dec 1956; prof., Central Theatrical Inst., Jun 1958; dpty head, writers' del. to Afro-Asian Writers' Conf., Tashkent, USSR, Oct 1958; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1965); pres., Afro-Asian Society, Apr 1962; head, cultural del. to Cuba, Dec 1962; branded a "three-anti element", Jul 1966; at the Workers' Stadium in Beijing publicly denounced together with Lu Dingy i and others and subsequently disappeared, Dec 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1977: adviser to CASS, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; again vice-chm, FLAC, Jun 1978; vice-chm, Writers' Assn, Sep 1978 - Jan 1985; dir., Postgraduate Inst., CASS, Oct 1978 - Feb 1985; vice-pres., CASS, Oct 1978-1980(7); head, writers' del. to Japan, May 1979; mem., CCP 11th Central Comte (by-elected at 4th Plenum), Sep 1979 - Sep 1982; vice-pres., Folk Literature Art Society, Oct 1979; ehm, FLAC, Nov 1979 Nov 1988; adviser, Lu Xun Studies Society, Dec 1979 Sep 1981; dpty dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Apr 1980 - May 1982; hon. pres., Aesthetics Society, Jun 1980; hon. pres., Society of Modern Literature, Jul 1980; vice-chm, Natl Academic Degrees Comte, SC, Dec 1980; pres., Society for the Study of Folk Literature and Art, Dec 1980 -Jan 1984; pres., Society of Lu Xun Studies, Sep 1981; adviser, Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, May 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; head, writers' del. to Japan, May 1984; adviser, Writers' Assn, Jan 1985; confined to bed, Apr 1988 - death. Publications: Marxism and Literature (1944); China's New Literature and Art (1954); translated into Chinese Tolstoy's Anna Karenina and Chernyshevsky's The Aesthetic Relationship Between Art and Reality.

Zhou Yansong



* 1922 Changsha, Hunan Graduated from Electric Motors Dpt, Hunan Univ, 1945; engineer in Electricity Bureau, Hunan PPG, 1952-55; chief engineer, Luoyang Thermal Power Plant, 1957 Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., Electricity Bureau, Gui-

Zhou Ying (f)

zhou PPG, 1978-82; vice-gov., Guizhou PPG, May 19831985; dir., Railway Electrification Leadership Group, Guizhou PPG, Oct 1983; vice-chm, Guizhou PPC, May 1985 - Jan 1993; accompanied Zheng Tuobin to 2nd Ministerial Meeting between PRC and European Community, Brussels, May 1985; deputy for Guizhou to 8th NPC, Mar 1993; disappeared, Mar 1993.

Zhou Yifeng

M — %

Sec., CCP Comte, Suzhou Municipality, Jiangsu, 1952; mem., Financial and Economic Comte, E China Mil. and Admin. Comte, Oct 1952; council mem., Jiangsu PPG, Nov 1952; mem., Stand. Comte, Jiangsu CP, Jul 1956; vice-gov., Jiangsu PPG, Aug 1956 - Sep 1964; disappeared, Sep 1964; first reappearance: vice-chm, Jiangsu Rev Comte, Dec 1979; sec-gen. and mem., Stand. Comte, Jiangsu CP, Apr 1981 - Apr 1983; vice-gov., Jiangsu PPG, Nov 1981 - Apr 1983; head, Guangxi work team of the Central Structural Reform Leading Group, May 1983; disappeared, Jan 1984.

Zhou Ying (f)

M #¡

* 1909 Nangong County, Hebei deceased 1991, Jan 26 Graduated from Waseda Univ, Japan, 1933; later served as dir. of childcare, Chongqing Nursery School and as ehm, Hong Kong-Kowloon Women's Fed; attended 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; served successively as head, Labor and Wages Dpt under Min. of Posts and Telecommunications and as mem., Executive Comte, Fed of TU, 1950-56; labelled a "Rightist", 1957; the "rightist" label was taken from Zhou; disappeared during Cult. Rev.; deputy for Sichuan to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, May 1983, and to 7th, Mar 1988); mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1988); vice-chm, Central Inspection Comte, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Nov 1988 - death.


Zhou Yucbeng

Zhou Yucheng

Zhou Zhenxing

* 1904 Hunan deceased 1971 Took part in Pingjiang Uprising, 1927; served in 3rd Red Army Corps, 1935; made ltn-gen. and awarded orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; leading officer, Shenyang Mil. Reg, 1958; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964).

* 1927 Qihe County, Shandong Joined CCP, 1943; sec., Qiyu County CP, 1949-50; 1st sec., Xiajin County, 1958-60; dpty sec., Liaocheng Prefecture CP, 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: sec., Heze Prefecture CP, Nov 1978-1980; vice-gov., Shandong PPG, Jan 1980Apr 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, Shandong Prov. CP, Mar 1983; vice-chm, Shandong Prov. Branch, CPPCC, May 1986; dir., United Front Work Dpt, Shandong Prov. CP, Sep 1986; disappeared, Oct 1988.

Zhou Ze

M îfr

Zhou Zhijun

* 1923 Tai County, Jiangsu Joined CCP, 1939; dpty Party sec., Tai County, 1945; sec., Yangzhou Prefecture CP, 1953-59; mem., Secretariat, Nanjing CP, 1960; dpty dir., Labor Dpt, Jiangsu Prov. CP, 1960-63; ehm, Jiangsu TU, Dec 1963-1967(7); mem., Stand. Comte, Jiangsu Rev Comte, Oct 1970; disappeared, Oct 1970; reappearance as vice-chm, Jiangsu Rev Comte, May 1977; sec., Jiangsu CP, Dec 1977 - Apr 1983; vice-gov. of Jiangsu, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; dpty sec., Jiangsu CP, Apr 1983 - Dec 1984; vice-chm, Advisory Com, Jiangsu CP, Dec 1984 (reelected Dec 1989).

Zhou Zheng

M &

1st sec., CCP Comte, Xiangtan City, Hunan Prov., May 1960; vice-gov., Hunan PPG, Dec 1979 - Jul 1985; vicechm, Hunan Branch, CPPCC, Sep 1987; disappeared, Mar 1988.


JH & i k

* 1897 deceased 1990, Jun 18 Dir., Board of Directors, China Intl Trust and Investment Corp., Oct 1979; mem., Leading Group, Shandong Prov. Branch, Fed of Industrialists and Businessmen, Oct 1979; vice-chm, Shandong PPC, Dec 1979; disappeared, Sep 1983.

Zhou Zhongying



deceased 1991, Jun 8 Dpty dir., Central People's Public Security Inst., Nov 1955; deputy for Hubei to 2nd NPC, Dec 958 (reelected to 3rd, Sep 1964); specially invited delegate to 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959; vice-min., State Economic Com, SC, Sep 1959 - Cult. Rev.; alt. mem., Control Comte, CCP Central Comte, 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Feb 1978; cadre of govt or CCP Central Comte, May 1980; disappeared, Jan 1982.

Zhou Zijian

* 1914 Anhui

M -f &


Dir., Xi'an Office of 8th Route Army, 1941; head, Secretariat, United Front Work Dpt, CCP Central Comte, 1949; dir., General Office, G AC, Dec 1949; dpty dir., General Bureau, G AC, Dec 1950 - Oct 1954; asst min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Oct 1956 - Sep 1959; dir., 3rd Bureau, 1st Min. of Machine Building, Oct 1959; vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Sep 1960 Cult. Rev.; during Cult. Rev. attacked by Red Guards as a "person having extremely serious problems", without, however, suffering any setback, Mar 1967; vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Oct 1970-1977; head, govt del. to Denmark, Aug 1973; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Oct 1977 - Feb 1981; head, machine building del. to Romania, Yugoslavia, Switzerland, Federal Republic of Germany, Oct 1978; article in RMRB No. 11, Jun 1, 1980, "Structural reform and direction of the development of the machine building industry"; gov. of Anhui Prov., Mar 1981 - Apr 1983; sec., Anhui Prov. CP, Jul 1981; deputy for Anhui to 5th NPC; by-elected Oct 1981; acting 1st sec., Anhui Prov. CP, Apr 1982 -Mar 1983; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 -Sep 1985; deputy for Shaanxi to 6th NPC, May 1983; mem., Law Comte, 6th NPC, Apr 1986; adviser, State Planning Com, Sep 1987; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987; disappeared, Nov 1987.

Zhu Benzheng Vice-chm, Shandong Rev Comte, Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; deputy for Shandong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-chm, Shandong PPC, Dec 1979; disappeared, Nov 1982.

Zhu Chuan Zhu ning ning Feb ning

^ )\\

belonged to the Manchu minority. Vice-gov., PPG, Feb 1980-1983; mem., Stand. Comte, CP, Feb 1981; ehm, Planning Com, Liaoning 1981; mem., Stand. Comte, Advisory Comte, CP, Dec 1985; disappeared, Dec 1985.

Zhu Chunhe

LiaoLiaoPPC, Liao-

& M- &

Cadre in SC, Aug 1971; dir.-gen., Postal Service, Min. of Posts and Telecommunications, Nov 1972; vice-min., Min. of Posts and Telecommunications, Sep 1973 - May 1982; head, del. to 17th Congr of Universal Postal Union (UPU), May 1974; head, del. to 18th Congr of UPU, Rio de Janeiro, Oct 1979; adviser, Min. of Posts and Telecommunications, Nov 1982; disappeared, Nov 1982.

Zhu De

Zhu De



* 1885 Yilong County, Sichuan deceased 1976, Jul 6 Born into a poor peasant's family; after elementary education studied at Shunjing Middle School, Nanzhong, 1906; at Chengdu Higher Normal School, 1907; founded newstyle primary school at his native village despite objections from local gentry; enrolled in Yunnan Mil. Academy, Kunming, 1909; joined Sun Yat-sen's Tongmenghui after graduation, fought under Cai E (military leader in Yunnan) during 1911 Revolution; detachment cdr. and instructor at Yunnan Mil. Academy, 1912; joined KMT, 1912; served as major in forces on Yunnan-Indochina border, 1913; cdr., 10th Regiment, Revolutionary Army in Yunnan, early 1915; took part in revolt organized by Cai E against Yuan Shikai, Dec 1915 - Jun 1916; captured Luzhou, a strategic point and routed troops of northern warlords under Zhang Jingyao and made cdr., 13th Mixed Brigade, Natl Salvation Army, Jun 1916; brigade-general in SW Sichuan, 1916-21; commissioner of Public Security in Yunnan after defeat of warlord Tang Qiyao, Oct 1921; when Tang staged a comeback fled to Xikang and eventually reached Chongqing, 1921-22; went to Shanghai to offer his services to Sun Yat-sen, 1922; went to Paris, fall 1922; moved to Berlin where he met Zhou Enlai and joined German Branch of CCP, late 1922; enrolled in Göttingen Univ, Germany, 1924; together with Zhou, edited Political Weekly and organized the German Branch of KMT, 1924; arrested twice for engaging in polit, activities, 1925; deported from Germany and went to Leningrad, early 1926; returned to Sichuan, Jul 1926; dir., Polit. Dpt, 20th Army (cdr. Yang Sen), Natl Revolutionary Army, Oct 1926; cdr., Officers Training Regiment, 3rd Natl Revolutionary Army, and concurrently dir., Police Bureau of Nanchang, Apr 1927; provided his residence in Nanchang as secret meeting place for Zhou Enlai, Li Lisan, Xu Teli, Nie Kongzhen and others for planning Nanchang Uprising, Jul 1927; participated in Nanchang Uprising, Aug 1927; after failure, led remnant forces to E Guangdong, Sep 1927; moved his men into S Hunan and set up a shortlived Soviet govt at Yizhang, Jan 1928; joined forces with Mao Zedong at Jinggang Mountains to form 4th Red Army with himself as cdr. and Mao as polit, commissar, Apr 1928; captured border region between Jiangxi and Guangdong and established Donggu-Xingguo Soviet, Jan 1929; set up another base in W Fujian, FebDec 1929; alt. mem., CCP 6th Central Comte, Sep 1930; cdr.-in-chief (CinC), Workers and Peasants Red Army, mem., Central Executive Council and commissar for Mil. Affairs, Chinese Soviet Republic, Nov 1931; mem., CCP


Zhu Dehai

6th Central Comte, Jan 1934 (reelected to 7th through 10th CC); mem., Politburo, 6th Central Comte, Jan 1934 (reelected to 7th through 10th CC); cdr., 1st Red Front Army at beginning of Long March, Oct 1934; followed Zhang Guotao in the march into Xikang while Mao Zedong moved into Shaanxi after Zhang Guotao broke with Mao at Maoergai, Aug 1935; rejoined Mao in Ν Shaanxi together with Zhang Guotao, Oct 1936; vice-chm, Revolutionary Mil. Council, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1936; after outbreak of Sino-Japanese War a new united front with KMT was established and Zhu was made cdr., 8th Route Army and dpty cdr., 2nd War Zone, 1937; mem., KMT Supreme Natl Defense Council, Jan 1939 - Sep 1942; mem., Secretariat, 7th CCP Central Comte, Apr 1945 - Sep 1956; CinC of PLA, Nov 1946-1954; set up HQ of PLA in Beijing, Mar 1949; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; vice-chm, Central People's Govt, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; vice-chm, People's Revolutionary Mil. Council, Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; deputy for Sichuan to 1st Ν PC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jul 1958; to 3rd, Oct 1964 and 4th, Jan 1975); vice-chm, PRC, Sep 1954 Apr 1959; vice-chm, Natl Defense Council, Sep 1954 Apr 1959; head, CCP del. to Ν Korea, Aug 1955; made marshal of PLA and given orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", Sep 1955; head, CCP del. to Romania, Dec 1955; head, CCP del. to German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Jan-Feb 1956; head, CCP del. to USSR, Feb 1956; vice-chm, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1956-1969; mem., Stand. Comte, Politburo, 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956 (reelected to 9th, Apr 1969 and to 10th, Aug 1973); head, CCP del. to Poland and Hungary, Mar 1959; ehm, 2nd Ν PC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Jan 1965 and to 4th, Jan 1975); during Cult. Rev. attacked by Red Guards as great warlord and anti-Mao element, Feb 1967; Selected Works of Zhu De published, Jul 1983; Biography of Zhu De published, Dec 1993. First wife, Xiao Qiufen, died 1916; 2nd wife, Chen Youzhen, seperated from Zhu; 3rd wife, Wu Yulan, executed by Hunan Govt, 1929; 4th wife, Kang Keqing. Publication: The Battle Front of the Liberated (1952).


Oct 1949 - Sep 1954; sec., Yanbian Distr CP, Dec 1949; council mem., Jilin PPG, May 1950; pres., Yanbian Univ, Oct 1951 - Nov 1953; mem., NE Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Sep 1954; ehm, Yanbian Koran Autonomous Prefecture, Aug 1964 -Cult. Rev.; deputy for Jilin to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Jul 1958 and 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., NPC Nationalities Comte, Sep 1954 (reelected to 2nd and 3rd); vice-gov. of Jilin, Feb 1955 Mar 1968; alt. mem., CCP 8th Central Comte, Sep 1956; mem., NPC Standing Comte, Apr 1959; 1st sec., Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture CP, Apr 1960 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared, 1968.

Zhu Dexi


& &

* 1920 Suzhou City, Jiangsu deceased 1992, Jul 19 Graduation from Chinese Dpt, SW Associated Univ, 1945; prof., Beijing Univ, 1952-66; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., 1979; mem., Chinese Written Language Reform Comte, SC, May 1980; deputy for Beijing to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); dpty dean, Dpt of Chinese Language, Beijing Univ, Jun 1983; vice-pres., Beijing Univ, Mar 1984; mem., Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Comte, 7th NPC, Mar 1988 - death; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC, Apr 1988 - death; mem., Natl Academic Degrees Comte, SC, Oct 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, CDL, Oct 1988 - death. Publications: Manuscripts in Grammar, On Modern Chinese Grammar, On Grammar and Rhetorics (co-author with Lü Shuxiang).

Zhu Dixin Zhu Dehai fc & % * 1911 Sinuiji, Korea deceased 1972, Sep Belonged to Korean minority. Moved with father from Korea to Jilin Prov. under order of Japanese army, 1931; leader of a company, 5th Army, NE Allied Anti-Japanese Army, 1933; cdr., Cavalry Group, NE Allied Anti-Japanese Army, 1936(7); dpty cos, NE Democratic Allied Army, 1945; dpty cdr., Andong Mil. Distr, 1946; cdr. and polit, commissar, Yanbian Mil. Subdistr, 1946-50; cdr., Jijiang Mil. Distr, 1947; dpty sec., Yanji Distr CP, Jilin, 1948; council mem., NE People's Govt, Aug 1949; mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954); mem., Nationalities Affairs Com, GAC,

* Hubei Dir., Public Security Bureau, Wuhan MPG, 1949 - Jan 1955; mem., Central-S Mil. and Admin. Comte, Mar 1950- Jan 1953; mem., Wuhan MPG, Mar 1950-1954; chief procurator, Central-S China Branch, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Apr 1950 - Sep 1951; vice-mayor, Wuhan MPG, Sep 1951 - Jan 1956; dpty dir., Public Security Dpt, Central-S Admin. Comte, Jan 1953 - Nov 1954; vice-min., 2nd Min. of Machine Building, Mar 1955 - Feb 1958; mem., Natl Comte, 3rd CPPCC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 4th, Dec 1964); vice-min., 1st Min. of Machine Building, Sep 1959-1961; alt. mem., Control Comte, CCP Central Comte, 1963 -Cult. Rev.; disap-


peared during Cult. Rev.; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Aug 1975; vice-min., 3rd Min. of Machine Building, Mar 1980 - Jan 1982; disappeared, Jan 1982.

Zhu Futang i l ^ Deputy for Beijing to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958, and to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-pres., SinoSoviet Friendship Assn, Feb 1961; pres., Society for Pedology, Jun 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Oct 1973; deputy for Beijing to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 (reelected to 6th, Mar 1983); dir., Beijing Children's Hospital, Jun 1979-1983; vice-chm, Natl Comte of Defense of Children, Jan 1980; hon. dir., Beijing Children's Hospital, Mar 1983; mem., Dpt of Biology, CAS, Mar 1983; disappeared, Mar 1983.

Zhu Guangqian


Zhu Houze

Zhu Hongxi



* 1929 Weifang County, Shandong Joined 8th Route Army, 1943; served in Jiaodong Mil. Distr, 1947; polit, instructor of a naval boat detachment, 1952-55; polit, commissar of a naval boat group, 1956-61; graduated from PL A Navy Academy, 1962; dpty cos of a naval boat detachment, 1962-65; dpty dir., Mil. Training Dpt of a PLA Navy fleet, 1965-69; cdr. of a PLA Navy garrison, 1970-77; served successively as cos and dpty cdr. of a PLA Navy base, 1977-83; cos, Ν China Fleet, PLA Navy, 1983-85; dpty cdr., Ν China Fleet, PLA Navy, Jul 1986; appointed vice-admiral, Sep 1988; disappeared, Sep 1988.

Zhu Hongyuan

* 1897 Tongcheng County, Anhui deceased 1986, Mar 6 From the age of six to sixteen tutored by his father; then visited Tongcheng Middle School and subsequently attended Hong Kong Univ; from there went to Europe and studied at Univ of Edinburgh, University College, London, the Univ of Paris and Univ of Strasbourg; lecturer, Foreign Languages Dot, Beijing Univ, 1940; article in RMRB Dec 25, 1956, "How can aesthetics be materialistic and dialectic as well"; mem., Dpt of Philosophy and Social sciences, CAS, Jan 1961; mem., presidium, 5th CPPCC, Feb 1978; pres., Aesthetics Society, Jun 1980; prof., Beijing Univ, Jul 1980; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983; adviser, Writers' Assn. Publications: History of Western Aesthetics (2 volumes); Abnormal Psychology; Schools of Abnormal Psychology; Symbolic Logic; The Psychology of Tragedy; The Psychology of Art (1936); Talks on Beauty; On Poetry; The Essays of Mengshi (Mengshi being his penname); On Literature; Talks on Aesthetics (1980); A Collection of Theses on Aesthetic Criticism. Translations: Plato's Dialogues on Art and Literature, Lessing's Laokoon, Eckermann's Conversation with Goethe, Hegel's Aesthetics, Giambattista Vico's New Science (1982).



Deputy for Shandong to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; mem., science forum, Beijing, Jul 1966; subsequently disappeared; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jul 1978; named "China's leading elementary particle physicist" by Japanese press, Aug 1978; head, high energy physics del. to Japan, Sep 1978; dpty dir., Inst, of High Energy Physics, CAS, Jun 1979; mem., Dpt of Mathematics and Physics, CAS, Jun 1984.

Zhu Houze



* 1931 Zhijin County, Guizhou


Zhu Hutten (f)


Studied at Jinghua Middle School in Guiyang; joined CCP, 1949; 1st sec., Guiyang Branch of CYL, 1951-53; dir., Chemical Ind. Bureau Guiyang MPG, 1954-57; vicechm, Economic Com, Guiyang MPG, 1958-61; dir., Propaganda Dpt, Guiyang CP, 1962 - Cult. Rev.; during Cult. Rev. labeled as a "Revisionist mouthpiece hiding within the Party", 1966; sent to do manual labor in a people's commune on the outskirts of Guiyang for eight years, 1966-74; rehabilitated and made sec-gen. of Guiyang CP, Oct 1978; alt. mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, Sep 1982 - Sep 1985; sec., Guiyang CP, Nov 1982; sec., Guizhou Prov. CP, Mar 1983; (leading) sec., Guizhou Prov. CP, May-Jul 1985; dir., Propaganda Dpt, CCP Central Comte, Jul 1985 - Feb 1987; mem., CCP 12th Central Comte, by-elected by Natl Party Conf., Sep 1985Nov 1987; article in RMRB Aug 11, 1986, "Several points to ponder about ideological and cultural questions"; dpty dir., Rural Development Research Center, SC, Feb 1987; head, rural economic del. to Hungary, Sep 1987; vice-pres. and 1st sec., ACFTU, Oct 1988 - Dec 1989; expelled from CCP, Jun 1990; disappeared, Jun 1990.

Zhu Huifen (f)

Ή & &

Zhu was an orphaned waif and later became known as China's first female airplane pilot; deputy for Jiangsu to 3rd NPC, Oct 1964 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1975); alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; dpty polit, commissar, Civil Aviation Admin, of China, Sep 1974; dpty head, goodwill del. to Japan, Sep 1974; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; disappeared, Nov 1976.

Zhu Jixian deceased 1966, Jul Sec., Ji'an Distr Comte, CCP, Jiangxi, Nov 1957; vicegov., Jiangxi PPG, Oct 1964 - death.

Zhu Kejia

A %

* 1951 Shanghai Settled down in a mountain village in Xishuangbanna Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Prov., 1969; founded a school and constructed a small hydroelectric power station; alt. mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, Yunnan Branch, CYL, Jan 1974; dpty head, youth del. to Japan, Jan 1974; deputy for Yunnan(?) to 4th NPC, Jan 1975; mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975; sec., Yunnan Branch, CYL, Aug 1976; vice-chm, Yunnan Rev Comte, Sep 1976; publicly branded as a member of the "Gang of Four", Kunming, 1977.

Zhu Kezhen

± ^


Zhu Jiayao Mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; vice-min. of Public Security, 1974; disappeared, Sep 1976.

Zhu Jinghang

* 1913 Penglai County, Shandong Graduated from Mathematics Dpt, Beijing Univ, 1937; lecturer, Shandong Polit. College, 1945-47; associate prof., NE Teachers' Univ, 1949 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: prof., NE Teachers' Univ, 1979-82; deputy for Jilin to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); vicechm, Jilin PPC, Apr 1984 (reelected Jan 1988); disappeared, Sep 1989.

* 1890 Shaoxing, Zhejiang deceased 1974, Feb 7 Studied at Tangshan Engineering College; received B.S. from Univ of Illinois, 1913; M.S. and Ph.D. from Harvard Univ, 1915, 1918; after return to China taught at Wuchang Normal Univ, 1918; ehm, China Science Society, 1924(7); dir., Inst, of Meteorology, Academia Sinica, 1927-36; pres., Natl Zhejiang Univ, 1936; after outbreak of Sino-Japanese War reestablished Zhejiang Univ at Zunyi, Guizhou, 1937; personally led students of Zhejiang Univ in "Down with H.H. Kong" (then vice-pres. of Executive Yuan and concurrently min. of Finance, KMT Govt) demonstrations, winter 1941; reopened Zhejiang Univ in Hangzhou and continued to serve as pres., May 1949; delegate of educational workers to 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Cultural and Education Com, GAC, Oct 1949; vice-pres., CAS, Oct 1949- death; dir., Planning Bureau, CAS, Jun 1950- Aug 1951; mem., Natl Comte, Fed of Scientific Societies, Aug 1950; vice-chm, Assn for


Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Knowledge, Aug 1950; pres., Meteorology Society, Apr 1951; visited USSR, May 1951; pres., Geographical Society, May 1953; ehm, Dpt of Biology, Geology and Geography, CAS, Apr 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, Assn for Cultural Relation with Foreign Countries, May 1954; deputy for Zhejiang to 1st NPC, Oct 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); mem., Stand. Comte, 1st NPC, Oct 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Apr 1959 and to 3rd, Jan 1965); visited German Democratic Republic, Oct 1954; mem., Dpt of Biology and Earth Sciences, CAS, Jun 1955; mem., Awards Comte, CAS, Oct 1955; mem., Scientific Planning Com, SC, Mar 1956; dir., Dpt of Biology and Earth Sciences, CAS, 1957; vice-chm, Comte for Water Conservancy and Soil Preservation, SC, May 1957; visited USSR, Nov 1957; vice-chm, Scientific and Technical Assn, Sep 1958 - death; ehm, China-German Democratic Friendship Assn, Oct 1958; visited Ν Korea, Jun 1960; council mem., China Afro-Asian Society, Apr 1962; hon. pres., Meteorology Society, May 1963; head, CAS del. to Romania, Sep 1966; mem., CAS Revolutionary Comte, Jul 1967.

Zhu Kui



* 1930 Pei County, Jiangsu Attended a junior middle school; joined CCP, 1947; 195080: Zhu served successively as dir. of a police station, polit, asst of Public Security Bureau of Anshun Prefecture in Guizhou Prov., dpty CP sec. of Kunming Prospecting Co. under Min. of Metallurgical Ind., CP sec. of Iron Works of Kunming Iron and Steel Co., CP sec., Kunming Iron and Steel Co. and dpty CP sec. of Metallurgical Bureau of Yunnan PPG; mayor, Kunming MPG, Nov 19811983; head, Kunming del. to Japan, Nov 1981; sec., Kunming Municipality CP, Jan 1982-1983; head, Kunming del. to Zürich (a sister city), Switzerland, May 1982; vice-gov., Yunnan PPG, Apr 1983 - Jul 1989; mem., govt del. to Thailand (head: Chen Muhua), Dec 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, Yunnan Prov. CP, Jul 1985; head, Yunnan del. to Bolivia, Dec 1987; head, Yunnan del. to Burma, Aug 1988; disappeared, Jul 1989.

Zhu Lizhi

Zhu Liangcai

* 1900 Rucheng County, Hunan deceased 1989, Feb 22 Polit, commissar, 14th Div., 1st Red Front Army, 1934; during Long March with 4th Red Front Army to corridor area west of Huanghe in Gansu Prov.; after units suffered heavy casualties in battles with KMT troops, reorganized into Left and Right Detachments with Zhu leading the latter, Oct 1936; went to Yan'an through Xinjiang; dir., Polit. Dpt, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Mil. Reg, 1941(7); mem., Natl Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Supreme People's Court, Oct 1949 - Oct 1954; polit, commissar, PLA Beijing-Tianjin Garrison HQ, 1950-57(7); dir., Polit. Dpt, Ν China Mil. Reg, Oct 1950-1954(7); deputy for PLA to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Aug 1958 to 3rd, Sep 1964; to 4th, Jan 1975 and to 5th, Mar 1978); made col-gen. and given orders "August 1st", "Independence and Freedom" and "Liberation", all 1st class, Sep 1955; polit, commissar, Beijing Mil. Reg, May 1957 - Oct 1962; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd NPC, Apr 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Jan 1965; to 4th, Jan 1975 and to 5th, Mar 1978); mem., Control Comte, CCP Central Comte, 1963; disappeared, May 1981.

Zhu Lizhi


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* 1907 deceased 1978, Apr 9 Joined CCP, 1927; imprisoned by KMT for Communist activities, 1928; sec., Shanghai Branch, CYL, 1928-30; sent to Ν Shaanxi by CCP, 1930; later collaborated with Guo Hongtao in factional struggle against Liu Zidan and Gao Gang, founders of CCP base in Ν Shaanxi; with help of arrived remnants of 25th Red Army and Nie Hongchun and Xu Haidong arrested Liu and Gao and many local Communists, Sep 1935; criticized by Mao Zedong as "right opportunist" for his arrest of Liu, Gao and others, Oct 1935; dir., Bank of Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Reg, 1937-45; sent to Manchuria, 1945; sec-gen., Ν Manchuria Branch Bureau, CCP Central Comte, 1945; gen-mgr., NE People's Bank, 1946-49; council mem., NE People's Govt, Dec 1949 - Nov 1952; vice-chm. Economic Planning Com, NE People's Govt, May 1950 - Oct 1952; dir., Commodities Bureau, Financial and Economic Comte, G AC, Aug 1952 - Aug 1954; vice-min. of Communications, SC, Jun 1954 - Nov 1958; delegate to Intl Poznan Fair, Poland, Jun 1955; vice-min., Planning Com, SC, Sep 1959 - Feb 1963; alt. sec., Ν China Bureau, CCP Central Comte, Feb 1965 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-


Zhu Qimin

ehm, Rev Comte, Hebei Prov., Dec 1977; deputy for Hebei to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978.

Zhu Qimin

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Zhu Shaoqing


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Sec., Linyi Special Region CP, Shandong, Mar 1959; deputy for Shandong to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; vice-gov., Shandong PPG, Dec 1979 - Apr 1983; disappeared, Apr 1984.

Zhu Rong


* 1918 Zengcheng County, Guangdong

deceased 1990, Feb 8 Studied at Central Party School and Marxist-Leninist Inst, at Yan'an, 1940-45; dean, Inner Mongolia Mil. and Polit. College, 1945-49; mem., Executive Comte, Hong KongKowloon Shipyard and Wharves Carpenters Union, Jan 1951; chief-judge to handle "three-anti" bases in Guangzhou, Apr 1952; dpty dir., Civil Affairs Dpt, Guangdong PPG, Nov 1952-1954; dir., Census Office, Guangdong PPG, Jan 1953; dir., Civil Affairs Dpt, Guangdong PPG, Jun 1954; deputy for Ν Guangdong to 1st NPC, Jul 1954; dpty dir., Org. Dpt, Guangdong Prov. CP, Feb 1956; pres., Guangdong Agricultural Univ, May 1960; sec., Guangzhou Municipality CP, Dec 1962-1964; vice-min. of Agriculture, Jul 1964-1968; mem., agricultural del. to Albania, May 1966; branded a "capitalist-roader" and purged, Apr 1968; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vicemin. of Agriculture and Forestry, Apr 1978 - Feb 1979; head, agricultural del. to Japan, May 1978; vice-min. of Agriculture, Jun 1979-May 1982; pres., Engineering Society, Nov 1979; vice-min. of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fishery, May 1982 - Feb 1986; dir., Inst, for Application of Plastic Covers, Feb 1984; vice-pres., Wildlife Conservation Assn, Mar 1984; dpty head, State Leading Group for Economic Development in Poor Areas, Aug 1986; deputy for Jiangxi to 7th NPC and mem. of its Internal and Judical Affairs Comte, Mar 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, 7th NPC.

* 1912 Hunan Bora into a poor peasant's family; participated in Autumn Harvest Uprising, Huarong in Hunan, 1927; served in Workers and Peasants Red Army which was later incorporated as 25th Regiment into 3rd Red Front Army, 192934; took part in Long March, 1934-35; studied at Yan'an Mil. and Polit. Academy, 1936; cdr. of a regiment, 6th Div., New 4th Army; cdr., 28th Div., E China Field Army, 1948; cdr., 28th Army Corps, 10th Army, 3rd Field Army, 1949; in the attempted occupation of Jinmen (Quemoy) Island in the Taiwan Straits, five regiments under Zhu's command were destroyed near Gulintou, Oct 1949; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; cdr., PLA 31st Army Corps, 1956; cdr., Xiamen (Amoy) Garrison, 1957; troop cdr., Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Nov 1960; deputy for PLA to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; sec., Fujian Prov. CP, Apr 1971-1975 (?); dpty dir., Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Jul 1976-1982; alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977 - Sep 1982; mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Sep 1982 -Sep 1985.

Zhu Tianshun


Ή tifò

Joined New 4th Army, 1942; later in charge of educating captured Japanese soldiers; dpty dir., Transport Bureau, Min. of Communications, Nov 1951; dir., Transport Bureau, Min. of Communications, Feb 1954; dir., Highways Bureau, Min. of Communications, Oct 1956; vice-min. of Communications, Apr 1964 - Cult. Rev.; branded a bourgeois element and renegade and purged, Mar 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-pres., People's Bank of China, Jun 1980 - Jul 1985; vice-pres., China Fed of Taiwan Compatriots, Dec 1981; dpty dir., Taiwan Research Inst., Xiamen Univ, Aug 1982; ehm, Board of Directors, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Dec 1983 (reelected Mar 1988); disappeared, Mar 1988.

Zhu Weihua

^ ^


Sec., CCP Comte, Datong Municipality, Oct 1954; 1st sec., CCP Comte, Datong Municipality, Jul 1956; sec., CCP Comte, Shanxi Prov., Aug 1956; disappeared, Nov 1961; first reappearance: mem., Stand. Comte and dpty sec-gen., Shanxi Rev Comte, Sep 1974 - Dec 1979; head, friendship del. to Ν Korea, Sep 1974; vice-chm, Shanxi Branch, CPPCC, May 1978; sec., Shanxi CP, Feb 1980 Mar 1983; 1st sec., Discipline Inspection Comte, Shanxi CP, Apr 1981; disappeared, Apr 1983.


Zhu Wuhua fc & Ψ * 1902 Vice-pres., Harbin Technological Univ, Jul 1961; vicepres., Shanghai Jiaotong Univ, Oct 1961; vice-pres., Electronics Society, 1963; deputy for Shanghai to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Nov 1978; pres., Shanghai Jiaotong Univ, Nov 1978 - May 1980; mem., Dpt of Technological Sciences, CAS, May 1980; disappeared, May 1980. Remarks: Zhu was known for his research in radio engineering.

Z h u Xianyi fc % # Vice-pres., Tianjin Branch, Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Dec 1951; dir., Tianjin Medical College, Mar 1953 - Sep 1959; council mem., China Medical Assn, Jun 1953; deputy for Tianjin to 1st NPC, Aug 1954; ehm, Tianjin Branch, China Medical Assn, Feb 1955; mem., del. to World Peace Congr, Helsinki, Jun 1955; joined CCP, Mar 1956; deputy for Hebei to 2nd NPC, Oct 1958 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); vice-chm, Tianjin Branch, Assn for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Jan 1959; vicechancellor, Tianjin Medical Univ, Aug 1962; mem., medical del. to Norway and Sweden, Nov 1962; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Mar 1972; deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978; dir., Tianjin Medical College, Dec 1981-1983; adviser, Tianjin Medical College, Oct 1983; disappeared, Oct 1983. Remarks: Zhu was a specialist in endocrinology.

Zhu Xuanren



* 1916 Yixing County, Jiangsu Graduated from Dpt of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Central Univ, 1939; obtained Ph.D. from Univ of Edinburgh, Scotland, 1947; prof., Lanzhou Inst, of Veterinary Medicine, 1948-49; dpty dir., NW China Inst, of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 1949-57; pres., Gansu Agricultural Univ, Dec 1981; vice-gov., Gansu PPG, Dec 1981 - Mar 1988; vice-pres., China Assn of Agricultural Science Societies, May 1983; deputy for Gansu to 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to 7th, Mar 1988); head, friendship del. to New Zealand and Australia, May 1983; mem., Stand. Comte, CDL, Oct 1988; disappeared, Oct 1988.

Zhu Xuefan

Publications: Livestock Pathology and Anatomy in Veterinary Pathology.

Zhu Xuefan



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* 1905, Jiashan County, Zhejiang deceased 1996, Jan 7 Studied at Shanghai Inst, of Law; as an employee of the Shanghai Post Office joined Union of Postal Workers; after persecution of left-wing unionists by the KMT in spring 1927 worked closely with Lu Jingshi, a leader of the KMT labor movement; graduated from Shanghai College of Law, 1933; later studied at Harvard Univ, U.S.A.; mem., Stand. Com, China Postal TU, 1936-47; pres., China Labor Assn, 1939-49; attended intl labor conf. eight times, 1936-45; took part in Congr of World Fed of TU in Paris, which elected him its vice-chm, Sep 1945; though having publicly opposed the left-wing TUs until 1947, eventually moved to the Communist side after another visit to Europe, 1948; as a result, elected vice-chm, 6th Workers' Congr in Harbin, Apr 1948; became head of the Union of Postal Workers shortly afterwards; min. of posts and telecommunications, Oct 1949 until Cult.Rev.; mem., Comte of Financial and Economic Affairs, GAC, Oct 1949; council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1949; identified as mem., Red Cross Society, 1950; mem., Stand. Comte, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Dec 1950; deputy for Guangdong Prov. to the 1st NPC, Sep 1954; mem., Stand. Comte, 2nd CPPCC Natl Comte, Dec 1954; identified as mem., Gen. Council, World Fed of TU, Jun 1960; mem., Exec. Council, Red Cross Society, Oct 1961; head, postal del. to North Vietnam, Jun 1964; disappeared during Cult.Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult.Rev.: deputy for Shandong Prov. to the 5th NPC, Feb 1978; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Mar 1978; vice-pres., ACFTU, Oct 1978; mem., NPC del., led by Deng Yingchao, to Japan, Apr 1979; vice-chm, Central Comte, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Oct 1979 - Dec 1987; mem., Presidium, 3rd Session of the 5th NPC, Aug 1980; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, Sep 1980; vice-chm, Children's Foundation, Aug 1981; vice-pres., Assn for Intl Understanding of China, Sep 1981; mem., Presidium, and vice-chm, Credentials Comte, 4th Session of the 5th NPC, Nov 1981; vice-chm, Stand. Comte, 5th NPC, Dec 1981 (confirmed in Jun 1983 and 1988 by the 6th and 7th NPCs); advisor to the Society of Labor Service, Jan 1982; identified as hon. pres., Philatelic Assn, Feb 1982; head, NPC del. to Australia and New Zealand, Nov 1982; ehm, Natl Comte for 1983 "World Communication Year", Dec 1982; vice-chm, Cre-

Zhu Yaohua


dentials Comte, NPC Stand. Comte, Mar 1983; identified as deputy for Shanghai Municipality to the 6th NPC, May 1983 (reelected to the 7th in Mar 1988); executive ehm, 1st Session of the 6th NPC, Jun 1983; advisor to the Sun Yat-sen Society, Jan 1984; hon. dir.-in-chief, Welfare Fund for Handicapped, Mar 1984 (until 1989?); hon. pres., Workers' Intl Exchange Center, Dec 1984; exec, ehm, 3rd Session of the 6th NPC, Mar 1985; hon. pres., Chinese Red Cross Society, Jun 1985 - Apr 1994; mem., Presidium, and exec, ehm, 4th Session of the 6th NPC, Mar 1986; ehm, Assn for the Promotion of Intl Friendship, Feb 1987; permanent ehm, 5th Session of the 6th NPC, Mar 1987; ehm, Natl Medical Foundation, Sep 1987; invited to the 13th Congr of the CCP, Oct 1987; ehm, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Dec 1987 (reelected Oct 1988); mem., Presidium, and exec, ehm, 1st Session of the 7th NPC, Mar 1988; advisor to the Assn for the Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China, Sep 1988; hon. ehm, Rev Comte of the Chinese KMT, Dec 1992. Publication: International Labor Organizations and Their Support of China

Zhu Yaohua



Cdr. of a regiment, New 4th Army, 1946; cdr., 27th Div., E China Field Army, 1948; cdr., 83rd Div., 28th Corps, 3rd Field Army, 1949; cos, 28th Corps, 3rd Field Army, 1952; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; dpty cdr., 28th Corps, 1955; cdr., 28th Corps, 1957; cdr., Fujian Mil. Distr, 1963-75; vice-chm, Fujian Prov. Rev Comte (with its establishment), Aug 1968-1979; mem., Stand. Comte, Fujian CP, Jul 1973; mem., Stand. Comte, CCP Comte, Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Jun 1977; dpty cdr., Fuzhou Mil. Reg, Aug 1977-1985; deputy for PLA to 6th NPC, May 1983; disappeared, Jul 1985.

Zhu Yunqian


deceased 1989, Jan 28 Cdr., 85th Div., 29th Army, 1952; made maj-gen., Sep 1955; served in Air Force Command, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, 1958; dpty commandant, PLA Air Force Academy, 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; reactivated, 1974; polit, commissar, Air Force, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, 1975; dpty dir., General Polit. Dpt, PLA General Staff, Oct 1978-1987; mem., Central Com for Discipline Inspection, CCP Central Comte, Dec 1978 - Sep 1982; dpty head, State Leading Group for the Settlement of Discharged Servicemen, Retired Mil. Cadres and Cadres who have left the Service for Recuperation, Nov 1983-1986(7); mem., Central Advisory Com, CCP Central Comte, Nov 1987 -death.

Zhu Yunshan



* 1887 Luhe, Anhui deceased 1981, Apr 30 Joined Sun Yat-sen's Tongmenghui (Chinese Revolutionary League) and was a veteran of the 1911 Revolution; took part in Nanchang Uprising, Aug 1st, 1927; joined KMT Provisional Action Comte (also known as "Third Party" and later named China Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party - CPWDP), Sep 1930; mem., Central Executive Comte, CPWDP, 1934; during Anti-Japanese War cooperated with CCP and did great deal of work to expand the revolutionary united front, 1937-45; joined China Democratic League (CDL), 1944; mem., Stand. Comte, CDL and vice-chm of its Internal Relations Comte, Oct 1944; opposed Chiang Kai-shek's launching of civil war and supported the democratic movement during Liberation War; joined the founding Revolutionary Comte of KMT in Hong Kong, 1947; mem., Stand. Comte, 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949 (reelected to 2nd, Dec 1954; to 3rd, Sep 1959; to 4th, Dec 1964 and to 5th, Mar 1978); mem., People's Control Comte, G AC, Oct 1949; mem., Central Comte, KMT Revolutionary Comte, Dec 1949 (reelected 1954, 58, 64); council mem., Sino-Soviet Friendship Assn, Oct 1951-1954; deputy for Anhui to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958 and to 3rd, Sep 1964); disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; reappearance, Oct 1970; deputy for Anhui to 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Feb 1978); mem., Stand. Comte, 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Mar 1978); vice-pres., 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978; by-elected vice-chm, 5th NPC, Jul 1979; ehm, Revolutionary Comte of Chinese KMT, Oct 1979.

Zhu Zhihui


Mem., Stand. Comte, Yunnan Prov. CP, Mar 1983; mayor of Kunming MPG, Oct 1984 - Mar 1986; head, mayors' del. to U.S.A., Apr 1985; dpty sec., Yunnan Prov. CP, Jul 1985; disappeared, Jul 1987.

Zhu Zongbao

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* 1933 Joined CCP, 1949; graduation from Beijing Iron and Steel College, 1961; served successively as dpty chief engineer, dpty manager and manager, No. 5 plant of Shanghai Iron and Steel Co., Jan 1980 - Apr 1983; vice-mayor, Shanghai MPG, Apr 1983 - Oct 1986; head, Shanghai Economic del. to Sweden, Jan 1984; mem., Stand. Comte, Shanghai CP, Mar 1986; disappeared, Oct 1986.


Zhuang Mingli


* 1909 Jinjiang County, Fujian deceased 1991, May 19 After middle school went to Penang, Malaya, to join his brother in the management of Hsieh Cheng Co.; following the Sep 18th Incident in Manchuria, 1931, made mem., Penang Chinese War Relief Association's Executive Comte; cofounder of Modern Daily, Penang, 1938; returned to China, 1940, and worked for KMT in Chongqing; returned to Malaya, 1945; accompanied Chen Jiageng (Tan Kah-kee) to China, 1949; attended 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; mem., Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, GAC, Oct 1949 - Oct 1954; vice-chm, Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, GAC, Dec 1949- Oct 1954; mem., Executive Comte, Fed of Ind. and Commerce, Oct 1953; deputy for Overseas Chinese to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Nov 1958, and to 3rd, Sep 1964); vice-chm, Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, Oct 1956 - Cult. Rev.; vicechm, Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, SC, Oct 1956 - Cult. Rev.; vice-chm, Construction Comte, Overseas Chinese Univ, Quanzhou, Fujian, Mar 1961; disappeared during Cult. Rev., May 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Sep 1972; deputy for Tianjin to 4th NPC, Jan 1975 (reelected to 5th, Feb 1978); vice-chm, Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, May 1978 - death; vice-chm, Board of Directors, Quanzhou Overseas Chinese Univ, Jan 1979; council mem., Children's Foundation, Aug 1981; mem., Stand. Comte, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983 (reelected to 7th, Apr 1987); vice-chm, Overseas Chinese Comte, 7th CPPCC, Jun 1988; mem., Stand. Comte, CDL, Oct 1988.

Zhuang Tian


* 1906 Wanning County, Guangdong

deceased 1992, Apr 25 Took part in Northern Expedition, 1926; studied at Moscow Red Army College, 1930(7); cdr. of a regiment, Red Army, 1933(7); during Long March suffered the loss of a leg; sent to Moscow for medical treatment, returned with Russian wife, 1940; subesequently organized guerilla units

Zhuang Xiquan

on Hainan Islands together with Feng Baiju, 1941-46; joined units with Zhu Jiabi to form Yunnan-GuizhouGuangxi Border Reg Column, 1948; dpty cdr., Yunnan Mil. Distr, Jul 1950; mem., SW Mil. and Admin. Comte, Jul 1950; dpty cdr., 3rd Army Group, Chinese People's Volunteers in Korea, 1951-53; made ltn-gen., Sep 1955; polit, commissar, Nanjing Advanced Infantry School, Sep 1958; dpty cdr., Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Sep 1961 - Cult. Rev.; vice-gov. of Guangdong, Dec 1965; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1967; first appearance after Cult. Rev., Jan 1977; leading person, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, May 1977; mem., Stand. Comte, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 - Jun 1983; vice-chm, Guangdong PPC, Dec 1979 -Apr 1983; adviser, Guangzhou Mil. Reg, Mar 1981; disappeared, Nov 1982.

Zhuang Xiaohui

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* 1913 Humboldt scholar of Anatomy Inst., Munich Univ, 1939 obtained Ph.D. from Univ of Freiburg, Germany, 1943 dpty dir., Inst, of Experimental Biology, CAS, Dec 1961 deputy for Shanghai to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: pres., China Cytobiology Society, Jul 1980; dir., Shanghai Cytobiology Inst., CAS, Jul 1980-1983; hon. dir., Shanghai Cytobiology Inst., CAS, 1983; mem., Natl Comte, 7th CPPCC, Mar 1988; disappeared, Mar 1988.

Zhuang Xiquan


* 1888 Xiamen, Fujian deceased 1988, May 14 Cofounder of Nanyang Girls High School, Singapore, 1925(7) and later editor of a Chinese Newspaper in the Philippines; returned to China, 1937; became head, Fujian Branch of National Salvation Assn and joined CDL; vicechm, Overseas Chinese Affairs Com, GAC, Oct 1949; deputy for overseas Chinese to 1st NPC, Aug 1954 (reelected to 2nd, Sep 1958; to 3rd, 1964 and to 4th, Jan 1975); vice-chm, Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, Oct 1956 - Dec 1978; ehm, Construction Comte, Univ of Returned Overseas Chinese in Quanzhou, Fujian, Mar 1961; mem., Stand. Comte, 3rd NPC, Jan 1965 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1975 and 5th, Feb 1978); survived Cult. Rev. unharmed; deputy for Tianjin to 5th NPC, Feb 1978 - Mar 1983; vice-chm, 5th CPPCC, Mar 1978 (reelected to 6th, Jun 1983); ehm, Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, Dec 1978 - Apr 1984; ehm, Board of Directors, Quanzhou


Zhuang Yan

Overseas Chinese Univ, Jan 1979; mem., Constitution Revision Comte, SC, Sep 1980; pres., Overseas Chinese History Society, Dec 1981; joined CCP, Dec 1982 (at age of 94!); executive ehm, 6th CPPCC, Jun 1983; hon. ehm, Fed of Returned Overseas Chinese, Apr 1984 - death; invited to congr of 13th CCP.

Zhuang Yan



* 1918 Fujian Dpty dir., Dpt of Intl Relations, Fed of TU, Apr 1953; mem., del. to 3rd Conf., World Fed of TU, Vienna, Sep 1953; counsellor, PRC mission in Great Britain, Jun 1957-1963; dpty, permanent representative of PRC to UN, Jun 1972-1975; head, Chinese del. to 2nd Sub-Comte Meeting, UN Comte on Peaceful Use of Seabeds and Ocean Floors Outside Areas of Natl Jurisdiction, Mar 1973; head, Chinese del. to UN Industrial Development Program (UNIDEP) Conf., New York, Jan 1975; ambassador to Bangladesh, Apr 1976 - Nov 1979; ambassador to Iran, Apr 1980 - Dec 1982; ambassador to Greece, May 1983 - May 1985; disappeared, May 1985. Zhuang was married to Min Cijiang (bora 1921 in Hubei).

Zhuang Zedong

Zhuo Kangning

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* 1930 Cili, Hunan Cadre, Rural Work Dpt, Hunan Prov. CP, 1949-66; sec., Yuanling County CP, 1972-75; dpty sec-gen., Hunan Prov. CP, 1975-83; dir., Rural Work Dpt, Hunan Prov. CP, 1986-87; vice-gov., Hunan MPG, Mar 1988; disappeared, Jan 1991.

Zhuo Xiong * 1916 NE China Served in Workers' Self-Defense Team, Taiyuan, 1937; integrated into 8th Route Army, 1939; served in NE Democratic Associated Army, 1946; dpty polit, commissar, 5th Army Corps, 4th Field Army, 1948; dir., Bureau of Public Security and Admin., Min. of Public Security, Oct 1949 - Apr 1955; vice-min. of Geology, Apr 1955; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Fujian Prov., May 1970-1974; sec., Fujian Prov. CP, Apr 1971-1974; disappeared, Feb 1974; reappearance as vice-min. of Civil Affairs, Dec 1978; disappeared, Dec 1978.

Zi Yaohua * 1941 Studied at Beijing Physical Culture and Sports Inst.; world table tennis champion, 1961, 63, 65; deputy for Beijing to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964 (reelected to 4th, Jan 1975); mem., friendship del. to Ν Korea, Oct 1970; mem., table tennis team to Romania, Yugoslavia, Sweden, Nov 1970; mem., table tennis team to Japan, Mar 1971 (this team invited a table tennis team to China; this marked the Chinese "Pingpong Diplomacy" which, finally, led to the invitation of pres. Nixon); dpty head, table tennis teams to Cuba, Chile, Sep 1971; head, table tennis team to U.S.A., Canada, Mexico, Mar 1972; head, table tennis team to Malaysia, Thailand, Burma, Jun 1973; mem., CCP 10th Central Comte, Aug 1973; min., Physical Culture and Sports Com, SC, Sep 1974-1976; head, sports del. to Yugoslavia, Oct 1975; disappeared after purge of "Gang of Four", Oct 1976; in re-education camp until 1980; table tennis coach in Taiyuan, Shanxi, Apr 1981.

i f Μ- ψ

* 1900 Laiyang, Hunan Graduation from School of Economics, Kyoto Imperial Univ, 1926; graduation from Management School, Univ of Pennsylvania, 1935; manager and then dpty gen-mgr., Tianjin Branch, Shanghai Commercial Bank, 1936-49; attended 1st CPPCC, Sep 1949; joined CDNCA, 1949; dir., Counsellors' Office, People's Bank of China, 195059; board mem., Bank of China, 1959 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: dir., China Intl Trust and Investment Corp., Oct 1979-1981; dir., Advisory Office, People's Bank of China, Dec 1981; vice-chm, CDNCA, Jun 1988; disappeared, Jun 1988.


Publications: Theory and Practice of International Currency Exchanges; On Trust and Trust Companies; Studies on Banking.

Zong Kewen



Zou Yuanxi

Zou Renyun





* 1921 Beijing deceased 1993, Mar 16 Joined CCP, 1937; studied at Central Party School, Yan'an, 1940; researcher in Taxation Research Office, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Govt, 1942-46; section chief, Policy Research Office, Heilongjiang Prov. CP, 1948-52; dpty sec-gen., CCP of Heilongjiang Prov., 1953-63; dir., Foreign Affairs Office, Heilongjiang PPG, 1954-63; counsellor, Chinese embassy in Hungary, 196367; embassador to Czechoslovakia, May 1971 - Mar 1975; ambassador to Sierra Leone, Jul 1975 - Jul 1978; head, goodwill del. to Liberia, Feb 1977; ambassador to Senegal, Sep 1978-1982; representative of PRC to Liberia, Apr 1981; ambassador to Ν Korea, Aug 1982; vice-chm, CPPCC Branch, Heilongjiang Prov., Jan 1988.

Zong Xiyun & ^ ^ * 1928 Qingdao City, Shandong Went with parents to Manchuria, 1930; pig-herder for a landlord, 1936; worked in a coal pit, 1945; joined CCP, 1953; leader of a coal-mining team, Jiaohe Coalmine, Jilin Prov., 1953; later appointed a worker-engineer and dpty dir. of the coalmine; deputy for Jilin to 2nd NPC, Mar 1959 (reelected to 3rd, Oct 1964); led Coal-Mining Team 302 to "support" a new coalmine area, 1965; mem., CCP 9th Central Comte, Apr 1969 (reelected to 10th CC, Aug 1973 and to 11th CC, Aug 1977); ehm, TU of Jilin Prov., Jun 1973-1975; mem., Stand. Comte, Jilin Prov. CP, Mar 1974-1979; vice-chm, Rev Comte of Jilin Prov., Oct 1974-1980; head, workers del. to Albania, Nov 1974; disappeared, Aug 1981.

Zou Jiayou ^ % Pres., Academy of Geological Sciences, Jul 1978- May 1982; dpty head, geological del. to U.S.A. and Canada, Apr 1979; vice-min. of Geology, Sep 1980 - May 1982.

* 1927 Suzhou, Jiangsu Graduated from Chemical Dpt, Tianjin Univ, 1958; lecturer, Tianjin Chemical Engineering Inst., 1958 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: prof., Hebei Engineering Inst., 1979-82; lectured in Japan, Belgium, Great Britain, 1981; named chartered chemist by Bristish Royal Society of Chemistry, Mar 1982; pres., Hebei Branch, CAS, Mar 1983; vice-chm, Hebei PPC, May 1983; disappeared, May 1988. Remarks: Zou was a specialist in the basic theories of petroleum-hydrocarbon pyrolysis.

Zou Shiyan




* 1933 Songzi County, Hubei Graduated from History Dpt, Central China Teachers' College, 1960; served in his alma mater, 1961-63: service in Dpt of Higher Education, Hubei PPG, 1964 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: vice-pres., Red Cross Society of China, Dec 1984 - Jun 1993; vice-min., State Education Com, Jun 1985 - Jun 1993; head, education del. to Sri Lanka and Burma, Dec 1987; disappeared, Jun 1993.

Zou Tong ^ fä Vice-min. of Coal Ind., Mar 1966; vice-min. of Fuel and Chemical Ind., Dec 1972-1975; vice-min. of Coal Ind., Jul 1975 - Mar 1982; adviser, Coal Society, Sep 1978; head, coal study group to U.S.A. and Japan, Sep 1978; adviser, Min. of Coal Ind., Nov 1982; disappeared, Nov 1982.

Zou Yuanxi ^ ^ & * 1915 Studied at Zhejiang Univ, - 1935; received Ph.D. from


Zuo Chongyi

Carnegie Inst, of Technology, 1947; deputy for Shanghai to 3rd NPC, Sep 1964; dir., Shanghai Inst, of Metallurgy, CAS, 1980-83; hon. dir., of this institute, 1983; mem., Dpt. of Technological Sciences, CAS, Jun 1985; disappeared, Jun 1985. Remarks: Zou made his name as a researcher in semiconductor materials.

Zuo Chongyi ÌL SL Alt. mem., CCP 11th Central Comte, Aug 1977; disappeared, Dec 1974. Remarks: Zuo probably was a hero-soldier.

Zuo Kun



* 1926 Yanchi County, Ningxia Cadre, Security Bureau, Liaoxi PPG, 1953-54; dpty dir., Public Security Bureau, Liaoning PPG, 1956 - Cult. Rev.; disappeared during Cult. Rev., 1966; first appearance after Cult. Rev.: again dpty dir., Public Security Bureau, Liaoning PPG, Feb 1977; vice-chm, Rev Comte, Liaoning Prov., Dec 1977 - Dec 1979; vice-gov., Liaoning PPG, Mar 1982 - Dec 1987; vice-chm, Liaoning PPC, Jan 1988 - Mar 1993; deputy for Liaoning to 7th NPC, byelected Mar 1991 (reelected to 8th, Mar 1993); disappeared, Mar 1993.




Who's W h o in the Arab World 1997-1998

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